The Morning Record, March 06, 1900

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The Morning Record, March 06, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TUrd Year»No.^i

ZMdBobnaunt s«0Md.






»BirtotowM a.«.dwoirBMbt>e>
tetod • V«7 Imnrtoto BiU.
Ddfffatlon FremDn«Qi^OB
WMhtortn. 0. O.M*r* &-<Oto.,
H. 0. tolth to* I
• Wll FTorldtorttoi *U wtow* tt
«to Blnri «*r who awrad tor M 4*f* to
oftoMdwtotor* w hOMrohU dto
«hto«%*hoU iwM** atoMioB «f «
par Mto if toa* thw to Taw* old.
toi Itatora ttot tow. * paaalaa of dU

aMmiXtotWI* Vktw Wnmikm
VtU iwyi M
■Bwtmta mmm to Memtkin Sb>i1iy«Oww^ frm «toto O—
«*1 B«Uw IU7 MmI IsMriM portoOBih.
Vltk Botato M Sm«m rMk.
f.<■!«■. Hank »-1tara M VfMttThe tirfmaaiit stroot taUwaj traa.
«klIr»MMBtoto •hMBMO(a««r»lroa ■awtor Batoa tohtolto Oraad Altota- tola*, tto llrhttito ooatraet aad a
Botarto. vhk* ii toMrpntofl M dw to
Uttl* aat-tobotww AUomoa Lardia
Uoaw to Br^aoad Poarw Biooa
aad Oarriaoo aarad lb* Moattaf of tto
eoBBell laat alpht (roa boloff aatotorKrthlf to vkM kM alnMr tow WmUocWo, O. 0.. Marah S-Seaator aatiar. Tto former waa tto aabiael of
toWto OwwrfMpBaitotato^ lto» Daru of Iflaoaoota baa offmd aa aa»- ooaaldorBbU dlaeaaaion aad aa effort
**Sowrta^Toto<a BalvMa toll
Bleaa blU. lb* waa made to bar* a draft of tto rariaad
m atoadOMd. tkt iHt HModt of tto rSaei. of wbleb woald be to anoad U>o fraaefaiaaanbmlttad to a drat rwdiar
Brittto ootol row p«^«ottor It* «• tariff lawa of the Oall«l SUUa to that before Ibeeoaneil. TbU waa rlcoroii*■of»l. Th* ff«B »H Mkaa hr tk* ialaad apoa aU for*lro Importo. bat Ij oppoaad bf Aldtomaa Haatinf* aad
alloir oaUre^rae trale betweea Paerlo Smith. wboarraedt£tt tba matter bad
Thor* li not <h* .llffbMt iodleatton ;
a pair. Black Kid^ Tap Kid,
beea referred to the
Box C«if. Willow Calf. Patof what Oaoeral Bailer-* o**t more-1
propoee* a'bew teetlM. pro-! mlttae bj the eommitiae of the whole
lit will be, bla peraaltof thapetreav rldla* that tho*e articlea la the oonaU. , aad ma*t aeeemarily be ooaaldered
ODt Leather. Stylish ahapes
laff aoemir with caealrp aad ^oantod tutioa la regard tolmpoat and eeeiae i farther by that committee before j
—All aiztm ia the tot.
iafaatr, beinr ooihiag mere thaa the daUeaaod direct laoe* be esteaded to | log to the oocneil. Aldenaaa-Qarrii
The early htjyers gel the
•ompleUee of the relief of tto Iowa.
tto ialaad, whieb will to Tlrtaally mak''rememberad that the proposed on
A diapateh to Urn Dally Graphic, lag it the tame la lU relatloa to the I aaae* had beea aabmltted. to the
Gatod Ladyemltb. March 1. oa«a that
a* a territory.
' oosmlttee of the whole bat had aot
OMtoW Kao* with a biiffad* latarted
Senator Darte aaya that thU amend- yet beea dtapoaed of by that com­
la panalt of (be ratreatlar ;*aem,. naeat. If paaand, will Imply that the mittee. Aa there waa aerlow objection*
Thare w»a ao ooafoaloo appvaat la eoaaUtatloo oanaot be eateaded to to aoaalderieg tbe matter 'by the
toair ratreat, T4>ey aeat off three tto Fbillpplam or other territory ex- ooaaMl la regular eeaalOD aatli the
traiaa. aad tbea blew op tto hrldf**. oept by laglaUtire aeUoB.
committee of tbe whole had coaeldotad
A diapatto from OafoatMa, dated Tto foUowiag Wll. for tto control of itfarther. it wa* Aaally dropped and
l.<mdiog Shoe Hooee
Mareh a, aay* that Oaaaral Franeb (to PbUipplaea, latredaoed by Seaator DO aetkm taken.
• tULiuncilmannr la foree aad aa- Spooner of WUeonaln, ha* hoea report, Batora tto traaahtae
•oaatarod tto aaam, Satarda,. The ad by the oommittee on the Philip- dispoaad of Mayor Hamiltoa expreeaad
Boor* oeeaplod a tablatoapad kopja plaea:
tto hope that aoma arogrem might
-Ttot when all iaanrroeUon agabut have made takaa at this maaUog as
Tto ool, aawa of aellt* oparatloM tto aoronlgaty aad anthorily of tbe there vraa a delagatkia present from
eototo from Morthata 6ap* Oolooj. nailed Biatea la the Philippine telaada Old MlariOB who are deeply toterasted
•cMral Brabaat, with (ha Ooloalal abaU torn hoen eoi^etely aappreoaed la the acUoa of the senadl apoa tbe
■eoBtad troop*, axpaUad the Bom*
illitary, eiell and jodleial pow­ 4)a*sUoB. TheOldMiarion dalegatioB
tnm LabaBehaffa*-* Mob, tot waa
er* aseoMary to gown laid 1
% W. B. Pratt.
toffleleatt, etrooff to pMh ahead aa, atoU. aaUl otharwiae provided by John Cnamlaga aad Wtlao:. Bothtertoar. Baoooapiad ^ 0om pool- •OBfroM. to Tasted to each per- more. AU of the** gantlamen are
tfoaa aad later repalaad aa allaapt of aooorperaon* aad cxereiaed to each promiaent ritlreat of tbe penlpanla
the ooato, to retake them. The Britiab a maaner aa the praaideat of thl Unit­ aad totoroatod la tbe proposed Old
lOtoM wore two kUlad aad elffht ed Stole* aball dlroet for malntatotng Mimloa railway project to the extant
aad protocting the tohahitaato of aald of dcTOltog their pereoaal effort* to
Qaaoral Oataereoa Frld*, a«da a rw Islands to the tm eBjoyotent of their pash tto entorpriae.
IB form la the dkraetioa liberty, property and religion.-'
Upon tovluiloB of Mayor BamUton
lon say*
sar* Puck iiin “A Mid-Sum•f Stormba^. He retired with ao
aad (be ecasent of the eonnril Mr. iner Nlght'i Drenui'
oaaaaltlea. after loeatlaff the aaem,’*
There w,
t^ieplinuee in
poalUoo. ffher* the, bad two fua»
ttoenhieet. Be sUtod that the peo Sbakeepeare>day,or be would have
Sla object probably waa to preeoal lb*
ttagt two-tbirds of an hour
Boon at Stormbecf from lotorfarlaff Oeorga W. Batter aad FobnT Shay {deot Old Miarion are to aamest in , reali/.ed thgt
to a long tiiiu.
Have Arrived to the City, and Will their enpporl of the project and it
with Oeaeral Brabaat-* eampalffn.
their pnrpoae. to bend every effort to
Wimt would the Bard of Aum
, There are praetloally three Britiab
Begto WoA at Oaea.
if he weivto reriait Iht- earth
^bmla* la the Acid, oae la (he Free Two of the arbitrator* who are to bring aboct tbe improvement. Much
Alate. oae la 0^ Ooloay aad the other deride apoa tto vale* of the Campbell depeada, be aaWnpoD tber-acUon of
at Batal. AU that ia kaowa about tto water work* plant have arrived to th* tbe Traverae City eounclLaad Mr. Her oomiiig Twentieth Ceulurj-,
most iiiarveloii
■tot eoaaplenooB force la that ill* la city, and tbe third oae may be aeleewd ben atated that if this eity wonld grant
wliU'ti to thitooeh with 0.000 Bow*. Bat the today. JohaT. Shay of Ohieago, who tbe fraaehiae tbe Peotosnla people
would feel that sub
of Lord Boberta are effaetoally
I* the expert aalaetod by Hr. Cbmphell.
With Ijie telephune
arrived at noon yeatorttoy.
you can talk and re­
Bafter of Roeheeter. R T .aeleetod by waa granted to the rity the Pealasnla
ceive an aoawer In
mead braael I of the tba otty. came to tost night.
•nay, arhtle Oeaeral Uataere hold* tto The two gentlemen will probably get tarmen would guarantee the right of
mala tore* of the Boerp la cheek. Itia together thla mMmiag. and tone doAnito way through that towaahlp. .IHe said
aoUeead that Oeaeral* Oalaere aad etopa for the Immediate eeleetion of thatwhUe aome of the tormetu mlgb\
OMaaU wUl oomblo* aod adruce oo th* third arbtttator. The matter of
Btoamfooteln with <i«nera) hrabant tbe vain* to be plaeed apoa tba water wore very few and what there were
ded pay wonld to eared for
Miller’s Cash Store.
Bmardlafthe rlffbtflaok wlth hlaato- werlm ptoot will thwotor* to detor- by th* other*, ao that no materia! ohWl* eolomlaUat*.
miaed in a abort time
atmetlon naad to feared. Mr. Barton
tto army la Ratal i* eompantleely
aald to believed the baoeSln to tbe pealaMllvo ood. with (he exeeptloo of
iaanla wUl be very groat and a good
•ortiaa. a aerioo* moeameot eaa hardly
to expeetad from it tbi* week. Whea NewDletaverleaofOrart tmportanee bnalnaa* propdtlUon wUI to offers^ to
Traverse City. The additional ehlpto Atoeka.
. It 1* ready to adraae* lu meremeau
moatffraatly depeod upon howmneh San Pramelaco. 0*1.. March S-Tha plng faelUUe* will be valnable to the
dUttaee the retreallnc Boera bare pat mUlionaire mine operator, Charle* if. frait growers and fanaera of the
Some Prices:
betweeu ibemaelTc* aad OeaeUl Bal- Lane, baa Jest received word from InanU aad give a great Impetna to the
Alaska that rich gold dlaooverle* have resort butoom to that loeallty. whlefa
Stove* worth $:i,40 *ell
The ooooMted effort* to proa* the boon made on Jack Wade creek,
would to vastly developed by a r*URt..............................
Boer* aeroea tto Oraape rtref la bc- Eagle City. In Ai
road. Be believed that over «K> can
Stove* worth 12.2-i w-11
Beeto to ladleat* that bord Potorta
riehoet alrlke* were found old of prodnee eonid to inmlabad this *^0Rt............v......$l,W i
- parpoaee to attempt to aoatier them maty mlotog implemenu, ahowlng mer. beside* the bnainea* of mall and
toyoadhopeot rcorpaaliation aad to that many yaan ago the RoMlant who expreas He referred to tbe effort a
aaptare the whole of the Boer army ia explored the oonutry bad emptied rich few year* ago and the fact that wblie
thaaonthera eatremity of the'Oraajre pqpketa on tbe oreek, but ignored tbe the right of way had been granted It
Free HUte before moT.ap oa tto Traae- ^
Jsad been allowed to rna oat and tbe i
lUcai...... ..........Hr
Ule*-ti«at«ltbatlather.rlo.j The ercek wa.*dlacorerto
) year* project aoandoned. Now. be beUev^ } » bar* Jaxoi. noap
2-V ; !
■eatloaed there are from li.OOO to *0.-j _
} and Day. tto time 1a ripe to aneoeed to the enter
•00 Boer*. It U ooVaowa jrnt bowj^,^^
6 perx^Bt. off on all
good grounA
atroap are the emablned forece of Oea-1
' |Pro*pee(ore swanoad to. bat work baa with tto penlnanla a mntnal baaeSt
•rule Brabant. Ctement and Gato
been prevented by tojnneUoaa takta would be derived. Tto otber gnnUetotlt la believed
Imrd Boberueom-l' by the original locator* la one men eshoed tto eenilmenta of Mr. Bm-''
mandea ..«*toal^umhMCfimento,.-^j/^
biggest angget bert and urged the nonnelt to grant a
•toe* tto enemy to oa aU eldee.
.'ever dlaeoverad oa the Klondike. tiaoehlaea* aoon aa poaribl* so Bate
The expart* genarally agree that It ]
1. who bae jest kelp tbeprejeot along.
226 Froat Street.
The wtoier oODdlUooa were diaansed ao far a* the roads were oonand Mr. Herbert aUted that
«■'” »»“
, .be.
.r. .. .»k,
there had been a great deal of snow
this yaar.bnt at no Umebad there been
rtUi D.i Tb.r. pr.»ta« u. b. .
re.l. I«. anongb to Interfere with railway tmf.u,l«..Uob,«.a b.a~a~.r>..".,,„„i.priibr.uoM bU». Ac on the rmt shore, aad he did not
Makes s spselaltp of
U.I to., win b. Ibbbrnptod.
j ew who h»n bwb to to. diegtof. dt-; believe there wonld he any aerlons
It is thought that If th* Bcwi* eoa- etora they are rlehu
- either the ^
on the othM aboru to wtoiher thaa
oateria^ to ballt snd
ttoa* their Algbtfmm Natal General; Klondike or Cape Soma.
Bailer wlU. probably pnah through Van .
— ' -------------- Mayor Hamilton
Rvoaea* pass and effect a juieUDOwiu!
Lord Robert* at Wtobnrg or 6l|)emIoBtentton of the oouaril to do everything
AL Motris ofFomou Beverely U- to It* poi
» the railway
Ordsrs daUvarsd.
Jnred Beiadny.
plan aad that when the proper time
__ ____
AI. Monjeof Pomoaa mat
with _ eame -Xtovane City would not be toek- 113 B. Ualoa St., W. B. SLODQOOP
aoddeat whlto' hutla^ isA In efforts to help It along. The
Bob JttCW* S- Staaran aad Bos. B O.
Wheeler wUl be Hare HesAay.
nbWto Sunday. Be was to tbe wood* ■»»y«r •!»
tbe —
Boa. Jnetos S. Stearaa of Uding- whea tbe gun waa
^y du- this city wonld ha vary glad to aee tbe
Tto load of bnehahM
tns. aad Boa- H. O. Wheeler of Mania-. charred.
___etraek BDoortathty ragardtog the project retaa. preridaat aad viea ptwHtot of tha hie wilet, akattering his ana. and paaa
Tra*nreaCltyALarinananjlraad.wUl tog Op (to arm.-penatratad hie brwai
rhavoworo eoveral minor matlof*
to to the oUy aaxt Mosdny. to took j asd aome of the ahel lodged to bln diaponad of. anaasg th*ni totaw th*
•awthaMd o(th* ptopeaed nadtojhnndnad Cno*. Bn E vary awkmaly 1 gnstl^ed• fatMaaof J. T- Boadto
_ . Free.
nSaarmMrisjsrto. nsdwUl at leant toon kh arm.


