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The Morning Record, March 08, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUrd Yeir—Np.
BfltUh Driving Jmb«rt^
Armj Vorthwurd
> aStet s
MV Vltkto Tvwv momtllmtr.
^t^-TBosps tuw9 Umar utr^pita Md M BMSVscteV Mrnitk.
«1« ta hk BsMiplIs* of «TBp*ih7fsrita»Mn.
WsaUafUit. -MMsh 7—Todsp 8sp»taMMMfsss aeUas UHMhs wesld
to wfUdnfr
hem Iks sesfllta ob ionlc> nUV
tas hli rssolstto of tTwpothj ta ihs
Bom Tbs
by the Herdwe
. wlU Maay
PrstaasBt Vm
OoMBlttsB WlU ffo to aaskMl Maidwood AMookkoaOSBTMtfoa to ProSBrsMoTtoloa of iHpsstlBB Mali
LoMoB. Mpreh
The rscmlar aoBthly tseetlag of Us
so dMUrss, Bloss it toUsssidsot
ta«rM hM bMB rwslnd ftw Urd tatsotteo of Us sowBlUss to tsto oe Mleblcaa Hardwood Lambw Asuok.
•otarts whisk hM SMHd grmt ssUeo oo Us rsMdslioo. bs dssins U tioa wM haU yeatsrday atteraaoD la
boss It pst OB Us ssuU eolsodsr.
UsoaeaofUs aseiotanr. Lena Rob
erta. PraeMsat Day was atassot for Us
gfSt SEMI. StoSiM with Us SPSW7
first time to the hklory 'of Ue orpaelsaUoa. baths seat la a talsgramauiIp fsU istast. pumwA W ev irmsb.
who hsss SBlIsrsd fsw sssultta. Tbs
iBc gut his ahseses was oeeaaloaed
Judee -WoiBt Indi^nt Otw OBly by the bloekadlaf of Ueroadt
iow nita BsrU sad n aUst sosU of
WlU aaow. whleh made them Impaml▲etioB
Moddsr rtw.
I plsosd <*SDsrsl
ble for the tleie teinp. la Ue-abeeaee
Preeldeal. DS^. W. P. Porter was
eolsmo’s dWlsloB OB Us BorU bssh
sad UsBSTsU Rstlop-EsBBj sod T«ek- A^lot Oommittee to Bnaf Their eboaoD la preside ^er
rer Ue
t meetiap.
sr^ dIsUloat with esTslrp on Us
Amoap the lu
Osae Before Ue beprrme Ooart—
W. P. Porter. ISmI Jordan Lumber Co.;
sobU tasok. TheesrsliT difUloB sseTalk of Dlsbameat of Ueaeral
Harry Nichols. Cbarlesoiz I.smber Co ;
sSBiod 1b tnroiiir tbs ensmy's Isft
QAk sad opsolodUsros<lf<w thi.-klKih
Mirah's Attomeya
1a B. Klise. dturyeon Bay: U. V.-tn
dlvlsioB. which U sdTsacUir wUhont
Lsaslo,. March 7-The« wa. a dra-'
^ B. White, d. W;,le..:Boyoe:
bSYlBf bssn ohiursd W Bre S shot op maULSeeaeia Ue circuit court u>d*y »*«•
Cooper A PolUr, Peuwkey;
toUepnssBt. The enemy I Is In foil wbeaJudre Wekt refused to prant » i L P. ttatoa. Pomoaa: 8-Chamberlain.
TStrsBl nocU sad BSsW They are be- oonUnaaoee la UeoasoaratosiOeaeral'Central Ltkej Jes. Oemeroo, Oamoroa
tar etasly followed by esWslry. horse Marsh, and also refused U poelpooe Ue I l'e»her Oo.. Torch Lake; H. B. Lewis.
artillery, sad-mooBtsdlnfsotrr. whUe ____
sereral sreeks as asked by Ue I
Rapids Iron Oo : John P. lOtt. of
«ssersl CeisllU's bIbU dliiitloa sad
(bit deeisloo of Uel^hn P. Olid Co.. W. C. BoU. Oral
UeOBSfds brifsde Bodsr Pole-Csrew
t was anoenaeed. Jadye Mpeed, Wood DUh Oo.. Lorla Roberts. Palpbaa
srsBrnlclof Uslr way ssroes Us rlrsr
opaaklaff torblmesif aad Mr. Pope, at- MfrOo-TraremCIty
St Poplars drtft. where 1 itapeBs U
rpoalarluuoe of Uemembere. Ue
torseye far Ue defease, said, ‘ We will
pISM aykesdqasrtsfs Uls smlac-’'
tmber laspeetors ot Ue city and Uoee
withdraw from thk ease aad lease Us
OBBsrsWoBbert's army la prohably
■eatloa to rnU UU maa to prleoa hare from abroad were preaeat.
OBtof Haul sad saperts arS basyloThey defiaed to Ue aeeoeUtloa Ue
as ear as poMlbla."
satlac It.- Oae dlspaMi sUta that
Jadft Wakt rave boU' attorneys a laspeetioo rales relaUn|to:eommeB.
taamWoebert tola oemishad of Us
aoTore fiaylDf for UUeoodaet aad ap- sblppiapaod mill ealU, ako ralaUre
BosrfoMBtOsfOBtslB.. TB^ asaeappoiated Loyal B. Kaappsaof Uraad udifforant kinds of lumber. The lattoB Uat Us bsnrhsia woald ramalB la
taplds, Sanel L. CUboaras of Uaa- ^eeton proeeat were uraad A QlUett
thB BStffhboUood of LadyaulU while
taff, and Tbems A. Wilson of Jaekaoa. of Trassne Olty, Cbas. Obrietiaasoa of
Ust« was ssrIOBi work ob hoadatatobriaf Useaas baton the saproms MaaUtee, M. OaBalarbaa of Boya^,
taMrBteeoBsldsrsdabSBrd. Itli bobeeart-aadsak Uateoartto taka saeb Caty aad LoaU Hoyt of Bast JonUa.
Mdad that Osaaral BsUar wtl offset a
eommltta was appointed to alaettoa as rrlll asenre both soart aad
MbsUsb wlU Lord Bobert4. bat bow
Its from dasarUon by eonasel at Ue tead Ue eoarooUoe of Ue National
k BBssrUlB. It IS held by ooas that
Iwoed Lamber Anoelatien. to be
be sHlI more tbroBffh Vsb Bsobbbs
held la CinalanaU. May trd. as toUowt:
pass, while oUsrt beltsre his atsa «1U
poetpooed gil a week from neat James OameroB. W. B. White. D. B.
be transported from Durban by sea to
Tnoeday. Benny aeeomplUbad Ualr Day aad W. C. Bnlltast LoBdoa. sad Usaee by raU U a
The oommittee wUl eadeavor to pro
looe, Marab’t attorneys will oow
taaeUoo wiU Ueoeral ^staere at
ears a rerUloa of Inapoetloa raise,
tbs esse, it is Uonybt.
•tormbarr or Port BUsabeU sad
There U u opialon Uat Jndye Bpeed espeelally as reyards mill enlU and Ue
Usaee by rail U Norrals poaV
and Mr. Pope may be dUbarred oo ac appointmeat of a chief Inapeet-ir.
AnoUsr list of
The aeeoelaUoB forcaany uok np Ue
count of their aettoa in Ue oeeeby Oeaeral Bailer's foroestrom Peb. l«
lattor of hemlock lumber and bark
ton. shows aaadditioa of Its kUled.
for the pnrpoee of havlnir reports npoa
»7t woaaded aad tt mlaslnr- -WiU Ue
them and of etUblUhlny prices. It
IM of oaaealUes iseaed Monday Uls
was Ue eeaee of Ue meetiay Uat
Mkw the totol ooat to Uerank and Peaaibimyof Diaeulty laOaae Biy prioea ot heoi^k lumbar aboald be
tla la Ue fiaal operaUons tor Ue relief
filed as toilow*;
Banacefoto Traaty laaot Bagfied
of LsdyamlU i.stt maa.
abort piece stoff, |t0.r>0;^leee stuff,
by UeBeaate.
UdysalU, Marsh 7-Thew an
18 and SO feat loay. til 50: boards.
WaUtnytoa. March 7—In the report •Ikoa Six and eight feet -merehan'
Boers wlUla twenty mllas of bare.
PtaBty of sappltaar# BTailaWe aad tU ofUe eeaate eoasmlttee oa forelya ublo, $AM: ontU aad abort piece staff.
on tt. 11.,-r.nMtC.U
.troops are qaiekly raooraiinc stre^.
wnlb. ^
u». ta U was also Ue m
Maay of Ue rolaateare hare baaa
heretofore eeeaped Ue aUeaUoa of Uat the price of hei
Ue paUie. aad will make It dlfienlt to be fixed at te.T&. f. o. b. rail or reeeel*
reieet the treaty wlU safety. The
‘The above prloee are not arbitrary
new element U a treaty by which Bay- bat the assoelaUoB beUavee JUat Uey
land would tala Ue rlyfat to baud Ue ahoald prerail.
Moak Boaae of MepreaaauitTas Dt
in ease the Dalted Btoteo &IU to
It was decided Uat Ue next meetiny
•BMod BaoeluUoo of Hympathy
ratify Ue Hay-Panaeetote treaty aad ehoald take place la Ue. ■aeroUry'a
taraaliy a)»e«aka UaaaytoB-Balwar
tor Ua Boon, i
oa Ue 18U of April, at 10 a. m.
The Jaaipr Lyaaam bald aaoUar reaty.
ThU treaty was aeffottatad la ISSO.
Bf Ualr yrotuble saeatlac* yeatardsy
Bfteraoooa^ i Mol la whleh Ue or aboet laa yaara after Ua ClaytoaOader tie terw tha
form of a mock
of rapreaeaUUw., Uare beinf yorammaatB of Niearayna aad OoaU ■Award •raea la Jail oa a Charge of
fforyery—He wll be IRxemlaed
■ibera The preamble aad reeolo Rloo eoboeded to Bnylaad Ue sole
the canal should
d aa fallows:
Krom Ue hoor<of aebie* Ue waterway not be oonstmoted ' by
Blward 3reea ofllthlB^etty. has got
tu Uelr owa ladepeadeBoe. ^e people Ue Dallsd SUta as oontamptatsd ^
ImeeU into tiirable aad will remain ia
ot UU BtUoB hare rafardad with Ue Cleytoa-Belwer treaty.
It would aapaar. Ueretore, Uat If Jail enUI hU examlaatloB before Joi*
aymaaUy a« Jost efftaa of oUer
tlee Brown tomorrow. Be is ebargod
^■oplet to llbaraU Uamsalves from Ue peadlay Bay Jkaaeetote eonreatiOB ehoald not pe ratiflad and if Ue WlU foryary. on oomplaiot made by
lorelicadomtBloD: be lt
"Basolred. That wa Ue people of the CUyton-Balwer treaty ahoald be ab B. J .Moryaa.
Oiaeo has been at work2al Moryank
Catted But* la ooaffram taaamWed royated. Ue
camp at Loay Lake, aad raeantly
OEtsad oar deep and.ahidlar f^mpathy uad OoeU Rica would be powerlcea,
rpeelvad bU pay np to Uat date
ta Ue people M tbs fiovU AMeau Be
He went back to Ue eaap aad worked
ObWIc la Uelr determined: atrank with Baylaad. to aeyotlate wlU Ue
twodajs. whan be returned and pr<United Sutss for rlyht of wSy.
Bfolast aajaat opproealoB."
The eaUunee.of Uls treety is act seated aa order for «>.»0 alyoed by
The qaktlon wst.dlseamsd pro aad
aed Ue esp'aoaUoa | Blram Brown, foreoua of Ue
• ' —r
the.‘rdnerally kail
eaalaellof He r-------— —
.tee report will make I Mr. Mewyan eUmped the order a< paid.
Uok of U«e •<>*•
'*** P**'*
' whleh the
doBbOees will be need as an arynmeat' Uea aaeiny Ue amonat. which was oat
UU UtaJU- N...rU.ta -"UU—'
ie favor of Ue ragScatloa of the Bay ' of all proportion to Ue leayU ot Ume
■any laterastlay polau wor4 brou^t PauoeefoueooveaUonbyUeadmlnli lj,,^.
that Green ^
bad been at work,
work, he
he rttt•ut. Tkoee who spoke la falor of Ue
taaed to pay Ue order. BhorUy afterleaologoB were Bervey Tripp, who la---------------------------wardeOreea preeeated anoUer order
tor $1 M. which was paid.
Mr. Moryan reserreeted Ue order
IB favor ot Ue afilrinagve ia the yea
OonacIlC nmltiae of Ue Mhoie aad firei preeeated. which bad been tom
•(•1 dleeawloa- Loals Birdsall. Cleon
Wm. ] >edoa Beriewvd LiyhUng
Obampaey and'Vlctor Parker apoke for
seemed to hove bees raised from fl.W
Oeairaet Last Mlghu
BBoaUva and Bsreeet
Btroest Beleomb ta
to »»-M. Uw Uiny ^l^emt of
thayanaral dlaoesiloa. Bscamollaek
city eoaaell met in oommittee of
u I The
and Ue chaaylay of Ue 1 to a
^ times moUoa
made a^d carri^ I the whrie la Ue oSm of Mayor Bam- » aad ot Ue » la ^ original
Ue dieeoeeloo o^ the aab-1 uteo last eveal^
uider eevaral tons.
Window Display
for Ladies’
of the new
lOtWCuiitiirY Wall Pauars
now in stock, at the
largest Stosk in Northerrt Michigao-Take a look at Them.
pay S-l.iW
$4.1X1 for
Come early.
Bon sqiu
"Bod^ ud TiBlir
OMseat Baad daMO to ffttreatora'
aoetol lima
Sr. W. I. Bata Spwttn BMW.;
_ a.b—Tom and »(• »ll» ont
wliMitineireeterday "
II. II. ts
Our Spring Suitsfand Overcoats
Leading 8hoe Hons**
Will nndoubtedlyfbe here today. The
line is the finest we ever had, so don't
be in a hurry, but wait tmtil you have
seen the.proper styles, *at
Watch Window
motil inarv'cloah of
whicli u» tli«- UlepboosT’
With tilt- tolephuno
talkand rcyou c
, oeivt> an answer
Miller's Cash Store.
Keep Up
: With The Band. \
at.................. ................... $2.72
St.,T*^ worth 12.2.7 8.-11
Watch Window
Tbna «avs F‘urk in “A Mid .Summor Niglil’a Dream”:
There' were no Wh'phutuw in
^ihakeapeaTe's day,or he would have
reaU»*<i that two-tbinla uf an hour
U a long tiiiie.t
Wliat would the Banl «>f Avon
Y i( he Were U> ret isit th.- eartli
U bare Jaxoit soap
2-V- ,
6 pM^aat off on all
W. W. Miller's Cash Store
22T, Front Strta.
prof^m wcraltraachlee ot Ue Traverai^Cnty.’ did
, s pieaBlayplanosDloby Ldf^ Bailey Mtaion A PeaiasnU BaUroad Oo. ’
' /ta* delightful mneie by the Stepaa ynae over oarefeUy and i
■out KXM oa BTMXU
/— goortat. Berva Dmaer yake a flae made la Its ooarideraUoe.
The eoBtract of Ue B«
V/-'rtatatk«. "A Moaeylem l^aa" aad
Rivar ; Ovar Two Hendred Mare Walked Out
■mlUeOrdwe'.lreadaolatersegay re- Bleetric * Llyht A Power Co.
la Cbleayo Tocterday^•eiioa of "The Story of a Short viewed aloo. William Londoa. pcesl
Chieago. Maxck 7—The
deatef the company, was preaaat aad
workmaa oa strike lathis city
The proyram was aader Ue eharye after yoiay earetnlly over the vailoaa
today by sso i
PTOvieUms a metaaUy
of Prot Swlfh______________ I
UOO. S3.su aif
•Mil Party TuicM
Ladies’ Misses’and Children’s
Jackets^at Hall Price
Han benefitted mniiy. Arp you amoitg the nuiiiberT' Tlir greatest .-hBiic-e you i*v«>r had. to buy atyiiair garmento at ritlu-aluui*
prioee. Lou of new spring merobandise for your iiiapectiOD.Ht
200 Pieces of New Silks
The fineet aeeortment that ha* ever been ahowa in
this oity at oae time. It would U- impo«ible to d.-acribe
them—there art- ao many nod «nch pi«:« mi differeut- They
must Iw 8MU1 to bv sppr«oinlt-«i. We same uuly a few.
polka Dot—a bciutiinl thing, eevenl .-otora......................... $1.00
Oronadine—fancy, inlaid anliuBtripf...................................... 100
Peau de Dewey—plain color*. ha» a beentiful niitebed
Laee Fancy -eomething new, in orveml cdloni...........
Satin Strii^ Permian—You must not fail to mt-it... 1.66
Persian Pliase—sbirred, thn very InU-at................................. 1.40
Shirred Pliata—in many-ahadf*................................................... lOO
Fancy Oord- many style*—tbia ia a leader thi* aeaooii.
Frncy Taffeta - to*, many varieties to deMTibe.
Hemstitched Persian—the Dpbbieei tblug yet............... 1.76
Crysul Oords, Armnree. Foulards, Orenadines, Cords,
Ripolse. Dshtslla. Flaims, Peau de Sole.
And tbn* we might oontinee to name n handred aUeia. We are not at
all backward in Mying we feel cuna^ent we can pleate everybody ia Ue
aUlc line. Yon w;ll Sod them on Ue aolloD couoter
The'Boston Store
Made by Tbon. Emerson’s
, Son’s you get one ^at
Fits Perfectly,
Wests Will
aid Uoks Heat
Make* a specialty of
oateilng to bails and
. social parties.
Fresh Uaked Goods
Enri Moreieg.
We Guaranty
Orders delivered.
il3 & Union St.. 7. T>. BLOUOOOD
Every Pair.
Tbe new spring styln are
School of Music
ita-Bta * wour ita.<utau«
‘"oi.'rSSrt tatal Sr*"
So. walkad oat to ecdm to feres a i«^
eyaitkm of Us nkm aad Us atos
hoar day.
Prices $8.00 to $6.0a
im*TXB*E<amr • inoBiaAii
aun> Tuva)u< nuiA
ArbltfsMn M ValM «f «»wr
Vorfci rUai.
■ /“SI
Yon Cap Roll These np
and Canr Them.
w AsseuamrWKc
mhMtbt TAlM oftta «aMrwc
atMt Md* MbMMUal fTCCMM
their MUtkilMday. DeTfdW.Xeed.
!. w. Bma. win* «»>
the lest ot the «BperliVafrif«. tooked
the pleat orcr with the ether two, ead
MOMtapoBr FoiMr
a preUmiaaiT beele at erUtntioa
acned apea. eo that the arWtntcae Mew meecrt Belrf
irfy^vel^^ and
aadaretaad ea^ other aad how the
ir Mrxt Seanea.
Prepared for
ralee o( the pleat te to be ealeelated.
Biaed theplaat aad lookMorthport Point ^^ead}" to tbe
IklUeotarerppietWbeekleitoened tap
ed Into the diSe
ttet are need, the I
Oeo. H. WlnaM of KslaamsM. The
todap to eettle down to the artaal bv eearenlr to rerp neatly arranped. fieelp
iaeMOfmaklaffa det|ilta ealeataths printed and' emhaUithed with a nnmoftfce ealaa otHr. OBaipball’a pleat her of exeelleat taalf>tcme Ulcetratlooe
. ita»IQbeor«rofeamBtlaBeaad Tbepaceaet ptapaied to etake
of aceesa aroand Norlhport and tha
the aeMoa wfll epM ta Ula dtp next
bap sb<wm in the rlelnl^. Theattraeweak. Tbefliatwfflhe the BopabU
e H aa aoea aa praetieable. Gre new cottapaa now In preoeei of
m» eUf eoareatloa. whleh will take
oreetioo are
plaee la StelBbarre Oraad ea Frldap
rt, ita'fithlnp.
