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The Morning Record, June 06, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TfnniTi am
Oameaa Bauneratere in Veahlacton
nndOaaton Claim sue.
epMmi M TO. KOTBlac EMSTd.
Oantoe. Ohio, Jeno a—The WaeUngmoenenamao who get MoKlntoyto
Both* Bbew«« VIcht b«l GBtU OB«i*U nameeaa wipe It ofl htoltot. It ho
domn’t he to likely to hare trouble on
elaim the Ma—Uttt*
Ktntopa aa lealdanto and Oanem BnuHOtftmoi
>tor Whila et tha tint ward kaa
both the prmidmit nnd^
wtla. Thto eetton wee tnkee after oenenltlng the ehtoto.
A«torU TakMi Withoot B»-
apmiai «•
o*eW -try e(
. lm4 Bobwtt Utt Pr-orik, aor Udwd.
to th«a uytkSac >—tr thu tb« t«pvtolatka'dlapMcli-------------- to Ua iKpHial YMmaaiy.
to tb« Irtob
Mainly tron
EMblln and Mtoak B^nrto tram
SataMadtoaU Uat the altaaUoB there
and nnebaaced.
■ uahnted
---------------hM rejoined the mala army from
lUrwht. within rifle ranye o( which
town there ire l.OOO Boere poetad.
Itoe bwrhere were on June i eUll
numerone at L^K'e Nek. thonyh It U
Tsmoredthat many were leaeinr lor
Lyadonbory. They are aleo reported
to be in umolmied poeeeeiion of Moliar'a Paw- Lyttietoa waa on June s at
CoetM'e Drift proteetlny the Brittoh
riyht flank.
London. June ft —Lofd Roberta
porta to the war offloe:
••Pretoria. June 5. ll:M p. m. - Joet
belare dark yaatarday oeeniay the
enemy waa beaten back from nearly
all their |welM«««- BamUton'e mount
ed Infantry followed them np within
t.ooo yard, of Pretoria. Dellale then
eeotanoAeerwithafiayof traee into
the town demandinr ita aarrander.
gbortly atur midnight 1 was awaken
ed by two ofielaU of the Booth Afriean
repablle who branght me a totter from
OMeral Botha prepay an armtotiee
fortheparpoaeofoetttlag upon tarma
earTnaocr. iI repim
replied that *I wonld
^edly meet tha eommandant the next
_m.IV.tail »» «« prwmi 1"
Ummumulh. .urmite ol Uii
____lb.v~i.4Utei.ltown mea. — —wamww Intel
• —™
for a reply by daybreak and etotad I
Aould order the troope to march on
thotownaeoocmae It wae light. In
hto reply Botha toad mo be bad doeldod
to defend Pretoria and that ha troatod
the women. ohUdren and property
would be protested.
“At one a. m. today mhlto on the
Una of mareh I wm mot by throe of
the ^Inelpal riril offletols with a flag
of tmea, who atated that they wtohed
to auirandor the town. It wae arrang
aaomu be
w« token
ed that nesona
Pretoria should
^^pomemton of by her majmty^ troope
ns nro oowou
o'oloek thto
Botha nndKra. Kroger are both in
Pretoria. owm
of the
mtm Br-’ ’^ i-----------—---------hare bean token nway.but the majority
are at Watorral. O—r 1« ofiearu -~
In Pretoria, -the few I haea Man
London. Juno a-Aftor the efielnl
It of the enptnre of Pre
toria the wnr oAee hototed the Union
Jaok. Thaerowdeoutoldeeheerad,but
o^mwtoe London reoolred the news
1. By ton o’elorii the foUowtag
lag he had marehnd u mUee,
but wae too Uto to
ymnaaary. Methuen attaoked the
Bowu. who merc bticween 6.000 and
«.00eolra«.aa4 aftor a rnaalag fi^t
d the en
of *—
A ««7 regrettable i
clrem tent and to eUU in ei
On all Un«m at the Benton Btota.
e repaired emonntto ratoed. Take
Admiral Kempt Imada More 8ei
and Marines and Bigurfw aa
gugemeat WiU Boxw Maeot
WHh Mnmieie Mra^ht With mtmx
Paagsp Mintotor OoBgar Mae VUto
pree—t ontlook the eonreatioa wIU
Thto wonld indicate the opening of
the (Mlneee
rebels and the foreign foroaa. PnrUer
news to awaited with anxiety.
London, Jane 5—Beutar’o Telegram
Company lays
od tbe Boldlera guarding the Pekin A
Tin Tsin railroad with heavy lorn.
Paris, June s—The Pn
OSes hae notified Uu pnm that alI to restored in
China through the landing of the forrign troops at Tten Thin and sending
of them to Pekin, the altuation
really ebaagwl eerioosly'lor the v
in the last three days. The foreign offiee fean the telegraph line will be cut
and the railway between Tien Tsln and
Parle. June S-Chlna to absorbing
Liplomatic attention at prment.
tbe foreign office today. Fears are
now ontsrtelnod that the Boxers will
besiege that eity. It to reported that
tbe boxers a suath ago numbered 100,The Bumlan initiative to viewed
with mixed foelings by French diplomatlstt. Rumla
tlvo Cblnoee Ideas as opposed to the
open door policy, and conaequntly.
though Franc* to Bussla-s dooe aUy.
dlfiteulty to oxpertenoed In backing hor
e will therefore prob
ably bo etreagthangd In tbe garrtooM
In China ooosldeiebly. white awaiting
French agents In China
have given the Impreesloa that the
in the
PhiUnlnes,are not to
la China.
Serious leers are entertained for
and cravmts and
rieartote la tbe Shan Tnng proviaoe.
It to eonridered likely thM the Bneelan
m from Port Arthv wUl pruoeed
kymyofTtonTklnto oeenpy Pekin.
Of the Bwellert sheet in tbedtogolag at mri pm sent dtoeonab
The Boetem Stem.
to golag very fast daring thto mla.
It to the Mg rud,w|toM^|^
Fourtli Year—No. 963
Ksaioeky Editor Exblblto a Mati vs
ejmlel w Tus Heaxiss Escosb.
Padueah. Ky., Jfiae S-Ths B«toter
prtnto an artleto whieh KentarirtaBi
fear wUlkadto a duel bekvreen tbe
editor and O
Whaater tram tbe Int Ksataeky dtotriet The BagtoWr ehargee WheeUr
with Banding slothing presumably beteaglag to Mra. Wheeler, through the
United States mails la a box tebeted
“PeMle DoCumenV' thmeby mviag
the wTpreemgr from Waehingtoii to
and best roods just recelvedAlso base balls and baU snppUes at^hs
Call and see them.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ■
Your Wife Loves Another
Suit of clothes on yoo on Sunday. The suit you wear during
tbe week is all right, but when it comes to Sunday or specW
occasioua, she wants you to look nicer.
inebt pail—liand turn euled.
Fine black kid dress bootsband turn' soles—two dif
ferent styles.
Fine black kid, hand sewed
welt soles — live different
Fine chocolate kid, band sew
ed welt soles—two different
Fine box calf, band sewed
welt soles.
Oor Sniiday Snits at $15, $18, $20
are good enough (or a king.
Straw Hate for men, boys. chDdren........................5c- to $1.50
Boy’s Blouaea—newest patterns.............................2.>c to $1.50
Negli^ Shirts—the latest oat.............................50c to $1.50
Belts; bike soita, cape, hose, sweatera.
For tbe best always go to
Union Made Shirts, 50c.
Widths AA to B.
Bin* 1 to 8.
The beet woman'e
ehoe made.
and everTwhere
the eame price—
$3.60 a pair.
New assortment of the Utest
Union Made Overalls,
Are you amongOthose who have taken advantage of
the special prices we are making on
Itrall desirable styles and materials? $2.98. $4.98. $7.98,
$9.98 buys suits that were priced at about a half more—
One, two of a kind—that's the reason.
$11.48 takes choice of any suit in the store.
The Leader la Pine Footwear
Minute Rates
Ladles’ Eld Lace Shoes............................ 98o
Men’s Satin Calf Bala................................880
Boy’s Satin Oalf Bale.............................$1.00
Ladies’ Black and Tan Oxfords............. 76o
Hisses Box CaU Lacs........ ....................... 76o
Woman’s EidjButton............................... 7Bo
Serge and OarpetSSUppers......................26c
Woman’s Oil Oraln Button Shoes........ 97c
Hen’s and Boy’s Working Shoes........ . 98c
Tennis and Canvas] Shoes and Oxlords
at........................................ 60,60 and 76o
Oet themlof thelOld Beliable,
laphaminff, Iron Mountain
and other*
Upper Peninsula
New Linee
Low Bates
242 Front Street
New Store
Have You..
\Vc don’t claim to sell |the chetpert abow is ,town, ^
but we do claim toTaell a Hue of miaaoa’ and child- ^
ren’e aboee as GOOD as anyone doea.
- ^
■ For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get
Miases' light Bexible sole kid^shoee, black and tan... .$1A0
Child’B band tom aboea, laoe or^nttes, black and tan
-5 to8.......... ........................-................................. 760
Sooret of other etylea. We can anitiy plmae yon ♦
in style, price and qoality.
tegenmir^ will hare n walkorar
Ouliiifl lClliBM7
81t0Btl0& BMomas BUok and
■pselal s» TM towulae Bmord.
Told of the Borribto Deethof Km
London. Jnne «>-A dtopnteh from
Priria «yt that Mr. Norman, a Brittoh
Leode. by Bmralag Teeterdey
mtorionary, sraa murdered at Yang
<Mia June t. Thto and Boklnaonh
murder were undoubtedly doe to omoOhieego. Jnne S—Hra. Anne B.
Leoda. wife of camrtoe dtnr Leode. a pUelty of the gorernment with the
atreei railway promoter, wae burned Bai
■Un, June s-The latest news
at bar home.
6,011 WeehlngtoD aTeane. The Arc, garding the Boxen rocelred here by
which oeaght from e geeollne ezplc< both prlrate and official tolegran
the situation black and alarming.
eloo. wae oatingulehod before It did
mneb damage to the booee. but Kia. The German foreign ofilce oonslders an
between Boxers and BnsLeoda waa anreloped in a eeeUlog
furnace in the bsaement, cut off from slans an errnl probably fraught with
), and died with one die. tbe greatest dunger,
Junes—At the csbiuet
paring ahriek.
meeting today Secretary Hay read a
cablegram from Minister Conger at
Pekin to the effect that tbe allttstlon
in China to very nnsatisfacten and
Bnt Negro Askew Would Not that even In Pekin great alarm to felt.
The minister will be given wide disOonfees to s Grime
blc. Tbe stele department stiltt flob
Laahed aod Bamed by an Infuriated itself unable to do more than it has
already rMpeetlng the
Mob Until Saif Dead. But PreAmerican Intereeia In China. Troope
" totted Bis Inaoeenoe.
are aet available and eves If they
epMUI toThr Meralwr BMienl.
L^dtolnMlesleelppi City. June 6-Tbe negro ellned to participate l^any Joint dom
Aekow was taken from JsU by a mob onetration that would menaee the In
and wae put shrougk a horrible ordeal tegrity oftho Ohlneke empire. This
to make him oonfem that he
to a enffielen^answer to the
and mnrdered Chnetlae Wlntemteln Intimation ooming from British newspaperu that the United Stetet^ oooporakew denied all kao iedgeoft
f the erii
tion with British forces In Chins wonld
n tied to a tree and-hto baekwae bovroloomed.
i mereilemly, the
in the
A break in Admiral Kempt’s mbU
gram to caused by an lUegogible group
> tereamed with pria bnt declared
of flguieo in tbe eablogram. Beading
n Innocent. A rope wae then put in one light, it would aeom that New
around hie neck and he was bototod to hae landed so eallom to i
a limb of a tree again and agrin. being marlnm already ashore and In another
taken down Just before be loet
aspect it might ho ready to state that
eelouuem each Ume. He begged pU- so eaQoie had been landed with anot’aer
eouely for hto life and for a eeemtlon
of marines. However that
of the tiwturo.
may bo. tbe admiral's news to regarded
Be wae told If he would eoafeee he as of the utmost gruvity.
would moot with a morciful daath. but
Washington, June S—Tbe secretary
if be did not oonfem there was wome of the navy has the following from
towture. HesaidheeoDldnot oonfms Admiral Kempt.'^mandlog tbe U.
because be wae lauoeent. Torture by
fire was then tried. The N—ro was
Btripped and exposed to heat nntU hto landed a force of 50 seaman moi
eldn wae eeorehed and
a battalion of marines. Kempf.
Abdbt thto time one of the men In
tha mob loot heart In the
and laterferod. Ptotole srere drawn.
and trouble sronld hare oeeurrod be
tween the moa bad the father of the
murdered ehild not epoken, saying the
mother of the
ehUd ought to
be permitted to see the man who had
done her so great a wrong. Thto
aorred as an ercum tor relaxing the
torture aod the man. half dead, wae
London. June 6-The prem emoetoharried baek to JaU where medleal at
tlon Btotoe that it laarne that immedi tention was giren him.
ately after the eeeupation ol Pretoria
Lord Bobarte aent fJenaral Prench
with earalry to raleaae the Britmh
NewTork Demoerata Elect Delegatoe
primmeca at Water—1.
London, June a-Oomparad with the
and Marne Their Preference.
epeeiai to Tu« smmne BceotU,
the relief of Kimberley. Ladyemlth
Nee York, June
KaleUng. the newa of the eaptare of large-DaTid B. BUI. Edward Murphy,
Pret^ hae not arouned much enthus- Jr.. Biehard Croker, Augustua Van
toem in the BriUeh eupltaL Thera to Wyek.
a nnirereal inward feelingof relief andThe abore were elaetM by theDemglaenem that the end of the war to In
oeratlcaute oonrention late thto aft
eight, but no extras
ernoon. Bill eapured the Oemoaatle
and in return was
London, June S-The war ofltoe hae sent as a delegate at large to Kansas
raoal—d the following from Lord Rob
City, inalrneted to rote .tor Bryan.
erta; “Pretoria, June 6. n:85 p. m.—I The eonreotlon did not reaffirm the
regret to etate that the Thirteenth batof 1890. It adopted a
tallon of Imperial yeomanry had to
platform of “hlmetalieni." winding up
■ui render to a —ry auporior foroe of
with a pledge that the New York etate
She enemy May tl. aearLladtoy. On
democrat will stand by the national
leoalring the information ol the bav
platform to be adoptod at Kanma City,
taUen being attack^ to—ered Oenatal
ItwaaoMOt tbelargmt eonrenUom
Hethnen to proeeed with all ^oed to
held for years.
itaairiataaee. Methuen wae then on
and Belmont, the latter. O. H. P. Bel
the march on the Hrilbroa aide of
mont, tor rice prceldent.
Kreonatad and ho Marted in half aa
Taamn am
McNamara Block
(jioBvuro saooBD.
oumruynMa h»*alo.
EMB. T. Bmv:asb 3. W. BUnO'
J. W. EAMxm, Mitor w>d lUiBKffrewauKicMM;^
M m Yrom >u«et
Botk -rbooM no. a.
TroTme CItj,
baO. Mr Me* bar ewa hMd,
BMhlwtalBS to do bat «loata«w1W nay Which Ibda HeW Jock Go
aad wmd hw to JalL This
am aoeospltohad by 3m
Mt Bammer Hotel end WOdtebaProdaendWefhBatnrday.
ra. Thssharlff rieelradths
Travaae Uty b to see Sepbe. The
Park Oontemplated.
at his hsad^aartset bat mads
attraetka which act . all Ksw Y«wk
_ eoBWltmeat was aU rlghV
itywin be presented to the City
bad eoaaidmMe troaUa OMe with oas OptloM aiMo to l^dleato of OhUngo Opera Boase Saturday night by a good
and did a«t ears to take any
Oapbnlbtson/adgeBaemdaU-.Farm company direct from Hew York and
rhir*~ Tbs tronble nlarrad to was
which baa played to the largest
and Property of ,Mrt. 3; E. 0«Uvck,
• taw salt brought against him by
MUes to the connuy. Sspho U tbs
WUUam Blackman something oeer two ' Dr. 3. D. Mnneon and Or. B. D. Ash play which eanesdtheeerrsst ot Olga
years ago. to which Blackman dsmaadton—Xoterprlee will loclnde Devel Selhcrsole on a charge of produ^isg a
•d daBtsges to tbesnm of (S.OOO. Tbs
opmentof Magnificent Site terBs- ptoy of qocsiiockblc teaiurea The
fioand npoB which he clamed redrew
ease attracted widespread attention,
sort if it XatertalisM.
was falM Imprisoataeat becaase
aoionly among theatregoers all ever
eommltmsnt upon which he wasplaosh
theeonotry bat among thcsc.wbo co
In jail wa* dcfecUre. which it was. bet
not niaally attend the theatre. After
not so defecUrc as to todoee a jary to
a trial of several days the court decided'
girebim caplUl fora fresh start in
that the pls.v was net a menaco to pub-1
lie tnoralsand since that time the piice)
Taesimilarity of this ease to tost of
has been played to-crowded bausei
William Blackman at that time U
througho-jt Uie country. It goes with
DoUcosble aad anyone wbo followed
out saying that Traverse City will turz
the former case will be toterwted
out en massee toaee the picM.
this. There has been a sort of neighborhood fend to riradlse for sereral
Anou.er Flr.e Eesirvnc.-.
years and fre<ioent t-apUoiis
theirselo»r.cd by Dr, J D Huosen,
Dr. AbhloL'.; »-»rJca. Mr^. .1, K. OrUllok’s'nc-meprur.Tt.r and,
i'.ome ar-d
bay frert o-r'.,-.-. e.7 ; .Mrr. Allrc EsrLr-.trl'diniT will7...
3. C end Don lTc’ri.an Bclorned from dell fQBTfib:-'.N'n.
Tlic-.gca- i-' far
■ ar-v-.s-^;,
HolUr.ii Yettc;d. y with' Their
of theso l'>: . -iv -.c!;
i.-.t;;rrU.iLg i
J. C. Mtrgan am!
sjn Don arrisod a^-.ufb,;•• • ■ - :.r-.d -. :•
yesterdsy a: ;• t'clcx:!: eft-r a s.«n
. Tbk Eee^ Ciiy CUrlon oome>
Itorweek wllk »n arUdic OoDrith which
to houBd to »ttr»ei toTonble BtloaUoD
The peVl-i-ber. fteo |larker. whom
, avtoTbody koowe ee "The Old Hen.'
' bM medp » crcdiutalc cflori to aiek.
the tw^uty-diffaih'•boiveruUT of ihr
Oeric^ e u'/table treiit. To imprets
' . the EOU1.C «iib propef force with ti:e
'«p-lc-ieie il!*«neet ofthepepir EdUor
Berkcr iuueo en etmctiTCkupplcniun;.
lunion.e'y priuied on floe book paper
MdbeeutUuliy hJufcUmtedwlth heiitone ptcluree of ieedinf: mbn end coi:'
^ifuc.;a piit-iiffboilcirge of B«iM City.
t’dU.>.-iD l'< a euucsf bd'O ose of
Uat- SCO
Victor M.: n»::ue of Jhi-.
which • ibf Old Men" m»y j<ielly f*;!
cUyonds=ldtotko.Ho::and«an. The
EtMiinu hopes the Clerlo:;
eraf. U a rafe, roomy and fast one Wwill sec euo;bv.- iwenty-elirul yeera -ft
li-ably adavtcd to intto n»ur:
Mr. Morgan and Dsn Went« Hf-laru
•me ay^ ago and- sva; •. H ,cr iHo rrTSK tnik'.e are aoi henog thiaca
Wo U-lr a w<-ck ac- to'it .So.' ■(heir ohn wey by euy mee:;e Oflieers They made tbs trip saMy and cue
•ad dlroclors nf the Ics 'frusl.,
ably, alihrmgbu»dc:rali<^a>’win'd
alihraagh under s lii^ai win'd ’lyar*
Tork, here' be^u auminoneJ W show
ly all the time. -Piw two osys when
why they shcald not bo proceeded
off I-udinrton and that vicrp'.ty U:r-y
•gainst criminefiy on the charge of
fcg. which msdi-nsvi•OMplraey. 'They are aeeusod of rcitoralniag and preTSoiing eoiof^tltioD. getiou blow and dsngerevu. One day
lliey were fcirc.'d to lay up at Frank
There U no tariff bn ice, thureforo it
fort. They will make good uw of the'
aannot he sn ofCsprlcg of protection.
Xto pazenta;;? has been traced direct b:>at cn Urand TrfKrcse hay and it will
(0 Tammany Usll. which is robbing .be a raluable addition to the rsjildly
(he poor of New York and dcprirlog growing fleet in tbcac waters.
If >-Du once tT>- an iron bed you will never use a
wood bed again. The ^on beds are so neat, clean fnd
durable and furnish a ^om so nicely. I have a very
large line, ranging in price from $3.75S5.50.
S6.O0, ^.75 and on up to S30«>.
We can please anyone In both style and price,
for we have about 70 styles to select from.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
(hp people there of atnmmer cceeislly.
ittoarieeBeee&leyBiedTeBtefday Aft
er. Prophsaying Death in theTamily.
OU Mei^bborhood Pend to' ParadiM
Charles Bencbley died yesterday at
the home of hia daughter, Mrs. Emms
Urorar of Psntoaoly, at the age of BO
yaata BU death was dne to asthma
Mr. Benehley came to the home of
hb daughter in January from hb
home to Powler?llIe. He. worked in
the garden Monday and eras about the
house singing yesterday momtog.
forenoon that
someone in the honsebold would
before the day was ovor. and at U:No
he himself passed peaeefnlly away.
tors. Grover b confined to her bed
with asthma, and the ebook of her
tether’s death b a very asvere
her. The fnnaral will ooenr from the
bonss thb afternoon.
Township aissalU io Arrest for
OaRTinS Ooaeealsd Wsapoaa.
Mrs. Adelaide Btoekman is to Jail.
Botsapscially beeanas she b obliged
(0 be there bnl beoaosa sbs absolutely
aosltoasto taksebaness to signtoga
paptr which woald release her from
•astody apon her
lira. Blaekmaa Ursa to Paradise
(owDShlp. which b a paradise only to
■ama.at least that U what sobm of
Hit. Blaokmaa<si
the v.cii.:».--<f Tra»<-fts, «»ri. Tby
plan. wl-..v> !. s‘.U! only'.In tbe. P-vu
b-.-.s!di:.g<.fa ;r.ago^fie<jf --onnne.-r,... ..........................
I.-..-, .I C.TV i... “EstL'.dell
n-U,-. -.T
:vd-6otia pa.-ktesV.Ut
wit'., bpautitelr-lvvf .:.d aM thsac,-asrlesofUOe isai-cipf-jfarrfcaifg.
bririrflinizcdt-- bjatht-uv
e-n • V-.o -mt-asy
a:!>- piann'-rg
1. ',n c..nrc.-.'on j
What is Celery King?
■Wit'l.Wio-. r,-.“.or: UOU'■ bwm.-d JjyU| J|
soul-.; .l.ca Ir^cp-og their n.ao-1 ftw c.n-in.:,: . it-aC-.l
ba*....-r.v-.a .,l:nyi-ar
T!ro.e! dcr*. riw ,
h-a.u VO tv b.';; mnte.r Vsek
l*>r I'.'l. 1. VIV. - il
I', li- c.-rtaiu'v
talk ftUil w;ll scon bo an
test. Itgof.'S withi.ul saying iLalthe
p'acu issa ideal rpov forth:? purposes
eOBt«W5-U‘.e.I, Riadi-rs of the MornKsmitii wiU^retnerrrbv^ the betulifnl picture givM 111 the ClirUtmas numbsr of the grand view of I'ravcrse City
and the bay fcQm Judge Eamsdell's
term. Thb view was taken near the
^loi where the propoesd hotel will
etand. There b node finer in the
Unitsd-Sutca. The Bkcoui> hopes
be able in the near future to efaroniele
AbesaoceMful eompletlbn of thb-im
portant matter.
A Life and Death Fight
Mr. W. A. Btoea of Manobealer, la.,
writing of b:e aiioost miraeulous seeape from death, aays: "Exposure after
measles indnoed serious lung trouble,
which ended to oonsnmpiion. 1 had
frequent hemorrhages and eougbed
night and day. All my doetors said 1
must soon'die. Then I began to oae
Dr. Ring's Hew Dbeoveiy which wboUy
cored ma Bnndreds have used It on
my advie^pd all say it never teiU to
Throet, Chest ai
and Lung
. .. sice
&0c and*------(1.00. •Trial bots 10c
There wUl be a meaUng of the
I'a drugstoresKnlgbtaof Fythiae tomorrew evening
QnesUon—Is woman wiser than
with two enndldateo for the second
ladles have bqsD
the big bargains at The Boston Store—
BlOO Reward, (100.
we shonld say they
The reeders of thb paper wUl be
pleaaed to Isara that there b at least
one dread dbsass that aelence has
BharlS Simpson apon a ehargs o
lylBg oonosaled wsapons. prafsrrad by
3amm Days, a neighbor. It U ailagwi
people are
By pays that the
>s Bh
ing the eatUs of
IB tbs habit of pe
(he aelghbon to roam orer their prsmtoss aad than asira them and damand
'^-tepoandtogsapsBsas. BeoanOy Days
loaad aoBS of tbs Blaekman oatUs
hto pramisaa aad bsthonghtons good
•mdaawead another, so he bald the
•f tS stab saeb. 1
. BoiMe the hnmor or reason to this pro2.090 ChUinn's Buiti
•srrtlnf so, it b salA sbs mads It warm
At V5 per cent off. Tbs Boston Store.
for the Daya people and demanded her medical fraternity. Cbtairb being e
•atUe, dbpiaylng a revolver which she eoMtltnUonal dUeaes, requires a oon- A Great discovery lor Cancer
••rrtod adder her apron, aad threaten- sUtntional treatment. Ball's Oatorrh
WiNUMin. Ont.. Jan. :t. IMO
lag to Bse it U her demand was not
Dr. C. D. Werner. Dear Sir:—I have
ly upon tbs blood and mneoas snrteces
Md yourCemiiponod' of' Seven
•emplied with. The oomplaint and ar- of tbs system, thereby dcatroyieg the
cancer cure and blood pnriMsVwas the result of thb. incident.
foandatlon of the dissaae, and giving
, with exeellent reaulu. 1 do not
' When Sheriff Simpson arrired at tbs the patient strength by building up
pnrthe oonetltutlon and tstbtlng nature
Blaekman bomp to eaeort lbs lady be- tn
doing its work. The pronrletors posee for which It b used. Ite effects
lore Jaetiee Brown he met difflcultlsa have ao ranch faith in it* curative arelnashcri time so manifest that It
for nearly two bonrs was refused powers, that they offer One Hundred eannot tell to give tbs greatest eaibfacUon.
Jss CrutiinioB.
•Btiaaes Into tbs botise. He finally, Dollars ter any ease thet it tells to
if teetimontob.
_end ............
however, eneoeeded to entering and
Address P. J. Cheney i*Co.,ToledQ,0. AU Ou $1.75
•arvlng hb warrant.
Md by drargbu. 7&e.
Mra. Blackman was brought beters
Hall's Family Pllb
lb are
an the bmt.
jMttos Brown. She at first plesd
•ot guiltythen ohanged her mtod and
fateeed to plead at all. Thb familiar'
l^wlth legal proeedure baeooanted
tebr the tael that heraon William
svHonee toasImlisraltaalioa:aBd betodssbe went in for the etndy of tow
••d learned ell about boVto eonduct
•rimlnal eases Itbnotstrange.thsrrfore that Mra. Btoekman should grasp
•toMS the fins potou to her esse. Ber
total was filed for thb afternoon and
arhen tbs matter ot b^loams apJosA Combination—Groceries that insure and pro
(toe Brown very oonsideraiely offered
mote health, and prices ^d quality that mean
toallow her to go npou her own reeoghbanee; and thewossan algned th<
economy and satisfaction.
■ir-------r doeameat btoding ber u
back when wanted. After the |
inpar wm eigaed aad the. lady was
•boat to go she saddsaly thoaght to
Mk what awt of paper the had elgned.
Our every day prices are always as low as the
tt waa explained that it was a bead asspecial sale figures of others. Convince yourself
fging her prssanos ter trial. Sbavery
by calling. We are here to please you and all we
•toatly deetorod that she weald not
Mnd ter any snch ptOBSSiltog amldswant is an opportunity.
toined to sign any bond at alt She
•Pkuptly eoald not bs caaght that way.
d go apoe no bond
11 ahe knew lb Bare again her know!
•age of lagal lore and a very prabeUp*To>Date Grocer.
martkveaattoa eau readUy bedboarn-
... — — ..
---- ---- ------
AeMia- fHaehman woald aot fflve
Phone 149-
120 E^iroia.'t Stx'ooti.
. Hars The^ fire!
Fads All Through!
N-’-..'> i;.v fit't-
t;jjy ['O!'-.-. n: Iv. j.' -t.
