The Morning Record, June 19, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 19, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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•on&n am



Bnartan Wanhip SuT bj



SMpmte W\ght in whJoli 400
OhinM* wm Sm*d
aao7 Mm of klliad Fonta FaU bat
vara Oa»torad Aftar «a«a»

BAdCad bat Veaa Kmed-8a»
■hipa Badlr Damacad-Oar»
Baclaadj^ Japaa Boablotf Vroopa
to ■owa-dmerleo «UI Band Vora
Xaa aad ^tpbtlac Veaaala.
WaaUnrtOB. Jaaa U—The bmertaaa
It tba. daacata
tetbapaae^of tbe world. vhUh bara
fraeaoat of tba Obiaaat altaattea.
loi* proBpt aetloB lodaj. TbabatUaablp Orofoa waa erdarod |to proceed
iMaiHatilr ho Taka far aaeb aarriaa
aa Bicbt ba raqabad. UadvdlrMtloaa tioe tba praatdaat, arraafanaata
bare baaa wade far tba qatek traaapertatlee of addltoaal Amarloaa taraea
toaBtbaPbnipptoaatoChiaa. Bboald
tba attaattea raqalra it BoraablpaaBd
■era saa will ba aaet to tba moatb of
tba M Ho rirtr. Hraa aow it to aafa
towap that two ■ora <rar lawito. aot
aoBBttactbafoarat Taka, aadbeaad
tbltbw. will ba ordarad to )ola bdaUcal Kampfr.
na eeaditlaaaiatha PhlllppiBM wU
M~ ——---------------------------------------tbaprBidMtbaUaraabtoBaty toward
ABWioaa ellUtM ta tba Ulaatlal am-


dar (Boralat tba font opaaad Cra m
tbavanhipa, to wblak tba Oamaa.
BMttaa. Brltlah aad
Tba flrtair laatad aaraa boaia. Two
BrftU ^pa waca aaak batwavi tba
farti. Tbatalacrapb Uaaaa tbaiaOwar batwaaa Tbka aad TlaaTbia baa
M tetwMB turn »lMM ia
UadMH Jbb* l»-a 41^p»tch t« tha
OMtnl Saw* from Ohaaffbal coaflnM
Uutapert of tka Oarau oomI at
tba aettea at Taka
batwaaa tba OUaaaa aad tba fordfa
fcat. bat Diakw ae Matloa of tba
Blaklnc of Brlftob raaaato. Jt aaya
attar ala boon (A fithUat tw# of tba
forte wore kooekad to plceaa. Troopa
loaded aad eaptarad all tba forte hr
amalt. OaOBalUa are aakaowa.
Bom. Josa l»-Tba«>opacaada Iwa
talaffras froa Manacar Voaeacatta.
■aplat that tba altaatloe of tea Meboprlet la Chlaa to alanolac- Ti
tMmoa CbtbaUe iatoatoaartoa aod aitbt
atotart are mtoalat.
Shaapbal. Jaaa is-Tba Haailaa
mlatotar to Chlaa. U. M>lata, baa daaiaadad taato tar daMffM to
lioadoa, Janeia—TbaSaraatb Baagal lafaatry to ordarad to proeead tron
ladia to Hoag Koog. Japaa baa aa
1,000 Japaaaae aoldlara to Tlea Tbia.
Parte, J«aa le-M. Praaeoto. Praaab
eoaeol >t btag Obow. eeblM Dale
from JoBoaa Baa. Joaa H; “Wa
praraatad laaring aad are praetlcaUp
prlaonare io onr boaeea. fbe Eagltob
aad Preach ■toalona bare baao boraad. We are wltbont clotbceaad trtrr
thing baa baaa taken away. Brea tba
elpbar to gooa aad waeaaaot cable tba
l^ttoa or M. Piaeboa at Pekin. Tba
foraramaat moat daaeaad cnarfatlo
aetlon from tba geramMnt at Pakin
in order that we Bar ba aUa to laave
bare aafa aad BooBd.”
On tba reaetpt of the
Dalaaaaa, aaabla to reaeb Pekin by
eabla, Inritad tba Oblnaaa ambaaaador
te^tllag oSaa aad aaked
hlB to tel^raob tba Tleerop of Jni
that if aartblng hapaanad to M.
Praaeoto ha woald aaawar for It ta
Ptaaea with hto Ufa Dalaaaaa did aot
know Jest bow toraaeb Praneoto bat at
tba aave tlaa ba filed a dtopateb adte blB, wblab onroad tba
of tbaaboraatataBont. aad
told tba ooMil if poBlUa to praaaat
rop. Tl
tba dtopateb to tba rlearap.
d that 1

pdra. if Bora troopa are aaa^^ tbaj
BarUB.Jaaa U-A aamivSelal
Jmaa IB — Poor baadrad
patoh from Okoioo atetaa that
OUaaaa ware kUlod la tba
OblBcaa, at the Uma tba dtopateb
aoat. ware firing Into the foreign
%/m, eblafip EaBlOB. bat laeladad tlesontat Tlan Tbla. Vatblng
ABariaaM. Britiah. Itallaaa. OarBoae.
PbMab aad Aaatrlaaa. Tba fire of tbe aoat to PoklB or tbo lagatioat at


Mi at firat waa diraetad at tbe gaa.

Terktowa. Algarlaa, Iltto.


Baaiiadai bp *000001
date B
(Japaaaaa.) Bararal ware atrack bp
Breeka-“Pigbtlag Joa" WbaaUr
■bdla troB IB-laab gaaa- A abeU aiAoaigaad to DepariBaat of X*k«
pifldad in' tba Maadabarb aucaaiaa
tevtol wna Haralae naeard.
aad tba aaaMl waa blowa ap. The
Waablagten. Jaaa U — Ttewarda-AlgarlaaaadPtto wabadlpdiBagad.
partBaat todap aBBoaaoad tba rottrabal^alraek uerutlaaaa.
■aat from aoUra aarriaa bp raaaea
CMoo. JaaBli-^Tba forte oa both •ga, MaJ. Oaa. Waalap Herritt. Kajar
Oae.Jobn B. Brooke bat meet
nUMof tba Pal Bertrar araaow
Harritt. aa aoBmandar of tbe departOTptodbptba iataraatloMl foraB.
■aat of tba aaak The war departmeat
to tapertad that tba Brittob waraUp
todap toaaed an order aaolgnlng
Algartaa, tba OarBoa gaa boat Utto aad Brigadier Qae. Joe. Vbaalor, U. 8. A.
. ibaBaBlaa gaabaatwara badlpdam- to command the departaant of the
agad bp tba Aia frOB tbe ferB.
lakB. with baadqnartara at Chleago.
naBaBlaBaaaaattlaa were lakUlad


41 woaadad; OwBoa. t kUlad. ? woaodad; Brittob. 1 klllad. t woaadad: Praaab Onlp Throe Xvdaia Baporlad fren tba
IkUlad;!'woaadad: total *7 kOlod. 47
Bine Oram Bute aad aU of Than
Timndad Tba Chlaaaa torpedo beata
in Ball Coantp.
bare baaa aatoad bp tbb aUiad flaat.
apMlalwihe MorslBff Kececd.
Tba altaatioB to eriUeal at tbe Iraatp
Mlddlaaboro. Kp.. Jnna li-Uaad
pert. Mew Obwaag. prorlaaa of Uao C9tv*ll.nepbew of tbo widow of Jndga
Taag. TworUlagaa aear that fimo Jtea C Oolaan. killed bp Joba Dogaa
tkree peare ago. waa kUled bare tbto
bare baaa baraad.
atteaooaina aaloon row, hto bodp
Barlla.Jaaa IB —Baparor WUllOB pteead bp aeren bnlleta.
laagaatad at Braaaabattol »dap tba
Itere were two other kUUaga la
GarBaagaaboat Tiger, prior to bar BaU Mutp todap. At PlaariUe, Gbaadopartara for Oblaa.
, Ponlfal kUladaa Italian taim hand
BMah Jaaa li-Tba aratoara Oaiebaa aanad Bailer.
Oa Martina P^l Tob Johnaaa klllM AdBlral Obaraar bare baaa ordered
od learp '^tten. Jobnaon aaeaaad
U pceaoad to Cblaa.
Batten of aadna fondnam tor hto wife,
B-u, JOM It-U addlUoa to tbo when eaob draw Ualr gaaa and fired.
Batastb Boagal lafaaUp, tbo Pirat Battoa foU dead. Jobaaon oacapad.

BmphbtlobUj DaoUnM To Be
Suted for Vlee-Preeldent
Now Tork-a •oraraor Tboehad hr tba
PanlataaoaaCSiB •awortara. b«t to
Satarvlaad Vet Tb Vava tba Mm-

