The Morning Record, May 23, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 23, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




nmun ag


Foarti.Yeir—No, 951 .1

Ti«U to Sritlah.
wa**--tot«* ««»«4
Or«M« lb* VmI Um
—df—wtolUft—mat KmfwOSM »o ttirtun Mmwi
Tati BH«r H1*m Vsr ^ »««■ ^9
Wrt—**• V«M« TMMm^MtoA.
•,«M1 w n. lUfmlw
PnMria. Mar 1*. via Leraasa Mw^^aaa Mar M-Yflw eorraapoMl
ham tkat tba Tnaavaal foraramat
ka* baaa Ulamad of Unaa oa wUah
Ika Brillah a«a puyarad lo naka paaaa.
aa4 that Ua TraaaTaal ror«n«*B^
bai Aalaralaad that tha tarsi ara aot
aaaaatakla. Laat waak tka Boan
aaasad daapaadant aad dasacallaad
oaar Ua4aat rararaaa. kai aea bath
aka raaarasaat aad paapla daelara
tkar ara aattad Md raa^ la raaUt to
Wkai tarsa ware eBarad. aad bp
wkos IraaMBUtad ta Pralaria, aaaDOl ba aaas*aalaad,
jPfatorla.M»yl«. rla L>reaa3 Marqaaa. Maytl—Tba Traaaraal forarasaot kai taada aa qffar 13 iha Brtttak
la aaobaaia frtaaaari far aa aqaal
aasbar at B>ar arlasaara, tka saa ta
ba plaaad aa karola If tka aflar ta not
Maaptad 4.000 BrtUak priaaaara aaw at
WatvraU will ba aklttad to aaatkar
dlatrtet fartkar awv froa tka ftffhtiac

wiHiumrsiiMHuatB BRAINS DASHED OUT cusMttTwtEiHOBctKwas
iMarfaali Vaska*t«milaa.Baf«B
0«ai|i aad OaaaUI^ ad Awaaalttaia CtPaa ap TataatarUp.
MaaOa.lfar »-Fka PraBlaat of Tar
laa haa rantaad a lallar Ires aa laaarir
aataalarajlathataaatad ta aarraa*
dar,la Ika parip via tka sajar.lwaa^
lalaa. (oar Uaataaaaata. lot saa wMk
Ida rtds aad a qaaattip ef assaaltlaa
Tka aaawara Iras Maeabaana' aa»

Oa tka Malar o( Mar
Baakar aad tka Tklrtr-lktrd maataar
lataatry atraak tka
Laear Tkaj klUad aa ofiaar aad *0
saa aad aaptarad M rldaa.

Trazirit Oo. io Bt, Loola Opro•d Two LlnM^wtarday.
Aaoibar Kaa-Oalwi Mao Harioaalr
• kot aad aa OMsar Badly Wooadad
Wktla Uaparalag a Orowd-Sararal
VOtbara vara Woaadad.
^wUloTbf M»rai>aIlaMrd.

8k LMla. M»r <t-Tba Traaait
Ib oparatlnr two aew

lias oa thla. Ua fltiaaaib day of tka
atraat ea- atrika Tka aospaay had
aona sn nmotacjM aaoblof tl dtrlaioaa. Taa Nwtkarq. Oaatral, SoatkvMtara. Moaad Olty. Ualoa. OaroadaUt aad Broadway Uaaa ara atUl eloaad.
mis of wlta baea baaa earriad off aad
■amat raaldaata af Jakaaaaabaft It wUl
arafiaaUraUrsad arar tka daaWoa bafora tkaaa Uaaa aaa b^opaaad.
raaakad by tka ratarasaat yaatarday ta opacattaa ware aat atartad aatU ? a.
tedalaadthatplaaa. Ittallkaly tkat s. or Utar aad turns la ^t Oitap.
tka Vaal'rtrar aoal nlaai wtU ba da- No attaaipt baa baaa sada to kMp aay
atrayadakaatdasUllary aaatlacaaay of tka Baaa opaa at atgkt.
. latatraaaakaatlod:
B, 0. KUgera. a aoe-aalM naa,
(Mdea. May tl-It la alatad oMalal akot la lha-baak by aa aakaowa M
aattklaaoraiag. Tka weaad,la aalag U tha dlraattoa af Biwaaatla. rioM. rsaar Wiakla .waa akotwkUa
Batal. yaatarday waa ambaakad by a
> dtaparaa a crowd
par^ofBaateaUsUaa waat of Vry wkicb praraatad tha taklar of can.
bold, ta tka Traamal. aad tkat ba Haferal abeta wara ftrad oa aackalda.
teat 6« MB,
aad It ta ballarad tkraa or four paraona
LoadoB. May *»-* dlapateh tnm
woaadad. A ausbar o( arraaia
Platarsarlrtbarg. datad Meaday. aajn. ware aiada Parser gowBor Ws. 3.
that tka Btara ara raportad to bare Btoaa will rayaaiattha atrlkva la tka
afaaaatad Natal aatlralr. Isvlag Ulltigatloo la tka fadaral
taga aak traa If tkia la traa U Israa oourt aaxi Prldaytka way opaa (or Oaaarali|BeIlar to adaaaMlBtotkaTraaaTaa]. LordBobarta
raporta to tka war oCm fras Kroonitad
aa foUowa:' "OoloMl Maboa raporU
charge of a Valoa Man PraelplUtad
tkat tkt dylag oolawa aatared Hafaktar at 4 a. m. on May in, Ba waa atabSUlka aad Big Pactory BoUraly
beraly oppoaad by i.&oo man on May 17.
Closed XtowB.
.„BiBa mils Iran Mafaklag. bat tka Spsetal to n,i HsBiBt Bsard.
May «t-Tkadlaeharga of
ahardfa beus flcbtlag.lttkaaka, ka
aaya. to tka sagalBoaat qoalltlca of bla tba prualdaat of tba Asalgasatad AaofTla Wskate.
troopa. A dataeksaot of Oaaadlaa ar*
ilUacyby a earls of (oroad sarcks aatrika today at tha UrstWsSra
laaakad bis tka soratag of tka figbl- tin plate wshs bare, iso mao walking
iag aad raadarod vary ralaabU asla- out. After a ooafarans the euperlataas- Ooloaal Makoa'a naualtls were teadaat eloaed tka antlra works, throw­
about M. Tka Bos loss ware ksry- ing out MO man.


ladlaaa Beparls Oowt Doeldad la Va>
vor of Bsploys c( PaatorUa.
apMlal M Tkt Horsts Bscerd

Alaaaadrla, lad., May »-Jadga
Eyaa of tba Superior aourt dsldad sd^ la (am of tba atata la tka ault
•falMttka AsarloaB Tin PlaW Co.
aad tba Wrlgbl Skoral Worka, ts rlolaMag tha law eospalUag tka weakly
paysent of mploys. Judge Byaa
bald tba law aooatlUtloaal and that
tka atata bad a rl|«t to lagteUta ta
(am of aspleys of faetoris whan
asployswreqasUd. Tkt eas will
ba appaalad S tka SaiMMM oowt.

City Book Store
Our up-to-date pattenu and the low
prloM teU the story.
We have eomething entirely new in
plate mouldinga and photograph mould­
ings which we are ezoltulve on.
Call and see them, and the new way
of decorating rooms—they are etunnere.


Alfred V. Friedrich


uo.................. :.............

• Y
t »


Arnold aad Bpas; FMbs aad Bag-




Footwear it due to tbe (act
tbat aacb aboea were nerer
known before.
Tbe price ia not tbe only
There are other aboea at
tbe Mme price
Tbe attraction ia in the
Stylea for every otrcaaion—$J.00.

Ladies’ Sailors
59 cents.


We have bunched together mott of the Sample
Hats that are left on our hands after the ten day’s ^
sale, and to clean them up we have decided to put^ ^
them out for 59c. This is a snap. \’alues are up ;
to $1.50.

Queen Quality


Ught and

Alfred ¥. Friedricli
■naLeads la Pis Pootwsr.



Upper Peninsula
N«w Linn,

I-ow BstM


in Icel
Now 75c a Month
Cbas. W. MerriU

Both'pkuua Ba. IM. ilOW.PfantBL


.ft .

We have combined all the high art dress pat- ft
from our high art dressmaking parlors and the ft
sive pauems
patterns m
in our ureas
dress ucpei
liiieiii. and you £
_j.L-----II--------1----will find them all
on sale atprices
surprise £
he ,best -------------•“
money will imwhen you coasider they are t***
Any lady purchasing one of these patterns will
1>e allowed lo per cent, off on the making in our

Isphsming, Iron Mountain
and othor

fpHIS is the most favorable time and place for stu^ pendous baigains in fine Dress Goods. We have
started from the first round of the ladder, beginning
at the beginning but rapidly assuming the lead and
command. VVe have a most complete dress goods
stock, and assure you lye take great pleasure in
showing it.

Our $2 Btsck Crepoi cas ba had row for $1.39.
Our $I.2S and $1.50 Black Crepoiscan be had now
for 89 coots.

Minute Rates

to priwnto fluniilsB.
Paynble monthly in adwBnoo,
Boss aad lilggls; «aai aad WU-



It ws at tkla^^tkat tjt w

laof tha aaar
afar the
aoutk. JMt M tka'hors got upon tka
ralla. the aaglaa atraak bis. Tba train
going down grade, aad at grant
Tba bors WH atraak with tba fall
forsot tha aaglaa, aad ws (airly
ground to piMS uudar tka train. Tha
baggy ws asMkad ta apUntara, aud
both of tka oocopante wara tkswn
out wlUi tarrlAe force.
Dewitt faU away tros tka
train, and aaeapad wltksvara brclas,
but Mn. DswUt ws thrown agalait
of tha baggage sr. and bar
brais dashed oat. Tba band ws wsplauly ershsd aad terribly cut uud
rlad. Tm body ws als nasglad.
tba boas of both arma ware Mmplau ly ahaiterad, nod tha armi terribly mt
and brulsi.
Jstls Ahdraw Pray tussooed a
jury at ms Md viewed tha rasals
waan they ware pat aboard the train
and tekra to Trasis City, to the un
of WUl 8.
Mra. Oawltt ws a woman of about
Myuara. 8ha Isvs thrs ehUdrao.
Mr. Dawltt ws as thought to be hurt
at aU whs the aecldMl occurred, but
later it ws fouud that hla blp ws
vary badly bralaml.aad ha bad received
oths svara bmiaea. Ba mma with
tka train s far s WllUamaburg.wkare
MBTBODIBT BIBMOPB BLBGTMD. ka raaslaed Ull tka norikbound trala
1st sslag, whs ka sturnad to kk
Cboaaa oa tka Bavanteanth Ballot In
a at Bapld City.
ClaelBuatl Tsterday.
apmts] icTbr HoralM B«eord
Chicago, May ss—Dr. DavU B.M<
•alter of tba Wstem Ohristiaa Adro- Secretary ffiaga U Oalllog In Panda for
HaUmal Bank DepcMlterta*.
ste. of Clacloattl, aad Dr. J. W. Haslltea. gaaaral loerelary of tka Praad Bpwlai V» Tbe Herels Bteord.
saa'a Aid aad Boutkem BdusUon WaaklngtoB, May tf-8aereiary Uaga
Boetety. alao of otaclnaatl, wara alst- today isuada call 00 tbanatiosl bank
ad blahopa of tha Matkodiat chore
dcporiterls for the ratare to the tres
ury of K,000.000. ThUsllelUbe rctba 17tk ballot today.
psted from time lo tine s It may be
fosd -aeoeaeary, to sake good tka
SBS now being paid Mt for tba r»Asarieaa Tin Can Co. will act ba Com- demptls ef the eld ! pareaat boada.
plately Porsad at Once,
IMa total asoaat to be witbdnwa
from tbe depoalteris la St3S,2)4,W0.
aaretsl loXbf Morslne BMcrU.
Pitubnrg, MaySS—ThaeoasoUdatlon
Tsurday'a Bas Ball Boors
of thatlncaBBannfaetuflngeoBp
uadar tba title of tha Amarlean Tla S*viali«TM Herais keeon).
KATIOSAI, LKAUt'K. bsa pstpoaadfort
moatka basus tba praaant U oonalda a
arad aa oafavorable Uma to laoaak la- Chicago
..................... » a
dntirtal asoritls oa tha sarkat. Dp- PkUadelpMfi..................... « ll
tloBB oa plants tvpraaaallag St pgr
•ad Ckaas; McFarlaad aad
oaat of tba product of tha aonatry had
Plltebarg............................ 1 1
Brooklyn........................... 4 ;
TannaklU and Zlsser; Dteemaad
TUlaga ef Point Oaira fatirely Wiped St Loala............................. .7 I
Jobs and Orlgar; Pcttlnfs aad Salapwlsl MTU* Hcnlaa BswC
Moatraal, May M-Tka vUlaga of mnclBsti........................ « 11
Point Clals OB Lake at. Louie, u mils NawYsk......................... t B
from Moatraul. waa dstr^ad by flra Braltestea aad Paltr: Oarrlek and
tkM Bcralag. Two boadrad people
as made hosalas br the Am and tba
»» taaeam

BteaagaOaasof Death.
BtaaraW MaU Batlro Bay Ooaaty Dala- BpMul W Tte MoraUc BserC
Oaytaa, Ohio. May ts—A peculiar
BaglBaw. Mar t«—la tba Bay couMy dlaeovaty waa sada today la the poet
aooeaattoo tkia somlag tka (aettooa Bortamupea the rasalaa of C. O.
Sehlotterback, who died aaddaely.
nyaidaM foaad that a aaaaU bona
OalOMlbus:hard, bat ba atlU aa- attaekad to tha vartebraa had grown
prens eoodd^w that ha wBl ka oat aatU it paaarated-tba saa'a heart,

Enonnoiis Will Paper Sales

««ro OateaMaai
seta) te Th • Haska BswC.
MAy tt-A alaak beare. doka Oawttt at BapIdOltylbt
■ead M-eatea aad aaks hod earZaalaat aad TsrlbU Daatk Taatar- Isa, tka OTteesaefa loakoateftha
dar Attanaoa-Birmak bp Baaik baUdsfs aUb la a flgkt to break ap tka
Boaad Naaaarar TwUa aad BarrtWy
Maactad—Maabaad klao Smrt. Bar vhaalerty aagro aaioa 1
tki sea wko bad tabs their plass m
gy Oasplatalr DasaUakad aad Sotaa a kalldl^ at Savstestk aad Locst
•traela. A few ahos was flred, bat
WBUasakarg, May u - A berribU
Oreyts Oas la Buried.
wklak rsultad ta tka laataat dstk ol •semi WTS karsue Bssd.
Mra. Joka Uiwltt af Bapld atyAud tka Park. May U-TUe Drayfs ose k
aaraslajaryof hs kubaad at tka barted s long s tba praast govertrailroad aroaalag Jst ast of Mabel oa seat akaU 1st Tba
byaUrgasaJsrity psaad a reaolatlon
oppslag any reopaning of tka Dreyfat
Tbk U in ksplng with tka govTravers City during tka day, eoafarrlag with Itasual K. Nortkas la re­
lantk daalre la tha matter.
gard tseattlng wsa Umbar on Carp
Laka Mr. Dswltt ows a sill at Bapld
City and prop>iad to m>ra It to Pm <hBa and hU wife look dlnos at tka
City Dlalag Hall, aad were oa thalr
way k»sa whan the horrible aoeldant
At tha dm orstlng ^ Mit 01
Mabel, known M Bamsoad'a aros
lag. tka railroad track U hk
froB tka view of one approaeclag It
along the road, uutU tha uaaa fa ti­
ll reached. Tha road alao saks
a dMble aasa at ttla point, aad tka
difficulty of asing an approneJ

Womstt KiUad B7 t Ti«ia
»MT lUM.