Here is Our Grand Ofter. •
$1,48 •;
1; :i,:
'w. ■ nv.-, ai;."!
■ •
;:.C'i:rs.;;f f':
y •.% r. iiis.'kt.-.' ..r
i: ■
:A.'S. FE,-rMAN. Practical; Shoe Han. 135 Front Slnet
We’li Tell You What Well Do
and We Do What We Tell You
Everything is guaranteed and must
be satisfactory, or bring it back and
get your money.
Some Genuine
Shoe Borgains
Foot Sox”
The latest sock put on the market,
and shown here the first. They are black
cotton top and pure linen foot. The best
thing ever made for tender or sore feet.
They are cool in summer and warm in
winter. No changing from heavy to light
This Is Another
Ladies'fine uaJiid Oxfords. Some weight with the seasons and possibly'
were not made this year, but they have catching cold. Can be worn all the year
good wearing qualities. lust the thing for round, andythe price is 50c.
the house. These we’ll clqse at 75c the
This Is Oii6
Some good boys' canvass Lace Shoes
leather soles and leather trimmed, sizes 3
to 5. and their yours at 50c a pair.
T et Another
Children’s Red Shoes, good for hard
but door “stubbing", sizes 3 to 5 sell for
60c, and 5 to S for 75c.
And The Fourth
Is our great "Oae Fifty Sale " (see the
window display), all sizes [of Oxfords and
women's black kid Bals. If you want
some good, that's cheap, and your feet
are the right size, then you'd get the bar
gain of the season.
High Grade Shoes Now
That’s the Gray Bros’. Ladies’ Fine
$3.50 Shoe. They’re made to fit. made
for style, made t® wear, made with value
and made at a price that sells them.
When five good points are combined in
one article it becomes the leader. That’s
what Gray Bros'. Ladies’ Shoes always
Moro Stylos Collars
Than any other firm.' The popular
price is 15c (of course we have cheaper
and higher priced), but at this price we
are just now showing 25 different styles.
All new and down to date. We sell the
wefl dressers their collars. We are the
advance agents of stylish collars and
Swoliost Nsekwoar
Just unpacked' the newest—that’s the
silk and linen Imperials, and the narrow
Four-In-Hands. These are all washable
goods, made in light colors with wide and
narrow stripes, and sell at 50c. The silk,
and linen Tecks are the swell summer
tie, or tlhe all silk Teck. Both styles sell
at 50c. One glance over our Neckwear
display and you’re a sure purchaser.
The Hannah ii Lay Mercantile Co.
MIet A- Bnelimentel end Bhi L. Tiw
Bllceiooery Sodety Meetifiga gee WM gnetiy enjoyed. The eeleThe Womdb't Home end Foreign
dletacy of the dMt. "The Berp of ^ leelenery eoetety of the CongregeUanKemory," WM glran by MteBIttleO. el ebnreb wiU meet with Mre. Do^erey
Beedbem. It wm foU of fine tbongbt on Sixth street this efternoon »t 8
and tender feeling.
"MoonUghl will Come Agela" wm
The Woatnb Mliaioneiy eoelety of
the enbject of the next number, which
wMyreetly enjoyed by the endlenee.. the BeptUteburch will meet tbie efterUiet Bleccb Glnrd prenlded^t t^ hoon with Mn. Bradley, loe West nth
pleno. .
The progremnloesd with the pr.-ter- . ^e Women’* Ho-ne end Foreira
tntion of the dlploaee to the clou, Blttlonery eodeiy of the Pint M E.
which WM done in e very fitting men- ebareh will meet with Vn. B. B. HnU
ner by Bev. Fr Benrr.
on WMbiRgtoa'ttreet this efternoon et
The exercint were In erery wey e" S:S0 o'clock. Memben en requested
kuceeta, u they elweya ere.
eUrnd preptrrd to pay quarterly
grednetee were showered with coo-1 flow. A report of the dittriet'
:r the close of the ex- hold at Cherievolx will be given by
! Bn. Frank Eidred. Mrt. Bull •« the
t and the uuie will
At Port Hvoa u ordlauM pro&lbMartbeMladt ombm enOun %ai Lerrc Qrewd wm Preoeat ead es BsgMflriacaleMU«.«te.. wm pMMd
celleat Fnrrem wee Glres—DriUe
lAe-Bowll, ud h«rMtt«r U wUl be
Were BqweleUj Bojofed — Two
DHWiirr lo obtAle % permit iron the
mejor te aee them.
Gredutes Beoeived Olplomea.
bucBablaMW, eo rfg bajer. dm•d deed wblle drirlnc »1o&k the etreet of Sk PreseU ««bool, which
IsArawU Mosd*r. of baert teUare. Uei Bight et the aty Open Boner,
Be bed reeeatl; bed e Iieetered ritoal- oelledonte lerKe crowd wbo were not
der end rib from e ro2;eire7 eeeideiit dlnpolpted in their expeetetion of be
Md wed jut ^tUiv ereand.
ing tborongbly enteruieed. . Tbr proAt tbe Asrlconontl otilefe Prof. gre« tne ezsrllrot, end excallently
HertlB A. Atblu of the demrimeat rendered.
TheaUgeof the open boote wet
e( phyelee.
bed bit left__tje detuofed
Mdt^feee bedJy leeereted Mondey i
doelted "i»b flowen. In
eftemood by the exploelon of e bottle!
tbeaeent end of the gndcof gnnpowder wi|h whlob he wm ex-i
HUi Kiltie U. Mcedhem end Mit*
pnrlnentlsfr. A etodent who wea |l't*‘l*o A- Welle. The cleee coiore,
-orbing wlthhlm, Ueury S. Born-1
“il bellolrdpe. were glr.-n
bock of Croton. hFch . nee eleo la ; prominent piece, end white rotw.. t
' cleta flower.wero elui in bridenoe. T4,c
JobB‘io»!lnof Sew Mthimw. w»» i el***
‘ Brjond the Alpt Ltct
etUeked bj e tea r.iTprnt while outil**'?-" '
< r •..ffjriR
Id by the
If t-ou wear one of oi
new Han, Schaffner
silt hsve the beti cteil
mooey can buy.
Thsy’rc wonh more to
any man than oihcr clothes,
but ibe say vc arc sellinc
them they will cost you less
than many oihera.
£ I end pUno. A good attendance It d»xpcjj^lred.
.................. ...............
' For Chtldren-e 0py.
erenlngalthehomaoX Mr. and Mre.l The children in the CocgrejreUonel.1
E K Whits CO
atreet, to M4« .kir Jsrsaneo and- »be two primefle.;
Ma-non Pratt, who leave, awn f* her! are ..queued ,o 6n at thechnreb par-!
ihome in koulhcrn Michigan. .M.ts;
t'::. afierMroti at t.sac'e'ock- All'
I Pratt graduatod with tht clib‘p^v.l vheo"'’V-r>tg thtir uwlor earda and
jlroai thcacliool here, aad a U-^e aa*■’y.-1-i n t.'x;cl:a'D‘fortbe.exhivit.
jlv^rof l-or«>-oot frie-d, hc-: ax
Tuey’fo'i.ho hitiif kilvi ilUcd srf the ‘iiJrnt ms-ailnes and wora by ' *v.d
dresters everyfber*.
A I'k ;'."'cr
wee prorUed with’* doable, hnd
wubin th- p.,1
i wmis .if piy.-»voi,' ; d,
--w -V.
•M<.-rat fw-.ilpt='»- ' by
perent’.y know a goad think »nea they; ^
iM-w...iian A.Wei.k.ot,ea
Oak'laed uoBoty treai>ury-ever
oeuM they coalda't Had Either. Tne
>oey h.\s jjt; ur-co paid or-tr to her
;o childrencbil
in Laoeer county.
John Srram of Alguns.-, a lineusn,
laid down eioec to the Bapitl railway
track and want to sleep. A ur came
alongen t cut hie hand off.
There U e alnkbole on the Chicago A
Grand Trunk railroad near Elbe which
__ Ue corker. Pour Iboaaand cerloedt
oTAirt end the forest troee from eighty
eoTM of lend have been dumped Into
Ik but apparently the bole U no n<
filled op then U wm et first.
Riley Bromen, e tamer living
Alblon.'lotinlneeheepbydoga Satur
day. There were eeveo or eight doge
in the peek. The owners of mmt of
the doge were eecerulned end they
were ordered to kill tbe letter.
The te-nperaiureofthe bnmlng shaft
ta the Calumet end Uecla mine ebowe
. little verletlon end tbe fire evidently
nglBf nnobecked tbousende of fMt
derground. Qae eaeapee In large
Inmes tbrongl
through namproue eraoka In
the Mrth end e large fom of men end
- employed cover
ing tbe venU with dirt. Workmen
(r^nenUy overeoae by gM end one
- party of eight men narrowly oeeeped
Mphyxtethm. It being neeeetery t
tike ^ entire party to the hoipitel.
««>"»• t«‘« "f- -he essay *M .n
adricac.of ^.rrig.st '^iad nf-e.lu.-sttou.
fare^j, ••Tl.o Musical IHryc’.Or."wstkdni-.r»b}y prceaied Sy tbc
foUow.ng caat of charaoiira, ell of
Iheu. being boys:
and A. McManus and the mandolin by
M. Barry.
Grand Bapids hM aeenred a new IndMtry, a drill grinder works employ
ing IS men. but the eequlslUon I* mors
IhM offset by the lees of the Orud
• i»pide Ojmlo Worirt. The Utter com
pnaywea'tUto the trust wheo It wm
formed Uel winter, and now the trust
> close the pleat on July
1 and remove It to Chicago. The fac
tory hM feraUhed empioymMt Jto
many people sUm iu
•Ine yearn ago, and its lose will he a
aarione one for the valley city.
W*. the nadenlgaed. do herein
m to refaad the money «> a ^
ccaald. Wealeo |
bottle to prove eetutsetory t
_________i VWalk Bogheo A Ronbag, Jamm O. Johasoa. F. a Tbomp-
96piro«&t off OR
Btpabiltan B..iof-.T
i.-fe.>n a'Orv::-. ml ISSB.
W»-.l i,' ,r’oa. .tunrS— R\ •Birub-caa'
rfhlory i;- Orcri^u yetUr.'ii*-,' s ri'i’u;C-,
«!.i oy 'iultiiinia;raUon ;.-4«lera -’ij-t’. ^
s:.:ail>a..t. FrlvaV-' asvi-<n :a<X..-xM
that the B5i>tW>aT,
ix asprrsls. --bat “if
w*. bi/h
wa'.fr jcark In
years'Teaterc^a Base Ball Gauira.
' Spvrial to ll,.- UoratDX Rar«rJ
.SATluXVJ. l.KAl.t'K
mub.,1'*............ ;...
I can flV ladipa, gvnVlctiKT. .ocd child.
Ten with iK-kt khoet at lower pricea than
any other hiorc in townKrpalring r.catly and quickly done.
Don't Pay High Prices!
SriSli.;;:::;;;;.;:;;;::: if
SU Front Street
i City Opera House
boys vrere U Alvaislfled Brownl*
An exeellnt piano selection
given by Mlee
flee Rose Dyer end
end Mies Bat
tle MarUneea, end WMgreetly eojoyed
by the eudiuee.
Mlm Anne Campeeu gsve a dran
reclutlon that wm greatly epprecUlsd
bf tboM preeeak It wm excellently
Tbe Intemstional flag drUl wm per
haps the BBoet thoronghly enjoyed of
One of Great Otmp Flnei
any drill of the evening. First upon
the stage earns fenr Fnrlian maldeas,
notlee from Greet Ooi
dignified and with slow and msMurad
■tep. ^ey want through a sutely
drill, when out upon tbe stage denned
of the finance oommlttM of tbe Greet four IrUh maldene, clad- in the green
Chmp of Micblgsa.
of the Bmerald Ule. Upon eaeh of
their flags wm the harp of Erin. After
Klee Bolhod to Wed.
tbe four had executed a pretty drill.
Blm Daley Bieadine Boland,daughter Mlae M. Barry gave a pretty Irish
Of Mr. and Mm. V. B. Boland. wUl be
■mrrlnd today to Mr. Jeeee Oem Wright
They were folloifed by four Scotch
ofOrMovlile. Tbe ceremony will he Umlem olad U very preity Beeteh
performed by Rev. c. T. Stout et tbe emtumee, with plaid, bonnet and SMb.
home of the brlde'e perenu on SUto For inem Mlee W. Sbaae danced the
Highland fiUg.
Tbe Uennan maidens followed, then
Oloriou Mews
tbe Swim, for whom Miae B. Haydsa
Oomee from Dr. D. B. ChrgUe of
kve a very pretty dsnoe. Then came
Weehlte. I. T. Be writes: -Bleetric
u Brew
e repreeentaUves of France.
BIttemhM cured Mre.
)d her
beet doctors could give no help:
«ow her health U
Is exoeUrat-"
exoeUrat." Bleetric
Bitters U tbe beet____
.t blood purifier
- •known
lu the supreme remedy ft._______
totter, salt rheum, uleem. bolls end
maniac sores. It etimnlatee liver,
kldneyi end bowels, expels poisons,
helm dlgesUoD. builds up the strsagtb.
Only toe- Sold by S. E. Welt end It*.
O. Johnson, drag^k Onerenteed.
. Sr- ■^. ;. Stgrltn, OptTit’.T.' 'I’-atlttty
Tbeee were followed by tbe maiden «
of sunny Spain, who gave a very pret
ty drill with the Spanish flag. Miss M.
Hayden gave a pretty execution of the
SpeoUb umborioc danoe.
Then ColnmbU appeared with the
American flag, to the music of "The
Bod.White aad Blue." A beautiful drill
. gooe through with ColnmUa M tbe
oratral figure.
The followidg were the repeeeenUtlvce of the different nations^
International flag drill—
OoIambU. B. MlkuU: PnriUM. M.,
Winpsrleekl. U S^onr. J- Moravlc.
E. Wioaler: Irlab. M. Barry, O. Emory,
Blebard, M. Oesalaki: hootch, W.
Shane. J. Barry, B. Fomosal, M. MeMuu: OermiM. H. BUsM, M. Smith.
A. Bokoa. 1. Mohlo: Swim. M. Lexdie.
Z. OlngnA B. Blehard. B. ilaydra':
French. U Gagne, U Foutaln. M.
Shnne. M. Banys Spanish. M. Baydu,
L MeUany. B. Mv^. B. Boimea.
Mm P. EsMry preaided at tbe piano.
Barvey C^oals gave a fine song In
eharaeter and bowed, hie tbenkafora
-The Danes of the Groeka'* wm a
uUfnl putomlme. given by
L. Welle, A. Oampoas. R. Need
ham. F. BaMry, C. Seeor. A- Toplnka
ud A. Sulllvu, with Mlm Nettle!
at the piano.
AailieMonca plaM ud Helln by'
Bight from New York Cltr.
7~E Saturday, Jnne9 "Dwtvtv^ \\ve
A Moneter Devil Flab
roying Its victim,
fiation. Toe power of this malnselN
But Dr. Elliog’e New Life
nd oeruincjre.
Pills are a eate and
oeruincjre. B-st
in tbeworld-for' Stomach. Llvai
and Bowels.
n,a widow of Adrian,left
home Monday morning to do soma
work leavlog the two ehlldrra at home,
oaeaboyof 'v. He attempted to light
a gaeoUne fire wheo there wm an axplosion and he wm enveloped Inflames
Be IU out doors ud some nelgbbere
came to his aid, one wrapping him In a
heavy wet bluket lying on tne gram.
Bit infariea are very eeriont.
la often bidden by unsightly Pimples
Bexema.Tetter. Bryslpela-.SsltBbenm
etc. Bncklen'a Arnica Salve will glor
ify tbe face by coring all Skin Bnipilons. also Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Belli.
Felons Ulcers and worst forms of
Oas hi liipped on aav halter watcb pockeu. ISr. I
New Vork'e raging sensation.
SoMT A)DeeKs
Oidip tl( luipni’iil >I lu- D. Riu
Yto^Tam 5ot Wvt "KeTitV
■Sow Tiaas'.
Interpreted by e splendid eompany
—beaded by
Miss Nellie Elting,
•a Psnnv LeGraw,
and MR. RtSIL WEST ttuitlS
New and beautiful scenery.
Gorgeous costumes.
The great hail room scene.
jTne world'# famous sulrem scene.
.W, 7oc and fl.l O
The various departments in our store will be
activelj'engaged in reducing present stocks to pre
pare for fall business, and the following is the
WEDNESDAY-Special sale on Wash Dress
THURSD.XY-Special Sale in Black and Col.
ored Dress Goods.
FRIDAY-Xorsets. Hosierj-.
SATURDAY-Shirt Waists and Ready Made
Wrappers and Kid Gloves. •
S\imaV SaVe ‘Bor'ADedLTvesdLa^ m
Sot, «V
sale of
Hat been a tremendous one. Those who have not
taken advantage of it. are still afforded an oppoJtunity,
as we have placed on sale our entire regular stock of
suits at same discount—HALF OFF.
Come at once—they'll go quick.
$3.78 for $7.5lf soils, $7.80 for $18 suits,
$8 for $10 suits, $9 for $18 solR.
iieliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Honse.
20 piecee calico (all you want) per yard............................. 3o
40 piecea 27 inch Madras clotli—a fine rnnu^f colorings
—tbeyard....................................... '.....(TT.'.............. 6o
400 yards Ginghania (the 10c kind) at the >Wd.......... . 8o
26 pieces new.Dimity, at the yard....................................... 6o ,
10 pieces Madras cloth (the 15c kind) at...... .............. . lOo ^
All other wash goods not mentioned here will be sold for ^
today's special at 16 per Sent, diaobont from regolar price ^
—No old stuff—all new. most of it—put on- sale fresh from * ■
the market this week.
Ask to see the new things.
Don’t buy your wool drea» 'till tomorrow—Look for tbe
epeeUl eele prioe.
\o Att Yht ICtv YknuaeU
' ? ' ~
J. W. Milliken
the morning record,
- Nothine Less Than 25 Per Cent. Off-Many Cases More.
oolSTTniisrTJZBX) ^
a-b T3=Le DBostoxL Store
Va wish to
aU oar patrons for the hearty appreoUtioa they hare ahi
wm«x»BdUielImItofth«»»l«for««hortUm.loli*«. Bwininbw-«v«Tthln» .too«t,«ndIniii.ny
• Sbt below.
regular meeting in Montague hall thk
lOStWtNnWWMWNtmWWCWW* mored and the people have taken eldea.
Aoeordlnc to reporu that come from erenVng.
An eminently skiiw Mid necompliidted nttUt.,
wondetiul .nd
J IT£r5
All of tbe notee relating to the maps. C
Columbn*. Ind.. Ec». B. B..:Wldger.
plaU and aurveye of George E. Steel; f
tliorpughiy ,|unlilied pliotonrapher.
/y SHORT STORIES J formerly of Grand Raplda, Jbnl now of andS.
C. Hodgeman hare been par- KjfaakJdtifcfatMtktmtJitJdtfatJdt:
tbe Hooaler .town, intends to.make reManager Steinberg bring* to Trarllyion* worship rery pleaeani InJ hU ebawd by George A. Ford, deputy
KUMM WMt* 40,000 f»m h*nd»
erae City amusement lorere, a strictly
pariftb Ibis snintncr. He has -bad a county eurreyor.
'. drep'Pg
mud errenglng hk
kelp sether Is the ehesru.
Tfcc king of pbotographere In posing, lighting,
Dr. W. B. Moon and PoeLmaeter lUff high clast company In the forthcoming
root garden ballt on his new church, to
fol ert, Dhotogiaphy. Mr.
U bM bees. plsnoed t« eeUblUh % tbe story goes, and will bold eerrleea were fishing at Carp Lake yeeterdey. engagement of the Allman Dramatic
leg opposite the Hotel Columhie on Front
Company, who are to appear at Stein•errlee of trecUon earlnee *nd »rs*om
It it in order for etricily up to dele photoThey
there durlng the hot months. He .will
borg’c Grand Opera House next Honscrou the dMert of Chins to eompete
hare the only roof garden pnljdl in the 10 were black baaeand 17 were pickerel
All are cordially invited to vUit hi* studio und test hk ebilUy as un up to
day and Tnesday evenings. June 11
with the csnylnj boslneM now done
United amte*. The idea may become
and 13, In Edward WeltUl'e great dete photogiepher.
hymesne-of esmeU. snd It is euted
populer aoiong tbodb pastor* who are
play*.-Flood Tide," and -My Friend
thst within s yesr there will be Stty
not farored with Tsoatlone aerefal
Tom." These prodoctlone are'enperbly
Miirinn snd a.ooo wsr»* *nf»S^ ^
monOu long erery year,
staged. Ue eoelumlng and epeclal
this work.
Btreet raUwaye at Havana ?are to
scenery being featarm. The east is Steamer Colnmble wlU Tkke Ue Delegate
At HsMfleld. O.. lire. John Shernisn
Mich^ to Farmei*’
ebaage tbe moUre power from horses
ipo*od of 10 leading people, all Crowd to Old Xlmion thk Iteming.
died St nidnlrht of Mondsy, 7» yesre
to eloctrlelty.
thorangbly schooled artieU.
The great day o( ill Ue year for Ue
W St*.. She wse tasrrled to Mr. Sher
bee appolatod A.
Novel efleeu and clever speclaltlee oldeettlere of Uk region k today.
Ontof 17,000 pleeee of regklecod maU M,C™n.a»T^X“u,.« ....
■SB Dm tl. 1149. They hsd no childhandled annually In the Vnltod States
are Introdneed also, making Ue per Tbelr annual gaUerlng and basket P. Gray a* a delegate from Michigan
fBB. She wse bom In Msnefleld snd
to Ue Farmer’* Oongree* to be held In
ch enjoyed indeed.
lost baa
wfU be buried them.
Oolmado thk nmmer.
of ipereent«andinthe t
A west AostmUsB exploring psrty
erdinarr letters the lose k but eeren- TheBaoe.......... ............................... Eullak
lor Ue comfort and pleasnre of Ue
- ihst meeatly srrired St OodnsdsU reC. 8. Vsder is entwtalnlng hk broU .ptoneera who meet ones aaeh year to COBtlsUfitlOfi
ttaoamndU of 1 per eenk
yorted ibst there hsd aot been s drop
Ot«nr grund unlcadlng sale for short
er, J. A. Veder of Muikegon.
Ulk over old time* and to greet each ^me only. Tbe Boston Store.
efrslntor two yesre la the reftoa
Mrs. Maude Hodges of Mayfield, wai oUer and renew Ue Ue* of friendship.
Laatner Bcw. leet tbelr well known
la the city yeeterdey.
At Old Mkelon dkbee. toe, sugar and
ThstplstseoftbaeMddle sfoe. the trotting mare, flattie Bwlft. yesterday
Mke Luna Fork, who has taken the cream will be fomkbed free, so Uoee
hlsek dasth. has tskea root la Sydn^. morning.
place of MU* Mebel Blekerd In tbe law who attend need not be boUered wlU
Anetrslls. SsBitsry oondUloas In that
Frank Bameay, the tielner has two March (tor violin) ...................... OrUlpp office o< P. C. Gilbert, win be engaged earrying Uoee neeetoarke for a feast.
ettysreasldto be rery hsd, aesreely (act horeae that be k fitUng for the
Ckcrle Fuller and Bemlee Roberteon Uere but a few weeks .when sbe wUi Tbe eteamer Columbia will leave Ue
see how in ten eoaaeetlnt with the
raeea on the new Driving Park Fairy Thle Op. e» No. 11 .......... Schytte again be at liberty.
doek here at 8 o'clock to take the old
aewsce lyetoB. The Tlaiutlon of the
Theron Morgan has gone to Chicago ' aetUers and oUers to Ue resort. Every
Marguerite Bvant
■ yeet, howerer. which U elmply nstnre’e
one who desires may uke advanuge of
The Woman's Auxiliary at
Beroenee (vfoUn).............. V. F. Bowers for a visit of a few
yensUy on dlth, hse aroused the
C. A. Hammond made e bnslueee trip Ue trip oa Ue bay, whether members
church will meet thli afternoon at
Helen Bannen
aathoritlee to action, sad soon Sydney
of Ue aaeocleUon or not. Tbe tore for
So'clo:k.wlth Mrs. C. T. Stout.
Polaoeain® .............................. . Weber to Lake Ann yesterdav.
«U1 be one of the cleanest eitlee la Ue
Malcolm WlanU, Jr., k la Fife Uke Ue round trip will be » centt
Louise Bnek
Chet Smith had the misfortune yeiwortf.
terdaj to Injure hU right hand on a
The sultan U estlsfied beesuse
7p to Sfitfi
^^ANTCD TworooC II
Bev. C. T. Stout and B. L. Spregoe
ww at tbe Oval Wood Dlah Oo. Tbe
he* eueaeeded la pecuusdlnt
Tal«w made elotblng at prleea poel- will go today to Ue
thnmb was split from the end to the
Urely aorprielng, at Tte Boeton
Odd Fellows wUl Bun One on Tncuday,
.....^khadlTSof EcTPt to elsit OonstsnU-,
convention of Ue Bpleeopal church at
IPOK aALA .Ooed. A ^ i *orl
aaple before he pays bis rislt to Bnf•
X fMnc.U: »«tcSI$A» Aprlr
Jane 18.
The Seneca la loading lumber at .the
H. F. Northrop left yesterday for
The fifth annual eeasloa of Ue KorU^litL WANnD'.A(4UI—
It is reported from HSU that the dock of J. F. OttACo.
CblUlooUe. O., whvre he will begin easiern aaeoeUllon. L O. 0. F. wUl be
ArUnr LndewUike. a well known
ylaree k rsflnt In Tehlsturl, in the
PUNTe-rar *•
and skilled ehlropodist of Cleveland, bk work ee surveyor for Ue Oinelnnatl made Ue ooceslon of a good time at
ed for the county offices. There are la
taramnient of KouUU. The diaesse
k In Ue city for e few^^^andaU Bamilton;A Dayton railroad. BU fam Elk EapidsJune 13.
all te units, esch containing seven
sypesred fUet saont the mine Ishorers.
ily will remain in thk city for Ue pres be run from all polnu between Thomp' The infeeted Uborecu hare been kolsted files, and each file will bold a large
ent, but may move eonU In Ue near eonviUeand Charlevoix at about one gHALL
number of doenmentn. Twenty of
fl'ud qnlck'reiret by'Mng
sad tusrded by a stront military
tar* tor the round trip. Tbe fare from
Ulehekher*. Av^honeeallto future.
laehment. QaarsBUae is MUbllshrd these unite wlU be nlaeed In Ue office
B. £. HUberd has gone »to Texas Uk city will be 60 eenta for Ue round
Walt'* drug store wUrtring e quick
fa Tbehlstari and In the roTernment of of Ue county dork, two in the office of
where be will buy new poutee* for trip. The train will leave here in Ue
geafai* Krery percauUon Is belnf .Ue register of deeds aad Ue oUer
morning at 8 o'clock, arriving in Elk rpoB aALK OK BXCHAI
uome time.
r. amith—I MDsneroi
oii.erUoe U
faksn to cheek the platne before the four In Ue office of Ue judge of pro
F. G. Henmana was In LakeAnn on Rapid* at 8:48. Betorolng. Ue train -- - liwOTi. LerlaauI rouair.
l«*j Varlr.
couoij, Joi
Thftt SUgABt fitting
for Uk city will lea've Elk Rapid* at
tns-&(uslaB fair at Rlt
buMnea* yeeterdey.
Monarch shirt at e ts per oent dkA marriage Ueenee bae beea granted
poa BALX-Leia » aad 77. Oak BrlgSU. .
Mk* Olive White has gone to Chica 11:18.
iMli- It tbu cannot be doM it I*
eonnt at The Boston Stsee.
go for Ue summer term In Ue Chicago
ieared that the epidemic wlU adraaee toJamm A. Tabor of Walton, and
Ala alwky* oartri price. Jobo \ rrl7.
Minnie LeWlmore of Wise.
So that city.
Per ntsldt deen am thaattl SlaiUe, Mnslcal College.
ebanging." eald Ue
Spar Vamieb.
upon CALK-aovn naiw beu«r. and IM SSsIS
The hand organ. Ue monkey and the
N. W. Herrington of Solon, did bnsl Bo^ Mountain Tea. Made by
The Boston Transcript says that the
fm 314 South DlvUlM >irOf-t. oe raa
Dago have appeared, and are delight
neei la Ue city yestarday.
Medkon Medicine Oa. 3Sa
terms. Kasolfc of Del 8<)ulcn. ¥J» Bpeth
liwes which euSered most from
iUkyour druggUi.
G. Demllag and fatally are enter
tarsffes of caterplUare last snminsr ing Ue children and eome of Ue older
S choice iaoo aear etty.
taining Mr. and Mr*. MatUew Faekn*
SMre the first to bud thU year, and people.
