The Morning Record, May 27, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 27, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Brtttoli VovoM Est0 OroM^d


traoMatal to tba iataraab of Iba
It b now wall oadarai
that tba dbaolattoaof pariianaeatwOl:
follow aooa afiar tba

Baa in 8t. liooia

th» Vul Birer.

Oawrj M
Aiai u< ro B«0k to FwBwSvwr
■ PotoM to gpio*y SmiaMfea o( tiM Var.
■UrtAl t» Tfc. ItorBll —MPd.

Hot Hnooffh to Allow Oara to

Ooramar Vonad That Stbal tony W«
apwiei wn* ttorabcBMora.
OkUibotba. OUe. May M-Oeraoar
................................... arardict b tba
efBtbalLoay, tba rbtlm of tba;
oelorod man who ao
tyakblay at Atbaaa Tharadl^ alyht.
Bn fonad that bar death was esMad iqr'
allbar oes ef thraa aaaaaa: A eat ia the
aaek. blew ea tba bead er atraayaUties by a eerd abont tba threat: aad
fenad that tbaaa lajorlan ware Ufllatad
by Btabard Oardaar. Bis pralimiaary
baarioy Is te ba bald barn. Tba Uam
baa set bsM eat beoaaaa mob rlolaMa
la feared.

> Maarlaa Baqalrai


tbaOOawa TaBtardAy—Tiaaslt Oo.
■apaotato BaaaU Zdaaa Coday U
Freperiy Protaatad—■ Bnalaaaa Maa
will Meat MoeAay te Danas ItaaBa
toBettla iiribe.
Biwelal wTb«Mmlaf Bword.
at. Lenta, May eo-na Transit Com­
pany tnrsnd all Iti ean Into tba bans
at 10s. m..owiey to tbolr leaMUty to

nmmra mra

Foirth Year—No. 9S5

Sad a Foot Badly Oat WhUe Chnaiac
a Cow.
MeDoeald, who raaeatiy
morad to Grand Bapida with hte paranta. mat with a aariona Injkry a
daya ayo. Tba faaUly oow raa iato
tbaatnwbanr »*teb 0t tha farm npoa
wbieb tbay lira aed la drirtay tba an­
imal oat OUad atappad on a broken
ylam firall ean. entUny kb foot rery
aararaly. Tba aarrieaa of a phynleU n
I reqnirad and ton stitcbaa were
Baaaaaary to eloas tha wenad. Gland
wUl ba laid «p for aoma Uam.

We aeoured a groat snap in hainmooka in the winter and took ad­
vantage of It, and consequently
have a fine assortment of them at
much lower prices than they can
be bought lor now, and are giving
the people the benefit of the low
price. OaU and look them over.

Umdm. May M-Tho loUowiac dkBohoel ofXosie.
aaMh kM boM roooirad <roa Lard
Babmi by tto war o(Bm:
"Woiro Book. Oraaf* frao SUt^
ptaso and roaal eapartmaat will
eaaaa of tba Dm
: prlmariaa.
TW adrMM aorUaa af tbU leno
close Aaynst 4tb and - raanma work
Tomorrow aa nttampt will ba made to
areand tbo VmI rirar ee tba qaata*!
operate aU llnaa ee tbo Lindal diristen
Wrtkday. a«ar Parya. OMwal Baaaadaraatrony yaai4. Tba praaldaat
Utoak oeliaa b at Boaotabaak. Oar
aaya ha aaa ran a fall quota of etn on
Moab ara aaa at Vtjoaat drift, ao tba
all tba Una* If the man and property
(raaitor aortk af Watra Beak. Tba
are yiraa adaqnau protection. Ha daloaalaiaaaranalajoradaad work la
Bias that be baa aoy orartnraa to make
foiac ea M ataal. Tbora U ao aaaa;
te tba atrikara
aatblaatda of tba rirar. Uaaaral HaaBotlnaaamaa bare eallad amoatlny
tar raaebad Vrybsrv May tt.”
for Monday to aaa If aoma atap easnot
Vrtdafort. April Jt-Tba Britlab Ooro&Br'a Jary Oame to Seba darlaad to aetile tba troabla.
drar Bot aataada almott tar tba baaka
oifilon Friday.
Barry Potu. the atriklny motorman
of tba Vaal rirar. Oe twadlffaraatoewho was abot yaatarday by aomaoi
aaatoM today, year eorraipaodeat baa
M't. Olte Xtawiu'a Death Canwd by a Jaffaraon aranne ear, dlad today, tbi*
aaaa partlaa of barybara ratanlaf la
tba fourth fatality.
Aooldant-Mo fAttempt to FU Baarw. Year eorraapoDdaat kaa alao
aponalbUity-Claimad tba* Bnlt will
mat Bianr berybara who were aaslena
to lean tba daU oa wbieb tbry eaa
ba Bryan for Henry Oamaycr.
throw dowa ibair armi aad ratura U> nrecialtoTti* Mersla* Bwora.
tbair botaaa. A aosmaado of soo,
WUllamabary, May «6—Tba ooroner't OharBad in tha
aoBriaUny laryaly of tba yobaaaaa
Jnry eallad <e asqnlre Into tba eaaae of
It mattere bQtliUlo--We are showing the
Zarya (soaBtod pollea) aad foralyaara,
at Washlnfften.
tba death of .Mtr. Oito Dewitt of Baf Id
ciceot litie of
wbaa tbay beard of Oolaaal PUeber
bronybt in a rardiet ymtarday.
takiay BotbarltU. baataaad to tba
A larye nninbar of wltneaaca were ax- Butadtbat Farorita Bmployaa I
aoatboMt aad J^aod tba ratraaUay
amlaed wboaa tratimony ayroad Ip tba
faraaa. Tba Zarpa rafrld to Parya'
Baaa Drawiay Mora Than One Salary
story aabatantlally aa told in the bedrift ea tba Vaal rirar, Oaaaral Fraaeh
That ^haey can bay—from a solid felee-Obaryad that $80,000 :Ras Bata
ord. MIehnal Oranay, antiaaar on tba
b wltbla atrikM dbia&ea of tba ancope at 40 cents to the real alligator i___ ___ ^
train. Edward Bdwarda tba ftrams
^ Wraayfnlly Dbbnnad-OSelal D<
Ladlea’ flae soft kid akin
LoadoB, May M~(Oopyrtybtad.) Tba Bristol of Trararaa City, aad Cbarlna
nlal to Borne of tba AUmratlons.
Hammond. ^ Yonny and Ji
abbf fatoraat of tba war aow aai
Hammoad, who lire near tba plaee apwlAlloUio MurBloc accord.
ao tba data of lU aoaeliuloo. Ub
where the aocldent oeenrrad. yarn ta«Waablayton.MaySB—The Waabinyratbar evriaaa that tba fararad day la
A no Ladles-atyliab aboea. medilmony in tba caw. aa wall aa Mr. Dc ton Poet today oooUinad a aaaaatl
It’s not SO much the price, but it's what you get for the
lam toaa. kid tips. Good­
moat aovatrba’ aatlmataa b Jnly 4.
Witt, tba bnabaad of the woman who artlele In wbieb It U aUwad that yrara
Lord Bobarb hat tbown an intoraaUay
year welt aoleo.
price, in
Irraynlarltlan bare been maeUoed la
pradtlaatlBB to aalset aa important
The rardiet of tba jary waa that tbe poat office bare and that many amtlwfaraaaeallaybb prtaelpal pUaa.
\ QK Veryhaadaomeaboa*. Uybt
-Mra. Dewitt was aeeidaatallr kUlad ployra are kept la paaltlona wbert
It ma os tba aaairaraary of Majsba
fiexib'e aolea, silk raatiny
by tba aonth bonad Para Marquatu
. la alao made
that ha faraad Oaaaral Cronja to
For choice of lot of Men's Suits, all clean
train, kaowB aa train No. 8." Tba that certain farorlte i
raadar. and It waa on tba qaaan'a
rardiet nttaebad no blame to any one. drawlny more than oneaaiary and that
up to date, this year’s goods, in many
Wrtbdny that ba bayan the taraatoa of
Eieyant drrt* *boe*. selec-tba qntaUoB aa te who waa raapoatibii between and ^0.000 hasibeen
good colors. Come in and see if these
tbo Traaaraa). It b hardly poaaibla
ed kid appen, tba aaweai
for It belay omittod from tba eoatlder lost to tbe yorerament. 11 U claimed
that ba aboaldjolaet tba birthday af
abaped loea
are not worth $9. $10 and $12. Sack.D.
that food* bare been Improperly dlacao rapablb for iba doatraetlon
B., square cut and cutaway styles. See
IlUundaratood that snlt for damn beraad for two yeara. daUay back to
•satbar. It woald be bad taata,
A no Uaaal price >2-7r. — Very
our window. It’ll show you what special values these
yaa Lb a larye amonnt will ba oommane- 18D8. it ia stated that an expose was
'^Ifcaant^ay almeat to a dlraet affroat,
goods are.
ad ayalaat tba railroad oompany by narrowly ararted some moatba ayo by
aad Bobarb baa aarar baaa aeenwd of
Mr. Dewitt, aad tbav Oaorya B. Croaa tba appolatmaal ofaxparta to make
waailayta taat. Bat If latormatlon
of Trararaa City wUl probably bare aa lareatlyatlon.
from many Boar aonrrea maani any} CboMlata kid. silk raatiny
ebarya of the ease lor tba aemplalaaai.
Another aiory U
tblaytba war wUl ba fiabhad wall
^ tops, reynltr 83 SO ralaer.
barerxlatad In oonnaetion with tha
arltUa tba aaaal^ moalb.
Tbara tt now ample antbority for
A no Ladle*-Bieyetetboe*. black
San Joan. Porto Bleo. May te—Tha
kt the Traaaraal yoi
and tan. cloth or kid tope.
(tontban BaUroada Fropoaa to In- aiory that employs* of tha Porto Blco
araaant aakad Great Biitlan for tarmi
poaiofiM, whan It waa a branob of
dnea them to asHla ia tba Bautb
ofpoaea a aoatb aye. It waa the
Aftw ibeTranaraal War.
rataatlaai reply, rqairalent to naeoaboth, tbareby, U Is allayed, iarolred
Bnrmadar. whbb alone nnitad SpwlAl u Tbt HwalM Brcor*
rular acoonsu acyrayatisy MO.OOO.
tba fadaraU for fnrtbar raabbnea.
New York, May Ce—A morement la
I (9
This ■paoe-4t belongs to
Praaldaat Smyar, aran bow. u wilHay BOW oo foot nndar tba aapparrisloo of ia daaiad by tba postal antborluaa
to aaaapt tba
ml larya railroada of tba aonth
May tfr—Oena^ Darla
bloodebad Cor aoaa of tba Bear loadari to iodnea tba Bonn to satUa In tba
says BO rental baa baaa paid for nffiaaa any lonyar dacaira ihemat
H. Tba bUiaf that tba war in the
with taba hopar. A Hparba rplrit, Traaaraal eaa last bnt lUUa lonyar baa oara’ qoarten axaapt for encb offloan
PjpuUr Shoe House.
howarar. atUl domiaataa ‘laiya anm- yltan aa impatn* to tba prcjaet. John as eonld not ba
pabUcQnartara, and ha aaya in ttaoaa
bon of bnryara aad they are ready
baap. traaanrar of the Baaboard
I the rental waa llmllad to alloi
ftyht bopalaaaly with tba tame
Air Uaa, ballarea Boar Im^dlyratlOB to
a made by law. Tba expanditnraa
tmmipatloo as tboeyb they bad a the aoatb abontd be eneoarayed for
ferheraaa, etc., ware bo more lariah
We are compelled to act. Undoubtedly
abaaes af ratalatay ladapaadaaer. Thb they are aeeiutomod to daalmy with
tbaa they weald bar* bean ia tba
eome very startling evenu and ^reat ear.
band dlmlabbaa dally In Isfarlor raeaa aad nadarataad
L'alled Butaa.
Aoeordlay la pnbllc and IrrlyaUoe of laada.
prises will reach your ears In the next
prirab dbpatabei n«irad wltbla the
Taaterday'a Baaa Ball Saoraa.
"few days, and il you are In need of any­
pant few daje tba dlrlaion of opinion aa
Siiorto] to Tbo HenuBc Booerd.
to a eoatlnnaUan of tba war U '
thing In the way of merchandise as rep­
poMlbU to raooadla and Prealdeat WUl be Bald at Park Place Betel May
resented by our many departmentB, it
' Krnyar baa ahowa bU characlarbtie
will pay yon to watch and wait.
aleramem In rafarrlny tba qnaatloo of
and Preyram AaBonbeed,
paaaa to the leaden of tba Beer foraea
la iba field. If tbay, or a eoaaldarable
ArranyemMiU araeomplale for tba
maiorityof tba aomaaaadanti adrtae Alnmol baaqoet to be bald at the E*ark
tbay BMt aoseamb to arerwbaiffllny Plaeaon tbaaranlay of May SI. Tbdl
larem of the aaemy. the Traaaraal
at 8 o'clock In tba
aathoritba wlU make aubmUalaa to parlonoflbe hotel, and prompUy at
Xspheming, Iron Mountain
Oroat Brluin wltbla a few daya. Bran 8:30 tba baoqaai wUi baaarrad.
and other
tbb wUl not ba aoeeptad tbranyh
Tba followiay proyram baa bean ar..r w«,r., Cm
dlplosatle ebaaaala. Tba raply of Ua raairad for the oeeaalon:
Britbb yorarniaeol to tba oflar of anbMaalc-Pref. HoeaVa orehaatra.
Bbaba Cram Pretoria will be that a
mitmim mast ba made to Lord Bob
Orattaa-Rar. P. B. Wbltmaa of
artabyaUtba baryban nader artaa. Northport. elaaa of '8t.
Ne^ Linee
Low Bates
Additteaal attampta bare beea nude
aw^SrinUy tbia weak, to naa iba
Teaat.“Tb# Alnmal"—Ml« KatUa &
tbieatOMd fata of Johaanaabory to Gray, clam of 'te.
yala a uuaeaaalnn from Great Britala.
HoffaraBd Splat: bbaU.nabw asd
•o far aa kaewa tba Boon bare faUad.
Toast. “Clam of ifiOO"—Bobert WalAre just tbe shoes for ladies who wish
Iha probability laeraaaaa there that tan.
a strictly up-to-date shoe at a moderate
tba Pv«<< mlaoa will be daatroyad by
Ajaamlte- Tbia net nsaataral net of
KaUam aad Beydoa:MeOaaa aad
Job for Borernor Taylor.
raraaya may ba tba only omdiUon
As handsome a shoe as yon’d care to
npoa wbteb the InaeoaeUablaa amoay aiMlal to Tha ■•ralat Bacerd.
BaSalo............ 1......................
s 8 I
the Been iriU aaeaeat to allow tao
see. New style vamp and foxing, welt
Bow York. May *e — En-Oornner
tbylor ef Kaetneky. baa baaa apand
turn sole and opera heel. A shoe
A aaordlay to tba beat Boar lafneva- palaied aa ladlBBapelU maniyer ef tbo
ttoatbaowaaraoflba Eaad mlaaa la Frorldaat Sarlayv LUa Oo.
that will always satisfy the iFearer-—
the Tnwraal are rayardad aa the ohlaf
The price, $3.50. For sale only-by
iMtlyatora of tba war aad tba Boara
A,asri «B tba i
eaa fit ladlw, yaatiomm aad ebUdweald ba ao mbra tbaa bnnna If tbay
I tba yamaraa with brat tberaat lower prtera tbaa
Bolar Xellpaa Tomorrow.
triad VO damaya lu aonna aa maeb aa
oay other alora in town.
rnribarmcra. tbara are a
Tha total aeUpaa of tha aaa. wbkb
Bapalrlay atatly aad qalsklydoor.
»s« tf asBra temcwew. wUl bartaibla aaa
|M|a aamber ef traBarnalen who will BCban PUboaalwaripiaaaa.
McNamara DiocK
# mcivamara
Si ravalB in tba aenniry nader
partial eallpM kara batwaan 740 aad
• e'aledi U tha maralay.
Brittnb rale, aed tbv
■etU>r *o
IH Frtmtetrrat

Alfred V, Friedrich



A few
of the many
styles or o»r

To Paris



for Ladies


Satchels and TraYBling Bans

Pres Sill (to s. BENDA & CO. smnsinpi








I Watch

IThe Boston Store

Minute Rates

Aiuiiwi mm

■S., :::.... ; J .


i i

Upper Fenlnsu'la

I \ I

Krar:.;;;:;::::::: ‘i


J Don’t



Monogram Shoes

Pay High Prices



I* I. L DMdw

n II rtmn






«n Koururu A»cgy.

»BA»Ttl!IvMm ^LD.

CMS. T BAf» w







Otrr Oncrui



u Ti»w av.

LutT Tssr tbsrs wst smldsrsbU taIf II ia tbs laiports of A«srtsap aad
4ayaasM eetwa ftoAt laU> Cbtaa.
MwsUas la tbslr qa^ltr. toeb as
wblts ablrtiafs. It Is worth aetlelair.
MOsldsBMOfa AispestUoa to laerease
tbs paicboBS of (orsbra rx^ that
wbatMsp bs dsaorlbsd as sottOB foods
As teas, sash aa cblatM.prlatsd twUla.
•MBbrloa. ots.. aad haadkarcb '
jBBpsd tro« *05.114 to 67*.I5« dorsB*.
Ctottoa flaanal abowad a ramarkabla
from to >«7.46» ploocs,
aad Jaaaasss sottoB flanasl from t*,>
autel7t.«r« plaesa. ■bfllab oottoo
• yon saflsrad a talllaf ofi. wbUe
ladka and
Wo^ foods, tboacb aot ataowlof
aasb a pro®Ulaf profrsai as tbs ooi«M foods, mads a dlittoet ad?anes,
somtsis. lasUax*. loaf slia, sad blaah•asaU baviaf laersassd la qaaatlty
teportsd. Tbs poller of sxpaosloa
srfll ascars more of this trade for os.
Cou>*tt. Witraasos ssyi bU''aawsfopv will aapport tbs DemoeraUe nomtosss this jsor aad IS prapsrsd to mast
OsaryatUek of tbs opposJUoa. The
Ooleool aboald loos ao time la foiaf to
work apoe tbs saesllsol arfaiaeou
tbs doartar-Joarael set forth la llM




IhATA WEB BO Orimo TootoriMCMOf XieUsu Ks&ielvsuti
TteoAdstetroM tUs
»VtMdadUM mititwt of tbs Uto* «<
itcma ICuM^slIttas ta Jsebaga m» TnnbU Bstvsaa Clsteees 3. Maitla
pimmsd with tbs bsasBekl lasalta
rived from itbMr riatt. They faiasd
h taformatkm that wttl ba of vales
aadTravsrss Cf^ waabowerad e
_ oBeaswerspaaasdereead, AlAmmaa A W. tBasttacs bstaf riMsse a
Tbs satlrs Uat of oAesra la aa foUowe;
Pr«tds8t.i0sa. A Perry. Oread BapIda; riea prealdsat. W. M. Palmar,JaakWlUardBMaraa.Adriea
•eeretary. Fraaela Haamr. Oraad BapIda; anesaUva sommlttee. Jamaa W.
iardaa. OwomoiA W. Sastlafs, TravmesClty: Wm. A Baem. 8sc1«a«: YM. Olsr. Billsdals: U M. OlUstia.
Tba nsxt mastiayof tbslsaoswUl
bsbsld IsBattlsCTSsk. probably tbs
Uttar part of JaBe.kThc sasretary aad
sarar ware lautborix d to eai
acrapblc rsport of Us proesed
toba printed.
Will Oeear et the City Opera Hoes
TbU Beeninf.
Tbs Beccalaursets ssrvless for tbs
class of 1000 will occar la tbs City
Opsra Boast tbU eveniny. Bcv. W. T.
Woodbonsc will preach tbe sermon.
Tbs proyram U aa foUowt:
Instrnraental aolo—Mlaa Gmes Cunnlaybam.
Aatbsm. '-Blesasd be tbs Lord"—
Oboraa choir.
Boay. “Ave MarU,"a.Yoeay Ladles'
Hymn. "Biaad ap for Jeeaa."
Solo. •'•Hear Ye Not. Ob. lerael.”Mra. Dayton.
Bernwn. Sabjeet, "Tbe Cbrtat Idea
aad BxampU of Greataoea."
Hymn. •■Amerlea.”