Toaag.01rl Ponad Murdarad and Ss
Asaalts Horrlad Away oa Tsla
%o laspa a Mob.
ayirlal toTbl Humlw Bieara
OkUlootha. Ohio. May 23-Tka body
of pratty It yaar old Btkal Long waa
dlaaorasd lying near a epriag about
. too yarda tros bar bosa near AsUu
tbia aharaoon. Bar bead had been
asaakad to and aka had bso nrlahad,
Btkal waa tba danghts tf Mr. and
Miu. BMpkan Long wko lira on tka
Starr (arm aaar Anatln. A aagro
wbse elotblag ws oorarad
blood waa found biding nanr Uie a
Bo WM brought to tbta city 4pta to­
night. A sob sme from Aoatla and
tka aborlff put the aagro oa a train fs
ClaelaBatl to sea bla life.






I••a««» ««»•»•«»•»•« ««•««««

We don’t claim
to sell a $2.00 Shoe
But we do claim to have the best line of $1.50
shoes in town.
Just received today another lot of ladies bUck
and tan shoes to sell at this popular price—

We guarantee every pair to be perfectly solid
and strictly all leather.

McNiinara Block










tTM tkto Mty toAttod tke

Hike Oberlta of Blacbaa bad a O)

80 OocIM St s Msoliiic of
SoMwr OC tAo UWTM of ^Icu MaMpoUtM.
OlUssss Lsst mcht
Tbi ifwinwi tr^ oa tho FwaltoraiM a« tko
•nad ItaoMaouatloa of *»o Daja
T. BAt« iJro J. «■ HA»«r
trfUr*-*- to tho aootlat of tha
WOl »• Bold dolp Ibird aad Foartb
t«cMoflCMU«M MaaMpaUttaOtto
/.>. Stfm. ■«» «* IlMiifw—BMaUvaOoBBlttoo of Fiao Xx>
boWd la Jiibtna todapaadtoMaorioaoail Koa «m Oanp oatttaa
Anaaranto-Oror «IA00 Baked

MW «B •m(i:«* *n

■ s


rrtodftahi. atjlTra

tha Board of BaWk Worts Oalklat aad
napooffwa at.tkkw«ttBret tbo
lafia eoatalaa foatarw that wiU bo
otoopoelal tatarwttaad ralaote tbo

raratahttae Meeoaoeip Faada.
^ Ibo work of tbe water works oom:«Mea Ibaa far bM baaa oarofaUp
■ 4m. aad tbetr raport. proaaatod to tbe
ooanMl Moadap alfbt. sbowi that tbop
hare mada aw of tbair tiote slace tbe
toutelea wae aamed. asd to good
ateaalaca. Tbe public wUl be pleased
erUb tbe reeommeadatlooa of the
^tetoa aad tbe oobedl will do well to
far^ tbe aeeeeearp tands to earrp
«at tbe ewjelleat plan for water dieWtbatlon that ibep bare prepared.
,Tte Beoord adroeated tbe rotlat of ad;4ittoeal bonds for entenaloBa aad sUU
'balterea that tbe eoaneU sbonld reeolre
«0 place tbe aatter befwe tbe people
•taa earlp date, eo that when tbe dtp
OOMB Into txaeaaalan of tba OanpbeU
the eoaunlidoD shall And no obttraetlen In the wap of eSeetlng at
aMO tbe Inprorenenteeo faadipneeded
tararknapartoof tbedtp. The oomakskm asks for about to earrp
m the work alreadp^ outlined, aad tbe
eboald, after reaeonable Use
ler oOMUeraUon. take etepe to prorlde
•tleaettbatanrouat. larlewofeon|lataad».HwoeldDotbeoatof place
do eaneet bonding for eoaetblnjr wore
than te aewallp needed. If *15.000 or
•H.OOO were roted the eommteloe
weald be prerlded with ample funde
twgwd work and bare fnnda with
wUehto tekaadraatage ofapoeelble
gnaillV— In tbe market whioh would
«MUe tbe parebam of Iron pipe to ad. aaatage. Bp all meaaa the eoundl
aheald afford the water works oommla.
^ erwp fadlUp tor a speedp aeoompUabmeat of the tmproremeai
^ople bare beea walUng for.

thb oitr- Qtv
ud bookkeeplar. lalreet parlop aad how It aboald be aaaeeaad. logklaUoBtor eiUea,lUe aaeaadabooe
of rotlat
wlU be dkeuaeed.
Tbe partp wUl rMr* Fridap.

Tiger wiU
rieaenre Beekere on Oorp Uke
Vest luudap.
The steamer Tlfef os Ckrp Lake wUl
ran a troe exenrdoa Bundap In eoucciloa with tbe exeuralos on tba M. A N.
B. railroad. The boat will deet.tbe
train at Fouofa both morning and e
log. and wUl make tbe trip to Leland
oranp other .polnt-eat CbirCLoke. '
wUI make a fine trip, ae the boat baa
beea Anelp remodeled | and refltted,
making her tbe eqaal in comfort to anp
of tbe lake -boats, asd far exceeding
maapoftbemlotiple offumkbliig.
Laid to Beat In Oakwood Oemeterp
Teetsidap Afternoon.
Tbe funeral of tba late Mre. Lnep J.
Buntar wae held pcaterdap at 8 o'deek
from the taadlp reakenee on QaMald
arenue. Bar. D. Ooeblin oOddtlag.
Tbe sSrd paalm waa takea sa tbe foaadaUon of a very toaehlng aeRBOii. In
wbleb. while offering eomtort to tbe
bereared. Mr. Oocblla paid a glowing
tribute to the Cbrktaln life aad char,
aeter of the deeeaaed, whom ao maaj
bad laamed to lore duee the came to
tbk eltp. Bo epoke of her eplrtt
balpfulneea. that prompted bar to <
Btantly aeek to aaaistltboae around her
bp every maane In her power.
BsauUfnl fliwal trlbntea graecd
eaairet. glren by loving aad sorrowing
trkads of the deeoaaed. Tbe pall
were Bon. H.| D. Campbell,
Judge Lerln Boberta, Herbert Montw
gua. Bos. J. W. Mmikaa, B. B. Eseclaud and B. H. Braekaa. Tbe remaine
were laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery.

I» ISM there ware only 8S1.M8.MC
Mbala of wbeot retained for home
‘"'wteWBptloDi la 18W tbe guaaUtp rcwae 458.SI0.8IS bateela
4tM there were' thoueande of people
beopoorereato hup bread. In 18M
wmpbodp ooaJd hup bread. Them
F. C. Bauer and Cbariea Proebaxba
two eMparkOM lapreeent the dlfferwent to Ohloago yeeterday on baslaew
«at«mdlUoai of tbe oonnUp seder far tbe Mknlgan 6taieh Oo.
Dtoeeratle aad Bapublkan admlnli.
Tbomaa Shane baa gone to Indiana
to pnrebaae a earload of boraea.
Dare Ckmpbell k la the dty from
Opian» of tbe dtp of New York, the
baakdearlage of tbe Uulted Stetee
Mr. and Mn. O. Lou SUrer of Obigartait tbe tret four months of tbk
tgo arc la tba dty.
were *805.000.000 greater than la
Mia. Belle Wilson eame down from
mtbs of IBM
There were good gains In all park of Elkworth to attead Mn. Hamer's fanIte eoanttp enoopt at New York, where eraL
Dick Hunter retoraed to Bp«
tee dull etoek market leeeeacd tbe

Utp of TalaabU Lo«i Beraed
Mike Ob«Ua baa beoa toade tbe
rtrtUaef aepertoi ofoeUearr that
weald doabUeee be paeahed wtUi
treat aoveritj it tbe ertfalaala eoeld
be broBcht to Jaatlee. Ba tea a lanra
•jaaatltp of Ufa ^led aloat tbe abora
of carp Lake, cp^wita Blatban. there
balBc aboat feet la tbe loac
Alnadp aad Mare vtU be Scoared.
pUa BeeeaBp Are waa aeoa U thia
We are to ba*e a FoarU of 3vij ^ of lof* bp
« oa tbe Blatbas
Aad It wUl be a
Uwmbearreatttc.Bip, Blp. Barrab
A party eroeead tbe laku la boat* aad
of two da^ tbe tbM Bcaaaded la patttag oat the Sre. bat
aad Foartb. with a graad
set aaUl it had deatrepad Inga vartomearalval oa the alght of tbe tbM Ip aetlnmted from M.poo to
Urowa la for good meaeare.
Thera wae a moetlag la the eoaaaU
Tbe pne of logs bad beea trad la
roomlaetaigbttotake deflalte aettoe three aeperaU plaom. aad tbe rci
aad it was formally daeked to JubUaW of the eteviage aad tbe kiodllag wood
with all tba entbaakem that oaa be that bad beea oawl were pUlalp
■owded into two days.
vklUe. It waa verp rlearlp tbe work
'ibe meeting wee prealdtd ever by of ostlawa who eboald be made to feel
BertMeOop aa ebalrmaa aad A. W. tbe euoag arm of tbe law.
Bkkerd aa aecretary. The report of
waaktiag of
Thera will be a meeting of tbe UalG a Oavk and Bert McCoy ahowed form Bank KulgbU of Pythias tbk
ling for drUl. Every member who
that fnnda amoantlng to more than *1,lOpbad already been sobreribed ^d H can is requested to be preeent.
waa dedded to make the fund tl.SOO.
ao the eommlttee will get oet and
hnsile again to rake tbe full amount.
It k believed that at leaat that amonot
abonld be eeeured to inaur>i the blggeet
demonetntlon Traverae City
On motion U was dedded to elect an
•elect the anb-commlttece from
among tbe workers of the dty. Tboa.
T. Batee was chosen cbalrmu and tbe
laloder of the cmdmltleea^ Judge
Lorln Boberta, B.JW Hastings, O. P.
Carver and Jacob mrtseh.
H*ad«eha for Forty Years.
The exeeutive eomtnlttee waa given
Par Isnr reun I sofferwl fram slrk bmd
full power to go ahead wlib the neeee•ary arrangemenu and to prepare an ray brwUebn ImvIbu st an.v TW bc^
»rb«iosrftoi»Minie^-vrrB.-ventb dar, bet
alaborak program for tbe two days
tbsnkiloCvlery Klac 1 have bad but ons
Mr. Carver and Alderman Battings bcodiwbrlDtbrlsMelrveninnnllM. Iknow
..c-urvd mcwillbplpaibers.—Mis.
■e out of the dty. bnt as soon as they
<;»n K«-iiren.Hso»rrlJ.-«. .V. 1.


return a meeting of the eommlttee will
be ealled and preparatlona begun.
All of tbe men on thk <
have bad much experienee le ■ •imllur
eelebrauons and thep will exert eyerp
effort to make the demonstration
pearecllpee anything ever attempted
lanorlbern Michigan.
It is quite probable that the Driving
Park Assoelatlen will arrange a serlsa
of good bores recce for tbe oelebration,
the new trpck,<jnet oompleicd.

An advance of 10 per cant la
evagahof Ua amplopm of tbe Weat
Tl^iiu eU oompanke k aaapui
Tbk wUI hardly mU with tbe eald
water tbe Demoeratle edttoce are trytag le ibraw oo proapmUp.
Tbxkk wen 488,858.187 ponnda of
tesoo exported Is ISMssd so:,851.480
peuads la 18M. Tbk wm » Isensra
•f 117.000 000 pousdu la tea aaperk of
«bk emu farm pradaet aadar tee BcwaMkaa pulley of proteetem.

'^H£R£ is no bed t^t i* a* neat aad dean and
X fnrnUhe* the roooi» nice a* an iron bed— they
are dean, neat and strong. I have a fine line—over
hO styles, and all size*—from $3.75 to $30.00—AU
colors. I have springs that are made to fit tbe beds,
so you don't have to bother with any slats. I also
have iron beds lor the Uttle folks, with nice.high
sides and woven wire bottoms. Come in and look
them over. Cash or payments. '

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
X20 Fxoax-t Btaroot. .

Notice-We make Special
Prices on all lines of our
Shoes for This Week onty
We plnw on *ale W. L. Douglas $1.00 eliom for $;5..>0-, Fiy.
man's Custom Made $3.00 shoes for $2..j0. Also stylish men's shoes
in nci kid, tan or bFack. I'hoice $2.00 values for $1.4H. Men’s every
day working shoes for '.'•'c. Children’s shoes go far below r^julsr
price, lltnnember the cash is what we want, and that these special
prices are good for this week only. IT you are looking for shoe bar*
gains^-ou will surely find it right now ami right here.


.A-, s.
136 Front Btreet

Practical Shoe Kan

Meeting WUl be Beld Tbk Bvenlng
There wUl be a meeting of the
program eommlttee of MePherson
Poea. U. A. B. thk evening Is
the ofBee ot(Judge Lorln Boberta,
to arrange for tbe .Mamorkl Day oeltbratlon. Tbe ehalrmen of tbe various
mitteea of Che pout are rtqui
„ meet with tbe commit^, that
detalte plana map be eomplRM.

