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The Morning Record, March 28, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tiard Yeir-No. 903
mikwi APOLoeY
•MttothtoOouttT thxongh
MV«m»aB-,j> roBTBt4&
Bo Botoao*
riBaktev Kr-. Maf«h tT-dMorBayo
for BoMbHwo BomM ¥ B*ot*
~-||-Tl-r- vU k« Be-
»MfWl tM WMktaC««
M tlVkvT
iprtttM* te
M Dn«w •< mU
•MimmA tft temr C«aMl OtorU* B
HiwiMiirmr-*- TBtHiliBy 111
M tte Bom* ooaaiuo* *•
AMtfsototn Br S*mlM7 o< •«»*•
BBr »Bm Hr. MomosB **•
Mto d*Mrt^» «•
AlIkoofBBoer^WTBwa-tli tfcoi
ho wtM B» Ao 1*4«« •*
M7, Of U* *P»«of7 »‘U ro »o »bo
«OU1U*0, Uoro lo oo dooM ttel iU
M Will iMtot o* lU
«1M iB foil, BOW (bot It bu bM doBlBMd br SMToUry Hot th*t tberc U
bbA bb Bpoiorr- .
Iboooate'ttaa will dloo; lokbl OB
kBOBlnc wb«yb*r »*>er«ury U*y wM
BOBtOBt wilb * Torbol
Lord PaoBdofote, or wheibor Mr.
•May aad* a written doaaail aad reoMvod O writUa reply.
While the jwrek* tera* of the aool^ o< Great Briiala ore not koowB, It
koorlolBtbat Itoipreaeo* U* r*«t#t
•tOaot BffUla that Mr.. Maeraa'e
■ollwa.op*B*d,BOtwltb»U«»dlo» iba
oUarod iBOtrosUoBi of Or04i BriUla
tbateaob aall atattoraboald bo eooMJirif iatlolau Tbo rt»at* BOfO'
Uutom b.1—. «»«», «« ...
Laid BaUabery la the Haaroa aatwr
•PidoBtly war* for Uo MprW parpooe
«l dafoatlBC tbo aSort ter a !fDll loroetKoOoB of the oae* by OoBTroo*.
Tba atouaaat that BaclMd ba*
•yolv aed waa aada by Sooretary Bay
OB BopreaeataUre Barry ofiKeolacky,
•oa of tha DoaoenUe aoabanoftbe
Hoaoa forelf* a«al» aoBattiaa. BaptaaoBtatl** Brrry oallod at the Bute
Oapartaeoi today to Ulk ow the
•baryot aad* by Mr Hama. ^ it
waa dariar tkk-lBtanrlew that Baerator^bay made the eoafeaeloo.
-1 aaw Sesrelary Bay today.” BopreoabUtlra Barry B^d. la Ulkiayoftbe
propfMoil bearlBf. -and he oald that
the whole yroand work of Mr. Maeraa'a eharr** realed opoa tU fact that
tbro* lettera had booa opoeed by Bn
ylkb ©a !lal* lo Booth Africa. Boor*.
Mry Bay tald that Baylaad'* atlootloD
bad booB called to tbU elolatioo of
iBteraaUoDal law, aad that Lord Balkbiiry bad made an lureeUfatloo and
tbea bed eeol an apoloyy to tbU ooonky. Tbe apology wai dellrered at tbe
•tote daptriaest by Lord Haaoeafote.*'
Mr. Maeraa called npoo Cbalmab
■lit today aad eeacaliod wltb bla aa
to wbea be woold be ready to appear
bate* tbe eoaBittoe. be e remit of
tbe nfwTi-------- the ooaalttre will be
a jdayortwo.
Tba wbola eoaaltloe wfll haar tbe
taetlaoay aad tbe proeaediBya will b*
yablk. iBOtaad ol tba ebaryea belay
beard prteataly by Mr. Hltf. Mr.AdaBW
aad Mr. Borry. Be woe otlylaally lo
. PortaedUat
aiybtwiita Mambefahip ot 40
Wail Mdowd Cltl^aa.
Tbo '-Travene City Bod ond Ua^
<Iab” k tba aamc of a ne«[ ood promklty oryoolitUoB formed lott slybt la
the ottoe of O. P. Oerrer Tor eome
Mma tbera baa beea lo emamplatloa
KB aMoelatUw aad laat nlybt it
«w affaetod with a membarthlp of
•boat forty peomlaaBi cltlteo. who are
doeotn of Oltbar tbe rod or yuo or
both. Tbe ■eotlay «ae lanraly atTba
TraaldaBt-g P. Oarrar.’
VmawMldaBt-Jaa. H. fbrtyloy
Oaytala-B. D. AD^^
y 4. lart
•Bd i. B. HoOoByb-' to aot with tba
,—■*— aamaryaad aaptala.
ThtoblaelaoflbooryMUaUoa orUI
^ to OMkt iB tbo oaforokbaat of tba
/ MBM aad Aab kwa o< tba atBto. to pro •
WotiMaaA yoMsadto fwtbtraad
9k« Dateootatlo Btete
Dotrolt. Harab n-At tb* moaUay od
tiHB 9MBld
fMdoa koBod IB fowow br BooofMt
tbylor wm imLnt m o bor to f«o»
OB. bM «hay oahod thol th* do»tba IhMliiil IkoBrtioB woo
Blod. BbU WBB ookod lor. Jade*
bobM; ''tram tbo ovldMoa h k
«jr oidBiOB Idol PowBTo woo t
with fko iM^lnij to UU OMboL
d bo b* bold wlibeot
b*U I* «ho (iBBd lory.*Iko B«B»lBBtlOB of tbo OlbOt Bl•odoaaookBtofBbocBB 1b tha loroWor 0 tlon iB tbo tHol of Poworo It
lookodMlf Boolbor tcarody woald
r. Oo 0 nlraodorolood roturk
M tbo Bttoroeyo tbo lU woo Boaood,
ODd tbo ottorBoyt Biodo for ooeb otbor.
Tbo orowd lo tbo ooort room tboafbt
tbot o A/ht woo ItBOtlBOOt oad'o taod
ratb lor tbe dooro Ombo. dpoloctoo
^^trodosod. bowoter, ood qalet
Aboliy mturrd
aad HoTBoa tbo Bon Ib iho ▼MBily
WhhdtBva TroM Iko Tmnmi
OU*l0fk4imy-8Htkb OoBBlfy Ho**
CboaooB Soodor IBI* Taaorool,
dkootob tnm
Ktabortoy ibkMCBiBCOlBlao tbot
woU otiBBlnd OBMdUkB loft'tbot
Myootordoy. Th* biteofy o^oot
tbo axyodiiko k to boroo* tbo
Bwota tbOTMBl^ o< OriqBadi
Bot tbo Bltteoto ydryeo* k tbo roUBt
of Hotoklof.
Tbo BrlUdb foroo b o otrooc ooo, ood
It k Botarolly ooBOlodod tbot o for
A*t*0*0MBt k
tOBdad tboa tbo BOro dkporaol or dofoot of tbo oatU Boor forao ot QrtqootowB, lOOBiloa Bortbwoot of Klaborlay.
It k Bot iapoobablo that tbo ooIbbb
Bay. oftor oleori&r tbo waoterB border,
■wiayroBodnortfawordoBd. aided by
a almltar n-'ramoBt ot Warreptowo,
ODdnoTor to alvaooo Bortb to Mafeklog
POLICY I Oeneml French baeretaroedtoihe
iFree B>at« capital with bk caealry
from Thaba N«be wiihoat bariny enyayod any of-the Beer oolnmns TCpjrt.
edtobetrekklny'northward from tbe
Oranye rirer
Ooaeral Olirler's oommando was laat
Blysal SrUmph Won by Amarioa. Aareported on the Baentolaad froatier,
aarlay Trade la Oaina Vareatrloted
near Wepener, and now that General
by Other Orrat Powera-Sta N eUoaa Proaeb baa witbdrawa fros tbo ebaao
Bara Aiaaaiad to tbe Dow aada ot lb* Boor eommandant'o ebaaeoo of oocape ar« rauiy Improrod.
tba Daiiod Btataa.
A foree of HrIUah oaralry bae eater
Waobiayioa, Marab !fi—Tba aUla od tbo Traaoraal aad poaatrated to a
aapartamoi k praporlBC to ooad to polat IB miloo Bortb ot Christiana.
oooyroae tbe ofielal reeord of tbe Tbo Brltioh toreoaat Fonrteen Stream*
ymtoat dlplomaUe ood eoBawrolal
trlniapb woo by tbe Amarteaa yorera- northward k wpoeted oooa.
Bieotln maay yearn.
' General ffreneb'a reum to Bloemfon
Tbti record, will eoaekt of tbe oorroa tein. not bariny enyayoa tbe Boera.
poadoaeo that baa pined betweea tbe probably meant teat Oommandant
yreet powera of Barope. and atao Japan
and tbe Cabled Niatea. ebaeeminy tbe aroldlay tee British and Jo’nlny the
“open door” tn Cbiaa.
BialB Boer army.* General Freneh roTbk roeord will abow that ala ot the pork teat he reoelred the aabmlteloo
yreat powera bare lodloated and In of a aamber of baryers dnriny bis suy
writiny aaaented to the demand* mad* atTbaba Nebu. General Clcmeata u
by tbe United..sutn oooeorntny Amer- reported to be adranelny ayamsi a
lean trad* in Calna. Tbeee powera haotilc force of Free State troops at
are Germany. Rnwia. Great Britain, Fanroamite.
luly. France. Japan.
To’Ueyareromenut^eaebof then
oonntriea Becreiary Hay addreaard
notco acttlny forib tbe demando of tbk
yoremment aa followa:
Preoera'ioo In Harah Case Uasneeeaa1. That each within iu "apbere of
fal la Bffiri to Get Him
ioCaence" or leaaed territory tn China
os StenA
abonld pledyo l)a*lf not in any way to
any treaty port or reitod
Laaalny. March »7-Tbe proaoenUon
rtybi within tbo ‘*apbera” or territory of tee ease ayainst General Marab eonunder leae*.
Unaea in Jodye WeUfs eoari her*.
within tbe Ssreral witoesees ware eaamlaed today
I. Thatla all 1
tseept free aad tbe fall line of erldenoe lo be em“apbem of IdB»
led or ehlp- ployedby the sute k clearly laid out.
pork, all a
ped. trrnpoclira of aatlonality. ahell while tee line defense waa Indicated.
pay the Cnlneao tr**9 tariff for the
Tba erpss ezaminaUon of Prenldoat
Ume belny. and tbe dntln aball be Bpater of tee tleadoraon-Amet Uo. sras
paid. 10 tbe Cbtnoee yoremment.
renamed ibis morainy, the ledyors bav1. That in pone in the -epbereo of lay arrired. Tne total amoent resei«ed
loBaenee” tbe yorernmenl controlllur from tea sUte, he aald, was kit.lTii SO.
that sphere will lary 00 yreaterhar- Tbe tranaaetloo was ontered oo the
bor dntin on renela of any nationali books In tee name of the stated Toere'
ty tbaa are lerled on rsMeU of Ita'own was also an aeeoont with the lllinots
natboailty, aad that on railroads bnilu Snpply eompany. The proAta were not
oonlroUed or oeerated wliblo those credited lo any ooe. the amooou paid
'apberoa* the eiGteosof other aation- White belny oharyed to tee Supply
altke thall be rrqnlred te pay no biyb company and tbe latter credited with
ereharyot for uo traasportetlon of merchandise to balaaee.
CMrebaadke than are paid by the citl
Tbo wluto* was ukea ow tbe A
sons of tba powera oontrolUay aoeb
nanelal traasactlono. iaolodlny the
retamof tbe orlyinal Ineettment of
To tbaae dpmanda all alx of th* pow- AlO.SOO aad tbe paymeok to Wnlte,
era. aooia yladly aad promptly aad total belny Ais stT.
otbera nador proMarr. bare ylron tbolr
Attorney Geaoral Uren tesUAed a* to
fall and eatoyorioal aoeont In wrltiay. bk adrico In royard to tee dUproral of
and tboae aHonk will form a part of tbo e^aipmaak. Be bad not andnrtbo reeord.
stood teat te* foods wore ofany *ala*
Ttaoyar* plodye* ylrea aador tbo to tee otete.
baada of tbo eaatraeUayyororakcak.
H. P. Kanfler, oao of teodiroclot* of
aad Uoy arc ptodyo* wbieb matt bo
wBoadancwAmeaOo. taotlAad teat
kept. Thoy oeenre to Amorteaa elU- at Aral bo bad tboayb tea traMacitlas
i.Aaaariean dlplomak a^ Anori- a layal oa*. Wbon aaked If ba atlU
yaodala Baaelaa opboroo of InBn- tboBcht ao. b* omllod a maaolay omll*
o. for taoteao*. preekdy the oaM aad ropUad, “WalL hardly.”
terko at Beklaao aaay onjay.
Saroral oteon yae* tenimoay, all
tboayb Baoak hao
Mdlay to oataUkb tba oaa* for tbo
aad baUt railroad llaoa. no ad'
eaa b* ylron Bamisaa la dlso
Aa attempt ssaaauMb to oaUOokmM
laypertdaoaer lowar traaap<
I to tea ataad, bat tbk
I yootod to by te* ooaatol ter tb* dofaaao.
MtUtaa or yooda or tba elG-1 ^
ob}*etiea waa tiwialaad
aaa* or yoods ot aay otbar atUosj
woald b* a riolatloa of tb* pladyo.
Tbk k tb* •'opoa door^ la Ik faUoat
_ad broadoat aoaao, aad to atetotpla
tek opM doer tb* ttete of ovary later Bortbara Mkb. Tiwaa. Ob. Bapeok to
aated aatka k plodyad.
Ha*o a Beal baavo Ohkayo os
Ooaaty Tao
tb* etb of AprU.
Tba riyalar ooaaly taaobora- oaa mlTka Nortbora Mloblyaa Traaaportaaattea wiu bo AaU Tbaraday. Priday
ttoa Oompaay U BOW toaolvtay tr^bt
aad Batarday of tekwooA la tbo anat tbalr Obloafo waraboooa toraaaryo
■arrlaec*' tsow at tba ooart boatete tb* Ant boat, wbkb wlU loav* teat
a abeat AprU 6 for tbk port.
Offloibl Beoord Heady to go to
I tb* aprlay DamsattoB araaflma to Uma.” OalmaM Bla^naarVm^
la Afrtea
VwtteOpM*' rnamwm'mWMW,
InBsrtn an
How To Save Money
in Buying Wall Paper
Boaaltod la
Dtete Of Party Bm.
Park, Hareb M-Howa of a dkqalatlayaatarawa*
Two fc
tealya loylos. wbo bad b*M ortlarad
to atebark at Oraa ter Madayasear. *aoalvod ©tear ordoc* to riamla wbon
tboy WOT* aad await
kropertad that* aarioM
baaubaa plaea ea tbaOraabsaUOT
teat tarty waa of tb* terolya katka,
bav* booa kUlad,
la mUlMiy okoloo boro It k nld
teat tb* pooalattaa of oBoWa ta powOT
*0 hao noaaid tea proooat
it • nMoa«bl> wiy to a(im tkil • ooac«>
ttat boj» wjl [.per
frooi tl^
en^.car kwd lota oad bay a gnat
thu a booM to hooM oaBTaMr, wbo baya ooly a
•ntall lot^from A jobbiag booM in Cbk«go. nod
tado it aeat by expreM, C. O, D.r
' A Oalot Woddlay
Marrkd. Batarday ovoalay. Marob
»te. by Bo*. W. Boate at bb bom* oa
Aalpb atroot, Mr. OhariM Rama
aad Hk* Mlaak Beaaatt, both of tek
city. Tb* happy ooaplo wlU mak* tel*
city teolr bom*.
the City Buok Btore.
If oo,
in quality And.prioe with oat immetiee ytoch.
Littl# lATAPn-lilttlt lAvtni.
I Michigan
! Telephone Go. \
caU at
anrdy pleAae yoo
wiujsci TO oauot
hvlaiKl HiU
B-r«.r-"pould you .pore u.e *
IU eiOTis, $!.».
{3.00 to $i.00.
...:00R SPRING SUITS....
$80,818 $16. $18. $10. $8.60, $7. $& are made to please
varioQS tabte«. Many styles to choose from. Tbe most fashiouable garments to be found iu this city, and, as for fit. if
yonr tailor ^ives yon aa good you s>e \ery, very lacky.
Four New long Distance u
{15.00 to {5.00.
Hare been «empleted from |
Traverae City to Graod Rep- V
ida Kalemazoo. Dutroit and ^
S. Benda & Go.
r*abloo*ble Ouiniu-r-.
OHoi lade
Quick Service
Heiiect Service
No olli-' -lore ill this purl of Ui,* Ktate will gis e
you th-iiiiBliti.-*! we do in
^ Going
[Out of Business!
Miilcr’s"Ca«h Slnro.
Stock of
Fixtures. Wagons f
and Sleighs.
Come bnd'take;advantage f
of seliinrr-oul prlcee.
I'w. W. Millet s Cash Store |
22f> Front .Str«*et.
1 bare bad my building
rebuilif'aad put in guc-d
shape and am n-tw r.-ady
to receive all old patron*.
bti'p in wiTd a.-e tliem.
Shirt Waists
•*»0 feet of shelving devoted entirely
ly ta sshirt waists «f the
best mukea—styles and fabrics ;ii the
tbe la
latest and daiiitieat
colorings of Frt-nch Gtogbams. Percales and Mualine.
2-5 dozen good per'.-ale shirt waists, all louudried. each;.
50 dosen ladies' {lercale shirt waists, made as well os tb<best. gooil stviec. in a variety of colorings, front
those suitable for tbe youthful
uiaiden tto tbe
itbful uiBiden
vsiierable old Isily. at the
le 1epe<-ial
-ial priiv Iof
“■) dozen extra heavy per<.-ale shirt waists. SOUK* .plain,
olheiB witli fancy frontsI ill
in Inumeruus
umeruus styles and
designH—as gcxid I
the* ordiniiry
C« waist on
the market -onr 1spe<-ial prii'e
Our $1 00 waiste ar.- the btmiig«-st number. We show the
must eUliorate line in tbe l>esl standard pen-ales and
lawns, tiuisbed by the Ix-st experienced hands
Ourbettar gradea, funning up to tbe fCl.OO kind are t»o
beautiful to deHcribe "They are well worth your iff.
The Boston Store
GoodilLine of Jevelr;
A $2.00 Shoe
for 98c
'We do not sell
Yon wiU Bud a fioe line of
Stamped Idneoa, all eiaee of Sofa
PillowB, Down Pillows, Cnebion
ConlA Batteabnrg Baterial* of all
kind*. A fuU line Beldiiig Bros.
Embroidery leeeone given free.
887 Frost 8tr«M.
School of Music
BMW H Mi II Bwodk awwfe.
Bnt we give jon two hoodred cents
worth of good, honest footwear
when yon bay a f2.00 shoe of ns.
Yon sbottld see onr line of spring
shoes at this price—All late stylM
—tfn'And black.
McNamara Block
Sr. W. }. 1
horning record.
« »e BatMlR m««
Wert vm M Om
» Mt M
Oate A«wi«w ®»^ On*M
/. W. 1
Tk« wrt o( nMUtV !■
4lMrtn M Froat nrwt «rlU ta tain*
. UtMT m4 M—nr.
f*m TMulter «C Bwus
i::! :!
•.«. HorrATT.
taanto»«» OoorMwiobal OaaaMU'
^-pi rtoSin bS^ Sir<•«
-Itu gratlfriag to odta that tba op
pooitte to tba parehsM of tbs Oaotp.
Mlwalorwarhs ajatam baa sabMdad
a propoaltioa to boed tta city
•rttl aarry by a targe, majorlly. Tba.
praot adeaataga of city owaarsUp c
gbto pUat bas arldaotly baoome appai
oat to maay taapay^ who bars op' poHd it. ao that tta TOtlag <d the
botodi to a'pratty apra tblog. The
facoBb taliaeaa that tbto will prove a
I aad' opea tba
mg to the aaUblUbiD >at of
OOt ayataa wbleb will felly aaawar tba
doaaada of tba eliy la tba feteraT» Foartb ward bpa b
tag groead la local alaetlc
yaors. bat tba paople of that ward ara
falek to raeogaiss tba oaatfT of Aldar.
tea Laidla. wbe bat bsM assldaoas
ta bto aSorU to taeadt his ward whaa.
oaar oooortaolty oflerad. Mr. lArdla'a
raote bM baae aeab as to eeUUa bln
lo a raaisatioB by a larga malorliy. B«
to a good altoaaa aad has Mda a oarafal aad aoaaetoBUoes oMelal oa .tba
ooatall. wbara bto good Jadgmaot fa
taaogBtsad aad bit work oa inportaai
aostolttoes aaorgeUe :la babalf of tbc
aa wsU as liba Foartb ward.
aatlra city
«d ta tba peblio aabool* ot tba city by
Mayor HaBilltoB aad blsaaraaat efforts
do lasreasa tba ataodard ot oar already
wasllsm ayatra Is aaothar siroag
roaaoa for bis raalaetloa Travaiaa City
to pread ot bar ssboolsiaad Nr. UamllMa bas faapt lo eloas tdaeb wttb tbea
aoaUaaally. with a eoastaai aya to
Tiiapablledab. is deerestlag at a
nptd rata Dot Wlttaiaadlag eatraordi' W7 aapeasas fw tbr Pblllpplae
We^bla. DariDB tba tasi I
•tetatotraUoo tbs pabltc dsbt iaoreaitLin tbe time of psacr. la Just aboat
tbaMae ratio that It poo deeraasaa:
tmiUT OPl
Vo be ladulfrd to Xpday by Bridge
Tta Bridgr Balldrrs Mlsslooary so- >
Maty ol tbs (toagragstloasl ebaretaj
«UI seat wltb Mrs. Oady, 116 Walliag-1
testraal. tbaaveDiagalT M e-’clocb.l
Vbsaeeatag will br idaeotad to tba
- ptady of Hawaii. All aMsbers ara:
Brgad to be preaeat. aad all yooag I.
aroCMa la tbaebareb are cordially la
VllOd Aatta half yite olaaaa wtto
dhto teatlag the traaaarar aska tbai
mban be ready wltb ibair daes.
WAr.wn xo ■ITromS■erXteUtoo sod Obtef of PoUm
tta Ladlw' AM aociaty «f tta CosI this aft-
m*oorn at t:M e-a^ wHb Mta Jaaato
iPirt-T oa Wau Baeatotb atraat Tba
tebtoag wUl ta ta aharga at tba watk
XdtUa Maotai WtatMs doa a dtraara
. Bxpertooea.
Aboat two paa>« ago UtUe Mi
iiara. ayw tbrM gaars old, joaDgaat
____ _ .
MsTor Baallte and Cbtol of
Baaau wars wal«<«Be *tolior» at tba - Oaatia.
Bib Bapida. swallowta
Blgb oebool jostardar teralag. Major « thiogla nail. Sba slraaglad
BsaQM alatad that ta had a awtaaga ebokad at tbe Uma. bet did aot dtoforttaaeboolaadlaaahort talk aaid lodga it. and aflar a aerioas iUaem as
that ta wanted to iapraaa oa tba tta raaalt. ebe raeovaird alasoat antlrayoaag maa before bis . tba rairt ly aad Mn. matarp came to tea oodot tbto City aad that be waatad tbwa daaioa that she d>d not swaUow It
to ta la toaeb with tba elty oMclata after all. Sba bas bed a vary treablrbataotlalaarof tbaia. BaaaM;'-Wa aoma ooagb bowevar, eaar aiaoa aad
doootfaaow bow maay roaoeUmaa. every (aw waefat ulcers woald form ta
ssayora aad eblaf of poUea tbara ara bar throat caaatag tbe ooagb to be
bare bow. Be ta aympatby aad ta wane, dba bas baoa vary poorly tor
eloaa meb with all tba good that goaa
OB la tba city- t«ea aad aot .fear tta baae Woraa tbae asaal Monday morerale of tba elty oMslals aad abiaf of tag ta a eery aavarie tt of eoagblag tba
poller. Ia a eory abort UmattayoBDg eoagbad ap tba aall wbleb bad beta
tnaa before ma wUl be raltaf the d«y tbc cease of tbe troabla It waa aot
ratty bat It had tamed black Wltb
Mayor Bamllte ibaa mad a lltUa the Ball aboat a tapeopioi
cans, raamiagly from some large alOarata," wbleb ga*6 A irrMt deal
oar. 8ba aaama to be aa wall aa asaal
aow aad her paranis are boptag for a
AfWrtbe readlog of tta hook ta speedy reoovery from tbe troablea
saU that It toaebed a faetor-sUffee. ooagb.
lag of tta rariabrar. ambltloa. asrea
or aaed, as It ia oallad by aomr.
MaoBle Tisltad Mirk Oebool.
wbleb to too oftaa ovarlookad—tba 0-«rga Brnum of Acme. Died Teeter
powrr to ealUvaia maa or womaa.
day Alteraaon.
“Wa ara ta a aaw ara ol adacatloaal
Uaorga Beetoa. aa aged ptooear of
tfalBtag.’' taaald.
Acme, died at bto home yaatarday afapoamaoaal tratalag. tba pow«r of tamooa altar a long Ulaeat For aav■aatraitaa. aarva foraa and etUIlty arat month* be baa been vary low. and
bis daslb was aot anexpected.
Deeaaaed wa» T6 years old and for a
long time lived OD a farm aaar Acme.
ta Htaa TrMtta to a Arabbtag He leaves a wile aad daagbtar. Be was
by aa Irmta Womaa.
tba fatfaar-ta-laa of taty Clerk Blekerd.
A worker ta the Slate Lembar Oob. Deeaaaad baa lived la this ragioo over
impaaar Samwit City, by tba aaMi^‘>‘'*7 P.*®'*of John Marpby. took more ffra waior
I <taeBot be Ourad.
iboard yeatarday tbao wai good for
Hy local applicatloas. as they eaaoo-.
bin. and Ugotbim Into iroabla Ha
disaaaed poruop of the ear.
anooeetarad a woman aad a faaea 1 here tbe
Is only oee way to cure deaftiekat. and tba doetor had to pateb him
by eoastituUoaal reme<iia« Daafarm U canoed by aa
ap ta
flsDicdeoadiUoo of the maoom lial
Herphy made bto
ol the BusUchian tabs. Wbea t
n.ld..«oI U_ Hr... t»u .1
tube gels ..■.»«
istsmed JO.
you h...
have . ro...
railroad track, aboat I o'eloek. aad It | ln>g souad or imperfect bcarlag. and
to said that he made remarks lo Mrs. < wbeo it is aatiraly eloaad deafoeas to
--------- that rooaad baraagar. Hbe to { ' resalt. aad uoicas Iba loflsmmaaoD
be takeo out and this tube restored
aaidto.bava ebaaad him out of tbe;
aortaal coodlUoa. beartnir will
I. and wltb a plekat li
____ itroyed forever. Nine cssea oat
laid bin low. Several times tba picket I of lob ore caosed ov ratarrb. wta>eb '»
moat have laadadeffaeilva’y. tor Mar- ! "b,.
eoodlitoe of
phy-s haad waa aa iatareatlag eight I ‘ \Va “wl?* gUe^Ooe Boadred Dollars
wfaaa ta ukea to Dr. Koaalaad by ■ for soy rase of Itraferaa ^caused b)
of tbe ' cs arrbl tust esonot be uurrd by Ball's
Chief of PoUoe -Seaaie
fonnd to be slight, how Ca'.strb Cure. Send for ctrcalara. free
F J. -ChcDay A Co.. Toledo. O
aver, and Marpby was aooa atiaadad
Fold by droggtols. rtr
flal be bas a pretty »o<-e bai.d
Pills ara the btosi.
V 1900
Ben’ Maad KlateiM XeM Vkian
Idealy ta tta Xwa. aad ta Tnya
Had aFlaa Ttasc.
It maa aeariy l efetaek ymtarday
momtag when tta teata that hrotalta
back tta B^a' Band Mtaatrte aaonr.
staa palled talo tbto elty. wttboaar a
haadrad people, tired bat glad that
t lay weak
Tta tHp waaaaaaeam from tta ttma
tta toata anteiad Msnialaa. Baoa
Trptela. tepnaaattag tta gtaea Swede
intadtta^lotoftbe aagtaa at tba
Jaaette, aad wbM tba trsta palled ap
ta tbe depot U waa raealead with
Tba boya hmrt Maatotea tatarcated
from tta Uma they reaebad ita elty till'
they came away. Mot only at tba opera
boata wbtok WM paekad to tta doeca.
bet OB tba atraat they oara la arideaea.,
and lUe did aot grow dell fortbasalt!
Attar tta parfermaaea ita boya
awalJ time by tba Maatotea
Blfaa. and a daaae waa alao ooadaetad.
it vraa after t o'clock when the traia
Thie^nner jut like cot in either
aatiqiw. mahogaajr. ot vbite m.
atari fiotab for flOlS. No. OIS
Iroo Bed. 4 ft higb. any width, jnet.Kke cot for $3.75. Forty.
•erMi different alylea of iron beds. Ot«r fifty diffemat atyln
of drraaera.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao I'ron.t Slisreev.
The lamitare for the new eonrt
room was dellTarad yesterday aad to;
being set today.
Wbaf* Toar Pace Worth.
Sometimes a fortaoe. but aavw^. Ifi
i.-n. [' a.
yon have a aallo^ eomplratoa. a |saodtoed look, moth palkea aad hloiebco; f
oo tbe akla.-all sfaraca of liver Uxmbla i
Bat Dr. Elog's New L fe Pllto glee s
Clear Sklu. Easy Cbaeka Bleb Com
plexioo. Only W
I have put in a shop in connection with my hard
ware. and am prepared to do any kind of shbet iron or
• tin job work, driving and repairing pumps and any kind
j of iron pipe work—also all kinds of repairing usually
■ done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasonable.
i Bran’ New
• Stationery
Wa bate jMt put in a new
line of Bp-to-datc etatioaery —
box paper and USlets. ate.
No old atock-I'ricc* raasoaable.
•- “ SficSIl*!™.....
When the
Warm Days Gome
Think of colored shirts.
SVhen ySu want colored shirts
Think of Us.
made this season, some were made sever
al seasons ago. bpt for strictly this sea
son's goods see the shirts-TVc’ve just un
They-'re dandies, and you can
own our "Lakeside" for just an even dol
Want a b« tierone'
Then buy the
•Kenwood" --- that sellV-at $1.50.
styles that we bank on are the "Glasgow."
the “Cambridge" and the "Oxford"—
These sell at $j.cx>, and the fact that they
have Jbeen-laundricd is proof positive
that the colors will not fade.
New and Desirable Spria^ Footwear.
LOW PRICl-S Ri’i.i;
in all si/es 'and sell at 15c. or two for a
NVa- apriDgHhapei.aoft kid
uppen. mfdiam aoleu. kid
Upa. full $!2.(JU vatuua. for
eJub-iWe have a full assortment in all
the newcsi-fshades.LThese sell at a half
Think of New Suitings.
When you want these go<>ds
Think of Us.
J ust deceived som«- new wash goods
for spring ami summer wear.
One line
of especial beauty are the Oxford Corded
Novelties, in wide and harrow Mri|H*s in
pink, blue and lavender, sells at jsc the
Tbe Linen Sbitj^g^or Skirts is an
other line of great sellers, in different
weaves in stripes, checks and dots. Every
lady should have an e.\tra linen skirt.
rhcse.s^l front 15 to .'tc the yard.
The cv* popular Toile du Nords are
Lace mod hutiuu.. apriuc
li.r-]. kid uppem. <ioli<i soIe-n.
selling fast.
Lore and bntUw, uurinK
beelaod blKh htal. kid and
kangaroo ralf uppers, aolid
wide stripes, large and small checks, all ’
Our twlebrmted achool
ahoea are exceptioaaUy good
weaivra. ail Mtrt.
black, and all sell at the uniform price of
The tMding Shoe Hodk.
No lirm has a greater vari
ety of patterns to show in narrow and
the shades, pink, blue; lavender, green
IOC the >-ard.
^ ^ ^^
When the
Warm Days Come
worn with a white turn down collar, come
qiiarier.i.Then.lhe proficr tie is a short
Very dretwy atylea. fiot*
Viri kid uppen. litibi HvxibU
polea. fathioD'a oeweat idwia
ill rverv pair. .
' a-
There are shirts and shirts—some aj<
These have one ]>air<of cufts and are
; John R. Santo.
We carry all sizes from 14 to 17
Yota oa Water Wo ta Boau Toda; .
WbQa there waa jaavaral days agoi
a to tbe preposl
Mm ta bond tta eiiy Ipr »tt.M7 so bv
Mm Oampfaall water' yvorka plane tbr
•aoasalty aad advtoabiilty of tba par•baae bas baootemura Armly k-apramta apoa tba taxpayan aad ttorg
to toow a proapaet that tta boada will
ta aeiad by a good; majeriv. Tta
pMto will ta open from 1 to 7 o'clock
^ m-U tta Haallamatal balldiag, sio
ITiaat atraat.
FtlO te ClT«B
U NtalaMrf^ OfAud Opm Hc«M «*
Uw iTik of 4prU «Btar tM wmplMt ot
Uf tataorrM(«taeon«!UM ^ tta
teal efaveK. Tta Mixaetbn
friu pnMAl ibm blrii eluA ratertoti
•n bwtad ta Mtot 4rteBM BteOiyL.
ataleute aopra*®' bta a danshlcr ol
who was
tta lat« wmaat vJfiUaM^ «bo
MM tars a faw
an rtd who«a
so »aeb cajojad.
IttoaaUthai tta<
riak. >«aat vote. Wtiieta to fast briar
tar fsiaa whtoh oroiatoas to rqaal that
of bar eolabraiod faiber. Asaociatad
with Htaa BoMorl will ta Barwseb
Bads, a ootad rloUatot. and
Laourd Laibllar. a talaaiad oiaatou
As proaaads of tbs MoeenwlUtadavoiad to tba pipe orrao 'faad. aad as
tta eoapaajr to ooa of the beat ia tbs
itry a flaa aotgtaiatoaa^t to aasartd
ita te ctf JMoh OalM*.
Ttar* to a piv^aM itai Mr. TtaMlte
H«;a.lwiUatep>nteMtta)o%te«i ‘ oe.
Mpte ta WwiMMrakr’a •tor*- U tbto
^"'^ilataaata aae^. Mr. TtaaMtor *U1
•^IbaUd twoatwaa OUtewto*-ba «1U
aalla wUb Mr. Oalaaa U tta araeUaa
of a brisk black that wlU laelada tta
on of Mr. Toualtor aod tta two
•wTi'Sm u^r»rarea oi Mr. OalMh.
Mr.tOrtatdatradadwMr. Ibtoaaltor
U LodtactMasd
____ tesUMQ'
tta tat bMO. for a stare bdildlat ata
tbf«s dwalUags at tedonoo. lad.
Torbalda will •ora *o Aadoraoo aad '
oarani**^ rM^ taalote ttara.
SAvaszu or ssnsrz
The Hanoah & Lay Mercantile Go.
J » &•
Moto»7 MMlar
Tto Mc«tor aoaUUy bmUo( to ito
todtoo AM Mototo «f Ito rUM IC. E.
, tonh—to OltytotoootoBtodItoFiM- obwto win to told to Ito «h«r«h MrUok-OortUMO T«ot«tofty'~Ssa.^.WUWd( «WM.wlinM«« In'
Ion this oftorBooo st t:M o'elook.
«,|OrtoMMtoWMk.WtoM tolMk tM>-i
otolooi FajKf* Fi—lud.
to i ^ toMwU to taok«(Mr..