It U asU to prsdket that the Pblls
AalpbU platform will aot be framed bj Temparatarc Took a Galck Drop Last
o ooatmlttM of profissloaal floom
Baealoy. .
An nnnanally eadden cbaBye of
temperatnre oocarred last eventar.
Afur tbe beat of the day. at 7:55 tba
^ tbsremomatar stood at 80 deyreea. Tba
f^wmwm-mwmwwmw^ wind awnny around to tbe north, and
at 7^40 tbe temperatnre was bnt U
Hr. Hadley fare a delifbifel ride
trees. Tbe fsU conUnard tUl at 0:S5,
bnnod the city Friday crealof to a
jnst an hoar after the wind ebaayed.
■amber of yoaof people. After the
the temperatnre wae SS deyrecs.
ilAs the party drore to the borne of
Mr. sad Mrs. Lardle on Ninth street,
wbsre a fine social time wae enjoyed
Taeeday evsolny Oeorye W. Cartla
•ad ies'eream and cake were serre
will deliver a leetare at Nortbport on
A reoeptioa waselren Friday erenlaf
tbe aabject of, "The Destiny of Na­
elaet No. 4 of the First if. B.
Aaaday school In honor of MMses Cora
Tbe reynlsr mceliay of tbe Lsdiee'
•ad Oars Miller at the borne of Miss
Myrtle Gardner, on Barantb street. Aid soelety of the First Metbodist
Aboat 40 faesu were present. Lif bt church wlU ooenr tomorrow afternoon
7 o'clock, at fbe borne of Bev. J. A.
eats were sereed and a de>
Slfbtfnl time was eojoyed by all. The Pready.'
y0«af ladles will leave for ibelr
B J. Moryan ratarned from the
^ yeaaa
the first of next week.
aoulb yesterday with seven fine drit
teacher of the class, made iny horses from lodlsns.
asms very toncblof remarks In fan
A photoyrapb ysllery bss been oprnersU to tbe yeunf ladles.
ed at Sherman by B. B. Bimea. former­
ly of tbit city.
L. W. Nelson of Orsnd Bsplds, in tbe
Mlm Katherine Onttar Is eonfieed to
employ of tbe Wheeler Bleetrie Co.,
bw borne by Ulncvs
waa In tbe oily yesterday. Be left in
3. M. Blakealee and wife went to the afternoon for Bast Jordan, wbsrs
Sapid city last sveninf on a fitbinf he will pat in s IlybUoy plant for tbe
East Jordan Lumber Co.
B. Ratb of Snwick iFwloesly
Tbe Pere Msrqnetle Esllny Boose Is
ilL Be U knewB to Bsny in the city
beantlBed by s fresh cost of
Bar. Cbas. Tobias of Owosso. visited
See. 8. Halsbery ycsterday.Bsv. Tobias paint.
Tbsrs will bs s reynUr mestiny of
stiU oocepy tbe pnlpll of Eev. B. Bath
OaebeaiCsmp. N> 2»4S.Modsrn Wood•f Keswick and Blnfham today.
of Amerlea In Mootayne Hall to
J.Bnff of Osborn was a TraverasClty
morrow Blybt. A foU attandanoe la
«Wtor ycaierday.
Mtai Afnss Hsneenl of Waabiafton dealred.
The aebooaer A. G. Morey is takiay
•tfset baa tone on a vUlt to St. Ifnaos
Mra. O. P. Oarver went to Snmmlt InmbeF'ae Cbleayo for tbe Oval Wood
OUy y wierdey, ealled tbere by tbe lit- DUb Oo.
Tbeaebeeaar OllllaloadUy Umber
Mra. A. O. Jones of Battle Creek who at tbe doeks of John F. Ott A Oo. for
Sf$ been vlsltlnf Mra. J. M. Blakealee the McCormick Be^ur Oo. U Cbleayo.
im tbe peel tkree weehe, retamed to
Hall GallKber, klay of tbe Beaver
teUads, was In this port yesterday
Mra T. J. Banm retaraed to|ier with bla ateamer. aoeompanled by bte
feSM la BeUaad yeeterdey after at- tamUy. Thia boat ia a yaaaral ntillty
•awdlBf tbe weddlBf of her eoa. Bev. craft aad Nell atakee yood aae of U be/. A Beam.
tweea tbe Beavers sad all polats aloay
C M. BUmeea, Ueket afeat at tba 0.
S.AI.. waa ealled to Atbeaa. Ohio,
‘IbsTe wfU be a special eommaaleaywterday by tbe aewe of tbe critical UonTraverse City Lodye No. m,.F.
Blsem of bis mother.
A. M. tomorrow evealay for work U
Bar. aad Mra. Hafb Keaesdy have tbe third deyree.
lelaraiil from ausadlaf tbs fsasral
Aee Ostrander and S. D LUUe i
H. B. emitsmos at Cbloafo. Mr.Eeaasdy aMo vielted bla alma matsr. tbe raa from Old MMekm to tbla city
Friday efealay oa tbeir wheek, U eae
■ertbwsatara Unlvsralty.
lansl Saadalman, formerly owe of boar aad *8 minatea.
A W. Oaaaiaybam aad aoa Harbart
tba Aaaat foot baU pUysri of Paioakey
■■d nmaafsr of tba Petoakey Bl^ srsat to Cedar Boa yesterday, aad
wbea they retaraed. they bad le tae
treat to ebow for the trip.
is tba stem of B. Bsada A On

4 hma.

f e

ThswaffonofMre. Boar, who Uvae
fin ^las east of Traversa City, waa
of V. A
BsUadtastsvaBlmf. whmi a Weyels
pMBlBC frlfbisaad om of tba hotnaa.
Chs team raa aroaad a tsUpbeoa pole,
mqalU badly.


aad hlB Fesisr Btstsr Cbassd Brifbfrom this 01W> kat OffioUlAotioa
BbmiB Blmpaofi. Cortmsr Mooa aad
rrcaaeetiac Attorasy PraU smt to
latariosbaa ysstsrday oa tba t:to tiaU.
Thsy bad bssa anmmaasd by a taU^
fftam aaklbt for tbs sbarlB. presseator
aadadestsr. that lad tbemtotbUk
aomstblBC vary asrioes waa tba
matlsr there.
Wbea tb^ reaebed lat
of Dr. Mooa
ware aot required, either U bU capaci­
ty ee eoraaer or phyeUlaa. The pros
aeotiny attorney aad sheriff, after
looklny into tblays, decided that tbe
imstaaeee were aot neb as to war
raat acy arrest.
It was clalmsd tbst Claraaes I. Martia, Fbolksepe a store et laterlocbea
■track sad otbcrwlee abased his
foeur sUter. Bopbls MerUa, formerly
BophUMeyrs. Aaclybborhed Ut«rfered to prouct the yirl, who U deli­
cate. aad troablc badeasaed.
Martin's father was klllsd In a rail­
road aoeldent a few years ayo- BUes
tbst Urns bs bss rna tbs store, And tbe
yon or lady bss bssn worklny tbere
constantly. Mbs Is very popular In tbe
WD and It Is suted tbst sbs bss
woiked there for tbe past ten years
vritbonl yetUny a cent beyond her bare
It is said tbst tbU Is not Ibeiffrst
time tbst Martin bss abused tbe yoany
lady, that be often swears at her, and
that bis strikiny her is by do means s
tbiny. Tbs aelybbora are tboronytaty worked np ever the affair.
When tbe officeAKirived'Yetterdsy
Martin denied tb^ be bad etniek tbe
ylrl and ebe io taU said that be bad
not need violeaoe. tbarefore there wsi
nooaose forinterferenoeby tbeanlboi
It is evident, however, that tbe yirl
bad been treated with no pariiealar
yantleacaa U tbe tronble. aa sbe faint
ad. which fact lad to tbe interest taken
in the esse by tbe aelybbort.

Torner's Brother



Bnonyfa of tbe Dcmocrato.
Mnskeyon dispatch to the Grand
Baplds Herald states tbst W. J. Turoer. brother of - Uon. C. U. Turner, bss
aanoaneed that tae baa deserted tbe
Democratic party and allied himself
with tbe Bepobnesos. Mr.Tarnerbss
bsen an aeiive Democrat many years
and was Dsmocrstle prosecutiny sitorney of Mnskeyon county for several
years. He is s partner In the law bniIncM with his brother, Jerome E.
Tomer, a well known Bepablleso.
Good TempUrs Held an Intercstlny
Bcaslon Last Svenloy.
The U)od Templars held an nnosuslly iuteresiiny session IsnmoveniDp
Several new members were reecived
and a proyrsm rendered lust was ee
j-iyed by all. Tbe next scmIod will be
a joint meeting witb Arcble lodge nexi
Bstordsy evening at « o'clock in Mon­
tague ball. Several matters of imporUnce to both lodges will be brought
ap for conelderatlon. Every mcmaei
Uesraestly nquested to be in stiendSEce.
Fine MeW Track Bcalea.
The Bannak. Lay & Co. has jnil com
pleted tbe setting of a new set of Fair
btnki track scales, which have been
p'seed at tbe end of tbe elevator at tbe
grist mill. They are the best acalss
ntsde and will greatly faeUluts tbe
weighing and ebipplny of grain and
Boor from the mill.
FaUI Ir Jury on M.. G. A A L. By
Frank Fisher, brskemao on tbe Pere
Hsrqnetu In this cUy. reoeived a
sage yesterday afternoon tbst hie
broiber C%srlM bad been fatally lo
jared la a^Aectdsnt on the MaaUtee.
Grand Baplds A Luther railroad,
which be wae employed. Frank left
yee'erdsy afternoon tones bis Injared
X.sntaer School Bet
Mlm M. C. Meedbem closed her
spring term of school la the Imatner
district, Friday cTcnlnf. ne evening
eejiymenlaoonslstcd of aa eater
meat rendermi by tbs pu|dU of the
school followed by a soeial. both beUg
tboroagbly enjoyed by tbe Urge i
ber present.

J. A Foots of Ooldvrater, who has
been a hopalem uvalld sines retarntay
from Tamps with bU oompany U the
tall of 18M, has just been paid SSM by
afratsraal orgaAixsUoa of wbleb he
T. A. Cboali, eoaaellor for lAdiee was a member when be ealisted.
-sllor Made Oarmeata. ^ ‘
A Xeeo dear Brain.
Your beat feellafa,yoar social pmi
______________ ____BOW
Uoa or baelBsm ee........ depend Uiyely
Arst of Jaly. Y^t wUl
priom meet aay eompetUUa. «09 on tbe peeflet aoUoa of _7onr etomei
ttoetb Dama elreek
tt*B5»- aad lirar. Dr. KiaTe Mew Life PliU
five laeroaead sWaaytb. a keee, clear

Udits iDdlGeits Tailoriie.

S»k»<7 Ob |t akm as UsnU or aadm
B. Bsada A Oo.. sloth.

a tMl like a i

-nshitiuc rasrier.”
lyord Charles Beresfvrd says that
when be was a mlildy )» »■'- TribuDC,
a ]Jkst-iun rrigate. Ih- h-arut "a ire,
meuduus- lui-NnltoriDg. MUroaklng.
and so oil. I've cut oui and made no
end of Juni|>ern and trtiusens" be says,
-a'nd eoiibl sea- a hniHlrtil yards of
ranvas toaorroa-. If ni-i-estary.” Then
be i-an stoke a sieamer.
steamer, menu
mend a woui.
make a < balr nr■ table, atnl breakJa a >
to sav nolMog
fiery, uniemwl liors>‘.
<1 ,>le|>lianis.
Wbeu be
of fiery, wntainiHl
,v ,....
was Id the Galelea. uinler FriDce Alfinl mow liiike of Kaxe-Coburg and
Uniba). an rh-phsnt was brought borne
wbb-li only<I Charl<-« t-ould manage.
He UUKht the b'llffe niilmal tricks.
Coni mtnlog Is ib-veioplng rapidly In
Canaila. In Nova.Knitin ls>ih tlie areas
work<-d and tbe number of mlD<-s show
a great iDm-jise.,

The first six people that comes into the store Mon­
day will get a fine $i>75 ladies' rocker for $1.05, ora
fine $2.75 large arm rocker for S1.95. Choice of three
ladies' rockers with high back, brace armL nice shaped
wood seat, very wide, back slat nicely embossed—they
are bargains at $1.75—three styles to select from. My
$2.75 arm rockers arc large high back, shaped seat—a
fine rocker for the money.
Over 500 different styles of rockers.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 FaroxL-b Street.

News of
Shoe Bargains


—News you'll thank us tor—news that
shoe buyers eagerly devour—good news
of very good shoes at prices which do
not do them justice.
2.50 peira tan ami black Oxford Ties, made of fine soft vici kid,
ill new coin and bolldoir toe chapee, band-aewed turn solee,
all sizes and widthe—eplendid 12 tiee—our price..........
8ix styles of ladies’ tan and bla.-k DonKola Kid button and Uce
ahcN-B—in buHde^', coin and opera toe ahapee—regular $2
grailea—our price............................................................ ........... $1.48
Little men’s fine vict kid. tan and black sboes, epring heel, sizes
12 to 2. bulldiHc sbapo, good oak soles, always sold at fl.T5
- -our price................................................................................... $1.48


A VoiMif Otri'fi Eiperlenee.
noM sunled ber, sod sbe ws* vskeflil si
nl(bt. Ilefore sbe bsd UKen one |>srksce
asweglrl. Mk-Ii rsnldly iros ms Mi-ilsnd
strons. ber eomplesloo Is prrferi, sod sbs
sleeps well ever^' uJsbU—Urs. 1.410' Mc.N'ott.
esses of IbeSefVx.wiomscti.l.n IT wild KidSS]-S Hold l.y drussuis ajr. andlOc. <

A- 8. FRYMAN. Practical Shoe Man, IM Front Stroel

The Greatest Slaughter
Ever Known .<

0. O.

Tbe maa who dirirasu Lis DrigU
bor wlU bear wstefalng.
An onoee of slteare Is sometimes
worth moK tbsn a pound of talk.
It Is nn Udlspauble fact tbst tba
bearleal botUs have tbe least lu tbem.
A man wbo baa a good start U Ufa
may fall because be is facing tbs
■rong way.
If you never make op your mind te
o a Gilng the ctiancea air yon will
never do It.
(tome men are like hlotters: they
bear uiauy good liupreM^luus. but are
of imie value.—t'bkago UsUy Nesre. ;


The marvel of modern times. Prices never dreamed of before-but now an astonishing reality. This will be strictly a
case of first come first served. Kead and advantage of this
remarkable ofifer, for we propose to sell these 46 wheels in a
JuvenilA Wh-el
Fur Kirin-'it iiirli wlic-l, 1-^ iii'-h
frani--, M. ik W. tire, black enaun-l,
Sii2.00, close out at .•..........................$17.00
One Oent's Ivanboe
.Made by tlie Waverley people. 21
inch frame. 2“i iiicli wbeel. black
i-nainel, IndianeiioUs sinulc tube
tire, r2o, dose out at......................$18.60
One Ladiee' Ajax
2S inch wheel, blue enaniel, M A:
double tulx- tires, first class condi*
tioi^, |2«i. close out at......................$8100
One Second-Hand Ajax
Gent’s wbeel. 2-1 inch frame, alumum color. M A W double lube tir­
es. r20, close out at..................... .. $12.00
One Ladlee' Cleveland
Model 02. black enamel. Bnrwell
clincher tire, 2^ inch wheel, first
class condition, (.lO, doee out at... $36.00
Four Iiadiee’Hibbard
IftOO model. 28 inch wheel, G. A J
clincher tire, Kelley adjustable
handle bars, fitteil with tbe famous
Baldwin chain—Rare chance to get
a first class up-to-date wbeel cheap
—$40, to close for only.................... $33.00
FifCMn Oent'B Ajax
1000 model 22 and 23 inch frame,
28 inch wheel—all fitted with M S:
W doable tube tires, Baldwin
chain, Fsuber one-piec® crank
banger. Thia is a chance of year
life to get a good, strong, service­
able, np* wheel for a little
money—Come g^nick if yon want
to gel one—128 wheel—to close
out while they last..........................$83.00
Six Bamblere
la 22 and 24 inch frames, 28 inch
wheels, O A J cUncher tires. Yon
know what Rambler wheels are, so
it is no nse for OB to My anything
more about tbem bm—to dose at

Two Ideals

by the Rnnibli-r ]H-»ple.
tube tiri-x, I'.fiW iiJ.^dd, first

<-Ih!w condition. Yon <-aii't afford
to walk when you can buy these'
whet Is at this jirice—$2o^wheel, to
dose at............................................................ $19.60
Two Ideals


Made by^the Rambler people,
1S*00 model, G i J clincher tire,
adjustable handle-bars, black enauid'-sellat $3o, will dose tbem
out at.....:...............................................$88 00

One Cllpper.Chainl^se
Frst dars condition, I'.OO model,;G
45.1 clincher tires—S<’0-Will dose
this wheel out at a bargain.
If you want a chainless at a low
figure, come and get this wheel.
Two Tribune OhainlsM Wheel*
]!*00 model, first claas and up-todate in every kray—$75-If you
want one of tbeae wheels,.come io . ^
and we will surprise you witb the
One Tribune Chain Wheel
Model 52—$50—going-et a.’bergein
Two Count Wheels
Black enamel, punctorelees tires—
a new thiog—come in an^see them
—price $35—Will cIms tbem ont
Four Cleveland Wheels
1000 models, yet Ao stock-2 gents
and 2 ladies. Ton know what they
are. These will go along with tbe
rest of the alanghter.
One Weatfleld
Made by the aeveland people—
Sttsd with
clincher tires—$S6—clone oat for

The HaoDah & Lay Harcantile Co.



DXdarstiso tmSib




Uunrj Moltir WM hold iMt Birkt »t

Tte KMtotM Or«a<l
wtU ba owhMlad ibk

Um koM <rf Homo OUbort <w 8e*«ntb




utf a

tecs* Mac* boOi.

Thk MBf kk open



pokkf UdiM M wall ko tba BeBbtn,
tmjtfi ttaa toUowlBC pt«KTk»:

Tka Mwmr B«Utir« wUl CO

OrtriHl •tOiT-OrVB tolib.


iBprmpU—rnok ffiicbt.

Sib R*p4ka abokt Juc I.

Sckdiac. ‘-A SeriptmSiccj is k kcw
forB'-AlBOB Bailor.

r BMtes Bkrbor, wm from bp
AdMBKnnrofBklkbrtdf* Scwkriilp.
kkdkkippkd Fridkjr klfbt to CUokfo.

rr Drill.


Priaa. Orta



OUbartkkd Arthar ZlBBomak.

latf iraacbt «t par mtk.
FiftMk Orkkd Skpkii poiar UdUo
kro worklBC la tbo booVoMv fiaUte at

Xaadiac>-&«p Sabofltll.


Dabatr, “Boaolrad. That tba eaontrp

toQQo-balf candle, t<ut tbe amril mm
decidwilp tbe nost intenMiag and
{uctufeequc. At a larRC factory Uxre is
k Bpecial department devoted to deoorstire and miniature lamps of all abapea
and oolors. curious and buntifuL Hmtc

ket n. ksteberj. Pmuv.
Chureb «k eorser of Ninth aod Wadsworth steMta.
Snaday oerrlew aa follows;
Prokcbing at to:M a m.
PreMbikg at t:)!) p m.
P.-ayrr meeting oa Wedoeaday at

ara long and taporiug and of an extrenw]p gnmeful fenn. Tbep are dften fitted
to reoeptatltie OMioeaied in ImiUtion
oasdlea, mtd wbiie tbep have all toe
warmth andeleganceof tbo old fashion­
ed wax tapers tbep give a far steadier
and brighter light One of the moat
striking stjlea la Ibe '•flame” lamp,

tbajadfoa daeldad la favor of -tba

propriata pnfraBa, aoBartalkf taaaja kffiraatlvr.
k^^ aeBpaalUoM ao


dalleloBt lea

Peblie Ubrarp asd booka, “Oar OlfB.

orakB waa aarrad bp Mr. and Mra. P.


O. Silbart.





. Dap.'kad “Wkai Mr.Baeklap UaaDana
a baUdap la tba aftarkook.
•tarilac BoUoek. wbo llroa kkar Abb




Arbor, bad tba ttOBaeb at a ao», trbleta
hkddlad aaddaalp. examlsad.

tooad nalU


aad atoaaa,



Mark Twain baa baao llrior
in Eocland for tone time










awap. cobblad it no. and traa to the
iaatlaeM of bar acx. won it aa Bear at

aide bU private and particular friends
woald bare known be waa there at alL
The other erenlnc be

poBlbU to bar heart.

a atora la the atora to


dU inp at

the bouee of afrteod.and seated Best

A Btttber of tba Brit of B. A

lu blB waa an American wbo had oclp

Oannon of UterfleU, threw a Batch in

that dap reached Bspland. Tbep were,

oat ac-

As expIoaloB

irae. talklnp war, and

the new-


wUblnc to know tbe feellnp -n

lowed that blew ont the front of the

Bofland In tba matter of tbe fatura cf

atora and Bixad aptbeaioekcanerallp.

the Tsans*^, aaked Hark Twain bow

Twolra poanda of dpnaBlte waa in the
atoek. bat




in Bncland

did sot as- reffsrdlnf tbe Independenee of the <e-

oobblar of


fled tba

that be died nest morfiiac.

part of the

Tbe Oenlral Lake Free atreet Pair aaaoelattok baa oSarod -^Isb

for elear-

iBf laad In that townsblp.

bast Are kcraa wild land cleared. 4rat

are parmpbraalng k

burial aerrlee.

Tbep kie

glreiband Lord SalUburp bath token
Bleeeed be tie name of



priaa tSS. aaeond priM IIS. third prtM
Tbe Aaa Arbor Water Oo. roeentlp


all quletlp repckUnr.

For the awap.



Engineer EL Heekaas was BligbUp

It was

Baglneer E L. Beekaan of the Here

tbencbttobe on ibelr laud, batJobo

Marquette bod a narrow eecape from

Hearer baa had it aarreped and clalmt


that tbe rich strike la fire feet over on

Tbe engine hod been taking on watet

bla propertp.

aad sraa Just storting up when

Ue baa notified the c

fine new casino




at Grown

man jamped upon

paop and compUeationi map reenlt

Harry Mewtoo waa found nneonaelous
Ok bla faafaer'a larm In llarrlaon townIt la




this city, aad

Ue waa




Dr. Rneeland attended

Bit aide la badly bruised, but li

U not ibougbl that tbe Icjiirp U a dat

that Ibc team rae awap. caustoc con
>aa»ton of the brain.


tbe itepa.

be could climb into the
tbe grouBd.

ahlp. MaeoBb coanip.


stniek bp the aiandplpe and knocked

aonna of erection at Harbor Point.

gerout one.

He map uie.

Odd PaUowaat Coldwaler hare It-


ancurated a roUnc eooaeat and will
fire tbe poucB
most popular

ladp wbo

a trip

prerea tbe

of a fit»t class ue * See cent cigar juit

prMent tbe Phil Kearoep pnatwitb Are iabri adornt tbe boxes aLd

toot palm Icarea to be placed upon tbe already the new brand
lAneolOs Grant. 8h*rmao aad Parrarut aale.




Mr. Clautep came herefroaTf^iPae
Icoi than two peara ago and la employ-

sanuee tlioi I pave peaterdaipF

brands of cigara



hate become

Uia weekly paytoll



1200. whUb is a autastantlal addlUon to
tbe elrculaiiog






Brick Baildlag of O.


KcMaans A

Co. Will bj Heady Saturday.

“Yea. dJB'aia."
“Is-i me a.-.-.
Y.-0. Mr. Wllllklna
will alpb for a ko<d1 old-faebiomtl meat
of mni-kerel tuiiiurrvw niunituE. That's
tbe oulr tblus 1 <-uuldn't think of.”

Work on tba oaw block cf C. E Mc-


that they

of tba saw brilc-

Tbe ru<’«t* In the Krackfort hotel Ing next Satardap. Iba
were quieil3- rendliiK tbetr U-iten and
l asd moat autipapers wlien Ibe voice of tbe clerk atoaUrioB Frost atreot and makck aa
nag oDi;
atiraetiva kddtUoa to Um other brick
brildikga aurronadlsg it.
•kd erer}' man idlil from bis choir to
the floor.
“It's nil riEbt now. Benlemen." am
a moment


Ir aruis tbe rierfc
“It waa Cnnnel Borem." he said,
nooklns for a man. 1 wouldn't bare
flren the Kvoeral wamins note It It
bndn'C been for ibe fai-t ibat tbe cunSri Is 00 blamed cross-ejed that poo
Berer css tell which wap be’a golnc to

Picture of Piokaam.

6. AadaraoD


a very


large plctore of tbe piosMta wbo were
prckcktat-bla bbtbdap party oo Mi,.day.

Tbe pieture la nnaauaUy flue tor

•outdoor view.

Tbe group


pbotorcapbod uador tbo trees on tbe
river bask Joat bolow iba Urioa.airaat
____________ _


nouexistenoQ. to which he can retreat
from bis rt-Iaiions to otbiirs, wbe
con withdraw Ibe influence of bis existenoe upon the moral destiny of tbo
aeuc« will b«
haru coiupouiniis wb<> will lx- l^-ttcr or
worsofor bi»infln<-iici\ It ixiui old say­
ing. ond onn of foarful-oiid failiDniltws
import,'that wr «ro fonuiug rharaotem
Forming choractiTis!
Whom? Our..wirurothi.i>? lioih. and in

Tbe kwxe«t eontlnnos* ms of s
rtOwnp timln Is Rnrope la that from
Psrla to Conatantinople. 1.3S1 miles. In
Slxtp-rnnr bonra and flfteep mtnotea.

