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The Morning Record, May 31, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
fo Isj* UttoOoial Svpcrta
Mter Waana Oaatoa Stataaa
Made in Cteaalaad Laadar.
todapdaelarad caa
pert pabitobad la tba Otoi
ad the aadlaaaa to fltttoc wotda, aad
apofca of Ua moanlac of the dap amd ita
ImprssBifs BxsTotoss
Bar. Oaraal lad in pmpw. whkk
followed bp tba addnm of tba dap.
bp Bat. W. T. Woodbooaa.
Mr.Weedheaaaeallad tba attaattoa
of Ua aadlaaaa to tba ericla and
tba klatotp of the daj. Itt tna
maaatoc and Ua hantoap of ito
tba aaatiaaaato that
aallad teU ito aatabUahmat. Hetop
of axaltattoa map de tor Ua FoarU of
Jalp.bnt bare ae pUoa to Uk oaeai
tba "la Mamonam” of the aatkm.
Bo raeaUad the hktorp of tba aoldton
of tba dril war. asd tba worit that
tbap did for tba eoantrp. Ba^okaef
tba Croat raaolU of tba rietorp for Ue
Uatoa. asd of Ue mamloae pritUacn
Mr. Woodhowa doaad hie etirrlsc
addram wlU Ueaa worda:
“Wa seed the ^Irit of the sien of *76
who wbao tbap bad aot forU tbair
Idaaa of corersmeat to the Dedarattoa
of ladepeadeaee, eoded it wiU t
worde. ‘For the eo^ortof Uit dedantfoa. rriptoc oa the protaetloa of DiTtoe Proridanae. we pladpe eaeh oUer
oar Una, oar fortonea and oar aaered
honor.' Wa seed Ua aplrit of Ue
(Conttonad on foorU pace-)
MaPbaraoa Peat, W. S. O. and OompanpMFald Toador Trlbautotbo
bat woald ba a »a«bor of tba adrtoorp Daparlod Saroto Fiatwal BoeU-
ttv* OommU, I
•MmTM »mim ••««>•»>«
rirhiiT-*"r DItmrtW Sm* o<
aoulttaa to (to aaadaet of tba aaoriac
■aaator Bauab daaial
gaaa ae faitbar tbaa to mj that aelb*
IW baa baaa daeidad oa to tbaorfaai
attaaaf tba
aad eaa't ba aatD tba «
nw Brttkb BdvMMVMrd to MI
w«7 tatiNM Praterto nd JoUuMI of Troops from
Uad«B, M«7 w—T)m «v «a« hM
Many Warships
toMBd BOtUac traa Lord B«bOTU alBw
It Md« pablk kto dtopateh Mat fron adrieac from Obtoa Btatca That ‘Bex
npMtod to oemfj iotosoMbarf witb- ara’'araClaaato Pakto—FaaradTbat
Mt opfOilttoB, bat talcrrmau tros Oabloa wUl ba Oat-Saport Tbat
eorraapoadoato la Pratorto atau tbat
amcrioaii Martoea Sara Baoelrcd
tka Boar capital haa baaa abaad
totboBrittoh. Ua forla bavtai
Ordara to Otoeredltad.
aaaoaatad. aad that ^raaldaat Krafar OpMlal W TM Haretaa BaoorC
aad Ua aaaaaUra ooaneU hara flad
na DaSl7 UaU baa raealrad from Paria. Map so-Tbe fonlcn office kaa
Bari Baatojn. Iatal7 captand bp tba neeirad eabla adricea from China
Boata U tba Praa State, bat aat fraa, which alata that the -Boxan" an eloae
toPeklo. ll to feared to official elrclea
tba Mlowiap: "Praterla, Map
Pretaria wiU ba oaeaplad la two boon hen that tba eablee will be enV The
boxen hare maap oaaoelatea wlUito tba
wltboat tariataaaa. Tbapraridaa '
dtp of PakiB.
daZoaato aatbortoad to laealra Iba Tien Ihto. Map tO->Detaehmanta of
tortotob. Btorptbtoc to qalat. Cbowda M> man aaeb from hmerieaa. Britiab,
an walttoc axpaOtaattp to tba eboreb Japanaaa, Uennan.’ltolian, Fraaeb aad
aqaaratetba arrival of the Brittob. Bnaaiaa wanhipa, now to Ohlaaoe wtLoodem. MapbO-Lord Boborto' mas ton. hare been ordered to Pakto to
The rloarpp
Mrabad ll mitoa toosdap. altbessb
baU fatioM. Iba eaptsio of Btoada- boa refnaod to aUow the troopa to profeatato or Oormtotos profosto. tba aood witbont aatboritp of Tanac U
Borni faetos Ballar from ratraattor bp
Waabtoctoo. Map » -Both tbeauta
raU towarto Praierta. Bobarta' pastttoa aboold aiae baapr- tba moraaaat dapartBMBt aadaarj
1 aboottba
of tba Boon’Wc CUB from Pocwaal
di^teb of bmertenn martoea
aad Utofi Hob.
to Pakto to cnard tba United Stotn
Praterla. Map tr—Bp naaaatifai
DatoCM Bap. Map #0 - Praa Biato laentwB thara. The nport that IM
troopa ara raUptof wall, owtof to Amarloan mnrtoaa bnd atortad from
Btapab eesttoaad praaaaae with than Tnkn for Pakto U not aredltad at tba
aad bto aatira aad gallaat parUdpatioa nnrp dapnrtmant.
to tba S^ttoc Itoaa rorardlaoB el parTaaurdap'a Baaa Ball Beona
aoaalriak. Stotp-toar priaonen arrlrad todap OB tba roaolt of the Llndlap
Sfht, Prtoaa of prortolOBa ara adranc
else, alt^oocb hofa aappltoo are atUl
araUaUaPh^phu..................... r U
Praridaat Kracar to werriad bat
--.varkablp eool aad dlcaiflao aadar tba Doanbna aad MaFartond: Griffith and
elioamataaeaa Oaaaral Laeaa Mapor
tUtaip adriaor to Maw York........
Pluabnre ......
to too baap at tba rartoaa tnmto. fiawlep and E
DarMorptobatof fertiSadaadt
sra BBaeantralac to tba waat- Bnoklpa.........
ara dtotrieta. where Dalarp to ceoa- St. Lonla..
Hope and FamU: Bachap aad BobIsaoa.
Lesdoa. Map »0-Tba war ofka
raealvad the foUowtoc from Oaaaral Boatoa.............................. a l« 0
* id *
-Haw Oaatto. Natal. Map M—Tba Onaa aad Ctorkai Seott aad Paltt.
aaanp kartof laacarod at Dorabarf
aad praoriac mp rlcbt aad rear aad aa* Cbieaso ............................... i 7
a 11 4
BOpiw me. OB Map tt I directed tba "naBu Citr...........
forea aadar Blldarard to mareb bP
Woolfa drift OD Utreebt aad aaotbar
forae aadar LltUetoB to march bp
Ilbaaca drift oa Dorabarf. Tbate
moTemaola patbad tba aaamp at Dora'
berf toreure to the aorth. Oaaaral
SUdorard la at Utooebt. whkh ptoea
aarreadmad. Clarp to bomhardtof
Lator'BHok. The aaamp to maeh diebcartaaod. Ware thep aot to aaeb
atnmf poaltlOM 1 doabt If tbap coaid
abow aap A^t. The rallwap i
opaaad to Haw Oeatle oa Map >«■’
................... ”
i I ^
Took Three Prtzaa to Sbaottoc Oootaat
to Okarlarola-Tropbp Sboettor
Woabpl.)eal Team
Dap c*toTB
with the baarta of tba Amarkaa paepU.
Tear bp pear tba Idea of It aa aimpdp a
boUdap fadaa awap aad than la to plaaa
aoraraUwboaaeaiatbairdaad. aad a
Ion of eonatrp that, totortwtaod aa It
Ktolth tba doopaat faaltota of the
hamaa haart eoaaaa aaon aad
ba atroacar tbaa death Itaalf.
Then waa aarar a Daeonttoa Dap
awaatar, more paaeafal or kept with
deepor faeliac to Tnraree Oitp tbaa
the one jaet paaeed. While the
toe wae etm crap, befon the bosp dap
bad talrip beraa, ben and than la
Oakwood aametarp enree bacon ta
crow briebt with flowen. The eteadp
oamtoc of rleliorO eoaUaaed and toercaeed. Bp 0 o'clock then wae aablmeet BBbroken proeeoaloa of carriacee.
pedeatriaaa aad btopalea on tba road,
while within the catae the cnonde
Clowed with blomoma Uke one creat
Carden. Then were few_giana whlob
did aot bear tbelr
aad maap of
thoee etnacan, eU of arki
Cnrmhadatlcaeto^epTBp of Bowen
told apoa them bp eome lortoc band.
