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The Morning Record, December 05, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Doth Whit* and Marah RmwIv*
Executive Clemency
Hire OF $5,000 EACH
Qov. Plnarree Hade Hie Action
Known Last NiKht
4041. .
llpMW to A. HMhic Rows.
nourmcB or caovrx
iStvn IS S mfOtem
PhUedsliiiia, Dm.
Othwof Osew L. Bonu. the West
Pedwt <wdM who died
<d the tfaroetaed Inu.
mid by aoubw of his bmity to hare
ty barisir tohaeeo wnoe
toted down his tlimat by cadets at
the miltoy awdray. U of tie optii'
ion that the 1me1b« was aot dae to
the dislike of his m pmceally, bat
owiBff to the daeire of the eadeu to
fraei the aeadtsny all am
who are not aoes at army ofBeer
Paris, Dee. 4uised in the senate today by Oseetal
I both Otaecsl W. L. Msroinr. dorlnc the debate
d bill, pointiiut ont the tear with
which Great Britain oonld be inrad.
' 0«L A r. Msnh. «s-iaqao(or|«Mixl •d by a Preach force.
of the MieUcMt Xstioi^ OunL ooD'
vioMd of eonplicltr is*the etate miU'
isrr rtotbla, tissde.
cr|B,00O&pe brmA.
Ooaml White «M tskoo to JwAooB
laet oi|H>t sad foorted to the {rim
thUmonilnK st6;» o-eloek. later
is the dsr he W>* eeterod spot
Lstngworthy !• Still a Sfyeclal
trim h«s ei Bmber 7ML Be
aeslirned to the tailor (bop where the
■ Policeman
elothtna for the ooaeleti if auAe.
WhiU wae sot prt to wort at once,
M.tl ie eaetowaiy loallow a few deji
before pattiB, the prlioiien at work.
Ylie awmal eleotioa of officen of the
L. a B. A. will take plaee thU erM.
ta«. A fall atteniteDoe U deeired.
Use of the wiadow dlsplaja of the
Mmaotile Oa preoenta a onfaine
' «ofa hoffe iatita. UoD epliln-'e web lb *hich
eorteoftoTa and faoer artidee for
holiday {
Tlie aoeial that wae to hare been
irireo by the T. P. 8. O. K. of the
Pteabyteriaa oboroh Thoraday eronbijr
hae beeo poetpoped.
Aaa nntlt of the {raaetilaHon of
*'ne Meoaiab.” Ike |dpe oipao fluid
<ef the Cconretatloeal ohttwh will be
leoreaeMi by ^oiie a Mbatantlal aua.
The RToae rr&lpto of the Ontario won
9M0. and the oEpaaae will be abool
47>. Of the oet {rooeeda Prof. C. K.
' Horvt aharee eqaallj wiihllie pipe
oepaD eoDimUtee.
Hiere will lie a meeting of the KeUil
this eteoiiw at R:»0
o’clock in Monugue halL Rehedimenu will lie serretl and a fine time
U upecied. .All mcQiben are urged
to be {reaenl.
Mn. George K. Ball it severely ill
at her home on Weal Seventh nreei.
The name of l>r. C. ). Kneeland
was omitted frwn tlie rc|m handei]
t-UeforiSilkelt lele IMnMreio Heper■Uoe or Poke IB Ibr
Mwal rueiberilr
itily of
rontioi- bnsineas last evening lot tlie
not an exeiling
The only time when Ihorv Was any
special inhwost manifested was when
the claim of H. A. Lougwortliy fur
Tices ,B4 night roUoeman. on the
itli side came np in Uie regAlar mlariet eeoomic The eotincil would not
liave it that way, on the gronnet that
he had aot beea r^polated to the poeitioa he ia bolding, nor has be been
by the eonacll. Mid in ad
dition the claim called for klD more
,th than Mr. Blacken was get
ting. who had been dnly appointed
and oaoflnaed. After pxaaing the
rest of the claims and acManta, Mr.
Isuigworthy'i bill of $50 was allowed
bat it was the eetiae of tUe oonnoil
that a pmnancat appointment shonld
be made and nonftnned. Mayor Fried
rich staled that he had not deiiivd to
force on the city a man that did not
with the approval of the eonncil
and be wnntd make a iiemiauent ap
liolntmeot at the next tegniar meeting.
On the motioo of AtBerman Roaud.
the mUry of C. O. Blacken was rais
ed from $10 to $50 B month.
Tbe proposition of the Villard W.
0. T. U. to erect a drinking fooutalc
on ProDt street seemed to mt-et with
the appromi of tlie aldermna. bnt was
referred beck to the committee on fire
and water to more deffnite eposiderition.
The board of water oommlssioaers
as given anthoritr to extend the
water msitis across thr Union street
bridge, and to replace the prrtent 4inch main on Union street between
Tenth and Eleventh with a lO-ineh,
main. This will give tar belter pro
tection to the south adds.
The extension of tlie sewer east of
Union strvet sonth to Thirteenth was.
referred to the sewer
Plato and a report rw tlie rabject w<tv
iweeeiteri by Engineer Wataonarrowing of money in this
city to meet tbe bills of the UnitedBmtce Oast Iron Pipe ft Fonndty Co.
d Korekp>
Muaionary SoAetyI of
< the Cl
(KHial chutch wik
1 with Sfrv
. Frank Hamillon, room 3 Park
'ark 1’
this afternoon at 3 o'clocl!. ,\s Ihwc
will be election of oHlrers a full aiieftdance is desired.
There will lie a regular meeting ol
Dochets camp No. 2«5, M. W. A..
tORiorrow night.
annual election
of officers will take place and other
ira|iortant business transacted. A-fuIl
attendance is desired.
The statement in ) csterday's Rec
ord at to the marriage of Air. Harry
Cook and Mim Cora Walter has been
lound to be an error,.as they have not
been married.
The election ofoAcers tor Uie Rathhone Sisters has been postponed till
nett Moiulay evening.
The examination of James Thi^i.
The petition of John F. Ott ft Oo
charged with chicken stealing, which
was to have ocrurreil today, l^been for the remittonoe of hydrant rpnUl
for hydrants on tlieirgronnds naedfor
(lottponed for a sredc.
only, wra referred to
The Traiente Bay Sewing Circle
sfill meet with Mrs. l,e)mun ioroor- the ebsnmittee on Are and water.
A {voposiHon from the Boys' Band
The Hannah & l.ay Mercantile Co. for the city to snpport a city bond,
teceiveti a carload of mattresses ves- by pa.ving to an Inatjnctor and for
hall mot for tbe bnnd was favorably
by the copneil, and a definite
TheWoman-s Foreign MLssionarv riewedIbyt
socielT of the Baptist churdi will . . ition will be received from
meet with Mrs. John Alillis this alter- the Boys’ Band at tiie next* meeting
SaOo dock.
of the conncll.
, ‘
Cotimv Clerk Newton U confined
~ dlrwied
to hit home by tUnest.
! •" “J-rintend the location of aU telThe annual tneetinc: of IbKhest j
telephone and electric U|rtt
Camp Na 2346, M. W. A., will oc- P®****o »*». and
nir this et eniiK. Offiem will be
U" the former action of the conn,
elected, and oU are requested to be
the removml of pole*
The snprem coart has granted a
writ of error in tbe cue of Addison
TvraotD AT OALVKsrrox
Stores \a the Mkhi^ Starch Co.,
BOtTBTH TXAB.>^aill7
: Pfaw TiaiwM C*T
I2ew Htadf for Inspection
In view of the tact that the High
ectooi team to not aaxiaas to a date
Oar iMgaificeot assortment of Christfrias
aDd New Years presefats. The daintiest and prettiest
prodoctioos of art in books, pictures, calendars, toilet
sets, bibles, albums, toys and games, and 'thousands
of pretty Aovdties. The
with the Ttaverae City U. at M. Team
Committto Melee MenyChen«ee From Original Draft
day’s Beeord. tbe ladependrats have
decided to take tbe bUer team cm
their string, {worided tbe U. of M. ‘s
do not back oat of ftie {wi^tlon.
Hie ladepeadenta are a eity team, and
hope to make matters latmasting to
tbe University stndsnts if they ^ay.
Ways ar^ Means Committee
Will Suggest 26 Cents.
Yonr Christmas
Men Tbae the *0*4100,000 Bm
HeerMerreribe Tmerarr.
Rimal to Tto HavMaa B«rt.
Wariiington, Dea A—Ways a
ieally agreed
m rednetloe of the tax on besg. This
radaotton will be about >5 oeeU a
tsureL There U much oppoeitkm in
the hoase to the propoeed redaotioo.
It U alsp fonnd that a mneh larger redoetion in war revenaes can be safety
made than the $Xl.OOO.GOO tecomraended by the {sesident and tbe secrelarr of the treasnry.
Dec. 4—The army orwas reported by tbe
honse oommittee on military affairs
today with many ohaagee from the
draft as reported by the war departProvlslaa is made to the ap^
rat of Gen. Fitxhagh Lee toa
unee Wilson as brigadier geaeraU, Bad Gen. Bhsfter as a Major
General of the regnUr army. The
chief of artillery Is to be enUtled inipeotor, atmclied to the staff of the
the army. Pro
vision retiring the artillery chief as a
brigadier general was stricken onL
Washington, Dec. 4.—At an exeenlive session of the aenate this afterSenator Loilge of Maiimchnsetts.
in charge of the Hay-Panneefote
ity. mid he wonld laem the convoatimi at eveiy poaibli> opportnaitv
to endeavor to secare a s}ieedy ratiflcation. Kepnwentaavr Driggs of New York
■day Introdneed a resolntlon provid
ing for an Investigation by the seeretary ol
Point, e^meuay the ’‘haring" of
L Boos vriio died ceeenily.
from the effects of injuries so received
“BeUeve me, it ia a aoble thing to give.”—Ibeb.
I One Thousand Dozen Xmas
The Prices So Modentc.
Ladles' Xnus Slippers
Handtome, comtotoble — very
-M, «. HSo
CbUdren’s Xmas
This CTcninc, between the hours of r and 9,
we "Offer:
laitUl Handkercbteta, worked with ailk,eaclj at........ ........lOe
IniUal Handkercbieb. all aUk. at.*.............................26 and fiOc
Uidorad Handkerchief bwotifol gou^ at...............lOandSbe
J*in. with i, I. 4 or 1 inch heiu, } dox in fancy box at.. .11.00
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, very tine, si..,.25c or 1^76 dosen
{ The bsndnomrat line of Colored Silk Hendkerchiefs st 50 nod
7'k: over shown.
Dninlv slitiiea, servieeable —
sate to pleajs- the little ones—
60. «5. T5r.
Men’s Holiday SUppers
AaaealA.O. U. W.
lASt ntgbt tbe A. O. U. W. held
' ' r annnal elcotian, which resalied
I BOamilllitlMII«ieiBiMi|i ■ - ■ 25c'tiS2.n
Past Master WarktasD-Anga* M.
Master Wortman-Wm. Jackson.
Foreman—Ohas. Kelly.
Overseer—L. 6. Cnrtia
Recorder—J. M:4sgrlg.
Financier—O. E. Bamaa
S. Benda & Co.
'£ Bonvenir to Isdies.
The Popular Shoe House I
The Old Stand.
Qaide—Horry Roond.Inside Worfcman-E. W. Boiler. .
sOntside Wortman-W. J. Nelson.
Physiclan-H. R Gsrncr.
Tnistee. S yean-Angns McCotl.
Debwete to Orend Lodgi'-Angns
McColl; altenute. Joa Mnrrhie.
Do You Need
If you do, you had better see that
Sample Line. About 30 of them yet
that will be sold at
We knot them
1-3 Off Regular Price
ntw stock...
Clamia No. 7 and .5 of the Fir»i
M«hodi»t 8nn.tay »ch<»l ’"11 give
an Gtlapodaida aoriol Friday even
ing. Dec- 7. X prognun. delieion* reaomclhing cIa’"
will be givoji. All an- invited. Ail-
Let Bends be Voor Santa. >
A Jacket?
time U think
nhout «
y,>is4}.t. M. OHrM«.
The following ofBoria liave been
•Ifoted by the K. ft A. M.:
W. M.—William Abbott.
Senior Wanico-H. .O. Joynt.
Junior Warden—8. W. Barns.
Secretary—E. A. Newton.
Tteasnrer—O. B. Hale.
The tnstoUation of offleers will oc
cur Dec. «.
each paid a fine of $4
$1.35 for asraolc and tnttery. This
u the remit of their link* trooble in
Hotel Whiting Thanksgiving
They stoaUy denied that any| knife
was n^ in the fracas with the night
clerk Ons Oreenwald, Int he is
e<|iiaUy em|dmtie in his declaration
tliat it was. and points to the cat in
his hand as proof.
In iiBpoting the light set itenee-which
he prononnoed upon the yoang men.
Jndge Roberto gave them some very
esome advice that they will do
well to profit l>r. He stated to them
that they are at the parting of the
ways, and that their fntnre lives de
pend mnoh upon tnelc d<«.'Uion at
tlie inesent Ume.
of osefbi {Wveento it eo
fiivKv i.ioirr rixK«
oeeg MfW Who
TroeUe T
StvlBc UerUolorRaU,
Charles Oollns, Winfield
worthy and .
HOBART-BEECHER CO.. Proprietors.
despite the_________
yon come here. Hie
a BoUey JMtarday rwived
sr from Secretary Baer of the
Uailed Society of Chiisian Endeavor
him to exhibit hU toaons
at the Initlaml OhtotlBO^KBdenvor bonTMition in Ciadnaati next snmiaer.
When the maseom was dispUyed at
Detroit last yenr, it errated a great
deni of inteteat, tbongli at that time
Mr. UoUey had bat 8S0 articles of hU
own. iNow be 1ms 2,100 articles
which will be
iee agrrat many that will be oontributed tj Mr. Holley's oorreepondeoto in 16 eoantriaa
w w .w Ot^ Book Store
II The gnat Holiday Store of Northern Michigan.
: U. Boiler Wgl KsbMl Hie Pe-
Enirpniil till rut's uki.
Latest Hopeltits
Open Eveninfs From Now Until Xmas.
make Your « «
Selections Dow
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.
Bamum & Earl,
MuaaoH Block.
Jtre You Up Co tht
mark ?
michlgaa ttkpbtm Cc.
l*4y Miatmss st Arm*—Dora Hsiv.
IMdy Picket—Msry JoMiooa.
ini DOiUD^
wish to bo so,
so. the To1o-|
pb^e is iodis|ipensilile.
_ .
lie lip b> till* work. I
TravMW liar Hive Ktretloa.
in tbic age. witbont ibis twentieth |
The oaDOAI election of ofllcera
itory sdiaiict.
Tmveme Bay Hive. No, 71. for the cent
i« the time to get intocoD-1
coming year, whirti occnrrvd ln*l! N'
evening, renilteil ia the foil
”*j Not in two bnorB—Not lomor-J
lodie* being elected
row, bat immediately
-Clara Rector.
Indv Commoach r-Cbllie
Tbe other fellow often gets the i
Lady LieuL Oommsader- Emma order yoa might fasve bsd. becanM!
be has a Telephone in bis pisce
'kody Record KeepM-Anna Hornnood.
Ask the local nunagers.
lady Finaaop Keeper—Agnee MeMichoeL
lAdy ChapMin-Bmma Helm.
No' more—no less
The PingreiT
Ladies' Shoe
Yon take no cliancee when
VQlj }«y$3.UU^for thin
Speak forCbemseloes
Motle o? new and etrliah
loele-heevT and light nleo.
kid lin.-d-a .hoe that wean
well and fiU well. Yon get
them of tbe Uld RelUble
Siioe Mon.
Osr naaes speak tor themselves, ai4 their saperiorlty
to everywhere sckaowlefifed
TKra Nraw Sftrarad.
Cbursday* Dec* 6
irviliek block. Drera^
ity-ooc yvara of sgr. ^ '<
had beeo ill. at timva for three
wraks poaL bat It was not thought
tlmt dratfa was oo near.
H. L. Garter took ehrnnm of the
body, which wiU be token to Saginaw
Tharaday morning to bnrioL
Hm monthly axwtiag of tbe Wo_mn'4 ^«e and Ftosifft Miasioaory
soeie^ of the First M. S. ohateb wUl
be held In tbe ebarcli psrkra todsy
Uvee Tau Wlmm.
at 2:10 pm- Brief raemarla.'
vices WiU be held to deomsed
ben. MimBae Johnson will fasre
palate* by tbe reestit
tbe direotion of tbe ygoerrain. wbirt
witl oaoxist of Ghri
etaieof. typhoid fever. The
Mia JohaaoD of Grand B^dds wUl
Tear best feelings, yoar aocdal pc
slttcn or your bnsinemsMeemd^di
give s talk w atom week with which
■be hse been cotmeeted. Tea wUl be
ttot a MjoHty ef a
ed fton 6 to $. A gimwal inviUI. nu, «n <-en«diSn>«b, (Vedtrphi
iy change the disease,
ftmahsTiU-tnariet in 0
triedhcKat the last term of ctrort
Starrs sru awarded damages tor in*
Janes received whik working in tbe
factory. Tbe caae was carried to ^
supreme court by Hon. W. H. Fos
ter, attorney for the company.
•»r*1o> Up T» a OCtocfc «
DOW Open nt the bOB
____ .-ertxxM 111 Prioes aSe,
$0n.T$o. BSrSafrM-Ol
Get a good imitrumetit while vonr
children otv yoong. and they will
ioon ohow a foodnevn and on aptitude
for mule. We have a large ditplar
of the best iutrnmento. and will be
glad to ibow them to yon.
made iUell fit «
» » ttlear Ulell
I 20 Front Street.
That's what we know about
N. E. STRONG. Mlanaxer.
krubee.clothef brart*s.eta..
in ebaay, cboDcdd and otfara
blaekmateriaL Price* fran
ao oenli to $ dolkn. Look
them over at
“trv-ine” Shoes
These shoes are mide of the very best material
possible at the price, none but the best of firorkmeo
arc employed in their manufacture, in fact 'they’re
the best fittiag. most durable ladies' shoe we ever,
sold at tbe price.
* * * $2.00
Front Street.
I aMoraro ionNO^ n^r
dmlTattmtf ttstmm “Mggmj” -Emlp
ttM mOMtoemVarlaoBtff torn mha at the Kew T<ak mmdtoemaof ttb(tornttcmiMhiagaotWm I laifi ||■lln TiU^ of Bow
agearhatbmo aroa%hi
&M^a n WAWltt • ttge «s»tw
IbeMdcr ctttto tbed
<rf ehOdmn. to htosp «ms of tte ompm.
X Beww a ttO.
bac^ bhlerpnya atodatoam.
la was bnt tme ttoa
eratff earioa* marine pJaate. wMch ft
tom to ttavlllto*: tottstt
«ipi<V Witt its pimttr daws. Beam
rim them «nt to itt montt. wfaata ft- patring ttnea. Herei
Bere was a
aem» fc> fcrepa sopplyff wmerprorf
gtato. and ttwto to its bott. U to sapposed to do this for laotrctitsi fnm its
enrsairs. for. Imlf bmisd U tbe mad
poasiUe also that tte nnb
iprigx for adartunewt. as it afem selects
tboott scenetimm tbe seeds eff marine
^ts male <m Ha hade end grow tb^.
-bat it never lume the bandy nsr <d be
n* pmMnt
In hU
«e -the OhtoMe dlwtiMt.
thmgh tfant por^ioe of the doco
there U
pwifawnlneiK the epirit of
t in
.OMblM wUd> afftote
pMren et the tnsrtd.
Ot» iendiex
While the t*c«-
Meet beUmt in eznotiaic Jut mnaDmmum tor loMk* of
China tmi enaeiest pnnii^uneiit tjf
the pvpetnttor^of the Boxer ootnirea
he MgM eceinet an extreme
whkh troald InrolTe ,thie and the
otter wotJcne in
hweaU be of
oc* to ov
iwmmerclal Intareata, and
at the
time nailnninr the fntare
Of Amttimn
Intereata nov exiitliiir
in the empire. It ie tble pol«7 «Meh
The Itrgeat of tbe spider oafas at tbs
aqoariam is abnot g iarbm in l^tt.
ftan side to side iU Iqv sjaead aboot
eight Inobm. Tbe boOom of tbe Mte
cabs' leak is eowced with giarol- The
tank wes rhwwd the odxr day and all
bat abnat three ioehes
the Water
drawn off.
When tte refilling of the
tank was begun, all tbe mbs gattmed
aronod tbe intake. Craba and Attea In
nmally di
inmniing water
captirity might welrmne an iooaming
oorrcsit of fradi air. Tbe flow cf water
Unooith tbe intake'pipeacan be ngalat'
ed at will Here it was pmntlted to
an In at iu batnnU forre. which was
abrat that erf water flowinii frtsn a baa.
Tbe lh.w was broken etancwhal by tbe
wire stfatoer erver tbe ofning of lbe
intake. pla»d tttr* u> kur little flabea
and cTUKtanwns from gening into the
pipm, lint it was t<u slnnig fer the
■pidtT mhe lo fate. They be^ to aet*
tie thrnwimidown into lbe gravel and
to pile gravel ap>n ihrir backs, apper*
enily to weight ilieuiselvee down so
thnt they maid wiUwlaad it. On a
mndpcr.mnddy botton tlwy eooU hare
bttried or jartly barred Ihrmselnn.
