The Morning Record, January 27, 1900

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The Morning Record, January 27, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Thiri Yew-No. »»

T. O. Vvt vn Addtd 188
Mambrn L«rt Vlffht
by thomw
SM»>Wajar SmbBM Wtiaomt* Ttattaii. mmpirnm
Ad4md tof »ii^ •!«» 9ommtm*ft

V»ls liBiiinrill* tbataR»eflM ■»»»< taititeMd kfOMO* «< tttZMVftaE
*• w«« taHaff thaiMt
Bm* trta lu saw
• Wg da^ te tte Mt
•tetrikH'tte dtii1»aHte af terteg
lidIMte fte laigte ^tet
te ate taal !■ aorUv* WakigM.
Tteaealaaltetwaaa UMatdaaatetaiate kr Jat. 0. BIHaaU ate J. W, PiakeU
MpMtlnlr. aland yattarday ud
grkOa tte aaelaaBbar far aate aid# is
•atyaitoon. U laal»laf ttel Blrda•U^lldawanoai.
Tte lalUatia. teat eight was attwdad Witt alabarata <an»aay ate
Bteaatm'teUatetaUary wars peakte ae that ao mora aaaid ten baaa
..nawdadto ate aUaw tor tta work.
Tten wan a targa BSMbdr frea a*fiialtlag town praaaai. tta largaat
iillgiTT-mrniaftnm ttetpaoBrfiU
ate Borttgort. Dagna tanas aana
granbattpUateatewtea H ta aoaitente ttet Bntkport is M asUat away
ate tte alatghiag goer tte iataraat
MteB la Maasabaalan aaa te nadOy

iMUaa tte lacttgvt ate TteaagBrawa. Bstoa BipIdSi Oega-

Am. Iteoakay. mtelert. OUrtea.
i^ts. Kawood. White dote. Mas-

mman. nvM.. ue.
Ipwa, ate tnn Tnnraa Bay Teat. Mo.

•caMa UtamtlEghteary nlaUag te
Itateautadttattaday tta
aalp m Mtttigaa laaasds tetoa. Ba
daaarltedttaadnatagn U Ite K. a
T.M..tattas a fratvaisl ate iMsw
•atasyaesMgMdattitettet iten la
•o alter ordar la tta atttaiAlah payi
aiatoi aa grtaa^y. Ha waa
9toytm\ to iiiifiptin «f tte nlM
efttaHaaaateaata atetateB fateUas
wteaa aapgatt is tatea away hy daatt
fpraigwaaatewlgcttel tta aagaa.
(ntiaa tagnrltg la atnagtt anry
duf Baatatadttat la tte aOn U
tte eraai Maitafy aigilaBtioni an
UadatsteiaiaaftWaday, a naatd
wkiah aoattn tatarwl aaaiaty aaa
paU» BMW trttato te
Tnnna OHg Kainhsia ate asatad
that it had aanr baton baaa hk
aiaasan te witaaa tte iatattw of ae
large a alasa as ttel tatea ta ban.
Attar tta addms of Mr. Oeanar
abort talks wan glna by npraaeatatina of aaah of tta rMtlag teats.
Tbaa O
that ttk laltaktioa Proaght the total
of tta teat ap to 4M. Ba
alM stated that the period ter nealrlag MP^katkas M tba radaoad nto
had base crtradsd two watts. 8ian
the apodal dtspaantioa wn graatad
170 a^katloha ten hasB nnind. of
wkitt abort w won retsatod It k tta
parpen of tta taat to brtag tta total
nonbanhip abora SOO dorlag tbs
two wnks aad two wssks fros lut
a^tagraadjsblln will tabs plan
at whUh tta Inlag aide ia tta aoatnt will gin a flas haagaat.
Attar tte aaaeaaeanaat by
naadar rriadrlah aa asnlloat <
wnaomdia tl
B ate rkiUag
lore. Tteaaw
kalghk wan samd tnt ate tte ettars atiorwards. Than wwa tally t?a
haadrad kalghk la tte haU n that It
wn at)n nldalght ibatan oapgar
Tteroaerdnadabyttktaat darleg
tte gaat ttm waaba k mytattariag
ate wltthte latamt aad aaargy dis­
played by tte nsnbi tte work of
Dapaty BanoM 0*600000 hn prone
.f gmt nlaa.
' Tntorday aftotaooaPntOmtOonauadar Ooaaor rkitad Aotaada Bln.
Whitt held a naaUag ate gan tta
ladke aa latanattag addnaa.

Thapnaaadlagaotthg anet bagaa
wttt a Wg panda early la tta analag.
W. W. ralrehUd lad tta pneaaalrwi
noaatad oa a aplritad hern aad tta
boys hate hategd the »laa Thera
wan abort MO Maaasban: la Uaa, ia<
aladlag ttm Bnts whUh bon tte
•smstaamtof Morttpott Teat Ho.
m To«B8aoB«UUTaat.Mo. 440. ate
Oity la Terror, ate Diaaaa^ ttlil
rtinnm CSty Taal. Mo. «71. aU amjBptatelag-BIgId Kanam AA«d ia gorgaeos ngalia. . . ^
aptod ter teppresalOB.
•natelorahn of tbs nms Ulateaa.
Vletorta. B. a. Jaa. ts-Wdaa tta
^ wore asrrlad by tta aarahan. la
tinaar Mlowan iaft Boaolala, at
«gUo of tta eold the gmtnt tntaresl whieh port aba atagpsd ao nau troa
wttaslaaa wn mutfcs-sd.
Aastralla. tbs gmtost aaelteBaat prw



tettftteparada lbs Maaeabenaannbled la Pormten ball whan tte

________ nsaaiad. Baton tta
■oaln of InlUaUoa tte oMtabled
Ealgbta wan ginn aa tedrsn of walnnaby Mayor Praak BaaUioo. who
aid naay thtags aotapliawatary te tte
•rdar geearally ate to TranneOlty
Teat gartJartarty, aad.draiatinly
aaaaatad tta teya of tte dty te tta

Fraldilah. <
hk aaaal

r of tte teak la
tk katinsr ate

roDesrlagtha addnate tte work af
Thia work
oeadaetad by tta TbaottaaaTmo da
gm teas ate tte naaaar of Ik ax<->
•sUaa k dessrrlag of aokplUBaattry
■oaMoa. The warn k n (allows;
Kl^-Osecgs Mlaald- i
BIsanf Mr. Labak
godan Maaaabna-Lorla Patny.
Higb Pfkat O. L. Lan)oy.
Cagk gaatea-Jote Bnpar, LekaU
gaol, WOUan Oamaa ^te WlUka


nilad. ate haadrads of people ware
aadnr >riag to aseare paanga to gat
away fro'a the plagaawirltten dty.
Up to Jaa. mh than has baaa thirtyeight dsatts aanar tta aaUna ate
Orianlals ate oea whlto lady. Mra
Baardaae; tte ptoprlakaip of a flaa
aaeaeabad to tta dread
. Hnd la nlateU
atyla ia aaa 9! tta hnt naidaan natloas of tta dty. ate whoa tte taat bakaowa that tta had diad of tta
It wn ptopeaad to dadan a teaatal
qaaraaUea ate tta mtdaak wm aaearlagaatott of
tokaaptottolrhonat. bat plan wan
ahaaged ate tta dtlssn famed ttaaioalns late a saaltary eoauattiaa. diddad tte dty lato dktrlek ate appolatad
daily rklk to anry bean la tSalr

of dahaaas. ate aatem tta noat atriagaat aaaltary ragaktton. -Mra-Boaid■aa k balland te ten takoa tte
sUea tron a date nt toate ia bar
Tm Meaki Is tta pkgaaktostod dktrlak won bataod. Baaiasn naa. an
It was afkr u okleak khaa tta aar- abort to baUdawkarfOBtte harbor
■noakswwa ooaalsdod. bataao

Owtantl Whnva VorMd to
▲boBdoB 8pioB Kop.
SoanadtBrltkhUaTragaBd Bow­
ed TartlMa Bln lato Tbdr Basks—
This fulwa cante Ooartsras
la Baadaa aad k leaksd Ogoa aa
BfatnlsM to Batort at Blew to
f iindoa. Jaa. to-Tte fallewlM dkpataktes tart hasagoitadky tte war
oHaa. aasatav troB Oaaoral Balkr ate


•art Baastaa Dniga ia OhbMn Bn-

ID Per Cent. Off Tffday
On all Books,
To Reduce Stock
Befot^e Inventory Next Week.

pararV Ahdksttoa.
Uadpa. Jsa.
agaalal dkpatah
roaShaaghalaaysttrt gnat rarltc-Mt hn hoaa aanad ttreagteat
Jagaehytta aaws of tte abdkattaa «t
dapaa asst or tUaha ate aan tta
k ItelgMat aaeordlagly. IWa k
aatreagdaMneatteaarted tte iU-------- to adoft

a, aad war nay noalt.

