The Morning Record, July 15, 1900

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The Morning Record, July 15, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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i-v.* '44






OenabT Maj SnAr.


• —•

BapartadthnlBeeretniT Boot l>adRS
Ticket YlAc^ In the Field
to OaU OM that aUnp to Settle
tha CUneae Uaddle.
at lidnnd Teetentoy.

If yoor baby wae bom tbie
year, bring the UtiUe one
to oar etoie and we'll make
a pair of aboee for it free-

epecbl leTke Morstae BMare.

a. Joly It—A report hu Dmoerai* are Dieeatbted aad Kay
leeAed bare that Secretary Boot do- Cal! Another C»«Tenlloa — dedge
eiree to eall oet eolaBteon tor
the Chlneee meddle. Onmpbell. the Oeeee of the Troablt.
mnttyU M omasal «•*» of
hoe been elated that no ofidal aetta Has neeigned Blmwood taperTborKMfkM « K- Dt0tm- mai- It
heebeea taken In thatdlreeUoo. aad
4mI Oifw IkM ••
the ^oaetiOB ha* not been ecrloealy ehip add Kb Son Kae Been Appoint­
•by the prael
ed in Bb Flaee.
dent. Be b waiting (or new* from the
m been ae political tomnll In
Orbnt whlebwill eettie beyond pcr- There hu
»uiy. which
ill* coddw
•b PMmtarf. Jal7 jipli b ofidAl- adfnetnre (he fete of the AnMrieaa ,
tho» Mvr«P«ti)fUi*
mv*»cl «.D.Obf*.»M^*tal%- reopoeslbUby for th^ mui
mSdently hoped. A foeioa ooattr •* Ibklfc ta«
they htTO been etanghtared. He wlU ventlon wae called to meet at Lelaad,
WMUafM. J«ly
than act. ______________
and a Democratic conventloo wa* caU-

•«bMW-fc*» ^
«* **»•
*d to meet at the eamc hoer and aame
vtnuy of Um BiMbn mlabUr
place. The Uttar did not eom* off, bat
wtfaM PoUo. Oftsbb do aot dbthe DameeraU Joined with the faeion«r«dli.biiMr KoatUao ore Bodor tbo
» dbedvMtaBB M (he other power* BMtt«n to n StandstiU by tho Uta. TbereeaUdoee not iremtobe
entirely eatlefaetory all around, and
U totUac uletnpUd inforfeetieo
BOW it b claimed that the DemoervU
OoB Pekin. Tlxey thlek It thb prorei
wtU eall another eonventlon to eee If
Me {( win eerloBJly niter the whole
Oame YMtcrdey wae a Fine Bxhlbltbn mere of the Demooratlc faith cea not
be favored. The faelon oomlneea are
«h« report eeot n thrill of horror
el Batting and Bate Banning by ae follow*:
thrOBfh the fore^n eeUhlUbneoi
For eheriff—MartU LaCore. Empire.
Xaken of Bmoken. and of Inablllly
here, none of when, booerer. ,wi
Forjadgeof probate—Silaer C. Oarnbletoehedthe eHchtert llffbtontt
to Play BaU by the Type Btiekera.
the. Northport.
enhjeb. At the Qwntnn, Freseh. Jep
la teUlng how it happened, the
r—A. A. Secutcei. OUoeoe end ell othw foretfs
eetahlUhBenta horror w*e eipree*(d et printer* ^ divided between tv*' eloof. Snttoae Bay.
eutemenu. One b that they eannot
k Brady, Leland.
the reported oeeorren66.
play ball, and the other that the cigar
All the other offiws were Uft bleak.
Uodoe. Jelr l»-Tbo torelfo oSee
naneenee* that the Brltbb ombbI nt maker* ean. Thar* U ooaelderehle It U cUimed that the dUrntblectloa of
the Demoemta b boeanee the only Dem­
abearhnlrepartt that the whole for-, troth In both aUUmenUToe feet of Ue matter b that the ocrat on the Ueket b Martin LaCore.
r fro*
printer* wwe elmply wiped off the
Thb oonTmtioa wu doe to dleutieMfaly laadod at BhaaghaL
8k Fetercbnrg. inly tt—Admlnl earth yeeterday afternoon by the mat- teeUen ov*rS6e aomlnatlon of J. E.
AbBleff haeroportod from' Port Ar- ntaetarer* of pigtail*, eheroott and Oampboll for Jadge of proheU. Sloee
to the tnne of hb nomination there hu beeo a emthnr that M. DeObra, the Bamlan eaeoy, wa* dtaggrt throegh the etroeU U to 4. and there b not a type clicker oado againat him and a detarmlnatioo
of P^ by Boxen, beaten and tor- In the city that b willing to take the in eom* qnarton to turn him down.
tnrod aad thrown Into a groat keUU raepondbUUy for the otatement that The Bmi^r* Lwd«r haa been meet aeand hdOod to doath. Then hie reoatas they have or ever bad a lieeneo to play Uve in fighting Campbell and every efwwe thrown to the doge- Kmc. De­ the eigar makera The agony Uetod tet had been exerted to damage bU
aler*. (he admiral'* adrbee deolero. for eevon Innlnge, at the end of which ebaneca for election.
One of the meet iafluentUl argnwee beaten and tortored with ebarp the printot* were removed from the
Ht^.w aatUUf* wee exUaek M. Dr- field, aad taken where emlce. vriteh ionU-i«ain*t Oampboll b that he baa
held thp office of probalo Jndge and
Obnaadhb bodyguard klUed many haxel and^nalve oonld be had
tbatof eupervlior of Blmwood townof the attaeklng mob. lotbemidetof abandaooe.
The eigar makert pUyed a nice even ehlp at the eame Urn*, cootrary to Uw.
hb tertnree (bo onroy b eaVd to ha*o
game- They Imtted Pennington, who The legal upoet of the cue i* a mat­
prnnliVnitl hb talfh in ChrUttaaity.
mbhlagtott. inly It-The gorera- held the box for the prloter*. all over ter of oOntrovarar. Oempbell claiming
Boet b eeoeomod orer (he eafo^ of the lot. but the high -wind prevented thaktbere U the eutnte* to
home mne. Finney, who pitched for prevent Wm from cervlng in both caOUnomoibioett In thb oonntry
ha* not deemed It neemeary to Uke the cigar makera. played e good lUady paeitba. Bowevar. he hu atepped
etop* to afford them proteeUon. The game aad wu tonebod np for bat few down and ont of the offiaa of enperv!Bor, ey rcalgelng.
tear b that when the etory of what blU.
Everybody went out for a good time, John E Campbell. I eon. who b*e
hM happeoed at Pekin b reoelrod the
by the
detalb wiU be horrible, and hot head­ and they had It. with no herd fr-"—
ed AaBerlaane la eem* elUe* oanaot be
to au the vacancy.
of the printer* b ovldoaeod from tha The rcelgnatlon. while U will re­
netnlned from uUag Tangeanea
(aetthal they any they are golagto move the ellaged legal objeotlon ad­
play (he cigar makert again eom* day. vanced, will hardly eaUefy the editor
The govemmant hope*
It will not be thb weak, however.
of the taader and other* of (he oppoI will on oemport f
eltion, u the new appoUtment keep*
thattkareeanbtBOgiVBBda far eriUthe office tn'thc family of Judge Oampriem by any other nation Aaeemed U
adjeating the OhUae* qaaetloo. It d»•im paepU to lei Chinee* enhjaeu fbrry IbOovarn end Frank Bm* Pre­ , It b qnlt* prohebl* that the onteo
ivlU ha attended by eeveral eleme
panne their veeetlon*. wllhont mol**paring
If Intaraat before the campaign elo*
tatkw. leaving to the govemment the
Their XdT« Konfiay Nighk
•rnageneat of whatever maeanrea
maybe niemeerytoyaabh theB* di- Bpeda) w Tbt Kemlac IUoe>e.
teeUT reepOBelble for oatepgee on AmHaw York. Jaly 14-Terry MeOovatn
erloaa dUaen* U China.
aad Frank Em* wUl not do any hard Bretal Mntdercr of Ethel Ung Fonnd
The horrible atorlae of the maaeacre (mining tomsrrow. km** weight atUl
_ OuUty end Mtut Pay the
•t P^. emanating from Shanghai vaelUatw between IK aad itTS
and Berepaan dU**,do not And oorrehMeOovem any* he weigh* bat
TU KaruUX BMord.
ocitUm U any rneewge rwilved by the IMpoande. He ta 19 confident of pat­
ChUUeotb*. O, Joly 14—The bmlal
governkenl eoneernlag the OhUaee ting Bm* ewv before the untb roand
dltaatlon. It b the opUloa of the that ho haa wagered fil.OW oo hb mnrdmof is.year-old EUsel Long b to
govemmeniAhat meat. If not all of
ea Erne baleo betting oo him- be avenged to the ultormoek At
tala* of horror, ar* made oet of oolf. BethlakaUb all over except o'clock thb eveulog a Jury fouod Bleb
atd Gardner, the negm aecaaed of the
whole cloth aad the anthorttie*
look with eaepickw evM on report*
There wUl not be * fight In New crime, goUty of murder in the firet de­
from Chlaeee pfBsUl eonree*. which York or anywhere ele* thb eaaeon gree. Barely In the hbtory of the
they regard a* maaafactnred to enlt
bleb will attract more Intcreat than eount^ hu there beeo eueh * demonpraeent pnrpoaca,
the mUl between iheu two king* of etration u followed the verdiek II
Hoag Kong, inly l«-WHnag Chang their rliMB*. wbeo they come toother wu feared the jury might not convict
yeatanUy received as argent telt- Monday nighk. Both are fighter* and •od a mob bad gathered to lynch the
gnphlc ehmmon* to Pekin. It 1* re­ good ooee. and each one hu woo bU negro In caoe ho wa* acquitted. Bun
ported that be will .procMd north to­ way unaided to the top of the heap. drede of extra eberiff* were ewom In,
morrow. The (Ulnme agree that bb Erne- b a lightweight and the beet but their eorrioeB were rendered uneeeeary by the verdict.
aheenee b eerUln to lead to troeb:* at there b. MeOovem b ra^ly getting
on the weight which will carry him
Waehlngton. inly 14-Seeretary Hay over the lUe. and he b reaUy now out

Fourth Year—No. 996

Two Big
Bargain Days


The City Book Store
Saturday and Monday,

For ae bi
BtyUeb, A perfect
fitting at long-lived

July 14 and 16.

Tan Shoes
For Men....


Sold at....

A WoDderfai Opportcnity-Embrace It.

Worth from S6e to $1.00 each.
All at lOo each, to close.




- baa received an undated dbpateh from
■Deaenl Oonerml Ooodaow at Shanghai,
atatlngthat the governor of Honan
Peehanfl hu iaeued a proclamation
(averabl* to the Boxer*. H<
PMhanfl b the provUoe Immodb
BBrthwaot of Bhanghal, hetweon
BhBBgfaaland Pekin.

ofhboldeUae. He hu mowed down
all of the feather*, and many of the
Ugbtweigbu. aad on Monday night he
WtU make the experiment of hb life.
Em* win have the advantage i
heighk reach and age- Be wae bm
U Bwitearlilnd. Jannary S. ICM, ma:
lag him *S y*ai* old at preaonk M
Oevemwaehomia Brooklyn. March
e. u?9. Erne etandt s leak til laehca
iUfibal Papa* Believe the Call Pievea aad MeOovem, Sfeek IK- «me <
■eneed fighUng in l«»4. whU* it
Good Faith of Amarieaae.
thruyaereUter^efor* the Brooklyn
boy Btarted npoa hb flattcearoar.
Havana, Aaly 14-1
firnU eattafied with Idea of a eo*v»
todmwnp a ooBatitntl— lor Ceha.
B10ahaMaajitheeaU|wth*eeB«aB\UeBWlUaiVply the proof beodedeoto
tag n WU*. Bol BaffinlMd.
JeUet, Jely l< —Frank Sehreflbr
ra^tof Amarhos ^
' MpatioB of the blemi U *ay* (ha eeeeed of the mnrdw of hb wile by
bvBiagoatbanlghtof Jna* ts. 'aad
•oU tor the M

-----auth eff Amerioai
ly haering he* been in
epwetiOB the bet three Anya, wee tU*
ue. u«,'ikot aae. Mi Me.
Mi* by the N “
>o« dmggbk

sloa to Look, After Xk
BpeeUl telke MoruiuBecec*.
July 14—Governor Wood
hu xppoiBted a oemmtmlon to look In­
to the qaesUosot ehnreh property In
Cube. Oeneral Wood aad family «Usd for New York today.
Bmpleye of 8k X«bU TnoeltOo Fa­
tally Shot to Fight with Btrtker*.
apeeU UTW Hemlu BeeerU.
si. Louis. Jaly 14-Is a fight ^ ah
(moon betwcea tha Traaalt Oompnny’semployMaad eeveral atrikei*, om
wae lataUy ahot aad eeveral othwalijeied^________________
•eUDemeeraMwiU ^aMeeUaged
XMdei* to Ihlk U Over:
■utti*-- —--------- .

New York, Jaly 14-0<gd
a third tiekot
ihaveteeaedaeaUfora meatiagatth*
iWbo held that Ueaiate he* (aDed to n.u hotel Wedemdey night aezt«o
JSSSSn. 6.i.lmekaaijaMeMougeaoeghto wamat, be attended by the Ihedlag Oeld Demo■ hiu..,8ctafl«KU»rul)»T.


Ail tUe perfect eboe
ehiiped and ideal
ehadee of tan in
calf and kid.


For men, boy's and girls—Every, kind that’s stylish—Stiff,
pliable, rough, nnooUi atrav—low or high crown—The very
hat that's becoming to yon is the bat yon «>i>t, and here yon
find it-2,i, 50. 75c. $1.00,11.2-), $1 50.

Men’s Striped Flannel Suits
Tbe most comfortable and stylish. We hsve them in two
shades. They are cut and lailorca upon tbe beat lines for A
perfect fit-|12.00 and 8i3.5a

The Busy Store.

Tbe Leading 6boe Houee.



S. BENDA & CO. ,


I s i,!lh f

To bay that fine Japanese Straw Mat­
ting, that fine kind with cotton warp,
ta many pretty colors—Erery store
gets from 25 to 28c per yard for s^e.
We are going to let a few rolls slide at




of much Ume, effort aad money.
(Ik him over the Ulephoue." ere
. ..d* frequeotly beard la every bailnem office where a letter ha* been obire on eom* poink
lany people do not ezpreeo themteivee clearly io eorreepondenee. bnt .a
man ean generaUj make bimvelf anderatood It you ean get wlibln epcakIng dbtance of him. by m*ao* ofMho

I do not claim to be

..The Gheapest...
But will do yoar
work Jagt as cheap
ae good work can
be done for.

The Painter and Paper Hanger.


96p,lrwom.n-. t«.
84 pail woman’a *8,00 and *2,60 ahoaa at.............. 1.00
lOB pair womenu Oxforda, wprtir *1*6 and
*1.60, nowl............................./........................
44 palira mlaaea- Mn ahoea raducad to..................... 1.00
34 pair man’a *4.00 and *6 00 ahoaa, amaU alnea,

................................................ ‘J®

60 pair youth’i black ano tan. now.........................
72 pair men’e oanwae bals. leather trim..................
280 pair InfanU shoe............................16,26,36 and
240 pair women’e new np-to^iate Oxlorde..........
I e3pairiadiee'stockNo.666,a$
J 41 pairladloe’kidehoeatocloeeoatat.............
I 108 pair ml....- hid ah... to cloa. out at


JIG Boerdmes Ave.

BeU Fhone, No. 823

I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tails, but since
I hsve tried

Pig Tail’
I hsve come to the conclus­
ion that 5c will bay a fintcImi, delictons smoke. Try
one and yon will never pey


New Store-242 Front Street
I The Leading Shoe Boose of Northern Michigan

«a««« «%»«»««»«» «« «»«»««»«'

I Your

5 Patronage-



We ast I share af it far sental
1_-We have sn np-to-dste shoe store.
2_\Ve sell good shoee only.
8—On? prices ere very reasonable.
4—We give you fair and sqaare treatment.
■-6—Stristly one price to aft.
fi—We can save yon money.
An ^vninulnn of oof stock and prices will convince yoa
that this is the place to trade.




:«»»«« sHSMSHSMeesHesHHEMSHe:




WalayCovay of Bomt.
rwala Onm of Mayi^l. i
riad-by Jai
Xka Bbat Bda hMa haU Baa-wm «•
to Aabia today to play tte taai
thMplaaa. rraakSmith«dMaahav*
ThoTraeMBay Sawfaf Orala will
Brbot. BriaM and SomoM will ai
tala. All membora anvrad ta be



O.C. korvATr.

Bpnkl&ir of MBdiUon in MulU,
Britlah MUnl In thnt «lt7 anT* '‘Im
^OTMMnU nio vinlble In «T«r7 dirMt
tte. Md nlrwdjr tbe iom hu qnlw »
41fforent nppennMe from iut yanr.
Tte work of dnlnlny the filthy U3wn
4lteh« and
Ifiyoatall naopidnmU. bntib* ndran
«i^ to poatto-lty b iMntlmnble. Th«
nr*, no donbt. at prcaont folden oppormltlMforthaomploymantof capital
and Ulant In ^asy local trad«. The
fiapartaanta of the poatofioe and Ule«f»ph. bainr new under Amertean and
Britlah oontroi. are admirably con*
Tha BrItUb rice oonanl at Iloilo
Mya: "The United Sutea foma hare
tolly oceopled the better
ywtofthe talaad. The eno 6f thia
year anrnra well for a happier fntnre,
and. when once a pcaeetnl rale la ec•abUahad, many Important improTC
Mate will uke place."
Two bllUoa two 'hundred mllUoa
dollars was the ralae of onr foreign
r the fiscal year jset
4Wled, of which Amsrkaa
•arsiadTperoentIng SI par cent and earning tMo.OM..
•00 at the espeaee of the American
Thb angteeu aggremire
_____ .
etablbh. onr merehant
marine, which the Bcpahtieaa plettern b pigged do aecomplbb by
r legbiatlon.
BPcaiCTASV Gave, of titc ireasnry departBbat, hee been celling in. from the
national banka, public funds, for the
parpoee of redeeming the old 3 per
•eat bonds that i
tha amount of •t^ In order u
4e (hb the cecrelary decided to will
4raw that sum s t twt at; .day < Intarrnb
H •i.090.000 each.
Esi'oRi'of agricnlural prodocb lor
the fiscal year jnst ended will exceed
tOM.000,000. ul American manafactarad goods the esporu will smoent to
aboat $no,00(1.000. UftheprodneU of
onr mlnei, they will retehalmost fto.000.000. EsDorts of the prodeeb of
•w larmu will amonn^ to CiQ.OUO.000.
Ipei BaU Team Balag Orgaalasd to bs
Backed by H. B. Uwia
■IV Bapida. in addition to ita big
hwaiaemboom, has b>ea streek with
•ha base ball feser and a firoi class
mam b bslng tqaipped and made
gpady to meet anything In an amsteor
way which cbooies t^ offer luelf.
B. B. Lewb, secretary of the Elk
of the eaterprbe and with hb infinenea aad
•MTgyElk Rsplds will be able v>
boeet of a taam that will be a eredli to
the town.The nnUonns of thaold Trareras City Rnatiera. which an nearly new
•ad U good chape, have beea parchaipd to- the team and it wUl be otfacrwtae ssell equipped. Traseree City bas
Mbaaebatl team bet the tana eaa
•aha a ran orar M Elk Bapida op
pm‘nr-'*r dad aee the real article.

