The Morning Record, February 09, 1900

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The Morning Record, February 09, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Tklrd Year—Na 863





Ware Sale

SallM^ Angr OalM4 iBpw- WaahiBfftoa. Bak. t.—Theio la nod Mow WaAoatB oa tM O.
tOMaa ta kaUaaa that tka cotontBsat
S. * I. Tsstsrdoj.
la tadliaelty U aoBBialaatloa with
Xtt MW tmiM adw M IMF
MsRBiatTralB BaudITottkSMVat
M'4fc Awi»lfc*ir kr • etevtr Baaafar ad tka Oaalsh Wato laAiaa (a Startaa Aaaaaalof tksTracklaaad
tka Dallad Slataa. bat tka a^allatfan
arakoUatadtokaeda akatsaMr aaS- VrsUacTialaSadtaVoaTraek ad
aay aAslal asakaafoa bars takaa


■Wil B«Uot hM kM* Blow la mm1^, kal tkh aftmoM k «kto AliVMak
wmt wwlwi tnm ■»wnm*» Ck«i>
BtoBxSMd Prsssnt
nt^ Vuii e«Mnl BaUar kad gtimU
aMaarapaalttoa «■ tha Taal Kraau
OoBtnot to Mmj 1.
FlIcaaadwMMy k^UUavIt TMi
vllk NMtta)««M OoBBltwa oa PsbUe Lkiktlat AatharnoMal, ladtota iM BalUr kaiMt
vttkMaMM aad kaTlw falaMtUa laad to Ooafar With
layortaak volat li ta kdiavad Uat tka Oosapaay aad ta Aaaarta<a U a Ooaaf UdDMUk ka alaeal aa
toast at $76 Par UiMi VIU ka Kads
tot Oaa Taar-MarUaakk BaUtloa
Owanl Baltaraaktaa thawar oSaa
tkak tkaapprasbaate BriUak
ia tkaatktiacat PoWd»a» drltv ap
at tkaa
r oftka«<
to SOM, Taaadap, ara; '
oaeai»-T«o kUled. flfuaa weaadad
la tka ally clerk's ofise ysatwday
Noa-ammtaalMad ol
cttaraMO. Tka drct IroslaaB to ka
Two.kaodrad aal alxlfaa kUladaad soaaldarad waa tka report ot ike soa>Blttoooa Srsaad watBopoa tkspaWBaalil'
UVM oa Ika aaralppo* Maadap U^oa of J. R. Martlaak lolaUva to rw
Oiaaral Ballar aroaad tka fafala pairiac Us kUldlap rasaitty daaaitad
madar a kaar? anUlarr fln at a poiat kjira. ThasoBalttos rsaoBBst
Mrtk et Dm kap. a Mv Matola that Mr. MarUaak bs paatlttod to aat
■Mwaj katwaaa Ohiaaalap aad Bprtac- ^ aatlra otrastara dowa to aao story
talk. To afiaat thk anaatar Oaaaral aad alao that bs ks rsqclrad to klad Ub
•iUvaRaorad foradaiooaawaUoa bjr asll to srest a brisk stnwtoro wttkla
Oataaal Wjaato' krtfada oa Ua Uft la Srs ysara.
lB»ta(tkaBoaraaalttoa«a8|»loB kep AldMmaaSBlih at^Uaad that tks
Tteaa Cold kauariaa «wo paakad tar- lattor alaass of tka report was a ra
awd. wkUa tka lataatrp. tka Uaaa- Bsadatlea U ■sosrdsass with Mr.
krifada, daiO^ad la aitaedad
‘ d aad faro
MUoa at a brisk kcUdla*.
ffthaBtor poalUoa
I Ptorod that tka
ll■^•r^-f of a Uaa »l kopjw utomglj rapert, with tka li
igtnmUktA. aataadlaf t«om Spina kop kaadaptad. A A
akraa BdM aaai.
Tka aaaraal of Ikaaa waa amtlad adoptloa et tks saUia rapert
«Bk akowaia of akrapwL Tka Boar AlAarBOB Wripht was la syspatky
t«aa oa Sploa kop loot UitU ttaia la ro- with tka racBBStoedatteaa. bat arnad
ptplac. aad. aooa ratUaf tka raapa. tbs aaatotalnty of tka ability elMr.
•dnppad akrapaal asoaff tka Britlah Martlaak to kalld a brisk at tks aad ot
paaa wUk aaak rapalarltj that tkaj Ars yaars. la eaaS be aboald dla kla
wwa tatlrad, tka Ulaattr tollowtac. hairs Blpkt not bs la psaitloe to tarry
WkUa tkla (alaUac aoraBaol la Ua oat sash aa arraaraBaok Bs thsrs▼Mal^ et Sploa kop waa' la proraaa lors aid Bot taror tka bead ancnatioa
tka toala attoak waa karlaalat alpht
doTBaa Haatlafi waa oppoaad u
aUaa tartkar oa tka r|pkt. Tka rlfkt klloalar tka repair or sattlac down ot
or Bala Saakiap torso ot SOaaaral Bal- •aoha baUdla* aa^oatslrsat at all,
lark araaj. aomsaadad hj Baaaral bat It bad baaa Bso« bafora and Mr.
l^tUatoa. Sfai.ooaa^ Vaal Kraatc.
tlBok was aatiUad to as masb tooaad tkara kaUt a poatoea krldpa aadsr
ratloo aa otbora. Be told that Mr.
ktory Sra aad troaaai tka rirar. ibns Martlaak. waa aot to abapa to balld a
psttlac la katwaaa tka prlaalpal Boar brisk and Blffbt not bs to Sra ysaia'
pMlttaa et Bpiaa koa aad Call
Una, aad owtor to Ut raeapt mtstorQaaml l^tlatoa baat kla saarrlaa taaskawMaaUtlsdtoaotoa aaaMdsrMCt la tka dlraattea et tka soatkara- attoa. Tor this raaooa ha ballavod It
wt kepta, wUak ka took attar a falrtoMr.MarttoaktoparBli Ub to
^tod atlaak.
repair kla baildtof ssaiiadt^ ta the
daftkar advaaea. bewoaar, kp mattop taaa oa OeorB klo^, akolUaf 1>a rspsrt. wttk tka Uadtoc elaaas
tka Brttuk wttk r«ot aaearaay aad Btrlakio eat was ftaaUy adoptad.
aMffp. la tast. tka Boars aaarly raM siataBaat et tka board at pabItalaad om kapja Oaaacal Lyulatoa Us rrorba. saUtoc for fttt.M wto
sUtod and tks aaooaB ardarad |
atlaek aa Oaaaral X^tllatoa aad did Tbs Boat iBfOtoaat astlea of tka
drtaahBteoaoS,katha aaearad ra- eeaaeUwtothatiUaMfato tka U*kt*■- Mill--aadraolMdtkapooltiea toffoeatraet Aldarstoa Sslth Borad
kp a kto«jr kayoMt aharpa.
thU tka BoMar ad a aBAtrast tor strart
Tka iilrtw kae aeattaaad ataadlly Uck* ka ladBiad to tka aoBBlttat
•iMa. wttk what aat npalts or laaaaa paUb Unttor
«• wkaewa. iMpoad tkaaUtoaaat^ acate with tka BaardBoa BIyst 1
tkaoMaaltla ealy aawaatad to m.
trie Iil<kt.A Power Oa. to i
Bat iBBMaok aa Osaaral Bailor kaa they weald aatoad tkaprwiateei
aoiyatkaaalMadkaak to tka aoatk to May 1st. tka aad ot tka laeU year
alrteot tka Tania tka BAtlak at koaa aadtkaBBaksaaoatrastforoaa year
ara kopatal, kat aat Maralaa.
attharatSMosatly kid, t» par year
Tka torso Oaaaral Bailor la loadla* partoBp.
Uhkaflorttosattkroagk tka alroar Tka Botloa pra*all^
BawUasaaoaMet M.PM ■« et » Bastton aim Fottoc to tks amMra.
aqaadRBt ot earalry. alaa It paaadar Oa Bottea at Aldattoaa Iteltk tba
kaMarlaa, aao Sra-lash kawltaw kat- board et pablie works wars tostrastad
taqi. sac aavaa-poaador amatala bav to ht*a Street OoBalMloasr Kallay
tory. aad BOBS >4 aaral (aas. Akoat feaap tks nttars alaar oa Proat aad
s.O0PBsaaada amtakar « raaa ata Dalea' itrssts. aad toksap tka aaaw
lottkakladoatkallBS at,aoMaalaa- aadtoakaatod offearlar the wtotor.
aad dPtaskBanta ara.latt to faard
I sanaattoB sat with toror aad
Bow saay Bov seldlars aad Boor
nto ka kaa ta taaa la apkaowa, bat to Ika badaooAttico ot tks eroBwalks
tka ootlBataa ot tka Bkar atraa«tk darlac wot waatkar aad dtosribsd that
rasffs all tka way tra« 13.000 to ts.- to aoBo plaasa tks alasb was <
aaa, aad prokakly thrs^foartha aa aaoafb to fo orar (bss shosa. 1)
no* •• Britlak.:
sarcBlsd that tka board of pabUo
Tkla Bomiar* aawafr^ Sooth Attka proper body to look
rtaa la ot tka gtmmi U
after the erOB walks, bat Mr. Montana
^ akotnac. aa U doaa. that tka
d tbat be kad <
to tbs matter bators aeraral tiiasa. and
la BOttoB aad that a i
tks board of pablk worka kad l#aorad
It. Hs ballsTsd it aboald be soBsons's
daty to aaa tbat the
that iBTd BokvB
Jastat tkla
eoserlad fire aad darbf a kvriad
CapaTawa oaa oa^ ka appraat
BoMea toadjsara tbs BSBben rnshad
«hn read la soalaaelioa ,wlth tap
tots tks straat to sas tbs iBoko poarad tka Bos^aal* oa tkaaitiiBS Saaks tor froB tba aklBaoy ot tka BoAdU
biosk. Batthorswasaeftra.
VP,tothaw«tward,aaL«dMatka«klalt,«wanlKaoDeaii)dli throatmW tka srtot «aak ad tka Bob dstess
at MKBit^t-'- ky kla paalte at atotofkbin. wkora kawsot telosto
ZgpAMkaiff aa tka Blot rtw. Pnb aftor bM Mala od 61.PM acaWt Parhv
t^paiatkoaaoldtBfa Owaral Oraatok aidtlMi aadi aa wfil aatarally
as ripniiitodtotUs toaaUVte
lalyaaia. Ur.Ui«awaaaNi
I«BMt tttt Bobs toward hia. Aay
_jTt------ kaa^MkatBthBwoto- Iriks htod ad W inaii n
a wm ko takas MM ad aW iWl ks
tasMealheWI iiaala^W