Ito towB M Ptn
mrtglmU, kmow%.
il w«Ua will to Ml idow*
AnUoF. teMtM wwt loOMtnl
A tory wm Mde ywtorday apw
4 *M7 loterMUac and prait*' « tomrtA boUdlof siooeUflto Mod
■•bold to too iMBhi of toad Bros- lo Mtlsfy • etola of S»1 «5
held acainat tfaoto by B. J. Moirtaa.
Al. who bsrr-B;M>fl*d ihoir' wiU'ji(BOM to appsar in tbo o
-.p-riis -tn —
— »thrrs wtoara wUllaa lo aoThe first SBljoet
. Uk* MiMftoj.
ttooity seboels ynterday sflo
w. B. UtoW of K«rtoMr^ BnoMwl
L JototOaC to
MUlMd to M If ttoM to OMI utorl7- ! •* ^
ItopW Ttotoltoflotkol M* liUpuaty. uJ E>l_ Imuun. •<
to WChrlottoaBatoycoMl ttot ttobtoolcdtoaead* ^^^^'”^ *
» ttof*. tot «tottor' to MylBC
b a
Fsil - Mlae Batca of tto
avwaa sehool abowad
towto »tS_oa^ lor I
tto.Behoolof 1
faUara. aad Mlaa PAkltorf^^
•iar al: o’aloek.
abowad tto
me^t that aboald to
Thar. wUl be a mtmUmg at tto UOlm
aaad la the diSerei|t eaaas. Both of
ttoaa aawUaat papon.-wara traaly die- GalU of Oraoe eharab at tbo borne of:
Prof. Oobb. Mtoa Dowalay. Mrs. B. L. Bpraraa this aftaraooa si |
Prof. Bydar aad Mtoa Borwa taklat 4:Uo'eloek. A faU i
B J. Mardoeald aad Uoarca Ott i
The aaoobd sabjaet ukaa op waa
"Praetloal OhUd •tody.’* MtoBardaf OMaidarlBr a plan lo orfmaUe a baehe- |
Ihto aafc-!**"‘*^“^ Ttoy raaoraite a eery •
traltfai field l_
In -tl
Traversa ^L.________^
Ciiy sad L..____
) anaaa to aeeare a larto meaberaalp of daalre|
daalt with Ito atady of ablldraa aton able yomar atao.'
the primary departaeaV Ttoaa papers,
eseb of srbleb «ai fall of praotlesl
b eaiatuiooa
uoacbt. wars dtoeatoad by Mn. Cook
aad Mias MrLaarbiia.
Tboaa wbo are not rerlsu lad aheald
Ab ab aaod (Dsplriacpapar was that be sore aod bsea ibeir asnca enrolled
Harotao J- BaraaM waat to LyoM' otProf C-a. Qvo.oo-Taa Spirit of
tiatarday If ttoy daalre to vote at tbe
9t ^ tboTaaebor '’ He eleatly oatiiaad tto a.eeuoa neat Mooday. 1 to oiBosi
hlcbr'oaad aeoa wbleb tto teaebrr notices osm'ar tto plsees of reristorv '
lacaboBi let poudo.
spoke of tto aobliuy sre priotod ovary other day la tbe Bac- i
Xoak Klac aad wlfa. of bnaooaaiar.
::i To dl down ins chair witboataa Ob- ®'
wool to Bay City totorday oa a parabaalac toar. touadlor to take tbt )i>ct U to ^ump uito a thicket of totopta- , “•
Ibta train tor bo«i at
at all
airbt. Mra. !
•*” *•.
. ***•
praeralad hlrb laceatUes to
Clar raaehad the outija te Uma aad devil's boar B'bou time haB«s toavy, noble and osraMt vrorh oa tto part of i .
wMthomabot bar boibaod did aot',|g^
,>ivr< sksa It II that a UkA is a ftrcag '
aad not rfarataf totarday. I
, tety rtotoh. with aogeJI'**'^
Mra. Kio( waat to Boy Oiiy Hoadoy to' larktuRanasgihcleovtaai If they wwo '
-------------aaa U sto ooald find tn«o M him. 8ba' so many nichca lhadiuf toliw to Bioko , W. B. Baaey Mill Opoa Breeary aad
Uanad from an ai<|^letaM that bor raorarsaliuB banolM- hy Biakin« it
Kralt Blore la tto Boadic Blod.
haobaod mlmad tto trala laad oiartod Iom peKy and ornsoriooa by fnmisblny
„ „ o.„., .
It olds
ofI tbo
to, Mteh
than ""
oib ortKhbuto';
^ B Baooy. a prominonl I
It U. n.1
.U. o
U. rlvv
rI.T u
.Id, s
. ao
J- with
T'“ olhor tcipico ‘b”
olng Cough. .
iMtrato bll Mitoar
faalu and foiWm U U vrr,
for a aiao of Big Eopld». will open a
•ichitis ana Ira
Ipwaonwhodocoaotllkenadingtotalk aod (rail otora la tbe Beodie block
marliineoBimuyw ittontsImilDB Par- April »«. Bo will carry a UaP%( fraito.
Bear lihaM a tragedy Wearad Moe- tbermom a U»ie fur reading o(t«« bln- aiapla and fancy groeerlM. provUlom
day atoralag. Two braebars-la-law.! den oor lakiog tbe wrting sidt-in prao- and vegetabisa
To cat tbe yoant maa'a
trade becoasc wo bove tto
dotbes ihot picooe b is taste,
at prices tksi fit bis packet-
^■Miny ortoi >■ doobllol^
WotorvUM to to h»n i» 0M*tof.
tMtocy. Mploytoc Mo haads. A toohl airht froB Oraat wkaro to pr—*
faaaral aormea yfolorday
allsMlhtdU.ou. to
J. 0. Batohiao eaoM dowa troto
hdklad it Md vork hM almdy ton
Kapid pity
tovu M tho tMioty.
Jarry BalUraa of Ooear was la Ito
Jnt aftor aspiwr Koiday . alchl oJty yaotordoy.
•arab Oartotoa of Oraad l^ito loft
MIm Barda 0I1S« rataraad laai airht
tho bowo vilk oaly a thia pallea dwa froM(»lo, rharo aba' boo toaa for
M aad aothtoy o*or her hoad. Bor
aaaoral Moatba
hwkaad Ihoajrkt sto was oaly to to
H. B htrOM to la Ito odiy tnm
reao for a tow totoaua. toil whoa oho Oraad Baold*.
had aoi lataraod at I o'eloekaoat atorm*
ryhaa rataraad
tif to was aaoaoy aad rapartod to toofren Tbm Rl’
foUoa Bo ooald aol aaomt tor bor
Arabia Ayara lafi yaatorday for Bol>’
food laira aad Charlarois.
bambr whaa aha left tto hoaaa aad bar
B J. Baallua iaft for Bpokoiio’
tova straeu the formar
p=t U. -»d tH. .
U. PP. PlUi pp pdblp, PPd I
t„ p,Tl, epp.ldp.bir ppptpp.
blUpd b^. Ho dibpr pppM
rate Slid aHOHitivi-tbrnogli <mr fomiltar- J. B. Ureillok Co. wUl pnt la i
tto mlU.'-KaaalordalsIMoaalf-dafeasa. ' b ngbi ( ' ' -m-lfobar.
■ fixtamo. sad it U
•ayfag ttot Babrloa aamaat bim with
----------ppopesad to make tbe store one of tbe
Mnth tt-|rfe*a.
finest In the city.
At Waat Branah rraak Daekar. with
kio dog. waa followiag tbe traU of a
wUdoatwhantoaBddeDlyaama acroao
a-hagatoar. With a waU-dlractad abot ;
"K» yon u til ool tail toHclbam.,
to laid braia low. Tto animal wslgbad ' chi Btill tUsi u not m mean a triok no
Township MomlssUoas!
^ mioa pli^ He rnie them all oat !
i-aaai<i»K- ksitrucax
Tbeo t have tu get suoUho ra{*w <Hily
Tbs township of Bolmea. which conbapervlsor—Harrison dpeet.
to find that 1 bare bee tuuled
alats of Maekiaac' lalatad. - aad b
Oiark~-)sy 8. Brown.
ie Jonrual
IdMUoal wttb lae vlllaga of Maekiaac
Timobiiii Ira D Unton.
tolaod. will wind up im aBaifa-.aad go
Highway Commtouaer—Uwry
oopjoia fi<n.
oat of baalneas tbie spring Tba new
vtUpgeof Msoklnsc lalato will sapSchool iBopretor-A B Bllnson
plaat both the old townsblpaad vlllags
.l»>Hreof tbo Wsm, full term-Wm
the biw-uits yon luadc ynudcdsy a
tioaro -I Bevlew—John P. TIUoIoob
A ttosk eompaar lo bslag avgaolx>d —Woonwckd'MK l.)Kcpcat4«.
n (^mimi
at OodlUae to araot a ftac briek hotel in
• k.t pb>b_
found 1
litot eity.
aonsisblre - Jamas McCully. Wm
nnd HU
la of tioatk Have 10 water aapply ovch. dntiug rrom si luaot li U S300. Urey. Wm. Memro, Wm. TIIIoum.
rARAS-isx—raiox aiLvxn
rabladbv findla
Snprrvis/ir—llco. Madlioe.
la tto water. Tbeae i .nltaoiatloas of
• <d aTasw
Laat are probably
ppMiwol for
Trensurei —Oelos Kingsley
Highway Commlasioner -Chno. MiUer,
“,,d IP «llrr» PPd
Mchool lDSpcclor--[dOu r. -Manlgold
■PP cbppnd ^ .tlpp>|,u>, IP .P.T
ppld. OP ,bP oU», bppd Ibp ppp,.
Jastire of tbr Pca«e. fnll term Isaac
a family at Osi^ Btpldo laotTbanho- giera at* extretoriy worm sod dry
gtvtng day by plaeiag idar poaato of, The small streami of water dry
dyaamlls eodor tkolr casldaaao. A ! doring tbi* oeasoti. and sgrionliure ,gf., Ihaln CommUsioBer-.lobn Wall.
! Board of Review- Jacob Boogmtiler
dafreUve (almlnatlag cap was all that i f^ nu< t> fi
Coasisbin -Ueo. Bell. Wm. Hemro.
oaaad them. He was takM back w 1 T®
«•*.- ev.i be firflovlng It
Osdar Ba^ds aad Is oatdi to asvo coaiiilial>lisi>is <>r <vrtaiu dis Qsrl Moody. Wayne Hnnigold.
• triols do MitriUK tio- wiuier llo-y fol;
' lei-t Ibe enow « bh-b. ns la «t-ll known j
a WiMdi.h ntiA.k
At Monroe, toa lea gicf Monday - tolU m oI.uu.Io.mv m
rrgtom. .ud '
1 r r
moratng psaaed down to ttaaamrabaad an-uuu>bii<- ii ai I - iuMoui of name'
an^ign'ai. do hmat^
atim to rafnnd th«n~D«ay on a Mto^t.
•» WarfMtodSyrapof
It (alio to o > yw ooBgb or 1
'«a*A Wo atoo I
I thrasiU from
B ai her fiagaro Manday. and tod
d U a macblao
Hamilton Clotliing Co.
wsatssssstss MSSMSS***
I a^'st!to\'5oo£.sU
I. •' a so'iq.
“They tit the feet
as nature iiitendedp*
bi tertAlAVfi
\d Wd a oood
, ^
CAR &hW A COtVA^tTAbU thOA^ ATV& bt
TtASOAtbW AA^t OA a\^Vaa
wtx\ mo\tx
Shoes Given
We a't->^mDr -Jeari-ss Mm.-r"
Hygiene Shoe* to nil women o’
Pingree & Smith
Composite Shoes.
Price $3.on.
•efer Ibaar fsmou* abori
sopes'.nee snd g
.'iving i| •slltirs
Oil- sdrsntngr
Compare them with any
shoe sold — Vou |ict lK)th
style and wear in this slitte — You take ao cbaoces
when you buy tbe P. & S. shoes—We have sold them for
18 years.
pair tbe exact .'z* and shso* rtf
yonrolil nnlr. a. tbe shape never
will torSanred
New opriTig stvlM nee or>«
Better sod ir'-re desirn'Bwths.- vve'.
Frank Friedrich,
Price $3.50
Si**- our Window.
A. S. Fryman
The Old SnllAble Shoe Mao.
Lottk f.T the new sltn-e -We have moved one door west ot
ih Brosch Block.
Prai-tical Shoe Mnn
STtOoTOV^credL ^eAne\;Ya |
CAA&VAtVB Cktfi^
^A, a\ (\.M.
crA\ coVm.
They’re tbe kind odvcr>
tiled In oil tbe loading
Bisgsrlnes and wore by good
dtaoaert everyatora-
El^ Ihite suits,
CittE i Crosaetl's aid
idler's UdGiOTK,
I Other me Cehnd SUrls,
I iL 'AB-DerbjHits,
Steii, Blfcb i Ce.,
“RnaiDell's'' Celebrated Soft Bats,
Ties ma tbe l^isi Redieir Hoeses.
‘■Sbif KUt" lea's Half Hose,
Bobno not SD.I w. forib. tV. say •bUt.-i^ ____
waeleaantHabdktolnJariea hut 'blueriy hot' .<v>iui to me alwunl."
"=>«• « hiilr further."
mnned ibr
uutn t> ln> wssAlntog
------------------- —
tbe w-riilng* -yon wlU wv- ibot ibr
trouM wriv »d\sm-ing und.-i « gBUlag
Give Me
Your Shoes
lor itom.
I th, tfiuuii np«n>Y'
to apraad oat for miias. aad all dnagar . narrow «an.->
Tb«-> lu^-n. ii
provfd fsul. It.cnmr tbrosgfa tie kl/;
dtoallar Mrrro niskr I (•tuniMci. Ml ibui II »dl l>riB,.vs; BIs back got SO Inmc be c.ald |
lliauiue .U llir ••lid ! not ttoap without great pain, nor sit In
ata rape-tad watt of lben.bat they are
il»-y r<itrT ib<-t-u<.>rtr<>ut a-fasir except propped by cuehl<
likaiy to be brokan nafora raacblng^tba of Ibe •liiii-r ll.ryr
' helped bbIm nntllI hr
I tried Rie-|llll-H
«ls-> -I
liiuu tiini-nl
eivy. nod ttoetoanal is now epeo m
ir Biltcrs wbic
they can pass do«e.
In onli-r lo tuititH I III- .......
.J, J
' J sous Krysnt. a largo stock dealer ao
wall as farmer, waa lastantly killed at
Abroo Uondty momlag. Hewaoao r«Kt tlie Ifinis-rnliiir i. mtit-lj Hi-taml i |,rs1*h f'nW M.- st Jss. G Johnson
'ait's drag stores.
atotiag in loading some logs oa a wa au<l lilt- WHli-r nl tin- >in-ainr U-clu- tv I anil 8. B. Wait
g«a with team and imllave whan tto
.......... .
tackle gave way. uor 'at the pnlley - - ____________
dlli-b iiuiili' ______
fur thU ,._.i«uMr
blocks striklog I
tbo head. 'Bo «ai,.r whli-li ruii< down <>u|i|>il<,-s i
aovar knrw what
rit-w uuiH liie n-turu of niut»-r.
to lived oome Bfiaan mlBsus.
i.Mr wf
I thorasaliof nctivo mlMloaBry
The l-lgS'-f 'll-- viin Hv <b,>m-r lu
b by land agmit. np^tlag Da
.'i -------' ~ ‘ifrW VorL r.-k-sram.
>ring tto past wiaicr.ymtsrday r^.-e uK.«-.rrx ilir Hi. i..n guns, .ac
«W, panel., with mu hr n-ckvl«M ..p.,.. n. Br. ,miiv .beo
aad farming
li full oliarxiuIiImiui limiinm Ifift dblswusea coDBty by lag ijullr u.i'i'''. Tbr CT loii gun <00 pair, and st least a third of wbst etbanOas to aaak aaw hemm' io tto above Bn- Id^- r»iiudr. wl>ik- iti<- adx im-b •-rs charge fdr the work. Then If the
atatas. Thetraia U eompoaed of tbree ^rv-i-ldid'li-- I' g—« r«*r oie.or tin full >vb Un'i right, do tto right thing.
—bring them back.
aaetloes sad will to ma over tba Ann ‘'harBo routi-h The rvnw* fi.r Oils Is
"■'"di'- ’*rat ami -nm-tinc i-ffm'A<r the p-vrdrv w-ar away t^
Piad dceti. ebtof operator at tbs
i«-r .-od and
Of Union Si..nrnrstb'
Mlabigan. toll Tolopa<»e C .'s otBca. abrll dors not .sirfa Hr- rifling.
at Baton Bspids. was severely bart_________________
Maadsy. He was saperlnleadiag -bo
wiw* ii w«ni b» rwMthh
aalosdmg »( some po>MWbon«ao
IIL>- ilii. dfw rliitloa »f the
oflfMd aad those handling It lat go- leittlr ' p^lit t
tho polo Stoiking toouM tna bond and
T^£’:;;r.r r
Ttore's a siaortnaas and
etyle about oar Hart,
' Scbsfloer A Mara tsllorBude clotbca ttoi appeal
to tbe drcsiy young men.
College men wear ibeta,
yaang buitneaa men wear
them, tncQ at every trade
and prefeooloa ore tfikiag
AA& St^VXA>l—&At o\ ^A AB< '
tarVAt e^anA^A—j
'WaUU AAMtVAa aoaaVa Waia—m
alll.mlk Lninbv in VI Vm.
raon te TravUM (Htj Lsmbw Oo.
nncs IN JAPAN.
g£0$vrTM£ moaiB
/» tHOITT ST0m£S f
Tbey ttewad OarpatBaga.
Om at tbf <iBAiau-*<
It a fin
la J^aa
Hoaamla^jr bn&>taai«o(t<« I
TA*« _________ ^
_____ _
Ox 1 *»»»«*
*** ►J** cf • f- » '
ra and
Tkcat moBMad AaMm a»aw
!«*«« « o<ahiii«caB U duix
Moal^ AU btre b.ai>i;
pruKW at Uw flaaifx <*prdall7 oo a
port tabat. U Uanaea ;
WWPl.,. «««/ • IfToatxr.-pt
•» ^' .»»tb«rau(,whirfa
««tu« W
-Aat to U« tapir lor ■—*»■# W
to made u( tllea, Jaioatae boama are
•aa bp rtaPM of tba matoara Da CbarU baijt euclRlr cd eu^a anid. touatoo
------------------ ------------------- aamtobar
«a a la«ta mata.
Tba pODjaM to «e aa-
mata i,m amaa am LaOMaaa.
ibric raUfoad.
Hap Oaitoto, afod 1. 4tot ftem hpa
toorla to BtaMtovlUa. laA. tadaaad bp a
•Ito iMrtito a baby brothaa:
AabatoMatoaaaaaaUfb moaatato
•aar«faabarrr.Ta«..btoboa to«llaad aatbM «<
Attydov. a a W.. tba oambar of
Em«U« Ikr ar^ElrMl McMrMdAto
Vtlk >wk •-> > Np'
a pNas
Ponie *■? toe- <.. It.
tW tom <4 •>> tnaw"
Pto mr hmit-fli."
U ...< to |Np
am m omenm >■ »t» atom
to lawt to »«« M eur
t<«r ■■ ebr
mtoJim tt> tOTtum.
to the p<w^ <U»mcu‘‘----------
Braau wUl aatobeM Ito Atoeororr to
BMP br a aattooa) ebaeraania of lUj I
ofr;rSAl5.rf“ “• jj^rsTAOE
And kuklw teH u> it.,
a t«« ■] b~n « .y.-^ »l<
a-toayT. \.b ^ Pnm
tba whole *a>>u( to botmot dowo wUb
looredlble r^dity, aud Uk- fire only
Tovard ermlar br wrod.-d bb way to I S
brr b'Hav vub lb>- •wrrcnt aolKHpatluae ’ a
of rt.uKtUaiii>e iad AffMtkia. tTnh v. •
yO «tri> abr wwotn]
*lv» lutHicr aod I
Bk'B faaay faree.
, dratt-t tUas
»u( at br omiwd the '
1 »»J» a tlyfat Drt bt. r,ei ahicb .predfly | “Wbot Sappaaod to Joaoa'’ la
I OwM dewb tbr frrrld l•>ur• of bi' fatK? playing to erowdad boaaea ttlghUy a<
< paiBtiluc.
ll «a* Ml. haiteo aMiaduy toa Orwad Opera Home la Mew Yorb
tu dletooasl from ber b*tr*r The
CUy. lltaataoraaatagat toa 8««»d
; ex.-rnar bad lrf^•uKfat a ■•liaht ditah to brr
; rlM-ek. aad .br wa> fairly maxllay. Me Tbaaira la Loadoa.
'Prnvirrd Harry la lloii
iMtnv «o
•be are preprie
bbii ■ triy iliAiaal (aim aud ihro turard ton of all toe Ueo.
1 witli adJi>l eiu|>rvtwiiM-Bi to bri cuCD|wnaptayaaadwhoanatao ewak«
Harry ebtayni ii» iuliulUxta at
. eon-, aalkrd by tor bouar iu Ibr B»eM anof toe «
Maatviy and iadtoeiTet otaaiiri and proCMdnl tu
u|M>« that
Krill., trboai Boaeiii- rryardrd ao aopcf'
■tape at eume tipeu apaoe a Uta It oasDOC pomtbly eimtol fattbrr It ta iM anaaoal to Tok^ or Maa« of ibe toryer
towaa to hear of a Uwohum] coevta
Tbacabaaa baao 11
toaattolreaa'lba dtoaaaa Klybt Uioaioad
r of Pairftald. a
ary. Pa
da totur from |a ooafadorau
aaytor that ba faa In iba bau
HryooW. and .iitios there
thmacti the eiirhanird rrenlm be
r .^.lUd
pinare .mly tor
s»xi .loipa
eallrd oin
V- ei»i
Komllr Ante. Utiablna aod .-oBfuwd.
n"! '■•■n far aa-ay aiiidber
arodber iiereoti
ixMx.n draw
■ uuer of drilt-loi
in winter tliUik uolliiiiK of w allciug Ure
or ill niiJra to yo auU Icik at a big
,br pdoi of n-oli-oi.
dZr.T.i u'i
wa*yalifield Ueaakedlbepptusaitorif
poMibla ib lad toe oame of tb« owner
ofnbe liUic itoeh of gooda.
lg l„ibH wo.it lio.uu. idU ur anpUiuis Ux-y can lay iioIJ ul uixl tor
hi. fa.-r. wbil- tlxtl'x-(i iu
-If I Pi. K-xalie.'
that 1 .ball ii»l n-lti
toknrtl b.i iiud n
Dot ■ v-inl fix IIX-. ll
*'t dn »•» iblltL
Ibii 1 « Uh to hay.llrn^i cared at lx
rtiabiil frxtu tbrreoi
Tbe poal-
maaUr loeatod tbe place' and aeai
Then a* tbo-liru drawl it-utrvr. and tJia
aoldtar tbe aamt of toe ta] ired peraoo.
Tb.«>ldtartoeo.-t tile
| ^
tor tl». •bleb ha
woatd •ake aaeDda
| „ >too,1mi ebailer.. uud tin aln^jia pa-
Blgbiladiaaof IbepalaoeaiOooalao-
per waita. are tinickly uk<-o dnwo and
Ainoptohare bees bantahed for poliu-
broqgbt into a Baft- plau . ita.-luau are
h bit bnixl on tbe
ai.d .li.l.l. n.iifr •«
itir lad> .11 III.- amtoiii..Ut.ktl.|ri-xi|.
lir oiM. ■•rnurori.er
Ill niad.-a alep
ifiioxto •■Hare y„u
•f aiiyiliine f.irtlier
■ Uioox-Ut xad Ibrn
-What Bappeaed to
out of UiMt pinna, anil wiib tbe
I .
fewaruclreoffortiUoro ureiinicklyte^
JliMae Oity. toe oe* •Inicg town oa,
Little TaFem -Little TaFen-
paper -a tear poga abaat which meat-, boom and tbe roof
That i» alL
Ilia m>im. and when hr l-ba«eO i.h.perty Lrith Mi>b a .ii.niiiumraaaboat It by le Inehaa, bat which aeldoa that lifu ta Scat lu tot-ai-flrea, ex- aod a.krd k.-r paidoi. and .nl.iui.kUrlyi Au»>T Ai f..l lb. dxbc-l
br ebouid hive It. hm lo ■>. inture.! and I br
aedded iu ibat/ihauner «a» wore than i f,di n Ui.i ............. in ibut hi. own «a» lu
Thou•*>'' •""'A ‘w
lu vaii. did -lie IM.-u, j , ,„u,.4 „,or..
i-eiii.„. tomi h.-r., Bctfr will profit ^ experirnt
ihne lx.gra. i
A. Harry aalk.d ib.i an.-ro-.u ab-ox tandi today are rietlma of
paa-rd by. and. ai.-k at heart. RoMllr I tb-broad roadhadm* frt.ui bi. hdn«- hr rbennailatB aod nerroua dtaeuBM. half
of Ihcae beeomlDg Ounflrmnd Iiovalldt.
»'«it up to her u*n phiB aod rrird her- j «a. atiraitnl l.j almo.i iiiani
■ ' ‘
own negleei
hen by
gio.u., and. l—k
R yarrlr iut
phyatalani wbo are not
n<«allr «»• warm hearted and quirk di.imov be—* ■
trmiieml. but «■> enkllr ai-i.-aM-d.
le Of diagnoaiBg their eaae. aay
bi. patb. w:..le a ix«.l
•lo.ta-.l fu- capable
aai aNo |wo.iiiin>lely foud of admiral
lire of treating ibcm. D ’.OlUDan.
rbni.ly 4->ni> Itie r-uHl
,\> lx- ilivu Ui ar- noihlre
icnyof New York, now preeideoi
murb ta-ni <m ha
er br tli.'riMicb]} n.-xetnri-d tin- dark,
brOitman Medical loatitute Cote
■I for her. Three tu-1.fiii ti.Iiiiu
..| pn-i.-nl Ibr Ml j
patty, baa cured tbouaanda. nine eatra
lace ta-BU* fr-iu I.-Ibct BI her ,Ii.|k»«L , l„-r,'r,u. tbe .1..
out (if ten baring been pronoun-ed
:. bi—y,-.
> U a kind of .oldt-rt '
Otert.domsab mormooa bare eat , Tbo Lnmtou Tii
11x1 Ilirhrrtn .111- Jmil ta-ex ix-krlv lutDirlocntablr by aupDOoed eminent phyr
tied IB Cnlbaaboa. Mextai.
ciana before mmiog to bim
Many of
Jolly bBctador nuclei wlx. mak.a ooca- mi,xi
eivr »p the cruen.1 b..m»*r by
ifferera. utterly dloBOurKid BI Ilarry'a
The Uuitm Stataaelaatoshlp ly gaoii
Aooal rifilk
I'.ncM x .•ii (ake tht-ir filing ■■i.itiooi'
to bim belleriog tbat
■ixTial ...iillb-t.
wlU make a aearcb f<w Uw mta.iBg Dfwrpupi'rB into Ibuii nmlidi-ure atid
l<»l taiV-ly tbere bid le-im i diBerem-e
. aomeiblng i
IforrIU Ular.1. wbile aba U aegaged to bl»e a bllr «f»y of wnliuc lo tlx-Ol OU 1“ b.-i f-»-lmrKh<- Ixi.t ix-kn-nb-lted .
sr b.ren known to do.
If be
le ca»i- iurareble. be la frank
all wm. Of Itibj.«l.
If an KuKliahuiau “•»*
i^i* ■ .baux .u lUry} R.-,n-1 «u
ahe aerrey for a oabla rdo'u lo tbe Paand honeei in terilng tbe patient to
row. down the TlWime aixi Mon. fur
►'■•■b «• -b.- bad uever I g,.«ifte.
K., C*il on him and have health, itrengtb
Tecniwee baa baeome toe leadiog
.,11 and happineok rretor.-d. aa be will rlilt
hewTiu-k to l...i,rw.,ui,kn^. ,u.t » a lit........ .1,,.
.X ' Traeene CUy Tnaradav, March rw.
pbcapbaia producer of America. There
tie toy rtlll. IL, to couijduiu to hU b. vbIxIv uie.1 Ix re,.A-. II,r, hi.l ■'*
I the prln
tb ria
•re m raloaole mtaes to toe eiate.aad maintua u( thv ruDgb imtlix Ot of bta hicb H.-il or «-..uiuuIr eix. r. n<v- nhub
lolel from
-b! .
•U 11.JI .k. I atxl or.are employed to the ptayinau>s wid later 'nu tlu- (ir.t letter '
i.r.j.-d f..t lb.- aun.-rer'.
bhaalaeaa. New mtorn
batog opeeed ta followed 1^- utbvr.. in wbiHi ilix oomn freeamd atricUy
Harry bum .'ti-r biiu. pxta-tiii
paratiTH Aiurtu and nwi of helit loncb- Ct.liiC they n<-rv« rt<-<|<i.-i.l!y l.w.-'hi-D- tta- ai.Hi-ii
Bixl f»«( verciuc
nu • Mdaonti-ii. *«r«. "ti--.
aliM'fbm fate wlurii n|r|x.ai.
de- *i:-k.-.l .1.1.1
CoBsamptlun Cure — Waroer'D
.Q< lH.h» ,
At 1.1.1 an
VfhltB Wins of Tar Syrop, the
el. in«-ut of dix-or.! into ib.-ir lia,.|iiu.->nratad wiU maeu aeramaoy by Prn - drunk—oud wlx-re have ihrv ma dtme
•’« J he>4 cough rcineilv on earth, cures a cold
Mr ■'Ijir.-o.-e liallox .ax..- up trum tbe
maUa at Ml eeaia a eopyi
eomotiuiea whin rlnldrinj iw old
I p«to>ta aw Bnable to mur*;, and onoe
-*V u ^ ^ ‘ •ww'wdt'd by rtatniw they cauuut bo
wen beaiegad In Ladyamlto era
„*eht.<l and oftoii prrub.—Tokyo LetlAff bwtenaa ef tbe aalga.
«d bearUy praaaiag tbe i
■ '
Tfca taritea rawplalaa. miwaaaa a»aU«
ta Bl« lially doanwl.
Jteeple of Acre desawl tbat Brtxtl
The nea-aimpw U a n.milier to tbe
mad BilUia aiake Acre a fraeatate and
fanllylu t-kiKlsiid and n-Kularly pomue
caaraniaa ita ladapaattobee.
lu breakfaat with Uif othi-r mi'iuber«.
Itoat Utat aod bU aabtoav
maaBisou vow a rekOlaUoa
AlOtoetonati fiabW taaacMi Wtaa.,
VA of toa meet noted Jewtah rabbta in
AM. twAk of 1
r. Ktocb Mew Dtaeovary tor
oa. ThMiu wrote: "It ta
> I ever ueed ter a
■ a bad I
^ “ ““ ‘*"**®'
'"J *«“
»«" ulliAmw.-Bruukl,
Wbat could it mean? Hurriy be lord ber. and If lu be cnuld not aU)
Aa OMIviAB nAMu.
She would wait paUemlJuHaa Halph. ii, Harper'-, (iv.w a picUmi ohe couU do.
tre xf a faabo «aii Kngitab apeokiug
apeokiug Hta„ .
x^ I *"*•
The next ereutng Mi
Didtnn reUrd. goniibat noee of KifliBg'a w rlitoga girea.
but Ruaaiie eeiil dow a wortltbat abe w*a , Mr. Kalpb
Kulpb and a fftand preAentrd wbat
Ul aud asked to ta-n<-uoed. let aa right oouudi-d tik■Implr letter of lotredocafter night
muru brr
................... .
ptvaru'rd hlmeHf
She would allow Mr Harry Beyuoldt to ttatta .tioeri.
.tmeri.et.* „ri „iJ ifa„ irtkita
*'Wbo ta JaacOoppllna?”
"Uhe a the big treukied giri tbat !!*• '
over toe gruoucy atoeedoWDtbe atrueL’'I
haavem. my rtfr. yon wiU^ovtotoiy
know bcc "
"1 won't bare to •
e^^'^^~il~Y^taatMln~lo' cantoirJlIw'^n.TLir^r
R ■Wall', d^ ber. wiU 1. aanunar -Chicago Trib-
toa‘toe wa. not .ufferingfrum the whta : they were to tudi ta wa< Ita-ir ®erraat.
4„w,i „f w. p,e>en.e' Tbere wereotb- He had pm bia ta.......- tu other huda
latUff TsTOB-UtUff Tsm. | Tb. riderty^cTul^w.. lettto. a '
to glre I
mtu TintB-Umi T»tot.
.totytelllag balplag
liffbtaa (ba
rorkAftar a delletoai lasehaoa waaawaad
(aa gataia depariad
•all 'plaaaed •itb toa attarMoa'a work
aad aatartalaawot.
Aaboaaoelkl •ID
giraa attta
borne to J 8- PhUlpt. toe Waai KlghtB
atraat, ter tba baeaflt of
(ba B*aBgal>
leal ffaaday aebeol. (ornwrow iraal^.
Sapper wUl ba nmd aad
gram vlU be glrea.
a Saa pro.
Bratybody la aof
dIaUy lavltad to attrbd.
Oat Baata
Mtaatrata, aa e*>
aalaaOea of gnat marli. ta «aa to tha
April 'bookiaga at Siatabarg^
____________ ___
LlttU TAvnn-Llttlff Ts^sn.
rwavtddalMn t» Oatatoa'a SlMlU
Spar VaTDtt____________________
Uttld Tartn—Uttli TsTsn.
. i*, k;;,":."
U MOI^Arr Aba
T A.THOMraoM M U OOaa la BAtaUtoB
X. A NffllkaDBlnm. Boon. (to U a.
lo(p.ra. TAlApbaos.Tt
Bol'rl. Rma'00 ABC OLWw
wra'a ABd rblldrwn'a dlaeaaraaaperMly. Of-
T II CAKriN. Pkyrirlw ABdauryem. OtBe*.
aJ.' La.I.-r Ulxary K>.ildlna. Brl^pbOBe-0^
lire. Nu Ml. rrwldrnr*. Mu 'I. NartOeiB pbeua
BBlIBAla by Ibr lalral And
T^K kllEli TII.'........................... norvma AAd
^ /.Jj®”"' ““ Frn and^-l I workJirre'Atl.eaOnr.H-M taW.X.UrxK
ir •I'. r.ixJ
to. Kenb-lar«. Nurtkera ptouA .
raAd *"a
* J*'oT!#
Chri.tl.a wah or wmB.0 le
•V, iiiiAlliy tur n-PBAUrni pnAliioo o( irnoi. ‘
IB your ruumy. BCiU y-Arly. Kixloae srlfad •
dreeM-d.uiAiBped rarrlotw to B h WBlIme.
EPBrrAl ix^reiAry. cAie ol Iferainf B-xord.
(Bm hstwr. a1w> Vuirg).
liAraer, 'A bArcaix . Kr
dolph rlreel.
Bile and rood
rr. rale. AAd
r AI M>l Waa-
^ ootalng to toe my dangbDetroit Free Pt«a
Half Soled
gltoL^(fm>-r®rewwrAl —
.. Relar.
«U nuib
In 80 miaatas wbfls yon
wslt—Prioss 40 sad 60o.
t S. Fqmii. 135 Froil Straw
: M°”l^
XF TOD WUXlaH.mmXnFXa. If—
-kMU—*—M«—. 1
totlgbud to be la ber and would art a. rean.. for them during
! tbeir atay. Hr refuaed aay rompenaatioo
The next Hme Mr. Dalloa came toe dM „<1 regriariy drda<i.-d aay cnmmimkwf
Ta S—a In Sronmaen 7l ------------ “>• etork warwiirtog «ad •«. a. frtaudly and pleoamit u f
!• nm U inpfSW ** mtms.
