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The Morning Record, August 11, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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'-7-,•• ■ ■>.,■ ^.,:i
amw0 MuUtA m TmMs
Omm ot tto Bi^-OUo Mm
iCMcMOakM Msth BMs4
TmU* »MW m »• Jaw-Waa-
aarbalalMabliilihb Oaa artiaa
MiMibaaaaa MobaalMklarifbt
a^ laada bla Ml «a IM WiMiib.
fUz awiaga bio Ml m IM aya aad
wbaatbMWiaoh bMban aHuW to
DrtM Oaatotba layoi wbwa vm
ailaoh. Oaa dMbla awlan aad. I1&
laada a bard Ml oa Ihft m Ornfaka
laaawllk Ihtaa latw. im mMaaa
MiaadOaa oMabaa hUaiaiba a^
a Ml to Iba aiBMib. Tbay
Oaa>to bbf laft M^SSllLatb. Bob
aaoMOaB to hla hawaa wUb a loti. aM
- Bwia^MSO^riMktMo Moniw rlyhtMiba )aw. BabUa la ay, aaty
irwMU OmomMom
ImporiBl Oowommoot OaUty
crfFowonMto Batatr ot Mtakton
-UMaar ChftM AppoUtad MaproiMtotloaof Chlaaaato MofotUta
far PoaaatBl BattloBMt of tha
Sawtto Omtm.
niiiUlwTMtMaBMtaoaaa. '
LeadM. Aar- l^It k toportod that
Mow Tork. Av- « “
^**** ■wtafobiariMtaroadeBa'_____
dlaob.iahUa wMod a taft. Bobb aa (Bparial adkt hM baaa Maad apr---------iMiCki WBohoil Ml Ow olhar
MtfDMtowtod. Om rattMta Bob poUtlar U Hoar Chaar tba raproBMkokUiwnkow(df.«aUo»Of> M tha ■BOobM bla Booa Om eUa
totlraeftba Ghiaaaa rowuaaat to
foM Of tka Jow. TU MU kmmaa laMoa flfbt M tbo oar I
toMbattboWowo baroae
wltb tbo pewars
tbaa. Bob owtaca Us rirhi
•iwttto mUoi. II wm o MrUo htod
aiMSd Ooi’ baod. Om JoU* bk law
Air. 10—M. Fnasqal, BalWm. OOdMlM wilh Iko OOMMM wttbhklsft. Bob awlacs a riffbt OB
lUat Hbaarbai. eoaflnu tba
tono of ft dMMoAUMfT poMkM. Tba Iko oboaldw, tbaa oo oar. Fits jolB
Li Boar Chaar baa
Wow, wktak WM praoaM kr ft rlfhl a Jtw with bk laft aad Om eUaeboa
aro rary waak. Oos jaba bk Uft baaa appelatad Mtoy aatn
•wiar.OMitkft Wf AlDMllft iftftkftlf Bott
tba faoaaad Bob swiaca a rifbt for
to enter
owir). ftM klft body, ftlnody oo Iho It tar bat Bkaaa.
keoad. woo Ml by iho Mirk Iftfl of Booade—Bob pats a laft oa tba itcpaaoaaaroUatloaawitb tba pew
•tOBoeh tbaa sw^ Ua rtrbt araaad ra.
Ihft ma fiM Oecnwalf
tlwftojnt osob oaitbftr p«fteb.ftft Uft. Bob obaa» Ooa to hU sonar bat WeaUarvw, Aar. lO-A eipber meaPMiJiaBftUlolha iiifd of Mod la Ua awlar tor tba haad U harBlesa aad MrafiBB Klalatar Ooarw. rMwad
MowOrhMft. Thft ImpMl waft toUow- Om jabi bk lace. Bob aaada a rtobt to tbU Bamtor. daBoastralM what baa
tba ribs aad tar aad aaotbsr rirbtaad far waaki baaa iMpmul. that tba
•dbfftMTlAe enob. iWlob aondad Uft
oa tha jaw drops Oua to Ua bearda iBpariU aaUwrtUB Is PakU were
Uka Ma onebiDf of ft »
Om takM tba fall eosat aad riaM
EahUa, aadar iba watybl of Iba poaeb florry. Bob k waak bat roabaaIn to playlara rase of doabU diplomacy or
lakbbkaua. Ba falaB with rirht dnpUdty w rarard to the forelrn Btawbloh wbeadid iba Ineakoat. '
* waaa Oaa dada ba driaM a rirbt ktan. Oaorer'a Boasare' U alamat
bafma le' lotlad. Tha datohar
ktanUeal wltb that of M. Picboo to tbe
wtlbaaabftJolUarftfool tb»t ii ball
Preaeb rorarnBont Both sake a
atralfbtaaftd Smbltab body ay.
aaeaaaity of a oeont m Oaa k i
poalUva ataUBOBt that tba Ibnar LI
Iba oMtcblMiar effael bad
» rUzalB
I U daoUrad tba
1 to tbe Blalitara
•elMBla Uawcirk wb«i Iba ooUaiM wlaaar.
ar. PIUklmBadUtalyaarTooBdFtu
mm aad Rablia wbaolad aboal aad adbyabowltarcBob. Oaa k Uftad op
tall faao forward oa Iba raalaad tar- lisp M a rac aad camad to Ua eorser. ly aakad that they shenld iBBadUtoly
Vbara bk aaooada arork orar biB aad 1MTS PaklB aadar aaiubU aaoort aad
tba srowd k in aa nproar Both wara taat tba iBpwial govt
laMoaa OharUy WbiM bacaa
Tory Urad arbea tba Arbt oadad. Fits
ami dfi Iba aaoowda. It waa aaa
eroaoBl orar to Oaa’aoraar aad ahook roady to prorido that aaoort U k
WB tbk atatoBaat that
Tba onadwnai forw of ibaDbloaB waa baada wlU Oaa. who bad tMOtarod
UTaBoahM bi
••Mtar. toa." mm tba eoaai. troB tba kaodkmv
It WM a AatM fl^t wUU It iMtod aMtlar iba attUado of tbk aadotbar
BadootolcbfM.'’fartba i
and both Bsa wars at Ubm oo wMk wairn rotonBoaU on tbk qnBttOA.
waadaoabayoadaUbayaof raoaBlay
Mdor tba raUa. It
a taal batUa
aada pablle today by tba atata d^art•D tba way tbroaffb. 'll waa yaMaaBeat and la M foUowa:
tarty faal aa batwaaa mb of Ibalr
Tba Tnurld Taaaaatatcstetbo
dlploBatk body that tba TarloaaforBabUa. wkm takaa to bti dmafay
foaai waa la Tory bad abapo aad alMOl Kitohoorr AadMathneii Aftar al^ yoraraBOBto have npaaiadly
lakad tbreorb tba rMpaetiva OblaMO
th« Boar OenoroL
Blaktora that w< ImBodUtaly daport
from PakU nodar SBltabU eaeort Tba
aaU aad toBBd tba D oBoaarloBB that
Boon Daotroyad a Mallway, aad Ovt
aaks at to fix a data for oar dapartoraaad to Bake tba
rarivad aad waa takaa la Erorbard'a offBonroMof Bapply at Johan
>B to do so. Oar reply U that
batta. Bo coUaaaod m hla arrlral
« War Bhonld
Mk laatraatiom from oor yoetbaraaadaaaUaiwwplBtoUod to laba rt^pad aad tba Traaaraal Aa.
aad that la tbeabaanceof
iMa oeMaloaoaaaa Dr. Uaibaid wai
•neb iMtneUoM we eannot qait oar
^tOj BoaBOBod. Aiie’olaek Bah
aasod to Sraat Briuia.
Ba WM alUl aaeoMgloaa aad blood apwiatwTbaKomiso BaeM.
yoa that Uord.er to
' froB hla BOBlb aad
PraUria, Aar- 1»-Tbe railway aoatb
oara Tho deetor B olUt worklay o
of V«aaairlar wm dMtroyod by tba Ibaora oar aafa dapartara, fmiro
Boara laat alrbt. A aaBbar of pM- troops only oaa aafaly aaoort na aad they
Whoa rtu appoarad ia Ibo rlay at aanranwaro broarbt bora oo an arm- Boat be U anfieUat force to yaard
PM ho waa chootod wUdly. BabUa orod train. Ooal k aearM U Jobannaa- aafely 000 forairaen. inoladlar too
Wlowod a Blaato lator.
barr owlar to tba aoarea of aappir be- woBsa aad oUldrw, as wall aa t.OOO
by Oerbatt Boib boo aMMrad to bo iar eat off by tba Boon. BaBlltca aatlra Chriatiana,' who oaanot
led to oartala —■■■r
lataoooadlUee. Broa Boaoy waa of* baa raUarod Bnstoabnrr. tba Boon bafwadtrooly oalbo debt. Tha atlaa- rtariar tba plaao, Baklar oalyU faabU eaaaotaeeapt a CUaaae escort andor
Aoes. AlloorooUearnM
The Boon flad to Wart
Alto o'aloakltoa Bbarkoy wmU- OaaanU Kltebaar aad Matbana art are dkpaublar tba fctrar«far totbelr
tredaaod aa ebaUaajrar of tba werU bOBbardlBr Dawet'a poalUoa aortb
“Of tbe ABertoaa aarUas aaraa
aad It waa aaqoaaoed that bo woaid aadaoBth.
atootflU bofmibla elabUo lattor Preloria, Aar-10—Tbaro la a strdar ban been kUlad and aUtaaa woaadad,
aBonrtbe latter OaptaU Myen and
parlotibo Boath wbolborFlu wIm taallarbare that
orlooM. BUly Maddoa. Bublia'a Baa- auaaaras aboald ba taken to briar iba Dr. Lippat, who an rattuir afanr
acar, had It otaiad that aftar Iba drkl war. wbtob k aow daraaamur Uto a well.
ha woald bo .roady to arraafe a flybt Mrka of BaraodUr rUda. to a elcwe. While the Ualted SBtae rarsnmant
Tba aaBbar of barrbara U tba Arid k baa bean dsBaadlar protaettoa fo
with Jof riaa.
to bk
Tba roforoe etdora Iba Boatoabakt oertaUly dlBlakbUr aad tbaaaatUl
baada at 10:94. Tbo flfbt.la to bo &rbUar are bald totalbar partly by oaeort to IkkU by CaUcM troops aad
rororaod by QaooMbary ralaa.tte tom oMpoktoa aad partly by a faaUar that arrUrtbat the lapwial raxaraBent
botac 15 roooda. Tbo fi^t otartad at than k UaaSetoat raaaoa why they aball cm-opanta wltb tba Uteraai
10:05. FoUowlay la Iba dataU by aboald aarraadar. They an also U- rUkf ooIoB a tha Taanr U YsBai
doanaad to a oartaU extent by torts baaa talllnr Coarar that bk rorerai
isBbara of fonlra adreatorara aow baa aak^ that Imperial troops aaeort
Bond I.—richUay Bob
hlB oat w too dty to tbe coast.
toBbolla't ayt: ibay ellaab.
flrbtUr with tbcB. not dee par
aaeda hta rlrbt aadar tha baart.
whoa wan U tbe oooatry baton tha Aa no sneb raqsaat baa baaa mnda by
tbrowa laft aad rtrbt to body aad
Yoor oomapoadaat Uterrlawad >U lonraBant tba admisktratloa k
rttxbooki oe tha oar. Ou booka hB
oemrUead that tba Tanar Li Yamaa
1 laadtor TnnnUon oa
debt oo nu'a aoT. Bob aBoobaa Oaa’
^ wttta bte laft aad Oaiabot bk loft aabjaet aad they aspiMaad tba opinion baa baaa oaiar to iB own adrantnre
M tbo body, tbaa iba laft cm Bobb tbnt Ornt BritaU aboald annex tba tbe koUUon of tba BUktan by kaapBoaaaad a laft oo tha Boatb. Fits ooeatry nt oaea. Bonaonable tisu Inr tbamU tba dark m to wbat tbalr
triad to worry, bat ba U baek with a
■BBanto an doUr for tbair reltol.
atanbriaf blow rlybt oa tha jaw. woald then bo altowad tbe renoUa
aad BkrapnaantUr tba whole sltaaOMjaba with laft aad rirbioatba borrban to samsdartbair
otoBarb aad Bob ia onbiariba. Fiu they failad to do tbk tba pnaalty woald UOB to tbOBL
UadaUs rirbt aadar
bU riba. Fttt
‘ • bla
Tba Ant tbUr dona stm to inform
of tbalr proaarty.
faBdato ri^b^ad^tba bMrt aad
srnralar aboald alae be rl*M to far- Ooaror of tha rarlooa ataps taken for
tbat any om of tbalr thaiUtof of tha laratUaa A elpbar
atoB iMai wlU araa sroald ba seat to BBMTioftbk ebanalar wm aam to
r. BobwMtindwbaaba priaoa far a tomtom, aad any far- blB today.______________
-Flu Biased a lafi aad alraar aaUr arsa srith fatal aSeet
Om atocgtoi bia ^tb bk laft and woald bapoal
■fMMMAa ■MWrtMOM*. .
OlOlaaMi la Bank an latarMtod
OMMtbaaMaand drasn blood aad
aad OaaarsBiBt Will Trr to
Ui rirbt keraaaad to tba jaw. BaUU
wobblM bat omm ba«k atnar aad
BbattboybU tartoarty. ritoaaadaUaUft
. Aar. lO.-Ibe a
^ to tha atotoaeb. Om k tirad. Bob
Dowd of OaabBarfator Shops _ ariMt (UlM aBoatj^i
J boobi bk rirbt oa tha oar aad Oh
aaaebat.bat Bob bMk Ub off. Ba
PakU altaatloo. Bank ~k
bootobk Uft M tba aye aad Om; apMsi M to* kwnuie Baeort.
Ur 400.000 MB^U tba far
> Ub U tba eya aad I
Itoytoa. a, Airnt lO-Bkbty waodUAktlM a
I srhan Bob boBBara
MtbaUworkanoftbe NathmU toahr««kMr
ash. Om ------------------ for aaUr
- albowaad wbaa they break Bdb
tba BaaaraUb with a Uft to tbe ja^ Oh takM
«nat naUsM that the faton aaearity of bar
OMBt aad COBB ap rrorCTI an aMtara boMdariM dapaada 'apM U' BoaaA »-BotbaoM apaUwU, Oh S.O00 tdk workaaa oa tba
nBbaaabdBobeUaebaa. rUsBiaHa
Ckytn and If tbsMob nrktB- obcea
dMUa hook bat laada Ua
■ -h'.SB
__ and Bob
aaeda bk Uft to toe lface
_ tbw to bk wiU ba aaA aaCarUr aad hantir ber wtth andCTBabed
otarnam. Oh jaba tbe taae
tUMB with bk toft aad Bob oMt bk fan tba wuur k cmr.
a BtUtary atretoa 1
laft aa tba aaok. Both an tind aad Haba OMtlaBa to aanaU a«B aalca tbeItkn
manent toraa U •
___________ MB 1^ WMk far tba Dayton KaaaI wiU ba Ucroaaad to
faM aad baeta toft aa tba Aaetart^OOBfuy.
Fourth Y«r-No. 1019
a Look at
our Window
la oonaection with the work* of art in
pictnreA, which we htYe carried so long,
we «re placing before the citir^ here
some fine pieces of artistic pottery,
oriiich we know will be appreciated by
all lowers of the beantifnL Mr. Hobart
has had many years of experience in
fine pottery, and can asaure the people
of tbe gennineness of the articles pre
sented. All are cordially inrited to call
and examine' them.
And jua*!! aee bow lew
we bare marked oor ram'
mer footwear to cloae it
Rctice As
kilts' Oifiris
The dainty,'atjliah abap»—and ther'll wear kp.
They were $1.60. now we
aell them at $1:00.
fttlM As
kilts' Shots
Handaome, trim atylM-black and Un—we bare
redooAd to $1 88.
Notict At
$2 Ttt Shots
For ladiec'—cloth trim—
atylUh and aerriceable—
Notict til At
Dther BtrgtAs, Too
That Big Sale
Then we're anre yen’ll
bny if yon have any nae
for a pair of shoes.
This Morning
..........AT...... ‘
Trareree Cito’o
Leading Shoe Honae.
Clothing.____________ Hats.
From Vour Desk
You Can
Aay part of toe eontUant, ba U oon•tant. direct and personal eommaaleaUoB with year aalesBan. baada of dcpartmeota, aad In fneV erery one yon
wkb to meet.
If yon SEE people, yoa can't do aay
more than talk with them, and yon
eu do that from yoor own oSec. with
a larre Mrinr' aSaetad by tbe talephone nad planad oa toe eradlt side of
tbe ledyer.
Bare yon one U yonr ofBee?
Alotof 1 aadfi Of Bklnd, TBlu8B$t.OO
to $1.60.
$Mn thOM Shin Watata at 76c P Batter do
so today.
Our Tan Shoes and
CJtDtM- SKD uaKta-
tn Pressing Parlors
Must be sold out quick.
In order to do so. we bare
cut prices 10, 25 and 50
per cent off. You get val
ue received.
Ut Bail Freai ainet.
onHeraPkm^n''^ tor as* 4«Hrr.f«i
°*tS5Jstf^^“Maa8. JBXKU Acoi-armE
•ark m aawlaUy.
Leading Shoe Hoaae of Northern ilich. Ret SUrt—H2 Fmt Stmt
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tails, bat a
I bare tried
aMaaaaawaaaaAaaaaaa •«««««
I Till Tan Slioi
Is tbe Shoe for summer. Summer is
still with us. but we are having a
sale, of Tan Shoes. If yon want to
make a good investment invest in b
. pair'of Tan Shoes here.
Bapwmbu StylM -NSW IDX4- FATIBBH8 «n now
hsm-Any Btse, any atyla, lOo.
Pig Tail
I hare come to the ooociosion that 5e will bay a firat.
claaa, delicioua smoke. Tiy
one and yoa will newer pay
10c for A Pig Tail again.
Men's $5.00 tan shoes sell for....................... $4.00
Men’s $4.00 tan shoes sell for....................... 8.00
All $3.00 tan shoes sell for........................... 2.50
All $2.00 tan shoes seU for........................... 1.75
J From street
AMT 01 CUP m
I Moraiao saooxp.
D O.S. W4un.
MD «•
lattBtot pMM\pr*pw« ior «.-----MtttottMlMia^tialtortba watt
W««t a BMloa thM mMImt. Ic
tkrnot proaptritT prapara fera4*ar.
Ttaua an proaparoaa m». Setar
tifnti ia eot Uatory baa aaeh an im^Ma and ^fl(a>la TOlana ot baai- andoppoaa aepapaion. The trinmpb
taMbaca-baadlad. Ikaaaaat lA as- of tbair poll^. It pat apon tbe atatoM
paatadtbataUpaan wUlballka tbta booka. wonld raaalt la bmariean (nryaar Cropa wlU (all. Bpaeaiatloa loI baoomlnt cold and bmerieaa
4aaad by proaparlip may laad tt> anaafe abattiaa baoomlnt ailant. Bayliab
looma woald waare (or ni and German
Bat Iba wiaa >dniatat(atork o( tha milU would do oar (orfflnt. American
mMoo mnal and arlU proTiaa aa lar aa' labor would fiod iu oecepatlon toi
faaMato ab dimtaad dtnnilytba
Than la a alSarenae between the
Maairtaaat tba aaUontbal a food two polltleal partlea. The Bepablleana
4if(aa of praapanty may be espeetad do want (6 torero the markeU W tbe
iMiar all normal eondiUona. Aaapao- world, and to relfo orar the AiatribogUara rroirmon tbaawa can aak tUmotthe worlo'e meat and bread.
«a die (ram oar mlaaa move (baa we
■ink in tbia way work at borne -tor
«aa aenaame. Wa apin, waa«^ (ocfa. erery boneat laborer, markata (or the
ihapa and make more than we eaa oaeflaU, tormt. (arnaaa and (aewry aU aaeb a factor in the world that will
pndMO moaa than asooeb to oapply oempal peace and JaeUoe amont tbe
^r^iWe dammUe damaad. Tbia nationi of tbe earth. It la tba policy
I, not a ibaary, wblab eaa which will baamn that bleaaed time
bn mat In bat one o( two waya.
mornlaad by tba propbat of old when
teaa tbe ootpot or Ineraaea the pm- tbe aworda aball be beateo into plow^nma. Tbe (ormer ie eoattaetlon. abana and tha apaart Into proninf
wa.^ latter la aspanaton. It la impoa booka It U tba Bepabllean policy.
' iMa to auad atUi. Wo maat to (orward or baekward. The ebaanala ot
iBa world'a commerce an aoraf alat■anb The atruftla o( tbe tweatieib Mr. aad Mra. Ormay and Mr. and Mra.
tHtary will be (or markeU. Bn»lnem
MaeaWaatFlahlnr Yaatardaytoewa no aantlmont. Tba parebaaer,
Mr. aad Mr*. C. A. Qremy and Mr.
vtotbar Turk, Japaneae, EatUah or
and Mra. 0. C. Maaa epent yeatwday on
Vankoe. will bay when be can boy tbe
Carp (Abe. and bad a moat dalltbtfal
jB—r"‘ Tbe nation that can underTAy ebarterod Ue ateam yacht
atfl tha roat o( Ua world will control Bebeeea and epent Ue day flablnt and
(Be eomaerca of the world. It U tbe
•atlled .policy of tbe Bspabliean party ridist abeni Ua late
They made a rery flae catch of dab.
(a preiaat oar Indattriaa. eneonrata
Mta. Maaa eateUnt Ue larcaat dtb of
■anataetartat, and tbaa eraataaeontba day. They raiamad lapl araalnf.
atoat demand tor labor. TbU. howJW. II only baU of tba problem.
IBa natlrn or the indtridoal that In• •
t anlartiag Family aaarrai Ud to Kre. Baney'a
(Be damand aad iw
Taklnt Polaoo.
Ban, wlU aoaaa to trloL Oooda alaekMra. Haney, who llraa near Ue
•top IIn warahoaaaa
faetorlaa on BlfbU atreat. created
coaalderable ezeltament
___ or. McKlalay. not conMnt with
ppwimt tba factory, opaaod tbe mark- eraaiat by 'ukiat poiaon. She and
«m to aba>rb tba oatpot of loom, bar hnaband bad bad a qaarrel darlnt
tba afternoon, and Uto. It la aald. led
■pladla pick and plow.
bar attempt at enlelde. Sbe waa
Tba retalt la alBoat beyond ballet.
t oeaalderad oat of dantar Ull yeaThe eiporta ot tba UnilAd Stataa (pr
•Badmal year lOOO amoaaud to tha
urm-T-------- * tiiilt.t7v.tlt-
Fitly Taten
Ahappypaly aaamX yatewday mi
M^cfTniSL «M* wttfclMO^ (tep Xtoka nhnad teo iliimw Thrv.
HrfteetoodVme U«y hnd and Ua
ptoMMAMriM ««lla>7. ■«»«.
Qmmml tha WUIvIm. tte
' Mtteay eniTbl won lOMMklnt V>
tilh ohMA. tte pv«y
««Mk* «M» b MlMMMil
tetetelte o( Mr. and Mn. V.&
M «PB«II« «
Oarta. lb. aad Via. Lortn BobmU.
wy'mmA tiM <B1
Mr. n«d lira. A. B. Parry and Mr. and
•taate. Om
Mn.OoocfaO-Aa*wo( Ohteco.
Eton MnbM Bntaar
ThayebartMteUaTlBWtMUa anUra day. ftobint won Ue order o(
UeteMOnn. and lota e( iU wata
U mtamnta Ua bnlldiat ot aa laUUkan.Uo«hlltopiateblo U*t Ua
iennnl.nolae a lomntarof mr.
enacalnwiy. aa aavL Mta.
tet •• a paa« mMva and a aemm
Fort waa titan a Aaalropby cap far
aatUtat Ua drat iab.
Tbapartyauapfantodianar In Ua
flora alBortonh laadlaf. utd apaat
: allow Uia eoealiT to aaearan
UaaftanooneraWntibOBtUa late.
ofttepartyoi .
ttyviUoMbaoearnaU. Uara are no
____ rnnrkom lo eenqaat. ft la ehatfad
that UB la not a noMe • aaion. that M Itointa Oaaa Bcoldad
la a raak ««maraial:im. Bat It la
BMwn'a Court.
«than that II to raak IndoatrlalA aaU ia Jaatlea Browa'a aoart baa
. Ittoprarldlntwiwkforfaetcrtoa.
rmaltad In a raUar anaaaal deetoion.
labor te laboren. Uanapoiiatton (or
a. It aaakaa tbe pay roU tatter. wmiam Meat bad
Inmbar that be bad
Itlatba peUey ttatrawcola mortnc—.
Mr. Dominie, and which bad been
baUda homon (or worlday man. maataa
a daaoaad (or tbe train ot the dald. tba aaltad by Mra. Dominie, wbe claimed
that tbe Inmbar waa hara. and ha4
maate(tbapBBtara.aad tbe Iran and
bean nnUwfoUy aold ly Mr. Damlnie
eoat o( tbe Bine, rt U ratkmal and
wbUeabewaatooaona tiipaio Kalenational pra^artty iooadad on wladom; not a prbmlaad praoparity eraatad maaoo.
Wben tbe eaae arept to Ue Jary. it
by eottlnt» doUar in two and ealUnt
waa decided not only that Mra.
oaeb bait a whole.
Domlala eonld keep tba lumber, bnt
radieal dapartara trom tbia poliey
Bhe waa awarded $I« afalnat Ue ptaUU adroeatad by tbe Demoerata In tbair
____________ ~
arowad pnrpoaa to daatroy protaetloa tlfl.
Mr. and Mro. Wm. A. Hlekeraoc, old
plonaeiv. eomlnt to Ue QrandTrararaeretwa la IMS. atea M aad 15.
areapendlot U'e week rtoltlat Ueir
oon. D. C. NUkeiaon.: of Wrat EifbU
Oeerm Calktot. wbo waa formerly la
Ue barber baalacaa In UU cUy.
rlred from tbe upper paainiola Ttaoraday oraainy.
Mra. John Walter retnrned yeaterday
from lielMd.' where ahe baa bean rlaitlat Mr. Keltar'a ptrenu.
Mra. Ira Branaon and dantbtar o'
tHoexCity, Iowa, are Ue yncata of
torn. S. J. Wrlfbt, of Its Madleon
etreet. _
M Im Era Fhelpa of Sycamore U rUhint frlrndl^ip tbe city.
Beno FiaBer of Bart, bat retamed
home after a riall with bia brother.
Charlaa Fuber. of Bohemia aireeV
Mra. Bilry Sweara aad daoybter.
Joaepblne. left yeaterday on a riall lo
Flint and Detroit.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Meida areastertainlDi; Jamet Walton and (amily
ot Beddeia. S. D.
Cnarlea Weaterbnrf bat returned lo
bia borne in New York after a riall
wUb J. B. McGinyh and family.
Mra. Frank Hardy retnrned yester
day to her borne lo lotcrloeben after a
rltlt wUb Mm- Helena Bre«.
L.H. Shank of Empire waa In Ue
city yeaterday.
Mr. and Mra. D. Eoebe of Empire,
arare tnetta at Ue. Wbitlnt yeaterday.
Fraak McCormick waa in Ue city
yeaterday from Empire.
Mm Cbarlea Skeleber aad two children arrired ia the city laat erenlnf to
loin Mr. Skeleber. wbo baa been here
(or come lime. They were aeeompanled by Miai Galloway of Grand fiapide.
A party (rem Manletec. cooalatioK ot
Edward Bneklay, William Doaflaa.J.
K. Boyden and 3. B. Merritt, look din
ner at the I’ark Flack yeaurday.
MiMAanaOrlaU baa tool
Mlation for a few weeka' racailon.
Mra- Annie M. Adanaaa Dead..
la dlrldad am»t alt elamea of inWord baa been raoeired bare of the
tetriat. and tbe Incfcaae over tha
Aaen) yaar ot lan, the beat tba ODoatry death of Mra. Annie M. Adenean In
ted arar bafon known under any ad- Grand Baplda. Deeeaaad waa Ti years
s. Her eon, Frank B . and death■InBtration. waa aa followa:
Ira. Annie Treipaia. will go to
ruberiea................» X.000,000
Grand Bapidt Sanday to arraafe (or
brintint Ue ramalaa to Uto city (or
forntry............. lo.ooo.ooo
>. Lotaafcr Admired.
Vow to keep np tbU record and pre3. A. Lmantar baa bran nomlnatad
«lde (or a normal trowtb ta the parpoae
«d the Bapebllcan party. Itbaaraeaai by Ua rapabUeaaa of tliand Tkarcrea
ly portanad a reclprocliy treaty with eoaaty (or Ue eSea of Probate JadteWhat is Calary King?
