The Morning Record, July 05, 1900

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The Morning Record, July 05, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





. AwtalXiOM

ad which wwaaa torn *• hen’a afn
ftddlad with tka hall, aM bar kaada
aad ton WBoataa kadlf aarattoad.
Thakara ad Mnn Ftaak at Heal,
boot tarilnaeatbwntfnB the e)«f,

ideSa aow and a hnoa waa
I wto*
Tka wind aad
UmWOon ta 4^
hallalaotonlad fiato Saida aad do*
won keehoa dpwa aad aanlad leaf
ilataaan Tkafanaan to that oaamt* fUwmmiu.
ttaa abaMar tha atom aa the
thatpartef tha aoaatif. Imltar aU
: ^IMI,
ta tewiwkotai tka kaf kanofOaorn Hardr waa
r wkkb plutfi itatyMl atoo blown down aad-aaothar torn
_____k brUfktklt BOTBlMTha ban ad Mr. BaMnrlth, u aaUaa
ttawkf to
onthoflhael^wMtwlatad Sra toat
Ita faandatiaa.
Tka kan of
«a 4rf Ika iaj. Met om
MuvotMIdlM war* iMcUd
Qaetra Do^toa
waa atoo lifiad
akeat U foot off lU
• e( kBMB ioM. naked* DoactoaUfnaoar tha Oaatoa aeketi
Aakttotkaaeat mmUIM Sa Mflorr
«f tka dtr kki ekMad
Twotorpa boat hoaan wan blown
kU taMvtlUa la koaer of
into Uwf Laka and leak
ik,. IW raaeaa bafaa at oaea. Aa
Mra Brown aaar Heal raporta that
tka kodiaa o( tba vkttea wan krearht
10X10 waa aomptotalf
eattkanwaakaaeaa of
wnekad wad blown awBjaM that so
kfaBj. wkaa Balkan faaad tkalr Aaai tneaofithaabaaafoand jot. It
Mi Bipilai AlUfM. Otkan an
woair raiklat araod laektar tor eaa waa to aeana el araattn
firtaaia. aai la Ikatalek wan BkBcM

I a«,ir«^ ma
; Ml SQM Mi lic^r------

kUn ,aai oobo oapiaf

ikatr laat


D«ao«mi BkFlas • Bittar
ri(ht ea Moaej Fleak.
daaMBwanWawa toktOBO kadaaa
Mkar, Jeka OMk, m kaAlj lajand
tkkl ka aeea dlad. Two Bon an ax* BIU Oaa Faekaklf ba Fla
paaMBila ka^Blaala. Tka faria
Oaniliata U Ha Waato, it nsd Saf
«f tka Okie Blnr IkOwki ark apattii
•toad WaU tor tUat Ftoaa, if Flat*
Bttkptaaaa af tan leak aai apoafad
Bttk klaod. rertf apaatatoci aai
toniio Hot Qanfkllf Wetdad-Wl*
rw Bapakliton VUt Make Saapar,ai aai aaM kadlf knlaad la tka
atoHfferttoFarorolTewBa. .
iaartMk <
ipHtol wthe Ibralac BMwa.
■ atoll aafleiai laa aaUlaM U tka
Sanaa atf. Jalf s-Tha l^t far
raria. Tka aereaarkjBiy iadani tka
I fcf
tka aifkl rard enw kalM aalaar wUla
m datr.” Tka
IdUadwan Uava aaarif Attf fkida
kkd tntaallf |dUad. Sena of tka
Baa kiUad wan kiawa aat lata k eera
•aid aad it WM aeiM ttaa konn tkair
kailn wan laai. pU’ (rirktfallf
BBailod. mcBaaBotkaBaakodMk
won^dad mp
PUMalfkla. ialj k~A kiaak aart*
aldgatnd at aleak nan kf aaanU
■loni kar Ute k Ikiga aoaaatlaB ad
akOdraa aadfrakabla daktkafi
atkan kaeldn aatart banakadlkaan*
daao ta twaa^ atkar peneaa. aalf twe
ad wkea wan adaHa.
Senatea. Jalf t'^Tkrn nnwan
UUad aad aaa ana aad k lat knkaa In
a wnek ea tka Ddk'
4 Waatan laUnad at Darkiak Oat.
HaaiTdlla. Pa*. tedkf. Tkaaeeidaat
waa dko to a tarokaa wkM m aa aaat

■af pma a torBldakto rival of Bipan
tor int ptoea U tho ptotfera to aot

Thaifktaa tha JBOMf plaak to
Mltar. Tka praapM at thto hear to
that thaf wlU ho la aaMton aU nlrhk
lOtf. Jalf 4-Tka aUvw n■----------------------------- b«P«toetad a to^otarf o
terTWtor rhalraiaa Amoac«»wli*
taoB aaaaod waa oaa to eoalar with
tha rlea pnaldaacf.
BtUl eitoidaat that Towan will ba


taBpBarllf. aad Urkte aad power
wannadftobataraadea.Tka teaa el ^ wiai waa
John S. AontTf Dofrated Joo’ Fy­
lied tka polaa ^
okla tor ••,000.
tte aB«n path ol tka Uam, aad
Ltom. Qhto. Jalf t-Tho gnA ■
' ~
John B. 0«
Idtp.ngnad aopaaially. mmmr <A aad Jea Patehia waa imoad todaf bo*
-a tnaa bPar aatlnlf lalaod.
tona.owpe^ Tkeevmit wne
Amea Rkhotaoa aad Bcaawa Jaa- bf Ontif la two ottalght keata.t:0t»:
aiaca.wkeUnaoatboflhaollr. wan
•tlTiat^ to when the aterm atrndc
.Itodkadlf daatorad. Tka wtad waa
Mbpa tarrlie haU aterB.
OkiMr. ffakdaea'a head aai 1
enmaciWreathr tka atcMa, i


IDalMm Am Left to Their
' FtteiaMda.

Erer; baby bom &ia year
can have a pair of' ahoea
made to <»d£r FBSS if
broQ^t to oar atore.

Fireworks and Flags,
Golf, Rase Ball Goods,
Athletic and
General Sporting Goods

1 Foceoa Oaotroatad 4s,.Ovar>
of Ham Abonai to tha Oapltol
Otf-Taln ef rrirhtfal Atroelttoa
Afatoat Fenigsan Habartod Ua

Losdas, Jalf t—That tha I
aitbaChtoaaaoapltol hanbaaaabaadeiad to tholr toto aooaM so loator
opeatodoatoL tolhoUcbtad thomn*
nco roeaind tram Taka tkla moralar
aaiMaitrlar tka daetoloa of the admlralaracardtoc tha hopatoanwaoftnra to rallan Poktoondor
of Tiaa Tkla kf tha totaraatha arrival of a

Wholisale ud Rtiiil, at

The OldOReliablo City Book Store

After the 4th
Glean Up Prices

Big stock Oropa Papor, $ And A^Oe PM roU.

HOBSBT 43BEBOHEB 00., Proprietors.

Oor preeent low prieee
at Ttoa Tala at a point vadar tha prctaatlea of aaval gana woaldrallaw
Boohod (ha aaztotf fait hara that tha
rotraatof t^ troopa to Uablatoaat
aflame tha prbvi^aaa at pnaiat quiak
Tkka. JanaU.'vto OafaD, Jalf
Tha Hrtttoh and Bamtoa admirato at
eoaaeU of war hoU han Jana M. do
eldad that It waa iBpoaalbto to attatopi
to raUeva PaUn withaal gnatlf la
a to h^ Tlan TUa
kat to thaavaatof thtoaot provtoi
faaalkto thaf will aadnvor to ratoto
partal areapa an atotleaad kotwaat
Pakto and Tiaa Tsln. while thi
total of allM fanto arhiah on ka aaa
eaataatod at praant
M.eae. it to rapenod that Qaaon)
HtoahOhaagto advaaetog tor uak
toak ea Tiaa Tala wltk M.OOO troopa.
Barlto.Jalf4-Tha Gormu aon
k Ckafaa tatogiapha; “Tka tonlgi
itUaaant at Ttoa Tata to aarroi

nffod ftareolf otoea tka adjei
tka aipht. aaaaion <A tha aoanattea. akOdma an nanvad. Tka Oktoaaa
tke raUwaj
to ka to tha
toad tha fraat daBoattoatiou of paa- krtdgee. wklak tkaf daatrofod, ka
bf water
tardaf la toeor ol HI
Themtoaionaat Mnkdaa
kaltof that tha Haw Torkar aaa hara
kava keen baraad and mnafaaUvi
tha plan UkawMto

Eaaaaa «tf. Jalf t—Tka Dai
aat 10:» tonifht
le at 10:M tonOTTow i
tor. wlihent aamlnr a eandldato. aa
Skfiatorsarvud. U& and Sail waa hopad or adopUnc a platform.
•indi Tkla •aetlaa Taatardaf
Tkmaaaaloai won held todaf kat
kafoad haartor nporto of tha aomSaralac.
BittaaoB amdaattoto aad parmaaant
AatecBks^aatontf aaldoB aaen
iinUn ud lUtuiw kr ,n.idu.
tatblaaaetkHiakauttmfbkanoa a
Tha int
Foartk ot 3nlf nlakfatloa fntardaj
ramarkhkto tor two
, BoraikC. aad tboafk aobodj waa
I which
aetaallf hnrt kf It. than an a foodi
racalicd tonlUf tha ennaUoB of'M.
BkBf who wonld aot aan to kai
Oaa waa wbaa the name of BUI
Bake another aldt.
read aad when Temponrf Cbaiman
Tban waa a aarf kaavf nln la tkla
Ikemaa to hto opening addiuM
' altf for a tlmt. and aoBW wind, kat
tioncd the name of Brjan. That
aotbinf of a raBaricable kind. OatHilltoafavcalte with the era^ at­
atde the eltf, howerer, tblnra wan
tending the convention to repeatedlf
i Eretf mention of hto
' The wind eane down the Beardinaa
and eprWar TaUej. and in a epan of akmt a
planaoand proeoediage frcqnentlf in.
BUa katwaan ben and the power
tempted bf demandt for BUI to make
heaaa, did about WW daman 1" the
Beaidman Blrer Bleetrk Llfht 4
. ..
expected that the coaveBtlcB
Power eompanf. Fortf-al(kt polea
would carry oat the program end
- won blown down, wlna wan bn
ilnnto a
Md BtKklaf dooa vanaraUf.
0 daj -withont waiting for
the platfora. bnt It to i
waaakateS. kata
a Lon
Brjaak argent nqneel that so
«Bd ialiaa Jehaa^a pat (n a apadal
Aominatiou be made tiU the platform
tonaatftt maa. aad b^ anaint
nma. thof had the npaln made to adopted.

;.. h'.


Foar^ Yeir—No. 987

1. Jalf «—d dtopatah to
aawo agaaef from Sbaagbal wfu tka
tka Oktoaaa atoU that ao loralgnaia
an BOW alive to Pakto.
Tha aerraapaadaat adda that bar
rowing Btorlai arv eoBtog In of tbi
aitaatloa of the Inattoaa at Pakto.
Tka Baropaan gnarda ortgtoaUf aum
Oaptain ^oBaadl Moatolmar of the
ioatriaa eraitoar Zsnta. Thef laa
haavUf and the kUlad of aU national
lllaa Ito ankariad in beapa. It to be
Uevad that manj mamkatu of the
TeaagUYaBaa pertohad toalda tha
baUdlng whan the
aat fln to It attar Baron Von Kettaler'i
Buidar. A newt ngasef dtopatek from
abefooaaje it to reported that aU for
aignan an ordered to loare Tien Teln
Tko aitantion than to deaparata.
Shanghai. Jalf 8-A
partf andar Ltoak Oommandar Eefea
of tha torpedo boat Fame, eaptered
and daetrofed the Hew Oitf and port
IS mUee from Tabu Jeoe 2«. with
Uttle or no oppeeitlon. Three bluelaekete were injnred bf an exploaion,
aadaanf Cblneee ware killed. The
river to praetieallf clear from Takn
Tien Teln wUb the exception of e
ennkon tow boett endligbteia- In the
eoeoad attack on the eaet araenal
June S? the BomlaM wen reqsired
retire for relttforeemente. The Brlttoli,
one eompanf of Germane and SO Amerieane then eogaged the eacmf. who
with four guae made e determined reatotanee until the whole aUied force
the artUlerf. Piftf Cbiaeae
were kUled aad the remelnder retired.
Lack vof eavalrj prevented the rap.
tore of the whole force. As toon
ai the alltoe had occupied
aroonnl 1.S00 Imperial traopt made
a flank nttnek fram the eltf. The
BrUlehaadBeaMaaeeoea drove them
back. The Br
kiUod end tl wounded. The Ameri
the Bntetotttloit ITkUtodand wounded.
A. W. Fowote Had a Band Blowa
Harthport, XM. Jnlf
W. Powan bad hto hnhd blown off bf a OH
todaf. Hto recover;
Xrali A Oaee will farntob aetal eaae
nTVirT mf irtT In caefa
« eo^^ who wUl Mvo their

iae ehoee


This Store Closes at Noon Today


Lediee- CLOO -

Ladtoe' low

and tea

We’re Going To The Races



And all thoM weartog elothiog




Will be sure winAera.

Tbe Leading Shoe Hooae.

Ii’ll Pa»iYaa Well
To see oar goods^nod prices before making year parchaMi.


Look at our Special Values in Men’s Suits
at $4.88, $7.88, $9.88. $1 lAA


Choice of the beet in the store at this Inst price.

todies' Taller Made Sells, all tils saasea's mala, at HaH Nn ,
a-i-hii hamuTFaru-’a

I ofmmtoUma.Mtart«Bd mooep*
“Aek him over the telepboue.” ere
werde frcquentlf baaed la every boelneeeofiee where a letter hae bcM oV


Manypeople'do''not cxpreM.themelvee,elcerly in eorreepondenee. but a
tan M
can generaIlf”mS?
generullf make bime^
bimeeU nn
derctood if fon eaa get within apeaktag dtotance of him, bf means of th(





Man’aflnaaatln calf bala andoongreaaahoM.... 88e
Women*a fine Bid laoa and button aboM............. 98«
Woman’! One blaek>nd tan oxfordfl.................... 70o
Woman’a slippera>nd buaklna............................. 860
Women’s vaatlng top kid lace ahOM.. i.. .,.$1.50. $1.76
Boy’a aatln calf bala, aolid ....................................$1.00
Toutb’fl eatinlcalf bale, aolid.....................
Men's canvas bala, leather aolee............................ 88e
Men's flue.kid bala'new styles.............................$8.00
Men's tennia.bala and oxfords.............. 00, 60 and 70o
Men’s bicycle shoes..................... $1.00, $8.00 and $8.00

If yoa want a BAsner for
your float aeo me



386 Boardman At

I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tails, bat since
I bare tried

New Store—848 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe tHbuae of Northern Michigan

Always Give Satisfaction


Pig Tail
Z bare come to the concliuion that 5c will boy a fini.
clnns, del;cioQS smc^. Try
one and yon will never pay
lOe tor a Pig lUl again.


Best of leather, best of workmanship,
and very latest styles, make them
really]w4iat they are called—

1 The BestllShoes Made!

Prices. $4.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.


you want a good shoe bay an Emerson



m rroat Sheet

v /



««««»» aaaaaaaa ««»»••«•»«,


iMiBpt mA «■ tk*
Jtaooss. griliBt
MMr ted »fM« MMraBy.
nl «Mb


0An> nAVXUB BBiU).