I WaM t* dx«ired. Tbe yonng man nolleed
■'Von have i I elnguittoot. air.'* be
. 3 h«
bllbrrtx ubeerred.
and vonderrd what Bigbt br (be cBUae.
~!^^fatri dtaoMto' If takan thor-' eerona tbe tootep
Poor Bo^a Mata nweuwbjle waa ter
tba rage oa band tBey had a jolly Uw,
fxi baliv-d ami jx
TJtOB -BALK-Karfo ..I «> «-re.. » Ariea etaoF.
,1 ,I
Uoff»: nearly
nexly lOO
lO* golden
yoiacn r rd. B..-1 bulldlxK-.lI.rer H»ie> A«a< •( tM
mi-. i.t.-l if bi- I
It it war fur v.iu
«“’■-*> btodlcga. Sella at .-Ut. K<ni«u.«: loax-i.’a Caa) lerWB at aa*.
hi, u bi. miml-ri
r..r 1 bar* *lffht; preaaeu mnnlog day and night wrnl. NrlarxiUr-or
ll-..alh1 i-.i.,
xr '•ei-tair..ibi- de- '*°Freat it the tale. Chrtatian men and gSTOAV CaIB.
oac-d ............. ..
iking fortunra taking orders u rb.i.b
•tnii l|..i. ..I iny «w d ba|>pitj.-xp
aotloiu. One chriailanawc.!:"7'J'r‘‘£'
ll.«alir L.xkx.1 111. at biix
..Lab* AXnn 1..
AZIU Baxiej
made clear asoo in four weeta
niiiiii >-yi-.. "I dxu't M.-V wby
jtakirg order* among ber eburrb ae"I HU. -itn- tbat bub
-qualDiaccea and frieoda. Writ* na. ti
4u Biakr y.iii iinbapp'.’'
la aiate'^od to a permanent paying poai
N..H I ruotxii oa) wbetber tliia
I, lu^.id, Hon to manage our boalneei and look
uxul api-ur).iu imni.'iilBily
I. umliuudxr^Frge correanondener. wbleb
bx' llairi nx> .-l.->i-i eumiKb t. Jb®. B-Hobio N®.
alao.l ll iu.lHiill.. All tlx- tnjiibta<>.
Iriali J f®" *"» attend to right at yonr hi
au<! UilM^iliC. ..f tta lari r.-» ni-ikk dia
^^It^WOiygD- rcj^yagwl IxjBwwwrk,
dei-Un-.| bin b.,.-. U.mali.-bad >i-.p..ixW < ^t«ed I^., a aerix* .>'f flippant. ekaap.-raliui: mile l Iml b>-k ib
'bx.l(ixiu in
aiww-ta-a wbixh drun
lUrrv o)tm»( lu 1 tbx-x two n-uni'< .1 ta
n-leol lo licue. I
<ta*pelr. Sbx intended..........................
Hall-m ni8dx a very alyliah
maad toeir famUtoa.
Aboat M
r^ItJUL^TVert, Arte trull (aiw. alluWtO
and I Little Tavens—Little ThFera.
Ai till* Harr» uuie|l> .i- i. ■
------------------------------------................. bia walk Wm.-b i.ua 'I
fxre.-di.l'.it’tta' ..ul.-r U..I.J. b<
lii.'J a w.-U kH'-wii fxrrx—Kx.;
iu bia |xilb. with b-r .Ixa-i.. p
work'of art baa just been iaaued In
rt.a -u..il.ti wiib w.-.'pii<2
sii .liil ii..i^,
New York at an outlay of oeer >10U,I.. avidd him «. -lx- l:a-l -i
diuK Liiu' to w"'-for which the pablUberm dealre a
Ol lair, but rr.-ux-d ■iv.iiilui;
;maoager In tb> c»au'ry. alio a good
ai- -i. • He lia k I.
.Lx ki.*w all lao'iritor. Uood pay to tbe right party
«il!i<l.a» it. H. I
Nearly liKi full pageengrariDga.lumpt“D..I. I hale till-." b.--.Ai.l.
htaaUi.-r. ur bia wit., if br bad udu.
Tbe aenre of taU play of a Bait
mi to
eportanimi du«a not
oR editor to
tormxui even hia eomny ham behind a
the w-rddiBE of hi> preAerver,
«oanau'a pHtiomtta.—Friee Coilitr to Ix"
■■‘•1 » cenain triumph { beat
i *“ ►'’•■•'tax that hi. wh«ta manly heart; god. judrin* rtum bi. dev.urd ux
' waa bera to play witb at wUI wrought ] the tuaM'xf bou»r. I pr-xioun.-e that ba
itha Dtotad Staten, ta lying at bta boM
B«il mtarbief.
, did not auBer irivtux-liably freto bia lorn:
Itoealie bad uA doubt that Harry wxoM , A» for hia mother. I lodtave kbe btaaoei
, folki
louB iu
lu beaeeo
bawTAd aamu
—A aa
a. we
WA do
oa B<n>
evxoing Ak u>u«l. and oU : to tbi. day tb- frii-ndly areideal (bat
Baakor Boau a Bobbor.
beae^ na^
oa we
oo ken? ^
lAttog am to aeatat tbe
one day if taken in time. •» aad 60 eta.
ih.v,-)_D diwomed .u fo.xl ' it borem
.-lly oil * vi-il t.. bi> XTX-Ir.
Hr «ii
I. and pntrd
Oarmaoy-i oeal tamlaa taaowaoerr.- ««uiibta and fall in Kotl. urow. ibcre band........... v.-allby.
i.-tlem uu Uie aulijta-l whirh go iolo f-r Ibifill .-l-iratH-r of Id- nlliif. Thr
iaae that many faetortaa ofi eomprltod
lb.- matter of remlbnilduig, modop . xlri. ». i. .-u. iiMite.) witb bin.. «i..l ll-e
to nu oa aaffrt time.
till quota, mUt ab«- r-caiib-d bmi altli ix-..iiii(ig
blx- Mill t.i bi-r^lf with
.lobe of acfl
vin.xxia r.«.|.iti.u> .1,.- nm«t ta- . nreful
webal taadar. haa heea klUad by Brit. dent. lUai bapp
l .hulf a rtnluryaga a-«
llan. uxabl I- W..0I1.1-H <t abf
a.-rl<KU wi.
tab torem aadrr CtapulB Uarrlugvw.
••ul.v tb. i<i
r.,riv.d alK-uti-iu. ir<r|]i .orb a liou
^ Aaily ri.-wBijap.-nk git.
Hi^.pj fi.r tarlux! ibi- tiruJ.-u; .|Up»Haatoaaa are aaM tojuta SW Yaqata
iBiprreri'Ju tbat tbey fe<-l tli>-Di«.-lrni li
»|xri! ..............,
>aatr»pa«ar.Torto.ande.paet(okiU ^Xeiiant re-pt-trible fur ita-«»t.-«- _ . Hb.- wa» eulin-t.v an-ui«r eaplurr tbem.
liutaryaBditiiq; <>f ita’ u<xMU0ta .if tba »->ux,l to queenius ii itt li.- l.ill.- world.
. .
-ta.1 Mr. Dal
.-Kroaad Oatoutto toe buhoaic plage* day of judgmei.L Lbi tbe uttaV hand, an.l tar reoliy wa. pi.jne.]
ai! -x-iu Mnn-k by ber
• fan. toerraalof. la Btogal 4TtB tbe ta-ih-r claa. td Jpiglub n.-wapapm
If waa i(ui|r a tTirialiiin Jiity
iixlulgv luinub mp|»iitioUB.
jfeatba oecurrad tout waak.
» Mr Dalloe a ta—.i, ii. g-od u>tr.
a r.-w Ulll.- (eiuillilx- llir.-a aurb If
Sereral aew la iaeb gaaa soualad oa
I jirolubta
► and the '
ii> Mri wi-11 know, lx.x lx pra.iiie
—. jiof (ta-petkutial aflaini
aa attra.-ted b. b-r *id.-. aud oixe
0 the foruficaiiboaguaiidtog Sou Kraa- of nntunooa u»taalii»
Aud one may
ta- a.^i,ed cxr.,nluis>> W.'IJ piraaed
eiaeo karbo'. CxpurU aay tbe harbor bo |>nsittod to oay diffidently tbat pi*aal Harry i.ml.l .ixiiiie it no Inocer
ta DOW proef agatoai luytblng that ‘’“1»
« P^ f-nthta H Mt- Oalf.mr.
I tta- iiji.-rti.-a wl.-x,- ,1..— «<• bare
may tor toateam toto IL
for .-xampl.. w.». bi go aleuad tor a
I- '.'put III. fonunr
. -g
I. . ,
, buliday. ij would U-rtmaid.-i.-d volgar
X I—' il all. " Cob
Oblpppwa ludisM of Sangeep. luchnuirta bia daioga aud diuinga and
Oak.'toaapecta mMtlagof Ibelr band ataaduu-ly bmul and bu«i.h to writ* x,;;,;,
e abx'ikl a
bald OB toa Ifitb of Marob. puaaad by a' purtieolara of (be dnw* and bebartor to ^.-r omduet ulirii ta- bia orver ..penly
*erk- wer* «rer to. niUilye aulliorlliro
J. W. fflater haa |a»t raeelnd u
rrxn. debated tbai
.w< II aroold br a
•»rL .a.
B Ifla bleyelealB ooa ablpmaot.
Harry e..xld B.d in bl. Jhait deny ibr
8. ^*“Kwit**et!mmS*m
rraMiiiaUeiim of torn im-tbUon.
Ba Foeled tha aargeaaa.
kafeearwAaeiar. ttlPreetat.
bad (br erv-f ul U-lirriiix Unit Iii. T»b<-«.
All doetota told Beolek Hamllioa pf
b-|. . and affn-llon. »rn uotUiuy.io ll.»
WeaWefleraoBk, O . after tuffeiing l»
Y« bad br anyibrnr tail b» onu
Meek. »l« frooi .tmt.
mooitu from Beeial Ptaiula, be •onld nVre. ne.
bar.hnc. i.. tilunir.lur ilir i baiiurV Ur
d>eiioleaaaoo(t<y operatloo wa* pet-.‘^‘•pka-r
.W«. t»iM-<nl.1r. bol fci. o«-- art bad
cauMxl Ibe u-iacry.
Mr. IttltoB bad a muib.-r - liviac. a • jrld. Sueeki pile eo-e o’l earth 2Sea
<>m-jnee... Bell IS;
atalrly Judy ..f w.tne f-ny <.111 r.ai>. wril
..B.llU'1 N'wta.
Jet. II. Joboion and S, »•’
pr..rr..d ai,.l a Ica.lr. of .i.nn
jdrqg atom.
ru v wa- bn ..oly l. y aixl ibrul j.
yr.-al'nii.ii. ...........................
« *W.«.'»lo«:,iwr»lpf«rti<*alae
rl«p nbirb o.-knl t- bnu »i o.i.iy aod
Ln a v.-r> ixar reality,
Mr bad --lr. i.-d a
.d bi- niiiL f.it a
I l.-r Oerra tl<«a« Biorl
P. tatoea Wanted
«ifo. xbiii. lo, Ibi"- •.inr a rninoi that
We are no- ready to OBrehaae pole
d.rBou*. .uunry ABd O
*ii-u.-k lirrt« tlx- h.-un: f.xild it U- that
wa. •ul.x.t in luukr .. f..d of Ux-k and •111 pay fiuD i: to 14 oenU
bui.M-lr? Kb. wr..t. a hii.r to lor .m for
for field run. Apply
iu abi- tl -br r\|xi->->i i.-rfin-t eoijbttaure
Stareb Oompany.
a»P e:
io hi. diMriefioii and brr >|.xiiiiiDce ibat
br a-.ald do uxibiur f—di.b ur Impni
MU .
Mr. llan-nieV Ihw« a. b<- n-ad Ibr matrrnal egii.iou wa» «-|oud.-l wlili tbouEbl
X L.W- .fxia
'Little Tavera -Uttle Tarfini.
after bi. .bioiniirr I
nnixilie irtaliied brr iixliffemit |.r.|||nii. '
ladiea napomdad aad btaHee aa»taig aU
. «ia of OaUrabary. aod Uol <»
'** btato. Htl.e«r. liappi!iiatob.-iKar. the
etriutiirrit iiicrtiaM-> iii |>ro{>.'ni ion to lUe
-Uaai of L«i be tra»
ooe Of a parly'whi t>ro|«.iitoii»oiue
ha«a a good Mme at lha home to Mrs.
atnau yterdar aftwaooa.
a< w a Sbea BodiaV
with whleh (hay prodaae their popalar
break taab
bonapberaow ill perbar* alow mtontea
it will ln> redactal to n maM to mbw.
Tho Japaoew are woodrrf oI at Icus*
lay out at all bona of toe mybt, eeta
foryolug to l<«k at n toe. and louo. women awl cblldn-ji In toecrJ.Uat nighta
wentaritod to aaw aarpat ragi wad
playa. an tanad ter toa «
Ur Italloo Ml iwbilr fiiond bH affaira will ba aaaa ban oa Friday aeanlag,
la a -faeobai prrpb-xloc uaw. Mirta- hpril k.»It wma to Stalabarg'a Oraad
tm aftataeoB <r darlay (b>- uiybl
Ooe had brra Moe* hia riprrotb y«er tor
KocMto mcmtorato to fliwtoao the
cIrcurBi lb whirb W drlkfhtrd to rilat.
AtJIa^r York tn waU d
Malniagay. vltb Ito rarva and nwpnuaiJapaaiaa aqB hlyfa latfleri .reixaaKiaS
MlUtra. vaa to btoi ibr m(al diaUat of
abort totacrato aliorer tbeiAwaaaod to
pn-vrrta and bdm offer vitro lodocv whUapaatothaa eagaffad (haaaaktar
aUtthe toiler rUlayte. ou toe top to
wbkb Uddenawatohmansiu aU alfbt
la aoaiaiaaUca. om to bta ooapaaloma
Nua. btnterw. be bryoA to feel blmaeU
aod to etoo to ftra no|a a larye beU
waatM toa aate aad got awaywito
______- I_____ It wa. joolaorh a parlor a»»e barrall eery --rtoaoly Imeieatod ta a prr»m wbo
- - fram
, toe
^ top If «««»»
M*« M a btiDtIrrd time—whltr ninalo. at b,y
ciaUu to fatbioc. family « ffl,iae. Tha otoar wea than gatably
iBMrrata. tba ftta it dimnt. and one ,be wloduw. a pair of irti-a irte, fartay fottuoe. a UiUe villayr yiri who «oro
withdrew aad the roMery waa act
Mod not werry cmeattit aboot tomtoff earb other orthodoil» fr.eo oppoalBr .-ot
dr,-*,, of her umu ntilw and made aU
oat to »»t‘a firaataiiya. U ranf a lIHta oera.-an open pUito and » tal.U- wber.aio tb. |.k> aod cair. tbat ■■•rx-ar.-d on her dtaeovarsd ter tally ffra aiBBtaa after
tbe toe 1a B<« Ut, bat thera uy a few prrtt> rulumea. ibr yllT .Uea taU*
Whether abr really rated for bim ward. Tbanataaraat waa a tatotaaMadbaDoapprebrmaioii. Bal if toe beU oppen^
fV- yvUBB iwu or ibr rll- or nparded him aa a friend or .implr ai able eaa. and at toa tim of tha robta TtooroBalT and oatakly luUed «huw
dr.irahle i«- au admirer «as ta>pu.>lUe to uy.
i-ytoarr ware aboat forty fareteat
toabasto ytoyma oMaa etotoaly roportod
W aeaebad
Tbe ladtaa to the Oompaatam 1. O. 9.
StSuw cnae g»d wmThe^^ Uttta
i bx iSStati #V^ bareb 'avnlK M
and e detenrinattae ectaid hfan
a from the p
. |n one om. bx obtained torer
groomeota for tbem
«Bly •—
Ibe baltinn rolnr.
(Then e«k*d tbe axm-t ta tbe h-Uer of
talrT>durti<« that ttiBdx him girr op hit
boaiora. ,o «-rre a atraiwef. far arid that
frieod-blp—tbat frirndoblp waa a
b<dy ifaiag and bonnd one to beary obll“W-.O. d.
wmd. of reiri.- be mU. “amf
h h not the tom* witb y«» Aaieriemnar
Fire Insurance
la X.. A. Balidlac.
pAreeae of oalimiaia* I® AAia toa ^ytaraiaciA.
---------- ^.Esss'tesrffis
gy^—a OwinctJafaaM eity.
Ombm «r tt* Otr if Tima*
»a?au=.5!s;. - —
M-blla fonaaily aaeb a
rataa wae bulky, a blowfdpe or t
. OalL Bill
m mmi Wr1(
IliHraaa Urdl*.
gwUte*. HaUac*. Oook, taitk. LMlt.
. . Tba
M M llfbt ftt
MiUlar ft «
--tftftcrou* ftftd iB(i
bftM 10 ba aftdft of *«<
aftftUlar. ftad to a w«f*d wit* ««rrafftUd ft*M irao. t*a« Mac ba
aoatlac ftUka M t*« ftidft a
Mmd. Br Aldorafta Umm. rut
«*• aMUOft M rrfftira M t*« OoAwitta n Ttift Md W«ur, wa* powtr w
Tb •*« HonomAii Wrf Jfa|>->r Oftd (ft« Cliv
M< Ctttr of TrftMTW CM*.
lac betlowB formlBf part of It. tbe
_______ Traaaraa CUj, aad
dertee M aot tarter tbaa a foonoia
»rlcbla. datMa. aad arivilana, wat
pee aad built aonewbat oa iu ordar.
aaawd aad raad Ua tnt Uba.
Aa otdlaaaat atiUad ' Aa Ordiaaaaa Tbe ariaaOSc irlaclpte tarolred U tba
' Iho TravarM atr aad Uala- weU kaowa property of plaUaaai lo reEad^ OoBpaBj.
Ita Sbobbm
y.IitnalB iacaadwceat afur terlsf beaa
WM aad AMlcaa. the Ucbt
^Tlooaly basted to flow bcab while
.ilBca to Cooftbraet. Malatala.
a carburetted correal of air M directed
Oponto »• BaUroad la.JbK^hmrb. bptu Itt eurfare. lia Innartnarrnrr rtaaad Acraat Oartaia BMoltlalba City
lac ta propottioB with tbe etreaftb of
of lyamaaOlty,prataatad aad
tbe air carreaL To. wort It tbe foearaad tba drat Um. !
Morad. By Aldamba Salih. That tba tata pan le.ftlled with ether ead oper' s referred
^ferred lathe OiMBcll at atet like a eyrtacc. tVbea tbe polai U
a eoaiBttloe of ibe whole for laeeetica^
Uoa aad report at a later dale.
_ AtdftrM eaUlftk. BftoUofft.
'»h. Ka/oa. Oarriaa. aft Wrickt.
wa tftaafoa
bmtoa at tbe ead of tb» rod folaf
throuxb tbe nilre Mnrb of tbe reeerrotr. Aitboufb ofuiatlaf at a preaaare
of three at
exiwri.-nce of tbr war la Alferia. b«l
tb.-y did not know tbe fBufrapby of
Dortliwrctrra Ftanev. whlrb tbe Oer
man* did. aad tbu ou doabt was ooe
ftt-Bi cauar of tbrir diaaneru Tbe
SUM 00
Brltlob uow bare a aulOcleDtly etriklnc
a oarrlad.
otrr ._
Mored. By Aldenaaa
Urdla, That ohjf-ct irooti lb liouib Africa of tbe
-----------—I Lqaorb
erll reealw of tbe falae eronomy of deaaealaf
M; Utf a nuTvey. or ai any rate the pruMotiOBBarried
Motioa carried.
dintlua. of oiapa on a anOclootly larf*
Taaa—Aldarna t>arkat>. Mataca,
Moved. By Alderaaa Urdle.
ecBle to euahle a feoermJ to form ao
• Mayor
li. Isati'aetad to o'oUfy*tbe
aorurBle Idea of the phyalral feetoree
Chief of P-illee to eaforee the
wf a iviiutr;. A «ur«c; ha* l•eeu folDf
ralaUre to fatt ridlof aad drirlaf.
on fur auoH- yrur*. conducted by able
Tbtltf Mm
Jdar'i^fliuf I
Motioa etrrtad
Ualeo etraeu ba takaa ap
OoamrU .iT Me Otty •>] iWaartr t
Moved. By Aldertaaa Urdle. Thai offl<-<-ra under (lie e.tronouier royal el
u Mattar of tbe I'
Cape Tows, hut the only aiapa of tbe
MoUob earrlbd.
belaf araotad oa I
aum^aan-Wa. .Iba aadanlnad.
aeai of war la Sootb Africa to be pur
VM-Alderuea OraHlak. BaeUaca, refarrad ‘
ri^mlauy Mb baralMla of jar
chawd are oD too amall.a role to be of
Coo^SBtth. Urdla, Baeyw. aad Oar- Water a____________
baonbiB bodj to atoea oar aiora
i*e for mllllary purpomw aad are
Motioa earried.
baUdiarfroB lu peaaaat loeaUa ai
lh«' Work of private 8rm»- l*r Mac
Oa BoUoB of AidenaaB Oarria
Na IW Bat fraot Btrat,. wBta from
fulre quotra frtun lUcou, “AlK.ve all
daly earried. Ooaaeil a^eraed
IM praMBi loaUoB to tba aUar. tbai
for eiupltv and m-aiue** It Imporh-Ui
A w. Bicacui.
WMt a allaj to watt tlda of Uol
(hat a nation do pmfca* arts* aa
. CniyUrrh
Mored. By Alderaua Kearea. That
their prtaclpal honor, riiidy aad orro
ibe peUUuo be fraaUd aad a t.OOftlatlon"
will bt etrlfttl:
. . dtlyobaarrad, at
raadle power laap ba aaubUabad at malty elerk't oMm. March *t. IKK
bead will bt faralabad.
Ibe ooraer of Hlatb aad Oaloa atrsata. aieaUDf watcallad to order by Pi
BCrillloa. mayor.
Motioa eairtad.
In n<-Bth'iiiao'« Htmzlnv for DereinPreaest, Aldermea Parker,
Morrd. By Alderataa daiitb. Thai
IT oo 111,. khoi-p. ■hn'|i dof* and rbvp
Mitb. Lardla. Kaayoa. Oarrlaoe. aad fa*, ateilafi. Oook. ^mltb
UUoa ba eraai
eraaiad. prorided tba
her.1. ..f tho fell, of tVvetuiortnid.
aad Keayoo aad Mayor Ramil
>iof ibaad|'>iD
I’Blin.-r nUler hi* l«>llvf (kal In the
Thh. meetlBf yrae lecally oalled by
Kaya—Aldacwea Parkar. MoatafM<
art It ootalL
>otalaad la too
aad BaaUnra.
»e mtror for tbe porpoee of electiae ■i.'n-.- iii(.i* whirl, are k> frwqueet od
ordlaaaca fforaralac aa«
Moved. My Alderaaa UtirMoa, That a board of three electloo oommimloaerv thee.- nKniBtaln* tbe dop* know tbeir
la ba s> red aader the
ibt eaperrltloa o'
for tbe aaaaal charter tleetloa to be po.ltiob hr the eeooe of bearlnf. for
held In the city. April Sad, IBM.
tbeir |wrfe.-t erqualuUnre wtlfa ow
Moved by Alderaaa smith that Tbo*
ohj.'n., the iriUlQf detail* of ftoaod
A Me tiunombU. Me Mayor oad' City
at. B. L
Motioa carrlsa.
•urfa.-.-, whleL. for the mu-t imrt. e*
Cuu>u-U •/ Me C1»y
Veat-AIdaBaa OraUlck. Baattafa.
rapi- live eye uf man. eomhlned
aayoB. OtrrMoo. aad Wrifbt aad of eald eleetina.
Mouoa earried
I bar.- raci >Uy beta aoUStd to raaror Baallloe.
Moved by A deraaa BaaUacs thai
Naya-A dermaa Farka, Moetafba.
aat baalaaaaalcB tBAUae
the ahootlof
If fatlery
now beinf erac'
of Biy aadartaklof
Uklof roMt on Soeib Cook. Saltb. aad Urdu.
i-wiram let b« arderad rr
Oaloa atraat, tba aoa _ _
Morad, By Aldaraaa HaaUafa. Ibat ad oa the K-iairBi
A* to tbe Babbatb.
mored from
a the Bra limlu wltbla lo
Ibal tb ' ««■ pro}aeia lato tba atraat . t.OOO-eaadle powar ar« iu*>* >>e .
Bditor Morairf Record—1 dealre you
aaatrary to a eartola ordiaaooa ealatire Ilabrd at tbaJaceUoao
MudoB earried.
to aiiob -icoa. I btra arwy raaeoa to
to make tbe followtaf daclaratloaiaud
Moved by Aldemtaa Smith that tbe
Motioa earried.
ballar.-tntttbiB oospltlai orlciaated
etaUmraU In yoar paper. The ro
wlttaa l-aloataomptlhor. aad I wla!> ^ Yaa^Aldartaea Urallllick. Baatlaca- eblef of pdUca be ordered to raqalre J
N MarttbelrJCcomply with ibe per- why w.ll aooB be apaaraat lo you.
toaay fartbar. oa aMoaat Of tbe adji
wnw/uB, uerneoB. aad WrlfbC
wood arasaa.
Motioa loat
aaalbaudlnfa btlacari laM tbe air-.-ai
aai baeu to tba lot
ram trri and placed
.... wiibii
bin the 1 fa
UalW it will ba
practically biddaa froi
to tba at'aat, wat eraeted prl>
BdopUoQ of ibiB ordiaaaaa at aa aa
Of auBf tu. doea sot laierfarwith tbe paalM
M of tba
aaaoj aay n
pad - tael that It
> Bytel' aad
■y ^ aeaa bi ba oompel______ _________
■■ ire
I woald furtberreapaetfaliy
patl'ion yuer booorabla body w taa
paad tbt optratioa of tbit ordlaaaee Id
tbit iDitaaot.
I woald aay fortber
that Ui-i tifo It toouaitrucud tbti it
woald at praetletilf wortblrwt to ne
Is aay ots-r potiU ta or loimilon at it
nataot bt eat dowB aad tUll be madt
B t CaanH
Mored. By Aldarttaa Lardte. i-aai
tba paUUou ba raft-rad to tba Omia.itaa oa BiraaM aad SIdawalka.
Motioa oarrlad.
Tl> Me tfiirwmbtr. Me Mayw end CHTy
VatiHtUoJ UuCUmt/ TratKTM tlfy,
UbBTieMKk - Yoar coBBlIUa oa pab
Ue Ilfbtiar bat bad aadaroeuldtratlos
Ibe Mattar of laeraatlDC tbt aambar of
are Ilfbit wiiblu Mid eUy ao at to ae-
him la reference to
Hey»—Alderaea Parker. Moatana. mlmloD fraali
repatrlDf buildtbC i
Smith, aad Urdla.
>ntly damafal
Cuy Troaearar’e report for moatb of
Motioa eatr ad.
Pabreary. IMO. wat praaaalad. aad oa
Oe motioa af Aidrraaa Smith dal;
moUoB of Aldarmaa Urdla. daly earriad. waaYaoalred aad ordored plaoad carried, aoaaell adjoarnelA W. Rickerd.
OB Sle
• raTB«*t or auaao or ruaur woxxa
•e f-aaker.-
Trarerae City. Mieblfaa. Mareh . IBOO
We do hereby aerOfy to tbe Omaell
of eald City that tba toUowlaf le aa
lat of tbe eoet of repeire
U. Hra la the <'oiupii-a Ueiidirl mate*
oobie retunrkahle nlnu-.rtalloio aiti lb<
......... yala prewnl'vl l>> ilie inilitirea of
Nei-lerin <11tU>iiiia. the fiiiisiia whleh
pnoluree “ranker’' Iu ire*-* ctllh tb-m
of the paraMiii- fuiiiiu* whl.-li
|iaat>w catK-era Iu iiiau aud
•' ww waereracu veienai waa oeoa or
labor prrforard: alao tbe aambar of
dayi of lab »r parformad oa aaldetraria.
aad the aooaau dee the aereral peraoM
here la afur aamad aader the bead of
pay roll;
** ^
pr^. Ba.Uaca.Oort.BiUtb.ulW
iOc atrulght
Be wise
and try one.
tarabla raraitb made
— lhy«|«W5»rti«*ib*^art,aJr
>e CoaUaeaUI Aaearaaee Cbmpasy
of N'orib America teeam ail ap to fau
imllciet. InaariDf afaloat aeeideataud
eie*. aleo Uekeu ou all tbe laadinf beaGood wbeela for sale cluap
alUl* In the Oaltad Staim.
partlenlam aee
oo timt* or for cuab. at
tri SoBtb Ualaa SiraeL
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
er Kor
City, I
aelier bloc
ottee. room «. Toa-
CoisiltatiH Ml) Eiammation Free aal Smctli Coafjiutial-
Tba CetobreMd aaemaU*!, Formerly of Kew Vwk.
Not Pnsideat of UuOttiniD ledicallnsUtite Co., Inligoi, Uck.
Bo-te^l ■W'la.i'tlaxg, T«b-
Thursday, -
- -March 29, 1900.
<mc»Ho«rerroaBa.m. toBp. m.
Oae day oaly eart aoutb.
urotd BJ<| coadtcUof witb pnblie aea•Jment v-t It will aot arore to be eo Id
be cloM of tbe dlaecmlon.
Shoald eay
adlridakl BUetapt U> pror* my decla-aUdn* Uiee tl.oho reward U
per*oD that will
prove hy
’ord of Ujd that SuidBy. tb- 8 at d»y
-f tbr week, waa erea eommaaded of
le Urd lo b«
kept aa tb« Saboatb of
Ihe Ixird. or waa nUmed or aaneilfled aa
.Seither eaa It belproren by the
word of tbe Lord that Uod will accept*
Of lie oWrvBBoe la place of tbe aevretb
day Sabbath.
that the
Further it le deetaiwd
of Ood
uuth, aad if it I* ao then every tram
.loo of Uod'a law via tbe Tea Com
uaadnjcnu. laala. forain
la tbe trana-
rimuioe of the law and all alD I. of tba
devil, ao all
oapuaitloa w
ofufad lo cBforelnr asd MaebibfBDy
doclriae or aay falaa thw>cy
are to that exicai aervanU of tbedevil.
or • Bmsf Proreasioftal Ufa Waa
NowiftbeanatoUmeouara truth and
the Discovery of
very foci that tbe word of Ood maki.
Dr. A.«. Cbass’s
* ■•rva
anft Blaod Pills,
we know that tbev are troth from the
ibem Ijutb.
nmrotore ovary
and •eia&dfle Treatanat of All XNaaaaaa and Y
ef maabiad Pcaalbl* to Obtata.
1 that adrcnateB-tbe loakiaf of Iowa
mmaelaed eoforeo tba obairvaece
Saaday. tbv 8rat day of the week
rim Nrw TrautiBSut Which Has Rev
•taUoalaad tbe OU Method of
Treat u| DUrwae of tbo
tbe Sabbath
'ociBlr.artb^ aay oral,
ibe day of Yast and
pmpla keep
to that exiuatbemmv* a aervaat of Saue aad a aloaar
•ffalDti Uod.
IM»»TAJfT TO XatSXSS-DB.OTTWUl. an*r run ef urnfMam. ba* -t ii iiii
Farther every maa aad
Of Ibe private preMriptioa*
woman who obeervee Saaday a* tbe
... W. CbkK, noac bare bad
Sabbatb Id oppoaltloa to the Foartb
wide iaSDeoce oe tbe medtral peolee'Oommaodmeai of Ood la which be eay*
hU laat greet di
tb* aevenlta day I* tbe Sabbath of the
Cheer'* Nrrvr ead Blood Filla
•r many yean Dr. Cbeer’* Oiatmaal Urd oar Ood. All aacb moa aad
Or. Cnau'* Kidary-Uver Pill* bare
women, are to that rauut *lBaore'
I eUBderd remedica,
kuowji and
tgaiuatOad aad beep
B*ed la BBorly every bcmc. Dr.
Mrrvt Bad Blood PlIU beer bed _
BiicstlOB Irom phyilcUa* beraB*r they
bare to b large ntcal revolatloelaed tbr
BNtbod el trmliBg dlotmoeof tba aoi
ed tbe leaet io tb* kingdom of Beaveo. I _«»sB*. F1STtll.a AMP BaoTAl. pp.
Bad blood.
Tbr old mvtbod of lanriag dews di*> Utall people read aad uaderdtaad tb* j
«*c by tbr B*r of etroag, pelio^-------Kl.hoold go farther ead eay
drug! ha* failed to car*, nwgal
that the Saaday irUeb I* tb*
of tb. Protaataat world. .KWrtpt a*
Dr. Cb
Narve and Blood Piib coic by ma
tbatiabbatb U Ur loeUtatioe of tbe
tbe blood rub aod pure, aad erw
dbvU U oppoeltlou to Ood. yoa woald
arw servu ii«*tie.
A* a apnsg reu
Ftmi atraat, aleoou tba aoatb aide
probably declare Mcb daclaratioa falae
atroBt. be ordorad bt tb* dark tire tbi* gmi food care koe do i
Mive-Urlmalam faUy prepared to
kaewa la medical *clreer.
trie lAcbl aad PowarOo beordarad to'to
A* a reetorallv* for pale. waab. urrv- poali.vely prore to every aaar mlrtod i
gtaeatbe Uffbu la
' > will Uba riia
out man Bed womca at aay iume of
tba year. Dr. Cb**r-* Nerve aad Blood
MotkmloatPitb have Boered a triempb. so eeaU a
rrKMyoo, OavrteoB aad Wright.
I uotlaa Borvad.
ealpt of price by tbr Dr. A. W. Cham
Higt-Aldermaa Parkar. Msutagua,
Mwad. By
nn oeak Thi
That tba
MaSIclaeCe., BeS.^^K Y.^ Oa e^
ggw* —
Cash Capital $200,000
menu It of the devil* aad ail per
nljTlieCrowning Trinmph
report that from aearetel li^attifaUoB
■ade. It U tba optaloa of year aommlt- Haatiafi. Cook- Smith. Urdla. Ksayoe.
tea b^ aapu tbt patiiloa of at laatt U.r,i™ ..4WH,bk
two haadrad aaraoly tre ratidast laiBeaolrrd. By tbe Ooeoell of Urn Cl»
’ Trarerea City. Mieblfaa, That tbe
plenty of
- , of police
eeUnffs of tbe Board* of R^ttaUoa.
— we
,t la
are ibercfera
la favor of
I be held oo Satwday. Mareh lut.
addUif to tbe f
mo. aad tbe aaaaal eharier aleetloe to
.llarlaf that It will
pralarable tu be bald oo Maeday. April I, law. abaU
aatabfbta s<wa Ilfbta
be bald la each of tbe See warda of tbe
Tow eoBPiittoa therefore
ae foUowa:
■aaM that an are '
_ the rirat Ward, la ihe Baellmaatal
araatad aad Miaul.,
baildlBf.atb'o ta Beat Proat etrael;
foliowlaf plaoea within aatd dty.
la tbe Saaoad Ward, la tba C R X.
Oorwarot Bute aad Hope ttraeia
P S. ball OB Saeoad atraat.
Oacpar of Oaw tad Taatb atraau;
lathe Third tWaid. la tbe Partaeb
Ooraer of Ualou aad Biaib ttraab;
baiidinf at Mo. 4 to South Ualou atraei:
Ooraer of Sprsaa aad Weyae atraaU
la the Poartb Ward. Is tba saflaa
Ooraer of Bpadolpb bad Hay atraaU: h' aae oe Soatb Ualou atruut.