■ewaear, StQl BaltoVB Bopa^laaa
Mattoaal OaBeaaUoa WUl Ba BtaaS»adad far tba Beagb Bidat.
apcdalteThaHacalacBaceK. '
18-At 4 otolaek
ir Boaaeralt gara
eat thto tutamaBt:
•‘la rlaw of tba rariTOl of tba talk of
Bpaalfaa tba rioa prBldanllal eaadidata. I tera tbto to aap; ‘It to inpoaetble to oxproB bow tonehad 1 am 1^ tba
attitada of tboao delagateo who tera
wtobad me to taka tba
it to not ' naeeMarp to aap
how tboroagblp 1 nndarttaad the high
honor aad dlgnltp of aa oSm so high
and ae bonorabla. well worthplba am­
bition of anp maa In tba United Stataa.
Bat while I appreciate all thU to the
fall, aerartbeleai, I feel mMi daaplp
tbattha field of mp best uaefolneB to
the pnb\^aod to the partp to In New
York auta, and It tba partp abonld aee
fit to reooBlaata me for goeamor I can
In that poolthw help tbe national tick­
et a» To no other wap. I TeryaameatIp aak that aTerp^frtand of mine In tbe
eoDvaollon raapeel mp wtobea and mp
jadgmant In tbe matte.’"
Tbit to taken aa ad' indleatloa that
Hanna baa tbe eoorenUon waU In baad
and that It wDl aot ba
New York-a rongb rider.
It oomplloalea tba altnaUon. bowarer, and
Bldniffbt tba delagalaa are aa mnsb
aBaatbap bare baaa for Bont^,
Baana and aU of bto pollUoal and par■onal fr
Booatralt to allmlnatad from tbe altnatlon aa a riee praaldontlal potebUltp.
Haaaa. ia a long eonlerenee with
friaoda. aapa tba o«areDtlew-.vibonld
). Loag of 1MasI tba narp,
UBitad8tataeSaaat<to.0baa. W. PairbaokaorindUBB. Haana, bowarar.belarBtteatroagvoaadldataoftha two
Long, for .the roaeoa that
tba aoeratep of the narp has been
idaatifiad with tba polleies aad pnrpoBB of the adBlntotoaUon for tba lent
fonr paan with tba praaldaat and in
eratp raapaat repraaant tbo poUclB aad
pnrpooB wbleb But eoBO np fordtocoBlon In tba tba approatelng Sbtioaalteula.
Eooaaralt’a paraoaal trtaada agree
with Haaaa that tba goramor hu
ftoB »**» aitnatlen.
Beaate Platt did not eara to tap anpthing for pabltoatkB. altboagb it to
anderriood fraa parooaal frlaada who
dawBBad the matte wUb him that be
briiorad the groat aattanalaam manlfooted hern
for Booeorelt eaaaot
bo thrown oot bp
atUl belloTB tba ooarantton to te
bewerer. deelared tefore rotlriag that
be had tbecearentlon well la baad and
It ooald not ba atampaded for BooaaTalk Haaaa fnrtbar aaid; "Ooremor
BoaaoTelt'a atotemaat bu bean Ukea
bp erarpbodp to be final and trreroeable. I beltore pon wUl bear a Igreat
deal more abont Umgu theThmlble
riea prealdential candidate oftbeoonraoUon tomorrow."

Fourth Year—No. 974

Largest stock in Northern toohlgan
now rsady at the

C3±-by ;Boo]ssi;OD:?e,

ladies' Oilaids
Black kid, patent tip*—
Bran new iitood*—660 a


ladies' Slippers
With strap, bow -and
buckle — nice sba^s —*
65o A pAir.


Children's Shoes
)> to 8—Uce or button—
black kid, patent tips—
48c A PAir.

Children's Shoes
C to 11—black and tan,

Oculder tbe qoallty and Benda's p
asTlBg pcweibUltirs.
Tbe shortest line from oue city to another get! the traveler,
and the shortest vny to perfect olothiog gets the boyer.
Tnat's the reason we sell stacks of those {>erf»ct

light, trim, durable—660
A pAir.



All sizes—all styles—all colors and a perfect
fit guaranteed.
New Straw Hats......................................25c to $1.S0
New Belts and Caps............................... 2i>c to fl.50
New Wash THee, in colors, at............................... 15c •
It’s tbo come again i^uality, and prices that makes onr business
grow so quickly.

The Leading Shoe Boue.

s. BE]srr)..A. & 00.

Minute Rates


Ispheming, Iros MoaotAin
And otbBT

Upper Peninaula
H*w lilnM

Lew BatM



SeTBral Oara De«troyBd by
Vxploglon in 8t. Ijonls

Wm. H. PetbericI


\ ‘
We SBggest that yon investigate this sale befon purchasing elsewbertf
as we have in this lot pants that were'aelliag at $2.50, $3.00, $3.26
aad np to $3.75. These are facts, and yon have only, to look
tbrongb the lot to be convinced. Come tomorrow.


Make No Mistake
We have not xone out of business, but
hare moved to our new etore, ■
242 Front Street.
Wban you want SBLIABLR FOOTWBAB get It of
OS. We hAve placed ou Bale

A NEW $2.50 LINE

Which we want you to bab. For a better ahoe eee onr
Oompoeite $8.00 shoe for ladiei, and the Oovemor $4
shoe for gentlemen.
New atyles^nd good# arrive daUy.

The Iseadlng; 8boe House of Northern Mifthigaw

Btotorp of Tootordap Adda Aaetbor
Cbaptor to tte DMtraetloa of Prop­
er^ of tba Stroat Ballwap Comp


Lantea. Jobs IB-The war ofloi
bat might. It to rapertad that tba raealrad tbe follewiag troa Lord Bob^iTitTt ted plaoad
iB tba arU:
Pretoria. Jaao ic-Onr toreo oa tbe
Zand rirar waa attaekad Jana 14 bp
Whm Hto Kwaa at Taka.
Tba lor^ aaral aoBBaadan, altar too heart, aad three gnna. Kaoxat
a aoefaraaaa 00 beard tba BaMa ad Kroonatad waatat oaea with a amaU
Blralb dagablp. aaatao altlBatam to foroa aad dAra oft tba Boata. Tb«p
tbt rbln«a» doBaadlar tba withdrawal left foar dead, ooa wonadad aad three
ad troopa (row tba tone before < Vcl -ck prtionm. Oar lam; OSeora. oaa klUad,
Haadap afMveoa. At 1 o'aloek Baa- oaa woaadad; auB. tea woandad.

Shoes at

Call and see me at shop,
386 Boardman At*., or eall
np BaU ’PhoOA 883.

Bk liOato, Jena It—Toni^t a nambar of can were damoltabed bp azploalrm and But Urand Aranne 1^ a stick
of dpaamlta white white wu exploded
nndar a west bonnd Olttoaa’a oar. deatroping tba platform. A Park aad
Okie aranna car wu lifted. oH the
rrila bp tbe exploaloa aod a la^ bole
rru torn In tbe atteek A Fifth and
BlkbragiBSttogoiagtoBoag Koag.
OQla atraato Nartbmi Oaatral ear
lolgOB OoeblB Oblaa, Jaaa IB-Taa
alao badlp damaged. Nome rrere iatheaaaadPlOB^ troopa bare ara wait- Perea of 800 Attaekad tba Britiab jorte.
lag to aBbark f« aorlbara Chlaa.
oa tbe Baad Blw Wltbont
BarilB. Jaaa 14-Tba Ovmm* aoaaal

Banembor we i^re abeolotelp
FREE to OYory baby born
ia 1900 a pair of alee, soft
Vici Kid Sboee.


nrmn am


Stated that Kx-Tlee Praaldaat wiU te
«-g Meta-Vni to be
PermaBaat Ckeiraian Oaarutloa
Cprelal ta Tkc Keralu Bw«rd.
Port Worth. Texae, Jane 14—Al genttoman on tba lulde oftbe Damoeratleraakala the north, here tonight,
upo that Adlal Stepbeaaon will te
aamad ter riee piMtet with Brpaa

Have You..

jHsanHdHS »»»»*»«*»»>*»»«*»«**


For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get


Arcade from soft, velvety kid, with low, breed heels, fall
essy toes, and vary flexible soles. Nothing handsome aboot
them-jnsl SOLID COMFORT.
We have them in both lace and button at............................. $8.50 v
Minor’s “Easy” Oxfords.................... .......................................... $1.76 *
, For safe only by

SHHHMSHS »»*«««••« eeeeeesHMie


I xonuro nooxs. lownrm er mra


■ wOl Ami«a tha Demlto e( O^r



^ T. BASMiJjn i. W. Bab—•

j. w. B*nn. worn mi 1

PeUewtaf are thaaoMMttl||B te tha
blffroarthetJalpaMobnlta. a* (ar
thap era aompUtad:

1 o< tha Dnp-fadga Lecln

B^bUou OOUI7 OomatMa.



J. ■. MOMOB.

Tmm Iom: Odd FaUoiw m iwkiar
I tar 1h4 nmptimot thalHV* sambar afdal«(s^
ta vlilt hm at tba
«d «ba Morttim Mieblra* Odd VaUowa
•Tj AMoaUtUm baftaslar toMarrow. TraraiM OU7 wUl JMa with
dba Boaban of tha erdar 1h r>^
ialM^m a cncdlat walaaau, aad tbJa
fttf will aaiatatn U thta iMtanoa iu
waU aaBblMbad rapaUtloB for opaa
1 boapitaUtp. ThaOddraUowi
torn a grmt order and It ia AtUnf Uat
M ecra«>*ttloB wltb tha objaete ot
ditto Qoa ahoald boToeeirad la the laffla
•pirit wbleh baa prompted the ffrowth
fld tha erdar aiboa la laelpiaBeT.

The Trararaa Clip Uoloae will pa
•f^aat tha ladepaadenu In Tbondapb
taaa ball vama^lutaad at Banda'a
9wlrlan. It wUl be a pood fame and
wU be wetehad with Intaraat
Mr. aad Mr*. B. D. Onpb^, Mr*.
V, J. Bobbi and ehUdrea. Mia. C. M
^arte abd daarbtar V*m. went to
Carp lake paatardap to atap (or a while
M tha Oeteaarp elab bona*.
Mia. Tbomaa Marrap took her alek
M Obarl** to Hia- Miaotab hoapiUl
• Ipw dapi afo and the boy U now
«aah b*tie^
Sbd Odd fellow* o( tha altp are com' yteUac preparation* (or their bir oalatntten barlhatac tomorrow aad alfMdp amhlaau o( tha Uroaliala ar*
hataer pat op aa a praUmiaarp moreMMUtoararda daeorailon.
Aoald daeorata (or tha oooaaloa.
Tppoffmphteal Onion No. k6t will
-.^toaid a apaeial maetlnf in the Baooan
> thia evaolar at c;ao
Waloek to appoint eommittam (or 4th
adJnlpealahratlon aad to orgnalsaa
taMtellU,., w[U..hldiU>
•orth with the elpar maker*. AUmamhors am nrped to be preaent
The Bteam faarpe A. B. Oolhnm arrlvad la thU port pmlardap aad took a
aarpo of lumber from William Beltner.
aioarinp abont B p. m. for CbloapoQao VadU. the attraelioo that waa to
hare appeared at tha Citp Opera Houe.
ha* bean oatlad off.
ibe date bsTlnp been rmelTed bp Manapar Wilhelm from the manapar of the
top pasierdsy.
Mr*. Elijah Felphnm, whUe drlriap
a Froot itiMl peaierdap. earn* Into
with another rip and her bnp
gp waa aomewhat damaped. The
ahafto were broken and tha barneaa
damopad, bnt Inckilp nobodp waa bnrt,
'althoapb Mra. Fnlpbnm waatbrowa
Waltm Dewitt. Obarim B Ooopaeand
B. M. Mohlo aaada a An* ateh of trant
at the Boardmaa rivar dam lutemnlieTb*m wat a larpc attaataaer npea
tha mamorial oarriom of theOddFrl
low* at tha
■oadep araqlnp.
A la^ nnmhar of Modem Woodman
avTlaa bald Saodap at Llbraip hall.
Tba eloek in (rant of J. Staiabarpb
atora stopped Salnrdap.
It wai
pmmptlp plaearded; ••Stoppad-ahooh^ bp the low priem we am aakiac in
Katie Ltoht, tha (oor pear old daapb.
War of Mr. aad Mm Fmd Lipht. died of
tM paatardap. Tba fnaaral will
iriram tha
Wareloeh. aodar thadlmeUm of W. 8.
dAOOpmmham we waited (or the
oiaalt limalap over aftarad. It




tie. Art pear dmpptota.