I efthe I
aeaalag. MarA letb. The B<
--------Mra. O. Howard of Weet Nlath boatlopand batblnp adsnetapee, that
«ea Wed etreet who baa beta ■ < loaelp Ul.
are sere to attract aeckere te a pleas'•Miajr, the itih. The wio« plaree tlWbtlp improrlac- Hr. Howard's aotbdmmar retreat- A pood dml of
tar hoMiar the
tathar h alee rarp iU.
eosce to pivea to detailed daMripUoaa
•arefaUp noted, as priated^lB the oflA Boetlac of tbs board of saperris- of tbe aemeroM aUraoUone of tba
aottsas la another eriassa of tbU ots bos beea ealled for the l»th of the ^see and tbe pchilcatioe will be snre
paper. At these eaaoaees, besides the OMetb, to pass apea the eoart boaae.
to brinp leto more prominent ootlee
. efthe ward bSeers. aad This will Uaa adj»rsad ssestea of
on» of -the mdet ettraellrc raeortt on
aalaeMea of delepales to the eitp eoe the October term.
Oread Trarerae bap. Tbe point bee
rsattoo. dalefpiea wUl also be eboeea
Work bee beoa bepaa on the See- beea platted ao that ererp lot aroond
te the first eoaaty ooareattee, wbleh is
the tittle pealneale feces tbe water, e
to eleet deUfatee to the flm state
Barry Orap. tbe tear peer old aoa of drira rzteodinp the eotlre lenpth la
eeuraetiea to be held la Detroit M .f
the rear of tbe Iota.
•rd. At this state eenTtatioa delt- amee Orap of WiUlamebarp, died
_ swill be sleeted te the BepaU:etn
MttoaalooBTeatioatobelieldtB rtllatea tbto moralar at 10 o'oloek.ead Will Meet la Old Xnlpbu of Ppthlaa
the bodp will be laterrad at Aesse.
Ball Meat Mondep.
Qbarp -&Antw preeeau a verp deA patent apra a lecplnp book baa
The old Kaiphto of P/thUe hall has
■IraMe eaadldeto fee the BeoabUean been franted to W. H. Depoe of Kiagebp the Yonap Men's BsseMibatloB tor stata traaaarer. la tba Wpobllaanasb sad there will be anoihar
a of Boa. OaaM MeOop. leadiaR
Bdpar A.'Mewton Is UI. aod h tbreat- meeUep next Mpodap aipWMo -om*
rhlpaePlete the erpanirttios.
AU posop
teemsd eiUsea. Mr. MeOop is e man of
There will be a meaUap of the Book Bepablicane are arped to participate la
toMrritp. marked abllltp aad tboreaph
tbe meeUnp Tbe ape limit to not eat.
Barlow aad Needle Oaaa of the Wo- bet ponnp Bsa who arc to rote tor the
raUabUltp, aaA eeastdered la eoaaeetat
. tpa with tba ef&es of atale traaearar,
o’eloek. at tbe borne of Mra. Arthar to attend.
I. Mr. MeOop has been at Walt. AU mambera ara rcqaeeted to
the food more llefidoos ©Ml V
of e food menp oatarpriaes
and Us eaeeaae la aaeh has amrksd bim
aeaearafalaad palastakL
Hs is BOW at ths bsad of ths
Mats Beak of Miahlfaa iaOraadBsp
- fin and bis aaraor as aa abto fiaanrisr
has mads him known am^ ths Isad
kaslasw BMB of the stats who
waaMheartUpsapporteatoamaa for
A< aa oftos bssaass of tkoir
eoafideaas ia him.
W. A. Waaipp. adranso apaat
•<lida Traebad.” was la the eltp pestw
While BBOw ploai^iar Taoedap
manlBf, fraak Ubpm aUppad from
the brldpa on SareaUi etreet aad fell
into tbe creek.
Tko Crseeant band daaeo la Foraa
ten hell toniffbt rriU be a reip ploaiaat eoeial oraat aad
be larpelp pelroalud.
Tan withdrawal haWl ths sute la•‘1 Dda’t Oare if 1 Nercr Wake . ap.'
e to bs prsvalsak
Don't fall to hear Ueorpe Jopoa slap U
rftat Otasral WUU wltbdrew aad
at Bops' Band Mlastcal show March 12.
lallp oat of aipht. aad
A maa who liras la a thrlriaf town
aowOeaval Marsh’s attorasps bmra
wflhdrawa Isarlnr Marab witboat not far from KaasasCltp. a blacksmith
bp trade, makss paaaUUaeof team'
seaMSl. It was bed sBoqrh tor Manit
to bars Wblis poll oat aad Tears him hawks aad aells tbam to Indians at
wostera apaeeles. and tbsp in tom aell
to ifbt It oBtaleas. bat tbs
of bis ooatool ea saeh Aort noUes to
rsrp aaaoplorda sleetloB has roosatlp beaa held la
Oblle, aad aoleas tba defsatod faetioa
has been shamed bp reoent ereats la
r. e rer^atln map be eapeew
ad when tbe saeoessfal saadldstss Uks
ptimiilna of tbs r
Banker Boau e ©obber.
P. B Qemeon, eaakler of the bank of
Tb^rlUa Ohio, bad -been robbad of
hnalth b^asertoas Innp ,trasble nntil
iDtaoorsry to
Oowamptlen. Then He wrote: "It to
fhs beet medtelae I erar ased to a
aarpra cold or a bad pass of laap
tonabia. 1 always kaap a bottle oe
haad.” Don't anSer wiSooaphs. eoUs.
m any throat, chest or leap tomUe
stbea pon can bs eared so oasily. (
•Os and »i. Trial botjds 10 ee
Jas. O Jobason and 8. B. Walt's i
IdttU TbTpra—Littio Tw«tb.
Mai t-TtT >ol«kk
Oreaoat Band danea la Fneaatera’
Mtoalghk Good mwle, pissaat
No Moro Rheumatism.
tie hrnenL and »e lied etwut
(ul liu
hu^of «T|K’«rl.rii
end Bir wire be«mn unlof It. Tbto rite
medU'loe bSA srpen-nUp. drirrs elT tbe
puiwn^ot of^te
s HftpJ ^11
ni'VK. Hold I'.i'druaMA 'fauidfiSc. S'
cabla BIrer Sal-
The ladtoas
s to.ooo
It to
aetUers more that leal pear In Mani
toba aad'tbe territorlea. and of these
aboai it.ooo are Ai
>^aMo ©aa’ Wbippis (b Booobs a
8teee tbe close of the eirll war PiooMember of tbe Oj A M.
000,000 has beea spent la tbe sontb to
••DaeU Daa” Whipple Im tesde ap- nepro edneettoo.
pUeatloatobeoome a member of
Theadrance aale of seats to ‘'Siae
, PMt No. It. <f. A.
He Tracked" will open at the box office
thtake that now be to old aa
of 8teiDberp-B Grand. datardap a
baaene a member. Hn .r^Ul be ad- Inp.
mittod Into tbe orpsnto'ttioa free of
There wUl be e meetinp of
aap oxpcose. tbs remans deemlap it Knipkto ot Ppthlae thto erenlnp with
aa honor to bar# a oentenarlan amonp three mndidates to the aeooadrank.
Ibsm. He will be formstlp reeeired .This week's meetlap of the Bn Beple
late membership la a aboH time, when Wktotdab has baea poatponad
tha old aoldlers are espee^ap to bare nantwcek.
an aanscallp fine tlm
Tbs rexalar meetinp of the Willard
C. T. T. will be held at tbs Second
oldest member of tbe G., k.
M. E. ehareb thto af tamooo at 2 o'clock.
Onttod fiutas.
A fell atteadanoe to dealred as It to ^
aannal elecUon of effieers and bll raports mast be made to ths aoeietp.
Instead of the asnal Tbaradap
Hanrp Tbseker of WUllamabnrp has
lap prayer meetinp this week, three
definitelT aanoanced bit eandidaep for
raper meekinps wlIT be
tbs Bseablleaa noadnatioa to sbatiff
held this erenlnp. baplanlap at 7:So
Dr. B. B. Andersoa rccsired poswa
O’clock, at tha homes ot Mr and Mrs
J. B Walker. &2« Fifth atreet: one at dap from iMsinp hto earUfleale of
the homa of Mr. aad Mrs.Bap Tnaeker. medical reptotratloa. which to toaaed
ir Hast Ninth streat. aad one at tbe nador the new law.
BomaofMr. aad Mis. A.'W. Lind, *is
A ?enaaa Xmneh.
a cbnreh
Tonlpht the msmbars of Trarerss
aae^ and friands and straapers llrinp
City E«dpe Mo tSS, B. F. O.
fa the rMnltp of
initiate three caodldatae and
ifaUp Inritad to tt
M hoped that there wUl is e Urpe at-
With masoalar rheamattom eanaed by
dtoordared kldnsps. aad frclUeasIp tip
toperen known remedy, I febnd r.«
1 af Ul Dr. Obsse't
Obsee't Kidni
Kidnap Lircr Pills.’
Gaartataad to reawrire the eaase and
care rbsamatUm.
.. all dmp>
Cbaas Mad. Co.,
Send stamp for tree
Ssitrsp Aadiories
Norway flerriep
Labrador Berriop
itopllsb Cromarty
Holland Berriop
Domrstle Berrinp
RuuIsd Sardines
Pisnao BaddlM
OoidoD Ptoh Cakes
Jaqob Furtsch,
UgiOB St.
Both 'Phones, 34
1b order to'arrange for
Eitensiu Changes,
Hew Fiitnres
anil Modem Imgronments
I Will
Close Out
.d di
Xdttla TfiTtm—Uttb Tfirtn.
wUl take onrt te the propipm.'
expeetod te exsel nap propram fi
Ip plrea on St. Patridi'e Dap.
Whstto Tear Pace Worth.
■ a tortaoe.
r. bat MTvr,
Barer, if
pOB bare a callow eompirxioa. a fsai
lleed look, moth patebee and b' .' .
•n tbe skin.-all aince of liver tronble
lap’s New Life Pills plve
!lear Mela. Boap' Cheaks. Eieh I
<an be ia»ie m> they will wot bniwb np. I eeU Uiem for n.|5,
$b.<5 nad r.i.50. They are just the thing fw a folding bed~>
Too rap'fold yoar bed withoot any tronble.
I Full UhiUII Kilts gfliitttssis
$3.25, I3..50, and po on op to • fine hair at
$16.75 and $22.75.
A unfa
Anything yon want in springa and
ea«b and balance on paymeota.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S'roTi.'b S-bz^ee-t.
j Bran’ New
I Stationery
We have Jaat put in a i
llae of
box paper aad tablets, etc.
Mo old etock-Prieea r
Sidewidk Lumbar in. all siaaa.
John R. Santo,
tmril lisiniM.
Traveme City
JO^ F. OTT A 00.
Sueonsaora ta Trawaraa Ofty Lumbar Oo
The HaoDah & Lay MereaDtile Go.
Enjoys th« beautifnl. and ail
want pretty things for tbe house.
Nothing more faMciesting than art
neeilicwork. Once gut started and
all your spsn- uionii'iitH arc fillMl,
Hitli a result that is must^pleising.
Nowhere can you fi.id a more com
plete astMirtment >>f Hbsolntely
evorythiiig needed in.this delight*
ful employment of making tray
cloths, scarfs, rloiliss.stand »-..vprs.
photo fmiiieii, laundry tmgs, sufH
pillow covers.
Now for the goods—Royal Floss.
Etebiiu' Silk. Flip 8ilk,Hop.- ailksell at 4c the siwin KuittiucSilk
from 10c to 40c~Embn>idery Silk
in 3 yard Bpools for h-—AH si/ies
of Embroidery Needles—AM sixes
of Embroidery H«x)pe~(we eeil
the moel of the Duchess, at 10c)—
The eilk finish (Irophet Cotton at
5c the spool, in all colors. An
endless variety of Stamped Lin*
eiis aii manner of biouliful pattoma
Want tu use your own pat-
ternr Get the Bound Thread
Linen, sold in 2-i 1-2. 4.5, 67 1*2
and 1C inches wklc. from lOc to
t! 40 the yard.
Want to makb a Fascinator or
a sbawhThen use Shetland
Floss or Shetland Wool, sells at
10c tbe skein. All colon of Go!>.
inantown Zephyr at lOc, and Ger
man Knitting Yam
Tam at
i 2U and 2-V.
Wants to be well dressed, aud
we art* the headquarters from
which go the goods that always
please, in quality, slj le and price.
Are your clothes a little worn:'
Then nse them for second ineat
and get one of ourf’^AOCassimere
or Washini^n ('lay Suite. H
you’re achiin. to pay more for
something etill l*etter. s*-lt< t from
our great stock of f la? Worste<l
at $10.^11. $12. l.V fl'-nnd
Then you’ll want some good warm
You can find just
your fit in our enormoos stock,
both of your person and jnocketbuok
from the higgast bargain
Btg22 l-8c tbe gauqent to finest
•lersey ribbi<d, all «ool fleH-ed linef a’flUXI tbe soil.
If you want to ^wn the best
dollar while shirt Jou ••ver saw
boy oura. We have some that we
aell cheaper. Tbey'i> good goods,
Next select your coHsrs. No
where can be found a more op-to-
great hargsins in cullars—tbe r^*
alar 20 Ai d 25c values at 10c. or
3 for a quarter.
And we show the. greatest
stock of spring neckwear ip the
A Fin lin of lidiai Baskets.
Ererything most go this week to
make room for new stock.
Good masle, plmmnt
social Urns.
■embenefSt. rranoto Obnreh
The members of St. Prands ckweb
ara asaklap exteasire
A Of Sb Patrick's
. _ jlebratloa wUl take tbe
form of aa aetartnlnmrat and sa^er
in the City Opera Boaae, Satarday
ereninx, Maiab IT. The tapper wlU
bo aerred befcra aad after tha eatartnU<
dste stock ib all the most popnlar
shapes.- We are ■dfering some
Mp entire etook of
Fruita, Oandiea
and MieoeUsneone
Periahable goods.
411 will be Bold
at coat.
fisilsl Party tcalpht”^
Wnrxberp Block
Tbrae dpps apo tha rebel Tapals ia(eraepted the Mexican mall, which
wnebalap eoreped nnder aasMortof
•to seoldlara. Of the too aoldlers all
heaped to nearby tren.
canted off tbe maU.
To rest well nd afaep well ytm
mnsTbnve effootl mnttreap. Oar
felted cotton is the beet Bonttrem
made for' the money— We gonrui*
tee it not to lAuoh np. A rottoo
mattreee is the pofteot mattreoo
made if they do not hnneb np. sod this ia only one wpy they
, Bi.
McCoy's old stood.
The HanDah & Lay Mercantile Co.
n dwlai
tkTM 4«Ct«M
MOTCltotodaBiTtv. Witk
«xMVliaa 9t iMt rwr. bww>. ii
tt«wiUlm r«b«W7
meUcM (or tba paat flfa
•«' c v> data of ObMrrar F^lffea- of
«ba ermad Baraa «raatbar tmn
K. Potoar. OM of F«toak«7'a i
aiUaaaa. to ted attar a
Ma( fllaaat. Mr. Pottar oaaM to
pma i«o aad iavoatod la
aad aa» toUl areparty. to wblak baaiMto bo waa rarp aMeaaafal, ■■■inlaf
a (ertaaa of Stolaoo to ri.«a. ^«aa
aboat 47 paaia of aca.
A»d X. rtPwfcMl Sbowa W»7«V
PraMb CteTt* b Jutly
btitiad to it
A tom aadieaea to tba OUp Opara
Mra. M. 6. Wrlphl baa bean eaUad t>
xtWM Bap bp tba niae« « bar
daapkMr. Mra Don Dean.
daric Rickard went to Aema laat
ienaa toat aipbt wltmaad (ba praaan Bant
o(“Baaeb 10** bp
eompanp. The ptop
piren and eojapad bp the andianaa.
Frank Taoker made a farorabla toaproMlona-Jadpr Ffoaekad tba other
ware (airlp'wall portrapad.
Tba performanee ooncTnded with a
ptoMl^ (area oomedp. Tbnlpht tba
attreettoe wOl ba. ‘'to Marrlapa
W. A. Waalep. apent fcr Jnlt WaTtarto *'8ida Traekad” romnanp. wm to
tba dtp paaterdap.
B. DeLaarp of Barbar Oraak, U la
the dtp. '
Mr. and Mra A. R Ooraell of Kallnak a ware to tba eitp paaterdap.
C. T. Qalboan of Ktopalap, ta to tba
P A. nawea U to Patoakap oa b«d-
■taroa BaooaD:—WHk year panatoatoa 1 wiak ^ aolaa mj aeatiMMaa
waUaa tl«aa of otban threap Itoa
aaa of Iha RaooBD racaidlac the
palitioa aaki^ te aa are lirkt at tba
trof Cto« aad mb atraato, at St.
Praaato chareb. irtiieb baa baaa mmOmr
Idarattoe (or aavval waaka bp tba
d^eoaaeiL I aaa a dtopoaltieB ea Ua
part ^ aoma ofoar eHp
tbto patttloB for aa ladaSaito laoptb
ol ttBM tbroafh aosa pratMii
Bara oar eitp Catb«a siren tbto patltioadaaaeaaldaratioa? Baretbap
oidarod that St- Fra
irmaebotora wbtob
tbapapw bara.aad fiiarias oo tba
Bav.J^ Onp. D. D.. (or aarea
paato|Maaarof«ba Pbat Praab^arlaa
at tba pablteaeboola aaroa tba altj
abartoat Eaiatoaxio. will aaatiMoth
parpaar lataxaa and toa«
btotatoteto to,000
aalartoa atone, wbleh tba dtp woeld be
Saaoto bto aattoa tosa to tba IfiablcaB
nbUfad to eara (or If not ebtiralp aapbpto.
wbM ba to praakUat.
TktodoaaaottselBdeUcooat ofaraat• are aastoaa to inc the acboel, wbleh woeldibare to be
' pap tba halabaa of tba to.000.000 worth deoe aa oar pablle a^ocda are alraadp
adiar boadaaatberiaad bp tba erowdad tor room. Bare ibep eoaaldre of
of IU7.
Tba aBoaat to ared that tbaaa mombm in addlttoa to
aboat tU,0M. and tbap oaaaid draw- thia pap their ebare of tba taxaa withlac tolvoat daa. 1. IMI. Thap Boat oat a c<^Bble to anpport the pablle
be praaoatod to tba atato Iraaaarer on aeboola? Do ibep koow there are 6M
or bofora Map 31, iooo, for papaanL It
1000 people who attood tarrieea at
io Jboacbt poaalbla (bat tbac bare tbl, ebareb and eatertalBnento at tbalr
aoan toot, and tba atata to adrorttolnr aebool nljrbt after nicbt while (bat
lor ib*. pnrpoaa of findlnp oat.
OTur to la darkseaa. ao that tbrp are
A little Aaa Arbor drl aU^ ooa more or Imb aonopad bp erowda of miatlaaaUp for tbrao dapa rbeantlp. ehtoTtoBB hope bafora. after and dnrinp
awabanins oalp to partake of her
rbleh the cxpertoneaa of other
' totola.
