The Morning Record, January 21, 1900

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The Morning Record, January 21, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




9am Twrtw


aa Oaaal BOl win ha VaMaadly
Leaden. Jaa. P^Tha Daily Chna*
liaadl^ taadflna wo hat* iw

the aama aad teen of ra
ho* ptaaodithva^dlapBlathat on*
tranwmaetealypanth* Btooracta
naal hflL hot wUl pan K ta a tarn
Vltkta M»* KOm «( XAdyMltk dlrotalyatwIaanwKh tha Otaytaa*
Balwn amty.
•«thto to a atalonoat e( doaidoly an*
^nportittak Omni Ion Inpertaaaa. aad wa haMtata ta
M • hallan that the Cattad Btataa pm
r wUh «h* Ben*. neat wiU aennlt itaalf to a eeana
whtoh ttataoeoatfy woold han ta nM M4 c«w
bnrd nriy rard a* oafrloadly."_______
«bBMnlaf)M Ike left Ank wU
ttotlliaavUwtIhM Warm** feran
ft konWdnnt at
*k* Ben faaaekn a* T*b
Bharp nnbatry ti* wn PrarAiUnc IzprMBload At
•Ifto kaarA (ran tka aaaM iMallty.
Grldl^ Olttb BAnqaat.
wkteb iadteata* tkftlaaatvatle week ia


Tax madam .Xdaaa'tWUh Biafna
LaftOat Waa tha Boae^



ia<* OMi*. Jaa 1*
loela, Jaa. ta-Tha Orldlay BapaUI*
«M la aatloa tkla aftataeoa wntet
oaaMahof loala oartalaly aem ha4am Bonn. I rMateread tain at 7
adamtanaat efttaarint tan hold aaeh a Mr aad eaaa*
haaqeat a* the ea* baU ban laat
Bli^t. Withoat a Maria ftmanaa, tha
“^BSTenaplad the hert* aftn (ha
Khftt wan abort, ta tha petak
A(ht and aew halda the peatUea.
VWd Onaat^hara aad twaaty Bear* aad lataraatlar,
daan wn aaboaiadoA dU ta all.
nnakUad aad woaadad aad flfiaaa
tha affair woe a bar* *a* ffUltartar
ntan* tabaa. Oar lonn
Uaamaat thaw, aanraly won
a^ two prtntn kUlad and on* weaad wtalta ran IV and of tha tataraala ef
the party.
Aaidafnntha oeetal aaaeanofth*
■jiimaa‘aOam.laa diapateh dated poUttaal ratharlar. it ooaan to han
Itite tUa nonBiy. aay* (hat Urd baaa of aanaal Inaortaan aad aicalAD«a«aMU*Baaaaanftan tha BrtUah eaaoa haaaoft* ef tha ahaae* U r*oa' to
aaatm e< aa aaay ntraaea late party toadan aad woritan to aoaad the
Uifmllhaadtetarraptatta* aamy^ kayaotn of the eontar eanpaira aad
eaUta* the -ttan ea whtoh the party
• ---------- with th* Fiaa f
IhaBrlttahranaeatlaaate hontaard will ha apt to harta (ta* hattta tar eapranaey at tha peU* aaxt Konnhn.
the Ben Uan. aad (ha aaamj an
flytafffraaly. Oaa. Warm hadtaae- dannl of tha apaaeha* wen nry alf
na aannary at aawa at nldaifht
laMaaad (aw poiat* e( tataraat ea
arrmM nUay. with Itr nyatary at
Matery er dafaau
With Oaanala
Ofttanaaad Vraaeh than la ae In*
pwtaat ehaaf*. tierd Boharta* early
haUatia raenda tha Tiatt at Oaptaia
Meatannaey with a party of aeoata to
tha tarn ttam aaar Stemtaarf. whan
than waft aa asehanr* of ataota with
the Boar*. Oaaaral rnaah alae ankn
aa oflalal ratar* raapaetlar tha earprtaa ef tha patrol of Kaw toaita
Wain Laawn aad leporW m
ImnhrthaaMny la tha CWnharv
^aaUrttyofLord Mathaaaia aolam mtlaaaa, aad tha
rapntadtohftU coed taaalth. Math*
wa mda aaethn naeaftalftnHnft oa
the aaw Bon learn, hat hy tha Una
htaloran airind ea tha aeana tho
taatt AMaa, hat than an ao hlau
' kaapMtaC
prohahU aaaa* of lu
nrt that tha
Boanhanhm harrfodly wlthdrawa
taen thoir Oolaaae aad Udyanlth petttteaa to oppon Ooaorat Ballar** adTWftft. aad Ulft atnartbaaa tha haltof
la aona qaartan that tha
wanaUaoai wholly B**prtaad hy tha
Brttlah non.SaA la the haltof,hewanr.
aad tha haat latemad an aeamt to
await anata.
The Btaadardh onraapoadoat at
Ipnmaa** aanp. ta a dlapatah datad
Jaa. II. aaada a tapon that tha Boan
oppoalu OotoBao, iadlar that Oaaaral
od tha TafMa rtm eo Jaa. it and nt
•n to all Ua hoaan U the TUtofa.
<Iha Brttlah (am at Ctatonlay adnaaad
aad tha Boan retired, aad aa tha ad-

•pAdAl Ooi
Sdport TddtdStUj.

that tha parly talenda to tab* om
~ imnPtarr*a*a tax ar«aad*.taa«-


.Tbc AUI8 8f PwftttlSI..

We Will Dive
/ Free With
Every School


BeVotBartaltaad taaoMaBoatta
tar-Ktaortty Bopart Oaneadnl
mohorta Bheold not Bn**. Bot
Olain* tnak at OeaoUftlonal War*
Waahtacm. Jaa. M.—The taal ropenaofth* apa^ aonnlttaa to tanottcat* the eaaa of Kr. Boharta at
Dtah. wan pmntad to tho hoan to4aj. The nftjoriqr ropert elfaod hy
~ maoTyinaadataefhtoannrlfttn
cd hy a aannary of tha law abd (aeta.
Itylnadatattoef the haartac* of tha
foot that anal* opportaalttn i
affprdadta Mr. Bohartata pnaast hto
Bldaef the eaa* BBd of hto rafaaal
to tanify, ami the oBaainoBaly i
toy Bhoat the taeto horetofon paUtoh*
eATharaportaayai-TeareonnIUe* aa*
aainmly beUena taat B'thnto oarht
Bot to naula antnbarof thehoaa*.
Ibo mafarlty an of the eptatoe taat
baoarht BOt to hepamUtod to baeon*
a nanhn aad that the hoaa* haa a
riyht ta axelad* bin. Tb* ntanity
an of
the optatoa
that the
propn eOBrae to to par^t bin
to ha aware ie aad thaa axpal bin hr

I daalna ta aaaart
with tha a
dUnaan that aot
paly to tha prepealtlea of axpatoton aa
ap^tod to thto ean sot ayataot pn*
aadoat, hat that axelaaioa to aellnly
ta 180084with the prtaalpto aad aa*
thority of toytotatin aotm whiA tha
booio hn anrtakon.
AftnyIrtaraatbortttoB aad dalall*
tar raaaaai ter Ihalr aattoo. tha npect

*‘Wo roeonnaad the adoptioa of tha
tellowtar naolatlea: 'Baaolrod, That
aadn tha (aata aad plmaulaaet
the aaaa, Brtrhan H. Boberto oarht
not ta han or hold a eaat ta the hoaae
of npriaiatatiroi. aod that tha teat
V>wUi4ib.w...l«MI. te.b7 d..
tb* elah, who nad* tha addian of wrlaland neant.*’
I to the rMBta. Be node artaT'
Tha nlaerity report to airaod by
Whaoaparty Upledrad tatazn*
tom It neat earty oat that pladya.' of Mala*, aad Dadramd. DMBoent. of
Mtoftoori. Itftoya.nidba. -Aod whoa tha rapaelUae
‘■Thft BBdftrftirad an aaahlft ta agtaa
party, ptadyedaa It to to tin tbepaoplft of Mtobiraa rqaal tanlioa. It nast with thft eoaeiuioaft of th«
ta thft eooftUtaUoeal qoMtlooft Ic*
carry oat that epealfie pledr* n etulUnind. Aftftanlor that Boborla to
ty Itaelf aad ga dowa baton the a
polyramtot and thft hoqftft tar thatrcaJnt ramtnaat of the peopto-'
tie eaatlneat waa rraatad by tre* •00 ta of tb* optataa that ha oarht not
ta h* a manbar, what eoan* eonid it
'•that*a rl^t, that** riTht.** Tha anaa- rirhtfaUy paraaaaader thaeoaetitatar of tha taeidaat oaanlar to ha that tloBT If b* h* axelodad. it neat h*
nn h* to ter each raaeonlarally ta*
the mk aad fto of tha party nprealirlbla er Atoqaaliftad. One parpon
mtod at the ratbartaf holton it ta ha
to ta eoaatdn tb* qantion of eooftAta*
tha party-a poUpy ta taka ap tha <
of tax n(em whan Oonraar Ptayna aoBalrirht.Betofpewar.aft tlto
toftoff.aftthaybaltanba haa Uftoff, aadod that tha boan haa th* power ta
aadnaka it tha laadtar toaao ta the axelada Thaaxneia* of aaeh power.
net eeutltatleaal wamat, woald
aontacaanpati^. Itoaealytatai
thateaa h* dnwa tram thto and othn Mnplyho hrBtalaad i
Mae ef pewer, aararta
axpraotieoa of the i
■aaan ta whm thoy wan roeaind, to


r Fiaym OaeUm Sa VUI
D. M. Tarry
of Dfttrolt, Chao* Ofthera of Baalt 8tan (yDnaaU ef Jaahaoa aad
Mile Chotpboll of Ooldwatn. wno
Detroit, Jaa. bO—Oenraor Plarm
pmaat, aad aU hat O-DoaaaU raapoAd- haa aoaoaand that U D. M. Fort to
' hft will rva ea
mat aad naka th*
MotbrcTdancz auAUia.
------------------ for n**l*otloB he
Haavy Telann of Bn ho Xnaa Fron anr nad* ta Mmiraa.
that Mr. Ferry
baa aanr hm ta aynpathy with bto
Otoro. Oal. Jaa. M.-Fren a lat*
tantloa ntarBM, aad that ta tha Apht
tar ranlnd ta Baa Dtogo. it weald ap­
tar aqaal taxatm Mr. Farry aanr
pear that pOopl* of thataoatlaa of Baa
Jaetato aoBBty an fearfol of a ropati- Uf nd a florar ta aid tb* oama*.

ttoe of tha ueearraaBW of toot Ohrtotnaa nerBtac. whm than waa ynat
daaar* doa* hy the aarthqaaka which
I aad the kopjao
■ada Baa Jaetato ito eaatn. Baary
inn of amaka aad ataan an toaa*
arar* wlthla rlta ahot ef Ootaaao. aad tar from hatwaaa tarf* howldan ta
tha haata at Moaat Taafqtiit It to
tha Brtttoh ratM to Ohlentoy. Tha
nttranaatofthaBean toraraidod at nldthakemataaeth* My Mnka an
De*.». thewhotaaenatata
nrtata hai haen
qaaktat. aad that aiyhti
~—4to neat Oaaaral Balln.
body to mUaaally mhad.
tranh^ to ao yiaat at tlnn that
waW aad othn Uqalda moat h* protaetod tram falliar cr too tahlaa.
^ Vaar *mw Klllad Oenaa OlfBa
. ta OaptMty.
tmtan, Jaa. a»~Iha
rha TMifiaph** Fanota Aather Faand Away to
Cairo Oem
aaya that (ho
aatad darrtoh toadn. Otnaa ngaa,
adanJaa. M-Joha BBahta.lha
who hae baaa rapntad to haa* hm
kUad aaom «< mn ta thapando- (anon aathn. dtod thto aftarwcaaef
toftaaaaa,eyedII. Fnnaayyaanh*
•ada.haa at laafth
maaffhharhaodadhharaadmt to
Bwltoh aalhon aad waa tha Indn ef
aa aarnmakaa Utnaiy aalt. Be wa*
neatBOlad tar hto arKtoMaaim aa
nhltaetanaBd ktadrodaat^aata.

•aerat Otroalar Bayi Tina ia Wp* ta
Bortnl ef Fftataa AetlTlty.x the Tlnn
today rina axtraato firen a aaareteir*
aalar aad othn detail* of
bald laat Baptanbn ta th* Daltad
Btatai hatwaaa th* Oreataltat aad tha
Itrlmalao a loar aaarat atraalar
tram tha Onatatta hi
Ho*, to of laat yen. loth* ofioanoBd
nmhan of tb* oryaaiaatlea. Biytay
that **th* tin* to oppertaaa ta taka ad*
*aatM* ^ B^aad** dlMaMttaa to tha
Tnaaraa). tha Ant ohjaat bataf to
amm the Anita-AnntaiB BBdantaad*
tac.’Uartar B«laad withoat a Mead
Tha abaalar thaa tavitn ••fMaal
ThaTtnnnyBrda thto a* pmfef
m BBtoMM* of a Fniaa plat.


I n»HI UJnuMi iNl
Oata Paid for Old Bohool Book*

Seratofora awooiatea vitli
higb prieaa and hudlF aaeuN
ad at aaf priea ara iaolAded

*nie now ahoe Cor women—It
la tnUy tbe ambodimeot of all
that ia bMQtifnl,oomforUble,
aerrioeabla, economical and
tatiftfjiny aa a oovering for a
woman’s foot.

And several other books.

MO-Mi Frmt Mtta,,

atThtnak**. •

OanubU Jt., Kuugv.

fm ^ puHiaikii fMa

“Boiight It Btiili's" Means a Emuhw of Saoiiess



The Perfect Prettiness
Of our new line of spring hats la admired by all who have aeen
them. Not only do we abow eveiything that’* new ia the way
oi gentlem«n^i hats, bat abo



In all the nobbieet creetioni are here at from 50 cents 4o $3.00.
It i^hlvsys h pleasure to show goods, Are you ^ing t«
honor os with a calif


len Mecleren
itbor, writ­
The fan
ing in the North American Review
on “The Energy of the American
People,” aaya:
“No man writea with hi* own
band, if be can dictate to asteno*
grapher; nobiin dictates, if he
•legraph; no mao t«}^{Tapba, if be
can telephone.”
IfyoQ are a typical, enrrgetir
np>to*date American, yon already
oae the Long Diatance Telepbom
If not, a word to Ote wise is aofficient

Miller’s Store
We have
two carloAds

Which makes ns crowded for
room. WiUaeli:
Street Oar Feed.. 85c per 100

KmP»l..........eScpCTlOO I
Coarse Oorn Meal85o per 100
Until we have more room.

w: W. lillir'8 Cash Sun

We’ll S<11 you any flZOO or $12.50 Overcoat
or Ulster in tbis choice stock of ours at joBt
TEN DOLLARS. All this, winter's goods.

m Hundreds


a of People Enjoyed


{ the



Pianola Concert

2 Last night given at onrOstore, and incidentally ex*
0 amined s«me of onr'beantifuljpianos jnst received
0 from the factory.
A word to*the wise is hnfficient. *


W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.

N. E. STRONG, Manager

826 Front Street

Too will find a fine line of

Stamped Linens, all sues of Sofa
PiUoara Down Pillow*, Coabion
CordA Bedtonbarg materials of all
kinds. A fnU line Belding Broe.
•ty Imops given free.


School of Music

rs.tasj«ssrsssi^^^vst -




««*»**** ************ ******

Ih it's the kind 7on WABt to bny, mad

That’s the kin^ou get when yon boy a pah of
nia Hoosler Bohool Shoo, The Hoooier
School Shoes are our beet eeller*—beosoM they
give better eatisfaetion than any other eboe, for
the price.
Ohikk' masa 8^1.^ llp^................... ..$IM
Mims'sbss 18 to 2.............................$1,60
LitOe Gentf rises 9 to lC:i*8'..................$1A6

Fnmt Street




Third Tear—Ho. 847

aMMral WwrWa Vonw
B*T« B«»wi ITfbtlttt.

rmrmtxt am



AIM Adttay Ml Imto
toot with aaaaridoat
ttd ^tleak pact today »tdk weaWaf
flatitodett.ttot ttnatoMito laalt
Ha took • dip Me tta


• «•*»! QHMI.
mcMb «< tkt 0W».

la «toNiil«r

ttaWwIlMl fifwU Urn
•tatfMkawMmirvOTld fit* <ha
■iTinuri ---------- -— Witt tte
inil iirttotwawrUtt. W«Um4
MMlOmtaritttawcU Mad to tt«
fmttakn a iMt «t onr w

taBwtMdhadUalad tta ««rtt e(

«Mw IB »h* INllMd
V apt. it to
•«rtttt ttM aO «l tta tni uU aaaead
alwi tattali aad tta Ufbtor «ato«
aaMlnalaA wttttt tta laat tew jmn
»ia el iMh dfift ttat ttv «aa ba aaal
\f takM ttiaeffhtta WaUaad aaaal. U
tbaaaMlto daayai two (att Onat
9rittttMattM«Warato«aad («abeatatotetta fvaat lakaa, whUa tta
Pailad MMaa «aaU ha«a ealy cm.
•iWbtoaav Wlwa— tta Daltad
•tataaaad Qtaat Brittle Made aatt
^ewar to maiattia cel/oaa faaboat aa
tbaUkaa Tbto to to ttadtoadTaattfa
•( tta Ualtad Siataa. batoaaa laeaaa of
var Ba^aad aoald '■aiadtotoly traai'
lira war flaattoeai tta «k Lawraaea
Mttalakaa. whtla tta Ototod Btttoa
weald ba awayanad to ballda
foetoattatobH. BatUttadralaaca
iaaal la tataadad aad tta miaeto aad
Utoiltolwl rtaaw aia toaiaetad to efn
■aaa a it'toet abaaaal ear lirbur
aratoan aad aU ear faabaau aeald ba
paataytfOttttacaU by way of tta
r*~‘~'rr' aad Ulaeto riaaia aad tta
dralaaca aaaa) to Wmto. aad
ga^aatoBaataayatttektroa tta
“Btaa (ritteat iMyreaaaaat (
beatoaa Urfa aatta KaabriUa aeald
toaval tta Utoatoaippi aa tar aertt aa
m. Leak, aad »ltt daap water«
patHi**— tiM ttara to Cblaafo
•eald ba awt ttreagb to BaBale. Oar
faabeak of tta Battrilla ela« weald
ba FceMetloa afaleat aay faebeato
ttatOiaat Brittle ttlfbt yet la laka
Mton. iBwaklaf ttedralaanebaa
■■1 wItt a deytt af freai twaety-two
la twaa(r-tov Wet. tta aertaaara
baUdad bettor ttaettay kaaw. Tba
liaa will aeoa wbba It will ba peaelbla
leaawra a •fiaator daytt of water la
tta Mtetoalpel aad nUaeto riwa.
tbaa tta lai«aat OMrobaat ataasaia
••d ear llfhur eratoara aay call trea
Paw OriaaM to BaSalo aed Oolatt '

B.». Biyalew. tba bayaa tbtotrltol
miayi — arraatod ytorday k
Tbctopaoerilk. Ba waa *topettor
whUahorelvalrMeUay mam aaaad
JehaB. Dabbar.wbo wtotoadaawaw
et tta faat that ba waa weetod k Mae


Batta>onk tVof It*M
MM aaav ««tai la tiaaa. aa< nt
oUwalaa*. 1 tt**a<<lltttaattaa
.•aatapttttac aato aafttarttaO
aa aaM aanll aB. aataawa I* Ua
aala* ta aalrti aaaa a<aiaaU.U
Mala «■». aattfUr. Atalat laB
■aattatai. Baa,*
baaau aaaaltla ttatoaaa. aataa
haeoaldeotawtetba waalaa rattar
•.•yweaa pariMoe. Ba toaaayad to
ywibeldcftta ttoibarttatbed ttUaa
U Witt bltoa aed ttw b«t bitottlf ap
wbOahayoUad torhrip.
A.8. WtkaB wbobaa ttaryaoftta
jub-anTIfi ef tta eaw dcofe, bMid
hkaaOa farhal^aM MatobkaU
wittapOn peto.aad wlttttaaaakwaa cd AUaa Stottb. yet tta badly
tilled waa eat.
Ha waa pretty eold. aa the water waa
atortbafraraiaf pelat. bat after yat>
biy warwadiba fait lltUa
r kk etod bath.

1 MCI Timt
IdeoelB Uwr^ Boalaty tedalyad
is 'loyal Fraetka Uto
Tba Liaaoto Utoraiy aeekW cw
Jayad a Moek trial at tbalr ■aatiay
laataraalayla plaet et ttair rayalar

'S* Bk beard blU at tta Daehaa
•eaa. Debkar happaeed apoe tti
ee atthotopaeeTUIaaad hk arreat
kbritorad thetbe baa
aed that hk arrM wU'
ftotta tewMof ttk

M. B. SeUv Bm Baaoieod a OeOac
ties ef ftowaiB Battared ta

You can’t
get a
out of a

Pigs Tail
6c Pig Tall
Havana Smoker.