rfaaMa -C. & Oavto, B. E- MaOap.
Parada-0. P. Oarrar. B. H. Biit^iia,
6ae. M Bapt. Wm. Laadan. Joe 6late.
Tha laeal bbtoM aad (imuraal aoeiatlaa
vOl appMnt tha^ owa eammittaaa.
arlthTboa. Parma». pnaidanie(OtsUhar Oaion. ganaral ahalraan.
ChUdraab parnde-J. W. MlUitaB.
Or. J. A. Sapder, Dr. O. A. BoUdap.
Tbanapertoitoa-B. U Sptafva. a B.
Mamy^. f a.
a Raboe. B. B. Papa
lira dapartanant—B. J. ralfbam.Pat
Oum. daaobfvtoab.
Btopda pwaia andtonmamanV-O. B.
BaU, Balph flaiUaf*. Oao. BaS. Jr.
Street (aiaaa-Prod Cutto, Tbarea
David Coi, Wtadald Ucpworthp.
CaUt^paiplaaa-Oao. W. Balt. Jaa
Marehto. Pet Dona. Boon Trenmln*.
Oamlral, al»ht ot Jnly t-fnnk
Priedrloh. EUep Bween. Oao. B. Bar­
ker, A. a Da^raa
r—Bxaentiva oommltlaa.
Q. A. E.-Commander W. H. Smith,
M. B. Morran. F. F. Graar.
me ■raoae—F. fl. Pratt, Or. J. B.
Martin, Tom Shana.
MUlurp-J. W. Haaaaa, Oapb J. V.
Melntoah, Llaat. Joa. KUaaaB. LtaaV
~ omMoa—r. BamUton.

Probablp not ObtatafoM

Ian o( tha Watar Worts Plant Oetaths «liMo( Oetobar.
na daetolan M BaaaoocMd * Mapar.
wkleb appear* to be Anal, doelinin*
iBaiptaana ot tha wMar
.ot tba alwtute tha
Witt rfr* tha addlUoail aaearitp et a
Mortfiffaoa thaplant. wUl ptebaUp
dalap tba pomaaaioa ot tba watha bp
thadtptmtbadiatofOetobar. B, D.
Oampball A Son will plaU peaaaatlon
oa tba drat o( Jalp, prorldad tba deal
eaaba eloaadaad tbamaaap paid bp
that Uma. Otbanrlaa thap wUl want
natti the end e(
aaethar vtartar. wUeh wlU ba the diet


My Would-Be

aad BasvcatWm Oeear

At a maattu ot tha BathboM Bioton hoU loot araBliW. to war^doaidaS
toaafaffathaLao.F. kali for the
Tba next maaiiaff far weak wtU
JalpiL rt wUrt Mma a taifa
aoB wUl be laitlalod. AbasfaatwiU
a CSC of tha
a (aatam at this maaUnff.

but good goods and low prices do the
business, and we get all we can do without
meddling with other people’s business. I
am the only one in Traverse City that has
advertised an Iron bed for less than $4.35
untiLnow—They have taken a littje drop
in the market. I received a shipment Sat­
urday and will place on sale Monday mom-


Tboaa who hava la ahaiffe the pnUmlaarp aRaaffamaala (or tba big Odd
> wkirt bapiea to­
dap. worn dlstribatlnf Asp* paatardsp
(or daoomtinp parpesas, aad I.IOC
wan piToaout.
Thap are (spaeiaUp aaxlou* that tba
Bat the Ball Plapom amp he Arraetad
marchanta of the eltp prapare (or tha
aa a Baaalt of the Gm at North,
pathartnp wi
port Bnadap.
Tba erowu* will hrfta to coma In earlp
Ine^taoftbe protaato of tha miato- tomorrow nnd a great time 1s azpocttarn and othen of tha bettor element
ofHortbport. a paao of ball waa plap- OABBTtVa COMCBALBO WBAFON
iodtham Sendsp afternoon, betwoea
of thlaeitp and tha John Woodmff Arrcatad Tcatardsp
and waawon hptha
and Lod^ in JaU.
former, to the aaom of II to 7.
John Woodruff of Comfort, a aution
When the mlniatem found that tha
Bear Aldan, waa arroated la Brllstre
fame waa to be plaped anpwap, th^
it to the pronnd* loop enooph to
plaint of Oora Beebe, o tha eharpe of
of the plapers. and It U
pat tba
Be waa.
lodged In JaU. to await his appesraam'
plaparawlll bearreated anduled tor
before Jiiatle* Brown thia morning.


per cent, of brings it $19.32.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 N’xoaa.t

Odd Fellow Visitors
We extend to you a weloonie. Make this store
your headijaartera while in the cily. This store
u trnly satisfactory and the most «w*prtrnicsl
boot and shoo store in Traverse City. Eveiy
rair of shoes we sell is the lateet snd best pt^
auction of its kind, from the largest and
shoe factory in the land. In men's shoes we
sell W. L. Doaglas' make and many others—in
women’s shoes the Jennert Miller snd others—
—m children s shoes. Fryman’s Cnstom Made, the kind that will wear.
We always hold the prices down on everything in the foot­
wear line, ok,«
and IUU14W.UU8
thoosands enow
know iiowwe
how we giveuiem
give them great Dsrgamsui
bargains in
,1. ......
_____ 4l___«,n________________ __
— ....
shoe*, and there ore others that don't—These are the ones we cotdisUy
invite as well as our old customer, to visit this store and at least be­
come Bccjuainted with ns and our stock.

aporta. A teat
and other arreata am llkelp to follow,
(era larpe alament In Nortbportam
the fame ahall not be
' ikin croptioss, ebsflcK or bnnlDr- Cnm
allowed themon Sandsp.
Cum pilm.
ectsms sod salt rheum. SO cenu, st all
dnjrplais or Dr. A. W. Cbaae -Med. Qo..
N- Y. A aanpla box will be
sent abeslntelp free to snp one srndlop
Oeataat Bacaa TeeUrdap with Blcht
Olpar Maker* Bav* Challanfad tha stamp for postage.
Oaadldataa-Ktoa MaUe Boblnaon
Printer* to a Borap on tha Diamond.
Lead* OB First Baport.
Tha elcar makara o( the eltp ha*a New Bisoorery for Blood
Tha pralimlaarp praparatloaa (or tha QhaUanced the printers (or a ball rantapoisoning.
bic earaifal (or tha alfhi of Jalp third The printer* hare aeoepUd tha
DB. O, D. WAENl:eb'8 oohtound
(ormallp bafna paatardap hptha ehalle^andlt 1*
OF SEVEN CUBES,. the Brent Oaneer
laanrarattoa of the Tetlap eon teat tar fame will he palled off on the ard of mmadp. and (o>
(O' sll
from Oostael and Seeondarp
oamlral ineaa. Tha haUot box** Jslp. Them are a number of food
wara'p^oad la the Boatoa Store, Jallna plapere In each nine and a pood warm
Stalnborra drp (ood* atoca, tha Haa- easiest ia asiered.
aab A Lap MareaaUla Oob atom. Wil­
helm Broa. drp poode atom, Frank
New Dock at Bdpewood.
Frladrlehb ahoa atora. J. W. MUllkenb
Mr*. Litbrop U maklnp aemml atdrp food* eiore. Park Place hotel aad
tha Hotel Whltlnp. The rotiaff haa trseUve lmpro*aAdnt^abbfit Bdpewood
not (alrlp bapnn, bat a pood atari haa ------------------- _..j----------- preaent bainp
been mad* (or the Aral dap. nararthc the enlarpemeni^ef the dock. It Is h<leia.lBta* Matle Boblnaoa, tha popular iap extended aboUUwentp feet further
ealaaladp la tba Boatoa Stem. Uadi from the chore, maklnp a preiilp Imthe trot dap.wlth Biom Wilhelm, oper­ prOTOd lindinp place (or paehia and at
ator la the northern Telephone Oob the tame time formlnp a aife harbor
anhaar*- Meond; Vblla BIU Slain- (or small boaU along the aide. A (oree
barp aomm in third. The (ollAwlnp to of man are bnapat tha work and it will
in a few dap*. A laipe
the rmnlt of the toM ap to 7 o’dioek
spaoa of the ebom 1* ales being Ailed in
laat nlpht.
fo^fflinp a eort of breakwater.
Maua BoblB«>a..................
Bdaa WUhelm....................
Bl’a Striabarp....................
Bhoda Battoabnip............
aarrp Parker. Theron Morgan. Clar- ^
Nisaia Baltaer....................
enee Fap and Ben Monupae left pet-:
Joaia Bobaoa.....................
tardap for a few dapa* trout Aahlnp up
Mprtla Sanihall................
the Boardman rlrer. Tbep will mtum:
Imna Stalnberp................
Thumdap ar*Fridap.
Best quality of Denim, with



-A., s- :FB"5rat^^3sr, Front Street

Frsotteal Shoe Vaa

One Reason Why
Ours is the biggest and busiest store in this section is
because our ibueiness is built on the principle that the
customer's advantage is our advantage.