Bar atoap waa pi9areBtlp ebarabaa eao attaat? la daw of nU
parfoetip nataral, and no barmfe! thu la It ratoonabla or jaat to defer
;Offaata lre« It bara baaooaa noitoabla tba pranUap of UU patiUoa to aome
atooa aba awokeI
fatara time for the palup aam of
At Utnnaea teat aaaaon !a (aw abeni S3 par moatb attar tbU eonprawrote tbalr patloe aavlap tba dtp ao maeh eotlralp
nama and addrwaaa to the bo^toina of at tbdr owa axpaaacT Haa tbU peUtaom cnipa baabata before paektof tba loa Bot marim aaoapb to ba rraatad at
■toiaraa. MUa Lalto itoiltb to a few OBBaand without rebbtop otban of
dapa raealrad a latter from a
Uphta alraadp raiablUkad? Wnp U
Tba aorreepoadani
tharaao mneb eoatrorarap? Whp do
aoattoaad aod raaaltad la tba urrlaca
of oar dtp tatban trp to oompli
of tba peoBC ladp to Bobart Kaowto, a eato tbU potlUoa with other Upbia
aakod (or to order lodafar the wbde
At OarKia 01^ Brrla Watara, aped 17 mattarv Wbp aot act oa tbU petition
*M toataaUp kUlad bp tba apptoaica on Ito owa martu aad plra tbdr raaof a boUar to bto fatharto plaalbf nlU. aoaa If tbap ttlak It ahonld net ba
praatad and aattia thU «iaaatlae? Juaod tba_BlU waa ba^tp wn
Balldtoca all erar town wva abaktn tieaaboald premU. f eaanot ooaoalm
and wtodowa brokan. Tba eaaaa of that anp nnprajadlead tax paper of tbU
tba acploatoa la a npatorp.
Blip will oDjaet to ptpiap bU abara of
Mra. Lanra Uakap, of Omad i Baplda. tbataaaa on~tba pallrpanmof aboat
, aa oxoart to iiilald work on fnmitara. »» per month tor an ar« Uphl at tbat
traa (oaad daad to bar roona taaadap. ppiat when faau an oonaidcrad In the
She waa M paara old. Her aotbar. ripbt aplrltaa tbap all; know tbat an
Mra. Salter, and other relatirea, lira are lipbt la aordp needed tbare for the
eradltof onr dtp aa well aatoaeearr
r Bik Baplda.
Aaeordlos to reporto froM the lead- order whan aoeb larpa aarrlcM are
Voata reapeetfollr.
toc trail prowert of OaM and Van held.
Bnren coanilea. ibr oatlook (or a larpa
arop of all ktodt of (mil waa narer batMlaa Clara B la KieaoU baa been ap- J
fwjrrs m society.
potoud boapltal aieward of iba Sol
dtoea' Hama ai Urand Baplda. She la
the Aral woman toreeeire that appoint
.man! at tba borne and HU nnkoown Babekah lodpe bad plaooed topo oa a
■laiparlda to Monroe Center. Oa
that anp of tba
evplop a woman in tbat eap^tp. Sbe eonntof the bearp taow tbep pare
I tba Dnlreraltp Phar- tbiB np, but tbep patbered with them
' maoeaUeal department three ptare apo. aparipof Odd Fellowa'bnd topeiber
tbap eatled upon Ur. apd Mra. Candeld
BUebia J. Mldrlep. a bipblp
of toe Panpbom Uoaea aad apent
raaldaot of Groan towoahlp, Heooato
dellphlful araniop.’ in wbUh varioua
aoBptp. fdl dead to tba road near bU
P< mea aed a fine opater Bopper flpnred.
boM alx Billaa aoalhwaat of Bead CUp.
AnlBtiaeat waa bald, tbc jorp findlnp
Min JoaetAtoe Crater aatartalnad a
lhatapepUxp waa the eaaaa of hU eompanp of frlenlalaat eveatopln boo
4aatb Mldptop'a father dlaA In the or of her blrlbdap annlreraarp. at her
aaaia manner aboat two pean apo.
borne OB Park atraei- The occaaloe waa
The llralpHttia'town of SMtUiUe. eerp eejopable. both for tba boataax
Haaen eoantp, ^ ao dMdoeata. Brarp and her pneata. and baaldaa tampUBp
ptoaa of pfopwtp. whether owned bp rafreabmabta, a plaaaanl propram of
raaldaat* or othera, U eontldarad ralna- aocial feaiurea waa erjopad.
bla anoapb ao (bat tba owner papa tba
Laat etealnp a larpe compxnp of
,taxa« promotlp wbaa daa
St.OM waa apraad apoa tba rl)lapa tox membaia of the Fraternal UpatleCircle
roll (or leuv Mben tba uiual time Bpmnr a }nllp aarprUe upon' Mra. A. A.
aama for mxkinp ratnraa tba Tlllapa McCop, one of the popntar members of
. traaanrer found tbat all taxaa bad beaa the orpanlsatloe. Several forma of
aaldand noreturaa wen made to tba aocla! amuaemeut weratadulred to aed
•OBBtp traaanrer Tba eUtx«Mof SooU- erarpbodpbadadallpbtfal time. There
dlla claim IhU raeord eaaaot ba aqoal* waaapneaatop eoutaai to which the
Aral price wee won bp Min Aona Weed
^ad bp anp other Hicbipan towe.
,^'Traaldent Anpall of tb« I'airanllp. and the eonaolatitw bp A. A. MeCop. A
ipoUto ooBtcct waa alto anj-prd aad
baa poaa to Mew York..
^1,1 Ua todlaa who partleipaMd won ont
ad bp a tdapram wblen
Thoae wbo enpapad in the eantaat
wife waa rarp ill.
ware: Mra. P. I. Whitman. H. 1. Knapp.
Brltiah-AmerieuB at Catoitet bara
raUad 11,000 for the widowk aod or- Ura. A. A. MoOop. C. S. Vtider. Mra C.
pbaha of Barlisb aoldlari killed In 8. Vader. P. P. U iffar, tfra. Compton
and F. A. Bari.
Sontb Afriea.
The oecaelon waa particularly enjopThe Thapar Lumbar Co., of Muakaable for all pcaaaat aad baaldea tb»
poa. throuph Supertotaadeat Tbemaa
oAier poqd'tbtofx on tba propram da>
Mnnroe. haa boupblof (%artoa Kupplea
lloioai rafreabmanta were aarrel.x
of (toleapo. an axieuairo tract of pine
toada loeatad la Kaikaaka aad MUaan0OVBTOTHB BBMATB
latiea. which it U.aaUmated wUl
plaid U,000.000 (eat. Tba oOB^ataMoa paid waa $4(0.000. naartp all to
eaab. Mr. RepplM bat owaafi tba ratB$MA|9MBtoaa IMI. ThaUmbarU
laipatp w%Uo Ptoe aad wUl i keep tba
taaaaUUoftba Tb|p
; two paar*. Tbetlpibar
wiU ba brourfattobyVall. /
Mom aatloa of Gaorpa F. Wanly Freaaated bp tba PratiSmt.
I Hamilton ClothiDgCoJ
Ooming d&Uy—
Sight from the
recognized leadere
of clothing manufacture
d of Ktopalap,
waa la the dtp paaterdap.
plraa ont. Tboea tleketa wbleh (ailed
Boa. Chaa G. Tara«r toft pealard^
tepetaprlxetoat nipbt arUl be poed fcr Ealamaabo aad Maakepoa.
loraobaaeeeea kodak to be piran
Mra. J. W. Mona of tba Temple of
awap Satardap aipbt.
FaablOB, baa poaa to Detroit aad Ctoralaad (or a apriep atoek of aUltoarp.
Jnla Waltora’
J. W. Patahto ratnroed pMlardap
from Made CItp.
Grand next Tnaadap erentop, M^Ht
will BO donbl win a
UttU l4rwa—lAttli Tavere.
The plap U a pare faree of the
airp eort. The
aiekald to be rarp amoatop and clarar. SetUl Part/ toicbt
Oreaccnt Bead danea to Poreatera'
ball toaipbt Gaol maxlc. pleaaaat
bp dialopna of moat a
•odal time.
MarAftoMr'a aBTeri** tmr«r.
Alexander tln< .trtiiur. amber of a
•iMTenarul rtutl) or life in the lailD
qoarter of rarU, w lifeti t>n>iii.'ht to ihe
aniar >>uih |M>|>id>rl(.v and profit. 1«
abw the pu|>ll nnU liioitraplter of KnUnMelD aad 1h n e|<»u- fr1eu<l of Paderewelil.
Ilie nifllior liv.-.l Tor l»'i>
year* In Si. |•oI.■l-.tnll•u.
top Tor tlie lamd'Ui pn***. and takiiiK
pnn In M.iiie ilirllliiiK adti-mnri**, Init
the miH.| Kineiihir of the wrlli-r * ex
|H-rleii<*- li.it,|M-iie<l in I'liii-avo aflir
the novel had 1k«i-u liroiiplit <mi Uy 8
pul>li*Uer of tliai .-liy Tlir Unit liaU
1h*-ii pn>
that the |mldli>lier
deelil<-d to five ilie author a dluuer to
whk-li a doxeu »T Ui<- leadliii: men of
letter* in the l.iike t'lty were Invitnl.
The pie«t«.bail a«-enH.led when the
author wa<- anu<mn<-i-<t.
...... r,*T a
woman ulilnsl In e.veulnx ilrvoa.
uiv <-v|Mvil0K Ur. .MavArtliur."
*ald 111” boat. "Mr- .vh-xamUT Muv
Artiiiir. llie notvilKi."
•■So I ...........................
tMH-t(*l piH-«i. "1 am
•You?" xn«)«Hl ilw |.nlUl*ii.-i.
IH.uri.y.m kiii.a> 1 atu 1.11Itan .Mai-.tiiUiir. iit yunr nTvh*'.
hnv»- Imi'Ii nl'lliiit: «iv**f.lUe liuuu' of
.tloXHihtfi' « vor
I U-fi my hoiii”
to Ihihiiii."
Il tva» only ilii- work of a iiitiioli- I”
rvarranvo nfftlrH. ami ihe dlimor wo*
a piv.yi «iii.x-oM>.
U. B. ApmUe. a i.ou<lon •rlontlat,
pnvo a dihm-r r»v*oinly in whh h ll<|uld
air -wa* iixml ui ili” laMo to ki :-|i Uii
chniii|Mt-.nie '<-uol.
Bnroli cle l.«Hlor«. tlio ui*w iiiiiilalor
oT lloIlaiMl ai \Vu*litiiinoh. l* n inmi'lKon of iIh- Icio I'uii,*! Siii(o« Si-im'or
Wmiaw'Wrto'lH of Now.irk, N. .1.
riio •lii'unttlou of (bo loo lower
fl.M.r* of William <*. WUItii.-.iV honia
to Now V««rk wlileh wa* oi*-i»*l Tiieday for ilie iir*i itnie, <■<>*( over El.mai.Sir AloxamliT Muoki-ur.io. ibo S<-oi,-li
nm*ielaiu l*i:mi hi* mu*lo»l i-uro.'r mt
llio aso oT 1*1 yojir* hy iniillX lo Cor
many from to-utluml, ahme to Mu>ly
IjHi.r Henry Som,f*et Kalil n-i’oiiily
lai kIh- ualmil her tirai im|>ul*o
wani ,iiliilunilir.r|>i,' work Trom roailliix John Simin Mlir« work* durliis
her xlrlliiNHl.
Hr. .loiin r. W.MkI of Coiro.vville,
Kail- oUim* lo la- lh<- ol.leal |inietleliiB (•liy-'h luii to itio wurkl.
yrai'* oil! uml *Btl mak*’* <liilly «hli^
to Homy |■ltl••lll*.
II I* ,-ai<-ul.ii,*1 that John Ily*klu
l>a.k« nii'l nrii<|,-K ihou
Imtlnml <hirHiu hi* hfe.
The c
« o! Tniitiv inlii,;
euiiM' Jt na* -iiM iIm-> Iih>I oiii-i- (•r*-n-nieit II iili*' lo Ihe iin-l.leni of iho
Traii-vnul ...........IllA SI. JoiBph enreapoodent forCbicapo papen aands- to the tollowlnp
alranpe alorp; '-Hundreds of wild rab
blto tbroupbont aoaib wesiara MIehIpao and northern Indiana are dpiop
from a disease which Is pnxxlinp tbe
olner banter, aed irappera Usnp of
the laadtop bentera of tbia ImmediaU
vicinity are of the opinion_th»i the
rabbits are safferlnp from an epidemic
of dlphthcris. A rabbit when found
eaSerlap from the dlaeaae U swoUen to
twice the na-.ural six' abyatihe neck
and from appiarane* dies from atran
polatloa. the dlaeaie haviop prodneed
a raauU ideelieal with that of diphthe
ria upon a human beiar It U the
pmtarai op'eloD that tba dlaeaBs waa
imported into thU loealitp tbroupb
tabblu from Ohio.
Little TavarB—Little Tfiveni.
A OarA.
the uadaralpnad, dp barabp_______________________
It, but It »
refund V.
tbamonep oh a BO^i Ojitmant Ua Weaalop. U oared
me of time." cai
i B Walt
bStU^Oracae'e «,--------------- ........................................................................................................................
mp of Hoblep pllee after ti peai
Tarlf RtalUto
ear* pour eou^
^ or dnrinp wbieb time 1 :
Uttle TAvem-Littli T»v^
pptd. We alao ruarantoe a.n-eentjuaalmeaiaDd manrktodaorfoIntiMnu
to prove
aatisfaetorp or
kr maMy! wllnoai reauH.*' Or. Ohaac'i U.atment
mteadad. S. B. Waft, Bupbea A
Aait-Trut Wall Faper.
M. Jobaaoa. F. C 1
_ lakln troublea. to eenie,
eenie. all dmpdrm
tba cbeapwt and the beat—all new.
_ W. Cbaaa Had. Co..
Tbe B ,toB Store.
Sample box tree
Llttie TAFsra-Ltttle Tbwb. .
Spring Suits-
Before tba ctoaa of the pvfarmai
Matthew Ware of A ms. aped U<
paara. was shot hp a c-impsn'oo Sainr
Wasbtoptoa, Uaroh T—Tba presidant dap afternoon bp tbe eareleas baadli.^Beat the name of Gaorpa P. Waoip to pfan ealiber Plobert rise. Tbe ball
entarnd below the ripbt sholder and
looped to tbe ripbt Innp. HU ebaneea
waatara diatriel of Mlebtpan.
The for meotery are excel_______
appolatmaatwiU ia<ac.«don at oaee
TwantpAra Taara o( PoSerinp.
UtUi TiTim—UtUi bm.
Spring OvercoatsMen-e
Gray or brown.
The “Saglan' coat all
should see.
Little TAvetB'-LittU Ttvern.
I Used
to Pay 10c
Spring Hats-
Fo^ my etparv, bat aiat-e'
411 colors—
Lateet eastern .
See our window.
I Itave tried a
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
' I libve come lo the eoncliiaion lhal *tc will buy
a (firtt
rlaaa, delicioua
Try ooe aad you
will never pay lOc for a
N. B.*--Bear ia mind the nnuKuallj good
bargains in men's, pants, suits, overcoats. u1^ sters—“Special Sale" winter weights—Front
^ tables.
Give Me
Your Shoes
City^ Opera House
I will save you the coat of a
pair, mod at least a third of what___
erscharpefor tbe work- Then If the ^
Monday,March 5
One Week
CUT Bicycle
- IkMluo Kul'Usr*
Or*rxsller>. say aiylr
14 OFF
Won.-s’s KAuTsa Hbuea
M ,'* •* on Kosmi.t Dsl$4.50
Mrn cfo.Ui Pates* Call Bsl*'
MeD-«M.UI XusioeU
.14 OFF
413 Union St. near 8tfa
Supiwrtinu ibe popular.
... 90c
... $1.12
Ml*s**a*enn Bsbt
Mailt atliw liata la salact
from at Cut Prices.
After March isth call at the n
stora, 343 Frost Street.
Ili a rep-rtuire of hinli'elaBg rep»!rtoire eorcemma.
Rest to be had io
the city is at
a-mmyi^ia vindo..________ !“Is Marrlagc
A Failure?*
■•rKalkowks. *111 0|,SB
,.s..»i;“T!^'-';:::|pric.s,io,i6.2oc. .
to Waits Between lets.
We Have Them
86c, 60c, 75c and SI 00^
Always Up-To*0ate.
Frank friedrich
Ths Old
SsUabls 8bo« Vets.
Cbiw. ihoM.tmt
Here Tour Mouef Goes the Furthest.
iiomnHG gkx)RD> Thursday, march s. im
0Sn 0F Tfl£
it ttotr trotitt j
As sppnOTUtfos 9t mMo for s
WMtelarOMMl OtSBl St WabiadOB Am bsM spftwsa «7 tb« bosM
Hisi Uatss, tl yssrs of sc«> *smAtar of tbs UM Ks*. Bob«t Uffss. tbs
*st*Mossnr «o tbs Maotb Urn U-.
lasAsawtost tnm Mas bf (be
fbi^wsHttss* Besrfof Iba Daltad,
•Mm, bas. swnrflsff to abrtoao froa
«rAs9. oos lor bvaoU lbs Utta of
•teslas of tbs OssdtaMjfRiSF’' Tbs
batiste fs
•d* bataoM Mrs asUss teoli,
telobte Matsail as ■iillislil
asms latte- *ba baa ftaas baaoBa
as iasalM w tbs raasH irf tbs totarf
aa4 alU rslara boMS.
—mif Msisrlal irai wklak sspaly
IbaOUtestebst solad Taasday to
olaaatb^r rUats. tbs raaaas ft«sa
te Ibis aesa «H that teaass of tbs
baUAIat eparatloai
bMOfht oa bf labor I-ablss by
tbs eioslac, 10,000 BOB aatplojsd bf
tbs iTB ara aaf- Mis. Addsd to tbs
an »
000 strlklaf
oa atrlka.
Strlba, iba
tas f
swiaiai ^^
saasUatota aad tba t.OMoa strlks ia
Tara bss at antipodes oe tbs OBth'i
sarfiui are drawn dinctij- toward anoh
otb*. Ksrh t* at tbe apex of a e>BS of
b» Kber. Tben causa interlock at tbs
aarth.'s oentcr and are there eqnnl, bnl
the greater part of Ibe mam of
SOM and oonaeqaantif tbs graster
of graeilf irddlng each to Us pisoa to
past tbe oaotsr of tbs awth a
nstra nt tbe fssl of tbs otixT.
ttnry pidnc of tbe onrtb'a sarfses
puUa In a atnight line tbrongb-tba
OMdar of tbs snrtb, not stoppiug at It;
Icstng pan of tbs ponnd tu prt^Mlan
as to spproafbee tbe osuhs; tb—. passiBC, ngslnuif Itsffsinlo .prt .
