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The Morning Record, January 06, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUid Tew-No. 834
.m^>on-cf • mrnrf mn§^
m. a. iaa. I
■•rHwSaM W !■ Daaaakar tilwiii aattvaa aaar
Ika Wramk toraaa
alatkn^ than. It to oaU that tka
OktoM natod tka FroaA aad pamad
tkoB leraoaadlanaoa. Tka Ttaaak
lOT WM thirty hfilad. Tka Chtaan
lonaa an aot otaiad.
Oalkniayortka aSal' tka ^^aony
hamtam. Jam. f.-A 41nMak raaaind thmhhat tkna yukeata, wUh 1^
nldiaro. aadar tkaaoBwial a< a bIUWitj frrR*Yr"^--------------------CaiaMl Ma»am-hawaa'a ioraaa haaa tBryoABraaaaadHa raay Tla.lorw
Mt lha Boot m4
«aCaUaa ikM
■ ardor. Tka ^laany alao wind to
•t Ilalaktaf- It la ataiai tkM tha
~*«ho BHtfak aOTeUar -tona aukar- an to ka takaa, ai ka la aaakla to aar
,^al«k«MAiBato( Uat mmmhaa ti ryoat tha daU^Uttoa to tka aattoCaawaJdUad. u kataff wnadai Tto ttoBOfthamaoh.
Boar lOT ii aot gtraa. 11m mart
_UOT aalknlla %il aa jH k n
-«kat OoIaabwK kn aot yat koaa aa-
BrHW laftaarty yaalarday. tat
Tkay oarapM tka
•orik at tka Ioot. kat wars anataaDy
..:^nBaata( tkair pealtlaaa aftar aa
. kaarkakaUtaffkyBftUakrua. Tkay
f aUU kaU. kamrar. tka kUla iaar
■itkr*! 0BRoaa4iaff tka lawa,
anaamUH tka Britlak Itot adnaalar
aiam t^ t^«W' ‘Aa BrlUak lata la
ka^ aagatOTMt-waa Uffkk wkUa
tka Boaia an layiwtii ta kata toat lot.
ky OTaatad tatelry abeat aldday.
^ Boor aUaakOT am«karod l.ooa
teoafti tka Boot, wko wan foread to
'nlnatkykaary arttUary aad Boakatry
Oofdnabtkaa aiao kaaa
ky tka Brttlak, Oaytata Maataona^
MtMairta Blrdk Bldlac wUak la aa
^taakofBtoTBkarr. Maatwaaaay
4oMpad ayoa tka appraaak o( a Boor
r 1,000. kat tka
mradUaaUlaalkatkla i
kaatkar Mf aonfOBaat la tka rl.
^ty of Ltdyaotitk. for tka nllaf of
BIrOaertodtatrart WkiUk kalaayan•dlonM torlla ebjaet, wOl probably
kafeaybt baiwaaaaow aad kaaday.
•tr Badron Bailor la aappoaad to ban
•akk raJaforaaBWta Hla Baa aod
Caaa an ao« nady tor tka adraaaa
What k balland to ba tka prallBloary
•ora waa atda yoMarday. wkaa Blr
BadTOT BoUor akallad a Boar poaltlea
M tka layala. Wkatkar U waa tka
B«* peattloB at Bertaydatd. at Ootnao
or at lakain Bnalala ba ahallad la
nkoowa. Ooloaae ta baltarad to ba
tha Boat Ukaly, tflUlpry asporta daBaaatroa tha Bon of Sir Badrara
Ballar a porpoaa to aney tka Boon
wbhokaQaaad tbaa proaaad with aa
atlOTpt to oatdaak tkaa.
Aa to LadyoBltk. Boraorar. ynrs
^MkatoOT la kaylaalsr to bo (alt. It
to tkeaykt tkat If rallat la loaf
tka 10001000 wUlka*
wkUa It k dear
that tka koaibardaaaat kaa ban raaoB«A with laaraaaal aaUrlty alaao Oaaanl ^oakOTk ratmn to tka (root. Tba
.ftaan at tka aapun by Onaral
.. WhUaktaBoarcMpoattleetarateat
to ka aatoaadad, proba^ kalac baaad
TkawarotoB Ula attaraooa pab.
Itokaa a iHatrr*?*- tmi Oapa Towa. dat'■^ad Jaa. I. aaylay that at OoMral
Braaak'i reqaaat tha kooaakold oanlry.abattaryofdaldartUlary aad tha
Ant battalloB of tka Baan nylBnl
kad ban dWpalekad to ratateraod hlB
Ikay >aat Bay Barnaa taa If tkay
Btaairika aad Olapaiii Wkiakoy.
WaabtaftOB. D. <X. Jaa. s—Ik# aas
BtoohBarof latoraal rornaa baa daaidad that a pkyalaiaa who proaoribn
Wktobay. braady. or aay alooboUa
Uaaor. wkM la aot owpoaBdad with
of terB< ay a roBody. abaU
katoqakad -to pay tba apaolal. totar
Ml toraaaa lax of Bti a yaar aa « niaU
llqoor daator, prerUad boaakaaadkpMV aa wall aa a pbyto^.
Tkaraltoykto aoplTorn to *
whan tka llqaor k proooribadatri .
aa a madlalaa aad ao aoad by tba patoaal.
Tka daatoloa of 4ha aoBBkaloaar
kraaykt totib by tka OTo to a dc
jaWaat^Vkytoto. wka 1^ a dr^
' Cdtoeto^ dtopnaad tt from hka.
OTnl ronaaa wkaa tha lonl atok
btodOBtJw wnitoktotopayeinlirto
BBBtUddzBM Dtraet to the
Ooaaaaieatloa toeyaidliw Bataan of
toarBoa ToBtoa to Datoyoa Bar
•wat by'Bpoolal Kaeangw—toUBdae.Jaa. S—It la atatad ban
tbla aftaraoea that aa omBkatry baa
arrlrad (row Bartto. ooBlay (roB tha
■aa Bsparar with dkyatebaa
diaaaad to tka qaan nnrdtoy tka
nlaan of tka OarBaa naaaia to Dalwre
Bay by tka BrlOak. Thara la aa aaaaaal pfonaoltof batwan aattoea aad
tka war oBstola a^ otkara klyh to aathoHty an aarprlaad at tkto aoaiaa by
tka OarBBa aBparor.tTrka qaaaa la at
Oaboraa, whan tha Binaafar at
Barlto, Jaa. t-Tka nport of tba
■raatlaalaatoaneftkaOarBaa at
ar Oaaaral by tka BrtttohatAdn kaa
predaaad aaaaptoaloa of popator aayar
ofaa totaultytkat It weald ba dllBeait to axaffarata.
Tha Htototm atoad batwaaa tha obioBB aaaaaaity of BatotalalBC.of
aeolaaB and naarra aad tba rlalaat atlaaha of tha praB aad pablld. wbo ara
eharytof tkaa with Unldtly. It U
aaoarta’.o l^wbi
tba revarBaaat baa raMlral aay axplaaatory ooaaaBioatioa from Oraat
BriUto. Tba orebabmUB ara that it
baa aot la aay eaae. ae oaeiat eoBleatkw or anyttalay etoe ealeaUtad
totoabto potolB to tba yorara
tloa to await tba kaaa of <
aaahaafaa, oaly adbartof An
fctleaal tow. aad oraataally Inkt-'
that Oraat Britato yin way If elfitoBOT prora bar wraay- Ak
rlaw k adraoatad by tka Batloaa!
Saltoayaad aoBt oOtar
katUappaakaa ealy a aaBartoally
aaaU aaetioa. wblU the Oka
...POE OLD....
Bm to Baplnkh Soldlatab.. Brllaf Otto
Toad Tamad Both Sanat, Bat Howaa han }aal arrtrad at Tlyaa,
aortbwaat Loan, with Ml tba Amarlattn aad Otkar XattOT Wan aaa prkoaata. Tbatr neoanfal yamalt
k a mBvkabto aebtonant. Oaaaiala
Zyaoiad hr Baaata -- Uylatotan
Bekwaa aad Wbntoa an aow arlth
Will Adtoan Today. .
aaearaU ootomaa to Oartta prortoaa.
Ateln to Laxoa, aortb of ttaaUa. han
iBBtoay. Ktoto, Jaa. »>-Ttday
tka toat deTof tka apatoal i^oa to ymtiy Improtad.*'
ABoay tba Amarlen prkoeen who
tka layktotare ealtod by Oomar Ptowanbawayht to arao Untnaat GOyna tor aattoa i
Tba anttoo bn ban pndaetlnofUtth. aotbtoyto taet
tba raaoBsaadaltoaa to tbayenraor.
TbaaMaaayaaof tba,
BergtM's Bouay
Martin's Human Body. '
Wells' Academic Algebra
Masterpieces Amencao Literature
Williams' Composition and Rhetoric
Tales of Wayside Inn—doth
nEFuiiG' TO moHr.
laykiatin allowiny tha paopii
tba atata to rota apoe tba nrkloa of
tba keeaUtattoo prorldlny tor eqaal
taxattoe of raUroada aad tba Uy
ponttoaa. ban aturly failed to afnt.
Tba boaaa baa worked naryettoally
to tha totaraau to nrkloa of tba
aatattoa la thk iryard bet the m
bee etabboraly Uoekad all Icrklatin
to thk diraetloa.
Aa atUBpt waa made to paM a raaolattoa fa^ny paymnt by the atata
of tba a*p£m of the ynad Jory. bat a
aamya from tba yoraraor elda trackad tba prepoalkoa, tba yeraraerra
Bndlay tbat tba Batter yo erar aatU
tha aaxt l^ktotora, aa tbn tba aetaal
npaaaa aroaU ba kaowa. wbtob k ImpOBlbtototaUatlhkUOT. Lryklattoa
to ban tbaxtata pay tka axpaaaaof
aaap^ too aaeb latltada to dnwtoy
oa the atou trnaaty.
OonldanWa time waa ylm to both
hoaOT to tba dkraactoe of a bUl to roplnkb the aeldlara' rallaf faad for tba
nldian of the Bpaakh-Aewriaaa war.
A BBiaya farortay tbaSi
waa raealrod froB the yoraraor and the
MU paaqad both beaaae.
TbabatiBOTof tbatepaolal aeBloa
waa praoUeally eomptotad today and
any BoabOT left for tbtor boaae toBlybt Tba deal'arlnd-ap to deUUa
will be Bade tyaorrow aoratoy apd
both boaem will ad^oara for yood.
11 bee been etated tbat tbe yoraraor
woald eall another apaelal aearloa. bat
tba meord of thk aomlon haa
hliB tbat aotblny eao be done to aaea
^a eaeaearaa be recoBcnenda and so
other aemloa will ba called.
2W-SS Front Htnot
Xolph (VmiubU It..
Our Great
Inventory Sale
"Banial Bneatoa nBale^an npaired to Kaeampo ta pan the wtotar
A dkpatob froB Aaoal, datad Dae. II.
to tbo Ntehi NloM to J^ma aays tha
protoeteftho Bi
) at MooaBpe, aada
by Japanoao. waa njaetod by tbe Oo*B yonrasut and tbe land baa
qontly beeoBe the property of tba
Alway, think of
............. .............................
end you'll save money
iMOms UaTaartoBBA
brink Of nU-n %- J t»ka*»i
I Pair
Pinkerten;DeteotlTee on Qea.
WhltVs TnlL
t Shoes
I Come In Today
Enjoy the
Good Sieighini;
A man ranrdered
by smoking
I bare aereral fine new rigs-*
bott aiiigls wnd two maM
B« otitBb in the oitj. Ti.
Order by 'Phone No. »2.
Geo. Cams,
Ltv«ry,«od Pmad Stablos
inferior cigars
He would have been
alive today had he chosen a
For Fire Insurance
\ 6c Pig Tail
ddent or buiiB^ary liaa beoome a
and see the Special Prices we’re
in our Special Closing Sale.
public gnamiiin
*o«OTtokkto(lfaatlanah a way
A aaabar to yeaay todkoa to tka
aatatoarthaMMMtoaaadtayian a
ktoadaa^latka aakto Tka tejary MybaakoOlatBntoaBarkorkan orBd aa aatl-aiyanMi toayaa aad
li a Ban OOTa aarloaa oao'tkaa Iha
mm aam aeqaatotoaaa wUk yoa^
iliWiktneklayafekaMwatod hen
whoan toyantoo aBokara. Tka
haya.ttknld.wUl Aykt tka toWM.
Mnirtlil dMi
aadaatolBBltoy acatoontw ir am-
Bring those old books' in quiejt as we won’t buy
aad ttanto Hay bead to itonew
Victoria. B. (X. Jaa. A—Aa oatbnak
betmn Japaa aad Baada k daUy npeetedin tbe Orint. The Japaaen
an aotinly pnpartoy for iv They
an bayloy ap and raeblay foroard tbe
oonetraeUoB to tbo wanMpe aot yet
Qredn ent forth aborUy baton tba
Qaan Adelaide ulled for tbe.aobiUsatlOB of tbe army, tbe totonUon |batoy
to bold tbe yearly Baaenrara. both to
the army aad eary. at aa aarUer an
on tbk year than to tbe pnk
Tberasor tbat a deal of BaaMaa
wanbipa bad ban dlapatebad to Oorca
k eaaArnwd. A ToUo dkpatob to tha
Bbarlfl Porter Benda Oaao-lptlra Olrealan ail orer tba Ooantry—Bepertad That White Waa Ban is Ckieayo
Laat Taaoday
-Ladiea' fine sfaon
iBoatoy. Bleb . Jaa. &.-tf Oeaanl
■ that Oraat Britoto While k BOt aooa ran down it will
will give
I to bo tba toalt of tba dataetlTB who an
all tbe wear, atyle
Boatb dfrtoa by ooaratoy aaatral Bar- n bw kaU. Tba Batter k now ta tbe
ahiUBaa. aad tboir doBaado far baada of tbo dataoUrm of tba Pldality
and fit ofa $2.50 oboe.
main to- OoBpaay wbtob farakbad |Wbltr'a
bead and arapnantaUnef ibePii
Several new
Tba Ooloyaa Oaaotta daalarB It k ton ayaaoy worklay for - tbe eoai
itylee jott received
to tbe rtty today yetUay. pointera
nyntUbU tbata Britkh arakar darad
to toy baado oe aa haparlol Oarau
—la^e, bottom—
Bail ataaBor, aaeb aatloa raktoy qoaa- Oraad Bapidf on a atmUar emad ud
tloM Of tba ynraot Impart Tha a ayatOTtUe aaaroh wlU ba made for
wide or narrow toee—
papar aay* tbat Oraat Britato wUl ba the fayltin.
light or heavy aolee.
9b*nff p-wtor. tbroayb wbMa band ,
lartba toaldnt. whkb woaM aot ban Qoaoral Wblto appamUy allpped ao
poia'bty bappaaad if tba Oorma^ nary aaelly, haa kaaod a elrealar boariay
bad ban atraoytbaaad to rmwat yaan aUkaaOTof Wblto,and beaded. ••Waatto tbanaa axtoat aa tba iray.
ad." Tbo text k aa tolloora:
"Aa ■ todletBnt aad ertatoal
Tba OaraaB Ooloalal Mdoty, wbleh
lialwaya.tbaapmtU to At
at an DOW to ay baada for tbe aboro
baa kiaad a paaaloaataly wordad Baaaed. Wblto haa not ben aeen 'a
paaphlat ayatoot tba arbllraiy aeto of Mleblyaa alaoe Deeember to. bat he k
Tbe leader to Asa abom.
tba Boylkb. aad k eryaa'clay maat- kaow a to bare ben to <%ieayoee late
toya to protaat ayatoat tba oaliarm of ae Jaaaary t aad k pntobly hnded
Week Tbe above oat k an exeellent
OarBaa ramaU.
iMOf ttaatayitlre. axeapt tbat 1
Barlto. Jaa. B.—Oraat Brltato'a
aaawar to tba Oomn Bota to rataneaa aadentaad that ha baa oat off bk
itaoba. WbiUkaboateix fact tall,
to tba
two haadnd aad twnW An
naaind. It k balWod tbat tba re
ply bai aaaaad dJBatkfaetln to ofleial ponada, aad k a Aao, anitary tooktoy
I. tfclrty-Myfat yaan to eye. Bo k
oirelaa. baaaaaa to tba dflatorinOT to
andlay it aad aa toaadl >toat aapUaa- a yood dnaaor aad qatla eporty.
kn plnty of Boney. I waat blB bad
tioatotbo Into.
Tka toaldnt k bwtoalw to ka n- ly and wlU pay any roaaoaabto amonat
> oaptan Mb. Win at my ■Tpoaaa
yardod to a aon aarloaa liykt
"W. B. Poaraa. AbnUT"
ttorlfl Porter aaya tbat bo baa to■VBX Bt A TAXA.
tonaattoa tbat White waa »n to
JfcrrayKarUa Barartoy Ipjarad at OMeayo Taaeday aftaraoea. aad tbat
ba bad a aartlAad Aaeb for $1,000
Onl Dkk Taetety.
Bamy Kartto whoUrmoeatbaaot ol enbod at osa of tbo baake to that oHy.
A prominent New York offioUl
tha oltp. waa oararaly tojarod Than Tba ehtofato poltoo aU oror tbo eoaatry •aid tbe seneral nse of tbe tele
day anatoy at tka Onl Okh Caatery. aad ayaaetoa of aU ataasabip eoa- phone had made tbe task of effiepaalBban
Ba waa at work n top of a toad od'
to the (aylttra. Tha Ptokartn do- ently protecting life and property
toft, aad waa UMay hard whn tha
» per cent eaaier.
taoUrBOToeaAdaat that WMta wtU
haadlatolkooaatheakhnika, throw-dephoning in cam of fire, aekptand wiihto two wooha.
toy hla to tka ffoaad. Baatrwkoa
aa« BUmon aad .Omradn
tela at TM
Waobtoytoa. Jaa. A — Tha
SpeelAl SeeidoB WUl Oloee
aiwtaradhan .kr tka i
BMMMliiaoM WiA Mfkty
«M at Wham' tl Wan WOiiaAOaiamaag Mat Tat Oaaa^iaA hr
1 maota fcjntaJ Ba
Ha?e you cm in
Havana Smoker.
UOB. The auvnyeai aad oldeet Ara to■aranee eompanlea in tbe world rapraaeatod la my ayaney.
You Can’t
Get Something
for Nothing.
If the something is worth having, bnt for
♦3.00 yoo can boy any pair of onr $3,50
Of $4.00 ladies’ shoes.
If yoo are going to buy a pair of shoes
yog had better drop in and see the differ
ent kinds included in this sale.
The '‘Velvet Shoe” ia worth"$4 00—You
can bny it for $3.00.
Rront Street'
'' '
TBK MOSmKe RSCOSD, 8ATmh>AT. lANDARt 6. 1900
was xuTiM nuiA
,mm. % «*M»
i‘ w. KAaa
.' &
' 1« te aCorto W WMk Mjthtar Oov
«nerPl^rM««ffMa4. whatW to
ItotaMitcftk* pM»la ^ Mt. tte
ilto ■—n >* f
kM Mend •
- Mitel necHi. Ttet bodjrwUl CO •■
yMteMtetered—il M eU^ te
^MfieodteoiM^ton/ <vteterU«7
pnfte to««Ml Mntte. or Mi. j«t
#M M*e
|» fteU|i>« M MM tel anMor Mill' iMOMOMotetenrei te vnM'
Itele Bltow te PMpte M «*n»
nBet^adthtoali to vteM ^
«MeteMifwe< OfetoM* »
|»»»towdM« tea teMtk te
intmfmml. tedatecoi
pipM«*MMMotoiteta teto
dte teltelk LeMepaete«Ulte*>
altoWftbto le m\of m maUmlied
MteofMtobtoM »»to. «Ueb te
Mb BMtoac, topM BaMaBU
Ttoamlay MlcM. atoValkaBte
WUboM toaoa.
At > ^atek
a anted at te Browa
lat -ti
mee bad eoakeaa, aed te t
t bto feet M teach
tote a leap walk.
Oft laeaettfatteB, I
the maa «FM OUa ftokn. eaa e< te
pattoata at te aaylaa la tbia ahy. who
tod aBeatad kto eaoapa Hakadaaeaaadad U ffattlto Mny <r«>
i^. had tkrewa away hla atlppara aaf
amlhad te KiMalcy with ealy bto aeelB
ea hla faot. whto ef eearpa did
laette trip.
Whaatoanted at te Baaltartam
at «3acalay. Pr. nroaaaea proMptiy talaehoaed the laelitattea la tkla atty.
ato a sea tote te a^ylte WM aaat te
hrl^ him bato. They arrived hare ea
ItwMtoiasdttotte maa bad aaftoad tot little toem te trip, theafh It
WM rater a eold eaa, aad eaa that a
kMtea wealdeeteara telaka.
TtofeaiihaambMOB tto BtadMth
Uatara aad Maaia Ooaiaa. “A Maa
Aboiat Towa.** wUI ba flvaa at te OUy
Opara BeiM tbto avealaf. TtoM who
baard Hoyt U Ooaaiy tweyaanafeia
•^tooaad te Bteva” wiU to aathma
te baar bto lalar aad batto aatanala
aad to teM wto have Bot hted
him a rare traat to la
Tha Bay View Baadlac OlraU. attar
taklac a tbrea weeka vaaatlee. wttl
maat with Mra P. J. Oartto Mcaday af>
taraooB at te aaaal'boar.
bittow ef te iMTol ft i
IftMnjMr e< te teal el Lte Mtokloa te eloaiac ehapto la *>Btotoy ef BaeI, te oMiar «<
Oktoriteiteft ato” aad atopteta 1.1 «ad 4 la
with te aceompaayli
0WM« ef Berten Mtekln>
alaa artialaa.