Zt Sarad BbW-

ThaBayVIow i
wlO glee a aaered e
thia ereniBg
in the (Sty Opera Boaae, b^ianinr
'Mba Oeorfia Rleharcaon aad Kba
raaab Uetty of Alma, mombare of the
temarly pnptb oqProf. C. E. Horat at
Tha Crcajcnt band eaeonion will
loaea for Omena and 10 o’clock thb
moralnr. etopplng at Bc-ah-U-wanta.
Bonnd trip, ts eesta.
MePbereon PoatG. A. B- bavegireB
f the tdaa of baying the old McManna,
lilding for a lo^ room. The bnUd'
lag haa beea parahaaed by JaUna

Pabaawp JKaa Bad A ▼ary Banoa
awnpa ea the Bme Hargnotta
Bridge ImetBeapiag.
LB ntoawn man had a eery nan
apt barn death iHtcrantag aw thi
Be WPB irimlig the loa|
bridge whan the I4S trala eame rapid
lyaraa^theearraby the Oval Dbh

"Botart «awtay*~WUlMm Saga.
-Ardra maatar”—InObm Bpny.
»ThaTnaibrtnai"-Bihh Wkariaw.
“It waa MarioW-WObwG. Zsiglur.
“Ita Uat Lady of MalbaeTy--B.W,

>Tta fhrrlPgaBwa*—BUaa T. Ibwer.
“Tb^ in the PhilIpptaaa'*—Captain
The ams aaw hb danger, aad ria ta ChnrteaDng.
tha otharewa of the bridge, hat aoaU
“Tta 8mkan"—Stnaby Waterloo.
net ranch 1| In time. It tookad «
“Latltada IMT—Mn. Beuybr.
meet aanty Mrlki
“Vriam in the Mighf-Mn. StaeL
him. whaa be gave a Imp from tha
“Tha Dread and Faar of Etan'’-7bridga, aad landed ew a pile of logi Bractawridfs BOk.
“Plarra and Bb PaopU'^ OUbm-t
have atraek him.
“I«se in a Qoud'-^Arie Bataa.
hb leap to tha lege, a
painfal tarabm. bat (

John B. Santa returned ymterday
from Atlantic City, H. J.. where he nV
lAsA the annnal wuiriHbn of the
B. P. O. Elks. Be suited New York
and Phibdeipbia.
Charles Boeenthal hea returned from
a trip to Detroit. Kalaebroo and LaaalDg.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cewb of Blk
Bapida were gueaU at Park Place yes­
Dr. Boggles aad Bes. Canfield of Chi­
cago, sbited Mbs Cora Trarb yester­
day. Dr. Bngglsa was formerly a elawLte of Miss TriLslsMrs. Caputn Ganderaon and famUy
of Milsrankee, are sbU'Dg the family
of Anthony GreUlck nt GnUlekTillr.
A. A. Gray of Acme returned yeaierdey
Mrs. W. P. Kenney and dsugbter
went to Inland yesterday to spend Sun­
day with their nbtisec and fricods.
Bes. S. Saltbery has returned from
Pomona, where hb snie hat been sbiiMrs. ibUbery wes sery Ul whUe
there, and b sUU under the doctor’s

Hattie C. Brooks, adjodgod insane
neentiy. waa admitted to the aaylnm
ymterday. There haa been trosbie in
making room for htr natU the eomple.
Uoa of the new cottage.
H. Austin Smith, the leadli« tenor of
the Bay Vbw Symphony vehestrs,will
■ing at the Ooagr^Uonal ehnreb thb
.Mr. aad Mrs. John Smith of Eaet
street, are the parenu of a bonnclng
Thomas Armstrong, b tborongbly
Kennedy b attending the
orarhsnling hb bosse on Washington Bey View camp meeting.
street, and giving it a frmh eoat of
Ueyor and Mrs. Friedrich base rc*
Eleren Indian children from the
Or. Martin has returned from attend­
school at Ml Piaasaat arc apandl
ing the Mlebigao Medical amoebticn
thslr eaeaUea at Paababatewn ■
meeting at Maektnee bland.
8. L. Carter returned bet eseping
There will be a mam eonnty eonren* from the Funeral Diractora and Em
tloa in the City Opera Hotue Jnly tnb balmera Amoeiatlon at Grand Bapids
toeleet delegau* to the Demoerallc Mr. Carter joined the SUte Fnceral
atate caavenUon and to the Democratic Diractora Aseoclalion at lb first regular
Liortnl and represeaUUre eonreo. meeting, tl years ago, and was one of
tioae yet to be called.
tbeae who cast a
) change the
name of Uedertaker to that
lat of Funeral
BoaU for Lime Island.
Baby Emory of Union aireei went t
Yesterday efurnooa Vie Montague
shipped to Lime bland. In the St.
.Mary's riser, three row boats, srhlch
he has been earing for during the win*
ter. The craft an owned by W. E.
Barnes, editor of the SL Lmit Lumber- Dnslneai
man Lime bland b the b
e railed the WaUbegon club, la which Jedge treOratb b i
promlaeal member.
"Xo." iIk- mail fh.m Mlssonrl dpWhite Man Turned TeUow
c-bh-d. "I nlii-( taMiT no Vl<!.-s In this
Orcut eoaaiernation wne felt by the war with China. I
i-ah- which
I'lid C<-IS till- worn or IL"
•Why, snrrly you must In- Inlorcstyellow. Bb skin slowly ebanged color'
abo bb eyes, and he suffered terribly.:
of Um hrailK-n from darkHb malady waa yellow jsnndlce. He' ih- 11-ei-oc
ill th<- iinnrr»-SH nf ■
...sted by the
wae ueated

wltbont beneSL Then be wae adrbed <if ihi-ni ihliitrs.
to try Electric Bitten, the wonderful
stomacb and lirer remedy, and
■ TVhni Impp<-ns.
«•: "After taking two •bottles
woolly cured." A trial proves It
Was ItaMiracIe-'
umhi • merit for all stomach, ilrer
cure of Mrs. Bent J.
:idney troubles. Only SSets. Sold
lion bse created icbyS. E. Wait and Jas. o. Johwt
wrilee Marion Stns
. gbt of Muneir.• Ind. She only weighed
. 90 pounds wtae
when her daughter Id York.
K*zt Uonday aai Tuesday
i town uid she most so -Ddlr.
b the date of our annua! exhibit oi
began to use Dr. King’s New Diseoverr
«ln Bloch eamplesof men'*
men'e suiw,
and gained ir pounds in weigh*, an'd I
over-eoab aad ulsters for full ; WM completely cared." It has cured |
and winter ia:o. Your presence b
ihouAundsof hopelne ssees. end Is pa.
desired at this display.
t!y ggsraptcedto
gt-.-._______ _______
cure all ______
cheat end lung diseases. ^0;aodSl.O(j
Bauilton <T!.othin<. Co.
Trial bottles lOcalS. E. Wait and .!ss
G. Johnson's drug store.

--- •- • -

“We come now,’’ said jbe <wmp«igu
orator, ptnslDg a moravot to take a
drink of water, “we con>e now to tba
marrow of the sobjoct."
**How do yoo know It U the maj
rowY' Interrupted a jeering auditor.
"I. fee! it In
in my booesi
booesr* im
ittsuntly rw
totted the orator.
Rereopon the enthusiastic crowd
cheered for five rntnutes. to the great

roing Cough. Asthma,
nchitia and Irxtcipiani

1 Tfe*


^ tijr more oomtot^ to on u oil Mo.o Umo . wood move
weather. I have a fnlt line, from a •mall i bnraer
...... .twe up o...burner and* oren.
to a nice .la^ 3
oveu. Bine
«iur Flame
fif® perfectly •afe—not aa much duger to
operate aa a lamp.
------.— wo.





LlVUi o

Slater’s House Furnisiiing Store
Th. PrActioAl Hduit FnmlAlio?


..DflBGBDSniESS A6An.,

Best to be had is
the city is at
See aamplea in window.

Dont Be Fooledi

I hare bad my building ,
rebuilt and put in gu^
ahape and am now ready .
to receive all old patron*.

Good Line of Jeweliy

Fire Insurance.


L.L. A. BnUdiBff.



That's our business and we
turn our orders out on time.
Our new mouldings are l^eau-ties. - New dull grays; dull
black and gold; inch wide an­
tique oak: two ineb high back
gilt: half inch gilts and browns



This unsettled weather re­
minds one to be prepared.
Have a line Umbrella, 26:inch
frame, for 50C. Thetjllc and
cotton at S1.00 are hard to
equal. Other styles at .S5.5C,
S3.5o^S4.5oand $5J».



are worn just a much as ever.
only we arc selling ours at
one-quarter off. That means
the 4sc st>-les for 34c: the 50c
ones for 3SC; those at 75c now
56c. Huy early.

CAMP . .


That s where you don't ha-.'c
to have a big. het fire. \'an
Camp’s Fork and Heans. loc
the ckn.' i'oued Tongue and
Corned 1 lam, tc and icc. .All
kinds of Soiq.s, icc- Ham
Roll. r,c

Established 1857.

Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Have been well tried and found to be
what you want. Kore than 1.(XX) of these
instruments owned by Grand Traverse
people. Absolutely first class in every
Bold by me makers.
Basy terms.

W. W. Kimball Co.
188 Fro&t StTMt.

V. X. STBOffO, KsBAgw



at the head of our long-list of
good toilet soaps. The Savon
Lilas Blanc, 5c the cake. Jap
Rose at 9c. The Oatmeal at
IOC. The Violette de'Parma,
IOC. Fear’s Unscented: 15c.
Cashmere Bouquet, 25c.



are furnishing us with the best
goods they make. Our 5j.J5
Wood Beds are not equalled
in the city. The S9.50 dresser,
the cheapest ever sold here.
Our 6-fopt Dining Table we
sell at S4.25.

The HaoDah & Lay Mercantile Co.

• 2-;:



»• MMiMMn o« tk«
Mi • MfWtfn M «»ln BWt W«4•MMMXtarMrftanaraMiMtteMMM tkt
MMrtelMkoplM UMtaf
tkM ««• ft yftftr ««
«ail7Mratkftfttkftr«M fttir Ma


nr eiHKu iwn hub
I tto jrapamato lha
Alltto ftirtiw —ft i»«
■ai Ml fiwftl. tot wftilftl aai
toiaft toftvtoiift afttoanir. Wtwui
ftBi tto taasr wloto
Tto —piftjr iaclatoi wwftl 1
wtoM tfttoato r«a tto <

to tte taftiitfttiM ftt ftM liM.
th* Urfftrt
%n U ik0 ftftift to «o to toni m la
V AUafftft ftoftftli. It

ftai wthref litoral
T. Bfttk StoftHa. wall kam la tkto
dtf. to toft a
of toft
Hto ftftlftrttoaft af tatoit tora toaa a
tdly aato aad Bate Uadtoftetlea
aatttft, wktok wUl to Ifti «a tt« m- ftftayftay i* mt* to aia eeatlaftcd
fanalBt taj IM tto Mr toat tent Iftantotetac tto aftaftoaftl Bb7 Vtoa.
aCA.M.Ma.ttotoateftitto tora.
lltofttoaa teitodiorira ftftft«rad
Or. SpOaaft of
aaa^.toftatoftlaad fact rtoUrtaf
naaltoffOftitoftBftftatM *
taplftMefluwftaftklaMaftftd to tto
jrftiMft at ftkia cratUar> Hto ratat

■toNMeaeflto TroaU* af 1
Traa 4


B mw nadmi hara «rar made tto aa>
quafataneft o< ■baMnn M nil ft ton ao
doabt lM> tto •bap» of bmAlay to a
(■ (tore cr a fitebrlefc. Vecy few peo­
ple ontftfdft tto atoe kaow what aacn■ arftntiltoedwbcne
chfaciT la raed. Tto bastocm done fa
Is a mere baytailft
yot throng to
1 boUftra and ftM**

r tbatleeto daayaroaa.

Tftawrdap'ft Baaa BaU B
apactal w Ac toratoc B«m«.
wtMO it ft palled tram tto bulk. Ton

....... .... I *
CWlahaa M Ctaaac; mUppI aad

....................... i
5 Wh«nUrea«toattotetaty.K Upot
B^Tork........^...... 0 4 O’j^iocnabora Tbeae are like tto orUKcaocdy and MeOnire; Mercer »A ’ ^
^ilsera that you aee wbera
iuyoe, aad
------ boUdlny opentioni are going
Owapaaloa Who la bnaaiac.
* t. the reanltiny gritty, fluffy mam
Orawar* of ftafftr toftto la Kalaraacto
Baary Chapmaa, who Uam aaar
1 0 thrawu
what fa termed a"
aadttoaftirbtormrftoaattaftftn lato- Ktaralyy. waa ia tba dty yaaUrday
FraMrnndDonylae: Otoaenand SulThe deril tean it np with abarp
tor faraari to ft rary
kTortoy to find bto wife, who ha Urna.
praoyi ud then rifta the grit fMm the
toto/ftftr, tocaatnattetoft rary poor ,Mya baa baeaahaaat from borne atooe Ctoelaoati......................
d 1 Soft, ^be formerii nwd for mirany
aad ufertonata oaa of tost yaar.
St- Loula.................................
4 10 0. sitb Ibe aibestus in other proecMea,
Moooay laet. (toapmaa'a hired
dtoekdale by aa-ae. left the Saturday Xewtoa and Paitt; Tonny aad Crt- 'while the totter Usbottotoareoeptacle
toftt wato WUUaa' Claraaey.
' ***“* wdnees it xo a ooMlkteney almost
aai ftakployad by Jama* MePaekof befwa. and Chapeaaa baUeraa that ttr
' a* flae aa cottiM wool. As it fall* from
____ /
they tora eloped.
Arto (toftUfttoa, B«ar HatUara.
Atutnmn utAent.
machine it looks for all the world
aladftd that aatara bad aada a mtotato If ra. Ctopmaa took the two ehildrra Detrall..................................... 2 7 S like snow.
to tto oolor of MePftftk'ft bocw. «o oae' wHh her. aad auted tbit abe waa ge- Cfileayo................................... 4 -B <' In other depmtmcnu the raw asbetlay to riftU a ftiftur to tbto dty. The Hill aad Sba*: Piabar and Buckley. ' toi Is crushed and tboo nixed with ocralrlit ho patotad It rraen. taalde
B S, tain eattlu to be used for eormny
tlarotfltft auBftaadttU. BepaldiM matur has bean pnt la tto baada of Cleveland.............................
B 1 I the outer sarfacte of steam boilers, aste rratlfytor hto arttotle oeafte aad «- the loeal pollee. but they
hopee of ftolrtoy the myatory, ualeift Hart aad Spim: Bairey and ^aber. I bcsnis beiutc a soaeanductor of beat.
si Thou, again, large quantities of tnlllJohn Maatfiald. oaa of Bay. CUy > toe conplOara to be found Itrlay
4 O i |lx»anlaB.-mBdeforp'aekingU.tweeii flreloadlar eiitoftai aad baalacft* B•B^dicd yetoerin tbto county.
Foremaa aad Spaer; Patten and ^
aaddealy Tbaraday Bifbt at Bay View,
^hile occasionally it goes lo form
wton to bad roa* to tpead tb« •««
It to alidad that then
summer and Beydoo: Sparkt and e.
of the City.
tbt Barbor Poiat dab booM. oae of
oRftca (BPiecoPAL) cbl'bcb.
tto moat aielaalra bowto to tto raaort
na.crabld hi
- ntloa.- to to troabla. Oaa of tto
r*. Cbft*. T. ftWBt. B«eur.
yira them Rxky MounUln Trs. '
• Fn-ttitis in c perpetual eonf<«shni of remove any mUonciersundlng it
arart baa toen arraatad on the ebarse Corner Wafthlaytoa' street and Board Weakueas.
famUy. Ask your drayyist.
af ftftaaalt aad tottory, made by a wait- man arenue.
MoralayaerTlceaad aermoaat lb:U , Noble thoughts are )ew«-Is you
•>raa tba wattraaaoft trant oat on
dbould Wear In the eruwn ut your
■torlke Cor battor traalmeaL t^ea £>ly Communion at »:t0 a.
It's <‘asier fur the nvorase man to
tto rirto ea«ri«Ueally made their de- Saaday School at lt:00 m.
nin hiiu debt than It Is for, him to
maadftv he beeam* oaeltad, and, it to Vmpar tarricaa at dto p. m.
aharrad. ttraek a waltraaa. For the A cordial iBTiutioB esteadad to alt i-rawl <mt «f it.
laattbrae yaara tto
BimtuD xaraoDisT cHvtccn.
ffeeaontoaa atrike aa^ aoeuaer at a«r. Bosk EmBCdr. Panor.
Opera House.
tbto elab hoafta, oa. aoooont of barf Saaday aeiTleca. Preaebtoy at 10:t0
traatmaav bat np to tbto Uma oo
the top
Bar. B. W. Smith will occupy tto
leu troBbla bad tollovad.
pulpit both moraiuf and eranlny.
' In onler tu suea-ed as a iHillthnl
WUllam Jllbart of Calamet hat
Ciftftft maetluy at 9:iS a. at.
atur a u:aii must be able M> i-vlit;
rlad a plaea of
Sunday aehool at ll:ts.
faits l«:liliid <I,-^-eptlv.- words.
rock aboat with him for at yean. Be Junior Leacue at 3 o'clock.
:.No uiniter how liiHigtriflcaiil
Bpwonh Leayue at CstO p. at.
1^- tlmily iM-lieves ih'.ii Ids siididn't eany It baeawa he wanted to' Mid-week
prayer meatlny Tburaday i«TU,'<t.v will wmie day In- rein:.-iilt,-,i.
oitbar. Nearly a qaarier of a eentnry reatoy
- '7:»u.
I if a ^inu liounis rit Ii,-h and en
afo to waft lojarad by. the eaploftion of All are Ilarited to tbeae maetiaya.
them liul he Is a 111 coiillcilihm t<» .
a Uftftt to a mine, whlob daatroyad bto
deiikey that JIik-n ou tkisGes whou
oyaftlfbt aad btoly tojuad bto bead,
grass Is
—t’hicugu Dally Newa
many looae pleeat of roek betof Imbed­
King of Fun Makera.
ded to bto face wbleh ware not taken
oat. Brer elaee then tbera hare been Pabllc wonUp U^ooa.m.
uut >IiU’ l» slop for Iinuther
iinuther six
^a^-meatlny at <-.lS lad by
two Unca obaokft of copper roek to bto
ebaak wbtob oaaaa atm more or tom Carrie
Beynlera S. Tempernnci meettoy iJueker
Mtlinp in
aaaeyaaoa. A few daya aro they ato-clock
inataad of toe rayalar tliiih |>ns».-rci
with a cap pUlh-O
' " a eo maeh pala that be aam- real^ aerrtoe.
ov.r Ih,- fBci-, gruniied ngalu
ne pBblle'are oordlaUy torUcd to at- Wind
■ad np eoarace aaonrh to^ to
find hi-arti'l <>ld to-tiile
faOB and tore them cat ooL Be aoir taad all toeae aarrloaa.
c^puslte uii*.ivw.hil'
1 ai Dnsk »f cohl
b-I lie
oarrlec them about aa aouraaiia.
rumnua aasaca.
boi- lie dnink luug
dt Bay View the attb ananal eamp- Cbrtotlan Seienea terrtoae wUl
"l>o juu fiH-l UJb-rV usk<-d
■eaUar of the Metbodtota ba* opaacd. held aV4l« South Union atreet.
dttfaa travmaatlac aaarly 4S0 ware la Sunday moralay at 10:30 -and Wad- "I do." said lt<- who bad gmamil.
eraatoy at 7:S0. All are
Inn Fid fliii I Cimis.
“Wbnt iilh-d you. lUi.vwayl''
attendanee—tba larraat' number orar aaaday
dtolly larited to tbeae aerrieaa. >
• AIlwl mer
praaent at the opeutoy aerriea. Tba


Steinberg’s Grand

Ope Solid Week of Fon

Monday, My 16

The .SKr«er.