New DUcoTery for Blood
of WelkvUle, Ohio.
fast their follaye U aneh thicker than : BdwardHogaoandMlnaleM.IBnntpoisoning.
er. both of Interlocheu, have been
Mayor Friedrich will go to Grand
fast of the tree* which were
Bapids today
' stripped of their lean* when other* Uoeneed to marry.
Mimes Laui* Treges and Daisy Shade aad lot
Mis. C. G. Shervrood and children OF SEVEN CUBES, tbe Great Cancer
r laad la
Amedy. and for all dkease* of Ue skin
ck aoeompanied Mr. Tregea to Sliver
vletted Elk RepSd* yesterday.
fieoTf* W. Dart, who mleed the star*
and hlood. from Cootaet and Secondary
Lake yeeterdey and eeenred:a nice lot M Backaches and Headaches
I J. W. Clifie left yesterday on a bnei- _ It Hereditary Ceases.
'and stripw orer the Confederate
DUST, larae lot, oa
Remove It by Using
of fish. They medelUe return trip on
I ncM trip to Ealkaeka and oUer p^U. ;
,«apital at Oolembla. & C.. at she end of
Uel^ wbeeU in fifty minutes.
■herman's march to the tea, has just
j J. Q.
i. in the clt, from j PricBI aM Cut
It will be IntereaUng to everybody
entered the Soldien' Honevf Iowa, at
ro oa onr entire etock of ekiru ir^rearsold. Sire. I« .,sart. loUk k day.
I Qrand Bepids. He will leave today for
to know that tbe exearvlOD on Ue OoKind aad renUe aad easy mUker. lase^^aC
and jeeki B.
His home eras
InmbiatoO'.d Mitalon for-Ue uldcetThe Boeton Stora '
AtUca, N. V.
J. B. Browc.
Uere' plenlc, will not be confined alone
T oer—nar oe> <rllh laryc a—
Ad smaUdlamood. eoPiaaistraatw
Thomss Muneey. ared 00 year*, died tooldcettlere. Bverybody who deelree
Charles Munson Belting Ca of Chicago,
fae ether day at hb home la Uttle to take the trip can doeo. The fare
Tbe error of Ue d*v In medlcd ireet- k in Ue city on bnalneto He has
Creek, Del. HeneTur saw a railroad wilt be s» cents.
BKntk tbe "doctoring'' of efieets in- been eeUing belu 40 year*.
CfOLDIKKA ATTEimOX - II yea located
O tomamead of lesa thaa lU aerea helot*
Mb. neeer wed tobaoco. sad aerar
■teed W getting at Ue cause. A powdet
leph Broadbead, Ua eaw mannThe bonrd of review kjetm.ln
drsak liduor. Little fheak is not on a and ilk likely that their'work •will ter hesdMhc, • Ublet fee Indlgeetion. teetatrer of Maaktee, k in Ue city do.
bam. Qnora. er adttm Pialt * Da<
lavlB.Tra versa
end • plaster ter Imcksche. TbcM msy ing boeioMS and k regktored at Park
wUway line.
take moat of,tha rmt of Ue week.
The Mordentseber Uoyd Oowpaay
3. B. Waiiameon and a frlandjof hk efiord slight temporary rdld, bnl next Plaec.
day Ue old trouble is back egeln. BelaqalraelX. Lueaa. eni Wcestcr
Johnny Slaur went to Elk Baplde I have booght the celebrated Perhas reoenUy ordered a steamer, which, from Chicago, in
na. .#
B k elalaied. srUl be the lacfaet eeeeel Orawot Uk dty.bav* gone to U* ddcA Ulnk of Ue efied of a d^ yesterday to take Ue place of bk
cberon Stallion,
yoyjlJLU^aaw aad lai
strong cnougk to Stop beadaebe* elmest hrotkoraarenoeforatow days In the
afioav 1 wUl be 701 feet la leafth.
torke of Ue Boardman. and wlU |buUd
office of J. W. SUtorb etore Uera
Bnral fearde killed Jaan Oonialez. _ raft there aad fioat down the river,
Bacheebe U kidney sUe. A ewe Ink BAKoant—la e
Ihe notorioneoallaw. sad tear eompaa- fishing for Wout on the way^The trip dicstion that Ue kidneys an badly die*
mhere of Uc Brt
will roqulr* three daya^ a Ug enteh eased. Backache is nstnre's tlgoal of
hms aaar 8acw<
Saaday. Ooaalarm to warn people that the kidacrs Hamms’ naloa are reqaentod to be
mlat had beea arrested eercral times,
etc oo longer «blc to perform thdr doty
ent at Ue meeting Uk evening at
AiUurOrdlkkepaaredablg od in of filtering Ue blood.
formerly owned by Peter Wore
hut he always aaeapad eoBTletloB beAnd Ui*7:30. in Ue C. 8. P. & haU.
that Ue iMl impuritke wbiU .
eaaw wltaeeaaa (ailed to twtlfy affalnet Ue hay Monday night. The flU
bnrg, and after thia date nid bone
Mm The OoBsales haad was the last UreefeettonlneheetolengU. and k otherwise be carried off by tbe kidneys
rabdiasa, Mt to
It dnlk Ue scythe of FaUer Time,
remain in Ue blood, end find Ucir way
will be foond at my bam, 838
room T aad •
^thesraU kaewahclffaBd orfaalia>
away wrinklta of
to evet^^oryen of^^ body, wbe« Uey drivea
old age—Ua elixir (
taken Ifom Us-hay. Ed try were
Com la that proriaoa.
> heart—Boeky
plaeed In Ue bay a nusber o( yenrs **d“ Chamk^nw-Llver PiU* ere Ue hope in the hni
The oltUenaof Hiawatha, Eaa..
Said bone vrill be here Thore*
ago. bnt very tow have bean captured warid's greatest kidney enre. bccenae
«Tided into two hoetUe easpe oecr a
Uiy act dimetly on Ue kidneys end tcdays, Fridays and Satardaya.
rtoreUem to beelth. torengU and vigor.
carloaa queatlos. Seme time ago a lines that bnw.
O. B.
A Oak trait They remove Ue cease of bcadeehca, lv3 Off
wealthy womaa died and srai bnried.
On Mondaya at Sattona Bay, and
On Wall Paper at Tbe Boston Stor*.
■taw* bae tha dktinetaon of having 4^e becfteciito and an cndlem chain of meat
When bar will was openad
total and complicated dimases.
oaTneadaya and Wedneedaya tat Tbs hsM-tomkhsfi and beet kaM
»«wed that she had left fiSOOfor the first live tarantula captured here Ule
Dr. Chaae's Kidncy-Llvcr PiUs
Tbe insect dropped from a pnrriy vegetable, sad act pleaaaaUy aad Oirptti
Monroe Center.
wtofthe eemeterylBWhU
buaeh o( bananat and was pat Into a naturally. On* pUl edcec;uc«stoa
And stnw matting etrletiy bt eoet,
ahaUeuld be burled,
BnUi aad* known on appUntlA^
box, at aU deulcrs, or Dr. A W.
notallowlng tor treigbt or enair'
of Ue gtaTcynrd U wUU abc waan't candy jar wiU a cUek.
SSleine Co.. Bdate, M. V.
------------Tb, Boeton Btore.
tarM-ai* trying to have Up body
A aUlriCUropodlit
General Custer
The Waukazoo House!
' 7._-^-.-T.r--v-
THB ItORNlNG M^RP, WtiDNBSDAt, jgKE 6. l4oo
DBriBitbnte]! of 1877, JaMatar tto
I had nanlled1 iIn
fndng down and captnrtnc ot CUaT
Joaepfa apd fait band of varrton, ax
troop ww 'dotMlMd to aafca a aodot
tea Camp Brown down (broagb Um
Battloanake rango to tbe PUtto riva
. and frou then to tho Yallovatooe bj
- mwj uf the UooM Ciwk trail
When we eaaijiM mi Clear oroefc, a
oaarade naniHl Lee .ind 1 atartcd off
~ r« a dax’a bnntliiE oukbe tbo blgfa
peMu of tbe Big Oom moBoaiiu. oxfooting to got a few aboqi. Leo wae a
man of eztnordinarx atrengtb aid waa
Boad lu th« rogiiBeat for bla feata of
"‘^e°!^'d«l^tbe aoBflulD bp a dew
• trail, U« riding in adraoce. Tbe trail
kd op a “bogback” mitfl it ran oat
agalwt tbe aide of t&e
wn ba4 to pick oor wax <^cr tbe aide
'll util we Mmek anoiber trail windg inaaigtag manner toward tbe
• fngi£
tnit 'Wodinnoontodand ledonrbonea,
tar tbeHrail ran dangoronslx oloee ^ tbe
edge of a cliff that forniisl one aide of
an itnzncnao oanjon, wboae depth we
eoold only gocae. Narrower and nar
rower grew tbe trail aa we adranoed
nntil ft eeenicd to turminate at
It a point
onlxaaburt diatanoe in front of
dna. We
BioTod* fwwarcl oaatiooKlx, for on.one
aide tbo woontalD a^red to riao frotn
under osr T017 feet into a wall of aolid
rock. On tbe other aide we ioiAod into
tbu depiba of tbo great canyon, which
wnolrt jtrorp an vtomal graro to oitbor
of na abcmJd be kae tala footing and
pie into It
Tbe apparent tcnnlnatiou of tbe
trail wan dno toacarroat tbak point,
toronnd which reqnirod atoadj norrea.
We paaeod it aafolj, bat bad not gone
do xarda when liotb boraoa bont tbolr
eats forward, anorted and afainved crldonoua of tbo greabwt tarrar. Before I
«oold aeoKttain tbo canao of it, being in
rear of Luu'a borae and nnablo to ace
boxond it b aboCVaa fired that nwoke
«en tboBSand eoboea.
What followed tbe sonnd of tbo obot
happened ao qnkklj that I did not re■lijso danger antll I found mjaclf bang
ing botweon Ufo and doatfa. My bone,
nnablir to aoo wbat waa in tbo paUi
ahead of na, bnt whoeo inatinet Woned
blni of tbe preaot>ce of aotno dreaded
wild beaat bad atopped In terror, and.
wboo tbeabotwaa fired, eaddonly threw
«p hU bead and began backing. I bad
palled tJiu miua orer.bia bead When I
. diatnonulnl and held tbem In my right
baud, to wliicb fact I nwod my eaoapo
from iiiatant death. Tlio rapid backb
word inoviiment of the borae and the
Riddon ItaMing of bia bead throw me off
.my balance, and before I could rcoorw
1 waa falling orcr tbu cliff.
Inatiuctiveiy 1 Hgbtcuod my hold on
tbe reina and aidoarorcd to groap the
4«dge of tbe cliff with luy left bond aa I
>' waarollingoviT^ Idid ancooedin cboekif my fal
t> nliold
tabi my weight For a moment I bung
auapeuded over the terrible abysa, my
wbob) weight rcating upon my right
' arm. Quick aa a flash 1 grai^ tbe
loins with my left also, and tboro I
.bung, expecting duatli every instant
Tor I ku(!W that my borMi would not
ntaud long in the poaition he then held.
1 could aou him atondiug abore me,
aud t^c beauty ««f bis pose and the rig
idity of bis posidoii. os ho stood hraeed
againtt^bc weight dangling at tbo end
t bis bridle rein, made an imprenlan
iiiumory that will nurur be
i Tl
I aakid niyaclf bow mneb longiw it
was piaadlilu to fiang by so frail a sup
port ns abtt of luatbor. Tbo grip of my
bands was ao tight ibat my finger ends
wmi tingling and burning as tfaongfa
touched with a hot iron.
Sntldeuly anotber abot rang out
st^euing a myriad of ecdioca that
aoomed to mock mo with abrill laugbUc.
Again that backward moveunent of my
Ikow^i. and aa I felt tbo reins dragalong
tbo edge of tbe precipice I thought 1
must surely lot go and fall Strange
tbuughta began to flash tbrongb my
brain, mental pictures of loved onea
long ainoo dead appeared to whisper
-prayers for mo, there wosaingingin my
eara, and 1 realised that my strength
was giving out
Josl then I board my name epokea
At first I thought it was but tbe voice
of one of the vikIous my excitod brain
hadoonjnrodnp. Bntnoflbwoitsocnd«l agaia It was Loi-’b voira^alm, col
lected and Inqiiring. He was whisper
ing words of canUoa
OpoDlng my eyes, I saw his face abore
me—what a white, •cared face it woa
I tbongbtl Slowly, ob. ao slowly, bis
band etolodown tbo reins until it rooted'
WCBdstnl strength, and I was in safety.
Lee told mo afterward that 1 was anoocMdons when he stretched me out on
the trail
Tbts first shot bad been fired at a
mountain lion tbot cronebed in tbo trail
«ibort distance ahead and had sent It
orasbtng into tbe depths of tlto caoyoa
Bearing my cry of fear os I tojipled over
tbe brink of the cliff, be bad shot bis
■akMltMa For I
Reduction Bicycle
in leel Enameling-
Tfr* foreign otalpplng intereata and
In youth, m lanintarity. Chigh^
toir tree unde mMpe&ri<,-B. wbo arc
tot matbsmatfolB of Us day. Bn
rial tot la used as a aubsUtaU ...
Aghting tbe ablpping bOL bare end
in tbe iretoe to bis great book tbat an ered to unite tbe Democrau in
oandpaper. It Is convaoed of akaip
edged threads of ateel wbicb enri up
at WndbaiB.'' taadcnlarged tbeaeienoea
like wool or somewbat as to
abipa. TbU acbetne baa
of Mtronamy, gnomonia. sUtioi and been neaity nipped in tbe bod by a wood fibers of to familiar material
Beebaaifis ij moat brilliant dlsoov- number ot patrlotle Democrats wbo known as excelsior carl np together,
arlm "pramiarls iurentla " TUs wm
are members of tbe bouse merchant though to steel wool Is very much finWrm> at tbe age of IE A year before
See niDplefl liT srisdoar.
«■, the finest of It being not' much
marine and flsbertes committee
tbat be bad taken out a patent fa an lacoaiber than tbe coarasst of flatnral
to printa DtmlUea. A
wbo have united npon a report on
otrumenl to write with two peu at tbe
ablpping bUI in which a few not unac wooU. Tbe steri wool U put up In
oamoUme. In the same year be waa-^
ceptable omendmenu to It are prepea- packages i-ontaUilng one pound each. PayaUe monthly in adTania.
pointed demonstratiBg ami stint CO anated and in. wbkb report subaldlos are Tbesi- are sometblng like rolls uf cot
omy at Surgeons' ball
declared to be to only practicable ton liatilug. (>m smatler. a |»and of
Wren lived to Justify bis early pnmttee] waul. louM-ly iMcked. making, roU- Both pboBeaN«. i»4. 4ld W. FroatSi.
lae, but Dogal Stewart tells as of a boy
ed In pa(wr and <q>en at tb<^ ends, n
who. as be hoped, “would rirnl tbe
II jn, ban , dmlUat. Brnk.
iDcbm king and 2
ority report coo- package perbapi
fame uf Sir Isaac Newton.’’ Tfaiswm
or 3 Incbi-* In diameter.
tbe KD of Count Pu«sta]L "I cannot
Made lu varioas degnea of cot
Help oonsldorisg bim,’’ wrote to
nasA steel woul is put to a variety of
Sootch profeascr, *'ae tbo moM extraor worthy'of eoualdMaUon. os being a pol uses, tbe finer wooU for iicdishlng wood
dinary prodigy of intellectual endow icy that the Demoerats tbemseivca re- aud metal ifbd the coarser for rubbing
hm ever fallen under my fnaed tu adopt when they bad tbe down iwint aud varnisb. it Ik often
Ratra vary low.
This is a great aayit« in
adopt. Besidea. (be report nys it M naod on special |«ru of work: while,
•nape and am now ready
deed from Dogal Stewart, wbo
for exauiide. on tbe flat surfan-s of a
given to cntbnslaam nor oarelem exprea- well known that Republicans would door a mau would use sandpa|,>er with
never consent to sneb logUlation. os it
a block of It for tbe moliilngs
Unfortunately we have no detailed would be ruinous to American ship would use steel wool wbh-b (Us Into
infonnatiao about to yontb'a aoqnire- yards.
Thus defeated and cbeoktnated. tbe tbe crevices and conforms Itself to Irmenta iu later years. Bo died at 19 of
generaT decay apparently. But Mr. Le- humiliation and cmbdmasmvnt of the regulnr sbapos. 8ucb work cai
done, wllli steel wool far more res
maistre met him in bis travels and pub foreign sblpi>lng lobby aniWta free
lished an account in 1808, tbo boy be trade frit-nils must be acute. This and quickly Ibao with sandpais-r. and
Wuriburr Block
ing .then 6 years old. “Be aits on a car Ih-mocrnili- mlnorliy report doclarei It Is UMe<I wllli like advautap- on Irreg
ular and small surfaces ami on <-arved
pet,-surrounded by hU books, and when
tbe gravest and most acute remarks fall and nut n iiartisau one. Here, at least, work.
tram to lips of tbU little person a these IhMuucrats align themselves wttb
coaiwr iiiaterbil of the same kind call
spirit aeoms to speak rather ton cliild, jmogrcKKlvc and (Mlrlotlc KepuUi
and tbo fine expreaaion wUcb sparkles to tlie dlscoEillturr and defeat of the ed ateri shavings, which is put tu vari
foreigners and tbelr American free ous UM-s, aa in Uking off old gtalnt or
varnish and lu polishing wood before
trade allies.
paintiug. and It ls used ou bowling al
Amoag other taata, Mr. LemalNre
COMING MONEY CENTER. leys and on floors for Bmooifaing and
asked him to make a map of tbo Vene
tian empire, which bo did with accuracy. Cnltea aiatPB A«wairl«a 3mprrmm«r
SaDdiwprr clogs In uhc; steel wmil
Tbcae oompotent to Judge to fact will
breaks down. Tbe woul Is comm
readily believe that tbo child of 6 years
Russell Sage thinks tot In five years
wbo performed it waa an animated mir-' from now wc will Ih.- tbe niuuoy centi
SidewaUc Lninber in nil >(raa,
oela Tbe French armipa barred nearly of tbe world. .Vud for this Hume of tbe
every road in Europe to an English ncwBiwiH-rs call Mr. liagv nu optimist.
traveler at that data Mr. LomaisWe In view of the facts of tin- case we
An Inierestiug illustraiJou ot what
asked bow be could get bomo without would call this statement of M
aaore tc TnwersA City Lnmber Co
t>encb or Dutch a very conservative one. Wli
lerritory. The Child '‘iuMantly traced once of trade of goOO.OUO.OOO
on to globe tbe single rood remaining rolling up lu our favor every year we nunilM-r of roads in a .Michigau section
runners, says the fhh-ngo Record,
open." It is well'Tor this genUoman'a will be the money center of tbe world
this district the couni.-.' Is aand.v,
credit (bat Dogal .Stewart's eridonocs long l>eforc live years liave |>assed ove.long afterward, mokes tbo story pomi- our heads. In fact, there ore'not lack and the reads have is-en so l>ad
most of tbe year lliat It has
bla—Chicago Timea
ing among menwpiannid-Ju^lgoieut aud l>een bii|K)ssildc to bring to market the
good business iYdsc those Wbo hcllcvo produce of the farms. The nearest
TM^Isbramd Spsoiallat, FormaHy «r N*w York.
tbat the United/siqtes comes very near town was a|>|>lh>fi to. but It was so jioar
to being the nioQey center of the world that It was eomiK-lled to decline tbe renow. We of allSiaUous Imve gold to qm-sied help. Finally tbejanuors doUve
spare for export. Slouey Is much cheap cld.d to help themselves.- About five
er In New York today than It is In Ix>n- years ago i". of tliem came tup-lher
don. -Vs Mr. Sage himself has point
and offerc-*! to haul marl «me day fn-e ^ Slotwx -WrXLitilTiBi Xxa-^]-se Oi-by,
be liurruwed in New If the towushlp would iillow them to
question, and it may vety probably be out, mobey
I>cr cent, take tbe mart from its Ik-U. Consent
answorod' some day by scicnep in to York at
ids 4 |xr
affinnativa Tbe longurity of profea- iFbllc lu England It
given, aud alwut'^o men volunUHire. This is of course In i«irt twrvd (•> shux-el ami level tlie marl aud
eioual men is now generally oonsidtired ___
Ofioe How* from 9 ». m. to 8 p.
One day only awb aoeth.
due tu the Routb Afrb-nn war nud (be
flnrt half mile was laid. Tbia
coDHcgiu-nt stupiuigi.- of pild osiiokb road provisl mik-Ii n success tbat the
tualactivlQr, altoogb in many respects from (lie Truusvoal. TIun helps to next year another half mile «vas put
more exbanstiog than pbysioal, has in make iiiom-y scarce lu Eiiglaud. hut It down. The marl |uirke<l »lo«n bard
tbe main a salutary oScot upon the hu is noMhe muse of the plcutlfuluess of and made such an l■x<vllent Im-»1 for
man frame. It may bo tbenervos rather money hi this country. For tbe muse .ieraveMhal tbe farmers raised anioog
tbau tbo muscles upon which wo main of tbat wc must liMik to our protective tliciuselves enough money to |>ut a
ly depend, after all. It is a oemmon- tariff iwlli}'. 10 which u-<- owe tbe fac-t dressing of gr.nvcl ulmut eight Incbea
piece of obeen-ation tbat tbe big, hearty that Euni|>v is nmuliig up n big bill thick over «>iic.iiuurtei- of a mile ot the
men are constantly dr«q>ping qut of to with UM every yi-ar for the <iulput of rood. This made «u cKcUcnt walk,
world, while tboM of for more fragile Amerimu fnciorlex and (be producls uf and the fulhm-Ing year uion- muuey'
Aiuericau farms whh-b lii-r jHHiple buy wos eolhs-ied. and half a .iiiih- was put
orgauiutions ^iparontly live on to
of tin 16 nu-ofmimil Xnr in exivasof t!ic down. Rut this time only four Inches
ripe old ogcnuiouut oft heir prudurts wldcb we buy of gravel WHS sprca<l over tlie marl
As'to the incroasinfi longevity of tl
of them.
race gouorally, tore is no little ino
Tlio next year amitber giiorier tullo
dental testimony on this bead to bo
lim. nud about half a
trip was gravcli'-il.
gathered from various eourcos. bomo cl
“JciromoD Ylol.-iiiil (he constitution," jlle of tnarl was put down ready
tbe early heroes aud beroi:
jral con<
vlrtunll} shout lli<- fn-e trndeni. “wbe-n graveling ncxt'fnil. ,Ks a iiatural
manco are old before they reach what
b6 pnn-hast'il Ia>uisinna. Inhal)it<-d by s<-iiucnce of tbe linproveiiient In the
we ahould call middle Ufa And ot tbo 30.000 Frencli, who. altUouKli owwecd roads mure pro-luce Is now. sent to the
beginning of our own century Jano to ns, be governed as he Ihouglit Bt.’’ local market, and (he |>rinrl|ial town of
Ansten.wbosetestimony is always onim- Antlesimusluiilsts cuuuot sleep nights the dlsirli-t has Ix-uriltisl so large
gely by
pcaebabla speaks of tbu bc-altby and In tbelr frlglit Uni we carrj' out Jeffer
Improveinciit (but It lins offert-d to
oootented woman of 40 as haring a good son's Ideas hy gu^-erniug n lot of balf
iilsli gravel for a mile of road If lbe-|
prospect of 80 years of life yet Twenty
civilised FlIlpluoK JUBt an we did tbe
yearsi Wbat woman of toilay thinks of
ley hafc
80.000 euligbteued Freiieb of Louisiana.
u------- ./
lA-t's MS-- w he was it
said free
Elsuwbero lu Miss Austen's pages we
traders and atillex|iansliiiilBts admire
people who an> old'with tbo
of Imll licariag is d<>tbe name of Ji-fferaon. luii bold bis
•ertbod by a writer lu tbo nosiuii llernrlnciplcs in uitiT cuntempO'
now wc bavu Uladstoucs at 80 and
uIU. ft consists of an asscmblng
and think nothing uf IL-Frov;
carrier twills for Ix-arlng. w'blcli
A Lillie Hlstorr.
•cpxratcd by smaller luu-nn<>dlato balls
Now- tbat the iK-mcM-ratIc ]iarty, Is
Befit to be had »■
the city ifi at
Now 75c a Month
Chas. W. Merrill
to lyat raiaa atoak iMW-
Good Line of Jewelry
John R. Santo,
GeMfil lisiruci.
III Kills of Repairiie.
Fine Wood
For Cuoking or Furnace Purposes
CoosiiltatioR and Eiamination Free and Sirictlr CnifidMiil.
Nof PresideotoniieOtti&juiledictlliQUtite Go., lDth«oi,Ilek.
'Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
' As illustrating to groat value placed
an a little whisky by some folks iu rural
Maine, whore “prohibition prohlbita,"
thisstotylstold: "A big red faced fol' iw, wbowasBufloriugfromalougi
t onfoTood abatinenM as well aa I
a injured toe, was brought into tbe ofco of a Yell known physician of cen
tral Malueyi have tbo
Tbu eufferfr objected to tbe use of other
or cblorofarm.batwbei] tbo doctor tnnied out a tumbler of whisky for bim to
drink bo no longer opposed tbo praoeedings. and the toe .was cut off without
trotfbla. Beviring after tbo opontian.
anxious fur the Imh-iH-udenoe of Cuba
It is intorestlug lu uute the Cuban
plant of Its platform of 1800, wbieb
-was ns follows:
iIk Pmarnlir lartr s» hi A■ C<7Ui-UUa& ol thr itlsJH) of t.VitS oa
iBoacabh-to uuTK-l-n tad
•lust prtfUitMc iDUiDniL
commerce Is well indicated by some figores of tbe British board of trade. In
ten yi-ars England's trade with her col
onies was £389.1X10,000 gn-ater thai)
trlUi tbu United Rtaios. Brj4,000.000
greater than with tk-rmany and £ gtvaU-r than with France.
The Farmer'a Proaim.
Boap and siarcb not having adrauiced
in price, there has been nn increase In
leme.—W. P. Conltur in Ban Francost of tbe farnieFs laundry bill
But be has been getting a good deal
n»ore money for bis bogs, ateera and
com than be did a few years ago and
Wlfe—Ton’ro been drinkingl And
“Have yon beep able to catch to for tbo matertaU which i-utor tbew
you told mo yon were going to a prayer qmte’a eyef" ariced to flrMUdy leg- very articles.
Husband—T-e-a, m’ dear. I wash de
“Have IT' njoiaed to oecond 1^layed at abe inycr moetfng, and I (bie) latcr. “Well nUwr. I woro my navy
> knew you'd make big fua 'bout my bloe bengalino, with tbo beliotn^
(hie) oomtu borne •' late, and 1—1 (hlo) oleeveo, and to speaker couldn’t ke«
to brace up for aha ordmL-Krw hlseyeooffme.'’
UpoitocaUcf tbaboaaetoyi^ way* a part of to B
HMaA.—Dafrott Trtbana
Tbs Most fiaecessful and a
itof AllDiaeussMdfi
of Xankiod Foasibls to ObtahL
■M^MH^Sod(aTsrst<l7kBCiitcS^laU«t Id ^UbIM^SIaw. Bit
MstsircH^M^KKUVOin'.H'iuirBo'd HUm?DlwsM'‘6tM°th^uI^selmU i^aT
pies. Bad SBlIUSs biB lo tbs fail souMsbss o( lbs aSllsisid sscrywbsfs.
A Little t■eoB•UteBt.
Tbe Routlii-ru lK-uii>cracy disfran
chises tlie'negro. runs Jiucrow cars on
the railroads, taxes them without giv
ing them rt'i>rt>seutath>n. lynches ttaoso
moment,and then cocked his o>»—
ly ot tbo doctor. 'Say, doc,'* be .. whom It chooses to accuse without the
marked, 'gi' me anotber tnmberfni of formality of a (rial and yet holds up its
hands In holy borror Ixs-unse they fear
the Bepubileana are going to "oppress”
to natives of I'orto Rico.
It Was la lams* BaUa.
“Ton don’t want tot
hat. Mary,’’
•aid Mr. Muggins, wbo was with bla
wife in to milliner's store, “it’s too
big anyhow. Sow, If to milliner could
only take oB four or five fratbere it
would be all right'*
"That's oasy, “ intwpand to mUll<r sweetly, snltiiig to aoUoo to tbo
word. “And tburo yon bare a love of a
little bonnet ” Aud ton, as Mr. Mnglus felt fv hU poiAetbook smilingly,
linking of toeconomy be bad offecMd,
she added, “Now it's only fiSa”-CbimgoBeootd.
This iiicn-ly reflected tbo vk-ws 0
Democratic I’resldeuls Jefferson. 1‘olk.
rierce and Ruebanau, wbo fpvnrcd an
nexation of Cuba, as Is historically
BaatibsibBbBs er fsllsd !b thou,Bnd> of SMs* lb»i b»d
tesib ssor^ rear vbo al^l bass 6i D mured
to pcHset
POUIU.X iiAu. biABtina.
held In the ring which contains tbe cxrricra on the line of tbe dead center of ^ q»Bs» r»B^7, OL^
tbe latter. The rings and balls are
DB.OTTaj____ ,
made of all sixes, to lit all sixes of
sbaflings and axles, freni tbe smaUcft pAlBlmlr far aealsi bts*. pierrtiBB, indosfactory shaft to that of an ocean liner
the axle of a bicycle tu that of to
heaviest vehicle that runs.