U ■wstaoha* (tw opporiM mtsoe. Bo
Ihst bsif varpMt tbe ouii«r tin. pofisA
wAMi Bt Um) cmotr
s telf posiMl. UKl St tbt*
4nr some
am tBtSBtlaf 4S wvrb
T. srtisaaifjarti-
John F. On & Co.
atbalte wrilsa be tools
liasise ruiuHl (hat sect
StooeBaa. Tbto Barvsioas Bsdl Um sUrt OM mmbor et ta« rommlur-----
w u art u Uw ctv «
th« mlBOT
The Boji Phenomenon Pro»es
HisibilitytoCure tlltiseases Without the lid
of OinssorSnr^
(eon's Knife
Hli Wondbrftil 8^«noc Anitl>
hllAtM DImam and Ootm
tha AflUotMi—Indon•d by &• Praw
And ^olptt
As day saeessdi day tbsra la ae
abatsBBBt la tba orowds of sfllletsd
tmO tma maa wM klllad aad BOW •
^ P«von siaudlng in a narrow oao- people that flock to the parlora of tbe
lad.. twoBoa
k^iao aaa
wUh walls towering bandredaer Boy PheBosMaon at tbe Park Plaee
tban M aavsraly injorod- The wreek- thowgiwto of feet above him on either Botal. Hines his advent la this oily be
age eaagkt fire, adding groatty to the
much bettm- fooUug tban if
dlBeUty of taaealat tba iajnrsd.
on tbe pinnacle of a moanment. £a one
quMtioa—that Be staods erowned
ad doath <a^ heNs held “P .1*7 lateral gravity,
wlthfiot sappurt.—B. king of the eatlrs i
Afrtoa ta'bs aaed for wiiislaaa
has grnphleslly portrayed the power of
W. Matweriu CiurinntKi Kminircr.
phte parpoaas.
agnetUm la healing disease.
• A bill latrodaeed la the Sew York
Mo other eadowment to so great
It is a fallacy to snppoae that people tbegifttoeoaqaeranddtopel dIsea
togtoiaurs Babas wortenb bat pine
Ofgr ^rse lacbes 'c^g dangeroat wen
wear cork h.gs and gtasa cyea are to a degree never before known slaee
indifferent to their perautial appearanoe.
lbs apostoU^ays. It does seem there
i They are'oOwi valuer than ordinarvinBO lafifmitiss so terrible aad no
Tbs Virginia lagtota^rs baa amde ;
Jaas y JrgsnoB Oavto' bir^day. a
A rlob utan. for' lusiaooH. wbo to ease too bopslsss to be beyond
Iwnl baltday la Viigiaia< obliged to wear au anja<-ial eye will reach of hit marvelous power. People
what amaasr of man he to and
t%s doatb Cbi^laa lagtolatnre baa j
‘liffw'-ui 'T*** m«-ry day—an
mtat CUok- ■
nuin.ing, whig. tb^papU to not marvel at the slraacs power he poivoted fio.ooo for a a
very uu-ge: an eye for afternouii, when
Tbs Btany rsanarkabls cures he baa
psrforated la this slty aloae bas never
by nay ether mode of
trsatmsBt BlauMt^ of t
toao vary novel aad uaique, and hie
Baaaer of arriving at tbe allmeDt of
each patleat snrpaesee anytblag ef tbe
kUid ever sritneeeed here before.
Words fall to do jnsUee to tbe
loneblag aad pathetle seaaes which
daily and hourly traaaplre la bto pri
vate parlora at the Park Pltce. as the
blind. Use. elek aad erippled emerge
.'rom the treating roomt to join tbelr
enzioas frlradt la the parlora, tbelr
PUtsbnrg Dlspaich.
step more firm aad elastic, end their
feeca beaming withtmllee aad aallstaeUoTBaay will lay a eable to KlaoTe> Smart Per ta*
. Omw, tbsaee to the OarUiaesand to
Tbe dangbier of a well kunwa jookey tioa, aathey realise for the fintttme
tba FbUlpplBss.
I waa very ill, hnnug cangbl a eevpra in years ibat finally there it hope of
. , eold. A dncior was aevt for and was their sure and permaaent reetoratloa
Chlsf Offiaar Oooaksyot tbs n
I bottonbulcd by ilie motlier, who reqocst- t^a4ife of health and bapplnree, aad
Tbe Ugaada Railroad iTUsgraph line when tbe papil bas extended to
tebaea eoBUsIsdto
aoaroea «r aiae.
(Os SlU.
' I A JUiodno eyumaker, wbo gave this
—■*—«___ »«- —
be made about an
^■agtaaer U t Oooley dsolM in aa • ^ proportion of glaw eyea f.w men
ialarvlsw at Obieage tet Nlaaragaa*on»e^ 8o.nep.x>ple ^goiiea
was aaxioas (or aaBSpatlsa to lbs stock la tbsirposmsaloe. In fact, note
Uallsd Siaiss
{tban 19 eyes have been made by my inSadrld baa A tbrss year old pianist fonusnt f'r one geuileniaa within three
inloU. rto »1 e«J “7’ \ His BOB bad got om eye made from
ptscs OB bsarlag it oaes.
,-------------------.and ibal aye fitted ao perAOhUlleolbe man. la erdar. to eave frctly thai iheold genilnuan. luanoatear fare oa his lO year old daughter, bnm of gratitude, wrote off for 11 olhissksd bsr is a box ear tolib bto boat- - «
Tb<- eyeuaker admitted that
had geasrally bean 0H|mfaed to be k -; Tbo dangliuv was m-iK for. and. after
oatsd. Itta OB all aatltag ebaru, bet. b» (uiignebiMlhm-ugiveu the nsnal uut
atintua. B. oaihe dits meatloasd. of door vserciw;, the man ut nmltrine
theOruat salted over the positioa in ,
"All, yon a
laUtuds s« degrees, .(T
ioagltode IT4 d«TM.
ilautas east'
■**'* I
aad not a trSM of the
I The young luly sbuted. and, taking
<bc ofTtviduiK aho>«, exoloimA aew railway bridge to ia eonras of ^
• Loch Btlve. at the!'
oli-ver, doctor, as to
fallsof Lorain SootlaauL Woea oom-'
^ tongue and tell me wltat to
Its apaa of 5oo fpet w.U be tbe
^.j,! you be kind
largest in Barops. oomtag aaxt j wough to look at my feet and Sell me
* Wow's Thi^r
bssnsaSeflng asvsre pains for *o“« ^.jn
,net A fiuihet. a leaden
tlBS from what was dlagnoasd by thS:,^|
a dry stick will fall throngh
ailsadlag phyalelaa as aaaralgla. ,pnoe to onr aimoapbera with sqnal
te was ■pim] bocatiwivhi-lr atuuieoud the atoms
Tnstday tbs li
Bads that bs was saUiag tbrss Isstb. of tbe sanb tnatnally attract sscb oth
bis tUrd ast. Two sf tbsa art la lha er regardloas of shape or tiaa.. (iravicy
appar J sw, aad tbs otte to a solar in to sluuiic, and overy atom is tbe equal
of every other atom, no matter bow
tbs bask of tbs Boath. :
diffnae or bow ooanrete (be mass of tbe
Tba navy dspartBaat Ispaat gsoo.OM ebleot of which Uxy are paita Bnl
so sstaWtob a aorilag aUttoo at Dry tbe dry ettok may have lost Ita aotlva
Tteagaa. off tba fflorMa aooat. wbaa prinpipis—irravtty. lu lawcnoe prodnofbrt isffMoea was tarte ovar to Ua Ing priatHplw may have been ezhaastsd.
dopartBaataanaaval baaa. aad now Neverthelws it would bs graxped by tbs
overwhelming gravity of tbe earth and
the liiiasarj daparlBaat dSBaads Ibe
broogbt down in edmpany with its felMS ef lbs tart ae a pasthoass for yel loww.
low favor aad baboale p^gao patlants.
Qravlry pnito laterally sa well m perla a aoUtotoa boiwasa-a loeol trotgbt pandioolariy. Tbe weight of tbe earth
train, learrylag
aigned by Kir J. Wolfe ^y.
aonsB radtsdag to tbs narfaoa. Aooord- aad «. B. Walt's drag ai
tiwioiBte grarltf palls froB tbs osaM ^
tB. aad lbs esoisr to again tbs polol sf
ee«r«UlnpH>M>Mr»* •tTBc-otockTariw e__________ _____________
I Whitk
If grarltf to an active saM-nm paa
dooed bjr Diotovniar axiilan. If beiug a
and fatal dtoeart. If takaa itborliving fwsioa, It to tbsrt-fore a psiMi»M warO. VUlnoea Sslsgsw «ui atao bo
Ibe Ont OTMiau- reoTMUos, oab-l,
oble <1J^ U follows that in a oongloinrtori eslogsioo i<> tbo otsio oMoMliee
arafnao. ai tbs earth,
... 04 for MsrM. tSDU. In DrlMI. SbC (Mb
Be FMled tbe Sni
ulbor bttoleeooM miw ramo befar tho r,«n
will prubabljr tabaom >ioi>ner than otbAU doeion lold Benlek Brnnllton of
il^ht two
srs hf nawai of aiiiirstlouuf toolwnlar
WeetJeffersoDe.0.. after eufforing 18
from Baotnl FUlnln, be wonlA
soUt^iy- H ‘bat bo ttn
X K Krt OY.
au a.iirorxV auv causa tfclutf
of BaaBplofad la tbestifat failj 00.- fo*pe prorlonn* matter Theresupj.llta,
I however great, uiusl exhaust. DifferAt AOantto OlW, N. jI. I’hUlIp Top-,
nnitior may rentwn thfa
olB a cigar* dsalsr. 40 fsara old. has ‘
‘>*, ..
A rtoadtobWtacfc.
An attaA was lataly aads oa C. f.
Oalltor of Obstabaa, Iowa, that asariv,
proeedtotaL IteaBStbroagbbto^
oera. Htobadtgotao Ibbs ba oo^
not sMop wfitert great fata, aor sit la
vof tbseaitb tbso
Mra. Artbar LalayaCts dtod at te
BOM at Ar^ia, afksr aa UlaoB of
aoly a tow d^ at tba age sf M.
dsathwmssMsaaa sbQskto a lai^
sirels of friaada. ant aaly at Ar^ bat
laTravarwOtoy. Bba wan a tovabls
la aU tbbt rotbabsat of Ufa, aad wiU bs
wd. raaaral ssrviea wm Is
bold at tba boBa
Boraiagat il o-aloei/
I Bs gave ap prvwTibuig for aiuart
girla—London Tii-Biu.
We offer one baadrodidoUan reward
for nay ease of ealarrh
caaBM be
Capiaia (pn
g>—Tben 1 mn to
oarsd by UaU's Oatar^b Oara. F. J. and< nuimd Uiai lb*, acx-oswl offtoedyoa
. wa. tae uBaaraigaso, laava KDowa a.
J. Cbaaay for Ue last, it yaais. and
believe him perteeUy boaorable la ail i
baalaeB trsnBoHnnt. Bid flataelally .
able ts entry out any obllgutioa Bacei
"Aad what irply did be maker'
kg their tna.
ag^to.' _ 'You .arean
asa.' .year beasA*^'^
West A Troax. WboleSalt Drsegtoto,'
- —
' Taisdo. 0.. Waldlag, Klonaa A Mb- EslnlM-be Vottedtang.
via, WbolMais Druggiau. Toledo, O.,
Ball'a Catarrh Oara to taksa ialsraal-'
A wim
ly, aetiag,^Uy am ibeblood^' He(dtoagr«Mbly>-Wbaitbe:
Baeaessartoessof tbeaysiem. Price, b iih-Balt«a-with tbU dinatsP
. .
Hfr—Well. I was wundoing wbat
lull, ruDiir puu m tk. iiMt.
Bade itsomot-h better tbaaasaaL—Dstosit Flee Preas.
n> uMUiMn u, itlua, S
rtae tooUl comha of braai'aod ivosy
have been dug op trom Buman tombo,
There never has been a medical practlUoaer in tbto part of the oountry wbo
haeeaneed tbe excitement and«
meat that have been oceaaioned i
the advent of this young man ia Travcne City a few days ago. aad It to no
woader that saeh to tbe ease, tor
eerce performed, not only upon the
Buhlfc stage, before thonsanda of oar
best eittwns. bat at the Park Plaoe la
privaw, have new been equalled by
any other mode of treatment. While
many of tbe grateful paUeato look npon
khalr reeovary as a -alracle, it to not
elBmod by him. aad laeaaily aeooaat
for on strteUy sclentlfte prinelplea, as
be daily generates eight times more
megneUem tban tbe average maa, and
the wouderfal earee aeeompltabed ara
all produaed ay tha traaafualon of this
magnetic force from the Boy PbeaomeaoB to tbe patient.
As bto time to toet baiag cold, aad as
only a limited aumber are trealed ooeb
day. It baboovM ibom wbo desire hto
to ecears tbalr ifekotoat
ones To benltnte might be tbe mtotnkn
ef your lUe. Ofiae boun nt Pork Plnen
ion. m. 10 4 p.m. ?te
botnlw *«
Half Soled
Id 80 mlDtttM whlU you
WDit—PrioM.40 DDd SOo.
L $. Fninil, ID FlWt Stmt
S Trinrsi Cit|, ■ - ■Md|a
I liofl
tilur. Man-b
II ad
Mar. b Idib. and al-a
cif .-•Ddidalf-, r>r ward olaaid To,, dalteawawlllaloo bo
o Srac .-kHiBlj «®«MK>a, .(.lob
For Fire Insurance
Bueklen'e Arnica Halve, the beet in ibe
world. Hureat pile care on earth ZScn
box.slJss U. Jobneon sod H. B Wslt'e
drug storee.
To Siira a CoM in Oi^ Day.
• eoi .
eentod In my agency.
riLke WantCT's U7iitf Winr „f Tsj^ St-ni;
lie tiest cough trotej) on earth. SA •"
li^bTib. IMj
C L liaaiUCK,
irinm Ciif iinlsf l!s
lonm BkKt. 'PkoMiS.
Or Law
BpMlal anmUoa w eoUaeUam
aodeararABdlag. Illgrpstei.
ABobuUU.m eaucuo o( oaten rmldlBela WbuM Id proap-7y. FhasaaTbaU W; Berth•min So. 8 will ba Mid u tbe ruriaeb bulldisc.
No. 4t« SaeU Oatae atraet, OB Wodaaadar
............................ ..tSB at TBI a-cloek. lor
itag B«alega(aa >e sttead a
leasUoa cAiIrd far Fridar
areatae, March ISUi .sad.Blaalar (be aealoa.
itOB S rsadMaiea tor wan) amcaa le aald
WBiU. Twelve dak, (OMa wUl alaa ba elartad la
which wUI alael
dalasaiai US iha________________
nilaa eslM far
Martod. noo. <b Drtiall. aad saet
bpaa aa mkr come laitarr tba cob.
■anb T.tSOS
lot Opera HoMaRkMk.
uao A BOYl
Fir( Insurance.
Ia L. A. Bnildtng.
6fudmui« IndluaBj.
« •( uwiaa M Tiarciee
City, (a «am OaemabM mb. we.
A BaMUIcao eaucoa at
wart Ito, 4 wul ba bold at U
Potato Warohouao. mi W«
■D C.OItBBBT.AMdraay. Bpaclalatlro^
MM. I«u. at rmia'ek
ogAleaI to Attend a Kopubl‘raa rllJ caaroalien
CAllcd tocrttdv. Hareb )«b,aad aU'. for tbo MaraaatUe pe. BlaiU.
lOf caarildsleo (or ward ufllrea la
tuidolegauw wUI aloo (to olecird
•a >br nraieoaair •.entoBiiao.'>bi,-b will elm
AelegAWwU.tbo atale coBTeailOB. eallod for
MA7>a. IMU, ID Detroit, and aorb olber hoalaea< aa aa> rone te-tore Ihr caat-aotluii.
Hareh T, Iki)
X J Pl'LOBl'H.
(1. U- LAKUIK.
MOio RiTWb
B iillrii
cysLi i8sr£*4i£BSi’5i,.""
iig i
T A.TaOMnUN H.D ODaa la Hamlltas
U \aD MO. 8.
■ea'aaadebUdraa-adlaeaaMBBperlally. Otto *0
called will elerl deloeaiea h, ibn aiatr e
Uoa.lor Mar led, IMOJa Detralt-aBd au, b mar
bonlBCaa aa Biar rone hetare thecweealMB
- ndirm. IWl
jne, BOSS,
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
saeasssBBSbsffSks :saaff8
Dlgbt Ronhera‘pbear, S; Bell. sn.
Tb*ll:l»s ■. iralB bM parlor car la Otoad
Bayia. aad almpor Oraad Bapida la <XaaaB(*. No M: raatdeaee. Ho VI. Nortarra aboae
Tbc*4Ap. m-iraiabaa pnrtor eardo Oraad
Raplda, BBd alaoplag oar aad coadb Oraad
iD” •.'„i'?E„'*?ssr3522r:i j •Ksissasfio.
eUtadU to Oraed Bapida aad eeacb aad aloop
domoUc aalwala bj tba Utaot 'aad box ap. In^^wCbloaga to Oraad Bapida aad ehalraar
pnn^ wMMa ^Daryr ^X8t ralli proaptlr
lira. Oflle* ant to Wail's Dru Slora oa
xrm. tioodbaralB f-oaamloa 'or ps
CallaI Irfl
Irn 1at Brodbaiwa'a or Bhaor'i
,-lr.wiU .
kapidam PSleab^.^ mcbbaT,Agasi.
a L LOOBWOOD.U r AT.A. Oraad Bapida
Tilt Pm liniiiette Rtllml
Tuesday, Mar. 13
Drawing Card
Df the Season
People Scream at
Capacity of Tfaeatreb
Tested Nightly.
Gnod Scenic Display!
PaiwB—25. 85, 50c; box netta,
7.5c. Sente on snip nt' tbe box of6oeBBtuHnrBoniins.
•’ss’T OeT-OarrBnhllaairMtrblld-aAatrachaa
Xj Boaari. ria.trr ploa<« k-avr at lie VraabIlD .ircrl or O P. Carver, VS Fmi X-Ml.
call al Rer«n! oner
Drirell ....
TOlaago, . .
8W if
/•^lAL WANTU) - POr geerral bouarvork.
VJT n prr work for ronprirai help
Mra P. U. Dcaaend. 118 6laib ai7«et.
T70K BAUC--A PeolaiDlar Sirel Range, need
f bui«sMib«. WJUeell at one.ball oricleal
roai, "Raore-raiwRerord.
At Ord Raplda J
. 6 aiAM
Lt Ord Raplda. I
Ar Pteaboy.. ,l«44(p > e>p.»l
r-tOB RBKT. B ALK OR TRAOS - Para. „r «
f arera. 9> la, (rail, apcir. rbrrr.t. plum,
pearb and pear treeo. 1 acre Iwrrlra, 1: arm
otorc cleare.1, ailnated oa ea«t bay peo'oaala.
Ibree-ile-e Iron P. U Trarrrar Citj. lldralr-
4 00
U 18
i :s
.Mikb .raw.
Apply a. ^l«a
r I'Uy property, farm of 4« acre-. » arrta
cleared, eaiafl houae aad aiable.A', Bike ooulb
ofJ^ Raplde ite^lrc of^lW. W.
unRB ui (omuflBi 11.
r*>OW gOR BALB - Three,loanera ye.eey.
0 Freeta ible BuotU. Oa Praake'e plaoe
eoatli nfaayluB. AC. Matoa.,
njOnOE -Bkyrlev. WaU-hra.Dlaaoada Kerolrere.nuna.eir .bnugbl.eoM aad ex.
riarb a Buyele Obop, MS t'alob
QtTL-ATlOX WAMPBO-By young Baa, well
0 iMucated.alaeBe llglil laalde BltoatkB
TpOB BALB-Ladk. •eoomd band bkyrie. Apf
ply ai Jor<* e HuilllDg Wwka
TTORnALB-BiMtaebald (uraltara. IwUldU.
pone of aU ay botuebald good# ai bargala* preparatory lo reaoral (roB ally. y F.
ig^^OOD—B iprb wood for rtkr 8.
r.*P. M. DopM
yOB WACS-f^^oew Bikbeter.
s| •swssiSTtiai
M"*SUR. 'gsa.rg.j. a; j^jTsra-’3rs,“sjrr«:
TUrd Yeir—Np.