Brerpwban the bricht UtUe flee*
appear^, eo maap amn of them than
area a paar aco. and all tba aoldtor'e
cram won alraadp daeontad, befon
Boodadbp the Oroaoent Bead, aad
oaeortad bp Oo. M. the eatonae toft
tbalr poet roome at B a. m. and marchad to tba eamatorp. The Womaa’e EcItofOorpa.
eonaeU aad aoldton
who wan ncable to take the loac
The Itoe waa toeraaaad bp the 1. o. a
F.. A. 0. U. W. and maap eitixea
carriacee. aad attbe eemeterp baadredt
wen alrcadp walttoc tbelr comtoc-'ae
retanae' enrapbad alraadp baeo deeontedwlih Sowereand flac.eaad the aiaemUp cathered at the •oldler'e m
meat, which wae beaatifaUp trimmed
with Sowan.amonc tbem beinc a larce
quanUtp of ran hot boaae flowan aaat
bp Dr. J. D. Manna, enpartoteadant of
tba Hortbarn Mlebifan Aaplam, who
nmambamd iba poat to tba 1
The impr^re Memorial Dap ritaal
of the G. A. B. wae earried ont. tba
maria bp a ebolr aadar tba dlreettoa of
Mra. Daptoa batoc aa aajopabla faafaatare. Tba aolama roll oaU of the
dead waa cina. tba qaartarm&nar aaawertoc "ban” aa S9 aamea mn oaUad. riz of them harinc bean added riaea
tba roll call a pear aco.
The mamben of Oo. M haa mmamhared their eomndea' toet real bp baaaUfal floral daricna to thb form of aa M.
The I. O. 0. F.. Rabekahe. 1. O. F. aad
A. O. U. W. aln ptooed wnatba of
flowan or aachon on the enmof
tbelr departed memben.
When the ritaal eervicec wan ended
"tape” wan eoanded aad the eoauadw
of the deed nldton took ap the line of
march homeward, leavtoc them to
their paacefnl reat andw the flowere.
The aftaraoon procram t^nedwlth
the parade which wae partidpatad to
bp bnadraae and wltneeead bp aa Immanae namber. The parade formed at
the O. A. B. headqaartan at Grance
hall, and followed the ttoe of march
pnrionelp annonnaad to the cronade la
front of the eoldlen' monnment oa
Fonrtli Year—No. 9SS
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Dunting Flags
At the Old Reliable
..Uneven Prices Are Misleading..
For Ladies’
TOR SUITS WORTH $6, $6, $8.
Black with plaid cloth tope,
chocolate with plain cloth
topo, chooedate with kid tops.
S» .d m Bigle.
See «i in Eigb.
$2.50 For
Ladies’ Bicycle SALE STARTS
\'ery neat ahapea, sboea that
fit comfortably aad easy and
look well. Chocolate kid witii
plain cloth or dark plaid
cloth tope.
Ladies’ Tailored Suits at Half Price!
We have boof^ht the entire sample line of a leading
manufacturer at a great aacrifice, tod beginning
tbia morning we will give you bargains on up*todate garments, such as have never before been offer
ed yon. Come today.
Bicjcle Boots.
Black and chocolate kid, kid
topa, handsome boots, atyliah
and ahapely enon«b for moat
any occaaioa.
Popular Shoe Houae.
Minute Rates
Ladies’ Rid Lace Shoes.............................98c
Men’s Satin Oalf Bals................................ 98c
Boy’s Satin Calf Bals............................$1.00
Ladles’Black and Tab Oxfords..............76o
Misses Box Oalf Lace................................ 76o
Woman’s Rid Button................................ 76c
Serge and Carpet Slippers...................... S6c
Woman’s Oil Orain Button Shoes.........97c
Men’s and Boy’s WorUng Shoes............98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxlords
at........................................ 60,60 and 76o
Set them of the Old Beliahle,
New Store
242 Front Street
SMClelioTk* Manilac BmotO.
Oharlevoto. Mleb.. Map so-The abootlac ooBteat aadar the aatideoe of the
Obarlaroto Ona Clab bald bare todap
7 10 1
woe tba lancoat and moat
r bald la Kortbara Mlablcan. aad OiaetoaaU........................ a » l
UwM aad Saniraa; PbUllpa aad
aooM aaoallaat acorm ware made. W.
F. BowoaotTraveneCltpmadaaceod
aanoxAi. ueaoce.
roeord aad took ftrat moaap to >wo
a a a
aeoata aad aaaoad aaoaap to tba third
hieaco ........................... 7 la 8
aaaaa Qtp..................... a 14 4
Hanp Lake of (Sarlero! t took Brat MaOni aad Bacdaa: Groan. Ooadlacptotwa oeaotoaadw lablcbcaa Mllwaakae........................ t a S
to the wepbp aboot. wbleb wee won bp MtoaaapolB..................... s it 4
eharloroto. Tba prUe to tba tiopbp DowUac aad Bmitb: Parker aad
aboot WM a oUror aap rained at SM.
Bowaa waa barrodirom tba tropbp Baffialo............................. 0 7
ohootoaaaoooBtof bolBC a aonroal- aeralaad ........................ 7 11
Oa^ aad Bpoar; MaKaoaa aad
dastmamber. Bowaa aad JapX
of Tiarcna Qtp an batttoc tkna to
adlaaapolii..................... 4 it
one that TraromoCItp will win the Dotralt.............................
a 10
tropbp at tba next aeatoob
^om aad Bapdos; Oreato ai
Tba data of tba aoxt oeatoot baa aot
pet baaa ixad
Babonia Flaca* at Saopraa^
■pwil w Th« Herein BeeoMBic Ortot of Paaaloa BUla.
aRMltlWTM HorabwaMon
WaablBctoo. Mar to-1ba atata deWaablBCtaa. Map s»-^a tba boaoa partmaat raaatrad a talafram todap
today list pMokw MUa wan paoaad to from Cooaal Uaa at Bmpraa. Tarki
aa boar aad tweatp mtontaa aad tba aaptoc that tba babosla placaa had
boaea adjoaraad aatU tomorrow.
led the pan^. followed bp the Bopa'
Bend. Tbuoamethe apaakenoftha Ispbsmliig, Iron Monntain
dap aad the dtp offietole to carrtocea.
And other
FoUowtoc tbeaa came Ue bopa of
Compaap M. marehlnc aa aa aoaort to
tbaheroeaof'Cl.who foUowad totba
aambar of 6S. tod bp a flfa asd dram
Next to Itoa came the Onaepnt band
who wan foUowed bp over 300 UUto
aebool ehildren to Haa. who ehaerad
aad wand tbrir flaca. aalltoc oat applaaaa from tba maap epaeutora.
At the aoldtor'e moaameat groanit,
thoae who partidpatad to Ue panda,
^(h maap who bad cue oa aad amap
who foUowad. cetbarad aronad aad la
froat of tba atana that bad been tract-----FOB---aidoa Wpablncton atnet. Tbaataad
oaeaplad by the apaakan of tba
dap. tba ofltoen of the peat, tba dtp
offielali. Bon. Perry Baaaab, Uoda
Daa Whippla.aBd Ua Bt^ aebool ebolr
aa flt ladka, geaUemea and eblUaadar tba dlreettoa of MnjDkptaa.
Adjataat M. D. Morcaa read tba dl> sea with beat oboea at tower priew tbaa,
ettooa from headqaartan as to tba any other store to town.
oeatlp. ud qaleklp fleae.
ohomnaeaef Ua dap, raaoaatlac»■
biatoep and aiplalalBC Ita traa m
In fally Mtitfled with the wear, n^le anil
i $3.00 Shoes
Don’t Fa; Higb Prices t
314 Front Bfreet
We have a bandeome aeeortment of both ladiee* and
geete sboee for yon to aelect from. Over 20 different ctylee
that eell at this price.
We have the black, the tan, laoe and button, light
flexible eolee—heavy eolea for street wear, round toee and
pl^ toee—in fact almost any qtyle you'd finfl In a 23 shoe.
S McNamara Block
Btotto-SIck totocdLeetaraaad
Maale.Ooai*a. athletlm and aa learaott
IB arasT wt-ft— p««— ■«—it wm ast to ArtMA Bate* S«pMM
appa^ for batter taeUltiae for ^yrioaltralalng. Among tto {Uaetratloaa
OlAH AabobI iM
OcMrt Oatfl Oetotor.
wroB are Arot elam pietorm of
lAMtaf. Baj M—U taM toaadaeldaptondld Prodootlo&.
feat ball teaiM oftkb ymraadyaaia
•d tt*t U* Mmh «**e wiU art to
goa* by. tagetbar with the aamaa of
vfMd tote* tto —yrwM aosrt ostU Ably BAitaA. Oarafally Aitangad aaA ttoplayera. la eoBaaettoa with thb
t. Bit* **»
W. a*M*wM- tto Oaote tom. AttorM^ 0«Mt*l FUlad with ValoaU* BetoM Bbtoep ba atoteb oitto haa* ball wamof
Otto.»lK>h**toMi*o( th*c***.eo^t«00 aad a An* pietare of th* aiae.
j. W. Haxxb. Wller uti tUmagm. •Btoosaaeout of ttomator of so- -A Work of Xdteeary Mont WWto Saraml picas are daroted to what b
to toto*rdk7
mad ■•drtrea,'* aad Uey are rightly
Satto aeort Aartag tto Jom tarn, promi
mmad. ahlbitlag hamor in rarkma
.ameagttoaa baiag eaam tateolrstage* aad aavoriag of a loeal applleai-y (to eeBattatioBalitiy of tto tabarl- Tto Tieiiira^bn" b oak Aad ttea that b rafraehlag.