A Woman’s Awful Peril.
"Thera k only one ebanee to rave
your life and that k through aa operatloo" were tbe etertllag words brard
by Mrs. I. R Hunt of Lime Bldge.Wk..
from her doctor efter'he bad vainly
tried to enre her of a frightful euee of
•tomaeh trouble and yellow jsnndi
Gall stoaea bad formed and she o
stanUy grew worae. Then ahe began
B. A. Howard of Baet Jordan at
toueeBleetrto Bitters wbleb wholly
yeaterday with Mki Jemk dOles
) nearly 7.000.000 i
oared her. It's s wonderful stomseh
Elmwood avanue.
liver and kidney remedy. Onrae
. Mkpa ph n
dyspepsia, leee of appetite. Try it.Oe1y
o In 18M than
SO eta. Guaranteed. For eale by S. B.
ButUe Creek.
IWS. That indleatea better buelnem
Wait and Jas. O. Johnsons, dniggistt.
aoadlttoae last year beeause peopla
ftper dollar! bring S oentt
hadbaainceato do and eonld bi
Fir JeuRU IDin ih*« «• U Fttbuii.
aOerd to pay telegraph tolla tbaa two«Mt peatage.
I» 1N5 the worldb prodaetlon of
gold waa *17.000.000 laaa tbw tba
world's prodaetlon of silver. In 189R
teo produetiOB of gold waa *7S,700,000
graatar. Met much danger of a aeard«llp of tbe yellow metal-


Ho. eiss-lrra M. sety «ar»
•a th* mersM for the m

The Greatest
Wheel Bargain
That’s besn offered, this sea­
son—A genuine Rambler for $30.
A large iuraice of Ramblers just
received from tbe factor)' that we
have placed on sale at the unheard
of price of $30.
No need to walk when wheels
are sold at these figures.
For 21 years the Rambler has
stood at tbe head with a record for
superiority of workmanship and
durability uf materials used in tbe
WlieeU may come and wheels
may go. but tbe Rambler is in it
Come in and give us a chance
to ’-ialk wheels,’' and you’U be tbe
happy poeseasor of a strictly high
grade wheel.
We are not only the wheel
•uppliere of this region, bat we
carry tbe largest stock of bicycle
sondriea in tbe city. What we
don't have in stock we order for
you in the shorttet possible time.

A Fine
Graduating Gift
Is a nice book.' We have a
great line of gift boiks in band,
some bindings ^a( are selling at
23c. .\nother^ine of new books
with entirely new cover design
sells at 25c. Another line of white
gift books sells at 3-5c.
We have many
the latest
“The Son of the
Wolf,” by Jack London, $1.30.
“The Grip of. Honor," by Cyrus
Townsend Brady, $1.50. “The ,
Queen's Garden,'’ by M. E. M.
Davis. $1.25. “Knights in Fus­
tian,” by Caroline Brown, '$1.50.
"Smith College Stories,.’ for girls,
'oy Josephine Daskam, for $1.50.
“Men and Boy’s of Yale,” by
Richard Halbrook, for $1.25.

Summer Shirt Sale
A fancy shirt with two collars
and a pair of cuITa for 5bc—a great
variety of colors, and all sizes.
The Madras, one of the most
popular shirts of tbe day, sells for
$1.00 and $1.30. Tbe Chambmy
shirt in all colors and fancy trim­
mings, in white, for $1 AO. One of
the finest lines are the Cbevioto

OlguiSftwn FbUipplaes.
• b*» reoelvud aa laterMtlag aoBToalr (ram tea Pbl ,.
A oeuple of MWtpapert
tnm MaalU. eeal by Baaa Bapaamm.
Wftepai «p ta tea paebage waraa
^Mpla c< oigan of aattva make.


N after evurptelag eke


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.





Anthony Bnrtnk, who ben been eoiy
low for nome time, to eaaaldrrabiy im. Bee.
& Mnem aac Mtoa Oaira BeeauM Amivlra Failed to Take up
proved, and aeeme oa tbe vray to eovOanN of Boeca.
Bella O'Mcal Married liMlBvcalag
.jluS.jN.iii JiuiuiLiiLJiui plete recovery.
apMlal to ttv Horulac Wv««*d.
at tbe Home of tbe BrMe
Mini Pearl MeOool haa baea bm^t
llMidSM idUHi !• to h»f« • Wktcr
Pane, May *»_Tbe Preaa here abowa
to tbto city aad taken to the asylum,
A very pret'y wadding took plane
watto pUBt Wk Twr.
Bappofatment that Amerlea haa act
irlar from meatal abarratfaa. 8be liet evening at tbe homeotM*. and uban ap tbeeauaeof tbe Boera. though
two WM » Wli»M of
Ufa. Oaoega H. O Kealof Btoat Binlb tbe Figaro will tomOkrow aay that
ikimi«trwNr7»jUi*4aM of bwl■treat,
—i Ijf rday
nothing else could have beea expected.
Ctorva Ball# O'Ninl to Bee. John &
Kalairwlllaay ittodtoappolBted. Ubre
C^MhU i- Pwtor of BNUIn. tell ms met at thaotwar by ber frieada. it
Btnm.pattor oftba Ohareb ot Cbrtot Parole will pabltob aa aniela roand• AjCntln jid««r»ik Md (ot»J«r«Mt
dtoaevervd that abe waa damaa tad. la tbto city. Pr«L Jamca W. BnmpI
bnalag America, bat It to evident
tar $$00 acuan Ue vUtac*.
aad her brother William waa aaat for. ofWaylaad. Miab., oSototed at
tba aympathy of tba Praaeb pnm
At Wctteiw. tho Pmo
Pool who braght hv ba^ to tbto dty.
foe tba Boera baa ooaekterably eoolad.
0o.«rUiaiak» •bote far • tbtri miaa
A nwU boat drifted la fnm the bay
Tba parlor U whi^ tbe oaramoay
am tte WMt aid« ot BoflMW. Tka lantalfbk U bad acoenpaat aad wae performed wm baaatifully daeoCoatcat Claaad.
aaalaompmaimmawapanuat at ttet tbara wan eoaaldarable
s««Va m latod la white aad greca, with floweia
The Boyal Olmle enataat hna eloaed
«owa an pajlnr
tl>000 a day te t> whelhm it bad brbkea from Ita arraaged la prefadoa abont tbe room.
with Capt. W. C. Barnard and tbe mem^agaa.
rtaga or bad beaa takaa oat by Tae bride wae dramed la a beanufal bera on bto aide away abaad, baaee C.
CkHtablaBoBafYnUaBUbaaorAar- aoad «M who bad fallsa overboard aad gown of eofl white, and oarried bride
C. Saandera aad Sauaderltea will farodBonoratMtplaalBC i> Ua baSrmee. Mtoa Joaepblaa Vadar ptoyad
ntob a banquet tonight to tba wlnnara.
MaaportloM of tba «lty. Mr. Boat
tba wadding march.
Tbe aid Boelety of tbe Oof
to which all mambMu are nrgad to be
aiaAtbe ritLar yaaoratlOB will ha?a a ebnreh will Mt tbto aftemooa at : M
MtoaJaaephlna White of Salkaaka
preeant. Bach mambar awy invite oca
liraly whirl bafara ba aaoeaada la la- O'clock ia ibe ohareb parlorv. It wUl aeted aa brldeamald. 8ba waa elotbed
fanUr bit or&ar.
ba a aoelal'.afieraooe aadaa lateraat- ii a prauy white gown and earriwl
eamatioaa. Jamea McAlltoter of tbi«
. Bacqueted by the Men.
Thopua MatbawaoB. ooedaetor oa tag book review will be glvaa.
beat man.
A dandng party win ba given by tba Ally
tba D-. 0. B. A M. i^lroad, aabarbaa
Laat night tba Baatem Star Chapter
trala batwaaa Oraad Bapida aad Oracd Kolgbta of Pyibtoa next Fridayeveatag.
Abont JS'gneata were preeant at tbe laittoted fonr candidctea and after the
Hana.waaaeeldaBtaUy ttnek by a
Willtom A. Boper. tbe ph»U«rapbar. wedding. Inclading the mother and c*,e*ony a nsc- harqaet waa aarvad.
traitbt tnlB ,aad maj dla. Be
baa brgna bnalpeM rppcalta tba Hotel bfoUer of the groom from Holland,bring provided by the gvnUrMich. After the oa^mony the happy
gbci «„
uia refreabtakaa to Oraad Bapldi.
a p.eavautaocial time.
A neat folder bat been Iwned by S. eoupla weraehowered wltbeongratulat'
Aa a earteia Tenel waa paatlay
loDvand good wtobea An elaborate!
tbroacb tba draw of a bridye at Maai- A. Keyea, calling atteauon to the atwedding aapper waa nerved. Many elc>
atM Monday tbe eaptala nw aundlap trasUont of “TheCloven,” tbeBellgbtA Hean Qear Brain.
gant and valuable preeeote were r<OB tbe brtdff*. a man to whom ba owed tol reaort at Omena.
irvuuffm, jvur Mjviai
Bervlore wUl be held at Qraoe obnreh ccivad.
on or bnaineae aueceaa depend to
4S caata. Be palled a balf-dollar from
a tbe pel fl.'t action of yonr ato
tomorrow. Aieenalon Day, at 10;S0 a.
bia poeket and totted It to tba »ai
Bg'a N
New Life
»fc Union atraet, where they will be at Bd liver. Dr. King'a
pay tba debt, bat the coin weal Into m. and at 7:>0 p. m.
give iDcreaaed atreogtb. a keen, clear
A floe baby girl, haa arrived at tbe borne to their many frienda
tba rirar laatead. Kcxt4ay aa Oliver
brain, high ambition. A JS cent box
wilt mBKe
make von
yon feel like a new
w being.
Johaaon waa fiihlar near the apot be borne of Bon. and Mra. W. B. Footer.
For the Old Betller*.
I Sold by 8. B Walt and Jaa O. JohnU. A. Brigham of Urawn, atetee that
landed a large ncker. and wbea be
Tbe Old Sattlera meeting to ba haliV! eon. drugetota.
oat tbe fiib open tbare waa tba Idanti- many aoldleraare mUcooiUuIng bto ad- June 6 at Old Mtoalon. will have the
«al baU-doUar tbe Tceeel eaptala had 'ertiament that appean in the Bxcoiui oia of tba Grange dtohea. Tea. ocffaa
for aoldieia' additional MgbU. aa no
thrown ererboard tba day before.
engar and cream will be fnrntohed free
aoldier baa a tranaferable right unleaa
Tba weather forceaataervlea to i
by the good people of Old Mtoalon and
to ba Inangarated at TpellaaU la ooa- be look' Bome portion of bto tou acre vicinity.
aeetlon with the free rural delivery
Tbe Myatle Circle will meet tonight
Notice to Teate^n.
ayatam. The aervleo baa been (riven
other portloea of tba atau. and baa tbe at 8 o'clock abarp. A ahiwt program
Tbe teamatert of tite elty are rewill be given after the degree work.
approval of the tameraqncatad to meet at C. 8^ s. ball BatA meetlngof tbe Knighta of Pytblaa nrday evening at 7.J0. Bach teamater
The bill ot exceptlona in the Dowd
wUl be bald tomorrow evcaiag with aix to rcqnaaied to notify etbara.
Bttaalaacbtar eaae at AUagan baa been
eandldatce.'for tbe third rank. AU
allowed and tba eaaa will ba taken to
thoae taking tbto rack will ba entiUad
Germany to aaid to intend demand­
Dowd to living pt
to attend tbe patty Friday evening.
ing far higher Import dutiee from tbe
United Statee In the near fntnre.
<ym Mon
A Top«r Tvnr Laite.
•jr BSaat Blngei
The rtmtloent of .\uaimlto might
A Card.
well 1m- ralU-d a tiqia.v-inrry .land
We. tbe nnaeralgned. do hereby I
a haa Bung aonga at v
when judged frotn tbe aiandpolnt of agree to refnod the mwy on a-50-! i can flt todlre. genUemen and chlld_,,v
^tate ooaveation ezeept thoae deml> nn Atnrrlmti. for all Borta of tliinga cent bottle of Oreene'e Warranted S.vrap of Tbr If it fella to cure your eoogb
»**»*'»^*» lower prlcea th.
k waated by Pliigree. Be ezpeotttoatng hnpiM-n there that are exactly 0)>i>oalte
or oold. W# atoo guarantee a 25 cent | “y
tbe oOMlng alata Republlaaa eon< to oar Ideaa of wbat la to be expecUil. taetUe to prove aatiafactory or meney
neatly and qalcklydone.
Juat now Anatnilto la In Ibe mlilM of
* wT aamUoa.
Roxliot aummer weailier. It haa flali that
Jamea G. Johnaon, F. C. Tbomp-,
r. Jai
^ . Train wreekere made an attempt to leare the watM'. ciluib inn-a. and aee-k burg,
ti4 Front Street
^ throw tba Ann Arbor train bound eonih food among the liram-lieH: the trei-a


We Had an #
Idea in Mind...


When we purchased our stock of
Top Coats aod Summer Suits—
it was to meet the approval of
many tastes.

We Never Say to you_

. Prefer to have you

are pleasing customers.

“It’s the Other Fellow
We Want” —rrsA
Customers familiar with the lines of
Clothing we carry need no invitation to come:
it's the fellow who has, an idea that all ready-to-wear
clothing is alike, and that he must be measured to be
fitted).that we are looking for. Fifteen dollars buys
on^.ofthe finest blue serge or fancy worsted men's
suitt on the market. Six to twelve^ollars buys a splen­
did business suit, worsted or cassimere. Our Top Coats
are going at less than they are worth—a most desiraMe
assortment to select from.

Don’t Pay High Prices

Hamilton Clothing Co.


A Michigan Central freight train
brake in two on the ateep grade two
tUev from Bnebam and U eara atarted
dowa tha bUl. They gained momenfam with every aeoond aad Were aooa
tearing along at the rate of ts mlleaan
hour. At Lae A Forur'a axle worka
tow of the naia jumped tbe track.
Tht ground waa plowed np for »w feet
aad tbe way ear eiaahad Into a honaa
oeeaplad by WlUlam Moaka and family
damoltoblng tha parlor fttraiture bt
hind wbksh tbe tamUy were aleeplng.
Caadnelor Porter leaped from the cart
aad waa badly brniaed.

enm /« toeierr.
Mra Jamca Baamtob of Jl» Snutb
Daioa atrenu waa plaraantly anrpi
Mouday evening by annmber offrtenda
AAd nalgbbore in honor of bar Urd
Mrthday. Tha craning waa apant
aba anjoymant of earda aad mna
After which cake and noBea wi
nrved. She waa ptuaanted with
bAodmw moqMtte rug.
Arkaimi undertakara ara urging a
kw praridto« far a ayatem of riiacklng
enraatetoeoHoanothat they can
iMwii M onAvaBloAlly m baggaga to

Tortarad a WitMM.


Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes,"


. tSuDVl (• tar o
A Itaptlst and a Jb-tbodtot mlnlvter
ere by arrldoat dining at tb«- aame
bouao. A« tboy took their neat* Uimwaa on emlwrrxMaed pauM-, tbe boateM
knowiug bow in avk nue mlulatcr
to aay grai-e wilLmit oSMulIng ibe otb-

Sidewalk LtAXnber in ell Ainee.