Lob* Distal
Tbe recent discovery- (liat some of
tbo Ibrillbig moving plciurcs ot tbe
war lu South Afrk-n were made In New
jereey has a parallel In Faria, where A
certAin photographer Is mid to bo mak
ing money baud over (lit by taming
out Buap ahota of war scenes In tbu
Tbo pictures arc made In tbe Fre^.
capital'and are sold as genuine war
pbotographa Tbo photographer baa
collected eomc old horses and guns and
baa ctflisted (be Bcn-lcc ot a score or
more of supers froiu tbe tbeoten. who
are made ti]> as Boers or Engllsbmea.
according to tbe reqnlrementa of tbo
The Boers are dlsfingnisbed-by tbelr
long whiskera and the English by tbelr
nelfonoB. IniUatloo breastworks have
bem bnllt near Paris, and tbcae at*
Stormed by tbe inipefa while to man
vftb to camera takca to sup ab^
d ■motto
ofebsl^Tlee aad tbs coBueaa otUs tbat IbUow it lu tram.
A(lt'B«CCBBtor aU srvMN BMkaMS
sdas — b-j w«a m-r
taiTbaUlaaad t__________
aadbodT. aaStUBf Uws
elUar sw. poHUT«l7 sorsd, aa wcU aa tBaetMaaldMoateaUatrsauli- froa reutbtbl falUas or ihb acssss «t atawm Tears.
SPBCIALTUa: Oatarre. Sblb Dtsaawa.
lOTToai, vBic^ wiu recei
IPtlnta 80S 170.
Bx X X oRxix. xnxiMx, max
HOW THf nowcfv worn.
m feM>. MHg.
M ukN lh> tlao o< tk> MM i»*»,
n* Mw On*** irii9 H IM aiMv ««.
1W torn OM I (M b nr
AW k» Blvta* tWB *11 !■ ■ aowr. oi W ,
TM M tW «V (HI tW |«hM CM.
D> )«• kwv. Mtac. bw miM cm
OW Uh« (M ml <4 tW bastlM ■
........................ ■ rWUo ««Wt.
_ _...........
n. to Mta IW c<M «< -» bdV'* Mr
AW «U U MM Ito
A* to MM-. .Hto rktto tto MCW Mt* cMb
AM tM U tto nr ttot tto UUa cm.
p» m tom. torltoc. bw t«m pMt
Ab. ttot to Ito tonwM a all. I fctoto.
r* IbfT m tto taiM el all d .
w nH mi
Oj«*«h(. MS. bv Kr«M VtotatoK
Mrs. W/u>e Ml ati* bed bone sU tbet
nr woAUB could be expeetrd to beer,
end more. JuIMn would not
t onlr ccue
0 lore her. w be Alreedr bed done, or
to berer could bare epoken to tor u be
bed done at toeoktAM. but be could oot
Mport ber If Abe orerkioked tbit iudlcRbc would Abow him Ibal just beCAUtc ubc bAd bumored bim Aod clren in
to blD ulnoet eeerr time for the whole
Ale Dootba of tbcir married exiateace ato
It ollocctbcr lackinc (a Aplrl
Sto would Dot star nader that roof aaAtber Dlcbt—Bot aa boar loufar than wu
Beeeaaarr to aee' that tto booae wai pot
la order aad direefloas clrea for dlaaer—
Cor abc did Bot want aar oae to be able
to aar that abe bid arclected aar plain
dntr. But where wai abe to coV
It waa rerr eaar to aar that the
wUUac to work for ber Urlac. but
would gire ber a cbaace} And
neaat It wbeo abe aald abc would aooaer
narre e« tbc atreeti than oat tbc bread
of Jnllan WrnneU proridlag. Bnt the
police would not let ber do that. Bbe
abuddered at tbe tbooght of bring rooebIr palled about aad tbruit tato a cold.
■ ■ cell
•• araoac dreadful
ber fare waa all amudetd. wbicb pt«reated ber from ^klac ai heroic ai abe
feh wbea abc Mood np aad declared
•ternlr that abe would not giro war: that
ao luaa. eapecWlr Jallaa Wrwie. waa
worth her tea ra.
When Ura. Wrnac bad fiaiabed her
hoaaebold rontlae. abc felt calmer, '
ber reaotolloB wai unibakea. Go; .be
would. Sbe aaw thatt br baMening
baMenl t her
prrparatloaa abc could get tbe 10:47 train
■ tto
• eitr.
Jn't take a trunk
She «rooldn'
abe cooM aeod for tor
A unit cnae and a Glai
hiM eeeiTtbiDC that abe would need for
nil abe
tbe prettr.
obtogled boaae with tbe
lOed white
nuaUa mrulas at tbe wi•indowi.
had been ao proud of tto bonae aad ita
a abe bad come there to
and now abc «
laaelng It foren
"Vtoe tbe aelgbbore watebing ber? abe
adrred. Would tber read ber trouUe
la ber face aad take note of ber traeeliac
bagi? Sto boped DO one abe knew would
h* *olng la on tbe aatoe train. Fortu^Atrir It wu a little late for tbe abopr>ui /um\ aa ear iiao aaui.
Ihocau. roa Deed ant meet toe.*' and tbe
saw bad touched bii bat and driren
BwaTi abe tarned to face ber near nelgb*
bor. lira. Frewlen. tbe moat Inqnlaltirr,
naUMe and aoriable pemn Id Brock'barat. wboae deafacoa wu no bu to ber
iMbtent talkatlTeaeu.
"Whr, are roo going awar. Mrs.
Wrnner abe demaded.
me. I didn't know it! How long
•hfaSoet; we bad «i«nAii«l am «« that
onme aeeoost." ah^uM
tto tout
how mattcra Mood.,
Phr aorae teaeoafMn. Wj
ttda aeqateaceace. and ato rimmilnirit
with a pang whatinatil.now ato had flar*
gonew-that there, tod been a ffirtatkm
own upoo a time with Julian Wrane and
Gertrude Howard u prindpoia. If ato
had retnemberad that ato wcmld havogMK anrwhere, eren to ber moiber'a, bo-
otutlon for ber a
"I ^ont aereni boort In « cniali
eotBtrr town not far from beiu a few
daga ago." aald a reons
man of tbia citr. "and to klU Ume 1
Joined tbe »ual group In the comer
grocerj atm. One of tbe crowd wu
a freight brakeman. and be bdd
8 too late DOW iTety- ctorr about a tramp who wu ateoUng
a tide on tbe bumpera during hla laat
*The coodortor aeen bIm fint* bo
n In tor wUcltode tor
Mid. 'and when be «ame back to tbe
iboooe be aald. ura be: "BiU. tbere'a
a blamed nglr lookin bobo on dm
Jollan Wrnae arrired at Ida oSeo tmeka briUod tbe flrat car. Snppoae
-Juaa. wd ererrthlBCJthere tended to pot
Um In worw humor. He found himarif you go up and Ore bim off." "AH
br S30A than to had been tto dag right, cap," uga 1, and atarta front
E^ore: ih^ waa a letter of reproof fram IVben I geU to tbc flrat car. I lookt
down. and. aure enough, tbere
a anperior and
big. greaar hobo aquattJn
edge, boldin on to tbc brake Iron. "HI,
there!" uga I. "what tl’gou meain br
of eonne. to cooldn'I.
trgln to beat tbe road? We're goto
Benedict tto bead of aa eaul Js^B
tbc object of wlfHr eooBdence and affee- alow now. and gou bop right off!" Tbe
UoD—but wu be? Tto breakfaet aeene bobo reorbed around Into bia pocket
roae up before bim. and In hla preecnt and polled out a gun about a gard long.
mood hii wUe'a aneniou and retorta aa- Wben be pointed It at me. it looked
fomed a charaeter that wai anrtbiag bnt j like a piece of atoveplpc. "Vnp freckle
Doaed baboon," uga he, "if \you-don't
Didn't to bare enougfa
enourfa to bear wttbont
«itbMt go 'boot gour bUHineu real aoddeu.
aoddeu, I'll
/a, ''Well, BIU. did goo
iTiBf Ore the bolior’ "No.'' auga I. "I didn't
m) to - In ebatUn with btm.'’ I sags. "1 found
ber aWme. however. •
out we waa kin. and 1 didn't reallg
iiing apinater aunt:
bare tbe heart to bounce tbc poor fclOelaa ainr lor frv dijw Plmw ittr M I
bont until rrtum.
lerr' "WoU. ru do It myaolf, then!"
Rejoiring in hia
be uUM Mga the conductor, guitin hot and
furtb, a free man once moi
Bnt bia awag be goes over the tops. Prvttg
elation wa« abort lived. Ten mlnutea Ut- soon 1 coOld bcat^ bim comln back
er he
_ split „„
> into blra. Frewlen, (be laat _____
on ^
a dead run. Ho slid
woman oa eu^ he would have cfaoaea jowa the brake Iron like a streak of
greased ligbinln ami dropped into
•the cabooM! seat all out
ut of breath.
thing I eboDld aee gon juat aa
"Did gou Are bimr says I. ".\o." aaga
thlokiog abom gon? Won't gon
of faint "Why. Ii^rf was
gour. dinnen
Jinners with us while Mrs. W
ia na-ar?
i»-ay? It U ao deeoUte for a man to that?" nya I. im-tondln to he surprlsdine alone.
Vell, X'll tell you." snys lie. con■■She's rraiy." thought tbe eonfuaed fldentlal. "It’s funimy. bpi.. «rgo
I’goM know,
alkic. I found out lie
*’®' T when wc got to tal
plied^ aloud, "but ! am juat learlag tbe
**^Are yoQ going to Itocbealer ..-vV
Inter Ocean.
rtaihly had not oceanrd to
travel ia that dirretioD, but ainre %
atarted bin tbai'way be wouldn't retuee
ne Boa • Mealk
loath One-thlrd the tue
at uis Bo4>.
’•'Vea. short time only; mutt rnab for
Siost remarkable ut sirange Ashes la
the angler flsh. whose very name atvma
Wynne, "could she have meant bg Hel a paradox. The Uhbiug lish Is uuveren's leering me t« aoUiarg dionera. and tbcleu a realliy and n stern one lo all
with mg head did not ache ao. Uucu
I'll get a lK>.T to triepbone and make aure
Helen hasn't atarted for Boebester, aa
that Frewlen creature Insiouaicd.''
rag this morning? Didn't ug
wben «heM to took? Told coacbmaa not
meet ber. knn are sure gon nade^
wlM tto^tov wla^lo^d tolrine^"M
If mg wife toi gone off oa a litlle'lear
of her own and as if sbe bad’got tbe
atari of me. I toliore sbe did threaten
leave me this Tctg dag. Bot wbg
•aid ato cbooae lo go to Itoebestor?
eao’t know n soul there. That'a Ibe
tucufed on. and It was found thar If
An was toiiclnil with a
■OcY, even though the sllek did not
come near the iinnith. the jaws closed
couruUIvrig. This shows that tbc tin,
bg some prmislou of nature, closes the
jaws as soon as It is t.m. heil.
? anyihing for me
Deserted husband In pnrsnit of hla wife."
Rochester is n..| as large
trge «as New York
Hiy. but it Isn't tbe easiest ibiBg in tbe
world tu liod a tvoman thereV when gou
have no idea wberc sbe iss iMaying aad
re is to avoid
Wben your mnlrolling desire
pnblirity. Sabibed that hi. wife had
not KOBO to a hotel in Iti^b.-stor, JuUan
.Wynne, nuw tboningblg alarmed, returned to New York f.v further InforamUon.
“How la* everything, nuntr be asked
with as murb onronceni ai .to could
luMer, prwBliag bimaelf tbe next dag
at his own house.
"N’ory will. Hot gou
you did not tell me
that Helea was going
with yout^ Didn’t
ahe return with
"No. You w
aooaer than X
'*i the sliaih.w of sonio rock
bottom of the M-a, walling motlonleu for the aiiproneli of his pivy.
He la prorided with an ode? kliid of liii
Just over the tnoulli, and this Is held
out In front of 1.1m lo give warning of
„,p coming of sonictlilng lo be swal-
double or treble rows along Uic jaws
and at the entnu.ee of the Uirt«it,
“'■'■ •" >«'•>'
**« Attenda sirh-lly to l.iisim-ss and will
*«•«>'<«• an.vriiliig thai"T8u. bes
warning Ah. whether. It is nieanl for
All kinds of things have been found
tn tbe stoinariis of huglers, from bits
of lead and stone lo Ash uhiiost as. large
aa the angler Itself. This Is tvlihout
doubt ouc of tho innst |Ms-uIlnr and lu-<
terestlug Ash In Ihe whole oot'on.—St
liOUls Globe Democrat
t"." ■
«Cmd to tto 1^
» sM tbr ti
Utt Bigtll to ori 10 MS t bM
Of (vlr. vta llcht into lank tti glM
Acrori tto pMoTul. <tok*alM UAn
Wtoa. Cnaptri toaid. tto ritps «PW
tto fous kid hesAtori. tM tto ritr
AM vladi o( wiolrr <ty aloM,
to. Ikramk tto roar «(trukhw vara.
Abon (to mprafr iMiaa and taw.
A mice conn o>t tto iroobM UM
-kKtord SUUsriB Pevrll li
The PMflto Wot
r ysHMot.
Lorga aa
"There ane tricka In the whisky boalCM aa weU as In others." aald tto
drummer tor a largo ct
house, ’'and I remember once bow tba
Arm 1 was with got stuck. One dog a
man drove up in a ooc borflb wagoa
carrying ooe barrel of whisky, which
he wanted to seiL He told tu aonte
kind of a atorg about an old uncle dy
ing and loavl^ it to him: but, as be
couldn'tafford to use as good liquor os
It was. he bad concluded to sell It.
"Wc took the barrel Into tbc houae,
and, prying out the bung, we sbppcd in
tbc siphon and drew off a glass of It to
sample. And It waa fine. The barrel
showed age. and the liquor losted It.
U waa worth 110 a golloo If It wu
worth a cent, but we didn’t give tbe
man any such pointers. Wc knew bg.
the weight that there were at least 40
gallons of it. and we made him ao oft«T of |1150 for the barrel. He higgled
awhile, but took tbe money at last and
drove away.
"In the conrac of a couple orwet*i
u> put that whisky in
bottles and sell It as caae goods, so wc
set the siphon to work at tbc bung apd
began to. draw It off. After the fourth
bottle Ipid'lK^en drawn the alpbon re
fused to work, and wc examined it to
find what was wrong. We could not
get at It that wag. and, as the contenu
Bccmcd to be all right, wc act the bar
rel on cod and bored another hole in It
Then the siphon worked, but tbe liquor
was much iwler, and one of tho men
tasted It. Ry George, ft wasn’t whisky
at all! It was only water, colored
•omewhat from the charred Inside of
the bam-L
"That scared ns, and we smashed the
bead Id to see what was Inside, and we
MW in a minute. The wily cuss bad
fllled a can with Ane ohl whisky to the
bung where wo made 4be cxauitoaUon
before purclmsliig..«D<I when that I'S'i
been emp'Uetl the whole story bad been
told. Ill: bad probably paid $S for the
gallon to All tbe can. and wc sold It for
rJ.r.0 a iKittle. but we didn't get a
blanioil cent for the HA gaHons. more or
less, of water lliat Ailed the rest of tbe
barrel.''—Washington Star.
The TMvahae er
Taiunhae eventually
Bate the "war hatchet" of the Indian,
supplied by the uilHiarg commaodcra
of die whole eoutloent lo equipping the
warriors on the many eX]>ediUona In
whii'lt French and English were coniiitly engaged.- and was furnished
c ludiun allies of the English tn oor
■»»«. '>"<•»' war of Indepentlonce.
anglers was caught imt long
This wcajKin was either In tho form
an*l- HmuRh It was only 115 luch,
of a siwar or hatchet blade on one side,
long, a flab in Inches long t
sticking in Its ihnuit. The migicr is
“What will bl
IBP?' Or b be golar with ronr'
*'Ob. be win enior keeidng ba
han. fa.
I'ee VO
DO itanbL"
All of Miu. Wrt^'a.tojdlot bad to be
---------- at _
. c ---------------------- JT Of
•X'tn’t t<
tbetn repeated. Sbe waa gbd when tber
'■You don't look a bit well. You had
toacbed tbe frrrr. One queation that abe be^er atay uaiil you get ivated."
draaded more than all bad not been uk*
:ea, certaialy. Send luy letten that
Bat It wa» not too late ret- Aether
% piraw
MStod the rirer, Mre. Frewlen. parrr*
IM or aeetnlng not to bear remarka abont
------ ----- siiuaUonr rxdalmed Mr. ' -I am asalMnni wvrvtarv of the
vcalber. tbc nosloua odora of ferrrWynto
town. ''rTo tiMsurg." waa the reply. VWliat can
and tbc ctaual commenta on tbe .got to talk it over with to
aocne tme. X i j,. e.» eAit?*'
trlab of eubnrbaaitea In tranrit. put In:
"Did reu car ron were coU)g to rear
wrot. ibu h. ml.1,1 .rrir. i.J„. T™. ”>»
S- «»r
-No." replied Miu. Wri
tore It la. That's right, today.
, Norther, but I’ve come to jiay the gov. I mnet eetstbe porter about
-U to Wert- crnuioDt acme moucy timt I guess 1
.• ot hU de- owe it fairly. I oamr iuick from EuBut tbe friendlr Mn. FreWbs wu sot ligfaifnl sorU-tg. He's got to help me. I rope some time ago with some dutiable
to to baOed tbn.
I goods coacealcl aUmt me and got |tast
"Yon don't mind mr ukinc where ron can't stand tbis much longer." .
“*# "*'WAPAnt of i the reveuuc olAcers with them. I Agtoe going, do roar* abe uld aa her nn^ *un. l.l.™rr -b-, M,.
j„v.„,n.ont bbt ot
hapi^Tlctlm wu
"I )BM <
one Bwtr fr
mlaute. ITtrn tbere was aomethlag
Aud-get the matter off my mind."
•at kaow where tber
It'a ao n
laded like a simultaaeoas sigh of reUM
"WcU." res|(oudfd the assistaut aecdabb."
from two petoDDa and some exclamsAoA retary.'*Vc liave what ws call a conNow, tba onlr thing certain abont Mra. thai were not eSpecinUy iatelliglble. bat oclcnce foud, and as this seems to be
Wrani'a plau wu tbe nacertalntr of
Bar daminatloB. Sbe eertainlr could not seemed to to aaHsfactory to those «oa- a caae of eonselence''—
I "I don't know that it’s my conscience
f»d would not go/ «v
to uri
ber motber’a
uivtun * vt
or ouj
’•How did you know 1 waa herer detroubles roc " aald the vltllor, "but
at bar lolatlrea, where
ebere abe would hare to
loarf >b. Woml
'» auttera. An
And In aecepUag tbe
enda abe would bare to
lUr of Mesda
_ ogb tto HUM bomiUuUng ordeal.
• thought of a hotel and dUmlaeed tbe And you. But why did you tell Mn.
l*‘* Infenml ‘cough up. coujAi upr
I la tbe Mine breath. Tbc Harriet- Frewlen that you were going to Boctoa- and I’ve got tired of it."-Olilcago Trib. .rie home oeenrrrd to ber. bnt abe anre- lerr
f ooald not teU blra. Frewlen that abe
"I never did. She beard Bochestfr: I
If All CaaAiAatM Wvre V’felte.
Mid B'eatctoater."
Woatebeater," abe aald
The word "candidate'' Is from tbe
-Wftt. I think we had better go up
at lam. At tto InaUnt ato thought it there lor a dag. It la tbe eaaiert wag I XaUn "caudidatux.” I.lu-rnllg It lueant
WM nl^^tot^br^ ruling of IVorldeoM
think ot to baffle Mra. Frewlen and white robed, and it wai thus called
ipe letpng Btockburst into oar eon- cause In Rome those who sought offlee
%<AaMerr esci
1 Ura.
glim-ring white toga. Fancy.
*irhMk tonrea. a
"Ob. Jalian. that U a b
1 ber deafneaa before.
(DM toon w.»d.Hn. ho. I ... to
U10.1.TU Americans
Ml DOW, rinee ato tUaka 1 baTo gone to
wBamar, whr t^oulda't t go to WeatDrcsrni
In some sections there
And a aenae ol tto beai
•hMbr? Thmo'a Oertrnde Alirn: ato tad oat all meixiorg of
' r-s miaerg. - «-ould be no Aueb thing as a darit suit
MU Mka me In and be leu prring and -New Yort: Preaa.
of dotbea. Washington would almplg
Aupuable than anr om I can think of.
to one shining center of unlveroal
ffjb la tor for a tew dara. 1 woaldD'c
•nm Ato Cp.
' whit«Dcai.-Baturdag Evening Fost.
M fl ^iirgi wore tome, on account of
Straagw (who bat been admlttad tatto
oabUme pretence aa an Americna travel
That's AU.
er deslrooa of paying' bis reMects>-lt af
*T hear that BclUngtom boa manM
fords me great '
money." aald P
it Tgi
Turkey (rrilh a gasp)-Bg tto
Tea a faiM report” replied .BotUaf
iE iSElE'TJ'EJb™ ■“
IM ollhs Snlac
. Vksa beats COM briar aosm tto M
AM otaur-r riBBfbt «s alar,
tending Into the eye of the weapon. In
to tvlilcli a tough handle of wood was
fitted IS Inches or two feet In length.
I'he handle was perforated almost Its
entire length, and Ik-Iow the hollow of
the Iwtvl lx was bored at right anglea
to Ibis iH-rforatlon, a suitable stemholc
for the passage of the tobacco smoko
when the Implement
The tomahawk pipe was not only at
tractive and popular In trade, but. like
the earlier trade pipe, was given
presi-nt at couuellH and ratiflcatlons of
ireatJes. It was a pipe, a hatchet and
a uiaee or liammcr nil In ono and
ewerod an inipt^nt militarg requlrcmmt in les-sonlag the weight and IncumbranciT of the warrior, who other
wise would have tenaciously bold to
the BioDc pipe, which In Itsdlf waa
heavier than Ibe tomahawk. — SfflUhsonlan Institution Report.
riOB.H L. A On. Boot.
tM lion. H. L. A Od, BsM.
4 00
Btn-nm OAnsorn
Woaai. old, par M................
WhsD^ par bo. ^w)...........
Osta. Ho. 1. Ml
Om, par ba........
Batter, per H..
■gga. pwdoui
[ _.B>RNUMl
Hat. "Tn cu Jnap ea it tnmple ea
It It will come op amlllsg every
Un "Caiman's Elastic Floor VarnUb
6 E Walt.
Ihiag for Dolbiog'.' That's what
it offered.............................'■"eepremyon by the Lion Coffee
ium dUplay In tbe Vienna, IHakery
front window.
> Un U txtff in 24 Mmirs.
First Freeze
Cleat Ice, irom Boardman lake.
and fatal diwaM.
and in Umu. it will cure a uaw24 hours, aod fo- tbu cough that
lol«va L« Urippo i*. never fails to give
At rwideDi-<-s —Ktiiii.- hk Inet y.-ar.
•:i.<f. Prlto.2&c: ’ **
Havp largo<|aaQti:yoD hand,
make a apeciaUv of car lot*
$1.00 a Month
J. A. Jackson
Both'Hbeam. No. v.
SmtoU Plaan always pieaae.
To Coro a C«M in One Day.
'ake Warner's While Wine of Tar Sj-n
!ie l>est cough remtih <-11 earth.
Fire Insurance.
L. £>. A. Building
t tow. Bpaelal atUaUea u
eoareraaelBc. tlinwBtBi.
WILSKII. pbrulrla^ou ■urrv
OSm MwTeOMtor bl«ek. tie rrant >lr<
Grud Riplds i Indiana R;.
Irrivat anj di-punorp «r trwiu.. >t Traverv-
aucodM u arorip-ly. OOoePkoBM.n
IS. KMldvoM.BvlISSD: Nvwto
INSULT 0. PWM. Atwmay a
TNR W. B. a W. 8. Hood, cvurral prMnlcv aim
ice Opera Booae Block.
r^BO. B.OBOM, Auoreey and OeusMUar at
OSCM. Olty Oper*
0*. eSec MB. TtMdaaee. lOa.
n aOILBBBT.Auaraay. SpMlal aMroilop
"• “
Cfitiyccsssegs .sgg'
T A. TBOMPBON-H. D Offlo. lu HamlUra
X. A HUUkrii BlooU. Hoar*.(to 11 a.m., I
to 4 p.m. T'.lopbaaa. n.
IXh up *ialr>. lo Pranl. I'yiedrlcb'. oew Block.
aad eblldreo'a dloeoM a .prelolty. Olflre
boura: 10 to It a. a.: S to 4 aod 7 to ( p a.
toll -phooe. Noetbero 'pboor No. 1.
TNU. R. K. FLOOD. OBoe lo oew Toceelle.
U Block CoJUao.wrrrd promptly day er
olcbl Nonbcrn'pkoor.S; toll.mi.
T B. MARTIN. PbyalclaB and aornoo, OBcw
J. todleaUbrary:hoUdlox.:tollpboee-tft
Bee. No W: roaldenee. Mo. 71. Nortbero pbeor
—oBce aod tooldrace. No. 71.;
nR. A. J BOOTT-Veterinary BurgeOD, at
HorKae'a Bare. Treau dlacoar* of al
domeallc anlmoli by tbe latoal and mo>i ap-
:s‘S:r'.s»iirKi.sr;ls»’s ir.
TbvdAp ei. iralB hw parlor
Rapid., •lid .Irrplav Car nod
TVplBarrlTlaakt IMp n bn* rirrprr Ca
rlDsntl toiirsnd Uapid. UBdraiM-b and .Irri
loy-nr catentfo to Ortuid Rapid, nad rbair car
Tnnls arrlTliig »I:(» p. a ha. rbn'.r ror p.
C. K. Mt-RRAV. toepL
U P. AT A . llrwad RapidD.U.
The Fere lirqnette Bnilnita
r\H FRRU TILT. Vetenoory Morweoo and
JiJ UeoUaVBorxm aod Denial wortAprcioltlea-OBo* oext to Walt'* Drue Btore on t'oioo
The Trmap'a Advlee.
She was standing on the front porch
reading the story paper, which bad
come In tbe mail.
PRtD MORBB.lmnlflDlal> oud bouoe point
'Madam," said Meandering Mike, A lo*. fine paper hoairlnc a apecialiy. All
you brush- away a tear Jes*
■piONO THHIMO-J. W. Ollfl».Vstofc..lonal
planptaDvr. wlu W4W. RIntoli Co. t»
"S'poslu I did." she returned. "It’s
no business of youra.”
2 A. S^NB, M. a.^^tMoatv from Ibr
"1 siwkc In kindness, lady. You ain’t
treatlu yerself right to cry on read
ic oprrallTc .ntywy aod dlMM prcsilar to
both at once. It's a double stralo On tbe awmacb. OSec aod rtwldrocc I’lS Bay
At bone trom b to lOa. m- and from I
yer eyes, an yon might as well llstca
to my hard luck stories an Mve yer
V I'BIC LtoBONB Mr* Proari. a Bnltb.
eyes exclusively fur do weeps. If yon saa
woeberot plane and orrao. Trim* Plikes tuuchin stories, lady, here’s yer
4 IMWOO. 7:1 Vaablogum rirrvi ~
cimnec to havo 'em brought to yer
* moklnc p*rlor
door, an you needn’t pay *2 * yetFa
. toll pbooc t»
subsciiptJon In advance, neither. It's
de chan.ee of yer life, lady, to trade off
cold victuals for pBthoB.''-Waablogtoo
ooim. (tOCTH-
. .
4 Ubp Uiiloir.p'v ao am
h Qip mlUir.^ Vaiam!
SSSils!, if*
L» Trareroc Cjr,
Ar Bk Rapid.
a. r. MOKLLER. il
OroBd Rapida.
unsm UD nBTHusw 1.
All Alvi
‘Ab.” aald tbe conceited fHlow.
low. with
a view, to making her jea!
k "I
atone last evening with1 one
admire very much."
"Year'she said. "Alone, wtro yoor
-rhIUdeipbla Press.
*‘It did your cold good to go and toe
tbe doctor. I knew It would."
"Yea. He’s got a worae cdld than I
bave."-C^leaco Record.
If you_____________________
1 Intend to do a mean thlag.
wait tm tomorrow. If you Istaql^
do a noble thing, do it now.
It destr^ otosjMrTM to. to
dean. "Be macclad a coabsttiY-A^ ble e^darto ttottoBM hw
!■«. ifciftoliM
Fiieiil Diieciot.