atox aad beat eagar boaatylaw* tto Arat Anaoal of tto High eokool
A few pages ai* else devoted to rw
aad tto right of tto *teU tax
eeeter otet soma* tiow th* printer oltab of soebl ot*bu la which tto
krifkt with baaatlfal lUastrattoas aad ••aior elam tor* pwlblpated. And
*lS4«rat la aoeg, atary, kbtory and what b of groat vala* tor refsrtao* b
atalmleted Ibt of tto graduate* of
Th* Aasaal b a work of art. It b a every elaae slap* lets.
mm^ tot*.,
to to*•.«*««
rwmtrnm »»
•itoBa Baarty Oraattsg aad X>rawa
Moah valaaUe work has baas daoe
ttoODCh tto •traaia by Xathdalaa- pMiblUtiasefoarHigh aetooL IV b la the •baelaMB dapartmaat of tto eatie High •etool>aptb.
thb baeaM* aothlac bat abUlty. taper terprba aad the foil
I foe s good
tto TBeeptioa tsadwad to Prof. C. T. tor lateUaet aad earafal tralalag ooald
OrawB wbsa to arrirad oa tto M. A make sack a pabUeaUna pomlbU by dml of the money rabad to aeeomplbh
M. K. train y**teiday wa* oa* that etadaata. Tto pagea of tto booklet the aad songbt: J. W. B. Babbell.
■f Porto EU» to* oU Sfookh ton* *r* might make any maa pread. Wkaaba teem with brilliaat thongbb aad rai- MellbOraak Laeile Theobald. Bart
hotoc sHd«*Uy oboUokod. Tto
ttappadfmm tto train, b* wa* met by oahla aeboQl hbtory and to it* adlter* Moategne. Edgar Keith.
F^anptlM tor. Uodlor ami troasporto- Sap^taadtot'Bora, 1 rlnelpal Byder. baloagttoendlt of doing eomet
The editorial makes no claims of
tto* otorr** *r* BOO dOM *w*p with and may of tto waobr'* aad pnplb of wblek b of raloo not only to tto High perfection, hot ssodMtly presents the
OB tottenn. Aarwol. Anwaod. fteh tto aebmib. H* wa* eooortad to a ear- eebool etodanu bat to arory tazp^or result of the several montht’ labor and
toot **Bl. porkOBd nattOB, fooU aod rtag* oa tto Berth Md* of tto dopok and altlxon of Trareree aty.
study to s pnblic which cannot bnt
aad a* ha appeared, be wae greeted Tto Anneal b* booklet oonebtlng appreciate the effort.
to«*d. rie*. to*B*. **lt pork. Am*, to- wlU eheora aad the High aehool yell, of soo pages and tbrooghoat it b
The “Tiavaraensian'' b worthy of
OOB. tr**h fltb. oodfiah. torrlac- *obp giren from the throau of Afty loety bellbhed with axeellant balt-tene pie- pemaal frem the Arat to the last page.
fB*W. drtod to*f. •ac»r. moUM* »*d yooag meo;
tare* Bnely printed aad artbUoally Every leaf eontaioe information of
aea*B The Porto Rlehse wUl bow to Raule, deule. alp, boom. bah.
arranged. The sorer coatelna an ortia- valne. and evidence* of atudy, paint
bU* to toke » Mto wltboBt totor tomd
Trarersa City High Sebool, Eab: Bah mantal UUe whieh b attraetirc. aad taking efforta and the intelllgeuce
for Ik Md ttoj wUI *eoB to ohle to
the sdrerlbtng page* testify te liber which IS ebaraeterietie of a atodent of
OBi^ the prifUac* of » free *41
Be took bb place, with Bnperiniaa ality of baslaea* man and zeal by the the Traverse City High aehool.
mmX. papiBT
^ toxee asd barlDic dent Horn aad Priaelpal Bydar. In the adrertbing manager*. The Am por The work of compiling the data has
BV* wner for food.
carriage, the home wae girea a elap by trait b that of former Soperintea- been ardooua and it* value to the
one of the boye, and he ran oat from dent Charle* T. Urawa, and npon tam patron* of tbe aehoob wUI is a measure
compenaation to those who. did
between the thille. a rope aneolled and ing the lesTee a little farther the read afford
the work. Aod in making these brief
half a bandred yonng em eUrted tto er Bads Ue tollowlag:
reference* t
d work
tbe Br.<(-aAKLkH T. UkAWK
extends lb eoogratnlation* to
;*hB Polot wa* l^r*|^ Throofh a gaily daeoratad carriage down tto vkMc uBtinof «e»n>lDib« i«>idldM tauci. uKU
editors and manageri of the Annual
atreek with yelb. and ehearo. They
xo nzk* ibe Blab Betwe) * bkl
r their ei
iBire Field by Two FrIrhtoBto
west down Front etreet at a brbk trot,
Oowe and BnShred Heiioo* lojnry
aad ap Oaae to Eighth, where Mr.
that tbe demand will tar exceed tbe
Oaae* where a pereen raeorar* from Orawn b tolng}entertalned by Mr. aad
Because you have sour cream for your coffee. You
should have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
both aod they are the kind that is;^gnarairtbed to
keep everything nice and sweet A good refrigera
tor is a good investment and costs but very little.
tto affeeU of a brokea or dUloeatod
Back are rary rare, bat Joka Polot,
• Bohawiian tmrmmr Urlw ea tto Marnj teB la KlBwood towaaklp, to*
tod aa experlooee that mke* him aa
BBtortaasta exaot^, ^ which. whUa
It for hlBi b
to pbyalclaa* aad otiera.
Polot wa* laadiv two eow* to water
ta a larre Aeld a week aco la*t Mob
Bay. i^aa tto aalmaU beoewe friffhtawad aad ataapedad. Tto ro^ beaoB* taayled aboat Palot'a Ilatto aad
to waa dracfed aboat 40 rod* aeroM
tto Bald, eafferlBir ooaaldarable lajary
toor* after the aeeldeak He te *0 bad
ly lajarcd that he ha* aot yet been
hblatorlraaa aeeonnt of the aeeiAoBk It waa not ontil bnaday that
ooryleat aid waa aaiainonad and then it
WM feared that bU life ooald not to
aarad. Dr. Bran* waa called yaaurday
toomlnc aad foand a dblocaUon of tto
•ad alsoe that Ume Polot haa abown
atfoa of ImproTamaat. It b rery tare
'"ttot neh an Injory b taoeeaafoMy
troated bat In thb caaa there b protO'
ba that Pelot will aoon be able to yet
•boot ayale.
Or. Brana wlU pat the paUent'e head
BBd Back In a plaater caat to baaten
OatherioK of the O. 8. C*.
toat Blffht the O. 8. C. met at the
bone of Mba Ocrteade HlyylBa aad
war* antertalnad oharmiBRly by the
toetiaa and Mba Qayle Brbwrtd
tolasdld featore of the ereolng waethe
Tto table ’
were dalaty asd beauUfal. eosebUny
of wild vloleU and battereopa- repreaantlny the dob colota.
Farewell OaBce at BlByhem
The Maeeabee hall at Blnybain hae
boas eold, aad Satorday erening a
teawall daoee wiU to ylvea. to which
all are inrltad. Bafreehmenu will be
f ambbed free to all who attend, and a
Alia tine i* aatored to all.
Dr. 8. C. Borke of Kmplre, b in the
W. mater Moat over to Blk Baplda
Heman Bale haa retnmad from CblWO.
H. a Ball left yeaterday.ifor Waablagton, D. C.. on a batineae trip.
Mra. C. 3'. Bowden aad mother. Mr*.
Horten Clnte. who bare been rbltlng
Mio. Qate'e abter. Mr«. J. W. Trarb,
ratorned yeeterday to their home In
Wbeoy, S. Y.
F. OU left yeeterday for Chica
go on a trip of baeineea and pleaeare.
When be retnme be will be aceompanlad by Mra. Oik who ha* bean rbitlng
in Chicago eereral weak*.
Mr. and Mrr. F. C. Baaer and .Mr.and
Ml*. Charlc* Proetozha bare rctamed
«m Chicago.
Mr. aad Mr*. A. W. Usd went to I
bolt yeeterday acoompanlod by tbi
>, for a rUit of elz waeke.
Jfr. and h
day with their aoi
loehen yeeterday.
Mr*. W. F. SUeby went
yeeterday for a rblk
Ur*. A. B. Finney west to Kingsley
kThabnVniCwM j
igh. Asthma.
Bronehioa amId Incipient
Conaumptlon. Is
\ *thl
A XaOB dear Brain.
Toar beat fcellnya. your aodal poa]ttoB or bnalneaa eaoeaa* depend laryelr
• etomaen
will mato y
Bold by 8. B. Watt aad Ja*.
Xiaetared at Northport.
-tbport la tto High echooi
town, aad wai
laetore ooerae of that
froatad by a large
toad to Mr Cnrib'
May of nation*.”