DIvtoloB Me- 1 ef te pipe o^aa
It at I p. m. today with
Miu dBM» te wftMM o< Uka Itteiffta Mia. a K. Harray. It wUl ba a IblmbU parly aad all te aembanararaJtetMOftUelMftitae.
CBMted to ba
■ oftetoftolftMn
Mra a J. Bbear wm aaUed to POefUftpetee
r Ptagrtft; lieryMtarday by te eartOM fllete <rf
tm MlUor le fthew to it «n^ e hw aoter, Mra. Baaeb, who to aaffw^tomtette ea te pert ed te
)f tote aa attaaa of p
Pnof. a M Borat bM mevad lele bla
aw boMa. U1 Waablaptee atoaai.
> ef V««f
by WoMtah Oab.
A aary predtabla'M waU m latoaat*
miatlM a< te Womaah Oab wm
bald yMtarflay eftaneoB aadar te
laaflarakfpdsf Mia. M «4aek.
Tto flnt atebw ef te p
a pleMtBC ptftM doat by te MtoaM
Ulabaad Myrtle MlUer.
A flae aato
C1*m by Mra. B. S.
Pratt, bar eal-Jet betaf “The ladMtrial
Ike Daited SUtM m
PertaialBC to Wemaa." She eeeerad
te broad flald ef te aabjeot la aa
abla maaaar. flrier a
valaable alatlatlea abewtar tto wafM
paid to womka la te
TrararM OUy aad eter plaoM la Ur
alee followed tbto paper.
•• Womea in BMlaam" wm tesabtot
of aa axeallaat paper by Mn. 8. J.
'Bicrto. She tod of tbair propvaM la
Uto rMpaat. aeatraatlap it wlU Uatr
pMitloa la yaaia foaa by, aad abowlaf
bow telr aatraaM late te bMlarM
world had Mt only broadaeed telr
UvM bat te world la iraaaral.
A bricht rooltattea by Mra. J. B.
Martia gava plaaalBf vanaty to te
Mia. B. raUercan aaabUp^eree
la PolUlaa,’’ abewlac te ptaltioa bald by tern la Uto fl«ld at te
praaaat time, aad ttBrmlac that la
Btataiwtora wramah aoflerara to la
form aoUlBf bat good bM eoau. aad
BO aril iMalM have foUoWad from allowii^tem tba ballet. Tbto pa^
ably dtoeoaaed by Mra. P. B
Trevto. ,wbo gave aoma (xoalleat
UoB^ta aloag Uu Uoa.
Tba aflernoea om elcaed b) Mn.
Beak aad Mra. OIbba, who tod of Ua
Ideal Woman.’' Mra. Boekb remnrke
rare la te form of n pote,which gavr
a btaattfol pietara of te idral held by
every tree women, end Mn. OIbba
ee:dnglowing tribauie tree womanbood. The pnpen end rnienrkB all
avowed dr^ Uoagbt, wide raaearcb,
broad ee«B and IntcBM w<
Free Storage All Winter.
JkTMorUara ■pbtmHjbTiliw
Do Too
A Diniflg Table?
PeUfltotfftl Pftripftite Mem* alM- late Utoat copy ef te MleUcaa
Tkedaamaa. la racard to Ita P. Oordoe.
toaBftstettk tel B«mUcfor tha Peuto Implemcat Co.
OMef teMMi dftUfhifml eoelftl
of tbto elty. A brief bioctapby. tefton e< te ftMm took pUMlMtoroL* petbar with a daaeripthm ef te healParaoaai.
M ft! te teM el AtefMM teiU', Dte matboda of tbto popelar mldaot
H Poelei bM retaraed -toem
teetefttonMac te tut Ufthd^ of te elty la flvaa, leyater with a
Laaeiag•BftlfMnrp of WiiitoB Itolik, Jr.
flea half teaa portrait.
C. *. Morray bu retaraed from
Bqatore A Boaoer, tba aeatb aide
^ iftviUd ftlB of bto fiMte te harbora, have raeaivad tow Btaalay OrandiBapide..
B. O. Dora ef SoaU Band, led . to In
Ipte te eveBlaf. Aed e i
tlaaaa. formerly ef tbia eUy bat
dty teoklBg op Ue proepeou for
Um* wft« ftoTftr ftojoped
yMftftl liMft
ef Mtaaaaeta, aema flea apMlmrei
Uc porebftM Of fruit.
of te larft Jerk rabbit ef te pralrlaa
M M. OoDlon wu In Klagalryoa bof
•fftftiftC Vftftftpefti la fMM ftsd Two ef tha fleMtapaetmaae have baaa
Mar ptoftMm tet te fftBlIj of ib* ■eaalad by 0. B. .Mater, aad will ba Inrm ycetrrday.
Dr. aad Mn J. W. OaBBtleU were la
pliwMi- kftoe fto «TftU he* le provide. added to the feed
Blk Rspldeenavtoltlliaredsy.
4lMidalc»iAdeltoieM ftad fttehofftW, barbara alraady have la telr abep.
Spngae bu ratorned from
jaffir me eerved te te c«Mto, who.
Prof. MarUagbto orcbMtra playad Unnd Replda.
Mttb teir frted la whcM hoe ir ike
for a dab party at Bib Aepidt laat areMtoe Uraea Morgaa weflt to Detroit
M«P«Mttvea. o»Ui tec roMe
yntarday meraing.
ttoilMilnaMftMeet dAickUal
ibata wQl ba added
Herty iCeat retnraad iMt evrnlng
TheftaprMeaiweraBdirftnl AaeUa.
toMt AadereM. ffm Oftae. Uvreeie tetbaCiarto' Uakm at telr mMt'Og toemavtolt wlU bto parestoat Port
lalto0.fl. P. BbaU Moedayevanlag. Aogela*. Waeb.
•aek. Theodore Mekaeter ftad Uea
There will ba a apaelal eeeveatloB
O O. Oovdl ratoraad lut avcalag
ef te Kolffkto of PyUtoa Meoday from Grand Bapide.
UiroOLBXtBlf aL»HtB»IDB.
■lag. wiU UrM aatoldatoa tor Ua
Prank Ooodriek eama down from tba
aaaead rank.
anrtb lui n’gbt teapand Senday.
•etaraedtei Bveaiac Broai JoUp
Onpt Jos. A. Beanvato at Cbarlevolr.
Trip te Bftiker ~
bOBM Tnnnday evaetag< Mra. Blob of to la Uc city.
A Jolly party errlvod la te city MllUngtoa, «bo to vtolUag bar daagb
J-bo DfUory bM retaraed from a
M evMlac eboftt • e'otek inm Ber- tar. Mn. diylM of Oyprma atraat, was cbortt-ipto B I'krr Oreck.
torCtek. Tkry..«ere M#MMta el te etriekea witb partial paialyaU of her
MUe Brlro A. NorUti reinroed
IdaoelB Utararp aoeteit. oho bad Ufl aide.
rteelng af:er (pending bar vacation st
Crtoaa te tet plftoa early la tka day,
CoBiiderableexdieoMaCwae oaaaed Aon Arbor.
•evtoli tbaaekodi el Lelaad Tripp, a
M H B. alab Weeks, who to to flll Ue
toMar Monber of te aoeiaij. Hie. aaSevmthetraet ymterday aftanooa position la thr eltr sebooU vacated ly
by a niDsway. A borw drivea to a
-p. A BftUar Mtad m teparoaa ef te
eatter By eoete one eboaa name oosld M ss D.*B(’. arrived 'n-i» Decatur laat
fartraotba laaraod, took fright near Ue evening.
The fellewlof ware la te party:'
J B titdlwcl. aad W. T. NUIlwrU.
aebool hvoee and dashed weet. put Ue
piMTT Meade aUlaii, Uittlo Hm^.
SeveaU aad Wndsworth i»»
® etreng. are |a
placaan Walioa aao BaUlia Orvwrll;
alraata Bara Ue ranaway frigbien’d
<• ■
Haaara. Alaioa BuUar, Ckaa. Bltoa.
Him Hsma of Kslkuha, ia la
wbonc that wm telag driven by Mice
■emy Tripp. Hike UbIot. Loata
Bbadeh. The herM ataried to ci-y.
pMtoaUaad Oiaa. Baaala
ran. bat wm plaeklly stopped by Mr
■avlag a Orrat Rap on Obamberlaln's
tioag who baepeaad to be paMlag. No
■fa. MiriB ueia. St, Dead.
Coagb l^edy.
ru borv
■(ft. Barak Oola. vlfe ef Uiram Cole,
Maaagrr Manm fltobe Plerann drag
.At te meettag of Tlavrrea City
dr., eflattoM Bay. eicd at te old
aUra, laftirm- as UM he to baring s
BoMa of bar ftaad paiaala, Mr. aed That No 871, K. O. T. M.' laat evealag. grrat ran on Cbareberlatn's Coagb
imben ware voted Into Ua or- B wrdy. B<-sells fire bottirs of te
■ra Alward. Tbaraday, at te ace of
mru-uiue to one of any other hind, end
Cl yaaia. Bba Iram a bMbaad aat
It gives great Mrtofsetlon. In thru
• email ebUarra. Bbe
■to Wle S.vM Him.
dsys of la grippe there to DoUMg,yb<
pi Mr. aed Mia- Me'riUe Palmer.
smL riain's Ooogii Remedy to stop
"My wife's good advice mv._
Thafaa«al wtU be bald at 11 o'eloek life,-wrilea P. M. fioM of Wtafleid. Ur erngh. heal ap> tbc
il sore throat and
witbin a wry
MMorrow at ike aae Oeapncaiteal Tcao.. -for I bad aach a bad eoagfa 11 la gs and give relief
ealre are growing.
eeald hardly breaUc, 1 grew ataadi y ebnrt tima Tba aa
ptorak at Battoea Bay.
sDfi nil «bo try It an Irneed wl'
Jkaettm ef W. P. Andeiao*
t^pt aelloa-—SoaU Chicago Dally
Otoeovery for Cos________
P^ toe by 8 E. Walt and P. C
.ilrtriy cured me." Coagba C
la' te Uawat^ite la Broaebitla. La Grippe, Paeam
Tbpmoson, draggtoto.
.pktrira. tkat Charntwr AaUma, Hay Pever aad all Mkiadtce
ef Chest, Throat and tmnga an pia*
luvely eared by Uto marvelleaa medidue »0e aaa SI oa MvAy botUa
M. V Ptaber of l/faerty, W. gaaraatred. Trial botUra IQe at Jaa
ly rrpiau wkat Bm beeaoaui U Jobat «'s aad 8. & Waii’a drag
*ritaj^ -I
MOMid ike
glebe okra be writes:
tore wed ^atberlaia'e Uapb Berne
Now to te
be ttime to have your Uicyd'
pert ct saeeoiL.
So reme^ aqaals WAJureab W’Hrrs
d end elMied up reedy for
__ ________
tel It la Boi ealy te bmi
tut or Tab -SyBUP for tbto. torri. apring.
aaM rrm- dy. bet that It te a aare eere
UortoHOM UbMaafadteliTteetoar
' aMlArao a aambrr of Umea.** TbU •ugklyaadintlma,ltwUleitra a case
My work ean not br brat and priepMead«latowil|^^B. Waltaad P
UelowMt. wmeall far yoar whMi
V Cm U Iripjwlo 24 ism.
1"“'^ N. 1. 8IBK, ftipr.
B. a. MaU taverad Several rrleada
With MaaSabyTelrptoma.
B.B BaU taratobediateraatU
C tea Bomber
offriaedaew te tang dtotaaea plan.
Ba baa jMt ratarsad from Ohio, where
ba proflied by te plan adopted bp JM Lomraaekar. ooa of bto partaan U
tba Oral Wood Dtob Oo.
•aaad laat
Blgktlw eallad ap te 1
aararal trtaada by •pboM aad tbaai
Btarud bto graampboDa. Bto Meads
and aatghbora tejsyed a oooeart of
Mvarai Baa sMaeUeaa and baard Ua
to........ .... .......£,«
Slater’s Houss Fumisliing Slota
ISO Front OtrMt.
Aaatrla. It to aald, wilt apa:»d flieo,>
0M.(b 0 li army and new Irniriacas Im
L Whooping Cough. Asthma.
\ TVto tfCMUlil^Dy*
The H. & L. Mercantile Co.
Think of itThe Iwrgsinn in warm foolwimr.
Think of itThe cold
When yoB ro h«»me how pleaunt It would
weather deauoda warmer sh<to«, and we‘re tfiving yoQ the biggent ifl^aiiee of your life to clothe
■your feet at unheard of pricea.
have beeii a- llitig Felt Shoes nud Br-a?.
er Shoes at It 00 the peir. Warm Ciiied Kid
look if yon bad a nice picture to hang in the
8)yoi-e at 12.00. Beaver Slippera at T.V Felt
Slippers at |1 UU
Our groat
Block of Juliette at
Alfrwl tkilgp Felt
Slippers at I1.5U and $2.00—And now we have
marked the whole stork tu sell at SS psr OSIlt
discoDBt from thesa prices.
Think of it.
Think of it-The text Uosh you are al your dining uhlv
bow much nioK; rotnf >rtsbl« you woo'd be if
yon had a s-t of^ No .IJfTnhiing < haira?That'a those quarter ka^^oak-gi^i.'ii uakhniBb.
braced anna, beaded.^indh's, cage seat, carved
bark—aelU at 1^/2^ the set of Hix chairs. You
cuold eat your^noer. aud the fo<>l do you jturt
as inoch gupd^if you ha<l one of our
2o chairs
->bul thare'a more aatiefactiott in owuiogthe
better goods.
Try it 01 ce and see.
Think nf itTuday—and keep on thinking until yon
have purcKaaed all tho School Books you'll need
when the new Semester begins.
Too know your atudies. then don't wait un
til Uiat tirai morning—for irerbapa the books
may be all sold. You’ll surely need Tablets.
Oar 6 and JOc Writing Paper Tableta are beautiea—boih in the qa<ility 01 paper and the cov.
era. Tberf are better grades for cori>*Bpoiidende - and there are other snppliee that your
aebool work require, all of which we carry.
Think early and buy.
dining room—ot
Bitting room?
between the windows in tha
Tour {tarlor bu the hard finiab'
ad pluUT—Just ihe ^hgroond fora nice pieture with an oak frame.
If papered-then one
with a dull Bnisb black or a Flemish frame.
We are making many homes look brighter,
because we have the stock.
Our new mouldings sra beaotiu.
Think of itThe amonnt of time it takes to make a
handkerchief, and tiien af the fact we’re selling
Oiie'styie at a r^iit apiece.
style with wlored borders at 2-I (sacb.
A lan^'
one at :tc - And you'll l>e surprised at our 5o
goisla A nicely eml>rij|dered .one. nr a good
liii-n. or a fine hemstitched all bt^ii at oc, and
increase in beauty and workmanship outil it
coats $1 •'VI to own some of the styles. .
A woman cannot have too many bandkeN
chiefa—those for the borne and for the atraet—
for every day use (.iid those for special occasiu'na
Think of itHow much more comfortable yon would be,
and how you would enjoy yoor night's rut if
yon Were wearing one of those Men's All Wool
Knit Night Kobe*. They are good aud long
and warm, sod sell st $2.00. We are selling
lota of those Outing Flannel at 50c and $1.00.
The Sateen cornea in different oplora and sell st
$1.25. $1.50 and $1.?T>.
No one dr.-am8 of ‘ seeiu’ things st night"
if they sleep in the Night Robu bought here.
WAiM BittapMn la
I S^Ato Mims'
^ . B.*0 WAmmof OaUntUf
tbo lbs.
WardBB ValaoB inbav.Bg a tlM.
if itXettA. > Aaoldod
■a baa Blroady bad BoaBTAl BBON or Ian
diBAgreawnte with p*
! SwnvrvnarwrwMTipviV*
I kmtaw touAMv SuMr. OnUot
I Dk., m4 A Moak «om#M7 >• aom brisf
I iftifcyOAAtttoi of (k« vtaiBttr
fW auMl Ml* AikTMllM o< tW
. T. M. a A o<
ii M W b«M At
BAlAmAAdA oa rt%^ ts to M Asd
liinrm IrTrti imi n tew u
A|arMr«<O0Mr». Tab Bamb Od.,
hB« BB BBpariMA IB imwat Mb «A
MB»M,ta«kB IB gBiBt «A t>7 tt
«|BlaBB4rt7BBr, OA ikB grunt that
•aBBABflhAtoalB.At A tO«Al
tm, iaahUlBc BAAd, aaA ik# toM
gntnt WBI >At BBAOArtOAj 9t kAAll.
VkA BAW Bomtl ABhBAl At Ma'^AaMb
BfBBBd ilB 400fl |ar tbA ABBBBd iBra AB
Vkanday. TWa Arp t> abaOb m a^
■In OMrtB Ai%m of OoUwaIw. who
d la Bb» Tork oilj AboaS
AlamiilBAto. haBBolbABB bBArdfroai
TbABBAAlwAltfkt «f wUdBABi rABB
droBi w to 40 fOBBdB, bat WbIbob PrfaBt
hlUod «BA MBBBtir B» UBff LAkB,
AIbbba Oa, wblsb M^Bd tbABBAloi at
A tBA ttroB Btorr oammor boM It lo
hABBAAtod B» 800* Babbb Iho ABatsg
iiFAfoum TO gou.
»Bpai «am BB AdvalAB m»pati OB Bnllag ■!■.
▼oto BalagAtoA.
Jaa. A—Tba abbaM
fw when ba hn attonptod to««P—» oommlttn oa prit
lbadogias.ABd biatroabln an aot Bodaydaeldrd byacotoofd to • to
ao adaam npert apoa tba, raaoTba lalaotla A warmat fer Votor latioB to aad( Saaator Qaay.
Potarty'. It aaem that Mr Pnlartyl
of the eommitto vcAlag
OWBod a dog BAitl raoaaUy bat baa for tba naotatloa ware daaaUtaOhAad
gtoaa It away. Dag Wardoa. Xalaoa lor. Hoar aad MaOonaa, tona eppn
olaiaB that tba Bag D adll in Wf P« lag wan BoBatora BarrowA OaCaty,
plb f~r—wblBB Hr. Pblanyi Pattw aad HarrlA daaatan Tarlar
OydaBlBA alalmlag that ho oaa aad Priiebard warn patrad. tba lattar
poBBAwbanaBd «baa ba garo It aany lor ABd tba former agalnt the raaoln■^ama tbu bo wiu pay ao tos oa ttoa.
Ha dadaita tiBM la aat for tha pre
tba ABlMl. aad n HAnm laaiBto. tba
will ha triad balarB Jodga Bobaru
of tto aommtttn'a report to
tha aaoatr. Tba mlaerliy will alapraant
a rapmt. and tha BodarataadMr. PBWrtyl baa rotolaad ooaaAal. <ag la that
the mltorlty will be sot.
ABd wUl »ot BP a Agbt oa tba m
fl ,d by tba Btaj riiy wbaifte it raid*
ba8atorBarruwa.tba oBly Eapab’i
aaa oa tba eoamlttn who aotod
mow of Votda^Bail^^ Oaotriyi
againt tha raaolattoa, wUl praoara tba
rrportof tha mat •rtn. asd baaator
TbarodAy Mlgbt-lmn $».000
Pin daatrayada aom^ata row of Boar that of tha mioority.
Bight. bBTAlng to tba grenad bnUdloga A Bawdtba Ttctiw Tdia Haw U PaaBi
OBBBplAdbytbA poa) oOoa farsitan
M Ba Bald tp.
Btora,drBg otora, espran cflet aad **1 bapp>« to know bow it fecD to bo
hArbor ah^ togalbar with an toe bean brW oa” nid a gaoilvinaD who now
aada larga bara. Tba Ara atartad' acruptcaa poaUioa of pionipetMv in toBoar tba aaatar of tba row. pranmably <mi railroad cirdra. ”I ac«)ii]red my
axparlmce aa a paaarngrr
ogar IIB a atagp
from a dafaotlva Aas
. ' coach ebont als mllea from Tontbatooe.
Tba row of balidiagi
A. T. to I8M. \t> bad a big Ind. alz
*** men loalde. two on tba dhrer’a ant
drag aura. Blalan la aboat At.OAO, _________ ,___________ _.T 00 the boot
wlU bat Ui
Moat of tha Brary mao to Uw crowd bad a rarolv. _________ d Mr. AtoMd .a.' ar. two of tba intida famaaiieerB had
of tha
tbaatoA plaan bia Ion at, Wlncbaatert arroat tbclr kncca. and
■ bad an 8 bora dock
aho^At.OOA. Tba total ton wUl raaob! Um '
I tbai cootalned nearly a quart of
saara aad Twratan.
AobPfera. wbra ynuay dad frivokjwa,
ebaoge (beir abeUs several tlasra a
yrar. bat as tbey grow older and. pro
amnabijr. awre ardaic they are cootmt
with a nrw aaH ewry anmmer. The
tobstar to bis -own tailor, and peraons
wbo have watcbvd tbe preceaa ray
that the dlAcuUy arems to Ue to get
ting rM of tbe old garb and not to Atting the new. Firm be ia axmeked by
a series of coavntotons toattog fur arv.
aral daya. Daring tbrae a fain Itoa
af the bark, wbk-b gradually grows
bnadar with every apnam. Tbe bead^
piece Ib tbe Brst to break eacitvly. and
■oddenty a vkilcot effort enables tbe
lobater 19 wltbdnw bts brad, leaving
the larger pan of bts eyes la tbe ab^
Atw a rest of a few boon tbe airar
gle begins again, and tbe abooMera. or
large cUwa. emerge, with effort ao ex*
hamrttog Uttt nearly a day Is teqnlred
for recnperatlob.