Wo, tbk MfiawlfSBd.
BfroB to fktaifi tba bsl.,
-------------------- WkrruBtod 8pnpot Tor If htoOa to esra poor eosffb
orsalA. HasIm r>k)«atM u u-mt
8. B Writ, Bocbec A Eosb^, JkBM G. Johnaoa, F. C. Tbomp-

to make

oxaspio of tba partlea wbo

ara demplag rriaka oatalds tbe doaplaggrov^

Aqaantitybaa baondt-

paalMd this ride of tbaplaekaatobUsbkd tor that paipok# and Mr. Baanto
a wantpg ihataBeb effeaden wUl

All are invited.
A Fsat Hitpele Blder
- Witrolien raoelveaainfulcbta.'
. fro
JroBJ accldeata
Aro'cA Salve, win kill tbe pelo and
hrsl tbe Irjary.lfi tberyelist'a friend.
Cures ebabrg. chapped bands, sore
Up*, bim s lUcera and
pile*. Cnee
gnarreT>te<.d. Only 2Sc.
It. Sold
•>yS. B
Wall and Jae. U. Jobnaon.

9r. W. J. eigglsi. Oparatlvs Dasttitry.

Steinberg’s Grand

nt ver liv.,1. Tli*> sunlight of Uiatworld
will n-vinl i!iy finger marks in th<-ir
primary form.itioiis mid in thrir snc.-.-s-

One Solid Week

sive strata of tUousbi an.I life.—EliUn

E Ellis the bi-^torian. g:hng loan i:ifoniinl iliiiiii r with a fri.iid, wore a
votyi-<>mfijrt;;l>h- 1-ut unfa-dii.maldi'thin
mid iiianilla bat.
A notmoasly
ortbixliix rk-rgymoB
irgymaa Ix-gan loL
to raflTlT the
L'uitariau liivlbo
liiviuu n-ganliuc
n-ganliiK; bis
Is roplie
straw liat, wbetvaponDr. Ell
iirl «aid
that hii would not bavo a wor<l

Opera House

Monday, May 28

against that sriicli- »f apparel, iuaa- ^
bis for four yitfim. "Wb.v." ix'-lalmed
bis friend, "bow could it bav« laried ao
long?” "Bcraiise it has been C’alvinixed, ” repliol l>r. Elli*. Tbe host, mis­
understanding theworil, inquired with
amar-ement bow the hat could be galvanizcL
But Dr Ellia. with n sly
twinkle in liit eye. looked straight at
(be ortbudox tntuiiiter OK hercplinl; "I
did not nay ‘galvanizixi.' I aaii! the bat
had bnu) Caivanixed—dippi-d in brimvtona”—San Francisco Argonact.

Motatarsalgia. cr fourth toe disease,
bat been tbe subk-ct of niaeb telentiflc
Many patients have been
operated on. the operation rausisting of
tbe removal of a portion ut tbe bone of
tbe toe. which had Leoome highly in­
A new. form of trealinent is
that of abaidng tbe shoe that the weight
will not-oome directly upon tbe ball of
Ibe foot, bn{ slightly luck of tbe faalL
and tbie is Wored by mukiiig tbe ankle
aod instep cloee fitting and the toe and
ball very brood and eeuiy. One pb.rsiolaB
advim that a deprewdon be made in
the sole of Ibe shoe just Ix-neath the
foDitb toe. M tbat there shall be no
preoBure from any dlrenlon. Tbiswaks
well in eome oasM, but in otben tbe
aunfical remedy is tbe oulysBOoeMMooa—New York Ledger.
Idol Wersblp.
1 have norer bad tbe opportunity at
examioing tbe idol worshiping mind of
but it eeems posiblo tbat tba
r of aspect of his little
wooden god may sometimes toneb him
with an astoni>ded awe. even wben and
iBdead-eapacialiy after be had tbnabed
IL—"Eboda Fiamiog," Goorge Mb»dllh.

tbe Oailforria

natioBal hosinen waa unexampled. Ba


a OUaaaa anwapapar paiated

Liaooln'a meiiKey for tbe detaila of

A CMtocoa Mtwapaper.

la the

ObikBBa ehaiaetora. wUob iba avoraga
Wt'TB baas eiUafi skBOS for oeUIac fis* alUxaa af tba CaltodBlatea
BtotbUr OS ^Bkslp SB wa do. ~
want a Ufa taka to daetpbar.


I. 'S

'Servioaa In Fern wood Ctaapel.
Prraebiag at 10:80 a; m.
aebool at 3:10 p.B
Tupadap esening. prayer meeting
F'ldsy ere
evening nuloa prayer meeting

that imtm<-iiiiii
fact lie the jx-ril and
nepousiLility of our vxisiviice. Who Is
anfficii'Ut for tba4boDgbtl' Tbeosands of
my fi-lluw iHiingxwill yearly enter ct«-rnity withcbarai-tvr* illifuring from ihfiso
lliuy.woiilil linvw rarriwl ibithiT bail 1

Cklrf mwla After Tbaa.
Chief of PoUoa Boula la doterBined



luga Bank Bastar. la progresalng very
will ukap



Maaua A Co., proprietora of tba Savrapidly aad it is expected

■ouDi-ed tbe




ruRE umomsT.
Brr CbarJx Sprnesr. FMiar.

log ateadUpdC bands makiofi acvcral

'■MarT.” Mill Mre. Willlklna. i^id
tbe lamb c-hciw and Mh' iH-rfrli-ak t o^
Opted for bn-akfasl dimie all risbtr'
“Yea. mn'atn." ibe Kiri -niabii.
“And did tlie Imp fill tliat order for
“Ye*, ma'am."
“We bsve bam end essa In
tioniw. too. linven'l wer
-•Vi-ii. ma'am."
“And lia«iu^"



putou tbe market bp P A. Clausen. A

reMiiKlac ftl* TaWe.

e Into this

Oil" very hot d.ty iho lat" Dr. George

tkraof tbe American Bpvolution will

Btatuea Memorial dap.


All urvicte la Ladier' Library ball.
Fraot atreet.
Morning servlee 10:30 k. b.
Holiday School 12 m.
Breulng acrvlee aad baoeklksrcale
aernoB at City Opera Hoaar.

world w"'— ‘-------Ing tbo sum total of bbuisn I
only of the jircrent Lot every anbieqnent age of humanity. No one can de­


Bri. W. T. WooCbeuw. Pastor.

letor.—CoMier’s Magaaiuu.

Vo buman being ran o


Levi r. PMOlogU _
Public worahln
Mrs Percy Uoldswortb will sing In
tbe t vscieg.
All are invited to tbeoe BeeUnga.

Cigar Factory.
•Claoseo'agjeeo City" la the i

The Mnikepon ebapu-rot tbe Daueb


Chureb. Cor. Oak and

Asotfaer Product of a Tbriving Lsol

to the Paris es

pMilfoo with all espenaea paid.


a quarti-r inch or lees In diamoter and
from half an inch to an inch long. But
tbe tiniest of all is the "pea” lamp, a
glass sphere ont,-qoarter of an inch in


Ber. BarelAT JooM, pallor.

Some of tbo lamps

used for illuminating the Intcnur of tbe
month, throat and iit»e are extremely,
small, generally cvliudrioal in sbaift'.

Tnere w.ll be no scrrlcaa in tbe First
M. E ebureb UMnorrow. aa the ba-ldis ubdergolag rrprito.

Bert Teatordap.

cnabee forth at tbe rate of pnl-


and dental work.

n.^.A.Sreedp. t«.ier.

verse, no dark niche along the disk of

drilled aad fonnd a well'qif water wbleb
loDs a dap of tbe flneet water.

Sunday School at lf:00 b.
BrenlPg arrrice and aerBon at ?:tO
A cordial InritoUoB vsUkded loalt

Forming Chafmc*.

“Well." eald Ibe roslal humorist. “I

drank ao maeh aloolitd Tbaradap alckt


miner's lantern and held steady. Tbe
lamp and the battery togelber are not
heavy. Then there are bicvclo lamps.


Peter llaan. a

. I

and suys ligbied until tbe coil is
awen<d, so that one or two opentom >
easily manage all tbe night
it is
>t rciy beavy.
dany varit-ties of lamps are arranged
to take tbeir ourrent from batteriea
Among tbeee Is the one candle power

It not that he appeared tocireerldeooe miner's lamp of a flat sbapo. with
before a ropal eommiaalOB on the qoM
metal loops at top and botinm. so that
tlon of coppwricbt, ecareclp aacal oet- it con be hooked upon rprinc* in tbe


Comer Waablagtoa at^t and BoardBtan areaue.
Holy OosBaaloa at »;40 a. B.
" rulkg aarrlee and aarson at l(i:30

Edismi'a remarkable

daatkl aoalatp of tba aalranltp.

ericlkkl ownar had prabablp loat it la

esAOS isnsdoPAL) osviics.
I«*. CksA T. Blent. Beeler.

on the Road.
Playing at popular price*, lotrodncing
ur-'i-daie ecm"dlee and dramM. iuteieorrved with apeeialtlea by flrate'AAi
artists. Opening
Unndav. Hay 2a-.b. In tbe great aenaavlonal eomedj-irama.

Flannel Gonts

diallp inrltod to th«M Mrrloaa.

picture gallery. A taie candle power
lamp la UM)d for night work in t«l»pboM oxebaugea. One is placed in oaeh

Btraacalp aaaucb, a Oatarattp pla of a

When eyery. change la weather en.
ahles us to bring forth something new
and “jnst tbe thing’’ to meat damands.


■■Idnrioeoopo'' 1amp.w...........................

Tba Halordep SraoiBC Poet, and


Cbriatlan Selenee
SelenM mi
aervieca will be
bejd at 4ie South Unkw steMt.
-Snoday Bomlng at 10;30 and Wod

paavlof tlu.-hwitebboard and liKbtssp
whenever a call conitw to its territory

far tba Oltp." Tba ehlldraa wort ctran

c Our Resources
are Well Shown

are feuorally lea oandie power. 8aae
<d them ere pear abapt^ wblio olban

wbleb is a narrow oone of gloss, twisted
At MaakacBB. Baektop daj waa eV fill Bakea a bettor wife tbas tba eltp
aplnllp and frosted. It bai tbebekotUa
•aroad Frldap ai tbo Blfb aeboel with irtfr—AfirBatira, FrkBk Wrtcht ud of a brigbtip bnmliig flame, with none
tbo aaaal azarakaa of raadisf aad
»OUban: aacaUra. Leaia Birdaall of tbe drawbacka «
BoaleU tbo aadltoriBB. Tba otbar aad Wapna Watara.
There la the eight oandie power
' baadlagaaboattbaalip alao bad ap-


of Ite City.

Elec^ lamps arc mode of all bIms.
from I'on candle power and over dows

kt« “candelabra” lamps, mneb used for
ilKbtiuK private restdenoes, and wfaiob

pkBaMOf n«i« betvtkk BalUito oad


Beal W<

Tb« r,rnUr Matlnf of tte Llaeota

«^br»u u Ctorl««o(s Jue Si.



iM M»te iMt Xvwiaf.




The Ideal suit for the hot days
ooming—made by the nobbiest tailors
in tbe new etrlpe flannels.

Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display in grades
' from $1.60, $2 00, $2.60 up to $6.00 and
$7.00. You can be fitted both ae to
goods end price in tbie department.

Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
Of Beet makee-tast colors-are
up-to-date in every way—Prieee, 60c,
760, *100, $126, $160

Hamilton C othingCo.
Vici Kid Shoes

Uodern Toes - New Lasts.

{ Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dress Footwear! i
If you are looking for a good shoe at $2.60 we #
_____ AI___
• have it.
We don’t advertise
this to bo a $3.00 sho^
^ but wact 7DU V> iB«P«ct and compare it with ot^erstr
i caUed $3.00 shoes.
We lead-others follow

New Store, 242 Front St

The Old Bfiltrti*'


Grit Or Trne As Steel Advertise Your Wants in the Record
ladies Will Be Idmined Fiee
Mondat Bielit
Died by one paid 30 cku*.
Reserved Mwte on aale
t tbe boxef- 10. to and 30 eeuU

DB. cimnm,



w Otooa. MoAbaa BlodL

The Waukazoo House!
Xyax-Us^ex^ toixoxa..
Tbe beat i
and teat kapt
. ihia paalttaola la rea^ for
teM Biaa. Ooan Iba yaar roaud. Good
Livery la eoaaaodoa with tba hoaaa.'
Bstoi Bsda kaown oe aaplleatioB.

Two Tails
To a Horse.
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
on a marble statute. Yet. so far as mere usefulness is
concerned they may as well be tin as Unfl linen, or any­
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably g;uaranteelevery ounce.
Wc buy nothing but the bdst goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is how at hand when you want some­
thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
and look us over.

Beailll llget, PIwh U9





I wen OF THE roMLo
ft ttoin tretfEt \
i. Brtitok
««bM. MM th*t» flM r wUk Ur«*
MIV07I Am b«M oMTtod
Mt U U* PoUfA n*«. BrtU*h OvUaa.
«0 U*M bMAf >«•(Tka Jmmm rorvBMMt bM joimti
UkOhiMM fowmwat U » »tn«f
fntmi BftaM iU lOMpilirT >*om-


to A fWATAl taaemUOoa U

fvmBt th* wtMAiipi ot tha piAo*< i<
•AMOt ba AOAIMplAUd thAt AAp dlA
the JapAAAt
7b«0«»Aa AOAtnuttAT f«AA»Al rw
AMtIr WitAAMOd AApATlatASU With thA

Mp^^TAAb, wbiah ta a aoboIaalion of thA ttlAphOAA with



«UAh it U

poAAiblA to fts And ptAAAnA
«eu lA tbA AhOAAAA o(



Ba AAA thAA Uitaa to ti»A am

on blamAra.

Ano^hAr ndfan-

tApA eUUaod for tha lavAAtioa

It tba

Ablllly to AAA thAAABA^lrA for AATArtl


OacU BbodAA It rAported At tbt bead
of A bif tpadloAU to esplolt rich. ba« •
IpdUAorarAd (old BlaoA wltbla «W
bUaa of Walfticb bay, Eu\ Atrioa.*
At Loodoa, WUliaa Waldorf After
- bAf teat a ebaek for tlO.OOO to tha
HaldcAbAAd CotlACA bOApllAl. 1b CAk
bratloa of tbaeoniar of art of hit aid
cat too.
Urr. Praaecaa L'UoUof Utraot, U
to »ew York ooIlooUac faada for bar
pita to ootobltan a fraa pobUe library
la Baraao. Oor. Uaa. Wood baa promiMd tar 4.000 rolBfflaa aad AAltAbto
Joaqaia MUlrr. tba pool. U down la
■aa Fraaeiaooelty dlraetoryaa -'limcr.
Joaqnla. fralt faraatr.”
A Fraaeb pbyatotoa baa decided that
parfaBAA praraat people froBtaktop'
oertato diaataw. Darlatao apldaBle
—Waattaattoa wae attraetad to Ua feet
that patAoaa who eonaUBUy a*cd partumm Ateaped takia* tba dlaraAe. Bat
ba fOAod that the bota daUeata pa^
fABCA, like Tiolat, layaadar. atiar of
rotaa, were Bora tSliacloM thaa maak
aaft atroAf. raak Beeaeaa
TbaMaallaTiBB atatot that tba at
taadaace of ehlldrea at the Macila
AChoola wae ft.llt for iba awath of BorcBber iaev a faia of tt rirU aad II
hoya aa aoBpared with tba prerloaa
Mlaa Belea (loald baa beeamadaao
bOAorary aacBbar of ibia ycar'a aae:
clAB Of Welleatey. aad baa aeoaptad
toriuUoa to ba tba (aaat of the elaaa
attu ooBBcr - -- ------


Biauttk, which U at iO ymr^
rtudlw. U OM of tb« BHM NfBWfccUc
nlktioM I ksow And i$
of Cnipi’a vaIra Criipi to MOOMd. bet
OBly hr peoplA who do sot know him.
of ^>tn« BisiMrek, hoc a clAne* At ab7
tber knew the other.
Tbe type of ohanKtar la tbaaOBA
The Broogly narked jaw. tbe qwoioaB
brain, tbe aye that looka yon tfaroneb
like a lanea and yet la fnll of affectionate walooBA at need, and tbe expcAAdan
d inOesibillty 1a porult, are ooeBBoa
to both, aa ia Alao tba high appreelatiQB
ct aalborlty and diadplioev bot beyond
thia there b little nacnblanoa, and tbelr
oimoAl tdeoa differ eutiiely.
CMipi baa baen aoonaed of being diotatorlaL la hU eOefal relatiooa be ia
pemaptory and esaodng. and bii Idcaa
' .
are inpeniire. but no
Italian nlniater bee erer done ao nneh
to pot power ont of tbe banda of tba
tnlnlatjy aa br. or baa abowa ao acrupnloot an adberence to tfte lett» of tba
oonatUntional law. He ia a democrat of
dye. bot tbe king baa nerer had a miaiaier aoabaolntely deferen­
tial to bin aa bead of tba BUte, raraly
profonudly reapectfol to bln u
tbe lynbol of law and tbe aeat of antbority.
Tbe conoeptiaa of a dlasoiuion be­
tween liim mad tbe crown i» iupnaaible
aayoDO wbo knowt bitu. and tbi< hit
ma)e^ reoogninA Crirpi ban the fldeb
rcii, IbaoTi'r'•woefili
orllneaaofbl«l*nuHtonrt(ick. They
are alike in tbelr patriotlKoi. botar un­
like aa poaalble in tbeir way of underctandinR IL aa in tbelr relation to rbelr
aoTeroiga. —Ontnry.

Jt is Mievjd that among her most,
' ^(reasured relics at Windsor I'aiile ber)
' maWi.T baa alao the euivgrmpb b
,, I
'UMtilcb llurdoD w-rale fo Ibe klahc
r to till- demand for retreat or j
surrender, aud whl. li Is said to have |
bn« plrkol ii|> liy a |>rivaie soldier
to one of Hie Mn-cts of omdurmsu I
Aoou after tbe eniry of tbe IlrlUab '

Tbwe wbo nake a bortaeaa of oblltaratiag erldeace of . Bttie euconalen ia
tbe Bbnpe of black eyea by painting tba
damaged optica no loogrr eajoy a noaopolyof anebbiifiiMoa Thialwaatold
by a pngiUftie auqnatntaace wboae experlem entitlei bln to be r^arded aa
aa aatbority on tbe ank}ecL
’‘Manage treatniBit of tbe region af­
fected. ” be aald, “will beat paiotaod
raw beefateak all bollow. Bntitaboald
be applied ioimediatrly after tbe iojary
la recelTed in order to prove tboroogbly

Ibe embarrattlug ailvuoe br aak.tetber he waa prwenL A flush deepened ber cbeeka Her '
grew brighter. Teeth of matcbleas white
«>»nied between her rvd lips b she
opened them to reply. And this was
Wbat abe aaid;
"‘1 havni't nw him yiL 1 gnaat be
baan'l oome already.'
'‘That waa good Lebaaica oonnty EngAgirL"—Kew York bun.

Ta Try. Try Agsta.
ftald Mr. Mlllyuae. *tee of
the things that I have l>een moot care­
ful to 'trarii my cblldren It thrift
Where would I be today if 1 bad not
Icerm-d to be thrifty} 1 would be lag my own tlrlug! N'bw look ai
Utl»*r |sH>|>l-‘ eara It for me. I
er penult m.v cbildreo to bare any
more money to spi-nd than I bad wbeo
I was yuniig. 1 am teachlog them to
uVe. >Vb>. <k> yen know wbat my
ttougbters are dolug}"
‘ No: wbat}" tbe other man asked.
•They're tryUMf •<> Is-rserve tbs
aioi k of mistb-tor they bad ihlr Cbriatmas fur use again, next yeor."
ig M Ulf-vslare.

rntia CWr

Tbomaa Ilarily. tbe novelist. Is a na­
the fiagura rapidly aad flmty over tive of DoreUesler. where both bis
tin broiaed aartaoe and to keep it op father and brother weteronnfs.-i€d with
tbe bnlldlug trade. This tact gave him
antUlbelaatraalgeof d
Ibe idea fur bis first literary effort,
Tbe explanation ia ei
When tbe blow has been reouived tbe wUefa was published about tblrty-fonr
1 beoomea oongeated. It u tbe clota years ago- li was an article eutitlcO:
lood ebowing tbraugb tbe traaapar- "How I Bnilt Myself a Huuse." and
ent ekia that pradooes tbe black effect gave an amusing deseriiitlou of a
Tbe preeeure of tbe flngera gradually wob determined to give up bis «
detached villa aud build a bouae to suit
loomna tbe clotted blood, which paanad his own fancy; Of course be found It
off Into tbe general currenta of oireufa- eusi a terrible sum. and wbeii tbe
tlon. and fretb and properly oolocAd workmen Invited him up among tbe
blood takea Ita plaae."
Howerer. as a rule, tbe prafemlonal
"pug" does not bother bimaelf a^t
Tbe mule that gets In tbe flrat kick
dsiially wins ibe ban
Deaf and dumb married folks sbonld
ed an engagemet
cenaluly t>e (lusis-akably bappy.
object of unry
Misery 1.
brethren. It ia
pauy seldoi
Ha man......................... _
I tu forget that diacretiou ia friends are upi to gucstlou hi- voracity.
tbe better part of valor, who ia apt to
Wltb the cxv-'piiou of the snow
profit moat by tbe knowludge that maa- shovel mivsrii} is iLe motUvr of sU
mge, promptly applied, will remove the luveutious.
A small mail never lookf so big to
been In violent contact with some other the world as pheu be Ik siatidliig ou
fellow's fist and thnsobvialu tbo necea- a pile of money..
aity of inventing a atory to aououut for
Tbe reelisi luny not find iiinrrlage a
it which, however ingeiiiuiu, will be falljiv. I'ui the l-h-alist would better
sneered at by skeptical and lii<
remnlu slugle.
j) may
If a woimiii d.iesu't worry almnt her
-Kew York : liuslinpd it i- iipi to worr.v him N-<',iu»c
f she duvKU't•' —I'll!
- liUiii:ci iMily Nvws.