WaaUagtaa. Jaa. to Attar I e'alaek
"Oaasral Wama's garrkoa, I an ttkaflataeoB.ttetlBa of Ite bosM
arty to aay. I tad ttk noralag had U wn dented to tta UtaVka Praddeat
OarratA. Hobart. Balegin apoe bk
A apeaial dkpatah hn boaii*amiT ate pabUo onrln won glna by
dsaorthiag at
ratakiag of Spion hop.' It nys:
••Oanral Warraa had ao aooaar setMotvithatateiag tta nport la drea.
tJad dowa Is tta nptarad treettn
latioe that we ban rakad oar priors
ttaa tta Boon BDBBSttad gan whkh
to M eoDta a'nnl. we rtflt ooaUBar
ttoy bad aarafally hkldn daring fin
at the old pries, IS ernis per mnl.
daya of pnllmiaary fighting. Bros a
B. W. Boras, Ow A V. Friedrich's
SUUgh plataaa otatiotMag tta eaptarad
traattnaatormof ttdl and shrapaal
hrokslooaa. Tte Boesahad asantataad tts taago to a akaty. Bstmt for
tta British wn oat at tta qaestloa
while tta hail at stael awapt aeroas
tte hmtop. Boar attar hoar tta naa
lay la tta traaehn hagglag elan to
anry bit of donr. They wan oxteaetad fren loag fighttag. Six baadnd wan woaadad la tta fiirt two
daya. Tte fightlag Tasaday ate
Wadaosdsy wn far non dasparab
than la tta pnaodlag battka."
Oaasral Ballsr npork that tta Brit
khaaaBaltinoaJaa.»4wonoia e«aaan ate alghtaao vea-aonnlnh
efinrs aad naa UUad; twdn cants

idad tton at
ably it wn aaly I
tta fightlag prior to tta fiploo kop
DaUl fortter partlealan shall arrin
itklaqteasihlateastlasta tewtetax
tort Ite pahlia dlaappotatOMBt ont
tte abaadooBsaet of Spioa kop k ]nU
fiod. It k Impowlbla at praoeat to say
whathar tbs British saSsrad a renrse
or whatbtr tte Bovamaol was dictotad
by straisgle rsaaoaa. Oorixnsly the
position wn osalets aalaw gan soold
be pUatsd on it ate diseoreriog that
ttis waa ^taposslble Oaaanl Warraa
any bare dpeided that it wn ansate to
attoapt to bold tte pesltkm longer, or
he wsa anklng a non profitable aseaat slsewbare.
Whatarrr be the exdanatloa of the
MteMBISBt of 8plOB hop,
doabUsss ban tte aama tenporary
Boral sfiMt as a rantaa It appears to
bars baaa ao aaUrdy aBsxpaotad at
ottos that Qaoeral Bo<lar*s
diagateh eaaaed soiaattlog la tts
aataraef ooaistaraatiea. Tbs lobUas
aooB crowded ate ttna wn
aridaooe on aU sides that tts aaws
wn hsaaly fait. 'ntaoBly att Hal cobs ■
nnt waK‘'Apparaat]y Oaasral Warraa.
foate tte podtloa too hot to hold.”
Tte good tidings fnm Ladysmith
aosaaralag tte Imgrond saaltary ooadltloas, tte gloahfalaan of prorkioas
of t
arsrahadowsd by tta ttonght that
tte haary loasnaaltarad latteakaggU Taesday al^t baraaoBatad for
aaoght. In nIUlary alralas ae effort
made to eoooaal the ahagda ate
granat lean are axprmid for tte lata
mh aattorittw n Ma|. Oaa. 81r
Fradnkk Osfrlagtcm. who k aadar
ord«n ter 8aatt Atriaa. ate Lard
BIfford. wte waa tta Vktork non
wktkaaeatlag tor Lord Wekalay dariBgttaZalB war. woald arthaaorptkad to hear of tte aagtan iff Oeaanl Whkab tom wtttU a weak. Lord
01ttard,wtekwwstteaoeatry Ute a

oaktda pork for ottar pans of tte klate aaa ba laadad. ate trow wban
waaabaah^pad. Dr. D. A. Oar- anl Warraa a' araaated tta tog ad
gMatot tteanalag was PwtOnat
r what
dtouaadw Bowlate Ooater at Sagl
lib While OasMV. mi la groaaattag hks Onnvate. aad wUl kart by tte Irat. ai
anl Wamakaotblanadfar ratmtm rrkdrkb atatad that OnatOavlagndn what k npgoaad to ban
••adar Beyetea wn ahabU to ba
latearyateUfira, te k aanraly
Moatoaaoaoartot ^boalttwhkk
arMdaadtop aaeagylag a aedtlea to
whkkteaeaUaot brtag ag hk arMr Eaigbt CTOauer k a Bnat Oaly Hard VottBwai Batton Bkg tOkry.
naahar ate a loyal Mposahaa. Ia
OagaCowa.Jah. b»-1ka ngart k
ttatnkgalttet te aom gats iked
by Bln.
•t addraaelBg Himbass la akatlar
Tbatad^ anakg tte tattom B^
gilhirt-iM- Md te k Wad with laletal.rBabyDsddMbar,bada aar- akarty ladtestm ttat Lord Bobsrta k
that tte K O. T. M. k art oaly tte Bw naapa trow dsetraaiioa by «n galagatetewitt ttaortrlaal glaa ad
bntboMMsfy order laMkhlgaa >at sttitt
palga,. aa tevaaas on Bleawfentota
tta hnt la tte ooaaVy. Mr. (TOouer Oaly prong! work lytton wbe
Oiaaffarm Stott.
wn«naedttewhwa «f tta arlg aaeaeattagnndnnd adnkwMia
ttrt crgsalsitka la tte oariy 'pes, aoaisgrathn. n tte wite wn blewtag
«hn tte total ■Mhwililp la tta a gala. Matt of tte tarrtton ate
J. B. Martlaak. tta jawalar. arkhaa
•tttt«wbttrM,aaanaty non I
hsddiBC WM famattd. ate tta dami^
toatatstottagaogUwte fcteworlt
Bthkatoeattai asatytUag Inttto
wan aaea la Misty la tta store ad H.
mmu >>»■■* ttgtthar ^ Tana
Hm waa ttoad tew ttettBatetbaa
hhDlMdrtfbk BabMhSHaeoMw
1 OaQyAaa.. aaar by. tte aUldm
ttaowaara aaa teaa tte a3b hy
hkaHsrktertteteMBtdf tta •
^toMVMMte ttMattenagtel

temtogohoM. Tte dktiagakted



Bocceiogg to Olty Book Stors.

Kalph Oonnable, Jr., AoUng Hanagor.

Another Big Parade

I Hew Hir If Tint Ctaci

First-in line, all onr 75c Puffs, choice..............^5o
Second in line, all onr 50 and.75c Fonr-in-hands, B6o
.Thitd in line, all onr 25c Club ties at............... 16o


Leather Shoes

we will give yon pick from all onr

unde—are raooffniard the
world orer hp the oely
correct gboM for dms
wear. Now wa are peUlng
Phteot Inathere

Finest Men’s
Suits Dniy SI 1.50
InexcnsaUe if yon miss it

For Men
That «te can bay aad ran
BO risk, •• tba; are

Not To Crack
The Qobb; shtpes, p®rfec
&t, 6ne WM-kmaosbip and
moderate price make tbem
most desirable sboee to

I Closed Until Next WeekI


Owing to delay of the Sre adjnatera to arrive, atore will
not open for boainen antil early next week, probably
about Tnetolay. WAIT FOR

It will pay yon to do ao.


Miller’s Store

The leader in fiae footwear


Ian Maciaren
The fai
1 antbor, writ­
ing in the North American Bariew
on "The Energy of the American
PeojJe,” atfya;
*'No man writoi with bia own
hand, if ba can dicUte to a stenograpbar; no man dictatea, tfha can
talagrapb; no nan telegrapha, if be
can telephone.’'
If yon are a epical, energetic
np*to^te American, yon already
naa the Long Diatanoe Talepbone
If not, a word to the wiae ib anffic

Too will bd • is. liM of

Stamped L'nena, aU aizea of Sofa
Pillows, Dowa Pillowa, CnahioD
Od^ Battmborg nutariala of all
kinda. A Rill line Balding Brea.
Embraidety Imooa giran free.
S87 Front Sttest


School of Music

get a
out of a

Bat yon can get a pleasant


on every dcdlar'a worth


of goodaJnnUl farther



smoke ont of a

6c Pig TaU
Havana Smoker.



We have jnst received several doz*
ea pairs of those celebrated Roaey
AJ^rger shoes for infanttt We ’
have all styles, sues and widtl^ ia '
stock aad patent leather tips—The
prices are 50, 75c and^.00.
lafaats soft sole bnttoa shoes,' 25c.

Fraat Street






fmAnsMOR? ■ mmuuM Woo«ww« OhmatMj tnit
Va4*r AdTlMahat.
Mift % Basm

W. Ha—



• VaittTMBMp.
TteO to Woadwprd aa



• m Tmmm a».

