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The Morning Record, July 20, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
ill, liTJE DEAD
OoafllPtlnc B«poita BagardingPaUnMMMCTC.
Two KuM Omb Bapertad ia tho
OdU VloMo.
Itoattla, Jaly t»—Tiro vwatoa arrivod
bow Bo®* today. Tbey raport Mali•ynadtaw tairidly at Soow. It to
t^tkm mn SmU
.tkonMfkl«w4rorpoinud d«l7
e,M« tko»I
lllin WarUA^
apwlal uTh* IMrsiaf
J«ly oo-B«nor to «UU bu/
wilbtbofoto of tbo fordcaaaiaPeUg. Booh day fontobM r^<irtotaB^
oawly to.
U Baar Chaar aad the Ohafoo
ooatac by way of Borlto, reportlar
tbatraatoiy. to aew ofbat by a ^
yatcb to tba Tblocnph froa lu St. Pe■ tanbonr cormpoadonl, who cUUm
that ba ba* laaraad from a thoroofUy
' tfostwortby Marea, that the BsMiaa
(OT*ram*at to la powamloa of dcfioita
oflelal aawa ooaflrmlaf the reporu of
taalr ■■■aero, atatlaf that aoae n
viva. ThanuaMkera oeoarrad Ja]y«.
Of lodar* traab aawa from Oblaa
rm^a^ tba moat fmportaat tototo state
maat that Ua Kan Tl. a prc-forclya,
apparaatly traatad Tloaroy at Naakio,
bama. Ilka LI Banff Cbaaf,
aaopad to Paktn by an Imparlal adletTba importaooa of this stopU traa,
Itos Is tba ramoral of a modaraU
ffaaaoa from NaaklB aad a <
eroatta of alarm amoBff the foralffaOB. who aaem la apprahaad tadadsita
Bahaadad for AaBalUaff an Amartoaa.
Loadoa, Jaly *0-Tb* Tatoffr^’a
Oanaonoonatpoadant. la a dtopateb
dated Jaly IT, a^ that to daftaaoa of
bhb Ohtoaaa to 111 b
id aa Amartoaa madtoal
atetosary. crytoff, "Kill tba foralffa
davH". A nambar of aoldtori ware arnatad and *U of them bahaadad.
UTatoaa af •Amar wUl aot AOhet
Jniecraal B<(oictoff to Waabtofftoa
Bpos Bcealpt of Ot«>tato >WUde*s
• Booert vto Bt. PMon-
^ tatt, OM^Po
BigSaniastalp Has.Bs^ed
a Sslis Harbor.
Wmaaffa The Taaaal wlU U Bo-
Timotby JaafO AUaffbd to Hava Takes
a Second Wif* Vadar aa Aaaamad
SpaeUl to Tk* Kema« EceorO.
Dayton, 0.,‘Jaly It—‘nmotby Jou
wa* arraatod tonl^t for biffamy. Bl
ftntwite, Aaaa Joaea, prafarrad tb
oba^aa. Tbey war* marriad to lt»0
sad bara two ebUdraa. Joaaa deaartddbto first wUe aad marrtod Utos
Batti* T. Lowell, of Uma, Ohio, aader
Mamed aamt of Elward B. Smith.
Xdffhtatoff Btevk a Obarcb Dartoff
'serricaasd Serarml Paopla Badly
Barsadaad Sboekod.
Samuil*Th« Mereu«K»cerd
HfflBv.0.. Jaly 1»-Tba Bofomad
aaomlaattoa ebar^, loeatad a abort
dtotaaee aouto of Oarrotbara, a email
■Ular* abet of bare, waa atraefc by
Uffbtatoff thto moratof wblto tho faseral of Mr. Zallars waa to pruffram.
Twenty-fira pa^le were mere or leaa
tajarad. Ura. Simon Shad*, wife of a
had the hair barard
frwa her bead aad aU th« elotbtoff
from her body. She aattalnad borna
orar bar aatlr* paraoa, wUeb, with tb*
urribl* abodi, wUl probably raaalt
Mra. FOs aad Mlm Batoar, raaldaaU
_ ^
of Oarretbata, war* aariossly barasd
> or mora'ef the
Two Vat Xaaust Dmlb aad Savaa laJared—Vletlma Soo^t SbOltar las
apeelal u Ik* MomlBc BaweC.
Dnbeqae. Jaly l»-Toalffht liffhtatoffiatmek a ahaaty batwaaa Wtotbrop aad ledapaadenea. into which a
atoal ffsaff fiad tor ebaltor.
- Tb* killad are PraakOorke, Ohleaffo
Williom ntaffarald. DyerarlUs, Iowa.
Isjarad ar* N. Plaaffar, Tony Cook,
A. T. Baddy. Obarlaa Ood*. Wm. Bblalda
MTaaaay, Obarlaa Lofaa.
Waahtofftes. Jaly i»-U the dptotoa
ai tboaa bmt qaallfiad to jadff*. tba
daetoratlea of Ut Baaalaa ffovara
that oartato pertlQaa of the Amar torrltory to to a atat* of war, dean aot
aatartolly aBoot tba raaaral Cktoaaa
eltaaUoa. O&aiaU bold that it a
that Bmato to at war with armed teraae
of Cbtoaaa that beat toradad bar tarri•bory.
■oaff Eo^. Jaly i» -U Baaff Obaaff
ha* mllad fran bm*. oataaalbly tor
Waabtofftoa, Jaly lO-WblU tba dtopatebaa from tba torelffn capital* to
Btoto Taw Ooamitaloa to Bxaatoa
day era filled with mmora of a
aad Oompar* Amammant BeU
Lansiaff, Jaly It-Manlatoa aad Sacraffard to Oblaa. tb* praaldaat aad
toaw oonatloa wUl'soon brnrlromtha
eaUnst have aot eoaaldafaii tbai
•aBetoat Impcnaae* to aay way to atatotaacommiaaloB, Seeratary Twlm
abaaff* tb* policy of tba Ualtad Stato*
or to nmka any ebaaffa to tba ordata
It rolls aad oompartoff them with
aadar wbleb oar troops to Oblaa era
ra staldmaata of taapayara. Tfcey
oparattoff. Gaaoral Obaffaa baa baas
tVMlBtod major ffaaaral to oaabla him wiU file tba tmnlu of tbalr tovMtIffa
I aad to* oommltstoa wUltbsa
to amoetoto with foralffa commands of
Uffb raak. and to be absalctely free to tokaasttoa.
bitTtowalath* eoaacUs.ef tba
TUa ffovarsmaet baa raealved no
DaeUaaBtoOanaldarllew Praaidanttol
ovnrtsraa from Braace or aay other
power tor an laMraattoBal affraamaat
tor jotol aeUoa la Oblaa aad the fntare SpacUI t* Um aeralBff Be««rd.
Waabtofftoa. Jnly 19 - Adinlc*
atUtnde of the powem.
Deway deeltom to eoaaldar the Bayffeatton that bit miffht have a pradldentUXO WABXB IV ^ANABAS
tol nomtoaUos at the bands of tboaa
to support MeElalcy
Twanty-Mtoe Oarloada Paatroyed to
Preveat Olnt to Harkat.
NaahTUle. Tana.. Jaly 19 - Twenty
atoe caia of banana* to yood eoadlttoa LltUa Karold Weltoa Badly Bmlaad
Last Xvaatoff.
' were damped to a awamp Bear here to
day pravant a
to tba aorthera
LitUeBatold WaltSs had a narrow
cMspa toat evaatoff from aery aertoa*
tojaiy. TbOPffb badly bniaed, tboaa
who saw toe aecidaat any that be k
very fortaaat* to eacaptoff wlt&oat
Ltoatoaaat of SUi Uf. Voaaded to
broken boa^
Oblaa baa Baoord tor Qallaatry
Tbaboy wmrtdtoff aontb e^ Union
Ltant. Lawt* B. Lawton, oa* of tb* atreat aad wbaa he bad reached the
of Blffbtb street be atarted to
Amariean aoldlara woeadad at Tton Ttln
Oblaa. at tba capture of tba dty. it a
eat tolffo home. A maa.wbcaa
aapbaw of Baffsat Oharia* D. Xawtoa aaau waa not leaned, waa rtdtoff at
of Uwtea, Mieb.
ffoed fast speed jaat bebtod, aad wbaa
The woeadad aaldler la also a eoaaia tb* boy made tb* tara, tba
of Dr. Laartoa of tb* aayldm etafl of him tall apccd.
pbyMctoBB. to tbk city.
Both ware thrown to tba ffronad. bat
Lawton ta a ffradaato of the Want the man waa not tojniad. The boy's
Point MQltory Aeadamy. ~
,wbe*l waa eomplatalr wneksd aad ba
aUtbrm^tb* Ortaa ^
waa tl
^ araaathwwMd* aadffi^M IbcKtotb Fartnaatoly tor him. ha
tolaaky Is tb* PU
laoa* ffcav^ aad no beam avat* toohH.
waa prametod tm «aUaatiy.
Bawmbadlybrnksd. bowavar.
Dr Uwtoa k aatramely aaxtou
tbaaatoty otbl* ralatla*. bat axpn-----tbabalMthat bekaOl aUaeaadaU
Porty-nv* Came ana Stotoaa Daaths
Tbk Bontb.
If wlam baa* any nnwjinlia tor B(M>alieta*H*nmcn*ewa. '
tba aWTOw* of crem. er^Mbaabaada,
Bavaaa. Jaly t»-So tar tbk monUii
fflT* tham B^ MoBSMto Tea.-*TwQl
i«*have bees ucoamof yellow te-l
vnr bat*, and 16 daaths.
mxow PBTBB or TXZAA.
paired stOaoa aad Taken to Takn
Flmrth Tcu—No. 1000
toimti Baantoff WUd Aboat the Oty
Golf Gaoils'
at Wlnlesali
■a*el*21* n« lUni^ BotvO.
Ctoetoaatl, Jaly l*-A Wff Boa to
naatoff wild to tba Tktolty of Bai
avaaaa to thto city. It to sappoaad
that dartoff a haa*y etorm the aatoml
caeaped from a dreaa The akiaf of
police baa armed a poaae aad to a
toff the tcrriuiry lasaa
for Sarato* to Chtoaae Troablm-
«»*«. aot tse. Bot SOe. Sie, th4
Botao Badly Damaffad *1^ Birat prioi of Bocky Monntato Tea. the
aOTld over.
None ffanntoc, Malcaa
mad* by the Madiaoa Madietoc Co. Aak
yonr drafffflat.
WaahtofftM, Joly l»—Tba aavy de
partment this anntoff raoelrad tba
diapatoh from Ckplato
Ever>’Baby bom in igoo
WUda, eommander *f the Oraffon,
can have a pair of vici
dated at Knre. yeatmday:
kid shoes Free by leav■'The Oreffon aad KaabrUl* arrired
ins its measure at our
at Kara this afternoon. 1 axpeet to
dock Jaly it. Shall 1 make permaneet
or temporary repairs? I enffffeat potttoff on Bteel patches wbleb can be
done to a ahort'Ume. and the ship eta
tbea ffo back to bor doty at Taka. To
repairs will raqolre
at laaet u days Kot a mas la Injared
to aay way."
Secretary lemff at once rapUad a*
fallowa; •■na>er*al rcjalelnff for the
aat*^ of the O.-effOD. She la tba OoaaUtattoa of this ffeaaraUoa. If the
safety of the Oraffon permlta patch aod
ffotoTakn. I command yonr prefer
-for aerviea there.”
The City Book Store
Our entire line oOered at Cost
to Cloee. We have a fine aseortmeat. Now IB the time to buy
them cheap.
Low Gut Shoes
umf.m iw BEWiirfiD
JaaaeaVnrpby. Blver Driver, Btahbad
toDeaibTmiatdaybya Baa
With Ulaaaa*.
Hawayffo, Jnly 19—James htorphy,
a river man. whoa* home k In Parle,
waa stabbed to death early tbk moretoff. Hk jaffnlar vain waa aavared. Ba
lived bat a momret attar the dead
waaooBamlttodaadat ba waa dytoff
atodthatbe waa “fixad" by a maa
withfflaaac*. BartHcbbeU baa baaa
abraatod, obarffad with tba mardar.
pommlttoa to Xsatoeky OoBvcatloa
TaUto.Affraa oa BodlfleaUoa of
•ocbel Law.
SpccleltoTh* Moraine B**era.
Lastofftoa. Ky..JalyI9-The Denmcratie atat* conTsation aut here to
day, parfeeied a temporary orffaoUaUoa aad adjonraed antil tomoi
n* oommlttaa oa rmolntioaa
daadtoekad over a plank favortoff a
modifieatloa of toe Goebel law.
We will give you choice of about
6 1
Kenaadyaad MeGnlra: PbUUp* aafi'
Mercer aad :
PIttabarff .
These are good valuee emd will cloae outqolckij-
Now only
a pair.
$1.26 and $1.60 Values, Oboice
and Stylish, at.............. ......
AU tliifi
pAttnms. Bne onr window.
~ BIL priceiifootweaFI
Loi|g Distance.
Calumet, Sault Ste. Marie,
Mackinac Island, etc.
IndlanaMU* .
Kanaaa City .
Eallnm and Power*; Patteaaad Goa-
Gnnd Seitice..
Populai Minute Rates.
96 pair womna’c tAn staoBB, BtyllBfa mads..............$1.48
84 pair Women’s $a.00 and $2.60 Bbo^BAtV............ 1.00
109 pair women's I Oxfords, worth.l$lA6 and
$1.60, now........................................
44 pairs missss’tan shoes^redaced to..................... 1.00
94 pair men's $4.00 and $5 OOIshoss, small slsss,
now........................................................................... 1.69
60 pair youth’s black|and|taB. BOW.........................
72 pair men’s canwaa bals, leather trim.................. 98o
260 pair infanU:shoee........................... 16, 26, 36 and 60o
240 pair women's new up-to-date Oxfords.......... lOO
98 pair ladiee’stock Ho. 666, a $2.60shoe, now.. 2.00
41 pair ladies’kid shoes to^cloae out at.................. 98o
lOB pair misses' Ud shoes to close out at.............. 76o
MeOlania la Pbstmastar
Bpecto U n* Moraine EMmd.
WeiAtofftoa, Jnly 19—The prmldeat
al BeCHnnls poatmaater at Indlani
McBlaley Ocas to Oaatoa.
Speclnl to Tke Moraine Soeoid.
Waabtofftoa. July 19-Tbe praaldaat
left for Canton tdnlffbt at 7.-U o'clock.
Ha w^ arriva borne at 10 o'clock toBki Betalla C. Loaff ha* loft Albion
far Orpffuy. She ffoes asder the apoeatoftba Matbodkt Bpkeopal
beard of mkatone to accept tb* pcBlthm
ofsapertoteadcat of the boy*' aebool
St BcstavlAae. wbleb k malatoinad by
tba mkaHiaary aoriety of that ebpreh.
Mim Loop k wall kaows to tbk stale
a* a pbyrieiaa. toacber aad avaaffolkt.
BbawBatoraBamberotyenna tonebr to the OadlUae pnhUc aebook.
I Used
to Pay lOo
For Pig Tails, but siooe
I bars tried
Pig Tail
I bare eoine to the ooDcliiaicm that 5c will buy a &niclam, delidoos amoks. Try
one aod wna will nsrer pay
10c for a Pig TaU agaift.
New Store—242 Front Street.
\ The Iisadlng .Shoe^ House of Northern Hlchigan
*^£S'*a'd Scbrecklnffoau Lldy
S. BEI>ru.A. &; 00-
The LMding Shoe Honae.
autaicaN tkaoca.
Tlifi Bofitea Store OflttB
Come This Morning
30 Men’s Suits
Will* and. SnUtvan; Garvin aad
. If Your size is Here
a We have reduced the
price on a large number
of our Oxfords—both in
Ladies' and in Men's Ox
fords—shoes that are ac
tually worth $1.50, -
Tcatcrday’a Boa* Ball •*!■
BaecMl t* n* Moraine Beeeid.
ffATtoaax LEAere.
See that Window?
«*»«« «»**»»»*** aHa«»4Ha»*e«j
i Good Taste
I And Economy
If you are possessed of the former and
believe in the latter you will find them
combined in our
• Ladies’ $3 DO Shoes.
We bi^ them direct jfrom the leading
''tactories which enables us to assure you
of their correct style and the best of ma
terial and workmanship. Over twenty
styles to choose from.
Front Street
^ SA^na bar
BaDMMiai «uaa Ve«tba BtaUag
viMtewif teBib
fraU aad taata Btaa la a
Balk WUar.
Vatar M W> bad tedly Ue-
omsd nAToa aatALD.
Tbaanaalmaattogaad ilwrtloa of
BaamofthaBanahA Lv On. wm
la a goad baUyaatortay. TbatoUowtogaratba
lOlAttto nmntnf-fT T-r*ng yaar,^ all tha
a balptof eld «Ba« havtog baan raalaetod:
ato'Datoiahtoetaard. Ha PrMldrat amd gaoatte mantol
AMHlsd Oeorge Marhhnm. aged II. PMiy Hannah.
Bm aad Fred Treat, agad rimiHtosly
7aad6 yaan, toktoctaitwIthoBtaakmr amrnksteaasdbaetoUsdadmmazy
jratteeapentbamtoi. A. Tracy
•oUarad tha boya and
Lay. Bamnal OarUad. dalla* Hannah,
adarkaallareabk prsmtom aatU he WiUtem Morgan.
aoaUaotUy BbsrlC Simpasm of tbMr
Tba beiMMH of tba Hanaab A Uy
TbaaberiHwaatoat to Oo. ambraam tbe raal aettto. tha vlithetormatoDce aad took the boys
aeeoaatv the
totacMtody. They were brong
deohv tha flmr mUl aad tha haul.
tea doattoa Brown aad abows
dim rosalH would follow a^ aeta of
Tha jMtIea fara them a
goodteetara. whtoh. boworar. tolled ndepeadeett and tavtoelhtac WUl
to impraa* tbe ealprita with tba torea
Play Baaa Ball Today for $100-^
hk honor would hara Ukad. Be »•
Hot Oame k Kxpaetod.
Uaeed tbemu esaettog a ptomtoe that
Tbe graateat baaa bull gama thk aMthey woald report to him to two week*.
If tbe boyi preta to be good boyrfdur- on will taka place UU afternoon at tbe
tog that period they would be allowed, Tsrelfth stTMt park, batweon tbe lato begin life orer aguto. olherwko it
and lavtoeiblav te SM a
aad tbe ehamptonahlp of tbe city.
wodld go bard WiU them.
All tbe boy* lire on Btot Front street Admkeion to Ue groands wUl ba IS
and to the grand atand, 10 eanu.
aadltkasld that Ueir soro^
an not rach as to fill tbelr *on!>
the highest aspirations.
Jadga J. e-Baa
_*««,.• ttaianAatMVMeMki'
•Mateo MCj ten.
ev IbMbiaa Mncht te tM kadi
atari* WatowMy. te «tateOaa.
thi teM atf tha wiiM wan ttfatamA
IbaCtapbaD ftat to Um Bata■as Btew Baetrie Light A Po«« Oof^
pteBt yaMtaig. aad taaattar thantftaapala* vffl ba opontad traotha
The kge of doha P. OU A Oo.
aDooUaetedtaBd nptoeod iwida the
boom ywttaoy montog by I o’^o^
owing to tha CBoMtoat work of OtaAk
Wobbrrtththa OotomWa. Than
Uttte wtod.|aBd tbay had set drifted
Jamaa W. HQUta of thin dty b«
hade patcat tonaad on bto hmttog
dram doriea, may of •> eh are to naa
A game of baU will be played Son'
day at FUa Imka between tba team of
that place aad tha lartoetbke.
Work WM bagan yeatarday on tba
•w eament wallm adlolntog tha coart
A widow'a paMlOB of te a moath hM
baas graatod to ;Ma. EUiabaib A.
loon of thto elty.
Ckrleadlotoof lima, eemaat. toad
ptoetor, mattnaaee. farm ma^ery
and table ealt wen raeeirad by the
MarehatUe Oo. thto waak.
Tba Para Marqnatta will farntob the
lay for tba Lake aranpa park from a
Ssctn-n of Ua aaUoul traaaory for bank betwaan Baiuar aad Drawn.
4ha doaal yaar Ian aadad wan »Mt.Tba nnmbar of -marrtoge lleaaeaa
•M.att. and tha axyaaAltnrat. ait?,- imnad by Conaty Clark Mewton for tba
fM.lTl, maklAf a ■n^ni tor tha yaar qaartar ending Jnly let to 7f. For tha
•fgai.tw.T77. .
firatalx month* of the year the nnmbar
ha* bean
Tba entire nombar
Tnnaraaowat tha Park axpon. toanad daring 1W6 wa« bnt lt<.
glaa are Eaaaaa tarman freea one
Mark Craw and F. E. Haynaa
gowaeUy. Tbk to manly a eampla a lake that eery few are aeqaalnisd
fwaparity toefc____________
with, and caaght W Sm base yettairday.
Tax BapabUeaa tnalerity In Oregon
A fire to tha eottoga of & B. dewett
araiorar 11,000, aad it wm pUad op atForaat Lodge cams rery
What wiU it atroylagthe bnUding Tneadsy. The
.BalnoUer autee?
' famCy ware on the take, bat eom>
were near and dtocorcrad the bUxs in
Mb. Baras'e Mlnr plank demande time
^ hou»s. The origin of
ata dmartean anaoetal ayetata.* Wp the fire to a myataiy.
tare it by order of tha 7,10«.?T9 people
Mra. On* Oreenwald k taking treaP
who rotad tor If eKlnlay to lIM.
meaiatMn. Minora'* hospital.
B. W. Smith took a jolly party on a
BxroBTeof p
fishing trip to Carp Lake in a eonunodloB*aon*ayancayestardsy. The com
pany eonektad of tba amployea of Mr.
Smith, who k now engaged in earpan■k, aad hk gnaats. Charia* Bu••rwe Marry
kirk and son of Big Eapld*.. They all
had a good Uma and good lack with
Oaerga Haram will loan for the
eron thto morolag for WUUam Baitoer, tha rod,
Anna FrMBian. aged It
he look up hie enriain pole trade.
dnnghlar of Abraham Freeman of EuMtoeOnMeOoy ratomad yeeie^y
son.diedyMtardayof todlgestloa. The
from a rtoit to Oedar.
will ha held Saturday after
Mr. aad Mn. A. J. Meyer of Indtonnoon at : o'clock from tha Kaason
■pdlto are gneata at Bprlot Beach bochnreb. The motbw of the little one
died on tha eth of AprU.
Blmar Slankar, of tha Maw Tork
a. S. Snll k quite alek.
•ten, to eojoytog an onUng thia weak.
C. A. Hammond, formerly caahler of
•Bd Inaree today, aacompantod by hie
tte Firnt Hatioanl Beak bnt Utely
wifa.aBdUttteMB Ladoi, for Bapld
with tha Bndsireat
aty. Blk Bapide, Patcakay. Lena Tree
ageay. hM sarerad hk eonaecUon with
Feint, and other sorthern petote of lathataonearn. Be wul open a real as' tenet.
tote, totnranaa ud loan exchange
Mra. r. 3. LOUe and dangbtor Pearl,
kan goea to tha 800 for a rtoit of two hare aad remain permanently.
Hamesond's hentth hit greaUy imm three weeka. They will rtoit eercral
prOTCd daring the past yaar.
- of tha morta before ntnniag.
Bpiritnatktie Manifestation* (
LMt Might at Grange BaU.
Orange hall was packed last night,
ud several were nnable to g^n admk•ion. the occasion being the Irelnre
•piriiaalkm by Oscar A. Bdgerly.
■Ides dsaUng wlU the geeeral prtoel.
pita of ths science. Mr. Eigerly gave
teveral maolfeataUons for a number of
persons i^e andleoce. Be deucribad
people whom be claimed to see to spir
it. and give several in the aodtenee
isgee from tbelr friends to tbe
spirit worla. Borne of the people recognixsd Uelr friends by Ue description
given, and others could sot. even when
same wta given.' Oa Ue whole.
uodUnce was pleased wiu'Ue
ntonifestatlons, even If th: ikepireal
were not convinced.
AnoUer professor of occnUlsm will
be to Ue city to a short time, and It U
the Intention to *Urt a class in Ue
subject. Several of Ue firm be-levcn,
to upiriuallsm are determined thui
■ueb a clau sbuH bo organized.
Dr. W. 8. Mon wm in Mayfit Id yeatSB JOINT aOABO MBBTING
terday on proinaional baalncM.
Oaten M. Oabriela and Nary VerAsyinm Offieert Cloned a Prcfltabla
•Btoa ha>e gone to Saginaw.
Meeting Tsaurdsy.
Mtoa Beatrice Phippa left yeatarday
gening for Chicago, on the ateomrr
The mealing of the joint board of
tha trostea* of tba Michigan asylum*
Mrt. E B. Pope want to Chloago doted at the Northern itylam yastery^terday on the CbarleTOlx. for a rkll
aturnoonWtth.Mr.acd Mrs.
| The maating was filled with ralnable
Mra. F«*d Beddofi,
MksBnllsrd of Chicago, has been SBggcaUoD* throngn tba exceUent
okltlsg Mrr. B. C. DstIs.
papers read and the pregram was car
Mr*. George Cowan and daoghter of ried ont as priTioesly nublkhed. The
eweago. are spending some time In the maintenance of paUenU for tbe
Ing year was fixed at li-cenu per day
•iyrd. M TbomM hu retoned from thi per patient.for the asylums to Ue low
•rake with the party on Capt- Chase's er penlnsola. and at *: cenu for the
Bs left th# party-at Newberry asylum.
AtUedlnnur. tyhlch was served utBaarar Islands. Be Mys that Mr.
tor Ue bnslneis meettog. ue follow
Loodon's health Is graaUy Improred.
Miss Wlnogene'Banselman of Chica ing were present, to addition to Ue
go, want to Fite I^ke yesterday for a trnsteca from abroad mi nUoned prevvisit with Mkt Maodc Hagadorn. aftqr loosly to Ue Bccono:
ai^d Mrs. T. T. Bates. Mku Clara
being the gatsi of Mn- Sam Garland'
Bates. Judge Lerto Boberti Mr*. Lorper aome time.
Mr.'-and Mra B Koester of Krktql. to Eobeti*. Mk* BoberU. Min Mirim
Tv. are the gaeft* of Dr. aod Mra. j Boberta. Boa. aad Mr*. B. C. DavU.
Jndgeand Mra. H. D. Camp
V. Oaaiftletl.
Mkt Lacy Gannett apeat yeatarday Hobba. Senator and Mrs. J.
ken. Bon. and Mr*. W. H.Pouter, Bm.
with friends nl Drawn.
and Mra. D. Coehlin. .Bon. Perry Han
Clark AUen of Harbor Spring*.
nah. MU* Hannah. Mr. aad Mr*. J. T.
Vlditog friend* to the elty,
Mk* Bhea Martin has gmt on an ex- Bannah. of TraverM -City; .Mr. A. T.
Uy. Min Uy. Mn. G. O. Batev of
•nnlTl *klt in toethern Michigan.
Mra A. D. Baker, yrbo bn* been the Chicago. •
gaMt of tbs lamilg.«t B. 8. Pratt, itWbito Man Tnrtied Tellew
Great conuternatton was felt by t
Di. d. W. GauatieM k 1
friend* of M. A. Hogarty of Ustogtt
Ky.. when Uey raw he wm tnratog
yuUow. Bk akin elowly ebanged eolor
Mte dnxsfa W;Ubelm k confined 1 ake hk tjm, and be teSertel terribly.
Bk malady wm yellow jsnndlcv Be
ta home by a adVure attack of grip.
wae tfMtcd by Ue best doctors, bnt
witboethnefit. Then be wm advteed
It utaada utene. It tewura ab^ to uy Ktoetric Blttorv Ue wonderful
---------remedy, and he
“Alter ttedag two bottle* I
Sv Me. Attyonrdratfl
i xoavuo xaooBO.
aad kidMy traata*. Oaly •Ote.
by & B. Wait aad da*, -fi
And faro
e to iiM AO oil itOTC Utoo a wood «tore
tbia hot weather. I bare a foil line, from a small S bnmer
lamp atore op to a nice law 3 bnmer and oren, Bine Rame
gni<4 Meal. They are perfectly safe—not aa much danger to.
operate aa a lamp.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Th* Prnotieal Bonae Fornlaher.