During this time be presents a curtona apecucle. sB*h iiead and bpdj com
pletely oat of tbe abeU and only tba
toll Incloaed. Tb.-n tbe coavutolT<
movementa are resumed, aad abell by
abell tbe tall cov.-rtog U loosened, on
Ul. with rioiect struggles, tbe tail to
free, and tbe loi>stcr. looktog as If ba
bad been boiled. II,-s down for ■ 1
of two or three days.
Tbe new anlt grows with gnat
rapidity aod'flta to perfect ulkw mada
style, lltetnily molded to ibe form.
Uke tbe craK wbicb to nmat c .taeatad when "aoD sbeUed.” that to. at predaely this period, wbkb to Blmitor la
both, the lobster Is regarded by cpIenres as especially dellcloiu when ebna
denuded of bto abell covering, but aa
be bidea carefully among tbe rocks ba
to acidom procurabte.-New York Trtb-
............... .
AronakabU BMrrlara'ooearadatCr
dar Bprlaft oa New Vtorb day, whan
iaoob Ohlara aad Uah Aaron took thr
vowa that aado than hadbapd and wife.
Tba groom U U yaara old aad the bride
le thlrtoao ynra bin aanior.
Tbara anma to bo aoma hoodoo eonBBOtto with tha Pint Siam baah at Dc>
ntar. Two pmidoata and om aanhiar
«t tba tntiloUoB aava died witbia tbe
paat alaa montha rAt LMalnr. Rap..ObaBbBrUle*aTOoa
At tbe Boul Dawaey, wn oatorad
Wadaaaday ai^t by oarirlAn who reUoaad him of hb haadaome gold watch
BBdabalB and a •mall earn of otopty.
„ „
PlB* ar OASiU a
___ ,
. i, ^
Mniphy A Diggineof this oity bner
oonimetad with Jnmaa Miuhel). of
TnatlB.tocBt l.OOOOnn feat of pine
nanr Laataellie In Ealkaaka n nnty.
U la nndaratood Ihnt if thto Moimo’ 1»
tnieilad aallato-iory. the «rm will glen
Mr. MltoheUnnoiher cootmei to e> t
ODD 000 feat oi
of nawiocK
bawloek UI
to tno
tha aam
11 000.000
The Bo Bsglr Wblat Clnb wna moat
iflgbttolly eatortnlnad last..gsulBg
mnwo owaarm.
JutoUMM B B..«, oID«rt.ld, h^liiii*.. m brick k.
loe re-
TAer Are Oreadeg hr Cneaia
«•>>» the Ho.tea. Ser«*o>.
Wrliliig <>n "Uaklos t'ompauy o(
tiueem." Edwanl lt)k. lo Tbe Isdlea'
Nome Juuninl. ivttvIJera "It a eurloua
fact that AiiMTicno Ueuaewlva* are ao
_______ that
loath lo helleve
a dinner with fuM
f„ther» li dteadc,! by the vast
mnjortt} of t>c.|de. Tbe bigb.-ia complbnent we ran pmwlldy *bow ■ gumt
nt dinm-r u to li t i>im partake i<r ao
orAnary mr«l. i<> ht him <'<>ioe quietly
yet thit
I» ti»' '■rry cv'iiiplluieni whlHi we wiibinstead uf giving n
ne would relM. m.»i wa
give him what he realty eiijaya least,
”l.ei a b^i<-ss Iw ever so gnic.-ful
•n»i taetfiil. let there is- y.-uni of ei.
P-flcme on her ah.midrn,. y.-t nothing
her gu«u that the
'* It Is a formal afthan an'unusual one.
ao loudly or so uoorrincly as a formal
comisioy dluii.T. Kver>- e,.urse sbowa
It; every movement of the walircM proclaims It; every piece of china fairly
j comiWDV of. and that feeling Is
The Boston Store,
WE have
Sidewalk Lumber in adl elaea.
'nerrawBore to n-rAWArAA fH'y I OBibAr Co
Ths l-.r.....'. I«.l W..B1..
“flc wji« nit licnc-tt hi'\ ycr." aiilg Ilm
log tl>r
Tbr Road «• a«(«na.
Ttu-rr u a mlsiakeu notion ibat bobrw Id life la ai tiievr.1 only by bard rf.
,fori. .\n '•cOU'-BiU'D*' la not nveraury
iM-comr atn-c-ssful ip life, beyond
tboiYHigh raiiiillaHiy with the rndl''
IR Ad rdmgHoti trinira to an ladoRiriouR man as naturally ■■ age.
At.illty to deliver nnitlODR Ir OOt nrerarary Industry nod bi>o<-«iy. wbieharr
easlrr than hlh-nrs* and dlRlionrsty. will
achieve sir-ccsr for any nuin of ordi
nary ability Kin-rca Ir raslcr ibat)
fnjniv gnccniR arhloin comi-s at oner:
It I* a matter of y«-rfrw of rond rondtlrt
an-l IntelllD-ni work.-Aichlaon tiloba.
tha Btorkat for call AAd deld ran
)y 0*a to AAff era Barai^*Btotor tor
All $8 26 Jackets for........$6.60
AU $9.00 Jacketo for.... - .$7.60
AU $1000 Jackets for
All $12 00 jackets for
AU $18.00 Jackets for.. $12'00
S!KessLS".rs:'.x..... .
H. a eoB'B'tord er*a- fw al akla aran'toriR,
Hehlag or
barrlAr. Carra ptlrR. araama and ralt
viiena SAaaats a> all dr rrtoto O'
Dr A W. f braa. Mad. To . Buffalo. K
Y.A uvplaboxwlllbrAaatAba-'lre-
VVe will give you. with every purchase of a Jacket at
$6.50 and up. your choi^ oT any hat in our Millinery
Department FREE OF CHARGE.
To make it a soecial. inducement we have cut the
prices on our jackeu as follows:
N.< Uu.thr, I...I -I.,|.|»d a n-,ol..T ''
out of Uic desk 1111.1 I. vrlcl II at hit qmiI the llslcl.crs .1I1T.-.I wm asHv.
U«-ad."-Nc« Y..rk Nim
, - M,. wns nn nr>-mgc lawj.-r." i«al«1
the iMinum: '•■ line tyi«- c.f an uv.-rai
Arlibrr aatr« Kor Cavarg.
ln«y«-r. ,\iid when I Miy
aremge I
itadio.-ul iM-opIr havr au arrange
ir hnd l»N-D tbe
ment lit which ihry i.-au tvgistrr thf
spi-<<d of a iiiiiu ll looks like a Rraih
gauge H'lil Ir t-»iiu«<Tr<l with Hip axle, pnif«-<-s!uii. Hilt r
ao llial tin- |S.Inter rt-glstcM the Dum- I will iidmit tliiit
d'-iil tH-.ii.-r ilic luiti-r thnu -hr forImt of n-volu:kiiis rv.Tj inlliulr. Tbrra
arc su u.any n\oliitl(>u> u- Ihr mllv.
hr sis-nk.T p.im
and by an iiivcijKiiis urmiigcmcut the
IVlici-i- IS III- Do
<i.-Ariy In h-v.ii?
DUmlsT of uilh-s an li»ur Ir shown up- We iloii'l know, hill
on. the lilnl. The a|>|iaralua la exprnbc'> wli.-ic w.- il iiik hr Is
eUc as w.-ll a« drli.-nlr
‘■••ilitcrl i.nr heart-- w ith our
Thr Into Jh. liouhl was one of the
'’.'"I,’:!' ‘iJ”!."!"!!
flrsi to adn|» ii. and shurily after a
n-glNi.-r was |da<--<l m i,is private car
tUtNs.1) Huge was mukllig a Journey
with hhii ami tu-|iilml wlial it. wna.
fgf. firiihi exphilm-.! Hit- ux-chanlsril
■ml ihi. u-xfulm-ss of the machiue
with great care Mr Sngr was Rllcnt
for a lutiUH-ui and thru, luuki
>klng up. In
••Dor* If »<uru nnyihiugr
"N«. I iliiuk uol." Uhl Ur. Ooald.
P ith a smile.
eeeetoeee e—eeseeeeeeeee
"l>o.-s It save aiiythlngV*
"7 hru I would not bara it in try
eBr.''-4'hk-ago Uccortl.
CMdan wtdtMng. tbalr obtidrea and
Tba top of a dmk from Norwich ..i
n-t hasn-t tbe time. Her ey*a are for the
BhUgrra-acblJranbaingprewni. 8<d|
and her w-rranis, not fw bet
A hAtr baa tamed gmy on cither cac of rcralty. Vaimont, lA whieb Admltml gOBBt__________________
Dewey had ent bit BAm whIM a atm
Ibair banda and tba farrowing Aegan
HertCraaf la
«f ttma haa tmaad few linaa ra tha tan
day few tii._________________
"Writ" sbe said as she told down
her pBiwr. "when ibai new auiumsiie
OhUa't aaport of Bltnu laat year
Voting machine Is generally lutroOld Pa^la Made Tcnag
duced I shall In- to faior of having the
ballot myself."
i. 0. Bbermaa. tbe vetaraa editor of
"Wlut’s the voting machine got to
M Vcn^tsUle (Mich.) Baba, baa'from rbaamaiha'
with Itr' he usketL
■Boat of [that rhsmbarlaio'a.Pail Balm raliarto
pecpia yooBg. Por yaan ' ne aftor a nomber
mad elacs
•W by, my ol.J.s-iiout to voting a.-w."
iber of other
lafl Heironaataa, aiacplspa- aad a doctor bad failed. It la tbe baa she efiblalued. "Is to going out aad
I, iBdlfCBtiOC.
mtJra. Heart l^bU. Cte llatmaat 1 hae, erer koowa of-f.A suuding to hoc and getting In a crowd
Id Bbaamattom, be nslag Dodrm. Alpbareica. On. TbooBaads of aU sorts of |M-uple that uw doesn't
81r Kohrn Hall, the rnitnroi afiroDBra 4m wrltoa: “It base baea enrad of chenmatism by this kuvM and <lo<-su't want to know. Imi oiurr. oner toM an audhfici- that any
aAAtbaprAlaadmb^taty. It gaaUy eea^dy. Oaa ato'las lM ralto^tba just as s.sm as it Is fixed so tltat 1
who look the Irochh- lo lie on bis
cau sit right to-n- at Imiiw and let a l»ck nii thr gnminl an>l gaw at a eh-nr
---------» ‘
iDBcblne Vote for me 1 shall be to fa*
night sky would, as \il« ryai tMwane
r of tR-uuiBD Rtiffrai
amtRtoturd (o Ihr brartma. anon par
te my srifa aad ma. tt'a a maraalem HatttBtBMnMN
aabr’* dkia
c.-;«a uuiubriw of ahootlng atara.
Tba Mtehigu (MarraOe. to atOl Ir
AtobSa^iArSafl^^” ** *** MOM . bnyiag wheat tor wbtob they are
paytaf market trtoe. AU eewdltloM
of ttomapcd wbrat bo^t, lor wbtoh
<My wiU pay Accordiv to qnallty.
hadraoWMft. CMTBL
board. Cbalra, 8oekara,pld. M. C
|BiaBA.«UWAtoBtidaA d •Md.« fly J«feMa*ilatOiMA
A Nice Trimmed
or Street Walking Hal
company dinners.
oldaetUfe iaanranoa aomptay in thr
Unib4 dtttoa. with enah nwrnta of
•too.ooo.om. it does not elnlm to ba tbe
r. Vftnnaa
Uoaiof baaatB of bavipc twin aa
antarad’ forelwn
naay famala taarbora aa aoy otbor elty ABotbar
la tha atata. Tbara ara two wenao oeoBUieabe'oratbalfBtanlLifA.
«rbo hollar "aazt” la tha city of la«la> Mr. OoBloa hna bean n geaiat bnatlar
.lAtam ABd gTAod JarioA wbUTi
lor thU aompaoy and bM rnaaltod two
tho nnt that aay etbar eity Ib tba prlaat for Bending to tha moat bnalne r
Plata cABtaoaot
ofaayngantof tha amta in n giv a
A New Year’s
Present For Yoii
____ _
bcdd op nt nbovt 4 in
aloct. tVci
Tin BitIfA ^Bolal boAid of tbA DBLIMma BOCIAI. PAmTTltbaa
by a alngla emiLad man.
■sthodlBS bAatba B4 llool Ib BOnpOABd
wbo roar aoddanly from behind a pile
of wenaB, iba otbar oBx aoS boiac Olaaa by
Plorann Slntns *--»' ^ rocka nnd roratvd u* wUb a waavd
,ofr hbotcoD. AU tbe curulna were
"(tpesiklng of oerve." rah) one of the
rnlaed. ^tbere wa» a fair flew of tbe detectives at beadqnartcn. 'Temindt
Tba boma of MIm PtoraBea Blgglaa, Intertoryand wbco be yelled 'Hasda me of Chief UcTlaugbry of Chicago.
TW bady Bf a naa VBA toBBd oatba
opr arerybody olx-yed.
He uaed to be wanlen at the Rate pen
lOB la iBirlBaw Bay Thonday Mralag.
of a vary ploaaant aeelal party laat^ Then be cold ua to get oat one-by itentiary down Id Joliet, and be had
UiBbaUovato bo Ihaiof Oba WoodA
wlib onr backs tbe reputation of being tbe c^leat man
wbOAiartodCrea Bay Olty, Dba 17. t.- oeaBiog. Tba twaaty and more gnnto' one amt stand to a
la tUlDols He was as sblfty aa any of
AbAto to ihA alAto read
BBUrtolnnd. Prslm nad bra bora ware no badly to my life, but I saw tbe otb tbe men be bad to handle and as quick
bo WBB to matt hla wife oa tho baba
aaraod dBring tba eamlng, nad «ftarfuUowed aolt. About -BOd <«Un alsjut ll as a regular Sherlock
dAto, bat «bo BBaar nasbad U> doaUlinlmes. Nothing i-ould f<-aae blm.
*H)ae ,faiy Mc<'tougbry was sltrlng to
TAflM ---------M,__u rj__ nonrroed. apt-wred from .twbtod t^e
~ck.nndtookuptbe«db«lon.wblch bto otBi-e at lust alx>m tbe time tbe
Tbora Ib qalta a aayBiory abeat
wwn“»™. inclnded oor )«tol araeoal. After that men were ls*lng uiarcbwl hack to their
fBAidBiiBB Ib OlTAfd. Aboat d*B yaara
Ooroatl, Willie PUeh. Jna Mnaa.
^re ordered back, ami tbe eblef cells frtvin s-ork. He was alone. There
SCeoBaofOlfArdbelUBBBa who. with John
Barato Baynolda, Hand Uneola. Ella bandit told tbe driver tu go abnd.
a sound liebtod him. and. whirling
bit BlAtar. Uaad tbatb, BAddanly dtay- tellb.'^ad Oomptra. tiny Laoanrd, I *-Aa fnr ni I know, tbe roltbcra were was
rotmd. lie saw a convict wbo bad psaa.
BBATAd ABd tha boBM bn aloM baoB Rny*B. Alenndar. ink Allan. Wlllntd oerer miigbi. but wbat eapcclaUy Im- A-<1 ilu- guonl In some wa.v cn-eping tovBdABt Bowavar.tbaboaaalaBUUfu^ Blgrina. Oiam Rntaar, Htbal Llnoola, prenocd me aboat tbe epltodc
«ar>l hliii wlili ail ugly looking Iron
BiBhBd ABdOBloeblagtbroBghthawto Mnnda Morrta, Barn Wintom, Blbd n-luctaure ur au.r of our luirty iu take l«r 111 h!s hand.
dow oBa au aaa tba aarpatoa tba door. Blngbnm.Jn1toWnrran. Andrew Big•••Pou i you silrr tbe man wblap^
I wn ^rtaln the aligblA lArfA bBAWr la tba room aad a tabla gln« nnd
^ w'______•••
euc^Hfui. bat cl. rill g.-lug lu p-i out of this If '
riaraan Higglna.
,n„n « b<, made have to kill ,v.>u to do It.'
AAt wtto dIahaA abO Aha ebalra look aa
•••Oh.- Mcftauslirv Ntii.l. •} tbvuglif
tbe^tbaoeeaputohad Jaat pa«bad
BnA to Abb Arbor.
j of bring klilMT. and I suppone all ibe you wen- going u.iiiorrovvr The man
Btray from tha lablA Soom bare
T. A. Oonlon will retam w Ann otbera Mt tUc mrae wa.v. An.vliow. It staivd at U'-rtonghry and gruntivl.
tboBfbt that tbara was a nyawrr
luip|>cDP(l csacily aa I have narrated •W\>i r M'S laughiy simply hsiki-d at I
BOBtodwiOiltAod weird atortat ba*a
lived to ArUoun blm n* ihuiigl. hi- dldii'i care much and '
Itorltig tbe yiwr i lived
baaatold. bat aa tha taBea are paid each to tba law dapnrtmani of the.
said: Tlie.k si-iit up your dismissal pa- I
tha h ltd * there were Hgbt or ulue bold np*
wa BO my
aame road, and la ou Insiame waa |M-r* iliis aficnuH-u. tlmfs all Voulve
year It U preaaBad avaTtblaf la all
noattoif In tba eity and doing n UtUa there any reabtauce wtiairver. That becD stirh 8 Ooslri iirtsvncr all Ibe l
.TlCbt-^dwatar Ooarlar.
work for tba tfntanl Lite Inanmnca taught me that a crowd of average time Thai ilicy diN l-h-tl lu. E-omniDie At IfsatroBary,' Paek Paahar' Oo. of Haw York, of whieb ha ia aooelnl lucD. gating Into a eocke<l. ahoiEiin. your -•'uu-ikn; V<-u <-ou go all right i
OA 9. mrl«A, David JaakloA W«- nfaoi. Ha will ratom bara and olona will do Ju*i nimul an}ttilng ibst la enoiigl, If you sum u> You're mx my
lit Baadlay aad Olaad B Wood ara vie- npaoaia datolla of work nndor way. auggei J.'‘~N«w orieana TImea l>em. priM-iu r aui Tiiofv. If y
tlBH of blood polooBlaff. Tho dlaoaai goring tba aprlng Tnenttoa. Mr Ooalra'«*7wL
la tbOBfht to haaa orifiBatod to a paak
■rywbarBtbaBaataaaraanployBd. le
ABBOfAl eaaaa tba haada aad ariBB of tba
BBffaroia ara awrilaa to twin tbalri
;■;■ V=!^|
Botilaa of prrfniaa. attll frrab. aad
Jar* of pemadr iliat bad not lorn lu
f.acrancr have bran rreorrrad fma
Rmatonaom and rtmipt-U.
wi have declded;to costini e tor anotber week our
Special salc on
and CaniBias
Remember tbia offer u good only
autil JaaoBry btb.
Tbe largeBt line in tbe eily to
Belet-t from.
Full line of EatotmaB AOppUnA
IbompsoD’s Drug Store
fonuA^<er Block.
Don’t fdu want to
buy A palrofBbocx
thAt you wont
hhTe to botfwr
about In gio*
AAdwurweO??? That’iPln-;
gr^$ Xotapethc."
L. L. A .'BuildfDg.
Jtihn R. Santo.
Gmiil Inarim.
Trararaa city, num
Sold Sy
frark Friedrich
m M Idh*. tks lu
than af critira.
r OSba. iaikhAto I
-Nor Hon tm tew oatar •* siil
da bar neo.
-It ksY Mr te yos. sad haMCa* 1tetna hsm Anagod-—
-Do yoa thtok tarV «h* It vary
-Tob Beaa that Baity- '
knily. Koesr
-MkrOokhaaM k yotng t* ba anr-^ i la tae pofMlar pra«.“
, Worn HMBMgy a^mgaai Bar M*M- Had.- Mara gasped, hat 4M sat sprak:;
a$1taa'\0ai\&. j
-My imi ■atty. yos ooytat te kaow
nwMtf.iM HMnH M.aM«bk 1. Ban
staom Mr. HoittBB*e powats af
' dote Is pan.
anarsace than L-B«t arbnt Oa yos thtak ha-ff Cat
What da yoo aappaoe-----
MriM «f «nkqi tta Car SlM«k AwrHrTI be kwe matt Uketj thla atmiM la lha aan tew aMatte. awW •• aesa. aatf yaa win bt able to ladge
VaMto.wU* M«k»ftf*ia tte
Ted le caail^ bar* tbU a
W rtaaaii Vo*. » wMto «a bw waj Why «a canh Himt yea tril aw be«na atv Tofk laiBaabaft. aad (orer AaO eb* fl«e«ad arrroaaty
■«hMI«M abaaioaai iba Mls«^ arfU bar hat bate* lb* 0am aa *a
4i^. vhM all atlMvla to tow kon to
yoa kaav. Batty, what* are
'«MW port haO faOoO. waa ralaai
mi, hoaoiw. aa4 ft«a fwacaa wm%
_. . . .
logkt bar am.