Varmany, aad anotbar wUb Italy la Wa know of no more werUUy baaiowIt Man hertbdrlnk.aed Ua poalUmcnie
to tncfaaaa tba aalaa of Amarl ad honor In Ua gift of Ue Bepablleaca lar
rooritrwtlon, bmdarha, aervesi duo^
OM prodaeta In tbcaa landi. a poliey of that ooonty, Uan tbia recognition of drrs rbrntBriUm. kidnry dUeaaea. and tba
Taitoo* tiMhUs arUlnc fitun a dlaoraerad
laMtnrMed by that matcbleaa Ameri- Locangar. John la a Uorongblyr
Blamaeb and torpid 'Wet. It U a moat
pateat attorney.to ooneerannt wlt^
aaaMnt4saa. JammO- Blaine.
The admlnlauaUoD meennd
hate Jerlapfadenna aad will make a pbj^riani c«DRmllrepon door poUey” In tbe Orient ao that paloaiaklnr aad-ebliglar ofldal. PerfeUrr Kloe !• aold la
whan the Cilaece troablec are over, aonally we hare admired tmraager for H«a tr dnipnsM and d<
wttboat tbe aaecmliy of taklnt n foot many yaara. and wa are glad te learn
at land or keeplat a alotl* aoldior ta that Grand TraTarta Bapablleani
omr prodaeta aball bare arery arlaa know bto tma wce'&.'^
ndrantnta anioyad by ttaoaa of the Banner.
Mt (aeorad natloaa intereatrd la Ue
ante Tha Importanaa of tbia diplomatic
Wc. Ua nnoeialtnte do haraby
irfpt mayhtioaamoig^v^
iCiaatefteted tea many on a Ma^ttUramamb«» that ona-i
^ tea prodneb of all Ue looma at Ua
Wealao fuaraatea a'U«
•onUematataa lad*a market in Ua.
‘ .
OLtwoBa m4LS lu*
tewite<MM rbiteii »|1» tnou
.. aateltei.nite '
Top don't seed wwoedifaip
AUMWhMbWBnnMatefrom dtlateoalntter Ute BOnwnrU Bala to
awyHLandjailirtitalatotiam wm
riaalaat tetter teat te «M wana.
atettetateMMatealdonmaler Ua
at cMa Oteriaa Bala arawt ow tea
Mato*telaM.aifM. to «ca «er hto
hratea nte brite ^ tote
BUnwteUh baalU tai awnr boan
Caed tean hto ratara «Tte Oaba. wbm
hattetey QL After bto rater
UoOnlUdBlaMbaateUa bOMdUl
tealotettea, ate hto aatetntlan
WM eo—Idarably wMbMad. Ba rtaantiynffted a aalg* of typhoid (tear.atehMboaabaekatbto work in
Obtoago bnt 4 abort time.
Blue flame
Oil Stoves
last a little oil—and any ebUd can oper
ate it. Yon can OM it ill jonr dining
room, or any place. We have them in
all bIzcb and styles.
Pboterraphaofaoma of Ua eharactara la tha Indian opera, ■'Powbaiaa.*'
are la Ua arlteow of tba Beaton Bure,
and gfea aa exealleat Men of tbe treat
to bo expaetod next Moteay aad Taeaday aTanlnga at Ua aty Opora HoMa.
Tba ptotnraa are from tbe audio of
BmlU A Priee,*aad era fine apacln
of pbotecrapble art.
Kyoar ebUdraa are (retfel. peei
aad eroM. moUer Ue aame. dhto ____
iYou o*n
Faietal nirmtot.
year drnyrtot.
ch.. A. wv-;. of B.IA1V. -bo o
atUeplaaoat tbe Virginia Spy
■ raninf.-Ukiog Ue place of Mr. Stefleu, wbo waa bnyat the rcbearta! of
Ua opera Fewbatao,
I Fin Crtyoi Portrait
16x20 tot $t.2S.
This offer is good dmi; tor a
short time.
Prereaied a Tragedy.
Timely information girrn
Made from any good picture.
George Long of New StraiUrillr.
tared two llret.__
A frightful
kept her awake erery
-cry nigh
nigbi. ___
manyremediM and dcctom
bnt steadily grew worse netll erred to
King's Naw Diseorery. Oct
. rbolly enrad bar; and aba
writes, this matreions medicine alao
cared Mr. Long of a aerne attack of
mmonla. Sneb enres are poaillre
proof ot its power te core all throat,
cheat aad tong tronblca. Oaly sic aad
SI. Gnarantoed Trial botUea 10c at
S. B. Wait and Jaa. G. Joboaon'i drug
Fill Insurance.
St 4W Seatb rtlea •
Oiws aU dabirboi At. IU. Bril 1
1i; Cam SVBSCT.
Dont Be Fooleoi
. Ia I., a. Bunding.
Dealers In Everything! Dealer^ In. Everything!
Riel) and Elegant
In Furniture
Pretty odd bits that relieve the monotony and add the
touch of beauty that make a bouse iuto a home. We
are daily unpacking the greatest stock of handsome
furniture you have ever seen. Small Centre Tables
with tancy coverings from $3.60 up; Hall Stands, or for
the comer, new designs, sell from $2.00 up; beautiful
Chairs, in odd shapes and new style of finlshing^nd
carving, from $6.00; Three Piece Parlor Suits in differ
ent styles of upholstering, from $20 to $60. Bemember
that the “little at a time' payments soon makes you the
happy possessor of a house full of handsome furniture.
To complete the furnishings of your rooms. What a
change could he made with a handsome drapery in the
door, or podsibly by that window.) No store 'is hbowing
the assortment we are in the new Persian designs, or
the Tapestry effects. Our prices are from $1 76 to $16
the pair.____________________________________________
Gives that glad-to-be-at-bome feeling the moment you
enter the room. Just placed on sale some beauties, en
tirely new designs-Prlces from $1.60 to $900.
Seduced from $du to $30.
ThaHannali & Lay Mercantile Co.
' at Ua
-Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!
teln." Apply at oaea at The 1
Baoa!^ Bateltca A
immttmplim TkttsM Mmt* of
••MlMitolteMMatoMMW MfW,
I •M^«Ur
tt* «r
^Mte flBvIir a«r Bmm 09.
Wm. Mte. wW wm ttUiH <k«
kHMM4fto«. WH kaMM MMV
taa«v*Mt«( Ugktalaf
taM kMMi Mil •kMMra« tte plow.
Ha. WotklM. wke Utod teof a»a
«M» of Daaotor. ooowlttad tmMao
Wwiumtu. ttootomlodkw oloUtK wttk IHOMM ood tkao Ml Ira %»
■Milo On* hold t.idioi* Dor Wodandor Bad Iko fair on kold foU owo^TkormtkoMnotoav aad pmldod
anoooMoaiola wioBa portt of tho
«^r• Tbop Bln laa tko two lltUo
■loawow 00 Oagna Uko- Itltoxooetod that tbo
of Ihd dor will
naah •i.(H». w^ wlU t» »oto Uw
SlofeoU' boiptUl food. _
■oato ooaaoiod of aa o^WUoe bp
O^roo uawof Vtokorp Utr. L. O. X.
M., a barln^BO dl*arao\lrelt, kotao
raooi. a »*ado»nJo aotortalo**B». di
asnt woddlar. baad eoae^ aad
Aftorboiaf iaeonudaadoad for It
paan. BlwarB Joaot of Bap CI9. hat
tarood ap aUva aad wall at Groaorlila,
Ba. BlghtaoB paan ace'Joaot oamt
to OfooBTlUo to work, loaviac bio faS'
Uf la CloTolaad. HM wife died and
tho *Udroa woro lakoa to tht orphaat' hoso. hat ahertlp afterward
wora raowTod. the father lealap iraek
of alL Attar a fraiUon oaareh for hia
twofoao, bo r*Ta*ep' In daapalr. A
aoB loaraod that hit father wot in
OrooaarUIo aad toand him.
At Potoakap a ooaaaation of laadlac
doerUc manntaetoraca wat bold is the
parlortof theSaw Arllafftoa. '2aorp'
tbiac portaialac to tho fleorlac baa{^
■on wa* fooad to be In a aatUfactorp
oaadltlon. la thaeaoaloc a basqnat
arat rlns the aUlUnc manafaetarera
ia tho Aritnctoa bp tho fhemM For■uOp.,ltd.,of Poteahep.
4 pleale partp at Fiae Lake, eicbi
■din from PUiewall. wat polnaod bp
aatlac lee eraaa. Bcarp Barteeoma
aad a iUn Drapor map dla The oth< an aza raeorerlnf. The rktlm* raildo
■aar Plat Imka.
Porty-lhrajdollarapBraereU tbraa
neaUuittbamaUeftba acperimaat
lapaaturlaclambaonaaodlasaraa bp
naan of a paa mored olowlp orer tba
paatarafe bp aa daeir« motor. Tba
Oacparlmeat It baiac eoadeetod at the
oaparimaat aUtlOB bp A. D. MsKatr at
Saw York.
thU baton tho aad ofitha BtaaoB «
•M per aero will bo roolUad. Ao
. tint naor the doalM> aot a aaoooaa.
hm the laraator thlan that the naiiw la pootaraca will more thaa e
pamta for tba Ian liClma.
Bnnet Hacadora. Formerlp of FUo
Imka wUl Bacaca la^Bealaan Haro
Bafadorn, formrrlp promiHAtlp •awCbIbA la naarnfaetarla
ntnu at Fife Lake, bat fomoaad to
tUi eUp parmaaeatlp aad will aafaca
to badaan hero ahorUp. Ha haa par.
Ohaaad threo lota oa;Bap stmt aaaainc
to tho hap. wnt of the Stareh com
paap’a propaotp. where be will ntabItoh aa ootratlaa lumbar pard.
Mr. Btcadorn la alao areetlac a
tomdaone realdaaee 00 Sixth street.
Bocacod a apreial Train for Paaorol
Of Gearca Browa at VUlUmobec
There will be a speelal moetlac thlo
oaealac at 7 o'clock, of <ho Odd
Vtllcwt at their ball for the parpooe of
•eraaclac for the faoeral of tho tote
Ooorfe Browr, which will taka ^an
at Wllliamabnrc toaorrow at 10 a. m.
trip wiU be to eeata and othera aot
ngnkna oftheOdd FeUowa ,wlU bo
pdrllrfcd to take adraataffe of the
apoelal trala to atioad tho foneral.
TIr. Brown wn a member of Oantoa
■ ttworM. the aalform diriston of the
■torpof aBlaro.
Tb be boaad hood aad foot for pears
tolbo*dBoof dioease U the worn
tom of alaaorp. Qoorfa D. WllUama
•fMaoobnior. Mich., aaps: -Mp wife
hn baoa 00 belplen for flee
oho coaU not tarn orer ia bed a
abU to dto her •
r tor tomato dtooam
vffsrL'S'us. sss%
^aMm VaeMWee
tor onto to the W. W. EInbaU On.
A Great
There are n^y
brands of baking
powders, but
anstoAagaal let.
redalmkbi MseeiMkiiwI
Wahtaftm. A^- ib-lte Aagnit
igto tt tba««p oMdttIa’Aagwt i:
Ova. «7A; torito«hMt,MAibata.
11.0; bartop, ft.*; gfritor too. tof.
There are many imitaiion baking
poatlers, made from alum, mostly
Kdd cheap. A\-oid them, as they
mike the food unwholesome.
It’s all your gain.
tte prio«A-Plck OM of t$0M Bad yoo
wOl bavo Htvod front tbroo to flvo
“Royal Baking Powder”
Royal Baking Powder
assures the finest and
most wholesome food.
in Men’s
Suits-$6.60. $e.50r$8.60, $18.60 AM
is a
is recognized at once as the
brand of great name, the powder
of highest favor and reputation.
Everyone has absolute confi
dence in the food where Royal
is us^
Pure and healthful food is a
matter of vital importance to
every individual.
eoat due on eoeb advertloed loltor.
GioaexW. Baft.-’
’Tho Crcoceat band txcaraiea laai
cveaUg wee patronised bp abent lu
people. The hand will give another
ritoa Snadap alght around the U-
in Children’s Suits
Two or Tbroe Pioce-
76c. $1.00, $1.60, $8.00 ^ Wo
bBve fitted oot moBy entlro roBtiliM of
boy’s from this Ubo—lUay of thoso
It Helped Wto Battlea:
'wentp-alne etteers aad a
n the front to cap that far
iilfos. euu. woneds, core feet and
ff Joints. Beeklin’s Araiea Salve U
e beet to the world, tiaire for boras,
ia eruptions sad p-lcs. 3Se a box.
re eparanteed. held bp S. B. Wait
d Jm. U. JobesoB. drngg
s” »»
a presented
, .
> .Merry Tramps"
:tcnared by the
by Mt :d .t Ward is actenared
. as SB Ird! , rag-1 •
--J in l___
u y arrseged for the sole
resting Isogbu
cost us nearly doable whet they now (O for—Where
timers, ia only one else of s kind wo simply cat tho
price in two. if necessary to sell it..
Men’s Linen Summer Goats,
Vests or Pants-Just the time now daring this )iot month—A
few day’s wear will ^Ive yoa yonr money*a worth of
.Ssle." Apply at once at Tbe Bestoa
coDoJorfat tbe small price we oloae them for—86 to $0
per cent diaeooDt.
There’s hardly a man but what could use somo*
aerat bakimo aowocs ce., wo snuiau bt:, ucw romc.
' are new on
sals St the poet effiee newe ssenA
Kaptd dtp will celebrate with
aaetber 6eld dap Aug. I»th. One of
tbe featarcs of the dap sto: be a game
ol ball between Rapid Oitp aad Bellaire.
A Cenadlaa ehfp from Oaebec li bow
In the harbor here. When tbe Elks’
exeanloo pneed them Tbartdap evenleg. the Bope band plaped '-Ood Save
tbe geeea."
Bert Wlanle and Blmare SHeere haea
pnrehaaed the Miller barber a)iop on
Ooloa street, and will uke paeeeesiea
Bearp Bobbe, the little eon of W. J.
Bobtae, met with a very palnfal Injatp
pcourdap awralag in tbe pllep back
of hie fatber'e hardware ttore. The
lad waa leading a borer, when the aalmal etepped oa hie foot, crushing It
badly aad Marine the little toe oailraIp of.
The earpeaters.' palatera’ and mat
ton aaiOM wUl hald a mau meettog
at the C. B. P. 8. hall thU evaatog at
fcIO o’clock. All an lavltod.
Oeorge Brown, one of the ptoaoera of
Whitewater towacblp. died Taandap
erenlag o! heart troab'.e at bli hi
la Wudamebarir. He was 70 peart of
age. He Invea a familp of aoae aad
on daaghur.
Tbe MUsea Minnie Wait. Ploreon
iaokMn. Oaple OrUwslA Sarah Pall
and Btta Prall bavi retiraed from a
trip to Maehlnaw aod theSw. Thep
retarned from Chebepgaa bp *apof
the laland route to Petoekep.
F. w. Worler has uhea a ehalr to
tbe barber ebop ol O. B. B^mac.
eomee from Chleage.
Jann Speaeer-ot Cbleago was called
to tbie dtp pnterdiy bp the eertoae
Ulneee of hienothei
A verp ia'IcmUag and profitoble
addrcH waa girea last avealag bp
Bee. Breadp at the ftzst M. B charea.
After the addren. a very plmaant ac
etal time wu ladnlged la.
Mra. B, H. Braekea peeterdap alterton. entertatoed la hoaor of
gaeet. Mm PlcreBee Bon of Grand
Bapidt. Aboat « youag ladlee wen
preaent. aada eerpdellghtfalUae wn
enjoyed. A bright gucaotog game wai
._.«d the toatam ofthe aftoraooa,
after which the panpradloarsed to the
lawB. wbera daltotoea laCn
were eervtd.
The CreMeat band will give
exearsloB aroead the totoad Smadap
B.O. Alley wee Ue wtoasrottbe
elx KODthe’ tubaerlpttoa to tba Monixa Bkobd to the eboottog toammeat. havlag made tho Ugbnt geaeral
average daring the eoatect
The ttmU Tra*en Le* On. hasf
aaldtorB.0.8tantlw> mMn
arty owned bp Un oa Ualea e<
Nut Imaction
Steinberg’s Grand
Wednesday, Angnst 15
up small assortmenu before fall goods arrive.
The Beat Ballr Palro.
The llirw- bo*t roily |»>t,v fnilW, aceoitllne tn Woinnu'a Horn.- Comiuinlo
lilnck rni.|iU-iWm l.lu. kU>rri<‘* ai
bliK'b-mc» «>r InickU-lKTrir*. Tlii-rc
kliiil Ilf I'liii'k rtiMiilH-rry which L« 11
worth iirluE for ntiv parpnsp. tlic kind
ll»at KI-. U.- -hII w.-.l!>.'' lu 11 roily poly
they nr-- al-uiiliiiililr. T- make n roily
pnly U-U- n liuking |»w,h-r hlscult Ooiicli
Very rl- h if II Is to 1h- UakiM .-md with
very lltth- Khantwlnp If It l« to
atoiiuu-d or iKiilod. .stiniiilni; civos the
bi-Kt ivsnliH ' U..U out n^f t|ilu ns
At greallp redoerd trier*. Tbacc creTcal bargain*.
bo well handlo-l. Pottrlii;: tho bosM UDrivallevl oonJiMny of comedians
in that mosical comody
ll.'.if*rh A lot Vlpevket drleklBjtvbpe......
lir eark
woll, lt;t-> a loui: sh<-- i —lunr-- at cor...........- A lot ot Ideyel* ttniAp-. bet «f IS roll* .. .Ifc
tiers, t'oror h•■«vlly with tbe fruit.
I.t to!«r*b.-h A iol ot Idcjclr orvoabe* ............. U.Sue'raea
A lot of parrri --*»■><-«>
»|irlnhh- w-vll with c-tipar iiiiil roll up In
llokBir Loto(bl>-rrl«^bAlD>.xe9<oor>.rtf.<)OU*arta
AietotDirklelork p*n- i
to a r-.iii:il r- ll. Ilnv.- n-a-ly a j-U-oo ut
. ISrvarb UMefU<7el'**adlee,f«iedeB<«.IOr.CItoaava
A let of Blekic band puB|
thiu mu-dill v.mup out -if hotllng wator
anil h-avily i)it-di:<'<i »it1i Umir.
A iot o( petsiv bud hbodlv bar*—irood ooe»—cheap.
thi- lui-hlins -on to thin, folil uvt-i
hand ladiV bicycles, JIO.OO each.
i-nds null hiy In Mi-iidh-v or if It Is to he
tiahi-d put liiliwe dripplns {MB for the
oVi-n. Sioaui >-sn< lly on>- hour an<!
siTve as iHK-u us <l«iio w lih hard uuoe Enliroly rewritten and tamed upPavof.-.l with nninifs or another saure
late, introdneing o
U pn-fi-n
-ri-msl. IH> uot let tlio water in)'
dietinct noreltiw.
dor til*- sHti-UIl'i-T Sto|> leiltlllK for a iteoond. as It would make the pudding
heary. It ia hard to soy which fruit BwerTtfaing N«w.
Hovel ADd OrlgiuAL
Miakii the U-at roily poly, hut nothing
could be Utter Ihan-lilDeltclTT stcaiu"Tbe Cbt Seroeade"
■•Tbo TeiiiiU tjaletetU"
How to Pitas Flowors.
Place th' ll.iwcrR lirtwc-oo >.lioot«
dryllis JI3JHT l»-fi)pe they have llitie
whber. Spread them «nn lull* Mt
ural .a way as i>mw:!>le. wjili ueliher
leave* ti-ir penbi oriniipl-il. La
th- to)! of Ib.-m iier, rnl ►h.i-ts of dry
Ing p.ipor. Him n.ore tloiv-T*. puttitif
... CdMSOIAKS.........
n -i.-tit 1-mnl ever all and hoary
wt-islit*. Th-- P.HHT must be chanKod
sen-nil Mme* --ft- h day.
Fitz and
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries
A Breezy Time!
It’8 the Limit
At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St„ Near Eront.
The Up-To-Date Photographer
t Fine Line of Plmtograph BnUons. Enlarging of 111 Kinds.
lid a Grand Cake Weik
Watch For The Oolf Olab.
Enjoy two faonra and a half of
A few J.-in. -f hu.kl;-l-.-rrl.-*
clean fun.
Very hnndlly In the WfOI-lor for pies and
Popular prices—2.1. 3-*>. -■>0c.
Seate on aaie -at box office Mon
•t y--nr Jr
r. Tills
Tld* pn-n-ui* waste of fmJ day momint;.
Juloo and luakM It straJa iietter.
Some rooks add a small )ilnrh
Direct From Cairo
Tbe Vorld's PbaeaeBil CUlnoyiitB,
wb*-n liolllng vegetahl^ 111 prvven
odors and preserve color.
A laM-.'Tr-onful of glyeerin to cverj
poiisd -if fruit u>evl lo uiaklnp Jam wil
ofiou d.i ua-ay aliosotlHT with th--ear
!y rrystnil'zailoa whhrli l< the t«av «i
the thrifty booeewlfe.
Fruits v,-hich minlre paring sbouli
be immediately dropp-vl into cold wa
«f to prerent disroloraUoa. Wbee Are now hxated”in this city, and
be cooeulted on all afTairs of
ready to cook, drain by igtn-wdlnft
dip towel and gently pressing anothre life.
one orer the top.
It makee DO difference what your
xperiences have bees in the past
. It IS nxTvd that asbestos l« to be with clairvoyanta, gypsies, fortune |
need in llnlni; Ibe Rnsslaa battlosblps tellers, palmiito, etc. a call will
now haiiding at the Cramp shipyards, convince tbe moat akepticsl that
and that tbe officers of the I'dlud
the Bomaas are the radiant atan
State* navy are consldertnk the adof occult science.
If you are io trooble, do sot
bolit for the AJaericaa tenrlet
keow where to go, what to do,
whom to tmst—call.
One of the most Important to««h*
Do Bot buy, eell, move or trarel,
to the history of German Jnrispradenca
begsa 00 tbe dm day of Jaaaaip, or take any importaot step before
19U0. wbea tbe new German tow went consvlt^ the Bomana.
Into effect Under this new eystem
j^othing guaranteed except the
cable to
Beadinga for a akort time only.
Oocmaa amplim
g the Oe
of eaCcrera bave pcored their natto%ceato.
ton merit tor riek ato aareen hndOpriooms, Ixu twwu tbe unkioe
Office open from 9 a. to. Hill 8
dtotlnrttoa of possemlDg one of tbe p. m.' Sasdayb from 1 ’tUl 7 p. m.
wry few. If not tbe oalp womaa’t
440 East
t band to tbe eoath.
thing we’are offering at the prices ws quote to clean
You can see that
we are always looking afteryour interests.
Note what we offer you;
below, ,
Old Colony
17c per lb.
' Hodeida
17c per ib.
In view of the tact that the rise in price of coffees baa
m^e it neceeury for os to raise prices alao, and realixhig
that some of our costomers woold not be willing to pay
tbe advaneed price, we have added to our line thfga gndas
fnd to this trade we can reepmmend them.
Up.to.date Grocer.
New Phone 149.
Old Phone 35$
StUnbars’a OranA Thunday. Ana- Id
T«e taadnA ab
awrtm tfth* ovadiM
«(U47lvSta nlM eta«. ZMbHT
VkrioftetlNCitret HMteok
«.BmIw «C MImohI Btied«<m
MvMHWIb «h*Mi WKtOT Wfply
•»«irtvstoHiTiM kMiflC Mwm*
n ». B. Md S ». a. «Mi7 d^'
BlMk «np««te il
B taMib* »lr
Asbm Tma
• WtMtadBNlinpwMdMToho^ dhM kb» ted ^KbMd th* Ught* cf
MTMd tefdBWktel* tSBld.
i.tei«te(»«mlwaf«lckt k
iMlanMtte TM*;. wUehSabct «• k«m fOM dowB witk bU «a
THIS horning at 8 O’CLOCK
Under the personal direction of 0. a Emeieon, the agent for the eyndioate of Wannfacturere and Importers. The magnifloent display of
merchandise will be worth seeing. Ton will want to hear Hr. Emer
son’s Original talks oh tbe sale, and the bargains are simply phenomenaL Here are some of tbe good things that could not get into the
page ad. yesterday.
OftteBoard olBdaMtloBetTtavaraa
Notbing bat good thiaga came from the maalin oaderwear facprices
tones, bnt teey are offered at
teMB tte UalM 0MM MMW tmm
BteBtaCUa^vOl teo«ttet«Ugle
4m « yoptfUiB tetwMB l.«*s.r“
^ (MB7.0W. WwUarM bM I
na tbMt ficMoSteUyJud
Afta* aitb Un toratlwt.forrv. , i. Ifatao.
a^BBMt tOBl* Mr OOt b« prOTbd tOT I Un B>r ebaak to U>y vlUlaf
PW hMita nay Artak of tte Joy that la nlte,
.' aaMnl d4y*.
Pa* toafea awb notaro «aa WBly eoBfwa
Marta Bra b«lac SBdaW cffBBlM
Cteptd ta thy arwa. with ay tead on «y
taliti «B BBd rcBltr iBVMtorB,
I teal thy tevtln
eUddaW Joy t>
bt b^d Tith
teOktaagooB A«f«atlo bb^^
kaae «y. belorad. that life la a dreaB:
Thaa at drath-a coaltui we vlU but awaka,
U tte wmfctBC a parttor Aith acoi
'ktAttBsUe atr. S.J..BB Istamt- Btit
Lit BM dnwn arrr for sweaM lora'a aakA
laCoelMUfieafaBtoaeBRBdiBB amll
- dtotoKow-Ortoda PKayaBa.
■twriBBOB osaot tte azblbrnoB plan.
. AdaaapadiBaaoftteaitfioBSdacpBeB
. MOBlort. tba oob beiw. wm eaptBrcd:
« l*QUea Coert.
»B«teM«Bd a«L iB tte Blgbttte
QaiM SB aiaaalDg eptoode occprrad is
■iBtmngBrabirth toer«r 1,000 bBbjr
BtehotBOB The BOB bona bringt lorU Joftlce Lyon'e oonrt reoantly la the
for anenU aad battery,
-ftayoBBir BUve, liketoirother mBriBo
MBBtane. Tte fBoag eee here« ere wbea a yooag ooaple roahed breatblewInto tba room and iaftcmed hto boaor
B fdtteet la etepe ead llrely bat Tory ..at they wanted to be yteied la tte
9«mU. They an belag tasderly aared boly bonde of wedlook w quickly«
teraaditleoBid eare^edtetleta an paadblA
•Mdteir way then tartew whet to
In one band tte proepeetlre groon
-fi*—* to be BB araat Uthorto u- oairled a marriage lioenae, white ooei*
etetaWB to deep eea naeBrehei Brtn taioed the namnut AngaetBohnet asd
BBlhuBeamlBUeaed aboBttteptor UHieSoM. The BNanlt and batteiy
trial camr to a halt, and Jaatioe Idros
tekoep tte oe»d la Ub*.
glaaoed over tte eertifioata hyyabJte
TbreBetaBtaen treaOepe Hombt- two belnga ware penaittad toeeirthea*
CM WodBeedey Is Seattle brluplBg aelreeooA
Inny oop. tendgA" eeid tte abOBl
•old BBd
Tte Otafoa
bride nerroBaly ae ate abtfied tram
teBB<^«l«t,000. the larceet eoBalfBBBteeSSaoeerdd elaee ttedtoeorery ooe foot to oootbv end gUnoed a(9MtentlTely at the door.
teBBeen Ib that dtotrlet. Tte Saa
‘'Bnt why on yoB in aaob faaateP'
Mrabmirbi bboat flM.OOO aad the naked-Jiwtioe Dary.”
Aterlae D. UseStO.000.
“It monbe Dowarnerer,'* BBtwecad
'Tte laryax o( a oub Ib Sydsey. Aae- the bride, “end we want sow. “
“All right." raid the oonrt; “1 gnem
eMUa, teOBBte oaelaat throagh dtoeaea.
BoconuDodate yoa“end be reMteloethtoroloe. ProfoMir Btaart
paired to a mirror in the rear of
tte UBiranlty of Sydsey made bb
arranged hto I
•KtUtalBl ese BBd It CBB be eo regalated tlA tbongbt'of the immortal Oary, Jr,
-V to make tba roloe eoBraao, teeor, on the Sooth Side, parted bU hair in
aae at will.
tte middle, took en extra reef in hto
immecnlete Prlnoe Albert and called
the ooaple to the front
If there la ono thing Jnetlce Lyon it
perfect lu. it to in the art of tying noprial knot*, 'and be waa at hto be*L
“Hare yon a riogr' be Mked.
“Nelo," aniwercd the lener bait
“One wlU do. V aaid the ooart
OviBg to a ahaage of mta. flu asd
"Nein. nein, or none." brtee io the
SPetete'e ~A BtaaiyTtae” will be the
MtattraeUea at SielBberr* Or%mA
“Oh, ail right!" oniwcred the oonrt,
The oanpaBy to aneh larger then wMle hi* face took on a deep aoarlet
wteBUetbare, asd to eeid to here boA end ha proceeded with the oeretoBBB breaghl BP to tte aloate. aelas mony. The oonplo alternately loteed et
aka aery latoat aoBge.Baweet daseae and him and at the doer, and after ft waa
««trtoal eflteU. Soaie wiU be ob all ovex, aod they ctood together with
am* twtoted together, a fearful racket
teU ■ooday taacalag at the box oflee.
aonndM on the •tain, and a linla old
man. with a glare In hto eye. bnnt
breatoileetly Into the room. The new
Mr. and Mrs. langbed at him, and
•wearing rolnbly in German the little
ipite te teiatte NcVW tetek old man gare the doer a crnel klok.