""IE Bicycle
EnamelingBest to be had is
tbe city is at
I bfiTc had my building
Teboilt and- put in good
shape and am now r^y
Ui receive all old patroav
Good Line of Jewelry
Zt Buved BU Ug.
P. A. Denforth of Le Grange, Gv,
•offeree for six month* with » fright
ful roonlng eora leg. but write* Uet
Bocklen't, Arnira Bulve wholly cured it
Doj*t BT*u
e Fooledi
the fteelw. erlclMl
aeefu r«a evU. Oar traCs
. Cure
Sold byS.
30. droggkU
L Wait u
Probsbiy tbe first c*se of hydrophobk ever known to Moskegoo, purred
Wednuudey when Emms, Ue five yeur
oldduughtorof Mr. and Mra. Fritz
Breneeke. died of that dread malady.
She WM bitten by a small dog last
April. Thsdog was killed before It
wae aeeertotoed positively Uet It was
mad. Ust Bnnday tbe first symptoms
of rabke apoearad and the child died
Wednesday to terrible agooy.
A Card.
We. Ue nnorraigned. do hereby
•grer to refund Ue money 00 a 50cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Sy
rup of Tar If It falls to cere yoer cough
or cold. We also guarantee a is cent
bottle to prove ratkfaetory or money
refunded. S- E Walt. Bngbee A Boxburg. damraG. Johnson. F. C. nomp-
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
and Every Nielit This Week
KiDg of Fun Maken,
The S«der.
Ro Tio Monnucs Ulb.
See Ttansmissinn by Telepathy
As an Extra Attraction tbs
management have engaged
the popular and. well known
Jas. B. Mackis
The OrigiBal “Ozlmsey
Boy.” in Hoyt’s “A Bnneh
of Keys” and •‘GrlmM Cel
lar Boor.”
Also, Kiss leooise Sanford, in
Pricev 10. ao snd 30c. Seatt on
•ale at the box office.
IMepbone 112.
Firs Insurance.
L. L. A. BnUdlng.
.\othing stiff fn them, or the prices.
\Vc start our list wHh a fine striped
shirt with tavo collars and a
pair of cuffs, for....................... OVU
A Splendid
One that is talked about, is the double
. silk front with b'ody to match. We
have all the dainty colors— 'YK/b
These sell at............................. •
You may want one just for the day.
We have all valm;s—They're good,
|too—from 25c; afl the way
Ido'iwn —
We've a few—just a few shirts that
we carried over. They have two col
lars and two pair of cuffs. They sold
for $1.00. Si.35 and Si.50. We want
the room, so they're yours ROp
at the unheard of price of •
Stylish, serviceable, lightweight—the
kind that "gives you that summer re
sort feeling” when • you wear one.
a splendid value that costs..
12. 10 to.
The Railroad
Is nobby' and stylish, and a great
favorite. They sell for 5:. 1
^2.;oand................................. X«OU
The Golf
Is a wearable shirt, because so many
are wearing them. ■ We please our
customers—This is a shirt
that can't be beaten for-----
Shirts are most popular. They have
three plaits in front and are trimmed
m white, and make a nice, dressy
shirt. We are selling these
Capture the people who want a firstclass shirt and don’t want to pav
or S3.50 for a made-to-order shirt.
These are just as good and O
only cost you.........................
Is the ever pojiular hat. .Wear one
of them, and s ou will be cool as well
as well as in the height of style—
I hey are ‘selling at $2.50
The Kingsbury
.As swell a hat
is worn. They'+e
made to sell
their merits, and
made in Pearl, Otter and Q AO
Bclgian-seHing at............... O.W
The Champion
Hat .
Can either be worn as. a Fcd^
or ^e^ reverse. ' ft sells on
The Hannah ji Lay Hereantile Co.
At HOlftel* fmti OMklls, tgtA 10
to * fMrttno iTploil m
AlAlwaty Mmfcil ■rhoaoHkor
MroovtaM^teJuoi t> » ro»*07
B«on oad «fU oou on q«ii« ptailMmuMmAM ud Mkcr MrUon
«mo,Md«nw*beUiB tMr d«r
TwoMok tolctbot o beno-
Im oorrtec* »m14 fMO tbmfh ttet
yteoookMtO o'el^
d /ew iBto mj
thot do/.
epemker. Uety
leseat Corwes of the reecBDe. ented oo
be- the ke« lo triniopb; be lookrd at (be UndtbM lord of the nrm Drocos. a prteosrT like
hlmMf. at tbe. ts-o rmnoe bwo whe
•pootlld «'loko WOCM drowB br»
/oonled tbe door, and be thoo^t dolw
f»>0 0< ■mloo OOMO^CO tbo oo—o.
follf that there woe eoeie tntb la tbe
At OodlUoe obortlj
boos Wod- Ueutt-caDiV rrtni/rk.
Mid07 Ibo C. M. Oriok bMkot foetor/
All uipbt Iiitk bsdbeeo ootlstbeBett/
Jaup. sod tb'SicIC. of r^ne. briDp e
‘Kit.to ihU
» liltle
■ ■
teaikie li . he had
MM lynod nptdlj osd man of Uo
nridMti'wmasthoqal rtn to
bold tko oitMBObOo.
kudnd sad flit/Mopte »m tknm
Tbo fin oficlBM-
•d IB tbrdr/kUs.
and bj laoonMa
TW foeur/
W nbolV
M tho Uabw
«Mcdb/tboecm/u.*’«Obot ooeUoB
hoi onrlj oit boos maifootsnd.
Tho rrMoboppn »tocM lo Flomeo
oooaw to bo crowioc wetso.
OwoooBd nwdOM on nlsoi,
fraWar Ail^Ol bo/ wan
a«b oafl poatano on elaond ap
law do/a.
Thoaoraboibooa aSoetad
aeaa,bBtao/aloeaartoM domo«o ia
«bot llBO.
On* (ormtr anr Bon hao bla aatin
lorai of tto oeno pIoBiad to pototm.
It ocBtltu of ese lor/o field, oo ho hot
roBond oil the dloUloo leaMo.^
4 nr/ dliinooloc oeelde?.t oeeoTTOd
oiOtoetroToBdo/oi/bt whoa W. t.
. Boekarwoo ointroestad.
' flm fonaoa of
tho Sbopar Choir
foclor/ Md wot oB/ored 1b ploela/ aew
boekoto ou the wotar wheel. He /nopad the ooekat of on lueoBdeeoeBt Uap
«o etaod/ it while etoBdlB/ Id
of wotar bonfootad oad oa
In a
Jody AriiVe a...................
of bnndy fd(Imr bn>“«
"Fm eoRT." abe ealA "I tore yoa
Uwed. aad Sal
Mel tec3r»-d
teheed It in a ran.
Aebrly. But 1 moet break oB oar as.
*TIow I kbell tiaeie of brandyr aaid
Oh. It almoct rcBde aty
Un Jody. a. it WdtUd orer her i*--------bean, yet I maet obey tbe dUtatea of
-J doan't etpeet Mr. SbCBRO
my coneetenee.
I canaot penalt my.
malad.-- eay iUl fleefiillT.
Min Jady bectme rery eerere.
aelf to marry iato a family that to
leiDber. fUl. that tbU U ■ bom di
Uimad wltb inaanity."
Tb« young mao’s face became whKa.
It at Uat ba managed to exclaim:
Tosc. taM r«i.
•What do yoB meanr
"Aad 1 tbotild ant bare ssppoaed ystir
"1 have Jnst bcarA” the beantlfBl
father woalii bare hero fsilty of ia If girl repUad. "that aa'tioele of yonrt la
- »4i erer cancht
ertls"IndUna ooee bonght a gold brldt and
"Ile willn't be tneb a foie.'
Miat your father has hired a lawyer to
Mitt Judy r”Derired a tatOe.
**Ao- Mtabllth bis cUim to an eaiate lo En»
ether paill” ch" nid. “.tad empty that Und that U worth mony mlUlosa.
wet. it oat liur
t, wIr 0 the lBEf<rr dmp|ird eorit'.r io
the Uerk po<d tnene titm- before dawn,
l.'> kn. had li.eu leLded. end hr had
bel|«.l to Us<i Ibcm.
K..r' aU l>irk eered-or knew-thrr
ire et.ntalocd water.
. tbe eoontrjr In rbentv of rihut
taea ebo tremc-d to know Ibclr road rvra
hr (bat half llebi. One. outniibnendiDe
the n-BHiti-tranoo of the B«d»/ 4ane‘a
aUpp. r. n hn derloml U a dancerout pn»^
eee.liiiE. l.ad iK.-n plai
■ leed on a litreow____
litreow and
wlM«hRl op t04be(ir<
Dmeon hr Dirk
Mr. r»
■mulersaat. lainlJord of tbe
‘ Pi^drrca** wat piwldre that (be pauc*
rrt had DO Inkliiie of the Undine. Rlek
trat ennirnt to n-eard Om* ca»k at a eitk
-.-S’hirii mieht eonlnin wilrr. The ron<
Cnenee waa that m- temo' r had they I
atatle<l tbs,k« In hia attle than a rap
the d».r canir. followed hy tbi- entrr ..
Idemeninl <*urnen and a down rerenue;
ineo. IHrk and (he Uudlnrd.s-er.- at u
armte.1. Tliat not the miterahle fart
True. PrindiTeatt. iNfore hr lapted
Into tiilky tih-iic.'. had ronrejitl tr) J»lrk
that (he other 14 ketni. after which (be
lirtilrnaDl had n'Ut It ri of hit
that here vat Ih.'Ineriniinalins krc. and
tbe Ikalenaut aeate<l.np»n It In fanatical
>r Hinlre
for be
drtrfted (timiecline. No duuht Pick eouU
thow the nlitiirdity of prentlni; tueh a
Iboa/, oehortdlttonce eeet of Abb rharce acalnat him arrlonidy. I>ut to bare
Arbor. Mro.GorbDUofdt.LoBle. who ItTfii firnntl aiilitic nr alx-ttine. a-n-n liy
.U TiflltiBfi the femil/. loot o rold hit prtttenee. wnnid lote him ihr
* riu-. whieb ho had hm at d
watch eet with dlomosde. o ereaeeal
dioBOBd plB oBd two dloBOBd rlB/i:
too. it would loae him tbe
I oonteni
Mto. Tbob/ loet o /old watch oad a
dIoBODd rlDir. Mre. Oorbott hod flist
Cnrwen’t triumph. Tba- Iodk far«.L fanntis a poeketbook in the room, bat the iral fellow wa» jealnut. poimlpat thoach
thleveodld not And iu
hit leakniiiy waa. H>-had trailasl for.hit
ehnnre acalntt Dirk and teenicd to fanry
be hail cot It.
“'I'ba- L<w.l hath driirered yew in
hanil..“ hi- rr|ieni.-.1.
Think pur «1,1 nirk dnhlontly.
aniline ken
'ISM M MIV Mipnot M m M It
naBbeoiBornBBfioro o drU/ht- tbit one Id n turraw-np lo tbe• Inn'
fal thimble pan/ at their hose on
"1ft nnemumonly bard work wl
Waohlairwa etreat loot e*enln/. 1b • liBfTow." laid l'i.4
>kr a murkhonor of their rsMUKIae Her/ Wood
Bseok theine elolo Jewdr/ nlaad
•atonrIunfrOB the reeldoBoeof C. L.
of Ypellastl.
A fine mneleal pra/raa
woo rendtred dariar
le." taid
not fevL
whld wae rrcotl/appneioted b/ the
aomd. OBd a floe Ume enje/ed b/ oH.
A namber of /ona( lafllre
ppted iB a eeVy plesaaBt "Borfoo" pie.
at Beet Be/ Wedacede/.
m-awete. there it no brandy is
(but SiPE.”
Tlie lirntwiant did Bet deixn to reply,
but ilrmnutwl hit tierU on the euk. which
paviII' I 91^
ark a E'llEll.lE.
E'ireli:u:. SI-IUUISMI
Ihiooriab Miuuak
•Sisla wall-.-. iwHiap*." sttEsesled DiHc
A knvk '
^ WhooDina Cough, Aathma.
rnnnlnE o>ni
".tnd tny niotmiioD U." n-prstnl I>ick
Conaumotion, to
wearilj. "rlinl tu far at I k^wthrte It
DU brandy in that Li-e."
Tlie lii'UtrnaBfa retort wn« Intern:
by tbi- irainii of hb n-lurtiiii(
They «.1>ow.r] nnpiy haiidt and uid they
bad bad no lurk.
Hut (be Ih-utmanl
wa* too eunteulod to U- rn-ally put out
hy til!.. ~
"Never ml^ " lie tald; "iben-'e raoneb
hen-, (let nif Ik-Trrow nsd}’. and wr'll
Bo «l< to iM]iiin-’»."
.\nd he liirnnl to tbe landlord raaenron«!y. "Pri adrixatt, yew hnvr made off
with the reM o‘ your thiriil e.>ntrahaBd.
but yew ranno: .teaiw when yew bare
broken tbe law,"
"Rtnw m!" said rrenderirati
Tew .iitui- lien- to
liuuV an enU tile
Btt nu. |)rewf.
1 O^lf
SIS Front Sk.
TelepboDC tot
yew w-h.Tv's yew'rv
•n- predr'"
“HiTi-;" sliid the lienvu-lintil.. Atid agaia
he kii-kisl hi", hivlt uii the keg. - It cave
out a hidlow iKHiiid. Ho Jrat»d i.ff it n«
if he had Wn suddenly itiiiic. A faint
cJinimer of tbr tnith dawm-.! uinii Ith k.
Itemrn'lK'r.” bo said pruv.ikincly. “my
ooutenthm has W-ii tiui (hon- is i
brandy in tho oa>k."
Tbo iioulinant (umi-d it over on I
aide wlthniit answeriuE- It was imp:
a,nd. Iluxieh llu- Auer (Hsiealh Was dsui
the h.ili-!. Jiifd Iss-n slnpissl up;
"There was liraudy Ip it." be said.
rouDiiiar on Itiok. '
•Tbi-tsoda water sonus to have evt
otatoil." said l>*ek Inuiwntly. Some
tbo rrvtaiuv nu n Is'Esn to >nici
ho pliii-e!" kaid Curwen.
makhinc hik tM-lb.
tum<-d prosi-nily ao<l annnuiieod a strouc
smell uf )-randy iu tbo yard, particularly
In (hr diu-k ismd.
"It tvenld liimlly do to khuw tbo
bo aquiro
water fnilo til. .lurk |.)ud
epiriU." said t>i.k.
' *Tlurv'» fdieep ami ibrre’s cuats.” said
tbe lirutentnu.bunlly aldo to n.nt.-ilo bit
srrsth, Ml that I>iok romo very
tdtyins him and noly munnuns
asEra," Ibis lime nndor bis bn-al
oil and fob
with a tear
Aielaberf'e Uraad ra
As*. S.
eeen at
the erenliuf of
„ TVic German i^edy'
and ‘'Eoae/'e
Bo/a" cancer; eompan/ which U toap-
Hutter SZBaumbaDgli.
’7K44K iraviv ««.-!
l.y til., gaug- i'
U-c-r Sal]
Iii.ly dew
i-w M
not think:
iH-r sbi-ioid
siu.-iorr tbe-au'-'ess «f "Vanity• F
bad taki-n
bits at till by sarprlM- said
“V.-rv inuib ni. Aiidaiol
be j-M.-.
‘-tVIs-n’;i link- timo »s-f..rv l]
bad ask’d for |i.-rli;issi.!i (.. tvpiildklil
rn.rs:','': ki=ss. „
a amlio. a
besTied by sU wboae sfeomBC----------Ufwareoatofordor. BBtB«Aato«U
Mow that Dr. Etaffto 9t« LUi Rlfa.
1 Iterttn er.eloA ehrea to yay far^j.^Xi6»n^Himo
that you V<ra aan:'to ny oddreaa.
USt »• are such yttooed wjth Uw aaaa, a»«3 ar* Mt»afi*^t|«ti^^Uy
aiade so aittake in narrtiaaine the 'ElstAli*
' Basing
houao nearly a •eeii. ej eife is oeeoairf s'-r. sf.atf.ed te’if"l*t*|^^g
aeuea ana wm- a-vt »■*. is eertojnJy o’eery haiFt»s yleee^^u^ture..
In tset, ih cur eCtisation. the ftsiest iha; ** on m CranO^s^^^^
“Dear girt." sahl I>lek to blinself. "Ftit
what .»a
>.a i-«.M.
isnh .....
she meant I
- cannot
.............. niaU
out. If aho were toI offer to converw with
Corweii or drue him. It w..nW Is* a differ
s ibi- kog aad
cot matter." Hat there
D seated on It. at
and Dirk failed la
see how the hrnndr
mndv wa» v. evap.«te.;
StDl he wosld do Jsdy’s Wdlin*. ,
SM. watching hi# fac«-. a.ted If ihete
a evrlain u-'i:il.or ..f Emins of a jiani.uUr druE could b.- .afely administered tc
{(». ojinu
aniuiaU A disiiocaary
disiK-caary di-etor pruvi
j,, i,
givia eight graius to
I it was (u be inferred
f-ir a burst-'was not excessive,
doetber. ."e ulver bad. more’a the pit/*
“U. If TMWMld brao good « to n
b«l finality properly
Our an-
i-olorrd •(span at 4-5 eta. a
Tryit; joa’jflike
. -
The Up-To-Date Photographer
Cheap eoape area
coetly inv-tstuienl.
rnina cloth-
ini;; cheap toilet eoap poiBODS the akin.
Roqd aoa{i6 for all
1 Hne lioe of Photograpli Batloos. Eilareing of 111
Some 10 bars, otben
Fine Wood
For CookiDg or Furnace Purposes
......................... .....................................
p<>i*-<os to- oumulativ* in effect, and y*|
tad him for a oatlenL"
N. E. STRONG. Manager
to truly cheer, mnet bt? of
•*!» Mies Jody etai hewr asked PIA ^ Burtefr»*thb;
Markham Block.
A rofrchbinircup.
7 bars, for 2.5c.
■OBwanTy. so that the lletoeatst looked ^oldh’f they kUl the dlrll himself If he;
------------------ *- toward Sal.
But she be*■;• awalh.we.1 ibemr
•”?*?***• .
Tbi-doctor was anBOTedaodpotniwow!
Tor what AosM Mil. Jody be barer j,
-i aon’t know, my lord. I,
Th^' *”
W. W. KI\1B.\LL£0.
cupKlaud dried.
real prcparalion for 20c-. '
HMid iiipy >i-ii’C.’t -i;t "if Uii-M.’ Tho
irinE <!!<- iu S5«> a y.-ar u-.n
Twolv.., a-i.| .iti».m-na page. ' hi- said.
rn« all be gut f->r his ruatrihiiUuns
tbe niiEuiiue. nnd bo vipn-»s<il a h.
tboi writii;: «a« U-ltvr paid u..w that
«-as la hi- y..iinE dny». ]{.- t..ld me t'
TurstiuT laid <-sU«l <i|H.n him with./Ul
anv iiitris1uiii->u, simply iu ibe cfinraoi.-tj
, j,.„.icn a.lmln-r uf his work- a-ad'
without saying a word aU-ut bis -as ht-'
*„ry |.«dii.«i. - Ki.lh.-rland tklwardr'
-p..rwnel Il.-i-olketli.i,.."
----------------------------------A Wlur JaCce.
tiu l-'l
h.l of Lord Mor*
day ii f.'il I.’ lluj Kwr ‘tw UfStrtunt tB rRB.-rt«ilsn Vr *rmia-: ris t’O-honr a wist- at fi.retaine lo which
aa tatareat la kb fatsre whlA noth- ' tnn tnon a«r. r.-m^alss itjt- e f«r •• yw | damagi-s w.-:v . Inimed fr-ru a viu-riuary
vss^ *t th» ^fjvon li.r liaviiig j».S«.,uisl a valuable
1b* ctoe eanlA bsTt doac."
fSid«ftbslUiwlk«TCisOI bca.tr.
Tbr i-si. d.-|--udo.l m»n whvlb.-t.
Sraad Haplds, Ueh.
of tbe most nctirinbiDi^ c.;-
"N-th.-n-of I
Tbo lioulon-mt ha . .
artUUe mnaleal pbeaomeoa whom the tbe nnte and was ••X5EiI;iIbe ihi- stitv-ra.-rlpil-'t'If'bo f>*'l
had «P-nedMt.
op-n^’lt. af he
If'l*'world hat refeaed to for*at Is hie 1b> .orlpTl-'B.
se.-nii'.l half In-lim*.! i-i do. P.--k * rrlroe
aritable brief and meMorie career aa a
wonta hare oii. i-do.1 to bssmI» ntid hat./esth be made as ImorcMlos that waa tory. Blit he band.-.! It oTrr.S^Tiwr grln>.
daep asd laalin*. TbU waa dae to tbe. ly:
_ '
-It's going biwonil my des-tlos. hm If I
BseMl^bl power aad eweeioeae of hit
know s-pilrr. it’ll I'o tb" «»«• y-n « c-’»Tolea. Ito irreattlible patboa. Ita eap-.l*
"Toil rertaihly go ImT"1»'1 four .Intles.*
sAtlaf meebaaiam of tyapptby, lu di- said l>ivk. opening 1l tiai-lorly. Evid.mtly
Miss Jti.K h.id l-von disttustfnl of the
Tiaa qaaUtiei of
ftnl ' awakealB*.
Thaac thlacB casaed bU aei
table bevi-rayt; of the iiine>
"Yopn* Eavana/b ieose of the few
Wbaeloek. of Kayatoac. aad
Tbo mopt }>opulBr'
The Cblea*oTiB««'H0iAfd eayt:
P. Wbcatock of Hoaor. btotbars.
EVERVTHI.-<G_ - --
• .•.lliMnca.
Warn’Ult elrver uf b-rT* s-afd Ssl
---- '-HI
___ :
asapicea of tbe ladiea of C.*ase ebsreb.
S. C
If It's New
We Have It!
"Piupi whm;,-.Vskrt.-l.-lt.-re.«u. rib>- . The Autbur of "Vosl.y rale."
tnsedo.1 th* Iviit-nvil.
Tli.n'l- r.ij
nl-diit. ly wiiliuiii af"F-rm Mi-s Jn.lr.
Sal. And ' ......................... .. fuU- pil.i.- of any ki.iJ, lie
.1 m.-Erily. "Sbo w.is j did n •; i. m-l
i-tiiia .-I I.......... -If. and iu
pebrietbA city Au*sn 1 asder tbe
'S loft yaaterday for tho cuts
Hamilton Clothing Co
tfonth century,
Many *ood thm*s arc beln* ea^ of
“A Wlee WomaB"
Because they’ve only
been in our store
a few days. Some of the
shades and shapes
for summer
and early fall wear
in New Fedora Shapes—
81.76, $2.00,
82.60 and $2.76.
You should make an
effort to call
early and select one.
fBBMe wan played.
Eiit.i-.kl 55al
•lain, d far,-.
The big cleporOnMt Worea of New
U rerrivid the hraody.
York were loibend duriucthebolldaya
d Milt
ir the iMiardiDS in a wbUppr, becatJM- tboy could not gvt enoosb peautucbly of 3'uii.*'
niea. Tlie banka win* unabk* to supply
it «u
Metiiwbih- IHi-k w.te tbow
tbe <lem.-iDd and tlH* Ksb-iressury had
•lue to the ri-M-ne. In aome i-asea
lenani in e-inTiTMii.®.. It «-a. ratb- (he Ills ttures hail to
a small pre
er a diffiiiill tbine tu d-< aad ecnoyinc rx- mium lo socun- enough Email ebaage.
nwdinely to ter hilri tillitiE (In
eatk. lih-k. <i>ij>nUiac b<« wai- b. foond
(bat IS iitiunlet had iuimciI. and hr
anotbrr effon. fur L.*srweTi wnt crttlns
"You MV." be nrs^. ' iu my raM- (hi re
it a niiv point <-f lew iav.dnil, 1/ I irm
an lEDoraiit. apeeTfiry. tbrri- mnuof
"thiuin- di-sr leit ece nitr poijut of
law.” ri'toried Cumva. "Thi-ri't n;oral«
end therr't tint; (lien-*« tbirp aad tbri
laU which mode o parfeet eoadaetor.
Be raecltod no
• look tor It ha (esad It waa vsM.
Tbe roen «o« the bar padar. wltb two
donre to is-ooe for tbe (row end cee foe
It fa paaelbla that aoma cm may
the back. For tb.-*tsn it woe eleo aatul han fOBBd it aad tokcait hose, aad fa
CBOSck. end thin boerdiuc otfl/ eepon
BOW walito* tortac ewaar is app
see the RMtn'eboee. Tbroafb
Mn. IU« tiMwH w4 ••
fkOMd 0 TifiM (riasd
Haven’t Soon
New Hats
Uc/d fiBylcp XiMt hU tnoem BcUp
«Bo We pattw. At ehe ntetad
Wedaeoflay Vl*ht.
idtaedr bmeethahe wBi preeird o
Us/d ^In baa last a nim
ank BBdeoily with tb« ooeetioD. “W«B.
tnMj wbm k etaader
•Im Wb Jwdrr nld Mel. -JMt bm
tot Ua wheal wn atolaa fna tremt
»the kfi." Mbe piHh^ (hr uUe Bhder
c Teatardaya hli/daaaBwettafi
fee epM. oad UUe Jai/ taeesled thenpee.
*thdck. Bel. the Brs mo/ be tothadmtopueaeflha atstet^aiL
oek oar bbbim; Lork the treet doer anenaaainr theaeytoB, leftaflaroM
ad tbea e^ esd boM the cso. IV de
oftbawplba. Whra Mr. flaytoawM
.'yan, iodooA •oono«lt«f kwx» i»-
20. 190u
tfw bB/* eaU Dkk. Thaak bar
w. eIaney
9aawi0kX.nmb«lii slisiM
• la Banns Ottr lumhn Oo.
rAWxas BZLXi's wxx>o'ws*t
w tmvTMiwoau
it m#r traatu j
U Orwtar S«rv Tfltk
•kOvtlUiV'S'ta •aoCiiMtvnMmi-
__ _______Voar If— 4W
tte «SMM gf tka kft m4
«M pangg. who bad baaa oaat—e
aad ukaa to a bo^tal. eeatatOad
. At Cbteca Mania Baaanr. •> 7««*
aid. iiaa boaa loud daad ia of of Um
ataek pard eaUla pan aaar tut aad
raoiia atraau. AU of Ui ri«a «va
teBkaaaad tkan wara laaar feralaaa
oah^ kodjr wblabladleatad thatHU
ted baaa tiMpad oat Vr tka ataan ocaapTlat tka paa. Tba poUaa do aot
teUaaatkat ha Mawdarad.
Tacrid baat afottaaaa tkroa«kOBt
•uopa. ru nBroafT
■ tefrae* ta tka
_ _ Irndoa. \Tba ho^tato ara
kuyearlac for rtetuu of beat proo'
-toatioaa. Klae fatalltiu an rapertad.
Uterem an ebllfad to kaoek o(l
werkdariav tba hottaat boar of tbe
WIUU a few boon afur tbe pabUaatiea of the aawe'cd tba dwth of
(kpC Autla E- JUTia -of tba Marlaa
aorpe ia Chlaa. IWry Clarke Darle of
Chluco. a brothfr of tba dead ofllear,
eolaataarad bit urrleu to tbe fonrii'
■eat ItiaoBly byobtalalapa com' ulatlea Uiat be caa aerre la ChUa. u
te it Wyaara old aad. tbanfon, aaable
to aalltt.