Following, on the next page, b an
ornamental design within which ap
pear the nsmssof theboardof oditori:
Editor In chief,'
Managing edit
Bobart Walter.
Baattage, Eva Thacker.
Farther along are printed aketebm
of Superintendent C. T. Orawn, Super
intendeat Charles H. Bom aad Princi
pal Edward B. Byder, with very good
portraib of the two last named, and
aboaketebeeofthe High sebool teach
Other illnatratioiiB are «f^ the Bigb
aehool teachers, the publle school
buUdlug, the laboratory and library of
the High school building, aealor class,
junior, aophomore and freshmen clasM*
lo tastefully arranged groups. oScer*
of each of the claMce, board of editors
and adverlUlDg managers. There i«
aboa portrait of Helen Hitebeock. Arst
teseb'er of Tta*er«e City's Arst school,
together with the old log school house
which was the fonudeUon of our public
eebool eyetem.
Among the clever article* and stories
are the following:
Alnmol. by Leri T. Pennington.
Tnveree Bay, a pretty poem by E.
Panlloe Joliobon. the Indbn priecee*.
Our Soldier Boy*, by Ethel Thomas.
else* Hbtory. Billie W. Bubbell,
Edith Hauings.
Claw oration, Bert Montague.
Clae* Prophesy, Edna Mngel.
Claes Song. Mr*. M. R. Buek; music
by Mra. Dayton.
Clam WiU. Edna Holdiworth.
asm Poem. Eva M. Thacker.
Salautory, Winifred Foller.
Valedictory, Florence Thompsun.
Junior Clam Hbtory. Alfred Ayers.
Sophomore Class Hbtory. Ida Uv
‘'F^^men Clast Hbtery. Albert Kyaelka.
Pictnrm. Utlie B. Marvin.
The Old Laboratory. Ethel M. Gibbs.
A few page* are devoted to opinion!
of member* of th* senior cla*»e* of
former yrsrs npon ihe Annnal and it
oijsob, all laudatory aad encouraging
There are references la glowing
Two Tails
To a Horse...
They are unnecessary.
on a marble statute.
So is a pair of tin cuffs
Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
d her.
Itb a wotoarlol stomaen
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee'every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some*
fter asdI kidaey ramady. Cai
lea* appi^t*. ^^i>On^
^ing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
W^t tad Jaa. B.
and look us over.
JlABtA for Ball.
Mf*. Lob Oela. S14 Piaa ateaak
laifliHNt,'niii> Ids
120 FarorLt Stareet.
S3.50 SHOE
$3 >50
CooJ •hori air
rt atilt of poOd Itidgn
• $3.60
^ «Soeabeca*a«liiry .re;uiiif coeJ
I hr y air appreciated tr ycunf niefi and bi
AM MM fbr fer the lectt eiyllcf. .nd aemcrable il
9O*O0 Coir.-.redw.tnoti.er .-iiikei.W. U.OoLflaa
U'e are rzrlualee Aaenu la tbia eliy.
Ch,- $3.50
i'JsivivJv, $3.eo
Pnetlttl ShM H.d
I Cure —Warnar’i
Whit* Witte of Tar Byrup* tbe
best coupih reineyly on vArlh. cure* a cold
iu ooe day if uken in time. 25 and 60 CIS.
Don’t Wait
Until The Sun Shines
Before you buy your parasol. Buy
when the assortment is complete—when
you can get just what you want. Have
some beauties in white 'chiffon with diff
erent widths of ruffles from $1.00 to S^.oo.
A Woman
In White
Duck Skirt or a covert linen is a
pleasing sight, and it's cool and comfort
able. A new line just placed on sale.
Prices from 50c to $2.00.
Something New
All the time being placed on sale,
lust now it's the new combination pulley
collar and tie, made in Swiss Muslin, with
collar of different colors—pink, blue,
white, rose and lavender. All sell for the
same money, 50c the one.
Your Face
And enjoy yourself, and wear one of
our new Walsh Veils, come in single pat
terns and sell at 50c.
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any*
A Woman'* Awfal Peril.
*^bere b only one rhawori to eare
yoar life aad that b throogh an opera
Moa” ware the etartUag words beard
to Mio. I. B. Bant of Lune Bidga.Wb .
from tor doctor after ha had raialy
triad to eore her cd a Irightfal ear
stomaab troable aad yellow jaos
«bU *taB*a bad lamed aad ahe ..
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
A Child
Liquid Glue
Is fast and can be relied upon to .stick
to anyone it is put against. Got a loc
bot tie. or one for 50c. A good stick of
mucilrge for 5c. A four ounce bottle,
wide mouth, for loc.
A Waste
Willbe found a siire catch. VVe’d
like to catch 25c of your money for one
kind—others at 35c. 50c, 75c and up. A
big line of Indian Baskets from 15c to the
big hampers for $1.00.
A Good Pencil
Is Always In the Push
The kind we sell will stand lots of
pushing. Faber's. Dixon, Eagle, at 5c.
Have a fine line of harder grades of lead
for artists, architects and draughtsmen.
A Drop
of Ink
Will make a million think. Just think
of ‘‘the Company's" when you want your
next ink. Black ink only 5c ajbottle:
Paul's fluid ink in patent bottles loc; red,
purple and green ink 10c; Hectc^raph
ink 25c.
Is a Little Woman
Your Letters
And all women want Parasols. Our
"Little Women’s" Para.sols, are the hand
somest shown. A sateen sells for 35c;
plain silk with two ruffles $1.00; figured
silk at $i .50, and the two toned effects
And save $100, as one man did.
You’ll save more than that in the course
of a year. Letter copying book, 500
pages, 7.''c: 700 pages $1.00; copying press,
$5.75. Everything needed in the office
The Hannah & Lay HercantOe Go.
now»r ot Htffh School BoOOiTOd Di]teaM
I of tk« endMtM U
*7 FttFf. C. T. 0CSWB M •^D—orruiT
ud tb* PabUe 8chooto"~Ttoty-c—
Wm OnCwt^BneUMt PfoofUi
ttroaibMt-CravdttsMd d
•f IhsTnvwM atyBlfkMhoolii
»thlar«( WM wMm< tM 11 MMbm
ef tb« «lMi of Itoo feovo lokM (Mr
fU« OM( tbo Urt of gndooMo.
Aa k tha ooltcnol notoa opon
aoaoHMt ooBoalooa bm. tbo City
0|Mt* Boom «M pookod to tta doors,
ud Bioaj wMt ftwoy oaobla to obt^
oaoU. Tbolowor floor waa ftsarrad
lor tbo friends of the oUm ud ad&k
ak» wM by Ueket. Tbk port of the
" loU wM held utU t o’oloek. when oU
woe tbrowB open oad rapidly fllle^ till
there iIm not room for oaother one.
At 8:15 iheesruin went op. dlaeloi'
lop 0 beontifal eeese, the elaee eeoted
la o eeal'Oirele. m they waited for the
Ofardaee to berla.
The Hlph school ehoTM opened the
prerram of the oTenlnp with a beaatlfal aaloetion. the Olorio. aonp la a way
that woald do eredlt to alnfen of far
greater age and length of tralalag.
After a feeling Inroeatloa by BemiJV.
K. Wright, the High school chons
fare aaother Iflae aeleeUoa, "Veeper
Balk.•aiotatory by Xke Pallor.
The Mlntatory
glren la a very
plenalag etyle by Miae Winifred Poller.
She epoke of the oeeaaion that called
the andleaee together, and extended to
those who were present a bearw welootne In the oatoe of the eleaa.
She gave an earnest welooBs, beoaaee of the earneetnsas ef the work
that had Jnat been closed in the eebool.
and of the eiUl more earnest work that
awaltsAin the ontaide world.
She gave
loving weloocM. in
▼iew of the ehcneet efforts of those
who had deoe so ^neh to make the
path ef odnoation easy tor the feet of
those who bsd Jut ewmovted
Bseh ot the Mth. She epoke of the
Isbort to bring out that which wu
beat and worthy of enlUvatlon in each
of the noBben of the elsac.
She spoke of the ebeerineu of the
welooBs that wu brought by the
elsac. Not that they feel over confi
dent u they look oot on the eoene be
fore thoB.but that In view of the preparaUon that the put bu tomiebed
- they look forward with hope tor the
Mies Puller closed her ulatatory
with the wordi:
*fIlM knowledge that the whole
world hu opened before u does not
I ful elated
When we see the heigbtt to which
- -eeue have climbed and the grut deads
that have bun acoomplUbed, we
hSBbled and made to ruIUe how mseb
aCll liu In the future. We ful In
SOBS meunre equipped for life, and
yet whM we tey to imagine all that
Bl^t be attained, all the grut pomi
bUlUu for u to make realities, oiu
preparation sums but to hare awaken
ed u to a oonuptioB of bow grut the
world U. and bow small oar preunt attainmenu. Our fond of knowladge
eecme grut now. but when we think
ef all uie learning and wUdom of the
agea,'we reallu that we beve made on
ly a beginning, beve laid only the
foendation of a
“The thought that the whole world
-^Uu before u and that our opportunltka are bonndleu. glvu to oar ulaUtion a grutar depth of meaning, aod
■aku the weloome which the claM of
XMO cstcnda to yon a'true one ”
Blcquent Clan Oration.