BfltUh Driving Jmb«rt^
Armj Vorthwurd
> aStet s
MV Vltkto Tvwv momtllmtr.
^t^-TBosps tuw9 Umar utr^pita Md M BMSVscteV Mrnitk.
«1« ta hk BsMiplIs* of «TBp*ih7fsrita»Mn.
WsaUafUit. -MMsh 7—Todsp 8sp»taMMMfsss aeUas UHMhs wesld
to wfUdnfr
hem Iks sesfllta ob ionlc> nUV
tas hli rssolstto of tTwpothj ta ihs
Bom Tbs
by the Herdwe
. wlU Maay
PrstaasBt Vm
OoMBlttsB WlU ffo to aaskMl Maidwood AMookkoaOSBTMtfoa to ProSBrsMoTtoloa of iHpsstlBB Mali
LoMoB. Mpreh
The rscmlar aoBthly tseetlag of Us
so dMUrss, Bloss it toUsssidsot
ta«rM hM bMB rwslnd ftw Urd tatsotteo of Us sowBlUss to tsto oe Mleblcaa Hardwood Lambw Asuok.
•otarts whisk hM SMHd grmt ssUeo oo Us rsMdslioo. bs dssins U tioa wM haU yeatsrday atteraaoD la
boss It pst OB Us ssuU eolsodsr.
UsoaeaofUs aseiotanr. Lena Rob
erta. PraeMsat Day was atassot for Us
gfSt SEMI. StoSiM with Us SPSW7
first time to the hklory 'of Ue orpaelsaUoa. baths seat la a talsgramauiIp fsU istast. pumwA W ev irmsb.
who hsss SBlIsrsd fsw sssultta. Tbs
iBc gut his ahseses was oeeaaloaed
Judee -WoiBt Indi^nt Otw OBly by the bloekadlaf of Ueroadt
iow nita BsrU sad n aUst sosU of
WlU aaow. whleh made them Impaml▲etioB
Moddsr rtw.
I plsosd <*SDsrsl
ble for the tleie teinp. la Ue-abeeaee
Preeldeal. DS^. W. P. Porter was
eolsmo’s dWlsloB OB Us BorU bssh
sad UsBSTsU Rstlop-EsBBj sod T«ek- A^lot Oommittee to Bnaf Their eboaoD la preside ^er
rer Ue
t meetiap.
sr^ dIsUloat with esTslrp on Us
Amoap the lu
Osae Before Ue beprrme Ooart—
W. P. Porter. ISmI Jordan Lumber Co.;
sobU tasok. TheesrsliT difUloB sseTalk of Dlsbameat of Ueaeral
Harry Nichols. Cbarlesoiz I.smber Co ;
sSBiod 1b tnroiiir tbs ensmy's Isft
QAk sad opsolodUsros<lf<w thi.-klKih
Mirah's Attomeya
1a B. Klise. dturyeon Bay: U. V.-tn
dlvlsioB. which U sdTsacUir wUhont
Lsaslo,. March 7-The« wa. a dra-'
^ B. White, d. W;,le..:Boyoe:
bSYlBf bssn ohiursd W Bre S shot op maULSeeaeia Ue circuit court u>d*y »*«•
Cooper A PolUr, Peuwkey;
toUepnssBt. The enemy I Is In foil wbeaJudre Wekt refused to prant » i L P. ttatoa. Pomoaa: 8-Chamberlain.
TStrsBl nocU sad BSsW They are be- oonUnaaoee la UeoasoaratosiOeaeral'Central Ltkej Jes. Oemeroo, Oamoroa
tar etasly followed by esWslry. horse Marsh, and also refused U poelpooe Ue I l'e»her Oo.. Torch Lake; H. B. Lewis.
artillery, sad-mooBtsdlnfsotrr. whUe ____
sereral sreeks as asked by Ue I
Rapids Iron Oo : John P. lOtt. of
«ssersl CeisllU's bIbU dliiitloa sad
(bit deeisloo of Uel^hn P. Olid Co.. W. C. BoU. Oral
UeOBSfds brifsde Bodsr Pole-Csrew
t was anoenaeed. Jadye Mpeed, Wood DUh Oo.. Lorla Roberts. Palpbaa
srsBrnlclof Uslr way ssroes Us rlrsr
opaaklaff torblmesif aad Mr. Pope, at- MfrOo-TraremCIty
St Poplars drtft. where 1 itapeBs U
rpoalarluuoe of Uemembere. Ue
torseye far Ue defease, said, ‘ We will
pISM aykesdqasrtsfs Uls smlac-’'
tmber laspeetors ot Ue city and Uoee
withdraw from thk ease aad lease Us
OBBsrsWoBbert's army la prohably
■eatloa to rnU UU maa to prleoa hare from abroad were preaeat.
OBtof Haul sad saperts arS basyloThey defiaed to Ue aeeoeUtloa Ue
as ear as poMlbla."
satlac It.- Oae dlspaMi sUta that
Jadft Wakt rave boU' attorneys a laspeetioo rales relaUn|to:eommeB.
taamWoebert tola oemishad of Us
aoTore fiaylDf for UUeoodaet aad ap- sblppiapaod mill ealU, ako ralaUre
BosrfoMBtOsfOBtslB.. TB^ asaeappoiated Loyal B. Kaappsaof Uraad udifforant kinds of lumber. The lattoB Uat Us bsnrhsia woald ramalB la
taplds, Sanel L. CUboaras of Uaa- ^eeton proeeat were uraad A QlUett
thB BStffhboUood of LadyaulU while
taff, and Tbems A. Wilson of Jaekaoa. of Trassne Olty, Cbas. Obrietiaasoa of
Ust« was ssrIOBi work ob hoadatatobriaf Useaas baton the saproms MaaUtee, M. OaBalarbaa of Boya^,
taMrBteeoBsldsrsdabSBrd. Itli bobeeart-aadsak Uateoartto taka saeb Caty aad LoaU Hoyt of Bast JonUa.
Mdad that Osaaral BsUar wtl offset a
eommltta was appointed to alaettoa as rrlll asenre both soart aad
MbsUsb wlU Lord Bobert4. bat bow
Its from dasarUon by eonasel at Ue tead Ue eoarooUoe of Ue National
k BBssrUlB. It IS held by ooas that
Iwoed Lamber Anoelatien. to be
be sHlI more tbroBffh Vsb Bsobbbs
held la CinalanaU. May trd. as toUowt:
pass, while oUsrt beltsre his atsa «1U
poetpooed gil a week from neat James OameroB. W. B. White. D. B.
be transported from Durban by sea to
Tnoeday. Benny aeeomplUbad Ualr Day aad W. C. Bnlltast LoBdoa. sad Usaee by raU U a
The oommittee wUl eadeavor to pro
looe, Marab’t attorneys will oow
taaeUoo wiU Ueoeral ^staere at
ears a rerUloa of Inapoetloa raise,
tbs esse, it is Uonybt.
•tormbarr or Port BUsabeU sad
There U u opialon Uat Jndye Bpeed espeelally as reyards mill enlU and Ue
Usaee by rail U Norrals poaV
and Mr. Pope may be dUbarred oo ac appointmeat of a chief Inapeet-ir.
AnoUsr list of
The aeeoelaUoB forcaany uok np Ue
count of their aettoa in Ue oeeeby Oeaeral Bailer's foroestrom Peb. l«
lattor of hemlock lumber and bark
ton. shows aaadditioa of Its kUled.
for the pnrpoee of havlnir reports npoa
»7t woaaded aad tt mlaslnr- -WiU Ue
them and of etUblUhlny prices. It
IM of oaaealUes iseaed Monday Uls
was Ue eeaee of Ue meetiay Uat
Mkw the totol ooat to Uerank and Peaaibimyof Diaeulty laOaae Biy prioea ot heoi^k lumbar aboald be
tla la Ue fiaal operaUons tor Ue relief
filed as toilow*;
Banacefoto Traaty laaot Bagfied
of LsdyamlU i.stt maa.
abort piece stoff, |t0.r>0;^leee stuff,
by UeBeaate.
UdysalU, Marsh 7-Thew an
18 and SO feat loay. til 50: boards.
WaUtnytoa. March 7—In the report •Ikoa Six and eight feet -merehan'
Boers wlUla twenty mllas of bare.
PtaBty of sappltaar# BTailaWe aad tU ofUe eeaate eoasmlttee oa forelya ublo, $AM: ontU aad abort piece staff.
on tt. 11.,-r.nMtC.U
.troops are qaiekly raooraiinc stre^.
wnlb. ^
u». ta U was also Ue m
Maay of Ue rolaateare hare baaa
heretofore eeeaped Ue aUeaUoa of Uat the price of hei
Ue paUie. aad will make It dlfienlt to be fixed at te.T&. f. o. b. rail or reeeel*
reieet the treaty wlU safety. The
‘The above prloee are not arbitrary
new element U a treaty by which Bay- bat the assoelaUoB beUavee JUat Uey
land would tala Ue rlyfat to baud Ue ahoald prerail.
Moak Boaae of MepreaaauitTas Dt
in ease the Dalted Btoteo &IU to
It was decided Uat Ue next meetiny
•BMod BaoeluUoo of Hympathy
ratify Ue Hay-Panaeetote treaty aad ehoald take place la Ue. ■aeroUry'a
taraaliy a)»e«aka UaaaytoB-Balwar
tor Ua Boon, i
oa Ue 18U of April, at 10 a. m.
The Jaaipr Lyaaam bald aaoUar reaty.
ThU treaty was aeffottatad la ISSO.
Bf Ualr yrotuble saeatlac* yeatardsy
Bfteraoooa^ i Mol la whleh Ue or aboet laa yaara after Ua ClaytoaOader tie terw tha
form of a mock
of rapreaeaUUw., Uare beinf yorammaatB of Niearayna aad OoaU ■Award •raea la Jail oa a Charge of
fforyery—He wll be IRxemlaed
■ibera The preamble aad reeolo Rloo eoboeded to Bnylaad Ue sole
the canal should
d aa fallows:
Krom Ue hoor<of aebie* Ue waterway not be oonstmoted ' by
Blward 3reea ofllthlB^etty. has got
tu Uelr owa ladepeadeBoe. ^e people Ue Dallsd SUta as oontamptatsd ^
ImeeU into tiirable aad will remain ia
ot UU BtUoB hare rafardad with Ue Cleytoa-Belwer treaty.
It would aapaar. Ueretore, Uat If Jail enUI hU examlaatloB before Joi*
aymaaUy a« Jost efftaa of oUer
tlee Brown tomorrow. Be is ebargod
^■oplet to llbaraU Uamsalves from Ue peadlay Bay Jkaaeetote eonreatiOB ehoald not pe ratiflad and if Ue WlU foryary. on oomplaiot made by
lorelicadomtBloD: be lt
"Basolred. That wa Ue people of the CUyton-Balwer treaty ahoald be ab B. J .Moryaa.
Oiaeo has been at work2al Moryank
Catted But* la ooaffram taaamWed royated. Ue
camp at Loay Lake, aad raeantly
OEtsad oar deep and.ahidlar f^mpathy uad OoeU Rica would be powerlcea,
rpeelvad bU pay np to Uat date
ta Ue people M tbs fiovU AMeau Be
He went back to Ue eaap aad worked
ObWIc la Uelr determined: atrank with Baylaad. to aeyotlate wlU Ue
twodajs. whan be returned and pr<United Sutss for rlyht of wSy.
Bfolast aajaat opproealoB."
The eaUunee.of Uls treety is act seated aa order for «>.»0 alyoed by
The qaktlon wst.dlseamsd pro aad
aed Ue esp'aoaUoa | Blram Brown, foreoua of Ue
• ' —r
the.‘rdnerally kail
eaalaellof He r-------— —
.tee report will make I Mr. Mewyan eUmped the order a< paid.
Uok of U«e •<>*•
'*** P**'*
' whleh the
doBbOees will be need as an arynmeat' Uea aaeiny Ue amonat. which was oat
UU UtaJU- N...rU.ta -"UU—'
ie favor of Ue ragScatloa of the Bay ' of all proportion to Ue leayU ot Ume
■any laterastlay polau wor4 brou^t PauoeefoueooveaUonbyUeadmlnli lj,,^.
that Green ^
bad been at work,
work, he
he rttt•ut. Tkoee who spoke la falor of Ue
taaed to pay Ue order. BhorUy afterleaologoB were Bervey Tripp, who la---------------------------wardeOreea preeeated anoUer order
tor $1 M. which was paid.
Mr. Moryan reserreeted Ue order
IB favor ot Ue afilrinagve ia the yea
OonacIlC nmltiae of Ue Mhoie aad firei preeeated. which bad been tom
•(•1 dleeawloa- Loals Birdsall. Cleon
Wm. ] >edoa Beriewvd LiyhUng
Obampaey and'Vlctor Parker apoke for
seemed to hove bees raised from fl.W
Oeairaet Last Mlghu
BBoaUva and Bsreeet
Btroest Beleomb ta
to »»-M. Uw Uiny ^l^emt of
thayanaral dlaoesiloa. Bscamollaek
city eoaaell met in oommittee of
u I The
and Ue chaaylay of Ue 1 to a
^ times moUoa
made a^d carri^ I the whrie la Ue oSm of Mayor Bam- » aad ot Ue » la ^ original
Ue dieeoeeloo o^ the aab-1 uteo last eveal^
uider eevaral tons.
Window Display
for Ladies’
of the new
lOtWCuiitiirY Wall Pauars
now in stock, at the
largest Stosk in Northerrt Michigao-Take a look at Them.
pay S-l.iW
$4.1X1 for
Come early.
Bon sqiu
"Bod^ ud TiBlir
OMseat Baad daMO to ffttreatora'
aoetol lima
Sr. W. I. Bata Spwttn BMW.;
_ a.b—Tom and »(• »ll» ont
wliMitineireeterday "
II. II. ts
Our Spring Suitsfand Overcoats
Leading 8hoe Hons**
Will nndoubtedlyfbe here today. The
line is the finest we ever had, so don't
be in a hurry, but wait tmtil you have
seen the.proper styles, *at
Watch Window
motil inarv'cloah of
whicli u» tli«- UlepboosT’
With tilt- tolephuno
talkand rcyou c
, oeivt> an answer
Miller's Cash Store.
Keep Up
: With The Band. \
at.................. ................... $2.72
St.,T*^ worth 12.2.7 8.-11
Watch Window
Tbna «avs F‘urk in “A Mid .Summor Niglil’a Dream”:
There' were no Wh'phutuw in
^ihakeapeaTe's day,or he would have
reaU»*<i that two-tbinla uf an hour
U a long tiiiie.t
Wliat would the Banl «>f Avon
Y i( he Were U> ret isit th.- eartli
U bare Jaxoit soap
2-V- ,
6 pM^aat off on all
W. W. Miller's Cash Store
22T, Front Strta.
prof^m wcraltraachlee ot Ue Traverai^Cnty.’ did
, s pieaBlayplanosDloby Ldf^ Bailey Mtaion A PeaiasnU BaUroad Oo. ’
' /ta* delightful mneie by the Stepaa ynae over oarefeUy and i
■out KXM oa BTMXU
/— goortat. Berva Dmaer yake a flae made la Its ooarideraUoe.
The eoBtract of Ue B«
V/-'rtatatk«. "A Moaeylem l^aa" aad
Rivar ; Ovar Two Hendred Mare Walked Out
■mlUeOrdwe'.lreadaolatersegay re- Bleetric * Llyht A Power Co.
la Cbleayo Tocterday^•eiioa of "The Story of a Short viewed aloo. William Londoa. pcesl
Chieago. Maxck 7—The
deatef the company, was preaaat aad
workmaa oa strike lathis city
The proyram was aader Ue eharye after yoiay earetnlly over the vailoaa
today by sso i
PTOvieUms a metaaUy
of Prot Swlfh______________ I
UOO. S3.su aif
•Mil Party TuicM
Ladies’ Misses’and Children’s
Jackets^at Hall Price
Han benefitted mniiy. Arp you amoitg the nuiiiberT' Tlir greatest .-hBiic-e you i*v«>r had. to buy atyiiair garmento at ritlu-aluui*
prioee. Lou of new spring merobandise for your iiiapectiOD.Ht
200 Pieces of New Silks
The fineet aeeortment that ha* ever been ahowa in
this oity at oae time. It would U- impo«ible to d.-acribe
them—there art- ao many nod «nch pi«:« mi differeut- They
must Iw 8MU1 to bv sppr«oinlt-«i. We same uuly a few.
polka Dot—a bciutiinl thing, eevenl .-otora......................... $1.00
Oronadine—fancy, inlaid anliuBtripf...................................... 100
Peau de Dewey—plain color*. ha» a beentiful niitebed
Laee Fancy -eomething new, in orveml cdloni...........
Satin Strii^ Permian—You must not fail to mt-it... 1.66
Persian Pliase—sbirred, thn very InU-at................................. 1.40
Shirred Pliata—in many-ahadf*................................................... lOO
Fancy Oord- many style*—tbia ia a leader thi* aeaooii.
Frncy Taffeta - to*, many varieties to deMTibe.
Hemstitched Persian—the Dpbbieei tblug yet............... 1.76
Crysul Oords, Armnree. Foulards, Orenadines, Cords,
Ripolse. Dshtslla. Flaims, Peau de Sole.
And tbn* we might oontinee to name n handred aUeia. We are not at
all backward in Mying we feel cuna^ent we can pleate everybody ia Ue
aUlc line. Yon w;ll Sod them on Ue aolloD couoter
The'Boston Store
Made by Tbon. Emerson’s
, Son’s you get one ^at
Fits Perfectly,
Wests Will
aid Uoks Heat
Make* a specialty of
oateilng to bails and
. social parties.
Fresh Uaked Goods
Enri Moreieg.
We Guaranty
Orders delivered.
il3 & Union St.. 7. T>. BLOUOOOD
Every Pair.
Tbe new spring styln are
School of Music
ita-Bta * wour ita.<utau«
‘"oi.'rSSrt tatal Sr*"
So. walkad oat to ecdm to feres a i«^
eyaitkm of Us nkm aad Us atos
hoar day.
Prices $8.00 to $6.0a
im*TXB*E<amr • inoBiaAii
aun> Tuva)u< nuiA
ArbltfsMn M ValM «f «»wr
Vorfci rUai.
■ /“SI
Yon Cap Roll These np
and Canr Them.
w AsseuamrWKc
mhMtbt TAlM oftta «aMrwc
atMt Md* MbMMUal fTCCMM
their MUtkilMday. DeTfdW.Xeed.
!. w. Bma. win* «»>
the lest ot the «BperliVafrif«. tooked
the pleat orcr with the ether two, ead
MOMtapoBr FoiMr
a preUmiaaiT beele at erUtntioa
acned apea. eo that the arWtntcae Mew meecrt Belrf
irfy^vel^^ and
aadaretaad ea^ other aad how the
ir Mrxt Seanea.
Prepared for
ralee o( the pleat te to be ealeelated.
Biaed theplaat aad lookMorthport Point ^^ead}" to tbe
IklUeotarerppietWbeekleitoened tap
ed Into the diSe
ttet are need, the I
Oeo. H. WlnaM of KslaamsM. The
todap to eettle down to the artaal bv eearenlr to rerp neatly arranped. fieelp
iaeMOfmaklaffa det|ilta ealeataths printed and' emhaUithed with a nnmoftfce ealaa otHr. OBaipball’a pleat her of exeelleat taalf>tcme Ulcetratlooe
. ita»IQbeor«rofeamBtlaBeaad Tbepaceaet ptapaied to etake
of aceesa aroand Norlhport and tha
the aeMoa wfll epM ta Ula dtp next
bap sb<wm in the rlelnl^. Theattraeweak. Tbefliatwfflhe the BopabU
e H aa aoea aa praetieable. Gre new cottapaa now In preoeei of
m» eUf eoareatloa. whleh will take
oreetioo are
plaee la StelBbarre Oraad ea Frldap
rt, ita'fithlnp.