Swell Sboes
at Sfarnnken Prices
$4.00 Bid $3.00
shoes for men, $2.50






Keep Up
: With The Band. |

Window Display
of the new

2Cilli CenliiiY Wall Paiwfs
now in stock, at the

iBfgBst Stosk in Northern Michigaa-Take a look at Them.
ARTHUR 8. HOBART, Manajer.

Htfe ToStu

Fruk Ticker

■•P». vtint leaM____
“I rnn'Idenne li. mt wii; b'
MctbioB »hl*h •«! tnJi i:
ulcker then nn;ilunc -le* on <



Golf and Yacht fiaps-25 cents to $1.00.
The nevrest spring styles for n
large eheek*. plaid* or stripe*, bmind w raw 'edge visor-All rise*, too.

Working Glofes

As grand * line a*
hot tbe prioe* ar* i
expact-li. so. to.

to fonad anywhere,
h lower than yon'd


Hew IUiln>-'<h' toll.U.

■•Reuel. uHl.TaBiUe" Knee Feet Hulie

Prices on Carpets
That Will Save You Money
Bat you mus' come soon, or tbe goods wilt all be sold
out—Nobth ?r store can match our values.

... lOc


I New Spring Mattings are handsome—IS to .ISc yard



The Roswelle

ZSm-For Dotabllltf ■

Hat to ei|uall»Hl by none. Our npring slock^constotn of all the
Utnst-nbnpon and nbndea,.in both stiff and noft. A new fM>
turejthis eeason fa mn alainiitnm hst biunb with every
Boswelle. It to no ele^-aut
littto brush, nutl can be car­
ried ill the lint without aoy
iiicAtux-ouicoct- at all, and ia
' always ready for use.



Tire, price of (lie Roswelle
^ OOP Brush is $3.00.
Our line of cheaper lint* ih
complete in every detail.

Our 98 cent Fur Hat to

«whst you pay $2 00 for elneh where.





I W. W. Miller's Cesh Store

No Shoe Like


New, up-to date
nboe for
ladies' dresa wear.
See them
iu our window.
We are excloaive
in tbto city for the
‘•Superie” aboM.

‘!,.:X.uC:Z:'‘uJr:rT„t.^^fresli BeteH coeds
Everj Moreieg.

School of Music




wmm MomwiMQ tmoo^

Maattacof tba Pint M.S Mia-

•BUI) Tk&vns* uuu>.


AkBsary toclaty.

•Hi, *. BasM^ *» 3- w. Baob.

tba Womaa'a Pertogn MMoBBryC
^ of tba Pint M. B ebarab wttlbe
bald in tba ebareb fBrten tbla areBlag
$. W. Bamh. Bditer!Aa4 Mmacv. at 7 o’clock. At 4 o'clock abaataem
moattagwUlbe baklfaraU than
bara. Promt to?a laa aant anpper
wOl be Barred foe aeerybodyTba *otk aaatory thaak oteiag pro­ l< w Dook and Wi
»tba Lina
Traaa Oo. Wflj
gram ito ba praaaatod at?:80
wQlooaaMt of apodal maale. raadlaca
4onaa bring
bring buUt by
aad lAdtattoM aa ;oUewa:
Bamarka. by ^ PraddaaV-Mra. 3o. b bring pnabad to eomptatloo aad