Pound Kaater-a Noilea.

More te Treweree


iThe Waukazoo House!
leor-tKjvox-t, aaiojx.

lgbM> vOTVIMv gn
•9Tk • ovcUliy.

Haw OHM. HaAbam Block.

The beat fnrutobed aud beet keci
tdy for
; Livery la cooDVCtlon with the houBC.
; RaUB made koows on application.

Lumber Oo



emiDently skilled aod accomplisbed artiet. A wonderful *aod J
thoroughly qualilietl photocraphvr.

^^WILLIAM A. Q<-.pcp ^



Tbe king of photograpbera In pMlng, Ilgbtinr.draplDg and arranging btolg
aat-jeetB for tba praeUHog ot bto truly woadertel art. obotograpby. Mr. 14
SoperbUB aecared xbe Pboto building oppoBite tbe Hotel Criumbto on Prmit,j
Btreet aad baa remodeled it and put it in order for atiictly up to date pboto- g


All are cordially Invited to vtoit bto Btadio and tmt bit abUlty aa an np to \
date pbotograpber.

We make a speciai
20, 26, 80. 36,40 and Business of Infants',
Ohildren's and Mieses'
' 60c,
No heel.

20.26, 36. 40 and
Soft soles.

Ohildren's 4 to 8
40,60,60, 70,76 and
Spring heel.

60, 60,76. 86.00c and
4 to 8, calf
Spring heel.

Ohildren'B SH to 12
60.76,90c, $1.00,
$1.26. and $1.40.
Vlcl kid.
spring heel.

8X to 12
76c, $1.00 and $1.26
spring heels

Misses’12 to 2
Eld and goat.
76o, 60o and np to



tuotvd bln auger rapidly around tha
Ubh-. reciting:
"Kny wene m!uy mo.

tm- h a Bigger by the toe.”
lie ended by (M>luiiiig hlv Anger at Afl
the liaptlvt inluivter and ahontlog.
“You’n- »r The ivven-ud gentleman
arev|>ie<l. Ibe deeialou und eald gnu«.

alt fovU ef everr tlew rlpiloa. are urolilbttMl
rn.n ruoivg
■> Ui
laiiw Is ihr city. 0-nen> *111
take care of \\trm
W 3 MooH.T.
Pauod MvMer.



mensely. and sales indicate that they


alu-d their lurk tm^tead of Dn-lr lee rev;
fnill baa tbe hnnl pun. or kernel, outaide, and tbere an- flh-a ibat lie In
wait fur and'kill aud eat apldera. AnaiTBliau awBDH are libo-k. Ite birds do
not alng. and Ita flowem are oil»rh-s».
'I'beM- ar<- a few of tbe dltferelh-eN
that inaki- .tuvialla aeetu n very mhl
eonntry to the vlaitur from tbe t'DlU-d


however, that the styles please us im­


into tba river Tuaadaymomtng. They
welded a heavy chain around ibe ratto
at Mtoalon creek bridge, iooa'ed oae
nUe aortk ^f Mu Plesaaat. A farmer
nroMlng the bridge d toeo vereO tba chain
and waa able to flag tba trala in time
----- ~toL.mvaBt a dtoaalor. OSeera are
working oa the eaae.
Theetote board ot health haa been
^pMled to by tbe benltb oSeer of
Saaltflie. Marie for advloeaa to the
baadllag of gneetaof a hotel at tba
Ctoaadlan Soo.'wbo have fled to tbto
aide baeaueeof an outbreak of emallpaa. Soeratary Baker wired that aU
a^oead pnona ahoold be vaednated
aad toototed daring tbe period af inenbation. and reooniaiendad general vae-


yourselves—WE DO SAY of ourstock.

New Store,
242 Front Street

Box Oalf, Dongola
Ohildren’s School Shoe
and Eangaroo Oalt
solid ns they can be,
00c $1.00. $1.26 and
made by
Meyer of MUwaukee.

mm. Price tae emd gl. Hawy hailU
ranwtaefl. Trial kenlea IBe M >. B.
JohMOBtoArwr H

The Old Reliable Shoeman,

«M|B WIm «f TMp tpPHPi
iHt oongb remedy on cerih, eoica a oold
leaaedMyiftekraiatec. Ma^Mcte.


\0 vCT

—c-aW \\v.vs t»ea\t
aaVt caU k»o
out cu&Xomrra,
tul> Wa out a\ock
AU& cuU &0WU vmt
V.ATd \o boVlftw. hu\ ueubrtXtUu ^tut.
Tt$Aia-tu»4* QflTmoTtVfl art u cHoav « ^ vrwo ^ ttte
mAleTiaV—AU& 'vn. cauuol a^ord \o mm Wus SfXouAU
Wet ^HemuVobu'VkAU m
Uo««^ CML aud «ft Atk
A\ Ufl<t V««uV«
mVutftoa Wifl iMtk \o Vook ooot \kV» VVae.

S. AP. KS\.VvVen.


^ 0£9t OF TM£ 90tU


/f o/ioiT troaia ]

3 rtite a boo^ mtnij tar
opfolnc a coarermaUoo.

AMlMB Boatal KfMMB viU b« Is
mtMSXti is BawaU. Jbm 14.
Tha Oaltad 0la««B lah aoMwkaf
taaaUfpad 700.000 *a« ana «• In«aad. wknaabarawttl ba aa affortto
prnpaiiti Uu «ah ta tbo Ww 8haaA (W at Marioa. Kaa.. 4iad flm a
^rtMadoaibakaadMda bra barb oa
At Ba«ay. w MOaa aoath o< OoBay«ma.Kaa..acicaatt« wataat loff baa
«aaaaat«arabl^MatMlha Para Bs>
vaalttoa. lha traa (m »Uab tha k«
wBitabaaaraaaapfaaadle haw haaa
AOOyaaraold. Tha Wb «a W laat
, aad Iha Ant Umb
ATW* 40 tost from tha froaaA.

mMsaOMS kiOaaDa^

ajeatp la prol
tba Mck of Ume we bear ao t

■How eor' a*ke.l the person who
bapiM-ne.! In for tlie purpom.- of t.elpluf
I itie dioioRue.
••B»tao«b aolKHly ap|H-am to bate
been ai.le to look out for nuialKT 1.
4'bleaeo Trilinne.
Well, I’re learoe.1 one thins.” he «aW
I ho broke a«ay from tbe crond of
-«Tuii J» thatr he wa« arted.
-Neter liet on wv
from stock eschan*e sources."—Cblcseo Tost.

katow to • Uat ad Iha »ar*Br MAaal

rake Warner^ White Wine cf Tar S>-ni<
tw best 000^ lemady 00 earth. S5s>.

j Prior to tbe ei
. tarts in 1807 the cotton Indnstiy
! depressed, and many tooms which had
iMreMtr «a*e i>iai« Oat the DU. prerloualy wocen cotton tabrlea aad
(eesMe ta the Peaetical Werhlaos
e<iually SUiUble for WtaT•C AUenW aad Meat BrreaB# Tar- jog
,nd uajon fabrips were Mle.
I To these silent looms In the cotton
An analysla of the wUmate recenUy : mlU* must be credited i»rt ot the J AROlFAKrr PLAMT*-to tiliamim IstytfaraUbed concreaa by Secrotary Qape 'dOlokly achieved nctory for Amrol«
Uneoa. as their mute appeal enabled
of tbe treaanry la regard to the out
tbe rbamploDa of Amrokan Indoatilal
look for terenoc
Independence to triumph In a rertalon
------------------------------------^ lor comment. ^
provide rerenoe for yrotollB stmt.

npoD the ^dency of tbe cturttmu lasrt ^
government and to ea«mra»e the TTrAKTED-VeBas mAA tfraeta* k>^ maa... -----------.
. . _
in respect
to their rerenoe -.Mn^nAlnv
prodoclaf .jnduairtea
of the •*
United Sutea," as
power. Tbe secretary (Ires It' as bis the suitable looms wero In position
opinloa that tba ensto I tow. whiefi awaiting tbe new warp and weft which
of the excessive revenoes of the gor- It pmialble for them to Interlace to fur­ ;:r«fAcsraia* wt^HMaL
' KMt*
nish tha American market with home­
ernment. bat at tbe same time aSofd- made linens. In an Incredibly sbMt
tng the best measure of protection to space of lime after the passage of tba
tbe ladnstrtes ot the country. wUl pro­ Dlngley tarlS buadreds of looms were
duce during tbe coming Bscnl year aa busy weaving either linen or union
average of abont K0.0cn.000 a month.
Id one establlsbrnent* In a
The lesirttB during tbe life ot the Angle room containing upward of TOO
DIngleT tails
tow hare amply JusUltod looms, every loom wss promptly emtbeTwedlctlonmadebySeci^taryOafe. Ptoyrd In weaving these fabrtem, au.l
later on this same cotporatiou starteil
E. U UaBM». Ob HU. fsrw.
aad It Is evident that tbe g
““ ''
psnr additional looms upon linen and
may mfely rdy upon the cusioms tow
union fabries.
for a lllwrnl share of the revenues ■ Tbe extent of the development of the X »io>rc. ta s«U ropalr. Ai Pars Harass
needed for the suiqmrt of the govern­ Itnen lodusiry In the UnH.-d Kiates durment. Illgb as are tlH- war Uses Im-; log the past thiw years, which will Iw
posed under the loternsl revenue sys-' shown by the f«>rtbeouilng .-.-nsus. will T OBT-OoM rin* wi irtih Unt* amdhist *b4
it is observed that the secreury fnmisli a eoutpleic surprlM- for tbe Ae MBAKdlAmuBd.oarrsai.lrseliwarB Kof the treasury .-#1101011-11 that the aver-1 Amerli-au peopk*.
>le. New mill-, have Im-.‘U Konhom'. .tor., riodcr l.avr ol ihl.^eUla*.
agi- moutlily nivlpts from this source, egubllsbed and .ith.-r-s proj.-<-i.-d lii Ibu
OOLDICRB ATTtKriON — II job loraWd
If the lutcrual n-veuuc laws n-tualnuu- north. w»-st uud smub. Up to alK>iit 0 bomclMdof Urn* ihaB 1"* arr,-. bef^
chaoc'-d for umilUer y»-ar. will Iw only the 1st of t>e.-<-mls-r Inst 1:. uiaiiufactonliout go.uuu.usi more than that to be rles of union liin-u lon.-ls and toweling
obtained from the customs law.
' were in o|H-raiii>n iu this coumry. and
The faet of lni|s>rtance brought out' severni otlit-r inllls w.-re t>roje«-tpd at
by tlies.- flguros and tin- one which con- that iliii.-. and altliougli raw materials
founds the of a "n-venuc" tariff sud liuis>n.Hl pNsls bad n.ivnnrerf no Jus., a Robm.Old UHUio. Mich. Pl*-ll
imllcy U that wbhh iiiak.-s clear tliat idvaiic- bad Is-eii the domesa protective larlff Is « n-veuue un-a»ure tie i>r.slucis. That the .|un|liy ..f ibe
uud for that n-asou should U- impulnr, American g.sHls Is uol oDly not Infer!with the |H-opIe as well as by it-asqu of or. but Is artttnily sois-rlor, to tb.- Imthc undoubte.1 beueUIs whk-lf flow ' ponci goo<l» the foUowlug from a rvfrom tbe protective system by cutting cent Issue of a leading dry go.sls trade
off tl»e comiM-tillou from foreign com-' paper will demonstrate etm.-bulvely;
nioditles whose com|ieiltlon would be j “A feature of this week's trade has
totbelndgsirieaof theUnit-ibecd tbe exhibition made by a promt- takM It. Joao Vcrlycd Rtates. In tbe ttoys wbeu the WII- neat bouse in a lino of Aiuerlean made
Mn-fkirman tarHEwag-to-operation tbe Uncus r«-prescnilng some spas-lal makee
"rovcDue" tariff itolicy bade full tedt j In towels, toweling, etc. Visiting buyas a means of rtlslng revenue. The * crs. amoug whom were many who have
claim of tbe fr^da of that measure hitherto lMH-n very 8ke|illi-al regarding
was that only by-admitting foreign tbe pros|M..-is of Am.-rkan made llnhu.
les is It possible to secure ad- are agre.-.! In pronounelng the exhibit
equate revenues. The- result of that extremely credltabk-. and In the buck property. J.W. Patfhl*.
test was the more general admission of towelings it was iioUcihI that the finish T>OBBALI—taseb rooBWr si»4 ..—
foreign faiBdc goods. Contemiiorsne-. is ell llmt could Im> d.-slml. Tbe sales
oualy with that result, wlileh waa m made during the we,-k. umny of them
dtoaatroUB to tbe Industries of the for delivery far lu advsn.-e. arc proof
country, was the ebari> decline lu tbe ' positive that biiy.-ra are well pleased
volume of rorenues from customs du- with Uie protluct.
ties. Under tbe WngU-y ad tberc Is a
of Doneompetlng forWHY SOLID FOR BRYAN f
Su5.Ml.r-'. 0-1 ..«i
elgn coromodlilea. more adequate pro­

MTSlSiSfiT^TT"' -'IBS’

Tba mlw folded 700th doaa arerjthlBf hbi ■wr’jlbean tella him to 6a.
The stodaot who takes 1
flods It tar more ptaailafI ttaaa tahiaf
It dowa.
Men of amtoto xeani Bare mneb to
be thaakfal tor bewnae ol the tallore
or the majorttr of ibet^ roothfol pUna.
Olrr wort to ttie poor wlio are able
aad wllUna to wort. It'a better than
rtaiitr and wlU be appreciated more.
Prof. Kaak. tormartj o< Kaoaaa a«7. —Cbtcafo Dear Sawa
whakaapirltaBlmladfoadar. isyorta
hU ah-." aald
*^MaBhaowa aare aawa mllaa Irw
__ _
aboald aay be
klnn. but Ul« cMhea fire ate
«art Worth. Taaa. toot araalar. H
naaonaUe aMnnare that he U a }anl>. laa'traaowa aoaalatad of aboni
«nabalo(MaclaaBfnUplaeaB. bat ha tor of an apartment booae."—Chluago
Aid aot knew thadaaeodaatloa. thap
Mother—Chlidren. rtall 1 boy a Uee
•nabMtthaalse of a oUw dollar. pai>er aairel tor tbe top of the ChrUt^meaapwaohtddaBBndorTfoot of
-.Vo; *« a
ChiUlieo (In t
ToakaaddlrtlBtheaarr. Prof. Mart
candy one!—t'blraco Ueranl.
•ape ha^iaeowad tba looaUoa ot tba
“What abiftle«« iwople tb
waaltb whilaflrlata teadlaf to tha bar.- liH-u livliis on earth at tbe be*
Ma apoa wboae plaea tba moaap t
flnnin? of the riirlHlan erar' mrUtDie.! tbe man nbo wn> all taosied
toaad. Tbafoldpiaotawniboaaat
)ver ttaia twentk-ib cvniury bullWartlartoB lor ramiaiara.
AAirhtof Aaatnllaatonepte pli
ia an XafUrt papar. The raadera
•rara aakrt to belUra that mlet awarm.
touted la oee hola fit thrw nlphta.
waa had to be amplopad to drlra them
•wap whUe tho horoee warn fed. Thep
•ta the whole aareaaa ot a ehaap la oaa
•Ifht. daetropad aaroa ol ooro. aad
toart attamptad to eat paopla U bad.
«UabemiOltp hi a thrtelac oltp of
upward at U.OM paopla. with «rowl8(
dadwtrlae. aad hae Jaat bafna tha
«wUoao(atroaUbn(pwlthtba fift
mt 9I5.000 tfom Andrew Oaraoirp.
Wtthla ai(bt poacB Aamla haa paid
top tha Impwtal trtaaafp to tha state

amebican linens.

w*c?ss -Siir

St-ftfiss. Kir

Otoar Part per bbL
noar, H L. A Oc
.. .H.L. AOo._____
rwd.H.L. A0a.»M(..
Lard par M-BaktorparM


wtsf-fts sST” -""Ta. “



MpajparC:.................. .............


iStoktou Btarah Oo.,«all poiatoaa U
ewtoPlaU raa. 14 to lA


A raat Bleyela Bidpr
Wiy crTton roeelv^toM
raica Salve, will kill tb* pain aad
faial to*'s^th^^dtot** fr
. aitoff. chapped bands, sore
Up*, barna Ulcer* and pllea Cura
gnarraaieed. Only 85c. Try It. Sold
by 8. E. Walt and Jac. O. Jobnaon.