Bote Ibe wrk was woe difflcolt, bnt
Xhs asamttra ....................to ea toltobsw
feramh be vrill ebw to or If be WiU riak
ttrowtog htostolf off. A tookmi neck
woold he tbe tmtate catoeqoMKie of iTmatoing. As for atopiang him, amnebodyhasweU mid that yoa mijttt as
well try to stop a Mnsway Imrasotive
to pnUtog vritt your walking stick <m
(Bb fnaiiel as to seek to cbeik sn eto
pfaact to sDch a mooiait with the goad
^seoktog an ebphmit’s Up in a»rTillage bad kxhed ttem over. Pn» Udn masnm- you can make H par like
that day tte memberaof tbe dyipeptto'a a hnga grimalkin UU tte emth shakto
family wrn knows as‘liagoa.’ And
When it u afraid m
the word was ^iplied to srerytting as a
i^arlative, to a flae ycke of oxen or •
Mg fish. ■Bostm Jcnnak
Ftnt-class Inaoranoa Oompaalea.
bMoA HamiUoa A MiUlkem Bloek.
noF. w. g. HBBBism
Of Ann Arliov
Will Deliver HleAectura.
Inwetolth Pesmsylrmiia
la lanks next to
Rew Yesk. having an asaa
of gl.OU.m.Ols. owing largely loihe
pewwa and it ia the inflimee
Wtton trtilob wiU erentnanr aettle
Would nak* toot vUb
B ChrifltraM prcMot ^e
wonld hpprednte—there
‘ if moch more pUMote
ia cooking over,n aioe
•toelniige (ha^ aoaa.
■wa cook gtore —nod
tbm ia not moeh difCaraoe^iathe prientiw
way I nm nelliag tbnm.
A 'fine Sqanre Baage
for t26.00-a little down aad a bttleat a time paymemU,
and your wife will have a ChrkUtai preaeut that abe will
enjoy a life time.
‘Noggflts of Gold”
sweet ttmpmisl
old female on which 1 rode bimdreds of
miba Daring tbe midday ball I naed'
to caU her np. and she wnald caam and
stand vritt coe foot on each aide iif my
ttect m 1 fayOD my lack and fed her
vritt bananas I was nrrer a^ry vritt
her bat eave. when «ba tried to kUl tte
Onmie ORwsioo * little elephant of
oar pony, naming behind iu motber.
teased tor beymid andorsnee. and she
tamed and gave him a ebure ttat land
ed him ttrt apirrmost at tbe bottom of
ederpbronk. Fcr two boom be am
ed Uke a- stemn wbisUe while vre
all eMmged to getting him ooL
Every night when we leactod camp
and the Vsdswere takni off each driver
In thU Lecrnre is set forth the ptitt
would babble bis bnwl by tying in frtsit ciples that to lb>- kingdom of evety
(egstogetter with rattan so that itcoold
Kfe are to be found tbe ’'Ihtogs that
only liop with both together. Then a
ke meet happy." Tokrepoae'eself
hnge wonden bell was btuu; around iu
the attitade and atmosphere for
nn-k.bnd it w as litreed bssw to vrander
in the tongle. AU night king the faint growth: to work: to love—this is tbe
of lifrj
doog. dong <rf tlewp bells made a mr lanifnlaoup anmnd thecamp. At daybook
each driTfJ iraekcd hu elephant by tte
suoiiA often gtrfag many miho fur hiiiL
—Atlaoia (’(awliiatioa.
December 6,1900
At Udies’Library HaU
9. has been Identilled of all who died at Valley Forga
dnrtng that perikmn winter of IT'S.
-J, W.. K7s."areall tte markathat
ate on tbe stene. bat the reoords show
wfaoe grave it la. AU the
have been plowed over ter
tog ton awgy with by an ekphsaL
Btohiag Kipa bis wild ntt. and be darn
not swerve for an cdwlmle. bet gca
toralgbt at it. A few ttakm fllmi
evetytU^ on hto Mnk. and tteridsr
baa bat a aemd or two to wbhh to
■ndaloetrof mtotttorf
dsy tte
tavea kaspto auwaa tte itoip and mid:
•HeDo! Anyonattosmaberr Tea.'
ww tbe answer.‘and
St iL’ Tbe
Ikenttmao tto^ht on. Stoa -toadaya
two there was ha^otoaide ttt boiUWitt otter sura goo^ probah^
Orth. bangUag^ made
r seen oto tte emtli
A good aemr to told
pew. Be reeetvad a letter from a yooag
mrrtod friend ia Albany asking for a
pms for fail motber-ia-tow. who was
cocnligt to makn him a visit, and closing
with tte delkate hint. -Don’t forget to
have tbe reinra eoepoB attaebad. ” Mr.
Oepew U Dotting U not worldly wim
aad sympattatie. and in sesdug tte ^
be wrote. ‘T have not neglected tbe letBisoonpea and have limited it lo three
HtoU^ tmt a t«to <m ai
It will pay yoa well to allow os to riraw
yoB oar latent atyle ahoee with onr name stamp,
ed oethe bottom, which means a gnaraatee for
yoo that they are made by a manotaetarer of
world wide repdtation They combine tbe good
pmats of all other like priced ahoes. Tlie msterials are oarefnlly aelected, with a view to
■oftness and servioe, aad the workmaasbip is
the very best. Fryman's enstom made shoes come in a variety of
bsadsoioe stylea to suit all taMos, and ahapes to fit all feeL
Styles io Veloor Calf, oork sole, English welt......... $3.00, $3150
RuasiaCoH Skin, Isoe and congress..........;.............. $2.25, $2.00
No better shoes sold anywhere for the-mooey.
I SB Front Street.
Admission 25 and 35cts.
plariug sKSHie iu that manner, and with
TbstatalMe^of all the farmato
their pliwher eUws they wonkl piok
tte Baited BtalM U etll.fl8.6iu. of
ritr of China and ben^C thii and Stones. B->nietinies ambwooldpick bp wUoh S&7,<16.TU ere improi
V of OiMra,«is r
two gravel sthnes at tanr, me in eatt
1. and M»,601.8a4 a
claw, and place them both cto ftt back.
that vlU effect the ftreat manafae- It might Carklu a sliiue so big as to te*
twiaff Indaetriea in thie oocatrr to ■ quire besh rUws in the handling of it
the whole syctem when entering it
nmartable exML
and raisi' that and pot it on iu back.
AU toorisu to tbehiittlaads know throogfa tbe mnooos anrfaoea. Buch
If yoo have a dwrlltog, stock,store,
Borne of the stouee wmM n>U«ff'down
artaolee ahould never be need exoejd born, oranr other uropeHy tosorBanevU. Tb^ may not know why a
by the mlis' lefu. bat they were not
kindly reoxemtor I vraat to
damage they wdU do is write the inssianee for yon. aad wlU
lot there, for iheybelped to boildap
Para, balre and core the fralt
e*good yon con poeslbly give yon jotimpt and oatvfnl atten
arunnd. and the mb wonld go ahead
the Bkina are thio and ibe fait acand.
___a ,__ V t r.1.—..._ tion.
taara them whole, nu a deep podOnly tbe moat teliabloAlock InanrBaaevle hotel, end be made himecU
d»M dleh. add water to abow near the
noxkios by his cmilemptaua relop and ooe-bair cop of angar for a
and mnonnH
in Seutlsh Kenrry. "BenKevtwo qnart pan. Cover and bake alowthe sTstem- In baying
ud. "do roo call t........................
Ip (01 lad. Herd pearm. whole and noGENERAL THOMAS.
rh Cutv.ighly Bock- Hall's Oatarr)
pnaA abeoki beStewed dm till orar
the genotoe. It in taken. inU-._
les1 Lwh Unnbe! Do voa oil that a
Ip tender lo little water, or joo mt
by Y
and made in
bet Itor Hto WUs.
lake.'? Yon sbnoldatouar LakeBope- Cheney A Ot
iiaaa Ibem. Pot Uiroj lo e ebillo
Testimonials free.
Qenml William Mabcne erf Virginia liar! "and so on. Tbe highland waiter ^Boldhy draggista, iirice TSc.
fftaalte pen. bake elowlp end bet
was exaspmiud. and pruenring a live
sat in Chambcrlin’A deeply '
With ^ aifop Benre wiiti cteain.
to a well boond volume of
lotater be aeoeied it, to rvqoiul of the *”»iu’s FkmUy PilU
tosolts, in tbe Americu'c bed. Hardly
had tbe American gone to sleep when
THEBE WILL BE a concert at K<*«-, i
tbe lobster canghi him firmly bv tbe
. ulyraid.
It mmj be molal
-K ismadenpof’Pspnaoftbo Mill
toe, and be jninped uat of bed n
with weter or enmonle for oee.
amawolB glrte a wore brUUanl pollab tary Humricai BciriPtv irf MaNWchosetU
•langhler of Big Rapids. Uich. Ad- j i
miMion 10 and 15 eenta All ar.- J
to tbe alWer. and. If aleobol be need and (onUitu critical sketcheeof someod
. not have ooch big
vltb U. a more leMloff oee. Cbamolt the kwdlng Fcdtral and Cenfederatc
and big lake* bc/e as we
li tbe moat aatliraetorp matertel for gunmls. Iwas at that moment engaged
cm tbe sketch devoud toOenml Thom have in the sutes.bat yoahare tbe CASH PAID for good cast off cloth
ing. Araeriian Cleaning Hods^, 404
as. It is a very fait and inttvesting ao- most tareatkn big Ihws 1 evur expari' East Front street.
1114 -fit
oount of his character and scrrlces.
-1 kucwTboium pmonally. for ha
Paehlea** Bebc
Tble peer oM Eoclteb tppe la one of was Isru and rtsaied in my atetioo of
Cha eadtttlre atplee for riamnc eanla. West Virgiuia lie was a military
of exiellcut paws, rather stow to act,
—ddlng lorttBOoDa. etc.
Alfloo eapaa lo blacka bloca and all bnt new able lo grasp the id<« that be
the aaodlab eetora are floUbed witb had been whipped. Hisbolldogteuacity
was a etrvsig cliaractcristic-.
MMlnv and ffUt braid.
-I loiow a god dmi more than this
eapHd from one leeeotip wore bp Babi».k aboot Thomas- frtdileetioo for the
rab BanibartfL
liaii'a oeckwearte
wearte not ao h>^o
col- Bonlbeni cause. In passing throogb tbe
I laat fail, and itfia witb state cm bis way fnm Texas lo New
wine eoda wlU be worn Ycrk at the time that tbe l^rislMore
was delihmiltog tn the qoeMinn of se«btO tata lo tbe
Lbe fall araioa. (
orenuu. Tbouias saiA vfitt emphasia,
favor to
The ratare of Mack silk
‘Tbm> is notbtog fur Ibe saolhtodo
na Important: and pleaelcf
falx it to
bnttohghL' it was well
; ttwaver, tbe black eilk H other
that las srmpelhies were with tbe peo
ple of his native auction.
d lostrooa tanne.
"1 was cnipowfTfd by tbe governoe
WUIa brenduu in baede to oaed aa of VirgtoU u> offer him ao
-• drma trtmmtbg tbinoraaon.
li<n cveamlfcr him and tendered it
lUeblne chain atitcblog to rows
the fall expectation that it wonld
With (i
aleaa as almoet to elmiUate MnM to bean«iit<d. He married a Mim Harcy
Ci..«or .
w Vtrk. and it U no doubt tree
that bis wife's tofloerxe had ranch to
do with koepiiig him on the Cnion
aide."—Washington Post
the trashlea in the Chiaeae emjiirt) iu
a —■»««' that wiU'preeenfe the inte«-
F. 1. Telephone 78
Traverse C
jm kinds 0f
Bftpek BtpaMnq
Bicfclt Sandrits
Wrakieg St AcoAmr and M koeH.
B- Jl- LtdtrU^
AH«nirko( hlrb.M taiUMv rrsdv. PlMfoH
IIS Ztnhn SI.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Gempany^
Ready for Cliristinas?
cu~r oiZass
Water Bottles. Water Pitchers and Tumblers.
Salt and Pepper Shakers, SaU
salad Dishes,
Celeo’iBoats. Fruit Bowls, N’ases.
Vin^r Jars. Sugar and
Cream Sets. Per
fume Bottles.
The tUeet^asa ■
ffantber boee era alwapa tbe verp
thl^ wban tbe air to cbillp.
Borne of tbe new beta are triiomed
with feathera wbleb are black oitUida
and wblta malde. and Umm carntturea
are adraoctaf more dnd moie to
adfas of the brima
BAI Waeraa. with all aortrand eoodltkwa of aoderalecvca. either full and
paSp or dose flttlop and long or aboru
aeeofdiag ta tbe etpto of tbe gown, provan to a great eitcot
osea of theConinnatloaal in
to O. E. eocietr for the next
It are:
Thartell; Becretazy,
wbu was constantly lanttting at the poor
fellows who became faligned by kng
man bia or wbo mnk snder seemingly
trifling wonnda. His cuonge, health
and streogUi eeuin^ invincible. One
day a Wty project from tbe eoemyto
on—whal we all a spent ball—
. . > rolling along Tbe temputic
pat oat one's foot to stop och a
waiiRwdstiblo. Tbe soldier 1 have l
rifloed vieUedtoit Withaiperrya
he pat oot bis foot and to an iatoa
IS eat off, and be sank to tbe gtonnd
maimed, shattered cri|giie for life,
Our prices on this ware
are the lowest ever quoted in this city.
Christmas NoifBltiBS
A macleal jon-
fiam will bo givna and refrettn
see ted at the door of tbe baslnem
Ail taamban and thooe de-
•Mag to
hooomo mombora are re-
ffaaatod to be meant.
A Wmbb'*
awM Peru.
'*Tham ia only one ehanee to mxt
7MT Ufa and that U thrtwgh aa opm
■How*' wme the startup words beard
WMta LB. Bantof Lime Bidgo.
Via. torn her doctor after he had
vMiily trtad to owe her ofw M^tfal
•aaaM Moameh tranUa and ynllow
jaaiMii OaU twom bad f<ned and
ibt ManWwtty grew
worse. Then
witsem T. L Mhrtto of Dtoto.'if'.
he gave (this evidMc:^'!
oooghed every night oatil
was nearly rew.
Then_____ _____
Ktof'a New Dtoenvety
tostant relief. 1 here need it to mv
tomily for foar years end toeamawifi
it as the grratast remedy for ^fftiglto.
and mil Throet. Cheet and Umt
las. It will stop tbe worst eoagb,
ttifal etSmeL. Ltvac and Eidavy
to only prevents bat sbsototely
r mie by 6. K. Vail
Always likes a new tie.
Beautiful ones from 25c
to $1.50; or a nice pair of
Mocha gloves. 75c to the
finest at $5.00; or a silk
mufder from 75c up; or a
nice umbrella from S1.00
to the beauties at S5.00:
or a new book. Have all
the latest publications,
many of the writings of
the standard authors,
from 20c to $u»;ora
book of poems at 75c and
Are the ones that must
be pleased—can't help it
with our enormous sibck.
Begin with dolls, 5c to
-'i'3-oo: games of all kinds.
5c to $3.35; mechanical
toys, amusing and instruc
tive, from 35c to $1.50;
juvenile books from 5c,
IOC, 15c to 75c and $i«>;
doll furniture, cabs, gocarts. dressers, cradles,
open Every Evening.
wceptog like,* cUMathii awfnlmto
Tonng Man iboastfallyv-l am getog
> erws tbe Atlanue tothistO foot boot
with DO eempanioD bat thU dog. Good-
We are. with the greatest stock of Christmas goods for
the ypung men and maiden^, older people and children,
in fact every one. Here are suggestions:
Bought direct from the factory at a saving of from
thirty-five to .fifty per cent.'
wlU be beld-ot
ttanh ttle'.orealng.
- -
Gold Plated Ornamental
Vases and Clocks
B. V. P. V. toaeteem MeettmtTho
erst Bhertnana rrmi
sterling silver mounted
ebony novelties—darn
ers, curlers, slipper
horns, nail files, letter
openers, roller blotters,
button hodks, etc.
sterling silver novelties
conMting of curlers,
button books, tooth
bntdtet, cuticules. pa
per knives, shoe boms,
etc„ etc.
hair, military, clothes
and face brushes, tea
bells and combs.
ling silver novelties
worth $1.00—bat brus
hes. whisk brooms, ivo
ry combs, nail files,
seals, tooth, brumes,nail brushes, nail pol
ishes. button hooks,
etc., etc.
THE YOlMe uor
Would be pleased with
a piece of ‘handsome
china, 50c to Sj.50: or
some beautiful cut glass,
prices from S1.00 lo S12:
or sterling silver nos’clties. a splendid assort
ment to choose frori!. at
25c. 50c. 7sc. $j.oo: or a
nice book of poems in
dainty binding, 35c to
$1.50; toilet sets in beau
tiful settings from S1.50
to S4.50: or a pair- of
fashionable gloves from
A new smoking jacket
to put on after supper,
An easy chair.
sells from $5.50 up; or a
Hundreds of them from_ _ pair of slippers in either
S1.50 to Ssxirf: or some
velvet, felt or leather, sell
-dining chairs from $4.95
from 7ic up; or ao uphol
the set of six. u^. or a
stered rocker, sells from
fine couch, those new
$2.50 up; or one of those
styles sell from $8.75 «p:
easy patent leatben
or a nice purse, splendid
rockers, prices from $23
assortment to select from,
to $42x10; or a new Dun
prices from 20c up; or
lap -or Knox shape hat,
that most useful of arti
sells at $3joo.
cles. a shopping tmjg^om
$1,00 up; or one of the
new late books, all the
Mtttir WhU Un
Uieta, CmlK, Hats
There are always
many of therii, that's the
reason why we have so
many articles that we’re
selling at just'35c. Vases,
piaure frames, cups and
taucefs, candlesticks, bon
bon dishes, books of po
ems, plates, -fancy chinaStore open every cventng until eight o'clock,
Saturday ni^t tni oise
, ... .
..... .
TBM wnraro maodaiN n^TXan crt, itMU ^XsMhocit, uMiXtiaa ^ <Ma
Bn^to • IMdflha biOin« •
wiSgpHnm nfjiil iliyte
sased npaa me WMm M MAn
n* eotn mnnactaf y*M.
»■ ana dw n^ M eSMw Asya, LssMfMtSBaUs.bteaa
■ ii11M
keephnsUn sw>r.
A strict sarreil-
Innee has b*4tt Daintnlned forserensl rears and as a reeolt it is regard
ed as a One game preserve.
A geoeral store at Baroda was robbed
of sererml
ogutj U Mud to be Joafaui CU>ow.
bnudred dollars' worth of
goods the other night, and
laoted to be a It
iamaui of thceoantr hootA. Ap ti «id
the thief
old boy who
In. had planned and done the yob nnaidi-d.
At Bochanaa worhcnen digging ar
M be 107 ymr* old. He h»» been
K»e tantltsUm for tbe ]Mt »
the dam ta|iped a fissnre
He is ^ noHre.
in the rlsy
which yields seren gallons
A onae of smsllpos tins been report
ed in Kent street.
of crude
oil an honr.
Qnsnd Rnpids.
A Richmond
Ite pntlent’i
girl got a
prise of a'
immed as the board of hi^lth i. kec|v :
poRtal 'Card,
™ • P"*"'
neods the gUMH.-s now. loo. nltliongh
lag the matter a i*rfe« —«>t
B their anneal report, ib« sopeti O'!
she did not bofore she strained
1 boanl of gnardians of |
performing her font of chlroUdDstrtal Home for OirU
DI1_ ofie-l*!-.
AdHaa. Mra. Allaaeta It. Olia...........
Haginaw. wife of tbe gorenior-elecl!
Greenville VUUiam Campbell.
and presldeat of the board, aars tliat !* "*‘‘****’
another cottage I. needed at Uie home.
’f snspicton
Mra Blias make, a stnmg pl~ r„r, that he has been murdered. A bl^
aNgiww for women to which girl.!**^"^
A neighbor, who cUimed
commitment whan they have
a bill of mlenponall of CampiMOcrlgible and a detriment to tbe ' **“ • effeoM. is snipeeteit
--------- ------- It ..------------ --.V____ .1 ]
The fanners of Fair Plain, oonntrr
neighborhood adjoining Benton Har-
mnnlties in whleti they lived.
Al Grand Kajiida tlH< new
opening Hatntdsy noon,
liave jost
firm to light tlie pnb-
highway for a
until lat<‘ at night, oooclodiug wtili
of two
miles from the city. Tlie lights are
•peeelies. was a gnat sai
furnished by a new gasiiline process
than h.ax) people visiting the stmet. ,
. ,
~»0«l »»1"
O." —
T1-A »ii »tei-A. u.,~« „ II,.' "i*“
l»n.«fU«l. b„aa.i. »,ii., <ii,r. l;«",~-'i
«tuwa..u,,i,.iH.iwi..,..i.«re,ta “";w™« II,.-i»w. "•'i
It and homing up a lUiviog hors.','**“**'“•
vnlnd at fits. I>urlng tlie lire a!
•• and
- struck
ptaoe of timber fell
“Is tbtre amh a thing M
Turk SBZgeim wm uked Tba«h
term stage fright with lefmneetoMS
Tte drmtel crack ef Aotm.
-JaaceC Karim M DsOiSt PcMpns.*
Tbe first is the siugean who
anxiias lo perform tbe opfretiun. seee
no dilBcuhie* in tbe wav si^ nothinc
bat a snocBaffnl tmninatiOD. His reet is
iWbeat par bn (oUl.........................
SHS=ssiiijp:=::£nbeUat tbe
plsiM. This belief in a cvntreQykcat-tBntMr
a pm lb...
«d place at luuimt or nttm sMOitts- Em* pm
per atm,
den. mrtomj
tion ^ipeaiB lo have cxntad amung the , TW Mlfkigan Stareh On. will ]
............................................... '*------------------stock. lOoar—
is kneir until tbe intiait Uteffure him.
TbRj his hand begins lo shske if bs
msciawith difllraltieewbicb be had not
CDUiitsd open:
Ing to their balicC, there were three pas-1
Prevailing price for potatoes yeen«mlcmliag to U^-tfae-mUeriMm. by t«rdsv-S& to S eeou a laubel.