«• B*™






the bMt la dtPK. TbalaMthh
irn tabaa by & B-la a apii
.■latte ifib boat Daa Ballay
•aad btenU aad woa


» raaM iMaaJthttejjMi

•ntlatwa bMte. OnpaadM wta

a roB au. TBpr 08 racK.
t »
« t •

Tima tat, yrttii. t-A»K.
SnBamy............ *
1 *
Jate............. ....... i —- .1 *
Mtelbte..............m....* I
0. B..................
» «
»-IW I1.V. t:»x.
POP. haea aataltead





' Oal
lawM a( CadmaA
Bariactaaaflay aipht. aaaak ttetm
ootead ite tenth tt Ward A Matteaa.
I iatte
atoto a qaaatt^ a( bottlad popM
■MaKaltertaajOBaateKtam«( Cadna kiBfla of foartb of July latiaahUaa.iatte paaate MteBbada Bat-

oaly halt a lenptb behind the Trarane
C&ty bone. Jimaue B atarted each
time bnt then waa little Interaat man- fteatad la him althooph tha pood
bamhr of Frank Ramaef. hia drlter.
.waa plaaalnir to the crowd.
The l:te elan trot waa a hot raee.
flra haata wan trotted bat the raee
vaa Bot flalabed laat nlphl Thera .
wai aome mUe fooUnp la aeoripp at I
iba bepinalap of thia, race, waen'
OMor Fred Galambo amphalically {
mttflad tha driwrt that teilara
MOW would caate troable with the j
pBrtv. He alao atatad tb%^ owlnptol
tbplataaamla petting alartad ha ez.{
gMtMthadriwrate pat thalr horaasj
•at OB time, aad a delay of flw
^•Btaa weald meat with a fine .of ft.'
Ttera were ao finaa.
to tba fiiat hsat of the 8:2? trot Daa
BaOeywaalB 2:80. with C. B.. B. J.
jlacpma'anaw ham a eloaa aaeoad,
- telapoBlya neck bahlad aader tha
min. Daa Ballay broke aewa or aipht
. «Ma la the aeooad heat aad waa wt
teak to fourth place for rannlap.
. Jnb
zlwh took the aaeoad beat. C. B. led
•atU apanaeklap tte born awatek
mtaaJoakferpad ahead aad nma la
. iMtateadattte wira. la *:»>«. la
tea tklrd beat DViBaOay aaaarad tte
.Infltrom tte wlca. Jaah ' "
teoaaly. MteToaoaaai. &B.andaa

SpGbiki Priees

Oaatetor that narrofl tea plnaam
oflteOMUbratlDa wai a aawro aad

temaoMIt atbarhomia Bb Ipaaas
iajaiy euSwad by Birubal
d by ter Bloeaa.tte lCipMa lArtiBtearti ToMflay awalte. jwt
bteontte aanlval garoda. Ba «n
Ba. p. A. Uadl« ofl Chteca. la via. MUtev «» wpa Me M tte pieaafl. aad
War iatte city.
iiMKir. IatrikJobaida Bante of Charlawla la via- lagBanhalBabartilB tte late age.
map bla ciaadmotbar. Bn. B.
Tte waaad was a wry aown eaa, aad
Br. Bobarta to
Br. aadMca. Bart Uadlcy of Chisa­ laaw Sport of tte
laodanhip ad
go. an ^tiap mUttws aad triaada fa yaatwday^ panda to tte baada of h
Be. aad Bra. Chaa. B. Oatttw of
A yeaag iaaa waat to toote oF a Bky
Caatb Boardmaa; an Ite paoata of roteat Taeaday awatop; aad it did net
tteteAaagbtar. Bn. B. W. BM.
pa last M ba totMOad. It atraok tba
Bat. W. T. Wooflhoaae aad teaaUy top troat wiadew to Odia BcOariy^
bawiMatoOaaada for a tWtwtth Mtooo aad waat clear to tha bock end
oftbabmDdtop. wbata it hroapht up
Tba family at F. A. dary haw ar- apatootlt.
rlwd from Oraad Baplds aad wOl tpaad
Jaeob Fnrtaek bad a torpa dra cracktba aaamar ban at- tbair eottaga on w toaebad off to treat of hia atora
Ballread awaoa.
ynlaiday. A email atma flaw, aad
Dr. Jamaa F. Oaaataa of tba asytem BOW Mr. Fartnh wlU tew M pat la a
medical ataff. will laaw today for Bol- aaw Plata ^aaa far hia atow front.
yoke. Mam . whan ba wiUtWtwUh.
Tte tour year old aoa of MarUa Morold friends for a meatfa.
ria, who Uwa near SUwr Lake, baeama
F. J. UClaar an ia the dty from teat from hia fatter yeatarday. aad It
BkBapide, thapamt of J. M. BUkt- waaowr aa hour bafora tba police
could lonte Mr. Norrto
J. M. BImkealaa M aatertalnlap J. C
Tba throe year old aoa of Mr. aad
MeOormiek from Bead City.
Mn. Enbeah of the West Side, became
loat froth hia motbbr ypalorday, and
for ihni houn the police wen aeaklnp
Go to tba horn raeaa thU aftaraooa
the mother wlthoat effect She was
Tba auaal maatinp of tbo Womaa'i finally foaad, bowewr, aad the boy re­
stored without nay damape belnp
which was to haw bean held thia done.
week, has been poatponad tUl ThanIt wUlbe intoreaUap,aspeeially to
day afumoiaM Jaly mb. At that tte ladloa, to aoto that the actual coat
ttma tba alaeUoa of offiean will uka of tte robe aad pownabftha earaiwi
place aad the annnal nporu wUl be
and her maid waa poos.
iben arenigeo to bo
had a fine .pbatopraph taken yeaUrday at their hall
Baraaat Adami of Wonroe Caater, after the parade.
■ad Maltla Healey of Mayfield, wen
A man who had aewral plaaaea
Ueoaaed to wod Taeaday.
aboard yeatorday, when be aaw tba
Gao. V. Joyce reealwd awry pain- ^mantel aod bis aides oa
fal and daaperoaa woabd Taeaday aft- tbonpbt that they were pettlnp ready
aroom at bte botUlBp works. A plan for> horn raee. Stopping up to a
brote,aewriap a large artery la the
arm. Tha wonad waa dnaaed by Dr.
Minor, and reqaitod eIpbttUtehm.
Albert J. Howard and Joaopi

XMXLIBCSTwtbdat ^mThWWI Q(7^ Wc Old Ace.............................................. >
itj fd tkonM»Hl Of «UM»OT Md M
ibiMcan m
mtefiU tiUbntia^ Thtad^
Marry Cbimpa............................... ■* »
«M*|Uan nrw«M. Mi
Tte track waa wry baS la tba aariy
............................... ttet wkM cmr parteftbaattaraoao. Tba dalapo of
llMHmwtakakdAolkthtocU U tba maniac bad flooded the qoartar
««ece. TiM Mrij aaralsr nis atntebaad thnataaad to apoU the
mUnA wtth th» MSMfmdsM areata of the day, bot Ford. Laalaer
awaratad a aombar of tranebaa and
m a eooapleaoa laek e( em- irnaad it>pflf. tbaa worked aowral
Mm aad tbM« wbo wan ta p*^- boon petUap the track in ah^. Be
r tin wnttar did wall aad aa tba ana warmed ap the
lapban the track piaflaally be­
lM iap. ksmrv. aai ‘Tntam Qty came la fair eeadlUoa. altbonpb the
•iiai aaotkar Mf,aaenai to bar hU- laoaa wen dalayad.
«H7 aai MO wUeb wiU eann oar daToward tba eloaa of the aftaraoM.
tton to look forward to aaothor for Tpmmy M. B B. daUabary^ Goida
Mar aajopmaau Tho Tartoaa ooa- Woodar, waa broapdt ont lor aa ezbl■tUMi ild a food Aoal of bard work bltloB mUa. bat 'te did aot po tba
tat tha mal«i an aaOelaat toward wbola ooam. On ite aaeoad time
■mad bo toraad Into the auble yard
bat noorarad blmaalf aad came back
OWDretoaaaapraeadoBtad qnaatitj to tba atatHap point.. Be made a flat
aawa aattar. aad aaaroity of oatra ahowlnp. bowarar, and tha crowd apttaa Bbcobo waa taaod tbu praeUtad hia work, whlah ditpUyod to
■orBUfMoaitabotit tbrat eolaaaa what iateUipaaca a bom eaa ba
riacil aad taiactapbte aow
Taaaday'a raeaa wan Intamtlap aad
for tko flrai flay aad tba laltial aae of
ttaa track pood Uma waa made. Pol.
flnt day'a aammartat;
Xt, 0. S.WOB ill tha VrM For lowinp an tba t:M
.2*8 ,
AU Baea.
Joah...............................................8 »
Min Toto..................................... 1 1 «
tite latoaMoa of tbo traataea
AaMT.Oantbo UttiaBomlaOon
Jodpa Laapblia.........................4 .» 4
of the Preabyteriaa'ebnreh to haw the
Ooataat-Opoaiac of Xmdac Park a Ynpo........................
• 4 1
npain m the bnlldlDp flalabed ao aa to
be^ aartioaB then aeztSnaday. Ow*
•raad aaocaM With Maay BxdUag
me-2:*tb, 5:«. *:I1X.MI. .
lap to a delay lathe arrltal ofaaau,
Sraata-Bot Bauioc Baeai, Good
bowawr, the optnlnp of the ohareh
B.Bamel.............................. .--.4 4 8
fadof aad TrotUnr.
wilt not oeear natUa weed later.
Paddy............................................ t * *
Hot tba lean eaeltlttf tad Mj^jable
JohaW. Wyekoffand Mary B. PelJaffa............. .......................... 8 1 1
wr. both of SammltCity, wen lli
0l bom race* la tbedrldac park, aad tedmont...................................... 2 8 8
Dr. Sobla..................................... 1 8 4
tteTiaTomCItr Oridac Park Amo*
The aeylam will haw Ita FOarth of
•iatioa baa anap naeoei tw eoarrata* ' Tim—2:40K> 2:tlH. S:87K. *:85K.
Tncadaya raaalap race waa woa by July celefaratiea today and fine flra
lato Itaalf npoa tke apleadU epoatar
works la the ewalap. tor the baaefit
Florae, with t atartera la tha raoa.
ad tbs Itaprorod parii. Tbo laoM prond
of the paticate. who look forward to
aBacnotlaaUradion nd both Tanthe Foortb aaeh year with preat aniaj aad rwterdar than wata larre
Gao. Oaiaaof Oraad Baplda, ia riaitDoaplu Willtama horned one of hit
anwd waa tbo larreat over am to a' lap triaada in the dQ
hands qalta badly yeatarday while fi<l■i-Par oreat oa tba ftOBada. Tha
Lafe Peltoa, Chaa. Mnler aad Joe Inp a dear liphtar with paaollde in
It aad broarht Ohariia an paaate at tha Columbia.
Prokop Kyaelka’s atora. The field
aat aom teed apaodan aad tha erowda
Mra. Philip Bine, aba Waller and epUled oa hia hand and became IpMWtbe baat taeaa enr puUad off la daophtar Edaa of CUeace. an rtaltiap ailed.
thla part of MiehifaB, Jaat aa prom- with har paraata, Mr. and Mn. J.
Otto Boba and Marla E. Nybarp,
j^.-aadar aarp aafaaocabla eoadi- Koaalp of Bay atraat
both of CadlUae, Ware married yeater
FatherAlana. formerly located hera day by Bar. Joalab Penalaptoo.
Tntardap'a n
batBewofOrandBaran. laiathe city
The taloone were kept nader strict
ttba fraa for all rlalUBp Father Baaar.
sarreOance by Chiaf of Police Bennie
tMtorpaee. Thia waa a frnt faatare
Hra. Paadmon of iBdiaaa, la Ua yeatorday. ^rt EUli waa reported
aad the ooataat baiwaaa Jr T. Baa- paesl of Mn. Wm. lapaml of Minth twice aod Iran Dana and Peter Bcatram once each.
aabb teat litUc nan aad Aaaa v. of
Jdaakatmi waa a batUa npal from
Mr. aadMn. Charlw Baecrnmor-of
atari to inlab. la aplte of-tba hoary Chieapo. an rWtIop Mra. SaepmUler'a
'Tae Marrelons care of Mra. Rena J.
trade rood Use waa made aad many paraata. Hr. aad Mn. J. L. Staaton of Stoat of eoaaamptlon hat created InotdhoronnoBODtho proni^ doeland Sercath atnet.
ezeitement ia Gammacit. Ind.,"
I Marion Staart, a leadlnp dropItaraea that aoy bom teaeler aicht
Miaa Jeaa Morphy of Cadillac, at- plat of M ancle. Ind. She only welpbeo
teaded tha calebnUon hen yeatarday 90 ponodi when her danpbur In YorkThen waa a pood atart ia each of
and wU: apend'a week with frlendt town aald the matt toon die. Tbei
tbo tbm haaU. 1. C. E. took' tb*
began to ote D.-. Einp’a Kew DiacoTery
here. She la the paeat of Mjaa Looiaa and pained 37 poands In weight aod
load from the wire end while Anna V
.f WettUriah.k
Back of
Blpbtb atraeW
waa completely cured." It baa onrad
OMwlod np at lotoreaU the lllUe aortal
Mlia Bezel Barria of Cadillac, ia the thonaaodtof bopeleaa cates, and it poc
hdd bar owd broTelj and woo oat
Itieely paarasteed to cure all throat,
aaeh time. Tba dm two beata aaw epeat of. Miaa Once Smith of Weat cheat and Inop diteaaea. 50:and81.00.
Trial betUea lOe at 8. E. Wail and Jat.
tba boma naea and aaek opder tbe Etpbtb atreet.
Miaa Bihel Gibbs of W«t Elpbtb G. Johnson't drag atora.
win and the Iwt beat ^Anaa V waa



nJLT 5.1900

For 3rd, 4th and Bth.
A nice high carved back, brace arms, sha^
seat, sewing rocker for $1.35. A nice luge
high back arm rocker for $1.65. I have over
300 different styles of rockers, (f yon want
sit in the shade, I have a full line iof lawn
aad porch chairs and rockers, camp chairs
and stools. One of tl^ose 35'c folding stools
you can carry in your hand and sit down
where you like.

Slater's House Furnishing Store
. X20 S'xoa.ts Stuop^
byutaader. te pointed to Chief of Staff
In nwponaa to a peUtloo from tha
Caraer and said: -‘Bat yo'dollar hCtl Church Sorlecy for thi- l*romotlOD of
KlDdD.-** to AnIniaU. ankluE bar to oaa
har power* for more humana tnatTba AppotlM of a Ooat
moDt of-womMli-d anlmaU on tba butU anriad by all whoae atomaeb and letfirid. Quwh Victoria ba* InUmated
llwr ara bnt of ordar. Bnt aueh should that she 0o4-« out consider aaeh latorkaow that Dr. Einp's New l.ile Pills, fercDca witblu her pruvloca.
plw a splendid appeUta, aonad dlpaaUoa aad a ragular bodily habit that laWaltar rtria to Muc
anm perfect health ^d preat uaarpy. work fonrtaat) to sistren houn a day,
Only rse at 8. E. Walt and Jaa. G. wlibnnt a slDple tu^lday uU the yoar
Johnson's drop atora.

DON’T Be Fooledi

"Of The Making of Books
There Is No End”
New books constantly arrlTing in our book depart­
ment soon as out of the publlebers hands.

farrioBdon's ■

“The Redemption
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A most charming story of English

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John Henry Barrows of Oberlin
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' .

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One we’re selling fast. Havi had
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says; “We wish there were more
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. in tha Philippines"'
■By the prince of army life story
tellers, !Capt. (now Generali Chas.
King. Si.23. This story deals with
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showing both the romantic and the

By Stanley J. \\ eyman, M.50. An
intensely thrilling story of Queep
Anne's times. Sophia, an immens­
ely wealthy young lady is beset
with intriguing suitors and schem­
ing relatives, but eventually finds
. her choice where she least expects
him.-and develops from a senti­
mental girl into a woman of ready
wit and noble nature.

serious sides.

