The Morning Record, December 18, 1900

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The Morning Record, December 18, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mm um





Ovar MMtUatlon ot ShatSaTrMa
by TaipatpiM;

on WaUinbton Straat

mmttMti of tba eoneU im
dmlofMd toto • ?arit»ble

'‘aiaaai"«M twto d«Mh. > SoronloPwMiplwttew^
Mac-f^Mdiai,*' "im■

Md obMT Of

lUbtefB*- Tho word IBr
•oad dbootiy. hot tbon won
. %B at iBB—B Bodo 00 ploia that
thowoyfartBI bob. thoogb o fool.
Aod it woo aU aboat tho tolophcoo
poloa taot bn baiag oot la tho olty,
aod tho wort that . U boiag doM la
ooaaoetloa with tho phadag of tboB
ia tho otneta Tho iadlgaatlcn hao
wmxod hot orar tho oaUtag of tho
ttooo to atoko way for tho poloo aad
thowlroa And joha Banr'o o
Boato, aad the gaag of mao that
dBcaatlagtho eUy with then b*<>
hotttwtpoarad iato thna from
Tho Bottor woo broogfat befon the
oaaaeil by a potfttoa of a H. Bia^
asfortbooooaeil to ordrr tho roaoovai of a tolopboao polo, gay polo
aad wire, with the box la whleh 'the
latBr B laolcood. from la float of
tho fOOldBMO of tho PMIUOMT oa tlw
ocnorof Woohlagtoo aad Wolliag
ton ottoata Mr. Bracken atalod the
oaao qalto oloariy, roeoaBtiag hh
offorB to boaatify tin troat of hlo
'-taahknee pcoporty. and of how li
waodtoKrared by tho aaolghUy pSIoo.
Wire aad bon
The ooaaeli room had baoe tatbor
thu tar la tho orenlag. ao tho
oBaa Ind not hoea Bmod on ia tho
Bdiatofb, aad tho aidonaoa had beoa
ttttlag with thoir orereeaB oa. Bat
wccdA "1 tmnk Mr. Bracken W ^o«
oaaoofvoooplaiiit" As ho opoko,
ho rotnoTod hlo orarooat. Oily Attontoy OarU wao on hU fool aad hU
ovoreoat waa off his haeh to abort
alow la RoiHng ioff his eeat. bat

*0 hU. And the other ormaB in
the BOB eamo off too,
Bonyoa’o a little oltnr, hat wlOi ca­

tepP ■a.Md Aot hod ho hoM
b* ««Pd tef* M tf mo-


m a

In the inside of the Friday and
Sunday Record.

€ity Book Store,


There’s But One


For Olomen

It'fi the place where all Ae ladies of rehoed taate buy
ChriMipas gifts, such ai'


Neckwear 25c to HAO. .EaodkerchlA Se to S1.00.
NttopoDden 85c to 01.00. Mafflan 2&o to tlAO.
Hwraten 25c to tS-OO. HtttiMy lOe to 76e.
. BatbBobealSOOtoMDO. Night Bobta 60e to tUO.
4hbt»llM 81.00 to r>AO. FaU Drew Protector IL50 to tiJOa
Olothiag, Hate. Cape, for Mea nd Boye.
Everythlag braa* new.


• •.SO

(Ooatlaaad on foarP page)
tIUo Jail, bat for too tfatran agsiast
him by BoenotiUo eittaoBS woald
hara lator baaa osat to BrawrlUe.
ao toffcatoi tad Mttlad a
body of Bptmoor ooaaty tarawara
baxTied dash into toe town
nal^t to too JalL which was well
PlngrM** Tax MMgur* Raoalvd by cdUscM of too towa.
was Bade oa too toerlff to
•d • Body Blow
doUrer hUpriadner, bat bo refaoed:
'toon word waogWra aot to aae gaat
work. Tho word wrai
thniaito too crowd Unt too mlUUa
tad bora codoad from BraMTUle.
The mob knew that haolo was aeoaoBy ■ Vet* of I a to lO at * 8m> saiy. A telephone pole was peocared
aad tho aide of tho Jail poaadml dowB.
The aegro was. then qakhly roaehod
to the eonit honse aqaaie
o Pina XaM Thmolar tor Plral aadhaag.
Hot a toot was fired dariag too ra­
tio imeotolaga. After tho wrotoh
« doad.^1 wao aaBoaaaod by a
Btaag Imaged maa that too body
Ipicni to n* llonrtM ■**«■
'oald iMBln there till momlag.
. .ahw. lM(tt.,Doo.l7-Tli»B
Tho Spmeer eoaaty delegation gate
by a rote of ft to 10. klltod the Pta- hiaa tooors for BooceriUo and toe
aBUonbUlat the soBkm hM
_lit. Tho -kiliag" wao aeccBpUUnd by a motloa offarwi by Bona- Spoaoor ooaaty. Tlw TistlMrs thra
fWmod lato lias and rede away too
■( of the bUL ThU i
The Bvanrrlllo
loa was hotly oontaotod /by tho asnaipaay ordered eat by
wbo had been aaxlokt fer aoUoo
at Uw apeetol snnldn.
Bonator Holme aiged tint Uto blU
be referred to a ooBnliteo, aad after
^ 17-The lyt
roliig as taAaOalte adjoanunrat Uto at Bockport last night of Bod Row
seaate lefenad the bill to Uto <
load and James Hradersoe. otarged
mltto* oo state aflaira By a rote of orlth too nnidor of Barber Simen.
to six Uie senate then fixed the oaased a reign of terror today among
ttote for. final t
too nogrooo of Bpoaeor aad adjoining
Uea. The whim tare been bold-

sionH*ld UtstNlvhr

small town in Speneer eoaaty. a pablie
was hold oad thirty eelored ItaaUies ordered to learo by
motaiag. Similar acUoa wao nkra at
Tboy aad two oolond taaUUeo at
Qiaad View oraro also ordered away.
A third aogio. -WhloUiag Joe"
Holla wao artottodiiday anigod wito
inrttcipating la the morder of Simoa.
as bo was taraod orer to
tint onoersoootod
him la his bease. Uto this orralag
■plrind him eat of Bockport, plaeod
him la >dl at BeoaTllle. Warrlok
eoaaty. Bo oOteial aoUficaUen
too lyatoiag was raeolrod by toe gorcmer today, bat a diqntoh earns this
aftofaooa mriag that another saxpect
had been aiTMtod sad then
gfr of Btoro mob riolraee toaitot
Thagonraor was madi grtored
too lyaohlstt aad mid be foil Unt toe
mate hod been again dlwrsced. He
added that‘ha was poweriess to do
aaythiagaalemtoe eOBBty aatooriUm
called apoe him. bat ho woald
Unt Steps wore nkra to bring tho
manbois of tho mob n JaaUoe.
-Saeh tawlaaraesa eomdt exist
bUonn.-tald ta.
the power of the state to stop It
the aatoortUoa of Unt ooaaty do aot
pcoooed ia toe matter and find rat
who did too tolag aad do
power to wipe away this
■0 nan wlU take a haad
At 7 o'eloek tonight too ahoriff of
VaXTlto ooaaty oaUedtho goronorby
dopboao and aoUfied him '
edit WiU
trUsUlM ^ "
plnmd ia
Qrmx Brtnu talUag' ^to
Ulat BooATlUoaad toata nob ot
toa-Balwer maty. Korarthalan rreeV. haadrod people w--------------s too bwB aad ottan arrirtag ortry
U bo vandtbo aawel- im----- - Bomldho
raltaraoUTO aad
ttatattaottootamnanoonolea fn Zta^tejXaad stood ttaaxtoy eatoarm of U1 fog.Uto- Tbs •oaUea to
qaatotm.aaght to bo sasUy ssnoopU «y.