The andienee expected that when
the elau oration wu given. It would
be fine: and the aadlanee wu not dis
appointed. With fall csetoBary
puure and canaataca. Bart Montague
delivered the oraUcrn on the" enbjeet.
He began by epenklng of the qnu
ftlon propounded by Job over thm
tkoneand yenn ago, whether lifhtnln|
eenldnotbe used to convey Intalligenes, u a prophecy of the telagrapb.
After the passage of U
Moru auwered the qnutiott of Job
la the nOkmaUve, and one of the grutnt eearvela of the world wu n fact.
||bu thU prophecy. Mr. Montagna
traeed the hktory of the eleetrieal
setoan down to the present day, when
1,000,000 people earn tbelr daUy bread
by the nu of thU ume llghtal^.
Haapoke in brief of the progrui
unde in the sdnau. from the first
toan nuonaeed by Thala through the
work ed WillkB Oflbert. Davy. Pua4t9, Aalvanl. Vtfta. Ohm, Ampare, DeTf. Osested. Oenlonb and Prnaklin.
le the days of the eleetrieal wisnrde of
the peneut, ltdken, Tkaln. Bonstgw
Be nUnded to the very aanU eeetkm
ed the OenteaBlal BxpoetUoa at Phila
delphia in lire, whecon tow eleetrieal
aeultiu were dkplayed. sad to the
r at the OalamWaa
Bxpeaitlea u Chisago la igOI. where
aUwMhammlac wlU the whM ot
ileekiBal ■srditseey by day aad abtou
with electric Ughk hj sight.
I while the B^y straggle aad strive
t- he caU. '•Uni below, beiag created to obey the beaad prupired wlthoat claetridty. bat hate ot the tow. the elect. TUe deetheir IMag k aet our Uviag. aad tbelr trlMoffovemmaet k oae that hu
prosperity k not oar pre^erity. We
aiaddariag the history of tbf
Uutaadlflereatege. The world hu world. Its tudaacy aad the foeadai/sntiit It hu advawed, aad wUl tloa upon wUeh its whole etreag^
not be eeateet witkoat farther sd- hu been bsDt k thaerushtagof edaeaThesiow gMag methods tioB aad aU that leads to Mevate the
ateideBttmuaoleagernpplytU reto the pelBt whet* they will
qstiuiseak of modem ladaaky.;'
tiirow off their boede.
the kyrted
‘Not only bu ark
uecu of electricity, aad epoke of how and
down the eeboMh. aad hid
tamed the world hu grawa to the leamlag of the egm away from the
theaethlBfs. marvolom thoagb they peepla. bat it bu aearpad power our
it to
ago. He drew a vivid eomearkon be- emekany totbepowerof the tow. It
tweu the world u it k aaduit hu'^eetsed the tralte of labor of the
would be without tbU woadarfnl td maay.aad tsraed them over to ib»
wOlefthefew. Ithubeea raepoulr of the myatery <
ble far almut aU the Woodshed aad
eamiag the real aatars ot thk Mbcle wartonof the world, from the earlket
tocea, whkb the wkaat seiade of tha dewBof bktoey tooarwmrwith Spain
world coaght w long to aaravel. sad -thk eareod doetrlae ot the uperiorof ths grut program msde la thsu la- tty of the tow, end their dlTlae right
IgattoM ia the put half ewtary. to dominate the seaey.
Mr. Montagu cloasd hU oration with
••The demoeratlc idu staade for thru
tbeu words:
grut prinelWee—eqeality.freedom aad
“Bacbrcsnltt u theu srsthe pro- developmeah It k the natural out
dneu of matter Blade ot Mleau who growth o( that Bubllme tcaehlag of the
have for the lut 40 years, been study Inflalte Boa ot God. the nnlvensl tothing tbeu phenomena. It k pomlble erhood of God and the universal broththat the next 40 years will prodau a erbood of mu. Wherever thk rellgcomplete eolntloa, for u eelence ad- iOB goes, there wUI| go the tudeacy
vaaeu aad men advanu in uienu, toward thk form of goversmut.
aad their knowledge broadens,
■‘The tondamental prladpte of s
oomplluted matters revul themutvm
k that la matin buoUtol simplicity, that ladiutu terathst eooeerti ou peisoo alone,
the planiog of a Muter Mind, In&nite- that peraon alone ehnU decide the
ly gruter • than ours. We ecc but dim question, ud that in matters that
ly Into nature’s metbodi. and under ooneero the whole people, the whole
stand icu.'bnt u our InvutigaUsae In people shall decide. Tbe pric
vroKiw sv MRS. M. K. Biv-u: wrnc, mbs. ai>ki.aii>k kayton.
We bail tbe day that marks for u ssotbsr victory won:
Tbe cwMt reward of yean of toU, ot tasks, and leuont done,
Bnt while we feel tbe thrill of Joy, regraU will mingle still.
And hurte with dup emotion swell ud eyu with turs o'er fill
For we mwt uver trader Uea. mut part with triradfi growa-dfiar.
And luve tbe eunu we've learned to love with ever^raMltig year.
No more for w the clanging bell may couad Itt cumtone loud:
No more o'er duke and problems dup oor pehlng bc^.be bawod,
But life bolds problecu draper etlU than apy we here met.
Aad Ineenni harder tor to learn thu we have muMred yet. .
The way le long ud steep sod rongh tbet leeds ap to the eUts:
Bnt who would'be a conqueror ud ebow.no battle sura
Let eonrage then our burto Inspire. Chau gloom and turn away.
Let youth ud hope ud Joy have eway on thk our feetal day.
We'U pledge once more a brimming hulth to friends and teaehere dear.
And to our Alma Mater give one loud ud ronelng cheer.
Yet let ue eing a parting eoog to happy days gone by.
Then turn to meet Ute'e duties etern with nnrpou true and high.
people hnu bW gond-by to eherithed
noA\tiem aad tomitaikae, only to
Isaach out oa a earaer of better thiage
than would hau bem peeelbk aadar
She oalUaed the character that the
hu of l»oo hoped to develop aad
ring to perfuttoB oat of the failures
and eucoeeeu aad etragglu of the
past. AselmBute of thk ehsraetar
ehemutloaed hoauty. eoniage. ealf
eoatrol aad loyal^ to duty.
Mimlbomyeoa eloeed her valedktocy with them words;
tonight. Bat to wUtT Iwtud ol'
uyiag good-by to the good thlaga behlad. eaa we not make It a good-by to
fanarm aad low ideak. aad a welcome
to s iteoagw ehsraetar. a gruder,
BoblarUfaT .
"Teachtfc. we wkh to thank you
tor yoar earnest work la our behaU.
tor yoor sympathy ud help at all
tlBU O. do not saygood-l^.to u
u into a closer
naloB, a higher Ufe. We ehall etUl
Deed gniduu aad adriee. WlU yon
not help w to pertoet our eharaetcre,
that we may become etrong ud earn
eel men and womest”
After uotber deUgbtful ulectlon by
the High echool eboroe. -Tbe Bevel of
tbe Uavu" the dlplomu
preeuted to the dam In a nut epecch
by Bon. A.V. Friedrich, preeidenl of the
board of edsutlon. He expremed oonfidepce in tbe gradutu, that they
would add lulre to the already bright
MBe of the Traveru City High school.
Tbe dlplomu were dUtriboted to the
by Harvey Grand and Gerald
S^rlntendeat Horn expreeeed hk
thuke to tbe public for their hearty
kltoD in tbe work of tbe ubook
. tbe yur. After thk i
arou. and aeng the clam song.
A few elosiag words were spoken by
Rev. D. Coohlln,
tbe braedlcUon.
to tbe myeteriuof huvra udurtb;
progreu. God revuk lo us their ulul-:
Ira u our minds become prewred '
to receive It.
-We heve eera why we mey ult tbk
the the eleetrieal age. Fads come ud
go. bnt when electricity ume. it came
toctoy. It k not tbe ruuU of a eingle
oratnry of preparatiou. but hu re
quired for He preunt development over
2.000 yuTs. We may Imagine the
future, ud gueu whet it will produce,
but here we mwt stop; ud with tbe
twUef that nothing bu a brighter
future than elutriolty. doing our but
to Biake U eo. give to future ’ genera
tions the ruuU of our labore to fulfil
tbe prophecy that we are now living in
tbe beginning of a new age.”
A rang.-The Jolly Miller." by the
Boys UlM Gab wu grutly enjoyed by
sH preunt. and tbe clnb wu given a
burty encore.
The next thing on tbe program wu
the ooBuenumrat addreu by Prof.
C. T. Urawn, formerly supermtendent
of the ubook here and- now
of tbe eute normal achUi at M i. Plus-
ktheai >e.i however, Uat of self gov-
Imperative. Thk grut need mut be
met in tbe public schook of tbe eonnuy“No other form of ednution bu bora
found eoffielenttor tbe grut tuk of
makiog bomogeneou tbe gtuti
foreign populaUon that k pouring In
upon iheaoiintry every year. Private
schook rad eburen echoole have bun
tried, ud failed. It rei«p|^ for the
public eebook to ebuge alt tbe utlraalltiee ud tongues ud eondltians In
to good, upable Ameriun cltl/.au.