"The Voices of the Night"

A Patriotic Term--


‘The Glorious Fourth.”
A Household Word--

“The Kiiiall.”
W. Wa Kimball Co.


H. a. enoffO. MBai««r

We, tba uaderaipnad.
apraa to refund
cant batUe.of Oroeaa’a 1
rap of Tarlf it falls te eara your eeoph
cold. Wa
also puazutaa a 8S8-----S8-eaat
betUe te prow aafiafaetery or i
8. B. Walt. BapbM
BncbM A
Jamaa G. Jebaaoa, F. C. Tbemp-

By I'lora Annie Steel.->i.5c. The
author designates this charming
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A most realistic story of today in
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"Riley lore lyrics"



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The most sympathetic description
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^ The latest and most charming l>ook.
from the pen of this popular poemartist. This is beautifully illustrat­
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The Hannah & Lay Mereantile Go.

the morning



«ar* ww Wm tnoi eNm wbMb
thatofomd amaa i
Chief of Miealanta aad Ma imadaat
artoff aa entire float, aad torpe aaoaph
tec* kept Ooae
tka aip Bote OoL had a rlt to wklA MlmU a IraH ffiowaireatteanp.
oattkealW.hBt mv* a fawkDarleaa •man bora war* hapi kai7 diatrihattoc TUa. wA fmt toad of haatel baa«oiiou
papate to tba vaetaiors.
hal* ea Ike foUewi^ Beat, fapraumtai
TaU^UaUetethmtba eatobmtica
IkewarkoftkaMlektoaa Baakaifbe.
• Ons4 8n
r. a* tbpp bad aa aafeUtoc
The two atoalp trimmed dMfverp waXr tflM « nmff> VMikv
■ cnpMha reaeBBtedaatha •applp of uadp wbkA tear
pete m( A. Fartuk. Ike •’floeikSId*
Aimia^aadtha ametbeeplatbairBoatte
V. Petartpl'a atoakUakmMt wu rapAcatSantVmtesMSnto OtoThe BDMda Dabp wafea. akaip raaaBtadbpa eatftoca oa a fleavu
9lar-«»lM4U XaMc h4 Vm>
trtmmad. earn* aazt toUaa.
wtoto war* eaatad two Uttto mtoM to
H. B. Qibh* had a fleat trlmmto with
voria CtaW «k* Bit «bo«.
thehiadraraaae to aortbara lOehl- the work of Mepela rapairtot to It*
haattaff aad btop^ tire*, aad eemtato*
•aa. belh to «aaUlp had qaaatitp. lUa
»«WrMtotMtiMte«w. It
toff a btopeto thop to weririaff order.
Oaldirall A Leadoa'a Wp twalva itoot
b>U«k* to aplt* of the toot the totrWe thaader
M.CBanu- apholetorad I
lambar whaata. panp trlmmad with dMivarywmroB followed to the''itoe,
•oalBirhMhad baea aimvad with baattot. abowed what Ufa to theJamiMdMTly
*M • fnr« tte
pap with boattop aad flop*.
berweedamlfhtkaod abeUdpp.
W. B. Eaaep’a float wm a awtip pet.
addad ftaatip to tk* epaetoda.
Aatoffaaloaa awatwimaat ea Fred tuap advarttoemeal ter Whit* Star
Ucbtk “aran drivtoT Aoat kept a eoffaa
. Mtt
ih» d«l^ of TWMrfoy
Brzt urn* Wilhelm. Bertak Oo'a A
Atm AOol* had alarte Beat oa
BonS^ tkM
Unia tobt ^mImA maddproada wm Ibe parade of tb*
aeboel ehUdraa. If tb* weather had which a wtod mill arltotad ft* ioar delivery wipoa. all althetatelp trim•oterMtko wMihtrwu
Tha vevda b«fM to pov >>te tka ahy keen toTocahto haadreda ot tbaa* ana*. There wu also a dtaplap of
Amanda Blva, L. O. T. M..imd a Aaa
MM^TMadaijuAicwlitKpnUl ym- woald. kirn keoe la Itoe. maktof a plamUataadetcam Btttofafloat on whleh were aiaap of tha mam■ ■ ■
«laa»ltaeftkathr»t- parttealarlp prattp addltlea.te the
The two dcllverp wacoaaoftho Ba* hera to tbolr lodp* repalla. and aprovp
aataf raU. aU tke «atn and bMta ba- parade. Bat even with thee* mtoor terprlM froeerp wet* rallp trimmed
miaou bonad tepethar
the Una af march waa
fe« trowAtd to thalr aapadtj. Tka
arlib flaco.
with a yellow aa*b, repreaeatinp nnity.
leaf that the** ta the dm aaeUcB
yaavns'fras eanM oat to
LewUALaauw had a aiealp trlm­
The Miaou Bbm Martin aad Caitic
bo«ttlfcaasaa»Uoa eAtbaatnat caaaa
mad daliverp wa«oh for their croeerp* Avery, to white on biepelu buatlfnllp
aafl ekUAm‘1 AiTlaloa of tka owada. fort the aaeoad aaetioB waa tolp
MUIar'a Drat Sior* had oaa of the trimmed, the firtt with white aad the
wkfthwBraflfaB^OB aaaoaatoftho aarmp.
loot oritiaal arraatementa. ia the awoad with ptok roau, bora baaaer*
nla la tka moralag. Tba prretptaoM
form of a “aa-t* oo-tab-koa.'' or in with tha name of J. W. milUkao. end
of aaek faatataef tka pnciam ab
other word*, aa Udiaa rit
••allat reprauatad hia.drp pood* atore.
partielpatlaK in tha parade mad* aoma Ota fo^aUoD laid oa two polu.
tO'whataa aotoat tie axaeaUaa
C. M.MerTm'a feed warohoau wu
rp. aad O. P. Carver, which were attacked to the hotM'a
aittae bad iriaBaad thatatriaata^
ably reprweatad by a float oa which
aad tba admin
igamaat oa tba ohlef of atai^ aad J. A Loraafer had eldaa. aad Upped ap at aa aacle of ts WM a bOBiia made of baled bap.
B,tka ekld^f chart* of the parade.
dapwaTheCrdcaot Baad. which wu to
Thalr moaated aide were Fkaak
ataff aad aUUi aad a
Tba Eannab A Lap MereaBUle Co. have beaded the tcbool parade, came
HamUtoa, Bred CortU. Tkoa.'D*rmodp mad* parhap* the mut alabjvata dUtrorthjofaonaat.
naxt ia Uae, followed by one of the
Iba UBaUb07« a ia avUaaeo with aad Mr. Korn, aad tba ordarllea of the pUp of anp. bavlat oltht dlflareat rit*
prettieat thlnpt in tha parade, a earUa tOF Plato} aadflra eraekan betora dap ware Theroa Mortaa aad Pack la lint. Thap had aaverml ether floata
riapacoverwl with yellow roau aad
tkaeaniTalbaraaaadbe kaptie eri- Perry.
which ware ralaad bp the rain. F<rat driven hp Mr*. 3. B. Martin aecompaThe Ito* wM headao by J. A. Lor- cam* a oarrW* coatalalac Mveml
^aaea natU ha waa toealaapj laat alrbt
niad bp Miu Frankie Poller. Both of
anrar. on horaebaek, the taapor aad of tha prattp firla amplepad in tb*
to oatbua aar Btm. '
the ladlre were eaatamed elaborately
Tba dij m io cala arr^, dacota- dtp coaaeil foUowl^ |a a carrlatc.
atore. Tba hardware dapartmeat fol- Id yellow and black. Over &00 rustte*
Next came Earriaftoa’a MlUtarp lowad with a varp elaboratelp trimmed
thab baiar protaaa oo all tba atraata.
were naad in the duorauoa* af the carBead,
aiaop raaUaaeaa boiap boantUall/
BoaU Two of tha Plano harveaUnt rlape aad bareeu. aad the effect wu
trteMd. whUa tka
machiaa* came aazt. followed bp a etriklnp and beanttfcl.
1 tka BklU aad taalna of the appeared, for lu Ana maaie, aad preltp float from tba famltnre departThe caliihnmplana and the revolvlap
mnUarp bearint- Thap headed tba
Three brlfbUp trimmed de- whul were amulapfutoru of the
Than waa maale. p)aa^ of It. t^ bop* of Co. M. I4lb Hick. Vol. who liverp wacoaa wound up tha Mercaaparade.
Thaalr waaraat with tka laa^riot wore tka aaitonaa in which thap tile Co.’* p
“boraelcM electric carriape" adattataa of the Star Spaaflad BaaBor. foackt at Saatiaco hill jut two paara
John F. OU A Co. balUv* la blowia

T'« Grand wu ooe of
Amarka, Yankaa Doodle. MaraUar apa
thalr own bora whan la a Foorth <
The eUk flat of McPharaoii Paat.0.
Tbrtf Oaorrla aad other naUooal ate.
Jalp paiada Their bit float
rade. bat at frequent iniervali durlsp
A. B. followed, with lha veteraaa of
tepatbar with ethar aa^ilar aad
caoMd a lanph.
elaoaleal aaak. Harrlartea'a rraat the Civil War of *0 pear* a«o marehiat
amealed with uwa and caathooha, aad It bore the iQpead -TraverM City and
MUltairbaadofOadUtaowaatkalarr- after, headed bp the Elattlep KarUal aa abaadance of baatiaf, while four
Old M'uioa B'p." aad WM a prophecy
head. Wltb them «vu W-. D. Bobiaaon,
aat bead la the eltl for tha
email rreee at the cor
ot what i* pet
aad wbaa Harrla(toa k aoaUaaad of Co. C, ISth Loolalana Tol. Cat. D. B.
the 'aatare pf the baeineM. The rtf
”■ • ‘
a that tbara waa aoth A., who foncht tbroach tba war aadar
WM crowded with the bop* from tba
0*8. BraCt. Lut la the tine war*
iar laeklnc la the Cad
mill, all earrpint horna which tbep
whM waa *017 larra. The WUliaau Sharldaa’a Basmart. la ttotaaoBa
a*ad to aneh r>od advantac* that thap Good Time Hoiwltbauadioc Hoavp
borraad K(
thalr ana*. taU of the
formed a baad all by ibamaelvc*.
oallaat motlcaad all that waa wanted apoUaof
Adrap-lcadad with wood and coal
The Are department made a dne
attbalrbandi.whUa tk* Orwoaat aad
The blepele racu took place under
and pailp trimmed wu driven bp J. M
Bofo baada of TtaTotae dtp fnalabad abowtof. Fiiat came Ftra Chief Beaala
Larkin* aad advertiacd hi* coal aad very anfavorahle cooditiooi. the road
a rood deal of the laa^thai. Tba aad & B. Pope, la the ehlaf't road
bei^ huvy and aloppy. Bowavar.
wafoa. tkoa the ehamleal eaclD*. hook
rt of laaUeaal aita tkea bp
A larr* platform float carrpinR the pood time wt» made la both the epaa
itbaadinfroatof the Wbltiaf and laddar oart, ataam Are anrlaa,witb
aad the bopt’ road race, under tba elrbetel prared to be a arlaaerand waa two praup lltti* BluM la rad. white baoaer of tha Elmball Co- wu loaded cumttaaee*. The open race wu over a
faUp in kaeplac with tba aaaMBeat of aadhtoadlroeSatUa movaeaeaU, and with plaao bezu and o-paat. and tha four mile eooree for which foor prizm
tba eoeaetoB. The Boja band mad* lufkau cart Bo. t from the aoath aide awMtmuieof an immeate Born at- were piven. 810. 8C. 8i aod 81.
tracted attaa'tioe.
- their ntoal rood abowtaf aad c>*efir*t oartoehoaa*.
There were uvea cairle*.in the open
-A. 8. Frpmaa had an attractive float
Aaopaa bamche bom Edea, the
race. Byron Banter. Oso Feurp and A.
bead |ta*a a fine coaeert lathe after- fair qaeea of the carnival, who la her to the ahapa of a benoe. covered with
ord* advertialap tiic W. L. Doopto* Freeman of Cpdiliac. B. L. Bnmett^f
BOB Tnatatreet All the band* ktaatifal ceetaaie aad ropal
Charlevoix. Obariei Zeran. Will Beoale
did adaadld work add
Cleib Sick robe, with a foldea crown apon bar
and Clarence Bolmu ot thl* dtp. The
ler’a roeklnp chair, bip
ard baadled tbia part of the W« akow bead, «vu one of the prattlatt tirhta of
eeatut wu a clou one the eotlre dieadaitiablp. 1b* erewda war* kept the parade. WtUberwuMlm Camp- enoa^ for the mother of a piaat. pro­
tanee.and all of the riden were buoeh1 an dap loaraad la haU. one of bar eharmint ladlw of claimed the buinu* of J. Vt. Slater.
ed at the finith, Dzn Fearp of Cadillac
TheWUliamabiirp baod came bob t
tba ere^ Steiaberrb Oraed waa hODor. Him OalUek. her ether ladp ia
padnd arith aa luamta .aadiaaet WBltlBf. waa BOt able to taka part in and livanod no the parade with muic.
later third, and Will Bennie
wblek eajojed oaa of tb* good per- the parade. The ^neea'a moaated After them marched the membara of fourth. Time. 12 eclauUv
fenaanon bp Bfpaab OwBedliT.*, eaeortt were Fred Cartl* ead Theroa. th*C.R.K. P. s:, their red cubu
In the bop*'road race there were
wbUabotb attaraaoB aad eraoiat Sil­ Mortaa. '
a brlpht apot of color.
thruaotriu. Earl Bali, aande Baker
ver Broo.' Oraat Sokeltp Show aad
The Bop* band lad tba ttadu anioD*.
The Sliver Bru. made a See tiwwiap
and A. Sendder. ali«; tbiacltp. Thru
Traiaad AbIoibI XakIblUon tamed whieh amdeadB* abowinr. The Car- *rtth their band to their haadaome
prizu were piven, $1 82 and 81.
awap crowd*, beeaeae their perfor­ penter* A Jolaei* came Iret. foUawed mirror and pold chariot, aad their
Claude Baker took firat. Bari Ball
mance* ware la keaplnr with the other bp the Brkklaper* A Maaon*' Ualon, mm*, trained dop* and poeiu to line.
ucond. and A. Scadder ibirc. Time,
the latter waarinr thalr white workA daiatp eoneeil was that of a white
ne ptocramfi
Int eoatame.
owao. drawiap a chariot la which' wa*
•erulameat for the Tkitwa, bat there
The Lontahorei
I'a L'cioa wu oatla pretty mim ia white, aad repreaeatwere a irreat aiaap impromptc faatarea
mnnera, and at>er | top the Travataa City Wapoa Work*,
wfai^ made thiafa Umlp.
r Mtkera* Oaipa' Foilowinp were apeeimeu ot the yon.” protc»t.«l ii,<- r.itii.T. ■"! don't
wln tlt.-r yon are a jirtijn r [mt.'od
earryinp a lonp banner on which wu ! wapa^ tamed oot by tb!« wtabllab. know Wll.tlfT
I tjik<- into jn.
atraUoa waa the drewerk* dUplap in laaeribad. “W* patronize thoae that | meat.
"Well.” n til,- .uilor .-aliiil.r. -i
tba eraaiBf. fhep were wKneaaad bp patronize u. See that the label ia oa I AqoainCand.oripinal float io bripht
r<>c<>inm-i).!jijoD» wlUj,
tboaaandt from the river bank, bridpa tha box when poo oak for a elpar."
'color*, with a bip latter A reprewoted jon."
■•Votill wliatV,',
^ aorroandiaft' The committee. E.
The Matter Boraeahoer* were repre-{W. S. Andeiaon'e nadertaklap e*ub•'EicJianc.- rooofnmrndatlon*. 1 don't
B. UcCop. C. 8. Carl* and A. W. Wait, uoied bp two nicely decorated rip* ‘Ziahmeat.
know any
an.v m,.rc
mi.rr al>4i!< you than y,>n
hare bad axpciiaaca la tbit llae of ea- ThU completed the tradu aalon *e:-l Prokop Epulka had fear delivery know
al.oiii me. an.l I ai > mnnloc
terialnmaat and thap para aa improve- tkm. and the aeeret order* came next \ wapou aad a dray, neatly trimmed, la aom.- rbarice.a rnyMr.”
It lui nlpht OB the pnriou eale- to line, headed bp tba Kinpalep band, i Itoe from bU proeorp.
brailon. The dUplap ludmarnli
5<i Caa»e fnr Alarm
Flint ware the Modem
-Moder Woodmen
bip flmt, *
iclp trimmed
the piece* belnr beentnal aad p
Ameriu. a larpe noAbar ia the Inaip- with different thinp* from the hard­
“Wrll, wli.1t * the rum. r?" rallod
' IbeeetpiecM were the lateet
ato of their oDm, aad fonrteea or ware etdi-e of Jaliu Campbell, pro- the ductor from ike «>-.-.j]|i|.<iory vrlotmprovemcnvoVcr teat prorbeahlbl- lore followiap to woodman’*
_____ claimed hU boatoen. and another foi- flow to the tuan wli» ha.l la-. ti rlasiDg
' tlea, beaidet there were more of them. with eoato off, aad bripht aatbu.^h lowlnp called attention to hU Mooarcb III* night Ih-II for <»-vi.rai minui
• t wanr you
tny iior
, The mid-air cffecu made a bdlllant
rpinpae azeoverhleahoalder. Oca blepelea
diaplap. Abmt ft o eloek it bwran to of the Importaat futnru wai thepoat.
Sehoolciaft Brother* bad a proeerp
....................... ..... ...
Tala and the Ipeopla ruah'ed for cover, i which awaken memoriu of Initiatotp atore ia foil operatioa oa their neat I ^'”1
r«r or.-r
hat therein letap after a abort
*1 t)U'
I •■niihi
Mdth* crowd* ttapered. At firat it
The a 8. P. 8.. 24 in aambar. made a atoo in Uae.
know lnt» of pvo|iIe who I
WM daddad to uve what ramatoad of pood show. .Afur thou came Caatoa
F. A. Oeosea bad an orirlnal flut. I her.- i,».
■ bat’ wav all iho|- live*." I
thd Are work* when the ^to bepaa. Traveru, I. O. 0-. F. to ti
hk pip tail eipara to all ptc- i
aatU thU erenlnp. bat tha commltute naiform
eesauofmoktop. fromthe toaf to the
Aaacod tba plan and ui thorn aU'oA
The iBdepMdeat Order of ,Foreetefe. flaiabad prodaei
after the rato eaaeed. Toe maeh
Tha Stapav-Sewinp Machiaa urrlape,
had aa elaborate' flut, with the mamaet be a^ of the czeeUapee of tU* banintoeirnffallO' The Compaaioo*
aazt to tha
pertipB of Ik* propram.
of Court Traveru ware hahlad the mea bpadrap covered with tha empty meTbedapflr------ —
of the order only in pocltioa. their flap chine euu. '
featoia* aad attraotod aad amued trimmed floats followiap the Foreatuo,
The delivery wapou of Bolaon A
thoeaaada, MpeetoUp the okUdran.
hoadad bp a tody maiahai to red, white Johamm aad fHcru A Fraeman, detuI
The hone taou
larpe aad bine. Tha fiiat flut had a aamber rated with flapa. uau aazt la Itoo.
eaomdaaadtheaaeeamef.the opaatop ofthatodiuto cuMma. and the seeWm. Jackmm'e machiaa shop wu
adthalmmovodpark of the Ttat
bp a flut with 08* of tha
ThaChthkiie tehool had twoef the maehtou toned oat bp tha aetebliah' faed (htop* ter tha fatoza.
I to Uae. Oaa
- Tka mat^aata wte aold nfraah- rtod a aambu of lha bopa of the aehool
WUhalm Broa war* to Ito* with a
No Horfl fthflumatisiB.
larpa flut periraptop their dry pooda
the toarlmble red li
with Uaela flam to ovUtoau to Ik*___ aadetothtopbealeau
aofeettem aad tralto. did a raahtop ter. The other had aa eqial aamber
Tb*CltpBeek8»erahad a autdla- us bVBeflt. and «* bad abeat rtvsn Bn all
of ddtotp mtom* to the
play flest lalitop of their apaetol Ito*.
radOamamwu tha only barber to
kcMieawu the aoupleto akaama
Travwa* atp'tMV Bo. tn. K. a T. ttu, aad hla fleet, paaptrimm*d.npaeWdeala. aet am* katot npartod ap to L.wmo acaepletou iMtaia. wliha aaotodaabepeaahaapdip.
toMalcfat Aaotoer ■otowmBiy tea•*l8u ■■ 8M Odmaz Beakat" wm SS5! ^’bydn3£S‘‘«iJilMete V*"