Read Our Big
OMifiltnafi JidoertisemeHt

Win JMY«u
In Your
am Choosing

misafftott llBgaillll
Bobo. Doe. 17-Tho pepsV aODoaraat too ooemt eoaalBBy today
8p*noar Cototty Slob Dolib*r> Btatand an a^MBoa of HmsfcfalawtoOodteofnrlagUB to
«Mi:hMco4boamM7.XfL Dovto Btady Lynohod Thr*« Nogrw Plato too holy yoar.toamBtonmr
tTiBWi «k« to Mot. hot
of tool '
«» OiMl. Bo «id ttet bo
rtfta Ita papacy's InittravMMd bat «l» oeoMlI wooU ro- VER6ERCE OR MURDERERS
OMof ahottoM tkot hod
tepodpofltoU holp. ood DM h«
wooM tty to p*» o good OM b Ib Oovamer Mount Ord*r*d Out
Militia. But Too Lets
Ifao OOBPH7 bMOid ho I
Mto thol*h
l»Uod to ymtdo 0 ooUo, thot I
tomMtfywtt nlifl I'll
Bight oot bo 007 oood fee tho oottlp
of tho ttoM. -1 woold Blho
Vabato. lad., Doe. 17-Abo L.
iawtoo offtolo eity. at pcaoeat dopaty
orlPoB » tiloittoio fOoow."
slsto aa«tor of too Uuibij ot
Mr. Dooio. ‘-Ubb to horc Um \
Watohwtoo. wUl this week be aptnirrllhi. lad..Doe. If—Tho week potatod aadttor <ff pabUo ooeoaan
----- iBlogboM BoOBr iBadihly ofUwBpraoor ooaaty nob. left aa- for too PhlUpplMa towtooboshooa
of Mb. lay oo hit oBt boB B Iho ooaaptetod at BoApon loot night whoa Mlooted for this pnoo and the aawill
*>— Al ihlo polat, howoTB, ho la. Bad Bawtoad aad Jlai Bradmaea. Uw
tttiBBd a tdBark ahoat'-pattlBg la
M hcoattfal polM to npBoo oar old
ton ofMl^ sfaMtly bofon • o'oolak.
Mr. Mona. B oboigo of tho rootat "VhMUag /oo- Bcdn. toe
boo*. oBtod that ha Imd aathority
Bkrn from too
from the board appolatod by tho BoonoriUoMllaadhaag- BoUa was Sonat*' WIU Than Oocid* on
alao troB tho etrtof of ptdlee.
this BMmiat at Bockport.
CanM Troaty
Bo otatod that ctto of the ttOM eat
g maaggladhlm oat of tows.
wBBi^fBd. aad tint the oaly
____TOmU M* taoo hw «M0 to

ll looked as tboagh
warn wao tynalog. and ooaaded otiil
more lUo it. as Aldemaa
Btocod that llto Mlohluaa Tolephoao
Oo. bo ordetad to tanovo the tolopheae pole, gay pole, gay wires and
bos within floe daya. and t^ If they
were loft there at the- eo.l of Uni More. Totten, Potter, flai^ Chartoa
tlaso. tbor Uwald bo roBcrod by Iho Smith.
Naya O. Darla, giddlags. HotoM.
fire <
ttilaf ofr the
Uodlor, Lyon, McOraw, Mcmagbaa.
Mr. Moero went oa to aiy that the Sheldon, Wagarand toe -preah'
The gotsgaee got aaolhor m
aoBpaay Ind oot awew Uoo of poloa
fiBt la oenaoedoa wito hU totowaU
on WalllBaton oOaol fraa Prcni
set ptoaa The oaiaemo ooart
WaUtlagtoB. la dotnic this.
Mooia anted Uni they had doottoyed deeUaed to attend. Bare Una two
two qoblo oaks, whleh act bo eharactoclsod as ■■aaaaBage. aa abaolate wise and the gorenor hao bora refosoatrage". Bo oBtod that tao freo* ed too BO of too soMto toanbet.
oeald oot ho sopUced in the Ufo of mys la sahManeo: "Toh—orlth too
this giBonUin. "1 don't want their oBiwemo ooart. toey‘10 a d—
'phono.' BldMr. Moeta.-if 1 hare
to got 11 at the expeaso of tho beoaiT
Of Iho eiiy. Il U Hate i|o had aa andowtaadiag aboat ihia Are >
raadals to ho allowed to «oa
boro, loeato Uwlr poles, deottey oar
trees and sot their my poloo as Utey
British Mlnlgtsrial Organ Obpliaoo> It isan oatrago!” .
Senroo bad Mr. Mootr athted himJsets to Amandmants
aotf wfaea Aldemaa Moanmo one oo
his feet orlth tho wordo.^’t'ro been
flghtUwBtod for a Wf«k. My wife
Bys that 1 havo soareoly bohared
rhmwm wB am to
nyaoU al heono aad I mow that
tight. ••
Mr. Monngoo wont on to onto that
tho polos Ind bora sol on WoUlngton
otTCOl w4lboat any aathority.
toe leading mlatotortol oegaa. i^lIb
otaMl Uni tho trees woca bolag
tooAagto-A. •
whoa he wto tolephooed for and c
to toe Kleangnaa eamL
ap. tally to Had that tho danago
aarnmUnt too amendnrab
Abaady done. Ho left, after haring Hay-Paaaoofeto orarratton
benaamred that no raoro
of (ho trem woald bo dooo. bat the
tagao's aon oxpa
and was told Unit ho tolopfaeno ann
ooald eat Uto trass all Uwy

JK>XTBXH Tm4S-araitM

A protoM troB Mrs. Mratagao
broaghc no bettar raoaln, aad Mr.
Mentagao anted that the trees were
altorly raiaod. -UweUo oarhonM
Mattaa.''nld Mr. Monngaa. "we bio U both ooaatrioo to oohm. rattoaaioUahlo to fiao. (Mb thoao irrol—yrfmltitn to tares sooem Mis
BWiblo Tagabondi oobo la beco aad
eat then to pteora >aat as they
to •tooet the aegto «
ploaaof I propaao to see If Uwy ran.
I an laai aa and ns erer. Tho Haw Tfifk. Doa. 17 Bnafimf
nasB RBB-G W. fltotom aprawUiaani today tedd ap to MM
hngor 1 Udak aboat U tho
got, aad U Un law to good for nay. with ras tooTT mlliag al |Wa, a gala
of U polati «*« Salarday'o deoa
thtoglangatogtohara wcai
OPr ABBMy Dario anaod. watoUy
hatttUhfltoli^ that he WB aat la

••o. MI.OO. MletoO
Bus- tamra mi sad mew.
•Oo, «Oo


WatolBlton. Doe. i7-AI S o'oloek
haiatay the sMsto will btgia voting
on the Stoy-Paaneefote eaaal Maty
amondnran-now pradtog and
tint maybe offered heroafter.
In aBBOaUTo aoBloa today tola pr«agraed to wUhoal too tarmaUtyofarote. Betoboaies of eongioB wiU adjoaia Priday aatll Jan. 3
Dee. 17-The samte
»o will nke ap the
' '
> bill
immediately after the holiday recess
ooBgress. No bearings will he



Lnt Bands Be Vour Bsnts Cisus

PDimnr Hhoe Hoo
The Old Stand.

ij 8ttnwllr>T

H At-F*

opened with a rush yesterday.
We are determined to close out our entire lioe
of Ladies' and Miues' Jackets by February i. We
put the knife into every garment. Some reduced one
half, some one-third of^ their regular pnee. All are
new, desirable goods, in fact no store is showi^ a
better line. Do not wait, but come. toHlay, u
many lines will toon be broken. Just a few prices:

The Musician
Profttcioifil «r fiOtttev. vlU
be laterested !■ o«r »tocx aad ov
stock of Biislcai merchfifidlse.
There is no mnsieal demand
we oonnol ratiply al tite low
em iwioesL. while kraplagihe

iMtJiStlNI TimillW
ram axe apivoxlmatety


OmMI hi Dt| 1^

New Ooppor Clreaits.

letlpi TileiiliM Gk
ttfmt •

Jyolidap «


2A Karat Solid Gold
Plato, the latest thing.
Pricea are aarpritiBglylow. Lookattbeni,
and white doing that
aee my big liae ct

with beantifal aettiDaB,
PrrttT Ebony aad ^1ver borelUea, iotihe
thlog lot a OhriatBaa

Wt tmUtm

FisoOc bniUiw.


litw stock...
Catest noocHIts
BRUSH ABO (X)M8 «rr«.

• COMFIXTB:?::::!

Ramum & Earl,


I hare i Urije atock of

I Watches
I Diamonds
^ novelties ia
i Jewelry
I Bings


Wskf RSmv m m
Stkea^n Dm



to talk at a opraified lime.

Tit hi Ugt Sinici



6 O’clock

Udtes’$6 Jackets now CO at $3,00
Ladies' $10 Jackets now co at $5.00
Ladies' $12 Jackets now ?oat $6.00
Ladles' $15 Lackets now tif at $f.$0
25 per cent disconnt on aujladles' Capes 'and
Hisses' Jacktts.

- >ball Hlsoo
B^y U?Klml
U*bea .Ton i link of roasleal.





WatolagUa, Dec. IT-Seaator Hoar
lUodonod a Ull today nakiag oala
robbery ia toe Ualted Stans and in
Ortas paaistabls with doaUi.
OfaainaonBay of toe boaao Jadlelonnltloe iattodooed a rtnilar

And oreiy night aatll « a. m.. toe


The sale of Ladles’


Hopkins of too
dar mtod another rlctory fay mraring on order to report hU apportloameat bill, flxingjb^namber
r^_____________ S57; too preotot nambar. Br thU apportlo^nt ander
toe BOW eenns. fUlsels, Lralslsns.
Mlaaosota. Now Jorwy, New York
and West Vliglaia. each gain one
Texaa will gain two and
Banns, Kentaeky. Malar
, Ohio, death Oaroilaa and
will rach lose oae.