-Our edouUoD In the public schook
mut contain all tbe elcmenu of life
neceeury to good eiUtenebip There
k no qnuUon but that the aebook now
make ibeir pupik InteUigent raougb.
bnt it k not enough that tbe pupil be
able to know, -but be mut be able to
dc. Tbe world uka the queetitm.
■What un yon do?'
-Tbe echoole will oot enUraly meet
tbe demude of the hour till every boy
and girl who luvu tbe school cu earn
an honut living. There lea false idea
of dignity growing up among etudents.
that manual labor k degrading. Man
ual and domeeuc training ahonld be
included in thecouraeofetudyof every
eebool lo the country. Every boy ud
girl should be made to feel that kbor
It honorable, ud that;hard work k tbe
loherltuu of every Ameriuo."
After a etill tortber wuldera'
the public aebook. Prof. Grawn cloud
• 1th a t^feracce to tbe exercku of
Memorial Day. ud epoke of uoUier
Oraod Army of the Bepubllc thu thus
wbou gravM wereetrewn with flowert,
an army of the boye ud glrk of the
pablie echool. A« the dutioy of the
naUott wu ufe with tbe old Grand
Army, eo mey that destiny be treated
today to Giat young and strong army
of otodente of the public cehoo.
Tbkaddrue wu foUowod by a de
lightful violin ulo, Oaprieloao, by
Prof. C. B. Horst. So gruUy wu tbk
In annonnelug the addreu. Snperintradent Horn epoke of the emlnrat
fltneu that Mr. Grawn ebonld have
bun invited by the elau to give thk
addrem. ud eaid. "1 eunot Introduu
Mr. Ouvrn to yon. u he k prolmbly
knowa to more people) hereiUah uy
one eke in the opera faoue. I eu
eimply auounee tbe addrus. -Ikmocraey ud the PubUe School.' "
Whan Mr. Grawn srou from bk
aut oo the etage. 1m wu greeted with
ndous ovation, tbe applawe
ng for aope Ume. He expreued himulf ee feeliog quite
_ hk old friends, ud epoke of
tbe gruUng that be bad reoelved at
the depot upon hk arrival u oae that
pleased him grutly. on account of the
spirit wbiA prompted it.
Trof. C. T. OrawB'e AWe Addrue.
The addrem (laelf wu a muterplee
of dup. uraful, logical thought, clur
and Vlgqrou expreuion And eloquut
delivery. It wu Iktened to with rapt
sitratkm throBghoat,ana will fnrekh
wu oompeUsd to raapood ton hurty
food tor thought to thou who heard It.
ueore, which be did with a maxarfcs
■r muy a long day.
Be begu by epeakkg of tbe tsro of Mask.
grut idsu of government, the srielO' Vslediotery, Mlm Flee
MkdTlceuu Tbompeoa. tha valaeratw aad the demoenUe. the former
based upon tbe Idu that KCkty k ar- kteriu. uld good-by tor the ekm la
rasged In strata, tbe latter that all fitting aad toaehlag wordc. She epoke
mu are eruted equL From the of the udasm that the •'Good-by'’ graeeUut polBte made ia hk ad- crally earrtu vrith it. bat deelrad to
give lo a batter and more Joyou msudraee. the foUewing an a few:
■Arktoen«y holds that eoclety k lag. that of luring oae thing tor a
amagad ta layen, aad that the few brighur and batter oae. She apoka of
ths maay tImuiB kktory whu'
to rale, tor thek e
^anc# la tireather an.
ahlefl oa to biin( fbrth something new
aad “jaat the thing” to meet demaada.
Flannel Coats
and Pants
The Ideal salt for the hot days
oomiBg>-made by the nobbiest tailors
in the new stripe flannels.
hour that tbe company dlspeiuod, and
thing of tbe put.
uperu." The clam colon, pink and
nile greu. The elau flower is the
forge i-mr-QOl.
Following are the gradoaue. conraee
of study and clam officers:
Eoglkh course— Fruck Roulynd
Caffrey. William E. Snwball. Maud B
ItoberteoD. Jamee W. B. HnbbeU. Jos
epb E. Bbrenberger. A. Marion Pratt,
Bdythe Ellr.ibeth Butings. Fred 1.
CQOBU!5 AFTER LAST STAN/.AFarewell to happy echool daye, oa dear old Traveru ahore.
In memory aye we'll trusnre them and con their pleunru o'er.
c Our Resources
ara RMI Shnuo
Irene Oriatt. Fred A. Dago, Wlllii
B. Nub.jtovld S. Jiekllng. Flora B.
Scientific Coorae—Mayme C. Despres.
Hubert B. Montague. Wiley Edgar
Reltfa. Edna Mnrrel, Frank A. Walton.
Frank Novotny.
Latin coufse-Luelle M. Theobald.
Florraee M. Thompaon. M. Eva Thack
er, Euth Winifred Fuller.
Boginuring course—Jouph K. Ruiaky. Hiram Burnky. CalkteJ. Dunbar.
Clam effieers—Praelorat. Robert E
Walter: vice president, Nellie W.Grant:
secretary. Edna Holdswortb; treunrer,
A Card.
We. the unoeralgned. do hereby
agru to refund the money on a 50eent bottle of Greene'e Warruted Sy
rup of Tar if it faik to cure your cough
or cold. We also guarantee a 2S-cent
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display In grades
from $1.60. $2 00, $2.60 up to $8.00 aad
$7.00. You can be fitted both jts to
goods snd price in this department.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
Of Best makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in every way—Prices, 60c,
76c, $100,$1.C6, $160.
HamilIton Clothing Co.
This Morning
at Just
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House
Tailor Made Suits!
The Best Repertoire Compenii
OP the Roai.
Playing at popular prieu Inteodnelng
up-to-date comedies aod dramu. lotereneraed with aneelaUles by firstclam vaudeville artUts
' I'fae fintt'wmedjr-drama, in
four acts, entitled:
The Police Alarm
Vaw SpaeialtiMi.
Free Toiishi .
If accompanied by one paid 30c
ticket, whicb most be pnrebaaed
before 6 o’clock tonight
Reserved auto aa^ale at tbe boxofflu Talapbeai m.
Popalu prism-10. 80 aad N ««tt.
Through a fortunate purchase from one of the
foremost manufacturers in this country we offer you
their entire sample line of Ladies’ Tailored Suits
consisting of all the newest shades and styles at
exactly HiALF PRICE. A sample line means one of
a kind anil many kinds. Wo' want every lady in
Traverse City to pay our cloak room a visit during
this sale, especially so if you are in. need of a suit.
You Cannot Realize
The wonderful values this sale affords you. until you
see and examine carefully the garments themsrives.
All are strictly up>to-date in style, in make-up, in
variety of materials, and thdy are
We hrge yonr immediate attention to this
great chance to buy stylish goods at bargain prices.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet aed ClothiDg House.
boston store
The Ihta of a cold, backward season has loft us with a mammotl^ stock on our hands, and EYBBT SOLLAB'S WOBTH
KTTST BE SAOBIFIOED. Our doors will bo closed on Thursday, Kay Slst. to enable us to prepare for this grand offering. We deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season for our unloading sale and face the situation before it is too late.
This store irtU be open again Friday morning, and jmsitively every article and dollar’s, worth of merchandise in the ^
Tk» ehsrily wBTds of Beat of Ifat btg
ko^tsto of Now York w«w bright
with color TsoMlog 4 tbo roonltof the
CUrk-MorrU woddlag is 8t. Tboaoi
«ter<b tho dv botero. AfUrtbowod
<lBf toUftUoi hodeoded obootmUalfht tbo flowon wltb which the
oboreh oad tbo bOBO of tbo brtdo'o oli«« had booB doeentod. Md which ooot
aaaall fortaao, wore dlotribatod to
«bo oariOM hooaitaU. Tbo flowort dieWlbvtod wwo 40,000 blanoM, of which
ai.000 woro Baiter lUioo. 10,000 rooeo.
S,00e pooajoi, 2,000 enhido, aad othoro
la ^ooortieo. Tbo hrldo racoirod
bar fatbar. Sartor Clark, a wed
gift of $14,000,000. Thia fact waa
Mdo hwwa by latlMto frioedo of tho
teUj. Tbio gin Wte In addltiM to
Iba oalaabU Jowolry ecotlag tboaoaado
0< doUara, which the
■picaoaa of the Sts artiaUa raaaivad by tbo bride.
Tba Btete
c to Baropaan
hravalars for tba ts daya In May.
tbaedd boose at Marimba^. U-.
arbara Bath McBaary Bteart. tho ante
araaa. waa bom. hte bean parebaasd by
aMarkabarglawyar aad will bs tom
down. Prlaadsot Mrs. Smart In St
bsols offarad him doable tbs pries bs
paid for'lt, bat ba rafaaad to Ballla Kay. 1B7S, Amarlah N- Haynas of
Kobam. Msai.. bseama a mambarof
Borao lodge of Maatmsla that
Kty and daring tba ananlng tblrty-fonr
yoaca baa atteadad ovary ragalar aad
^Mclal moating.