. -• .




DfBss Pants
Little Money

Oolnp tbrouxh oar lult atook
we find from
one hundred and fifty
to two hundred paire fine panta
In black Olay Worateda
and Blue Serxe Qooda'. to which
coata and vaats
have been aold—These
we wish to close out entire.
and In order to do so
will place on our front, tables
and give
twenty-five per .cent discount,
from price of earns.
Sizes run from 3S to 42
waist measure.
Look them over.

Hamilton Clothing Co.
Athletic Bvenu Mimed Fire.
The CaledonUn and airwt pamu did
not come off. aad a larpe namber were
dluppolaied eecordinplp. caaectoll|
thme who were expuiinp to cater the
former mad the Soath Side people who
ezpectaA to tee them. Tba atreata
were UK) watin the momlop. mod the
Immedlatejp foliowlap
Then the athletu wue dirutad to
three different ptoeu. and wbea tha
eommittee called tba pame*. tha oob.

XtSavel Hi* Lap.
P A. Daaforth of U Oranpe. Ga.
for alx monibt
mooib with a frlpbtful raanlnp ure lep, bot wriiw that
Bucklen'e Arnica Salve wholly
■lip eared
cored It
in fire dap*. For nicer*, wooad*. pile*,
beat «*1ve In the world. Cure
araatud. Only 2S cl/. Sold by S.
Wait aad Ju O. Johnuo. drappUu

two GAMB9 or BALL.
lata and Benda's Twirler*
Bach Took One.
The bell ponu oa Taeadep. the firat
la tbauriMOfthru for theeubpriu,
wu WOB bp the indepeodento. to tb*
hardest fonpht pame of the aaeaea. tha
score belap n to 8. BiMkbnm and
Wlaata pitched for Boada'a Twlrlara,
and Peaalapton oocapled the box for
the lad
Pcaalaptoa atraek
oat IS mea.aad allowed bat thrbeUta.
Both of the Twlrlon' pitcher* were effutive. kadi^ad mlleot support.
■ The au»d pame whleh wu to
have ooeared puterdap. mornlap wu
poatpoaad tiU tba afuraoon. whan
Beada'a Twirler* defeated the InvladblM la a hot, clou pame. wlnolap bp a
tcoraof ft to V. Tha baltcriu were
Winnie aad Braptoa for the Twirler*
.. for the lavlaeid Novak
aad Salfka
bfe*. The eloaiap pame of the aeriu
will occur ibl* “oralnp at lO o'clock
.. .. a the lovl
jvlncl _____
lodepeadesta. it will be a bard eontut, and
1 worth sulnp.
lOl ib'a tt
hart that

<I have found Itj

That is what the i e)|ileeap
when they e.-.' our inc­
line of


Fresh, HleaB anf
SO-Good. and then
So Cbeap.^

When coDeidering with
wbat to replenish the ravatf«
of time upon the‘inner man’
give onr jjrffcery a caM.
It will improve yonr »pI»tite to see til the good
things we have for the table.

Since likiop^Eo^y Moonuin Tw.
Aik yonr drappUt.

Return Engagement.

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.

All This Week
The Favorites.

The Best Repemire Companp
' on the Road.
PUpinpat popalupiee*. latiodaetop
ap-todtueomedtoa aad dramas, towr»per**d with spulaltics by flrat-


W. E. HANEY TheNewPolice
BmuU* Block.

Phone 140.

Front Bt.

Up-To-llita Grocanr. .

wcBsals at tkskaz



eon BUI'S iBa
Wk Wm Short Bat BriUittt
'And Trioaphaat.
■nifltDl t* mm mtirntj ^ Ourm-

M« • Wrtfaviaa Smt-OvrMUfiOM WmrpTeM«ai

«f Jair Mnlnl, Iwa paMat tsto
liatacyaaaaotharfrftha aaaeaam to
taak taa apoa wlA mt\0htikm Tha
«tfCB««i>aaaM4te tioaad. lt«aa
«•« lp«c. bat U «n4 OtaBphaat.
«aipa«.---------------^-------.-------Thaaanlvalwaa«ha*t bagnat*
aftfaekiatha araalaf. bat thaaMU
Aar aeaUa’t valt. ae ha bagaa ltaa*«>
idhoanaaaUar. Ktrij U tha attar-

«teatraaW»ara threap Ohalmaa
afeaakrrMfleh of tk» mnlnXtem
■IMaated ba« ba«r. aa thadiaet
• laailp: OatgaUafoc^aa appropri■ti aaoMpaalauat. aaUp aapportad
«aa boaad to braah baton aaralar.
Vba oapw hat lott tUafa la tha baada
tftha^aaaaaoha had aothlaftoaap
«Nat it. bat Qaaaa ddBabaabJaeta
VkUa jgfooa, wan tow abid^. aad
aathiac broha attar au.
Saea attar dark Uiaolaatteaa of aarj■ac brlUtoacT bacaa to apriar«pbara
•ad thora aatU tha atoatrla li^ta appaarad laalpBldeaat-- Thaparadabaraalotoraatto'eleek
•ad aboat i:IO tka Uaa bafan to Bora.
AUffa Lorta Bobarto. who
' '
oCihadajtor tha Foarth. aamd iaa
lOmEtoreapaaltpter tha earalTal.aBd
•aMatad kp aoraral of hla aldat, dlraet«t tka fomatlaa aad Uaa of aarah.
la llaa waa lad br tha Bopa’ baad.
■allowod br a bUpsU brlfada with
■. Thaahlafattnatleaet tha dlaptor
ana tha oarTtoga of Qaaaa Bdaa,drawa
l|pfoargaUrdaakad. paaa^ ataada,
•Uh harawaw trluad to para wklta.
•hUathaatalpagaltaaU waa pratUlp
dwttk aeton. ^^aaaawaa
7 bar aalda of boaor. Iflat
4 Kbi CawpbaU. aU bator
rad la gowaa of rara loaaU•ad tha rural aartr waa oaaortad bj
MUIafr caarda of hoMa freai Ooa-

tteimofhnaajMg.tte g^wdehoilW dnWB ^ aw aa* alia of tte oagt.
eaatoi onbaatn of
' air at tha ooa^toalsa of whM tha prtam tealatar.
Thee T. Bataa. appaaradaad to aa agpmrlauaddnm praaeatadtha v
tt her oabjaew aad aepraand the g
tade of «te tottar apoa batog oarmlttad
to graat aad hoaor Bar Boral Bighaen
aadsanttegnaa^af thaqaaeato
tha fbliga fie alao tedrwe*
thaqaaaato batelfof terpaopla aad
fa alofiag adraaoed to tha atapaoftto
atagatoadtog tha qaaaa tteantotha
floor htiow. whan ter hlghnme gan
aa tofoneal aadtoan to afi
Atmr tea aaabaagn of a
tha qaaaa aad bar i
ala oaa aoraer
aC itoa haU whara thap natfead daring
te rtm^ador of tha aeaaiag.
The onhaatra aatartatoad with
oait maaie aad aa aeMiloatl walti
twooup and It WM not aatU aaarlp
l:Ma.m. that tte gantt dapartad.
daoctog batog ite ordar.
Tte raeapUoa erM a abarmiag
aantoboaorefateamiagqeaaa and
ttegranaad dlgaltp of bar aujia^
toeltod the admbaUea of aU then
aeetmbled to gmt hor. Bar maide
aot attlrad to ropal rotee.
Oae of tte
faatam of the raaepUoi
iagof«aMB Edna aad ter tote
pettlon for tte boaor, tte Miaeai
Beltaer aad EebiaeoB, who-were both
preaeat to do honor to tte eheara rotor
of the earaleal.
ThequMB WM
peat de eole with eoart pleatad front aad ctart traia. aad aeeordiaa
pleated drop fklrt. Tte lower pert of
tha bodloe wh of peon da aaie aad tte
ele*TM aad poke were Of elleer epeagle
aad pearle. Tte maatto wh of ropal
parple ealrat Witt eraam aatu Itotog
aad ormlae trimming. It wm tMUaad
wlthaallvorolMp. TheerowawMaa
aiabonte affair of gilt, eet with Jeweto
The maide of hoaor wen ekarmtogr attired to eream aad to ptok
lehaaa. trimeud with libortp ellk,
aOk lace aad oolorad appUqae.
The eatln amagamaat of the earai
eal. the reoeptloa aad all the appototdoUghtfallp aaoemtal aad
tte amltoat maangamrat of Eitop
hwoore aad tte otter momban of tte
aommiMM bioagbt good raealM that
will nmembondMa nrp Importaat
part ofaearp aata


‘'toa kaow.*' mid tbe fattw of a
tamUp, **tt Bates mo tongh wbenater
Ithtokof the chiidrea’a abtoiate nerve
aboat tte grsvp. What 1 mean to that
anptbiag that has gravy with it. tte
children take it all, down to tbe last
dnv. wittont leaving a speck for ttetr
............................ r. Anitbep’r
Aa4tb(p’re perCsetrboteoae efaUdna,
S wbo woDld do a
for their parents. Boteboatac etttop
thap teved a a> “
be peifeetlp nataral to obildmt, and
that 1 soypoee to brad la todalgenoe.
Tbepteve aU.ttalr '• —
pMBla ooald ^vo thorn, aad ao ttop
‘Bat I mile agatoM I lemll tte fact
that when I stm a bog I got all tbe
gcavp. Time and
aaala I teve seen ap
fatter tip tte dfrh m that ht might get
for Be tte lam dtep, while be ted none
tor htaiett
Be vm vmy fond of
gtavp, too, bat be eew eaM an Witt
gtava ooarteap be gave it all to bb, m
tboagfa I weia enttUed to 1l When I
grew e little Wider. I reproaobad apaelf
Moetiaee for having token it alL
When I grew older still and came
know bow gentle and affeottonate and
g and generoBS he was, I oaae
to know that be woalda't for tte world
have Barred ap pleMon bp ao aoeh as
e staple fact was that
itWMsfar L
give me tte gravp than it a
been to eat It blmselL
'And now when tha cblldren .
tbeir plates I graveip dish ont tte gnvp
down to tte last dre^ and I asp Dotting
for fear that ttep will rob me of tte
aelflab pleasare of giving it all to them.
Biat I BBile to mpmlf cooe more m I
ttlnk <j»^tet wUl happen when ttep
ooae to have ofaildren of tteirown. I
know what ttep'U do ttea. Tbep’Uglve
it all to tte cblldren, down to tte toat,
iMt drop. “—New Yott Son.