UgaueMd IB(« I
a aa* Be*
There la a ftirl nanieil Marguerite
Bonyenral at Tbenellu^ in tbe-iN>tt A TMBg Married «-oa»a Whs K,
of France, near Bi. (^oontiii, vbola
reported to bare been aaloep for tbe paat
11 yearn A good deal of doubt baa been
thrown on tbla pbuoinenal alumberisg
. in^Paria, but also In
■ leas tasty I
Tbenellea aad ita Ticinlty, where there varioua i
dealing with "sexual" mattm from an
of tbe belleren
advanoed point of view.' Tbe Kmauciitors addreas ber in this strain:
■o calHd sleeping beauty rUee at
"BaoagnUlng that tbe slavery of tax
nigbt and baa a good anpper. The mat­
ter baa been inreatigated by a Parlitoo, la the root of all tlaveiy, and that iniuatioe
to womanhood, especially iojnawho baa aoen tbe girl and found ber.aa
wUblo the family, ia tbe purpatnal
lean aa a akeleton and aa atiff a# a
oorpae, but atill living. Her mother ia- •ouroe of all other iDjnatioc. it (tbe
tbe legal, political, eoleeu milk, peptone and aometimi
eialond industrial euancipatimi of wo­
tbroogb a broken tooth in tb<
men, as the vital aud indispensable ooumouth. Marguerite Bonyenval
dltlm of all other true lasUngTffertut,
and affirms these claimt as paramount
to all persoual, aectioual or party oouu ao frightened a
abu bad an attack of hysteria, which aideratioa wbatever."
1 have a deep rooted aversion to slav­
lasted several bonn. and at tbe end of
in all sliapuA There are women
Which abe fell into a trouoe. Tbe doubte
thrown un tbe cuntUiuatioo of tbe trance slaves among ns, as there are men slavos.
I find a woman atavn, 1 aball be
baeo ovidmilly been caoaed by tbe fact
to assist in emauetpatiug ber.
that tbe molbiT of tbo siwpiog girl bat
made a good dnal of money by exbibit- Bnt tbU does nut prerout my sympaing bco'. A local doctor, wbo bai ob- thlxlngwiUi tbe writer of the following

aerred tbe case during tbo 11 yeara. in­
A girl went 111 the farm «f a frl.-ml formed tbo iuTesltgatur (ram Paris that
he Bpenil tbe stnntupr vaiuiion. The Marguerite Bonyeiival bail really been
girl bad a liritibpr. an ludiistrtnus aaleep daring tbe wbolutiiu& Ooaationyoung man. wbo workeil day and ulgb' ally she bad hysterical cries,J»ot did
to lift Ibp toud/agv on tin- pmiierty. not awake after them. ‘'Other doctora
The amlilimbs funog woman wairlusl have also agreed as to tbo genuineneta
bini and svui|>atliln-<l uiiJi blui. .i-ven of tbe pbeuonicuou, and the sleeping
golue so far as to |iiii nu <'.lsi- on ibo girl of TbeuoJIes remains a liuiuan myifanitly hx. Alioiit tbe limi- sbe was tety.—Paris Letter to Luudun Telereedy lo go liniiiiliniiK- Im- look In-art and
“Many! 'mi.” said till- dam
"lluw ■iiiild I liilnk Ilf nmc]:}-|ui;
A CMaly Eatllsh.
lib iiHiIkt iiioiH-y nor |>nis
.• ..............
"Tbo most beautiful giti 1 iToraaw.
Viiu ill! I..O
not w..
lovi- 0.-Vm«-y K
arited' mdly., --^yUMr
have I ever'given
"was over in tbe good old
genuine sun.rtse. for sbe did not forget, Pennsylvania Dutch conuiy of Lebanon.
a pmeileal woman. “No ei;-: I mot her at a party and (ell tu lore
couragenlenir' be wliiiu|M-nHl.
wltb ber even before 1 knew that abe
why did you turn tbe grindvtotK- ft r, waa worth ♦ lOO.OW in her own right
and before I 1^(1
Ij ‘ U-eulytroduoedtoher.
Tbe mouicui 1 saw ijcr 1t riaolved to riy
towinber. Iwasdeadgoua Iconldu'i

Koran ef the MabJI. wbo was resHm-


A Wumaa’s Awful Peril.
"Ttaereisonlv one chance to save
your life aod that U throoeh an operaimii" were ts* startling wo*d« t-'ard
by Mru. I. B. Hunt of Lime Bidge,Wia.
tiomberdxtur after be bad vainly
tried to cure tier of a frightful ease of
sinroach truub'e and yellow jiundiee.
Uali stooea bad f.irmcd and abe
stsntly arcs- worse. Tbes ebe bagac
to a*e. Kleclric Biiters which wholly
cerrd her It's a wondeifnl etomaeb
liver and kldoey remedy.
-lyapcpeiB. lose of aopeliu T^y ivOnlv
SOcu Hua-anteed. For sal-by d E
Walt and
. droggleu.

After nil. tha •toaw woman” to
ft THE
BMb n very new InaUtntbm. Few ndTOCAtaa of woBM’a raffruge today
nave better argumeata la iiatifit n>aii
that which, on one oecualon, oita
Bryua'a flnBtotane. who are waD
Boiuce Greeley.
Tbe famooa editor bad tbntoied knowa to tha tbaatra gt^ag pa^a at
TravaraaCHy.opeoa waek'a angagamaat at Stolaherg’a Grand Opera Boma
tomorrow eveaing. Monday. May Mth.
in tha grant aaotatloual eomady druBA,
'’Orit, or Trna oa Suel." to four natA.
Intoraptsaad with ap-tc-dato spaetoltlaa
batwbaa tha acta, duriug the nrafrara
’•Just wbat you would do. Mr. Gree- of tha plA7- Tbara are no tong wAlto,
ley.’' r^li<>d bis opponent promptly. butaoDattoaouaahow. LadtoawtUba
' should alt In my office abd write
U AApankd by one paid s«»c a
SanUonaAleat box offiee at
PapaLaA rvaguuy. '
It Seems that bU boltucaa I.eo Kill prwea, lOe. We aad M oaata.
to tbe matter o( eating and drinking
Irving Fraaeb, tbepoputoreoBadton.
to moat (rugaL A correapondent at
tbe vaUcan states that tbe pope's Bupportod by hU big coBBAny, will
breakfast comdstK of a cup of guat'a open A three alghto' angageaeut at
milk with a daata of coffee In It. At
Cily Opera Houae eoBBAUdug
bit dinner be conanmes a tiaxln of ‘Tbunday, May SUL ‘Thia eoBpAAy ia
broth and one plate of roast or boiled
meaL followed !■>- an orange—the lat­ aooguixed by the prvas and publie
ter at all seasons of tin- jesr.
For throughoBt the wcatern atatoa aa eoa
of the beat eoaedy oompanim «wguIxad. They wUl produoe a repertolra
of tbe laieet eomedy aueeeaaea. toelnd$100 Beward, IIOO.
“rbe rendeta of ibis .paper will & Ing aingtog aud daoetog apeelalUea tn
performance. Thniaday night
ptraseo to lenru that there is at least
one dread diseaae thst s<;iecoe hi a been tbey will present "A Konaway Wife,"
able to cure io all lu stares and vnat is
comedy to four acu. brimful of tba
catarrh. Hall's Cstarrb Cura is theonly poai iWr cure now keowp to tbe latest eoBga and daueca aud funny altmedical ffraternity. Oaiarrh beirg a uaUoua Prloca, lo. :o aad 30 eaato.
oonstituiional disease, rrqulrrs a eoo.
.the purpose of tolradnclog the
tUiitional (raatmeni. Han's
liNi CaUrrh I company, tbe management baa daridto
Turslis taken ioterca ly, actirg diree’-1
ly upoo the Wood and
of Ibe ayatem, thereby deatrovu-g ihe j
^ hoeompauled by sn eaecwt wltb
xdation of the disease, sed riv eg one pald'30 ccol liekeL Seats oa aala
the patient airength by buiidtov up rucaday.
the iMPStllutiou and at-itting ostore
tn doing iu work. The oroorietom
htve BO moe*’ faith in It* >-iira'ivr
pawers, that they ffferOne Ilu dnd White Wine of Tar Syrup, tbe
itollars for snr rase that it fs ls >o I)CM coLgh mm^iy on earth, cures a cold
me (trod for lut of Irstimonla-a.
ly if taken in time. 'A andfiO cto
Address F J Cb«ery A Cu ,Tolrdo.O.
S--'1d bv drugglsis, T3 ’.
Hull'* Family Pills are the b«st.
i"*aH» varnish made

aex. and wound up with the contention
that In times of war women were quite
“What would yon da” be decnanded.
Tn tbe event, of tbe breaking out U
dril wnrr

Coosultation and Eiaimnation Free and StricNi Cnnfideatial.

B. E. OTTiMAN. M. D.
The CaUbraiad Spsatolisl.ForBarly of Ksw V«rk,

Noi PKsIdentof theOttman ledicallostitDte Go., Iiitltgon, UcIi,

SoltoPl Wl3^t±xig, ‘Tx’3-v”er«e 0±t^,

For Jeun lUlerYUoa go u Fmiut. Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
every boys’

Ofioe Roura from Q n. m. to S p. n. One day only euch mouth.

Aluml U qu -i
TickeUcaube piocor,d the remain
der of this wr-ek._________ 1^3-1.

. 3krt It Ertpp* in 24 Reurs.
- r-mc^ cgmiis W.tRNtm^ WHiTr
vf; OF 'TAU Sviti P fur ibU u>rriHi.d fatal dl-»n-o. If token tbor.'ly ar»l lu vim-*, it will cure a ca->c
-- i.imrs, ami
tiw cuu^h that lol» s La Grippe i' ..ever faiia to give

I married woman—I
think I may say girl—of three montbs'
atanding.jast entered with joy and hopeupou what I have been taught
to believe the highest and noblest datica
of woman. It may be that my belief and
my hopes are delusions: that 1 am no
belter than u slave, aud that If I snb- t«
mit to tbe Injustioo in store for me I ! M^2*i ais-o ni'
aboil become a party to all tbe other'
SALX-Krw niileh HaUielo n>e. Plra
wrongs in the world. Doris U kind to IPOR
r-a-snlil. Sires n -laari, milk s Sari suiiKesilr slid easy miter. U-iulre of
tliisjnet now? Mightn't Ibe
t my mil kofor tnysein
:ou't it I [ime enough to i TUrAXTEO - Ccmnetr>at girl tor several
join tbo Emancipation league! 1 think
it would, so 1 am trying to keep my de----------------------

For (lalOB lide SboM KO to Frpioi


a, u..»l .utaoripllo. .«■ F”^:.:,SL Sr.;T,',

til 1 have I seen how my lord and nios- waibinmuasi.
dOD Truth.
"Quotatiou murks uru not infrequent­
ly misusml in eigua’ aaid a struller,
“tbe marks being placed sbont uameA,
ni, fer instance, the name ut a place,
or about some descriptive ptaraiH) in n
sign, though tbo word nr Uie pbi
ally not
but I am never surprised at auy misoae
of quotation marks, for I camiot forget
a very singular
•ir idua
idiio ouncerniiig
ounceraiiig them
that 1 had niyacK
self in my earlier daya I
need to think that MUglu gnotaiiou
rka about anything muuit that the
words iiiciwed were sort of partly quot­
ed. mote or less, whatever tbat may
mean. lH<rbai>tbat isn't a vcrydlstiuct
aUtcmenif bnt i reniemlier well that I
waa qulle tickled wlieu later I learned
tbat quotation marks wuru not signs to
be uwmI at tbe fancy of tbe writer, bnt
migbt properly be nseil only to Indicate
actual qnoutlooa "—New York Sun.

mrebaaed an ' pointed astronomer roy»l
Ireland nt
lauDd In the Nile, wbk-b be will stock , tbe age of >0 aud wbo discovered qua^Ith ptonis and trees, tireparslory to. terniooa, kept a beadtmmg bone, aod
butldlDg a
. vllU.
on one occasion mounlwl him in Dub­
It was the Iraoy of fate tbat both Dr.
Tbe Austrian cBperor'i
lin just as a
Loomis, tbo oohibrated New Yort
ksparar<li-d an
ciolUt in pulmonary disenaoa, and
Id his
Bins over ESrtMss. worth of materiaL Braction and tan away. "Wbenlfound first wife sbonld die of pnaraonia
Tbe Iter D. Cux. F. K. A- tbe Eng- It Impoosible to stop him. ” tbe pbiloao- Loomis was one of the first prominent
to eend bis pnUah clergrman wbo aruuwd crlDclsm pbAcaaid.
pbaesaid. "I gave him hU
hit bead
Le«d and r
tok-aus.- he furrwaHled a denaitoo to turned to tbe“problem. He ran for (oar
u lo try tbe cura­
tbe Amsterdam Dutch cummlliee for
tive praparties of the air there, and
tbe Boer ah-k and doondi-d. has aob- miloi and atpod atill at my gate—ju» beorlyfiO years ago be bnilt a cottage

Fransrribed liberally to tbe British
of bis own in tbe Ntxtfa tVoods, then
olaoo ArgonanL
glers' relieff ffund an­
only half explored and >>oasttog only
..j1 hymn on to-balf of'BriKlTUdl^
one hotel where now Hm.8 arc soorea
to be snug In English chtirrhes
York CXxnqxaidaui.
Modtra Maid—I wlah aome advioa
Tortnrad a WitAatt.
OldLwdy—OartAliily.mydaar. Wbat
(BtoM« Auffertog was audnrsd by UIM
wHsmsT L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky .be. ooketknlfe btodee are very nseveuly
Modern Maid—Shall I marry n mao
tora be ga**
ATldanoe: "I eonghad
tempered. Even to so called staodard
•vary Aigbt entU my throat waa nanriy wboM tastM are tbe oppoaite of mine^ ontleiy some blades are hard and some
raw; Iban triad Dr. Etag's Haw OU- aod quarrel with him. or aUall I marry
soft For tbe Utter there Is no rem­
AowAfy whieb gave instant rallaf. 1
tevA naad it to my family for four and gel Urto of him!—Now York Week- edy, bnt Un temper of bard blades can
easilybedrawnslightly. Takeakitchen
ywiu aad reaoBBaad U as tba grantaat »T' _________________
and beat it rodbot. have tbe blade
toy (or eoAgba. aolds aad nil
that is to be drawn bright and bold it
One—I presume you ate one of tba oo tbe poker for a motnent When tbe
______a bat nhnolattoy
color runs down to violet blue, sUok tbs
Totber—Well no. tanUy, 1 can't aay blade into a pieee of toUow or beef enet
Sian. Pries Me nad Si.
euATABtesd. THal WO«a Hl> ««‘ ^ E. that 1 am. Von aea. I’m matrtod and
WbltnadJAA.e.Jokwoa'adng atom have ^MroblldiUB.—Oatioit Frae PMa bbUI cold.—New York Ledger.


sty si

wnure Si.-n-ioo ..a-


^£OVHE CLKAVIS'U-Aorone^ewBHas^Ure• nrkin'th' rucnpeleoi lisad. esll os cr ad
dtwsMre. gTsWilsos. I.uio Barlee M^Clij.
0 REI«T-rurvl-W In.ol n
.B-iiood ihrrc yi-ar oli] msrv. eev
.. sod xtvgrr- Trrm> rvaM>-ablr.
.TO-S. rraniat.


: /-yooK WAXTBO-l advceok wsBMkI si oorv The Moat SuceMaAu nad ficlastiflo Trontmant of All Ptoeaaa* and Vai
Unwl ss«m paid. At Botrl Hrmtl.
of Mankind PoaBbla to Obuia.
I urs»p mn-___________________ Mif___
Bomrr to csrr
^^AVTim-JIaiTbr *o«l widely sad tsverablf kaowo apMlaJIst Is Ur ColiM BiaiM. Ala leaa axpertsaea,
Mrs. MIonr. XV iv*»rSBblr skill sod uoIrrrBSlsuMD tbr Is-reai SoapIUls Is Ur vorld coablM hiss *a
FrarklU. sirsvi
1 SLOOP Dlrrvw* BOOB Ur lausi tcMaUAe b-tIkIa. ma-l eoMUr_^lil*_i^lbe
rsMUri hi* lo U, bul
bill mb
eoaedrac, ol Ur sBlcird rToryvhetr.


n-B, uiKsMB oi iBc xrr. Bar. Hoar. Tarest
rviOTad le pertaei haalia h

gOLDIBKS ATTKnriON — If yoB loChtml
Juo»a. 1-C4, I .111 p»T you *S prr art* for
balMMwnt your rial* AMr^ «. A. Bnj[.
bs*. UrswB, or aArUc PraU A Dari«,Traverae

DffAnmS. I Barr SO pw Boat at al
laay eaaaa CBred 1b oae Maraeat.
palBleBBly for aeutot oyva, pw-------W*rAXrEO-ADrxp,neoct.dcook and al-OA May, uralBg ia or obi of ay« laabm
DtoCUABOina BABA ooied la every eaee
▼V reoBvuat booaB maid Addrow Mr. alMBr* of laar dart aad all oUar ay<
Jsmva S. A^n*. Old Hl^oa, Mlrh
CATaABBOPTSB KOAB, breackUta aad
*aSjtO*IOaOU rrSA and graOBlaud
ihlae. eaaeed troa eaioerk. pasMvBlp
-HooM aod kM oa Aa«i RlsbU
modon balaoc* im ions tl*B tar
Us awful eSBCle of early TM asd Uc bbUke*lt doBii
>■1 Vrvly.


Wcbrirr <lr-

"’nlrrAnuoo^An ^uouxa. TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE
^•peadUy. OMpUtaly aod pemaarody



e kis akium
DR.OTTMAK addraasaa Uoae wbaoa Hb*mrr hablla aod rtaaa have ralaad batk sdaS
aaebo^N^BMulax tken ter atady, aaatoty

BBOB aod all UbIIboio dlterden paeBUar to

ti, „ . „
week. (a<t-jire a: Lakarlsw BOBSC or at Rac






A BABGAfX-lB U tool lo>i OB Prout aad
A niBlasireruforeaahoreasyterau. Alao
owrv beUdlBg for
CaU at MB Ban Proel Amartea aod feaiepe.
TJtOR BALB—Twaety acre frail fsm. BltBawd
f oar Blla wen fro* bay sbova ob Brawrrr
I^LAT to RBirr—At ». e ovr I'BloB aad
r emau aueeu. loeai
■ataaeetfoajkiad to

ranofiBtaly. Dalaya aia ilaassrnaa.
----------- imet




isja"*'i2rr-^dn PriTfit* Box 170.
MercanUlo Co. btock. Tramw aiy.


BB. B. 2.0niC4K. inTSSSOOlT, lOOS.


. t -•

lmiDeMUt»b1» advance that
baa mad» In nc*ni ceiitufka canI not b* belter eaemplllled than to the i.redlcUon and caleulatloB of
A ecHpaea.-partlrularlr of the aun. one of tthUh la to oreur cyi the aih of
Mar. in anclem timea, when tflen.e- »aa rou"! and alnwflln* Ibroufh tba
clouda of Inorance, aii erilpae waa viewed aa « manlfratatlon of the wrath of
Matlr. and amonf prtnilttve pMpUa even at the preaent time lu adrenl la the
nignai for an outbural of wild wltetnent. Wllhlii l« yeara the Hlndooa. for
prayer and beat tomloma to frlghlen tba monater away. When at Uat the aon
amarged from lu temporary concealinent. their Joy waa eauberam, and they
iay.<ntUiy believed that the horrible din they ralaed had driven the dragon awa;
One of the choice tradlllona of the Chlneee U Ihal the earllcat ecUiiee i
r aatronomera In the year
B. C. But
‘iele’ntWB.'Hr and’Hor’who'we,^ i« obaerve If and prepare the people for
imlng. neglected ibeir dultee and got drunk, loelng their hcada and their
•Mila In ooneeauence. In the laat century the htatoriana made-much of the
Um^ -yallow day." when Ibe
---------------- ' — ---------------- --*“*


All thew pbenemena have aorcly dielurbed the aerenlly of dwellera on Ibla
and aince
aince tthe ewrlleal recorded llmee a cloud of myatery hae
. aphere
!. and
t of the attain.
loped the dolnge of <
La of our aaironomera t
Ahoyt which they are allll In the-----But today now that It U known that an ecllpae of the nun le due to lie ob>
•etiraaion from the earth by the moon tellher in whole or in parti, how differant le He rercoH-n ........... .......... ‘
" ea aiwrd-.! It In ancient llmeal PVir
vetka and mentha our aatronomera hi - Wn making ready for thr great

The beat placea for obecrvat^un have acvUtHtely .been forecaat.
to projectingI aa chart of the path of the ecllpae a>To*a Ihr^globe.
nn May It.
There »-lll
Two partlca of obeer^atlon r<|ulPI-rd
au far ai«art that the Allanllc and a portion of the Mediterranean will roll be­
tween them.
The I»th of the ecllpae lakes an erratic courwe acroaa a portion of tnc
globe, Btarllng In the «gfHF«Pean at a point e.»ulhwcat of Cape Bl. Lu.-ae In
L<.wer California arnypro-eedlng northeatierly. It willflrat beobaerved c* land
on thr w<wl coaat of
whence the moon a -Oiadow trmvela at a velocity
of n thousand milesWn hour, being - tolar at New Urleant at 7:S0 In the
morning, and on the Attanttc coast at -.r nrar Norfolk about an hour lalrr.
The I’nlted BUtee observers have aeltled Ufwn two poInle-PInchurwt.
Moore rounly, N. C.. and Harncevlllr. l-tke county. Oa.-ae the very best for obnervation owing. In the first place, to their being right In the center of the
-path of tnlallly," and, In the aecutHl. to the probable rleameu of the atmos­
phere there at tbia arwaon of the year.
To Iheae polnU they have iranaported aeverali tone of epectel appiretui
and have greeted the lar^t cameras ever constructed for pbotogrspbic opera­
tions. Bach camera Is supported upon a pyramidal aeaffcldlDg and conslHla
of a gtgantlc canvas tube or box inclosing a framework of Iron M feet in
length. This will be tight tight At the up|>er end w ill be the
which the
while the lower end will receive the tnimcnsr plat-.s of glai
special desire of the aammImages of ....
the aun ________
are to be______
prwMIed- -It Is
obtaln numerous pholograjiha not only of the >s.cultalton and transit
of the a I and m«w>n. but of the various snUr phenomena, such as the ennma.
sphere and the chromosphere—those vast aea* of Incandescent gaa.-s
which are said to extend 1.000,00* miles on each-side uf the aun. whlH the Jeia
nf dame In the ekromnaphere are though! i- rise i., a height of lSu«Ks. miles.