There ita eborch beU toEalt Uka
Olty. UUb, whleh aaamitobara ape*
filar efleet oa doya Oa Saaday men
k«, M eooa u the bell badn te rlay.
tbe nalBM witbla baarlaf diataaf
aun la alayle die for tba chareb. la
froot of whieb they keep ap a bowUoir
font aatll tbe bell atou riaplaff.
Ke other bell ia tbe elty bu the ume
dt Bad Lake, MUa.. a larfafon it
telay armed la aatleipatlm of tmobla
with the Blaakat ladlaaa aemi tbe
laka They werji yina aatll lut
Thanday to dealet fa tkalr wardaaea.
U WM rnmerad that a member of tbe
tedlaapollM fomkad bera ftredoa
»om ambaeb. It U feared tba CantOaBladlaai wuijola the Btaaketan
If koatUltlaa an opeaad.
TkaBaw York aaatfeal
Wl lUry'a B oadaryetay raftera at
uabf oo aeaoaat of tarriUa wftbar
oaparlapoad oa tka paauya tkithar.
Ska Bt. Mary>e left BawLoodoa.Oeaa.,
teaall. with too eadata. Wbf tkrf
teyaoat aka aaeaaatarad a cyeloea
vhiek aof prarwtad baadway, aad
tte nnal WH atrtppad of bar eaaeu,
feapt aaek m aaaMad hw to keep
akauaya way. A reakealay takf
ateend that tba akip bad ban blown
»0 mllu eat of bar eoana.
At Waakiaytoa. the qaartacmaetar'a
iaportmnl hu made ratateltloa for
pear 4,000 apparmtu te npply tbo
Beofo of tka OUaeu aapadlttf with
hf alnady plaoad erdan feratarllltan
ate dUtUllay plaaty wUeh wOl faralab
MayyrayaUofOt.SOOyallou of pare
•atar a day. The awrUiilny plaau
flU mate ts.OQO yallou of partabla
kratar par day. Tbcu wUl be bate on
land whan foal water aad aupleleae
wall water la meonatarad. The dk
ttlllay plaaU will fankb
a day aad oaa be need at Bead on tba
Birrnaaer BaaSlanV— Bata <a
BOl ■atraaadiarObMfap.
Taatfdar • <««• ^ ^ pottan at'
U PawBoa
Wild Weak
rtartad oat froai haw with aarf taa«
tebIUtkaeoa8trr-te*P*^*^ ^ tka
•hoik bora Aarnt trd. ThU soniac
drawntaau* wUl ataH oat. Tka
BXCUBsicnr xaia aftewmoow
OolanWawm IhkaLadUa aadCMd
raa to Se-ak-ta-waata.
Ite ataaaar OolasMa wCl na aaether popolar exenfolOB to Ka«k-tawaata tkto afiaraooafor iadlaa ^
eklldna. Tka boat will lean the dock
at 6 o’eloek aad after epaadlaf a abort
tlaa at the reton nura early lathe
aneiaf. Prot C. E. Hcm’i orcheetra
will be oo beard aad faraiah mule.
Ib 1b A. Oaartarly Xutiay.
.'bepMtoonedqaarterly mwUaj
U L. A. will be held la their parlota
next Batarday at t o'clock. A toll attaadaaee le aryently rcqauled.
Tbe deeoratlny ommittae will duorate the yraru of tbe deoeaeed membon of tbe Aeeoclatlsa on Batarday.
Jaly tl. after 4 p’eloek. aad they urn
aatly rwiout all mtmben to brlay
flowen 10 the Library roomi for tUe
parpou, before t o'clock, and aU who
esB to yo with tbe eommlttu to the
There aw la ilertnany 20.»!0 phySclan* for a toial c>oi'ula(loa of S2.23LU17. tnakins bq averaye of oof doctor
for. evrry Mt'i' loUablianu. KInce
IbS^ itac medical profnelon baa Incmeod hy C3 |H-r (-I'ui.. wlilk* tbe lacrease of ibo iiopolailoo durlay Uw
umc period baa Iwt-p atiout 11 tmrccnb
WaaU a Miracle?
"Taa Mamlow care of Mia. Eena J.
of ----------.
hu eruted
emMWB. 1ui n---- lad.,"
writu Marloo Stoart. a laadiay drayytet of Mabeia. lad. 8ba only welyhad
Mponadawbea her daoyhtar la \arktowauldabamaetaooadle. Tbeaaba
wueomplauiy cared." It bu cared
7 -rn Tnn <=b“n
After a thorough inventoo’oi Summer G(x^s*throughout the different departments. - jire were surpri^ at
the amount it involves to be carried ov^ not disposed this season. We invested rather heavy last spring, amiddating advance in prices, whereby we own our.«oods away belbw par. but it crowds our spacx. also hnandaliy in
consequence, We must unload without delay. Our gain is entirdy yours, as this sale embraces all up-to-date
summer goods which we place on sale today at our low net cost, and in many instances below. Our last sale dem
onstrated to you that we advertise solid facts and when we announce a special sale it means bargains, and savings
in dollars and ccpto.. At this sale it will pay you to supply your immediate and future wants. Here we state a few
of the roa^iy items reduced through the store.
$10.00 $10.00
Tbe eveot of tbe season. An'onmercifiil slashini; of primo.
Our .sntlrs stock of lAEN’S SUITe ARl) OVEBOOATS, consUtiDK only of tbe liifbt colors anil light weiehts.
Prices ranging up to $18. Choioe for this Sals at $10.00.
l.OCO Children's Saits, strictly up-to-date, cousistiug of Vestee Snits, from H to 8 years of age. 2 piece and 3 piece Suits,
manoish styles, op to !'• years of age; all go without reeen-e at
a discount of 25 per cent.
Choice oi dnr entire slxk of Bii^cle Suits at $3.98.
Fine Fancy Madras Soft SliirU, detachable cuffs. $1.00
quality, reduced to............................................................
Ex^ Quality Fancy Percale Dreas Shirts, detachable
'^enffs, $1.00 quality, reduced to................-.....................
Fancy Silk Bosom Shirts, $1.25 quality, reduced to..........
Fancy Silk Bosom Shirts, 75c quality reduced
rc '
Percale, 30c
A lot of
Color .Negligee _____
Shirts.. best
[Uklity, reduced
redneet’ to............................................... S9o
A lot of Men’s Orsy mmer Underwear, to close, per suit
O. Johaef-edrayetora.___________
Woodbine CoHage
PhisutRooins. Shalt Uwi.
sn state Stnek
VrrAXTCD AT OHCa-Oeok at lAS*»iBW
W bbbm. nk RAptdB. BieBBW,-,,^
paid. AeplrsttkiBoOe*. ___________
Twenty-ive per cent, discount on all Straw Hats, and the tojnalniag light color Fedoraa.
Onr entire stock of 30c quality Summer Capa, reduced to. 39o
All 75c Shirt Waists reduced
to-:................. ........................ ...................
.A^Il $1.00 Shirt Waists reduced
All S1.50 Shirt Waists reduced
to •;.............................................................
All S1.75 and $2/» Shirt Waists reduced
All $2.25 and $2.50 Shirt Waists'reduced
65c and 75c Ladies' Neckwear reduced
Si.35 Ladies’ Neckwear r^u^ -.......... “3
$2.25 Ladi«’ Ncckw^ reduiid’......... ... "
S1.50 Fine Fancy L^wn Fronts reduced
$2.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
Ssxx) Fine Fancy Lawn Silk Fraite redii^'
25c Fancy Embroidered Bow 'Ties n^uced
to 15c or 2 for...........................................
$1.00 Ladies’Neckwear reduced •
rpo UKT-Thc** b*4f«ea* aU b >UUB<
A mw faratabed Aad cdBlrAllr tOFAM.
' '
39c Entire stock Ladies Fancy Hose
Reduced to 39c.
of IOC Fancy Fringe Ribbon reduced
to.................................................... ............
39c A Soc,
Lot of Fancy Ribboiv former prices 45c and
reduced to per yard................................ 26c
A Lot of Best Quality Fancy Ribbon, former
prices up to 75c, reduced
Figured China and Satin striped Silks, our
’jced to
price 35c and 39c. reduc
'All Silk Plaids, all silk Dresdens. our price
75c. reduced................................................
Brocade Silk and up-to-date Foulards, our
‘ price 75c,reduced to...........................
Extra heavy Fancy Taffetas. In stripes and
checks, Fancy Brocades and extra quality
• Foulards, our price, $1; reduced.............
Fanw Silk Muslins,Silk Ginghams and French
Pique, our price. 50c: induced..................
A Lot of Organdies, price 5c. reduced
‘rcB. AddrMseiraBCoedBt.
All 35c and 45c Shirt Wais^'reduced
All S3.00 Shirt Waists reduced
rpo aajrr-TBr** qall* «ool leml*li»d rt
± toceaiAtaoaiAWBtnn
A Xom Boelal.
Tba Eeyal Oliela wilt yin a '-mam"
aodaltklaaTralayat KMtayaa ball.
TieteU laelBdlay in emm aad cake
arill be 10 oaate, with faa for tka anatey yaaraataad. A batten nwlay
amuel tor the men aad a aaU drlriay
fBtut for tbe ladiu will afford a
abaaee for eome one to win a prise.
A lot of $2.00 and $2.2.> Udiea’ Fine. Vici Kid Shoes, to
A Lot of Rrgandies. former price lOc; re-
A lotlnJidirfBlLik Vid kid Welisbi^^' *2,50' ■ qm**''*’
A Lot of of Dimities and Lawns, price 12c. reA lot of Dimities and Lawns, price 15c re-
k and Un taroed Oxfoida. tl 30 qnality, redoi
jADR— 0“» un*
. 98c
pOR BALa~t.AnCP bulldlBC, SBxM. AAd lire
Ud kK OB 8U etreet^to
Adeartleed Lettere.
PWIovtul.Ur U»ct
Ur TretrrM- Cllr >a*tV
lalBiac le
for Uic
or Irtlora
larai of the UW W.H 8BrhAB.Bd«-*r-> Rarlxir.
Mow* Hr* K II
ara*n Hn Eilrn
anoU Abb
Va. tlSautB «T**u Hr*, r. C. Dnwend WT-tl
HcAJplBB BallM
k.>>Bt*a4 MertlB
ssris' ' SvF
1 east doe oa eac^ adnr^ei^ttw.
Appl; te K*.Ab-
yard...................................................................... 69c
quality, reduced to.....................................
Yard wide extra, heavy Percale, worth loc.our
price, to close................................ .
Fancy Pique, 15c quality, reduced
• ^
Fancy Pique', 25c quality, reduced
Itel 50c ™d 60c q|»lit, reduced to. per double roll.... Mo
AddirSr 10 f«r mob'di«TOu't oD’enlir.' «iW'of wji
grsTLtKo Yoca^b
»«pA«5ru£5^-lSrk *Ce'TibLoru»»
biA. PbilA .Pa.
To cl^ the rem8Lmnesto<.k of Ladies’ Saits, np to
One lot Vf'Uditeiand
Mow'e Thta-r
Wa offer oaa hmadrad doUara merard
' lor aay eue of utank that eaaaet be
•arad by BaUb Oatarrb eara.
f. i. Ohaaey A Oo., Toledo, O.
We, the ateorelyaad, ban known 1
1 OheMy for tba lut is yean, and b.
ten him pariufly hoaonblc la all
tetlaau maaaetlow aad flaaaelally
ablatoearryoaia^y obllyaUaaaAada
VnAXTXO- Ov * verb or euBlu bfCbrUt.
pwa^AU^ KKMAHO^^i^BOrth % of
$1.00 Parasols reduced
$2.50 Parasols reduced
RAnbAa-a Blare. Pladcr. te** at Ula
9* e« AbT kUd IB atet
bByaliona*. lot or
•>$4.50 and $5.00 Parasols reduced
t tna Priunc per
bottle.' Sold by all drayytote.
«e to S. 7«BME.tht Qomu baktr
At 41S Bfth Union etrut for b«f
Sermaa watu nUe ate baUay ^aU
kiadeatO ebkmk la ^
Cbawfke. apple oake aad oofloa
eatetwUeawtte, Wadaeed*yaaal
auacs B. PbsaiiaS.
One W o^diM’Md Miaa^-'to'$8.M^
$3xn Parasols reduced
Hall<n&tarrb';can laI takaa Intar-
ntoM op'^'$1.60.
AOBlHU-CaUed Car. eleabed
___ ...Aired. SAtUfAcUAB cBArAAtrd.
lr*BB Uoi Se. Cltj.
Choice of our entire lot d Cbiidnn’BJKlUlm'npui, '$5.6o
• “
UtLe 'Bo&tojOL S'box’e
GhXEbss BXoolc
Fi?oxL-b S-t3?ee-t
Wftk hmi bat.
ndlirbf Oe b^m be-
M kA r««.
4»i< t» a* •*««*« *^ ^*
1^1 I M lirft
July ia tbe acrentb i
hb oeriety ao I
' •sSS^E?”** *
tk> Mb •« ««W
M Am ■• M> «a «t t«*v
V« «M tkv
nwy ware both nahappy. for
___________ aarts they knew that they wen
all the world to eatb other.
ee Peter’s
that Eve____________________
_ . 4 It.
was isabas. aad when they met nerm
tsttea of ttmen nnd aenaoon, and tt
VM tbe flfteeotb day of tbe •crartb
■Mttb that tbe cMtdmi of Israel t
thm. 'torblcb could be carried fo- tree
BoMb may sot bare corresponde
to oak tbe voten o^tbe coonDT to o
rime to oar Aoventb motitli. yet b tbe
example they set a moat escrilMt one.
To tw am*, it voold tie qtflto ont of tbe
aad to n-eleci
t It tn control bf
Ptealdeat McEJntoy.
Tbe nautts wbleb have fcfltowed tbe
to the admlnbtiatkm of the OUted
Btazca bare not been acridentaL A
kdm teamaaily the sabjm of maUdona
from the. eondlUoot arblnc t^om
war wtth Spain, no one will dhqntto
ST Ajmia ysov.
A vuty «t ro*uK drif M( is th* psrler «« Mr. <3tlr^‘» w»s b>i«* ooe SrptMbtr >fT"‘"f uikiss ow tb* pm ct
the pta<*: Erriyb Osir«. Mr. Claim’s
•sir rUld. vsa tbr brtlr of tbe UtU«
tsvs. ysuofc rb-t. b«iitlfoI s^ c1pt».
_» ^ brra atersl
(»» oTber friend* bad ralM u> vaiootne
Im borriUr dbU dBrtax
yaar abaiw*. dear Errim.** aald Gram
Larta*. ''•ai are orer^red at barinc
jpp back acaU. And a* for ronr deroted Howard WeMatondand, be wa* la
iiMiMBr* BO dlatreaiaclr Use that
u to keep op his
___ ____________ ______ot to tell yoo," said
Uttie Once Wnrtoa. ‘of oar new Melety
' ' n. A yooDC attornej at law has
- «e*ne to tows and baaf out Us aUnfle
and baa already aaeartd qidte a pra^
•*Wbo Is bar asked Erelyt
- . d. rite
rf»e could
r. atthoo^ encafed.
sot re« tbe proapeqt of a flirtation a
gbd for new Uart« to conquer with a*
meb skill at asy flsbrmso for Us
booty. “Of conme.- the ronduned. “be
is SOM* one yonsf. rich and ialcuird.“
“No," replied Grate: “be poaaeaaibot two of your cequlremeot*. belbf
pareoaally plain and pour bat youtif and
takated. If be sonerdk.'be will U >!•
Moat mlirel)' vU S»de. a* hit falber*#
efaroMaacet were otteb that be cottU
only sopply a part of tbe atoary for
adacatUa. aad he was obUfed to tr
aAool to oecere the real.''
“A pcodify." aaU Brelyn. 'Pray, loU
■a Ui 'aBBe.“
“Peter Uriah Orab.“ oald Gi
Evelyn looked at her la aat
taWac bee bands os If home strickn.
Toa are fooHiuc ae.'' sbr said, “for you
cannot laeaa what yon aay."
laM I do." mU Grace, •nbat b bit
“W^t evil fealBS. I wonder, prMided
orrr Us Urtbr' said Erelya acantnliy■ “SwA a nane b eaoufh to nila bis pruspecta. It U really nanseaUni. Ila, ba.
bt! Imafiae aoy womas beisf wUUnf
tn BMrry a mas with saeb a nami-: Pe
ter fa l«d cnouab, but to wdd Uriah to
the nsronuiDtic- name of Grub!
It It
rimply borrlUle! It 1 lured a nan with
oacb a name. I wotdd not marry him.
Tbcre abuuld lie a Uw to ibvrent par; tbelr cWiaren •« "
Grace. “I bar«
« name b bot i
“ one; nellbrr b Mr. Grub a faacy mao.
He b a acuslUe, food fellow, who challeafoa mqirct and who, the rider c
here prophesy, will make bb mark,
was aatmil for hb fsther, I'rier, as
erileot mail, and UrUb. after an uach.
BlUsteT of food Btandlnf. They aay be
U quite pnMHi of tbe food old name aad
aaUaaa to add frMb laureb to it."
•nrou oeem qnlu laterestod la Urn,"
oald Evelyn.
e mbiakea," Mid Grace. "
I tbe iBfurmatloa
have tvcilrcd from k correct aource, and
if I bad deoifui on Un they woold ntraU
Mtblof after be met yott."
“Utile flatterer." replied tbe apoDed
bMuty. looklnx compiaceBtiy at berarif
la an opposite mirror. “You always sec
your Mends tbruufh tbe rainbow tinted
CSfvd property, of eonne tbe aub)ect
falb to be InleresUof. as I am expectlac to bear ibrourb toy fstnin Ufe tba
dhrilnfubbedMundlBC name of Mrs.
Howard Westmorriaud. 1 often wonder
wbldi attracted me meet. Howard's
bandaome fare or Ua beautiful ncme. I
tell y^ Uria. there b a creat deal In a
“1 think." persisted Oi. .
has an Ufly name be can ao ennoble it
that people wUl admbv it ao macb on aeconut of bb foodncM or MratBoaa that
it will cease to be an oUmIob to It*
•srner. Ot eonrte, there Is. at yon Hy.
as<A b a name. It It b a flood, riaan
"^idMd*- aald Erriyn csrrieMly.
I am not b an arfumentailre mood tU*
Of. BO I sill let yon bare'your own
______ e woman that be
through Afe otK^^a
Prter and Erriyn met freqaently b
At flrsc abe was dbpoaed to
amnoe berseif at hi* expense, but tbeew
was b tbe dlfUty of Us manner a power
wbbb awed and btprvsaed ber, and b
«pKv of Iwtnrif abe became btereatrd
aaa^admltvd him more than any man sba
- ^ war met before.
He waa a manly man,- with
Mr. Cbirr's coaniry
that tbe nation's affairs are far better
ted with daisies, tbe air
than they were under
was balmy aad frnctaai wlib tbe odor
admlplstratbn wbleb preceded tbeaf Moaaaaig
All aatnrv wa* ehawitag
rieetbn of McKtnley. All flnancbl and
Howard aad I^tar had bera belted to
bat* by.Bvriys-to meet bet yooag coosla. Edith Cbirv. Aa they Ml npoe the
Vsraad* b freet of her boose gutofl over the wldemweadbg bndsrapa
acta not of striken. but of starvlag
throagb whir* tbe river woond Uke a
and unerntdoyed men.
band of ailTcr aad ftom wUeb a roseate
Within two yean after
aflat was bring dbpersed
sed by tbe farigbt
McKinley was Inancmted all of tbe
mornbg son Erelya pn
■rapooed that they
idle of 189C were at work, ao much oo
aboold uke e raw upon
n the
_ rtrer.
Tbe party.was gay. tbe air firsb,
that b the strikes of IPOD tt to not poabHgbcenbg tbrir aplrits.
I'etrr rowed
slUe tor empbyera of Ubor to fill tba
while Howard assisted tbe ladies to gath
plscfs of men going out on scrlkab
er water Ulea, with wUeb tbe morgb af
Never before bare striken bad ao
A nAxxa OMa-xa.
tbe river was filled.
Howard was reckisM aad from rime to ‘ooMtloD for moat of os to foraake tbe many vietorlen over employers, and
never beforv bat* employen been «
rime raised np b tbe bMt to poll Uw four waUa wbirb /have |>rot<>cted
able to meet the demands of the atrikflowers toward Um with hU cane. Pe
from tbe day of joor \ilrth and tp>
ter arced Um to be earvfol nr be would
era. In every line of empbyment of
to resldi' In a ti-nt and under tbe open
npavt (be boat, and Erelyn also remoab>M>r there has been an advance in
atntrd with him. He became angry and aky. and If we did au there woulil U- a wagei more than equal to the advance
In order to annoy Peter persisted In gri- flne harvest of imeumonb and mabria, In tbe cost of living producta.
ting np to reach for tbe flowers, when Us but as noon tu> tbu warm, drj- weather
It to DOW aivn that production baa
foot caught, B
be fell, nparitlag tbem b actually estnhllslred w«- should niter
run huyund the limits of demaud In
all la tbe water.
oar mode of UvinR from that which
many lines, and this will adjust Itmdf
abalbw. aad Bdltb
we followed whe-n frost and cold reliniby lower pricen In 1001 than to ItlOO.
tba two yeonr men. with the aid of
ad in the land. '
rirer grai^ sneceeded b wading to the
The adit^ment has t»een going on for
City ]N<<i|ile have a |•re(Iy bard time
oborr. When they reached it. to thrir
three mdnlhs. and now irrlces In all
horror they foond that Evelyn bad been obtaining the air and suiillKhi which lines of Iron juatrrbls are ^cr than
bone ont bto tbe airaag current b fba they should have In summer time. Yet In IKKi. One year ago the trosta nnd
middle of tbe rtrer.
even In the city man tiilgbt lie more
Urge nianufaeturm advanced priora.
“Bare ber! Ob. stre herT cried the dis comfortable than he Is If he would
and when they got Is-yoDd rcaaoiiaUe
tracted Edith, orixing Howard's i
“She will drownr
He stood a moment, then Mid; “I
cent buildlDK- r apartmoDts arcUtoctii
obonJd only Hale my own life. But are.
thus leariH'd that ilu'y oaunoi maintain
there b Jim Brawn gring b Us boat to
unn-asnnaiile prices by strqiplDg iirofloh. He 1* a flood swimmrw. 1 will flo
duetiun. Thi-y hat e uls<> learned that
and «et Mm to flet bev as she la carried the ugly but nee<-sMry fire vscniw. One they can run their plants to full capac
toward blm by the cnrmL"
ity if the prlnvi of their cutumodltlcs
"Oh.“ said Editb “abe wlU be dead by
are ri‘asuna)>le.
tUt Ume. aad if jm lore ber Mva beer*
I from the soconil to the top
Tbe tariff fur pnitectlon exoludei the
Bot abe spoke to empty air. tor How
ard bad darted forward like
I ami
from It* bow.
la tbe meantime Peter bad apronc bto caousb to hold ateamer olialra..]arillAfter
tbe water aad bad seised ErHyn as Jmt tflercB aad even small tahh-s.
raw lunterials at thi‘ lowest
bead appeared tbe aerond time above tbe aiwdowii the tuah- headt of tin- rarinns price*
lee* ill any market In the world. The
water and
booaebolds which inbabtt the hulldiDR
Am<Tleuii nni'liniilc I* today without a
ly to abore.
reaort to these Imlconles to smoke,
suiH-Mor on earth.
He doe* ont-thlrd
When EdKh I
nbab Mfeiy nrfaUe the ladUw In tl>elr light summer
niur<> work in h day of eight hour* than
flowtin enj<iy tltere whatever btvexo
the' men of lii* trade In any luirt of Euthere may Im> aflont ami sip lemunade
Peter stood fur a moment apoa tbe riv
rop<'. and he doea it better,
lie to'
er bank to rent, with Us precious burden or feed tea.
tberefon- elimii-O tu (ilM-lhlnl Mglu.v
In the country nut of dn<ir living Is
b Ut arms. Be draw Ur bead doorir
wnge* thnii are paid In Kuru|iean eoutito Us breast. He rubbril ber forah.-*d easy, for It Is a queer eotiage that
trle* whh-b tt<ilild Uke to CniulH-te With
and temples.
“Evelyn.” he wbisperad.
US for uur home market. An lueivaso
bending over her. Tbe call had a ma^
U effect. She opened her eyes as a flaw - whether, wi<le or narrow, n eomer neat of WBp “ lu Alm-rh-an enipl.iyee* dues
ct turns to the light then ebsod them tneh a* 1* shown in the illustrutinn 1* not mean an liien aw to yond reaMnahh- limit* III itrira-K ehargetl tbe coneoDVeniont As will 1h- seen, Jhe
“You are Mvrd! Oh. my lore, my dar
suDii r. The rule I* <-<iiiiing-tu Is- underling! kty God. I tbsnk tbevr' Hr frit atruetlen Is of tt*e slmplt>sl niiil Is quite kIikh] that wae<-« and )>rie<-H must be
her lim close to his nnd her bn-ath within the scope of the Imiiie e«rp.-n. tvasunnhie If thu'pnidi
against his ebeeks a* in ngony be imot ter. Thin iiialtresses of ezei-lslor
noia. nml llii* nil.-’ Is In-lng
orra ber. He was strongly tempted to cotton nre mailo to fit iheM-nt nml i
applied nnd iidjuslisl
iidjustid l«-twe«-n
kb* iboae tempting lips, but he contralh-d eovensl with denim. Tltew- nre taken
blmselr. for be would not take adrdncoce In on-’nilny flays anil nl night so iliiit er* nnd eiu|>lo.vi-<-M. In no |H-riod of our
of ber briplesanes* or trespass oo tbu they ^ may nut Iiecome Iniinvgiinted Usturv- lin* it* iinirrii Isvii so rapid'or
IflhU of another.
so mnrkixi ns imihT tlii- .ndmtnlstration
The HexlgnSbo opened
ber eye* again, and wimn
of McKinley. Why!
she found her
iier bead resting on the bnwst
breast W. In which appi-ara the sketch.
No man w)k> ever filled the presiden
1 sU
ot tbe man
abe ao fondly bred abe would
tial ottitv hn* had s>i broad an experirhae tbem agab. hut she tried
Carrant Jalvp.
fab have ebaed
enev In the ■■eoiiunilr qu<-*lluns of labor
her strength aad said:
_____ _________
“1 dm
Mash a pint of rurrants. add a pint
and Its prtslurt* as has Mr. McKinley.
qalle wriL t ran go now." Bot her tUm of water and ruh through a sieve, then
For 3!i yi-ar* lie Im* watched nnd stud
was weak.
otratn thrmigh elie<>se<-Ioth. Su-t-on Ice
ied these .pi.-Kjlim*. and a* |uv«ldi-nt hv^
He frit, however, that abe was still exto ebllL Take aome tnll, thin glai
bansied and rarriad Uv b bb strong
ha* shaixsl <*. far u* he could all re
put crushed lee tn tbe iMittom <if each
arm* to tbe boose.
sult* to the inds of justice between
Sboftly afterward Evriya wrote to and three cul>es of sugar. Line with empluyi-e. emplayer and eoiisuuier of
Howard toeaking off tbelr engne-ment. trader mint stalks just tall enough to mnnufacturi.il pnHlueis.
Years ago
He ws* both Indignant and humiliated come well alsive the hrini all ntviind
he saw- Ilmt we w<^r<■ gradually ehnngand noon nflcr bfi (or an extended tour the ««dgi-s.
PInee three rljw rnsii!>erliig-frum an agricullur:il to a luanufacabroad.
rles erusb<<d
turlng iieiitdi'. lb' saw that w<^ iqiist
Mr. Claire, wbo had prerlpusir treated ar. titen fill
adjust our legislation to ni<*'t the comPeter with tbe bdifferant poUlene*. be
Inch of llu‘ tup witli llie Iced currant
did Evriyn'e aumerao* genlbman fri.od*.
.‘h-rve with straws tied with
Binra be raved ber life o«Twb«-lmed blm water,
with attaarions and was Uesard to are narrow ribbons of green nnd pink.—
ber eocourage bU suit, for Peter, when
‘ bis characier...................................... ................ ... seenrv the ob^ of Ml
»ben be pro-
Borion i'ooklug SelsMl Magaxlue.