jngod ia Batteaal eolen.
A atriktog laatan wm tha eaka
' c Ua aoMtaad of Ban
'ttanato, aaah elad to a aoatama par..........................................................
ig. Tha
faaaj aad fatehtog.
Oraaaaat Baad to B
•liho aaka walkan aad thag atada tha
^rtog wUh to^lrtag atndaa. Tha
ta oadad bp Ua martial baad.
'Sha qaaaa aad bar toUowtog wara^
iCmtad with ebaara aad aboata of aa' a ail along tha Itoa of/march
-mb dhahrilUi
I ihara with akp
naalnta aad romu eaadlm mada aa
tftoat whieh rouad tha bmi totaaia
wathaOnam. Tha pagaaat pamad orar
d thraaga of paopla graatad It a« it
gattad. whUa the air remalal with
tta maalc bp tha baada After the
■Larch vat eomplelod the ropal eqa
page drew ap to front of t^a dtp Opera
a mlewad the
whare the qpeea
•atlre parade.
tXbe BecepUon to Her StjeetpTba e waaaetaihabmt theentranea
cada Hanp gathered to gase again
wpoa the qoean and manp mm aonght
tagato catraneetO the Opera hoaae.
Vhan vae a lir^ nnmbar to the gallatp. aad the ma'a floor wm thronged
anth'torlted gaeate. to fall aeentog
dtram The ball was magalfieeatlp
«oeora\od. the throne being eet apaa
ahe etaga. aad draped tiegaatip with
Ktoh Upeatriee. allk ^haagiagi aad
Eftar the pa.tade and while tha gaeetc
Fan arrirlag tha qaeea aad her aaite
wan drleaa to Park Plaea where ihep
4 far a ehort time- ItwM lO:to
mkm the ropal partg aatorad the eper
Thap were gmlad at tha lewc
•abtaaethg thaiaeaptloa
There wu a hath m the qaeea wm led
iatothe haUbp aamaatOartond aad
«. a Baldaa aad aaeortad aerom tha
teU to the atoge. the datotp pagw.
. Laellto aad Loala BoUUap, hoWag
Che maide «f hoaor, aad^, eaeort of
ttam Baada. The qaeaa waa haaded ap
lihenrpaMdatoptwlth dlgalfled oereamoap aad it waa with the grata of a
«aeaa to loalltp that ate took hareeat
mpaathelhrcma, tte matd* tawahtog
Oaktog thedr plaoM oa titter aide,
whlto the pagaa oaatod thamaaleM at


had decided to efaete with him the foctaam of war and wn at tte odtowe’
qaartan to tha Federal armp*'Lordered Bp men to take the woBBdaSacr to oor camp aad to mate him
MpoeriUa Ttenlnat
■OBM meo with a flag of trnoe to the
Daton Uaea with the mmeage from tte
dping ottoer to hU wife
“late that olght the nartp tetaraed,.
and the meettog of the dptog hmband
aad bUpoaagwlfewMtteBKataffeottog toeoe whleb I bare onr witnemd.
“I WM compelled to go eleevhere.
bat before 1 left tte
tt tteBameof tte wound­
ed officer WM Ma)or Berlov of Mew
York I often tbongbt of tte ead tooldent. vbitt Bide npoo me one of the
me that 1 noeiTed
to the war.
“Sbortlp afterward a coaila. of Bine
mbene Bune nnd initiala were tte eeBe
I Bine VH killed to betlla
•Tbewercloeed. Tmpeereafterverd
wltt'a dlttlDgaitted gaoUeai
in. Kea
few York wbo iorited Be to be
preaent at a dinner be woe t^gire that
erentog. ABong tbe gneets to wbom 1
WM totrodnoed was a certain blajar
Barlow. 1 rappoeed that he was a consto
of tte man whom I bad left dptog
tte field at Gettpsbnrg with bis devoted
wife beside him.
Tcoce knew a Major Barlow,’ 1
mid tomp
‘I dnoe knowa General Oordon.' be
■' -Bnt tbe Major Barlow I knew is
dead.'I added.
“•And.tbe Genoal Oordon whom 1
ksew is also dead.' bo answered.
'*1 started to tell him tte storp of the
Major Barlow wbom I bad toft dping
on tte field at OetTrtbnrg when he totempted me, ezctoinitog:
*' ’Mp God. General Gordon. I aa
hatmanl Bnt pon were killed at Aaietam.’
•■•Andl know poo died at OMtpabDtg.*aaidI. Torlmwpoa’
teems strange to me that tbe wanneM
Meodahip of ap life aboald have b^an
to ttem Bwfnl sowwi of blood and emnage at Oettpabarg. Tbe staple anrice
dap when I teat
for that dptog soldier’s______________
I wife hM
Maja Bartow and bit wife the dearest
friends 1 have on earth, potwittstaadI wore tte grap and bo tbe blaa '*
TW Arttal Team *tteSba—Tberr to one thing more I
know. Mr..HsDktosr>n. before 1 opn an­
swer poor question. Are pon In favor
grantlbg to woman ber natural aad
sUeaabto right to vole.
ndbtot b«
beel of maaruUne tpi
H^Wea nonnnp.
Itorothp. oear,
^r. »I doaY
know, of eonme. how pen feel abool tt.
bat 1 ha**- alwtpa been to favor of

oopiM vere sold to tte ffrrtpear
pablieetion, and tte eela to one form „
since tte
Omeppeeraaos ortttobMBtUultbeBe.
Tte melody to e Sidltoa fdk aoag end
adapted to tte words by Fqyae
hlBMlf —St LootoOk
HilUe Mewgirl—I know my eye to
black, mamua bnt poo ought to see
Maad Monvean's—both cIoeHt. and ter
d»e* to all paired. Beddea ate bit aw
Mrs. Mewgtfl—Never slog exoept to
welf defease, darling Bemetnbto this
rale alwapa and poir will grow np a
trae, womanly woman.—Mew Yo*
•a are taking plaea all
over tte eoantry. Tte eld eonplM
avidanUp took Boeky Moaatato Tm to
ttelr yeaag days. 3Se. Aak year
fiood Vorda tm tte Vailed EtatM Seaavatoat Society of Segtoaw.

■ ttMTlB Tsgas •• Fbes WtoMi to
of Segtoew for
____,_____..____ u tte Mtttomeat of
ay etolB tor lOM of bead., Wtea
have a elalB ttey taka patos to iSk
yoB ap aad give yoa year BOBty.
naaipaay kM a braaeb offin to tte
Johaaoa Bloek at TravsTM aty. Tate
it's ratter odd. Md
oat a policy to you eaa reap tte teaeprMif tte Mew Tortenoopled It be­ fti, M I did. to aoM yoe teva bad lack.
fore tong, elttoagfa tte dn
I aa to bepee that I eaa do ttea eon
good. M they oertatoly dreerve It.
C. C. FfllOT eod^ily.
New Yoi
ott coffee and cake aelocn are
aacb more naaatoa ttan bam, and
there Is sure to be one aear every ttea-

A Ward FruM FMteHT ■ecat
TravatM Qtr. UUk., daly «. ItOA
a to teTS ariaae osar
ttemaalaal aragram vtttok wm raoTwo great crowd* - filed StatoterfB darad M tte raeepttoa of tte Qaeea of
tte (tealval.
Qtaad yesterday afteraeoa aad
iwMEBgecadta faiml* a aaaiirt
tog. aad Itoteaaf to a fas tripto bill by
Brrn-t OamedtoM, eeoetottog of “tte pngiam eoBatoUng of esMtouM aad
ttetaMtseealddanmU ttey M 4*rirad, bat tba daaee mopm wm aei to ^
begin aatu attar Itbe Qeeaat raaspiieawteehwMaappeaadtetoka ptoM
fruM 10 aatu it.
Wbtta Baa Taraed Tallow
I do aot play ter deaec* myaeU. bte
aa orttMtia among my mMlalaM
MMda'of M.
rtea ttey aaw he wm-----far that parpaaa, aad it wm faUy a»datatood byttem m waU m myealf
^ bto me. aad be aakerad 'terribly.
that Ibay wars to taraleb tte -mMia
afiM Bar Majeaip had mired from tte
witteatbaoeft. Tteate i
to toy Btoetrie BiMem, tbe iwkdsrfal
It is a matter of maeh ragral that
atemieb end Uvar raBcdy. aad be
wrltoe: “After tektog two bettlM I it WM not gaaar^ aadarstoad by aU
^whMlyew^^ trialprana lla prtaaab
a B. Boest.
t THE »T,



V«w OUeoFonr fbr Bloodpotoontog.

Wa offer OM baadiad daUaca rMTM4
tor any cui of aatorrb ttetaoBaat be
eared by HaU’a Oatarrh eara.


DE. C. D. WAEMEB'8 COMPOUKD J. abeaey ter tte tost II yaara, aad beOF SEVEN CCEES, tte Sfset Oaaecr
remedy, aad tor all dlaeaaes of tha akin
aad blood, from Ooataet aad Secondary able to carry oat any ebltfatioaa made
Hereredltary Oanses

S. 9. CsmpljsU d Bens
WlUtevakbair offiM to tte herde Draggtoa. Toledo, O.
ware alore of W. J. Bobba hsreefur.
____ _____
leu's Qatarrh Oere to taken
where all tboee bavtog bualoas with aally. aeitog diraaUy apoa
tte blood
the firm eao call upon ttem. Sts tf ted moeoia sarfaoM of tte i


Bsrald Cntuiy OMk Book.

A limited namter for eale at IS eeoto
oaeb. WUl te maUed ponage paid
08 rooalM of the prlea. Addreas.Tbe TsIklSg Veebfau
HoraldTltevares City, Mlek.
tor sale by tte W. W. KimbaU Oa.

IbinlMtiu ui EumiHtiti Frae iii Suieili Cnfilntiil.

HoiPinilatoftkOttflulidiciriiuQtate (b., Ink^BiA

Woodbine fcottage tmmSDAY, - JULY 12, 1900.

I there for great
3oome to ttepU and gellctp
I of tte tbeetera long befove the

• Begaa la IM TkMt eg «ha

galUnt Boldlw iptog on the Said.

“Heme. BsraatHeBka''FqrBe’M<Bf.
-..................- €t Miton,” a nrednoticB bcoagbt out to im Tbe opera
■VM a faUare, aad aotbiug to now
kaowD cf it Mve tte one song, vtalcfa

“Bp tte wap. “ said a gaottomaoWbo
Krlredbare from England atowdspa
agOk “teva poo beard of tte Londen
tbaatrioal Benagan' latest a*0B

U tbaoarriaga foltowtof aat Fraak
VrtoMak, ^brsu of tha aaralTal
■flllii. wlU hla aaaoelau oa tha
, O. E Btrhar, aad wlU
«ha> wan thaqaaaa'a pagaa. Uitta
IwBia aad Taiefto HolUdar. datotUr at■W^torthaaTaat.
Tha flra
lomi. tha aagtoa. boat a^ta. ahaalMl aad^ook aad iaddar wagea batog
I wlth,nd Era.
A praUr aSaek oa tha ataaa fira aa• waa tha Ooddaat el Ubartp aad

' Wuie«ttoseA
KO apropos c( ter dabat at Faria Tba
BestBcsBtog tte p^sra temaedwltt
tte ravings of tbe criOea tbe "bunM
de Sibyl." bar roioe aad hv eastnnMa.
Ibefe were also telegrams of oongratatotiote, lettsn and canto. Tbe poeng
41vettalookad|tottaaBell carefnlipaod
tbenaadeeBOM. “KoteattoAed patT'
asked acme <ma “Wbattatte matterr*
‘Ab. I am
Ite sad faced singot. 'Jl bad tbongbi
------------------------------------- lettea
tan. There to t»ot
Ml" It to to be SI

of tte-bmt parts of tte ttaai
aeetog and bearing, and it come onlp 60
eanta, bat there are no reeeired seats,
BO ttcoe wbo ooae earlp get tte good
“It to ooBBon, to tte case of Impor­
tant first Dlgbta. for a long line of peo­
ple to form at tte pit doors before it is
opened, and when tbe plap is verp sue-

OffieaXeaiBfroaFa-aatoEF.a. Omd^^ysackauatt.

Pliasiit Rooms. SltadyUMi.
sit 8taU Street


- ■
plvMV •La >* St berMr
it ttoaewho care to papslzpenoe naSvr
k for tte privilege at 6:80. Then
wsrs* pear, TV Wt., led bare
or Bleb, FLeSar «lll rerelve t*.
areiavto W.jr. aiBimU Ce VTCi



pUom befen tte plap b^i
inspired betoeiuS •erkiw es Clieb ts asrl twd.
' Thto ftata of ttlnga recently
happy tbongbt He bit on tte plan of VpoaeALB Oaoeci
West prest
providing free coffee and cakes, from C etrvei uS Elv*eed srasa Tern* II,bsircowTi. misef ratr (>
tte nearest tea aad coffee rooms, to tte •n.
'Isn I. emllh. ■spWloB.SM
Bowd waiting to tbe pit on the tint
of bis new plap. It Iproved sneh a
go^ arnDgement' that the others fol­
lowed tte example "—Mew York HeraddtvM iioi se.citr
^^ajrrao-s sLrl lor sveersl bouwir^.
or tte mnltifarioos nses of tbe hairpin, eonio at least are well known. They
^^AKTED—jS feed elrl fe^ evavrsi
are suggested bps Freocb traveler'i de­
scription pf a pin which the Indian Soulb I'^oosttevt.
women of Pern wear u a fastening for nVASTED Cook oe turi '-Hsrr UeLU'."
Applrterspt eideckel Jebg F. 0«
their shawls. Its heed to is thesbape of aVV
Co. SnS u
a spoon. In fact, it is a spoon and a
Dsr • «erk er sutvlsg br CSriAi.
abawlpin in one.
r WIIIC'TV n«d •Slirrsclleo.
/b, to ace
It la
is IKIU.
odd. iuu
the rsvucuuiBU
FKochman m
see CsUermOdrvM• (9 Konb C*dsr.
a women poll out (he pin. letting her
sbswldrop fromWer bare sboolders. and A.
WaslvC A( Ukrrievr Houw
proceed to nsu it for eattog bir *oop
Be*> o> v-sen psLilpofTidge. After the repast she pa.<ses
• liowlof the spt>ou can-fnllr Mween
her lips two or three times, gathers ap rArr of cL.lldrvc.
ErUrr-rilSiAW Al
bv shawl and fastens it in place-.
The same womeu ose tbeir slippers 0OW FOR SALK Ooo4 Jp^]
'^Pri^ W0**b'
instead cf pocketbooks — a p^iut in
pn If
reir North Amcrlcau sis­
frvbCM ppqolrprt llr». W.
ters, who, baviug no pockets, or none
■wet b,
auie Aod WplUeeukc.
srittin comfortable reach, are repelled
to carry their pones lu their iiands.
Tbe money of Lima consists of bank
notes, which gfl very wei! into tbe bot­
tom of a clipper.