A ibiB|i Obrktaaafltl waa raoolr"Naaoeaae. Battyt Tea‘0 Bach batlar
«d hr Bobwt MoBao at KaonUla, «*U alB aoatfbt eat aaw and yet >i
^am.talbaitepaad •W.OOOU
W la BOtM i •err. k wtH be *r*r ao bi '
*vbkb bad baaa atotaa (laa btaa erar!
erar | awkward (or yea If the aawa
aaw r«acbr*
bla (roB the aotaida.'
•wajaan ace.'
1 dae't aa*..that at aa**
7avnatH0.M0.Ma ~---------- ““Man.
allkomllir laioaltr la Hotaana
wrldaatta tb* faat that the raXrnat
BbatlMpelatoarea waa aiUy •k.ooq.*
. BWaedlb* leial valaa ad the Nriree
welpet aatdr iaaiiiama.oaa.ooo.wbUa,
kba aakfalaatpat ofaaal aBoaBiB aely
Tba Uadae •Tlaa*baOa wiibaattodaedOB ABBkaa aaoeaaa la
^bUd aad Irablad layriaa tholaat
■aaaaa aad an atUl adfaaaiar.
Attala load of brobd.c*Bro aanad
aroNonboB Orippla Oi*ok baa imai
. Bwlvad la Oaavor. Ihla ablyaMat la
wnrthBanthaaaaykaia load of «•
•rdr aaat eat. probably, (ran ai^
ftacdlatflat la the world. Oaaonooa.
balaa abeat thir^ tOBO, aadittaaatl
Had at |eao.oea. The other thlmoa
wananalao bleb rn^ Five
SBorda arHrod with lb* Bala.
NoBbanod aMaaea aafacad la the
iCaoth AMada war haratakaa (half M^aUawlth than, aadtha Wbr o«n
kaa fBaUltatadthataUacefBaAiaaB.
Th* Coadaaaaapalra loot year waa tb*
a wbteb Mayatea war*
•an at the frubt
At Haaaaa OamanX Wood hatordared
Chat ierty aaa aoadead la prtan ia
tCaala Clara praetaea, *ba niaaaad at
..'•aaa. 1%a aan wen niaaaad aona
'«taa a«o by Oaaaral Botaa. bat war*
waomatadaa th* grammA that ado-jporlBaat eoaBoader hod do ontborlly
Aojaadn. Tha aaa relaaaed eitbar
. laid ban aoBdaodo leaf Ua* wlUoat
krialorwan aaCarlnf axeeaalea p*oiabBni. Other pardeaaon aspaeted
ho (allow.
. aa «na m. »
•be panaed teatatlrely.
Too doa't B»MB B ny thod yea npm a* to tall Tad MarkhoB that
yoa'T* iliird blnr
**1 nrtalDly dea't azpaet yea U pat
M la that way.” r*pU«d kin Oak
baret, with a UlU* kagb; *%bi 1 ate
quite mtaia that y*o yoald axptela
It to the poor frUow Boeb better than
may oor etee." '^plater rxeUlBTd Norai. tinpottemiy. "I doa't kaaw that there'*
aaythlBf to axplala. except that you're
put yooraelf aad at* la a Boat rldlcolooe poalttea.” .
**1 with I'd aarar had aaythlay to
do with IL I Barer (elt a* aDCOBfonabte la By hfe aa 1 hart doe* atac*
ram dracied a* lata thla, prociooa
eebaeB* of yetwA”
**Fa*r old S'or«r Bumurad Batty
ayspatbraicany. white aba mat (orKr*
^aaeoa at the dark.
"To* oaB* here aad abed may auabar or toara. dadand that you Bdarad
Tad Markbaa: that your (atber
that If yon aoly bad a lltite Ub* befor* you. yea wan nun orarytbtay '
woald e*B* rtybt'•
••Ca-lt h*s“ rvnarked Betty, aotto
Kora Cashed an tadlfuat look at
“i think yag Blybt be aerious new.'
and at inat pretend that you’re |
ashatned of youraelf. You beyyed m- !
to help yoo .0 yet my aunt to a*k bit.'
her*, to art a. «reea Id f.<n. ao-Um.
yonr people ortybl la>*nae H wa* all '
and-----------------------------that yea had both---------.
----- ------yonr Bind*, aad now-no*"—
T», Ma.d «t . Mi bn,k, I. ap.. !
HIM ilelBMey'*
I. aad Betty
canght wp her ytore*.
'Tb awfully aorry. Nora.
“that areda bar* reutaad their rttadty
I asst twdy OskhDiot ywt saw. asd' tor a loi« tlm Tboa K k anted itet
wheat BOder ooBe coadidoaa baa pt*>
mam ta tha wortd tn ganarsL"
j aerred lu rttalltj for OO or 100 years.
-Batty has bahaeed akiBlaablyr It ha* frequeatly bee* stated that
pat ta Nora. ladlgaasUy.
wheat takes froB iCsypUea a
Tad MatkhaB mited.
napu ymliMted. hot ta bm a slayle
-I tklak. oo the natnry. that aba nae l•''tb)* r
baa diiwa naaaritablr food asoae. t K«t.a aiayw ynla tak<
am yolay n Inr* Leadni 1 nelly cleat Bvypttea aarcopbayu* aod sown
aama this aftataon b say caodhy."
hy rartou* persoo* ba> erer beat
Non Mt bar Up*.
kaowa to yenaliwte. and tb* eoadl
“1 SB very aarry." aba hifsa b**W Ooe* for pmerriay tb* a«ed la ibear
BOayly. “I as afraid 1 wu nihcr Byypilaa awaanwau ai* better thaa
ta Waan. bat 1 tbonbt Betty realty la the aolL Tbay are protaitcd from the
carad. aad“—
air aad rartatiou of imperatni*. Tbe
Cbc left tb* aaataac* oaaatebed. axpertBaai which baa Iwea Boat ulk
Tad MarkbaB'a deBasni^anlad bar; ad of I* tbaf of the Oooat of Ateniberg
ba waa qalt* wklia. aiMlb*i« wa* a at Prayoa. He bad rvcelred ibe ynlaa
look ta bk eyaa which trodblad ber. frou a trunwonhy trareler.'Wbo toM
What was that* ta bar luffy-balrvtl. blB that they were lakao from a
Ma».*y*d little friaad to Bare a.Baa aarcopbayua. |i la aaU that two of
aoT That ber ceBpaatea bad ukua theae seed* yemlBatKl. bat it la a weU
SOB* ynat motattea. aad that a *>u. kaows fact that iBpoataree are per
yolarly dMcolt ..eaa. It was easy petnied by the people wbo dtapoa* of
aaooyb ta perceir*.
these oewta. lo aome caaco they bar*
“At* yea yatay t* be sway teiiyr area ampped com or Bate* iato tbeac
aba aakau awkwardly. "I Beaa. are nn-opbayt
you yotay farr
“Many ei|KTlmrou hare been_____ _
“I think of yatny to hare n look at aot only Iv tbta country, but in Khrope.
the antipodea. My father baa mae to deteroi.inr the rlialliy of rartena
Interest, nad 1 hop* B yat feat off to ynh sreds. Tbua. barley reialna its
rtislliy better lUan any oiber ceml.
-Bnt haren't yon made np your cm mu j, .aid
ppuiln lu rluilty
Bind rather bnrrtodlyr ah* abjnird from elybt to icn yean In ibr case
of wbMU wo to 100 per crni yerraloates
“HuiTtedlyT Why. 1 put Ihlay* ta m fr#uis.oiie lo four year*: tn Are to
tnin week* ayer
kBeerru years. (C to NT per crm.. In the
■Waakt ayor- she axctalBOd. “But W,, of rye ibe percentacr of yerlaliui
Betry'a enyayewent k qalla freeh. uon In Ore year* dropped to AS per
IHd yon ouepeca"----ccht; la aereo yeor*. 9U per cent: ntae
"1 soapecied oalhlny. I knew"— ' ydar*. la per cent, la the cane of corn.
-Tau knewr tkc esctalBcd Indlr j made aome experlmmi* a few year*
nantly. -Then why dldht yan aprokT ayo to determine ibe rlUlHy and found
Why didn't you tetl Ber
wbirb was kept tn Uytrtly
. “Tell y*ur Sbe sBrad at hi bis
,foaal» at tbe aye of » years
toqr was BO rabsmsoL “Oh.
ti ^ |»,d teat ail It* power of ycmluailoa.
B*My.,you meanr
; ExperUneou ateo Indicate that cnen
••Ofvdwurae. What oUa leaM 1
be«in>e lary^
' deteriorated and teat mueb of lu pow
“Nathiny. of caur#*"er of yermlnatten. Bren yraa* aeeda
“EaoUy. I dn't uadarvtand yaa.“
.rblch bare been buried ai aome depth
He laayhrd dmrtiy as ba
ta tbe soil and In reaaela tiyhtly sealed
I BBSt net exptata. 0**dby.“
(ailed to yermlnaie after a dosaa or
8b* Baked sp at hiB with atanled, ii yaar*.--Cbteayo
eye*. ,
“You are toe bard aa Batty.' 8b*“BOOKS' NARROW ESCAPES.
“Oa BattyT Itea't you kaaw ib« I
h*r tm w**^ Vlrcll’* "AEoeld." Work* of Artsiatlo
«*•' *
*nt 1^ ay* that w* had
•■a TsUeod aored Sr bom I.Mk.
* Biat.ker
Three of ibr yreateat books in tbe
**'•’ ***
world bare narrowly escaped daatractioo. tbe “oGncKr of Tlrytl. tbe works
I of Arlnoile and ibe yraat Itedy of Jew«^k*d.
‘ kb tndittoa n-pre*enied by tbe Tal“lloB'i yen know that
BB annoat
* pauperT* W eaM bitterly. i
I that Vlryil on bk
doaibited Houclit lo t•u^a ilie only ropy
'«•“ ■ ■"n’ ■fter blB. • Are of Ibe --iKDeld." a* be bad not r.-ri«ed
* trembi.i,* It. and a-liro hr wa* foiled In ibi* be
T.dn. ■•l^-au.w you w.ntjo m.ke ordHrad bU exwuifW*. Varro aud Tucbecauer
----------- I ca. not to yivi- ii lo ibe world, a dlrcction wlili-li wa* dlirvgard<<d by order
of tbe Kmpe.t.r Aujnutu*“"J
Tbe nork* ./
of dri,.“].
Arlatoile .suffeivd from
"Ob. If you were noi lu lore with
neylcci. They bi.v many years burled
Betty, didn't you an—dldo't you yu.-Kt
lo a cvllar. and when, by mere accl'
we.‘k* *«o” —
The roirr* of Ibe ebsperon* wer dent, tbey ivi-re at ten uneanhed. (bey
inatekaan I* r>*aa •• iba eoaaa of bad darted ibrouyb the door aadVa* yayemnit wa* annoiiaved. and
Botber* of yonayer aona and u
hh* dnth of Jadf* Joba B. Patnaa at on her way dewnotali
- ' ’ •
title* declared (hat Udy Hewitt had
Maw Tork. wbe died n a etaoBahlp ye. After aU. it nerer was of any na* .JI..VI b-r U~.. .. .bro.
B*ar Bom oKoac. Be waa gaiag lo te aryne witb Betty; abe wa* oae ot
.hll. lUa, OUbirv .bo.,
Ihoa* 'dellibtfuUy lireopoBBlble cm*
and rrorciru
refleeied mmtuf
MaaUa to *Mt bk tea. a aoldlor.
htraa wh* olways Banaye toa akin
abifi Ihv
that sen were Sikle creature* and'
A. a CUdor. Daltod C»tn oowal at
of ibair abo
■aamto. la daad la Baptoa, Italy.
ar people'* aheuMera. and when”*'
no that feminine frleadsklp waa bnt a
broke* reed.-I«ndoti World.
Cydaoy. B. 8. W., waa nantly elalt aao-p*. Baa. at asy rata-aear dreas*
' Jndytay by ordlaary •tsadarda
•d by a be* wan.
joejkFfERsoN'b LONG Snooze.
Nora waoderH a* abe aiood there idly
tba praMiBk (or the AntraUa
lookJay tato the .street, haw abe cauld *wte
wbnt erop an Boot (arorabU.
are/ bar* been foellsb eMuyb is Uke
A Woody dell war ■ raflac aB-wy Batty's km troobtea aariaualy.
1 Wall* be wa* playlay "Rip Van
«ho aaUm at Korowaal. Bow Oalaao.
MesnUB*. that aaBe folly of ben winkle" at rblcaye Jeffemon en<*
W. P. Patana. tb* aadartahar who w»e yolay ta bear aoBr rary uapal- waa^ le the theatre rary Bn«b exatsWe
Blahanatad br a looy day's ^blny oa'ths
•ndaihod thofaaonlaof Boary day
yoony MarkhaB would h* there, uhe. A* the catiala rooc oa tbe ibfrd
•ad Doald Wohatar. la daad le Haw Be bad arrauyed le rah for Ml** art tl dlaOoeed the white balmd Rip
Tark.*ffBdoi. Be ana a Haaol da HMB*tey aad ber auat. iBdy Bawtii. still deep la bl* tweoty-yean'
■ondaat of Oaa. laraal PataaB.
U eococt them to an afiaraaon <wn pire. tea. twentj
- cert. The etdrr lady had declared at be did aot awakes.
Tbe andtekee bola Bow Tork aad Aaaaa liaad aadar. Inaebeoa that tbe westber was far toe yaa to y*t MapoOcBt and the prospier
for It a« to be aadoeo. to aneasy.
farante an to fp mp IIH ante par
rtak the probabUliy of a farther fall
Tbe yreat actor donbtteae kaew'what
doaaa rlykt away.
sbonL but this was carrylny
As atianpt was node to aaaanlaata of one's Boml baroBour by a couple g,
•U tha Btealcnarinia tha New Bab- of boars of orrhrairal aualu. aad tbai the realisilr buslaesa too far. Tbe fact
(bat all this tlm* Jeffaraon was
ber excuse*.
,j,.^piny the sleep of Ibe JuaL
Oadar a libaral latapratatln of tba
conw-teua that this was a «r rather of (be Ssharman wbo bsd
eoaaa tmly. w* will traaaport lo neat pmtext for ytriny ibe yanny man
,tybi bourn ta the sun. Finally
Bpaia all Bpaatob seldlara aad tbabr the ebaape of a t*(*«-<e(e with her
yallery beroB* oproaAou*. aad
(MtUte* la th* Phlpplo**.
aelf. iBdy Hewitt was i«. indolrat. oae of the "yod*" wanted to know If
Twnty-twenllan an ballarad to naturally, not to be branUy weary of there wa* yatny to be "oloeieeu yoam
tear* foaa dowa with th* ataamar her dune* ai chaperon te her aiece. more of this stMOOe brndnee* "
BwybBi. of Olaarow. off
rial*- A. .UHM.. h.lt— n. . nwoul
bl»T II.U. «
M tb. Ctrl
tb. itranittn.
hsrr*.ta a a tom oa Friday.
tM tbbt. o^nti. .. tbt»t iitotb.n
,„p b.b..th tb.
Tb* BrtUah ateHhlp Playftaay. tea
laff 1^ ten of anal hnllay nfla. u at.
bU biabHbir.
“.tt ttbb,ib.at.ij»..
•oabtt (oat loaf aad wWfblac l.MA
Tba rails an n ba aaad la aqalpplaff apas bar ana* w his yMy If he rtybt throoyb. dprtor:"
mm aiaetrte raOmd to be baUt la BolAt tbl* enUrely sew madtny the sodntte* af watchdog, aad would de
laadoatba Anartoaaplaa.
Gteore wa* tmnadxed whk *m**edare that Nora had Boaey inaayk for
asent. when all at one* Jrffeiwon aat
them both.
Bran or Ono. onr or Tolbpo i „
with a load abrtek. endeoti.r In
Loca* Cotnrrr,
Nora Mourw
slgfaed HI
as uic
abe *1^0
ttaod BI
at la*
th* WIB
ffBaaai. Cnvar ankn mb that iaw. It was a tepsy torry wertd. aad
k* la tb* aaolor nmar of tb* Abb o(
W. J. Qaaan A 0^. dolac bntaan la
Aba diy of Tblado, Oeuty a»d Snn
afufBall. aad that aaU Ars arUl ny
PkUadMpAU Pool.
> COB* In here."
Kora staned. aad th* enter ruhed
dor aaah aad omy aan o< Sanrrh that
' nr*d by tb* na o( Bau.'a te ber faec.im
•werale. baMB* a___________
at eaBtac for aothlng. hot aha hoped
he asM: “I esa not Bake
to be abte to go oatU tbe teat aoBesi ^
art e( s erastsm bit yos.
Won’t yoa let ae gim yoa aama taar •"*
ffhe spoka with nerroas harry. Morce- Tkk k to* assll Mr a haraa'a bit*
sod ta* krga far s Cafau- -Oh. elr.ly
Bar* Oatanb Oan k tahn WTad MoikhnB^taak the etadtr Me raptted th* pottask "M »oaA*t aa aslaffarad Man. ami tteSmad ta iBamta Bali N «u AAattaar IKy.-"-WaMtay
wma ah* rented as. CsdCaMy ah* tea Stag.
Mapped, eosaetes* at hk Cxod gtaSB.
-is aoythtag th* Bsttarr ahaoMad.
-Did yoo sotteot «bo ku.s white
aUk nit. wklM aU vosia te the bonIs s Mtghlly atarmad rotes ~
rLrsrs:«ci‘'vt’i""iL i::
Mbtoa b.™ b«. tt. v.bbb'
'■w. •-
y BSI paBHAi tent ha i_____ , ban fnaar
r knm ksraod Battyk tnsehary.' -Tb; ah* toNWa Ma ttn^t It ap.7* Woosi-oaMCtaattataMki
.................................. ......
“•>’ 1« WJu-' t™.' >te
tlibi ...mbliw ibti «b. boowo la tb.
*yw of tbe, art* and *clencaa
wa* derlred dlmctly frotn ibeae writIny*. ^
Tbe Taiuind nearly txteaiue extinct
thmuyh pemeontloDTbe
sloD of tbe Talmud, by a long aerie*
of ediri* extending orer many cenlurte*. wa* made penal, and tbe book
_ burned. No t^ewor than 24
Iteelf waa
wayoo loa^ of Taimnd
were burned In France In I2«.-Bu*y
PAaajadaat PUk wttl y1*a iBBsCkte
oe Dr. A. W. Ctaaae Mad. Obh BoDSb
T«avB b«mb MaWmmmj,
'aka Waroarte White
•I78/VX88 CABDS.
F. On & Co.
36si-.'r=r'““'~Misj.^.'ssaa ststs
Sieesston n
t *«. W. S.« W. a. H*m.sBmlyewnle* atee
u--ir‘is;-*s="J!i?ay85s Iranrte Citj Uinbw Cs
Trinrat Cilr,
p.ysgg'ipg- Bsrt;
With Dull Skate*
I. \gggS!Ur;fJ3y'..*rg1
Bring tbem to no sod
»*»•***<rauetefg illiiiiii ■ ■»»>***». Of-
have thsm gtonnd bj -an
export in tbo bodsen.
Tin. a. a. rbofWk-o«o» is w- -----------
erH^Mr. M.IM.Tr*«*r«eatfP
Cttr. to aOMA DaMBbrn mo. OB.
■ i il
~r~i nriT
atb *ite
W»1 U^THUlb It
miVK LOTBTn EXDSAJfnB'reebeuveoBd lot
b^WR RALS- A *a*ll bars. r*s be mart
e**IIr on atelrh*. wl'J ir*4e for not.
lihioire ni Plmi K*t(a**l Buk.
3st;j.*JS£fLr2i syr sss
ipo« SALS—A am el*a* PealMSlA B*a*
Bamoe, ba* bee* aa*4 • lll'lo. wUl **11
rbeop J W BlAUr-e B
- - -• 1*0 Prool *u«o1.
TIh Pm luqutte (lUtMi
Itoeembrr tiet. MS ,
r*oklereo *imct.
F>-K'5i;!;svss..'a‘ '~Sa
rpo RSKT-Boboo *n am elM* bvn 8. A
ouward, Ift Boat RleU lUneL
wtu *nbbnc* tor eC
TTraitTXO—Two w»o< CBtwr*. Heoei
W eof* (or IS Incb wood. BoAtUM pot w
- mmiynuntor »>€*(.. '• O. JM
oonra Roara.
L» Chleoco ....
« M
finii HNi • MkH H.
T^B BALK -«r eent A M* ■
lirklA ^r^wlier eat o,nr m
qolrcofj U. lecTtf. rioorsttl
TpoRBALh-Oood oiebt rm
Ttnisiaa Oliy Jlsi'kot
on. oo mot nn«k •«?«
below tesikt pf tbr beylny sad asll- OBrdMjl.taOLOehteek .__________
’ groaarlBt kW'BRKNT—ate room bosle o* lltfc •tenst,
vtUmatebeA*. Bbqclre J O. BMBU
k la Tisa X
___________ BM(
Can’t Skate
..RSt?”:! !1T TS?:
Me par
POMteas. oalls. (Mkblcaa StoiM
On-.laooordtay teqsalliy. it-lto.
BsMlask Anataa Cairo.
MtUoywHl b* 4oo*. tr bet tbay wlU be
ovMdietbatollexwMefiboteir. Beu
Bo* world wtd* (OB* (or Barmloos
loties. olstasu or .
OOBU. Baras, BoOs,
Dldon. Tatter. Colt BboeB.
State Br
Only M* sWn e-Jo^s^^ssd B. ll
slJaahaaskUa FreMBk
TBP... ^
bast ooggk rsssady os earth, csraa a cold
teoM*ff««ateNlknb »«Alftqta.