In IU>
as be gnnrs older, and in old age be
which mote IMUuni. kinh and Abiram I
It is writiA! It Takes a Baimdy of Un-
" ' * '
oomnon Hertt to Ihxw
the UDqaatUled Praise ol
a Sttoeessftil Praetlt^
tfaisinler. FVum tha time this suigeiai
reougnins that an uperaliisi is nwviisaty
This third and bwt idea iff tbe mnoth i
ibere jiaas ibtuach his mind all the
ff beU bring kmated
cnmpibwtinns which mold p«ribly
Paleatiae is fooaled i
ootue np, aud be wiaxlem-if llietv* are
psmsge which says. '
Dr. J. W Bam of Corfe. K. V.. si
nut more wfalch be has nut Ihiaudit uf.lord is in Zioo. am'
He Is Ly no means saugn!!!-- of a hsn>7
Uic *sd ha* fnllv cooviaced
Tbs 1
He feun ihu aud ihat aud ibe
Wdcrfal poacr U
A. W.
are noted fur tbrir m
other thing. As Ihi' boor appnarbes bs
c Fills lavf diSBBSn ol tbe
for the number seven, declare that beU |
dnada |u ivanmi'-nra' his w< vk tuute and
is provided with seven gates, each in- i
But wboi be is bcfiae tbe snbtended for tb4 foUowne at tbe different !
roamev bv iwodocun
rellgimm The ffrri M for re««t Mns-!
y. reflecungnpen
enlnians; tbe eeoemd. very wide ead | *es sot epikpsy. bet servoos troubles, dne
vrhat might arise. Re does not burry or
with ebatter ahreye ruoding invitingly : lo menstrual dcrangemesta. and pnaertbed
get excited, bnt be is Intensely interest•jar. u for Chrmtians imlv; tbe third, low al Itr. Chase * Nerw POb a day. after
fuT. wholly almrhed by what be is do>
her wisnewing an opera-,
the nioii celelamiid snrdiOcolt opmaticsi. and the
land iff UBTncni. Like the last two. it U pin, have .seed bat life ami rotund ber Is
WM filled with donors who had come
Wide enough U> du s wfaukeale bosimias , bcalth. '
to »«•' It
Witboot cniwduig. Tbe fifth is a small!
Sec that tbe portrait aad ngnatarv of Dr.
ftan tlie
• • uf
■ a gats .intended
. se
. ... .................eosnenbo*. 1‘rksjocatits
fir tbe
wap iireemi.d by a fri*-nd t« two doo.—
- r________ .-.- • bos.-Sis
« who lisd Clime fnau s distance to ;
“ him opiTalc. He bowed
a siimraio
ly end iipiAe a
s-n on tbe way to : :
that ho cumniviyed operating.
t. Tbesixthgale. the .
”Th('uiamtiiia was iff
tally circ^opening in tbe^b tff.Do'NT BE FOOLCDf
ngth. anil wbm.it was finished tbs
belLis the gate by whk-b tbe pagans
ru g>'Ullimim III whom the
I will *nU», Why 111.' pjgau gale is be- Mw
: lieved lo be tircnlsr 1 bare uevor SSM Bm /MM Man «*Sy ^ MaSMssJi^
vaigral^Bi'irv wiad ir
7^ •'v.uU. gate in tbs |
d p.x api« ar to n-cfi
lugnite- tb.m.1iu Walls iff tb<- 1
1 isrsii-Mil pma’utijl llxm1 agniu.
Hi‘ vxvv-vid bis phwsttre •
. -.J.i«t Ibe sliglitest rvcolhetJiai that
«“«“«< «!»«' «o»sllsri
of tbe gatiw
he had mtf liwm.''
Wbishn. tbe English mmsKaner, bs- j
“Uoycia nvallibeflrrioptffaUaayua
Ueved bell lo be kraud uti a caiiet. and I
IT jicrf.nucd yoanielfr'
that oeie moment tlw damned were saf • i
’•Indivd I Itinambrr it very well I
fenug ill tbe blistering rays uf tbe sun ^
aod Ibe next in cold faandruds uf d»v«s
bcLw siTiE
of llteyuoiig aMMant rurgeoDA
The U:ristian ides iff boU. old sa it
If an ojuratiim was ui'rmauy in any eff
wry dim ootlins of tbe
the wards, it was onr doty lo m»i
l<v»jti.«'irf ik'"'lako which
to the rnTgeon in chargi-. who then
fiTUMd tbii lasraticr. if
cb.-. ‘l*^:
. 'r
rrf ' *“ towluvbiT It ivaiiy
my surgeon ibe
‘>*s bum* ••f.»vv« ^ ev«" or inlv has
n::;ding thTm i
pmslii'u i(ss
IS tw
ufirisary- 1 was dirmVd
to gi-i ivi'iylbiu
nwly for tbe t^irraIn Tlio Ui'umrv
1 till- mirgeno. 'IwiU
•htuidloaie. :
blast. Tbe Spanish cam are w b"
a peculiar imUem. bui the oompanv
softf*«t mad.'in this way.”hcU'Us na,
will build them rnpidly. when onee
amrted. ai the oontram mntt N' filled
by Matrli.
Probably tlie iargest fee ever paid
Heweviv. be mschnilhecave in safety. awl on f'vrlng a jiassagi' into it was
lewaided ly liodmg two skulls and a
mummy, ••th.msjid.ly dn-. ' be mya.
by •
'3s«3H"4irjiLAIVlE BACK
j What |Bvff«mai5irU>PU. do yon vv^ject
When it
I adopt in fntnri'? Du yun expert to go
time tori'miueice lhi> oprratiun. I ooold
I into Ibe fields carrylug a sickle and a .
only siia.lv my n.r«» by thtvading
boL'l Du you ezpM to evil aud buy
neiyllt'w I said:'fiiTe me Ibeneedle* to
□ fix:,
hnw.i- I am very panmlar abont
^ your eyeballs npw boob, of lO.OOO vol-' E|
Ibrvad.' I took aninlle audeommec
p*l„, ,L.
I. . W ■r^-7 I „A j™,.,
L A A -A
A,,-.. ud
„A became as
y,d niywiu
„a b,.™.,
DR. w. j. higgins,
I lO I .
r* BIN . oTrr ParkT Bru> Bh.c- Arui*
r my ana tu tbo lime
PtBC (Old UDiirE. CT9W0
Oh. Father Kuau.huw jbrtdte Eld pOTCeMlB work.
ra^.^J^ ewvedingly | ^rk gEfimEtced SfiUtllCtOtT.
0... u..
O. f». e«rv*r
t:;Firc insurance
^ 1- ffh. ■•j|iair*«.
If this soft weather oantinues hut
Itoda of men will be thrown onl of
K party of Chiengo capitalisU have
•boat elcaed a deal for the poreliaae
nf Ommbers laland. Tbe lalaod U
in Oreesi Bay. about 16 miles enst'of
dcclarvd thal his
in that way.
Tbe utlierassniedthelV
at the mcwiciit when the bead iff tha
' mummy Aowed above tbe edge iff the
have caned them forever.—Pitttag
• •urf Omm
mnti Olobm*.
• KUI..O mrsd OAUt. OECI.E.O.
-New York Bon.
river was «1M by (ha
■a. ”thetaiBblw.”
the mderrignbd.
do hmhy
Memomlaee. Tbe wealthy Chieogoant
S£jA *^oM.**W*aMo** ****I*B*^
to ooevm the laland into a
game preserve, and ezpeot to expend
tn,00e or more in the enetn
•lab honse and otherwise i
tgepsopurty. The
----------- .
istnnd comprises, m,d l«. frem ail ssaUene in Mlohljma
^ land.. exoert tUee 1^ of gonth Ly«m.1^.
aoMly ttraberad.
t Janna» tth. IML
I Jlfyolidd^ Reminder
Gent's Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens.
Gent's Fur Lined Coats.
Gent's Dress Suit Cases.
Cent's Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladies’ and Gent's Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleigh Belis.
Baby Cab Robes.
» John t. Beadle «
JAB. O. JOHNSON. Druggist
Meno^ee altor-
■ are tuspeuding
isJohnaoa Labontortss,lK..MIa.
ney from Mark Hanna. The amount i
was fiSCCdOO and was for olMing a deal.
lag to too much water in the swamp
Gallon us—We are very proud of our
very larte and fine assortment at 50,
65c. 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and
$2.50 — Handsomest line of this or
any other season.
■s'.yjr, _
be uriin'w-d a gn-al th'iugbl lo uu
arilsr. and lliey
vsaiu. •Wi ll,
n. y
>"U go uu .
_ ... .a.,.,____ .
I. , ..Ir
»,r l. n.,-t r^.m ■ Y m ' I**!"*’ «“'l sdlln»i«d hiUl, BSyillg. "1
Then bo took know* that it is inipwidble lu fonsM all
lu tbewsr of indepeodenoe
in his arms and signaled to tfaingK And then, again, he takia in of thi*
-ntry. sowed great merit, I ,
his hands a holy banian life. If an actor
ludiaus to draw him up M ith bis
------------------milliary school, i'
____ mnaiiv t
*“ I will havs to show —
in tbe
for the Chapin nine. ,
i heels ho di^ended bium-lf agahut the
Lis hoi's, tlie wim that can cctne D a
of great things,
Bay City haa so muy bm who{ jotting tucks, and in aVi-wnunotas was
alight damage lu hi* repnlation. U a
is 11?” Tbefa_...„
jump upon passing
trains W-4lu' i almc« uci an even with the top. The
ueirler ]>rearh.-« belerodoi dortrinea.
glad, did as be wisb/d.
bell lines. emUagering their live*.; Indians knew nathing sbout,^^bU kwd.
Ml world that c-au bspperi lo him is a
trial f<r beevsT. But ff tbe sargeao in a
dangrrons u|ievatiuti make* bnt the
Tbe Philippine nativea tun pell-mell'
sligblivt uisiakeil mayresclt In death,
At tbe aound of oor Y'aakee yell.
fe^ vritha view at doing some-;
,j.Ue frimebman thought Uwy
fur which there D no mmdy. Many
thing to fan<ak np the |irsotioe before ,
Irt go tbe onrd.
and many a lime un ib.' night previaas
a life Is lost. All train jnmivrs will'
"Jt was the affair of a seemd,”be
MTiotis nprraliia liave I awakened
be arrested and an etample made of' writw. "Uliat paaws in the brain iff a
Aak your druggist
arw>lf fn.iu an auxioos. tmnbkvl sbep
half a doaon.
' man al mch an instant is ludeambabl&
^forming tiis operation hi mv
Reipeesentaiirn of ilie Armour Pack - I did m« droj* a yard, but I experiiwxd
dieoiu*. Ii D also wry mneh mmewyIng oosnpnnv of Chiiwgo were in Bar aU the bimv of n man in rapidly fall- Ing in a surgeon to operate cm a friend
City Monday for the purpow of look- ^
. «r hands let go t
tli«,i <ai a sTrangrr. It ir bard to tell in
ef tt'.... '
and While, covmd with • ' this rair who » mors to be pitied, tbs
largv' |*operiy of » -el, ^
over the «lga
suigiou iT tbe patient. 1 think tbe loo3»y with a view of pnmiiasing it. , ^ ,he ehff hv tU- Indians, the'mummy
gw a "i»p <d>ente« the leas certain he is
. .»e are now four mlt wells there.
tn,a ruck to roek and landed
of theontrnmeiff auycpmii.n. A frail
and they are among the ricliiwt in in bits at ilw buttomaf the chasm.”
little wiuuan ibat ooe'would almost say
the world. More will be immediate. ^
Be ovurv lu-lmed the Indians With in a heath rff wind wnuhi blow away vrill
ly sank. Tbe object of the imrtdiaau vretiw, bet lo no puri<cM'. Such dead servive th* most painful and dangwooi
e the Armour oom|»tiy inihi? assurod him. if distnrbed in ^Krauut) wbeteaiiiogh. stocky aud insi
Imilt pcseaul woman that ««e wocld
many hiwlcr ^
tine of the two think cimld snmrc almost any pondble
When You Want To See
Silk Mufflers
B, .A u.d i-rfom tl»
TO..- „
a«_____________ ______Bum
...________ ____ _____ _ ..J I»U,.-.nin»,.A l.i.»T™i™.ibTO AUoU»ira<.lUOIUiipoI«A41iaUoii.
American Oar
will U. lAlldA
Until he gets into his easy chair and
dons his house coat—If he hasn’t one
«Y*^Ahen half the comfort Is missing —
We show a very complete assbrtment
.of desir^le patterns in moderate
priced goods-$5.50 to $ IO.
Many new things to show Tor the
Christmas trade.
l^ests what yon eat.
ItarUfleUUydIgcM the food tod nldt
Hatnra in auengthenlng nod neon-
Ing one at his mrs.
No Gentleman Can Take
Solid Comfort
Dyspepsia Cure
Engineer Harding on the hsad. sei
Poondry Ca,, lias
Jnst receive<)aD AM.tlH-Aude.
.— J—..'A
uiMundiof UiowTer for noo oars for riie^Konh^
siKmuens had a gnot dwire
mllwny. which s
ezplisn utoe <nne in the sidiu at tbe
Detroit, the work will not
lOt be slatted ; ja^ipiem. They were ducts 1i>mi ancisnt
aUl ivoUildy
. \uJdhlma
It the plant is begin- tombs and tVTuhl
i He seheted u luvurnbU'spot,
tug to take on a busy air. and more Uwomiv.
_________ _______ „ pnt to .work
Mik eveiv!
A.e..i-A> I lb«nfotvJgg«l»siirt.tf
tfamvfon', 1^.^..........................................................
ihair.au leallier
Irallier erds
nnls wid
uid lug
dav Br Deoemlier lA It it einected ' betwittiTSfo
“(kv yes- indeed, tinw issorii a tbi^
ns stage fright amiag surgnsa." he raptied. ‘'Ibere are two kinds iff suga
fright, or. rather, Ihoe are two diSeteot
a a WaiiT^ Bn^ A Boxbonr.
Jas. O. JohMSM^ r. g TboiRpaML
Adi««, ’■you can Jump on ft.
tmi^tm it. bu it wUr«oM. ^
o. R. «0 900
mnd oolorm.
f©r for hous*. fMtory or storw. W«
can wirw mnylfilna from a call bell to a whole city.
<Ao Xrarta sa.
€stra Special
For the balance of this week we
place on the bargain table the bal
ance of the ,odd pieces that were
advertised at I -3 off. and we add
hundreds of remnants, just meas
ured up from short ends left frdm
the fall selling of dress goods, and
we have added more odd pieces to
the lot. Nowthiswillbethegraatest bargain feast yet offered this
fall; be first this forenoon and get
first choice. Cancels Hairs, Chev
iots, BrilHanteens, Crepons and
scores of other kinds of dress can
be found.
Ike Kb{5 are here. Ym can zet tben today, j
or teleuUoK am bare item aeB op.
J. m. mmik^
lb (Mr SM. »*'••««*! ^
m «i
k . hMwnr
iNttaa R«ed
IW kiad M
idH -^Hb
teUlBd part!of cW Bad l^odt. luvalU.
iWMJ «f pnM 1«ci laM tnwtk<riw
M t<v «( n't etbrr, ibr isHntkn h#
t«w» cbiaM «r vllb tiij. wrrr wimtkm wuimi aai gnrfaflwMth Um
m» tnml wiaiow ru • kw wotin
bMMfc. <■ wUck itill rtooj U uau«•(* bub aad ■ nnub bar ot rrBov
. MMk Hl■>■b^llrr^ 6( tb* tBoraiat wash
M tmt r»«plHri- A Tior of culata
Mick u4 ■Oaas* te Ibat rliouta. «Uc4
baM'brnocht (rocn Nrv Yorl br
WM«« ItohnU «■ «b* orraahiB of
brr Mir rWl tbm. ■liTfrbMl o«t iu
MM* lo rU*p lb* iHadaw *baq*f« ia
a illaalat Mbrai^. Nrar bf stood tb*
Hfh corraL «-Urb just at Ibat laaaifM
OMUlaad a baarb of tbr aridos-'s oam
T*sa> kac boras. »bl<%. sbr dsHsrod
whk patdoaalik fwtdr. «rf» as Bor as
•ar arrr rsarad ea Bad I^ods cniaa.
tba.rtrrr, airalkf sUnillr aksc mil it
IM Haitr ta lb* ra«M hitl*
, taacat mapMsd tb* pkiars.
Tb# artdo«'s nUa was a Mscra far
M« a( tb* rewbar* wbo ilrad «a Iba
taatbss roaad Amit. It aras aot tb*
irMov a’bo p*or*d ibr allrartiua, tboufb
bri^ l« l*n all* was a rnmrlr womn
sad Maacad bcr Uttir dooislo as weU
M SOT car mold bar* doo*.
vas It N«n. lb* prrItT daurbtor, wllb
bar two brichl *r*s. wbkh <Bd siuH '
at*, aad bar rrHikaa. barutu s
war*. Wild NtU was bar nam*
Vba kaaw bar. fib* twuld rid* a
M waO as aoT Baa and sou* that
MB (oaldB't. Bbr kBFW bow to
a ltd*, toe, and bad aatooUhrd Kll
aid trappar, no oar orraskn l>r a
.................................................wbltr Ul
Mp Ufa of tb* *kp and ka Bta M M
gaiaad ma books aad tb* talk of aC
Uk* note giri. of amor wUL aba m*
laniMtka*. aad asswar. aba kaaw. waa
poaatM. llaaiaant aad paowd apMtad.
M WBoH ann dl Mo Iba idaaa wbM ha
I 111 1 aoMkator bra la~bk baaatad
aocirtp. Os (bo otbar baad. Ibiri was
Bwk with bit POST, laaa bnd ^ <*«>•
aad bts rimbk down msrb boasm Whig
was (bar* sboat Ua to dad Canr la b«
armt (k tb* toU Hsrrk that aba waUd
gtra bim sn aoswaa law aa.
TV Usek bon* fcFgas to axUUt riga*
*f ftoaiBg taooUa. wVa tV tap
ta* bolt* kaa rrarbrd. Xad raiafd bba
wtib a tnn bawd. iV afdiatatst briagkg a »ni w»d taofb of color lo bar
edioaka and baight-wlag brr braalp. ta
IV nadtagaiard adniralioa of Harria.
Bat tv Hack brad iV rod* waa kot
to b*-*aikad so aarilp.
.aUp. and
aad h aooo gaor
fra* pkp lo ^ lanpar. kkklag aad
and ddawaps 1a M
Bkrbiag T>
rU of IV aowricoM kad.
•Corta lo gal
laagbad aad m frrc-i la bar
Nell <yp
taac. rriaa. aitd pi
Mawap look la tb* dark *p*s
“Too koDW.- ba k*T>t on. “wbat I ibiak
aC pa*, nara h notblag ! will aot do
and MMtad a rid* akog tb* oU F«t
IB. DaatollkjlveC Aoma to in
IV (dip <m hv wap
to Btomalda.
~ ' torsto. wVM(toawiU apawd tV
U oUni dope H bv a ga
tmtom to aden afOdaa tatMkd far
dMaatIc or patooMi aae with toaeilplletto wUeb 1&. BkBp caaaa were aitot-
Uire te VUltom Baibrar. to
in j
Ip RBOilAble far UMr afaaoloto Ibcm
dtp armagiac with Mt. Betovr
te work cm tV rood.
Uodara taste, bowerar. reqakto ttat tDr. J. W. GaaBtloR WM ia Ballaire
tv motto cboaoB aboM bare i
imlflcBUoa for Its apwaBce m tV
Mrs. C B.Tptor of Maatoa, to rtoparttcMr obiM Jt briv to dceonta. hiag ber daa^itor. Mn. A W. P*<A
•ad it la Mt olwapa as ««ar task to bit
at Em Ninth Meat.
MMt nsOp pertHsaot asd tokraUraaC. PowUaoa «f Oaraiid. Mich.. caUVeknaped manor* for. ■mf. half
ad ea Vs anole. OUbot PowUaaa. oa
doM dIarSaa or a aat of tucm <mr
or doUka: beva thia Uat of Mertp- tV PeakMto. and hto aaidraw. Dr.
of this eitp. Dae. 1st Md and.
IMa. ai>proprtole for auBdPp ChrMa artkiaa aoch aa a
Mr*. W. C Nekon of Leland was
SpeetolAltentioe to gi^ toeaUfvaturam s>«« WM KmUi-tioaof tVeVot aaonaidin tVefire
__________ ^__________ '.U*g- i of throat and long dtoraara. Thera-
v£rra in pure air.
eserotoz and vurp
a of Ufa in IV b(4p: V*,H
d oach ludlvidoaL
iiaiL [IMIBBIIMR.1m bass
In Sol Smitri Ruaarata
OrMt PUp:
A Poor
r. XmiTio- 0» Prato
Oprarm VlmMtora
Tuesday, Dec. 11 tb
John R. Santo
will. s.sl. ll
>>■ .wlliratnl OrM oa a
•lam wbirb <
rap must rapldlp.
It is .-oocrarp.to public poHcT.
polJcT. or st'kaM
lo tbrm i-tfarr of tbr fntnra. that IV top
jrh iaiid should k- arm down to
ruran when it migbl V plelding gram
eraps. Uanp riretv that an- uom- moddp
were cb-sr Vforr iV rumiDg to Ihla eoalloenl of rielUsed araa.—Youth's ComVBkn. ..
No ihx ctts»e isserud is mortcire.
hands than
Traverse Lan( Co.
1. £=K-^,,sl.2S=:£i!:rJ:
to Jonea" will play a
beftre iVmagtarale aad aftot
trlalcoBTephim totVooBrtpriMn. Ha return engagement hen- tomorrowhad neror bean in tV bnilding befos* evening, Dec. A
' atood in tv corridor with bU
The lectnre to V given by Prof. \V.
on him aad raid:
"Oome along. I'U Mrw poa "->Rap_____________________
December 6, under the anapice* of the
Llnooln Idteiurv Society
of Uie finest lectures
TV total amount of gold coined al
owminufrran 170S to 18Vtwai«t,»«3.000.000: of (ilrer during the sanw
period there Vra been $617,000,000
and of BDbaidiaiTcuinagacf aU denomi.