TfnniTi am
Oameaa Bauneratere in Veahlacton
nndOaaton Claim sue.
epMmi M TO. KOTBlac EMSTd.
Oantoe. Ohio, Jeno a—The WaeUngmoenenamao who get MoKlntoyto
Both* Bbew«« VIcht b«l GBtU OB«i*U nameeaa wipe It ofl htoltot. It ho
domn’t he to likely to hare trouble on
elaim the Ma—Uttt*
Ktntopa aa lealdanto and Oanem BnuHOtftmoi
>tor Whila et tha tint ward kaa
both the prmidmit nnd^
wtla. Thto eetton wee tnkee after oenenltlng the ehtoto.
A«torU TakMi Withoot B»-
apmiai «•
o*eW -try e(
. lm4 Bobwtt Utt Pr-orik, aor Udwd.
to th«a uytkSac >—tr thu tb« t«pvtolatka'dlapMcli-------------- to Ua iKpHial YMmaaiy.
to tb« Irtob
Mainly tron
EMblln and Mtoak B^nrto tram
SataMadtoaU Uat the altaaUoB there
and nnebaaced.
■ uahnted
---------------hM rejoined the mala army from
lUrwht. within rifle ranye o( which
town there ire l.OOO Boere poetad.
Itoe bwrhere were on June i eUll
numerone at L^K'e Nek. thonyh It U
Tsmoredthat many were leaeinr lor
Lyadonbory. They are aleo reported
to be in umolmied poeeeeiion of Moliar'a Paw- Lyttietoa waa on June s at
CoetM'e Drift proteetlny the Brittoh
riyht flank.
London. June ft —Lofd Roberta
porta to the war offloe:
••Pretoria. June 5. ll:M p. m. - Joet
belare dark yaatarday oeeniay the
enemy waa beaten back from nearly
all their |welM«««- BamUton'e mount
ed Infantry followed them np within
t.ooo yard, of Pretoria. Dellale then
eeotanoAeerwithafiayof traee into
the town demandinr ita aarrander.
gbortly atur midnight 1 was awaken
ed by two ofielaU of the Booth Afriean
repablle who branght me a totter from
OMeral Botha prepay an armtotiee
fortheparpoaeofoetttlag upon tarma
earTnaocr. iI repim
replied that *I wonld
^edly meet tha eommandant the next
_m.IV.tail »» «« prwmi 1"
Ummumulh. .urmite ol Uii
____lb.v~i.4Utei.ltown mea. — —wamww Intel
• —™
for a reply by daybreak and etotad I
Aould order the troope to march on
thotownaeoocmae It wae light. In
hto reply Botha toad mo be bad doeldod
to defend Pretoria and that ha troatod
the women. ohUdren and property
would be protested.
“At one a. m. today mhlto on the
Una of mareh I wm mot by throe of
the ^Inelpal riril offletols with a flag
of tmea, who atated that they wtohed
to auirandor the town. It wae arrang
aaomu be
w« token
ed that nesona
Pretoria should
^^pomemton of by her majmty^ troope
ns nro oowou
o'oloek thto
Botha nndKra. Kroger are both in
Pretoria. owm
of the
mtm Br-’ ’^ i-----------—---------hare bean token nway.but the majority
are at Watorral. O—r 1« ofiearu -~
In Pretoria, -the few I haea Man
London. Juno a-Aftor the efielnl
It of the enptnre of Pre
toria the wnr oAee hototed the Union
Jaok. Thaerowdeoutoldeeheerad,but
o^mwtoe London reoolred the news
1. By ton o’elorii the foUowtag
lag he had marehnd u mUee,
but wae too Uto to
ymnaaary. Methuen attaoked the
Bowu. who merc bticween 6.000 and
«.00eolra«.aa4 aftor a rnaalag fi^t
d the en
of *—
A ««7 regrettable i
clrem tent and to eUU in ei
On all Un«m at the Benton Btota.
e repaired emonntto ratoed. Take
Admiral Kempt Imada More 8ei
and Marines and Bigurfw aa
gugemeat WiU Boxw Maeot
WHh Mnmieie Mra^ht With mtmx
Paagsp Mintotor OoBgar Mae VUto
pree—t ontlook the eonreatioa wIU
Thto wonld indicate the opening of
the (Mlneee
rebels and the foreign foroaa. PnrUer
news to awaited with anxiety.
London, Jane 5—Beutar’o Telegram
Company lays
od tbe Boldlera guarding the Pekin A
Tin Tsin railroad with heavy lorn.
Paris, June s—The Pn
OSes hae notified Uu pnm that alI to restored in
China through the landing of the forrign troops at Tten Thin and sending
of them to Pekin, the altuation
really ebaagwl eerioosly'lor the v
in the last three days. The foreign offiee fean the telegraph line will be cut
and the railway between Tien Tsln and
Parle. June S-Chlna to absorbing
Liplomatic attention at prment.
tbe foreign office today. Fears are
now ontsrtelnod that the Boxers will
besiege that eity. It to reported that
tbe boxers a suath ago numbered 100,The Bumlan initiative to viewed
with mixed foelings by French diplomatlstt. Rumla
tlvo Cblnoee Ideas as opposed to the
open door policy, and conaequntly.
though Franc* to Bussla-s dooe aUy.
dlfiteulty to oxpertenoed In backing hor
e will therefore prob
ably bo etreagthangd In tbe garrtooM
In China ooosldeiebly. white awaiting
French agents In China
have given the Impreesloa that the
in the
PhiUnlnes,are not to
la China.
Serious leers are entertained for
and cravmts and
rieartote la tbe Shan Tnng proviaoe.
It to eonridered likely thM the Bneelan
m from Port Arthv wUl pruoeed
kymyofTtonTklnto oeenpy Pekin.
Of the Bwellert sheet in tbedtogolag at mri pm sent dtoeonab
The Boetem Stem.
to golag very fast daring thto mla.
It to the Mg rud,w|toM^|^
Fourtli Year—No. 963
Ksaioeky Editor Exblblto a Mati vs
ejmlel w Tus Heaxiss Escosb.
Padueah. Ky., Jfiae S-Ths B«toter
prtnto an artleto whieh KentarirtaBi
fear wUlkadto a duel bekvreen tbe
editor and O
Whaater tram tbe Int Ksataeky dtotriet The BagtoWr ehargee WheeUr
with Banding slothing presumably beteaglag to Mra. Wheeler, through the
United States mails la a box tebeted
“PeMle DoCumenV' thmeby mviag
the wTpreemgr from Waehingtoii to
and best roods just recelvedAlso base balls and baU snppUes at^hs
Call and see them.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ■
Your Wife Loves Another
Suit of clothes on yoo on Sunday. The suit you wear during
tbe week is all right, but when it comes to Sunday or specW
occasioua, she wants you to look nicer.
inebt pail—liand turn euled.
Fine black kid dress bootsband turn' soles—two dif
ferent styles.
Fine black kid, hand sewed
welt soles — live different
Fine chocolate kid, band sew
ed welt soles—two different
Fine box calf, band sewed
welt soles.
Oor Sniiday Snits at $15, $18, $20
are good enough (or a king.
Straw Hate for men, boys. chDdren........................5c- to $1.50
Boy’s Blouaea—newest patterns.............................2.>c to $1.50
Negli^ Shirts—the latest oat.............................50c to $1.50
Belts; bike soita, cape, hose, sweatera.
For tbe best always go to
Union Made Shirts, 50c.
Widths AA to B.
Bin* 1 to 8.
The beet woman'e
ehoe made.
and everTwhere
the eame price—
$3.60 a pair.
New assortment of the Utest
Union Made Overalls,
Are you amongOthose who have taken advantage of
the special prices we are making on
Itrall desirable styles and materials? $2.98. $4.98. $7.98,
$9.98 buys suits that were priced at about a half more—
One, two of a kind—that's the reason.
$11.48 takes choice of any suit in the store.
The Leader la Pine Footwear
Minute Rates
Ladles’ Eld Lace Shoes............................ 98o
Men’s Satin Calf Bala................................880
Boy’s Satin Oalf Bale.............................$1.00
Ladies’ Black and Tan Oxfords............. 76o
Hisses Box CaU Lacs........ ....................... 76o
Woman’s EidjButton............................... 7Bo
Serge and OarpetSSUppers......................26c
Woman’s Oil Oraln Button Shoes........ 97c
Hen’s and Boy’s Working Shoes........ . 98c
Tennis and Canvas] Shoes and Oxlords
at........................................ 60,60 and 76o
Oet themlof thelOld Beliable,
laphaminff, Iron Mountain
and other*
Upper Peninsula
New Linee
Low Bates
242 Front Street
New Store
Have You..
\Vc don’t claim to sell |the chetpert abow is ,town, ^
but we do claim toTaell a Hue of miaaoa’ and child- ^
ren’e aboee as GOOD as anyone doea.
- ^
■ For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get
Miases' light Bexible sole kid^shoee, black and tan... .$1A0
Child’B band tom aboea, laoe or^nttes, black and tan
-5 to8.......... ........................-................................. 760
Sooret of other etylea. We can anitiy plmae yon ♦
in style, price and qoality.
tegenmir^ will hare n walkorar
Ouliiifl lClliBM7
81t0Btl0& BMomas BUok and
■pselal s» TM towulae Bmord.
Told of the Borribto Deethof Km
London. Jnne «>-A dtopnteh from
Priria «yt that Mr. Norman, a Brittoh
Leode. by Bmralag Teeterdey
mtorionary, sraa murdered at Yang
<Mia June t. Thto and Boklnaonh
murder were undoubtedly doe to omoOhieego. Jnne S—Hra. Anne B.
Leoda. wife of camrtoe dtnr Leode. a pUelty of the gorernment with the
atreei railway promoter, wae burned Bai
■Un, June s-The latest news
at bar home.
6,011 WeehlngtoD aTeane. The Arc, garding the Boxen rocelred here by
which oeaght from e geeollne ezplc< both prlrate and official tolegran
the situation black and alarming.
eloo. wae oatingulehod before It did
mneb damage to the booee. but Kia. The German foreign ofilce oonslders an
between Boxers and BnsLeoda waa anreloped in a eeeUlog
furnace in the bsaement, cut off from slans an errnl probably fraught with
), and died with one die. tbe greatest dunger,
Junes—At the csbiuet
paring ahriek.
meeting today Secretary Hay read a
cablegram from Minister Conger at
Pekin to the effect that tbe allttstlon
in China to very nnsatisfacten and
Bnt Negro Askew Would Not that even In Pekin great alarm to felt.
The minister will be given wide disOonfees to s Grime
blc. Tbe stele department stiltt flob
Laahed aod Bamed by an Infuriated itself unable to do more than it has
already rMpeetlng the
Mob Until Saif Dead. But PreAmerican Intereeia In China. Troope
" totted Bis Inaoeenoe.
are aet available and eves If they
epMUI toThr Meralwr BMienl.
L^dtolnMlesleelppi City. June 6-Tbe negro ellned to participate l^any Joint dom
Aekow was taken from JsU by a mob onetration that would menaee the In
and wae put shrougk a horrible ordeal tegrity oftho Ohlneke empire. This
to make him oonfem that he
to a enffielen^answer to the
and mnrdered Chnetlae Wlntemteln Intimation ooming from British newspaperu that the United Stetet^ oooporakew denied all kao iedgeoft
f the erii
tion with British forces In Chins wonld
n tied to a tree and-hto baekwae bovroloomed.
i mereilemly, the
in the
A break in Admiral Kempt’s mbU
gram to caused by an lUegogible group
> tereamed with pria bnt declared
of flguieo in tbe eablogram. Beading
n Innocent. A rope wae then put in one light, it would aeom that New
around hie neck and he was bototod to hae landed so eallom to i
a limb of a tree again and agrin. being marlnm already ashore and In another
taken down Just before be loet
aspect it might ho ready to state that
eelouuem each Ume. He begged pU- so eaQoie had been landed with anot’aer
eouely for hto life and for a eeemtlon
of marines. However that
of the tiwturo.
may bo. tbe admiral's news to regarded
Be wae told If he would eoafeee he as of the utmost gruvity.
would moot with a morciful daath. but
Washington, June S—Tbe secretary
if be did not oonfem there was wome of the navy has the following from
towture. HesaidheeoDldnot oonfms Admiral Kempt.'^mandlog tbe U.
because be wae lauoeent. Torture by
fire was then tried. The N—ro was
Btripped and exposed to heat nntU hto landed a force of 50 seaman moi
eldn wae eeorehed and
a battalion of marines. Kempf.
Abdbt thto time one of the men In
tha mob loot heart In the
and laterferod. Ptotole srere drawn.
and trouble sronld hare oeeurrod be
tween the moa bad the father of the
murdered ehild not epoken, saying the
mother of the
ehUd ought to
be permitted to see the man who had
done her so great a wrong. Thto
aorred as an ercum tor relaxing the
torture aod the man. half dead, wae
London. June 6-The prem emoetoharried baek to JaU where medleal at
tlon Btotoe that it laarne that immedi tention was giren him.
ately after the eeeupation ol Pretoria
Lord Bobarte aent fJenaral Prench
with earalry to raleaae the Britmh
NewTork Demoerata Elect Delegatoe
primmeca at Water—1.
London, June a-Oomparad with the
and Marne Their Preference.
epeeiai to Tu« smmne BceotU,
the relief of Kimberley. Ladyemlth
Nee York, June
KaleUng. the newa of the eaptare of large-DaTid B. BUI. Edward Murphy,
Pret^ hae not arouned much enthus- Jr.. Biehard Croker, Augustua Van
toem in the BriUeh eupltaL Thera to Wyek.
a nnirereal inward feelingof relief andThe abore were elaetM by theDemglaenem that the end of the war to In
oeratlcaute oonrention late thto aft
eight, but no extras
ernoon. Bill eapured the Oemoaatle
and in return was
London, June S-The war ofltoe hae sent as a delegate at large to Kansas
raoal—d the following from Lord Rob
City, inalrneted to rote .tor Bryan.
erta; “Pretoria, June 6. n:85 p. m.—I The eonreotlon did not reaffirm the
regret to etate that the Thirteenth batof 1890. It adopted a
tallon of Imperial yeomanry had to
platform of “hlmetalieni." winding up
■ui render to a —ry auporior foroe of
with a pledge that the New York etate
She enemy May tl. aearLladtoy. On
democrat will stand by the national
leoalring the information ol the bav
platform to be adoptod at Kanma City,
taUen being attack^ to—ered Oenatal
ItwaaoMOt tbelargmt eonrenUom
Hethnen to proeeed with all ^oed to
held for years.
itaairiataaee. Methuen wae then on
and Belmont, the latter. O. H. P. Bel
the march on the Hrilbroa aide of
mont, tor rice prceldent.
Kreonatad and ho Marted in half aa
Taamn am
McNamara Block
(jioBvuro saooBD.
oumruynMa h»*alo.
EMB. T. Bmv:asb 3. W. BUnO'
J. W. EAMxm, Mitor w>d lUiBKffrewauKicMM;^
M m Yrom >u«et
Botk -rbooM no. a.
TroTme CItj,
baO. Mr Me* bar ewa hMd,
BMhlwtalBS to do bat «loata«w1W nay Which Ibda HeW Jock Go
aad wmd hw to JalL This
am aoeospltohad by 3m
Mt Bammer Hotel end WOdtebaProdaendWefhBatnrday.
ra. Thssharlff rieelradths
Travaae Uty b to see Sepbe. The
Park Oontemplated.
at his hsad^aartset bat mads
attraetka which act . all Ksw Y«wk
_ eoBWltmeat was aU rlghV
itywin be presented to the City
bad eoaaidmMe troaUa OMe with oas OptloM aiMo to l^dleato of OhUngo Opera Boase Saturday night by a good
and did a«t ears to take any
Oapbnlbtson/adgeBaemdaU-.Farm company direct from Hew York and
rhir*~ Tbs tronble nlarrad to was
which baa played to the largest
and Property of ,Mrt. 3; E. 0«Uvck,
• taw salt brought against him by
MUes to the connuy. Sspho U tbs
WUUam Blackman something oeer two ' Dr. 3. D. Mnneon and Or. B. D. Ash play which eanesdtheeerrsst ot Olga
years ago. to which Blackman dsmaadton—Xoterprlee will loclnde Devel Selhcrsole on a charge of produ^isg a
•d daBtsges to tbesnm of (S.OOO. Tbs
opmentof Magnificent Site terBs- ptoy of qocsiiockblc teaiurea The
fioand npoB which he clamed redrew
ease attracted widespread attention,
sort if it XatertalisM.
was falM Imprisoataeat becaase
aoionly among theatregoers all ever
eommltmsnt upon which he wasplaosh
theeonotry bat among thcsc.wbo co
In jail wa* dcfecUre. which it was. bet
not niaally attend the theatre. After
not so defecUrc as to todoee a jary to
a trial of several days the court decided'
girebim caplUl fora fresh start in
that the pls.v was net a menaco to pub-1
lie tnoralsand since that time the piice)
Taesimilarity of this ease to tost of
has been played to-crowded bausei
William Blackman at that time U
througho-jt Uie country. It goes with
DoUcosble aad anyone wbo followed
out saying that Traverse City will turz
the former case will be toterwted
out en massee toaee the picM.
this. There has been a sort of neighborhood fend to riradlse for sereral
Anou.er Flr.e Eesirvnc.-.
years and fre<ioent t-apUoiis
theirselo»r.cd by Dr, J D Huosen,
Dr. AbhloL'.; »-»rJca. Mr^. .1, K. OrUllok’s'nc-meprur.Tt.r and,
i'.ome ar-d
bay frert o-r'.,-.-. e.7 ; .Mrr. Allrc EsrLr-.trl'diniT will7...
3. C end Don lTc’ri.an Bclorned from dell fQBTfib:-'.N'n.
Tlic-.gca- i-' far
■ ar-v-.s-^;,
HolUr.ii Yettc;d. y with' Their
of theso l'>: . -iv -.c!;
i.-.t;;rrU.iLg i
J. C. Mtrgan am!
sjn Don arrisod a^-.ufb,;•• • ■ - :.r-.d -. :•
yesterdsy a: ;• t'clcx:!: eft-r a s.«n
. Tbk Eee^ Ciiy CUrlon oome>
Itorweek wllk »n arUdic OoDrith which
to houBd to »ttr»ei toTonble BtloaUoD
The peVl-i-ber. fteo |larker. whom
, avtoTbody koowe ee "The Old Hen.'
' bM medp » crcdiutalc cflori to aiek.
the tw^uty-diffaih'•boiveruUT of ihr
Oeric^ e u'/table treiit. To imprets
' . the EOU1.C «iib propef force with ti:e
'«p-lc-ieie il!*«neet ofthepepir EdUor
Berkcr iuueo en etmctiTCkupplcniun;.
lunion.e'y priuied on floe book paper
MdbeeutUuliy hJufcUmtedwlth heiitone ptcluree of ieedinf: mbn end coi:'
^ifuc.;a piit-iiffboilcirge of B«iM City.
t’dU.>.-iD l'< a euucsf bd'O ose of
Uat- SCO
Victor M.: n»::ue of Jhi-.
which • ibf Old Men" m»y j<ielly f*;!
cUyonds=ldtotko.Ho::and«an. The
EtMiinu hopes the Clerlo:;
eraf. U a rafe, roomy and fast one Wwill sec euo;bv.- iwenty-elirul yeera -ft
li-ably adavtcd to intto n»ur:
Mr. Morgan and Dsn Went« Hf-laru
•me ay^ ago and- sva; •. H ,cr iHo rrTSK tnik'.e are aoi henog thiaca
Wo U-lr a w<-ck ac- to'it .So.' ■(heir ohn wey by euy mee:;e Oflieers They made tbs trip saMy and cue
•ad dlroclors nf the Ics 'frusl.,
ably, alihrmgbu»dc:rali<^a>’win'd
alihraagh under s lii^ai win'd ’lyar*
Tork, here' be^u auminoneJ W show
ly all the time. -Piw two osys when
why they shcald not bo proceeded
off I-udinrton and that vicrp'.ty U:r-y
•gainst criminefiy on the charge of
fcg. which msdi-nsvi•OMplraey. 'They are aeeusod of rcitoralniag and preTSoiing eoiof^tltioD. getiou blow and dsngerevu. One day
lliey were fcirc.'d to lay up at Frank
There U no tariff bn ice, thureforo it
fort. They will make good uw of the'
aannot he sn ofCsprlcg of protection.
Xto pazenta;;? has been traced direct b:>at cn Urand TrfKrcse hay and it will
(0 Tammany Usll. which is robbing .be a raluable addition to the rsjildly
(he poor of New York and dcprirlog growing fleet in tbcac waters.
If >-Du once tT>- an iron bed you will never use a
wood bed again. The ^on beds are so neat, clean fnd
durable and furnish a ^om so nicely. I have a very
large line, ranging in price from $3.75S5.50.
S6.O0, ^.75 and on up to S30«>.
We can please anyone In both style and price,
for we have about 70 styles to select from.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
(hp people there of atnmmer cceeislly.
ittoarieeBeee&leyBiedTeBtefday Aft
er. Prophsaying Death in theTamily.
OU Mei^bborhood Pend to' ParadiM
Charles Bencbley died yesterday at
the home of hia daughter, Mrs. Emms
Urorar of Psntoaoly, at the age of BO
yaata BU death was dne to asthma
Mr. Benehley came to the home of
hb daughter in January from hb
home to Powler?llIe. He. worked in
the garden Monday and eras about the
house singing yesterday momtog.
forenoon that
someone in the honsebold would
before the day was ovor. and at U:No
he himself passed peaeefnlly away.
tors. Grover b confined to her bed
with asthma, and the ebook of her
tether’s death b a very asvere
her. The fnnaral will ooenr from the
bonss thb afternoon.
Township aissalU io Arrest for
OaRTinS Ooaeealsd Wsapoaa.
Mrs. Adelaide Btoekman is to Jail.
Botsapscially beeanas she b obliged
(0 be there bnl beoaosa sbs absolutely
aosltoasto taksebaness to signtoga
paptr which woald release her from
•astody apon her
lira. Blaekmaa Ursa to Paradise
(owDShlp. which b a paradise only to
■ama.at least that U what sobm of
Hit. Blaokmaa<si
the v.cii.:».--<f Tra»<-fts, «»ri. Tby
plan. wl-..v> !. s‘.U! only'.In tbe. P-vu
b-.-.s!di:.g<.fa ;r.ago^fie<jf --onnne.-r,... ..........................
I.-..-, .I C.TV i... “EstL'.dell
n-U,-. -.T
:vd-6otia pa.-ktesV.Ut
wit'., bpautitelr-lvvf .:.d aM thsac,-asrlesofUOe isai-cipf-jfarrfcaifg.
bririrflinizcdt-- bjatht-uv
e-n • V-.o -mt-asy
a:!>- piann'-rg
1. ',n c..nrc.-.'on j
What is Celery King?
■Wit'l.Wio-. r,-.“.or: UOU'■ bwm.-d JjyU| J|
soul-.; .l.ca Ir^cp-og their n.ao-1 ftw c.n-in.:,: . it-aC-.l
ba*....-r.v-.a .,l:nyi-ar
T!ro.e! dcr*. riw ,
h-a.u VO tv b.';; mnte.r Vsek
l*>r I'.'l. 1. VIV. - il
I', li- c.-rtaiu'v
talk ftUil w;ll scon bo an
test. Itgof.'S withi.ul saying iLalthe
p'acu issa ideal rpov forth:? purposes
eOBt«W5-U‘.e.I, Riadi-rs of the MornKsmitii wiU^retnerrrbv^ the betulifnl picture givM 111 the ClirUtmas numbsr of the grand view of I'ravcrse City
and the bay fcQm Judge Eamsdell's
term. Thb view was taken near the
^loi where the propoesd hotel will
etand. There b node finer in the
Unitsd-Sutca. The Bkcoui> hopes
be able in the near future to efaroniele
AbesaoceMful eompletlbn of thb-im
portant matter.
A Life and Death Fight
Mr. W. A. Btoea of Manobealer, la.,
writing of b:e aiioost miraeulous seeape from death, aays: "Exposure after
measles indnoed serious lung trouble,
which ended to oonsnmpiion. 1 had
frequent hemorrhages and eougbed
night and day. All my doetors said 1
must soon'die. Then I began to oae
Dr. Ring's Hew Dbeoveiy which wboUy
cored ma Bnndreds have used It on
my advie^pd all say it never teiU to
Throet, Chest ai
and Lung
. .. sice
&0c and*------(1.00. •Trial bots 10c
There wUl be a meaUng of the
I'a drugstoresKnlgbtaof Fythiae tomorrew evening
QnesUon—Is woman wiser than
with two enndldateo for the second
ladles have bqsD
the big bargains at The Boston Store—
BlOO Reward, (100.
we shonld say they
The reeders of thb paper wUl be
pleaaed to Isara that there b at least
one dread dbsass that aelence has
BharlS Simpson apon a ehargs o
lylBg oonosaled wsapons. prafsrrad by
3amm Days, a neighbor. It U ailagwi
people are
By pays that the
>s Bh
ing the eatUs of
IB tbs habit of pe
(he aelghbon to roam orer their prsmtoss aad than asira them and damand
'^-tepoandtogsapsBsas. BeoanOy Days
loaad aoBS of tbs Blaekman oatUs
hto pramisaa aad bsthonghtons good
•mdaawead another, so he bald the
•f tS stab saeb. 1
. BoiMe the hnmor or reason to this pro2.090 ChUinn's Buiti
•srrtlnf so, it b salA sbs mads It warm
At V5 per cent off. Tbs Boston Store.
for the Daya people and demanded her medical fraternity. Cbtairb being e
•atUe, dbpiaylng a revolver which she eoMtltnUonal dUeaes, requires a oon- A Great discovery lor Cancer
••rrtod adder her apron, aad threaten- sUtntional treatment. Ball's Oatorrh
WiNUMin. Ont.. Jan. :t. IMO
lag to Bse it U her demand was not
Dr. C. D. Werner. Dear Sir:—I have
ly upon tbs blood and mneoas snrteces
Md yourCemiiponod' of' Seven
•emplied with. The oomplaint and ar- of tbs system, thereby dcatroyieg the
cancer cure and blood pnriMsVwas the result of thb. incident.
foandatlon of the dissaae, and giving
, with exeellent reaulu. 1 do not
' When Sheriff Simpson arrired at tbs the patient strength by building up
pnrthe oonetltutlon and tstbtlng nature
Blaekman bomp to eaeort lbs lady be- tn
doing its work. The pronrletors posee for which It b used. Ite effects
lore Jaetiee Brown he met difflcultlsa have ao ranch faith in it* curative arelnashcri time so manifest that It
for nearly two bonrs was refused powers, that they offer One Hundred eannot tell to give tbs greatest eaibfacUon.
Jss CrutiinioB.
•Btiaaes Into tbs botise. He finally, Dollars ter any ease thet it tells to
if teetimontob.
_end ............
however, eneoeeded to entering and
Address P. J. Cheney i*Co.,ToledQ,0. AU Ou $1.75
•arvlng hb warrant.
Md by drargbu. 7&e.
Mra. Blackman was brought beters
Hall's Family Pllb
lb are
an the bmt.
jMttos Brown. She at first plesd
•ot guiltythen ohanged her mtod and
fateeed to plead at all. Thb familiar'
l^wlth legal proeedure baeooanted
tebr the tael that heraon William
svHonee toasImlisraltaalioa:aBd betodssbe went in for the etndy of tow
••d learned ell about boVto eonduct
•rimlnal eases Itbnotstrange.thsrrfore that Mra. Btoekman should grasp
•toMS the fins potou to her esse. Ber
total was filed for thb afternoon and
arhen tbs matter ot b^loams apJosA Combination—Groceries that insure and pro
(toe Brown very oonsideraiely offered
mote health, and prices ^d quality that mean
toallow her to go npou her own reeoghbanee; and thewossan algned th<
economy and satisfaction.
■ir-------r doeameat btoding ber u
back when wanted. After the |
inpar wm eigaed aad the. lady was
•boat to go she saddsaly thoaght to
Mk what awt of paper the had elgned.
Our every day prices are always as low as the
tt waa explained that it was a bead asspecial sale figures of others. Convince yourself
fging her prssanos ter trial. Sbavery
by calling. We are here to please you and all we
•toatly deetorod that she weald not
Mnd ter any snch ptOBSSiltog amldswant is an opportunity.
toined to sign any bond at alt She
•Pkuptly eoald not bs caaght that way.
d go apoe no bond
11 ahe knew lb Bare again her know!
•age of lagal lore and a very prabeUp*To>Date Grocer.
martkveaattoa eau readUy bedboarn-
... — — ..
---- ---- ------
AeMia- fHaehman woald aot fflve
Phone 149-
120 E^iroia.'t Stx'ooti.
. Hars The^ fire!
Fads All Through!
N-’-..'> i;.v fit't-
t;jjy ['O!'-.-. n: Iv. j.' -t.