W. D StsBioai asd .wife asd Mtoa paMed oot again, the bridal coople Mlowieg- Jnatioe Dary poked a beaotlOcBoa «MOBi of Onad Baplda. Mrr. fol bill in bi* porw, and Cbe aaaait
B.W. Daaley of Ghieago, aad A- J. ceee went on. —Chicago DiqMCeh.^
Batgar aad Dooald Bprger of Asaa.
•Ttei baa Baated.
m., are ganu at tbc Cottage Borne.
“AbOBC noon we MW a beast etand■r. aad lire. Barry E. Booker of No^-ta-wanta, to^ dlsBer at tte Park Ing on a uionutaiu top looklog down at
ns. When we mw it. wo thooght that
Ptaiee yeitardey.
it wds a camt-l. bat CalinoA aaid that
t.. g. Bodman. aod Mn. 8. W. Bod- tbe beast was a tbinoceras or nCioorn.
«MMi of Chicago, were le the city troB It bath a born eet in tbe midst of iu
roraei Lodge ycaterday.
forehead 4 feet long, and wbaisoeTcr it
bntu at it rnns bigi throngb aod
ponndi him against tbarocfca It to aaid
Anoag the Utearrirato at Edgei
«ia Mn. F W. BaU pad twnlly of Da- by writer* on natoral htototy that they
Malt. Mn StewBTd of Dayton. Mtoe plaoe ayonngrirgin in hi* way, •where
at be pnt* awky from faim aU hto fleraeLawto aad Mr. BaU of Jaekaoa.
nenand lays down hi* bead and to
MtaaMcLaseof Chtoogo. to rtolUag
1 until be be taken
■ la Bhodoeattte Darteottage.
Mr. Otea. Jasiaa of Cbtoago. asd Bd
■ttag«ldel*8priBg8e)d,ni.. left for
r. Father Felta Fabri. wboeiaited Sinai 400 yean aga ModornpU^Ir bonea Thoraday.
grim* who bare followed in bis footftepa with tbeir eye* open will at onoe
DeatBaae OaBBot be Cared
reeagnice that the animal be saw
Of Sioaitio ibex, white g
i of U
down oh poteng canTon* from the
to OBly ose way U leredee
cliff* white iower above tbeir rasM.
at to by eoaatftat
iroifBt- to aaaeed by an Inflasad eoa- He to eeldom risibla to them nnles* bto
itlT*— e( tte taBooBa llniag of tba Boa*—tBba. When thto tabe getId goBtii
__________________ tber dda of tbe Bod
•ea and tbe steep gBlUeeof Moab and to
tbe only repreaentatlve •f the deer
in tiMM ngioBA
bunted it. and Umm .few
___ _ __ MeMoaoBtoftaBaneaBoad
wbo have foUowed bto exMpatarrk. white to- Botklng tetas
Sunad cBtodUlOB of fte naeoei —
birthright—KlnotaMiUt 0«Bxy.
B^iar maettag of board of adacatloB Bald ia oteecll room inly ts. 1»M.
Tba prealdoat being abeant, J. W.
PaltelB waa aloetad preaidaat aro tom
of tte moatlBg aad eallod tte masUag
ery, like we oanally sell at 75c and they goat *
w^aad teee eapporter,
tte rcfalar tte vnlw.
t pair Newpcrt tees aejpertaia. taltel
fri^ te eklldraa.
mfi« « ladtoa.
. .... rabber comb, astas
1 pompedoareoBb.ragalar 830 tetaa.
Good MqbUq Skirts, niffiad and tucked, worth 50c, in this n e . 1 giagbam apron, all Anwhod iwdy t»
^PmoBt—Patteln. Foot*. Biagbam. sale at..........................................................................-*............................ ..............
1 ladtoa-•para Ana Uaaa hcMtitated
A lot of Mnalin Skirts, rnffled and embrcMdered, worth 75c,
baadkbrehtof. worth 23c.
MlnaUB onart regBlar mMtlng ware
SM^MT^ttetWIlUam M.
). worth II
lith teappolatadaseeBaBa ennmarw for tte pTcooBt flaeal year at a
sod Iinporters*
•0 tU BonorabU Board of EdueoUoH of To add to the geneml interest of
TraveruCUu, Jflteiffon.
this great Hanufactaren and Im
porters Sale we will inclade all the
balwc* of our Millinery Stock, alt
this aeason'e atylee, at ridicnloua
Choice of all Sailora, some of which
lABOxaTOBv rrxn,
Shirt Waidts
New style Shirt Waiats ia all tbe new color effects and ORra
dedgna, SOc, sale price............................................................................. dwOC
Ci ^ T*
.“IT* *
- From a noted^nafactarer of silk waiete comes 150 fine 'qoality,
very lateet style lediee' silk shirt waists, all gnarantaed pore silk and
this season's prodoction—aome are plaited; others are beantifnlly
trimmed with tbe new, sarrow black velvets—tbey would retail regalarly at $5 to $8, and all go in this great manofacturen' sale g
tte varioai toBda aa foUowa;
A lot of waiata in the newest styles that are well worth A Qea
Oorentire stock of Trimmed Hate
will be cleaned out. regular $1, offered in this sale at................................................................................
There are a nnmber of high grade waiata and with tbeas we is*
prices from »2 00 to $10.00. and
dl^e all oar own that add as high as $<(,
all go io tbia Y0Q
tonaah A Lay 'MarcaatUa 'Oo!
J. V^rii'A
fe'ilLfr'.””' 2.98
lamW.'.'. .'
Be at the store when the doore open to get first 9hoice.
Extra clerks to wait on all.
B. W. Boand A Sea. caatlaga,
Cl^ofTnverae City, rapairlag
ixotoBirrai. xxrcasx run.
Mlteigaa Talephoas Oe.. real
ta^ 0 M
Fred Motsware, eagroMlng <
plomas......................................... 10 M
Mend by Mr: Pope that tbs report
• aeeaolod aad claims te ordered
Motion oairled.
TnveraaOlty, Mich., Jnly 1$. 1000.
To (hr if*nenil<tc Board of Edueotion of
Trareru CUy. MiehiQoti.
Oeatlemen: — Yonr committee on
balldlnge and graanrU to whom baa
been referred tbe matter of pnrehaaIng ateool aeatlng, raapMtfally report
that we have porchaaed tte neceanry
amoant of ateool eeatlng aod deaka
from tbe Grand Eaptd* School Pornt- porters Sele ’ Tke ^eo store
tar* Works aa follow*:
iIRLS WaKTXD - at E»etie»anu. Hotel,
14 Mo. 1 slngla dmki.
I Mo. 1 roar acata.
U Mo. t adinatable deaka.
. 7 No. 2 antomatie single desks.
I No. 2 Iter eeatt.
24 No. 2 single deaka
* Ma a rear amu.
No. 2 ten fi
_________________________ ja aa folIowa:
Blandard School Para. Co.. gSM.SO.
Q B. Booghey A Co.. 8387.20.
Baanah A LarMarcantUe Co .SUS-SS.
Grand Bapid* Steool Fornltare Wka.
We accept the propoaitloa of tte
Grand Baplda School F^ttaro Worka
lor tte reason that we oonaldared tbeir
dnk eomewbat asperior to say other
desk aabmttted in sevaral polata. The
adjartable desk* aod rean were parehaacd to farntoh the ungraded room
at the Boardman arenne aakool balldIngaad can be adjastod to At any
p«p!l with canvealoBte. A tearge of
73 canto each extra CB these deaka wUl
MmadeWe have aleo awardad contract of
plaelag atari oeUlnga npon two room*
aad one at Oeairal
._____ asnah A Lay Mor____________ 83 SO per xqaare placed
iapoaitloB. Be^iectf^g eabBiittcd.
W. O. Foot*.
Moved by Mr. Onohua that tte report
te raerivte and nlaeed oa Ale.
Motion carrtoA
Notice of Saperintondent to ehaage
Fh;^ Oaocrapte text bote woe
road and riacddoo Ale.
Motsd by Mr. Boyt that the commnaleatioB be roerived aad raferred to
tea dommittaa OB taxt botes.
The man who smokes tb
excess can’t g/d enou^
D. B. Lon^ & Son's
Bcrerd e&e«. pro»e propeny aao pa^fer^U
1 teelrc.
for eat .
a. Oarj. SUP B. E. ae*.
but a temperate smoker can get quite com*
plete satisfaction out of one at a smoking.
And what is more—no other cigar you can
get in this town will give the same high-grade
sort of gratification to a smoker. Try and seel
They are the nearest thing to a perfect cigar
at Bo-Ask anywhere for Long^m
tr. Uad.
■ MAAFEAeMAMG^ObtaaptoW.
WooklaroB at
pOB BAL^R BXI BA^E—B^eet^^
weeUoresehuMfor r-reoi lot or oeioll|Topcrtr. C.^B. Bucurr on praeitea o^r C. .■
Clearing Sale I
weok. Eo.«S»i«»oir*«i.Br».r.C.Oy.j»mMl.
Shoe BargaioA.
IPOR aOLS—Bonos asd lot o- 3U atreel. too
e Tie-of la* bar. furaoM. ckenne Ugbu
asd*ai-r. Half eaob. b-taoM oaoy paywiaio.
leoalrvaf Or. Oe-yer at etaecor 4Bkh euoet.
Look io Our Wiodowa
•pTBTUXO VOCB& MAE-Cta earetW per
and groBBda
Motion cterlad.
--------------------- *t.i:
aty Treaaaroc's rmort for monte
ofJane.1900, ww raaA aad on motion
roerived and placed on Ale.
^OaoMyoB of Ur. Pope duly enrrtod, WTAXTED—Dar'e «n>rk or saislof tiy CkrtoAA. W. BtexxBO.
OB axca^o|^ne^-e*ui h ^
K L It-nu^LeelaaM eeaatr. * ‘
StTSatcBtoBet te cM by^b
teoBart.^TtebraratemoateUat tey
TOC WOET U«~-w of aa; -tto It. Br«
r. J. CtoBBCT A Oo.. Toledo. 0
tetteonmaaa tte Botey Moattea fete. No wctodar woman take Boeky TT
A elao*'-fflpacp. - or u, oar a house, tot at
Tte mads by tte Madtoop itodtotaw Ob. MoBBtnlB Tte to pcolOBg teat
ferw cau 00 a. B aUrs tvom T aad »
apaU. Ate year drsgfflte
BercastHoCe. Mark.Traroi-e Cltr
Ate yoar dnigtot
1 ladtoa' belt tew eappertar—tee
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sidowalk Lnmbor in aUsiaaA.
JOHN F OTT ft ob
SneoteBor* te Tnwarop Olty Lumbar Co
SS®KMirissi-Se’r thebingiottabipf
whkb Ut wife regard-
■•i rid baldad.to aee Oarw« ngrin."
hadd. “I trin^ toaawTow."
*1 nay aat yoa agale before yes neeC
Iw ahrage d qrite early aloag d
rgn >n,mii III—.
•MMC hoTl • hMfeb to tes
fenton'i DUirfiiiioa
Ffalga vsa m( cnctlr • •
IH. ^ Ib tw« tootW »• •
hU timtt t0 Utmi- B> w>
ntWr • rioto tou. wko tMkH
■ BHttoT for ralrtoattoa ti
Iv Ud M '
_ _» Mlur kf*-----------------------tte had pUrad kiB rilto-k* bud MOm
!• lore, BAd Ikr «mm wkern k« Imd
kil ■Tliil Mrlkrf 1— '
Ttoo-Mrlta’ tiMrfdtwTlw nd iMi*i»iftlal dU aol toak* tkt BAttv dMm
to ktto. Hr ra M idte tou. wd tkta
•oMUBt dMiUu <« tka aCair bc«aB to
Ml apoa hk
^ HU ^latoi^ fw
S^aauM hk <dd itonfiatw ia a wU
abtora«thto that aud* than aad«c
aihrr. TUi aasored kin. aM cn* day.
Mtlaa acdltaiT 1» bit roon. ha dMidtd to
go abnad aad aacapr fran tt. Ha zaa
ortT la hk'ntod aU the eUoa that wtra
Mfc«t7 to aolt kia noodrdadTwItli a toU/
that be rtaogalanl ^ did aot tnmhte
to aaiigtoaa. darldatf apoe St. Wlaoc.
a «eM. grajr li(tla>ato «■ tka eaaat
a( btctoar U »at',thm a «o«ple «(
raan Wfora bt bad cW to the c<ndathat he vaa hi lo*?^ KUXj Ueiianarc. Hw. hr aene hapgr aecMeat. bad
band her way fna TroarOle to B(. WiBoc. aad had peraaaded her father to
1 May there. Peatoa
Anogar n, 1900
a^iyibovn hr tba 8«M fritflMkp
the two «nnt mkrioff tafttofriao. tori
------------andiron. Tbe tori prodaetiaa of MS
«HEAT success qf ME. M1QNLCVW axtooda aoo.aiO.flOO tana agrinri XIV
flooxno itt usr and iti.ooo4xid m im
and has placed the HnMed stria* nt tha
baM of tbe wmfd'a prodaeara of tbln
airide. our prodoct In ISM being creat
or than that of any other ratmter. The
pig Iron prodtMrion In 1806 waa XXflSIkkar riaa^
708 tone agalaat 9.ISS.G80 tana In 1S0T
wtorwalktoc. Qdod nlgkt:
nr MhtoTcmenta In tba managa- and 8.C23.1ST tone In 1S98. In pig inn.
FMUB b^tae Mgirrren non aaa
t of the pabUe finaneea and rere- as In coal, the United Btriea now hoUa
arinadbdnlPknMtot, 8taa«actkai
I ndto the adBtolattwthn of PRarieaa iidMfr aad face to foce^ tbrlr ideot klcKtnkr aUad oat with Barked the first pUee In the worWa prodoetion.
____________ .■ •
Flm IB point of aocreoa Is tbe ZMa^
M Ska d W aadeertoad. b«k auX^
Hn atraagriy aerettbeieaa. and tbe waa ley tariff; neeood. the reform In the
earreney; third, the war loan <if 1888.
racy biaatlfri.
“Pood atoht.- ha aald. “I ahall aaa and. fomth. the setUemeAt of the Pidllr raOtoad indehtedneaa.
The aan bad' rlaea an hoar, ud tbe kill
Perbapa aerer before In the hlatory
«p wkddi to an bb fare aremed like a of thU coiBittT hare ao many Impor
Idaefc aad aoUd abadow agalDot ito dear tant fUcsl actalev(>i&cata been aecom-*
wato of gold la tbe eaat. At Itt aonnlt pllstod Id ao brief a time. With tha
waa a'grrat gnalte craddz, fadag aortbof the l>aclSc railroad aettlaward.
Bent these evrjti hear t.
ttooogh the chanclac oeaetno. Aa Feu- blc degree reUdoiwhlp to each other.
tea raathed the apot a freeb wlad Uew Underlying Ibewocreoa of Uie war loan
eeraoB hb fare, rharged with brio* aad of 18W and tbe refum In the cniTtocr
aotana. He tarnrd acaward and at the
the hash of proaperity eaubtlshed
tone notoeot nw tbe ritm Score of Hra.
Corwen ai ato drted the dlA a qaartcr
ofanOcaway. Her toad waa beat for
Ity fo .
ward to totot the wlad. ee that to waa
aaobeerred. He reprreaed bb drat In- the Uriff. Within 48 hours after bU
priae. aad ladeed of going to tor to aat- Inanguratkin be baaed a iwodamation
dawn to tbiak. Again tbe proreaa waa for an extra aeoatun of congrcaa to aaaarirriy frritbao. aad the warn baalde bln
iblc Uarch 15. ISiT. Tbe httef meabafoee to loallnd tbe ritaatioa.
sage aem to toncreaa when It courened
They grmed eadi other with a fonnal- on that day clearly dcnwiutrated the
Ity that atrnek Featoo aa iaenignioaa.
for prompt acthm.
He did not qolte rdUb tb paaltba.
yet the dtcaatotaacto ware agreeabU
"1 cepeeted to Sad yoa here," Mte. Cor- sage. On the same day In wMokJt waa
read lo the bonae the late Ur. Dingley
of Uaine. chairman of the committee
I atwayn a tarorita apri of on.ways and meaua. lotrodiircti the
tariff bill. Such nnoioal expedl-
ots of Phlladeipbla. we extract
-the foUowlag:
"The reoeat aetkm of tbe nxrioBol
BqmbUeon eanveatlott In Phltodelp&la.
In Indotalng the preuent admhitotraOoQ. and. by tbe renomlnailon Of the
pmSdent. 4nsaring a cnntlnnaoct
protection to American Industriea,
give great
It to owners ol W.I
Ownera of wool and sheep throng
om tite United 8Utes bare every
reasoa to feel eneonraged by the politi
cal and. commercial onttook.,. Tbe im
mense stocks of foreign wools which
were rabed Into this conniry tree of
aU doty nnder the free trade nrovisiaas
of the WltouD tariff lure well nlgfa been
Bboorbed in mannfactnring and the
period of loas and poverty broogbt on
la conseqoenee «if “the crime of 18M"
has given place to prosperity.
Ou-ners of shn-p In the Unlird States
can look forward with equanimity to
the coollDuaUoo of Ibrec favorable
JSS-ES?.."-* £ “SSSI
needed and expected of aheep ralaer*
heuaty. Mra. Corwen wai aUortng. aa aereral months prcrlous.
and wool growers to some earnest
hard work among neighbors and
Kitty Deaunare bad be
■ •
to told.
friends not engaged In tbe sheep and
amr cat bmnd that, aad pnhapa KUtr
torrrien what had happened at that rhap a month after the InangttraUna of wool Industr}. In this way alone con
»aa a UBla piqued.
Preoident McKinley mod two week! the threatened return to free trade In
"I'forcet notblac." she taowered. "and aftar rongresa had coorenrd In extra wool be avmc<l. Free trade In wool
«hkh the ..
least of all the time when I was hap- aetalon. It paa^ tbe senate July 7.
to dtotlDCily involved In the election of
- The eharA r . .... ___ , _
X807. with ameadmi-nu. Two days lat Mr. Bryan as president of the United
a glewlac Ay. Aa hr lilted Ki aortk- ‘"'^AM yoo are aat ha^py nowr be er It* ronsldcralion was iKgOD by a
e.tata. and the cheep raisers and wool
ato wall a breath of aalt wind biew aenwa ariced. The qaeatioo slipped frmn him
throughout the country should
' Ua face, aad IMaatle tbe toiMt of kia before to MW to where It inlcht bad: but.
laat TMt totoraed .
-o. The felly of hariag askfd it. be wotted for a reply baoaea. and It Ilutly passc<l tbe boose govern tbemselves accordingly.
atraefc hlai ae dedaftety that be with an eqaanttalty that oarprlacd hUa- July It) and the aenatc July 21.
leached, aad with tbe aeoad of bila owa aeir.
It became a law on the latter day.
“I SB not happy." aha mM. after a when tbe preehlent signed the blU.
Mite there cane ae aapiaaaaet eeaer of
Thus, within lire moutlu (ao other
'“-Ttoppoae." to aald. “that yoa hsra
WiU Threrles.
tarts law was erer passed In so abort
eaitoged epoa a (leat K»tch-.«f Wrel
We (4n imagine the gold Democrat
a tlfflo) after the Ittauguratloa of the
gtoaad. wkkh. half a laOe ^oad. Por^myaalf 1 accepted <
prealdeot a new tariff law waa placed who has been wanting to get back Into
ihnird down eed Jolaed tbe recced ilae
bad alwut made up hto
af eoaat. Here be peowd. iettlac ble
*T0 be quite candid." to nid. "It waa cest lofluenees. tbe United ttutee has mind that he could stomach eCen
gaae reacr fron eaet to we« abac the
cheaclBC dlataare of the borieoa. The aM ieag ago. after all-My two mantho." enjoyed a commercial and iadutrlal Bryan, reading tbe I’opulUt plaUorm.
“And I." olir said, “at tbe oame time rerlral the greatest In Its blslory. Tbe It wlU eerlaluly give him a shock. Ue
aeoad e( breaklac aarf reached Un like
Che atdto of vied Id piae treea. Ae he began to find tbe world narrower than 1 hopes of ihe.preshlent. as expressed lo will realize agaiu. as be did four yeara
tbongbt It was."
toored forward again b
“I think." mU Featon. pkklaf ap a bis measageyfiare been realleed: ample ago. that pritielple to struugor than
party. He will decide that the nun
QeKr aoddraly, koweeer, ha wee aware glore which Shr.bad let fall, •'that we
who can stnuil ii|)od that platfunn
•f a fleoto that grew eat of the daik like hare both been rirr foolUb." He drrw
man who can command
land hi*
hlc vote.
a darker, laorliic abadow. tod alawat at tto glore riowly thioacb the Sucera of
Vniitever hiB disgust re- MrKInlcy
the aanr tlaie the wtad broogbt IiId tbe hb un hand as to watched brr. and foreign products so as to pn-serre tbe
aHr of footatefriU He atopped aad Ibtea- then. fcalUlng where they atood. be home markets; manufaeturx-s bare re- may he. or his fi-ar of eipauslon. or
Bored away. HI- was not. a. 1 hare- Tired aad iacreaaed: agriculture baa bis amipnihy to imperialism, or his
told, a arottmenullal. but of a sudden be been trllrred and eneonraged: domes love of Ix-oiiK-rary. ihc Fopnilsl,plat
1. but hli troth cd li
atlnct told him laataatly that It wae felt InricuiAcant and nahamed. He saw tic and foreign commerce has been' form. on which lirv-ao stands mora
Kitly’a etep. Rbe alao wai atoae. The the woman who followed him for what iocreosed: mtning and building Imce naturally thuii he ^-un stand on any
ctrcotDitaacre were ao slageUr that be she waa—rcry weak, rery petolant, rery been aided and dcvelpped. and more Dem^railc ptoiform. will give him
acerplod tbm wltboot a ateoiel protcat. beaudfaU ao lender as to appeal with
He bad aeitbrr anticipated aor dealied a iDdalte persoasioa to hU strength, twi ao liberal srages hare lM»cn paid irf labor. pause.
It bring* up before his sound busiUnder rite operation of the Wilson
atoetlag: bat. aiace tbe fate* ao dearly light of will aa lo to of U« danger to
wlUed It, be would aat turn back. Each him tbao U-bmelt. When he turned to act from 8ept. 1. ISH, to July 24. I®7. nesc Jndgmeiit the came Images of
waa eoaadoaa of tbe prracoce «t tbe etb- tor again, bli relce was Uwer, hot it bad a period of 33 mouibs. tl>eru was a to woolly lialriHl biuI wiioUy witted fanati
ar, ao that, when they met. any eiprea- lakro B more certain sad decUIre tone. tal deficit of gI06.003.34S. Tbia de cism which frightened him In 18UG.
tooa of Burpriar oo eltbcr ddr would bare
plorable state of the rerenues waa Bryan a* n Democrat poor one that be
betped to make tba poaltloo falae. Fen- tor, bat to knew that oacb lore as re- largriy responsible for tliai Iack*oC to and Imdly's* he luis twlsicil the prin
toa wae lhaaktnl for tbe darkacaa. Dot Baincd was nerer to be spoken.
“We hare been rery fouUoh." be said, confldeace which prolongeil the bard ciples of the party to'fit hto thoorire,
tar Ua owe aake. bat for her.. Ha bad
dmes Inaiignreied by the jtaaie of to not so bad hut that he might l>e en
pari•ol tine to atrike oot any deftnite ptaa
dured by honest voters «h<i love I>te
before be wai adrift agoe tbe laerttahle tkw wblcb we onrerirea made. Eren up 1893.
to tbU mornlag my foollibneae was alire:
Tbe .tMngley tariff U>camc a law mocraey and hate Itepuhllennism.
tide of dmUBetaaca.
“I dk) not cKpect to dad you here, Ufa.
Joly 21. 1887. Under lu
-ratitoi Bryan the populist, however, wDl prove
too much for most of tlieiii.-Wmterhory
Oorwra.*'^ aald.
atioei of a tolM. Then. ai men wlU on
“Nor I you. Hare you beea here lOOgT*
. to fril Into tbe tenns of nrged by t»rcaldent McKinley. Daring
“I auppuae tor aboat two hoora. Aad
the period of 32 months U-tween July
Porte ille>> Mooer.
24. 1807. and April 1. 1000. the reci-lpu
^We «BfM laat algbt.” aba aaid. Ba one more or h
“Charle* K. Itucll. cx-aecn-tary of the
of the gorernment from all sourivs.
had toroed la bar dlrretfan, aad they and the cod c
United States KiKCial <-<>iiiml«Rl<m to
ware walkiag alowly, dde by tide, dowa If my adrlre la of any oerrire. take It exclurirc of Facifle railroad Items,
the path op wblcb ha bad come. Be tor what it U worth. Oo back to yoor were glJ!34J120;<kK Deducting from Porto nico. writes that ''under Spantsh
aoold Dot eee her face dearly. Irat there buteU and. after breakfast, make my these receipts the treasury dcyiart- rule the mom-y of the Island was ibl>friend Corwen take yon to Dlnanl. He ment's estimate of cullt^ioDH under ject to the must extraorillnary fiuctuawill, yon kaow. It yoa only ask blm. 1 tbe war reienue act. amounting to tlona. When the i>lanter needed money
ahall perhapa are yoa In town before
aat qube happy,
fl83.706.SSS. there were net rocelpta
protect her from eone ladMalte eurrow
She tooard la her rralk and looked at of fl.Oiafll&OTa Tbe eX|H-udltures
apraag op In Fratoa'a heart. 8ach rafor the nme period aggregated th- As soon as the money had poasod Into
aaotnent aa ha bad fdl agaloat her waa him. half poutlv and a UtxU afraid..
“Are yon feuito away. ttooT* abc ask- f0fl.O63.4OG. and deducting tbe treasury the hands of the man whom the plant
readred ia the laat canjectafa of her oa1.
department's estimate of war expendi er had owed, tbe value of the same
"Tcu" be said. *tl shaU go toamcrow tures of fsr2.000.UW tbe aet cxpvndl- peso deeljBeU to 43 ei-uts. This ntltt;
are yoa atayiacr he aaked.
>At tbe Hotel de rUalren. by the morning by tto fitat diUgeocr. We sbsl) tom for tb<- |>erlod stand at fUM.OiB,- oua vmrtatluh lu money lias been made
probably not meet again bare. Toor road 400, kaTlng for these 32 months' opet* to give place to ceruiDiy aud stability
*'Aad why la that preat. aew. hideaaa llM_la that directUo: Bias to t)ds. Good- atko of the Dingley tariff an rxeeps of by changing the currency of tbe Island
to United Ktate* euireocy. No Ameri
■hiey theok haadi la tto «aaaal way of net receipts over net expenditures of can nee>l fi-«l sRhamed of the course
*-Fnnk preferred It." ahe aald.*
"Obr aald Featan. "Thea yoa era
The president nrged that the new which the United State* lias pursued
•dac U exartly the wmig dlraetfcn. Fenton rrectod tbe Hi...._______ ____
Mat blneU It bU room and spent a day duties be ao'IcTlcd as “to reriTc and in dealing wHli Forto nico "
Hada'i WF better tora baekr
af peenUar ' J tnttrilac inartlrity. Ha Inereaae manufaeturea'' la the fiscal
■hesM Kat Por«rt.
did Dot sol.
bom any acute dlaqolct. ynr 1887 the Imports for tbe conIn 1894. dnrlug DomoeretJe admlntobat Us life L:<d temporarily ceared to In- aumptlon of articles In a crude coadlof tuody walka."
tnthm. the cotton mllto of the United
a hUk Ur saw that be bad been
"IVfbapa yoa would rather that 1 left
near a prcclplre, but tto feeling of tion wblcb enter into the variona Sutes eonsumt>d only 1(1 per cent of
“No." Bhe aald: Tn dad 1 »e« yea: oafsty did not fill up tto sap which bU amoonted to t307.2CS.155. and In the the^entire c-etton crop. Last year they
Fn ^ ytn are here. Why did yoa dlriUMloa left. He told Umedf again,
ttaed over 27 iwr cent. at»d this year
as to bad done feor days before, that to three years 1605. 1890 and 1807 aver they will nae alKint one-tblrd of the
Tdld aat kaow that you were here."
whole crop—more than twice as much
whOe la the coleodar year 1800 the as In 1884. Workers in tbe cotton mllto
-Of cooree DOC How coold yeat 1 beUct helped to bold Urn to his resolre.
penaaded Frank to brine ne to 8c W1Imports of this class amonnted to
was bring carried oat. to etoud at tto $267,493^100. an Increase of nearly $70.- should not forget that nepublican ad"Indnd? It b itrance that wa both earner of tto square fium which tto hill 000,000 over the artrage for the three Dilnlstmloti mean* double the quanti
ctuwred wttb tbe eruriftx was rislMe. It
ty of work and higher wages becldem—
Md dnt hnpolae."
years of low tariff. In which many of Oosben (N. V.i Democrat.