Poster Pillow

Tha latarmt baa bean axdtad in the
aad todap tha Hat wlU be larpaIp awdled. Tha eontmt will not ha
aoadnad to tha abOTa ladlm aa aararal
more will be broopbt oat later in the
eonteat. Whoevar amp wla oat them
to a preat deal of (rtondlp rivalrp
o( rarlao* posnp ladiaa,
- friend*
•nj ot.tom .™ld ir^ Ik. thro,.
of tha earalml quean with the dipnltp
and aharm the honor ahall brinp.
The vote will be annonneed apaln
rtl* afteraoen and hereafter until the
poIU am hloead erarp morninp and
avarp afternoon, ao that tba Riropmm
of the contest map be noted ererp
A Wealth ofBaantp
I* often hidden It onaiphtlp Pimple*
Ecxema. Tetter. Brpsipelat. Silt Bbenm
etc. Bceklen** Arnica SiWe will clorifp tha faoe bp eorinp all Skis Brai
Ilona, alto CnU, Bmlae*. B&rna,. Bnlla.
Felons. Oleeis and womt form* ot
box. Cni
Johnson, drmfelat.

Slpawaod Mote*.
Among the lataat arriraU at Bdpswoed am Mr. Medbp, Mm. J. B. Mumford. Mia* Hnmford. Annie and Benrp
Mnmtord. all of Detroit. Thap ha**
taken a eottapa (er the anmmer.
Am Yon Biliona?
Or am pou tronbled b
Kiduap-Lifirer Pills will give Immadiste
rtllaf, sad 1
#5 coot*. ..........__
Dr. A. W. Chase Had. Oo . Buffalo,
pro»“ their
e will
.lied frttodor htamr.

SVvoTt Klessswes
to StvovvoTS.


SUa\>teT 'PaVm—


One Minute of
Your Time, Please!
We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
but desire only to remind you again
that we are still selling groceries.
OtlX? S-CL004
is dne to new ideas, correct methods,
new stocks and cdntinnal thought of
betterment, which enables^ns to fill yonr
days’ wants, as yon desire them, “down,
to date."

New Phone 149.

Up.Te>-Date Grocer.

colored subjects stamped just as hand­
some as a picture: at a distance hard to
tell the difference. A large variety to
choose from and remarkably cheap at
our price of 50 cents.

Parasols are

Shirt Question
is an important one. Must use care in
selecting them—we did—therefore ours
are right—right in style, right in price—
and if you want to be right in line buy
here. Madras shirt for $1.00 and $1.50
Chambray, S1.50, The Cheviot, $2.oa

The Little
Girl’s Overalls

We have some beauties in white chif­
Just the cutest thing for little girls from
fon, with any number of ruffles you want
from one to nine. Prices are from Si.oo 2 to 6 years old. Where they play in the
they must have something to protect
to $3,00. Children's parasols fiom 25c to
their clothing. Sell at 50 cents.

Don’t Overlook
our Shoes
Nelson’s “Custom Fit," $3.50. Men's
shoes are a shoe fully guaranteed to be
equal to any shoe that's made.
three popular toes are the Stanford, the
Puritan and the Cecil, They’re beauties
•very one of them, and $3.50 is the price.

The Woman’s

Good Things for
the Table
Olives—the big Manzanillas for 15c.
The Queen for 30c. The Deviled for 15c.
Canned Chipped* Dried Beef for 15c.
Potted Ham. 5c. Columbia River Sal­
mon Steak, 15c. Cheese Sandwiches. 15c.
Champagne Wafers. 25c. Seeded Rais­
ins, hand sorted^ at 12^0.

Good Things

of the year. The shoe that has made
Gray Bros, famous is their great womenjs
Preserved Ginger at 25c the box; nicest
fine $3.50 shoe made on a “mannish" last relish you ever used. Then there’s An­
and made in vici kid. boxed calf and Ve- chovy Paste at 20c. Anchovy Caviar at
lonr calf. They wear wdl.
veil and 25c. tHMisn Caviar at 35c. aad Tobasco
make you feel well.
Saace at 25c. Give tbem a trial.

Store open Tuesdaye and Saturdays untU 8 p. m.

The Hannah & Lay Vercantile Go.


fay piiaantB>n aebena of aanltaiyrw

OF MIOHIOAN J Tut BatwMD AMsrmsn Kqbtagu* aad tits lUyor
tte far mcrtpupoM Tbamatli XnaeandUmp Sawdoaof tbaOoaatemt^ « TarA faka. w«tk d AiOtm,
«B-Adiltteaal $1^ far lake Avemi40eotwai ba b«Ut CB th* |Betwuj tUi
MMoa Md BML Qalf llBka, bowUat
aUaja, Mute «pom. beat aad>aib
At Ifoawaed Ura atoek fa aUoorad to
r«B at larta aad aaa tha pabUa atratfa
farfaatariac fmada, aadaaaraaalt
a< tkfa ajataai a UtUa «bUd loat i» Ufa
laatwaak. Uwaa UAad by a bona
wUla «alUi« aloac Um aUamlk aad
Two famara Urlaf aaar OeUwatar
ara aavplaUaf two nammuUf larva
baraa B. y. Tradartek bat oea loa
faat laac, to teat wida aad 4S faat bleb.
It baa a iriae far abaap. aod Poat W.OOO.
r/aak Barabart fa eoaipl atiaf a abaap
bon wbfab fa M faat $7 M. wttb aa
••L" tsato. Ha axpaefa to booaa l.MO
abaap aart wlataraadrafaaaarlylaaiba
la ColOB towaablp, wban tbora ara
iwoeaaaaotaataUpoa. aoowraeaattp
flaaia dowa wiib tha dfaaaaa, braaktaf
oat all errar ifa bodp. Tbto iaaatraare
oeearranee. ‘at anuUp tba dfaaaaa la
aetra naaflaafa itaaK oalp la a tew
patebaa oa tba addar.

aaa Parti-AruXi^ for Oeraar of
**‘“T H»U-

BDvalefal^and gartmitioai tuMAopeaabp tba naa of tba can apataa.
nndnfatedfaratlaafadnbfortefa baaL Tba raqaeatwaa Aaallp raterrad to tba aonnlttea oa aawata
0*11 Eadneer Ibonaa of AJdan,
atetad aena of tba diOeultlaa under
wUnh ba bad bean plaead In hfa work
far tba dtp. and proposed to taka tba
poaltion of dtp asclaaer. and dovota
bfa entire tine to It at nnklarpof 11.000
apeur. Ho .aetioo waatnkw on