K. B. BoUey. for tta pM 11
k la t
Witt 1
tka all orar tta world. Lettaro aad
papotakakeeaatailyraaairiay I
Oblea, ladia, Jepaa. Oaetfal Atrtoe.
AoetnUa. Seatb Atooriaa aad tta kImedi ef the ate.
Maey ef thoaa ttleya hare tocra ttae
aa ordiaaiy lataraat. aad ye into Mr.
BoU^ C. B. Maaoem, whitt k keowe
aliorarttaaB. world.
Tba Utaat addlttoe to tba wai
tmm tnm Mki Made Bom, MMilyan’a
C. B. skoioeery in Toreay. Sba baa
Joat baaa oe a raaattoe aad aaelow
tkalatWrwMr. BoUoy a aoUaeUee ef
fl twwa that tte ploebad to Jotwelaa.
Tbwa flawera, with otter reeeat addlUow to the torwiya pert of iba
raw. will be praeeated for objaat
Mtotteweetjayof tba wtoi
ery werbeta of tba Oeayrayett
ebareb ttk eroetoy.

bfin PlMlif .

Ufa htinin

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
190 Front OtrMt


Bee the newpoUdea of the S
£tito Life of Hartford-~tbef ■ t
are winnera. Batea tba moat %

a ntfefectory.

I to tba Olty
folly aewined ap tta oew to tta Jory,
-be ttea retlyad aad atkr aeow Mbi
rapertod that no ayraasaat peeld ba tor .ha bwali of the Hiyh aeboel bear
ball taaat. Brary aeay aoay k ao ditttoat that arory
ta tba beaqa
wt rd aad tba
I and a abort preyiaa bear atth
reW a are baeatifnl. Late popaad tta eraatoyb <
alar aeafo, bowa acaya aad oaorrd
laato ara taay to plaaaa ararybody.
lata boar.
Tba Ufa like Uloatratkma prodaaad
Hob. a. D. OaspbaU relamad yaa- ara weedarfnl. BraryoiA aboald
torday from Maakayoa, whara ha wsat rarya to ba et tta Olty Oprre Beeta
to rUt WUUaa MeKailp, who baa
bean rary UL Mr. MeKllUp k laiprer. WbUa tta aabaertptioB for aaeta to
toy tohaeltt.
“Bampty Daapty" did not raaeb tba
aw. n BepkM, fersarly eeaef tta
daalrad. aUU Meneyer
eld ttoM Waalan i^arato^ In tbto elty. Sflabaryeoaeladed to Beka tta rabare yettorday tres Oataopelk
avivaMi. ■«.

““KTaU a, B.«M. B«a,

pe. ooutoy frou Moskayoe.
Tba ‘-Pall and Bka ot Boupty
Daupty'* ka aayalflaaat prodoatiae
of typkal Bnylkb peotoBlaa. aomblntoy aswarayaBM and berltqalaeda
The drat half k deroua to tta fairy
tola of- Bampty Dampty*'aat oa tba
wall and BeaUny with a aed eeridaat
took a tambla, wbleb broke blm ell
Tba ktoy'a boraar bad man tattod
to pat Bampty Damply tayattarayato:
bat tba yeod felrtoa ware rary powerfal and eoald araomplisb aayttlay aaa
It to by ttair aid wa aaa tta moat n
raloot traaetoraMtloB from ebaoa
prrtoeUoB aad bapptoaae la honor of
tba yeod work end trlamph ot rirtaa.
the raroto of tba herlrqnliieda karat
f rib in the aaaoad part end roa rtov
Taamyttle«lfoar(BerUqain, Oolambtoa, aowneodPeaieloor) toko poalaulan of the town tad pley mtoebiaf
yeoerany; tta bntabar. tba baker aad
ara alike tarrlBad
end meda too aport of ibau foeqy,
reacele Tbaro to ao talllay whet ttay
will do-e toneb of meyto wead wUl
tora a yraaa widow toto a potato paUfa
aod meka tta woodanaat looktoy pamp
yiromUk already atorillt'd. Tbaro to
BO tolUny tba woadart of tbto ptoy—
yea matt aaa it: it to oimply thraa
boara ot maaia, deartny, mayla
Sk Wita Saraa Him.

Ia."^wrihrpf^ E^ol"t?toai?

_«a., '-tor I bad oaab a bad aooyh I
eeaU berdiy toaetta, 1 yraw atMdOy
woTM oadar daeur'a trMtuaat. bat

aemplatrly eorod ana.” <
Sroettltk, La Orippa,_________
AMbae, Bey farar aad all majadka
Sartoy a krMt Bam oa Ohuaboriato'a ofObaat, Tbieatead luayo sra pea<
Mroty aorad by ttk uvroUaM awdlOoaybBaMedp.
n.00. Brary hotola
Meaeyar Martto of the PtataoB dr^ riaa. Me aad
Trkl bottlM lOe at Jm
otore, toferme M ttstfho to hertoye
aad A B. Waltb dnv


There it no bed aa neat nadatfehettve Man Iron Bed. 1
hare tbe ItiBeai line ever ahown in Northern Hlchignn—ever
47 diffemit etjfeA from H7B np to $30X10.
Tbfeentabowi aj No.0186 bed,bdgbt ofbeaddfeet
11 inebeeoTbe bed iron bed made for the bum, wly |A7I.
An iron bed with an odd dreaeer aad oomniode wake a
nice bedromn nit. I bare the dremert In all etjrlee and llniah.
«a and jron can bny them with a little paymeiii down and a KtBe
at a Uae paynente.
^ringi end mattieeMe of all Unda.


Wo also pell their accident g
, and health polidea.

J H. L. * Oo. Block.




“ " *. I EIBIS,Pnpr.

Mira BettU Plaroa ef Obtoaye, ara rkIttoy at tta hone ef N. B 8
. W. Stour retamad lent eraatoy
trasa rkit totha faraltara cspoaltloB
at Oraac Bepida. whara ba paead an
order for e lerya addltioa to bb atoek.
Jack l>reberv will {oeretoBorrow for
bompeearUla to eouptota e Job of
pleatortny thore.
MerU Bordoa wiU; laera today for
Hawaii tta aceatoity ot mora warakipa e few deya to tta elty.
J Q. Banjauto ratiraad toat alyhi
k RvewlBf aad ie order to heap pace
Witt ear fraat aeada and tta teeraeae B.J. Moryaa rataread to tba aity
af tta aavlaa of otter oatkns ttto ooe- from Cbieayo yaaterday, wbara ba baa
KTWa.aboBld set naclaet to prtr'.de b*ao
tMb tBpreraBeal aed added etraoett Mr. aad Mra. P. 0. Baaar bad Mlu
aatta reqainawk of tta aatiea de- ralyaad ratnmod yoatarday troa a
rkit to Obtreyo.
Hka Mary Baltaar baa rataread frou
A Bi'totaa baa aalrad tta pceblrm of a rkit to Owaaa.
tta aUllty of tbe ballooe la
Aldannea B. Moakyaa left yaatarPaeilawaky baa. leraatad aa araal day tor Datrait. wbara ba wQI ettaad
anft wbtob to a eoableaUoe of bellow tta Oread Lodya otr. AA. M.
•ad alrablp. wbbtt baa
tta peat flftoao yaero ba bea
that aa air vawal aaa ba
of Iba dBasea acmmiUaa of
wOL Tba latoowr raeaatly yava aa thkortaalaetton. Bkdeaybur, Mlu
a^blthm wbtab waa blybly totkfae•
• ■ him
i win rUt
to Aaa Arbor, wbara
paoeitoabaUooawltta ^atfoiwaad Maada tor e Caw deya.
ttalr aaapoadad apoe wbtob tta epor> Mr. ead Mra. T. A Bybort hara ra>
•tw dlroek tia eoeraa. It to oatd that tamadtrouarkltiottoirooa to DaItaaaba yaMad la aay dlraatlea. lath.
Ibtoaderlewaraddatoritotta ladaeaea dr. SoUlraa of Oadar. ma ta tba elty
•feoawmrywlada aad Witt the ytaat
*At- yoatarday.
ytoaeaaraer. Uthk
11 ttto taroettoa
uaeattoa k tta
the 1 Joba
joba W. Scott
I to turn Mepia
yMOOto it k reported to ba it wUlba a Orty yaaterday.
palaabU aeqetoitlea la Bedora war. A. U bad Qaorya JeyM art aator>
tototay ttair brettar.Hany M. deyM
efOtaad BapUo. who ruriiiau
Tbe Alka BL OUl Sold.
Tboataemberya, AltoaM. tfUl. raa

It yIrM yrM*Miloteote lB~lbMa

tlua.” Oalmaaa Bkatw Picor VatMtt
8 A Walt.______________
tta eaoyh. heel ap tta oere throat end
toBfo and yira ralkf rrilkia a rary “lira’' tDMantor Maw. oka tito 44.
Only NO at Jaa. a. JohaaoBk aad A B. abort Uma. The oetoa ara yrowlay,
aad aU wbe toy U ara ptonwTwitt ito a^b£uV^
prcMpt^aetku.~Soatt Chlceye DaQy
tkalir^ n OMk, SaMlk U aoMa Per Mia by A B. Walt bad P. A
douWa Hall. Wrat Stde, Peb. Ut
sitbMsk. I
•luABlakMleykaHhMWa. Miet^
tnawa. Tattar. Salt Bbaam.


Bot yoo'CAB get A pleAsaut
■moke out of a

naloTtf ttt
ttk atato.


k tta time to bare year Bioyala
OrioB talthi praridwt ef tboaonaiad aad elaeaad ap laedy for
lety.waaaeeeeedotatoaltBya watob
betowyiay a
Free Storage All Winter.
praeadlay aeettay. Tba preaaeatlay
Mr work ean not ba bmt aad prkM
attoraey far the aeekW waa Horray
tta lowwt. WIU mil ter year
aad yet V prtoaa.
THpf while Metoa (rilbart aatad aa
'phaaa Bo. IM. MorttoM •pboM
attorway for tta dafma. Tba Jadya:
Arttor ZiauarM aad Wayea yrW^writolWkCkCWrwrkrWrWtb
Ottrtoa Break.
Chartto Btoe. Leak BlritoaU,
rdau. wayM
WayM ^
Watora aad Vraak Waltee

wUl be
Tn fiftyaUtt
aellad apoa to aa<
parttet ttlBfa. aMaf ttan tta laaaaata of tta aary. Loef atridae bare
a two yaara, ■UBalaiad by tta lata
war Witt Spaia wbleb dem
tta ralaa aad eaitlty of a awwenr
pevp] aqalpataav New that wa ba*a

Bm world wide faaa for i
otbu Mira,


it is so easy
And when yon oome home from yonr

It’s hung
on easy hinges

work tired, have eaten yonr rapper, then to bare

The door t
isuas. and tbe
only safe way is to be prepared for it with a

a nice Kerris Ohalr—Ibat'a comfort—and it

good overcoat. Some sisea don't coat mneb just

doD*t make yon tired to pay for it, for they cost
bttt litUe

article for $3.26, and a good $6.00 garment lor

a Couch
Anywhere from onr aplendid atoek, and
yen'll find in it tbe acme of lonnge abont reat*

They’re good lookera, good wearers—

and will cost yon $8.50 to own one .etyle. An.
other etyle costs 112.75.
Others cost anywhere up to ISS.tX).

In the sale
of Cloaks and Jackets
And especially after a proaperous bnsiness, inch aa onra has been, there are eome odd
sizea left. Tbeae we’re always willing to take a
little lens for, and then if yon can nae tbsee
you’re eo mocb ahead.
For example—A $B.60 Kersey Jack?! for


If yon otb wear one sice ypa’H get a $5

only $4.00.

In buying
If a person's only thought is “bow'mncb"
it’s perhd^k uselem to trade, bot if "bow good”
then we guarantee satisfaction.
A men's cotton hose s<-]1b for 5, 10, 15c.
A men’s woo] 25, 35. SOe.
The oasbmers from 25 to 60c.
Tbe stripes are 85 and 50c.
Tbe all wool Shnwkmt 50c.

new Mouldings
Are the finest yet—a down or so entirely
new designs, Tmb from the factory.
New oolois in mat boaids and new pa^

$2.69, or a $5.00 garment for $3.75.

terns in mat beadiugs.

onr rule

We're framing pictures all ths time and
new customers are ccostaotly oomipg.
A wtll framed picture Adrertiaea itself.

To clone out aeveml timea a year all lota
of underwear which ws do not purpose to re.
order. That's why we’re now telling a good ar­
ticle for 22^ the garment
Have yon aeen onr other gradee—It's
Bumey in yonr pocket to do so.

labor savers

told you so
That enow often ohangea to rain, and
you’d need one ot onr ambrellas.
We didn't charge anything for the adTiee—«nd bot little more for tbe article—only a
dollar for a dandy.
Got better gradee, too.

Are the Biasell Oarpet Bwesper. They
do tbe work tborongUy and are so easy to operate. They are made in Antique, Golden aad
English Oak, and seU from $2.00 to $3.00 each.
Onoe tried, never withoot.

It’s pure
To sleep on t:
eaa dream of tbe world’s 'to eonqner, and aU
this eaa be had for $1.76, $270, $8.50. $4.76,
$7 60 aad $9.50.

The Hannah & La; Mercantile Go.


^ '



. 4,.;. ,


oF»K«.Q*H J;S,*;=rsrrr5ii£:‘5
AOmbmuV «m kM awi
l.«L«» kr «,«M «r M
«M wlfMtai
u «W* rMlIti is «t-

•fitatr. ItotMml vtUoMW Tm
«•» BmNr M ikaOBttoii* AwvAli
TWa vOl ka • ■aaMairaC tka
OUrlt^ uto« towcraw atMl^ m Tdo
&wt»tk.wUkmm1 I

St a ICaettof X«at
At Ita BBatlac of tta Good TbBplan
toatalfhtiha tollewlaf d^
■ ttadtotelal anvntin to tataldto Mntafae
baU Jn. M aad tT:


k*«a tan
JnAl^ataviMwtar *oln ta Oaaa
iMtar Oa^aMtit -----------

A aalqn a. ti M« la tta atavvlB- -Jnale Oartto, Aan OrlaU. Mra.LBa
Charlea OHtaeL Bdn BrastofAmtoI Lnta«tan.‘ahnMn. Oa
atomwHiaC ita aflr wnloaaAa toa.Otoad MeDoBald, Bari Bacon. Jim
■ patoM. taMta <ta foln
Marttoak. Otto Fiwtaab. VH7 Braeka.
Altamla Oatofataa — Mr. Badiay,
aan^a tatt m lita^ ‘
tototar wrtaWaaaitta
ay MinatefA Barrie AUn. Berry
nimlata tatatitiAaaAante iaai
aa* ■ tta wlam. »toh ita aa- Dan. BayBliipir. LaaUa'Ttaobald.
maannl ttat to to an aoUA
•anta Brewa, Hr. a WDaay.,
At AaaA

I. H. 1

TtaMlaal«aa< tta W. W. CUa
(all 8<

oanlta. ataW'lo hoor tta plaaaia.
- ta »m taotaMj Ala.
wUak an ta ta aaai fv ita AM
(arttafaWtoitara. Itwnfallr
a a« OnaaU. to a
tonifaaa. AttaalHtsaatota of tta Bftalta ■aftatiHwaof aUaaAwn
taarfafaaaatatoaiaat BovaU ta fat tharoafUy aa>eyad. Aaothar aenart
tatala. a. aanf aanlaf aUltaA wU ta ftm Beat
ttaa«a.laakhlaanik ta Bavtal aaA terttataaaAloftha alarta who aaald
tntaaaAfaaafaaAlaJaftafeaa wtaah

Tmatf-taa Ottawa aoaatf taya
tan aaltotaA U tta ita«lar OoltaA
ttataa arta «>tkla a jmr.
Kara wllAnto art Maf klUad to
aarttara aoaattaa ttaa aaar tafara
kanraattUattonafttayaar. Ttay
an vary talA< ntarita
aa« ana tola teaan to tta A^ tiaa.

aot fat «t ta tta aeaaart toat araatof.
Tta aAroM nU e< amla tor tta n>
nt—aot of “BaaiMy Daay^ «rUI
Taaaday taaratof iter aataaritan
aad WaAaaa^ taaratof tor tta ynaralyabUa.
Tta attnattoa (oUairtaff tta aac
Bnt of “BaBply DaBpty** at Btato'
barfb Oraad. whtta wUI ta Aidn Baaadiefa “rabta BoBaal* to om ef
eldarabia totaraat. n h to aaeef tta
beat ef reBaatto,htotartoal Bolodra
A Urea auibar of ttokata tor tta esartatoBnt at tta City Opera Boaaa
for tta
tioflha Bifb aebool baaa ball team
aold yaatarday. Tba rearrred
aaat plat wUL ta '^laaed at tba City
Mawa Blaad Moaday.

OAtB to ODKFUoBnn.
•tola Haat Baaie M.aarat

Aar. Ohariaa Oittoil. Flay Ttaabald.
FtcA Daco^ JaBM Fatkn.

tea- ^ Boharta Wrttaa That Tnnrm
Oiy Baya an WalL

aral Vhli-'a Betto.
DatroH, dba. Pa-Afiar a toereafb
tomticattn tote tba mm ef On. WlU
U White. I e. DjatalJy. tta leaal attoTBay lar tta HBrylsBA FUaUly A
D^oaU wnpeay. whiah to n tta boBA
of tta
baa adrtota the aoeipaBy that It to
raapoBalbla aaly (or Wbttato aatt n
oaartarBntar ctBaral aad aot aa a
bar of the mUltary board Aa tta
itof traaaaaUnhn to da wHb
ttaaTpndItaraaef the Spaaltb war
foaA Ita aeaapaay to aot i
ta bolAa. aad U Ita atala wtotaa i«
raallsaaaytbtocntha haad It wUl
be aoapai>ad to an tta anapny. Tta
BaywHbdnw IB AalaaUraa
IroB itao

OaUeTtaobeld, Mra. C.U. Taiwatir.
la Oartto. Laatle Tbnbald.

with Baitwy O.


oabB A aad wn r*ry ebaatfal la Its
ahanatar. Vm taya that tta baya an
waUndhartocaffnedttBa. Baaaya
thatthamathartotaar-aaA that an
balbiac aaaMi Ja BSklac eawF Itf*
Ibeackhto a
aom ef tbaa
bare ban kUlaA. aad bat few lajuad.
aad iheat rary allchtty.

Vatjhl'S CORt

“Fareed Out,"’
BeUbrDmitatt. PHMttaaadBa T

I O-tAOai
r to a
Wnun Try u.
ilaat Ban.
the asM. Ttal yn h
tta trtobnird m
em' WlU WUMaalfer a
rla tba Bacleap oKaa,
bn baaoBa hair to a alaa


For Fire Insurance

row jou
m err i'
a lW dewrod-1<**— l—WW
laBaktof aBiada latOBedcaot Of
ramr orer to'tha cna tor bar aakta
of aom^oM
aome oM wbo
> to blB to tba
ProBpt, oantal aad •
.. . ■
... .... !o—*■ BtocnodBoUardladatOwom
^ dost kpow. It to pooBlWr
tta atnayaat aad oldnt 8n ta teoaatly laartof blB n a l«aay as
e Dn-er bueted a
Oaerca BUpIn taya Ttoan an Qmt t am. bot 1 have
a to tta warM raprwjoaBlaralpadatfU.Ooe. baaldaa a paraaatod to By ayaaay.
Opperwalttn la the
.rou are daoa-1 tin of Ita fSBlly aatat
aetata tbat ta wUl
aewaded from an offl«r of Ue rerola- aban wfU bto brethwa at tta daaU of
war, aren t yoor^
B. L Dprto raealrad a li
troB Oaorci Btdplaa at Paaif la tta dowo aad
“My father's oame." be aald. “wu Fab. t. atwbieb tlBa Kn. C. O. Tarp.
PhUipptoaa’toddar data el DanBbar
Bafcbimikendowakl.whlct be ebaafad ' „ ,rni iMk
of Mr.!
U. tbat clraa a rary taa daaaripttea of to
... Dow*
r^_. with
-i.k the aasctloD
..--.I— of
«r coarc*
-..nprSl I ^
tba trtp aenaa tta PaalBe. aad of tta
Bbe eat for a nwineot. almoat
rrasbed. Tbro hope aeeB(4 to raton
beya at tb* treat.
ABoac otbar Utofa ta aayi:
"How na<'b did you aay yoo
'■Tta dry aaaan taa bttru- o&d the pectfd your father to leave your*
tnratltoc to fotttor Baab batter.
“I llyure tbat my abare of tbe eoAfcla wUl BOW bare to cat a relay of Ute will be about fZuuO/luu." be aald.
auawered briskly.
•Ue aonwcmi
Balaa, or wa will aoea aapiara bla . All riinii. sui'
tbout tta
"we ean worry aloop wltbout
tto Itoaad bto atadlol.
eaae and atlU be tan>y. door."
'Tbtotoaieaooutry. aadwtutta
rodaattoa of ABortoaa pub aa#
A New 1
to ae ranea
have sold at least 4S per ceot more
wby It Bhoald aotta om ef ttawnt
(ODfectloiiarT this season tban I bars
of Ita wheU earth.
orar sold to my experipoer of now
"Tba taalU of tta baya to cood. F« norr than a quarirr of a mlury.
ayaalt.1 bare aot raapndad to aleb have uerrr b
bad n work my shop and
eaU alpn wa raaebad ban asaepl to
e mouth tif Oawiuber."
forUa Dodlalteb. Tbia
to a dlaaaaa that N eatef 100 ofUa
Albert B Kallay of Blwin. whtla
hoya cat, aad it to totaraattac. tbea^
worktoy to tba Wallyark A Jarmaa
"Wa bare food feed alt tta UBa. If iBBber eaiBO at HasUoya MUls. aaar
I ooald rira you oar blU of fare for Onway. waa atmk Friday by a falllay
It woald Bake yoar tom. aad was alBost toatoatly kiUad.