Vlioot $34,000,000.
tal entertain.
A number nf |
year* a matohrr of the faculty of th*
wiu felt by all with
he cume |
mVr of years a ■
Ih* state, he luis :
leaned (o prrarat hit theme witlia)
simple, yet eaaaieai
cannot tat enteraln. In
hit able piv-|
itaiioD of hUBubjectl, "Kngg>-t* of
Gold." he telto of the true aonrueH
of happines* to V found in thia life.
Out of tV darker shade* of
oor ex-
totenv. he would have u attaio
In order to keep oarselvea
Mr. and Mn. W. J. Millard of 404
kjardman avenue entertained a parijof little girls and boys last evening in
honor of the 12th birthday anniveraary of their ton
din had a merry
iu quiet, gentle
popcorn BOtoy oomady or finely WTOUgbl |irol>
Rbea UmpUyz
Martin, Gladys
Silvers, May MiUatd,
tAmeit Miller,
e world
? meiod
nssting of iv {ream and cake,
exposiliaa of tlx- line
Daii^ refreifainenu were
game* senratloaal. tat
A Poor Relation" i* a thoroughly
The chil- nattuol
will la- one
of the
Prof. Hendenoa comes highly recomended. He is of a striking r
and hto simple yet foroeful
Ferri* Inatitnte. bit influence te good >
With a liVl anit for raping that a cer
tain actrew who canndled on tbe stage
on a amdp kxikiiig, oimw bred qnadniped “rode a hcrae with pink epea."
“Abase me as moch aa pon liV." raid
tV fair liligaot, “but don't sap that
np born has pink epto.--
Alden Bast aad "A Poor Relation'
One that is really greater
than all the glories of ancient
sculpture or painting is a
fi IDonogram
Oesd Cigar saoli as
Why? WeD, becau^ it
jehaims a million men a minNo other “Work of
Art” confers more gratify) ing pleasure than a fine
cigar. 1
Simp- will MMt with a rousing reception a
,* TlSMOS CItp■.
... -.uiSSSMe-S-—“•>
e.ee e&t£H£,ecCEMi
• «'
e______ ■
Harry Caolkctt, Fred Rutner.iJ^ius
Patdiin aad CUnde MiDaid.
Mrs. Millard was aanted in enter-
"1 tried soap remedlet
to cure
nilaz" write* B. W.Smltb of lAthani
UL. "tat found nowIieftiUI used
Bo^lea'i Aralra Salve. I have not
Miss Zena Ladd entertained ten oi bMtiatiabtodwitbpUes aiaez " It's
er girl friends Saciinky from 9 z n. tV oalp chauioe pile cure cm earth
■Tbafa just wben- tV anfairsM
> S p. m. in hooor of ber eighth aad tV beto a^e in the world. *25c
per boznart«MedhT S. B. Wait and
B-hp (kn't dnp tnaka tV
batbday. at tw fiuber's borne at Old To. Jf&nann, dru^stz
gttlW cara wear lagar —Vaahi^M
Diimer was served at noon
taining by Mrs. Ed Seymour.
by Mrs. Con Kibai)' aMSted by
Mn-john Hobnes.
Those present
were: Flassie Gbering, Lillie
aa-casrid tVmcMtbl^ Sladad. hPBositkal riUaiM in all tVpoM'a
er. A. Tbereia Brinkman.
galkrp of pofttiOti cf mv iMiaet wlV
the rirtwa and ricoB of tbkg UM."
-. Bom cooking, warm rolls
in; to*
Maty B.
ManlMll, Minaie Potter, Ekie Stone,
ss were played.
weathar twHriin. togeilHr wii
I Pere Marquette
rank itgtuika.
• it ia. “ mM
... .~.s
)«Fr<i moBrnfcIlT,
“WVi's iV tnattcr?" inttnirad^FUb.
- «. MS'U
biun .Ol.ioiue
thinking so
of M
sov wap tV
publir Bakra tu wear tag*-"
"Thep'ra afraid that if wagMaraori
baring ov own wap w«’U kill aoM-
K,.'V.vrs':s-rs; zn-5.^ Grand Traverse
Land Co.
with Hank aa fak bap. tb* two aat owt.
Tb* BBlaal tb* glri b*«r«d* wai a arw
M aa tb* raack and at black as toaL
It had wild Wood U its rains aad bad
aadr aacamlp bare brebni. Oa this orcaMb k w*i paiH aBoogfa ta ad appearBBM aw Iba •*« tbra* nBca of tb* ion-
4 Sve. Maovlii hlocA._____
team See. A MO. at 4 o'eb
ftetoMMStopa 1 VbS
lea apatom to «$■ tmd
m«oB0Va> WWV
I dSMtedwhodp
* ■rau<^;tVto
Iu a ncMt addMas at MltirhiMr.
EttgliDd. Irriag atigmatiaed
____ SAi
a Varaevvd
trara the raol oat
Steinberg’s Grand
•BO# bMwaaa aa aaatrrn tboroogbbrrd
aad a danon looking "broor.’' wiib ibr
darll la blai. ooIt waltiog le U- rugiad
oat bp lbs toocbI ut
<if a inaa. lb* Lind Iu at Ibr ripeusr of ih* sMiril.
wMeb a» aaddk
» or lb* tral .»f a spar
la an aaknowa qusnlltT aod s-llb Ibr
wild, fraa Mood of
. Iba plslB* <i>urtlng
thfoagb ararp aria.
(b* trndrrfnot
saa Iba dlBar ...
Bui NrU bad
a dkcnalag
A luuddp rlerr VUokens oor of (V
kwtalag apa and could
couM r*«d tnaa. 8be
It means
r throogb bim at If b* had M-an. rrslrat ..f naiiunsl kssrs.
(V rm-b soil, mbkb Js.-k Krost
Haap aUils to.ib* boat* bp Jbastrasm other nalioiial sgru.-ies haer been S
•rniiog. Is m-asblng swap Into
brad a frtcBAtblp with Xrll whkb tooo
1. Tillers of Ibr land mul.l do m
ripIBad lalo kr*. on iba tiatl of oo* al
kaat. and that “r.-nnsplTaBia cupola.*'
”Ab4*‘ «oBtlan*d b* ptradlaglp. Toe
MB hart a nal bon*, rarrlagrt aad all
Ml Maap c«a bop. IM an-aorb too
Im a dowar to grow upVild snefa ronrii
MIBBadiBCS." Til* giri bioshni iodlg-
V t
ninsi rrnalulp M- brld lo V in
pllritp. Thrreforr ihr si jl.-r m ho oars
a lire w.
...m for Vit m-nold V gulltp of
eise “
Mod bow to Mc ararp adrantag* gainad. Ba co«U talk of booka'wd ttprris
la straaga cunntrSrt. wbarats all Bork
* roadittoo of lb*
Idntariu a
1 ihoaght <
I bit gra
______ _________ ..._____ 1 rOBpsi id bsdlp
I of tb*
wta Iba 4HMl* wbita '
aBMnar. wtrb ihrir ............................
MHI was aundlag bp Iba corral lookip« awl wear tb* Irt ak at lb* grrsi IdM
allilBts ot 8«ntlDrl bnlt* lb* dap MarM
cmrrd tor
.. dadatrd bow no.-h b* car
■k* said netUag. but dnimaird loit«tMBp
TImm wiU
ptoM pkTV of skifamw, ia V iV
. tVt rMvsb and exhiUiatz * No vte
the city yesterday.
i lent acUoo U aUowed. Pweoatas of
Don Morgan of the firm .of J. C.
•arioin as tba bsrd. pHcbi . .
- M lasBoBz $10. Sobool ohildreai half
with all faoT fan bncbfd togetbar la- Dtnliig Boom I
Morgan & Son will leave today for
!. wioe. ClaaatecfaUdrea. after MmoL
carosfd in loira-iip./ Harris wairhad H aVU pour welcome V Z "With
te sdaltz eveningz
Pittrixirg, Pz, with five cartdadk of
an with a pai* fa^. and Vd tV girl or Mat. lor* makes a feast-" S. *010Tor further ■ ......................................
foaad lio* to look.it bias sV woaU Vae rp meet, merry part." *. “Welram's
51C Wag
R. A. Case of Kingiley was in the
am buw lililc help-was lo ba cspaclad tv best dkb in tv kitebra." b. “To
froD Ibat unanrr in raaa mallm earaa pkaae tv palate a feast Is mada. for dty on bmincto yctoerday.
le lb* worst.
Aod fVp dU.
E Stanley of Mnple City traBsactlaughter aad wiv maketb men?." S.
dcrillrb coogioiarrstlnB of botaadrafa
gatbarrd Itarif togrtber for a saprana "Tla good to be merTp at meab" 7. cd bnsineaa in tbe dty yesterday.
stBltmsieiaRra. .
Oscar Chance wa* in the dty
*«ort Ml ionprd stralgfal Into tV air. “Welcome errr smtko, atsd farewdi
tritb brad dmiqW and Its hark arebad goes om sighing." tk "You're welcona Maple City yeiterday.
UflOar auspices ot Prwd O. Bergwr.
like a l»w andcr iV crraLlng aaddk. aB: a boDdred tbooaaiHt wekooMa." IL
Miss Butian left yesterday te Bel- .
iref Sol Smith Russ*
Tb* sirala was tw njacb. Wiib a crack "Small cheer aad groat welcome -rak*
tb* bridk snapped and fall In Ibr groand. a laerrp feaei."
NrU bad rndbing to bn|d IHck with now.
W. !. Stedd of Ko^pon
Fvr Totaarro roocbca. Pipe Backs.
aad Iba aulma] knew It. Iu a aacuad It
Ble.~l. 'H'oVcco. sacred berb, tboogb the Hliiting yesterday. .
was swap along tb* trail Uk* a dasb.
In loU from $6 to 91,000 on good
A. J.
DeVries of WiUia
aad lb* girl. In d.-sprrslka, woond bar lowip. baflea old Time. IV tprant.
rbnttel aecaritjr, jewelry, fnrnllai*,
flngcrs in IV dark mane and bang oa wboUp." 2. "Uappp morul V wV iras in the dty yesterday or business. |
piniioa, horsM or any kind of stock,
to tbsl. bar oolp refaga. It was a rna- knows pleasure wblrb a pipe liestowa."
. Itapouiraldlnr
awap la aan»*si. Tb* wind raarrd past S. *'8ubllme lobarco. ({Bleb, from
r good aecored notea.
Vr. and bcr hair rinod siralgbl oat be to west, rbeers tbe tar's Ubora « tV
hind as Ibr twu disappeared In a ckod Terkniaa's rest." 4. "Tobarco makes
TV Boeerd of April 7th ’ raid tV
& MiUiken-i
of dost. \Vbst lb<- ouicniBC of It wonld man tbink like a sage and act like
following: “ What Happnod to Jones'
ba sb* didn’t dare Imsgina. Tb* horse
VraariUD.- a. “AU mp cate to tobacone of tV funniest things tlat
llcrd if an obR>
er bat^wned. The Urge aodienv
•ta.-lr *:oppnl ll or al lessi aniil Its
rider waa Ihman. and buried fisMa tV « babit Id a manr
Sceinberg'a Grand lsst;night
saddle at list iiara tocani
alsrge ahaie of the evening laugh
ioJT or. mor.- lik.tp. death,
"U. lip Ibr Vartb. tV laughter of
'TtOMf*' j p
dci^ as a glan.-* hriiralh brr showed logs, more fair than roeem. lo. the Bow ing. and If Jones ever eomea to town
Ou. ViS*****"
* sad U»
bow rapldlp Ih.- earth was rrlrraliog en of Are." Z -Up' bean Is wi
again, a still larger number of people POR <1*1 A .* esriisae* frf *tor*r Vr. s j
Wnraborg Blk.
Truverv Oily/
aad 0*1 her ineih bsrd.
sriU see what Vppened to him. The
niiBl was llarri* d<ilng ail tbb linat
ptop baa no great moral but it has
Trj uis III orrriaka Iba niuswap and resa great ploz Moh aa it iz It can nev
ni.- bis
girl? II. ««. of
■ diir
liffertwl stn*. meri. heart* warm."
ifferent loralltiea te rale oa rasp
>'or Blotters. Pen Boxes. Etc.—L er be a great adnrator but v an agent
Wb*u be nnlised n bal bad <HC irTcd.Ji*
terms. Also moaep to loan v real
‘■Wrliiog maketb an ckact man." Z
• ml sf l o
eatote aecuritp.
mnaenrant if ta' simplp antpamiiis.
*'Pco and Ink be wil'a plow." Z ~\
le rllbg.-. lbor.rtiship «.-ai-.sl.
It map not V fntl-of jmblimitv. tat if j
But thi
i> one niher nkn saw facf till pour Ink V drp." 4. "Utcra scripts
there is anp mao wbo
langlmi Murusn
lit! IV riret. «iancL" 0. -Quod BCTtpsl aertpai."
■. IMoltoAMIAkfRA
IJie tr
a«IH. DR.itU)tKNTILai..THOimoN:0
Buri I
OCBv In Hamilton & Mllllken Bloek.
Ibat dap to
<dr»>d braep Isodlu
Sundial Moltnea For Almanac and V should uvold the plap unless lie •pu'^Ul
>fa ralr tV(
fX l-r’l'-elp- PaJehiB* *■!«»- B—ld*n*i- all Wsridsetoo niuM. Werara's
Dtarp C
t'oeer*. Also Tor Clvk Caaca.- deoltes to break hi* -reootd.
le wiueraras of
1. "Wb.
ben tV auD ahtveb. pluck tbe plap ia funnp. Jones' abilitp te gotMl -|d>uB<,. Northn '|A<s>* No. 1.
Vod* ksge. Ile'had
d .Jiisi eiDcrcad
fn.m the nii.Tiih rf a giillp. when a figure Sowers: the dap flectb uo tbe winged ttng hlnuwlf and cverybodp cite into
ill sliilr fla-b.-.!
' hr saw in aa boura." Z TV bom* In rratlcas paces ‘eorapM and oat again.' ia marvclouz
ioslan' whsl
alchl. N-*tVni'|>buD*.Ct;Ml.liu.
Ibr Bialirr. Higgiog rau; time Btee swap, old age c<
aad from start to finish tV play is full
spurs into bis lor*.- so aorrgrtirtllp Ibat OD." i 'Tome m-hat. come map. time
HOUSES te rah- in all {mrU of IV
Ih* Hill* l>-sst's ridps wvra mirllp rat and tbe bour^rnu through iV rougbest of droll, tituatioBz laughable eompliAtv—all |<ri<K-s.
and sianliii: ll into a mad parr, ba set
FAKIfS — A long Ugt of doaflnble ^
off In |>ursnil. Tlir Msrk'bnrsr «f Nrlfa
climaics. Tinfarms and olln-r lan<U.
nas fasl. but BnrL's king mas fast.-r.
A. J. «arrr. Veiennacp Rura~s. *t
ser. who played bUhop.and the .................. ~.,u-m.v.if«.„.|.-u„krinv .
FRUIT LANDN on (V Peninculaand. 0Kirao.su-. it mas an aliiinsi (ramie
Imirovedainl uuiraproved.
loTtT irho -fed* brr trilh ibr kuom lrdg* r«ate. e'eat I'Vure V blan taire." 7. real bishop wbo wuscomuelled lo play
BABUAIKB-We tave llicm.
that Ilfc.aiid draili were in (be soal*. IQltld bodle fecUtir
Ikwn Di-sr (h* p.-bldp brack of tb* tItct
For a niqpe Case.—*S3lorea aa sweet
he drem- np al.mgri.le lli* <-niip hbek.
■port and the dude who plsya vult-l.
r.ThoHril tr. a. Hsmnrad
and. lenniug ftr ov.u. h* rlasprd tb*
tV policeman end the auperintend.-ut
girl m-iib one tree arm. In auntbeu tnulili’i!?
«“«*•• «
H. * M. Bloek
of the aaniturium, (he arntimcnutl girl
n>*iit lo- belli b.-r almost iineonsciou* f.wm
no Mne’s saddle and milb tb* pracliced
and the love sick old maid. tV jolly
Vnd of the pUlnsman guided the poop
Cia^ and thb learned - Hivrrz Mr. tsrra. -sll <•> R. X. Alljn. nuia 7 and S Ul.
so that It drew op nu the ri*rr*a edge.
N--tr*al(l-«ki I0,--V. Trs»-*-»-l9lp.
4UII ; wjsrtZ z <1sw Itiutiiiji
Tbe girl was saced. but in*t le
la tine, tu alecp. the vrtaln knot ot peacer ’ Gooadly und the Swede girl form a
Ibee moment she would bare beao in “O sleep. II la a gentle thing, beloerd
mbinaion te g>-onlne umuacIL* rlrer. which was unnsualtp de
from fxde to poier 4. "Sle^. O gen
The out was well
iberr. and m-ouJ.I harr drowned.
tle sleep, nature's vft nurvr'
----------------------------------- ,Ak,Aky»f|AM
waa well lukco. the
No, In-.
Harris fasd the leneriip to rail for
Fw a tUuvlDg TIdp or lUior Caae:- acting of John Allista as Jooes and
Nril’a BOBWrr mlil.ln a w^-k. 8be gar* It
1. “Ho Jeai* at acai* tVi never f
with IV frankness wblrb was pvt of brr
Marioo as Ciray being es
wound." Z “Bp barber's nuor b^
pecially enjoyed."
-I’^.ws.- abe saU with a smile. “1
With the rame old favorites in Uir
...................... aa .SOI U A IB- aad Ttm I to 4
leading roles, the minor purls iu
sap tba otd BiSB bad a
KaO. aaalsd a>lri<
iSlridr bar farnrilc
9 calkpinc. msdJT aions
rk bair flowlnc wlkllj to
tb* wiad. was a dai;/ slcbt lo tb* t««[B*Mk of UaadriU*. tb* iBora sobar anmn*
wboB abook tbair brads in horror at b< r
aeUoaa. Not an. bowrrrr, nilh iba c
paartars. wbo kokad at bar rnrinnalr
A* apad akec. h*r poor klrLInt op
dIoBda ot dost, flhr bad tuota Ibiiu nn'a
abaBiad aoma of Ibnn bj bar axtiiblii
of tnorbo bnatioc ond Biirk 1»Ipt b. .
•M dsrod In show blmsplt for a wrak
aflat- aba took tb* Job of brraklnc Bra
dp'a wbha board oiarr out of Ids bands
Badi bad ropH It. caddkd it and brao
throWB » feat altuust as sons as bk f*al
«w* la lb* atlmpa. ftotar of bU rllw w*ra
baobaa. and b* was crnarallT bnilsnl or.
HaO bad noBDlad ll ariarnard undanm*4. BBd wb*a aba p..| tliro.irk Brsdr's
trbH* Bospd nara «a* as d<«-il* as anr
All Its pIubcIbk and ratapall
Jaap* bad fslkd m shaka h*a. Tb* .-nd
ot h was ibat Burk ««s carrO I>t n
atoafcnaa frtai Raadrille to BiagbaB ...
tU ba wkfaad that oarfa a thing as a wbita
Board aura did not axlit. ^nd. lo niakr
It bardar. Bark was oaa df NHI's
anlaet admtrars.
JI right till Ibat “dod*'' from
_ cam* along.
N*ll had ooror
_____ jd to tak* tb* adranras of ib^l>oTs
safkaalp and had mad* poor liork mlwrabk bT oooodlT l•ol<^c bis *i
wbta b* inostarad up aadl.-lral
ta tan bar bow nui-h h* rrallT ibnnghi
of bar. Xrraftbakss it « a* i^n.r*dad
Uingbrd to Boeresa.
lb* Baadrilkll** lhat*1<ii<-k was noo
On* seasiou of tV Brillsb pariiai
two who stood lb* brat rhaar*. Rrit I...
airiral of tb* dud* liiangrd all. It* bad furnUbr.1 an anusing iUnstraikn of tbe
inwer of aatirr
to bring aboot
Bsoar. aad b*.ko*w hew to dnwa to adTBBlagr. Rio* Sann*l shim aud gri-asp results nbb-h sober argntnent bis failed
laatiKr ebaparajos did aot mm|>srr fsrnr. bill drsignrd lo prerrot erucltp to
ablp with ~hark *oat~ aklblag-ai Irsst
bad brra p
ae Iboogbt Burk for on*.
“1 alal BO good aloiigsld* that l*n<l*r- SFUInl and mat uppuard bp a
memlsus ou I be groood Ibat. I
foot." b* had drriaiTd to .N*ll drjmadir
mould riidaogrr vnaio kinds of legitJ■bo hagbrd aknd. You arrrr raa tri
Biatr >i|Hirl.
what a glri Brant Iit Itogfaing ia a raa
Tb.. lUrl of Kimtwrtrp arose and gnPeHkt that. Boi Mg. good naturad
Ip tidiiiiilisl Ibr forre of Ibis argunrat.
pat lb* worst puaailila ronstrnrlloo
'-rndoliM.slIr.- V raid. --Ibr bill would
and tllaellT tnoprd.
pol BU rod l» lisbiug with m..rwn.as bait,
Tb* dad* plalalr llkad XVII. Ills
ll Is a bill." h.- niuliaiird. “lo piwreot
to tb* cdbln w*r* frrnurei. *i.d bi.
wa* orm le b* found talbaml by rtia rnudip Iu mild anlmak In i-apiiritp. TV
ups Ibr word •snimsr shall V
door. Hr tbeogbl k- rook! rid*,
had rlddaa fait hors** on hi* uarl.-'a
*WB pop da aaptbiag far
giria whito ran
wait A oilTer
eoUsette wlU be token st tV
Beoeflt <rf Ooraivilon of Per-
MB. M bad bornn to Uk* Ua amn.