___ _

BMlooedrates.vlaQ. B. A I.
Ann Arbor. Atlantt. O*., Bay Vlaw.
Miok. Chicago. ~1U-. Ciaeliiaatl. 6.,
a. U..
It., Detroit.
U-. Hlcb..
Baphto. Uicb.. IndianapoUa.
Kalamaxoo, Mich.. Unsiar.Mleh . K*W
Orlean*. U..Oberlln.O. PhUsdelpbto,
Pa., within to* near lotare. Call and
get data* and rate*. C. E. Marray.
C. L Lockwood.
aP. andT. A.
Nr f. L DNgtiB SkM gi ti PijMit

i tan U tiwi 2* Swn.

Bight In tbe face of the' widely be­
lieved story of Kansaa prosperity a
9 remedy cquets W ASKER'S WHITE
Cleveland man- has received a letter
I.VE OP ‘Tab Sybop for this torrifrom a Kanmn tbat Is fsIHy heart­
L>and f*Ul dlseaM. token tbor»
breaking tu Its liard luck revetotiona.
-;ghly and tn time, U will core a ease
The fanner o<-cuples
m-cuple.. 120
— acres
------- of
-fi h hour*, aad fo- toe cough that lolland bekmglug to the Cleveland man,
•««rs La Grippe i; uerer tolls toJ gls*
and tbe toner’s income from tbe earn­
■lief Price. 2Scand fiOo.
ings of the farm tUI^ y
Just r>.-Ul. M'by the a
ot thoroachbrad ton heaada at Dar- to be s
tottee. as will Iw s
Aaaaa. Mo.. btOMW tbop wmw blUaa
•Ttlr find<l for wheat I sowed
Q M. BROWK. Attoraor MS O
about 4U si n-s on your ptoee. Cut
« Shntrotk of Oolorado. ilwni lu a and got Bti bo. I sowed 30
it-res of Harley A lost all of It. I pUott
to looking Attar tha p
loate of Col
ed :si acres to wiieat on your place tbls
OflOM arw ToneoUsr
I ABd alilf fall au<l the grassb»p|M-rs has eaten tection from competing goods and such
Urgsaambarof 1
ToHpboaeM. “
-g BALK—TvCBtr acre frull (vra. sltni
Awalllnga whtoh ora tba work of shout 211 of that DOW so y«»i
part «Ae Krer Silver rsaaiaate.
adinstment of tbe i-nsloms rnu-s
J! OM mUi> vest. from bar sfeor*
troo- tbat there la a largely lucreased mi-asY<
el»r propertyJtpplr
vnblatorto man" In atnh. OolorAdo. having bard luck with It. Youra
ilayor Waiklus of Ulinitnn.Kiga re­
re of protecilou aud of revemu-s.
cently lu N.'w York sai.t i.i a n-|K)rter;
rtrUMA ABd Mew Maxtoor Coloa aoS
••We have a lu-w .-ra in tin- south. f JtT
Back In Itfii.''.. when the Ik-iuucrallc
In tba wind AtormA^8priBfflald.Mc..
TIiMtrfrsI Um
r e«»»Btb S
“revemi.^'’ tirlff act w-a^ In full opera­ The dcvi'lopuieni of iiiamira.-turlng Is
Wlien Otis Rklum-r. the famnui
«kaAda•bow ot A airens exhibiting
tion ami the ik>IIi-.v favored by the something w.uulcrful. lu <*iir ciiy
Rhara was blown down and tba anaka
s. MeoB.geaeralpneUoeals*
Demorrats ,baii nbuudaiit upistnunity Ihavc Just .-omi.I.-Ksl a K-'MMSsi cotton
iIh m.iilii.-.- iM-rformsrtarmer was aavarely hurt by
■ of •The Liars ' was graecl by tho for abowing-what It could ilo in the ! mill, and nn»ili.-r (-.imiuiiiy » iili n cap,^I1^ tent pole.
has U-eii nrcaulrwl.
patruuege of 11 bevy of tbe season's way of proniniing our fon-lgn tra.te |ul of
Tti Argentine goiawniaot haa sent
VotleooflCeetlngflf Boardof &bt1*w
statement often ma.le by IH-moerats soil pl]n- factory. Tbe best of It Is. too,
at yonag men from tha diaeront prarand Bqoallxitlan.
tbat It 1s only when forclgnei-s are able jtbat nearly all of the capital has comc
rteea to be adaestad la tha affrienUaral lor anything.
Tbr icriilar uiinad maetlaa of lbs .fkert of
to S.-II eommodllk-s to us that our sales from the iw-ople of Teuu.-sns-. 'ruts 1 BevtewftoA
KuaaUiMiuciof the CUj .iI T»»tAfter tbe curtain went down the to them of o
of tha Uaitad Stataa
coDidder a fruitful sign. Imh-suw when rrwCItr aUl bebeU la-Uie fosaeU Rbems.
debnhome rnplialists are not afrnhl in take
Bootgads. who robbed C. a WlUiama
les back ..u the aUg.-. where they back there In 1KC> we sold abroad to
boar* «U1 be lo swslen from S'Se o'eks-k
«t»MAa>dabBOrtotliayaAt Mlmoarl
d eonv.-nwHl..................................
wllli the Illustrious March of that year »«ri.«Xi.lW0 worth risks an ahundani-e of otitshic capital lalS
o li aDtalbeforVBroeB. SB.) from I o'clock to
of commodities, lu the month of March will stvk tov*-stin*-m.
VaUay. la.. raUraid tha hays Utroagh
o'clock la tbe afwnraon of cacb day.
ake mail, thanking him for the monay.
Waikius adds Hint Tenm-ss*-*- Is almuat
■aki one fair lady. but. do you know. modules amountisl to the
«.W. Oraassrahotatarat in Panld Mr. Kkinner. we .-oukl s.-ar.-.-ly bear a
of |134.0(IU.(S)II. or mure than <lou- Bolldly for Hr,vau: Tliai is saying to
'xng. a. aad laataaUy hUlad his wUa, word .vou saldU'
ble the sales to the rorrespoudlng eff«H-t that T«-uuesMee Is almost solidly Boon) ctaaU AccMc

■Xow. that's .vrtainly strange.” re- moolb live yeara ago. Now note tbe for the closing up of all Us new fac- sbAU^bef
All propWUOTBcnebOsM Bt-Bll tbcmcclrcs
sp.Mi<k><l the'"l .-oiikl Hear every­
of thU opp^eltjAO^^U Ulhc
time ^
change to the lm|H>rta:M^Marrh of tortea-and Air the di-siru<-tl»ii of all Its
Utito Wa. tha 18 year eld aon of Iha thing you ladles snlil."______ _
todUKirl<-s ami pr<*s|M-rity. It
18a'> we purchased abroad fUCi.ixv.OUO
Wa Ting rang.
•100 Baward.llOO.
worth of «-omiuo«1llk-s. w hik- Ui March. sounils so lneri-«llble dial, linviug a rea tashienaWa tehool In WartThe readara of tbto paper will ba 1000. wc puri-UastHl ahroa.l gWMaw.OOO ape*-t b>r tin- busim-ss sense of tin- peo­
lagtoB. to always at tba head of
to leara that theretotoat
at laaat
laaat worth. In other wonls. untlcr the pro- ple *>f TeuuesMv as we have, we are
•tort wharelB bo to tha yoaagast fae dread disease tbat edesca has bean
Inellmsl to Is-li.-ve that Watkins
are to all its etagae
does not an-uraU-ly state the ]Misllioii
UlEMt Eichtb atrtCi.
dU. and tost aionth hs had a mark of
of the iMvpIc of his stale or ihai. if he
100 to ovary braaeh.
xloes. bis Ktaii-mcAl Is true only iH-eaiis*T B. MAKTIK. P*y«l<
In UM Link Martin of Onansbdro. ■adlrtl fraternity. Oataerh being a ,
the people .if •i\-nni-*s*s- d*> not fully
%3 0 LtolM Ubrsry ■■
eoBsUtationaUUeAa*. reqa
lolrea a
- throagk Morraatowa. Ud., BUtntioaal treatmeot.
realize what Bryanlsm means. It 1
all'a Oatori
R1. I
piaae of paper. "Whoarar
Hu: the most lutcrestingtact a* dein- means free iraile It means the free imik*n tournally. acting dirae
-• widto
^ta to
>lood and mieoas anrfaer. onstnulug tbe wUdom of ihc protect­ ponailoQ inio ihis country of foreign
_ ■ ■kt^a.-.Birt..' TrtlSuSl^ysi. *rt At
- Snda rtto
^4 of to* aystrm, thereby dfetrayieg tbe ive- pjlicy na^rii fore*- In libhi. *-niu|>arc*l made g-MsIs to *-<>m|M-te with the prod­
■ 'Xtak Martto. dSw..,
Mtoa f -andaklon of the dtoaato. and gir ng with the 'tVIlium-Ooruian pullry of ucts i>r .Vim-rlcan lat-or.
patieat •trength by building up ]kU.V Is this: lu March. IKC*. wc pur­
slroppad It out of th* dtr
tt'hcu the |M-oplc of Tcuiu-sscc take
eonatltatlon and ast atiag oatnre
'Mollla Wemar touad U.o>MTdto>
la doing Its work. Tbe pronrletora chased Bbroa.l about W.ouo.taw worth lime lo give full (viDsIdcratlou to this Of ■ B«*y ProfettlonAl Lila Waj
. Bofitcry cod I
JpUowtd, aad the two wan ofl«
mneb faith In it* >-iiratWe more goods tiuu wc s«kl aluoad. In fact, they will turn from Mr. Bryan
the Dlacovery ol

♦ they rffsrOae Bundred Mnn-h. Usm. wc sold abroad flSi.mi.- aud from all his free trade idens. The
... -jAaC* A
r* icVi*?t'
,h*t U fails to (kst nonb mort- pmhIm than wc tK>iight foreign <ii|ilial which Mayor Watkins
teeded to. Mar
In will to
^ matklUedberrtaa aad other fratta ftyUafi fof rt» ^
: NortAcro pA<
'-nonUU. abrtiad. Or. wliat Is still mure Ktrikiug, | *o oouQd<-ntly ex|M-*-is to flow into tbe
Dr. A-«. ChaSM’s
4 hare haaa worth core. Bend fof ImT of
Address r.J Cheney ACo.,TdlcO».» __ sold to for*-lg; cvuiiiries 111 Mgroh, state would hide Its.-lf at home It ByyHenra and Blood PIIISp
liski. under tliC Wucfiivui tK>lk-y of atrfsm am! frt-e trade sh.iuld wiu out.
Bold bv dniggtotB. 75e.
Hell's Pam‘ly Pills are the bwu
‘prou-cilou. a balnnee of lu.ire gisnls a-'mlsad.-cutun- which fonunau-ly it The New Treatnrant Which Mas RevWithiB the peat thr« woeiti iferf
j(or.T Bud'alrore the total nmouni of not llki-ly to bap|K-n.
1PRXD *»d beiiM polal
olutlonlxad tbe Old Method of
tfchard la tbe aaatern part of the atota
X io*.aocp»Iwr hanrlra •
/wIlTi.-, from
F« DWi lUiSbspttFijinv I___ Imporbi of ctiiutuotlUk-s
Treat hg DUeasas of tbe
-of Kanaaa baa beaa attacked by ao to
IVofli AJiACSOlccd. Ue a*moed mrcctWWBty
Troable Baaach Already.
Bbroadi greater than <mr total importa•InlAeaat looktog worm
"Are you a Heer symiuiUiizer’f" nak­
toe eurraal worn- It U dafoUatl^
as groat a net volumt- as our total sales ed one orator.
itoe traaa aad faaia ara fait for th«
••No." answiTwl ibeother.
abroad> the days of tbe Wllstm-Gdr••FIllplbowymiMHldacrr
or tbe privet
mau tariff of Ittur*.
A. W. Chara. n
itef Rav.
It Is not Bunwlslug Id view of these
edica) profe*- Boflhk>.rcber. (*?:. m
“Why not?'’
d rttoleaee SIS Bay
Ctoiiat U. ShaldM to Earopa wlU ba FBTOSKBY and* BAY VIEW. SUN­ remarkable result* under the Ulugley
Alon BI hi. lA*t greAi OF.™.
"Mcbbe It's lack of time. I’ve been
laiiff titat w-e ahoul*! bear lemi said
•4 Llvarpool.
about the •'tolquliy of protection'’ reading abom police scandals and po­
i~.> W. Brown of Rurteator. lad.
among the Demo*.-railc orators and pub­ litical feudiT aud about lonunterabie..
Imaetortoda fool to toetor. to rt*
Rato. $1-00- Blcyel** oarried •frna lic Journala. And yet It is frequenUy poor, benighted people who don't think
10 off
tonMrtofladtouoa toa advaatoffat
said to tbe organs of the “rcTenue"
H. K. MoxLULa,
Nerv* And B
Acting O. P- A tariff propaganda that tbe acquisllton
«t a propoaail tow that Boagbirda ahaU
of the lalanda from Spain enforcea up­ sympslWaer.“-Washliigton Star.
bATO toa Urge extent ravolatioaised tb*
■Ot be UUad tor toa yaara
on the United States the abollUon of
of tritlng dlseraetof rt« »*««*
At Paxton, ni.. aa <
tbe doctrine of prou-ctlon and the ndopJUNE S.
•ad bUod.
•rovad a gLH for abrtoktog oat to MoatBryan la running well In the sutet
tton ot a policy which wonhl ojtea the
If you bar# a dwalltog. ttert. atom,
ItgbaeaaBaabaaUetoU oa bar aaek.
where tbe Republican majorities are
Trato wOl laav* Ttavara* City irt 6:U marteta of this country to the free
b^. or any oibef property Inm^
^ tartar ot tha girl nod tha preartar a & Ratarntoglaa** Oraad Bi^ admiBslon of the competlug producta of largest. In tboae state* tbe DemocratB
■ot Into* Efbt ovar tt; rt*«fartBr waa atO«Dp.m.MaBk*goaat a:ia BaU the world. It Is well to note In this hare nothing to lose, but In tbe aoutb. •tmKtben' tbe body.
Iflra yoa
tbat llte paasage whero proqwrity lias advanced with nSvT*^ Blood PiUi cora bj
flMdti.wbiebwa* ralaad by paany toMrtrtpoto».$S.00. to. M. 11noapi aad earcfal atwatlen.
of the Porto Rlean Uriff bill by con- rapid «ridc* and tbe Democrats are In
Only rt* BOBi rslUUa start toBor•oatribattoMof bl* trtonda
greaa and Its prompt Indorsemeni by a tbe majority, they are thinking very
Bates r*ry low,
_________ _________
to empha- seriouAly as to whether H Is a good pob
time." Oalsaa'B BlnaOe Floor Varniab alze the fact, wbkh should not l»c lost Icy to nominate a man who U agatoBt
npon <rf»*ervtog men. that It la to be prwperity and who would undo all the
••Bototoralfbtyaara l
JobaaoB Btoak
Ot. ▼. J. agtofc Oparta?* OrttWtf the policy of tbe Hcpubllcan party to good that ha* been done.-lUrrUbnrg tbe
Dr. Cbara’s Nerra and Blo^
rcsncct to ibcAc distant laUnda that Telegraph.
to be safeguarded
Tk* aoBth AosOa lavad*4.
and their In“Cotton Jnrniw to 10 cents.” oay* tbe
HmU Omhlrt CmI* Boot
■Ututlama esuldlshwl upon tbe high Savannah Tribune. Thtia McKlntey
namMr tot »!■ *• » oasta road to dvlllxatlon wl '
a tbe ooaUi.-Goabe*
____ ■ WUl ba'atoliad tMatoge
tbe interwt* of oar GooieBtic lams(N. TJ Democrat.
oaraaalMofrtam AWrartTb*
-- ---------btx will be
a«»U. ^**1** City, Mick.