I efthe I
aeaalag. MarA letb. The B<
--------Mra. O. Howard of Weet Nlath boatlopand batblnp adsnetapee, that
«ea Wed etreet who baa beta ■ < loaelp Ul.
are sere to attract aeckere te a pleas'•Miajr, the itih. The wio« plaree tlWbtlp improrlac- Hr. Howard's aotbdmmar retreat- A pood dml of
tar hoMiar the
tathar h alee rarp iU.
eosce to pivea to detailed daMripUoaa
•arefaUp noted, as priated^lB the oflA Boetlac of tbs board of saperris- of tbe aemeroM aUraoUone of tba
aottsas la another eriassa of tbU ots bos beea ealled for the l»th of the ^see and tbe pchilcatioe will be snre
paper. At these eaaoaees, besides the OMetb, to pass apea the eoart boaae.
to brinp leto more prominent ootlee
. efthe ward bSeers. aad This will Uaa adj»rsad ssestea of
on» of -the mdet ettraellrc raeortt on
aalaeMea of delepales to the eitp eoe the October term.
Oread Trarerae bap. Tbe point bee
rsattoo. dalefpiea wUl also be eboeea
Work bee beoa bepaa on the See- beea platted ao that ererp lot aroond
te the first eoaaty ooareattee, wbleh is
the tittle pealneale feces tbe water, e
to eleet deUfatee to the flm state
Barry Orap. tbe tear peer old aoa of drira rzteodinp the eotlre lenpth la
eeuraetiea to be held la Detroit M .f
the rear of tbe Iota.
•rd. At this state eenTtatioa delt- amee Orap of WiUlamebarp, died
_ swill be sleeted te the BepaU:etn
MttoaalooBTeatioatobelieldtB rtllatea tbto moralar at 10 o'oloek.ead Will Meet la Old Xnlpbu of Ppthlaa
the bodp will be laterrad at Aesse.
Ball Meat Mondep.
Qbarp -&Antw preeeau a verp deA patent apra a lecplnp book baa
The old Kaiphto of P/thUe hall has
■IraMe eaadldeto fee the BeoabUean been franted to W. H. Depoe of Kiagebp the Yonap Men's BsseMibatloB tor stata traaaarer. la tba Wpobllaanasb sad there will be anoihar
a of Boa. OaaM MeOop. leadiaR
Bdpar A.'Mewton Is UI. aod h tbreat- meeUep next Mpodap aipWMo -om*
rhlpaePlete the erpanirttios.
AU posop
teemsd eiUsea. Mr. MeOop is e man of
There will be a meaUap of the Book Bepablicane are arped to participate la
toMrritp. marked abllltp aad tboreaph
tbe meeUnp Tbe ape limit to not eat.
Barlow aad Needle Oaaa of the Wo- bet ponnp Bsa who arc to rote tor the
raUabUltp, aaA eeastdered la eoaaeetat
. tpa with tba ef&es of atale traaearar,
o’eloek. at tbe borne of Mra. Arthar to attend.
I. Mr. MeOop has been at Walt. AU mambera ara rcqaeeted to
the food more llefidoos ©Ml V
of e food menp oatarpriaes
and Us eaeeaae la aaeh has amrksd bim
aeaearafalaad palastakL
Hs is BOW at ths bsad of ths
Mats Beak of Miahlfaa iaOraadBsp
- fin and bis aaraor as aa abto fiaanrisr
has mads him known am^ ths Isad
kaslasw BMB of the stats who
waaMheartUpsapporteatoamaa for
A< aa oftos bssaass of tkoir
eoafideaas ia him.
W. A. Waaipp. adranso apaat
•<lida Traebad.” was la the eltp pestw
While BBOw ploai^iar Taoedap
manlBf, fraak Ubpm aUppad from
the brldpa on SareaUi etreet aad fell
into tbe creek.
Tko Crseeant band daaeo la Foraa
ten hell toniffbt rriU be a reip ploaiaat eoeial oraat aad
be larpelp pelroalud.
Tan withdrawal haWl ths sute la•‘1 Dda’t Oare if 1 Nercr Wake . ap.'
e to bs prsvalsak
Don't fall to hear Ueorpe Jopoa slap U
rftat Otasral WUU wltbdrew aad
at Bops' Band Mlastcal show March 12.
lallp oat of aipht. aad
A maa who liras la a thrlriaf town
aowOeaval Marsh’s attorasps bmra
wflhdrawa Isarlnr Marab witboat not far from KaasasCltp. a blacksmith
bp trade, makss paaaUUaeof team'
seaMSl. It was bed sBoqrh tor Manit
to bars Wblis poll oat aad Tears him hawks aad aells tbam to Indians at
wostera apaeeles. and tbsp in tom aell
to ifbt It oBtaleas. bat tbs
of bis ooatool ea saeh Aort noUes to
rsrp aaaoplorda sleetloB has roosatlp beaa held la
Oblle, aad aoleas tba defsatod faetioa
has been shamed bp reoent ereats la
r. e rer^atln map be eapeew
ad when tbe saeoessfal saadldstss Uks
ptimiilna of tbs r
Banker Boau e ©obber.
P. B Qemeon, eaakler of the bank of
Tb^rlUa Ohio, bad -been robbad of
hnalth b^asertoas Innp ,trasble nntil
iDtaoorsry to
Oowamptlen. Then He wrote: "It to
fhs beet medtelae I erar ased to a
aarpra cold or a bad pass of laap
tonabia. 1 always kaap a bottle oe
haad.” Don't anSer wiSooaphs. eoUs.
m any throat, chest or leap tomUe
stbea pon can bs eared so oasily. (
•Os and »i. Trial botjds 10 ee
Jas. O Jobason and 8. B. Walt's i
IdttU TbTpra—Littio Tw«tb.
Mai t-TtT >ol«kk
Oreaoat Band danea la Fneaatera’
Mtoalghk Good mwle, pissaat
No Moro Rheumatism.
tie hrnenL and »e lied etwut
(ul liu
hu^of «T|K’«rl.rii
end Bir wire be«mn unlof It. Tbto rite
medU'loe bSA srpen-nUp. drirrs elT tbe
puiwn^ot of^te
s HftpJ ^11
ni'VK. Hold I'.i'druaMA 'fauidfiSc. S'
cabla BIrer Sal-
The ladtoas
s to.ooo
It to
aetUers more that leal pear In Mani
toba aad'tbe territorlea. and of these
aboai it.ooo are Ai
>^aMo ©aa’ Wbippis (b Booobs a
8teee tbe close of the eirll war PiooMember of tbe Oj A M.
000,000 has beea spent la tbe sontb to
••DaeU Daa” Whipple Im tesde ap- nepro edneettoo.
pUeatloatobeoome a member of
Theadrance aale of seats to ‘'Siae
, PMt No. It. <f. A.
He Tracked" will open at the box office
thtake that now be to old aa
of 8teiDberp-B Grand. datardap a
baaene a member. Hn .r^Ul be ad- Inp.
mittod Into tbe orpsnto'ttioa free of
There wUl be e meetinp of
aap oxpcose. tbs remans deemlap it Knipkto ot Ppthlae thto erenlnp with
aa honor to bar# a oentenarlan amonp three mndidates to the aeooadrank.
Ibsm. He will be formstlp reeeired .This week's meetlap of the Bn Beple
late membership la a aboH time, when Wktotdab has baea poatponad
tha old aoldlers are espee^ap to bare nantwcek.
an aanscallp fine tlm
Tbs rexalar meetinp of the Willard
C. T. T. will be held at tbs Second
oldest member of tbe G., k.
M. E. ehareb thto af tamooo at 2 o'clock.
Onttod fiutas.
A fell atteadanoe to dealred as It to ^
aannal elecUon of effieers and bll raports mast be made to ths aoeietp.
Instead of the asnal Tbaradap
Hanrp Tbseker of WUllamabnrp has
lap prayer meetinp this week, three
definitelT aanoanced bit eandidaep for
raper meekinps wlIT be
tbs Bseablleaa noadnatioa to sbatiff
held this erenlnp. baplanlap at 7:So
Dr. B. B. Andersoa rccsired poswa
O’clock, at tha homes ot Mr and Mrs
J. B Walker. &2« Fifth atreet: one at dap from iMsinp hto earUfleale of
the homa of Mr. aad Mrs.Bap Tnaeker. medical reptotratloa. which to toaaed
ir Hast Ninth streat. aad one at tbe nador the new law.
BomaofMr. aad Mis. A.'W. Lind, *is
A ?enaaa Xmneh.
a cbnreh
Tonlpht the msmbars of Trarerss
aae^ and friands and straapers llrinp
City E«dpe Mo tSS, B. F. O.
fa the rMnltp of
initiate three caodldatae and
ifaUp Inritad to tt
M hoped that there wUl is e Urpe at-
With masoalar rheamattom eanaed by
dtoordared kldnsps. aad frclUeasIp tip
toperen known remedy, I febnd r.«
1 af Ul Dr. Obsse't
Obsee't Kidni
Kidnap Lircr Pills.’
Gaartataad to reawrire the eaase and
care rbsamatUm.
.. all dmp>
Cbaas Mad. Co.,
Send stamp for tree
Ssitrsp Aadiories
Norway flerriep
Labrador Berriop
itopllsb Cromarty
Holland Berriop
Domrstle Berrinp
RuuIsd Sardines
Pisnao BaddlM
OoidoD Ptoh Cakes
Jaqob Furtsch,
UgiOB St.
Both 'Phones, 34
1b order to'arrange for
Eitensiu Changes,
Hew Fiitnres
anil Modem Imgronments
I Will
Close Out
.d di
Xdttla TfiTtm—Uttb Tfirtn.
wUl take onrt te the propipm.'
expeetod te exsel nap propram fi
Ip plrea on St. Patridi'e Dap.
Whstto Tear Pace Worth.
■ a tortaoe.
r. bat MTvr,
Barer, if
pOB bare a callow eompirxioa. a fsai
lleed look, moth patebee and b' .' .
•n tbe skin.-all aince of liver tronble
lap’s New Life Pills plve
!lear Mela. Boap' Cheaks. Eieh I
<an be ia»ie m> they will wot bniwb np. I eeU Uiem for n.|5,
$b.<5 nad r.i.50. They are just the thing fw a folding bed~>
Too rap'fold yoar bed withoot any tronble.
I Full UhiUII Kilts gfliitttssis
$3.25, I3..50, and po on op to • fine hair at
$16.75 and $22.75.
A unfa
Anything yon want in springa and
ea«b and balance on paymeota.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S'roTi.'b S-bz^ee-t.
j Bran’ New
I Stationery
We have Jaat put in a i
llae of
box paper aad tablets, etc.
Mo old etock-Prieea r
Sidewidk Lumbar in. all siaaa.
John R. Santo,
tmril lisiniM.
Traveme City
JO^ F. OTT A 00.
Sueonsaora ta Trawaraa Ofty Lumbar Oo
The HaoDah & Lay MereaDtile Go.
Enjoys th« beautifnl. and ail
want pretty things for tbe house.
Nothing more faMciesting than art
neeilicwork. Once gut started and
all your spsn- uionii'iitH arc fillMl,
Hitli a result that is must^pleising.
Nowhere can you fi.id a more com
plete astMirtment >>f Hbsolntely
evorythiiig needed in.this delight*
ful employment of making tray
cloths, scarfs, rloiliss.stand »-..vprs.
photo fmiiieii, laundry tmgs, sufH
pillow covers.
Now for the goods—Royal Floss.
Etebiiu' Silk. Flip 8ilk,Hop.- ailksell at 4c the siwin KuittiucSilk
from 10c to 40c~Embn>idery Silk
in 3 yard Bpools for h-—AH si/ies
of Embroidery Needles—AM sixes
of Embroidery H«x)pe~(we eeil
the moel of the Duchess, at 10c)—
The eilk finish (Irophet Cotton at
5c the spool, in all colors. An
endless variety of Stamped Lin*
eiis aii manner of biouliful pattoma
Want tu use your own pat-
ternr Get the Bound Thread
Linen, sold in 2-i 1-2. 4.5, 67 1*2
and 1C inches wklc. from lOc to
t! 40 the yard.
Want to makb a Fascinator or
a sbawhThen use Shetland
Floss or Shetland Wool, sells at
10c tbe skein. All colon of Go!>.
inantown Zephyr at lOc, and Ger
man Knitting Yam
Tam at
i 2U and 2-V.
Wants to be well dressed, aud
we art* the headquarters from
which go the goods that always
please, in quality, slj le and price.
Are your clothes a little worn:'
Then nse them for second ineat
and get one of ourf’^AOCassimere
or Washini^n ('lay Suite. H
you’re achiin. to pay more for
something etill l*etter. s*-lt< t from
our great stock of f la? Worste<l
at $10.^11. $12. l.V fl'-nnd
Then you’ll want some good warm
You can find just
your fit in our enormoos stock,
both of your person and jnocketbuok
from the higgast bargain
Btg22 l-8c tbe gauqent to finest
•lersey ribbi<d, all «ool fleH-ed linef a’flUXI tbe soil.
If you want to ^wn the best
dollar while shirt Jou ••ver saw
boy oura. We have some that we
aell cheaper. Tbey'i> good goods,
Next select your coHsrs. No
where can be found a more op-to-
great hargsins in cullars—tbe r^*
alar 20 Ai d 25c values at 10c. or
3 for a quarter.
And we show the. greatest
stock of spring neckwear ip the
A Fin lin of lidiai Baskets.
Ererything most go this week to
make room for new stock.
Good masle, plmmnt
social Urns.
■embenefSt. rranoto Obnreh
The members of St. Prands ckweb
ara asaklap exteasire
A Of Sb Patrick's
. _ jlebratloa wUl take tbe
form of aa aetartnlnmrat and sa^er
in the City Opera Boaae, Satarday
ereninx, Maiab IT. The tapper wlU
bo aerred befcra aad after tha eatartnU<
dste stock ib all the most popnlar
shapes.- We are ■dfering some
Mp entire etook of
Fruita, Oandiea
and MieoeUsneone
Periahable goods.
411 will be Bold
at coat.
fisilsl Party tcalpht”^
Wnrxberp Block
Tbrae dpps apo tha rebel Tapals ia(eraepted the Mexican mall, which
wnebalap eoreped nnder aasMortof
•to seoldlara. Of the too aoldlers all
heaped to nearby tren.
canted off tbe maU.
To rest well nd afaep well ytm
mnsTbnve effootl mnttreap. Oar
felted cotton is the beet Bonttrem
made for' the money— We gonrui*
tee it not to lAuoh np. A rottoo
mattreee is the pofteot mattreoo
made if they do not hnneb np. sod this ia only one wpy they
, Bi.
McCoy's old stood.
The HanDah & Lay Mercantile Co.
n dwlai
tkTM 4«Ct«M
MOTCltotodaBiTtv. Witk
«xMVliaa 9t iMt rwr. bww>. ii
tt«wiUlm r«b«W7
meUcM (or tba paat flfa
•«' c v> data of ObMrrar F^lffea- of
«ba ermad Baraa «raatbar tmn
K. Potoar. OM of F«toak«7'a i
aiUaaaa. to ted attar a
Ma( fllaaat. Mr. Pottar oaaM to
pma i«o aad iavoatod la
aad aa» toUl areparty. to wblak baaiMto bo waa rarp aMeaaafal, ■■■inlaf
a (ertaaa of Stolaoo to ri.«a. ^«aa
aboat 47 paaia of aca.
A»d X. rtPwfcMl Sbowa W»7«V
PraMb CteTt* b Jutly
btitiad to it
A tom aadieaea to tba OUp Opara
Mra. M. 6. Wrlphl baa bean eaUad t>
xtWM Bap bp tba niae« « bar
daapkMr. Mra Don Dean.
daric Rickard went to Aema laat
ienaa toat aipbt wltmaad (ba praaan Bant
o(“Baaeb 10** bp
eompanp. The ptop
piren and eojapad bp the andianaa.
Frank Taoker made a farorabla toaproMlona-Jadpr Ffoaekad tba other
ware (airlp'wall portrapad.
Tba performanee ooncTnded with a
ptoMl^ (area oomedp. Tbnlpht tba
attreettoe wOl ba. ‘'to Marrlapa
W. A. Waalep. apent fcr Jnlt WaTtarto *'8ida Traekad” romnanp. wm to
tba dtp paaterdap.
B. DeLaarp of Barbar Oraak, U la
the dtp. '
Mr. and Mra A. R Ooraell of Kallnak a ware to tba eitp paaterdap.
C. T. Qalboan of Ktopalap, ta to tba
P A. nawea U to Patoakap oa b«d-
■taroa BaooaD:—WHk year panatoatoa 1 wiak ^ aolaa mj aeatiMMaa
waUaa tl«aa of otban threap Itoa
aaa of Iha RaooBD racaidlac the
palitioa aaki^ te aa are lirkt at tba
trof Cto« aad mb atraato, at St.
Praaato chareb. irtiieb baa baaa mmOmr
Idarattoe (or aavval waaka bp tba
d^eoaaeiL I aaa a dtopoaltieB ea Ua
part ^ aoma ofoar eHp
tbto patttloB for aa ladaSaito laoptb
ol ttBM tbroafh aosa pratMii
Bara oar eitp Catb«a siren tbto patltioadaaaeaaldaratioa? Baretbap
oidarod that St- Fra
irmaebotora wbtob
tbapapw bara.aad fiiarias oo tba
Bav.J^ Onp. D. D.. (or aarea
paato|Maaarof«ba Pbat Praab^arlaa
at tba pablteaeboola aaroa tba altj
abartoat Eaiatoaxio. will aaatiMoth
parpaar lataxaa and toa«
btotatoteto to,000
aalartoa atone, wbleh tba dtp woeld be
Saaoto bto aattoa tosa to tba IfiablcaB
nbUfad to eara (or If not ebtiralp aapbpto.
wbM ba to praakUat.
TktodoaaaottselBdeUcooat ofaraat• are aastoaa to inc the acboel, wbleh woeldibare to be
' pap tba halabaa of tba to.000.000 worth deoe aa oar pablle a^ocda are alraadp
adiar boadaaatberiaad bp tba erowdad tor room. Bare ibep eoaaldre of
of IU7.
Tba aBoaat to ared that tbaaa mombm in addlttoa to
aboat tU,0M. and tbap oaaaid draw- thia pap their ebare of tba taxaa withlac tolvoat daa. 1. IMI. Thap Boat oat a c<^Bble to anpport the pablle
be praaoatod to tba atato Iraaaarer on aeboola? Do ibep koow there are 6M
or bofora Map 31, iooo, for papaanL It
1000 people who attood tarrieea at
io Jboacbt poaalbla (bat tbac bare tbl, ebareb and eatertalBnento at tbalr
aoan toot, and tba atata to adrorttolnr aebool nljrbt after nicbt while (bat
lor ib*. pnrpoaa of findlnp oat.
OTur to la darkseaa. ao that tbrp are
A little Aaa Arbor drl aU^ ooa more or Imb aonopad bp erowda of miatlaaaUp for tbrao dapa rbeantlp. ehtoTtoBB hope bafora. after and dnrinp
awabanins oalp to partake of her
rbleh the cxpertoneaa of other
' totola.