4M ttw «ba pkM* ba palM af wtakb
PjirA.yrad Bawid*
Doth Whit* and Marah RmwIv*
Executive Clemency
Hire OF $5,000 EACH
Qov. Plnarree Hade Hie Action
Known Last NiKht
4041. .
llpMW to A. HMhic Rows.
nourmcB or caovrx
iStvn IS S mfOtem
PhUedsliiiia, Dm.
Othwof Osew L. Bonu. the West
Pedwt <wdM who died
<d the tfaroetaed Inu.
mid by aoubw of his bmity to hare
ty barisir tohaeeo wnoe
toted down his tlimat by cadets at
the miltoy awdray. U of tie optii'
ion that the 1me1b« was aot dae to
the dislike of his m pmceally, bat
owiBff to the daeire of the eadeu to
fraei the aeadtsny all am
who are not aoes at army ofBeer
Paris, Dee. 4uised in the senate today by Oseetal
I both Otaecsl W. L. Msroinr. dorlnc the debate
d bill, pointiiut ont the tear with
which Great Britain oonld be inrad.
' 0«L A r. Msnh. «s-iaqao(or|«Mixl •d by a Preach force.
of the MieUcMt Xstioi^ OunL ooD'
vioMd of eonplicltr is*the etate miU'
isrr rtotbla, tissde.
cr|B,00O&pe brmA.
Ooaml White «M tskoo to JwAooB
laet oi|H>t sad foorted to the {rim
thUmonilnK st6;» o-eloek. later
is the dsr he W>* eeterod spot
Lstngworthy !• Still a Sfyeclal
trim h«s ei Bmber 7ML Be
aeslirned to the tailor (bop where the
■ Policeman
elothtna for the ooaeleti if auAe.
WhiU wae sot prt to wort at once,
M.tl ie eaetowaiy loallow a few deji
before pattiB, the prlioiien at work.
Ylie awmal eleotioa of officen of the
L. a B. A. will take plaee thU erM.
ta«. A fall atteniteDoe U deeired.
Use of the wiadow dlsplaja of the
Mmaotile Oa preoenta a onfaine
' «ofa hoffe iatita. UoD epliln-'e web lb *hich
eorteoftoTa and faoer artidee for
holiday {
Tlie aoeial that wae to hare been
irireo by the T. P. 8. O. K. of the
Pteabyteriaa oboroh Thoraday eronbijr
hae beeo poetpoped.
Aaa nntlt of the {raaetilaHon of
*'ne Meoaiab.” Ike |dpe oipao fluid
<ef the Cconretatloeal ohttwh will be
leoreaeMi by ^oiie a Mbatantlal aua.
The RToae rr&lpto of the Ontario won
9M0. and the oEpaaae will be abool
47>. Of the oet {rooeeda Prof. C. K.
' Horvt aharee eqaallj wiihllie pipe
oepaD eoDimUtee.
Hiere will lie a meeting of the KeUil
this eteoiiw at R:»0
o’clock in Monugue halL Rehedimenu will lie serretl and a fine time
U upecied. .All mcQiben are urged
to be {reaenl.
Mn. George K. Ball it severely ill
at her home on Weal Seventh nreei.
The name of l>r. C. ). Kneeland
was omitted frwn tlie rc|m handei]
t-UeforiSilkelt lele IMnMreio Heper■Uoe or Poke IB Ibr
Mwal rueiberilr
itily of
rontioi- bnsineas last evening lot tlie
not an exeiling
The only time when Ihorv Was any
special inhwost manifested was when
the claim of H. A. Lougwortliy fur
Tices ,B4 night roUoeman. on the
itli side came np in Uie regAlar mlariet eeoomic The eotincil would not
liave it that way, on the gronnet that
he had aot beea r^polated to the poeitioa he ia bolding, nor has be been
by the eonacll. Mid in ad
dition the claim called for klD more
,th than Mr. Blacken was get
ting. who had been dnly appointed
and oaoflnaed. After pxaaing the
rest of the claims and acManta, Mr.
Isuigworthy'i bill of $50 was allowed
bat it was the eetiae of tUe oonnoil
that a pmnancat appointment shonld
be made and nonftnned. Mayor Fried
rich staled that he had not deiiivd to
force on the city a man that did not
with the approval of the eonncil
and be wnntd make a iiemiauent ap
liolntmeot at the next tegniar meeting.
On the motioo of AtBerman Roaud.
the mUry of C. O. Blacken was rais
ed from $10 to $50 B month.
Tbe proposition of the Villard W.
0. T. U. to erect a drinking fooutalc
on ProDt street seemed to mt-et with
the appromi of tlie aldermna. bnt was
referred beck to the committee on fire
and water to more deffnite eposiderition.
The board of water oommlssioaers
as given anthoritr to extend the
water msitis across thr Union street
bridge, and to replace the prrtent 4inch main on Union street between
Tenth and Eleventh with a lO-ineh,
main. This will give tar belter pro
tection to the south adds.
The extension of tlie sewer east of
Union strvet sonth to Thirteenth was.
referred to the sewer
Plato and a report rw tlie rabject w<tv
iweeeiteri by Engineer Wataonarrowing of money in this
city to meet tbe bills of the UnitedBmtce Oast Iron Pipe ft Fonndty Co.
d Korekp>
Muaionary SoAetyI of
< the Cl
(KHial chutch wik
1 with Sfrv
. Frank Hamillon, room 3 Park
'ark 1’
this afternoon at 3 o'clocl!. ,\s Ihwc
will be election of oHlrers a full aiieftdance is desired.
There will lie a regular meeting ol
Dochets camp No. 2«5, M. W. A..
tORiorrow night.
annual election
of officers will take place and other
ira|iortant business transacted. A-fuIl
attendance is desired.
The statement in ) csterday's Rec
ord at to the marriage of Air. Harry
Cook and Mim Cora Walter has been
lound to be an error,.as they have not
been married.
The election ofoAcers tor Uie Rathhone Sisters has been postponed till
nett Moiulay evening.
The examination of James Thi^i.
The petition of John F. Ott ft Oo
charged with chicken stealing, which
was to have ocrurreil today, l^been for the remittonoe of hydrant rpnUl
for hydrants on tlieirgronnds naedfor
(lottponed for a sredc.
only, wra referred to
The Traiente Bay Sewing Circle
sfill meet with Mrs. l,e)mun ioroor- the ebsnmittee on Are and water.
A {voposiHon from the Boys' Band
The Hannah & l.ay Mercantile Co. for the city to snpport a city bond,
teceiveti a carload of mattresses ves- by pa.ving to an Inatjnctor and for
hall mot for tbe bnnd was favorably
by the copneil, and a definite
TheWoman-s Foreign MLssionarv riewedIbyt
socielT of the Baptist churdi will . . ition will be received from
meet with Mrs. John Alillis this alter- the Boys’ Band at tiie next* meeting
SaOo dock.
of the conncll.
, ‘
Cotimv Clerk Newton U confined
~ dlrwied
to hit home by tUnest.
! •" “J-rintend the location of aU telThe annual tneetinc: of IbKhest j
telephone and electric U|rtt
Camp Na 2346, M. W. A., will oc- P®****o »*». and
nir this et eniiK. Offiem will be
U" the former action of the conn,
elected, and oU are requested to be
the removml of pole*
The snprem coart has granted a
writ of error in tbe cue of Addison
TvraotD AT OALVKsrrox
Stores \a the Mkhi^ Starch Co.,
BOtTBTH TXAB.>^aill7
: Pfaw TiaiwM C*T
I2ew Htadf for Inspection
In view of the tact that the High
ectooi team to not aaxiaas to a date
Oar iMgaificeot assortment of Christfrias
aDd New Years presefats. The daintiest and prettiest
prodoctioos of art in books, pictures, calendars, toilet
sets, bibles, albums, toys and games, and 'thousands
of pretty Aovdties. The
with the Ttaverae City U. at M. Team
Committto Melee MenyChen«ee From Original Draft
day’s Beeord. tbe ladependrats have
decided to take tbe bUer team cm
their string, {worided tbe U. of M. ‘s
do not back oat of ftie {wi^tlon.
Hie ladepeadenta are a eity team, and
hope to make matters latmasting to
tbe University stndsnts if they ^ay.
Ways ar^ Means Committee
Will Suggest 26 Cents.
Yonr Christmas
Men Tbae the *0*4100,000 Bm
HeerMerreribe Tmerarr.
Rimal to Tto HavMaa B«rt.
Wariiington, Dea A—Ways a
ieally agreed
m rednetloe of the tax on besg. This
radaotton will be about >5 oeeU a
tsureL There U much oppoeitkm in
the hoase to the propoeed redaotioo.
It U alsp fonnd that a mneh larger redoetion in war revenaes can be safety
made than the $Xl.OOO.GOO tecomraended by the {sesident and tbe secrelarr of the treasnry.
Dec. 4—The army orwas reported by tbe
honse oommittee on military affairs
today with many ohaagee from the
draft as reported by the war departProvlslaa is made to the ap^
rat of Gen. Fitxhagh Lee toa
unee Wilson as brigadier geaeraU, Bad Gen. Bhsfter as a Major
General of the regnUr army. The
chief of artillery Is to be enUtled inipeotor, atmclied to the staff of the
the army. Pro
vision retiring the artillery chief as a
brigadier general was stricken onL
Washington, Dec. 4.—At an exeenlive session of the aenate this afterSenator Loilge of Maiimchnsetts.
in charge of the Hay-Panneefote
ity. mid he wonld laem the convoatimi at eveiy poaibli> opportnaitv
to endeavor to secare a s}ieedy ratiflcation. Kepnwentaavr Driggs of New York
■day Introdneed a resolntlon provid
ing for an Investigation by the seeretary ol
Point, e^meuay the ’‘haring" of
L Boos vriio died ceeenily.
from the effects of injuries so received
“BeUeve me, it ia a aoble thing to give.”—Ibeb.
I One Thousand Dozen Xmas
The Prices So Modentc.
Ladles' Xnus Slippers
Handtome, comtotoble — very
-M, «. HSo
CbUdren’s Xmas
This CTcninc, between the hours of r and 9,
we "Offer:
laitUl Handkercbteta, worked with ailk,eaclj at........ ........lOe
IniUal Handkercbieb. all aUk. at.*.............................26 and fiOc
Uidorad Handkerchief bwotifol gou^ at...............lOandSbe
J*in. with i, I. 4 or 1 inch heiu, } dox in fancy box at.. .11.00
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, very tine, si..,.25c or 1^76 dosen
{ The bsndnomrat line of Colored Silk Hendkerchiefs st 50 nod
7'k: over shown.
Dninlv slitiiea, servieeable —
sate to pleajs- the little ones—
60. «5. T5r.
Men’s Holiday SUppers
AaaealA.O. U. W.
lASt ntgbt tbe A. O. U. W. held
' ' r annnal elcotian, which resalied
I BOamilllitlMII«ieiBiMi|i ■ - ■ 25c'tiS2.n
Past Master WarktasD-Anga* M.
Master Wortman-Wm. Jackson.
Foreman—Ohas. Kelly.
Overseer—L. 6. Cnrtia
Recorder—J. M:4sgrlg.
Financier—O. E. Bamaa
S. Benda & Co.
'£ Bonvenir to Isdies.
The Popular Shoe House I
The Old Stand.
Qaide—Horry Roond.Inside Worfcman-E. W. Boiler. .
sOntside Wortman-W. J. Nelson.
Physiclan-H. R Gsrncr.
Tnistee. S yean-Angns McCotl.
Debwete to Orend Lodgi'-Angns
McColl; altenute. Joa Mnrrhie.
Do You Need
If you do, you had better see that
Sample Line. About 30 of them yet
that will be sold at
We knot them
1-3 Off Regular Price
ntw stock...
Clamia No. 7 and .5 of the Fir»i
M«hodi»t 8nn.tay »ch<»l ’"11 give
an Gtlapodaida aoriol Friday even
ing. Dec- 7. X prognun. delieion* reaomclhing cIa’"
will be givoji. All an- invited. Ail-
Let Bends be Voor Santa. >
A Jacket?
time U think
nhout «
y,>is4}.t. M. OHrM«.
The following ofBoria liave been
•Ifoted by the K. ft A. M.:
W. M.—William Abbott.
Senior Wanico-H. .O. Joynt.
Junior Warden—8. W. Barns.
Secretary—E. A. Newton.
Tteasnrer—O. B. Hale.
The tnstoUation of offleers will oc
cur Dec. «.
each paid a fine of $4
$1.35 for asraolc and tnttery. This
u the remit of their link* trooble in
Hotel Whiting Thanksgiving
They stoaUy denied that any| knife
was n^ in the fracas with the night
clerk Ons Oreenwald, Int he is
e<|iiaUy em|dmtie in his declaration
tliat it was. and points to the cat in
his hand as proof.
In iiBpoting the light set itenee-which
he prononnoed upon the yoang men.
Jndge Roberto gave them some very
esome advice that they will do
well to profit l>r. He stated to them
that they are at the parting of the
ways, and that their fntnre lives de
pend mnoh upon tnelc d<«.'Uion at
tlie inesent Ume.
of osefbi {Wveento it eo
fiivKv i.ioirr rixK«
oeeg MfW Who
TroeUe T
StvlBc UerUolorRaU,
Charles Oollns, Winfield
worthy and .
HOBART-BEECHER CO.. Proprietors.
despite the_________
yon come here. Hie
a BoUey JMtarday rwived
sr from Secretary Baer of the
Uailed Society of Chiisian Endeavor
him to exhibit hU toaons
at the Initlaml OhtotlBO^KBdenvor bonTMition in Ciadnaati next snmiaer.
When the maseom was dispUyed at
Detroit last yenr, it errated a great
deni of inteteat, tbongli at that time
Mr. UoUey had bat 8S0 articles of hU
own. iNow be 1ms 2,100 articles
which will be
iee agrrat many that will be oontributed tj Mr. Holley's oorreepondeoto in 16 eoantriaa
w w .w Ot^ Book Store
II The gnat Holiday Store of Northern Michigan.
: U. Boiler Wgl KsbMl Hie Pe-
Enirpniil till rut's uki.
Latest Hopeltits
Open Eveninfs From Now Until Xmas.
make Your « «
Selections Dow
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.
Bamum & Earl,
MuaaoH Block.
Jtre You Up Co tht
mark ?
michlgaa ttkpbtm Cc.
l*4y Miatmss st Arm*—Dora Hsiv.
IMdy Picket—Msry JoMiooa.
ini DOiUD^
wish to bo so,
so. the To1o-|
pb^e is iodis|ipensilile.
_ .
lie lip b> till* work. I
TravMW liar Hive Ktretloa.
in tbic age. witbont ibis twentieth |
The oaDOAI election of ofllcera
itory sdiaiict.
Tmveme Bay Hive. No, 71. for the cent
i« the time to get intocoD-1
coming year, whirti occnrrvd ln*l! N'
evening, renilteil ia the foil
”*j Not in two bnorB—Not lomor-J
lodie* being elected
row, bat immediately
-Clara Rector.
Indv Commoach r-Cbllie
Tbe other fellow often gets the i
Lady LieuL Oommsader- Emma order yoa might fasve bsd. becanM!
be has a Telephone in bis pisce
'kody Record KeepM-Anna Hornnood.
Ask the local nunagers.
lady Finaaop Keeper—Agnee MeMichoeL
lAdy ChapMin-Bmma Helm.
No' more—no less
The PingreiT
Ladies' Shoe
Yon take no cliancee when
VQlj }«y$3.UU^for thin
Speak forCbemseloes
Motle o? new and etrliah
loele-heevT and light nleo.
kid lin.-d-a .hoe that wean
well and fiU well. Yon get
them of tbe Uld RelUble
Siioe Mon.
Osr naaes speak tor themselves, ai4 their saperiorlty
to everywhere sckaowlefifed
TKra Nraw Sftrarad.
Cbursday* Dec* 6
irviliek block. Drera^
ity-ooc yvara of sgr. ^ '<
had beeo ill. at timva for three
wraks poaL bat It was not thought
tlmt dratfa was oo near.
H. L. Garter took ehrnnm of the
body, which wiU be token to Saginaw
Tharaday morning to bnrioL
Hm monthly axwtiag of tbe Wo_mn'4 ^«e and Ftosifft Miasioaory
soeie^ of the First M. S. ohateb wUl
be held In tbe ebarcli psrkra todsy
Uvee Tau Wlmm.
at 2:10 pm- Brief raemarla.'
vices WiU be held to deomsed
ben. MimBae Johnson will fasre
palate* by tbe reestit
tbe direotion of tbe ygoerrain. wbirt
witl oaoxist of Ghri
etaieof. typhoid fever. The
Mia JohaaoD of Grand B^dds wUl
Tear best feelings, yoar aocdal pc
slttcn or your bnsinemsMeemd^di
give s talk w atom week with which
■be hse been cotmeeted. Tea wUl be
ttot a MjoHty ef a
ed fton 6 to $. A gimwal inviUI. nu, «n <-en«diSn>«b, (Vedtrphi
iy change the disease,
ftmahsTiU-tnariet in 0
triedhcKat the last term of ctrort
Starrs sru awarded damages tor in*
Janes received whik working in tbe
factory. Tbe caae was carried to ^
supreme court by Hon. W. H. Fos
ter, attorney for the company.
•»r*1o> Up T» a OCtocfc «
DOW Open nt the bOB
____ .-ertxxM 111 Prioes aSe,
$0n.T$o. BSrSafrM-Ol
Get a good imitrumetit while vonr
children otv yoong. and they will
ioon ohow a foodnevn and on aptitude
for mule. We have a large ditplar
of the best iutrnmento. and will be
glad to ibow them to yon.
made iUell fit «
» » ttlear Ulell
I 20 Front Street.
That's what we know about
N. E. STRONG. Mlanaxer.
krubee.clothef brart*s.eta..
in ebaay, cboDcdd and otfara
blaekmateriaL Price* fran
ao oenli to $ dolkn. Look
them over at
“trv-ine” Shoes
These shoes are mide of the very best material
possible at the price, none but the best of firorkmeo
arc employed in their manufacture, in fact 'they’re
the best fittiag. most durable ladies' shoe we ever,
sold at tbe price.
* * * $2.00
Front Street.
I aMoraro ionNO^ n^r
dmlTattmtf ttstmm “Mggmj” -Emlp
ttM mOMtoemVarlaoBtff torn mha at the Kew T<ak mmdtoemaof ttb(tornttcmiMhiagaotWm I laifi ||■lln TiU^ of Bow
agearhatbmo aroa%hi
&M^a n WAWltt • ttge «s»tw
IbeMdcr ctttto tbed
<rf ehOdmn. to htosp «ms of tte ompm.
X Beww a ttO.
bac^ bhlerpnya atodatoam.
la was bnt tme ttoa
eratff earioa* marine pJaate. wMch ft
tom to ttavlllto*: tottstt
«ipi<V Witt its pimttr daws. Beam
rim them «nt to itt montt. wfaata ft- patring ttnea. Herei
Bere was a
aem» fc> fcrepa sopplyff wmerprorf
gtato. and ttwto to its bott. U to sapposed to do this for laotrctitsi fnm its
enrsairs. for. Imlf bmisd U tbe mad
poasiUe also that tte nnb
iprigx for adartunewt. as it afem selects
tboott scenetimm tbe seeds eff marine
^ts male <m Ha hade end grow tb^.
-bat it never lume the bandy nsr <d be
n* pmMnt
In hU
«e -the OhtoMe dlwtiMt.
thmgh tfant por^ioe of the doco
there U
pwifawnlneiK the epirit of
t in
.OMblM wUd> afftote
pMren et the tnsrtd.
Ot» iendiex
While the t*c«-
Meet beUmt in eznotiaic Jut mnaDmmum tor loMk* of
China tmi enaeiest pnnii^uneiit tjf
the pvpetnttor^of the Boxer ootnirea
he MgM eceinet an extreme
whkh troald InrolTe ,thie and the
otter wotJcne in
hweaU be of
oc* to ov
iwmmerclal Intareata, and
at the
time nailnninr the fntare
Of Amttimn
Intereata nov exiitliiir
in the empire. It ie tble pol«7 «Meh
The Itrgeat of tbe spider oafas at tbs
aqoariam is abnot g iarbm in l^tt.
ftan side to side iU Iqv sjaead aboot
eight Inobm. Tbe boOom of tbe Mte
cabs' leak is eowced with giarol- The
tank wes rhwwd the odxr day and all
bat abnat three ioehes
the Water
drawn off.
When tte refilling of the
tank was begun, all tbe mbs gattmed
aronod tbe intake. Craba and Attea In
nmally di
inmniing water
captirity might welrmne an iooaming
oorrcsit of fradi air. Tbe flow cf water
Unooith tbe intake'pipeacan be ngalat'
ed at will Here it was pmntlted to
an In at iu batnnU forre. which was
abrat that erf water flowinii frtsn a baa.
Tbe lh.w was broken etancwhal by tbe
wire stfatoer erver tbe ofning of lbe
intake. pla»d tttr* u> kur little flabea
and cTUKtanwns from gening into the
pipm, lint it was t<u slnnig fer the
■pidtT mhe lo fate. They be^ to aet*
tie thrnwimidown into lbe gravel and
to pile gravel ap>n ihrir backs, apper*
enily to weight ilieuiselvee down so
thnt they maid wiUwlaad it. On a
mndpcr.mnddy botton tlwy eooU hare
bttried or jartly barred Ihrmselnn.