The second American l>an>- ..f olc-rvatlon will take Hi stsnd at Tripoli.
north Afrha. and will be similarly e<|Ulpp^ for the m.«t i-erfevl photogiwpl^
ic and apeclrographlc work. As the •|»rlod of lotaliiy In Ueorgla and Trtpott
is respectively 1 mlnulr SO sers.nds and
ac«-«mds, the eminent aclentlau wlO
have but little time for work: but th-y purpusr to make the beat of It aw
hate elecirlual ointrtvances to faclll.ale photographic opermtlona And. agaig, |
as the Uitallly In Heorgla oc. ura at k;.tO a. m., and In ITIpoll not until 0:10 P. I
m„ the result of observations In the Ignited Btates will be cabled to the Afri*
can party for Ha guidance, arrangerneuis for leaving open a direct ll.oa of tsls*
graph and cable tinea along the path .if the eclipse and a cipher code for raptff
transmission having been made In advance.
While the loUl et lllisr will be visible only In placea within as ce^tn
al Apsamar
and for not lunger than two minutes at any one of them, a partial
be wHneaeed iP Washington, Buslun. I'hlcago. Cincinnati, 8t. LoUU.^
and other cltlea.
Although the preparations for thU observation of a phenomenon lasting M
the loni^i-not mure than a few minutes has entailed moniha of hard worB
and asvuyage half around the world, not to speak of the subsequent calcult*
and elsboratlons necessary to a complete presentation of tbs subject.^
It thr day be clrar our astronomr will conaidrr themselvra richly reward
have been In vain they wilt console tbam«
for Iheir loll. Bhould H all prow
tvflecllon that another and more complete ecllpae la aebatfs
tiled to appear next year which. In ih- island of Bumalra. will be "lotar durlaff

long mlnulea. thus affording
• ............rdenied time for oh*
Ibc Bpai-e
r In a year and the nnm t**
•s ran possibly i>
As nul more than two
tal of obserrallon Is limited Io only a f
|>gSLB thrir lives watching tor shuts Sl the :
make the miail of Ih.-lr opiHirlunliy when li


the MemorU


I W Wttn'i rrhii yeu J all "tportr.
''^ig1«^lkr. in ftel. wii bit bUe.
Hit t*il wt$\ stub »oi s "$borty.
good. piat$ ws$ iasidc.
CThese'^U dogs weuJd feel way aboee him.
He^'SdgJtioder coaimoa—but we.
^ Jfe boys io the army did hre
The Mascot of Compaay

He'd btrk when Ibe rittet waiU reilk.
Hed MOV •> "« eheUM.wlv-tbey-d boel.
Hed dioee dowo Ibe wbele
A eomei' of “bow^wewe" aod duso-^------ ^
He d "faU io " when Ibe Cootp by paraded.
Aod wbea 'Iwat ■ Amnlion." wby be ■
lee eland eiraighl. same as Ibey did.
TheiMaaeol el Company B.

The pel furlress ..f tne Oerman ka's*# 1s that at Hi- easlern terminus of lb»
bildg- uv. r the Vistula si Warl.-iiburg, a part of xvhlch Is shown In the a^
on.iMinylng lllustratl.m The entrances to this Marlenbuig bridge are furnl^
«d with mnaslre Heel gates, bapholed for ride Hre. and In the event of an Ids
vBsb.n ,f noiihem Oermany any suddenVaplure of such an Important sti^
tegif p sIUon would be no .-as}- mailer. The fortress proper Is connec ted WIW
embrasured outworks, which could promptly be gartlwmed and converted inW
one of the must forrolJabl.- d. f.nses In time <.f need.______________________ ^


He come ter our teat vbeo 'twas
That motoia we started ter go
He weal with
Aod stM^ the eod
' He fattcadf^^a forage was
But (ii«^ a bard taek w/th gke.

A llC*»l «C«r» A ObVIt-BB.
pottant towns without delay. When
the oStesr arrived at the mouth o< the
Elbe, where thr river la sevta and a
«ell«d thr exploit
half mllee wide, be ams thresteped with
OfUrers. |*rfortnsd abo<11y after
fight at Jena. In lOOA
dlSLisich-.^ an oincer to Marshal Mor
Usr requiring him to BsUt certain Un>

oaJy a dog. but he’s buried
of ibe^rest ef obr beya.
fus big
fA«rc ^J^iSfiriaU aM^i^s.
fa$. aod a brave or^
we give him the besli ye^s^'cet
f bad this pul onier his graeiftoae.

pel cross by the nearest bridge wlibeut
going IO miles out of bis way on roads
b*«t7 with snow, and be grudged the
itme tbai would thus be wasted. Bo he

skimming along on hla skates at tba top
of hla speed he gui over the river both
-do- and unharmed. By this daring, if
dangeeouA deed he saved six hours,
did what Napoleon bads him do and
aron graat credit for Ui bold and clever


Much has been wHiten aboul the btavery/wnd coolness of the aoldlera SB*
gaged In the Ib^r-BrltUh war. and each ^Ide has been praised unstintedly,
but -there are others. - ds the phrase of the day has H. who Imperil thsir Ursa
These are the surgenna and nurses, the drivers aod ambulance nllePdaDta. whs
can by no means be Inspired by Ihe heal of battle. Thm there are the wae cor­
respondents. who also lack the Inspiring motive of patriortam and whoas ren­
dering of the word duty la to get as near the front at poaalble wlthonl getting
It Is by no means a pert of a war correspondmi's business to run any risk
In getting the new s, and be may as well star'at the rear as not. ao far aa bl*
plain duly Is ronermed. But It Is n..l la human nature to see "some other fel.
low" get ahead of one and - ac«>p“ an iwpwiani. R*m pfjiewa that might aa
w rit as nut bate been picked up by bimaelf had be been with tbe vanguard U.>
Btead of among the atsagglsra. Jn the war now going uf^n Boulb Africa therg
Is a friendly rivalry among Ihe cotrespoBdents aa to which aball asenrt •
■-beat" orer the other.
A auggvstlon of some of the perils they run la convtysd la the aecpe doptat*
ed herewith, where a war artist anxious t« get to ibe-froat was taken for «
Boer by a seatry overosaloos tn the pertarmapco of bis duUaa and pcarily kUMt




"And Georg* gained yoar father’a a
knew too maek aboat papa** FM« '’
did.-—Clereland Plain Danler.

tore at be data.*
Aad ^ read tbe tbM totter;
Mr tkoi OwMkr-TM >wr t unto cM dtoa

1W Iwh .4 Ilk. Ik« ««k •< 4MI^
VkII (W cnra Nd CMk

mtiHiiEt i™

aottr«r%«t owr tt toTlbat Ood kad JtZ
Cbrtot fau rocwnilyr aaid. •'If tby
to^lW wcmmm I «m
rt raw to kawf M wMtb brother dtotll trei^iM aealiwt they, ge
mad tell him bit fault betweru tbeeaiid
WMiy Uto 1 ton tod toate mr otto dtod.
him •loM.’* Tbto k-ada Peter to aak.
Van. 4wr. Iwn
tan Wa tad *i«
m tke aae 1 IMI to
tbto wwU It wltatt
wtatt II <aa c«w «rwU tad trtal -Bow oft nhaU mr brother tin acalnM
me «od 1 forsive falm-MD orren
It Ml to wr Uto aM I
The {‘bartoeea mid thi<M
Timea, and Peter no tloobt tboagbt
teven waa a Eeaerout number, but Jeana retried. "I aar not uuto tbc« nerea
timea. but untU aerenir tliaeo ••*«•'’1 will a« wr toy toa
that to. no.definite number, aa three or
Mr toan hto tM Itt at
•eren. bnt Blwara bare a aydrlt of wlUfin iWa all iht ran.
, Initoeaa to forclve. Tbto troth Chrtot
1 to> ton rwt. aM wUk tto toubttl y
m war mn. bet wtU tb> Uaa
Uien lUuatratea In tbe parable of *7be
to a awa tod «an«t u fca
raw to
Servant." which hat been i
to to^
aeleeted for our atudj. A kUif cnUa |
. . .w waa wicbi tow yaa. «M I lend m fito aorranla to aecount. One owed
to uodtriy I aaaiad ft" to kart okat aaali blffi 10.000 laleota. a creat auin. which

r Locrm ouu.
■ •wiKi ii*iM>r
John ftenrat'a d«wt>tff. R*
#id «bni *br vat a rfaltd. 7011 know.
«ad Ml kit
(anw to her.”
«Wh7 in't ake siarrMr
•*Z%r7 oar ake bat borird btr boart to
Ckariir Cattfr’i frarr. You marinbrr.
•MM fi*r roara afo and hrokr . . _ .
, «ad brr boan at om blow. Mbo it a atnoMr. (bomb. Itn'l tboT
o ate UTlof (0
jM b<w. BWf. R«ltlo dowi
own and rala
fWfaHt. My aiaiM Myt aba
a aM^ of ai'Otlmpiit abunt bor. {tut bow
■bo aMina to bare, kat all intermt in
' aMthlBc. Ob. BO, not a mean, ttlncy
•Creak In ber Minn-! ftbr U. rriT geo•root witb to
neye Imt gtrr. a*
e a atmw what abe
Chaorb abe did
a girlng
Kirlnc tbe dual to—annatumL rery.
I am afraid of her myaelf. Inii abe 1. a
Ihoeaawhbrfd: nrrer aaw her do or look
•rlthin ber. and If 1
town tble winter I wonld try and reach
it. She Wilk. like a queen. What U ahe


. a.


«*y- Tbr kins iberefore

wkTto to iHi^^^tSM/toVu ra. woi to
him and bit famllr to be ootd
to I win to aU la tar i»-w to wato yee to paT the debt. Tbe eervant bened
"“ ‘
“** “•
j hnnibtr foe more time. Baylnc. “lUr»
>“*. ond 1 w*U I*y thee
toit u rea toll Ud aw cow.. raiiktoUr yowt.
kU ” Tbe kins, folof further er«a aawwi. : than he naked, seneroualr forsave him.
"Re aakt ao Uitto. I onfht to be abla But this ftorraut went oni and fouod
to lire with him and be happy. 1 abaU one who owed bltn and braUtly dobe naklnc lea aerifire if I any *Come' mamled wliat waa owwl. and In eplt*
to him. and hb dear. cdd. centie lUe will ^
fallow nwranfe appeal be retVitb lean In ber eyee ebe Ungbed fuaed to hare ujercy. bnt bad him caat
Into prlaOB. Tbe king waa told. He
niood na abe throw tbU Into letter in tl
bla {lanlon and bad tbe unmer­
fire, nnd wbile walcbi^ it bora 1
ciful aerrant delivered Into tbe banda
‘■1 can’t marry tbem all."
of the tormentora until be could pay.
Our customers arc not teased to buy goods three to five years old—We have
Taking a aben of paper In her band ,
th« iitmaparrATtos.
thing it gently, aa though girlng
“none-such”—AH is new at this store, and the prices always very reasonable.
•etaUon of tbla |mnble la i
n-. ...Mine Ann nnmlA-.ln. <
«allym.dolfr we«crptonc'p.rUcular
It were with her dwn blood ube wmw
I"™* •“ blind.. The
writing, ahe wrote the one word:
ting Ja <>od; men are bla debtora. None
of ua can pay wbiit we owe God. God
Folding the paper, the pot It In ar a*fortl' e m> only w hen we are wUlreloiie and aealed H.
Ing to (orglrc our fellow iiien wbd
"Union Made” Overalls, 48c.
She thro drew another abeet from the have treaiiaaaed agalnal un. Tbe [wraCarpenters Aprons. 25c
eaae before her and wrote upon It:
ble doea not Uwch that G0.I given a
kty Ito.r, DMr FrirM-t tow
ypo top will ip
ami then recalla II. aa tbe king
.. TO na —II
. .J I nn u

Uiileiw9ir.2Sctii $l00(l.

lea's Skins; 25c to $3.

“Ucioo" Hats, $1.00 to $3.

Dress Pacts, $1.50 to $6.

Oathine Suits, 50,75c, $1.50.


-*ly. aa
«d from her heart and her prayer
rapid ami perllouf
•vrred. she apreng from tbe groum
I rode astride the trunk
•aerrted borne.
a falleo tm-. and my fileuds were
Going at onre to her room, ahe took
frwn ber desk three leltera. Bowing her riingiog teoariously to its branebea. We
covered a dlManra- of about a mile In.
*^ ‘
her bandA ahe whlcperrd
I abnuld uy. about half a minute, al­
though none of us held atop waicbea. The
tvalaaobe esme
10 a slop near ibe foot
of tbe ipuDTitaIn in a small vallev, and.
letter from tbe Nathmal elnli.
drew it from the mrcUipe and reread tbe strange lo ay. Done of'us was hurt, tare
How. wbn waa atrurk 00 the lr«
•ton tbe knew abe would hare
bowlder after we had come to a
Talk about rapid trausii—that
ravdofie ohlrh hnldi atop
Ms IHIW. Itorothy a •t. yott kar« mto wa ride beat anythiug I ever expirienced
jiy wTlKr. and yea 1 > wtot to tod to toll heard ef."—WnahiagioD 1’o.t.


baud. She told him the situation—that
Kvanaton avenue ears seemed lo -be
pity to Kiitoa-a rialdrra. lor my
it m getting dark, and to nimr to me sow. ahe wt. afraid. WbaraMuld ai do?""
y« tore aw. I win. and yos
“Why. take ao Eraoaton car." be re-

Poorness of Blood
Tbe C«uM of Exhansted Nerv«t
and All tbe llli of a Weak­
ened Body.

Judgments For Sale!

Or. A. W. Chase's
Narva and Blaod . Pilla

That the undersigned will receive bids for the following
judgments, heretofore obtained and entered against the
following named persons, which judgments are for the
sums set opposite the names of the respective persons.

Let tlie blood get tbin, weak and
wntetw. and every part of tbe body ii
bauated ior want of proper oourlsbJOHN A. MURPHY.
Tbe digeaiive system fails to de
iisrioir, and there i* Indigesti
indigestion and
dyaprpaia;: the liver and kidneys become
clogged a id inactive; there are pains la
allies anil limb-; batteeba Saginaw. Mich.. Ionia, Mich., Big Rapids, Mich., Cadillac
Igia: tbe nerva become eaMich., Traverse City, Mich. bausted. au-l there It Dcrvtioroeaa,
Icaaoesa and irrilabiliir, female
pteinta, lasaitude and drspoiidcnc-.
To rid Ibe svsicm of these di>tre<aing Dr P C Terrill...
caused br weak and impnre blood, ; Dr Andrew Curlia..............
e it no preptratioD ao cfiectirc as | Mre Mary E HaBBond...
A. W. Cbaae'a .Verve ami Blood Hermao Gala......................
15 51 Tbosna Welln.........................
Pills, the prearriotion of ABrrla’a Della Tarlor........................
II 40
greatest pbrsiclan, Ur. A. W. Chaa
John A Byera..
114 43
Dr. A. W. Cbaae-k .Srrvc and Blood William M Bine
57 31 Arthur Freyor...........................
Ptllt increase the number ol corpuscle* ; Jason 'i' Ds'rMac
b l«?
in the bloml, and *0 nourish and in- Della Hyatt Uy
vigorate tbe whole aratrni. They gently August Mnreeh
reKUlate tbe boweV'nake the kidneya
BBEo erry
and liver active, tone the atomacb and
digestive lyaiea, and give new enerey J H Andrew*................................
St »S
and viialily to every organ of the bo^.
Bmlnent pbvaiciaoa wbo bare pretibed Ur. A. W. Cba>e‘a .Nerve and
the grealeal
ol restoratim fur sresk and impure
blood; 50 ccou a box, ai all dalers, or
« 40 Ohnrla Higreion.................
mail on receipt
pt of price, bv Dr. A.
Chare Uediriue Company. 'BoSalo.
7 M
N. V., On
' every box of
.. the „______
18 46 Wliuua Bore...............................
will be found portrait and foe-aimila
• 10
e«« It la Vaar Bible.
aignatnre of Dr.t. A. W. Cbaae.
6 97
Here Is a liaudy table, fumlsbed by
n 55 ;CbrU Stoat........................................
137 »
The C'bristlau World, which It would
5 58 I
tr well to rut out and copy for referCOBAL
3?wl1 Mr*. Prudenee SleenB .............. n io
eovH- In your Bible atudl.-a:
^ ^y's {ouruey was about 23 1-6
10 801
A tlnbliatb <lay‘a’ >onnicy was about
an Fucllab mile.
6 801
A et.-blt was th-arly 22 Incltea.
“j4ohnB. Green...............................
«s so
b).ud‘g breadth is ei]ual to 9%
A fini<cFa iirendtb !■ equal to about
74 50 oinriea Hickt..........................
*1 SO
me ineli
A aliekol of silver was almut 00 cenu.
ArUnrB Bell.............. .............
U 41
A sbekal of gobl was fti.
A laleot of silver waa tSSSJO.
A Uleni of gold waa «34«U.
0 M WelU ' ................ J.............
A farthing was 3 retiia.
7 0«
A piece of silver, or a penny, aru 13
And his Jolly CompBoy in a reper­
n Dennte .
7 7»
toire of tbe lateat comedy BOcceases Haory Dormnn..............................
B. J. Kpeaeer .
Peter H»rrto....
7 H
Wmiarn Plneb..
I ■*“
contained aeren High cUbs Singing and Dgneiog.
15 9S
J. B. Bnmilton.
16 45
g«JI«n* And fiveplmt.
SpecinItieB nt every performam-e.
Came Durfae ..
Rich coBtame* and spefinl aconery
DbvW and Z:b WUbnr..............
•erlataa notaBbta.
for each play.
Willtem Perry..............................
Frenk Poll
Make Ume for aerioug tbougbta. Let

- LAI:

A Woasaa’a Pea
The Chicago I’ost dracrilN.-a the ud
my Bitire toad ahre u n
ue of a Woman wbv waa walling at
Ood kteree I did my
the "Umiti >aj; l-aro” for an Evanaton
«Of» «to lore
reared, and to kae
harpy aad eu M«r
. nty of Kr:
r. but la hu «
anston ears, but ber transfer cheek waa
. w gire tor purr
rssl only oa the avenne linw. and aba
■riaw toyoed wtot 1 (are tor. and tto drer rhild
another fare.
iwwa.d to tot Hakre bretoa tooted. learUw mt
and tow mothreUa rluidrea to you. aiy ent lore.

BIcccs, lOc tc $2.25.

Haclkarcliicfs, 5c to SOc.

____ Bike:Paots, Soils, Ocits, Hose, Cc|is.


rt |>xe itol I odcU (Ire to

Hosierr, Sc n 75c.

Neckwear, 2c tc $1.50.

(iod (Tat ypB nay and a vpbw worthy Munlea we forgive tSmI Will
ymr kaaii loti U tto myw of
forgive ua. The illu»tgRklcT(r-lir-liiii
*t3oibf to the remetery. Tbry ny abe
and hence Imperfect, luit
brit the oUf
one tl
^•»n here at all hour, of tlie day. but
la rioting thii letter In an enrelope taught la clearly evidt
there la never a Bower on Oiarlle’a grave,
•he makea no outaide abow. Olre me a
wblcb abe wrote:
n>oea ahe lire aloneT'
nap. li.ire TTw (nmd a^ri la aiyta
"»> *l'l>Iy »od
“Ko-a bonaefnl of aei
to«otnl luitpr itoa ton ymw riaan aad enforce tbe topic,
arnomethiDg n. a co
aatoppy Iripod.
OeatoBT toaaar. • 1. God la wllllDg to liavc patience
9 go alnmniing. but I
And ahe
<^1* *■
bad the triili ua Tlie king l>ore tuort iiicrelfuiothera and ‘went 'to ibe library, learlu ly and gem-roUKly ivUIj bla lebtor. who
all three of her anawera oa tier desk. ^ i-ould not |ut.v. He priielously forgsre
Tonebiag Ibe Iwll in tbe ball aa
blni Ibe drill, and in tbla be is t.vpinU
Then the whole force went down on
their kneew. and abe wa. sent boor, ao calL
of Gud. lo w iiose debt ive nrv. God
iher ay. In the Work Maria. Anyway,
"Jamea. teU I'oule to bring me tbe is wllIlQg to fiirglve us. He nltvaya
^ feta aoroe one elw to alum nowadaya, three Iriiora 00 my desk. Bbe may stnnp denis pnilently nod mervlfully with us.
«nd ahe pay. the bUI>."
I*ld He nut do so. we could not ataod
•It abr a IdueetockincT’
.. . maid brought ber ibe Irtterg. for a single moiiH-ot befon- Hiui.
"Conalply not. She I. nothing but
Stepping to tbe table, abe bowed ber us nppreclali' God's luetry nud (totirnt
•That a man would want hi. wife. bead
nud whispered:
eiidunotv and tltauk Him for them.
Bother or aiwer to be. with a couple of
2. Kiuce G<n1 bus {latiemv with UA
______ a—thrown
_ in. .a»e
Bbelaltake a boi by
^ aeBaon at the Raroy and turn, it over
with our fel­
ig folka, like ■ dear that abe
of tbe kiug
On the m-ooiid. "I’l
.. The gi-ucroMlty
...... ...
in forgiving bis si-rvant a great debt
. .1 you as I
On the third, "Hon. Tbomaa fiewcU, alinuld have made It a }oy for lilcn t
Nkl her rook, and there wonld lie
Hotel feeil."
have forgive n a fritow sen.-int a cr—
Bare bean or soul In ber grerilug tl
•■Give these t '
. -------------niualler debt. His aciiuo waa base
iBadlab ofpnrooked imipbrooma. I h_..
to bare a wonian ao independent and ao
galMe that one ean'i eatefa fa.dd of a
etraw for a gvod foondaiino
' rteek. I wish yon were going t
BIDy.'-lf any one e«*old more ber. yon
It aabe ta a sluoiM-r aad no misHere
and the earth wsa soft ami wet. When
willing to forgive uicD their trea•Im* too. Good lock.................. .
BL Ned: noom for two? Tbanka."
nut. yea. (nuuot. forgive ua. To be
Today Porothy Bargeni entered the st­
feet I
forgiven we must forgive.
int city of the dead with more than
_ Ibe rei
••dnea In ber sweet faee. and
llgbtniuc speed down t_. tbe li-ader esplalu tbe parable
Tbe avaliiirhe seemed t
open. T0lunta^2j)
sU feel divp and earTiM'wilMMireMU
rocks Bud bowlders. Foriuoalely, myaelf t’usnluu of the tuple,
riuae to the upper j
BlBtj: *EAD150a.

'Tto tomUag ito am yea tore |««red y


You've enjoyed wearing one you cannoticnow how good our suits
are—the difference between them and the ordinary ready-made
kind or the product of the cheap tailor is greater than you would
imagine until you've made the comparison. Our suits are equal
in style, fit and trimming to any a first-class merchant tailor can make, but he would
have to charge you double our price, for wher« he makes one suit the manufacturers
n of ours make a thousand, and his knowledge and skill are fto greater than those of •
the manufacturers’ designers and tailors. Once a man examines our suits, no further
arguments.are necessary-$2o. $i8. $i6. $15, $13.50. $12. $ia At these prices we
have suits that are r^lly wonderful values even for this store to offer. Takes in the
finer serges and all imported worsteds and tweeds.'made in that correct way that’s
the cn\7 of the best merchant tailors.
At $9, $8, $7, $6, $5, $4, $3.50 we show a handsome line of business and work­
ing suits in ail the nobby stuffs.