0. K. KIta of ataatn taa a aarteafty
laltaatayaalataa that to aowaA
with hair. Ttataatoatanttwayaan
aU ata tta hair la hnwa. Mr. Ktof
rafaaaA ta offw ef IBOO ter tta aartaIty.
rrtAay aftartaca whUa at work
taWta tta haary raalt tear af tta
•rwBntaaBartarat aan' taak. it
ton ayoa Jetayb Maata cA Otaa^
Tharawm taa rafalar Baattof
am ef tta B«a Mat ta ataai tta ratal,
Daahaaa OaBp, Bo. UM. M. W.
aadta AlaA to lanthaan hoar ta
alfht to Mntarm halllac larrtMy naahad totaraaUy.
•daaaa to daalrad.
BtitarA B^taa. a tortaar ml _
B. Udaria. the bteyala aaa of Di
at Batbal. raaUaad l.on toat at laatar
atraat. to ahewtof tta Ant Morrow
hraha that bn hon aan to tta
■antna It taaaaaraA
ally. It to aa arraafaBaat by wbita
Ikiaachatthatatt. .
tta rider an atop tta iprolatin of tta
Baatan aaaltaltota'tan
padala aad aonl with hto feat atUI
raattaf n thaB. or by a aUfbt back
-patoo hrakoa"
to hatof nyUly .
1 aad tta and heap tta wtaM aadarpnteet
nartof of tta Uaaartoa ta thla aaottoa troL
a( Ita aoaatry to
Mia. Chaa. Oarear aad Ufa. Fred Oar- BnU watar. And It wn aot ter Uat
T* Oittw • OtaB tm 9m Day.
Tta tarn of Dr. Mawark at Oharletta tit ntariatoad Mnda eery ptaaaastiy tayaleaa. Wa bare c^d feed all Ua
.'ake Wamer's UTiiae WInr of Tar S^i
WM barmd aarly frlday taoratof wlU Friday araatof at tta hma ef O F.
Tta aoBpaay bad tarcat praetlM be beat cougb icnedy go earth. Sf> «r.
Itaaoatntt. Atraap to nadaramat Oarrar. Whtot wn njeyad aad daitatday. 1 Bade Ua beat score of
taaicad with tta arltaa, aadttaariUa wbota eoBpasy. Waebot 000 yards, -Fain Kada" Overalls. lAraed rartrr: ^
Aaaaa acatoat hiB to daaaftof.
Tt* BrBban of tta Ladtoa Library
•r Oarrbartt Bmd at 41a. & Bands
aad I aeorad t« oat of a powtble u."
A MorthrlUa (arawr aasa ta tawa
will fire i raeepUea to
. with M alaa tarkaya. When ta toft Itair ball Taaaday eraalaf, Jaa. soib
t ylaaaaataaooc A abort profraB will be rim aad raBIB WABBS FBOKXBBD
tta tarka, tatoB ttaway ta tawa they
ataaa aidaa aad aafafed in a pltohad
Mr. aad Mn. BaaMU Vaaderllp of
hattto Iniftoa tta farsar'a aarprtoa Beat Bay. were rory plraaanUy ear illtooto Btael OoByeay’e Man wUl
Hire Xoereaaed Fay.
wkaa ta toaad tba 11 rletora proatly prtoed Batorday emtof by a noBber
woftbalr of tbalr trieadi. Djrtof tba erantof
Qilak(Oi Job. to—T>.e teanaca maa
at tbe lUtoclt Steal eoBpaay'a' SonU
tUfal aapper waa aarred.
Cbtoara wUU ore rejoldhc orer Ue
Proparatioai are la prefreaa for
aatoa of the Aftliif tarkaya.
ealieo ball to be fimlnOolaabla BaU Bear eoapletlon of eostraeta for atael
raUaaowBaktarattlSatoa. WiUto
atLaaalnf, aboat* waare 08 tta Weal Side. Feb. UL
a few daye, U to aald. tbe toil ot Ue
Oolambla Hall baa been reeeaUy 1b
cheap rails will M ran oB, aad work
tta atota by 8 «ta Traaaarar Stnle prorad aad reaodeled aad to
w oa ralla oodmeted tor
ftrlday. orar ot the ai
atiraelire and to food abapa.
atpti a ton. This Beaaaaa toereiie
tartof barn aaet by the treaaaror of
O. A. BrlcbsB of Orawa. baa baaa of pay. baaed oa
Waym ooaaty. Tta .balaan la tba
Beat, of aearly doable tba preaeet
alatatraoaary toiov abrat
tUeotoa boaptial to Oraad Bapida.
Some mra it to aald. will rewktoh ■ hlfb water BaA.
yaatarday for trsatanb
eaira aa birb as StW per bobU. WlU
Aa ^part (row to
Ue admt of Ue scale, tbe bUrhaat
toad ttaoU aalt widl oo tta Byaraoo
witb a patofal aoeldut to Ua woods wafec ever paid for labor of UU claos
Bllto property at Maakafoa aad atatad
rhm to tbe world wUl be paid to
that It woaU yleU oU to paytof quo- maaUy, that malted to Ue brnktof
of bis ankle.
Ue BouU Chleefo worksen.
MUn Tta property aaeatloaed hae
A Uuar boa Frank Kyaaila aat tan booBad lately n ita oU
Hasa-Mcw Tacbk
dby a ayo- Boanaas tba arrlral of a aoa to bto
Yeaterday C. B. Muiray, ayrnt ot
dtoate. wbleb. It to czpeoUd, wUl bore borne ai Ft. Lawto, Colorado.
torelL Tbe eBwrt gom from Uat
la a rt ffl s at Oavta’ clyar store Fri­ Ue Q. E. 1., raealrad from Oraad Bapplace to Twin Lake, whore be will bare day araalay, Tony Soroiay woa a robe ids Ue ball of a new naphUa yaUk
for aaiaial yn m Ita Albert Pace Bade by Mrs. Jonas ot demu atraeL which be wUl fit ap wlU a Wolreriu
yasenytoa for aaa on Ue bay next
property. Twin Lake to to cnat axAndrew Broadayaa retnraad to the
BB«r. Tbe craft to t1 feat to laayU
altoBtat orar tta todleatloa Uat aat elU Friday araalay wlU a dUlooatad
by 3 feet beam aad deriyaed for apead,
wal caa aztota Uara.
eafety aad pleaeare.
B. Wexford aoanty, wlU a
Bbrr Uo-b BlUatOMd
• ot only too tobaMtaala. baa Harbor.
STATt OP Ol! o, ’WT op -ToLaDO I _
tta dtoUanlon of belay Ua aaUlaat
Friday amtoy a^t 13 of tbe
f" .
nwB to Ue state to employ a epoelal bars of OtoB No. 3 ot tba Firet
Fbaxx J. tauicr makee oaU that
taabbar'of Baeie. It to a aebool ran tlaaday aebool. wlU tbalr frieada. Bat be to Us ernlor parioer of tba fine of
at tta born of Mr. aad Mr«. C. tt. ‘.be aty of Toledo, County and State
tta aerpa of taaebara aoaiiatiay ot bar Sbarwood. whara a Boat daltyhtlal atoreaald.
aad Uet aald firq, erUI nay
yoaay ladiaa. am tta jialter aerriaa tiBewaaapeak M-a U. A. Kslioyy. UeauBofOMBHUNOBBO DOLLARS
botac pMteraad by a BOBbar of tta tbe taaaber ot Ua slett. wai prasMtod tor each sad erery case of Oatarr
maot be cored by Ue an of I
CnOaraas. it to a pracraaalra and arlU a Baa roektoy chair.
mptodau aaboci, ot whteb Bsayr
A Baettoy baa bean eaUad for Ua
toircar town Blykt waO bo proaiL
>t(rf natters aad tta apTba above appliea to oar
BaresyWhlUof BcyalOU. raload potolBftat of eoBBlttaaa for tta party ^Bj^pmMM, Uto aU day ef Dnom
flock ot Ghtan and Overdra awes of tobaaco last osasos on bto to be yiroa by Ue yoaay bob ot tba
iara, Baktay a c«>d prodb Be wai ally to the Dear fstare. It to ^aantd
Hotory Pablto.
lanaan bto acraaya aaal rear. Wbtu to Bake Uto om ot tta
Bal-a OataiTh Can to takn toIsaAmbaUeTB to the (atanottta at the aoawty omta of Ua anaoa.
(araally aad acts directly <b tta
todntry ta Mlabicaa.
Tba bom Uat was ao badly tojarad Baeaoneartaees efUeapatOB. (
At Maiahall. Jaattea MarriU care
HKITBY A Oa, Tclada a
F. J. CHBL_________________
Sold by DrufCtow, 76c.
nitaOatnHheaaaet i
tojarad, died attar its weaada
BaUb F^/ POto an Ua boat.
fnn km of blood.
aalaal was raiaed atyiSO.
Biaadards. M onto, fiilntt U <
Saps C H. Bora baa bam aayayad
at Tatama’s. I
. OM FaoFla Made Toaac.
toAMirar a toatara Jaa.aau at tta'
ClteirBia, tta marn adltcr
wi Barker Onaksabool koaaa. where L:.
.._-BWUla (Mlab.)
. ^ laadTHptotoaeb Br.
wad Ua roBarkabU
CoMpn^ may.



I Removal Shoe Sale I

We have placed on sale at cut prices
S400 pairs of Shoes -We ylvs you the
best makes only.
We can eave you from 10 to 60 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
daya After Karoh 16tb we wUl be in
our new etore, S42 Front street

Frank Friedrich,
rhA Old BallAblA Shoe Mad


apppaaaaaa a»a«aaa« »a«»aa«».

Ulsters and Reefers



well bought
are half

/^UR inventory jnat completed
does not reveal a single undesirable garment in above men­
tioned st^k—however many siz­
es are missing from some lots,
and we can assure yon yon will
be repaid tor time spent if we
are allowed to, show yon the
stock. We are selecting lots on
which low prices will pt«vail un­
til closed.


asrsiL.w .x??.

Mma* Daaelay School next Wad- IM Osl
msday^i. Taaektoy troB a u a Dwt bay your Bboaa! Watch Ua
daariay aftrr a. Ad
Now York Stonto bto aato .of biyh
Bi^ Omu til Ladles ito after a.
Ladtoa adBittodtraa.
046 >t

TT!^ 0«r lav Brio -a fit-oo. r.oe. w.oo, siLoe.
Jaa^JotuMca'aud «. B.
ifcafR -.■stf-

Leak at BsBlato KLM fiaaat aalta
teBOB s

Clothing Co.



it $MOT troMia j
ttartefnaMioMkr IWHw te
ra <Uo*d« wm b* prmatad I9
B «<

Ml lalMter

«Mo aw M MMb Bta oM Mfolb

ttaM hn « ktadnd mU.
MB (BoiM •• f«to> <*•••* «M
«i MMm OMC»

•mttolBMli to ete M tarMif
old a
'•MllktaBMBlktkOMlMflt MQ «0!
-.■mrnt tram lUalte. AkMt lU frtmam■«M«nila0Mtko
• tftho

«Mo> an M> Mm* n> •
OW ■*'•«]_____

OM —— Mm* mwoM*

• fMIttettakOBtOTlM «• ksM
' «Mi • Mtet beto tkro«fe tho Mitv of
•:Mb bawl. 1W wool la tba iHart. tba
'-^oataniM.^Melmbaaalara Ibat



Mm. Twk Udaw.


>%nrvUr and IdUad bar. Boon aad a oarwrt^’for daadng. and tba bot,




“* *?? ‘ *-y‘
wcato ,m «,to, )»• ■"

: . ,T“ “ »“**»• «»

yt» ta taig- mnoh better than be did.
-* -— 1..^^




rto« toJ


mmo tnm mt
iiii I





a-r. Steteso Jam*. yoMr.
Chomh, Oor. Oak and Pltlh afaaAa
Bonday aebori at PNt.

tar spekm. h«l tonight fas had

d to pal bta tote to tbs test.
wUI* Myri*. wMb a pate at tarbsart
.............................pbyHeal ta Hi to-

^ Awie worship. 7n»p. m.
The pobUe ar* cordially taritsd ta
ail taess aerricsB. Prmahlng mondaff
aad sraatag by tbe paator.



^mammttarn 0»rw—Wrmgri

riicaptlcnajrrica. A largo aamhor ar*
late fnU
After taa fte
AM tt
Iftrdb Sappar wfU be 1
ta ta* armiar taa ssMset wUl fast
-IsipRretor te* eopofteal^-” Th*
Bpwortfc Laagas sriU bp ta shaff* at
Monday-Otertsrly Ountariasi at

It was aU ^md out merely to force tbe flabaa ta (*114.^ to aermlnata after a deten or **lSoto Peaat at »:«< a ■■
______ _________________ *
Saaday aeboel at ltc*« a m.

Or omB tdi
b“ that Geoffrey waa now on bb- way «ateied thla boxilke Incloaure the ddeo
Three of (be greataat hooka la tba
mil of that bdlotrope yoa an wear- ba-ik to England toAndootwheab - ^ of the great net a signal.
urrowly escaped deotrac
not written to him: that be hoped tbay ai Om the
flsbto do not aon_
-.F.ortd" of Virgil, tbe work*
Per anawtrtaa took a piaaa of tba woald haea been niwriad brfo^^ abow any aigti. of alarm, bat as tbo
.trlRtoilc and the great body of JewbaUotropr from tba boaom of bar dreaa free ooold arriTA bat that now be wonld - - rises, inc-b by Inch, from tbe wBtef |,|j ....mito. rrprcwepied by tba Tal••Bare'a a little Ut of it." aba aald. J^away and narw twoWa bar again. I dcpib. gleaiulng. awonllikv bocks ap’WtaMt otaWrto rWlwaye ta Beaolala ••And when yoa merttbattoeely Amer.

• I |K*r berv and there ubove the aurfat*.
u „ recorded that VlrgU 00 bla
-Mfl •fjno.ODO Bwy ha aapaoded.
knn. and yoo wish that yoo ware free
and that this eyantag bad'narer been
0«^with lum-4bbW s*J,ni.c»
deathbed-ugbl to bum the only copy
tastnni ©f tbe-.Eneld." aa he bad not rdVlaed
M» Hw Ibrtol of tab rroaob goearaMMt to aoad o iqaadroB to aetoraa tba taS^ta CliTb^nst^^Tt^ *”•'
Ham ar*taeentolopa and above the .urf«v.
ortefert bta e*«-otors. Varm and ToerwigbU of Vroaeh Wtiaeoa, ban rWaao- ■B&^nd when 1 oat it 1 «k-11 know

to l<-tp. Here
not ta 0re It to tbe world, a dlr«a>
bet* U tba flower you gara one launeb.-a himself straight ouiof tba ti„o ^b^i,
dlstrgatded by ordw
Ml M. Moataahaw. the dlrootor of tbo
me.-aaidOeoirtey. •Thera’aitol much water-SW pounds of glorlou. llfe-to- ©f the Emperor Aligmrtns.
JBanlcef VoMaeolo. after twoaty-fov
diffarfaoa oertaiuly betweea them, bot w.,d the sky. to ettoh back luio the
Jtat^ suffered from
do yoa talklikathaif ^ for tba eayelnp.N-weU. I must gira aea .with a (tallllki- blow of sMea and neglect. They lay many year, buried
Dftab Oopataad. Brlag ta the Baharha
“nhJwM n« WP.I"4-rtad . .hrill POP •
sppoimantof mybandwriUng tall tint mut« the o.vau echo. An- m , ,N.u,r. au.l when, by mere tort-vwf Vtaflald. Haaa. blew ont tba lawp tota?'
lotSS for^(i
00 that yon may ©Uu-r and an.rtber riae. and fall. back.
„ m.t nneanbed. they
Bn bla eltUag rooai tat other night mod ] ▼eioa
I* baya Imd looking for yon
Soon the «vue ta a. If ih.-abyaaea ot ^ so damaged by damp and dirt
.w-otifod to bla hod apatalra. la the j
"Bat I shall nryar )©t yo* go away the aea- wen- spouting ibelr Inhabit- that in auny inamges they are hopemu4, “»•
! MIa for hundred, of Immense allvef
corrupt. Ilow great wonid bare
And that wa. bow tboy arrangad IL fiaablng Babe, rtae everywhere at one#
of this work to tbe bnrp.lf
, wliUln tbe net
man race may be Judged from tbe fact
itabtagtaaabaA Tba .sarpot, bartataa. oooM And you; wbUa at f(» yoa. Mr. ->F4Wgat.Ma-NoC
-------------------------- I But BOW a new element enter*, that ererTthlng that wa. known to tba
agaslnw and a lot of Hamiltun. 1 think yoa bad better keep
age- of tbe arts and actencaa
Long, narrow flablog boat, push Into
Th,;:;;;debytbeOnm.' la
■ami ta* Aoet«; wtaBow aaatagt atd
““ goodnamkaowa
p^roi^* ft, «*. mea with Unces aad .pewr* aad big ,n_
AstaTn^T^-Bw MyUa'a
Uau: xwer
parpoaes ptodnesd aneb aa knlve* laa^
a xbe Talmud utcjij
nerjly becama axttoct
atatar. eMi.
ohal- «a*nitaai
0 aec. Tbe mea tbroogb persecutoo.
j<* Bopta of MU aa task. Tba rvaga
I, totally
tba maottoa ----- ’ thrust
• HaBbata baraad oat otaoma oftta _ . ■.liMl ■lUMaiJNWiiJI iltliNlllpi
oiott «»
of UAV
tbe Talmod.
by •
s AUU.
long serlea
e*— »to.v——• -•*“ ••