wiU be randy for bnrinaw before tba
opening of narigallon- The dock baa
•My IBaakoffartar-M**- BlgUaad
iMtnmaatal daat—Mra. Baxbargb
A pUm driran aad
aad MMa Brandy.
_. timbam, maktag it the bmt and
Tba »nh Oaatuy TbaakoBa
moat sntntanttal doek oa tba Use. l*ba
1ta«Al«MlM flMi bU MtaUA to Story—Mm. ^aady.
waraboaaa baa been euiendad 40 feat
Ue MueU lAM
atem that
••Uttia Mlaatoaanaa"—Boy aad Oaaia fnrtbar north, making tba entire bonm
*• pMpU of tbi pmIbmU an '
Mil40 teat, and it foot celling.
Mnwtla tbolr tflorts to AWBri
IteyOAhad WOO to | Ira to foralga
A part of the building, nozloo feat,'
aMona what wonld yon do with H?- baa bean built ao aa to ba parfaeUy
4MA(>1 iBTMtlotiOM A8d Mim aMb taapoaam by tba aoctaty.
treat proof for bandllag ootatom and
A vrafaet wooU pro** A food iawmXSalaetloa-Male gaartat.
fruit Id tba ooldaat weather. It b invatABdAfood tblAC for botti tllA
Baeeptioa of ‘IbaAkoParlng.
teeded to hare tbb part eompletad by
pahim'i ABd TrATAfie Cltj- Aa to the
tba Mtb Caatary Thaakoflerlag the totb of tbla month, na there are a
BaMM to ba dorlTAd bjr boUx '
number o» poUto buyem who buve
tBaniaa doAbt Aod if tboro la a
A cordial tarltatloB U octaadad to made appllmtlon to uaa the room at
paatbillv of tb* Ubo boior boUi
that time.—_______________
tewAe a%j aboAld loot m tlM ia
tadiAff OTATj aBooanjnBMi «>
Benry Slack man laft yaatarday for a
pcojoel. Thor* toema to be A dtai. a.
BoaroTAr. tor a rood tbrngrb LaUoaa trip to Ladlngtoa aad Wtaeoaata oo W. B. Hmart Mew Fruit and ConABWtp botora tba Old Hiaala projec*. bnalaemfeetlooury Store to Kaea Maw
aa ba reAllaad. ABd the paopla of that
ttaorga B Amlotta went to Maaiatoe
Ftaiarm Complete.
toBahlp baia raaaon to nl into yaatarday.
W. R. MiUer. who reeenUy purchaaAAtiBB. olaa, area tboufta ibaj wexa
Mr. aad Mrs. Lari T. Paaalngtoa ad tba fraltand ranfectlooery boataem
•fAtOAtbattat, the otbor alda wlU
apant yaatarday la Imke Asa.
Abair fAUroad first,
bowarar. ' the
BaaryLardiaot Old Mtekm. waaa
I oonfeetiooa to
paiaAta farBara meoa baiioaai ud Trarana City rialtor yaatarday.
make room fora - mplete new stock
repare f
ft Iba pRwiaea made tbaa bold food
Prank Saataa left ymtorday for PoTbera '
«bA7 wfU do tbatr aban aad It «iU oot

Makes the food more ddldous and
Death of a Pioneer.
Mrs. Anna Sager died at her home on
Satarday afternoon, at
the age of to yaan. She leaem a baaband and three daugbun.
Tba fuaatal wQI ba bald tram the
at a o'rioek.
Bee. D. Ooeblta oOriattag.
AtOryutnl PblbJoba Maagenoo.a
Swadbb miner, waa blown to ^aem by
aaazploriOBol dyaamltoat tba mine.
Maagoiaon, ta eome way. failed to get
oatof the wtag ba waa working ta. af­
tba ti
ter• lighting
Baskar Menu a Bobber.
J. a. Oarrlaoo. enabler of the bank of
TboraeUle. Ohio, bad been robbed of
benith by a acrioua lung trouble uutll
be tried Dr. King's New Diaoorery for
Consumption. Than ba wrote: "It it
the beat medleine I CTor used for a
aeeere oeld or a bad ease of lung
trouble. I always keep a bottle oa
band.” Don't suffer wUbcongbi. colda.
or uny throat, chast or lung trouble
when you eaa be cured eo easily. Only
SOe and |i. Trial bottela to eenta.
inaonandS. B Writ's drag
Jaa. G. Jobni


Ba tbtfr fABlt If tba Ubo lA DOt baUb
/It Batodtbat Paiaala towsabip
••ata rani fna daUmp. aad that a
aUtlna la baiaf dreAlatod.Aalttof OagiT------- Heakk to aae^ It If poaalTba Detroit- Haws at Satardaf eoaMaad tba atotamat that Boa. C. O.
TarAor ta abont to raoiofa to JMkaoa.
TbB Mr. Tmar daalaa. atatlAf that
Ba bw AO iBBodlato prapaet of eeeh a
With tbla weak, tba Kallf Sblafle
Oa. wOl raaA a mUlioa aod a ball of
fadarpot ia tbaa far ,tbia'wtatar at
farryfiaUiTaa'a ahlofla BiU atOadar.
Bra Dob Daaa of <}nttoDs Bay, U
Atoioasly UL
Art Byda
OarclaBd. Obio.
Hn----- •• >aatarday to marry Oalla H.
Tbaobald of tbla eity.
A BOW agaflBa baa baab added to the
leaal Para llait)Batta ftrA. It la the
- dot bare to ba lattarad •rltb tba
mm*. Fata llairqBStta.; Ita aambar la
dt»A Uira aambar of tba Poreato^ and
Oatopanioaa fatberafi At
Mr. ABd Ifra Pimnk Btotlay Satarday
AfiBf 1b' honor of their china wad
A BBsbar of fioi
loi preeaota ware
iaft aa mameotoea of tba ooeaaloa.
MIh Hina Baatmaa' baa opaaad

f I

MfA. Wlekbamb mllUnery atone at ao<
A aery profltaWa maatlnf Id tbaOoafr^ttoaal cbBreb was ibat of Snoday
XAaaalBf. la eharfa of the Bridfa
BaUdora. The aebjael araa Japan, aad
lie raofraphy and lodnatrles waredltAwaad by Prof, c: B. Bom. iu ednea•cBol ayaum by Prank Walton aad itt
tallfton by Ber. D. Cochlln.
waa led by denator MUHke&.
Oarlee Umlor waa pleaaaatly aerprlaad Satarday erealDg by aboat » of
Bto trteDda. on the oe^on of bla »ib
Mrtbday. A delightful ereBtof waa
apaal in card playing and the enjoyMMt of maele. An elegant cane chair
waa left by the company.
Editor Brown of tie Prograaa. waa
ta the city yeelerdaj on bb wfcy to
OBiaago on a bnalneaa tc9a. Mr. Brown
Mm. Blnoaa Wallin, a well bnown
la aa antbaalaat o?er the fntare great•atoofBlk&aaldaaadtftbat town it German lady of AI
Bot tba Wggaat In Kiebigaa It will Sanday ntoming. Sba want to tba bad
room of bar eon. wbe waa Ul. and while
•At ba tba fanll of the Program,
beading oeer btor. sank to the floor aod
expired before bar hoaband. who heard
para Marqnatta Syatam StBl Baa tba fall, eoald reach her. Dmtb was
eanaad ^ heart dbeaae,
Two Oaaaral Pameegar Agee tv
Saginaw. March t.—A mmor >
Wbtt'a Tonr Pace Worth.
•Ataaderadaaea bara that B. F. MoelSometimm a fortune, but now, IP
lar ia to ba ganaral pnaaongar agent foi yon have a aallow oamplexlon. a ianaIba aallra Pare Marqnaita ayaum. an^ dlead look, moth patebea and blotohm
Ibat ofitoUla of other rnada bara aen< oa the akin.-all dgna of Hear tronbta
Bat Dr. Rlug'a New tifa nib giea
Btaa ooagratnlatory telagrama. Be re- Olaar Skin. Boay Cboaka. Bleb Oom
iMtoto be Intarriawad.
ily to eenu at Jaa. U.
'alt'a drug atorea.
SAAaraJ manager s. T. (kapo aaya
Bmt Ibare ia abaolntely so tmU is the
of Tbaaka
tmmor, and that there baa sot
Ban a propoalUoa to bare tba ottoc
The tamUy of the lata Mra. Patrtdr
gAMoUdatad. bat tbai it U aUU in the Cluaa daatra to thank Iba tatonSa aod
for many kiadnemm and
Baadaor the two general .
"----- them dartag I
Ataati. Moallar and DaHarao.

can be made no they will not bnnoh up. I aeil them for 97.76,
18.75 aod ftt.Sb. They are jnst the thing for a folding bed—
You can fold your bed without any trouble.

^ $2.25, $2,50. $3.25, $3.50, and ao oo np to a fine hair at
$15.7.5 and $22.75.
Anything you want in sprifiga' and mattreaeae. A little
cash and balance on pnyments.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
X20 TFxoixt S'bsree-t.


jGive Me
lYour Shoes
I win mee yon tba eoat
pair, and at leaal a thlH of i.________
wbat otbora charge for the work. Tbea If the
Job Uu't right, do the right thing,
pleaae-bring them tack.

Best to be bad ia
the citj is at

I Bran' New
I Stationery


See aamplea in window.

4l< Onion St., near atb


John R. Santo,

.•r KalZMk», wtll opM

Undertaking Parlors

■trwu a»rU tat. OUra
Traverac Ci^ etateC with bln. Rripcctfol

Wurzburg Block

Honest Goods
To Match Your Honest Dollars

We buy to please, and we please the buyers. Our
prices are persuasive prices that won't pull hard
on any one’s pocket.

Black Crepons


T 1


. V


Jacob Furtsch,
Union St.

Both Phonas, 34

In order to arrange for

Eitaasita Chaages,
Naw Fiitnras

and Nodari lm|iiii*einents

I Will
Close Out
My entire stock of
. Fmiu, Candies
and WisoeUansons
Perlshabls goeds.

A File Use of iHdiae laskets.


BffTTjTjRl K.
McCoy's old staod.


Made ia different colors abd sizes of

the yanl.


We're making a special bargain at 40c

the yard.

\ popular article, Bornethiog that fillsthe


The new dress goods-one that afTtla on

different weavi-e and »-ll8 froju $1.2.5 to^-i.OO

Tissue de Soie

Norway Herring
Labrador Herring
Eogllth Oromuriy
Smoked Sturgeon
Beltaod Herring
Domestic Herring
BursiuB Sardines
Kinosn Baddies
UotdoD Pisb Cskas

Plaid Backs

This ever popolsr dresH giexls. conii-B in

Colambia Blear Sulraon

All wUl be sold
St cost.
Toil dlAfld St tbfl Littu Tat- Everything must go this week to
make room for new stock.

Oaaia Dan Whipple aama to the elty j
jnatarday and bad aaotber fall length!*
platnra takea with alt of bb banttag
|Ma|ikamBlb BaaayA that thapao- BsTt
^ara all good to kirn aadtbahbe
. maota all who daaire it to bara ooa of
Mbptatsrm BetpokdinaeraritbBoa.
/Vty Baanab fcaUrday.