“Why atraocer aakad kfta. Corwaa, was iliaisiiil and bare, half shroadad la
with that note of anddeo tecUenaen U a thin roll of mist. TV drirer, la tto three articles, noubly wool, were opon
Talse Dt Perm rre*e.
her Tok* whkh nakae a womaa daacer- toed. Mnlllc Trire of bis kind, cried. the free UsL At present the Importaoaa
"Why atraacer the repeated. "A Tritiwer and Fenton took bto tloa of mannfactnrcra’ materials is
Note the difference In valoes of the
“We were both happy here <nce. Why pUee without another look farUad.-Bs- rtiaalng at tbe rate of $28,000,000 per
farm craps In 1890 and
akeald we oot chooee to cone acmiar
BWBth. or mote than 50 per cent high XIW):
"I ^atoe." aald i>Btaa. Stored far a
er than tbe oaothly average In tbe
unaat keyoad hiaiadf. “to eaeape tren
Crop nier.
yrer prior to the enactment of tbe
-Ea.'Bwcet giri gtodasts' U a saraox- Dingley law.
ptllhw Bttoadca. It aeena, ratfacr. that
1 har« aueereded la rerlrtnc then."
preuiaa for me.”
The pturident alao urged that (be Ostj ...................... ixt.t44.om
U you awaar At naked, bn
"What da
“Why sberid It tor
-------------- « eoA _
“TV aweeteot one of them I erer raw
"1 kaea aa right »teO yoa a r.“ to rioi my UadUdy-e dsoghter. Bto i
--I re-'
eoUeei the
tto b^
booed bills.
It to omalaly tim' tW yoo
to coUeA
^ That agricnltnre baa been relieved and
TV otaoingt too ehUy on tkU;Iate
Mim. Xaadpp*
s aa angel <
eoeoaraged to abown by tbe Increased
K sutlstScs of Amertcoo shlpbnUdpared to hre. Aad «
prteea fin- agrtcnltnral prodocta. all of
ito'toned beride him. and Mey----------_ _
WUA Vve materially advanced in tbe ing for the fiscal year Jnst ctootet win
Me steep path agala. A light reO of M
* aad pawn bto coly salt
dtoprove ihe free trade aaaertloa that
___________________ ___________ .jtln- of riottos. Bto oeror bad any aympatby teme market, and by the large Inmoae oar tonnage in tbe foreign trade to behi
agrttorrsU by goats of wUd. bang orer tto Mr a mu She'd hare taken the
bg rapidly incraoacd. Trmh to. ft Is
eMtnre. which In tbe fiscal year 1889
UreL They qriektoed atop and. after ------------------------ kalt him for board.
Aad yet yon -oeror mw a sweeter Ugh WMU fl00.00aufl0 greater than In the
naehed tto toM of tto sandy traek Itod- sMori podaote than ato waa. And fiseal year IMT and in 16W wen f20(k- terelgB trade has greatly b
m flaws to tto Hotel de rUalMto wVtda
OOOjXn m esccee of tboeeof 1897.
KM Dt All Ukelr.
Ohm Fmtsa paomd.
TV meoaage atoo^ucommcMed that
Brery corn fed steer In Nebraoka to
“Iri me Uare you toe%" to ooH.
the new dsdea aboold be ao levied aa now worth tl2 to fie more than la
“ira yoo eaare down oM aw Fmkr
"to aid and develop mining." That 11890.^ FVnHcs tai thU vtate wU h««Wto. Oerwto told thU wlMga'MMtokna baea gnatly mcoot
fmm MM arimfiM SiMm. ■» m
DMwemae M— ngnto.
ruu ni SMwt SbiiViju
Goods thjt wo have sold right along nt fc and
7c to clean up this line, we've puUast call at 5c yard.
Stjta ant^sneg 'TiVaU
.VII the 6c prints in light colorings, including
Simpson—last call 4 He.
All of the colored dimities that were 15,18 and
=oc. all the colored pique that was ao and ate, and all
lari Vll
15 and 18c kinds-■\Bhttt Vutitt, ■ftronm S:t»tn 1>reu Ssoil
I'o make clean sweep of these two lines, sre'll
cut the price square in two^last call. Half Price.
We've a very pretty line of these goods; too
many m fact, but Its your gain; they'v* never been
sold by any dealer for less than lajic. make gi^
wrappers or children s dres§es—last call qc.
60 and 65c qualities, while they last 39c; $1
quality while it lasts 59c yard.
Ebe ScolcH
kV \b
ed emYa's^'^ctard"
AO. «0
To close out^Sihrtme—we've oftly a lew pietxs
We've'afew pieces silk mull in colors aad
some mercerized muslin that have been selling all
season at 48 and 50c—last call 29c.
1 lave pulled 'em all off the shelves and placed
them out on Dible at 69c yard for $1 and $1.25
quality. 4)8c for S1.50. $1.75 and $2 quality.
That sold for 98c now 58c; 69 and 75c quality
-4Sc: 50c and one kind that was 7f;c for 35c; these
goods are very, very cheap—See Window.
Katherhot to talk about wool goods, but you’ll
Imd the price will correspond—its as hot as the
weather. You'll need a dress for ^e little girl this
fall, you can afford to get it now. These are the
regular 50c goods—Warm Price 25c.
'NDooV'Dtflkk &oo&sTUmEuvU
We sell so many dress goods tVat we're
swamped with remnants at the end of each season,
now to clean up every one of these pieces and start
in fresh nc.xt fall, we’ve decided to sell 'em at just
ITiIf Price trj' and be first.
' '
•BUtV SVW UV& SVVmvtT SnUtv -VOkteXs
All we have left from spring stock, need no
discription, price was S5. $6 and $0.50—last call $3.88.
CoW4 SiVk >Dk\»Vs
About half dozen left, very swell for summer or
evening wear, were $0. S? and ^S—last call $5/x>.
S*ivts' ')i0Tfl.'kkkn
A line of penjalc wrappers, ver^ nicely made,
full 4-yards at bottom with deep flourice, always sold
for S2—last call Si.50. A few light colors left that
were Si and Si.50—last call 75c and Si.
On our glove counter you'll find about six
dozen ladies’ kid gloves, sizes 5^.5^^. 6.6Ji. 6% and
7:* ; mostly summer shades, regular $1 quaUty~-last
call 49c-
‘ififtc^ mhbrnvf
Fully three inches wide, all pure silk, usually
sold for 25c—last call 15c yard.
fiadUf’ 9cou T)kkU
25-doz. ladies'gauze vests at 3c each; a lot of
sc vests, about 2^-doz. left, to close—last call3c each.
&kAW mack Simmer
About 2*do2. fine black summer tights, regular
price 50c—last call 29c.
ma«V Sl\k Tlts^k
Only a few left io this lot, r^ular $1.35 quality
—last call 95c.
maek ADk^krk&mAoa. Ho. tt
10 pieces black watered uffeu ribbon, full 2X
inches wide—last call i ic yard.
^ McAWKS aCOMB.JAttftDAt. APQPBT11.008
iMT WiiGvwr sw BiaoaTMfi HOT WEATHER TOK.ET.
„faw la a fa* ■( tta anWt aafl L
n»«t^^iyifc» j.
. .
■cBti brl»..
IW M* t
IT thM tr I wat f«(&C to valk
kiM kr woold go «Hh mr. I wu gotog
to nlk. m I aj»*y» <JoohbW d.y.. box
J was act aaxkn* for lu« cuapov- 1
lU met tUmk of urtkiog that wpold
a U» aC. kovcaar. ao I n-pUod. vitk
mtmt kaartte*i a 1 mold HUBmoci: 'AU
1W raaaoa for my doI vantlos faiai or
» vltk BO iraa aa atamd aaa.
kojgjp' ^ •* a»baiard of
weii^t. For the Uat io»otli I lud beenaie footkOily in iorr tritfa a girl I did
aet teav. aad tke aajy linii- i aw brr
«aa fat the afimwna oa Ufakigaa areoiw.
wkn ) wi( gUag bade frota town aad
^‘wmactalagdom. I did i>«caliraya
MK ker. hot 1 aJwayi koprd to whm I
kC Ok <«». aad ^ UM to he
' Ahamrd ai it may
■ aeotard in1 Basti-r iaI cmtwardlr
4 hooierard and tanml
iato UieUgaa arrkam
It wa( a brautlAd antirtoo anenooa.
Ibe gna ia tbr path vaa atlU rrm. and
a (nak. eihaanilBg bnrar We» in fmm
tke.lake. Kbr rould pvrtmJuty n<n nix
ggfk a day for Ur walk. I aimiM. aud
Cxrd BT eyn on Ibr (trram of leoplc
•aviag otaadily goat me »n tbe w alk, tryfag ta emtefa a gliiupac.of a trim Bgore ia
a gray walking (oit.
I had often a-ooderrd ■« bore (br trrnt
erery aftmoos and rm’pUtiard to fol.
fair her. but I mao |-»ilirely lituid for
oarr abd afraid to uakr an adranre
which would giro me infonnotioti (boat
■y'osknown. Poaaltly abc went to meet
walk terk with a
rather 'M
■ t^oabaod.
I. 1
brother Idi
1. and «'by aboni
Sbe did net bsA
b for dtiy nu
aaeh a giri rare
•t Ub and walk hoior
I waa eoorinced tkat no aneb for^
cteatmre existed.
She wore a bUrfc baL tilted oral
tarrbend. and abe almaye tete i
«nirk. coBpiThensIr.. I.wik front under it.
-nw» why I 0--------ftwr u4 •!>• vhr I dttei
cwue rTFk«t tk« Itotp ke
onr 7«w MW XdnrMA.”
~ADd ■• lf« fw!" CTriilwi Jte.
W«U. la
cooL atlr ta a loaapooafU at leotoa
jBlce to tbe copfol. aad keep far tabblac aoftly oa tbe face after waaktac
it wttb warn water add aoap. It ta
fate, ‘'latbatceaaa
that aoap aboaid
a atoiT «U<k 1 as IBM to ke a
Borer be applied to tbe-face asd^an
BBriaanly owe. .No portloa of tbe per-111 valk alnag wftk yoa. 1
seeds a jBore tborougb rieaoeiac.
,OB oagbt to kBov." Wo t*
Twrirtirtb atrool. -Wkat I told JBB faa- imtfto n be tbe fcamta Tbe data. a>tpn ro alnply tkia: ElkH .Sarvaad b waya floating la tbe air. minting with
tko BNat aiigratarBl girl la' tkc wacM. tbe eeortalooa of tbe eklib gires that
Wo*ra atvar* Loowa rack otkat,-------Biaddy caoapiexloo and tfloae blackacfaooi ingrtbor in Ibr hagtaalag
brada that are lacreaaed liy a loo rlcb
1 n«v«T cartd for aag atkar
diet and a bUloos condition that, la
gM. WeU. laal aaniocr afar told «e tkat
-. can eaally lie atolded.
(he <a> ODgzcrd to T>in Caaqi. Kaaw
Umf H<- llr<« la Boatoa mad Tlailad
iMrOe bfW Uatt spring.(pp
If there
irm> a rflUia ia tboo
tbe face nppn retlrl&g that twoaoated
............ J>e b ow. 1 toU
fine olatneai that ta prepared at tbe
•far daif
waahtnff It off wltli soap
bgr wHI
eod.waiec’f'in tbe tsornlag. Attotber,
itlifaetltB. She
wbirii afad-YesMTes blackbenda. Ig
brtAr h.r eogagemni and told Be aha
made by mlalDg two onaeee of glyc
Berpf tmld b
erin with oor-balf oooce tincture ot
Sbe rxatlniied
to her bap- benaoln. ooe-balf onnee of borax and
hr .nr thing
me eonrlneed
need tkat I tbe InJcc of Ifaree ImMna.
It tbooM
1 only to dertarr myarlf
inyaHr to reeelre
reeUre By
any not be forgatten that for tbe aUn a
reward for arioc her from that f^W.
uae of liorax. lemon Juice
............ Mid (b.- liked me. tkoo^t. and
(hooght we mere Jo(t good Meoda."
I tried to feH aorry for Jtan and aay
aometblDK appropriate, but I emtlda't
think .-f anything.
rorat of It waa 1
-nrtrd her if there wa» any one elae abc
aald. ‘WcH. no: not ructly.' And than
(hr wint .« ind told me that abc was
rrry tnuek •(hunrd of bermrlf. bat ab«
•-•‘errd »hr wat h-'» *•be didn't evm
day nn.l looked funrard to meeting him.
and a lot of that a»rt of staff. 1 waa
;D«lfd and told brr'ao and that the.
prnhaldy *ome ..or not worthy
T shoes. Sbe aid ahe waan*t
of tying her
» long as isbe bad me to leacoe
^raid n*
ber. Then
Urn 1 b
ft. feelii
feeling pretty aore.
And now it turns'.rat to I r yon. an^ ytm
Uic the saiue iking.”
y Ps'ling. ir.-r<' torictwribable.
Di.-re's only one thing for yo
~l>e a g.sri fellow. Jim.** I aid.
"Wi ll. I won't d»e4t.” aM Jim CBphatiraDy.
-Vi'i7 well; lost as yoa I
iwoiaWy hare other
luintatire*.- I ronlied noaebalantly.
•.ra. l.-ing an old family friend, co ild
i-Mily take me to call..bat of cot
u .{..n’t want to”—
t or other afli-r
c prcl
ilh this nngneioas eOoseal 1 a
atis&i-J. IftsUc of a week I bad t
Hi Ibet
if 1 bad iboagbt her rhannlag
Xabe had gone by; it t slnly It »
the sirca-t. I firand her In her »wb home
rer that I did
pabnman rdfun of will pnw<
itcriy Is-witcblog. I am waiting far a
not tarn and stare after her.
aarat fln.i reasonaldc leogtb of tin
r Tw.-lfUi street. elapse Iwfarr telling ber what she can
led Sltt.sratb aad
it she isn't blind. I am not blind
n up hope. wh>« t raw b
riih. r. aiHl ^ot J try to n-mcBber how
.. .raid ns.
[laxler was irllii
mistal.'ii Jim was about fair feeling for
c traold.w of his, for I lielirrc
him ah.l
ti»t let myi
■Istook By sileoee for aympathy.
I am siirci ttn.i
Wo were nearly ojipaulo
ojiposilo to her
bt-r lirforr looked at Baxter t
Baxter aw her. at the same m.ancflC
i«ke MW Urn. Kb.' bowwd and smiled
‘1 had nerrr aeen b
WelUagtra After Tllteeta.
that mrt By brait'
. apnli-ou was filled with fory at
Soddealy .1 realUed that my talkaiire brother fnribc resoHs of Vltturia. but
acapatibtn had not spokea a w..rJ since inanxied bis luiaistem tu uy that ”a
.............................. — w do yd
somewbai brisk engagement with tbe
English took place at VitturU to which
s bnt ey
fs the maiterr I naked. 1 frit mies, however, carriol <«t the moremsnu
In which they were engaged, bat the
cneinr si-lse<l about 100 guns which
b Baxter, lie cuald n il b>- who she waa were left wlthoni-leams at VhtorU. and
^prrbapa br the means in lime of my it is tbiwe that the EugUsh are trying fa
|.aia ..ff as artUlery captured on tbe bat-Did yoa are that glri 1 bowp.1 to iB4 Ueta'Id."
wra-r be aid.
One of
’*TW one b gray! Yea. 1 noticed 1
the baltl.- was n mass of d<ssim<ats from
-Well, tbal'a sbe. Kbr's ibr one.*
Iirbirrs of Madrid. Inriodtog a
*Whai one? Whom are you talking gn-at pan of Napoktra'a scerct carre■boat?” 1 was at a km to accaraui for
D InratoaUe additton to hisUa tone of gloomy emphasis.
-The girl I was telling yon nbont Fan
Napier's siimmU r up of tkc rctolts of
ny we aboold bare met ber ja<l ns I fai- th<- liaUl'' reads:
bk«L WriU you can see for yourself
over: the crown
7cs.‘|.rs n-ign
tkat abe Is pretty.”
f.ali.T Tnan bis bead.
And. after
I looked at. Jim Baxter b ah
f and
-Wbro dU yoa tell me tkb blWory you ttog1l>h«en<-nil. enHixing
ora allading to?”
spokv rnlmly. Irat I of th- iwninsato atroggle. stood on
waa agiuied. There was sum.-(bi(.
efaniit of tlx- I'yremsT a recoguUed i
matter with ooe of oa. and the cff.et od
■y aaeatkiB oo Jbs abowed that there
warno qaeatien b kla mind as to wbk-b brad, and tbe splendor of bis genioe ap
«( ns It was..
peared as a ffimtng bearon to warring
"When did I tril yoa? For braTen'a Datl.n».''-Ktepben Crane to LlMdasake. Bay, do yoa tnran to Irit me
yoa-harm't heard wbst Fre l«.ni sa
far tke bat mile? Yoa had better
-Cnlisw you are fertunate cnoogk to
out a iBerinlit i? rev cfe subieet co aa<«
kiTp a handle to yoor name It to a mat
Utneka of mental abrmtiob.”
-ItdldBT bear a word.” I said humbly, ter of difficolty to travel first riaea to the
"tb teU tke troth. 1 aras chinking ao land of tbe Japs.” nyt a ^fae trotter.
hard oa a eertmb ssh)ect that my mind "It U all riefal when there Is ao great
maisair •« Wrd. hot otbenrtae tbr or
' 1M- me
again, and 1 sw r you'll hare dinary mortal most wait tor tbe next
By-mUlrided attention.”
-lushing to leave a tract to a kufii. t
*^hnnka. bat 1 wua'C tronble ye«k
•ckel. -Ok.
Tbnt.bn't tke sort of story a man carea once applied for
akooPdweUlng on. yoa know. Anil,ei>(Ba but yon can't go today, for my lord soa wait for a
to tbink of it. it's bHtrr that no one aod-so Is
cekrwas the—............
aboold know mboot tbe badness any<
-I insisted, sionurd and raged. Itae
. la mb 1 aaoied him of my int.-r
hb affoira of my desire and abiU.. _ end of it was that 1 had to traert tWrd
brip biB if be needed help. He woold eUsv—ntaong the coolie*. Tbe great toed
«ril too notklag. B*bat an onmitigaud observed roe sitting oa a box,
. faol I had been’ 1 bad mbard a ekanea aUr. but dignitied. and sent
toJean an about-ber, and I taigbt nerer iiirite roe aft. 1 was teartiacvi
r of ootrage and replied that
-At bM tril me her name.” I said
pd. bet that I preCennd tbe eoeiety
•mUt b dewmtion.
^Uto-Norwood-Bthd N'orwood. WhyMr Knew Mlaa.
: 4o-yoa want to know her naae?”
s^Ok. DotUng.” Laald indiCeteiitly.
.Tbe Rev. Ih-. John Balcom Shaw toW
■appoa she goet down town to a
a otory aboot a HnalLbo/who hriraigi to
- looB'C fae?”
bis evngrrgatioD and Ures within a few
door* of him. A woman who IBK tke
^erfaetfar. 1 nppaaer
child asked bim-after tbe manner of old
^Basi'c ■arkcotbec.'*
er people's coneersatlon with ckOdre
1 bad guar too far to back
koat. '‘Wha wbrrr be lived, tipoo finding that ke
4eaa fac go-totoeet. tkrnt”
lived only two deon from tbe Btotati *''■
tbc aoa to walk bome with ber afa hoaae. she cxritimed with delict:
«to, who Badtaa at tkc Art InaUnta.
-Why. you moat know Dr. Shawr
‘%aiv.” aasw.-rcd the mall bop. ”B
Aad now I aboaid Ukc eery mw
k>ow It MI« Norwood hu aroaord . _ goes to oar chank.”-New York Ttera.
ac-tociety throat brr faring an aelaacc of Bine. That coodathm ta
tot ••
r ^WBder I
aoPReMr** wtakee faltk
■Mlauaccof Bine. Tb
Canartag. bat doabetaL"
*0 walk botoa wtth her
an n■Mirablc by alfamerlBff- a Itnle p«a
le or palB «a acap la a cap of afar
tmti: It to as thldt aa riefa eiean,bot ant no bard wben cokL
la a
I toM
«my. tke old geattatoan k
iMa.to bis wn that after kb
■at/erasfake aeattateAtolhi
lu w
faewOataastaafaWBtowoai awn
aa Rata ffaaklitaaak Iraa <ka f GdnfattiUiLCiniip
isn aad
1..A.L R. R. to Row WWai- >• «>
4 7*
a M
fa lUa iMler faaa taa toUae pw ka«
' Ufa MaiBbal.
Toar-aUaatfaa to aaUad to tke rate
1 ragaid to tka aaaol watar tor nrlBkUawBarpaaw. Said rala yeor£
telawa ^ria^wf
tto9o*afaakfatkatoetnfagaB* 1.___
9 toS la tkeattagBooa and ataoetker
liM ggMt whaa fanetal flmatt ta
tke beard
tkattka nitinaw bare an
look in auuimer needs atieotion.
Excraire prawplmtlon during
beoted term ran In n ruuMtam. be orercucuc by ap|>l}'lttg to tbe akin, with a
soft doth, a mixture of culoffue
Florida water, to'which baa been add
•• moh JaaiFta tt tnsFta «
flIUa. ''T
bat U will ooata «p aBUlng oreir
tiaa” OalBan'a
CaiBan'e Btoatle Floor Vantab
SRWalt.____________ _
ed half tbe amount of unnic acid.
When the moisture Is dried, powder
freely with baby or atarrU iiowder.
Anutlier recipe and one good' to re
move sunbara ta to mix ooe-balf
ounce of Iwnioin with twice at mndi
alfoUri. one ounce of glycerin and two
oDDci-s of pure; eoft water. tUiU
other exccili-nt mhclnre U to make
magnesia antjwoft Water into a thick
cream. Kpp>ad over the face. and
handa and Ip live minmee wash oB
with some mild Mtp and dry thor
f'ucuiiibcr Juice. rblrk«c<.d extract
ample eapplr of -we-ra- bat mLne
rr.. Jaa.a. «4. 1900
warra (fuer iix ereri-ap. Do not leake
Dr. 0. D. Waraw. Dear (Ur:—t bav hydiaata open or twee raulag witboat
Jarea Oorou ■oxxla attacked. If water ta fooad
faairreai wneereare a^Uoodnrt*. raaalag in tbta -way tte water will w
flar. with exnelleat reaalto. I doaot tarBodoffasd oaABOc op tl wiu.Bk
beeitate to roeommeod it tar the pnr MAPK poa TVBjngo ux again. Parttaa
powe tar wbtob it it oaed. Ito effects wbo haw not pfad sraiar tax are retaaehert Umaeo maalfret tkat It qaaatad to eallbl oBee at <wea a^
OM fall to rive the greateet aatta- aatUo same. Bring yoar laat rewl|*
Jaa. CoKKiMA.
with yoa.
and pure olire oil eoap la most
t excellent For. compoondlng them Um
rkrlons rerlpea.
OatweaL toa U ctcenent being both cleanaiBg and aoatb-
eiiitas Ctatatataf
E. S. OiapMi k Seal
WiU hare tkeir oOw la the hard
ware etora of W. J. BoMe berwfter
•kero all tkoae having boelneea with
tbo firm can oaU apoB thaB. Mi tf
___ ra-
Board of Watm: OemBtataoae
n ■- MOWM, ni.ra.. M. I.
0« L..- ...rl.l,—
C. I—nm *1. V I.M.
ui-l In.-Ill I. —I
i'waTss'rs, finidlipUit tadtuU,
NoUeo to Tag Payara.
n>etu rolls fo
and tensv arc all gmid for removing s^seritaeeUT
IB mt baads^ior
IstH-e and Inducing freebnea of kave bOM I wlU be- a) wy oflee tar th* paipoos
the akin. Exprea the Juice of
ben. well- grown, and apidy fre».-ly.
D aad frow I
Clil<-kwe<<<l pn-aiwd tbruugli a aleve O-rUr*' "til « o'clock la tbeanc BOCO of oorh
can be diluted with auft wetpr. The dajr.WaUM Tucodor rsenlu < t oath waek •n aolLB«tT.Auornay. apaotalaueaUaa
trora to'clock ooiUsmc'clA.
r. ta rtmhatm praaUa. momma S a— old fasbiopwl fresh tansy Infoaed In
All tAsro paid before 8ep«»b< UL will no Kaaaallls Oe. ataek.
aad OB all
l.uUcnnHk is also most cicril.iil. aye
ibov Ut. aad
Ilcst.-r t'nolc. authority for ilisec time
TY*- A ■- m»Ma'
ly toilet notes from tJood llotBekoep-
Mitp BoBBer Walsta.
Fancy ae|ianilc ualsto wero never
In grcnler favor lhati at pnwnt. Two
very pn-tty and uw-rul one* are here
ski'IclHvl. Tbe uui- which is ao betxiiu-
lagly ampgvd with -deep lucfca and
Homn. AM.— rf
BCfloB a
. .
itldlac. rooa I.
PsvsB WL-asars
COHINGI s;»‘Ss".;vrr..*. arrs-.rr
■cU -pheoa. Kortaeni ’phesc Re. I.
Rectoero -paeae.Ml aaU.tal.
Cily Minstrels!
(In Private Oars)
■- irals kas cfeelr rar M OraaS
aue*4«4. TelepaoerR
iraiB acTt rlac at t to a. wb
Till F«kl> TILT. Vetenaaiy .«Brr»i
^saim” aiss a'lBiBcrar tram Uri
TnlB aiTlTln* at I to a m. Wswr Bar
cT LoS?w«jn!o. p. a *. A.oraM aaeUe
- aMOBnAT.Aa«to.*rarara*nv-
Pere Marquette
rawtoxABU wum.
inaertloas of due tacc U carried out la
Willie silk aud won over a pale
■u sit]>. These deep fueks of silk
■a the front uf the liodlce lu a hoHtnl direction and also cover tbe
•leevcs. while 4« tbe back the bodice
U arranged a1ih a yoke of tncka and
.tibitber good walet Is carried out In
white gtaw silk, trimna-d with llnce
uf fine black embroidery afid email
A Tro* Mater mm Pan Oniwp
Any cook's nierlt or IncfBclency to
abosra by ber |>an gravies, obaervea
Tbe a'omao's Hihuc Companion.
good pan gravica an- made after
Inrartohlr role. Ail but a few taUeepoonfula of tbe fat la poured-off. tbe
lan then blood on tbe lop of tbe atova.
tbe flour UenM In and atlrred until
It hrowna, ttten Ike water or etock
added, also tbe aeaiuntnga. A pan
gravy made with tblckenipg Is another
thing cntlroly—a crude, pasty sabstltuts wMcb a good cook would blush
Plaid Tfbtwn cortelei Im-Iii are won
with wWto'
Dark lawDB are very attnctlTe ia
navj blue, emerald green, etc.
Tltc monogram Is preferrod to Initial
letters In marking uMe and bed lines
and nnderdothlng.
gnver ItraM and allver bnttans are
rrapoMlblo for tbe cacbet of many bf
tbe Ugbt sommw doth
_________________gtaasy and picnsfag ta
tlm eye. amootb aad «ol to the toneh,
■re tbr faabtoBaMe wasb gown «f tba
aeaate eoperaedhig fee tbta ptnpoa*
tbe pique of last yearii
Tbe latest
croquet golf,
jtrortte gai
combination of two fa
- -
it may be ptoyed on a
eonw a^ to-aald to
Opera Hoofla* Too Small
The Beat Singarfl, Danoerfl,
Moaiolflofl. Oomodianfl
aid tbe GnitetCilt Wilkers
of the Oedored BaM.
‘ Uneeda Rest”
itei IIS 1 7
»UBfl0da Boar C^tag*
WUl meet tbe rcqelroaseau of a dcllgbtfel raeailoa. BeanUfilly loeafad.
Fiabing aad boating the bat ia Northan Mtab.
Traverse City,
Vednesday, ingnst 15.
The only Octoroon Oatbedral
Chopch Choir traveling, rendering
“The Ht^y City** Paalma, etc, at
each pertormfloce.
T. F. Hhiw,
IS i:
unn ID nnuniD 11
At nexm, baltiag at tbe comer ol
Front and Uniem atieeta. where
the company of cake valkara, in It yea bava a dwaUlag, atodi. atoea,
(nil diem coatame, wilt give an baiB,OTaayctbar RifaiB ti laeanbU.
dadly laBtoabar I enat to write tka
idea of tbe bmona “40CT walk.
The attention of the pablic. mSmS^wmtmJS^ bUm^
u eaUed totba Ofay tka tooet faltabfa etock I
magnificent waidrabe and eoatnm* RataBwrylew.
m worn by thia oampany.
AdmiaalaB Mdoead to S6e
and 16c.
Oronnda at tbe comer of Froe
and Union atmeta.
