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The Morning Record, September 02, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
~-~£SUfUp To a O*ctoek
Panic Prevail* uid Japanee*
Dominate CItjr.
■ hmm Mm
«IM Bi7» loe>r Mde p third TMt
to Haolh Bmd.b>t blM to mM vHh
UeiB SC. Hr
— Mthe timi> by* laaC nd
—rtnM hmM by & F. SUrrly.
•adW pK*iie. Ttab uml^ pt ?
o-«lodt m a ppm air Md b* >d-
United »ut**’ Reply to Ruaaia
MUou. Kot only doea thU Korrm.
OMil eonalder -thal (hr jertnam of lu
Do(r of Jnly S can be fanal aiblard by
c of tVkIii by
(be potrava bol tl dornu'i iaiead
dbaiaiati |ce|mntlMU for a iRcat
aiiU(ai7 anirlty In Ohiaa ahoold (br
It waa Mid today
(hat tbr direraifla of trcx^ froai NaIMkl to Manila tna^ of amdlop
tbria in (»<im ii la fart oaly aide
traeklnx thrai. prodla* tbr oati
of tia- arbolr trooblr in China,
cely «m theai- troopa br
ia (be iniiUiiiilnra, bot all (hr ati|>idira and rqaipncnt InhiHird for
China an- to K>< (<• Manib. wberr
laritr bur will la- tnmird.
Tbr linnirbiR lioinr of Tolnnteer mt
iMrata from thr I*liUi|i|)(nra baa alan
baeu debyed and it baa bu« deeided
to eeulB In thr HhlUptdnea all llu<
tro>*> anill tlir oatnunr of ihr
Cliinear dieicaliy cam br fbaJlyrotabllalML
OffirUia wlH nnl my thal thrr r».
reel man- Inwbb In China, iiul exIdala Ihat thb raonr b a tareantloii
ary taeadbn-.
Ttu- Unitnl Ktati* la
drUvminrd to *!»«■ foil pro**!*!" «*»
Amnrlraa Intereata In China; and
while il will uol laraor any tndrprndt«C arltou II will inabt (hat (hr ooudiiinua art forth tu tiir noir of Jnly
I are nwiplird with and will ar( connirrmliy with ibr other powi
allaininjt thra- n-mlla.
Umdon. t«<pi. I- TIu ftnitinn emIway Itaa aabtalttnl to tbr fcaefani
Ofllrr Ituaab'a pn^mMl for tbr wtihdnwal of lrt>0|n from IVkin.
yrom inqntrh-a in leirbl rircim llir
OolDAl K<-wa hu Im-n (riven 10 ondmund tbai nnlil ihr (lowtnreoelvr
(be diraet aaenmon- from thr (Sitnea-
Fred 11 Cartia, armetnty of tbr
Travrrw <Hiy Kod and Out Olnb haa
reopived mtin- fma thr bat Jordan
(Inn <Sab that ibry will pbn> in eompHlltoB few Frldav.
atlvrr trojdiy mp. mlaed at |»5, thr
Aw lor (ta inaarmlaD to br brid at
Baal Jordan, and-lhr mp 10 far anb-Je^Tto (4iallm(p. after ilir Ont obool.
rlnh of Ibla rity will
MUa to ruoloot fiw the ivMraaimi of
tbbrwp andtf rloau aeoraa in thr
|M are any rritrrlnn. the coiirat
win h.- an rarltlnir onr. Trari-rar
Wty. Kaat Jordan and Charlrvoln
will doBlKleoa be in tbr caap>-tiiiom
nnd Ibm- mote rrmir oniirhed tmnu
maM iMidly be femnd.
A aurntn* will be brld at tbr oAcir
«< O. K Oarvr* on the rvenUR of
BapdwaberS, at TJO o'rlork. to dr
▼iM waya and menna to drfny Amexpenoe of thr trtp to eapiarr Ihr
hew tWIR-IU nsto a
morfa, lluh to br lia
General Oliver anS 27 Boers
Taken by a Handful.
r uanmnwiR
city daily fir IIoir Keeir Mid otbw
pluML. Kraywlibw Ibr Maeli'lnr 1
of (be JapuoM doMloMe (hr city.
£tid>tt9siwTi arr in the larbar.
The eraiarr Mohnvb ta feaerMibw ta
Ammy and foar Gfiraen warabltp are
aw that tnt.
WaafaUunoo. aept. I-Thrae U atoeb'
t tbr «|f|arait
Bi Mir vomiiis
leinnr. Mlebl^ OU7. XIUmr Md
to yw-BMC
HeU. a«pt. *-A dltiMeii neelvad
Iw* MUM tlMd ■ tanr CblMM foMr'
•nwBad the »U1«« u lUmAap.,
R.««7 to— w«fr
by bock
Believed That Mrs. Jud«e New
ton Committed Suicide.
to Ibe MINW Mud.
s. Cape Ooloay. ^
re ct OUrbr and r Boar
at Wlnbart noently, wm
I by el«h( volantaara
The Bom ntrented oliwle tia nod
daptwad alasly. Ptndlnc tbair
reaaialn* fane at »0 Bowa the
MptanAnd a eolley, kiUlny alz «f
The Bom therwipuo
the Bunberof
.1^ ——e—TT
fSAol to tw Mwmac Bmm.
FrvMrlB.8a|B. l,-8ridA 0|»*tl<m.
Pibt, Mbh.. brpt. I-Th* abootin* ean ef bare are debyed by fan la
of Mra. WllllMB Brwton. the yotuiR
wife of Jdd«e Nrwiee. Ima-Mnaed a prbeom are belaR oaptwtd dally
deeldad MSMtioB In mdal eirelee both to the north and eaoL
here na thr [Mtim are wrli known.
Orobbr'a eammaado b onoamped
It b now Mid to bo n enaeaf attewptRylatroom. Baden-Powall
Miaateidr. The Arat atoey waa thal haa had an inierrbw with Orebler.
Mra. NewiOB beiiqr ael4aaa
Ui which be tanrealod that Orobbr
Tbr Boer
laiaa a rmolver wb<a it am aaetdenttor rapUpd that be woald Ijiht
with kb keare banrbera aniil the bol
Mrn. Newton b only M yaara old. drop of blood waa ofdlled.
whilr her haabuid b nearly nn oetoDr Wrfa foRe b eoMiepm on •
KeiiaHan. nuct dnrtaR thr rfarhl yeara bill aoaUi of Nybbomn. The wberaof their married life, tbrir domratb aboDb of Dr Wei hiauelf b mmwtebtiona hare faeea anytblnR bat bar- tein.
Lemdoo. Sept. I.—MafekincadTieea
atate that thr lotsado wbieh rUited
that pber on tbr ereaiait of Aanal
», did naater damBRe than wma nt
■rat reported. The nomber of people
kilbd wm amre BaBmona dw
OtbI estimated. Site Cmot« ni
went a urribb ezperiaaea.
will ooat with
.Ki the land----------------
Sb awte m vmwt Mb* War
AIAay. Sept. 1-Oor. Bom
______ bRMhor Ml AlhBay toalsbl t«r Cbfaaeo wbeta
«< ax-Aldwmaa F. C Dinif,
brbtodeUma Mtow day add
talaadn Mrioaa tajaiy at the coal He will rstaa tn llaiaUsa Tara
kilM (tf Mr. a Sept. » will have Alhaay la a
TlUe. Jami
Hwetol m aad b^ hb weawn.
Mrtaciac a cable which wm hairng
tiRktoead by the BM of a Mkk.
mlBR gave
re way and the «iek 1
wBcknhea by the btow,
Jared maa^fck at ekbr boaffat to thb
dty whm Dr. A aHoUiday
mbI weeka. over the prepooed maalbpal owaeeAtp cf the wateraad light
pbM. of thb pim. eatmbated te
al^ b a bloody' ewmaav hetwuiu
Obraa« A Wooto. ter— adiier of
the Ollmx. aad Fieadh Tipaoa. «xEd OUbcR b moaralBC the lorn of
coaaty Jadge aad at peaoeat
taeaew TUmo wheat, ttmi waa btfae
stoba in a very boU manaar yester Tipton attacked WooA with
iby. la fatoad day Ucht. ea Ualoa aad Vooda ebot him btally.
L Mr. OUbm Iwd rate into
teat market of Joha Highbad to
rBNTKUATb aaac balluamim
McOblty and FhnelJ: Beralurdt
10 11
M KaMhar.b
tn th<- city, and thr mtiie Hmr wilt
ta- devoted to pleaaarr by amny who
aivnd moot of ihrb timr in bud
work. Hrveral nttractinaa will be
pteaented at diffmai poinu. and dw
aeeker for a good timr <nn bke b
cbolee of a wide langr of pleanrra.
The flrat foanie of the day will be
thr bbor parade. In whfadi all tbr
bbor crim>b»laoa in tbr oily will
lartirlpair. Thia will iselndr the
clgannakerB. tb
the paint
a ef 'Meoah Iteoa. a AmbMrS tbr cBirbge workers, tbr printera and
in dw city.
l aadr PartorrTrtaamto Very t*h«a.
Thr parade will br foratodal tbr O.
a. P. K hall in tbr motalag at 8
Thr rroprirton of tttmnb Broa. t o'clock, and will aMrt at tlw time,
Amiottr'a Oondy fheiery. With Ibelr headed ity the Obemeai baatf. After a
tamlliea and tlw entirr few of em- tnareh abool the city, they will go.
ptoyMi,eB>iyed a taeat drllRtfuI oaliitR aboard tbr Oolnmbb and cojoy an
ea (be ohote of Baal Bay yesterday, excondcB to Kr-ah-b-wanta. whm
all (bat gora to aabr a niiniioeriil
wblnh wlU looR br
oeenalaa of uBmlxed plmaarr. Thr pbatcwlUhr taorided. Laacfa twparty wroi In boiara 10 tbr picnic kru will be lake*, and all will b>ve
Rmmda. and thr mtire day wbt otmt a anr ilmr at the nwart, reMtaiag to
the dty b the evewbg on the OolamIn all kinda of idcasuretL
W Ibr moot e(daya% liatues
The Maeeafaeea will oebhcate the
rtf thr day wm thr oontesM of phyairal atrtwRth and aklli that were in- ■7 at Bant Bay. They ban proridIslRed in. eapncbliy by tbr Indira. ♦d an rbborate twogiam of enjoyFollowiaR wm thr rrmb and the menu whlch-bcl.de rMwbg. JampIDR, boatbR. badtlDR. a pbalc dbaer. aad a ga*nal ail arowb gbod
Udles ;ooi amr. Aanlr Irwin,
ladlra IxtSd Jnmp. Bdaa BmxinRtoa time. AU are bvitrd to puticipale
Chkr Walk.Gapitob Voder nnd Bdim b thU celebtatioa. A bowmy will
be ivovldrd; and daaebg wUI be one
of thr featarea of the day.
Imdlm' toRitf
Thr tarbm will erlrbrate at Popnof Minnie Beltaer. Gapials. Annie
Irwin, UBpitob Vader, Bdna Bnuiaf- 1m Potat. aa CB aeeoant of the tact
ton. Loa Darb. Uda Coyne. Btrlb *at the ehopa mast br opaa tiU I
Marrtn.Ktbel Biaxlatrton.Oeca Wfaml. o'clock, they eanaoi Mfce b thr exI'a MR of war.^team com caraicia. All barbera of the city aad
pcardof .V F. Ktiaab. mptain, Frank their
Uvb bmlllra
to»lUra and trleacbu*
trieadanre belted
Btobey. Mlkr DoMaia. Um«|w KonL ^ tarticlpab- In ihu oeM
Omtlrmaa-a bremd
Irad Jam^.Umn(r
Jamn..Umm One of 1^
the jatoclpal
(Btecipal feat—
be B mma'at faaae ball betweaa the
A boar ball game wan p
be a hot coalett. and ew of the
•ma ficM amcaw th w iwrwni.
which waa very exdtbg. Tht mm beat of the year.
mpiabed by A F. 8oa« I won, with' ^ hwarr of thr day dw will
InwiBMHcaiably tew a large crowd
> of bam baU be-Allwhopartleliwed b the plenaiiea (tf the day will bag mawabw h
' I hm not a poand of wtfi coal will iad
1111 way bto thr MUhMrtle amikM.:
1 not « wr have to tet down every
Ue(. 1. to take thr pbee of teae aow
, I wtfl coal colliery b the
b Bar.
am AU tetrnii
tembitbai will ha of
teh, and the dlBmam b TBlae vUl
adtata, who coarrei^'
to rob
^ hmiad
—torn —1^
----- .------^ te
. ▲Ayowdrwmbt.
Ir^uu—imi —^
.,SMptfipe SbPts
fpr Mtm'
The materiala used in
this celebrated Hue are
the beM obCaiaable at
any price.
j Wcrkmansbip>
■MB aad Clarke: Hawley and
Ifaanid to Th. M.mar Mm
I>m».-r, tV-pi. i-A irbirmiB fram
Oeninnl Manaiter DlrkiMm of Ihr
Union Fhoiao By. Oa Mya that rob.
b^n aeennd three moneyparkaReaaRRrrRHtinR M.HOaatl two jarkaRea of
clMwp >-wrlry by blowloR up on riIBeaa ear. Tbr damoRe to the ear by
Ibr rridoaion. ia abml M.OOO. Thr
raatrsb of thr oar wetr abo em
>bly damoRed by thr rpiloiian.
Walk-Oven are made
by the besv of skilled
workmen and are mo
del products of. an up- ■
to-date factory. "
uMi HI VII Rotnin
Blrhbft Bte- >—A hmtetf a
tnmed to dre sidewalk, be toaad that
hb wheel Imd dlmpimred aad (hat
lb place had bee« aapptied by a King
wheel, wbbfa waa afterwaide Idwdhed by JoUoa ChmpbeU ae ime that
had beea stoba (ram hU wmbooar
wbea It waa brakoa bio but aprtag.
Mr. Ollben b erldeatly the victim
of the work of a maa wbo ia b (be
baeiaem of aobg wbaeU wlthoat the
formality of pxyl^ for d»m The
Kbg wheel abowB the efeeta of hard
Amoir and 8
MB and Wood.
Kerwlnand t
and Wood.
b-MliwaakM. Ended I
4th laniag oa poeeaat of tab.
aadlag 4 to 1 b favor
dmoodgBMe8 6 4
. 16 a t
8t*fki and
rKAtt-KO. 108T
SOT AID «DPT coAi. tmam
uinairow. Hr|d. I-A nrw bonoe haa
farm nfinard for the recaptba and obtlon of ai^ p><ranna from thr
Imbnnb plaimr diatrtet. Already it
Ihu forty innmah-a. makinR a total of
riRfaly-thrercaoMBmlcr obaorratlon. Many Forms of Celebration
Tliirter* eaora of tlio pta(«r in tbr
Planned for Tomorrow.
tuiaidtal air«el«d an- la|voTlii|t.
I by a Jwtety fHm the Twblan and
/B'Hkeabrre. 8epL 1-Frad C. DU- brlaelhlea. aad
will patapaw
the city ehaMp
^new i>«t.jA.-pLl-7hroaeebiild- tirrboanlof
Ualinl Mine Workm, PmuibglOB wUI be b the box for
tag. which ill.- Artaa.R**!'Eabtr,i
who inby mldrrwwl AOOO nUnm. dw latter team, while Wbab'et ti»
Oowwiy pRtv—
Tsrirbts will plash for the Cigar Mak-
astoettf WO feet,_________
. i on
lasts that fit the fewt
^ and are very . hand
some and stylisli.
Walk-Oren arc the >est
fcMwi. the best u wear
aad the best Ukad *r aiy
shoes ude.
Hcadoioitcrs for Scluwl B(Ms at Sqqdlcs.
Cbe City Book Store
i] to offer yoa
when adwol betnM. Ooae nd geo
wbMHk-briaK.il, yoMteted^asd
*»*■ wo will ba, Of tak* ia osohaafEO aU that cao be wad hem.
Wo ham the Krrnbst tario^ o< talv
iMs ia thia part M MicUgaa.
Tomorrow we will pve ypu
Choice of all our Boys’
Shirt and Blouse Waists
Fancy Red. Blue. Pink. Black.
Sires 4 to. 14. for ooly
SS Oente.
Ab®ve goods usually retail at Irom 50 coots to 75 cents.
Can you suy away?
Just unpacked five big cases of
for men's suits. .This ia-a special let. You
^ ** ■ ^ will find you have paid as high as ^,50 and
for»8uits no better.
extra good men’s suit, put up in exW*crVf ccWtnt shape, latest cut. double breasted
vest Wefi srorth
Q 00
a fine dress suit in most any colW A w»w or or pattern you might suggest—aj this
price we sell you suits that others get $u and $13 for.
We'll be pleased to have you call and examine our
new fall stock.
Rdiable Dry Goods. Carf>ct and CTothing House.
Tomorrow Night
Box Calf
School Shoes
Delieil .
4 8 8
e 14 8
Owen and McAlli—; Harvey aad
to parchato ber
tall aad wbtor etoek of mUUa«y.
c>aia% missa’, Btf s »»a
BnmT«,j ..coii*...doooMyiai lto>->lll •>..< M ralhm—Al*«y. look well.
Botoa good pobb u
b trimmbg wbdowi peetorred. Oo^ wagea Taad ataady
tlMatlaa to right party. Ap
ply to B. Bead. A Ca
Tebpbeae b
tall to rbeh iu hcam-oarvMtly.
Aaotber g(Md pobt U (bat It raachm mil pnbto, aafi that everybody b
be city or coenRy worth dobg ba»bem with haa a - '
Another good pobt la ttaa ee«a
of time aad mcaey
AaiMbcr pobt—Oaa yoa affofd ta
he wltboat one At bmae or oOMt
Tomorrow Night HBNKMIHfillilK GO.
Our Store will be
Closed Monday,
September 3,
Labor Day.
We CM mre yon money oa yonr echool sboM. We h*re
cheeper Uaea if yon want fttem.
Trank Trkdrich,
a shoe. Let-us suggegi that you call
aud see those new Fall Styles we
• we^ave just received.
One Is a fine Kid Shoe with a
has r hiavi.
tog $3.00
proper forstreetwear,
Many other new styles. Cali and see them.
m iM» ■
t>ios.t.«at«sm«j w. hAmmbm
iMi i*n
Ev«tythlnc Points to a Vary
■MM^i ts> 1«PM «r ffARAm
acaaajjoi rtATSom. .
It to «M AM “l)va MsMto.*
Ltoesto J. OMtiT** totost wissi el
tteSMktotoM s RMwiy tond|ols» to Hiafto tossytust tot
iwHIb BStbor ha* yrt pmatod to
to il»«Hhi1 .sa a
Mgb <to» instolf cMsady *uaa
imHk to lilr to to toith.
Mr. Oartir ha* irlrMi the p**7 any
tollUto aonc* aad toctototo yat
totta a aaabis of trnad* of Dr. J. i
O. Maaasi ten becw noat dellsthtttrtly htoitalaed darta* to pto
weakby ttetootooad toM. FMd.j]
at toiroanp-BoUtasColdBivtat."]^
aboet «ac and- to-telf adW -a^r
n WhWh Wnh wu Laid
Btasbam 4a torp Lake. The two|l
w totantotow
noei stwtal ttota ten wfB to hMrtt: I
totfto Hty wiU opea
Mte of .ibon wboer tea *'
ad imjlbto i» la
It tan faea to be oared for
■t of to work. tU> aMdel caai]>. Aa«s to S»e«U
Th* hslUtoto «• Btotlr laiHliad sst ten bwB to doctor* and othm
itottad. toyionsdiaa to exoaltoal old ta to nrrin- of to stale at to
oosditto nd rrsTthto* patoM toi KotbetR Mkkisaa aayUua. a* well u
irntfeeatMl and baataen mm faM
Ilie tntki hare beM
Tiantee City aad other potata.
for aeratBl day*.
The tine i« most drlisfatfnlly and
aad are BOW all la to Uty with to {■stably iprat. with dabtas. batbofMlnDowaiac. who ha*, iBK ^ «<i-tt*e care free oers|Btl(an
bam dekyed. aad will aot be ban- laodarUn of piod dlseetloo and )ol.........
iU. aad trill aot be abk to basin work *^To*Mr. H. C. Dari* t* due th.'
bat bn elriar. Mn. WUl bCDor of terlns made the prtae catch
Balac. wll! aapply to paritkn for a laat week. Thu i»ood dUtlnction
bn* been finly accorded Mr DarU
A taaohria' moetlait wa» bald yoa- a* a }iuc reward fiw faiihfol petwt.ntey aflwnona at whtob to work eaoe ta hi* orijrtaal. *y<(emarie
to to enaiac year wa* laid oat. nelbod* of pniwilL Mr. Dari. 1*
dr to to opi-o- wllUns to admit tot Jarser A*h aad
fish in stealer nomteni any ten
been masht. bot firmly amertr that
u belter.
tntaocai -»i«ri»«-n an
1 bm triad
5 ce0
Pig tail
Jyavana |
Smoker I
f uttioff out doors in a nice
com^^bir^arm rock^ this
kreatber? We have them—the laiRe.
comfortfiUe arm rocker, painted m that
you can leave it out in the ram all night.
Was $j,a5..marked down to$i-75-^ Nice
.large, comfortable redming lawn Morris
■Dtt wwini ot to idaar aia laid
ak^ to MoMto Hrtr, Atobaatoct'
I Ihaenaweto the owdita- R
__ rr^mmn ffinarr^ntn.
toa aaipto ontoaaity aa eaa ha nad
I ioQ that Sc wUI bay a firaL B
Uy rtotoad by lfao*r vho hara nad
of. or M. to aVasia aad bayou
clMB, d«4idoaa«Bokf>. Try h
to $1.75- Anyone tltet gett here in ume
rnicm tot rtrw. for picti
to get one at this price will not go with
i ooc and yoe wUl nerer pay -R
itor Wttof aad ■amllou
out one.
I 10c for a Pig IkU again.
ThetoUowtoMM tototosaTba <to U laadrd by that atovfr
etol aaadltioa <d to eosaliy. ("» toed ctoaeter actraa* May O.
to Ucactoal sad rtoatoal World, ,Iy«*. orbo laperaoaato to Voodoo
to vary fntifytoas
vltah. a etoato of to! ktoUty
“Votobto MMfth to saarty all dr- tot to colored jiopoUttoa fa« Ito
toy do Bade*, aad
aCato to to rayon toi ha* to b* toy voald a«t tmaar for aaylktoa.
Md* at Ifato ItoM. Tbr Vbaeto nf T>«ili,S to aotioB of to {day to
Mobile Qaartette" w«l reader
F of- bamaa narare vriib
toawBd rapidity aov tot to uni toatatloa «»«* -Dora MoWleiU icndmcy
to torn to a .otaa*. aad tot. to will V to attraerioa at Btelobetit'a
Plata why to fiah-* length U aci
At greatly reduced pricea. These are real bargainsla apdt* o< to tertootalac polliital OisadOpei* Hocn iMorrnw
Tineiacl weight of to
tofaHia. II aeaw a* lboa»h Ito- las. Moaday. Sept. A
laWDtifar fite «rU not aacertataed.
aa« toi la aeoanl hail a»<lr b|>
Ja* a Maekk U to alar wba ha*
to acalee Were au Mn*!! It
toir atoU to p> aboet toir work
bna to leader of 'UrilDM OelUr
•■uanan-nltoa- coold be no mtl*'
A M .*M'k>'t hasapamp.
R K. Kwltb fictanwa
Vttoal payiiiit *«* *«toto to IW." to well kaowa taroroonedy
tBCtlm ta that. The balance itneU
to *Mt»* of Ihl*. tot aad to other
Ulltao Itowatas. Uteratnrr
■geed on**--Ohaap.
that ba* atood to wrar aad taar of
wa* fonnd wanting.
aarty, toUa* (olacably eoafUtot
b^owa ^ a. toWbatto OMriyalerea yaar* tokdy aocM.
Banlrt BtwUta. Imtte and Gw»1 UMKlii ll« Ort« S-iTO, »-«■ Fnnt.
Thl* yntf betas elerlicB year a direct
Malt will ba.
The .-diturof "MoU-. F.r to I'nriaereliy
••For all paipoaa* of la«lltote
Ante H. Uook. Latta aad Htatory.
batoa* tote aoaau to be afSbaad. aad TriidiliTTi ha* been added. Tbr
M. A^ Oobb. Riyitaa and Itoadt
Mew piKSK- m
iaa* an to pick of to ]SofM
aaae of mooey aad to baaki are odYorktobertaw
TWy will hr -aoatanad a*
doabtodly la H aaeatooalir .otroaic
crtsflSrinl.r. notwichstaadtag
Roosli Rider* aad anke
tbrwn ymr* and fair tnootb Uisru to
'•Am Ngatoto Mew York ^^ak* la a day. naktas that conady
r. they hare wkUdabocI •»- moaa The oonlas ot "(
000,000 ID toll oaah boldlac* elare Me-Boy"Uan eraat tot will pack
^ Eighth grade
'•( IfaU BOW fa
the onitre appeared, be nodoal* enirid .
toir laat weak^ aatetot.
Baiah K. FtalL Seventh grade.
ering It to -'rigbtb w<w<hv nf lb* I
te, ocMBtasfrinn
••By far to gieatrr jart of thl»
Lola Tripp. tUztb grade.
the aame town a* Hoyt, aad being w>
w<*l.L- atori«»yre^«J0ldgtojHaHwO(^
Hcmlock EdRinRS,
addltioa to Ttmrrm lewlbi trtm to
loogwIlh-ABonoh df Key*" that
ItMl tbclr!
_?___ 11_____t
ramnr.aber flown* had retained
Tetouy'r tay«wp l» rtomjrl* of
Hemlock Stove Wood.
. Okl H.-Manw. Hu-bb-u:. |:.u-di HI
Miared Ooreratot 1 per orati. hi* aame t* a bcuehcld word. Hoyf*
Wtolfmd Fuller. Oadrt.
We woold
that are bav.- wen '
Hemlock Slabs, Hemlock KindlinR.
Aboai *000.000 ha* faeaa paid a»iut tammu eocMllaa ha* attained n n*.
Btol Dana. lYilrd grade.
well prt—rvrd wmaUw and gaiteid* 1
srdd depoalt* at aaay oOkw* oa to tional n-tstatlaa. Maekie carriew
. O. CurWIw
Jfnnnetle Hmllh. Secood grade.
luto*. trd and yellow pon>ic*. and i-thcw
Pwddc Uoa*i. to taierkr -ba* not very stmog co«a|Bay, bmdi-d by to
Bwe Hfaadrk. Klttb grade.
snrlwwifled ftowen wbich wen toond |
aoM *rH.ODO act. aad barely half a ebnrereat roaedleone oa to stage
Junnie L. Hard. Ktod.-nm»ea.
Esypiian morumim kporva to have
-tHttfn hu bn« dttorwd by to latey. MIm Lontae Sanford. plByl9g
taco dead OTOT C.O00 ycarr. TIk- rad]
TOnrsaaal oa roattae rerMar erpond** won tet a riia.l« ItidtaT than ;
Mettle K. Kllktaa. Brtaelpal- thv Iboae dried und pttmed lot a month <f ,
•ouu aad la pn.lan. oa Ualted ibeMarfaletUaia*.-- Istatoplayu
of yore. 8b* laakm mvea dtatlact enlh and KighUi grade.
I into to d
ay«arhe(<ae. and in Ibecaae of to yrle;
w to TiWTerwe City Immbe
K-nte-ral-W-'M-- IM
cdmnge* of ecataaiea dartag to eoaeUlara E.. Uarr, dlztb grade.
low variety Ux-ro war iro dtaHngnisb- !
« per eeale. Taken all toselber i
able dltenawo Ictweca Uxaw from to ^ Bmtte Wileez. Plrib grade.
wto’enaalt* to« that to Si«Mer dy. wfaleh take* pan of brr abiUty to
mn of to olsht to Bin.- mlUlon* net
pan of the irtytaai aiv the celebtetFkante Tbylor. Third grade.
dacMB* ta Mr* York caab beldtas*.
Mania K. Miller. Heeond grade.
a. a leaalt Id to aid eitaaded to to ed ficnord 8i*MwNor Tony Btetor.
Will vtolt th- EgypUifc moscnin i
Keith A rocior'* Oliwatt. (taaoet*
KoBella Vten-laoag. Flm grade.
Baak ot mslate has bem Mbaed
Criro. he wiH find dri«l oolond flowiws ;
■tagen and lively
Anna M. Blls*. KtatomHan.
ot aaarinit.auliqDity torkclle bUwon-1
if there are ao gold exi«rt« tortlj
eoaptay of ladlra
dm.—8t. UsU K.'pgblie.
—aad Itoe pmtebly will be
that make a very stmog attrac
to clow of Aasul will
IlcBi. TbU altractloo will ap|»ar ta aad Eighth grade.
to eatiie ta** nmd* good. This U a
to City (>|iera Hoam Moaday
Edna O. Bantam. Birth grade.
Special Sale ef Bicycle rSondries. !
ftoal Estin
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes SECOND HAKD GOODS
Giapkill's Sunil Hut Stm
FonnI Directiir.
■oc he tally aaterrtood. t
___ ^
omdit for It be iroperly aalfiimd,
wlllMet taktas talo acooani to irea*
my-, opnatlon*. The )art «*»
u to firel on mwrd.. In a period of
a haary public mrplu,
ipmsameni ha. not to«i * dUiribot.
‘IS elemmt in Ite »oney market*
” Ae talUoad. are now sMitas tato
to mtas Id Ull tiame._*nd tefere
GS^ Wpori. of srSWSr«^>te«
Thn Dnited Biaic* «aj*trarted 1.1*
, dnrtas to yaar !*•.
- nod of •»000.000. Of ton to Wrare ritlpml to fonlsn coanlrie.oant. of to forelsn «rd*»* «»‘»K
eoattas ta to
liue-. »— “»
»,« OH.. rr«.
.O.U. A-ori»o»a ■H."'"'
Of to mtlre oatiml of American
Imoatollrea. Sl.« l»r «»“A wer«•tan ontat*. my Uw ««“»>* Bee.
In Kiencr. to American model be*
bww nccepled with few
•Bd to AmsrioBB *lyl» of mBcbtae
U ftBdtas more and more favor. T
adroBa-ofto American lomrnmi
over the 1*11* Of fortese ralteto.
partlmtarly st*ltfyta«.hoa*am It bonArm. the Aawrican manofactaft-r to
to eatsmmry which he ha. lo*k
Mtatataed ta mschaaioal roBMmettan. Ko lane Irtece of maebtaery
rmulie* to ataety of wt«kB»**»»li>
Atel la iliwianihil trma to loeomotlTe
tailder. aad the amceesfal AmertaaB
^teprlltloB ataond show* tbat we an
I ta to ran of Amerimn i«s
NqnaUy *i«BlleBat. allboash aol
sttraetlBs «• mneb atimHoa. U ibe
^ That no Ammiiwn tailrote
takm ic tati«Bi fowtfi. baUt lo
livm. Thl* may be dee to to
^ met oa tbi* aide vnifa reference to
m to welfbU of trata* aad iMfitbt of
T ^ rwfc bat W- may be «trr that If to
ire teowed
foratea teili
Mpmtarity ta any way <
perimeal with a fom
Kflie temb. Fifth gra£/
AagwAs Adam*. Fneith gradtC'XMB Oardaer. Third grade.
Bdith Holcomb. Srcood grad.-.
Edith EarL First grade.
Jemie Oamp. KtadeigarU-A
In I MBA. antbr rVmtand and too
trade. tiM- total aamaal of aumt.
rimiUthiu ta thto conatry wa* about
Agaa* Bate*. prtari|al. th-relsUiaad
SlAn.iHMiv Mew, after thivc yean Eighth grade.
of Dtngley taw protrrtlon. to smooat
Ada 8mllh. dirtb grade
nf moury In Hr<-Bl*lh>B ezrevda CU«D.Marto Ubaae. Fifth grad.-.
(zzuni And thl* laereaae ta aaly a
Amy Barr. Kimrili grade.
tracitaaal tawt of oar real sain.
Jessie M. Klile*. Tliird grad.-.
ItaHai to tan twwyrwm atone to
Raima Boab.v. ficeoad grade.
balance cd trade ta »iw favor ba* l««a
Mabel P. Cady. Fiist grade.
mure than iwW to vain* of cb
r-maae »r tb<- Bmoant of iDaocy to rtr.
Edith Adaaw. Ktaderganw.
twiaticat TlM- people of tbr roc
waai'b "tar PHaarrwaited
rnaMy.* WelU toy've
Kditb K. Baaw<ll.
got It. ai-il ilH-y know haw to get'
ItobBVUb- nrbmd.
vtlll and t<i keep o* plTIng It. UndcT
a pratectirr tartt wa have never fan.
Imetle l)-MraL
rd. a* ■ nadan. to oak* <wr tacoai
eeed cor outgw aad we wlU keri> so do
ing it atid wUI add h- tin- Imnte
la a* Travellas llrp.
« was oa* PWtadatpfataa arte not
b« aew
i At to mrottag <d
2?: iMtod ana*offorhtablmaalL
family. Thta erw Pralt OrowM-
to Otwnd Trav
umDCtaltnn yr*
wte Pear Dmwa, M oaa ttan- aa ami- untoy ^leanoon. A B. Dobnon ww
chmw arcretary and trraiwnr for tin
la KH WUltam Prtaai. as
mgaBlaatlaa. In place of W.
Haraha. who ha* declined to serve
te ta hta profamtoaal
It U dfrired that this officer b* *
Elite- tel18*1 Ito. Pitoat prlatad ta
Lamdtsi a book teUttod • -Primt-* TVavata rrwiteet of the city, aad a* *ooa a*
cee cam be secured here. It U uaderto Uattod
wfakfii I*
that Mr. Doteon will ruigir.
a Tte fraattedte* to
•nag* and caDtateteThesotlen of the wzacetire bmsd
-Paaw teown-s Arm* ” ,i ^
ui toirriag
ebooslBg K. O. Imdd a* to triwv«d tela
■entaUve of to aoaoctatiog ta sock
R*-1I >e»t*Uve
Prltet ayt: "Ptam teoo. a black
t for
■alto «f Ibta cdto. bteiae made hta forU U rzpeetad that Urge
tens, am ap hta ante, tetaotefna
da arlll be made te to appnr
kmr« asbamad cf lb* maaa* by white
- aeqteradbtai«teM,teeaa.adaUrgs
nilobapaiaUdoo aoteridaM bis Udd wlU teep to asnortatinn I
eantaga. with tam paba d naked arm* cite* mate with to narkeu torn.
ta toaelte sirikl^. TtemeMa'By
Monday miiool bnrins and Tatmaa
ta right te Uae with a complete Ito
dte yaemkm* gtoa la — eigka«tBte of mApei tepMtae. The targeat aastftMl
of table** ta. Ttavrtwe Citv.
Mtealam aibouaead nOte from Chl-
J ur etavmw vunam,
I aosd teteategy Bmwditoiy
Tom OTTOW N ight
to pan. go on terini n
coafona and tasnrics of ll
. a.
Cenaumpuen. I
Adelaide Daytea. Marie.
^Odbwta wii eteteUtead ta tatt ae a
Til* Jaly BtateBMi of to tmpert*
ootety tor tepUstei teRtote "
teadletoCoMM Kdymote tto
aspomefto United Siatai '
"Mtae-twrtte ef aU Use plMto ate
MBBlactBivd hr J. 6. Blatr *
by to Barran of BiattMle*.
of Ptaui.. and aim to Mattoml
irimwettetaaportaof mernteadlae k foaod ta aayetew pMaf teawttefi Co.
Tbbtar A ttepply Oo. ef Elkten.
tewloaadtoAamsaMa "
> bam tew lte.69k.sss. of wktah *S1.
m.mwm1rr* el dety. The Intel
Ctotlaadtesagr aute. It will te
yen good. Bmpsttfalte raors.
aminiit i* omr teoteooo ta earn
M. R Tbteito tfUataaBI..
Jaly. Ifite The ezporu of
month tea year cf tarn*
ttma •AMO.Oeo. The paid Imp^
far to meatfc were fiAMAIte
aboai *1.000.000. 1W aspmtecfKdd amaaaiadte«JR.1te
an taeream of aboai •MS.OKli The
tb^ B^mtab &
Wmantik Company |
The finest display of odd
shaped chairsever seen. Hall
chairs with hand carved fancy backs, at tits, ».7s, »r.fs
iiaoo. Piano
That are made for the
hardest kind of wear by the
boy or girl that is the hardest
on shoes. The kind that they
can stub around
in and yet wear
well. Boys shoes
sell from $1.25 to $2.25.
Yhe Misses’sizes 1 li to 2.
sell from 75c to $2X>0
sweliest chair that is shown.
' Sellat»<.k5,»5.25.».»
Office Chairs, made of
quarter sawed pak. mahog
any or ledther. All manner
Ofsty les at $5.7S.$7.rS. f9.254lfl.2S.
Gbamo Orwer
Ofwe* Hoktai
A Produotlon that B»au Them
Atrueotoryof the South,
it has the true ring, the
atmosphere, ar>a the
romariceofthe land of
Ennr Inch of Scerwnr
for the mammoth scen>
lOdlresein^ of the play
Is carried, and will yMsTtively be u»od at this
A Picked, Selwt Compasy
of Artists......
will present this Great
Spocial Pricos: 2Sc. 95c,
Old 50c.
tele at the Bag
lit tte
TDHnanw evening
1 ■
The finest stock of Drap
eries,Lace Curtains and Rugs
we have ever shown. Beauti
ful patterns Indraperies from
$ 1.76 to $ 16 the pair. Lace
article! tfiat sells at 50c the
pair to those new Arabian de
signs at $10. Fall designs in
art squares sell f rmn $5.50 to
$9. Smyrna Rugs, beautiful
designs, at $ 1.85. $2.26 2.50
and $3.85.