(rest All caaoKic.XERvoi'o, aata ud blood oivaw, opoL ISA lAwet M.rauas riamptcA. AsS cdUUm bin le tbt (sll sosflSeeev ef ibr Aflicied AverrMbAt*.
Ibr Br'p,
Brp, EAf. EOAP, TkrOAl
TkroAi Aod Let
LccfA- DrApteSW. BHgei-s DWaus. BabMAA. Eldorr.
Elderr. Liver. BlMder.Cbrocle
BlMder.Cbrocie PpbaIa ae4 Btsn
StscAl DIaaaam epAAdilr cL^ br trwsB mwTM M> pertsn bmuS ate upt
PW*»i oaap. Is Up bAoie of pspvn,
IMPOBTAWT TO LASISS-DR.OTTHAjr. Afur rAAfi of •SMrUnee.tes SlAMvem
w romedr.
^b^^buMumteeui. ~Yatu»l»
Ar4 oaeU:
Btt. I emn N PM eeai at aU cmm'
enrad U oaa iraalaasL
DlBCaaSOIHa Basaesradu arary aaa*
CaTAkEB W TU ^B. breaebUU teS
^oaStrauWaa. w
^lOELT rt'Bjrtan^ooMs—u.dpew^p
(re. Alvopd'!**? fcAiPsSpM**'


tram BiiMMra* b«m.
“Wbet sbonld a feller eav, ■' aaked tbo
young man andoatlp. '‘when his wife
asks biffi if be would marry again if
abe wem to die?"
’’Bap nothing, of course.’’ answered f ooeU OAAi ouArwr of AOPiloe M. town tP _fispAA41lr. oovplHsIr sod pMVAPMUy
e elderly adviser. "If l I saps Se
would, afae’ll ttlnk be doeon’t II
like ber.
If be announces bis intention of tUping
single, she will have tte idee that
lat be to
tired of matrlnicap. ’’ — Indlan^xklli

Fetron (in beeemeat i
aimae pigs' feet and a dtob of matbed
potatoes em
WaiCtt (abonttog tbe order ttrougb
t tendij—Trilby far one. LlttleBillee on toe sldel—Chlcego Record.
Who'll Be King bstCbarlier’ came
from tte pea of CarolineOllpbant. The
air is from a oollectioo of old Scottish
ballads. _________________
Eeiex. tte favorite of Ellabeth. ted
neat of ablrta which cost $60 epleoe

ASrtEcrKEIaP aU srgtetP ambsmiai'
-1- ate we, Mte tote
t Uaa rar «a«r. ssrimp

WE MraEtirrEE TO cuat a-.-_-_

_____ ________ ______

it,sK;2S“Wsfs.‘i“r ss',’-


. jdbaVa^. its

W.! Print, Bcxim

SB B. X oRua MBmor. xiob.

. MSMOMimO mcORD TaORaPAT, intY 5, 1900
wm* a dMT and y^«n ^ «rnk tW
r aMtber dHfaC bcMtn hMt.



nmm»M Mt« m MMI fM


Slant MddM
anavt hare, b«t tbe firc^ bsTi^f nmebed
a «MMT smnb. er«vt imUdfcimdy M, drTbe platia np to date la «0c rtkbontn
ddne aO aAoru to extMfuiak, H. Tbe
•am« had already la«ad orv tbe road is atyle nod tnnlre Eneb
wkM dlfMsd tbe bUWde fromitbe dark
nn ntttardve derlcea In fntslnliiHpi,
plaa wooda. Tbe taUttna wme In tba
Ahmoi; them nm mono nod wicker

wirt<»w»'*«imi>i ■ !■—11 Mjjfc




pnioted la fanntet'a greca.
«»•«* •««"> aod|np-thea
a deadly embrace, toaalac ifotked i
taastMa bl^ iato tbe air. uUaa pm*
sreca tunca
tblnca aeeoed
aeeomd to rrinae
L All sreen

A eioryof a OM,

Jg«b «'Mt «<m)d DOC (Inti. Do’ nlafl
«B« tmbM aod tMikvm bcr faudy HI at
Mar. A atnai and I>««l(b7
Ma o{ 18 don Mt oHmi Or
jMa waa ia tore, and tbf cwfae Iberrof
«aa Bid nuialB# a» aoaiutblr am abr bad
ero7 rraaoa l» br«i ri- abd rxpr« that tt
Joao and M'lU Urklaa. tbe
gamdnrpn. bad bad a-otda—altuarther
BaaifaaanT aurda-aboul an Imacliiatr
ClfertxKT. Tbm- wa>. prtiy b'aloa«r bO
bb atdr aud voandrd pride on b«Ta.

pbjned and rreentfill of bla boiuora. And mw. wben bf
chann tbef DM-t. be tbj
Ua bawlB In
bif pucbeta vifb An ofTbaad:
'■llomla. Mio VVel." O a vU^abe
taaird ber brad and replied:
•iJood day. Mr. lairkiu*.Tbe ni«bi bad U-eu but
To Ue and ateep la rowfort
IMaaiMlllf. lai arbeti abe h<-ard
Uteben riock atrikr 3 abe n-aulnxl
quit ber bedroom and, wlllaiill dialurbiait-.
u d
down aud il
■ Ul n(
at. to
bit In tbe en»l dairy.
qufcAty and deonnded.
Tbere U Tory liltiv darfcae_____________
tbt In tbe b<-itbt of aommer. RliU. tbe
D lion not rla.- oo early aa 3 u'Ooek.
neitber don be appear fir«t lirttae nnrtbamt, trblefa traa ibe din<r(loii toward
vbkdi tbe dairy window i>e>LiiL IVbttKteanr, tbiv. tliat flow wbb'b w aa rvfleeled
upon tbe white walla, dandut <reWtr
' "
and fanUatirally? And wbat weIS Uiat
raaUnc. bUainc. ernrklint tx>iiw?
The tlri baAed t.etb niain tbf billaidf.
wonderiutIt wna m fin-: That bad
been Ibe leaaoD of tbe (low untapread
«pon (be Wfailf walU. nod tbe biaaiuc.
cncklint or>nnd waa tbe nudi of tbe
flmaea aluot tbe tTyund aa they awepi
apwanl, moKtuninc tbe flowerint t>»af
. boahea aad dwarfed truwib of oak amiU
'She ttaed a monieul upon tbe aitbt wltfa
a aun of apellbouud faarUtatWn. and then
tbe Ibuuabl atruek ber b»w pvtMoiuJy
BMr fbuai' flaiuea were to tbv ruttaf-a
^Unt balr way up tbo blU! Tbeir in
matiw dnnlith-M writ* all aaleep. for no
aoODda mintled with tbe mrfcilnt
of tbe fire'.
Rbe muat run and warn
Ereii . aa the tboacht flaabrd
tbruwicb ber mind I«r feet were rarryint
ber nimbly op ibe bill.
Joan bammered at both doora, aboutint
.tbo alarm:

I aixl atiainc.

-Klrr! riri-r

Winduwa wrrrthniat open, and aUrtled
.roleea fxrlainied: "Wbi-n-? ll'ben r'
••Oom- by. on the billable/^ anawmal
Juan, and alie burned away to irire tbe
alarm elaewbere.
Kbe knew well that
to exllntuUb flamea wbich bad rare ob­
tained a umatery orrr tbe retetatlon.
wbU-b waa uow dry aa tinder Ibruutb
hnu nmUnued druutbt. would bv o<>
tMU'a pUy. The air. tUI now fuU only
«t blnrias. rrwekUiuf aad ruarinc auni^.
•cbovd blao Witb tne aboula and ralla of
An It by iBBtie..dark Ocun-a burop tha bllUldv 111 oulc* aufci-niuon.
one armed wltb aomv ft
weapon of nltarfc wberewlib i ' match
blnueU ntalnsl tbe fiery foe.
1 tenlle
hroeto aprant np and fanned II : flamea
Into quicker life.. Wbenn- <
Krom tbe aouibwcM. So there
lunter any fi-ar for tbe eottaje
■ fire wna ellmblwt Ibe bill. Ivarl
Uadi and denoiated track In lu rear.
More than one woman—Joan Weat
Bmaac UHdr number—aa tbey stood lookInc on. brealbod o ferrent tbankayirlny
for thU deliremner.

of tbe n
A doubtfai shake of tbe


............... -_____ b allthtr
another. -One 'ud any aa>.Twas d
purpuati. for duutfaly as Tk, tbe fane
don't ant ilaelf aliebC.'*
“Him nr done it knew wbat ab waa
It aSn- ao
rd aa mnpli
d in ViB."
. -ariiu; wbiiper to *et
•Iwond. but qne i,f treater Import Kill
wan that whiA tnentU.iied'tbe name of a
_cbar<-oal |.um.-r wlio bad been
WorUnt in tbe |do.- wo.ids for tbe last
.Aren weeks, dorint which time smaU
fires. aooD locaUxed. bad eiv.-n rise to
•evrrul abort lived exeilenn-nts iu tbe
satotihorbrsnl, Uow tbe
Ofisioated. bowerev, wai
portai^doK iheii. TV- one thins lt> be
d«w waa to limit lu extent qnd to ex■
IS po.^.|e. JodtIs sv^ed unlikely
aad crew tOl It was tuflhd into a
sale and amt tbe flam«a flyiny Vture It
In a mad mtmt. Thick vuiumca of my
aaofce besan to aaceod from tbe other
aide of the bUi. faancioK In.tlie moralM
•ir above tbe awiftly cauraias lower ev*
testa Hke beaey dooda. Mnreorer. tbeaa
,Mioke eolnmna appeared to tlae from
. TariooB pointa.
TVs was a aurtUnc
■Isa. and- (be wateblas women ondee•Coed lu aitulficaDce. Jpaa WcK waa a
Watcbm ao looser- Ftyiay borne, abe roaafd Mury available maa aad saw them off
te « atront bricadn for aetkm at (be

attraction of a
. ——— ——
^a-t la tbe
<»«>*ded atrveta of a sreat dty. k ia far
W*»d aad totriUe when tbe faM tn



ooo ahfn. two faay and two

a PiAxr A n>

to datk

illrtit rvcrptliiD chairs: also an ortnflao
taiilo of two tiers paluutl
buu of ;pMMl Rite cither fur tea drioklnjf
Of canl iilayluc. l'«>r a floor i-ovcrlnc
the wo«l Uber nis Is admiratile and
wicetfd In.uny tint pn-fj-rred la
gns-n. dull litvwn or Idiie.
The jsirrh ijiplain rolls up by
of a stoat cortl. 1-Ymii the losli

can see quite a diatnuci'. while (lie outakle s.>curpa all Uu- |irlvaoy desired.
Rercena are made of a flue rush u
la. hew atrante a day! A day of ' mailing of m-nt pattern. Tliey an*
doom and death for myriads of b<<ipk>aa fivt lu height nud dnralile for vn
livint ert-aturea; birds of tbe air and four Aa a pretty decomthiu (here nn> golf
fouled rrealurea ' alike overtaken
holders large i-iimigli to liold a
a ^hy
emd fate. In that tiade the ,
vo Mloka hasketlike In form .u
d to have coDct-nirated. iKiwn la 111 lu grei-ii; also alaiiilK for utubrejlaa
urky deptba it waa ponaiblc to dia*
and canes uiade on Hu- Ntiiie principle,
tlatuiab arri-ral of the fiturea. looklnt
like the t<-oii of the fire, as they moved only inrgt-r. To accamiuiny tbcao arc
bilber and nilllx-r In the very midat. bammocks trlmmtsl with n deep fringe
Amont them Joan tboutht she deneviud In any color desinHl, with headrests In
the well knoam form of Will l^rklna. the same tiBL Worit cluilrs. altboogb
and ao sure did abe »
berozDc of tbe Dot Dcw tbiR season, nn- ns popular aa
IdeuUty of that atunly fiture. swayint ;
ever, .kt one side b> a ilis-p iss-ket. on
mitbty booth io bis strone anua u bv tbe othc-r a tiarmw sh<-lf aiiil liolow it
beat aad U>al in tbe obatinatc flames,
an-opeti silk liag for the oilcisian.l ends
that she waa impcHed tu denc<-ud and fol­
of plaxxa work.
low. Then- mitbl be peril in ibat cloomy
But fiir the Inclosed i>laua.,au affair
boUuw. and ber heart IhumiMd heavily
acaliiat Ihv ebeM. If Will should so.- which partakes of a roomllk
ber, be inltfat i>ld ber mnthly to «n> back, out (if doors, (he (iltii<-uts arc some­
but abe would chanee that She t
what dl(retvnt and of pletun>sque de­
sign In sets of some four <ir live pJeeva,
a sofa, three easy chairs and oitumans
I she I
to niateh. all In raitan make ujid styl­
ishly triimned witli a eomhluatlon of
inimer. sDo he seenn-d to be appmac
Algerian strljs- and Turkey red flntshWill. Tliat he tnre her lover a cr
Joan knew, A>r he bad been cautht l-d lu big di-eornllee Is-ws.
poaeblnt < 1 neveral oerasiona, and tbe
The iioreb curtain cnii Is- a Venetian
bad tbreateui'd to "have him
op." Above Ibe r
If the fi
.tbe Mund nf tbeir t ilet-s in hot dispute,
■r the aaokliu; soil,
Neitber of tht men bad yet fM-reelved
ber. for tbeir Uees a-ive to the opiiusitv
slope. Suddenly sbe «aw tbe older man
aim a quirk and henry Iduw with tbe
thiek Mick he carried riclit over Wlll'a
Imnd. It enme with such cvunUiiic force
that the band It struck waa cnustralued
to drop the Iwurh. Will sUnn-red back.
i.Tul Josn. ntterine a rry pf |wiu and anICi-r. aa tbouith abe bemelf had Mt tbe
force of (be U«w. buried ber boOKh at
Ibe cowardly asaaJIant. and, darting for­
ward. tbrt-w her arms about ber lover aa
tbousb to protect him from further at*





hllud or n Jn|i:iliese straw, clllier of
rhich arc aultalde fur ilie iilacv. .Mong
UlC mlllug of tbe poreh flower IsiXi-s
ind hanging Iwskeis f..nn g«sl ilrinil
li>eomUonK. 8cT«s-ns nl»<> have.a sharu
In this disvimtlve pUici-.
l .ir pinxzaa
of this kind octagon i:ili|.-s are alwnys
In demand iu rnttnti or rii-iil<- luiilie.
a JapniK-se siund In nhu ii ]>u(i:e
barrow shelf ami om- le:ir ofstmitf ill(uenaiuna Is ilic tiM-ful fnoit. Tlans of
this sort cnti In- iitlllx<sl ns studios after
llh- artist hap gatliensl together his
I-Ak'Is are nlwurs ntimct
Ive and fulios'of sk
Aa floor covering tin- Jut.- rug U very
acceptalde, the tilue atsl white of good
make presenting a eU-.-itdliiess of i
pt-ahiutx- wlilch ia Inviting or one

At first be aeemed ibdined to shake her
borne, swr be cried hoarsely. But
a look Into ber tender eyes, atreamlny
with tears, and tbi- waU of s.-paralUm
between them cruoitded to UoUilng.
Tbe charcoal burner cart n curioua


-------- come you V-tv, JoaoT” asked
“Why. lYe been bealini; out the
atom; of. tbe rest most .-vee since 3 ____
moming." she replied. bctweenTaughier
and team.
They looked at each other.
He waa
black, hot. crimy. nor had her pfetty face
escaped, nevt-rtholeM tb.-ir tips
rill*.- kiaa. Hicy bad owed ei
that kiss for a fiwtoiitbt at tbe I
“I've Iwn a bruU- to you, Joan."
fessed tbe man.
“I ve been a fooL I know." admitua


“Ufe ain't foac'cnoqfb for qu^"
aaid be.
“We've lost t fortaight'a ha|qri»
“I'll have to go borne." aald Will pres­
ently. with a w«-aiy aigh. "I can’t U-at
DO more. 1 Is-ls-ve my thumb Is hrukc.”
"Oh. poor WlUr cried Joan, lakinc (b
maimed band in both ber own. "Okm
motbcr-wUl Und .it U]
Tbey turned tbeir back on the fire and
ten It to laae its coutae.
-There', fari bey^d there to plcntT.
hot 'twill burn itself out to time.'* said
WUI. nodding backwaH io tbR direetlon
frtua which tbey liad cimic. And ao It
did. By SuiMUy (be flames were aU exUogutsbed. aud a heaven erut rato fell
gently, eouling tbe beati-d. Uackeocd aoU.
Win Bud Joan walked to church togetber.
ebaoRing tbf road which ovariooked tbe
Amrtatcd wtoda. Ilow pitiful a sight!
Here and there the embers MlU Rent
forth little puffs of smoke. Naught that
had bn-n green mnatoed. except to amaO.
citric patches. TV- lofty ploe«' rested
tV-ir gvim Vwda, with rharved tmnkx
and acMcbed braacbm. HUeucc reigned
•verrwbere nmod them. l%et« waa no
apog of bird. Dot a ridrp or twitter to
thif legioa of a____ __________________ ,,
And yet the very next aprtog vqAI
see tV trader sboota of green plcktog op
toyiA riw dead Utter.
^ and covering the bare groond. gf«M
erect tike ao a.ay t»irr cnaien
colored mosars hidtog aU tbla
amughtltoes beneath a tovxly mantle.
The wood pigeoaa itVilld to the oU fin
that anrriva. and tbe boam
«tr aadw tbe aava. w^ Jomi aadNTVn



from tbe

-Ifa tM a powerful boW." said she.
taad must ba' Un buniia lone afutv Joan
maned Ibe men. Ijur*. Joan.lriii. ’twaa a
rauTblfnee as ye bad a wakeful nitht.
11'bere'a ITlIt Larkirts, 1 wvndrr? Ue'U
bn out Witb tbe otbera, aurely. l^<-'a ever


Jnnlper and fiirae. traeken am] beatber—
all went to feed tbe roariut. fiery fneand were redtmd to mnnblinr
Tbe UaekeDcd earth ftnakid. f
hot w^ it that Ibe yitiUeal breath of a
fanned It to freak flame. Tbe odor .
bnmlnc ptnea aad peat perradnl tbe a
moaplwTe. Tbe beav.-na became biddt_
by the thick pail wbkb buna orerbead.
while beyond aud on every able d.-«lrurn rated.
KtUJ.* men battled wltb It
Bxbsoaicd often with tbe imnenae exertion and fearfoj beat, tbey
Ibrvw ibfoiHdvea down at fnU leuttb to
moment nnd to retain freah
nerve for the atmttle.
Joan Went and ou- or two otbtr wo*
. len worked ia tbe rear, beatlnt out aneb
KractUut Urea aa threaiemd to revive
tbeir enerty. bat still, aa Ike monfint
OB. tbb outlook appeared aa bope^
leas aa ever, fur there. wber«- a vlala of
trerieaa common opi-ued to the view.
ew. dlppint down Into
o one of tbe £
r lovely
■ladra. which interaected
, __
there, loo. all waa fire
V and amnke
down like a torrent of molten metal and
up atnln u|a>n Che «th.-r aide, where it
cmvMiDlmHl other mOdy currents ttarInt downward, ao ihac Oery wav.w Intermintled. aa it were, and a.«C up fierce
abowen of sparks and eolumna of flame
into tbv face of the day.