•vrvtoMtble Wash Drvsaca.
Two simple and bu-xponslve go'
TheretonotaatatotattiFtlnieatoflarT aaM Stoiator Lodge to bla •pMch
txafle against pratectkNi.” TbevetonoC
a me trafler in the cmmtxy wbo poa-
ciMtimanded to tire for aevm dqya tn
bootba mnde «f «<«« boosbn tad
low branebea.
tbelr ocvcotb
M «lwr M bt taMA a* gw
•Mb «M
^ a. An.
V«w DiacoTery for BloodpofBonlng.
of the general utility urd<-r are shown
“My darling.” raid Peter, “dearly as I
In the rut.. One cosniuic is made of
bve you 1 want you to coDalder sreU be
OF SEVEN CURBS, the Hreat Oaneer
fore accepting me. If tltera b b your atrlp«d Miceti drill In navy blue, hutch- remady. and tor all dlaeaaea of tbe skin
heart tbe riightest affeetton for Howard.
mud blood, from Oootact and Sceoadary
Bemember be U rich and handsome, while
1 am poor and )>bln. with my war to
make In tbs werid. and It is better for me
to anSer now than to have any misnnderauadlng oe future regrets: tbevefece I
bsaeech yon to cgoslder well tbe Impor
tance of your anawnr."
"Petsr," she Mid. "1 hare well raaridend It. 1 love you dearly, a£d with a
man Uke yon 1 would be happy anywhme
I ws* cuarlnrad before tbe accident at
tbe riror that I never loved Um. It was
a mere fanry. which bla caodnet then
turned to eoattrapt. A waman deaptaes a
cowardly man. tor when abe marries tbe
wanb a protector. Poor Howard." sbe
eootioaad. “wouldn't make a soldier, for
le woold be asre to be
Aa ftanator Lodge said fnitber on In
bto apevefc. “never waa a pohey
fully Juatlfled by tta works" than our
toriff policy. And It boa been jHUfled.
In every sute in tbe Gnlon and la ev
ery sectfcm of every otate.' Tbe more
wily of tbe free traden ore by raising
ride toauM kttempring to make the pom
flumi) MOLL—putiu> wnrrx muiut.
arttoe or bolbnd with narrow wUto
atrtpra.. The pretty dress of whit*
■potted moalln b lined with pale pink
battoto and ornamented m1tb tucks and
toee fnacrtlooa on the bodice. There
a wUe flounce of mualln at tbe foot of
th* iklit. wtth lace at tbe edge.
Tarietr In Bnl
tbC rartooi fanclea b bale-
flWMtnc doea norregolre tbe balr to be
waved. It b formed Into large HBoace
cfltts or inarteaox above tb-face, mu
marie aaihttba. H* eaxvd Bttb far so
wither were worn la the carty part
cial iwomloiare. bb aim Wag to make
bb mask b the great aCabs of life. Ha toportoa. Once wbca be beard that Mr. tbe century. Tbe center marteanx b
■MS bacaam attracted toward Evriya. FtageeaU. scrieca oenlist to tbe qoera murii loBfler than the otbera and dewlam ba fnaad pamiMsd of a aobb aa- to IniMd. waa paybg a baDdoy vWt to •eenda to almoA between tbe eye^vMcbwaaaqaaltaflraatrapM- ma»M. ba pramptly lemaifcad. "HdV towws. Smootta and friooay hair beanH».bat Wham flaadaoM had bam mm- •ad a_cttaM Iton that ba an*t ta- iMC bto Taabbo. l I tbe triMM ai»
MHMMi If-Mb ■ritra Abb
b’^uStJa ^ufw^,
.... .
Wltb a rampant free trader like Bry
an. bowover. pitted against rresldcnt
McKttfley. wbo to and for long lias
been tbe very bead and front of Amcrthe continuance of
our protccrin- policy to Just as much at
■take a* if there were no other Issue
before tbe country. As the peopU of
tbe country value tbelr domfort and
proriwflty they want to make no mis
take gbont IbatYecl
the rtabastS BllL
Doneat crillctom of the blU for tbe
protK-tlon of the At
marine to wrieonied by Its advocetM.
but rvekless mtorepreoeulatlon seems
to be the practice of tbe organa that
Here. Tor liudancc. to tbe Uoaton
Boat d.Tlarlng that "th.- Standard OU
fleet and tbu Auicriean line, owned
time." Calm
8 B Walt
A Great DiaooTery lor Oanoflff
WiNDBoa, Oirr.. Jaa: tt, itw.
Dr. 0. D. Wanor. Dsar Sir:—1 have
ufcd vourCompoaad of Bavau Ouraa.
Uayraat raxmareora aud blood pvtfler. with ezeellMt ramlla. 1 4oeM
beallate to iwaomowad U for lha wpooM tor whieb It to Mod. Ha oSwto
are in a abort timaao Maalfari that It
MM^faU toflivatba gruataat aatto-
mainly by tbu Standard Oil uiagnattvi.
will take about hi per e>-itt of tbe boun
ty pravld.-d l>y this bill.” This to sbaunl. Theiitnndnril on tank stcamrra
could pot |M*<*ihty earn more than gtfiL1D4 la subsidy out of the g0.000.000
E. S. oimpbillr t Boat
win have thalr oAm Ib tbe hard*,
war* atore o( W. J. Hobha harouflor.
wbera all thoae bavlag bualaou with
flag* and eheaii labur<ipd not come un
the Arm can call upon thaaa. OM tf
der the star* and rirlp>-s at nil. Aa to
the American Hue. tta four fast shl]M'
will earn alwut $I..1UO.OUU a year, and
feraal* by the W. W. Kimball .Oo.
the autuunt that can bv paid to such
ships to exprassly limited by tbe bill to
Bt. V. J. AmIw OnntiTi FriHitn
g2,UU(k«iO.- liorion Journal.
WrKlBler auS fl
lulttlenl inriy hns ever met under
such favurnble clroum*tBun>a aa did
tto- Itepubllrun imlluwfl couveutioD In
Philadelphia. Tin- unanimous uouilnariofi.^ Isdh raiidhlates fur the otUers
e pTmitW-ut was t
pri'ced.-nti'd. Mr. McKinley lia* earned
and well dewrv.-* the «-..miillnil-nt. Thu
of tlh- .-t.utitry under his adon alone meilta It wIIlKAUt
taking intu'ruliHlderatloii Li* abb- eotiduet of our affairs of stab- during the
war wtth Spain. Tln-rt- «va* a nutalde
differeiitv bi-lw«*>n tba- harmony of the
ItepaMIrun tarty at 8t. Ia»uI* In tbe
r.mv.-iitl..n of l>C«t ami at Philadel
last nnmth ev.-ry IC<-pnhli<-an
wa* working f..r tl*- *lruiig.-*t ticket,
mid th«-r«- wa* a uimulmou* vertllct for
MeKiiil.-y mill Ki*.».-«elt. The latter
lias .>ll■h■n^>sl hliiiM-ir t» the |*-.i|>le iiy
III* clean and buiK'st sdminbitrullun of
Mlli-h pulilie I'nhs-* as Ih- ha* ht-ld B*
well a* liy liN bravery In i'ulta. TlH-y
T\«. a a MIVOK.^raMaa aad aargara
U O^PrMdilaaatek.DararalflaiaaU*
a w. g. a w. a ■
«*■•>*> »et.i
I C. UILBBUT. Sinraaf.
art- Isjtli strung <-auai«late* itulitically
h as thi-cniiiiwigu pn
(o«p.B>. 'fiitohMi.n.
The first 11 moD|lt* of Ihl* fisol yi-ai
viir total cX|xjrt* auiuuuusl l»
Sl-I.r*i4. an l(KT\-n»- of >iu|.s.'..-irdi
over the cx]K>rtH Id the cum-K|*>ndlug
a/pts. Da BoanrTBaL-TBoiifuoM; orioa
XKl uBstam la Vtacb rrtesrtvli'aae* UiMk.
pbM*. NorCierti -phoD* ■
a ruooo, r
11 mouths of IKTJ.
ight Nortaeru 'pk
Bacteria ■•■tig BearSelal.
A magazine (b-vuie.1 to si-leiitiflc top
ic* remark* that ilie liarterlum liaf
SomethlDg else tu do 111 the
of iiBlure tlian In originating maiadle*.
It 1* true that liu-y are oiKTratlng In
Innumerable dln-eUons, bm the
ber that are asms-iatod with dlai-as*
arc very few. and even thenc few. if
the auluinl Im- bealtliy. a>\- digested
hy the gastric jiil<*- a* .-asily as would
T B. HASTIN. Pk7*iv>**
*arai«a. Ol
k|. LvaioUUrMT.BatUlaa.iBalipaaa*
Oer. Ko W: roldrsra. No TlgNonSora pi
—oOW *n4 PMMeue*. H*. 71.;
* I
TYIC. A } NOCTTT V*t*rtaa*T. anroMa. al
U ■ Uorxsu .tUro TraaUi *l—a*ra af al
TNB rawi Ttl.T. Vrtenuary HurgMa aM
u> t^i-*DraBaam>erB(aa
“ooO bsraiii VoanMUoa lev faUraU.
Call* Irft at UroShacra'* tv ■has*'* aaH
naiiln vUl w uraapUr aiwaSvU to. Neno•ra pkoo*. oatrr III. Yrtag*: Nertam pMa*
and Itapp*-
. .
________ _______ _ forget tboae foolish
speeches of mine. My heart, t aarate
you. reproached me tba momrik afur
bfsut fm the flippant dnde. Howntd they were uttered."
Weatmotebiri. wbo was Mtbfled to lira
"1 win. darting, for t am eoortoced that
at bb fatbm'a expenae and whose great- yen ara gtviag me aa aofllvMed heart—
oat amhMoo stm to excel b society. AJ- that yon love me."
thoggb Erelja bad sever realty bred
“■With my entire heart. Peter."
Urn. be bad pleaaed ber romantic taitr.
Then." be said, gearing her fooflly tn
aad rite waa proud of bb attracthe per Us beast "be mh)e. dariiag, and cesne
aeaaUty. After bar augagement aad b what may we wm ba happy.”—Kentabb Bodety, when abe wa* mo
asaoeiatsd sHtb Um. she berkme
^am WMried oat ^srteb bb tbs
MtMtloa aad triAtag character.
TWe was a greet cootrust
Mb aad Peter. Ibe Utter wa* rlgorowk
bMhlna. all Ufa. with a bigb toacd. boa- «neaa aa Good Friday, at tbe Vbetvcal
' o
of (be couD^ forgri or overlook
fact tbat tbe’tariff tosne to tnvelred
la tbfrcomlng presidential riecrios.
Peter Criab Grabr
I hsT« porebased the flne bTed Ooseb StnlUon Honere,
imported from France by M. W. Donbnm of Wnyne, lUn.,
the lu^eet Importer in Americn.
Tbe tact that the liorM WEB imported by X. W. Don*
bamUa^aaranteethatheiaaflood oiia Said horse U a
flne indiTidoal, bright bay, IS hands high, weight 1,360,
flne carriage, a great roadster.
Honere oomae fkem one of the beet Ikmilles of coach
vee erer imported. .1 have hie pedigree with-fhe eael of
France etteehed, whidi will take too'mnob Epace to pub
Ire at my bam for the balenoe of tbe • —
eon. and fttr the pnipoee efintrodnelBg him terms
eeewn wiU be fllfl.oa Wffl be hare a^ July 80Ch-
Bail. tvlApkooHNo. tot.
nsNO T|-NIN(i-J.W.
Iioffolo. r*t> S. IKR. Spwla) »uaBUoa riraa
to epraatlve *aiTi«v aoS dlMooM pwaHor la
tke *t«HBarii dwra 'aa* ra«Ma*ra XtS Bay
u At tiom Ires I ta lOa. w.^4 (raw I
yfa»i;_yyNa.^ Nra^ r
ariaa BCB0P>XLDW 4r*ra ■aU*« pariara
ML «) aosta Ualoa surat Brit ptor HP.
Fuetil Binetn.
' p--— at4MSeuia Datoa■naat.
KenkraaPhsM■*.*«*. BrilPbsaam
Uneeda Rest”
«Uneeda Beet" OoCtagb
taaMtawsaiwx^g™^ nn.Y »■ ww.
•jsnssnt aB^S5gS^S£g
Moomh aad rroan paddlasa an daUebMB dtann dravta and karc ttv
admiaye af belac «ally Bade, atya
the New Totk TrfboDe.
Fbr coffee wnaev beat tocetber la a
doable boiler 1% eopfole of angar aad
I't eapfida of strong coffee. When tka
BMar is dlsKHeed. add the yolks at atx
ecss sad sUr tbe mixture ootH it be.
gins to tblcfcen. wbm It mast be reamred qolcUy and attmd aatU «otd.
prhipped nntU It ts diy.
mold and pat on tbe corer. To pcercat
salt water from enterlnc paste a strip
of battered paper around tbe edgr.
1‘ack It to cracked Ice aad salt so that
It it conpletelr bitiM and leore It for
four boura. Wben rend}- to
plnugv tbn form qnlckljr Into bot water
and tarn It on to a idatc.
Tbe rale given above may be rarled
for different frulta and Oarorlnpu
vanilla Is wanted, use only 000 cup of
sucar andaulwtltoto water for tbe cof
fee. adding ta*u leaspo<infuls of vanlUa
extract wbfa tbe whipped cream la
mixed wllb tbe castard.
aanaa jat 0 cot Ilk aaotnoa.
____________ i'i
S5SrA»fesi:E .'
U»nt ■■m
ftoflM awwtK. inr Ifyr ^ CT»
Qytft^ tlw (Mv <
Moaad IfAlte’
TtOMM aty. mkk^ JoaoM. im
jssSKitS. iL
•‘X'n* toodpiMk «oik«o
tletkA.oadl«~t. MhV «MU*
o< Mid lot •.RMMhiUy
loiMSMMkU. U« y<yf «i< ^ UoJkt. QnMh.U7AOD%l>t addlW
CtoWMU «r ite Cttv »/ 9VtMm CVy<
p<ach frosen puddlnc iiioy Im* made by
maiddniC tbe trait, addtnx to it two
cupfuls of powdered »URnr to evetr
qturt and folding In carefnlty one
qtmrt of creapi \vhlpiN<<I. Fill It Into a
aaaaaB tar a cot lal aua piv.
ip^d. put on (lx- cot-er. Insun- lu soft'iate.bih»............................. .............
ty from mil n-ster by iwstInR a strip
oooaaRa’a ird aonmoa.
of button'd iiaiNtf over tbe fUDctore
and jw(k In Ice and salt for foor bours.
If plmwpplr is used. It sb<iuld be
ped very fltx-. cove/»M wlih the sugar
aud all<iwe<l to stand an bour or two
before tbe cream Is added to It.
LST a 00's Ird xoDmox..
Thi' frosen fruit imddUig may be
» li'd by using nin<-aroons instead of
fruit. Pry In tb<' oven a ludf pound of
auraaa i-ir 4 oo-'a »th adoitwM
mararoons nnd n>U Iboni flne. .\d<l
tb<.ni aittl a halt rupful of lowd
sugar to a quart of en-am whipped dry
BSXBka UT 4 00*4 4tb kPOmOK
and pack and freece as Is-fore.
~ • olptot.Tt«wf Otty.
________ , AldoTMo BMffcM U»i
MHlMnlkalMKoovIMiilai tkor«oloti»b«i
«|tty wwt.ilto o( Boa^l
Moon. Baatlafa.
tooad. Vricbt aad
mf cm taadnd
•aXUAM L4V «00'B 10th ADOtTIOX
tetk MTMlK a^d
fntto I
MBt »bMi W wM pv a4«^
_ _ Oatkatutdayof May.A. tauMto^wta.................................
d to te bidltU mmoHmm «rt»
a.~l«M. aad oa tka trd day of
MowSU*^ WHM» Oetekar, A. D., tm. tramata wara
■ ud wpfonl,o( «• daly lanad to tka olty traaaanr of tka
MtyofTnroraaOlty. forthaaoUM^
ofnwwtaaa lartadUaainr dlat^
■ Tbb Vwm or
r irZrMW^ktM^
llOToikT AMm
atnal trxm Waaklartoa
Tor tka
MpnaarlhadUtkaoarraat raUttn
k yortloa af oald aoM
taaaa van aetaoUaetad oaaaoqaa tot
laakOlty to aaaara aay yoada aad
tin apOT vhlab tka aama aoald taa
bydtatraM aad aala.
tiM «Mfd^ OdMO
Baaelrad. That tka feUowli« apn-
^ **T!^l!lLuTLftlir^pinj
yaar IMO
aadartkahaad o«8|
B^.to W
A Csraes rarer o»'
Pome of Hte iiKMit novel (-ffects of
fashion nn* ivpissu-nted In llie gnrden
Uue ground prtubol wKli a lace Vat'
mkmm j
raaxwooD AODirioa.
BAXUAU'I Srd Aounoit.
aAMBAa LAV 4 OO'S Otb AbUinoX
BAasAa lAT 4 OO'S ?th Anomox.
“ Sl.^Si'S.V'
OAX PAax AiiomoN
Moore. HasUng
lyoa. Bound. WrlghtM
aasaao ut « oo*a Bth .aooima.
^’~k,“a22T.-«.n «..
oboMfortod to tho
; (JM ifdvor <Md Ctiv
MAmmtM lJ. . oo*.. sth uumini.
i^mw- . i
®iii;:.. i
tothoMMtkot ta 1
laI tka Maat
MMl thkakly
r - '
ottha ally tkMo an aoM
yroMlan to tka latml aad Mala aotr.
ata. la aU of tk«a eaan UtHal aiid
Mia aawara ara prortdad aad Ota
aoMr nalM ara aeeMatUa to nid
araMtoai, 1 woaldadrtoa tkatfaa'
M^Moattka daagar laaaltt^ f
I ■■■■ttiro aaadltlaaa that aa M
ItIniMihairdiMnttMTCaM - '
tWanaMrow with tka awak--------earloMl kaaid of knUk aad tk^
karaacnod vltkMo that tUa aaM
MkatkoMMadaInklothlaf to da.
aitkm ha and-
PliiB.fir— PMp of y»aavM
Works be aathorti
.card of Fahlle Worl
aad laatracled to amiiploy a eompelL
tO'pnt tbe road
grader aad oUar maeblaaty In opera
MoUoe eairtad.
On BwUoa of Aldarvaa Haatlagi.
f. BicKxao,
City Clark,
Spaelal maatlnr of eity emmeU bald
la elty elarkk ofliea Jaly U, IMO,
Tka mayor tela* abaaat lbs praaldaat pro tam called tbs maatUMf to or
FTCaaat.Aldarmaa Moatagua. Boead.
HaaUaga. Boaghay, Moore aad Smith.
This maatlag bavlag beeo called for
Kvaaa BU1*b Wild WcM to exhibit la Tr*«araa City oa Aagaot trd. the i
i w«.
ne com OOP of tbe United States
was worth almost S8S,<K».000 mors
last year than la IflOS.
When people can affotd to bny potstoca. tbe turner gets better prleoa fer
tkom. That U tbe reason why laat
year's poUto crop was worth flOJWO.*
flOO mors tbaa tbe potato crop oC ISOfi.
Hand k« Aldarnaa Wrlykt that tka
Fbrmm wbo grow flax sboold reeolledt tbat tbs flax crop (ff tbe Unhed
Btatoi was woitb 100 per cest
meoey last year than la ISOS.
Oottoa gtowexs realised 972fi00M>
wun moaey fer tbslr enp ^ 7eu
tMa tiwy <Ud la ISBS. That was the
MSmaa^SathoPlkday of I
Nr.d.0., im. aa ordlaaanv
roaoM of opealag tbs mma.
a w. M. aatLVay 00.
VWvtwMttIhA yomiC room's aim
Man aad vomm don't noodtoaw^
clnbt to. fanak np homo eonenrd. A
taaer and awaspUhtongttowtll boqaito
M pSoetixa Saroann aad naSRlni: ara
totboaimorpboroof leva what sand filoa
and fleas an> to nimmw. Who wonld
not prefer aa ooeaaioual bnuifa with a
roaring Jnne trog to Um tornmit of a
you can't cat<4>?
•aiMvwy low.
TnhM.1 MoSi
incko anssT.
John R. Santo.
StHIll litnuM.
and tallow cni>'.ha. Tb<m
trir!. <if loyalty to osio’b
frlMdA Tbcronr«pl.mtyi
am put «
wbiofa. like
loea, bat 1
off to anit ci:
tb cnlasbra and knoo
not, wont out
bnckha. How mi
of tho words Roth
spoko ao long
friends shall bo my frio
all of
numbor sn callud frills
upon tho
are ready to tradnoc, nnchalleugodliyna,
tbo uoiDua of otbora for whom wo vow
jnal n-gard. It abonid bn as impoan oqnt
for us to listen to' n word of roibio fa
to uy tl
thing onrsolrea What dmts Um aenai.'
Uro plant do wbeuradutoneh approachM Ita bloosoms? Jastvhatwuslmulddo
wbon tho breath of acnuUal tooebea our
If loyalty is ont of* dato, ao la modasty. 1 do not allndo to thu modesty
that Vwonld Intorfora with n woman’s
plan to go half dressed into a Uwatex
box CF to apuhliomnptiou Ipaoatbat
by and taVu up liiu qu'wiion ool
such mud<«ty as kis-ps n young girl
fldont and prusirvua haalifuluw
hoy liku.tlnr blcsnn on n plum. "Bn is
grvnnf" yon aaynf sneh nnd soeh a mio.
HoiaAprill Wbowonld iio(]irnfer sucli
ithiiring blight
grutiim-M 1« tbn witlmrij
’r<linagh» Nnv
bay nnd a
Cloihes Cleaiiig aid ,
Pressltg EstablishmNl
No «M rrocil Mreol
Gnil Ripiili t MliH u
• taiyouuioo. isHbnJdl, lot. IMS.
AfiSS-fi SSSBSeSfl S$
SK8S fi S 5 a==88
To Mart tbe atory.
In writing a atmT tiicrv nru anlbors
wbo di> uiA plan tho c<>unu (dt-vi'nUi in
S fiSSSESSfl* ;
r-.t.K*" ►^
advance bocanax thm- do not know
thorn, bnt they wrllo^ <0), certain that
n »A. ■> »r»i« liss rlolr r*» to OlS44
.^callcm wiy sag- lloiXfb- a ri B m. Iroln l.ss Uutlri aorler rar
goat ItM-lf—In short, tliu-story is
wrlto itHL-U.
1 confess I U-liovo in aud rather follow this syimuii, for tlioycaso that tho di-nou: sWi Jlnmcrorftoa. ursS.I I(a|>I4o.
incidf.-uts ws-m mnri' like rial llfo - .iBorn.uprol lAi p a. b«part0r rar
whern the um
sn ufhn happens,
o. F. a T A. OrMil SafMs
and whuru cvi-no turn nplii a capr
C a UL'BRAY.Afesi.Trarenet'lgr.
cioos way. H<n* - v.r Uiih may Is-, I hm
always found th.-tt crnrytlnng dc]V.-mls
on gottingwi'II starnsl—that is, siarusi
wi^ such lagtniuss and onthosinsni
that you <viDld sit down then uint Uu-ro
cmiMo aouTff.
and write on ami <ui to ihn <iur|.
Others dcHlx-raU) auil poth
woru. hover on tlm tmnk, licstinting to
maku UmplDiign
parturo Is pot off and pot off. uudwltun
bt last a start is ma<l» It Is-nom-s a task
aud a dro(lgi>ry and Is virtually un start
nt alU hocABM it b ou ialsm-doiidaninspiml that you fcol yon ham utA l«gnn.—"Memoirs of no Anthor," Fercy
uoiMo Moan.
OoMmcti of tlM CUy of 1
'^OmUomm—IkkfohmUyov ottr
•keats.tMposBdaefTUood ylc IM
«kM 1 Mid M pUOMd to dfiom
loyoBftl CkkM Mwint nuftt
BrMfriMalaCt&o Uod bm tko e_
ofUboMMdlbooMMMeftroi^ w
1 Mt wQUaff to Uuo» that ot.
^^^HMly for fombU mUoo hgr yo«r
If yoa kava a dvalHaff.
^eraay *
----------vSf^ vitetka
ad__^ gtaapM
iBMtaaaa ter yuu.___
ytke moBi
iflili .
aUefnaSsatsatbeaV. ■■amsUWImliimMsm
7 frisky Arysd isH.
b mS heritm* wim mw
that ninh-Kty which iiiak<
■InfarcuUal to his elders. It’s borriUf
ont of ihibi, 1 know, hnt I love banhfal-
aAXXAH lAT 4 oo'a 1st ADOmoX.
UStkO MM----------------«Sua.MdtoMatokMt
dUCaaa aalatlac oa a
lire IlKillfilllhi
tern of mynl hluc and wliIic tran-rlcs.
The diiqi ll»iin<'<‘ of wlili<- lu<'<' Is Ix'udi-d wltli a null!' In while silk innsllii.
Narrower flouiiei-s r..iind lUi' wrists
end llie tsdi-ro In dark Htlk nre uveriuld
with II giilpuri-Uke eiiihroldery
ciiarw' llsM- einniliie. It fiistrns c
th>- h'ft sld<. under A Jalsd SImI velvet
bowH )»iliisl with n ilhUm twist. TIkfolded eiiipln- U-li |i
slIU to match.
Small PelaU of 4m.IaI FopsaTlie unwritten lows of tuK-l.ty aiv
oontlnusll]' •■hiinglng. For Instance.
iDvIliiiloiis wer<' ulways wnt by Iiniid.
Now they an- lUinosI nlways dvei
the iMMlninii. This Is iin olivlins
vantage unh-ss tin- mi-Ms<.iic<v nr f.x.tman is p.-rfis-t!y n-llnide. Ilesides. it
glvi-s much h-SB Inxihle and ex|H-n«e.
a dinner sniiill dlffiT»-nci-o a
niore ohservnhic limn .it large and less
"stiiart" functions, ami then- nre many
little things liini It iH'lioove* an aspi
rant or a di-hiituiitc in reim-iulMT. tv>»nien ahogld not rise when a man Is Introdunsl to
and they slionld also
remain soatisl when an aciiimlnum
imiting out their liands i
b>- shaken. Of «-0Drse In the caw- of
husti-HK or an old nr imnicularly dlaUogulshed pf-rson this Is illlTerenL
bost'-ss wni riHvive all her gix*sts
Btaudlng and do all she can to show
polite hospilalily.—New York Tribune.
PERE Marquette
A little bMX iqirinkledsm a doth
and tabbed Ugbtly on tbe face U a
good remedy for Uackbeada Care
abosid be token to mb IldMly, er It sriO
aaakc tbe akin amort
la general anything that tends to dry
tlv skin Bboald be avoided, ouefa aa bay
._____ ___ etsettag a Detaetsatte roB. akdbol. eampbor and ammonia.
osMBonyat ^^IllMt la IflBB tknmgb the Iom Ik IT seed m giMt meiecsttem. tkw «ra
wttk aosHM «k» TAa of tk* tt*a stack aMM.
Knsrlr.c II
IlstStf S
loSiXSk^AeUA^qCTX Ps
UBSBi in Nimunn l i
tWIlet lllsts.
of all grease,
traat tberv are some unfortunate peo
ple wbo are poaiusuHsl of skins which
arc ton greasy and require an artrtngent lotion and drying luwdem.
People wliosc skin Is very aenalUve
are often trouhlml wllb 'gn-nt Irritabil
ity of tbe acalp when at tbe aeaaidc or
after aea bathing. Tlds is rauaed by
tbe aalt air and aalt water, and a little
vaseUne abonid be weH rubbed Into tbe
roots of tbe Ulr at night and tbe hair
waahed Again in pure tepid riUn water
wbencvrr It has been dipped Into tbe
:f; I ;»|.-
..^^nDrau..'d£S& a*
ill, liTJE DEAD
OoafllPtlnc B«poita BagardingPaUnMMMCTC.