Heullmantei Hotel

The Groining Trinmpli





Pere Marquette


..Fire Insurance..


sags. T.

Johit R. Santo,
Gnml litimm.


Tm^^s^aifiatosao, wsSnssdat.imay 23. imo


••D MiO ka<* rim«4 •tarfa to dl


Mf W. ^ ‘ MMk r«v I^^H*l■t b«
A Uo o bn fM* koir;
A cran a paitr itm vm.
AMt r»n »« fc*l|i to k«T R Um
»« A. *111 Ian btf ttyU* ao<*
AMI fct M oI«v« kiM) tad omk:
« Ul»-t o«Tti«
Too l-dk
(fr iroM ptftei r*U
A*d «WT«li *iU. ootaplr. «aM|
■otk BOJ
«Moc; to dao i targA

Aad tMidn iraUM mtv.
Or «lw • lottM kd»t "oy kwk.

! A lAinisteriaf Surprise I
SomMr C|o,

OrcM ItlamI it •war t

l treat, a few

folks didn't toort to
town and to marrel If anybo^ left It H
bagD to talk shoot Ita interesting aaeial
^ntoa. It thought It would be a good
Ihtog to- tbe rabraad if it abonU
' '
theec. And It coneioded final
eonldn't afford
some other town two Rnndaya out of eeery three. Bo it moliiplied bU aaUrr to
ratio, and erpo went tbe length of pkying
what il agreed to.
of ita eh
**He made thia town." said Deacon
Tbe E
Pennig to hii danphter. “Tbare'a no getbody. It araa to tbe afieraoon. aad be ti^ai
nroondtbat It waa becauae he waa
B»ee and got op a fuotbaO elerea.
-way throniHx. Th«n theological
... ___ knew
be aoeeeeded. Eren
done «a np. Bot 1 guesa
baaebaD bad Ungoiabed bitherto at Ore
r tbp
p eiirp^e about
laland. Alao be tnrited three young fel- the lot of
ro rowing ap the rlrer with him rlniacd —.
the nest week to be gone all da]
Slaty Tennlg aigbed. but mid nothing.
e tertted him to dinner h
Bbp bail her uwn vii w of the caae. It
•didn't appin at all dilbeult ao imai^De a
more appro|>riaie mUirpaM fur tbe plea apinalFr «t dlKTPFt agp and rbaracter, iDn-aqop parpoDPgp than ilio >->|uiut eyed
■' t orer hla dumealk aflalra.
Martha Wepalea.—Obirago Tribune.
laland went home from tbli remarkable bonne warming in a flntter. To
B.'p« In Kw HaWa l«nA.
iH-gtn with. It wanted to fcooH where tbe
Tbe doorkia-per* .if Uie Stale'
Uft. Tbotnaa Kitp gut the money far all
miale come In <Mini-t with ail aorta nml
thia enteruimnent.
Moreorer. It wonld
randitton'a of lucn. When thi- Mwate to to
b>' ptpaaed to* aarertain bow be wa
find time for aupping and boating
mil playing and tbe like. HU
A ntrangp I'Mikiug indi.1<l.m! who had
dncl with tbe young lidU
been wati-biiiE: aud li-leuiug in the ea.t
but no one waa
corridor aaid t > a d.K.rk.i'li. r *rtn- da.v.
“I'd like 0> bnvi' you
In toy lard
more alieniian to 001
“Wbi.-h M-nnt.irdo }»u v.i>u to
“1 don't caiv."
rery one waa at iburch tbe neil Sab“But y.iti uiu«t Mild it to a pniilcular
j-Uterally erery one. Bat atill the
--------------Iter. Hite nogtocted to mention Green la-

r. SMh waa the ewta^ Bat thia
I naa-Us aaaip. by the way, ww
»e Bar. Them KM»-ap»ea»d to
thiBk he ea^t to be greeted by them.
He wahad rather laodrMly for the cUcr
people to ereioNae his asd waa grtotoaB.
b«t net oreKoidlal. Fbr oaee Greto laland had
Iti half of be«the«iy
dltaiem Rhbeeto H bad baakad to



_____ _ I hare nol inywlf n*d tha Ufitai;
wbieh il ftiU in extotoDea. tmt om who
tow road it. the preaent paaawaoa. trritaa
BM H follows; ‘"Ilie letter wu sbor^
simple and analy. aa yon wonld know.

Wi«h to# DM KM Many Him: too
malpid Wagle


Kessr ToM-A t

BpUoAr la tbe Poofs Ule Thaa .Mad

The residcucw of IS moatba in Hart'
ford iiitroduecil him to a Tigorona anti'
slavery circle of higher culture and a
deliente rcfimr.ienc than any be
bad kiiuwu. and within that circle ina uio
long the friemU the biographer baa
meuliiiniri dodge Boat, a uinii well
known ill that day for brillinut parts
and a Imiidsome per*oii. The family
- ibi.
for heaaiT
and brigb
ncas. Of those RMUubrrs wbuui Whit
Gcr know, Mary, tb.-oldest, nmrriodSllaa E Unrrowes.
Mrs. Unrrowes died
of eniistmiption in Now York in IS41,
at |ho ago rf 34. There aan ived only
amnarrie-l daughter. C'iniella. and
I son. CburliS! Janies Boas, who SO
Tears later wan a Fromiiicnt lawyer in


mtbeletterwritea; "It waaai
stiff—toch a letter aa a aby Qnaker lad
would be likely to write, for that he
waa in spite eff bis genina Be beeged
her, it tbe felt nnablo to return hia affeotion, to keep bis aecret, for be said.
'My leapect and affection for yon are ao
great that 1 oonld not furrire ibe tnortifioatlmlfyoorrcfuaalwcreknown.''’ ,
Contella Rnm was aeught in marriage {
fay auTcral dUtiucoiUied pmona, bot
(be died amunrried. and she Lwpt Whit- |
tier'e secret. Ilia poem aoggeeu that the ’
•tern creed of Calvin held ibeta apart— i
a thing very likely to happen in Con- I
occticut half a centorr ngo, but if be ]
bad known (bat she bad changed her |
early ooniicctiona for the wore liberal .
aaaodatiaus-of the Cbnrch of England ,
he wonld bare n«n yut uinre distinctly
that "ahadiiwof bimsolf ia her." of

oriiu" will TOC

®C=I® (

SEASON WITHOUT REF1LUN&aniooi/s/'fiffimfjmAyum

eniiNUM & mi

tiled of itarlf. Ertrjr
e Id it 0
trhr any ODC fIm' bad tonn^ tbrre and laud or lu proapFcta or omditiOB, apltUual or temi-yral. He eoupjdained of M
raihrr >ut|>FFlFd Ibat il trua fur
Vbi<b «rn- beat kept .lui.'t. If aur oac lark of Intereat. He merely aaid be wonld
tondor hcort cd the pied yi. ldod to
at tirocB talaiMl abo«<-d aor talrot, rr- take tbe Bible rtaaa for a plmic the M. j
^ u
• tbe atrip uucumtuon cliaraia Oiio who eaw her _
«T OOF fIiif tram «inirk to procUim that It lowlng Tburaday and aaked that the luby T. saat.Tills .lo«ribM
II, l«d ,',o, ost»aa qnItF UifFrior, .-lae «by ahonld the
la-riMin be at tirreo iaiaud?' Tbe Iowa

aaa without aocial plFtaurra.
No .
liugton. You can lu. |> the card nod woman. Kim ha.l tiark bine eye.,
4oy itarlf. It began to find Itaril totereat- W
'VV?. like
tbaa^t to aafc aay ooe fUf to diae.
Brat M'lialcr
IT ymi
riui hi-tob
baud it t
tbe alrirt ofoof of the word indied
with long, dark iasbes. black
pain^KTi. w;
,, may be froui Ooruclia licr^df. .Shu uor<ild tike to n
link moot i(tiy «'.f Vm
one at (im-o laland diued. Tbp folka when tbe Bee. Kite pot tbe aWmp of apeXfJQiKttO Ullrir.
hair and t
“ or Kaw it. but I Giittk be diol bolitving
Xlna t-'uUer'a ainglBg by inrlt- a man like nio.*’—New. York Srm.
ate trbFB tbe taUc waa act; that waa the
aim wai like the nsUif in r family, the
one to bear her at hU bouse
fo<-t of Uw caae.
KffaoottFBPhpn wbo
wa>^ II vi'tT' lirillioul wninau.
Knmors cf this story reachcil me long
went therr bad a lut-iaut bidr tlm
down and bad to ro
.. ..... a di.T»iir:iKiiii; ansnpT that wai
rliit a ntcro earigrtw
Tbrir oomplaiota boiv rarinua G
■are Monday nlgbu.
i made to the d.iiina paiculu ..f a .ounii
All of th«e affalra were held to the
thill Whittier prolably I
large room in tbe renoraied•--------barn. »h« uip patrouaei- •>! n
his friend Law, Imt (hat he eror hcatd
rcgii-ter* tliroogli church records and
bare doui- tor a'Ui
waa. and the
After hr bad U. n away f.vr u f.irtiiisbt of thoiloath>of Mary linrrowea or Cor­
lalaod Kiri to hare
ly's employer.
baro rvDBdpDce
the mother nroly f. tlie to-y's
nelia (hero is
wnon be
.... ...
Her. Eton the toirn pbyaidau waa re- fortaUe pUIn chalrw. MU. had Baying tbnt Imt .»ti e a. “ii'i
“ii" bnud to
t» write
wf-iiiug lii« letter of aynipatby
(arded with roDaUot diatrtiat, abd hit grown urbane.
me. Bbe
She wore a bine gown iFitcra." and di- «a< auyiou.
autiuu. to
l.> kii'
1'nds of ■
ea<v>wafal eaacw wm- actvuDti-d ard- and a high ribbon coUar. and tbe dceeldetel- j
lie <WOP tri'llitig mi.* *'.\iid dll toll
deula or the wtd-k of aaturr. while hla oped a genlua for enterttlning which had. tfbire be pIi.iw nigld.." pIu- pleaded was lying on ber (l•'athU'<i. Sho bad
Bunniiig lbs War.
iinrsvi) her ei'ter tlirungh her fatal iliuoBDorFMful oBP» w«-if remtii........................
_______________ __
ipenM . earuepil) at the . ud -r .ilu- li tter.
•'Toll me «h<> i» re.|.f>u*iWe for the
tbe aim^e botplUllly of the place with ^ To tbU tbp gam-rr uiide Busnrr within ucss. had iiiibiiMMl the poisuu and fol­
eouth Afri<'.m wiirr" ►Imiilid the cxalooe enjoyed aomrthlnf like a repuU- gracloaa air. Green laland. which baJa g few days:
low,->1 her in thi' .\pril of IH»3.
tloD. Bud iliey bad a rreal deal to do. always auppooed there must be a big,
-Tour luiu eb-ep. in tin- eture in tbe
The po.'Ui c-all,'l '^Metuotieii," tO cltid cii'tciiiii r In Uis-k's geui ral store.
In fart. litiRBlioa waa one of the few
‘TIjc fiiitiil Btaics. Pi>:” sp-k.' up
aprpsd of eaket and picklea. jam and daytime. I duu'l know ubme be sliepi which WJiitliiTBlliibuU'd a e]ATtaI sigifiooa of iIm- fc4k at Oieen laland.
meat., wondered at tbe eilin cotmteDance pighta."—Youth'* «.'oui]<atii»u.
uitlcance. wap written duriug Ctune- tbe atari-hliux diplomat.
w ith wbleb the yoong mlnlrier ae^ed a
“The CnlliHl Btatear
-Iia's la-'t il]nt■^..
Ho thinkn of boras
ickeri and lea. Bat It
The Unllty One.
few cookiea o
“Yes. sir: ITie IViere buy cargoes of j
atUI bright and living, ami when in
F diaplay of concluded,
hu doriri'd thu p'Viu (•> bu placed onr iKH-f. while th>' nritl>h dci>eud on
p obltdi
aeoaible. if
moruing without a <cul In mj
for iiHiles. , Wlihoiil tbese India-1
fenerally n-fxigtiieed. of eren'body t
ut the liwel of liis ".Sulyectivo" vorso.
i>iali1e« bow lung cuuld elliier sldo
tend BO i<v rTFatn mmHbI or an oyater *Al the end of a year Ore
his lic.-irt wit' .till truu to her. but gave pensal
|»'j|»^!'^TVdd-Wial made y.iu d..
aupper. ivsanlli'as of t|pwa about fure- found Itself to a state of aetlvity. Il had ;
no lokcn ihui ho knew iicrs had ceased bold o
urdiuBiioii nr inRiMTaina. Ily aurh ran-amdetlea, a alngiog club, a,
kn.m. bin
ti) U;»L
trirafova «.tf iUp .lerKyinon paid tbeir elaas to U—
uf —
an --------omainrntal wife
wife hiid
hud a
a baud
-------- -----.\fter ('.•ruelia'a denih brt paiB«
ibe imw. »t Kbi-ff
.aalarii't-iIkoip odrfoaeo|dral aalAriea ao cburacter. a guild of fine needle worker.,
oi.lyenrATudKiiiely UwloWFd. ao eomplalaaotly a riric eommlltec wbo cut weed, down
viving tiii-DilM-r <if her family, Charles p.v iutn I*.']-,
rrFcdlrei<-.l. by tbe conjrrFRaUon aa it aat beside the streets, cleaned up nnalghtiy
"Too are tiut upaijue. are r-niT' sar- Jaim .s Uoss. who died in IbOl. At that
..mfauT tir. u< «bi, tbeUwi
eatlmatins uh.tUpr or not it waa *etU)
dumps, made a fiower garden In tbe easllenll.p a>ktd Miie in.-in of aiiotber 'toto
ila mooej'. worth.
Nodf of tbF tbr
srbool and teMtned the cemetery from no- was Mandiiis il> friinl of irim at tbe-tlu'- liiii-T h'T pfivato k-tlers caino into Ibo ••
ebarebpa bad latgi aWp to aeeuir a pral- Mwmly neglect.
ha:i'k of his widow, who dostniTcd most
i!ui th<- h'w* of mutirv did run tall
Moreorer. U bad gulf
d<-nt Hercyiuau. bill earb diridpd ita
uf till ui. but kept from pure lovo of the first drirliu; tl»- of Ilic
iinkt 'north uf the town, and tbe ller. ,
„„ opm not." replied llie other.
|irrart«*r with it-rtuin olhcp Fongreca- Tbnmaa Kite wa^esldent. roajiir domo,
iPat Oi am."—rUicago i |ioct ihu pn eioue p.vgus in which Whit- iTltiu's' p.1. Grover Cleveland--Spring- j
tiona on mi itinerary and enjoypd a bff
craik pUyer. Greeo iKland iieople began Kewa.
1 tier hatl offuod himself to her kiuswo- , field iMsks.) Vulun.
r in tbrop Himdaya.
But that
• •