Unpacked a full car load
of just tables. Had to do it to
keep up with our great trade.
We’re showing all the new
« «
ways wanted a table to seat
eight without using extra
leavesihaveone 54 In.square
I vurwm mt,
mmx% i
and meend Tier pmUmi M tta «
Bnndwny Watkfal ImB. Itaw Taek]|
loot bU urn at tba Pmkwny Eatba.
Kindergarten, :
Grammar SebooL
Tht tolleai^ mmy waa tald ta a pw
an rend by Mn. M. J. OaQii*aB ota
aiiMlaicd tbaWooMi't
aacdaly M Dm Moinm nd pabilihrf ia,
TboSMdayBeriawaf MwcMfr:
Todiff.wbnwowpnnbaeonoAcatiiewa tba t>*ny lad of ooUaeMat «••oaU HI law I. tbe ararn TacMy and
bnafrof wbhbww nkmratow
raadianfkwa allow am tormaU tb.
nwbo ahai
■oryof a arm------ --- -----------‘
lotad ipaona I
dUnn eoWwa Ukelboaa fran.trbkb^
bwa to^ aaweM
talk cf eallara.
had meed onaacta menej to ladalpa b
fm a art of allTor ^
nUdaaoaafUrtotboyi .
ebetoa aUyoMpmaadkT
—yran of bard werk aad aemmy te
• - harry yM*a
OBW to blom Ibelt onion—
a aaddaa lllaom tbe batbaad wao takoa
Tba dayaftor tba taamal tba
(Tierad wlfa wa( autraUad by tba
tiaaoa to bm boma af tba two Uak
Id bm btoboad. UtactniiwUh tbdm
*fUan> Urnym. They told bar tb^
aameicaataralae opoa tbalr bntbw'a
taoperty. ta ardor that aba might knew
wbal partof It — ' —
tba wcatb of i«eb artieU
the little botne, aatii they Boally
to Ibr Uix of
Thao aba apoka and aald: ’^Tbrn
mine I boagbt tbam with my owa
money bafiae I wae maRUd. "
'■Yaa. ma'am." mdd Uw lawyer,
"bat yoo know, ma'am, that aflar a la
dy U mairiad ovarytbing beloagi ta lew
to bar boabaad.'He all tbe littia ptoptoty wwdlrldad.
FMd Mv*t«l OeeM rm
«i» bM
la «*»K of tbr alllrri forrM ia rhtBa. k oae of ib<- *rrac aiimarj i—aaailwa
of Um- wortd. Hr naWa la littfc oolrml Ibr <kra»»B anaf la 1«« a^
awTod with
Ihnmcli Ibr var arlib Aoalrta of IWaad Ibraocb tha
l^an>4}rma0 «ar of 1*70-1. U t»C Voo Waldorara lMB>r qaarirroMUr crooral aad artul a* do|ioir rbtrf of Ibr crorral *tatt oa brbalf of rW4
Marabal ruaol roa UoHkr. oa a-bou- roalKBalMi br aorrorAad to tbr poaltlM
a< cbtef of tbr •raaral ataS. Tbr aifoot thr PrM marabal la aa Aaurfaaa
Ews r
Pwr Maxqorttr «00d. la cnuJ
opjafatclj. It U fcaowB a* tbr Mew
Tori Nalioual
Tbr Mlrlii«an oiOrr of the roapanr
tatoeairdat Mauiatoo. asd In addi
U to barr a aMa a Mae omrra hare brow oaiabUabrd Ic
UaUlBit hcMar. iaedorUdoa a idiilan- Krw York. Ohioaffo aad Drtrell.
tbni|4c baaia. .WoaM-br. (lUmaa ean
obula a oM tor 10 oau and mraU at
« ap b7 other nada.
a *«*y low eoat. Mo oar eaa aaj«y
Ibr bbwdaitt of tbr laatitoliaa aalr«k
br takrs a thoraairb laMb. na hrirlratr la the nortlien I»rl
land la brine adrertiard. and iauaitatarlplra w^ll la- atrietir olMrrvrd.
eranu ate bolnii brooicbt WfWt and
Mar U ytara a Broaaon laan chew located oa the land, whleh U aoirt
o4 a poaad aad a half of -flue «al'
tbe arttleca oa eaay lenaa for fktaa
BMotb. aad IA atnoUia aao qail and •AtodlOaa
took to oliiHwliw ran. A Amal Uau 47harlra Miller of Iwnaiae led Mrt.
bln arrrtml hoara.. iMarr qoiUiaK
Oera E. Erard to tbr altar laat week.
tobareo Iw baa (Cainod orrr dA poonda;
At Icqtal thrr fraohrd tbo attar, bot
la wrIjMit aa.1 baa hrttiT health.
Howard I'ltr rUUaa the rharapion | «o ml bU
I with a ID eeat rine
atawBI maladed boalatwi bum. HeprotaHly drclared
ia car of the leodloB laatoew' tarn of taa(^ off.
Ibr plaau and took hU Iwbf In lu
Orrr «,000 baMioli of eacatafam
cab lo Ibr pootolBto. After fMviytiia lure bm reerlred al the Plalawrl
bU taall. he wont hewv to dinner. Ptokir (aetary UiU
Joha Nlebola. who waa atrock
IlKlitnlae Dear Ntathrille a few dayi
aim. aaya br will Joia the mcalai
It at tbr paatonr>^.
amy it he neU wrlL Hr
bat iBVnitrd a aw itiaaikable eapnieaoe a
aim- Bi- waa worfclDii a
lambtw. wtiicih nwrmbln tbe ml windnaU. tone 70 fort from tbr
thlaic ao elnrly that drtrotiaa !■ Kioand. when ibr whoir thia)i fell
dlfflnilt. aad Ite espneu it will nwnl- dnahlinir him ap bemwth the Ira
atloaitr tbe naaBlaemr of faraicnre irlidmL HU rtba aw bcarly al
frmn oak.
brokm. aad arrenl other boorc
Twfmty-flrr yiwra aim B. A. (tn>rti- irtoead ap. bat be lircd lo imt bit bj
oaitb of IwaaiiiR Artrcl for the lUaek liirhtaiait. Tbe boll that kit '
HtlU to terK roIA Afler a Maw hr landed on hU cbrrk. banod a Urn
OBMMt to wTilr b<m>r and hU wife taiteh ihcTT. thee Jemped down to hi
Bwarrd a dlrcin<r and tnarried B. 'A. aide aad imrr blma -terrildi' bora
Tinmrrmaa. Thn-r yran aim Tim-- IbrnjampedmhUaakU- aad roaatrf
othor pteop of hlk aaalomr. aad
lamiiaa died. A few tixHitlw aim
l )»«baad[ Anally weal iato hU aboe and Immed
thr widow aad
laarand that eaeh other waa alicr. hit foot 1a had abop-. ]iaaaiii|t oot
■nrtrd a ccwTiapunbw aad were ihnau>> a hob' aot Un^ tbaa a
lead iMteil.
ranted at Bay View qo Aagnoi »
tHhiT rltiea in Mtcbigan have le' la-lag TlMled by awmraii of
erteketa. tml Mnakeatenrfl
gem !• bemnd to ban- oomc'lhlng dtf
ago and ran a ellTrr into bw fiaK. fen-Bl. and tbU wank rayrind. of
ribe remored what Mm rappueed wns brantifal Imttmfliea baae pal in an
tbe arhole of It. bat at lalerraU nf
ahioi la-toc a year errr oinee ti lia»
*w»tl<ai and Ixtwine very painfnl.
V. W.T.UV n dcmlof Unced |l*r f.«H will tut Be 0»er TUI Tberr Ar* Ba
BB.I found a ailrer nrarly half an
Mara Mnrham la Caaqaar.
The tuMtoo of the party of ptoaperity will nm he otpt pdiII there are no
tba ipoaoi with
that bad bean aet apim tbem. Bot It
obUgwl ber to gire .ap tbe boA and
iho, with ber few aSeom,
rated roocaa and began life
eanonally Icweblng a aebool aad alwaya
aawing wbaa pooMfaU. obe
bcrmlf rttT oomlsrtably for i
yearn. wUm a llieioog friend cf b«
boMmod. an exoalUal
~ ''
bU band la tnartlaga.
fiba likad him waU aad bar trienda
to let. faealdea tbe tadlr woanded |
,, , d,g„.poce brawra the
feeling* of ^Mn- frtmida who wjje
poUtkol parMra. Tbe BepoHJeta*
al crmaldraablr ex|mike preparing for ^ want to rorera tbe marketo of tba
the faucral.
trartd and lo reign over tbe dtatrlboa. <v— I i> -A r 11
I*** Torid'x bread and
*^'**^,T*.” mrurlng la fhU way work ft bm
—.ttoollne X. ranke. a yosag Bohemian ,
hooewt toherrr. marketa for tba
firl. threw hcTaelf in fnmi of tbe prodncM of oor farma and
portfaboand Pete Marqaette train at; ^rh a factor ta tbe werU that wili
«Mto towklog to lb. tototwt of Ite
wbkb wIB baM'thal llrnrd Mmr
promlard by tbe prophet of old wtes
the award ihall be bcatea law plow,
oteie* and the
«*» I* '
towka It to the BepahUcaa petic
we. to gtto
a too * Baw
High School
hwda. attrM^ motor ws raond tbr
moAiA iartng Mm rreo^ and
night and mking tbe day'a plcdingato
in a tmnndo wbiob ]
Tillage of Wapek. J
Equally Iwell equipped from our well
AUdrawme UUed and Xra Me
DoMld amWHily iajnred. Tbe Me
Stocked childse^>. boy's and youth's
With amato and pladgm ameonMag tbe oeltor. bnt before they <«ld
» apwarda af «Wl.flao. tbe Bona of rack It tbe unmdo Itftod tbem aad
'eunaa are making aeMee paepam' Mm boom high in the air. Many
Mona to kagln work
eollrge. eAiA
ey and pUdgm were aaaand aflm
one year'a artaal work, bat foaryaan
“oBlra I BOmata to bold bettm banda
of planning prmading Mie rigoroaa than I got tom alAt-"-Woablagtan
impaigb raaltlng ia the
William Maokniile. the railway
CaMa'a face waa too etragty mmkngraecf tile Ommdb
ed to tn cnllad bandoatoa. ImpraMrmya Ckumda wiU hare a mewnd gmt andfimnara tbawordi that Umi daamtinental line by ttoa from
1 to oeean. The line from Port
Anbv tbraagb Winnipeg to Prince
Albert wlU be InUbed U ini. and
IftimMoitbera PaelAo wlU not aell
tbalr Partoge line. a'paaOlel one will
Ora* MIbK*
be balU. Tbe road, he eUlma. rana
tbraagb a rnncdi be«m eoattay than
nala line of ^ Cbradian PaeiSe.
Two Plea
City Opera House
Aa a imU of a panic cm an electrie
enr at
Imke. a asborbof Akron.
otber. Inlorad. The
Monday, Sept. 3rd.
| H0yt*S FaiDOUS €01116(11211,
by a foor boraing oat and Bamei
banting «p tbroogfa the car Boor. |
The inoaengen beensae wrrtfledand|
• a fraatie mob to get oak
Which we offer at half price are very de
sirable suits, but no two sizes of a kind—
Just the thing: in weight and colors for
Hamilton ClothiDg Co.
fall wear.lllf you've any boys to fit out
for school, you may save from one to five
dollars by an early purchase from this
N 4H kf iJitt SaiM
new Chinos
For men
We are as usual in the lead with all the new '
styles in our Men's l-umisbing Department. |
This time it is a
ASyfutwiRnt ClwMIffcmi
Dew Cot of
Bands. Bows. Tecks. Imperials, Clubs. Fourin-Haads, etc. I'he latest thing is a reveraible four-in-hand, you should have one. We
never fail to please in this department. Our
35c ties are the finest we have ever shown.
A Steady Advance
Do yon appelate a fooi ttalnc?
We cao save yon money
If yon’U let ns fifure with yoo.
dats It to
Dew Tall Shapes
We bare floor at the rigfal price. It bra nperior
breaddiaklng qoalitien to other floaiw, and in tbe
baking yie)£ & per orat more loarra than any floor
oo the market.
WinffOld Flour ia gnaranteed.
Your entire
patchaae price to retnracd if not folly aattofactory.
mwTctiwmata aboard ber to tbe rarly
MxMra. WfaitobeatoodwalcblatUieaU
Tcrael, a toll Mranga appreaebad him
aodmked. "Ira't yonr aneJaitnar'
Tba eapcala replied to tbe aflUmaUra
"Yon were a mam eo that iblp to the
tweflMS*" “yra."iaidlteiiBp"Yoa don’t ramamber
Maned the Mraager. "bot I
yon Twy welL 1 waa a itoara_
gar <m tba Toaawaada al that time, be
ing oo mywayto tbU eoaatty. I'ra
and I'T* tom
While we rail groewee cheap, we do not ke«p che^ gn>.
-MB It to B poor plan for na to rati yoo a wrong orMcU, og
' yoo to keep an article yoB are not Mtufled with.
We ralect caretnliy—we boy at low pricea, and yoo ahoold
New Pbooe 350
"Only tbtok."aznialmod Prate
"af ttaa^rnaayram towbtobpap
"I know."xopU<d Bml "Tw
too tbraww tbe other ntgbl. aad I
toU it WM all paper, and U wab a Bam
BoeAeld. teve mored my draoraakbw craton » Ma no Brate etronk
brat to give ran tbe laMM atyUe
rad a grad It to tte fatnxe.
Take pride in traveling by carrying a fine
leather suit case. They «nll last a lifetime.
We price them at only $4.50 and $6.sa a
very low price you will say when you see
On Monday. Sept 3rd. at haU pant e«ht
(8:30 a. tn.) the Board of Water Comnto«bnen trill test the ptpea and mains ol
the system, Tbe hifbest extremd. fire
pressure will be pat on. AH garden hose
and sprinkling apparatm should be abut
off as they are not supposed to tuad
aoch pressure witbom bursting. This is
done as a precautionary measure so that
tf any weak parts are dereloped they'
may be repaired or strengthened iramemediately.
By order of
Board of Watsr CoMMuaianBa.
Dew Boods
Are arriving daily in all of our departments.
If you want tbe besL the correct, the latest,
you will find it here at the right price.
it it
Boston Sfm
Tomorrow Night
■ t.i<.
If/ou have ever worn a Rotwelle you know
that it is the best hat made. It is guaran
teed with a guarantee that is good. A new
hat or your money back for any defect what
ever. or if not found to be just at adver
tised. ' I'he guarantee is good for One year.
Tbe price is popular—$3x0.
The Cbalienge S2..S0 Hat is tbe next best.
For the price it ^a'Bitot be beaten anywhere.
We have them.'in all the new fall shapes
Suit Cases.
Old Phooe 149
t met pncMadly pcomilwa
xyr '-miadelpbU Raawd
fri^tfoHya---------two boon toler ta Be
tab Tbe ypong worn ; wa.aboat«A
yoam of age. bad an r frlimda, and
waa beloved by all
lore affair wa^ the ca
' The FWe Marowto
aaatotoobUa to in bamodto
EMaapoant by Itoe toimacaM
k Eng^ Bray y«* a toige
port af tbe frait trvp ram tram lack
af tonaapartotlan. iba laltwnyi not
batog abto to mmt iba raatgemey.
Ito- tdaa to fm tbe toimiii nest
Prinenton. bd.. ia to be tba expeH-i
ratal gnmnd of aa adraneed map U i
aanleisnl cwonomlea. li U the Brat
cily in tbr anur In wbleh beat aril I
be faralahed an meter inuamirepient:
tbe ayetem to be tnatalM prari^ea
“Grimay. He B«r
cf a'banm BaUmy
for bot water boating from a ecnoal
In tba Ndtioul Boeoera,
In a few yean bar bwfaand'a baaltb Btation. Tbe water to famed tbroogh
daellaed. and fm many
doiito araan a thnmb ,
him aunt lander and
the .apply.
Bbe bnd a few Mma apokea to him
rhuThea. and all pabUe bolldiniea
within a radial of poe mile of tbe
BMOittim It. i*lsally tbe wxl
eentral port of thr oily arill tbu be
Tbme bad caam to attend tbe foaeral
bU arareat nOaMra anrpbvw from New prorided with beat, ll 'la claimed
England, wboca abe bnd nerar oeoa ba- that tbe coot to tbe oonanmer wil^m
faa Id k day or two be tooagbt two almoet AO per oeac. Ibm than tbr ooat Late ‘^eddy" i^Hoyt'a "A Bunch
Bwa to the eouage to appraUe tba pewp- of ccml.
irty. and again wm tbara a prtoa tat
The arill of ex-Benaior Injmlla U a
apOB tba well preanrred apacna. On tbe
A Lirre conpuy of Siieen
of tfaatdayuibe----------— model ia point of ezpreaaiaa aad of
aid Bucen.
jnatloe. la Ima lhaa IW arorda be
Brass Baad aid Or^estn.
UM'xna. muu
* —m learcw all of bU ptofriJ Id hia arife
dlapiord to bo *aiy eoay with yoo. Tba tmnwerredlr. the teotanratary eUam
See the RoBcb Riders Parade.
worth of all of anelr'e property bm of tbe Inacnmeoi -timply raying;
been cnnfally eatUaaied. aad I will al "1 gire. beqarathand derlm nato See Crlmesey Slide Ue Cellar Itoor.
low yea tn l^ade In yoar half <f it 'fflTbelored wife. Anna boalra. all
See fienard Slsten.
any article of fnraltara yea may my praperty and eatair, rcwl. peraonni
See the Best Masical Canedy
Aad again abe paid tbaprioaof her. and mixed, of ereiy - deaeripUan. aad
flm darling parebiwn of aUrarwai^ bot artMieTer eltoaud. aad appoint her
tbme wm DOC eaaagfa left aftm tbe baU Bole execBtilz herpof arttboal bond,
waa takoa few ber to krrp tbe booeo aad anrety or andertaking;” The arill
lot. an tbry wat loto tbe baada of
ezeented daring hU tern of office
Pricra-SS, :f5, 60c.
itrmigera. and with ber oat Anal Urn in the araate.
Bento OB Hk at the City Hnwi
twain went latoocay. bat hired rooaa.
Sbo wm a pattarnof thrift and tldloeak Arthnr T. J. Riee. a fanner ratiiier ttnnd.
ae a amart wldowor of tbo
well awira, and in ;om than a yrar
bo made a rail arpn tba oomaly matno.
Ba wao wUe ermogfa to mate bU Bnt
rUit abort, -et lingered a raotoaDt to
Ite door and raggraitd that la tbe near
fotoie they ban
Of priote_______
ia nearly all linra warns that now would
ink. Mr. JotemcB,
, in a good bodd
Ip of
of groeerin.
the right time
to> lay
Umi it will not be worth while few ytm
We are etiU •eUingm
, nil linen at the old pricen,
toealL" and rloaing tbedoor haatily
« ve had tba goods before tbe ndnnoe.
obe tamed to ter eat and aaid;
"Ko. Tommy. 1 faato bo^bl tbcae
epooM Uira Mmra. and 1 don't totrad
tortak thorn any maro.”
Walter tt. Koat.>r of Uaalog ai^d
Kaipii W. HeMnllea of Unad Rapid.. to rank t^meivUlUm. Itot It to more
Mlefaifmn nnlverally etodenu. re- tbiii that. II la rank iadnairtaUam.
It U prorMlag work for fariorira. tohor for tolwn-ra. imuaportatloo for
worked ito-lr war to and fnm. Gtoa*•
W reU fatter,
gowem. ratlU- bewt and
tt U tiM-pMcT ihal
bolldi bouea for workinpneo. creauw
Mtfoogh tto- ccmnlty on Ito-UblejeU-.. , ^
ibe grain of Um Bdd.
the expenn- of ^e ratlce trip to-tog
and tbe Iroo
wtMila Hts. While ralUBed
lunl rent of tb<- mine. It U rational
tbr crip a> an experiment, they lari- and natkmal praopertty foonded «n
BO dotirr to re|*«t IL
wlidam. not a pramlard prcwprrity creItoTid lagafaL a former nwiilem of sied by rotunc a dollar la two and
. Y'ale. dinlin Uetrall on Tnewtoy. aUllDc each half a whole.
radical depamne from tbto poUcy
' PrlrauU wm-aoMBcM timt hU r.kaalna l« Aadvoral.-d
by the DemocraU la tbrlr
Wpald arrtre there on the Wedneaday BTowed imrpoor to'drotroy protecyloa
aoca train. Undoriakor Oough,. i..- and .qYmar
_______ Tbe triampb
gelber with Mw mlniabr apd ftieuda' af th.-ir policy.'tf pBI npaa tbe autiiw
wme in wafllag. Tbe train ar-. hooka, wmld teanli la AmeTtraa furHve.1, Imi ni. txwian. Imialiy by tel-' aac« l.ccomU>g raid and Amerteaa
Mdtcme dereloned the fact that the 1 •buttlra beiag aUrak EngUab loonw
Mm of gaodi .date tbe Otmt BUra
ta figicm. and- .weM Mtaa MaUad
andanaU tba CkMdUna. <ma Amariam wae eaonaUy ' waaadit TW
'adUna todad with Mm Ammleana.
TbU year army baaimma U Cba• wlU •
ana alfc aad ana eariboa. and all may
br Aippad to any pniat in Mm Unit- nma by Amarloan hanmra.
■ ’_w,'
m MOMmife uBootitii t^tsbii cfrfi iocRm tvinuYt nmnsn •, iim
'ofMfa u4 WtMm-
[T55:»5. ofj^
.------------ ----
At a-tT-’-R or lha Uncoln SAlmary Oteb Urn maiiv at At ham
Pmafc Vahmt. the foBowt^ «■
htaclataiwt Ma.
Mr. Mhd Mta. Joba Ocalf Md «n
aleeaad te the inmlnB yaw:
■; 1
A. A. Ooehway hna tetamefl to bia
---------------------BMiir rrii^‘~r •• •'
The nan moaMnR will
hMd at palptl
of Btw.
8. BaUtray la tbr
theet^iwa oe Baal Kh^
will foUpw ta a few dnya.
iaanwC. HairtiafCiacianaCi U ri*.
Mac loMtirao in the city.
Rwocfc* pMBt Md ■
r.> ct»
Mr. andMn. E. C.
and Mra. A. T.
BaiMk and
Mn. i.
Iwate waak plaeea ia tba
mnina. U thna be any. For thb pmtpoar tbe maabtnwy will be woched to
It ia DtUotL
Mn Flam Hum and mn Carl of
Danreilb. Ind.. me TlMtinR Mr. and
iu fall eapaaicy beRlanlnc at lidP
Mn J. M. Thomat of WrlMcR meet.
a. ». and tbe bi^eat priaan will
Him Mono Bblefab taai Rooe U
bapaion. Thto will be eafteiani to
I w<
bant nil RBfdan Imaa.
It k
dnaire of tba wMW woAa commli
VilliaBabatR. where die wtU teetcl
the oomliiR year.
Him Bolle WUaoa of BUowertb
riddne Mlm Mary HanltR. ,
•acnooL OP MroK
!TTie.tmd Wt^.
F. A.
ha* mwo
to Almean.
wbtra be wa* caUid by tbP iUneoai
of hlx BBOtbtR.
«e» Tran WW haWa Xen M
The Mimee
MelmoRbUn. Blim,
FiUlni. Thylor nnd Bomrii nrrtred
Tbe fall team of tte Tm^
in tbe tdly Ind erening from Ibeir
MmbW avriM. >0^
Bar. J. A. BimOy.
Vrmiy. Pmtat.
Pr(«rbln«nt iOJOn. BL
Tha itemwDt of the UKd-a Bnp|«r
rrill ba ofaMrra.1 «t tbr USM ot Uw
Swdv aebooi II m.
KraaiaK aab^aot. ••Dwtalofc”
All an- iarltad M b* {mmA
a will ba opan Mwibiy.
from T aaill' f a.
will fc a
a 4 aatil S p. a. Than- will
nKvnlnit doUraiT made bj- tha carriara.
All maaban of Iba Paintan Ualw
ara reqonrtnl to meat at the C. B. P.
B. ball toBMmnr moniu«
ia time
B’lUiaa Paturly
ItBBohna fnniaa Priday mornlait. and
Biithl bare <Ua<l liot for the aaaiataan- ot Oharlaa Ulifa.
In aflraDM-to tha bc»l hoaaa,
ba dtaeorarad that tba tank
■inuii a iMk. and ao BHmI tba tnat
booaa «ttb lha fninm that ba taU
aealiw tha
totn flMMle. my Rtyliah
d.-eao and ecbool iboM-nxea
24 to 7.0 to
BE. for tUiN.
to hie faith
Ana. battaypariDeratack tohle:
ta tbe asan-e pmmina.* Finally we
premierd by reuaotag tbe Mlnq
on cenditian Uiat my partner notify tbo
flcB that bewontd be pcnoually
qamdtde for Imma cawed fay a rep
tlai af tbe oetmtrnea. We alio eon
orcry ewtomrr a aotloe that al] UUi
abaold ba wkd directly to ear faend-
ISS Froct Street.
Wladocr. Ont.. Jdb. flc; iBOa
Dr. C.
D. Warner.
Warntir. Orar BlrHtr—1
bare aacd yonr Oempnoad of Berea
the great caaoer core
C. will ba held M«wday
BEOUND HAND clothing boogbl and
oold at The American. 401 Front
the V. B.
oil} Tre*.ai«r.
It U impartanl that all
taklaR bte plan- at B'rxfvd.
CnalMin al Euiliana Ftn nl Sltlcll) Catllalial.
The. Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich., will be at the
Mr. Millar wlU |Mcdi at the Becoinl
M. K. chaieh.
thaWomaa-a alabioma
OaL. ar
garota of Dr. and Mn J. B. Martin.
“*M^w l4j^jKirfetS^ laat ert*
ing from Detroit, e
Tbaat wn a mhr h C* ««a We
Kuigbu ot Pyiltiaa.
ICa .aim.sa h— haaw tM
•oaajjl^.l^. ^
yeoterday frca tkm Pythian encampI In Detroit.
b-a “Bamahr. mar.” aet a* Wa «an
•al. IM rat mr 4ara. that haflr haaaii
aad.hamaa aa thaS k« aWaft
thaa am aa tha tawawthianj atn aatat
aa4 ten -txa-t warn hahr. ha «0M, Ca;”
Or. -laasu. »«.-n fU tmi ^a UU la «ra'
from h baalBew trip to Kew York.
Mn. K V.
Wait and Mia* Minnie
Wait and their gneri*.
Wknien and daagbtar. and Mim Bada
W'mrer of RotAferd. tlL. apeat yei-
wbo bare bollt Dal
luwna. Ktonly and anaw.d, they bar./oochl their way and wn-alr«Mv Choniaelrcaa f»>Ui>dd on Ibv gti-al inboapitablo plain*.
~M< Irrvl iridewnit Idan- of cloiulwilh
tbonaand wiMBowet*. tbedrraiyewrIU
cf antaniB brow.-i, lifted h.tti iuhI liiarilaieriiafp battmof thn-etenlnc none
ImaglnatJaD. bol repel* tbo nrttilnR In(tinei of borne irailidR man.—Atlantic
Mr. V*«* OU »•-------Wlib Bm.
Tbe riory eftra tedd that tbo lah
Bob. Blcfaard Vaox had denred with
QnecB Victoria ba* t*ra doaied qnitr
ran. Edith aad CUffCRdTimblin.
riare hU death, bol m a
fact be did dance with tbe
their boarden «|»nt yeaURday
qanoa. Bo wm not ber partner. It i*
trae. bat daiirrd in what wa* known a*
Mn Dora <Jma baa rrtanml from
the qe<«o'« outilinn at tb* ball glrre
t wttb an a tew week, ritil at Manoelnna.
Alihrt Oanmn am
baby aanwbohMlaBt
8ALE-7Mi-An elegant
' boom-; C larffe rooma, par-
itt(t room dowtRrtAira; 2 larKc
bedrooms np atalra.
$100 down
an<l S’-- per mo. takes it
FOR SALE—7f<2—Good 7-room
hooai! larKc lot on Webster 8t.
Qomi location, easy paymento ] Tho Most Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases
S'lOdowD and 6 per month Ukea!
Woakenesses Pdssiblo to Obtain.
Price. $850
FOR HALE—7lt2-Noat bouse on
0. ao* raOUm hl> w ta* rail moaOrara ar ta* oMtetm ,
State St., centrally located, all in |
good condition; gtone foonda-l<
rlUr. stone walla.'|
arge and good high
aak for
w»t*«^e^iyw» wtfata***aa«a f«m«rad t* rerwo a*»uk>a4 tm.
property; SXX)
down, balance' long time. l4ii
MBCttASOIKO sasaauwia**>f7
FOR 8ALE-^«0- Urge b«dera
Mr. Vanx wm (oieeud by Ibeqaceii beraelfa* aoeaf tbe arren pnw-n* to Join
with bar na tbo dance, a rery gtml
In the n
of tbe erolBtlmw
-I'm afraid. Jean. I an't cet tflia
Dare CNmpbeU «wma la lari ernnlng
aU bead oC.” aald Uw mother.
doaaph Khlar will laarr today ter
ffom Onwa.
qaen. TfaN •
Jtu-a face ciorad with tbo Ucht of
Hatrott. wharr ba will attaod tha naMr. VanxtoaweU I
ymURa knapliaihm 00 Wi mU:
lioaal nail earrlan-cooraatiOB a> a
day from a ririt io Chlcaga Bbe will Blaa wbo eerrod with him in tbe Flfty'
ecBRnm—Phllmkelpbia Rrcmd.
dabwatr fiUB thia rity, and by proxy
a MRm of ariiool U laMrlc '
will ratnwwt Paioakcy and Meooml-,
Me. Jaam U. Bli^U will attend to
Mr. Bbiar-a roalr doritiR bU abmwor.
ior, eittinc room, bed room, din-
Mn Fkirtnnk* aad two grandchil-
Uttk Jean a dolly bod
weetdent and ber motber
Her, J. W. Noble and wife aad lit
m band for It. The maoral of tin
m bead prored to be a tether dIScalt tle daagbtoR of Wianmadn arc ririUng
tank, wfalcfa Joan watched with Croat at tbe tadme of tbelr BKttbeR. Mn C.
Tbr rrRslar rntMlnR of tbr city
eoancll trill be held thU rranlnR.
temlay at Omena.
mo n-m ~r»4ir. w im. ehat moau I aa
P I ham-1» caac mua bM am rmram iioikto a haW tttn Xta« toa thaa
m-aa fmn n cM at amrtr taal
Tbrrt'VlUha a ewMinR of tha exr««lin- and tanpiam i
THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1900.
dangblnr Zola ot Birrndde.
Wbtaa mO^osM u ha aaailr trn.
ax. as ant ^ trwMm hMM bar Umt
It nnt.
nmt. M lha haO tm*m
*mmm ta
U ha
n. chM .< au ia tn Iwab.
Vlan Mh.r’i M aaO We mia at tha can
aat l-» that hatr. t aat ■ oall art
T far iment.
Her. HoRb Kaimrdy will aselmnjia
palplu today vitb Ber. J. W. MlUar.
i.i, >a« .
I w*U Ivehuaea.
Traders, Hones Loenera.
211 Front SL
Traverse City, Jiich.
WUbelm rmnuml
whata hr
Tbr raRnlar maatlBR of
B. B. Platt’a fmtrt.
and C. M. HeDdHM'a can.
WADE BROS 1^^'"'’'^° HOTEL,
danitrr, haManod to Rat Mr. PVttariy
bat oow we otfer tbe Marrin
It' V>H* WAhT iMraoT. .auykliriuaM
I i-Iam nMiwBiiN. nr l» Lor * htiow. kA iM
ten*, roll .*> a II. ADy*. '-•m • *a4 •
M-enuttlk <«.
Tmmtw- <tiy.
Tim JdORmy ammi llm emtitMtil fitn
went to emd in luidv. inKT 1I rery marb
Mr« H J. Tbiee le rnirr taintOR like a rojORtt Wbruoim lan.h at 8L
Mn Orerby of Uood HarbCr.
Pool from tbeorrrland train. It li with
I(im Monde HoRadcra and Mim all tbr arneoti.nm at piakins pvt after
**Tba Uoo’i Den" ia tba mtlnrfaio
Uinea OardneRhare ledanmd to their barinii |im»irl or<R tbe IrvbanDd eea of
eioaa name of a rery pen
tbeplauim. bomee in Fife Lake, after a rUll
eUned mapoD M Bay.
The nnlfcrni rtaxzlr cf milre of o
the past three waeka a Jolly party with Meede In tbr citr.
on(ru.i«> «D-nr, hrokrti oely wfam
bare been eaniplaR and Inddeatany
Jainea Oaanlleti hae tetnnM
•iakm 1.1 IndtRu rhedow nr ew.-jle
wURtalnlBR Ibelr friesdL The
bti hotnr in Milan after a riut with CRHt* nl iul.d.niblc Uglx. basiv dayi
for Rood and t^ Dr. and Mn J. W. Oaaatietr.
Riroi to tkm wvid ontride ibu pt
ibart laraiMd hoaae. In the party
Oowily Clerk Kewton and family
I Mr.anB Mra. Inhym and Camlly.
are taking an ootinR at Carp Uke.
Mr. and Mn. U Boala. Mra. J. JameJ. M. Blakcolw and wife hare rr- iwrep oJ IcrrI iwrtb, eo mligblly or
acn Id Mra. Ida Kwrt.
tarned born an extended vteit to Bt. arobetl by tbr Irr.-I dry. bat ma><«ty
rt.-eutaliun wben
Initmeko rrUation In bnuan life.
Orrage OlMuat of Maple City and
« h a qm«r Oab that
A fany tron nf berm etraRglkw
can be aard ai a candfc when dried. Artbor Boott of Oodar were at Urn BCTom tbo plain*. dnwfnR a amMni
X)B KAL£-7H---rineBewbooBe.
Tbr tall of tbr Oak 1* eiDCfc la a ernek WbUlnR yMterday.
aleditr load
tm-wrorl ilieig a nanow
Uttfe lot. xc
xood new bam. horae.
of a o-oodm (aide and lit aoar liebted.
Mn Palfivy and daoRbter of Umena trail in tbe uow to aomo nneern farmhamiWH, 0f3^,
, cow.
- - - ■ ________
A No. 1
A peed alX4^d Baan- wtB bore abonl
boom, blte-rnollng IhmORb lb<- Iodr
bhmK, kiw jiricf*.
Price $1300
tbm- bom. II |ItM a feood. atrndy wm- la tbe city yeeterday.
onUu for tbu n
Mim Minta Minor ot Old Mimicn few fleree week* of eomiurr »nn«biB*: a FOR
of ikioa enh^ poWer and
honaea. One haa H roome; lart^
Bldmhic brat.
tiled aiwo trira* in tbe eity.rcMor- little tk-hnolbonm <d nuplanid hmrd*
The roaeoo iliat flab am aUny la to day.
boncK-; oilier
perebrd oo a ewull of tbo reiO. alletit
property will-n-iit for
Dr. A. H. HoUiday rkj^imd ree- laadmapc; n lambuom badto.] by ban
•month; will take amaller piece
terday from Detroit, when- he parti- aad cvral, with a liny yard in l
KbonM a flab br
in exrlii
-lian«e. Price SHiOU.
d In tbe blR Pythian rrlelra- earirclcd by a tawdry trill of w
ibai a spix
waabed pallofi. ebuWing yellow abore FOR SALl
ILE—“HI—Oooi! fi room
■lluia tbr fonRUt ludfra tberr and
tbe enow—alltbmr, with milreaf
liniue. fiDiHiipd in oak; Elmwood
groai unlU It rraataally pIlU tbe flab.
Harry and BdaaTbosia* of Klwnod. betwcon, picra one with a keener
aw., jmrt off Frool aI«v1
Bllmr atao Incnwara iba oiiaM of flab Isd., and Mn B'Uk Tbomae and eon
ban roolil any prnqnal
down S'* a month takes this at
throORb lha water.
Chrl of Danrritb. lad., ore rUitiaR
Tb.- «rbal<- h Iba only flail that
aboat $l-‘iU Itwa than bonm> would
a elemoul it a<
the family of J M. Thoma* oo Webbrain UtRi-r than a naiD'a ITe think
ouBt to build.
Price 1460.
that oao pwaa thtm.ecatl.Red
of Iba bumaa body kc
of a> ctitigi:!. (V life a* in a eoend mtnp FOR SALE- 7»0 - Neat Itoue.
Maeter Bert and Mim KOe Unrrienn
rary woodrrfaL with ha many
tuiclil paa> a ftail'rraft at «c£.
iraclii-alivtipw, lan^> IntoffSIh
bat fm- people knew that r«-cry itine a havp rrtantpd from a long rielt with
Tbrro an onglo mmd> open which
tH) doWT and tO per
flab brrsibea It anrra
boora and
ai Baton Bapidx
Thar wata
pniwtBK to taka a rlda on
Itor yacht and Hr. Pattxrly bad ROBa
oa erwrything in
Rul EsUte DealerB,
wti-.up. m. .
Tne nwaiuirmp Ma Mlind to ba
imMt W .^H«a •iirriea*.
that arr iatellitreai—
We alwaya boli) prior* How*
terkera bald In Otanire hn^.
: X o'rlork.
Boy jrqar footwear of no
and iprt yoar BtooeyW worth.
ytoMday. wbefo he U |RiBci|wt
the ecbool f<w tbr raniag yrwr.
iriU ly—y*d
Inlu Ub> otxo air.
we're fnraiabiBs them witb
they donH bare to i.