Tbaiatoaad lhawjtkat kara Jaat
fitaa plaaa^ tka oaU ware, haaa
bmpat aboat oomUUcm that
•kddtot tokaUtaat* BaUraad
trates kaaa baas tied ap, brldpa* aad
OBbaakBsata bare base wiAsd away,
aad tka whole traSs by rail kaa kaaa
throws Into aaora or laar aoafatlea
Tka Boml^ Mato oa tka boIb
Itoa ot tka Q. B A1. did aot •Itova
Orand Bapids oa aosoaat ot asstoroal
araaboaB, aad the araato* train «
by rray sd tks Pore Mar^aatto troB
tbat plaea. btItIbc kva at tka asaal




TraMo oa tbs a A W. M. was ac
taob latarfarrad wltb bora, bat tartbsrsoalk. aaBarona waaboata at aareral ptoaw aanaad Bneb tnakla
la tka TlstoUy of Oread Bapida tba
MW want «dl at aa aapresadaBtod lato
aad hrooka ware awalM.-to torraata.
RaBaroaa brtdpaa ware waabad away
so tka dUIarant roads and aarsral tratos
aarrowly oasapad wresk. At Boskford,
Baa Ckaek war awaltod to a rartof
torraat. aad halt aa koaraftartwo
tratos. a piiianr aad a frolffbt. kad
pasMd easrlt tka kridn was swept ^
awv Uka a pIom et driftwood.
At DalpU, itot aoatk at Ckdlltoa. the
toaak M nadB rratar far a leaf d btoMo
aad tkara rraa frara tsar that thBO
weald ha a waskeat. kat tka asBatlaa
ad tka rata and tka aoBtof et tka aold
OTOrtod tka daafsr. Water alao aerarad
Ikatraahi at WbltoOead.Utorsand
rarloM ether potota.
At Morlay. TasUa aad Bl* BapUa aa
the O. B. A I. ara wasboala. aad at
BalBMt a rtrj aariou oaa hto oeearrad
tbatwUl^ tkton ap taraeowl



Ctma Ml

Mena aad VeUw. of Wset Xadiar,
aaUairtoa. D. C. tab. l-Two IslaadB ara to be added to tks rririBlrm
of the UUted Statos to tks Wsat ladlM. iVy are Mona Wand aad MoaIto Mlaad. to tks Mean pasMn. katwasB 8aate DsMton aad Paarto Blee.
The fSTtow is aa Wood of soae alee,
bat MeUto la oWy a soral reef.
It waa net detattUy kaewa aaMl to­
day that the tslaada kaleand to tka
UUled ItatM. aad tbea aot aatll after
departBoat has baM kaTtor a Bap
BaAsed tka ABarlaaa poasaakma to tba
Wsat todlae, aad wm to Aoabt whatker
or not to toeleda the Wands oa tka
L Aa efSatol
If the tfMty betwaea tbs OUtod Statae
by the UUtod StatH. Tka treaty *
oxaBtosd aad Bkowed tbat ta
to tks DUtodStotoa Paarto Bleeaad
all othM Spaalah Waads to the WbI
lollies swept Oaba.
Moan Waad, aad theta wm bo laterBatta rotardtof the Wand to akew to
wbOB It kalsanA. anspteB m ekart,
wU^ Bhowed that Mcma wm ronrArd
M a Spaniab poMSBloa. It It aatokaUtod aad aaarlyj tto bUm loa* aad
ikfMaadakUt oiom wlda. ItrWs
aboat ITS feet Urk. aad ta altaatod jMt
tblr^ bOsb west of Mayenea
PosrtoBlse.CUlB aboat forty milts
fiM tbs eoMt of *60010 Doaston. tad
Uaa almost Bid way of tks Mou pMHn betwesa tbs two islaada.

Bretkar aad Wepkew at Or. A. V,
BoUlday Barieoaly Xpjwod Toetarday at Boar Imka.
Dr. A. B. HoUiday lasolrad a toleCram laat eramtoc froM Boar Imka
etaUaff that kta brothar J. 0. BoUlday
aad Us aaa Pst«y had mat with a earresstoodtkoa
wlfealew m
togot atrato tar Ba
Manta ho WM aaaUa to laeelM tethM

wMdbv wlia. Ba wffl n lb r



___ JeMs--M<>.air: vUbimbw."


} Alfred V. Friedrich |

At Maatoa. Oadar Ora^. twkiah i
thraafk tks town, rras so awollaa that
rtotsaad tba raUroad krldn akd
tbs water roaa to tbs lasal et tka'boltoro
to the BiUls oa Its-baaks.
Bsary sSort la bato( ptohad to fat
thlan lata sbsps aad it U tkon^t tbat
aU tratos wUl bs raaatoc oa sskadala
tlBs batsro tbs day Is orsr.


PopoUr Slioe Hook.


Miller'i Store


Five i
oB'everr dollar sale
- except 00
HAY and

W. W. Mllln'j Cask Stm


Ian Maclaren

The fu
1 aatbor, vrUing in tbd North AmeriosB R«Yiew
on ‘The Energy of the American
People,” aaya:
■'No man writM with hia own
hand, if he oon dictate to a eteao.
gropher; no man dictetM, If be eon
telegmidi; no man telegr^khe, if be
oon telephcme.*'
If yon ore o typiool, atergetic
np>to-date American, yon olreedy
nee the Long Distenoe Telephone.
It not, a word to tiie wtee ie enffioieni




75c r;
$1.00 ^
$1.50 ^
$L76 ^

S. BEH<n5.A. <te OO.


there’s money
as well as comfort
in buying an overcoat from us
in this great

Fire and Water Sab
The pri<x. we rnwh. on rtricUy dednUe gupieiita ou.
wot be m.toh«l by .lyr oibbr film, o. Uie Mme qimliUM.
lonr pemoiml mveMigatiaii o( tb. ymln. w< oler wiU
ooQTiboe yoB of the troth o^ie stetement We ore
eeUiag lote of ooote eTeryday, bat we etiU hare «large
aasortnent ond we ooi^ sorely pleeee yon. All we wont
ieyojir attention—look the garments orer—see oor prieee
—And yoo’U be ^ad yon came.

Today:)weJoffer you:
1 bt men’s heoTy uktors, worth W.30, at................$8.48
1 lot men’s 110 oYezrxwte. oU wool' Kersey, findy
tailored................ ................................................$6Sfi
SPECIALS in suite, pante, underwear,
BiaBASOAUTB in cloaks, drem eki^. enite, fare, etc.
It’ll oerteinly pay yon to ooom bare.

Reliabli Dnr Gook, Ciqitiaid CIoiMh Hme

Not Dressed

Too wiU find • fine tine of

Stomped Linene, aU puee of Sote
Pillows, Itown PiUowe, Cushion
Cord*. Betteoborg tnaterials of oU
kinds. A fnU ;liiie Beldiug Brae.
Brnbradery leaou giren free.


School of Music

Prdperly’nnleBs^on are weariag a pair of

Stfictly’IDp-To-D»te Slioes
We fre exdniiTe ageats for Thoe. Kmersoft’a Sob’s, makers of Gentlameil's fins
dresS'Shoes. Emenoa Bhoea nerer diaappoint $3.00 to $5.00 per pair.

PARKER BROS.,!Fo*twcar.