Bote Ibe wrk was woe difflcolt, bnt
Xhs asamttra ....................to ea toltobsw
feramh be vrill ebw to or If be WiU riak
ttrowtog htostolf off. A tookmi neck
woold he tbe tmtate catoeqoMKie of iTmatoing. As for atopiang him, amnebodyhasweU mid that yoa mijttt as
well try to stop a Mnsway Imrasotive
to pnUtog vritt your walking stick <m
(Bb fnaiiel as to seek to cbeik sn eto
pfaact to sDch a mooiait with the goad
^seoktog an ebphmit’s Up in a»rTillage bad kxhed ttem over. Pn» Udn masnm- you can make H par like
that day tte memberaof tbe dyipeptto'a a hnga grimalkin UU tte emth shakto
family wrn knows as‘liagoa.’ And
When it u afraid m
the word was ^iplied to srerytting as a
i^arlative, to a flae ycke of oxen or •
Mg fish. ■Bostm Jcnnak
Ftnt-class Inaoranoa Oompaalea.
bMoA HamiUoa A MiUlkem Bloek.
noF. w. g. HBBBism
Of Ann Arliov
Will Deliver HleAectura.
Inwetolth Pesmsylrmiia
la lanks next to
Rew Yesk. having an asaa
of gl.OU.m.Ols. owing largely loihe
pewwa and it ia the inflimee
Wtton trtilob wiU erentnanr aettle
Would nak* toot vUb
B ChrifltraM prcMot ^e
wonld hpprednte—there
‘ if moch more pUMote
ia cooking over,n aioe
•toelniige (ha^ aoaa.
■wa cook gtore —nod
tbm ia not moeh difCaraoe^iathe prientiw
way I nm nelliag tbnm.
A 'fine Sqanre Baage
for t26.00-a little down aad a bttleat a time paymemU,
and your wife will have a ChrkUtai preaeut that abe will
enjoy a life time.
‘Noggflts of Gold”
sweet ttmpmisl
old female on which 1 rode bimdreds of
miba Daring tbe midday ball I naed'
to caU her np. and she wnald caam and
stand vritt coe foot on each aide iif my
ttect m 1 fayOD my lack and fed her
vritt bananas I was nrrer a^ry vritt
her bat eave. when «ba tried to kUl tte
Onmie ORwsioo * little elephant of
oar pony, naming behind iu motber.
teased tor beymid andorsnee. and she
tamed and gave him a ebure ttat land
ed him ttrt apirrmost at tbe bottom of
ederpbronk. Fcr two boom be am
ed Uke a- stemn wbisUe while vre
all eMmged to getting him ooL
Every night when we leactod camp
and the Vsdswere takni off each driver
In thU Lecrnre is set forth the ptitt
would babble bis bnwl by tying in frtsit ciples that to lb>- kingdom of evety
(egstogetter with rattan so that itcoold
Kfe are to be found tbe ’'Ihtogs that
only liop with both together. Then a
ke meet happy." Tokrepoae'eself
hnge wonden bell was btuu; around iu
the attitade and atmosphere for
nn-k.bnd it w as litreed bssw to vrander
in the tongle. AU night king the faint growth: to work: to love—this is tbe
of lifrj
doog. dong <rf tlewp bells made a mr lanifnlaoup anmnd thecamp. At daybook
each driTfJ iraekcd hu elephant by tte
suoiiA often gtrfag many miho fur hiiiL
—Atlaoia (’(awliiatioa.
December 6,1900
At Udies’Library HaU
9. has been Identilled of all who died at Valley Forga
dnrtng that perikmn winter of IT'S.
-J, W.. K7s."areall tte markathat
ate on tbe stene. bat the reoords show
wfaoe grave it la. AU the
have been plowed over ter
tog ton awgy with by an ekphsaL
Btohiag Kipa bis wild ntt. and be darn
not swerve for an cdwlmle. bet gca
toralgbt at it. A few ttakm fllmi
evetytU^ on hto Mnk. and tteridsr
baa bat a aemd or two to wbhh to
■ndaloetrof mtotttorf
dsy tte
tavea kaspto auwaa tte itoip and mid:
•HeDo! Anyonattosmaberr Tea.'
ww tbe answer.‘and
St iL’ Tbe
Ikenttmao tto^ht on. Stoa -toadaya
two there was ha^otoaide ttt boiUWitt otter sura goo^ probah^
Orth. bangUag^ made
r seen oto tte emtli
A good aemr to told
pew. Be reeetvad a letter from a yooag
mrrtod friend ia Albany asking for a
pms for fail motber-ia-tow. who was
cocnligt to makn him a visit, and closing
with tte delkate hint. -Don’t forget to
have tbe reinra eoepoB attaebad. ” Mr.
Oepew U Dotting U not worldly wim
aad sympattatie. and in sesdug tte ^
be wrote. ‘T have not neglected tbe letBisoonpea and have limited it lo three
HtoU^ tmt a t«to <m ai
It will pay yoa well to allow os to riraw
yoB oar latent atyle ahoee with onr name stamp,
ed oethe bottom, which means a gnaraatee for
yoo that they are made by a manotaetarer of
world wide repdtation They combine tbe good
pmats of all other like priced ahoes. Tlie msterials are oarefnlly aelected, with a view to
■oftness and servioe, aad the workmaasbip is
the very best. Fryman's enstom made shoes come in a variety of
bsadsoioe stylea to suit all taMos, and ahapes to fit all feeL
Styles io Veloor Calf, oork sole, English welt......... $3.00, $3150
RuasiaCoH Skin, Isoe and congress..........;.............. $2.25, $2.00
No better shoes sold anywhere for the-mooey.
I SB Front Street.
Admission 25 and 35cts.
plariug sKSHie iu that manner, and with
TbstatalMe^of all the farmato
their pliwher eUws they wonkl piok
tte Baited BtalM U etll.fl8.6iu. of
ritr of China and ben^C thii and Stones. B->nietinies ambwooldpick bp wUoh S&7,<16.TU ere improi
V of OiMra,«is r
two gravel sthnes at tanr, me in eatt
1. and M»,601.8a4 a
claw, and place them both cto ftt back.
that vlU effect the ftreat manafae- It might Carklu a sliiue so big as to te*
twiaff Indaetriea in thie oocatrr to ■ quire besh rUws in the handling of it
the whole syctem when entering it
nmartable exML
and raisi' that and pot it on iu back.
AU toorisu to tbehiittlaads know throogfa tbe mnooos anrfaoea. Buch
If yoo have a dwrlltog, stock,store,
Borne of the stouee wmM n>U«ff'down
artaolee ahould never be need exoejd born, oranr other uropeHy tosorBanevU. Tb^ may not know why a
by the mlis' lefu. bat they were not
kindly reoxemtor I vraat to
damage they wdU do is write the inssianee for yon. aad wlU
lot there, for iheybelped to boildap
Para, balre and core the fralt
e*good yon con poeslbly give yon jotimpt and oatvfnl atten
arunnd. and the mb wonld go ahead
the Bkina are thio and ibe fait acand.
___a ,__ V t r.1.—..._ tion.
taara them whole, nu a deep podOnly tbe moat teliabloAlock InanrBaaevle hotel, end be made himecU
d»M dleh. add water to abow near the
noxkios by his cmilemptaua relop and ooe-bair cop of angar for a
and mnonnH
in Seutlsh Kenrry. "BenKevtwo qnart pan. Cover and bake alowthe sTstem- In baying
ud. "do roo call t........................
Ip (01 lad. Herd pearm. whole and noGENERAL THOMAS.
rh Cutv.ighly Bock- Hall's Oatarr)
pnaA abeoki beStewed dm till orar
the genotoe. It in taken. inU-._
les1 Lwh Unnbe! Do voa oil that a
Ip tender lo little water, or joo mt
by Y
and made in
bet Itor Hto WUs.
lake.'? Yon sbnoldatouar LakeBope- Cheney A Ot
iiaaa Ibem. Pot Uiroj lo e ebillo
Testimonials free.
Qenml William Mabcne erf Virginia liar! "and so on. Tbe highland waiter ^Boldhy draggista, iirice TSc.
fftaalte pen. bake elowlp end bet
was exaspmiud. and pruenring a live
sat in Chambcrlin’A deeply '
With ^ aifop Benre wiiti cteain.
to a well boond volume of
lotater be aeoeied it, to rvqoiul of the *”»iu’s FkmUy PilU
tosolts, in tbe Americu'c bed. Hardly
had tbe American gone to sleep when
THEBE WILL BE a concert at K<*«-, i
tbe lobster canghi him firmly bv tbe
. ulyraid.
It mmj be molal
-K ismadenpof’Pspnaoftbo Mill
toe, and be jninped uat of bed n
with weter or enmonle for oee.
amawolB glrte a wore brUUanl pollab tary Humricai BciriPtv irf MaNWchosetU
•langhler of Big Rapids. Uich. Ad- j i
miMion 10 and 15 eenta All ar.- J
to tbe alWer. and. If aleobol be need and (onUitu critical sketcheeof someod
. not have ooch big
vltb U. a more leMloff oee. Cbamolt the kwdlng Fcdtral and Cenfederatc
and big lake* bc/e as we
li tbe moat aatliraetorp matertel for gunmls. Iwas at that moment engaged
cm tbe sketch devoud toOenml Thom have in the sutes.bat yoahare tbe CASH PAID for good cast off cloth
ing. Araeriian Cleaning Hods^, 404
as. It is a very fait and inttvesting ao- most tareatkn big Ihws 1 evur expari' East Front street.
1114 -fit
oount of his character and scrrlces.
-1 kucwTboium pmonally. for ha
Paehlea** Bebc
Tble peer oM Eoclteb tppe la one of was Isru and rtsaied in my atetioo of
Cha eadtttlre atplee for riamnc eanla. West Virgiuia lie was a military
of exiellcut paws, rather stow to act,
—ddlng lorttBOoDa. etc.
Alfloo eapaa lo blacka bloca and all bnt new able lo grasp the id<« that be
the aaodlab eetora are floUbed witb had been whipped. Hisbolldogteuacity
was a etrvsig cliaractcristic-.
MMlnv and ffUt braid.
-I loiow a god dmi more than this
eapHd from one leeeotip wore bp Babi».k aboot Thomas- frtdileetioo for the
rab BanibartfL
liaii'a oeckwearte
wearte not ao h>^o
col- Bonlbeni cause. In passing throogb tbe
I laat fail, and itfia witb state cm bis way fnm Texas lo New
wine eoda wlU be worn Ycrk at the time that tbe l^rislMore
was delihmiltog tn the qoeMinn of se«btO tata lo tbe
Lbe fall araioa. (
orenuu. Tbouias saiA vfitt emphasia,
favor to
The ratare of Mack silk
‘Tbm> is notbtog fur Ibe saolhtodo
na Important: and pleaelcf
falx it to
bnttohghL' it was well
; ttwaver, tbe black eilk H other
that las srmpelhies were with tbe peo
ple of his native auction.
d lostrooa tanne.
"1 was cnipowfTfd by tbe governoe
WUIa brenduu in baede to oaed aa of VirgtoU u> offer him ao
-• drma trtmmtbg tbinoraaon.
li<n cveamlfcr him and tendered it
lUeblne chain atitcblog to rows
the fall expectation that it wonld
With (i
aleaa as almoet to elmiUate MnM to bean«iit<d. He married a Mim Harcy
Ci..«or .
w Vtrk. and it U no doubt tree
that bis wife's tofloerxe had ranch to
do with koepiiig him on the Cnion
aide."—Washington Post
the trashlea in the Chiaeae emjiirt) iu
a —■»««' that wiU'preeenfe the inte«-
F. 1. Telephone 78
Traverse C
jm kinds 0f
Bftpek BtpaMnq
Bicfclt Sandrits
Wrakieg St AcoAmr and M koeH.
B- Jl- LtdtrU^
AH«nirko( hlrb.M taiUMv rrsdv. PlMfoH
IIS Ztnhn SI.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Gempany^
Ready for Cliristinas?
cu~r oiZass
Water Bottles. Water Pitchers and Tumblers.
Salt and Pepper Shakers, SaU
salad Dishes,
Celeo’iBoats. Fruit Bowls, N’ases.
Vin^r Jars. Sugar and
Cream Sets. Per
fume Bottles.
The tUeet^asa ■
ffantber boee era alwapa tbe verp
thl^ wban tbe air to cbillp.
Borne of tbe new beta are triiomed
with feathera wbleb are black oitUida
and wblta malde. and Umm carntturea
are adraoctaf more dnd moie to
adfas of the brima
BAI Waeraa. with all aortrand eoodltkwa of aoderalecvca. either full and
paSp or dose flttlop and long or aboru
aeeofdiag ta tbe etpto of tbe gown, provan to a great eitcot
osea of theConinnatloaal in
to O. E. eocietr for the next
It are:
Thartell; Becretazy,
wbu was constantly lanttting at the poor
fellows who became faligned by kng
man bia or wbo mnk snder seemingly
trifling wonnda. His cuonge, health
and streogUi eeuin^ invincible. One
day a Wty project from tbe eoemyto
on—whal we all a spent ball—
. . > rolling along Tbe temputic
pat oat one's foot to stop och a
waiiRwdstiblo. Tbe soldier 1 have l
rifloed vieUedtoit Withaiperrya
he pat oot bis foot and to an iatoa
IS eat off, and be sank to tbe gtonnd
maimed, shattered cri|giie for life,
Our prices on this ware
are the lowest ever quoted in this city.
Christmas NoifBltiBS
A macleal jon-
fiam will bo givna and refrettn
see ted at the door of tbe baslnem
Ail taamban and thooe de-
•Mag to
hooomo mombora are re-
ffaaatod to be meant.
A Wmbb'*
awM Peru.
'*Tham ia only one ehanee to mxt
7MT Ufa and that U thrtwgh aa opm
■How*' wme the startup words beard
WMta LB. Bantof Lime Bidgo.
Via. torn her doctor after he had
vMiily trtad to owe her ofw M^tfal
•aaaM Moameh tranUa and ynllow
jaaiMii OaU twom bad f<ned and
ibt ManWwtty grew
worse. Then
witsem T. L Mhrtto of Dtoto.'if'.
he gave (this evidMc:^'!
oooghed every night oatil
was nearly rew.
Then_____ _____
Ktof'a New Dtoenvety
tostant relief. 1 here need it to mv
tomily for foar years end toeamawifi
it as the grratast remedy for ^fftiglto.
and mil Throet. Cheet and Umt
las. It will stop tbe worst eoagb,
ttifal etSmeL. Ltvac and Eidavy
to only prevents bat sbsototely
r mie by 6. K. Vail
Always likes a new tie.
Beautiful ones from 25c
to $1.50; or a nice pair of
Mocha gloves. 75c to the
finest at $5.00; or a silk
mufder from 75c up; or a
nice umbrella from S1.00
to the beauties at S5.00:
or a new book. Have all
the latest publications,
many of the writings of
the standard authors,
from 20c to $u»;ora
book of poems at 75c and
Are the ones that must
be pleased—can't help it
with our enormous sibck.
Begin with dolls, 5c to
-'i'3-oo: games of all kinds.
5c to $3.35; mechanical
toys, amusing and instruc
tive, from 35c to $1.50;
juvenile books from 5c,
IOC, 15c to 75c and $i«>;
doll furniture, cabs, gocarts. dressers, cradles,
open Every Evening.
wceptog like,* cUMathii awfnlmto
Tonng Man iboastfallyv-l am getog
> erws tbe Atlanue tothistO foot boot
with DO eempanioD bat thU dog. Good-
We are. with the greatest stock of Christmas goods for
the ypung men and maiden^, older people and children,
in fact every one. Here are suggestions:
Bought direct from the factory at a saving of from
thirty-five to .fifty per cent.'
wlU be beld-ot
ttanh ttle'.orealng.
- -
Gold Plated Ornamental
Vases and Clocks
B. V. P. V. toaeteem MeettmtTho
erst Bhertnana rrmi
sterling silver mounted
ebony novelties—darn
ers, curlers, slipper
horns, nail files, letter
openers, roller blotters,
button hodks, etc.
sterling silver novelties
conMting of curlers,
button books, tooth
bntdtet, cuticules. pa
per knives, shoe boms,
etc„ etc.
hair, military, clothes
and face brushes, tea
bells and combs.
ling silver novelties
worth $1.00—bat brus
hes. whisk brooms, ivo
ry combs, nail files,
seals, tooth, brumes,nail brushes, nail pol
ishes. button hooks,
etc., etc.
THE YOlMe uor
Would be pleased with
a piece of ‘handsome
china, 50c to Sj.50: or
some beautiful cut glass,
prices from S1.00 lo S12:
or sterling silver nos’clties. a splendid assort
ment to choose frori!. at
25c. 50c. 7sc. $j.oo: or a
nice book of poems in
dainty binding, 35c to
$1.50; toilet sets in beau
tiful settings from S1.50
to S4.50: or a pair- of
fashionable gloves from
A new smoking jacket
to put on after supper,
An easy chair.
sells from $5.50 up; or a
Hundreds of them from_ _ pair of slippers in either
S1.50 to Ssxirf: or some
velvet, felt or leather, sell
-dining chairs from $4.95
from 7ic up; or ao uphol
the set of six. u^. or a
stered rocker, sells from
fine couch, those new
$2.50 up; or one of those
styles sell from $8.75 «p:
easy patent leatben
or a nice purse, splendid
rockers, prices from $23
assortment to select from,
to $42x10; or a new Dun
prices from 20c up; or
lap -or Knox shape hat,
that most useful of arti
sells at $3joo.
cles. a shopping tmjg^om
$1,00 up; or one of the
new late books, all the
Mtttir WhU Un
Uieta, CmlK, Hats
There are always
many of therii, that's the
reason why we have so
many articles that we’re
selling at just'35c. Vases,
piaure frames, cups and
taucefs, candlesticks, bon
bon dishes, books of po
ems, plates, -fancy chinaStore open every cventng until eight o'clock,
Saturday ni^t tni oise
, ... .
..... .
TBM wnraro maodaiN n^TXan crt, itMU ^XsMhocit, uMiXtiaa ^ <Ma
Bn^to • IMdflha biOin« •
wiSgpHnm nfjiil iliyte
sased npaa me WMm M MAn
n* eotn mnnactaf y*M.
»■ ana dw n^ M eSMw Asya, LssMfMtSBaUs.bteaa
■ ii11M
keephnsUn sw>r.
A strict sarreil-
Innee has b*4tt Daintnlned forserensl rears and as a reeolt it is regard
ed as a One game preserve.
A geoeral store at Baroda was robbed
of sererml
ogutj U Mud to be Joafaui CU>ow.
bnudred dollars' worth of
goods the other night, and
laoted to be a It
iamaui of thceoantr hootA. Ap ti «id
the thief
old boy who
In. had planned and done the yob nnaidi-d.
At Bochanaa worhcnen digging ar
M be 107 ymr* old. He h»» been
K»e tantltsUm for tbe ]Mt »
the dam ta|iped a fissnre
He is ^ noHre.
in the rlsy
which yields seren gallons
A onae of smsllpos tins been report
ed in Kent street.
of crude
oil an honr.
Qnsnd Rnpids.
A Richmond
Ite pntlent’i
girl got a
prise of a'
immed as the board of hi^lth i. kec|v :
poRtal 'Card,
™ • P"*"'
neods the gUMH.-s now. loo. nltliongh
lag the matter a i*rfe« —«>t
B their anneal report, ib« sopeti O'!
she did not bofore she strained
1 boanl of gnardians of |
performing her font of chlroUdDstrtal Home for OirU
DI1_ ofie-l*!-.
AdHaa. Mra. Allaaeta It. Olia...........
Haginaw. wife of tbe gorenior-elecl!
Greenville VUUiam Campbell.
and presldeat of the board, aars tliat !* "*‘‘****’
another cottage I. needed at Uie home.
’f snspicton
Mra Blias make, a stnmg pl~ r„r, that he has been murdered. A bl^
aNgiww for women to which girl.!**^"^
A neighbor, who cUimed
commitment whan they have
a bill of mlenponall of CampiMOcrlgible and a detriment to tbe ' **“ • effeoM. is snipeeteit
--------- ------- It ..------------ --.V____ .1 ]
The fanners of Fair Plain, oonntrr
neighborhood adjoining Benton Har-
mnnlties in whleti they lived.
Al Grand Kajiida tlH< new
opening Hatntdsy noon,
liave jost
firm to light tlie pnb-
highway for a
until lat<‘ at night, oooclodiug wtili
of two
miles from the city. Tlie lights are
•peeelies. was a gnat sai
furnished by a new gasiiline process
than h.ax) people visiting the stmet. ,
. ,
~»0«l »»1"
O." —
T1-A »ii »tei-A. u.,~« „ II,.' "i*“
l»n.«fU«l. b„aa.i. »,ii., <ii,r. l;«",~-'i
«tuwa..u,,i,.iH.iwi..,..i.«re,ta “";w™« II,.-i»w. "•'i
It and homing up a lUiviog hors.','**“**'“•
vnlnd at fits. I>urlng tlie lire a!
•• and
- struck
ptaoe of timber fell
“Is tbtre amh a thing M
Turk SBZgeim wm uked Tba«h
term stage fright with lefmneetoMS
Tte drmtel crack ef Aotm.
-JaaceC Karim M DsOiSt PcMpns.*
Tbe first is the siugean who
anxiias lo perform tbe opfretiun. seee
no dilBcuhie* in tbe wav si^ nothinc
bat a snocBaffnl tmninatiOD. His reet is
iWbeat par bn (oUl.........................
SHS=ssiiijp:=::£nbeUat tbe
plsiM. This belief in a cvntreQykcat-tBntMr
a pm lb...
«d place at luuimt or nttm sMOitts- Em* pm
per atm,
den. mrtomj
tion ^ipeaiB lo have cxntad amung the , TW Mlfkigan Stareh On. will ]
............................................... '*------------------stock. lOoar—
is kneir until tbe intiait Uteffure him.
TbRj his hand begins lo shske if bs
msciawith difllraltieewbicb be had not
CDUiitsd open:
Ing to their balicC, there were three pas-1
Prevailing price for potatoes yeen«mlcmliag to U^-tfae-mUeriMm. by t«rdsv-S& to S eeou a laubel.