"Same yam w<> I bad a UtUe
»which I're no donbt masy turn
wnhean dttpliei
■ dieam Iwatamonw* poitair ta a br
of CDO cd tbe
• iaSkLoah. Wo
bad a eakaman wbem wo ralaed bigbiy. Ucaswto oar knowledge that be
ww railing ia tore with pt*«. I awM
that he inaat he warned. Tlw other
partrar tbmgbf be ww aU right, bat
btvin tbe work.
D. OoeUtn. PmU*.
B.TM M toao by tha ruter.
Bw^ anw
•Aool lU »«
Y^B C.B.«e:16.
CUCa arrlrad
II.MO and loct ercry dollar.
"My partiwR took tbe taoMy on
bli pocket and reimbanod tbr flna. It
a of OreRon, who U not oenmary to udt anybody wbo
lha icnoblnir faro* will ramatn for
laa born rieitinR hl> bRothi-r-in-law. kaowe RoBbitR* ibal beam
tbe inieuat the
Joortdi BntWR, left yeelrrday for
Mim WtlbalM Ametalv lha roiee and
"Tb>i pnmcbrr and tbo lawnakrr
riaii with relatiTeo al Boot Jiadao.
pteno.Mim Pwad tba fim and aenani
nmy gradr <ab(R rlrm m nxRe bedaona P-Miea
Mim Marica Piatt went to Ynln
Rmlaa of jdano work, and Prof. Hi
bnl tbi- n.y.-bant and tbe baakw wbo
ymtrrday. where rim will opm llir know vbat li Rond for ttarm are idor
afraid of Ramblon lima of anything
olae."—St. L«ou Ukda.DeoocTal.
tional ctadrnta ttani ara praparinR
L' asr M- •
MH all the ttnr, I
ETe»l4« •***»!*• j
tbr Boor, and
this Wap,,
and will be toady to becln
paptla belBff awalrad bito all drfart- wort ia the a.
ilTilrp"w»SLa{y*taVlw«i «o ti>M«
ef tha gmahlw’e duauamd jaocjmi
naCU yeoR komm ndl the take. 1 barm
■liowoowBO mo ta wUth tbo botdt
cf RoatiUac did pot hora tbe oompaoktn boUt cR lylaR. Ttw iytnc row worm
aa tbe Raabiinc i
Toar Ramblinc i
wltfa oneba '
that yon m laiURnwr warn omm
latimMmiteba it tnmUw the daaCennt path M dalHanro wttb ear* IR
Bobeol of Makle wiO
_____Hbool •* t*
fona in tba israda
“Don Mome” at Stoloterg’t Guml toinorrew nigiit.
"Bad caaid mim
aMinrt betac
betac d^acad ky
«f Baitfeod Oity. lad.. «• oixitlaR
Praifilwt. PmnkViiRhtiThiapc^ Hr. and Mrm. Jomao Gwic «< Part
ham la Otaad Baptilt eflcr a rioll
wtth Ue iROthm. Prof. C B. Dock
or liHo
It Has the True Rin^. the Atmosphere, and the
Romance of the Land of Cotton.
‘TflwwhMwia m *alki«peh»
Tha flmily «f B. J.
^ _
at Old Mi^ne
house «large
, CaTASSKOPTBR ROSS. Wom*ii>* »**
iom tmbtm.eaa**« from cmank,-
Slate atreerwestof-d.
it i 1. ;"ikfiDRiA!a'AMi> «*inw» otras
C. Hodge.
do»n d™r to bot-|>-ffiS;„,m..»m nnu oi.
9300 down and mothly payDsota > o«ssgmraai*m «am* wnami *oi* or «rtakes thia.
ba ahlwnd to ManUtm tomoBtrw. .
TbarawiUbaa raRnlw eommanlcation of Tiarana City Ud(a Ko. noreTtbe flm of P. f.Ohtwcy A
doknefbaoiaem ia the oMp of Tol--------
bsrgaioa we bare to offer. If you I
"Wbyr- naked tbo haefaaad. imra arc thinking of baying or aelJing
Claci^ In bri limpid ntw eym.
bonwi^ money,
^y, going tt
"Becaanx ' eat«ra<l the tRcadwta- out of barinesn, call oo oa.
. "there i* a bargata
mie down at Oattem'i. and they are
Tara hr a m<
wUtng tbe lorelliri •pringtrooRnerm aad always al bottom pries and
A maa wbo wa* wockiag
forBAHl. Ifboa^tlbadcntorm beat terms. Always oa tbe bnatle
___________ at tbe Wylie Ooo|
BM baUL btt taw ta always ready f
Oa '■ mllU at hiWRlocbm. wa< bnrt
more salea. have latger list than
Fri*r might while oHlac tbe bead
all tbe rest pot together.
■ ts
ing eaw.
■ ... ...
Tbeari maww cattgbt bU
Imad. MilBg it badly.
He left yae
C. M- Beors tatmued from Detroit
tariMy for hU home ta Clam. wtuRe
the wopad wm* attraded to.
•rtrmrwi of a aUp cemI la bedCM am and
mm mllre Ioor RtnMa bacoan-a'
rt for aMpt ef i(rti toM.
imtt waa raaaria of JOB tana
ta b
Wade Bros.
flUr «gi Sll Frcmt 8L
The derire of Iby bean 1* gn
* for tbe tnamau- Before tbee are dm gate* of nb
all Uwac Imrlmt barisam
tbaBmmsmU^ tbm.
rraaw w«ok-
wroTTii^ irwiMi thOT w%^
27amjj^ST.ir £J-S*r-SSS
Tbe abore are but a few at tba|S5LiS? nuTiTiiT
ticD aa caofcet flrtamu-r for B. L.
TOnclwr-Bew h that. KRde?
ChrttR. Mr. OlmaoB U aa aoeomKtttle-My ■anom'a boeebt tw« pUriied player «a the gniiar aad wmdocki. and' woH
- -hart
ire lata of tim «fl
Kom 8.. wiU
Trarerae OUy.
baiieyu«a.«ram»t'aa,.iml munir. aoMb
. WS «>lB4irm TO arSB aoraw u.
STji-ESri.-tEK-SSU'-* —•
wUaia. .p.^ ri
'nU*Mla k*altk fc, aalmrom |ii iia!r!!i'*yV*TL!^
Boon. 6fi fa, 6R Porter Block.
The Happy Comedy which Sparkles all through
the play is a sure cure for the Blues or Troubles of
any kind.—“Down Mobile” at Steinberg’s CrEmd
tomoiTow nighL
eotore nms n m •» om.
VT >Cnu l«r«r
I ««U4 h«M
«r M.
tkM CMna
- —-
naa at MiVir ai* (br (btobrtd fma
of CUp*'* rtnal **tla*
■ItdCtav »> tbr n«l(*d fbbM u>
• •««•(* M *a ti
•dian' vnii tb*
■MmtbHU'WUb B vt*» to tatiBeaUo*.
a traMr bM**** lb* U^tEd Siaia and
Cblm Oicanl at Tlm-(idD hr Uic ptoa-
Tb*** arddca a
* hr Cblaa «r tb* pnkel« ot tat*rtialtB«ia(- law a
. attlblr
I tboot tte •MAIM of tbr |vte« aC ttiA
' tm of rtcMt fttn tbafr hM bm aa%
: Mr M thrr ibaoidk* BDabi* to (•»
; ror* *M«b fir Mr f>b(pa** at aaf, :
!prw. AMmmhimhthhfhmtTwmri
l»iT* «ipartMMti ms tto« bar* bM<i
. tnm.
tiML trim
«itb u r*(
ret b«t
bM Utd* or no
a* ■
i»M Tte Bck that bM brM 4cM it
I pmhabtr tb tb* dlrwtlM of bdaiMte
I m'dn* of fniOMlbC tbe.llfb of (br tail .
dlTUaal tta. Tterr ara a fxeal mu '
H*v*r nOMbd IDM aad wmeOtai
(•braitat* taWB> ta tbr wia* of blM«5^i£>
tM>. aa< tb* MB wbo dtaeorara *aM»
<^>Il>p(WBd that mmr br ehraplr uabBi
- ^
ranorad and vOI Mrr* tb* ptirpoaa W
»bm-p ■
la* vr«*t. for h*r «• n
irtiilr frrrr nUmf n*i
Ibp (rad* of (bra
ta UM lb* lbR<
l*k •*«( tb>«» Mt« I*
wttb tb* r
A» to fb* ortate of Uil* tnpte of weodM otataair. a *o»r ***Mit CbliKa*
•MMd r»Ula that so* dar tbr ororMtafal Boddba Tl Let rm vaa paMna
mrmicba thh-k-aood. wb*a b* *aw abort M» tato cioocbtM oe tb* trvab ot a
lar«r trao. Tb* td*a atnic* hbo (bat ib*r naot b* ibcra tor oom
po**. a* b* drvotrd bimotir to faotla* and pr*r*r for a laoc prrtod. nntll M
cMvritlna tb*B into p*^ alVr vbicb b* pmtbnaO thra
tatotbn- aM allottrd (b* ceOtetba a place at ynrMlp la (bK traiiXc.
tMo wm* ao loop a«o tba( **tb* o»*«Mrr ot man n»a*th ant to tb* mtfonr.-^ut tb*r* tfa*r •!« today, a all«l eoocU** ot hidrOM *ond*n natora
BO two at wbirh are allb*. Brtor* *aeb om otaadi aa laceBar im (ur lb* rrBUedta rbleh Mod«d •onbipm plac* la (not ot
■ y T\ i
*‘T 'I
SI Jtirn^
1 allnwrd 10 trart*.
k doan Ih* larrb-r.
M war* rapaland. tboosh th* Italian*
W» Bur* fnnunalp. brinji Ml a
CMaa-a n*a»*i n*l*hl>orB
In i
Cbifia. tb* t'niird 8la(«a «tn rxer lt»t*niun** or betb partSra oa lb* Utb
lb*lr mod offirro. oa brinr Ibtnrmrd o at Jua*. JCt.
IlM- cav. 10 bHnr aboet an arolBi*.
Thlo tmly. known a* (b* Ward
Irraty, hrid in tnrr* tor ton yrata In
la «r*lt m*lv*4 a( Ivkln*. byt anuth.
- th*lr
frtmdir rrtdSki "
fart, hold* today—bat aappMnrntary
aadrr Lt.nl Aiah*rat In 1111 aaa nli no* ai a booi bbCohui I* tiB* tor anlrlra w«*« nlcn*d at Waahlnition
llrKlBli iradr no tb* ruaal
arrailallnc or rantyloa a
July S. Ilta. aad ram d Vy Ihr (
•rvor. had aararrd a tnolbnld. but Oilaa. a* rnt onb- wn* M* at war wten
' anirl** «
Ptann- aad Craai Britain, bui. whil*
red by oar prrat dlrlomal. Ai
lirrarrrtnc or Iryliur to maintain a nru- Burllnrain*. and wrr* tb* Ural fi
r way (.. rrlh'v* inil attitud*. tbr t'nitrd BUtr* waa *D- of hi* tamou* mlialoo around ...
r IIMb-t) iMuli- tirely In ayandthy wllh Ih* pnartplro world. wbPO. prartirmlly tor th* flrat
h Orrat
I. Niatpe and Bbaacbal aa t
lied tn.in r-..min*i
H Chlni., ond Mr. calrb Cmbinx.
>n*r. nrcmUird
• China and tbr t'niird Biaito. In
a kpon of falroarT or ttawklac ha*
TBI* BOY iCTBcm A ors.
Tbai cenlBS- say be beredttary i
sboWB ta what Me bent put fortb •
William aiaHlac BurmB. a Jonlor I
Itarrard univetalty. who has Invrni*
eelTed lb* ap.
pfoval of sereralesperu. Barr«M ta only »
ad BlalB o nmlMlnnrt. an.l ih.' OilThl* irraiy wa* |■nunT>I• ' I
tr laimni b tb* Cbinrm- *<np.-n>r mu] 11,
• «mt w lb* b
by a raoory paymmi to th* Bactairat*.
By tbr
dL Nobody ar*Ba U b* raprlM by tb*
I fnn.'**l..l.«__ __
plac* w diwaa tbHb*r by aycBpalbr of any aort with th* rtrtor hrr Irad.- and ciiUrni. a* ho.] u, I. I tim. It t* I
rrr rurloally that draw* u>* crowd to«*lb*r. aa It mlcbl b* aiBraatrd tb* rm«i tavorrd
h : Irarl.-.! by
clr>l>* or Ibratrlcal prrtorMnc*.
Ininuinatamr a-a*(inwl Brltaia.bati
Boaw oa* ^* l*na*d tb* drcwpltatka ot a CMbamaa a can* ot "Ucad*
aspired In U yaara, (bus maklrw are*awifi IBIN ydu Ina*.*' for botb b*ad and plptall at* Mt In lb* hanM of tb*
Mty arK.tb. r UB^ty. that at IB< by i *a*rui|.n,*r’.* tb^ aharp'lM tu.h^~ IH........................... .................................
ubuMird *»*«
t rhbl u(l.mni«nl
Thrr* I* irrlm humor In drrapllallon tmn 1h* elrwpolnl
Bwilra. far It U lb* inoat d*adly tarali that can b* oB*r*dB a
K*rr ■
*««1 ♦»« »» >»»0lawl » bl. body. aiaa«. a
tb* prtnrtjd*. wen. laid down whljli , v,*y ,»o, , hnn.* of adi^itanr* iBlo Ih* Cblii*o* b*ar*a. It U aald.
hav* b**(i In full for** u
* pn.* I
II ha* I., n aa**nwl that derapiUllon I* cow of th* cnMcat mod*a at as*B* la bainc aBpUcd
rd>a *stu i»~ I
tb* |wlrll*se* sranird to nb* most fi
alao uad*r tb* Chlaeae.BrliUb
ireatt** of. reapectivMy. Nankla. IM;
Tlen-ioln. IBA and tb* Cb*ru roaven- irt. tbrousb whMi a lam
of tieatr poru were fbrpwn
open V
' mad* avaiiabi*
to all j
Tb* Brlllsta.p»rb alUrd anay fay lu
urrb OB IVkliu U IMO foreed a recocBillon of muallty aa between Chins and
other powers never before allowed aad
opened the way for tb* lealdeoce of ferrlcB minister* at tb* rapHal. But it
a* not until im. June B. tbsl they
ere lerelved by tb* emperor la p*m.
Pveni* sine* thro bsv* sbown thal.
while the Maateboe r
a meoisl riBivatkw
ibaulnt* pre-*tnto«oce .of UMr *Bpmr and ihrnwrlTr*
Of tlB U Tb* a
dknaaca la *tm gnatw Um that of
(b* mrtaL A taUread aaeh a* any of
tb- hic ttmk Uam n»Binc tote New
Yon baa to buy ttaa hr tb* hndrada
or tlMBaiMli *aeb yan. and tba odM
to *top bcylBC arrer ceea oM of the of•
flee Tb*r want all tbry can cFt and a
man wttb a atcamar hwd «f tl*a la ttr
NotblBC ha* errt bMB
round that will itKveaafBhy taka tb* '
Idarr af the band bewa tia of yovne.
fiowiBK tiaber. aad at the pnaaM
rat* the danaad tor Oca aetaally
threaima tba aztlBctM of tb* fuetatB
or Ainaftea.
thily a few Acnrea at* a
that tbli _______aa
ta a
........................MMMrmtn] tI*w of tbr BltaaUod. A 0*w
mil., of standard atacto track nUbodU.
wltlmut Uklnc tnlo
■wltrL track* and aide Uaeluk raqotraa
almul tJOO tira. TTi* a*Ttaca Ufa of a
ralln«d Oe li about Bra yean, ao that
In t.*i yean a nUroad wtU oB tt*a at
tin- rat* of aboat W«M for arwy bU*
of tnrfc. TbI* Brans that each and
every year tb* r*na
empany tequlre* 2J00.000 tIra roc
Hut i«ft of tbeir systeiB «Mt of Pittaburp, that the New Toek Oeatra) re> neatly ZTOO.mO between Mew
aad Buffalo and that tbr Brie
rellrosd reqnlira In the nctciibortnod'
or iouo^io ercry year bet
City and tUlaminra Tb«e are flcaiea
'■ -I any one may easily rertry. It ta
wonder (bat 1..................................
asklnp (be.
Moo wbeer ibe supply U e_____ , ...
In itn years or DO or perhaps In BO. It
I* eMImsted that ender the bat poaalIcwinre for Dn- and other accMntto R
would require a plot of crouBd.BOOO
la extent to «eow iyno.000 mllpwil 11(0, and tt woald reqelra falty SO
-iwr* to develop them. '
In Amertea tuaibrelns hat always
fun-vi* of instured
n anted npoo the pcits which
lowed to crow a uaclo of tmab wfaleb
ws« rooqweed In time by tbe treva of
Biun1h-r aad more tenadow trowtta.
■•rien as tbeae tteeo attalnsd a bcp
ketsidr alae and tbr demand tar ■
for bcbdreds of new and rwwtac
n* and cHIb was felt tlw foKM
V ayaln Invaded aad acala c<vt«
- * hctara'a - - ■
- -
I cemplemeetaj
n*r. IH4. friwidmi TyM'^iT^ -j
• arvai |.l*a>or* in *ijbmiHlny |n I
nmal* for It* ntlbraihm and an
al • irraly abhh hu br*n .*10- '
tlaul Ua toward
* ponptra «!».
rtal pivvlaloo* aU_____ ________ ________
Ur* m»rt) of naurlPiK* and worahip
tor AmrHrah* In China and (Thlnrap la
Anwrlra. tor ih. rtUoymmi by Chlarar
‘ In Amrrtra nnd Amri1«ana
I* In Ct
; all rtpbt* In rraprn to travrl and r**ldm** arrardrd to cllU*o* ot tbr imat
favored aatkia. tor *lmUar redprorat
Hrtu In tbr mall** ot th* public *ducadonal iBRtliulloa* of tb*
- '
tttr* and for tbr rlytat of *
ochool* by rltlaeii* ot
d either
country I
_ nMe
.... disclalmi
the part ot th* I'nlted BUI**, th* rt_ ..
of Inlerferaace wllh ibe domestic admtnUlratlon of China In Ihr maurr of
lecraphs and Iniertisl Improvra
bul acre**
. that
* United
Bute* will fumlili assl*iai
polnis OB proper cnndKIoiM when tw
Tb* 'Tualow." or
ilceable in l-eklnc. wb*r* tbne la th* tlnrat *Bmpl7
itranse eirunun- mad* oT braatlful yaMow pairatate. It etaad* la rronl oT ih*
• ball or ruwu.
Ubrr* aiBUall, tb.
K triple arch ot 4
« 111*4 towara of o
alsa. «llh tablei* braHn# InacripUoB* In Chlneo* eharactan In lu farad*.
Tb.ee U a woodm imlluw al (b* w«at end of LMBtlon atteei and a *»(
IMI of rirkriy an-hr* nand* In tb* craai blchway of eo
r-itv ■! IIB
---------- _,.k...___________ .1____ __________
aty. al lu inlrnarttiin
wub-hnotb** oUeeL aa^wblcb
I* a
railed Ih* Pour l-allow Taa»hop.- Ho*t of lb* Milan ai
work* of wood, wllh carved pu*IA whU* other* ate of ctaali
all were lni*ad*d to prrtivtual* the nxnHMi ot d*Mrt*d t>
eratly bear srandllnqurnt. epliaidw aeitlnc fenk tb»lr aan^
Not ddly wooU aacii 1 B iBTeatlM f*/
llrv* tb* Cl
nf fbe a* a
at hU aummer bme in Beverly. Kara.
Bp*nl Bur* Urn* on salt water »h«p oc
land. Tb* son did not have the advaataev of hit father-* imlolac. bat seem#
U have tnb«rtlad bla lavvnller c*nlas
and. allbeucb paa*ionat*ly fond of
yarhtlac. baa tvmed hla alteatloB to
that ll-inay aoon bt Inirodnred'lnte Ihta
w b* eonnrtvrd th*
OPr broad prwlB** would
aSnrd U ooB* aretjaa* aa idaal
for tb* practice of banllac chin* CUBS, and b^llstod for arrrica
In tb* Bpanlah-Ajnerlcan war before
b* bad perfected It Hts expertmr*.
open, like the d.
bowwer. was of o*mf* to blB. and
or RcotUnd. aad w
wUb tbr least poaafW* after Us diacharce b* tnned acaU to
Not only mast tb* faleooer Mv* hla lavdauon. It to aald W be fnarvM.
woken mne* nf vlaton. but the oMfy ehMtUv* beoauae ao stauile B
quarry always lb* rinae at BtaM of th* eoamraeUoQ aad licbi u waicbL
hawk. When buntlnc imrtruc*. (or la«unr*. It Is ntatsaary to hav* a b*M
BWd mu are q
Ih-sIIos. BW natare was never or ct
very rcrely trained or aided In
her wtcnioB of Udnes asefol for mac.
here tbe UUmb of
■- aad tboae of HvUlacttaa wm
.Ml a mom equal baata tbeoo uettm
were looked after laore wtofty. aad la
c.-nmmy. tor example. foraMty hM
l->nx leva a aertono pmfiBliiii aad a
pmtiiable aeteace.
ABMfbeatp hr a Bmr ■afhaC.
At a receat BeeUac of tbr Pefta
A<-a.l.>Riy of HodJetae Dr TclBer caee
bn nrnniat of three surflc '
nliMi lie had eoDdacted. Oae was ca
tiUoiut>M of tbe lex. CBOtbcr tbe rei^.iornf a kldaey, end tbr third was
U|0ir..iaBy. ta all three cmm M tatd
.J.I1.0I rolatiiB. Actliic oa tM marrow
anil not on tbe bfcln, the oocclae pm-
nptad. The traanta« te tM bmla w«a taIWt
___ _______________
«>ar* tbe pettaM tbe xictit of blood and
tb* wooad tbe doctar takas tM peaeaaMOB tp *oO tM tM*. Be any* th« M
bat trM thta Mhad of aecartac CMthrals m tlBoa. It r
adrsoUfti aad ao bMonvealsBcec that
The PoasiB M Wott.
TM daapsst «o waB suk la ABMlM
n»d Ids badiea Una) pict aad Bwi* As a pfnbafata
the lUBkaartar SitaTid to'Mbe c
*BW kayewitf bean* aad dac cwidabi* ain. two of Ms aMa*nn a« evts oaiy I«r tb* pcMaii of worn
»«•»•« Wb tba Mad «f • s%fM ^ •« «beW '^ Nfabh. by auae bm
plctun are aaea taartac tM faeW*
•acts ta tdaBC TM CbBsB itesad
aaya. tat tM troop* rta*. aad aUtbat Is
faratM «■ bs cEMntaaatad.'’
BMddsi i
>■ *tM*^ (atbte B tM
beatnp MCm* IM tentna of Chb
wnoatad oa a saatMr aad bt
Mftttar bH oaoBlaa with I
'AD fttahtty BscM
blai wM
tflM "
TRi iiokhAfe VKtm
thatct* cstt,
1 Mm ta Oa mtatata mm
te wr«m vkb a wmd. ba( mrneto mMMr- Oa te Mte ef te (aateteta
*«.***.?!“«■**!.**-»*■'.*■■ \r»
TV MiM« M« M al te Mra tek
amt vktatad mMy. TW,V46iM
an etta ta Mf MM tea Ve.
Ite (to aamv m V oaa ra M.
a..a— wwj «Lw------------ - •
wa .
la «*• ««y bMW M* bH
Itonr. Tto aliito v« Mr. rttoetrA I
4«to(, Mlw l« tWi M (to BMM*>
n—rrWa W M Wmm ■ 0«M
CMta. B-cb mm fcM« ■•« MPrwtoi
tto Mtoci to ito hM Mar tton to
•rt to If Ihtr Ktod li'Ur ftocr. Bto
tortr «aiT mam to 4mt.
iMpM* tovato ato told Mr toto ra
tto tor*r tortodir.
•nx MmiMi »■
I maid aad. MIm Main
tM«. ttotod raranrly tar araai
' '
*i>AK tor toOrr'r <
M wha aaa ta to k
> tto aaort McMy a
d to hb raa*. Tva a
*!**^.> tor naaaiiti tod ^
j «S.^r aad'uSdM •«*. Br
1W piartitaiii prawrtod to M^dtaM
tm (Mlilrrly. ttoa la
• Ihr atadr. to rWMrd. rad.
< yta. tto t«a tara Si
(to toy aad tod h
torn (to tora.
tvinly ard la
Wtoa tto ■itobrri ato tod aUMad
ool irtih Ito fuahaiaa rrtarard la Ito
frorrraHy toB tad rrpartrd itoto toto
Tlta Mtar
Mtor rrralaa
rrratoa PrataMrr
Tararr of
*aa wUd rapluwot. Ttoy r*.
. tor rtoto to 1^ tod tatoa saparr wtth idalMd fnloUy to»
to»« itoy
(toy tod tdamd
tdaiod (to
Dr. PatodiM. pmidm to tto aalrrrto. frrabBaa la Ito idd arWr toraoar Ito
ly. A do* to ............run tod topi
• happnM la harr prate <>* <lw
toata tatolM In a totr toar. rad
Ito (too. rrhtaotiy •moiotot fm
__ _______________________ II •ralad la tto
beo (bay
ttrary orrr ttoir rtoan. Ttotr raararmttm had dritlad hark ta tto Itor *to«
lo-rdr tod a
hath tNd her* atadaato la tto atormlty. (toy orrr at.«1
i I" mnra fnr Ito frrabaad fraai ttow
B4B. (toy tod *
Mai (Mr. a ban. sHrh «rvrrd ta tot
la tto pwaldi'Bt of (to BBlr<r<d(y.
“War l( Ito prraMrat hMa-dfr «
Dr. D**Mm *ttou'i ia» tU aa
Biahtora dUBT kooo.
ntobl bair tor*, ton Itoy ibooshl aol
ibe pi»m<lror« nlnrro.
to (to rapU wMb atoai i
te^toUat'lM Mm taimr' ‘»oold tor*
□rttodtaitoly.- aa-
al ratal aab ra^TiUio’aa^^ to to
_____ iof-U^a»’XlS^
ttatpata la MMtalbML Bart aa rraalM
m Ito rardatbaM ta HkHy ia raaar (to
______ y ad ■
•TWI •
Vhto it «P to lay daty ta aitrad to aay
«Ma that b toMchl ta aiy kaootadr-.
M 1 aton to aurry ta ton- ta lato aay
diaatlr artkai. Voe rceelirn. of raarar.
(to baralM lairrm ar md (a lato la
*•1 toaaM aay aa." ni>tod Ito preffar.
*T haltarr aar brat rCnrta wrrr rarrlrd
aM la tto tairr barb of (to bnoar brrryato tallwr'a hara la Ibnar daya ll ta
|M abMI 90 yrara aton- 1 *a> po'
(toMcb. hot ! raa tnulii i-i rrny drlad
M tlmct II *rrr yratrrdax. Too foraU
ad at tto rrrw, ato yae mtalaly ‘
(to bara Atrd ap tar Ito arraataa.*
-Tto. I rr-atabar.- udd tto do
“Wr dtaotod yoa fnaa Ito
(tooaat tto opni Ma<* M tto
taMriac M ta a tdW of' hay totao.
tobio. 1Tto
nil kaariy ararrd
*d Itotto- Ur
litr Mt
sot of
<d yoa."
It Boai to a drop •( SO
Mat at taa«.~ told (to prsfranr. -Ia
^ a( \to fan Ibat a«r toya buapbl
(Mr atawirr hooar the oral yior. I dr
M totbrr tbal (hry harr rmr bad aa
faad a placr ta haU Ibrir lallUitMa-Btov—r or an am atol lato a boh al
tto add Idarr.- aourtard Ito ib-nur. rto
d taklac
^ aad
takto tto taBp. -Ttorr aaal
_ a M of nm add -racalli op Itorr yet.
Toltf tahtolkB vaa probably Ibr kri «o
Mdtbrrr.TV tire toM valhad am te (hi
ta tailai ItodiM tto *ay. Bmct
' Bta. boorrrr. .
hw wMb (to MBT aaar or rapddHy i
(hay had abooa aa tto last omalna lar
hma bad bars aaid for frairraiiy pw
a Mo. Arrirrd al tto lop. (to dartio
todd tto lamp aborr hb brad and dbr ta ohkt tbry orrr
ta^toacU or tto tor^
Maad rroct. with tto lent •doplay
. .
to tto dear eo tdthrr aidr. At ito
toa Md to ohirb (toy orn- ataadlac ooa
ton la Ibr door. Ikmocb
a«bk tm> plarid rooa Bicbt to
taw. aad an rHbrr toad orrr atarkod ep
»hkta had CBIO bar* nyalU aad'^Bidrto toriebt draota totrird oitb diacy rrd
Mpm. Hr plartd tto taBp eo a atolf
CSd Ihta. aad toalaall) ybc k>ft t«4
neo>4. IIht a
aa air of dlcaitod haalror.
almr. and
aod aa
Inllnoliqi ooMlona la a dialaet
fray af drtarttao
Mlity a ofa'dnniB
totX ttoM fn«. niaklay
aay aock at. .ia. Aflrr a half boar'* bratrd drbalr. II »aa daalb dHridrd lhal a peaw
tto frveluivaB bad dVnoMto no art
*h« rMld to dear. U Ito fnMiBaa'a
tapiora Otar BlabMia of (to prratakvt.
oho Otar krridBC hlB to dmnuKo tlO te
pmddrM aooto oral OMiralac
Blfbt to- <-ffrrlid to tottory er
Ttoy had Jm* arrind al iHa •
rtop oto* iton- oai a prrtmpl
at tto d»ur.
TV (toBBa Prttaa tootod at aM aaerbta la a staittad
-tVr-rr aO tons
I't tel
fraln^y ka-kr ashed
Apato ranN- tto- raivtoc. Ihb tlBT BBBtatikably Ito kaorh af te froirrolly.
Tto Baa ararm tto daur roar aad ciprard li. Ttorr oa ito tbrrahoU taciad te
atUl UiadfaHnl aa (toy
bfi biB. ollb a placord oa bta b.___
brarias (to irtoird laartipiloa -Latral
•ab lima lalitair at Oaauu DrIU.''
PtaCHfol of Ito rttaal. Itoy >rrto
Ma bitod. all qaraUaotoc tto to-oUdned
toy at CM. For aoM- aoBioto to did
am prmap tto- aHaaltoa. aad otoo to
•oaUy rapUtard all ikat to karo. to
tfan-o l•llh' Upkl ua Ito aabirct.
lhai bb brarm reald aalbrr oas that
MOM- prrami lO prroB had toUUird blB
aMrtiy la anottoorr o-Ub Ito rtioal.
vhlta tto pawowd. tl
Irralty rap bad toro airrs hlB- Ttoo
to had toeo coodurlrd lo tto ball door
by aiMT sM oV had
My. OladmoM aad Ml. INarortl
far Baay tr*n plilrd Mblaat rork >
aa tto teaptrllrr taadiri a( te too (irot
aa la Ito aula. aad (hr tom
taacr tey rroaad W twr rarb ottor.
B<itb Btata fartoBata M tely '
Mra. iHotorll ato Mra. (Ha.
M BaA tto rildtl ^ oar aaolbrr
OtarocU ra
tarll Braaiap. o<
BB oafnrtoBatr
ad Bto' had
ftorW dan. aad
■lap toy aBtaUno
habtl >4 <(Mhl
. ohta*
basbaad to pk
vbal rUtantaM
ITbal I oloaya
oOrod la bJiu oaa (to oay to
li obtrb hr
- ty ....
hrarrly at»d
brr. Mro. Gladtaoor
____dtttop bHraaair to a paUta
Bto oaa inv as Am to Mb. aad
blap to M-r tbr Itorto aad Joaa
la M ohirb tbry IfTrd-boo aettaoa
a for brr
•a aad a tapoh «iP«*
oHIItattoo of vatar; to lorroPt
H aad orcfBova. iroriM at rlrtr
aad brtaUta of toTrao. aad to
laMferta te So* of aaoaDB dartac
areitam oim n.o r ew.
|M« oar altp Mcb la te atam to
rare aad apathy aMd tor fttoada
................................. I wWd> «c ap toar
•MM toat tom a»y
•V »mu>u
Tbto toa BMtur wtieh wmf tto (orttoa of arid laad i
tbpacbtfBl attratka of aD vha «l* to- -» a ra-rrpliig rtetaay to HaTto nrpabUeaa Mapaica proprtatlM J
arr boptaa ta siakr aolM dionn aad I
i) cams Id Nrw Tart aad
rnmaylvaala of toata to tto toaaa
wUrt vrtr tost to tto oC yrar -at
ItoH. Ttoyr la llttlr pritoirt
t o
of tto at rrofrar Booed Mead of Wyesoiny mMBlpad as te IcodJac aoter»ty M IrrtCBttaiD prebtoma to America.
te aawmt hr thta yoaFt tortottettoaa lotoar PtohMor Mtod to Baow.
aSi te aN(o of kla vofk baa baoa
Mlarrod to eercr mav a*» Ifricattarn osprrtaaeta aad protdnaa
Men’s Suits
we trill ptaee OO wle 10 doeen
Tbm ia a eamin air awl alTlaabMt'
Blouse Waists
Ike j<« doat sal a»7«*-«“ Sia-Ikata
iaalibaraliljahoeit awia kaaaaaol
flniah tkat ia oaljr araiiwl ky Ika weal
|..r....n..|r afforta. ilia awat of tka
fltiaaaaUiaia (kr ooat, awl UMweat
at la Ika ooat ia ik tkamllarawllapala'
-So waOat akal poaa pall joa baj ol
Bawlk, ba it O or >90. Toa lod Ikat SI.
Ftoey atripea. BIm Priata. Black SatiB,
rlc. -w«tb 76, fiS, 68c-whUe they hM
yonr choice -
| ^f i
We Have Ninety'Five
Kinds of Soap
p altnalkoi
la tbr aafrly Kriatdtraa
Many an- Incttonl to rrpard
battlr for te pnaddoorj- *« alirady
and they dn'^ cuont tbe danerr
Bome of (br
rathiixlBstk- aotind m»i>ry ailrocairs.
trbn osyr itrllcbti-d oltli (lir artluD of
te ton ronpn-aa In paaalDc tbr cold
Btandard ta«r. rrsaid tbr (oralilrflllal
cmitrM with ladUftariicr, lirHrrln*
Uwt rrn> Ito rimttam of Mr. Bryao
taonld aot ataakr te prrarat arvutr
and ammd Bnaaclal policy of te cortynmML TliHe olll lo a mdr aomk.
rnlDt from tbia drrom of-armrity If
tbr BMtod inoMT total trill rvdrrt opOB
te tet tVt tto rinrinn of bla</Bi7aB
trnoU to mtalD to rarry vltb It tto
booar of tapneMtatlrra and dnObtkM
<«rrt anffirimt ebanpra to tto ptatc
by olUab rnltrd Sutaa
to to rbcawD dartoc tbe
entatos winter to che te ralted
to tbr oppooenta of tbo
prtmtit Boond nioncy poUcy of tbe
proplr of te oountry haro
acanaed raerfaUy te drtolU of te
htriCB tndc of tto railed matea day.
toe tbr papt year, tbry wlU bear oltb
little patlrnrr any mnro of (to ataV
trhirh wai dealt oat by tbr spuktainra
of tto Drnaorrallr nwraittaiti at Kaaaaa <*tty aboal -tbi- pollry of prcitrctton betoc damastoc (•• Ibr lnt>-n«ta of
te Cultid Kali* tos-anar It rurtalla
our forrten trato." Tto part year’a
forrica ttodr haa btoe node; (to Dior
toy larlff art. aod tto fai-l (bat or hare
arnt abnail mon- pnorta tbas wr bare
pBrekaard al>n.ad U a trtbiita to te
cenliw and Iwlostry of te Amertcaa
atoBBfactan-ni awl
otirld la today baylac morr rommodltle# of
U-fnrr to Ibi- blslory of thi uallou asd
rooiv to praiainhui to Ibuai- forslabed
by olbiy iiallona Tbr Iw-n-aM- In-our
rx|iort trada- of iMDiifarturMl totoDiidlttaa la praportieoatrly taofold
tbr taorw. Thta eonwa of Ibr Milpfatonrd pollry of proterttoe lo our todoairim ohirb baa civeo crowib and atohUIty to (hr dorarmir uianufarlurtof
Inmltnttnna and rnahtad tb<>ni to captorr markrts In romiietltlon vUh Bar
UtuL I'ratKo aod tlmnany and at te
lime malDtoto onr Ugh
at vac««.
Mclcal aarTry. aad tto anniBl appropriatad by te maciMi Jam efaaad
for tbb o-ork ra UOO.OOD. as tocTpaae of m.OOO orrr that of Uat yaar.
-TV Bepabllcas party, aa I bare
le are prm etock. Boap u fon kaov ia butter ahee
being aged Everybody who tinea eoap know the aUndanl maker
wb«B they aee the lume nd the wrappen. We wiU gire yoe good nl>
nee for 6c, lOc, *Sc. 8fic and eOc per cake.
a 1-ery earty day Ibc pm^ln
d Ito tocatiea aM inrTry of
taeciTQlr alua M WytmlDc aad
Outorado liy CapiBta Cbltu-inlMi vtU
iwtal by (
by tel
eon-niBM'Bt oo tto beadoatmi of oari
■laelpal ormera rlma of
bIHt will aorta to nriatoi
arrra nf load aowMrbl imd
Oerfeereteaedifve&a. Any <»e enfiag dntdi aad dnsfpdea of
any inreatioa triU promptly roMare oar opinion free eanecruagtbepatteafaiiity of ana. •• How u> oiaaio a patent ” aent npoa saqnem. Pateata
teenr^ Utrot^ ni adrertwed for aale at our etpenae.