TUid Tew-No. 834
.m^>on-cf • mrnrf mn§^
m. a. iaa. I
■•rHwSaM W !■ Daaaakar tilwiii aattvaa aaar
Ika Wramk toraaa
alatkn^ than. It to oaU that tka
OktoM natod tka FroaA aad pamad
tkoB leraoaadlanaoa. Tka Ttaaak
lOT WM thirty hfilad. Tka Chtaan
lonaa an aot otaiad.
Oalkniayortka aSal' tka ^^aony
hamtam. Jam. f.-A 41nMak raaaind thmhhat tkna yukeata, wUh 1^
nldiaro. aadar tkaaoBwial a< a bIUWitj frrR*Yr"^--------------------CaiaMl Ma»am-hawaa'a ioraaa haaa tBryoABraaaaadHa raay Tla.lorw
Mt lha Boot m4
«aCaUaa ikM
■ ardor. Tka ^laany alao wind to
•t Ilalaktaf- It la ataiai tkM tha
~*«ho BHtfak aOTeUar -tona aukar- an to ka takaa, ai ka la aaakla to aar
,^al«k«MAiBato( Uat mmmhaa ti ryoat tha daU^Uttoa to tka aattoCaawaJdUad. u kataff wnadai Tto ttoBOfthamaoh.
Boar lOT ii aot gtraa. 11m mart
_UOT aalknlla %il aa jH k n
-«kat OoIaabwK kn aot yat koaa aa-
BrHW laftaarty yaalarday. tat
Tkay oarapM tka
•orik at tka Ioot. kat wars anataaDy
..:^nBaata( tkair pealtlaaa aftar aa
. kaarkakaUtaffkyBftUakrua. Tkay
f aUU kaU. kamrar. tka kUla iaar
■itkr*! 0BRoaa4iaff tka lawa,
anaamUH tka Britlak Itot adnaalar
aiam t^ t^«W' ‘Aa BrlUak lata la
ka^ aagatOTMt-waa Uffkk wkUa
tka Boaia an layiwtii ta kata toat lot.
ky OTaatad tatelry abeat aldday.
^ Boor aUaakOT am«karod l.ooa
teoafti tka Boot, wko wan foread to
'nlnatkykaary arttUary aad Boakatry
Oofdnabtkaa aiao kaaa
ky tka Brttlak, Oaytata Maataona^
MtMairta Blrdk Bldlac wUak la aa
^taakofBtoTBkarr. Maatwaaaay
4oMpad ayoa tka appraaak o( a Boor
r 1,000. kat tka
mradUaaUlaalkatkla i
kaatkar Mf aonfOBaat la tka rl.
^ty of Ltdyaotitk. for tka nllaf of
BIrOaertodtatrart WkiUk kalaayan•dlonM torlla ebjaet, wOl probably
kafeaybt baiwaaaaow aad kaaday.
•tr Badron Bailor la aappoaad to ban
•akk raJaforaaBWta Hla Baa aod
Caaa an ao« nady tor tka adraaaa
What k balland to ba tka prallBloary
•ora waa atda yoMarday. wkaa Blr
BadTOT BoUor akallad a Boar poaltlea
M tka layala. Wkatkar U waa tka
B«* peattloB at Bertaydatd. at Ootnao
or at lakain Bnalala ba ahallad la
nkoowa. Ooloaae ta baltarad to ba
tha Boat Ukaly, tflUlpry asporta daBaaatroa tha Bon of Sir Badrara
Ballar a porpoaa to aney tka Boon
wbhokaQaaad tbaa proaaad with aa
atlOTpt to oatdaak tkaa.
Aa to LadyoBltk. Boraorar. ynrs
^MkatoOT la kaylaalsr to bo (alt. It
to tkeaykt tkat If rallat la loaf
tka 10001000 wUlka*
wkUa It k dear
that tka koaibardaaaat kaa ban raaoB«A with laaraaaal aaUrlty alaao Oaaanl ^oakOTk ratmn to tka (root. Tba
.ftaan at tka aapun by Onaral
.. WhUaktaBoarcMpoattleetarateat
to ka aatoaadad, proba^ kalac baaad
TkawarotoB Ula attaraooa pab.
Itokaa a iHatrr*?*- tmi Oapa Towa. dat'■^ad Jaa. I. aaylay that at OoMral
Braaak'i reqaaat tha kooaakold oanlry.abattaryofdaldartUlary aad tha
Ant battalloB of tka Baan nylBnl
kad ban dWpalekad to ratateraod hlB
Ikay >aat Bay Barnaa taa If tkay
Btaairika aad Olapaiii Wkiakoy.
WaabtaftOB. D. <X. Jaa. s—Ik# aas
BtoohBarof latoraal rornaa baa daaidad that a pkyalaiaa who proaoribn
Wktobay. braady. or aay alooboUa
Uaaor. wkM la aot owpoaBdad with
of terB< ay a roBody. abaU
katoqakad -to pay tba apaolal. totar
Ml toraaaa lax of Bti a yaar aa « niaU
llqoor daator, prerUad boaakaaadkpMV aa wall aa a pbyto^.
Tkaraltoykto aoplTorn to *
whan tka llqaor k proooribadatri .
aa a madlalaa aad ao aoad by tba patoaal.
Tka daatoloa of 4ha aoBBkaloaar
kraaykt totib by tka OTo to a dc
jaWaat^Vkytoto. wka 1^ a dr^
' Cdtoeto^ dtopnaad tt from hka.
OTnl ronaaa wkaa tha lonl atok
btodOBtJw wnitoktotopayeinlirto
BBBtUddzBM Dtraet to the
Ooaaaaieatloa toeyaidliw Bataan of
toarBoa ToBtoa to Datoyoa Bar
•wat by'Bpoolal Kaeangw—toUBdae.Jaa. S—It la atatad ban
tbla aftaraoea that aa omBkatry baa
arrlrad (row Bartto. ooBlay (roB tha
■aa Bsparar with dkyatebaa
diaaaad to tka qaan nnrdtoy tka
nlaan of tka OarBaa naaaia to Dalwre
Bay by tka BrlOak. Thara la aa aaaaaal pfonaoltof batwan aattoea aad
tka war oBstola a^ otkara klyh to aathoHty an aarprlaad at tkto aoaiaa by
tka OarBBa aBparor.tTrka qaaaa la at
Oaboraa, whan tha Binaafar at
Barlto, Jaa. t-Tka nport of tba
■raatlaalaatoaneftkaOarBaa at
ar Oaaaral by tka BrtttohatAdn kaa
predaaad aaaaptoaloa of popator aayar
ofaa totaultytkat It weald ba dllBeait to axaffarata.
Tha Htototm atoad batwaaa tha obioBB aaaaaaity of BatotalalBC.of
aeolaaB and naarra aad tba rlalaat atlaaha of tha praB aad pablld. wbo ara
eharytof tkaa with Unldtly. It U
aaoarta’.o l^wbi
tba revarBaaat baa raMlral aay axplaaatory ooaaaBioatioa from Oraat
BriUto. Tba orebabmUB ara that it
baa aot la aay eaae. ae oaeiat eoBleatkw or anyttalay etoe ealeaUtad
totoabto potolB to tba yorara
tloa to await tba kaaa of <
aaahaafaa, oaly adbartof An
fctleaal tow. aad oraataally Inkt-'
that Oraat Britato yin way If elfitoBOT prora bar wraay- Ak
rlaw k adraoatad by tka Batloaa!
Saltoayaad aoBt oOtar
katUappaakaa ealy a aaBartoally
aaaU aaetioa. wblU the Oka
...POE OLD....
Bm to Baplnkh Soldlatab.. Brllaf Otto
Toad Tamad Both Sanat, Bat Howaa han }aal arrtrad at Tlyaa,
aortbwaat Loan, with Ml tba Amarlattn aad Otkar XattOT Wan aaa prkoaata. Tbatr neoanfal yamalt
k a mBvkabto aebtonant. Oaaaiala
Zyaoiad hr Baaata -- Uylatotan
Bekwaa aad Wbntoa an aow arlth
Will Adtoan Today. .
aaearaU ootomaa to Oartta prortoaa.
Ateln to Laxoa, aortb of ttaaUa. han
iBBtoay. Ktoto, Jaa. »>-Ttday
tka toat deTof tka apatoal i^oa to ymtiy Improtad.*'
ABoay tba Amarlen prkoeen who
tka layktotare ealtod by Oomar Ptowanbawayht to arao Untnaat GOyna tor aattoa i
Tba anttoo bn ban pndaetlnofUtth. aotbtoyto taet
tba raaoBsaadaltoaa to tbayenraor.
TbaaMaaayaaof tba,
BergtM's Bouay
Martin's Human Body. '
Wells' Academic Algebra
Masterpieces Amencao Literature
Williams' Composition and Rhetoric
Tales of Wayside Inn—doth
nEFuiiG' TO moHr.
laykiatin allowiny tha paopii
tba atata to rota apoe tba nrkloa of
tba keeaUtattoo prorldlny tor eqaal
taxattoe of raUroada aad tba Uy
ponttoaa. ban aturly failed to afnt.
Tba boaaa baa worked naryettoally
to tha totaraau to nrkloa of tba
aatattoa la thk iryard bet the m
bee etabboraly Uoekad all Icrklatin
to thk diraetloa.
Aa atUBpt waa made to paM a raaolattoa fa^ny paymnt by the atata
of tba a*p£m of the ynad Jory. bat a
aamya from tba yoraraor elda trackad tba prepoalkoa, tba yeraraerra
Bndlay tbat tba Batter yo erar aatU
tha aaxt l^ktotora, aa tbn tba aetaal
npaaaa aroaU ba kaowa. wbtob k ImpOBlbtototaUatlhkUOT. Lryklattoa
to ban tbaxtata pay tka axpaaaaof
aaap^ too aaeb latltada to dnwtoy
oa the atou trnaaty.
OonldanWa time waa ylm to both
hoaOT to tba dkraactoe of a bUl to roplnkb the aeldlara' rallaf faad for tba
nldian of the Bpaakh-Aewriaaa war.
A BBiaya farortay tbaSi
waa raealrod froB the yoraraor and the
MU paaqad both beaaae.
TbabatiBOTof tbatepaolal aeBloa
waa praoUeally eomptotad today and
any BoabOT left for tbtor boaae toBlybt Tba deal'arlnd-ap to deUUa
will be Bade tyaorrow aoratoy apd
both boaem will ad^oara for yood.
11 bee been etated tbat tbe yoraraor
woald eall another apaelal aearloa. bat
tba meord of thk aomlon haa
hliB tbat aotblny eao be done to aaea
^a eaeaearaa be recoBcnenda and so
other aemloa will ba called.
2W-SS Front Htnot
Xolph (VmiubU It..
Our Great
Inventory Sale
"Banial Bneatoa nBale^an npaired to Kaeampo ta pan the wtotar
A dkpatob froB Aaoal, datad Dae. II.
to tbo Ntehi NloM to J^ma aays tha
protoeteftho Bi
) at MooaBpe, aada
by Japanoao. waa njaetod by tbe Oo*B yonrasut and tbe land baa
qontly beeoBe the property of tba
Alway, think of
............. .............................
end you'll save money
iMOms UaTaartoBBA
brink Of nU-n %- J t»ka*»i
I Pair
Pinkerten;DeteotlTee on Qea.
WhltVs TnlL
t Shoes
I Come In Today
Enjoy the
Good Sieighini;
A man ranrdered
by smoking
I bare aereral fine new rigs-*
bott aiiigls wnd two maM
B« otitBb in the oitj. Ti.
Order by 'Phone No. »2.
Geo. Cams,
Ltv«ry,«od Pmad Stablos
inferior cigars
He would have been
alive today had he chosen a
For Fire Insurance
\ 6c Pig Tail
ddent or buiiB^ary liaa beoome a
and see the Special Prices we’re
in our Special Closing Sale.
public gnamiiin
*o«OTtokkto(lfaatlanah a way
A aaabar to yeaay todkoa to tka
aatatoarthaMMMtoaaadtayian a
ktoadaa^latka aakto Tka tejary MybaakoOlatBntoaBarkorkan orBd aa aatl-aiyanMi toayaa aad
li a Ban OOTa aarloaa oao'tkaa Iha
mm aam aeqaatotoaaa wUk yoa^
iliWiktneklayafekaMwatod hen
whoan toyantoo aBokara. Tka
haya.ttknld.wUl Aykt tka toWM.
Mnirtlil dMi
aadaatolBBltoy acatoontw ir am-
Bring those old books' in quiejt as we won’t buy
aad ttanto Hay bead to itonew
Victoria. B. (X. Jaa. A—Aa oatbnak
betmn Japaa aad Baada k daUy npeetedin tbe Orint. The Japaaen
an aotinly pnpartoy for iv They
an bayloy ap and raeblay foroard tbe
oonetraeUoB to tbo wanMpe aot yet
Qredn ent forth aborUy baton tba
Qaan Adelaide ulled for tbe.aobiUsatlOB of tbe army, tbe totonUon |batoy
to bold tbe yearly Baaenrara. both to
the army aad eary. at aa aarUer an
on tbk year than to tbe pnk
Tberasor tbat a deal of BaaMaa
wanbipa bad ban dlapatebad to Oorca
k eaaArnwd. A ToUo dkpatob to tha
Bbarlfl Porter Benda Oaao-lptlra Olrealan ail orer tba Ooantry—Bepertad That White Waa Ban is Ckieayo
Laat Taaoday
-Ladiea' fine sfaon
iBoatoy. Bleb . Jaa. &.-tf Oeaanl
■ that Oraat Britoto While k BOt aooa ran down it will
will give
I to bo tba toalt of tba dataetlTB who an
all tbe wear, atyle
Boatb dfrtoa by ooaratoy aaatral Bar- n bw kaU. Tba Batter k now ta tbe
ahiUBaa. aad tboir doBaado far baada of tbo dataoUrm of tba Pldality
and fit ofa $2.50 oboe.
main to- OoBpaay wbtob farakbad |Wbltr'a
bead and arapnantaUnef ibePii
Several new
Tba Ooloyaa Oaaotta daalarB It k ton ayaaoy worklay for - tbe eoai
itylee jott received
to tbe rtty today yetUay. pointera
nyntUbU tbata Britkh arakar darad
to toy baado oe aa haparlol Oarau
—la^e, bottom—
Bail ataaBor, aaeb aatloa raktoy qoaa- Oraad Bapidf on a atmUar emad ud
tloM Of tba ynraot Impart Tha a ayatOTtUe aaaroh wlU ba made for
wide or narrow toee—
papar aay* tbat Oraat Britato wUl ba the fayltin.
light or heavy aolee.
9b*nff p-wtor. tbroayb wbMa band ,
lartba toaldnt. whkb woaM aot ban Qoaoral Wblto appamUy allpped ao
poia'bty bappaaad if tba Oorma^ nary aaelly, haa kaaod a elrealar boariay
bad ban atraoytbaaad to rmwat yaan aUkaaOTof Wblto,and beaded. ••Waatto tbanaa axtoat aa tba iray.
ad." Tbo text k aa tolloora:
"Aa ■ todletBnt aad ertatoal
Tba OaraaB Ooloalal Mdoty, wbleh
lialwaya.tbaapmtU to At
at an DOW to ay baada for tbe aboro
baa kiaad a paaaloaataly wordad Baaaed. Wblto haa not ben aeen 'a
paaphlat ayatoot tba arbllraiy aeto of Mleblyaa alaoe Deeember to. bat he k
Tbe leader to Asa abom.
tba Boylkb. aad k eryaa'clay maat- kaow a to bare ben to <%ieayoee late
toya to protaat ayatoat tba oaliarm of ae Jaaaary t aad k pntobly hnded
Week Tbe above oat k an exeellent
OarBaa ramaU.
iMOf ttaatayitlre. axeapt tbat 1
Barlto. Jaa. B.—Oraat Brltato'a
aaawar to tba Oomn Bota to rataneaa aadentaad that ha baa oat off bk
itaoba. WbiUkaboateix fact tall,
to tba
two haadnd aad twnW An
naaind. It k balWod tbat tba re
ply bai aaaaad dJBatkfaetln to ofleial ponada, aad k a Aao, anitary tooktoy
I. tfclrty-Myfat yaan to eye. Bo k
oirelaa. baaaaaa to tba dflatorinOT to
andlay it aad aa toaadl >toat aapUaa- a yood dnaaor aad qatla eporty.
kn plnty of Boney. I waat blB bad
tioatotbo Into.
Tka toaldnt k bwtoalw to ka n- ly and wlU pay any roaaoaabto amonat
> oaptan Mb. Win at my ■Tpoaaa
yardod to a aon aarloaa liykt
"W. B. Poaraa. AbnUT"
ttorlfl Porter aaya tbat bo baa to■VBX Bt A TAXA.
tonaattoa tbat White waa »n to
JfcrrayKarUa Barartoy Ipjarad at OMeayo Taaeday aftaraoea. aad tbat
ba bad a aartlAad Aaeb for $1,000
Onl Dkk Taetety.
Bamy Kartto whoUrmoeatbaaot ol enbod at osa of tbo baake to that oHy.
A prominent New York offioUl
tha oltp. waa oararaly tojarod Than Tba ehtofato poltoo aU oror tbo eoaatry •aid tbe seneral nse of tbe tele
day anatoy at tka Onl Okh Caatery. aad ayaaetoa of aU ataasabip eoa- phone had made tbe task of effiepaalBban
Ba waa at work n top of a toad od'
to the (aylttra. Tha Ptokartn do- ently protecting life and property
toft, aad waa UMay hard whn tha
» per cent eaaier.
taoUrBOToeaAdaat that WMta wtU
haadlatolkooaatheakhnika, throw-dephoning in cam of fire, aekptand wiihto two wooha.
toy hla to tka ffoaad. Baatrwkoa
aa« BUmon aad .Omradn
tela at TM
Waobtoytoa. Jaa. A — Tha
SpeelAl SeeidoB WUl Oloee
aiwtaradhan .kr tka i
BMMMliiaoM WiA Mfkty
«M at Wham' tl Wan WOiiaAOaiamaag Mat Tat Oaaa^iaA hr
1 maota fcjntaJ Ba
Ha?e you cm in
Havana Smoker.
UOB. The auvnyeai aad oldeet Ara to■aranee eompanlea in tbe world rapraaeatod la my ayaney.
You Can’t
Get Something
for Nothing.
If the something is worth having, bnt for
♦3.00 yoo can boy any pair of onr $3,50
Of $4.00 ladies’ shoes.
If yoo are going to buy a pair of shoes
yog had better drop in and see the differ
ent kinds included in this sale.
The '‘Velvet Shoe” ia worth"$4 00—You
can bny it for $3.00.
Rront Street'
'' '
TBK MOSmKe RSCOSD, 8ATmh>AT. lANDARt 6. 1900
was xuTiM nuiA
,mm. % «*M»
i‘ w. KAaa
.' &
' 1« te aCorto W WMk Mjthtar Oov
«nerPl^rM««ffMa4. whatW to
ItotaMitcftk* pM»la ^ Mt. tte
ilto ■—n >* f
kM Mend •
- Mitel necHi. Ttet bodjrwUl CO •■
yMteMtetered—il M eU^ te
^MfieodteoiM^ton/ <vteterU«7
pnfte to««Ml Mntte. or Mi. j«t
#M M*e
|» fteU|i>« M MM tel anMor Mill' iMOMOMotetenrei te vnM'
Itele Bltow te PMpte M «*n»
nBet^adthtoali to vteM ^
«MeteMifwe< OfetoM* »
|»»»towdM« tea teMtk te
intmfmml. tedatecoi
pipM«*MMMotoiteta teto
dte teltelk LeMepaete«Ulte*>
altoWftbto le m\of m maUmlied
MteofMtobtoM »»to. «Ueb te
Mb BMtoac, topM BaMaBU
Ttoamlay MlcM. atoValkaBte
WUboM toaoa.
At > ^atek
a anted at te Browa
lat -ti
mee bad eoakeaa, aed te t
t bto feet M teach
tote a leap walk.
Oft laeaettfatteB, I
the maa «FM OUa ftokn. eaa e< te
pattoata at te aaylaa la tbia ahy. who
tod aBeatad kto eaoapa Hakadaaeaaadad U ffattlto Mny <r«>
i^. had tkrewa away hla atlppara aaf
amlhad te KiMalcy with ealy bto aeelB
ea hla faot. whto ef eearpa did
laette trip.
Whaatoanted at te Baaltartam
at «3acalay. Pr. nroaaaea proMptiy talaehoaed the laelitattea la tkla atty.
ato a sea tote te a^ylte WM aaat te
hrl^ him bato. They arrived hare ea
ItwMtoiasdttotte maa bad aaftoad tot little toem te trip, theafh It
WM rater a eold eaa, aad eaa that a
kMtea wealdeeteara telaka.
TtofeaiihaambMOB tto BtadMth
Uatara aad Maaia Ooaiaa. “A Maa
Aboiat Towa.** wUI ba flvaa at te OUy
Opara BeiM tbto avealaf. TtoM who
baard Hoyt U Ooaaiy tweyaanafeia
•^tooaad te Bteva” wiU to aathma
te baar bto lalar aad batto aatanala
aad to teM wto have Bot hted
him a rare traat to la
Tha Bay View Baadlac OlraU. attar
taklac a tbrea weeka vaaatlee. wttl
maat with Mra P. J. Oartto Mcaday af>
taraooB at te aaaal'boar.
bittow ef te iMTol ft i
IftMnjMr e< te teal el Lte Mtokloa te eloaiac ehapto la *>Btotoy ef BaeI, te oMiar «<
Oktoriteiteft ato” aad atopteta 1.1 «ad 4 la
with te aceompaayli
0WM« ef Berten Mtekln>
alaa artialaa.