VibVAvas to «bMi fow ^ Mwai
* foe< 4«1 tha •ktfftoc^Mi MTtk«• IMifM. toi«^ jl^r«n iba

tUitaaMa* altoa^atotohaafatoai a
j,lMf firfrr*' »» Miiwaabaa raattoto «ha» aha liktoiW BB« to ia raparv
Atitaaa aa» ato»«ar Itoa totoha
-MMMa« batoaaaa aartbar. Mtohlcaa
Mtoaahtoatatoj.^rtU AavwaaOl^
{TaAaa<<hapaiaM fra> wUakbaal.
- pMtoiwftaia^l ^ NcnbamMtoto
tea TtaaapartaHna Oa. to ftotog aa
|M« aacftaa. bat aawbar Uaa wU «e
•a4am,«a tba aaatnrf, balp alaaf
ia lha laavBaH^toim^
rBAasran. Ep..bat baaa lamAaA
aaa tboaaaaa tea aaaad with

Bto tha ftrtac Uaa, to toaara tbato

TBfaaaaot Ba^BaW nfraia:
NO.»aaaoMpa«^thafftMacto aa.
to aaa taiaili aa Mh*a aaa aa,” aaa
^ ba toUp laaUMd bj tha aaa baa



BaUtaah Oaaitoar VU Bak iha
OaaaaU at Vast hbaato^-Baaort



hartat E ZawraMa vni Opaa
Bakarpah Valoa Ateot.
OhartaaEUwtaeaa. who «* bte

•oatol BItoB&aetSfOBlac %r Omp
todtatK B.hwdap Muto

111 rT"—*—^ *** **
«ktok to Ba Ibatoa. ftoa aaja
MonwtUtoflvMtoiba aatofhlaaal
Tbaaoaialfftealaatatoalaf to tba
lorlba tU« 9t *■ aaawaritot Mat, partea to tha Ural Hathodlto *a»ah
vhMtoAaMawOlbaUlha totoia a< bptba»aabantoOlaaall».( waa a
aaaaaaa to avarp parttaalar. Thara
bSLlwSibaotoar-attato a«^ waa a tocca arowd praaaat. aU that Iho
MlMdar h»fa bN* «larcM« of. ae ihM parlora weald hold, to taat. aad aU
ttoawUlto taaUMla to MMff tba
rad thrtotolm theteagblp. Tha
aavt M toa atM aCalr waa a aaaaaaa laoMlaUp, aai
Uat <toaaa Taatoay autf» tba to- for tha awtottataMt ptevldad.
•««aaa< ioto Kavaotob,----a doot-(Ula aad Ba«ta
ABottoalaraaaw taWl
tatteaaaaalWlUtoaL- BaaaAlaf aa
taaltotina ■ Mtoa lleraa.
Tba maMtt to bataf
Veaal aele-Mtoa Oarpaatar.
imliliraibf tbaaaait.
▼etol aolo-Marcarat Sharw.
Boallatlaa—A. 9. Hapaard.
aaito baaa t«toa*ar that*
Baltldap aad Doagtaa.
▼ooal 8toe->Beward OrtMth.
<)atotat-Barrp Parhtoo. WUl footo.
aatetearwllj. Oathaa
Borrap AUaa. OUt Mapaard. Araeld
aam BitoO. Tba aoart aatarad a Oook.
i^Mlal ordar la thto aaaa. that tha
PaaphlB pta waa aarvad. aad aU ato
tathar to to hare ebai«a to tha ahUdnw baartUpaad
aartUp aad aall
aiod It good.
aatU a (arthv ardar bp the aiart.
ato tha «
tebto M. Oarrto waa cnatad a di- lag waa tha datormtoatloa to tha
.araateto Lawraoaa E Oarrto ee tha
Malar ktod to eabt that
Croaadto aoa aapporU Tha aaaato dlffarrat pataeaa repraaatod. WUl
Jeaaph BlaUap aa Aaaa Hlaklap------- Wlaaaa aad Jatoto Dtooa woa tba Ant
pr!ai,aAeaaagal food aaba. O. A.
Ptoa E KUlar waa fiaataC a dlteraa BoUtdap waa laaa aapart, aad obtolasd
tea Blaa lUUar. aha to hato toaaa- tha boebp priaa. a }«toptaf Jack.
todptothaahUdraa. Tha aaaato Aaa
I tba wbela. tha aalartatotoaat
waa a ........................ ... aad erar $17
wUl baaddad to tba teaaarp to tha
JadcaMapaatoftlaatalght farCtoar.
latoUaad aoart wU baaa a fwaaaar
lOTaaadac^______________ _

rara KarbaattaSaa la^ Soak aa

teaiataa a< tha Ttaaacaa Olto
^ B. Ob. to tba obtatolay to


EarthtoB Mtoh-fab Ttnlat

raatad Oaorga Oaaah bahaip. aad
wUl opaa a takarp than. Mr. Xwwa^paaw to ho*a oearpi
atato abapa bp tha Irate
idMa atatp<
ptotho adalataa to
thaatato lato Ma aaSoa bp a baoTtot
Tbaradv eight, wblab waa attaadad
bpaaarlpabaadradMlablgaa b« to
I or laaa proBteaaaa.

Tieparattowa far Odd TaUowa Oalahratloh rrofltlaa Btobeaato Proffraa.
Tba axaeatiaa aototoltlaa to tha
Morthara Mtohlgaa Odd PaUowa AbbIbaa halda aaaattog
aad begao Ma :
Boate for Ma big oatobratloa to ^
bald bara Best Jaaa. The prapanhle
ara befaa aarip baoaaae It la parpoai
ta aBko Ma aoBlag aroat Ma moat
gorgaoaa arar aspartaaoad bp Ma Odd
PaUowi to Mleaaotioeof Ma atoU
Tba larga taoroaat ta aMabenbIpae
aoreo a graat gatbarlog aad aa Trari
Clip la Ma largcat altp la aorih
MIebIgaaltlacspoatod that Odd :
Iowa tea MIt aaeUoo of tba atata will
aakc it a apaelal oemMn.

••fanalBff U mahlyaa” m thatltM to
a UtUa boablat wblab baa Joat baaa
pabUahad bp tha laad dafaittoaat to
tha Para Marqaatto raUraad, aad to
w btoafdltltoboMd throachaat tha
itbara pertha to MUhhiaa aad la
adJolBlBC atalaa with tha rlaw to
ate aorthara
ItlaUfaa. whan tha aotopaap aaa
aarwal ■llltoaa to aaraa to aaoaeaptad
laad. TbaUttlopatopblattoprotaaalp
iUaatetadwlthpiatanatohetoaai '
wbIM baaa baaaloaaladoa tblalaad
Ptva TboBtaod DoUan Xte.
aad wblab ara bow aadar a blfb atato
Wadaaadap Bonlngb Are did :
to aalttrattoa aad ara plaldiac larfo
proAto to tboaa who baaa laaaatod la damaga to Me Statabarg bloM thao at
Acat aappoaed. The loa
after Ma Ara aa gi.uo. bet Mia An>ra
la oolp half tba real loaa, akkiog a
Mra.i. W. Trarta aad Mho Oora total to AS.OOO Mr. Btaiobarg wiU aot
TrariawUl laara todap for a thraa raopea kla atora aotU Taredap.
Boetha* rialt la Daptoaa. Fla. Tbap
will atap orar Aaodap with frlaadt la
At XoBo tbora arc Mwal tbotead
Graad BapMa. Daptoaa la a pepalai eaMaoncdoorst. The Lp?oa Osvow,
Tha adraaaa Mta to aaato- for tba wlatar raaort, aad Mara la a larga atTerlto B eloaed. Thora lO.OM loAaansi eaaaa in Mat altp aod Mouaoda
POaaa Towa too" to to fiaaa la tha Orapd kapMa eoloep thara. wbleh of ------- are raporwd In Italy.
Opte Boaaa aa Jaa. Mtb. wlU BakaaltariaaaaatptoBtfer MleUgaa
at tba atp Mawa Siaad thto paepU to rlalL
Mr. aad Mra. SoadraaB bar# ratarv.
Paha TarbaUa. proprlator to tha Oltj ad to BehroabarT* laabar aasp to
■atat, wblM waa baraad tha otbar oook. Tbop bar# baaa boaaa tor
abort tlBO oo aeoOBBt to tha abaaaea
plfbt. baa takaa tha rooBa <
of taow.
(oaUBaatalb taftor ah^ wbara
Kaaagar JebMoa to Ma Maaiatco
WlU aara ter hto haardara who «
Opara Hoaaa, eaoM to tha altp paatarCoptlradtoapltetoalap.
Tba Womaa’a elab raoapUea wblab dap to witoaaa tba prodaattoe to
wpa to bar# baaa cl««a to tba taaeban Hamptp Dasplp. H# waa Ma goaat to
-HaBagar Atalabarg.
bM baaa paatpoaad aa
mrnor E White aad OUra Wblta
•act waab.
^ hara rataraad to Ma oltp altar attaadWmiaai A. HUtaa to
to Mia altr i*, I tag Ma laoaral to Melr tathar. Oaorga
baaa lltoaaad yt atowp.
Mlet Kata Mwaaar la ta Baad Olty,
AU ara larltod to atued tba bos aad
aapooiUltobociTaBiaoU E to P. wbara aba attaadad Me waddtag of bar
te rwtwad all ton*.
haU Maadap olgbv Baeb ladp ahoald braMorOooradtoMlB I^Btaglar.