I’atenta taken ooi through ua reevivo s^nrid/ motice, artibout rhuge,in
Taa pAnirr Rnonns an illustntod aod widely ctroulatod joamal, cooMhad
bed pate tbe afetemia.k bealthf fay Mamfaekncan aad latrietnnL^
alao eik electricei
Seed for mmpbeopyFRBK. Addrem.
DieUal Sfoiital.
aa II 1s rerbUmril aod la li
maariii naier aaiMy
i rtnwd bf patroat aad frirada
awl oltli Ito orajera <
to ------------.
reowia ia tbe dlf
(Inya iwtn. ranalBc to okte
ovato ro&y
ro&y BUI-16to
-aa.------ ----------------BHi-mmc to
tod Ito crootb Iiiat odi.minr
to Ibr
tbe ;a
: a few
lew weekelonger.
weeti longer. 'WUIglt'eiU
mJI gtre
tarm tru to aiiuoat toyood eomi.rr- Toritich
and Tajwr
Tipor bath treat*
treatih aad
t-wi.lwa.- ■
that open fire ntllion poree
roma UoB IV WCta
roada whirii «rrr dortoc ibtt Umr to
KlDlry a
(loB. te rallreada bavc bpro bavins j
nta day-a. In tbr
of nuiay nimta
(to Risirt baa licea cuostaDtly. Ttof
fle llnilivd.eiily by carrylnc rmiairtly.That Btatr of tblDca raaiKrt rootloto a
Cital a-htlr e-llbout tarnlns InaolreBt
raada iDio ■nlrroi aod pftn|>mma nora.
Aad tbal U what baa Ivi-o pdoc oa
etar alnrr tbr .ViurrliWD proplr divided
to auiidy tl>r AmrrieBD uiarfcet «ilb
Kouda Inati-ad of Inratoc over^tbai
tniaiuraa to forrlCtoto. Ut tto CMd
Addreea—StS Btota fit.. Phone ttO
John R. Santo
Wanbnrg Blk.
Tiararte Olty.
WAmmoTOK, A o.
Sal 4.9,6; 1, 1900.
Big Races,
Big Midway.,
Splendid Exhibits. Lai:^ Cash Premiums
in all Deivartinents.
TV Drtoomtk- manaerto kata iM*
erd ap
net aunprdr tto Aiarrieaa *o(trm M
(Pateat AUbraeyB,)
a Bobinaon
- year tto tmnhrr frf n»da IB •»»»*■
te hawta of rr.vir.-ni tod isvn le- raW-One lirntment
dnceil to IK. iIk- BDiuIvr of mlloa reptv- I atmetlone.
Blare tbr rrtiini of eroaonlr mmlty I
to te pn^>».- of I
• ta •‘rt-;
Wfonw el. CKAff» « eOm
Dartoc te toai fn-v imde admtoto
tratins tin- nirrmp,- ntunticr of rail-
TV Mrploa of recvliXa cu rr rzpMdl:atea for Ibr com-nt fla^l j-r»r Juat
*nie grottada are apea at night, brilliantly Ultuaiaated by
myriadc of electric ligfata. Splendid entortaiameat befoie tbe
gnad ataad eeeh ereoiag. One tare for rooad trip oa all railroada. For big preuiom list aad other iafonaatioa, addreee
(raa alnwiM t»-W Ibr rmlmatr madr by
Aecretiry Oagr last Soi-rmbrr- Hrtbro. froiD both coatoma
end totrrnal iTVrr
harrWn coed.
Western District Agricultural Society.
TV total nvelplB for ibr flanU yrar
WATUtSM WEST TO Bf MCLAMKO Jam etoWd wrrr »no.4ITA4t and total
expndllurra $4S7jaB.49D.
’Manictae, Viehigaa.
Bdward Bnckley, Pree.
Q- W. Bwigart, 8eey.
ll taad la Uoa *
-I «aaT aa^jyjto
Ito profroaor. -ibrrr ta
...a a pUr of hay (B Ito llcao sader tto
UMdto. M Ohkh tar roM drop tto rto
tar Vre."
-It ta bta o
TV danor vaa roabdlac at (to ah
a( Ito toft. tryiM ta poah hork tto i
tootota apr*.-irr oaod to Bato kda
to tto add aaamrr haMr hmk tore oatil
(to roam vaa riaar.v
TV dattor alappad ataoiUy.
todao o( tV tadt tharr ona a
n of a lol arrrtrooa
t iLmL^al wMtb
thta arkar. rtaarty rbdto to
a dcorr. tahnar IrtWrhiB aa a too
I. NoaMadar
taVjtydr^te te ^
Dctoormry ae ladkntia and Ita
taarUf ao totare (tot tbr oU imrty would wTTaabiiunea tor hla tactor to VyomUc. at acato to bettored vltb te HoydMoapraktoc of te work of te aatkaal artOraim af tto PUtte.
Tbr idatfm adoptrd by te eoe-
If' PM 1
-taoiMto ta baM tto rawIMair (kiouh
rrotach Boot aadar te CToiamI
taiiBl La Metta-Ptoqte Mad (na him
PaalJMio obtataadvbBt V elaltaod It
V te Uit hpMcB Mhtoa *m Dte
tolaatobadrit to «Mh)e (ba y«ar toto» for miattoc te AatortaaB
U Motta-PIrnaat-t ra amtambtadlj
te BrM dUtat Md
lira M obtariM.
dNM aa tpaO « bolteVM Paal Jm«ted, aa te kH:
atad te Utaltod
todtoMit tarro. TVy vi«r •a leocrr
• ■tad *«h add (MaUrrtbva; h
taamaar atar* odtaiata of tto
■ atnpid at aa apro tofroct
liMrtoc tto Ubp ohm
tad Ito
MittandlMt haro 1«S dtowtraa Mtao
MailH to Ctatoa: notkpMotaaa. seta.
harm and. fiSoord jd tv AjpMtaM -
te tecMlB (to'ortd tanda df te failed
Btotea. leorHtac eomrot of te dla(ribmiM of water for tarlcittoa to te
mfoetita otoieo aad
TV fart that te Bepobtoas party
pva tao Idir taordi to ita tethw
0 Of te nfly-ft
■hmcB hr tetogB
cte raM toto tBoa aaBinir
aato ■ tetoraim taov m a ptaak i
O. ^2E[27-!iSSS.-'
TtaAVBBazrmr MAiucirra.
Brtow U a list of tbe bortoc aad
arUtoc]*^ ofyrMarte tm croe- aM mihlne .1 tomwP? m5aity**o£s
na and tarn ptodoMa
ClMT Peak per bbl.
Ctaar Pmk^^lb .
Bhott Oil f___ _
Maort'Cat Pork per Ib
Floor. H. U * Co. Beat
Ftod. H. U AOo. Beat
Imrd to* Ifa................
T«« kkcdiad Bid Mito tote «•
m to te Dtotow toPteta. TVtev
tei amy ■cma toteadtotoii
tavard te adrapctoc
auir and of etary wrotrta auto
territory tto mom taopeCal Udlata gltra ten far amay yiMa. TVy ate la
deriaiatlM tet. ia fatter par*
onaaer of te cooBtut poUry of t
te warn, and with tto paali
tipB that te party ta ea
of Ito arid Mtadi at te
cmmirT an doabti tet thta «■ to
4am aad tome
ttetov. taok to te '
oM var to «
•ttoJnpkhta taro
toppy aar. aad thta 1a tto biptom
prabo tel raa to ctira ta a vtta.—Lm*
dM Troth.
■daea.' mU ito d«
«U cadV to tto r
«otod hald a rrrd
tto dectar droa
tto roar dota o
ty to tto ton tortofiM Thppattowaa
Mtad by tola caapalCB atoaacrr toat
btaoblp of tbr taoMT (rom (toar atatra
rrMylarcc. Same patos may ba
to te far vroC bm te toot
Iwyir for tto party fotatariac caatrol
of tto pc^rator l>nurfa of cvuctroa la
to tbr tarvrr atatao of tto rasL
TV DrpuhilraD laailm rail aUcodoe
to te fact tbal tab
• - —
d by (to frtatdi of prelm
■ p'^.
B(Bt ra armitad by ««•
a tarty la MW wbra. by te proBM of te rtm aad bartnr act.
kr a mrdoa tatek 1 had te beaor
a of «uno
■ aaadr Tor te mtaattoe rd^
wWeh tototod harr- thr anrattoa to
a my AarrrVu rWata who dctona to
: aliaiii thr tHaatob to ibr party to
HUM! WS 0.0.
to tk> prol«btr n
^ ”«5r-------
ll naanatMa b aBOBoy lemsi ■
moa taVeh te «M: of .mfaM« m V wateato aad to amdr at
Mhw amtartal facardt ta tbr maL
at drat BrAolta srtkm lakr* tovaid
WABimoiin. Am- a-WKtata te
yam tew daya dartac a rimi to tto;
.tan tore. ChalraaD Itaheaek of'te
«r tte VM«Mi wot w
th* ImniiMwiI li*
Bm (hra dtafieet rcftitoto pMlata CM-
wca. «r3fi>AT, «pt»jibkb t, i*»
Batter prr lb Daliy
Tbiamirr Batter pm Ib
Obeeae per Ib
The Up-To-Date Photographer
AmEUKffmrauunwTm olmubb of iiu oat.
Opposite Hotel Columbia.
ft. V. 4. Ilfita, Opnttll IMIHU
1 n
nt Fitml Bt. Telepboae iM
awnym t, w
-t. iL.
Fire Insurance
msmous kund.
-n k • litiMP ttiw •fiw ll»
emM k •!■ **«r-jnk- • »•««■
- X waki da
aarbodr «**dh.'
•4 k M octrcaItT or. k ettar words,
'Ara joa aaik an' ko akad. ^
lt*» aM risk, oar Wk* kra^ llama
kiw thr-nilac pookoo >to«« itMtt.'IT
Pm Ua Mrahw carak ■« tk a^W
aw a Bttlr am. Tam sank da't boat
Mt k -AMtir St kM to • food OOM.
iMt ataatv. wbn tht sMt
— I
or ttot nrept owoy tho wMo
tmX Baxwookayo—kaa^iiUia
tw s w
or Or ktr Md tfer ecw
kWk^ikW o
k tarar o( aka kUt cMa wbo do ak
porthM to a aiBKk
srrmi falorfcs awar
-Aad Ik- kte w« aaxSaaU fmm kr
(M tho arr aad oa llw hUL ao «r
w aa kT*
kkk MX.*' I0|M ko tab awa. aad
aoaU look HcM dowa enr tbr bantag
. rnmaiTaBli kook k hk
Wka aUM BldBicbt tbo
waag op aad thr daiaa bcsaa
a ap thr b«L rrrrj aar k oar
r braao to pact hk or bar vsak
' ap iMiadka rpody tar a bamad
tk-eoir fklu )aat twyood. Oar
Da m tooTpwd talkar at tbr ksx.
1. borlag im oe two of bar ba«
aad now hk aoath won tab.
-noon worry ahsat M.' «U tbr tab
L «wp onrr tbo aclwr. beU barBoa. -Tbr tact k r» tbkWar orrtoa^
k(«.capbrary far «apr ml
n^arUatr tawd. s)- i
tboogb Ihr xoareWT war •xmadliit wrP !
tba wtarttea.
AdkWad to tbk : aaiwo
m. otw bagaa w«b lattaltr ngor \ wmr
to paiap watrf oto) drv oby« boxao. ! «k>
0ira at tba apfweara-.
baadka aad (raaU. tbr park>(nttoa
wa. a »tet-a Marfci -3^'Tbrtrt Mr. ’_______
rbDr rotllas doro bar fax* k _______
«r<nd krl with «tkr i^rp tMtam and
a. AaolkT wnnaa. an loralld.
wary, bk<« hajrTbr othrr m a !
| a,Bt“
wanlrobr tar tk- Ink frw jwaia
W-a ralbw atu&d kokka hjr. wbt« I
WflUoa k Bark*, and hr
wB ctKdard QMbdr «o vrappeta. mpkaka aad kOr wm «ck a^ |
^ -----------------------------------------aad ilta oa tbr
- tod orrroHy. tTrlL It k aooa- wkiT <khl ry*. won- aa aaraar '- *■ '
bk pbw wWb
tblug to l» tbankfal for m a caar Uka Tbry «m plainly tort aratly i
aija rirb Bra an tbr
tbla tbJt yoo btraan Barb to leor.’ , an.l
ao,| l»«b
imb ar«r orrapokaaly rtoan. .
: try.
aad hr »ay»
.1* tbr toww of
tbr . to dkeorcr
db«or*r tbrir
tbrk Ul ipottra aaka. H»
aad Ht brroHf down in roiopiaiitrr to } A. tbry
'! *r
await mxiltn tuiu aootu-r. tbr wlfa 1 rHw tbr liltlr dri tnasbi
iiy^lt^rrrr tiai'hJ7.'im^»rr. A^
yaa pmpt aad «annl a«aa*
oi^ tba Mt raUahda ataok ladBf
L T S*twwi^ Sa Mk
ACall From Eliza
f ■ Si^r-irthl'piri
awlMiklltaa kakriq la r nagm k
I knbo Porto BkotaHd fa»U^yfBkkfl la Tt-‘- -*
a tatwa* Ifeat klawd «d tbo
iittbr bow tulS. TnamTOtBOotbat axpara to rarta Bka
km kort tban doubled aa eo^and
wtth Kay. USB. aad that Impart*
kkad bat* aeaity taobkd
ByW. ILRodd.
torpr wr an- n<rt biinidinc.
fonrti. a Brrkrtoy gW. kwndltig b« ;
Hh. wa. on puolnr awl old
Tac..llJO to ItTWCTrtL pa.-trd Iwr tronho , and abr lnokr.1 ap to bto» In
...m-au aad bor vluali-
I''J*'*•“tbr i
kay. im. warr «(MU79 and k Hay.
la the
■iBistae I NortteBStBra H R.
- --------
It baa bara axatrted that Aba
propk a< Porto Bice bad Utdr to ad
aad ttttk with wUoh to boy aad that
tta9 «oHd be camptotHy eraabed by
cuBsma aaw Bt to' pUe* opaa t
otollt. It « m b
; a inmiftoi H life
twaea tbc -Onllcd SUta and Porto
I Wc. wroT wrr Aad tbra Ur. WUfcka Bke for Hay. iSOa abowa a tnoeb
aiM tbry'
' loat aanrti and «« away. How do yoa gcxatxr Inetaaac than k tbc cue wlto
worth boedniU of dulkra.
_na oot."
_ rich proplr yoaiwlfr
. ' tbd ll llrln* with
nay of tbx other taknda. WUb Cuba
-Tbr ellmax wax reaebrd. bowceer.
f- Ij -nmiy’*
“IlmrT'a fowa
ftofB tbr rooptry.”
rooptry.* aaU tbr
»br:■ -i^nir
well,” trplW th.- toll
tba coBinxece pf kUy dlftamd little
torgi- w'ouan allU In tbr gar^ |I aBBint
ooaiiit Ulllr
lilllr *lri.
elri. ”BOd
*^Dd moalrr frilu k to | >|t
mr a kag tiar ii> ert n>
IM tbr
Hr', moat S. bat hr’a .null ^ ^d rven Bow U'a a Ulllr Ur
PKniW of Ita- nicbl ajqiraml• kno
tbo '' «»pleka..
Jth the Bawalkn lo—
IM ami bltn op to
li-.-^iatm-ta poobto* lwr.rtr 1^ a habr«-^ :
tbe PbUkPluo Uland*
1r ain’t r<l
r<i any talbrr
tal^ ar
trr dm l.machl
np In h.”
> ksdl, Whye la tb
In wbb-h abr bad mtlreiy forgotten to B-xbrr.
and Whr tied n ta* t.i Mm. bol hr . -| „,pp,«c It k." ukl Rllu rrarertrrly. ' tba iBpolta abow.......................... tboogb
IncT- Ik- la* all Up 'rtoto hr wa. ’Uiami4 •erbry'rr *~id lo y.m. armt iLry?"
^ expoctx ahow a renurfcable gala.
Imty Itowtiiig from tbr abandea.
Itol yno knew wbrrr Wr bred.
lo coapkla ofT rw I
The following
tolkwln* Ubic
tabic abowa
out «ai
-«■;: -i
-I h,,, texblnc
abowa out
Od tofant rrraUrd brrito Iw amarfc
a H-mor to t*UUr
Tfi" '
OTIIS 9iiii-!eR as
d tb* gocBrt waa remard,"
g«Rl whm Ibry bare an Bach to bn good i
• • -- ■ ebild.
-ao >iir
-jfgaMur BBr 1
inch but onmiDcr. Ika^ yea
.—.WB Wama trba TOA' borltr
War no artllah laaa.f
-Waa It taallyf .11 looked fllfferoot
> tor ootoobow. Baaa'tabo^aagidtt
itvacb-nboidMi. tbo iM
jtonw. lisa Tun fod o^tbo * mOrT>Yr«L I notkwd abo bad PM
tai^rd yobr and kewrw-'
Wo to allow ter 1dmU -TOato
-ll flttrd b(t well, but I tbengfat tbo
Orhra Ikwbior to k- produrrd oimi
drop abtok- of pink BlK>« 'brr throat
tbratago. Tb* lord chaml-rlaln hapwaa ratloT ttrlng.'
poua to lir eeoaor afJtta*.' morak. and
“TVi-ll. Uarb- neteo bad kneb color,
hi bk opinl.* Urn. •■■ma h Kk-ldoB** yna know, and • pink bat dor* bring
pUy k lirrvrrral il<-naa-rla that rorut tbr yrllniv In • tyomkn'a akin.”
talD Herlirtural nlli.ahrtw araart
-Bat Ibaar iToarti toao oa that Tnaaumotblng aUtaigrr than levity. '
III atraw ware csiiaklW. Kb* aoi
got tboai- for a penny.”
-1 oboold aaj not. 8be*a an rnraral m-Blurr. Aa *be bcU up ber akirt
iw abr won- k new taffeta unden
•Up, *Dd bit pctttcoaU were *lm|dy
laccroiwrb*. IlnH-andnia**"Tbr oua to tbr rtov bUnkad bk ryca.
lA'hat aori of X ray
longed to that act anywayl-UotnIhy
irifi- T^'TSiaTtotoJ*’ySS S bin I wa were going to plooder and Impor^
—•' •'
kb Porto
Porto Bleo
Blec by
by a. tariff aeheiae daTkad for tbe potpear af aapplylng to
tbo kind a tarrmix mat oonU not ba
proTided la any other way wltboat roH-lgbliur. a young lunrrtod wootaii, . «ith an air of trlaai|ib; *1 luld HreiT •••' ' ,hig|, mr
ll'a (nnny to brar daddy
aWTIfig to tbo bordaaa of dlraet tacatoted up tof Wnl an.l a pi-t .-likU-u. , I aabl to bim. •Ilrnty. aa tow a.^ arr
y, WTlUaa qaarTtl orrt .lar wioa.
miouinttl BU an.-Ktnnrr to >tt , wHI ladwrrd ftoy w«t dtatort na.
EaeUnd. aad
i -jss." Tu-'-rS..'«.... r-. I sjT’jn’vzrr," s^-r
StS;?5=S «.a. _
WOOEaat Front at. TokpOona »**
! 2S S^J^oS^ui
Tbk gowa la mb- af bka aad wbtto atTifwd maalls. KaA af tbo nBri
at Uw baxtam of tbr klrt k trtaawd with Borrow tdart kco. ThM* k a
wuirftamkt lain tbo wakLWlOia widr ewUar trtmBad vKb tha hktb kca.
. cot a irol arktaerary tbrrr. wfaUr brrr ' w_ ^ «k.« tbry were abk t
Ontblac tort ai-tartn. Orwr ] ^
a ft^ ;^eh proplr bnrr tbHr ptaad old i
- .Z:- ^
and dragitol tbr taBUy carrlagr to tb. ]
; door, the Lorw having .wr.to-U In tha ^ k. p*w ana amwan.
I If r, j,t*g^c
TrOepboiir 78
Tk- W«U toed BUSiner girt box ta- ;
bHM M>i~>
I_____ _
J hW rkatr w«b a i
atty or a eomplIowTil lo torw-lf and
J.w dnn'i bare tlBr li
rlixMa. anya tbr .New Vortc Herald.
tw,« .
I li| rti bw
a «».- aoM tbr gill, aad abe I Ctoa ............
Our of tbi- nwtona girm liy Ik- xuin.
TIh- tall man Vaikrd bard nt tbr rblld.
IMT girl for illsii-aatog with tbr time ' •Tl.i. enwnlng ntirr bimkfnal daddy
rinly I noted tbr nx|*to fiun tbe BM Mm ..
oo;;^ etmUiDi k IbM abr uo longer | ^vr nw S. rrot. atri««.’W yno aad ; j„,.
bate to *»< tBpprr far , "?*.........
uj'a on
,«• ••
timr. haTm*l wr. 1100/7?“
nwt.*' said (bat aatiiM yontb.
by. For luatonre. nto- dora aol accept .
huo moat mow again. Btaa Martk."
iBTlInlloaa to aaU to tbr moonllgfal pn-pii,,-, tbe
u|> In
m a trey rlrb
rirt !
_ riud
....... I up
•• ^ walfcrd wltb tb*
kw obe la our of ■ |Urty romprtalng
And I «id. -wm tb.7 M rtiUdn-n In Ik- road. “I bxrr raktad
tbr hronflfM ;
,.«y murli.“ irrled ami oniuirrlnl lat.plr lo abauI nrm Ibry-d ' ' a Mrp ^Pdrd brUnd Uwm. Tk
diiKv. Nor (torn abr watwb-r arang tbe
IH a nlre littir gifl hi who
didn't pi.*
pb-k ;I ,.oaa*
to. didn’t
woman to the wUtr cap baadrd’
brarb aflrr a dance to tbe luUluoa. ____________________
— I______.11.- _ —iXl.u-;*
bnaqtHX of roam to tbr tall b
brenuor Ibr skBporto k Ittlde to rain Anwera nor art irni'ditr or nothing.
, ok. was lrar‘—- —
Tk- inll B
- br towL ”Tbrar a
rustic bm'-h.
•«------Hracii arema aa Idral piafo tor
children aud young peW." remarked
aarlcty woman who wax dk<.-aaBlag
tbc nil nix of ariTfal wxtrrlog plaora
wUb a rli-w to tenOng • bouar for tbe
aumwi-r. "li« wbal k tharr tor tbe
“Ob. toy dxar." esekiued ber frtciid.
taabtent of tk pUee. “we
have tb- Boot drllgtatfUl llowa- We
dtnr nui at eacb otber’e boonea mrery
_______ \ nccMd'ktkLnnkBight, wear OUT bek rlotbea and aflrrnr aayw that U tbe tofl etaiBbor- wnnl May bridge wbleL I brar pc^
k oclln* arconlliig to law abc wUi aay we are tbr beat dtiamrl tot of wwkin'k
r tow In partla- Uf-n aqywker. Ktaa at Newport tbey
taake a Ogbi ap
do not wear bettre Malbk*
mrat and <to « b_. —.
“Ilut Wbaido Uwbotaaadador aald
changed .«■ rrik-atod. Tto-play k to be
prodiMTd In Aort-iica tbla w totrr. Hra. tto- old taabh'iird wife la Batoakbawat
Ftwnch-KLrbton w.«i a worldwide repoUtlon about eight yrara ago by nuking tbry arr u
a voyagi-of rudoralloii to Africa. 8ho Inglbrauw......
“Oil, y.m boot*, they wouldn't enjoy
atartnl fn^u XouaUur ami Irni.drd In
It" rvturur.1 tbe otbrr. -Ui-o lutwjllnland UkiBlkw. Kto-aiuilR-ri
nera to oubbmw. and toaldm It k narb
tk- i«ly wbltr wooKt) to ibe
Ur by
On brr return tto- fair explorer leeti
rttlng np a dab called tbe
,l aorle-1 tbry i
cd lirfun- half tto- g
n-n't cinb. Tbey any It to la
lira of A:uM«' «b1
i marrlid
tmwt to riiriatendciai oa Ik-cmlj wo-jaelf <b-fi ar. bat that to all noon*aae.
a* we Ilk*
waD wU> had foUuWad lUantey'a trail j Tbry PkII- to to together
to tbr dark cooUneot I!.-r kwne la la i to to tugrtber."
Alkgbeny CUr.-i'blcago TUnro-Ui*Tbe temkiMT of wemea to fire nelal
....... 'y for tbrtr own er*
tSi* Botber'a frlroda of brr antirty and
k aa frequrndy wwo in (belr eotnpany
as wltb Ibr Itiaacullm- element
aeriw nttimda * li<n. at
raiiilly k
hotel aluitr. Iimwune If
comiicued of cottage bnlilt-ra ito-y arr
nua Martin.- rrfdVnd tbr bill(to. and
^h. "My fatk-r k John Mania,
at ' hr
I nt Nrw
| works
jbur*. Am yoa ik-ganlmrr ,
; Tbr IMI maa langhiiutlj a^ Ma
ihrad. -fbm
s lon'njoo’tv tktk-’sktai
'si tanir Again
broil. “Oh. I
Ibr ft
likr ti
im.-." sbr aaM.
TVanr. and wriroBr.**
“Itot T.m migfal not br brrr. a
Xbrr Cniks wuaUal know
BUB. with a
-Walt.- aaM tbr
ami an It k •(Ulle natural tbat tin- <«.11 b. “Ill site yem a paaa."
tire party abould go lugHber.
If by 11 mras I an. fbi ym like a.iemi?”
Ill loiik a card fium an Inner pocket
rtiance tbe aomuier girt k at a krt.i ,
'OI..“ i-rkd ihr iliild to an imtaay. *
and wrou- amwa lli.- fare of ll; “I'poo
pnwrntnll.m of Itiis pam admit ■ Dtoa
Martin at any and all tlmr*. Ooral nniU
odPT biileli by areepU ( toiiuttona
You kti- D'inirs. 1
Rsallrd." And tbcai to aknrd hk oanr.
fur daiiceaal Ito-Bi.
: He- shook liandi gmrriy with both the
Tbla year's munmer girl It not
iblldnm and watrtHsl IbrB as they paa*affectod. Kk- does licit nr.* ti. eoltoet
x-csnhrtma tnr
rd bm..1 in band down Ibr road.
r .i.lutnl tTble
Thai i-imiuc. .lerr tk- aopprr taUr. aa
aix* rceotinlrd Id hot falhit the- d.dightnl .-ii-nls '■( Ik- BRi-rmam nnd toU bla
arif l» a man whom abe baa iiol known ' .d||iyd away fur a nwHurr.i an<l spcike lo
' : II Ik- kln.llH-XSrs ut Ibr tall Ban who
r.* r.-ora ur of MtlUB him a rigid to aa- : amnr .mr on tk- iHilaUr. an.l pn-si'iitly
,nr.l tk-n toiiimI. afa.- wnaod ap the iw
rar-riy srbi-d
1 tnwt; Tbry ttadc It
bk for caidtnl to oeek tnannfac(larratmcnia in tbk couotir tbat
They iDrtwaned tbe
'wtoltb Of tbk cetizttry to an atormoom
But tk tariff Uwa were cofarcad from the Mine of AVaabington
wioitoif and tmta werF not foeped
gBUI wHblB the kat
ll:lt; s n. tram has rbsir rar to Oraad ’ - '
the tCDdciKT Of the time* began to be
ditacted In tbe rbaniicl of eooceniratkxt aad of eomblnatloa TniaU a»
bot tbe natural growth of moden ^ TrsjB smslij^st s:
ttmeo. They but rcflael tbe ngc. Labor
I lli 1
t to rXnsht *i«kt of tto -------to cave a loot. lo^i. whkMe.d ruin Urakr.
...... „
low It to kssime Inert by aMmiltttog to
,nij ,h,- tall man, and Ibr
tblaga or euatoina of wfak-b ak- dewa rblhlnm nod tbr fall mnENcd tolo Ibr
ealllug her '
abd Iwcan Ihr most drllgliifnl
t approve
llab U-nioiie of tbk to-w ma-rta. ,lid.- ihat Biaii' was qnitr-«rr *to iud
™j *•
bt^'It brim* IKT HKWi- tanpeet and . d«T tskm- HoH.
rws. sorb
rfoTf iimrv admlratko and deBoa- i U-aoiiriil tirws.
sorb sbndy
shady drll*.
drll*. sr
.t Tto girt ptMll.-d Ml wi
V and tbr alcJhl Henry's r;
grew l.ic and tdgeer.
“Isn’l ll
piew-utly inmisl to Mm and asked,
la an olik nrtlHe no bigbrr cdDeetloa
-tlrcal.'' aald Henry with string eo
for woincm in 'n»- Woman'* Home
Loukr Caatlr Wollirldce *^Aml dool yoo regret
It yon raa’i
a preacnily
(D t-'- aefamdr tbr tall
tbue arraign* oor pnoeut
asked tbr girl.
Btniell.m for woiui-o;
. “Da.My Tr.k wane aboot it than
“iKM-n eordurallaa
I- nnawend- “But cri-ry nlgbl
d to
tort n-anlia for a girt? I* ber work
Bf all br CWD. And I m.| i.rrtty
identical with man'n? .\rr tto fetolnlne I
IM of arords.
words, and wbee
tbekamc? U F-jd
alltoiM Baybr br'O
irblH di
A..^ „» r~«. Is . dsrtdy gri|
s.. tor at and
abarp range erf frailnloe eyealght Bla i ^
oWalBtd regtw. Sow. not. lan'i tk-rt- B BUiidelon of foUy in
^.tinol fexillr. Wr talk
Birprke 1. dor to a link tortdrat be | “
gitoBU-Tml card api-iHlIiig Ibr iBiwrlant pmtaratory :
yran i.urBotug tbe aamr rtudb-a de- - h m-er laaMhrr lot* pf.Xlme*.'
rr op to tl
Itrd tbcB.
be Jaat aa n-aa..nabl>- to Iraefa a boy I kmce. a fretb
l^bleh to tadr aad M a M di- j ^,,7
4^ £4^
o none In and barr a Otcooking and aewing and noralng —
recMy to front of blB- One
s™ alwara bora aa
[.“ aid Ik- ull man.
refnsdiBnit.•gpeet Mm to make a foU fledged law- , tk- m
aad .pokr to a wrfi gorgk. Tk othta [ ™
« hsrs nails TOO buntaeoaronotber
,yer nr btacWomlth aa to inrtpurt a gin i
•— —™
........................................ ■‘.K’'’ i j;.wa* tbln. nemwa aad abarp-«*ta«- Imote than for
;ta Borveying and mrcbanlc* and phy* j
Dartog ftnktod rrading bk paper, tb* ;
Ilrciry'a „„
eyew .wipprd
*B*p^ In anilrtpartoo.
simply aa^ “TkiDk yno. I
—ji Mtpd ttota tblnga In that Ite J
cooiequeoee tk Inter ar* *«• Ic* and them rkpeel Ut lo htaaaom Into |
trtrtal Mrtt wbkW taM to pooBtaa ;
IptUleuL tVoxaea'U golf took
Bottor? Tto T>ew woiaaii' may Ogbt ! eia*li»*.“TsilHitr
***”•, ,.
_____ I bameota have ako bnoght tbla featar* agatnrt ber obetok dratlny wltb aU ;
“?%- Udir* of ik- tanlly ace not at
ITearatH a* tto rar «;b^ a^,^
„„^m,rdgy Into great
k aaw tto two waxnca bora qoIcKlyi 1
— coxbibd-
iwekllna; Fm xb* MaU
Tbr tohiW frrer waa nmalng Its
»ne thmeeb the freAman rlaao. Oor
anrro.sm tbr sled was crowdtd with
fmhnirn toycad its limil. All wrai weT
bowc-t-T. anlU a brad ln.yto road aad
BlBlwnrt y.ioth pn-M«trd
™.,nalj t>
lUibily I
>r tbe rtrd refused ic
silisW. acten «
■ hr girts bad aor
baatlly ekneisl ai tbrir rirtlm. tbry rreo*nk>sl ibr half tock of lbr------ raraliy
foMball tram, who abnofc Ibr anew oat
J hi. „,„sr and aald with wcmderfal
lad. “tmdira. M Br
f uira KW.sm.ti
agta tniBta.
Tbc tariff Uwa in. encootaglng
tnwu. bat Id bo other way.-Dtooklya
Tbe qai-ftlon before Ow voten tbla
aU Will
will be tbk: We koow wbat HetaU
Klakr tneouB for tbc
ktww that bla oaenr la
boand to the word "proapertty.'
what woDid hippeo to na If Bryan woa
tbe eketkm and rereracd tbc order Of
tbtngat—Phlladtipbla Inqolrer.
ABeM OB* FrlDcIpol.
To oU obrlona latcnu and parp
tbe adnoee agtst of proapertty k nrt
eely good caongb aa aa adranee agent:
tbe tadIcatioOB ate that tbe peopk are
vnB&g to make his a ’toemher of tbx
flnD.-rbUaaelpbk Inquirer.
T A .ttrwtolXapIda
Pere MarquettB
otnxn Kiiimi
Proapertty etlt** out all orcr KxnHa. One of tbe farmer* there le hhv.
bln btiUt la hk ccUar to kccT
der aa'rh vrey aaprrtor tarUlng.
left tilrb- Lorfca and Prank*- la Ladkt*
Iluaw JoaraaL
Aar xnnd riD to midr to look likr real
oU ebnoy by rabUac It whb • Ulllr x«
of rKriul drupias] Into a aaaD qax
af water. Tbrn k.ld tbr wood befor
flrr osill ll becMBcw qultr bUck aad
ftolbk with a Boft ekxk.
aad vigoroarty toward tto »*«*>*«“» ‘
g.^ riM>
tbe brat
aml hall dkae one there whb aa eager
of tl
tto Iilaee. aad at a woowa'a
aoelety of
“Uowdoyoo dor
Tto rar vem biaxlag by ao tart that
onbougb tto taan glaoeed ineolaBta*
ty ia tto MB* dlrrctke to rangbl eaty __
___ ___
e toorMnwat. and
a fttmiw Tloloa of pink clad girtbood' diiinrr* and laacbaaaa ate glrea U
tacorud by a aotsetblng lo trooMta.
tbclr honor.
alaterntb of a arcoad tb*' J su-kst did we da?* ataarfril a
___ _la tbat
two woiDca tn front raw: The taan 1*
time oa wife and Bother, aad It k for ; _ p,„,rnth- lairk |.. tk- etand diabrt
tbk ber edoraikm aboidd propar*^. |
.e think erf tto b
Bsc. ». UB ...
An BBfonDuatr aotabrr of ow girt*
whal'd., yoe
a qnlaalrxl
merry and try to rearfaraBka wltb lb* 1 HMobed tto tall ou
sBoftbeaerdb-BBunkBowntolbem mallr,
Tkrt three line* abow that tbe In-I'd hitr to barr tto rare erf H.~ aoU
enoto to tbe dcpoali of tbe natioBal
There hare btao arboata where flae Ibr prarMeal Klixa
AndI ttov
rbr« br
hr srttrd
aratrd IbrB at tto H* xmuW between 18B1 tbe fltet year of
brcdlewort waa taagfab obd might It
mWr. end Bk* ptnxrd x napkin nroant pugiflxnt Clc^clBnd'X aeeoad admlDlBnot be proBteUe If oar op to date IbbUwtof yet
il tlw ,
lij^i,,!^ boaae dortiw a tauraaBeat toMoci* xroidd diarard aocb
Oea aa Detaphyaln and tbrorcUca]
fayed tor a*kcd tbe tat o
-IVIty. It wa* Joai tbe aOM ax at other
ctflin and aebatltatr tertrartloo la tUa
bnnw- imnira. eoly Ibxri
ctoo* of tbe Dcmoctallc a
caaratlally taalalac aad exolaeatly and n xUrer dkh »f wkilc and yctow
-Tae: Jebn Biaatta oop. P
■ ewvix c«ir boot
W* bat lorrty 6
:r erf dnlbly irarkrra. ai
take, and a........................
. r
Di. o'doe* lea* at Which wa ware oar pret
lax* art? Cooking ochooto bare beee
.. s-tou^oo^ 2 i Urat tea gnwa* aat hat deHctoai popoUr for neteral yrai* aad why bot
k rtraefc_Br ai totng loo
fMwh a
a Wat
tai after e«
pracllrabie and aeoaible to lartodo
gawky. Bat tbat aort of bat tsabc* a
ardDoos day*: Wr bat I
' '
of Ik raUoary art ta
■ha Icrtrty tar
n appear Bbe an o
taa. at wblcta w* wee* lev aeeked
I? And.amrt rtepiaB
a glrTam
Ilfliry xltroded >.tbr bcMlam
Mart* baked as tbaogh H*
a ta tk Bcaol
aeoal caatwHooai ■*»of aU. BMiw eoiperbxKT la tk Ub wKb a aertne lurwaity that adidlor eawB* wa aB vat to bad OOP
ftbxagbthewaapte.m. bat lOk ale oat
vat Ud of no
of tbr
n iMd aoy *k did. Bythewo]^ ty. ao era wwe on peatty Htad. bat oCbrsr NM aa awe aa tk yrara go by tbto talked tea.
ijartlkMaaaaaByathhaw that girt ha* taktatad.'
“Do yoB know." tae aald. Tra Mw^
wc «1 hM hMrta. th**a verb «m tan apoa ke aboaldxtk aat Ibfht rd like to bare a art >t AMo*
-Tea: *e toohed better today thaa
. He«N«llHBX«IMrt.aa
tea afwiaaw bar. A a«* kata
sw- 7. MOO,
arUUyoUO.UbDAcke. Itlta
j|'222rssair;^L:s ^
Fire Insurances
~-~£SUfUp To a O*ctoek
Panic Prevail* uid Japanee*
Dominate CItjr.