tOlUJIiU. Vf
orer many e*»
.«Mln aaB all of taa (anltar* waa
lamps, wbieb weea tben >n« bagtontng dive and leap again, bammering tbs rories. was made peoaL and tbe book
s tba ft4* had -!5?. .!r. 4,
a foothold to Praaoe.wmreta. se. with latU tltat
like tM
bnmed. No fewer than «
. cSSMOOt of Ita ewaaaaosB. Battba
........................................... ^
gated totbe limbo of dangeron. tone acrew. of Meamtolps and whiten th#
of lUmod mannaertot
.**.?• I
y*ta»A Tbencsmetheegbibioous of wav.w with foam. Before many minn„«d to Prance to l2*B.-gtray
”**"*• AUUtaflegbpdb^tafttotaa.^MW^t^^to^
1878 and IK89, with our pmticnlarty oie. Imu and twm are dn-nebed with ,*,rtew
.wMmaad whoa MKOemtaad opoaod!nothing, and rntbla^ iiiaiet^
toow of new. Immorad and ar- bloody water. Tbe aurface of the
ea (4 1871 ware ocean 1s red. Ont of tbe smoking
IhaAoer U waafoand wltaoataalgBof
tiatielsmpa Tbem
. onk^lr ftaWten, and to^ the nsr of spmy ptee fa<-es now an<l then that are
Mlm Blddol bad a trying cxpartanca.
Andaba. Imkad ofM at^tfa^i^ «wdlt»aD?tbe old "pamp Umi»"— dal>bl4-d
dal.l.h-d with
wlih blood till tbey look In ardsr
order Out
that tbe artist might get tba
/-*t BrlBgmwrt, Oona . flra at tba Barscarcely hnman,
proper set of tbe gameatt to water
A Baltay wtator qaarian doatroyNow snd then s mao alipswnd falls and tbe rtgbt atmospbere and aqnaona
OM of taa targa oar banaaoBtatatog bar own room Ji
among tbe harried flsbea. Then there eCects. ahe bad to tta to a large bath
;g| aar*. aad aloo taa qaanari of taa
wnton DM Dua os4j<iu u>r
are loud aerrams from bla companJona flUad with water, which waa kept at
.Staftaa tabor*!* oa tba rallroaB fm- a battlar maiter to speak of tl
Ion bedroom and parlor, bat has eyan and.erlea of snppUcaiton from blm as an eyen temperaenre by tampa friaced
^ /.kaSAto,.^
,in.^g tba be calls to bta patron saint, for It Is o« b(oeatb. One dsy. Jost ais tbe picture
.pMiamtata near by, aaaatag a tom of to bar BOthtc. tba<mo(* so thsl bar *A,_.1..
and baa worked iu way into tba Joke to fall among ibuoe miginy bodie* was nearly flnlstaad. the lampa went
wnjna Amoag taa earn dmtroyad fflotb4w bad not tba fWinteatonqitoioa of
. -A.- AU
remotrat villagte. that are dasblng around to tbetr dmtb oat annoUced by tbe artist who wa*
two oUapota. ta© Baflato BlU ear.
rL. nf the AmMi'-an lamo eocfaiUtan ttaroea.
no totenaoly abaorbed to bto work that
\ Htc. haUafa prleata ear, formorly «aad
ling MyNa fetnrnad rooaiy*<d oo many orden dnriug tbe eg-1 *0 tbe flgbt c«>otlnoes tIU to that to- be tbongbt of nothing ebie. and the
taptaalUaP. T. Baranm. Tba flr* B from a walk and asw”a latter lying on
la closed Biwee of sea there ta not a flsb poor tody waa kept floaUng to tbe crid
lb. bdl Mb]* Ob. alto. U bn- ow. faraaefa «(
taHiaesd tohan bate aaatad by ap
to U»1
tbe b.
bat part of com- alive. Every boat la half full of water water tIU sbe was ttearty benumbed,
aams and tbe pewunark. "New York' metolal Paria where be has been doing and loaded down wljb llrlng allret, Bbe beraetf never cooiptatoed of thla
AoMDoa eonbaattaa. KotaaarMsa.
' ACOdtagita. taa aeuatl Friday tea- A-and tba onaicbad np tbe letter, woe- a thrlTlttg bufinem ever stooa.—Lip- where tbe ellm. piratical bodies of tbr bat tbe result was tbat tbe coutmeted
des^ if any 00a bad noboad it. taea‘ pinoott'a
_ Magaaioe.
i heanttfnl flsbe* He. Tbe tobabitants 08 a aerer* cold, and her fatber. an ancHiarad tba tasataa ottaattoa. Thaafran npotairs to bar own room, and lock- ,
t the towns near tbe acene of tbl. flsbtog tlooeer at Oxford, wrote to Hlllala
.taAal oaliaatoa taow taa a«t to taa ad the door to enj49 It in pence.
^ Trtek mt tea TMBe.
' make a fete day of tbe arriral of tbs ttaresteoing blm with an actioo of £60
t of taa rwllaf worto. ale.
Tbo fire banted bristly and looked j ^
Lond<* told tnnny. for it means food and employ- damagea for bis mreteeanasa MlUaU
08# taa aad af Mar«k wUl be tayitlng. and sbe drew up a low easy ^
abe and her husband ware meni for mauy bandredb of men. worn- paid tbe doctor’s bUU and Ulst Btdobalr. a
«of r«paaa Aboat n.m penooa
M a^jktog aloog tbo Strand one day—nnd. en and children. Tbe flab Is a faeorlta dal. ----- -------------- ’—----- 4V*
4-.mew aBeetad ta .BrtUah territory aad
broke tbe oa*l of tba enveiopn
lo(A feto-' article of food, espectaliy when mltad, worae for bar cold balb.-Ufe of flte
*1®PA th_ Sto,-, think u,at
that they
emhoat n,«ao.aoo la taa aatira atatm. What was tbe faint patfams aa Aa did ^.1, Amariaan—the eendarcB a kind and tbe toe Is a great drilmcy. whita ioha MOUla
*Sba rioorwy. Lard (tanaa at Kaddla- 00? Sbe drew out a pieoe of blank note- Lt
aatea, aaU taat taa famtaa area bad
woeit fanes, bit of dmd I
o* pasted him ba to be passed tbroagb tbe cnattwi boost
Boa (wbo haa Joat been asked to ptay
taoy year* new faetag a entU*. totbagnnnd.
Doodle," and wtam wbeo they are landed, like any otbar aomethtog 00 tba planoH-l raally «aa*t
vaad food afnirity ofatembl*
"Myato, yoa mnat eoma down," aald *1^ dton*t man to baea any effect be
a and tbe «reet. there pee- pUy anything.
Abnat l.nte,000 aaiaooa. ha
attf flpaiif'"* tent a strange appear*r>ce then, for on
Tommy-Bot I aay. Bos. why don't
■ all side* are wbeelbarrows fall of tbs yoa
yoo ptay that piece y*a apoka
apoka U m*
.............................................. 'Bat yoa
Bnofa iBgannity demread reward, ao abtpely. mon«trona creatnt*a.-Kcw abootl
insl ebatute yoor drem; yoo
' ooa of tba pipaa
Tork Pram.
. Sue—Wbat plecaT

d yoa know
1 was an AmeriM Palat In kew BbateaB.
to ask yoa to ptay when We bad CUDAnWvOo^ Bsatedy la a oarteto prw
mded tbe gengamaB.
As ope drlres tbroagb tbe connt^
'eanae yon knew It bettetta aay
- saaria* and earo tar oronp. It hte
towns all orer Maine one can hardly
aady far tbat
^tbera I forget tbe namel
I Uborty, H.
10 DODce me ireqaeni ora reo t*™
Tommy a
I'ro bstebeymrwbe**
•**** * whole set •!?
Tb« Tommy was sent to bed.-K*aofcanume.
of farm
n goes 17 U glTS •Im holldtogs painted tbta cotmpicnoo* cotto a Tccy taort time sb* t
ban Hirtabman. ‘Tbs ^
Btoraaaad Aambartata'aOoogb Barn*- tbeAnd
drawing room, and Herbert CastlsInan,' boa I oort bn ^
Potks <be^«‘- “ ac«na «d Patat Is ebespCrowder bas been
_ ,____ _____
ma ford, sobs lacked at b«. tam«M ba
ort. for chmper dmn white lead paint. ^
. t©ng tlmo.i* s
__ 1 U la not only taa boat hadnaTarsaeaberaobsantlfuL Behad
asw im Mdro far aaserrieaableDess goes taste
-Tea; oooe of ns coAd oUl her to orkFy*dbsrfcryaara,bot»ted«o*|yA*o



of wheal ttO to lOO per eent gennhiatea Be. a SslSUsrr. Postse.
Chareb on ooroar of Btata and Wade*
in from one > four year*; la flye to
worth streete.
aeren yearn, M n> UT per <•
In the
Hunday saretcas are oa follow*:
cane of rye tbe pertwntaf* of gennlaaPi*Mblogatlo:»na m.
- per
<ion la dre
seira droiwed to 65
ttonday oebool at irtfl.
^81: la aeven ytorw^W ce«: ad^
9g at 7-PO p m.
.^TTd to to,toi,
_ ,
Y. P i at 8:00 p. atUIdw,
_ _ -.'k prayer merilBg Wadnoa>
| made some experltueDU a few ynua
day at 7:Wo.m.
All ora tarited to tbeaa mastlaga
£1'com whirb was kepi In tightly
„-aaeta at tbe age of :» year*
bad ioai
lost all
power or garminatton. Ber.BasfcKsaosSrtPi
iti power
Bxperlineni. also lodlrate that cota
Prsatatag at 10:» a. tei aad at 7«B
Itotol to> *™ VM toJtooo. IMU,
to«tog„ dep uid itode ot to „ „ p.™.,™,,™. H,.p
toto " Wto-M, <1
«,«*« .i ito. xpn. to
d- .to*bpn«i« «,to dwt a tbe "8m

teoww bead rcating on btaohonldaE, low loriag woda apokan one 00 tbe tamoa amoag other tbtaga tx. Um- fart tbai
ta a happy dreaa.
Cn ibe iwer-to-be-forgotten nigtal
tbr big babe* have
lo-w-rt.-t-«*<* » b.Uo. I» Dom.l im.- m. ) ,

apeakiiiglo reliiHl 00 to mate tbeir ajuh-u.ance at
at tta otbar aide of tbo ooaaoatber:
cenala period,

period. almoet
alnio.t u.
u. liie
liie mlnuojlnuio.
^d, and >*“« B" ^
did yoa aand it from Bow ■ When they come. It ta la uuge «:bouta
Itot I«» M
Yortri to. ™ U. .«« -at. ror to, --.or
in two yaara at tba lataat, to claij
JaiB my
“I—.that* lo—what do yon bmbb. iba watere Uke ablpa of wai. ana the
Hyaief I noeer arpt Itl”
"ua.uona-traaiiyMtma, ua«nry.
Seeing tbatMynie'adetr eyeeaaemed. ©f tbtlr own bulky bodies beat tbo
t .S •“ "**
throogh. be anampted no deep lo to wblie foam and tatber.
to think
^ It anot
^t more denial, *—•
bot --.M—
cangbt •—
bar handa da | —e
Stare uie/
they «nr
are —
ao exact lu
in lutii
ibdr uw
» .k.ii thi.k
toto. 1toi-kt
Ita. tbe flabermeo prepare for them ab
tmplorad bar to fcrgly* him.
AtoHto lai-^

■ the rltauty of rariona

^ baadnd tbwig**** aaemed to pn» wbicb datea Inck to Um- Ptaea

-dSradoflUgoaa spl aaaiipar haml


ftand^flabool at If m.
Beaniac aarrlaa at T p *•
AU ato aordtaUy tarlMB I

Behind »ki«» in
Astbeirayaa 1
, ttlagUb'

At BOMofo, UL, Mword Moon, m

-wataiad bin wUo% badmoM aaeer
jaottalwrkarabaanaa. aaearlav Ua ra
wnolrar. and. aastag a fora ta tba,
^tataabm. trad, tba baO oatarlag tbo
VWrata of bla wUr. Bootaff ble wiataka
fJlooto ■—nil olwoot CTMtla arltb
oertaf. Be arooaod tbo aWebbon oad
'naainiBolpbat Mra. Mono aoear ro»'«ai
Haw. iBatol. wbooa knaboad waa
rwdtatbawro* of tbo ataawor
npwata Joly.'lfH, and who obHnJadfwaatacataBithi Froaob
r of IMiOOO liMaa.
0 OM law bar oaaa ta tbo Ufhor ooart to
a arUabJthodhaooropoaladby tbaeowr Hoar: iraooaart.>taBtrtar>Wdoekian.
« MBtd alptawteWibata to lha boeela
. wwawwaabaoW'tM Bomptbo. who. it W
■ smH. naPdoath heaeafy. aad tkto aomidtbaoeaiaMy of all

bavtacaMBodbenoU to BirtartOMof seed
UaCatB. iMad.oC ^ Uttla boopel
Be*ta aba bad eavar am aba poMBNd
>a vewth la Martea at «*ralaaUaa
a bBDdaena dUvKMd tli«. and tba Baad CATChHtO AMO KILUMO TKE WONAnar TbaenaaBa al taare.
flower aod tba paaHa wm pot (ar awar
Tba atataaeaat la -fraqneaUy otada
aat of aigfat to b
la tba popnlBr pma." nld Profeaaor
U U. PaaiaeL Bovmment butanM.
Six ratbo bad paaaad aod Batben
*nbu aeada bara maioad tbeir ritallty
OartleCavd waa fvewios for m eartr
»— MB Are Thra BlabbaB MB for a long lima. Tbo» It te autad Uuit
I .rriar^ MraU and bar BOtfaar had
wbMt ’tmdar aome eoodlttoaa baa prrStaebeB to Orath Wltk t—«.
•OM mwar inm bona iauBadiatal;
BHTad ita numy for to or 100 yean,
Om of tba BOU tbrlDliig and woo- ft baa CrmooBUy baaa atatad tbai
darful atgbu Is tbe woriJ la tbai of tba wheat takaa frw Egyptiaa
flaHoara tbac bar motbar tu^ bar awa/ tmny flaberieo of tbe
nanta ganBlnated. boi In not 1
to the aoDtb of Frauea. WM<« aoon aftea;
Tba poraoii of tbw AMI and — ta tbia canDinailoa aoibeaUcAtM
n*bait fotloweri tbaia.
awlft BNmo la notanenf tatseoparatloA ««t a alii(la gralo taken ftwa an Bo­
llyiia aersiad wUliaf for tba wad- at oetUng. I; ta a Octal batwam maa elant BcyptWa aarn^baca and aowa
ding to take place wbenarw they liked and aaa ercotnive aocb aa ta dupdicatrt pj vartotta pmoua baa »m been
to arrange it 80 BuMUn were beinf aowbare cx<-ept la tbe wbato OaheHas. kaown to famlnau. aad tba coodlbaniad <■ to bbK tba taapatet lorar Tbe tsntg- ta a bage swcfecrei Beta a tlona tor ptoaerrlng tbr aeed la tbaao
-------- aad tata courar tbrangh —
when OM day Oamada nan iota tba
■ are better t
roan wbara MyWa and Barbort man tbe aaaa ta Utat ot a deatroyer wlUwat m tbe aoU. They are protected tna tba
parallel. Bo dtodly ta tbe uinny to tba air aad earlatloM of teiapmroto. Tbe
"Unk, Myatar* aba oriad. “Boa U Boboota of berriac and aUnllar food axpertoeat wbicb haa been noat talkatoraly bwwb of flmranfron that dear flabaa ifaai be ta called tbe brntag bofl. ad of la that of tbe Count of
n la'tbaalllyr Andtbayara an ' ta oar waters be ta known mto geo- «t PragM. Be bad reealred fba gralna
haantiaal Oolyanaell (bent Ob. lanao, mUy aa tbe boraa MCkerei
ttna a treatwortby traeelar. wbo toW
piaandl LoakI Bara an a Ut of balioTU lamiy Babertaa are dlatlnctly ■* bin that they wen takes fion a
' (npo and tea* maUnhalT tbofwiU'
tbafwiU ropaan.
ropaan, aad
and they are the oldaat ladaa- aaiwpbagna. It ta aald that two of
I try that ta kaova la tbe k
Ctaaae seeds gerstaaied. boi it ta a well
1 aa pala aea. To capture itaeai om
To bar aniptiaa Byafa ti
known fact (bat Inpoararea are parDklnc
In WtVe bodlaa, pemted by tbe people wtao dtapoaa of
M death, and ahrank back, lookl^
- al-,. ttaeauelrea t4>gelher
appenUngly at bar loaar. who waa for dobermto rkag^ cetOd B» a^>B« tbaoe aeeda. u aonre nan they bara

Ctgvatte ■Boktagta b«taiiddataa
Mfc Jo 1M4. Tba groat impates to
• bytaa

u long
« «'«*“ " *•"
Igrng may the U«ta rod faimbOTia* ^ rogotote the root of na’-Chkag*
hrigbtee oar New England tandscapsa.

In an (

I wit and


A cordial nyltaUon la oxtaadad-ta>
Sarriem bald ta Orsoga hall.
auDday aebool at *;W a. m.
Barmen 10:t0o. m.
Eodeaeor at e:U p. m. ,
tIarmoB, at 7:00 p. m.
Praacblng serrioea enndaata
Prof J- W Bamphrey.

Made Tonrg AgUn.
-Oos of Dr King's New Ufa PUta
each night for two weeks has ont _ .
ta my 'teens' again,-' suites D. Hwsr of Dempteylown. Po. They'ro tba
, to tbs world for Llrsr, Btomock
Bowala Purely regeUbla B!

collared all orir with either seporote
Mb tbe lot. at a for «L

Btandarda. 80 a
at Ta’msnV 1
mibobxjaANBuub wants.




aSa; niSTruraitew-.

ff ooa* TO RXKT-I
A uiBMmatbi








52JSSS?- “ •“ —

Tlmmy'a tabbH got^nlwaad ta aor

1^ aad tbs award, tbe strung tand
-^teadnaae! XMdnt ha hare hta tafk
teak B Brta. aad tba atroag bead gfai- htad leg wHb hfair - iBdtaBapoHa




;.aA. £3




fiBAnK M Ik* flrABB «r wr mm- MtOV*. TtM41<r«TMtpA»W^'»fCOWM.
11 u«M* ta. u bM tu BDB*k(w*l Ucbt «Mi •iDMWt «sda*tv«ly with tb* *1*tdM. Tmm7 Atktm to B*t Al- telr* «n4 tb* 4««d* «f Tstor of tb* ftolnr*. ba* tb* gnataai circniatkiD. mar Btoaa from tu pa««* of vivid imnclb>*at t8 eabMrtlM wUh whtcb tbowt it II <-to**lr followed br Tb* Ttmatoa* of tb« late war oe tb* In­
tb*r an pvMiibtol. Tk*r an Mi to- NlbM. pabitobed br tb* Duk* ot EdUi- dian (natlrr. Tb* »*P*r ot tb* (amou*


c«» qI U» BUM h* hM* «•*«*< to
• bito BVAP th* how* •&« at tb* MOM
tin* to wrtto W8I- Wrtory
M lb* pabHMUM «r *h*
»r«toto8*r. tpdmf tfe«r*

Ob* of tb* mat unique eorp* at preaent *erv1ng In tb* war in South AM*
ca to tb* cycto Mctton of tb* aeutbarn Rbodcala voluntoen from BulawayB
Thao* Toluntoer* were formod early In the ffaht and wen detailed to leak
after natlTo* tbrougbost the great colony who wet* Mopectod of a daair* «•
tab* up arm*. Tb* Rkodeata eoluatecr to a sturdy fellow who rieep* la OM
apan. being •uppllad with a waterproof sheet and a blanket, and Is qslto uaod
r to tb* general fiainra* of the country In «
B It boa been found that tb* bicycle k a '


tbalr MMi«. jMt aa th*r bar* tbtor
amnr* and Mmmtoaartat d*partM*aiTb* *dltar blaw*lt to aivar* om «t tb*
r*«im*at. Tb* otbar awmbw* of bto
auff a-bo aaatot la tb* aMUng *yt oC
tb* vaiaM pobUnttoa, aaeb u tb* vab•dUar, tb* war ourmpoadut. tb* arttola. ib* prtBUn. and *r*n tb* »r»................ •fator*' dorlto." an aU to b*
b* rank*.
rm lb* aMM part
ar* pnntad *a tb*
wbirb iwuaUr aaamwpaal** tb* nglm«ni oa It* trarato, and aa •fton a* not
lb* TiMiny** lonraal ««m«* out bet
from lb* pna* at tb* front. alme*t
fritbla MabI af tb* atMinr. witb aom*. ttaM* a “war *stra.'' OUi*r papma.
acaia an alwar* puMiabod at bom* in
»i|«1aad, a* arnttor whan th* rMtm*at
nmy b*.
Tb* warrto* that b***t tb* aditor of
tb* r*alin*ntal *b*m pubilabed at tb*
(TMt ran wall b* lma«ia«d. RomaUm**
kk adllteu an poaetaatod with bultota,
aad etua ib* aatin *dltorlai aancturo
kaa to b* tabea up and merod to or M
Mta* nff b*fon th* laat part of aa odltten ean b* *trtKh off. Tb*r* I* net. aa
a nil*, aar dtlBcuiir i
a* aaarlr *r*ry To^ninr
8*m a Ml of aarvio* I* alwara raadr to
Watoad aom* anocdot*. Incld*nt, advantan or i*Bl for tb* dricruiton of hi*

ch ebe tbnwB her-,
aait tala all morat el* to nllev* Buf­
fering or dtotreoa. Her many
good deada to­
ward lb* Rriltata aoldler be­
came a eommonplscc yaan
and yean ago.
m not

n from tbalr tom and t

•em* ot tbam an piintad on ■ae*n*nt
papor and toan*d..ln axpanaiv* atrl*.
•atllnv for a* bigb aa a ahimag a copr.
Otbara an mm UUto dedpon. badlr
priniad. badlr edltod. bat atouUr up- burata-a Wlltabln rapliiMtit Tb* Utt*r
btod br lu aoldirr roadrr* aa lb* baat papor to unilliutntcd. but baa a greatar abundanoa of nadlng matter than
Tbon baa b**o of lal* a lot of eon- baa Tb* Bt. Ooorg*'* Oaaalte.
iroTorar a* to whirh waa nallr th*
tart- Um* paat barn BiaUooad In ladto. It to
Tb* oldeat living nfflcer In the array
of Qnar Britain to Major Cbarlet Rob­
ert Owatkln. a plrture of whom to henreproduced from bto lateat phuieborn
• 0* gaaetled to tb*
glkllcih regiment of the Bengal naUve
Infantr) in lUt and aervad Ihreu^ r
flrai Afghan war ttoder General I’