City Opera House

......... «»


Thursday, May 31




^“Bni I aipn hare to pay BDothM ftre."
Ba*wto toTeTiJala.***”**^
are to mr lUf 01. word t rear, |a tto___ abe objected.
tt tto iBBocmt woma who karw tot told Ito
“Well, what of It? Too don’t want to no day |uss wHbutn aome tneanHy of
host that totoagod lo aaottor. I rey to yaw- atAv there, do rouT’
Mlemn tblugs, Encb tnoming aa yon Thursday night they will present
“Bnt I can't." at
the foar act oomMy entiUed
riae remind .rouraelvea that ''God spake
BigM nod t^lte ns dentb, abe threw
“Why Boir be naked.
Me letter m tbe homing eoab and
“Beeauae—beeanae 1 baren’l any acen- these words and said." Bach evening
Am eminenUy skilled and sccomplUbed artist. A vooderfnl and
wMehed the fiaraea devour tbe paper till r. I Just used my last dime la the teW- aa yon Ue down to regt let God's an­
gels cloM tbe door of your heart on
tkm waa nothing ton but a gray loa pboee to rail you op*
thoroughly qoalified pboti^frapher.
tknt trrmbtod and fell to pieea at •
tha s
-----------------------.... .. the iangh . tbongbta of purity and peace. Tbe
WhW of wind blew aeroa the grate.
which renehHJier art over tbe wire.
j soul that baa never lived face to face Prices.............. 10, 20 tnd 30 centa
— Wll I lAM A .gnPFP —
Opening tbe second totter, ahe rend:
-------------------------I with eternity la a vulgar aouL Tbe
Tbe king of pbotograpberB in poaing, lighting, draping and arrangtog bla
•oiaw-Pw Ito rmn I tore kiwwa aad tored
The roateria Balarr.
life that baa nerer lartted the high
BM I tore arrer UH aaw f.......................
■ubjeci* for the praetiemg pf fate truly wondarfal art. pbotogrepby. Mr.
• uU rom-tt ay
They harr ways of their
dolnr ' law of hollneu U n mined and a wastSopw has aeeuiwd tbe Photo balldlng opprelu the Botol Colncablaon FYoat
tUngt in dar ridJ IM^ehosettw and j m bfe.-F. W, {•'arrar.
wrre rtrh: t waa gaat.
If nccompanied Ly an escort vitb atraet and baa rentodclad It aad pat It in order for atrletly ap to dato phato>
Id as helmto rat to
, ym did Bol
one paid 30 cent ticket, if reaeired
a certain little e
awn lira
ta worth Biota Ite
a are eerdlalty Invited to vteit hte etadio and teat hta ability aa aa ap to
before 6 p. m.
I for hU good
O Ere tint aredrtb Be iisam.
a kasw wtol I tore dear la I
rdw Prom early morning
lath hows upoa my toad
Seat* on aale Toeadiy.
L bat ya de BM kaow wM I
night he la at tbe beck and
d 1all of
f hhia
Aad are H I aai ataag It
d hta tore ttoaob ya aad Ual ior ya pariablonera. nerer rompla
Tadata dtar 1 tore larrritoi.
ebesetaL Ria annual ailpad b
la 120
I dtos aaw agsr to ya Ito taaan aad H
■ ga a tad a wsiUag tor yea. owrad by Tbe nmiDer riaitore to this town last
Altoad ana m.r rrera
• (tortore kaawtadga ttol ya tore aaiA "I
Aad man Ito Mb orbare U
lot ya"
Coast to to Thr toatort
May I rarer to ya ad Cato ya la my arrer
gnd baid ya (tore to tto baaR ttot brem tor ya
O Bad tkat kasa li
ht tritlr at lay csr
BirBBt for • tnra ef yawra where a*
I bare toU ya id my Wre
Aad ttrenw ah Ua a
it—and whra it ame lime tn pay him
TMya win »dd aa eoa ta
hb yarty aUry they teoderrel him H00
And son* Are poor stock. Soap sa yon know is better after
and a rreelfN lo alga for 3200! “Ton
• BNMte ttot mtaa ■
bs^a^. l^eiybo^ who uses soep know tbe stendenl amVrem '
haee got the other huodred from th*
TbM ma raaoh aath day
snmmte pople." they mM. The old «aa
wboB they eeo tbe mas on tbe wrappers. We will giTe yoe nod vaL* - » my toad, my rebe. a
•fiber. In tbe fire. Aa aba vntMM M arcepied the alinaitan and b worklnc
• ttaicWmaalgtari
•em. aba aaid aland;
sway as hard u ersr.^?(ew York 8am
ennU be bappy with bta. HM pre-


“A Runaway Wife"

Ladies Free Thnrsdai Right only


BlacksmtthSliopGliiiige We Have Hinaiy-Five
Kii^s of Soap





Somt Hat%t their flghl tat yetterd«r.
SMC tack ia slztjMe.
It natter* aet where’er they hnthU
Their fithUat aa* b £aae.
Whea FrecdM't caaac waa MtartflMi
Aad ahe for saccar cried.
\%ey did aat tay their cmati? aay.
Bat seMr fMfbl-aad died. .

. Tkek UM« wt 4o Mt kM«.
Brt ttMrh MkMwi M M tkeir ■
W« Mi tlKir •cs'rie>4ev.
tai w» Miy MV boMt* pii7.
Aai 4ro» the iikat tear.


nr nran. HACBOKALD
lOapyrUbt, 1*0. by Kell »
A8 tbe mao
Moe? He knelt
praylni upon tbe
Uok of tbe Yawrvatb to each
baud, and aa 1
from -my boat be
atnee and cast tbe
wreatba one after
another Into tba
Mid I
-meanii of
•leiVcd asbora, “it I ask tbe-meaniof
■e wreatba.
As Ibis U Memorial
d I
ipired by
e your artlon U loapii
__ memo T of tbe cirll war.and
Tea.“ be replied aolemnly. ^
Mnuiye act which yon aaw me perf<
a «bat was t>
saddest Incideou of tbe civil
clvi Wl,
(dMoratins the erave of John Doo»Ua
prirate in a reonsylvaola reclment ofi
volnntrera. a brave mail and tbe traeat
Mend I ever bad.”
“Ub craver’ 1 estiaimad. *i are no
•rare—only water."
“And only waiiT coeera my hero,
is there senewberr In Ibe rirer.”
“IKliai you eay.'
my enriosity. 1 ae
--nlcQKtbis rirer. and 1 abali be deeply In• tmMsQSf you will teU me tbe story."
Tbla be did aa we aat aide by aide
tank of tbe rirer.
**lta tVoDsylvaala reftmeai to wbieb

tor-.rt .lib....

. iDCT as- ..
aarra. and in a lonr ot artnpalfar Ingnl
^d afier luy ct>ndiiiou. 8b« told m« ib<
I bad been Ter; U1 and dalirious and bad
already passed two olgbla in tbe boose.
Her fstber. sbe added, was ardenllj deTOted to tbe soalbem caose, aa abe was
beneir, but tbey were always nady to
tbe t«Us of bninaDily
loo aoUler.
“As yon nay iadge from my entbaalasm. 1 Ml io kdre with tbU fhlr ancrl
of ibe Ysspo.
Yaspo. Olympia I.e Moyne. 1
convaleanid rapidly, ijl
when 1 would be, C)ra|>ellcd to tcJoI
regiment aud leave ber. pcrbnps fo
1 was soon ou a foottna of tbe
ly In
Intimacy with ber'falher. Franris Le Moyne, who bad been at one timr
engagi-d lo bm-iucss In New Orleant.
Wby be and bis daughter Utympia bad
removed to that iouel)' spv^ In as region
of swamps and bayous. I did It inquire.

ed excitedly:


vyHxx flowers

“Tben we can hare no tnnible io find­
ing flowers for eseb that will be sym­
bolic of tbuae tbrev virtues." said
ibougbtfol Agnes. Alire’t older sister,
snd eonlinuod: “Here is a pansy to beThat means Iboug

«>mi^*SM-^^tala ^•m«t!*^Y0M POETRY AND LANGUAGE OF FLORA'S
'scape. It yoab lebe
babe Uma.yet
“Tbongfa doubting the tecoracy of thy!
ftitbrol creature's account, to far as tbe
Btrengtb ot tbe ei
(DipyitthS. tn». by a C. Firbora.]
ia and Ude ber a l<
Tbe elvDirais bad c'luibined to m
ber with tbe promise ibat_I would return hlemorial day our of p<-rfiHlWD. AU
Ibe fragi
^tbe war. This pcoml.. .
and Ibr livrs s
faithfully performed. We were married
and have lived for over
graves. Velerans
cottage where abe nursed
lib. Zbtn. togelber wilb many of 1SUS. aur“As we were eulering a
roouded by sjui|uiUiixiug grouiis
a tbe verge of ibe rising
ot old aud young, stood awaiting I
bugle call to auenlion. A child dressed
in white and boldiug a liny flag on high
Buddrnly arose on the edge of tbe crowd
nearest the soldiers ouJ tvpealed vllb
nenruus resolutiou these lines:
As4 n Is our ba»j srsillag
rrrrerst «st'h >vsf to psy

( of. rcfincnienl,
■e PCI
wbslever their
oilre lo so SM-1
tbemwlTcs 1 felt itt to l» <»e tbaY could
discredit upon them,
lined a month ia tbe Le Mome.
and myself were toisg.-. Olympia
. .
gfiber on every |Muisil>1e opportunity, a

gratetul l«<« ssd |ssy
stlbedesr All raibrv.BsyU

ing that she lovtvl me. How
remember esch separate Incident in
this dcllgbtfol
lUbtfn and nmiaullc i>eriod of
my lifi-r I «
but that eoQlalned
eoriruumeDt. Olympia 'was Ibe i


Obcv Bon. brax besets, vr thask yes
For Ibii rrsod free land of <iur>:
Oaev sswv •> shlqsv. -God bl«a >su.“
Aad las.t uur Ivvs silb our dusm.
The tender lode and beauliful scntl, apirewled lo ever} hcari. 8cn»alive AlUe Moson chiug to her father’s
baud and buried her t.-nr stained fa.-e
In tbe folds of bis worn blue jacket that
u sue
bad seen service >u ibe field. Aud
would DO* lie coiufon<-d until the bugle
call demauded his prvM-nee in the front

So BOW we hriataarcarhadaialr
To lay oa each dear grave.
«Kk !•>«. «ach hreaal ahavA
The flag that -loog ahalJ ware."
We how the head above the dead
Whow deed! wtU ever live.,
Aad Mooa of Bpriig today we briag
Aad to Ibeir neai’rie* give

“llosra. for reward of virtue, and tba,
yho Or■' sms tbe major's re- Itessm of lotoriwatloB AI
Brr of Veirraaa.
What Is tbr U. A. i.L?
An associiitiuu of \rieran soldier* wb*
served in the’ iionbcrc armies belwton
•April. IWil. sod .August.
Tbe fimt
<J. A. IL post was iustiluled at Decatur,
Ills, in April. ISWi. The iwsts i.a tba
several slat.-s are urganixed mto depart*
niciiis. as depsrtmenl of .New York, d^
paituiyDl of Iowa, and so on. The bead*
of de]ianmrols bear the lille «t depart­
ment comiunuJer. Tbe hi-ad of the aa*
LMial body is called coiumauder la chief.
AA'bal is the uuiformt
Tbe uniform varies in tbe aeveml Ob
partntems. and many posit adopt a
ditidual luitlern. As a rule, tbe ua
is a uiodifieatlva «T Cornier milllary atylaa.
r Is dark blue.
r auy <1
The large black bat wiib gilt cord aud
in the crtiwn bat becoma
dx p crease
tbe Craod Army bat. Gray
hats of tbe same shaiw are also mocb ,
worn. The army forage lap '
sirnigbl visor ba> Wn otfirially a
Biark at be laid tbcni side by aide on A. ll- men?
tbe grass.
On parade tbe relcraas wear the badge*
-1 wish we bod more lutlros." aaid
f the anny cor)>s io which they aerred
patriotic l(obi-rt ttbaw.
during the war. arti.y *..ri.^y
"Here i« n gival branch of cedar, regimental liadgea aod tta G. J
Where sUII t put that. Major Masour'
waa Katie Hyde's query.

“Ahuol tbe end t January Mr
ilf sou. who
nplsln in the Oonfedcrate service,
bad been wounded and was cumlog borne
on leave In a few days. lie. as well ar
myself, knew it would lie at least embarraMiug were we to tn«-l. My check
,h,' uitie. stroustb."
maullol w llb sbaiae when I thought ot Ti*BO«itaTOTBttaxaoFniEiUTn.''l«J>r;"';“;^“"^^
my comrades fighting the battles of their Ing to ibe nearest of tbe nuaeways, we
i-lilcHv enm- ' "And where there it strength does viecunntry while I, aa Intruder upon
saw the Confedcrales rapidly approach-!^ .
• .
hair and bow.-d ahoul- *'"7 follow';" ask.-d Alb-e.
the enemies of tbie ci

t S.^lnBe..l '■ k.. **r<.nilnl n

but iuglorioiis rare.
jugbt Olympia and told
would be roni|wlU-d lo leave on Ibe
l•liowlag. Kbe exhausted all tbe reca traaapgrta on Dec. 2o. IIMC:. and bepan
rt uf a faerinating and besutlrnl
tmmUona on tbe following day. bea and VU-ksburg lay a swampy woman li dissuade we. but seeing that
gegioB interweted by aumeroua bayous. all ber ai ■ were tn'vala finally gave
•After aereral sklrmisbes It was found reluctant
"lint bow to *«t away and rejoin my
o force a passage tbroagfa
regimeut was now the —‘'-------------•'.only
to uiy mind. I could not escape by wa;
narrow rsusewaja, txiuiinsuded
federate bstteriiw. and the siiecupt wai of Vicksbon. and. for aa.vibiug I knrr
tbe oiulrary. tbe banks of tbe Yaxo
s few days.
“In tbe Usi of C
serersfy wounded and was left unnoticed
Ih- palrulliug the river.
Iv my eomradn la a dense canebrakt gunboats ttu)gbl
Ibis Jno.vorr a scouting part;
«poa ibeir reiuro to tbe Yusw after tbe
Union fro.>l>s from one of
«Uempt bad failed. I lay for some time of
la a semirutiMiiKia’ cnodiUon. securely spp>-ated ut>uQ tbe sivua. Among the
d from tbe rye* of my enemies, as nuurU'r I was delighted to see my UiOD
trade and leni oiste. John Itonglas,
I tad bsen. •aforlimstely. from tboar of who greeted nie w-1tb a Wsrmtb Bad
my friends. My cwudiiiun was truly de- tfausiasm which did aM require tbe evL
ploralSe. for 1 wss noi only serioitaly
of tearful eyes to cunrlnee
wounded and weak from the iusa ot deoie
bleed, bat tbe causeway was uow jwlrol- tbrir esmcsiuess.
•• 'My de
M by Confederate siiMlerm and eren face
agiow with surprise and ploaanre.
were It otberwiae tbe Kederal troops bad
probably by that lime ren-n
Ibe transport, sod sbunld i
Taaee It would only be to fall into tbe
taads of tbe rnetuy.
“Witbuul suy definite purpose o guide
my steps. Uit Impressed by Ibe i
of leaving a p-iilon w here I wss io Usns direction
wbicfa led me eway from the causeway.
A sligfai frost bad rendered tbe swaiapy
aidl imee firm, and the chief difficulty «•coonleced was in making
through Ibe cane and boshesI and intv
lacing Tines.
“After slowly gr«^Bg aboni la tbla
manner for tbire or four hours I saw ris­
ing ground la front of me and an open­
a tbe thick growth of tre
ing in
trees crowning
It Wblcdi I tbooghi iadicited
proacb lo ibe at»de .r
if my
>cctwe were comet. tr«am>rary relief was
at band, for eren enemtes would not r«foss to aid one in my piiiable coadilioa.
Dpon reaebiag llie openiag in tbe woods
1 aaw a neat, wbiiewasbed eoiiagr.
rooDded by an orchard, a short distsaeu
la rTuol of OM. while io rear of the booae
a amalL well cultlrated farm

‘-’“f, “"■*

which iu aouir |>laivoi bad
..........................................fallen acros. the track and iu otber.
bung from the trees just low enough
eulstigle our beads ia Ibeir meshes.
“As we reaefatd tbe causeway then
was no todicalioD of tbe enemy, and irf
began to hope that they bad not discov­
ered the route we look. We did not
slarkru our speed, faowerer. and when
we bad covered BMSt of the distance lo
the rirer we saw them following at full
apeed. llen^forth it wat a race io
wbk-b tbe stakes were death or-captivlty
--- ......... .
leading files bad
reached Ibe bank of the river Confedeeate bullet, fired at lung raugr.
In tbe leg. and 1 fHl belfdesa I
bushes by tbe wayside. Our men iben
fired a voltry at the fiw. wbirb did some
exi-cuiiou niiJ <lus-ked tbefr advance.
“Soon after I fell Jubo Ihiuglas was by
my side and roised we to my feel. It
(Ik or even to
niui to leave
Umself from
capiurejhr perhaps di-fllh. But Ihe noble
bearted. fellow, not linet
liiteniug to my ro­
Dinnstranres for a niomeui. pirt
cked me
up in bis powerful unus and bore
Ibe liank of tbe rivvr. Wur comrades
who in ibe hurry of boarding tbeir boat
had not probably missed us. were now
Js-yond baUiuc disiaace. Fruitful io resniirves. my •umpanlon rushed to a part
Ilf the hank u here be saw a plauk and.
returning at otin-. placed me on it in tbe
waier. .Atlempling in gn on It himself,
be f<«ind It would not fanir us linlh. so be
gate Ibe plank a «;^n>us push aud Mid:
“Try lo p.iddle'lfa Ibe direction «f tbe
gunboat. 'Tliey will sism see you and
come to your rescue. I can swim.'
“Kidlowiag bis advice and using ray
bands as paddbw. I bad made some prog­
ress iiiwanl Ibr vi iss I wbew ( saw a rnwUiBl coiniiia lo our resrue. My beroie.
self sacrifiring friend slW kept l»e coml>SDy. Tbe boat appruacbed nearer and
Bearer uutil she was only two iengfbs
away. Tbeo 1 turned aad looked for
friend, and t
benealb tbe water. I threw myself from
tbe plank into ibe water ia aa aguny of
despair, wishing to sbaro Ibe fate
■ate of my
daad tafccomrade, but 1 waa at
es ioio tbe ImaL
“Cos you wonder oow." be eoailaoed.
while tears flowed down bis pale ebreka,
“that I cast a flower wreath oa tbe dark
water* of tbe Yaaoo ac Memeriai dayf

is abruptly
CmapletHy estaasted and feHiag
...B death would be a relief. I psIofiiUy
made my way to ibr gale leading ibroogb
Ita ocebard lo tbe cottage. Upon luacbhag it I aaw la the park before me a UU. ‘I iboBghi you bad guBe to tba Und «f
brntlfKl giri. and Ibeo I remember notb- shades. Bod tare I find you by tta aidt
of a beautiful gill la an ArvadUn par*tag mere. M’bm I re.
oaiau aad baroea.—Geaeeal Amlervoa.
Mm. 1 fM»d myaeH lying io bed la a disF which WW1IS to bar.
giri of U aboald kaew
impl’^^aV bayouil Every boy and gl
*------ —room. Tbe conria- magic amid ibe awami
whicb have made
n me that I tad fall- of tta Yasao •

a* Ism fcM bataa. and then. Just as I

rveabed the risloo of a beaoiifoi being In
1 deectlbe bee beanty-ber
||trmctkn of farm? I tboogbi of MarO*

the mrnie of bar rede* was Hhe tta tHIl
•C a amg bird. aofUnsd M fka cm of a



f«m M to’yw”^!Styr"F«
let them know itat my fear* wsc|
aad-ttat you are Mill Urlag
aad ready to fight for the Ualoa. an-'
IM*.' ta coatMlwed UagblU- Tta baaati-J
fal Goafedeiiie who joM now left yam'
company ta* caarmad you to tta caw
of key peoplo.

__ 1.1 _

__ I

tta^e«di-jadge'BKtaida Vats*,
Tta sattem that ttari^e* gta graves
of Iu aoldier* aad
ttam la tta a*tbt* ibai preaerrea and eolarges natioBal life.-Beaiamla Harvtam.
*n^ oatlaa or eonatry that coa grow
»cb character aad such loftiaea*
^lat they will go down le death.
tf need ta. far a prtoHple ran r«le tta
laca A«at DlaaL a damoMlc c< tta
'etafer Davte at Arliaglo*.
taamhntd. cama harriadly toward m

I Tl?'