toilr Ihr..w Ito mo rwn, l»opl.

?vidZr^Whon te


“■ "

I Ugre bad m; boUdinc
reboiit »ad pot in good
shape and nm now
to rec«iv«'tU old pntrom.

Good Line of Jeieliy

EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
Bee Mmples in window.

Fuperal DitMtor.
pea all al(Lt.
TclepbeoB Ha. If

laUod folk I
toeeting houie waa or
lie pprcelved, eauBpd i
d that Ibc eiergymit
e of thi-oF eliiin-li<-f. baring gathered
alx olivp lirniiebi-a about liin, found It
lorouretiieut to lire uu tlloil a year—be
la ralit by all to be nu esinituRi
—and be giire u|i
i.n. oyV. turnip bia
illhiK. aiid iBUgbl
ed hU luiek on li
M-bi»l. That
Latin ib a ci-rt.-iiii lilsh »■bnw il i-ume aUiut (hat the Beth Eden
eunjrregaliun and the t«r» nlber rburcbea
of that IlineratT Kt»»-I in ix-ed of B new
pivacber. (hir uffered liiiatH-lf. He came
from tbe mbldle we.L And be gave U
nut Ibat be uas goinc to Hie nt Green
laland. TliU wa* really a feather in Hi*
rap of Green Maud. 4>iit Ibe p,*>plc did
nut lake it m>. Tliey «<»Mler,.i wbat was
Ibe tuatirr with biiii.
Was there auy
reawm why lie preferred au “inland'' to
■ railway own? It was t uriou*.
YVheii be BpiH-ari d. H •eenuii still wore
N.i matter
He wax Ulffe
what any one el-e wa« Hke. he was dlf«1(h a
B big
lie n.i1ke.l uifh
awlniraiid eivide and seeme,! to think
hink oil
■•eeple likiil him.
What (nipertlnenee!
He was drexsed iu an elegant
i>f shot gray. Was i( net known (bat
anil of
jnifortn of a Oreeo l«lnnd preacher,
DO matter abat bis denoniinatinn, waa
ahlny (daric? Hi* hat was an inch and a
hair too far on the liark of hU bead for
cierienl disiiity. and from tbe edge pn>tnideil a frinee of hondMune red curia.
Ills eyea wete red brawn, torgi- and
Uuebing: bis heavy, aulmrn eyebrows
tort abore bis n<»e: be waa smooth
shaved and bad a dimple to bis ebin: be
was Just the ricbl height for bU ahoolders. which were two ini-bea broader
than the averain-: he bad dark tan aboe*.
no cane, no utubtrlU. no amiik. no rub­
bing of the bands, so whine, no attitode
of humility. And. power* al-ire. when
be got to a fence b* TSUllcd over!
He had evid<-ntly made np bis mind to
stay, for be began hU artirlties. not by
calling OB bis parishioner*, bot by purriiasl^ a ham at tbe end of a pc^Urly ahady end l•eBntlfal old lot, and be
proceeded to fit It op into a moat ^ctnreoque abiding pUee. People came around
to are what he was doing, and be put up
seats under (be trees and talked and told
stories till they forgot to go borne. Bot
this waa in tbe evening. If they called
daring tbe day. be n ent right on with hit
carpentering or painting or gardening
and lavilod them to take a band.
When be came to prearh bis Snt aeeinon, everybody was agog,
b tthink k *'I>o yeh

I ;
' .

Se ocbei
was to bUek of c.
eated. But I
ttonal cut. ai I be gave a good . .
aennon with i > personalhies. He didn't
talk about (
tbe religions
nity. as the other preacben had been to
tbe habit of doing. He appeared to be
ignorant about tbeae subjects.
ently be took Ibe religions interest of a
CQUuanniiy rritb throe ebnrtbea for
granted. H* >nadc a good deal of tbe
•togtog and tb* prayera. and he bad tbe
congregation respond in tbe roadtog of
seemed exceedingly aburt, but tbe
tioaa cooaalUUGo of- watches showed it
to hare been of tbe nsnsi length.
Tbe people bad expected to be greeted

te n randrarending sort a( way kg ttoto

The Celebrated Black Coach Stallion“Black Tom”

will stand for the improvement of stock tor the season of 1900, until July 16, at J. O. Jenson’s
Barn. Traverse City, (Old Cutler Barn) Saturday’s Sunday's and Monday's. Will travel be­
tween Traverse City and ilk Bapids on other days of each week.
BonghtofJ.O. Jenson.
P. DE^A-N, OwT\er






kWe dsM Wm the detleasT ■!■»>
' ~~
' Bow «• Oaee FM U.
la It to taafs
a good fOaoer. a
d en a table al
coTcred with a shining
the dlabee aad glaaaea ImmacAttoy
dean, than a bad one aerred wlto laea
and aQTcr galore. And mooey baa tUtie to do with tbe matter sometlmaa.
Ordinarily the beet corcring for the
table U tbe double satin damask, la
fair qtmUty coailag from fS to fS a
yard. Coreringa miay coat aa high aa
1100. bat they do not come within toe
range of ordinary uhle linen. Tboae
pattern are beet that are complete


MU ••
to »««»*»»<
Itat Mai »* the newer tfeelfM O* bedIMB paper bare been
M ip« to coaBtrr bwaee. for
few dly boaee. eoBM hope to boMt of
bo4i*«M Wtoctow looiigh to eetwniB*teU toe fiwt. plettoM raeee or peppiM ttet •ppcar w w neny of the

Qao«a Ftaoris ttodaW fSaona attnla toiatrodoee tramways to the
BHUtotoWM toJMOdid not nagleos
THiBl^ani toys Dr. Albert Shew la
Us “MtaWpal Ucnremmmt la Great
Hritkto.” Mr. Train waa granted aa ex-

Have You..
For brijing a 10 cent
cigar when jon can get

......................... r toegenatal
Mt of 1870 waa paosad.
At longto. to 187S. tbe onoadl laid
toa first Uoeai a ooB of rAOOOsnd
laased it fee Hvee yoais toaaopamttog
ocnapany. Frota tone to rime otowItoM
aa» toe have been bnilt maA leased, bnt the oorpnratton'a limits toolnded only 8,400
small figures are to be preferred. Hemontil Nov. 8, 1891. when they
alUcblng on table linen Is a mistake, aa
- to lASfiS aermby toe
It wears tiadiy, bnt the hem ought to
be at least two Inches deep. The nap­ SODS 50,000 people Tbns when toe
kins for formal nse must match the eorporarioo’s attest ndlwgyayateanwaa
doth and may be eiiber three-foortbs nnd0 oon^ctian toe aveeage diatanca
seveD-rlgbibi lo else. The very tram the oenfer to tbe ritcnniferlargest are not as good form now as aaoa <ff Birmtoglmm was only two mllea.
and 88 miles of tram lines are tbe total
The ordinary waltreoa uket surii lit­ sxtsntof toe mnniripal ownership Onttle care of uble linen that It requires sMeof toerity'ijnrhidlcrian the opamsgood common sense on the pan of toe tog oompanies have extended toe llnea
dress to wash It properly. >Trat of l7 a orill greater mileage. Intbefntnre
aO. every slain from lea. coSes or
[beeo extentioDS will be nogrsaae must be.removed befMs sraahvalnatioo, in aocoedonoe with
ing. Certain otber marks, of Iran mat
dr mildew, ought never to appear; but, the metbuda preKribed la tbe general
if they do, they require separate treat­ tramways act Tbe prcacait
powment. For fruit, tea or coffee stains lines are operated to part by
ib cabie and
tbe cloth can be held tightly across tbe er and to part by steam, will
ty also in
top of a pan «-hile boiling water la •
poured over ii from a belghu For troa
Tbe terms ot rental are worthy of
rust nothing is I>eiu-r than JaveUe wa­
ter. but It must be prepared carefully, mentian: 1. Tbe Icaring companies
»opay 4 per cent on tbe full mnused property and rinsed out quickly.
For Irou rusi w-ettlng the spot and ap­ nioipal tovestmimt for toe first 14 ymrs
plying salt* of leuiun, with good rins­ of tbelemeand 5 per
At residence*—same as last year.
ing afiersard, will generally be of malning seven years. 8.
benefit. ■
.As for t)ie washing, words give hut ponnd totercetwlll aecnmnlate a fnnd
llille idea of what must be done. Any eqnal to tbe whole capital ootlay at the
one who is considered competent to at­ end of toe 81 years' lease. It la ealca- B.'h
tempt it ought lu kuow bow to do lalod aad agreed tbat 4 per cent for 14
it properly, as then- are right and years and 6 per cent for the retnatoing
II Mffiee to raise the full
wrong ways to soap and soak, to mb oeren yean will
and bolL to rinse and blue.- The blnlng
needed to cvunu-rnct tlie tendency
of tbe linen toward a yellowish tlnL A
light wind and s warm sun are needed nponreoeivlug bills oertifled by tbe city
dry the llocn |iro|»eriy. It ahnuM anrreyor. It abonld be remember^ that
] it able to borrow at very
never be buug out «heu tbe wind la
L. L. A. BaUdln^.
low ralos, and it is clear that these
Tlie sprlnknng and folding come.
ext. and. wliile the old fasblooed Al the end o
method of stretching wa* of excellent'
service lu strnigbtcuibg the cloth. It la oroased, and new leasts can bo execoled
a Dcc<-Mit}. The sprinkling must on terms still mareadvantagoons to the
:boroughly doue till erery inch Is city. Bnt while Bimilugham baa tons
wet. and wlit-n fuldcil and rolled tbe protected tbe ntepayen so bamlaomcly
llDen tuny siaud \J liours. but must not it bat aoeompltsbcd even luoro iu too
be dry lu any spot when ready for Irmi- guarding of toe iniciesta of the travelrablic. Every detail a* to rat
The damp cloth, the hot iron, the
and character ofscrvice is described
kstroog anu and qulok movement will
accooipllsh wonders, but tlie pressure in tbe bylaws aud regulations that tho
.«ai«a have to acfwpt. Tho mlnnteliark aud foriti must be constant until
neoiof the rvqniremantstoncbingdniiei
the llucD is dry.
Shell care w ill easily pay for Itself U> and ooodnet of drivers and conducinrs,
any one who h"cs the tlgures and lines
I amaxe on American oomm
show- like sallu. and the cloth, smooth,
glossy aud firm, will l>e a delight to tbs
eye aud touch.—Table Talk.
HcMtag aM Seriog PUaU Oiww.
There ore several ways of rendering
A Xeal Crarbel ESste.
both audible and
For tbe sliafiirock edge iwtlcfB Tba
I opersodl to toe
Iiesigncr gives iDtiruclIons As follows:
improved" experiments is os
Cse No. 2 crochet cotton. First row.follows:
tho growth
Trefoils. First loop.-*. 4 d A p. *.
of a v«y vigorous plant visible, a fine
«fit:££€«2SS8S SSfi
platinam wire sbonld be carofnllyattoebod to tbe growing part. The other
and of this wire sbonld be attached to a
pencil pi'isolug geuily against a dnnii
which is boing driven by rJock work. If
tbe growth be uniform a straight Hue
is majod oo tbe paper, bnt tbe very
TUR snAMnoex Knoa.
slightest toemoa Is shown by inclined
^TSr4XSp B tr»leb»« pvler **r lo «»**•
tlirce times frcOi • to *. 4 d A cloaA tracing.
BspM*. w»4 •u~Fii>x e*r si«l cosck OresSecond luop.-4 d A Join to third p of
slight modifioarionof this airange1 Joji ». bs»
litst loop •. 2 d B. p '. .eight rimes
it renders tbe growth antUbla In i-tODBlluCruil RsplS* SB* cOBCb Bn* alBVi
from * to *. 4 d A close. Third loop.
Ibis experiment toe drum most bo env luxsBrChlcBirotoGrBBd KBpld* bbC ,-kBlrBB
4 d A Join to last p of second loop. 4 d erod with platluom foils ot a certain
TbbIb BfriTlDt Bt'tmp B. bBBBfeB'r car
A p. 4 d s. p. 4 d I. close. Uepeat the width aod aeparated from each othefrly WBrnnioOrBnJ aaplilB Bii* i bBlr c«- itroBdirections to cud of row. Second row.- spacos of about aoo-Figbtli of au iheh.
K. II. P AT A . Orsinl Kspld*
Jolu hall aud shuiiic threads to first p
These atripe of plttiiiuni sbonld be c i. ujqawooi'.'
of ux-foll. Make 4 d s. on ball thread. Bimilo to oompleto tho i-irc-nil of a gal­
Turn, and ou ehuitle thread make *, 0 vanic battery, to which au oluctrio bell
d a. p. ti d s. close. *. twice from • lo
isaltacbid. In tbU oaso toe licll U
On ball Abroad make 4 d'e. Join to trw kept euntiunally riugiug wbilo tho
folL 4 d s. turn, and witb shuttle plant Is growingtbu height of the width
thread make G d a p. 6 d a close.
of the strips need and U silent while tbe
lA-ai to end of row. Third row.—Join
both threads to first p of second row. 8
d s. p. 3 d s, p. 3 d B. Join to p ot sec­
ond loop. 3 d s. p. 3 d s. p. 3 d A Join to
p In third loop. repeaL
oonio noBTW.
witboni any artificial assistanoa whatevor.—^L Lonis Bepnblm