Tba riearoy of India. Lard CarsOD of
has faltea in Myaora aad test aeatterad
Tbara b mnab
•leek latsara aad fanaars of tea waet
•aaaacutof tea Oarmaa maal laspiitiBi Wll Itfonad
a blQ oBarad in tea
■ of adlvcrlB
of 10 par eaat OB all ii
Oeagraas baa already aaaet•dall teat appears aaadfal. In thsopla
In of tea sacraUry of agrtcnltara
Bigh •ebool Sooo Boll ToaasX.»t a
BardPoogbt OaaoTaotordoy b?
A very lanre crowd at tbo Twelfth
otrootpark pootordayi
acaaod a good gaiBB of baU lbctwaan
the High aobool team and Banda'c
Twlrlara, which waa won by the latter
byaaeoroof«te4. With the ozoop
tten of tho first aad gpvanth Innlngo,
tbo game waa elcao aad wall played.
The game waa won by tbo Twlrlara by
batter Holding and team work. Thay
Bade taw arren. whlla the High
oebool team made aeraral vary coaUy
CMOBaarrarbyTom WUbalm cooV
tag throe mna.
Boesara ^tebad a vary goad gams for
tbo Hi^ sehooL Bs straek oot flvs
msB aad was bit for nlaa basss.'. bat
this Is low whan one aooaidan tbo waU
known batting abiU^ of the TwiylarsTha hits wore wall scatterad. and ha
abowad hla hand aovoral timaa whan
bsstraskoetthalastmaawltba man
oatbMwaiUogtorabIt. AtCB^Ume
ba stmek oot the bardaat hitter of the
Twlrlara whan tha baaaa ware fnlL
Kimball for tba
good game, allowlag bat ten bite, and
atrlklng oat aovan msnTha High aehoola have not played a
game before tbla aeaaon. and moeb of
of thalr srork waa daa
to that fact. They wars crippled In
tba firat half of the first inning‘•by
Oatehar Dean gatting hit by a hot
ais hand sras split open bstwasn
riagand iitUs fiagar. Three aUtehaa
ware raqalrad M elcaa tha woand. Movotay look hU place at catch,. and
Pcilowlng la tea seers by innings:
High School.......... oooosiooo
Banda’s Twtrlars. .4 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 r~D
oondenscd news
J«UiLJitKLK(.idlJK iKKlKLtetKLti
Tba dry ktlas at tea Hood A Mahoay
lava aad heading mUl at Dmlrs have
bean daatroyal by firs. The dry bead
ing with which t^ ware flUad in bnnlag threw large ecala of firs all ovar
the town. Maay balldiagi ware ca
AQaraeaa, Vanrzaala dispatch aa;s: fire at osa Uma, bat all ware Mvad.
Icaa is at praaant nakaown.
^niaa JoseV. Hemabdar. tea ravelnlaadar. hat baso . capiarad by
81k iaebst of baU fall In soma aae...............
troopa. Tba rovelntien U tlOBS of Moakagoa eoanty Monday
night, tearing frait treoa to tetters and
It aaema at laat M if waatera clvUUi- suipplngoff tbs frait. The loss tosmalL
008 ware maldag lU taBaaaea faU la gardeners la tba city aad videlty U
- China. LI Hong Chang has seat two eoasidcTable.
af Ms «ooa to attend a coarse of
The 3 year old daaghter of Lewis
-laeteBaaat tea Vaadarhllt aBivaraJty HnnUnglaf Cedar Bdrlaga, got hold of
<KiBteii, and it It said test a Jarge a bottle of carbolic acid aad swallowed
■amber uT yonng oeteatlal mrlatoersu part of ila contents. Prompt work
will follow them
saved tea baba’i Ufa.
At Daavar wblla Prof- B. A. Howe
Baeantiy Wm. Sehleaamachar. a
WM wMting early Taaoday mornlag io Nortefiald farmer, became aaragad at
ory for tea his borsas and damping oat of tha
aaatoriaaaadteaaeUpntebarln. bs ffOB took ont hla knife and eat tea
threat of one of team. Tha humane
Mda aas el tbs most
la of tha ynr, tea radlacov- soeiaty to^ np tea
ease aad
«yof tea plaaat Broa- This tiny
flaad $so with tea
which wsi diaeoverad only two alteraative of 75 days la tea hoan of
paara ago at tea BarUa obaarvatory. correction.
boea looked for alnoa laat Saptems year old aim of Albert Straw
gto ealea- of Oalaat, waa aaveraly oealdad Tuaa« it abeald amarga from behind day. Ho waste tha kltehao whan a
*a acn. Astroaomars all ovar tho bird flew te tea door, which aurtied
varid have boaa acaaalag the sklaa for him. aad in dedgteg he eat dowa into a
0, bat witeoat aneewa Prof- Howe paOo
of bet water. He wiU raeovar.
I tea planet aaar tea first
tites BoBaaon. 7t. of Adrian tewaOil!
geiatef Ariaa
ahip, committed anlrida with a abetgan. Tha abet aaterad below tea
heart, sattlag fire to bis vaat. To pra-
At Okamoa, Irving Clark, aged M
inatent rollat. t yoara. waa atraek by a belt of ll^te■S^Tmadlt ta my family for tear teg and teataatiy kUlod. Aeempaaioa
mwBt^ it as tea graatem
Tba Irving Pmeb Co. will
tbraa Blght'a angagemant at the City
Opera Boon tonight- The'oompaay
highly raeommandad as being
eompoesd of first class artiste, thorough
ly equipped with a satected
of tea lateat comedy saeemsss. elagaat
ly and a trainad aorpa of apaelalty artiste. Tba pram
thronghont the wMtern statea have
baan lavlah te thalr MlsAfiL^thia i
pany aad tha pnbliA-W reapondo
gansroni atyla. The piny aalaeted for
timight is "A Bn^way Wifa"
Praaeh it said to bs 'aztramely fanny
la Us part and tea anpporting company
te all teat can be daalrad. PrieaaiO.M
andueanta- Udlaatrao tonight only
dbyaa aacort with one
paid AO cant ticket.
raa a large and wall pleated andlteat witeMaad tea trtpU biU
by Bryan’a Oomadiana at. 8telnbarTs Grand Opera Haase teat night
npof the
ou act comedy. "Ihe Girl from the
Bowery'" which was very cleverly act
ed, followed by an olio of new and npto-date qtedlalUaa by all tea leading
mambars of the company- This eanght
tha boasa by aterm, the team work of
Prank P. Millw-and Olga Bryan scor
ing tee greatest hit. Oaorga D. Sweet
as "11m Coantry Kid" and "LltUs
Marjoria," tea child artist, mads strong
hits, as did also tbs other mambars in
tea olio pogram- Tba performance
eonelnded with a comic opera in one
act, "Sweat Stetenn." wUebhad as a
finals a vary pretty tebleanxof '-The
Stars and Stripes."
Tbs antertatemsate given by
Bryan company can te bath be said to
baths b
givsn te Traverse City.
teaaa hat been vary g^ tha Int three
nlghU of thalr oagagameat hare still
U te not sntlrsly ssttefaotory to tht
managsmsat and te order teftll tea
thoatrs te ite utmost espaeUy. thaatrs goers will bo awarded an nnnanal opportunity tonight to wlteata
fonr act comedy drama, “Tba
Poliea Alarm." With ovary 30 eaat
Uekat parabaaad batora e o'clock te............................... will be given free.
good for any lady. That te. one paid
tenant ticket will admit a gentleman
and lady or two ladles, antiUteg them
to tba bast sesb.
TbeAlnmni Bsoqnet.
It win be impoasible to clear tbe
dining room at Park Plaoo for
Alnmnl banquet thU aveninr before »
o’elo^ aad tha raoaptlon will begin at
4:30 instead of 4 o’clock as pravioaaly
•100 Baward.SlOO.
pleased to leara that there ..
one dread dteaaaa that aclenca haa bean
able to eaiwTui lu auges and thatte
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core te tbe
only positive cars now known to the
madloal fraternity. Oaterrfa being a
I Catarrh
“““““"'“‘■‘“r.; -SuT,
Onra te taken internally, acting dlreetfonndatliw of tha dteaaaa. and giving
Steamer Oolnmbls Bnaday.
by the Oraeoaat osnd to ran aa ezenrslontoBlk Bsplds Sunday after
noon. leaving the dock at abont one o'
clock on the atosmer Colnmbla- Blk
Bsplds te booming now and the popalation te rapidly teerassing. The uw
cement factory te
to a large nombar te lu conalrnetion
and whan oompleted will employ abont
Tbare have bean many interestteg ehaagas te tbe town lately aad
everybodv will be glad of an
ty to take aplsasanttrip on the bay and
at the aaou time visit one of tho most
hnstlteg tows te Michigan. The round
trip wUl cost 35 eaato.
Than wUl ba a aoelal danoa temor>
row night at Porrester'a hall, nnder
the anspicat of Traversa teat No. «71.
K. U. T. M. Tho proeauls wUi ba de
voted to tbe banall of a mambar who
has baan in hard elreoautaaeea. Tha
ladies will serve tapper.