■OBBTIB nooap.
nurwMMK orrr •


tt tto nm topttai
Okatak VlU to OBtabntod

•M «.
/• w. v*na
•. w. MAgmm. rntm —< MMin

loominra^ OMhVAOta.
•Mvtokpttoo.^ Hariap.Bailtor
TtotriMdiadTtoa.H.BMtlM. tto


j Th


; FmtStmt

Weka»aair» Mwaa a<

tto VMtkora Vtaklfa Aiplata tar Ito f IftMiwaanataUatMSeMMaaeaar
Iw a eaaww- W* ba«* bat trm
^ i;sta rilr aadto kta proMt loeattoa. Ho kaa too aoa. nrM«awth«w-tair tacB MW.
taaeltealMI.«00 poMfloi at Baa
aad ta atao toUdtaf tto
pwMraaHOt pMtofl^
koaMatForUaad,Orw HkMaAitkar
kaioharfaaf tto work ttora. airiaMd
kp kli poaatw krotoor John. wkUa
Wilur ii wHh Mt.BmU^ taSaarraa


W. W. BuUM. llto-b*! BuiMt,
Is TteW fl(
U winriri If iifr-i**“•
^iVort to ■••• M UaM tto Boh4.
PM Bifv BMlrle tifto * Dow 0».
p Mto ft Mtrftet kr «m tw kw
|Ur m ftt tto Tftti o( r$ p«yMr
•Mh tvMnto uchto to ftfoto om.
jiaMftlfttotoftttto «B
•Mtoftftft Ufhttaf tto I
■MMtot fftW matO tto tioM «f Ito pna-'
ol tto
fU woftU toftr.
ftto to U lift* vUk tto Mfnft>
ItM ■ate to tto Baoow ft te« 4«jb

Ito toMt WIU to tto rtouat
tofttal SoMt afttoSMMa.
Tto party to to ftaM tkto ftiMtaf
la tto Oltr Op« Boom wOl to oai
tto laari Borial orata ttot tto ritp
toiarMMM. ADoftto •ropftfftttooa
ara of aa aUkorata otorariM. aad
aotUBCkaakoea otalttad tkat woald
toad to raato tto oraat MraplMMat.
Tto dooorarioai will to daa. tto
daotaftOac ooMwlttM torlac doM
Ibrir work writ Tto dlaalaff hftU wiU
to la oka-v* •>* CktaNtotoortft E.
Aa arohMtift of at taaat a deaM
ptaOH wOl faratah tto aiato tar tto
nm-*- ta addUtaa to tto kMt of

tm -fttMT <rf tottor ftklMlM
MUttoft tor fnU cwi*«B fttoald to
totoftpCor ftfttto ftaMtorftllM. Tto
—ftiHnft 1ft MUt— ftto Ml

to kwa froM Pataakap. Safiaftw aad

mttk tto pratto o» Offtftd TtftMfM pr®jMMft. U tto trait mm

»• >-_T...... •••y",,

an Ml want.......................awohi

4to OoM riMttoa tow Bipftbttoftft
pp^orlltoft. MM ttottkiraiitolto*
^aiftrttoM fttorilM toftrd. Mat tor
jlfttol Uftta tki tefttol tow. ttoM•pm. to fMMlto. EipftMtoftM M» I .
•m M }ftri rtohto. It to fifttifylM
•tot MMi ftriloB to Ift to tfttoB to wlpft
|to UlqftltoM tow : «• tto fttoisto OhlaaM •( Ota Boftdift Bloik totatai
VataftfttarpTMlMdftp Aftaraea
TtototoaapoCttoBMdla kloakatapod IH ftWMl Btaoto piBMrdap afMraeea atoat t:M o'rieok aad tar a
pnrtaferftOftftMtod wapew
■kMt ttoft Preat atraol la that U•Ifttot ftto ftriitoc tar ft tow to to paw- Mlilp wBi OBialopad la a doaM
•iptofUlac ftwrarftpaftftltr tar rio- •MBdfavt "Boka wktoalarMd tto
kHlaMi MM dowa towa. Tto naia
iPtlOM TtowoMMolLoatoi " •
Mnrit ft itord wktoh will aato with proMdtoto aetklacHrioH m ttora
wh'm di«.
MibU taralJ
■ o< tto Boartoa mil

iMtoriito totoM ft PMiftto ftfffttoftt tto

AtttoraoMt Btarioa ol tto riiaait
MfftrdtotttoaieiMltyof toaptoftto oart ftt Lriaad, ft dlrorN WBB fraatad
•WtoWftlki riMr.*M ttot todtoft wa loOooftoA. OeraaU «l BrafUakTlllft.
•HtottoitTMt wittoatdaafM ofto frow Jalia OarariL
iolkMofttoM*4rilchttal tktokU
MMiMMtoMrnd apood
wMftad It itoaU to iramnail da^ to partUa wQl to Rtraa at Ito hHM *f
Vra. Dr. OkOM tomonow ftftaraoM at
Ift'rioek.kpttolftdlMofdlTiriea Ho.
f9B UUOiiX AJIP umST. lofthiplpaorirfta lotairitMa.
TtoUMUdaarktarofMia. Maad L.
ftoa taltooa <Nto VOrtr Papa to
■data kad tor ftapw oraatod la a

Poraoail "
Dr. J. D. Mibmo to* lataraod fracr
>ta trip to tto ooBttorB part of tto
•Iftto ftftd to tto OMt
U S. Baku, OBI of ftattOM Bay'i

Tto drat loiat ^ tto«lddta dofM buj
kara to to arapatatad.
afiM tto portarMaaeo of ■'Bp tto 8ad,
toa Wam"laital^t tto Btokalda
plMMBtaoolalBaMieaaad aoMooftto
.bMi of MaltowiABalfor^ooMroatMiaiaad tki uUorad iriatrp
Ato Baal. M old ttoo frtaad of (Mar*
Iftp Potaraoa. eaM down trow Ito
appor poalaoaU a taw daja ftfo on a

*— ---- tar kte Alta. Bqriri T. Bamp

* 8m of OhJoaco. Mr.PotaraMhaa
•ado hlmalf Mri«l m waU aa affroMbin aad Mr. Bat kai kaeoai waU
peqaalatadwttk tto ta«l tradi la hli
dBOd te lifkt UaoOao of tto atari npid «haafiB of
•c w^ to Sowotarr XBjler ofltoltor
•Ml att A UriuM BftUwi Oo.
ikkU la oai of tto aanat Miyortow pMtardap. totaa boarattothwMM
Otar toU orar U d^raw. u mmea
tan of all
Uttto Moa
•alto lU Witt braa^tto. kat to tottor
■ea. H. a Sarfa hv lataraod trow
• tatptottoOMk
•praadofttoBa Jowaaataaad ettor
U. W. Oadftrwood wftBMltod to
•toft yifttMdfty to tto aowi of tto aort- puaalM wktah lataat plain, bade,
^ IUbmi of kto tatkM. WalivW.. trallB aad aaiawp atato la ftataial.



a acriaaltara tto lat■bB«ftaankfttoha
toMtoOMlaOBMOpalto. altar a Mtital tarbedpWt
S^rlritwIlk torBtotar.IlM Oapt. ridlac a byttaw af
^^^■gttai k BBtaft,wtoUttoritr aad alw that ed
lataadad far latacalata iklp—ft
Mood Doalboa.
Wathtav Vl^asd Dap
Tto bnriwt aad taMtliat llttta
»My tootkta toftft
-raj^toAM to. Dapk
iftl ftMT Bad jaaBdtta.
Tkwa plUa ihaafa
dktoMtr«Bloolrte DIM

and mild.

A OarA.
Wa, tto aadaralfBod. do kwibp
aftao to tafaad tto Moaip oe a Ktoat
kottio of OrMBk Warraaud Spiwp of
~ If it tail* to cam poar eoach or
___ _ Wo alM gaarantao a UoMi
kottio to proM MttateMorp or Boaop
rafasdod. A B. Waiv Ba^ A Boabarf. Jaa. O. Joba«ta. r 0. Tkoap-


kara '
Apari^ towa ia tto atata of Apaia. »
wUoiaeatoofOaUkcao.wblob badraooaUp kOM takra by tto rMoloUq
■*1 toisk 1 woald fo eratp with oals
rara It not ter Okawborlala’i
lalw." writoa Mr, W. H. BtaBlitoo.
••I ban kooB tfSletod
_____________ Bi lor aoToral piara aad
haro triad romodlta witkoat ftawber,
hot Pain Bala li tto t......................
ban rot bold of.” Ooi applloatioo
roHorea thi pain. Per wU bp a B.
Walt BBd P. C. Tbotapaoa. drarriita

WkitoWteT ft T«f, *rnv. “»

but oooffh raoedp oo eutb, cnci a cold
w dip if taken la time. taaadWcta.
DiaMtotacnt* rifiiA
' ~ MOMkor P'Of. sunn dasoe at
, OoM and erjop poariolf.


T« Omm m Oom to Om Osp.
rtoe Wanier’i Wkitr Wineof Tar Synr
ibe beta coo^ tcatedp oo earth. » an
Uttia Mto OookU Laaaiar.afto
fov PMS. took koralad and wnt oat
to oajop kwarif la tto taoralnc- Bto
wMt to tto Para Marftaotto dopo^ aad
whan the train eaae la Bto lift her
Hod aad ollskad oa board. Tbi <
daetar did not oboorra tkat ito
aad ato traTilid thi
OBtlro dlataBM witkoat kar ranawap
Bor a»th
WBI Bxarlp frifthwnrd to death on
bobur BBBblo to lad a traoi of bar loat
ffirl ttBtU tkrM o'eloto ^ tki altarI, wbia a dbpatak taem Braad
Bapldi aotlBod tto pollM that tto
pMOf raoawap wat la that dtp.