Scats of flat

braid or mdi of
ak»u biOd one HMSt tcwtfallJ*~Tmita

Cbaoce and a rainy nikht found a
tie bnx party at a fragal repaat of
___________ ________________
There was tba
-ml thing" Tiltoto-doing a bovine itrite
Bcnaa tbe stage
wfaiakecs. a frail
g.. .
seeded a three coarse_____________________
coarse dlabm more than
btuband for whom sbe waa piniv
..... tbo.farvmu of a mtor wV> waa deteratoed to die bmmrably in and for tba
love of somebody.
“Do yon rememhef tbe first rtiow yog
per sawr asked one.
“Yes. It waa 'llaxel Kirke.’ The show
ime to my little borne town np in Main*.
My goardian took me to see it. >'or two
weeks after It left 1 hi
dam looktog fur yuong todies who might
tall Into il. 1 bccaiue so tob-mal murMd
the doctor took it for liver complatot and
filled mo full of caknari. My sUtors had
I Uffy poUing at our bouse a few nights
afterward. I swallowed a buak <4 tbe
ttnff and was salivalrd for a iqoalb."
-Mine wax 'lUnch No, 10,' «r •«
thing Hto- that." said nnoebie. "I no
can furip-t the jday. For an hour tsrior*.
e I sal lu the gnlli-ry fnmt
Bud trk-.; lu look .thmugh th<- drup
to. It N-e
■d like an age. At tort
the manhole oi>rie
iM-d and Ibi- ort-b-stta
r up. That In itself wan a hit with
B'bcnfrom was past uniK-or toe Mvui<d tn
h-adcr d.lew bis
-.............. .. -r niul thouwuds ..f
lights licrM lulo UiNim, 1 gruhW hold of
the rmiltoc and held on. I had no i.I.-a
when (be whielx w.Hild iuove and iJjc
whole tbeatcT sslm off totu eternity to
the mush? that ripided under iix. y.-t al­
ready th<- gtvBl wuudi-rful huildiug Wu«
lurchiug' from side Pi side. Uke a ship to
a storni. Tliniuch the niiiM uf <-achac
metu came (he sluini. k.s u tinkb- of
bell. It struck into luirtonny a mulliiiido
of sounds Jurt as lh«- swirliug iiu-h-ly to
the orchestra pit swismeil aaay. 1 was
at tv- tinx- detouring a luig i.f dafm
when some hmaaed deuia-n of the d.t ks
loom'd over the tk-r al«-w me uud gmbUd tbe .l«g, I «-a- aU.ut to pMli-st
whi-D he made «ueb a hidi-ms fn.i- at UK1 atHakivl aaay d-.wn to thi- «lhi-r end of

desired, tli.- wush-u llo.|r .-an In- paint­
ed Iu a Ught sap-, vt-hicli Is exnUcut
for wear.
. But for those wlio decry fashionable
famiahlogK tbe solid ciinrurt phuxa,
with RImker chairs, plain taldes. rock­
ers of varied lait.-rus, snuill fooutool.s.
etc.. Is not to Iw despised.
Kor tbe stuiiu.-r It la ofteu eonvealeni to lit up a coruiw of iho lack ptoxza aa a haiidy tool and workslioii, with
rakes, Wfiterlng pots. conwDt.-r'B cheat

Paratoblas aad Deearatlac.
Ainoug attractive njiiiuluiiiii'uia are
awnings In gr.x-n un.I white for porch
nmalna. screens avil <<qnlpp<-d In allfcollne. lloa-.-r sunds. luiugtog Irtskeu
and all tbe inrapltenxalla |H.-rtaliiing to
The Bsea of ntotilng se.-m endlgu
aalde from being n si.lcDdldly cool and
clean floor cor.-ring. It cau lie q«n] as
a waloscoltog tacked widtha lse around
the room.
dotted, flgnred or plain, wltb
mfflea or hoina. are so well knoa-o and
Bnggeatlre of summer tiuit they need
only to be mraiitmeL fur they recom­
mend tbemselves. I'ortieres made of
ddlcate abaded allk or Uie cbea|N-r materiala. figored denim and flowered cre­
tonne. are dainty and. bring light
-wrigbt pcwmlt ibe air to clrcnlate free­
ly Ibrongt) tbe momo.
A bit of green for erpryday meal# aa
decoratkia Is a very
•cbeme for tbe eye. And a almide booqoet bolder which bolds a single roM
may be qolte u maeh BdecBmaat

vision of loveliui-ss stueie
•an; Von .„uJd hn\'c niu
u ov
civt-r rue oith
h<««- w.igoii. and I Would have Ui-o
glad. My lower j»w fell, my eye. op. iiuJ.
nud Ok- rt-rt <.f ihe night 1 waa to a
‘•From a woods wh.-n- irvcs grew to
Trivet stepped out a human Is-lng that
was not all haman. He wa. part divine,
wpariog hoots ibil look.d teu fm i high,
“HI.S hair curled to uuiM.n with his
—-ilacbe. and aero*, that stage h.- strode
:t was .-oofu..Inz. Ktill I knew tiut
somcwhi-n- on . artli pisipU- walk.d like
that. Perhaps in the p.-ihic-* I tool r.-ad
about to tV- yellow- ba.k.,
Soiuehou I
seemed to have a faint r<i-on.-.-tiou of
them and to hav- !►- n mnoi,- them, hut
that w-os lhou«niid. of yi-sirx b-r-nw-a* 'with him.' for 1.^- had n-..........
of f.*r than a iiiihin- 1ms of ‘I'hatikxgiving day.
I folluw.-il hliii Through
duels with |>i«ii>ls ami with ss-ords.
. aud Ih
. .
Dt Imek
1 mnrl,.->l the villnli, and wbald
gla.iiy goi.e tipoiiid to tlie Klqge cr
traiin- ou.l put him ..i> to x.lmt w:is V
fraiio'd up for him h.-id 1 know:
I- wu. a stage enimn.-e,
livrti to -s- that same \il!aiu get worts
treatment at tlie hniuis of m,- iliay,
lir.ii.rlio got r^,Bl its liiisttV aud
weut-boiii.- full of Is'iiigu grallliide.
“Tliat niglii niy j.Uh.u «-as .lnmp>aj«al
with team i^f joj a. the events of tlt.-Iling panideil tlieiits.-h es s.-mss ibo
Il un« the inltinl night .if
r life.
life, wherein virtue tuitl]
lriuni|ihtsl nil.I villainy
Bto'v Ihni nine 1 have s..
ph-tiires on the sjiun- lin- nml all ... Inidly out ..f draw ing tln.i the lin-l nto- d.lii.-s
all the rieu^•r. nnd I i.m iiiile«l thankful
lor Hint find .-veiling with il,.- j.isiple of
•Kanrii No. It).'" <-iueiiioali Ku-iulnv.




Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent ^u^ment In-'
stitution of the 19th Century.

Foollas a Txpewriter.
Tliere wire 1w.. lyiswril.-rs in llie
room. One w-«s in n*. nnd tin- other wns
The young iiian sat dow n m ar llnUai Wus not In uw and uali-li--.l III.young wonmii who was l.iiry with the
la.lvertently tin- young
I touelnd
the V-ll of the tna.-hiu.- mar him. v
Upon the y.iung w.uiinn yunk.-.l tin- enr
her marhiin- l.a.-k iili.l i
. ling qjhn ehueklril, ainl a minute
later he loik.-Vsl tin- hell .if tb.- um. lii
near him ngviiii. Th.. young woman sl:i
cd another new liiiv.
The y.-unz man lauglnd and Irietl
gain with --.(ual »u<-e.-ss. . •
"WllUe." .-alhd the young woman
the olliee Is.y vrheii sin- li.vd tnk.-ii I
aheet .Nil of her Uinehili.-. "t.-h-ph.iDe
typ.-wrili-r jss.].!.. i.. m-ioI .t ni.
OTirli. re rigid away ti
It's all .-lit of onl.v, and 1 >-au'
life f.t me X.s- Wliafs the nnilter.
Tlie young man latighvd s.iuie more au-I
then made Ins iiwais-. II.- l.cs mit re
md. lip IS afraid to g. lun-k.—«;hiea- lie Wasted (Tvarta.
dpptocotl'* leiU this st.iry illnidrative
the prevailing Iguomin— . ..u.-v-niiiig
the worii of the hyd^■gTaphi^ otVv; The
fart that the l.'nil.
Rlal.-t. hy
rs •vharts" is wide
jodenituod. i
ly utNje
xhown rt-centlj
when a sprufv little inau hustl,
the ..fliee and asked for “v-luina.'
-Wbat charts do you wautT'
“All of tiiem." was tbe aa-cri>ing an-

Tilt- Great.-st r.‘rform.-r» m tli. known

uri- willi'tli.w Gmt W*I-

Id.-.- Sli.iws thig s-Kiuiii. iiK'ltidim^

The 9 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.
THE AJlTO-KLOS, A TnT? T >, T tot-q

The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.

10 Principal Male and Female Equestrians. 10

When he wo. told that tV-y numbered
many thousands ami tbfrrinrv- it was
necessary to specify f.w wbat seas or
baibv.ri be wanted Ihrtn. he showed great
sorpriiNDOtmeed that be was i "ladies’ tahor"
from ^ r.-wndsco

rink Pwxels.
One of tbe moat Itnpona
of the Babaraa Ulondi is the atbertog
«f pink pesrir. It It tbe noly plact? in
the wwrid wbere these pcaris are found.
TVy are not taken frvnn tV- oyster sMI.
from a abcll resembiuig a large snA
I. called a “cbDriL"
Tbeae pcaris.
when perfect, bring very high prices. It
is arid, rwaging *om »S0 to «3,unu.

•And now. children." aid tbe tea<^,
who had bem talkiag about mlUUrr f»etlficatioaa. "can any of you isU me what
'i a buttressr
^neaae. ma'am." cried Uttie WHUe.

The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze.
oxne ST'ZUSZXT :g»A-w. A-nm

At 10 a. m. daily, is the fiaesl ever pul on the streets. A mibBrst of
aplemJor. A Trtumi* of Art, Money iiul Good Taate. tpith Larwh
Lnsuryof Spectacular Effect* nnd Greatort rrofeflrionfii'T'Mtorw
? .^


: -sSHsamtsssamm

fenaajyiian^ fl«o»BDj.if tmtitw
BOnOUi ftakriM- '



«w M«aU. kMwaaa



yiMMlM I wnt M uraMattS*
•MU for r«, Hrf will ffbWPM
ythu meto ruUaMu utarir taMr*


■SStiiSETi—aSKA;::;:; :::;;:



te to act M ««» «(tke



Si&'ssateiu *wr£rar“
tSf St Bt.IT w«m<»« B »
n«t 1 vm M* it ta M»ke kk naa mw
rmr-n-*-'- *od attneti**. I hsT« whad



oritTSSjr-asswsss |

k «iaofoXI^


BMae'a Darid Bona canw tatu ik»
utUage the other dar- Be wag lookter
AJbhx. the eonpackc «Be*a. would itw a tzade. Be oat la hk,m^ oU
with hk ha^ boat aa^ dhowB
Wng tti own Judge, the twu to oc^ct n
thW. Ji
-............................. ..... ..........
0 obUge hk old Criend.
telrriotb nota. The good
temarwUe could hare dooe
-lou're nn
-or 1 nhouMnI hnre daicd to nrieet ron

ss^'s'sirss'sr- s ..