■aatlare will ba coattonad aatO Jaly
At Hacktoae Iftland Edward Brown.
^r.. wbUemaadtortbe dock aaar bit
{ftttor'a eottara. found a mlanow eaa
wtU a toman head'to it. Tb* bead
wat wrapped la toweto aad badly
K to the opla
tou of tba doctora. bad been lylny to
tto water two or three monibft.
JIM to te % tot

m lir «*'■* to tot *




Berearalft, the laodero hypaoUftt.
who u to open * weak'g enrar«a«Bt at
SMlnberr ft On
juftt elofted a amt ftuee«a«tol weak
Maatotee. where he was receleed with
yraat eathuttaim. The
tore lust added aa aitra atttacUon bj
aayaytayihe noted Jip.,B. Maekleto
appear in apecisttles- Mr. Mackia waa
tto orhrlaal "Grimeftay, me Boy" la
Boyfa"ASuaeh of Keya." aad later
atarrad to '-Orimaa' OcUar Door."
Tto Sermntoa lYlboae aaya of Seraa\fala: "Seranyato. who baa bean to
tola city for the paal week bad haa
made a repatatioa for himaalf aa _
bypaoUat by bto exblbltton to Aeadamy
of Maaie. baa kept larya audianom
yaaaalay by bto wonderfat powera.
Bla aadiaaaa laeladed. toat aiyat.aaaay
plauae wbleh yraeted maay of tto fi

‘Aaewetoeriay waatberaodoablreaMafaad many from aMaadlay tto eaa
tofttoftto Oty Opera BoaM laateraatoy. and tooaa who atayad away will
yoed tolay they mtoaad. TtoertoaMra
Maampeaadof twaaty talaatad maatolaH and tbair aalaatkma of atonaleal
■Bale ware raaatrad arito applaraa

wUto MMitod aatoaMaftUaaUy to toalr
Mtll. Tto arrnayMNat laalate
aMagad aad triad laatramrata aad tto

wLnt made yonlyraan nr
'Xirwm: Gn-nt ^-ott, man. I was

.Then I. great slk-nce fell bn that
third-ctoks siuuker.'
Owlay to ataaenee of the paator tbera
A Card.
will ba ao praacbioy aarrica.
!We. the unoertlyned. do hereby
Sunday School 13 m.
a^ree to refund tbe money oa a tvB. Y. P- V. aie;iip, m.
cent bottle of ttreene's Warranted Svrup of Tar If It fails toenre your cough
at Architect Dean'
The public are inrlied to all tbeae or cold. We also guaraotee a 23 cent
bury, James U. Jcbos'.n. F. C. TboopErr B.8*l«brrT.Pa.u)r.
Church OB corner of NtoUi and Wads­
worth sireeta.
jlV> ii„l buy IniMl ou whh li ihi 're,'*
Suadsy screioas at follows:
TI' »’iiull. and of not v. rj thick
Preacbiny at 10:tu a.
gT>ii\ilL 'Y-m will SCI- that iiieii who
nty- «-tf>crl<'iicS!il ill hiijini: fnriiiloc
. ’rescbiay at 7:30 p. m.
htpd aluats g..-..ii this |>r;iK-J|d*-. L-ind ,
Wednetdaj ereotoy prayer meettoy
tlfic-kly r.>vc>f»“.t with limU-r .liidli-iHos
« T.30
MO p.
- m.
L cordial toriutloa to ex^dftd to c |■•d laud: wiiere trec< nr<-|
nqd net very tall. ln«U.i>n-»
11 to attend thete aerriceft. '
It eUsds a'one. It towers above.
There's DO other. It's nature'a wonder,
a warming poultice to the heart of
mankind. 9uch U Bocky Mountain
Tea- 3ic. Aak your druggist.
Saaday aebool it
Bpworth Leayue at C:1S p. m.
Ereniny aerrlce at 7:)0.
Erentoyaubjeet.-:Woat Metbodlsm
baa Done for toe World."
Prayer meeboy Tburaday eren^ at
' Ail are Inritad to be preftanC
Biy X^d of Chftrriea.
Guy ■ntompktoa of Old Htoatoa
bronyat to a load of 40 bnaheto of
eharrlca yraterday. The load waa purebaaed by Geotya W. IJardie for Silt.
AppeUte of a Goat
la enried by all- wbcae atomacb-aad
are oat of octe._________________
Bat aneb fthonld
>w that Dr. Etoya Now (dfe PUls.
ipleadid -............'■—

a nyular bodUy baWt that tosurae parfeet kaalto aad yraat raftryy.
at 8. B. Wait aad JaaO.

Bn Ua ITswNt TUu
at our aaaaal Steto Bleto' anblUt
•amplCB of m«a'a euUa. ormuatft
aad nlalan am Moadaj aad
TaeadaTateureton Qrteetakaa for toll dellrary.
BAiOLTon ftnmae Ca


Btain-Blooh’a Aimual
of New Styles Ken’s Suits.
and Ulsters for Fall
and Wtoter, 1900,
at our store,
Konday and Tuesday
July leth and 17th.


Mila, i^tboayh tt
that Dotbtoy leaa ti
hammer would make any ii

toftiraltetotaftftUfttoftBi toft toaa laaiy Ctoapmaa I«eoh1at for

W.T. TeoCkMM.Paxor.


AseesTue MAKma.

aemlal !• raa Maratac naMtC
Dwrer. July 14^A repaUUoa of tto
aat!-CklB«ft rfotft at twatyyftara aya
fa OaloraAo. la ttfrataaed aa tto ranalt
at tto rap'erta of tto maaracra fa Pft
L«ad«o< tto aid rioutora fttartad
tto ayltatloa aad the poUaa toratean to waieh ttom oftrafuUy aad aol to
toiltau to BM banb maftanraa tritb


m Tio PtifoniDces tllte.

See Ttaosmissiee by Telepathy


From samples
lor future delivery.
We eepeclally invite those'
who ha^e
never worn a suit of this .
celebrated make
to call and see the line.
It Is
always a pleasure
to show gioods
possessing such merit.


TRV OXE<?>"—

“Now let us qjiick down to<busi<iess get."

Aa an Extra Attraction the
management have engaged
the popular and well known

Once again nature's invitation to get out of
doors and enjoy the invigorating fresh air is here.
Pure and dainty foods arc necessary accompaniments
for tbe complete enjoyment of the outing.
The season finds us belter equipped than ever,
to supply the world's finest food products at the Vwirest possible cost.

Jas. B. Mackie



The Original "Qrimeey Me
Boy." in Hoyt’a -'A Bnnch
of Keys” and "Orimee Cellar DoorT’
Prices. lO, 20 end :i0 •
sale at tbt*'bos cffice
Telephone I12.

Sesls .

Our July
Clearing Shoe Sale

You may look till >our eyes fail»
You won't (iiul a better selection than these.
^ost popular article of
food for tbe picnic—Star braud can be de­
pended on as the finest in the world—An appetizing
little fish packed in choice tomato sauce. Clams-very tender, nuiritous and fine flavor: eal.en
3ld or heated- [Ocean Trout—a popular fish, car»«cfully packed in tomato sauce, mild and delicate in
HAM •ArmfJur's'Ham. Fine picnic hams, selected
Unm with the greatest cart, and. sugar cured by'a
process which imparts a j>eculiar agreeable sweet­
ness. Each ham is gnaranteed.
assortment of
IlUiiO the finest canned fruits that
can be secured, which will relieve party from being
dependent upon fresh supplies on their trip. All of
onr canned fruits can be relied upon for both quality
or cleanliness in piacking.


Will command jrour attention and t
amination of the values of our shoes will s
make yon purchase..


A Very Special Offer.

grades that we can procure. Almonds, walnnts, ex*,
tra large fancy filbferls. pecans an;i large size Brazil


................ ....regnlar price #1A0,
1.00, $250, goes at..................................................................$1.00
Ladiee’serge alippera, good Taloee at 50c, for............................. 16o
Men’a bicycle sboee, SI.oO kind for $1.00; $2.0(BBndlt3.50 kind
for........................................................................ .............. ...$1.48
Ton can form no idea of.’tbe valne of this offering witbont eeeing them, aa onr shoes are strictly cp-to-date in stj-leaad quality.
Dw't miM onr great clearing sale.

A. a FETKAN. Fraettcal Shoe Man, tU must

To get double enjoyment, fill yonr lunch basket
here, where it is a picnic to bny, a picnic to save ia
buying, while thg real picnic is before you ia the fntore in the woods.


ft Grocer. Beadle Block.

Cash Parreyers of Everything Good .to Eat,

Mataa Whm» Taaa WU DmMc t
r«UH«wi CMtM« accaa OMaa*.
ItMi «m alnji to • ImmW <Mt Man Ot
■ Mij a. tow »» tM» h « yoawtol ftr wtotoo to awnto tto
WtT» (OM a*
VMk-lk-wwtft k •»
m, CMewe piMlaa todv •• bM m to «4
*k9W u4 tirmijtkm olkier towynnartL It ta tor ttot mn nkh ttoi
M rvtmitMM ato U< fUrrf tMtk* «to tow
ipMaMMiM lor th« MMM bk loir
5 tto ■«otHttee^Mltraltkon«3rtto tbo

OeL VjMv A.


toMkMr«f«rotaM U* wrinl loiAla«telba cMlort of hk ru*to. Md it
li Uk owo tatrat Ikftt feM ndo Hc■k-tk-WHUoM o( thi port pspalor


wirthorm Mietuffu.


«MUCM w* ffoU «Uod tkk
«■—> iba mertn v



oulBtbmterlar tbo oatir* •««Mr arori pw.

Tkk yw tkor* M

«ukf MW iM^o who bat« lottBd


t<Mo t>o deUfhtfol rrtrot wMrti ntkwi
Thot^lowlaf »ro oetM «t Uo


■klarthUMMM: j
rnm Orud JUfldi-rfioi A. Boat
' aad foMUy,





tamUj. B. C. KojUttad Md UmUj ud
W. P. Ooakba.



Chcoter P.



HaU Md

Wnm BotroH-Mn. S. & JMsisfo
aa<tUKU^ Bwoit W. Ptacno. Bey





t^la, Bdcar M. OaMaa. SkenaM X.
HtPadarlaa. Philip E. Sawley aad JarwWJaaaloca.


From OlaelaaaU-lfra. C. A. Maorca.
Mra Oaorra S. Kick and daugbur. Dr.
MdXn. Alfred OslUiefMd famUr.
ra. ..a M,. ly-t... n.<M




W. Bowe.

Berras'Md (gmily.


W. B. Deria, Jr.. Md famUy. Mrs- W.
ar. Moora. Psrin Laagdon Md faaUy.
Aboat eevnnly-flra gucaU era either
IBiag »t or boarding et tbe botel.wblle
•eras few an boardiag at their own


party of

young men

WoB Detect are aamplag on west 'bey
Mboat a mUe from


tbe hotel.

tbe lead as


Oolf to

mmmmmnt of tbe gaeets. altbongb the
«ld time farnrltee are net deeerted.
Tbe flnt Batarder erealag bop «
MdUstalgbt andwMeiBOet eaji





for Bc-ak-tA-wMte

aad bappy earn

Md ihooe who ar I fartaaate enongh to
“IBe Olorers'' Omena.
'Thnreday abont
Wfaipaed wAb




tbe gneeu

rods Md we!

Bllad iBBCb baekeU, left ■The aovors*
Ear tbe tar famed Oarp Uke. where tbe
m^er Je eeldom dtoeppoiaUd.
Marjorie Oarmem Md


Mies Dorothy

Biee earrled off tbt boaora of tbe day
Making the blggoat eateh.
The ehUdraa of "The OoTrae" are
ffirlng a aariee of

eatertatameate for

aba bsmefil of tbe ‘-DaUy Hews Freeh
a ie loeatod in
Edaoola Park. CUeago.

1%e prtaMple

flbalarc of (b•MUrtalnBeBllaet«veB•
l^ WM the epsratta. "Violrt la Fairytaad.''



- -




■aaeea aad matd. Alex Baaeon. Madr<OhteaffOi Mr. aad Mi«. B
^Md Baplda;


M. Cntabca

J. Healey.


Jobu Mleh.. Mra. 8. L. Barley. Mra.
' 1.. A. Ball. Maatar Speaeer Md Mai
Martha BaU. BnSalo. M T.;

Mrs. P.

8MD. MieeM. Ketoker, LoatavIlle.Sy..
Mra. A. B. Waldo. Mra. B. A. Sebayer.
IfhmcsEranoae aad Oertrnde Sebayer.



Mra. A. B.

Waaeoa. Mist Boealle BaaMa. Mastar
Jo Hanson. Chicago.
A netr'dock «40 fu in length is being
beOlt la front of tbe

Inn which will

mdd to the attractlrenees of tbe resort.
Tbe Inn has engaged the Bano Barn

erated by 12 daya A series of labora­
tory oxpcrimrnu upon boxes of soil
was also made. TIh- temiwraturc of

cnaaed price paid for wooL

Reafllnnailon of the i«>licy of prot
tlon to American lals)r ntid industry.
RccIptTH-lty with foreign countriea In *
DQncqmiH-titive pnxlurts.
RriiUlctlon of the iininlgratlon of \
cheap foreign lal>or.
Restoratiou of the American mar-'
chant marine.

for their wife nails and wire for fenc- j weeks, and at last tl«- amount of vegeOf courac they never point out Ublc matter to Ihe soil was Increasod
to tbe fanners that hto extra proflt thU by the clsctric cum-nta
Putjhcr reyear on two or three bushels of com | srarches seem promising. ^
will i<ar for any increase In the price
of a keg oC nails, and that blsprodts on
all bU farm products in this year alone
wm pa, tor aa, Urn™ tb. co.t of 'T—

--------------- -...



} nly.-p-Hp ~l-

- It-, t-aia™ l«ma! Wn. . W''
V”''” ■
handsome surplus to put In bank dr that the m-C* had grun n round Islands
which had subsided, while M array's
piy off his mortgage.
....----------------------- .• ... .
maio stailouai^-. while the reef grew
Peeple Can't Be FeeleA.
Tbe fact that tU- liabilities uf banks outward bkc fairy ring* on Ihelr oira
that foiled in the last two y.-ars
aged m-arly $3<'.0(ku>0O lea*
ainiml llnWIlOra of the bunks

falUd during rresldcnt Cleveland s i
ouff-Mj-.n tlmt a
term will probably l-c used bv the : udlllonalri- inlghi enable the problem

the capitalist one- more.

for parties.

of Traveree City,

.................... ............................................. ................................
repealed Che game, this time all being
serioni, especially sowben they noticed
that tbe same tnan was walcblng them,
The boys who were doing tbo elapplng and rhbbing looked oat from nndor tbetr tangle uf ha^r and griooed at



But lhqp»-o- of ato.ut I P.. feet had l«-u


m china

open door

Reform of the consular service.

And give* him a uickul.
, York Sod.

renwm and pri-is-rty of every cltixch !

Itaorehaatra to tnratoh maaiedari^
«ha oaaaoa.

Tbo foUowlag are the ar-

4. Sewtaaaar, Mr. aad Mra. B. O.

Tbe raloc of every cow on the farm
oa the first day of this year was $31.00.
But on the 1st day of January. 1831
under Democratic admlnletratlou. ea<8i
cow sras. worth only $22.77. Fannen
appreciate tbe Inetease ot $10 In the
value of eari) of their cows and wlD
rote to maintain tbe RepabUcan adBUntotnUon In poww.

tiw ocean n-uncl Its shores,

niv resulf

in.^ip. of

cc to Cuba re- j

volomee distributed by peddlers. Tbe
older the praocripUoo the greater the



rctarniug from City Puiui, fortunately
,»-b.u onu uf them


administration an exeexs of ciporta
Imports of $1.4Sl.738.0M.''

credlL The peasant nowadays, while.
®#tch tlist prosperity
carefully concealing hto ancestral be- Iteot-SL LootoOlobe-D--------------Uefa to ret wben disease affects him.
larilnvd to revert

B Bher* TalBc.
Fbrmers should remember that sheep

® « bead
xacb efficacy a* They pmis«*Vo w^t *®
Fcar than
Is now caUed “aloggcetion " but admlu
tbe part played by the u^ of berU m ^
In the
all pflmltlve medicine.
mine of ebeep under this Rcpoblicu
■cvBtcbes M Atase.
administration was about tbe same la
If sU^t. rub with rouge, wet. on a all tbe states of tbe country.
tdeoe of soft leather. If deep, grind
oat with fineet floor emery Md then
polish with wet rouge on leather or
Southern voters should remember
with boff whed or rubber end fine ;
“ore new factories have sprang
Vbm TherTi FaU.
t to grind out. and after ; iV m the sontb since the Dingley tariff
Tbe nop the prosprajty party ta not
with felt buff and wet became a tow than were erected to
ffelag to make mach headway at tb*
’ that sectioD for years iwevloosly.

Vaaka. Mra. Maty Bhaka, Mm. Y. s.
VUlatd. Mta. Jot>-Hart aad Mastar
Claa.. Mr. aad Mis. B M. Mewbargh.
smati aadddld. Mra. UwtoKowbaiTh.
Mra. AIM PepsMbalBiw aad Mastraa
IT tbe people of tbe country an
Malph aad Paaa, Mr. aad Mra MaA.
Maid aad tAHA. Mra- Imaa Myan, Mte agaldst expansioa. bow u tt^tbat nocaa be found to run for presMeet
Myera. Mr. aad Mra. To4gkt Mr. aad
Mn.O.A.Baras MdMaatars Biaaley as an antiexpantlon policy ptattormf

Me. aad Mra. JsM Moltoa aad Mtoaw
MaiT aad FIotobm. Mr. aad MraHaaiy

Wholeeale Druggleta,
’^wSdlSl. KlnaM A Ma^, Wbolato' taken^

TeeUmoaials aeot free. Price 75e per
botUe. Sold by all druggleta.
Hall-s Pamily PUU are the beA.
Tbe Bathbone Stotera w\H maat'oB
Monday eranlag at I. O. O. F. - ball.


full aiiendanee to deali^ aa than fe
ImportMt business-


KoUoe to Barbers.
The Michigan board of txomlnm of
bacUra will meet at tbe Fork PlaM
hotel Traverse City, Miehigao. <m J^y
tsih. 1000. for th* parposo of examin­
ing all person* wbo preeent Ibeeaselym
toochlog their qnaHfleaUone to r^lve
a eerticate
eertleste to praetle#
prietle# the profenioa

Charles Blegra. Srorat^.


An luttrwtlBg XxUUt
- at our store Moodsy aad^eedM.
JulylOlkMd ITlb. by
Baxter. rearveenUng tbe Btela
A for future
— • “ •-‘uWiran


Woodbine Cottage
PlBasMt.l!oonis. Shidj towi.
. US B—


M°i^y,'£,'" 'vrs?'
Bscord oSr*

otiiirv_______________ ________________ --





lusi iH-probytcd.
(Point occasionally, during tio war.
' with prrwuers to exebaego. At there
Tender of os-l r>fDi-i-s t-> end the war ,
torpi'doei lu the river aayvvhuro

had lioen to give n rlran-r piciure than (».n,i-d.
bad ever IsH-n ohtnlii>-d l«-ftiri-. hut sUf- ;
This' to

VUtooomlatlM asar fataraar* v*nr

Ktvato to (Ua Month:

We offer one hnndred dollars reward
foTMTOSssof eatanb thatcaaaot )(i
cured W Ball'e Oatarrh cure.
F. J.ObeaeyAOa.,'t<ole4o.O. •
We. tbe uadereigaed. bare knows F.
J. ChMey for the lael is yeara, Md beUcTC him parfeeUy honorable la ^
buslacna traaMotloM aad fimaaelalU
able to carry oat afy oUlgatlo^ made


ta the tVstM

' (truck a (crpedo s-od Immediately went
principles jown. A boat' went from Ihe other
_________________ __________J-'-t tos-n made ! brought dowii'"io'’date. „ ,
platform | Keani„ and foond tbe captain Urog«k* beaeflt of axeanloa parttaa. Ttt
during the last so«loa of congress,JosUfy ao absolute conclu- tr[,ioh every American cUlz<>n
in the water, with a Webster's
foakt wUl ma^ trips to Elk Baplda or
- •' „.w.h«
were $24,000,000
Urgvr than .In ..................
IfMJ. It i•!»»,
ought to adopt as 1,1.
his .......
i Unabridged Dictionary in bis
mmj dealnd polat from the laa doek.
ahopld be remembered (hat $9,000,000
t ot Dlseu*.
I be was polled into the boat ho said. "1
will be expended In taking the census
pamphlet (
did not have time to get it on." 8t
............ ...... .
later »*>tm ; «»'! upwanl of $17,000,000 will be osed aiiu Luwujoi iHscii^^rv ui luv ucruew
ihonght be bad seized a life preserver.
peasantry Dr. Zahler. hlmseir a native ' «»««$ t»>ot « l«=ti » «>y» that "wbUe —New York Dupuch.
maaal bat at'tha preeiat tlas the oat- for Improving tbe postal tervtre.
anotber $T.OOOlOOO will be spent In In- of tbe Bernese OberUnd. states that | during the whole pcrhsl of 107 yrara
iMk to T*(7 eaoooragiag for the badCTexsItft onr navy. In other dlroctloBt the belief In wltriicraft to slowly yield-,
»»• *“ exccM
•aaa of th* sasMo. Oaeata are ao«
there has been an actual decrease In Ing to edoeaUon. The medical llteraexports over Imports of only $383.An American in Oernisny tret earMTlTlng dally aad the boeUags of tbe aM*roprtatlona.
rare consists ot ancient manuscript 02C.4'JT. there has been In the .short prised to find a number of cripple*
CUeago. 8l Loito Md CbwlaaaU poofamily prescription books and printed
present Bepobtican among tbe alebrated ooliegeprofueon,
AmagoBsata have born

bodied eplriu.

tlss. giisvrKsv* as

I -moocr uCe In sound losUttKions.

The auaa yaoht "Oarrle J" of Orud

aaadawUhithoBMo Harp and MmAc-

to receive mcaeegee trtw the dtoam-

p,.t,.r... ,«n.™™r> “............'.... —....... .

Bapide. to expecud about July U for


tosMHtaaltomare promtoeda ^aSM

«eamer* went down to City


Km Elmtaan piaao

bae am^ed la

Orange haU acyt Thataday -

•vaaiag.* Beltoven Md nen baUavare

became serious again.
"What 1* tbe game?" tbe reporter
on ond a lils-ral iH'naion.|K>licy befit­
■sked a newsboy wbo wai also watebiog.
ting such apiireclatlon
"D-m kid* to pract’cln afake." he
No discrimination on account of race
"A fake?'
Stntcbood for New' Mexico. Arlxona
< •klaboma.
"Soro, having flts t' work gnya Any
n,.om-tlon of war taxes.
' old goy takes pity on n kid wid do fits

;?• I a.