Ttat ta alwayabrrnw*-



am far ottoar a lady or goaUa____ _ goat FbcAothoo^ We
tKTetomlaaUotylawkadprtoca. ' We belleee we tare toe
liiTg— aad Sam Use la toe
eity. U wUl pay ypa to look
Umm orer before heriag. He


Boy's and Youth’s School Shoesarli tba “ElpNif kiod-a ahoe that will aUod1 wcl weather—nqalrM Bo
rubber*—not high in prica.


. .The
THm Nmw 8%mraM.
•*■ Wm


Real Olortb •
for Rard Casb
That’* exactly what you get
when you buy a pair of


Reynolds $100 $D98i









. wbioh id ai______
> eaaaiiMt peenoCMl lajwy to btmaalf.

tan'eUrerybama Mr. Outoo
naiiw a Raaolltw blow toaifii aad be-'
ia« defeotire an aoeideat oaaaed Um
to enffer eerere boma upon hit ri^l
"1W bMte qMab for tbesualree. haoA whleh wat almoal ooAed.
Oar fmpirity raata a|na the
Hm tecdi Iwd beea aaad by otbart
fooailitlwi of tba ptodaeta of tbe
aoU. Whether la tbe Um of affrteal- Oantoo. In U>e 4
1 tbe Intare ar of adal^. Oar nbaafaetar. flaomble material U tU ‘ibop cwiicbi
M are iDradlsr aad oooqo
fin and ooly for prompt aetion oa tbe
vorld'e nariietB ia eteadr
attadr 7<«ree.: |vt of Mr. Ooaua aad otban la
aad aMBoibetBrlaic tbeabaf) tbe eallie baildlm might
» belac tbai Maplored
I larldax field for ajan dimeed tbe iajarad Mad.
-Tbe iroBvtdateal trade baeadjaat
Mn. Jake Fartaeb la atiU very lu.
edUaetftoa aoMlaadatUiFcefito
np from 0»od
Me laata of thorn, aad Uat. bat «ot • “
Raplda laat ererniag to aee W
laaat, fioearaMtal fiaaaoaa an Ul
>nt of has ooadittoa Mayor
OaaMr-a wife, -ahore aaaploloo."
Prledrieb waa naable to 'attead the
oooneil mai _
Mim Tcreaa WorBlaig baa retained
la her poettioo ia tbe dry
BapabUeaa tl<^t fa tbe oflMal
MOii of tbe' Menaatile Uo’a
ran U a aptendid tribate to tbe adadalatratloa, and if aa; donW exiet* Btore, after a few weeka' raeation
ed of the beartr aapport of MoKialef apeat with her frieoda in Orand Bap-

Tlw mnmage mle willibe ea
ed tbU week antll Vednoeday
I, when II will oloae with a
tioamOe. .
Him Harriet Booldb‘a olaie of tbe
Baptiat Bonday aebool wiU gire a
boi-aoeialtbUeTeoIng at
of O. Thirlby.
B. J. MeDamald baa tm
poaltio at maBager of tbe
lafetariag Oo.. and liaa accepted
Tbe holidar edittoo of tbe MoniliiB
fteoord, -wbleh eaaie ont Soada;
- tDOtnlBR, eoaalBled of tweatr-eicfat ieanOermU Oo. He WiU laare
pacea. aU bot fear of them beiac Cbieego today.
The fire o«ine waa oaed yeater
jaintad upon fl«e aaoMlad taper. It
eraitelni a larpe aamber of Aae half in teating eome of the new maint
Umeeptetareaof-^Mnr of tbe beat eeatly pot down.
Bdlmrendor ia now ebef of tbe
/.dwelllam ia town, baaidea a aaaber
of Tiewi of tbe diT In diffaraot dimo- UtUe Tarera darlag the day. and
Farrow, late of the Aaylom
tioet taken from tbe ooort boaae
tow(». or comae tba aatabar la lib- kitdm. U Bight dbef.
Balpia and Floyd Mather took potendlr patroBind bp tbe boalaeaa
tnen of tbe eilr. The nwebaaloal ap- stalMi of the City Dialog Hall yeapeaiaaee of the .paper it endlleat. «day.
Tbe regnlar meeting
the -A. O.
aad itM whole appeaiaaoe refieou
ondll apoo the KoMlag Reoord ea- V. W. wilt be held tUt eraalag.
dbUAineat. To pet Op aaeb a paper Them U important batineee to be
ae tbie eoau a rood deal of litoe and eameiderwl.
Vltiard. tbe UtUe ids ywtr oU earn
aoaer which rwjnljTe a rery liberal
amooatof adTertialBit lartODape to of Mr. and Mra C. A. Henaa of Boae
pay. whkb we ar^ plad to aotloe tbe ctreet died yeaterday of
aanbcr hae recitred and which eapeoditare we beliere (hr adrertieera
Joa. B. HeadereoD bad tl>e mlaforwill find money well laveated.—Dallr
ine to aUp oa the icy walk aad
break hit kaoekle Satoiday aigbL.
Mlcfiditaa. tbe fl«aree will affeoata
dlapel all mliiriTtaca. A Bajorlty
orer 104,000 bs tte atate for KoKlnler
it a taribate BBiaeeedeated in ''
hlatorr of tbe eonunoawealtb
the reaalt plaeei Hi<^i|raa awar «P
Bear tbwOop of tbe eolaau in Repabliwa plerallUea.

Mn. Hlnnie laaeatter baa renmed
from a two weeka' riait in Bay OI9.
Hta Xlaate lanimater waa called
to Tifit lake yeaterday by the dmlb'
of lira C A. Tiaey.
Mra B. V. Forrit hae «OBe oa a
riait lo-Allacaa.
K. W. HeirlBctoD of 8oloo.. waa in
the elty.yaatarday.
Mra A. a MaA Ima rma to Indi­
ana for a riait with relatirea
Mra Qootw SoaOmitTu rialtins at
Howard City ME aftac^ ImUdara
Frank Oaaaatt earned tram Into
loebaa ted armiinc.
W. U Brewa baa retained' ttoo
AM Arber. where be hai bean takias

BdlMr BMWd; I Mtiee U
, Mentaw Bmcd of tbe KA
le bfokao ool Is Honor.
1>U M a fateabo
I M MMlIpnT IM towa or rielaUp. Bsr hare av aa^weti riAled o<
IwTc wtwmd tiM an «sjilorla(
pettHoB iB the field rwloi of the ova to eaaae the report. Tosn.
J. a VanBlaritom,
BmUm asd Iber lepoK the dlM>T«y
Poet Maitar. Hmot.
> a baigbt of l,Sa> faet: alae
aermal galotart. eae of whlob lirala
Tba toUowlag oAeart wen oboan
tbe great gtoeiar of tbe Bettiru U
Bnday arwiag for Ibt fieeoad Metbana. and eaipemm it ia tbe amt
ecooe of lu wsDoadiage of mow
- periatmideat. L D. Hobfae: |>ilakat of oaaaoal fawoty aod of lofty
r mperlBieadeat, Jeaaie SUlea:
peaka, wbiMi wiU oter great tampi^
UoB to moaamia eltmbafa Tbaee aeeremrr. Don Marrln; tnoj
VinmeMarrlaioboireUr. Mrs. EUa
hicbeno biddea -marreU of m
MeCletkey:argaalat, Floatie Walton
be iwde aeeewlble by tbe
atraetloo of ttalb, and thaw Fill be Ubrariaa. Goca Hiekoek.
boilt early aast tfvlng.


A yosng ladiaa a IT Grand bpids,
. Manitoba, nd. When
the faet
known in hie tribe there was a 1
motloa, and be waa tried by a ooaaeil
of medicine men. He will hare le

Yoa Uttle knew wbmt first we me
That aome day yoa woald be
' laoky feUow I'd ohaaae to le

William J. Bryan :rsTe
tr tbe fdUowing siM
bare, for aereral rean, h
tempUtioa tbe a

gi to tbe little noM that
prleelem gift of healthy fieeli. eohd
MM and moacle. Tbi'a whal Kooky
84c. Aek TOitt
To tbe Taspayere of tbe City of Trav


Tbe tax rolls for die ooileclion of
oanfy tasc* for tbe
tbe aUte aad coonty
for the deliaqaent
A rids land owner at TeimiaL
Icity tssesand special meear Palermo, imly, Ima been kid­
________ for mid year hare beea
napped by hrigande oa bU own prop­ pUeed
in my handt for ooUectioo.
erty. Hit aerraau flad in dlaamy at
I will be In mr olBoe to reeeire mid
tfa« appearance of tbe hnnA Troops fiases from now nntil Febmary 1,
bare goae ia pnnoit of the brigands.




nltferbeanm fTtotm
Pine A|>pt.-earHM

rE HAV^TAKEM GBEAT PA1K8 Midtebool taxes and ^n^fto; hare aome obolee gnodi for oar
Mde thta year. Am^ onr fiae
OSoe In room 1. Hetald bnildbig.
Chria^oandlee?SriaU find tmDated Deoember I . IfiOa
Peter Warsbotg.