In IU>
as be gnnrs older, and in old age be
which mote IMUuni. kinh and Abiram I
It is writiA! It Takes a Baimdy of Un-
" ' * '
oomnon Hertt to Ihxw
the UDqaatUled Praise ol
a Sttoeessftil Praetlt^
tfaisinler. FVum tha time this suigeiai
reougnins that an uperaliisi is nwviisaty
This third and bwt idea iff tbe mnoth i
ibere jiaas ibtuach his mind all the
ff beU bring kmated
cnmpibwtinns which mold p«ribly
Paleatiae is fooaled i
ootue np, aud be wiaxlem-if llietv* are
psmsge which says. '
Dr. J. W Bam of Corfe. K. V.. si
nut more wfalch be has nut Ihiaudit uf.lord is in Zioo. am'
He Is Ly no means saugn!!!-- of a hsn>7
Uic *sd ha* fnllv cooviaced
Tbs 1
He feun ihu aud ihat aud ibe
Wdcrfal poacr U
A. W.
are noted fur tbrir m
other thing. As Ihi' boor appnarbes bs
c Fills lavf diSBBSn ol tbe
for the number seven, declare that beU |
dnada |u ivanmi'-nra' his w< vk tuute and
is provided with seven gates, each in- i
But wboi be is bcfiae tbe snbtended for tb4 foUowne at tbe different !
roamev bv iwodocun
rellgimm The ffrri M for re««t Mns-!
y. reflecungnpen
enlnians; tbe eeoemd. very wide ead | *es sot epikpsy. bet servoos troubles, dne
vrhat might arise. Re does not burry or
with ebatter ahreye ruoding invitingly : lo menstrual dcrangemesta. and pnaertbed
get excited, bnt be is Intensely interest•jar. u for Chrmtians imlv; tbe third, low al Itr. Chase * Nerw POb a day. after
fuT. wholly almrhed by what be is do>
her wisnewing an opera-,
the nioii celelamiid snrdiOcolt opmaticsi. and the
land iff UBTncni. Like the last two. it U pin, have .seed bat life ami rotund ber Is
WM filled with donors who had come
Wide enough U> du s wfaukeale bosimias , bcalth. '
to »«•' It
Witboot cniwduig. Tbe fifth is a small!
Sec that tbe portrait aad ngnatarv of Dr.
ftan tlie
• • uf
■ a gats .intended
. se
. ... .................eosnenbo*. 1‘rksjocatits
fir tbe
wap iireemi.d by a fri*-nd t« two doo.—
- r________ .-.- • bos.-Sis
« who lisd Clime fnau s distance to ;
“ him opiTalc. He bowed
a siimraio
ly end iipiAe a
s-n on tbe way to : :
that ho cumniviyed operating.
t. Tbesixthgale. the .
”Th('uiamtiiia was iff
tally circ^opening in tbe^b tff.Do'NT BE FOOLCDf
ngth. anil wbm.it was finished tbs
belLis the gate by whk-b tbe pagans
ru g>'Ullimim III whom the
I will *nU», Why 111.' pjgau gale is be- Mw
: lieved lo be tircnlsr 1 bare uevor SSM Bm /MM Man «*Sy ^ MaSMssJi^
vaigral^Bi'irv wiad ir
7^ •'v.uU. gate in tbs |
d p.x api« ar to n-cfi
lugnite- tb.m.1iu Walls iff tb<- 1
1 isrsii-Mil pma’utijl llxm1 agniu.
Hi‘ vxvv-vid bis phwsttre •
. -.J.i«t Ibe sliglitest rvcolhetJiai that
«“«“«< «!»«' «o»sllsri
of tbe gatiw
he had mtf liwm.''
Wbishn. tbe English mmsKaner, bs- j
“Uoycia nvallibeflrrioptffaUaayua
Ueved bell lo be kraud uti a caiiet. and I
IT jicrf.nucd yoanielfr'
that oeie moment tlw damned were saf • i
’•Indivd I Itinambrr it very well I
fenug ill tbe blistering rays uf tbe sun ^
aod Ibe next in cold faandruds uf d»v«s
bcLw siTiE
of llteyuoiig aMMant rurgeoDA
The U:ristian ides iff boU. old sa it
If an ojuratiim was ui'rmauy in any eff
wry dim ootlins of tbe
the wards, it was onr doty lo m»i
l<v»jti.«'irf ik'"'lako which
to the rnTgeon in chargi-. who then
fiTUMd tbii lasraticr. if
cb.-. ‘l*^:
. 'r
rrf ' *“ towluvbiT It ivaiiy
my surgeon ibe
‘>*s bum* ••f.»vv« ^ ev«" or inlv has
n::;ding thTm i
pmslii'u i(ss
IS tw
ufirisary- 1 was dirmVd
to gi-i ivi'iylbiu
nwly for tbe t^irraIn Tlio Ui'umrv
1 till- mirgeno. 'IwiU
•htuidloaie. :
blast. Tbe Spanish cam are w b"
a peculiar imUem. bui the oompanv
softf*«t mad.'in this way.”hcU'Us na,
will build them rnpidly. when onee
amrted. ai the oontram mntt N' filled
by Matrli.
Probably tlie iargest fee ever paid
Heweviv. be mschnilhecave in safety. awl on f'vrlng a jiassagi' into it was
lewaided ly liodmg two skulls and a
mummy, ••th.msjid.ly dn-. ' be mya.
by •
'3s«3H"4irjiLAIVlE BACK
j What |Bvff«mai5irU>PU. do yon vv^ject
When it
I adopt in fntnri'? Du yun expert to go
time tori'miueice lhi> oprratiun. I ooold
I into Ibe fields carrylug a sickle and a .
only siia.lv my n.r«» by thtvading
boL'l Du you ezpM to evil aud buy
neiyllt'w I said:'fiiTe me Ibeneedle* to
□ fix:,
hnw.i- I am very panmlar abont
^ your eyeballs npw boob, of lO.OOO vol-' E|
Ibrvad.' I took aninlle audeommec
p*l„, ,L.
I. . W ■r^-7 I „A j™,.,
L A A -A
A,,-.. ud
„A became as
y,d niywiu
„a b,.™.,
DR. w. j. higgins,
I lO I .
r* BIN . oTrr ParkT Bru> Bh.c- Arui*
r my ana tu tbo lime
PtBC (Old UDiirE. CT9W0
Oh. Father Kuau.huw jbrtdte Eld pOTCeMlB work.
ra^.^J^ ewvedingly | ^rk gEfimEtced SfiUtllCtOtT.
0... u..
O. f». e«rv*r
t:;Firc insurance
^ 1- ffh. ■•j|iair*«.
If this soft weather oantinues hut
Itoda of men will be thrown onl of
K party of Chiengo capitalisU have
•boat elcaed a deal for the poreliaae
nf Ommbers laland. Tbe lalaod U
in Oreesi Bay. about 16 miles enst'of
dcclarvd thal his
in that way.
Tbe utlierassniedthelV
at the mcwiciit when the bead iff tha
' mummy Aowed above tbe edge iff the
have caned them forever.—Pitttag
• •urf Omm
mnti Olobm*.
• KUI..O mrsd OAUt. OECI.E.O.
-New York Bon.
river was «1M by (ha
■a. ”thetaiBblw.”
the mderrignbd.
do hmhy
Memomlaee. Tbe wealthy Chieogoant
S£jA *^oM.**W*aMo** ****I*B*^
to ooevm the laland into a
game preserve, and ezpeot to expend
tn,00e or more in the enetn
•lab honse and otherwise i
tgepsopurty. The
----------- .
istnnd comprises, m,d l«. frem ail ssaUene in Mlohljma
^ land.. exoert tUee 1^ of gonth Ly«m.1^.
aoMly ttraberad.
t Janna» tth. IML
I Jlfyolidd^ Reminder
Gent's Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens.
Gent's Fur Lined Coats.
Gent's Dress Suit Cases.
Cent's Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladies’ and Gent's Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleigh Belis.
Baby Cab Robes.
» John t. Beadle «
JAB. O. JOHNSON. Druggist
Meno^ee altor-
■ are tuspeuding
isJohnaoa Labontortss,lK..MIa.
ney from Mark Hanna. The amount i
was fiSCCdOO and was for olMing a deal.
lag to too much water in the swamp
Gallon us—We are very proud of our
very larte and fine assortment at 50,
65c. 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and
$2.50 — Handsomest line of this or
any other season.
■s'.yjr, _
be uriin'w-d a gn-al th'iugbl lo uu
arilsr. and lliey
vsaiu. •Wi ll,
n. y
>"U go uu .
_ ... .a.,.,____ .
I. , ..Ir
»,r l. n.,-t r^.m ■ Y m ' I**!"*’ «“'l sdlln»i«d hiUl, BSyillg. "1
Then bo took know* that it is inipwidble lu fonsM all
lu tbewsr of indepeodenoe
in his arms and signaled to tfaingK And then, again, he takia in of thi*
-ntry. sowed great merit, I ,
his hands a holy banian life. If an actor
ludiaus to draw him up M ith bis
------------------milliary school, i'
____ mnaiiv t
*“ I will havs to show —
in tbe
for the Chapin nine. ,
i heels ho di^ended bium-lf agahut the
Lis hoi's, tlie wim that can cctne D a
of great things,
Bay City haa so muy bm who{ jotting tucks, and in aVi-wnunotas was
alight damage lu hi* repnlation. U a
is 11?” Tbefa_...„
jump upon passing
trains W-4lu' i almc« uci an even with the top. The
ueirler ]>rearh.-« belerodoi dortrinea.
glad, did as be wisb/d.
bell lines. emUagering their live*.; Indians knew nathing sbout,^^bU kwd.
Ml world that c-au bspperi lo him is a
trial f<r beevsT. But ff tbe sargeao in a
dangrrons u|ievatiuti make* bnt the
Tbe Philippine nativea tun pell-mell'
sligblivt uisiakeil mayresclt In death,
At tbe aound of oor Y'aakee yell.
fe^ vritha view at doing some-;
,j.Ue frimebman thought Uwy
fur which there D no mmdy. Many
thing to fan<ak np the |irsotioe before ,
Irt go tbe onrd.
and many a lime un ib.' night previaas
a life Is lost. All train jnmivrs will'
"Jt was the affair of a seemd,”be
MTiotis nprraliia liave I awakened
be arrested and an etample made of' writw. "Uliat paaws in the brain iff a
Aak your druggist
arw>lf fn.iu an auxioos. tmnbkvl sbep
half a doaon.
' man al mch an instant is ludeambabl&
^forming tiis operation hi mv
Reipeesentaiirn of ilie Armour Pack - I did m« droj* a yard, but I experiiwxd
dieoiu*. Ii D also wry mneh mmewyIng oosnpnnv of Chiiwgo were in Bar aU the bimv of n man in rapidly fall- Ing in a surgeon to operate cm a friend
City Monday for the purpow of look- ^
. «r hands let go t
tli«,i <ai a sTrangrr. It ir bard to tell in
ef tt'.... '
and While, covmd with • ' this rair who » mors to be pitied, tbs
largv' |*operiy of » -el, ^
over the «lga
suigiou iT tbe patient. 1 think tbe loo3»y with a view of pnmiiasing it. , ^ ,he ehff hv tU- Indians, the'mummy
gw a "i»p <d>ente« the leas certain he is
. .»e are now four mlt wells there.
tn,a ruck to roek and landed
of theontrnmeiff auycpmii.n. A frail
and they are among the ricliiwt in in bits at ilw buttomaf the chasm.”
little wiuuan ibat ooe'would almost say
the world. More will be immediate. ^
Be ovurv lu-lmed the Indians With in a heath rff wind wnuhi blow away vrill
ly sank. Tbe object of the imrtdiaau vretiw, bet lo no puri<cM'. Such dead servive th* most painful and dangwooi
e the Armour oom|»tiy inihi? assurod him. if distnrbed in ^Krauut) wbeteaiiiogh. stocky aud insi
Imilt pcseaul woman that ««e wocld
many hiwlcr ^
tine of the two think cimld snmrc almost any pondble
When You Want To See
Silk Mufflers
B, .A u.d i-rfom tl»
TO..- „
a«_____________ ______Bum
...________ ____ _____ _ ..J I»U,.-.nin»,.A l.i.»T™i™.ibTO AUoU»ira<.lUOIUiipoI«A41iaUoii.
American Oar
will U. lAlldA
Until he gets into his easy chair and
dons his house coat—If he hasn’t one
«Y*^Ahen half the comfort Is missing —
We show a very complete assbrtment
.of desir^le patterns in moderate
priced goods-$5.50 to $ IO.
Many new things to show Tor the
Christmas trade.
l^ests what yon eat.
ItarUfleUUydIgcM the food tod nldt
Hatnra in auengthenlng nod neon-
Ing one at his mrs.
No Gentleman Can Take
Solid Comfort
Dyspepsia Cure
Engineer Harding on the hsad. sei
Poondry Ca,, lias
Jnst receive<)aD AM.tlH-Aude.
.— J—..'A
uiMundiof UiowTer for noo oars for riie^Konh^
siKmuens had a gnot dwire
mllwny. which s
ezplisn utoe <nne in the sidiu at tbe
Detroit, the work will not
lOt be slatted ; ja^ipiem. They were ducts 1i>mi ancisnt
aUl ivoUildy
. \uJdhlma
It the plant is begin- tombs and tVTuhl
i He seheted u luvurnbU'spot,
tug to take on a busy air. and more Uwomiv.
_________ _______ „ pnt to .work
Mik eveiv!
A.e..i-A> I lb«nfotvJgg«l»siirt.tf
tfamvfon', 1^.^..........................................................
ihair.au leallier
Irallier erds
nnls wid
uid lug
dav Br Deoemlier lA It it einected ' betwittiTSfo
“(kv yes- indeed, tinw issorii a tbi^
ns stage fright amiag surgnsa." he raptied. ‘'Ibere are two kinds iff suga
fright, or. rather, Ihoe are two diSeteot
a a WaiiT^ Bn^ A Boxbonr.
Jas. O. JohMSM^ r. g TboiRpaML
Adi««, ’■you can Jump on ft.
tmi^tm it. bu it wUr«oM. ^
o. R. «0 900
mnd oolorm.
f©r for hous*. fMtory or storw. W«
can wirw mnylfilna from a call bell to a whole city.
<Ao Xrarta sa.
€stra Special
For the balance of this week we
place on the bargain table the bal
ance of the ,odd pieces that were
advertised at I -3 off. and we add
hundreds of remnants, just meas
ured up from short ends left frdm
the fall selling of dress goods, and
we have added more odd pieces to
the lot. Nowthiswillbethegraatest bargain feast yet offered this
fall; be first this forenoon and get
first choice. Cancels Hairs, Chev
iots, BrilHanteens, Crepons and
scores of other kinds of dress can
be found.
Ike Kb{5 are here. Ym can zet tben today, j
or teleuUoK am bare item aeB op.
J. m. mmik^
lb (Mr SM. »*'••««*! ^
m «i
k . hMwnr
iNttaa R«ed
IW kiad M
idH -^Hb
teUlBd part!of cW Bad l^odt. luvalU.
iWMJ «f pnM 1«ci laM tnwtk<riw
M t<v «( n't etbrr, ibr isHntkn h#
t«w» cbiaM «r vllb tiij. wrrr wimtkm wuimi aai gnrfaflwMth Um
m» tnml wiaiow ru • kw wotin
bMMfc. <■ wUck itill rtooj U uau«•(* bub aad ■ nnub bar ot rrBov
. MMk Hl■>■b^llrr^ 6( tb* tBoraiat wash
M tmt r»«plHri- A Tior of culata
Mick u4 ■Oaas* te Ibat rliouta. «Uc4
baM'brnocht (rocn Nrv Yorl br
WM«« ItohnU «■ «b* orraahiB of
brr Mir rWl tbm. ■liTfrbMl o«t iu
MM* lo rU*p lb* iHadaw *baq*f« ia
a illaalat Mbrai^. Nrar bf stood tb*
Hfh corraL «-Urb just at Ibat laaaifM
OMUlaad a baarb of tbr aridos-'s oam
T*sa> kac boras. »bl<%. sbr dsHsrod
whk patdoaalik fwtdr. «rf» as Bor as
•ar arrr rsarad ea Bad I^ods cniaa.
tba.rtrrr, airalkf sUnillr aksc mil it
IM Haitr ta lb* ra«M hitl*
, taacat mapMsd tb* pkiars.
Tb# artdo«'s nUa was a Mscra far
M« a( tb* rewbar* wbo ilrad «a Iba
taatbss roaad Amit. It aras aot tb*
irMov a’bo p*or*d ibr allrartiua, tboufb
bri^ l« l*n all* was a rnmrlr womn
sad Maacad bcr Uttir dooislo as weU
M SOT car mold bar* doo*.
vas It N«n. lb* prrItT daurbtor, wllb
bar two brichl *r*s. wbkh <Bd siuH '
at*, aad bar rrHikaa. barutu s
war*. Wild NtU was bar nam*
Vba kaaw bar. fib* twuld rid* a
M waO as aoT Baa and sou* that
MB (oaldB't. Bbr kBFW bow to
a ltd*, toe, and bad aatooUhrd Kll
aid trappar, no oar orraskn l>r a
.................................................wbltr Ul
Mp Ufa of tb* *kp and ka Bta M M
gaiaad ma books aad tb* talk of aC
Uk* note giri. of amor wUL aba m*
laniMtka*. aad asswar. aba kaaw. waa
poaatM. llaaiaant aad paowd apMtad.
M WBoH ann dl Mo Iba idaaa wbM ha
I 111 1 aoMkator bra la~bk baaatad
aocirtp. Os (bo otbar baad. Ibiri was
Bwk with bit POST, laaa bnd ^ <*«>•
aad bts rimbk down msrb boasm Whig
was (bar* sboat Ua to dad Canr la b«
armt (k tb* toU Hsrrk that aba waUd
gtra bim sn aoswaa law aa.
TV Usek bon* fcFgas to axUUt riga*
*f ftoaiBg taooUa. wVa tV tap
ta* bolt* kaa rrarbrd. Xad raiafd bba
wtib a tnn bawd. iV afdiatatst briagkg a »ni w»d taofb of color lo bar
edioaka and baight-wlag brr braalp. ta
IV nadtagaiard adniralioa of Harria.
Bat tv Hack brad iV rod* waa kot
to b*-*aikad so aarilp.
.aUp. and
aad h aooo gaor
fra* pkp lo ^ lanpar. kkklag aad
and ddawaps 1a M
Bkrbiag T>
rU of IV aowricoM kad.
•Corta lo gal
laagbad aad m frrc-i la bar
Nell <yp
taac. rriaa. aitd pi
Mawap look la tb* dark *p*s
“Too koDW.- ba k*T>t on. “wbat I ibiak
aC pa*, nara h notblag ! will aot do
and MMtad a rid* akog tb* oU F«t
IB. DaatollkjlveC Aoma to in
IV (dip <m hv wap
to Btomalda.
~ ' torsto. wVM(toawiU apawd tV
U oUni dope H bv a ga
tmtom to aden afOdaa tatMkd far
dMaatIc or patooMi aae with toaeilplletto wUeb 1&. BkBp caaaa were aitot-
Uire te VUltom Baibrar. to
in j
Ip RBOilAble far UMr afaaoloto Ibcm
dtp armagiac with Mt. Betovr
te work cm tV rood.
Uodara taste, bowerar. reqakto ttat tDr. J. W. GaaBtloR WM ia Ballaire
tv motto cboaoB aboM bare i
imlflcBUoa for Its apwaBce m tV
Mrs. C B.Tptor of Maatoa, to rtoparttcMr obiM Jt briv to dceonta. hiag ber daa^itor. Mn. A W. P*<A
•ad it la Mt olwapa as ««ar task to bit
at Em Ninth Meat.
MMt nsOp pertHsaot asd tokraUraaC. PowUaoa «f Oaraiid. Mich.. caUVeknaped manor* for. ■mf. half
ad ea Vs anole. OUbot PowUaaa. oa
doM dIarSaa or a aat of tucm <mr
or doUka: beva thia Uat of Mertp- tV PeakMto. and hto aaidraw. Dr.
of this eitp. Dae. 1st Md and.
IMa. ai>proprtole for auBdPp ChrMa artkiaa aoch aa a
Mr*. W. C Nekon of Leland was
SpeetolAltentioe to gi^ toeaUfvaturam s>«« WM KmUi-tioaof tVeVot aaonaidin tVefire
__________ ^__________ '.U*g- i of throat and long dtoraara. Thera-
v£rra in pure air.
eserotoz and vurp
a of Ufa in IV b(4p: V*,H
d oach ludlvidoaL
iiaiL [IMIBBIIMR.1m bass
In Sol Smitri Ruaarata
OrMt PUp:
A Poor
r. XmiTio- 0» Prato
Oprarm VlmMtora
Tuesday, Dec. 11 tb
John R. Santo
will. s.sl. ll
>>■ .wlliratnl OrM oa a
•lam wbirb <
rap must rapldlp.
It is .-oocrarp.to public poHcT.
polJcT. or st'kaM
lo tbrm i-tfarr of tbr fntnra. that IV top
jrh iaiid should k- arm down to
ruran when it migbl V plelding gram
eraps. Uanp riretv that an- uom- moddp
were cb-sr Vforr iV rumiDg to Ihla eoalloenl of rielUsed araa.—Youth's ComVBkn. ..
No ihx ctts»e isserud is mortcire.
hands than
Traverse Lan( Co.
1. £=K-^,,sl.2S=:£i!:rJ:
to Jonea" will play a
beftre iVmagtarale aad aftot
trlalcoBTephim totVooBrtpriMn. Ha return engagement hen- tomorrowhad neror bean in tV bnilding befos* evening, Dec. A
' atood in tv corridor with bU
The lectnre to V given by Prof. \V.
on him aad raid:
"Oome along. I'U Mrw poa "->Rap_____________________
December 6, under the anapice* of the
Llnooln Idteiurv Society
of Uie finest lectures
TV total amount of gold coined al
owminufrran 170S to 18Vtwai«t,»«3.000.000: of (ilrer during the sanw
period there Vra been $617,000,000
and of BDbaidiaiTcuinagacf aU denomi.