■ hmm Mm
«IM Bi7» loe>r Mde p third TMt
to Haolh Bmd.b>t blM to mM vHh
UeiB SC. Hr
— Mthe timi> by* laaC nd
—rtnM hmM by & F. SUrrly.
•adW pK*iie. Ttab uml^ pt ?
o-«lodt m a ppm air Md b* >d-
United »ut**’ Reply to Ruaaia
MUou. Kot only doea thU Korrm.
OMil eonalder -thal (hr jertnam of lu
Do(r of Jnly S can be fanal aiblard by
c of tVkIii by
(be potrava bol tl dornu'i iaiead
dbaiaiati |ce|mntlMU for a iRcat
aiiU(ai7 anirlty In Ohiaa ahoold (br
It waa Mid today
(hat tbr direraifla of trcx^ froai NaIMkl to Manila tna^ of amdlop
tbria in (»<im ii la fart oaly aide
traeklnx thrai. prodla* tbr oati
of tia- arbolr trooblr in China,
cely «m theai- troopa br
ia (be iniiUiiiilnra, bot all (hr ati|>idira and rqaipncnt InhiHird for
China an- to K>< (<• Manib. wberr
laritr bur will la- tnmird.
Tbr linnirbiR lioinr of Tolnnteer mt
iMrata from thr I*liUi|i|)(nra baa alan
baeu debyed and it baa bu« deeided
to eeulB In thr HhlUptdnea all llu<
tro>*> anill tlir oatnunr of ihr
Cliinear dieicaliy cam br fbaJlyrotabllalML
OffirUia wlH nnl my thal thrr r».
reel man- Inwbb In China, iiul exIdala Ihat thb raonr b a tareantloii
ary taeadbn-.
Ttu- Unitnl Ktati* la
drUvminrd to *!»«■ foil pro**!*!" «*»
Amnrlraa Intereata In China; and
while il will uol laraor any tndrprndt«C arltou II will inabt (hat (hr ooudiiinua art forth tu tiir noir of Jnly
I are nwiplird with and will ar( connirrmliy with ibr other powi
allaininjt thra- n-mlla.
Umdon. t«<pi. I- TIu ftnitinn emIway Itaa aabtalttnl to tbr fcaefani
Ofllrr Ituaab'a pn^mMl for tbr wtihdnwal of lrt>0|n from IVkin.
yrom inqntrh-a in leirbl rircim llir
OolDAl K<-wa hu Im-n (riven 10 ondmund tbai nnlil ihr (lowtnreoelvr
(be diraet aaenmon- from thr (Sitnea-
Fred 11 Cartia, armetnty of tbr
Travrrw <Hiy Kod and Out Olnb haa
reopived mtin- fma thr bat Jordan
(Inn <Sab that ibry will pbn> in eompHlltoB few Frldav.
atlvrr trojdiy mp. mlaed at |»5, thr
Aw lor (ta inaarmlaD to br brid at
Baal Jordan, and-lhr mp 10 far anb-Je^Tto (4iallm(p. after ilir Ont obool.
rlnh of Ibla rity will
MUa to ruoloot fiw the ivMraaimi of
tbbrwp andtf rloau aeoraa in thr
|M are any rritrrlnn. the coiirat
win h.- an rarltlnir onr. Trari-rar
Wty. Kaat Jordan and Charlrvoln
will doBlKleoa be in tbr caap>-tiiiom
nnd Ibm- mote rrmir oniirhed tmnu
maM iMidly be femnd.
A aurntn* will be brld at tbr oAcir
«< O. K Oarvr* on the rvenUR of
BapdwaberS, at TJO o'rlork. to dr
▼iM waya and menna to drfny Amexpenoe of thr trtp to eapiarr Ihr
hew tWIR-IU nsto a
morfa, lluh to br lia
General Oliver anS 27 Boers
Taken by a Handful.
r uanmnwiR
city daily fir IIoir Keeir Mid otbw
pluML. Kraywlibw Ibr Maeli'lnr 1
of (be JapuoM doMloMe (hr city.
£tid>tt9siwTi arr in the larbar.
The eraiarr Mohnvb ta feaerMibw ta
Ammy and foar Gfiraen warabltp are
aw that tnt.
WaafaUunoo. aept. I-Thrae U atoeb'
t tbr «|f|arait
Bi Mir vomiiis
leinnr. Mlebl^ OU7. XIUmr Md
to yw-BMC
HeU. a«pt. *-A dltiMeii neelvad
Iw* MUM tlMd ■ tanr CblMM foMr'
•nwBad the »U1«« u lUmAap.,
R.««7 to— w«fr
by bock
Believed That Mrs. Jud«e New
ton Committed Suicide.
to Ibe MINW Mud.
s. Cape Ooloay. ^
re ct OUrbr and r Boar
at Wlnbart noently, wm
I by el«h( volantaara
The Bom ntrented oliwle tia nod
daptwad alasly. Ptndlnc tbair
reaaialn* fane at »0 Bowa the
MptanAnd a eolley, kiUlny alz «f
The Bom therwipuo
the Bunberof
.1^ ——e—TT
fSAol to tw Mwmac Bmm.
FrvMrlB.8a|B. l,-8ridA 0|»*tl<m.
Pibt, Mbh.. brpt. I-Th* abootin* ean ef bare are debyed by fan la
of Mra. WllllMB Brwton. the yotuiR
wife of Jdd«e Nrwiee. Ima-Mnaed a prbeom are belaR oaptwtd dally
deeldad MSMtioB In mdal eirelee both to the north and eaoL
here na thr [Mtim are wrli known.
Orobbr'a eammaado b onoamped
It b now Mid to bo n enaeaf attewptRylatroom. Baden-Powall
Miaateidr. The Arat atoey waa thal haa had an inierrbw with Orebler.
Mra. NewiOB beiiqr ael4aaa
Ui which be tanrealod that Orobbr
Tbr Boer
laiaa a rmolver wb<a it am aaetdenttor rapUpd that be woald Ijiht
with kb keare banrbera aniil the bol
Mrn. Newton b only M yaara old. drop of blood waa ofdlled.
whilr her haabuid b nearly nn oetoDr Wrfa foRe b eoMiepm on •
KeiiaHan. nuct dnrtaR thr rfarhl yeara bill aoaUi of Nybbomn. The wberaof their married life, tbrir domratb aboDb of Dr Wei hiauelf b mmwtebtiona hare faeea anytblnR bat bar- tein.
Lemdoo. Sept. I.—MafekincadTieea
atate that thr lotsado wbieh rUited
that pber on tbr ereaiait of Aanal
», did naater damBRe than wma nt
■rat reported. The nomber of people
kilbd wm amre BaBmona dw
OtbI estimated. Site Cmot« ni
went a urribb ezperiaaea.
will ooat with
.Ki the land----------------
Sb awte m vmwt Mb* War
AIAay. Sept. 1-Oor. Bom
______ bRMhor Ml AlhBay toalsbl t«r Cbfaaeo wbeta
«< ax-Aldwmaa F. C Dinif,
brbtodeUma Mtow day add
talaadn Mrioaa tajaiy at the coal He will rstaa tn llaiaUsa Tara
kilM (tf Mr. a Sept. » will have Alhaay la a
TlUe. Jami
Hwetol m aad b^ hb weawn.
Mrtaciac a cable which wm hairng
tiRktoead by the BM of a Mkk.
mlBR gave
re way and the «iek 1
wBcknhea by the btow,
Jared maa^fck at ekbr boaffat to thb
dty whm Dr. A aHoUiday
mbI weeka. over the prepooed maalbpal owaeeAtp cf the wateraad light
pbM. of thb pim. eatmbated te
al^ b a bloody' ewmaav hetwuiu
Obraa« A Wooto. ter— adiier of
the Ollmx. aad Fieadh Tipaoa. «xEd OUbcR b moaralBC the lorn of
coaaty Jadge aad at peaoeat
taeaew TUmo wheat, ttmi waa btfae
stoba in a very boU manaar yester Tipton attacked WooA with
iby. la fatoad day Ucht. ea Ualoa aad Vooda ebot him btally.
L Mr. OUbm Iwd rate into
teat market of Joha Highbad to
rBNTKUATb aaac balluamim
McOblty and FhnelJ: Beralurdt
10 11
M KaMhar.b
tn th<- city, and thr mtiie Hmr wilt
ta- devoted to pleaaarr by amny who
aivnd moot of ihrb timr in bud
work. Hrveral nttractinaa will be
pteaented at diffmai poinu. and dw
aeeker for a good timr <nn bke b
cbolee of a wide langr of pleanrra.
The flrat foanie of the day will be
thr bbor parade. In whfadi all tbr
bbor crim>b»laoa in tbr oily will
lartirlpair. Thia will iselndr the
clgannakerB. tb
the paint
a ef 'Meoah Iteoa. a AmbMrS tbr cBirbge workers, tbr printera and
in dw city.
l aadr PartorrTrtaamto Very t*h«a.
Thr parade will br foratodal tbr O.
a. P. K hall in tbr motalag at 8
Thr rroprirton of tttmnb Broa. t o'clock, and will aMrt at tlw time,
Amiottr'a Oondy fheiery. With Ibelr headed ity the Obemeai baatf. After a
tamlliea and tlw entirr few of em- tnareh abool the city, they will go.
ptoyMi,eB>iyed a taeat drllRtfuI oaliitR aboard tbr Oolnmbb and cojoy an
ea (be ohote of Baal Bay yesterday, excondcB to Kr-ah-b-wanta. whm
all (bat gora to aabr a niiniioeriil
wblnh wlU looR br
oeenalaa of uBmlxed plmaarr. Thr pbatcwlUhr taorided. Laacfa twparty wroi In boiara 10 tbr picnic kru will be lake*, and all will b>ve
Rmmda. and thr mtire day wbt otmt a anr ilmr at the nwart, reMtaiag to
the dty b the evewbg on the OolamIn all kinda of idcasuretL
W Ibr moot e(daya% liatues
The Maeeafaeea will oebhcate the
rtf thr day wm thr oontesM of phyairal atrtwRth and aklli that were in- ■7 at Bant Bay. They ban proridIslRed in. eapncbliy by tbr Indira. ♦d an rbborate twogiam of enjoyFollowiaR wm thr rrmb and the menu whlch-bcl.de rMwbg. JampIDR, boatbR. badtlDR. a pbalc dbaer. aad a ga*nal ail arowb gbod
Udles ;ooi amr. Aanlr Irwin,
ladlra IxtSd Jnmp. Bdaa BmxinRtoa time. AU are bvitrd to puticipale
Chkr Walk.Gapitob Voder nnd Bdim b thU celebtatioa. A bowmy will
be ivovldrd; and daaebg wUI be one
of thr featarea of the day.
Imdlm' toRitf
Thr tarbm will erlrbrate at Popnof Minnie Beltaer. Gapials. Annie
Irwin, UBpitob Vader, Bdna Bnuiaf- 1m Potat. aa CB aeeoant of the tact
ton. Loa Darb. Uda Coyne. Btrlb *at the ehopa mast br opaa tiU I
Marrtn.Ktbel Biaxlatrton.Oeca Wfaml. o'clock, they eanaoi Mfce b thr exI'a MR of war.^team com caraicia. All barbera of the city aad
pcardof .V F. Ktiaab. mptain, Frank their
Uvb bmlllra
to»lUra and trleacbu*
trieadanre belted
Btobey. Mlkr DoMaia. Um«|w KonL ^ tarticlpab- In ihu oeM
Omtlrmaa-a bremd
Irad Jam^.Umn(r
Jamn..Umm One of 1^
the jatoclpal
(Btecipal feat—
be B mma'at faaae ball betweaa the
A boar ball game wan p
be a hot coalett. and ew of the
•ma ficM amcaw th w iwrwni.
which waa very exdtbg. Tht mm beat of the year.
mpiabed by A F. 8oa« I won, with' ^ hwarr of thr day dw will
InwiBMHcaiably tew a large crowd
> of bam baU be-Allwhopartleliwed b the plenaiiea (tf the day will bag mawabw h
' I hm not a poand of wtfi coal will iad
1111 way bto thr MUhMrtle amikM.:
1 not « wr have to tet down every
Ue(. 1. to take thr pbee of teae aow
, I wtfl coal colliery b the
b Bar.
am AU tetrnii
tembitbai will ha of
teh, and the dlBmam b TBlae vUl
adtata, who coarrei^'
to rob
^ hmiad
—torn —1^
----- .------^ te
. ▲Ayowdrwmbt.
Ir^uu—imi —^
.,SMptfipe SbPts
fpr Mtm'
The materiala used in
this celebrated Hue are
the beM obCaiaable at
any price.
j Wcrkmansbip>
■MB aad Clarke: Hawley and
Ifaanid to Th. M.mar Mm
I>m».-r, tV-pi. i-A irbirmiB fram
Oeninnl Manaiter DlrkiMm of Ihr
Union Fhoiao By. Oa Mya that rob.
b^n aeennd three moneyparkaReaaRRrrRHtinR M.HOaatl two jarkaRea of
clMwp >-wrlry by blowloR up on riIBeaa ear. Tbr damoRe to the ear by
Ibr rridoaion. ia abml M.OOO. Thr
raatrsb of thr oar wetr abo em
>bly damoRed by thr rpiloiian.
Walk-Oven are made
by the besv of skilled
workmen and are mo
del products of. an up- ■
to-date factory. "
uMi HI VII Rotnin
Blrhbft Bte- >—A hmtetf a
tnmed to dre sidewalk, be toaad that
hb wheel Imd dlmpimred aad (hat
lb place had bee« aapptied by a King
wheel, wbbfa waa afterwaide Idwdhed by JoUoa ChmpbeU ae ime that
had beea stoba (ram hU wmbooar
wbea It waa brakoa bio but aprtag.
Mr. Ollben b erldeatly the victim
of the work of a maa wbo ia b (be
baeiaem of aobg wbaeU wlthoat the
formality of pxyl^ for d»m The
Kbg wheel abowB the efeeta of hard
Amoir and 8
MB and Wood.
Kerwlnand t
and Wood.
b-MliwaakM. Ended I
4th laniag oa poeeaat of tab.
aadlag 4 to 1 b favor
dmoodgBMe8 6 4
. 16 a t
8t*fki and
rKAtt-KO. 108T
SOT AID «DPT coAi. tmam
uinairow. Hr|d. I-A nrw bonoe haa
farm nfinard for the recaptba and obtlon of ai^ p><ranna from thr
Imbnnb plaimr diatrtet. Already it
Ihu forty innmah-a. makinR a total of
riRfaly-thrercaoMBmlcr obaorratlon. Many Forms of Celebration
Tliirter* eaora of tlio pta(«r in tbr
Planned for Tomorrow.
tuiaidtal air«el«d an- la|voTlii|t.
I by a Jwtety fHm the Twblan and
/B'Hkeabrre. 8epL 1-Frad C. DU- brlaelhlea. aad
will patapaw
the city ehaMp
^new i>«t.jA.-pLl-7hroaeebiild- tirrboanlof
Ualinl Mine Workm, PmuibglOB wUI be b the box for
tag. which ill.- Artaa.R**!'Eabtr,i
who inby mldrrwwl AOOO nUnm. dw latter team, while Wbab'et ti»
Oowwiy pRtv—
Tsrirbts will plash for the Cigar Mak-
astoettf WO feet,_________
. i on
lasts that fit the fewt
^ and are very . hand
some and stylisli.
Walk-Oren arc the >est
fcMwi. the best u wear
aad the best Ukad *r aiy
shoes ude.
Hcadoioitcrs for Scluwl B(Ms at Sqqdlcs.
Cbe City Book Store
i] to offer yoa
when adwol betnM. Ooae nd geo
wbMHk-briaK.il, yoMteted^asd
*»*■ wo will ba, Of tak* ia osohaafEO aU that cao be wad hem.
Wo ham the Krrnbst tario^ o< talv
iMs ia thia part M MicUgaa.
Tomorrow we will pve ypu
Choice of all our Boys’
Shirt and Blouse Waists
Fancy Red. Blue. Pink. Black.
Sires 4 to. 14. for ooly
SS Oente.
Ab®ve goods usually retail at Irom 50 coots to 75 cents.
Can you suy away?
Just unpacked five big cases of
for men's suits. .This ia-a special let. You
^ ** ■ ^ will find you have paid as high as ^,50 and
for»8uits no better.
extra good men’s suit, put up in exW*crVf ccWtnt shape, latest cut. double breasted
vest Wefi srorth
Q 00
a fine dress suit in most any colW A w»w or or pattern you might suggest—aj this
price we sell you suits that others get $u and $13 for.
We'll be pleased to have you call and examine our
new fall stock.
Rdiable Dry Goods. Carf>ct and CTothing House.
Tomorrow Night
Box Calf
School Shoes
Delieil .
4 8 8
e 14 8
Owen and McAlli—; Harvey aad
to parchato ber
tall aad wbtor etoek of mUUa«y.
c>aia% missa’, Btf s »»a
BnmT«,j ..coii*...doooMyiai lto>->lll •>..< M ralhm—Al*«y. look well.
Botoa good pobb u
b trimmbg wbdowi peetorred. Oo^ wagea Taad ataady
tlMatlaa to right party. Ap
ply to B. Bead. A Ca
Tebpbeae b
tall to rbeh iu hcam-oarvMtly.
Aaotber g(Md pobt U (bat It raachm mil pnbto, aafi that everybody b
be city or coenRy worth dobg ba»bem with haa a - '
Another good pobt la ttaa ee«a
of time aad mcaey
AaiMbcr pobt—Oaa yoa affofd ta
he wltboat one At bmae or oOMt
Tomorrow Night HBNKMIHfillilK GO.
Our Store will be
Closed Monday,
September 3,
Labor Day.
We CM mre yon money oa yonr echool sboM. We h*re
cheeper Uaea if yon want fttem.
Trank Trkdrich,
a shoe. Let-us suggegi that you call
aud see those new Fall Styles we
• we^ave just received.
One Is a fine Kid Shoe with a
has r hiavi.
tog $3.00
proper forstreetwear,
Many other new styles. Cali and see them.
m iM» ■
t>ios.t.«at«sm«j w. hAmmbm
iMi i*n
Ev«tythlnc Points to a Vary
■MM^i ts> 1«PM «r ffARAm
acaaajjoi rtATSom. .
It to «M AM “l)va MsMto.*
Ltoesto J. OMtiT** totost wissi el
tteSMktotoM s RMwiy tond|ols» to Hiafto tossytust tot
iwHIb BStbor ha* yrt pmatod to
to il»«Hhi1 .sa a
Mgb <to» instolf cMsady *uaa
imHk to lilr to to toith.
Mr. Oartir ha* irlrMi the p**7 any
tollUto aonc* aad toctototo yat
totta a aaabis of trnad* of Dr. J. i
O. Maaasi ten becw noat dellsthtttrtly htoitalaed darta* to pto
weakby ttetootooad toM. FMd.j]
at toiroanp-BoUtasColdBivtat."]^
aboet «ac and- to-telf adW -a^r
n WhWh Wnh wu Laid
Btasbam 4a torp Lake. The two|l
w totantotow
noei stwtal ttota ten wfB to hMrtt: I
totfto Hty wiU opea
Mte of .ibon wboer tea *'
ad imjlbto i» la
It tan faea to be oared for
■t of to work. tU> aMdel caai]>. Aa«s to S»e«U
Th* hslUtoto «• Btotlr laiHliad sst ten bwB to doctor* and othm
itottad. toyionsdiaa to exoaltoal old ta to nrrin- of to stale at to
oosditto nd rrsTthto* patoM toi KotbetR Mkkisaa aayUua. a* well u
irntfeeatMl and baataen mm faM
Ilie tntki hare beM
Tiantee City aad other potata.
for aeratBl day*.
The tine i« most drlisfatfnlly and
aad are BOW all la to Uty with to {■stably iprat. with dabtas. batbofMlnDowaiac. who ha*, iBK ^ «<i-tt*e care free oers|Btl(an
bam dekyed. aad will aot be ban- laodarUn of piod dlseetloo and )ol.........
iU. aad trill aot be abk to basin work *^To*Mr. H. C. Dari* t* due th.'
bat bn elriar. Mn. WUl bCDor of terlns made the prtae catch
Balac. wll! aapply to paritkn for a laat week. Thu i»ood dUtlnction
bn* been finly accorded Mr DarU
A taaohria' moetlait wa» bald yoa- a* a }iuc reward fiw faiihfol petwt.ntey aflwnona at whtob to work eaoe ta hi* orijrtaal. *y<(emarie
to to enaiac year wa* laid oat. nelbod* of pniwilL Mr. Dari. 1*
dr to to opi-o- wllUns to admit tot Jarser A*h aad
fish in stealer nomteni any ten
been masht. bot firmly amertr that
u belter.
tntaocai -»i«ri»«-n an
1 bm triad
5 ce0
Pig tail
Jyavana |
Smoker I
f uttioff out doors in a nice
com^^bir^arm rock^ this
kreatber? We have them—the laiRe.
comfortfiUe arm rocker, painted m that
you can leave it out in the ram all night.
Was $j,a5..marked down to$i-75-^ Nice
.large, comfortable redming lawn Morris
■Dtt wwini ot to idaar aia laid
ak^ to MoMto Hrtr, Atobaatoct'
I Ihaenaweto the owdita- R
__ rr^mmn ffinarr^ntn.
toa aaipto ontoaaity aa eaa ha nad
I ioQ that Sc wUI bay a firaL B
Uy rtotoad by lfao*r vho hara nad
of. or M. to aVasia aad bayou
clMB, d«4idoaa«Bokf>. Try h
to $1.75- Anyone tltet gett here in ume
rnicm tot rtrw. for picti
to get one at this price will not go with
i ooc and yoe wUl nerer pay -R
itor Wttof aad ■amllou
out one.
I 10c for a Pig IkU again.
ThetoUowtoMM tototosaTba <to U laadrd by that atovfr
etol aaadltioa <d to eosaliy. ("» toed ctoaeter actraa* May O.
to Ucactoal sad rtoatoal World, ,Iy«*. orbo laperaoaato to Voodoo
to vary fntifytoas
vltah. a etoato of to! ktoUty
“Votobto MMfth to saarty all dr- tot to colored jiopoUttoa fa« Ito
toy do Bade*, aad
aCato to to rayon toi ha* to b* toy voald a«t tmaar for aaylktoa.
Md* at Ifato ItoM. Tbr Vbaeto nf T>«ili,S to aotioB of to {day to
Mobile Qaartette" w«l reader
F of- bamaa narare vriib
toawBd rapidity aov tot to uni toatatloa «»«* -Dora MoWleiU icndmcy
to torn to a .otaa*. aad tot. to will V to attraerioa at Btelobetit'a
Plata why to fiah-* length U aci
At greatly reduced pricea. These are real bargainsla apdt* o< to tertootalac polliital OisadOpei* Hocn iMorrnw
Tineiacl weight of to
tofaHia. II aeaw a* lboa»h Ito- las. Moaday. Sept. A
laWDtifar fite «rU not aacertataed.
aa« toi la aeoanl hail a»<lr b|>
Ja* a Maekk U to alar wba ha*
to acalee Were au Mn*!! It
toir atoU to p> aboet toir work
bna to leader of 'UrilDM OelUr
•■uanan-nltoa- coold be no mtl*'
A M .*M'k>'t hasapamp.
R K. Kwltb fictanwa
Vttoal payiiiit *«* *«toto to IW." to well kaowa taroroonedy
tBCtlm ta that. The balance itneU
to *Mt»* of Ihl*. tot aad to other
Ulltao Itowatas. Uteratnrr
■geed on**--Ohaap.
that ba* atood to wrar aad taar of
wa* fonnd wanting.
aarty, toUa* (olacably eoafUtot
b^owa ^ a. toWbatto OMriyalerea yaar* tokdy aocM.
Banlrt BtwUta. Imtte and Gw»1 UMKlii ll« Ort« S-iTO, »-«■ Fnnt.
Thl* yntf betas elerlicB year a direct
Malt will ba.
The .-diturof "MoU-. F.r to I'nriaereliy
••For all paipoaa* of la«lltote
Ante H. Uook. Latta aad Htatory.
batoa* tote aoaau to be afSbaad. aad TriidiliTTi ha* been added. Tbr
M. A^ Oobb. Riyitaa and Itoadt
Mew piKSK- m
iaa* an to pick of to ]SofM
aaae of mooey aad to baaki are odYorktobertaw
TWy will hr -aoatanad a*
doabtodly la H aaeatooalir .otroaic
crtsflSrinl.r. notwichstaadtag
Roosli Rider* aad anke
tbrwn ymr* and fair tnootb Uisru to
'•Am Ngatoto Mew York ^^ak* la a day. naktas that conady
r. they hare wkUdabocI •»- moaa The oonlas ot "(
000,000 ID toll oaah boldlac* elare Me-Boy"Uan eraat tot will pack
^ Eighth grade
'•( IfaU BOW fa
the onitre appeared, be nodoal* enirid .
toir laat weak^ aatetot.
Baiah K. FtalL Seventh grade.
ering It to -'rigbtb w<w<hv nf lb* I
te, ocMBtasfrinn
••By far to gieatrr jart of thl»
Lola Tripp. tUztb grade.
the aame town a* Hoyt, aad being w>
w<*l.L- atori«»yre^«J0ldgtojHaHwO(^
Hcmlock EdRinRS,
addltioa to Ttmrrm lewlbi trtm to
loogwIlh-ABonoh df Key*" that
ItMl tbclr!
_?___ 11_____t
ramnr.aber flown* had retained
Tetouy'r tay«wp l» rtomjrl* of
Hemlock Stove Wood.
. Okl H.-Manw. Hu-bb-u:. |:.u-di HI
Miared Ooreratot 1 per orati. hi* aame t* a bcuehcld word. Hoyf*
Wtolfmd Fuller. Oadrt.
We woold
that are bav.- wen '
Hemlock Slabs, Hemlock KindlinR.
Aboai *000.000 ha* faeaa paid a»iut tammu eocMllaa ha* attained n n*.
Btol Dana. lYilrd grade.
well prt—rvrd wmaUw and gaiteid* 1
srdd depoalt* at aaay oOkw* oa to tional n-tstatlaa. Maekie carriew
. O. CurWIw
Jfnnnetle Hmllh. Secood grade.
luto*. trd and yellow pon>ic*. and i-thcw
Pwddc Uoa*i. to taierkr -ba* not very stmog co«a|Bay, bmdi-d by to
Bwe Hfaadrk. Klttb grade.
snrlwwifled ftowen wbich wen toond |
aoM *rH.ODO act. aad barely half a ebnrereat roaedleone oa to stage
Junnie L. Hard. Ktod.-nm»ea.
Esypiian morumim kporva to have
-tHttfn hu bn« dttorwd by to latey. MIm Lontae Sanford. plByl9g
taco dead OTOT C.O00 ycarr. TIk- rad]
TOnrsaaal oa roattae rerMar erpond** won tet a riia.l« ItidtaT than ;
Mettle K. Kllktaa. Brtaelpal- thv Iboae dried und pttmed lot a month <f ,
•ouu aad la pn.lan. oa Ualted ibeMarfaletUaia*.-- Istatoplayu
of yore. 8b* laakm mvea dtatlact enlh and KighUi grade.
I into to d
ay«arhe(<ae. and in Ibecaae of to yrle;
w to TiWTerwe City Immbe
K-nte-ral-W-'M-- IM
cdmnge* of ecataaiea dartag to eoaeUlara E.. Uarr, dlztb grade.
low variety Ux-ro war iro dtaHngnisb- !
« per eeale. Taken all toselber i
able dltenawo Ictweca Uxaw from to ^ Bmtte Wileez. Plrib grade.
wto’enaalt* to« that to Si«Mer dy. wfaleh take* pan of brr abiUty to
mn of to olsht to Bin.- mlUlon* net
pan of the irtytaai aiv the celebtetFkante Tbylor. Third grade.
dacMB* ta Mr* York caab beldtas*.
Mania K. Miller. Heeond grade.
a. a leaalt Id to aid eitaaded to to ed ficnord 8i*MwNor Tony Btetor.
Will vtolt th- EgypUifc moscnin i
Keith A rocior'* Oliwatt. (taaoet*
KoBella Vten-laoag. Flm grade.
Baak ot mslate has bem Mbaed
Criro. he wiH find dri«l oolond flowiws ;
■tagen and lively
Anna M. Blls*. KtatomHan.
ot aaarinit.auliqDity torkclle bUwon-1
if there are ao gold exi«rt« tortlj
eoaptay of ladlra
dm.—8t. UsU K.'pgblie.
—aad Itoe pmtebly will be
that make a very stmog attrac
to clow of Aasul will
IlcBi. TbU altractloo will ap|»ar ta aad Eighth grade.
to eatiie ta** nmd* good. This U a
to City (>|iera Hoam Moaday
Edna O. Bantam. Birth grade.
Special Sale ef Bicycle rSondries. !
ftoal Estin
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes SECOND HAKD GOODS
Giapkill's Sunil Hut Stm
FonnI Directiir.
■oc he tally aaterrtood. t
___ ^
omdit for It be iroperly aalfiimd,
wlllMet taktas talo acooani to irea*
my-, opnatlon*. The )art «*»
u to firel on mwrd.. In a period of
a haary public mrplu,
ipmsameni ha. not to«i * dUiribot.
‘IS elemmt in Ite »oney market*
” Ae talUoad. are now sMitas tato
to mtas Id Ull tiame._*nd tefere
GS^ Wpori. of srSWSr«^>te«
Thn Dnited Biaic* «aj*trarted 1.1*
, dnrtas to yaar !*•.
- nod of •»000.000. Of ton to Wrare ritlpml to fonlsn coanlrie.oant. of to forelsn «rd*»* «»‘»K
eoattas ta to
liue-. »— “»
»,« OH.. rr«.
.O.U. A-ori»o»a ■H."'"'
Of to mtlre oatiml of American
Imoatollrea. Sl.« l»r «»“A wer«•tan ontat*. my Uw ««“»>* Bee.
In Kiencr. to American model be*
bww nccepled with few
•Bd to AmsrioBB *lyl» of mBcbtae
U ftBdtas more and more favor. T
adroBa-ofto American lomrnmi
over the 1*11* Of fortese ralteto.
partlmtarly st*ltfyta«.hoa*am It bonArm. the Aawrican manofactaft-r to
to eatsmmry which he ha. lo*k
Mtatataed ta mschaaioal roBMmettan. Ko lane Irtece of maebtaery
rmulie* to ataety of wt«kB»**»»li>
Atel la iliwianihil trma to loeomotlTe
tailder. aad the amceesfal AmertaaB
^teprlltloB ataond show* tbat we an
I ta to ran of Amerimn i«s
NqnaUy *i«BlleBat. allboash aol
sttraetlBs «• mneb atimHoa. U ibe
^ That no Ammiiwn tailrote
takm ic tati«Bi fowtfi. baUt lo
livm. Thl* may be dee to to
^ met oa tbi* aide vnifa reference to
m to welfbU of trata* aad iMfitbt of
T ^ rwfc bat W- may be «trr that If to
ire teowed
foratea teili
Mpmtarity ta any way <
perimeal with a fom
Kflie temb. Fifth gra£/
AagwAs Adam*. Fneith gradtC'XMB Oardaer. Third grade.
Bdith Holcomb. Srcood grad.-.
Edith EarL First grade.
Jemie Oamp. KtadeigarU-A
In I MBA. antbr rVmtand and too
trade. tiM- total aamaal of aumt.
rimiUthiu ta thto conatry wa* about
Agaa* Bate*. prtari|al. th-relsUiaad
SlAn.iHMiv Mew, after thivc yean Eighth grade.
of Dtngley taw protrrtlon. to smooat
Ada 8mllh. dirtb grade
nf moury In Hr<-Bl*lh>B ezrevda CU«D.Marto Ubaae. Fifth grad.-.
(zzuni And thl* laereaae ta aaly a
Amy Barr. Kimrili grade.
tracitaaal tawt of oar real sain.
Jessie M. Klile*. Tliird grad.-.
ItaHai to tan twwyrwm atone to
Raima Boab.v. ficeoad grade.
balance cd trade ta »iw favor ba* l««a
Mabel P. Cady. Fiist grade.
mure than iwW to vain* of cb
r-maae »r tb<- Bmoant of iDaocy to rtr.
Edith Adaaw. Ktaderganw.
twiaticat TlM- people of tbr roc
waai'b "tar PHaarrwaited
rnaMy.* WelU toy've
Kditb K. Baaw<ll.
got It. ai-il ilH-y know haw to get'
ItobBVUb- nrbmd.
vtlll and t<i keep o* plTIng It. UndcT
a pratectirr tartt wa have never fan.
Imetle l)-MraL
rd. a* ■ nadan. to oak* <wr tacoai
eeed cor outgw aad we wlU keri> so do
ing it atid wUI add h- tin- Imnte
la a* Travellas llrp.
« was oa* PWtadatpfataa arte not
b« aew
i At to mrottag <d
2?: iMtod ana*offorhtablmaalL
family. Thta erw Pralt OrowM-
to Otwnd Trav
umDCtaltnn yr*
wte Pear Dmwa, M oaa ttan- aa ami- untoy ^leanoon. A B. Dobnon ww
chmw arcretary and trraiwnr for tin
la KH WUltam Prtaai. as
mgaBlaatlaa. In place of W.
Haraha. who ha* declined to serve
te ta hta profamtoaal
It U dfrired that this officer b* *
Elite- tel18*1 Ito. Pitoat prlatad ta
Lamdtsi a book teUttod • -Primt-* TVavata rrwiteet of the city, aad a* *ooa a*
cee cam be secured here. It U uaderto Uattod
wfakfii I*
that Mr. Doteon will ruigir.
a Tte fraattedte* to
•nag* and caDtateteThesotlen of the wzacetire bmsd
-Paaw teown-s Arm* ” ,i ^
ui toirriag
ebooslBg K. O. Imdd a* to triwv«d tela
■entaUve of to aoaoctatiog ta sock
R*-1I >e»t*Uve
Prltet ayt: "Ptam teoo. a black
t for
■alto «f Ibta cdto. bteiae made hta forU U rzpeetad that Urge
tens, am ap hta ante, tetaotefna
da arlll be made te to appnr
kmr« asbamad cf lb* maaa* by white
- aeqteradbtai«teM,teeaa.adaUrgs
nilobapaiaUdoo aoteridaM bis Udd wlU teep to asnortatinn I
eantaga. with tam paba d naked arm* cite* mate with to narkeu torn.
ta toaelte sirikl^. TtemeMa'By
Monday miiool bnrins and Tatmaa
ta right te Uae with a complete Ito
dte yaemkm* gtoa la — eigka«tBte of mApei tepMtae. The targeat aastftMl
of table** ta. Ttavrtwe Citv.
Mtealam aibouaead nOte from Chl-
J ur etavmw vunam,
I aosd teteategy Bmwditoiy
Tom OTTOW N ight
to pan. go on terini n
coafona and tasnrics of ll
. a.
Cenaumpuen. I
Adelaide Daytea. Marie.
^Odbwta wii eteteUtead ta tatt ae a
Til* Jaly BtateBMi of to tmpert*
ootety tor tepUstei teRtote "
teadletoCoMM Kdymote tto
aspomefto United Siatai '
"Mtae-twrtte ef aU Use plMto ate
MBBlactBivd hr J. 6. Blatr *
by to Barran of BiattMle*.
of Ptaui.. and aim to Mattoml
irimwettetaaportaof mernteadlae k foaod ta aayetew pMaf teawttefi Co.
Tbbtar A ttepply Oo. ef Elkten.
tewloaadtoAamsaMa "
> bam tew lte.69k.sss. of wktah *S1.
m.mwm1rr* el dety. The Intel
Ctotlaadtesagr aute. It will te
yen good. Bmpsttfalte raors.
aminiit i* omr teoteooo ta earn
M. R Tbteito tfUataaBI..
Jaly. Ifite The ezporu of
month tea year cf tarn*
ttma •AMO.Oeo. The paid Imp^
far to meatfc were fiAMAIte
aboai *1.000.000. 1W aspmtecfKdd amaaaiadte«JR.1te
an taeream of aboai •MS.OKli The
tb^ B^mtab &
Wmantik Company |
The finest display of odd
shaped chairsever seen. Hall
chairs with hand carved fancy backs, at tits, ».7s, »r.fs
iiaoo. Piano
That are made for the
hardest kind of wear by the
boy or girl that is the hardest
on shoes. The kind that they
can stub around
in and yet wear
well. Boys shoes
sell from $1.25 to $2.25.
Yhe Misses’sizes 1 li to 2.
sell from 75c to $2X>0
sweliest chair that is shown.
' Sellat»<.k5,»5.25.».»
Office Chairs, made of
quarter sawed pak. mahog
any or ledther. All manner
Ofsty les at $5.7S.$7.rS. f9.254lfl.2S.
Gbamo Orwer
Ofwe* Hoktai
A Produotlon that B»au Them
Atrueotoryof the South,
it has the true ring, the
atmosphere, ar>a the
romariceofthe land of
Ennr Inch of Scerwnr
for the mammoth scen>
lOdlresein^ of the play
Is carried, and will yMsTtively be u»od at this
A Picked, Selwt Compasy
of Artists......
will present this Great
Spocial Pricos: 2Sc. 95c,
Old 50c.
tele at the Bag
lit tte
TDHnanw evening
1 ■
The finest stock of Drap
eries,Lace Curtains and Rugs
we have ever shown. Beauti
ful patterns Indraperies from
$ 1.76 to $ 16 the pair. Lace
article! tfiat sells at 50c the
pair to those new Arabian de
signs at $10. Fall designs in
art squares sell f rmn $5.50 to
$9. Smyrna Rugs, beautiful
designs, at $ 1.85. $2.26 2.50
and $3.85.