2. *. SSS?

a -Wrictal baa ntaraed ao
Ip it needed at once wbm a ^
tat bana la OreewrlUe. after a rlMt
danger. A aegteded
. «Hb te patiata. Mr. aad Mim. V. B. toaelifeltiB
ooBgb or eold may aoea beodme wrl-


€lecMc Pocktt Knives,
Kazvrs and Shears
* *«TjrX the ta* itaid
piece rUmpod-Elootric-. Abaci

ooagfat aad oolda and tbe
of croap. brmM^itia, grim aod t
t^i and long troolStm F.

My Swti ClMt is Bwdfi.

Carptt Swttptfs,



|Pm Masqat agaata
MM a—PitoafiOcaadfiL fiebete «• Deoember fit. n.
and Jaaaary I. all good
BBtU Jaaaary a. at ooe aad

UISM«sbt Vmt SMtiCiMS.

• B. B. rU-ll-14-U-Sfifil

wlU 1
fit, Sb. to rmm



SieX Robbs*
Both 'Pfaoeoi, No. to




Cbc Slippgrfi

'll aiaadt to reaaoa that w^ma proride
bettor filippen (ban the elcre that ngarde alln*rea*> ride Aow aod tmau
ahem accordingly. Here yea'll eee
eooatloat etylef for men and
Wc sell BotbiBg Ibal will moraiub for
want of qaalilT, no matter liow lillle



Herhspa tbe Legglags and Ovcrgailerii will iatrrpet roa.


Grand Traverse
Land Co.

Grafid .TraTcrse Land Co.

a ft-.-—____________ — —
« of ^ looal lodge of
s, and on Taeaday ereniDg cd
beat (eeUngt, yonr eodal poForaetero an anaaglBg for thcAr aaik from T o'clock antll K-30
net raarietmee diaoer. wbidi will
ooeor at Ibeir ball for tbe Foteoton BtomKliwdlSni. Dr.
~ aU atate and ooonty taxm paid
and their famiUee oaly. FoUowing ur i-iue gire uennnd
kem. clear hentn, high ambitioL
it tbe meno that will be wired:
fiSe box WiU make_ynB feel Uke a
(hatn Ojw-iW
Wait and
CMn? new beiu. Sold by a E. wi
lekeTtooI • - - •
' J. G. Jobi



190 From Street.

Dyspepsia Cure Cet us Provide

A Demonat ooateat oader tbe
aasidem of tbe Willard W. O. T. I*,
will be held at tbe fieeaed M
H008B8 for wle4a all jarta of tbe
ehar^ Friday erealag. Dec. fl. at 8
o'oloefe’. Dr. O. A. Holiday aiU FAM&^aTS^ Utl of daatmble
' >t aad other lands.
of the mnale. and wrenl
LAK06 am tbe Penlamla
otben an expected to aaaitt ia tfie
__r-ranled and aaimprored.
aatartalamdtt* Hon. Fnuk Uamil BABOAlN8-We hare tteih
Tbe worst period of mow faUi
torn. Hol W. W. Bmitb and Ber. O.
kMWB to the eoleoy of Kewfoond
T. Stnei bar# kindly eoeweted to act
Mod dating tbe last tea yean faai
‘ H. ft M. BlcNfi
tbU wM. paralysing
e. Tbenltroadatre blo(Aed.tbe
traintboiag days bahliid. Stmmen
an naabU to laare timlr porta, aad agree to refoad the mo^ oo a
cent bottle of Orekae'e Wamaied
ftahiag raamb are wamUed to
rap of Tar if it faiU le cmie y
eongfa or cold. We also gaanniee a
teator J. H. .Stont of Maaomiiiea fifi-eeat bottle to foore mtUfaccory or
baa mad# a prop^tioa to donate I moaey nfnnded.
Bagbee ft Roxbon
tba city a fine two-atosy betldlag, fit 8. E. Wait.
F. O. Thompaos
Jaa. O. Johnam.
by 48 feat, fitted with steam heat, a
1, toilet
Aa imjiortaBt iDdoatrial inrunaio
ai a farmer's rea
U that cd Proteaeor OoaUv Bierhof of
oitiaemr woald maiaWn it. Tbe Olaagow. who baa ps»aleH a procese
jnpoetttoa baa beea aoorpled. Tbe
anolaetaring'while lead, which,
building will be erected next
Tbe ImlldlBg wlU be in oharge of
eompetent peraon aad iu aue aa
.bath, toilet and rest roo tbiag of the mrt htaherto attained.
will be free to farmers. Reading mat­
ter will be mppUed.
“1 tried manr remedies _______
ptlaa," wriieaK. W.BmUh of Latham
: When yon need a aoothiy aad beal- IIL. "bat foand no relief till I aecd |
Baafclea'e AnieO'Salre. I hare not |
been tnmbled witb pilrs tinee.'' It's ;
^ tbe oaly ebampoa pile can on earth i
pUes and akin d____
aad the bwt mire in the world, t&c
wilboat learing a s<
' |er faox.gaaianto«d by 8. K. Wall and '
P O- ■
witboBt wine wat aooompUabad
Satorday by tnaamittiag tbe rolee a
dUiaaoe of I.OOO feet amw Uw MUMwlppi Tbe espertmeau won een
daeled by Jamee. Ke’my, wbo made
the leewl wooeeafal teat a'


1»6 Front Htrret



Tbe PracliaMl 8bw Maa .

T'LECTBIC and 'Qfik Bbades and Olobea
H aad Ciaa Fixtorea. Brlla akd C'-all Ih-Iln.
^ llaiteria N Portable Ktoraw, fleatinK Pitdr.
Tea Pots, Flat Iroiu. CnrliiiK Trona Iiicandeeconl Lampa,^ c. p. toUOU r. p.- all abap>H
colora.-. iDtcrinr .lelepbooifl f< r Iiviim ,
factor; 'or store.
We can wire Bnylhini;

Jo ,


le Hanna
Mercantile Company

One Week Mere
Gene Sectional

Butthere*s time yet to'make your purchases-rnakins:
friends remember this as the happiest Christmas ever enjoyed.

is the finest bookcase on the market. This is made in “units”
or sections, each “unit” the height of a book; has a glass door
that raises and pushes back over the books, out of sight. These
“units” are easily adjusted and new ones can be added at eny
time keeping your bookcase always full, yet never completed.
Your books are all over the house and some are getting mislaid
or ruined. Why not have a “place for-every book and every
book in its place?” The base, top and four “units” sell for
Seen our great line of regular' sized bookcases? A splen­
did stock, There's that $7.00 style with five shelves, and the
antique oak with five shelves and glass door for $8.50, and the
still nicer styles at $10.50, $12 and $ 13.50 up to $20. Just
the thing for a Christmas present.

And Now The Books
You have the bookcase, but have you books enough? It's
a splendid chance to add a few late books, like “Alice of Vin­
cennes,” $1.40 —or Crockett's latest, “The Stickit Minister’s
Wooing,” $M5-or Mrs. Ward’s Eleanor.” JI.45-or the “Maid of
Maiden Lan^,’* the sequel to “Bow of Orange Ribbon” $1.45—or
a copy of “Along Traverse Shores,” by Mrs. Bates and Mrs.
Buck. $1.00. You may want a dainty Gift Book for a friend.
Have a great stock in the handsomest bindings at 25Cr-or a good
;boy’s or girl’s book at 25,35, SOc-orsomo Juvenile Books for the
little people-prices from 56 to 50c—or a good Bible from $1.35 to
$3.50. A prettyBooklet with beautiful illustrations at 10, IS,
—or a nice Calendar for 25c.
No rnatter what you want we please all customers.

it«a'taka ai erer ri tofitttrte
tdttttM down wiai tba anticdpartim
I mjajiat a ka*
cd r^s
nvpiac. TVr utad Hiemtilrfa otet
imaaraf the mala <d IhaMOtarM
tbarcnakl eorm and twowdad into a
ft>Mra larse. toond Caeed. joBr knkiMC Irtahman. who waa enloriac Ua
after dtamerdpr. Bomabow V wamt
•d br ihaatoiaa Tba nmtmal
d tbcnwelna. bni ther eoalda‘1

^:s- i ■

Tbe abort JaefeM which le part V
cw Mroat ttMami. etthar dreti
pMte. endi a UMe below the waW tiMi
wNb a beM IB Croat, oafi bat a <MP
ton gppudtge la the bock faHr t
or mnis loebta fieep and potta oa wMa
This k laid Is narrow pWtt oa ottbM

am raanr.
Once In awbile thme wnt a pham d
btmar. bat for the mcM pmt ther
WTslpar. Bat «