ptobt to ifto eat to tba ally- Tbap

toa aaaMaav baa tha aaamaaa that
to*abaMd*aatbaai.thattbara »1U
haUUUeraohiAaaltrla obtatelaf a
Itobt to wap tbreayb tba aoaatrj to
{«Miaaaa aaaaip. toad U tha right to
wto >• ebtatoad «at to tha aitp, thap
tolak that tba hardai part to Mat
«erb wUlhaaabaaai
Taap wfll CD balara tba oaaaaU at
Ha aaxt aaattac. to aak fpraa oatlat
AEaMaamapadtaatobaa parahaa•I tha paalaaaia sppoalta Morthport
tehor. tha teat aoaalaiac a MO
gto aaaa thto to baUtaad to ba oalp
too baflBBtae to larga raal
phtahaaa tor raart parpoaM. Th#
•aw raUroad wlU opaa aosaa to tba
iaaat raaort aoaatrj la tbla atato or


hrtog a bos to prerMoaaaad two aapa
Oaorya WiUa aad Daalal fiaslop of
Tbo preooata to 01a aaalal ara ler te
iMoAt to tba “Aosaal*' to tba Aaelor Porttaad, lad., aro aBtUag Praak
paaia to ago, baa arrtaad froB Bmala id aip Uot aifbt te mo Basplp
fotaad to Baka. Ua boBa wlM hla DiBpkp
A. L. Oonlwr toObariotota WMta
kroMBT OBTlaa W Ma Boatoa Atora
•ad ArMar to Ma Kaw York atora. Mtolty yaatorday.________
Ba arUl aaUr Ma loeal pabUc aebooto
MMtttac Sal^M to Woeierafl.
IP Bwptato kla adaaatioa.
O) Tbnradap ataatag Ma dagrM to
Ma BaaUtag Kalghtt to Woedarafi
la oawp atoU ta Ma ante aad la Baa'
oa M BaBbara to Mod.
ioralcn aomstrlaa Mai OhaBbBlata*. ora WoedBaa to ABWiea bp T. W.
EoA SaBadp la a aartola pnaaaUaa
hmj. Dapaw Otaad BmUot to
aad aara tor eroap. IthaabieoBO Ma ~
MM Oltp. BtorBbBMta wara
aa-aad aad a g^ tiau crj ipad.
BBto what kw baaa ted aroaad taa
Claba wbaa ba WHtak: -I Bara Mad
Log* Mertag «t dnttte Bap.
Cktebarlalah Goagh BoBadp, U Bp
Lega ato bal^ taalad to Ma E E
iFr»T for oaaaral paara aad alwapa
SSipartaat aaaatM. Wa baUata Mat DaUp bUI at AaMeaa Bap ta largo
M la aot ealp tha bMt aoagb roBadp. 4MBtma». nod Ma prBpMta ara good
S^MatU iaa aaia aara for Bpap. tarafaUttook. Tte ataicktng la Mai
tabaa«*od Ma U«m to oar oblldtaa a ▼tataltp k faMp good.
MbartotlBoa* Thto rHMdp ta for
So bp a E Watt



Itfort PlMiie.
L'tfe lisaraiM


See the nei^licied the S
0 £too Lifeof Bertfoni—tber t
, are wioners. Batee the noet
< Mtigfa^rp.
; We atao eell their aoddeat
I and health pcdiciea.
j H. L. * CSo. Block.


Bow taMa tlBa toharopev Btayala
booimalad aad ataaaad ap raadp te


Free Storage AU Winter.

Ma aadantcaad, do borobp
i«rM to rtonod Ma Booepw afOMBi
Mp arerk can set ba boat aad prlOM
bottia to Oraaoh W
Bateg votetaaA tea Otaad Bl___ TbrlflttaUato onra
oni paw oo^b or Iba tamu WUl «aU te poar wbacL
fMBta^prapaMd to do aU p^ ootd. Wo aloe gaaiaotoa a teoMt



laaaBBainataMii Mmt


Ia the boAt Uble mtde ud will nbt ccat fon abj man
than ABT good Uble. With the Victor yon have ao
leaPCA (or filling) to stand around in your way or to
pst down in the beiement to warp out of shape.
Whpn yon get a Victor the whole top U the Aame, as
the leatreA or filling are finished the same as the rest
of the Utde—This yon do not get in a common Uble.
They are guaranteed to laat longer than a comnion
Uble and not to get <mt of order. A child fire yeara
old can extend them when the Uble ia all set at 'they
hare a solid center and extend trom the ends. 1 bare
them in price from $9.00 up.

Slater’s House
Furnishing^ Store
190 rront OtMAt

Mil WIfa Aaraa Him:
“Mj wUab good adrlaa aarad ap
lita."writat r. M. Boot to WtaAald.
Taaa.. **tor I bad aaak a bad aoate 1
eoald bardip broatba. I grow ataadUp
wocaa aadar doator^ traatBaeV bat
Haw Otaaorarp
aaapiatolp aarad aa." Ooogba.
BniduSi U Ortppa. Paaw
AaMaa, Hap Parar aad all bl
of Oboat.-Throat aad Man ara poatttralp aarad bp MliB^loaa aadltea. Ma aad $100. Brarp beUla
fwaataad. Trtal boulaa 10a at Jm.
d.Pobaaaah aad A E Waith drag

Sr. W. I. BiftaA OpmtHt SwUMip
MotwlMataadtaf Ma report te alraa
latloB Mat wa bare r^^oar
' totoaaeu
at MaoU

it, bat it b
a E Walt

Dress Shirts

The “Junior”

Are the proper tbiDg—more worn than
erer~.We hare them from oins 14 to 16^ (the
14 has altejB been a rery hard aire to find ia
many of the etocka). We bare the aew attadi.
laeat that keepa the boaom trom butgiag, a ooo>
renience that will be tally appreciated, There
are the beat ahirta erer made aod aell at the
onitorm price of $1.S0.

la the new shirt for “little men*’ from 6
to 12 years old. Tb^ want aa well made*goods
aa the “men folks” and there were made to 611
the bill. Made in white and oolora with onfh
attached, and aell'at 75e, There are worn with
white oollart that cost lOe each.

Dress Shirt Shields
Something yoQ ahoald bfcve. Keepe poor
lioen trom gettiog aoiled. eepecially wheo yoa
wear your “beat bib and tncker" for an evening
call or ao entertainment. The very beet of
qnilted aatin and aell from $1.60 to t2.00 .

Tbit's what is always foand at the “Dniveraal Providers.” White Bow Tiea $U the
new sbapee, 25c. Wbito Clob Ties at 6o and
10c. Kew colon of checks and stripes in the
ImperiaU. Teoka and Oxfords aell from 25e to
$1.26. One examinaUon always means a pnr*


Don’t Forget

Are oaed in thia cold weather. Many
timed theyHl prertnt a cold, and they’re eo
handy to pat on. The 'Way’a Mafflera“ aell
trom 25c to $1.00, and are made in different
colors. We bare an elegant aaeortmeat of Ox­
ford mafflem that reU from $1X» to $8X10.

That it's only for the balaaca cff tha
month that yoe can parchare a $6.00ovMooat
tor $4.00, or a $5.00 one for $3.75, there $6.00
boy's orercoata for $8.76 or the $4j00 ones for
$2.00. The eariy porchaaer always gate tba
pining and there rely ooma “ree in a bog.”

Proper Thing

Save Money

U gloved ahr^ foond here, ^e light
grays and browna are **tiie things at prerent.
Ualined Mocha meeta the p^mlar taney reUa

And a doctor^ hill by wearing good,
thick, warm onderwaar. No exenae when
gets tha garaenta we're offering. Then tbeiw’S

Swell Neckwear

ifad next gmdea at 80,4a 60.76o and $1.0a

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.






Omn* ODMMmkU X«M Mi ■any Matea Ualud (ar tka l«Bt
nuMtowi Wa aqr.
«iay Spm toayaaaeftteXato
at a crawftil ate mrrltte trlkata to
Muhtoi «M vtottod ky t iteniw
Saa.«.X. Clkha
My. OadkiB aaaet kla miratoaat ftapi
VranUort h to ton
•i* Tktmiaj toomlaf wkUb MtoUW
Ikantoiliialtkatoto Bee. ^asca toa adHarabip ol Uw Now Tarfc Bnw
■m aaUNf Wla port M«t
• InaofoTto _____
nt.000 totka aaltaltrtosPoatoaya:
o< tka
' **Mr. Otekto’a paper hda far yaaia
pMUto >0>w
U«A cai (Ink «M
kaaa a leader la toa dgtit tar tarW ralato ate takaa to tka Bapttot toaito larai. aad toe edttartala whlek appear,
aUi>wk> MU•«••»•»«•'I
ii.M ImiiM
liiUl.rtl*».toMHlo.U^'^„,Onrrt WlMM»i WM- 'kara Ika aaay triatea at tka dieita ad aa tbit aabjael an alwaya dtattoet
M>IM k H ba
rttt .
ik HMD. 1 Im. ad wan altowad to took apoa tka faaa ceetrlbuticte to (be ntamtare at (ba
■nnM •• kukUk MUot. ,»,wkkM««».-d»,0. kM at tka toaa toay lend ate faapaatad.
tartf dBHttoa. It la aaw kadlac toe
- • - Mr. Oodkto’a
Was Arfeav. Ckaalafali. Trarana
eon oeteaetod ky Bn. W.
akal k. O. V
Pat^V. tha MM fl( ika aoaBaptirt wrtttaca ahrayt paaeaea a gteatoa BtafBwa
fMvwl Mav gtrm. TMa aora It
okatak, aatoWad ky Baa. BaU al May- -ataqr daror ate are reed wftb phaapra
by Meed ate tea. Tbe ptaaa .at toa
mOa Pf Wa MaMfiF«a« aaaaalaHaa arlaaftoato al
cooBtry tone by bla nUretoaat owe al
«f INtawkaa vte kaalfa to taalalai waatoaa
NoCHr. mwate. aatta Bwat dWIantobcd ate brUUaat
Sa Mia Mi Igr Wato to teaar yaan. aaftai ky Jcaate Maaaaaa. akayaai itoabte kaaa a t
MtoUakkaacwtoOtitoio e< toto
■nw Uad at *<tatW talerto* wUto
faan «ar tka faaaoB toai tola akera kaa Ibtol toto to (ka kaOiiaca katac akoat
Mr. Oodkta baBma la ate wkleb ka
abOtty la
MaaanaaattwatoaM Itoaa il-] r.M» ate toaafaaaaa* tote
ateatooad. Attoaaffk Mr. Olkka had__________
_ eeek
aaaiirtto |lfawaakaa Itoirta Oonw
Ika aiaato tofr Caaaa *«y aam . aanrmafttewlto iha akarah ka waa] called Crae trade to Badtoad. ItlatrM
ilaaai ktov kanai. katoc toatad lato aa aatln wackar dartat tka tkraa Wd» Mr. OodWa aapportad laeaaaraB to
arkad^ parpMely
lha ka«r a( Bakart Kate «f Uaato, toMtoa. TkaftnUnaatoaaitoakaal- yaan to thlaNto. te «« tttoa katop
« decree otp
MBtoMCfeltoKttoauatoasi karlai aaat forttoa aC toa ton ear a Utoa kat
aaaartl^ to Ika Kaa^ aaatoto.
toeap tobor of Borope. bat eaeb aapAttar toe earriato the rewain were' po« wee band aa tbe Cbeory that
aiMiii (B toaataate arltoateaaaCa.
aairayad to tka raaidaeaa at L. K., -bait a ket Is better ibaa aa braaA**
■aloa Laaaat KaUaatea kw Ate»etkka. bretoarat tha daatoaal. toeat! Btoee be rookJ are no chance for trae
aaarad. Uavtof kia wlta to a iaaUWW
which plaac tha karial wlU taka plaaa! trade, be pladlj aceepted aay atop la
Ika WOMB la H yaan ef BaUaaad tokaaaBtoarlaaa Ti
atlo'alaaktoitaftarMaa. Tbaraaaaa,
AU of tka Oraw Iwaa
tar kaaptoc toa rawalwa aatil today la I “ “^
tea Naltoi to ka a to
lakakaw al Soflk Baad. tka