Pfafomtancaa at 2 *wri g p jg,
ooOfu Rotm
John R. Santo.
tiBtll iMHmi.
amw0 MuUtA m TmMs
Omm ot tto Bi^-OUo Mm
iCMcMOakM Msth BMs4
TmU* »MW m »• Jaw-Waa-
aarbalalMabliilihb Oaa artiaa
MiMibaaaaa MobaalMklarifbt
a^ laada bla Ml «a IM WiMiib.
fUz awiaga bio Ml m IM aya aad
wbaatbMWiaoh bMban aHuW to
DrtM Oaatotba layoi wbwa vm
ailaoh. Oaa dMbla awlan aad. I1&
laada a bard Ml oa Ihft m Ornfaka
laaawllk Ihtaa latw. im mMaaa
MiaadOaa oMabaa hUaiaiba a^
a Ml to Iba aiBMib. Tbay
Oaa>to bbf laft M^SSllLatb. Bob
aaoMOaB to hla hawaa wUb a loti. aM
- Bwia^MSO^riMktMo Moniw rlyhtMiba )aw. BabUa la ay, aaty
irwMU OmomMom
ImporiBl Oowommoot OaUty
crfFowonMto Batatr ot Mtakton
-UMaar ChftM AppoUtad MaproiMtotloaof Chlaaaato MofotUta
far PoaaatBl BattloBMt of tha
Sawtto Omtm.
niiiUlwTMtMaBMtaoaaa. '
LeadM. Aar- l^It k toportod that
Mow Tork. Av- « “
^**** ■wtafobiariMtaroadeBa'_____
dlaob.iahUa wMod a taft. Bobb aa (Bparial adkt hM baaa Maad apr---------iMiCki WBohoil Ml Ow olhar
MtfDMtowtod. Om rattMta Bob poUtlar U Hoar Chaar tba raproBMkokUiwnkow(df.«aUo»Of> M tha ■BOobM bla Booa Om eUa
totlraeftba Ghiaaaa rowuaaat to
foM Of tka Jow. TU MU kmmaa laMoa flfbt M tbo oar I
toMbattboWowo baroae
wltb tbo pewars
tbaa. Bob owtaca Us rirhi
•iwttto mUoi. II wm o MrUo htod
aiMSd Ooi’ baod. Om JoU* bk law
Air. 10—M. Fnasqal, BalWm. OOdMlM wilh Iko OOMMM wttbhklsft. Bob awlacs a riffbt OB
lUat Hbaarbai. eoaflnu tba
tono of ft dMMoAUMfT poMkM. Tba Iko oboaldw, tbaa oo oar. Fits jolB
Li Boar Chaar baa
Wow, wktak WM praoaM kr ft rlfhl a Jtw with bk laft aad Om eUaeboa
aro rary waak. Oos jaba bk Uft baaa appelatad Mtoy aatn
•wiar.OMitkft Wf AlDMllft iftftkftlf Bott
tba faoaaad Bob swiaca a rifbt for
to enter
owir). ftM klft body, ftlnody oo Iho It tar bat Bkaaa.
keoad. woo Ml by iho Mirk Iftfl of Booade—Bob pats a laft oa tba itcpaaoaaaroUatloaawitb tba pew
•tOBoeh tbaa sw^ Ua rtrbt araaad ra.
Ihft ma fiM Oecnwalf
tlwftojnt osob oaitbftr p«fteb.ftft Uft. Bob obaa» Ooa to hU sonar bat WeaUarvw, Aar. lO-A eipber meaPMiJiaBftUlolha iiifd of Mod la Ua awlar tor tba haad U harBlesa aad MrafiBB Klalatar Ooarw. rMwad
MowOrhMft. Thft ImpMl waft toUow- Om jabi bk lace. Bob aaada a rtobt to tbU Bamtor. daBoastralM what baa
tba ribs aad tar aad aaotbsr rirbtaad far waaki baaa iMpmul. that tba
•dbfftMTlAe enob. iWlob aondad Uft
oa tha jaw drops Oua to Ua bearda iBpariU aaUwrtUB Is PakU were
Uka Ma onebiDf of ft »
Om takM tba fall eosat aad riaM
EahUa, aadar iba watybl of Iba poaeb florry. Bob k waak bat roabaaIn to playlara rase of doabU diplomacy or
lakbbkaua. Ba falaB with rirht dnpUdty w rarard to the forelrn Btawbloh wbeadid iba Ineakoat. '
* waaa Oaa dada ba driaM a rirbt ktan. Oaorer'a Boasare' U alamat
bafma le' lotlad. Tha datohar
ktanUeal wltb that of M. Picboo to tbe
wtlbaaabftJolUarftfool tb»t ii ball
Preaeb rorarnBont Both sake a
atralfbtaaftd Smbltab body ay.
aaeaaaity of a oeont m Oaa k i
poalUva ataUBOBt that tba Ibnar LI
Iba oMtcblMiar effael bad
» rUzalB
I U daoUrad tba
1 to tbe Blalitara
•elMBla Uawcirk wb«i Iba ooUaiM wlaaar.
ar. PIUklmBadUtalyaarTooBdFtu
mm aad Rablia wbaolad aboal aad adbyabowltarcBob. Oaa k Uftad op
tall faao forward oa Iba raalaad tar- lisp M a rac aad camad to Ua eorser. ly aakad that they shenld iBBadUtoly
Vbara bk aaooada arork orar biB aad 1MTS PaklB aadar aaiubU aaoort aad
tba srowd k in aa nproar Both wara taat tba iBpwial govt
laMoaa OharUy WbiM bacaa
Tory Urad arbea tba Arbt oadad. Fits
ami dfi Iba aaoowda. It waa aaa
eroaoBl orar to Oaa’aoraar aad ahook roady to prorido that aaoort U k
WB tbk atatoBaat that
Tba onadwnai forw of ibaDbloaB waa baada wlU Oaa. who bad tMOtarod
UTaBoahM bi
••Mtar. toa." mm tba eoaai. troB tba kaodkmv
It WM a AatM fl^t wUU It iMtod aMtlar iba attUado of tbk aadotbar
BadootolcbfM.'’fartba i
and both Bsa wars at Ubm oo wMk wairn rotonBoaU on tbk qnBttOA.
waadaoabayoadaUbayaof raoaBlay
Mdor tba raUa. It
a taal batUa
aada pablle today by tba atata d^art•D tba way tbroaffb. 'll waa yaMaaBeat and la M foUowa:
tarty faal aa batwaaa mb of Ibalr
Tba Tnurld Taaaaatatcstetbo
dlploBatk body that tba TarloaaforBabUa. wkm takaa to bti dmafay
foaai waa la Tory bad abapo aad alMOl Kitohoorr AadMathneii Aftar al^ yoraraBOBto have npaaiadly
lakad tbreorb tba rMpaetiva OblaMO
th« Boar OenoroL
Blaktora that w< ImBodUtaly daport
from PakU nodar SBltabU eaeort Tba
aaU aad toBBd tba D oBoaarloBB that
Boon Daotroyad a Mallway, aad Ovt
aaks at to fix a data for oar dapartoraaad to Bake tba
rarivad aad waa takaa la Erorbard'a offBonroMof Bapply at Johan
>B to do so. Oar reply U that
batta. Bo coUaaaod m hla arrlral
« War Bhonld
Mk laatraatiom from oor yoetbaraaadaaaUaiwwplBtoUod to laba rt^pad aad tba Traaaraal Aa.
aad that la tbeabaanceof
iMa oeMaloaoaaaa Dr. Uaibaid wai
•neb iMtneUoM we eannot qait oar
^tOj BoaBOBod. Aiie’olaek Bah
aasod to Sraat Briuia.
Ba WM alUl aaeoMgloaa aad blood apwiatwTbaKomiso BaeM.
yoa that Uord.er to
' froB hla BOBlb aad
PraUria, Aar- 1»-Tbe railway aoatb
oara Tho deetor B olUt worklay o
of V«aaairlar wm dMtroyod by tba Ibaora oar aafa dapartara, fmiro
Boara laat alrbt. A aaBbar of pM- troops only oaa aafaly aaoort na aad they
Whoa rtu appoarad ia Ibo rlay at aanranwaro broarbt bora oo an arm- Boat be U anfieUat force to yaard
PM ho waa chootod wUdly. BabUa orod train. Ooal k aearM U Jobannaa- aafely 000 forairaen. inoladlar too
Wlowod a Blaato lator.
barr owlar to tba aoarea of aappir be- woBsa aad oUldrw, as wall aa t.OOO
by Oerbatt Boib boo aMMrad to bo iar eat off by tba Boon. BaBlltca aatlra Chriatiana,' who oaanot
led to oartala —■■■r
lataoooadlUee. Broa Boaoy waa of* baa raUarod Bnstoabnrr. tba Boon bafwadtrooly oalbo debt. Tha atlaa- rtariar tba plaao, Baklar oalyU faabU eaaaotaeeapt a CUaaae escort andor
Aoes. AlloorooUearnM
The Boon flad to Wart
Alto o'aloakltoa Bbarkoy wmU- OaaanU Kltebaar aad Matbana art are dkpaublar tba fctrar«far totbelr
tredaaod aa ebaUaajrar of tba werU bOBbardlBr Dawet'a poalUoa aortb
“Of tbe ABertoaa aarUas aaraa
aad It waa aaqoaaoed that bo woaid aadaoBth.
atootflU bofmibla elabUo lattor Preloria, Aar-10—Tbaro la a strdar ban been kUlad and aUtaaa woaadad,
aBonrtbe latter OaptaU Myen and
parlotibo Boath wbolborFlu wIm taallarbare that
orlooM. BUly Maddoa. Bublia'a Baa- auaaaras aboald ba taken to briar iba Dr. Lippat, who an rattuir afanr
acar, had It otaiad that aftar Iba drkl war. wbtob k aow daraaamur Uto a well.
ha woald bo .roady to arraafe a flybt Mrka of BaraodUr rUda. to a elcwe. While the Ualted SBtae rarsnmant
Tba aaBbar of barrbara U tba Arid k baa bean dsBaadlar protaettoa fo
with Jof riaa.
to bk
Tba roforoe etdora Iba Boatoabakt oertaUly dlBlakbUr aad tbaaaatUl
baada at 10:94. Tbo flfbt.la to bo &rbUar are bald totalbar partly by oaeort to IkkU by CaUcM troops aad
rororaod by QaooMbary ralaa.tte tom oMpoktoa aad partly by a faaUar that arrUrtbat the lapwial raxaraBent
botac 15 roooda. Tbo fi^t otartad at than k UaaSetoat raaaoa why they aball cm-opanta wltb tba Uteraai
10:05. FoUowlay la Iba dataU by aboald aarraadar. They an also U- rUkf ooIoB a tha Taanr U YsBai
doanaad to a oartaU extent by torts baaa talllnr Coarar that bk rorerai
isBbara of fonlra adreatorara aow baa aak^ that Imperial troops aaeort
Bond I.—richUay Bob
hlB oat w too dty to tbe coast.
toBbolla't ayt: ibay ellaab.
flrbtUr with tbcB. not dee par
aaeda hta rlrbt aadar tha baart.
whoa wan U tbe oooatry baton tha Aa no sneb raqsaat baa baaa mnda by
tbrowa laft aad rtrbt to body aad
Yoor oomapoadaat Uterrlawad >U lonraBant tba admisktratloa k
rttxbooki oe tha oar. Ou booka hB
oemrUead that tba Tanar Li Yamaa
1 laadtor TnnnUon oa
debt oo nu'a aoT. Bob aBoobaa Oaa’
^ wttta bte laft aad Oaiabot bk loft aabjaet aad they aspiMaad tba opinion baa baaa oaiar to iB own adrantnre
M tbo body, tbaa iba laft cm Bobb tbnt Ornt BritaU aboald annex tba tbe koUUon of tba BUktan by kaapBoaaaad a laft oo tha Boatb. Fits ooeatry nt oaea. Bonaonable tisu Inr tbamU tba dark m to wbat tbalr
triad to worry, bat ba U baek with a
■BBanto an doUr for tbair reltol.
atanbriaf blow rlybt oa tha jaw. woald then bo altowad tbe renoUa
aad BkrapnaantUr tba whole sltaaOMjaba with laft aad rirbioatba borrban to samsdartbair
otoBarb aad Bob ia onbiariba. Fiu they failad to do tbk tba pnaalty woald UOB to tbOBL
UadaUs rirbt aadar
bU riba. Fttt
‘ • bla
Tba Ant tbUr dona stm to inform
of tbalr proaarty.
faBdato ri^b^ad^tba bMrt aad
srnralar aboald alae be rl*M to far- Ooaror of tha rarlooa ataps taken for
tbat any om of tbalr thaiUtof of tha laratUaa A elpbar
atoB iMai wlU araa sroald ba seat to BBMTioftbk ebanalar wm aam to
r. BobwMtindwbaaba priaoa far a tomtom, aad any far- blB today.______________
-Flu Biased a lafi aad alraar aaUr arsa srith fatal aSeet
Om atocgtoi bia ^tb bk laft and woald bapoal
■fMMMAa ■MWrtMOM*. .
OlOlaaMi la Bank an latarMtod
OMMtbaaMaand drasn blood aad
aad OaaarsBiBt Will Trr to
Ui rirbt keraaaad to tba jaw. BaUU
wobblM bat omm ba«k atnar aad
BbattboybU tartoarty. ritoaaadaUaUft
. Aar. lO.-Ibe a
^ to tha atotoaeb. Om k tirad. Bob
Dowd of OaabBarfator Shops _ ariMt (UlM aBoatj^i
J boobi bk rirbt oa tha oar aad Oh
aaaebat.bat Bob bMk Ub off. Ba
PakU altaatloo. Bank ~k
bootobk Uft M tba aye aad Om; apMsi M to* kwnuie Baeort.
Ur 400.000 MB^U tba far
> Ub U tba eya aad I
Itoytoa. a, Airnt lO-Bkbty waodUAktlM a
I srhan Bob boBBara
MtbaUworkanoftbe NathmU toahr««kMr
ash. Om ------------------ for aaUr
- albowaad wbaa they break Bdb
tba BaaaraUb with a Uft to tbe ja^ Oh takM
«nat naUsM that the faton aaearity of bar
OMBt aad COBB ap rrorCTI an aMtara boMdariM dapaada 'apM U' BoaaA »-BotbaoM apaUwU, Oh S.O00 tdk workaaa oa tba
nBbaaabdBobeUaebaa. rUsBiaHa
Ckytn and If tbsMob nrktB- obcea
dMUa hook bat laada Ua
■ -h'.SB
__ and Bob
aaeda bk Uft to toe lface
_ tbw to bk wiU ba aaA aaCarUr aad hantir ber wtth andCTBabed
otarnam. Oh jaba tbe taae
tUMB with bk toft aad Bob oMt bk fan tba wuur k cmr.
a BtUtary atretoa 1
laft aa tba aaok. Both an tind aad Haba OMtlaBa to aanaU a«B aalca tbeItkn
manent toraa U •
___________ MB 1^ WMk far tba Dayton KaaaI wiU ba Ucroaaad to
faM aad baeta toft aa tba Aaetart^OOBfuy.
Fourth Y«r-No. 1019
a Look at
our Window
la oonaection with the work* of art in
pictnreA, which we htYe carried so long,
we «re placing before the citir^ here
some fine pieces of artistic pottery,
oriiich we know will be appreciated by
all lowers of the beantifnL Mr. Hobart
has had many years of experience in
fine pottery, and can asaure the people
of tbe gennineness of the articles pre
sented. All are cordially inrited to call
and examine' them.
And jua*!! aee bow lew
we bare marked oor ram'
mer footwear to cloae it
Rctice As
kilts' Oifiris
The dainty,'atjliah abap»—and ther'll wear kp.
They were $1.60. now we
aell them at $1:00.
fttlM As
kilts' Shots
Handaome, trim atylM-black and Un—we bare
redooAd to $1 88.
Notict At
$2 Ttt Shots
For ladiec'—cloth trim—
atylUh and aerriceable—
Notict til At
Dther BtrgtAs, Too
That Big Sale
Then we're anre yen’ll
bny if yon have any nae
for a pair of shoes.
This Morning
..........AT...... ‘
Trareree Cito’o
Leading Shoe Honae.
Clothing.____________ Hats.
From Vour Desk
You Can
Aay part of toe eontUant, ba U oon•tant. direct and personal eommaaleaUoB with year aalesBan. baada of dcpartmeota, aad In fneV erery one yon
wkb to meet.
If yon SEE people, yoa can't do aay
more than talk with them, and yon
eu do that from yoor own oSec. with
a larre Mrinr' aSaetad by tbe talephone nad planad oa toe eradlt side of
tbe ledyer.
Bare yon one U yonr ofBee?
Alotof 1 aadfi Of Bklnd, TBlu8B$t.OO
to $1.60.
$Mn thOM Shin Watata at 76c P Batter do
so today.
Our Tan Shoes and
CJtDtM- SKD uaKta-
tn Pressing Parlors
Must be sold out quick.
In order to do so. we bare
cut prices 10, 25 and 50
per cent off. You get val
ue received.
Ut Bail Freai ainet.
onHeraPkm^n''^ tor as* 4«Hrr.f«i
°*tS5Jstf^^“Maa8. JBXKU Acoi-armE
•ark m aawlaUy.
Leading Shoe Hoaae of Northern ilich. Ret SUrt—H2 Fmt Stmt
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tails, bat a
I bare tried
aMaaaaawaaaaAaaaaaa •«««««
I Till Tan Slioi
Is tbe Shoe for summer. Summer is
still with us. but we are having a
sale, of Tan Shoes. If yon want to
make a good investment invest in b
. pair'of Tan Shoes here.
Bapwmbu StylM -NSW IDX4- FATIBBH8 «n now
hsm-Any Btse, any atyla, lOo.
Pig Tail
I hare come to the ooociosion that 5e will bay a firat.
claaa, delicioua smoke. Tiy
one and yoa will newer pay
10c for A Pig Tail again.
Men's $5.00 tan shoes sell for....................... $4.00
Men’s $4.00 tan shoes sell for....................... 8.00
All $3.00 tan shoes sell for........................... 2.50
All $2.00 tan shoes seU for........................... 1.75
J From street
AMT 01 CUP m
I Moraiao saooxp.
D O.S. W4un.
MD «•
lattBtot pMM\pr*pw« ior «.-----MtttottMlMia^tialtortba watt
W««t a BMloa thM mMImt. Ic
tkrnot proaptritT prapara fera4*ar.
Ttaua an proaparoaa m». Setar
tifnti ia eot Uatory baa aaeh an im^Ma and ^fl(a>la TOlana ot baai- andoppoaa aepapaion. The trinmpb
taMbaca-baadlad. Ikaaaaat lA as- of tbair poll^. It pat apon tbe atatoM
paatadtbataUpaan wUlballka tbta booka. wonld raaalt la bmariean (nryaar Cropa wlU (all. Bpaeaiatloa loI baoomlnt cold and bmerieaa
4aaad by proaparlip may laad tt> anaafe abattiaa baoomlnt ailant. Bayliab
looma woald waare (or ni and German
Bat Iba wiaa >dniatat(atork o( tha milU would do oar (orfflnt. American
mMoo mnal and arlU proTiaa aa lar aa' labor would fiod iu oecepatlon toi
faaMato ab dimtaad dtnnilytba
Than la a alSarenae between the
Maairtaaat tba aaUontbal a food two polltleal partlea. The Bepablleana
4if(aa of praapanty may be espeetad do want (6 torero the markeU W tbe
iMiar all normal eondiUona. Aaapao- world, and to relfo orar the AiatribogUara rroirmon tbaawa can aak tUmotthe worlo'e meat and bread.
«a die (ram oar mlaaa move (baa we
■ink in tbia way work at borne -tor
«aa aenaame. Wa apin, waa«^ (ocfa. erery boneat laborer, markata (or the
ihapa and make more than we eaa oaeflaU, tormt. (arnaaa and (aewry aU aaeb a factor in the world that will
pndMO moaa than asooeb to oapply oempal peace and JaeUoe amont tbe
^r^iWe dammUe damaad. Tbia nationi of tbe earth. It la tba policy
I, not a ibaary, wblab eaa which will baamn that bleaaed time
bn mat In bat one o( two waya.
mornlaad by tba propbat of old when
teaa tbe ootpot or Ineraaea the pm- tbe aworda aball be beateo into plow^nma. Tbe (ormer ie eoattaetlon. abana and tha apaart Into proninf
wa.^ latter la aspanaton. It la impoa booka It U tba Bepabllean policy.
' iMa to auad atUi. Wo maat to (orward or baekward. The ebaanala ot
iBa world'a commerce an aoraf alat■anb The atruftla o( tbe tweatieib Mr. aad Mra. Ormay and Mr. and Mra.
tHtary will be (or markeU. Bn»lnem
MaeaWaatFlahlnr Yaatardaytoewa no aantlmont. Tba parebaaer,
Mr. aad Mr*. C. A. Qremy and Mr.
vtotbar Turk, Japaneae, EatUah or
and Mra. 0. C. Maaa epent yeatwday on
Vankoe. will bay when be can boy tbe
Carp (Abe. and bad a moat dalltbtfal
jB—r"‘ Tbe nation that can underTAy ebarterod Ue ateam yacht
atfl tha roat o( Ua world will control Bebeeea and epent Ue day flablnt and
(Be eomaerca of the world. It U tbe
•atlled .policy of tbe Bspabliean party ridist abeni Ua late
They made a rery flae catch of dab.
(a preiaat oar Indattriaa. eneonrata
Mta. Maaa eateUnt Ue larcaat dtb of
■anataetartat, and tbaa eraataaeontba day. They raiamad lapl araalnf.
atoat demand tor labor. TbU. howJW. II only baU of tba problem.
IBa natlrn or the indtridoal that In• •
t anlartiag Family aaarrai Ud to Kre. Baney'a
(Be damand aad iw
Taklnt Polaoo.
Ban, wlU aoaaa to trloL Oooda alaekMra. Haney, who llraa near Ue
•top IIn warahoaaaa
faetorlaa on BlfbU atreat. created
coaalderable ezeltament
___ or. McKlalay. not conMnt with
ppwimt tba factory, opaaod tbe mark- eraaiat by 'ukiat poiaon. She and
«m to aba>rb tba oatpot of loom, bar hnaband bad bad a qaarrel darlnt
tba afternoon, and Uto. It la aald. led
■pladla pick and plow.
bar attempt at enlelde. Sbe waa
Tba retalt la alBoat beyond ballet.
t oeaalderad oat of dantar Ull yeaThe eiporta ot tba UnilAd Stataa (pr
•Badmal year lOOO amoaaud to tha
urm-T-------- * tiiilt.t7v.tlt-
Fitly Taten
Ahappypaly aaamX yatewday mi
M^cfTniSL «M* wttfclMO^ (tep Xtoka nhnad teo iliimw Thrv.
HrfteetoodVme U«y hnd and Ua
ptoMMAMriM ««lla>7. ■«»«.
Qmmml tha WUIvIm. tte
' Mtteay eniTbl won lOMMklnt V>
tilh ohMA. tte pv«y
««Mk* «M» b MlMMMil
tetetelte o( Mr. and Mn. V.&
M «PB«II« «
Oarta. lb. aad Via. Lortn BobmU.
wy'mmA tiM <B1
Mr. n«d lira. A. B. Parry and Mr. and
•taate. Om
Mn.OoocfaO-Aa*wo( Ohteco.
Eton MnbM Bntaar
ThayebartMteUaTlBWtMUa anUra day. ftobint won Ue order o(
UeteMOnn. and lota e( iU wata
U mtamnta Ua bnlldiat ot aa laUUkan.Uo«hlltopiateblo U*t Ua
iennnl.nolae a lomntarof mr.
enacalnwiy. aa aavL Mta.
tet •• a paa« mMva and a aemm
Fort waa titan a Aaalropby cap far
aatUtat Ua drat iab.
Tbapartyauapfantodianar In Ua
flora alBortonh laadlaf. utd apaat
: allow Uia eoealiT to aaearan
UaaftanooneraWntibOBtUa late.
ofttepartyoi .
ttyviUoMbaoearnaU. Uara are no
____ rnnrkom lo eenqaat. ft la ehatfad
that UB la not a noMe • aaion. that M Itointa Oaaa Bcoldad
la a raak ««maraial:im. Bat It la
BMwn'a Court.
«than that II to raak IndoatrlalA aaU ia Jaatlea Browa'a aoart baa
. Ittoprarldlntwiwkforfaetcrtoa.
rmaltad In a raUar anaaaal deetoion.
labor te laboren. Uanapoiiatton (or
a. It aaakaa tbe pay roU tatter. wmiam Meat bad
Inmbar that be bad
Itlatba peUey ttatrawcola mortnc—.
Mr. Dominie, and which bad been
baUda homon (or worlday man. maataa
a daaoaad (or tbe train ot the dald. tba aaltad by Mra. Dominie, wbe claimed
that tbe Inmbar waa hara. and ha4
maate(tbapBBtara.aad tbe Iran and
bean nnUwfoUy aold ly Mr. Damlnie
eoat o( tbe Bine, rt U ratkmal and
wbUeabewaatooaona tiipaio Kalenational pra^artty iooadad on wladom; not a prbmlaad praoparity eraatad maaoo.
Wben tbe eaae arept to Ue Jary. it
by eottlnt» doUar in two and ealUnt
waa decided not only that Mra.
oaeb bait a whole.
Domlala eonld keep tba lumber, bnt
radieal dapartara trom tbia poliey
Bhe waa awarded $I« afalnat Ue ptaUU adroeatad by tbe Demoerata In tbair
____________ ~
arowad pnrpoaa to daatroy protaetloa tlfl.
Mr. and Mro. Wm. A. Hlekeraoc, old
plonaeiv. eomlnt to Ue QrandTrararaeretwa la IMS. atea M aad 15.
areapendlot U'e week rtoltlat Ueir
oon. D. C. NUkeiaon.: of Wrat EifbU
Oeerm Calktot. wbo waa formerly la
Ue barber baalacaa In UU cUy.
rlred from tbe upper paainiola Ttaoraday oraainy.
Mra. John Walter retnrned yeaterday
from lielMd.' where ahe baa bean rlaitlat Mr. Keltar'a ptrenu.
Mra. Ira Branaon and dantbtar o'
tHoexCity, Iowa, are Ue yncata of
torn. S. J. Wrlfbt, of Its Madleon
etreet. _
M Im Era Fhelpa of Sycamore U rUhint frlrndl^ip tbe city.
Beno FiaBer of Bart, bat retamed
home after a riall with bia brother.
Charlaa Fuber. of Bohemia aireeV
Mra. Bilry Sweara aad daoybter.
Joaepblne. left yeaterday on a riall lo
Flint and Detroit.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Meida areastertainlDi; Jamet Walton and (amily
ot Beddeia. S. D.
Cnarlea Weaterbnrf bat returned lo
bia borne in New York after a riall
wUb J. B. McGinyh and family.
Mra. Frank Hardy retnrned yester
day to her borne lo lotcrloeben after a
rltlt wUb Mm- Helena Bre«.
L.H. Shank of Empire waa In Ue
city yeaterday.
Mr. and Mra. D. Eoebe of Empire,
arare tnetta at Ue. Wbitlnt yeaterday.
Fraak McCormick waa in Ue city
yeaterday from Empire.
Mm Cbarlea Skeleber aad two children arrired ia the city laat erenlnf to
loin Mr. Skeleber. wbo baa been here
(or come lime. They were aeeompanled by Miai Galloway of Grand fiapide.
A party (rem Manletec. cooalatioK ot
Edward Bneklay, William Doaflaa.J.
K. Boyden and 3. B. Merritt, look din
ner at the I’ark Flack yeaurday.
MiMAanaOrlaU baa tool
Mlation for a few weeka' racailon.
Mra- Annie M. Adanaaa Dead..
la dlrldad am»t alt elamea of inWord baa been raoeired bare of the
tetriat. and tbe Incfcaae over tha
Aaen) yaar ot lan, the beat tba ODoatry death of Mra. Annie M. Adenean In
ted arar bafon known under any ad- Grand Baplda. Deeeaaad waa Ti years
s. Her eon, Frank B . and death■InBtration. waa aa followa:
Ira. Annie Treipaia. will go to
ruberiea................» X.000,000
Grand Bapidt Sanday to arraafe (or
brintint Ue ramalaa to Uto city (or
forntry............. lo.ooo.ooo
>. Lotaafcr Admired.
Vow to keep np tbU record and pre3. A. Lmantar baa bran nomlnatad
«lde (or a normal trowtb ta the parpoae
«d the Bapebllcan party. Itbaaraeaai by Ua rapabUeaaa of tliand Tkarcrea
ly portanad a reclprocliy treaty with eoaaty (or Ue eSea of Probate JadteWhat is Calary King?