Bar atoap waa pi9areBtlp ebarabaa eao attaat? la daw of nU
parfoetip nataral, and no barmfe! thu la It ratoonabla or jaat to defer
;Offaata lre« It bara baaooaa noitoabla tba pranUap of UU patiUoa to aome
atooa aba awokeI
fatara time for the palup aam of
At Utnnaea teat aaaaon !a (aw abeni S3 par moatb attar tbU eonprawrote tbalr patloe aavlap tba dtp ao maeh eotlralp
nama and addrwaaa to the bo^toina of at tbdr owa axpaaacT Haa tbU peUtaom cnipa baabata before paektof tba loa Bot marim aaoapb to ba rraatad at
■toiaraa. MUa Lalto itoiltb to a few OBBaand without rebbtop otban of
dapa raealrad a latter from a
Uphta alraadp raiablUkad? Wnp U
Tba aorreepoadani
tharaao mneb eoatrorarap? Whp do
aoattoaad aod raaaltad la tba urrlaca
of oar dtp tatban trp to oompli
of tba peoBC ladp to Bobart Kaowto, a eato tbU potlUoa with other Upbia
aakod (or to order lodafar the wbde
At OarKia 01^ Brrla Watara, aped 17 mattarv Wbp aot act oa tbU petition
*M toataaUp kUlad bp tba apptoaica on Ito owa martu aad plra tbdr raaof a boUar to bto fatharto plaalbf nlU. aoaa If tbap ttlak It ahonld net ba
praatad and aattia thU «iaaatlae? Juaod tba_BlU waa ba^tp wn
Balldtoca all erar town wva abaktn tieaaboald premU. f eaanot ooaoalm
and wtodowa brokan. Tba eaaaa of that anp nnprajadlead tax paper of tbU
tba acploatoa la a npatorp.
Blip will oDjaet to ptpiap bU abara of
Mra. Lanra Uakap, of Omad i Baplda. tbataaaa on~tba pallrpanmof aboat
, aa oxoart to iiilald work on fnmitara. »» per month tor an ar« Uphl at tbat
traa (oaad daad to bar roona taaadap. ppiat when faau an oonaidcrad In the
She waa M paara old. Her aotbar. ripbt aplrltaa tbap all; know tbat an
Mra. Salter, and other relatirea, lira are lipbt la aordp needed tbare for the
eradltof onr dtp aa well aatoaeearr
r Bik Baplda.
Aaeordlos to reporto froM the lead- order whan aoeb larpa aarrlcM are
Voata reapeetfollr.
toc trail prowert of OaM and Van held.
Bnren coanilea. ibr oatlook (or a larpa
arop of all ktodt of (mil waa narer batMlaa Clara B la KieaoU baa been ap- J
fwjrrs m society.
potoud boapltal aieward of iba Sol
dtoea' Hama ai Urand Baplda. She la
the Aral woman toreeeire that appoint
.man! at tba borne and HU nnkoown Babekah lodpe bad plaooed topo oa a
■laiparlda to Monroe Center. Oa
that anp of tba
evplop a woman in tbat eap^tp. Sbe eonntof the bearp taow tbep pare
I tba Dnlreraltp Phar- tbiB np, but tbep patbered with them
' maoeaUeal department three ptare apo. aparipof Odd Fellowa'bnd topeiber
tbap eatled upon Ur. apd Mra. Candeld
BUebia J. Mldrlep. a bipblp
of toe Panpbom Uoaea aad apent
raaldaot of Groan towoahlp, Heooato
dellphlful araniop.’ in wbUh varioua
aoBptp. fdl dead to tba road near bU
P< mea aed a fine opater Bopper flpnred.
boM alx Billaa aoalhwaat of Bead CUp.
AnlBtiaeat waa bald, tbc jorp findlnp
Min JoaetAtoe Crater aatartalnad a
lhatapepUxp waa the eaaaa of hU eompanp of frlenlalaat eveatopln boo
4aatb Mldptop'a father dlaA In the or of her blrlbdap annlreraarp. at her
aaaia manner aboat two pean apo.
borne OB Park atraei- The occaaloe waa
The llralpHttia'town of SMtUiUe. eerp eejopable. both for tba boataax
Haaen eoantp, ^ ao dMdoeata. Brarp and her pneata. and baaldaa tampUBp
ptoaa of pfopwtp. whether owned bp rafreabmabta, a plaaaanl propram of
raaldaat* or othera, U eontldarad ralna- aocial feaiurea waa erjopad.
bla anoapb ao (bat tba owner papa tba
Laat etealnp a larpe compxnp of
,taxa« promotlp wbaa daa
St.OM waa apraad apoa tba rl)lapa tox membaia of the Fraternal UpatleCircle
roll (or leuv Mben tba uiual time Bpmnr a }nllp aarprUe upon' Mra. A. A.
aama for mxkinp ratnraa tba Tlllapa McCop, one of the popntar members of
. traaanrer found tbat all taxaa bad beaa the orpanlsatloe. Several forma of
aaldand noreturaa wen made to tba aocla! amuaemeut weratadulred to aed
•OBBtp traaanrer Tba eUtx«Mof SooU- erarpbodpbadadallpbtfal time. There
dlla claim IhU raeord eaaaot ba aqoal* waaapneaatop eoutaai to which the
Aral price wee won bp Min Aona Weed
^ad bp anp other Hicbipan towe.
,^'Traaldent Anpall of tb« I'airanllp. and the eonaolatitw bp A. A. MeCop. A
ipoUto ooBtcct waa alto anj-prd aad
baa poaa to Mew York..
^1,1 Ua todlaa who partleipaMd won ont
ad bp a tdapram wblen
Thoae wbo enpapad in the eantaat
wife waa rarp ill.
ware: Mra. P. I. Whitman. H. 1. Knapp.
Brltiah-AmerieuB at Catoitet bara
raUad 11,000 for the widowk aod or- Ura. A. A. MoOop. C. S. Vtider. Mra C.
pbaha of Barlisb aoldlari killed In 8. Vader. P. P. U iffar, tfra. Compton
and F. A. Bari.
Sontb Afriea.
The oecaelon waa particularly enjopThe Thapar Lumbar Co., of Muakaable for all pcaaaat aad baaldea tb»
poa. throuph Supertotaadeat Tbemaa
oAier poqd'tbtofx on tba propram da>
Mnnroe. haa boupblof (%artoa Kupplea
lloioai rafreabmanta were aarrel.x
of (toleapo. an axieuairo tract of pine
toada loeatad la Kaikaaka aad MUaan0OVBTOTHB BBMATB
latiea. which it U.aaUmated wUl
plaid U,000.000 (eat. Tba oOB^ataMoa paid waa $4(0.000. naartp all to
eaab. Mr. RepplM bat owaafi tba ratB$MA|9MBtoaa IMI. ThaUmbarU
laipatp w%Uo Ptoe aad wUl i keep tba
taaaaUUoftba Tb|p
; two paar*. Tbetlpibar
wiU ba brourfattobyVall. /
Mom aatloa of Gaorpa F. Wanly Freaaated bp tba PratiSmt.
I Hamilton ClothiDgCoJ
Ooming d&Uy—
Sight from the
recognized leadere
of clothing manufacture
d of Ktopalap,
waa la the dtp paaterdap.
plraa ont. Tboea tleketa wbleh (ailed
Boa. Chaa G. Tara«r toft pealard^
tepetaprlxetoat nipbt arUl be poed fcr Ealamaabo aad Maakepoa.
loraobaaeeeea kodak to be piran
Mra. J. W. Mona of tba Temple of
awap Satardap aipbt.
FaablOB, baa poaa to Detroit aad Ctoralaad (or a apriep atoek of aUltoarp.
Jnla Waltora’
J. W. Patahto ratnroed pMlardap
from Made CItp.
Grand next Tnaadap erentop, M^Ht
will BO donbl win a
UttU l4rwa—lAttli Tavere.
The plap U a pare faree of the
airp eort. The
aiekald to be rarp amoatop and clarar. SetUl Part/ toicbt
Oreaccnt Bead danea to Poreatera'
ball toaipbt Gaol maxlc. pleaaaat
bp dialopna of moat a
•odal time.
MarAftoMr'a aBTeri** tmr«r.
Alexander tln< .trtiiur. amber of a
•iMTenarul rtutl) or life in the lailD
qoarter of rarU, w lifeti t>n>iii.'ht to ihe
aniar >>uih |M>|>id>rl(.v and profit. 1«
abw the pu|>ll nnU liioitraplter of KnUnMelD aad 1h n e|<»u- fr1eu<l of Paderewelil.
Ilie nifllior liv.-.l Tor l»'i>
year* In Si. |•oI.■l-.tnll•u.
top Tor tlie lamd'Ui pn***. and takiiiK
pnn In M.iiie ilirllliiiK adti-mnri**, Init
the miH.| Kineiihir of the wrlli-r * ex
|H-rleii<*- li.it,|M-iie<l in I'liii-avo aflir
the novel had 1k«i-u liroiiplit <mi Uy 8
pul>li*Uer of tliai .-liy Tlir Unit liaU
1h*-ii pn>
that the |mldli>lier
deelil<-d to five ilie author a dluuer to
whk-li a doxeu »T Ui<- leadliii: men of
letter* in the l.iike t'lty were Invitnl.
The pie«t«.bail a«-enH.led when the
author wa<- anu<mn<-i-<t.
...... r,*T a
woman ulilnsl In e.veulnx ilrvoa.
uiv <-v|Mvil0K Ur. .MavArtliur."
*ald 111” boat. "Mr- .vh-xamUT Muv
Artiiiir. llie notvilKi."
•■So I ...........................
tMH-t(*l piH-«i. "1 am
•You?" xn«)«Hl ilw |.nlUl*ii.-i.
IH.uri.y.m kiii.a> 1 atu 1.11Itan .Mai-.tiiUiir. iit yunr nTvh*'.
hnv»- Imi'Ii nl'lliiit: «iv**f.lUe liuuu' of
.tloXHihtfi' « vor
I U-fi my hoiii”
to Ihihiiii."
Il tva» only ilii- work of a iiitiioli- I”
rvarranvo nfftlrH. ami ihe dlimor wo*
a piv.yi «iii.x-oM>.
U. B. ApmUe. a i.ou<lon •rlontlat,
pnvo a dihm-r r»v*oinly in whh h ll<|uld
air -wa* iixml ui ili” laMo to ki :-|i Uii
chniii|Mt-.nie '<-uol.
Bnroli cle l.«Hlor«. tlio ui*w iiiiiilalor
oT lloIlaiMl ai \Vu*litiiinoh. l* n inmi'lKon of iIh- Icio I'uii,*! Siii(o« Si-im'or
Wmiaw'Wrto'lH of Now.irk, N. .1.
riio •lii'unttlou of (bo loo lower
fl.M.r* of William <*. WUItii.-.iV honia
to Now V««rk wlileh wa* oi*-i»*l Tiieday for ilie iir*i itnie, <■<>*( over El.mai.Sir AloxamliT Muoki-ur.io. ibo S<-oi,-li
nm*ielaiu l*i:mi hi* mu*lo»l i-uro.'r mt
llio aso oT 1*1 yojir* hy iniillX lo Cor
many from to-utluml, ahme to Mu>ly
IjHi.r Henry Som,f*et Kalil n-i’oiiily
lai kIh- ualmil her tirai im|>ul*o
wani ,iiliilunilir.r|>i,' work Trom roailliix John Simin Mlir« work* durliis
her xlrlliiNHl.
Hr. .loiin r. W.MkI of Coiro.vville,
Kail- oUim* lo la- lh<- ol.leal |inietleliiB (•liy-'h luii to itio wurkl.
yrai'* oil! uml *Btl mak*’* <liilly «hli^
to Homy |■ltl••lll*.
II I* ,-ai<-ul.ii,*1 that John Ily*klu
l>a.k« nii'l nrii<|,-K ihou
Imtlnml <hirHiu hi* hfe.
The c
« o! Tniitiv inlii,;
euiiM' Jt na* -iiM iIm-> Iih>I oiii-i- (•r*-n-nieit II iili*' lo Ihe iin-l.leni of iho
Traii-vnul ...........IllA SI. JoiBph enreapoodent forCbicapo papen aands- to the tollowlnp
alranpe alorp; '-Hundreds of wild rab
blto tbroupbont aoaib wesiara MIehIpao and northern Indiana are dpiop
from a disease which Is pnxxlinp tbe
olner banter, aed irappera Usnp of
the laadtop bentera of tbia ImmediaU
vicinity are of the opinion_th»i the
rabbits are safferlnp from an epidemic
of dlphthcris. A rabbit when found
eaSerlap from the dlaeaae U swoUen to
twice the na-.ural six' abyatihe neck
and from appiarane* dies from atran
polatloa. the dlaeaie haviop prodneed
a raauU ideelieal with that of diphthe
ria upon a human beiar It U the
pmtarai op'eloD that tba dlaeaBs waa
imported into thU loealitp tbroupb
tabblu from Ohio.
Little TavarB—Little Tfiveni.
A OarA.
the uadaralpnad, dp barabp_______________________
It, but It »
refund V.
tbamonep oh a BO^i Ojitmant Ua Weaalop. U oared
me of time." cai
i B Walt
bStU^Oracae'e «,--------------- ........................................................................................................................
mp of Hoblep pllee after ti peai
Tarlf RtalUto
ear* pour eou^
^ or dnrinp wbieb time 1 :
Uttle TAvem-Littli T»v^
pptd. We alao ruarantoe a.n-eentjuaalmeaiaDd manrktodaorfoIntiMnu
to prove
aatisfaetorp or
kr maMy! wllnoai reauH.*' Or. Ohaac'i U.atment
mteadad. S. B. Waft, Bupbea A
Aait-Trut Wall Faper.
M. Jobaaoa. F. C 1
_ lakln troublea. to eenie,
eenie. all dmpdrm
tba cbeapwt and the beat—all new.
_ W. Cbaaa Had. Co..
Tbe B ,toB Store.
Sample box tree
Llttie TAFsra-Ltttle Tbwb. .
Spring Suits-
Before tba ctoaa of the pvfarmai
Matthew Ware of A ms. aped U<
paara. was shot hp a c-impsn'oo Sainr
Wasbtoptoa, Uaroh T—Tba presidant dap afternoon bp tbe eareleas baadli.^Beat the name of Gaorpa P. Waoip to pfan ealiber Plobert rise. Tbe ball
entarnd below the ripbt sholder and
looped to tbe ripbt Innp. HU ebaneea
waatara diatriel of Mlebtpan.
The for meotery are excel_______
appolatmaatwiU ia<ac.«don at oaee
TwantpAra Taara o( PoSerinp.
UtUi TiTim—UtUi bm.
Spring OvercoatsMen-e
Gray or brown.
The “Saglan' coat all
should see.
Little TAvetB'-LittU Ttvern.
I Used
to Pay 10c
Spring Hats-
Fo^ my etparv, bat aiat-e'
411 colors—
Lateet eastern .
See our window.
I Itave tried a
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
' I libve come lo the eoncliiaion lhal *tc will buy
a (firtt
rlaaa, delicioua
Try ooe aad you
will never pay lOc for a
N. B.*--Bear ia mind the nnuKuallj good
bargains in men's, pants, suits, overcoats. u1^ sters—“Special Sale" winter weights—Front
^ tables.
Give Me
Your Shoes
City^ Opera House
I will save you the coat of a
pair, mod at least a third of what___
erscharpefor tbe work- Then If the ^
Monday,March 5
One Week
CUT Bicycle
- IkMluo Kul'Usr*
Or*rxsller>. say aiylr
14 OFF
Won.-s’s KAuTsa Hbuea
M ,'* •* on Kosmi.t Dsl$4.50
Mrn cfo.Ui Pates* Call Bsl*'
MeD-«M.UI XusioeU
.14 OFF
413 Union St. near 8tfa
Supiwrtinu ibe popular.
... 90c
... $1.12
Ml*s**a*enn Bsbt
Mailt atliw liata la salact
from at Cut Prices.
After March isth call at the n
stora, 343 Frost Street.
Ili a rep-rtuire of hinli'elaBg rep»!rtoire eorcemma.
Rest to be had io
the city is at
a-mmyi^ia vindo..________ !“Is Marrlagc
A Failure?*
■•rKalkowks. *111 0|,SB
,.s..»i;“T!^'-';:::|pric.s,io,i6.2oc. .
to Waits Between lets.
We Have Them
86c, 60c, 75c and SI 00^
Always Up-To*0ate.
Frank friedrich
Ths Old
SsUabls 8bo« Vets.
Cbiw. ihoM.tmt
Here Tour Mouef Goes the Furthest.
iiomnHG gkx)RD> Thursday, march s. im
0Sn 0F Tfl£
it ttotr trotitt j
As sppnOTUtfos 9t mMo for s
WMtelarOMMl OtSBl St WabiadOB Am bsM spftwsa «7 tb« bosM
Hisi Uatss, tl yssrs of sc«> *smAtar of tbs UM Ks*. Bob«t Uffss. tbs
*st*Mossnr «o tbs Maotb Urn U-.
lasAsawtost tnm Mas bf (be
fbi^wsHttss* Besrfof Iba Daltad,
•Mm, bas. swnrflsff to abrtoao froa
«rAs9. oos lor bvaoU lbs Utta of
•teslas of tbs OssdtaMjfRiSF’' Tbs
batiste fs
•d* bataoM Mrs asUss teoli,
telobte Matsail as ■iillislil
asms latte- *ba baa ftaas baaoBa
as iasalM w tbs raasH irf tbs totarf
aa4 alU rslara boMS.
—mif Msisrlal irai wklak sspaly
IbaOUtestebst solad Taasday to
olaaatb^r rUats. tbs raaaas ft«sa
te Ibis aesa «H that teaass of tbs
baUAIat eparatloai
bMOfht oa bf labor I-ablss by
tbs eioslac, 10,000 BOB aatplojsd bf
tbs iTB ara aaf- Mis. Addsd to tbs
an »
000 strlklaf
oa atrlka.
Strlba, iba
tas f
swiaiai ^^
saasUatota aad tba t.OMoa strlks ia
Tara bss at antipodes oe tbs OBth'i
sarfiui are drawn dinctij- toward anoh
otb*. Ksrh t* at tbe apex of a e>BS of
b» Kber. Tben causa interlock at tbs
aarth.'s oentcr and are there eqnnl, bnl
the greater part of Ibe mam of
SOM and oonaeqaantif tbs graster
of graeilf irddlng each to Us pisoa to
past tbe oaotsr of tbs awth a
nstra nt tbe fssl of tbs otixT.
ttnry pidnc of tbe onrtb'a sarfses
puUa In a atnight line tbrongb-tba
OMdar of tbs snrtb, not stoppiug at It;
Icstng pan of tbs ponnd tu prt^Mlan
as to spproafbee tbe osuhs; tb—. passiBC, ngslnuif Itsffsinlo .prt .