I co<,p.-ratlon of tiie admiralty sad the
that | F'J'vniro.-m of New S..utli Wsh' - —

for the eeasoa whleTwUl fontoh dally
PlMO Oo.

tioM al

r«nil Reela.


mod MandoUaorebeetra of Indianapolis


Otear A Bdgarly

give a rarira ot eplritaaltotto maalfeali-


Cond.-nH;utioa of comi .-rclal combi-1 side, some slopping the palms of
nations and conspiracies which restrict hand*, some rubbing bto face. They
.! were all laoghiog very much, and after

paying a little more money this year ! gan to increase- after n course of three

D.-mocrat. ns an argum.>nt to pul them
‘7 "gauging f,,r a borlag
in i»wor again, so that tbcFcau smash Uirough a tob.ud. A Ijorlng to a

eoaerataaad masic

stodied ttaa natter agree tbak through
tbe trace of bis own uuaginatirai. tbe
nan will actaally die trim a *'brokca

that Hi*rved tbe'

Democrats i

UaaHaBtoa,Mlte Margarat Oameron,

dlbon. It ts. bowevac. vety often
indirect oaase of death, either by bring­
ing diicaat to a climax or by rendering
tbe snaerer mote liable to lu attack. It
a nan it conrlnccd that bis grief Is
inoce ihM be can bear, those who bara

<t»tnl>imilioD of the innnln of the tea ttou tl..-same dear Iwaln ami tbe same ,
; —______
n k
{ with iron, iiiakes ink. I.i«(hcr Is made I lofty atFraWdoa laerawM (lie Tatar •* by sraiklng hides In n decoction of bark ' ctluiilry
Us limi- of trloL
B FM Bsductog EatarasB
wfalrU roniatus tannin.
itcocc there was and nmld l>e no canA mao who catK a beefsteak aad ' didato other than William .McKinley.
wben well |>ali) wsffc rorners arc car­ drinks a cup of tea starts a leather
Flqually latent and potent rcasoro
rying well micd. dinner pells, as the Bianuractor} In hto own stomach, for
Impelb-d the unanimous nomination of ^ieDt to a cbrrcsi«udcnt of The SL
following comparison of tbe farm val­ tbe tea. couililntng witb tbe conuectlve
Theodore Roosevelt as raixlldate for 'jaBira Oaiette: •‘Eat as much as yon
ues of principal crops shows;
tlasne of the steak, soon transforms It viccprcshk-iit. Noothernian consider- picsMas often as yon Uka. but not too
Into B^ng Ituiher.
ed In oonm-ctlon with that office go fill- noch atiamoal. Drink no liquid at uy
rout >«ito.
cd the public eye and tiu- imbllc mind.
wbon Airsty. drink a little good
Ctou ...
Bimriellr ana Crops.
.. aTjeASM
«to*t ..
Civilian and soldier. cKIceii and man. ' crated water wiib a fewdrops of lemBorne Russiau sricnttois have been
atndent and ranchman, scholar and on or orange Juice sqneexed ioto IL but
trying interesting experiments in elec­ rough rider, hi- character, his name onlyAU hour before or an boar after
tro culture. One of them ascertained and hto record appealed Irresistibly to
yon uiav also take a Uulowbite
SSLoao.000 Ibat clcctrlflcd seeds gi-rminated more .Vmerlcan appreciation of brolDA eneiv *iue „ elder that to not sweet ar uow
tit.seam rapidly and gave biuter ami quicker
j and then a cup of toa, bat never ooffoe.
tkOXI.US results than sotsls Which had not U«n gy and pluck.
McKinley and Boos< v.-lt, a wonder- Smoku a little and iodulgo with
submitted to preliminary clec'trlflca- I ful coniblnat.o!i of tbllltlcs and quail- aratioo in the other llttlo luxuries to |Lm<).«M.nt
Jties; Match them If you can.
! which yon have been accustomed.
tie also repeated the experiments of
With i.olhlng to be ashamed of. noth- i
Bathe ofteo. but do not wet tbe onRoss—that Is. burying lb the soil one lug tc> u|M>loc!ze for, Dotliing tu defend, dre snrfacu of the body at oooa. Exertbe tmme martret for farm produce so copper and one xinc pbte placed ver- thc platforci makers of the Republican else sboold boregnlar. Change yoorpoas t^ make these ten staple crops tlrall)- and <-onnected by a wire. He national cvuveiitlOD found Bu easy taik sition a* often as pnsslblo. DotMtro^rth upward of $323,000,000 more to found that potatoes aod roots grown In « t l.cfvre t'uem.
But easy talks are niain standing or sitting or lying too
tbe American farmer than under tbe the electriflcd s|iaeo gave crops three not always so well jK-rformed. ai was long at a time 0(»r past loo roaoy hoora
Democratic free trade administration, times heavier than those which were the case lu the framing of this plat- ; in bed. Taks yonr meal* at a dlffarant
which shut our mills, killed our bom* grown dose by on a tiiii plot. The car­ fvrm. U to a platform at once aound , bonr every day. Never eat at regular
iDdnstries aod gbre our trade to foto rots attained an unusual slse of from and sciisllile, trethful and eourngcous. houta, bnt whenever you are hungry,
lO'to 12 Inches In lUamoter, says The assertive and nt'cri-sttvc. iKisItlve aod ' and. If it be not loo soon befrao or after
The other lius- unmlstakaide. As an epitome of one of ! a meal, drink whenever you are thirsty,
Add to this Increase of $323,000,000 SelenUfic American.
tbe advance of $<03,000,000 in tbe ral-; stan scientist trii«d a series of expert- the most l.rllllant. most nptnidc and i Better eat a doxvo times a <i#y than
oe of ftve stock within tbe last few menis that wore more original
On most Boc-c< ssful (KTlods of government- { overload your stomach at two or three
yeara. Hnd It will be seen that the , bto experimental plot he planted wood- al ndmliitotratinn lu our euunrry'e his- ' besvy meatoAt long lotervala Do not
farmers of tbe country Usvc gained al-1 ea posu al>out ten yards apart, which tory the pint form to clear, concise, con- | oat tbeaamo article of food tooofUn. '
most a rooDd billion dollars Jbrongh i were provided at their tops with me- vlnclng. lujill ways admlralde. Briefly j—-------------------tbe better tiroes under this Uopnbllcan I talllc algrcts connw-tod by wlre*.'ao ouUlQod Us salient fentun-* arc these: 1
FraMWog a »il
administration, without esUtnatlng tbe: that tbe plants were cultivated under
Unqualilicil Indorsement of tbo ad-1
Craraing City Ball park one day a ratncreaaed vnlues of their fruit butter, n non of network of wire,
mlntotration of President McKinley.
| porter saw an lUlian boy suddenly fall
cbeese. egga. vegetables and other
“ this be obtained some remarkable
Adlutviio- to the prlnclplra of sound ' flat oa hi* back on tbe pavement. 8ov■mall crops, to say nothing of the in- rraultaand rlpiming larley waa acm.4- moiicy and a K»' cr-nt do ar.
| wal companions Insuotly kne^t by

H. r. Woadarly, Aaaa Oalklaa, ES■OaUtlaa. Mlm Blebmoad. Mre. Hartoa

tioaa Tkannay MlfkL

OtM doM not kUl, and tt U ihdatd
raiy aeldon that heavy aonow es:
daatt to anyoMWben in a btalthyi


|rie. a snbstasce caUrd tbeln. wbkb
ran be dtortOed Oxhd tea In a dry re­ A TIrbet XsBiasted fsasltosai
For (ho rtrst Tisso to BlMorr a
tort to fatal to Ufe.
The tlieln In tea to al<oat C per cent
Rssalu AreotopUshto
•f the loul Imlk.
Espertmenu -hare
prored that ooe-elgblh of a gram of It

•*■»*- I pie of the United’states by tbe Brpnbbit and 71, grains wlU kill a cat *®,Uca
n tbe______

Tbera will bs a arntar Qwettpff
more than four. prol«Wr t><H, more ,ki. ,j,.Airv f,.r f.s>n
Taste must Iw- candidate of Lis party at a time, when one of her father's stories. It appeared
the city eonncil Monday night.
than one. What other lane or laauea. ]
vitlnt.-<t hv Its imhlluai use lie- his country « ns suffering ih<- i«igB of In initallmenU, and the beroine was sufU.TO. non In AW dn»nJ"l -P"« » :
in «|.|«n n, n,™.lt, . ; bankrupiey
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ~As tfae girl
and rulu as the result of , feriqg ft
V. ft M. B. B B. Bpeelal' Baten.
retain Bopublicau comrul of the Bcnate cblUln-ii Orlnk It for the rream and ' running i^ter false guides so was WU- brooded over the sad fate of tiio boroine,
In tbe Flfty-aeventh con^wBl Wlthi^ognt. nlih r i-*opto for the effect.
UcKliilcy the logical, the Inevlta- •!». too, suddenly manifustod tbo same
ku„«-s tlmt tea eoutalos
I what wcaixtna can the coborta of
. Bry.
‘■‘'"•"la* ;, uic
blc candidate
caodldalc of
of bto
bto imny
|«rty at
at a
a time
time symptoms.
symptoms. A
A phy
rhysirtan reoommended
round trip.
I “*•“* **
cffoctlvriy met Md ,
Add a lliili-iron I.. tea, unU It ' when Lis gn-at tiitosluii of restoring, her father to restore her to teslth,
^ iK-iomes hto. k. T.-n ms.U- in an iron 'I p
,^jhtU.v stood accomi.ltoUcd ^ ! which bo did a few-ebaptets on. and at
obvious answer Is. “ITotcction and kettle to n.A black i
I wben new s
ling a strong cup of i
and dllBcult recovered eo also did hi* too senti1 ——
iron lUR
ing OUI
out VI
of uijj.nT.T-u.-ntiil
spoon will make it t
Tbe Icomlltlims n^iulnsl for their safe »oln., ^ae«rt»l daughter.—New York Dispatch.

Tbe Oneaa Ion.
tQaeeta arrived to data are:


Pr. J. H. BeHagjr dedarea that tcA la
an aellre polaoo-that fta actlee prlnci-

Ca4rA.BggwtyFromtoto MaaUeeto-

a pound of lea ihw Is an ounce of pob '
J^dc“wupV a’nniqw poi^itlon to’tbe
cnough to kill hu ctlk
history of American i>ollttcs.
Ten grains of tbHn will make a mas were nominated without a single dis­
Tbe gnat K^iolcon was killed by u
0L and a half onnre of lea contains senting vote. No parallel to this una­
Intamal disesK, bat it to supposed that
frem 10 to lU grains.
nimity of thought and actlqn to to
it would not hare been -fatal hid not
Prufessor Lehmann, a German physl- found In the records of national ojo- hU spirib been so d<q>rrased Ibfton
dan. gave several men from eight to rentlons In this country. Both candi­ axUeiud defeaL wmia^*wlk the orten grains of thcln each by way of ei- dates would hsve btvD nomlnsted by ator, it raid to bara died from a "teo{teiiment. None of them was ehie to BcclamsGon dhl not tbe time honored ken heart. ” cansed by bU great grief at
work for two days.
rule n^quir.' the formaUry of a Italiot.
tbi fallnre of bis ebarisbed hopes nod
There arelea draokarda. There have
-- remarkable
ac- plana. And there h.-tvo been many otbra
been caiKW of dcliiiuin iremeus from cord m tbe choosing of the RcpobUcan ' such Instances lu tbis ooentry. When
tea drinking. By chewing lea loaves prrsidcntlal ticket for tbe campaign of plagnes arc raging in a town, statistica
people can licconie thoroughly Iniosi- likW to not far to fui-k. in the case of ' show that as many die from fngbt and
President BcKInli-y a rraomlhatlon ' imaginary cantos as from the real eplThe woman who l« tlrwl takes a enp
fun-gunc conclusion almost from | demic. so great a bold bw the fear of
of tea and Isjvllcvcd ofNRe wcariDeiia. the luomcht be took tbe oath of offlee death on aomo people
Rut the Bcnratloo of wi-arincss Is a on the 4tb of March. ISW. This ccr- j
If a man is condemned to be shot. U
danger signal. Under the Influence of talnty was only made more u'ruln by J baa often occurred that on tbe word
*aa. Monica. Nebraska. Bouth Dako­
siiiniilant she does not know when
ta, West Virginia and Wyoming. Uow ahe go. A lie.vonct the limits of safe ex- .. .............. ..
______ ________ ______ _________ _
__________ra dralgo, no bullet
many of tfat-se states couU l>e reasona­ ertluo. Tin l« a drug, not a food.
Uon of 180(1 and to fon-shntlow the pop-1 basin reality left ti(e gin.
bly erpected to choose RepabUcan legNot oul.v doc*. t.« i-ontalD uo oourUb- ular demand that was to make Itself )
There is a qoecr cara on record qoataiatnm on the aingle issue of
, Jcm. hut It liitelfen-s with dlgcsUon. f«Ht with tvgard to a tavond t.-rm. Just cerning tbo daughter of a eelehf*^
Bwney versus 10 to 1? Certainly not^Tl,p .-nivinK for It to uol natural, as Is as WlUlatD McKinley was the logical, notelfst, who was deeply iaicrertod In


OeorgeF. DtttmM, Mra. J. D. Shaffer.
Bfn. W. a





Kn. A. W. Jobutoaa, Mrs Fenton

EAwaonaad famUy. Mr. Md Mra. C.
■. Wilder and ehlldrao. W.

Very true, aod ao wUI other quecUoM
Of Tftal cocueqornec be with na ao too*
a* there to a Bryan or a itomocratlc
patty in the fit^d of polltlca. The tenu
of 30 United Ptatei aeoatota. of whoo
18 are Bepobllrana and IS are Itooiocrats and I'opoltola. expire nest Uarch,
and the pelitl<v of their aneceasota wUI
be detenolord by the e4ectk«s of-thla
Oregon has already decided that 8enator XcBrtde. a Bepnbllean. abaU be
anecerded by htmaeif. Ix>arins out the
oonthem sutea. where Iiemoerata wOl
aseeeed Democrats, there are 11 RepobUcan senators whose socceaaors are
to be chosen by Icctolatnres to be elect­
ed this faU.
These an- in Ccdorado.
Delaware. Idaho. lUinohi, Iowa. Kan-


<»M •< Its I


QrxmwAWrtu -k


MS* Skl'S
O sod repaired
addmaboi ter.cur

MI oC ea««* paid.__________________

men whose high sundard of leaning
makes them famous the world over. One
Bvlin prafeascr Is wheeled ioto hi* laotan room every day, and there we
others similarly, though, lor the moR
part, less poinfuUy. oflMcted. This to
do* portly to tbe fact thaL under th*
military ngUa* to Germaiiy, whsa a
boy to dtoqtmHfled fv the army, be to
trained for- eeienoe or the law.—New
^ork WorUt:.^


Tbe flnt London rireM to be Ugblsd
with gas was Qoldeu Ions, in 1807.
Two yean later ges tampe were pat;vp
on Pall Mall, aad betitoeo 18U Md
1830 tbe endie oeatnl dtotrict of the
tneotipolu was ttant tUumtoated.

RartteMV SUV*, rieasr I*

Oenunoa knives ter belt a^Ublense
aoetaOowrt-epIfreetr^-riiccio 1680

•^Wtaive-------- -


THB mwMrUre BgdoHP ^buvdat, Jxn.T is

A eomncDT poixiAct ii on cm a ha&

Tbea. asala. tbe <mdp1i« k dinded
1i tbe 1
tbc • cMtartnl bniTKa thv people and the 6apm»» ilo 11 pro«-tacesr eaeh oa« brins X>r*
Betas.. But lo a»lM bio la the detalk ereed b>- a xlceror and eiafl of aaatat*
maadanaa. aad the toms and Ttl■ have tbelr omn ofBclaU. At each
d |Wt» .
I la rApoastble for bla oan artioBS
I. the empmr has a cabtaet of foar
at tbe same lime held etrlctl)- lo
lief maadarttM of tbe eoplre. aad ua■r Uieir, asala. an «s oOclal boarda.

If any trouble. like the reveet uprL
ins. o«ur» In aay tom «.- dty. tbe l>
ral om*iaU "blame It on" l>e soven

K 11 a malter of seneral knowledse that I'aelr Sam u tally o-ti the foB
value of hie money and al»ay« lets bte roolra
larryins the malll td
•hi* 1* hoe a eoterjiriilns yuuns man—Ur.
irrJ the mall n»uti' bi-lweim bla tow*
and D<xlce\llir. elslil mile* dtotani.
tour years He bad t»
r-hond* for ll.ugo,
ll.iwo, •and yel. thuuch there other bidders f..r the prlvl>1 U. another at t* cent* and yol another at 4lt, be dlalaneed tbeS
all with a bid of 1 cent a year'
I.ynrh Ii-ta out the k-i-ret hy esylalnlns that l»nh Iwalse e and UinerU
I'ulnt are wood buxine** loun*. ««lth eotulderable travel Ix iu. 1 them. As IM
laiurally slvan
mall carrier l* allowed to take paxtumsers, Ibc mall <uarh la naturally
the prt fen-ncv liy irav«-Iers.



f Bt PaklBS to tbF unas-ll-yaiBOb.
It to Buppreaa tbe Bosers.
ent rebel! who have coinaaay outiasea upon tbe
d to do. and then, after aaaurtns
r bmber dlplonau from torelsn
• of..............................................
i threats of tbe rerall of tbe lesnt toarda if they did not comply.
' d about (It current account! are
Ik) and aaalBled tbe rebel! to tbe

Bcsns nr Tn chxvese romov omcE at peedio.

o . e Chlneae to aai
I laeolviBS the baled
[1 of the head! o
of red Upe.
whiidi baa ramlflratloni all <
thoasb leaa than 4t yMts have
empire and brlnfs 1
■ stoM It
.................It rap- la the emperor, who la aoppoaed lo ra> bar of "Jaatlre■■ by ra«
I than any ether body
•dy ibe oalve hla dIrecUona siratsht from heaar. durlBs the tin
of tbe


The vlneyanl of Ibe Chateau de Creve Ca-ur. near Coanac, in Franc*, la
These i-remises s

Sir t'taude M. MardonalO. Great Hrll- . The •‘tSreat lUiirler I'lseon poal." piT*
aln's inlnlsler al Peklns for Hie iu>*i ins between the Ixiaiid of that naiDd
fi\<> years, has ie.xnlly been made a and Au< kland. «0 mibs away, la one ot
Brand .omniattder of the order of St. :
must unKjue thlnss In fNew Zea«
Ml. hael alifl .St. ti-HirBe. and ll la uni-'‘•"'I- IH-rhalui In the world. 11
1 auruA
and. then
hetsally agreed
d in Knsland that be h .a ', bfins I

eamc.l ills iii-w iligntiy. A soldi.r and
the pi
pusaenyer plyeons
th- son uf a soldier. Kir Claude Joined
the ttevepiy.fouith htahlandrrs .a* t people
anil In mainland of i:
I a » : served disaster
Ihiouah the Mrd. al the b
F:a> |vilan cam-I ainnlna. carrlPBian. b. Ina only one me
present al the . saye. at a et.
yreHl battle of o f about •.
T.'l-e l-K e h I r. ' cents; hut. as
The war olTli-e . proved ll could
ren arded ‘ ' - > i-aro' *............
four tnessayes written on t
BMlyn ivaper. the rale was reduced to U O
meni to Cairo . iier mesaaye. covering one sbeeL
After that he ; piyecin mall la rcyularly dispatebad
served his coun- i tween * a. m. a '
falls of prompt dillvery. The b
Fernando I’o trained so that on arrival they j
and the Came- their heads between two wlraa A
roons. where he moriny of which twuaea a bell to i
yntned that wily when they are relieved of tbelr IP
way be la cred­ Kacb Birts«yr la folded and aaalid 4
ited with posaeaslny as a diplomat, by a stamp and attached to tb«
which he was enabled lo yet the better covered with a waterproof 1<
of tbe eatltnable Ll Huny Chany In a aiampa ara irtanyular I
shown above, and of f
baryaln for territory.