Two KuM Omb Bapertad ia tho
OdU VloMo.
Itoattla, Jaly t»—Tiro vwatoa arrivod
bow Bo®* today. Tbey raport Mali•ynadtaw tairidly at Soow. It to
t^tkm mn SmU
.tkonMfkl«w4rorpoinud d«l7
e,M« tko»I
lllin WarUA^
apwlal uTh* IMrsiaf
J«ly oo-B«nor to «UU bu/
wilbtbofoto of tbo fordcaaaiaPeUg. Booh day fontobM r^<irtotaB^
oawly to.
U Baar Chaar aad the Ohafoo
ooatac by way of Borlto, reportlar
tbatraatoiy. to aew ofbat by a ^
yatcb to tba Tblocnph froa lu St. Pe■ tanbonr cormpoadonl, who cUUm
that ba ba* laaraad from a thoroofUy
' tfostwortby Marea, that the BsMiaa
(OT*ram*at to la powamloa of dcfioita
oflelal aawa ooaflrmlaf the reporu of
taalr ■■■aero, atatlaf that aoae n
viva. ThanuaMkera oeoarrad Ja]y«.
Of lodar* traab aawa from Oblaa
rm^a^ tba moat fmportaat tototo state
maat that Ua Kan Tl. a prc-forclya,
apparaatly traatad Tloaroy at Naakio,
bama. Ilka LI Banff Cbaaf,
aaopad to Paktn by an Imparlal adletTba importaooa of this stopU traa,
Itos Is tba ramoral of a modaraU
ffaaaoa from NaaklB aad a <
eroatta of alarm amoBff the foralffaOB. who aaem la apprahaad tadadsita
Bahaadad for AaBalUaff an Amartoaa.
Loadoa, Jaly *0-Tb* Tatoffr^’a
Oanaonoonatpoadant. la a dtopateb
dated Jaly IT, a^ that to daftaaoa of
bhb Ohtoaaa to 111 b
id aa Amartoaa madtoal
atetosary. crytoff, "Kill tba foralffa
davH". A nambar of aoldtori ware arnatad and *U of them bahaadad.
UTatoaa af •Amar wUl aot AOhet
Jniecraal B<(oictoff to Waabtofftoa
Bpos Bcealpt of Ot«>tato >WUde*s
• Booert vto Bt. PMon-
^ tatt, OM^Po
BigSaniastalp Has.Bs^ed
a Sslis Harbor.
Wmaaffa The Taaaal wlU U Bo-
Timotby JaafO AUaffbd to Hava Takes
a Second Wif* Vadar aa Aaaamad
SpaeUl to Tk* Kema« EceorO.
Dayton, 0.,‘Jaly It—‘nmotby Jou
wa* arraatod tonl^t for biffamy. Bl
ftntwite, Aaaa Joaea, prafarrad tb
oba^aa. Tbey war* marriad to lt»0
sad bara two ebUdraa. Joaaa deaartddbto first wUe aad marrtod Utos
Batti* T. Lowell, of Uma, Ohio, aader
Mamed aamt of Elward B. Smith.
Xdffhtatoff Btevk a Obarcb Dartoff
'serricaasd Serarml Paopla Badly
Barsadaad Sboekod.
Samuil*Th« Mereu«K»cerd
HfflBv.0.. Jaly 1»-Tba Bofomad
aaomlaattoa ebar^, loeatad a abort
dtotaaee aouto of Oarrotbara, a email
■Ular* abet of bare, waa atraefc by
Uffbtatoff thto moratof wblto tho faseral of Mr. Zallars waa to pruffram.
Twenty-fira pa^le were mere or leaa
tajarad. Ura. Simon Shad*, wife of a
had the hair barard
frwa her bead aad aU th« elotbtoff
from her body. She aattalnad borna
orar bar aatlr* paraoa, wUeb, with tb*
urribl* abodi, wUl probably raaalt
Mra. FOs aad Mlm Batoar, raaldaaU
_ ^
of Oarretbata, war* aariossly barasd
> or mora'ef the
Two Vat Xaaust Dmlb aad Savaa laJared—Vletlma Soo^t SbOltar las
apeelal u Ik* MomlBc BaweC.
Dnbeqae. Jaly l»-Toalffht liffhtatoffiatmek a ahaaty batwaaa Wtotbrop aad ledapaadenea. into which a
atoal ffsaff fiad tor ebaltor.
- Tb* killad are PraakOorke, Ohleaffo
Williom ntaffarald. DyerarlUs, Iowa.
Isjarad ar* N. Plaaffar, Tony Cook,
A. T. Baddy. Obarlaa Ood*. Wm. Bblalda
MTaaaay, Obarlaa Lofaa.
Waahtofftes. Jaly i»-U the dptotoa
ai tboaa bmt qaallfiad to jadff*. tba
daetoratlea of Ut Baaalaa ffovara
that oartato pertlQaa of the Amar torrltory to to a atat* of war, dean aot
aatartolly aBoot tba raaaral Cktoaaa
eltaaUoa. O&aiaU bold that it a
that Bmato to at war with armed teraae
of Cbtoaaa that beat toradad bar tarri•bory.
■oaff Eo^. Jaly i» -U Baaff Obaaff
ha* mllad fran bm*. oataaalbly tor
Waabtofftoa, Jaly lO-WblU tba dtopatebaa from tba torelffn capital* to
Btoto Taw Ooamitaloa to Bxaatoa
day era filled with mmora of a
aad Oompar* Amammant BeU
Lansiaff, Jaly It-Manlatoa aad Sacraffard to Oblaa. tb* praaldaat aad
toaw oonatloa wUl'soon brnrlromtha
eaUnst have aot eoaaldafaii tbai
•aBetoat Impcnaae* to aay way to atatotaacommiaaloB, Seeratary Twlm
abaaff* tb* policy of tba Ualtad Stato*
or to nmka any ebaaffa to tba ordata
It rolls aad oompartoff them with
aadar wbleb oar troops to Oblaa era
ra staldmaata of taapayara. Tfcey
oparattoff. Gaaoral Obaffaa baa baas
tVMlBtod major ffaaaral to oaabla him wiU file tba tmnlu of tbalr tovMtIffa
I aad to* oommltstoa wUltbsa
to amoetoto with foralffa commands of
Uffb raak. and to be absalctely free to tokaasttoa.
bitTtowalath* eoaacUs.ef tba
TUa ffovarsmaet baa raealved no
DaeUaaBtoOanaldarllew Praaidanttol
ovnrtsraa from Braace or aay other
power tor an laMraattoBal affraamaat
tor jotol aeUoa la Oblaa aad the fntare SpacUI t* Um aeralBff Be««rd.
Waabtofftoa. Jnly 19 - Adinlc*
atUtnde of the powem.
Deway deeltom to eoaaldar the Bayffeatton that bit miffht have a pradldentUXO WABXB IV ^ANABAS
tol nomtoaUos at the bands of tboaa
to support MeElalcy
Twanty-Mtoe Oarloada Paatroyed to
Preveat Olnt to Harkat.
NaahTUle. Tana.. Jaly 19 - Twenty
atoe caia of banana* to yood eoadlttoa LltUa Karold Weltoa Badly Bmlaad
Last Xvaatoff.
' were damped to a awamp Bear here to
day pravant a
to tba aorthera
LitUeBatold WaltSs had a narrow
cMspa toat evaatoff from aery aertoa*
tojaiy. TbOPffb badly bniaed, tboaa
who saw toe aecidaat any that be k
very fortaaat* to eacaptoff wlt&oat
Ltoatoaaat of SUi Uf. Voaaded to
broken boa^
Oblaa baa Baoord tor Qallaatry
Tbaboy wmrtdtoff aontb e^ Union
Ltant. Lawt* B. Lawton, oa* of tb* atreat aad wbaa he bad reached the
of Blffbtb street be atarted to
Amariean aoldlara woeadad at Tton Ttln
Oblaa. at tba capture of tba dty. it a
eat tolffo home. A maa.wbcaa
aapbaw of Baffsat Oharia* D. Xawtoa aaau waa not leaned, waa rtdtoff at
of Uwtea, Mieb.
ffoed fast speed jaat bebtod, aad wbaa
The woeadad aaldler la also a eoaaia tb* boy made tb* tara, tba
of Dr. Laartoa of tb* aayldm etafl of him tall apccd.
pbyMctoBB. to tbk city.
Both ware thrown to tba ffronad. bat
Lawton ta a ffradaato of the Want the man waa not tojniad. The boy's
Point MQltory Aeadamy. ~
,wbe*l waa eomplatalr wneksd aad ba
aUtbrm^tb* Ortaa ^
waa tl
^ araaathwwMd* aadffi^M IbcKtotb Fartnaatoly tor him. ha
tolaaky Is tb* PU
laoa* ffcav^ aad no beam avat* toohH.
waa prametod tm «aUaatiy.
Bawmbadlybrnksd. bowavar.
Dr Uwtoa k aatramely aaxtou
tbaaatoty otbl* ralatla*. bat axpn-----tbabalMthat bekaOl aUaeaadaU
Porty-nv* Came ana Stotoaa Daaths
Tbk Bontb.
If wlam baa* any nnwjinlia tor B(M>alieta*H*nmcn*ewa. '
tba aWTOw* of crem. er^Mbaabaada,
Bavaaa. Jaly t»-So tar tbk monUii
fflT* tham B^ MoBSMto Tea.-*TwQl
i«*have bees ucoamof yellow te-l
vnr bat*, and 16 daaths.
mxow PBTBB or TXZAA.
paired stOaoa aad Taken to Takn
Flmrth Tcu—No. 1000
toimti Baantoff WUd Aboat the Oty
Golf Gaoils'
at Wlnlesali
■a*el*21* n« lUni^ BotvO.
Ctoetoaatl, Jaly l*-A Wff Boa to
naatoff wild to tba Tktolty of Bai
avaaaa to thto city. It to sappoaad
that dartoff a haa*y etorm the aatoml
caeaped from a dreaa The akiaf of
police baa armed a poaae aad to a
toff the tcrriuiry lasaa
for Sarato* to Chtoaae Troablm-
«»*«. aot tse. Bot SOe. Sie, th4
Botao Badly Damaffad *1^ Birat prioi of Bocky Monntato Tea. the
aOTld over.
None ffanntoc, Malcaa
mad* by the Madiaoa Madietoc Co. Aak
yonr drafffflat.
WaahtofftM, Joly l»—Tba aavy de
partment this anntoff raoelrad tba
diapatoh from Ckplato
Ever>’Baby bom in igoo
WUda, eommander *f the Oraffon,
can have a pair of vici
dated at Knre. yeatmday:
kid shoes Free by leav■'The Oreffon aad KaabrUl* arrired
ins its measure at our
at Kara this afternoon. 1 axpeet to
dock Jaly it. Shall 1 make permaneet
or temporary repairs? I enffffeat potttoff on Bteel patches wbleb can be
done to a ahort'Ume. and the ship eta
tbea ffo back to bor doty at Taka. To
repairs will raqolre
at laaet u days Kot a mas la Injared
to aay way."
Secretary lemff at once rapUad a*
fallowa; •■na>er*al rcjalelnff for the
aat*^ of the O.-effOD. She la tba OoaaUtattoa of this ffeaaraUoa. If the
safety of the Oraffon permlta patch aod
ffotoTakn. I command yonr prefer
-for aerviea there.”
The City Book Store
Our entire line oOered at Cost
to Cloee. We have a fine aseortmeat. Now IB the time to buy
them cheap.
Low Gut Shoes
umf.m iw BEWiirfiD
JaaaeaVnrpby. Blver Driver, Btahbad
toDeaibTmiatdaybya Baa
With Ulaaaa*.
Hawayffo, Jnly 19—James htorphy,
a river man. whoa* home k In Parle,
waa stabbed to death early tbk moretoff. Hk jaffnlar vain waa aavared. Ba
lived bat a momret attar the dead
waaooBamlttodaadat ba waa dytoff
atodthatbe waa “fixad" by a maa
withfflaaac*. BartHcbbeU baa baaa
abraatod, obarffad with tba mardar.
pommlttoa to Xsatoeky OoBvcatloa
TaUto.Affraa oa BodlfleaUoa of
•ocbel Law.
SpccleltoTh* Moraine B**era.
Lastofftoa. Ky..JalyI9-The Denmcratie atat* conTsation aut here to
day, parfeeied a temporary orffaoUaUoa aad adjonraed antil tomoi
n* oommlttaa oa rmolntioaa
daadtoekad over a plank favortoff a
modifieatloa of toe Goebel law.
We will give you choice of about
6 1
Kenaadyaad MeGnlra: PbUUp* aafi'
Mercer aad :
PIttabarff .
These are good valuee emd will cloae outqolckij-
Now only
a pair.
$1.26 and $1.60 Values, Oboice
and Stylish, at.............. ......
AU tliifi
pAttnms. Bne onr window.
~ BIL priceiifootweaFI
Loi|g Distance.
Calumet, Sault Ste. Marie,
Mackinac Island, etc.
IndlanaMU* .
Kanaaa City .
Eallnm and Power*; Patteaaad Goa-
Gnnd Seitice..
Populai Minute Rates.
96 pair womna’c tAn staoBB, BtyllBfa mads..............$1.48
84 pair Women’s $a.00 and $2.60 Bbo^BAtV............ 1.00
109 pair women's I Oxfords, worth.l$lA6 and
$1.60, now........................................
44 pairs missss’tan shoes^redaced to..................... 1.00
94 pair men's $4.00 and $5 OOIshoss, small slsss,
now........................................................................... 1.69
60 pair youth’s black|and|taB. BOW.........................
72 pair men’s canwaa bals, leather trim.................. 98o
260 pair infanU:shoee........................... 16, 26, 36 and 60o
240 pair women's new up-to-date Oxfords.......... lOO
98 pair ladiee’stock Ho. 666, a $2.60shoe, now.. 2.00
41 pair ladies’kid shoes to^cloae out at.................. 98o
lOB pair misses' Ud shoes to close out at.............. 76o
MeOlania la Pbstmastar
Bpecto U n* Moraine EMmd.
WeiAtofftoa, Jnly 19—The prmldeat
al BeCHnnls poatmaater at Indlani
McBlaley Ocas to Oaatoa.
Speclnl to Tke Moraine Soeoid.
Waabtofftoa. July 19-Tbe praaldaat
left for Canton tdnlffbt at 7.-U o'clock.
Ha w^ arriva borne at 10 o'clock toBki Betalla C. Loaff ha* loft Albion
far Orpffuy. She ffoes asder the apoeatoftba Matbodkt Bpkeopal
beard of mkatone to accept tb* pcBlthm
ofsapertoteadcat of the boy*' aebool
St BcstavlAae. wbleb k malatoinad by
tba mkaHiaary aoriety of that ebpreh.
Mim Loop k wall kaows to tbk stale
a* a pbyrieiaa. toacber aad avaaffolkt.
BbawBatoraBamberotyenna tonebr to the OadlUae pnhUc aebook.
I Used
to Pay lOo
For Pig Tails, but siooe
I bars tried
Pig Tail
I bare eoine to the ooDcliiaicm that 5c will buy a &niclam, delidoos amoks. Try
one aod wna will nsrer pay
10c for a Pig TaU agaift.
New Store—242 Front Street.
\ The Iisadlng .Shoe^ House of Northern Hlchigan
*^£S'*a'd Scbrecklnffoau Lldy
S. BEI>ru.A. &; 00-
The LMding Shoe Honae.
autaicaN tkaoca.
Tlifi Bofitea Store OflttB
Come This Morning
30 Men’s Suits
Will* and. SnUtvan; Garvin aad
. If Your size is Here
a We have reduced the
price on a large number
of our Oxfords—both in
Ladies' and in Men's Ox
fords—shoes that are ac
tually worth $1.50, -
Tcatcrday’a Boa* Ball •*!■
BaecMl t* n* Moraine Beeeid.
ffATtoaax LEAere.
See that Window?
«*»«« «»**»»»*** aHa«»4Ha»*e«j
i Good Taste
I And Economy
If you are possessed of the former and
believe in the latter you will find them
combined in our
• Ladies’ $3 DO Shoes.
We bi^ them direct jfrom the leading
''tactories which enables us to assure you
of their correct style and the best of ma
terial and workmanship. Over twenty
styles to choose from.
Front Street
^ SA^na bar
BaDMMiai «uaa Ve«tba BtaUag
viMtewif teBib
fraU aad taata Btaa la a
Balk WUar.
Vatar M W> bad tedly Ue-
omsd nAToa aatALD.
Tbaanaalmaattogaad ilwrtloa of
BaamofthaBanahA Lv On. wm
la a goad baUyaatortay. TbatoUowtogaratba
lOlAttto nmntnf-fT T-r*ng yaar,^ all tha
a balptof eld «Ba« havtog baan raalaetod:
ato'Datoiahtoetaard. Ha PrMldrat amd gaoatte mantol
AMHlsd Oeorge Marhhnm. aged II. PMiy Hannah.
Bm aad Fred Treat, agad rimiHtosly
7aad6 yaan, toktoctaitwIthoBtaakmr amrnksteaasdbaetoUsdadmmazy
jratteeapentbamtoi. A. Tracy
•oUarad tha boya and
Lay. Bamnal OarUad. dalla* Hannah,
adarkaallareabk prsmtom aatU he WiUtem Morgan.
aoaUaotUy BbsrlC Simpasm of tbMr
Tba beiMMH of tba Hanaab A Uy
TbaaberiHwaatoat to Oo. ambraam tbe raal aettto. tha vlithetormatoDce aad took the boys
aeeoaatv the
totacMtody. They were brong
deohv tha flmr mUl aad tha haul.
tea doattoa Brown aad abows
dim rosalH would follow a^ aeta of
Tha jMtIea fara them a
goodteetara. whtoh. boworar. tolled ndepeadeett and tavtoelhtac WUl
to impraa* tbe ealprita with tba torea
Play Baaa Ball Today for $100-^
hk honor would hara Ukad. Be »•
Hot Oame k Kxpaetod.
Uaeed tbemu esaettog a ptomtoe that
Tbe graateat baaa bull gama thk aMthey woald report to him to two week*.
If tbe boyi preta to be good boyrfdur- on will taka place UU afternoon at tbe
tog that period they would be allowed, Tsrelfth stTMt park, batweon tbe lato begin life orer aguto. olherwko it
and lavtoeiblav te SM a
aad tbe ehamptonahlp of tbe city.
wodld go bard WiU them.
All tbe boy* lire on Btot Front street Admkeion to Ue groands wUl ba IS
and to the grand atand, 10 eanu.
aadltkasld that Ueir soro^
an not rach as to fill tbelr *on!>
the highest aspirations.
Jadga J. e-Baa
_*««,.• ttaianAatMVMeMki'
•Mateo MCj ten.
ev IbMbiaa Mncht te tM kadi
atari* WatowMy. te «tateOaa.
thi teM atf tha wiiM wan ttfatamA
IbaCtapbaD ftat to Um Bata■as Btew Baetrie Light A Po«« Oof^
pteBt yaMtaig. aad taaattar thantftaapala* vffl ba opontad traotha
The kge of doha P. OU A Oo.
aDooUaetedtaBd nptoeod iwida the
boom ywttaoy montog by I o’^o^
owing to tha CBoMtoat work of OtaAk
Wobbrrtththa OotomWa. Than
Uttte wtod.|aBd tbay had set drifted
Jamaa W. HQUta of thin dty b«
hade patcat tonaad on bto hmttog
dram doriea, may of •> eh are to naa
A game of baU will be played Son'
day at FUa Imka between tba team of
that place aad tha lartoetbke.
Work WM bagan yeatarday on tba
•w eament wallm adlolntog tha coart
A widow'a paMlOB of te a moath hM
baas graatod to ;Ma. EUiabaib A.
loon of thto elty.
Ckrleadlotoof lima, eemaat. toad
ptoetor, mattnaaee. farm ma^ery
and table ealt wen raeeirad by the
MarehatUe Oo. thto waak.
Tba Para Marqnatta will farntob the
lay for tba Lake aranpa park from a
Ssctn-n of Ua aaUoul traaaory for bank betwaan Baiuar aad Drawn.
4ha doaal yaar Ian aadad wan »Mt.Tba nnmbar of -marrtoge lleaaeaa
•M.att. and tha axyaaAltnrat. ait?,- imnad by Conaty Clark Mewton for tba
fM.lTl, maklAf a ■n^ni tor tha yaar qaartar ending Jnly let to 7f. For tha
•fgai.tw.T77. .
firatalx month* of the year the nnmbar
ha* bean
Tba entire nombar
Tnnaraaowat tha Park axpon. toanad daring 1W6 wa« bnt lt<.
glaa are Eaaaaa tarman freea one
Mark Craw and F. E. Haynaa
gowaeUy. Tbk to manly a eampla a lake that eery few are aeqaalnisd
fwaparity toefc____________
with, and caaght W Sm base yettairday.
Tax BapabUeaa tnalerity In Oregon
A fire to tha eottoga of & B. dewett
araiorar 11,000, aad it wm pUad op atForaat Lodge cams rery
What wiU it atroylagthe bnUding Tneadsy. The
.BalnoUer autee?
' famCy ware on the take, bat eom>
were near and dtocorcrad the bUxs in
Mb. Baras'e Mlnr plank demande time
^ hou»s. The origin of
ata dmartean anaoetal ayetata.* Wp the fire to a myataiy.
tare it by order of tha 7,10«.?T9 people
Mra. On* Oreenwald k taking treaP
who rotad tor If eKlnlay to lIM.
meaiatMn. Minora'* hospital.
B. W. Smith took a jolly party on a
BxroBTeof p
fishing trip to Carp Lake in a eonunodloB*aon*ayancayestardsy. The com
pany eonektad of tba amployea of Mr.
Smith, who k now engaged in earpan■k, aad hk gnaats. Charia* Bu••rwe Marry
kirk and son of Big Eapld*.. They all
had a good Uma and good lack with
Oaerga Haram will loan for the
eron thto morolag for WUUam Baitoer, tha rod,
Anna FrMBian. aged It
he look up hie enriain pole trade.
dnnghlar of Abraham Freeman of EuMtoeOnMeOoy ratomad yeeie^y
son.diedyMtardayof todlgestloa. The
from a rtoit to Oedar.
will ha held Saturday after
Mr. aad Mn. A. J. Meyer of Indtonnoon at : o'clock from tha Kaason
■pdlto are gneata at Bprlot Beach bochnreb. The motbw of the little one
died on tha eth of AprU.
Blmar Slankar, of tha Maw Tork
a. S. Snll k quite alek.
•ten, to eojoytog an onUng thia weak.
C. A. Hammond, formerly caahler of
•Bd Inaree today, aacompantod by hie
tte Firnt Hatioanl Beak bnt Utely
wifa.aBdUttteMB Ladoi, for Bapld
with tha Bndsireat
aty. Blk Bapide, Patcakay. Lena Tree
ageay. hM sarerad hk eonaecUon with
Feint, and other sorthern petote of lathataonearn. Be wul open a real as' tenet.
tote, totnranaa ud loan exchange
Mra. r. 3. LOUe and dangbtor Pearl,
kan goea to tha 800 for a rtoit of two hare aad remain permanently.
Hamesond's hentth hit greaUy imm three weeka. They will rtoit eercral
prOTCd daring the past yaar.
- of tha morta before ntnniag.
Bpiritnatktie Manifestation* (
LMt Might at Grange BaU.
Orange hall was packed last night,
ud several were nnable to g^n admk•ion. the occasion being the Irelnre
•piriiaalkm by Oscar A. Bdgerly.
■Ides dsaUng wlU the geeeral prtoel.
pita of ths science. Mr. Eigerly gave
teveral maolfeataUons for a number of
persons i^e andleoce. Be deucribad
people whom be claimed to see to spir
it. and give several in the aodtenee
isgee from tbelr friends to tbe
spirit worla. Borne of the people recognixsd Uelr friends by Ue description
given, and others could sot. even when
same wta given.' Oa Ue whole.
uodUnce was pleased wiu'Ue
ntonifestatlons, even If th: ikepireal
were not convinced.
AnoUer professor of occnUlsm will
be to Ue city to a short time, and It U
the Intention to *Urt a class in Ue
subject. Several of Ue firm be-levcn,
to upiriuallsm are determined thui
■ueb a clau sbuH bo organized.
Dr. W. 8. Mon wm in Mayfit Id yeatSB JOINT aOABO MBBTING
terday on proinaional baalncM.
Oaten M. Oabriela and Nary VerAsyinm Offieert Cloned a Prcfltabla
•Btoa ha>e gone to Saginaw.
Meeting Tsaurdsy.
Mtoa Beatrice Phippa left yeatarday
gening for Chicago, on the ateomrr
The mealing of the joint board of
tha trostea* of tba Michigan asylum*
Mrt. E B. Pope want to Chloago doted at the Northern itylam yastery^terday on the CbarleTOlx. for a rkll
aturnoonWtth.Mr.acd Mrs.
| The maating was filled with ralnable
Mra. F«*d Beddofi,
MksBnllsrd of Chicago, has been SBggcaUoD* throngn tba exceUent
okltlsg Mrr. B. C. DstIs.
papers read and the pregram was car
Mr*. George Cowan and daoghter of ried ont as priTioesly nublkhed. The
eweago. are spending some time In the maintenance of paUenU for tbe
Ing year was fixed at li-cenu per day
•iyrd. M TbomM hu retoned from thi per patient.for the asylums to Ue low
•rake with the party on Capt- Chase's er penlnsola. and at *: cenu for the
Bs left th# party-at Newberry asylum.
AtUedlnnur. tyhlch was served utBaarar Islands. Be Mys that Mr.
tor Ue bnslneis meettog. ue follow
Loodon's health Is graaUy Improred.
Miss Wlnogene'Banselman of Chica ing were present, to addition to Ue
go, want to Fite I^ke yesterday for a trnsteca from abroad mi nUoned prevvisit with Mkt Maodc Hagadorn. aftqr loosly to Ue Bccono:
ai^d Mrs. T. T. Bates. Mku Clara
being the gatsi of Mn- Sam Garland'
Bates. Judge Lerto Boberti Mr*. Lorper aome time.
Mr.'-and Mra B Koester of Krktql. to Eobeti*. Mk* BoberU. Min Mirim
Tv. are the gaeft* of Dr. aod Mra. j Boberta. Boa. aad Mr*. B. C. DavU.
Jndgeand Mra. H. D. Camp
V. Oaaiftletl.
Mkt Lacy Gannett apeat yeatarday Hobba. Senator and Mrs. J.
ken. Bon. and Mr*. W. H.Pouter, Bm.
with friends nl Drawn.
and Mra. D. Coehlin. .Bon. Perry Han
Clark AUen of Harbor Spring*.
nah. MU* Hannah. Mr. aad Mr*. J. T.
Vlditog friend* to the elty,
Mk* Bhea Martin has gmt on an ex- Bannah. of TraverM -City; .Mr. A. T.
Uy. Min Uy. Mn. G. O. Batev of
•nnlTl *klt in toethern Michigan.
Mra A. D. Baker, yrbo bn* been the Chicago. •
gaMt of tbs lamilg.«t B. 8. Pratt, itWbito Man Tnrtied Tellew
Great conuternatton was felt by t
Di. d. W. GauatieM k 1
friend* of M. A. Hogarty of Ustogtt
Ky.. when Uey raw he wm tnratog
yuUow. Bk akin elowly ebanged eolor
Mte dnxsfa W;Ubelm k confined 1 ake hk tjm, and be teSertel terribly.
Bk malady wm yellow jsnndlcv Be
ta home by a adVure attack of grip.
wae tfMtcd by Ue best doctors, bnt
witboethnefit. Then be wm advteed
It utaada utene. It tewura ab^ to uy Ktoetric Blttorv Ue wonderful
---------remedy, and he
“Alter ttedag two bottle* I
Sv Me. Attyonrdratfl
i xoavuo xaooBO.
aad kidMy traata*. Oaly •Ote.
by & B. Wait aad da*, -fi
And faro
e to iiM AO oil itOTC Utoo a wood «tore
tbia hot weather. I bare a foil line, from a small S bnmer
lamp atore op to a nice law 3 bnmer and oren, Bine Rame
gni<4 Meal. They are perfectly safe—not aa much danger to.
operate aa a lamp.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Th* Prnotieal Bonae Fornlaher.