' -

“Black Watch" I* called Th* Red
kla while that of tb* Prince** of WnlM
Torkabln ragtmant to eallad Tb* Green
Howard*’ Oaaeita and I* on* ot tb* b*at
of tba dlStoMt iwglmanUt paper*. Tb*
Journal of tb* gallant Gordon blgblaod*n ot Dargal Rldg* fam* to e*ll*d Tb*
Tiger and tb* Bpblu aad to *o named
beoaua* then li a Ug*r on the colora of
the Second battollM of tbi* raglmant
and a aMlns on tboa* af the Pint.
Th* Bprik of BblUelagb to th* algMHcant mi* of tb* Joarpal of tb*
Tw*nir-**>mth Innlakllllng fuslleen
and baa been pubUabed lagularlr
for over eight rrar*. But to «num*r*U
the different publlraUon* in which
Tommr Atkin* Mpatlaie* o
aeir and hto dredcwould take
deal of tlm* and apace. Hto esperlenc**
a* a Joumall*( give him a gmi deal of
Innocent amuafnipnl and form a unique
ill n*war>ap*rd<im. but are never
j to-bc token i > eeriouatr-

>al founder of the boeplial
by tb*
muon ahow* tbia dealgn.


me*, tb* (lag* theWB

a^y and how farocloualy tbia aame reglme-..t jf HIgblanden fought not 1
loe during
to the South AMcan war.
Dufe Ij
. *lno
. tb* battle of Hagenfonteln
r. Dura
tog this engagemaat only alk ofllean out of it aacaped death or wounds on tkd
Goa of the lunurtaa of clvUlwtlon t<
Whan the war to Bouib Africa Btdl'
which tb* froUcoom* Kaffir <lrl* to brok* out. Ibe Bagllah papera (aIrtT
South Africa lake with enlbuataai
revelad to caricature* of Com Pan] and
Jokes on the general effroniary of Ibd
Boar. Th* oonqueot of tb* burgh*#
her «-h*el for a morning spin. Wheel­
ing. of conns, I* not a common ptaeUce among the Cap* Colony black*, aa

- S I


a boapltol atalp
far the nuraing
of lb* Blok aad
.niiunded at tba
Capa. Ttato ablp waaa Iflti*d out under
tba panoaal auperetale I of tb* trln, a la^ staff of trained nureaa
a aecurad, and new the galUni ehlp
aataa. Tb* nuraa# on ihto Aoaiiiig b«-


Unenrof Beaforth htgblandar*. popularly known ae the Black Watch. Thcag
htotorte odon went through the bloody elruggl* at Waterloo, wen carried bT
tb* nglment through the Kaffir w»n of lM*-t and of IBI-t, aaw aervle*
throughout the Indlaa mutiny and have also been ffaunled vtctorioualy over UM
valley of the Nil* In Egypt. They have been pnaent at a numbar of tb* flar**
etrugglc* 0 ■


y-ii -t


Tb* btotorlc Villa HarlgoU on th* bay of l.«rlrl bae once more coni* Ini*
promlnane* on accouni of having been chosen aa the winter realdenee for the
Kmpna* Trederick of Germany. Thi* to onr of Ih* moat beautiful apote on th*
■ •
Bordlghen on the w**i to VI* Regg'n
( the Bit
Hagorl. k
came to reside with Mary Shelley In the spring of IIZl. Thr aca atilt waehee
to the terrace which (ronu the beach at Cbm Magori. the ground hoot of
which wae and atlU to a sort af boaibouw. It aa* on an upper floor t'lat th*
great EfiiUab poet and hto friendi ll.ved.
Th* accompanying lliuelrailon to
>ws Ibe plctureaque mldetic* where the Emwintry dayi of Ih* year seeking real and
change In aanny Italy.

A goodly number of the pounr Been
wtn be In a aad plight when tb* pmoM war la over. B'bU* they an Agbting
agalnat tba BriUeb troop* tbtor farm*
are ttecomlng ruined through lack of
attention. 4fost of the Been have had
to 1*1 tbtor cropa go to waaie aad to hto raglment. la hto youngor daya Ma­
aall what few cattle they ptwoeaaed In jor Gwaikln wa* a fce*n aportaman. ona
waa aet out In front of a newspaper of­
•rdrr to mak* provialon for tbetr wtraa
fice aom* time ago at Port ElUabeth.
a»d famlllaa wbUt they ww* ffghtlag.
■bewlng that yellow Joumallam to not
unknown in South Africa. This pla­
card announced In glaring type the Uet
of Jpuban’i death aven going ao (ar aa
to aUt* that tb* news of bow tbia ea-



teemed to be regarded as nothing aorg
than an upruarlouely funny Jokaaod tko
U'Odon pme brietled with gibaa at tb*
president of Che Transvaal and bto *ote
diere. Thr accompanying lIluatratMt
for inetance. ehowi one of tba BngIM
artiet Porreat'e. cartoon* of XrugMi
repreaenting him aa "Oorapty
ty." the august personage .who onaS
aat on a wait. Recent evanu bavd
•nmewhal dampened th* faeeUon*B»M
of thr Hriilehrr. bowevrr. and he had
come to hare a more respectful aititudd
toward Oom Paul and hto people. Thd
reaull to.that the llluetrated LondoB
weekliea now have fewer cartoone •#
the Boer prealdent.

from ibelr while moatera. however, and
One of the weirdest and most esa.
when they once 1e*r» to ride aeai
iraordinary little vases to exlrtenod
enjoy Ibe novel acnnatlon even ■
to one owned by a Boelon art collector.
than does the blaae white.
This queer little vas* to In thr shape «f •
.flgurehalf drag­
on and half fleh.
and some Idea
of Ite grotesqueness may be.
obtained from
tog lllusiratlon.
Thto ugly but
precious bU

Ona of the haadMmeot of the new M*
oes of Cuban postage stamp* u that
n* known aa tb* it centavo' otao
plctnre of wbicb la barewltb given.

to a dim
UDotly m*d*fB
on*, batog Both.
way li Mi ^ bm
bUadabad. (or tbaro an ttow »b«i tba aatdM
kay Bad* htmarif Ml* la ea^p and do** aol a«ad much •MewagamMt ta Sad
anaa*m*at (br bImaaH. Tk* aaoompanytM OlMmUaw, (mIim?—
telf eoM akatch by an odtoar la Africa, wtn gm a goad Mm af
fsamp rrer*. Her* tho-haafe* af tb* Blaauwtoaak Mn« bar* I
into a aart af Ooaay.4alaad. aad dariag ik* tin* th* Brittob

tk tadaad Kk* m wha ha** mvatad a fbw--------t Mka b*M aa th* dm
atriaoUaa *t chair fril*m The SaMn aka add t* tk* n-mmial at Ufa Br

I* kaa otoo* bean proyad. (or. a* Ik*
Uh knew to tbalr aorrew, tk*

a Valtoy RM**«oal oaoMy ha* daeldM to build a gnutto
' ~ (0*t btgb to th* moMry af Inrbe bafrtead»d wkH* aotUoiu
alML ttwHI

_ _ __ ____
_ t*am of vigdrona yonag Afrtsaa aebrua. Thto pair of royal a*bra* bae* raoMiUy bean placed on
asblMtloa In Ib* Ragnt'a park garden aad bar* attraetad a great
deal of attaatlea oa account of tbelr extreme siae aad paeuHir marktog. Tbau* aBlBMLto earn* mat tb* latartor of Abyaalala. aad boib aaam
to bo la good baaltb aad ntotta aftar tbalr ioag aea trip. U to claimed by aalBrnlkto tkat tk* day af tha a*bt* k fast paaolag away, aad tkat bafer* many
yuan tba nbra. or gwinu. aad Its aktar spaetos will b* aa exUnct animal
Tk* giw*4 af Onmi Atrtoaa aatUaru ho* bad mack ta do with thiA olae* tbou............ t tk* aal—k haw baaa Maagbtarad tor tbalr oktoo. wkleh oauM mat
tor a («w ahOHBgA Ika mult bn bm that tk* aarbat prto* af th*


iX ■

bicycle. Phllateltots acknowladgu
new atatop. bowevar. to ba a rwy
tracUv* CM. and R k bMug aa» ,
•ought aftar kg c«
coUaetofu. M an ak*
tk* gtompe tt
■ Msdl* factory ta thk o



iriatww lOiCORD. SPNOM.

«1, 1900 .


TNI IOUt.f tONa.


twpt* rm. It* W**k •*«hiab« «M
•i.4Mimi**i ar R«*. a. h. Oarta.
r>«ir.-««id aM.-Ma. It. I-W («)—rWT» t




wttt --“WNl. •* ecHw tt»T mMm m %'
iMtoli. tb* aoD of An
*’wldltr'a«a«aa aa haadarrOPM to Jadali ani J^nnakut dnrtoc *•

todfr HiiCTiwkfbo»»lwtotoabto
-------------- v
_____ _ Boto


abiarbto tb




•HgrtwoM all trad o
iMvad UectojCr CUy. fnm)y
Mloa et pmh*

Don’t Make a Noise
or You’ll Wake the Baby”

bad iw« ouBB. wboa* aaniaa w*ra aynbolk-aL ai* owa aan* alfatted •talthat taalah irboa » yraia of age ftaa
ptoM<d. by order of Uaoaaoeb. In a ttaa
a aauadar. laaUb's propbaey
*tbe tfib gooiiol.’’ Btopradk»•» eoaeofaJa* Cfartat troro narroloa* and aboatd be prtied and ealaod
and Cbrlatlaa Bat^atwiiaa
blfbly ^
Uapraktor* rtotoa Ualab
^ caUed of Ood to do a great work

Thot a'loving mother addressed her haabsnd as le boanced jojfnily into the
room with a great big bundle under fais arm, exdaiming.

«■ ** *
lH«kl.tonia bowtba'd ho.’nanboNied
aa Ui- wbldn kiltod at to' to* ito
an bow bin aa to' |na«r‘d& m arto
raara'irbody. w‘«towaU»_^ *to
ml «B 'to «yai
for UtBk He tob bto unwortblneoa.
_ B knowod to a miaat* boi Uod Bade bln worthy. He felt bto
1 aftor him, an be reacbod
rr-^ ba* Boaw.. ioo,ntok. a.


4bal,Ioogbt t'kUlya
vt kUU*k."t'tm 1 toa’i no ooward.
o'tkia yt>*
■aa *' be Batoad
wDoeKv- away an towea
I «pMUt M ^ U kl^oto for hy liny Dtral. m OBB talto to^ceowd aboat wh't torBaabaddid.
want*» to kwrad t‘b»tt‘nUy k«bn H
aa do B'a'
MHVflf •' UiMnMin toMto tuiUyof ad. *'>Nlga toflggarta
w 'It,'
•i mn. bMto ia loway. Bai. tbe»- woakto’t hare it, none at «U.
Wrtl. »raU. tkay’t »0’oowttto rr th’ko’tt don’t go. I
•• ’No. gBatB.’My*
turn ct th' takkto Hot. BOk Ukk kt b’Uem ia giria
a fair
■ mu
all uuu*

imu —
*17 hkiV'M t' te •' *■ BiNktiow T*ri. 1 gim it oat to'l 1 porpoM f git to’
•rat, bat 1 dOM it fair, aa giria bim
■9, as they moM all ba.
‘'Ir'kwbar cMfcBkl* inp’ttoi'ir,” U.' .iuD. .I«.w M v S»i.o.t.W. fim,

s fr-r

This elegant, pure wool bisck dress snit I got for.........$7.7S
This splendid suit of leeced nnderwesr for............... . .760
This nobby Newlsnd Hat for only.. ......................... gl.OO
These six stylish collars—ynst think of it—for only.......... 60o
And this heavy sweater, also, for only.............................. BOO
1 tell you right now. there's no place like


was caOed af Ood.


tbkll I keodr Tbe
.“oLf-TiJS Lid‘“5rX-”2:
___ from Ood.

Tbe Bilaakauiry nakt hare many qoabbrailoaa, bbt Iblaone abore all otbeta.
Uod baa to all agea caUad Ben to do
itle work, and today tie calls eacb one
of os as iDdlriduaie to do aoBetolng
to the great work of eraagelUtog toe
ICrery opportaaJty to giro to
ns. erery oc
t for Bto
y work. Is a rail fran Ood to aa.
t* e*.


Tnkn a lank at < nr window

U— tbn JTnw Bprlng Bats

kk kODtinaad afNr wdlma lartakwa!Inr of hot ooflM ita tb» wate od ttw ^
aaftod ptooa o< panoakr “J
m» to'l wai too' *noagb
•gastato o' «bai car'aa aotbm to' aee*
viU taha aa to' onaceennubto toia* and abakto aU cmr, aa ItoM ap to to'
iTcd will
With.• work. Ullllons ar* dying unuTcd
Cbeyemie Pike was maat
rwpel- If we do anything t
•Twenty pacaa, grata. ' rare-"'''
I back to Wyootog, to '«?»
Xit Wf* toeta. we man act promptly. {»
Ilaa o’ to' Sweetwater 'aritan*nt. yo ba. ‘Sfaaot an adraura a sbootto.
know. WoU, BO an ay two^antoiaa ye mdyl One, two, tk
erra eera'
*d bo'a Btoto oat yere to Oalltany V’Uow twas did, nobody
_ ^
gvbUa, aa waa data well
bat gacHTd. Brawaa'sgoodaabcaastbey
Marbe lb' Jedra Perbape no CbriMton work la so oniHt'o •oao’a to' mto oome along it waa ww in Wyoming, Mayb* lb* Jadga WilllDgly done
ray *i»togly dOD< and so aochratfully
Ssatokeo’ with oa. aaiM’t a lot o’ Mb- waa too; bat be was ao shaky__they
mlaalonary wort.
as miB
m fool Btoeia, aa otf wa goa t' to' be «‘d hardly bold bia gna. Anywaya.
look- « -tasM ■»! >» w. Ii i.
only tan
four ■,
'r Sm
Sve Ota.
fwaekwatar oaanBy. ala BiU Hiwtwoto ttw w« 0.1,
ew -ore ole'Ban tbrawa no 'is baa's Important work. It U our brat paying
M am an Bet>—Boa Baaktoa. be waf inra pore oie nan t^s n^»jM^_
And, Nrtbermora, Ood lotek
m’d got
_ yoangikl
yoangia* o’ a*, aa toookfal o' tb’
u cbeerfol wM-kers and given.
ilk Banr’o kTor aoy toy yoa erer eekB.
wbinT TbM
d boy tw« wWB. to
*0* waa, of ee«k a wbiB
b b^’k '•
te'B y<*« Btto-. taoea'a






) rbanee—to’ Jr^
jK totab open troobla.
m aboBt
ahnot Cbru’BM
ttow lb' lafl nv a lew an lays low, tb*
iraatber beto wnne cold an too many
ge^ roand Ibem parts, an ooensanito
*’ widder gives ti oat tb't abr lays t*
■0 o*w i‘ Omen Birr* an enjoy ’erraif
g lot—atoi was rever bredn ’boot 'aU
gr^ an no play.' Sev next day, off abe
m to' Jedge^ira Wilba graamr nased
Hannel driTto to' noel bam. Tbey'd
tat got acroat tb' Boato Pork an waa,
f—wanahle, qaitororaf'toble aa ban>y<
Vra. all of a soddint, Manael letaoM
• aereecb aa Jnmpa oat of to’ wagon,
Minin to'l InjM was oorato. BberIVB tredrs OBt OB ««a a cJoad o’ dBM


^ •“


Mr. Fred Behma of hiogham, Mich, after three temble
with no help from any aonree, ao oiw BeemiBg to ondgy.
gtautl hU oaw, eoMnltod

Tbs Oaly <hu



Brerv deim mede lor Dr. Cbera's
Ointment, w beerlUy endi^ by
cured owa end wo
who write most gratefully M ^
atly diagnoaed bia tare aa SPINAL IRRITATTON. Tbo
iertol ewretive propcrtice of
baartestomach and Vowel ayirptuiuB being reflex and caused by the imrcBcdy.
tiual nerve centers. He has eepeciallf reqaeet*
ray thst
thsi Or.
Dr. Cbese's Ointmeut 1* .'■ pai
pared fooctk ns of the spini
To eiy
It ehmlatr
ehmiutr ctre
cure for bliuA
biiuA. Itebiag.
itt^ag^ ^
Snow to poblish bis experience
r>lcedlng or protruding piles is but to;
a wonderful ebaaga to sy
;om up the tsi.icBrc of the score* of
jree yesrt My food woald aoi
beleblDg of gas for
“' >■“' “'f "■ There wss bad
iixmm. VasfaLr-hsnd ti'hitinc Bofislo. h-ufs St t time, mv suxnaeh Seemed llkut ttoo*. wKh
great dle'rrM. My heart
eery bad and t'
the) --------------■fi.ll sli ko-l^wu rLtediei to JTILtl!
leetle*en irMri. Before ufing ell o( ou< and no feeUeg Bueb In them by spells My aereet were very bad sad I eoald
i.aed eould notrasdortMtk
notresdortt’itk well. But this'll
this U sllebasgedaow.
sllebasr '
;aot(sttstlU or sleen.aed
. of_Dr. Chew’s
Cbese’s Oiuiment
Ointment I «•
I ebt ovury1
iirely cured, and cheer'
me uo dirtreas. My »?aeW la all right So Boeo numbn gWee
(be ointment to suy o • iufl«roK“wilh toing now sod’ it
let. for nsv o ! wae I bed es aav oui tiee* Of tirlichlDB. 1 feel like a new msu. I bave treated with a good many
Dr. Bnow.
OODid hbe au)I live.
is eadoraed b, ' He helped me wltfalt. a »ew days. I advise every one who o^* a d.eW to call
Dr. Chsee’i’oiotineut
'he best pbyiiclspi, aod has e record ol oa him. It is the be*t nv •«x. nt I eeev made.
nxn J. Bxnm
avpnrsl eicd iu the history of 1
IJr .Snow irakee a specialty of oil throaic-diet’ases, diseaaes of
toe. It IS spositive core lor pUe^nose snd tbifat
He '‘

- *“■ r,rta .“rjop

"ru^i^;';’rhre;’p*!::r"ur^±, ?Td!

July remtdy —Icb bM —- b... ttabtiiiK tanofr,-thm. bnd conbnmption.
so to fail to
b-aie of blfoA ilcbiug, btrediog
Mdiag pilra. Dr. A. W. Chase'
« ' Offloe la Hasllton ± MiUUreo Blork.
.. jt :'5o ccats ■ box.
’Or. A. W. ChsM UedMiae Cm
H. Y.