Varmany, aad anotbar wUb Italy la Wa know of no more werUUy baaiowIt Man hertbdrlnk.aed Ua poalUmcnie
to tncfaaaa tba aalaa of Amarl ad honor In Ua gift of Ue Bepablleaca lar
rooritrwtlon, bmdarha, aervesi duo^
OM prodaeta In tbcaa landi. a poliey of that ooonty, Uan tbia recognition of drrs rbrntBriUm. kidnry dUeaaea. and tba
Taitoo* tiMhUs arUlnc fitun a dlaoraerad
laMtnrMed by that matcbleaa Ameri- Locangar. John la a Uorongblyr
Blamaeb and torpid 'Wet. It U a moat
pateat attorney.to ooneerannt wlt^
aaaMnt4saa. JammO- Blaine.
The admlnlauaUoD meennd
hate Jerlapfadenna aad will make a pbj^riani c«DRmllrepon door poUey” In tbe Orient ao that paloaiaklnr aad-ebliglar ofldal. PerfeUrr Kloe !• aold la
whan the Cilaece troablec are over, aonally we hare admired tmraager for H«a tr dnipnsM and d<
wttboat tbe aaecmliy of taklnt n foot many yaara. and wa are glad te learn
at land or keeplat a alotl* aoldior ta that Grand TraTarta Bapablleani
omr prodaeta aball bare arery arlaa know bto tma wce'&.'^
ndrantnta anioyad by ttaoaa of the Banner.
Mt (aeorad natloaa intereatrd la Ue
ante Tha Importanaa of tbia diplomatic
Wc. Ua nnoeialtnte do haraby
irfpt mayhtioaamoig^v^
iCiaatefteted tea many on a Ma^ttUramamb«» that ona-i
^ tea prodneb of all Ue looma at Ua
Wealao fuaraatea a'U«
•onUematataa lad*a market in Ua.
‘ .
OLtwoBa m4LS lu*
tewite<MM rbiteii »|1» tnou
.. aateltei.nite '
Top don't seed wwoedifaip
AUMWhMbWBnnMatefrom dtlateoalntter Ute BOnwnrU Bala to
awyHLandjailirtitalatotiam wm
riaalaat tetter teat te «M wana.
atettetateMMatealdonmaler Ua
at cMa Oteriaa Bala arawt ow tea
Mato*telaM.aifM. to «ca «er hto
hratea nte brite ^ tote
BUnwteUh baalU tai awnr boan
Caed tean hto ratara «Tte Oaba. wbm
hattetey QL After bto rater
UoOnlUdBlaMbaateUa bOMdUl
tealotettea, ate hto aatetntlan
WM eo—Idarably wMbMad. Ba rtaantiynffted a aalg* of typhoid (tear.atehMboaabaekatbto work in
Obtoago bnt 4 abort time.
Blue flame
Oil Stoves
last a little oil—and any ebUd can oper
ate it. Yon can OM it ill jonr dining
room, or any place. We have them in
all bIzcb and styles.
Pboterraphaofaoma of Ua eharactara la tha Indian opera, ■'Powbaiaa.*'
are la Ua arlteow of tba Beaton Bure,
and gfea aa exealleat Men of tbe treat
to bo expaetod next Moteay aad Taeaday aTanlnga at Ua aty Opora HoMa.
Tba ptotnraa are from tbe audio of
BmlU A Priee,*aad era fine apacln
of pbotecrapble art.
Kyoar ebUdraa are (retfel. peei
aad eroM. moUer Ue aame. dhto ____
iYou o*n
Faietal nirmtot.
year drnyrtot.
ch.. A. wv-;. of B.IA1V. -bo o
atUeplaaoat tbe Virginia Spy
■ raninf.-Ukiog Ue place of Mr. Stefleu, wbo waa bnyat the rcbearta! of
Ua opera Fewbatao,
I Fin Crtyoi Portrait
16x20 tot $t.2S.
This offer is good dmi; tor a
short time.
Prereaied a Tragedy.
Timely information girrn
Made from any good picture.
George Long of New StraiUrillr.
tared two llret.__
A frightful
kept her awake erery
-cry nigh
nigbi. ___
manyremediM and dcctom
bnt steadily grew worse netll erred to
King's Naw Diseorery. Oct
. rbolly enrad bar; and aba
writes, this matreions medicine alao
cared Mr. Long of a aerne attack of
mmonla. Sneb enres are poaillre
proof ot its power te core all throat,
cheat aad tong tronblca. Oaly sic aad
SI. Gnarantoed Trial botUea 10c at
S. B. Wait and Jaa. G. Joboaon'i drug
Fill Insurance.
St 4W Seatb rtlea •
Oiws aU dabirboi At. IU. Bril 1
1i; Cam SVBSCT.
Dont Be Fooleoi
. Ia I., a. Bunding.
Dealers In Everything! Dealer^ In. Everything!
Riel) and Elegant
In Furniture
Pretty odd bits that relieve the monotony and add the
touch of beauty that make a bouse iuto a home. We
are daily unpacking the greatest stock of handsome
furniture you have ever seen. Small Centre Tables
with tancy coverings from $3.60 up; Hall Stands, or for
the comer, new designs, sell from $2.00 up; beautiful
Chairs, in odd shapes and new style of finlshing^nd
carving, from $6.00; Three Piece Parlor Suits in differ
ent styles of upholstering, from $20 to $60. Bemember
that the “little at a time' payments soon makes you the
happy possessor of a house full of handsome furniture.
To complete the furnishings of your rooms. What a
change could he made with a handsome drapery in the
door, or podsibly by that window.) No store 'is hbowing
the assortment we are in the new Persian designs, or
the Tapestry effects. Our prices are from $1 76 to $16
the pair.____________________________________________
Gives that glad-to-be-at-bome feeling the moment you
enter the room. Just placed on sale some beauties, en
tirely new designs-Prlces from $1.60 to $900.
Seduced from $du to $30.
ThaHannali & Lay Mercantile Co.
' at Ua
-Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!
teln." Apply at oaea at The 1
Baoa!^ Bateltca A
immttmplim TkttsM Mmt* of
••MlMitolteMMatoMMW MfW,
I •M^«Ur
tt* «r
^Mte flBvIir a«r Bmm 09.
Wm. Mte. wW wm ttUiH <k«
kHMM4fto«. WH kaMM MMV
taa«v*Mt«( Ugktalaf
taM kMMi Mil •kMMra« tte plow.
Ha. WotklM. wke Utod teof a»a
«M» of Daaotor. ooowlttad tmMao
Wwiumtu. ttootomlodkw oloUtK wttk IHOMM ood tkao Ml Ira %»
■Milo On* hold t.idioi* Dor Wodandor Bad Iko fair on kold foU owo^TkormtkoMnotoav aad pmldod
anoooMoaiola wioBa portt of tho
«^r• Tbop Bln laa tko two lltUo
■loawow 00 Oagna Uko- Itltoxooetod that tbo
of Ihd dor will
naah •i.(H». w^ wlU t» »oto Uw
SlofeoU' boiptUl food. _
■oato ooaaoiod of aa o^WUoe bp
O^roo uawof Vtokorp Utr. L. O. X.
M., a barln^BO dl*arao\lrelt, kotao
raooi. a »*ado»nJo aotortalo**B». di
asnt woddlar. baad eoae^ aad
Aftorboiaf iaeonudaadoad for It
paan. BlwarB Joaot of Bap CI9. hat
tarood ap aUva aad wall at Groaorlila,
Ba. BlghtaoB paan ace'Joaot oamt
to OfooBTlUo to work, loaviac bio faS'
Uf la CloTolaad. HM wife died and
tho *Udroa woro lakoa to tht orphaat' hoso. hat ahertlp afterward
wora raowTod. the father lealap iraek
of alL Attar a fraiUon oaareh for hia
twofoao, bo r*Ta*ep' In daapalr. A
aoB loaraod that hit father wot in
OrooaarUIo aad toand him.
At Potoakap a ooaaaation of laadlac
doerUc manntaetoraca wat bold is the
parlortof theSaw Arllafftoa. '2aorp'
tbiac portaialac to tho fleorlac baa{^
■on wa* fooad to be In a aatUfactorp
oaadltlon. la thaeaoaloc a basqnat
arat rlns the aUlUnc manafaetarera
ia tho Aritnctoa bp tho fhemM For■uOp.,ltd.,of Poteahep.
4 pleale partp at Fiae Lake, eicbi
■din from PUiewall. wat polnaod bp
aatlac lee eraaa. Bcarp Barteeoma
aad a iUn Drapor map dla The oth< an aza raeorerlnf. The rktlm* raildo
■aar Plat Imka.
Porty-lhrajdollarapBraereU tbraa
neaUuittbamaUeftba acperimaat
lapaaturlaclambaonaaodlasaraa bp
naan of a paa mored olowlp orer tba
paatarafe bp aa daeir« motor. Tba
Oacparlmeat It baiac eoadeetod at the
oaparimaat aUtlOB bp A. D. MsKatr at
Saw York.
thU baton tho aad ofitha BtaaoB «
•M per aero will bo roolUad. Ao
. tint naor the doalM> aot a aaoooaa.
hm the laraator thlan that the naiiw la pootaraca will more thaa e
pamta for tba Ian liClma.
Bnnet Hacadora. Formerlp of FUo
Imka wUl Bacaca la^Bealaan Haro
Bafadorn, formrrlp promiHAtlp •awCbIbA la naarnfaetarla
ntnu at Fife Lake, bat fomoaad to
tUi eUp parmaaeatlp aad will aafaca
to badaan hero ahorUp. Ha haa par.
Ohaaad threo lota oa;Bap stmt aaaainc
to tho hap. wnt of the Stareh com
paap’a propaotp. where be will ntabItoh aa ootratlaa lumbar pard.
Mr. Btcadorn la alao areetlac a
tomdaone realdaaee 00 Sixth street.
Bocacod a apreial Train for Paaorol
Of Gearca Browa at VUlUmobec
There will be a speelal moetlac thlo
oaealac at 7 o'clock, of <ho Odd
Vtllcwt at their ball for the parpooe of
•eraaclac for the faoeral of tho tote
Ooorfe Browr, which will taka ^an
at Wllliamabnrc toaorrow at 10 a. m.
trip wiU be to eeata and othera aot
ngnkna oftheOdd FeUowa ,wlU bo
pdrllrfcd to take adraataffe of the
apoelal trala to atioad tho foneral.
TIr. Brown wn a member of Oantoa
■ ttworM. the aalform diriston of the
■torpof aBlaro.
Tb be boaad hood aad foot for pears
tolbo*dBoof dioease U the worn
tom of alaaorp. Qoorfa D. WllUama
•fMaoobnior. Mich., aaps: -Mp wife
hn baoa 00 belplen for flee
oho coaU not tarn orer ia bed a
abU to dto her •
r tor tomato dtooam
vffsrL'S'us. sss%
^aMm VaeMWee
tor onto to the W. W. EInbaU On.
A Great
There are n^y
brands of baking
powders, but
anstoAagaal let.
redalmkbi MseeiMkiiwI
Wahtaftm. A^- ib-lte Aagnit
igto tt tba««p oMdttIa’Aagwt i:
Ova. «7A; torito«hMt,MAibata.
11.0; bartop, ft.*; gfritor too. tof.
There are many imitaiion baking
poatlers, made from alum, mostly
Kdd cheap. A\-oid them, as they
mike the food unwholesome.
It’s all your gain.
tte prio«A-Plck OM of t$0M Bad yoo
wOl bavo Htvod front tbroo to flvo
“Royal Baking Powder”
Royal Baking Powder
assures the finest and
most wholesome food.
in Men’s
Suits-$6.60. $e.50r$8.60, $18.60 AM
is a
is recognized at once as the
brand of great name, the powder
of highest favor and reputation.
Everyone has absolute confi
dence in the food where Royal
is us^
Pure and healthful food is a
matter of vital importance to
every individual.
eoat due on eoeb advertloed loltor.
GioaexW. Baft.-’
’Tho Crcoceat band txcaraiea laai
cveaUg wee patronised bp abent lu
people. The hand will give another
ritoa Snadap alght around the U-
in Children’s Suits
Two or Tbroe Pioce-
76c. $1.00, $1.60, $8.00 ^ Wo
bBve fitted oot moBy entlro roBtiliM of
boy’s from this Ubo—lUay of thoso
It Helped Wto Battlea:
'wentp-alne etteers aad a
n the front to cap that far
iilfos. euu. woneds, core feet and
ff Joints. Beeklin’s Araiea Salve U
e beet to the world, tiaire for boras,
ia eruptions sad p-lcs. 3Se a box.
re eparanteed. held bp S. B. Wait
d Jm. U. JobesoB. drngg
s” »»
a presented
, .
> .Merry Tramps"
:tcnared by the
by Mt :d .t Ward is actenared
. as SB Ird! , rag-1 •
--J in l___
u y arrseged for the sole
resting Isogbu
cost us nearly doable whet they now (O for—Where
timers, ia only one else of s kind wo simply cat tho
price in two. if necessary to sell it..
Men’s Linen Summer Goats,
Vests or Pants-Just the time now daring this )iot month—A
few day’s wear will ^Ive yoa yonr money*a worth of
.Ssle." Apply at once at Tbe Bestoa
coDoJorfat tbe small price we oloae them for—86 to $0
per cent diaeooDt.
There’s hardly a man but what could use somo*
aerat bakimo aowocs ce., wo snuiau bt:, ucw romc.
' are new on
sals St the poet effiee newe ssenA
Kaptd dtp will celebrate with
aaetber 6eld dap Aug. I»th. One of
tbe featarcs of the dap sto: be a game
ol ball between Rapid Oitp aad Bellaire.
A Cenadlaa ehfp from Oaebec li bow
In the harbor here. When tbe Elks’
exeanloo pneed them Tbartdap evenleg. the Bope band plaped '-Ood Save
tbe geeea."
Bert Wlanle and Blmare SHeere haea
pnrehaaed the Miller barber a)iop on
Ooloa street, and will uke paeeeesiea
Bearp Bobbe, the little eon of W. J.
Bobtae, met with a very palnfal Injatp
pcourdap awralag in tbe pllep back
of hie fatber'e hardware ttore. The
lad waa leading a borer, when the aalmal etepped oa hie foot, crushing It
badly aad Marine the little toe oailraIp of.
The earpeaters.' palatera’ and mat
ton aaiOM wUl hald a mau meettog
at the C. B. P. 8. hall thU evaatog at
fcIO o’clock. All an lavltod.
Oeorge Brown, one of the ptoaoera of
Whitewater towacblp. died Taandap
erenlag o! heart troab'.e at bli hi
la Wudamebarir. He was 70 peart of
age. He Invea a familp of aoae aad
on daaghur.
Tbe MUsea Minnie Wait. Ploreon
iaokMn. Oaple OrUwslA Sarah Pall
and Btta Prall bavi retiraed from a
trip to Maehlnaw aod theSw. Thep
retarned from Chebepgaa bp *apof
the laland route to Petoekep.
F. w. Worler has uhea a ehalr to
tbe barber ebop ol O. B. B^mac.
eomee from Chleage.
Jann Speaeer-ot Cbleago was called
to tbie dtp pnterdiy bp the eertoae
Ulneee of hienothei
A verp ia'IcmUag and profitoble
addrcH waa girea last avealag bp
Bee. Breadp at the ftzst M. B charea.
After the addren. a very plmaant ac
etal time wu ladnlged la.
Mra. B, H. Braekea peeterdap alterton. entertatoed la hoaor of
gaeet. Mm PlcreBee Bon of Grand
Bapidt. Aboat « youag ladlee wen
preaent. aada eerpdellghtfalUae wn
enjoyed. A bright gucaotog game wai
._.«d the toatam ofthe aftoraooa,
after which the panpradloarsed to the
lawB. wbera daltotoea laCn
were eervtd.
The CreMeat band will give
exearsloB aroead the totoad Smadap
B.O. Alley wee Ue wtoasrottbe
elx KODthe’ tubaerlpttoa to tba Monixa Bkobd to the eboottog toammeat. havlag made tho Ugbnt geaeral
average daring the eoatect
The ttmU Tra*en Le* On. hasf
aaldtorB.0.8tantlw> mMn
arty owned bp Un oa Ualea e<
Nut Imaction
Steinberg’s Grand
Wednesday, Angnst 15
up small assortmenu before fall goods arrive.
The Beat Ballr Palro.
The llirw- bo*t roily |»>t,v fnilW, aceoitllne tn Woinnu'a Horn.- Comiuinlo
lilnck rni.|iU-iWm l.lu. kU>rri<‘* ai
bliK'b-mc» «>r InickU-lKTrir*. Tlii-rc
kliiil Ilf I'liii'k rtiMiilH-rry which L« 11
worth iirluE for ntiv parpnsp. tlic kind
ll»at KI-. U.- -hII w.-.l!>.'' lu 11 roily poly
they nr-- al-uiiliiiililr. T- make n roily
pnly U-U- n liuking |»w,h-r hlscult Ooiicli
Very rl- h if II Is to 1h- UakiM .-md with
very lltth- Khantwlnp If It l« to
atoiiuu-d or iKiilod. .stiniiilni; civos the
bi-Kt ivsnliH ' U..U out n^f t|ilu ns
At greallp redoerd trier*. Tbacc creTcal bargain*.
bo well handlo-l. Pottrlii;: tho bosM UDrivallevl oonJiMny of comedians
in that mosical comody
ll.'.if*rh A lot Vlpevket drleklBjtvbpe......
lir eark
woll, lt;t-> a loui: sh<-- i —lunr-- at cor...........- A lot ot Ideyel* ttniAp-. bet «f IS roll* .. .Ifc
tiers, t'oror h•■«vlly with tbe fruit.
I.t to!«r*b.-h A iol ot Idcjclr orvoabe* ............. U.Sue'raea
A lot of parrri --*»■><-«>
»|irlnhh- w-vll with c-tipar iiiiil roll up In
llokBir Loto(bl>-rrl«^bAlD>.xe9<oor>.rtf.<)OU*arta
AietotDirklelork p*n- i
to a r-.iii:il r- ll. Ilnv.- n-a-ly a j-U-oo ut
. ISrvarb UMefU<7el'**adlee,f«iedeB<«.IOr.CItoaava
A let of Blekic band puB|
thiu mu-dill v.mup out -if hotllng wator
anil h-avily i)it-di:<'<i »it1i Umir.
A iot o( petsiv bud hbodlv bar*—irood ooe»—cheap.
thi- lui-hlins -on to thin, folil uvt-i
hand ladiV bicycles, JIO.OO each.
i-nds null hiy In Mi-iidh-v or if It Is to he
tiahi-d put liiliwe dripplns {MB for the
oVi-n. Sioaui >-sn< lly on>- hour an<!
siTve as iHK-u us <l«iio w lih hard uuoe Enliroly rewritten and tamed upPavof.-.l with nninifs or another saure
late, introdneing o
U pn-fi-n
-ri-msl. IH> uot let tlio water in)'
dietinct noreltiw.
dor til*- sHti-UIl'i-T Sto|> leiltlllK for a iteoond. as It would make the pudding
heary. It ia hard to soy which fruit BwerTtfaing N«w.
Hovel ADd OrlgiuAL
Miakii the U-at roily poly, hut nothing
could be Utter Ihan-lilDeltclTT stcaiu"Tbe Cbt Seroeade"
■•Tbo TeiiiiU tjaletetU"
How to Pitas Flowors.
Place th' ll.iwcrR lirtwc-oo >.lioot«
dryllis JI3JHT l»-fi)pe they have llitie
whber. Spread them «nn lull* Mt
ural .a way as i>mw:!>le. wjili ueliher
leave* ti-ir penbi oriniipl-il. La
th- to)! of Ib.-m iier, rnl ►h.i-ts of dry
Ing p.ipor. Him n.ore tloiv-T*. puttitif
... CdMSOIAKS.........
n -i.-tit 1-mnl ever all and hoary
wt-islit*. Th-- P.HHT must be chanKod
sen-nil Mme* --ft- h day.
Fitz and
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries
A Breezy Time!
It’8 the Limit
At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St„ Near Eront.
The Up-To-Date Photographer
t Fine Line of Plmtograph BnUons. Enlarging of 111 Kinds.
lid a Grand Cake Weik
Watch For The Oolf Olab.
Enjoy two faonra and a half of
A few J.-in. -f hu.kl;-l-.-rrl.-*
clean fun.
Very hnndlly In the WfOI-lor for pies and
Popular prices—2.1. 3-*>. -■>0c.
Seate on aaie -at box office Mon
•t y--nr Jr
r. Tills
Tld* pn-n-ui* waste of fmJ day momint;.
Juloo and luakM It straJa iietter.
Some rooks add a small )ilnrh
Direct From Cairo
Tbe Vorld's PbaeaeBil CUlnoyiitB,
wb*-n liolllng vegetahl^ 111 prvven
odors and preserve color.
A laM-.'Tr-onful of glyeerin to cverj
poiisd -if fruit u>evl lo uiaklnp Jam wil
ofiou d.i ua-ay aliosotlHT with th--ear
!y rrystnil'zailoa whhrli l< the t«av «i
the thrifty booeewlfe.
Fruits v,-hich minlre paring sbouli
be immediately dropp-vl into cold wa
«f to prerent disroloraUoa. Wbee Are now hxated”in this city, and
be cooeulted on all afTairs of
ready to cook, drain by igtn-wdlnft
dip towel and gently pressing anothre life.
one orer the top.
It makee DO difference what your
xperiences have bees in the past
. It IS nxTvd that asbestos l« to be with clairvoyanta, gypsies, fortune |
need in llnlni; Ibe Rnsslaa battlosblps tellers, palmiito, etc. a call will
now haiiding at the Cramp shipyards, convince tbe moat akepticsl that
and that tbe officers of the I'dlud
the Bomaas are the radiant atan
State* navy are consldertnk the adof occult science.
If you are io trooble, do sot
bolit for the AJaericaa tenrlet
keow where to go, what to do,
whom to tmst—call.
One of the most Important to««h*
Do Bot buy, eell, move or trarel,
to the history of German Jnrispradenca
begsa 00 tbe dm day of Jaaaaip, or take any importaot step before
19U0. wbea tbe new German tow went consvlt^ the Bomana.
Into effect Under this new eystem
j^othing guaranteed except the
cable to
Beadinga for a akort time only.
Oocmaa amplim
g the Oe
of eaCcrera bave pcored their natto%ceato.
ton merit tor riek ato aareen hndOpriooms, Ixu twwu tbe unkioe
Office open from 9 a. to. Hill 8
dtotlnrttoa of possemlDg one of tbe p. m.' Sasdayb from 1 ’tUl 7 p. m.
wry few. If not tbe oalp womaa’t
440 East
t band to tbe eoath.
thing we’are offering at the prices ws quote to clean
You can see that
we are always looking afteryour interests.
Note what we offer you;
below, ,
Old Colony
17c per lb.
' Hodeida
17c per ib.
In view of the tact that the rise in price of coffees baa
m^e it neceeury for os to raise prices alao, and realixhig
that some of our costomers woold not be willing to pay
tbe advaneed price, we have added to our line thfga gndas
fnd to this trade we can reepmmend them.
Up.to.date Grocer.
New Phone 149.
Old Phone 35$
StUnbars’a OranA Thunday. Ana- Id
T«e taadnA ab
awrtm tfth* ovadiM
«(U47lvSta nlM eta«. ZMbHT
VkrioftetlNCitret HMteok
«.BmIw «C MImohI Btied«<m
MvMHWIb «h*Mi WKtOT Wfply
•»«irtvstoHiTiM kMiflC Mwm*
n ». B. Md S ». a. «Mi7 d^'
BlMk «np««te il
B taMib* »lr
Asbm Tma
• WtMtadBNlinpwMdMToho^ dhM kb» ted ^KbMd th* Ught* cf
MTMd tefdBWktel* tSBld.
i.tei«te(»«mlwaf«lckt k
iMlanMtte TM*;. wUehSabct «• k«m fOM dowB witk bU «a
THIS horning at 8 O’CLOCK
Under the personal direction of 0. a Emeieon, the agent for the eyndioate of Wannfacturere and Importers. The magnifloent display of
merchandise will be worth seeing. Ton will want to hear Hr. Emer
son’s Original talks oh tbe sale, and the bargains are simply phenomenaL Here are some of tbe good things that could not get into the
page ad. yesterday.
OftteBoard olBdaMtloBetTtavaraa
Notbing bat good thiaga came from the maalin oaderwear facprices
tones, bnt teey are offered at
teMB tte UalM 0MM MMW tmm
BteBtaCUa^vOl teo«ttet«Ugle
4m « yoptfUiB tetwMB l.«*s.r“
^ (MB7.0W. WwUarM bM I
na tbMt ficMoSteUyJud
Afta* aitb Un toratlwt.forrv. , i. Ifatao.
a^BBMt tOBl* Mr OOt b« prOTbd tOT I Un B>r ebaak to U>y vlUlaf
PW hMita nay Artak of tte Joy that la nlte,
.' aaMnl d4y*.
Pa* toafea awb notaro «aa WBly eoBfwa
Marta Bra b«lac SBdaW cffBBlM
Cteptd ta thy arwa. with ay tead on «y
taliti «B BBd rcBltr iBVMtorB,
I teal thy tevtln
eUddaW Joy t>
bt b^d Tith
teOktaagooB A«f«atlo bb^^
kaae «y. belorad. that life la a dreaB:
Thaa at drath-a coaltui we vlU but awaka,
U tte wmfctBC a parttor Aith acoi
'ktAttBsUe atr. S.J..BB Istamt- Btit
Lit BM dnwn arrr for sweaM lora'a aakA
laCoelMUfieafaBtoaeBRBdiBB amll
- dtotoKow-Ortoda PKayaBa.
■twriBBOB osaot tte azblbrnoB plan.
. AdaaapadiBaaoftteaitfioBSdacpBeB
. MOBlort. tba oob beiw. wm eaptBrcd:
« l*QUea Coert.
»B«teM«Bd a«L iB tte Blgbttte
QaiM SB aiaaalDg eptoode occprrad is
■iBtmngBrabirth toer«r 1,000 bBbjr
BtehotBOB The BOB bona bringt lorU Joftlce Lyon'e oonrt reoantly la the
for anenU aad battery,
-ftayoBBir BUve, liketoirother mBriBo
MBBtane. Tte fBoag eee here« ere wbea a yooag ooaple roahed breatblewInto tba room and iaftcmed hto boaor
B fdtteet la etepe ead llrely bat Tory ..at they wanted to be yteied la tte
9«mU. They an belag tasderly aared boly bonde of wedlook w quickly«
teraaditleoBid eare^edtetleta an paadblA
•Mdteir way then tartew whet to
In one band tte proepeetlre groon
-fi*—* to be BB araat Uthorto u- oairled a marriage lioenae, white ooei*
etetaWB to deep eea naeBrehei Brtn taioed the namnut AngaetBohnet asd
BBlhuBeamlBUeaed aboBttteptor UHieSoM. The BNanlt and batteiy
trial camr to a halt, and Jaatioe Idros
tekoep tte oe»d la Ub*.
glaaoed over tte eertifioata hyyabJte
TbreBetaBtaen treaOepe Hombt- two belnga ware penaittad toeeirthea*
CM WodBeedey Is Seattle brluplBg aelreeooA
Inny oop. tendgA" eeid tte abOBl
•old BBd
Tte Otafoa
bride nerroBaly ae ate abtfied tram
teBB<^«l«t,000. the larceet eoBalfBBBteeSSaoeerdd elaee ttedtoeorery ooe foot to oootbv end gUnoed a(9MtentlTely at the door.
teBBeen Ib that dtotrlet. Tte Saa
‘'Bnt why on yoB in aaob faaateP'
Mrabmirbi bboat flM.OOO aad the naked-Jiwtioe Dary.”
Aterlae D. UseStO.000.
“It monbe Dowarnerer,'* BBtwecad
'Tte laryax o( a oub Ib Sydsey. Aae- the bride, “end we want sow. “
“All right." raid the oonrt; “1 gnem
eMUa, teOBBte oaelaat throagh dtoeaea.
BoconuDodate yoa“end be reMteloethtoroloe. ProfoMir Btaart
paired to a mirror in the rear of
tte UBiranlty of Sydsey made bb
arranged hto I
•KtUtalBl ese BBd It CBB be eo regalated tlA tbongbt'of the immortal Oary, Jr,
-V to make tba roloe eoBraao, teeor, on the Sooth Side, parted bU hair in
aae at will.
tte middle, took en extra reef in hto
immecnlete Prlnoe Albert and called
the ooaple to the front
If there la ono thing Jnetlce Lyon it
perfect lu. it to in the art of tying noprial knot*, 'and be waa at hto be*L
“Hare yon a riogr' be Mked.
“Nelo," aniwercd the lener bait
“One wlU do. V aaid the ooart
OviBg to a ahaage of mta. flu asd
"Nein. nein, or none." brtee io the
SPetete'e ~A BtaaiyTtae” will be the
MtattraeUea at SielBberr* Or%mA
“Oh, ail right!" oniwcred the oonrt,
The oanpaBy to aneh larger then wMle hi* face took on a deep aoarlet
wteBUetbare, asd to eeid to here boA end ha proceeded with the oeretoBBB breaghl BP to tte aloate. aelas mony. The oonplo alternately loteed et
aka aery latoat aoBge.Baweet daseae and him and at the doer, and after ft waa
««trtoal eflteU. Soaie wiU be ob all ovex, aod they ctood together with
am* twtoted together, a fearful racket
teU ■ooday taacalag at the box oflee.
aonndM on the •tain, and a linla old
man. with a glare In hto eye. bnnt
breatoileetly Into the room. The new
Mr. and Mrs. langbed at him, and
•wearing rolnbly in German the little
ipite te teiatte NcVW tetek old man gare the doer a crnel klok.