1 ^*^**ooP*"B Ooufti. Aathma.

Oofwumptkm. ta


I-h. WWUMtfMDy'


How ta tto Um ta ton poar Btepdi
raMiiaaladaadaUaaftd ap taadp tar
Ir PM wUl to WM wkoUr aaiad. aaartp. brala fa* lata aatal poww.
Ifttaiara BUetita Blttan M«ad kto Ttop>i woBdirtal la baUdlaf ms tto
FrM Stonge All Winter.
aapoU malBrlft. kmltk. Onlp We lar bos. BoS bp Mp worit wa aol be bwt aad prion
j-ta.*’ Tkto
udpwlftM Ito Jaa O. dokBMa aad B. B. Walt.
tto lowori. WIU Mil tar poor wkoel


fresh and fraorant



lao H^coxLt S-tz-eeb.


MOtotto Bow Bod OrM taad. AppltMtloai of Awwtaa phpririaaft
Mpotatowata la tto Bow Bad Oom
■orrioo Maaet to aniptiil aa tto rafalatlOM rcqaiia thOM aoe^tad to to
Ciadaataa of a Baropwa ooUofa.

ta <to

Mftto totlitoiifftiHpiftottotft—

•aka oitoM of Ktofriftr ««• tooackt
ftp Ito ftoaatr }ftU rMWrdar ftttoraoM
••IMftnhftl toantoir ct Ktontoj. to
•MM ft 40 dftji' lira tar ftMarit aad
laiMfrtoWtod too taMlj of ftra
Wfttw, ftad to ft qmirari with Aadriw
Ifarpkr.katUi toapM aad tojand
•to tftM of tto laid hlarphr with Ua
Uk Aoeordtoc^ hf will toard witk
JhftfttorlCtor lOdari.

.Slater’s House Furnishing Store


To eloMltam 11141111.

•• ftMOMpUftto« te itotr MfttMtel toM
ytfttotto—ctMttMO<tto Bart Um Oir VMMtato*
•<ptoftMftfti4Qto**>> Wito.le pat
•■•MllftkUtofttteitoftU tto torifftm %HtoM erftftd trawM tor ftto
••PM pMtftOTlft itjppft priato to

fA Uti fttorika Ift JCMWriir
••■Mi ttol ftlftti to to ft iMftU

OftkMfttaJtnaarariOM Oaaaplcto. aad

Five Cent
Pig Tail

T^O not tmj roar steel
JLp rmi^ from i^tB.
Yon wUl here to paj
more and are liable not
to get BB good A nnge,
nod when jon need rejinirB how will jon get
them? Yon can come
right here and select one
from my tine. I have 16
diffei^ent styles and Bites
—T^ep range in price
fromtl^OO np. A writ­
ten gnsrantee is giren
with ere^ one. IS dif­
ferent siteB and styles
of cook Btoves, from $5.00 hp. Cash or a little-at-atime paymentB. Yon cu pay for a steel range ont
of yonr spending money and never know liow yon

H. E. GIII$,Pnp.
Him nwriCtawartaBiM.

tai Mwita

hurt a child.

Fire Insurence.

CMh a wtat w« wilt Ml «« ttam lid
(taraowM MM biM. W« bi«o ainmtt
m Mir •! .aow Md Mirtr »um •• wica a MwiM
ar ■pHac lad «• k>«« ao room (ot taM. WoM fraM



No Man
Be he ever so ull, ever so short, ever so slender, ever so stout, that can
.come to us for a suit of clothes and go out without taking with him the
full measure of comfort and satisfaction that, always go with correct
measures, stylish cutting, honest workmanship and good wearing quali­
ties. This is true of cVery suit we sell from $5x0 to $2sx». “Money
back” insures satisfaction.

Here’s a Resuit

Yes, Sir, a Morris Chair

From oer annual “stock taking”—Found
that in the great sales we’ve had daring the
pear in Lace Cartains. Many ladies’ have
bought three cartainft—jfut what they needed
—that broke the pair-Higain some very popular
^ttems have been sold, all but one pair—now
yon can bay tbeee nngle cartains or odd pairs
at price* never before made. Original prices,
75c to $6.00 a pair—they’re yoors at jnst onehalf that price—Don’t forget this.

Is ftolid effort, sgd we bav* tbow that
are splendidly made of fteaftoned wood, broad
arms, es^tlent enshions, richly oorered, and at
•6.00—(Yes, sir. That’s what one style will
cost yon.)—are wonders—may be matched else,
where for $7A0 or $8.00. There are several
more elaborately made, and the price ia raised
For ttot tired filing always om a Hor*
lis Chair.

It’s Really Surprising
The beautiful designs that have been prepared by the wall paper designers for
this season. Our spring stock is all ready for your inspection, and as seeing is be­
lieving. come and see the perfect harmony of color. This is true of the cheaper grad­
es as well.
It’s not too early to make your selections and then you’ll be sure and have
what you want. Splendid combinations in the darker colorings foom isc a double
roll to 40c. Have some good remnants left for the early buyers.

Waste Baskets

Don’t Forget Candy

Are always twefal—Never too many in
the honfte, and then yoaBean find things when
you want them. A fine baaket for lOo, larger
aUeolS, 15, ,25c; bnttoa toaketa 25, 85.50c;
baaketa with standards 75c; dainty baskets in
fancy shapes 85c to $L85; jewel baskets 85o
to 660.1

tto great aellaa. There ate aeveral grades
Reaper. Onr Ohoeolsto Bon Beau in a dcsen
or more flavor* and makes at 90o are tto equal
of Any 60 or 60c grades sold. Jnst the thing to
serve with dainty lonehaont.

We have tons of it. Oar lOo eandiat are

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


OP MIOHiaJkN llapro

»• AiMm nmr «7»
mmttrn »ha mM

»Mr UHta
Mrirla«*MI w* •»» iMkIac te
MMMMWMftffwA kMt »
___ Tmfitmtt teatakM mvIj

te ae to aa it to n to powar it to to
Mmw datp te aaaka to baotatab tapplaaaa
It to 00 aaay to aaa to laaitt la otkan
aadaobordtoaee torn te oaiaaloaa.
U U^mi MUtj hfc% prbM «< ImHaw waeh batter it to to loett to to
tar tea* «TMM« ft 4mms4 for mtHm
roodte atora, aad te thto war ta
jtaftfftfta •«. Xafttt«Btfttafttaaa i
too* tta trot, aaf ftbowt aa aatacfftar htip tow.
to aftstta fttaftA.
tataraol la ttaaob1o«ta «rhto an atar
Ktaaaobaof totarriWa
AtAftUw. ftftftUoMlM «f «u Mi
It taar to to tonar^ taarl
aftoaaaof tobaoaoaad llqaor. Hoik•to «M fowl l» a toaipUft ta
Mn. ■. A. OaaptaU waa to trat terwtUaoBBTalrratea bom u to
Miilrir of to BMni»K to tot talar. drlakhaMt, rat Mk aad bojo
dally tbfawtet away baaltk aad Ufa,
Ha. ta^tft Paw.
aad to bopo «f awato a bow thraacb
toaltry Btolar.
toaaariia Pmbltoo
itolaii aftar’ ftoa aaftr
lawa. aritatora atako pabUa apt
OoipinOft. fttftd w rftfta ftta iWo npa^ir, talUar •( to a
tad wBiaiu an toad acttaton.
i—Mii Aim tka MMaK h4 wf

•aalto Mato


fM riftaftift. «< ywrOaaf. WM takto** (»U7 ftftl to tta tan tta
oltaralfh*tottaparp9fta«f toUaf
a» wtaa ta JIppftd ata tot ata to
taoalto waa toioftafd. owatac hla

if you have a boy
th^Js troublesome

kttrta. AraUa.
■oa. 3. G. EuaaMI, Mn. A B. MaBaa
Mtoa Mattia a Gray.
aa teat yaar. wlifa to aaeaptiia of M.
a ^aaaten of Bteir Tofraab-p, t.
tt Bay, aad Woa Oraat


Aboat w«ariBgoDtbtoolclot)tn,-biiiig him to <nr J J

Fire and Water Sale

“What to trait rn«ar baa to eoatead witk te diapoater of hto arepa aad
whataaatadooa aboat
waa to
aabjaat of aa tetmotita halt h
talk by /ad«a 3. Q. titeiilrll Tba
dadca apoka tote Ua yaan of aaparitaaa te trait talater. aad araa oloaaly
Uataaod to. Ha told of to aarly daya
wtaa toaataforpaaoto aaatead «ato proipaaUn
saritetat to aortb aad wMt. aad
wkteh atOl waite te tba opaatec of
traaaporUOoB tote tkia potet
to teka. Ba did aot arm with to
toory tot ton la alwaya roo« aad a
rood prlae te to beat fnit. at bte
partem bad taarki bis tot with to
orar-wowdad Barketa at eoatora
poteta topriaa teeara to tall, ao Battaa bow rood to tnlt. Tbara to a
wUe aad praatioaUy aoUalted aarbat
te rood wtetarapplca. tat with theae
to gTOWtr bat to aoetead with
wbtefaBakta tetiof atltut
oat third. Volhter wiU orareoBO thto
bat teiaaet aad pteaty et bard work
Beateotpobeof to
plmat, aad to natat wbieb toad to
maka aaariy all fratt rnwter te thto

and joo can 6t him out aatiai oiily aad at laiieb _
Irw expanaa than oaokl. lor prtOM a
out OB onr antire atoi^ of boj*» aad chUdna'a
olotbiaA, dariatt thia aale.
Cua BpMial Lot of ebildren'a anlts, ralnea $2.75 to
$4.00, at...........................................................
Oome this nwniing if 3^00 caa.