To FMt well asd sleep well jron
roost have a Rood mattreas. Oar
fdted cottoD IS the best mattreaa
made for the moDejr— We gnaraotee if not to bonch op. A cotton
mattrees is the aofteat maltreaa
made if they do not bunch op. and tbia ta only one way they


• T«

We.Save Jast pat ta a
M. B. OereU of WbltobaU,
ta the
itb a'complete efitflt of new \ line of ap-to-date siaUonery —
I and other modern Improre ! bos paper and tableu. etc.
dty yaatarday.
t to make the etore uV f
No old stock—Prieea reaaonP. C. Deamond want to Bonor yaatortrartWe and in shape to do a targea f abta
- day.
John OllUa and Ooorga Payne want
toUkaAna yaatarday to look orar
>me land.
Edward Bccklay aod B. P. Banea,
Baara of tba M. A N. E . ware ia tba
dty yaatarday.
Jobs Baambangb ratnmad to Cadar
ymtuday after apaadlngSnadaydn the
Mayor aad Mm. Hamilton bare ratamed from a trip to Oiand Bapldt aad
William MoOool waat to Cedar Ban
MlmOarra O'Neil retaraad yeaVer
day-<rpm Oopamiab where aha apant
Miat Once Onnnlngham returned
iMt night attar apandlng Sunday with
Iba family of Dr. 8. B. Coraall at Copemiab. Df. Oorndl laft yeatorday for
St. Mary's BoopUal. Detroit, where he
wUlaaderroadlffienU enrgleal operation.
Ur. and Mm. 0.‘ W. PraUok were in
town tram MapU City yeetarday.
P. B. Vinton of WlUlamabarg, waa
is the dty ymtorday.
W. K. Baney. a pramlaaat boainem
man of Big Kapida, b at the Hotel
JammBnnmtof WUllamabnrg,
is the dty on baalnam ymtordayW. W. Btehmoad want sortb laat
night on boalnam for tba Walla Bigman Oo.
John Walter of SnttoaB Bay. wa
tba dty ymtorday.
Bimey Plekerd of Laland. waa la the
city yaatarday.

Mm. W O. Lawrenoa will go to Cbl
eago tbla morning afier apring and
aummar mlUlnery. She will rama
Scott Woodward, who b with J. M.
Sloapm’ at BiUwortb came borne Satur­
day. to gat acquainted with bb family.
R. W. Btaby of Maple .City waa In
tba dty ymtorday on bb way to Badlay. wbara ba wUI ramaia aoma time.
Mte Maude Nall baa gone to bar
home at BurdlekrlUa for a abort rblt
aad will apand a little Uma at other
potato before ratumtag.

Yon Can RoM These Dp
and Canyjhem.,...


OaBtary IBaBb-Oabrteg



Black Velvets

w«nt when cheaper goods are re<|nired, <,-oai»*a

A splendid a^aortmeirt of Uieae goods in

in black and cream. :W inches wide and sella for

different ijoalities, one grade IK inches wide

.Vh? the yanl.

sells Hi 25c up to the yery best at $4.00 the yard.
You can sun' Iy find your want

Liberty Satin
Anil (tome
largely used.

Diieheaa. Uie two materials

Curtain Mull

Have a full line of colora, and

Ikith sell at ^1.0(1 the yard.

They are hand-

* s:xme and durable and ant aurc pl'visers.




article for hhsIi curlAins.

Have a splendid assortment of designs, sell At
lilc-124c-aiid 16e the yaijl.

W** torn .away

only pleased cDst'im.-iv.


Will be used more than ever and in all



widths for the neck and to make the New Ceii-

And Hraidb, M m<«t complete Hue of these

tnry Bolts. iTIie iicwedt fwl) Velrets-Taffetas-

all important arti<-lW. in Silk and gimp, in black

Single and Double faced Satins, iti black and

and 'colors.

fancy colors.

the ysnl.

All widths, andgell from .5c to 60c

la the WAT the yonn^ lad from 6 ysars old to 16 wants to be drssaed. Ws can
olotbe theae "little man” from top to too so they will fael “jnst aa big as fathar.**

Knee Pants


Nobby Overcoate

$].00to$K.0i»tbe suit.

To fit any size bead . A
lad would rather wear a cap
than a hat, any day—A big
assortment, from 25c np..

Junior Suits

Junior Shirt

Nobby Oliton

fbat's when the lad feels
big when be puts on his first
“trnly shirt.’' These come
in different colors, with cuffs
attached, at .5)1 slid T-xr.

What's enter than to see
a little man in a long nlater,
way down Jo bis heels? —
Have a full line, from $:i.60
to $12.00.

, In 2 and 3 piacesnita,for
Isda 4 to 10 years—Sell from

la fall three piedes- all
manner <rf weaves, for little
people from 2 to 8 years—
sell from $1.'50 to $6.00.

That's what pleases the
young man, sod onr goods
and prices please the parents
-$3..5(l to $12,011.

Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.


TD eBVTVMon or
r%» MM* taw4 9t tmltH kM M la' I «ba^ •malipos
artiwah la tba alata It tayaailac la
astaav Than hanT baM ad aaw eaaca
radortad tor hararal 4aya aad tba paUaatal Whaatlalil la Iwpratilaf. Two,
aaa who
hare ba»a aspoacd
to tha diaaaat at (ha Datroit OoUaca «r


Board Lcotara ea
Laat Bitbt.
tha Saoaod Methodlat ahareh wat
fall laat alfbt la apita of lha atm. to
Uaua to tha laeiara OB BcTpt- IC7PV
aa It waa toot alrbl bp Bar. Papatta L.
Thompaoe. the alc^adbi aad wlup
proaebbr ot Jackaee, forsarlpof Paua
kep aad wril kaowa to tktodtp. Ha
tesdiod hto aabjoet to a saatortp saaaor laat alrht aad bald tha elou atlMttoa of tha aadlaaea thro^hoat tha

Ealhtolri. haa raaaat^d


AldmahEmpon i
bravolp ap
lo toa Aring Hoe aad i
a I
wiUlngnau lo oet thloga going In the
to rosodal the froat of hto haUdiac. right diroetioD. He had aoolaattoa
oa Fleet atraat.
tfooblm toto apring aad what ha
Iba Woataa't Oasstorp Imprapa* did was Bot tor priitieal affuk Ha
iMt Aaaoetotloe ant to a patiUoa fo^ waa willing to anpport Nr. Lardla's
the aataMlabtof of ratoa or the paatafo
Atoa If It Inclndod aetlu of toa oosr
of aa ccdluou eospalllac owacra ot .titaa O0 toe otoaaing Ugats. Ha aaid
toto to tha Msatorp. wbu thap |st _la oommittMiwoBld sake u effort to
at toa neat smting. WhUo
to oat thoB apoa '
atoaa ud aaouat ban 8ro-foat--brlow waiting tor use upremloa from othor
of tha
Tba '.Aaa aidormu oa tba qaaoUm tha mottos
waa tarorad aad tha
Wii loot alght of and u aeUm wao
farrad to tha beard of i«bUe worka to ukaa. A motion to ndjjom andod toa
prala tf 4
aetabltoh the