Unpacked a full car load
of just tables. Had to do it to
keep up with our great trade.
We’re showing all the new
« «
ways wanted a table to seat
eight without using extra
leavesihaveone 54 In.square
I vurwm mt,
mmx% i
and meend Tier pmUmi M tta «
Bnndwny Watkfal ImB. Itaw Taek]|
loot bU urn at tba Pmkwny Eatba.
Kindergarten, :
Grammar SebooL
Tht tolleai^ mmy waa tald ta a pw
an rend by Mn. M. J. OaQii*aB ota
aiiMlaicd tbaWooMi't
aacdaly M Dm Moinm nd pabilihrf ia,
TboSMdayBeriawaf MwcMfr:
Todiff.wbnwowpnnbaeonoAcatiiewa tba t>*ny lad of ooUaeMat «••oaU HI law I. tbe ararn TacMy and
bnafrof wbhbww nkmratow
raadianfkwa allow am tormaU tb.
nwbo ahai
■oryof a arm------ --- -----------‘
lotad ipaona I
dUnn eoWwa Ukelboaa fran.trbkb^
bwa to^ aaweM
talk cf eallara.
had meed onaacta menej to ladalpa b
fm a art of allTor ^
nUdaaoaafUrtotboyi .
ebetoa aUyoMpmaadkT
—yran of bard werk aad aemmy te
• - harry yM*a
OBW to blom Ibelt onion—
a aaddaa lllaom tbe batbaad wao takoa
Tba dayaftor tba taamal tba
(Tierad wlfa wa( autraUad by tba
tiaaoa to bm boma af tba two Uak
Id bm btoboad. UtactniiwUh tbdm
*fUan> Urnym. They told bar tb^
aameicaataralae opoa tbalr bntbw'a
taoperty. ta ardor that aba might knew
wbal partof It — ' —
tba wcatb of i«eb artieU
the little botne, aatii they Boally
to Ibr Uix of
Thao aba apoka and aald: ’^Tbrn
mine I boagbt tbam with my owa
money bafiae I wae maRUd. "
'■Yaa. ma'am." mdd Uw lawyer,
"bat yoo know, ma'am, that aflar a la
dy U mairiad ovarytbing beloagi ta lew
to bar boabaad.'He all tbe littia ptoptoty wwdlrldad.
FMd Mv*t«l OeeM rm
«i» bM
la «*»K of tbr alllrri forrM ia rhtBa. k oae of ib<- *rrac aiimarj i—aaailwa
of Um- wortd. Hr naWa la littfc oolrml Ibr <kra»»B anaf la 1«« a^
awTod with
Ihnmcli Ibr var arlib Aoalrta of IWaad Ibraocb tha
l^an>4}rma0 «ar of 1*70-1. U t»C Voo Waldorara lMB>r qaarirroMUr crooral aad artul a* do|ioir rbtrf of Ibr crorral *tatt oa brbalf of rW4
Marabal ruaol roa UoHkr. oa a-bou- roalKBalMi br aorrorAad to tbr poaltlM
a< cbtef of tbr •raaral ataS. Tbr aifoot thr PrM marabal la aa Aaurfaaa
Ews r
Pwr Maxqorttr «00d. la cnuJ
opjafatclj. It U fcaowB a* tbr Mew
Tori Nalioual
Tbr Mlrlii«an oiOrr of the roapanr
tatoeairdat Mauiatoo. asd In addi
U to barr a aMa a Mae omrra hare brow oaiabUabrd Ic
UaUlBit hcMar. iaedorUdoa a idiilan- Krw York. Ohioaffo aad Drtrell.
tbni|4c baaia. .WoaM-br. (lUmaa ean
obula a oM tor 10 oau and mraU at
« ap b7 other nada.
a *«*y low eoat. Mo oar eaa aaj«y
Ibr bbwdaitt of tbr laatitoliaa aalr«k
br takrs a thoraairb laMb. na hrirlratr la the nortlien I»rl
land la brine adrertiard. and iauaitatarlplra w^ll la- atrietir olMrrvrd.
eranu ate bolnii brooicbt WfWt and
Mar U ytara a Broaaon laan chew located oa the land, whleh U aoirt
o4 a poaad aad a half of -flue «al'
tbe arttleca oa eaay lenaa for fktaa
BMotb. aad IA atnoUia aao qail and •AtodlOaa
took to oliiHwliw ran. A Amal Uau 47harlra Miller of Iwnaiae led Mrt.
bln arrrtml hoara.. iMarr qoiUiaK
Oera E. Erard to tbr altar laat week.
tobareo Iw baa (Cainod orrr dA poonda;
At Icqtal thrr fraohrd tbo attar, bot
la wrIjMit aa.1 baa hrttiT health.
Howard I'ltr rUUaa the rharapion | «o ml bU
I with a ID eeat rine
atawBI maladed boalatwi bum. HeprotaHly drclared
ia car of the leodloB laatoew' tarn of taa(^ off.
Ibr plaau and took hU Iwbf In lu
Orrr «,000 baMioli of eacatafam
cab lo Ibr pootolBto. After fMviytiia lure bm reerlred al the Plalawrl
bU taall. he wont hewv to dinner. Ptokir (aetary UiU
Joha Nlebola. who waa atrock
IlKlitnlae Dear Ntathrille a few dayi
aim. aaya br will Joia the mcalai
It at tbr paatonr>^.
amy it he neU wrlL Hr
bat iBVnitrd a aw itiaaikable eapnieaoe a
aim- Bi- waa worfclDii a
lambtw. wtiicih nwrmbln tbe ml windnaU. tone 70 fort from tbr
thlaic ao elnrly that drtrotiaa !■ Kioand. when ibr whoir thia)i fell
dlfflnilt. aad Ite espneu it will nwnl- dnahlinir him ap bemwth the Ira
atloaitr tbe naaBlaemr of faraicnre irlidmL HU rtba aw bcarly al
frmn oak.
brokm. aad arrenl other boorc
Twfmty-flrr yiwra aim B. A. (tn>rti- irtoead ap. bat be lircd lo imt bit bj
oaitb of IwaaiiiR Artrcl for the lUaek liirhtaiait. Tbe boll that kit '
HtlU to terK roIA Afler a Maw hr landed on hU cbrrk. banod a Urn
OBMMt to wTilr b<m>r and hU wife taiteh ihcTT. thee Jemped down to hi
Bwarrd a dlrcin<r and tnarried B. 'A. aide aad imrr blma -terrildi' bora
Tinmrrmaa. Thn-r yran aim Tim-- IbrnjampedmhUaakU- aad roaatrf
othor pteop of hlk aaalomr. aad
lamiiaa died. A few tixHitlw aim
l )»«baad[ Anally weal iato hU aboe and Immed
thr widow aad
laarand that eaeh other waa alicr. hit foot 1a had abop-. ]iaaaiii|t oot
■nrtrd a ccwTiapunbw aad were ihnau>> a hob' aot Un^ tbaa a
lead iMteil.
ranted at Bay View qo Aagnoi »
tHhiT rltiea in Mtcbigan have le' la-lag TlMled by awmraii of
erteketa. tml Mnakeatenrfl
gem !• bemnd to ban- oomc'lhlng dtf
ago and ran a ellTrr into bw fiaK. fen-Bl. and tbU wank rayrind. of
ribe remored what Mm rappueed wns brantifal Imttmfliea baae pal in an
tbe arhole of It. bat at lalerraU nf
ahioi la-toc a year errr oinee ti lia»
*w»tl<ai and Ixtwine very painfnl.
V. W.T.UV n dcmlof Unced |l*r f.«H will tut Be 0»er TUI Tberr Ar* Ba
BB.I found a ailrer nrarly half an
Mara Mnrham la Caaqaar.
The tuMtoo of the party of ptoaperity will nm he otpt pdiII there are no
tba ipoaoi with
that bad bean aet apim tbem. Bot It
obUgwl ber to gire .ap tbe boA and
iho, with ber few aSeom,
rated roocaa and began life
eanonally Icweblng a aebool aad alwaya
aawing wbaa pooMfaU. obe
bcrmlf rttT oomlsrtably for i
yearn. wUm a llieioog friend cf b«
boMmod. an exoalUal
~ ''
bU band la tnartlaga.
fiba likad him waU aad bar trienda
to let. faealdea tbe tadlr woanded |
,, , d,g„.poce brawra the
feeling* of ^Mn- frtmida who wjje
poUtkol parMra. Tbe BepoHJeta*
al crmaldraablr ex|mike preparing for ^ want to rorera tbe marketo of tba
the faucral.
trartd and lo reign over tbe dtatrlboa. <v— I i> -A r 11
I*** Torid'x bread and
*^'**^,T*.” mrurlng la fhU way work ft bm
—.ttoollne X. ranke. a yosag Bohemian ,
hooewt toherrr. marketa for tba
firl. threw hcTaelf in fnmi of tbe prodncM of oor farma and
portfaboand Pete Marqaette train at; ^rh a factor ta tbe werU that wili
«Mto towklog to lb. tototwt of Ite
wbkb wIB baM'thal llrnrd Mmr
promlard by tbe prophet of old wtes
the award ihall be bcatea law plow,
oteie* and the
«*» I* '
towka It to the BepahUcaa petic
we. to gtto
a too * Baw
High School
hwda. attrM^ motor ws raond tbr
moAiA iartng Mm rreo^ and
night and mking tbe day'a plcdingato
in a tmnndo wbiob ]
Tillage of Wapek. J
Equally Iwell equipped from our well
AUdrawme UUed and Xra Me
DoMld amWHily iajnred. Tbe Me
Stocked childse^>. boy's and youth's
With amato and pladgm ameonMag tbe oeltor. bnt before they <«ld
» apwarda af «Wl.flao. tbe Bona of rack It tbe unmdo Itftod tbem aad
'eunaa are making aeMee paepam' Mm boom high in the air. Many
Mona to kagln work
eollrge. eAiA
ey and pUdgm were aaaand aflm
one year'a artaal work, bat foaryaan
“oBlra I BOmata to bold bettm banda
of planning prmading Mie rigoroaa than I got tom alAt-"-Woablagtan
impaigb raaltlng ia the
William Maokniile. the railway
CaMa'a face waa too etragty mmkngraecf tile Ommdb
ed to tn cnllad bandoatoa. ImpraMrmya Ckumda wiU hare a mewnd gmt andfimnara tbawordi that Umi daamtinental line by ttoa from
1 to oeean. The line from Port
Anbv tbraagb Winnipeg to Prince
Albert wlU be InUbed U ini. and
IftimMoitbera PaelAo wlU not aell
tbalr Partoge line. a'paaOlel one will
Ora* MIbK*
be balU. Tbe road, he eUlma. rana
tbraagb a rnncdi be«m eoattay than
nala line of ^ Cbradian PaeiSe.
Two Plea
City Opera House
Aa a imU of a panic cm an electrie
enr at
Imke. a asborbof Akron.
otber. Inlorad. The
Monday, Sept. 3rd.
| H0yt*S FaiDOUS €01116(11211,
by a foor boraing oat and Bamei
banting «p tbroogfa the car Boor. |
The inoaengen beensae wrrtfledand|
• a fraatie mob to get oak
Which we offer at half price are very de
sirable suits, but no two sizes of a kind—
Just the thing: in weight and colors for
Hamilton ClothiDg Co.
fall wear.lllf you've any boys to fit out
for school, you may save from one to five
dollars by an early purchase from this
N 4H kf iJitt SaiM
new Chinos
For men
We are as usual in the lead with all the new '
styles in our Men's l-umisbing Department. |
This time it is a
ASyfutwiRnt ClwMIffcmi
Dew Cot of
Bands. Bows. Tecks. Imperials, Clubs. Fourin-Haads, etc. I'he latest thing is a reveraible four-in-hand, you should have one. We
never fail to please in this department. Our
35c ties are the finest we have ever shown.
A Steady Advance
Do yon appelate a fooi ttalnc?
We cao save yon money
If yon’U let ns fifure with yoo.
dats It to
Dew Tall Shapes
We bare floor at the rigfal price. It bra nperior
breaddiaklng qoalitien to other floaiw, and in tbe
baking yie)£ & per orat more loarra than any floor
oo the market.
WinffOld Flour ia gnaranteed.
Your entire
patchaae price to retnracd if not folly aattofactory.
mwTctiwmata aboard ber to tbe rarly
MxMra. WfaitobeatoodwalcblatUieaU
Tcrael, a toll Mranga appreaebad him
aodmked. "Ira't yonr aneJaitnar'
Tba eapcala replied to tbe aflUmaUra
"Yon were a mam eo that iblp to the
tweflMS*" “yra."iaidlteiiBp"Yoa don’t ramamber
Maned the Mraager. "bot I
yon Twy welL 1 waa a itoara_
gar <m tba Toaawaada al that time, be
ing oo mywayto tbU eoaatty. I'ra
and I'T* tom
While we rail groewee cheap, we do not ke«p che^ gn>.
-MB It to B poor plan for na to rati yoo a wrong orMcU, og
' yoo to keep an article yoB are not Mtufled with.
We ralect caretnliy—we boy at low pricea, and yoo ahoold
New Pbooe 350
"Only tbtok."aznialmod Prate
"af ttaa^rnaayram towbtobpap
"I know."xopU<d Bml "Tw
too tbraww tbe other ntgbl. aad I
toU it WM all paper, and U wab a Bam
BoeAeld. teve mored my draoraakbw craton » Ma no Brate etronk
brat to give ran tbe laMM atyUe
rad a grad It to tte fatnxe.
Take pride in traveling by carrying a fine
leather suit case. They «nll last a lifetime.
We price them at only $4.50 and $6.sa a
very low price you will say when you see
On Monday. Sept 3rd. at haU pant e«ht
(8:30 a. tn.) the Board of Water Comnto«bnen trill test the ptpea and mains ol
the system, Tbe hifbest extremd. fire
pressure will be pat on. AH garden hose
and sprinkling apparatm should be abut
off as they are not supposed to tuad
aoch pressure witbom bursting. This is
done as a precautionary measure so that
tf any weak parts are dereloped they'
may be repaired or strengthened iramemediately.
By order of
Board of Watsr CoMMuaianBa.
Dew Boods
Are arriving daily in all of our departments.
If you want tbe besL the correct, the latest,
you will find it here at the right price.
it it
Boston Sfm
Tomorrow Night
■ t.i<.
If/ou have ever worn a Rotwelle you know
that it is the best hat made. It is guaran
teed with a guarantee that is good. A new
hat or your money back for any defect what
ever. or if not found to be just at adver
tised. ' I'he guarantee is good for One year.
Tbe price is popular—$3x0.
The Cbalienge S2..S0 Hat is tbe next best.
For the price it ^a'Bitot be beaten anywhere.
We have them.'in all the new fall shapes
Suit Cases.
Old Phooe 149
t met pncMadly pcomilwa
xyr '-miadelpbU Raawd
fri^tfoHya---------two boon toler ta Be
tab Tbe ypong worn ; wa.aboat«A
yoam of age. bad an r frlimda, and
waa beloved by all
lore affair wa^ the ca
' The FWe Marowto
aaatotoobUa to in bamodto
EMaapoant by Itoe toimacaM
k Eng^ Bray y«* a toige
port af tbe frait trvp ram tram lack
af tonaapartotlan. iba laltwnyi not
batog abto to mmt iba raatgemey.
Ito- tdaa to fm tbe toimiii nest
Prinenton. bd.. ia to be tba expeH-i
ratal gnmnd of aa adraneed map U i
aanleisnl cwonomlea. li U the Brat
cily in tbr anur In wbleh beat aril I
be faralahed an meter inuamirepient:
tbe ayetem to be tnatalM prari^ea
“Grimay. He B«r
cf a'banm BaUmy
for bot water boating from a ecnoal
In tba Ndtioul Boeoera,
In a few yean bar bwfaand'a baaltb Btation. Tbe water to famed tbroogh
daellaed. and fm many
doiito araan a thnmb ,
him aunt lander and
the .apply.
Bbe bnd a few Mma apokea to him
rhuThea. and all pabUe bolldiniea
within a radial of poe mile of tbe
BMOittim It. i*lsally tbe wxl
eentral port of thr oily arill tbu be
Tbme bad caam to attend tbe foaeral
bU arareat nOaMra anrpbvw from New prorided with beat, ll 'la claimed
England, wboca abe bnd nerar oeoa ba- that tbe coot to tbe oonanmer wil^m
faa Id k day or two be tooagbt two almoet AO per oeac. Ibm than tbr ooat Late ‘^eddy" i^Hoyt'a "A Bunch
Bwa to the eouage to appraUe tba pewp- of ccml.
irty. and again wm tbara a prtoa tat
The arill of ex-Benaior Injmlla U a
apOB tba well preanrred apacna. On tbe
A Lirre conpuy of Siieen
of tfaatdayuibe----------— model ia point of ezpreaaiaa aad of
aid Bucen.
jnatloe. la Ima lhaa IW arorda be
Brass Baad aid Or^estn.
UM'xna. muu
* —m learcw all of bU ptofriJ Id hia arife
dlapiord to bo *aiy eoay with yoo. Tba tmnwerredlr. the teotanratary eUam
See the RoBcb Riders Parade.
worth of all of anelr'e property bm of tbe Inacnmeoi -timply raying;
been cnnfally eatUaaied. aad I will al "1 gire. beqarathand derlm nato See Crlmesey Slide Ue Cellar Itoor.
low yea tn l^ade In yoar half <f it 'fflTbelored wife. Anna boalra. all
See fienard Slsten.
any article of fnraltara yea may my praperty and eatair, rcwl. peraonni
See the Best Masical Canedy
Aad again abe paid tbaprioaof her. and mixed, of ereiy - deaeripUan. aad
flm darling parebiwn of aUrarwai^ bot artMieTer eltoaud. aad appoint her
tbme wm DOC eaaagfa left aftm tbe baU Bole execBtilz herpof arttboal bond,
waa takoa few ber to krrp tbe booeo aad anrety or andertaking;” The arill
lot. an tbry wat loto tbe baada of
ezeented daring hU tern of office
Pricra-SS, :f5, 60c.
itrmigera. and with ber oat Anal Urn in the araate.
Bento OB Hk at the City Hnwi
twain went latoocay. bat hired rooaa.
Sbo wm a pattarnof thrift and tldloeak Arthnr T. J. Riee. a fanner ratiiier ttnnd.
ae a amart wldowor of tbo
well awira, and in ;om than a yrar
bo made a rail arpn tba oomaly matno.
Ba wao wUe ermogfa to mate bU Bnt
rUit abort, -et lingered a raotoaDt to
Ite door and raggraitd that la tbe near
fotoie they ban
Of priote_______
ia nearly all linra warns that now would
ink. Mr. JotemcB,
, in a good bodd
Ip of
of groeerin.
the right time
to> lay
Umi it will not be worth while few ytm
We are etiU •eUingm
, nil linen at the old pricen,
toealL" and rloaing tbedoor haatily
« ve had tba goods before tbe ndnnoe.
obe tamed to ter eat and aaid;
"Ko. Tommy. 1 faato bo^bl tbcae
epooM Uira Mmra. and 1 don't totrad
tortak thorn any maro.”
Walter tt. Koat.>r of Uaalog ai^d
Kaipii W. HeMnllea of Unad Rapid.. to rank t^meivUlUm. Itot It to more
Mlefaifmn nnlverally etodenu. re- tbiii that. II la rank iadnairtaUam.
It U prorMlag work for fariorira. tohor for tolwn-ra. imuaportatloo for
worked ito-lr war to and fnm. Gtoa*•
W reU fatter,
gowem. ratlU- bewt and
tt U tiM-pMcT ihal
bolldi bouea for workinpneo. creauw
Mtfoogh tto- ccmnlty on Ito-UblejeU-.. , ^
ibe grain of Um Bdd.
the expenn- of ^e ratlce trip to-tog
and tbe Iroo
wtMila Hts. While ralUBed
lunl rent of tb<- mine. It U rational
tbr crip a> an experiment, they lari- and natkmal praopertty foonded «n
BO dotirr to re|*«t IL
wlidam. not a pramlard prcwprrity creItoTid lagafaL a former nwiilem of sied by rotunc a dollar la two and
. Y'ale. dinlin Uetrall on Tnewtoy. aUllDc each half a whole.
radical depamne from tbto poUcy
' PrlrauU wm-aoMBcM timt hU r.kaalna l« Aadvoral.-d
by the DemocraU la tbrlr
Wpald arrtre there on the Wedneaday BTowed imrpoor to'drotroy protecyloa
aoca train. Undoriakor Oough,. i..- and .qYmar
_______ Tbe triampb
gelber with Mw mlniabr apd ftieuda' af th.-ir policy.'tf pBI npaa tbe autiiw
wme in wafllag. Tbe train ar-. hooka, wmld teanli la AmeTtraa furHve.1, Imi ni. txwian. Imialiy by tel-' aac« l.ccomU>g raid and Amerteaa
Mdtcme dereloned the fact that the 1 •buttlra beiag aUrak EngUab loonw
Mm of gaodi .date tbe Otmt BUra
ta figicm. and- .weM Mtaa MaUad
andanaU tba CkMdUna. <ma Amariam wae eaonaUy ' waaadit TW
'adUna todad with Mm Ammleana.
TbU year army baaimma U Cba• wlU •
ana alfc aad ana eariboa. and all may
br Aippad to any pniat in Mm Unit- nma by Amarloan hanmra.
■ ’_w,'
m MOMmife uBootitii t^tsbii cfrfi iocRm tvinuYt nmnsn •, iim
'ofMfa u4 WtMm-
[T55:»5. ofj^
.------------ ----
At a-tT-’-R or lha Uncoln SAlmary Oteb Urn maiiv at At ham
Pmafc Vahmt. the foBowt^ «■
htaclataiwt Ma.
Mr. Mhd Mta. Joba Ocalf Md «n
aleeaad te the inmlnB yaw:
■; 1
A. A. Ooehway hna tetamefl to bia
---------------------BMiir rrii^‘~r •• •'
The nan moaMnR will
hMd at palptl
of Btw.
8. BaUtray la tbr
theet^iwa oe Baal Kh^
will foUpw ta a few dnya.
iaanwC. HairtiafCiacianaCi U ri*.
Mac loMtirao in the city.
Rwocfc* pMBt Md ■
r.> ct»
Mr. andMn. E. C.
and Mra. A. T.
BaiMk and
Mn. i.
Iwate waak plaeea ia tba
mnina. U thna be any. For thb pmtpoar tbe maabtnwy will be woched to
It ia DtUotL
Mn Flam Hum and mn Carl of
Danreilb. Ind.. me TlMtinR Mr. and
iu fall eapaaicy beRlanlnc at lidP
Mn J. M. Thomat of WrlMcR meet.
a. ». and tbe bi^eat priaan will
Him Mono Bblefab taai Rooe U
bapaion. Thto will be eafteiani to
I w<
bant nil RBfdan Imaa.
It k
dnaire of tba wMW woAa commli
VilliaBabatR. where die wtU teetcl
the oomliiR year.
Him Bolle WUaoa of BUowertb
riddne Mlm Mary HanltR. ,
•acnooL OP MroK
!TTie.tmd Wt^.
F. A.
ha* mwo
to Almean.
wbtra be wa* caUid by tbP iUneoai
of hlx BBOtbtR.
«e» Tran WW haWa Xen M
The Mimee
MelmoRbUn. Blim,
FiUlni. Thylor nnd Bomrii nrrtred
Tbe fall team of tte Tm^
in tbe tdly Ind erening from Ibeir
MmbW avriM. >0^
Bar. J. A. BimOy.
Vrmiy. Pmtat.
Pr(«rbln«nt iOJOn. BL
Tha itemwDt of the UKd-a Bnp|«r
rrill ba ofaMrra.1 «t tbr USM ot Uw
Swdv aebooi II m.
KraaiaK aab^aot. ••Dwtalofc”
All an- iarltad M b* {mmA
a will ba opan Mwibiy.
from T aaill' f a.
will fc a
a 4 aatil S p. a. Than- will
nKvnlnit doUraiT made bj- tha carriara.
All maaban of Iba Paintan Ualw
ara reqonrtnl to meat at the C. B. P.
B. ball toBMmnr moniu«
ia time
B’lUiaa Paturly
ItBBohna fnniaa Priday mornlait. and
Biithl bare <Ua<l liot for the aaaiataan- ot Oharlaa Ulifa.
In aflraDM-to tha bc»l hoaaa,
ba dtaeorarad that tba tank
■inuii a iMk. and ao BHmI tba tnat
booaa «ttb lha fninm that ba taU
aealiw tha
totn flMMle. my Rtyliah
d.-eao and ecbool iboM-nxea
24 to 7.0 to
BE. for tUiN.
to hie faith
Ana. battaypariDeratack tohle:
ta tbe asan-e pmmina.* Finally we
premierd by reuaotag tbe Mlnq
on cenditian Uiat my partner notify tbo
flcB that bewontd be pcnoually
qamdtde for Imma cawed fay a rep
tlai af tbe oetmtrnea. We alio eon
orcry ewtomrr a aotloe that al] UUi
abaold ba wkd directly to ear faend-
ISS Froct Street.
Wladocr. Ont.. Jdb. flc; iBOa
Dr. C.
D. Warner.
Warntir. Orar BlrHtr—1
bare aacd yonr Oempnoad of Berea
the great caaoer core
C. will ba held M«wday
BEOUND HAND clothing boogbl and
oold at The American. 401 Front
the V. B.
oil} Tre*.ai«r.
It U impartanl that all
taklaR bte plan- at B'rxfvd.
CnalMin al Euiliana Ftn nl Sltlcll) Catllalial.
The. Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich., will be at the
Mr. Millar wlU |Mcdi at the Becoinl
M. K. chaieh.
thaWomaa-a alabioma
OaL. ar
garota of Dr. and Mn J. B. Martin.
“*M^w l4j^jKirfetS^ laat ert*
ing from Detroit, e
Tbaat wn a mhr h C* ««a We
Kuigbu ot Pyiltiaa.
ICa .aim.sa h— haaw tM
•oaajjl^.l^. ^
yeoterday frca tkm Pythian encampI In Detroit.
b-a “Bamahr. mar.” aet a* Wa «an
•al. IM rat mr 4ara. that haflr haaaii
aad.hamaa aa thaS k« aWaft
thaa am aa tha tawawthianj atn aatat
aa4 ten -txa-t warn hahr. ha «0M, Ca;”
Or. -laasu. »«.-n fU tmi ^a UU la «ra'
from h baalBew trip to Kew York.
Mn. K V.
Wait and Mia* Minnie
Wait and their gneri*.
Wknien and daagbtar. and Mim Bada
W'mrer of RotAferd. tlL. apeat yei-
wbo bare bollt Dal
luwna. Ktonly and anaw.d, they bar./oochl their way and wn-alr«Mv Choniaelrcaa f»>Ui>dd on Ibv gti-al inboapitablo plain*.
~M< Irrvl iridewnit Idan- of cloiulwilh
tbonaand wiMBowet*. tbedrraiyewrIU
cf antaniB brow.-i, lifted h.tti iuhI liiarilaieriiafp battmof thn-etenlnc none
ImaglnatJaD. bol repel* tbo nrttilnR In(tinei of borne irailidR man.—Atlantic
Mr. V*«* OU »•-------Wlib Bm.
Tbe riory eftra tedd that tbo lah
Bob. Blcfaard Vaox had denred with
QnecB Victoria ba* t*ra doaied qnitr
ran. Edith aad CUffCRdTimblin.
riare hU death, bol m a
fact be did dance with tbe
their boarden «|»nt yeaURday
qanoa. Bo wm not ber partner. It i*
trae. bat daiirrd in what wa* known a*
Mn Dora <Jma baa rrtanml from
the qe<«o'« outilinn at tb* ball glrre
t wttb an a tew week, ritil at Manoelnna.
Alihrt Oanmn am
baby aanwbohMlaBt
8ALE-7Mi-An elegant
' boom-; C larffe rooma, par-
itt(t room dowtRrtAira; 2 larKc
bedrooms np atalra.
$100 down
an<l S’-- per mo. takes it
FOR SALE—7f<2—Good 7-room
hooai! larKc lot on Webster 8t.
Qomi location, easy paymento ] Tho Most Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases
S'lOdowD and 6 per month Ukea!
Woakenesses Pdssiblo to Obtain.
Price. $850
FOR HALE—7lt2-Noat bouse on
0. ao* raOUm hl> w ta* rail moaOrara ar ta* oMtetm ,
State St., centrally located, all in |
good condition; gtone foonda-l<
rlUr. stone walla.'|
arge and good high
aak for
w»t*«^e^iyw» wtfata***aa«a f«m«rad t* rerwo a*»uk>a4 tm.
property; SXX)
down, balance' long time. l4ii
MBCttASOIKO sasaauwia**>f7
FOR 8ALE-^«0- Urge b«dera
Mr. Vanx wm (oieeud by Ibeqaceii beraelfa* aoeaf tbe arren pnw-n* to Join
with bar na tbo dance, a rery gtml
In the n
of tbe erolBtlmw
-I'm afraid. Jean. I an't cet tflia
Dare CNmpbeU «wma la lari ernnlng
aU bead oC.” aald Uw mother.
doaaph Khlar will laarr today ter
ffom Onwa.
qaen. TfaN •
Jtu-a face ciorad with tbo Ucht of
Hatrott. wharr ba will attaod tha naMr. VanxtoaweU I
ymURa knapliaihm 00 Wi mU:
lioaal nail earrlan-cooraatiOB a> a
day from a ririt io Chlcaga Bbe will Blaa wbo eerrod with him in tbe Flfty'
ecBRnm—Phllmkelpbia Rrcmd.
dabwatr fiUB thia rity, and by proxy
a MRm of ariiool U laMrlc '
will ratnwwt Paioakcy and Meooml-,
Me. Jaam U. Bli^U will attend to
Mr. Bbiar-a roalr doritiR bU abmwor.
ior, eittinc room, bed room, din-
Mn Fkirtnnk* aad two grandchil-
Uttk Jean a dolly bod
weetdent and ber motber
Her, J. W. Noble and wife aad lit
m band for It. The maoral of tin
m bead prored to be a tether dIScalt tle daagbtoR of Wianmadn arc ririUng
tank, wfalcfa Joan watched with Croat at tbe tadme of tbelr BKttbeR. Mn C.
Tbr rrRslar rntMlnR of tbr city
eoancll trill be held thU rranlnR.
temlay at Omena.
mo n-m ~r»4ir. w im. ehat moau I aa
P I ham-1» caac mua bM am rmram iioikto a haW tttn Xta« toa thaa
m-aa fmn n cM at amrtr taal
Tbrrt'VlUha a ewMinR of tha exr««lin- and tanpiam i
THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1900.
dangblnr Zola ot Birrndde.
Wbtaa mO^osM u ha aaailr trn.
ax. as ant ^ trwMm hMM bar Umt
It nnt.
nmt. M lha haO tm*m
*mmm ta
U ha
n. chM .< au ia tn Iwab.
Vlan Mh.r’i M aaO We mia at tha can
aat l-» that hatr. t aat ■ oall art
T far iment.
Her. HoRb Kaimrdy will aselmnjia
palplu today vitb Ber. J. W. MlUar.
i.i, >a« .
I w*U Ivehuaea.
Traders, Hones Loenera.
211 Front SL
Traverse City, Jiich.
WUbelm rmnuml
whata hr
Tbr raRnlar maatlBR of
B. B. Platt’a fmtrt.
and C. M. HeDdHM'a can.
WADE BROS 1^^'"'’'^° HOTEL,
danitrr, haManod to Rat Mr. PVttariy
bat oow we otfer tbe Marrin
It' V>H* WAhT iMraoT. .auykliriuaM
I i-Iam nMiwBiiN. nr l» Lor * htiow. kA iM
ten*, roll .*> a II. ADy*. '-•m • *a4 •
M-enuttlk <«.
Tmmtw- <tiy.
Tim JdORmy ammi llm emtitMtil fitn
went to emd in luidv. inKT 1I rery marb
Mr« H J. Tbiee le rnirr taintOR like a rojORtt Wbruoim lan.h at 8L
Mn Orerby of Uood HarbCr.
Pool from tbeorrrland train. It li with
I(im Monde HoRadcra and Mim all tbr arneoti.nm at piakins pvt after
**Tba Uoo’i Den" ia tba mtlnrfaio
Uinea OardneRhare ledanmd to their barinii |im»irl or<R tbe IrvbanDd eea of
eioaa name of a rery pen
tbeplauim. bomee in Fife Lake, after a rUll
eUned mapoD M Bay.
The nnlfcrni rtaxzlr cf milre of o
the past three waeka a Jolly party with Meede In tbr citr.
on(ru.i«> «D-nr, hrokrti oely wfam
bare been eaniplaR and Inddeatany
Jainea Oaanlleti hae tetnnM
•iakm 1.1 IndtRu rhedow nr ew.-jle
wURtalnlBR Ibelr friesdL The
bti hotnr in Milan after a riut with CRHt* nl iul.d.niblc Uglx. basiv dayi
for Rood and t^ Dr. and Mn J. W. Oaaatietr.
Riroi to tkm wvid ontride ibu pt
ibart laraiMd hoaae. In the party
Oowily Clerk Kewton and family
I Mr.anB Mra. Inhym and Camlly.
are taking an ootinR at Carp Uke.
Mr. and Mn. U Boala. Mra. J. JameJ. M. Blakcolw and wife hare rr- iwrep oJ IcrrI iwrtb, eo mligblly or
acn Id Mra. Ida Kwrt.
tarned born an extended vteit to Bt. arobetl by tbr Irr.-I dry. bat ma><«ty
rt.-eutaliun wben
Initmeko rrUation In bnuan life.
Orrage OlMuat of Maple City and
« h a qm«r Oab that
A fany tron nf berm etraRglkw
can be aard ai a candfc when dried. Artbor Boott of Oodar were at Urn BCTom tbo plain*. dnwfnR a amMni
X)B KAL£-7H---rineBewbooBe.
Tbr tall of tbr Oak 1* eiDCfc la a ernek WbUlnR yMterday.
aleditr load
tm-wrorl ilieig a nanow
Uttfe lot. xc
xood new bam. horae.
of a o-oodm (aide and lit aoar liebted.
Mn Palfivy and daoRbter of Umena trail in tbe uow to aomo nneern farmhamiWH, 0f3^,
, cow.
- - - ■ ________
A No. 1
A peed alX4^d Baan- wtB bore abonl
boom, blte-rnollng IhmORb lb<- Iodr
bhmK, kiw jiricf*.
Price $1300
tbm- bom. II |ItM a feood. atrndy wm- la tbe city yeeterday.
onUu for tbu n
Mim Minta Minor ot Old Mimicn few fleree week* of eomiurr »nn«biB*: a FOR
of ikioa enh^ poWer and
honaea. One haa H roome; lart^
Bldmhic brat.
tiled aiwo trira* in tbe eity.rcMor- little tk-hnolbonm <d nuplanid hmrd*
The roaeoo iliat flab am aUny la to day.
boncK-; oilier
perebrd oo a ewull of tbo reiO. alletit
property will-n-iit for
Dr. A. H. HoUiday rkj^imd ree- laadmapc; n lambuom badto.] by ban
•month; will take amaller piece
terday from Detroit, when- he parti- aad cvral, with a liny yard in l
KbonM a flab br
in exrlii
-lian«e. Price SHiOU.
d In tbe blR Pythian rrlelra- earirclcd by a tawdry trill of w
ibai a spix
waabed pallofi. ebuWing yellow abore FOR SALl
ILE—“HI—Oooi! fi room
■lluia tbr fonRUt ludfra tberr and
tbe enow—alltbmr, with milreaf
liniue. fiDiHiipd in oak; Elmwood
groai unlU It rraataally pIlU tbe flab.
Harry and BdaaTbosia* of Klwnod. betwcon, picra one with a keener
aw., jmrt off Frool aI«v1
Bllmr atao Incnwara iba oiiaM of flab Isd., and Mn B'Uk Tbomae and eon
ban roolil any prnqnal
down S'* a month takes this at
throORb lha water.
Chrl of Danrritb. lad., ore rUitiaR
Tb.- «rbal<- h Iba only flail that
aboat $l-‘iU Itwa than bonm> would
a elemoul it a<
the family of J M. Thoma* oo Webbrain UtRi-r than a naiD'a ITe think
ouBt to build.
Price 1460.
that oao pwaa thtm.ecatl.Red
of Iba bumaa body kc
of a> ctitigi:!. (V life a* in a eoend mtnp FOR SALE- 7»0 - Neat Itoue.
Maeter Bert and Mim KOe Unrrienn
rary woodrrfaL with ha many
tuiclil paa> a ftail'rraft at «c£.
iraclii-alivtipw, lan^> IntoffSIh
bat fm- people knew that r«-cry itine a havp rrtantpd from a long rielt with
Tbrro an onglo mmd> open which
tH) doWT and tO per
flab brrsibea It anrra
boora and
ai Baton Bapidx
Thar wata
pniwtBK to taka a rlda on
Itor yacht and Hr. Pattxrly bad ROBa
oa erwrything in
Rul EsUte DealerB,
wti-.up. m. .
Tne nwaiuirmp Ma Mlind to ba
imMt W .^H«a •iirriea*.
that arr iatellitreai—
We alwaya boli) prior* How*
terkera bald In Otanire hn^.
: X o'rlork.
Boy jrqar footwear of no
and iprt yoar BtooeyW worth.
ytoMday. wbefo he U |RiBci|wt
the ecbool f<w tbr raniag yrwr.
iriU ly—y*d
Inlu Ub> otxo air.
we're fnraiabiBs them witb
they donH bare to i.