""IE Bicycle
EnamelingBest to be had is
tbe city is at
I bfiTc had my building
Teboilt and- put in good
shape and am now r^y
Ui receive all old patroav
Good Line of Jewelry
Zt Buved BU Ug.
P. A. Denforth of Le Grange, Gv,
•offeree for six month* with » fright
ful roonlng eora leg. but write* Uet
Bocklen't, Arnira Bulve wholly cured it
Doj*t BT*u
e Fooledi
the fteelw. erlclMl
aeefu r«a evU. Oar traCs
. Cure
Sold byS.
30. droggkU
L Wait u
Probsbiy tbe first c*se of hydrophobk ever known to Moskegoo, purred
Wednuudey when Emms, Ue five yeur
oldduughtorof Mr. and Mra. Fritz
Breneeke. died of that dread malady.
She WM bitten by a small dog last
April. Thsdog was killed before It
wae aeeertotoed positively Uet It was
mad. Ust Bnnday tbe first symptoms
of rabke apoearad and the child died
Wednesday to terrible agooy.
A Card.
We. Ue nnorraigned. do hereby
•grer to refund Ue money 00 a 50cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Sy
rup of Tar If It falls to cere yoer cough
or cold. We also guarantee a is cent
bottle to prove ratkfaetory or money
refunded. S- E Walt. Bngbee A Boxburg. damraG. Johnson. F. C. nomp-
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
and Every Nielit This Week
KiDg of Fun Maken,
The S«der.
Ro Tio Monnucs Ulb.
See Ttansmissinn by Telepathy
As an Extra Attraction tbs
management have engaged
the popular and. well known
Jas. B. Mackis
The OrigiBal “Ozlmsey
Boy.” in Hoyt’s “A Bnneh
of Keys” and •‘GrlmM Cel
lar Boor.”
Also, Kiss leooise Sanford, in
Pricev 10. ao snd 30c. Seatt on
•ale at the box office.
IMepbone 112.
Firs Insurance.
L. L. A. BnUdlng.
.\othing stiff fn them, or the prices.
\Vc start our list wHh a fine striped
shirt with tavo collars and a
pair of cuffs, for....................... OVU
A Splendid
One that is talked about, is the double
. silk front with b'ody to match. We
have all the dainty colors— 'YK/b
These sell at............................. •
You may want one just for the day.
We have all valm;s—They're good,
|too—from 25c; afl the way
Ido'iwn —
We've a few—just a few shirts that
we carried over. They have two col
lars and two pair of cuffs. They sold
for $1.00. Si.35 and Si.50. We want
the room, so they're yours ROp
at the unheard of price of •
Stylish, serviceable, lightweight—the
kind that "gives you that summer re
sort feeling” when • you wear one.
a splendid value that costs..
12. 10 to.
The Railroad
Is nobby' and stylish, and a great
favorite. They sell for 5:. 1
^2.;oand................................. X«OU
The Golf
Is a wearable shirt, because so many
are wearing them. ■ We please our
customers—This is a shirt
that can't be beaten for-----
Shirts are most popular. They have
three plaits in front and are trimmed
m white, and make a nice, dressy
shirt. We are selling these
Capture the people who want a firstclass shirt and don’t want to pav
or S3.50 for a made-to-order shirt.
These are just as good and O
only cost you.........................
Is the ever pojiular hat. .Wear one
of them, and s ou will be cool as well
as well as in the height of style—
I hey are ‘selling at $2.50
The Kingsbury
.As swell a hat
is worn. They'+e
made to sell
their merits, and
made in Pearl, Otter and Q AO
Bclgian-seHing at............... O.W
The Champion
Hat .
Can either be worn as. a Fcd^
or ^e^ reverse. ' ft sells on
The Hannah ji Lay Hereantile Co.
At HOlftel* fmti OMklls, tgtA 10
to * fMrttno iTploil m
AlAlwaty Mmfcil ■rhoaoHkor
MroovtaM^teJuoi t> » ro»*07
B«on oad «fU oou on q«ii« ptailMmuMmAM ud Mkcr MrUon
«mo,Md«nw*beUiB tMr d«r
TwoMok tolctbot o beno-
Im oorrtec* »m14 fMO tbmfh ttet
yteoookMtO o'el^
d /ew iBto mj
thot do/.
epemker. Uety
leseat Corwes of the reecBDe. ented oo
be- the ke« lo triniopb; be lookrd at (be UndtbM lord of the nrm Drocos. a prteosrT like
hlmMf. at tbe. ts-o rmnoe bwo whe
•pootlld «'loko WOCM drowB br»
/oonled tbe door, and be thoo^t dolw
f»>0 0< ■mloo OOMO^CO tbo oo—o.
follf that there woe eoeie tntb la tbe
At OodlUoe obortlj
boos Wod- Ueutt-caDiV rrtni/rk.
Mid07 Ibo C. M. Oriok bMkot foetor/
All uipbt Iiitk bsdbeeo ootlstbeBett/
Jaup. sod tb'SicIC. of r^ne. briDp e
‘Kit.to ihU
» liltle
■ ■
teaikie li . he had
MM lynod nptdlj osd man of Uo
nridMti'wmasthoqal rtn to
bold tko oitMBObOo.
kudnd sad flit/Mopte »m tknm
Tbo fin oficlBM-
•d IB tbrdr/kUs.
and bj laoonMa
TW foeur/
W nbolV
M tho Uabw
«Mcdb/tboecm/u.*’«Obot ooeUoB
hoi onrlj oit boos maifootsnd.
Tho rrMoboppn »tocM lo Flomeo
oooaw to bo crowioc wetso.
OwoooBd nwdOM on nlsoi,
fraWar Ail^Ol bo/ wan
a«b oafl poatano on elaond ap
law do/a.
Thoaoraboibooa aSoetad
aeaa,bBtao/aloeaartoM domo«o ia
«bot llBO.
On* (ormtr anr Bon hao bla aatin
lorai of tto oeno pIoBiad to pototm.
It ocBtltu of ese lor/o field, oo ho hot
roBond oil the dloUloo leaMo.^
4 nr/ dliinooloc oeelde?.t oeeoTTOd
oiOtoetroToBdo/oi/bt whoa W. t.
. Boekarwoo ointroestad.
' flm fonaoa of
tho Sbopar Choir
foclor/ Md wot oB/ored 1b ploela/ aew
boekoto ou the wotar wheel. He /nopad the ooekat of on lueoBdeeoeBt Uap
«o etaod/ it while etoBdlB/ Id
of wotar bonfootad oad oa
In a
Jody AriiVe a...................
of bnndy fd(Imr bn>“«
"Fm eoRT." abe ealA "I tore yoa
Uwed. aad Sal
Mel tec3r»-d
teheed It in a ran.
Aebrly. But 1 moet break oB oar as.
*TIow I kbell tiaeie of brandyr aaid
Oh. It almoct rcBde aty
Un Jody. a. it WdtUd orer her i*--------bean, yet I maet obey tbe dUtatea of
-J doan't etpeet Mr. SbCBRO
my coneetenee.
I canaot penalt my.
malad.-- eay iUl fleefiillT.
Min Jady bectme rery eerere.
aelf to marry iato a family that to
leiDber. fUl. that tbU U ■ bom di
Uimad wltb inaanity."
Tb« young mao’s face became whKa.
It at Uat ba managed to exclaim:
Tosc. taM r«i.
•What do yoB meanr
"Aad 1 tbotild ant bare ssppoaed ystir
"1 have Jnst bcarA” the beantlfBl
father woalii bare hero fsilty of ia If girl repUad. "that aa'tioele of yonrt la
- »4i erer cancht
ertls"IndUna ooee bonght a gold brldt and
"Ile willn't be tneb a foie.'
Miat your father has hired a lawyer to
Mitt Judy r”Derired a tatOe.
**Ao- Mtabllth bis cUim to an eaiate lo En»
ether paill” ch" nid. “.tad empty that Und that U worth mony mlUlosa.
wet. it oat liur
t, wIr 0 the lBEf<rr dmp|ird eorit'.r io
the Uerk po<d tnene titm- before dawn,
l.'> kn. had li.eu leLded. end hr had
bel|«.l to Us<i Ibcm.
K..r' aU l>irk eered-or knew-thrr
ire et.ntalocd water.
. tbe eoontrjr In rbentv of rihut
taea ebo tremc-d to know Ibclr road rvra
hr (bat half llebi. One. outniibnendiDe
the n-BHiti-tranoo of the B«d»/ 4ane‘a
aUpp. r. n hn derloml U a dancerout pn»^
eee.liiiE. l.ad iK.-n plai
■ leed on a litreow____
litreow and
wlM«hRl op t04be(ir<
Dmeon hr Dirk
Mr. r»
■mulersaat. lainlJord of tbe
‘ Pi^drrca** wat piwldre that (be pauc*
rrt had DO Inkliiie of the Undine. Rlek
trat ennirnt to n-eard Om* ca»k at a eitk
-.-S’hirii mieht eonlnin wilrr. The ron<
Cnenee waa that m- temo' r had they I
atatle<l tbs,k« In hia attle than a rap
the d».r canir. followed hy tbi- entrr ..
Idemeninl <*urnen and a down rerenue;
ineo. IHrk and (he Uudlnrd.s-er.- at u
armte.1. Tliat not the miterahle fart
True. PrindiTeatt. iNfore hr lapted
Into tiilky tih-iic.'. had ronrejitl tr) J»lrk
that (he other 14 ketni. after which (be
lirtilrnaDl had n'Ut It ri of hit
that here vat Ih.'Ineriniinalins krc. and
tbe Ikalenaut aeate<l.np»n It In fanatical
>r Hinlre
for be
drtrfted (timiecline. No duuht Pick eouU
thow the nlitiirdity of prentlni; tueh a
Iboa/, oehortdlttonce eeet of Abb rharce acalnat him arrlonidy. I>ut to bare
Arbor. Mro.GorbDUofdt.LoBle. who ItTfii firnntl aiilitic nr alx-ttine. a-n-n liy
.U TiflltiBfi the femil/. loot o rold hit prtttenee. wnnid lote him ihr
* riu-. whieb ho had hm at d
watch eet with dlomosde. o ereaeeal
dioBOBd plB oBd two dloBOBd rlB/i:
too. it would loae him tbe
I oonteni
Mto. Tbob/ loet o /old watch oad a
dIoBODd rlDir. Mre. Oorbott hod flist
Cnrwen’t triumph. Tba- Iodk far«.L fanntis a poeketbook in the room, bat the iral fellow wa» jealnut. poimlpat thoach
thleveodld not And iu
hit leakniiiy waa. H>-had trailasl for.hit
ehnnre acalntt Dirk and teenicd to fanry
be hail cot It.
“'I'ba- L<w.l hath driirered yew in
hanil..“ hi- rr|ieni.-.1.
Think pur «1,1 nirk dnhlontly.
aniline ken
'ISM M MIV Mipnot M m M It
naBbeoiBornBBfioro o drU/ht- tbit one Id n turraw-np lo tbe• Inn'
fal thimble pan/ at their hose on
"1ft nnemumonly bard work wl
Waohlairwa etreat loot e*enln/. 1b • liBfTow." laid l'i.4
>kr a murkhonor of their rsMUKIae Her/ Wood
Bseok theine elolo Jewdr/ nlaad
•atonrIunfrOB the reeldoBoeof C. L.
of Ypellastl.
A fine mneleal pra/raa
woo rendtred dariar
le." taid
not fevL
whld wae rrcotl/appneioted b/ the
aomd. OBd a floe Ume enje/ed b/ oH.
A namber of /ona( lafllre
ppted iB a eeVy plesaaBt "Borfoo" pie.
at Beet Be/ Wedacede/.
m-awete. there it no brandy is
(but SiPE.”
Tlie lirntwiant did Bet deixn to reply,
but ilrmnutwl hit tierU on the euk. which
paviII' I 91^
ark a E'llEll.lE.
E'ireli:u:. SI-IUUISMI
Ihiooriab Miuuak
•Sisla wall-.-. iwHiap*." sttEsesled DiHc
A knvk '
^ WhooDina Cough, Aathma.
rnnnlnE o>ni
".tnd tny niotmiioD U." n-prstnl I>ick
Conaumotion, to
wearilj. "rlinl tu far at I k^wthrte It
DU brandy in that Li-e."
Tlie lii'UtrnaBfa retort wn« Intern:
by tbi- irainii of hb n-lurtiiii(
They «.1>ow.r] nnpiy haiidt and uid they
bad bad no lurk.
Hut (be Ih-utmanl
wa* too eunteulod to U- rn-ally put out
hy til!.. ~
"Never ml^ " lie tald; "iben-'e raoneb
hen-, (let nif Ik-Trrow nsd}’. and wr'll
Bo «l< to iM]iiin-’»."
.\nd he liirnnl to tbe landlord raaenron«!y. "Pri adrixatt, yew hnvr made off
with the reM o‘ your thiriil e.>ntrahaBd.
but yew ranno: .teaiw when yew bare
broken tbe law,"
"Rtnw m!" said rrenderirati
Tew .iitui- lien- to
liuuV an enU tile
Btt nu. |)rewf.
1 O^lf
SIS Front Sk.
TelepboDC tot
yew w-h.Tv's yew'rv
•n- predr'"
“HiTi-;" sliid the lienvu-lintil.. Atid agaia
he kii-kisl hi", hivlt uii the keg. - It cave
out a hidlow iKHiiid. Ho Jrat»d i.ff it n«
if he had Wn suddenly itiiiic. A faint
cJinimer of tbr tnith dawm-.! uinii Ith k.
Itemrn'lK'r.” bo said pruv.ikincly. “my
ooutenthm has W-ii tiui (hon- is i
brandy in tho oa>k."
Tbo iioulinant (umi-d it over on I
aide wlthniit answeriuE- It was imp:
a,nd. Iluxieh llu- Auer (Hsiealh Was dsui
the h.ili-!. Jiifd Iss-n slnpissl up;
"There was liraudy Ip it." be said.
rouDiiiar on Itiok. '
•Tbi-tsoda water sonus to have evt
otatoil." said l>*ek Inuiwntly. Some
tbo rrvtaiuv nu n Is'Esn to >nici
ho pliii-e!" kaid Curwen.
makhinc hik tM-lb.
tum<-d prosi-nily ao<l annnuiieod a strouc
smell uf )-randy iu tbo yard, particularly
In (hr diu-k ismd.
"It tvenld liimlly do to khuw tbo
bo aquiro
water fnilo til. .lurk |.)ud
epiriU." said t>i.k.
' *Tlurv'» fdieep ami ibrre’s cuats.” said
tbe lirutentnu.bunlly aldo to n.nt.-ilo bit
srrsth, Ml that I>iok romo very
tdtyins him and noly munnuns
asEra," Ibis lime nndor bis bn-al
oil and fob
with a tear
Aielaberf'e Uraad ra
As*. S.
eeen at
the erenliuf of
„ TVic German i^edy'
and ‘'Eoae/'e
Bo/a" cancer; eompan/ which U toap-
Hutter SZBaumbaDgli.
’7K44K iraviv ««.-!
l.y til., gaug- i'
U-c-r Sal]
Iii.ly dew
i-w M
not think:
iH-r sbi-ioid
siu.-iorr tbe-au'-'ess «f "Vanity• F
bad taki-n
bits at till by sarprlM- said
“V.-rv inuib ni. Aiidaiol
be j-M.-.
‘-tVIs-n’;i link- timo »s-f..rv l]
bad ask’d for |i.-rli;issi.!i (.. tvpiildklil
rn.rs:','': ki=ss. „
a amlio. a
besTied by sU wboae sfeomBC----------Ufwareoatofordor. BBtB«Aato«U
Mow that Dr. Etaffto 9t« LUi Rlfa.
1 Iterttn er.eloA ehrea to yay far^j.^Xi6»n^Himo
that you V<ra aan:'to ny oddreaa.
USt »• are such yttooed wjth Uw aaaa, a»«3 ar* Mt»afi*^t|«ti^^Uy
aiade so aittake in narrtiaaine the 'ElstAli*
' Basing
houao nearly a •eeii. ej eife is oeeoairf s'-r. sf.atf.ed te’if"l*t*|^^g
aeuea ana wm- a-vt »■*. is eertojnJy o’eery haiFt»s yleee^^u^ture..
In tset, ih cur eCtisation. the ftsiest iha; ** on m CranO^s^^^^
“Dear girt." sahl I>lek to blinself. "Ftit
what .»a
>.a i-«.M.
isnh .....
she meant I
- cannot
.............. niaU
out. If aho were toI offer to converw with
Corweii or drue him. It w..nW Is* a differ
s ibi- kog aad
cot matter." Hat there
D seated on It. at
and Dirk failed la
see how the hrnndr
mndv wa» v. evap.«te.;
StDl he wosld do Jsdy’s Wdlin*. ,
SM. watching hi# fac«-. a.ted If ihete
a evrlain u-'i:il.or ..f Emins of a jiani.uUr druE could b.- .afely administered tc
{(». ojinu
aniuiaU A disiiocaary
disiK-caary di-etor pruvi
j,, i,
givia eight graius to
I it was (u be inferred
f-ir a burst-'was not excessive,
doetber. ."e ulver bad. more’a the pit/*
“U. If TMWMld brao good « to n
b«l finality properly
Our an-
i-olorrd •(span at 4-5 eta. a
Tryit; joa’jflike
. -
The Up-To-Date Photographer
Cheap eoape area
coetly inv-tstuienl.
rnina cloth-
ini;; cheap toilet eoap poiBODS the akin.
Roqd aoa{i6 for all
1 Hne lioe of Photograpli Batloos. Eilareing of 111
Some 10 bars, otben
Fine Wood
For CookiDg or Furnace Purposes
......................... .....................................
p<>i*-<os to- oumulativ* in effect, and y*|
tad him for a oatlenL"
N. E. STRONG. Manager
to truly cheer, mnet bt? of
•*!» Mies Jody etai hewr asked PIA ^ Burtefr»*thb;
Markham Block.
A rofrchbinircup.
7 bars, for 2.5c.
■OBwanTy. so that the lletoeatst looked ^oldh’f they kUl the dlrll himself If he;
------------------ *- toward Sal.
But she be*■;• awalh.we.1 ibemr
•”?*?***• .
Tbi-doctor was anBOTedaodpotniwow!
Tor what AosM Mil. Jody be barer j,
-i aon’t know, my lord. I,
Th^' *”
W. W. KI\1B.\LL£0.
cupKlaud dried.
real prcparalion for 20c-. '
HMid iiipy >i-ii’C.’t -i;t "if Uii-M.’ Tho
irinE <!!<- iu S5«> a y.-ar u-.n
Twolv.., a-i.| .iti».m-na page. ' hi- said.
rn« all be gut f->r his ruatrihiiUuns
tbe niiEuiiue. nnd bo vipn-»s<il a h.
tboi writii;: «a« U-ltvr paid u..w that
«-as la hi- y..iinE dny». ]{.- t..ld me t'
TurstiuT laid <-sU«l <i|H.n him with./Ul
anv iiitris1uiii->u, simply iu ibe cfinraoi.-tj
, j,.„.icn a.lmln-r uf his work- a-ad'
without saying a word aU-ut bis -as ht-'
*„ry |.«dii.«i. - Ki.lh.-rland tklwardr'
-p..rwnel Il.-i-olketli.i,.."
----------------------------------A Wlur JaCce.
tiu l-'l
h.l of Lord Mor*
day ii f.'il I.’ lluj Kwr ‘tw UfStrtunt tB rRB.-rt«ilsn Vr *rmia-: ris t’O-honr a wist- at fi.retaine lo which
aa tatareat la kb fatsre whlA noth- ' tnn tnon a«r. r.-m^alss itjt- e f«r •• yw | damagi-s w.-:v . Inimed fr-ru a viu-riuary
vss^ *t th» ^fjvon li.r liaviiig j».S«.,uisl a valuable
1b* ctoe eanlA bsTt doac."
fSid«ftbslUiwlk«TCisOI bca.tr.
Tbr i-si. d.-|--udo.l m»n whvlb.-t.
Sraad Haplds, Ueh.
of tbe most nctirinbiDi^ c.;-
"N-th.-n-of I
Tbo lioulon-mt ha . .
artUUe mnaleal pbeaomeoa whom the tbe nnte and was ••X5EiI;iIbe ihi- stitv-ra.-rlpil-'t'If'bo f>*'l
had «P-nedMt.
op-n^’lt. af he
If'l*'world hat refeaed to for*at Is hie 1b> .orlpTl-'B.
se.-nii'.l half In-lim*.! i-i do. P.--k * rrlroe
aritable brief and meMorie career aa a
wonta hare oii. i-do.1 to bssmI» ntid hat./esth be made as ImorcMlos that waa tory. Blit he band.-.! It oTrr.S^Tiwr grln>.
daep asd laalin*. TbU waa dae to tbe. ly:
_ '
-It's going biwonil my des-tlos. hm If I
BseMl^bl power aad eweeioeae of hit
know s-pilrr. it’ll I'o tb" «»«• y-n « c-’»Tolea. Ito irreattlible patboa. Ita eap-.l*
"Toil rertaihly go ImT"1»'1 four .Intles.*
sAtlaf meebaaiam of tyapptby, lu di- said l>ivk. opening 1l tiai-lorly. Evid.mtly
Miss Jti.K h.id l-von disttustfnl of the
Tiaa qaaUtiei of
ftnl ' awakealB*.
Thaac thlacB casaed bU aei
table bevi-rayt; of the iiine>
"Yopn* Eavana/b ieose of the few
Wbaeloek. of Kayatoac. aad
Tbo mopt }>opulBr'
The Cblea*oTiB««'H0iAfd eayt:
P. Wbcatock of Hoaor. btotbars.
EVERVTHI.-<G_ - --
• .•.lliMnca.
Warn’Ult elrver uf b-rT* s-afd Ssl
---- '-HI
___ :
asapicea of tbe ladiea of C.*ase ebsreb.
S. C
If It's New
We Have It!
"Piupi whm;,-.Vskrt.-l.-lt.-re.«u. rib>- . The Autbur of "Vosl.y rale."
tnsedo.1 th* Iviit-nvil.
Tli.n'l- r.ij
nl-diit. ly wiiliuiii af"F-rm Mi-s Jn.lr.
Sal. And ' ......................... .. fuU- pil.i.- of any ki.iJ, lie
.1 m.-Erily. "Sbo w.is j did n •; i. m-l
i-tiiia .-I I.......... -If. and iu
pebrietbA city Au*sn 1 asder tbe
'S loft yaaterday for tho cuts
Hamilton Clothing Co
tfonth century,
Many *ood thm*s arc beln* ea^ of
“A Wlee WomaB"
Because they’ve only
been in our store
a few days. Some of the
shades and shapes
for summer
and early fall wear
in New Fedora Shapes—
81.76, $2.00,
82.60 and $2.76.
You should make an
effort to call
early and select one.
fBBMe wan played.
Eiit.i-.kl 55al
•lain, d far,-.
The big cleporOnMt Worea of New
U rerrivid the hraody.
York were loibend duriucthebolldaya
d Milt
ir the iMiardiDS in a wbUppr, becatJM- tboy could not gvt enoosb peautucbly of 3'uii.*'
niea. Tlie banka win* unabk* to supply
it «u
Metiiwbih- IHi-k w.te tbow
tbe <lem.-iDd and tlH* Ksb-iressury had
•lue to the ri-M-ne. In aome i-asea
lenani in e-inTiTMii.®.. It «-a. ratb- (he Ills ttures hail to
a small pre
er a diffiiiill tbine tu d-< aad ecnoyinc rx- mium lo socun- enough Email ebaage.
nwdinely to ter hilri tillitiE (In
eatk. lih-k. <i>ij>nUiac b<« wai- b. foond
(bat IS iitiunlet had iuimciI. and hr
anotbrr effon. fur L.*srweTi wnt crttlns
"You MV." be nrs^. ' iu my raM- (hi re
it a niiv point <-f lew iav.dnil, 1/ I irm
an lEDoraiit. apeeTfiry. tbrri- mnuof
"thiuin- di-sr leit ece nitr poijut of
law.” ri'toried Cumva. "Thi-ri't n;oral«
end therr't tint; (lien-*« tbirp aad tbri
laU which mode o parfeet eoadaetor.
Be raecltod no
• look tor It ha (esad It waa vsM.
Tbe roen «o« the bar padar. wltb two
donre to is-ooe for tbe (row end cee foe
It fa paaelbla that aoma cm may
the back. For tb.-*tsn it woe eleo aatul han fOBBd it aad tokcait hose, aad fa
CBOSck. end thin boerdiuc otfl/ eepon
BOW walito* tortac ewaar is app
see the RMtn'eboee. Tbroafb
Mn. IU« tiMwH w4 ••
fkOMd 0 TifiM (riasd
Haven’t Soon
New Hats
Uc/d fiBylcp XiMt hU tnoem BcUp
«Bo We pattw. At ehe ntetad
Wedaeoflay Vl*ht.
idtaedr bmeethahe wBi preeird o
Us/d ^In baa last a nim
ank BBdeoily with tb« ooeetioD. “W«B.
tnMj wbm k etaader
•Im Wb Jwdrr nld Mel. -JMt bm
tot Ua wheal wn atolaa fna tremt
»the kfi." Mbe piHh^ (hr uUe Bhder
c Teatardaya hli/daaaBwettafi
fee epM. oad UUe Jai/ taeesled thenpee.
*thdck. Bel. the Brs mo/ be tothadmtopueaeflha atstet^aiL
oek oar bbbim; Lork the treet doer anenaaainr theaeytoB, leftaflaroM
ad tbea e^ esd boM the cso. IV de
oftbawplba. Whra Mr. flaytoawM
.'yan, iodooA •oono«lt«f kwx» i»-
20. 190u
tfw bB/* eaU Dkk. Thaak bar
w. eIaney
9aawi0kX.nmb«lii slisiM
• la Banns Ottr lumhn Oo.
rAWxas BZLXi's wxx>o'ws*t
w tmvTMiwoau
it m#r traatu j
U Orwtar S«rv Tfltk
•kOvtlUiV'S'ta •aoCiiMtvnMmi-
__ _______Voar If— 4W
tte «SMM gf tka kft m4
«M pangg. who bad baaa oaat—e
aad ukaa to a bo^tal. eeatatOad
. At Cbteca Mania Baaanr. •> 7««*
aid. iiaa boaa loud daad ia of of Um
ataek pard eaUla pan aaar tut aad
raoiia atraau. AU of Ui ri«a «va
teBkaaaad tkan wara laaar feralaaa
oah^ kodjr wblabladleatad thatHU
ted baaa tiMpad oat Vr tka ataan ocaapTlat tka paa. Tba poUaa do aot
teUaaatkat ha Mawdarad.
Tacrid baat afottaaaa tkroa«kOBt
•uopa. ru nBroafT
■ tefrae* ta tka
_ _ Irndoa. \Tba ho^tato ara
kuyearlac for rtetuu of beat proo'
-toatioaa. Klae fatalltiu an rapertad.
Uterem an ebllfad to kaoek o(l
werkdariav tba hottaat boar of tbe
WIUU a few boon afur tbe pabUaatiea of the aawe'cd tba dwth of
(kpC Autla E- JUTia -of tba Marlaa
aorpe ia Chlaa. IWry Clarke Darle of
Chluco. a brothfr of tba dead ofllear,
eolaataarad bit urrleu to tbe fonrii'
■eat ItiaoBly byobtalalapa com' ulatlea Uiat be caa aerre la ChUa. u
te it Wyaara old aad. tbanfon, aaable
to aalltt.