Here is Our Grand Ofter. •
$1,48 •;
1; :i,:
'w. ■ nv.-, ai;."!
■ •
;:.C'i:rs.;;f f':
y •.% r. iiis.'kt.-.' ..r
i: ■
:A.'S. FE,-rMAN. Practical; Shoe Han. 135 Front Slnet
We’li Tell You What Well Do
and We Do What We Tell You
Everything is guaranteed and must
be satisfactory, or bring it back and
get your money.
Some Genuine
Shoe Borgains
Foot Sox”
The latest sock put on the market,
and shown here the first. They are black
cotton top and pure linen foot. The best
thing ever made for tender or sore feet.
They are cool in summer and warm in
winter. No changing from heavy to light
This Is Another
Ladies'fine uaJiid Oxfords. Some weight with the seasons and possibly'
were not made this year, but they have catching cold. Can be worn all the year
good wearing qualities. lust the thing for round, andythe price is 50c.
the house. These we’ll clqse at 75c the
This Is Oii6
Some good boys' canvass Lace Shoes
leather soles and leather trimmed, sizes 3
to 5. and their yours at 50c a pair.
T et Another
Children’s Red Shoes, good for hard
but door “stubbing", sizes 3 to 5 sell for
60c, and 5 to S for 75c.
And The Fourth
Is our great "Oae Fifty Sale " (see the
window display), all sizes [of Oxfords and
women's black kid Bals. If you want
some good, that's cheap, and your feet
are the right size, then you'd get the bar
gain of the season.
High Grade Shoes Now
That’s the Gray Bros’. Ladies’ Fine
$3.50 Shoe. They’re made to fit. made
for style, made t® wear, made with value
and made at a price that sells them.
When five good points are combined in
one article it becomes the leader. That’s
what Gray Bros'. Ladies’ Shoes always
Moro Stylos Collars
Than any other firm.' The popular
price is 15c (of course we have cheaper
and higher priced), but at this price we
are just now showing 25 different styles.
All new and down to date. We sell the
wefl dressers their collars. We are the
advance agents of stylish collars and
Swoliost Nsekwoar
Just unpacked' the newest—that’s the
silk and linen Imperials, and the narrow
Four-In-Hands. These are all washable
goods, made in light colors with wide and
narrow stripes, and sell at 50c. The silk,
and linen Tecks are the swell summer
tie, or tlhe all silk Teck. Both styles sell
at 50c. One glance over our Neckwear
display and you’re a sure purchaser.
The Hannah ii Lay Mercantile Co.
MIet A- Bnelimentel end Bhi L. Tiw
Bllceiooery Sodety Meetifiga gee WM gnetiy enjoyed. The eeleThe Womdb't Home end Foreign
dletacy of the dMt. "The Berp of ^ leelenery eoetety of the CongregeUanKemory," WM glran by MteBIttleO. el ebnreb wiU meet with Mre. Do^erey
Beedbem. It wm foU of fine tbongbt on Sixth street this efternoon »t 8
and tender feeling.
"MoonUghl will Come Agela" wm
The Woatnb Mliaioneiy eoelety of
the enbject of the next number, which
wMyreetly enjoyed by the endlenee.. the BeptUteburch will meet tbie efterUiet Bleccb Glnrd prenlded^t t^ hoon with Mn. Bradley, loe West nth
pleno. .
The progremnloesd with the pr.-ter- . ^e Women’* Ho-ne end Foreira
tntion of the dlploaee to the clou, Blttlonery eodeiy of the Pint M E.
which WM done in e very fitting men- ebareh will meet with Vn. B. B. HnU
ner by Bev. Fr Benrr.
on WMbiRgtoa'ttreet this efternoon et
The exercint were In erery wey e" S:S0 o'clock. Memben en requested
kuceeta, u they elweya ere.
eUrnd preptrrd to pay quarterly
grednetee were showered with coo-1 flow. A report of the dittriet'
:r the close of the ex- hold at Cherievolx will be given by
! Bn. Frank Eidred. Mrt. Bull •« the
t and the uuie will
At Port Hvoa u ordlauM pro&lbMartbeMladt ombm enOun %ai Lerrc Qrewd wm Preoeat ead es BsgMflriacaleMU«.«te.. wm pMMd
celleat Fnrrem wee Glres—DriUe
lAe-Bowll, ud h«rMtt«r U wUl be
Were BqweleUj Bojofed — Two
DHWiirr lo obtAle % permit iron the
mejor te aee them.
Gredutes Beoeived Olplomea.
bucBablaMW, eo rfg bajer. dm•d deed wblle drirlnc »1o&k the etreet of Sk PreseU ««bool, which
IsArawU Mosd*r. of baert teUare. Uei Bight et the aty Open Boner,
Be bed reeeatl; bed e Iieetered ritoal- oelledonte lerKe crowd wbo were not
der end rib from e ro2;eire7 eeeideiit dlnpolpted in their expeetetion of be
Md wed jut ^tUiv ereand.
ing tborongbly enteruieed. . Tbr proAt tbe Asrlconontl otilefe Prof. gre« tne ezsrllrot, end excallently
HertlB A. Atblu of the demrimeat rendered.
TheaUgeof the open boote wet
e( phyelee.
bed bit left__tje detuofed
Mdt^feee bedJy leeereted Mondey i
doelted "i»b flowen. In
eftemood by the exploelon of e bottle!
tbeaeent end of the gndcof gnnpowder wi|h whlob he wm ex-i
HUi Kiltie U. Mcedhem end Mit*
pnrlnentlsfr. A etodent who wea |l't*‘l*o A- Welle. The cleee coiore,
-orbing wlthhlm, Ueury S. Born-1
“il bellolrdpe. were glr.-n
bock of Croton. hFch . nee eleo la ; prominent piece, end white rotw.. t
' cleta flower.wero elui in bridenoe. T4,c
JobB‘io»!lnof Sew Mthimw. w»» i el***
‘ Brjond the Alpt Ltct
etUeked bj e tea r.iTprnt while outil**'?-" '
< r •..ffjriR
Id by the
If t-ou wear one of oi
new Han, Schaffner
silt hsve the beti cteil
mooey can buy.
Thsy’rc wonh more to
any man than oihcr clothes,
but ibe say vc arc sellinc
them they will cost you less
than many oihera.
£ I end pUno. A good attendance It d»xpcjj^lred.
.................. ...............
' For Chtldren-e 0py.
erenlngalthehomaoX Mr. and Mre.l The children in the CocgrejreUonel.1
E K Whits CO
atreet, to M4« .kir Jsrsaneo and- »be two primefle.;
Ma-non Pratt, who leave, awn f* her! are ..queued ,o 6n at thechnreb par-!
ihome in koulhcrn Michigan. .M.ts;
t'::. afierMroti at t.sac'e'ock- All'
I Pratt graduatod with tht clib‘p^v.l vheo"'’V-r>tg thtir uwlor earda and
jlroai thcacliool here, aad a U-^e aa*■’y.-1-i n t.'x;cl:a'D‘fortbe.exhivit.
jlv^rof l-or«>-oot frie-d, hc-: ax
Tuey’fo'i.ho hitiif kilvi ilUcd srf the ‘iiJrnt ms-ailnes and wora by ' *v.d
dresters everyfber*.
A I'k ;'."'cr
wee prorUed with’* doable, hnd
wubin th- p.,1
i wmis .if piy.-»voi,' ; d,
--w -V.
•M<.-rat fw-.ilpt='»- ' by
perent’.y know a goad think »nea they; ^
iM-w...iian A.Wei.k.ot,ea
Oak'laed uoBoty treai>ury-ever
oeuM they coalda't Had Either. Tne
>oey h.\s jjt; ur-co paid or-tr to her
;o childrencbil
in Laoeer county.
John Srram of Alguns.-, a lineusn,
laid down eioec to the Bapitl railway
track and want to sleep. A ur came
alongen t cut hie hand off.
There U e alnkbole on the Chicago A
Grand Trunk railroad near Elbe which
__ Ue corker. Pour Iboaaand cerloedt
oTAirt end the forest troee from eighty
eoTM of lend have been dumped Into
Ik but apparently the bole U no n<
filled op then U wm et first.
Riley Bromen, e tamer living
Alblon.'lotinlneeheepbydoga Satur
day. There were eeveo or eight doge
in the peek. The owners of mmt of
the doge were eecerulned end they
were ordered to kill tbe letter.
The te-nperaiureofthe bnmlng shaft
ta the Calumet end Uecla mine ebowe
. little verletlon end tbe fire evidently
nglBf nnobecked tbousende of fMt
derground. Qae eaeapee In large
Inmes tbrongl
through namproue eraoka In
the Mrth end e large fom of men end
- employed cover
ing tbe venU with dirt. Workmen
(r^nenUy overeoae by gM end one
- party of eight men narrowly oeeeped
Mphyxtethm. It being neeeetery t
tike ^ entire party to the hoipitel.
««>"»• t«‘« "f- -he essay *M .n
adricac.of ^.rrig.st '^iad nf-e.lu.-sttou.
fare^j, ••Tl.o Musical IHryc’.Or."wstkdni-.r»b}y prceaied Sy tbc
foUow.ng caat of charaoiira, ell of
Iheu. being boys:
and A. McManus and the mandolin by
M. Barry.
Grand Bapids hM aeenred a new IndMtry, a drill grinder works employ
ing IS men. but the eequlslUon I* mors
IhM offset by the lees of the Orud
• i»pide Ojmlo Worirt. The Utter com
pnaywea'tUto the trust wheo It wm
formed Uel winter, and now the trust
> close the pleat on July
1 and remove It to Chicago. The fac
tory hM feraUhed empioymMt Jto
many people sUm iu
•Ine yearn ago, and its lose will he a
aarione one for the valley city.
W*. the nadenlgaed. do herein
m to refaad the money «> a ^
ccaald. Wealeo |
bottle to prove eetutsetory t
_________i VWalk Bogheo A Ronbag, Jamm O. Johasoa. F. a Tbomp-
96piro«&t off OR
Btpabiltan B..iof-.T
i.-fe.>n a'Orv::-. ml ISSB.
W»-.l i,' ,r’oa. .tunrS— R\ •Birub-caa'
rfhlory i;- Orcri^u yetUr.'ii*-,' s ri'i’u;C-,
«!.i oy 'iultiiinia;raUon ;.-4«lera -’ij-t’. ^
s:.:ail>a..t. FrlvaV-' asvi-<n :a<X..-xM
that the B5i>tW>aT,
ix asprrsls. --bat “if
w*. bi/h
wa'.fr jcark In
years'Teaterc^a Base Ball Gauira.
' Spvrial to ll,.- UoratDX Rar«rJ
.SATluXVJ. l.KAl.t'K
mub.,1'*............ ;...
I can flV ladipa, gvnVlctiKT. .ocd child.
Ten with iK-kt khoet at lower pricea than
any other hiorc in townKrpalring r.catly and quickly done.
Don't Pay High Prices!
SriSli.;;:::;;;;.;:;;;::: if
SU Front Street
i City Opera House
boys vrere U Alvaislfled Brownl*
An exeellnt piano selection
given by Mlee
flee Rose Dyer end
end Mies Bat
tle MarUneea, end WMgreetly eojoyed
by the eudiuee.
Mlm Anne Campeeu gsve a dran
reclutlon that wm greatly epprecUlsd
bf tboM preeeak It wm excellently
Tbe Intemstional flag drUl wm per
haps the BBoet thoronghly enjoyed of
One of Great Otmp Flnei
any drill of the evening. First upon
the stage earns fenr Fnrlian maldeas,
notlee from Greet Ooi
dignified and with slow and msMurad
■tep. ^ey want through a sutely
drill, when out upon tbe stage denned
of the finance oommlttM of tbe Greet four IrUh maldene, clad- in the green
Chmp of Micblgsa.
of the Bmerald Ule. Upon eaeh of
their flags wm the harp of Erin. After
Klee Bolhod to Wed.
tbe four had executed a pretty drill.
Blm Daley Bieadine Boland,daughter Mlae M. Barry gave a pretty Irish
Of Mr. and Mm. V. B. Boland. wUl be
■mrrlnd today to Mr. Jeeee Oem Wright
They were folloifed by four Scotch
ofOrMovlile. Tbe ceremony will he Umlem olad U very preity Beeteh
performed by Rev. c. T. Stout et tbe emtumee, with plaid, bonnet and SMb.
home of the brlde'e perenu on SUto For inem Mlee W. Sbaae danced the
Highland fiUg.
Tbe Uennan maidens followed, then
Oloriou Mews
tbe Swim, for whom Miae B. Haydsa
Oomee from Dr. D. B. ChrgUe of
kve a very pretty dsnoe. Then came
Weehlte. I. T. Be writes: -Bleetric
u Brew
e repreeentaUves of France.
BIttemhM cured Mre.
)d her
beet doctors could give no help:
«ow her health U
Is exoeUrat-"
exoeUrat." Bleetric
Bitters U tbe beet____
.t blood purifier
- •known
lu the supreme remedy ft._______
totter, salt rheum, uleem. bolls end
maniac sores. It etimnlatee liver,
kldneyi end bowels, expels poisons,
helm dlgesUoD. builds up the strsagtb.
Only toe- Sold by S. E. Welt end It*.
O. Johnson, drag^k Onerenteed.
. Sr- ■^. ;. Stgrltn, OptTit’.T.' 'I’-atlttty
Tbeee were followed by tbe maiden «
of sunny Spain, who gave a very pret
ty drill with the Spanish flag. Miss M.
Hayden gave a pretty execution of the
SpeoUb umborioc danoe.
Then ColnmbU appeared with the
American flag, to the music of "The
Bod.White aad Blue." A beautiful drill
. gooe through with ColnmUa M tbe
oratral figure.
The followidg were the repeeeenUtlvce of the different nations^
International flag drill—
OoIambU. B. MlkuU: PnriUM. M.,
Winpsrleekl. U S^onr. J- Moravlc.
E. Wioaler: Irlab. M. Barry, O. Emory,
Blebard, M. Oesalaki: hootch, W.
Shane. J. Barry, B. Fomosal, M. MeMuu: OermiM. H. BUsM, M. Smith.
A. Bokoa. 1. Mohlo: Swim. M. Lexdie.
Z. OlngnA B. Blehard. B. ilaydra':
French. U Gagne, U Foutaln. M.
Shnne. M. Banys Spanish. M. Baydu,
L MeUany. B. Mv^. B. Boimea.
Mm P. EsMry preaided at tbe piano.
Barvey C^oals gave a fine song In
eharaeter and bowed, hie tbenkafora
-The Danes of the Groeka'* wm a
uUfnl putomlme. given by
L. Welle, A. Oampoas. R. Need
ham. F. BaMry, C. Seeor. A- Toplnka
ud A. Sulllvu, with Mlm Nettle!
at the piano.
AailieMonca plaM ud Helln by'
Bight from New York Cltr.
7~E Saturday, Jnne9 "Dwtvtv^ \\ve
A Moneter Devil Flab
roying Its victim,
fiation. Toe power of this malnselN
But Dr. Elliog’e New Life
nd oeruincjre.
Pills are a eate and
oeruincjre. B-st
in tbeworld-for' Stomach. Llvai
and Bowels.
n,a widow of Adrian,left
home Monday morning to do soma
work leavlog the two ehlldrra at home,
oaeaboyof 'v. He attempted to light
a gaeoUne fire wheo there wm an axplosion and he wm enveloped Inflames
Be IU out doors ud some nelgbbere
came to his aid, one wrapping him In a
heavy wet bluket lying on tne gram.
Bit infariea are very eeriont.
la often bidden by unsightly Pimples
Bexema.Tetter. Bryslpela-.SsltBbenm
etc. Bncklen'a Arnica Salve will glor
ify tbe face by coring all Skin Bnipilons. also Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Belli.
Felons Ulcers and worst forms of
Oas hi liipped on aav halter watcb pockeu. ISr. I
New Vork'e raging sensation.
SoMT A)DeeKs
Oidip tl( luipni’iil >I lu- D. Riu
Yto^Tam 5ot Wvt "KeTitV
■Sow Tiaas'.
Interpreted by e splendid eompany
—beaded by
Miss Nellie Elting,
•a Psnnv LeGraw,
and MR. RtSIL WEST ttuitlS
New and beautiful scenery.
Gorgeous costumes.
The great hail room scene.
jTne world'# famous sulrem scene.
.W, 7oc and fl.l O
The various departments in our store will be
activelj'engaged in reducing present stocks to pre
pare for fall business, and the following is the
WEDNESDAY-Special sale on Wash Dress
THURSD.XY-Special Sale in Black and Col.
ored Dress Goods.
FRIDAY-Xorsets. Hosierj-.
SATURDAY-Shirt Waists and Ready Made
Wrappers and Kid Gloves. •
S\imaV SaVe ‘Bor'ADedLTvesdLa^ m
Sot, «V
sale of
Hat been a tremendous one. Those who have not
taken advantage of it. are still afforded an oppoJtunity,
as we have placed on sale our entire regular stock of
suits at same discount—HALF OFF.
Come at once—they'll go quick.
$3.78 for $7.5lf soils, $7.80 for $18 suits,
$8 for $10 suits, $9 for $18 solR.
iieliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Honse.
20 piecee calico (all you want) per yard............................. 3o
40 piecea 27 inch Madras clotli—a fine rnnu^f colorings
—tbeyard....................................... '.....(TT.'.............. 6o
400 yards Ginghania (the 10c kind) at the >Wd.......... . 8o
26 pieces new.Dimity, at the yard....................................... 6o ,
10 pieces Madras cloth (the 15c kind) at...... .............. . lOo ^
All other wash goods not mentioned here will be sold for ^
today's special at 16 per Sent, diaobont from regolar price ^
—No old stuff—all new. most of it—put on- sale fresh from * ■
the market this week.
Ask to see the new things.
Don’t buy your wool drea» 'till tomorrow—Look for tbe
epeeUl eele prioe.
\o Att Yht ICtv YknuaeU
' ? ' ~
J. W. Milliken
the morning record,
- Nothine Less Than 25 Per Cent. Off-Many Cases More.
oolSTTniisrTJZBX) ^
a-b T3=Le DBostoxL Store
Va wish to
aU oar patrons for the hearty appreoUtioa they hare ahi
wm«x»BdUielImItofth«»»l«for««hortUm.loli*«. Bwininbw-«v«Tthln» .too«t,«ndIniii.ny
• Sbt below.
regular meeting in Montague hall thk
lOStWtNnWWMWNtmWWCWW* mored and the people have taken eldea.
Aoeordlnc to reporu that come from erenVng.
An eminently skiiw Mid necompliidted nttUt.,
wondetiul .nd
J IT£r5
All of tbe notee relating to the maps. C
Columbn*. Ind.. Ec». B. B..:Wldger.
plaU and aurveye of George E. Steel; f
tliorpughiy ,|unlilied pliotonrapher.
/y SHORT STORIES J formerly of Grand Raplda, Jbnl now of andS.
C. Hodgeman hare been par- KjfaakJdtifcfatMtktmtJitJdtfatJdt:
tbe Hooaler .town, intends to.make reManager Steinberg bring* to Trarllyion* worship rery pleaeani InJ hU ebawd by George A. Ford, deputy
KUMM WMt* 40,000 f»m h*nd»
erae City amusement lorere, a strictly
pariftb Ibis snintncr. He has -bad a county eurreyor.
'. drep'Pg
mud errenglng hk
kelp sether Is the ehesru.
Tfcc king of pbotographere In posing, lighting,
Dr. W. B. Moon and PoeLmaeter lUff high clast company In the forthcoming
root garden ballt on his new church, to
fol ert, Dhotogiaphy. Mr.
U bM bees. plsnoed t« eeUblUh % tbe story goes, and will bold eerrleea were fishing at Carp Lake yeeterdey. engagement of the Allman Dramatic
leg opposite the Hotel Columhie on Front
Company, who are to appear at Stein•errlee of trecUon earlnee *nd »rs*om
It it in order for etricily up to dele photoThey
there durlng the hot months. He .will
borg’c Grand Opera House next Honscrou the dMert of Chins to eompete
hare the only roof garden pnljdl in the 10 were black baaeand 17 were pickerel
All are cordially invited to vUit hi* studio und test hk ebilUy as un up to
day and Tnesday evenings. June 11
with the csnylnj boslneM now done
United amte*. The idea may become
and 13, In Edward WeltUl'e great dete photogiepher.
hymesne-of esmeU. snd It is euted
populer aoiong tbodb pastor* who are
play*.-Flood Tide," and -My Friend
thst within s yesr there will be Stty
not farored with Tsoatlone aerefal
Tom." These prodoctlone are'enperbly
Miirinn snd a.ooo wsr»* *nf»S^ ^
monOu long erery year,
staged. Ue eoelumlng and epeclal
this work.
Btreet raUwaye at Havana ?are to
scenery being featarm. The east is Steamer Colnmble wlU Tkke Ue Delegate
At HsMfleld. O.. lire. John Shernisn
Mich^ to Farmei*’
ebaage tbe moUre power from horses
ipo*od of 10 leading people, all Crowd to Old Xlmion thk Iteming.
died St nidnlrht of Mondsy, 7» yesre
to eloctrlelty.
thorangbly schooled artieU.
The great day o( ill Ue year for Ue
W St*.. She wse tasrrled to Mr. Sher
bee appolatod A.
Novel efleeu and clever speclaltlee oldeettlere of Uk region k today.
Ontof 17,000 pleeee of regklecod maU M,C™n.a»T^X“u,.« ....
■SB Dm tl. 1149. They hsd no childhandled annually In the Vnltod States
are Introdneed also, making Ue per Tbelr annual gaUerlng and basket P. Gray a* a delegate from Michigan
fBB. She wse bom In Msnefleld snd
to Ue Farmer’* Oongree* to be held In
ch enjoyed indeed.
lost baa
wfU be buried them.
Oolmado thk nmmer.
of ipereent«andinthe t
A west AostmUsB exploring psrty
erdinarr letters the lose k but eeren- TheBaoe.......... ............................... Eullak
lor Ue comfort and pleasnre of Ue
- ihst meeatly srrired St OodnsdsU reC. 8. Vsder is entwtalnlng hk broU .ptoneera who meet ones aaeh year to COBtlsUfitlOfi
ttaoamndU of 1 per eenk
yorted ibst there hsd aot been s drop
Ot«nr grund unlcadlng sale for short
er, J. A. Veder of Muikegon.
Ulk over old time* and to greet each ^me only. Tbe Boston Store.
efrslntor two yesre la the reftoa
Mrs. Maude Hodges of Mayfield, wai oUer and renew Ue Ue* of friendship.
Laatner Bcw. leet tbelr well known
la the city yeeterdey.
At Old Mkelon dkbee. toe, sugar and
ThstplstseoftbaeMddle sfoe. the trotting mare, flattie Bwlft. yesterday
Mke Luna Fork, who has taken the cream will be fomkbed free, so Uoee
hlsek dasth. has tskea root la Sydn^. morning.
place of MU* Mebel Blekerd In tbe law who attend need not be boUered wlU
Anetrslls. SsBitsry oondUloas In that
Frank Bameay, the tielner has two March (tor violin) ...................... OrUlpp office o< P. C. Gilbert, win be engaged earrying Uoee neeetoarke for a feast.
ettysreasldto be rery hsd, aesreely (act horeae that be k fitUng for the
Ckcrle Fuller and Bemlee Roberteon Uere but a few weeks .when sbe wUi Tbe eteamer Columbia will leave Ue
see how in ten eoaaeetlnt with the
raeea on the new Driving Park Fairy Thle Op. e» No. 11 .......... Schytte again be at liberty.
doek here at 8 o'clock to take the old
aewsce lyetoB. The Tlaiutlon of the
Theron Morgan has gone to Chicago ' aetUers and oUers to Ue resort. Every
Marguerite Bvant
■ yeet, howerer. which U elmply nstnre’e
one who desires may uke advanuge of
The Woman's Auxiliary at
Beroenee (vfoUn).............. V. F. Bowers for a visit of a few
yensUy on dlth, hse aroused the
C. A. Hammond made e bnslueee trip Ue trip oa Ue bay, whether members
church will meet thli afternoon at
Helen Bannen
aathoritlee to action, sad soon Sydney
of Ue aaeocleUon or not. Tbe tore for
So'clo:k.wlth Mrs. C. T. Stout.
Polaoeain® .............................. . Weber to Lake Ann yesterdav.
«U1 be one of the cleanest eitlee la Ue
Malcolm WlanU, Jr., k la Fife Uke Ue round trip will be » centt
Louise Bnek
Chet Smith had the misfortune yeiwortf.
terdaj to Injure hU right hand on a
The sultan U estlsfied beesuse
7p to Sfitfi
^^ANTCD TworooC II
Bev. C. T. Stout and B. L. Spregoe
ww at tbe Oval Wood Dlah Oo. Tbe
he* eueaeeded la pecuusdlnt
Tal«w made elotblng at prleea poel- will go today to Ue
thnmb was split from the end to the
Urely aorprielng, at Tte Boeton
Odd Fellows wUl Bun One on Tncuday,
.....^khadlTSof EcTPt to elsit OonstsnU-,
convention of Ue Bpleeopal church at
IPOK aALA .Ooed. A ^ i *orl
aaple before he pays bis rislt to Bnf•
X fMnc.U: »«tcSI$A» Aprlr
Jane 18.
The Seneca la loading lumber at .the
H. F. Northrop left yesterday for
The fifth annual eeasloa of Ue KorU^litL WANnD'.A(4UI—
It is reported from HSU that the dock of J. F. OttACo.
CblUlooUe. O., whvre he will begin easiern aaeoeUllon. L O. 0. F. wUl be
ArUnr LndewUike. a well known
ylaree k rsflnt In Tehlsturl, in the
PUNTe-rar *•
and skilled ehlropodist of Cleveland, bk work ee surveyor for Ue Oinelnnatl made Ue ooceslon of a good time at
ed for the county offices. There are la
taramnient of KouUU. The diaesse
k In Ue city for e few^^^andaU Bamilton;A Dayton railroad. BU fam Elk EapidsJune 13.
all te units, esch containing seven
sypesred fUet saont the mine Ishorers.
ily will remain in thk city for Ue pres be run from all polnu between Thomp' The infeeted Uborecu hare been kolsted files, and each file will bold a large
ent, but may move eonU In Ue near eonviUeand Charlevoix at about one gHALL
number of doenmentn. Twenty of
fl'ud qnlck'reiret by'Mng
sad tusrded by a stront military
tar* tor the round trip. Tbe fare from
Ulehekher*. Av^honeeallto future.
laehment. QaarsBUae is MUbllshrd these unite wlU be nlaeed In Ue office
B. £. HUberd has gone »to Texas Uk city will be 60 eenta for Ue round
Walt'* drug store wUrtring e quick
fa Tbehlstari and In the roTernment of of Ue county dork, two in the office of
where be will buy new poutee* for trip. The train will leave here in Ue
geafai* Krery percauUon Is belnf .Ue register of deeds aad Ue oUer
morning at 8 o'clock, arriving in Elk rpoB aALK OK BXCHAI
uome time.
r. amith—I MDsneroi
oii.erUoe U
faksn to cheek the platne before the four In Ue office of Ue judge of pro
F. G. Henmana was In LakeAnn on Rapid* at 8:48. Betorolng. Ue train -- - liwOTi. LerlaauI rouair.
l«*j Varlr.
couoij, Joi
Thftt SUgABt fitting
for Uk city will lea've Elk Rapid* at
tns-&(uslaB fair at Rlt
buMnea* yeeterdey.
Monarch shirt at e ts per oent dkA marriage Ueenee bae beea granted
poa BALX-Leia » aad 77. Oak BrlgSU. .
Mk* Olive White has gone to Chica 11:18.
iMli- It tbu cannot be doM it I*
eonnt at The Boston Stsee.
go for Ue summer term In Ue Chicago
ieared that the epidemic wlU adraaee toJamm A. Tabor of Walton, and
Ala alwky* oartri price. Jobo \ rrl7.
Minnie LeWlmore of Wise.
So that city.
Per ntsldt deen am thaattl SlaiUe, Mnslcal College.
ebanging." eald Ue
Spar Vamieb.
upon CALK-aovn naiw beu«r. and IM SSsIS
The hand organ. Ue monkey and the
N. W. Herrington of Solon, did bnsl Bo^ Mountain Tea. Made by
The Boston Transcript says that the
fm 314 South DlvUlM >irOf-t. oe raa
Dago have appeared, and are delight
neei la Ue city yestarday.
Medkon Medicine Oa. 3Sa
terms. Kasolfc of Del 8<)ulcn. ¥J» Bpeth
liwes which euSered most from
iUkyour druggUi.
G. Demllag and fatally are enter
tarsffes of caterplUare last snminsr ing Ue children and eome of Ue older
S choice iaoo aear etty.
taining Mr. and Mr*. MatUew Faekn*
SMre the first to bud thU year, and people.