,„.T H- I.niib ..
■■Win 1. r»>. iWr mil, .M.
dying p.,,,.
love for „,„.ra.l..
Cimrad.-s of tbe war.’'; O'"
' '>l «kai <*“*» »-•«*» «»ps»«l»:
One who had lo*1 lii» righi arm offered a and diH-s not tbe daisy tuiwn Ineocenee'
rose n> “a s.vnilsd of puril.v." with the asked Flon-uce.
prayer lliut fiiuin- pi-uerattons might
"Yes. 'innocence andpiirlly.’ tbe poM
emuliie till iiDM-llisb devotion of our be-«j-,.
the biwveii
Iwstowivl virtue*
roes. .A third plsi-ed a sprig of iaurri at of the dahy.'" >vs|uiudivl tbe major,
“a symUil of vkiury and Ibe laat token "But." be added. '
of allisti.iii ftv.m Munradet in armt."
1-adi-n wiih fiow,.i> for tbe dead. Alice
and ber yiiuiig wmismiopt crowded
round .Major Masou to share iu thewih. (sflaaily nls)**
pleasing wrewooy of tbe hour. May ,
“Y'es." said the major, "red hawthorn
' is the emblem of bii|ie. by t
uuwonby virtue. Let ua p
the rosraT’
Buck beauliful
“No. Tbe elm algnifies patriotism. I
should plsre it beside Ibe pulm and tbe
cedar." Siiid Ibe Dinjur.
Tbiee snow lU arc
e betuiie*. Where
■hall I pm il7r
Albe: so pul Ibt-m with e lilies." said
"TlJe fvrui
F SO delicate we mutt
. use ibero."
H “If v.-e use ibrtn. Alice. we'U bare to
take the mossAt<«." said ItobrvL "beI cauae
■ “Tb. frrs lo.M ll.e mosaUlB. Ua Boss loved tbe
s efts Ibr riib and tbt sii,— ibt

“Tbi* Ibr ivr* snd Ibe mow Ihm grrw wisir I
Aad *s<b lumvd lo Ibt Mber lor n

wbnr'K IW Inna g
ii was W.H quiMed. Kol-ert." said
ns. proposed arranging ibe flowers'
major “.Aod ot>w I wonder does
in garlands so that each warrior-might *>»F one know a v,.rse that will ta i
share alike. "Every one most bare a talk- ..f nil il, flown*? 1 oa
sprig of lanteL a rose and ■
Hut .Ague, s-as sileDI.
green.’* sbe added, “for
“AWII. Ibeii. .Alice, do yoo know oo*r
“Noe Hrbrr Ibr Uas ot tbr ml nm
Tbr liiile curly bind staok Its reply.
Tbsa Ibr Uwl they m Brisbly gi
K« pm the lllioi- tphiu pruls
Robert spoke up. “A wlldereesa of
Tbsa lbs «Mwe ibry pwiibod to a
“I hare thought of one. papa." *ald
“And lbs mSsdlat gme of ib* wynls
Trlls twU u> ibo tcvUaa ryt
“We want to know yoara. Aga«w.,.foi
TBt wrwwy Is trot l« lb* dmr omt*
Wbo DOS oa tm k«x (srlM«b 111.”
yoo always think pf sumetbiag good.'
’aaid.apprerlalire Itotarl aod eoddtsd op
Tt is tbe first verse that we
tbe major for approral.
here. Yoa see. there will scarcely be a
rooe. s sprig of laurel and ...... ........... ... "Agnes is so tbongfatfnl and serious
Alice, uw-bi-f
graea for them all." said A...„-------- fhat we know tars must be quite as *p_ the
_ great
_ _heap
ap of fiowerw
doobtfuUy at
fioWcTS. propriate
Prop«»«c as
•» Rntari's."
Rotart'a." nid (hr major,
Ttac is fight." ohoerred tta m«Jor. r**'^‘“* '*"•
**•“- *■'
W* hare plenty of otber flowee*. and riwj-Mvd by such approlwiion. Agne*
m* c«a use those. Erety flower and bad , “M, “I ihu.k ii was Leigb HnaL the
iDlog. Tta poet* bare Ur-1 *»*«•» IWH. wb.. spoke of Ooweri as
tol attributes onoa er- ‘marrela. sweet forcrer. more true tbaa
isbed beaatJfal
ery plBBt of osinre. and ttay bare aeea-thMBaad equally U k.vnl.'“
flt to seise each partleolar beauty aad' . Maiweli. ewert forever.’ ■
fire it eome bumaa qaality. ifaaa making
major. “Thai Is exactly wbat I
it dearer to tta taan of man. Loogfri-.
■ wlMcraea* of awret* to be dilow wrote of them as *BUrs that to earth’*' TW*d amoaf tta berocs.
iao.’ adding:
dta «*U*aUy pisrtd ysw psna:
w wbai* ta tbt pertly el ysm *sa*

ta Ibe sami h—».“
« n iM ta tbs br«bi *

BooA C. Bicaoi

a. A A maibK/miF BsoeA
bersbip badge snrOK.unied by aa PBfla ■
and iiiviiig a' lire |humrd peodtaL Tbt
G. A. R. badge is au b-uorary decurstloB
lH«towed U|mi| each comrade at tta Um*of hi* musfer iulo ilie orvier.
Wbat does tbe esgfe on tta U. A.
adge signify?
Tbe eagle. iM-rcbed on crossed c*DDOD
and Hoirtalng a >-«ord in its taloaa, I*
eiublrmalie of dcrensc. Tbe object of Ita
protection is (ta flag, wbicfa It Ihe ribbon
of tbe order.
What do the figures oa the center of
Ibe star represent)
Tta G<aJdeu of Uberiy Mands for
loyally, tbe soldier and uilor clasping
bands lor fnrieruily. aad tbe childres
-loUiUse Iihe third rirtoc held sacred
by ibe
the onlv
order—namely, charily. Tta
every badge is made
> from metal
Tbe order fciepa alive tbe memory o<
pairkitic Mcrifices in time of puMlc da«(
|er and alw. carries oo an exlensire beneroleot work in relicritig cases of need
amoDg disabled rrieraoi and dependent
member* ot the fsiullies of velerans. ir­
respective ot Ita nHalb.D of tbe needy
• <^r*nd Army oru
Each poM-maioiaiot a r- lief food sacred
ry calls, and many mllttart
disbursed Ibroogb tbla cfaaa-

lion, being a coaspiru
eoc* that
tbe wearer It a meuis-r of tbe G. A. R.
It Is oalswfnl for any p^soa not a mam
ber of the ordrr t<> wear either tta G.
R. botion or offiiHai tadge.
What is tbr most Impoaiaa I
Memorial day eiereiaer
tradeF of^ tbe vMenaa aad tta
:lag tta

Chief John A. I.««an in UMH. Tta dacorstbms wew originally ItosHcd ta tta
dead who fell to Ita war.


rmi U>

^ tto dv

nitKb(«. ao far tnm


•£i=r=.'^:.“--rr %
■• ptrtmn uj ntnu.
VkM BlfM <»•«>««. U« Ub l«M
b tk. tM. « tk> tun

1 nr »Wa4 aa Ihr Mc^WT «*aa.
*• — —|-| - I II
Utib tb «a» ^ a *ailti< «rb
VkMvlamai lb
*b M <WOT b <b i«M la bM
VMk a ratUaa bM aa«'«bb■ mM aa ftbbv a( a cate

Aa« bpabaa ciaM. Ut bM f«ia«
b lb aaaatac babai caba.
A atfM aama to< baa
M »»• baa bb aalaa lb Hfbnr «lw
Ta.ib ran «* baaa aa< aU.
Aad lb aabr «aaana abb Vtdu
fiad II III II 'I il via allbat
■Ilhabib OaUi» fbtlaa b Babb tWbirtn.


leatroiMOng AaiMa.
below la a llat «t Ua on/tag and aa I-


«Ua«a Whiab *»»a«l la th« Tmof
tmA Pvaaarra IW tlcbt.
Tbat ve are DM all bleaaed wtdt
na. B«t r<n ««I »«« mon raadBj- baIbav ■ vpiDui rahblaaa tbu »adii«bt eqoallr eerricrablc nonl&iorloaa fUM
poiUbeta U onlj- too eiidem fnn tha
that tea tbiiic baoarr
UtT vMda aama aD la a nnh: W aincvlar tbbin with which we brightvatea wmt to pitroaa that I mid aat tet eo the wtodowB of our eyca aar* Tb#
(eal for aad bailrre bar. "Tha pmC.
netigBer. One perm wtu naa the
wateBbr t aalu4 wa«klr.
*!• bmr Mb Sunrimbad a patwr ba> MlSen of caotbrlr haudkerelilefa. anfar* na. addtaaard la Paaaflarc.
MhM^ a bit of ofaatiwU AQed with the
(raa arrltar of Uiat abuDinalili
aaoWB bimaaU at hat
Tra. it
atUI the coat oWve. ir tiHbe people
. br!
fWa for ro
* teac It la
aod at-1 wtwiM examloe their ■p.wtacira aster
I magnlfrlngjilaia of r
power, tber wnold be aatotilabed at the
for 4adiey. Here is ti
mnlUtade of aciatrbea th<7 would And,
aaa that aboold sate
tf b hap he were wUiiag. aad thb I was and ther would nerer wtmder again
fala to ihlak W wooM be sow ihai the the diinneaa of the leoaea. ereti tboogh
U«th warn ciror. 1 hawM hack the pa­ ther bare polished then, as Iber anpper with a alah. rn nr heart waa lighter poaed. ool.v ■ nitntitp before.
thaa I weald bare tnaglned.
The outer |ian of an Men} rtrwner la
•‘iUdame." aald I at laal. -Voor .
I now nr awn. Tuoder M^mie* Bean- Bade of i-lmilar bits of rardboard the
deer. Go ren to meet him. There Is alaa of the eorar In th.- UftMtratloa.





For baying n 10 cent
cignt when jon can get

wrON sA-nHOPimATi

SEASON wrmouT refilunO’anuixaeMeumr/0¥iuc4ffaM


to mske 1 lertaiaty of the mstter. 1 tallyiog.
-I will tell
you fibd
■uttered orer the words to oiyaetf; but 1 me here so out of
bad BO nerd to besJute upou them, for world”—
my lady’a ten-ra could _ra»p
graap Ithe pea
“Vop "'■7 aparr yooraclf the troobla.
John.” aaU she. coming into rlew.
a luHdHy of expression and
le that la

ebawa. I UuaS. aad ts> Sow proplu^Il 8wa“
raf eyew hut 1 eonld tell from the
•laet »U1 to bniraUr to>i»we^tk wy M *““•
*»*«■ P'lden curia
laaka. Star M Ooob., «a«Si. iw loid iigkt ri « Were sbaklag at me. ‘’You are a naogbty
a’dari. Wto. mmi. r« ctoow aacS aa tow- mau.” sbe aald aererriy.
h h hto ,om
I aiealthilr raisedd my
mr glaure.
glance. Arat Uktskl lu ber lltll
iboea. then alowlr up
. ... ...d Baaaclwr. lavrldad
ber anft
■■ »» Bate we aad I Uto ito •





Fir PinMij SMsitii Frystt’i.
UAIm. "Tm cu jnnp ea It tnspla sc

reodr iumtag bi. derr eye toward th«
t mr ladr'a war to ba * KIS" * ^

»4jGu j^u M...U.U laia
ronracif.” eiuldonlr <ei
from I
the ......
lilac. ”Blthe
u.lber roD mu«t be ao
Bach lime
the lilac buah 1 cuncriled aa i.i d>-cu no Mbcr wortbr of
pauaed. faseTing Inward Ihc
«tr_cl»e; yoor wits mimt ba j
ich of your
her tinr sboea over the liaiar
that led down from the bouae ^d
It waa Audiey. I knew hi-r dear tua
Th* rardlmanl should la- aU.ur the
atiffneaa of the pivHciii roahloitalik- vlalUng card. It Ik cxivcn-d ou <rDe side

BI raw Utik inaad.

/Ugazihesilfoilek HAVANA SlOm


bow. Amaa Itae bark I bad scribbled
while I epoke. **Tbe bearer, dear friend,
la mr choice.*’ Is a maoient I Bad Salot
LDar were oore more alooe.
Bni 1 trembled when I thought of
Aodrer What would she ear? Had I
not deliberate bronghl ber <m a fool’s
errand? I wood mlgbtilr lerpleird. mr
chin in mr hand, half bopiog that mr
ladr would DOI cume. after all. now that
■be was so late. Percbaoee I might get
riplain llien with
■r grace, altbongb mr k
T bad pared ibr rioae cot award at


Have You..


with rlilua allk,
Ilefore the auc.le U pul lii |dace It la
enhroldenil wlih a tlu.v flower aprar
or with the niouayrtfiinTmH- otvoer qf
the eyegUsaea. At la a |.r.-ily Ides to
put the monogrhui ou uue cover and
the flower on tbVolhi-r. Tlie edge of
tlie eltvle la worknl In hultonbole
BItIcli. Betweeu the coverM la placed
supidy of the nurieat of white llaiitc {«per. Ten clreles of It are none loo
■any aoil will make the ilcaner iKKie
bulky. The whole la then tied
g«her with a tiny how of rlhbon
made ao fancifullyp that It cannot
cannot he
readily anileU lo allow ihc iDKcrtloo of

To Omem m IteM Mi On* Dny.
rake Wanier’a tfbitc Wine of Tar Svto:
be bast cough romedy oo earth. »


Pere Marquette
Trala will lM*e Tra»er*» City at 8 a.
m. Ratarainr lea** Bay View 6:00 p.
u Bata,»l.O0. BIcyclaa carried traa.
a y. MoEiua.
________ AoUng O. P. A
Train will lasTa Traearaa City at fi;30
a m Returning leave Grand Rsiridt
at 8:00 p. m . Maakegon at 8:13. Bate
to either

a great foul of me,'

eajor a fuU bour'a a|N-e<h wlib ber my'>*'«• ‘'"w
I lore yon Brhh I Cud <-ook. standing upright in holllug
^f and make guile cl.-ar Ibe nature of
II mr heart aod aoul’ .Mot till I waa ao aaltcl water, with the lips out of the
the Ibiug-lbal beauHerr. my frii-od. waa
tf Jibing TOO aliogeiher did I knew | water. iiDiil the lips are tender; plac*
■a h
r mao aod actoaled byaoiiBworthymMlvcIuthu.
tearM------ '■ a nerving
iHkIi; adit I
your b.-hii
be (inly
lag me maaler
*^1 fula of vinegar of lemon JuW to the
Bake of f
I I love
■ wife. 1 had
. .
I knew you were not 1
|maeh three or four dearoa at fliwl. but when ______
eggs on lop of the a
poor liltk- Andrer-Mi looeir and ao comI an too iMor—too ' ParagUN and ncrve.-BoiiUiii Cuokli
fonIcKB up at tbe hlg boua.—ray boart
bad adi-Urd with a munatroua piiy. and I .
had uudcrukrn tbe commU>i.>n at a «>»“elng era.- mlM-ry f,.r another. I bare
■ «•»> ventt^. and I bare loat
t tllUlaa Pbolawrapba.
• Ueaiu'lerc bad reaanned with ue tbn»-I * s',
Evcrylwdy Is taking plioti
that I (being a p«rer man and cooar- '
** ’
nowada.VK. and a large projwnlou of

I have had
Id my building
reboiU and.put
d. put in good
shape and am now ready
to receive all old patroua.

Cigar lgg, figm Bgardmag late.

Good Line of Jevelry
mi Kinds gf Repaiiiog.

$1.00 a Month
At resideDces—Mine as i&st ye*r.
Uaaa largequantuy on band,
make a kpceialty of «»r lota.

J. A. Jackson

BMh'Pbouaa. Nt v

Reduction O. P. CARVER
inJcel Fire Insurants.
75c a Month GnM EifUi t IniUiu Rj.
L. X. A. BnUdlng.

r trotro at f
wbsrtTlk. U

Cbas. W. Merrill
Both 'phones No. 134.

I M. naoWN, ABimey
■pedal MMBUea te i
eetag. til great it


iisr-K," uBeU
Blgai eaUa

410 W. Pro


■FirelnsDrance.. i



. -I, or any other property insurabli
kindly remember 1 want to write th
inanrooee for yea. and will giveyon
prompt and carefnl attention
Only Ibe moat reliabla stock Insot
>r. DMW^u4^«Bllo ur).
CBC.OiMaw. tor. Og.
Eatea very low.

>. OmMa.01ty OpatwAeaaa Bib

aolation ..f not hlamiur ay>rlf overaiu<-h
aboold ih.
(he .™,.rr
vrotore pn...
prove ,a r.ilur.-.
failure. Hip

that the nest IwBt thing to having you
m.’-nclf would be In And you an Interaat'
The pho"
I ‘nifTaph jranel may l.c "ew to aoiiie of
. **‘'*«*"»’ •
•'•‘v »«
»lde—her our readers, say» 'Tlie Itoalgner. and U
Mill find me U a very effe.-tlvo way lo show the re* Tl.'"'' .
nulla of the wanderiuga with the cam-


up aniaBe<l. ”I would not bare
r—r lP.arl.rr.Tout
Ilrsdrierr.’ H.r .ml oq

friend John. UkIcu.
acrvanl. We mnaf dani-e to bla
natter bow alltirlog tbe gilded
matter bow brilo"**' may
the diadcuia that atuhitlon may ufTbc Inra.-al h.-artb And (he ode I



«f ■» ordinary door, for


been ’Mlpidue
’•dlprdug ” f.k
f.w myaeir. But I wanttnaki- life hrigfaltf—not worw—fiw
my lady
o banhbed Ihr Iboiigbl «.
beat I .TO
But Ibe |>riiling waa there
Bleb '
•'trier for all nian'a tn.mcy-na, not If
I glanoKi at the aumllal.
•OI nmie at anv •» "vte hca|NT| light np lo the akiea!
an to a. IV-aticlen- might
-Jr mtot nro^- Kla. me. John;"
» iwlalnl
tog. 1 dug ray be.4a reng. fiin. lulu the ' . ’
•■j'IJing- ‘be baptdent ereatnrf and bad vrulurrd ”jual like a woPW old .«nh. while Kahil Lilac
aun! ’ IkiwUt niv a.-i i,.cib wb.-n M a
*•“ •*»'“>• •" l-rfunicd bleaaiiir
Buddrn I beard a gub-k, ImpalU-ut plep.
ad my i
ile"1 ftopprd. It waa not Andnyr iafter i
lat Week Ter Spere Mlaaies.
•■b ted a Btrauger. I buwed atJMy
General Ik-wii ». I'.sk. a diaiinguiabbegan aa apology.
ed vctwaii
III of tbe
the rirll
Hril war. aa ltiMiu|>hile,
•’Sir.** aabl tbe fair unknowm cutting ’ •• *"•' a bookw.irra. wh. ibv IrniUi.g Workmc t»vy abort “do I addreu a m<rad of *r on the vnluul.-er commiii.T- which pr.•O^rge BraiicWn-r
, pared the fanuMi. lode* of magazuN- nnd
I other pbort artlrlea for tbe Bnwklyn |
•■JIadara.." replied I. with my
• ry. then under tlie maiiaci-ment
—'. “it fa. aiy fiNid fortune lo Dame tbat library
la:e I»r. .Vojr.. TbiT work
B Ibe list of my acqnaint.xlenFb'B of I'mde’a fainoiK index
“PerCai'a I ahonM have aald tha p.-riodiral literatnre. Not long after (be
Criend.’ *' coaftoRud ebc. arlib a bcighlen- taak waa completed the general nn-l at
tog color. I oMired ber luoka raorr- nar­ a rccnubiD a y.Hing wouau who bad
of a aocial
rowly iH.w that we atood aide by »ide iu Ju*t h*T-D elected librarian
tbe abade of lb.- lilac. She waa older dulL
”I am tbiDbias." ■
than my lady, and there waa a line
*lwi« her white browa tbat told of a
hlatory. yet abr waa of a trim buUd and leading magnxinr articlea for my library.
very beautiful still.
Meanwhile ab* I have conpldrrable Icianrc lime and like
eyed me with diffidence. “1 acan-e know bard work. IIow long do j-ou dunk It
tew In make ray errand clear to you. would lake mer’
IRAfH ra.NFl.
“It dependa upon the amount of your
■ir.** abe went «« prewtlOy. “Iral yon
tbe pbulograpba are not very Urge tbe
have. If ruianr lira not. a delloalc coo- lelaurr. Tbe laat one took IIM men Are
luat may lie «md to im-rvaMc tbe aiae
miaaton of your friend Beanclerc upon years caefa.”—Saturday Evening Poat.
of tbe iraneL Tbe obluDg iihuiograplis
your bandar
look best ■rraiiged In.a panel, and If
t bowed again.
tbey are very aniail tbrre or more may
•Be aerr f.irtnerty acguainled.*' abe
Mid and panaed. “But. like most friend- i next
be pUced on one mat. it the panel la
sbipa. oura bad an end. Sir. cannot you I land,
to be hung agninai a Hgbi wall or door,
guesa wbtl 1 am at ao inucfa trouble to j nae aorta a dii
wlfn] espfeaalou, a
line <Urk mala; If agatnai a dark aormake dear? Haa George never even ctaortliog. He
fsce. use very ligbt. but oot whiu
mentioned to you oo little aa my namer obtrualvely, but be waa
mats. Cut tbe allla for tbe ribbon to
“Madame.*’aald 1. “If an be you are Ite led.
tody tbrougb whom my friend Beaudere . The nigbt before be bad found blmMU the mau and run ibe rlblNjn tbrougb
ao nearly loot bit life. 1 will be candid alone in a ^DI]man with a prominent aa pIcMred. tben frame ibe picture
with you. in autlng the natura of ite rucher and a Japanese tondeot from an and mat lo paasc pattout—tbat U to
•ommlrobro with which I baee the honor American imiveTaUy. They bad rend all uy. the gUaa. luai and cardboard
■f being totnsated. my friend expreoaed tbeir papers, talked tbemaeirea burse, backing, If Ibe totter be used, are joinone (ondUloo-tbat (be lady who would and tbe rancher anggeMcd a game of ed together by narrow atrlpa of black
■onarnt to tala propouU abouU not be of whiat. To get a fonrtb '
cloth or paper pasted over Ibe edge, ao
toe ume name aa-eouraeir.’’
arrricea of the colored p
that only a very narrow atrlp ahows on
•Bnt If It were all a miriaker ate , “The poHcr played a
■tied. “If I rould prore that It waa a robber," uid bb lordaUp glfcL,.,.
___ tbe right aide. Tbe riltboo la Anally'
refuUy. *T>t
■bUkeT «r. credit me with a little Jap bad uoly played twke before, bet be tied In a Iraw at tbe top. aod by tb*
«nih. That letter arranging the aatog- |■lefced It up in the nmt wonderful man- loop tbua formed (te panel li bong up.
utton which ao ncariy tetratoatrd tab per: but I nonder what they wonld think An odd number cf pk-tutra should ba
tfe waa never penned by me. It waa m aurh a quattri ovar In
lued for tbe pahel three or At* tietof
*tong after I had fooUMdy aieried try BtortwoMra.
a good Bomber.
’ >heart ngaluc him and ha# utteriy krat hla

bon* *:S.

I proeuas. I



Johnson Bio

?'.,w Enameling"


1 1



Cowrie aolraala by tkr latMi asd woM an-

TVB raan tilt.

I. BoUi trlepkoeea Ro. :

Heullmantel Hotel
«a goat Bigbtb etreet.

John R. Santo.
Ggggril lisgraaca.


^leago ra Orand BapISsaod ekalraar

The Fere Harqnette Biilmd
ooigo aotmi-

Ar Ord Raptdn.

10 Ma ■
LvOrd Bapida.
“nroll......^ 4«
iioagb. .

Fuaeial Directar.
Btiown At <10 Sooth L'nioo 8iiwrl.




oouiQ Nogra.

Traverr* City

fpRgD MOlUAbardflalab abd houa* palei
* log. Bor paper baaglog a aprrlallj. All ■rottoeolMeeUngof Boardof Brrtow
work guaraoued. U* Secood atrrat. «»9l.r
aod XqoalisttioD.
jpiASOK’RIX'^jJ. W.^fTa. ^fMloeal
Pra«7airaet.TrararaaCnv. llheh. ****
BVaXB. M. D-. gntdaax (r
potot Ibe Ublra
BoM board wUl to II epactaJ aurattoe aiveo lon:4Dlnlli«torvik
a o'clock ra lb* aftoi
Aey perMoor pen_____
At hoaa (row Rto Ida. w. aad (row I at tb<« rarauag aod abow e
•by ib« valaattoB «> tbolr



Mmpltto in window.

Wurzburg Block

bare la {ceasaetwa tor roUebU
leh at BFedkayen-a
•'a amir
■ will to prow^r_________
Korvb•ra phraa.
traa. oBec
oBee 131. I ilegt
Ibga; Nortkera pkoer
raaltonca, 141

far »> Irawnia


SI 00 per day; apeoial rates by the wdek

—o«lc» asd iwaJdreos. Ra VI.

mgi’Bic unaoK'

Best to be had in
tbe city is at

!(r«idrer* >11 Wa-biagraa iimwi. Wowaa'*
ckUdrea'i diwMce a aroelallj. OlSre
hoDO: to io i: a w.: t to 4 aad V to 4 U ra.
Bell 'pboac. Nortbrm 'pbooe Ke. I.
T*VB a. a. gLOOD. 0*ce la MW Ter
17 Block. Calls aoawme nrorapOy d
olgkt Norttora’pkear.Si 8eU. m.

i; n M ‘' 1;'

■ •boui
- ^ j„bn - h,
Bunn aalum the
TU ill ^
had c----------tog OIK uf tbe Vuortti learltig U-blnd no
• jour fortum- or i-arry na
the iiauic. and I will to- a d'o lle oU
beaM in harmwa d» r-'u hut fin.l me a

First Freeze

to prlvat* fAmlU**.
P*y*ble monthly in rndvanoe.