DIvtoloB Me- 1 ef te pipe o^aa
It at I p. m. today with
Miu dBM» te wftMM o< Uka Itteiffta Mia. a K. Harray. It wUl ba a IblmbU parly aad all te aembanararaJtetMOftUelMftitae.
CBMted to ba
■ oftetoftolftMn
Mra a J. Bbear wm aaUed to POefUftpetee
r Ptagrtft; lieryMtarday by te eartOM fllete <rf
tm MlUor le fthew to it «n^ e hw aoter, Mra. Baaeb, who to aaffw^tomtette ea te pert ed te
)f tote aa attaaa of p
Pnof. a M Borat bM mevad lele bla
aw boMa. U1 Waablaptee atoaai.
> ef V««f
by WoMtah Oab.
A aary predtabla'M waU m latoaat*
miatlM a< te Womaah Oab wm
bald yMtarflay eftaneoB aadar te
laaflarakfpdsf Mia. M «4aek.
Tto flnt atebw ef te p
a pleMtBC ptftM doat by te MtoaM
Ulabaad Myrtle MlUer.
A flae aato
C1*m by Mra. B. S.
Pratt, bar eal-Jet betaf “The ladMtrial
Ike Daited SUtM m
PertaialBC to Wemaa." She eeeerad
te broad flald ef te aabjeot la aa
abla maaaar. flrier a
valaable alatlatlea abewtar tto wafM
paid to womka la te
TrararM OUy aad eter plaoM la Ur
alee followed tbto paper.
•• Womea in BMlaam" wm tesabtot
of aa axeallaat paper by Mn. 8. J.
'Bicrto. She tod of tbair propvaM la
Uto rMpaat. aeatraatlap it wlU Uatr
pMitloa la yaaia foaa by, aad abowlaf
bow telr aatraaM late te bMlarM
world had Mt only broadaeed telr
UvM bat te world la iraaaral.
A bricht rooltattea by Mra. J. B.
Martia gava plaaalBf vanaty to te
Mia. B. raUercan aaabUp^eree
la PolUlaa,’’ abewlac te ptaltioa bald by tern la Uto fl«ld at te
praaaat time, aad ttBrmlac that la
Btataiwtora wramah aoflerara to la
form aoUlBf bat good bM eoau. aad
BO aril iMalM have foUoWad from allowii^tem tba ballet. Tbto pa^
ably dtoeoaaed by Mra. P. B
Trevto. ,wbo gave aoma (xoalleat
UoB^ta aloag Uu Uoa.
Tba aflernoea om elcaed b) Mn.
Beak aad Mra. OIbba, who tod of Ua
Ideal Woman.’' Mra. Boekb remnrke
rare la te form of n pote,which gavr
a btaattfol pietara of te idral held by
every tree women, end Mn. OIbba
ee:dnglowing tribauie tree womanbood. The pnpen end rnienrkB all
avowed dr^ Uoagbt, wide raaearcb,
broad ee«B and IntcBM w<
Free Storage All Winter.
JkTMorUara ■pbtmHjbTiliw
Do Too
A Diniflg Table?
PeUfltotfftl Pftripftite Mem* alM- late Utoat copy ef te MleUcaa
Tkedaamaa. la racard to Ita P. Oordoe.
toaBftstettk tel B«mUcfor tha Peuto Implemcat Co.
OMef teMMi dftUfhifml eoelftl
of tbto elty. A brief bioctapby. tefton e< te ftMm took pUMlMtoroL* petbar with a daaeripthm ef te healParaoaai.
M ft! te teM el AtefMM teiU', Dte matboda of tbto popelar mldaot
H Poelei bM retaraed -toem
teetefttonMac te tut Ufthd^ of te elty la flvaa, leyater with a
Laaeiag•BftlfMnrp of WiiitoB Itolik, Jr.
flea half teaa portrait.
C. *. Morray bu retaraed from
Bqatore A Boaoer, tba aeatb aide
^ iftviUd ftlB of bto fiMte te harbora, have raeaivad tow Btaalay OrandiBapide..
B. O. Dora ef SoaU Band, led . to In
Ipte te eveBlaf. Aed e i
tlaaaa. formerly ef tbia eUy bat
dty teoklBg op Ue proepeou for
Um* wft« ftoTftr ftojoped
yMftftl liMft
ef Mtaaaaeta, aema flea apMlmrei
Uc porebftM Of fruit.
of te larft Jerk rabbit ef te pralrlaa
M M. OoDlon wu In Klagalryoa bof
•fftftiftC Vftftftpefti la fMM ftsd Two ef tha fleMtapaetmaae have baaa
Mar ptoftMm tet te fftBlIj of ib* ■eaalad by 0. B. .Mater, aad will ba Inrm ycetrrday.
Dr. aad Mn J. W. OaBBtleU were la
pliwMi- kftoe fto «TftU he* le provide. added to the feed
Blk Rspldeenavtoltlliaredsy.
4lMidalc»iAdeltoieM ftad fttehofftW, barbara alraady have la telr abep.
Spngae bu ratorned from
jaffir me eerved te te c«Mto, who.
Prof. MarUagbto orcbMtra playad Unnd Replda.
Mttb teir frted la whcM hoe ir ike
for a dab party at Bib Aepidt laat areMtoe Uraea Morgaa weflt to Detroit
M«P«Mttvea. o»Ui tec roMe
yntarday meraing.
ttoilMilnaMftMeet dAickUal
ibata wQl ba added
Herty iCeat retnraad iMt evrnlng
TheftaprMeaiweraBdirftnl AaeUa.
toMt AadereM. ffm Oftae. Uvreeie tetbaCiarto' Uakm at telr mMt'Og toemavtolt wlU bto parestoat Port
lalto0.fl. P. BbaU Moedayevanlag. Aogela*. Waeb.
•aek. Theodore Mekaeter ftad Uea
There will ba a apaelal eeeveatloB
O O. Oovdl ratoraad lut avcalag
ef te Kolffkto of PyUtoa Meoday from Grand Bapide.
UiroOLBXtBlf aL»HtB»IDB.
■lag. wiU UrM aatoldatoa tor Ua
Prank Ooodriek eama down from tba
aaaead rank.
anrtb lui n’gbt teapand Senday.
•etaraedtei Bveaiac Broai JoUp
Onpt Jos. A. Beanvato at Cbarlevolr.
Trip te Bftiker ~
bOBM Tnnnday evaetag< Mra. Blob of to la Uc city.
A Jolly party errlvod la te city MllUngtoa, «bo to vtolUag bar daagb
J-bo DfUory bM retaraed from a
M evMlac eboftt • e'otek inm Ber- tar. Mn. diylM of Oyprma atraat, was cbortt-ipto B I'krr Oreck.
torCtek. Tkry..«ere M#MMta el te etriekea witb partial paialyaU of her
MUe Brlro A. NorUti reinroed
IdaoelB Utararp aoeteit. oho bad Ufl aide.
rteelng af:er (pending bar vacation st
Crtoaa te tet plftoa early la tka day,
CoBiiderableexdieoMaCwae oaaaed Aon Arbor.
•evtoli tbaaekodi el Lelaad Tripp, a
M H B. alab Weeks, who to to flll Ue
toMar Monber of te aoeiaij. Hie. aaSevmthetraet ymterday aftanooa position la thr eltr sebooU vacated ly
by a niDsway. A borw drivea to a
-p. A BftUar Mtad m teparoaa ef te
eatter By eoete one eboaa name oosld M ss D.*B(’. arrived 'n-i» Decatur laat
fartraotba laaraod, took fright near Ue evening.
The fellewlof ware la te party:'
J B titdlwcl. aad W. T. NUIlwrU.
aebool hvoee and dashed weet. put Ue
piMTT Meade aUlaii, Uittlo Hm^.
SeveaU aad Wndsworth i»»
® etreng. are |a
placaan Walioa aao BaUlia Orvwrll;
alraata Bara Ue ranaway frigbien’d
<• ■
Haaara. Alaioa BuUar, Ckaa. Bltoa.
Him Hsma of Kslkuha, ia la
wbonc that wm telag driven by Mice
■emy Tripp. Hike UbIot. Loata
Bbadeh. The herM ataried to ci-y.
pMtoaUaad Oiaa. Baaala
ran. bat wm plaeklly stopped by Mr
■avlag a Orrat Rap on Obamberlaln's
tioag who baepeaad to be paMlag. No
■fa. MiriB ueia. St, Dead.
Coagb l^edy.
ru borv
■(ft. Barak Oola. vlfe ef Uiram Cole,
Maaagrr Manm fltobe Plerann drag
.At te meettag of Tlavrrea City
dr., eflattoM Bay. eicd at te old
aUra, laftirm- as UM he to baring s
BoMa of bar ftaad paiaala, Mr. aed That No 871, K. O. T. M.' laat evealag. grrat ran on Cbareberlatn's Coagb
imben ware voted Into Ua or- B wrdy. B<-sells fire bottirs of te
■ra Alward. Tbaraday, at te ace of
mru-uiue to one of any other hind, end
Cl yaaia. Bba Iram a bMbaad aat
It gives great Mrtofsetlon. In thru
• email ebUarra. Bbe
■to Wle S.vM Him.
dsys of la grippe there to DoUMg,yb<
pi Mr. aed Mia- Me'riUe Palmer.
smL riain's Ooogii Remedy to stop
"My wife's good advice mv._
Thafaa«al wtU be bald at 11 o'eloek life,-wrilea P. M. fioM of Wtafleid. Ur erngh. heal ap> tbc
il sore throat and
witbin a wry
MMorrow at ike aae Oeapncaiteal Tcao.. -for I bad aach a bad eoagfa 11 la gs and give relief
ealre are growing.
eeald hardly breaUc, 1 grew ataadi y ebnrt tima Tba aa
ptorak at Battoea Bay.
sDfi nil «bo try It an Irneed wl'
Jkaettm ef W. P. Andeiao*
t^pt aelloa-—SoaU Chicago Dally
Otoeovery for Cos________
P^ toe by 8 E. Walt and P. C
.ilrtriy cured me." Coagba C
la' te Uawat^ite la Broaebitla. La Grippe, Paeam
Tbpmoson, draggtoto.
.pktrira. tkat Charntwr AaUma, Hay Pever aad all Mkiadtce
ef Chest, Throat and tmnga an pia*
luvely eared by Uto marvelleaa medidue »0e aaa SI oa MvAy botUa
M. V Ptaber of l/faerty, W. gaaraatred. Trial botUra IQe at Jaa
ly rrpiau wkat Bm beeaoaui U Jobat «'s aad 8. & Waii’a drag
*ritaj^ -I
MOMid ike
glebe okra be writes:
tore wed ^atberlaia'e Uapb Berne
Now to te
be ttime to have your Uicyd'
pert ct saeeoiL.
So reme^ aqaals WAJureab W’Hrrs
d end elMied up reedy for
__ ________
tel It la Boi ealy te bmi
tut or Tab -SyBUP for tbto. torri. apring.
aaM rrm- dy. bet that It te a aare eere
UortoHOM UbMaafadteliTteetoar
' aMlArao a aambrr of Umea.** TbU •ugklyaadintlma,ltwUleitra a case
My work ean not br brat and priepMead«latowil|^^B. Waltaad P
UelowMt. wmeall far yoar whMi
V Cm U Iripjwlo 24 ism.
1"“'^ N. 1. 8IBK, ftipr.
B. a. MaU taverad Several rrleada
With MaaSabyTelrptoma.
B.B BaU taratobediateraatU
C tea Bomber
offriaedaew te tang dtotaaea plan.
Ba baa jMt ratarsad from Ohio, where
ba proflied by te plan adopted bp JM Lomraaekar. ooa of bto partaan U
tba Oral Wood Dtob Oo.
•aaad laat
Blgktlw eallad ap te 1
aararal trtaada by •pboM aad tbaai
Btarud bto graampboDa. Bto Meads
and aatghbora tejsyed a oooeart of
Mvarai Baa sMaeUeaa and baard Ua
to........ .... .......£,«
Slater’s Houss Fumisliing Slota
ISO Front OtrMt.
Aaatrla. It to aald, wilt apa:»d flieo,>
0M.(b 0 li army and new Irniriacas Im
L Whooping Cough. Asthma.
\ TVto tfCMUlil^Dy*
The H. & L. Mercantile Co.
Think of itThe Iwrgsinn in warm foolwimr.
Think of itThe cold
When yoB ro h«»me how pleaunt It would
weather deauoda warmer sh<to«, and we‘re tfiving yoQ the biggent ifl^aiiee of your life to clothe
■your feet at unheard of pricea.
have beeii a- llitig Felt Shoes nud Br-a?.
er Shoes at It 00 the peir. Warm Ciiied Kid
look if yon bad a nice picture to hang in the
8)yoi-e at 12.00. Beaver Slippera at T.V Felt
Slippers at |1 UU
Our groat
Block of Juliette at
Alfrwl tkilgp Felt
Slippers at I1.5U and $2.00—And now we have
marked the whole stork tu sell at SS psr OSIlt
discoDBt from thesa prices.
Think of it.
Think of it-The text Uosh you are al your dining uhlv
bow much nioK; rotnf >rtsbl« you woo'd be if
yon had a s-t of^ No .IJfTnhiing < haira?That'a those quarter ka^^oak-gi^i.'ii uakhniBb.
braced anna, beaded.^indh's, cage seat, carved
bark—aelU at 1^/2^ the set of Hix chairs. You
cuold eat your^noer. aud the fo<>l do you jturt
as inoch gupd^if you ha<l one of our
2o chairs
->bul thare'a more aatiefactiott in owuiogthe
better goods.
Try it 01 ce and see.
Think nf itTuday—and keep on thinking until yon
have purcKaaed all tho School Books you'll need
when the new Semester begins.
Too know your atudies. then don't wait un
til Uiat tirai morning—for irerbapa the books
may be all sold. You’ll surely need Tablets.
Oar 6 and JOc Writing Paper Tableta are beautiea—boih in the qa<ility 01 paper and the cov.
era. Tberf are better grades for cori>*Bpoiidende - and there are other snppliee that your
aebool work require, all of which we carry.
Think early and buy.
dining room—ot
Bitting room?
between the windows in tha
Tour {tarlor bu the hard finiab'
ad pluUT—Just ihe ^hgroond fora nice pieture with an oak frame.
If papered-then one
with a dull Bnisb black or a Flemish frame.
We are making many homes look brighter,
because we have the stock.
Our new mouldings sra beaotiu.
Think of itThe amonnt of time it takes to make a
handkerchief, and tiien af the fact we’re selling
Oiie'styie at a r^iit apiece.
style with wlored borders at 2-I (sacb.
A lan^'
one at :tc - And you'll l>e surprised at our 5o
goisla A nicely eml>rij|dered .one. nr a good
liii-n. or a fine hemstitched all bt^ii at oc, and
increase in beauty and workmanship outil it
coats $1 •'VI to own some of the styles. .
A woman cannot have too many bandkeN
chiefa—those for the borne and for the atraet—
for every day use (.iid those for special occasiu'na
Think of itHow much more comfortable yon would be,
and how you would enjoy yoor night's rut if
yon Were wearing one of those Men's All Wool
Knit Night Kobe*. They are good aud long
and warm, sod sell st $2.00. We are selling
lota of those Outing Flannel at 50c and $1.00.
The Sateen cornea in different oplora and sell st
$1.25. $1.50 and $1.?T>.
No one dr.-am8 of ‘ seeiu’ things st night"
if they sleep in the Night Robu bought here.
WAiM BittapMn la
I S^Ato Mims'
^ . B.*0 WAmmof OaUntUf
tbo lbs.
WardBB ValaoB inbav.Bg a tlM.
if itXettA. > Aaoldod
■a baa Blroady bad BoaBTAl BBON or Ian
diBAgreawnte with p*
! SwnvrvnarwrwMTipviV*
I kmtaw touAMv SuMr. OnUot
I Dk., m4 A Moak «om#M7 >• aom brisf
I iftifcyOAAtttoi of (k« vtaiBttr
fW auMl Ml* AikTMllM o< tW
. T. M. a A o<
ii M W b«M At
BAlAmAAdA oa rt%^ ts to M Asd
liinrm IrTrti imi n tew u
A|arMr«<O0Mr». Tab Bamb Od.,
hB« BB BBpariMA IB imwat Mb «A
MB»M,ta«kB IB gBiBt «A t>7 tt
«|BlaBB4rt7BBr, OA ikB grunt that
•aBBABflhAtoalB.At A tO«Al
tm, iaahUlBc BAAd, aaA ik# toM
gntnt WBI >At BBAOArtOAj 9t kAAll.
VkA BAW Bomtl ABhBAl At Ma'^AaMb
BfBBBd ilB 400fl |ar tbA ABBBBd iBra AB
Vkanday. TWa Arp t> abaOb m a^
■In OMrtB Ai%m of OoUwaIw. who
d la Bb» Tork oilj AboaS
AlamiilBAto. haBBolbABB bBArdfroai
TbABBAAlwAltfkt «f wUdBABi rABB
droBi w to 40 fOBBdB, bat WbIbob PrfaBt
hlUod «BA MBBBtir B» UBff LAkB,
AIbbba Oa, wblsb M^Bd tbABBAloi at
A tBA ttroB Btorr oammor boM It lo
hABBAAtod B» 800* Babbb Iho ABatsg
iiFAfoum TO gou.
»Bpai «am BB AdvalAB m»pati OB Bnllag ■!■.
▼oto BalagAtoA.
Jaa. A—Tba abbaM
fw when ba hn attonptod to««P—» oommlttn oa prit
lbadogias.ABd biatroabln an aot Bodaydaeldrd byacotoofd to • to
ao adaam npert apoa tba, raaoTba lalaotla A warmat fer Votor latioB to aad( Saaator Qaay.
Potarty'. It aaem that Mr Pnlartyl
of the eommitto vcAlag
OWBod a dog BAitl raoaaUy bat baa for tba naotatloa ware daaaUtaOhAad
gtoaa It away. Dag Wardoa. Xalaoa lor. Hoar aad MaOonaa, tona eppn
olaiaB that tba Bag D adll in Wf P« lag wan BoBatora BarrowA OaCaty,
plb f~r—wblBB Hr. Pblanyi Pattw aad HarrlA daaatan Tarlar
OydaBlBA alalmlag that ho oaa aad Priiebard warn patrad. tba lattar
poBBAwbanaBd «baa ba garo It aany lor ABd tba former agalnt the raaoln■^ama tbu bo wiu pay ao tos oa ttoa.
Ha dadaita tiBM la aat for tha pre
tba ABlMl. aad n HAnm laaiBto. tba
will ha triad balarB Jodga Bobaru
of tto aommtttn'a report to
tha aaoatr. Tba mlaerliy will alapraant
a rapmt. and tha BodarataadMr. PBWrtyl baa rotolaad ooaaAal. <ag la that
the mltorlty will be sot.
ABd wUl »ot BP a Agbt oa tba m
fl ,d by tba Btaj riiy wbaifte it raid*
ba8atorBarruwa.tba oBly Eapab’i
aaa oa tba eoamlttn who aotod
mow of Votda^Bail^^ Oaotriyi
againt tha raaolattoa, wUl praoara tba
rrportof tha mat •rtn. asd baaator
TbarodAy Mlgbt-lmn $».000
Pin daatrayada aom^ata row of Boar that of tha mioority.
Bight. bBTAlng to tba grenad bnUdloga A Bawdtba Ttctiw Tdia Haw U PaaBi
OBBBplAdbytbA poa) oOoa farsitan
M Ba Bald tp.
Btora,drBg otora, espran cflet aad **1 bapp>« to know bow it fecD to bo
hArbor ah^ togalbar with an toe bean brW oa” nid a gaoilvinaD who now
aada larga bara. Tba Ara atartad' acruptcaa poaUioa of pionipetMv in toBoar tba aaatar of tba row. pranmably <mi railroad cirdra. ”I ac«)ii]red my
axparlmce aa a paaarngrr
ogar IIB a atagp
from a dafaotlva Aas
. ' coach ebont als mllea from Tontbatooe.
Tba row of balidiagi
A. T. to I8M. \t> bad a big Ind. alz
*** men loalde. two on tba dhrer’a ant
drag aura. Blalan la aboat At.OAO, _________ ,___________ _.T 00 the boot
wlU bat Ui
Moat of tha Brary mao to Uw crowd bad a rarolv. _________ d Mr. AtoMd .a.' ar. two of tba intida famaaiieerB had
of tha
tbaatoA plaan bia Ion at, Wlncbaatert arroat tbclr kncca. and
■ bad an 8 bora dock
aho^At.OOA. Tba total ton wUl raaob! Um '
I tbai cootalned nearly a quart of
saara aad Twratan.
AobPfera. wbra ynuay dad frivokjwa,
ebaoge (beir abeUs several tlasra a
yrar. bat as tbey grow older and. pro
amnabijr. awre ardaic they are cootmt
with a nrw aaH ewry anmmer. The
tobstar to bis -own tailor, and peraons
wbo have watcbvd tbe preceaa ray
that the dlAcuUy arems to Ue to get
ting rM of tbe old garb and not to Atting the new. Firm be ia axmeked by
a series of coavntotons toattog fur arv.
aral daya. Daring tbrae a fain Itoa
af the bark, wbk-b gradually grows
bnadar with every apnam. Tbe bead^
piece Ib tbe Brst to break eacitvly. and
■oddenty a vkilcot effort enables tbe
lobater 19 wltbdnw bts brad, leaving
the larger pan of bts eyes la tbe ab^
Atw a rest of a few boon tbe airar
gle begins again, and tbe abooMera. or
large cUwa. emerge, with effort ao ex*
hamrttog Uttt nearly a day Is teqnlred
for recnperatlob.