arltanaef BnMaan.
Itoab of tba IntmA In tba •oaunaU
i of 4ulpealo-

thd taattera of bail a aw eoaaldoed. ralattav to tblB ualabntton, Aldmnn
Montafua and Mapor rrtedrleb dfaaffraad la tbdr awnl latMualp iateraatnaasar. ft anna about like tbfa:
Tba natter of tba araetlDa of tenpori'
rp bootka, wbfab naap areald want M
pat up for uai aa lanoaada ateada, lea
oraan roona, ate. waa ruferrad. with
power to aot. to tba eonnlttee oa &ra
aad arater, la eoaaaeUon With the
or aad tba ehlaf of poUea. Toe Idea
waa that It would obviate the neoeaaltp
of harlav each of tbaaa peUtloaa ter
tba areetlon of tenpotarp baUdlafa
eoaaa before the eoaadl.
After ooaddarude Une had alaptad,
Aldamna Monupae eaUad the atteaUoe of tba ooaaeU to the faat that there
la SB ordlaaaea leavlaf tba poi
vruntinv lleoaaaa for lanoaade atanda,
BtooUav fallerie* aad othar plaeaa of
Tba earamtoaa at the Portlaad ea>
It aad rafraabnaal, la tba
maat plant at Nawajffo wiU ba laid on
baadaottha dtp dark. Ba Indated
Juno U, with appropriate oarooionp.
Uat tbfa eompri^ all that tba dtp
Hawapco fa aU allra with praparatlOM bad to do la ropard to tba epaaiaf of
tor tba ovant, wblob aaarka a new ara aeeb ateada aad the sreetloa of the
la tba Indoftrlal btoterp of the town. bnildinpa tor tba aane: and ha laalated
Tba attenoea ariU badaroted to aporu that tba ordlnaaea ba repealed, or that
aadvaaoa, a balloon aaoanaloB and tba former action of thaoenadl be reparaehnta drop, aad a flaaditplapof pdaded.
trawerka. and a baU at tba opara boaaa
Wbilabawia ealarpiap npoa thia
la tba OToalnt wiU eloaa tba moat iw> pdat, before aap motion
partut dap Vawapvo baa avor aaan.
made, Mapor rrledrleh atarted to aak a
OUbwt Ooold. o Oa« oonntp famar. laaatlon^maka a aappaetloa. when
baa plowed np hfa wbaat and aowad Mr. Moatepue. wttb maab aanaatnen.
tbafronad to tobaa^ Ba aapa ba lateraad bla honor that the aldemaa
eanaotdapaadon wheat w a atapla from
ward bad the floor, aad
arep anp mora, and tblaka tobaeoo fa that If ibainpfir^idtud to apeak, tba
tba eowlnv arop to taka lU plaoa in
rtrat ward weald
pidd tba Soer to bln, bat teal othertbfacUaate.
Aatkia Bit roar anoarmloB train waa wise ba peopeaad to aap. wbat ba bad
paaaiar tbroneb NileoBnndap Bonlnf toaap. MaporFrladrieb had not the
MaJ. Steltb of that elv fated to beard aliphtaatobJoettoB to bfa boldlnp tea
tba train wbUa crostlnv Main atraet Boor, and ao explaised to tea pentleaad waa tetallp Injnrad. dplnp a abort nan. but Wore ba had tee explaaaUou
flniahad, he had naked tea qacatlon
time afterward.
Toat aha^ an balac put down teat he atarted with, aad it bad bean
aaawarad bP Mr. Moatepue.
around Tnaaola eountp to find oat
asantlp bow anteaalfo tba aoal dapoalu moUon to rescind tee action rdaUnp
to tanperarp balldlnga waa loat, AlderIn that aaa lion are.
. Moatapna caatiap tee oalp afina
Unbtnlarttruck tour tinea witbia
a ap^ of eofaat la a raeaatatom that
Alderman Sleder secured tba ujfpropateadoTorOalboanaountp. Two parprlatlon of aa addHtoad gtSO for
■ona ware aboekad but no one klUad.
naa on the Inks avuaue park. Ilia
Miu. B O. Moore, of South BuUar.
■oalUon mat with Inateut favor, Alanna near laaLnc bar Ufa bp baao atlnv
uan Moatepue eaatlnp tee oalp
lav bar wbUa aba waa aaafaUng In
A paUtioB, Burner
An unkaewB nan, proaanablp
autof an
arelipfatuttee eornar of Slate aad
kp lamplap la froai of aa eaatbc
Cbm atraate. Aldamna
toadad ora trala oa tba Dalatk. Soatb wuatad tea patUlen aln^p raadved
•beta A Atlaatle raUraad. Death waa aad filed, but It was raferrad to tea
intaateaaoaa, tba whaafa of the tfala eonmlltee oa Upbtiap, Aldemaa Moaaararlap bla bead from tba bodp. Tba tapue Totlnpao. Afterward tea re­
dead waAwitneaaad bp aavaral people, port of tee llpbUap oonnlttaa, raeonaa It waa eonnltud la the bean of the maadlop teat tea Upbt ba catablfahad.
dtp- Nolblap aeald ba teuad la
waa presaated aad aidopted. Aldemaa
Moatapae votinp ao.
~~alothlBp aa to hfa Idaatltp,
The Mateodfat ehueh ladim were
B«p Aadaraan, tba pooapeat a«
Wllllan AoderKn. llTinp sear Martla, pivaa pemfaaion to naa a portioa of
0am atraet Dorte of Front for a rewaa bittea on the toot bp a rattUaai
ataad, and tea Eranpeltenl
raeantlp. Be want down cellar
aenathlnp aad beard a paenUar buxclnp ebareh waa plven a dnUarprivUapa on
•oiae and aosetblap bit bfa tool. Tba Inke aveanna
City Clark Blekerd anaonacad teat
adlar waa dark, ao notblnp eonld ba
aaan. Saareh waa made latter aad a ha had received a telepram from dmaonpood ± Mayor, atatlnp that they
ware Bsadlnp a letter piviap their atBeldlap'a mapor fa deterniaad to eateraey's report, deellnina tee water
torae the Uw problblUap the uae of
worka boa^ aad also a telegram from
bM lanpuape la the pruaenee of womeo
W.' 0. Uaym A Sod, the aeeosd blgbmt
within tba dtp Unite.
bidders, autlog tbat they soald not
make teair bid firm, and were writlap
nore.folly. The matter wm left la the
Did VotliikaMaw Bulaa at Aaplun hands of the mapor, clerk and dtp at­
torney. to whom It waa referred at a
ao Tbep Bolt Wore Teaterdap.
former maatiap.
Tblrleenof tbalanadrppirl* at the
Tba eonaeU aeeapted tba iavitation
Aaplem <)aU work paaterdap nonlap of tea 1. 0. O. F. to parUeipate in tee
•urltboui prerioua notice. The ateward edehralioa to take plaee tomorrow,
kadreoaaUpaatablUhed'eertala rules aad wUI appear la tee parade ia a
iartbe reculaUoB of the laundrp aad body. The fire departmeat will also
itfaaaldtbattbepirfatook aaoaptloaa parUdpate in tea parade.
to tbasL Tbep e»ai^ work wlthoat
of Sieo was ma^
pmaltlap dtber Mr.Xwbliaep w ~
pay tba capasam of d
Mnaon. It fa ataud (bat tbair plaaes dtp Sru daparuaant to the atata fire­
wlU ba lUad bp otbaia at ewae.
men’s eanvenaoa. to taka place at EalOldmrd She fa laaaaa
Aasla Broeka waa braupht to tbfa
dtp paaterdap bp Del Bridpa aad A. B
Oartfa of laterlocbaa. She will be
anntaad bp Probate Judpa Moaroe,
ptobablp todap. to daelda aa to bar
■aaltp. For a leap tine aka baa baaa
Mb}aet to apUaptie Ata and nalaaabelte. ^ bn aaUbited naap BpnptOBH
ifirri------------------ it fa I '
aMattntabawUlba adjedpad Innna
aadpteaadlathaaaplan. MaaawkQa.
aha fa is the care of Sbariff .fanpaM
Wa. tba uanardpaai
do banbp
l«nateratBBd iba^MMp aa a
atbatttaadQMjfa^b Wamatad Bpflip ad Ifa If U M&to anta pour aaapb
araaU. WaafaoapMflaatea

Maw Zflti
1 PM at Voak at
Bk Ba^ Taaurdap.
Tba saw rstiaa barw af tea daw
aaUlof teaBk Baplda Iraa Ooupip
atartad puatetdap. Tba etaekfa
H teat la balpkt and M toil U dfano«r.
Tba Oananl Cenpay raedead p«tardaptealra^lnswhlek fa ao kanl
rtren Tbbaee lake to tba ot^.
Tba aapine fa n laipa ms faraiarlp
uaadontea Maw Tavk Omtnl nilB. U Spncaa daoeribad to tba eeun- road.
______________ ^
dl a ^aten of aapkalt-brlok pavtsc
Mra. Mnip Soata Dead,
that ba had ■aoais Maakocon. and
with wUab ba fa praaUp pleated,
Bon. H. a Daria paaterdap reeateea
fa probable that tba eoasdl wOl pt*a tea newt of tea daate of bfa alatar,
tbfa torn of paviap matartal aarioat Mra. Marp Soars, tea wife of Stei.
attentioa bafera ordarlnp tba parlap of Soara of Qrand BM>lda. Sbakadkaan
Freat etruat.
iU bat a abort tfaae, ud bar eendltfan
Oemaat walks ware ordered built was aot eoaaldarad aarloH aatU a tow
nndm the aupardalea of tba board cf dapa apo. She loam a aoa ala paan
pubUe workt la front of the Berald of ape.
and Baooao ofiee OB Front btruat. tba
Ml*. Saara waakaowaand loved.bp
atoreef S. Adtlap oa Soatb Ualoa
In tbit part of tba aUte.
stmt, aad tba realdenea of W. J. Kel- borne waa at Elk Baplda antil 1691
•on aad Toap Mikula on the West irheu aba wnt toOraad Baplda. wkaia
two peara later abe married Stapbaa
Tba Baple Preaa was awarded
Bears of tee Seaia Cracker Oo.
eontraet of piiatiop the proceadlop
The fuaefal wfll ooeur tedap at 4
the eonaeU and board of edacaUon
Mr. Davla will leave
panphlat form, at SO eenta a pape, Oraad Baplda tbfa morniop.
tbeira balnp the onlp bid pruaeated.
The atateneat of the board of pnbUe
works called for $790 99. wbleb
ordaiad paid.
The drapnaa aad tneknaa of tee
oilp daelra to make tee prleea charged
fordraplnp naifom thronpkont tea
Tbep aeeordiaplp aakad tea
tba aonaetl to aateblfab aueb rataa bp
piviap a aebadals as a sukwtteopinp Cough. Aathma.
Bronchltla Brtd Inelplant
peatloB. Tba peUtloa waa raaaived
Conaumptton. la

iTbaCmHiaiOaw i



Jnllus OaapbaU of tba Boute Side
Lost Two Xinp Blepulea Batardap
or Snudap Night,
Another burplnrp waa perpetrated
on tee south aide Satnrdap plpbt or
Suadap nipbt, bp which JuUuOampbaU loam two vmlaable Einp bkpelea.
An ootdde door of a warabonae in ^
of hfa hardware store on Union
street, waa foread opaa and the whaafa
taken jut aa tbep were, in tea eratm
bleh teep had baaa ablppad to tbfa
Thera fa ao clue a^ who Shq^parpetiutor of the oiim^fa. Thera wua
larpa aumbar of wl ada in teawarchonse, and until an
aa. It waa Impoaalbl)
cap had bees atolea or not.
Thera waa evidaoea alao teat an at­
tempt had been made to eater tee store
of Webstar Heck, near the store of Mr.
Gampbdl. Verp UtUe moaap wu left
la tee till aad it did aot appmr that
aapthinp bad been atoUn, thonph one
of tee buck windows bad been opaard
and tea telaf map have aatand tea
Death Oana Saddaaip.
Mru. John Flaaka, who realdm Bear
dapla Clip, wu feu
aftoraoOB, oa a poach
Ida down a abort time before,
autopap perforaed bp Dr. Fruliek and
Dr. Garaar, abased a blood clot at tba
dute. - .
aevarul ebUdrea. the pounpmt balnp
bat a wwk old.
A Ufe aad Death Plpht
almoet mlraealona et
eape from dmtb, mpa: ‘'Expoaore after
meadm Indnoad earlou Inap troable.
aadad in eonaamption. 1 had
. eongbed
traquent hemor
nlp&t and day. All mp doetofu said I
mut soon die. Then I began to nae
Dr. King’s New Dlmoverp which wboUp
cured me. Hnodreds have need it on
mp advica and all mp itnevsnalli to
care Throat. Chest and Long tronblm."
Bepnlar else soe and Sl.OO, ‘Trial bol
tim 10c at 8. B. Walt and Ju. G. Jobe
aoa'e dmgatorm.
Special Pen Karqutte Train.
The special Pera Marquette train
Imviag tbfa city for tee north on the
aveniag of Wedneadap, the WUi. fol­
lowing tee Odd Fellow* eelebratioa.
wlU leave at to:so p. m. lutead of 10
o'clock u adverti*ad.
Or. W- 0. Onek. Ipa SpaeiaUit.
CMn ba ooaaalted during June at 219
But Miate atrul.
eao ba made by talepboninp to Mo.
80, Moribem phone.
»7l et*


German i^eoY'


Patterneii Shirts
Which wejre placing on sale are (remarkable, not only
changed treatment in the striped patterns. Last year,
it will be remembered, the stripes ran across the bosom
and around the culTs.