"Same yam w<> I bad a UtUe
»which I're no donbt masy turn
wnhean dttpliei
■ dieam Iwatamonw* poitair ta a br
of CDO cd tbe
• iaSkLoah. Wo
bad a eakaman wbem wo ralaed bigbiy. Ucaswto oar knowledge that be
ww railing ia tore with pt*«. I awM
that he inaat he warned. Tlw other
partrar tbmgbf be ww aU right, bat
btvin tbe work.
D. OoeUtn. PmU*.
B.TM M toao by tha ruter.
Bw^ anw
•Aool lU »«
Y^B C.B.«e:16.
CUCa arrlrad
II.MO and loct ercry dollar.
"My partiwR took tbe taoMy on
bli pocket and reimbanod tbr flna. It
a of OreRon, who U not oenmary to udt anybody wbo
lha icnoblnir faro* will ramatn for
laa born rieitinR hl> bRothi-r-in-law. kaowe RoBbitR* ibal beam
tbe inieuat the
Joortdi BntWR, left yeelrrday for
Mim WtlbalM Ametalv lha roiee and
"Tb>i pnmcbrr and tbo lawnakrr
riaii with relatiTeo al Boot Jiadao.
pteno.Mim Pwad tba fim and aenani
nmy gradr <ab(R rlrm m nxRe bedaona P-Miea
Mim Marica Piatt went to Ynln
Rmlaa of jdano work, and Prof. Hi
bnl tbi- n.y.-bant and tbe baakw wbo
ymtrrday. where rim will opm llir know vbat li Rond for ttarm are idor
afraid of Ramblon lima of anything
olae."—St. L«ou Ukda.DeoocTal.
tional ctadrnta ttani ara praparinR
L' asr M- •
MH all the ttnr, I
ETe»l4« •***»!*• j
tbr Boor, and
this Wap,,
and will be toady to becln
paptla belBff awalrad bito all drfart- wort ia the a.
ilTilrp"w»SLa{y*taVlw«i «o ti>M«
ef tha gmahlw’e duauamd jaocjmi
naCU yeoR komm ndl the take. 1 barm
■liowoowBO mo ta wUth tbo botdt
cf RoatiUac did pot hora tbe oompaoktn boUt cR lylaR. Ttw iytnc row worm
aa tbe Raabiinc i
Toar Ramblinc i
wltfa oneba '
that yon m laiURnwr warn omm
latimMmiteba it tnmUw the daaCennt path M dalHanro wttb ear* IR
Bobeol of Makle wiO
_____Hbool •* t*
fona in tba israda
“Don Mome” at Stoloterg’t Guml toinorrew nigiit.
"Bad caaid mim
aMinrt betac
betac d^acad ky
«f Baitfeod Oity. lad.. «• oixitlaR
Praifilwt. PmnkViiRhtiThiapc^ Hr. and Mrm. Jomao Gwic «< Part
ham la Otaad Baptilt eflcr a rioll
wtth Ue iROthm. Prof. C B. Dock
or liHo
It Has the True Rin^. the Atmosphere, and the
Romance of the Land of Cotton.
‘TflwwhMwia m *alki«peh»
Tha flmily «f B. J.
^ _
at Old Mi^ne
house «large
, CaTASSKOPTBR ROSS. Wom*ii>* »**
iom tmbtm.eaa**« from cmank,-
Slate atreerwestof-d.
it i 1. ;"ikfiDRiA!a'AMi> «*inw» otras
C. Hodge.
do»n d™r to bot-|>-ffiS;„,m..»m nnu oi.
9300 down and mothly payDsota > o«ssgmraai*m «am* wnami *oi* or «rtakes thia.
ba ahlwnd to ManUtm tomoBtrw. .
TbarawiUbaa raRnlw eommanlcation of Tiarana City Ud(a Ko. noreTtbe flm of P. f.Ohtwcy A
doknefbaoiaem ia the oMp of Tol--------
bsrgaioa we bare to offer. If you I
"Wbyr- naked tbo haefaaad. imra arc thinking of baying or aelJing
Claci^ In bri limpid ntw eym.
bonwi^ money,
^y, going tt
"Becaanx ' eat«ra<l the tRcadwta- out of barinesn, call oo oa.
. "there i* a bargata
mie down at Oattem'i. and they are
Tara hr a m<
wUtng tbe lorelliri •pringtrooRnerm aad always al bottom pries and
A maa wbo wa* wockiag
forBAHl. Ifboa^tlbadcntorm beat terms. Always oa tbe bnatle
___________ at tbe Wylie Ooo|
BM baUL btt taw ta always ready f
Oa '■ mllU at hiWRlocbm. wa< bnrt
more salea. have latger list than
Fri*r might while oHlac tbe bead
all tbe rest pot together.
■ ts
ing eaw.
■ ... ...
Tbeari maww cattgbt bU
Imad. MilBg it badly.
He left yae
C. M- Beors tatmued from Detroit
tariMy for hU home ta Clam. wtuRe
the wopad wm* attraded to.
•rtrmrwi of a aUp cemI la bedCM am and
mm mllre Ioor RtnMa bacoan-a'
rt for aMpt ef i(rti toM.
imtt waa raaaria of JOB tana
ta b
Wade Bros.
flUr «gi Sll Frcmt 8L
The derire of Iby bean 1* gn
* for tbe tnamau- Before tbee are dm gate* of nb
all Uwac Imrlmt barisam
tbaBmmsmU^ tbm.
rraaw w«ok-
wroTTii^ irwiMi thOT w%^
27amjj^ST.ir £J-S*r-SSS
Tbe abore are but a few at tba|S5LiS? nuTiTiiT
ticD aa caofcet flrtamu-r for B. L.
TOnclwr-Bew h that. KRde?
ChrttR. Mr. OlmaoB U aa aoeomKtttle-My ■anom'a boeebt tw« pUriied player «a the gniiar aad wmdocki. and' woH
- -hart
ire lata of tim «fl
Kom 8.. wiU
Trarerae OUy.
baiieyu«a.«ram»t'aa,.iml munir. aoMb
. WS «>lB4irm TO arSB aoraw u.
STji-ESri.-tEK-SSU'-* —•
wUaia. .p.^ ri
'nU*Mla k*altk fc, aalmrom |ii iia!r!!i'*yV*TL!^
Boon. 6fi fa, 6R Porter Block.
The Happy Comedy which Sparkles all through
the play is a sure cure for the Blues or Troubles of
any kind.—“Down Mobile” at Steinberg’s CrEmd
tomoiTow nighL
eotore nms n m •» om.
VT >Cnu l«r«r
I ««U4 h«M
«r M.
tkM CMna
- —-
naa at MiVir ai* (br (btobrtd fma
of CUp*'* rtnal **tla*
■ItdCtav »> tbr n«l(*d fbbM u>
• •««•(* M *a ti
•dian' vnii tb*
■MmtbHU'WUb B vt*» to tatiBeaUo*.
a traMr bM**** lb* U^tEd Siaia and
Cblm Oicanl at Tlm-(idD hr Uic ptoa-
Tb*** arddca a
* hr Cblaa «r tb* pnkel« ot tat*rtialtB«ia(- law a
. attlblr
I tboot tte •MAIM of tbr |vte« aC ttiA
' tm of rtcMt fttn tbafr hM bm aa%
: Mr M thrr ibaoidk* BDabi* to (•»
; ror* *M«b fir Mr f>b(pa** at aaf, :
!prw. AMmmhimhthhfhmtTwmri
l»iT* «ipartMMti ms tto« bar* bM<i
. tnm.
tiML trim
«itb u r*(
ret b«t
bM Utd* or no
a* ■
i»M Tte Bck that bM brM 4cM it
I pmhabtr tb tb* dlrwtlM of bdaiMte
I m'dn* of fniOMlbC tbe.llfb of (br tail .
dlTUaal tta. Tterr ara a fxeal mu '
H*v*r nOMbd IDM aad wmeOtai
(•braitat* taWB> ta tbr wia* of blM«5^i£>
tM>. aa< tb* MB wbo dtaeorara *aM»
<^>Il>p(WBd that mmr br ehraplr uabBi
- ^
ranorad and vOI Mrr* tb* ptirpoaa W
»bm-p ■
la* vr«*t. for h*r «• n
irtiilr frrrr nUmf n*i
Ibp (rad* of (bra
ta UM lb* lbR<
l*k •*«( tb>«» Mt« I*
wttb tb* r
A» to fb* ortate of Uil* tnpte of weodM otataair. a *o»r ***Mit CbliKa*
•MMd r»Ula that so* dar tbr ororMtafal Boddba Tl Let rm vaa paMna
mrmicba thh-k-aood. wb*a b* *aw abort M» tato cioocbtM oe tb* trvab ot a
lar«r trao. Tb* td*a atnic* hbo (bat ib*r naot b* ibcra tor oom
po**. a* b* drvotrd bimotir to faotla* and pr*r*r for a laoc prrtod. nntll M
cMvritlna tb*B into p*^ alVr vbicb b* pmtbnaO thra
tatotbn- aM allottrd (b* ceOtetba a place at ynrMlp la (bK traiiXc.
tMo wm* ao loop a«o tba( **tb* o»*«Mrr ot man n»a*th ant to tb* mtfonr.-^ut tb*r* tfa*r •!« today, a all«l eoocU** ot hidrOM *ond*n natora
BO two at wbirh are allb*. Brtor* *aeb om otaadi aa laceBar im (ur lb* rrBUedta rbleh Mod«d •onbipm plac* la (not ot
■ y T\ i
*‘T 'I
SI Jtirn^
1 allnwrd 10 trart*.
k doan Ih* larrb-r.
M war* rapaland. tboosh th* Italian*
W» Bur* fnnunalp. brinji Ml a
CMaa-a n*a»*i n*l*hl>orB
In i
Cbifia. tb* t'niird 8la(«a «tn rxer lt»t*niun** or betb partSra oa lb* Utb
lb*lr mod offirro. oa brinr Ibtnrmrd o at Jua*. JCt.
IlM- cav. 10 bHnr aboet an arolBi*.
Thlo tmly. known a* (b* Ward
Irraty, hrid in tnrr* tor ton yrata In
la «r*lt m*lv*4 a( Ivkln*. byt anuth.
- th*lr
frtmdir rrtdSki "
fart, hold* today—bat aappMnrntary
aadrr Lt.nl Aiah*rat In 1111 aaa nli no* ai a booi bbCohui I* tiB* tor anlrlra w«*« nlcn*d at Waahlnition
llrKlBli iradr no tb* ruaal
arrailallnc or rantyloa a
July S. Ilta. aad ram d Vy Ihr (
•rvor. had aararrd a tnolbnld. but Oilaa. a* rnt onb- wn* M* at war wten
' anirl** «
Ptann- aad Craai Britain, bui. whil*
red by oar prrat dlrlomal. Ai
lirrarrrtnc or Iryliur to maintain a nru- Burllnrain*. and wrr* tb* Ural fi
r way (.. rrlh'v* inil attitud*. tbr t'nitrd BUtr* waa *D- of hi* tamou* mlialoo around ...
r IIMb-t) iMuli- tirely In ayandthy wllh Ih* pnartplro world. wbPO. prartirmlly tor th* flrat
h Orrat
I. Niatpe and Bbaacbal aa t
lied tn.in r-..min*i
H Chlni., ond Mr. calrb Cmbinx.
>n*r. nrcmUird
• China and tbr t'niird Biaito. In
a kpon of falroarT or ttawklac ha*
TBI* BOY iCTBcm A ors.
Tbai cenlBS- say be beredttary i
sboWB ta what Me bent put fortb •
William aiaHlac BurmB. a Jonlor I
Itarrard univetalty. who has Invrni*
eelTed lb* ap.
pfoval of sereralesperu. Barr«M ta only »
ad BlalB o nmlMlnnrt. an.l ih.' OilThl* irraiy wa* |■nunT>I• ' I
tr laimni b tb* Cbinrm- *<np.-n>r mu] 11,
• «mt w lb* b
by a raoory paymmi to th* Bactairat*.
By tbr
dL Nobody ar*Ba U b* raprlM by tb*
I fnn.'**l..l.«__ __
plac* w diwaa tbHb*r by aycBpalbr of any aort with th* rtrtor hrr Irad.- and ciiUrni. a* ho.] u, I. I tim. It t* I
rrr rurloally that draw* u>* crowd to«*lb*r. aa It mlcbl b* aiBraatrd tb* rm«i tavorrd
h : Irarl.-.! by
clr>l>* or Ibratrlcal prrtorMnc*.
Ininuinatamr a-a*(inwl Brltaia.bati
Boaw oa* ^* l*na*d tb* drcwpltatka ot a CMbamaa a can* ot "Ucad*
aspired In U yaara, (bus maklrw are*awifi IBIN ydu Ina*.*' for botb b*ad and plptall at* Mt In lb* hanM of tb*
Mty arK.tb. r UB^ty. that at IB< by i *a*rui|.n,*r’.* tb^ aharp'lM tu.h^~ IH........................... .................................
ubuMird *»*«
t rhbl u(l.mni«nl
Thrr* I* irrlm humor In drrapllallon tmn 1h* elrwpolnl
Bwilra. far It U lb* inoat d*adly tarali that can b* oB*r*dB a
K*rr ■
*««1 ♦»« »» >»»0lawl » bl. body. aiaa«. a
tb* prtnrtjd*. wen. laid down whljli , v,*y ,»o, , hnn.* of adi^itanr* iBlo Ih* Cblii*o* b*ar*a. It U aald.
hav* b**(i In full for** u
* pn.* I
II ha* I., n aa**nwl that derapiUllon I* cow of th* cnMcat mod*a at as*B* la bainc aBpUcd
rd>a *stu i»~ I
tb* |wlrll*se* sranird to nb* most fi
alao uad*r tb* Chlaeae.BrliUb
ireatt** of. reapectivMy. Nankla. IM;
Tlen-ioln. IBA and tb* Cb*ru roaven- irt. tbrousb whMi a lam
of tieatr poru were fbrpwn
open V
' mad* avaiiabi*
to all j
Tb* Brlllsta.p»rb alUrd anay fay lu
urrb OB IVkliu U IMO foreed a recocBillon of muallty aa between Chins and
other powers never before allowed aad
opened the way for tb* lealdeoce of ferrlcB minister* at tb* rapHal. But it
a* not until im. June B. tbsl they
ere lerelved by tb* emperor la p*m.
Pveni* sine* thro bsv* sbown thal.
while the Maateboe r
a meoisl riBivatkw
ibaulnt* pre-*tnto«oce .of UMr *Bpmr and ihrnwrlTr*
Of tlB U Tb* a
dknaaca la *tm gnatw Um that of
(b* mrtaL A taUread aaeh a* any of
tb- hic ttmk Uam n»Binc tote New
Yon baa to buy ttaa hr tb* hndrada
or tlMBaiMli *aeb yan. and tba odM
to *top bcylBC arrer ceea oM of the of•
flee Tb*r want all tbry can cFt and a
man wttb a atcamar hwd «f tl*a la ttr
NotblBC ha* errt bMB
round that will itKveaafBhy taka tb* '
Idarr af the band bewa tia of yovne.
fiowiBK tiaber. aad at the pnaaM
rat* the danaad tor Oca aetaally
threaima tba aztlBctM of tb* fuetatB
or Ainaftea.
thily a few Acnrea at* a
that tbli _______aa
ta a
........................MMMrmtn] tI*w of tbr BltaaUod. A 0*w
mil., of standard atacto track nUbodU.
wltlmut Uklnc tnlo
■wltrL track* and aide Uaeluk raqotraa
almul tJOO tira. TTi* a*Ttaca Ufa of a
ralln«d Oe li about Bra yean, ao that
In t.*i yean a nUroad wtU oB tt*a at
tin- rat* of aboat W«M for arwy bU*
of tnrfc. TbI* Brans that each and
every year tb* r*na
empany tequlre* 2J00.000 tIra roc
Hut i«ft of tbeir systeiB «Mt of Pittaburp, that the New Toek Oeatra) re> neatly ZTOO.mO between Mew
aad Buffalo and that tbr Brie
rellrosd reqnlira In the nctciibortnod'
or iouo^io ercry year bet
City and tUlaminra Tb«e are flcaiea
'■ -I any one may easily rertry. It ta
wonder (bat 1..................................
asklnp (be.
Moo wbeer ibe supply U e_____ , ...
In itn years or DO or perhaps In BO. It
I* eMImsted that ender the bat poaalIcwinre for Dn- and other accMntto R
would require a plot of crouBd.BOOO
la extent to «eow iyno.000 mllpwil 11(0, and tt woald reqelra falty SO
-iwr* to develop them. '
In Amertea tuaibrelns hat always
fun-vi* of instured
n anted npoo the pcits which
lowed to crow a uaclo of tmab wfaleb
ws« rooqweed In time by tbe treva of
Biun1h-r aad more tenadow trowtta.
■•rien as tbeae tteeo attalnsd a bcp
ketsidr alae and tbr demand tar ■
for bcbdreds of new and rwwtac
n* and cHIb was felt tlw foKM
V ayaln Invaded aad acala c<vt«
- * hctara'a - - ■
- -
I cemplemeetaj
n*r. IH4. friwidmi TyM'^iT^ -j
• arvai |.l*a>or* in *ijbmiHlny |n I
nmal* for It* ntlbraihm and an
al • irraly abhh hu br*n .*10- '
tlaul Ua toward
* ponptra «!».
rtal pivvlaloo* aU_____ ________ ________
Ur* m»rt) of naurlPiK* and worahip
tor AmrHrah* In China and (Thlnrap la
Anwrlra. tor ih. rtUoymmi by Chlarar
‘ In Amrrtra nnd Amri1«ana
I* In Ct
; all rtpbt* In rraprn to travrl and r**ldm** arrardrd to cllU*o* ot tbr imat
favored aatkia. tor *lmUar redprorat
Hrtu In tbr mall** ot th* public *ducadonal iBRtliulloa* of tb*
- '
tttr* and for tbr rlytat of *
ochool* by rltlaeii* ot
d either
country I
_ nMe
.... disclalmi
the part ot th* I'nlted BUI**, th* rt_ ..
of Inlerferaace wllh ibe domestic admtnUlratlon of China In Ihr maurr of
lecraphs and Iniertisl Improvra
bul acre**
. that
* United
Bute* will fumlili assl*iai
polnis OB proper cnndKIoiM when tw
Tb* 'Tualow." or
ilceable in l-eklnc. wb*r* tbne la th* tlnrat *Bmpl7
itranse eirunun- mad* oT braatlful yaMow pairatate. It etaad* la rronl oT ih*
• ball or ruwu.
Ubrr* aiBUall, tb.
K triple arch ot 4
« 111*4 towara of o
alsa. «llh tablei* braHn# InacripUoB* In Chlneo* eharactan In lu farad*.
Tb.ee U a woodm imlluw al (b* w«at end of LMBtlon atteei and a *»(
IMI of rirkriy an-hr* nand* In tb* craai blchway of eo
r-itv ■! IIB
---------- _,.k...___________ .1____ __________
aty. al lu inlrnarttiin
wub-hnotb** oUeeL aa^wblcb
I* a
railed Ih* Pour l-allow Taa»hop.- Ho*t of lb* Milan ai
work* of wood, wllh carved pu*IA whU* other* ate of ctaali
all were lni*ad*d to prrtivtual* the nxnHMi ot d*Mrt*d t>
eratly bear srandllnqurnt. epliaidw aeitlnc fenk tb»lr aan^
Not ddly wooU aacii 1 B iBTeatlM f*/
llrv* tb* Cl
nf fbe a* a
at hU aummer bme in Beverly. Kara.
Bp*nl Bur* Urn* on salt water »h«p oc
land. Tb* son did not have the advaataev of hit father-* imlolac. bat seem#
U have tnb«rtlad bla lavvnller c*nlas
and. allbeucb paa*ionat*ly fond of
yarhtlac. baa tvmed hla alteatloB to
that ll-inay aoon bt Inirodnred'lnte Ihta
w b* eonnrtvrd th*
OPr broad prwlB** would
aSnrd U ooB* aretjaa* aa idaal
for tb* practice of banllac chin* CUBS, and b^llstod for arrrica
In tb* Bpanlah-Ajnerlcan war before
b* bad perfected It Hts expertmr*.
open, like the d.
bowwer. was of o*mf* to blB. and
or RcotUnd. aad w
wUb tbr least poaafW* after Us diacharce b* tnned acaU to
Not only mast tb* faleooer Mv* hla lavdauon. It to aald W be fnarvM.
woken mne* nf vlaton. but the oMfy ehMtUv* beoauae ao stauile B
quarry always lb* rinae at BtaM of th* eoamraeUoQ aad licbi u waicbL
hawk. When buntlnc imrtruc*. (or la«unr*. It Is ntatsaary to hav* a b*M
BWd mu are q
Ih-sIIos. BW natare was never or ct
very rcrely trained or aided In
her wtcnioB of Udnes asefol for mac.
here tbe UUmb of
■- aad tboae of HvUlacttaa wm
.Ml a mom equal baata tbeoo uettm
were looked after laore wtofty. aad la
c.-nmmy. tor example. foraMty hM
l->nx leva a aertono pmfiBliiii aad a
pmtiiable aeteace.
ABMfbeatp hr a Bmr ■afhaC.
At a receat BeeUac of tbr Pefta
A<-a.l.>Riy of HodJetae Dr TclBer caee
bn nrnniat of three surflc '
nliMi lie had eoDdacted. Oae was ca
tiUoiut>M of tbe lex. CBOtbcr tbe rei^.iornf a kldaey, end tbr third was
U|0ir..iaBy. ta all three cmm M tatd
.J.I1.0I rolatiiB. Actliic oa tM marrow
anil not on tbe bfcln, the oocclae pm-
nptad. The traanta« te tM bmla w«a taIWt
___ _______________
«>ar* tbe pettaM tbe xictit of blood and
tb* wooad tbe doctar takas tM peaeaaMOB tp *oO tM tM*. Be any* th« M
bat trM thta Mhad of aecartac CMthrals m tlBoa. It r
adrsoUfti aad ao bMonvealsBcec that
The PoasiB M Wott.
TM daapsst «o waB suk la ABMlM
n»d Ids badiea Una) pict aad Bwi* As a pfnbafata
the lUBkaartar SitaTid to'Mbe c
*BW kayewitf bean* aad dac cwidabi* ain. two of Ms aMa*nn a« evts oaiy I«r tb* pcMaii of worn
»«•»•« Wb tba Mad «f • s%fM ^ •« «beW '^ Nfabh. by auae bm
plctun are aaea taartac tM faeW*
•acts ta tdaBC TM CbBsB itesad
aaya. tat tM troop* rta*. aad aUtbat Is
faratM «■ bs cEMntaaatad.'’
BMddsi i
>■ *tM*^ (atbte B tM
beatnp MCm* IM tentna of Chb
wnoatad oa a saatMr aad bt
Mftttar bH oaoBlaa with I
'AD fttahtty BscM
blai wM
tflM "
TRi iiokhAfe VKtm
thatct* cstt,
1 Mm ta Oa mtatata mm
te wr«m vkb a wmd. ba( mrneto mMMr- Oa te Mte ef te (aateteta
*«.***.?!“«■**!.**-»*■'.*■■ \r»
TV MiM« M« M al te Mra tek
amt vktatad mMy. TW,V46iM
an etta ta Mf MM tea Ve.
Ite (to aamv m V oaa ra M.
a..a— wwj «Lw------------ - •
wa .
la «*• ««y bMW M* bH
Itonr. Tto aliito v« Mr. rttoetrA I
4«to(, Mlw l« tWi M (to BMM*>
n—rrWa W M Wmm ■ 0«M
CMta. B-cb mm fcM« ■•« MPrwtoi
tto Mtoci to ito hM Mar tton to
•rt to If Ihtr Ktod li'Ur ftocr. Bto
tortr «aiT mam to 4mt.
iMpM* tovato ato told Mr toto ra
tto tor*r tortodir.
•nx MmiMi »■
I maid aad. MIm Main
tM«. ttotod raranrly tar araai
' '
*i>AK tor toOrr'r <
M wha aaa ta to k
> tto aaort McMy a
d to hb raa*. Tva a
*!**^.> tor naaaiiti tod ^
j «S.^r aad'uSdM •«*. Br
1W piartitaiii prawrtod to M^dtaM
tm (Mlilrrly. ttoa la
• Ihr atadr. to rWMrd. rad.
< yta. tto t«a tara Si
(to toy aad tod h
torn (to tora.
tvinly ard la
Wtoa tto ■itobrri ato tod aUMad
ool irtih Ito fuahaiaa rrtarard la Ito
frorrraHy toB tad rrpartrd itoto toto
Tlta Mtar
Mtor rrralaa
rrratoa PrataMrr
Tararr of
*aa wUd rapluwot. Ttoy r*.
. tor rtoto to 1^ tod tatoa saparr wtth idalMd fnloUy to»
to»« itoy
(toy tod tdamd
tdaiod (to
Dr. PatodiM. pmidm to tto aalrrrto. frrabBaa la Ito idd arWr toraoar Ito
ly. A do* to ............run tod topi
• happnM la harr prate <>* <lw
toata tatolM In a totr toar. rad
Ito (too. rrhtaotiy •moiotot fm
__ _______________________ II •ralad la tto
beo (bay
ttrary orrr ttoir rtoan. Ttotr raararmttm had dritlad hark ta tto Itor *to«
lo-rdr tod a
hath tNd her* atadaato la tto atormlty. (toy orrr at.«1
i I" mnra fnr Ito frrabaad fraai ttow
B4B. (toy tod *
Mai (Mr. a ban. sHrh «rvrrd ta tot
la tto pwaldi'Bt of (to BBlr<r<d(y.
“War l( Ito prraMrat hMa-dfr «
Dr. D**Mm *ttou'i ia» tU aa
Biahtora dUBT kooo.
ntobl bair tor*, ton Itoy ibooshl aol
ibe pi»m<lror« nlnrro.
to (to rapU wMb atoai i
te^toUat'lM Mm taimr' ‘»oold tor*
□rttodtaitoly.- aa-
al ratal aab ra^TiUio’aa^^ to to
_____ iof-U^a»’XlS^
ttatpata la MMtalbML Bart aa rraalM
m Ito rardatbaM ta HkHy ia raaar (to
______ y ad ■
•TWI •
Vhto it «P to lay daty ta aitrad to aay
«Ma that b toMchl ta aiy kaootadr-.
M 1 aton to aurry ta ton- ta lato aay
diaatlr artkai. Voe rceelirn. of raarar.
(to baralM lairrm ar md (a lato la
*•1 toaaM aay aa." ni>tod Ito preffar.
*T haltarr aar brat rCnrta wrrr rarrlrd
aM la tto tairr barb of (to bnoar brrryato tallwr'a hara la Ibnar daya ll ta
|M abMI 90 yrara aton- 1 *a> po'
(toMcb. hot ! raa tnulii i-i rrny drlad
M tlmct II *rrr yratrrdax. Too foraU
ad at tto rrrw, ato yae mtalaly ‘
(to bara Atrd ap tar Ito arraataa.*
-Tto. I rr-atabar.- udd tto do
“Wr dtaotod yoa fnaa Ito
(tooaat tto opni Ma<* M tto
taMriac M ta a tdW of' hay totao.
tobio. 1Tto
nil kaariy ararrd
*d Itotto- Ur
litr Mt
sot of
<d yoa."
It Boai to a drop •( SO
Mat at taa«.~ told (to prsfranr. -Ia
^ a( \to fan Ibat a«r toya buapbl
(Mr atawirr hooar the oral yior. I dr
M totbrr tbal (hry harr rmr bad aa
faad a placr ta haU Ibrir lallUitMa-Btov—r or an am atol lato a boh al
tto add Idarr.- aourtard Ito ib-nur. rto
d taklac
^ aad
takto tto taBp. -Ttorr aaal
_ a M of nm add -racalli op Itorr yet.
Toltf tahtolkB vaa probably Ibr kri «o
Mdtbrrr.TV tire toM valhad am te (hi
ta tailai ItodiM tto *ay. Bmct
' Bta. boorrrr. .
hw wMb (to MBT aaar or rapddHy i
(hay had abooa aa tto last omalna lar
hma bad bars aaid for frairraiiy pw
a Mo. Arrirrd al tto lop. (to dartio
todd tto lamp aborr hb brad and dbr ta ohkt tbry orrr
ta^toacU or tto tor^
Maad rroct. with tto lent •doplay
. .
to tto dear eo tdthrr aidr. At ito
toa Md to ohirb (toy orn- ataadlac ooa
ton la Ibr door. Ikmocb
a«bk tm> plarid rooa Bicbt to
taw. aad an rHbrr toad orrr atarkod ep
»hkta had CBIO bar* nyalU aad'^Bidrto toriebt draota totrird oitb diacy rrd
Mpm. Hr plartd tto taBp eo a atolf
CSd Ihta. aad toalaall) ybc k>ft t«4
neo>4. IIht a
aa air of dlcaitod haalror.
almr. and
aod aa
Inllnoliqi ooMlona la a dialaet
fray af drtarttao
Mlity a ofa'dnniB
totX ttoM fn«. niaklay
aay aock at. .ia. Aflrr a half boar'* bratrd drbalr. II »aa daalb dHridrd lhal a peaw
tto frveluivaB bad dVnoMto no art
*h« rMld to dear. U Ito fnMiBaa'a
tapiora Otar BlabMia of (to prratakvt.
oho Otar krridBC hlB to dmnuKo tlO te
pmddrM aooto oral OMiralac
Blfbt to- <-ffrrlid to tottory er
Ttoy had Jm* arrind al iHa •
rtop oto* iton- oai a prrtmpl
at tto d»ur.
TV (toBBa Prttaa tootod at aM aaerbta la a staittad
-tVr-rr aO tons
I't tel
fraln^y ka-kr ashed
Apato ranN- tto- raivtoc. Ihb tlBT BBBtatikably Ito kaorh af te froirrolly.
Tto Baa ararm tto daur roar aad ciprard li. Ttorr oa ito tbrrahoU taciad te
atUl UiadfaHnl aa (toy
bfi biB. ollb a placord oa bta b.___
brarias (to irtoird laartipiloa -Latral
•ab lima lalitair at Oaauu DrIU.''
PtaCHfol of Ito rttaal. Itoy >rrto
Ma bitod. all qaraUaotoc tto to-oUdned
toy at CM. For aoM- aoBioto to did
am prmap tto- aHaaltoa. aad otoo to
•oaUy rapUtard all ikat to karo. to
tfan-o l•llh' Upkl ua Ito aabirct.
lhai bb brarm reald aalbrr oas that
MOM- prrami lO prroB had toUUird blB
aMrtiy la anottoorr o-Ub Ito rtioal.
vhlta tto pawowd. tl
Irralty rap bad toro airrs hlB- Ttoo
to had toeo coodurlrd lo tto ball door
by aiMT sM oV had
My. OladmoM aad Ml. INarortl
far Baay tr*n plilrd Mblaat rork >
aa tto teaptrllrr taadiri a( te too (irot
aa la Ito aula. aad (hr tom
taacr tey rroaad W twr rarb ottor.
B<itb Btata fartoBata M tely '
Mra. iHotorll ato Mra. (Ha.
M BaA tto rildtl ^ oar aaolbrr
OtarocU ra
tarll Braaiap. o<
BB oafnrtoBatr
ad Bto' had
ftorW dan. aad
■lap toy aBtaUno
habtl >4 <(Mhl
. ohta*
basbaad to pk
vbal rUtantaM
ITbal I oloaya
oOrod la bJiu oaa (to oay to
li obtrb hr
- ty ....
hrarrly at»d
brr. Mro. Gladtaoor
____dtttop bHraaair to a paUta
Bto oaa inv as Am to Mb. aad
blap to M-r tbr Itorto aad Joaa
la M ohirb tbry IfTrd-boo aettaoa
a for brr
•a aad a tapoh «iP«*
oHIItattoo of vatar; to lorroPt
H aad orcfBova. iroriM at rlrtr
aad brtaUta of toTrao. aad to
laMferta te So* of aaoaDB dartac
areitam oim n.o r ew.
|M« oar altp Mcb la te atam to
rare aad apathy aMd tor fttoada
................................. I wWd> «c ap toar
•MM toat tom a»y
•V »mu>u
Tbto toa BMtur wtieh wmf tto (orttoa of arid laad i
tbpacbtfBl attratka of aD vha «l* to- -» a ra-rrpliig rtetaay to HaTto nrpabUeaa Mapaica proprtatlM J
arr boptaa ta siakr aolM dionn aad I
i) cams Id Nrw Tart aad
rnmaylvaala of toata to tto toaaa
wUrt vrtr tost to tto oC yrar -at
ItoH. Ttoyr la llttlr pritoirt
t o
of tto at rrofrar Booed Mead of Wyesoiny mMBlpad as te IcodJac aoter»ty M IrrtCBttaiD prebtoma to America.
te aawmt hr thta yoaFt tortottettoaa lotoar PtohMor Mtod to Baow.
aSi te aN(o of kla vofk baa baoa
Mlarrod to eercr mav a*» Ifricattarn osprrtaaeta aad protdnaa
Men’s Suits
we trill ptaee OO wle 10 doeen
Tbm ia a eamin air awl alTlaabMt'
Blouse Waists
Ike j<« doat sal a»7«*-«“ Sia-Ikata
iaalibaraliljahoeit awia kaaaaaol
flniah tkat ia oaljr araiiwl ky Ika weal
|..r....n..|r afforta. ilia awat of tka
fltiaaaaUiaia (kr ooat, awl UMweat
at la Ika ooat ia ik tkamllarawllapala'
-So waOat akal poaa pall joa baj ol
Bawlk, ba it O or >90. Toa lod Ikat SI.
Ftoey atripea. BIm Priata. Black SatiB,
rlc. -w«tb 76, fiS, 68c-whUe they hM
yonr choice -
| ^f i
We Have Ninety'Five
Kinds of Soap
p altnalkoi
la tbr aafrly Kriatdtraa
Many an- Incttonl to rrpard
battlr for te pnaddoorj- *« alirady
and they dn'^ cuont tbe danerr
Bome of (br
rathiixlBstk- aotind m»i>ry ailrocairs.
trbn osyr itrllcbti-d oltli (lir artluD of
te ton ronpn-aa In paaalDc tbr cold
Btandard ta«r. rrsaid tbr (oralilrflllal
cmitrM with ladUftariicr, lirHrrln*
Uwt rrn> Ito rimttam of Mr. Bryao
taonld aot ataakr te prrarat arvutr
and ammd Bnaaclal policy of te cortynmML TliHe olll lo a mdr aomk.
rnlDt from tbia drrom of-armrity If
tbr BMtod inoMT total trill rvdrrt opOB
te tet tVt tto rinrinn of bla</Bi7aB
trnoU to mtalD to rarry vltb It tto
booar of tapneMtatlrra and dnObtkM
<«rrt anffirimt ebanpra to tto ptatc
by olUab rnltrd Sutaa
to to rbcawD dartoc tbe
entatos winter to che te ralted
to tbr oppooenta of tbo
prtmtit Boond nioncy poUcy of tbe
proplr of te oountry haro
acanaed raerfaUy te drtolU of te
htriCB tndc of tto railed matea day.
toe tbr papt year, tbry wlU bear oltb
little patlrnrr any mnro of (to ataV
trhirh wai dealt oat by tbr spuktainra
of tto Drnaorrallr nwraittaiti at Kaaaaa <*tty aboal -tbi- pollry of prcitrctton betoc damastoc (•• Ibr lnt>-n«ta of
te Cultid Kali* tos-anar It rurtalla
our forrten trato." Tto part year’a
forrica ttodr haa btoe node; (to Dior
toy larlff art. aod tto fai-l (bat or hare
arnt abnail mon- pnorta tbas wr bare
pBrekaard al>n.ad U a trtbiita to te
cenliw and Iwlostry of te Amertcaa
atoBBfactan-ni awl
otirld la today baylac morr rommodltle# of
U-fnrr to Ibi- blslory of thi uallou asd
rooiv to praiainhui to Ibuai- forslabed
by olbiy iiallona Tbr Iw-n-aM- In-our
rx|iort trada- of iMDiifarturMl totoDiidlttaa la praportieoatrly taofold
tbr taorw. Thta eonwa of Ibr Milpfatonrd pollry of proterttoe lo our todoairim ohirb baa civeo crowib and atohUIty to (hr dorarmir uianufarlurtof
Inmltnttnna and rnahtad tb<>ni to captorr markrts In romiietltlon vUh Bar
UtuL I'ratKo aod tlmnany and at te
lime malDtoto onr Ugh
at vac««.
Mclcal aarTry. aad tto anniBl appropriatad by te maciMi Jam efaaad
for tbb o-ork ra UOO.OOD. as tocTpaae of m.OOO orrr that of Uat yaar.
-TV Bepabllcas party, aa I bare
le are prm etock. Boap u fon kaov ia butter ahee
being aged Everybody who tinea eoap know the aUndanl maker
wb«B they aee the lume nd the wrappen. We wiU gire yoe good nl>
nee for 6c, lOc, *Sc. 8fic and eOc per cake.
a 1-ery earty day Ibc pm^ln
d Ito tocatiea aM inrTry of
taeciTQlr alua M WytmlDc aad
Outorado liy CapiBta Cbltu-inlMi vtU
iwtal by (
by tel
eon-niBM'Bt oo tto beadoatmi of oari
■laelpal ormera rlma of
bIHt will aorta to nriatoi
arrra nf load aowMrbl imd
Oerfeereteaedifve&a. Any <»e enfiag dntdi aad dnsfpdea of
any inreatioa triU promptly roMare oar opinion free eanecruagtbepatteafaiiity of ana. •• How u> oiaaio a patent ” aent npoa saqnem. Pateata
teenr^ Utrot^ ni adrertwed for aale at our etpenae.