Oeraer of BUtb atraat aad Blaipood
In tbe Fifth Ward, la tba Primary
arasaa: aad that tba eane be that Sebool balldlaf oa Bmta atraat
arastad aad aalatalaed la aoatoratlty
Uetad Marsh iwtb. IMO.
trilb tbe praiMt eeauaei aed that tba,
Moved. By AlAaraiaa Oort, Ibat tbo
•^■tloe be adoptad aad pawad
Motioa aarried^
Oarrtmem aad WrtrhL
aqilnIiioc'iiIbihxi of ireiw w
tarrn of the huiiinii iKiiiiatle reaulleal
to a ' canker. " In nil r>-t>e> u iv~-iu
hlliiX ilint
■>; iie.-irln. and
coni erx-lr Ihr Il■^l-*lt1>tl hy raMilla of
CUllUtWa cif nii-triu •UIIM-.I the |>r.aliw
tion f>f,r>iDUct uleei-i. In ihe ali>iuac-h.
Inr tn Ibuw- |>l»l)leect h.« liik'ealloD
jlluriHi nf Ihe
e htitiinli
cigar obosld fa.
•rii th< BfbtyoB may deem them rather
C L. UBafac-k.
O. D Kaarim.
OemmlttM oa Pabllc UfktUf.
u By Aldarmaa HaaUafa. That
rt be aaeapted aad - ‘
City aerV.
■UUarr Orwarapbr.
la hla -OnilliMw of UUJury Ooof
Moad. B/ Aldar«a OoDk. That tba
aUUabarrMlad aM Ikt aldawatk
hat beea teated opoa preetore of ioo
fletermhied ita eoat,'
atoiuipberee aad more wltboat daaufe
to tba (obe.
laphy- Mr. Uacfulre oiya (bat befoia
ISTU tbe l-'reocb oiBcrr* kbra- tbe tac
tic* of the parade fTtwad aad bad eome
Posad in
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smgker
dln^ted upoD tbe pUtlnnia blade. '
rMore of tbe >rt eaa be caufed
tbe ofierator tbroucb preatorr npoa .
BaUtire io the Llorotlaf of Doct. aad
BarBlatlBf tba Baaalaf at Urfa of.
aad tba Slaylaf of 0.>ft. aad Frorldlaf
for tba ParBaat of Dtaaraa fv Sharp
and Uaha Klllad or Woaadad hr
iMpalUa wirraatad and tL> Uc*t Don,- wae pivaa^ud ai d aad tba flia
brated. tbe bead of tbereaerrolr U aMo
bMied for a aooeai—tbe eiber expaodt aad tbroofta e eauU cpealnf u
Morad, By Aldaraaa Uarrlaoa. That
tbe ordiaaaaa ba Ukao ap aad acted
i—I. L_
______________ .^ .—-AldacMB OMUBk, Batlaci
Bpoo at tba aaal rafolar uMtlaf.
acatfftU; aUUa yar boBorobl* oodr Oat Ka>a. Oaniaa. aad Wrlfbt.
Motioa oarrlad.
a or«a ibft eatlrattoB of a aowai
Bar*—Aldaraa i>arkar. HatacBB,
Morad. By Aldannaa ffarrMoa, That
dBitb. aad UrdMtba Clerk aad Tieaaarer be aa'koristd
•irat aad a tb« I
That totiaoafer from tbe Coatiafoot food
•I IM.OC to tb^ credit of tba rarioae
faadt at foUowt:
P«jT^ HftBBftb'. ird ^dJUa.
1 Farter aad Maaia- tlfbtfBBd............................................... s MS 00
_,.d walk to bB 6 faar wida
a aa IH
Poor feed..............,.........................
imi oo
faat loBc. aad lA ba ballt In
Polloa fiiad............ ...............................
ISO no
178 00
airaettoB of a
Fire Orpartmaat faad.................
600 00
Morad. By Alderaaa OraUlek, I
Aa ftfAtaaM aUUad "Aa Ordlaaaa
Ocaaltat ff—IwIm Io tbt trawM
ftad LaiBift. u4
Aai'BBcrBKter all arsaale waaaaUM
n ri'pkraleal 4*WtH^ *
9.CCBS amima 4e-
T* Oww m Ort« Mi Om Bmf.
rake VmW* While Wlue of Tto Si-mp
I .$M ^ Irtr •
Tk»< c*.
mmi 9
> «UA kn> ^ >«r:
thtti tto. •prto* •*' » ‘I****
tto r«BFT»ikxi ««3 UnproTrttt€«t eC
In—twMBCHW". •»> i-^P> ^
tom wfctfp rt*«" M* ^
lb* bom*
•tnbto tt t
It »» br »o *»a*
MmI kHebts U»t -tb* •»«»»»■ bpw»
bM at bar M«n>bwl
I. rwarr^ (or ilrf
vbo bar* aolBrtwit
w^viik *»«« •< >k< «>•«»» «M»;
, ,11
.itM* kll ■««• - -rtti.
• •ril<*f>H kMMh
»rw «o toelM
*hMr klirbM* vitb reformer to arrrj
r. a* wall aa to ar*TT kbova
aabiurr >aa
Moat boiiortM*$»rr*. J.ow*w. «
tbetr hitrbrb* aa titrr find UH>m.
oftM poortf UkbUNi B(u1 vrottibtrtf abd
vkb lb* iBO*i n»aa*rr arr^nmiodatlOB
tm fba vorkliw airaall* to b* awratf
•bp»* tha aaa. At ti»*a b* a|iaatji
Mmm SO M la tha ab.
arndbia a (at of «
-l^h* ,
aad aaoa b tb* «
22 *j22Li‘^,i. J52^.o
«y «(Wy
ba «bUa*
brtik* two ?L^JOO
foa. JOO, ^ ^
^ ^
^ tb.
‘'BaaoUaadaaa a(
Cbarl** OliAma " U Tb* Y<ial« Maa.
bta bdaa Aaasbnr tail* bow, aftar tb*
tallvv aacMcai wbbb bafall tb* BOfwi
M fat tSW. ba oftM aoffiTad froo a
lb* b-i. Portuf.*.. tuiaao®* •«
aadw •bbb
Tlmrod'. *r*. .aw h »tow tbb eaaMUalb atlUtartaa objm praaa tb* daariac «*rU tatp..! witb laaddfr aaata lta*l(. Wa bad bexoa ibn^Bf aa (aaUat *F
toaad Mwaalf la an.r fclad <d
______________ ________ It* wban of coaatdarabb aba.
■•Oot Bimni1[wt.”abaaayB. “tipeeinl
ly reonlL Wklk w* w**a <m ont way I
r ibej war b
frem LiadM In <wr liut* ooutry ata >
akirta. *tc..
Cbal *biT*t*d akaia tb* otra'a b
mn Uiflknw. wb*** tbe ouriatewa* to
aa *t*irtrir mm«l:
•Tab* la tW
* or tb* ataner aaz tabbcw>
__ __________ _____ railway_______ ^
an- *af*lr .baJlamd ibwola. ladaeE
than- ati(M«ra ao «ad to lb* popatarlty
and mllltr «f bur* in aD **»•• ^
a* a decoraU** fcamr*
are thoae whlcb r*<«U tb* bluorte codten and caakau.
war **r of lb* ptrlmartt el*ar Uhoueb. aad if Tiaral r*a»*tobacodI bb'abakitil band wbra IIbr^wb^ Ttoa of our blBaioantb caBiuir K«daa
and meiboda. noefa la atOI to be tearwd
ibaa I'urtu*-^^
___df-l atrbird b* knew 0«w
(onnh male would *md hi. barpooo froBi lb* aiu-lr of tb*
O^r, .laiaKrl lb* dr-b of a *b*W
Ua root. All of wartu* N*« B«iford » bate* with a. brarr a bear! aa b**l under- bytoti* ate*, and tbla remark U «apaVankee rib..
elally true'for tb* d*««mlr* worker,
rMf. ar>
■*(]lrp it In blaiT Tb* nid man *pok* wbo *«*k* toapiratloD for ib* «rab*|.
aJh.*rd ihal Jeha
Serr* wbUper. Tb* bearta of tb*
«aa tUr *ir*V«ko. «bkh prut*, lb* r»J*. mm leapad. and ib*y pripprd'oara in ar-1\ llibomt of lb* ercr Madful anicte alTbrrrforr i»« oor <*a. *on'ri«*^ •baa ml*d Btrokr wItb fiorm of *tr*l that at- nady m*otloo*d.
From tb* moat rewoi* age* ib*
«M Hauk Titand. o»a*trr of »b* Jara, noai d«it*d lb* aali. John'* ^iron" w*at |
■Irord bim a* f.-urlli mal*. A. Ibl.
, c-aplaio’. boot *l«or*r whaa
man" l•••*r. *■») bead* tb*
heal abeu b* dor.
•oetKTMetnn of mckems
bariird puls
labta-d d« p iDIo
wblte bit Com pew ^ pale, and tT**H
«vi|»o( (I uii^ rattan Blood npop blaforabnad. nnd tbontb b* biad to wAatar tbl.
drairi It wm to atranfl tbat ba bad to
trava tb* pnia al Iba sext atatton. Tbe
aafldwtbBdMtita impraarian nprat tb*
meraaty. and It ww daattMd »*T<« to b*
Mia* DicAana. when aa InrallA wa*
traqmtly cntriad Into b« fatbor’a
Mwly BBd lay flni«t>7 on tbe aoCa wntebU« tb* BonlM at anatfc. On tbcan oc-
John F. On & Co.
Siccsssors to
liaterse Chy Umbei Co.
TroiersB 'itj, - - kieliisii
••enddiBlT my fatbm wooJd Jnmp
tram bU chair and rwb to n mirror
which hong mv, and in which I conld
BM tb« refteettun ot aonte t-xtrwwdiuBiywhiob be wa* making.
d raifldly to hU dtwk. -wro
fnri'Mudy tor a few minnlw, and ilu« ,
want ai^ to tba mirror. The facial ]
paotomlmo waa irauwed. aud thru, tnn- <
lag toward bnt mrldenUTnoi aeeing mo. j
be betas tnlUng rapidly in a low tooa.
OeaMOff ttila aoum b«**m. bo
lucca to bia drab, where he:
ad BUenay writing nnttl Inpcbeim
ll waa not till long afuwwart that
yia. Dicketw diaoOTcted that. wUb bla
tb* aid* ut Ba- tb* Iiallan ‘rapoaT' and on lb* old
Oorman and l-'l*iulBb marrlaf* cboaia
wUbuOl M)iM Ihal b* «ii«al Iw IW>d
LOi* report-oC
t-oC tUB afler loorb
appunr *rrry raii*ty of aaaalr* and
tlaiber ihruurb aud ibrvorb.
*r b* r*.pood«l.
It wa> noi rumiu.ai «a au Awertnn into artlrliy at llftallr at a WUd.-at mrrU
Tt.r.r.i ”V-« I * unlqu* oM 0*rmaa linra cb*« fw
wbal* abip for * I'.Klunirw l« hrrlb *11.
la-fnn- tb* Jar* bad rn^w-d lb* ***lof
.H-rBO m. b*p »a> ii. il.r *Hilb*n
In Ibr
tbr .re*
' ‘ *“ ralirtet wtib mairrlaU of
— atralo
•* punk
• balloa arouiMi. Joliu ••• a<->ri>ird by tbeir
mor* aolld and durabi* naiur* In It
k A mael.tr.iin uf blliiditta tua
IV-ffin. lloKb-r and lUeel..-. ilw ouit*.. •nrotupaaaed lb* lauii . \Vblrll«>oit ut a
nniDplM n window.
tb* woodwork plainly abow* bet.
aa an all around a»id f'-M". aiul a. ra|a- try water *iuirle.l riciuBa tu.bi-a u.n >.« orrianH-nied bnnda of ImflM-r. wbll* ih*
Ijt* a w-anan a. rief
liilur. Ula aldP. and a deafruiOf raah a. Ihoucb of trbol* Burfae* at tbfw* hand* U
iokn..«B niiBOtliy. KUtara w*. in ^•■.rtnto.•e J..hi.’a •«*.
wiib tain vbUr Ibr hnal r*elpd and dnnerd lieoeBth and witb aoiatl plree* of red Trivet
* I■e•l of wbal for non* bail «
I fur rmni.tl and bit feel. Bui tb* laieni lie** at tb* bot nnd pal* tteen. y*Uow nod btwwn Un«kM bar* aud by dectv** n-U*«-i <'•«•
fMlid of IIh- frare. uii.l> OHiu»liatir* tom of bla benrt «aa aroiiiN-d. and br did
ntffbcM for llibiewmi work.
___ «b,i aa-ver .^iirlrd. hul alnay. wrt■at tire l«i-k an ineb Wipina Ib*
into t
teDowIbf bint, are a.tdreawsJ by lb* euai*<i. ibeir i.iucli f-ll<>n >l-ii>apiin* from bl. far* with hi. ietl hand,
nrnatiin, *'kBd that fw tbo ttme beiuR
(hu- dal in lb* -iOlli .til.iilb a •I••1M■■ with tbe rifbt be aouabi and grB.|>-d tU*
be bad not .ml* Ion aight of bia irarTb* blirbrn laid* b*r* almwn ha* boll wImU* na. raiM-il friiui ihi- itinInuiBBi -MCood Inn.."
......... luaBdlnga. bat had actnany beoome in
Ib* .lem bad for a mowrat
two Utpa- Ibe OHwr ode Uloae-1 Thl.. bea.l li war l.iearlilB*
windward, and ll t-.k ibe bluff l«.wed
•ottim. m in ImagianttoD. tba pataaaalcbwrvr view tbaa hl> boat .t.-eier, and
wb*B ralaad. rer*ai* a kneadliii l«art
ow be rri..!. "Kee, L.-'a n^ngUytfblapaa.tbat I* tbua alwaya kppi wriipiil«u«ly Jara ihrewbo.in I" •-•al up lo nb.-re Ibe
■tTongrat and e)dn-i fl
Iniirl) luiipari-b .-ouW Iw «-eu fr.ini Ib.Ho It na. The Imll hai^Fm-d in Ib*
etfan Tb* rtr*w*P»
bold di.k
ipwn'nin tbe world r
|tia.-1..n. Ill- lUlfd luai*. •*» ta water al lb* pii'A ..f Ib- .Irel. and wilb ILeCANAtfl OF THE FUTURE.
Sracart*. awl klicb. i.: dl.b- •" «bai Ibe >Uiir> at tbe tualu royal yard nllb bl* iw.. aimke. nf bi- 6... awl a la*l. of bl*
aented to my wgeecy.
aroryibin* needed m
tiaaae-. lie ~-*iiiH<d Ibr «bil<- lour and fluke* >whl.b bad
ib.- rori.-t) h*
U Ba imrgs CwMgb rarOwBowat band wliliuui inkli* im-db-w at*iH>. r|.»el> nbllr H Uy .|«i.llBa willwut
milllnt ilnrtiii.gi l.u bulk a* tbmgb
ai wmi MT«ar awn waa won*.
On* raunoi realli* i»»H
aiirli a ■ 111.111,-111 of eneuiW. flUildniily Hr emt on a plvoi. wllb Ibr rlle.-l of l.rinctng bit
Tba biategy of tb* atrofig)* bwtwm
abTn*i a* tbl* hou uju<-b of il«r lala>r III. ...le.- ll. llK-.k-i-k.
tail Biidemealb ib- whali-l«ai. Tluirod ea. aymmeirlraily arranged in pniterM connla vt amwll dim*naioaB aud of nil-I i„ i-i «.-n a •|enn hull like Ibla waa t.» old a blubber buut.-r i.-.t l.> I
nad cvoaillutlug
»t eooklu* eume. fr.Mii Hw n..--«-l>r of
acme tn all oonntrimt
gtrinc dm ill oii.- .lir*f-iiiMi and iii.-u In 'i-T.-. I'apn Tlnir..!- He', uueei. all no wbal Ikal lo.-B.ll .Ml upnar.1 .Ini* of Tbe raw edgv* ot tb* teztU* (nbrle*
Tbo flgbt raged bitterly fur a uniobeg uf
d*aBoU>*r for maii-rialvtpr ui.-u* U. Tb*.
Tl..- -.dd n.an,- pa.-luf bi. .|U*rter Hkr
a.-o.t lUr l*»*t and en-w flb fec-l in aign la duly emphaalaed l.v thin atrip* yown. tb* cwnala acting oo tbe defenpBDiry la pfieu lu.-.«ii*nU-uil> lomutl
aira. wKbottgb ibey bad aa alHea tba
a |auu.-«l anitual. paiiwd in bb awlfi to Ibr air *• thoiiwh tl.n-wn alofl by an
ar too awall !■> work|^p<>iDfiinaMy In. •li-irti- an.l U.ked liHpiirilialy *H>fl.
of meul. kepi In ptae* by atud onHa.
City, ia
»w*wbw ma. iwn.
iplodiua n.lm- lie gave a e..-*I b.-ave
A modi-ru adapiailoo of tbl* idan BUta* nndra wboa* patrooag* they <
Id s«eb raae. ibl* 1*4*. l«-uii d In lb* -••IVbal do y«i o.akr ..f Wui. ->rr_j bi. I.MW .leering •»*. ami Ibe boat
klirhrfi. will b* fouo* oft ihr rr**i**t
-I'lu l■ll•w•'.l if Iw'a a I’noeatanl. an whirled ala.uy.' J.—a ai.a-d. hBTT»>0 op- could In- mbH.v carried n.ii with thin
»a*d In
•uered Hut-ion. wtib a brief rho.klr. litled nu,ej--a. *.wnbii.g ih.- wb.rl.ug Bbeel* of coplier aucli B*
« of tbe cwnala to tbe n
Uiark..l »llli a er.*- ■« bi. bea.l'
Oo* call hardly;
addle, in Ii.mX. >aw lb- flnk.-. -f Ibe eupin-r uxalt-llug. Ib* miuii.-d atrip"
I'orlueufM- J.diu. wbi. alo-d by thi whale '•! tbe rn«.. .-.irveri like a bow. as- being eui from the metal wHh ariaaon
•baire* and
and raateued down with amall copper
Tbanare alwaya no ipaby thlotwto In .larUord l—i n.-*i lh.‘ maai.-r, garr B
Tbe wen ioalaiit ’Tl.n.ml bent to hli boal nail* Tbe a.de oe.-eaaary preenu- Tbe railnmda have grewt adTantage*
atowMl away- «beO lUerr ar* two- *u.ldin -larl ar ihe wbal- wa. de~-rlbed
orri- cwnala. They ar* befi.T wble to
.I..I WB> alaoit lo .|ie*k. hut br re.lraiB
again, aud ll
tlou ia to are ibal Ibe wo(alw«>*k of tb*
viBdowa no oo* ahl* «f ib* r.««u. a ed bliu«-ir. arel Kif-low r-uiiiniied:
rram tbe rlaing .Icaih,
nf *iimrl.-nl ihlckueia lo admit ntgtdg* diBUnoo* both by rwoMo uf aupecanreoleot arraoreuinii .d a^-Uea and
-Her.... like lb- .-r.— na. (uiulrd oO bia Iwat bill even aa Ibi- l>-n turned Ibe
tier speed wud uf favililioa f.r oinvoiueapboard. n.a> iw mad.- In Ilk* man wllb n-bli.- lead. Thr !■«« aiP-ak goe* ere*. UU ram., loun ll- mi a.ma.lbl,. of lb* nail* la-mg driven lu. Hbonld
pBIcbwnrk t-ffeel of IIm- ortglual not
•ar. aa abown l>y llm akeirli.
front Ibe U"*<'*»• bomjt an Ibe
eileullv. a* ll.-neb driv.-u bv a.-uu- irre
frra dwngnr of deatrortire Aouibs and
H-al to Ibe taai.- of i.Ntay'a amateur,
Tb* lop of ilii- eriiiiir .-ui^rd forma bar rea. hf-« eleur aihwarl bl. h.wd.
aUlible me.bam.-al f-oe. J-dm i:a*.-.l al
pifWClngthropgbtbebig..w« moanU^n^
I'aplaio TlDir.nl Uafin-lied |.. pUn.e *1 Ibe Mark bmn.r it. m.Mi..-ul..rj paralj*.*,
wble land. .-oiiWI
c.f on* color
■ a bat* kn**dihc ixnni and ba* a .-uver
bnt tbetr grant anoi'eea u mainly doe to_
la founh mall, and lo bi. nurpria* bl* -ir..D" pmae.1 f..r Ibe daii. ll- la-lol and maiTilal. aud tbai d<n
witb filled aide* aud ruda lu l.-t dona
the foot that they have kept \mc* w-ilh
wa* reugbl b> Ib* .vnie-i -r ib- buke and trttJI.- .k iii.Mt aultabie groutxl nsder
-oear tbl* kueadluf (wanl io|. Iwlnt John', .wanby fa-e bad rnnn-d tbal ‘
tb* ptegrea* of tbv wwld.
yelli.n wbieb lake, lb- pln<-e of <
flipped a. a l-.> jerk, bi- kt.if.- <n uium- tbe metal would be. for Inalauc*.
bibtadai Ibr rear. Cnder ibu i«i-1* a M
Walerwaya^lll fr.au the beginning
.k_.i ....i.o.Ma In I'he Latin ra.-iw.
broad drawer. Ii> whUTi ar* ke|M (b*
J..bnr be Baked la
of tbe eighteenth emrery lo tbe flnt
aud tbr varlHy of
routnt pin. idaeutl muter. woaaiirUit pri-of tbe nineteeuth oeutniy were
..f (be in-.lK.n lie- fli.kra roar far*
lo auede making ll parih-ularty deaJr- qnarMr a
tap* a»d earlou* other aniHe* uaeif in
Tb<- ^•orrnt^lr—*.dn- i » bu.kw and high iC^r **1^ ‘bd tb«-u a.ink fnuu aigbl.
regarded nmpletem
Tarr--d H-"
....... d-d. «.id -.b- hue nWe for lUe purjar*
of trwdeni (bo lime they wnratyji»atrn.-l-hamwd Ben. nlaawl over 1'orMmn.-*- J.OiuV pnwlral.Aooiber rarb-i.i
Upon miber aide art cinaeu arraiited.
td. and there waa lu mauv Inataura* a
ir cruaar
-Btrw|> aud nail" work. or. mora appro- ^egraralTe Improrament lu tbeir dinien
ao* for a flour Urrel and the otber fur
body (brougli Ih.-.-b- k* in ibeWH
Ibr -idVr'*"'"
There 1* no Hun- f..r h..rrot iu a wbali- priaii-ly apeaklug. leatber nppiiflu*. In aiona nnd nppnrteuaucaa. Bnt while the
aacar and burk*ia uf paairy. mbam
iSEt?i£SfiflSS2*4Uii :£3SI«
li ..r .deep ii.ler.-at- “r** bruil.
.VII i* a.-'i-Ni- Tbe m-n. .i-aivrl.v wlilcb *n.all pie.-** of leather lo variaad rr* Boor Tb* abrlre* will Iw
He'* r>l a bad
realialng llu- ir.u-d>. but kiiuniug Iho out mlora ai-e uaed to Ilii oul a dealgo^ iuduatrlal, agricoltnrml an<l a
foand meful for all trocwrle* and way beard <>r liim. II*-.
r..itugo.-*e John m..ve.l nearer aud laid Wbale to ba fa.t. tn-ak'd tb.-ir <u<rs. Tlni' prat luualy drawn uia>u (be wuod. (be
bla unau-a.ly baud ..i. the n.aairr * anu.
vanoed lo pti
Hurb ■Waptaln.” he lald lu a atrain-.l wbiaper, WnI reai-hed pN-Ihe line and l-wad two leatlu-r U-lug held l.ylHile braw. brad- centory ngo raual* haro''ramained ala K.plCaflakts from Ibe tub lo give pla> ibwl be
t will !•* a liooll to Ibe ■*tbat whale mean death. 11- kill Uiy might bring ll over llw aiml.biuB p..*t ia *d eiuda or ualla. Tb* but may b* flrat ttuoMT. They aw mtwobwololenDd con *Tk* 1» W '
nwbu baaBamall pantn
«* year ag.i in the Itidlao
tbr alern ahoHa ll eulb-d Ibruugb bla coreced wllb rich ralorrd velm or no liatgeg fnlfill tlw raqi '
mow-: He al.-r* Ihl.e
If your Spor ti no old one aii l abow*
band* ilk- a biatiuE wT|.-iil
Jary an grt away will, four Very a.1
StUI auntbrr way i.. gH unique *f- witb'railnaidr^bi'canals uf ih-tniun.
•naltbUy erwok*. Inntrwil of covering ii
. _ 1 l•"'■p
all lb- line*. Tbal Hum- 1 know, flake leal d inlo lie- air aud. o|. ulu
f*ciB la with pyrography or poker mnat hare tbe dimetuluoa and the faciharllb nn ollrtolb try *>»•"« «Be rmrk*
vla.y'a laa>..
laa>->. dropptd
work. Tb* rrauli. wbeo Ut# woe^ tliwfur rapid tranapoct lo adapt tbeni to
witb n mlatur* wade wiib one pound for r*naa there. Mr brolb' .\ut-u. hr
Blwr Uiaarr Hr-»n. Ib<- uuiie. an all that
ll .n-m.-d for
bh abnuMiwa.
eUlued lo a riob deep brown nnd tb* new ODoditlcma cf cutumiwca. Tliey,
•f Boor, itare* noarli of water and a boal crew Ha.-ml Ib-u kill Au mauf
nolUiuu • - lid aav.- him from
bniab.-d o»'*r with two or ibrwe eonu
ll of nluw. Make a |iaate by more: I M-ar .k bun iu ollirr al.l|a>. O*
a bnt
lu iw.k Kill tb. t»>n •uiraiiiBB Of b'lvu.-b pullab. wiu b* mnarkably moot not be bnrgr « boot cnnala.
0.<: b *T a . .im. Kattda
c t. Loegwooo..
nnofclnt^mo well logeiber and after always kill an alnay* gel ansyr
I l.j Ibe Al.ulu-bly* falol—1"1 Cld world aud Uaod*«.mr. A mlnla- ninple waterway* for tbe free pnmnge of
rwnn*tni fiwn the flre ailr ini.'
brnrd a.mi.-ll.lug ot U.* Maiy I
*a^h abip> at are now .-nraged iu enrry
fla'.lH^ I tvn coffer ID tbl- al.vle la Juet tb* Uilng Ing tb" world'a trad*. Of aorii oauala
her U'ot. 1 wa. b. lb* llkbatak »k*t
•...werad Tl.urod, “Well, wbal of and Ih. line wa. ‘aevep-d b.-f«.e it bad , for boMlug pboiogrwpU*. crayiMia. meyear." au*
ant typra in
ll. j.diortime to nip or b*-uOM- laul .m. ih.- “aeeoud
1. and otbera to proc--rapiaiu. for rbriat bU aake 4« wal
Tb* l•••Blar Flebw.
ma of oottatTnotten m ia oompleUau.—
lont-r aflei the wb-.le ..f ibr etiM-"'
ooiM.i noi'ra
Tt* “rid man" **.i '1.- bM*.-o*d eff
Flrbus bar* grrat vogue and lo the**
Tbe aallor iu Hank Tiiur.*! .|U*k*d be from bia lady and Milled ba<k In tb* lodlvidual tnai* ia permuted te nm •
au** "f Ibe auia-ratillun beg." by Ibraea. atera Bbeel. ■ Joua.," he iwid t.. tb* IJTriy riot On* iuay h* of iarg* aabul afler a u.-un-ut Ihr i.M.gb Vanke* bow oaramau. "I guea. you *a»ed my
#|.lril id IM- ol.l New Kugland wbale barow Rut auw look t-John. I'm afraid
During n poUttoal oampnign. • well ^ g;*
tb* walai. and from ibert- declaiing Its
huuirr aurgrd up in bl* bwaal "Hamd
euaaed wbal* of tb- i-nwa ba* 6t-.l
prew-ora in tb* guU* of long wnda, or known lawyir In a wratoni oinle was I
iilbr. wbal*. I
Heu wlU try
the merrat a|»oloiy for foW* U larwad ^drraaliig on a
uoiMo noara.
• flebu. atteb aefviug merely; aa a fennJubii nuidr Ibe alga of bl* fallb. It* fourth male Uy
tbB-TM awn|otm
.. .
BM and kuew thr •d bU ra<-e I- lb* aky On -ta
cki . 1
Ibe akiptN-r
dailoQ lo a dould.- frill of old lace, -wad n ohrewd cnodldnte—be triad to
mt pnpnr lorn in aroall p
I,* cauwgo
bn-ed. M'rtb the u.at.u.liie g.-*lure br ll waa f.iuud tbal tbe har|*»u be bad luoatly caugbl U|. u« tbr side wf tb* onlt Us spuoob to tbe ocemdoa ,
•oak. •HrrlDt aa uiiii'h u
In a M>* which be evidently ocmaldr.'.lfued bl* W.-Ilaiv- f itn .an- of ^ tamed agalu*l Ka.-red H-ii bad . luven hi. enrsag*.
uuirvu aaiul and brand faliuarlf li> do hi*
•twd both ootdlal and Umaat, nnd with
• brart in iwalb.—lad.-jei.deui.
tblek tbatit la dll ,
Jluly whatever n.igbl befall
n winning amll*. be briran:
Apply tbu to Ibr *raeka nraruiaklut ■lau" took bl* glaaaaw fnMU Ibr cMupanTb* •nrH*"l aiyle* in plain gowns
••My friwnda, my aympathie* hnre nl•nr* that ib* floor baa beeu freably looway rack and ellmtarf ite w^wlher
Nm w> Banr year* ago lb.- ga.bi-rlng from twot laindoo Utllor* abow 4 dle- waya bean With tha HUera ot the wuL
‘ - be coaid g osmuhlre f..r pur|>Me* of pit^kliUg wa* tinct leugtb*«iag of th* JnekM and My tatbv wa* n prariloa) farmer, aud
nwopl nod aaabed i Kune tbr wlaiucw main rigging i- a brlrbl where
Ibe bnll plainly.
lata lb* mni-k* au^.wtbluc li off
• iwlar .K.-a|*ie.nj.n .arioua-guru
.arh.ua-paru or
Tb* fraot la. *ltbri
*o waa my Bandfntbcr befog* hiyn. 1 Lv HUBorifia.'i
arlth lb# aurfac- IJ
l>ate II to dry Iborat TvaroraeOy 1
myaeU waa been tm a form and wa.
•oftaly. BtMl you nill Owl ibai li li b* nnrmnrad abet, be had adjuted bia
with two raw* of buitona.
to apeak, nnrad batwora two atalki id
mo*w Inatlof and altr>-*i deal rbeaper form "ru give bit* a nhiri
I TtK’ked UScia allfc mskos praoy
b.- anapped bi* gl*' .togethr
(ban putty li can be painted over ibr Thru
Herw'hUaioqwmcawa* radely Intctruared. "Kland by I-t.iwi. away"
1 •»>«
••»• ns wond
Tb* tuaatbead ki.k.Hila aramed te drop
Fratbpr lK«* In lb* flat tantand of npted ky tb* trumpet tenea of nteimmOfieo Ib old faabtoned bounra. *ape- to ibc dn-k. TIi* eiv*. «•> hot fool mi
la tbe lanr of tbe ball.
daliy in faruibnu4> iben- an- a few
iv.vec. Ihnngb the "dread- napecUlly in tbe molbcr of penri ahndra
. criekrt*!" barinmUd. ‘If
atrpa laadinc frose tb* kltrh.-u
ta? trad." h*. .-**«*] Klfl> yrai ago. of marabou mlaed arltb entrich tenth- yon ain't npnmpkiu!
knek raom or abed Tbear may t>
Tbe bona* •'cam* down." and ib*
Tbe frila .-n-ak.-d
ta * twinkle all however, II w*. reculariy fiJl..w*.l ,, ih* ----T**l*d Into a ruovt-nleui u.a.k for tbe
atnrlng of brmlm wrapping pai«er
1 korao;
lartne. etr.
ailb lb- an.aileo .if Ibr era*. -- —
the ...tb.w of -t i-r* Veeleu..*, aboBI JL
-olor egliiIMnHnff . K»Of|a« tb* aoapalane tula an- am la Bn.1
s«a. fr.m. Ih- M.I-. "-Vari poll
-■-■I'-* ■
tb* klicbm. when ib*t* la no Uumlry lB*r' raiuiuai.ile.1 be. "reek .wrat' Hlep
UCil ( IT
w* ar. being empteyad ter I
la tb* baoar. Tbea* arw nuaIttxiT ......... .. . Kkak. (hat aiU 1.***: Tbraol Tb* beri. Inl*.-ed i* sl» -wre.-d up with >
BnUnaieln bad pgobnbly Wnraled
; Bi*"' r.aVS^poi *
> gowoa as waU aa law
. taar Oaekowa J n-B te
taakint ttnlrw rowered ever with a ■ ud ywak hslysivl. h.d*ir
meiled hnller in li-o of raja-r -am--.
yeg* than other nay ytrtaoaa In bl*
bMrflmnfletoBitiimnraarily. Atwr*
....................... ............
Vlm.Ml a* ke *|«b.- tbr well Iraiued
Bu-n bad lb- i.iaat amiird. Ib- ahtcl ally crib
paaMd aft. and tb-*.Ul.«dilbe wind
cUffa at
gortnln of waababl* maieniL
iftj Twiamomyta
'llrop yooi rviii.-rtuard. (-*< her gnr
. ““ i-*" -“* e-*- «■“*
-aid to Ibe a>id.hip .wramaa. Dowa
rw Baaakpw* wr <-*a«lo.
Jit .pel.™-. ,
1 to Vienna. Mom»w and Bt
A rail plUew la lb* laieat abaiw pil
Wbieb when deam-d and *or..-<l they- reOoe* ailtchlngi «o tb* Up and n talow (nr th* bMBlnrt. m cradle, aecord aa Ibr "..Id aiBu" laid b.-r head riraigbt criv* 4 abUllng* per bnabeL ll w pot np »tc crlmmliig aametlmra raptece thn
Ing te Imdleo' Horn* Journal It t* a
t Bi 1 at
hark .« Ibrit rai» agatu. aad tb* In eaak* with *.•* water f-r !•« beltra oCiMi na\c.
*T»ry prany of tb* a
1 iS 1 B
raU Ifl tnebwa bxig and about IS lat-bea fuan. .-uried froui Ihe rain aler.
Tbe lat*« Wrtnaw la an gtetnn teg'
In Hr*umfe*To<*
H may i»c tilled
I'aplali. Tim-od. tb* ."liy aue ia tb* SE.'-'iSSii”.
nltb*r bd.*
brid* «
. e~m
« tM nUb.
with fraibera or balr. Tbe cover la of
-al will) hi* ran- t- the'whalr. looked
ewramony. As tb* bride's long pnintnd
letMeTsaa-eKUl i«1
pink or bin* anioeu nod ibe .-na* of ut ahead *ilh a dat.riug drvil ia bl*
cuff ar fall, of lac* «t tb* wtM Marty
MMV •• aad !>•• ■••* «■ "Mm
gray *y* Hi. lAad waa afire wilb tb*
•nlnaook. flsiabcd at racb end * iib
Mven tb* band it la a mntur nf Httta
.bsM- Tbr wbab- ..f Ike cm*., doogkty
( and Inaertloa of
Ine*. Tb# raa* *gi*«da far mbngb bo- old tea warrior a* br wa*. bad ai latag Hon in tb* at
NMtad cbtalll* (ring* Mm www
U* "la
enlal WWW
wbu »-^UO
woald Ut
bla SI.
art *1^
sad ..ri bla I tb* mribod u.
fOBd tb* end* nf tb* pillow to permit D.U,.
Best to be had in
the city is at
For Fire Insurance
Jimnnid. 'PkmTS.
firul Kipidi t iDdlui Rj.
TUI Pere Mirqnette Riilroid
: a
;S -SiiSu
: is i-W
Of Ha betag Itenvti np with running
«rli«A •* tbnt tb* p*aj«cting pans
■BT kn Mffd K «Htffn«.