W. D StsBioai asd .wife asd Mtoa paMed oot again, the bridal coople Mlowieg- Jnatioe Dary poked a beaotlOcBoa «MOBi of Onad Baplda. Mrr. fol bill in bi* porw, and Cbe aaaait
B.W. Daaley of Ghieago, aad A- J. ceee went on. —Chicago DiqMCeh.^
Batgar aad Dooald Bprger of Asaa.
•Ttei baa Baated.
m., are ganu at tbc Cottage Borne.
“AbOBC noon we MW a beast etand■r. aad lire. Barry E. Booker of No^-ta-wanta, to^ dlsBer at tte Park Ing on a uionutaiu top looklog down at
ns. When we mw it. wo thooght that
Ptaiee yeitardey.
it wds a camt-l. bat CalinoA aaid that
t.. g. Bodman. aod Mn. 8. W. Bod- tbe beast was a tbinoceras or nCioorn.
«MMi of Chicago, were le the city troB It bath a born eet in tbe midst of iu
roraei Lodge ycaterday.
forehead 4 feet long, and wbaisoeTcr it
bntu at it rnns bigi throngb aod
ponndi him against tbarocfca It to aaid
Anoag the Utearrirato at Edgei
«ia Mn. F W. BaU pad twnlly of Da- by writer* on natoral htototy that they
Malt. Mn StewBTd of Dayton. Mtoe plaoe ayonngrirgin in hi* way, •where
at be pnt* awky from faim aU hto fleraeLawto aad Mr. BaU of Jaekaoa.
nenand lays down hi* bead and to
MtaaMcLaseof Chtoogo. to rtolUag
1 until be be taken
■ la Bhodoeattte Darteottage.
Mr. Otea. Jasiaa of Cbtoago. asd Bd
■ttag«ldel*8priBg8e)d,ni.. left for
r. Father Felta Fabri. wboeiaited Sinai 400 yean aga ModornpU^Ir bonea Thoraday.
grim* who bare followed in bis footftepa with tbeir eye* open will at onoe
DeatBaae OaBBot be Cared
reeagnice that the animal be saw
Of Sioaitio ibex, white g
i of U
down oh poteng canTon* from the
to OBly ose way U leredee
cliff* white iower above tbeir rasM.
at to by eoaatftat
iroifBt- to aaaeed by an Inflasad eoa- He to eeldom risibla to them nnles* bto
itlT*— e( tte taBooBa llniag of tba Boa*—tBba. When thto tabe getId goBtii
__________________ tber dda of tbe Bod
•ea and tbe steep gBlUeeof Moab and to
tbe only repreaentatlve •f the deer
in tiMM ngioBA
bunted it. and Umm .few
___ _ __ MeMoaoBtoftaBaneaBoad
wbo have foUowed bto exMpatarrk. white to- Botklng tetas
Sunad cBtodUlOB of fte naeoei —
birthright—KlnotaMiUt 0«Bxy.
B^iar maettag of board of adacatloB Bald ia oteecll room inly ts. 1»M.
Tba prealdoat being abeant, J. W.
PaltelB waa aloetad preaidaat aro tom
of tte moatlBg aad eallod tte masUag
ery, like we oanally sell at 75c and they goat *
w^aad teee eapporter,
tte rcfalar tte vnlw.
t pair Newpcrt tees aejpertaia. taltel
fri^ te eklldraa.
mfi« « ladtoa.
. .... rabber comb, astas
1 pompedoareoBb.ragalar 830 tetaa.
Good MqbUq Skirts, niffiad and tucked, worth 50c, in this n e . 1 giagbam apron, all Anwhod iwdy t»
^PmoBt—Patteln. Foot*. Biagbam. sale at..........................................................................-*............................ ..............
1 ladtoa-•para Ana Uaaa hcMtitated
A lot of Mnalin Skirts, rnffled and embrcMdered, worth 75c,
baadkbrehtof. worth 23c.
MlnaUB onart regBlar mMtlng ware
SM^MT^ttetWIlUam M.
). worth II
lith teappolatadaseeBaBa ennmarw for tte pTcooBt flaeal year at a
sod Iinporters*
•0 tU BonorabU Board of EdueoUoH of To add to the geneml interest of
TraveruCUu, Jflteiffon.
this great Hanufactaren and Im
porters Sale we will inclade all the
balwc* of our Millinery Stock, alt
this aeason'e atylee, at ridicnloua
Choice of all Sailora, some of which
lABOxaTOBv rrxn,
Shirt Waidts
New style Shirt Waiats ia all tbe new color effects and ORra
dedgna, SOc, sale price............................................................................. dwOC
Ci ^ T*
.“IT* *
- From a noted^nafactarer of silk waiete comes 150 fine 'qoality,
very lateet style lediee' silk shirt waists, all gnarantaed pore silk and
this season's prodoction—aome are plaited; others are beantifnlly
trimmed with tbe new, sarrow black velvets—tbey would retail regalarly at $5 to $8, and all go in this great manofacturen' sale g
tte varioai toBda aa foUowa;
A lot of waiata in the newest styles that are well worth A Qea
Oorentire stock of Trimmed Hate
will be cleaned out. regular $1, offered in this sale at................................................................................
There are a nnmber of high grade waiata and with tbeas we is*
prices from »2 00 to $10.00. and
dl^e all oar own that add as high as $<(,
all go io tbia Y0Q
tonaah A Lay 'MarcaatUa 'Oo!
J. V^rii'A
fe'ilLfr'.””' 2.98
lamW.'.'. .'
Be at the store when the doore open to get first 9hoice.
Extra clerks to wait on all.
B. W. Boand A Sea. caatlaga,
Cl^ofTnverae City, rapairlag
ixotoBirrai. xxrcasx run.
Mlteigaa Talephoas Oe.. real
ta^ 0 M
Fred Motsware, eagroMlng <
plomas......................................... 10 M
Mend by Mr: Pope that tbs report
• aeeaolod aad claims te ordered
Motion oairled.
TnveraaOlty, Mich., Jnly 1$. 1000.
To (hr if*nenil<tc Board of Edueotion of
Trareru CUy. MiehiQoti.
Oeatlemen: — Yonr committee on
balldlnge and graanrU to whom baa
been referred tbe matter of pnrehaaIng ateool aeatlng, raapMtfally report
that we have porchaaed tte neceanry
amoant of ateool eeatlng aod deaka
from tbe Grand Eaptd* School Pornt- porters Sele ’ Tke ^eo store
tar* Works aa follow*:
iIRLS WaKTXD - at E»etie»anu. Hotel,
14 Mo. 1 slngla dmki.
I Mo. 1 roar acata.
U Mo. t adinatable deaka.
. 7 No. 2 antomatie single desks.
I No. 2 Iter eeatt.
24 No. 2 single deaka
* Ma a rear amu.
No. 2 ten fi
_________________________ ja aa folIowa:
Blandard School Para. Co.. gSM.SO.
Q B. Booghey A Co.. 8387.20.
Baanah A LarMarcantUe Co .SUS-SS.
Grand Bapid* Steool Fornltare Wka.
We accept the propoaitloa of tte
Grand Baplda School F^ttaro Worka
lor tte reason that we oonaldared tbeir
dnk eomewbat asperior to say other
desk aabmttted in sevaral polata. The
adjartable desk* aod rean were parehaacd to farntoh the ungraded room
at the Boardman arenne aakool balldIngaad can be adjastod to At any
p«p!l with canvealoBte. A tearge of
73 canto each extra CB these deaka wUl
MmadeWe have aleo awardad contract of
plaelag atari oeUlnga npon two room*
aad one at Oeairal
._____ asnah A Lay Mor____________ 83 SO per xqaare placed
iapoaitloB. Be^iectf^g eabBiittcd.
W. O. Foot*.
Moved by Mr. Onohua that tte report
te raerivte and nlaeed oa Ale.
Motion carrtoA
Notice of Saperintondent to ehaage
Fh;^ Oaocrapte text bote woe
road and riacddoo Ale.
Motsd by Mr. Boyt that the commnaleatioB be roerived aad raferred to
tea dommittaa OB taxt botes.
The man who smokes tb
excess can’t g/d enou^
D. B. Lon^ & Son's
Bcrerd e&e«. pro»e propeny aao pa^fer^U
1 teelrc.
for eat .
a. Oarj. SUP B. E. ae*.
but a temperate smoker can get quite com*
plete satisfaction out of one at a smoking.
And what is more—no other cigar you can
get in this town will give the same high-grade
sort of gratification to a smoker. Try and seel
They are the nearest thing to a perfect cigar
at Bo-Ask anywhere for Long^m
tr. Uad.
■ MAAFEAeMAMG^ObtaaptoW.
WooklaroB at
pOB BAL^R BXI BA^E—B^eet^^
weeUoresehuMfor r-reoi lot or oeioll|Topcrtr. C.^B. Bucurr on praeitea o^r C. .■
Clearing Sale I
weok. Eo.«S»i«»oir*«i.Br».r.C.Oy.j»mMl.
Shoe BargaioA.
IPOR aOLS—Bonos asd lot o- 3U atreel. too
e Tie-of la* bar. furaoM. ckenne Ugbu
asd*ai-r. Half eaob. b-taoM oaoy paywiaio.
leoalrvaf Or. Oe-yer at etaecor 4Bkh euoet.
Look io Our Wiodowa
•pTBTUXO VOCB& MAE-Cta earetW per
and groBBda
Motion cterlad.
--------------------- *t.i:
aty Treaaaroc's rmort for monte
ofJane.1900, ww raaA aad on motion
roerived and placed on Ale.
^OaoMyoB of Ur. Pope duly enrrtod, WTAXTED—Dar'e «n>rk or saislof tiy CkrtoAA. W. BtexxBO.
OB axca^o|^ne^-e*ui h ^
K L It-nu^LeelaaM eeaatr. * ‘
StTSatcBtoBet te cM by^b
teoBart.^TtebraratemoateUat tey
TOC WOET U«~-w of aa; -tto It. Br«
r. J. CtoBBCT A Oo.. Toledo. 0
tetteonmaaa tte Botey Moattea fete. No wctodar woman take Boeky TT
A elao*'-fflpacp. - or u, oar a house, tot at
Tte mads by tte Madtoop itodtotaw Ob. MoBBtnlB Tte to pcolOBg teat
ferw cau 00 a. B aUrs tvom T aad »
apaU. Ate year drsgfflte
BercastHoCe. Mark.Traroi-e Cltr
Ate yoar dnigtot
1 ladtoa' belt tew eappertar—tee
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sidowalk Lnmbor in aUsiaaA.
JOHN F OTT ft ob
SneoteBor* te Tnwarop Olty Lumbar Co
SS®KMirissi-Se’r thebingiottabipf
whkb Ut wife regard-
■•i rid baldad.to aee Oarw« ngrin."
hadd. “I trin^ toaawTow."
*1 nay aat yoa agale before yes neeC
Iw ahrage d qrite early aloag d
rgn >n,mii III—.
•MMC hoTl • hMfeb to tes
fenton'i DUirfiiiioa
Ffalga vsa m( cnctlr • •
IH. ^ Ib tw« tootW »• •
hU timtt t0 Utmi- B> w>
ntWr • rioto tou. wko tMkH
■ BHttoT for ralrtoattoa ti
Iv Ud M '
_ _» Mlur kf*-----------------------tte had pUrad kiB rilto-k* bud MOm
!• lore, BAd Ikr «mm wkern k« Imd
kil ■Tliil Mrlkrf 1— '
Ttoo-Mrlta’ tiMrfdtwTlw nd iMi*i»iftlal dU aol toak* tkt BAttv dMm
to ktto. Hr ra M idte tou. wd tkta
•oMUBt dMiUu <« tka aCair bc«aB to
Ml apoa hk
^ HU ^latoi^ fw
S^aauM hk <dd itonfiatw ia a wU
abtora«thto that aud* than aad«c
aihrr. TUi aasored kin. aM cn* day.
Mtlaa acdltaiT 1» bit roon. ha dMidtd to
go abnad aad aacapr fran tt. Ha zaa
ortT la hk'ntod aU the eUoa that wtra
Mfc«t7 to aolt kia noodrdadTwItli a toU/
that be rtaogalanl ^ did aot tnmhte
to aaiigtoaa. darldatf apoe St. Wlaoc.
a «eM. grajr li(tla>ato «■ tka eaaat
a( btctoar U »at',thm a «o«ple «(
raan Wfora bt bad cW to the c<ndathat he vaa hi lo*?^ KUXj Ueiianarc. Hw. hr aene hapgr aecMeat. bad
band her way fna TroarOle to B(. WiBoc. aad had peraaaded her father to
1 May there. Peatoa
Anogar n, 1900
a^iyibovn hr tba 8«M fritflMkp
the two «nnt mkrioff tafttofriao. tori
------------andiron. Tbe tori prodaetiaa of MS
«HEAT success qf ME. M1QNLCVW axtooda aoo.aiO.flOO tana agrinri XIV
flooxno itt usr and iti.ooo4xid m im
and has placed the HnMed stria* nt tha
baM of tbe wmfd'a prodaeara of tbln
airide. our prodoct In ISM being creat
or than that of any other ratmter. The
pig Iron prodtMrion In 1806 waa XXflSIkkar riaa^
708 tone agalaat 9.ISS.G80 tana In 1S0T
wtorwalktoc. Qdod nlgkt:
nr MhtoTcmenta In tba managa- and 8.C23.1ST tone In 1S98. In pig inn.
FMUB b^tae Mgirrren non aaa
t of the pabUe finaneea and rere- as In coal, the United Btriea now hoUa
arinadbdnlPknMtot, 8taa«actkai
I ndto the adBtolattwthn of PRarieaa iidMfr aad face to foce^ tbrlr ideot klcKtnkr aUad oat with Barked the first pUee In the worWa prodoetion.
____________ .■ •
Flm IB point of aocreoa Is tbe ZMa^
M Ska d W aadeertoad. b«k auX^
Hn atraagriy aerettbeieaa. and tbe waa ley tariff; neeood. the reform In the
earreney; third, the war loan <if 1888.
racy biaatlfri.
“Pood atoht.- ha aald. “I ahall aaa and. fomth. the setUemeAt of the Pidllr raOtoad indehtedneaa.
The aan bad' rlaea an hoar, ud tbe kill
Perbapa aerer before In the hlatory
«p wkddi to an bb fare aremed like a of thU coiBittT hare ao many Impor
Idaefc aad aoUd abadow agalDot ito dear tant fUcsl actalev(>i&cata been aecom-*
wato of gold la tbe eaat. At Itt aonnlt pllstod Id ao brief a time. With tha
waa a'grrat gnalte craddz, fadag aortbof the l>aclSc railroad aettlaward.
Bent these evrjti hear t.
ttooogh the chanclac oeaetno. Aa Feu- blc degree reUdoiwhlp to each other.
tea raathed the apot a freeb wlad Uew Underlying Ibewocreoa of Uie war loan
eeraoB hb fare, rharged with brio* aad of 18W and tbe refum In the cniTtocr
aotana. He tarnrd acaward and at the
the hash of proaperity eaubtlshed
tone notoeot nw tbe ritm Score of Hra.
Corwen ai ato drted the dlA a qaartcr
ofanOcaway. Her toad waa beat for
Ity fo .
ward to totot the wlad. ee that to waa
aaobeerred. He reprreaed bb drat In- the Uriff. Within 48 hours after bU
priae. aad ladeed of going to tor to aat- Inanguratkin be baaed a iwodamation
dawn to tbiak. Again tbe proreaa waa for an extra aeoatun of congrcaa to aaaarirriy frritbao. aad the warn baalde bln
iblc Uarch 15. ISiT. Tbe httef meabafoee to loallnd tbe ritaatioa.
sage aem to toncreaa when It courened
They grmed eadi other with a fonnal- on that day clearly dcnwiutrated the
Ity that atrnek Featoo aa iaenignioaa.
for prompt acthm.
He did not qolte rdUb tb paaltba.
yet the dtcaatotaacto ware agreeabU
"1 cepeeted to Sad yoa here," Mte. Cor- sage. On the same day In wMokJt waa
read lo the bonae the late Ur. Dingley
of Uaine. chairman of the committee
I atwayn a tarorita apri of on.ways and meaua. lotrodiircti the
tariff bill. Such nnoioal expedl-
ots of Phlladeipbla. we extract
-the foUowlag:
"The reoeat aetkm of tbe nxrioBol
BqmbUeon eanveatlott In Phltodelp&la.
In Indotalng the preuent admhitotraOoQ. and. by tbe renomlnailon Of the
pmSdent. 4nsaring a cnntlnnaoct
protection to American Industriea,
give great
It to owners ol W.I
Ownera of wool and sheep throng
om tite United 8Utes bare every
reasoa to feel eneonraged by the politi
cal and. commercial onttook.,. Tbe im
mense stocks of foreign wools which
were rabed Into this conniry tree of
aU doty nnder the free trade nrovisiaas
of the WltouD tariff lure well nlgfa been
Bboorbed in mannfactnring and the
period of loas and poverty broogbt on
la conseqoenee «if “the crime of 18M"
has given place to prosperity.
Ou-ners of shn-p In the Unlird States
can look forward with equanimity to
the coollDuaUoo of Ibrec favorable
JSS-ES?.."-* £ “SSSI
needed and expected of aheep ralaer*
heuaty. Mra. Corwen wai aUortng. aa aereral months prcrlous.
and wool growers to some earnest
hard work among neighbors and
Kitty Deaunare bad be
■ •
to told.
friends not engaged In tbe sheep and
amr cat bmnd that, aad pnhapa KUtr
torrrien what had happened at that rhap a month after the InangttraUna of wool Industr}. In this way alone con
»aa a UBla piqued.
Preoident McKinley mod two week! the threatened return to free trade In
"I'forcet notblac." she taowered. "and aftar rongresa had coorenrd In extra wool be avmc<l. Free trade In wool
«hkh the ..
least of all the time when I was hap- aetalon. It paa^ tbe senate July 7.
to dtotlDCily involved In the election of
- The eharA r . .... ___ , _
X807. with ameadmi-nu. Two days lat Mr. Bryan as president of the United
a glewlac Ay. Aa hr lilted Ki aortk- ‘"'^AM yoo are aat ha^py nowr be er It* ronsldcralion was iKgOD by a
e.tata. and the cheep raisers and wool
ato wall a breath of aalt wind biew aenwa ariced. The qaeatioo slipped frmn him
throughout the country should
' Ua face, aad IMaatle tbe toiMt of kia before to MW to where It inlcht bad: but.
laat TMt totoraed .
-o. The felly of hariag askfd it. be wotted for a reply baoaea. and It Ilutly passc<l tbe boose govern tbemselves accordingly.
atraefc hlai ae dedaftety that be with an eqaanttalty that oarprlacd hUa- July It) and the aenatc July 21.
leached, aad with tbe aeoad of bila owa aeir.
It became a law on the latter day.
“I SB not happy." aha mM. after a when tbe preehlent signed the blU.
Mite there cane ae aapiaaaaet eeaer of
Thus, within lire moutlu (ao other
'“-Ttoppoae." to aald. “that yoa hsra
WiU Threrles.
tarts law was erer passed In so abort
eaitoged epoa a (leat K»tch-.«f Wrel
We (4n imagine the gold Democrat
a tlfflo) after the Ittauguratloa of the
gtoaad. wkkh. half a laOe ^oad. Por^myaalf 1 accepted <
prealdeot a new tariff law waa placed who has been wanting to get back Into
ihnird down eed Jolaed tbe recced ilae
bad alwut made up hto
af eoaat. Here be peowd. iettlac ble
*T0 be quite candid." to nid. "It waa cest lofluenees. tbe United ttutee has mind that he could stomach eCen
gaae reacr fron eaet to we« abac the
cheaclBC dlataare of the borieoa. The aM ieag ago. after all-My two mantho." enjoyed a commercial and iadutrlal Bryan, reading tbe I’opulUt plaUorm.
“And I." olir said, “at tbe oame time rerlral the greatest In Its blslory. Tbe It wlU eerlaluly give him a shock. Ue
aeoad e( breaklac aarf reached Un like
Che atdto of vied Id piae treea. Ae he began to find tbe world narrower than 1 hopes of ihe.preshlent. as expressed lo will realize agaiu. as be did four yeara
tbongbt It was."
toored forward again b
“I think." mU Featon. pkklaf ap a bis measageyfiare been realleed: ample ago. that pritielple to struugor than
party. He will decide that the nun
QeKr aoddraly, koweeer, ha wee aware glore which Shr.bad let fall, •'that we
who can stnuil ii|)od that platfunn
•f a fleoto that grew eat of the daik like hare both been rirr foolUb." He drrw
man who can command
land hi*
hlc vote.
a darker, laorliic abadow. tod alawat at tto glore riowly thioacb the Sucera of
Vniitever hiB disgust re- MrKInlcy
the aanr tlaie the wtad broogbt IiId tbe hb un hand as to watched brr. and foreign products so as to pn-serre tbe
aHr of footatefriU He atopped aad Ibtea- then. fcalUlng where they atood. be home markets; manufaeturx-s bare re- may he. or his fi-ar of eipauslon. or
Bored away. HI- was not. a. 1 hare- Tired aad iacreaaed: agriculture baa bis amipnihy to imperialism, or his
told, a arottmenullal. but of a sudden be been trllrred and eneonraged: domes love of Ix-oiiK-rary. ihc Fopnilsl,plat
1. but hli troth cd li
atlnct told him laataatly that It wae felt InricuiAcant and nahamed. He saw tic and foreign commerce has been' form. on which lirv-ao stands mora
Kitly’a etep. Rbe alao wai atoae. The the woman who followed him for what iocreosed: mtning and building Imce naturally thuii he ^-un stand on any
ctrcotDitaacre were ao slageUr that be she waa—rcry weak, rery petolant, rery been aided and dcvelpped. and more Dem^railc ptoiform. will give him
acerplod tbm wltboot a ateoiel protcat. beaudfaU ao lender as to appeal with
He bad aeitbrr anticipated aor dealied a iDdalte persoasioa to hU strength, twi ao liberal srages hare lM»cn paid irf labor. pause.
It bring* up before his sound busiUnder rite operation of the Wilson
atoetlag: bat. aiace tbe fate* ao dearly light of will aa lo to of U« danger to
wlUed It, be would aat turn back. Each him tbao U-bmelt. When he turned to act from 8ept. 1. ISH, to July 24. I®7. nesc Jndgmeiit the came Images of
waa eoaadoaa of tbe prracoce «t tbe etb- tor again, bli relce was Uwer, hot it bad a period of 33 mouibs. tl>eru was a to woolly lialriHl biuI wiioUy witted fanati
ar, ao that, when they met. any eiprea- lakro B more certain sad decUIre tone. tal deficit of gI06.003.34S. Tbia de cism which frightened him In 18UG.
tooa of Burpriar oo eltbcr ddr would bare
plorable state of the rerenues waa Bryan a* n Democrat poor one that be
betped to make tba poaltloo falae. Fen- tor, bat to knew that oacb lore as re- largriy responsible for tliai Iack*oC to and Imdly's* he luis twlsicil the prin
toa wae lhaaktnl for tbe darkacaa. Dot Baincd was nerer to be spoken.
“We hare been rery fouUoh." be said, confldeace which prolongeil the bard ciples of the party to'fit hto thoorire,
tar Ua owe aake. bat for her.. Ha bad
dmes Inaiignreied by the jtaaie of to not so bad hut that he might l>e en
pari•ol tine to atrike oot any deftnite ptaa
dured by honest voters «h<i love I>te
before be wai adrift agoe tbe laerttahle tkw wblcb we onrerirea made. Eren up 1893.
to tbU mornlag my foollibneae was alire:
Tbe .tMngley tariff U>camc a law mocraey and hate Itepuhllennism.
tide of dmUBetaaca.
“I dk) not cKpect to dad you here, Ufa.
Joly 21. 1887. Under lu
-ratitoi Bryan the populist, however, wDl prove
too much for most of tlieiii.-Wmterhory
Oorwra.*'^ aald.
atioei of a tolM. Then. ai men wlU on
“Nor I you. Hare you beea here lOOgT*
. to fril Into tbe tenns of nrged by t»rcaldent McKinley. Daring
“I auppuae tor aboat two hoora. Aad
the period of 32 months U-tween July
Porte ille>> Mooer.
24. 1807. and April 1. 1000. the reci-lpu
^We «BfM laat algbt.” aba aaid. Ba one more or h
“Charle* K. Itucll. cx-aecn-tary of the
of the gorernment from all sourivs.
had toroed la bar dlrretfan, aad they and the cod c
United States KiKCial <-<>iiiml«Rl<m to
ware walkiag alowly, dde by tide, dowa If my adrlre la of any oerrire. take It exclurirc of Facifle railroad Items,
the path op wblcb ha bad come. Be tor what it U worth. Oo back to yoor were glJ!34J120;<kK Deducting from Porto nico. writes that ''under Spantsh
aoold Dot eee her face dearly. Irat there buteU and. after breakfast, make my these receipts the treasury dcyiart- rule the mom-y of the Island was ibl>friend Corwen take yon to Dlnanl. He ment's estimate of cullt^ioDH under ject to the must extraorillnary fiuctuawill, yon kaow. It yoa only ask blm. 1 tbe war reienue act. amounting to tlona. When the i>lanter needed money
ahall perhapa are yoa In town before
aat qube happy,
fl83.706.SSS. there were net rocelpta
protect her from eone ladMalte eurrow
She tooard la her rralk and looked at of fl.Oiafll&OTa Tbe eX|H-udltures
apraag op In Fratoa'a heart. 8ach rafor the nme period aggregated th- As soon as the money had poasod Into
aaotnent aa ha bad fdl agaloat her waa him. half poutlv and a UtxU afraid..
“Are yon feuito away. ttooT* abc ask- f0fl.O63.4OG. and deducting tbe treasury the hands of the man whom the plant
readred ia the laat canjectafa of her oa1.
department's estimate of war expendi er had owed, tbe value of the same
"Tcu" be said. *tl shaU go toamcrow tures of fsr2.000.UW tbe aet cxpvndl- peso deeljBeU to 43 ei-uts. This ntltt;
are yoa atayiacr he aaked.
>At tbe Hotel de rUalren. by the morning by tto fitat diUgeocr. We sbsl) tom for tb<- |>erlod stand at fUM.OiB,- oua vmrtatluh lu money lias been made
probably not meet again bare. Toor road 400, kaTlng for these 32 months' opet* to give place to ceruiDiy aud stability
*'Aad why la that preat. aew. hideaaa llM_la that directUo: Bias to t)ds. Good- atko of the Dingley tariff an rxeeps of by changing the currency of tbe Island
to United Ktate* euireocy. No Ameri
■hiey theok haadi la tto «aaaal way of net receipts over net expenditures of can nee>l fi-«l sRhamed of the course
*-Fnnk preferred It." ahe aald.*
"Obr aald Featan. "Thea yoa era
The president nrged that the new which the United State* lias pursued
•dac U exartly the wmig dlraetfcn. Fenton rrectod tbe Hi...._______ ____
Mat blneU It bU room and spent a day duties be ao'IcTlcd as “to reriTc and in dealing wHli Forto nico "
Hada'i WF better tora baekr
af peenUar ' J tnttrilac inartlrity. Ha Inereaae manufaeturea'' la the fiscal
■hesM Kat Por«rt.
did Dot sol.
bom any acute dlaqolct. ynr 1887 the Imports for tbe conIn 1894. dnrlug DomoeretJe admlntobat Us life L:<d temporarily ceared to In- aumptlon of articles In a crude coadlof tuody walka."
tnthm. the cotton mllto of the United
a hUk Ur saw that be bad been
"IVfbapa yoa would rather that 1 left
near a prcclplre, but tto feeling of tion wblcb enter into the variona Sutes eonsumt>d only 1(1 per cent of
“No." Bhe aald: Tn dad 1 »e« yea: oafsty did not fill up tto sap which bU amoonted to t307.2CS.155. and In the the^entire c-etton crop. Last year they
Fn ^ ytn are here. Why did yoa dlriUMloa left. He told Umedf again,
ttaed over 27 iwr cent. at»d this year
as to bad done feor days before, that to three years 1605. 1890 and 1807 aver they will nae alKint one-tblrd of the
Tdld aat kaow that you were here."
whole crop—more than twice as much
whOe la the coleodar year 1800 the as In 1884. Workers in tbe cotton mllto
-Of cooree DOC How coold yeat 1 beUct helped to bold Urn to his resolre.
penaaded Frank to brine ne to 8c W1Imports of this class amonnted to
was bring carried oat. to etoud at tto $267,493^100. an Increase of nearly $70.- should not forget that nepublican ad"Indnd? It b itrance that wa both earner of tto square fium which tto hill 000,000 over the artrage for the three Dilnlstmloti mean* double the quanti
ctuwred wttb tbe eruriftx was rislMe. It
ty of work and higher wages becldem—
Md dnt hnpolae."
years of low tariff. In which many of Oosben (N. V.i Democrat.