Waiar aator to te«)a alwald te Tbaa teay it ta aaid of to “Ito batk
doaa what aka aoald.'
-Ikto WM aa aaetelaat papar aad waa
■boaU te aaab aa to ataka aa mUa 0
Itotaaad to arltk mete> Utenat.
aa poalbU aad to food kapl baady.
Mra. Dto Irita waa aot abte to ba
Woteaa who kara many ditiaa to attaad to bated# aoallry niatec akoiald praaaalae to papar, opaatec to dknwao tot of Joka
aanto. arat nad by Mn. Gny.
■teaat a tMoral perpaaa baa.
Oalaofltotaa.wkeototattera» to
Maayrood poteta wva broacbtoat.
Mn. SatepbaUapokaof to rdaaaf
aat aat of taen tafwo laUftar to to fawla aa ealtiratora. Bn baaa an al­ Motorahana
to raa traaly tea t*toa ia raardter tbter aklidm tote aril aa^ aat iaaaoUac ta ktot oaptaro apnt
wke tejan tkAjaart
ortaleb an troll treat, earraat aad raop»
a taUa oa wklab a laap was ataatiar- tarry baobaa. aad potetoao. akaeboaa ate telad of yoaac paoala. HeToaly
Ttakoaoa waa aat oa iro aad tadlj
a baa tot aroald aat eamat wenaa toaonklylifatat also to aplriteal
taauckd tatoa to tawa won aa> aad aat earraate, potato bafa aad yet
wall is otiaa Wlrhted throark
Botdirapto pcrtatoaa.
Tboaa who aaka }ay aad bappteaaa
a wat aa aaptokta
SbaaUowa aaab baa ahoat twain
r at to Voto
ap tapanteiy te oton an tonby hearted U
...,_tolf Aoek tea fawdayA after
^ totaatly UUad bf a prowa taro aaplc wbleh they an riem to toadete of
Mn. OtaipbaU. aad Mn. Ony tpoba ___...oalyaolatloallaa tetoopaa.
d WlUiam OowUar tartoatlp la totarte.
lacef toaortonaadaortk waatan
I JanA Jntbowtoai
Bar beat aaaiaa with ebleta was laalteriy apoo to tabjatt te qatattoa, ----------“--------trly arrad a aoBblwiU aarar ta kaowA aa aa ou waa toaae te Ue with ton breaded aador Wdiklly «poa to pity aad ahaBo of
rnwan. to daolda
• to pteos at to tlaa. BoU wva aad rated by baaa White daata are to drtek tabtl.
Mra. OaBpball, to atata apaakar, aae a aaawwB aa to paoaarn aoo
btet te lebU aae, to abte hater
ran a talk whtoh it weald Aa arary rradaa. Tkte plaa waa aaaaoaafal te
'oaert* W. Btettk. trad ii, of Aw
Bolkw rood te boar.
Bar aabitat. toO^te^dteirlat, aad abeald
ta, hn barm aaU te dirom tote kM taikay baa rtee bar owB tarkeya.
N-raarteU wUa. whote ko Warrlad la
r. A Btanr lad to dteanloB wbtek “Wbal it Ban" teat kaadlod te a
»of Batter Sklpptar TaeU.
UN, aUactoc amaity. Ttay tan eat foUowad. Ha raUtad kla akparlaaaa te
What te beat te at data^ «P*>b oar
raWar both Browa Larbanaad Plytdarda. wa htrta freedowof abotea.
laad te loaia aoaa«y oaCbt te take ■oath Boek'baaa. farerter to-------nmd aotkan ta ta eealdoafal taitk that to Aarksat bean an paat
aaapwafd Jetep ea tta etraecik of to aa aa aU ra^haa.
Tta dteaaialaa waa«aa aataadatoaa, with tCarehUdraa. aad deal teathfally te Oraad Tnnraa trait Crowara Ba
amari ef a weU Arllte whe ;bee meatteaaaaa brirhte Mata aad batter pm
with torn apoo aU aabJoaWrhtiarof
<*< aeopanatir.
i IppattawaawaUtetaatkkteia. U to aahjnt at Urhtiar
an adaealad aad teatraatad paetate trait Bo aaid tot ba aaSer
ataod that Gh^tate Webb weald be
; feiar dowa ITO feet ta paaeed. ee ta ter aaek atteatlOBaad Ute wUUar ta pat a boat batwaaa tela
takiar pari te thto
! nralhnivka
rtrte to tan a
baaatt of*
patiutadBaeaDabr teto
---------tea an. two twalra-teah rate af aatt
It ^ woald ar
life to rwyrMBabla, yot U:
S «aal,laa«Mtor to rary baat bard
Barriarateta .taaana a
f mti, aad aay «aaaU^ of In etey. Berear bow fawM Attad te tot Urk- ap BP te tee Bear tatare. la nfard ta
teaaaU tkia hoik rate df to soft
Plot Towar apoka aa to aabiattaf
oatdaty tea wonaa'a Ufa. notor- to aala of fralt after tee
aaal aany a Ubaral ftow at aO ae pa
“Oorar," ewhiaater to alow or patea
bood. WoBoatbeald ta batter pro- traaaportattea bad baaa onreoBs. be
faallyli. rm««l»d elorarte
^ tot tewoald Bead bat UttUraftaiar
Ant etees teaey trait aboald
Ibid, aad a earefal atady of
At Bar OHr. at to Maalte aealteiBO to Beat teeportaat te acrtealtaraltele.
Tbedteeatalea waa aWy opaaadby
Uity aboald ta inada te the
IM loar roote briar Botetan aad aeU
Mrs. B M. Voorhaw. Bha apto of
aad Pate Hacrer wan aaarbt aadar a faedtteibaaartanof tocnaad tbaa to tamer rlrl aad bar Aaaln to aara "S'ro.V. Kaaelaad ateoapokakrtely
faUaf elate aad badly teiarad batea aartehtep itBoaaya^oBft. Her brotbar te paid racardlar the .qoeatloo of a boat line
Plow early batea pteaUar. Mband fait aBart^' of tee brtrht proepeete
toy wan narmad.
for bte work, why aboald aot aln. who lat|tete nrsrd----If tee 'faman would
oea elonr Aeaeaet Bake a rood porter
Tba cl9 falban at OepadBepIda
te doter joataa Baeh wortt te bar way. •pataU la tee matte-.
erop. bat It to a read teUtlaar. A
laaarateto elaten of to ahUdna
After many yean of paUapt walUo*
raealre a aartate aaaeutef awaay tot
eroM batweaa to white aad nd itakoa
sh dealredboat
•eema to Im
aad banaataaida aarar^ eteaata te
ake Bay teat tm to apaadt
a daa bay. -Tta erop abeald ta eat
beadiar this way. A little later to tb<
to aity ao wkleh aoaattec will ba ai••Dief waa anotkar aabjeet treated afterpoon W. R Pratt of Old Mtealoa
when aboat oBktblrd at to elonr
terad white to eaaw laate.
ia bar paper, also to baaa^ and aaa- told ot bte
________ ja with
krata has iaratd browa.
taatiaant of hoan Ufa te woaaea. She
I wUJ tom
Pnf. Towar axblbited aamatH of tba
who te f
her beat u to
d-Beraat eaade te bottlra. aad fold et
AaaUiioattetoadltenWaMat at okparlmau with tea nrioM blade at aboald eolUnte a Ion tar goo* books
arywte tot par. to atata ooUera- Ba Moaad bte folk aad brtrht eoelely. Olahe an
AtW^m BBter^oior aelee^oa by
UUar ap boaeahold toptea. aad it te
wltelarlo^ter tribau to to elonr
wall te woBaa to attaad elaba If toy
A ynat aambtr of war ateteu tan plant.
ate raee an ab " '«ib on '“Lin Stoek
<u do ao and not aarlaet borne dattea .A to DInri Aal Fam “ Ha wee
baaa dlad with Aadliar Ooaanl Dte.
which eloard
aboald earn bar fasUy ta- ■utBfly la taro. ul anriety la etoek.
raa total. It te balterad.wUI aaaaad to ■craters*—loB waa lad or i-S.Bortoa.
tea ake don tea pablte and do bar. me 1^1 aa in tea rmoral baalaoM
#««.«• addlUoaal appropcteUea at to Ba ratetad bte Bsay
aban la tea world ehaerfallyaad waU. tba farm, and empbaalied the point of
apaelal aaaetea. Ia Ute
te rnrtrter alow asd apoka of tea
mMtlar tee brain do part of tee fara
aboald Mdaaror
Mato will ta pro rated.
work. Be beiieeed teat Jodloion aad
rmt nlae of to plaat to to tamer.
planalur. and nUHolar
Tba pror**— was totaraparaad with
Thm yaan are to It year aid aos
for the adnetaca of tkr
Mn Voorhaae’ ^par was waU writaf WUUaa Sboart of Bmklya, dteap- aateatiom by to onbaatn,
Id rreatly loenaaa tee protea mad aaroMt in parpoaa
yaand, aad ao -tnaa of kte wheretee farm. He raaommaoded tea
Wemsa’a SeaUoa.
Mtee Adaaas ran a plaao eolo whieb keeptar
of a few afaeep. if for notelar
^ . abealt aaald te obtalaad. Laal
Tta WsBaob aaatloa wat bald te to
as Bueb aejoyed, after wkteh tea more than the food work they would
a latter waa raatlrad trewhia, dated
do In rnbbtnr, and would also keep
Bapttet ebareta aad tea aatlre pneraa
la to Pkilipptoa, wbna ba te aarrU>r
of eattlA as wMl aa bore
waaoBS of balpfal teaplratloa to aU apaakiar freely oa all tea aubtewith tea Twalfte telaatry, aad nyter
aad botnea. Bte talk wat a praoUeal
who heard U.
teaoked upon durlar tba aeBlea,
oae. with Uluatratlopa from bte owp
teas ta waa a to hoaplua aoenteaI. B. 9. Ony aallad
ater froB typhoid faeer. Ha asmd
TakC-The afiarnooa aeoaloa waa opaaac
Skearb to Spaateb war with as Ohio to Bsatinr to order aad aaooa eaed
to Arei aamtar. a eloUa dost with with a abort boaIn aet maetiar. Tba ant te a few mtantap. aad r»n aal
nflmet aad tbaa want to tea Pkiltalk. In wbieb he ezalalnad to w
Mrs Oataptall aaeratary'a report fold of to aaaapal the ton eommlmloB U dolajr tow
dter. italB iateraat lakea ia to Baatlaca tete makinr the taxation of tea stale ■
At Uaster to atata Sebeol te to
vm, aad lad la prayer.
yaar, aad eoaaladad with to raeoB ceaal.
BUad tearalala.qaarantteA >6 saaas
Mr. Barteolamaw o( Kalkaska ec
Attars taw wall ebeaaa werda by
eat day amloBa fca
ef -aaalB tarter Aaealopad witete
ran a brief daae
tea abatomao aad aaotber eiolla deal. bald dariar to oomlar year at FUe BOteod of riddlar tea tern of Jnse
Ita paat S4 hoora. Boas of to riatlm
Mn. A E MoBaa waa introdaaad aad Lake. WlUiaaabarr. Klaralay and rraae aad other weeds.
annryatek. Tba^aaraattaa daa ta
After a tew words >y the newly
apoka apmtoa<
anaaofdlphteartewaa ntead aalya
aaelaetloB by
OfBaen SlaataA.
law Aaya a*o. Tta aakoot dattea aaa- bUItteA”
lad one of
to beat and
Stadwalt apes tea iBAaeaea anry
; taatitaue enr bald
OOeen te to oMiar
, alteoark
purta wbatear ha te awan ot it alaefod aa foUowa;
Ita pablte te ^ adBluad.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpel and Clothing'Hoase.