»<«iptekl foortenadtawsrdkim
«look of ezpeeteM trtamidk tMdp
to r«U nt the firm aiss of eoaolateim.
“Hethoaed thom."wat<mtee Irk*■an. “and thay nil ran ^ a Bos.
*OMe down.' fted tbs iMm. bte
- -Will y« cosM down for oanf
kad tv farmer.
•• 'We will not.' osowmed tV faoya
" ‘Will ye eoase down for twieef
•"Will ye eons down te thma
“So they aU came down. *'
■ And with that tVUc biihmanwiakod at iVunlyotbm man la tVeomnartment who waa not <d tbe atmy tell'
tepoowd. TV yarn apinoezj laa^
aproaricmaly few a acecaid cw two. and
Uwn a U|^t went op. aa tV Ommana
m>. and they mopped auddeoly. TVy
keded at one aaothm for a minute,
■aatetaliw for IV point, and then ana
taid, withayawnand a atreteb: “Well.
IpDemit'aVdtime. OoednizVAud

antaratad raporti ed tfaa Mai ,
aliaatioBat LndtnctOB. Tbfre hare
bat two eaiM there, aoe of
wnidi la now fnllp reoorared. The
Oadtllu if to ha*a a n«« tadBatiT.
tht* U»e ik tbe TrnfWllif Una. TU,
Irian ItaaifaolvliiiK oumpaDr |vopuaaa to locafr iu plant them Tin
fMtcr; will oar abonl l.tBO.OOO iert
Of ehoioi lotm. ooftlDE fomthiiiK 11^0
•l*,00a Tbp ootpot of ibe plant will
tw aptwazimatelf *100.000 rwlrFi% fromtnvni olnb and aoelety
wooMe of KaUmatoo Itarc orsanUad
a WooMUi't lM«nr for Jba' Mtabliab■MBt of a Boondar nWf for worklOK
(Iria Down town toomt hare bean
MMwad and will bo iqraed dartnc
tke hollikra Hot . limriMetia and

tine tor InfeetiOB baa njdmd. HMrIj- avarrbodr baa been racclMted.
id BO farthar aktm azista
WUUaai Klfcartca, a raMMo of tha
Twetii7-«il«bUi MlaklCBB UdastiT.
who waa admlltad to tba Boldian'
« from JaokaoB. died at ibe booM
Itetarda?. Mneb IndlcaatiiMi if azbedr of Blkerton to be aaed to lllaa-

Sparfca from Fred Bioe'a idpe aet
Are to a cloth mtaiated with tanwtlne, whioh waa woand oraand hla
hand, and be waa aererelr bozsed.
He Urea in taatlBt.
At Battle Creek. Miaa Jeaale Baaeb.
avad SS rear*, daacbter of C. O.
Beadi. aaeretaiT of ibe KitdmU *
la drowDod I fflieiwrd Tbrathlmt Maehiae oompanr.
and Kra. Btraiatin
died Bandar nlfftil aa Ibe reaolt of
Ha, in compts; with aix other boji. bnma aboat tbe btaid and bodr ana«aie ffcatinc on the lake when throe tained that dar. Her elptblnir
af tbem broke thronjrh the lee. Two oaaitht fire from aa open icmte, end
of the tore were reaened hr tbeir defptte tbe efforta of two pbralo
eotapaninna, bat roontr Arthur aank dmtb tnaaltod. Xia C. O. Beaeb
a aoo ware retr mrlooclr horsed
to Uie bottom, tlie bodf oonld not be
St tbebandaand anna in endaarori Toang laic to ezHnjtnith tbe flaaea. The
Wm. Piedrelck '
man who ..
icreff np
np in the town of bodr of tbe deoeaaed
HoUand. and who famtht in the Borr dlafifored.
« iwiaotier of war In the Uwea W. Oillmaa, a Blrea towS'
haadaofUie llritiah oader aantenoe 1 ablp farmer, ia mlaala*. and no
of dmih for fame alli«ed act in vlo- of him can be found. Tboradar
to JatAaon with *1*0 with
lanee with the law* of war. Been-•mir of But.' lUr baa, at the reqneat which to par a ohattel mertmireIV latter waan'lpaid, nor baa V
Of Wb. Alden Bmicb.
UntMl Htaiea Ambaamdor Choate in been area elDcr bit niriral In the
London to brlnit the eaao eo tbe nt- city.
WattoB of tbe BritiiHi trorenmeat
A Ptfh T



HiKie.r (orhoUUn.
(hrisunis Neckwear.
Fancy sok Snsrudux.
Eletaat Liu Muinen.
Seal Skin Caps.

Sedip Disease

Boose Dots.



Baoilsaiu roods in maiiy
oniicse iiiKS ariMir
daily, nanypopolar
articles ve bave kad te
duplicate emers oa.
Can early aod ret

' oaae of Dandruff
and Failing Hair it will not«

otaaiated belt. MomeUmea tbte a^
pandape la abaprd oO narrower at tV
dec than at tV waitt Une and '
ted with wsld. ^ '
TV baeka of tbcaa Jackett are ctaaa
fitUnp. wbik tv teonu ara Iowa In
blooae effect. tV rdpea Detop faced
................................. doth esbroUerv
ad on tv extrenw e
revere when tV Jacket la open. UanellyMbere la a fancy vast nodatii
Tbla mey V of toco, embtekkred
m white baby tonb. wbkb to oai
drem trlDDlog Ibta ernni
Borne of tv Jecketo are more doaely
fitted te froot aod ent wUb a very
abort baaqM frill One ia tV eiotb la
toefeed Iu vertical llnea. with apaees
between, cneb lock being piped nar­
rowly with btack muo and atltebed
down, giving pretty long IlDea tn tV
flfiirc. TV edgm are piped aV edtetiad for tv lintob. It aoat V remem­
bered teat tv long effect In front on
tec link Jacketi la eery tinportaot aa
a featore of good ttyk. aaya tee New
fork Son. from wbkb IV eketeb and
Kema of taabloo are flensed.

OmcUcta and knVcip an amonp IV
dvpen to which venwla ate conmanlly
azpcind, IV latter being perfaapi tV
mcee fmidaUe of tV two. faeeawa
iVre era mcnxd tbem at oertate W
emu. and tbeae i> no tellinp wbM am
cf the-c monaten may heave lb ai^t.
An ocdinaiy iceberg Aowa One-ninth ef
ila Vlk nbere water. Dnrtnp tV preacni mwon asambar d tVae maama <ff
ice—at learn 100 fret bipb—Vea bm
aeaaateiedteraMmm>i|m Itiaaeartely
pomibla to tmapina as ii'ebrrp with 000
tern of Hi bulk Vlo* walar. (tee cap­
tain reperta Vving aecn an enanBana
Vld <d ke at Imm 800 fern high and
Tbe aemloo of parlUmrot
irot tBkt r
1,000 faa* long. It bad eridantly VI ccsily ended wa» not iwnli-ulnriy pro)am turned orer. aa tV upper portion
flo of (unuy railngA
wm full of abarp anpka und poinia. and* couple of good IhlOf------------------ tV watm waa Mekiing down ita dda.
Ikl. Tbe fli>i ua* by Mr. IT.-M. U.
a ^ tV prealem daupen from ke- r. He U.1CI made a mateuienl at wbkb
ga la beteg te tbeir eicinlty wbe^ ,Mr. ClianiWlalD fbool: bL> bead, a *1leui i>eeailve. Ur. Kkld tnrord Iu Ur.
CVniVrialu and pro
~TUe rigbl bond
figure- und poteta TVy melt VInw ao
muofa more rapidly tVn abom that tV ahaki-* bl« iM-ml-1 a
eantar of grurlty breomei dietnrbed. and
tecoDd waa from ao Irlahnian,
they tuiu with tremendcau fizee. Some- UrTbe
Ftaclu. M. I>. lie wa* atwot ta
Umca tV diaturbauce ia alnram equal to pol a queatiuii (u a i-abluct mlnlater
n tidal ware and U anffkienl to npam whrn Ibe right bonorablr gentlcinza
any amall craft that m«y be in ita way. vciteded Ur. ITactn teal a letter bad
—New York Ledger.
been acDt to him lUr. I'.i aaklng
aakli him
until aocb
• tee minim
auld oblate tbe

the rtxmc man.
At Fife ImXv Mm C. A. Tiacr. alonit aa maaeot. to m&e abaololelr
certain amndoateb, Oeut|F Vaabi«e<l Tl r«M«. died Balonlar nl«bt
DaoieU. And ther did Wo*
rerr aaddmlr of bean failnie.
Darlnit the wc«k eodinn Dee. H. tlie ibaeka nioe lot of akinned pereh.
of tbeir dear flienda are
laparta of the atate board of limltb
ear that
■bowed amalliiox to liare'been i*ee ir~~T"T~ "~:T~
'7~~ tb«r
tmtal U plac*. iu Michl^ao. and j
ammement even to tV grd
alner that time it lia* been n-ported
iMtnetoca. It ia mid iVt tl
It .
peaentat fonr additional idaoe* in
Vre attracted mmae eerr i
the atale. Under llieoe elroaaumaoea
m well at gifted yonag women from a
Kew Mala- TmM.
dlataVe. Lately one of tV inatnirlme
tbe board deeiaa lia teeoaasondationf
The fire oirine w
lafmed hit clam, ebiefiy conyraanl of
to teat •one of the new water nmina women, lhal a dally theme Would ba
reoentlr pat ia t>r the cltr.
icquired to give facility in ctapodtloei- Thiamemed toanrprw one td tV
ezoMdiofflr imimriatitr and aeeka to ante of m ptraada waa pat on aU ymmfftediea, who
immeaa Ihlt teonmatendalion a]un maint. and lU poanda on tbe Front
Alt the maint ttood tbe
gnuuc |cvuet-tv.
geoerallr. —i
and eapecUil.T
of ntbem, and mid an-hly
•ponVhom l-mt*. Vxlng rVrge M
w, -jbe eoquetTiiblT. -'AV what will you do
riUldrbn. and aV. upon milrond
A aeettan of.h^
! to u.
ua if we do not |wepan any tbema?"
duuot.” the profeaaor unawored
-m-*ali pnir-*""—i»e-w:|*rteO»r- “O ^ **«• Marquette
gtamly, “MpItT any^ term of nzpoml
I another aeoMoa nenr Beltaer'e faotorr
s Sirtegi Jpbn Oobe <