This Season the Stripes ■
Run Straight Up and
Down on Both Bosom
^^The striped effects this year are also not quite so
startling as they were last year, though in our Assort­
ment will be- found 'many daring color combinations
and effects. As sizes are*soon broken in oiir*stock of
fancy shirt novelties, you should make your selection at
the tastiest possible moment.

60, 76c, $1.00451.60.
With Separate Link OofEi or; CuA^Attacbed.

Dont B
e Fooledi
TU« tb« gmulit. erlgtul

. A* rmr amgM*t-

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera Hotise


HamiltonClothing Co.
I hare bad my bnilding
rebuilt aad pot in good
shape aad am now ready
to receive all old patrons.

Line of Jofolry
Monday, June 18, GoodAll Xlidsot

Big Stock
la complete prodnctlou of


Heart oMbe iUejhulfi,'’
“A Jeatois Vile,"
“Tbe Bideye,”

“Oaly a Venuti’s Heart,"
“The Atlantic fxpress."
The great eceuic productiou,

“The Heart of
The AHeghanies”



10o,20o, SOo.

Seats BOfr OB ule at the Box Oflee.

Fine Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

Tba mapor and dark were autborlxad
to borrow tl.aOO to replenfab tee dtp
trmaup oatU tea middle of Aupust.
A petltloa for tee catebliabaMat
the dock lias oa tea aonte dda of tea
rivor batwaaa Park atraet aad BeardSMnralk Limilwr in aU <1>m.
BBUB aveaas ana raterrad to tea proper
oommlttee, aa wua also tea patiUon for
tea mtebliabmaat cf u aawar oa Moa
men te Tfatatm Olty LnmbAr Oo.
naatruat.r«Bai^ Utothebup. Tba
padUoa tor tba removal of-tea baUdlap now oaeaptod bp F. G Haamaaa
aad Bbaar Brea., to tba lot oa tba opAa smineDtly skilled aod aocomplUhed artist A wonderfol and
poaito alda of tba aUap was ratefrad w
tboronghiy qoalified pbotoRrapber.
tee aommlttoa an fire and wntar wttb
power to set
Patltems ware prantad ter tba araeThe king of ^toptspben la poaing. Ufhtiap, firaptap aad BRaapint hfa
kion of bunainpa >p F. Cook and W.
U Brown u an apprapata aoat of •>.4U. A Adalapwaartvaapamtasianto a^ aad hu rumofielad ItsSfip^Ua cadar ter {sbrtetlp mp to date pbetoenlarte bfa alera on South Daionatiuat.: *'**^«ueordMUplBvttofib»TiMtbiaatodloaBa task hla ukOltp u aa ap to
A pantlaman kp tba nnmaof Midpe-' datophotopiu^-






Fire InseraBce.
L. L. A. Btilldlng.

.If yon have a dwelling. *tock. •tarn,
barn, or aap othar property iaiurubla.
kindly remembu 1 want to write tea
inenraace for you, and wUl givepoa
prompt aad oarefnl atteation.
Onlp the moat reliable Mock luar-nee compaalu reprewnted.
Bate* verp low.

Phooa 73.

JehuMi Bio,



•arkelUrtos vemtbU nee. f1U|
•srk a apeela iF‘
Mew Ofle*. Markhaa Blo^

Shoes 1 Shoes!


With the extreme low prices we have placed on onr up-i-to-dat«
Footwear. Have you stopped to consider the fact that______^
for cash and sell for cash, consequently are ia a poaition to off­
er you merchandise at a very small profit Weare quoting
some very spwial bargains and invite your ioepection.
Ladies' black vici kid, coin toerhand tiftaed, and a retrolar$200flhoefDr............................................................................. $1.79
Ladies’ black vici kid, coin toe’, McKay aewed, a good
wearing shoe—regular $2.00 value for............................. $1 60
Ladies black vici kid Trilby shoe, mostly atrall eizet__
$2.50 value for..............................................................................
Ladies’ black or tan kid Oxforda, band turned, in the
latest Btyles, all sizes...................................................................
Ladies' la«.e ton sboea. with coin toe and fancy vesting
tope, a regular $3.C0 shoe for.................................................... $2Ji6
Ladies’ black vici kid slippers, with bow or two straps.
and a fine one for...........................................................................
Misses' and Children’s Slippers and Oxford in tan and
black at....................................................... 66, 76, 86c and $1.00
Men’s Satin Chlf in lace or congre*s, plain or coin toe,
all sizes, at.....................................................
Men's patent calf Oxfords, plain toe, mostly small sizes,
to close at............................................................................................
Men’a and boy's outing shoes, with rubber soles.. .60, 66. 660

The Boston Store

Shoes! Shoes!

.. a


# 0£0t IF THE rCILC
IIIKOIT triiia j
A.% UodHUa. <Mo.. ftro Sottudag
■Ifht dMtroyad th« Bona tor Prtend
Um OUldron. • ahvilabU iMUUtioa
■ilBtalaad bj
^lldrw wm bsrs«d to dwtb.
^ VirapMMM irmpalntaUj UJvad
Md It or 90 othOTB ««r* ttoro or lOM
hart br
«nek o< tb« Qm^tio
•ottaodalloaoa tho Pi
8aUrdB7- Tha
«MMd b7 a laadalido <ro«lft. WaabiaCtOB. orar 100 toaa ol roek aad oarU
•ar^lac orar oe tba trala.
A boab, aappoMd to ban ban load•d with faa eeUoa. waa throws dartar
tha Blrht of Joaa 10 la tba prtaalfal
•traat of Bridratews. Barbadoaa. Tba
iffad aad a saaibarof
VOO|»U wara aariosalj lajarad. Oaa
auB'a 07ai wara blows oav A pasle
•aaaad. Tba parpetrator of Uu eatAbbe Marasx, a.Preaeh aatresoi
kaa dlaaorvad aad akatekad throatb
the bic talaaeopa la the optk palaee of
the expoaliiaa a raaarkabla apot oa
tbaaon. fonalsf a part of aa extasalra
Croap asd barlsf a Alaotatar of saarlj
«e kUomatrea. IbU apoi, be aaja. •rill
raaalo' for tans dhpa, and beeoma rit
Me to Ue sakad 070. HapradioUtba
sppaarasee of other apott In Jnlp, Anffsat and Saptaabar, Infarrlsff that tba
hati dnrlnc lhaaa austba wUI be rery
CroatTba klsf of Swedaa and Horwap aitUad the Usitad SUtea paTUios at tba
sspoalttOB Satnrdap and waa reealred
hr th^Amarfeas ofieiaU and national
Belnrtold tbatamUlion o< bia anbjaela were in the United
etataa, tba idsc rapllad; -I know that,
bst 70B ban too Banp of tbaae.’' Ha
Uapeeted tb^ bnlldinff and noUeiDf
tbaAinarieaa flef, aaid; '-We all rwpact that."
Ch eoUialon between an axpran train
snd a trals Altod' aritb WIndeor raea
Coara oeenmd at Sioi^b, Bafland.Sat•rdap. Six pamni wara kUlad and 40
iwara lajnrad.
Cebart Hoaila, II paara old, and Oor«oa Oolliar, arad 9. pUped WUIlam
«C1 ta 8l Lonla. Hoaele aftaad to
rapraaiBt TaU. nelng part of a briok
Isataad of tba apple. OcdUer fired at
tha brick, bat bit bia oowpanlon in tba
whaak. tsfiletlac a wonnd whleh U earfotu. >
KistrOaoarnefBmdaBlabaTlnc a
tralp ropal time th Pena Hie ab}ati7
•a disad and fated, bat ia pottUf la
MOtoibUtbsaat the axpooHioa. A
•aeasd rapal riaitar to Fraseb aoU m
tha ahab of Panla, who baa arrlnd at
OoatrazaTlUa. tranllSA ria Baania. Ba
Utaoda to taka a oonrae of tba watara
hodaneomlar to Parte at tba bmrtaBloff of Jalp, whan ba wUl open tba
rpralea pariUos.

hasoasaamaat la nude of a new ashi■aoatblp macaaisa eaUad PoUtiea whleh
tatobloaaomforthlsHaw York dartsf
Aba liMar part of fasa. Tba macaaisa.
iilaeeld, wlU aontotn mtialaaoacor
mrsmantalmaeanraaand satioaal polihlaa from tha past of prominent men.
MNsc whom will ba nenatore. oos'
Cnaeman. bleb ronrsmant oBjEala
•awalL Tba psbltobare annenaoeae
AhMr aim tba prmotloo of rood forwnmost pollep. While ibap will eepymi tba RapabUean tlekal la the praeUssMal eamsaicn. tba macat'sa wiU
%a ladapasdaat In ebaraetarand aapportaotbioc sajnit for tb* take of
psrtp sUlssee. Basee lit Intareet to
•emoamU at wall aa Repabllctei The
pabUaaUon it to claimed. wlU be artBakie ia appaeranea, 7all leebat la elae.
Wte pab'lebete (Btltor-i Praev 61 Wil­
liam alraat. Haw York Oitp) will tend
•eptm of tke firet three toanee aa atmmUa for 55 eants Tha anbteripUoa
prim «mi ba t3-M par pear, aincie
•aetaa lOeenMeacb. Thoae dealrinr to
read tba ialtial nambar of the new p.-o,Aaetloa an raquatad ta order aarlp.
•aadap Sehoal Miaelourp Work.
For eome time than baa been no aptAamaUework doae bp Sandap aebool
mtoalonarim In thto part of tba ataU.
The tnrk In tbto eonatp wUl aoen be
taken sp tap C S. Barnee. a -aindaat of
KaUmaaao ooUcca. who wUl apand bto
■ammer raeatlon bare. J. B Badbotua
artll Uka tka plaae of Mr. Haadaraon
ta Wexford eoantp. tba Uttar entkseas batec at preaaat anfacad la Ban.
Asp aebaot work at Brie, Pa.
OlerloBi Mawa
Qomaa from Dr. D B. OanrUa of
WaaUta, L T. Ba wrilm; ••Blaetrle
Mlttara baa cured Mra. Brewer of aerolmU.whleh bodaaaaad barcraat eafiartsc for paan. TerribU aoroa wonld
toraak oat oa bar baad and faea, aad the
boat deeten eonld fir* «> help: bnt
mowhorhealtbtoexneaaat.’' BUetrte
Bitten to tba bmt............................
It blood pnrifiar kaowB
■ta tba eaprama ..
hatter, aalt rbaam.
xsanlnc aona. It atismUtaa Unr
Iddsapt asd bowala. exprta potooaa
bsUa diceattos. bnildi op tba amoMlb
Onfp60e Sold bp 8. E Walt a^aa
O. JohiML. dnurriet.
Far wMAa Aatn am Otlmta'5 Baatto