MB. toa toya. la aa aievtoi acto el ftai
■toiakakto. kal aka katoiU Mate '
NvtacaBatUpaaatoawtokar raa
• ate apeaw toaa vltk kar MUUTtoOteal toak
kirlte fata to a asall w«y, wktok «
kalte pat to a totoa raaaaayaawator

•t, laka'a. ■■ r. Jaa.
kaaa laaMaad tkat a larca aaki
naaalwaBtaakonearoskaUPatot to
Bay it. Gaorfa Wodaaaday toot a
Bar apart ara all caaa, aad a let at
wraakacakatoacalda. bat aba
aa alfa at aaa er koato.
Mapatakaa ahaw tote tka wreak la
pnkakty H Awftaaa nnaL ate tkat
toa baa kaaa aa toa .rtAto ataaa laat
Friday. Tka ball baa kaaa aaraly katteiad. aitoar brton or attar otrlktof
Ika aoaat. ate aaak pcrttoae of toa
wiaetofaaallaad tka ahan wan apllt
lato fi
Ikaataray waatoor praealltoc baa

dwfmai. . Naak faltea It toft fraa
toa toaala aatoa ky tka mtoata- wktok
waali la Itea kaaotoa eCMai?a U U
vara aot iavaafte ky tka ravaMaa roiaato. Tkaratoaatara^y aaaralty at
toa tola to tka aU atoto. aa toay
teto rapidly ate kaay toa nrktoya
atoaa. kat rtotof watar driraa '
froto a dtototaa laaywty. aad'tkay do wraeb. ate ante tea M batap lanaad to
aot ratara Twy raadtly atito a taaatoy; toa barkor, onabtop abent ate toraat
ItoB. to tkla parttoator aaaa U waa aalap toa eataty te aay maal wklah
4a—adktottotoaraaaatoa aotoay by woald pat ont.
Aa off-akon pala. wblah raped an
kaytoc ate ptotoac a aaakar at rale
day 6atorday.dron toa wreak onward
Thay ara
tnm toa alarka to a laeal atera.—Mar- laariapBoalaw tokartdaatato. aalaaa
It la fonte la toa
taalto Mtoiac dearaal.
aloap too abora. It la beyond raa
J. L. Browa of Baadlac waa klUad
abU dMbt toatall on board ban perTharaday neralac by tka early wato
lahad, tooB^ who toa natartni
aa toa twko Bkon railroad. Ba waa
aad how naay toon war
akeat to yaara oU aad qdlto date.
board aanaol ba daterwlnad. Tba
OM nw tka aaridaat. whlab oaaarrad
I of toa renal la
dad oat toa 1
WllUaa FraakUa Jr., tbe wImIbc potebla.
BMkI to wneblp farmer, haste tost keaa
tBaatod. Ba wate Bortb aa a butlnc
trip laat fall ate aaddaaly
ate for two woaiba aolraaa ot him I. O. O. ¥. Lodpe Viw in Banlaa
waa to ba toand. A lauar from blw
otataa that ba la worktop ^ Alpena,
Diatrlet lodpe 1- O. Q. T. eoaveMd
kat pirn Boraaaoa for bla alraapeka- yeeterday afternoon in Montepna ball.
Tbe DUtrlet depm was conferred npoa
At Boatb Bseaa Boraea Blood abM- •eren deiepatea. After appolstaeat te
te a late pMall, aa balrloow, to Dr. aonmltten lodpe adjnned to meet at
Baaa. who pal It la bla ^at. Uood
WMWMitnil salt aad tbs paaeU
latoeerealap tbe
tnaadonr totka Juatlaa. itoii wIU toebaUtora eodalttBO. A my en­
ka aeattoaad to an wke pays tbaanto. joyable time
•totaaa years apo W. B.
served and the followtap propram
Imarly editor of tba Dtopeteb of ras ranaered:
Maple Bapida. waa wairtad. Hit wife
Addrcea—W. Bopkina
died aboat toar yean apa. KaaaaUy
Sole—Joseph Werner.
ka toaad a aotail box aootalalai a
RedUtloo-E J. Lavandn.
^aaaUij of tUear aad a note anUla.
Bealtteloo-Obns. GliekteL
top that tbe Boaey had boon laid aaide
Piano Mo->Mand Moody.
to totwory te his btrtbdeyannlnci
PrrlMIlnri Mr Orabb.
ate U aba died before bar prejeat
■onplatad. be woald Inra trow tba
aeu that tka money was intended lor spent In playtor pawfo and to i
aowepoodparpmeferblw. Itleneed- ' convereation.
toee to eay her proJeatiwiU barer •"
Literary Oirele'Bebito.
at Francis Utarary Boclaty hold
waUamSanpatel.lttoaald. Mieb..

•f I

i Remoiral Shoe Sale
We have plaoed on lale at cat prices
11 ttOO pairs -of Shoes -We glrs yon. the
bast makes only.
Ws can save you from 10 to 60 par
cent on your footwear for the next 60
days After Karoh 16th we will be in
our new store, SIS Front street.

* Frank Friedrich,
k lIsrroBtSt.

Hu OU BClabl. Sbo* Uu

aaaa«a«aaa aaaaaaaa aaa»<
CnsilMlin lid Eiiaiiitioi Fm iid Strietli CoifilmfiK

DRS. B. S. & CO.
iyoflia«Tato.ns nawwftoa

toa tariff wall, wttb bat oae abort taIkapaU kaaran wan Baa. 3. W. tampdoo. baa beea ralaad blyber ate
Mmikaa. O. y. Oamr. Oaorfa Payaa. Ufkar at
----------- 901^^ j. 0. Boa. Facfti ban outwelcbed tbnrtaa.
and Mr. Uodkln reUm from wnrfnia.
NT of Klacalay. Twaaty-dn
vtaUa tbe Dlnpley act with Ite nnparpaepU tnm tka alto aUaadod tha nDdad alUtnde te scbedolea. la to foB
aarrloas bald te toa faaally rsatdaaaa la force and Is eapertly iocciieafnl operattao. dlecredmiip all andproteetton proBar. Thwatoa. Bar. BaU. SaMtor
one and cnriwMiap tbe bopee te
initkaa ate Jadpa Bobarta apoka tta framer and Mends.
Bot while tbe free traders ban ntwords of aoaOert to too kanarad
tawUy. paytopa klpk tribnto to tha tetly foiled, tbe country bns been
brooebt by proteettoa nearer to Cm
who wM aallad away naaddanly.
trade than soy te tbe admirer* of the
BrltlBb ayetem seem to imspiBa. Baptote adopted free tnde when aba need­
ed It We ehall adopt H on tbe
prIBdple. not by a ralDona wlpfog ovt
•aaior Lyi*(an SboaM Bare Been te protoctln dotlca. bte by tranteer
to toe tree Ust te arttclee tbat no
Awarded Flatory to Sebaw With
loaper need prouctloa. In ao for as
the Uteraiore of tbe free traders baa
A few days apo toa rraeklln elnb of •erred to Inspire Ibelr opponenta wltb
Maalalse, aa U appaara, pabUabad or preAter aeaU tlr. Oodkln and bla acboci
e.—WaeblnptoD Poet
mantary nmnrkaaboailba yoanp