Enfoy the

Good Sleighing


Teeth Eitrected For 25c
C«m BtTMt Satrnnon. c

Farms For Sale
Near Traverse City


I have several 6ne new rijft—
26 nerw, 2 mile* from town, on Laos L*ke rond jost west of th»
both elngle and two gaated
Asylum farm, nicely locate^ with large Apple orchard, nmsU frame
large spring brook runs full length of front, mostly all cleared,
Beat outfits in tbe city
a fine location, price 11200.
Order by ’Phone No. S2.
40 acres 2^ miles from town, in Leelansu coun^. ^ mile went of
Carter’s mill, good frame house, cost flS'l to build, large spring brook,
about B acres into small froiU large asparagus bed, casnats, strawUvnryniKl Feed Stable* ben ies, grapes, 6ne locatioo for gardening, plenty of timber for wood,
“ about 35 acres cleared, proe $1650.
acres 2| miles west of town on county line rond rond, no
buildings, plenty of timber for wood, 50 fine peach trees in benring,
4D apple trees, a nice small farm for fruit and ^
30 acres, 3^ miles from town, in Leelansn county, srnstl fnms
i life likeness of the dsrk erene.
'house, mostly all cleared, nice spring otwator. good fruit and vegeYears afterward be placed It where
price $400.
tbe man saw It. lie nnie<l psW. tram.ffered • Urge
IGOscren, 11 miles south of town ia best farming country in tbo
Tbev are a* banaUra -as tbrir eonn- bM to every joint sod ufft
TW7 sTf «
---------_ ^
purebsse It. tbsi be migfai put
oounty, 60 aerVs cleared, plenty of timber, barn 40x60, stone bssraient
under tbe baa, good apple orobnrd, small frame hoose, good well,
ta tatata
being mohwted to tbe moMontof lb* drawing on tbe caura* of tbe soul s
wind mill, price $3500.
y all tbe
way parta Everywhere cuvllity, policeBO acres 4 miles west ofdown, 4 miles west of Lake Ann, smalt
frame bouee aod barn, 30 acres cleared, lota of timhsr on tbs place,
00 earth- Eternity .wlU reveal
price $500.
whether It baa
40 ecraa, 3 mUea north of Lake Ann. small frame bouse, leg
I but toe bar- hwo good o
abroad a great
bare, amall orohaid, 25 aerea cleared, a good home for a poor man.
gaining to Hadcira is *0 good buBurad
SplrH at CUrivt.
andean be made eo nmusiBg that toe
price $200.
And tbia la truth. U wbnl we wmnt:
obaageof rnstooito toU rera>Mt U tnto10 acres^ nfaie^ located near Femwoed. aU cleared and fra*
fe aunt tbe vUlMi uf 1 enlmer and
«r refrenUng.
Bffwinl simpler braoiy to tiunqulllra os to tbe
from'stnmps, a fine location for bnildi^ $1000.
There is one raaera that

oa tb’groand). an be Jamperat,
iHk an to a holy seooad him an that £
to cool toe
raaaBkbad tbea masB oat loora m M-rvrtin* ---•- All Madfdn crai do Borne of our excited Hfr. We want, tn
aboatd ‘era bittto tbe tnul nal
n t^Ko^ a TWT UmitS* critoe* tolFw* wrad*. tbe eplrti of tbe life at
gwtft fr Oxara Blvcr. 'Ocaone to' wid- ILHi*^[JrnJl
ChrlM. elmple. onturaL witb.powerto
*r ecraecbrd after 'em. bat. turn
gaoBilt-aoaawbaterra. W>. tbal torMl skunk didn't «*ra wave ’is bandl
•"Well, tb’
lb’ widder
widdn Bitu
Mta on w«**
tUs paving Mnras-ecDdWmds .
raritneoctoiMfVswbiMv *n

r*r raiiid toH toe Ara l prepou* f
Sffthran «■*< scalped ncvwwhst0m. to toe pllen oat o’ to’ wwan •>
■abto a i^k I' git nndw to’ hank an
SSTtravslBiVWwai* to’dne’olond.
ZmtM to'lBjton'd bnsMMhk^t'
giZn sMemn taMsd ef up. bat

^ E.^
Every Oalra Made far

w S.“ «“■•?* T“

Ef be hadn’t he’d’a’too'

flwkktwatM. to' Widder Back
Ood will aim honor and bleaa ns if
ki7> a boaidia boaee, aa we aU boaidt late that day.
'•••Boat sapper rise one «' tti’ boys »l« *Ullagly aiul proinpUy respood to
Vito 'er, an w* ltd U«b too. Bat, ai^.
*nt wMdar araa to' paitiort keOk craa- oomrarashtototab tb'Eagle Bfrd c'a- UU ralL
•bb ye nar aern. wo’u't aiorr’a t4 'r Bid'ble flnstrated. ’Wha' d’ye think.!
Tbit topic empbaslsea tbe lodtvMual
fg,uibadrocyoboetoMryrato't 'djaa* boysT says be, w'rn be kettoed 'is
*Tb' Wl
Widder Badt and that in oiisBoD wtyrk. It ta not
gN y'r towt k-Umapio—black'a any btrato. Tb'
iwe." but ’««>d me."
• i .di’iD'ada Well, toe
“O'ounrae to'gang thinks he's Josbto tbe leatlerjuf tbsi tbU phara of tnls____
w»j. •
an'ioKrta at 'im quite a lot Irat be siouary effort Is
Va'a't hardly one o’ 'em th't
’ Undbwd o’ to't ttoco,
ttock. Mirks f tb' sloiy. ’Yrssir.' be Mtya. the keynote of the meeting not what
vUd t'
do’ it
it all wi
WM tb’< •toty was tied ap an boar ago b’ Jedge iMlali. 1*001 Judson or Carey did for
toaa Jotot.
miioUons. but •'What am I doing, and
toey wa'n't none o’ ’eaa bobwbat. one Billiiiga It'eetraight’
"An so it was. Pore Ben wa’n’t etra wbst more can I doT
*ne *r *ootbra, wai dead cote be
Bible Ueaillnga.-Ut4i. xiL 1-5: 1 Bam.
goto t’ a'oood to’ianieoled Bark, wbito ■US. n'r ibey hadn't got 'im laid oat
b'fcce that aon <d A gun aa tb' wlddra ui. lu; laa. 111. *: Jonah lit. MO: Kab.
-Iw '-nwrlin
_ hiicbed duly
'cordto *'
f lav
law. O’
O' •l *1-..
*15: klalh
Math. will
*m.'31S3; Ksvlil, W. *JU;
—tt toty e*e» wai
lx. 4; Acts t l-b: rllL 2U-40: sill.
Bin. *twa* to’t MIDO Widder Bock,
•to'd take ap an Buile aweet *t er’ry gtve 'em ibm bonra f bare town, bat 1.3: grl. toll; Kota. *. 14. 15; 1 Cor. xt.
■ Ah; Bev. sxL IT.
^ man tb’t abowed ap. oatell abe had that didn't do no gnod.
*tai on to' atong good an hard. Tbe« bad tbe widder au.’er wad. an pore ole
Ben gits nothin bat a bang ap fuueral
Cowaitllce before an armed foe Is a
an sis feet o' dirt t' '
totab Ih’ trail almost unknown among our peo“All to’ ole
fiM maklB lore to ml Br'oitoape. we
rsrery w)(
gU b(«iM to ralr'late to't to'bloonim
this yarn: an. ray. I’ll bet they wa’n't UUrs fat* dratb In battle Is as magViddor U abo' kntoed a lot. an ivrkoaa
l^’a goto t' be anoie *]>liciu did to caw o' 'uB but what’s b'ea nwra't km nlflifot as that seen lu any age of tbe
learT o’ widderi snxe ibra. Tbey'ra world. Physical courage U lUiutrated
*at tone oampb'fiwe Chri«'mao—w’ea
Kbtyqaeersc«o'e..ito.tbraes^ aim by berolc detto. almost dally to
gU or a ■nddiitt. akng eunKo a lawyer
•aaun."—Ksebango, the vommoo walks of life, where peogbap haiUn fitm Aaii Lake an pnu ap fedka. BBlaieca
*» to’Hotel de Widder Boob; ibiBkliy
— ---- -_______
policemen or anybody who bappetu ta
1----- a bail Into' grit« tocanp, ’oobm
Skbopetoimatediate aa hegiua uakto
t’ to' laadlady. tor nutkto no
*t|)«itktia as auybotto knowed uf.
•'Tera's wbm Ben luakra a dead
VMBg play; f’r. 'nsiead of stirkin to 'U
qii.-«ilfn<< of uatloual polb-y. but they
■BBb. *e right off makraa jeatloas break
\ two, eaaato a row wi’ to’ widder,
frnokl.v ItM-ause of the tyranny of
aauuuL Tbra off fprs Bra aa MMLohinenmilsr TheraoiditTwith'
mob or toadying prera
{bra oat t' to' gore’nm'ut f r a aront— wh!T^tbU^ 5^“^ra7a^
tai I-Pin—fpM ,ie iniuttn few vsriooi CO- or'h-U intiT»-stc<l |v>lltlclau. wboee only
•boat that time tli’ D. P. toad was beto
BaUt, an tb
AgraselTcan limit
ag liftto arctiou ban's' hair an raob
Rke playful IrMlr tnrka Ho, 't 1 says.
off lit a buff an learea ih' ran•to t’ this yeif Salt Lstoe marcriek as
•>■■■' ••■tao. talprf
vblch o«
jpj^ 'iBTlf jedge' bbittiiab an pats
■B a bull lot o' bnggu »us an talks white kid. t
I by toe gromn, hot it is not neoeokeek ^lisb. Say. it jeat made no lick
—U abo' did—to’ way that ihw conple
waea We rare the ra>t.
bride. ” And
aoraed tootid. They wassrv’ral o'to' wern by toe
A rich IsoOlunl cruelly oppr»‘B«d a
whlbw. Her eon. tooo a little

Anollier Happy Patient!


“Wenat yon uniprinsd when I
“Jfs WhytoonMlher
^^Evrayhody alee wan*’ — I

There te s 1

r and the ChrisUOto
toararrar which wiB brat as tong as

Geo. Cams,



Fm Insurance.
U li. ii. Bidkttac.

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds A»dofiKtanie
Soappoor itok.
*£n Serb—»ill giTb JO*(0*aTil.

JA&Q. JOHNSON, talgbi.

9VUNT or l>«t wtu> NOM.


M »o Davm
W the M
ib« »« •! ito Olbr amnatlMaw* .
fu«l7 Mital b«tai Mw4 l« th* I
kMTjr bom H U tmrpt mtram tta dt«k.
.................................. 1 »*• |»tot.tai«
ikM tuM aad* fopd WMkkcr «B

» pM taw fiM> •>««•«
». ta—.
- w«*:


A BMAIcto VMlB T.n* «•« II rMto
I '
M •» H»U l».
I **1 Aai^B lu fcDu« b«w It ftri» tQ ito
held op." taid • K< utlemaB wko dov
a* tataw w.. m
Bccnpin B i^«moi> uf ptonlBMc* la to­
es] rBltroBd circUs. “I acijalrFd ny '
BXpertoate «• « pawuiRT IB a Rb(vfM sB tto
iS tto -srti
CBBvb Bbom >ls miles fn>a TiMutMOOB.
»«tar trip Im maeb m flfift,
Ow U>« »
A. T. IB 18M. We bad a blf toad, ala
Vs tMT •€ sKAtos tooW tome
BNB laalde. tw ob tbe driver's aeat
teaethw a aanb eaew, with irtdWhIm
ttal ihwWt itowl «• sals.
»liM«v .a M>
■ BBd an eaprsaa tBeascoci^’ ob tto- Iwol.
made tbe iMaia trip to Rew Tork, '
cnV<m |«>I b ws»*«A
Every tuau in tbe vswd bad a revolvloaklag food tioM and bavioff M tum­
.nd .M;
•r. tvo at Ibe Imtde passeuBers bad
ble. Oo Ibe Beat trip ap be oaitiad a
- rto « 1--’ pMMus mtoU sUto.
I f»M la at* raUtaM «tM»B*
tam alta* to
^ ptou-se toia SN w(M
^'lacbesters ai-riMS tbair bmea. aod
caaw ad old riesr msB. aoeh cd whiaa
' tbe a>eeaeii«ar bad aa b bore dork
avantbal bewai“aca aSald of lha
fUB (bat cootaiaed aearlj a qoart of
ikTlI bim-tif "
-Mta» tatototogi OW to B—tal
I alaca. We were beid u;> at about 4 la
Tkia eepM* «aa a great deal arena
. tbe aftenooB by a alncle aiat-ed coan.
thaa the laai. AU day did.tbay tatA
vlM rose suddoily frota behlad a pile
Md raaeb aboat tbapoiaA toaiiic oa OM
TUI tia* SI • sd oaU to.
taafc aJi that they bad galimd ea Om
of roi-ks and covered as vltb a 'sawed
pw is o« tows* sw IwkH tto talk
or abotsan. All tbe cortaias were
At eaa ttoa. aol ao noMta bat tha* pneloaa oaA oatll aboat A»k.
01 lUp. W— Ina si M
talacd. so there was a fair view of tbe
-Ms d.nw Hs^ to OtatM
latcttor. aad wbea tie yelled 'Baada
apr ewTbody obeyed.
*mteo be tuM as to fet out oae by
aagafed la tradlag oa the Badaga rtoar ,
aDcdMr bablad the Mtar <d tba ' aoh Bae the Power of I.
oaeaad ataad la a row. with our backs
bSwiiiu Kew York aad nrieoi peinti ^im till Moraiag.
over Mto'aeWtorta.
, to hUa. 1 oerer bated to do aayUlac
aatbartrar. ^ aaMOf tbaaa wma cm I, Aa
The tocUl sjwtem anwac the Uerea ao badly la lay life, bat I saw tbe otb.
Ibal wiU probal^ ha------- ‘
[ ' yawiaaaudabeeiiac
Mtbe awoaaKM
iwtaihlre thaa It la an CoUw and followed aolL About
adlar the othan are tegoUea. ________ . bar aadta
_ tbe ««. the taaia boon aad- ,a»of tbe *reater part of (be other that time a half *rowa boy. appamtly
jdaidycybid. Tbaeap^ ratatbeUl- phuiprtoe mcea. A cblef. or data coe- aaani>e<l. aMwand from Mlad the
B. li. bi.
U™ib. toUbw-r. .»! W .U.r., Bb l»lb.M Obt M« .r-b.1, Aft« U»1
.Id.-, tb—. b, ».j ™ .U lb. .re —re bblrere!
.bd lire cbkf
yid hajiwond.
baa dealr;*^ . wheo tbe abee* taaleoed It tml tbe ba^
district lo time of war. baadtt told tbe driver to so ahead.
Ovtata fttor Vaa Ooela^, had mod^ * <« tbe aafortanato maa ^ threw it Heahio baa the rlabt of life aad death | -Ae ^rat I koow. tbe tol.bera wen
•*>*r*^.*y* *•*!*“* •*!? “^S
orer bis aobJe«a Kor s few ' aerer cin«t.t but wbai especially la.wm toiabod As ww tadeid a tblag of of tbe river, while tbe erew stood pole
^ ^
arrived lu Jolo. t*sta preaaed me about tbe episode was tba
baaaty, bat tbe aaal a( bee cnana^iw | aad barer strickeD at tbe------------- -' Jokaaloe had «
0 to necHie one rrtncteoce of any of oar imrty to
Inltlailvc. I.waa certatnthe
certain tbe sUfbtsi
of bit foitewefs- Tbe .map liad beea tbe laltiailvc.
hUgbM tbe aarrlafa of tba. ryakorg wated. a^ tlw aloop wta aallM b^to mti^iated with dii.bc.v Ii^sIuc to (be ! eat nwlsiance wouW be successful, but
to (be Hadaeo and ae«wd to^t; “ ^ ,"" •<»* wiUMt InntaT d»moBlty.
be^nm** «o his ; I realised also that tbe man who made
igRi apoe bta wbieb followed
"ed bar
it was several laoeus beftae a man ,*i_r ■..a —uI
the amt more iisd so excellent chance
thaooaboBt bar fertef earasr.
| mid be foaad
to take
|.^ni v..l.-m{,li,to. I of beloa killed, and I suppom all tba
Oa Ibe day set for tbe lanaebiaf of , baanted
•1. for in
to tbe
pambkd away tbe oiouvr:
jotbers felt the aame way. Aaybow. It
thaakeg tba• oaptaia
' wns ben. tbare.
fin mer
' bapppaed exanly as 1 have narrated
sod faard- bet it WM ranKwed tbst lbs b«odle«
“Very well.'' Mid tbe data, "ftoe ^ tt Uorlof tbe year 1 llvetllo Ariaoaa
- laf afalast aDytUaf that nlfht oecar ' j^Mt of Oaptwla BlacAer coold bo eeea that It does ool bapi*-® aealn."
i there were Hcht or nlur bold upa oa
to asar tbe bMBly of l^s beloved mfk ,erKyiilghtstsiMlli.f on tbeqaartordeck,
Odcc more tbe malner •■auie. sayloc- tbe nair road, and Id bo iDsieDce was
Bebadkapt beraaiBBapndoaodsaefet. ifrasplag tbeilUarinbiipbantnabaDda
“Ob. emt simI ItcDi-vuh'Ot dsio. asBiD I there any rmiktaoce wliaterer. Tbat
iateadl^toproelalmi(M-be left ttael At last a mau come farwatd and of* hare 1 Kani'dcd away iby mocH-y. and ! taufbt me that a. crowd of arerafO
atoofcs, and bad provided a mafonai of fravd lo take tbe poslUoo. and thnagb Bfalo < bey ibee, In ihy ffTvat meny. lo men. icaxtoK Into a nx-ki>d AMfum
Aampafti* with wbieb to baptlae bee b«
' was a atrangor to rvsryUidy
forrive mrf"
will do just aiwut anytiiloB tbat la
MObs (tow to tbe embrace of bar bride- river bis offer was aocrptrd. for be
.“Tbls Is (be atroDd Hme 1 bive for- !on|Qteatrd.''-.New Ortoaos Tlnes-Dmffoon, bet onfartnoetolyfortbeeaptaiB aevmrd to anderstaad bia bosiofM tborfiren thee." nid Jokanlne. -bm ibe oerat.
Into bad decided tbat be was not to oar- oagbly. This aiu called bimself Kathird llroe. Ijvam ibev. tboo ebali die.'
noat bU plana, for by
dolph Stanirvani. He was a tall, dark,
tv] ‘ COMPANY DINNER8.Tvt agalo'ibr uofonunai
« sloop acanad
foom bar leatiaf plaoa tnyairrions sort of a persoo, with a soIbsar
turned wHboul the money be bad col­
aad alM Into tbe wato* before tbe ptep- taraiaeoasi of cotwleoance, and wm
«Wr Are DrvMeA br OAsts aaA
lected for (be dato.
arattaM won noaiplstod. seomiaf to tmihly profane in hii qweeb. Indeed.
. Make tbs Hestees Berveoa.
"Ob. dato." be cried, throwing bltiiaboOM a mtaaii, too, wbon btr aoble
WHtIng <vo "Making Coniiiatiy of
aHf at Ibe feet of bis chief. "I bare
waiBianrtrr wm directly ia (be way.
stnneii again and taken tby owoey! Ooesls." Edward Buk. In Tbr Ladles'
wd to tbe beoTor of tba bxsnaders be
Home JuuniaL considers "It a curtons
Mercy: klercyr
WM oaafbt betWMB tbe reasel and tba
fact tbat
“Cot him down." mM tbr dato to
atooka and crashed to death. He was
aet iMtoatly UlM. bat lived oaly k»f bllteUrererereire. . rere. b, N„
W.ib, v.«
> resistance and was cut to pircee Si. fretb-re »
•aoBfb lowbhgto to UanatA "Tbe York who wuald have shipped ia tos
maioffiy of tMMdr. Tbr bigliret i-omwltb
oaAoop—Martin Myokoap," thereby alf- ' Wyakotg for love or tuouey.
pUmeot we can poMlbty sliuw a guest
dves.-Uarpcr's Weekly.
aifyiaf btadealrv to have tbat name apTbe day which Captain S
at dinner Is to let bin partake of an
pitod to bw. aad M sbs WM duly otoia- appoin(«d4o sail froM Kew York wm
Oetnao AeeesisteA.
ordlnnrv m.-el. to let blni come quietly
(be I»tb of Srpicmber, mud to make
jj,, dweU- 'la and Iw one of tbe family.' yet tbls
MBtim worn, ir was w Friday. H wm
. j,,.
-• •
U (i»b Viib t^lrer rebi
Ito m
’i'm .'"rew
oae of Urere
iboao .btbmb
autumn d.,.
days rebre
when Ure
tbe .1.
iheivof ™
was ki
a carpel 1 bJ^frem
aeema full of ..«o.
vagne tbreolooiiv.
tbrvatotiiugi. wb™
wbtw j.,.., „ ,0, ,|„|„ «w,m
jb. —toll
.0010 «h«.
obHi ihM*
wb.i Ire .ooW relW. uireo ..
— O crefi tfaot lire ,1— foil, opoot. ood tire predrel .^in. . rtn, al lb. .loorlrett.
fire blla Ire reollj rbjoy. l«oM.
Bboi ^ a fod barbre lo. bla
^ 1., tb.- from door obd I -f.-l o breirea Ire re'freretol
■aajtei^ WM M booysnt Mao^ crafo Tbe loun^ about t^ wharf op^u.d la a smiling woman gm-ied and uctful. l. i tberv be years of exaad graceful m a twan apoo the water, tned to dissuade the captain fnun hla
| periHwv on ber shoulders vh nothing
^qaarterd^Jiketbe^ida^- purpoto. triliugbim of tbe expcTlcooe
motilngr Mid tbe caller. ^ can conocal from hc^ gueds (bat tbe
Cf-wv, Wood bigb above the main de^ ; of ber funner cummaiuler and urging m
Murkley. I presume."
dluaer which she l» serving Is other
aad ber ImmeaM mam boom exumdad , a rvaaoo, apart fmni oUi.-r coiwidcra..y^..
unu«uul ooe. li to a fonual af‘*'y«?*,**"
■'*<* *i** .“»>'•
-l am Mm retgallup. your rest door fair, and n« amount of gra.v .-si. make
At^^i^4to^,t^fhol tl«. mouth, which mmie 11 hb ^,hhor."
anything else .rf It. for not bins sp,wta
Bleitetook a aoafim liw Pmwbkeep. .tlc|ess Uiana«iMdetole«vrporlliisocb -ut,.,see you. Will von come Inr I so loudly or s.. unerrlncly »» a formal
ak iMV iigRewYmkfn tbe rfOinKM srcMlM the Wyakoop: but thec.p.
, biilere I will step la for !compau* dinner. Kver, course show-,
aad OQDilnolag ante way Uij nigbt. tain lambed at tbeir< and swore ,
while "
I tt: ev.-rv uiovcuent of the waltr.-s. tu'obe anebteed behiiKl CV«iiK«t! with tortibie, blood oardiiiig oaths tbat
„ ail lorn up. of ■ ctolms i;; every pl.w of ,-l.lua fairly
«A M« am, w fM ••


rraiiniOBy Kaiftaa.