Tie the nUlka from whh-h the coarse




A M < PM I Par.
ircoa HU I PM



Lt TrarararCy
Ar EUBaptda.
Lv BkKapM*
Ar TrararwcOy
n. r. MOBLUtB^itolM^O. P. A^





raern abmild___ _________
ty oa tbU l> tkc only tira* ibc
l. UH—

CUT CtaTk.

Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes



Bidoimlk Lnmbnr in nil nlnon.

JOHN F. OTT & OO ;^reL."5*S7WS’9i,

Mom t* TnTMM 01t7 Z«amb*r Oo.

H.W. ocn.n«onAn'4Srni;S;,'o


wfwvb onmetm. a> lar irem nog oa
tegiraW man I bad dnwd Urn. wm
mUr aowetiag oader tbr arov at a
Aradlr aSrvit. apian>atlr offt^ bin hr


A nr fwv ta t

t. tk

.« tk. rxUxr Mil


r«r t «vrM Iku te

btitM It

Tim ■ ««rU •< di Mi dHar.

M *te ev ar M Che ikltail «M
A mtlM tea toi baa
te lie haae te «M «a tbe y«hwv <


i ale wItUat



* J?%s. >

Karb time I |««H.d the lilac boah I
pauMd. faDcylag 1 heard
beard tbe oentneb
aentneb of
her liny ahoea oeer the looae gmtel path
led down from tbe houae.
again and again waa 1 diaappuintn
hour grew- near. .
,,, ,
. .-r^.talnly of tbe matter.
motterrd orer the WMda to myaelr: but 1
bad DU need to iH-rilale npnn them, for
my Udy'a fingen could groap tbe pea
with a Inridily of ex|>rea>Um and a comfioruble atyl. that la the broad noontide

.u.u,... -o

“all through your xtrauge interriew.'
’Tbra yon bate heard ?“I gnaped.

h m> poce “•»' ot brr ’•olre th.t^her p.lden eurla
g at
lb* .old Iiakt fl( 4 were abaklng
a me. “Toi
a tenghty
- .he «id iwrerely.
1. ii ti llk« yogr
I atealthily raiacd my glance, (irot tokIt -.................
brltct Onoat,■ Ing in her little ahoi-a, Chen alowly up


that I nlgbl
li her my*

. .
.. .......e quite cU-ar
tbe Ibiug-thit U.wucl«T.
' aa buneat and an auiUMe
10 and
tied by no unworthy luutlve in tbui ...
tog IM miHter of bia choice In regard
Wife. 1 had fell dilfi-lencr Tn the’Imri'
It firat. hut when I ta tbought
poor little Audrry-ao lonely and
tortle& np at .be
the hi,
big buuw^my
bad aaelled with a Uuoalruni. pity, and 1
bad uodertakvn t^ eommUriun at” a
BeaiicleiT had reaanned with ine thi
that 1 Ibetog a le-irer mail and
ly more
morv hun.wt
h.:n.w. than
than b.l
h.T mhonld
Mt.-r of
of a
a fitting
Gitina belpmate
heli.maia f..r
W bia
know l,ett.-r
deeliniag year*. “One mtiM bare a woman
> abuiil .4.^
the ......m', friend
...nej U..UU.
John." ba
bad eoD.b«l.-.l. “at tbr la.l- Ti. ill gothe worid leatlng U liio.l no
(.. tight nrer .r..«r furtune
..r .1.07 on
the uam.'. and 'l1 will hr a d'-il^^old
d.- ilr old
beaml In liani.w. t).. you tail
lait hn.l
lin.I me


efaouM the rnilnn- a failutv.





To Oaro • ooM toi Quo Day.
:‘ake W’amer’a White Wine of Tar Svro:
he beat oough imedy on caAh. 25 a.'

with ailMe kill of any
ntiil oo the other aide willi i liliip allk.
Itefore the »mde Ik put lu place It la
pwbroiilere.t wliW^ Ouy-(tower aprar
or with the luuuitoratu of the owoer of
the eyegtaam-H. /it 1h a pretty Idea to
put tbe Diouogrtei ou oue corer and
tbe flower on tbi-Vher. Tbe edge of
the einle la work.M In hultonlHile
Btlleli. Ketweev the eovera it placiHl a

love you wltb |
aiiindlng upright in boiling
till I waa
Balled water, with the
laa ao I| Bailed
liMlng you altu^ber did 1 kaow I| water, until the
Uie tlp« are tender: pUti-e
how dear
<« In a m-rvlng dish; addiwotabl.
“he «f frien.
bappy. and Beauclen- U
.................... ..................... .
and aerve.—IbiMun
A'ou noiihl 1.111 Imre been
en ex- School Magazine.
changing one miaery f..r anmher. I bare
ma.le a ra«h rmtnre. and I bare


EverrlHNly la tflkiiig i
am I apnke. 1 eonid
eonU not nntrntla.rK. and a inrg.‘ pr
■ her
her eyc-m
eye*, -I ,h,.^
kenUe ropnmel.
‘ ;t«l
atiiuteur pboiogniph.
n happy.bappy.- I i
I ebuuld '*V*'
hare lawn
derlng Jumt how to make i
“in “-‘—
aeeine yun bapr
thing to barlag you ‘‘*‘**rmlng i=un plcturpa of l«nd*caiN>a
... l>eat thii
find yon an Interoat' tvltli li nerutnulAte ao mpldly. The plio
j togra|>li |«nel iiuiy Iw •'cw
«> "('‘•■■<1 ■.bf"*'-"
.r aide—her our reailen*. aay* The ItcHlgner. and ..
• f.'und her a
b®** “♦ I* " 'cry effective way to ehow tin- tw‘‘''r ii.urmntvd.' ‘ „u1ig
aulia „f
of (he
the wanderiugm
wanderlugii will,
wUh the
th .-am-

‘ 'r“

'Sn ,


.lo.r. f-r ., m II



Aetiag O. P. A
Trria will laare Trayatoa City at 6:30
Betarainr leave Grand Raolds
Mnakeronat 6:13. Rate

anld and lUitiicO.

It frieod-

ab!|>a. oura bad an end. Sir. cannot yon
guema what 1 am al ao much tronUe tn
amkc ricar? Ham George never even
meniioavd to you au Util* a> my nanK-?“
“Madame.-- said I. “If w. w you are the
lady Ibroogh whom my friend Benuclere
so neariy loat bi* life. I vill {« candid
with yon- In ataiiog the natnrv of the
aaomtoaiun with which 1 have tbe bonor
at being intruHinl. my friend exprosaed
a(te condltioD—that (be lady who would
aonaent to bia propoaalt abould not be ^
toe aame name aa-yoortclf.“
*Tlat if it were all. a nii*iake?~ ate
tried. “If 1 could prow that it wa. «
miriakv? Wr. credit m* w«h a Uni*
tenth. That letter arrangiog tbe aaidg.
utkm which ao nearly icrmtoatrd Ua

■“ -7;.rrL.TS^xVii r,

tmg after I bad foulithly rteeled try
tenrt agalBri him aod bad ntteriy lari bit



Tbe night
alone In a ItoUma:
rancher and a Japanvae stodeni from an
American tmlrertity. They had road all
tbeir papers, talked tbemaelrea boarae.
and tbe nneber anggeated a -game of
whiat. To get a fonrth they enllried tbe
aerricea of the colored porter 00 tbr car.
*Tlie p>rtrr played a renurkaUy fiat
rubber.” aald bU lordablp glcvtnily. “Th*
j,p had only pUyed twice hefurv. but be
It np In tbe moot wonderful manocr- bat 1 wonder what they wonld think

•” -

Clear Ice, Itoiti Beariliiiaa lake, f


ii ;p~'.“~

Reduction O. P. CARVER
inJcel Fire Insurance.
lilow 75c a Month finid bRtdi i mu Rj.
L. £.. A. BoUdlnK.

410 W. Front St.


T\B. d. a. BOLLtDdT. grsdnst* Toreau
Jj Culvetaliy. OOoe Is H nnsoa Bldg. -ne»
os. Qglce KB. reed lienee M4.
n 0. OILBBBT, dnernoy. epociai o.ieatloa
A p to ProbaM prseUee. Bueeee ( nbc l(

C?i!L'i SS!!S?hi3SrS:i:rcV-“
0. SciSEfSi^SSSS-JIS'i.'S

B' X/ri

bone 73.

Joboaon Block

Best to be bad in
the city is at
See unpltto in window.

Heullmantel Hotel

T>B PBBD TILT. Vetonaary (Mrreoo and
U DeviKLSu aery aod D*a(SlworkB|welal.
Ilea Niac* oezt to Walt'a Dna Store oa Uatoe
airoM tiood bare InSronnoduea 'or aailrnu
Can* left at Brodbaoea'a <w abaae'* aal*
aiablea *111 be prampCy attended to. KonbrS^^IXl*” **'■


M-T-U '“’’LCKStfc-s ;k:,
PUBO MOiUB.bsrdt!Dl*h aod booae paioi
A- log. Bac paper haanuc a specially. All
work guarauiccd. I(B Sccood etrrci.
r plane toDcr. with W fW.KltDkaU O.. 19

H. EVdNS. M. D.. araduate froa the


loop thui fonoed tte panel ia bong np.
An odd number cf ptetnre* abould bn

Ute^dt bomefrow rtolOa. w^ad from 1

II veic tjoeosa


vsj: sss'

Band* 10 Ckteage.
Trala arrlTtnf a> I do n ■. ha> atcescr Qla
clasailionraM RapICaaeCcaMk an* atoey
Crieogv (« Omn* Baplda nnd ckrir aar
TaalBWrtTlMriigBp. i.. hoackmlrcarn
f^ro* lo Uro^^pida OB4 ebrir ear Oread

l. UKKWOOa .r P^TH^'a^dEafUd

Tlie Fere linjoette Railnid

•1 00 per day; xpeeial ratea by

Vetenoary Sn-gvoa. al

domratle amsala by tSe laieat aod stoat ap-

doth or |>a|>er patted over (be edge, ao
that only a very narrow atrip ahowa on'
tbr right side. The ribbon la finally
tied In a Im>w at tte top. and by the

^ V. 1;;:!

Ratea very low.

T\R. d. J

faee. ttse very light, but not white
mats. Cut tbe sllia for tbe ribbon In
tbe mnia and ran the ribbon through

J. A. Jackson


yxBO.a.CSUiaa. duornay and OouoecUor a>
A.T U*. Money u loan. Otom. OUyOpere

T B. WdBnN. Pkyetciae Sad aaroeoe. OBc*.
J- Ladi«aUbcaryBaildlu. BelTphoae—Of.
Be*. Ko. hf: realdeoeo. No rt. Honkem pfeoae
-oftceaaJ rvsidenee. MaTl.

aa pictured, then frame the pictnre
and mat In imaae |>artout-tbat la to
aay, tbe glasA. mat nud cardboard
backing, if tbe latter be u<m4. are join­
ed togi-ibcT by narrow alri|ia of black

$1.00 a Month
At reeideni'PN—Mine an laal year.
Uave largequaaii.'yoQ band,
make a specialty of car lou.

"• mSnllBtR.

4ffl Eaai Eightn Bucvl.

tbe iihoiograpba are lioi very large tbe
Din* iiisy be UHCd to luetv«He the else
of the iNtnel. Tbe uidoag pbutographa
look Ln-si arranged in.a (ainel. and If
Tbe-mahap-a Wklat Oamo.
arc very aniall three or more may
I dined one evening at a hotel and sat
nett to an Eplecopal bUhop from Eng­ be placed on one mat. If the |«nel it
land. Tbe biabop. if I may br showed te to In- hnng agalnai a light wall or dour,
nor Hueh a ditrempeclfnl vxpreasioii. waa use itork matt: If agaloat a dark anr-

First Freeze

T%K. B. B. MIMOR. pkyetclae and eargMS
Xf OlEce Priodiica Block. Dsyoraigaieslh
It yon hare
Mlcadedu>nrr.ap-iv. oflp-e Pboove. B^ iS6;
«. at~re,
MevM. Baeldcacc.BeUtto: HvwH.
tern, or any other prep*ny Inani
IUTABI-T 0 DODOB. duorae/ and eosasol kindly rmember I want to writ* tbe
- ye«. and will give yon
iXL lor at Is*. Oaeoe.Otij Opera BeaaeBIk
rompl and arvfnt aUeation
TXB. W. B. d V. 8, Moon, general pnctlc* alec
Only tbe
oat reliable atoek Inanr-

ysB. ft. B. FLOOD. OSes lo oe* Tot ncller

yearn earii.-—Saturday Eveninc Pool



Otes newToooeU*. Mast. ltd Proni euael.




Chas. W. Merrill

uL upeulr*lB Prai.k Priedrirb'a new Block.
Hnldrace r|| We. uiogioa rtrocL WetBca'e

1 ftopp.*]. It waa B'd Atidiry after'
all. bto a riranger. I l»wed aliSy am! ‘
begmn ta apology.
“Bir.“ maid the fair unknown entling '
rvi7 rtort. “dy I addn-M a friend of
' Omrgp ncatirleri^
*'Madame.“ replied I. with my lu-X j
Vn>w. “it ia my giNal fortune l» name that *
^Dtlqman on the list ef my acquaint- '

. iViwenGy. “but yoa


Boib'phonea No. 134.

hour*: ID to If a m.: t to 4 aod V lo 1 a m.
Bell -phone. NortUf-re pkobe Bo 1.

tog. f dug n.V

Ptvaaaat Work Pav BBare Mlaatea.
G'-nai^l le-ni* M. t'.-<k. a diriinguisbed vcleraii of the clril war. a liihlin{<hiie.
■ hiNikwonii. wa* (hr leading w..rkvr on (he vuluulecr c.inttiill.'C which prr*
pared the famous iiKlex of magazim- and
other rimrl artieh-* fur the Briwklyn
lihrary, then under Oie maiiageiuent of
the la:r l»r. Noyr*. Thi* work wa* au
(Xlen*i-n of riNile'a farooii* index to
“Perfiaiw I aliotild hare nl.1 the, P«-r»«lieal lileralnre. Nut I..11B nft.-r the
«end.* - ccurttoucd she. with a l.eighteo- tomk waa completed the general met at
tog color. I noli.'od her l«'k. luorv nar- « reception a young
rowly now that wr afo.Nl aide by aide in : J»-t l-e- 1 clecKml librarian <
the *bade of the lilac. Khc warn older
than my lady, ami there was a line
*lwizt her wbitr hrowa that toU of a

• iiild and
hi»|..ry. yet mho wa* of
I have eoneiilerablc lelmure .
vcr.r heantifol atUl.
How long do yog (blnk It
•yed me with dlSdcnre. “1 acam- know bard work.
bow I.. make my errand clear to yon. would takr mer'

I bare bnd my baildiae
reboilt nod 'put in (food
shape and am now ready
tu receive all old patroua.


to private famlliM.
Payable monthly in advance.


.......................................... .. Audre.r.
ttkough I cnild hare wimb.-d to have
been “.lipping" fiw iiiyarlf. But I wnnted to make life hrighter—n»t •nr«
my lady and
banUbnt (he thought am
brat 1 «*Milil. Bui lUr prirkiug «a> there
1 glam W al the aoiMlial.
aa to 5.
n.-aiieler*' might
m rerlaftily moat promhI ilug niy heel* rmpfully ..
Iqto tl
r old <-artb,
rf and bad r.
Vcnlnn-d “juai like
wav..d hi* hand* in |
IBum!" Iwlwizi
my **•! terib wl.i-u of a
............. ■-----------over c
audden I bear.1 n quli-i. Impalu-nl step. ''J"
and my try.- waa at an end.' “How
*wHeutnient.-t amty Fair.


lynin will loare Trarerna City at 8 a.
1. Eatnralog leave Bay View 6:00
u Rate. 11.00. Bleycle*
Bleyclea carried free.

Aaparanna. apantah Bigle.
Tie theatalka from which tbe cotne
aealea Lave been removed, lu a bun.-b

you hare tuaile of


EXCURSIONS Good Line of Jewelry

'Tlie eanlliuaril ebuiiltl !«• a1»fit
atlffnwe of the ,.n-«‘tit r.i.|ii..iial>le v ia...
itlng enrri. „
it V
U .................................
<«vere.l e



Bp “tUBI
marrhil yonr Jk-auelerc.“ idie
for all the riches in the
lilt to teaae yon.
le.vp im a maatrr—
not a aerrant.
tVe nn«t danec tn him
pip.', n.i maitrr bow alluring tbe gilded
paUi-e may ».*m. no matter bow brilliaiil the diadem* that ambition may of­
fer. The honi-st hearth and the one I
lovr—tbeiM- areriiud’i; ^'iflm that 1 wgi
aot iMrterfor all nan'a m.iney—no.
tight np l» (be al

SbM g« U FttiuiV

made ao fafielfully (bat It cannot be
readily untied to allow the Inaertion of
new paiHT.

r f.Ml

"T »
“ r';""*-


FleU ran. h



SEASON wrmouT rehiiin&-

UdlM. -Tml eu jsmp en It tnapto n K will oom> op amillnr «f|^y
tite-Oaiman-a Binatle Floor VarnUH ;
S E Wall. _________________

' era. The iianelma.r In-iiiamnn mlnla
! lore Bin- ur large onniigli I0 cover the




euppI.T of the aofleat of while ilaatie |«IMT.
Ten clrelea of It are oune too
maoj- and will make the chwoer none
to* liirtky. The whole la then lied to­
gether with A Hoy iww of ribbon not

-.......................... - ------------------bec^aoft
blue eyet.
“Ton hare made a great foul of me.abe went
1 bad told her 4 o'clock

For tmyiog a 10 cent
dgar when yon can ge^



Illy came a rolec from
Iirbln.l tbe lilac. -Uitber y»n muat be so
ivneelted aa to de.-in no other worthy of
yonr a|>e«<ch or eUc yuur wlia muat be!
onl gathering.*
It «aa Audre.r. } knew her dear tones
at the 6«t worf. Stroneviy enongh. naW
kid on what
hat 1 wa. emharkid
w hat bid fair to ,
•. iiB ajilrlta rerired.
...u offer me a meager «-hol«-." I aaH.
tiTlyiiie. “I will tell you why you find
me here lo out of eonceit with tbe
**Vou may .pare ynurodf tbe troabla.
John." raid abe. coming Into clew,
iT-n.utijler the abeltiw of our

a. i bad DM looked for d.-la;

-------------- --


' •bat

It waa tiqt niy lady'a way to be

•tare wUI br brniabb
Iseka li«>r B« dauM. daml< ’
a-ciwk. WW41 .nadr
• you <0
r • muf I

What would
Had I
■trU’ brouebt brr on a fooTa
I atood (olchtilr lirrplrtrd. mr

............... ......after all.
obr waa oo tale. I’rrrhaorr I miglit get
I maid explain ibrii with
a better crace. althongb mv kiiera knocked loeellier at (be pruapnl of tbe Inter-

bad pa.leed tbe <
a d<«< ________
ready turntne bU fiery rye toward tb«



ight of



Tliat we are i

1 a magnirrlbg gUaa of e-vm modeniie
reed (be Irrier. aod ^ brait aaak
,be, wonh! br aatoolabrd at tbe
far Aodrr^. Here la
tbwaatbrwo- ..jOtiide of arfatrtiea ibi*y «^old Bad
that abould autr with
If a» hap be were waiiag. aod thto i vaa «bd tbejr would nerer wuudrr again at
fatal to tbiak W woold be oo|r that tbe (be dfuioeiia ul (be Imara. ereo tboinb
U«tb wa* dear. I kaodfd back .
. . tbe/ bare pollabed ibrin. aa tbeg aspp»e with a rich. j-« wf heart vaa Uebter tweed, ool.v a lulniue before.
tbaa I weidd barr iaiAaiBnI.
The oute r iiart of an Ideal rteai
-Madame.’- aald I at U*t. -7oar
made of dn-ular blta of cardboard tbe
to now wf
nuara BeenalM of tbe roTcr la th.* UnatratloiL
Srtr. r.o
nj- brief. Tell him fnwn me I dare awrar
that roa wilt do tala IxnltieM loorr iboroogblr than I." 1 garr brr Df card, irlth
a bew. Arroaa (hr bark I had arribbird


Have You..

geaeiaioae —d Urm feed—to

poUabera U oolf too evlitmi from tba
•locnUr tblnga wiib wbb-h we bright«B tbe windotra of oar er«« aara Tbe
Dcrigner. Cm {trrwen will nae tbe
aUff(« of («mbric headtrrclilefa. aaMber a bit of cbaiuolii Oiled with tbe
‘ trileT dnat of tbo room or atrert and aiiotber

A Ur >!"■■■■* • «k Uctair
VktibmM Ike tee

Ug prieaa of nMaeteg far ^

Urra a wpataa tailhlrM (baa
that ter tbiag boon
Bar word* <aoM all in a mab; brr
Tbiea waa ao pitroa (bat I (oold Dot bat
ferl for aod boUri • brr. “Tbe prbot
tedasrr 1 aafcrd rraUf.
•la brrrl

k (W IM. « U> lUn «M «LM;
M l>«M t° d» dmf 1 tm»
k tkr (Ml •( I Did* «MM


iraeeaMOng Mafm
iMlow to » Uat a< tba oortag

VUo«a Wbloh J

John K. Santo.
Geaaral lisaraaca.
Wnrzbarg Bloek



.y;P* I
a »ais
K. Ma ■

L< Ord Baptde..


TravewN CilT

I AH :

Fuaetal Director.
B.N>S*%1 (lOSoult. L'bIoo 8lrr*>.
TrlrplioocKo ]

Hoitoeol Keetiag of Bom4 of Eaeleir
and Squallsttlon.
TbcrvfuUr aauual WHvilPR or ib« Ik«r* u’
RTTirwand Bqualizaiiuacir >b* (-117 uf Tm»
•rw CItf will be h*ld lu tke ( ouoell Booib*.
cemwearlngon Mooday. Bay »tti. ItOO. acd
vUlreBoln iaaawuoa fri
for (oaf
(oar dara
doT* or wi
Bald board wlU be lo Mcaioe trow
to U XS la the toiTsnas, and from I o'clock
4 o'cloak la (be af



dr Ord
t »*■

Lt Traveror Cy.
dr BUBoplda.



d 41



r. MOILLMB.^AM^a. p..

unmi ID nmiuiBi r. 1

why Ibe valaoUea •( thel' uioueur aa inni

Mev Prmaeia

^Uto^Kaoriuo-a c

Vowncreehooldaiall tl
mallv ae thla 1. ibe oaly
can be ad]a*ied dnnuj

Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sldcwftlk Lomber is all dass.


Mom te TrsvtofM Olty Lamber Oo.

H.W- CCWimroBAM,


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