An Annual Ev.ent


e vie
oafe ud hotel proprietotA ^

Thrifty bonaewires,

..dti... i

onr prioeo are unmistakably on the side of acoDooiy.
^ble Damask. Napkina, TowsIa OmbaA Moalin Underwear, etc., ia abnndauee.



Look At These Prices!
Bigb top Farrand Jt Votey Organ. 5

One Chicago Cottage Organ, black walnut case, 5 octave, large mirror in top.
a very fine organ, goes at this sale for
One Mason k Hamlin Box Organ, in ^1 Q 00
good condition, only...........................
One Phillip. Box Organ, w.orth $20- $XQ.50
You can have it for............................. wa.w w

A MiBbt af TWter.
“Aerfal aaatety waa fait te to
wMawadteabian Oaoaral BarahaB
a<Maaklte.tta.wbmto Aoafonaald
taawealAAiafraa teaamala

- > Mn S. B. L
wta nmdad bar teta ftefal BlBb^

___ d£
ALM. I IMA bos-

____ aly lOe _
— Me at Jaa G.

lbl—1 I—te Hart*

and AB.

Ita «aM

£»awi C-wlawv S\ocV.


■yOkUe 5«At Sale.

feipiil Aawaaini


cr, worth $350jm, will go today for

Mall Oiders Given Prompt Itteiitlon.
Easy Terms If Desired.

W. W. Kimball Co.
18$ Front StrMt.

V. S. 8TBONO, ManagM.


5t1&\v YoVht, 'firuteeVt ’ftokblTveUe
aiv&'&rttwv hUV—'Dra^t eVeiautVa, to^
^ivltVv-STAVre tvern e\oeV.-Mew tbjUt
toCl lor
tame. SveelaV ilKOViut CLUrtui

KluA.\u MiveieTWeaT
be ior^otVeu.


One new Eastern Hade Upright Piano,
7 1-3 octave, with st^l, book and

At Mb

oa tea
tawer of to ante Maaeate teimple ftU
iBla to atraat Wadaaaday with a daafawtef araaA It waa at a tiwa wbsa
momr paopU wan ea tea ateaate aad
•aaaral padntnlai narrowly aaeapad
^lii^ar daate. Ita Araknaab waa
by aanral otkan to bnak
'fbllter tele toatnat aadalaoapoB
raefofto taildter- Tta towar
r etea aeaatad darter to raasat fnealar
—tew, aad to tow of Wadanday
aatemnykaAltaagafoapea to bottete wkleh tea brteta w«a laid.


Ore good Melodeon,
Yours for....................
Square Piano, old style case.


I Removal Shoe Sale I
Hot a lot of shelf worn shoea. We ean aav* yon
fkom lb to 60 per cent on yonr shoe blUa tha next
SO days—Insp^ them—get onr piioee and we will
emiTinoe yon that no other shoe hooae ofhra sneh
# goods for the eame money.
AlterlTarch lewewlUhe atSASFront



Otd Retiable

»«»««»»(•» aHtHanHaera* •»•«»«



wnp m wm-mn

!M UMT tnma I
th« maruUv Im »•


«to« «w • tvlftl «f «M
«to AMrtM *U MMk r*wnMtouvbuaiM
ic %k» Ww autet
Bhm •*»
MatoMttothAoM «f •DUla* «•«

(Twn ^ mmiUT.



EaT* had (or ■ d'vadi
■aiaia* b Ckaaa la (he ahMa
■aaar «a Bmr II WUh.
! Tte laivHt rtv la the eauatij la
Tba Rev Xa*« WorU appaan le ha Waahtapoat tine waa PhOadalr^*earp naeb amoght ap at the prcapaet U had «M» iahaUtaatB.
which tt ctalna li before the labariaf
ana la ra^wet to the biiTlag e( hla
w hara (omad a atala ■
vlater elothea.
dceardiag ta The hST"
World, both tettOe dethlag aod abeaa
<^oc«Ute la atm____________
are asi« to adraaee la prtce. aad, «( cartala porta of the iatertor o( SMth
eooroe. la The WoiWi o^lnkn. aS thla dhaerlea. aa alao are coooaaau aad
la dae to the "wkhed tariff." Aa a i ****■
antter of (art. tboia doea aot aaan to •
ralal^ la New Torh dtp trob
be •iv
aay uBoaww UkelBiood
to Jan. 10
waa aalp
uannon ef
n aa
u ad*
w Ko^rmher 16amalkot
la LM


ETfin /f $$CI£TT.


Tt Is 4toubcftd.",enld u liBimn
ate In^ tba otbar dap. -uteaihar

%gnm wf mt mngngr

ad autto indlgto that wna
oMt In Ita way (Bun ten

A map ftoaaant Mm wMatoJopad at
niBtowauHupadio pnrtg ntttoabama
0( Mr. and Mm. & K. M*wmnu a( Oak
nmaal. Wadntoiap amntog* The Brat

Mm. Ibuana. Tba baabp prtoea warn
, stm waawB Qianu. ■■rTUlT
ruaMvud bp Mm. Oaar and W. B. Damp —
------ lent. BdO nnotesr Cnitad
halL After tha ptop. datotp mCmah- State aaanter. and tba fudge had riam
to the ciicnlt besto and had flUed two
panto to PraMdaut Gtovetond'a caU-