u ao TTr*_______________

Mffij s.”sstS!r!&rt=aBt






, Isud of Hook moBDtain that night or bo
{hi tbe oaptaia w
, would laud b<T in hades. And a
ad by the steady clai^' clink, clank-started on hitioyi _
«dtbewindlaw.asifaQmeatM>wen)gs«-| Old river i»eu sav that never before
Mag Ibe BW-hcr. Angry and aiuaaed at within tbe aioniurycf tbe oldest uf tis-m
ibis apparent brraob uf disclpliae, be bad such a tearful night vislKv) ibe
agrang frmn his bunk and ran
dwk. Hadaia
river as
ton cm
as that
that mcmurable
memuraDJe Ikib
to tod tb. crew coming irft in. imdy. [of Beptember. Tito upboaud Ibwl
•'What U (be atoauing rf this—ma-■ 'ohored
'chored at nightfoil
nightfoH b.-biud
b-hmd tbe ahelterttoyf" be roared. Aud be backed ap lag btlli uiur Kywk. and tbe ctewa of
•galnai the poop bulkbiMl, deiemlBfd the differeut vesscla asaambW on deck
to tfbl 10 Ure Iret
' to re.rel. lire Wf..koop re
■■»o,.l..'»«lnrerf.fretare.'lrre.Mre.imi,.d lire- ih. i™.p».
hte teeth ebatirrihg M be spoke, while (nous Tap^ Zee. Might cams oa. and
> sffx
aiUl in
u. tto .US7
w..totoMvto sto errjA
alimg amid the buffiHii<K wind and
"tibcMar’ rqwatod
the oaptaia u-^waVM.
Tto thunder
_ mrerenV’
. to.lire
. ...ruarrd
. L itrevr. rere.rre
klw "Wbal An
' ^----- . _J. .....rerere .tore
re...l rereto..^ref
I .«

"Why. sir, we• bavrd
tuerd tto
(to wludlam record fmm tto mdM rf's
re...,lre -to., rererelrere
»!._ _tf._-1.______ —1_____ J .to*______ _
goin like MOto no was gettin
tb< auclKW, R
um aud iksdc
aad wh-u vfe runs on deck to ace wbal gramhlmg sway-.rere—.re, .rere.-re——.
tto sailer was Ibnv was nubody Hm'TV, tbe otbet aide uf tto river, while (be
and ttowindlaMbadn't been toactod." livid iigbUimg s-wr and anoo played ,b™i Ure
Uto, re .Ire n Jrf
this lime aud mwlbatto unstdo
mnstdoaPMS- wearily ou. The uiglft woreoii, and tto
; waictori (fn w weary at their peats, hat
tto il-hr. M^wrd Ito Wynioop
that WM smtto v(^a an»Dd tto point now oa pot aud uowuu siarboaitH«>k.feeavingsbon. aud ibesiVhidcaroeaonMi 'yedtovtw nnuv-f (to beadJaiid.
me water. It wm um aboard of an Go
iust at aidaight (tore cam* a Osab
bMow and tom In, and I’ll Iraik oat ftr cd Itgbtniug wbwb ilinuiinaied (to
-retto vmmL " The Bhn. sis-ing (bat tto toavrns like tto noaoday ana. and at'

| -.vnd of <-ourse no one at the table
"Now. dou't you atKdogise. Mni i really enjoys it. 'Hie guest (-eiraluly
Murkley. t know all almm (his thing dofw not. beinnsr br knows be Is being
of moving."
j made comiiany «>f. ami that feeling Is
"H'e sn awful job. Isn't ItV
almaya cnongh to offset every i-njoy“Tetrlldc. I sometimes tell Mr. Per- r meot. "Hie host.-ss dues not. for she
ira«. s s.-ii ..r hasn'i the ihue
St ani W
. n« ..................'
l>nd as a Brr. Well,

- p.^i5g-yB£ a±Taf.ti;

nnrm umenuTSM. ott

5 w. \ssRSsa“


1 want to let tba people who aster
from rbeematlim aaa rAatlaa haowiDn:
tbat ObaaibarUta's PaU Balm raltavod laWW r
we aftor a nsmber of other vedlalDMl'=~;r~
. 'AMCT. psyto^ m4
sed a doctor bsd failed. Itiaibe bMt J.
llalwMl 1 have ever known of —J. A , ase. M^taTMStm^'ito.'^.'Kena^e'sBMw
Alnharella. Oa.
9*«w»*< rsWtaees. Wo. Tl«
. .. Alphai.
__ ThooMiids‘
___________ _______________________________________
have been cared of rbeumatism by this na a 3. wan-VMmwtmmnfat^ at
remedy. -Oae appIlea'IOB relieves tbe,
ttartaa-s awm Tr^iisssss. sr sl»
MiB. KoTMl.byS B. WAiaadF.^
aa» ms* ,
pcoTra'metaoSi' C^sraint
— Trt»Msml(s.l

0 €Bra U Inppt m 14 iMrt.
.Vo retnedr equals WaSKES'b WuiTk.
;NE OP TAB SVBL'P for tbls torri- and fatal dleeaM. If tAkea tbop,!bly and In time. It will cure a cbm
. b4 hours, aad fo“ (be oougb tbat lol■V Im Grippe I', oover (idls to give
lloL Prioe. Me and fiOe.

Votiae to Tsxssyera.


rweive M>4 sses BDUlPeb 1st MOO ss every
tbs SHt wars Say (ram SoWsek w lias s'rloek A «.
tor sellseUee sslU
_____ iS atirr Jssaart tw
EK.'iK.IJSiEa- M

John R. Santo,
Guiril lisirinc.
Wsesas-a atosk



Traverse City, Jan. 21tli
I will htw» a carload of of boraaa In

.A.'t *R3?ocLli.aeezi ’s'BaxTO.
If yoa lik« to aeo nice horaea, come and aee them.
Ttoie will be the nioeat load you have aaen tor a loBff
time In this city.
These honea will wef^h from 1800 to 1800 pounda
apiece. They were raised in Noble county, in the
northern part of Indiana.


thought I'll drop Id and gel ac<|iM|mcd.
ciiprul of <-nfferr
^ ' Z*

Buslas Barnes Lmi nts Woaer.
Miss Knmia Eames has a brother.
Harold, who waa an ensign In the
t'Diiiil Slates navy. Ills ship was atatkmed at I.egliom. ami one .lay tto
flsgshl|i i-ntereil tbe harl»r wIili Ibe
ffeei rommauder on lH>ard. Tbe latter
ami ocuer exiruemv msiieis srv. iie was Very dlgnined sod was oever
pihrr will, water, the ehi. r elemelit. known in lose hla .self cnnirol. One
^ (lulp fruitA .r,,„
h. aa.lmlla“ I’mp irons.
day the romnisoder was In swimming,
hie aiifl is a foist, l-'rults wlih-li con­
and young Karnes made ■ friendly watsin
ii ..
tain most ..r
of It.
as (.siuosto
liaiMiiaA .im...
itnles sr.ri
and —---------- ------------------- --------- — rn»u !
* Vidlow ofllcer lUai be wonid
-re. .i-.... re.H.hi.,. ,
eenloFs entisalmlly. lo
to ,7„ . ,
ire.-.! p«l.»,re.too,, TO,
aos-pu-d. awl
and a motncoi
motneot al
____ '.a ...........
ger was acs-jiU-d.
dlp-siil'le. IVlih iheec niid l•lher rare ward hhiiiics was In tbe watrr swim­
excci'tlena Imwcver. fruits, lu Ihcuploming tciarard his superlur officer. BudI- nuirttivr
denty be paused, sud. stopping bis
aihi (TiDDol to conslilcred as food*.
powerful overhsod stroke, to^n tread­

Their *Juices, which please us t.y ibeir
ing water. Then be ealuti-d predaely
smell wr acidliy. are condlmems rather
as If to bad l>eeD on a ipuirter deck.
than fooda_________________
*ro tbe young man'a IntcDse aarprtse
eqAaln wm not frigbimed. wmt below tto same instant tbe thander boomed as
wa*> H* Taravd Jmp.
tbe coromanJi-r returned the Mlnte
. iMTing him (* iJeck aleoa. if ibe universe had split in twain. In
A tumorous touch in i-oun.i-tloo wHU ] with e<|ual grnvlfy. .Mr. Kamiw loat
ecarm-ly bad Ibey gi« inin ibe faenoaa- that blinding flash of itoyMWtto Lafi-adlo ili-am's aaiuraliunou na a bis wager.-Kalnrday EvenlOf INiat.
tie when (tore broke on ttoir ears tba Wyukoop standing out bold and cImt Jaiwo.w was tbe n.duiilua of his pruaoanduf (to chain ratUing aad suAppiiig against tto dark backgrufud of (to eaat- fewriuual Mlary from ISO to 50 yen a
as il paid out Ummgb tto hawse pipy, eru shore, and outUnKlfoll loibrirgaM mubili. As a fon-lgm-r be dn-w o lir­
as if the whole oabJe were ooiuiug out wm tto form of Uaplaio Blnwtevaut gi-r saUry ibao the native U»«miiH>fa. from the ships are far from beantIfuL
ef tbe chain lockar.
atandlqt w tto quarter deck, bis towl but at tto dinner in ceipbraiinn of bit. To be classed as rongb (toy mnrf to
Up aurted all bands again, and tto thrown back and bis olinobed fist ag- change of nationality tbe president vf - Just as (hey were wton taken from Ito
attain twD awiftly forward to flitii that tendwl apward toward the sky as ifreto tto onlversity row and olmerved that ' tortoises' tocka II Is not until srasbed
Kkbing bad faaso distarbed aud tto were defyiug ttopuwenof heaven. Tto BowiliaiProrcasnH*ambadtocome andscoarvdwltbacl4atbat,itolrexTaawl swung to ber moortugsJoWM sto air seemed lo glow with a bluish lami. one of them tto last Insidious distloc- qolslle coloring sbowa Tbe Mate ia
bad wheu'ihcy annbored tor. There wm noaity, and a strong odor of brimWooe tloo wotiM to rvreioved by cutting down true of tto licaotlful aeastolls whlA
aie mote Bleep fur Ito crew of tto Wyn- greMedttonastrilBof tbeamaa<dwatc4i. bla walary. And tto Amerk-an bom come here from tbe sbores of India aad
tonp tIM nlgto fw BO sotam did tbqr arm while a wild aad (brilli^
mg ahriek
almk pra
professor tried to lo k aa though to eo- other traplral lands. Tbere Is all
' laave tto dick thaa tto anebor wmbi
dmg load joy.'ed It.
as emeb difference between fbem in
tto rongb and wbea flnlsbed as tbere
I■ee■llar Maal.
Is between nnent dtamonds-uBd
dIamonds-nBd tboM
»e flirt
Wtonatl«to^flartHrfllgbtBingcam^ !
r, i. . .7, in, ,fTr.;.____ _
-VMtto (he tl.sip badvaaistod. and never to .
P^*™*’®* thnt have psMed tbroogb a lapIdarT's
a statsI liiisday
Lools Globe-DeBwcrat.
ha> a wsrigeof i-ittor VMMlar
. i-re—
g on mnuny. bat crew been setw.
flowetw contain a laige proportion of
Mlbayeoaldort Inave tto vasoel till . No one knew wtore Captain Stnrde- «nwi«Agh>oas Jnke of a glossy
obs arrived la ptwi may g« tba aastaar vant aad his ciev cmm fitan, bat ii to- alahllke :
Tommy-Pop. wtot la tbr a
nuMs a BsUeT of grave diacBMka one tto jDlee for dyelBg rtolr hair nod
■ aattaory of ........................
.. U» r»«»I-Jre "rTf"'
"• Tommy's Faitor-Aaytblag tbat de» tbe Wyo- loo
being tbat ibrj mc*s aceau oftto *“•'*
blacking abors.
aeeods from father to aoa.
fcoog M Iba atormIcM of their Uvea fool Send.
-------------------------Tommy-Tton yoa old ctottoa that
Ybrae tlasM did (be oaptaia anaMpt to
it u rtmenUy i> lieved oa tto river '
aarfeat dlcdooary and ma makes over for ae are hereditary,
-eraathar tbe toadland at tto base of ibrt oa every llibof tomiMuberagboet- B*^>*u*T <■ (S'
ia of tto Cbli
ain’t jbeyT-FbltodelphlB Becord.
~ *
.only to to blown to toe...........................................
ly craft emvelopcda in
a aml«
t< cdblniMi
Mx)*■ <■'**•<>(•iofflfoa
1o«<vibof of PatoaUM ocroM
This lltrt------------------------------known'gloaMry
ud by tto gale and swept aruoad Ibe flame may to seen toaUng
ocroas tbe eotAb*.
«»**>»'•------------,_.t al
SI midnigbt
midnight ^
afas ««|rtW
A of tbs aUS. Tto Hoop acted aa tf Tqffma Zm and tbat
w®|dW ««« »*»aB 1/300 years befora
Jlntato-Dortor. I am getting too
rwere poMsMad M aone diatr““- -------------- -- --------/-a..-.
tb tto waien rf tba .Chrtat.
stout fa comfort, and I Want your aflirit, te wtarti nBBlm ktoag otoM Hadsno, wbilea biood ofailliirt rtirisb i -■
narry la tbr worM •
Doctor-Kotblag reduces Bash hka.
Itaw- wakM ue oebaea of tto toadland.—
^ Uttlr Maad ef Kaxos i
tola Gbarha F.__Kato. D. B R. C &, ta s!zJ“
wary ^rod two bom a flay tblakOreacB.
barton abawoaldg»A»(»(»«Fda»)r Shat terita.
im Bf tba aopalfl «a y«o owt at.

rrsnrxas casus

aaiow la a Uta ad tba Myte a>^ atf■




Sldtvmlk Lumba Id dU iIdm.

SaooDMors to Tf«T*r-« City Lomb-r Co,

Arrived Saturday noon from
Chicago with a

Carload Fine Horses
Those coatemplatisg bajing will
do well to see them before fmrebasiflg.






mun maua.

.roiu SKU8H iBSiDiin.

• Vat* «r T*rtiw w ■


ih« iMm «-mb iMa IM
^ TKk


IMay tka Oak Iataa4 Traaaarv
Oaapaay haa a Haai of iva-tiaUm.
rn>nm atna »oaiiw. om kotottaa a»*




* >

ll u

la lore: and
at Mr Walter
8ma ami 8lr WtOlam Portwa. who
ttok papella* that
I marrM the woaaa the poet aad
mad ro*™. *r .*
from H to tbla pttee cao
fMrlaia aaaa^ aapa Anatora The w- ararrelr be later thaa that data, aaya
ataocer adored.
IUa»ra uaa
kar WMt 10 two diiria. kimw. aa the
WUUaafta'a ebltdmi were att bow*
4aj gaac aad the sifht gut. Sercml
Prom the ahape oT the porttoa
Bat«m hUrthaa a ^ erer. atlD ttalta yosag wbee the call
ahafu hare beea task aa4 a eat|,
.....hi,, i
tlagatohad |AlkiaophleBl wrtter. aad came for ber to paaa
from tbrir ctlogfctdam baa been btdH at tolib a Core ' ^
rematiw of a laner baDdlu.
^ mm time ao aMhltect aod the 1st anna to the eaatody of a hlgber
te ^t off the tide. It to thto ateftnti
,rhicb parts ftire twea ptflad dowa dMltaar of Mr. KlpUnra AmetlraB lore. She died oa Dee. S. 18M»; asd
that baa eoaataatlr brcdcea the pfwg- aa U feO late dlarchalr. 8aA frag'
at Brattleboro. wrttca la the from that dat. ao far as oodetj aod
M of the work. The aupertateadeoi
bon^ ,n eooMsa about
Oeatarr of •'Bodratd KlpUof, the oater worW were coocMwad. Sir
.. rbtoobauele
-j win aooB
FtMhes may be asM to bare
haUeora that
be bei^.
,berk‘y oan of tb^ at •«>
Racial Isatioct'
-------------------------------------------------------4aita aarstocaUd aad then Ike way to ^y owa gata, whieb to ao aid that It
The aecret of bto atreagth ilea la the <4ied with ber. Be retired Isto tbe
ftcaUb wlU be dear. The last ooe of had to be atrane^ wo .la 1«1A aa la
U>*l be expteaaea tbe force of tbe moat eoaipiete aedualoa. aulstalultu
taffortaM waa aaaartbed la .Soretn ptvred by tbe •toartoee" 1st lato tbe deeper-lying bnmts Isstlacts aa tbay tbe beart.atrickts alleocc of a grief
Prom a depth of aUteen „alL wbmat tbt faces
tbst “*» dlmolsted by tbe demsads of too deep for words, aod scaredy seeM tbe aagart btaagbl op a wh amp
wrotubi iraa. I aiitnnai thsi »odera Ufa Re bkto oa Uatae to log area hia own aearcat relaUrea.
•1? R***”"**-,
MMP. "wa«t»d ,ti iscM dwelUnga to the Itaaea of tbe »•*«“ “ goldlsg rdeen which tdl o« He waa aataraQy s nwerred aad aenwas yttba of SB l^ to l^b s^ ptoaugeneia aad the Tudors were tbr
R** oxiwrteoce of our bamsa aa- dtlre man. as Sir Walter Scott bhnMe half an M to width sad bore tbe nomea of rMiaaa who owaad nr eestors. aad of that Has of Uetog odf deaeifbad him to tbe lattodurtloo
la^t^ r. B.
^ ^
•!««* the Um ef booua to the ensto of ■'Uarmlon.’' which he
aerna of toad. Or. poaaibly, they were
»»• deaceoded. He wans at dedicated to Sir WlUtoa Fortws'
yoi^f oa tW gM lltile
fs^lwnmalw with
laftlBett must act bs bfotbeMa-tow, Jamea Bkaae of BubT
tks hddtog. That tnw
Wnars «»«cbed by tbs nttiSetollty of what fttaw. ^Making of tbslr snrty com.
^****!.*1.”** weieeammoasosariyaslBaOwetsan *e la oar jrrtde call our awden cItH. psnl^ ba adds:
from Tbomae TaaseYe rhymea. for be
that they must be modified to “Aad oae wbooe aaae I may aot say:
-are aboat
aboat aoo
9D0 nereb
amh la
i> aJL
.ii ewaad
...ed by
orer^Mfiifw at *»*«»alae with tbe complex eanroa- For aot MlBMoa's tecMler trot
Ibrae men. Maglnnia. MIera and But- Mleherimaa ae a familiar thing.
rmtber ttana Shrtaki sooner from tbe loocb then
•“ ’*•'
At MIebarimst IlgbOy naw
now farmer'
*fit® subjection by aa coofident
The Draioa booar «• It la TfTT u-