Mr. Tbospaoe M la tha tow. iha
r Mcrthara feast of Ror. WUhP K Wrlfbt. aad
Mflmm fat tha laaaaa at Trararaa will ba hare to taka part to tha caefarTbaatotoamtof tba beard of pebI to be hddattha Baapad Malhottot lle worts aaUito far 99U.71.
OtaFtoa Wart ef Weztord Oorawa
Tha atato aapitol haa baae wlrad'aati aharA thla atoalaf.
CUlsaiwaallowed to tba asoaat
It altooat rm*j tor lha Oarraat
HmtAanrarThiaeOhnfgas In
b WMto wr to» WMW wnw iw wr w*;
ilaatrtotty to ha taraad oa.
dtp OtoA Rickard erfad tba issadidieultOurt.
toUii of wbra hara baae aaad tor lifat- H THE 8TAOE
atopaaafaoftba propoaad dof ordto
OUptoa Wart who koopa a aatoon at
tof. tfaotole haU qratoM.; tal^rapk
to order that tba aaw tofa fpr tha Wexford Oomera, was armtad aad
aad Mtophaaa parpcaaa throwlmt tha
eoBlafpaarauphaproearad. Baatoa brought before JasUca Brows pastay.tottoudcJMtoLtoUCUdLMto
MrhaUdlair. Tha aoat of thii lapreraBtatod that othor ordicaaeu haaflaf dap. ehaifcd with vlolatow ot toe
toaet la aboat 912,000.
The HoM Sioek Oompaap opaaad a fire ahoald ba paaaad waa to ba printed llqaor Uw. Be waived
Tha eltltaaa ot Bopaa ralla hara waakto aafafasaot to the Oltp Opera wub thoaa now to toe buds of toe
arp bonds la the
laMlf haoB tarrariaad bp a faac of Bobu laat alfbt bafera a food dawl Prtator.
ans ^of 9200 u each aa toe three
raOaaa Oaa maa ^ (ha bbm of aadtoaoe. Tba oputof plap waa "Tba
Thaoontrael betw>
toe eltp aod ebargea pratemo againai him.
Tawtoia. a atraafar ie Itowa.'waa
rtia first complaint wu brought
r Blaatrle Light A
haU ap tor hla Boaop aad klakad aalU ptop a aasbar of pleaaiac apulalttoa Power Oo. waa rabmitlad in hluk against Wart bp Bsmest KUdae. ud
I 4aad thaa aUra- Ba p
wore latrodaead. Tha aospaap hu tors ud'read bp-tha clerk. Some of keeping hto mloon open on Bundsp was
woaUbarabaaa kUlad bad aot halp •osa fair taleat aad thap do oonadutoe
ehsrgc. The
were aarionalp objeetod
aotoa. A ua waa atao haM .ap aaar Uaaa work. Brerpbodp wm pleoaed to to. While It to pracUoaUp the ease u lodged bp John A. Kenaep. ud ebsrg(hadapot aad aararalphaadlad. Tha froat Fraok Toekor if^ aod ha ra- laat pear It wm oratondad that eondi- ad salliaf liquor sflor bonru. Tbe
faatt hat aaeapad. bat aranaata are oat ealvad a food roaepUon. la aplto of are dlHaraat. ano toe domsral waa third I
instltuwd bp
tor tha arraat of two local to(«ha.
the anietloa which kapt his oat of not apprOTOd. Taere to one claou Eatooriae EUdes. and was toe same
le first.
It to aatlMtad that fact lha boatoOM oareral paart ba ukaa which proTidu that to too areat of a
Wart claimed tost hto saloon had
to la(B will cotoa to tha ttorlBaw rallep laadtof pane aad aoeUaau the bard tranafer of tha plant toe eqalpsent In
■Uto (hto wlaur for oast atoaoa'a cat. work for wblab ba la aetod. The ai^ toe eltp llsita ahall be wld to toe new
ion brokm opta withodt hto kaowlAboat M,0to,0oa toot will ^a from traeUoa tbto arwiaf will ha "Whaa firm or oorporatilon at firat coot. It edge, ud tost ho did not know of tbe
lha l«ha ttapartor rarloB.| Hto WlfatoAwap."
waa arfoed that 'there aboold ba a violation of law tUl< after toe damage
toot ttom Oaaada. aad tha balmsot will
done. He eoeln to auheiutisU this
etoeaa(allowinf tba eltp w
arfs to sach pluwd dwsad advuable. ud the ftrat eoat claim bp autiog that onee while he
to from Mieblcaa polau. partloalarthat ba haa BeaUp
Ip alaer tha bap abora. Tha laaibardumad too II^qI for wss goBc tbe saloon was mterod, and
toae la Kleblffaa are claarinc «p thto
ipup. There uamad to ba a BlekeUn-tbe-sIot mscblne was broken
poor aad load wblab bod baas laaiborod aaenna tor one alfbt toa latter part of •eraral ohaenro potato In too outran opm ud WO Biekais removed.The trial
to bafair foae onr acala aad la plaid- toil suto. toa aatobratad Walker which too Bosbara oaalrad son llfbt ot Wart will ooenr at toe next term of
Wbitulda and htoaapporttof
la« toaata rwd Uaibar.
npoB aan aose points which thap circuit 00 art.
It to oelp ihroBfb a huvp , foarantaa ballora abonld ba ebanfod. Onaelanto
Twaatp.-aU peart ace Joaaph M. Ji
■ol. a Mbaharoa bop of II peart, that toto freat attraction eosw to prorlded that if mw. llfhto
Traraiae Oitp. l%a place to be pre- MUbitohad thap ahall aotba soro toao Baagarp for the dee of tha BriUeh
atartad waat to oaak kto to^toaa.
armp will be abioped to South Africa
drlftod «aaUp to Idabeand tor 16 paari awted hu not bom dwlded npoa, bat two blaeka from aaotbor llchk Tbto
during toto week.
not tarorod aitbar, bat toa sapi
preapaalad tkara. Word baa Jaat baaa to likalf to bo too froat pUp "Tba Bod
Ooekada". In wbleh Mr. Whltoalda hat tboofbt that on uveral of toe dtopnlOared of Mbsumattom.
! tha lieboat airlkaa arer •eorad an aaqaallflad aneawi. Trararac ad potato toe eospanp would ha wUllaf
Bebun Pray ot Ogdenabaif, K.
Itotae to ancfMtloaa.
Atdorsan Y„Mr
ra can antlelpatc a rare
kaowa la aortbara Idaho, tha ore raawrltea: "After suffering for pears
liarrtoonatontlpargaadtoat tba ■
alaff rto to tba toe la atlraf aad lead. treat in toto o nine ucacoeuat.
disordered kidnepa ud fruUIaaelp trj
pup woold make no c
Aboat M^eaiioada of the latalf wan
Tbo Uallp Mortowuton of Otooab.
inu he bad Irkd It on with them ud lag everp known rvmedp, I fonnd n
thro'wa «» tha daap aa whato bofora
I of in Dr. Chase's Ridoep Liver Pilla "
Wto ; upa of "Rida Traekod." whtoh to they would piaU nothing.
tha oaUa of lha reck wat dl^eoraiwd.
Onarutaadto remove the oanae^d
Aidermu Hutlnga wat Mtterlp
cure rbenmattom. 3S emu. all drugOb aaeosat of the roeost aao* atom to appear at Bteinboif'a Oraod amt
hirhwap traSe batwoaa pUaa aad Tnaadap armlnf, March n-. "aide paaad to tbe whole tbiag and daelarU gtou or Dr. A. W. Chase Med. Op..
Beffslo, N. Y. Send sump for Ine
■oath Bud. led . to eotoploUlp block Tracked" waafrutad bp a eanaeltp that if be thught it coold be dme be eaeiple*.,
adad. Near tba fute liu t^ noo i> boDM Rnndap evenlDf, and for a period would offer s reulntlon u rescind tbe
lttoaldMp,ae oocarruM ^e oldett ot two bonra or sore toe andlenw wa» aetiOB ot toe oounell in aocepilog tbe
kapt In a bappp frame of mind bp tor rate offered bp the oompaup. Be vigiebabllaat eaaaot t«caU.
funnptime on the atofe. The tramp. oronalp declared that toe council waa
For tba flrtt tiiae la tba biatorp of
Horatio kerrw Ba^b. .saku hlmulf making »a great mtotake In making
Mlebicao tba aoditor ccacrtra offiea
a hero by hto tlmeip appuranoa whra- soeb a contract.
aloud Ito booka an the la«t day ot
erer be to naodad to faetrale tha plani
Tbto pruosllton brought Aldeiman
Mbroarp with the aeeuat of aeerp
of toe crafty rallmd anperlntendent. OarriaoDtolQgfesl again ud be vigoaaptp la lha atata aoulntolp uttlad.
Jasw Montaeoe. Montafue profeue^ oroualp sonouDcad that the onip wap
C. J. ttaOtb of Duraeld. aUrted ic at to ba in love with a poor man's daoeb- ts make up new propositions was to
tha baciaataB of wlator with the deter- ter, aod to aceospliab hto decifoe em first rescind tbe former action ot the
tolaattoa to ride hto wbael orarp dap lo plopa every meana that ealto down tor eonneiU Be wm positive in hto saeert
For my cigarw, bot sine'
aplloef wuthar. Mareb l« wbaa the dtoapproval of the fallerp. Mliu Wei ion tost toe eonneil gave toe aupor
I have trird a
aeowwaala laebu daap oa i tba leTel, llnflon to atoo in love with Beule. the aod clerk sethority to sign tbe con
Mr. dBlth wat coapollad to ahoeel a poor man'e danebter, and throoch tbr tract witboni further snbmltUog it to
paU ahead of bis. bat bp rode hto wickodneoa of Moniaone to ebanred toe conneU and until that action was
waoal Joat the oasa.
with the Border of Bwaie'* father. reeonCdered nothing else could be
At Patotkap BabI . K. KOblecoH A MoDtacBC to the mnrierer however, done, city Attoraep Dodge wm in­
«o.. the Wbullof, W. Va.. laimoaatra ud the plap ends happUp with Mon clined to tbe belief tost Mr. Garruon
wboloaalota. btva pnrehuad a bnaioau tacne In tbe-tolto for toe Border ol WM light. Be added that it wm bto
olw aaar tba Qraad Rapldt A lodUoa Besaie’a father.- "Bide Traeked" to an understanding that tbecontract wm to
(rafebt offlcj aad will isoedlaulp old plap. bat the
be eubetuUsllp toe same at toe old
Croat a fear tiotp b
lap eveninf to proof of Its one vrttb tbe exception of tbe Ineraac
« for carrploc oa th^ wholeula popolaritp. There to plentp of comedy ed rate, ud toto wm so drawn.
I huve come to the conCrocarp boaloau- Tbep will cater for aod the iraap make* friends with hto
After seme farlhor dtoenmlon tbe
tba aortb Micblcao trade which to aow aodieoce noiwithatandloc hto oneontb contract wm referred to toe eommltiee
clusioii that .'»c will buy
tribatarp to tirud Rapldt aad Cblearo. appmranee ana toe ulf
of toe whole forStartoer eoncideration.
a • tirift I’lam. delicioos
A aasbar of prosiaeat farsen.who which be proceeda to defut the plana Aldermen HasUnga and OarrUon voted
againai the motionhara loac ban ideatlfiad with tha man- of the wicked Mutacoe."
Biiiuke. Try one and yun
afasul of tha aUU fair, ibare
.lury Thai I'aya.
Speaking of llghU. Alderman Lhrdie
saaoed acltatloa on tha oBeatioa of
will liiever jmy 10c for a
•• ihitiK uUoui 11Too brongbt up the former pcoposliion to
auariactUte aid for tba| taaUtoio.
U>tlu-r Willi » fiinia>« If eaubliah a light at the comer of Cam
dou'l liii'*'
cit.'ftr again.
J.'C WahaoaU {of Gus. raicbed you llvf lu « Hut."
ud Tenth aireeta This wm where
"Ob. «<-IL 1 iloii't
Aeahaa aad boath Bud Batardap from
toe rml axclwment of the seealoh eame
Asa Arbor, la utrch of W. K Wahaa- riimnCr- riiber. and I liv<> In » Iioum-." In. Mr. LairUe moved tost the com
"Vo» >l»a't mean !<• u-ll me },xi have
oU. who left Uota la ls»8
OBier the a elrl llial look* ntler II. .|o y.aiV
mittee on llghUng be i
OalraraUy ot Miehtraa. wbhrabtorcl••.No Von *•*'. we liiini iiatnml
report on the petition at the next |
atiru beliarad he wu ^mioc hto
meeting. In refeirlng to ■the matter
shadlM aatU racutly. whaiJ lottora nr who Ik *rry mmtiiuk.
eao'l lie iru*t'*l M timnk.'v wHli tli Mr. Lerdle mentioned the tact that be
partadao kaooladite ofthla
vaUvK: •" vhe aiieiirt* 1., II heriH'lf."
had formerlp advocated taking tbe
Wabaatki to baliotod to hare
matter from the oommlttee beeanae
Literal VetM.
OeUatod for samee to the Fi