I. whlih senerally dlB|M>M-x of ll by
the cir< umlix ut<my pruceaa. aa already
Till* xupreme refioaltnry of red tape
aprovlmately represents our depart­
ment of *iaie. but ronalsts of from < to
1 taken from the boards and
srand council, abb set tosether semloc.
raxiunally and air their opinions. If a
request is pntlfered, they at on<-e sel
abuul lo find out hoa- they cannot sranl
n diplomat seeks an
audlenoe to avoid ■ kowiuwlnB" to the
mperor he Is usually badsered out of
lit alu and made lo feel that he la
orlunale to eecapr with hli honor In­
set In subaianee. the tsuns-H-yamen Is a
on of ' bulTer" devised by the aaliue
Ctlestlali to stand between the sacred
person of the emperor and Ibe outside
barbarians and to mlilsale the shock
r eonlart with the tndisnani repre­
sentatives of the powers. Aecordln*
5 reports, the wily empress do» a«er
as availed of it to formulate and put
1 ■ ffect her sinister ivheme* scaJnst
siranyers In China and to promote
t shofTllnii policy of evasion shlch
e of (Al-



Nut lar from Kir^iif .rJ.-iri-Av.m. Ijn- h-.m- of rihakesprare
that Is a. lually ..wnc.l iiiu] -ip-rai>-.l l.y a pnrs>m. The itev. Osbert ]
daunt, the re. i..r uf Kxiiipi-.n l.u'y. i* th-dlsilnkulxh-d publican who
up-raiiis this -sliibilxhhii-nt. lie und-tbuk Ml'- avocatlor .. ____
a an,cKp>-rlm--ni and found that ll was ugpqijs-ctwlly succeMful, iB
h.- oftvti d..-- u l.uVlros* of H.JvxJ a ywar.l^lch 1* very yuod for Ii
.••.utiiry inn swh ox [ tw- Pars n* I'ul.ti. 'dlousc." The clerical I
-11* only Ihe l»*l - f Im-t. iind i.iiy ptuflts that atcrue from the floR

The eneray and enlerprlae of the ciilsens of Honolulu,
aa the theater of siartUna event# durlna the i-sxi f. « yvwi
the proposition lo erect there an Immense *irii. lui. l>> Mr. Al. snn, i-r
l.-r V
While many bulldlna* were destroyed for saiiitarv r.a*«.n» durlnB the plusu.
panic tn Honolulu and the city narrowly eacapi-l a m.i«l dl*a*irous .•mtliiBi:.tIOD. their drstnicllon may in the end prove a bh-ealiiif in dlxsuw. a* i* <i* ialLv the can* under turb clrcumatances. The my pronil*-s to rlw. i.h-uixlik.from the Bshe* of it* past and lo show to the world uhut '-an be a<-i-»ni|.llsli>d
tn lhat farofr trupli al ialand which some have calb-<l the Imie sister of ih-- rpih.11..TMx nanirulsr bulldlna la to have a frontaae on lllshop sired -.1 4«n f.-ei.
while at one end ll Is £1 fed and at the other ion. mnklnfi a lolal f.-.niaa. of
«W feet. It lx Ur. Ynuna's Intention !■> erv’d n Rrei.i-.eif buildini;
to-be occupied by i^tores. the Upper t«rilone l-> otTl. < club and lielBJfiK r»o:
- a tarce reataurani on the top story.
a t'ltixKse: m-fmaa’s foot.
Wbii. the <u*(oin of bandaatna the
•e.1 I- not universal In t'hlna. le-lna





a Chjneae chars.-lerlstlc I I-----------

prvtend to regard the de- j
The Ohlneac- pcvt.
formed fw.t a* a thiny of beauty and
apply a name lo It which slynin.x

.. a Maa CrRHl. -li a a fine moralay;
••*» to have a>»ea tbeat plenty to do. aad
Briilab lOBM hr -<Mlplr----------------------------paliina.
They osed to call It
bav* been anipers and
It Ihe pIlyHm father* intelyed In It when they carried their
teany "aaivaye*" tba^iued to Ue In wilt for them behind
befaln. the rocka a

I America.
There mar
.n, and It la pretir certain
tbelr eenae* alert for tbe

Are and had i
>ad up after everr rtiot with tow powder and balk hot to a'wkrflS ^*1 th«r kei*'ln”lck
Icklny tbelr Blnta.
n»e Boers bnvv -• *• sn-i* pr'tty C-vod smr -. -f .nf-'-tg f-r in- British. etrMl In thin khakis.
what death la
aaldtollke—hrigbl ..m
n pew
tacelled the record* Of tbu»- dJj-s
•can* and every bo> laAi vanldr.t h
v; ■ at u hundred yards yol a ibnuthiny for every miss he mad v ?
Uer white man nor re^km dared b
n the days of Boone and Ku Canon, and in the mn*i literal sense
err MM had It* hllM.

'n.e in.iiuUr t-ellef that In America,
cr .uuntry. yenlui
gri-n 1.1*1 BChleve«3'cs of a *iran.
ment* llnd
latesl IDber The tvervenilon to aiirart pubU. attention.
aye lenyth of
Thl* Is Hie sork of Mr llul.ert t. Cosuch a fool.
alan r.f Fort Wurth. T.-i . who without
i v^'hen the operaany lethnbsl 'rlucatlnn or a alnyie
\ lion has been
hour's Inutniriliio In a mai-hlne shop,
( SUcceaafully per
has d..-slrne-i the most diminutive loconony
I formed, la about 5 Inche*. and
moilv,'. perfect In ever> d.-.lall, that ua*
I the wealthy classes'll doe*
iceed 1. ever built. This remaiksble merhaplain
IMaacsaor belny prouder
was c'lnxirusaed l.y Us Invenl'M- at odd
hours. In the Intervals o/.hfs business
aa a diamond M'lier. and ha* prov.-d a
years, and
yrrat surceia dravvir.y ll# train at tbe
bly. not only while the oiwratlon ta yo- ' apeed of 12 miles xitv hour.
iny on. hut durlny ibetr whole live*, f
The enytee Is the exact .-ounierparl of
Tbe effect of the btndiny. In fact, to to j BO DpIodaleVlyH wheel p*s*enyer lobreak the fool in two—lo compreas Ihe : romotlfe The Utile dHvlng wheela ara
toe* beneath almost Into one mass and ' C inches In diameter, and run on a trackthrow the whole wetyhl of tbe body
'.u Inches vvtd*. II 4s 1 feel 7 Inchei
upon Iht heel. The foul uUhen and
IJ'i Inches high and v eighs hut iT*
long, i:
somrllmvs decays, while Ihe ley shrinks
pounds k-lih rnal and wjier aboard.
Into the semblance of a cow's, so that
The Mller ptessu'e 1* IS isRinda. and If all the Uttto tubes In It wera pht (•*
Ibe woman can walk only with aaadst- i yether end to end they w..iiM make a pipe tU f.-jt tn lenyth. Tbe cooptota *i*
e. uiih her arm* extended like a I yine rontalrx 2 Jou-ftlere*. iti' holler 41 ae;«rste ivarta. arJ Ita con«tracU«n M«
balanclny |K>le. Bv-rn then the allyhtest > ecssltated th- drllllny uf i.T:< holes and the Mtilny of the aamc niUDbor 'of
t«ih may ai«e( her.
; nveis. Th- fteam ysuye. upon which the invenlor labortd for dm yaara, A
three-quarters of an Inch In diameter aad reyUtan accurately ap to M pmaife
ly-n ior. l-.a» 'f.tAl -raiemwi. or l> t»
Hr. Costas, who I* a Mlf made mas. U only t* ysan eld. He aomatimao la*
... ...
frt.ndi annual pbm piintad from aa aacrani metal ylato ma«t




I bcUoT* I luTc opcalx 4«du«d tkat
•fber Miidrtaf • face tor
miawtaa I
«a«td laidM tka evn^ ctlef cbanetcrlafka wItkoBt misialSr T>a I>arta faBtv ksrw of thU fad <rf mia» and on taro
m tkfoe oeeaaloea
p«t too to tbo toot
•nd boon ebUcad to'adinH that mjr dodoctidna were Mrrc«t.\
1 waa awajr in the treat trbea Henrr
Unibor. and Eihri Darla boeame aeOnalot^.' Kor did I ace the ronv man
•uU after ibcF became encaged. 1 had
■ade a call at the bonae on a bosUieat
Bauer tritb the. father when I cot mr
teas in bli faror. aa Mr. Dark bad tpeken of blm In the Ugbeit tona, and the
■ntber bad aenned treil plcatod at the
danghtor'a pruapeetA 1 traa not enlf dlabut almoot obocked at what
_ .1 ibe Q»ta-a aa 1 wrute them down
Vben 1 left tbc bodto:
^FTn^^ltdcnt temper, eaaUy arooM
6ecoDd.-Dlt^Uan Co And tanh and
TblnL-Incapoblo of deep .w laiUng
Ponrtb.—Lotnit animal ferodtr. which,
tf arouaed. would make bln nttorij reyardleia of cuoaegneneva
oa land a danger«na foe.
Bad tbe familr been blood reUUona of
Bine I doobt if I aboold hare gireo tbem
• hlntof arcoodoalona. There a« plcn^ of men Id all prorcodoiu who
who make tt
:«3nle to mind their own affaire, but with
lawrera it la tbe rale and not tbc excepe;
Cact that .
.. . . _________ .
ftnnlf belirred that tbe giri'a life woold
be wrecked by the marriage, cren If aome
terrible tragedj did not grow out of '
«a*t a abadow orer tJL Time after
I called up tbe lor«-r't fare aa 1 ai
the office or at home and went orer tbe
n agalD
agnla lobe
to be cure tbat I11bad made
mo tnlatakr.
take. I>'orcbead. crea,
Bpo and
cbln were plain Iwfore
>d chin
Cdooed mr erea. but I eould nut read
ffbein In any otber wap than aa 1 act them
dgwn at bret.
▲Ithough inrited to tbe wedding as a
Crlend of tbv familr. I am what la termed
•n old mnaabaek and am seldom seen in
I and white tie. 1 doobt if
X abouid bare been there
■re b
but for mr deI gire llenry WUbur another
. 1 wanted to read bia fare agniti
d And that I had b.-eu mialakec. I had
1 lulrodueed to him lunnlhc befure.
hnt be did nut renienilu-r me. nnd in tbe
Cmah and crowd I did not sock to Jog his
•tolDorr- I went orer that fare lu re|Mee. and I atndied It aa excMemcot made
the featnrrt plar. and I almost groaned
In despair. 1 could nut change mr upinIn to one panicnlar. It waa a Joruac
neraalnn for bride and groom and pares
MTien I
r all but 1
^Mgymao bad pronounced tbem man and
JWlfe. I slipped oat of tbe booie and jrent
home, sod I Wondered en route bow aouo
XebrI would come to me wilb her ap­
plication for diToire. That abe would
Bake application within six mootba at
tbc fortbeat t felt a* tore t>f the fact
that 1 bad Jusf seen her marrictl.
A wedding frip and a bonermomr last­
ing alioul six •e^c, nod then I wac arnC
for. The r<*uug wife bad a ctorr »(
. tpranor. temper, aolfitbom and brutali­
ty to tell. She had errn feared for hgr
!irc> Tbc buebaud'e lore had cooled In a
week, and within a mouth he had de■cAared that be batv<I her. She
e couldnl
Id niolbei
II of wonder as of iodlnalios.
hat 1 had read it all In hie face long U'fbre. .\n npplk-nti'in for dirwree waa
prunspllr tiled, n
jflr left
7 borne
the cilf and tocletr fur
wEile ffiaiteri werf pcudiiig.
A month later I bad v«i»e busineas to
tranaiK-t with J.,hn liavi*. who bod mot


Par hi* »ubiir1>an rlniiou. The care were
ODWdnl. and I fouintni seat l■eriJe a
young Diau wh..«' tan- I did uot cenn nutil a QUarti-r of an hour later. Then, to
mr great -urprire. 1 recocniacd him ac
-- Bentr Williur. For a mUiute or two I
waa Id doubt whetb-r be. would identifr
Be or not, but then 1 raw that mr fare
had paM.-d from bic mejaorr. 1 ehjlr
hot earnectlr stndhtl hi* face anew, and
I foood change*. Tl».- fer,«Hty wliieb 1

•'Vhetr I wAhA.
Be cmad nwnr nad koksA________ CQKTRA8TB OF THE OLD AND NCWj
window and ignored mr m—utc after
that. Aa darUr aa Ua fcHtoB tnnkkd kf
WM ptwiem
to hoU kk
theck befcee a cemagw. B^oce wt the Omo Vwp^ WMah Vheih—p POak,
leeched the atatloa I paaead into the ear
ahMd. bet aa I left tbe train I mw him
dweced and korry awny withem kektegafandferma. Bdhg pcrtmdy aitk:
•sd that ha waa Aam for ae goS. 1 W
fnemad Ike family at one* of bk pc»
CM. BthM waa —*--------------mladtom
bm the father and
WBM In makiat bda Anal tMI kona
Ireo iDdto ewDC by the no mltodorwthat he had came A
tood reato. mccb tbe deemt from tfaa
bead <d the ^ me to Cairo’ Ttmehed aDpnwcO again.
T^. Mmnelf an Ba« Indian by bktk,
TOng wife ako deteded heneU for
waa amt to BnsUnd as a ehUd. hnt ba
brief while, bet later on abe aald to met
by way of the cape of Qood Hopa
*lt casBot be. Mr. MeeUag. TW wa
baa nothing hot rrU to hb Baton, apd and St Belana and magfat a gUmpaa
of the mltod K^okon. There -mimt be
yet a few pacaaaa Uring who raeatl the
time whan Tbafteray’a «rage waa the
one eregybody made in going tram In­
dia toB^laad. and there ara, of ooona.
At a late hoar, when we had finished thotaanda that hare made the tonroa
the boatoem.that had called me down,
father and mother also preaaed me to re- jootaey. m it is onlya ^nartmef a eaaand to op OB the morning unto. tary flnoe the (vaniag tff .tba Saeapawad so I became a goert for tbe night. saL That last eran haa dona more tkas
4 reaceard b oat that If WUbnr had cocae any nthor OM thing to make Ufa in
down for oar eril poipoae be would be British India
braid froai brtore the.ere^'gfQual haa
hi redo^^t^Jonnay
light lem and brongbt
king that II had
had been
been w|I ««> ”’uuu u.p ticket down to £S5. The




Belgns suprema in this store. No matter
whether Its a $80 00 dresa suit or a pair
of 6c cotton lox-it's first -quaUty in tabric. perfection In style and Absplutely re­
liable In ereiy way.
Inferior goods are never sold at

.July Clearance Is On.
Every item reduced from our regu­
lar low prices.
Clothing for men and boy's: hats and
caps, underwear, dress shirts and work
shirts, bike suits, bike pants, belts, eweaters. hosiery, knee pants, gloves, braces,
satchels-all at bargain pricee.
It pays to trade with

■ ■

alltto.windowi!'lt.rVih^e“m”‘^'<jl^iS^^^^ Jwt
**“ ^
and the ereniug bad bren cnluy. Al-, around tba world In oar day. Thackethoogb I went-to my room at 10. I did ray's joarney waa a-aatter of moetha,
not ga to twd. I lighted a dgar. turned’ Coloael Newcome's a matter cf waekt,
d aat br the
id half an b
. beard 'the ramble
of (
„„ ...
'Llentoaant Wagborn wai tfaa mas
(bunder, .\ atona
wtabliah the oaraTaa
ihongfa I ba>] finUbed mr cigar, r —to lay (low®
for (be attu'icf
o cool.
I. It g
Itwaafrom Snex to
dark aa I sal atartog
and I coaid imi ereu make out the shade Cairo, a disloaco of 70 miles, ncnally
trmw. which I korw to be leaa than 00 mode in abont three daya Tbe fn-ight
feet awar- Beiwcrn tbc rumble of (ban-' waa carried on tho backs of camcla, and
der. boWerer, I made gniic sure that 1 the paieensera rode in a rado diligeoou




sss-rM'S 7?;:

104 Front Street

I wondrn-d, rather, if it wai not a tramp
food to bo
prowDtpt around, or if eome vagrant dog *»>««
The great
was not looking for food.
| standby was'spatcbeock. WbeotbonaFof a tine tbe lightning was faint and tives in charge of a oararaDiary spied
tbe thunder afar off. but by and by tbe an approaching caravan, they izutantiy
atortn came sweeping np and there was' ynabod out. canght some fowls, wrung
a Saab wbirii lighted, v the whole place.' tbelr
and an hour later served


Fashionable Outfitters

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap

and the flash
_______ ^___
der my window, and that man
most Hying I toldicr. "the chimney such as one not
Wilbur. He waa standing g. , .
•1 in his band.
towomeu ai--------------- ------------------------ carried (be aatcbel
mcgrcatly. Wa’ve | '
lowing the Askb was a thundetcUp, and from Snox to Cairo to IhS'J waa hailed ; FiP°
revealed him making for

_ ________


notl -'jOc per cnke.
strayed Snea, for tho port is some dis­ arectod next door and Ihonoe on upward i »*ed ‘Of 5c- lOc. 2->c,
hour and prowling around the boose bod­
ed no good, andd I had started to leave tance from tbe city, and a busy town
d and
aii(' many tmall ottos
and alarm Mr. Davis wbea with a largehotel
a ItHnding flssh. a mat and a bat been tianefonnul into a dost btmp ways snrprisoi nu; very luncb, and that.
, ,
'canal, iu deal
destroying ii tbat they stack ’em np with tho! ■
shock, and I felt the whole bonse heave.' to tho doaert. Tbo'canal,
■'a Gr»at Discovery tor CAOoer
I was thrawn against tbc wall, and 1 erne town, bnilt ap tbo otha*. for Fort flango end of the aectlous Dp. I never v> him la>t Tbursday night wliicb «
tbe other way. I never
beard tWog* falling and pcoide aboutloR Said and Ismailia aro creator™
^ so good I wa* snrpriscd neviT t<i have i
creatoras of tho
the saw one bnilt the
Wixt>...„. OxT..
Jan. 14. IMO.
all over the hoow. For a minnie
L thofonner used toboonoof the! eonld nnderstand this t snppoao O*-heanl it Iwfuro. It was'at tho lueucT,
Qr. C. D Warner. Dear tSir—I faaaa
was dated, and then I roabed out into —nrtt nlaM m «rth an
ordinary ' Fils’>■ oraally set npwith cement or aixl 4bo y-jone man Jiad seen
lira play paed voorCoopoand of Neves Cana,'
tbe ball
tbe full.„.I
belief that
vMnn'. mortar in tliu Jatots. Imt I ihonld think beforo. He lid everybody f'g
1 four scats the»
...great eaneereare and......................
blood pnrib..iunder
1—.n .slmck
___ the
_to timea ono ^
of ,i..*
tho .Inlwr
dullwt. Th,.
house ba-l
and K.u
half tom
77.77.77 those nplnrued flaitRca wonld cutcb all aronml know that, and ho" kept telling fler. wilb cxcelleol retulu. 1 do not
I hurried here aud
and tbiw
tbi« with
wim ■a DwrwMw' . •
«^tera ra^
recommeed it for tba trarThe bolt bod
oqoally vicious Europeans from ev- tbo rain, aud that it woold work down Jnst ^vhat was comiuR 4i'l jnsl bow poaea for which It is oaed. Iu aflahto
. . but found no,
pipes, and that frost woold g. t in foiu/V it
It Would
In when it di<l come.
struck one of tbe t irby trees inau-ad. «»7 P"'*
‘h® continent aoumed to
areinasbert tiaacao maolfrst tbaFH
Ail of ns'weie badly shocke^by
'' tbc

elec wake Jnto activity only a( tbo approach there in winuv and all that. 1 shoold fin bod a pn-tty girl with Him, and he cannot fail to give the greatest astlathink it woold bo Immensely intier tb was trying to amose Iwr. At length bo taetton.
trie fluid, but.lhankfal enoo^ that it of a ship. Then '
Ja« Cvuuixes.
■ th.-«mo.,tii
io.,tii endattho
V ■
was no worse. We gstbered
i-d la tbe
fatu- hells aDdevery^of evil raaort opened i «ack 't-m op with
.............and waited
for the tionu
try listening to a play
tbeir doors to thodelayediraveltr. [top. aud I don't know why tlT.y d.m't
"DItl you
, •
.ic wide
T..UU .MV,,
pass, and after about
bout an boor the rain pchaw it
witii yonr. eyes .hot? Yon'vti no idea
• la
■ ‘
posslMy. tl'5 ik
ci-sscO. s late
_ . _.
,1.. .w.,,..
this j how it wms."