During this time be presents a curtona apecucle. sB*h iiead and bpdj com
pletely oat of tbe abeU and only tba
toll Incloaed. Tb.-n tbe coavutolT<
movementa are resumed, aad abell by
abell tbe tall cov.-rtog U loosened, on
Ul. with rioiect struggles, tbe tail to
free, and tbe loi>stcr. looktog as If ba
bad been boiled. II,-s down for ■ 1
of two or three days.
Tbe new anlt grows with gnat
rapidity aod'flta to perfect ulkw mada
style, lltetnily molded to ibe form.
Uke tbe craK wbicb to nmat c .taeatad when "aoD sbeUed.” that to. at predaely this period, wbkb to Blmitor la
both, the lobster Is regarded by cpIenres as especially dellcloiu when ebna
denuded of bto abell covering, but aa
be bidea carefully among tbe rocks ba
to acidom procurabte.-New York Trtb-
............... .
AronakabU BMrrlara'ooearadatCr
dar Bprlaft oa New Vtorb day, whan
iaoob Ohlara aad Uah Aaron took thr
vowa that aado than hadbapd and wife.
Tba groom U U yaara old aad the bride
le thlrtoao ynra bin aanior.
Tbara anma to bo aoma hoodoo eonBBOtto with tha Pint Siam baah at Dc>
ntar. Two pmidoata and om aanhiar
«t tba tntiloUoB aava died witbia tbe
paat alaa montha rAt LMalnr. Rap..ObaBbBrUle*aTOoa
At tbe Boul Dawaey, wn oatorad
Wadaaaday ai^t by oarirlAn who reUoaad him of hb haadaome gold watch
BBdabalB and a •mall earn of otopty.
„ „
PlB* ar OASiU a
___ ,
. i, ^
Mniphy A Diggineof this oity bner
oonimetad with Jnmaa Miuhel). of
TnatlB.tocBt l.OOOOnn feat of pine
nanr Laataellie In Ealkaaka n nnty.
U la nndaratood Ihnt if thto Moimo’ 1»
tnieilad aallato-iory. the «rm will glen
Mr. MltoheUnnoiher cootmei to e> t
ODD 000 feat oi
of nawiocK
bawloek UI
to tno
tha aam
11 000.000
The Bo Bsglr Wblat Clnb wna moat
iflgbttolly eatortnlnad last..gsulBg
mnwo owaarm.
JutoUMM B B..«, oID«rt.ld, h^liiii*.. m brick k.
loe re-
TAer Are Oreadeg hr Cneaia
«•>>» the Ho.tea. Ser«*o>.
Wrliliig <>n "Uaklos t'ompauy o(
tiueem." Edwanl lt)k. lo Tbe Isdlea'
Nome Juuninl. ivttvIJera "It a eurloua
fact that AiiMTicno Ueuaewlva* are ao
_______ that
loath lo helleve
a dinner with fuM
f„ther» li dteadc,! by the vast
mnjortt} of t>c.|de. Tbe bigb.-ia complbnent we ran pmwlldy *bow ■ gumt
nt dinm-r u to li t i>im partake i<r ao
orAnary mr«l. i<> ht him <'<>ioe quietly
yet thit
I» ti»' '■rry cv'iiiplluieni whlHi we wiibinstead uf giving n
ne would relM. m.»i wa
give him what he realty eiijaya least,
”l.ei a b^i<-ss Iw ever so gnic.-ful
•n»i taetfiil. let there is- y.-uni of ei.
P-flcme on her ah.midrn,. y.-t nothing
her gu«u that the
'* It Is a formal afthan an'unusual one.
ao loudly or so uoorrincly as a formal
comisioy dluii.T. Kver>- e,.urse sbowa
It; every movement of the walircM proclaims It; every piece of china fairly
j comiWDV of. and that feeling Is
The Boston Store,
WE have
Sidewalk Lumber in adl elaea.
'nerrawBore to n-rAWArAA fH'y I OBibAr Co
Ths l-.r.....'. I«.l W..B1..
“flc wji« nit licnc-tt hi'\ ycr." aiilg Ilm
log tl>r
Tbr Road «• a«(«na.
Ttu-rr u a mlsiakeu notion ibat bobrw Id life la ai tiievr.1 only by bard rf.
,fori. .\n '•cOU'-BiU'D*' la not nveraury
iM-comr atn-c-ssful ip life, beyond
tboiYHigh raiiiillaHiy with the rndl''
IR Ad rdmgHoti trinira to an ladoRiriouR man as naturally ■■ age.
At.illty to deliver nnitlODR Ir OOt nrerarary Industry nod bi>o<-«iy. wbieharr
easlrr than hlh-nrs* and dlRlionrsty. will
achieve sir-ccsr for any nuin of ordi
nary ability Kin-rca Ir raslcr ibat)
fnjniv gnccniR arhloin comi-s at oner:
It I* a matter of y«-rfrw of rond rondtlrt
an-l IntelllD-ni work.-Aichlaon tiloba.
tha Btorkat for call AAd deld ran
)y 0*a to AAff era Barai^*Btotor tor
All $8 26 Jackets for........$6.60
AU $9.00 Jacketo for.... - .$7.60
AU $1000 Jackets for
All $12 00 jackets for
AU $18.00 Jackets for.. $12'00
S!KessLS".rs:'.x..... .
H. a eoB'B'tord er*a- fw al akla aran'toriR,
Hehlag or
barrlAr. Carra ptlrR. araama and ralt
viiena SAaaats a> all dr rrtoto O'
Dr A W. f braa. Mad. To . Buffalo. K
Y.A uvplaboxwlllbrAaatAba-'lre-
VVe will give you. with every purchase of a Jacket at
$6.50 and up. your choi^ oT any hat in our Millinery
Department FREE OF CHARGE.
To make it a soecial. inducement we have cut the
prices on our jackeu as follows:
N.< Uu.thr, I...I -I.,|.|»d a n-,ol..T ''
out of Uic desk 1111.1 I. vrlcl II at hit qmiI the llslcl.crs .1I1T.-.I wm asHv.
U«-ad."-Nc« Y..rk Nim
, - M,. wns nn nr>-mgc lawj.-r." i«al«1
the iMinum: '•■ line tyi«- c.f an uv.-rai
Arlibrr aatr« Kor Cavarg.
ln«y«-r. ,\iid when I Miy
aremge I
itadio.-ul iM-opIr havr au arrange
ir hnd l»N-D tbe
ment lit which ihry i.-au tvgistrr thf
spi-<<d of a iiiiiu ll looks like a Rraih
gauge H'lil Ir t-»iiu«<Tr<l with Hip axle, pnif«-<-s!uii. Hilt r
ao llial tin- |S.Inter rt-glstcM the Dum- I will iidmit tliiit
d'-iil tH-.ii.-r ilic luiti-r thnu -hr forImt of n-volu:kiiis rv.Tj inlliulr. Tbrra
arc su u.any n\oliitl(>u> u- Ihr mllv.
hr sis-nk.T p.im
and by an iiivcijKiiis urmiigcmcut the
IVlici-i- IS III- Do
<i.-Ariy In h-v.ii?
DUmlsT of uilh-s an li»ur Ir shown up- We iloii'l know, hill
on. the lilnl. The a|>|iaralua la exprnbc'> wli.-ic w.- il iiik hr Is
eUc as w.-ll a« drli.-nlr
‘■••ilitcrl i.nr heart-- w ith our
Thr Into Jh. liouhl was one of the
'’.'"I,’:!' ‘iJ”!."!"!!
flrsi to adn|» ii. and shurily after a
n-glNi.-r was |da<--<l m i,is private car
tUtNs.1) Huge was mukllig a Journey
with hhii ami tu-|iilml wlial it. wna.
fgf. firiihi exphilm-.! Hit- ux-chanlsril
■ml ihi. u-xfulm-ss of the machiue
with great care Mr Sngr was Rllcnt
for a lutiUH-ui and thru, luuki
>klng up. In
••Dor* If »<uru nnyihiugr
"N«. I iliiuk uol." Uhl Ur. Ooald.
P ith a smile.
eeeetoeee e—eeseeeeeeeee
"l>o.-s It save aiiythlngV*
"7 hru I would not bara it in try
eBr.''-4'hk-ago Uccortl.
CMdan wtdtMng. tbalr obtidrea and
Tba top of a dmk from Norwich ..i
n-t hasn-t tbe time. Her ey*a are for the
BhUgrra-acblJranbaingprewni. 8<d|
and her w-rranis, not fw bet
A hAtr baa tamed gmy on cither cac of rcralty. Vaimont, lA whieb Admltml gOBBt__________________
Dewey had ent bit BAm whIM a atm
Ibair banda and tba farrowing Aegan
HertCraaf la
«f ttma haa tmaad few linaa ra tha tan
day few tii._________________
"Writ" sbe said as she told down
her pBiwr. "when ibai new auiumsiie
OhUa't aaport of Bltnu laat year
Voting machine Is generally lutroOld Pa^la Made Tcnag
duced I shall In- to faior of having the
ballot myself."
i. 0. Bbermaa. tbe vetaraa editor of
"Wlut’s the voting machine got to
M Vcn^tsUle (Mich.) Baba, baa'from rbaamaiha'
with Itr' he usketL
■Boat of [that rhsmbarlaio'a.Pail Balm raliarto
pecpia yooBg. Por yaan ' ne aftor a nomber
mad elacs
•W by, my ol.J.s-iiout to voting a.-w."
iber of other
lafl Heironaataa, aiacplspa- aad a doctor bad failed. It la tbe baa she efiblalued. "Is to going out aad
I, iBdlfCBtiOC.
mtJra. Heart l^bU. Cte llatmaat 1 hae, erer koowa of-f.A suuding to hoc and getting In a crowd
Id Bbaamattom, be nslag Dodrm. Alpbareica. On. TbooBaads of aU sorts of |M-uple that uw doesn't
81r Kohrn Hall, the rnitnroi afiroDBra 4m wrltoa: “It base baea enrad of chenmatism by this kuvM and <lo<-su't want to know. Imi oiurr. oner toM an audhfici- that any
aAAtbaprAlaadmb^taty. It gaaUy eea^dy. Oaa ato'las lM ralto^tba just as s.sm as it Is fixed so tltat 1
who look the Irochh- lo lie on bis
cau sit right to-n- at Imiiw and let a l»ck nii thr gnminl an>l gaw at a eh-nr
---------» ‘
iDBcblne Vote for me 1 shall be to fa*
night sky would, as \il« ryai tMwane
r of tR-uuiBD Rtiffrai
amtRtoturd (o Ihr brartma. anon par
te my srifa aad ma. tt'a a maraalem HatttBtBMnMN
aabr’* dkia
c.-;«a uuiubriw of ahootlng atara.
Tba Mtehigu (MarraOe. to atOl Ir
AtobSa^iArSafl^^” ** *** MOM . bnyiag wheat tor wbtob they are
paytaf market trtoe. AU eewdltloM
of ttomapcd wbrat bo^t, lor wbtoh
<My wiU pay Accordiv to qnallty.
hadraoWMft. CMTBL
board. Cbalra, 8oekara,pld. M. C
|BiaBA.«UWAtoBtidaA d •Md.« fly J«feMa*ilatOiMA
A Nice Trimmed
or Street Walking Hal
company dinners.
oldaetUfe iaanranoa aomptay in thr
Unib4 dtttoa. with enah nwrnta of
•too.ooo.om. it does not elnlm to ba tbe
r. Vftnnaa
Uoaiof baaatB of bavipc twin aa
antarad’ forelwn
naay famala taarbora aa aoy otbor elty ABotbar
la tha atata. Tbara ara two wenao oeoBUieabe'oratbalfBtanlLifA.
«rbo hollar "aazt” la tha city of la«la> Mr. OoBloa hna bean n geaiat bnatlar
.lAtam ABd gTAod JarioA wbUTi
lor thU aompaoy and bM rnaaltod two
tho nnt that aay etbar eity Ib tba prlaat for Bending to tha moat bnalne r
Plata cABtaoaot
ofaayngantof tha amta in n giv a
A New Year’s
Present For Yoii
____ _
bcdd op nt nbovt 4 in
aloct. tVci
Tin BitIfA ^Bolal boAid of tbA DBLIMma BOCIAI. PAmTTltbaa
by a alngla emiLad man.
■sthodlBS bAatba B4 llool Ib BOnpOABd
wbo roar aoddanly from behind a pile
of wenaB, iba otbar oBx aoS boiac Olaaa by
Plorann Slntns *--»' ^ rocka nnd roratvd u* wUb a waavd
,ofr hbotcoD. AU tbe curulna were
"(tpesiklng of oerve." rah) one of the
rnlaed. ^tbere wa» a fair flew of tbe detectives at beadqnartcn. 'Temindt
Tba boma of MIm PtoraBea Blgglaa, Intertoryand wbco be yelled 'Hasda me of Chief UcTlaugbry of Chicago.
TW bady Bf a naa VBA toBBd oatba
opr arerybody olx-yed.
He uaed to be wanlen at the Rate pen
lOB la iBirlBaw Bay Thonday Mralag.
of a vary ploaaant aeelal party laat^ Then be cold ua to get oat one-by itentiary down Id Joliet, and be had
UiBbaUovato bo Ihaiof Oba WoodA
wlib onr backs tbe reputation of being tbe c^leat man
wbOAiartodCrea Bay Olty, Dba 17. t.- oeaBiog. Tba twaaty and more gnnto' one amt stand to a
la tUlDols He was as sblfty aa any of
AbAto to ihA alAto read
BBUrtolnnd. Prslm nad bra bora ware no badly to my life, but I saw tbe otb tbe men be bad to handle and as quick
bo WBB to matt hla wife oa tho baba
aaraod dBring tba eamlng, nad «ftarfuUowed aolt. About -BOd <«Un alsjut ll as a regular Sherlock
dAto, bat «bo BBaar nasbad U> doaUlinlmes. Nothing i-ould f<-aae blm.
*H)ae ,faiy Mc<'tougbry was sltrlng to
TAflM ---------M,__u rj__ nonrroed. apt-wred from .twbtod t^e
~ck.nndtookuptbe«db«lon.wblch bto otBi-e at lust alx>m tbe time tbe
Tbora Ib qalta a aayBiory abeat
wwn“»™. inclnded oor )«tol araeoal. After that men were ls*lng uiarcbwl hack to their
fBAidBiiBB Ib OlTAfd. Aboat d*B yaara
Ooroatl, Willie PUeh. Jna Mnaa.
^re ordered back, ami tbe eblef cells frtvin s-ork. He was alone. There
SCeoBaofOlfArdbelUBBBa who. with John
Barato Baynolda, Hand Uneola. Ella bandit told tbe driver tu go abnd.
a sound liebtod him. and. whirling
bit BlAtar. Uaad tbatb, BAddanly dtay- tellb.'^ad Oomptra. tiny Laoanrd, I *-Aa fnr ni I know, tbe roltbcra were was
rotmd. lie saw a convict wbo bad psaa.
BBATAd ABd tha boBM bn aloM baoB Rny*B. Alenndar. ink Allan. Wlllntd oerer miigbi. but wbat eapcclaUy Im- A-<1 ilu- guonl In some wa.v cn-eping tovBdABt Bowavar.tbaboaaalaBUUfu^ Blgrina. Oiam Rntaar, Htbal Llnoola, prenocd me aboat tbe epltodc
«ar>l hliii wlili ail ugly looking Iron
BiBhBd ABdOBloeblagtbroBghthawto Mnnda Morrta, Barn Wintom, Blbd n-luctaure ur au.r of our luirty iu take l«r 111 h!s hand.
dow oBa au aaa tba aarpatoa tba door. Blngbnm.Jn1toWnrran. Andrew Big•••Pou i you silrr tbe man wblap^
I wn ^rtaln the aligblA lArfA bBAWr la tba room aad a tabla gln« nnd
^ w'______•••
euc^Hfui. bat cl. rill g.-lug lu p-i out of this If '
riaraan Higglna.
,n„n « b<, made have to kill ,v.>u to do It.'
AAt wtto dIahaA abO Aha ebalra look aa
•••Oh.- Mcftauslirv Ntii.l. •} tbvuglif
tbe^tbaoeeaputohad Jaat pa«bad
BnA to Abb Arbor.
j of bring klilMT. and I suppone all ibe you wen- going u.iiiorrovvr The man
Btray from tha lablA Soom bare
T. A. Oonlon will retam w Ann otbera Mt tUc mrae wa.v. An.vliow. It staivd at U'-rtonghry and gruntivl.
tboBfbt that tbara was a nyawrr
luip|>cDP(l csacily aa I have narrated •W\>i r M'S laughiy simply hsiki-d at I
BOBtodwiOiltAod weird atortat ba*a
lived to ArUoun blm n* ihuiigl. hi- dldii'i care much and '
Itorltig tbe yiwr i lived
baaatold. bat aa tha taBea are paid each to tba law dapnrtmani of the.
said: Tlie.k si-iit up your dismissal pa- I
tha h ltd * there were Hgbt or ulue bold np*
wa BO my
aame road, and la ou Insiame waa |M-r* iliis aficnuH-u. tlmfs all Voulve
year It U preaaBad avaTtblaf la all
noattoif In tba eity and doing n UtUa there any reabtauce wtiairver. That becD stirh 8 Ooslri iirtsvncr all Ibe l
.TlCbt-^dwatar Ooarlar.
work for tba tfntanl Lite Inanmnca taught me that a crowd of average time Thai ilicy diN l-h-tl lu. E-omniDie At IfsatroBary,' Paek Paahar' Oo. of Haw York, of whieb ha ia aooelnl lucD. gating Into a eocke<l. ahoiEiin. your -•'uu-ikn; V<-u <-ou go all right i
OA 9. mrl«A, David JaakloA W«- nfaoi. Ha will ratom bara and olona will do Ju*i nimul an}ttilng ibst la enoiigl, If you sum u> You're mx my
lit Baadlay aad Olaad B Wood ara vie- npaoaia datolla of work nndor way. auggei J.'‘~N«w orieana TImea l>em. priM-iu r aui Tiiofv. If y
tlBH of blood polooBlaff. Tho dlaoaai goring tba aprlng Tnenttoa. Mr Ooalra'«*7wL
la tbOBfht to haaa orifiBatod to a paak
■rywbarBtbaBaataaaraanployBd. le
ABBOfAl eaaaa tba haada aad ariBB of tba
BBffaroia ara awrilaa to twin tbalri
;■;■ V=!^|
Botilaa of prrfniaa. attll frrab. aad
Jar* of pemadr iliat bad not lorn lu
f.acrancr have bran rreorrrad fma
Rmatonaom and rtmipt-U.
wi have declded;to costini e tor anotber week our
Special salc on
and CaniBias
Remember tbia offer u good only
autil JaaoBry btb.
Tbe largeBt line in tbe eily to
Belet-t from.
Full line of EatotmaB AOppUnA
IbompsoD’s Drug Store
fonuA^<er Block.
Don’t fdu want to
buy A palrofBbocx
thAt you wont
hhTe to botfwr
about In gio*
AAdwurweO??? That’iPln-;
gr^$ Xotapethc."
L. L. A .'BuildfDg.
Jtihn R. Santo.
Gmiil Inarim.
Trararaa city, num
Sold Sy
frark Friedrich
m M Idh*. tks lu
than af critira.
r OSba. iaikhAto I
-Nor Hon tm tew oatar •* siil
da bar neo.
-It ksY Mr te yos. sad haMCa* 1tetna hsm Anagod-—
-Do yoa thtok tarV «h* It vary
-Tob Beaa that Baity- '
knily. Koesr
-MkrOokhaaM k yotng t* ba anr-^ i la tae pofMlar pra«.“
, Worn HMBMgy a^mgaai Bar M*M- Had.- Mara gasped, hat 4M sat sprak:;
a$1taa'\0ai\&. j
-My imi ■atty. yos ooytat te kaow
nwMtf.iM HMnH M.aM«bk 1. Ban
staom Mr. HoittBB*e powats af
' dote Is pan.
anarsace than L-B«t arbnt Oa yos thtak ha-ff Cat
What da yoo aappaoe-----
MriM «f «nkqi tta Car SlM«k AwrHrTI be kwe matt Uketj thla atmiM la lha aan tew aMatte. awW •• aesa. aatf yaa win bt able to ladge
VaMto.wU* M«k»ftf*ia tte
Ted le caail^ bar* tbU a
W rtaaaii Vo*. » wMto «a bw waj Why «a canh Himt yea tril aw be«na atv Tofk laiBaabaft. aad (orer AaO eb* fl«e«ad arrroaaty
■«hMI«M abaaioaai iba Mls«^ arfU bar hat bate* lb* 0am aa *a
4i^. vhM all atlMvla to tow kon to
yoa kaav. Batty, what* are
'«MW port haO faOoO. waa ralaai
mi, hoaoiw. aa4 ft«a fwacaa wm%
_. . . .
logkt bar am.