toplcu Mkal ud Snfictl lintltitt of Inbjii, nte


Bottoil -W^lIrlTig, dPx’a-w^gNto 0±ty,




Fel). 1, 1900b

ONae BMfs tato • A. M. to B F. ■


te toa dealer Uyoeom bieeiwe they n
fond to napapa to n aaaote dehaU on
tba aama tatma aa toa sm bald some
Tbe toneb boy etnikd knowini^
and remarked:
time alaea. In that eonteel It
-'iret’e all rlpbt ’boot Santy Clatw.
oNbloa te both andinoa ate Jodpoe
food etsir f five
tbat bad tba deekton aot mtad on
I'm win dal dere ain't no Eknty Clsna.
toe dkbata woald ban
baaa won by too boya te toa daaloc
**L too. am aware of tbe nos-exlitIdreaem. Mow. If tok was not tba enre of Ksnia Clans." repHetl Bobert
proper bask te
m •••• 4^ Browniiif Emeiwon Baeklny.
taata*. and II daUvery aa waU as arpn- tbat he k a mythical freatnie bsvlnc
mant aboald ba aonsldmail than tbe orlfln In the soi>or«tltloD of remote
rrankUn al«b did not in mUty win sfee. Bot I am also swore tbat
belief In his ml existence
toe debate bald a taw wnke apo. aor aeemlng
reeuH* beneflclaliy to me becsose te
arc toay rlpkt in tbeir priiint eooUe- certain voluntsiT contribotions from
lion lor toe mme bask of deekion those related
Bence 1 conceal my ml knowledpe
and profit by my aeemlnf Ijcnorance."
Tba raaant dabato wn dadded on
Yet there are those who decrj- the
w one point ot arpnment baenne Mr. beiiefits of tbe hlfher edocatton.
rtowalt mat an L
mittoe te yoanp paopio aad pame
A Bctos BeeoL
them to accept bie terme ae a baele te
Few news Items ooeld be te more '
Tka Boat taooaate.1 ate Sckttttfle TraatMantte All Dkeaau ate WankMM
oniaioD for toe debate. Tbe yoanp toreet to ear resdets tbu a record
tbe com whieb are 1belop effected
te Xanktod Foatebta to Obtnto.
BMS who took pan in the eoatni aekad oor midstt bylb the
tbe on te Dr.
for a ebanga of Urma before toe de Obese's KIdi
Idacy L’ver Plllr. Ba<
^IBUl^Jssssss spos.tb*
bate waa held, bat tbe FrankitB elab
and all the palnfol rrwulu of drranped
woald' yield noiblPp: n ika aontnt kidneys
an dkepprariep before tbe
held aaeordlnp to apraaaiaat aad ■ssicsl IcfiDsnn of Dr. A- W. Cbase't
the Jodpee laetrac
dney Liver Pills *6 eenta, all drop.
Its. or Dc. d W. Chsee’s Mte. Oo..
Mow toe Franklin Qnb, with an neffslo. N T Free asmoles for Btsmp.
■mptlon of knowledpe more bold than
eaatkms, eontlnue to aaeert tbat tbalr
poaition k rlpbt aad to aeeotd irlth
toepnettee te tba preat leter-edlleplato
Barlnp Instraeted ovr etadeau tbat sack debatea. at leaat la
ate Mra. A r. Kiddor pf Onlllanila.
beI In annptial ooaAQED MEN.
my doty la tbe foes of tbe
tnetsaalad.Tbaiadayat Ooaban. Ite. •was. -Bnolved. That we owe aeon to
Both prooa and bride an npwardt te, railroads than to aavlpaiion.*’ Tba tions of the ffraaklln Clnb to prove my
snbmlt to toe anparlor
ae yean te ape and both «Ma loren , Minn LUl aa Walls. Pearl I
I arpnad nnewlecp of toe PrankUa Olob.
tony yean apo at Ooldwatar. Mleh.. Anna '
A letter to Prof. Traeblood, bnd of
esJbo^. nsSms.
wUeh waa the aeene of catraapement for tbe aArmsllvr. The Mlaaee Ajmes
te department te oratory at Ann
wkldtanamUadtoelr batrolbal rowa. Balllraa. Baby Brnory. Blaneba Joyaa.
Arbor, was written. Oae qneaMon was
nod which sc pareled them for two Anna Meadbam for tba nepaUve.
Both aidn ware ably dteeaeMd, tbe asked vis.; »Ob what bask k tbe deThe
oieion rendered la
WUtr, vsrfsesms, suw.sis xisv..
te Tbareday was tbe second to wbitei Jadpaeat Uaptb deudlnp^fov.
and sll Udasy sad bisddfcr inissm
dabateer Bk answer k; "Two polats
botohan pertletoatod, The into te toe nepaUn.
Tka propiam waa aompUtad by a
•nd de
toalr reapeeUn Ufa partaen broophl
'aboata reriralte toeloveof toalryoato •o^by toa elrcla. ••O.jlambla toa 0am ttoerv.” Tbs itallM are Mr. Tree,
blood's, aot mine
ate Mra. KIddar Joarneyisp troai CblTbna It appaara that tka yonap man
itenla and Mr- Parapa from tba Miebl1 O. O. T. Dietrfol Dcpraa.
te the Senior Lyeeam on a proper hesls
, pan rlUapa, toalr remaaee bad Iw c.iAU Good Tampion who dmlra to
nas to msfrlapa.
taka tbe diatrlet AMTae -are miMated of Jodpmeat won tbe debate that baa
Tka Salasasndn Wire Eoavanea Oo. to mnl at Montapn hall, nt « o’eloak beenbeId.andanT1ptatto refMlnp to
debate apsln on the
aornnaat BL Petenbtup, Baaale, baa been
tbsT dW before.
tom h bald IP tok elty.'
My owa feellnp k tkat oar boya are
too buy with tbetr repalnr work to
piretnrtoeratwatloato tbe Franklin
tok year; and. moreover, they do
Mam Pritchard's ear wbUe be was barHerod me after a namberteotoor med. not prutly need toe ettmnlu te eneb
talaee and a doctor had faUeA It le debatoa tor they are tborenpfaly to■pulaTtlaa Bur too Ooontowa
Bamy Deekar. wke naantty died toe beat Unlment I bare ever known
a B. Hon. Bapt
Qaattottn 8u the .
anrCkmopolm. Union bteform for te—J. A. Dodpen, Alpknnm. On.
Thttimnik ban been nurd te rbeaUtaetfod.
mattsB by tola remedy. Ooe
Ve« Prtneipsl ArrlTen.
no B. Cook te tba TpsUantl
__ lal bu bees anpaped m teaebsr
d ulnelpal ot toe Boardmsn AvMoa
Mte la piaoe of Mke Ferry who boa
TBOwwbObM IbNmbPbf.
Prioen popedbr witii tbapeopld—
Take Warner's U’hitr Wiw te Tar Syro]
the bate oonpb remedy on emtb. »sn.
25, 85 nod 60c. Mteto on sale at
___________________ I-•
Tba Busty that AttrnetsXsn.
CSty Kewa Stond.
bnodaomneb to the futnruu to
a dur. bultoy aompldotoe, aad a
nlnmpl^BUad with tba viyor ate
Mh.alindlpcnUon.aadptv« a spleaImrtafepbkaeademy. Owta-tt
eanta. ^taUtoteWfaethaalto. Pale, weak,
BMapnathe It boa worked wondere
women are folly reatorad to
•dlufrea. BS0-*t t





Jgst OiB Night Df Fun

Tuesday, Jan. 30

‘Get Your
Money’s Worth”




26Sti[Ragrinelftists 26 wn^c^^p


m n. s. i Cfl.. *>nrm vat ici nR^VFCfii^ mm

The Great Cake Walk!



ssij'aai.'sSTV ■



At 'Mte


desasdnarvafoed whidi eraatssrkh.
’ Tpto Bwra^ m 1^ pnra btoed ate new nam akana. Faoa
eatatefoeataefla Mpnataia te Or. A
W.Okau on every ken te tbepenatoi


BlOnralk Lumbw in .11 C


nv «* Thitkm Oltv Lmalwr Oo.



If tem»TM£W9HLB


«• u I
r • rtMl M ofhO
ir^ CMBUy.**,
It ia aaaoostrd (rnoi Onaiu tb»t W.
J. Btraa win coodQcl a caiBpal0i
A (»«onUareport«M m»i» Ibva- thnofb the f«n tkla «rfntar. Be will
eondne hlmatHf tarsplj to tte Kew
^ll. M «M»tdr x^rid.'* bat OTtMd. Bngtaud atate*. (bouicfa 1>* wtB deeoM
«t ®* «« aotoe tine to tbe tarsi' Htlaa on the dt*
,«|rter peaitou to tk*
(rf «M lantlc eoaM ao far amjih a» tUetimaad.
rw^'—*• «r*; M da wwlvon of Be tmescU to niaU- oatne sfwecbca, bst
«ftrl7 lAdtea wms of Ocefoo. Oolt* tbe camijalsii of spn^'lH*. lie aaja. wlU
:4^fMo.Tbs««.9iarM* Md oUw OMIM banllr brcls Utia wlmer. He la folos
to tbe New Enslaiid aUi« prltnartls
^11. VS tiMtli atth da tabooto to aaaUt to tbe orsaolaaUan of Democeailc compalfn ciiiba and tu ffve oa
iBpeuia to ibat fono of troi^ Tbe