........... .
Tiard Yeir-No. 903
mikwi APOLoeY
•MttothtoOouttT thxongh
MV«m»aB-,j> roBTBt4&
Bo Botoao*
riBaktev Kr-. Maf«h tT-dMorBayo
for BoMbHwo BomM ¥ B*ot*
~-||-Tl-r- vU k« Be-
»MfWl tM WMktaC««
M tlVkvT
iprtttM* te
M Dn«w •< mU
•MimmA tft temr C«aMl OtorU* B
HiwiMiirmr-*- TBtHiliBy 111
M tte Bom* ooaaiuo* *•
AMtfsototn Br S*mlM7 o< •«»*•
BBr »Bm Hr. MomosB **•
Mto d*Mrt^» «•
AlIkoofBBoer^WTBwa-tli tfcoi
ho wtM B» Ao 1*4«« •*
M7, Of U* *P»«of7 »‘U ro »o »bo
«OU1U*0, Uoro lo oo dooM ttel iU
M Will iMtot o* lU
«1M iB foil, BOW (bot It bu bM doBlBMd br SMToUry Hot th*t tberc U
bbA bb Bpoiorr- .
Iboooate'ttaa will dloo; lokbl OB
kBOBlnc wb«yb*r »*>er«ury U*y wM
BOBtOBt wilb * Torbol
Lord PaoBdofote, or wheibor Mr.
•May aad* a written doaaail aad reoMvod O writUa reply.
While the jwrek* tera* of the aool^ o< Great Briiala ore not koowB, It
koorlolBtbat Itoipreaeo* U* r*«t#t
•tOaot BffUla that Mr.. Maeraa'e
■ollwa.op*B*d,BOtwltb»U«»dlo» iba
oUarod iBOtrosUoBi of Or04i BriUla
tbateaob aall atattoraboald bo eooMJirif iatlolau Tbo rt»at* BOfO'
Uutom b.1—. «»«», «« ...
Laid BaUabery la the Haaroa aatwr
•PidoBtly war* for Uo MprW parpooe
«l dafoatlBC tbo aSort ter a !fDll loroetKoOoB of the oae* by OoBTroo*.
Tba atouaaat that BaclMd ba*
•yolv aed waa aada by Sooretary Bay
OB BopreaeataUre Barry ofiKeolacky,
•oa of tha DoaoenUe aoabanoftbe
Hoaoa forelf* a«al» aoBattiaa. BaptaaoBtatl** Brrry oallod at the Bute
Oapartaeoi today to Ulk ow the
•baryot aad* by Mr Hama. ^ it
waa dariar tkk-lBtanrlew that Baerator^bay made the eoafeaeloo.
-1 aaw Sesrelary Bay today.” BopreoabUtlra Barry B^d. la Ulkiayoftbe
propfMoil bearlBf. -and he oald that
the whole yroand work of Mr. Maeraa'a eharr** realed opoa tU fact that
tbro* lettera had booa opoeed by Bn
ylkb ©a !lal* lo Booth Africa. Boor*.
Mry Bay tald that Baylaad'* atlootloD
bad booB called to tbU elolatioo of
iBteraaUoDal law, aad that Lord Balkbiiry bad made an lureeUfatloo and
tbea bed eeol an apoloyy to tbU ooonky. Tbe apology wai dellrered at tbe
•tote daptriaest by Lord Haaoeafote.*'
Mr. Maeraa called npoo Cbalmab
■lit today aad eeacaliod wltb bla aa
to wbea be woold be ready to appear
bate* tbe eoaBittoe. be e remit of
tbe nfwTi-------- the ooaalttre will be
a jdayortwo.
Tba wbola eoaaltloe wfll haar tbe
taetlaoay aad tbe proeaediBya will b*
yablk. iBOtaad ol tba ebaryea belay
beard prteataly by Mr. Hltf. Mr.AdaBW
aad Mr. Borry. Be woe otlylaally lo
. PortaedUat
aiybtwiita Mambefahip ot 40
Wail Mdowd Cltl^aa.
Tbo '-Travene City Bod ond Ua^
<Iab” k tba aamc of a ne«[ ood promklty oryoolitUoB formed lott slybt la
the ottoe of O. P. Oerrer Tor eome
Mma tbera baa beea lo emamplatloa
KB aMoelatUw aad laat nlybt it
«w affaetod with a membarthlp of
•boat forty peomlaaBi cltlteo. who are
doeotn of Oltbar tbe rod or yuo or
both. Tbe ■eotlay «ae lanraly atTba
TraaldaBt-g P. Oarrar.’
VmawMldaBt-Jaa. H. fbrtyloy
Oaytala-B. D. AD^^
y 4. lart
•Bd i. B. HoOoByb-' to aot with tba
,—■*— aamaryaad aaptala.
ThtoblaelaoflbooryMUaUoa orUI
^ to OMkt iB tbo oaforokbaat of tba
/ MBM aad Aab kwa o< tba atBto. to pro •
WotiMaaA yoMsadto fwtbtraad
9k« Dateootatlo Btete
Dotrolt. Harab n-At tb* moaUay od
tiHB 9MBld
fMdoa koBod IB fowow br BooofMt
tbylor wm imLnt m o bor to f«o»
OB. bM «hay oahod thol th* do»tba IhMliiil IkoBrtioB woo
Blod. BbU WBB ookod lor. Jade*
bobM; ''tram tbo ovldMoa h k
«jr oidBiOB Idol PowBTo woo t
with fko iM^lnij to UU OMboL
d bo b* bold wlibeot
b*U I* «ho (iBBd lory.*Iko B«B»lBBtlOB of tbo OlbOt Bl•odoaaookBtofBbocBB 1b tha loroWor 0 tlon iB tbo tHol of Poworo It
lookodMlf Boolbor tcarody woald
r. Oo 0 nlraodorolood roturk
M tbo Bttoroeyo tbo lU woo Boaood,
ODd tbo ottorBoyt Biodo for ooeb otbor.
Tbo orowd lo tbo ooort room tboafbt
tbot o A/ht woo ItBOtlBOOt oad'o taod
ratb lor tbe dooro Ombo. dpoloctoo
^^trodosod. bowoter, ood qalet
Aboliy mturrd
aad HoTBoa tbo Bon Ib iho ▼MBily
WhhdtBva TroM Iko Tmnmi
OU*l0fk4imy-8Htkb OoBBlfy Ho**
CboaooB Soodor IBI* Taaorool,
dkootob tnm
Ktabortoy ibkMCBiBCOlBlao tbot
woU otiBBlnd OBMdUkB loft'tbot
Myootordoy. Th* biteofy o^oot
tbo axyodiiko k to boroo* tbo
Bwota tbOTMBl^ o< OriqBadi
Bot tbo Bltteoto ydryeo* k tbo roUBt
of Hotoklof.
Tbo BrlUdb foroo b o otrooc ooo, ood
It k Botarolly ooBOlodod tbot o for
A*t*0*0MBt k
tOBdad tboa tbo BOro dkporaol or dofoot of tbo oatU Boor forao ot QrtqootowB, lOOBiloa Bortbwoot of Klaborlay.
It k Bot iapoobablo that tbo ooIbbb
Bay. oftor oleori&r tbo waoterB border,
■wiayroBodnortfawordoBd. aided by
a almltar n-'ramoBt ot Warreptowo,
ODdnoTor to alvaooo Bortb to Mafeklog
POLICY I Oeneml French baeretaroedtoihe
iFree B>at« capital with bk caealry
from Thaba N«be wiihoat bariny enyayod any of-the Beer oolnmns TCpjrt.
edtobetrekklny'northward from tbe
Oranye rirer
Ooaeral Olirler's oommando was laat
Blysal SrUmph Won by Amarioa. Aareported on the Baentolaad froatier,
aarlay Trade la Oaina Vareatrloted
near Wepener, and now that General
by Other Orrat Powera-Sta N eUoaa Proaeb baa witbdrawa fros tbo ebaao
Bara Aiaaaiad to tbe Dow aada ot lb* Boor eommandant'o ebaaeoo of oocape ar« rauiy Improrod.
tba Daiiod Btataa.
A foree of HrIUah oaralry bae eater
Waobiayioa, Marab !fi—Tba aUla od tbo Traaoraal aad poaatrated to a
aapartamoi k praporlBC to ooad to polat IB miloo Bortb ot Christiana.
oooyroae tbe ofielal reeord of tbe Tbo Brltioh toreoaat Fonrteen Stream*
ymtoat dlplomaUe ood eoBawrolal
trlniapb woo by tbe Amarteaa yorera- northward k wpoeted oooa.
Bieotln maay yearn.
' General ffreneb'a reum to Bloemfon
Tbti record, will eoaekt of tbe oorroa tein. not bariny enyayoa tbe Boera.
poadoaeo that baa pined betweea tbe probably meant teat Oommandant
yreet powera of Barope. and atao Japan
and tbe Cabled Niatea. ebaeeminy tbe aroldlay tee British and Jo’nlny the
“open door” tn Cbiaa.
BialB Boer army.* General Freneh roTbk roeord will abow that ala ot the pork teat he reoelred the aabmlteloo
yreat powera bare lodloated and In of a aamber of baryers dnriny bis suy
writiny aaaented to the demand* mad* atTbaba Nebu. General Clcmeata u
by tbe United..sutn oooeorntny Amer- reported to be adranelny ayamsi a
lean trad* in Calna. Tbeee powera haotilc force of Free State troops at
are Germany. Rnwia. Great Britain, Fanroamite.
luly. France. Japan.
To’Ueyareromenut^eaebof then
oonntriea Becreiary Hay addreaard
notco acttlny forib tbe demando of tbk
yoremment aa followa:
Preoera'ioo In Harah Case Uasneeeaa1. That each within iu "apbere of
fal la Bffiri to Get Him
ioCaence" or leaaed territory tn China
os StenA
abonld pledyo l)a*lf not in any way to
any treaty port or reitod
Laaalny. March »7-Tbe proaoenUon
rtybi within tbo ‘*apbera” or territory of tee ease ayainst General Marab eonunder leae*.
Unaea in Jodye WeUfs eoari her*.
within tbe Ssreral witoesees ware eaamlaed today
I. Thatla all 1
tseept free aad tbe fall line of erldenoe lo be em“apbem of IdB»
led or ehlp- ployedby the sute k clearly laid out.
pork, all a
ped. trrnpoclira of aatlonality. ahell while tee line defense waa Indicated.
pay the Cnlneao tr**9 tariff for the
Tba erpss ezaminaUon of Prenldoat
Ume belny. and tbe dntln aball be Bpater of tee tleadoraon-Amet Uo. sras
paid. 10 tbe Cbtnoee yoremment.
renamed ibis morainy, the ledyors bav1. That in pone in the -epbereo of lay arrired. Tne total amoent resei«ed
loBaenee” tbe yorernmenl controlllur from tea sUte, he aald, was kit.lTii SO.
that sphere will lary 00 yreaterhar- Tbe tranaaetloo was ontered oo the
bor dntin on renela of any nationali books In tee name of the stated Toere'
ty tbaa are lerled on rsMeU of Ita'own was also an aeeoont with the lllinots
natboailty, aad that on railroads bnilu Snpply eompany. The proAta were not
oonlroUed or oeerated wliblo those credited lo any ooe. the amooou paid
'apberoa* the eiGteosof other aation- White belny oharyed to tee Supply
altke thall be rrqnlred te pay no biyb company and tbe latter credited with
ereharyot for uo traasportetlon of merchandise to balaaee.
CMrebaadke than are paid by the citl
Tbo wluto* was ukea ow tbe A
sons of tba powera oontrolUay aoeb
nanelal traasactlono. iaolodlny the
retamof tbe orlyinal Ineettment of
To tbaae dpmanda all alx of th* pow- AlO.SOO aad tbe paymeok to Wnlte,
era. aooia yladly aad promptly aad total belny Ais stT.
otbera nador proMarr. bare ylron tbolr
Attorney Geaoral Uren tesUAed a* to
fall and eatoyorioal aoeont In wrltiay. bk adrico In royard to tee dUproral of
and tboae aHonk will form a part of tbo e^aipmaak. Be bad not andnrtbo reeord.
stood teat te* foods wore ofany *ala*
Ttaoyar* plodye* ylrea aador tbo to tee otete.
baada of tbo eaatraeUayyororakcak.
H. P. Kanfler, oao of teodiroclot* of
aad Uoy arc ptodyo* wbieb matt bo
wBoadancwAmeaOo. taotlAad teat
kept. Thoy oeenre to Amorteaa elU- at Aral bo bad tboayb tea traMacitlas
i.Aaaariean dlplomak a^ Anori- a layal oa*. Wbon aaked If ba atlU
yaodala Baaelaa opboroo of InBn- tboBcht ao. b* omllod a maaolay omll*
o. for taoteao*. preekdy the oaM aad ropUad, “WalL hardly.”
terko at Beklaao aaay onjay.
Saroral oteon yae* tenimoay, all
tboayb Baoak hao
Mdlay to oataUkb tba oaa* for tbo
aad baUt railroad llaoa. no ad'
eaa b* ylron Bamisaa la dlso
Aa attempt ssaaauMb to oaUOokmM
laypertdaoaer lowar traaap<
I to tea ataad, bat tbk
I yootod to by te* ooaatol ter tb* dofaaao.
MtUtaa or yooda or tba elG-1 ^
ob}*etiea waa tiwialaad
aaa* or yoods ot aay otbar atUosj
woald b* a riolatloa of tb* pladyo.
Tbk k tb* •'opoa door^ la Ik faUoat
_ad broadoat aoaao, aad to atetotpla
tek opM doer tb* ttete of ovary later Bortbara Mkb. Tiwaa. Ob. Bapeok to
aated aatka k plodyad.
Ha*o a Beal baavo Ohkayo os
Ooaaty Tao
tb* etb of AprU.
Tba riyalar ooaaly taaobora- oaa mlTka Nortbora Mloblyaa Traaaportaaattea wiu bo AaU Tbaraday. Priday
ttoa Oompaay U BOW toaolvtay tr^bt
aad Batarday of tekwooA la tbo anat tbalr Obloafo waraboooa toraaaryo
■arrlaec*' tsow at tba ooart boatete tb* Ant boat, wbkb wlU loav* teat
a abeat AprU 6 for tbk port.
Offloibl Beoord Heady to go to
I tb* aprlay DamsattoB araaflma to Uma.” OalmaM Bla^naarVm^
la Afrtea
VwtteOpM*' rnamwm'mWMW,
InBsrtn an
How To Save Money
in Buying Wall Paper
Boaaltod la
Dtete Of Party Bm.
Park, Hareb M-Howa of a dkqalatlayaatarawa*
Two fc
tealya loylos. wbo bad b*M ortlarad
to atebark at Oraa ter Madayasear. *aoalvod ©tear ordoc* to riamla wbon
tboy WOT* aad await
kropertad that* aarioM
baaubaa plaea ea tbaOraabsaUOT
teat tarty waa of tb* terolya katka,
bav* booa kUlad,
la mUlMiy okoloo boro It k nld
teat tb* pooalattaa of oBoWa ta powOT
*0 hao noaaid tea proooat
it • nMoa«bl> wiy to a(im tkil • ooac«>
ttat boj» wjl [.per
frooi tl^
en^.car kwd lota oad bay a gnat
thu a booM to hooM oaBTaMr, wbo baya ooly a
•ntall lot^from A jobbiag booM in Cbk«go. nod
tado it aeat by expreM, C. O, D.r
' A Oalot Woddlay
Marrkd. Batarday ovoalay. Marob
»te. by Bo*. W. Boate at bb bom* oa
Aalpb atroot, Mr. OhariM Rama
aad Hk* Mlaak Beaaatt, both of tek
city. Tb* happy ooaplo wlU mak* tel*
city teolr bom*.
the City Buok Btore.
If oo,
in quality And.prioe with oat immetiee ytoch.
Littl# lATAPn-lilttlt lAvtni.
I Michigan
! Telephone Go. \
caU at
anrdy pleAae yoo
wiujsci TO oauot
hvlaiKl HiU
B-r«.r-"pould you .pore u.e *
IU eiOTis, $!.».
{3.00 to $i.00.
...:00R SPRING SUITS....
$80,818 $16. $18. $10. $8.60, $7. $& are made to please
varioQS tabte«. Many styles to choose from. Tbe most fashiouable garments to be found iu this city, and, as for fit. if
yonr tailor ^ives yon aa good you s>e \ery, very lacky.
Four New long Distance u
{15.00 to {5.00.
Hare been «empleted from |
Traverae City to Graod Rep- V
ida Kalemazoo. Dutroit and ^
S. Benda & Go.
r*abloo*ble Ouiniu-r-.
OHoi lade
Quick Service
Heiiect Service
No olli-' -lore ill this purl of Ui,* Ktate will gis e
you th-iiiiBliti.-*! we do in
^ Going
[Out of Business!
Miilcr’s"Ca«h Slnro.
Stock of
Fixtures. Wagons f
and Sleighs.
Come bnd'take;advantage f
of seliinrr-oul prlcee.
I'w. W. Millet s Cash Store |
22f> Front .Str«*et.
1 bare bad my building
rebuilif'aad put in guc-d
shape and am n-tw r.-ady
to receive all old patron*.
bti'p in wiTd a.-e tliem.
Shirt Waists
•*»0 feet of shelving devoted entirely
ly ta sshirt waists «f the
best mukea—styles and fabrics ;ii the
tbe la
latest and daiiitieat
colorings of Frt-nch Gtogbams. Percales and Mualine.
2-5 dozen good per'.-ale shirt waists, all louudried. each;.
50 dosen ladies' {lercale shirt waists, made as well os tb<best. gooil stviec. in a variety of colorings, front
those suitable for tbe youthful
uiaiden tto tbe
itbful uiBiden
vsiierable old Isily. at the
le 1epe<-ial
-ial priiv Iof
“■) dozen extra heavy per<.-ale shirt waists. SOUK* .plain,
olheiB witli fancy frontsI ill
in Inumeruus
umeruus styles and
designH—as gcxid I
the* ordiniiry
C« waist on
the market -onr 1spe<-ial prii'e
Our $1 00 waiste ar.- the btmiig«-st number. We show the
must eUliorate line in tbe l>esl standard pen-ales and
lawns, tiuisbed by the Ix-st experienced hands
Ourbettar gradea, funning up to tbe fCl.OO kind are t»o
beautiful to deHcribe "They are well worth your iff.
The Boston Store
GoodilLine of Jevelr;
A $2.00 Shoe
for 98c
'We do not sell
Yon wiU Bud a fioe line of
Stamped Idneoa, all eiaee of Sofa
PillowB, Down Pillows, Cnebion
ConlA Batteabnrg Baterial* of all
kind*. A fuU line Beldiiig Bros.
Embroidery leeeone given free.
887 Frost 8tr«M.
School of Music
BMW H Mi II Bwodk awwfe.
Bnt we give jon two hoodred cents
worth of good, honest footwear
when yon bay a f2.00 shoe of ns.
Yon sbottld see onr line of spring
shoes at this price—All late stylM
—tfn'And black.
McNamara Block
Sr. W. }. 1
horning record.
« »e BatMlR m««
Wert vm M Om
» Mt M
Oate A«wi«w ®»^ On*M
/. W. 1
Tk« wrt o( nMUtV !■
4lMrtn M Froat nrwt «rlU ta tain*
. UtMT m4 M—nr.
f*m TMulter «C Bwus
i::! :!
•.«. HorrATT.
taanto»«» OoorMwiobal OaaaMU'
^-pi rtoSin bS^ Sir<•«
-Itu gratlfriag to odta that tba op
pooitte to tba parehsM of tbs Oaotp.
Mlwalorwarhs ajatam baa sabMdad
a propoaltioa to boed tta city
•rttl aarry by a targe, majorlly. Tba.
praot adeaataga of city owaarsUp c
gbto pUat bas arldaotly baoome appai
oat to maay taapay^ who bars op' poHd it. ao that tta TOtlag <d the
botodi to a'pratty apra tblog. The
facoBb taliaeaa that tbto will prove a
I aad' opea tba
mg to the aaUblUbiD >at of
OOt ayataa wbleb will felly aaawar tba
doaaada of tba eliy la tba feteraT» Foartb ward bpa b
tag groead la local alaetlc
yaors. bat tba paople of that ward ara
falek to raeogaiss tba oaatfT of Aldar.
tea Laidla. wbe bat bsM assldaoas
ta bto aSorU to taeadt his ward whaa.
oaar oooortaolty oflerad. Mr. lArdla'a
raote bM baae aeab as to eeUUa bln
lo a raaisatioB by a larga malorliy. B«
to a good altoaaa aad has Mda a oarafal aad aoaaetoBUoes oMelal oa .tba
ooatall. wbara bto good Jadgmaot fa
taaogBtsad aad bit work oa inportaai
aostolttoes aaorgeUe :la babalf of tbc
aa wsU as liba Foartb ward.
aatlra city
«d ta tba peblio aabool* ot tba city by
Mayor HaBilltoB aad blsaaraaat efforts
do lasreasa tba ataodard ot oar already
wasllsm ayatra Is aaothar siroag
roaaoa for bis raalaetloa Travaiaa City
to pread ot bar ssboolsiaad Nr. UamllMa bas faapt lo eloas tdaeb wttb tbea
aoaUaaally. with a eoastaai aya to
Tiiapablledab. is deerestlag at a
nptd rata Dot Wlttaiaadlag eatraordi' W7 aapeasas fw tbr Pblllpplae
We^bla. DariDB tba tasi I
•tetatotraUoo tbs pabltc dsbt iaoreaitLin tbe time of psacr. la Just aboat
tbaMae ratio that It poo deeraasaa:
tmiUT OPl
Vo be ladulfrd to Xpday by Bridge
Tta Bridgr Balldrrs Mlsslooary so- >
Maty ol tbs (toagragstloasl ebaretaj
«UI seat wltb Mrs. Oady, 116 Walliag-1
testraal. tbaaveDiagalT M e-’clocb.l
Vbsaeeatag will br idaeotad to tba
- ptady of Hawaii. All aMsbers ara:
Brgad to be preaeat. aad all yooag I.
aroCMa la tbaebareb are cordially la
VllOd Aatta half yite olaaaa wtto
dhto teatlag the traaaarar aska tbai
mban be ready wltb ibair daes.
WAr.wn xo ■ITromS■erXteUtoo sod Obtef of PoUm
tta Ladlw' AM aociaty «f tta CosI this aft-
m*oorn at t:M e-a^ wHb Mta Jaaato
iPirt-T oa Wau Baeatotb atraat Tba
tebtoag wUl ta ta aharga at tba watk
XdtUa Maotai WtatMs doa a dtraara
. Bxpertooea.
Aboat two paa>« ago UtUe Mi
iiara. ayw tbrM gaars old, joaDgaat
____ _ .
MsTor Baallte and Cbtol of
Baaau wars wal«<«Be *tolior» at tba - Oaatia.
Bib Bapida. swallowta
Blgb oebool jostardar teralag. Major « thiogla nail. Sba slraaglad
BsaQM alatad that ta had a awtaaga ebokad at tbe Uma. bet did aot dtoforttaaeboolaadlaaahort talk aaid lodga it. and aflar a aerioas iUaem as
that ta wanted to iapraaa oa tba tta raaalt. ebe raeovaird alasoat antlrayoaag maa before bis . tba rairt ly aad Mn. matarp came to tea oodot tbto City aad that be waatad tbwa daaioa that she d>d not swaUow It
to ta la toaeb with tba elty oMclata after all. Sba bas bed a vary treablrbataotlalaarof tbaia. BaaaM;'-Wa aoma ooagb bowevar, eaar aiaoa aad
doootfaaow bow maay roaoeUmaa. every (aw waefat ulcers woald form ta
ssayora aad eblaf of poUea tbara ara bar throat caaatag tbe ooagb to be
bare bow. Be ta aympatby aad ta wane, dba bas baoa vary poorly tor
eloaa meb with all tba good that goaa
OB la tba city- t«ea aad aot .fear tta baae Woraa tbae asaal Monday morerale of tba elty oMslals aad abiaf of tag ta a eery aavarie tt of eoagblag tba
poller. Ia a eory abort UmattayoBDg eoagbad ap tba aall wbleb bad beta
tnaa before ma wUl be raltaf the d«y tbc cease of tbe troabla It waa aot
ratty bat It had tamed black Wltb
Mayor Bamllte ibaa mad a lltUa the Ball aboat a tapeopioi
cans, raamiagly from some large alOarata," wbleb ga*6 A irrMt deal
oar. 8ba aaama to be aa wall aa asaal
aow aad her paranis are boptag for a
AfWrtbe readlog of tta hook ta speedy reoovery from tbe troablea
saU that It toaebed a faetor-sUffee. ooagb.
lag of tta rariabrar. ambltloa. asrea
or aaed, as It ia oallad by aomr.
MaoBle Tisltad Mirk Oebool.
wbleb to too oftaa ovarlookad—tba 0-«rga Brnum of Acme. Died Teeter
powrr to ealUvaia maa or womaa.
day Alteraaon.
“Wa ara ta a aaw ara ol adacatloaal
Uaorga Beetoa. aa aged ptooear of
tfalBtag.’' taaald.
Acme, died at bto home yaatarday afapoamaoaal tratalag. tba pow«r of tamooa altar a long Ulaeat For aav■aatraitaa. aarva foraa and etUIlty arat month* be baa been vary low. and
bis daslb was aot anexpected.
Deeaaaed wa» T6 years old and for a
long time lived OD a farm aaar Acme.
ta Htaa TrMtta to a Arabbtag He leaves a wile aad daagbtar. Be was
by aa Irmta Womaa.
tba fatfaar-ta-laa of taty Clerk Blekerd.
A worker ta the Slate Lembar Oob. Deeaaaad baa lived la this ragioo over
impaaar Samwit City, by tba aaMi^‘>‘'*7 P.*®'*of John Marpby. took more ffra waior
I <taeBot be Ourad.
iboard yeatarday tbao wai good for
Hy local applicatloas. as they eaaoo-.
bin. and Ugotbim Into iroabla Ha
disaaaed poruop of the ear.
anooeetarad a woman aad a faaea 1 here tbe
Is only oee way to cure deaftiekat. and tba doetor had to pateb him
by eoastituUoaal reme<iia« Daafarm U canoed by aa
ap ta
flsDicdeoadiUoo of the maoom lial
Herphy made bto
ol the BusUchian tabs. Wbea t
n.ld..«oI U_ Hr... t»u .1
tube gels ..■.»«
istsmed JO.
you h...
have . ro...
railroad track, aboat I o'eloek. aad It | ln>g souad or imperfect bcarlag. and
to said that he made remarks lo Mrs. < wbeo it is aatiraly eloaad deafoeas to
--------- that rooaad baraagar. Hbe to { ' resalt. aad uoicas Iba loflsmmaaoD
be takeo out and this tube restored
aaidto.bava ebaaad him out of tbe;
aortaal coodlUoa. beartnir will
I. and wltb a plekat li
____ itroyed forever. Nine cssea oat
laid bin low. Several times tba picket I of lob ore caosed ov ratarrb. wta>eb '»
moat have laadadeffaeilva’y. tor Mar- ! "b,.
eoodlitoe of
phy-s haad waa aa iatareatlag eight I ‘ \Va “wl?* gUe^Ooe Boadred Dollars
wfaaa ta ukea to Dr. Koaalaad by ■ for soy rase of Itraferaa ^caused b)
of tbe ' cs arrbl tust esonot be uurrd by Ball's
Chief of PoUoe -Seaaie
fonnd to be slight, how Ca'.strb Cure. Send for ctrcalara. free
F J. -ChcDay A Co.. Toledo. O
aver, and Marpby was aooa atiaadad
Fold by droggtols. rtr
flal be bas a pretty »o<-e bai.d
Pills ara the btosi.
V 1900
Ben’ Maad KlateiM XeM Vkian
Idealy ta tta Xwa. aad ta Tnya
Had aFlaa Ttasc.
It maa aeariy l efetaek ymtarday
momtag when tta teata that hrotalta
back tta B^a' Band Mtaatrte aaonr.
staa palled talo tbto elty. wttboaar a
haadrad people, tired bat glad that
t lay weak
Tta tHp waaaaaaeam from tta ttma
tta toata anteiad Msnialaa. Baoa
Trptela. tepnaaattag tta gtaea Swede
intadtta^lotoftbe aagtaa at tba
Jaaette, aad wbM tba trsta palled ap
ta tbe depot U waa raealead with
Tba boya hmrt Maatotea tatarcated
from tta Uma they reaebad ita elty till'
they came away. Mot only at tba opera
boata wbtok WM paekad to tta doeca.
bet OB tba atraat they oara la arideaea.,
and lUe did aot grow dell fortbasalt!
Attar tta parfermaaea ita boya
awalJ time by tba Maatotea
Blfaa. and a daaae waa alao ooadaetad.
it vraa after t o'clock when the traia
Thie^nner jut like cot in either
aatiqiw. mahogaajr. ot vbite m.
atari fiotab for flOlS. No. OIS
Iroo Bed. 4 ft higb. any width, jnet.Kke cot for $3.75. Forty.
•erMi different alylea of iron beds. Ot«r fifty diffemat atyln
of drraaera.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao I'ron.t Slisreev.
The lamitare for the new eonrt
room was dellTarad yesterday aad to;
being set today.
Wbaf* Toar Pace Worth.
Sometimes a fortaoe. but aavw^. Ifi
i.-n. [' a.
yon have a aallo^ eomplratoa. a |saodtoed look, moth palkea aad hloiebco; f
oo tbe akla.-all sfaraca of liver Uxmbla i
Bat Dr. Elog's New L fe Pllto glee s
Clear Sklu. Easy Cbaeka Bleb Com
plexioo. Only W
I have put in a shop in connection with my hard
ware. and am prepared to do any kind of shbet iron or
• tin job work, driving and repairing pumps and any kind
j of iron pipe work—also all kinds of repairing usually
■ done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasonable.
i Bran’ New
• Stationery
Wa bate jMt put in a new
line of Bp-to-datc etatioaery —
box paper and USlets. ate.
No old atock-I'ricc* raasoaable.
•- “ SficSIl*!™.....
When the
Warm Days Gome
Think of colored shirts.
SVhen ySu want colored shirts
Think of Us.
made this season, some were made sever
al seasons ago. bpt for strictly this sea
son's goods see the shirts-TVc’ve just un
They-'re dandies, and you can
own our "Lakeside" for just an even dol
Want a b« tierone'
Then buy the
•Kenwood" --- that sellV-at $1.50.
styles that we bank on are the "Glasgow."
the “Cambridge" and the "Oxford"—
These sell at $j.cx>, and the fact that they
have Jbeen-laundricd is proof positive
that the colors will not fade.
New and Desirable Spria^ Footwear.
LOW PRICl-S Ri’i.i;
in all si/es 'and sell at 15c. or two for a
NVa- apriDgHhapei.aoft kid
uppen. mfdiam aoleu. kid
Upa. full $!2.(JU vatuua. for
eJub-iWe have a full assortment in all
the newcsi-fshades.LThese sell at a half
Think of New Suitings.
When you want these go<>ds
Think of Us.
J ust deceived som«- new wash goods
for spring ami summer wear.
One line
of especial beauty are the Oxford Corded
Novelties, in wide and harrow Mri|H*s in
pink, blue and lavender, sells at jsc the
Tbe Linen Sbitj^g^or Skirts is an
other line of great sellers, in different
weaves in stripes, checks and dots. Every
lady should have an e.\tra linen skirt.
rhcse.s^l front 15 to .'tc the yard.
The cv* popular Toile du Nords are
Lace mod hutiuu.. apriuc
li.r-]. kid uppem. <ioli<i soIe-n.
selling fast.
Lore and bntUw, uurinK
beelaod blKh htal. kid and
kangaroo ralf uppers, aolid
wide stripes, large and small checks, all ’
Our twlebrmted achool
ahoea are exceptioaaUy good
weaivra. ail Mtrt.
black, and all sell at the uniform price of
The tMding Shoe Hodk.
No lirm has a greater vari
ety of patterns to show in narrow and
the shades, pink, blue; lavender, green
IOC the >-ard.
^ ^ ^^
When the
Warm Days Come
worn with a white turn down collar, come
qiiarier.i.Then.lhe proficr tie is a short
Very dretwy atylea. fiot*
Viri kid uppen. litibi HvxibU
polea. fathioD'a oeweat idwia
ill rverv pair. .
' a-
There are shirts and shirts—some aj<
These have one ]>air<of cufts and are
; John R. Santo.
We carry all sizes from 14 to 17
Yota oa Water Wo ta Boau Toda; .
WbQa there waa jaavaral days agoi
a to tbe preposl
Mm ta bond tta eiiy Ipr »tt.M7 so bv
Mm Oampfaall water' yvorka plane tbr
•aoasalty aad advtoabiilty of tba par•baae bas baootemura Armly k-apramta apoa tba taxpayan aad ttorg
to toow a proapaet that tta boada will
ta aeiad by a good; majeriv. Tta
pMto will ta open from 1 to 7 o'clock
^ m-U tta Haallamatal balldiag, sio
ITiaat atraat.
FtlO te ClT«B
U NtalaMrf^ OfAud Opm Hc«M «*
Uw iTik of 4prU «Btar tM wmplMt ot
Uf tataorrM(«taeon«!UM ^ tta
teal efaveK. Tta Mixaetbn
friu pnMAl ibm blrii eluA ratertoti
•n bwtad ta Mtot 4rteBM BteOiyL.
ataleute aopra*®' bta a danshlcr ol
who was
tta lat« wmaat vJfiUaM^ «bo
MM tars a faw
an rtd who«a
so »aeb cajojad.
IttoaaUthai tta<
riak. >«aat vote. Wtiieta to fast briar
tar fsiaa whtoh oroiatoas to rqaal that
of bar eolabraiod faiber. Asaociatad
with Htaa BoMorl will ta Barwseb
Bads, a ootad rloUatot. and
Laourd Laibllar. a talaaiad oiaatou
As proaaads of tbs MoeenwlUtadavoiad to tba pipe orrao 'faad. aad as
tta eoapaajr to ooa of the beat ia tbs
itry a flaa aotgtaiatoaa^t to aasartd
ita te ctf JMoh OalM*.
Ttar* to a piv^aM itai Mr. TtaMlte
H«;a.lwiUatep>nteMtta)o%te«i ‘ oe.
Mpte ta WwiMMrakr’a •tor*- U tbto
^"'^ilataaata aae^. Mr. TtaaMtor *U1
•^IbaUd twoatwaa OUtewto*-ba «1U
aalla wUb Mr. Oalaaa U tta araeUaa
of a brisk black that wlU laelada tta
on of Mr. Toualtor aod tta two
•wTi'Sm u^r»rarea oi Mr. OalMh.
Mr.tOrtatdatradadwMr. Ibtoaaltor
U LodtactMasd
____ tesUMQ'
tta tat bMO. for a stare bdildlat ata
tbf«s dwalUags at tedonoo. lad.
Torbalda will •ora *o Aadoraoo aad '
oarani**^ rM^ taalote ttara.
SAvaszu or ssnsrz
The Hanoah & Lay Mercantile Go.
J » &•
Moto»7 MMlar
Tto Mc«tor aoaUUy bmUo( to ito
todtoo AM Mototo «f Ito rUM IC. E.
, tonh—to OltytotoootoBtodItoFiM- obwto win to told to Ito «h«r«h MrUok-OortUMO T«ot«tofty'~Ssa.^.WUWd( «WM.wlinM«« In'
Ion this oftorBooo st t:M o'elook.
«,|OrtoMMtoWMk.WtoM tolMk tM>-i
otolooi FajKf* Fi—lud.
to i ^ toMwU to taok«(Mr..