aewcM papeie. ear* the New Tork
•oB. wb>(« flrea Ibe foltowloc Infor■ntioD aboat them:
They are on almost asf color, tbeae
Sowers, aad t^y are arrsBced Id
Btrlpea la almoat erery case, lo tact
toe Srat aad toadameBUl Uw poTeralap papw^ for tbe bedroom eeemi to be
that II abewa a Bora! atripe. Bupe popplea of red or of larender, larpe rod
yeOew reaea are amooc tbe farorltea,
for tbe «Sore ate almost without
ceptlon gay aod bright
Tbe more delicate Sotal atrlpea
atlU to be round Is plenty, and with a
coaSrmed foUowtng. since In tbe solectloD of wall paper more than In moat
tblnpa Utdlrldual Uate will bare lU
way In w»lte of changes lo style. Tbat
la true aapednOy as regards ibc plain
paper. It baa always been moi
leas In atyle, dating back, to erci
old daya when a apoclal border for
aacb paper was a thing unknown. ‘
that Ume, if a certain paper waa aeteemd, there were a few ansloua momwta on the part of the dealer whUe
be banted around among hie aaeortment of borders to aee it he conld
match one by any chance to tbe color.
Jet alone tbe design.
Tbe plain paper bids fair to remain
la style, tbe only difference coming In
with the color. Just now tbe bast
color U couMered to be oome one of
tbe soft shedot of brown against which
plcnrea show up to their beat advaotaga, aHboogb almost any color goes
■o tong as It barmoniseo with the foraltolagi of the room. Tbe beat plain
paper Is that with a crape Bnlab, better
than the canridga paper becao
takea on richer colorings, and rich col­
oring la a demand of the day In wall
papaca. To geaerallsc aod describe tbe
MW wall papers In one brief sentence
one would probably say that they are
Bach and rtcb lo coloring and Urge la
BnalQ Tbat would about corcr the
A great feature of tbe papera for
llbtartto and dining rooms, where
warmth of color la dealtable, U tbe
ariglaal wealth of bnc. so that the ef­
fect la nearly perfect. A closely coeerad yet bold arrangement after Eng-


Ceprncbl. IKD. br Iht fsa Awti
The dIgnIDed and stately beauty of tbe great Electric Tower, which will
form tbe conspicuous cenieiplece of the raa^merican ExpoalUon at Buffalo
hlay 1 to Nor. I. IMil. will command tbe rapt-admlratloe of erery-rlaltor. Tbe
entire exterior of the 390 foot high tower will be studded with electric llxhta.
. rfage. Today tbe fcirnier Mmxrn^ is
wealthy andprucperoois Imr a Bew wife
Dap don 'BceUi Uh< tawm of Uw
- and a happy home. Erery comfort
UiuoiuuM liy plewnrt or Um.
.t prw-o from tbe
roands them,
them. His wife of vditn i
m..< __
w lires in p
nwl tun shsll nnt fStosm.
• too bread aho sals Hit huslwnd'a
There are inrela oaks
ikBown lu mrtb'i ■
Aa derp, es trae sad ••
wealth, andorpciortiianagcmeDt. vlirank
Is tbe
theeTotce of tbe fond, feilbfol btart.
to worse than ^)plh»B—roses bare
-Jowte Bettlett Dsriw
gone from borctfoekt sudthelight from
bereyea. It'sm campleteaturu atonad
(He.)JonrOaeof themcfhnd* wberebyprofltbaa;




" 7' ‘T,'-

o,l.„ cbomlcl nu. A. | r”"™
■>”” ‘ '‘"r’
timsted. the procoM U not oniT i4m-|«
>7 '•
but tb. o«ii tu, m»UuctiS« ii~ ' r*";
itos and get* fst on
it cannot
Inol.. . Ur„ l„.«u,.ut Tb. l«.l.nouib..«aBU,t..
lies incolred
a) not o(
and too pru»^ U.U
cheap labor under the
of a fairly intelligent director.
Oxalic acid is frequently met with
—I always read the parliain the regeUblo kingdom, espocially in
»rts very rarefnlly, but
oumbination with gases which doetroy have i>eref :omo aoroM any spn-cb of
rouudmoonri.lmbl.,u,»Iii,luttoj Bemuitll. P. >-Hu„ 1. Ib.i! H.v,
rbubbib plM.t Oiulut. ol pot^ 1. ™
a.. »ortA -CbMT.

touud lb u»

aid o,.ut. or


, a,„,

inMlicorolo biidMlMd*. bunnwlythb in._Slnt.«. Bind,
arid WAsobtaiued from tbesorrel, Oxalli I
aoetoaeJla, but more reoeutly from angar
Bnlwer-Lytton knew all Uie odea aad
by the action of nitrio acid upon IL 'other poem* of Horaoo by heart. He
The nitric acid and angsrarubotlocl for translated large portions of Horace's
time, then eraporalert to dryneia. poems into English rerse.
and the oxalic arid formed la purided by ,
from wator. A mnob I The grcaient celehrstiou of tho Feast
toeaper material
than MMaap
sugar li
is aavitnat
nwdoat ‘! nl
of Taberuacles' wan b«ld D. C. 1004 at
In this ease an alkali must be employed the dedication cd Solomon's temple.
Instead of an arid as well as St a high-j ^
———— -------,
er temperature. Tbe operation la oon- ] R«»an ladies Imd aaf.ty pin* close
dneted in an iron vessel of soiublo aim teaembllng toe modern amrla
shape, and cither canstio soda or
potash is employed, tho yield being
greater with the latter.
Some recent experiments made go to
prove toatamlxtnre of 40 parts of cans80UTHERN MILL HANDS.
Uo potash to 60 parti of canstio soda
will prndnoa as large a yield as when
potash alone is naed. provided the opera­ Tber Won't Mnvo Boefe Ttass Fo
tion be perforaed in shallow vemela
Ur. W. B. llaiMlugi>r. gencnil moawith tola layer! of Ifae materia), nvoid-

detail! of the chase.
Borne of tbe moat beaotlful of the
drawing room papers are tboae with
drileate bned dowers agaloat a white
. Soft woodn, inch as p
‘^MUdio^^ statement that autiihern rulllns mills
badegronnd with the moire antique
affect Beaey grotgraln while slU toa^ hard wood’ like oak. The propor-:
■toy be tbe
- ■
tlon of tho wood to alkali should not
exceed 75 to 100. and Ibe temperaturo
abould be abouf 480 degreea F.—Pbllaorders on iliclr books exeiunit e of tho
spring orders wlik-h will take them untU July 1 to OIL It Is only after that
Mlaht or BIshlI hare often asked my radical frlento , <»'« to
what is to he done it out of every bun-, enlfrsdredralighuned voteta, two-thirds wUl I *“» •
“"''J pcHiaps'on south­
ern toetr votm one way. hnt am afraid
«-orkera to Im vc work duriug
to fight, aod too remaining thifd wUl t^je hot summer months, but not half sufficiently dccomtivc fur many uoea
■ot only rote, but wi» Bgbl. toex If toe •«>
»“ “'em ae to have no work at other than its original use by woriring
P(dl goes against them. Which has. '»U. os U olwaj-s the case under the groups of curving stitches at tbe Inter­
toen. toe right to role* 1 can tell them j toee trade regime. It Is better, after sections of the wguarcA Flax thread
whichwillralo The brave and imolnte
» >““«
*“rU work matching the color of tbe check or
Binority will mla FUto says tbat If,summer and see tbe bank account
all thereat 'ffri>w than to frrem In winter and be ploJd may be used, or a Uarmonlilng
‘ at
point of starvation all the time color may be employed. Three curved
lines on each side and ooe ceutral up­
of mankind.' It must Im so. becaom because no wap-s are coming in to buy right give a good effecL says Tbe La­
there la no appeal Tbe majority moat food or fuel. The mil) workem them dies' World. Ulsss toweling embroid­
aelvcf will be the moat cmbiislanlc
ether paper where the dainty bines, be prepMted to aseert their dirlno right rabacribers to this doctrine. Tbe faU ered as suggested will make a pWalnj
with their right banda or it will go tbe
t<^ border for a plain linen curtain
plakt'and yellows In which French
way other divine rights have gone be- of our protective policy, tho policy for the windows In summer or (on-a
papers terel appear In an nscandlnf
which means work for nil wlio want It.
linen portiere.
enn be aafriy left-ln their hands.
But aot teen all tbe parlor papers are
Ena With Fresh T<
ligbf aod airy. Tbe retan to dark

Melt a lablespoonful of butter. Have
colon baa made a dark toned red pa­ peais to toe that the true right
I-et us live, for each otber. but not ready a cupful of fi '
per, rad in tbe baekgroaad, n ntUl deep­
in any nation lies srith thorn who am o energetically as lo liecoine tueddle- ed and cut into amail pleccA Put
er aad aort eeirety red In tbe Boml
beat and bravsat, wbetbei
^Iplffn. a taTorite. Tbe beat? embossed arTlargeor amail, and 1
It depends on what we do whether those Into the butter and let them cook
we are reallv indootrloas when we are for three or four mlnuteA or, ontfl they
paperm whidi are tbe most espenalTo of
tbe^ aud'toareat part of ^a busy.
noftem When this auge la reached,
aU. toow a marked preference for roeo^g1
Our hereditary traits are thoec stir In elx eggs that have been broken
which w« ph-k out to blame on our Into a bosrt and beaten Juat eMo^
pattaras an do dcsb seconds.
to mix tbe whites and yolks wclL Cook
toeliB.—Fronde to Longman’s MagaImagination It that faculty by which until
these have tblckeoed. season aod
we describe beautiful suarUmwUboat wrvA says Good Housekeeptog.
Aa Did bonMKaeper nays that
foslftg sleep.
aaay te aaay new Uqnids for frasheaAa ioon an tbe srtater days get loagIW and brtghtewing earpeta. but she
imen begla to worry about - The great secret abour anceetafnPy
baa yet to dad anytblag that will do
files and D
guarding the wluleFs fm aod feath­
better wart tbaa ox galL DaeoMgiU
■d. and Ibe yonng oonpte
If a man doesaT know a
ers and woolens against moths la to
«e a gaOee of cold, soft wattv, atlrrlag seemed to start to life with every pne- when be sees it at least he ki
begin the work In lime. lYoerasUnabapptoem Bnt toa gfrlwaaaa- bUl for It when be sees lu
the ex gaHinto the water with a stick.
rioD may mean that the moth eggs are
The man who gels sleei>y aftFr dinto be rich, and becanae she sraa
With a Hft brush rnh tbe carpet mak­ ^o
the ganamt Is put
a tbat he
vary mnoh disHtiafiad. Aftor ■er ought to give np
ing a wMto latbar. Two persona ahoold
da tola vark. ooe toUosnag tbe otber keeping her husband to a-peck ot tion Is an -omameM to aaciety.
d to keep out t
At SS a hacbfinr thinks all glria
«Bd waiblag toe latoer off with dear bit for a Ume she left him and got a want
to monr Ua; at M be kaowa BotoA ibe falL bringing tbe game
kntta. «ht water abotdd be changed divnnn He went into baakrkptqy, sod that he has Uved a tarrldad life on to UghL may reveal a atanltag atatt cC
awaaltoy mas
I toe carpet toonld be
m* tontoa watt dry.


First Freeze

Clear Ice, fiom eoardmaa lain.
$1.00 a Month

y. A. Jackson


Fire Insurance.

mod Kipids A iodiiQiRj



:s :;i

The Pert Hirqiette Riilrou


Two BavofT
Cbeeoe pnffs are made by taking on
eqnal qnontity of grated cheese and
bread cmmbA writes Eliubeth RobiiiSoovil in Tbe Ladies' Home JonrnaL
Soak the bread crumbs in as rnneb milk

‘i^ 55*“


L» TrBTtro* Oy.
Or BkBapiaB.
Lt Bk KBpiaB
At Ti»»BiB«0|


a>.MQgLLgfcO^y O^P. A*"^

dish, add too eggs and boko about
ntontoA Berve as soon as toe dish it
taken from toe oven.
Cut thin sttoea of bread aboot three
toebae aqnaiA heap them with grated
cheeSA laklngcarenotto^*ead Itwltbto an eighth ot an inch of the edges of
tbeaqnarA Place them to a pan and
pat toom to a qnlok ovesi.
’saida middle
roan andtefA
too, ttMd to wear booU. Who does ool
remember the pride and Joy of toe naU
boy over bis first pair of boots with red
topsl What delict of early youth is
lol Itf Tbs first pair e<
v«7 well, bnl what la
there like the first pair of red top bootof"
—New Ifoek bun.

And Bhyne banded him a card In■eribed aa follmn: ‘Tm taktog tbe
advtot of ersfy blamed foot that otM
d^sriibantoody. WbM’ayoniP’—

dBy. Job.
A S. •-

.i| ■S'

Hi ■Hsr


*B4M «S r



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