TbaaMredthaSaaoudM B abuiuk
wamdaU^tluUpMUrtatoad Wof
dapumubMrbp Mm. Madnakap oCwast
ufeuMM '
not aanuad that V prteao do adeaaea
Seoator Platt la aa
rrMtatraat.who haa hsan tba ahntr
era will hot bear aap e
«M tM(m U MuMk UBMtlaaMt? the wage eoraora of the eaaatrp that deat of Preach titeratwa aad haa Itoterforn toug ttowA dalii
topparwaapnpnmd bpE-T Maana^
huMa e(
kap.stoe<tbabtotaaa. Afurtbaaup*
f»kM teas toM tM*« wtik tb*
par, n seep plaamnt uvautog was apaat
ibte to MN (or
wa aood, whaterer tba prtee. Boon >p. Bpragaa. who bManacasatf at Olb*
IHtota haea bob ebeapar la tba dwo ralur la l»4ff
A vurp aujopaUa aoulnl aveni took
«M hwflwi oflM MMtor la tbo tiada dapa af tba WOaoe tow. le aona | judge Dadd Oanerae. wboa Oo»’wmU li«aka awaalad at tba aoaihMM
aad merchaota aroor Btaae of PeaaaplTaato baa ap* ptoea last avsnlag to tbe form of a
V af BroaA atrwl aad
a wflU^ ta aall a I Urn bacanaa palateduaBcceird/Ddge/ahBj.MUch* priaaouMtoBlfu KaUaggeddM fflttb
atraat. Soma of km frlanda tavftod
giaga. lathadaaaatol dlatrtot of Saw thap coBld BOt aell to tap othar wap eU. hegaa life aa a ailne bop.
ProfeOBor Todd at Amherst coll^ tba guaat* to atoamhto M tba beu
1W%. hp tha ^tUao laaHp Oa. U aad baeaaar tbap waatad nmiep aa
eria ha M atortoa Mfh, aad «m eeatoU badip aa to ba wUilag ta aaeil&ec gooda aad Pmclral Lowell of Baatea are Mia* nottooa Tbompaon oa Brant
AIMWa«aaratoat«f opaaa lor raabi ta
“ aane «aoM tbaia waa an apparest rica to obatTve the eclipoe af tha atraat tram wblcb ptoaa tbep proaa
a poorer goalltp of
to tha home of Mtoa XaUogg, making
Bsa la Map.
William Battrrabp PioniicBn. a eet* thaaarprtoa oomplata. Amt atotoan
eoat H.OOO.Oto
the proaperooe dape of peotac*
la erdar to aospleto tha alto tha'th*. In ererp cmae. bowerer. the pao* ersa of the Britleb arrnp who died ra- fuertawam pmoant aad Utonaadleaa
centlp la loondon. wa* tbe sole Bnrvlv* to aap that tha eventog waa varp plaaanotopaap waa obhgad to pap «Mi,«oo |d« had oo nooep with which to bop lag cUlmant lo a poneluffiiiaaled dur*
dor a half of a U bp: 100 foot lot Ihla'inore than the bareat oecaaaltlea of tog ttad reign of William IV.
nnJp apentto pUptog puriorgume*
aotoo half lot waa aold la im for U.'
hnd not alwapa that So It did hof
It wa* a varp lau hour betora tbe
matter nnch wbatbar tbtaga arara
gu**!* departed to tbelr bomea. Dccbea|> or not.
lieiOM mtraahmeaia wem aerved.
There la a prettp good atorp told, oe
« oo tba Dcear*<tolata and tha wblcb The World and othar peopla
boota (Tin a;wonld do well to Biadliace. An old
Indlm, m tan 'inap «ittrampls on
oaatral auikn at Dpear. whara a polo .Irlahtnan totelp come to tbu coontrp I&JittoLJiLtoLtottoLtoLAJlimMdudti It. but it will eomc up amtllag every
ti-ne." Oalmana Blaatie ffloor Varutob
wttl bt oreelod. Tha maata of the «m« dropped Into the comer ffroc^
Tba large andieooe that atteadad
d 'lo()ulred
the price
boat will aaa« (or :tbt other aad o( *^d
- ‘
' trf poutoca.
^ tha dad 8aa Wave*" to tba Catp
w told that the price waa 70 ceou
cent a Opera Hoaaa iMt evanlng are a unit in
ntreatt. Tba apaton will than ba ei*
Aa Bdltorto Zdfa Saved bp Cbamber
boabeL "Orb." aald Pat "aod abitra
r to tha Doear-Oaland
cronooBctog it unqoeatloaablp one of
aod I could bap them (or a ablUto a
totab Ooagb Bemadp.
Mata. too.
ihelnaet of the kind that a Truverae
tmabel to the onld counthrp."
During IbacM-lp part of October.
At Bnaaaala, reh.-t. Obartoa ffranaoto '
IBSft. leonwuotod a bad auld wbiob
•ndBalgara a maalaiB of tha art of aetuad
i. tbenr aaked the
tbe grocer,
SWi. aa analaaa arUat, died Mondap tham.
on mp tonga and waa negleeud
and their aoi«a. jokaa uatU I fenrad that aetoumpUon had
to kto TOih eaar Ba nalBUd with tala
tol>hrn. aod where would X get
S^hil tbe abllllbT will pa. teu Ita. that aad daoeaa eallad out abundant ap- appenrad in an tomptont atMa- I waa
nowr aald Pat
and ware n dallgbt to the audl- oonatnatlpeoKblngand trying to r~
io(bla , And tbe tooml la that aotbtog to
of prattp glrto with palaomatbtog which I oonld ooL
aaarb are now to Atoortoa.
beemma ntormad and after giving lha
cheap wben pan barent tbe nooep to
awaotvetoaa formed tha oherua Tbelr loaaldaetorntolnIboBghtu botOo ef
Tba Dailad Mtotoa traaaporto Pah-' Ph7 for <L
anng, •‘Japnaw* Babp" waa oua ef tba Obambmtoto’sCbnghBamadp.aad tha
1 aad
bava arrle-1
tobaruOa ratoU waa im^iato tmi/n*aattok
•ad tnm the Phnipatow <to hoM4
after I bad nsad tfaraa bottlas mp
tha ^rholr. “Bp tha Sad Baa Waeea’ aad
lunga ware raatarad to thalr hoaltkp
hhaBhanaaaara 71 toealldad ooldtoaa n. aeoM i.
pdlac (ba Palter
u unquastkmablp made tha bit of stato.-*-a a ■dwurto, Pnhltohar of
M«M tha ladtoha are tha hodtoa ofj whiab Umm
Tba Beviaw, Wyant. III. POr tola
■a« dead a^diara. ,
»aa of aonnd aeaat wonld
Juit what the parfermasaoabenld ba S K. Walt aad P. a Tbompnon. dr
a man
man waa
was aa foe
fool who had,
Baffalo'a Ltoaoto' Btrthdar atonoto*,' agree that a
e proc- eullad to a quMtkm. Tbara to baralp
eoeugb>>ol about it to maaa it bang
,------------------- —-------a (orinne aod
, “to par* ; extended hie bnatocaa ao that ba aopgatbar.aadpatther* to not a dall
.galaaia tha maMrr of Abmhato Uo*: pUed hla own town and bl* own auta moment from bagtontog to Md.
nets." wbwh tha tndWM haea offarad. and tbe whole eoaotrp wttb bU prod- wbo attandad are “aera" but It to
to the park dapartaant aa a oontrlho- ocu and who. baelog atoleved tbia owing antlralp to tha feet that tbep
etontowoidaatmBditaramoBanMtto •»«««
decMa to throw ow toughed tai tbelr aMaa aebed. Tba Bod U They are Dtoenand Um tba
_____ 1hi* method of manafacrare wblcb had
Wortd’a arunteat Kidany Cura
......................... 'brought bln ait bU rlcbe* and aocccto ^paap to T«7 waU baUneed, and
■atootf J. Baglap. of Bmoklpn, S.
, nietbod no better or them to not a poor aelor to tha east.
T.. >UrhU7 poM bk Mol. 0«»t.
, mo, won. Ibuu.t0.wlb7
Manager Wilhelm of the dtp Opera
.^mllio, In tbe back wltk an nnbiel- bli wonld be compeiltor*. Yet that U
la The eharp potot ptoraed theekto* lu«t what our clear headed. weU rea* hoMk proposed to have the beat at
▲lamUlo I* dpUtf of H-MWl
: aouing frieod*, tbe free traders, want
OoP* OB tha read (or bU patrena
« •*«
» protectlTe With tbto to view, ha baa aaourad a
data with rannp Blea. tbe be«t ee-' Bp asking pourmU three qncaUom poo
«l tha Order of dtaien ef Marep to thla i,,
rlcbew coontrp to the world. It
madlanoa on tbe stage, and she will mn determine wbrnnot er not pout
woutrp aad tha toot anrrieoref tha has pot luelf at tbe bead of the aakidnepe arc dmaged.
naeaaatotonbrongkt totatoeoutrpto Uon* todiutrtoUp. It In* kept the se bam ThnraA*p. Vab. iS'h.
Pimt; *'Have pou ba^acbe or weak,
Tbto aetraa* to aald to ba the moat
iMI.dtodamt. Xkftor**eoneant mar American market for Itaelf. It ha*
lame back f"
Latrobe, Pa.. Wedasadap ol tha to6m- reached out and I* f*«i takldg poaacw noted that ever eama to Truvaraa CUp.
Second: “Do poo bam dlScnltp to
dtlwefold ago
market* of the world. All db* giada a great hit a (aw pears ago nrinettog oc a too freqaent daaltc to
to ‘-A HIgbl at tba rraneb Bkll." and nrinaieP’
0. wou
bird: “Are there depmit* like brick
bar plnp tbto eanaea to aUU batter.
>1 in tbe Briue after it ha* Mood for
neiead bp the departMBi of ladton af* ,„p tbe ip.tem of protection. Whp Nbatoanntwul oomadianea. and bar
Nitp-foar bonnl'
rtotnnnd kp tbe»all» anthorttto* of do pou want It now when pou can dio* bamor falrlp bnbblaa over. Sbe to a
Id iu earlp Uagts'kidnep dim*** i*
fraah tioahto amoag the ladlaae ef tote term* to the worid aod can congraat (avorito to all tha larger eitlaa, raadilp cured bp a lew bosm of Dr.
nfger Uard. hoeek nanher* ef a tool worid iwtee*r Tbe anawer 1* aim*
KJduep-Livar Pill*, a pmpaiuaad Travaraa dtp thantm foara am to
«aMeh Iadlaa tanUp naand MaTaeUk P<r- Wa Intend to contlnoe to matotato
lion which ha* mad* Dr. Cha*e ianibw
ba eoncmtalalad oa the apportnaltp to Ihrongboat the world (er bU wondmfal
' «rn aald to have been nardarad. Thaia
protecUee tariff poUcp baesua* wa
cUra* of diaaaaw of lb* kidaepa.
Mr. Isaiah Masigold. psintas. Water*
tows, tt. V., writas: “1 ham had a
Wlc-rabm am not made bp the mm vurp bad case of ktdnep affection tot
tima, and doctored in vain until
it ^ wltoberafi. A oeweU waa bald, .wap agata. The proaperltp wbkh wa dlate.
Dr. A W. Cham'e Kidnm-Llver Pilb
Love laiT bUnd; It ueuallp area
ton HaTnelahto aeadinnid aod a might could not win under free trad* wc
ntibak pUnaad for Ihalr 4oatt«atton.' know from eiperleaco wa could not double.
Tbe emnk bae but one idea—tha foe) e^h _to ^uiei of thnir waudtrfnl
•dMtog Are to tha HcTattoh hoM too i k*^P **•'*«■
toads. Tba prosperltp
anengaa ahei their vtotlM aa toap at*!
hare woo andar protection
if pon have kidnap dleeaae, pon can
Bpmpathp aoon forgets, but anvp has
we can keep t
I, and we
totoptod to eanape tha flaotaa, oalp one
take Dr. Cham'* Kldnep*Uvcr PilU
good memorp.
Intend to keep it
oftba fhmtlp o(A
Scheming for an angtgamriit rtog with pericet conBdcoce tUt what bee
aa afasolsu core to m mmp
design to jewalrp.
ronahlag the ahaliar eftho foraatand
ibMsaada of caara will aot toll yon.
Tbe turn to tbe lane alwi^a oomcn
X alMnaialp tha Oaana TrtoLtog CamSo long a* the celU of Umkirb^ art
net eomplatclp wMtad swap, ta to the
paap'a atora ef Lakatowa.
One or the ParpMOT ot Petooettee el wben we leuai ezpM It.
Pame la givep a' man that otham last atagm ol Briefs dtoetaa. Dr
anerteea ledaeier*
A aaoro e( dtoaoar«a4 aotontota wka
Chaae'i Kidocp-LIvcr PlUt will glm
It U rerp clear that tbe dap la net. map dtomvm bU weafcoeaa.
them new vigor and strength, and make
tar distant wbeo tbe pkodnet* of c«r
Ibcaa atrong,b*nltbp and actlva. One plH
ahopa and factorla* will be aoM abroad
- ^bon; at all daaleia. or Dr.
^ aa freelp and to a* great valne as tba
wait to •
tbelr product* of ogr (amn. Tbl* to on* of
aato arriral to wkat toap aallad ••Oed’*
-aeaBtr]|." la tha groan ware w. B.
Tha height of some men'* ambMea
Andaroaa ef Pralrtoatp. ta., and B. a Tlew. Tbep bar* not been aatlafled to to to be able to aap "I loW pou ao."
Btoko of halwpn. la. Tbap *ntd the o*e tbelr coontrp flgnr* to Un com*
I>eal gentlp with poor frlmda; otbmerop of the world merelp a* a •onrea
wMnlkp 9t &a Otorto haa baaa Bade bp
wlae po^map break up tbe game.
Warabo's Uimk.
Ttovoma Clw au
Thep hare dealred
Hanp a man rmemWm a moeier. Ba
•b.bu.7 lfWk*l UlboUb. ..uof „„u.lMU0BUm.l.UOOOI>O<tEubbo.oUbooi.noUoUo„., u, bl7bl7 bbkbrt pudbou of
narhantcal akUl and togcopltp. and
The amall bap Ilkee maternal epmpnnow. under n tboroogblp pmtectJre tar­
3*tu mt OiatBiM tar Oattnb that iff whlrii ba* Imu^t unexamptod tbp. but he never Ufcec hi* mother to
feel for him with her aUpper.
piweriip to American trade and la­
An iBdlridnal wboee Idui* are vagug
bor. tbl* tong hope of eareeot patriotae to hi* own duUm usuull.r baa vurp
ton U being fumUed.
clear Idea, a* to the dutle* of Us
tha whole ipetem whan aatering It 'It I* a pleaeant omen—a bright token nalghbure.
Prompt, cnrelnl and eonrtaens ntton
thoagh toe mooeu* mirfaeaa. dn^ar*
I Tbe woman wbo think* *he I* ma»laaeu oni-tbai
om-in*» former
tocmer mdroiate*
aovoiutea of
at , —„ ^ novellef*
ttolce abould never be OMd eaoept on faded
' hero and the
tbe mao Uto. Tba atrongeat and oldest Bm toprMwIptton* from roputable phpsl- ftee trade are rejolctog alinmt aa heart* who tUnk« he I* tuarrptog a wtogle** anmnoe eompuolm to tbe world mpmitoted
In mp agenep.
clana. a* the damege tbep win do la
angel tovariablp discover that
ton fold to toe g^ >oa can poaalble
rtage I* a fallum.—Chicago Dailp
iitaMiBloii. TkwTl
dertea trom them. Ballb OaUrrb Oara Ibvir policp bmnght to perfect vlndlcal- Nawa.
__________ tioo. Tbe wrifam of onr common
Them to ao bettor aaadtolna (or tbk
coontrp to tbe Important tbtog. That kuhtoa than tteambarlUa'a Oongb Bam*
onoe aacumd. tbe aharpnaae of tbe aco- adp. Itt nlaaaaat toata and prompt
apatam. U bajlag BaUbCbtorto Oaia toomle eoatmrerap which pmceded It la' and cffeotual auma make it a lavorlto
ba nawTea ..gat
gakZ^ltto qulcklp aad aaallp (ergottas^hs It ought wttb motbam aad amall ehtldmn. It
qUAlpaana tbelr eougba and aoUa.
--------- **----------------- •- ortobor —'—
e^igutoem It alae auma emup awl
Pcoaperi^ wlO anmlp^mrttoua. ter baabaM toad to toM «t tbauMnda o(
Msawltbouta atagto ^um oe ter
tottobneubitonMato lantu. It aet
tsma and merchants am abaekM •alg uBua mtoug. toutwhangtea^
wtte debt at nnder tbe roUicr Wlto« nnntotothnu»^tougbniTamru>min
tnrit. Momover.
' '