tbe B»tnrnof the Hoaloesa tfoman'
•adaa aSort will ba Bad^to auara
»* Bdward Rok. '-rh# Aneodoial Side
tnaa ef him at Lanauf.
Of Mr. Bucher.” "Col'ere Olr'a’ Larin matter be taken from them.
. AtOraaavUU Mia. F. b Vm
aad Hraaka." "The Modern Su ud
Tbe other members of toeaouetl
jut pasted ber lOMh Mnh^p w th a Daorover," -Wbere the Fonaderof toe looked to Aidermu Kenpon of Mr.
Kiaaerfartcn waa Born" are among
plamaat fatoarlef ot frtoada ud rola- the
feetaru of the
tbe March Lardle's ward to support toe motion
Mrao. The agod ladp toeoed aou iavlia- Udtoa- Home Joaraal. "The AuUr bat Mr. Kmpon hesitated a loag tlma
'.Meaearda in ber own haadwriUaf. biography of a Girl." "Tbe Tbrntre beeanae be Is one of the lighting
. Ufa. VoorhatowubomlnlirwJaruy. I u7 Ito Peoole-* aod "Tbe Paraoe'a mittee. bnt be said he wuted things to
areoontloaad. ud "BKtfa
rflv” areo
Harehl, IWO. She wu a Ullerau lo Batterflv"
move along peaomMp and
In Taria"
h« poaafer dapa aad at ujt afa of so
that toe ordinuee oommlttee. which
paaia waa married to a tailor. Mra.
Supporting the popular
haa bad toe raUwap aromtng U/hta
. Tooriiato to <iaite oertaia toe made toa
under ecoaideratlon tar cobm time,
Aratpalr of paau toe Revl T. OawUt abowlof her at chareb, aod A.B. Froat should make s oonaeetion with the
hamoroDAly ptstaru "Tbe Ooantrp
Talsife ever wore. Her nether lived Store OB a Social Ceatw" An Easter ligotlng committee aad do the }ob all
W be 1« pean ot sfa SbebM nieoea nolo and an antbem are timely: and the ap at onee.
naadTapearo ofaga- Mrs. Voorhato nameroDa anielM u fosbiua In
Tbto WM a signal for u exploaioa In a repertoire of higb'clase rep*
M wall. doM ber own ioo4 work aad woman # wear will be a naefnl guide from Alderman Oarrtoon. wbo sailed
jaat at toto Uma. Tbto to but a Iwalp
ertoire BucceoM.
•till wwi ud laada. alapkaa a large flaoaa betwem toa eovera of toe into Mr. lATdto aad
AMuatotodmea. She to a soBbar of March Jonraai By The Oortle Fob- personal alinsioBe aad
- toe Fliat Coagrafatloaal ehnrah there.
aboat nnusnsl seal la view of a oomlng
souto aoopp.
eleetiea. etc.
Aidermu Lsrdle reeanted the Im­
A Card.
Twenty 6vi- Team of Bnflertog.
putations ud rathnslastlaaUp retorted
.... toe oodaraignaa. do barebp
r. T. V.
agree to rafand toammap u a so-mdi
It. 0«tr
that toe gentlemu from (be Fifth
bottle wf Oroeoa’a Warrut«d Syrup of Olnisent to a bleulag. it eared m# o ward WM off hto baae, ud wm talking
Tar If It faila to core poor! ooogh or ittoiag pilet afw ss pun of saffario
toroogb bto bat. He followed up the
•old. We alto goarutoe a 2S amInr which Use I tried doetora'
. bottle to prove atlafactorp or numey
ilmentaod saDy ktodiofoIntmeaU with a vollep from bto rapid firing
fSdanded. 8. B. Walt, ^ogbaa A Ros. wlthut iMUlt." Or. Cbau'aOiDtsent
Cbau'a Oiotsent guns ud Mr. Qxrxtoen was reminded
>B. F. IC.. TbompT
If. Jaa. U.
raarsutred to cure pile#.
_____ that one rule will often work both
"toinuoablea so cents, sli drv
rtots. or Dr. A. W.
Med. Co.
- Cfaau

Co . waps, aod that there waa a Fifth ward
whose time weald aeon ex
R-'Sslo. N Y. Ssraple box free for
plre ud wboae faaeaa wore batog aare

Hamilton Clothing Co. I
Spring SuitsKen’s
Oomlng daily—
Bight from the
recognized leaders
of clothing manufacture


I Used

Spring OvercoatS"
> outh’s—
Gray or brown.
Tbe “Raglan' coat all
should see.

Spring Hats• Fedoras
Crushers —
All colors-^
Latest eastern
See our window.
N. B.---Bear in miad the tnusuallj good
bargains in men's pants,-suits, overcoats, ulSters—“Special Sale" winter weights—Front

fc tables.

*»•»•»•««««»»•»»» »*«««»•«

to Pay 10c

* 'Kevoesl SlqVet

ATV& 'KUibotv comhvtvbWon—XfiTB

5c Pig Tail


itslTd^ —'Skit tiiiti. sot lo Sl.tS.
IftoKo oIKot

Havana Smoker

• »»««»«•»» »»»«»»«»

City Opera House\vV6Ti


Sidewalk Lnmber in all sisee.

■ to TrATeree Olty I..uinber Co

One Week

Monday,March 5



Frank Tncker

When His
Wife’s Away.”

Prices, 10. IS, 20c.
No Waits (etweei lets.


SaleCloak Department.
Wf still have some very d«‘Sirable (ptrments uu Imod
aod most sell them at on^‘ to make room for spriog
stock. Cost Dot coDsidered this time.
98c for Jnokota-This takes ia
I oseortment voloe* op to
$3.68 tor Jnokots—An assortmeut which sold ht $7.00, $8.00
and IH.OU.
$7 48 for jRckeU-Vaiora op to $1.5.00
Look for other big bargains in this dcpartmenl. at






m uniT irniti |
At Lomtat »M «w «•«

iii.i.ui»dik>uj. Ti«
____ t,....-. ^11
^ « a^riaak I BaitiM fifar ba tani bia allmilluu to
<nU oaltlrarimiaodibamakiaptrfIpm.
hbipcal propram wtu aa pioea ^
^ »aoei«.d wltt a 2^
_______ ; deal of clwap aad Ipaorant ridioato At
Maaakt: -««anlCnpjtoab
la tba aeaaiap at^ T:M a Maltoraaaa
aa-peamhr bar prorad a pood
wm ba baid oa tba aabfaat. “Tba Hta- pMd wlrnr tbaa bto artrlw. aad tlnaa
4B bitalt«( «^ «
aordialj wbo para ear to bto ooviael in tbii ia_.*«U*o»«moi*w rt»». mM
M ao w^gj^nj^bair
AaBrtMoAMsMtteak Miortte
------------------- with wUeh
•■Wbat to a •MdaafPraaahar?”
«p tba Jam ttadewVm.r knowledge td
Ab MtMft wUl mmW
10 rcHapb Taaaady • Paator Baagad Chareh tba fact tint witfalu lair yean tba da1mm a Urn parttea «f ?■
Oritiatem. a 8. Barrto.
maud for prarar»» hod l«*aMradlly In<—bWfWMt <liWMii<w tmlMU
waaeliig. wbilrjbat te batter bM, ao
arap—ibUwpwitina ot ite iehM
M. D Ctond .............. rimliTtor Tlitm doabt in oooawiaaDoa. a(iown ateadeacy
«VB loea «t itM. wlMa tlo.MO.MO
r ~T Bnan
rarttorVodaclluolbiaotbrrwtoe. Oatarto
■■ .rST*r. *•.
lap aa 1 do for amae Mii.OOO daily oaa* iSSSibiuw
towrra, I bare nalarally good opportm-

litnailr EnndiiHt; in
' Cins PnbnNf Iq tit
Itf niNMUt.

«4lto MiOTrtv oSSSmuT*

haiapraat fatar
fatare befoca ib
Tbe people aiv oeing it more and mote
larg^ erarr year, and, in myr^latoib
m doing wtooly. for wbat ooaid
ba oheapar aad at tbriama nne baalthtor than a good Jata made from mad
BogJldi fmit?
“I anriteto tb« aoperiorityof GngHab fruit to the natarnof tbo wil aad |
to the tael that the fruit ripena BOCO
pradnally iu ynr clUuate tboii lu ooon. trieaWtMTV thono iiinKirrooiidnnoDa and

At SM Ills tat
SnmofWiilirulltMishmil b tll-lb 6mt
Simst nf liiMHr


Cures are a Revelation
ro tiM lUdicml World-fiip
PATlorp At Park PIam
BotAl AT# DAlly ThroDgAd
With PAtiAntA From AH
PATtB of tbo StAtO.