Ito towB M Ptn
mrtglmU, kmow%.
il w«Ua will to Ml idow*
AnUoF. teMtM wwt loOMtnl
A tory wm Mde ywtorday apw
4 *M7 loterMUac and prait*' « tomrtA boUdlof siooeUflto Mod
■•bold to too iMBhi of toad Bros- lo Mtlsfy • etola of S»1 «5
held acainat tfaoto by B. J. Moirtaa.
Al. who bsrr-B;M>fl*d ihoir' wiU'ji(BOM to appsar in tbo o
-.p-riis -tn —
— »thrrs wtoara wUllaa lo aoThe first SBljoet
. Uk* MiMftoj.
ttooity seboels ynterday sflo
w. B. UtoW of K«rtoMr^ BnoMwl
L JototOaC to
MUlMd to M If ttoM to OMI utorl7- ! •* ^
ItopW Ttotoltoflotkol M* liUpuaty. uJ E>l_ Imuun. •<
to WChrlottoaBatoycoMl ttot ttobtoolcdtoaead* ^^^^'”^ *
» ttof*. tot «tottor' to MylBC
b a
Fsil - Mlae Batca of tto
avwaa sehool abowad
towto »tS_oa^ lor I
tto.Behoolof 1
faUara. aad Mlaa PAkltorf^^
•iar al: o’aloek.
abowad tto
me^t that aboald to
Thar. wUl be a mtmUmg at tto UOlm
aaad la the diSerei|t eaaas. Both of
ttoaa aawUaat papon.-wara traaly die- GalU of Oraoe eharab at tbo borne of:
Prof. Oobb. Mtoa Dowalay. Mrs. B. L. Bpraraa this aftaraooa si |
Prof. Bydar aad Mtoa Borwa taklat 4:Uo'eloek. A faU i
B J. Mardoeald aad Uoarca Ott i
The aaoobd sabjaet ukaa op waa
"Praetloal OhUd •tody.’* MtoBardaf OMaidarlBr a plan lo orfmaUe a baehe- |
Ihto aafc-!**"‘*^“^ Ttoy raaoraite a eery •
traltfai field l_
In -tl
Traversa ^L.________^
Ciiy sad L..____
) anaaa to aeeare a larto meaberaalp of daalre|
daalt with Ito atady of ablldraa aton able yomar atao.'
the primary departaeaV Ttoaa papers,
eseb of srbleb «ai fall of praotlesl
b eaiatuiooa
uoacbt. wars dtoeatoad by Mn. Cook
aad Mias MrLaarbiia.
Tboaa wbo are not rerlsu lad aheald
Ab ab aaod (Dsplriacpapar was that be sore aod bsea ibeir asnca enrolled
Harotao J- BaraaM waat to LyoM' otProf C-a. Qvo.oo-Taa Spirit of
tiatarday If ttoy daalre to vote at tbe
9t ^ tboTaaebor '’ He eleatly oatiiaad tto a.eeuoa neat Mooday. 1 to oiBosi
hlcbr'oaad aeoa wbleb tto teaebrr notices osm'ar tto plsees of reristorv '
lacaboBi let poudo.
spoke of tto aobliuy sre priotod ovary other day la tbe Bac- i
Xoak Klac aad wlfa. of bnaooaaiar.
::i To dl down ins chair witboataa Ob- ®'
wool to Bay City totorday oa a parabaalac toar. touadlor to take tbt )i>ct U to ^ump uito a thicket of totopta- , “•
Ibta train tor bo«i at
at all
airbt. Mra. !
•*” *•.
. ***•
praeralad hlrb laceatUes to
Clar raaehad the outija te Uma aad devil's boar B'bou time haB«s toavy, noble and osraMt vrorh oa tto part of i .
wMthomabot bar boibaod did aot',|g^
,>ivr< sksa It II that a UkA is a ftrcag '
aad not rfarataf totarday. I
, tety rtotoh. with aogeJI'**'^
Mra. Kio( waat to Boy Oiiy Hoadoy to' larktuRanasgihcleovtaai If they wwo '
-------------aaa U sto ooald find tn«o M him. 8ba' so many nichca lhadiuf toliw to Bioko , W. B. Baaey Mill Opoa Breeary aad
Uanad from an ai<|^letaM that bor raorarsaliuB banolM- hy Biakin« it
Kralt Blore la tto Boadic Blod.
haobaod mlmad tto trala laad oiartod Iom peKy and ornsoriooa by fnmisblny
„ „ o.„., .
It olds
ofI tbo
to, Mteh
than ""
oib ortKhbuto';
^ B Baooy. a prominonl I
It U. n.1
.U. o
U. rlvv
rI.T u
.Id, s
. ao
J- with
T'“ olhor tcipico ‘b”
olng Cough. .
iMtrato bll Mitoar
faalu and foiWm U U vrr,
for a aiao of Big Eopld». will open a
•ichitis ana Ira
Ipwaonwhodocoaotllkenadingtotalk aod (rail otora la tbe Beodie block
marliineoBimuyw ittontsImilDB Par- April »«. Bo will carry a UaP%( fraito.
Bear lihaM a tragedy Wearad Moe- tbermom a U»ie fur reading o(t«« bln- aiapla and fancy groeerlM. provUlom
day atoralag. Two braebars-la-law.! den oor lakiog tbe wrting sidt-in prao- and vegetabisa
To cat tbe yoant maa'a
trade becoasc wo bove tto
dotbes ihot picooe b is taste,
at prices tksi fit bis packet-
^■Miny ortoi >■ doobllol^
WotorvUM to to h»n i» 0M*tof.
tMtocy. Mploytoc Mo haads. A toohl airht froB Oraat wkaro to pr—*
faaaral aormea yfolorday
allsMlhtdU.ou. to
J. 0. Batohiao eaoM dowa troto
hdklad it Md vork hM almdy ton
Kapid pity
tovu M tho tMioty.
Jarry BalUraa of Ooear was la Ito
Jnt aftor aspiwr Koiday . alchl oJty yaotordoy.
•arab Oartotoa of Oraad l^ito loft
MIm Barda 0I1S« rataraad laai airht
tho bowo vilk oaly a thia pallea dwa froM(»lo, rharo aba' boo toaa for
M aad aothtoy o*or her hoad. Bor
aaaoral Moatba
hwkaad Ihoajrkt sto was oaly to to
H. B htrOM to la Ito odiy tnm
reao for a tow totoaua. toil whoa oho Oraad Baold*.
had aoi lataraod at I o'eloekaoat atorm*
ryhaa rataraad
tif to was aaoaoy aad rapartod to toofren Tbm Rl’
foUoa Bo ooald aol aaomt tor bor
Arabia Ayara lafi yaatorday for Bol>’
food laira aad Charlarois.
bambr whaa aha left tto hoaaa aad bar
B J. Baallua iaft for Bpokoiio’
tova straeu the formar
p=t U. -»d tH. .
U. PP. PlUi pp pdblp, PPd I
t„ p,Tl, epp.ldp.bir ppptpp.
blUpd b^. Ho dibpr pppM
rate Slid aHOHitivi-tbrnogli <mr fomiltar- J. B. Ureillok Co. wUl pnt la i
tto mlU.'-KaaalordalsIMoaalf-dafeasa. ' b ngbi ( ' ' -m-lfobar.
■ fixtamo. sad it U
•ayfag ttot Babrloa aamaat bim with
----------ppopesad to make tbe store one of tbe
Mnth tt-|rfe*a.
finest In the city.
At Waat Branah rraak Daekar. with
kio dog. waa followiag tbe traU of a
wUdoatwhantoaBddeDlyaama acroao
a-hagatoar. With a waU-dlractad abot ;
"K» yon u til ool tail toHclbam.,
to laid braia low. Tto animal wslgbad ' chi Btill tUsi u not m mean a triok no
Township MomlssUoas!
^ mioa pli^ He rnie them all oat !
i-aaai<i»K- ksitrucax
Tbeo t have tu get suoUho ra{*w <Hily
Tbs township of Bolmea. which conbapervlsor—Harrison dpeet.
to find that 1 bare bee tuuled
alats of Maekiaac' lalatad. - aad b
Oiark~-)sy 8. Brown.
ie Jonrual
IdMUoal wttb lae vlllaga of Maekiaac
Timobiiii Ira D Unton.
tolaod. will wind up im aBaifa-.aad go
Highway Commtouaer—Uwry
oopjoia fi<n.
oat of baalneas tbie spring Tba new
vtUpgeof Msoklnsc lalato will sapSchool iBopretor-A B Bllnson
plaat both the old townsblpaad vlllags
.l»>Hreof tbo Wsm, full term-Wm
the biw-uits yon luadc ynudcdsy a
tioaro -I Bevlew—John P. TIUoIoob
A ttosk eompaar lo bslag avgaolx>d —Woonwckd'MK l.)Kcpcat4«.
n (^mimi
at OodlUae to araot a ftac briek hotel in
• k.t pb>b_
found 1
litot eity.
aonsisblre - Jamas McCully. Wm
nnd HU
la of tioatk Have 10 water aapply ovch. dntiug rrom si luaot li U S300. Urey. Wm. Memro, Wm. TIIIoum.
rARAS-isx—raiox aiLvxn
rabladbv findla
Snprrvis/ir—llco. Madlioe.
la tto water. Tbeae i .nltaoiatloas of
• <d aTasw
Laat are probably
ppMiwol for
Trensurei —Oelos Kingsley
Highway Commlasioner -Chno. MiUer,
“,,d IP «llrr» PPd
Mchool lDSpcclor--[dOu r. -Manlgold
■PP cbppnd ^ .tlpp>|,u>, IP .P.T
ppld. OP ,bP oU», bppd Ibp ppp,.
Jastire of tbr Pca«e. fnll term Isaac
a family at Osi^ Btpldo laotTbanho- giera at* extretoriy worm sod dry
gtvtng day by plaeiag idar poaato of, The small streami of water dry
dyaamlls eodor tkolr casldaaao. A ! doring tbi* oeasoti. and sgrionliure ,gf., Ihaln CommUsioBer-.lobn Wall.
! Board of Review- Jacob Boogmtiler
dafreUve (almlnatlag cap was all that i f^ nu< t> fi
Coasisbin -Ueo. Bell. Wm. Hemro.
oaaad them. He was takM back w 1 T®
«•*.- ev.i be firflovlng It
Osdar Ba^ds aad Is oatdi to asvo coaiiilial>lisi>is <>r <vrtaiu dis Qsrl Moody. Wayne Hnnigold.
• triols do MitriUK tio- wiuier llo-y fol;
' lei-t Ibe enow « bh-b. ns la «t-ll known j
a WiMdi.h ntiA.k
At Monroe, toa lea gicf Monday - tolU m oI.uu.Io.mv m
rrgtom. .ud '
1 r r
moratng psaaed down to ttaaamrabaad an-uuu>bii<- ii ai I - iuMoui of name'
an^ign'ai. do hmat^
atim to rafnnd th«n~D«ay on a Mto^t.
•» WarfMtodSyrapof
It (alio to o > yw ooBgb or 1
'«a*A Wo atoo I
I thrasiU from
B ai her fiagaro Manday. and tod
d U a macblao
Hamilton Clotliing Co.
wsatssssstss MSSMSS***
I a^'st!to\'5oo£.sU
I. •' a so'iq.
“They tit the feet
as nature iiitendedp*
bi tertAlAVfi
\d Wd a oood
, ^
CAR &hW A COtVA^tTAbU thOA^ ATV& bt
TtASOAtbW AA^t OA a\^Vaa
wtx\ mo\tx
Shoes Given
We a't->^mDr -Jeari-ss Mm.-r"
Hygiene Shoe* to nil women o’
Pingree & Smith
Composite Shoes.
Price $3.on.
•efer Ibaar fsmou* abori
sopes'.nee snd g
.'iving i| •slltirs
Oil- sdrsntngr
Compare them with any
shoe sold — Vou |ict lK)th
style and wear in this slitte — You take ao cbaoces
when you buy tbe P. & S. shoes—We have sold them for
18 years.
pair tbe exact .'z* and shso* rtf
yonrolil nnlr. a. tbe shape never
will torSanred
New opriTig stvlM nee or>«
Better sod ir'-re desirn'Bwths.- vve'.
Frank Friedrich,
Price $3.50
Si**- our Window.
A. S. Fryman
The Old SnllAble Shoe Mao.
Lottk f.T the new sltn-e -We have moved one door west ot
ih Brosch Block.
Prai-tical Shoe Mnn
STtOoTOV^credL ^eAne\;Ya |
CAA&VAtVB Cktfi^
^A, a\ (\.M.
crA\ coVm.
They’re tbe kind odvcr>
tiled In oil tbe loading
Bisgsrlnes and wore by good
dtaoaert everyatora-
El^ Ihite suits,
CittE i Crosaetl's aid
idler's UdGiOTK,
I Other me Cehnd SUrls,
I iL 'AB-DerbjHits,
Steii, Blfcb i Ce.,
“RnaiDell's'' Celebrated Soft Bats,
Ties ma tbe l^isi Redieir Hoeses.
‘■Sbif KUt" lea's Half Hose,
Bobno not SD.I w. forib. tV. say •bUt.-i^ ____
waeleaantHabdktolnJariea hut 'blueriy hot' .<v>iui to me alwunl."
"=>«• « hiilr further."
mnned ibr
uutn t> ln> wssAlntog
------------------- —
tbe w-riilng* -yon wlU wv- ibot ibr
trouM wriv »d\sm-ing und.-i « gBUlag
Give Me
Your Shoes
lor itom.
I th, tfiuuii np«n>Y'
to apraad oat for miias. aad all dnagar . narrow «an.->
Tb«-> lu^-n. ii
provfd fsul. It.cnmr tbrosgfa tie kl/;
dtoallar Mrrro niskr I (•tuniMci. Ml ibui II »dl l>riB,.vs; BIs back got SO Inmc be c.ald |
lliauiue .U llir ••lid ! not ttoap without great pain, nor sit In
ata rape-tad watt of lben.bat they are
il»-y r<itrT ib<-t-u<.>rtr<>ut a-fasir except propped by cuehl<
likaiy to be brokan nafora raacblng^tba of Ibe •liiii-r ll.ryr
' helped bbIm nntllI hr
I tried Rie-|llll-H
«ls-> -I
liiuu tiini-nl
eivy. nod ttoetoanal is now epeo m
ir Biltcrs wbic
they can pass do«e.
In onli-r lo tuititH I III- .......
.J, J
' J sous Krysnt. a largo stock dealer ao
wall as farmer, waa lastantly killed at
Abroo Uondty momlag. Hewaoao r«Kt tlie Ifinis-rnliiir i. mtit-lj Hi-taml i |,rs1*h f'nW M.- st Jss. G Johnson
'ait's drag stores.
atotiag in loading some logs oa a wa au<l lilt- WHli-r nl tin- >in-ainr U-clu- tv I anil 8. B. Wait
g«a with team and imllave whan tto
.......... .
tackle gave way. uor 'at the pnlley - - ____________
dlli-b iiuiili' ______
fur thU ,._.i«uMr
blocks striklog I
tbo head. 'Bo «ai,.r whli-li ruii< down <>u|i|>il<,-s i
aovar knrw what
rit-w uuiH liie n-turu of niut»-r.
to lived oome Bfiaan mlBsus.
i.Mr wf
I thorasaliof nctivo mlMloaBry
The l-lgS'-f 'll-- viin Hv <b,>m-r lu
b by land agmit. np^tlag Da
.'i -------' ~ ‘ifrW VorL r.-k-sram.
>ring tto past wiaicr.ymtsrday r^.-e uK.«-.rrx ilir Hi. i..n guns, .ac
«W, panel., with mu hr n-ckvl«M ..p.,.. n. Br. ,miiv .beo
aad farming
li full oliarxiuIiImiui limiinm Ifift dblswusea coDBty by lag ijullr u.i'i'''. Tbr CT loii gun <00 pair, and st least a third of wbst etbanOas to aaak aaw hemm' io tto above Bn- Id^- r»iiudr. wl>ik- iti<- adx im-b •-rs charge fdr the work. Then If the
atatas. Thetraia U eompoaed of tbree ^rv-i-ldid'li-- I' g—« r«*r oie.or tin full >vb Un'i right, do tto right thing.
—bring them back.
aaetloes sad will to ma over tba Ann ‘'harBo routi-h The rvnw* fi.r Oils Is
"■'"di'- ’*rat ami -nm-tinc i-ffm'A<r the p-vrdrv w-ar away t^
Piad dceti. ebtof operator at tbs
i«-r .-od and
Of Union Si..nrnrstb'
Mlabigan. toll Tolopa<»e C .'s otBca. abrll dors not .sirfa Hr- rifling.
at Baton Bspids. was severely bart_________________
Maadsy. He was saperlnleadiag -bo
wiw* ii w«ni b» rwMthh
aalosdmg »( some po>MWbon«ao
IIL>- ilii. dfw rliitloa »f the
oflfMd aad those handling It lat go- leittlr ' p^lit t
tho polo Stoiking toouM tna bond and
T^£’:;;r.r r
Ttore's a siaortnaas and
etyle about oar Hart,
' Scbsfloer A Mara tsllorBude clotbca ttoi appeal
to tbe drcsiy young men.
College men wear ibeta,
yaang buitneaa men wear
them, tncQ at every trade
and prefeooloa ore tfikiag
AA& St^VXA>l—&At o\ ^A AB< '
tarVAt e^anA^A—j
'WaUU AAMtVAa aoaaVa Waia—m
alll.mlk Lninbv in VI Vm.
raon te TravUM (Htj Lsmbw Oo.
nncs IN JAPAN.
g£0$vrTM£ moaiB
/» tHOITT ST0m£S f
Tbey ttewad OarpatBaga.
Om at tbf <iBAiau-*<
It a fin
la J^aa
Hoaamla^jr bn&>taai«o(t<« I
TA*« _________ ^
_____ _
Ox 1 *»»»«*
*** ►J** cf • f- » '
ra and
Tkcat moBMad AaMm a»aw
!«*«« « o<ahiii«caB U duix
Moal^ AU btre b.ai>i;
pruKW at Uw flaaifx <*prdall7 oo a
port tabat. U Uanaea ;
WWPl.,. «««/ • IfToatxr.-pt
•» ^' .»»tb«rau(,whirfa
««tu« W
-Aat to U« tapir lor ■—*»■# W
to made u( tllea, Jaioatae boama are
•aa bp rtaPM of tba matoara Da CbarU baijt euclRlr cd eu^a anid. touatoo
------------------ ------------------- aamtobar
«a a la«ta mata.
Tba pODjaM to «e aa-
mata i,m amaa am LaOMaaa.
ibric raUfoad.
Hap Oaitoto, afod 1. 4tot ftem hpa
toorla to BtaMtovlUa. laA. tadaaad bp a
•Ito iMrtito a baby brothaa:
AabatoMatoaaaaaaUfb moaatato
•aar«faabarrr.Ta«..btoboa to«llaad aatbM «<
Attydov. a a W.. tba oambar of
Em«U« Ikr ar^ElrMl McMrMdAto
Vtlk >wk •-> > Np'
a pNas
Ponie *■? toe- <.. It.
tW tom <4 •>> tnaw"
Pto mr hmit-fli."
U ...< to |Np
am m omenm >■ »t» atom
to lawt to »«« M eur
t<«r ■■ ebr
mtoJim tt> tOTtum.
to the p<w^ <U»mcu‘‘----------
Braau wUl aatobeM Ito Atoeororr to
BMP br a aattooa) ebaeraania of lUj I
ofr;rSAl5.rf“ “• jj^rsTAOE
And kuklw teH u> it.,
a t«« ■] b~n « .y.-^ »l<
a-toayT. \.b ^ Pnm
tba whole *a>>u( to botmot dowo wUb
looredlble r^dity, aud Uk- fire only
Tovard ermlar br wrod.-d bb way to I S
brr b'Hav vub lb>- •wrrcnt aolKHpatluae ’ a
of rt.uKtUaiii>e iad AffMtkia. tTnh v. •
yO «tri> abr wwotn]
*lv» lutHicr aod I
Bk'B faaay faree.
, dratt-t tUas
»u( at br omiwd the '
1 »»J» a tlyfat Drt bt. r,ei ahicb .predfly | “Wbot Sappaaod to Joaoa'’ la
I OwM dewb tbr frrrld l•>ur• of bi' fatK? playing to erowdad boaaea ttlghUy a<
< paiBtiluc.
ll «a* Ml. haiteo aMiaduy toa Orwad Opera Home la Mew Yorb
tu dletooasl from ber b*tr*r The
CUy. lltaataoraaatagat toa 8««»d
; ex.-rnar bad lrf^•uKfat a ■•liaht ditah to brr
; rlM-ek. aad .br wa> fairly maxllay. Me Tbaaira la Loadoa.
'Prnvirrd Harry la lloii
iMtnv «o
•be are preprie
bbii ■ triy iliAiaal (aim aud ihro turard ton of all toe Ueo.
1 witli adJi>l eiu|>rvtwiiM-Bi to bri cuCD|wnaptayaaadwhoanatao ewak«
Harry ebtayni ii» iuliulUxta at
. eon-, aalkrd by tor bouar iu Ibr B»eM anof toe «
Maatviy and iadtoeiTet otaaiiri and proCMdnl tu
u|M>« that
Krill., trboai Boaeiii- rryardrd ao aopcf'
■tape at eume tipeu apaoe a Uta It oasDOC pomtbly eimtol fattbrr It ta iM anaaoal to Tok^ or Maa« of ibe toryer
towaa to hear of a Uwohum] coevta
Tbacabaaa baao 11
toaattolreaa'lba dtoaaaa Klybt Uioaioad
r of Pairftald. a
ary. Pa
da totur from |a ooafadorau
aaytor that ba faa In iba bau
HryooW. and .iitios there
thmacti the eiirhanird rrenlm be
r .^.lUd
pinare .mly tor
s»xi .loipa
eallrd oin
V- ei»i
Komllr Ante. Utiablna aod .-oBfuwd.
n"! '■•■n far aa-ay aiiidber
arodber iiereoti
ixMx.n draw
■ uuer of drilt-loi
in winter tliUik uolliiiiK of w allciug Ure
or ill niiJra to yo auU Icik at a big
,br pdoi of n-oli-oi.
dZr.T.i u'i
wa*yalifield Ueaakedlbepptusaitorif
poMibla ib lad toe oame of tb« owner
ofnbe liUic itoeh of gooda.
lg l„ibH wo.it lio.uu. idU ur anpUiuis Ux-y can lay iioIJ ul uixl tor
hi. fa.-r. wbil- tlxtl'x-(i iu
-If I Pi. K-xalie.'
that 1 .ball ii»l n-lti
toknrtl b.i iiud n
Dot ■ v-inl fix IIX-. ll
*'t dn »•» iblltL
Ibii 1 « Uh to hay.llrn^i cared at lx
rtiabiil frxtu tbrreoi
Tbe poal-
maaUr loeatod tbe place' and aeai
Then a* tbo-liru drawl it-utrvr. and tJia
aoldtar tbe aamt of toe ta] ired peraoo.
Tb.«>ldtartoeo.-t tile
| ^
tor tl». •bleb ha
woatd •ake aaeDda
| „ >too,1mi ebailer.. uud tin aln^jia pa-
Blgbiladiaaof IbepalaoeaiOooalao-
per waita. are tinickly uk<-o dnwo and
Ainoptohare bees bantahed for poliu-
broqgbt into a Baft- plau . ita.-luau are
h bit bnixl on tbe
ai.d .li.l.l. n.iifr •«
itir lad> .11 III.- amtoiii..Ut.ktl.|ri-xi|.
lir oiM. ■•rnurori.er
Ill niad.-a alep
ifiioxto •■Hare y„u
•f aiiyiliine f.irtlier
■ Uioox-Ut xad Ibrn
-What Bappeaed to
out of UiMt pinna, anil wiib tbe
I .
fewaruclreoffortiUoro ureiinicklyte^
JliMae Oity. toe oe* •Inicg town oa,
Little TaFem -Little TaFen-
paper -a tear poga abaat which meat-, boom and tbe roof
That i» alL
Ilia m>im. and when hr l-ba«eO i.h.perty Lrith Mi>b a .ii.niiiumraaaboat It by le Inehaa, bat which aeldoa that lifu ta Scat lu tot-ai-flrea, ex- aod a.krd k.-r paidoi. and .nl.iui.kUrlyi Au»>T Ai f..l lb. dxbc-l
br ebouid hive It. hm lo ■>. inture.! and I br
aedded iu ibat/ihauner «a» wore than i f,di n Ui.i ............. in ibut hi. own «a» lu
Thou•*>'' •""'A ‘w
lu vaii. did -lie IM.-u, j , ,„u,.4 „,or..
i-eiii.„. tomi h.-r., Bctfr will profit ^ experirnt
ihne lx.gra. i
A. Harry aalk.d ib.i an.-ro-.u ab-ox tandi today are rietlma of
paa-rd by. and. ai.-k at heart. RoMllr I tb-broad roadhadm* frt.ui bi. hdn«- hr rbennailatB aod nerroua dtaeuBM. half
of Ihcae beeomlDg Ounflrmnd Iiovalldt.
»'«it up to her u*n phiB aod rrird her- j «a. atiraitnl l.j almo.i iiiani
■ ' ‘
own negleei
hen by
gio.u., and. l—k
R yarrlr iut
phyatalani wbo are not
n<«allr «»• warm hearted and quirk di.imov be—* ■
trmiieml. but «■> enkllr ai-i.-aM-d.
le Of diagnoaiBg their eaae. aay
bi. patb. w:..le a ix«.l
•lo.ta-.l fu- capable
aai aNo |wo.iiiin>lely foud of admiral
lire of treating ibcm. D ’.OlUDan.
rbni.ly 4->ni> Itie r-uHl
,\> lx- ilivu Ui ar- noihlre
icnyof New York, now preeideoi
murb ta-ni <m ha
er br tli.'riMicb]} n.-xetnri-d tin- dark,
brOitman Medical loatitute Cote
■I for her. Three tu-1.fiii ti.Iiiiu
..| pn-i.-nl Ibr Ml j
patty, baa cured tbouaanda. nine eatra
lace ta-BU* fr-iu I.-Ibct BI her ,Ii.|k»«L , l„-r,'r,u. tbe .1..
out (if ten baring been pronoun-ed
:. bi—y,-.
> U a kind of .oldt-rt '
Otert.domsab mormooa bare eat , Tbo Lnmtou Tii
11x1 Ilirhrrtn .111- Jmil ta-ex ix-krlv lutDirlocntablr by aupDOoed eminent phyr
tied IB Cnlbaaboa. Mextai.
ciana before mmiog to bim
Many of
Jolly bBctador nuclei wlx. mak.a ooca- mi,xi
eivr »p the cruen.1 b..m»*r by
ifferera. utterly dloBOurKid BI Ilarry'a
The Uuitm Stataaelaatoshlp ly gaoii
Aooal rifilk
I'.ncM x .•ii (ake tht-ir filing ■■i.itiooi'
to bim belleriog tbat
■ixTial ...iillb-t.
wlU make a aearcb f<w Uw mta.iBg Dfwrpupi'rB into Ibuii nmlidi-ure atid
l<»l taiV-ly tbere bid le-im i diBerem-e
. aomeiblng i
IforrIU Ular.1. wbile aba U aegaged to bl»e a bllr «f»y of wnliuc lo tlx-Ol OU 1“ b.-i f-»-lmrKh<- Ixi.t ix-kn-nb-lted .
sr b.ren known to do.
If be
le ca»i- iurareble. be la frank
all wm. Of Itibj.«l.
If an KuKliahuiau “•»*
i^i* ■ .baux .u lUry} R.-,n-1 «u
ahe aerrey for a oabla rdo'u lo tbe Paand honeei in terilng tbe patient to
row. down the TlWime aixi Mon. fur
►'■•■b «• -b.- bad uever I g,.«ifte.
K., C*il on him and have health, itrengtb
Tecniwee baa baeome toe leadiog
.,11 and happineok rretor.-d. aa be will rlilt
hewTiu-k to l...i,rw.,ui,kn^. ,u.t » a lit........ .1,,.
.X ' Traeene CUy Tnaradav, March rw.
pbcapbaia producer of America. There
tie toy rtlll. IL, to couijduiu to hU b. vbIxIv uie.1 Ix re,.A-. II,r, hi.l ■'*
I the prln
tb ria
•re m raloaole mtaes to toe eiate.aad maintua u( thv ruDgb imtlix Ot of bta hicb H.-il or «-..uiuuIr eix. r. n<v- nhub
lolel from
-b! .
•U 11.JI .k. I atxl or.are employed to the ptayinau>s wid later 'nu tlu- (ir.t letter '
i.r.j.-d f..t lb.- aun.-rer'.
bhaalaeaa. New mtorn
batog opeeed ta followed 1^- utbvr.. in wbiHi ilix oomn freeamd atricUy
Harry bum .'ti-r biiu. pxta-tiii
paratiTH Aiurtu and nwi of helit loncb- Ct.liiC they n<-rv« rt<-<|<i.-i.l!y l.w.-'hi-D- tta- ai.Hi-ii
Bixl f»«( verciuc
nu • Mdaonti-ii. *«r«. "ti--.
aliM'fbm fate wlurii n|r|x.ai.
de- *i:-k.-.l .1.1.1
CoBsamptlun Cure — Waroer'D
.Q< lH.h» ,
At 1.1.1 an
VfhltB Wins of Tar Syrop, the
el. in«-ut of dix-or.! into ib.-ir lia,.|iiu.->nratad wiU maeu aeramaoy by Prn - drunk—oud wlx-re have ihrv ma dtme
•’« J he>4 cough rcineilv on earth, cures a cold
Mr ■'Ijir.-o.-e liallox .ax..- up trum tbe
maUa at Ml eeaia a eopyi
eomotiuiea whin rlnldrinj iw old
I p«to>ta aw Bnable to mur*;, and onoe
-*V u ^ ^ ‘ •ww'wdt'd by rtatniw they cauuut bo
wen beaiegad In Ladyamlto era
„*eht.<l and oftoii prrub.—Tokyo LetlAff bwtenaa ef tbe aalga.
«d bearUy praaaiag tbe i
■ '
Tfca taritea rawplalaa. miwaaaa a»aU«
ta Bl« lially doanwl.
Jteeple of Acre desawl tbat Brtxtl
The nea-aimpw U a n.milier to tbe
mad BilUia aiake Acre a fraeatate and
fanllylu t-kiKlsiid and n-Kularly pomue
caaraniaa ita ladapaattobee.
lu breakfaat with Uif othi-r mi'iuber«.
Itoat Utat aod bU aabtoav
maaBisou vow a rekOlaUoa
AlOtoetonati fiabW taaacMi Wtaa.,
VA of toa meet noted Jewtah rabbta in
AM. twAk of 1
r. Ktocb Mew Dtaeovary tor
oa. ThMiu wrote: "It ta
> I ever ueed ter a
■ a bad I
^ “ ““ ‘*"**®'
'"J *«“
»«" ulliAmw.-Bruukl,
Wbat could it mean? Hurriy be lord ber. and If lu be cnuld not aU)
Aa OMIviAB nAMu.
She would wait paUemlJuHaa Halph. ii, Harper'-, (iv.w a picUmi ohe couU do.
tre xf a faabo «aii Kngitab apeokiug
apeokiug Hta„ .
x^ I *"*•
The next ereutng Mi
Didtnn reUrd. goniibat noee of KifliBg'a w rlitoga girea.
but Ruaaiie eeiil dow a wortltbat abe w*a , Mr. Kalpb
Kulpb and a fftand preAentrd wbat
Ul aud asked to ta-n<-uoed. let aa right oouudi-d tik■Implr letter of lotredocafter night
muru brr
................... .
ptvaru'rd hlmeHf
She would allow Mr Harry Beyuoldt to ttatta .tioeri.
.tmeri.et.* „ri „iJ ifa„ irtkita
*'Wbo ta JaacOoppllna?”
"Uhe a the big treukied giri tbat !!*• '
over toe gruoucy atoeedoWDtbe atrueL’'I
haavem. my rtfr. yon wiU^ovtotoiy
know bcc "
"1 won't bare to •
e^^'^^~il~Y^taatMln~lo' cantoirJlIw'^n.TLir^r
R ■Wall', d^ ber. wiU 1. aanunar -Chicago Trib-
toa‘toe wa. not .ufferingfrum the whta : they were to tudi ta wa< Ita-ir ®erraat.
4„w,i „f w. p,e>en.e' Tbere wereotb- He had pm bia ta.......- tu other huda
latUff TsTOB-UtUff Tsm. | Tb. riderty^cTul^w.. lettto. a '
to glre I
mtu TintB-Umi T»tot.
.totytelllag balplag
liffbtaa (ba
rorkAftar a delletoai lasehaoa waaawaad
(aa gataia depariad
•all 'plaaaed •itb toa attarMoa'a work
aad aatartalaawot.
Aaboaaoelkl •ID
giraa attta
borne to J 8- PhUlpt. toe Waai KlghtB
atraat, ter tba baeaflt of
(ba B*aBgal>
leal ffaaday aebeol. (ornwrow iraal^.
Sapper wUl ba nmd aad
gram vlU be glrea.
a Saa pro.
Bratybody la aof
dIaUy lavltad to attrbd.
Oat Baata
Mtaatrata, aa e*>
aalaaOea of gnat marli. ta «aa to tha
April 'bookiaga at Siatabarg^
____________ ___
LlttU TAvnn-Llttlff Ts^sn.
rwavtddalMn t» Oatatoa'a SlMlU
Spar VaTDtt____________________
Uttld Tartn—Uttli TsTsn.
. i*, k;;,":."
U MOI^Arr Aba
T A.THOMraoM M U OOaa la BAtaUtoB
X. A NffllkaDBlnm. Boon. (to U a.
lo(p.ra. TAlApbaos.Tt
Bol'rl. Rma'00 ABC OLWw
wra'a ABd rblldrwn'a dlaeaaraaaperMly. Of-
T II CAKriN. Pkyrirlw ABdauryem. OtBe*.
aJ.' La.I.-r Ulxary K>.ildlna. Brl^pbOBe-0^
lire. Nu Ml. rrwldrnr*. Mu 'I. NartOeiB pbeua
BBlIBAla by Ibr lalral And
T^K kllEli TII.'........................... norvma AAd
^ /.Jj®”"' ““ Frn and^-l I workJirre'Atl.eaOnr.H-M taW.X.UrxK
ir •I'. r.ixJ
to. Kenb-lar«. Nurtkera ptouA .
raAd *"a
* J*'oT!#
Chri.tl.a wah or wmB.0 le
•V, iiiiAlliy tur n-PBAUrni pnAliioo o( irnoi. ‘
IB your ruumy. BCiU y-Arly. Kixloae srlfad •
dreeM-d.uiAiBped rarrlotw to B h WBlIme.
EPBrrAl ix^reiAry. cAie ol Iferainf B-xord.
(Bm hstwr. a1w> Vuirg).
liAraer, 'A bArcaix . Kr
dolph rlreel.
Bile and rood
rr. rale. AAd
r AI M>l Waa-
^ ootalng to toe my dangbDetroit Free Pt«a
Half Soled
gltoL^(fm>-r®rewwrAl —
.. Relar.
«U nuib
In 80 miaatas wbfls yon
wslt—Prioss 40 sad 60o.
t S. Fqmii. 135 Froil Straw
: M°”l^
XF TOD WUXlaH.mmXnFXa. If—
-kMU—*—M«—. 1
totlgbud to be la ber and would art a. rean.. for them during
! tbeir atay. Hr refuaed aay rompenaatioo
The next Hme Mr. Dalloa came toe dM „<1 regriariy drda<i.-d aay cnmmimkwf
Ta S—a In Sronmaen 7l ------------ “>• etork warwiirtog «ad •«. a. frtaudly and pleoamit u f
!• nm U inpfSW ** mtms.