New DUcoTery for Blood
of WelkvUle, Ohio.
fast their follaye U aneh thicker than : BdwardHogaoandMlnaleM.IBnntpoisoning.
er. both of Interlocheu, have been
Mayor Friedrich will go to Grand
fast of the tree* which were
Bapids today
' stripped of their lean* when other* Uoeneed to marry.
Mimes Laui* Treges and Daisy Shade aad lot
Mis. C. G. Shervrood and children OF SEVEN CUBES, tbe Great Cancer
r laad la
Amedy. and for all dkease* of Ue skin
ck aoeompanied Mr. Tregea to Sliver
vletted Elk RepSd* yesterday.
fieoTf* W. Dart, who mleed the star*
and hlood. from Cootaet and Secondary
Lake yeeterdey and eeenred:a nice lot M Backaches and Headaches
I J. W. Clifie left yesterday on a bnei- _ It Hereditary Ceases.
'and stripw orer the Confederate
DUST, larae lot, oa
Remove It by Using
of fish. They medelUe return trip on
I ncM trip to Ealkaeka and oUer p^U. ;
,«apital at Oolembla. & C.. at she end of
Uel^ wbeeU in fifty minutes.
■herman's march to the tea, has just
j J. Q.
i. in the clt, from j PricBI aM Cut
It will be IntereaUng to everybody
entered the Soldien' Honevf Iowa, at
ro oa onr entire etock of ekiru ir^rearsold. Sire. I« .,sart. loUk k day.
I Qrand Bepids. He will leave today for
to know that tbe exearvlOD on Ue OoKind aad renUe aad easy mUker. lase^^aC
and jeeki B.
His home eras
InmbiatoO'.d Mitalon for-Ue uldcetThe Boeton Stora '
AtUca, N. V.
J. B. Browc.
Uere' plenlc, will not be confined alone
T oer—nar oe> <rllh laryc a—
Ad smaUdlamood. eoPiaaistraatw
Thomss Muneey. ared 00 year*, died tooldcettlere. Bverybody who deelree
Charles Munson Belting Ca of Chicago,
fae ether day at hb home la Uttle to take the trip can doeo. The fare
Tbe error of Ue d*v In medlcd ireet- k in Ue city on bnalneto He has
Creek, Del. HeneTur saw a railroad wilt be s» cents.
BKntk tbe "doctoring'' of efieets in- been eeUing belu 40 year*.
CfOLDIKKA ATTEimOX - II yea located
O tomamead of lesa thaa lU aerea helot*
Mb. neeer wed tobaoco. sad aerar
■teed W getting at Ue cause. A powdet
leph Broadbead, Ua eaw mannThe bonrd of review kjetm.ln
drsak liduor. Little fheak is not on a and ilk likely that their'work •will ter hesdMhc, • Ublet fee Indlgeetion. teetatrer of Maaktee, k in Ue city do.
bam. Qnora. er adttm Pialt * Da<
lavlB.Tra versa
end • plaster ter Imcksche. TbcM msy ing boeioMS and k regktored at Park
wUway line.
take moat of,tha rmt of Ue week.
The Mordentseber Uoyd Oowpaay
3. B. Waiiameon and a frlandjof hk efiord slight temporary rdld, bnl next Plaec.
day Ue old trouble is back egeln. BelaqalraelX. Lueaa. eni Wcestcr
Johnny Slaur went to Elk Baplde I have booght the celebrated Perhas reoenUy ordered a steamer, which, from Chicago, in
na. .#
B k elalaied. srUl be the lacfaet eeeeel Orawot Uk dty.bav* gone to U* ddcA Ulnk of Ue efied of a d^ yesterday to take Ue place of bk
cberon Stallion,
yoyjlJLU^aaw aad lai
strong cnougk to Stop beadaebe* elmest hrotkoraarenoeforatow days In the
afioav 1 wUl be 701 feet la leafth.
torke of Ue Boardman. and wlU |buUd
office of J. W. SUtorb etore Uera
Bnral fearde killed Jaan Oonialez. _ raft there aad fioat down the river,
Bacheebe U kidney sUe. A ewe Ink BAKoant—la e
Ihe notorioneoallaw. sad tear eompaa- fishing for Wout on the way^The trip dicstion that Ue kidneys an badly die*
mhere of Uc Brt
will roqulr* three daya^ a Ug enteh eased. Backache is nstnre's tlgoal of
hms aaar 8acw<
Saaday. Ooaalarm to warn people that the kidacrs Hamms’ naloa are reqaentod to be
mlat had beea arrested eercral times,
etc oo longer «blc to perform thdr doty
ent at Ue meeting Uk evening at
AiUurOrdlkkepaaredablg od in of filtering Ue blood.
formerly owned by Peter Wore
hut he always aaeapad eoBTletloB beAnd Ui*7:30. in Ue C. 8. P. & haU.
that Ue iMl impuritke wbiU .
eaaw wltaeeaaa (ailed to twtlfy affalnet Ue hay Monday night. The flU
bnrg, and after thia date nid bone
Mm The OoBsales haad was the last UreefeettonlneheetolengU. and k otherwise be carried off by tbe kidneys
rabdiasa, Mt to
It dnlk Ue scythe of FaUer Time,
remain in Ue blood, end find Ucir way
will be foond at my bam, 838
room T aad •
^thesraU kaewahclffaBd orfaalia>
away wrinklta of
to evet^^oryen of^^ body, wbe« Uey drivea
old age—Ua elixir (
taken Ifom Us-hay. Ed try were
Com la that proriaoa.
> heart—Boeky
plaeed In Ue bay a nusber o( yenrs **d“ Chamk^nw-Llver PiU* ere Ue hope in the hni
The oltUenaof Hiawatha, Eaa..
Said bone vrill be here Thore*
ago. bnt very tow have bean captured warid's greatest kidney enre. bccenae
«Tided into two hoetUe easpe oecr a
Uiy act dimetly on Ue kidneys end tcdays, Fridays and Satardaya.
rtoreUem to beelth. torengU and vigor.
carloaa queatlos. Seme time ago a lines that bnw.
O. B.
A Oak trait They remove Ue cease of bcadeehca, lv3 Off
wealthy womaa died and srai bnried.
On Mondaya at Sattona Bay, and
On Wall Paper at Tbe Boston Stor*.
■taw* bae tha dktinetaon of having 4^e becfteciito and an cndlem chain of meat
When bar will was openad
total and complicated dimases.
oaTneadaya and Wedneedaya tat Tbs hsM-tomkhsfi and beet kaM
»«wed that she had left fiSOOfor the first live tarantula captured here Ule
Dr. Chaae's Kidncy-Llvcr PiUs
Tbe insect dropped from a pnrriy vegetable, sad act pleaaaaUy aad Oirptti
Monroe Center.
wtofthe eemeterylBWhU
buaeh o( bananat and was pat Into a naturally. On* pUl edcec;uc«stoa
And stnw matting etrletiy bt eoet,
ahaUeuld be burled,
BnUi aad* known on appUntlA^
box, at aU deulcrs, or Dr. A W.
notallowlng tor treigbt or enair'
of Ue gtaTcynrd U wUU abc waan't candy jar wiU a cUek.
SSleine Co.. Bdate, M. V.
------------Tb, Boeton Btore.
tarM-ai* trying to have Up body
A aUlriCUropodlit
General Custer
The Waukazoo House!
' 7._-^-.-T.r--v-
THB ItORNlNG M^RP, WtiDNBSDAt, jgKE 6. l4oo
DBriBitbnte]! of 1877, JaMatar tto
I had nanlled1 iIn
fndng down and captnrtnc ot CUaT
Joaepfa apd fait band of varrton, ax
troop ww 'dotMlMd to aafca a aodot
tea Camp Brown down (broagb Um
Battloanake rango to tbe PUtto riva
. and frou then to tho Yallovatooe bj
- mwj uf the UooM Ciwk trail
When we eaaijiM mi Clear oroefc, a
oaarade naniHl Lee .ind 1 atartcd off
~ r« a dax’a bnntliiE oukbe tbo blgfa
peMu of tbe Big Oom moBoaiiu. oxfooting to got a few aboqi. Leo wae a
man of eztnordinarx atrengtb aid waa
Boad lu th« rogiiBeat for bla feata of
"‘^e°!^'d«l^tbe aoBflulD bp a dew
• trail, U« riding in adraoce. Tbe trail
kd op a “bogback” mitfl it ran oat
agalwt tbe aide of t&e
wn ba4 to pick oor wax <^cr tbe aide
'll util we Mmek anoiber trail windg inaaigtag manner toward tbe
• fngi£
tnit 'Wodinnoontodand ledonrbonea,
tar tbeHrail ran dangoronslx oloee ^ tbe
edge of a cliff that forniisl one aide of
an itnzncnao oanjon, wboae depth we
eoold only gocae. Narrower and nar
rower grew tbe trail aa we adranoed
nntil ft eeenicd to turminate at
It a point
onlxaaburt diatanoe in front of
dna. We
BioTod* fwwarcl oaatiooKlx, for on.one
aide tbo woontalD a^red to riao frotn
under osr T017 feet into a wall of aolid
rock. On tbe other aide we ioiAod into
tbu depiba of tbo great canyon, which
wnolrt jtrorp an vtomal graro to oitbor
of na abcmJd be kae tala footing and
pie into It
Tbe apparent tcnnlnatiou of tbe
trail wan dno toacarroat tbak point,
toronnd which reqnirod atoadj norrea.
We paaeod it aafolj, bat bad not gone
do xarda when liotb boraoa bont tbolr
eats forward, anorted and afainved crldonoua of tbo greabwt tarrar. Before I
«oold aeoKttain tbo canao of it, being in
rear of Luu'a borae and nnablo to ace
boxond it b aboCVaa fired that nwoke
«en tboBSand eoboea.
What followed tbe sonnd of tbo obot
happened ao qnkklj that I did not re■lijso danger antll I found mjaclf bang
ing botweon Ufo and doatfa. My bone,
nnablir to aoo wbat waa in tbo paUi
ahead of na, bnt whoeo inatinet Woned
blni of tbe preaot>ce of aotno dreaded
wild beaat bad atopped In terror, and.
wboo tbeabotwaa fired, eaddonly threw
«p hU bead and began backing. I bad
palled tJiu miua orer.bia bead When I
. diatnonulnl and held tbem In my right
baud, to wliicb fact I nwod my eaoapo
from iiiatant death. Tlio rapid backb
word inoviiment of the borae and the
Riddon ItaMing of bia bead throw me off
.my balance, and before I could rcoorw
1 waa falling orcr tbu cliff.
Inatiuctiveiy 1 Hgbtcuod my hold on
tbe reina and aidoarorcd to groap the
4«dge of tbe cliff with luy left bond aa I
>' waarollingoviT^ Idid ancooedin cboekif my fal
t> nliold
tabi my weight For a moment I bung
auapeuded over the terrible abysa, my
wbob) weight rcating upon my right
' arm. Quick aa a flash 1 grai^ tbe
loins with my left also, and tboro I
.bung, expecting duatli every instant
Tor I ku(!W that my borMi would not
ntaud long in the poaition he then held.
1 could aou him atondiug abore me,
aud t^c beauty ««f bis pose and the rig
idity of bis posidoii. os ho stood hraeed
againtt^bc weight dangling at tbo end
t bis bridle rein, made an imprenlan
iiiumory that will nurur be
i Tl
I aakid niyaclf bow mneb longiw it
was piaadlilu to fiang by so frail a sup
port ns abtt of luatbor. Tbo grip of my
bands was ao tight ibat my finger ends
wmi tingling and burning as tfaongfa
touched with a hot iron.
Sntldeuly anotber abot rang out
st^euing a myriad of ecdioca that
aoomed to mock mo with abrill laugbUc.
Again that backward moveunent of my
Ikow^i. and aa I felt tbo reins dragalong
tbo edge of tbe precipice I thought 1
must surely lot go and fall Strange
tbuughta began to flash tbrongb my
brain, mental pictures of loved onea
long ainoo dead appeared to whisper
-prayers for mo, there wosaingingin my
eara, and 1 realised that my strength
was giving out
Josl then I board my name epokea
At first I thought it was but tbe voice
of one of the vikIous my excitod brain
hadoonjnrodnp. Bntnoflbwoitsocnd«l agaia It was Loi-’b voira^alm, col
lected and Inqiiring. He was whisper
ing words of canUoa
OpoDlng my eyes, I saw his face abore
me—what a white, •cared face it woa
I tbongbtl Slowly, ob. ao slowly, bis
band etolodown tbo reins until it rooted'
WCBdstnl strength, and I was in safety.
Lee told mo afterward that 1 was anoocMdons when he stretched me out on
the trail
Tbts first shot bad been fired at a
mountain lion tbot cronebed in tbo trail
«ibort distance ahead and had sent It
orasbtng into tbe depths of tlto caoyoa
Bearing my cry of fear os I tojipled over
tbe brink of the cliff, be bad shot bis
■akMltMa For I
Reduction Bicycle
in leel Enameling-
Tfr* foreign otalpplng intereata and
In youth, m lanintarity. Chigh^
toir tree unde mMpe&ri<,-B. wbo arc
tot matbsmatfolB of Us day. Bn
rial tot la used as a aubsUtaU ...
Aghting tbe ablpping bOL bare end
in tbe iretoe to bis great book tbat an ered to unite tbe Democrau in
oandpaper. It Is convaoed of akaip
edged threads of ateel wbicb enri up
at WndbaiB.'' taadcnlarged tbeaeienoea
like wool or somewbat as to
abipa. TbU acbetne baa
of Mtronamy, gnomonia. sUtioi and been neaity nipped in tbe bod by a wood fibers of to familiar material
Beebaaifis ij moat brilliant dlsoov- number ot patrlotle Democrats wbo known as excelsior carl np together,
arlm "pramiarls iurentla " TUs wm
are members of tbe bouse merchant though to steel wool Is very much finWrm> at tbe age of IE A year before
See niDplefl liT srisdoar.
«■, the finest of It being not' much
marine and flsbertes committee
tbat be bad taken out a patent fa an lacoaiber than tbe coarasst of flatnral
to printa DtmlUea. A
wbo have united npon a report on
otrumenl to write with two peu at tbe
ablpping bUI in which a few not unac wooU. Tbe steri wool U put up In
oamoUme. In the same year be waa-^
ceptable omendmenu to It are prepea- packages i-ontaUilng one pound each. PayaUe monthly in adTania.
pointed demonstratiBg ami stint CO anated and in. wbkb report subaldlos are Tbesi- are sometblng like rolls uf cot
omy at Surgeons' ball
declared to be to only practicable ton liatilug. (>m smatler. a |»and of
Wren lived to Justify bis early pnmttee] waul. louM-ly iMcked. making, roU- Both pboBeaN«. i»4. 4ld W. FroatSi.
lae, but Dogal Stewart tells as of a boy
ed In pa(wr and <q>en at tb<^ ends, n
who. as be hoped, “would rirnl tbe
II jn, ban , dmlUat. Brnk.
iDcbm king and 2
ority report coo- package perbapi
fame uf Sir Isaac Newton.’’ Tfaiswm
or 3 Incbi-* In diameter.
tbe KD of Count Pu«sta]L "I cannot
Made lu varioas degnea of cot
Help oonsldorisg bim,’’ wrote to
nasA steel woul is put to a variety of
Sootch profeascr, *'ae tbo moM extraor worthy'of eoualdMaUon. os being a pol uses, tbe finer wooU for iicdishlng wood
dinary prodigy of intellectual endow icy that the Demoerats tbemseivca re- aud metal ifbd the coarser for rubbing
hm ever fallen under my fnaed tu adopt when they bad tbe down iwint aud varnisb. it Ik often
Ratra vary low.
This is a great aayit« in
adopt. Besidea. (be report nys it M naod on special |«ru of work: while,
•nape and am now ready
deed from Dogal Stewart, wbo
for exauiide. on tbe flat surfan-s of a
given to cntbnslaam nor oarelem exprea- well known that Republicans would door a mau would use sandpa|,>er with
never consent to sneb logUlation. os it
a block of It for tbe moliilngs
Unfortunately we have no detailed would be ruinous to American ship would use steel wool wbh-b (Us Into
infonnatiao about to yontb'a aoqnire- yards.
Thus defeated and cbeoktnated. tbe tbe crevices and conforms Itself to Irmenta iu later years. Bo died at 19 of
generaT decay apparently. But Mr. Le- humiliation and cmbdmasmvnt of the regulnr sbapos. 8ucb work cai
done, wllli steel wool far more res
maistre met him in bis travels and pub foreign sblpi>lng lobby aniWta free
lished an account in 1808, tbo boy be trade frit-nils must be acute. This and quickly Ibao with sandpais-r. and
Wuriburr Block
ing .then 6 years old. “Be aits on a car Ih-mocrnili- mlnorliy report doclarei It Is UMe<I wllli like advautap- on Irreg
ular and small surfaces ami on <-arved
pet,-surrounded by hU books, and when
tbe gravest and most acute remarks fall and nut n iiartisau one. Here, at least, work.
tram to lips of tbU little person a these IhMuucrats align themselves wttb
coaiwr iiiaterbil of the same kind call
spirit aeoms to speak rather ton cliild, jmogrcKKlvc and (Mlrlotlc KepuUi
and tbo fine expreaaion wUcb sparkles to tlie dlscoEillturr and defeat of the ed ateri shavings, which is put tu vari
foreigners and tbelr American free ous UM-s, aa in Uking off old gtalnt or
varnish and lu polishing wood before
trade allies.
paintiug. and It ls used ou bowling al
Amoag other taata, Mr. LemalNre
COMING MONEY CENTER. leys and on floors for Bmooifaing and
asked him to make a map of tbo Vene
tian empire, which bo did with accuracy. Cnltea aiatPB A«wairl«a 3mprrmm«r
SaDdiwprr clogs In uhc; steel wmil
Tbcae oompotent to Judge to fact will
breaks down. Tbe woul Is comm
readily believe that tbo child of 6 years
Russell Sage thinks tot In five years
wbo performed it waa an animated mir-' from now wc will Ih.- tbe niuuoy centi
SidewaUc Lninber in nil >(raa,
oela Tbe French armipa barred nearly of tbe world. .Vud for this Hume of tbe
every road in Europe to an English ncwBiwiH-rs call Mr. liagv nu optimist.
traveler at that data Mr. LomaisWe In view of the facts of tin- case we
An Inierestiug illustraiJou ot what
asked bow be could get bomo without would call this statement of M
aaore tc TnwersA City Lnmber Co
t>encb or Dutch a very conservative one. Wli
lerritory. The Child '‘iuMantly traced once of trade of goOO.OUO.OOO
on to globe tbe single rood remaining rolling up lu our favor every year we nunilM-r of roads in a .Michigau section
runners, says the fhh-ngo Record,
open." It is well'Tor this genUoman'a will be the money center of tbe world
this district the couni.-.' Is aand.v,
credit (bat Dogal .Stewart's eridonocs long l>eforc live years liave |>assed ove.long afterward, mokes tbo story pomi- our heads. In fact, there ore'not lack and the reads have is-en so l>ad
most of tbe year lliat It has
bla—Chicago Timea
ing among menwpiannid-Ju^lgoieut aud l>een bii|K)ssildc to bring to market the
good business iYdsc those Wbo hcllcvo produce of the farms. The nearest
TM^Isbramd Spsoiallat, FormaHy «r N*w York.
tbat the United/siqtes comes very near town was a|>|>lh>fi to. but It was so jioar
to being the nioQey center of the world that It was eomiK-lled to decline tbe renow. We of allSiaUous Imve gold to qm-sied help. Finally tbejanuors doUve
spare for export. Slouey Is much cheap cld.d to help themselves.- About five
er In New York today than It is In Ix>n- years ago i". of tliem came tup-lher
don. -Vs Mr. Sage himself has point
and offerc-*! to haul marl «me day fn-e ^ Slotwx -WrXLitilTiBi Xxa-^]-se Oi-by,
be liurruwed in New If the towushlp would iillow them to
question, and it may vety probably be out, mobey
I>cr cent, take tbe mart from its Ik-U. Consent
answorod' some day by scicnep in to York at
ids 4 |xr
affinnativa Tbe longurity of profea- iFbllc lu England It
given, aud alwut'^o men volunUHire. This is of course In i«irt twrvd (•> shux-el ami level tlie marl aud
eioual men is now generally oonsidtired ___
Ofioe How* from 9 ». m. to 8 p.
One day only awb aoeth.
due tu the Routb Afrb-nn war nud (be
flnrt half mile was laid. Tbia
coDHcgiu-nt stupiuigi.- of pild osiiokb road provisl mik-Ii n success tbat the
tualactivlQr, altoogb in many respects from (lie Truusvoal. TIun helps to next year another half mile «vas put
more exbanstiog than pbysioal, has in make iiiom-y scarce lu Eiiglaud. hut It down. The marl |uirke<l »lo«n bard
tbe main a salutary oScot upon the hu is noMhe muse of the plcutlfuluess of and made such an l■x<vllent Im-»1 for
man frame. It may bo tbenervos rather money hi this country. For tbe muse .ieraveMhal tbe farmers raised anioog
tbau tbo muscles upon which wo main of tbat wc must liMik to our protective tliciuselves enough money to |>ut a
ly depend, after all. It is a oemmon- tariff iwlli}'. 10 which u-<- owe tbe fac-t dressing of gr.nvcl ulmut eight Incbea
piece of obeen-ation tbat tbe big, hearty that Euni|>v is nmuliig up n big bill thick over «>iic.iiuurtei- of a mile ot the
men are constantly dr«q>ping qut of to with UM every yi-ar for the <iulput of rood. This made «u cKcUcnt walk,
world, while tboM of for more fragile Amerimu fnciorlex and (be producls uf and the fulhm-Ing year uion- muuey'
Aiuericau farms whh-b lii-r jHHiple buy wos eolhs-ied. and half a .iiiih- was put
orgauiutions ^iparontly live on to
of tin 16 nu-ofmimil Xnr in exivasof t!ic down. Rut this time only four Inches
ripe old ogcnuiouut oft heir prudurts wldcb we buy of gravel WHS sprca<l over tlie marl
As'to the incroasinfi longevity of tl
of them.
race gouorally, tore is no little ino
Tlio next year amitber giiorier tullo
dental testimony on this bead to bo
lim. nud about half a
trip was gravcli'-il.
gathered from various eourcos. bomo cl
“JciromoD Ylol.-iiiil (he constitution," jlle of tnarl was put down ready
tbe early heroes aud beroi:
jral con<
vlrtunll} shout lli<- fn-e trndeni. “wbe-n graveling ncxt'fnil. ,Ks a iiatural
manco are old before they reach what
b6 pnn-hast'il Ia>uisinna. Inhal)it<-d by s<-iiucnce of tbe linproveiiient In the
we ahould call middle Ufa And ot tbo 30.000 Frencli, who. altUouKli owwecd roads mure pro-luce Is now. sent to the
beginning of our own century Jano to ns, be governed as he Ihouglit Bt.’’ local market, and (he |>rinrl|ial town of
Ansten.wbosetestimony is always onim- Antlesimusluiilsts cuuuot sleep nights the dlsirli-t has Ix-uriltisl so large
gely by
pcaebabla speaks of tbu bc-altby and In tbelr frlglit Uni we carrj' out Jeffer
Improveinciit (but It lins offert-d to
oootented woman of 40 as haring a good son's Ideas hy gu^-erniug n lot of balf
iilsli gravel for a mile of road If lbe-|
prospect of 80 years of life yet Twenty
civilised FlIlpluoK JUBt an we did tbe
yearsi Wbat woman of toilay thinks of
ley hafc
80.000 euligbteued Freiieb of Louisiana.
u------- ./
lA-t's MS-- w he was it
said free
Elsuwbero lu Miss Austen's pages we
traders and atillex|iansliiiilBts admire
people who an> old'with tbo
of Imll licariag is d<>tbe name of Ji-fferaon. luii bold bis
•ertbod by a writer lu tbo nosiuii llernrlnciplcs in uitiT cuntempO'
now wc bavu Uladstoucs at 80 and
uIU. ft consists of an asscmblng
and think nothing uf IL-Frov;
carrier twills for Ix-arlng. w'blcli
A Lillie Hlstorr.
•cpxratcd by smaller luu-nn<>dlato balls
Now- tbat the iK-mcM-ratIc ]iarty, Is
Befit to be had »■
the city ifi at
Now 75c a Month
Chas. W. Merrill
to lyat raiaa atoak iMW-
Good Line of Jewelry
John R. Santo,
GeMfil lisiruci.
III Kills of Repairiie.
Fine Wood
For Cuoking or Furnace Purposes
CoosiiltatioR and Eiamination Free and Sirictlr CnifidMiil.
Nof PresideotoniieOtti&juiledictlliQUtite Go., lDth«oi,Ilek.
'Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
' As illustrating to groat value placed
an a little whisky by some folks iu rural
Maine, whore “prohibition prohlbita,"
thisstotylstold: "A big red faced fol' iw, wbowasBufloriugfromalougi
t onfoTood abatinenM as well aa I
a injured toe, was brought into tbe ofco of a Yell known physician of cen
tral Malueyi have tbo
Tbu eufferfr objected to tbe use of other
or cblorofarm.batwbei] tbo doctor tnnied out a tumbler of whisky for bim to
drink bo no longer opposed tbo praoeedings. and the toe .was cut off without
trotfbla. Beviring after tbo opontian.
anxious fur the Imh-iH-udenoe of Cuba
It is intorestlug lu uute the Cuban
plant of Its platform of 1800, wbieb
-was ns follows:
iIk Pmarnlir lartr s» hi A■ C<7Ui-UUa& ol thr itlsJH) of t.VitS oa
iBoacabh-to uuTK-l-n tad
•lust prtfUitMc iDUiDniL
commerce Is well indicated by some figores of tbe British board of trade. In
ten yi-ars England's trade with her col
onies was £389.1X10,000 gn-ater thai)
trlUi tbu United Rtaios. Brj4,000.000
greater than with tk-rmany and £ gtvaU-r than with France.
The Farmer'a Proaim.
Boap and siarcb not having adrauiced
in price, there has been nn increase In
leme.—W. P. Conltur in Ban Francost of tbe farnieFs laundry bill
But be has been getting a good deal
n»ore money for bis bogs, ateera and
com than be did a few years ago and
Wlfe—Ton’ro been drinkingl And
“Have yon beep able to catch to for tbo matertaU which i-utor tbew
you told mo yon were going to a prayer qmte’a eyef" ariced to flrMUdy leg- very articles.
Husband—T-e-a, m’ dear. I wash de
“Have IT' njoiaed to oecond 1^layed at abe inycr moetfng, and I (bie) latcr. “Well nUwr. I woro my navy
> knew you'd make big fua 'bout my bloe bengalino, with tbo beliotn^
(hie) oomtu borne •' late, and 1—1 (hlo) oleeveo, and to speaker couldn’t ke«
to brace up for aha ordmL-Krw hlseyeooffme.'’
UpoitocaUcf tbaboaaetoyi^ way* a part of to B
HMaA.—Dafrott Trtbana
Tbs Most fiaecessful and a
itof AllDiaeussMdfi
of Xankiod Foasibls to ObtahL
■M^MH^Sod(aTsrst<l7kBCiitcS^laU«t Id ^UbIM^SIaw. Bit
MstsircH^M^KKUVOin'.H'iuirBo'd HUm?DlwsM'‘6tM°th^uI^selmU i^aT
pies. Bad SBlIUSs biB lo tbs fail souMsbss o( lbs aSllsisid sscrywbsfs.
A Little t■eoB•UteBt.
Tbe Routlii-ru lK-uii>cracy disfran
chises tlie'negro. runs Jiucrow cars on
the railroads, taxes them without giv
ing them rt'i>rt>seutath>n. lynches ttaoso
moment,and then cocked his o>»—
ly ot tbo doctor. 'Say, doc,'* be .. whom It chooses to accuse without the
marked, 'gi' me anotber tnmberfni of formality of a (rial and yet holds up its
hands In holy borror Ixs-unse they fear
the Bepubileana are going to "oppress”
to natives of I'orto Rico.
It Was la lams* BaUa.
“Ton don’t want tot
hat. Mary,’’
•aid Mr. Muggins, wbo was with bla
wife in to milliner's store, “it’s too
big anyhow. Sow, If to milliner could
only take oB four or five fratbere it
would be all right'*
"That's oasy, “ intwpand to mUll<r sweetly, snltiiig to aoUoo to tbo
word. “And tburo yon bare a love of a
little bonnet ” Aud ton, as Mr. Mnglus felt fv hU poiAetbook smilingly,
linking of toeconomy be bad offecMd,
she added, “Now it's only fiSa”-CbimgoBeootd.
This iiicn-ly reflected tbo vk-ws 0
Democratic I’resldeuls Jefferson. 1‘olk.
rierce and Ruebanau, wbo fpvnrcd an
nexation of Cuba, as Is historically
BaatibsibBbBs er fsllsd !b thou,Bnd> of SMs* lb»i b»d
tesib ssor^ rear vbo al^l bass 6i D mured
to pcHset
POUIU.X iiAu. biABtina.
held In the ring which contains tbe cxrricra on the line of tbe dead center of ^ q»Bs» r»B^7, OL^
tbe latter. The rings and balls are
DB.OTTaj____ ,
made of all sixes, to lit all sixes of
sbaflings and axles, freni tbe smaUcft pAlBlmlr far aealsi bts*. pierrtiBB, indosfactory shaft to that of an ocean liner
the axle of a bicycle tu that of to
heaviest vehicle that runs.