aira lha malentMta. a oeUer
Inm a wiadow oppoaltO, tOroafb tba
wMow of tba roos oeanplad by than.
orrzjBM xLBerio
n«o of tba pnaoaara trera abot aad
The remarkable adraaeement by the
two, H to baliaaad. fatally woaoded. BrUuSKtUi O.UI.ITOWOT-U. i'r'"*”'
I.OK !nam Ih. !»,». I. U»
ot |
|„ ,kj«.l.o« ot oimi.
AU tbaa aarreadarad add ware eonlo*
day Aft
ad la ealU.
The alpbtb grade of the Central
Two Uaman pbyatotoiat are parfaetl.rt..BTO... to tl...i.onb,m poru ,
*od ■ "1 »l«l [~ol.Soollaad arevartly.ui*^iac aa iaatramaat hy «Uob it will be aehool bntldlap held a baeiaaae meatju ^aontlii-ru Eng-; wildSre ataong thoeewbo bad given np
poaaIWo to taba pbotorrapb* of tba lag yaatarday afleraoon after aebool,
aadalaoiad oOlBan fortbe reiaalnder Uo<l, witbout d»olit btyntiM they taka , all nope of ever being well again,, and
year. The foliowinp were loogt-r to tuatore. Au^traltau Jama are . ther are. by hnadrede availing th<m
aaartoaor laM aad !a '
beiUK pnalKd Iwgrly In India end elae^1, mlracnlon* power and
nAad loaatotaaebtaba. Tballffbtto
Praildant-Cl{^e Thotna*.
darlaad ffooi aa alaetrie lamp.
Vice Praaidaat- Lae Dean.
0. W. Parkiaa ot Or^ Eapida, a
X hon«.
huUHl prclnoe
Baeretary—Minnie Uatley.
••lnlr.OaDdthfrai»ania«iiiflr.«tfn.!®»**>»ot««'^«wofferada long etifatadaat la tba fraabm^u daaa of tba
taw for tb»' fruU gr.» If faring pablle.
a«JiI at Tala aai■ only its*opp<wtuirttl.«were tomc«l tone- j At hto:ofBeefmay ba aaan tbe paralyaamty. to U1 arttb eamllpoa at bia
Malic Commlttoa ■ Martoa Pieraa. Ce­ eonat. Even now nioMtof tbe blackbar- i tie. the paleled.tba eoaaamptlve. dyabomo-la Mow Havao. Tba aalaaraity
rifalbai oonmlotbo EukIWi markeu ,
^iharad among
■atborltita aliad by tba tity baaltb of- cil Dear aad Mary Blppioa.
Tba aait lyaaam of tba aigbtb grade
Aaan. bava boas promptly aetiaa aad
win ba bald March 3».
oo ipnobMakm to fait that tba dli
Mew Booka for Ladiaa Library.
mocb to iueara Ireland’, cowmerolal i “ottA "■<0rtQoatae,‘aarvoo*.Ill5iarinp
■toarapM to raportadportaaUy '
tormeau of deblUtalea. aad daraaped
Tba following now hooka have baaa prwpority.
WivamiiiMtv QaMtta
lb« to pira tba Uait^ Stotaa tall
eonitItatloB. Ue anffariaga of tba Jaat
riphto over tba proiaetad aaaal la Nic- addad to tbe Ladtoa Ubmry: .
and the arjuat. Tbara to no klad or
Bad Potlapa. Mary CSolmcmdalay.
arafoaa torritory.
Jaaala Bixtar. Bobart Barr.
AO-pto -r 1-uwmi.g reiw^fu.H* variety of dltoaaa which to not anrod
Tba lactolatoio of Waatoalppi baa
thtoglftml’mtgBaUchaalar. Bvary
poaaada bill torblddlair the aala of
>f all folklore ato- aama.lpatare aad aoadlUoa* of
■ aaaalaa aaaapt oa tba pnaariptleo of a M. Vale.
riaa may l»i foaiid iu Cliarlin P. Lnm- that all pbyalaitni have given ap aa laTba Klap^ Mirror. Aathony Hope.
earabla, aaam bat aa play to him. for
The VUiar ot tba Two Boraed Alax- Bto’“PoiLlu Pulkliinv’' It in oue o( -----------------------------'Oaaaa Vletorto haaabbodoaad harlB^amy inyth.rrfi^ mow ii.d bwinri-1 b, i, « .tronply endowed by aatara
taodad etolt to tba Itollaa Biearla apd aadar. Prank-B. Bloakt^.
B^aaraPapa. Mra. A. D, T. Wbltaay.
mapaaUe power that
bat daeldad to remaU tot home. Bar
doetoioB to pira ap bar eaatomary
Tba MUIe of Taabarry, Vlrpiaia SS*., >eUh'«.nai libt la thi hellvena i
ire moat obetlnita ebroato dtoeaae.
aprlap holiday U aeootoatad another
>mei)tDea with only a ilagla uwat.
proof ol bar dwinteraat la aad dareDloappaa the Waaver'a Haarla Dear-' find ihat men. tlie uiimitto. tli.- flowem,
j weary of a i-un.ljujl day. Tl.vy agrio to
tfoo to tba watfara of hbr people. Ua asu Blaneb WiUto Howard.
Bto paUaeti are
Lattma of Bobart BrowniAp and put out Hie ^Ifaibw'., <ir rnn'x. lyea.
Tharaday aha will fo to London for a
Tba AlltuulU^—till. m.«.—.rfr. rc b«r- ; claaaea of people-lhe rich and fcoor.
briaf vtolt. nmalnlap anUI Satarday, Bll^betb Bar>att.
rn-lf a. a «nnfl.v . '•BHiid me.” the the edaeated and tbe ipaprant. the Inaad aba will mbably raoalTe a apleaTrlalty Balia, AmeUa Barr.
did oraUon. Ber baartfalt bomaly diaTh.O™.l,(«rHOb.rlottt «. V.l,
“J‘”“.1^": ” i
P»pl. with U.
patebM u tba peo*^ lo the Bald and
S..On»It.CUrloll.ll. W,.
.'ud i.k.
bar rialt to Nettlay boapltal bare matVia Oaeto, P. Marrioa Crawford.
I away nue^ln-Allmoth.T’.en-*. Heuea ’
convinced, and
Ban "N’ Buahai, Maria Loalta Pool, tbo mnun to b-14 brlllituil tluin the «nn. ; an now proStlng by wbat they have
ly aadaarad bar to bar paoptoP, ite IX 1 Hope! Mary Jobaaoa.
Tbe luui Bud. nvt at
and the eeen and know to ba facta. Having
Oan. Jamaa H. WUaoa. mUlury porThe aronaa Boddba. Cora Urm Dan-, ®«weni
' ! thoroughly raallaed tbe folly of walianur of tba dapartment of Maataasaa,
la Mr.. U ilH-r fohon’MramlaHwii of leg and eoffenog weeka. moattia and
tlaaU Clara, la tba ooune ot aa intar.
alaw Moaday rcpardlbCfOaban affaira,
;aa'well be eared la a day. reaaoa and
aald to the Aaaoelatad Pram: ''Tronbla Claim, .franeaa H Bnraeit
dorivtvl fniiii (In- Taliniid, Br>> dy tuld, ,
of experiment and
to afaaolaUly oat of tba .qaaaUoo. The
the MDU and iiKWM am .onully Inminoai. J Jonffment m Pl'
Oipsy XacampmOat a Auocaaa.
ItiH ^b.•lm«lllwho^vailt^ to to- morel «*oory.. have taken tbe helm and
fatara dapeada larpaly gpon the apriTbcBenlor alaaa made a oomplele btfllfaiit than tbr .nii. D<’ity to Biig<-rrd ; glided them to the
aalural prgaperity, and wbara work to
to tbe active
of their Oipay
piaotifal wapaaara pood aad a ooentry
Thi n I iodidtled principle of alUlfe, action aad bealtb
to oroaperoaa, ao aaaslbla man wtokaa eleariag a little over Wk wbleb to . ••Them.«iDgrrwpale.
ctmipan- plvlog ferae.
to altar ooadlUoa*. Aay poraop who groat belg to tbe Ainaal. The data
• and traly repabltoboa raporto i
mwkable carea wbleb be abeoletely
A Harm CevSiiHx.
■ a ;riiiap dear ao
....... oerforma lit public aad tbe great nam*
fortbe two nlgbtaand bopeatogot oet
Oar old m-Iu.......................
.iI uxito.ik.............
told m-Ihat
with malloloaa ialoat to i
mrt’uu].a.”«'idl’hirto!berbetolreaH^^ dally at bto private
Aaanat tbat Tri'
City will feci, "all bom.
I ocxtaiiily true w far ■■ ttai- honi of the narlora tpeak loader aad morC eonBoaaat Inraatlpatioaa bare ahowa proed of.
\ rhiu(.i-n» J- ivjiiornjnl. That enrione Tiocing than wordi of tbe myaiertoaa
that tbara are la the duta of MaryAt Topaka. Kan., at Ue eloae ot baa^
ekill he poateaeee. Hta can
land at laaai voiora who oonld
iBMi of tbe Uapltol eoantiag room
taloly aa laatlng aa they are
Bot meat aa adaaaUoaal teat, aboald
iiib>rwini.|i and
Batardmy algbt. tbe aabaeripth
and were they performed at aoyprcoea ba reqalreo, aa baa ibeaa propoaed.
' the miMTOM'iiiK- it uj>|iears lo to-of nrnithe Sheldon edition, begianiag with
rioua period of tbe world'a btotory they
Actiap Coramtoaary Uaaaral Waaton tbe imne of March I3. paaeed tba too,- pieitiiiii .luiilur b> ihn piiU id a cumalulk, uaeept Hint Hi<- llatn- are not ao would aarely be conaldered mlracUa
* to la taealpt of raporia frwa Manila 000 mark, with a batbel baaket fall
niilely Mipuruttd iQ- Hhh uiatenal that iadeed
ai^inp la the bipbwt tamt of the lettananopeoed. Monday an aaprcea
liiidx thi-m tivi'tbiT.
Toaecandto kaow poaltively that
It ariaopamaota la am to aapply I wagon haalad to the Capitol ofllea a
... .................
be to. of a verity, earing all manner of
the army with traab maiU. It to
| io*d of lettera which will require the noivTcfcli<>m»f.irdritikiiigciip..thia imeauaimply by laying on of hand#,
tnatthimeaU. wbleharabrought
tioii being that p..i-nu poi into tbi-m aad maaaage. aod'tbat In the moat In­
from tbe United State# oe Aaatraila by ^
mailing ItaV SabwtripImhhliiig. There credibly abort apace of time, to
the naval aapply ablp Olkdar. or takaa j
coming from evorv Quarter ot
log an excUing eptoode In tbto city. Al-


------ all ari'to. ami llHve woold ivrtainalready cl^ed and Poatmattar Kotbarla baa telampbad to Waabington eap very rapidly,
twice for
a made at Ool
oaa day laat week of IT.OM bah
oottim at T.Scpar poand. Tba psrebawr pave In paymant bto ebaek for


■ \ A Klrksvllla. Mo , praaebar baa marAadonaa average oaa eeaple a day
A Piaaotab Auaek.
for M yaata. aad la not a alogla inAn attaek waa
aa Utely made « C. P.
otnaaa baa there bean a Bivoroe.
Oolllor of Cbarol
The earn of PI.eiT.OM baa boea aa- proved' fatal ’ftSmt throSb hto*kl^
panMd in New Jaraay lie making «40
Bot atoop withoarpraat palp,
mUaa at gtood nmda.
a ehatr aaeapt propped by eaal
m apont oa xV<> ■»••• wbleb rem d- helped him notll be ti______
tele Bitten which eff «ted aueb a wop.
are aa partact oa any ■ blgbwaya
derlat change that be writet ha feela

I Ilka a

Be Pooled the Sarpaoaa

i parlQm tbe blr«d aad ballde 'np yonv
al'h. Only soe at Jaa. Q.
O. Jokiieoa
Jobi-----All doctor* told Realek Hamilton of beal’h.
Paat4effar*ona,0. aftdr fuffarlng le and R. A Wau-. i»«a
montha from Bactal Ptoiala, ba would
lAlto».mcaB 'iusatt,tramiUM
die ealaaa a ooitly oparatlon wa* par
termed; bat be cared blmaalf with mnatitwilljeonm^ amjAlttg o«ry
'iBnek 100*1 Arnica Salve, tbe boat in tbe time.-Oalmana Blaatie Tloor Varntoh ^
world. Soreat pile eorarOa eerth. >Sea 8 B..WalL Jaa. O. Jobnaon and 9. B. Walt'a

IbttnU InppA H n iMTt.


boot conpA ranedy on aattb, ewea a mid
tooMdayifukmitBtteia. BaadWem.