There ita eborch beU toEalt Uka
Olty. UUb, whleh aaamitobara ape*
filar efleet oa doya Oa Saaday men
k«, M eooa u the bell badn te rlay.
tbe nalBM witbla baarlaf diataaf
aun la alayle die for tba chareb. la
froot of whieb they keep ap a bowUoir
font aatll tbe bell atou riaplaff.
Ke other bell ia tbe elty bu the ume
dt Bad Lake, MUa.. a larfafon it
telay armed la aatleipatlm of tmobla
with the Blaakat ladlaaa aemi tbe
laka They werji yina aatll lut
Thanday to dealet fa tkalr wardaaea.
U WM rnmerad that a member of tbe
tedlaapollM fomkad bera ftredoa
»om ambaeb. It U feared tba CantOaBladlaai wuijola the Btaaketan
If koatUltlaa an opeaad.
TkaBaw York aaatfeal
Wl lUry'a B oadaryetay raftera at
uabf oo aeaoaat of tarriUa wftbar
oaparlapoad oa tka paauya tkithar.
Ska Bt. Mary>e left BawLoodoa.Oeaa.,
teaall. with too eadata. Wbf tkrf
teyaoat aka aaeaaatarad a cyeloea
vhiek aof prarwtad baadway, aad
tte nnal WH atrtppad of bar eaaeu,
feapt aaek m aaaMad hw to keep
akauaya way. A reakealay takf
ateend that tba akip bad ban blown
»0 mllu eat of bar eoana.
At Waakiaytoa. the qaartacmaetar'a
iaportmnl hu made ratateltloa for
pear 4,000 apparmtu te npply tbo
Beofo of tka OUaeu aapadlttf with
hf alnady plaoad erdan feratarllltan
ate dUtUllay plaaty wUeh wOl faralab
MayyrayaUofOt.SOOyallou of pare
•atar a day. The awrUiilny plaau
flU mate ts.OQO yallou of partabla
kratar par day. Tbcu wUl be bate on
land whan foal water aad aupleleae
wall water la meonatarad. The dk
ttlllay plaaU will fankb
a day aad oaa be need at Bead on tba
Birrnaaer BaaSlanV— Bata <a
BOl ■atraaadiarObMfap.
Taatfdar • <««• ^ ^ pottan at'
U PawBoa
Wild Weak
rtartad oat froai haw with aarf taa«
tebIUtkaeoa8trr-te*P*^*^ ^ tka
•hoik bora Aarnt trd. ThU soniac
drawntaau* wUl ataH oat. Tka
BXCUBsicnr xaia aftewmoow
OolanWawm IhkaLadUa aadCMd
raa to Se-ak-ta-waata.
Ite ataaaar OolasMa wCl na aaether popolar exenfolOB to Ka«k-tawaata tkto afiaraooafor iadlaa ^
eklldna. Tka boat will lean the dock
at 6 o’eloek aad after epaadlaf a abort
tlaa at the reton nura early lathe
aneiaf. Prot C. E. Hcm’i orcheetra
will be oo beard aad faraiah mule.
Ib 1b A. Oaartarly Xutiay.
.'bepMtoonedqaarterly mwUaj
U L. A. will be held la their parlota
next Batarday at t o'clock. A toll attaadaaee le aryently rcqauled.
Tbe deeoratlny ommittae will duorate the yraru of tbe deoeaeed membon of tbe Aeeoclatlsa on Batarday.
Jaly tl. after 4 p’eloek. aad they urn
aatly rwiout all mtmben to brlay
flowen 10 the Library roomi for tUe
parpou, before t o'clock, and aU who
esB to yo with tbe eommlttu to the
There aw la ilertnany 20.»!0 phySclan* for a toial c>oi'ula(loa of S2.23LU17. tnakins bq averaye of oof doctor
for. evrry Mt'i' loUablianu. KInce
IbS^ itac medical profnelon baa Incmeod hy C3 |H-r (-I'ui.. wlilk* tbe lacrease of ibo iiopolailoo durlay Uw
umc period baa Iwt-p atiout 11 tmrccnb
WaaU a Miracle?
"Taa Mamlow care of Mia. Eena J.
of ----------.
hu eruted
emMWB. 1ui n---- lad.,"
writu Marloo Stoart. a laadiay drayytet of Mabeia. lad. 8ba only welyhad
Mponadawbea her daoyhtar la \arktowauldabamaetaooadle. Tbeaaba
wueomplauiy cared." It bu cared
7 -rn Tnn <=b“n
After a thorough inventoo’oi Summer G(x^s*throughout the different departments. - jire were surpri^ at
the amount it involves to be carried ov^ not disposed this season. We invested rather heavy last spring, amiddating advance in prices, whereby we own our.«oods away belbw par. but it crowds our spacx. also hnandaliy in
consequence, We must unload without delay. Our gain is entirdy yours, as this sale embraces all up-to-date
summer goods which we place on sale today at our low net cost, and in many instances below. Our last sale dem
onstrated to you that we advertise solid facts and when we announce a special sale it means bargains, and savings
in dollars and ccpto.. At this sale it will pay you to supply your immediate and future wants. Here we state a few
of the roa^iy items reduced through the store.
$10.00 $10.00
Tbe eveot of tbe season. An'onmercifiil slashini; of primo.
Our .sntlrs stock of lAEN’S SUITe ARl) OVEBOOATS, consUtiDK only of tbe liifbt colors anil light weiehts.
Prices ranging up to $18. Choioe for this Sals at $10.00.
l.OCO Children's Saits, strictly up-to-date, cousistiug of Vestee Snits, from H to 8 years of age. 2 piece and 3 piece Suits,
manoish styles, op to !'• years of age; all go without reeen-e at
a discount of 25 per cent.
Choice oi dnr entire slxk of Bii^cle Suits at $3.98.
Fine Fancy Madras Soft SliirU, detachable cuffs. $1.00
quality, reduced to............................................................
Ex^ Quality Fancy Percale Dreas Shirts, detachable
'^enffs, $1.00 quality, reduced to................-.....................
Fancy Silk Bosom Shirts, $1.25 quality, reduced to..........
Fancy Silk Bosom Shirts, 75c quality reduced
rc '
Percale, 30c
A lot of
Color .Negligee _____
Shirts.. best
[Uklity, reduced
redneet’ to............................................... S9o
A lot of Men’s Orsy mmer Underwear, to close, per suit
O. Johaef-edrayetora.___________
Woodbine CoHage
PhisutRooins. Shalt Uwi.
sn state Stnek
VrrAXTCD AT OHCa-Oeok at lAS*»iBW
W bbbm. nk RAptdB. BieBBW,-,,^
paid. AeplrsttkiBoOe*. ___________
Twenty-ive per cent, discount on all Straw Hats, and the tojnalniag light color Fedoraa.
Onr entire stock of 30c quality Summer Capa, reduced to. 39o
All 75c Shirt Waists reduced
to-:................. ........................ ...................
.A^Il $1.00 Shirt Waists reduced
All S1.50 Shirt Waists reduced
to •;.............................................................
All S1.75 and $2/» Shirt Waists reduced
All $2.25 and $2.50 Shirt Waists'reduced
65c and 75c Ladies' Neckwear reduced
Si.35 Ladies’ Neckwear r^u^ -.......... “3
$2.25 Ladi«’ Ncckw^ reduiid’......... ... "
S1.50 Fine Fancy L^wn Fronts reduced
$2.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
Ssxx) Fine Fancy Lawn Silk Fraite redii^'
25c Fancy Embroidered Bow 'Ties n^uced
to 15c or 2 for...........................................
$1.00 Ladies’Neckwear reduced •
rpo UKT-Thc** b*4f«ea* aU b >UUB<
A mw faratabed Aad cdBlrAllr tOFAM.
' '
39c Entire stock Ladies Fancy Hose
Reduced to 39c.
of IOC Fancy Fringe Ribbon reduced
to.................................................... ............
39c A Soc,
Lot of Fancy Ribboiv former prices 45c and
reduced to per yard................................ 26c
A Lot of Best Quality Fancy Ribbon, former
prices up to 75c, reduced
Figured China and Satin striped Silks, our
’jced to
price 35c and 39c. reduc
'All Silk Plaids, all silk Dresdens. our price
75c. reduced................................................
Brocade Silk and up-to-date Foulards, our
‘ price 75c,reduced to...........................
Extra heavy Fancy Taffetas. In stripes and
checks, Fancy Brocades and extra quality
• Foulards, our price, $1; reduced.............
Fanw Silk Muslins,Silk Ginghams and French
Pique, our price. 50c: induced..................
A Lot of Organdies, price 5c. reduced
‘rcB. AddrMseiraBCoedBt.
All 35c and 45c Shirt Wais^'reduced
All S3.00 Shirt Waists reduced
rpo aajrr-TBr** qall* «ool leml*li»d rt
± toceaiAtaoaiAWBtnn
A Xom Boelal.
Tba Eeyal Oliela wilt yin a '-mam"
aodaltklaaTralayat KMtayaa ball.
TieteU laelBdlay in emm aad cake
arill be 10 oaate, with faa for tka anatey yaaraataad. A batten nwlay
amuel tor the men aad a aaU drlriay
fBtut for tbe ladiu will afford a
abaaee for eome one to win a prise.
A lot of $2.00 and $2.2.> Udiea’ Fine. Vici Kid Shoes, to
A Lot of Rrgandies. former price lOc; re-
A lotlnJidirfBlLik Vid kid Welisbi^^' *2,50' ■ qm**''*’
A Lot of of Dimities and Lawns, price 12c. reA lot of Dimities and Lawns, price 15c re-
k and Un taroed Oxfoida. tl 30 qnality, redoi
jADR— 0“» un*
. 98c
pOR BALa~t.AnCP bulldlBC, SBxM. AAd lire
Ud kK OB 8U etreet^to
Adeartleed Lettere.
PWIovtul.Ur U»ct
Ur TretrrM- Cllr >a*tV
lalBiac le
for Uic
or Irtlora
larai of the UW W.H 8BrhAB.Bd«-*r-> Rarlxir.
Mow* Hr* K II
ara*n Hn Eilrn
anoU Abb
Va. tlSautB «T**u Hr*, r. C. Dnwend WT-tl
HcAJplBB BallM
k.>>Bt*a4 MertlB
ssris' ' SvF
1 east doe oa eac^ adnr^ei^ttw.
Appl; te K*.Ab-
yard...................................................................... 69c
quality, reduced to.....................................
Yard wide extra, heavy Percale, worth loc.our
price, to close................................ .
Fancy Pique, 15c quality, reduced
• ^
Fancy Pique', 25c quality, reduced
Itel 50c ™d 60c q|»lit, reduced to. per double roll.... Mo
AddirSr 10 f«r mob'di«TOu't oD’enlir.' «iW'of wji
grsTLtKo Yoca^b
»«pA«5ru£5^-lSrk *Ce'TibLoru»»
biA. PbilA .Pa.
To cl^ the rem8Lmnesto<.k of Ladies’ Saits, np to
One lot Vf'Uditeiand
Mow'e Thta-r
Wa offer oaa hmadrad doUara merard
' lor aay eue of utank that eaaaet be
•arad by BaUb Oatarrb eara.
f. i. Ohaaey A Oo., Toledo, O.
We, the ateorelyaad, ban known 1
1 OheMy for tba lut is yean, and b.
ten him pariufly hoaonblc la all
tetlaau maaaetlow aad flaaaelally
ablatoearryoaia^y obllyaUaaaAada
VnAXTXO- Ov * verb or euBlu bfCbrUt.
pwa^AU^ KKMAHO^^i^BOrth % of
$1.00 Parasols reduced
$2.50 Parasols reduced
RAnbAa-a Blare. Pladcr. te** at Ula
9* e« AbT kUd IB atet
bByaliona*. lot or
•>$4.50 and $5.00 Parasols reduced
t tna Priunc per
bottle.' Sold by all drayytote.
«e to S. 7«BME.tht Qomu baktr
At 41S Bfth Union etrut for b«f
Sermaa watu nUe ate baUay ^aU
kiadeatO ebkmk la ^
Cbawfke. apple oake aad oofloa
eatetwUeawtte, Wadaeed*yaaal
auacs B. PbsaiiaS.
One W o^diM’Md Miaa^-'to'$8.M^
$3xn Parasols reduced
Hall<n&tarrb';can laI takaa Intar-
ntoM op'^'$1.60.
AOBlHU-CaUed Car. eleabed
___ ...Aired. SAtUfAcUAB cBArAAtrd.
lr*BB Uoi Se. Cltj.
Choice of our entire lot d Cbiidnn’BJKlUlm'npui, '$5.6o
• “
UtLe 'Bo&tojOL S'box’e
GhXEbss BXoolc
Fi?oxL-b S-t3?ee-t
Wftk hmi bat.
ndlirbf Oe b^m be-
M kA r««.
4»i< t» a* •*««*« *^ ^*
1^1 I M lirft
July ia tbe acrentb i
hb oeriety ao I
' •sSS^E?”** *
tk> Mb •« ««W
M Am ■• M> «a «t t«*v
V« «M tkv
nwy ware both nahappy. for
___________ aarts they knew that they wen
all the world to eatb other.
ee Peter’s
that Eve____________________
_ . 4 It.
was isabas. aad when they met nerm
tsttea of ttmen nnd aenaoon, and tt
VM tbe flfteeotb day of tbe •crartb
■Mttb that tbe cMtdmi of Israel t
thm. 'torblcb could be carried fo- tree
BoMb may sot bare corresponde
to oak tbe voten o^tbe coonDT to o
rime to oar Aoventb motitli. yet b tbe
example they set a moat escrilMt one.
To tw am*, it voold tie qtflto ont of tbe
aad to n-eleci
t It tn control bf
Ptealdeat McEJntoy.
Tbe nautts wbleb have fcfltowed tbe
to the admlnbtiatkm of the OUted
Btazca bare not been acridentaL A
kdm teamaaily the sabjm of maUdona
from the. eondlUoot arblnc t^om
war wtth Spain, no one will dhqntto
ST Ajmia ysov.
A vuty «t ro*uK drif M( is th* psrler «« Mr. <3tlr^‘» w»s b>i«* ooe SrptMbtr >fT"‘"f uikiss ow tb* pm ct
the pta<*: Erriyb Osir«. Mr. Claim’s
•sir rUld. vsa tbr brtlr of tbe UtU«
tsvs. ysuofc rb-t. b«iitlfoI s^ c1pt».
_» ^ brra atersl
(»» oTber friend* bad ralM u> vaiootne
Im borriUr dbU dBrtax
yaar abaiw*. dear Errim.** aald Gram
Larta*. ''•ai are orer^red at barinc
jpp back acaU. And a* for ronr deroted Howard WeMatondand, be wa* la
iiMiMBr* BO dlatreaiaclr Use that
u to keep op his
___ ____________ ______ot to tell yoo," said
Uttie Once Wnrtoa. ‘of oar new Melety
' ' n. A yooDC attornej at law has
- «e*ne to tows and baaf out Us aUnfle
and baa already aaeartd qidte a pra^
•*Wbo Is bar asked Erelyt
- . d. rite
rf»e could
r. atthoo^ encafed.
sot re« tbe proapeqt of a flirtation a
gbd for new Uart« to conquer with a*
meb skill at asy flsbrmso for Us
booty. “Of conme.- the ronduned. “be
is SOM* one yonsf. rich and ialcuird.“
“No," replied Grate: “be poaaeaaibot two of your cequlremeot*. belbf
pareoaally plain and pour bat youtif and
takated. If be sonerdk.'be will U >!•
Moat mlirel)' vU S»de. a* hit falber*#
efaroMaacet were otteb that be cottU
only sopply a part of tbe atoary for
adacatUa. aad he was obUfed to tr
aAool to oecere the real.''
“A pcodify." aaU Brelyn. 'Pray, loU
■a Ui 'aBBe.“
“Peter Uriah Orab.“ oald Gi
Evelyn looked at her la aat
taWac bee bands os If home strickn.
Toa are fooHiuc ae.'' sbr said, “for you
cannot laeaa what yon aay."
laM I do." mU Grace, •nbat b bit
“W^t evil fealBS. I wonder, prMided
orrr Us Urtbr' said Erelya acantnliy■ “SwA a nane b eaoufh to nila bis pruspecta. It U really nanseaUni. Ila, ba.
bt! Imafiae aoy womas beisf wUUnf
tn BMrry a mas with saeb a nami-: Pe
ter fa l«d cnouab, but to wdd Uriah to
the nsronuiDtic- name of Grub!
It It
rimply borrlUle! It 1 lured a nan with
oacb a name. I wotdd not marry him.
Tbcre abuuld lie a Uw to ibvrent par; tbelr cWiaren •« "
Grace. “I bar«
« name b bot i
“ one; nellbrr b Mr. Grub a faacy mao.
He b a acuslUe, food fellow, who challeafoa mqirct and who, the rider c
here prophesy, will make bb mark,
was aatmil for hb fsther, I'rier, as
erileot mail, and UrUb. after an uach.
BlUsteT of food Btandlnf. They aay be
U quite pnMHi of tbe food old name aad
aaUaaa to add frMb laureb to it."
•nrou oeem qnlu laterestod la Urn,"
oald Evelyn.
e mbiakea," Mid Grace. "
I tbe iBfurmatloa
have tvcilrcd from k correct aource, and
if I bad deoifui on Un they woold ntraU
Mtblof after be met yott."
“Utile flatterer." replied tbe apoDed
bMuty. looklnx compiaceBtiy at berarif
la an opposite mirror. “You always sec
your Mends tbruufh tbe rainbow tinted
CSfvd property, of eonne tbe aub)ect
falb to be InleresUof. as I am expectlac to bear ibrourb toy fstnin Ufe tba
dhrilnfubbedMundlBC name of Mrs.
Howard Westmorriaud. 1 often wonder
wbldi attracted me meet. Howard's
bandaome fare or Ua beautiful ncme. I
tell y^ Uria. there b a creat deal In a
“1 think." persisted Oi. .
has an Ufly name be can ao ennoble it
that people wUl admbv it ao macb on aeconut of bb foodncM or MratBoaa that
it will cease to be an oUmIob to It*
•srner. Ot eonrte, there Is. at yon Hy.
as<A b a name. It It b a flood, riaan
"^idMd*- aald Erriyn csrrieMly.
I am not b an arfumentailre mood tU*
Of. BO I sill let yon bare'your own
______ e woman that be
through Afe otK^^a
Prter and Erriyn met freqaently b
At flrsc abe was dbpoaed to
amnoe berseif at hi* expense, but tbeew
was b tbe dlfUty of Us manner a power
wbbb awed and btprvsaed ber, and b
«pKv of Iwtnrif abe became btereatrd
aaa^admltvd him more than any man sba
- ^ war met before.
He waa a manly man,- with
Mr. Cbirr's coaniry
that tbe nation's affairs are far better
ted with daisies, tbe air
than they were under
was balmy aad frnctaai wlib tbe odor
admlplstratbn wbleb preceded tbeaf Moaaaaig
All aatnrv wa* ehawitag
rieetbn of McKtnley. All flnancbl and
Howard aad I^tar had bera belted to
bat* by.Bvriys-to meet bet yooag coosla. Edith Cbirv. Aa they Ml npoe the
Vsraad* b freet of her boose gutofl over the wldemweadbg bndsrapa
acta not of striken. but of starvlag
throagb whir* tbe river woond Uke a
and unerntdoyed men.
band of ailTcr aad ftom wUeb a roseate
Within two yean after
aflat was bring dbpersed
sed by tbe farigbt
McKinley was Inancmted all of tbe
mornbg son Erelya pn
■rapooed that they
idle of 189C were at work, ao much oo
aboold uke e raw upon
n the
_ rtrer.
Tbe party.was gay. tbe air firsb,
that b the strikes of IPOD tt to not poabHgbcenbg tbrir aplrits.
I'etrr rowed
slUe tor empbyera of Ubor to fill tba
while Howard assisted tbe ladies to gath
plscfs of men going out on scrlkab
er water Ulea, with wUeb tbe morgb af
Never before bare striken bad ao
A nAxxa OMa-xa.
tbe river was filled.
Howard was reckisM aad from rime to ‘ooMtloD for moat of os to foraake tbe many vietorlen over employers, and
never beforv bat* employen been «
rime raised np b tbe bMt to poll Uw four waUa wbirb /have |>rot<>cted
able to meet the demands of the atrikflowers toward Um with hU cane. Pe
from tbe day of joor \ilrth and tp>
ter arced Um to be earvfol nr be would
era. In every line of empbyment of
to resldi' In a ti-nt and under tbe open
npavt (be boat, and Erelyn also remoab>M>r there has been an advance in
atntrd with him. He became angry and aky. and If we did au there woulil U- a wagei more than equal to the advance
In order to annoy Peter persisted In gri- flne harvest of imeumonb and mabria, In tbe cost of living producta.
ting np to reach for tbe flowers, when Us but as noon tu> tbu warm, drj- weather
It to DOW aivn that production baa
foot caught, B
be fell, nparitlag tbem b actually estnhllslred w«- should niter
run huyund the limits of demaud In
all la tbe water.
oar mode of UvinR from that which
many lines, and this will adjust Itmdf
abalbw. aad Bdltb
we followed whe-n frost and cold reliniby lower pricen In 1001 than to ItlOO.
tba two yeonr men. with the aid of
ad in the land. '
rirer grai^ sneceeded b wading to the
The adit^ment has t»een going on for
City ]N<<i|ile have a |•re(Iy bard time
oborr. When they reached it. to thrir
three mdnlhs. and now irrlces In all
horror they foond that Evelyn bad been obtaining the air and suiillKhi which lines of Iron juatrrbls are ^cr than
bone ont bto tbe airaag current b fba they should have In summer time. Yet In IKKi. One year ago the trosta nnd
middle of tbe rtrer.
even In the city man tiilgbt lie more
Urge nianufaeturm advanced priora.
“Bare ber! Ob. stre herT cried the dis comfortable than he Is If he would
and when they got Is-yoDd rcaaoiiaUe
tracted Edith, orixing Howard's i
“She will drownr
He stood a moment, then Mid; “I
cent buildlDK- r apartmoDts arcUtoctii
obonJd only Hale my own life. But are.
thus leariH'd that ilu'y oaunoi maintain
there b Jim Brawn gring b Us boat to
unn-asnnaiile prices by strqiplDg iirofloh. He 1* a flood swimmrw. 1 will flo
duetiun. Thi-y hat e uls<> learned that
and «et Mm to flet bev as she la carried the ugly but nee<-sMry fire vscniw. One they can run their plants to full capac
toward blm by the cnrmL"
ity if the prlnvi of their cutumodltlcs
"Oh.“ said Editb “abe wlU be dead by
are ri‘asuna)>le.
tUt Ume. aad if jm lore ber Mva beer*
I from the soconil to the top
Tbe tariff fur pnitectlon exoludei the
Bot abe spoke to empty air. tor How
ard bad darted forward like
I ami
from It* bow.
la tbe meantime Peter bad apronc bto caousb to hold ateamer olialra..]arillAfter
tbe water aad bad seised ErHyn as Jmt tflercB aad even small tahh-s.
raw lunterials at thi‘ lowest
bead appeared tbe aerond time above tbe aiwdowii the tuah- headt of tin- rarinns price*
lee* ill any market In the world. The
water and
booaebolds which inbabtt the hulldiDR
Am<Tleuii nni'liniilc I* today without a
ly to abore.
reaort to these Imlconles to smoke,
suiH-Mor on earth.
He doe* ont-thlrd
When EdKh I
nbab Mfeiy nrfaUe the ladUw In tl>elr light summer
niur<> work in h day of eight hour* than
flowtin enj<iy tltere whatever btvexo
the' men of lii* trade In any luirt of Euthere may Im> aflont ami sip lemunade
Peter stood fur a moment apoa tbe riv
rop<'. and he doea it better,
lie to'
er bank to rent, with Us precious burden or feed tea.
tberefon- elimii-O tu (ilM-lhlnl Mglu.v
In the country nut of dn<ir living Is
b Ut arms. Be draw Ur bead doorir
wnge* thnii are paid In Kuru|iean eoutito Us breast. He rubbril ber forah.-*d easy, for It Is a queer eotiage that
trle* whh-b tt<ilild Uke to CniulH-te With
and temples.
“Evelyn.” he wbisperad.
US for uur home market. An lueivaso
bending over her. Tbe call had a ma^
U effect. She opened her eyes as a flaw - whether, wi<le or narrow, n eomer neat of WBp “ lu Alm-rh-an enipl.iyee* dues
ct turns to the light then ebsod them tneh a* 1* shown in the illustrutinn 1* not mean an liien aw to yond reaMnahh- limit* III itrira-K ehargetl tbe coneoDVeniont As will 1h- seen, Jhe
“You are Mvrd! Oh. my lore, my dar
suDii r. The rule I* <-<iiiiing-tu Is- underling! kty God. I tbsnk tbevr' Hr frit atruetlen Is of tt*e slmplt>sl niiil Is quite kIikh] that wae<-« and )>rie<-H must be
her lim close to his nnd her bn-ath within the scope of the Imiiie e«rp.-n. tvasunnhie If thu'pnidi
against his ebeeks a* in ngony be imot ter. Thin iiialtresses of ezei-lslor
noia. nml llii* nil.-’ Is In-lng
orra ber. He was strongly tempted to cotton nre mailo to fit iheM-nt nml i
applied nnd iidjuslisl
iidjustid l«-twe«-n
kb* iboae tempting lips, but he contralh-d eovensl with denim. Tltew- nre taken
blmselr. for be would not take adrdncoce In on-’nilny flays anil nl night so iliiit er* nnd eiu|>lo.vi-<-M. In no |H-riod of our
of ber briplesanes* or trespass oo tbu they ^ may nut Iiecome Iniinvgiinted Usturv- lin* it* iinirrii Isvii so rapid'or
IflhU of another.
so mnrkixi ns imihT tlii- .ndmtnlstration
The HexlgnSbo opened
ber eye* again, and wimn
of McKinley. Why!
she found her
iier bead resting on the bnwst
breast W. In which appi-ara the sketch.
No man w)k> ever filled the presiden
1 sU
ot tbe man
abe ao fondly bred abe would
tial ottitv hn* had s>i broad an experirhae tbem agab. hut she tried
Carrant Jalvp.
fab have ebaed
enev In the ■■eoiiunilr qu<-*lluns of labor
her strength aad said:
_____ _________
“1 dm
Mash a pint of rurrants. add a pint
and Its prtslurt* as has Mr. McKinley.
qalle wriL t ran go now." Bot her tUm of water and ruh through a sieve, then
For 3!i yi-ar* lie Im* watched nnd stud
was weak.
otratn thrmigh elie<>se<-Ioth. Su-t-on Ice
ied these .pi.-Kjlim*. and a* |uv«ldi-nt hv^
He frit, however, that abe was still exto ebllL Take aome tnll, thin glai
bansied and rarriad Uv b bb strong
ha* shaixsl <*. far u* he could all re
put crushed lee tn tbe iMittom <if each
arm* to tbe boose.
sult* to the inds of justice between
Sboftly afterward Evriya wrote to and three cul>es of sugar. Line with empluyi-e. emplayer and eoiisuuier of
Howard toeaking off tbelr engne-ment. trader mint stalks just tall enough to mnnufacturi.il pnHlueis.
Years ago
He ws* both Indignant and humiliated come well alsive the hrini all ntviind
he saw- Ilmt we w<^r<■ gradually ehnngand noon nflcr bfi (or an extended tour the ««dgi-s.
PInee three rljw rnsii!>erliig-frum an agricullur:il to a luanufacabroad.
rles erusb<<d
turlng iieiitdi'. lb' saw that w<^ iqiist
Mr. Claire, wbo had prerlpusir treated ar. titen fill
adjust our legislation to ni<*'t the comPeter with tbe bdifferant poUlene*. be
Inch of llu‘ tup witli llie Iced currant
did Evriyn'e aumerao* genlbman fri.od*.
.‘h-rve with straws tied with
Binra be raved ber life o«Twb«-lmed blm water,
with attaarions and was Uesard to are narrow ribbons of green nnd pink.—
ber eocourage bU suit, for Peter, when
‘ bis characier...................................... ................ ... seenrv the ob^ of Ml
»ben be pro-
Borion i'ooklug SelsMl Magaxlue.