in these days a siugio
com'- !•
"Pctiiaps my great Intcrcit
Elastic Floor Varnlah
aceue. aud Ethel and I went out to luves.. nfl.OOO.OOO aycar , rimplo form of cyUndrical chimney ii: A middle aged man with a red faed li«e'’Calixia»'t
S E Wall
tlgoif. Tbe tree which Wilbur
P*ny I>aya tuore than
Lir had been P^TI'OT*----iotimato aeqcaintauco saY jnst iu front. Ho twisted hiiOMlf
and thorn is an almost conti
laLing for and bad reached3 bad bran
been >•> tolls, ar
i 8oai
ick and
ai • shivered
of Jagged BOOS praceaaion of ships throngh 1
kind of cylindrical chimney, ouo more yoniig mansplinters. It was not only lorn to plcers.'caual.
will have tbalr o«ea in the hard­
but braved out of the ground to tbe last
"Tbo Snex canal to io some nspeoti rimple in fvtn and oonktruotien. J rc"loniig nan. said be, “did yon
ware store of W. J. iiobta hereaflor.
where al! ifaos« having busiaok ssltk
root, and before us was a bole into which tbe meat wonderful waterway in the I
tothotomatocanchimney.Emblem [ eviv try llatening ) a play wjih ycmi
tbc firm can call npoD them. V89 If
a yoke of oxen ranU have been tnmUed. weald. As soon ai tho traveler onteta it I
dotnestio poaoe nnd a-tbo , mouth abut?"
I almost palnfnl.
And the sllepoo
), and the tomato can ebimury, per- ^Washington Post
Dldcorery for Blood'
n any other. chararttirirM |
a slate.
le. , I alone knew bow It wasi ^It- pw**!™
^e sbi^ and ^1 offloera of ,
Fr ■
Tbe gates,
c * tbe livelitY viciasitudes of life. I know
In tbat salcfa.-l and waa In- theca •al' are «..
Hiukley of FonghOB. C, D. .WABN'EB'N COMPOUWD
Irndiog to blow ni>
wfapro a abip waiu to l« M-[ tost my own first aeqnalntMce with tbo ; Major Janu
np tbe bou^e.
bonse. T|bsl
That teruonts.
in *the
'-tomato" can efaimney was in tlra anny koepsto says somu future president OF SEVEN CL'BBs. tba Breat Caaear
been render.*! (Lriev otber —.
for all dlaeaan of the akta
deadty a
aoldicta. muu
and *s
ebanutog W
It 1 of tbe Unlie.1 States will U gr<*tly ks- remedy, and
. .. down tbe tree, iand of Frouch
VM II to tiWof war.•
- - - yet even
- —there
ad blood, from Contat
. peiwe B»«nt it, for ; KKiishwl
with worse than murder
der in
how they beautify their arid "1.
snr-1 has some «-------flavor of
Wuishwl some
some day
day by
by the rweipt
- of
lararedUary Cacasa.
heart tbrrr was little i
Btify lihB rotmdtoga When ihesand of Ihodmert , we never had one except at times when, lettrv from Oeueral U h. Grant Mr. |



is watorpd. it almost bnrats with bow-J we wore move or apttlcl to^camp Uinkley apd r
— andateveiy gare are n iioaUypaint-l and were within roach of a sottkv.
catleu log. th-i
little house aud a blooming garden,
'‘And tbe tomato can chlniucy is by [ (.rant nn.Uiis
Point, .-1 I th-* general
army life,
by,was vt-ry anrion* that bU grandson
campers out.
ni‘o Icn-.-.locat.-d at that liisiltsset­ sbonld
view Sir Hi-nry M. Stanley held that by Kri-nci thrift. Oue of thu most in sqnaRcrs and pionwr* aud by early
liersoothe bnlldbuild­ | tion. IP-f-rt-o be died be wrcjteI a iKVsoo^ildtbe ^adle of this race-, as of »<, many (etestiug sights to the canal in early tlers lu nuw regionsI pencliug tbn
to Ihcj man who sbonld bo
^tinl chimney, and ; al lc-ti*-r
of-n toorc.*
nthcrv. was in Asia, whenev tbc ntgroc* day* was to sc» ono thlp moot nucitlicr. ing of-a
Jra said of tho chlmchlm-. pre»l
praslclc.v.t of th- rnit-l State_
micraie.! to Afri.-i.. lu wliKb conlinetil The ptmopgers oo tach crowded
tor •ol snpposo it may lie
•»«« »'l- '•>»' wherever it may be j time 1when his grandsou ihould rcar-h a
they were barred frain luu-rcour..- With ward with gpoetiuga and
the waving ol »«7. ........
and of' wlmter.-r it may be ran- | anjtablo ug- asking him t-i appoint tbe
the-rert of the wnrW l,y thr ,,.v, re and handkewhiefs, aud therewere toan. f« up and
-1 it liris nbont (lie same Mvor of young man to a cndei.hip at W.-«t
«f tb. Fa^sra a*od toe from ilco onward bound al the thongl.t

York Sun.
Point. This Mur i* no’’
Mi-lit.rram-ai. on (ho n-nh and to.- .vt-' of
‘h-; henm-ward bonnd were soon the
**•“ hcarthstoue.New
-----------------Fred (Irani's p<c><,cii<iou.
laimc and iodian cv an* ..n to.- w.-m no,3 to sv*-. Tlie in.*.4Uigof sbip.v is uow no
The Asosaco UacblBc.
Sir Henry ciiJ.-avi.r.*! to »bow tier longcrr a novelty. 1 once encountered
. ..u tbv Afri.-aa. of the wore than'the Khtdive Tewfik's yacht, with his
The < bicago girihari w-«i cnnvnaiiy
Anstralia ha.
has apo-u,
a po't'.fS-o oamod Talky<ars of inbreeding which revulu-d harem on boartl, as we pas-ed throjigh
She lia.l Md Ih.-m all aUmt
from this toolatioD of the race. The ,!,e
Of course we cancht iio tho Andibwinm—not meutioning its ex- ing Rock, li.u origin ol th- namo Is
writer Miid;
Miiniw.,, of ih.. Iiulim. hnt T,-wfi'< aiid ’ tenial dirtitiws—.snd the wat-rworks thus state*!: Kom-.;ae diecvjv.-rMd in lii•Therv Is no ni**i to scrit for traces of ftowsena. who was hto gneat. came
bnildiug. which O-car Wilde .kscribes i vicinity a largo st.w up..,i v. l.icb had
a submerged continent to locate tbc borne ^
as lonkina like a cdioiee coUectiou of’been painted tie; word., "Turn mo
-f the Brat woolly haired negro ..r il.v
^ p„pp,., po,.. a»d sbo had naively and over " It reaulrcdconsld. rabl-sireogth

I (Umaa'Ii ^lsuriar 8p*r to tka
I dvhbto V

eftba hay. fureace. eleetrte
igbta and water. Ie>]nlre of Dr.
iawver *t efiee or 173 tth street.


ntxlds 4«Si a« CalfflAS't EUftlC
spar Vatnitfi. 1

Funeral Director.

Uneeda Rest”

... provi
. allow lime eaoqgb and take into i .
about a mnnicipalitv upon tbe back and let metool fomc oaoelie."
-.i.Matiun its varielu-> of climste. for* toe
o S4 honra. ami slnee the uao of thing at
o Manhattan, thu Chicago:
traiigr divciTvnen in the bnuiau rperes -tyiwvrfnl electric lights has made uigbt island
f»to»d of
» blank exproi»ion aud re;;mark- j
.. hive taken Iliac*-', within it. Tbe ton- navigation
Lavigation iu the canal possible the
1 remeniber; we had to ;
*<Un6eds BmI” Cottsf*
Trtls^tobo pass thiWh Item onr way to Europe."
Many 'U-li
'ill meat tbe r(<{ntrementa of a daThen tbc began to boast of (moot Cblr m. will
'“'•‘iP, prondeat works of art. not wholly Pariignny.
Hcbttol vacation Keantifolly located.
to'his eyes5 and the wt vf b«» Ill's Uj,,_ ,_,i .i,n-swA'Tartar (h* Bed sea was carried across the Isth(•■Tiuaiiv .-xis-rl" h'"i*« t” tin- Valne Fltblerand boatieg tbe b*«i ia Nortbnulnownto
tiayeO th.- werki
cf «.',.iB>M.usi a yar.
Isas _ bvari.
COTm.ailjco.1,1 Pott aud. On. ol Ure “
t;.-rTmit.,; had-11 "13 suJc|.i.-« In 18117,
A rat-- "( k'l !■> lc>t.cs<f> iulial-liBTits.
Tie- rccviirii*{clay
dta I* til" nr<-«>-ni.iilou of tlra «-<-yplolU
«th«ly®“ P“*
P*8 to al the top,’I Muisd few tbe same station t
omctbineln him seeqs
Am- g di- '-I'd-l
at the
myselr. My first thought was that be T.ll
O-' th.I»«STn.oI , IMCOIUW
the elicf that
rnri* i-xjuSiOtU-u
Bight br. «<dng down to endeavor to jnstifr
, .bip I.O.W bf>TO.mlr .low „d M» "I”"”
children of ( e Father.'
amoolb maiivn over with tb<- young
. uod«l with dipp-r trot, radde, wjw.Ui. ,
O.t joa etet
turn, dropping Wri. wlil' li i> P> Henry III.
wife. Iwt a soeoud lo-k into bis eye* MiI Eocb a passage of the Bed tea would ba , ont below
Isfiml mr tbat b< wa* U-nt on a dillci
__ ____laiing r f
__ _________ _
Btaad- 1 tell it my datr to eecurr all nal toggs into the foreign Itngoaces ctfirn prrailTr and tba monotony of tbe
phia maiden was atlrred at
iraasd•Is and tbqrAere made
deed." abe
said nalBly, "Well, our
n. He, was civil, bat causes ladicrogs rradloB wbichAiv 4ult' aand bills wbote is tadioos bayood c
^iel Qoaker CItty metfaods go abaad «<
ve, bol/at ienph. as if ^oal to any of the slangy irtevervnee ol preoriop. There i
a..hi«’a.d>«nlol«;>^ W. b... .
C ISU,«A Os^-man iiavlratliw con:pany,
■imnvd at my peratoteofy and nnaUe lira impudent yr^ng American.
th. UgbO,ohMk«p««.,P“-»b... r<m p,t th. MMIIhk J,r'-vc-nl tbe I10.JI.W of naasc-iigenc 1
ta kcqi his artm lonker. be finaDy said: got an It
^'o. I don't uke any ietiwst In pollth.IM.M. Fmp««».p. thl. «d.
die- clutilig tbe voyugi- beingr thrown
iMo fhe ladlan t
Oea, and I never read a line or war news. translating
vverlxsard. pn>)>i>sp to rooont
(d tbe world naltoa tbat tbaaaatoJri and in iM than ten minntes tbe
tbe hymn—
pig (trope oat below.” WbaiBttbeCbi- baUulUg offlee 011 Its Meaffleni. -aotborX have Bomelhtog tm my mind of nrare
k»k <4 ases. den tee aw.
ImportSBec to me. 7^ pereen who drags
Mgo Firl's jaw dropped with a baavy Irlng. at (be aan»>tlme. all paaoeDgen
tot tre Mdv nystit U thre.
Bc before the imfatio and bedda Be op te
of the flrei and second clasaea to pro­
clang.—Kew York Son.
Imogise his surprise and ctegrt* 1
mdkote has got to pa> for ft.”
vide tbcmtelvre with c*>(Dbs. wbieb
part o< tbe fooe. They reached fraoitbe
"Tog are betog maUgMd., thcar 1
will be transported Sratto. Tbns the
Bcoa to tba waist In Italy and Franos
old era-,
tar mr boBl.
travek-r may lie reruio of bla arrivaL
do yaa AtJf ot a wUe.” ha '
dead or alive, at tbe terminna of bla
» Ma ana Eoahad a»d hto On

» in I,



» u.,






SdcifilK JntricaE.

f— rmmoomuxH,^

’iMvtaMiMUjfevw. q*aw^
tttf PMMC* •«. tk*




W am.

aMA Mto «
U.tBfe«Mk !<• >».

'•MrlB.’*«|d aa
SbiM Llae batvaao Pawaa
TaMKft llwwa
Ibadcteftof CbalA


rVL )■ M. VnnU. MMaa aa< eaefaaa.


■It u

Be taiwd to (aea aa aUoto ^
Aa iBiptwd MttoD picker baa b«n j

It «e


, foOowlBC
t 7t
port. La. wWrb I.
Lo^Ua SS, Ha U «aa &al.H.L.>OaB«k..
• ^**“ *»^
^ li* 1iB oar diiaodoo. Ithadtww Vaaa.B.L;*Oe.B«k..
boUa from high or low cottoa boabea ,
« tmaa.
•^berebaaarbeceaerfMtMdBov- or plahti witbom'tearin* tbe flbeta of "~|2“
ntakam tbe tbaeaBd ^
tbe bat or tbe crowtof plaat.
SSTbamaw PawaeaBd Baart-a- Url,.}>................
-Ur Jnabaadr ctM ti»e aUarij ladrTbe naeblae. ,*aara Tbe SrteeUfle aobadala tlma. ao that oain Ha U
-PapaT esdaiiaad tbe glri.
viaild bare tba right of waj.
-I_I i im't
- beUeee

I baee the b
"Tbe dalar wai wbat cnaaad tba
opal troot eod of vhlob eertlcal abafia tooBbla Aa aide trade laataUingym
are Jovnialed. canrlbC plcklnf ditka. abont ww }nat bdilnd and and* a hilL PntitOM.narbia...
the Each plcUn« dUk >■ fonaed with a Tnia Ha U bad Joat baekad od to tba ■altpsbC...........
a that old p
1 w
•oM emlasan baapv don Wa ba«A
hr aoUd core, wboac top aod bottoa di- aide track, and befon tbe
----------Terfeftofn tbe ed«e to tbe center. Be­ ooold ibift tba awiteh train Ha SS Bnebwbau rionr s* bU..
pleaae take Uai
tween ttaeae picker ibafia two other eama dMbing azoond tba bUL Ibaaaavrun
-Whjr. r*e jart btooabt Urn aboardr rertlcal abafta are JottmaM. peprlded
ginear mv Um dangw. Ba toiaad d<m
■aaiwd HowelL
and bot-1
tbrotUewith a hardaboeeaod wbii- must, old, pw M.......
-Too broocbt Un aboard r eidatnxe with brwbea IieveW at
toin to conform with tbe tootbad pick-1
brak*.’ Hli edforU ware of Wbaat, per bet (saw)..
elderir I
log diaka. On the lower enda <rf Iheae ^
^ bowaret Train Ha 81 tamed Data, Ha 1. par bn. (np
tbe DarblDeiT etartlng tiader e<
font T«-rtlcal abafu beveled pinlona •» ! in on tbe aide track and want craablng
otrrled wbicb iue*b wliL tK-veled geara ,
tj,o can of tba train.
e**- Howdt an a forward trantrerae eba/t geared ...............atripped off the tisck a« clBon
Bnmr, par a
S -------------------------------------------—‘
with tbe traction axle. Tbe'Wwcled
(Swcled M If they Had beto peas in » pod. Tbo- ■m- par dog
14' 'K/rita. DA Roai
-Wh]^ I never
geara are ao proportioned with
I iu bp stairs mlrrsak rrtedrKb'soe^
frr erclaiincd
errialiocd tbe >Ii
Bvsldeers SII Wi
TOO ear I toM T<«i aorth .
is: Mto tt s. as.; t u I and T w Ip. m.
' 82, inctnding
locomotive, toppled
irbere too arer
'ait a b
‘phrae. XonOerb 'pbone Me. I.
foraola tf the W. W. Ktmhan Co.
. htn
off tbo track. Remarkablo at it may
cried Hnirell. -I’ll
bho to rr.n
PU>OD. OSre li
fled inadir towanl tbe ftera
a of lU
' teem, only the tart of Na 14 were
beat, daned ibroogb the pauage that
‘i thrown off tbe track,
. 7. Blgglu. OpmttTt BtnttrtiT
lortPem •pDaot.!
baa been referred to sereral limea and
j "When tbe two troimi ctraek. tbe *oran iafo tbe- nnm of the lovelg Todna
gineer-of 14 bad bit baud <3i tbe tbrutwomtD Id wboee- aerrice be bad enUm^d
tle, abont Co atop hit train. Tbe shock
: throw him oat of tbocahand tbe wrench
“Where ii her abe asked.
i threw opCB tbe throttle again and reTTA a i: aOOTT Veterinary
find bliu? Oh. it Ini't |K.,.lhle tbai
Aa llDrgsr' ___ .TWaisoUeaae, of ol
; Tcrsod the engina When the can had
ca'n have gone a«bor« again! ’
l.ytar UMI sod IBMI sw
CoB-stir ama
-I don’t kneiw." gaaped Howell, “but
been atripped off' the track, the loootnoOsy w ^bt colls pmpdr

.•urndrd. TelepDoac
wbereeer be Is I'm sure b<- doesn't !•«tlve went ’wild' down the tradt toward
dwelllog- •tock. alire.
long there, bfy last i
La Grange. Woof tbo LaGraiigeaecomer property Inanrable.
take him asbon-.”
mniatjon bad by ibis time neared tbe kindly remember J
my father ai.. . .
cnrvQ. 1 wot at U>v !a-adof the train at
-WHI. rd like to know who
J call# un oi BreSboges's or •bsas's aato
lookont I beard tbo sonnd of a locomo prompt and eartful attention.
tiro approochiDg and aigoaled tbe en­
'Be calm.” said Howell, running bla
gineer of oar train to reverae bii engina an^‘rmpan"?« re?^ntto““’‘
Angers through bis balr like a tnaniae.
Bu bad hardly timo to Jnmp to tbo
calm^^ileayjJor ^Nn’j-Uai1
throttle' when the wild loeomotiTe
“t'ertalnly not."'
to the plulun* that the picker shaft! ' crtwbedliDionA 1 was thrown. 1 reckon, Phone 73.
JobnooD Block i
“Are you sure t:
will. ruiate at a lower rate of speed 80 feet and came oat of It with
. piAKO TfXIXti-^J.W^ll»r.*wfwloog
that i«. 1 mean
tbe vntletnan I

«eec( at b*r eactted atatr ot wtod.