^^thodiMMOtbmtfelboWtaod t

bk isarif^ «■• ~


gd «« MM Dstoonltp
^ lawtor MOM*

Sbvltad to toetoxa bctea tba Boyal
rbnlfUTarblii actilali- to Loadon Ha
•aattlatartoaaatx vaaba' laara at afe,jB«aa«asltoMlb. ;
▲t dUroy. Oal.i Boniy MUtor. the
«aUlarata eatUa Mtof. waa tbrawo
Xronblabam^»^M^ aeaftotoaoftbaibrato. Uiafearad
dtet^a ^ary fa bxt
sowltot W
tovar* abOek. ooaplad
aKllh tba advaaead «a of tba mUltoasalsa. Tba aoeldant waa eaaaad by tba
teoraaa toktog f rlgbtnt a trato.
Fiat Max MmUaa, eotpaa protaaaoi
■ml aeaparadva pbUelogy at Oxted.
avba tana aappoaad to ba raaovartog
«ron a toeg Utoan. Ina aaOartd a rw
d^aa aad kte ooaditlea laaaaMag fftaat
rr—Ba waa be*a to UM.
fcHbaaa dUaada IM an nportod
walMlVdo book torga aaiatoto ntaar•lanto Manpa oa tba fcoand that
argfator patnaa. wbo ant ban fiiat
aoMldantina, do aoaWb panagaa ao
OotoMlTaqal latep
>..1^ by
h. Maxtaaa
M.vtAAN 'Meepa
to naaat

aangfwtoaiabafegtobaato Oaay

-totoaaaadnaattbagffaard. Maayan
nsBtoaaaad beyt aad than an toaa
thaa i« toaw la tba lot. Tba Maxi«aa aaibortdn n(«a to gin aay
dalMnattoa ...........
naaat debt
tag. II to nportod. bowavar, that tba
.toatobar atMaatoab' aeUtora killed
waadthatoMhaMbala. Tba'aUta' aaaat that tba nbala ban aeattand
data amaU baada to tot erodiwd.
flvj gananttoBa
-wen preaeat wbn BtopBaa Orant
ttotaekpoUealabratodblaMth birtbday
.at bto bona la Saagaa, Maaa., a tow
Maya ago.
Bk Paal la aavlag difieaUy to aamrlag aniartal foraa loa pal#ea dartog
«ba«|BtarearBlval,{owtog to tbe aa-

don tbew (be work of (be organlnttoa la expected to oxtend lino tba
mnl dlatrlria. Tbe oDeo«Dceaieiit fartbernjra:
•Tbe nwe la Bof oweiwarily a boon
Oemocrau of that resioo. Mr. Bryan
•aya be baa never bad tbe opportunity
to gat acqaalatad witb (be people of
tbe New Bagtond otatea. aad be propoaea to Ube tbla chanre. Tbe towna
witb targe fartoclea, wbicb Id tbe past
bare always beea Retwbtlraii. Mr. Bry­
an Ctotedaliy desires to vlslL Be sees
BO resBOD. alBi'e tbe tariff bas pmctleaOy dlnppeared as aa Isaoe. wby
these fsftory u>uas sbnuld give s regBlar Hepuiatcau ntoMiiy. He and tbe
Dmoorstic evmtDlttrr Jwliere this Is
due UrgMy to tbe staN-aee uf (arefal

Aaterlcan people-oLoolnt^
prosperity without any reaemtion
whatever—from tbe fonsdatioo of tbe
Doited Sutes goveromcot down to tbe
prescat time has been uadcr tbs ttoga
of protoctivs priadptoa. aad aB toa
bald Umco Buffered by
people to tbe mme period bare
r byx heavy redocttcB of
porta or •
- ■BCb redaction or by
toeUoa. tbos refuttog aU fraa trada
toeorlcs oa tbe suhJecL-New lock

Tbe editor at Tbe *:
aaya that thrat yean ago toero waa aa
^nri^lalam im AMmI Bm Cm
Tbm yaain ago tome
Bttto trade of aay klad. but toa potat
to be borne la mtad is that at toat ttma
too prlet of prtat
M omah mmo4y pa aastb. BBto a eoM toaaltlslediyt
taOMd^lftohalBtiM. SamdWcto.

«Md mm «f Tap •ftm



toswB Aagnssa




Keda Tooeg Affoia.
"One Of Dr. Klagto Hew Ufa POIa'
ooob Bight for two wooba bto PMJM
U my
ogMa." wrttoa O. K. TwMrotDempooytows.Pa. Tboy^ the
bootiotoeworid for Uver. Aomaob
aadBonto. Pmuly w^otobja. Hovm
grioa. Oely Pto al Aon. O. Jobaaoo’a



LMU. U. M»l. O— will 1-to

aadwtoodaalreato haar tola ooaeart.
will do wall to aagaga naaat
orhamaybe dtoappotatod to obtotalac eras atoadlagroom. aa tbar* to set
v^^taat doabt tbit this aaBber
Nestor Ponce dc I.euii. a lineal _
•mpaaktbaoparahoaaato the vary aceudut of tbe diecoverer of Florida,
died at Havana recently al tbe age of

John F.On&Oo.

for a tirealaroB Monday. Jato
t7 . Tbe Mew Verb 8tora.

Busitrmas cakds.

Irinrst Cii) UbIw Ca



Tnnrsa Citj,




tion of tbe Kcuti-b tramway.
Brliisb manufactorers nndoobtedly
Baaaa of Amanrab aoMlan of tba
iw llmli
•wav atottoawbo dtod ea Srittob prtooa
• Mgaafo boUavM ba bsra baoa aaEngUth wurksbopa mlgbt then bhva a
• flH*Mby tobanra to tba Breeblya
abxre In tbe equipment of lu pianf
It non looks, however, as Iff (be
U BritHn. David Dllscy of 80001 Bead,
lad., aged about Mi yaam aad totally nils and to sbovetlng ibe gravel off
Aaat waato a dlvona tram David' tbe rcadhed. for tbe National Ooadalt
rMdMy.aeeoBtotoaafi weallby praaeU- aad Cable Cuoipsiiy of New York has
.ar.affudM. 8be damaade W.CM out Just seenrad the coatract for furalsbtng aad toying tbe eoadulu for tbs
Ml pavtffatrM.OOO.
Tba piotoaatoi warm waatbar baa cable and also tbe coatracts for sup­
plying tbe cable. Tbe captnre of tbeas
r to (ba fralt to coatracu under very adverse eoodiiBOBbraltadlaaa.aa# tba grawace aa- tloes«kuve* ao room for rbaBcogtog
aatomatbat (ha oatin mop of trm^ tbe supremacy of the Ualtod Statoa la
flraflto fiat mvIM. Tba bato bava the mxnofacturr of eqolpmcata for all
mwMIaa ■Imiwt to Wattag. aad tba forme of utreet raOway traetioa.»
mtoAmatbmyutto'duaaa eaa aot but Worcester (Mam.) Spy. .

aaokltoto Aimtoa Malva.
'Hto world widalbma for marvtooaa
.rawM It oarpamH aa* otbar aalva,

4 at
4 a*
1 «r


Best to be had in
the city is at

lainplea in wiDdow.

amiipuii Mimij.

>»«. a OUOM. to touiTh ON

.wpacwtobNptoaqtoPatatof. tba «
ymrati ana at Prtoas Titoaa.^Tba[ off witti tbe contract for supplying the
•aw swpasoc wfli aaaaad tba tbroaa «a finto tbooMUM) cars to Iw put la opou-

•dctowltoatmtolfofthtomamtb toa


Kl«;rue to

aecnrlng the contract for the equip­
ment of (be new electric Iratuwsy ayatem In Glasgow by the General Elec­
tric Company of Sew York and Chica­
go. aggregating not less tbsn $l5.O0D,000. During the past few years Amer­
ican Onus have Uvv furnishing ateel
ralU for Bngllab. Busalau. Cblneae and
Japaneae.railways, siruciur^ steel for
tbe bridgee bum by tbe British in tbe
Ao Bortb ObtoaDaUy Haws aabltob- Budsa and the Uads for the construc­
WB aaedletalcaad Tbandayaltkt ly tion of tbe great Transsltierlan rail­
way. Not aatlstied wUli all tbta UM

dabtha Mem grip la BaHto aamb
* ' •

Aaesvase p>Mk A
Stokm mam
dltbeOI9<to<nBoM »exl Toeadapoltbt tba “BiK Opoo Ttowa m«rUl be tba otttoaUoo. Tbla eonpoop
laa««dadtobadiabea» aolorad orpaaitatfOB oow traeeilof ood ia earn.
poaMofU MW artltta.^ ala»««.
oonadioMaod daoe«r«. ’ll-Ue btf
aoeae to tbe fl -at oet. tb*s touodooaaUtba**oby aba froM ow
totoateabraa. Mcatbtr wlUi bow teasa
ud daaeaa. qaartau, eU. Tbne are
aUo aaeaa dtattoei aovaltp *«ta, aaeb
aad otary ooa eftbabiaapoeUl.faatare.
aad antlraly wtw tbla aaam. wtodtos
•pwltbtbototaatfad. tba aake-walk,
UvklabdN wboto *------------ --- ---Tbayhaeojaateloaad
, >t Onul BwM.
im. U
-k«- «—