I WaM t* dx«ired. Tbe yonng man nolleed
■'Von have i I elnguittoot. air.'* be
. 3 h«
bllbrrtx ubeerred.
and vonderrd what Bigbt br (be cBUae.
~!^^fatri dtaoMto' If takan thor-' eerona tbe tootep
Poor Bo^a Mata nweuwbjle waa ter
tba rage oa band tBey had a jolly Uw,
fxi baliv-d ami jx
TJtOB -BALK-Karfo ..I «> «-re.. » Ariea etaoF.
,1 ,I
Uoff»: nearly
nexly lOO
lO* golden
yoiacn r rd. B..-1 bulldlxK-.lI.rer H»ie> A«a< •( tM
mi-. i.t.-l if bi- I
It it war fur v.iu
«“’■-*> btodlcga. Sella at .-Ut. K<ni«u.«: loax-i.’a Caa) lerWB at aa*.
hi, u bi. miml-ri
r..r 1 bar* *lffht; preaaeu mnnlog day and night wrnl. NrlarxiUr-or
ll-..alh1 i-.i.,
xr '•ei-tair..ibi- de- '*°Freat it the tale. Chrtatian men and gSTOAV CaIB.
oac-d ............. ..
iking fortunra taking orders u rb.i.b
•tnii l|..i. ..I iny «w d ba|>pitj.-xp
aotloiu. One chriailanawc.!:"7'J'r‘‘£'
ll.«alir L.xkx.1 111. at biix
..Lab* AXnn 1..
AZIU Baxiej
made clear asoo in four weeta
niiiiii >-yi-.. "I dxu't M.-V wby
jtakirg order* among ber eburrb ae"I HU. -itn- tbat bub
-qualDiaccea and frieoda. Writ* na. ti
4u Biakr y.iii iinbapp'.’'
la aiate'^od to a permanent paying poai
N..H I ruotxii oa) wbetber tliia
I, lu^.id, Hon to manage our boalneei and look
uxul api-ur).iu imni.'iilBily
I. umliuudxr^Frge correanondener. wbleb
bx' llairi nx> .-l.->i-i eumiKb t. Jb®. B-Hobio N®.
alao.l ll iu.lHiill.. All tlx- tnjiibta<>.
Iriali J f®" *"» attend to right at yonr hi
au<! UilM^iliC. ..f tta lari r.-» ni-ikk dia
^^It^WOiygD- rcj^yagwl IxjBwwwrk,
dei-Un-.| bin b.,.-. U.mali.-bad >i-.p..ixW < ^t«ed I^., a aerix* .>'f flippant. ekaap.-raliui: mile l Iml b>-k ib
'bx.l(ixiu in
aiww-ta-a wbixh drun
lUrrv o)tm»( lu 1 tbx-x two n-uni'< .1 ta
n-leol lo licue. I
<ta*pelr. Sbx intended..........................
Hall-m ni8dx a very alyliah
maad toeir famUtoa.
Aboat M
r^ItJUL^TVert, Arte trull (aiw. alluWtO
and I Little Tavens—Little ThFera.
Ai till* Harr» uuie|l> .i- i. ■
------------------------------------................. bia walk Wm.-b i.ua 'I
fxre.-di.l'.it’tta' ..ul.-r U..I.J. b<
lii.'J a w.-U kH'-wii fxrrx—Kx.;
iu bia |xilb. with b-r .Ixa-i.. p
work'of art baa just been iaaued In
rt.a -u..il.ti wiib w.-.'pii<2
sii .liil ii..i^,
New York at an outlay of oeer >10U,I.. avidd him «. -lx- l:a-l -i
diuK Liiu' to w"'-for which the pablUberm dealre a
Ol lair, but rr.-ux-d ■iv.iiilui;
;maoager In tb> c»au'ry. alio a good
ai- -i. • He lia k I.
.Lx ki.*w all lao'iritor. Uood pay to tbe right party
«il!i<l.a» it. H. I
Nearly liKi full pageengrariDga.lumpt“D..I. I hale till-." b.--.Ai.l.
htaaUi.-r. ur bia wit., if br bad udu.
Tbe aenre of taU play of a Bait
mi to
eportanimi du«a not
oR editor to
tormxui even hia eomny ham behind a
the w-rddiBE of hi> preAerver,
«oanau'a pHtiomtta.—Friee Coilitr to Ix"
■■‘•1 » cenain triumph { beat
i *“ ►'’•■•'tax that hi. wh«ta manly heart; god. judrin* rtum bi. dev.urd ux
' waa bera to play witb at wUI wrought ] the tuaM'xf bou»r. I pr-xioun.-e that ba
itha Dtotad Staten, ta lying at bta boM
B«il mtarbief.
, did not auBer irivtux-liably freto bia lorn:
Itoealie bad uA doubt that Harry wxoM , A» for hia mother. I lodtave kbe btaaoei
, folki
louB iu
lu beaeeo
bawTAd aamu
—A aa
a. we
WA do
oa B<n>
evxoing Ak u>u«l. and oU : to tbi. day tb- frii-ndly areideal (bat
Baakor Boau a Bobbor.
beae^ na^
oa we
oo ken? ^
lAttog am to aeatat tbe
one day if taken in time. •» aad 60 eta.
ih.v,-)_D diwomed .u fo.xl ' it borem
.-lly oil * vi-il t.. bi> XTX-Ir.
Hr «ii
I. and pntrd
Oarmaoy-i oeal tamlaa taaowaoerr.- ««uiibta and fall in Kotl. urow. ibcre band........... v.-allby.
i.-tlem uu Uie aulijta-l whirh go iolo f-r Ibifill .-l-iratH-r of Id- nlliif. Thr
iaae that many faetortaa ofi eomprltod
lb.- matter of remlbnilduig, modop . xlri. ». i. .-u. iiMite.) witb bin.. «i..l ll-e
to nu oa aaffrt time.
till quota, mUt ab«- r-caiib-d bmi altli ix-..iiii(ig
blx- Mill t.i bi-r^lf with
.lobe of acfl
vin.xxia r.«.|.iti.u> .1,.- nm«t ta- . nreful
webal taadar. haa heea klUad by Brit. dent. lUai bapp
l .hulf a rtnluryaga a-«
llan. uxabl I- W..0I1.1-H <t abf
a.-rl<KU wi.
tab torem aadrr CtapulB Uarrlugvw.
••ul.v tb. i<i
r.,riv.d alK-uti-iu. ir<r|]i .orb a liou
^ Aaily ri.-wBijap.-nk git.
Hi^.pj fi.r tarlux! ibi- tiruJ.-u; .|Up»Haatoaaa are aaM tojuta SW Yaqata
iBiprreri'Ju tbat tbey fe<-l tli>-Di«.-lrni li
»|xri! ..............,
>aatr»pa«ar.Torto.ande.paet(okiU ^Xeiiant re-pt-trible fur ita-«»t.-«- _ . Hb.- wa» eulin-t.v an-ui«r eaplurr tbem.
liutaryaBditiiq; <>f ita’ u<xMU0ta .if tba »->ux,l to queenius ii itt li.- l.ill.- world.
. .
-ta.1 Mr. Dal
.-Kroaad Oatoutto toe buhoaic plage* day of judgmei.L Lbi tbe uttaV hand, an.l tar reoliy wa. pi.jne.]
ai! -x-iu Mnn-k by ber
• fan. toerraalof. la Btogal 4TtB tbe ta-ih-r claa. td Jpiglub n.-wapapm
If waa i(ui|r a tTirialiiin Jiity
iixlulgv luinub mp|»iitioUB.
jfeatba oecurrad tout waak.
» Mr Dalloe a ta—.i, ii. g-od u>tr.
a r.-w Ulll.- (eiuillilx- llir.-a aurb If
Sereral aew la iaeb gaaa soualad oa
I jirolubta
► and the '
ii> Mri wi-11 know, lx.x lx pra.iiie
—. jiof (ta-petkutial aflaini
aa attra.-ted b. b-r *id.-. aud oixe
0 the foruficaiiboaguaiidtog Sou Kraa- of nntunooa u»taalii»
Aud one may
ta- a.^i,ed cxr.,nluis>> W.'IJ piraaed
eiaeo karbo'. CxpurU aay tbe harbor bo |>nsittod to oay diffidently tbat pi*aal Harry i.ml.l .ixiiiie it no Inocer
ta DOW proef agatoai luytblng that ‘’“1»
« P^ f-nthta H Mt- Oalf.mr.
I tta- iiji.-rti.-a wl.-x,- ,1..— «<• bare
may tor toateam toto IL
for .-xampl.. w.». bi go aleuad tor a
I- '.'put III. fonunr
. -g
I. . ,
, buliday. ij would U-rtmaid.-i.-d volgar
X I—' il all. " Cob
Oblpppwa ludisM of Sangeep. luchnuirta bia daioga aud diuinga and
Oak.'toaapecta mMtlagof Ibelr band ataaduu-ly bmul and bu«i.h to writ* x,;;,;,
e abx'ikl a
bald OB toa Ifitb of Marob. puaaad by a' purtieolara of (be dnw* and bebartor to ^.-r omduet ulirii ta- bia orver ..penly
*erk- wer* «rer to. niUilye aulliorlliro
J. W. fflater haa |a»t raeelnd u
rrxn. debated tbai
.w< II aroold br a
•»rL .a.
B Ifla bleyelealB ooa ablpmaot.
Harry e..xld B.d in bl. Jhait deny ibr
8. ^*“Kwit**et!mmS*m
rraMiiiaUeiim of torn im-tbUon.
Ba Foeled tha aargeaaa.
kafeearwAaeiar. ttlPreetat.
bad (br erv-f ul U-lirriiix Unit Iii. T»b<-«.
All doetota told Beolek Hamllioa pf
b-|. . and affn-llon. »rn uotUiuy.io ll.»
WeaWefleraoBk, O . after tuffeiing l»
Y« bad br anyibrnr tail b» onu
Meek. »l« frooi .tmt.
mooitu from Beeial Ptaiula, be •onld nVre. ne.
bar.hnc. i.. tilunir.lur ilir i baiiurV Ur
d>eiioleaaaoo(t<y operatloo wa* pet-.‘^‘•pka-r
.W«. t»iM-<nl.1r. bol fci. o«-- art bad
cauMxl Ibe u-iacry.
Mr. IttltoB bad a muib.-r - liviac. a • jrld. Sueeki pile eo-e o’l earth 2Sea
<>m-jnee... Bell IS;
atalrly Judy ..f w.tne f-ny <.111 r.ai>. wril
..B.llU'1 N'wta.
Jet. II. Joboion and S, »•’
pr..rr..d ai,.l a Ica.lr. of .i.nn
jdrqg atom.
ru v wa- bn ..oly l. y aixl ibrul j.
yr.-al'nii.ii. ...........................
« *W.«.'»lo«:,iwr»lpf«rti<*alae
rl«p nbirb o.-knl t- bnu »i o.i.iy aod
Ln a v.-r> ixar reality,
Mr bad --lr. i.-d a
.d bi- niiiL f.it a
I l.-r Oerra tl<«a« Biorl
P. tatoea Wanted
«ifo. xbiii. lo, Ibi"- •.inr a rninoi that
We are no- ready to OBrehaae pole
d.rBou*. .uunry ABd O
*ii-u.-k lirrt« tlx- h.-un: f.xild it U- that
wa. •ul.x.t in luukr .. f..d of Ux-k and •111 pay fiuD i: to 14 oenU
bui.M-lr? Kb. wr..t. a hii.r to lor .m for
for field run. Apply
iu abi- tl -br r\|xi->->i i.-rfin-t eoijbttaure
Stareb Oompany.
a»P e:
io hi. diMriefioii and brr >|.xiiiiiDce ibat
br a-.ald do uxibiur f—di.b ur Impni
MU .
Mr. llan-nieV Ihw« a. b<- n-ad Ibr matrrnal egii.iou wa» «-|oud.-l wlili tbouEbl
X L.W- .fxia
'Little Tavera -Uttle Tarfini.
after bi. .bioiniirr I
nnixilie irtaliied brr iixliffemit |.r.|||nii. '
ladiea napomdad aad btaHee aa»taig aU
. «ia of OaUrabary. aod Uol <»
'** btato. Htl.e«r. liappi!iiatob.-iKar. the
etriutiirrit iiicrtiaM-> iii |>ro{>.'ni ion to lUe
-Uaai of L«i be tra»
ooe Of a parly'whi t>ro|«.iitoii»oiue
ha«a a good Mme at lha home to Mrs.
atnau yterdar aftwaooa.
a< w a Sbea BodiaV
with whleh (hay prodaae their popalar
break taab
bonapberaow ill perbar* alow mtontea
it will ln> redactal to n maM to mbw.
Tho Japaoew are woodrrf oI at Icus*
lay out at all bona of toe mybt, eeta
foryolug to l<«k at n toe. and louo. women awl cblldn-ji In toecrJ.Uat nighta
wentaritod to aaw aarpat ragi wad
playa. an tanad ter toa «
Ur Italloo Ml iwbilr fiiond bH affaira will ba aaaa ban oa Friday aeanlag,
la a -faeobai prrpb-xloc uaw. Mirta- hpril k.»It wma to Stalabarg'a Oraad
tm aftataeoB <r darlay (b>- uiybl
Ooe had brra Moe* hia riprrotb y«er tor
KocMto mcmtorato to fliwtoao the
cIrcurBi lb whirb W drlkfhtrd to rilat.
AtJIa^r York tn waU d
Malniagay. vltb Ito rarva and nwpnuaiJapaaiaa aqB hlyfa latfleri .reixaaKiaS
MlUtra. vaa to btoi ibr m(al diaUat of
abort totacrato aliorer tbeiAwaaaod to
pn-vrrta and bdm offer vitro lodocv whUapaatothaa eagaffad (haaaaktar
aUtthe toiler rUlayte. ou toe top to
wbkb Uddenawatohmansiu aU alfbt
la aoaiaiaaUca. om to bta ooapaaloma
Nua. btnterw. be bryoA to feel blmaeU
aod to etoo to ftra no|a a larye beU
waatM toa aate aad got awaywito
______- I_____ It wa. joolaorh a parlor a»»e barrall eery --rtoaoly Imeieatod ta a prr»m wbo
- - fram
, toe
^ top If «««»»
M*« M a btiDtIrrd time—whltr ninalo. at b,y
ciaUu to fatbioc. family « ffl,iae. Tha otoar wea than gatably
iBMrrata. tba ftta it dimnt. and one ,be wloduw. a pair of irti-a irte, fartay fottuoe. a UiUe villayr yiri who «oro
withdrew aad the roMery waa act
Mod not werry cmeattit aboot tomtoff earb other orthodoil» fr.eo oppoalBr .-ot
dr,-*,, of her umu ntilw and made aU
oat to »»t‘a firaataiiya. U ranf a lIHta oera.-an open pUito and » tal.U- wber.aio tb. |.k> aod cair. tbat ■■•rx-ar.-d on her dtaeovarsd ter tally ffra aiBBtaa after
tbe toe 1a B<« Ut, bat thera uy a few prrtt> rulumea. ibr yllT .Uea taU*
Whether abr really rated for bim ward. Tbanataaraat waa a tatotaaMadbaDoapprebrmaioii. Bal if toe beU oppen^
fV- yvUBB iwu or ibr rll- or nparded him aa a friend or .implr ai able eaa. and at toa tim of tha robta TtooroBalT and oatakly luUed «huw
dr.irahle i«- au admirer «as ta>pu.>lUe to uy.
i-ytoarr ware aboat forty fareteat
toabasto ytoyma oMaa etotoaly roportod
W aeaebad
Tbe ladtaa to the Oompaatam 1. O. 9.
StSuw cnae g»d wmThe^^ Uttta
i bx iSStati #V^ bareb 'avnlK M
and e detenrinattae ectaid hfan
a from the p
. |n one om. bx obtained torer
groomeota for tbem
«Bly •—
Ibe baltinn rolnr.
(Then e«k*d tbe axm-t ta tbe h-Uer of
talrT>durti<« that ttiBdx him girr op hit
boaiora. ,o «-rre a atraiwef. far arid that
frieod-blp—tbat frirndoblp waa a
b<dy ifaiag and bonnd one to beary obll“W-.O. d.
wmd. of reiri.- be mU. “amf
h h not the tom* witb y«» Aaieriemnar
Fire Insurance
la X.. A. Balidlac.
pAreeae of oalimiaia* I® AAia toa ^ytaraiaciA.
---------- ^.Esss'tesrffis
gy^—a OwinctJafaaM eity.
Ombm «r tt* Otr if Tima*
»a?au=.5!s;. - —
M-blla fonaaily aaeb a
rataa wae bulky, a blowfdpe or t
. OalL Bill
m mmi Wr1(
IliHraaa Urdl*.
gwUte*. HaUac*. Oook, taitk. LMlt.
. . Tba
M M llfbt ftt
MiUlar ft «
--tftftcrou* ftftd iB(i
bftM 10 ba aftdft of *«<
aftftUlar. ftad to a w«f*d wit* ««rrafftUd ft*M irao. t*a« Mac ba
aoatlac ftUka M t*« ftidft a
Mmd. Br Aldorafta Umm. rut
«*• aMUOft M rrfftira M t*« OoAwitta n Ttift Md W«ur, wa* powtr w
Tb •*« HonomAii Wrf Jfa|>->r Oftd (ft« Cliv
M< Ctttr of TrftMTW CM*.
lac betlowB formlBf part of It. tbe
_______ Traaaraa CUj, aad
dertee M aot tarter tbaa a foonoia
»rlcbla. datMa. aad arivilana, wat
pee aad built aonewbat oa iu ordar.
aaawd aad raad Ua tnt Uba.
Aa otdlaaaat atiUad ' Aa Ordiaaaaa Tbe ariaaOSc irlaclpte tarolred U tba
' Iho TravarM atr aad Uala- weU kaowa property of plaUaaai lo reEad^ OoBpaBj.
Ita Sbobbm
y.IitnalB iacaadwceat afur terlsf beaa
WM aad AMlcaa. the Ucbt
^Tlooaly basted to flow bcab while
.ilBca to Cooftbraet. Malatala.
a carburetted correal of air M directed
Oponto »• BaUroad la.JbK^hmrb. bptu Itt eurfare. lia Innartnarrnrr rtaaad Acraat Oartaia BMoltlalba City
lac ta propottioB with tbe etreaftb of
of lyamaaOlty,prataatad aad
tbe air carreaL To. wort It tbe foearaad tba drat Um. !
Morad. By Aldamba Salih. That tba tata pan le.ftlled with ether ead oper' s referred
^ferred lathe OiMBcll at atet like a eyrtacc. tVbea tbe polai U
a eoaiBttloe of ibe whole for laeeetica^
Uoa aad report at a later dale.
_ AtdftrM eaUlftk. BftoUofft.
'»h. Ka/oa. Oarriaa. aft Wrickt.
wa tftaafoa
bmtoa at tbe ead of tb» rod folaf
throuxb tbe nilre Mnrb of tbe reeerrotr. Aitboufb ofuiatlaf at a preaaare
of three at
exiwri.-nce of tbr war la Alferia. b«l
tb.-y did not know tbe fBufrapby of
Dortliwrctrra Ftanev. whlrb tbe Oer
man* did. aad tbu ou doabt was ooe
ftt-Bi cauar of tbrir diaaneru Tbe
SUM 00
Brltlob uow bare a aulOcleDtly etriklnc
a oarrlad.
otrr ._
Mored. By Aldenaaa
Urdla, That ohjf-ct irooti lb liouib Africa of tbe
-----------—I Lqaorb
erll reealw of tbe falae eronomy of deaaealaf
M; Utf a nuTvey. or ai any rate the pruMotiOBBarried
Motioa carried.
dintlua. of oiapa on a anOclootly larf*
Taaa—Aldarna t>arkat>. Mataca,
Moved. By Alderaaa Urdle.
ecBle to euahle a feoermJ to form ao
• Mayor
li. Isati'aetad to o'oUfy*tbe
aorurBle Idea of the phyalral feetoree
Chief of P-illee to eaforee the
wf a iviiutr;. A «ur«c; ha* l•eeu folDf
ralaUre to fatt ridlof aad drirlaf.
on fur auoH- yrur*. conducted by able
Tbtltf Mm
Jdar'i^fliuf I
Motioa etrrtad
Ualeo etraeu ba takaa ap
OoamrU .iT Me Otty •>] iWaartr t
Moved. By Aldertaaa Urdle. Thai offl<-<-ra under (lie e.tronouier royal el
u Mattar of tbe I'
Cape Tows, hut the only aiapa of tbe
MoUob earrlbd.
belaf araotad oa I
aum^aan-Wa. .Iba aadanlnad.
aeai of war la Sootb Africa to be pur
VM-Alderuea OraHlak. BaeUaca, refarrad ‘
ri^mlauy Mb baralMla of jar
chawd are oD too amall.a role to be of
Coo^SBtth. Urdla, Baeyw. aad Oar- Water a____________
baonbiB bodj to atoea oar aiora
i*e for mllllary purpomw aad are
Motioa earried.
baUdiarfroB lu peaaaat loeaUa ai
lh«' Work of private 8rm»- l*r Mac
Oa BoUoB of AidenaaB Oarria
Na IW Bat fraot Btrat,. wBta from
fulre quotra frtun lUcou, “AlK.ve all
daly earried. Ooaaeil a^eraed
IM praMBi loaUoB to tba aUar. tbai
for eiupltv and m-aiue** It Imporh-Ui
A w. Bicacui.
WMt a allaj to watt tlda of Uol
(hat a nation do pmfca* arts* aa
. CniyUrrh
Mored. By Alderaua Kearea. That
their prtaclpal honor, riiidy aad orro
ibe peUUuo be fraaUd aad a t.OOftlatlon"
will bt etrlfttl:
. . dtlyobaarrad, at
raadle power laap ba aaubUabad at malty elerk't oMm. March *t. IKK
bead will bt faralabad.
Ibe ooraer of Hlatb aad Oaloa atrsata. aieaUDf watcallad to order by Pi
BCrillloa. mayor.
Motioa eairtad.
In n<-Bth'iiiao'« Htmzlnv for DereinPreaest, Aldermea Parker,
Morrd. By Alderataa daiitb. Thai
IT oo 111,. khoi-p. ■hn'|i dof* and rbvp
Mitb. Lardla. Kaayoa. Oarrlaoe. aad fa*, ateilafi. Oook. ^mltb
UUoa ba eraai
eraaiad. prorided tba
her.1. ..f tho fell, of tVvetuiortnid.
aad Keayoo aad Mayor Ramil
>iof ibaad|'>iD
I’Blin.-r nUler hi* l«>llvf (kal In the
Thh. meetlBf yrae lecally oalled by
Kaya—Aldacwea Parkar. MoatafM<
art It ootalL
>otalaad la too
aad BaaUnra.
»e mtror for tbe porpoee of electiae ■i.'n-.- iii(.i* whirl, are k> frwqueet od
ordlaaaca fforaralac aa«
Moved. My Alderaaa UtirMoa, That a board of three electloo oommimloaerv thee.- nKniBtaln* tbe dop* know tbeir
la ba s> red aader the
ibt eaperrltloa o'
for tbe aaaaal charter tleetloa to be po.ltiob hr the eeooe of bearlnf. for
held In the city. April Sad, IBM.
tbeir |wrfe.-t erqualuUnre wtlfa ow
Moved by Alderaaa smith that Tbo*
ohj.'n., the iriUlQf detail* of ftoaod
A Me tiunombU. Me Mayor oad' City
at. B. L
Motioa carrlsa.
•urfa.-.-, whleL. for the mu-t imrt. e*
Cuu>u-U •/ Me C1»y
Veat-AIdaBaa OraUlck. Baattafa.
rapi- live eye uf man. eomhlned
aayoB. OtrrMoo. aad Wrifbt aad of eald eleetina.
Mouoa earried
I bar.- raci >Uy beta aoUStd to raaror Baallloe.
Moved by A deraaa BaaUacs thai
Naya-A dermaa Farka, Moetafba.
aat baalaaaaalcB tBAUae
the ahootlof
If fatlery
now beinf erac'
of Biy aadartaklof
Uklof roMt on Soeib Cook. Saltb. aad Urdu.
i-wiram let b« arderad rr
Oaloa atraat, tba aoa _ _
Morad, By Aldaraaa HaaUafa. Ibat ad oa the K-iairBi
A* to tbe Babbatb.
mored from
a the Bra limlu wltbla lo
Ibal tb ' ««■ pro}aeia lato tba atraat . t.OOO-eaadle powar ar« iu*>* >>e .
Bditor Morairf Record—1 dealre you
aaatrary to a eartola ordiaaooa ealatire Ilabrd at tbaJaceUoao
MudoB earried.
to aiiob -icoa. I btra arwy raaeoa to
to make tbe followtaf daclaratloaiaud
Moved by Aldemtaa Smith that tbe
Motioa earried.
ballar.-tntttbiB oospltlai orlciaated
etaUmraU In yoar paper. The ro
wlttaa l-aloataomptlhor. aad I wla!> ^ Yaa^Aldartaea Urallllick. Baatlaca- eblef of pdUca be ordered to raqalre J
N MarttbelrJCcomply with ibe per- why w.ll aooB be apaaraat lo you.
toaay fartbar. oa aMoaat Of tbe adji
wnw/uB, uerneoB. aad WrlfbC
wood arasaa.
Motioa loat
aaalbaudlnfa btlacari laM tbe air-.-ai
aai baeu to tba lot
ram trri and placed
.... wiibii
bin the 1 fa
UalW it will ba
practically biddaa froi
to tba at'aat, wat eraeted prl>
BdopUoQ of ibiB ordiaaaaa at aa aa
Of auBf tu. doea sot laierfarwith tbe paalM
M of tba
aaaoj aay n
pad - tael that It
> Bytel' aad
■y ^ aeaa bi ba oompel______ _________
■■ ire
I woald furtberreapaetfaliy
patl'ion yuer booorabla body w taa
paad tbt optratioa of tbit ordlaaaee Id
tbit iDitaaot.
I woald aay fortber
that Ui-i tifo It toouaitrucud tbti it
woald at praetletilf wortblrwt to ne
Is aay ots-r potiU ta or loimilon at it
nataot bt eat dowB aad tUll be madt
B t CaanH
Mored. By Aldarttaa Lardte. i-aai
tba paUUou ba raft-rad to tba Omia.itaa oa BiraaM aad SIdawalka.
Motioa oarrlad.
Tl> Me tfiirwmbtr. Me Mayw end CHTy
VatiHtUoJ UuCUmt/ TratKTM tlfy,
UbBTieMKk - Yoar coBBlIUa oa pab
Ue Ilfbtiar bat bad aadaroeuldtratlos
Ibe Mattar of laeraatlDC tbt aambar of
are Ilfbit wiiblu Mid eUy ao at to ae-
him la reference to
Hey»—Alderaea Parker. Moatana. mlmloD fraali
repatrlDf buildtbC i
Smith, aad Urdla.
>ntly damafal
Cuy Troaearar’e report for moatb of
Motioa eatr ad.
Pabreary. IMO. wat praaaalad. aad oa
Oe motioa af Aidrraaa Smith dal;
moUoB of Aldarmaa Urdla. daly earriad. waaYaoalred aad ordored plaoad carried, aoaaell adjoarnelA W. Rickerd.
OB Sle
• raTB«*t or auaao or ruaur woxxa
•e f-aaker.-
Trarerae City. Mieblfaa. Mareh . IBOO
We do hereby aerOfy to tbe Omaell
of eald City that tba toUowlaf le aa
lat of tbe eoet of repeire
U. Hra la the <'oiupii-a Ueiidirl mate*
oobie retunrkahle nlnu-.rtalloio aiti lb<
......... yala prewnl'vl l>> ilie inilitirea of
Nei-lerin <11tU>iiiia. the fiiiisiia whleh
pnoluree “ranker’' Iu ire*-* ctllh tb-m
of the paraMiii- fuiiiiu* whl.-li
|iaat>w catK-era Iu iiiau aud
•' ww waereracu veienai waa oeoa or
labor prrforard: alao tbe aambar of
dayi of lab »r parformad oa aaldetraria.
aad the aooaau dee the aereral peraoM
here la afur aamad aader the bead of
pay roll;
** ^
pr^. Ba.Uaca.Oort.BiUtb.ulW
iOc atrulght
Be wise
and try one.
tarabla raraitb made
— lhy«|«W5»rti«*ib*^art,aJr
>e CoaUaeaUI Aaearaaee Cbmpasy
of N'orib America teeam ail ap to fau
imllciet. InaariDf afaloat aeeideataud
eie*. aleo Uekeu ou all tbe laadinf beaGood wbeela for sale cluap
alUl* In the Oaltad Staim.
partlenlam aee
oo timt* or for cuab. at
tri SoBtb Ualaa SiraeL
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
er Kor
City, I
aelier bloc
ottee. room «. Toa-
CoisiltatiH Ml) Eiammation Free aal Smctli Coafjiutial-
Tba CetobreMd aaemaU*!, Formerly of Kew Vwk.
Not Pnsideat of UuOttiniD ledicallnsUtite Co., Inligoi, Uck.
Bo-te^l ■W'la.i'tlaxg, T«b-
Thursday, -
- -March 29, 1900.
<mc»Ho«rerroaBa.m. toBp. m.
Oae day oaly eart aoutb.
urotd BJ<| coadtcUof witb pnblie aea•Jment v-t It will aot arore to be eo Id
be cloM of tbe dlaecmlon.
Shoald eay
adlridakl BUetapt U> pror* my decla-aUdn* Uiee tl.oho reward U
per*oD that will
prove hy
’ord of Ujd that SuidBy. tb- 8 at d»y
-f tbr week, waa erea eommaaded of
le Urd lo b«
kept aa tb« Saboatb of
Ihe Ixird. or waa nUmed or aaneilfled aa
.Seither eaa It belproren by the
word of tbe Lord that Uod will accept*
Of lie oWrvBBoe la place of tbe aevretb
day Sabbath.
that the
Further it le deetaiwd
of Ood
uuth, aad if it I* ao then every tram
.loo of Uod'a law via tbe Tea Com
uaadnjcnu. laala. forain
la tbe trana-
rimuioe of the law and all alD I. of tba
devil, ao all
oapuaitloa w
ofufad lo cBforelnr asd MaebibfBDy
doclriae or aay falaa thw>cy
are to that exicai aervanU of tbedevil.
or • Bmsf Proreasioftal Ufa Waa
NowiftbeanatoUmeouara truth and
the Discovery of
very foci that tbe word of Ood maki.
Dr. A.«. Cbass’s
* ■•rva
anft Blaod Pills,
we know that tbev are troth from the
ibem Ijutb.
nmrotore ovary
and •eia&dfle Treatanat of All XNaaaaaa and Y
ef maabiad Pcaalbl* to Obtata.
1 that adrcnateB-tbe loakiaf of Iowa
mmaelaed eoforeo tba obairvaece
Saaday. tbv 8rat day of the week
rim Nrw TrautiBSut Which Has Rev
•taUoalaad tbe OU Method of
Treat u| DUrwae of tbo
tbe Sabbath
'ociBlr.artb^ aay oral,
ibe day of Yast and
pmpla keep
to that exiuatbemmv* a aervaat of Saue aad a aloaar
•ffalDti Uod.
IM»»TAJfT TO XatSXSS-DB.OTTWUl. an*r run ef urnfMam. ba* -t ii iiii
Farther every maa aad
Of Ibe private preMriptioa*
woman who obeervee Saaday a* tbe
... W. CbkK, noac bare bad
Sabbatb Id oppoaltloa to the Foartb
wide iaSDeoce oe tbe medtral peolee'Oommaodmeai of Ood la which be eay*
hU laat greet di
tb* aevenlta day I* tbe Sabbath of the
Cheer'* Nrrvr ead Blood Filla
•r many yean Dr. Cbeer’* Oiatmaal Urd oar Ood. All aacb moa aad
Or. Cnau'* Kidary-Uver Pill* bare
women, are to that rauut *lBaore'
I eUBderd remedica,
kuowji and
tgaiuatOad aad beep
B*ed la BBorly every bcmc. Dr.
Mrrvt Bad Blood PlIU beer bed _
BiicstlOB Irom phyilcUa* beraB*r they
bare to b large ntcal revolatloelaed tbr
BNtbod el trmliBg dlotmoeof tba aoi
ed tbe leaet io tb* kingdom of Beaveo. I _«»sB*. F1STtll.a AMP BaoTAl. pp.
Bad blood.
Tbr old mvtbod of lanriag dews di*> Utall people read aad uaderdtaad tb* j
«*c by tbr B*r of etroag, pelio^-------Kl.hoold go farther ead eay
drug! ha* failed to car*, nwgal
that the Saaday irUeb I* tb*
of tb. Protaataat world. .KWrtpt a*
Dr. Cb
Narve and Blood Piib coic by ma
tbatiabbatb U Ur loeUtatioe of tbe
tbe blood rub aod pure, aad erw
dbvU U oppoeltlou to Ood. yoa woald
arw servu ii«*tie.
A* a apnsg reu
Ftmi atraat, aleoou tba aoatb aide
probably declare Mcb daclaratioa falae
atroBt. be ordorad bt tb* dark tire tbi* gmi food care koe do i
Mive-Urlmalam faUy prepared to
kaewa la medical *clreer.
trie lAcbl aad PowarOo beordarad to'to
A* a reetorallv* for pale. waab. urrv- poali.vely prore to every aaar mlrtod i
gtaeatbe Uffbu la
' > will Uba riia
out man Bed womca at aay iume of
tba year. Dr. Cb**r-* Nerve aad Blood
MotkmloatPitb have Boered a triempb. so eeaU a
rrKMyoo, OavrteoB aad Wright.
I uotlaa Borvad.
ealpt of price by tbr Dr. A. W. Cham
Higt-Aldermaa Parkar. Msutagua,
Mwad. By
nn oeak Thi
That tba
MaSIclaeCe., BeS.^^K Y.^ Oa e^
ggw* —
Cash Capital $200,000
menu It of the devil* aad ail per
nljTlieCrowning Trinmph
report that from aearetel li^attifaUoB
■ade. It U tba optaloa of year aommlt- Haatiafi. Cook- Smith. Urdla. Ksayoe.
tea b^ aapu tbt patiiloa of at laatt U.r,i™ ..4WH,bk
two haadrad aaraoly tre ratidast laiBeaolrrd. By tbe Ooeoell of Urn Cl»
’ Trarerea City. Mieblfaa, That tbe
plenty of
- , of police
eeUnffs of tbe Board* of R^ttaUoa.
— we
,t la
are ibercfera
la favor of
I be held oo Satwday. Mareh lut.
addUif to tbe f
mo. aad tbe aaaaal eharier aleetloe to
.llarlaf that It will
pralarable tu be bald oo Maeday. April I, law. abaU
aatabfbta s<wa Ilfbta
be bald la each of tbe See warda of tbe
Tow eoBPiittoa therefore
ae foUowa:
■aaM that an are '
_ the rirat Ward, la ihe Baellmaatal
araatad aad Miaul.,
baildlBf.atb'o ta Beat Proat etrael;
foliowlaf plaoea within aatd dty.
la tbe Saaoad Ward, la tba C R X.
Oorwarot Bute aad Hope ttraeia
P S. ball OB Saeoad atraat.
Oacpar of Oaw tad Taatb atraau;
lathe Third tWaid. la tbe Partaeb
Ooraer of Ualou aad Biaib ttraab;
baiidinf at Mo. 4 to South Ualou atraei:
Ooraer of Sprsaa aad Weyae atraaU
la the Poartb Ward. Is tba saflaa
Ooraer of Bpadolpb bad Hay atraaU: h' aae oe Soatb Ualou atruut.