Vlioot $34,000,000.
tal entertain.
A number nf |
year* a matohrr of the faculty of th*
wiu felt by all with
he cume |
mVr of years a ■
Ih* state, he luis :
leaned (o prrarat hit theme witlia)
simple, yet eaaaieai
cannot tat enteraln. In
hit able piv-|
itaiioD of hUBubjectl, "Kngg>-t* of
Gold." he telto of the true aonrueH
of happines* to V found in thia life.
Out of tV darker shade* of
oor ex-
totenv. he would have u attaio
In order to keep oarselvea
Mr. and Mn. W. J. Millard of 404
kjardman avenue entertained a parijof little girls and boys last evening in
honor of the 12th birthday anniveraary of their ton
din had a merry
iu quiet, gentle
popcorn BOtoy oomady or finely WTOUgbl |irol>
Rbea UmpUyz
Martin, Gladys
Silvers, May MiUatd,
tAmeit Miller,
e world
? meiod
nssting of iv {ream and cake,
exposiliaa of tlx- line
Daii^ refreifainenu were
game* senratloaal. tat
A Poor Relation" i* a thoroughly
The chil- nattuol
will la- one
of the
Prof. Hendenoa comes highly recomended. He is of a striking r
and hto simple yet foroeful
Ferri* Inatitnte. bit influence te good >
With a liVl anit for raping that a cer
tain actrew who canndled on tbe stage
on a amdp kxikiiig, oimw bred qnadniped “rode a hcrae with pink epea."
“Abase me as moch aa pon liV." raid
tV fair liligaot, “but don't sap that
np born has pink epto.--
Alden Bast aad "A Poor Relation'
One that is really greater
than all the glories of ancient
sculpture or painting is a
fi IDonogram
Oesd Cigar saoli as
Why? WeD, becau^ it
jehaims a million men a minNo other “Work of
Art” confers more gratify) ing pleasure than a fine
cigar. 1
Simp- will MMt with a rousing reception a
,* TlSMOS CItp■.
... -.uiSSSMe-S-—“•>
e.ee e&t£H£,ecCEMi
• «'
e______ ■
Harry Caolkctt, Fred Rutner.iJ^ius
Patdiin aad CUnde MiDaid.
Mrs. Millard was aanted in enter-
"1 tried soap remedlet
to cure
nilaz" write* B. W.Smltb of lAthani
UL. "tat found nowIieftiUI used
Bo^lea'i Aralra Salve. I have not
Miss Zena Ladd entertained ten oi bMtiatiabtodwitbpUes aiaez " It's
er girl friends Saciinky from 9 z n. tV oalp chauioe pile cure cm earth
■Tbafa just wben- tV anfairsM
> S p. m. in hooor of ber eighth aad tV beto a^e in the world. *25c
per boznart«MedhT S. B. Wait and
B-hp (kn't dnp tnaka tV
batbday. at tw fiuber's borne at Old To. Jf&nann, dru^stz
gttlW cara wear lagar —Vaahi^M
Diimer was served at noon
taining by Mrs. Ed Seymour.
by Mrs. Con Kibai)' aMSted by
Mn-john Hobnes.
Those present
were: Flassie Gbering, Lillie
aa-casrid tVmcMtbl^ Sladad. hPBositkal riUaiM in all tVpoM'a
er. A. Tbereia Brinkman.
galkrp of pofttiOti cf mv iMiaet wlV
the rirtwa and ricoB of tbkg UM."
-. Bom cooking, warm rolls
in; to*
Maty B.
ManlMll, Minaie Potter, Ekie Stone,
ss were played.
weathar twHriin. togeilHr wii
I Pere Marquette
rank itgtuika.
• it ia. “ mM
... .~.s
)«Fr<i moBrnfcIlT,
“WVi's iV tnattcr?" inttnirad^FUb.
- «. MS'U
biun .Ol.ioiue
thinking so
of M
sov wap tV
publir Bakra tu wear tag*-"
"Thep'ra afraid that if wagMaraori
baring ov own wap w«’U kill aoM-
K,.'V.vrs':s-rs; zn-5.^ Grand Traverse
Land Co.
with Hank aa fak bap. tb* two aat owt.
Tb* BBlaal tb* glri b*«r«d* wai a arw
M aa tb* raack and at black as toaL
It had wild Wood U its rains aad bad
aadr aacamlp bare brebni. Oa this orcaMb k w*i paiH aBoogfa ta ad appearBBM aw Iba •*« tbra* nBca of tb* ion-
4 Sve. Maovlii hlocA._____
team See. A MO. at 4 o'eb
ftetoMMStopa 1 VbS
lea apatom to «$■ tmd
m«oB0Va> WWV
I dSMtedwhodp
* ■rau<^;tVto
Iu a ncMt addMas at MltirhiMr.
EttgliDd. Irriag atigmatiaed
____ SAi
a Varaevvd
trara the raol oat
Steinberg’s Grand
•BO# bMwaaa aa aaatrrn tboroogbbrrd
aad a danon looking "broor.’' wiib ibr
darll la blai. ooIt waltiog le U- rugiad
oat bp lbs toocbI ut
<if a inaa. lb* Lind Iu at Ibr ripeusr of ih* sMiril.
wMeb a» aaddk
» or lb* tral .»f a spar
la an aaknowa qusnlltT aod s-llb Ibr
wild, fraa Mood of
. Iba plslB* <i>urtlng
thfoagb ararp aria.
(b* trndrrfnot
saa Iba dlBar ...
Bui NrU bad
a dkcnalag
A luuddp rlerr VUokens oor of (V
kwtalag apa and could
couM r*«d tnaa. 8be
It means
r throogb bim at If b* had M-an. rrslrat ..f naiiunsl kssrs.
(V rm-b soil, mbkb Js.-k Krost
Haap aUils to.ib* boat* bp Jbastrasm other nalioiial sgru.-ies haer been S
•rniiog. Is m-asblng swap Into
brad a frtcBAtblp with Xrll whkb tooo
1. Tillers of Ibr land mul.l do m
ripIBad lalo kr*. on iba tiatl of oo* al
kaat. and that “r.-nnsplTaBia cupola.*'
”Ab4*‘ «oBtlan*d b* ptradlaglp. Toe
MB hart a nal bon*, rarrlagrt aad all
Ml Maap c«a bop. IM an-aorb too
Im a dowar to grow upVild snefa ronrii
MIBBadiBCS." Til* giri bioshni iodlg-
V t
ninsi rrnalulp M- brld lo V in
pllritp. Thrreforr ihr si jl.-r m ho oars
a lire w.
...m for Vit m-nold V gulltp of
eise “
Mod bow to Mc ararp adrantag* gainad. Ba co«U talk of booka'wd ttprris
la straaga cunntrSrt. wbarats all Bork
* roadittoo of lb*
Idntariu a
1 ihoaght <
I bit gra
______ _________ ..._____ 1 rOBpsi id bsdlp
I of tb*
wta Iba 4HMl* wbita '
aBMnar. wtrb ihrir ............................
MHI was aundlag bp Iba corral lookip« awl wear tb* Irt ak at lb* grrsi IdM
allilBts ot 8«ntlDrl bnlt* lb* dap MarM
cmrrd tor
.. dadatrd bow no.-h b* car
■k* said netUag. but dnimaird loit«tMBp
TImm wiU
ptoM pkTV of skifamw, ia V iV
. tVt rMvsb and exhiUiatz * No vte
the city yesterday.
i lent acUoo U aUowed. Pweoatas of
Don Morgan of the firm .of J. C.
•arioin as tba bsrd. pHcbi . .
- M lasBoBz $10. Sobool ohildreai half
with all faoT fan bncbfd togetbar la- Dtnliig Boom I
Morgan & Son will leave today for
!. wioe. ClaaatecfaUdrea. after MmoL
carosfd in loira-iip./ Harris wairhad H aVU pour welcome V Z "With
te sdaltz eveningz
Pittrixirg, Pz, with five cartdadk of
an with a pai* fa^. and Vd tV girl or Mat. lor* makes a feast-" S. *010Tor further ■ ......................................
foaad lio* to look.it bias sV woaU Vae rp meet, merry part." *. “Welram's
51C Wag
R. A. Case of Kingiley was in the
am buw lililc help-was lo ba cspaclad tv best dkb in tv kitebra." b. “To
froD Ibat unanrr in raaa mallm earaa pkaae tv palate a feast Is mada. for dty on bmincto yctoerday.
le lb* worst.
Aod fVp dU.
E Stanley of Mnple City traBsactlaughter aad wiv maketb men?." S.
dcrillrb coogioiarrstlnB of botaadrafa
gatbarrd Itarif togrtber for a saprana "Tla good to be merTp at meab" 7. cd bnsineaa in tbe dty yesterday.
stBltmsieiaRra. .
Oscar Chance wa* in the dty
*«ort Ml ionprd stralgfal Into tV air. “Welcome errr smtko, atsd farewdi
tritb brad dmiqW and Its hark arebad goes om sighing." tk "You're welcona Maple City yeiterday.
UflOar auspices ot Prwd O. Bergwr.
like a l»w andcr iV crraLlng aaddk. aB: a boDdred tbooaaiHt wekooMa." IL
Miss Butian left yesterday te Bel- .
iref Sol Smith Russ*
Tb* sirala was tw njacb. Wiib a crack "Small cheer aad groat welcome -rak*
tb* bridk snapped and fall In Ibr groand. a laerrp feaei."
NrU bad rndbing to bn|d IHck with now.
W. !. Stedd of Ko^pon
Fvr Totaarro roocbca. Pipe Backs.
aad Iba aulma] knew It. Iu a aacuad It
Ble.~l. 'H'oVcco. sacred berb, tboogb the Hliiting yesterday. .
was swap along tb* trail Uk* a dasb.
In loU from $6 to 91,000 on good
A. J.
DeVries of WiUia
aad lb* girl. In d.-sprrslka, woond bar lowip. baflea old Time. IV tprant.
rbnttel aecaritjr, jewelry, fnrnllai*,
flngcrs in IV dark mane and bang oa wboUp." 2. "Uappp morul V wV iras in the dty yesterday or business. |
piniioa, horsM or any kind of stock,
to tbsl. bar oolp refaga. It was a rna- knows pleasure wblrb a pipe liestowa."
. Itapouiraldlnr
awap la aan»*si. Tb* wind raarrd past S. *'8ubllme lobarco. ({Bleb, from
r good aecored notea.
Vr. and bcr hair rinod siralgbl oat be to west, rbeers tbe tar's Ubora « tV
hind as Ibr twu disappeared In a ckod Terkniaa's rest." 4. "Tobarco makes
TV Boeerd of April 7th ’ raid tV
& MiUiken-i
of dost. \Vbst lb<- ouicniBC of It wonld man tbink like a sage and act like
following: “ What Happnod to Jones'
ba sb* didn’t dare Imsgina. Tb* horse
VraariUD.- a. “AU mp cate to tobacone of tV funniest things tlat
llcrd if an obR>
er bat^wned. The Urge aodienv
•ta.-lr *:oppnl ll or al lessi aniil Its
rider waa Ihman. and buried fisMa tV « babit Id a manr
Sceinberg'a Grand lsst;night
saddle at list iiara tocani
alsrge ahaie of the evening laugh
ioJT or. mor.- lik.tp. death,
"U. lip Ibr Vartb. tV laughter of
'TtOMf*' j p
dci^ as a glan.-* hriiralh brr showed logs, more fair than roeem. lo. the Bow ing. and If Jones ever eomea to town
Ou. ViS*****"
* sad U»
bow rapldlp Ih.- earth was rrlrraliog en of Are." Z -Up' bean Is wi
again, a still larger number of people POR <1*1 A .* esriisae* frf *tor*r Vr. s j
Wnraborg Blk.
Truverv Oily/
aad 0*1 her ineih bsrd.
sriU see what Vppened to him. The
niiBl was llarri* d<ilng ail tbb linat
ptop baa no great moral but it has
Trj uis III orrriaka Iba niuswap and resa great ploz Moh aa it iz It can nev
ni.- bis
girl? II. ««. of
■ diir
liffertwl stn*. meri. heart* warm."
ifferent loralltiea te rale oa rasp
>'or Blotters. Pen Boxes. Etc.—L er be a great adnrator but v an agent
Wb*u be nnlised n bal bad <HC irTcd.Ji*
terms. Also moaep to loan v real
‘■Wrliiog maketb an ckact man." Z
• ml sf l o
eatote aecuritp.
mnaenrant if ta' simplp antpamiiis.
*'Pco and Ink be wil'a plow." Z ~\
le rllbg.-. lbor.rtiship «.-ai-.sl.
It map not V fntl-of jmblimitv. tat if j
But thi
i> one niher nkn saw facf till pour Ink V drp." 4. "Utcra scripts
there is anp mao wbo
langlmi Murusn
lit! IV riret. «iancL" 0. -Quod BCTtpsl aertpai."
■. IMoltoAMIAkfRA
IJie tr
a«IH. DR.itU)tKNTILai..THOimoN:0
Buri I
OCBv In Hamilton & Mllllken Bloek.
Ibat dap to
<dr»>d braep Isodlu
Sundial Moltnea For Almanac and V should uvold the plap unless lie •pu'^Ul
>fa ralr tV(
fX l-r’l'-elp- PaJehiB* *■!«»- B—ld*n*i- all Wsridsetoo niuM. Werara's
Dtarp C
t'oeer*. Also Tor Clvk Caaca.- deoltes to break hi* -reootd.
le wiueraras of
1. "Wb.
ben tV auD ahtveb. pluck tbe plap ia funnp. Jones' abilitp te gotMl -|d>uB<,. Northn '|A<s>* No. 1.
Vod* ksge. Ile'had
d .Jiisi eiDcrcad
fn.m the nii.Tiih rf a giillp. when a figure Sowers: the dap flectb uo tbe winged ttng hlnuwlf and cverybodp cite into
ill sliilr fla-b.-.!
' hr saw in aa boura." Z TV bom* In rratlcas paces ‘eorapM and oat again.' ia marvclouz
ioslan' whsl
alchl. N-*tVni'|>buD*.Ct;Ml.liu.
Ibr Bialirr. Higgiog rau; time Btee swap, old age c<
aad from start to finish tV play is full
spurs into bis lor*.- so aorrgrtirtllp Ibat OD." i 'Tome m-hat. come map. time
HOUSES te rah- in all {mrU of IV
Ih* Hill* l>-sst's ridps wvra mirllp rat and tbe bour^rnu through iV rougbest of droll, tituatioBz laughable eompliAtv—all |<ri<K-s.
and sianliii: ll into a mad parr, ba set
FAKIfS — A long Ugt of doaflnble ^
off In |>ursnil. Tlir Msrk'bnrsr «f Nrlfa
climaics. Tinfarms and olln-r lan<U.
nas fasl. but BnrL's king mas fast.-r.
A. J. «arrr. Veiennacp Rura~s. *t
ser. who played bUhop.and the .................. ~.,u-m.v.if«.„.|.-u„krinv .
FRUIT LANDN on (V Peninculaand. 0Kirao.su-. it mas an aliiinsi (ramie
Imirovedainl uuiraproved.
loTtT irho -fed* brr trilh ibr kuom lrdg* r«ate. e'eat I'Vure V blan taire." 7. real bishop wbo wuscomuelled lo play
BABUAIKB-We tave llicm.
that Ilfc.aiid draili were in (be soal*. IQltld bodle fecUtir
Ikwn Di-sr (h* p.-bldp brack of tb* tItct
For a niqpe Case.—*S3lorea aa sweet
he drem- np al.mgri.le lli* <-niip hbek.
■port and the dude who plsya vult-l.
r.ThoHril tr. a. Hsmnrad
and. lenniug ftr ov.u. h* rlasprd tb*
tV policeman end the auperintend.-ut
girl m-iib one tree arm. In auntbeu tnulili’i!?
«“«*•• «
H. * M. Bloek
of the aaniturium, (he arntimcnutl girl
n>*iit lo- belli b.-r almost iineonsciou* f.wm
no Mne’s saddle and milb tb* pracliced
and the love sick old maid. tV jolly
Vnd of the pUlnsman guided the poop
Cia^ and thb learned - Hivrrz Mr. tsrra. -sll <•> R. X. Alljn. nuia 7 and S Ul.
so that It drew op nu the ri*rr*a edge.
N--tr*al(l-«ki I0,--V. Trs»-*-»-l9lp.
4UII ; wjsrtZ z <1sw Itiutiiiji
Tbe girl was saced. but in*t le
la tine, tu alecp. the vrtaln knot ot peacer ’ Gooadly und the Swede girl form a
Ibee moment she would bare beao in “O sleep. II la a gentle thing, beloerd
mbinaion te g>-onlne umuacIL* rlrer. which was unnsualtp de
from fxde to poier 4. "Sle^. O gen
The out was well
iberr. and m-ouJ.I harr drowned.
tle sleep, nature's vft nurvr'
----------------------------------- ,Ak,Aky»f|AM
waa well lukco. the
No, In-.
Harris fasd the leneriip to rail for
Fw a tUuvlDg TIdp or lUior Caae:- acting of John Allista as Jooes and
Nril’a BOBWrr mlil.ln a w^-k. 8be gar* It
1. “Ho Jeai* at acai* tVi never f
with IV frankness wblrb was pvt of brr
Marioo as Ciray being es
wound." Z “Bp barber's nuor b^
pecially enjoyed."
-I’^.ws.- abe saU with a smile. “1
With the rame old favorites in Uir
...................... aa .SOI U A IB- aad Ttm I to 4
leading roles, the minor purls iu
sap tba otd BiSB bad a
KaO. aaalsd a>lri<
iSlridr bar farnrilc
9 calkpinc. msdJT aions
rk bair flowlnc wlkllj to
tb* wiad. was a dai;/ slcbt lo tb* t««[B*Mk of UaadriU*. tb* iBora sobar anmn*
wboB abook tbair brads in horror at b< r
aeUoaa. Not an. bowrrrr, nilh iba c
paartars. wbo kokad at bar rnrinnalr
A* apad akec. h*r poor klrLInt op
dIoBda ot dost, flhr bad tuota Ibiiu nn'a
abaBiad aoma of Ibnn bj bar axtiiblii
of tnorbo bnatioc ond Biirk 1»Ipt b. .
•M dsrod In show blmsplt for a wrak
aflat- aba took tb* Job of brraklnc Bra
dp'a wbha board oiarr out of Ids bands
Badi bad ropH It. caddkd it and brao
throWB » feat altuust as sons as bk f*al
«w* la lb* atlmpa. ftotar of bU rllw w*ra
baobaa. and b* was crnarallT bnilsnl or.
HaO bad noBDlad ll ariarnard undanm*4. BBd wb*a aba p..| tliro.irk Brsdr's
trbH* Bospd nara «a* as d<«-il* as anr
All Its pIubcIbk and ratapall
Jaap* bad fslkd m shaka h*a. Tb* .-nd
ot h was ibat Burk ««s carrO I>t n
atoafcnaa frtai Raadrille to BiagbaB ...
tU ba wkfaad that oarfa a thing as a wbita
Board aura did not axlit. ^nd. lo niakr
It bardar. Bark was oaa df NHI's
anlaet admtrars.
JI right till Ibat “dod*'' from
_ cam* along.
N*ll had ooror
_____ jd to tak* tb* adranras of ib^l>oTs
safkaalp and had mad* poor liork mlwrabk bT oooodlT l•ol<^c bis *i
wbta b* inostarad up aadl.-lral
ta tan bar bow nui-h h* rrallT ibnnghi
of bar. Xrraftbakss it « a* i^n.r*dad
Uingbrd to Boeresa.
lb* Baadrilkll** lhat*1<ii<-k was noo
On* seasiou of tV Brillsb pariiai
two who stood lb* brat rhaar*. Rrit I...
airiral of tb* dud* liiangrd all. It* bad furnUbr.1 an anusing iUnstraikn of tbe
inwer of aatirr
to bring aboot
Bsoar. aad b*.ko*w hew to dnwa to adTBBlagr. Rio* Sann*l shim aud gri-asp results nbb-h sober argntnent bis failed
laatiKr ebaparajos did aot mm|>srr fsrnr. bill drsignrd lo prerrot erucltp to
ablp with ~hark *oat~ aklblag-ai Irsst
bad brra p
ae Iboogbt Burk for on*.
“1 alal BO good aloiigsld* that l*n<l*r- SFUInl and mat uppuard bp a
memlsus ou I be groood Ibat. I
foot." b* had drriaiTd to .N*ll drjmadir
mould riidaogrr vnaio kinds of legitJ■bo hagbrd aknd. You arrrr raa tri
Biatr >i|Hirl.
what a glri Brant Iit Itogfaing ia a raa
Tb.. lUrl of Kimtwrtrp arose and gnPeHkt that. Boi Mg. good naturad
Ip tidiiiiilisl Ibr forre of Ibis argunrat.
pat lb* worst puaailila ronstrnrlloo
'-rndoliM.slIr.- V raid. --Ibr bill would
and tllaellT tnoprd.
pol BU rod l» lisbiug with m..rwn.as bait,
Tb* dad* plalalr llkad XVII. Ills
ll Is a bill." h.- niuliaiird. “lo piwreot
to tb* cdbln w*r* frrnurei. *i.d bi.
wa* orm le b* found talbaml by rtia rnudip Iu mild anlmak In i-apiiritp. TV
ups Ibr word •snimsr shall V
door. Hr tbeogbl k- rook! rid*,
had rlddaa fait hors** on hi* uarl.-'a
*WB pop da aaptbiag far
giria whito ran
wait A oilTer
eoUsette wlU be token st tV
Beoeflt <rf Ooraivilon of Per-
MB. M bad bornn to Uk* Ua amn.
4M ttw «ba pkM* ba palM af wtakb
PjirA.yrad Bawid*
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