Thera la so
example at ^
pefmMau power aad the baaefft at(acta at tniata am the aatlaa thaa to
Mw ginm bjr (be o
wlD4ow.ctoaa ladaoRT.
the wlndaw.ctoaa
abowa store ricariy the aeecaalty for
»l««Mtaia letcal ateaaa to pieeest com*
blaaHosa of capital from perpetraUne
atrnUar wrong*. Thto
graapl^ isoa<pelr haa apokea the won] aad all the
wtndow-ttoae factMtea la the eoaatrr.
with the exrepHoo of the cooperattre
eoareroa. were abet down reaterdaj.
which are--------,—
excepted lepreSMit
--------------------------------about ose-tratb of tba output la tbt
rslted Stales, and they are to be permitted to opetatr only until tbe last
week la Jane. Thus, for sordid gda.
17.000 akilted aad other workmen, not
tododlag tboae formerly Is todspead*
cat fsetorlea. are thrown ontotwptormest. wltboui anbablr a tbongbt
gireo aa to wbKberthey aurre or aoL
Two tblaga the Wtodow-Otosa tnst
has done to rlotoilon of the beot baata«w mtereeta of the coaulry add tba
welfare of tbe people, li bse criish..
^ healthy eompeUtloa and tbreatn*
ed at toast OOCOO men. women nnd
children »-Uh aiamUos.
dimcult for the mist to do this. No-


aitoSio^rTxi^’«isl"taS 5SI STdirn.*£ nw'T iStog 5!^^ ^^S*of wSw gtaw umlT^^

to teU ^ about the search, gracrnlly , giT«a.
against tbe repression of tbeaa lato^ol aboat tbe outcome, but arrer ’ lukm Auanat *a tost natn Mlflmetmit «*“«•« torcea arlthto ns-forcet
which Use dignity glren them by tbs
rery fart that they apeak of tbe.exra^
P«* Good farm and well etoiod. good boos
of tbe ages-by tbe eery fact
4bs abandoi^ pHa. Ibe boiler bouse | m, .od dry.
tbaidAey hare been Impreaaed upon
•wwast Too Good com and good dairy, good mar- “• »>r ntiure to ber airngglea toward
«l^ tbe nim^ of the bea^ ma
ket aad olgfc;
tbe higher life. Of tbeae faults we
cblM^. you wm sae tbe workmen Good afaephenl. good tUlmaa. good «“ «PMk but Ugblly 1here, if at
baidlag away loads of aartb aad rw-k
times be deals i
d good GUI,
nad to will probably impreas yon as *u
.nd and baawlfe their cor- «nost bmtalUtoo. eren than bl. themes
ovotyday. busy arena aacb na you
fera to fill.
natnre’a demand tliai Ibe egwontd expect to cocoaoier at a coal or
So, ion lb. ™..UT-b. f.nbn I.
« "■»' *.11 »« b.
iron mlae. There are ootblng psrtlcn- Boffolk and at Bast Dereham In Nor* *<*' ^
pb' effona to eatabltoh
^ romantic aboni li folk-oeem to base boea ao lonely as
aundarda of lift
-frsft'tbe oaralde.
might be Imagined, fw be talfti of
are led to ask onraelres
Bat to"wi
vben Jr“oe^!r
*• Mrket aad of Ibe rtoiia
‘‘•Me qnallttoo In bto work.
dewa ia that pit. probably kOO feel be- < of rJupmen or denlers indeed. I he which lake ao strong a bold npon nt
too wbeeeyen stand, they are deirtog tlefi^Kt tL
^f •*»
» kl»d thaVSittoe bim to masAigbt and day. mla or shlaa. for a east the popnlailon to
haa t^en
Atker genenUona as be maatem

that tbs fneadahlp betweea him and
Wolter Scott had ooi been sff.>ciedall by ^ir early riralb, When Ibc
gnwt ftnaoctol miefonune fell on
M-ott which droee htoi to tbe heroic.
craaetoaa toll that undermined lieSItb
««■ ^
»f»k »■••»«*‘>*0 targ^ losers by
the dtoaater. came foiward at on.,with moat generona offm of help I
way Mwti wrUea thu. ^ tlK-e
efforta lo lighten bto beary bnrden:
'Inr Wim..b bM, ™Urf .lib Ml
offers of
t“'ble felloa a- erer. and irui
friend, la wbat aceoeo hare Mr Will
Urn and 1 aot teme ahm t^iher“ >■ fs'M onr planets abonU enw*
tl«ogh. and .hat at Ibe period, mos.
tolereatlng to me. Down. down, a


ft !• a «Ma bwaft
tka 4
la aM« Traoa ^

^ jq nuikina ii unprofllable for lodes to conttoue business.
x„t. the field being dear, tbe manhas gone foHh to restrict piodoc.^d by the mere exercUe of arblirsry will the fires are put out from
under the oeena of Its own factorica
, <„her em,,
r. and
and frugal
frugal wort
g^pAred for an to.leflolte period^
. waae- of tbe niMoa to


John F. On.&Cb.
Irimu Clt| lininr Cl
Trirarsi Citif, • - fliskipi


EnamelingBeat to be bad ia
the citj ia at <


,i,,„ i„,i, ,hi, KfartlcM.
iBrfirron>nr, tn .-h.ih.F
obriber h>
•>* 6rr aamplM tn window.
Iteee or starrea. to done“■in tbe name
of buKlnesK. to add more wealth to al­
ready large capUet! Surely there
Krei. wn.
Uwa. «buni
amid u.>
hit \.b>Ma,uii
cmablng i
V.,.,...-. BBw, ■ ronuiry waa aimsst aa tnicKlr imnn»««. uu<;
buaur uy «uc wun
mat be »nn«>
aoroe b.Ml
toga] r»niMl*
remedy, ■nan
1- awoYlssged pi* 1 toted tn tbe times of tbe Hanrys aa to ‘P^sks for the Ideoto which are scarro leiy. .he etolon of Wllllaratos bad eri- f,*B, the repeal of ibe tariff towt for
gates, then you mb your eyes and woo ^ |a to^y. The atos and number of tbe fonned within the men of bis time, denlly rtoen up before him la sll Ha
____ amlng.
ArriTal SM aapMWra *1 Mas M Tvovmos
pewrUe ihai the bomMe aaller. who tries to tbe e
to tbelr deaceodaota. To tbe falinre GU after tbe aian who bad won her
CUr. to etoW Dssawtor mk. tBi.
«n bto desiblM>d dlrnlged tbe Oak tolto aailsfy aneb kmgtnga of after-gen- from him waa laid beside her In .be
and ebart aod tbe story of .be buried
enilona moat be ascribed tbe fart grare tlm. be had a«Tetly paid one or
trstsnrr. was a moralist, aad did be
Z .iT.ulg-Ti^
____________________ fhal many wri.era of tbe past whose P-’olfa moat preaalng debts for a^rs.*
>»» isasMSHaaiB*
bSTe a pre«-ep. to Ineuieale on man's which baa prored a hnge sncceaa." praise* tiaee been upon erery Up dnr- auonot on. of bto own prirate neana.
Bnager for the ImpoaBlbUtoy
Bild a bright yonng woman of tbla t&f tbclr lleea baee failed to tofioeneo and carefolly concealed the generous


city. To begin with. I pasted seeeral •
s*e. The htafory of Anglo- action from hlm.-Ceqtnry.
Vb* -Lei
flUed wlih
a of prominent .
On a n-<a>ut date. Mr*. Marga­
aaaaataasaaa = =aa Btaat
*f- polltlrtana. wrl.em, acton, and ao on. “»•« at thnae who haee thus appeal.
'■ The.r-------ret Aune N'erc of Itouge lluto. Oni*ni«re^^ did not folly realtor what m a large scrapbook. Tbe photograpba
t« »or own time, but hare lost their
“••»>■ dlrtldfc*..tohed men liaae heel, iieyi gare a mepiliin at ber house to
a work be was .ind.-riaklng when be were all fi.U face and Ibe anbjeci* all k»W
rwra hare passed. Shake*- “’‘■“r arflrieni Id the senee of nmel.- <-elebra.e Iter lUTtli birthday and ber
suried a paiwr and a eoci^y whoa.- amonth aliaren. Then I took a bmah peare. whoae name we think the ‘® ‘kr .world of ll.cnn.tre. wUcpemrance Into her lue.b yeargays tbs
s««l palmed lo one-half of a imntach- greatest tipnn «• psgea. wg* one who “‘^1 bare to-n e*|Hs i..d Ilia. ..
Pall Mall Csai-tie. Tbe town cunm-II
—IMt U to say, ). !■ (imible (bat lu wHb Palue'a gray water eolor. on eneb mored bl* own geDenrioD deeply, and praewtion of tmnric woiihl i-oi-xlat
Jura.a. .......... .
of the staff ana
^lU of a pre.iy full Ufrof praetlcal face, usually aejcilng .be .badow eld-. »bo more* otire «too, to all that re. s sense of rbytl.n. to tonEOsge. .hU .to- al>ou. 2fs> of .be icadlUK residents al“rbr irMy matched "the phol’^phlc totea to the fundam^.al qualliira of AHeocy to esi-s-lall.r noticeable Ms.,j
tlm-exartly. and tbe wort, looks sur
b.tman nature; and a. i1h- Mine time
literary men bare been i.r--- -•
dci-oraied witb chube flnwera sent
aar 0T people and -entetTirtoes that prisingly
Kwlft caP-d m.iblng for
natoral. A*
A*aa ftulsblng
loocb he robed aemlm-nts which are our eafrom all |>an.- uf tbe country, with
i. *r tmnx they need, a band I
heritage to-day. tbo.nrh -lobM^oo was
1 glned epaper flaiw o»er theI"1*
-kind wislic* and CiiKEni.lltalllilK
cohEraiutotiiuK "
than aara t.,. (L,...,,
loe picioies
s-I^ rii a.
T “T*'"- Tbe flaps could be raised from tbe they weie bnt Ideal* and bop.e In the ^ • A/- fr-'m tbe dntu.r*. One old tody of BT.

“■.. .a
like doors,
doors. eke to which he ssug.
Ii said,
' to
fw' ir.iar. ‘f
7 »•« to
r bottom and weie dlrtde.1 »ke
praise of a musical perform
eockburn, had uearlv a
afiksfisnsssia .saa
pf. lUICs offle* to Ibe Ticinity of nli *» as to rereal half of Ihr face at a
"f aw auilu.r'* work we
«b«l « wse In any case dimrii!l.
,.„j, ^
slrawlHTrlcs ’ to
Tha. was .he whole machine. re.-ognl*e them* characertstl.e wblrh the gtoal man bli.r.,*! u.H:
1 wish
■***' ‘^'^ **“’“*'
“‘"to Mtna. and It haaranacd noeiid of fon. When are ao clearly exe.nj.llfled to tbe writ- H bad lan-n hitp.walble.geihcr. both liaic slid hearty, formed
to a cbalr tiic muslaebe aide la hidden erery por. ‘“as of the grea. masters. Bn. tbepRif Waller Mull, while he bad a .he ceuiiT of nu admiring group. The
walt^ for Dr. Hate to come to and trail la reeogulzed at a gbintw. but ■”* “me» w* we can no. aroM ask- morrehnis ear for verse and rhyilim. fni.iHon la*h*l from n to .1 p. m.
watching Ibe bony people who are rl,-e versal hardly a stogie onc'of Ibem lug ouraelr.-s whether the os«-of Iw-al had uo ear for mtisU-, In Ids agiobt>«
Tbe follow-tog morning I ealh-d
manipulating th<jarttifl.-d. Von would be astoa- dlalc-t. the appeal to a|M*<7ai ctaas.-s. raphy he iriU os that It waa only af (M>a Ibe <'»m-spondeDl^ to Inquire Tto II :U s. a. tnsls has earls* ear to OfM*
as^ds,aaa simps* Oraad baptSs to fflaaa
ftyhlaery of praetlcil help to all Uhed a. ibe ebange li makes. Presl- »l‘c treatmeu. of problems which are »cr pra.ilee ihst be acquired thr
Thr'ssp. ■ tratoba* pa*to* ear-to Oraaa
Ksplds. aad slmptog ear as* esato Otao*
^ound■'L^-l..’to■, lutoelrawTugro"*; aapids IS Obtrasa.
Boh KVana. Oen. Von Mollke. Dr. Tab «tog lo the nobler aemtown.s wbiR. »«>s that “all music was mere Imper
„f health wl
-U Dr iUla tor
” Tlwmaa
’ •‘‘t our..........
tHuarl Rohaon.
throbbing as wc 'rend ............
tlneni m>l*e to.......
him." and Ibe mmi- ,^u,|,u| ntok-nnd-wbile c.>midcxl<.n Inym^^todyc to OraaJ
“Not just at tbla *
We ei fon.,ao. r«,md1... and lll-banl llfitl. hi. wopl. Yft. s. we n-st mlgh. prol-bl,
Mild of the sage of
—... ft.____
I ..
pec^blm soon."
I,„ n*Tla are aiiiwreiitiy tnial' slnn- thankful tliiit hia r.iW haa mw
Is-eii J*h,
Well Im pretty bna|-l*vr gm g,.rs. They have
e a slight air
ai of tomlb sllen<-ed In hi* y.mUi, *» we look
arabAT. Aeset.
aoch a lot .0 do-perhap* some of you larlt). btiMhai is all a sort of I-know* ward to the work he tin. still to do
woumn of tn. In reply to my quceilon
XJawoOD.0 P. OT.A. Oraad BagUs
wonlfi do lust as well aa him."
>onr • face-tmi l-i-an'i-recall your name with fuUesi .■m.llrten.f that It w ill inry. la aimiber iiu>ianc<- of a mini i
she aald she had not felt at all tired
Tbe woman to kindly asked to trit look. Tbt beat gueaslog.record up to display iluss- .|iiallil.-a wiilcli teem ran- abllliy to whom tbe musical fn
after ber reteptiun. Bbe bad eren re­
nlty did not exist, “f Slmidy can u
wbal ahe waniA "Well, I see yon dale was made by a profeaaur of Tn- thus far t«. hare been to a meaauie
fused lo go to bed Miriler, aod bad
^ ^________
_ aubmerged. and which, ir mun- dt> enmelve." he writes. With ri-fcn-u<-*call yunrselrva 'Iwnd-a-llsnd.' tone Pnlversliy. who
picked oot____
r>-ad tbe family prayer* to tbe bouaeyou adrertlse to lend bauds, and

l.tii dlsgraied
himiirlf'on the wtod-up tlncily emphaatoed, will Insure tbe aA ni.i*le. "wlial lu other* I* a keen amih-c
bold before letiring to reet. 8be bad
t get our wasItUig done
by de.4artog that Pre
dlllun of apolher .tor of tlral utsgni- of pleasure: there 1. no Itok by wt.l,--.
Itui* to the
.t,e galaxy
e.u*v which
whirl, makes
m.h- tbe
..... my
n,r wind
mioil cau
,-.u aiitch
aii.d. It
II Jo Itself; II
t*"T •‘'iwrlniendlng Ibe makItiB
days, and we're g»i sit ehlldreii i waa -lobn Wsuamaker.
of marmalade, and bad beraelf writtbongbl imbably you might lend ii'a might be varied by making a collee- Pf^e of Engllah lltenitiite.
no more remnly It than some otbo
irn the name* and dates of tbe pn
■ band tbr»ugh.ibe middle part of the Hon of muait.-bed ceVbritle* and
serve on tbe round cover* over the
day to lake care of ib* iwiiyr
paioHog oof loaiead of patohng In, but
Thera were four or n.c of "the Imya" or wood aurrel." “Wild flow ers.' ... Jan. She was deHghted with ber
Tbe remarkable pan uf the matter Pm not enough of an arilal for tbe
floral presents and look me round the
.la that the l,end-a-Han4 people tak>- irick. Anyltody, ean do tbe oiber."- that .-ould always h.- found together- used to ny. "are my music."
Peck and Znkp and llatoe* and "I.litle ‘ Tbe writing* of Dean Btanley are rooms to show them. She waDceo
•reount of ibelr benevolent aastotance New Oriraos Tlmes-Demoerat.
atMdu BO to speak, and ariuatly seoil
Prank"-and un ibis iwnlcnlar occa- rt-niarkaWe for the anatained riiytlim well, leaning on my. arm. She bad
000)0 aonxm.
iHWh Ws* AgwlBSI aist.
■ to take care of the
Blun they luuk the Itotcb IKarkamItb. of the aeniences. yet. to the sense of never been a teetotaler, bnt drank two
A stnrdy old Boer farmer living la Peter. Bk>ng.
lansic. be waa as deficient aa In lb* glaaaes-of sherry for dinner and a
the Orange h>ee Mate baa a abrewd
It wa» a cold winter nlgbt and tbe aenae of smell.. Arrbbtobop Tail, the giaaa of hot whisky and water after
•sMv a**k«».
i.wlfe wbo baa long rendered bto life ground was frwn as bard u a rock, greateat archbishop of Canlerbury. retiring.
Born iwenly-lhree year* before tbe
There Is * grrat uecesatiy for ibe to anything but a conch of rose*.
Tbe hoys had inktm the farm wagon uiDce the InmudlDartaa THIotaon. was. ......................
I (if American aafety
j One day nut tong ago she. In
with Prank and feke's colts hitched to like hia friend Btanley.toUlly deflelent
Mtlerioo^e ^l «le<l her
aicea on fun-ign milraads. lo lMtr> tsi ’plQUv- packed up her goods and left Ir. and had gone over tiu- creek to .. lu any knowledge or appreelaiton of
on iltr nilmnds in Pnimia more than him. vowing never to come Imck. Tbe Itutrb wedding. Rveryfliing bad gon- Oinalr. whether vocal or iDstrumenial
2fi* rallruad employes |q*t Ibelr llv.- news went round among tbe neighbors
........... ,
If was. therefore,
a matter
of rnn.-h
lu.'i—ift.1—. ii
tumtiwt ui
aiiii II
• aft likeI recejv
mOhA m 1*.*- ftft'l.fti ftVAft
by areldenia slid ,fiM) were tojnr>-d: and at night several of them came to bad a frartluii more beer included to
iral ,0 Hfti-lf fttul bb
; '•'if
HBA-tir, tbe agitrra were M4 killed aad eond<de with him. He hi on hU froai their anatomy than waa nbsolotHy wh,n h wa> ifivhaA hr lha nrina. ,» preaeoi InfonDS me that Ibe Interveo•fiT lajnred.
post, puffing away at bto pipe.
neeeanry. and they were on tbelr way
On Ibe KugllBh yuads, to 1W7. an av
''liana." remarked one of bto nelgb- borne.
1 ibb-ob. lb Kb
fk> long
tbe wheels of the wagon nnie the Boral College of Muilr The
aliment*, excepting a Blight
ewg# of one itrakeman to even •-TH »»«•
P'‘r V«-"
was klUeri, amt uac in eery fifteen Id
"My poy. replirt lb* honest Dutch- kept In the iteatentrariMbe riding wa< speech, however. iw^inh
In wbleb s.
be -t..Lwi
elaased deafneaB. Tlie vicar of Hi. IVter Port
te peo- presented her with a eenlfied eevy of
aabea out of hia pipe.
Ilbe baa shusi
been a m.r*ed"^SiL'’n^wl.I“
JMIV. lk7:-lN0r. lamoog iAO0.flCki Kn
cr..a.,«. ,b.boiutun .r
, .'-'•“■■"y
"•" "*
He. while it. the same period V.taat
Mshlsg s MsM As*
ralirond empk-y.-s were killed. This
"He: exclaimed tbe FI'luplno t
Bometblng lerrtfle. When
eattatoly abowa that there to gn-st
need of an bupraved
»ved tym*'of'%Hwai !*'>■’"
•ooibern lirodnefca w**! wagon would get outside tbe track H
‘•1 do." answered t
bm^lag ami other
ir safrty
sal...,------device*, boiii oogb'vr be pertected, alch as aharka.
a difficult feat for tbe boys to hold
Tbeeatows rtoer Dswtli.
in Graat Btli ila and ou the eontlnent. ,tn' alllgaior*.
tbelr position* in tbe high spring leata.
If tbe expertmenta which arc bow
la BnHia the government Is BOW In I ’Tatienlon
T------- -------------------------------Torn-Awl y«r aaityl Dey pja^jiy m going do* n one of tbe bllli
rewk Tberv Isn't a single Iowa tba;
being made Iiy a Chicago pbyalcton
brake* ; tin'l good te real.
wo can call our own."
1 .re vneoraafn. a great riepVl.l to
“My dear air." aald Ibe chief, witb
Bluilon-ltor* not. bnt tlay and Dnich Pete was thrown out of bt*
la arable Ibal a
tbe arrogant air of a man wbo haa
w«r^ lie Inmmad
------ When im -Btandaid and Catholic Tim
many time* to bis life, “you
of tbla natare are eunteni
physician to queaflom bellerliig that;
pl^ lb.
wbe are conoemed with
■be "N-ray.- now to gei^ly^^^,-, ^
, have b^
Wsscr ■**• to
aoat aad tbe elber oa tbe aide of the
•eiecUai tbe paritonlar appitom
be am^yed wIR tsanr la■ mind, toys
wagon, be prevented blmaelf from (allS'nHr^'Vetad'StSto «a"^filni
Kivenar. that
tbe Pali- Mances 10 heat. wUh tbe alogt* exeep- lx« to Ibe ground, bat be could aot re­ uwi. partlclea of aolld matter in rapid onr own In Calninptt aad Oaloocan and
bat tbe
ad Btama to tba caaatry ia which aatogain bto plan la tbe wagon or ebange
yon forget onr glortoua guccoao witb
■allc caapleffi wmffnrt taeentod ami •re mamry and ImA which atand in bla poottloa. wUeb. conalderlag tbe
llMtoo.*^-WMbtogtOB Btontog star.
ta srbich tbay have baaa am« aalver- tbU nspact on aMrly tba mb* foot* ^eod of the wagom was not tbe awot
•ally aaad.
oaJoroUr ta tbe world. Howtror. be
had not loot bto voice and it waa aooa
ras BMst Bsaa* of IL
ancceeaful tbe aest atep wIS bo the
A rirens a
Mr. Woboab-Do yea ttalak tbo aartb rtiood to high C aad tb* wagon buildtog of a bne* “X-ray.” which too liite 'pUiS^lciy conleBi
poia wlDoTW be teaad. Mtoo ObraT
Wb*a tb* mHb «*rt rtappod aad wtU b* made to carry ibe potoen l<
ia para. lad. Tba naasatbaOc was
Mtoa onto (of St. LoaM-Wby, I
Tb* efeet of
Ji the
araabd H aad flidat kaow it wu Mat*-BoatH Tne* rm\7rTT^f“‘V^- ITiltr to MM* ft potoaaoaa tMto «> aa adeaac”It gleaa yra tb* abake and yet U
Bay to Mt to tb* tttogtoa* M right vttt you.”-DMr«iU Free
hoto yaa.' oba «rts4.


SnktijUil lidliuRj.





Tbe Pen liniDette SiUmi



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