fcpyl «kc

^ IN M

M «• «« M*.
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mtk MSCU M dM*




(te MllkW ■»«*

••« M*. Nl ttai^
«( i^

k«« •M’* «. k-lt -d Orf._____


p.ysBg-ssg gs.-sfs



Tbe Siockbeln M(«iD«r «u alioct
mO (rpn tlnll. Blw litd the toU «
fitmmict patMnrn. um) tbm w«n> the
iMi pqDbvr of trf«iid» aad ralatim (o
■lity rrodhr. IVopIc vrrt- nwinlDc abont
. •p«o tka mill
^ Id tbe »alnou ab»r«'. klr*.iiiK
Mber iB a banj and m4cl<«* a>a
Obatrriiix Ibe e»«il allendin*
thaae ceremoDln aud tbe
-look Id tbee erea
eyea of
«/ oeorij' all tbe vor. Uoacll waa of tbe opinion
It It
Itiwould be safe to ki» two or lUire
glrU on tbe chantv that
A} tU
tu pntllest
Oer WDOld mlattke bbn feir a beotber
or conain In tbe general <-<mfu»ion of farv
Vella Tbive waa one girl Ui panicalar
wKb whotn'he would bare tfie.1 tbe eiperineat If be eoold bare p-eour^-d ibe
art with bU Ideaa of aS iitlriuadtr. be­
havior. She waa the pn-ltint of all and
the Boat dbtratVed.
Tbne waa a ruab for the U|i|>er parta
lugbt on the wbarfT'
of tbe boat. It ae<mvd that tbe gpig-Uotv do I know whom yon caught
7 D. IVANB. H. D. crsdosie trow tbs
outer sides of tbe pU-klnB disks paoa lata Ho. 1 don't railroad any mor*.’
plank waa
about to be^ pol
pnlb-d in, and the wbarfr- Sbe demanded. "I bar
<£<• B».bra1dFpsrtaerBtef tbr t'Blrrrs^ at
Iwtwe«-n 'aiUaivni
lttan<-bes of the ■ —LonisriUo Coorier-JonmaL
aiUaivnc litam-bcs
BdAsIc. FrbSr. Iir& Hprr«l siiriiiloB fflwa
___ ^ waa in a hnrrj to
lut I fancy
ranry Ifaat I know
V. If I r 1 only find him.'
verabic {dace for waving a baihlkercbk-f
bualws. and^e UH-tli remove ibe lint
a Mera voice, “wbere from tbe 1>M: Tbe cutton lint Ibiu
to frlenda upon the pier. Hen and wo­
from I
. At bear from r u Id
» great day
men atnmUed ovtv tbe band baggage
to popnlar
II tnroed to epofroat tbe exdtcd sbnfts rotate amt swept off the i
which other Beu and woBen bad eet tn
their war or pleked op that wbldi did
be hrusb<-s lulo tbe In'x.
IBfUm Blrrri- »rm
-Wbcr8 arc niior demanded HowelL by tbt
not belong 10 tbra or aougbt valolg for
cdiiccnivd. It was the date of tbo
order to prevent tbv lint from flyIn u
-kly wife and By‘daughter. 1 must
that whipfa dM.
appearance of thu black bone—tho
Tbe Toung woman wbom Uowdl bad find them. If tbi-y baren't tbe ti^ets
btoi obaen-ini waa carried np tbe atain and the
tbe B
money. I'il swear that I baven'faaven’L"
He dlaplayr
layrd a big poekiletbook. wbich
to lbe«rowd. ai
Wuriburg Block
n tbo histvy «f France.
:be cuurac of bU
bebad bemia< ebing in tbi
ns tbe matter and that it waa hla
ly. Hr. Winslow,'
0 lend aid. With greaf skill be made
U aiartini
lb war to ber aide Joal am abc beAgn
young girl, “tbe stean
TT trilh uerron^neM and vcsnlion.
Ton'll be carried away." .
“1 can’t brlp It." be returned,
t», u,„
pi-k-, j Si
,r, ™0f
It Ton're iu soine sort of trote young ntau was sen
_____________ L_
i Hu se».mcd io pu»i3« two pacta only—
tell me that she lo<l — Beer Tebaeee Hew.
< a frelliiigwalk and a wiiidimll c.mter.
_______._n do“1 haven't enougli with me t
i3no oiitomif <'f tlie Tr.vtisvaal war Ho was a tbor agh ►pocimeu of wbat
atber’a pibe nsbnre, and be bai them through, but -I must stay ai
(«.' tbtb- .iwpularlty
..f Ho,.t toba.x-o the Spani.vrds cnir aiiarmBaul hoTM.-."
le back!- tbe cried. “We led wbnt I enn.”
may |.
dody. yet solemn: straiiiiig,
“W'by. it was 1 that pent bln»:
a nil and“—
iu Etgluti.l- Tills |.isi.!ui-t of South
claimed tbe girl. ’ Aud ytf course I didnt Africa is pure. elieui«. « lvuii luiil liealUi- yelstatel ; flaouiiUR, yet uiajeuic; mag
-I* be piing with you?"
niy 1fatber. And fuL In ^bmU» Atriea 1IU‘ newly nr- nlloijneut. yet eIo<;sent,
-Tes. and be bat tar ticket and all the want you. I n-aut-d] my
there be is
aleanier has
b I
drilled withibumostadniirarlv«-d lUvetenite sifiokiv
laimed tb­ •u the pi-r. Fatlier. fatber!"
itoliied lirauds —.
- - blu skill.. His mat.ucrs w,.vu soMtperilowell luoki'd over Ibe rail and
joniig maa "I>»ij‘t « ortr a I it. Gonud
with ali bis firework display
tall. white haired man making frantic tbe bK-4l |.r,-liiet. Then- mv many va- , latino
gund br the raU nnuldv tbe
rtilleg of IWr tolutiw. nil of wMlcb bo conl l not have been -vither ^ifflcolt
rU bring blm ibere."
"tVbal sball I dv7 Wbat aball 1 doT*
___ _____jn’t know bhn.”
wailed tbe girb
-Tea, I do: 1 saw him with
Tbo U-st Triiuavaal tobaeeo Is grown
■Tbis is all my fault." eri<d Howell Id In tbe nelghborbo-td of Itusieulmrg,- Vho .wo were Idwitic..! tn theirr ways.'
mlnutea ago. l>oo‘l he afraid.”
-If 1 couW only find ilra. TtTn.low mortal augidsb. “bat I'll get yon out of it oUoui 40 lulli-s. uoribwest of I'retorla. I Each was as glldeti asibeolber. As
. the
tbe glritl began.
and-----Ethel”horwj bonuded the gcmval. who bod a
a the vri^ of the near I*r«itdeut Knip-r's private .farms, weak grip, rocicLd on bini. AC 'every
to they
•Gb, pspar
y bun.liv«l
bundnsl tboiismiJs
tboiiRnnJs of
>e sl<K>d In ibc Here many
dak cbfs^cd gli
rU fin
stride be swoug banuoDioDsIy hi tbe
•Vou’re carried
later; roor falo.-> —.
cmvO mid neflt to tbe markets In huge emldle and boot right and left allemateHe no down the atalr; and darted
ly, like a Etai,-o sovereign bowing to hit
I have parebBSed the line bred Coach StaUloo Bonffro,
“Wiiat'a this about yonr tickets and tight ndiK.
ncTom tbe gangn-ay. TTtere was abnMt
-- le.—Blackwood’. Magademanded Winslow of bU
«a mnrh coiifotion on lEe pier at on tto
Other wrtl known varietiea of the
imported from France by K. W Unnham of Wayne, IUff„
beat, but in a moment be eepled tbe maa daughter.
Bo«y Jeaf are tbti I'ondo. ringo. Bosu■Why. Ihey'it- aU right." she replied.' to and Xeslbe tolmecoe. Tbese are
of wbntn be wat In search Ulklng with a
Oa Ih* F
tbe largeet importer in America.
-B'hal made you tbink they weren't?’.
cabman in the middle of the fder.
When taking his walk abroaiL Bert
“A Varing lunatic told me to,” aoid gtv>wii In the ntflve lerrltorlea after
The fact that tho hoiae waa Imported by M. W. Dnn>
-Tour dougbu-r w aulH you!” be cried,
w hich they aiv clirtsteued.
-y Pnmpls ^er*lly to bo seen Inlhe
gratplng the man J.y tbe arta "Hnrty B'insluw. ginritig at HowelL The most fragrant of them is tbe company
upaiiy of a .plain looking burwealtby ham ia a goarantee that he is a good -on^. Said horse la a
w enoagh.’'
-Uo tbe wboli-," aaiJ Mrs. BTnalow
Toa’ve only lud time
■own on t
Wltbout^waiiiug for a arord la reply, gently. “I'm glad it bappeuud. The M
iress. Bitt crodHom are thn* dolntlcd
n a toTl su
ba bnirird the old peitlemann acrciaa tbe Voyage will do y-u gwvl,“
into tbe exp-elation of a niarriage be flae individual, bright bay, 16 hande high, weight 1,860,
•Good!” gti.fb'd \\:^slow.
’’And 1 .. loaf sluipc. the leaves l«eltig daui>- ! tween llie pair and pivo bitu a little fine cerria^, a greafl
‘satj roe
haven't so much
• ■
1 eni'd ■and i>n*swri into
r respite
'”W n
“ light mass, ' bnigi
les ^on
..o.-- . oav.-n , ev.-o
^ l’«'<'‘f«l Into A OOV.TlUg | Sofflv,
stUrlcnt ajid joyt
-We're rdtig to aail In abont four
horses ever imported. I have hie pedigree with the seal of
ond*,” repliid Howell calmly, “and yon ti n It iu Vl.
UuMerStt llaj
.......... ....
1 in arm -.vitii .Sauftni-li r. a caudi........................
1, and the
have gut your duubier's
Poor Ilurn-tl i. w-.r-.- off tbau I am.
le ar^ ibou France attached, which will take loo much apace to pub*
(buugb it wus tbe rvsnlt of bis
hasn't any money.
, KlwriiMeape views «C riBWt Rswwtl
*‘Blr<t> tuy b.>ai:" esclalBed tbe <dd lessucs^'
I b,- gbid you’re here on Miilio’sl In liU rtudles •.f slow iiK.tlons Pro- grow wcady, it appears.
gentleman, ihrnsiing a hasty band into
Us lireast pv ket. *’Is it pooilde that
It." said Mrs. \Vin«l«w. .-..mforl- Ifesww fharfo 8. Sli-Mor. by. liii^aas
i;hrhhb<r. tli- inaudfacturor. like* to
Bonere will be at my barn for tho balance of the oeaI’ve be«n Mcarelevsr
pr, llj giri wlLtw tculib-s bad :.,,f klpelmw-»is' pl-tun-s. b.-i* xi liiagnlKrt.-g-r. tlw i.M v-torsoa.
and for the purpose of iotroduclng him terms tbis sea­
H.- Iiiwk.- io.e.0 from Howeirs grasp
motions the grouiU.of
.^rh.tus br. a-t .. ail cw. n d yvi»b
and ds»hed up tbe stairway with ama»•I.U.'.l Uia.l-.w. nod I
,,a« and Iwatis during.three lut-ti.iN and ri'.'>‘'a« “A Imi-borrowod son wiU be $12 00. Will be here after July 20th
Ing flgtUly.
T thsi Jl-rimkra
spKn-ior. " Ei.H.nb-t thmks. '’will
’TLer.’. no hum nira." HoweU c*U.-d
'V>'' id.otograpli.-d <m tl.o klmt- ,j,tuv upon n.y empty butt nhob*. "
after bim. “You will find her by the nadcirnhle on the way to
; oscoir film by tnrtlucial light at InUT-.
Anna, net janiralarly g .ri looking.
rail tioitdOc tb- aft.-r staterouBb”
la tbe BiddI- of.tbe passage Unwell . How.II willed un.1.T ibis, bloti. Imt be jrals if a few to n few Imure ^iwavs go- . o=t with D- rtlia. who is OoTlolcutly euivuoter>-<l tbe^Pd geDtieman, iwover.ll wiicD MlUit- Boroitt vaoie DO ,durin): rhr tlim'we<-ks. On projoetlnp cidoiily plain Tb n Mks will say.
Wbd wbs tvturnlnc at bigb >T>ecd.
bly to bis wiwor-.
fbe jik-um-s uiwJti llie *cni-li at the •‘Auua'i, utif had. after 4U"—Hntaor“Get ..ut of the wayr* bee si. posbii
“\Ve must iriu.-iuber.- said »hc. “thst osual mie, the tu.Ak.0 of growth was is,iK.bc Blati-r.
tbe ytiUDg uian asid.-. “I'm D s burr
witat this genOeiuAU has dotH- was with magtolleJ al«ut r4.M»s» ilim-s. aud the
-------------------------Ob. I U-K your pnnlt.n. 1 didn’t roC«- tbe |114 Inutition. •
. .. , i dlffemit niles of d.-veloimu-ut of ti.C
^^ou. She lia'i ibrrr. WU're can
««■*<■'»* «'»«''
'^e Elmira Adv. rt.s.r b lisa story
Among the striking,r*guli. aclergyman abont to leave his parish
He dsm-d away forward. Iraring How- ^. 4wd^.«’ hulm
.*B sutuewbat i»Ttd.x.d, It nss absurd wvaihJl HowrilH clJto. and sm.*ins;«is *he curious twhavlor of a pc* who Jia Utide:,re<l btniMlf loevery.c
stojgglinc to eater IniiH-netrable SOIL in it by bu self Utnying pastoral wm
t» snpixiM- tliai lb.' y.tnng woman had his eigotw.
feme to bi-r Matrru.>m. Howell was
And one evening HoweU i.tid Millie'the root Ctirring nod writhing much Among those who ealleii npou hiiu
maeh n>.tre ready to In'Ueve that the er- aU>ot bis ooerr fancy iVRardiiic tbe kis*. , Jikp on nnglewotm. while the pea waa M?
"tw aa aged COOple who
rOBl father in bU wild eiGiemcnl bad
U.,m.W cr
wm i».ii™l«lr t™. ol hli» Wltci.
OUsd to see ber in tb^ vnnid Iwslde tbe eiun. Julo Lis It prov.-d
■ *“ lar Science.
they were about to leave, the old lady.
roU. 8o be trawrMid tbe passage and interesting subject of ruuversaliun. and
with much fe«-!inR and many tears,
looked out.
wiaic lb«- two yoimg pvx'fie were ix the
tbe band
Bfwe Leaves, er ‘•geetlew."
tui.Ul ..f it the fancy became s reality.was Boved to tear* b „
The fatlfomia Fruit t;rpv..T tells — (wl»o
..............rc«ed was tb. young lady bersvlf.
IVuuy.picfotial Mugazioe.
that pin-needle* are-being utllUod in "Tbe Lord only know*. Brother 8..
ton toward bln with a i-ty of joy.
that I
-Too have fonnd blmr
Re Paints <Vttw.
and -iien run tbropgh borixoutal wood»«*P
»«• >»“*
J bim-to come uat b
rollers, which extract tbe Juice, serwons.” The moral of Ibe story npbilious things fhnn paint niilmals. al­
and look for y..u, and be did so. but be though chielly kn-wn as tn animal fsalnt- TbI. is called pine noodle olL which pears td be that fine Freoebing is not tb«
was so oervoot that 1 goess be failed to sr. was asktil tb«- <-tber day by one who It *nppo*ed to iwsses. medical proper- “iT
qualificarion of a clergyaoUev yirti."
bad known him as -an aspirant to higher ties. Tbe pulp It used a. a mi-dlcatod “»»•
thing, why he no l«op-r attempted the matt^l for upbolstorlng and is also i
wwn They Wrai* ncir Bawks.
greater brigbl, of art.
rood substitute
substitu for borne- [
g by
• tbe
• Inner
• Trend
•aid to be a good
broader espcricnce is needed 40
“Why-" Mid.he in repiT. “a cat
hair.. Ij U osid that Insect peals wOl oompose a full grown novel than to
. —_____I pot ber on cwnvaA
. nk beta. pM*." be aoB to the Semebudy liked her pitmentary looks sad sot Uv« in fornltwe that has been op« ,bori stow, and the gtoat norUdy. -I’U tsrlM Uto t« 7«« this boo^t tbe idctni^ J aenf. 0 Bonty and bolBtered wttb |4ne needleo.
aim* bav* often vMoyed their first eltoe
painted aatitber cat. and that aoM at
; orate ftetioBt when no lanrea young.
“IPs 00* kind of you," s6d At girL
once. Now tbe people think'-l ran patoi
Boon was mere than 40 when be pnbThe dd genrirmsD's'.. coaruUs
rats, and they wIM boy any cat I paint,
Om to^lr
I0.»11„. b»n
u« tot ot tb. W™l.T -d-l
Am dbappearing aron^ tbe comer of tad If 1 try tn paint anything dae they
toU.d 1.1.. “
* jn,..k,»7'.to ». to ftto Mwtol
the simetnre that ruim up ibrowh the will not look at It. They think I
Bdddle of tbe saloon forward oi tbe main
li ■ImpHclty lioelf. Tb* nmneri a» —
•talrwiy iarioalng the npfwr port of the
And be does |^t cat., and tbey asU. ..___
fldnnUc Lnmbw in aU Mma '
■Bfhluny and a few gtaicreows foe «H- Still tberv are people wbo assert tbit tbe
con. HoveU made bb bHt weed. b« he onlft and Dot the public eaUUiabet tbe
48 when be oent forth ’*Tb«Scarlet Let‘ '
' d the rireok totore
in of ert. The cat palmer is oa .principle recratly MpUed to TkrietA—
—BroBdrr iUttbewa Js
Mlat. aeto*mlcUB.-New York So. | Popular Sriesce.
88. KlcbolM.



.Fire Insurance.



John R. Santo,
Giuril lisiinet.


= \Wl




! Clothes Cleanioe and
^ Pressioj Establishmeot





The Up-To-Date Photographer

1 Fine llie of Photeerepk Buttons. Eolargine of 111 Kinils.

Fine Wood


For Cooking or Furoace Purposes


-- - —




JOHN F. OTT & 00.

wan w SmTWH Otty I-u>1iCT Oo.


"Tte ntalw««.*’ Mr* Mr. Wrlcbt In
n* Lnpd of Rnfisblnr. ,*n>riW«l In
«M nciwol 4*r* to pnntoe that tbo
vnrfd sttnll nercr *(n)n be deotrorr^
by Bond, are m> eonunon tbst prefanbly
•mj fixm penos bu aceo nt kawt
«b* entr r«nr of bi* Ufe.
*Fo(bow* are ct rarer
Ueae veUt) apparlUon* of tbe fof* oe^ only, ao Ur a* I know. In coanMM
bOrdertncon tbe aeacoaat.
"BaoaUy near Urn bncrtra I abw a
1^ lemarfcaUe tog balo. of wbteh
•a tBperfen idea b clren by tbe mnaCUUoo.' I bad climbed to tbe top of s
^aboBt SOD «m altltode. vbere er-«Qrtblac (ielo#‘ me aaa
«a* ahrooded
la a
thick ondidatlnc
if foee^t
tofAbMi tpread orer
tbe coontry like
e a nb
n« wbitc
wbl ae*. The
a«n aroae abare
ire (lie foa
fo* dear and
If pa4 G o'clock
^ btUM. At haU
tbe ft*


dlreet ootcrowtb aod reaolt of ocr nadooal protective poUcy. to deplore the
expeditkai to Patagonia
«ld daja of onr foretco ocean trade and
to talk remialaipnUy of pkirioaa free srbatber tbe myl5don. or giant aMh.
trade Omea. vheo tnfcy aqnare rlgsed oun exists tn the mountains there.
Tbe fact th|lt aclentlsta bellere tbcae
■bipa lay at tbe city's
flanm'of prebistoric times still exist In
flesh and blood was brought to light in
great port every day and ibe enonnotM a lecture by Prolesaor Uay Lancaster
namber of three and foor masted InLondoo. wlieaaM:
*-It U quite possible, but I don't want
acboonera.fftigatrd tbe name tray. In
tboae days If an American wanted a to aty more than that. I beUere tbe
sratcli. piano dr a rdi of carprt be aent
to Enrupe fur tc lie doe* not hare to
go beyond Li* own country nowadays
for a better and <-bea|*-r artIHo.
Wtast must sm-ti an old fowU tblnk
of tbe recent launcbing at Wyandotte,
Mtcb.. of a freicbl rteamer to ply on
tbe gnat lake* of the nitebty west, a
country which bat bad Ita development
alnce IbCI* Tb|* ship U buUt for a

wide and 28 feet deep and I* at present
tbe Icn^wt iioat. if abe can lie to railed,
on tlM; lakes.

hr Bo*; A K. DarlA
Rosiy mwosa.)
sneers* of uUaioo work In tbs
past 1* a gusiantre of Ibe aoqceos t*!
'ailaston work tn tbe future. AD taBa j
not been done tbsi we would like tot
hare seen done. l<ut much more .baa i
been done »*■■" many Imagine. Cbrfa-!
Uanliy ba* been trrtnendoady felt la'
tbe whole Hrtnsed world. Cbristlaatty i
ntir* loday in tbe ruleiA taws and In-1
stJtntton* of tbe nstloo* wbleb control ]
aod govern the earth, ti-*- *»«»»»» !
pbUoaopby aod science
are and bare l>een predominantly
CbrisUan. Tbe graiu of mostard seed
bas t>fcome a great tree, the Mule War.
en has leareocd ibe whole InmA' and
tbe stone hst becume a great mountain.

says a chemist In the Kan«as
City Star. “1 venture tbe prediniao
»t<Rt tbe aretage well to do fauiQy will
be making its own Ice Inside tbe next
two years. For s loug time pai>i a
number of tbe clercrest Inventor* In
tbe country bare been trying to di v no
a small, compact ice tuaebllie Will: a
capacity of from TiO to fii*) ]k>uih1« a
day that cau.lic oivrattd by any domestic servant, aod they hare made
sufficient progress to twing success
cleaily In view. It Is an interesting
fact that iiearty all tbe tvloarkaldr ImIirovemeots wbleb Lave lieen made In
largo t-oinmerclal machine* during tbe
last two or tbn-e years lia^e s
lbem>u-lre* In this tlMesR Mearcb for a
bat dose II ? What ha* been the secret
practical bonsehobl ap)>aratu*.
"When I say tliat sikv-i-** 1* In sight. of mlsshHiarT snect-c* to (be pa*t1 Tbe
answer to tbcM'-i|ites(lau* will m>lve
the proldem of missionary sueiv-a* for
b-m* liaro Invii sulvi*!.
' today, ami tb.-y arc answi-r<sl by Christ
(1<-R tbal iviiinin to Ir■r of fart
l'*"sag«' from the .Vet*. Two
purely laecba'nlcal. .Vs a
four ur flve small (iiacblues __ _
is.iiii.-d nni til divine powerj
ready In the market, but none of Ihei

Two Sights

Bay View

T. Bath Glasson

and Simday
July 14th end 15th.