A ibiB|i Obrktaaafltl waa raoolr"Naaoeaae. Battyt Tea‘0 Bach batlar
«d hr Bobwt MoBao at KaonUla, «*U alB aoatfbt eat aaw and yet >i
^am.talbaitepaad •W.OOOU
W la BOtM i •err. k wtH be *r*r ao bi '
*vbkb bad baaa atotaa (laa btaa erar!
erar | awkward (or yea If the aawa
aaw r«acbr*
bla (roB the aotaida.'
•wajaan ace.'
1 dae't aa*..that at aa**
7avnatH0.M0.Ma ~---------- ““Man.
allkomllir laioaltr la Hotaana
wrldaatta tb* faat that the raXrnat
BbatlMpelatoarea waa aiUy •k.ooq.*
. BWaedlb* leial valaa ad the Nriree
welpet aatdr iaaiiiama.oaa.ooo.wbUa,
kba aakfalaatpat ofaaal aBoaBiB aely
Tba Uadae •Tlaa*baOa wiibaattodaedOB ABBkaa aaoeaaa la
^bUd aad Irablad layriaa tholaat
■aaaaa aad an atUl adfaaaiar.
Attala load of brobd.c*Bro aanad
aroNonboB Orippla Oi*ok baa imai
. Bwlvad la Oaavor. Ihla ablyaMat la
wnrthBanthaaaaykaia load of «•
•rdr aaat eat. probably, (ran ai^
ftacdlatflat la the world. Oaaonooa.
balaa abeat thir^ tOBO, aadittaaatl
Had at |eao.oea. The other thlmoa
wananalao bleb rn^ Five
SBorda arHrod with lb* Bala.
NoBbanod aMaaea aafacad la the
iCaoth AMada war haratakaa (half M^aUawlth than, aadtha Wbr o«n
kaa fBaUltatadthataUacefBaAiaaB.
Th* Coadaaaaapalra loot year waa tb*
a wbteb Mayatea war*
•an at the frubt
At Haaaaa OamanX Wood hatordared
Chat ierty aaa aoadead la prtan ia
tCaala Clara praetaea, *ba niaaaad at
..'•aaa. 1%a aan wen niaaaad aona
'«taa a«o by Oaaaral Botaa. bat war*
waomatadaa th* grammA that ado-jporlBaat eoaBoader hod do ontborlly
Aojaadn. Tha aaa relaaaed eitbar
. laid ban aoBdaodo leaf Ua* wlUoat
krialorwan aaCarlnf axeeaalea p*oiabBni. Other pardeaaon aspaeted
ho (allow.
. aa «na m. »
•be panaed teatatlrely.
Too doa't B»MB B ny thod yea npm a* to tall Tad MarkhoB that
yoa'T* iliird blnr
**1 nrtalDly dea't azpaet yea U pat
M la that way.” r*pU«d kin Oak
baret, with a UlU* kagb; *%bi 1 ate
quite mtaia that y*o yoald axptela
It to the poor frUow Boeb better than
may oor etee." '^plater rxeUlBTd Norai. tinpottemiy. "I doa't kaaw that there'*
aaythlBf to axplala. except that you're
put yooraelf aad at* la a Boat rldlcolooe poalttea.” .
**1 with I'd aarar had aaythlay to
do with IL I Barer (elt a* aDCOBfonabte la By hfe aa 1 hart doe* atac*
ram dracied a* lata thla, prociooa
eebaeB* of yetwA”
**Fa*r old S'or«r Bumurad Batty
ayspatbraicany. white aba mat (orKr*
^aaeoa at the dark.
"To* oaB* here aad abed may auabar or toara. dadand that you Bdarad
Tad Markbaa: that your (atber
that If yon aoly bad a lltite Ub* befor* you. yea wan nun orarytbtay '
woald e*B* rtybt'•
••Ca-lt h*s“ rvnarked Betty, aotto
Kora Cashed an tadlfuat look at
“i think yag Blybt be aerious new.'
and at inat pretend that you’re |
ashatned of youraelf. You beyyed m- !
to help yoo .0 yet my aunt to a*k bit.'
her*, to art a. «reea Id f.<n. ao-Um.
yonr people ortybl la>*nae H wa* all '
and-----------------------------that yea had both---------.
----- ------yonr Bind*, aad now-no*"—
T», Ma.d «t . Mi bn,k, I. ap.. !
HIM ilelBMey'*
I. aad Betty
canght wp her ytore*.
'Tb awfully aorry. Nora.
“that areda bar* reutaad their rttadty
I asst twdy OskhDiot ywt saw. asd' tor a loi« tlm Tboa K k anted itet
wheat BOder ooBe coadidoaa baa pt*>
mam ta tha wortd tn ganarsL"
j aerred lu rttalltj for OO or 100 years.
-Batty has bahaeed akiBlaablyr It ha* frequeatly bee* stated that
pat ta Nora. ladlgaasUy.
wheat takes froB iCsypUea a
Tad MatkhaB mited.
napu ymliMted. hot ta bm a slayle
-I tklak. oo the natnry. that aba nae l•''tb)* r
baa diiwa naaaritablr food asoae. t K«t.a aiayw ynla tak<
am yolay n Inr* Leadni 1 nelly cleat Bvypttea aarcopbayu* aod sown
aama this aftataon b say caodhy."
hy rartou* persoo* ba> erer beat
Non Mt bar Up*.
kaowa to yenaliwte. and tb* eoadl
“1 SB very aarry." aba hifsa b**W Ooe* for pmerriay tb* a«ed la ibear
BOayly. “I as afraid 1 wu nihcr Byypilaa awaanwau ai* better thaa
ta Waan. bat 1 tbonbt Betty realty la the aolL Tbay are protaitcd from the
carad. aad“—
air aad rartatiou of imperatni*. Tbe
Cbc left tb* aaataac* oaaatebed. axpertBaai which baa Iwea Boat ulk
Tad MarkbaB'a deBasni^anlad bar; ad of I* tbaf of the Oooat of Ateniberg
ba waa qalt* wklia. aiMlb*i« wa* a at Prayoa. He bad rvcelred ibe ynlaa
look ta bk eyaa which trodblad ber. frou a trunwonhy trareler.'Wbo toM
What was that* ta bar luffy-balrvtl. blB that they were lakao from a
Ma».*y*d little friaad to Bare a.Baa aarcopbayua. |i la aaU that two of
aoT That ber ceBpaatea bad ukua theae seed* yemlBatKl. bat it la a weU
SOB* ynat motattea. aad that a *>u. kaows fact that iBpoataree are per
yolarly dMcolt ..eaa. It was easy petnied by the people wbo dtapoa* of
aaooyb ta perceir*.
these oewta. lo aome caaco they bar*
“At* yea yatay t* be sway teiiyr area ampped com or Bate* iato tbeac
aba aakau awkwardly. "I Beaa. are nn-opbayt
you yotay farr
“Many ei|KTlmrou hare been_____ _
“I think of yatny to hare n look at aot only Iv tbta country, but in Khrope.
the antipodea. My father baa mae to deteroi.inr the rlialliy of rartena
Interest, nad 1 hop* B yat feat off to ynh sreds. Tbua. barley reialna its
rtislliy better lUan any oiber ceml.
-Bnt haren't yon made np your cm mu j, .aid
ppuiln lu rluilty
Bind rather bnrrtodlyr ah* abjnird from elybt to icn yean In ibr case
of wbMU wo to 100 per crni yerraloates
“HuiTtedlyT Why. 1 put Ihlay* ta m fr#uis.oiie lo four year*: tn Are to
tnin week* ayer
kBeerru years. (C to NT per crm.. In the
■Waakt ayor- she axctalBOd. “But W,, of rye ibe percentacr of yerlaliui
Betry'a enyayewent k qalla freeh. uon In Ore year* dropped to AS per
IHd yon ouepeca"----ccht; la aereo yeor*. 9U per cent: ntae
"1 soapecied oalhlny. I knew"— ' ydar*. la per cent, la the cane of corn.
-Tau knewr tkc esctalBcd Indlr j made aome experlmmi* a few year*
nantly. -Then why dldht yan aprokT ayo to determine ibe rlUlHy and found
Why didn't you tetl Ber
wbirb was kept tn Uytrtly
. “Tell y*ur Sbe sBrad at hi bis
,foaal» at tbe aye of » years
toqr was BO rabsmsoL “Oh.
ti ^ |»,d teat ail It* power of ycmluailoa.
B*My.,you meanr
; ExperUneou ateo Indicate that cnen
••Ofvdwurae. What oUa leaM 1
be«in>e lary^
' deteriorated and teat mueb of lu pow
“Nathiny. of caur#*"er of yermlnatten. Bren yraa* aeeda
“EaoUy. I dn't uadarvtand yaa.“
.rblch bare been buried ai aome depth
He laayhrd dmrtiy as ba
ta tbe soil and In reaaela tiyhtly sealed
I BBSt net exptata. 0**dby.“
(ailed to yermlnaie after a dosaa or
8b* Baked sp at hiB with atanled, ii yaar*.--Cbteayo
eye*. ,
“You are toe bard aa Batty.' 8b*“BOOKS' NARROW ESCAPES.
“Oa BattyT Itea't you kaaw ib« I
h*r tm w**^ Vlrcll’* "AEoeld." Work* of Artsiatlo
«*•' *
*nt 1^ ay* that w* had
•■a TsUeod aored Sr bom I.Mk.
* Biat.ker
Three of ibr yreateat books in tbe
**'•’ ***
world bare narrowly escaped daatractioo. tbe “oGncKr of Tlrytl. tbe works
I of Arlnoile and ibe yraat Itedy of Jew«^k*d.
‘ kb tndittoa n-pre*enied by tbe Tal“lloB'i yen know that
BB annoat
* pauperT* W eaM bitterly. i
I that Vlryil on bk
doaibited Houclit lo t•u^a ilie only ropy
'«•“ ■ ■"n’ ■fter blB. • Are of Ibe --iKDeld." a* be bad not r.-ri«ed
* trembi.i,* It. and a-liro hr wa* foiled In ibi* be
T.dn. ■•l^-au.w you w.ntjo m.ke ordHrad bU exwuifW*. Varro aud Tucbecauer
----------- I ca. not to yivi- ii lo ibe world, a dlrcction wlili-li wa* dlirvgard<<d by order
of tbe Kmpe.t.r Aujnutu*“"J
Tbe nork* ./
of dri,.“].
Arlatoile .suffeivd from
"Ob. If you were noi lu lore with
neylcci. They bi.v many years burled
Betty, didn't you an—dldo't you yu.-Kt
lo a cvllar. and when, by mere accl'
we.‘k* *«o” —
The roirr* of Ibe ebsperon* wer dent, tbey ivi-re at ten uneanhed. (bey
inatekaan I* r>*aa •• iba eoaaa of bad darted ibrouyb the door aadVa* yayemnit wa* annoiiaved. and
Botber* of yonayer aona and u
hh* dnth of Jadf* Joba B. Patnaa at on her way dewnotali
- ' ’ •
title* declared (hat Udy Hewitt had
Maw Tork. wbe died n a etaoBahlp ye. After aU. it nerer was of any na* .JI..VI b-r U~.. .. .bro.
B*ar Bom oKoac. Be waa gaiag lo te aryne witb Betty; abe wa* oae ot
.hll. lUa, OUbirv .bo.,
Ihoa* 'dellibtfuUy lireopoBBlble cm*
and rrorciru
refleeied mmtuf
MaaUa to *Mt bk tea. a aoldlor.
htraa wh* olways Banaye toa akin
abifi Ihv
that sen were Sikle creature* and'
A. a CUdor. Daltod C»tn oowal at
of ibair abo
■aamto. la daad la Baptoa, Italy.
ar people'* aheuMera. and when”*'
no that feminine frleadsklp waa bnt a
broke* reed.-I«ndoti World.
Cydaoy. B. 8. W., waa nantly elalt aao-p*. Baa. at asy rata-aear dreas*
' Jndytay by ordlaary •tsadarda
•d by a be* wan.
joejkFfERsoN'b LONG Snooze.
Nora waoderH a* abe aiood there idly
tba praMiBk (or the AntraUa
lookJay tato the .street, haw abe cauld *wte
wbnt erop an Boot (arorabU.
are/ bar* been foellsb eMuyb is Uke
A Woody dell war ■ raflac aB-wy Batty's km troobtea aariaualy.
1 Wall* be wa* playlay "Rip Van
«ho aaUm at Korowaal. Bow Oalaao.
MesnUB*. that aaBe folly of ben winkle" at rblcaye Jeffemon en<*
W. P. Patana. tb* aadartahar who w»e yolay ta bear aoBr rary uapal- waa^ le the theatre rary Bn«b exatsWe
Blahanatad br a looy day's ^blny oa'ths
•ndaihod thofaaonlaof Boary day
yoony MarkhaB would h* there, uhe. A* the catiala rooc oa tbe ibfrd
•ad Doald Wohatar. la daad le Haw Be bad arrauyed le rah for Ml** art tl dlaOoeed the white balmd Rip
Tark.*ffBdoi. Be ana a Haaol da HMB*tey aad ber auat. iBdy Bawtii. still deep la bl* tweoty-yean'
■ondaat of Oaa. laraal PataaB.
U eococt them to an afiaraaon <wn pire. tea. twentj
- cert. The etdrr lady had declared at be did aot awakes.
Tbe andtekee bola Bow Tork aad Aaaaa liaad aadar. Inaebeoa that tbe westber was far toe yaa to y*t MapoOcBt and the prospier
for It a« to be aadoeo. to aneasy.
farante an to fp mp IIH ante par
rtak the probabUliy of a farther fall
Tbe yreat actor donbtteae kaew'what
doaaa rlykt away.
sbonL but this was carrylny
As atianpt was node to aaaanlaata of one's Boml baroBour by a couple g,
•U tha Btealcnarinia tha New Bab- of boars of orrhrairal aualu. aad tbai the realisilr buslaesa too far. Tbe fact
(bat all this tlm* Jeffaraon was
ber excuse*.
,j,.^piny the sleep of Ibe JuaL
Oadar a libaral latapratatln of tba
conw-teua that this was a «r rather of (be Ssharman wbo bsd
eoaaa tmly. w* will traaaport lo neat pmtext for ytriny ibe yanny man
,tybi bourn ta the sun. Finally
Bpaia all Bpaatob seldlara aad tbabr the ebaape of a t*(*«-<e(e with her
yallery beroB* oproaAou*. aad
(MtUte* la th* Phlpplo**.
aelf. iBdy Hewitt was i«. indolrat. oae of the "yod*" wanted to know If
Twnty-twenllan an ballarad to naturally, not to be branUy weary of there wa* yatny to be "oloeieeu yoam
tear* foaa dowa with th* ataamar her dune* ai chaperon te her aiece. more of this stMOOe brndnee* "
BwybBi. of Olaarow. off
rial*- A. .UHM.. h.lt— n. . nwoul
bl»T II.U. «
M tb. Ctrl
tb. itranittn.
hsrr*.ta a a tom oa Friday.
tM tbbt. o^nti. .. tbt»t iitotb.n
,„p b.b..th tb.
Tb* BrtUah ateHhlp Playftaay. tea
laff 1^ ten of anal hnllay nfla. u at.
bU biabHbir.
“.tt ttbb,ib.at.ij»..
•oabtt (oat loaf aad wWfblac l.MA
Tba rails an n ba aaad la aqalpplaff apas bar ana* w his yMy If he rtybt throoyb. dprtor:"
mm aiaetrte raOmd to be baUt la BolAt tbl* enUrely sew madtny the sodntte* af watchdog, aad would de
laadoatba Anartoaaplaa.
Gteore wa* tmnadxed whk *m**edare that Nora had Boaey inaayk for
asent. when all at one* Jrffeiwon aat
them both.
Bran or Ono. onr or Tolbpo i „
with a load abrtek. endeoti.r In
Loca* Cotnrrr,
Nora Mourw
slgfaed HI
as uic
abe *1^0
ttaod BI
at la*
th* WIB
ffBaaai. Cnvar ankn mb that iaw. It was a tepsy torry wertd. aad
k* la tb* aaolor nmar of tb* Abb o(
W. J. Qaaan A 0^. dolac bntaan la
Aba diy of Tblado, Oeuty a»d Snn
afufBall. aad that aaU Ars arUl ny
PkUadMpAU Pool.
> COB* In here."
Kora staned. aad th* enter ruhed
dor aaah aad omy aan o< Sanrrh that
' nr*d by tb* na o( Bau.'a te ber faec.im
•werale. baMB* a___________
at eaBtac for aothlng. hot aha hoped
he asM: “I esa not Bake
to be abte to go oatU tbe teat aoBesi ^
art e( s erastsm bit yos.
Won’t yoa let ae gim yoa aama taar •"*
ffhe spoka with nerroas harry. Morce- Tkk k to* assll Mr a haraa'a bit*
sod ta* krga far s Cafau- -Oh. elr.ly
Bar* Oatanb Oan k tahn WTad MoikhnB^taak the etadtr Me raptted th* pottask "M »oaA*t aa aslaffarad Man. ami tteSmad ta iBamta Bali N «u AAattaar IKy.-"-WaMtay
wma ah* rented as. CsdCaMy ah* tea Stag.
Mapped, eosaetes* at hk Cxod gtaSB.
-is aoythtag th* Bsttarr ahaoMad.
-Did yoo sotteot «bo ku.s white
aUk nit. wklM aU vosia te the bonIs s Mtghlly atarmad rotes ~
rLrsrs:«ci‘'vt’i""iL i::
Mbtoa b.™ b«. tt. v.bbb'
'■w. •-
y BSI paBHAi tent ha i_____ , ban fnaar
r knm ksraod Battyk tnsehary.' -Tb; ah* toNWa Ma ttn^t It ap.7* Woosi-oaMCtaattataMki
.................................. ......
“•>’ 1« WJu-' t™.' >te
tlibi ...mbliw ibti «b. boowo la tb.
*yw of tbe, art* and *clencaa
wa* derlred dlmctly frotn ibeae writIny*. ^
Tbe Taiuind nearly txteaiue extinct
thmuyh pemeontloDTbe
sloD of tbe Talmud, by a long aerie*
of ediri* extending orer many cenlurte*. wa* made penal, and tbe book
_ burned. No t^ewor than 24
Iteelf waa
wayoo loa^ of Taimnd
were burned In France In I2«.-Bu*y
PAaajadaat PUk wttl y1*a iBBsCkte
oe Dr. A. W. Ctaaae Mad. Obh BoDSb
T«avB b«mb MaWmmmj,
'aka Waroarte White
•I78/VX88 CABDS.
F. On & Co.
36si-.'r=r'““'~Misj.^.'ssaa ststs
Sieesston n
t *«. W. S.« W. a. H*m.sBmlyewnle* atee
u--ir‘is;-*s="J!i?ay85s Iranrte Citj Uinbw Cs
Trinrat Cilr,
p.ysgg'ipg- Bsrt;
With Dull Skate*
I. \gggS!Ur;fJ3y'..*rg1
Bring tbem to no sod
»*»•***<rauetefg illiiiiii ■ ■»»>***». Of-
have thsm gtonnd bj -an
export in tbo bodsen.
Tin. a. a. rbofWk-o«o» is w- -----------
erH^Mr. M.IM.Tr*«*r«eatfP
Cttr. to aOMA DaMBbrn mo. OB.
■ i il
~r~i nriT
atb *ite
W»1 U^THUlb It
miVK LOTBTn EXDSAJfnB'reebeuveoBd lot
b^WR RALS- A *a*ll bars. r*s be mart
e**IIr on atelrh*. wl'J ir*4e for not.
lihioire ni Plmi K*t(a**l Buk.
3st;j.*JS£fLr2i syr sss
ipo« SALS—A am el*a* PealMSlA B*a*
Bamoe, ba* bee* aa*4 • lll'lo. wUl **11
rbeop J W BlAUr-e B
- - -• 1*0 Prool *u«o1.
TIh Pm luqutte (lUtMi
Itoeembrr tiet. MS ,
r*oklereo *imct.
F>-K'5i;!;svss..'a‘ '~Sa
rpo RSKT-Boboo *n am elM* bvn 8. A
ouward, Ift Boat RleU lUneL
wtu *nbbnc* tor eC
TTraitTXO—Two w»o< CBtwr*. Heoei
W eof* (or IS Incb wood. BoAtUM pot w
- mmiynuntor »>€*(.. '• O. JM
oonra Roara.
L» Chleoco ....
« M
finii HNi • MkH H.
T^B BALK -«r eent A M* ■
lirklA ^r^wlier eat o,nr m
qolrcofj U. lecTtf. rioorsttl
TpoRBALh-Oood oiebt rm
Ttnisiaa Oliy Jlsi'kot
on. oo mot nn«k •«?«
below tesikt pf tbr beylny sad asll- OBrdMjl.taOLOehteek .__________
’ groaarlBt kW'BRKNT—ate room bosle o* lltfc •tenst,
vtUmatebeA*. Bbqclre J O. BMBU
k la Tisa X
___________ BM(
Can’t Skate
..RSt?”:! !1T TS?:
Me par
POMteas. oalls. (Mkblcaa StoiM
On-.laooordtay teqsalliy. it-lto.
BsMlask Anataa Cairo.
MtUoywHl b* 4oo*. tr bet tbay wlU be
ovMdietbatollexwMefiboteir. Beu
Bo* world wtd* (OB* (or Barmloos
loties. olstasu or .
OOBU. Baras, BoOs,
Dldon. Tatter. Colt BboeB.
State Br
Only M* sWn e-Jo^s^^ssd B. ll
slJaahaaskUa FreMBk
TBP... ^
bast ooggk rsssady os earth, csraa a cold
teoM*ff««ateNlknb »«Alftqta.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.