TimeorArrtTalasdD^amre toasd Zsformad that ■aloosa wan Opes os
tissdap. Be Hade as IsTaatmstes
cd maOe made np
Umt Meaaltad Is Xhaoorerta*.
d bp tba pestaBea at TraaBsndap macBlsc U hit ^mos. Ear.
J. A. Braadp of the Fint Metbodtot
Mail Beam for tba aostb at
ebnreb. amtad that be bad baas UI0;4ta-m. rtaO. B.ALB.E.
formed that MTarai saloon* of the eltp
lims a. m. Tie P. M. B. R.
oo Sasdsp ssd that ba pro­
4:IS p. m. rta O. E. A 1. B- R- dallp. posed tio fisd osi abaat It. In tbsatwr»;10p.m.TiaP. M. R. R.
. soeordtsclp. b* made a toar of
700 p. ae. tnln laand s:U a. m.
of tba atraam. asd tboafb ba to
sot "ta on the groud fioor." ba seeMail alnaaa for the north at
eaadad ta fstataf sdmlttasea to Bert
10:«s a. m. rta 0. R A L R. R.
BUto* aataos. Bto aetlea easaad sot a
loap. m. rtaP. M. R. R.
UtUa exeltamant. asd worn eoBtreraap
•45 p. m. rta P. M. R- R.
Braadp and aarsral
1^ to raeatnd from tbeaenUat
ddaw. asd tbm* waa aom* tboarbt
4:55 a. m. rta P. M. R. R.
that is'oaacBtlona mlcbt raanlt. Be
•oasm.rtae. R.AI. B. R.
amtad pratardap. howaTor.’ that aoeb
1.11 p. m. rta P. M. B. R.
wonld sot ba tba eau thto tlms.
loop. m. tUG. R. AI. E. R.
Mr. Braadp to datarmtaad that Ua
0:10 p.m. rta P. M.R.Rtaw raqairtac aataosaAe b* eloaad os
705 p. m. rta O. R. A L R. R.
BuAsp ahsU ba asforaad. Bedaeltna
10:45 p. m «U P. M. R- E.
tha ahsTdi dsmanl of the dtp
MaU to raeaind from tba sortb at
wm stir tba matter sp nntU U will sot
11:40 a. m.rta P. M. R. R.
ba sn aaap matter for Uqaor to be
lO0p.rn.rtaQ. 1^ Al. R. R.
lad ta tha dtp- ta dlrset rtoU5:55 p. m. Tie P. M. E. R.
AU tralna lean 30 minntee after tloaof tbasUto Uw.'
Boat aad ataca maU m foUowi:
Mrtle arrlTa from Nortbport, Snttoaa
Bip aad Omens at 11 a. m. asdcleaa
w aama poinU at 1:50 p. m.
Tmlerdap'e Bam Ball Camre.
MaUe aiTln from Old Mtorton, Maple



Oud adChaate'
We, the wife aad taOam of the UU

I I 'f


tor eaU by tbe W. W. Kimball Oa

9t. W. i. flintai. OpaiatlTe Dntlitiy
fimball Flurt alwapa niaaaa


654 tf

Md chlldr*n-«-diMMCT a ■pmlattr..Ofm
bean: lOlolta.a.: I to * mat T <* 5 a W.
Bell 'phoaa. Nanb*ni 'pbou* Ko. 1.

B. of P. A D. of A., will bold their
saml-asnoal election of offimrs at NoTOtnpk ball tomorrow eraalnf. Brery
lemtar ebould to preaent.

. E. a nroD. obm is saw T«
BlMk Call* bMomC pruwpu* 4
ulrht Monbara'pbmc.S; B*U, ill.

Woodbine Cottage

PleBsant Rooms. Shady lawn.


doBWtf aalBals bfihr
bf ihf latent and
aaDap or mcbl calU prewpU*
atir*drd. Trlfpboo/

S3: Stole Street.
— Denil.t. Suraerr aad Detital vorkXMtal.
Ue»-onoeDe(t to Wall a Drag Store oaVolM
■ireet. < iood barn in I.-oBiieet tan <or paueau.
CalU left at BrodbagcB'e .,r bUaaai^>ala
•tables <ilt be prompllT •Uelided to.Xonhetu^cne.^oaice HI. tripg»: Nonbem pbcec


•irect. Botblelepboac* Ko. 801.

X W4NTKD - At t

of «aae* paid.

KeNer. 4<‘i‘8iitcsuS^



msccood ainTt.

L'NINU-J. W CURr. rroIrMtoei
LUB*r. wllp W4W. KiBbdU Oo . U

' wteT



Bap Boats Oira Bxtra Xa<
tor Bxennlootola.
^eat. old. per bu.............
apadal rata*
Wilt b* made for a:
wkleb WiU flra aU as
tr to
rtalt tba prattp rasarU alosf the tap
The rat* for tba rest of tba
waab irtU ta: Naak-ta-waata aad rctars, 55 etata: Omasa aad ratars, 50
otom1wd?SriVtoTaanto; Nortbport aad ntars, 75 oaata.
Tbasaralaa wUl ooattana for Uto weak
• 100 Reward, 5100.


« C Ol________

TalHng KmUaM

.....-i I

MlUarof Grand Rapid*,
to rtaltlac baP mother. Mra A. T.
Peek of WaabUcton etroeu
8. C. Oartbe of Nortbport to in the
O. H. Dame came down from Northport pmterdap on bntineea
Editor W. C. Neleon of Leland, to in
town oa bneineoa
W. A. M. Johnatone arri*ed In the
eltp pmterdep from Bralnerd. Mian.
When be ratnrse he will uke u bto
bride. Mtoe Mabel White.
MraJaeeUC. Wrifbtof OreenTUle.
to U the dtp Tlaltlnf her pareate. Mr.
and Mn. V. B Boland.
Mlm Ada L- Waten arrtcod in
dtp pratardap from Ann Arbor, wbara
the bu bean atUsdlnf the nnl** ”
tralnUc aebool for nnreea
Mn-Oeorfe W.C. Nararro bufoaa to
MUwankM for a rtolt-wltt frtonda
Mia* Ladls Tbeobold woat to Bop
View Uat aTonlac. where ah* irUl at­
tend the enmmor aebool for klndorfar400 workera
Artkar BUUker rotsrned poatot
from LonlBTiUa'Kp- wbora ho bee booo
emplopod oo a daUp paoer.
Varlla Tbomu rotaraod paeierdap
fram Detroit, where be bu bean takiaf
a cosra* U th* DetroitOoUar*of Kadidne.
A Mosatar DctiI Flab
__ itrapmc Its rleUm. to a tppa of
Oooatlpation. The power of tbla maladp la fdt on orcana, nerrm. maaelm
and brdn. Bot Dr. Klnc'a New Idle
PIlia an a ufe and certain core. Beat
la the world for Stomaefa. LiTar, Kidsepa and Bowala. Onlp 55 eenta at 8.
B. Walt and Jw. U. Johnsos'a druf