Tuo Rcfiieil EitertiiBRisflts

fnuii an Incaiide
I ary ehiin-li, and It* sueee** wa* based ■
ts'iit bmj’Siieke). just like ll»- nnlliI
upon ili.<*H- two -elemenia So It must B*CUr» SeAtS Eurly.
eliTtrlc-fan. Tls' •nok will till
irslay If missionary effiTt U to
Crcclrer Willi water. luaVc Uk- cnlibeC- I
Oo Not Miflfl
tiun and go alx>ut ber bii-.iiic»s.
1. itlvlDc power !« necessary to mis"Tberc I* iiotbliig riujilan al'xiut tills
slnnary sm-ees*. •'Ve- shall recelrf U Front St..
Telephone 304
little fonvasl. IVrtalc Icc plant* are
power aft.-r .tbst the IToty tlliost I*
nlnady pmi'ljcnl fur icry small e<itnci*mc u|s.ii you.” Tb<- aiswilm walttd
uien-lal i-oiici’niK, r<-.iniiriiiit*. eonfee-'
at Ji ruKsIciii nnlli they eis-elvmh (bis
ti'iner*. cli'.. ami tbe ll••UM-llllld tna]M>wcr
of tbe Holy t;bo*t. and tItfU
ebtne Ik nne of Iln- advain
forth sDii preaclieit Cbrist
llncol domestic •simoiny
Mic-i-R*. The nio*l
niay look furwarrl with alaudiite confl•b iiinii of sncei-KKfnl inissino work
denec. Ily Ibe wa}', one <>f ibe lareub
(to' [Kiwer of 111.; Wiilrlt. It la absoor* who
to gain siH-r'.-R* wlibb-m Is
re cillii-r tilings ^t
told la U ly that lie bail ont a’
very ii<-<-< «iiary. sneli (is w'eailb.'orgaulmrioi., ki.owl.;jfe. but (lieM'at^
«!■« l.otbitig about llgiil.l air. iK-rai— all s.i'on.laCy b> the om- givat
lliat strange pnaliiet
pnaltiet bn*
Iin« prove
(lal iiuallty of spiritual powpr. I*aal
tricky and intmetnbic that II I-. risky
iiad no weallb. no gn-at organization,
veiiiure any j.r.'.licil.-iiK n* i» wbst but he bad .llvlne |R>wer. ilic |iower of
l«- ........ will, ti .\ti- the Spirit, and with that be was tbe
(«<*‘*"*r '■ub»tane.- wl.i.ii bn*
most sucti-ssful of mlRsluuariea.
of lb.- fu­
l'''>»''d a*
"» tbo
»'<; ‘r.-rrig<-rniit
SCflflfl S£SD”eii£ S3
ture' t* a so cnll.ll 'fni-siiig jKiw.I. r.' might or by power, but by (be S|ilrtt
It I* tvally DoUiiiig new. but an espen- Cod.
cbcmical *alt that i* fn-qui-nlly
2. flnman rffon to

wan no iiierchant »lilp or *(eamer liullt
of till* etionnnas rajiaeliy or *1*0, nod
a* to (b<- <dd Railing vnuH-ls of anielH-l>
lum days, a 2,S(iO tonm-r wa* a wonder.
America did not get to 1k> rich bwaui'e
tbe skies are aqflB3>luer «r tile rlltuate
lietter than.many cmiiilTles of tbi- old
world, blit ii cUlatloii iRTn of {intriot*
pro, ,„d wl«b.iu. baring for It* object
y,e upholding of tbe Airierl.-an workman, fr.y -anrt e,|ual. undey tbe <-onstltotlon. not a cbatl.-l slave. Ir to la-cmli„.d y„r „ur national prosj^rity.Brookbqi Times.



tegan to drift. With this tnoreroent
(be balo made II* appearance, oiidsual-;
ly clear nml Rbarp. Walking .to tbe
«scat of the bill lo get a ladier riew.'
ny shadow wa* (brown In aliiuHit Inky
Mackneas upon tbo fog Intlio center of
giant gri,uiHl * still exlKts In some
*Tbe observer of a rolol^ well
of the mwmtalmma region* of PniagoPROSPERITY INDICATOR.
* I
Imowi that tie l« always situated eiartty on a Itnv l>e(ween tbi' sun ond tbe
bow liwdf. Around tbe bi-ad of Uie!
tereaUng Uvturc by s
■hadow was funned a serle. <.f pris-1 The following offlrtol statement con- repreaeiilatlon of a mvl.Rluu as tbe U«t'
tnallc rings of clear rainbow brimaucy. I crmlng Uie railroads of the I'nlted autimriUta conalder him to have anAs the !*ow began lo fade streaks of Plates
piate* for tbe year** eodlng
ending June 30,
30.!| peared
neared on^piwrhuin
onkanerhuie. be docs today
lodar apaolight radiated from the hrod lu the , jgas and IfDO. to Instrurtlre:
I pear In the lower portion of ibe Andes.
obadow and from between and behind {
tbe rings, tn the center, directly- Vornhw cmiJor**doond the head of the shadow, was Tm*i mri; «i«w.
the same sllverr wbitdes* of the pri-'
.... 'SM.Tn.lri
taB.7St.ia mlng measured 13S fccL
naty bow.”
I They had iMiwcrfnl bind legs
_____ _ _

nxu.sia lu *** ®* -nornius
'“Ormous atrenrth.
suvngtu, nin^
-Ktoetrirtlipla toeatclac.
Borne corloUi expedient* arc neeesaary at Umra in Uk- medlcn! appllcattooa of electricity. It Is sot uncom- 144.000 people employed aloee the last mostly on the tender' tops of trees.
Mon now for Uic rtectric enba In New
Xoek to be preaanl Into service as pers Central and South America. pliec
times In one w« k. the face
OBbutatlDC aouree* of electric poaer
but they are comparatlrely si
sn.l neck iH-lng pn.lccted wlib
by physlelan* wbo are called upon sud- was additional money expended In p
The modem sloths seMoi
foil mask, ctrept where the rays «-ere
Intendedjo fall. The disunct- totween
tbe \acuum tulM- an.l the skin was Ixs
alsctrlclty from atrret clrcnlts Is not
tween sis an.l seven inebe* Five am«B tap. Becently on a steamboat ply­
perea of eurreut were usa-J
ing ft«m New York to a neighboring ."***
ot It. .lew
flown a poaaenget undertook to commit been improved.
. mnvMwn^im

Huoiet t Baumbaaih.

6rud SipMl a IBIIIUI Rl.

e* unto M.-.” IHvloe power J*
I ( will, bumau effort. We are to

nisalem and In Samaria^ Sincere buman effort put forth In the (tower of
tbe Holy Cl.ost will make mUnionary

At,., u,.. mr. h.d
Onlrtde by swallowing toadannni.
Under the new financial tow tbe net
gkmoog those on tbe ressel a phystcUn
«nw dtoeorered. but naturally be did funding provision were 37.2B8A18 up to

1 .*■
TBB rsAvea wceruo.
' a
«Mt have with bim tbe apparatus fur inne 1. Appllestlon* for bank* with a. gr«*b«h »»H..h.nV wi
■Itocklng the patient Into sensibility.
pitBl Of ira tbiD ISO.OOO numbered' -(S^'^n'Thr^'tl^MnimSLio^I^f, ....................... -/began to
"» l.elrtlul.-and'
■“'1 tr*e the I'nlled soclety'a apectol pro"*-4 pale in
1 for awhile an even ebanes
ones *#4. Wlthacaplulof*.VI.000aodorer the Halil exnedltIon. I* to have ebarw"’’."'t
1 cobw and the »klo Ik-cto do gramme or let one be arranged by tba
After 4S exi»*urea “‘“'"“rT
srbetber or not tbe suicide would ba there were K application*.

,m. ALt5!vJ,
Charge t
biolk anaouiaB.
Finally the elertric light | ‘^rlTg'"«dlng Jan.Jl ‘
“oT^who won the ; (be whole of the very thirk and do»-sy 1
IMU on the boat bethought bimaelf of Imports at Porto Blco amounted to 36,- ' Buidrtt-Coutta scholarii'hln at Oxford growth bad dJaa|.peared. except nlBe| Pa. Ixxll. 8-20; Isa. xxxv. MO: xilx.
Lairs, which d.-fietl destnictlun for at 20-23: SSeeb. Iv. G; Nab. I. IS; ifath.
least a w.i-k after the total removal of j xxvlll, lU. 20; Art* xlll. 1-3; BomT
tbe olhent. .Vflc-r the treatmrtit »a* ' 14. U; 1 Cor. HI. 3 T; Itev. xxH. 17.
) ordinary telepbuoer-B l>ox with
thick hairs retiimtwo0 little gongs' lu front and a crapk B..I.A l.clu.1^ WreprlAilm to^.
tasily removed by
The Relaral Cbareb BeMbei
tatum. This
Tbi machine can give a lireJust what (lie g.Kvl, helpful cburrtl
ly shock: so.
>. armed with a few feet of
memlMT Is In church be Is at bowe,
arlre and a husky d.-ckhand to turn
- great many X ray exi*Tt* to be- with an «i»cn heart ami an open hand,
flbe crank, the electric light man ap­
lieving tliat the X ray tnaiim-nr <*n ‘ never eont.-nt unle«* hi* friends are
peared oo the scene and offered the
Tke lee Traat asB (as TWriW.
^ adopted without either |«ln or dl*-'comlog an.l going, never sugry nnlea*
at Oortbe** Art.
aerrtceofbisapparatUK. ItaaipramplTbe effect of the toriff to building up
lhai 3<i 8|K I (Ley will not stay an.l have a meal
ly accepted, end by dint o( rlgoroua tniato to painfully and aeverety obvl- , In a
liHeations will pmmro the ground fur with him. ncv. r
full of Joy as wben
.J case of
!. the Tammany Ice'
ffrioding of Uio crank Uh- iiatlent waa JUS In the
Ice. Goethe's
Goethe' Art." read before the Iloyal I'He
.■l.‘ctric he I* .luiug a giRcl turn .t going over
flhnrked to tbe extent of keeping him trust of N.-W York pity and way ata-' Boclol}' of Liu-ratutv, Mr. Oscar ‘be more efft-ctiv.' uw of ........
old daj-K with tl.OKO to M hum he -to
tlona While the native Ice of Cuba. I Browning traced the development of needle, and that beiw.i'U .'»> an.l Pi
tbe Pblllpplnes and Porto Blco is al-' Goethe's •Hierarj' faculty, beginning l«wure* sn- .•iimigli t- pro<luri the |M-r-, bound by a liuDdred tu-s of kindly
Proareoalve Bpata.
wonlK au.l ,dei-d*. As he has dealt
lowed to ret under Oie tree* from which wrl'h the Ftvneh Influenivt which sur- manent n-m.ivrft>.f tin- hair
-In Ids book. 'Teu>iH.-raU' Chile: a Pro- It droi»s wU»ni rljH> and cannot be prof- rounded it ot Frankfurt
with all men. slrangors aod frieoda
ikfurl and the
------------------------tl return
frcaaire 8(>ala." -Mr. Anderson bultb ItablywCXiMirted to thto country owing! to German Influence*
alike ................
In hi* church .....
ami .u
la „hi* liu>i*e. so
ice* nl
nl Lchrtlc
Ldi«l l«»sof the Bcotilsh fishery buanl ahoaa tbe to the Uriff. the home combination be-1 Ing to tbe friendship win
.10.1 .I...1 l.r 1.1m. .11.1
him we
almost pailirtic straggle of high cul­ iw„w T.m„mnA fremotm, .oJ . few I ww.h..«l . lo., o, ..Hj i»thoaplta" ■
ture with l•B^ila^lBm in souibern CUUe. Mnine men who grow the American sr- oral poetry and the a|ipreciatl<m of
of»iudy i,,^ wclcointog walling where
Eaixurious I’nllman cars toml ihv paa tide Ik enabled lo put up prlees and EngU*h literature. 's(MK'ially :et..t,h..
the Lyon.-*.' mountain* t.. ao Ini.-r->i,nrehc* „f earth have changed Into
e (Kvi-uHarltW* of th.-n; lour Fother* hou»e. Ian Mactoivn M
oengers In the iiililst of literally (latbsport In a single season fortuma for ; pcare
gion. not ooly clitu
leas forest*, through which a track
ii-oimmlc and p^njary Ijt.lle.' Home Journal.
ts oRIelals wrung from tbo people, wbo ' Wclm~ r furnished a stlioulo* toward hygienic, but ulsoimati.-.
a* r.-gar.l* the fauna
nost lie cut iK-forv a hor»c tan (ass.
nust have Ice at any prlc<< or go with-1 the dn Lua. and (he Italian journey cm- and flora. Ho oqim to the eonclUKiiUi
Yet wire* fixed to the arecs allow of
Tk* Car* *r t-oacIlaesB.
d the classical tendeDCIcs of hit
that the sliKciiii' of eslaareou* KaltK
: and telephonic communJIlcturnlng
bePrlfithncKi i* on.- great iau*c of loneli hamlets
li*n>li-l. which
H'l.l,.h He
II,. weeks "lion'-d to flow to a
catiou witli
ba* an undeniable influeuee on the ani­ line**. If a man huil.l* wall* aroord
iDlo Ihi* country from our n.'W*po**o*-1 came ponsiaKor of himself aod tbe ouapart for the traveler. -"A* to the colo- elonk Mayor Van Wyck would be una-! disputeil master of European lltcra- mal life. The fauna of arsil.i;inu* r.titats wbo are atruggUng to clear tbe
gion Is less viguruuK,
ri<-h. Icsk
ble to bulldoze
dwelt v*.
on .uv
the »eogenanaose Uiv
uie public
pnoitc any
any longer,
longer. ji turr.
lun-- Mr.
*«.- Bn.wntog no...
Im.. nlo.n.Unt it, it.,li
^ nm.-e.i, ur ewu ii.i.ii. uisi uv
fanato abd form homes tii (bat land of
1 My. Bryan might now.
ten.b-iK-le* of Goeihv's later tic]
Fix'rt.-s. Im» aima.Iant to «‘dl'i ba* bin i wall* around himKi ir whi.-b
r. knd
knd' erallztog
perpetual duuti Mr. Smith gives tbe
abut -»t
out .11
all .............
that lulght
come I,ki„
in m biw
. r.
kuuk i. w™, to ki. ‘
avtOMUoi, .rw,™ ,k. k«,«i,r
’^'“1 .k„
.. Ck..
' Aral plaee for thrift. cb.H-rfidncas and
____ 11.A__ im ....... —______ for new ...........
nml-; from -.i.,..-.
subjix-t* lu an nixl means of
oUieni. K« ....w-t
the cure ot*
Ingenuity tn the Ftvnrh. Tbe Germana
dealing with them adequately
may be the ovi-rronitog of ►eltl*liie*».
bare estaUU* theuisdves firmlj' na down.—Bridgeport (Coiin.rstandapl.
ceans and «-orois. but
Iko nff-** T,„. in.ilirlm-K for (tai* dliR-ase of lonefonnd.
the commercial and Jtuanufarturing
vi'rtelirate form*. Tin- «-.«Ka.v I
lines* are ixiiion* of g.-neroilty. of
people of somberii Cbflo. In tbe Britinteresting one to It* •leiulkil
; thougl.lfolne** for irther*. of wlf sacExperimcDls have for some tlir.c In correlate geological and I
lab settlers be recognizes room for (m■
j rlflo-. taken 111 targe diisi'K Eveu w-boD
provenient rather than 'matter for cd the wages of hardest workers to 33 been made in England with stcokelert forts.
:the lanellneKK '-„me* from the Idtlera day. aqd the ranuers want more help coal. This peculiar fuel niny bv burn­
I nes* of lo** and norrow. forgetting self.
tban tli.-y can get at that price. But ed eltber In an ordinary grate
Koch's f
Malarial BMaaltoe* la SaMalea.
we suppose Mr. Bry an, a* aoon aa be Uslp lu the middle oL a room without
lo the report Just published on hi* 'going out of R<-lf snd d.-lug for other*,
The Jamaica comapondent of tbe unmuzzles himself, will exptoto'that oeveiamim
malaria In Italy Profei«,r U tbe only cuiv that G0.I ha* given on
devdoptng anv
any iwroi-i.uo.e
perceptible ouor
odor or
lAondon Ttmea reports an lotereatlng
amoke at any tlm^ The fire look* like
H'^'cHen of malaria I* |
tor Its b<aling.-8unday Sebooi
the finest coke fire, and tbe flame Js e»P«lally ti.alnialned and ,tfo,«gaiedi Times,
white and blue. It throws out a con- "y
relai«tog cases which continue
MMimen of tbe maUrlal e
alderable heat Tbe residue of tbe •»
*»>'» fo«» U*o link
Ooe 1* due G.nI . Few of
Oie neighborhood of Kingston correUnde Sllaa—Humpb. It’s campaign coal amonnt* to about 3 per cent For l^t^oen one fever aeo-s-.u and Ibe next.
noQdlng to tbst determined by Uajor year, and I baln't bad any pcrtltleal todustrUl purpose* tbi. new foel U *0 that the mo^iultoes to tbe begtonlng rote euiHigb of oar hour* to distinctive­
ly ChiistisD eervlre. >.ti booest In
fiaea. Tbe Imptvtanee of tbit discovery docyments seat ter me yrt.
formed Into Uriquettea of different of futonier al«v. find germs If no
t» Jamaica may be Judged from tbe
Aunt Serena—WelLtbat'a queer. Four sizes for different purpoaea. In Lonoccurred to any of the caaro of 1
woeshto la Oad's
admtotloni to tbe Klagston boapital years ago tbe country was goto to ruin don- .mokelea. briquette, can alremjy «“**rta to any gfvei, dlrincL tbe moa-1
iaM year, one-tblrd of whom were suf- a bull mMtb earilM to tbe ocaaoa than be bought at about 33 («r ton. The i
tvouW Oud no germ* to tbe be- J^b^Ilate ua ^ w^^S^
tetng from ffiolarta. Fifty years ago thtoJr-PodL .
smo^ coal U Mid to be compoaed f
ntoUrtn would ; treat II wUb Hie time
«'“• *«»«
we devote««
no aalariona wrttt tbe Caymanaa
of 03 per cent of coal dust and 5 per become extinct tberc. The professor •riflsh and Becular ends. Not many of
aatibea, between Kingston and Spancent Of a mixture of wood, tar and antbst tbe so caUed aotivo- n* are Oaere of onr Uare-B*misB T.
Perbapt Senator James E. Jodm ot
Mfc Tbtm. tbat'lt waa.eooaldercd soltlaeked Ume. These three togredlentz
Identical with Bills
dfle for a white man A venture near Arkaoaaa. cbalrmaa of the Democtatie are miseA togeUmr and pressw) tom
BaUooal comminee. can enUgbtrn tbe
' (Bob after dark or beigre snailae.
propto SB lo tbe evU efferts of trasta. molds to/aneb a way that tbey do not
Aeasedr For CWekrMebes.
itoU sport when being borned.
He bat for a long time bet
to a bulletto of the United States deot the cotton bale trust.
,»«•( nrrirt- -|__ _
pBriment of agrirtilture Dr. Howard motive* are clDcere. thought* dean, de­
ia oaenred by Mr. Past ScbUcht by novTbe celebrated Bpottiawoode goB
"'wplr remedy for cockroacbea al e*
r pure. Tetsnyeoo It nor always lo
^ means. He bat discovered Utat oo
■eKlatoy PoeMezo.
bunt nadcr tbe anntlcea of tbe Boyal
be interesUng to bouaekeep- be followed, but forceful I* the SUMproperty Introducing an air cm rent
From one small township to w**,— •oclety. gave a spark of 42 Inches. Tba I
®f O'* •'"rid- The ment of hi* Blr Galahad. 7My strength
flve fanners have gone to the Pari* ex- Qaeen coU. are to give a spark of 4S
*• <>« Ao«reU« origin and
tbe ftreogtb of ten. because my
posUtos) aod token their faialllcs alotig.
expending an energy of thrta «««»»«» of " mixture of flour and plaaof Jew*
•xyges reaches (be center of tbe lira Tbey aD say Ibey wlU be back to aea- to four horsepower and baring a p*. | » of pariv which I* greedily - - - be^ Ti' pnre"“~TTTe
Christ alone cleanse*, pitrlfle* tbe
IB a bested conmuon favorable tot BOO. tboQ^ to vote tot UcKI^.— tantlalofM^volM
--------------------- Osareto (X. T.) TlmM

ofo'; u,'.^

GH]f Opera House

'jssii;.”.,;'. k.


"’f" -"-/"-'P


8 9f 3 8 «•

*“ “•“•




IS8 flsaii 8 sssflsssflfl
Bs'piaa*' S*St^MsbutoT ^rlrt^



eloasu: slsoSlntsZvsr freaurssa BspU*.
Trsta srriTuic *>):»* ■. kasasrlar esr

Pebe Marquette
oonra Botns.


' Uattor ApriBZ*
a«r rt*w___



L» Csleace
ar Or* Bspia*

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ar Peusksy.
Bsy V>r*
RMrlox BnKk
asftor Myrii


rwOr '




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r. MOgUAK^.^M^qroX^aS'im«f agt

unsm us Kinsumi 1.1.
atlABralaak aw-

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■ .W-CCinti«OBAlt.'*
teas. Trsvttai Oar

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