U ■wstaoha* (tw opporiM mtsoe. Bo
Ihst bsif varpMt tbe ouii«r tin. pofisA
wAMi Bt Um) cmotr
s telf posiMl. UKl St tbt*
4nr some
am tBtSBtlaf 4S wvrb
T. srtisaaifjarti-
John F. On & Co.
atbalte wrilsa be tools
liasise ruiuHl (hat sect
StooeBaa. Tbto Barvsioas Bsdl Um sUrt OM mmbor et ta« rommlur-----
w u art u Uw ctv «
th« mlBOT
The Boji Phenomenon Pro»es
HisibilitytoCure tlltiseases Without the lid
of OinssorSnr^
(eon's Knife
Hli Wondbrftil 8^«noc Anitl>
hllAtM DImam and Ootm
tha AflUotMi—Indon•d by &• Praw
And ^olptt
As day saeessdi day tbsra la ae
abatsBBBt la tba orowds of sfllletsd
tmO tma maa wM klllad aad BOW •
^ P«von siaudlng in a narrow oao- people that flock to the parlora of tbe
lad.. twoBoa
k^iao aaa
wUh walls towering bandredaer Boy PheBosMaon at tbe Park Plaee
tban M aavsraly injorod- The wreek- thowgiwto of feet above him on either Botal. Hines his advent la this oily be
age eaagkt fire, adding groatty to the
much bettm- fooUug tban if
dlBeUty of taaealat tba iajnrsd.
on tbe pinnacle of a moanment. £a one
quMtioa—that Be staods erowned
ad doath <a^ heNs held “P .1*7 lateral gravity,
wlthfiot sappurt.—B. king of the eatlrs i
Afrtoa ta'bs aaed for wiiislaaa
has grnphleslly portrayed the power of
W. Matweriu CiurinntKi Kminircr.
phte parpoaas.
agnetUm la healing disease.
• A bill latrodaeed la the Sew York
Mo other eadowment to so great
It is a fallacy to snppoae that people tbegifttoeoaqaeranddtopel dIsea
togtoiaurs Babas wortenb bat pine
Ofgr ^rse lacbes 'c^g dangeroat wen
wear cork h.gs and gtasa cyea are to a degree never before known slaee
indifferent to their perautial appearanoe.
lbs apostoU^ays. It does seem there
i They are'oOwi valuer than ordinarvinBO lafifmitiss so terrible aad no
Tbs Virginia lagtota^rs baa amde ;
Jaas y JrgsnoB Oavto' bir^day. a
A rlob utan. for' lusiaooH. wbo to ease too bopslsss to be beyond
Iwnl baltday la Viigiaia< obliged to wear au anja<-ial eye will reach of hit marvelous power. People
what amaasr of man he to and
t%s doatb Cbi^laa lagtolatnre baa j
‘liffw'-ui 'T*** m«-ry day—an
mtat CUok- ■
nuin.ing, whig. tb^papU to not marvel at the slraacs power he poivoted fio.ooo for a a
very uu-ge: an eye for afternouii, when
Tbs Btany rsanarkabls cures he baa
psrforated la this slty aloae bas never
by nay ether mode of
trsatmsBt BlauMt^ of t
toao vary novel aad uaique, and hie
Baaaer of arriving at tbe allmeDt of
each patleat snrpaesee anytblag ef tbe
kUid ever sritneeeed here before.
Words fall to do jnsUee to tbe
loneblag aad pathetle seaaes which
daily and hourly traaaplre la bto pri
vate parlora at the Park Pltce. as the
blind. Use. elek aad erippled emerge
.'rom the treating roomt to join tbelr
enzioas frlradt la the parlora, tbelr
PUtsbnrg Dlspaich.
step more firm aad elastic, end their
feeca beaming withtmllee aad aallstaeUoTBaay will lay a eable to KlaoTe> Smart Per ta*
. Omw, tbsaee to the OarUiaesand to
Tbe dangbier of a well kunwa jookey tioa, aathey realise for the fintttme
tba FbUlpplBss.
I waa very ill, hnnug cangbl a eevpra in years ibat finally there it hope of
. , eold. A dncior was aevt for and was their sure and permaaent reetoratloa
Chlsf Offiaar Oooaksyot tbs n
I bottonbulcd by ilie motlier, who reqocst- t^a4ife of health and bapplnree, aad
Tbe Ugaada Railroad iTUsgraph line when tbe papil bas extended to
tebaea eoBUsIsdto
aoaroea «r aiae.
(Os SlU.
' I A JUiodno eyumaker, wbo gave this
—■*—«___ »«- —
be made about an
^■agtaaer U t Oooley dsolM in aa • ^ proportion of glaw eyea f.w men
ialarvlsw at Obieage tet Nlaaragaa*on»e^ 8o.nep.x>ple ^goiiea
was aaxioas (or aaBSpatlsa to lbs stock la tbsirposmsaloe. In fact, note
Uallsd Siaiss
{tban 19 eyes have been made by my inSadrld baa A tbrss year old pianist fonusnt f'r one geuileniaa within three
inloU. rto »1 e«J “7’ \ His BOB bad got om eye made from
ptscs OB bsarlag it oaes.
,-------------------.and ibal aye fitted ao perAOhUlleolbe man. la erdar. to eave frctly thai iheold genilnuan. luanoatear fare oa his lO year old daughter, bnm of gratitude, wrote off for 11 olhissksd bsr is a box ear tolib bto boat- - «
Tb<- eyeuaker admitted that
had geasrally bean 0H|mfaed to be k -; Tbo dangliuv was m-iK for. and. after
oatsd. Itta OB all aatltag ebaru, bet. b» (uiignebiMlhm-ugiveu the nsnal uut
atintua. B. oaihe dits meatloasd. of door vserciw;, the man ut nmltrine
theOruat salted over the positioa in ,
"All, yon a
laUtuds s« degrees, .(T
ioagltode IT4 d«TM.
ilautas east'
■**'* I
aad not a trSM of the
I The young luly sbuted. and, taking
<bc ofTtviduiK aho>«, exoloimA aew railway bridge to ia eonras of ^
• Loch Btlve. at the!'
oli-ver, doctor, as to
fallsof Lorain SootlaauL Woea oom-'
^ tongue and tell me wltat to
Its apaa of 5oo fpet w.U be tbe
^.j,! you be kind
largest in Barops. oomtag aaxt j wough to look at my feet and Sell me
* Wow's Thi^r
bssnsaSeflng asvsre pains for *o“« ^.jn
,net A fiuihet. a leaden
tlBS from what was dlagnoasd by thS:,^|
a dry stick will fall throngh
ailsadlag phyalelaa as aaaralgla. ,pnoe to onr aimoapbera with sqnal
te was ■pim] bocatiwivhi-lr atuuieoud the atoms
Tnstday tbs li
Bads that bs was saUiag tbrss Isstb. of tbe sanb tnatnally attract sscb oth
bis tUrd ast. Two sf tbsa art la lha er regardloas of shape or tiaa.. (iravicy
appar J sw, aad tbs otte to a solar in to sluuiic, and overy atom is tbe equal
of every other atom, no matter bow
tbs bask of tbs Boath. :
diffnae or bow ooanrete (be mass of tbe
Tba navy dspartBaat Ispaat gsoo.OM ebleot of which Uxy are paita Bnl
so sstaWtob a aorilag aUttoo at Dry tbe dry ettok may have lost Ita aotlva
Tteagaa. off tba fflorMa aooat. wbaa prinpipis—irravtty. lu lawcnoe prodnofbrt isffMoea was tarte ovar to Ua Ing priatHplw may have been ezhaastsd.
dopartBaataanaaval baaa. aad now Neverthelws it would bs graxped by tbs
overwhelming gravity of tbe earth and
the liiiasarj daparlBaat dSBaads Ibe
broogbt down in edmpany with its felMS ef lbs tart ae a pasthoass for yel loww.
low favor aad baboale p^gao patlants.
Qravlry pnito laterally sa well m perla a aoUtotoa boiwasa-a loeol trotgbt pandioolariy. Tbe weight of tbe earth
train, learrylag
aigned by Kir J. Wolfe ^y.
aonsB radtsdag to tbs narfaoa. Aooord- aad «. B. Walt's drag ai
tiwioiBte grarltf palls froB tbs osaM ^
tB. aad lbs esoisr to again tbs polol sf
ee«r«UlnpH>M>Mr»* •tTBc-otockTariw e__________ _____________
I Whitk
If grarltf to an active saM-nm paa
dooed bjr Diotovniar axiilan. If beiug a
and fatal dtoeart. If takaa itborliving fwsioa, It to tbsrt-fore a psiMi»M warO. VUlnoea Sslsgsw «ui atao bo
Ibe Ont OTMiau- reoTMUos, oab-l,
oble <1J^ U follows that in a oongloinrtori eslogsioo i<> tbo otsio oMoMliee
arafnao. ai tbs earth,
... 04 for MsrM. tSDU. In DrlMI. SbC (Mb
Be FMled tbe Sni
ulbor bttoleeooM miw ramo befar tho r,«n
will prubabljr tabaom >ioi>ner than otbAU doeion lold Benlek Brnnllton of
il^ht two
srs hf nawai of aiiiirstlouuf toolwnlar
WeetJeffersoDe.0.. after eufforing 18
from Baotnl FUlnln, be wonlA
soUt^iy- H ‘bat bo ttn
X K Krt OY.
au a.iirorxV auv causa tfclutf
of BaaBplofad la tbestifat failj 00.- fo*pe prorlonn* matter Theresupj.llta,
I however great, uiusl exhaust. DifferAt AOantto OlW, N. jI. I’hUlIp Top-,
nnitior may rentwn thfa
olB a cigar* dsalsr. 40 fsara old. has ‘
‘>*, ..
A rtoadtobWtacfc.
An attaA was lataly aads oa C. f.
Oalltor of Obstabaa, Iowa, that asariv,
proeedtotaL IteaBStbroagbbto^
oera. Htobadtgotao Ibbs ba oo^
not sMop wfitert great fata, aor sit la
vof tbseaitb tbso
Mra. Artbar LalayaCts dtod at te
BOM at Ar^ia, afksr aa UlaoB of
aoly a tow d^ at tba age sf M.
dsathwmssMsaaa sbQskto a lai^
sirels of friaada. ant aaly at Ar^ bat
laTravarwOtoy. Bba wan a tovabls
la aU tbbt rotbabsat of Ufa, aad wiU bs
wd. raaaral ssrviea wm Is
bold at tba boBa
Boraiagat il o-aloei/
I Bs gave ap prvwTibuig for aiuart
girla—London Tii-Biu.
We offer one baadrodidoUan reward
for nay ease of ealarrh
caaBM be
Capiaia (pn
g>—Tben 1 mn to
oarsd by UaU's Oatar^b Oara. F. J. and< nuimd Uiai lb*, acx-oswl offtoedyoa
. wa. tae uBaaraigaso, laava KDowa a.
J. Cbaaay for Ue last, it yaais. and
believe him perteeUy boaorable la ail i
baalaeB trsnBoHnnt. Bid flataelally .
able ts entry out any obllgutioa Bacei
"Aad what irply did be maker'
kg their tna.
ag^to.' _ 'You .arean
asa.' .year beasA*^'^
West A Troax. WboleSalt Drsegtoto,'
- —
' Taisdo. 0.. Waldlag, Klonaa A Mb- EslnlM-be Vottedtang.
via, WbolMais Druggiau. Toledo, O.,
Ball'a Catarrh Oara to taksa ialsraal-'
A wim
ly, aetiag,^Uy am ibeblood^' He(dtoagr«Mbly>-Wbaitbe:
Baeaessartoessof tbeaysiem. Price, b iih-Balt«a-with tbU dinatsP
. .
Hfr—Well. I was wundoing wbat
lull, ruDiir puu m tk. iiMt.
Bade itsomot-h better tbaaasaaL—Dstosit Flee Preas.
n> uMUiMn u, itlua, S
rtae tooUl comha of braai'aod ivosy
have been dug op trom Buman tombo,
There never has been a medical practlUoaer in tbto part of the oountry wbo
haeeaneed tbe excitement and«
meat that have been oceaaioned i
the advent of this young man ia Travcne City a few days ago. aad It to no
woader that saeh to tbe ease, tor
eerce performed, not only upon the
Buhlfc stage, before thonsanda of oar
best eittwns. bat at the Park Plaoe la
privaw, have new been equalled by
any other mode of treatment. While
many of tbe grateful paUeato look npon
khalr reeovary as a -alracle, it to not
elBmod by him. aad laeaaily aeooaat
for on strteUy sclentlfte prinelplea, as
be daily generates eight times more
megneUem tban tbe average maa, and
the wouderfal earee aeeompltabed ara
all produaed ay tha traaafualon of this
magnetic force from the Boy PbeaomeaoB to tbe patient.
As bto time to toet baiag cold, aad as
only a limited aumber are trealed ooeb
day. It baboovM ibom wbo desire hto
to ecears tbalr ifekotoat
ones To benltnte might be tbe mtotnkn
ef your lUe. Ofiae boun nt Pork Plnen
ion. m. 10 4 p.m. ?te
botnlw *«
Half Soled
Id 80 mlDtttM whlU you
WDit—PrioM.40 DDd SOo.
L $. Fninil, ID FlWt Stmt
S Trinrsi Cit|, ■ - ■Md|a
I liofl
tilur. Man-b
II ad
Mar. b Idib. and al-a
cif .-•Ddidalf-, r>r ward olaaid To,, dalteawawlllaloo bo
o Srac .-kHiBlj «®«MK>a, .(.lob
For Fire Insurance
Bueklen'e Arnica Halve, the beet in ibe
world. Hureat pile care on earth ZScn
box.slJss U. Jobneon sod H. B Wslt'e
drug storee.
To Siira a CoM in Oi^ Day.
• eoi .
eentod In my agency.
riLke WantCT's U7iitf Winr „f Tsj^ St-ni;
lie tiest cough trotej) on earth. SA •"
li^bTib. IMj
C L liaaiUCK,
irinm Ciif iinlsf l!s
lonm BkKt. 'PkoMiS.
Or Law
BpMlal anmUoa w eoUaeUam
aodeararABdlag. Illgrpstei.
ABobuUU.m eaucuo o( oaten rmldlBela WbuM Id proap-7y. FhasaaTbaU W; Berth•min So. 8 will ba Mid u tbe ruriaeb bulldisc.
No. 4t« SaeU Oatae atraet, OB Wodaaadar
............................ ..tSB at TBI a-cloek. lor
itag B«alega(aa >e sttead a
leasUoa cAiIrd far Fridar
areatae, March ISUi .sad.Blaalar (be aealoa.
itOB S rsadMaiea tor wan) amcaa le aald
WBiU. Twelve dak, (OMa wUl alaa ba elartad la
which wUI alael
dalasaiai US iha________________
nilaa eslM far
Martod. noo. <b Drtiall. aad saet
bpaa aa mkr come laitarr tba cob.
■anb T.tSOS
lot Opera HoMaRkMk.
uao A BOYl
Fir( Insurance.
Ia L. A. Bnildtng.
6fudmui« IndluaBj.
« •( uwiaa M Tiarciee
City, (a «am OaemabM mb. we.
A BaMUIcao eaucoa at
wart Ito, 4 wul ba bold at U
Potato Warohouao. mi W«
■D C.OItBBBT.AMdraay. Bpaclalatlro^
MM. I«u. at rmia'ek
ogAleaI to Attend a Kopubl‘raa rllJ caaroalien
CAllcd tocrttdv. Hareb )«b,aad aU'. for tbo MaraaatUe pe. BlaiU.
lOf caarildsleo (or ward ufllrea la
tuidolegauw wUI aloo (to olecird
•a >br nraieoaair •.entoBiiao.'>bi,-b will elm
AelegAWwU.tbo atale coBTeailOB. eallod for
MA7>a. IMU, ID Detroit, and aorb olber hoalaea< aa aa> rone te-tore Ihr caat-aotluii.
Hareh T, Iki)
X J Pl'LOBl'H.
(1. U- LAKUIK.
MOio RiTWb
B iillrii
cysLi i8sr£*4i£BSi’5i,.""
iig i
T A.TaOMnUN H.D ODaa la Hamlltas
U \aD MO. 8.
■ea'aaadebUdraa-adlaeaaMBBperlally. Otto *0
called will elerl deloeaiea h, ibn aiatr e
Uoa.lor Mar led, IMOJa Detralt-aBd au, b mar
bonlBCaa aa Biar rone hetare thecweealMB
- ndirm. IWl
jne, BOSS,
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
saeasssBBSbsffSks :saaff8
Dlgbt Ronhera‘pbear, S; Bell. sn.
Tb*ll:l»s ■. iralB bM parlor car la Otoad
Bayia. aad almpor Oraad Bapida la <XaaaB(*. No M: raatdeaee. Ho VI. Nortarra aboae
Tbc*4Ap. m-iraiabaa pnrtor eardo Oraad
Raplda, BBd alaoplag oar aad coadb Oraad
iD” •.'„i'?E„'*?ssr3522r:i j •Ksissasfio.
eUtadU to Oraed Bapida aad eeacb aad aloop
domoUc aalwala bj tba Utaot 'aad box ap. In^^wCbloaga to Oraad Bapida aad ehalraar
pnn^ wMMa ^Daryr ^X8t ralli proaptlr
lira. Oflle* ant to Wail's Dru Slora oa
xrm. tioodbaralB f-oaamloa 'or ps
CallaI Irfl
Irn 1at Brodbaiwa'a or Bhaor'i
,-lr.wiU .
kapidam PSleab^.^ mcbbaT,Agasi.
a L LOOBWOOD.U r AT.A. Oraad Bapida
Tilt Pm liniiiette Rtllml
Tuesday, Mar. 13
Drawing Card
Df the Season
People Scream at
Capacity of Tfaeatreb
Tested Nightly.
Gnod Scenic Display!
PaiwB—25. 85, 50c; box netta,
7.5c. Sente on snip nt' tbe box of6oeBBtuHnrBoniins.
•’ss’T OeT-OarrBnhllaairMtrblld-aAatrachaa
Xj Boaari. ria.trr ploa<« k-avr at lie VraabIlD .ircrl or O P. Carver, VS Fmi X-Ml.
call al Rer«n! oner
Drirell ....
TOlaago, . .
8W if
/•^lAL WANTU) - POr geerral bouarvork.
VJT n prr work for ronprirai help
Mra P. U. Dcaaend. 118 6laib ai7«et.
T70K BAUC--A PeolaiDlar Sirel Range, need
f bui«sMib«. WJUeell at one.ball oricleal
roai, "Raore-raiwRerord.
At Ord Raplda J
. 6 aiAM
Lt Ord Raplda. I
Ar Pteaboy.. ,l«44(p > e>p.»l
r-tOB RBKT. B ALK OR TRAOS - Para. „r «
f arera. 9> la, (rail, apcir. rbrrr.t. plum,
pearb and pear treeo. 1 acre Iwrrlra, 1: arm
otorc cleare.1, ailnated oa ea«t bay peo'oaala.
Ibree-ile-e Iron P. U Trarrrar Citj. lldralr-
4 00
U 18
i :s
.Mikb .raw.
Apply a. ^l«a
r I'Uy property, farm of 4« acre-. » arrta
cleared, eaiafl houae aad aiable.A', Bike ooulb
ofJ^ Raplde ite^lrc of^lW. W.
unRB ui (omuflBi 11.
r*>OW gOR BALB - Three,loanera ye.eey.
0 Freeta ible BuotU. Oa Praake'e plaoe
eoatli nfaayluB. AC. Matoa.,
njOnOE -Bkyrlev. WaU-hra.Dlaaoada Kerolrere.nuna.eir .bnugbl.eoM aad ex.
riarb a Buyele Obop, MS t'alob
QtTL-ATlOX WAMPBO-By young Baa, well
0 iMucated.alaeBe llglil laalde BltoatkB
TpOB BALB-Ladk. •eoomd band bkyrie. Apf
ply ai Jor<* e HuilllDg Wwka
TTORnALB-BiMtaebald (uraltara. IwUldU.
pone of aU ay botuebald good# ai bargala* preparatory lo reaoral (roB ally. y F.
ig^^OOD—B iprb wood for rtkr 8.
r.*P. M. DopM
yOB WACS-f^^oew Bikbeter.
s| •swssiSTtiai
M"*SUR. 'gsa.rg.j. a; j^jTsra-’3rs,“sjrr«:
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.