Oeraer of BUtb atraat aad Blaipood
In tbe Fifth Ward, la tba Primary
arasaa: aad that tba eane be that Sebool balldlaf oa Bmta atraat
arastad aad aalatalaed la aoatoratlty
Uetad Marsh iwtb. IMO.
trilb tbe praiMt eeauaei aed that tba,
Moved. By AlAaraiaa Oort, Ibat tbo
•^■tloe be adoptad aad pawad
Motioa aarried^
Oarrtmem aad WrtrhL
aqilnIiioc'iiIbihxi of ireiw w
tarrn of the huiiinii iKiiiiatle reaulleal
to a ' canker. " In nil r>-t>e> u iv~-iu
hlliiX ilint
■>; iie.-irln. and
coni erx-lr Ihr Il■^l-*lt1>tl hy raMilla of
CUllUtWa cif nii-triu •UIIM-.I the |>r.aliw
tion f>f,r>iDUct uleei-i. In ihe ali>iuac-h.
Inr tn Ibuw- |>l»l)leect h.« liik'ealloD
jlluriHi nf Ihe
e htitiinli
cigar obosld fa.
•rii th< BfbtyoB may deem them rather
C L. UBafac-k.
O. D Kaarim.
OemmlttM oa Pabllc UfktUf.
u By Aldarmaa HaaUafa. That
rt be aaeapted aad - ‘
City aerV.
■UUarr Orwarapbr.
la hla -OnilliMw of UUJury Ooof
Moad. B/ Aldar«a OoDk. That tba
aUUabarrMlad aM Ikt aldawatk
hat beea teated opoa preetore of ioo
fletermhied ita eoat,'
atoiuipberee aad more wltboat daaufe
to tba (obe.
laphy- Mr. Uacfulre oiya (bat befoia
ISTU tbe l-'reocb oiBcrr* kbra- tbe tac
tic* of the parade fTtwad aad bad eome
Posad in
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smgker
dln^ted upoD tbe pUtlnnia blade. '
rMore of tbe >rt eaa be caufed
tbe ofierator tbroucb preatorr npoa .
BaUtire io the Llorotlaf of Doct. aad
BarBlatlBf tba Baaalaf at Urfa of.
aad tba Slaylaf of 0.>ft. aad Frorldlaf
for tba ParBaat of Dtaaraa fv Sharp
and Uaha Klllad or Woaadad hr
iMpalUa wirraatad and tL> Uc*t Don,- wae pivaa^ud ai d aad tba flia
brated. tbe bead of tbereaerrolr U aMo
bMied for a aooeai—tbe eiber expaodt aad tbroofta e eauU cpealnf u
Morad, By Aldaraaa Uarrlaoa. That
tbe ordiaaaaa ba Ukao ap aad acted
i—I. L_
______________ .^ .—-AldacMB OMUBk, Batlaci
Bpoo at tba aaal rafolar uMtlaf.
acatfftU; aUUa yar boBorobl* oodr Oat Ka>a. Oaniaa. aad Wrlfbt.
Motioa oarrlad.
a or«a ibft eatlrattoB of a aowai
Bar*—Aldaraa i>arkar. HatacBB,
Morad. By Aldannaa ffarrMoa, That
dBitb. aad UrdMtba Clerk aad Tieaaarer be aa'koristd
•irat aad a tb« I
That totiaoafer from tbe Coatiafoot food
•I IM.OC to tb^ credit of tba rarioae
faadt at foUowt:
P«jT^ HftBBftb'. ird ^dJUa.
1 Farter aad Maaia- tlfbtfBBd............................................... s MS 00
_,.d walk to bB 6 faar wida
a aa IH
Poor feed..............,.........................
imi oo
faat loBc. aad lA ba ballt In
Polloa fiiad............ ...............................
ISO no
178 00
airaettoB of a
Fire Orpartmaat faad.................
600 00
Morad. By Alderaaa OraUlek, I
Aa ftfAtaaM aUUad "Aa Ordlaaaa
Ocaaltat ff—IwIm Io tbt trawM
ftad LaiBift. u4
Aai'BBcrBKter all arsaale waaaaUM
n ri'pkraleal 4*WtH^ *
9.CCBS amima 4e-
T* Oww m Ort« Mi Om Bmf.
rake VmW* While Wlue of Tto Si-mp
I .$M ^ Irtr •
Tk»< c*.
mmi 9
> «UA kn> ^ >«r:
thtti tto. •prto* •*' » ‘I****
tto r«BFT»ikxi ««3 UnproTrttt€«t eC
In—twMBCHW". •»> i-^P> ^
tom wfctfp rt*«" M* ^
lb* bom*
•tnbto tt t
It »» br »o *»a*
MmI kHebts U»t -tb* •»«»»»■ bpw»
bM at bar M«n>bwl
I. rwarr^ (or ilrf
vbo bar* aolBrtwit
w^viik *»«« •< >k< «>•«»» «M»;
, ,11
.itM* kll ■««• - -rtti.
• •ril<*f>H kMMh
»rw «o toelM
*hMr klirbM* vitb reformer to arrrj
r. a* wall aa to ar*TT kbova
aabiurr >aa
Moat boiiortM*$»rr*. J.ow*w. «
tbetr hitrbrb* aa titrr find UH>m.
oftM poortf UkbUNi B(u1 vrottibtrtf abd
vkb lb* iBO*i n»aa*rr arr^nmiodatlOB
tm fba vorkliw airaall* to b* awratf
•bp»* tha aaa. At ti»*a b* a|iaatji
Mmm SO M la tha ab.
arndbia a (at of «
-l^h* ,
aad aaoa b tb* «
22 *j22Li‘^,i. J52^.o
«y «(Wy
ba «bUa*
brtik* two ?L^JOO
foa. JOO, ^ ^
^ ^
^ tb.
‘'BaaoUaadaaa a(
Cbarl** OliAma " U Tb* Y<ial« Maa.
bta bdaa Aaasbnr tail* bow, aftar tb*
tallvv aacMcai wbbb bafall tb* BOfwi
M fat tSW. ba oftM aoffiTad froo a
lb* b-i. Portuf.*.. tuiaao®* •«
aadw •bbb
Tlmrod'. *r*. .aw h »tow tbb eaaMUalb atlUtartaa objm praaa tb* daariac «*rU tatp..! witb laaddfr aaata lta*l(. Wa bad bexoa ibn^Bf aa (aaUat *F
toaad Mwaalf la an.r fclad <d
______________ ________ It* wban of coaatdarabb aba.
■•Oot Bimni1[wt.”abaaayB. “tipeeinl
ly reonlL Wklk w* w**a <m ont way I
r ibej war b
frem LiadM In <wr liut* ooutry ata >
akirta. *tc..
Cbal *biT*t*d akaia tb* otra'a b
mn Uiflknw. wb*** tbe ouriatewa* to
aa *t*irtrir mm«l:
•Tab* la tW
* or tb* ataner aaz tabbcw>
__ __________ _____ railway_______ ^
an- *af*lr .baJlamd ibwola. ladaeE
than- ati(M«ra ao «ad to lb* popatarlty
and mllltr «f bur* in aD **»•• ^
a* a decoraU** fcamr*
are thoae whlcb r*<«U tb* bluorte codten and caakau.
war **r of lb* ptrlmartt el*ar Uhoueb. aad if Tiaral r*a»*tobacodI bb'abakitil band wbra IIbr^wb^ Ttoa of our blBaioantb caBiuir K«daa
and meiboda. noefa la atOI to be tearwd
ibaa I'urtu*-^^
___df-l atrbird b* knew 0«w
(onnh male would *md hi. barpooo froBi lb* aiu-lr of tb*
O^r, .laiaKrl lb* dr-b of a *b*W
Ua root. All of wartu* N*« B«iford » bate* with a. brarr a bear! aa b**l under- bytoti* ate*, and tbla remark U «apaVankee rib..
elally true'for tb* d*««mlr* worker,
rMf. ar>
■*(]lrp it In blaiT Tb* nid man *pok* wbo *«*k* toapiratloD for ib* «rab*|.
aJh.*rd ihal Jeha
Serr* wbUper. Tb* bearta of tb*
«aa tUr *ir*V«ko. «bkh prut*, lb* r»J*. mm leapad. and ib*y pripprd'oara in ar-1\ llibomt of lb* ercr Madful anicte alTbrrrforr i»« oor <*a. *on'ri«*^ •baa ml*d Btrokr wItb fiorm of *tr*l that at- nady m*otloo*d.
From tb* moat rewoi* age* ib*
«M Hauk Titand. o»a*trr of »b* Jara, noai d«it*d lb* aali. John'* ^iron" w*at |
■Irord bim a* f.-urlli mal*. A. Ibl.
, c-aplaio’. boot *l«or*r whaa
man" l•••*r. *■») bead* tb*
heal abeu b* dor.
•oetKTMetnn of mckems
bariird puls
labta-d d« p iDIo
wblte bit Com pew ^ pale, and tT**H
«vi|»o( (I uii^ rattan Blood npop blaforabnad. nnd tbontb b* biad to wAatar tbl.
drairi It wm to atranfl tbat ba bad to
trava tb* pnia al Iba sext atatton. Tbe
aafldwtbBdMtita impraarian nprat tb*
meraaty. and It ww daattMd »*T<« to b*
Mia* DicAana. when aa InrallA wa*
traqmtly cntriad Into b« fatbor’a
Mwly BBd lay flni«t>7 on tbe aoCa wntebU« tb* BonlM at anatfc. On tbcan oc-
John F. On & Co.
Siccsssors to
liaterse Chy Umbei Co.
TroiersB 'itj, - - kieliisii
••enddiBlT my fatbm wooJd Jnmp
tram bU chair and rwb to n mirror
which hong mv, and in which I conld
BM tb« refteettun ot aonte t-xtrwwdiuBiywhiob be wa* making.
d raifldly to hU dtwk. -wro
fnri'Mudy tor a few minnlw, and ilu« ,
want ai^ to tba mirror. The facial ]
paotomlmo waa irauwed. aud thru, tnn- <
lag toward bnt mrldenUTnoi aeeing mo. j
be betas tnlUng rapidly in a low tooa.
OeaMOff ttila aoum b«**m. bo
lucca to bia drab, where he:
ad BUenay writing nnttl Inpcbeim
ll waa not till long afuwwart that
yia. Dicketw diaoOTcted that. wUb bla
tb* aid* ut Ba- tb* Iiallan ‘rapoaT' and on lb* old
Oorman and l-'l*iulBb marrlaf* cboaia
wUbuOl M)iM Ihal b* «ii«al Iw IW>d
LOi* report-oC
t-oC tUB afler loorb
appunr *rrry raii*ty of aaaalr* and
tlaiber ihruurb aud ibrvorb.
*r b* r*.pood«l.
It wa> noi rumiu.ai «a au Awertnn into artlrliy at llftallr at a WUd.-at mrrU
Tt.r.r.i ”V-« I * unlqu* oM 0*rmaa linra cb*« fw
wbal* abip for * I'.Klunirw l« hrrlb *11.
la-fnn- tb* Jar* bad rn^w-d lb* ***lof
.H-rBO m. b*p »a> ii. il.r *Hilb*n
In Ibr
tbr .re*
' ‘ *“ ralirtet wtib mairrlaU of
— atralo
•* punk
• balloa arouiMi. Joliu ••• a<->ri>ird by tbeir
mor* aolld and durabi* naiur* In It
k A mael.tr.iin uf blliiditta tua
IV-ffin. lloKb-r and lUeel..-. ilw ouit*.. •nrotupaaaed lb* lauii . \Vblrll«>oit ut a
nniDplM n window.
tb* woodwork plainly abow* bet.
aa an all around a»id f'-M". aiul a. ra|a- try water *iuirle.l riciuBa tu.bi-a u.n >.« orrianH-nied bnnda of ImflM-r. wbll* ih*
Ijt* a w-anan a. rief
liilur. Ula aldP. and a deafruiOf raah a. Ihoucb of trbol* Burfae* at tbfw* hand* U
iokn..«B niiBOtliy. KUtara w*. in ^•■.rtnto.•e J..hi.’a •«*.
wiib tain vbUr Ibr hnal r*elpd and dnnerd lieoeBth and witb aoiatl plree* of red Trivet
* I■e•l of wbal for non* bail «
I fur rmni.tl and bit feel. Bui tb* laieni lie** at tb* bot nnd pal* tteen. y*Uow nod btwwn Un«kM bar* aud by dectv** n-U*«-i <'•«•
fMlid of IIh- frare. uii.l> OHiu»liatir* tom of bla benrt «aa aroiiiN-d. and br did
ntffbcM for llibiewmi work.
___ «b,i aa-ver .^iirlrd. hul alnay. wrt■at tire l«i-k an ineb Wipina Ib*
into t
teDowIbf bint, are a.tdreawsJ by lb* euai*<i. ibeir i.iucli f-ll<>n >l-ii>apiin* from bl. far* with hi. ietl hand,
nrnatiin, *'kBd that fw tbo ttme beiuR
(hu- dal in lb* -iOlli .til.iilb a •I••1M■■ with tbe rifbt be aouabi and grB.|>-d tU*
be bad not .ml* Ion aight of bia irarTb* blirbrn laid* b*r* almwn ha* boll wImU* na. raiM-il friiui ihi- itinInuiBBi -MCood Inn.."
......... luaBdlnga. bat had actnany beoome in
Ib* .lem bad for a mowrat
two Utpa- Ibe OHwr ode Uloae-1 Thl.. bea.l li war l.iearlilB*
windward, and ll t-.k ibe bluff l«.wed
•ottim. m in ImagianttoD. tba pataaaalcbwrvr view tbaa hl> boat .t.-eier, and
wb*B ralaad. rer*ai* a kneadliii l«art
ow be rri..!. "Kee, L.-'a n^ngUytfblapaa.tbat I* tbua alwaya kppi wriipiil«u«ly Jara ihrewbo.in I" •-•al up lo nb.-re Ibe
■tTongrat and e)dn-i fl
Iniirl) luiipari-b .-ouW Iw «-eu fr.ini Ib.Ho It na. The Imll hai^Fm-d in Ib*
etfan Tb* rtr*w*P»
bold di.k
ipwn'nin tbe world r
|tia.-1..n. Ill- lUlfd luai*. •*» ta water al lb* pii'A ..f Ib- .Irel. and wilb ILeCANAtfl OF THE FUTURE.
Sracart*. awl klicb. i.: dl.b- •" «bai Ibe >Uiir> at tbe tualu royal yard nllb bl* iw.. aimke. nf bi- 6... awl a la*l. of bl*
aented to my wgeecy.
aroryibin* needed m
tiaaae-. lie ~-*iiiH<d Ibr «bil<- lour and fluke* >whl.b bad
ib.- rori.-t) h*
U Ba imrgs CwMgb rarOwBowat band wliliuui inkli* im-db-w at*iH>. r|.»el> nbllr H Uy .|«i.llBa willwut
milllnt ilnrtiii.gi l.u bulk a* tbmgb
ai wmi MT«ar awn waa won*.
On* raunoi realli* i»»H
aiirli a ■ 111.111,-111 of eneuiW. flUildniily Hr emt on a plvoi. wllb Ibr rlle.-l of l.rinctng bit
Tba biategy of tb* atrofig)* bwtwm
abTn*i a* tbl* hou uju<-b of il«r lala>r III. ...le.- ll. llK-.k-i-k.
tail Biidemealb ib- whali-l«ai. Tluirod ea. aymmeirlraily arranged in pniterM connla vt amwll dim*naioaB aud of nil-I i„ i-i «.-n a •|enn hull like Ibla waa t.» old a blubber buut.-r i.-.t l.> I
nad cvoaillutlug
»t eooklu* eume. fr.Mii Hw n..--«-l>r of
acme tn all oonntrimt
gtrinc dm ill oii.- .lir*f-iiiMi and iii.-u In 'i-T.-. I'apn Tlnir..!- He', uueei. all no wbal Ikal lo.-B.ll .Ml upnar.1 .Ini* of Tbe raw edgv* ot tb* teztU* (nbrle*
Tbo flgbt raged bitterly fur a uniobeg uf
d*aBoU>*r for maii-rialvtpr ui.-u* U. Tb*.
Tl..- -.dd n.an,- pa.-luf bi. .|U*rter Hkr
a.-o.t lUr l*»*t and en-w flb fec-l in aign la duly emphaalaed l.v thin atrip* yown. tb* cwnala acting oo tbe defenpBDiry la pfieu lu.-.«ii*nU-uil> lomutl
aira. wKbottgb ibey bad aa alHea tba
a |auu.-«l anitual. paiiwd in bb awlfi to Ibr air *• thoiiwh tl.n-wn alofl by an
ar too awall !■> work|^p<>iDfiinaMy In. •li-irti- an.l U.ked liHpiirilialy *H>fl.
of meul. kepi In ptae* by atud onHa.
City, ia
»w*wbw ma. iwn.
iplodiua n.lm- lie gave a e..-*I b.-ave
A modi-ru adapiailoo of tbl* idan BUta* nndra wboa* patrooag* they <
Id s«eb raae. ibl* 1*4*. l«-uii d In lb* -••IVbal do y«i o.akr ..f Wui. ->rr_j bi. I.MW .leering •»*. ami Ibe boat
klirhrfi. will b* fouo* oft ihr rr**i**t
-I'lu l■ll•w•'.l if Iw'a a I’noeatanl. an whirled ala.uy.' J.—a ai.a-d. hBTT»>0 op- could In- mbH.v carried n.ii with thin
»a*d In
•uered Hut-ion. wtib a brief rho.klr. litled nu,ej--a. *.wnbii.g ih.- wb.rl.ug Bbeel* of coplier aucli B*
« of tbe cwnala to tbe n
Uiark..l »llli a er.*- ■« bi. bea.l'
Oo* call hardly;
addle, in Ii.mX. >aw lb- flnk.-. -f Ibe eupin-r uxalt-llug. Ib* miuii.-d atrip"
I'orlueufM- J.diu. wbi. alo-d by thi whale '•! tbe rn«.. .-.irveri like a bow. as- being eui from the metal wHh ariaaon
•baire* and
and raateued down with amall copper
Tbanare alwaya no ipaby thlotwto In .larUord l—i n.-*i lh.‘ maai.-r, garr B
Tbe wen ioalaiit ’Tl.n.ml bent to hli boal nail* Tbe a.de oe.-eaaary preenu- Tbe railnmda have grewt adTantage*
atowMl away- «beO lUerr ar* two- *u.ldin -larl ar ihe wbal- wa. de~-rlbed
orri- cwnala. They ar* befi.T wble to
.I..I WB> alaoit lo .|ie*k. hut br re.lraiB
again, aud ll
tlou ia to are ibal Ibe wo(alw«>*k of tb*
viBdowa no oo* ahl* «f ib* r.««u. a ed bliu«-ir. arel Kif-low r-uiiiniied:
rram tbe rlaing .Icaih,
nf *iimrl.-nl ihlckueia lo admit ntgtdg* diBUnoo* both by rwoMo uf aupecanreoleot arraoreuinii .d a^-Uea and
-Her.... like lb- .-r.— na. (uiulrd oO bia Iwat bill even aa Ibi- l>-n turned Ibe
tier speed wud uf favililioa f.r oinvoiueapboard. n.a> iw mad.- In Ilk* man wllb n-bli.- lead. Thr !■«« aiP-ak goe* ere*. UU ram., loun ll- mi a.ma.lbl,. of lb* nail* la-mg driven lu. Hbonld
pBIcbwnrk t-ffeel of IIm- ortglual not
•ar. aa abown l>y llm akeirli.
front Ibe U"*<'*»• bomjt an Ibe
eileullv. a* ll.-neb driv.-u bv a.-uu- irre
frra dwngnr of deatrortire Aouibs and
H-al to Ibe taai.- of i.Ntay'a amateur,
Tb* lop of ilii- eriiiiir .-ui^rd forma bar rea. hf-« eleur aihwarl bl. h.wd.
aUlible me.bam.-al f-oe. J-dm i:a*.-.l al
pifWClngthropgbtbebig..w« moanU^n^
I'aplaio TlDir.nl Uafin-lied |.. pUn.e *1 Ibe Mark bmn.r it. m.Mi..-ul..rj paralj*.*,
wble land. .-oiiWI
c.f on* color
■ a bat* kn**dihc ixnni and ba* a .-uver
bnt tbetr grant anoi'eea u mainly doe to_
la founh mall, and lo bi. nurpria* bl* -ir..D" pmae.1 f..r Ibe daii. ll- la-lol and maiTilal. aud tbai d<n
witb filled aide* aud ruda lu l.-t dona
the foot that they have kept \mc* w-ilh
wa* reugbl b> Ib* .vnie-i -r ib- buke and trttJI.- .k iii.Mt aultabie groutxl nsder
-oear tbl* kueadluf (wanl io|. Iwlnt John', .wanby fa-e bad rnnn-d tbal ‘
tb* ptegrea* of tbv wwld.
yelli.n wbieb lake, lb- pln<-e of <
flipped a. a l-.> jerk, bi- kt.if.- <n uium- tbe metal would be. for Inalauc*.
bibtadai Ibr rear. Cnder ibu i«i-1* a M
Walerwaya^lll fr.au the beginning
.k_.i ....i.o.Ma In I'he Latin ra.-iw.
broad drawer. Ii> whUTi ar* ke|M (b*
J..bnr be Baked la
of tbe eighteenth emrery lo tbe flnt
aud tbr varlHy of
routnt pin. idaeutl muter. woaaiirUit pri-of tbe nineteeuth oeutniy were
..f (be in-.lK.n lie- fli.kra roar far*
lo auede making ll parih-ularty deaJr- qnarMr a
tap* a»d earlou* other aniHe* uaeif in
Tb<- ^•orrnt^lr—*.dn- i » bu.kw and high iC^r **1^ ‘bd tb«-u a.ink fnuu aigbl.
regarded nmpletem
Tarr--d H-"
....... d-d. «.id -.b- hue nWe for lUe purjar*
of trwdeni (bo lime they wnratyji»atrn.-l-hamwd Ben. nlaawl over 1'orMmn.-*- J.OiuV pnwlral.Aooiber rarb-i.i
Upon miber aide art cinaeu arraiited.
td. and there waa lu mauv Inataura* a
ir cruaar
-Btrw|> aud nail" work. or. mora appro- ^egraralTe Improrament lu tbeir dinien
ao* for a flour Urrel and the otber fur
body (brougli Ih.-.-b- k* in ibeWH
Ibr -idVr'*"'"
There 1* no Hun- f..r h..rrot iu a wbali- priaii-ly apeaklug. leatber nppiiflu*. In aiona nnd nppnrteuaucaa. Bnt while the
aacar and burk*ia uf paairy. mbam
iSEt?i£SfiflSS2*4Uii :£3SI«
li ..r .deep ii.ler.-at- “r** bruil.
.VII i* a.-'i-Ni- Tbe m-n. .i-aivrl.v wlilcb *n.all pie.-** of leather lo variaad rr* Boor Tb* abrlre* will Iw
He'* r>l a bad
realialng llu- ir.u-d>. but kiiuniug Iho out mlora ai-e uaed to Ilii oul a dealgo^ iuduatrlal, agricoltnrml an<l a
foand meful for all trocwrle* and way beard <>r liim. II*-.
r..itugo.-*e John m..ve.l nearer aud laid Wbale to ba fa.t. tn-ak'd tb.-ir <u<rs. Tlni' prat luualy drawn uia>u (be wuod. (be
bla unau-a.ly baud ..i. the n.aairr * anu.
vanoed lo pti
Hurb ■Waptaln.” he lald lu a atrain-.l wbiaper, WnI reai-hed pN-Ihe line and l-wad two leatlu-r U-lug held l.ylHile braw. brad- centory ngo raual* haro''ramained ala K.plCaflakts from Ibe tub lo give pla> ibwl be
t will !•* a liooll to Ibe ■*tbat whale mean death. 11- kill Uiy might bring ll over llw aiml.biuB p..*t ia *d eiuda or ualla. Tb* but may b* flrat ttuoMT. They aw mtwobwololenDd con *Tk* 1» W '
nwbu baaBamall pantn
«* year ag.i in the Itidlao
tbr alern ahoHa ll eulb-d Ibruugb bla coreced wllb rich ralorrd velm or no liatgeg fnlfill tlw raqi '
mow-: He al.-r* Ihl.e
If your Spor ti no old one aii l abow*
band* ilk- a biatiuE wT|.-iil
Jary an grt away will, four Very a.1
StUI auntbrr way i.. gH unique *f- witb'railnaidr^bi'canals uf ih-tniun.
•naltbUy erwok*. Inntrwil of covering ii
. _ 1 l•"'■p
all lb- line*. Tbal Hum- 1 know, flake leal d inlo lie- air aud. o|. ulu
f*ciB la with pyrography or poker mnat hare tbe dimetuluoa and the faciharllb nn ollrtolb try *>»•"« «Be rmrk*
vla.y'a laa>..
laa>->. dropptd
work. Tb* rrauli. wbeo Ut# woe^ tliwfur rapid tranapoct lo adapt tbeni to
witb n mlatur* wade wiib one pound for r*naa there. Mr brolb' .\ut-u. hr
Blwr Uiaarr Hr-»n. Ib<- uuiie. an all that
ll .n-m.-d for
bh abnuMiwa.
eUlued lo a riob deep brown nnd tb* new ODoditlcma cf cutumiwca. Tliey,
•f Boor, itare* noarli of water and a boal crew Ha.-ml Ib-u kill Au mauf
nolUiuu • - lid aav.- him from
bniab.-d o»'*r with two or ibrwe eonu
ll of nluw. Make a |iaate by more: I M-ar .k bun iu ollirr al.l|a>. O*
a bnt
lu iw.k Kill tb. t»>n •uiraiiiBB Of b'lvu.-b pullab. wiu b* mnarkably moot not be bnrgr « boot cnnala.
0.<: b *T a . .im. Kattda
c t. Loegwooo..
nnofclnt^mo well logeiber and after always kill an alnay* gel ansyr
I l.j Ibe Al.ulu-bly* falol—1"1 Cld world aud Uaod*«.mr. A mlnla- ninple waterway* for tbe free pnmnge of
rwnn*tni fiwn the flre ailr ini.'
brnrd a.mi.-ll.lug ot U.* Maiy I
*a^h abip> at are now .-nraged iu enrry
fla'.lH^ I tvn coffer ID tbl- al.vle la Juet tb* Uilng Ing tb" world'a trad*. Of aorii oauala
her U'ot. 1 wa. b. lb* llkbatak »k*t
•...werad Tl.urod, “Well, wbal of and Ih. line wa. ‘aevep-d b.-f«.e it bad , for boMlug pboiogrwpU*. crayiMia. meyear." au*
ant typra in
ll. j.diortime to nip or b*-uOM- laul .m. ih.- “aeeoud
1. and otbera to proc--rapiaiu. for rbriat bU aake 4« wal
Tb* l•••Blar Flebw.
ma of oottatTnotten m ia oompleUau.—
lont-r aflei the wb-.le ..f ibr etiM-"'
ooiM.i noi'ra
Tt* “rid man" **.i '1.- bM*.-o*d eff
Flrbus bar* grrat vogue and lo the**
Tbe aallor iu Hank Tiiur.*! .|U*k*d be from bia lady and Milled ba<k In tb* lodlvidual tnai* ia permuted te nm •
au** "f Ibe auia-ratillun beg." by Ibraea. atera Bbeel. ■ Joua.," he iwid t.. tb* IJTriy riot On* iuay h* of iarg* aabul afler a u.-un-ut Ihr i.M.gb Vanke* bow oaramau. "I guea. you *a»ed my
#|.lril id IM- ol.l New Kugland wbale barow Rut auw look t-John. I'm afraid
During n poUttoal oampnign. • well ^ g;*
tb* walai. and from ibert- declaiing Its
huuirr aurgrd up in bl* bwaal "Hamd
euaaed wbal* of tb- i-nwa ba* 6t-.l
prew-ora in tb* guU* of long wnda, or known lawyir In a wratoni oinle was I
iilbr. wbal*. I
Heu wlU try
the merrat a|»oloiy for foW* U larwad ^drraaliig on a
uoiMo noara.
• flebu. atteb aefviug merely; aa a fennJubii nuidr Ibe alga of bl* fallb. It* fourth male Uy
tbB-TM awn|otm
.. .
BM and kuew thr •d bU ra<-e I- lb* aky On -ta
cki . 1
Ibe akiptN-r
dailoQ lo a dould.- frill of old lace, -wad n ohrewd cnodldnte—be triad to
mt pnpnr lorn in aroall p
I,* cauwgo
bn-ed. M'rtb the u.at.u.liie g.-*lure br ll waa f.iuud tbal tbe har|*»u be bad luoatly caugbl U|. u« tbr side wf tb* onlt Us spuoob to tbe ocemdoa ,
•oak. •HrrlDt aa uiiii'h u
In a M>* which be evidently ocmaldr.'.lfued bl* W.-Ilaiv- f itn .an- of ^ tamed agalu*l Ka.-red H-ii bad . luven hi. enrsag*.
uuirvu aaiul and brand faliuarlf li> do hi*
•twd both ootdlal and Umaat, nnd with
• brart in iwalb.—lad.-jei.deui.
tblek tbatit la dll ,
Jluly whatever n.igbl befall
n winning amll*. be briran:
Apply tbu to Ibr *raeka nraruiaklut ■lau" took bl* glaaaaw fnMU Ibr cMupanTb* •nrH*"l aiyle* in plain gowns
••My friwnda, my aympathie* hnre nl•nr* that ib* floor baa beeu freably looway rack and ellmtarf ite w^wlher
Nm w> Banr year* ago lb.- ga.bi-rlng from twot laindoo Utllor* abow 4 dle- waya bean With tha HUera ot the wuL
‘ - be coaid g osmuhlre f..r pur|>Me* of pit^kliUg wa* tinct leugtb*«iag of th* JnekM and My tatbv wa* n prariloa) farmer, aud
nwopl nod aaabed i Kune tbr wlaiucw main rigging i- a brlrbl where
Ibe bnll plainly.
lata lb* mni-k* au^.wtbluc li off
• iwlar .K.-a|*ie.nj.n .arioua-guru
.arh.ua-paru or
Tb* fraot la. *ltbri
*o waa my Bandfntbcr befog* hiyn. 1 Lv HUBorifia.'i
arlth lb# aurfac- IJ
l>ate II to dry Iborat TvaroraeOy 1
myaeU waa been tm a form and wa.
•oftaly. BtMl you nill Owl ibai li li b* nnrmnrad abet, be had adjuted bia
with two raw* of buitona.
to apeak, nnrad batwora two atalki id
mo*w Inatlof and altr>-*i deal rbeaper form "ru give bit* a nhiri
I TtK’ked UScia allfc mskos praoy
b.- anapped bi* gl*' .togethr
(ban putty li can be painted over ibr Thru
Herw'hUaioqwmcawa* radely Intctruared. "Kland by I-t.iwi. away"
1 •»>«
••»• ns wond
Tb* tuaatbead ki.k.Hila aramed te drop
Fratbpr lK«* In lb* flat tantand of npted ky tb* trumpet tenea of nteimmOfieo Ib old faabtoned bounra. *ape- to ibc dn-k. TIi* eiv*. «•> hot fool mi
la tbe lanr of tbe ball.
daliy in faruibnu4> iben- an- a few
iv.vec. Ihnngb the "dread- napecUlly in tbe molbcr of penri ahndra
. criekrt*!" barinmUd. ‘If
atrpa laadinc frose tb* kltrh.-u
ta? trad." h*. .-**«*] Klfl> yrai ago. of marabou mlaed arltb entrich tenth- yon ain't npnmpkiu!
knek raom or abed Tbear may t>
Tbe bona* •'cam* down." and ib*
Tbe frila .-n-ak.-d
ta * twinkle all however, II w*. reculariy fiJl..w*.l ,, ih* ----T**l*d Into a ruovt-nleui u.a.k for tbe
atnrlng of brmlm wrapping pai«er
1 korao;
lartne. etr.
ailb lb- an.aileo .if Ibr era*. -- —
the ...tb.w of -t i-r* Veeleu..*, aboBI JL
-olor egliiIMnHnff . K»Of|a« tb* aoapalane tula an- am la Bn.1
s«a. fr.m. Ih- M.I-. "-Vari poll
-■-■I'-* ■
tb* klicbm. when ib*t* la no Uumlry lB*r' raiuiuai.ile.1 be. "reek .wrat' Hlep
UCil ( IT
w* ar. being empteyad ter I
la tb* baoar. Tbea* arw nuaIttxiT ......... .. . Kkak. (hat aiU 1.***: Tbraol Tb* beri. Inl*.-ed i* sl» -wre.-d up with >
BnUnaieln bad pgobnbly Wnraled
; Bi*"' r.aVS^poi *
> gowoa as waU aa law
. taar Oaekowa J n-B te
taakint ttnlrw rowered ever with a ■ ud ywak hslysivl. h.d*ir
meiled hnller in li-o of raja-r -am--.
yeg* than other nay ytrtaoaa In bl*
bMrflmnfletoBitiimnraarily. Atwr*
....................... ............
Vlm.Ml a* ke *|«b.- tbr well Iraiued
Bu-n bad lb- i.iaat amiird. Ib- ahtcl ally crib
paaMd aft. and tb-*.Ul.«dilbe wind
cUffa at
gortnln of waababl* maieniL
iftj Twiamomyta
'llrop yooi rviii.-rtuard. (-*< her gnr
. ““ i-*" -“* e-*- «■“*
-aid to Ibe a>id.hip .wramaa. Dowa
rw Baaakpw* wr <-*a«lo.
Jit .pel.™-. ,
1 to Vienna. Mom»w and Bt
A rail plUew la lb* laieat abaiw pil
Wbieb when deam-d and *or..-<l they- reOoe* ailtchlngi «o tb* Up and n talow (nr th* bMBlnrt. m cradle, aecord aa Ibr "..Id aiBu" laid b.-r head riraigbt criv* 4 abUllng* per bnabeL ll w pot np »tc crlmmliig aametlmra raptece thn
Ing te Imdleo' Horn* Journal It t* a
t Bi 1 at
hark .« Ibrit rai» agatu. aad tb* In eaak* with *.•* water f-r !•« beltra oCiMi na\c.
*T»ry prany of tb* a
1 iS 1 B
raU Ifl tnebwa bxig and about IS lat-bea fuan. .-uried froui Ihe rain aler.
Tbe lat*« Wrtnaw la an gtetnn teg'
In Hr*umfe*To<*
H may i»c tilled
I'aplali. Tim-od. tb* ."liy aue ia tb* SE.'-'iSSii”.
nltb*r bd.*
brid* «
. e~m
« tM nUb.
with fraibera or balr. Tbe cover la of
-al will) hi* ran- t- the'whalr. looked
ewramony. As tb* bride's long pnintnd
letMeTsaa-eKUl i«1
pink or bin* anioeu nod ibe .-na* of ut ahead *ilh a dat.riug drvil ia bl*
cuff ar fall, of lac* «t tb* wtM Marty
MMV •• aad !>•• ■••* «■ "Mm
gray *y* Hi. lAad waa afire wilb tb*
•nlnaook. flsiabcd at racb end * iib
Mven tb* band it la a mntur nf Httta
.bsM- Tbr wbab- ..f Ike cm*., doogkty
( and Inaertloa of
Ine*. Tb# raa* *gi*«da far mbngb bo- old tea warrior a* br wa*. bad ai latag Hon in tb* at
NMtad cbtalll* (ring* Mm www
U* "la
enlal WWW
wbu »-^UO
woald Ut
bla SI.
art *1^
sad ..ri bla I tb* mribod u.
fOBd tb* end* nf tb* pillow to permit D.U,.
Best to be had in
the city is at
For Fire Insurance
Jimnnid. 'PkmTS.
firul Kipidi t iDdlui Rj.
TUI Pere Mirqnette Riilroid
: a
;S -SiiSu
: is i-W
Of Ha betag Itenvti np with running
«rli«A •* tbnt tb* p*aj«cting pans
■BT kn Mffd K «Htffn«.
........... .
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