p King of Portugal has p
Drcbaato^la oaa of tba very doest to Great BrltiOo tbe'^groond'in Zai^
---------- ij^
aader tba maamake a personal mapsigu Lfaruijgb tbe
aMwatoftheOantral Lyeenm Bowaa.
winter io^Ib call.*'
--------------------If tbe tariff bar luder<l “prsitlnlly Baaidaa tba » Indira who enmpoaa the memurtsl Wiu be erecied.
B d-Oldeaxller. D^
diaappesred as an lasae.' and if. as a
,~T ™. 1 -f”” >• “
(be Netbeiaada esn;aw-*
mstter of fact, it bas not lieea temi*o- anlsk tba aatofttlnmast will bave
government at the Coen of 8t. Jamea wvOiwwh
nrily abHred for prodeo'iial msotu
Maater Hanry ‘kluce IHH. bas asked to tie i
agslnsl the time when tlie executive wondarfal boy aopraao,
that he awy cater private Ufa.
and leglalailve branche* of tbe gorern- Dinlaa, the tooat ramarkabla
The regalia w«»rn by Wasblngtoa as *******
toeot aball hare passed Inlo tbe bands searaBototbaworU.
Maaon i> o» uvd by J. T. (tiulto of
An extraet from tba Argaaof Albaay.
of free trade Democrats, one of whom
Ur. Bryan *to wblrb." as Artemua New York, toys “Tba Ladtoa’ 8ym- an ancestor, to whom It waa given by —>«—»w
Ward OBcd to «y. ibe Nci.raaka can- aboay Orabaatra of Boatommada Ito aa- John BoMn MaeDoBxld. a frtoad of n aou--------------,
w^^MM,gaoi»« i
didatrwIU be waattng bis Ume. Pew pearaaaa at tba Oaramta BaU last Washington.
people in New England or tbe midtlto Bight aad tba torga aadlaaaa wMt
Tbe Emperor and Empreea of Oar-' and aontb Allantle states will can to simply wad avar tba parfoftoaaaa. TOO many are to atart on a ftvo-woekff' TXT »• POffrg»..aMgtof at low. Bpaaial
crulae In tbe Meditenunean the toat » • Lnislfr tonoOBm.
Uaten to dlasertatioas on -10 to 1.Pebrnary to tbe impertal yaitot He-.^BAa o.TPBggB-awamrat low. Ba
TmperlaUam.- ••expansion'' or “traatn.- sssbeMc to oompoaad aatlraly of y-ag of
beasoUern. They wUl meat Qaeaa Ul5todlMSmtooab.TMiwaaatr.
peiliapa tbe down east Tagaloga may ladtaa tram tba dram to tba vlaltaa.
Victoria to Bordlgbe '
welcome tbe advent of Agulnaldo's TbaaatoeaaBd barmoay with whtoh
sanffbex ..
was raodarad aad tba
-great and good friend" in tbelr mldat.
lined with gtdd. t
bat they an rcry few 1b number, aad psrtoatgraea aad alaaty ^
to Lord Neleon and t
tbe moat of them can ootblng xbo«
-the crime of 18T1.- It la “tbe CTtow ehana ta tba aatlra partormaaaa."
of iwe." that of attempting to eatabBab law, order and go^ goTemment
Tba aaxt attoaalion to Btolabargb
territory belonging to tbe Cnltad said to ba tba
itea. tbal they are i
whether be will marry the Connteas ——, .
Tbe wage earnera have up reason to
ban to tola part of HiehlfMtoa)
Bopble Cbotck. If he docs not be must
alnA^siSvSSto wowwir a
display enttaoslasm over a man wbe
naign hli rlglus uf succeaslon.
ieiest Nw(kAra-pk«s».W;
stands now. aa In 1890. for a 00 cent dol­ tiiaa.
Aidaa Baaadlefa PaMo Bomaal to a
lar and no chance to earn It. and Hr.
Bryan can tell them nothing about flna ereatiOB. It aarpaaaaa Moato (ktoto
trvBts that they do not already know to tta toUnalty of acUoa, to Ita anbUety
Ontxlfi Xticuy
swI rcsIdASec. W«, 71*W
mueb belter than be ran tel) them.
of plot, to lu oanae aad affect. Tbera sa mereory wilt sorely deetroy the
Btm.. If Nebraska’s tavoriie aon
no ebaams of aeqoaaoa that r wants to come Into 'Nbe enemy's coun- _ bridged by the Imagtaatlon.
tbe whole ^stem when eatertog U
aiAtho4A Dat-r eubi esO* a
liy." as be called It three years ago.
■b tbe B
moeoaa aartaeaa. 8aeh ar-. stxDaea. -tvierkoee Ms. A
steps immediatoly upon a high, artlsile
wby, let bim come. It . may do him
..eleasbonld never be used exeapt oo
gocM Sometiuea It la helpful to a level of totoeia. active intoreat, aad preeerlpUons from repnUbte physi- M^Wb-r sr i
man to Snd oni bow much smaller keepa that level ap to tbe terrific, elane. aa tba damage thry will do Is tsnoBi
a man be r>ally Is Uian be thinks blm- emotional climax, which la. the aab ten fold to the good you eaa possible .
from them. eall'> CaUrrb Cure {
adf to be.
mergtog of tbe principal eharaetors In derive u-.__A
bj F J. Cbeney
. . *Oo.
the rcUIng watoie of ibe Bay of Naples, Toledo,
Icdo, O.. codUIds on merenry- a°d la
amid tba eraahlBg tbander of ao earth­
Internally, actlog
len i!-----------------.. directly upon
Tber Are Sspretoe Is the Wsrid ta quake. to the weird light of aa awful Ibe blood and tnrfai
lystem. Ia buying Ball-sCat
eruption of Mt- Veeavlaa.

T ba Dowagar Osdbcaa of Seblaawigtflolsatoa, motberof Bmpnas Aagatta
'Wletorto.wbobadbBSBaaOertog from
atoaarkf. dtod at Draadaa Tbondsy
Ordafafwtboaaaadacfooptaaof tbe
•-Bopifca Dally Capital an poartog to oa
mar. CM.gbaldoa. who to n ran it
iMUrlniily tor a wash, davottog bis
jgnte. tfaay. to Mintoaary work.

Hi nrk .OT.NCl-1 N B.U.. U.
• Ftodeitte dtosato btl« promotod
V itos BMlat. mod wuatbar. Bev. Mr.
•takto. pastor of toaAmarieaa aharab.



IBB aatoaaaf.y^

The epeelaealar prodoetioa of Itbe
a. T«u.
•PaU aad Blae of Bamptj Dernpty'
Stolnberg'a Orand lael alffhl waa greai..idbyOraggli
ed by a large and anUnulaatle aadl: Tbe popular craatioB. of Mother ^'Ball’s Family Pllta ara toe beat.
M which bave delighted generatioo

Tbs eraatSboa Bala

of tbelr charm on toe atage and bandrads of UtUe folks praaeal wUl have
rtti’it to remember vividly ibe beantiful aeeaes prmeatod to them laai night
A. a sprfto-«lsr aitruetiOB tola to
worthy of moch favorable oomis
The aeoMeeffeoU are beaatilnl and
oxealleatiy atogad. dlaptoytag a ar^ of creatioaa of art aovar bafora aoe
a local stage. WbUe toa paaiomtoa bas
lueb to lueomoMd U toa apaelaltlto
,«vM to bemora Uiao ortl^y
meriwrtooa This attractitm affords
pleaiy of opportunity for tba Introdactioo of apeeial faatarm aad toa maaaiameat has gatbarad togatbar
•ggragattoo dt apaalalty ar
aqaartoi of »ao voieaa,
ran abaity. booidaa
* ------------

■avlag a Oraot Mon «a Ctoa
Maaogar Martin of tba nmm drag
to timthalabaviBga
tbot.ha lahavlaga
gnat ran
ran to^ cbambaritoa’a Oougb
ESa^Ua tolls five bottto^ (M
SSmm to oaa of aay otbar kM aad

«*!?. •!?* aatiafcrr^ Ja t^


0,1. lOOKWOOft’.f F*-V£Toi5«5'—A-.

Oolnmbla Hall. West 8ide, Feb. lat. wa
BelmaBlakceley'aorebcatra. 841 *t **

Tbe Fere limiDette RaOnri


For Fire Insurance
It aad oldaat firs toato tbeworid raprueaBtod to my araaey. -


tioa apooucto la tba last sat. "Tba
Birth of Mora.- Tba ealclam light
effetoaaddodbaaavytoaaoaoa of oafkBstorlovoUaom wbtob was wfittiaf
etoaa to tba piaoa.__________


u avr*" **
ratoadjogwlaWabebB Warn

__________ wk'NiAMrr.

Win A»A

(atasl LU* lasaia>«s Oe.. of K«w York.

fpBtWWAWrxU-WtMmA wasted to has)


John R. Santo,
tiMtil luirna.

Enjoy tbe

Good Sleighing P“K5SSSf.'K!=:toS'‘"aS


I ut. totoni <», »w >i«— ir»s“,i£si'iroS5r“ as

^ OB
UHkTCBgM mad
oaa two
two ttofti!•***•” j ~ aatx
agnT-mw- toium« ^

to u.. cto,.
Order bj *Fbooe Ko. 82.

aadaBwbotryltaratilmi^ *“iL&


. to the to or -to

ataru at tba New York 8tore. Satar- atste sirwt.
day. January t7tb.


(beaeaatoeffmtatoaaavs of darkaasa
aad toa p«al gratto of light wmo

| ,3r.i'2:.‘„!rriSi£ru“^

SupIdA. •>«
—.1 rvsle arrlT.. ,
p-»t «

Geo. Carnsp
Uwr-Bd PMd Staldto



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