, -by-


tttlva to rrjprieeul It Mr. BnRtoeu
aided tee CUtod Stotee dtotrict nttoOMp. and SauAtor David Tupto aad
Vice nmamt Tbamna A Handrian
amumd (w tea Daraocruto. Tba
wna Walter te Ormham.
A Vrigbtel Biutear
WOl often aauaon hnrrlhla Bam,
Seuld, Cut or Braiaa. Baaklaa'U Anitaa Satva will asm tee pato aad preapt*
to haul it Onras Pever Seeua, Dleem.
BoQa. Oorm. nU aUa Brunttona. Beat
Pile sum OB eurte. Oulr M ols. a bon.
Onm gunmatoed. Bold bp Jaa. O.
iehnson and A B. WaltU drag etama.

John F. On itiDL^

lirntM Chi bakv Ci.
TfimwClij. -


EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at

bbwk. lie rroet uiM.


Sec wmples in window.


. ..Dentist..

. OBMuOnpOasm


Rt^iSSE ;= B=5Tr«

firudlifUit IMIUiKl.


nut ItuB.u.ira.'

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A*eU*.aad alaapar Oraad Baflds t* «tom-


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Paa» atraat.___________________

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T’JSKirBirsin.'s'Eri Thi Pm lirqueltt lifliwl
TTraUTBO - OIrl (er (aaaml heaaawerk.
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eaapataat balrHn. Wa. A roatM. «K Waahlactae at UAtr
- lapkU.

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lar«* Btoaa kwamaat aad atau* eamdaHaa,


warearv- ter Am rieat atraat. Imna (er
aaUlac. fWse to >**m elir- Jma TgUk.

John R, Santo,
fiUNlI lisiniM.



For Fire Insurance

ramta. abarrala- Jaha Varir.



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JVTmB-OIBa BbOCKH-riw a a
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teodpmduMea. Lsk

Bldnralk bmbw la >U Mml

«*svs KSKrra_ ■siat SsivtvisIsSrrt aBMMora M xnmn. CUj
LatMr Oo.




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oPsaM rrktS
aad t*« a*. Ml Baai mrSl* mtm



Bn. OBm, Hukhm KD.B.

AMMMatlmw. tami

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