Money Refunded

tonr, who fnlwfi tbeir tbipba and
wfaeemd m& cbortUad and roared aa
ch ia tan flaidwd bkron.
At hrt tfaefaip IriAmaneeaU esfiare
aokmpm. and V Mate;
■‘That noDteda me o( tba Cmmm who
oBiM tM bopt aianltec epptes in bia
Till. U a .'•mi- ill a to) fanar) uul nbgwa one of iiaaU Cbaa' kwd wwk
d ■vJXoiil. liKil.UiiL- iIjIU* liraite.


ta^e uothiBg cl^oothing aboold tboF ^
Take tbia adv. to voor dmenot.
Sold hy £. E. HUler andJaa.
G. Job;

, Whooping Cough. Aathmn.



) tki *fWMituii>nr



It isadirect gain for people to tr^e
here, as we always try to ffive you all we can
for your money.


D trviled b
)ldd V gtCL.

■ Yea. dr replied Ur. Plartn. ■That
r to. I bare gut (bat '
ot bad tlmgjo open
JA8. <3. JOHNSON. Dniggirt
WbcB tee atomaetb to tired out it
mnst have n rest, but we enn't live
witenat find. Kodol Dyopepato One
"digeate what you eat" ao teat you
eon eat all the good food yon wamt
while it to reatoiW tee digeative orL-ie t«|*l
K-H guckU ciT R-Bburgh
ganaloVedth. It to tee coly prepamdVI.vui*. *i>dT»i*- Zell.-, ('.mcrin M-mcr
ratka teat dlgeeta all kinds of food. mrhr.luA\>nrmi>hi«<y
F. C. Tbompaon.

Tr)f NT 30e Fin M THaeeMt it i fimr fir tN Mif.
H»nNi.5cp«tt. BCmiFIcl,
12 l -2e pnll

Nn Liltin »d Rtdbta ilnis N M a nMa itc.
TtlM 2Bc Ucta Ml V eaiN.

enterprise Brocery



Agtvetble advice to pclduin Btefol
TV ftabcRuau's wealth deprud*
t prtdu.

Both .’Phones, No. 146.
WlVzburg Block

118 Front Street




Fire tarance Fire Insurance

__________ _ ___ at Jaekmm priaI tee CmerTb that
on for riililiriT. A plot to effect
Tidtor (to attMant friar la IV re- aharpa and
we» -llaeoverml and „ »««y wHl aanrely deatisy tbe ttcuxjd aconwiV-Are we allowad
If a moalcun unen fatoc note* be
a eoDutrifrlur.
| aenae of ^mll and i
“ ' ‘.......................................t tV;tVwb^e ayatem
Friar—Bo. air.
Ptolouk lure I* a dinner at which
attengmyoa pma
Vidlor—TVn wbate do oQ tbww antetegLm aoup ta aerred.
mnmv of dgara come from that I asa
Poatlral geolna la nrieo
8M aaMci>ii<m in Vga^ teat:
Only teen >t reliable atoefc tewar>DUBoa degree of imagtni
week wma
wm moat turccmful aWair. I ciMia. aa £edkmage they wiUdo to tying abont?
_____ n la trill;
eahibli included about *15.0001 ton fold to tV good yon
POVlhly | Friar—Trim tbom genOemoa who
Raiec very low.
that be ever maV
e«cce«a la Hip one crime aoftie ptopk refoae to (ergire lu tVlr trieada.
But few people Vve enough coafiTraverae City
natteXM denec la tbeoaelcea to bellevv all they Telopbooe 78
Belle River, amnml to wnlk from hla directly upon tV blood a^ me
aay.—Cbiuazo rteHy Newt.


—'“ssisSie*- ~

John R. Santo


ouuo sdatuaoy nue.




^ vr.;- z

way V waiaaen wanderteg about In; and made te Tolede., (Mo. by F. A ,patfactezgamlty.________
u orchard He waa tekmi ia and Cheney ft Co. Tearimcntala tram
npMnntlyfeU tea deepaleep When .^W^ tlmgftou.
TV bogml wine mAta tba world to
• phyaictonwmonlled it wm fonn.1
Hall , Family Pilto am IV heat
%£it £f^*'^mpSi*CrtotTl«
tVt Vwaadmd.
TV Oalumel ft Heeto Mining oom. MISS FLORNCE JACKSON boa toft
aevcral piece* of chim imtedM. lafsny hai anaoniMed Umt after tV
eluding brmd and b^^&toa.
firm of tV year they will teoreaae
bnab and comb tmn and olS
tV w^et of all empleiym t per oenl
------- .aitklea at Wood
• tbey will In March of IW. they granted a^
ratee of 10 |wr cent Fonr tbonaand..
A WeamnhAwMP
•• will V aSectod.
fleede be Ywr Serte Cteiie.
ne tamrd cd central of Ibe Michigan
OoUege nt Minea at HoQgfaton. wilt
mk tV next legUlature few appwo|wteJmttVteme.
Uona aggregating nearly *800.000 fer
die next two ytara. Of tbto amonnt.
•BAaoci wUl V fw rmmlng ezpmiaee
bniidteg, «».ooo tor a Betdi viN be ■! Se«U deve.
dmtnl enmiift. lAm and. Kidney

Dancing School

10 et«—« tV liver, tvraeve obetracttena and isrigonte tee tyatem. F. O.

BfrMkteteof bMa ere known te
foOew cow*, bmm and other mote
abont tee pmtnre for tV purpose <f
feudb^mn tee tnaecta dietnrVd by tee

etomes wiU V formed next Vedneaafternooe M 4 o'elocft. ftyNow to tee ttem when eranp and ___ ja maV on entering te elaaa.
-mg tranlOea arove ouiidly tntaL Priv«e tomoM at any hoara Ol^
at JVtcteey, CSmrlevtjlx. ManeeUma,
KalkMka and TWaom City. Tha
•to Oamte Oom. It te vary ptonmat »
Prof. r.Ti
enoao. It ww pravent eonaomiMteD.
F. a Th amps n-_________




In dlffcnnt kaalltua tor mlc «n cn«y
a. Atoo money to loon «■ tml
• aeearity.


I JAOKBOS’B ia te pteea «» bay


Wednesday Evehingr


At tee Acndamy Vedneeday aftero’clndt. and at 8 p. m.
e ef New York
v^l irive Itmcma to te art of

II* tu dfisse tnate«> MftM*.
OteateHamUbme MlUiteBtefk.

Cent’s Fur Unad Cloves and Mittens.
Cent's Fur Uned Coats.
Gent’s Dl«ss Suit Cases.
Gent's Fur Drlvin* Gloves.
Ladles' and Gent’s Trunks.
Fur. Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleleh Bells.
Baby Cab Robes.

^ John t. Btadh ^

I «mv mmj TvmmAr, j
neavy rwra, awi-e
aengrre. trirteed mafly tUrty.aeveB
mile* aa boar
the .tltaoy aad
Hndeon ElecCriF^Uway. at tbe far*
msl epetims. Tlw^ mad h letenwting
la that It U Ibe famgrat -third Tanmad in jbe world, aad. alitangb aa
nperiiacBt. it teent to le* a aaeveea.