“Why atraocer aakad kfta. Corwaa, was iliaisiiil and bare, half shroadad la
with that note of anddeo tecUenaen U a thin roll of mist. TV drirer, la tto three articles, noubly wool, were opon
Talse Dt Perm rre*e.
her Tok* whkh nakae a womaa daacer- toed. Mnlllc Trire of bis kind, cried. the free UsL At present the Importaoaa
"Why atraacer the repeated. "A Tritiwer and Fenton took bto tloa of mannfactnrcra’ materials is
Note the difference In valoes of the
“We were both happy here <nce. Why pUee without another look farUad.-Bs- rtiaalng at tbe rate of $28,000,000 per
farm craps In 1890 and
akeald we oot chooee to cone acmiar
BWBth. or mote than 50 per cent high XIW):
"I ^atoe." aald i>Btaa. Stored far a
er than tbe oaothly average In tbe
unaat keyoad hiaiadf. “to eaeape tren
Crop nier.
yrer prior to the enactment of tbe
-Ea.'Bwcet giri gtodasts' U a saraox- Dingley law.
ptllhw Bttoadca. It aeena, ratfacr. that
1 har« aueereded la rerlrtnc then."
preuiaa for me.”
The pturident alao urged that (be Ostj ...................... ixt.t44.om
U you awaar At naked, bn
"What da
“Why sberid It tor
-------------- « eoA _
“TV aweeteot one of them I erer raw
"1 kaea aa right »teO yoa a r.“ to rioi my UadUdy-e dsoghter. Bto i
--I re-'
eoUeei the
tto b^
booed bills.
It to omalaly tim' tW yoo
to coUeA
^ That agricnltnre baa been relieved and
TV otaoingt too ehUy on tkU;Iate
Mim. Xaadpp*
s aa angel <
eoeoaraged to abown by tbe Increased
K sutlstScs of Amertcoo shlpbnUdpared to hre. Aad «
prteea fin- agrtcnltnral prodocta. all of
ito'toned beride him. and Mey----------_ _
WUA Vve materially advanced in tbe ing for the fiscal year Jnst ctootet win
Me steep path agala. A light reO of M
* aad pawn bto coly salt
dtoprove ihe free trade aaaertloa that
___________________ ___________ .jtln- of riottos. Bto oeror bad any aympatby teme market, and by the large Inmoae oar tonnage in tbe foreign trade to behi
agrttorrsU by goats of wUd. bang orer tto Mr a mu She'd hare taken the
bg rapidly incraoacd. Trmh to. ft Is
eMtnre. which In tbe fiscal year 1889
UreL They qriektoed atop and. after ------------------------ kalt him for board.
Aad yet yon -oeror mw a sweeter Ugh WMU fl00.00aufl0 greater than In the
naehed tto toM of tto sandy traek Itod- sMori podaote than ato waa. And fiseal year IMT and in 16W wen f20(k- terelgB trade has greatly b
m flaws to tto Hotel de rUalMto wVtda
OOOjXn m esccee of tboeeof 1897.
KM Dt All Ukelr.
Ohm Fmtsa paomd.
TV meoaage atoo^ucommcMed that
Brery corn fed steer In Nebraoka to
“Iri me Uare you toe%" to ooH.
the new dsdea aboold be ao levied aa now worth tl2 to fie more than la
“ira yoo eaare down oM aw Fmkr
"to aid and develop mining." That 11890.^ FVnHcs tai thU vtate wU h««Wto. Oerwto told thU wlMga'MMtokna baea gnatly mcoot
fmm MM arimfiM SiMm. ■» m
DMwemae M— ngnto.
ruu ni SMwt SbiiViju
Goods thjt wo have sold right along nt fc and
7c to clean up this line, we've puUast call at 5c yard.
Stjta ant^sneg 'TiVaU
.VII the 6c prints in light colorings, including
Simpson—last call 4 He.
All of the colored dimities that were 15,18 and
=oc. all the colored pique that was ao and ate, and all
lari Vll
15 and 18c kinds-■\Bhttt Vutitt, ■ftronm S:t»tn 1>reu Ssoil
I'o make clean sweep of these two lines, sre'll
cut the price square in two^last call. Half Price.
We've a very pretty line of these goods; too
many m fact, but Its your gain; they'v* never been
sold by any dealer for less than lajic. make gi^
wrappers or children s dres§es—last call qc.
60 and 65c qualities, while they last 39c; $1
quality while it lasts 59c yard.
Ebe ScolcH
kV \b
ed emYa's^'^ctard"
AO. «0
To close out^Sihrtme—we've oftly a lew pietxs
We've'afew pieces silk mull in colors aad
some mercerized muslin that have been selling all
season at 48 and 50c—last call 29c.
1 lave pulled 'em all off the shelves and placed
them out on Dible at 69c yard for $1 and $1.25
quality. 4)8c for S1.50. $1.75 and $2 quality.
That sold for 98c now 58c; 69 and 75c quality
-4Sc: 50c and one kind that was 7f;c for 35c; these
goods are very, very cheap—See Window.
Katherhot to talk about wool goods, but you’ll
Imd the price will correspond—its as hot as the
weather. You'll need a dress for ^e little girl this
fall, you can afford to get it now. These are the
regular 50c goods—Warm Price 25c.
'NDooV'Dtflkk &oo&sTUmEuvU
We sell so many dress goods tVat we're
swamped with remnants at the end of each season,
now to clean up every one of these pieces and start
in fresh nc.xt fall, we’ve decided to sell 'em at just
ITiIf Price trj' and be first.
' '
•BUtV SVW UV& SVVmvtT SnUtv -VOkteXs
All we have left from spring stock, need no
discription, price was S5. $6 and $0.50—last call $3.88.
CoW4 SiVk >Dk\»Vs
About half dozen left, very swell for summer or
evening wear, were $0. S? and ^S—last call $5/x>.
S*ivts' ')i0Tfl.'kkkn
A line of penjalc wrappers, ver^ nicely made,
full 4-yards at bottom with deep flourice, always sold
for S2—last call Si.50. A few light colors left that
were Si and Si.50—last call 75c and Si.
On our glove counter you'll find about six
dozen ladies’ kid gloves, sizes 5^.5^^. 6.6Ji. 6% and
7:* ; mostly summer shades, regular $1 quaUty~-last
call 49c-
‘ififtc^ mhbrnvf
Fully three inches wide, all pure silk, usually
sold for 25c—last call 15c yard.
fiadUf’ 9cou T)kkU
25-doz. ladies'gauze vests at 3c each; a lot of
sc vests, about 2^-doz. left, to close—last call3c each.
&kAW mack Simmer
About 2*do2. fine black summer tights, regular
price 50c—last call 29c.
ma«V Sl\k Tlts^k
Only a few left io this lot, r^ular $1.35 quality
—last call 95c.
maek ADk^krk&mAoa. Ho. tt
10 pieces black watered uffeu ribbon, full 2X
inches wide—last call i ic yard.
^ McAWKS aCOMB.JAttftDAt. APQPBT11.008
iMT WiiGvwr sw BiaoaTMfi HOT WEATHER TOK.ET.
„faw la a fa* ■( tta anWt aafl L
n»«t^^iyifc» j.
. .
■cBti brl»..
IW M* t
IT thM tr I wat f«(&C to valk
kiM kr woold go «Hh mr. I wu gotog
to nlk. m I aj»*y» <JoohbW d.y.. box
J was act aaxkn* for lu« cuapov- 1
lU met tUmk of urtkiog that wpold
a U» aC. kovcaar. ao I n-pUod. vitk
mtmt kaartte*i a 1 mold HUBmoci: 'AU
1W raaaoa for my doI vantlos faiai or
» vltk BO iraa aa atamd aaa.
kojgjp' ^ •* a»baiard of
weii^t. For the Uat io»otli I lud beenaie footkOily in iorr tritfa a girl I did
aet teav. aad tke aajy linii- i aw brr
«aa fat the afimwna oa Ufakigaa areoiw.
wkn ) wi( gUag bade frota town aad
^‘wmactalagdom. I did i>«caliraya
MK ker. hot 1 aJwayi koprd to whm I
kC Ok <«». aad ^ UM to he
' Ahamrd ai it may
■ aeotard in1 Basti-r iaI cmtwardlr
4 hooierard and tanml
iato UieUgaa arrkam
It wa( a brautlAd antirtoo anenooa.
Ibe gna ia tbr path vaa atlU rrm. and
a (nak. eihaanilBg bnrar We» in fmm
tke.lake. Kbr rould pvrtmJuty n<n nix
ggfk a day for Ur walk. I aimiM. aud
Cxrd BT eyn on Ibr (trram of leoplc
•aviag otaadily goat me »n tbe w alk, tryfag ta emtefa a gliiupac.of a trim Bgore ia
a gray walking (oit.
I had often a-ooderrd ■« bore (br trrnt
erery aftmoos and rm’pUtiard to fol.
fair her. but I mao |-»ilirely lituid for
oarr abd afraid to uakr an adranre
which would giro me infonnotioti (boat
■y'osknown. Poaaltly abc went to meet
walk terk with a
rather 'M
■ t^oabaod.
I. 1
brother Idi
1. and «'by aboni
Sbe did net bsA
b for dtiy nu
aaeh a giri rare
•t Ub and walk hoior
I waa eoorinced tkat no aneb for^
cteatmre existed.
She wore a bUrfc baL tilted oral
tarrbend. and abe almaye tete i
«nirk. coBpiThensIr.. I.wik front under it.
-nw» why I 0--------ftwr u4 •!>• vhr I dttei
cwue rTFk«t tk« Itotp ke
onr 7«w MW XdnrMA.”
~ADd ■• lf« fw!" CTriilwi Jte.
W«U. la
cooL atlr ta a loaapooafU at leotoa
jBlce to tbe copfol. aad keep far tabblac aoftly oa tbe face after waaktac
it wttb warn water add aoap. It ta
fate, ‘'latbatceaaa
that aoap aboaid
a atoiT «U<k 1 as IBM to ke a
Borer be applied to tbe-face asd^an
BBriaanly owe. .No portloa of tbe per-111 valk alnag wftk yoa. 1
seeds a jBore tborougb rieaoeiac.
,OB oagbt to kBov." Wo t*
Twrirtirtb atrool. -Wkat I told JBB faa- imtfto n be tbe fcamta Tbe data. a>tpn ro alnply tkia: ElkH .Sarvaad b waya floating la tbe air. minting with
tko BNat aiigratarBl girl la' tkc wacM. tbe eeortalooa of tbe eklib gires that
Wo*ra atvar* Loowa rack otkat,-------Biaddy caoapiexloo and tfloae blackacfaooi ingrtbor in Ibr hagtaalag
brada that are lacreaaed liy a loo rlcb
1 n«v«T cartd for aag atkar
diet and a bUloos condition that, la
gM. WeU. laal aaniocr afar told «e tkat
-. can eaally lie atolded.
(he <a> ODgzcrd to T>in Caaqi. Kaaw
Umf H<- llr<« la Boatoa mad Tlailad
iMrOe bfW Uatt spring.(pp
If there
irm> a rflUia ia tboo
tbe face nppn retlrl&g that twoaoated
............ J>e b ow. 1 toU
fine olatneai that ta prepared at tbe
•far daif
waahtnff It off wltli soap
bgr wHI
eod.waiec’f'in tbe tsornlag. Attotber,
itlifaetltB. She
wbirii afad-YesMTes blackbenda. Ig
brtAr h.r eogagemni and told Be aha
made by mlalDg two onaeee of glyc
Berpf tmld b
erin with oor-balf oooce tincture ot
Sbe rxatlniied
to her bap- benaoln. ooe-balf onnee of borax and
hr .nr thing
me eonrlneed
need tkat I tbe InJcc of Ifaree ImMna.
It tbooM
1 only to dertarr myarlf
inyaHr to reeelre
reeUre By
any not be forgatten that for tbe aUn a
reward for arioc her from that f^W.
uae of liorax. lemon Juice
............ Mid (b.- liked me. tkoo^t. and
(hooght we mere Jo(t good Meoda."
I tried to feH aorry for Jtan and aay
aometblDK appropriate, but I emtlda't
think .-f anything.
rorat of It waa 1
-nrtrd her if there wa» any one elae abc
aald. ‘WcH. no: not ructly.' And than
(hr wint .« ind told me that abc was
rrry tnuek •(hunrd of bermrlf. bat ab«
•-•‘errd »hr wat h-'» *•be didn't evm
day nn.l looked funrard to meeting him.
and a lot of that a»rt of staff. 1 waa
;D«lfd and told brr'ao and that the.
prnhaldy *ome ..or not worthy
T shoes. Sbe aid ahe waan*t
of tying her
» long as isbe bad me to leacoe
^raid n*
ber. Then
Urn 1 b
ft. feelii
feeling pretty aore.
And now it turns'.rat to I r yon. an^ ytm
Uic the saiue iking.”
y Ps'ling. ir.-r<' torictwribable.
Di.-re's only one thing for yo
~l>e a g.sri fellow. Jim.** I aid.
"Wi ll. I won't d»e4t.” aM Jim CBphatiraDy.
-Vi'i7 well; lost as yoa I
iwoiaWy hare other
luintatire*.- I ronlied noaebalantly.
•.ra. l.-ing an old family friend, co ild
i-Mily take me to call..bat of cot
u .{..n’t want to”—
t or other afli-r
c prcl
ilh this nngneioas eOoseal 1 a
atis&i-J. IftsUc of a week I bad t
Hi Ibet
if 1 bad iboagbt her rhannlag
Xabe had gone by; it t slnly It »
the sirca-t. I firand her In her »wb home
rer that I did
pabnman rdfun of will pnw<
itcriy Is-witcblog. I am waiting far a
not tarn and stare after her.
aarat fln.i reasonaldc leogtb of tin
r Tw.-lfUi street. elapse Iwfarr telling ber what she can
led Sltt.sratb aad
it she isn't blind. I am not blind
n up hope. wh>« t raw b
riih. r. aiHl ^ot J try to n-mcBber how
.. .raid ns.
[laxler was irllii
mistal.'ii Jim was about fair feeling for
c traold.w of his, for I lielirrc
him ah.l
ti»t let myi
■Istook By sileoee for aympathy.
I am siirci ttn.i
Wo were nearly ojipaulo
ojiposilo to her
bt-r lirforr looked at Baxter t
Baxter aw her. at the same m.ancflC
i«ke MW Urn. Kb.' bowwd and smiled
‘1 had nerrr aeen b
WelUagtra After Tllteeta.
that mrt By brait'
. apnli-ou was filled with fory at
Soddealy .1 realUed that my talkaiire brother fnribc resoHs of Vltturia. but
acapatibtn had not spokea a w..rJ since inanxied bis luiaistem tu uy that ”a
.............................. — w do yd
somewbai brisk engagement with tbe
English took place at VitturU to which
s bnt ey
fs the maiterr I naked. 1 frit mies, however, carriol <«t the moremsnu
In which they were engaged, bat the
cneinr si-lse<l about 100 guns which
b Baxter, lie cuald n il b>- who she waa were left wlthoni-leams at VhtorU. and
^prrbapa br the means in lime of my it is tbiwe that the EugUsh are trying fa
|.aia ..ff as artUlery captured on tbe bat-Did yoa are that glri 1 bowp.1 to iB4 Ueta'Id."
wra-r be aid.
One of
’*TW one b gray! Yea. 1 noticed 1
the baltl.- was n mass of d<ssim<ats from
-Well, tbal'a sbe. Kbr's ibr one.*
Iirbirrs of Madrid. Inriodtog a
*Whai one? Whom are you talking gn-at pan of Napoktra'a scerct carre■boat?” 1 was at a km to accaraui for
D InratoaUe additton to hisUa tone of gloomy emphasis.
-The girl I was telling yon nbont Fan
Napier's siimmU r up of tkc rctolts of
ny we aboold bare met ber ja<l ns I fai- th<- liaUl'' reads:
bk«L WriU you can see for yourself
over: the crown
7cs.‘|.rs n-ign
tkat abe Is pretty.”
f.ali.T Tnan bis bead.
And. after
I looked at. Jim Baxter b ah
f and
-Wbro dU yoa tell me tkb blWory you ttog1l>h«en<-nil. enHixing
ora allading to?”
spokv rnlmly. Irat I of th- iwninsato atroggle. stood on
waa agiuied. There was sum.-(bi(.
efaniit of tlx- I'yremsT a recoguUed i
matter with ooe of oa. and the cff.et od
■y aaeatkiB oo Jbs abowed that there
warno qaeatien b kla mind as to wbk-b brad, and tbe splendor of bis genioe ap
«( ns It was..
peared as a ffimtng bearon to warring
"When did I tril yoa? For braTen'a Datl.n».''-Ktepben Crane to LlMdasake. Bay, do yoa tnran to Irit me
yoa-harm't heard wbst Fre l«.ni sa
far tke bat mile? Yoa had better
-Cnlisw you are fertunate cnoogk to
out a iBerinlit i? rev cfe subieet co aa<«
kiTp a handle to yoor name It to a mat
Utneka of mental abrmtiob.”
-ItdldBT bear a word.” I said humbly, ter of difficolty to travel first riaea to the
"tb teU tke troth. 1 aras chinking ao land of tbe Japs.” nyt a ^fae trotter.
hard oa a eertmb ssh)ect that my mind "It U all riefal when there Is ao great
maisair •« Wrd. hot otbenrtae tbr or
' 1M- me
again, and 1 sw r you'll hare dinary mortal most wait tor tbe next
By-mUlrided attention.”
-lushing to leave a tract to a kufii. t
*^hnnka. bat 1 wua'C tronble ye«k
•ckel. -Ok.
Tbnt.bn't tke sort of story a man carea once applied for
akooPdweUlng on. yoa know. Anil,ei>(Ba but yon can't go today, for my lord soa wait for a
to tbink of it. it's bHtrr that no one aod-so Is
cekrwas the—............
aboold know mboot tbe badness any<
-I insisted, sionurd and raged. Itae
. la mb 1 aaoied him of my int.-r
hb affoira of my desire and abiU.. _ end of it was that 1 had to traert tWrd
brip biB if be needed help. He woold eUsv—ntaong the coolie*. Tbe great toed
«ril too notklag. B*bat an onmitigaud observed roe sitting oa a box,
. faol I had been’ 1 bad mbard a ekanea aUr. but dignitied. and sent
toJean an about-ber, and I taigbt nerer iiirite roe aft. 1 was teartiacvi
r of ootrage and replied that
-At bM tril me her name.” I said
pd. bet that I preCennd tbe eoeiety
•mUt b dewmtion.
^Uto-Norwood-Bthd N'orwood. WhyMr Knew Mlaa.
: 4o-yoa want to know her naae?”
s^Ok. DotUng.” Laald indiCeteiitly.
.Tbe Rev. Ih-. John Balcom Shaw toW
■appoa she goet down town to a
a otory aboot a HnalLbo/who hriraigi to
- looB'C fae?”
bis evngrrgatioD and Ures within a few
door* of him. A woman who IBK tke
^erfaetfar. 1 nppaaer
child asked bim-after tbe manner of old
^Basi'c ■arkcotbec.'*
er people's coneersatlon with ckOdre
1 bad guar too far to back
koat. '‘Wha wbrrr be lived, tipoo finding that ke
4eaa fac go-totoeet. tkrnt”
lived only two deon from tbe Btotati *''■
tbc aoa to walk bome with ber afa hoaae. she cxritimed with delict:
«to, who Badtaa at tkc Art InaUnta.
-Why. you moat know Dr. Shawr
‘%aiv.” aasw.-rcd the mall bop. ”B
Aad now I aboaid Ukc eery mw
k>ow It MI« Norwood hu aroaord . _ goes to oar chank.”-New York Ttera.
ac-tociety throat brr faring an aelaacc of Bine. That coodathm ta
tot ••
r ^WBder I
aoPReMr** wtakee faltk
■Mlauaccof Bine. Tb
Canartag. bat doabetaL"
*0 walk botoa wtth her
an n■Mirablc by alfamerlBff- a Itnle p«a
le or palB «a acap la a cap of afar
tmti: It to as thldt aa riefa eiean,bot ant no bard wben cokL
la a
I toM
«my. tke old geattatoan k
iMa.to bis wn that after kb
■at/erasfake aeattateAtolhi
lu w
faewOataastaafaWBtowoai awn
aa Rata ffaaklitaaak Iraa <ka f GdnfattiUiLCiniip
isn aad
1..A.L R. R. to Row WWai- >• «>
4 7*
a M
fa lUa iMler faaa taa toUae pw ka«
' Ufa MaiBbal.
Toar-aUaatfaa to aaUad to tke rate
1 ragaid to tka aaaol watar tor nrlBkUawBarpaaw. Said rala yeor£
telawa ^ria^wf
tto9o*afaakfatkatoetnfagaB* 1.___
9 toS la tkeattagBooa and ataoetker
liM ggMt whaa fanetal flmatt ta
tke beard
tkattka nitinaw bare an
look in auuimer needs atieotion.
Excraire prawplmtlon during
beoted term ran In n ruuMtam. be orercucuc by ap|>l}'lttg to tbe akin, with a
soft doth, a mixture of culoffue
Florida water, to'which baa been add
•• moh JaaiFta tt tnsFta «
flIUa. ''T
bat U will ooata «p aBUlng oreir
tiaa” OalBan'a
CaiBan'e Btoatle Floor Vantab
SRWalt.____________ _
ed half tbe amount of unnic acid.
When the moisture Is dried, powder
freely with baby or atarrU iiowder.
Anutlier recipe and one good' to re
move sunbara ta to mix ooe-balf
ounce of Iwnioin with twice at mndi
alfoUri. one ounce of glycerin and two
oDDci-s of pure; eoft water. tUiU
other exccili-nt mhclnre U to make
magnesia antjwoft Water into a thick
cream. Kpp>ad over the face. and
handa and Ip live minmee wash oB
with some mild Mtp and dry thor
f'ucuiiibcr Juice. rblrk«c<.d extract
ample eapplr of -we-ra- bat mLne
rr.. Jaa.a. «4. 1900
warra (fuer iix ereri-ap. Do not leake
Dr. 0. D. Waraw. Dear (Ur:—t bav hydiaata open or twee raulag witboat
Jarea Oorou ■oxxla attacked. If water ta fooad
faairreai wneereare a^Uoodnrt*. raaalag in tbta -way tte water will w
flar. with exnelleat reaalto. I doaot tarBodoffasd oaABOc op tl wiu.Bk
beeitate to roeommeod it tar the pnr MAPK poa TVBjngo ux again. Parttaa
powe tar wbtob it it oaed. Ito effects wbo haw not pfad sraiar tax are retaaehert Umaeo maalfret tkat It qaaatad to eallbl oBee at <wea a^
OM fall to rive the greateet aatta- aatUo same. Bring yoar laat rewl|*
Jaa. CoKKiMA.
with yoa.
and pure olire oil eoap la most
t excellent For. compoondlng them Um
rkrlons rerlpea.
OatweaL toa U ctcenent being both cleanaiBg and aoatb-
eiiitas Ctatatataf
E. S. OiapMi k Seal
WiU hare tkeir oOw la the hard
ware etora of W. J. BoMe berwfter
•kero all tkoae having boelneea with
tbo firm can oaU apoB thaB. Mi tf
___ ra-
Board of Watm: OemBtataoae
n ■- MOWM, ni.ra.. M. I.
0« L..- ...rl.l,—
C. I—nm *1. V I.M.
ui-l In.-Ill I. —I
i'waTss'rs, finidlipUit tadtuU,
NoUeo to Tag Payara.
n>etu rolls fo
and tensv arc all gmid for removing s^seritaeeUT
IB mt baads^ior
IstH-e and Inducing freebnea of kave bOM I wlU be- a) wy oflee tar th* paipoos
the akin. Exprea the Juice of
ben. well- grown, and apidy fre».-ly.
D aad frow I
Clil<-kwe<<<l pn-aiwd tbruugli a aleve O-rUr*' "til « o'clock la tbeanc BOCO of oorh
can be diluted with auft wetpr. The dajr.WaUM Tucodor rsenlu < t oath waek •n aolLB«tT.Auornay. apaotalaueaUaa
trora to'clock ooiUsmc'clA.
r. ta rtmhatm praaUa. momma S a— old fasbiopwl fresh tansy Infoaed In
All tAsro paid before 8ep«»b< UL will no Kaaaallls Oe. ataek.
aad OB all
l.uUcnnHk is also most cicril.iil. aye
ibov Ut. aad
Ilcst.-r t'nolc. authority for ilisec time
TY*- A ■- m»Ma'
ly toilet notes from tJood llotBekoep-
Mitp BoBBer Walsta.
Fancy ae|ianilc ualsto wero never
In grcnler favor lhati at pnwnt. Two
very pn-tty and uw-rul one* are here
ski'IclHvl. Tbe uui- which is ao betxiiu-
lagly ampgvd with -deep lucfca and
Homn. AM.— rf
BCfloB a
. .
itldlac. rooa I.
PsvsB WL-asars
COHINGI s;»‘Ss".;vrr..*. arrs-.rr
■cU -pheoa. Kortaeni ’phesc Re. I.
Rectoero -paeae.Ml aaU.tal.
Cily Minstrels!
(In Private Oars)
■- irals kas cfeelr rar M OraaS
aue*4«4. TelepaoerR
iraiB acTt rlac at t to a. wb
Till F«kl> TILT. Vetenaaiy .«Brr»i
^saim” aiss a'lBiBcrar tram Uri
TnlB aiTlTln* at I to a m. Wswr Bar
cT LoS?w«jn!o. p. a *. A.oraM aaeUe
- aMOBnAT.Aa«to.*rarara*nv-
Pere Marquette
rawtoxABU wum.
inaertloas of due tacc U carried out la
Willie silk aud won over a pale
■u sit]>. These deep fueks of silk
■a the front uf the liodlce lu a hoHtnl direction and also cover tbe
•leevcs. while 4« tbe back the bodice
U arranged a1ih a yoke of tncka and
.tibitber good walet Is carried out In
white gtaw silk, trimna-d with llnce
uf fine black embroidery afid email
A Tro* Mater mm Pan Oniwp
Any cook's nierlt or IncfBclency to
abosra by ber |>an gravies, obaervea
Tbe a'omao's Hihuc Companion.
good pan gravica an- made after
Inrartohlr role. Ail but a few taUeepoonfula of tbe fat la poured-off. tbe
lan then blood on tbe lop of tbe atova.
tbe flour UenM In and atlrred until
It hrowna, ttten Ike water or etock
added, also tbe aeaiuntnga. A pan
gravy made with tblckenipg Is another
thing cntlroly—a crude, pasty sabstltuts wMcb a good cook would blush
Plaid Tfbtwn cortelei Im-Iii are won
with wWto'
Dark lawDB are very attnctlTe ia
navj blue, emerald green, etc.
Tltc monogram Is preferrod to Initial
letters In marking uMe and bed lines
and nnderdothlng.
gnver ItraM and allver bnttans are
rrapoMlblo for tbe cacbet of many bf
tbe Ugbt sommw doth
_________________gtaasy and picnsfag ta
tlm eye. amootb aad «ol to the toneh,
■re tbr faabtoBaMe wasb gown «f tba
aeaate eoperaedhig fee tbta ptnpoa*
tbe pique of last yearii
Tbe latest
croquet golf,
jtrortte gai
combination of two fa
- -
it may be ptoyed on a
eonw a^ to-aald to
Opera Hoofla* Too Small
The Beat Singarfl, Danoerfl,
Moaiolflofl. Oomodianfl
aid tbe GnitetCilt Wilkers
of the Oedored BaM.
‘ Uneeda Rest”
itei IIS 1 7
»UBfl0da Boar C^tag*
WUl meet tbe rcqelroaseau of a dcllgbtfel raeailoa. BeanUfilly loeafad.
Fiabing aad boating the bat ia Northan Mtab.
Traverse City,
Vednesday, ingnst 15.
The only Octoroon Oatbedral
Chopch Choir traveling, rendering
“The Ht^y City** Paalma, etc, at
each pertormfloce.
T. F. Hhiw,
IS i:
unn ID nnuniD 11
At nexm, baltiag at tbe comer ol
Front and Uniem atieeta. where
the company of cake valkara, in It yea bava a dwaUlag, atodi. atoea,
(nil diem coatame, wilt give an baiB,OTaayctbar RifaiB ti laeanbU.
dadly laBtoabar I enat to write tka
idea of tbe bmona “40CT walk.
The attention of the pablic. mSmS^wmtmJS^ bUm^
u eaUed totba Ofay tka tooet faltabfa etock I
magnificent waidrabe and eoatnm* RataBwrylew.
m worn by thia oampany.
AdmiaalaB Mdoead to S6e
and 16c.
Oronnda at tbe comer of Froe
and Union atmeta.
Pfafomtancaa at 2 *wri g p jg,
ooOfu Rotm
John R. Santo.
tiBtll iMHmi.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.