I’atenta taken ooi through ua reevivo s^nrid/ motice, artibout rhuge,in
Taa pAnirr Rnonns an illustntod aod widely ctroulatod joamal, cooMhad
bed pate tbe afetemia.k bealthf fay Mamfaekncan aad latrietnnL^
alao eik electricei
Seed for mmpbeopyFRBK. Addrem.
DieUal Sfoiital.
aa II 1s rerbUmril aod la li
maariii naier aaiMy
i rtnwd bf patroat aad frirada
awl oltli Ito orajera <
to ------------.
reowia ia tbe dlf
(Inya iwtn. ranalBc to okte
ovato ro&y
ro&y BUI-16to
-aa.------ ----------------BHi-mmc to
tod Ito crootb Iiiat odi.minr
to Ibr
tbe ;a
: a few
lew weekelonger.
weeti longer. 'WUIglt'eiU
mJI gtre
tarm tru to aiiuoat toyood eomi.rr- Toritich
and Tajwr
Tipor bath treat*
treatih aad
t-wi.lwa.- ■
that open fire ntllion poree
roma UoB IV WCta
roada whirii «rrr dortoc ibtt Umr to
KlDlry a
(loB. te rallreada bavc bpro bavins j
nta day-a. In tbr
of nuiay nimta
(to Risirt baa licea cuostaDtly. Ttof
fle llnilivd.eiily by carrylnc rmiairtly.That Btatr of tblDca raaiKrt rootloto a
Cital a-htlr e-llbout tarnlns InaolreBt
raada iDio ■nlrroi aod pftn|>mma nora.
Aad tbal U what baa Ivi-o pdoc oa
etar alnrr tbr .ViurrliWD proplr divided
to auiidy tl>r AmrrieBD uiarfcet «ilb
Kouda Inati-ad of Inratoc over^tbai
tniaiuraa to forrlCtoto. Ut tto CMd
Addreea—StS Btota fit.. Phone ttO
John R. Santo
Wanbnrg Blk.
Tiararte Olty.
WAmmoTOK, A o.
Sal 4.9,6; 1, 1900.
Big Races,
Big Midway.,
Splendid Exhibits. Lai:^ Cash Premiums
in all Deivartinents.
TV Drtoomtk- manaerto kata iM*
erd ap
net aunprdr tto Aiarrieaa *o(trm M
(Pateat AUbraeyB,)
a Bobinaon
- year tto tmnhrr frf n»da IB •»»»*■
te hawta of rr.vir.-ni tod isvn le- raW-One lirntment
dnceil to IK. iIk- BDiuIvr of mlloa reptv- I atmetlone.
Blare tbr rrtiini of eroaonlr mmlty I
to te pn^>».- of I
• ta •‘rt-;
Wfonw el. CKAff» « eOm
Dartoc te toai fn-v imde admtoto
tratins tin- nirrmp,- ntunticr of rail-
TV Mrploa of recvliXa cu rr rzpMdl:atea for Ibr com-nt fla^l j-r»r Juat
*nie grottada are apea at night, brilliantly Ultuaiaated by
myriadc of electric ligfata. Splendid entortaiameat befoie tbe
gnad ataad eeeh ereoiag. One tare for rooad trip oa all railroada. For big preuiom list aad other iafonaatioa, addreee
(raa alnwiM t»-W Ibr rmlmatr madr by
Aecretiry Oagr last Soi-rmbrr- Hrtbro. froiD both coatoma
end totrrnal iTVrr
harrWn coed.
Western District Agricultural Society.
TV total nvelplB for ibr flanU yrar
WATUtSM WEST TO Bf MCLAMKO Jam etoWd wrrr »no.4ITA4t and total
expndllurra $4S7jaB.49D.
’Manictae, Viehigaa.
Bdward Bnckley, Pree.
Q- W. Bwigart, 8eey.
ll taad la Uoa *
-I «aaT aa^jyjto
Ito profroaor. -ibrrr ta
...a a pUr of hay (B Ito llcao sader tto
UMdto. M Ohkh tar roM drop tto rto
tar Vre."
-It ta bta o
TV danor vaa roabdlac at (to ah
a( Ito toft. tryiM ta poah hork tto i
tootota apr*.-irr oaod to Bato kda
to tto add aaamrr haMr hmk tore oatil
(to roam vaa riaar.v
TV dattor alappad ataoiUy.
todao o( tV tadt tharr ona a
n of a lol arrrtrooa
t iLmL^al wMtb
thta arkar. rtaarty rbdto to
a dcorr. tahnar IrtWrhiB aa a too
I. NoaMadar
taVjtydr^te te ^
Dctoormry ae ladkntia and Ita
taarUf ao totare (tot tbr oU imrty would wTTaabiiunea tor hla tactor to VyomUc. at acato to bettored vltb te HoydMoapraktoc of te work of te aatkaal artOraim af tto PUtte.
Tbr idatfm adoptrd by te eoe-
If' PM 1
-taoiMto ta baM tto rawIMair (kiouh
rrotach Boot aadar te CToiamI
taiiBl La Metta-Ptoqte Mad (na him
PaalJMio obtataadvbBt V elaltaod It
V te Uit hpMcB Mhtoa *m Dte
tolaatobadrit to «Mh)e (ba y«ar toto» for miattoc te AatortaaB
U Motta-PIrnaat-t ra amtambtadlj
te BrM dUtat Md
lira M obtariM.
dNM aa tpaO « bolteVM Paal Jm«ted, aa te kH:
atad te Utaltod
todtoMit tarro. TVy vi«r •a leocrr
• ■tad *«h add (MaUrrtbva; h
taamaar atar* odtaiata of tto
■ atnpid at aa apro tofroct
liMrtoc tto Ubp ohm
tad Ito
MittandlMt haro 1«S dtowtraa Mtao
MailH to Ctatoa: notkpMotaaa. seta.
harm and. fiSoord jd tv AjpMtaM -
te tecMlB (to'ortd tanda df te failed
Btotea. leorHtac eomrot of te dla(ribmiM of water for tarlcittoa to te
mfoetita otoieo aad
TV fart that te Bepobtoas party
pva tao Idir taordi to ita tethw
0 Of te nfly-ft
■hmcB hr tetogB
cte raM toto tBoa aaBinir
aato ■ tetoraim taov m a ptaak i
O. ^2E[27-!iSSS.-'
TtaAVBBazrmr MAiucirra.
Brtow U a list of tbe bortoc aad
arUtoc]*^ ofyrMarte tm croe- aM mihlne .1 tomwP? m5aity**o£s
na and tarn ptodoMa
ClMT Peak per bbl.
Ctaar Pmk^^lb .
Bhott Oil f___ _
Maort'Cat Pork per Ib
Floor. H. U * Co. Beat
Ftod. H. U AOo. Beat
Imrd to* Ifa................
T«« kkcdiad Bid Mito tote «•
m to te Dtotow toPteta. TVtev
tei amy ■cma toteadtotoii
tavard te adrapctoc
auir and of etary wrotrta auto
territory tto mom taopeCal Udlata gltra ten far amay yiMa. TVy ate la
deriaiatlM tet. ia fatter par*
onaaer of te cooBtut poUry of t
te warn, and with tto paali
tipB that te party ta ea
of Ito arid Mtadi at te
cmmirT an doabti tet thta «■ to
4am aad tome
ttetov. taok to te '
oM var to «
•ttoJnpkhta taro
toppy aar. aad thta 1a tto biptom
prabo tel raa to ctira ta a vtta.—Lm*
dM Troth.
■daea.' mU ito d«
«U cadV to tto r
«otod hald a rrrd
tto dectar droa
tto roar dota o
ty to tto ton tortofiM Thppattowaa
Mtad by tola caapalCB atoaacrr toat
btaoblp of tbr taoMT (rom (toar atatra
rrMylarcc. Same patos may ba
to te far vroC bm te toot
Iwyir for tto party fotatariac caatrol
of tto pc^rator l>nurfa of cvuctroa la
to tbr tarvrr atatao of tto rasL
TV DrpuhilraD laailm rail aUcodoe
to te fact tbal tab
• - —
d by (to frtatdi of prelm
■ p'^.
B(Bt ra armitad by ««•
a tarty la MW wbra. by te proBM of te rtm aad bartnr act.
kr a mrdoa tatek 1 had te beaor
a of «uno
■ aaadr Tor te mtaattoe rd^
wWeh tototod harr- thr anrattoa to
a my AarrrVu rWata who dctona to
: aliaiii thr tHaatob to ibr party to
HUM! WS 0.0.
to tk> prol«btr n
^ ”«5r-------
ll naanatMa b aBOBoy lemsi ■
moa taVeh te «M: of .mfaM« m V wateato aad to amdr at
Mhw amtartal facardt ta tbr maL
at drat BrAolta srtkm lakr* tovaid
WABimoiin. Am- a-WKtata te
yam tew daya dartac a rimi to tto;
.tan tore. ChalraaD Itaheaek of'te
«r tte VM«Mi wot w
th* ImniiMwiI li*
Bm (hra dtafieet rcftitoto pMlata CM-
wca. «r3fi>AT, «pt»jibkb t, i*»
Batter prr lb Daliy
Tbiamirr Batter pm Ib
Obeeae per Ib
The Up-To-Date Photographer
AmEUKffmrauunwTm olmubb of iiu oat.
Opposite Hotel Columbia.
ft. V. 4. Ilfita, Opnttll IMIHU
1 n
nt Fitml Bt. Telepboae iM
awnym t, w
-t. iL.
Fire Insurance
msmous kund.
-n k • litiMP ttiw •fiw ll»
emM k •!■ **«r-jnk- • »•««■
- X waki da
aarbodr «**dh.'
•4 k M octrcaItT or. k ettar words,
'Ara joa aaik an' ko akad. ^
lt*» aM risk, oar Wk* kra^ llama
kiw thr-nilac pookoo >to«« itMtt.'IT
Pm Ua Mrahw carak ■« tk a^W
aw a Bttlr am. Tam sank da't boat
Mt k -AMtir St kM to • food OOM.
iMt ataatv. wbn tht sMt
— I
or ttot nrept owoy tho wMo
tmX Baxwookayo—kaa^iiUia
tw s w
or Or ktr Md tfer ecw
kWk^ikW o
k tarar o( aka kUt cMa wbo do ak
porthM to a aiBKk
srrmi falorfcs awar
-Aad Ik- kte w« aaxSaaU fmm kr
(M tho arr aad oa llw hUL ao «r
w aa kT*
kkk MX.*' I0|M ko tab awa. aad
aoaU look HcM dowa enr tbr bantag
. rnmaiTaBli kook k hk
Wka aUM BldBicbt tbo
waag op aad thr daiaa bcsaa
a ap thr b«L rrrrj aar k oar
r braao to pact hk or bar vsak
' ap iMiadka rpody tar a bamad
tk-eoir fklu )aat twyood. Oar
Da m tooTpwd talkar at tbr ksx.
1. borlag im oe two of bar ba«
aad now hk aoath won tab.
-noon worry ahsat M.' «U tbr tab
L «wp onrr tbo aclwr. beU barBoa. -Tbr tact k r» tbkWar orrtoa^
k(«.capbrary far «apr ml
n^arUatr tawd. s)- i
tboogb Ihr xoareWT war •xmadliit wrP !
tba wtarttea.
AdkWad to tbk : aaiwo
m. otw bagaa w«b lattaltr ngor \ wmr
to paiap watrf oto) drv oby« boxao. ! «k>
0ira at tba apfweara-.
baadka aad (raaU. tbr park>(nttoa
wa. a »tet-a Marfci -3^'Tbrtrt Mr. ’_______
rbDr rotllas doro bar fax* k _______
«r<nd krl with «tkr i^rp tMtam and
a. AaolkT wnnaa. an loralld.
wary, bk<« hajrTbr othrr m a !
| a,Bt“
wanlrobr tar tk- Ink frw jwaia
W-a ralbw atu&d kokka hjr. wbt« I
WflUoa k Bark*, and hr
wB ctKdard QMbdr «o vrappeta. mpkaka aad kOr wm «ck a^ |
^ -----------------------------------------aad ilta oa tbr
- tod orrroHy. tTrlL It k aooa- wkiT <khl ry*. won- aa aaraar '- *■ '
bk pbw wWb
tblug to l» tbankfal for m a caar Uka Tbry «m plainly tort aratly i
aija rirb Bra an tbr
tbla tbJt yoo btraan Barb to leor.’ , an.l
ao,| l»«b
imb ar«r orrapokaaly rtoan. .
: try.
aad hr »ay»
.1* tbr toww of
tbr . to dkeorcr
db«or*r tbrir
tbrk Ul ipottra aaka. H»
aad Ht brroHf down in roiopiaiitrr to } A. tbry
'! *r
await mxiltn tuiu aootu-r. tbr wlfa 1 rHw tbr liltlr dri tnasbi
iiy^lt^rrrr tiai'hJ7.'im^»rr. A^
yaa pmpt aad «annl a«aa*
oi^ tba Mt raUahda ataok ladBf
L T S*twwi^ Sa Mk
ACall From Eliza
f ■ Si^r-irthl'piri
awlMiklltaa kakriq la r nagm k
I knbo Porto BkotaHd fa»U^yfBkkfl la Tt-‘- -*
a tatwa* Ifeat klawd «d tbo
iittbr bow tulS. TnamTOtBOotbat axpara to rarta Bka
km kort tban doubled aa eo^and
wtth Kay. USB. aad that Impart*
kkad bat* aeaity taobkd
ByW. ILRodd.
torpr wr an- n<rt biinidinc.
fonrti. a Brrkrtoy gW. kwndltig b« ;
Hh. wa. on puolnr awl old
Tac..llJO to ItTWCTrtL pa.-trd Iwr tronho , and abr lnokr.1 ap to bto» In
...m-au aad bor vluali-
I''J*'*•“tbr i
kay. im. warr «(MU79 and k Hay.
la the
■iBistae I NortteBStBra H R.
- --------
It baa bara axatrted that Aba
propk a< Porto Bice bad Utdr to ad
aad ttttk with wUoh to boy aad that
tta9 «oHd be camptotHy eraabed by
cuBsma aaw Bt to' pUe* opaa t
otollt. It « m b
; a inmiftoi H life
twaea tbc -Onllcd SUta and Porto
I Wc. wroT wrr Aad tbra Ur. WUfcka Bke for Hay. iSOa abowa a tnoeb
aiM tbry'
' loat aanrti and «« away. How do yoa gcxatxr Inetaaac than k tbc cue wlto
worth boedniU of dulkra.
_na oot."
_ rich proplr yoaiwlfr
. ' tbd ll llrln* with
nay of tbx other taknda. WUb Cuba
-Tbr ellmax wax reaebrd. bowceer.
f- Ij -nmiy’*
“IlmrT'a fowa
ftofB tbr rooptry.”
rooptry.* aaU tbr
»br:■ -i^nir
well,” trplW th.- toll
tba coBinxece pf kUy dlftamd little
torgi- w'ouan allU In tbr gar^ |I aBBint
ooaiiit Ulllr
lilllr *lri.
elri. ”BOd
*^Dd moalrr frilu k to | >|t
mr a kag tiar ii> ert n>
IM tbr
Hr', moat S. bat hr’a .null ^ ^d rven Bow U'a a Ulllr Ur
PKniW of Ita- nicbl ajqiraml• kno
tbo '' «»pleka..
Jth the Bawalkn lo—
IM ami bltn op to
li-.-^iatm-ta poobto* lwr.rtr 1^ a habr«-^ :
tbe PbUkPluo Uland*
1r ain’t r<l
r<i any talbrr
tal^ ar
trr dm l.machl
np In h.”
> ksdl, Whye la tb
In wbb-h abr bad mtlreiy forgotten to B-xbrr.
and Whr tied n ta* t.i Mm. bol hr . -| „,pp,«c It k." ukl Rllu rrarertrrly. ' tba iBpolta abow.......................... tboogb
IncT- Ik- la* all Up 'rtoto hr wa. ’Uiami4 •erbry'rr *~id lo y.m. armt iLry?"
^ expoctx ahow a renurfcable gala.
Imty Itowtiiig from tbr abandea.
Itol yno knew wbrrr Wr bred.
lo coapkla ofT rw I
The following
tolkwln* Ubic
tabic abowa
out «ai
-«■;: -i
-I h,,, texblnc
abowa out
Od tofant rrraUrd brrito Iw amarfc
a H-mor to t*UUr
Tfi" '
OTIIS 9iiii-!eR as
d tb* gocBrt waa remard,"
g«Rl whm Ibry bare an Bach to bn good i
• • -- ■ ebild.
-ao >iir
-jfgaMur BBr 1
inch but onmiDcr. Ika^ yea
.—.WB Wama trba TOA' borltr
War no artllah laaa.f
-Waa It taallyf .11 looked fllfferoot
> tor ootoobow. Baaa'tabo^aagidtt
itvacb-nboidMi. tbo iM
jtonw. lisa Tun fod o^tbo * mOrT>Yr«L I notkwd abo bad PM
tai^rd yobr and kewrw-'
Wo to allow ter 1dmU -TOato
-ll flttrd b(t well, but I tbengfat tbo
Orhra Ikwbior to k- produrrd oimi
drop abtok- of pink BlK>« 'brr throat
tbratago. Tb* lord chaml-rlaln hapwaa ratloT ttrlng.'
poua to lir eeoaor afJtta*.' morak. and
“TVi-ll. Uarb- neteo bad kneb color,
hi bk opinl.* Urn. •■■ma h Kk-ldoB** yna know, and • pink bat dor* bring
pUy k lirrvrrral il<-naa-rla that rorut tbr yrllniv In • tyomkn'a akin.”
talD Herlirtural nlli.ahrtw araart
-Bat Ibaar iToarti toao oa that Tnaaumotblng aUtaigrr than levity. '
III atraw ware csiiaklW. Kb* aoi
got tboai- for a penny.”
-1 oboold aaj not. 8be*a an rnraral m-Blurr. Aa *be bcU up ber akirt
iw abr won- k new taffeta unden
•Up, *Dd bit pctttcoaU were *lm|dy
laccroiwrb*. IlnH-andnia**"Tbr oua to tbr rtov bUnkad bk ryca.
lA'hat aori of X ray
longed to that act anywayl-UotnIhy
irifi- T^'TSiaTtotoJ*’ySS S bin I wa were going to plooder and Impor^
—•' •'
kb Porto
Porto Bleo
Blec by
by a. tariff aeheiae daTkad for tbe potpear af aapplylng to
tbo kind a tarrmix mat oonU not ba
proTided la any other way wltboat roH-lgbliur. a young lunrrtod wootaii, . «ith an air of trlaai|ib; *1 luld HreiT •••' ' ,hig|, mr
ll'a (nnny to brar daddy
aWTIfig to tbo bordaaa of dlraet tacatoted up tof Wnl an.l a pi-t .-likU-u. , I aabl to bim. •Ilrnty. aa tow a.^ arr
y, WTlUaa qaarTtl orrt .lar wioa.
miouinttl BU an.-Ktnnrr to >tt , wHI ladwrrd ftoy w«t dtatort na.
EaeUnd. aad
i -jss." Tu-'-rS..'«.... r-. I sjT’jn’vzrr," s^-r
StS;?5=S «.a. _
WOOEaat Front at. TokpOona »**
! 2S S^J^oS^ui
Tbk gowa la mb- af bka aad wbtto atTifwd maalls. KaA af tbo nBri
at Uw baxtam of tbr klrt k trtaawd with Borrow tdart kco. ThM* k a
wuirftamkt lain tbo wakLWlOia widr ewUar trtmBad vKb tha hktb kca.
. cot a irol arktaerary tbrrr. wfaUr brrr ' w_ ^ «k.« tbry were abk t
Ontblac tort ai-tartn. Orwr ] ^
a ft^ ;^eh proplr bnrr tbHr ptaad old i
- .Z:- ^
and dragitol tbr taBUy carrlagr to tb. ]
; door, the Lorw having .wr.to-U In tha ^ k. p*w ana amwan.
I If r, j,t*g^c
TrOepboiir 78
Tk- W«U toed BUSiner girt box ta- ;
bHM M>i~>
I_____ _
J hW rkatr w«b a i
atty or a eomplIowTil lo torw-lf and
J.w dnn'i bare tlBr li
rlixMa. anya tbr .New Vortc Herald.
tw,« .
I li| rti bw
a «».- aoM tbr gill, aad abe I Ctoa ............
Our of tbi- nwtona girm liy Ik- xuin.
TIh- tall man Vaikrd bard nt tbr rblld.
IMT girl for illsii-aatog with tbr time ' •Tl.i. enwnlng ntirr bimkfnal daddy
rinly I noted tbr nx|*to fiun tbe BM Mm ..
oo;;^ etmUiDi k IbM abr uo longer | ^vr nw S. rrot. atri««.’W yno aad ; j„,.
bate to *»< tBpprr far , "?*.........
uj'a on
,«• ••
timr. haTm*l wr. 1100/7?“
nwt.*' said (bat aatiiM yontb.
by. For luatonre. nto- dora aol accept .
huo moat mow again. Btaa Martk."
iBTlInlloaa to aaU to tbr moonllgfal pn-pii,,-, tbe
u|> In
m a trey rlrb
rirt !
_ riud
....... I up
•• ^ walfcrd wltb tb*
kw obe la our of ■ |Urty romprtalng
And I «id. -wm tb.7 M rtiUdn-n In Ik- road. “I bxrr raktad
tbr hronflfM ;
,.«y murli.“ irrled ami oniuirrlnl lat.plr lo abauI nrm Ibry-d ' ' a Mrp ^Pdrd brUnd Uwm. Tk
diiKv. Nor (torn abr watwb-r arang tbe
IH a nlre littir gifl hi who
didn't pi.*
pb-k ;I ,.oaa*
to. didn’t
woman to the wUtr cap baadrd’
brarb aflrr a dance to tbe luUluoa. ____________________
— I______.11.- _ —iXl.u-;*
bnaqtHX of roam to tbr tall b
brenuor Ibr skBporto k Ittlde to rain Anwera nor art irni'ditr or nothing.
, ok. was lrar‘—- —
Tk- inll B
- br towL ”Tbrar a
rustic bm'-h.
•«------Hracii arema aa Idral piafo tor
children aud young peW." remarked
aarlcty woman who wax dk<.-aaBlag
tbc nil nix of ariTfal wxtrrlog plaora
wUb a rli-w to tenOng • bouar for tbe
aumwi-r. "li« wbal k tharr tor tbe
“Ob. toy dxar." esekiued ber frtciid.
taabtent of tk pUee. “we
have tb- Boot drllgtatfUl llowa- We
dtnr nui at eacb otber’e boonea mrery
_______ \ nccMd'ktkLnnkBight, wear OUT bek rlotbea and aflrrnr aayw that U tbe tofl etaiBbor- wnnl May bridge wbleL I brar pc^
k oclln* arconlliig to law abc wUi aay we are tbr beat dtiamrl tot of wwkin'k
r tow In partla- Uf-n aqywker. Ktaa at Newport tbey
taake a Ogbi ap
do not wear bettre Malbk*
mrat and <to « b_. —.
“Ilut Wbaido Uwbotaaadador aald
changed .«■ rrik-atod. Tto-play k to be
prodiMTd In Aort-iica tbla w totrr. Hra. tto- old taabh'iird wife la Batoakbawat
Ftwnch-KLrbton w.«i a worldwide repoUtlon about eight yrara ago by nuking tbry arr u
a voyagi-of rudoralloii to Africa. 8ho Inglbrauw......
“Oil, y.m boot*, they wouldn't enjoy
atartnl fn^u XouaUur ami Irni.drd In
It" rvturur.1 tbe otbrr. -Ui-o lutwjllnland UkiBlkw. Kto-aiuilR-ri
nera to oubbmw. and toaldm It k narb
tk- i«ly wbltr wooKt) to ibe
Ur by
On brr return tto- fair explorer leeti
rttlng np a dab called tbe
,l aorle-1 tbry i
cd lirfun- half tto- g
n-n't cinb. Tbey any It to la
lira of A:uM«' «b1
i marrlid
tmwt to riiriatendciai oa Ik-cmlj wo-jaelf <b-fi ar. bat that to all noon*aae.
a* we Ilk*
waD wU> had foUuWad lUantey'a trail j Tbry PkII- to to together
to tbr dark cooUneot I!.-r kwne la la i to to tugrtber."
Alkgbeny CUr.-i'blcago TUnro-Ui*Tbe temkiMT of wemea to fire nelal
....... 'y for tbrtr own er*
tSi* Botber'a frlroda of brr antirty and
k aa frequrndy wwo in (belr eotnpany
as wltb Ibr Itiaacullm- element
aeriw nttimda * li<n. at
raiiilly k
hotel aluitr. Iimwune If
comiicued of cottage bnlilt-ra ito-y arr
nua Martin.- rrfdVnd tbr bill(to. and
^h. "My fatk-r k John Mania,
at ' hr
I nt Nrw
| works
jbur*. Am yoa ik-ganlmrr ,
; Tbr IMI maa langhiiutlj a^ Ma
ihrad. -fbm
s lon'njoo’tv tktk-’sktai
'si tanir Again
broil. “Oh. I
Ibr ft
likr ti
im.-." sbr aaM.
TVanr. and wriroBr.**
“Itot T.m migfal not br brrr. a
Xbrr Cniks wuaUal know
BUB. with a
-Walt.- aaM tbr
ami an It k •(Ulle natural tbat tin- <«.11 b. “Ill site yem a paaa."
tire party abould go lugHber.
If by 11 mras I an. fbi ym like a.iemi?”
Ill loiik a card fium an Inner pocket
rtiance tbe aomuier girt k at a krt.i ,
'OI..“ i-rkd ihr iliild to an imtaay. *
and wrou- amwa lli.- fare of ll; “I'poo
pnwrntnll.m of Itiis pam admit ■ Dtoa
Martin at any and all tlmr*. Ooral nniU
odPT biileli by areepU ( toiiuttona
You kti- D'inirs. 1
Rsallrd." And tbcai to aknrd hk oanr.
fur daiiceaal Ito-Bi.
: He- shook liandi gmrriy with both the
Tbla year's munmer girl It not
iblldnm and watrtHsl IbrB as they paa*affectod. Kk- does licit nr.* ti. eoltoet
x-csnhrtma tnr
rd bm..1 in band down Ibr road.
r .i.lutnl tTble
Thai i-imiuc. .lerr tk- aopprr taUr. aa
aix* rceotinlrd Id hot falhit the- d.dightnl .-ii-nls '■( Ik- BRi-rmam nnd toU bla
arif l» a man whom abe baa iiol known ' .d||iyd away fur a nwHurr.i an<l spcike lo
' : II Ik- kln.llH-XSrs ut Ibr tall Ban who
r.* r.-ora ur of MtlUB him a rigid to aa- : amnr .mr on tk- iHilaUr. an.l pn-si'iitly
,nr.l tk-n toiiimI. afa.- wnaod ap the iw
rar-riy srbi-d
1 tnwt; Tbry ttadc It
bk for caidtnl to oeek tnannfac(larratmcnia in tbk couotir tbat
They iDrtwaned tbe
'wtoltb Of tbk cetizttry to an atormoom
But tk tariff Uwa were cofarcad from the Mine of AVaabington
wioitoif and tmta werF not foeped
gBUI wHblB the kat
ll:lt; s n. tram has rbsir rar to Oraad ’ - '
the tCDdciKT Of the time* began to be
ditacted In tbe rbaniicl of eooceniratkxt aad of eomblnatloa TniaU a»
bot tbe natural growth of moden ^ TrsjB smslij^st s:
ttmeo. They but rcflael tbe ngc. Labor
I lli 1
t to rXnsht *i«kt of tto -------to cave a loot. lo^i. whkMe.d ruin Urakr.
...... „
low It to kssime Inert by aMmiltttog to
,nij ,h,- tall man, and Ibr
tblaga or euatoina of wfak-b ak- dewa rblhlnm nod tbr fall mnENcd tolo Ibr
ealllug her '
abd Iwcan Ihr most drllgliifnl
t approve
llab U-nioiie of tbk to-w ma-rta. ,lid.- ihat Biaii' was qnitr-«rr *to iud
™j *•
bt^'It brim* IKT HKWi- tanpeet and . d«T tskm- HoH.
rws. sorb
rfoTf iimrv admlratko and deBoa- i U-aoiiriil tirws.
sorb sbndy
shady drll*.
drll*. sr
.t Tto girt ptMll.-d Ml wi
V and tbr alcJhl Henry's r;
grew l.ic and tdgeer.
“Isn’l ll
piew-utly inmisl to Mm and asked,
la an olik nrtlHe no bigbrr cdDeetloa
-tlrcal.'' aald Henry with string eo
for woincm in 'n»- Woman'* Home
Loukr Caatlr Wollirldce *^Aml dool yoo regret
It yon raa’i
a preacnily
(D t-'- aefamdr tbr tall
tbue arraign* oor pnoeut
asked tbr girl.
Btniell.m for woiui-o;
. “Da.My Tr.k wane aboot it than
“iKM-n eordurallaa
I- nnawend- “But cri-ry nlgbl
d to
tort n-anlia for a girt? I* ber work
Bf all br CWD. And I m.| i.rrtty
identical with man'n? .\rr tto fetolnlne I
IM of arords.
words, and wbee
tbekamc? U F-jd
alltoiM Baybr br'O
irblH di
A..^ „» r~«. Is . dsrtdy gri|
s.. tor at and
abarp range erf frailnloe eyealght Bla i ^
oWalBtd regtw. Sow. not. lan'i tk-rt- B BUiidelon of foUy in
^.tinol fexillr. Wr talk
Birprke 1. dor to a link tortdrat be | “
gitoBU-Tml card api-iHlIiig Ibr iBiwrlant pmtaratory :
yran i.urBotug tbe aamr rtudb-a de- - h m-er laaMhrr lot* pf.Xlme*.'
rr op to tl
Itrd tbcB.
be Jaat aa n-aa..nabl>- to Iraefa a boy I kmce. a fretb
l^bleh to tadr aad M a M di- j ^,,7
4^ £4^
o none In and barr a Otcooking and aewing and noralng —
recMy to front of blB- One
s™ alwara bora aa
[.“ aid Ik- ull man.
refnsdiBnit.•gpeet Mm to make a foU fledged law- , tk- m
aad .pokr to a wrfi gorgk. Tk othta [ ™
« hsrs nails TOO buntaeoaronotber
,yer nr btacWomlth aa to inrtpurt a gin i
•— —™
........................................ ■‘.K’'’ i j;.wa* tbln. nemwa aad abarp-«*ta«- Imote than for
;ta Borveying and mrcbanlc* and phy* j
Dartog ftnktod rrading bk paper, tb* ;
Ilrciry'a „„
eyew .wipprd
*B*p^ In anilrtpartoo.
simply aa^ “TkiDk yno. I
—ji Mtpd ttota tblnga In that Ite J
cooiequeoee tk Inter ar* *«• Ic* and them rkpeel Ut lo htaaaom Into |
trtrtal Mrtt wbkW taM to pooBtaa ;
IptUleuL tVoxaea'U golf took
Bottor? Tto T>ew woiaaii' may Ogbt ! eia*li»*.“TsilHitr
***”•, ,.
_____ I bameota have ako bnoght tbla featar* agatnrt ber obetok dratlny wltb aU ;
“?%- Udir* of ik- tanlly ace not at
ITearatH a* tto rar «;b^ a^,^
„„^m,rdgy Into great
k aaw tto two waxnca bora qoIcKlyi 1
— coxbibd-
iwekllna; Fm xb* MaU
Tbr tohiW frrer waa nmalng Its
»ne thmeeb the freAman rlaao. Oor
anrro.sm tbr sled was crowdtd with
fmhnirn toycad its limil. All wrai weT
bowc-t-T. anlU a brad ln.yto road aad
BlBlwnrt y.ioth pn-M«trd
™.,nalj t>
lUibily I
>r tbe rtrd refused ic
silisW. acten «
■ hr girts bad aor
baatlly ekneisl ai tbrir rirtlm. tbry rreo*nk>sl ibr half tock of lbr------ raraliy
foMball tram, who abnofc Ibr anew oat
J hi. „,„sr and aald with wcmderfal
lad. “tmdira. M Br
f uira KW.sm.ti
agta tniBta.
Tbc tariff Uwa in. encootaglng
tnwu. bat Id bo other way.-Dtooklya
Tbe qai-ftlon before Ow voten tbla
aU Will
will be tbk: We koow wbat HetaU
Klakr tneouB for tbc
ktww that bla oaenr la
boand to the word "proapertty.'
what woDid hippeo to na If Bryan woa
tbe eketkm and rereracd tbc order Of
tbtngat—Phlladtipbla Inqolrer.
ABeM OB* FrlDcIpol.
To oU obrlona latcnu and parp
tbe adnoee agtst of proapertty k nrt
eely good caongb aa aa adranee agent:
tbe tadIcatioOB ate that tbe peopk are
vnB&g to make his a ’toemher of tbx
flnD.-rbUaaelpbk Inquirer.
T A .ttrwtolXapIda
Pere MarquettB
otnxn Kiiimi
Proapertty etlt** out all orcr KxnHa. One of tbe farmer* there le hhv.
bln btiUt la hk ccUar to kccT
der aa'rh vrey aaprrtor tarUlng.
left tilrb- Lorfca and Prank*- la Ladkt*
Iluaw JoaraaL
Aar xnnd riD to midr to look likr real
oU ebnoy by rabUac It whb • Ulllr x«
of rKriul drupias] Into a aaaD qax
af water. Tbrn k.ld tbr wood befor
flrr osill ll becMBcw qultr bUck aad
ftolbk with a Boft ekxk.
aad vigoroarty toward tto »*«*>*«“» ‘
g.^ riM>
tbe brat
aml hall dkae one there whb aa eager
of tl
tto Iilaee. aad at a woowa'a
aoelety of
“Uowdoyoo dor
Tto rar vem biaxlag by ao tart that
onbougb tto taan glaoeed ineolaBta*
ty ia tto MB* dlrrctke to rangbl eaty __
___ ___
e toorMnwat. and
a fttmiw Tloloa of pink clad girtbood' diiinrr* and laacbaaaa ate glrea U
tacorud by a aotsetblng lo trooMta.
tbclr honor.
alaterntb of a arcoad tb*' J su-kst did we da?* ataarfril a
___ _la tbat
two woiDca tn front raw: The taan 1*
time oa wife and Bother, aad It k for ; _ p,„,rnth- lairk |.. tk- etand diabrt
tbk ber edoraikm aboidd propar*^. |
.e think erf tto b
Bsc. ». UB ...
An BBfonDuatr aotabrr of ow girt*
whal'd., yoe
a qnlaalrxl
merry and try to rearfaraBka wltb lb* 1 HMobed tto tall ou
sBoftbeaerdb-BBunkBowntolbem mallr,
Tkrt three line* abow that tbe In-I'd hitr to barr tto rare erf H.~ aoU
enoto to tbe dcpoali of tbe natioBal
There hare btao arboata where flae Ibr prarMeal Klixa
AndI ttov
rbr« br
hr srttrd
aratrd IbrB at tto H* xmuW between 18B1 tbe fltet year of
brcdlewort waa taagfab obd might It
mWr. end Bk* ptnxrd x napkin nroant pugiflxnt Clc^clBnd'X aeeoad admlDlBnot be proBteUe If oar op to date IbbUwtof yet
il tlw ,
lij^i,,!^ boaae dortiw a tauraaBeat toMoci* xroidd diarard aocb
Oea aa Detaphyaln and tbrorcUca]
fayed tor a*kcd tbe tat o
-IVIty. It wa* Joai tbe aOM ax at other
ctflin and aebatltatr tertrartloo la tUa
bnnw- imnira. eoly Ibxri
ctoo* of tbe Dcmoctallc a
caaratlally taalalac aad exolaeatly and n xUrer dkh »f wkilc and yctow
-Tae: Jebn Biaatta oop. P
■ ewvix c«ir boot
W* bat lorrty 6
:r erf dnlbly irarkrra. ai
take, and a........................
. r
Di. o'doe* lea* at Which wa ware oar pret
lax* art? Cooking ochooto bare beee
.. s-tou^oo^ 2 i Urat tea gnwa* aat hat deHctoai popoUr for neteral yrai* aad why bot
k rtraefc_Br ai totng loo
fMwh a
a Wat
tai after e«
pracllrabie and aeoaible to lartodo
gawky. Bat tbat aort of bat tsabc* a
ardDoos day*: Wr bat I
' '
of Ik raUoary art ta
■ha Icrtrty tar
n appear Bbe an o
taa. at wblcta w* wee* lev aeeked
I? And.amrt rtepiaB
a glrTam
Ilfliry xltroded >.tbr bcMlam
Mart* baked as tbaogh H*
a ta tk Bcaol
aeoal caatwHooai ■*»of aU. BMiw eoiperbxKT la tk Ub wKb a aertne lurwaity that adidlor eawB* wa aB vat to bad OOP
ftbxagbthewaapte.m. bat lOk ale oat
vat Ud of no
of tbr
n iMd aoy *k did. Bythewo]^ ty. ao era wwe on peatty Htad. bat oCbrsr NM aa awe aa tk yrara go by tbto talked tea.
ijartlkMaaaaaByathhaw that girt ha* taktatad.'
“Do yoB know." tae aald. Tra Mw^
wc «1 hM hMrta. th**a verb «m tan apoa ke aboaldxtk aat Ibfht rd like to bare a art >t AMo*
-Tea: *e toohed better today thaa
. He«N«llHBX«IMrt.aa
tea afwiaaw bar. A a«* kata
sw- 7. MOO,
arUUyoUO.UbDAcke. Itlta
j|'222rssair;^L:s ^
Fire Insurances
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