•vrvtoMtble Wash Drvsaca.
Two simple and bu-xponslve go'
TheretonotaatatotattiFtlnieatoflarT aaM Stoiator Lodge to bla •pMch
txafle against pratectkNi.” TbevetonoC
a me trafler in the cmmtxy wbo poa-
ciMtimanded to tire for aevm dqya tn
bootba mnde «f «<«« boosbn tad
low branebea.
tbelr ocvcotb
M «lwr M bt taMA a* gw
•Mb «M
^ a. An.
V«w DiacoTery for BloodpofBonlng.
of the general utility urd<-r are shown
“My darling.” raid Peter, “dearly as I
In the rut.. One cosniuic is made of
bve you 1 want you to coDalder sreU be
OF SEVEN CURBS, the Hreat Oaneer
fore accepting me. If tltera b b your atrlp«d Miceti drill In navy blue, hutch- remady. and tor all dlaeaaea of tbe skin
heart tbe riightest affeetton for Howard.
mud blood, from Oootact and Sceoadary
Bemember be U rich and handsome, while
1 am poor and )>bln. with my war to
make In tbs werid. and It is better for me
to anSer now than to have any misnnderauadlng oe future regrets: tbevefece I
bsaeech yon to cgoslder well tbe Impor
tance of your anawnr."
"Petsr," she Mid. "1 hare well raaridend It. 1 love you dearly, a£d with a
man Uke yon 1 would be happy anywhme
I ws* cuarlnrad before tbe accident at
tbe riror that I never loved Um. It was
a mere fanry. which bla caodnet then
turned to eoattrapt. A waman deaptaes a
cowardly man. tor when abe marries tbe
wanb a protector. Poor Howard." sbe
eootioaad. “wouldn't make a soldier, for
le woold be asre to be
Aa ftanator Lodge said fnitber on In
bto apevefc. “never waa a pohey
fully Juatlfled by tta works" than our
toriff policy. And It boa been jHUfled.
In every sute in tbe Gnlon and la ev
ery sectfcm of every otate.' Tbe more
wily of tbe free traden ore by raising
ride toauM kttempring to make the pom
flumi) MOLL—putiu> wnrrx muiut.
arttoe or bolbnd with narrow wUto
atrtpra.. The pretty dress of whit*
■potted moalln b lined with pale pink
battoto and ornamented m1tb tucks and
toee fnacrtlooa on the bodice. There
a wUe flounce of mualln at tbe foot of
th* iklit. wtth lace at tbe edge.
Tarietr In Bnl
tbC rartooi fanclea b bale-
flWMtnc doea norregolre tbe balr to be
waved. It b formed Into large HBoace
cfltts or inarteaox above tb-face, mu
marie aaihttba. H* eaxvd Bttb far so
wither were worn la the carty part
cial iwomloiare. bb aim Wag to make
bb mask b the great aCabs of life. Ha toportoa. Once wbca be beard that Mr. tbe century. Tbe center marteanx b
■MS bacaam attracted toward Evriya. FtageeaU. scrieca oenlist to tbe qoera murii loBfler than the otbera and dewlam ba fnaad pamiMsd of a aobb aa- to IniMd. waa paybg a baDdoy vWt to •eenda to almoA between tbe eye^vMcbwaaaqaaltaflraatrapM- ma»M. ba pramptly lemaifcad. "HdV towws. Smootta and friooay hair beanH».bat Wham flaadaoM had bam mm- •ad a_cttaM Iton that ba an*t ta- iMC bto Taabbo. l I tbe triMM ai»
MHMMi If-Mb ■ritra Abb
b’^uStJa ^ufw^,
.... .
Wltb a rampant free trader like Bry
an. bowover. pitted against rresldcnt
McKttfley. wbo to and for long lias
been tbe very bead and front of Amcrthe continuance of
our protccrin- policy to Just as much at
■take a* if there were no other Issue
before tbe country. As the peopU of
tbe country value tbelr domfort and
proriwflty they want to make no mis
take gbont IbatYecl
the rtabastS BllL
Doneat crillctom of the blU for tbe
protK-tlon of the At
marine to wrieonied by Its advocetM.
but rvekless mtorepreoeulatlon seems
to be the practice of tbe organa that
Here. Tor liudancc. to tbe Uoaton
Boat d.Tlarlng that "th.- Standard OU
fleet and tbu Auicriean line, owned
time." Calm
8 B Walt
A Great DiaooTery lor Oanoflff
WiNDBoa, Oirr.. Jaa: tt, itw.
Dr. 0. D. Wanor. Dsar Sir:—1 have
ufcd vourCompoaad of Bavau Ouraa.
Uayraat raxmareora aud blood pvtfler. with ezeellMt ramlla. 1 4oeM
beallate to iwaomowad U for lha wpooM tor whieb It to Mod. Ha oSwto
are in a abort timaao Maalfari that It
MM^faU toflivatba gruataat aatto-
mainly by tbu Standard Oil uiagnattvi.
will take about hi per e>-itt of tbe boun
ty pravld.-d l>y this bill.” This to sbaunl. Theiitnndnril on tank stcamrra
could pot |M*<*ihty earn more than gtfiL1D4 la subsidy out of the g0.000.000
E. S. oimpbillr t Boat
win have thalr oAm Ib tbe hard*,
war* atore o( W. J. Hobha harouflor.
wbera all thoae bavlag bualaou with
flag* and eheaii labur<ipd not come un
the Arm can call upon thaaa. OM tf
der the star* and rirlp>-s at nil. Aa to
the American Hue. tta four fast shl]M'
will earn alwut $I..1UO.OUU a year, and
feraal* by the W. W. Kimball .Oo.
the autuunt that can bv paid to such
ships to exprassly limited by tbe bill to
Bt. V. J. AmIw OnntiTi FriHitn
g2,UU(k«iO.- liorion Journal.
WrKlBler auS fl
lulttlenl inriy hns ever met under
such favurnble clroum*tBun>a aa did
tto- Itepubllrun imlluwfl couveutioD In
Philadelphia. Tin- unanimous uouilnariofi.^ Isdh raiidhlates fur the otUers
e pTmitW-ut was t
pri'ced.-nti'd. Mr. McKinley lia* earned
and well dewrv.-* the «-..miillnil-nt. Thu
of tlh- .-t.utitry under his adon alone meilta It wIIlKAUt
taking intu'ruliHlderatloii Li* abb- eotiduet of our affairs of stab- during the
war wtth Spain. Tln-rt- «va* a nutalde
differeiitv bi-lw«*>n tba- harmony of the
ItepaMIrun tarty at 8t. Ia»uI* In tbe
r.mv.-iitl..n of l>C«t ami at Philadel
last nnmth ev.-ry IC<-pnhli<-an
wa* working f..r tl*- *lruiig.-*t ticket,
mid th«-r«- wa* a uimulmou* vertllct for
MeKiiil.-y mill Ki*.».-«elt. The latter
lias .>ll■h■n^>sl hliiiM-ir t» the |*-.i|>le iiy
III* clean and buiK'st sdminbitrullun of
Mlli-h pulilie I'nhs-* as Ih- ha* ht-ld B*
well a* liy liN bravery In i'ulta. TlH-y
T\«. a a MIVOK.^raMaa aad aargara
U O^PrMdilaaatek.DararalflaiaaU*
a w. g. a w. a ■
«*■•>*> »et.i
I C. UILBBUT. Sinraaf.
art- Isjtli strung <-auai«late* itulitically
h as thi-cniiiiwigu pn
(o«p.B>. 'fiitohMi.n.
The first 11 moD|lt* of Ihl* fisol yi-ai
viir total cX|xjrt* auiuuuusl l»
Sl-I.r*i4. an l(KT\-n»- of >iu|.s.'..-irdi
over the cx]K>rtH Id the cum-K|*>ndlug
a/pts. Da BoanrTBaL-TBoiifuoM; orioa
XKl uBstam la Vtacb rrtesrtvli'aae* UiMk.
pbM*. NorCierti -phoD* ■
a ruooo, r
11 mouths of IKTJ.
ight Nortaeru 'pk
Bacteria ■•■tig BearSelal.
A magazine (b-vuie.1 to si-leiitiflc top
ic* remark* that ilie liarterlum liaf
SomethlDg else tu do 111 the
of iiBlure tlian In originating maiadle*.
It 1* true that liu-y are oiKTratlng In
Innumerable dln-eUons, bm the
ber that are asms-iatod with dlai-as*
arc very few. and even thenc few. if
the auluinl Im- bealtliy. a>\- digested
hy the gastric jiil<*- a* .-asily as would
T B. HASTIN. Pk7*iv>**
*arai«a. Ol
k|. LvaioUUrMT.BatUlaa.iBalipaaa*
Oer. Ko W: roldrsra. No TlgNonSora pi
—oOW *n4 PMMeue*. H*. 71.;
* I
TYIC. A } NOCTTT V*t*rtaa*T. anroMa. al
U ■ Uorxsu .tUro TraaUi *l—a*ra af al
TNB rawi Ttl.T. Vrtenuary HurgMa aM
u> t^i-*DraBaam>erB(aa
“ooO bsraiii VoanMUoa lev faUraU.
Call* Irft at UroShacra'* tv ■has*'* aaH
naiiln vUl w uraapUr aiwaSvU to. Neno•ra pkoo*. oatrr III. Yrtag*: Nertam pMa*
and Itapp*-
. .
________ _______ _ forget tboae foolish
speeches of mine. My heart, t aarate
you. reproached me tba momrik afur
bfsut fm the flippant dnde. Howntd they were uttered."
Weatmotebiri. wbo was Mtbfled to lira
"1 win. darting, for t am eoortoced that
at bb fatbm'a expenae and whose great- yen ara gtviag me aa aofllvMed heart—
oat amhMoo stm to excel b society. AJ- that yon love me."
thoggb Erelja bad sever realty bred
“■With my entire heart. Peter."
Urn. be bad pleaaed ber romantic taitr.
Then." be said, gearing her fooflly tn
aad rite waa proud of bb attracthe per Us beast "be mh)e. dariiag, and cesne
aeaaUty. After bar augagement aad b what may we wm ba happy.”—Kentabb Bodety, when abe wa* mo
asaoeiatsd sHtb Um. she berkme
^am WMried oat ^srteb bb tbs
MtMtloa aad triAtag character.
TWe was a greet cootrust
Mb aad Peter. Ibe Utter wa* rlgorowk
bMhlna. all Ufa. with a bigb toacd. boa- «neaa aa Good Friday, at tbe Vbetvcal
' o
of (be couD^ forgri or overlook
fact tbat tbe’tariff tosne to tnvelred
la tbfrcomlng presidential riecrios.
Peter Criab Grabr
I hsT« porebased the flne bTed Ooseb StnlUon Honere,
imported from France by M. W. Donbnm of Wnyne, lUn.,
the lu^eet Importer in Americn.
Tbe tact that the liorM WEB imported by X. W. Don*
bamUa^aaranteethatheiaaflood oiia Said horse U a
flne indiTidoal, bright bay, IS hands high, weight 1,360,
flne carriage, a great roadster.
Honere oomae fkem one of the beet Ikmilles of coach
vee erer imported. .1 have hie pedigree with-fhe eael of
France etteehed, whidi will take too'mnob Epace to pub
Ire at my bam for the balenoe of tbe • —
eon. and fttr the pnipoee efintrodnelBg him terms
eeewn wiU be fllfl.oa Wffl be hare a^ July 80Ch-
Bail. tvlApkooHNo. tot.
nsNO T|-NIN(i-J.W.
Iioffolo. r*t> S. IKR. Spwla) »uaBUoa riraa
to epraatlve *aiTi«v aoS dlMooM pwaHor la
tke *t«HBarii dwra 'aa* ra«Ma*ra XtS Bay
u At tiom Ires I ta lOa. w.^4 (raw I
yfa»i;_yyNa.^ Nra^ r
ariaa BCB0P>XLDW 4r*ra ■aU*« pariara
ML «) aosta Ualoa surat Brit ptor HP.
Fuetil Binetn.
' p--— at4MSeuia Datoa■naat.
KenkraaPhsM■*.*«*. BrilPbsaam
Uneeda Rest”
«Uneeda Beet" OoCtagb
taaMtawsaiwx^g™^ nn.Y »■ ww.
•jsnssnt aB^S5gS^S£g
Moomh aad rroan paddlasa an daUebMB dtann dravta and karc ttv
admiaye af belac «ally Bade, atya
the New Totk TrfboDe.
Fbr coffee wnaev beat tocetber la a
doable boiler 1% eopfole of angar aad
I't eapfida of strong coffee. When tka
BMar is dlsKHeed. add the yolks at atx
ecss sad sUr tbe mixture ootH it be.
gins to tblcfcen. wbm It mast be reamred qolcUy and attmd aatU «otd.
prhipped nntU It ts diy.
mold and pat on tbe corer. To pcercat
salt water from enterlnc paste a strip
of battered paper around tbe edgr.
1‘ack It to cracked Ice aad salt so that
It it conpletelr bitiM and leore It for
four boura. Wben rend}- to
plnugv tbn form qnlckljr Into bot water
and tarn It on to a idatc.
Tbe rale given above may be rarled
for different frulta and Oarorlnpu
vanilla Is wanted, use only 000 cup of
sucar andaulwtltoto water for tbe cof
fee. adding ta*u leaspo<infuls of vanlUa
extract wbfa tbe whipped cream la
mixed wllb tbe castard.
aanaa jat 0 cot Ilk aaotnoa.
____________ i'i
S5SrA»fesi:E .'
U»nt ■■m
ftoflM awwtK. inr Ifyr ^ CT»
Qytft^ tlw (Mv <
Moaad IfAlte’
TtOMM aty. mkk^ JoaoM. im
jssSKitS. iL
•‘X'n* toodpiMk «oik«o
tletkA.oadl«~t. MhV «MU*
o< Mid lot •.RMMhiUy
loiMSMMkU. U« y<yf «i< ^ UoJkt. QnMh.U7AOD%l>t addlW
CtoWMU «r ite Cttv »/ 9VtMm CVy<
p<ach frosen puddlnc iiioy Im* made by
maiddniC tbe trait, addtnx to it two
cupfuls of powdered »URnr to evetr
qturt and folding In carefnlty one
qtmrt of creapi \vhlpiN<<I. Fill It Into a
aaaaaB tar a cot lal aua piv.
ip^d. put on (lx- cot-er. Insun- lu soft'iate.bih»............................. .............
ty from mil n-ster by iwstInR a strip
oooaaRa’a ird aonmoa.
of button'd iiaiNtf over tbe fUDctore
and jw(k In Ice and salt for foor bours.
If plmwpplr is used. It sb<iuld be
ped very fltx-. cove/»M wlih the sugar
aud all<iwe<l to stand an bour or two
before tbe cream Is added to It.
LST a 00's Ird xoDmox..
Thi' frosen fruit imddUig may be
» li'd by using nin<-aroons instead of
fruit. Pry In tb<' oven a ludf pound of
auraaa i-ir 4 oo-'a »th adoitwM
mararoons nnd n>U Iboni flne. .\d<l
tb<.ni aittl a halt rupful of lowd
sugar to a quart of en-am whipped dry
BSXBka UT 4 00*4 4tb kPOmOK
and pack and freece as Is-fore.
~ • olptot.Tt«wf Otty.
________ , AldoTMo BMffcM U»i
MHlMnlkalMKoovIMiilai tkor«oloti»b«i
«|tty wwt.ilto o( Boa^l
Moon. Baatlafa.
tooad. Vricbt aad
mf cm taadnd
•aXUAM L4V «00'B 10th ADOtTIOX
tetk MTMlK a^d
fntto I
MBt »bMi W wM pv a4«^
_ _ Oatkatutdayof May.A. tauMto^wta.................................
d to te bidltU mmoHmm «rt»
a.~l«M. aad oa tka trd day of
MowSU*^ WHM» Oetekar, A. D., tm. tramata wara
■ ud wpfonl,o( «• daly lanad to tka olty traaaanr of tka
MtyofTnroraaOlty. forthaaoUM^
ofnwwtaaa lartadUaainr dlat^
■ Tbb Vwm or
r irZrMW^ktM^
llOToikT AMm
atnal trxm Waaklartoa
Tor tka
MpnaarlhadUtkaoarraat raUttn
k yortloa af oald aoM
taaaa van aetaoUaetad oaaaoqaa tot
laakOlty to aaaara aay yoada aad
tin apOT vhlab tka aama aoald taa
bydtatraM aad aala.
tiM «Mfd^ OdMO
Baaelrad. That tka feUowli« apn-
^ **T!^l!lLuTLftlir^pinj
yaar IMO
aadartkahaad o«8|
B^.to W
A Csraes rarer o»'
Pome of Hte iiKMit novel (-ffects of
fashion nn* ivpissu-nted In llie gnrden
Uue ground prtubol wKli a lace Vat'
mkmm j
raaxwooD AODirioa.
BAXUAU'I Srd Aounoit.
aAMBAa LAV 4 OO'S Otb AbUinoX
BAasAa lAT 4 OO'S ?th Anomox.
“ Sl.^Si'S.V'
OAX PAax AiiomoN
Moore. HasUng
lyoa. Bound. WrlghtM
aasaao ut « oo*a Bth .aooima.
^’~k,“a22T.-«.n «..
oboMfortod to tho
; (JM ifdvor <Md Ctiv
MAmmtM lJ. . oo*.. sth uumini.
i^mw- . i
®iii;:.. i
tothoMMtkot ta 1
laI tka Maat
MMl thkakly
r - '
ottha ally tkMo an aoM
yroMlan to tka latml aad Mala aotr.
ata. la aU of tk«a eaan UtHal aiid
Mia aawara ara prortdad aad Ota
aoMr nalM ara aeeMatUa to nid
araMtoai, 1 woaldadrtoa tkatfaa'
M^Moattka daagar laaaltt^ f
I ■■■■ttiro aaadltlaaa that aa M
ItIniMihairdiMnttMTCaM - '
tWanaMrow with tka awak--------earloMl kaaid of knUk aad tk^
karaacnod vltkMo that tUa aaM
MkatkoMMadaInklothlaf to da.
aitkm ha and-
PliiB.fir— PMp of y»aavM
Works be aathorti
.card of Fahlle Worl
aad laatracled to amiiploy a eompelL
tO'pnt tbe road
grader aad oUar maeblaaty In opera
MoUoe eairtad.
On BwUoa of Aldarvaa Haatlagi.
f. BicKxao,
City Clark,
Spaelal maatlnr of eity emmeU bald
la elty elarkk ofliea Jaly U, IMO,
Tka mayor tela* abaaat lbs praaldaat pro tam called tbs maatUMf to or
FTCaaat.Aldarmaa Moatagua. Boead.
HaaUaga. Boaghay, Moore aad Smith.
This maatlag bavlag beeo called for
Kvaaa BU1*b Wild WcM to exhibit la Tr*«araa City oa Aagaot trd. the i
i w«.
ne com OOP of tbe United States
was worth almost S8S,<K».000 mors
last year than la IflOS.
When people can affotd to bny potstoca. tbe turner gets better prleoa fer
tkom. That U tbe reason why laat
year's poUto crop was worth flOJWO.*
flOO mors tbaa tbe potato crop oC ISOfi.
Hand k« Aldarnaa Wrlykt that tka
Fbrmm wbo grow flax sboold reeolledt tbat tbs flax crop (ff tbe Unhed
Btatoi was woitb 100 per cest
meoey last year than la ISOS.
Oottoa gtowexs realised 972fi00M>
wun moaey fer tbslr enp ^ 7eu
tMa tiwy <Ud la ISBS. That was the
MSmaa^SathoPlkday of I
Nr.d.0., im. aa ordlaaanv
roaoM of opealag tbs mma.
a w. M. aatLVay 00.
VWvtwMttIhA yomiC room's aim
Man aad vomm don't noodtoaw^
clnbt to. fanak np homo eonenrd. A
taaer and awaspUhtongttowtll boqaito
M pSoetixa Saroann aad naSRlni: ara
totboaimorpboroof leva what sand filoa
and fleas an> to nimmw. Who wonld
not prefer aa ooeaaioual bnuifa with a
roaring Jnne trog to Um tornmit of a
you can't cat<4>?
•aiMvwy low.
TnhM.1 MoSi
incko anssT.
John R. Santo.
StHIll litnuM.
and tallow cni>'.ha. Tb<m
trir!. <if loyalty to osio’b
frlMdA Tbcronr«pl.mtyi
am put «
wbiofa. like
loea, bat 1
off to anit ci:
tb cnlasbra and knoo
not, wont out
bnckha. How mi
of tho words Roth
spoko ao long
friends shall bo my frio
all of
numbor sn callud frills
upon tho
are ready to tradnoc, nnchalleugodliyna,
tbo uoiDua of otbora for whom wo vow
jnal n-gard. It abonid bn as impoan oqnt
for us to listen to' n word of roibio fa
to uy tl
thing onrsolrea What dmts Um aenai.'
Uro plant do wbeuradutoneh approachM Ita bloosoms? Jastvhatwuslmulddo
wbon tho breath of acnuUal tooebea our
If loyalty is ont of* dato, ao la modasty. 1 do not allndo to thu modesty
that Vwonld Intorfora with n woman’s
plan to go half dressed into a Uwatex
box CF to apuhliomnptiou Ipaoatbat
by and taVu up liiu qu'wiion ool
such mud<«ty as kis-ps n young girl
fldont and prusirvua haalifuluw
hoy liku.tlnr blcsnn on n plum. "Bn is
grvnnf" yon aaynf sneh nnd soeh a mio.
HoiaAprill Wbowonld iio(]irnfer sucli
ithiiring blight
grutiim-M 1« tbn witlmrij
’r<linagh» Nnv
bay nnd a
Cloihes Cleaiiig aid ,
Pressltg EstablishmNl
No «M rrocil Mreol
Gnil Ripiili t MliH u
• taiyouuioo. isHbnJdl, lot. IMS.
AfiSS-fi SSSBSeSfl S$
SK8S fi S 5 a==88
To Mart tbe atory.
In writing a atmT tiicrv nru anlbors
wbo di> uiA plan tho c<>unu (dt-vi'nUi in
S fiSSSESSfl* ;
r-.t.K*" ►^
advance bocanax thm- do not know
thorn, bnt they wrllo^ <0), certain that
n »A. ■> »r»i« liss rlolr r*» to OlS44
.^callcm wiy sag- lloiXfb- a ri B m. Iroln l.ss Uutlri aorler rar
goat ItM-lf—In short, tliu-story is
wrlto itHL-U.
1 confess I U-liovo in aud rather follow this syimuii, for tlioycaso that tho di-nou: sWi Jlnmcrorftoa. ursS.I I(a|>I4o.
incidf.-uts ws-m mnri' like rial llfo - .iBorn.uprol lAi p a. b«part0r rar
whern the um
sn ufhn happens,
o. F. a T A. OrMil SafMs
and whuru cvi-no turn nplii a capr
C a UL'BRAY.Afesi.Trarenet'lgr.
cioos way. H<n* - v.r Uiih may Is-, I hm
always found th.-tt crnrytlnng dc]V.-mls
on gottingwi'II starnsl—that is, siarusi
wi^ such lagtniuss and onthosinsni
that you <viDld sit down then uint Uu-ro
cmiMo aouTff.
and write on ami <ui to ihn <iur|.
Others dcHlx-raU) auil poth
woru. hover on tlm tmnk, licstinting to
maku UmplDiign
parturo Is pot off and pot off. uudwltun
bt last a start is ma<l» It Is-nom-s a task
aud a dro(lgi>ry and Is virtually un start
nt alU hocABM it b ou ialsm-doiidaninspiml that you fcol yon ham utA l«gnn.—"Memoirs of no Anthor," Fercy
uoiMo Moan.
OoMmcti of tlM CUy of 1
'^OmUomm—IkkfohmUyov ottr
•keats.tMposBdaefTUood ylc IM
«kM 1 Mid M pUOMd to dfiom
loyoBftl CkkM Mwint nuftt
BrMfriMalaCt&o Uod bm tko e_
ofUboMMdlbooMMMeftroi^ w
1 Mt wQUaff to Uuo» that ot.
^^^HMly for fombU mUoo hgr yo«r
If yoa kava a dvalHaff.
^eraay *
----------vSf^ vitetka
ad__^ gtaapM
iBMtaaaa ter yuu.___
ytke moBi
iflili .
aUefnaSsatsatbeaV. ■■amsUWImliimMsm
7 frisky Arysd isH.
b mS heritm* wim mw
that ninh-Kty which iiiak<
■InfarcuUal to his elders. It’s borriUf
ont of ihibi, 1 know, hnt I love banhfal-
aAXXAH lAT 4 oo'a 1st ADOmoX.
UStkO MM----------------«Sua.MdtoMatokMt
dUCaaa aalatlac oa a
lire IlKillfilllhi
tern of mynl hluc and wliIic tran-rlcs.
The diiqi ll»iin<'<‘ of wlili<- lu<'<' Is Ix'udi-d wltli a null!' In while silk innsllii.
Narrower flouiiei-s r..iind lUi' wrists
end llie tsdi-ro In dark Htlk nre uveriuld
with II giilpuri-Uke eiiihroldery
ciiarw' llsM- einniliie. It fiistrns c
th>- h'ft sld<. under A Jalsd SImI velvet
bowH )»iliisl with n ilhUm twist. TIkfolded eiiipln- U-li |i
slIU to match.
Small PelaU of 4m.IaI FopsaTlie unwritten lows of tuK-l.ty aiv
oontlnusll]' •■hiinglng. For Instance.
iDvIliiiloiis wer<' ulways wnt by Iiniid.
Now they an- lUinosI nlways dvei
the iMMlninii. This Is iin olivlins
vantage unh-ss tin- mi-Ms<.iic<v nr f.x.tman is p.-rfis-t!y n-llnide. Ilesides. it
glvi-s much h-SB Inxihle and ex|H-n«e.
a dinner sniiill dlffiT»-nci-o a
niore ohservnhic limn .it large and less
"stiiart" functions, ami then- nre many
little things liini It iH'lioove* an aspi
rant or a di-hiituiitc in reim-iulMT. tv>»nien ahogld not rise when a man Is Introdunsl to
and they slionld also
remain soatisl when an aciiimlnum
imiting out their liands i
b>- shaken. Of «-0Drse In the caw- of
husti-HK or an old nr imnicularly dlaUogulshed pf-rson this Is illlTerenL
bost'-ss wni riHvive all her gix*sts
Btaudlng and do all she can to show
polite hospilalily.—New York Tribune.
PERE Marquette
A little bMX iqirinkledsm a doth
and tabbed Ugbtly on tbe face U a
good remedy for Uackbeada Care
abosid be token to mb IldMly, er It sriO
aaakc tbe akin amort
la general anything that tends to dry
tlv skin Bboald be avoided, ouefa aa bay
._____ ___ etsettag a Detaetsatte roB. akdbol. eampbor and ammonia.
osMBonyat ^^IllMt la IflBB tknmgb the Iom Ik IT seed m giMt meiecsttem. tkw «ra
wttk aosHM «k» TAa of tk* tt*a stack aMM.
Knsrlr.c II
IlstStf S
loSiXSk^AeUA^qCTX Ps
UBSBi in Nimunn l i
tWIlet lllsts.
of all grease,
traat tberv are some unfortunate peo
ple wbo are poaiusuHsl of skins which
arc ton greasy and require an artrtngent lotion and drying luwdem.
People wliosc skin Is very aenalUve
are often trouhlml wllb 'gn-nt Irritabil
ity of tbe acalp when at tbe aeaaidc or
after aea bathing. Tlds is rauaed by
tbe aalt air and aalt water, and a little
vaseUne abonid be weH rubbed Into tbe
roots of tbe Ulr at night and tbe hair
waahed Again in pure tepid riUn water
wbencvrr It has been dipped Into tbe
:f; I ;»|.-
..^^nDrau..'d£S& a*
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