▼my SnioTabl* Program by
▼Ule Sandap Sebool.
CbUdraa'a Dap wu obsarrsd bp tba
NorriarUla Sandap aebool ta a rorp
oajopable manoor Sandap afternoon.
Tba oebool Koiua wai buaUfullp and
alabomtelp trimmed with flowara and
tataraaUag pn^ram wu giren
ar tbe direction of tba anpertataadaat, Mto* Jennie AndaraoB. Is addition
totbemnale and raeluiloa* bp Ue
papUa of the aibool reatrki were
wUl isTU MenUX Bmera.
tonand Arehla:at il a.m.sad aloaa
made bp SapL Hlllto of the Amerlean
for esme polnU at 1S:4S p. m.
Sandap Sebool Union. J. R. Redhour,
Malle arrln from Blnrbam.Keewiek.
enperiotendeat of work ta Wexford
end Sottoet Bap at • p. m. aad eto
eonstp aad Bar. D. Ooehlta. tha latter
for Same point at 6:50 a. m.
CaUtauand Obanee: FbilUpe aad alio baptiaing tan membsra of
Ntal mall arrirm at 5:50 p. m. ew
aebool. _____________________
Taaedap, Thnredap aad Batnrdap a
oloaee at 3 p. m.
Glrla, if pan wtob to be a Jnna bride
Newton and Poltt; W*ybln» aad with red lips, lanrhlng e*aa. a lorelp
complexion, toke Rocky Monofibin Tea
moatb. 55e. Aak pour drngglbt.
Mlm DeLonc of Korthport U the Boeton....V............................
5 1
rnmt of Mn. Imnn 8Uta asd Mlm
Traratoe Oiiy Market.
Oraea Clark of But Front street.
Nleboto ud SoiilTu: MeOlnnltp and
Below la a Hat of tbe baring and uilMlm Llnla Cbnrcb from the wUdp
Ing priem of peaterdap for groeerica,
prOTtolona aad farm prodnota is' Tra*dtp of Chlctco to Ttoltlnc the UmUp of
area Clip;
J. T. Boedir. She will attend the wadaxLLixsraiaB
dlnr of Mtot White on the I7tb.
dear Poik per bbl, new.......
515 so
Mra Joe Rntnar went to But Jor­
dear Pork par lb........................
18 00
AMXxicaa Lsaasx.
dan pmtardap.
Short Oat Pork per to..................
Mn. Oaorce Dean bu cosa oa a rtalt
Flour, H L. A Oa Bast..............
4 00
to TetODlo. Canada.
Era Flonr, B. L. A Oo, Beat...
4 W
8apmoar sad Soedaa: SpirUt aad Meal, H. L. A Oo. BmV..............
Mtoe Bditb tiomera hu ntnraad
1 10
Feed, H. L. A Oo. Boat...........
1 00
from the YpallanU^ormal.
Mr. and Mn. Jobs Olllto left paaUr:■
iUp for a Ttolt at KaUmtem.
ar and Poware; Beokar aad Imrd per Bi................................
Joupb B. Psrron ha« cnB« oa % rtalt
Bnt^ par lb Daly....................
to bto old home In Canada. Be bu Htanaapolto
basn in the amplep of tba MaraantUa "anau Oi^
Oo. for the put 15 paare. Ba ban not
BaUap aad t^todi
[aeUtoebt;:Pattea and
rtdted bto old borne for Ue-pait 50 Oondlnf.
Mn. W F. OoUbucu* on a rtait
to Paaseplranla.
Mrs. B. fi. Braekan to homa from a
rttll to Grand Bi^lds.
lOm Alma Dssprm hu cosa to MUwaahaa to spend bar neaUes.
Mtoe Bnlpn Marfan ratdmad Soadap tram an axtaadad rtoit with
triandi In Ohleara
WUUam HnrUooan
ratnrsad to
Orasd Bnplde paatardap
dapa with frtasde U tbto dtp.
ArUar Bari west to YpdUstl pmtorfap. wbare ha will witsam tba oommanaamaat axaretom of tba HormaL
Bto atotar. Mlm Bditb Bari, to U tha
fradnatlac eUm thto pear.
Baarp Tanoaliar arrlrad Ust Bifht
from a trip to Cbleifo and Bantos
Barbar- Mra Tonnalur wUl ramaU
is Benton Barbor tome time loaffor.
A. W. Bxrtak wu co far roeororad
peitardap from bto attack of typhoid
tarar, that ba wu able to ba down
town for the fint Mma is aU waaka
Bdward Bartak to aronnd acaln.aftw
a dx waekt' aUfo of tppbdd faror.
Mn. B. Dlx and non PbUIip of Orasd
Rapid* are rtdllnc Mra O. R. Paiffe ol


noatatacara gratltad*
tor tha attoattaa 1
abowB na Snnoap, Ja
MemorUl Dap. Snob
aa. rtea
Ststabert'i Grand laar'alfbt
WiU alwapa
w* wiU
psdmdto the deon to
tka Mttaduput gratinde
toward th*
Craatseesle prodnetloa. "Th* World."
bp th* GaekeU 8todi Oo. Tbto plap to
Wa also <*.t
fall ol dtsatiaa*. sUewtsf crest I
_____ .lloa kfaowD n* Snsdtp, their
eHaeto. eapeeUllp tbs ahlpwraeb.
MemorUl Dap. bp the " '

adrift oa the raft sad tba i
) apprMiate t)
aUad oot ooattaaal MtaUnaa. Tha
* u be wu tbe only Woodmaa
1 the food wwkof
Sneb earrlem u tboae c
} oaa pUptag tbair
porttoUeilf*. The atagtag ofMtoa
t bees torgotUn bp
Bamblta aad the
I apmoatbp to felt for at,
Bdwta Nawallaad Cuba Nihlo. oaUad
e eaablad «6 imr onr burden tbe
fur maap aseoraa Thtoeoaapaap to
dag again our moot
to ramata tha entire week,
e to tbe Woodmen, we
toaigbt tke great malo-drama. "Iha
Baart of tbs Ali^haatoa"


*4 taN4«.

B. SVANS. M. D . ind'aoU from Ibc

A, BedimIdapdnw'Dtor the t'al<TnliT of
Buffalo, rebrr. ixTZ. sporlal atioBtun attre


•imt. At banebOB-Hw lOk. B^sd froB 1
>r ^dso and orgaD.

I Bilk. Priee BO H.

>Via* M

(or SI l<

M”5,'s,rs?.v.?r Kira.sii

corner State aed Oaas.'
^LXXK WANTED-For «eoaral atoek. Apy ptr at eaee. R. Srhootbercar. Ocauil

Short 'Mtesi&qes

TXPAMTED-uaod girl (or geooral booM

Sptc-V5.\ Nine

1 Cam* Boll, oaraai State aad WaUlagiea.


Vit«- $\.00 daVm ^or 69e.

! Fisss-" -


^ S.)tilotoABMB*r.«OiaeBtb Oaloa St.

ttMt <

Tbo Baoloa Btoea.


ipOS SAU os KXOBANOB-rtic aorU H Ot i
Dr. A. B.80111007 i* *1111 W7
u tba raaalt of tbs tajarp be raoelrad
soma Urns SCO ta a Mepal* aeeldant.
A few dapa ago It aru fonad neeeaairp
to perform aa eporatloa. aad pmierdap
another wu naeomarp. Tba prospect
r. bowerar. to that the doetor will
ir* rapldlp than at anp
era. and he hopm to toon
gat ont to lota after hto praeUea.


’V'"” 1

Hall'* '

<,>nre u paaen miernaup, aeuHy omeiIp upon tbe blood and mneon* eorfacaa
of tba apatem, thereby deetroplag tbe
foundation of tbe dtoeaae. and ^Ting
th* ... ,
_____ _
tbe eoneUtution and auiaUng nature
In doing iU work. Tbe pi
bare ao much faith In Iti enratlre
power*, that they offer One Hundred
Potoosad From a Bite.
Dollar* for anr com that it falls to
Mra. Alfred LtaddI wbou llttla
ire. Send for Hat of teatimoniaU.
Addrem F. J. Cbenep ACo..Toledo.O.
dangbtar died of dlphthmek e few dapa
Sold bp drnggtoto. 75e.
ago, to anflaring fram a rerp badip
Ball’s Family Pills
'ille are tbe beet.
polaoned hand. Tba Uttia girl, ta one
of tba paroxpaam of pain before bar
death, bit bar motber’a band, lacaiat- A Grest Discovery tor Oanoer
tar the ftagan qnlta badip, and blood
potoontag Mt ta at woe*. Bereral otbTonr Componnd of Seren Cures,
ebltdren ta tba famllp are 111 with tbe great cancer core and blood pi
dlpbtherU. bnt at* getting along niec- fler. wUb excellent reauKa. I do
for the pni
Ijpeace for which K
Ito effect
are In
Ja*. CrnniKeB.
WUl g* to The FhUaddphta Ooneentlon
ta Place of Blodgett asd 6prtag
&rhia C«ntv7 Cook Book.
A limited nemtar tor erte at 55 eenta
aaeb. Will ta maUed postage |
Grand Baplda. Mich.. Jnae 16-Tbere
ca receipt of tbe price. Addrem,'
hu been tame fear ta Tariona part* of
Barald. 1
TraTane dtp, MIeb.
tke amts that the Grand Baplda dele­
gation to tha
PbUadelpbU •
to the taabUltp of Benrp Spring
D. A. Blodgett toga Bowerar, ta tbo
place of Mr. Btadgatv B. 8. Bandt of
Pantwatar will go u dr legate at large
aa alternate tor Mr. Blodgett. wbUa
CHAELBVofx. JUNX flat.
Peter UsPharaon of Vargenn#*. Kaat
Train wiu Ustb TraTarst dtp at 7:p
ooantp, will go ta pUea of Baaiy
. K. LesTa ObarlcToix returning a
7 p.m. Rato 51. Tlckeu wUl aUo to
Tbi> somber of ware* required to sold at one fare rato oa Jnna sotb am
l^uce the aenutlon of red u tbep list, good to return tba toed.
B. F. MocUar,
break upon tbe eye mtut ta 38.000 ta
Acting O. P. A.
an ineb asd 447 rnUllon In a eacond. '

propong. J. w. patcbiD.

i,°ss7i2:r;'susr.ir2i’,7-s 'The Waukazoo House!
Nortbaabaierc. Plndor leave at ible oWee.

F“Kf,v?;arL:rj;is'wa”,'S;v. |
A BABOAIN-Id U foot loti oa Froot aed
Ah. Biateetreeulorcmtooreaartermit AIM
elorebaUdtbgforMla. CaU at MC Bae> Proat

TP YOe WANT lunraaoe of anr kisd To cm




Pere Marquette

I bare bought Ibe celebrated >Percberon StallioD,

General Custer
formerly owned by Peter Wurxbo^, aod after tbia date said bone
will be foond at my bam, 239

Tbken tbto month keepe you wad all
tba pear. Oraatmt tonic known. Roekp Jt.bntHwl ..
Said horpe will be here ThoraMonnitai Tea. mada bp Madtooo Med- tlma." Oalmas'a
Jams'* BUaUe Floo^amtob
r '
toon Oo. 55c. Atk poor
8 B Walt.
daysr Fridays .^and Satoidayx.'
On Monday* at dnttonB Bay, and



xros-Uk.x>ox-t. xcaoik.


June B. tart. 1 will par r«>« « per a-re (or
baUbeeafroor clalB. AddreM U. A. Brigbaa.Uraera.oradrUePntuSDaele.TraTeree , Tbe beat fnrnlahad and beat kant
»4»-»t 1 loua on this penlnsala la ready Ibt
instaess. Open the pev round. Good
dTery ta connecUou with the bones.
M44( . 1 Utoe made known on application.
I3U> ud BotaOBla nrerl. Jobo Verl^ IS ,

State gtreet.

tnrnldg fram CbarleTolx oa the areclev^of the 35nd, after tbe Maeeabca
___ brstion. wUl Icare Charlerolx at
10:50 p. m. laatead of 7 p. m. u aiTsr-'

Best to be had in
the city is^at


on Toesdays

and WedneBdsye at

Monroe Center.


Fuieial Ditector.
John R. Santo,
Guwil lisiiaici.
Wnrxbnrg Block


UBsns in nimisnu a i

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