■ thmWhamamm^JC
lata «B faactov weoar to aaat tfaa

Feaadtr Co.
TbMebad t.
had has czpee
tawa ami Mn. Dari* tkc otbw.
the Matter of falea taportt aald .;
Tbto bmMihi the eiir anoncr (• gate
klifMCisM) taMt. tat Cbtef
f<**t>t ttai tb* report wae Dol ^aacBt-t
Mica Pt—ia. wbo «M abaadf oa
fata bat, naalaad tfaa mocalttlo of
AUatmmemiA, who taoMm
tta ataMca «( IbTcr rriadriefa.
PcMta taatad faartit girtm may
Owwitr tct Urn pUeimg id tha lima am Beliovod That CnMt Britain
VatUafftta Aaat. or for th* cottio*
Acttad Unfairly
■ Hr. Mccu


MMAUm> HMtagw M firm
Um MftTTft- to tllB CM of te


d tha eoast at tfaa <
l ImboIbb aad tta
are tBtaatoda«. Tha raaolt a


■Ml tta* yta M.

os for Bitbb. Bilaa ramrod aod..- j
■II aa agalMt

telt vSm tnu Uaau.



wiirm i

f<* Marbary. i

■- Prmj





_ ..SITS'

. IWIaMMWb ■«M‘elnwUi

• diwMd fc. <e<tor< *
____________ __________
. F“._ ---------------------•h«r.« IMlf :p o un^.'Attor^. B|Mle>«^^
i UJShTTitur-- “


a tad faan (rirad far
' AtailaaoptMTilweliiaaboMaowBad
\ far Clean. Bat out day Ctaai oaow to
'the pfailoaopbar and aid, "WlirbaTe
Tta helidig aditlA of tta Mccaiag
hpMal to 1W lt<Maa«
I yoB itot Ml Me the nKawr for laot «ecrd waa raeaivad orith aaefa favor
WadiingtoB. Dae. i;-Aeeord
">'n,(aidi’tT(elV' Thepbitaaopberaaidbe I to gTMtiy plenae the pahUMtoin.
plaaad tai WaUlafton . tclettra^te report reeelTod «
t the kaewatDoreaaaBeMpltfaatheliadao
demand for tta epeciai ntunber
Mraat witfaMU aay aottartty waa
r < Moeer, bavtag gottan to the tattooi ed
very bMvy yeaterday and iromRaataadCBC.
Coager ia raganl Co the teteat derel- i hie poraa.
to oMtlnaa oo ontil the adlticB
Mr. D aria, who waa maw raodf
to axbaattad. Itare to atill a aapply
. Btaad far On efaair. atated Ifaat hla
hand, however, tat it will net
wlfa, la hla abaaaae. had rirea par- Britaio Uutraeted Hir Bmeat Satow. M^jobowaata thia botMaata
ton tong. Thoae wbo woald like to
Handnol Acne ilt.ODOi'pt
■laataB tor tfaa ramoaal of a
the BriUdi MloiatCT to Ohlaa. not to ^Twoold yon. th®.” Mid the phU
t«l«a fiw eaa of the traaa. tat that elite the treaty ontll a Ma««*al;
_ I aeod tbe p^er away CBB eecoie tlwm -TO UTAV-aijaMU' ua rui Com ..w.; 000 Feyi.
wfaao taa foosd that tfaa mao laleod- ehenge wee made in tbe oondiCicBe. fomble tare. haein« dweb ia thia hooaa already wrapped at the oOee. ready
. Jiillion feel of h
for malUng. Tbe Bomber to alao
ad to dMtiar aad tat dom tfaa tree ia not jutifled. oa Sir Enaat waa;tOytB»?"
. 1, Maple. Elm. Baaa<iwtid. Hem.
. look and Pine.
ata torbada them, tat lhar kapt oa merely directed to aeeaie the InM-, "U ia myocteforv" aoid CleoB, "asd MleatlbeOlBKei^aiaDdaBd City ^
: Located
aaltiiw. Mr. DarU taelarad that it tloo of a'eMtemeal erptaintag the; act yyaa that 1 ou^.
Bookatote aad tbooe deairiag
■ *S.1I. (ini
1 laedar ‘a oordwaiaar, I are uged to aaonre them
waa M oatx^ie, aad due the aooi
roontieo. V......^
why pnaiibMento of Cbtaea.;
I^r taoald tia eoatpaltad to c aka
Price. AU iier
Mimlicr; or«l2
“tfaa wtala aboottwr Match 'eat of ^5Jf2e --“*—‘5^—t yet algaed
Mid Om! "a laadkad haa
>t to prefer teat B
Put naah. I•alaa•-c
that atnal.
fay Sir EniMt Satow gieea riae to a
iher nanlccUn
Aldanaaa Haattatra aocmaaBtad t» Boaptnoo here, howerer, that OioBt
- Walk-Broi. ill tv.»,
.,n..,..i. ...I.., i
tbe oordwsllHr inored into the received by me at my ottoe cjion
tha etaB«a that had fadea Boda to the Britain ia not aetlnit qoite fairly aad
r'a boaae. aadthepbilcBopber
of eelllng or keeping for aalej
t^fcoraaor of the atifaet t>r the work ia oertaialr llelayiaic oe«oiiaUont.
wCDtfoUveia tta
dtotiUed malt or brewed
or tfaa talaphooe caar. and dtad oo
Dee. K-8.
dering the year eading Kov. >nh.
• wbara tbaj had baea :
Boo, recieved today from Oenertd
IBj faaarr daraaitaa for dafaeitw Oha*oe ia Pekin a peraooal
ae traaa of a lara hooaa in Ualadated Oel. ». in which Ohadfee Mid i
^ ^ ,haenoo of all cboae thiagi Dae. l-Hogfa A. McDoauld
tlul it waa eery qniel. aad that there
in bia forMer hafaitalian had
Dac. 6-Claytod P. Wart .
Tfaa iBotiaa of J
grown tafaittul to him.
t»a>which tad not been loat eight of ia
TbU waa tta AM thing that pnaxled Hay I—Anioa Movotar
bU thia. waa i9Md far aa aaaal
him—bow ttat wlileh waa not could be
Mny 1-lite Dnnn
piB aBd nay rote.
eoobtrnaim "Wbal," Midhe.
TImb AldenBan Moore waalef to PETER MAHER FOUGHT WEIL ao Mlirely iiooexiatml aa a oegaticDf May 1—Emery M. Daily
May 1—Odic McOarry
Aad yet ben 1 aM oob.'
kBOW why 11 waa cereaaary for tbe
May I—Fred Jf Becbel
eberaaire aegatioB."
poleatobeBetnt all in WelllBjctco
"I talM," Mid he again, -petaot (d May I—Phillip Shenser
ateoet. aad dereloned tbe fact, to the
able, a Oieptaa aad the May 1-PrAhk Beitn^-r
Mtt^otioa of the coiaeil, that it
I.HI bioM.
TroiaI ttawi
• May 1-Looia Sleder
waa IMC at an nrnrtairr He Mid Ar>vialI<.Tl>.'M<irainxH>vmd.
| to oit. I WQDdtT if it will be
Jill klBils pf
Mar 1—Fred Wnnboag
Phialdeplhia. Doe .IJ-Paiar Malwr are driven obI from oor bedim becanm
andGaa Rholia tonight fooghi ,be : death, the Anal, ioexmable tan^. da- May I-Ricli A Hallberg
May 1-Palrick Borden
tly avoided the aUeya and
'May I— Lorea G. Faller
thU city. Haber fairly demooatialmnaed bolag optnoMd by
May I—Howard Whiling
Aldernaa Sotth tnggeeted that
ed. ao far at a eix tonad boat goea.
May 1-Elbert O. EIIU
aOtloB be takea cocnpelliiiir the eom- that be la anything tat a baa been, obtraaire menimwa and g
May I-Hngh A. McDonald
|tn*-* to Bar one aCiaet to go north
lu the Aral two ronnda he clrnrly
and aoath. aad aae only the alleyaeaat
detaonatrated that he waa the Akrra
and weot.