John F. On & Co.
Siynssirs ti
IrmrM Ciq liabw Ca

g^SSE 5
« Tnnrsi Clq,

- - Bhkl|U


Bow-a Thtof
rewnm _
Wa offer oae bnodrad doltaia reward
IT any eaaa of catarrh that earn
enrad bv RaU’e Oatarrb Cura.
Cbaoey A Oo.. Propa.. Toledo, O.
We, tbe nadaraimed, have known P.
J. Cbaoey for the lut is year*, and
e him perfectly honorable la all
Prompt, aarefal and oonrtooa* attanid Bnaoeto .
able to carry
ilgatloa shade ten. Tba atrbogeat and oldoat ftra laaraoee eompaoica la t^e world rapi»
by their firm.
in my agency.
Weal A Traax. Wbolcaalc Dmagtota,
Toleflo. O.. Waldlog, Kinnan .t Mar­
vin, Wboleaale Droggtou, Toledo. O.
Ball'a Caurrb Care I* token Internal'
.’.acting directly npon tbe blood and
mocBo* aarfacee of the ayatom. Price,
7^&c per bottle. Sold by all droggtott.

For Fire Insurance
Jotamaoil ’Flmn.


Fire Insurance

Ball'* Pamily Pllto are tbe boat.

T« OWA A OoM toi On# DAy.
rake Warner'* While Wmr of Tar Sjtv;
die beat coogh remedy on carih. £> ei>

Hati ^on disAl At tliA liUlt Tat-

L. L. A. BnildlB#.

«rud Ripldt t liiUui Rj.
Arrtval aad departare ef traiai at Trevama ,
ettf. la eflMt SMaabtf mb. um



OSOM DewTonDvltar bleek. m Frent eti
^Irpaonv Wo. *00. _________________
l^AMLT a DODOB. AUeraej aa* ceoi
iJfX lerai'law. OAeM.OIv Opera Boom
T-VR W B. * W. a. Meea. geDfval prsrtlcv also


lev Opera Bnss Blee^

ea. eBee lOV reBdrae. tM.

p-'-v.-KST-isss.'- Esrfisrs

H.>Viaatlle Oe. Block.
TTT B. TO0TBB. ACtoras. al Lav. SpMtai
W . attssUmtotaktiUas.

a ^ss.ssjs.-'iJSivK

>e llUta
ilde. aad ■

IB ba« parlor <
Oraad Bapfd

Jll'i.......... ...... ........


Thr4:9p b. train hae
Kapidk. a
Rapidt ic
TraiB arrinogai iXOp w. has aleepav Ola
i-looatl to Orasd Rapids aad caacb mad alaep
log rar Chicago to Oraad Baplds aad ebalreav
TBalB«rrltlagaiR«>p ■- baa chair car Pk
Wars* loCiraodBcplds and ebalr car Oraad



IkL park Plare BM»I. Boons CO a.d flL Wo■scB's and rhlldtva's disease a specialty. Ofto a a

fte PcK linigette RiilnB

TkK B. g FLOOD, oairv Is n»» TosMller
Xr Blork Calls aoswered pRMDBUy day Of
Bight NBrlherB pBoes.K; Bell. ail.
r B. MARTIN. PbysVIaa aad SBrceoe. Oaee.
oomc aocTB.
al • Ladles Ubrary BaUdIng. Bellehoee-Of.
nre.No. to: resideBC*.No. VI Northern sbone
-eSe* and re.ldeoee. No. 71.
» Saw'
TkR.A. J. Noorr Veterinary Surgreon. al ArOrdBapId*. j t «Upa
IV *0
Ax Morgan's B.m Treats disease* of al
doBentlr solwal> >a thr latest and laonl apChicago ■ ,'I0«*|MS^

Ues oeire nest u. Wall's Drogatopeon I'Sion
street. Unudbam In eonsei-lieii <or MUepu
Calls left at Bmdbngrii's or aiiane's sale
mo*t every train coming to Tiaverae *m pboBs.eflle« Ul. irlng*; Vunbers phone
City bring* aomc pooraaffering. aMleted man or wom*n to bim, and to wltneu tbe delight ot tbeee pooplg^ aa
tbeyrciu^ to their ‘
being#, in tbe pow«aaioa of new'lifr.
ipoK baYk ok RXCBAIIOI
hea'ib a'—I* rortaloly tbe op-

iiSd- I -

Lt Chicago
Ar Ord Rapid*



Lt TraveiBcO;
Ar Bh Rapids



portanlty of a lifeUmeand to profound­
ly appreciated aad widely OMnmended
h; an intelligent pnblie.
g>OW FOB a*IJt -■nrre-,ui>nvr> Xwevr.
Fr**# till* wuuth. Ob Irankr'* plaia
Tbe boy Ebi-nomnnon to at Park •CBUiutae/.uiii.
Plaee Hotel. Private raappUoa aad
„n-t toi a kivn and expi-riencd mim. of treatmaat room# bare been engaged TPOB l>ALS-att>lra
X lag Oiaet. and bi
r bare, atoe aa
kICr bew* aeJ IM
Mmui.m where tboea wbo dreire private ooneai- «kk
All IB rwKl er**r. Wll “SiVcl
tation or treatment may obtain the Mergaa. earv RwofC
kanie bv a
rltb bto aeere
rolrers, tiiiep., e^., tMk^ht.nold^od rstary. 0«ce bonra. 10 a m. to 5 p. m.,
A a.jr.B.|
T to 8 vvenlng*.
—London Tii-Biia
------- At
QirrATION WANTED-BrynoagaiBB. wvl< • m * M>Lv
O .*] ueated, at now* llgl.t lostds nltaatton
Ws^poohloci. AddrvwO. Addaws. jmrsi
A Yiok.liln- fanner, huvlng a boiaa
t» m-H at a fair. ^.Id
uniiy con-'
tr., ..j. ii--iinu him at Hh-mhub fair
««*Mug him at Sto .ame fair
the fullowiugyiwr.thc
ed npto the farmix w
’■Tbabioe I to.agntoi you waa a
BALB- Uonsebold furalliu*. 1 will dis.
H.orough franiL Jt wat no nee for tbe
pose ol all **7 hoatteold goods at bar•FT..V ■■ Th..>I...Wwrk.nn«iM.BlaahMl
Thodi-alrr wn» nowiao atowbad,
«» OSm, IbkkluB Block
rnlo-preparatory to reaioTal trocB ctly. 3. F.
DUusuCPaialc sirort.
holrr-plied, "Wi-ll, try ’imforl'iiavy!”
—I'hiiadripbia Broiad.

urns UD Niiiiunii l i.


No rrma^ OQualk WaiLVEi’a Whitk
ViKB OF Tab Sykci* \for tbto terrlli'and faul dtoeaae. )l token thoi^
. tVagg*—Did yon aee Sponge tbto
mghiy and in time, It will cure a ooaa ai.iraing? He aald he wo* gutnp to eall
•I !M bonra. aad fo- the ooupb tbat lot- npon yon to effert a Inn.
>>w*iiaOrippa t'. never uQto to piva
Oagg»—No; 1 waa oat wtNO tooallaa. tSe and Mte.
rd. end tbenfdia I am not onl
Kan York Trtbaae.
I Sr. ¥. ).

I viriM Af Tat Syptotor ^
dllMd At t)» IdttU

a not morriud yei?”



have been aepv aa long aa ar
Btontba In perfect coadiiloo. The raporta declare that alter witaoaainp
tba native mettaoia o| alaaghterlng
animal# and tbavtock thara can ba no
dOTbt aa to tba great ■apariority of tba
froaw mean broagbi 'by tbe aaval
vameto for Use army la tka l%tUpplaea.


.APma aaTaaopTaan





• U alV MwImo
mi tntrmo.
A MclOM nmii M VO ooavtoio ot
TiBMh. tk» mat pctoaa a«r Cairo.
mmttj iBTOlrad MO mkrn prtooatn.

Ortttolam. J W. Hayward.
LikMy to Baedro Proawttoi
J. A. Hraady.......... Paator riiai Cbarab
OriUetoa. f. W. Irowg.
tadad by Paaaliar Praaaat Day 1
rarattaL Tbomaaoa.................. daakaoa>
nyatw b i-aompNa------Orfttotom. ObcaUr W. Cbaaa.



wMaMibyMw i

» to to M
«i of etoc«u

Marvelous Power



Half Soled

E»r,xvKStr*-•’'le,’’' iiii


um| * I*





tpOR BALB-TwsniyaerwercbolcstaBdBSar
X^^^Uy.toOtrnU uwes beany >**1'^-^-


Zb 80 minaCAA whll# you
TT JOP riaay btod i, tea. jSSR ~

VAttoPrtOAA 40 ABd aop.

L S. Fipiu, I3i flMl Stmt SSJSSA/.4St.t5.



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