Lob* Distal
Tbe recent discovery- (liat some of
tbo Ibrillbig moving plciurcs ot tbe
war lu South Afrk-n were made In New
jereey has a parallel In Faria, where A
certAin photographer Is mid to bo mak
ing money baud over (lit by taming
out Buap ahota of war scenes In tbu
Tbo pictures arc made In tbe Fre^.
capital'and are sold as genuine war
pbotographa Tbo photographer baa
collected eomc old horses and guns and
baa ctflisted (be Bcn-lcc ot a score or
more of supers froiu tbe tbeoten. who
are made ti]> as Boers or Engllsbmea.
according to tbe reqnlrementa of tbo
The Boers are dlsfingnisbed-by tbelr
long whiskera and the English by tbelr
nelfonoB. IniUatloo breastworks have
bem bnllt near Paris, and tbcae at*
Stormed by tbe inipefa while to man
vftb to camera takca to sup ab^
d ■motto
ofebsl^Tlee aad tbs coBueaa otUs tbat IbUow it lu tram.
A(lt'B«CCBBtor aU srvMN BMkaMS
sdas — b-j w«a m-r
taiTbaUlaaad t__________
aadbodT. aaStUBf Uws
elUar sw. poHUT«l7 sorsd, aa wcU aa tBaetMaaldMoateaUatrsauli- froa reutbtbl falUas or ihb acssss «t atawm Tears.
SPBCIALTUa: Oatarre. Sblb Dtsaawa.
lOTToai, vBic^ wiu recei
IPtlnta 80S 170.
Bx X X oRxix. xnxiMx, max
HOW THf nowcfv worn.
m feM>. MHg.
M ukN lh> tlao o< tk> MM i»*»,
n* Mw On*** irii9 H IM aiMv ««.
1W torn OM I (M b nr
AW k» Blvta* tWB *11 !■ ■ aowr. oi W ,
TM M tW «V (HI tW |«hM CM.
D> )«• kwv. Mtac. bw miM cm
OW Uh« (M ml <4 tW bastlM ■
........................ ■ rWUo ««Wt.
_ _...........
n. to Mta IW c<M «< -» bdV'* Mr
AW «U U MM Ito
A* to MM-. .Hto rktto tto MCW Mt* cMb
AM tM U tto nr ttot tto UUa cm.
p» m tom. torltoc. bw t«m pMt
Ab. ttot to Ito tonwM a all. I fctoto.
r* IbfT m tto taiM el all d .
w nH mi
Oj«*«h(. MS. bv Kr«M VtotatoK
Mrs. W/u>e Ml ati* bed bone sU tbet
nr woAUB could be expeetrd to beer,
end more. JuIMn would not
t onlr ccue
0 lore her. w be Alreedr bed done, or
to berer could bare epoken to tor u be
bed done at toeoktAM. but be could oot
Mport ber If Abe orerkioked tbit iudlcRbc would Abow him Ibal just beCAUtc ubc bAd bumored bim Aod clren in
to blD ulnoet eeerr time for the whole
Ale Dootba of tbcir married exiateace ato
It ollocctbcr lackinc (a Aplrl
Sto would Dot star nader that roof aaAtber Dlcbt—Bot aa boar loufar than wu
Beeeaaarr to aee' that tto booae wai pot
la order aad direefloas clrea for dlaaer—
Cor abc did Bot want aar oae to be able
to aar that abe bid arclected aar plain
dntr. But where wai abe to coV
It waa rerr eaar to aar that the
wUUac to work for ber Urlac. but
would gire ber a cbaace} And
neaat It wbeo abe aald abc would aooaer
narre e« tbc atreeti than oat tbc bread
of Jnllan WrnneU proridlag. Bnt the
police would not let ber do that. Bbe
abuddered at tbe tbooght of bring rooebIr palled about aad tbruit tato a cold.
■ ■ cell
•• araoac dreadful
ber fare waa all amudetd. wbicb pt«reated ber from ^klac ai heroic ai abe
feh wbea abc Mood np aad declared
•ternlr that abe would not giro war: that
ao luaa. eapecWlr Jallaa Wrwie. waa
worth her tea ra.
When Ura. Wrnac bad fiaiabed her
hoaaebold rontlae. abc felt calmer, '
ber reaotolloB wai unibakea. Go; .be
would. Sbe aaw thatt br baMening
baMenl t her
prrparatloaa abc could get tbe 10:47 train
■ tto
• eitr.
Jn't take a trunk
She «rooldn'
abe cooM aeod for tor
A unit cnae and a Glai
hiM eeeiTtbiDC that abe would need for
nil abe
tbe prettr.
obtogled boaae with tbe
lOed white
nuaUa mrulas at tbe wi•indowi.
had been ao proud of tto bonae aad ita
a abe bad come there to
and now abc «
laaelng It foren
"Vtoe tbe aelgbbore watebing ber? abe
adrred. Would tber read ber trouUe
la ber face aad take note of ber traeeliac
bagi? Sto boped DO one abe knew would
h* *olng la on tbe aatoe train. Fortu^Atrir It wu a little late for tbe abopr>ui /um\ aa ear iiao aaui.
Ihocau. roa Deed ant meet toe.*' and tbe
saw bad touched bii bat and driren
BwaTi abe tarned to face ber near nelgb*
bor. lira. Frewlen. tbe moat Inqnlaltirr,
naUMe and aoriable pemn Id Brock'barat. wboae deafacoa wu no bu to ber
iMbtent talkatlTeaeu.
"Whr, are roo going awar. Mrs.
Wrnner abe demaded.
me. I didn't know it! How long
•hfaSoet; we bad «i«nAii«l am «« that
onme aeeoost." ah^uM
tto tout
how mattcra Mood.,
Phr aorae teaeoafMn. Wj
ttda aeqateaceace. and ato rimmilnirit
with a pang whatinatil.now ato had flar*
gonew-that there, tod been a ffirtatkm
own upoo a time with Julian Wrane and
Gertrude Howard u prindpoia. If ato
had retnemberad that ato wcmld havogMK anrwhere, eren to ber moiber'a, bo-
otutlon for ber a
"I ^ont aereni boort In « cniali
eotBtrr town not far from beiu a few
daga ago." aald a reons
man of tbia citr. "and to klU Ume 1
Joined tbe »ual group In the comer
grocerj atm. One of tbe crowd wu
a freight brakeman. and be bdd
8 too late DOW iTety- ctorr about a tramp who wu ateoUng
a tide on tbe bumpera during hla laat
*The coodortor aeen bIm fint* bo
n In tor wUcltode tor
Mid. 'and when be «ame back to tbe
iboooe be aald. ura be: "BiU. tbere'a
a blamed nglr lookin bobo on dm
Jollan Wrnae arrired at Ida oSeo tmeka briUod tbe flrat car. Snppoae
-Juaa. wd ererrthlBCJthere tended to pot
Um In worw humor. He found himarif you go up and Ore bim off." "AH
br S30A than to had been tto dag right, cap," uga 1, and atarta front
E^ore: ih^ waa a letter of reproof fram IVben I geU to tbc flrat car. I lookt
down. and. aure enough, tbere
a anperior and
big. greaar hobo aquattJn
edge, boldin on to tbc brake Iron. "HI,
there!" uga I. "what tl’gou meain br
of eonne. to cooldn'I.
trgln to beat tbe road? We're goto
Benedict tto bead of aa eaul Js^B
tbc object of wlfHr eooBdence and affee- alow now. and gou bop right off!" Tbe
UoD—but wu be? Tto breakfaet aeene bobo reorbed around Into bia pocket
roae up before bim. and In hla preecnt and polled out a gun about a gard long.
mood hii wUe'a aneniou and retorta aa- Wben be pointed It at me. it looked
fomed a charaeter that wai anrtbiag bnt j like a piece of atoveplpc. "Vnp freckle
Doaed baboon," uga he, "if \you-don't
Didn't to bare enougfa
enourfa to bear wttbont
«itbMt go 'boot gour bUHineu real aoddeu.
aoddeu, I'll
/a, ''Well, BIU. did goo
iTiBf Ore the bolior’ "No.'' auga I. "I didn't
m) to - In ebatUn with btm.'’ I sags. "1 found
ber aWme. however. •
out we waa kin. and 1 didn't reallg
iiing apinater aunt:
bare tbe heart to bounce tbc poor fclOelaa ainr lor frv dijw Plmw ittr M I
bont until rrtum.
lerr' "WoU. ru do It myaolf, then!"
Rejoiring in hia
be uUM Mga the conductor, guitin hot and
furtb, a free man once moi
Bnt bia awag be goes over the tops. Prvttg
elation wa« abort lived. Ten mlnutea Ut- soon 1 coOld bcat^ bim comln back
er he
_ split „„
> into blra. Frewlen, (be laat _____
on ^
a dead run. Ho slid
woman oa eu^ he would have cfaoaea jowa the brake Iron like a streak of
greased ligbinln ami dropped into
•the cabooM! seat all out
ut of breath.
thing I eboDld aee gon juat aa
"Did gou Are bimr says I. ".\o." aaga
thlokiog abom gon? Won't gon
of faint "Why. Ii^rf was
gour. dinnen
Jinners with us while Mrs. W
ia na-ar?
i»-ay? It U ao deeoUte for a man to that?" nya I. im-tondln to he surprlsdine alone.
Vell, X'll tell you." snys lie. con■■She's rraiy." thought tbe eonfuaed fldentlal. "It’s funimy. bpi.. «rgo
I’goM know,
alkic. I found out lie
*’®' T when wc got to tal
plied^ aloud, "but ! am juat learlag tbe
**^Are yoQ going to Itocbealer ..-vV
Inter Ocean.
rtaihly had not oceanrd to
travel ia that dirretioD, but ainre %
atarted bin tbai'way be wouldn't retuee
ne Boa • Mealk
loath One-thlrd the tue
at uis Bo4>.
’•'Vea. short time only; mutt rnab for
Siost remarkable ut sirange Ashes la
the angler flsh. whose very name atvma
Wynne, "could she have meant bg Hel a paradox. The Uhbiug lish Is uuveren's leering me t« aoUiarg dionera. and tbcleu a realliy and n stern one lo all
with mg head did not ache ao. Uucu
I'll get a lK>.T to triepbone and make aure
Helen hasn't atarted for Boebester, aa
that Frewlen creature Insiouaicd.''
rag this morning? Didn't ug
wben «heM to took? Told coacbmaa not
meet ber. knn are sure gon nade^
wlM tto^tov wla^lo^d tolrine^"M
If mg wife toi gone off oa a litlle'lear
of her own and as if sbe bad’got tbe
atari of me. I toliore sbe did threaten
leave me this Tctg dag. Bot wbg
•aid ato cbooae lo go to Itoebestor?
eao’t know n soul there. That'a Ibe
tucufed on. and It was found thar If
An was toiiclnil with a
■OcY, even though the sllek did not
come near the iinnith. the jaws closed
couruUIvrig. This shows that tbc tin,
bg some prmislou of nature, closes the
jaws as soon as It is t.m. heil.
? anyihing for me
Deserted husband In pnrsnit of hla wife."
Rochester is n..| as large
trge «as New York
Hiy. but it Isn't tbe easiest ibiBg in tbe
world tu liod a tvoman thereV when gou
have no idea wberc sbe iss iMaying aad
re is to avoid
Wben your mnlrolling desire
pnblirity. Sabibed that hi. wife had
not KOBO to a hotel in Iti^b.-stor, JuUan
.Wynne, nuw tboningblg alarmed, returned to New York f.v further InforamUon.
“How la* everything, nuntr be asked
with as murb onronceni ai .to could
luMer, prwBliag bimaelf tbe next dag
at his own house.
"N’ory will. Hot gou
you did not tell me
that Helea was going
with yout^ Didn’t
ahe return with
"No. You w
aooaer than X
'*i the sliaih.w of sonio rock
bottom of the M-a, walling motlonleu for the aiiproneli of his pivy.
He la prorided with an ode? kliid of liii
Just over the tnoulli, and this Is held
out In front of 1.1m lo give warning of
„,p coming of sonictlilng lo be swal-
double or treble rows along Uic jaws
and at the entnu.ee of the Uirt«it,
“'■'■ •" >«'•>'
**« Attenda sirh-lly to l.iisim-ss and will
*«•«>'<«• an.vriiliig thai"T8u. bes
warning Ah. whether. It is nieanl for
All kinds of things have been found
tn tbe stoinariis of huglers, from bits
of lead and stone lo Ash uhiiost as. large
aa the angler Itself. This Is tvlihout
doubt ouc of tho innst |Ms-uIlnr and lu-<
terestlug Ash In Ihe whole oot'on.—St
liOUls Globe Democrat
t"." ■
«Cmd to tto 1^
» sM tbr ti
Utt Bigtll to ori 10 MS t bM
Of (vlr. vta llcht into lank tti glM
Acrori tto pMoTul. <tok*alM UAn
Wtoa. Cnaptri toaid. tto ritps «PW
tto fous kid hesAtori. tM tto ritr
AM vladi o( wiolrr <ty aloM,
to. Ikramk tto roar «(trukhw vara.
Abon (to mprafr iMiaa and taw.
A mice conn o>t tto iroobM UM
-kKtord SUUsriB Pevrll li
The PMflto Wot
r ysHMot.
Lorga aa
"There ane tricka In the whisky boalCM aa weU as In others." aald tto
drummer tor a largo ct
house, ’'and I remember once bow tba
Arm 1 was with got stuck. One dog a
man drove up in a ooc borflb wagoa
carrying ooe barrel of whisky, which
he wanted to seiL He told tu aonte
kind of a atorg about an old uncle dy
ing and loavl^ it to him: but, as be
couldn'tafford to use as good liquor os
It was. he bad concluded to sell It.
"Wc took the barrel Into tbc houae,
and, prying out the bung, we sbppcd in
tbc siphon and drew off a glass of It to
sample. And It waa fine. The barrel
showed age. and the liquor losted It.
U waa worth 110 a golloo If It wu
worth a cent, but we didn’t give tbe
man any such pointers. Wc knew bg.
the weight that there were at least 40
gallons of it. and we made him ao oft«T of |1150 for the barrel. He higgled
awhile, but took tbe money at last and
drove away.
"In the conrac of a couple orwet*i
u> put that whisky in
bottles and sell It as caae goods, so wc
set the siphon to work at tbc bung apd
began to. draw It off. After the fourth
bottle Ipid'lK^en drawn the alpbon re
fused to work, and wc examined it to
find what was wrong. We could not
get at It that wag. and, as the contenu
Bccmcd to be all right, wc act the bar
rel on cod and bored another hole in It
Then the siphon worked, but tbe liquor
was much iwler, and one of tho men
tasted It. Ry George, ft wasn’t whisky
at all! It was only water, colored
•omewhat from the charred Inside of
the bam-L
"That scared ns, and we smashed the
bead Id to see what was Inside, and we
MW in a minute. The wily cuss bad
fllled a can with Ane ohl whisky to the
bung where wo made 4be cxauitoaUon
before purclmsliig..«D<I when that I'S'i
been emp'Uetl the whole story bad been
told. Ill: bad probably paid $S for the
gallon to All tbe can. and wc sold It for
rJ.r.0 a iKittle. but we didn't get a
blanioil cent for the HA gaHons. more or
less, of water lliat Ailed the rest of tbe
barrel.''—Washington Star.
The TMvahae er
Taiunhae eventually
Bate the "war hatchet" of the Indian,
supplied by the uilHiarg commaodcra
of die whole eoutloent lo equipping the
warriors on the many eX]>ediUona In
whii'lt French and English were coniiitly engaged.- and was furnished
c ludiun allies of the English tn oor
■»»«. '>"<•»' war of Indepentlonce.
anglers was caught imt long
This wcajKin was either In tho form
an*l- HmuRh It was only 115 luch,
of a siwar or hatchet blade on one side,
long, a flab in Inches long t
sticking in Its ihnuit. The migicr is
“What will bl
IBP?' Or b be golar with ronr'
*'Ob. be win enior keeidng ba
han. fa.
I'ee VO
DO itanbL"
All of Miu. Wrt^'a.tojdlot bad to be
---------- at _
. c ---------------------- JT Of
•X'tn’t t<
tbetn repeated. Sbe waa gbd when tber
'■You don't look a bit well. You had
toacbed tbe frrrr. One queation that abe be^er atay uaiil you get ivated."
draaded more than all bad not been uk*
:ea, certaialy. Send luy letten that
Bat It wa» not too late ret- Aether
% piraw
MStod the rirer, Mre. Frewlen. parrr*
IM or aeetnlng not to bear remarka abont
------ ----- siiuaUonr rxdalmed Mr. ' -I am asalMnni wvrvtarv of the
vcalber. tbc nosloua odora of ferrrWynto
town. ''rTo tiMsurg." waa the reply. VWliat can
and tbc ctaual commenta on tbe .got to talk it over with to
aocne tme. X i j,. e.» eAit?*'
trlab of eubnrbaaitea In tranrit. put In:
"Did reu car ron were coU)g to rear
wrot. ibu h. ml.1,1 .rrir. i.J„. T™. ”>»
S- «»r
-No." replied Miu. Wri
tore It la. That's right, today.
, Norther, but I’ve come to jiay the gov. I mnet eetstbe porter about
-U to Wert- crnuioDt acme moucy timt I guess 1
.• ot hU de- owe it fairly. I oamr iuick from EuBut tbe friendlr Mn. FreWbs wu sot ligfaifnl sorU-tg. He's got to help me. I rope some time ago with some dutiable
to to baOed tbn.
I goods coacealcl aUmt me and got |tast
"Yon don't mind mr ukinc where ron can't stand tbis much longer." .
“*# "*'WAPAnt of i the reveuuc olAcers with them. I Agtoe going, do roar* abe uld aa her nn^ *un. l.l.™rr -b-, M,.
j„v.„,n.ont bbt ot
hapi^Tlctlm wu
"I )BM <
one Bwtr fr
mlaute. ITtrn tbere was aomethlag
Aud-get the matter off my mind."
•at kaow where tber
It'a ao n
laded like a simultaaeoas sigh of reUM
"WcU." res|(oudfd the assistaut aecdabb."
from two petoDDa and some exclamsAoA retary.'*Vc liave what ws call a conNow, tba onlr thing certain abont Mra. thai were not eSpecinUy iatelliglble. bat oclcnce foud, and as this seems to be
Wrani'a plau wu tbe nacertalntr of
Bar daminatloB. Sbe eertainlr could not seemed to to aaHsfactory to those «oa- a caae of eonselence''—
I "I don't know that it’s my conscience
f»d would not go/ «v
to uri
ber motber’a
uivtun * vt
or ouj
’•How did you know 1 waa herer detroubles roc " aald the vltllor, "but
at bar lolatlrea, where
ebere abe would hare to
loarf >b. Woml
'» auttera. An
And In aecepUag tbe
enda abe would bare to
lUr of Mesda
_ ogb tto HUM bomiUuUng ordeal.
• thought of a hotel and dUmlaeed tbe And you. But why did you tell Mn.
l*‘* Infenml ‘cough up. coujAi upr
I la tbe Mine breath. Tbc Harriet- Frewlen that you were going to Boctoa- and I’ve got tired of it."-Olilcago Trib. .rie home oeenrrrd to ber. bnt abe anre- lerr
f ooald not teU blra. Frewlen that abe
"I never did. She beard Bochestfr: I
If All CaaAiAatM Wvre V’felte.
Mid B'eatctoater."
Woatebeater," abe aald
The word "candidate'' Is from tbe
-Wftt. I think we had better go up
at lam. At tto InaUnt ato thought it there lor a dag. It la tbe eaaiert wag I XaUn "caudidatux.” I.lu-rnllg It lueant
WM nl^^tot^br^ ruling of IVorldeoM
think ot to baffle Mra. Frewlen and white robed, and it wai thus called
ipe letpng Btockburst into oar eon- cause In Rome those who sought offlee
%<AaMerr esci
1 Ura.
glim-ring white toga. Fancy.
*irhMk tonrea. a
"Ob. Jalian. that U a b
1 ber deafneaa before.
(DM toon w.»d.Hn. ho. I ... to
U10.1.TU Americans
Ml DOW, rinee ato tUaka 1 baTo gone to
wBamar, whr t^oulda't t go to WeatDrcsrni
In some sections there
And a aenae ol tto beai
•hMbr? Thmo'a Oertrnde Alirn: ato tad oat all meixiorg of
' r-s miaerg. - «-ould be no Aueb thing as a darit suit
MU Mka me In and be leu prring and -New Yort: Preaa.
of dotbea. Washington would almplg
Aupuable than anr om I can think of.
to one shining center of unlveroal
ffjb la tor for a tew dara. 1 woaldD'c
•nm Ato Cp.
' whit«Dcai.-Baturdag Evening Fost.
M fl ^iirgi wore tome, on account of
Straagw (who bat been admlttad tatto
oabUme pretence aa an Americna travel
That's AU.
er deslrooa of paying' bis reMects>-lt af
*T hear that BclUngtom boa manM
fords me great '
money." aald P
it Tgi
Turkey (rrilh a gasp)-Bg tto
Tea a faiM report” replied .BotUaf
iE iSElE'TJ'EJb™ ■“
IM ollhs Snlac
. Vksa beats COM briar aosm tto M
AM otaur-r riBBfbt «s alar,
tending Into the eye of the weapon. In
to tvlilcli a tough handle of wood was
fitted IS Inches or two feet In length.
I'he handle was perforated almost Its
entire length, and Ik-Iow the hollow of
the Iwtvl lx was bored at right anglea
to Ibis iH-rforatlon, a suitable stemholc
for the passage of the tobacco smoko
when the Implement
The tomahawk pipe was not only at
tractive and popular In trade, but. like
the earlier trade pipe, was given
presi-nt at couuellH and ratiflcatlons of
ireatJes. It was a pipe, a hatchet and
a uiaee or liammcr nil In ono and
ewerod an inipt^nt militarg requlrcmmt in les-sonlag the weight and IncumbranciT of the warrior, who other
wise would have tenaciously bold to
the BioDc pipe, which In Itsdlf waa
heavier than Ibe tomahawk. — SfflUhsonlan Institution Report.
riOB.H L. A On. Boot.
tM lion. H. L. A Od, BsM.
4 00
Btn-nm OAnsorn
Woaai. old, par M................
WhsD^ par bo. ^w)...........
Osta. Ho. 1. Ml
Om, par ba........
Batter, per H..
■gga. pwdoui
[ _.B>RNUMl
Hat. "Tn cu Jnap ea it tnmple ea
It It will come op amlllsg every
Un "Caiman's Elastic Floor VarnUb
6 E Walt.
Ihiag for Dolbiog'.' That's what
it offered.............................'■"eepremyon by the Lion Coffee
ium dUplay In tbe Vienna, IHakery
front window.
> Un U txtff in 24 Mmirs.
First Freeze
Cleat Ice, irom Boardman lake.
and fatal diwaM.
and in Umu. it will cure a uaw24 hours, aod fo- tbu cough that
lol«va L« Urippo i*. never fails to give
At rwideDi-<-s —Ktiiii.- hk Inet y.-ar.
•:i.<f. Prlto.2&c: ’ **
Havp largo<|aaQti:yoD hand,
make a apeciaUv of car lot*
$1.00 a Month
J. A. Jackson
Both'Hbeam. No. v.
SmtoU Plaan always pieaae.
To Coro a C«M in One Day.
'ake Warner's While Wine of Tar Sj-n
!ie l>est cough remtih <-11 earth.
Fire Insurance.
L. £>. A. Building
t tow. Bpaelal atUaUea u
eoareraaelBc. tlinwBtBi.
WILSKII. pbrulrla^ou ■urrv
OSm MwTeOMtor bl«ek. tie rrant >lr<
Grud Riplds i Indiana R;.
Irrivat anj di-punorp «r trwiu.. >t Traverv-
aucodM u arorip-ly. OOoePkoBM.n
IS. KMldvoM.BvlISSD: Nvwto
INSULT 0. PWM. Atwmay a
TNR W. B. a W. 8. Hood, cvurral prMnlcv aim
ice Opera Booae Block.
r^BO. B.OBOM, Auoreey and OeusMUar at
OSCM. Olty Oper*
0*. eSec MB. TtMdaaee. lOa.
n aOILBBBT.Auaraay. SpMlal aMroilop
"• “
Cfitiyccsssegs .sgg'
T A. TBOMPBON-H. D Offlo. lu HamlUra
X. A HUUkrii BlooU. Hoar*.(to 11 a.m., I
to 4 p.m. T'.lopbaaa. n.
IXh up *ialr>. lo Pranl. I'yiedrlcb'. oew Block.
aad eblldreo'a dloeoM a .prelolty. Olflre
boura: 10 to It a. a.: S to 4 aod 7 to ( p a.
toll -phooe. Noetbero 'pboor No. 1.
TNU. R. K. FLOOD. OBoe lo oew Toceelle.
U Block CoJUao.wrrrd promptly day er
olcbl Nonbcrn'pkoor.S; toll.mi.
T B. MARTIN. PbyalclaB and aornoo, OBcw
J. todleaUbrary:hoUdlox.:tollpboee-tft
Bee. No W: roaldenee. Mo. 71. Nortbero pbeor
—oBce aod tooldrace. No. 71.;
nR. A. J BOOTT-Veterinary BurgeOD, at
HorKae'a Bare. Treau dlacoar* of al
domeallc anlmoli by tbe latoal and mo>i ap-
:s‘S:r'.s»iirKi.sr;ls»’s ir.
TbvdAp ei. iralB hw parlor
Rapid., •lid .Irrplav Car nod
TVplBarrlTlaakt IMp n bn* rirrprr Ca
rlDsntl toiirsnd Uapid. UBdraiM-b and .Irri
loy-nr catentfo to Ortuid Rapid, nad rbair car
Tnnls arrlTliig »I:(» p. a ha. rbn'.r ror p.
C. K. Mt-RRAV. toepL
U P. AT A . llrwad RapidD.U.
The Fere lirqnette Bnilnita
r\H FRRU TILT. Vetenoory Morweoo and
JiJ UeoUaVBorxm aod Denial wortAprcioltlea-OBo* oext to Walt'* Drue Btore on t'oioo
The Trmap'a Advlee.
She was standing on the front porch
reading the story paper, which bad
come In tbe mail.
PRtD MORBB.lmnlflDlal> oud bouoe point
'Madam," said Meandering Mike, A lo*. fine paper hoairlnc a apecialiy. All
you brush- away a tear Jes*
■piONO THHIMO-J. W. Ollfl».Vstofc..lonal
planptaDvr. wlu W4W. RIntoli Co. t»
"S'poslu I did." she returned. "It’s
no business of youra.”
2 A. S^NB, M. a.^^tMoatv from Ibr
"1 siwkc In kindness, lady. You ain’t
treatlu yerself right to cry on read
ic oprrallTc .ntywy aod dlMM prcsilar to
both at once. It's a double stralo On tbe awmacb. OSec aod rtwldrocc I’lS Bay
At bone trom b to lOa. m- and from I
yer eyes, an yon might as well llstca
to my hard luck stories an Mve yer
V I'BIC LtoBONB Mr* Proari. a Bnltb.
eyes exclusively fur do weeps. If yon saa
woeberot plane and orrao. Trim* Plikes tuuchin stories, lady, here’s yer
4 IMWOO. 7:1 Vaablogum rirrvi ~
cimnec to havo 'em brought to yer
* moklnc p*rlor
door, an you needn’t pay *2 * yetFa
. toll pbooc t»
subsciiptJon In advance, neither. It's
de chan.ee of yer life, lady, to trade off
cold victuals for pBthoB.''-Waablogtoo
ooim. (tOCTH-
. .
4 Ubp Uiiloir.p'v ao am
h Qip mlUir.^ Vaiam!
SSSils!, if*
L» Trareroc Cjr,
Ar Bk Rapid.
a. r. MOKLLER. il
OroBd Rapida.
unsm UD nBTHusw 1.
All Alvi
‘Ab.” aald tbe conceited fHlow.
low. with
a view, to making her jea!
k "I
atone last evening with1 one
admire very much."
"Year'she said. "Alone, wtro yoor
-rhIUdeipbla Press.
*‘It did your cold good to go and toe
tbe doctor. I knew It would."
"Yea. He’s got a worae cdld than I
bave."-C^leaco Record.
If you_____________________
1 Intend to do a mean thlag.
wait tm tomorrow. If you Istaql^
do a noble thing, do it now.
It destr^ otosjMrTM to. to
dean. "Be macclad a coabsttiY-A^ ble e^darto ttottoBM hw
!■«. ifciftoliM
Fiieiil Diieciot.
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