gianl'x maaicr ia the Aacr poinuof
.wtw The Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,Mr. Moran aaaerted Cliat lie waa
, and in tbe end nothing of the old j ^7
* trrgoty
In the third ronad Rhalla
now of Grand Radids. Mich., will be at the
willing to follow the plleya even at ohowed to advantage la llir foorth ,tat fatal memarim aod a new abC of u-1 May 1—Seegmiller & Miller
f i wooder alwi
alwen aj
May l-Joha Fiaber
aa iBOOBrealeiMc. He again auted
roDOd it looked aa cboogli PhnUn
that AldarMan Poand wai tawaeni
maaac to carry IVter off hla feet, tat
afad gave anthcrity fur the Hue oa Peter oraght Rbnlin^rilh a alraight
... tSH-SS
Wellington atreet.' Thia Mr. Boond Ipft in the Jaw. followed with a
O.W . Clyde. County Treaaaer.
ngnln denied, and Mid. "Ifthey go to
cllacb. In the laai two roand* both
eattlng my ttM. Ml eliaae >m off
viaibly tired, tieldter atiaEVKSTb IX oot lim
with a abugnu.'
sue e uKuuuEuEuesusa j
laining any damage. Looking at it effani
About SO of Ethel Slater', .voutig
Alderman Moore -tbeu moved that
from an impartial dolnl of view, teaeat and enriodty. There u abandaBt trienda anrpriaed her at the tame of
the eoMiway be iaatraeled aad order­
there ia no Altering bow Peter ooold evidettce that many apeeiee know aad her uncle. J. W. Slater, ooraer ttoaa
ed to remove the inlra pla^ oa Wei.
tava aecorad naything worm than a
aae of aimple remediea aod Slate atrecla. . Friday evening ;
llngton eireet. and not to aet any
for dtdnite dlaorden. aad at Ibe
The houae waa |«einiy decoraU-d ■
tinie obeerve rata of beallli to which with pink and white cazuliona. The
NRtV tllunol-H NAMKIi
caly the bagbeMciriliatioBar the mnc.
evening era# .pent in gamee end
time, they be reinove<l fay the chief
c. after whidi dainty refreahof the Are department. Thia mot loo Heritor for Colewbm. Atordiag tor Pori mao to eoefarm.
It baa been noted llul tbe geiittal mMta were aerved. Several beantiful
l>v AldernuB Moiita’ tVeyaeaad Keane (br Imtaaae.
aoDdltioe of aninul bMlth. eeprctolly [gearmta were left Mtoa Etliel aa n-.|
nppvtal l»The ■oriliM
in (he cam of the
mtndera of her lAth birthday.
Then Alderman Montagnr mored
lly with that of
Rome. Dee. 17-At cooatototy thto
that all polee in cite city not In sac
aa tbe Scoulia. men feeding
S'. T. Lillie baa gate to Bay Mtlfa. !
he ordered romoved. and it not re­ moniag, the pope formally named
grain, milk, dalea aad ear tta Soo to vUil hia aiatcr during
moved fay the oomiany owning them aeretal oew btobopavnelnding Moel-1 ~~'i
the holiday*
u,. K.— .t
within ten daya that Cb^ be removed
ruuEue aeanuaEuaeseu : .
religico eajuina raoatat
br the Are cldet. Tliia motlou |we- Ohio; AlettUng for H, Wayne, lad...
Yonr blood gore through your body I
and Keaae for Dnbnqoe, la.
1 ablnticau Uke them, wild animala with
vaiied nnanlmonaly.
Jompe and bound*, oanying
hare do indocad diaeaaae Tbe gieour warmth and active life to every tairt.
A reaolnlloa fTtni the board' of
anmfaec do not eat loexnex. Tb^ uka if you takr Rocky MotmUin Tea.
pnhUe worfca wiu rm^ recommend, BpnMItoTto-MeraiBcItexvd.
- regolar exarriie ia ecektog their food Am your draggiat.
lag the Temoyal of K K Pinch ae
Ind.. Dec. i;-F. A. | and drink cmly at A»ed boo.*a. Many of
toramae of atreet labor, and tbe em- Walker wa« todav upiminted receiver ’
•vvnre ebmige of cUuate. ooe of
of John Kelley for that
for the Kerthweriera Scamper Co. | ll*® f~»«« *«'’«•
by ml
ler'a Phapnaer.
A-ria. *50.000. liabUI.iea
| *”Thia to-no. c«Aaed to bird, uid
waa Inatltot^ ^,i,p
tta oofl
J aad wonoBlMUy aa hit
limited number of copier of' Along
ru'u^WOOD.O P*T
Grand Traveae Sborea"-* booh of
C B. teVKI
to th
abwt iketchea by Mr*. M: E. C.
had led the baanl to expect.
apawning With ebanga of rliinate.
Bate* and Mr* M K. Buck-tave
. Alderman Hnal^e mov»l
- a
*1 the Haminfa
riunge of diet and perfectly bralihy
been placed on mle
> Manistee A Nottheestern R. R.
B of the r<
a Lav MMaollle Co'*
___ _________ ____ ___________
habita their Hot «rf diamdrva ia obot,
tta IdM wae oppoeed hy Alderman Charlevoix moriuly^ tad applied for ' *b^b ‘bey readily faU virtima to wa- IM-«ta II. tan
Wri^ Sleder. Kenyon and Btand. iaBBianee in tfae.loeal Innneh of the ;
Itt Btnda be Voui Santa Claus.
and tbe amUer waa poatponed tiir
th* next Bteeting.
ilalee ' Arl US * It
been favcoably acted upon and report­ tow bunterv with Sir Semoel Bokm.
tLtgfpel I UtC r U
ed to the grand lodge.'.tat be bad not
yet bran Inittoaed. Onltoa (be

and Weaknesses Posalble to Obtain.
that in hta Jadgment U»e Cttaccnt
S *« M
tend waa eDtilled to oOBaideratioa.
and ttat if oee of theae two baada
i.a;s, “!S'!5
! hnte. wife cd tta |naMMt of Praaoe.
.Tbe OellahaenrPalmtaliTBat
were aapported and aot^.^e other,
I If to bcoome the leader of toriikaia for tta
three wonld be tnmblr. lia tbe city
A very iototealiag and i
' a npublic. aa tta £m|raa Eugenia Dec. rouni
R. -.........
eoBld not nppon two lateda .he rec- work cn palmtotrv baa fatbo publlaltod ' waa
f(W tar empire, wxotdiiig to pipaUr roten limit Jan. *. l»l.
: It IS
here aad bnra tta name of F. X. | report. Crmaeqowitly abe no* ooly
taemtriy____ »» IS
egeewd If poMible. ander aontc
name aa the Traveree City Military withWnatioo for thoae who de-1
Let Bands be tour SanU
Band. Alderman Sleder apoke in the
oame vein, aad made i motion that nodoQbltaraa rrady mle Order*’pwa not oaly demribed it u toagtl.. b. K^TOKAM tta year round at Jacktta chair appoint a cor nittee to con- oa be aent to lock box IM.
' i lUnmintod it in eolm. It waaacrear
^IBCHAHOlNO unu —f u, .
fm with the two or
I aa tbe
B. W .CtnniIirOBAI*. Apm* Tiasww (Xif
tha ptoa prepoaed. J. V. RaimeB. WE CAK SITIT VOUB i----- ^ _
Managa «t tta Ckcaeeat taad. waa Xmai perfnmea. PrioM ranp from
ere arquette
to 10 dollar*. Mtltor a
Tta expaxieBoe of {aitore to^ tos.
IBaoMt. and atated that the manageoaama Is a grMier or leaa degree to c TO YOUNO AND MUDDLE
- toMBt of the two baada bvored a con«y caw a* llmea. tryiag tbe matal aad
aoUdarioB Alderman Sleder'a mo.
For a loS^taT^^r^icTcrm of gcobingibr tiararteraa
------ —
Mm «M carried, and Ohairama Smith "make b.-Uer.-- of lluto ialih wat eaa da—Vtoto Baga
^ydnted ma tta eommiltee AUer- ttat e( -geiilnc married." For weeks
abe waa * faride. nutvhlag doWB
MB Stotac. Stetod aad Oorriacn.
Utotm^atar oaa mM tetottofli
Tta halted of pabliewocfca waa au- imagtoary waddlac aurch. , man an ' WMthlag that tta crowd who wCBlta'
•*—«—C7 erKierroom. A« tost, tar I tave It M a gift UJ— tv It" Ita
mnttar hreomiBC tired of It. abe mid:
aiataiMrritom'r-ntam ,<,tktoi,ri
• r.Uh. «W. rau
(tat wtaa
^_^nia^ym.wratavetoWve; c. W. Ptok baa 0|^ a BOW Ata
Tbla wta i^nnle awakeotaiL »«■* tba Miket at SO SoBth Untote ateeeL
tta AtklaaoB MU. was rafarred to
oity Angney ^vto for bto ofdBton.

.... ........ .
----------------------- ------------------------ - -■ car
Kot low: a terward
ird ibe
aak I Mr. Pita wlU funlta aU klnda of
It bel^ BBdmGMd ttokt
Che time tbe differeaof tta nest tWHng the biU wlU
(BOlbrt \ l"**'
w op ated baBbadhpoMdoC
i will b» Mtoa
come a young
Bwtier: but If


..For Sale...








..j ’^,t:rtzTsr^


Bicych Htpairin^

^ ™ CnnKitiM nt EudgitlM Fni ud SMittr'CmUnliil.


Bicfcle Sundries
Pricts Wgbt.

d- 31. Lederk,
m Union St.


THURSDAY, JAN. 24,1901. ^

5 'JJ?_____ I




rii*:" 11: ts
T^TTJo'ii. i4SS-lS?


K S rS».5!S.“„rSli;


________« ..2f*E25*.t.Lsrtoi2i


tssk K

DR. W. X wms*


Rta c«ii ouirL o*w» »»4i;Sto?S&iiSfa“SSS\^fSS SSS'iflaSSSr'.-?

L«t Bw4« ba Your Snta GI


......... -

I'd call a poltoenuiir
Ih. aad
sBd bar
her tntetvM waa at aa ead.
Mate of tta Miaalttae ob atiaeti and Faith.
dial4y Mfe to aay. wv»ei,; ___
It la pr(dial4y Ttat* from a^ (bo ;On TBOISATO
kforMayac PMadoNfa. taPolBted Uaerg* O. TbcBitaam toderttachaat





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