Best to be had in
' the cit^ U at

C3%.1iaE5BS15il£5i,.“o. ^^‘Siissa-.syi.'is


Lo&t Hi& Sta5(e Bou
i^w.a. j
Mood oo Uf frmt porch
Mfbttw • tdcar. Ae Irao cMetdlekrd
•ad ■ bar «•»» «P tho walk. Hr w
boy jaat wstac aa dtkiartlp-20
hapa. tan Btr««()r IwUt. aaabancd
ekar orad. Bk dothn vno rcry pkia,
bia hat an aachst aoft ooe. Ua
•Good Moratac, Ji

•* bo aaid with •

. B» rapari tor aa aaoworiiic rMWCai_i0 Marine natch.
*<Oood noraincr ho aaid a Uttlo abortmaoti
_11 wofkr
“No," Mid tho jodfo, “1 don't."
* It tW bo/. “Bat 1 wax
carr forr mx
n home errrr
ralM and rTnOoc. and krop an cr« to
ridlDwr ot the place. Yea. and it hr
ratoBC ooooeb hrll hare to look after
tho rwnaco. loo. and krep ...........
od awaj. The bop I'm after moat be hero
-------------■ -rt hla t _________ e foao at 7JO o'clock. I don't
want an Uter about the prrmiao. The
taM helpof 1 bad waa a

snir2L _




m at


-Whr.” «pUkad the peeeMent "ro*
irhleh of ow three repee- woB dririag with a'kaottad rope tied to
ibe^dmol'e prke drii^. the end of a Mick.
ne^Uree b. the
-CJck. ck*: Oiddap, ________
and oua e( the bon ^
kept aaring. and Bbeaeaer mar hare
haw Terr kiiri
hratd kirn, and lie mar kare fdl the
Bkp ofr the knotted
kamtted rope, but if be dU
a«e be harried awarthere wai no armptoin to ladieati
Indicate it
rither In the cant of hk ean «r the n«egotthlnge rcleratloa of hk galu
boro. The preiddeut mwt bare
TV rid man anddenlr polled np. No.
neru waa a great eaaeouree of trieu^ V Wdn't poU np; V told. 'TS-hoa."
of both ridre In atieadance opra the ^ The old horoe alwv* cairiea one ear back
' L Be aiopped ao anddenlr
bnte. The hail waa crowded. The Judp 1 b^r a whoa.
and hk frikw wnpirra. aeated oa tha
platf^ looked orer a aea of ew
He and hk ocatrete tron Albioa. Vlh hand* and wae able to aare bimaett
from railing oo to hit nooe on the road.
[here be ai
Ai V bonk there
aald to tha m
and the andiewee garr theta onatiDted ap. on the etdewatk:
•Mwt witlin boa I cm had, kaao.
One of the A woman can drlre him tarwhoeo.
yiiiiu: qaeatlona of the dar had been Coaa iVrr'i at>r trouble with the rlgand It wa« cxhaoatirclr treated. gle any Um& all aar one hna got to do k
to aar TRm.' and there re are. No
danger of bcln amasbed np with him.
ir Aibkn'a tl
todnaoBah the enejnr'a waU of carcfnilr Wbet
. --t ye got in the tewa king now.
wrided argUBcpta.
He waa a neatlf dreaaed bog. with
' '
and a dear,
Bilf Aademoq
ddlrcrrd that l"got in tho’war of a tiude. Iben
t rokc. Before b
e be held the Jodget'
a hair d
lUentioo. There waa aometUng
part with the bleek one. for ib^^ra
maV kind of a pet out of It."
The old man took , a riww of tobaeeo
and octUed hlmaelt oa the oedt with hk
him. He
Terr bright boy.
“A natural orator
*d«?t^’a'iSl* ra'rt apecUny tri^lo-thc jodgc'aear.
• •
riiangln ‘
"■'W'ri*l**- tUbt_ptl« for^, Ii
1 t'pom- I might I
________ _ ,-------- Be dW oat rake
Tolcc; he meda/ew gi-'-lnre*. There
tbenuicol effort (n icaich the ao- np pretty well with the black
dieoce. It waa all dear, coorindiig. well
*T'm afraid Va a bit ga'ni, Rlram.
ck a chunky little
rounded. loglciL
The judge rigbed drepty a*
reached a brilliant teilab and
"Yaa. yoa, I know that, but rt>4 find
ware of applanae awept Ihrangh the that the hoa here aronld take on fieri)
ted. Ye
looked down ot the card la hk
Thk maat be llcarr .kabmft.
at 1 keep him a-dlngln moat of
Who waa Henry Aabcraftl WVre had.
For what ya’d want to drlre,
be met him before?
Fire mlniitca after tho debate eiooed
ioagieaamaii Bennett Informed the BO*
an* weeka. I don't know what I'm ariUn
dience that the local college had been de*
I hare a boa
cUrad the winner. Then ho cheeked the
__ _
any differ*
applanae and added that the Judgea
tejoa be k. 1 aort of git
r Aabcraft fiddlio round to git rid of him and make
-----agreed that He
had carried off tbe higbcat
a change. It'a lucky tor .a man when be
bOBoanf CbecooteM.
don’t hare Chat
Aa the lirigc tamed to go the college ___ ________ good thing when V git
gegdent net Wm with outMretebed If I only knew cnougfa lo do it. I would
not kc ibk boa of mine go for lore ocr

hiB. “B'aottbelobT"
do." oald the bof.
p with then.”

•No. air."
*T«ba oC row hat."
fW hor roBOTod hla ancient head cor•rtw. The iad«e lotdced him orer.
•tS U7 ron." he aeJd. "Be here
•JO tUa erenUif and get the aUUe kej
thanked hloi and lamed awer.
don't took like a bo/
conld arttle
dpwa to Meadr otable work."
*T1wt wUI not pcermt nr dohri It w<
. - rn
_ at —
It." aald the her. with



BIren—Why dldti't you kc Tbrof*
gina brag ahout hk fS ahirt if he
wanted to? What araa the uae of your
telling him that the ablii you are wear­
ing coat you fiSJu? Yog know yoo
nerer paid morv Urns tIJO for It.
Brooks—Tbat'a all It com in tbe first
piao*. bnc I’ve bad It washed at kk*l
tweoiiy timet, at 10 cents per time.
I wayo’t going to lot that fellow crow
orey me.

Fanial Director.

aaS cbUSra'e ataaaea a owlritr. Ofarr
heuro: WiBlIa-m.; 1 w 4 BBd T u t p m.
BaU T"— Mwthero 'paeo* Ke. 1.


uattMttoalfe tlokute

J« Lamuwn*PBUSiBr.'B*ifaasuc-o( -

John R. Santo,
iWa .OSk* aatt «a Walt'. Dru mere M I'skoo

fiiuil lipMi t lidiu} Ij.

Bhe coold not go to battle
And b-ad a brare brigade;
Bhe couldo'l <<on>er luarkeu
Upon tbe Board of Trade;
She could not write a |wem
To move men unto tears;
She couldn't o

aiaUea rill te praapUr aUeeded ta. Monk- *
eni^^aBa.^^DceUI. XrlBo: Noctoera pOoue

amaC Basil laUpboaea Mo. 9S1.

She roald not run an engine
Upon a fr<wty track.
Boi sbe can buy a Imnnet
And get her money liack
G’eu after atie has worn It
Unto some swell affair.
Which la a worldly triumph
That's exci-llent
' It a
and rurel

rraal asiM. TnteerM Oltr. Mlcl..
7 U. UVAKa. M. It. sTBduaie teas tSe
madlcmldaaanmeBlor Ibr UolTenatr ot
ll.i1lala. r«b M. Hm. Hpeeial BKeniloa ri'en
•Ujeet^^^A^om^ra^^^O^^^od Crow 1

WIHIC Utma>MB Mr. Franria H Mailtb.
mo, temeber of aim sud orcaa Twaia M
■ado m C^rtlaal la mwa.
WWaaiaoea oweg Mew
Cardinal Usl«-liawskl l» the only
raenilMf of the Kaited college who baa yMB HCHon^ELO-a ^'^-^,'^'.”.^'•'{1
had ••xperietuv of the
. arehblsbo|> of Po-1.
trf pri
■riaon In eonsi-niients-.


c tntr autlBci. laeiket June tna. kSB.




iK- wan.


claimed ft
leai>ed- and exflis^ i
Iw- proeCTsb-.! t
tualdiri erer «’

Wow (MBm. ■arMam Block
The oflifer* of tbe Cbickoiaw ^s-'
tion bare Just announced a rnlae (n the |
price of Urldoo.
Tbe price |{f a Cbickaaaw Djarrlnge
llecnae Uo wbite nieui was furimiiy
*60. A year ago It wn# mlaed ui *010.
Kow the prlee is tl.ksi. A Chickaaaw
illy bus property ralged at
I. Tbia an was paase'd beinftny li
1 girls, g
rtx nnd r D desert them.

T. f. Hsiter,



Niatw t Baomlingli.

Iridlaa.'‘Ton eu jump to it tnrifte i*
____ Be Ibouefat UlUe oboot ...
It. bot-11 wUl come op amlUag erurr
WUk be waa talking . ... ...
•npioTM. Aa the data paaaed he knew went i^t ahead and piefcod I
man's Blaatk Floor Vaiviab
rid Vrae'e
that the hone wae well cared (or and
, aenittoy of hk ^BWalV
that tha rtoanda were kept la excellent
and aaldi
Onlr once or twice did be retain. He looked at Vr keenly aa b»
'iHow old do you caU thk boo. HIr* A Great Diseowery tor Caacer.'
catch right o( the tew.
I bare had my bnildini;
•What time doea iVt bey Benir gri am'-Wmana. Okt., Jan. Si. iwn.
"J‘Jea’ 'aaeUy 0 year* rid-Ja’ 'aactly 0."
rebuill and pot in ifocxl
Dr. a D. Waraur. Dear 8U:—1 Vse
0 o'cloefc." Khe an“Sbo. now git out. Vs rider’n that.”
shape aa.ll am now ready
used Tonr Oomponnd of Beren Curaa,
•.No. rir. j«a' ’aaetly 0."
to receive all old putrooa.
“Teo." oak fh* Judge.
•I don't uy ye are lyln about tV fler. with excellent i_____
taare hb wtte and the maida quite
thing. Hiram, but I do reckon ye are huriUle U> rucompund^ U fiw tl
hi the bhe honoa. It waa a auh
Be took a etgaf ban bk pocket and mistaken. Hie horn k older’n fl."
the cedtefe rtdae and not riooe
ntewed oat on the porrt A« V
-Now 1 ondertund boa age dear into
dfeil that It
the rmond.'' aid the old mao. “1 know are in
dooY Uke the Ideo of laarlag poo about to light it tV gale rilriiTd.
torleetbe greateat aatV
"la that you. neaiy r ealkd tbe Jadga. that hoN of mine k Jea' 'aactly 8 years
» tUa war." >aU the |udcc u. Ua
Jas. CrHHivea
•Tea. rir."
(rid. Ysa, air, je*’'aa«iy O-ool.
wUa. ‘There ehould be a man in the
-Cooie In thla way."
'kTeo al tbe outaids aod 13 to
honee. .Too manr rnacaU are inleatlnr
The -boy followed him loto tbe booae.
Che town."
•Doat worrr about thaC oaU hla Hk cyea arete ahlalng. and tUa face wda
“Albuuy •••■."
wtte. T hare ananred with Ucorr to fluabed. The Judge poioled to a chair.
John Btmaril Uanlett in hk Dicrionaiy 9r. W. J. acftffk c
oteap te the ttnle ix»n orvr the back
hlnelt. The Judge remained ataodlng.
ot AmerieanUma uyi that “Murgeca k

beef becaoa a part of the
aroik." he riowiy aaid. 'T didn’t aak your sturgeon'e fiech boa maefa the look and
•Whr', Beorj k the hired tew- B
.rrobably 1 would hare re­
little of tke taste, as well as laxntont and atroag. and 1 don't brikeu
It sbounda In tV Hud'
leamid ofanrthlag."
_ time it would be a mUef to me now
"AU rlghC" aald the Judge.
to*kmw that you had txM to mafids in
L. L. A. BnUfiUnff
“arthe baM we can do. but
also «i
xyoz-sk.xK3w«. h
... M knap an ere ou llenrr."
He penaed a moment The boy looked "the fleob of the Hurgeou.
When Che Judge came back, be toand
mea at tbe lady, who smiled back at and b I. baa Bomo teaembi
The beet famkbed aod beat kept
him reassuringly.
bona OB this peolosnla k romly tor
“I am not a bsrd man, aid tbe Judge. and grilled. Albany k a to
busineoa. Open the year round. Good
"Pm only forcetful.
forcMful. 1 forget
Hodaos rirer u high a whbJ tbe Llrery in conoeetion with the houee,
i friendleas, h .ine1.>a fish in qaeatioo U.or wu to be caught Balee mode known on applleuviue. .
that ■honld hare worried
large numben end u i matter of
Cine I picked up a paper and reod of the Vy like yog, Btruggling my way up. diaA A CAMPBELL
• tonped
not indaring robbertea all orer oor neigkbor- couiuged at times, but nerer qnltr ready
to 4uit How 1 nacri to long somclbiiea considerable fsAor In the food supply of
hnod I thought of rou alone bete."
tar u kindly word or tV cUan -of a syw- tlu; inhabiUnts: bonce tV term 'Alhuny
T didn't want to atartle or dktreue
ulte^ was all orer." saM hh wife, "but potVtic band"' The Jodee pd^uaed again. beef.' ” All thk wu once true, but u s
itter ot fact now sturgeon are not no
1 hare a rislt from burgian, my “Wen." V finally aid. 'it k quite erldsu 1 mnM look for a new stable boy."
Id thk market u they formerly
and there are probably many of
-Whatr cried the Judge. “DM they Be smiled faintly. The bounds of A«c
entocy can new te compnoed
yoUBCer ettkens who hare nerer tasted
«M anythingr
and tore nerer heard It tailed

- • • r they didn't kur- tV«amw Umiu of a
“Albany beef."-AJbaiiy
iady. “But nulAT W- A. SOPER S SJUDIO
______ jfd. U waa't ao terrible. I didn't
•or a awtoaui bme my nerre-thougfa tV “Pm proud of your He wheeled toward
hk wife. "I b«in to Chink." be said,
uheotlng did amn a UtUe startUng."
"that yon knew more about thk ambl­
16.00 pbotog for $3.00; $1U0 photoa for |2.H0;
er let come to the qnmsd him didn't know how to_____
Shore ateMdsw? And when d
him. AU that wa needed wae a Dttle
$:T.00 pbotoa for M -jO.
-It wu a eonfidentla] matter." laughed toct nnd diptomecy.'
•LuM Wa«Midfer nikht." refdkd hk
And e Orinnina Piatiinim Fhott^raphs fbr 2b eanU.
•What would you
wttu. "I WM nwM»^ bp a afight nriae
"Nerer mind." said the Judge. "We'D
-"1 would rimply Vre get toe eupttalto the halL t-uBfipedsfrum bed aod tun
to the door and epentd It ^ the dim start in anew. What profcaalcm Vre yea kts together and maV arrangemauta to
present Kero a block of Mock In erufy
right I MW Benry Heuling toward tbe decided apod, my ladr
“I waut to be a lawyer," lepUcd tbe Insuranee cempauy In Borne. Then bm
ulakwuy with a Moot Mi<k in hk hand.
pouldn't tore had toe heart to set fin to
Be aheuk hk head when V aw me and boy.
"Good. Too wiD
rlD enroll younrif la my toe town."—WosMngta Star.
waTud W hack. I Iktened and couU hea
tolut oateaa from tbe Boor below. Henry
« you wlD come dheet to me. to tbe
touappcuied down tV atairway. A moladmc
ar two tator thare wu the sound of
• Sena anug^
_ a- .pktri
riM^ the WaU—not a word. Any arrangeiaent you
_______ ______ g feet Then Heuiy call*
-Tory muto. 1 think toot
t with my ap- ^ki„y
_____ t Bor* pathetic U Utereture
that Uue of bk. Wbrin not to maha cw
« down. It appears Chet tqwo beiag your bo^er. Back week you plr."-Bari<m Lto.
e of the inOsas. They wflt recrire an'adranee ou your future
Chare won three
hhd ■rurifi through uue of the peitac salary. Stop. rir. Yon must let mo bar*
rtolin Btoy hud toe aOrer peshed te my way la thk. What are are «u earth the proaorh, andyrom toe maetec's potot
BUawaiklBmlMria aUalaaa.
ter? (Wt a chUdlos old man bar* a ot rlew but lew men cup aerrcCmo r-“little sotiafaerion out of'hk mouey? I taetoriiy.—Chkapo Newa.
tiB you. my lad, K’s aU aettkd. Lath
toss the auhjeet. Tou axe tkud. Teu
toau baton hmw day. Ooud ni^t. and


Good Line of Jofolry
IIIKiBilsof Repalriag.

The Waukazoo House!

Fire Insurance.

Il:iaa. IB. iraia has riair ear U> OfOBS
KipMs. r: & a- BI. UBia i>m LuiTei MrtcB- car
oCliirami. i mp o train Bs> «WperB \e
HI. lewis. «;< '
----------- ‘H'iSii.'
TtsloBCTlrter Bia »a Bi lis-..Waer<. Ifom •
K> lioeu.
I»ul«ille aed t!iB. ■
rliiBBU . BlB.'dli>inS'’s' t-oa. nrand Ua|rida.
a m hB>MBrler ear

Pere Marquette
ooiaio uocra.






Bing! Bang! Bing!

lUBin ID Hnnunii l a

For the 3rd, 4th and 5th of July.
•tiMe-cMa a-w

^me Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

MunucumiGS heiuigk sran wnon
nniocK nuuin



n>ia ttomnwi.r-OhretoafiFUtoCknlsr,


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