Tba meeting of tbe Willard W. C. T.
U. wtUbe held this afternoon at tbe
Second U. E. church.
Oao. Gene was in tbe city yesterday
on bnsineas. Mr. Osas has not sold bis
honsc on Washington street, aa was
anaonneed soma time ago. bnt atill
bolds it for sale
Tbe steam barge John Otis has
rived after Inmber at the docks of John
P. Ott A Col
was aolamnissd by Pather Bsner of St. Francis church yasterAlaxaader Oarrolland Mtea DsteyJohn•on. both of MaUoton. Tha couple
have many fiisnds in1 Traversa City
who will give tl
MiUor's barber chop baa been attncUvaly improved with new paper
aad a oopper cclllag.
A haadaomaly painted wagon has
boon put la nae is thte city by tba
Adams Express Co. It is one of the
modern kind enelosad with wire.
Sqniars A Bonner, the south stds bar
bers. bsva had a neat sign painted by
S. B, Howard, for thalr mng aaaa. Tba
palntiagte antltiad "Mngs" and diepUys tbe greatest aaeortmaiit of homely
. I" that one could wteb te aca.
Tba painting te very neatly ezaented.
Bav. J. A. Brandy will praaeh at tbe
arawood chapel tomorrow ovcnlng at
7:30 o'clock. Aqoralal Invitation is ex
tended to all
A delightful time wee enjoyed by
Canton Traverse No 4. I. O. O. F.. lut
evening, tbe oeeulon being tbe ialtistion of sight esndidstee. Sevan of them
being from ThompaoovUlr. After tbe
initiation earemony, s dellelons bsnqoei was served.
Both tbe Craaeant and the Boys
hands hsvs been engaged for tha big
Odd Pellows ealabratloD to take place
bare June soth and SUL
Mlm Winifred Pnller. ealulatorian of
the elase of IMO. received yeaterday a
fine bonqoet of
CsHforala, sent te her by a trtasd ia
Los Angalii.
A deltgbtfal aarprtee was parpetratad npoB Mrs. Cbas. Peterson Taaadsy
evening by abont M of bar frtaada
dallghlfnl ooeial time wasI ttjoyad.
after which ioe eraam aad eaka warn
_ coosUtetion and aastetteg natara
ia doing itt work. Tba proprtetors
bava ao maeb faith te its carativa
that they offer Oaa Baadrad
Dollars ‘ r any asaa that It falls to
Mr. Bsbaa Pray of OgdaMharg, N.
1 for list of testimonials,
AddtM P. -I. Ohaaay ACe..Totedo.O. Y.,writaa: "After aaffwiag for years
with mnsenlar rhan------
lOoBttenad from first page.)
and woman of 14C1-45, the noble apirit
of aaerlSee for country and humanity.
We need the spirit of the boys of 'B4.
who Jut H nofltechtegly marched
away to meet the foe.
"Washington Irving uys. -The sor
row for the dead te the only sorrow
from which we refuse to be divorced.
The love which survives the tomb te
one of the noblest attributes of the
aool. There te a voloe from tbe tomb
that te sweeter
noBg. There te a
oe of tbe ddad from which
we torn even from the charms of the
of tbe dead to which
we turn today, with eyas bedewed
wltb -heart'e mysteriow gems', te a
msueig of uaselfteh loyalty, The
voids tA>m the tomb te tweeter than
eong, for it is elnglng of ezalted pstrlottem. Oh. Caleb the spirit of that
song from the tomb todsyl It te the
eplrit of that eong that makes tyranny
tremble, that erubas
earth aad that piaees upon the heed of
liberty a diadem eomparad wltb whoee
Iwilllaney tbe crowns of royalty mast
pale wltb Inslgnitieanee. Cherish the
spirit of thst song from the tomb.
It te thst memory and that eplrit Abet
wUl give an added lot ter to every star
in the dear old flag."
The High echool chonu under the
direction of Mrs. Dayton, naag “Co
lumbia. the Gem of tbe OcMn" in a
way that was grMtly appraeiated by
the andlenoe. Jut preoeding the ad^
draae of Bev. Woodbonse. and immedi
ately after, Mrs. Dsytea sang in a very
pleasing manner "The Sword of Bank
er HUl."
Bev. A A. Wall prononnead the
heaedleUoB, and tha entire andlenoe
arose and eang "The Star Spaaglsd
Banner." which closed the exereteee of
the day.
Patrlotloally Obearved Taaterday wltb
Parade aad SpaeohaaWexford Camara observed >
and a very large number participated
ia the ezereteas of tbe day. In the
morning the graves at the oamaury
were decorated by aeommittee of A. P.
Earl Poet, and later the parade was
formed oonstetlng of about 300 people,
beaded by tbe Wexford band, and
Bsarehed to the cemetery, whore abont
300 more were waiting. The exereteea
were very ImpreuivtAfter an elaborate program by tbe
oehool. tbe entire coneontM of people
partook cl a campfire dinner.
In tbe afteraoon the pat
la a great open air maatiag, and
e by spesken on tbe meaning
of the day. Bev. Darling of Peteekey
spoke feelingly of the past of tbs
country and tbe fiag. P. C. Oilbert of
this city wse the principal spraker. and
dealt li^ly with <he fntnrc. tbongh
he paid a glowing tribute to the heroee
of tho civil war. He apoke of the defeue of the flag by tbe boys of 'cl. aad
daoLared that In tbe bands of tbe deBoeadaau of tboae heroes, tbe flog te
sals tedsv. Slnoe It was raved In thst
great straggle, and te now loved aad
heeorad by north and aenth. ft oaa be
aataly earriad te the ends of tbe earth,
bring freedom te tee darkaat
of all lands.
A fast Btcycls Bldar
wm often raealve painful cntaApralns
r bral
every 1________rpBMdy. I fo
found relief
ia Dr. Obaaa'a
<0 KiZuy>U'
-Uvar PUla."
Gaarantead toI romova tim
Hps. bnraa. Olears and _pilaa Core
No r«ne^ equate WAWm^ Warn enrari
.Vcc* OF Tab BYbop for this tetri- ^tsor br.~A W. Obaaa ifad-^i^BU- gaarrantead. Only ase. Ttj iv Sold
by 6. E. WaU aS Jas. G. Johi
{riaken tb^ !tio. N- V.. Sand
stamp for tree ai
------------------------------•n« _____
and fatal dl
BteUb^SS^pStsM »«t.
r«9HnUlr1pptii24 Imvs.
Tba two maa bad aeagbt obelter
from tea aterm aad ware alttteg on a
large ctona aadar a baa. They bad
ZS^Uad. Trial bosatea loe at 8. B. mKadanambraUa Io fartbn pmteet
front window?
pZ^wd Jaa O. JohaacBb dras aieraa teem.
"M?! 2!i "
lent Bead will Taka a Crowd on
Item Bntenwa had Mis Skull Practnred
at PashabatowD.
A dranken brawl at Puhabatown a
few daya ago may result aerlouly for
Tom Bntenwa. an Indian,
straek In tha head In the melee and bis
skull fraetnred. The Indian hu re-
EilorU to find ont the name of tbe asnaUant have been futile, u tbe other
Indiau of the place refue to reveal it.
W. W. HiUarOene Weet.
W. W. Miller, who retired tram the
grocery bnsmeaa a few weaka ago. latl
yeaterday with bis fsmUy for the weal.
Mr. Millar will locate at Edmonton,
Alberta, where be ezpecU to again angags in baeinm. Mr. MUler aad fam
ily- leave behind them many warm
triaada. _________________
Twaatr-five Tears of Satteriag.
Mr.T-V. Bsldinger of 117 OUaton
street. Detroit, writes: "Dr. Chsse's
Ointment te a blasslng, It enrad me of
Itching pUra after 3S yeais' ofsnflaring
Inring which lime 1 tried doctorn’treatmeat and i___ , klnde
_ _ . of <
witeoat reenlv" Dr. Chsse's Ointment
gusranteec te cure piles, eczema aad
JI draggteia
alt Skin trbnblee 50 cenU all
o.. BnSalo.
or Dr. A. W. Chsee Med. Co..
e boz
free for stamp.
N. Y. SsoT
For ¥. LDoojbB SiM goto FrjBUI
For Jtuw lOltn iko« go to Frput.
TPOB iALX-e»>ea r.«« beu*-. U><! lot aSsia
sr,c-, a;;.feS"
fVMK WAHTXD-Keu end trite preferred, el
TOB TO Urr-PMlIar and antilar oal 9U
0 rerdebark. U K. Olbte A S<>a. ia7.St
•Oooae TO EXMT-A»»Boulh rajoaa^l.
Xv vltb or trlieaul board.
Z'SSEvlSr '"Ls
XpOR SAUC-d roo.n l.ouar. tanre 1<«. oa
J? Kr.Alb-irrei. rbrep In-|OlfV
^ VHSB (ilRL—Waalrd at CIS FroM^etrevt.
Betreid (or ret are to ibie eSee.
IPOB hALE-Kev milrh Belrlria row. P|ec
* ree'enld. clrtw 14 -luen. milk a dar.
■lad uil rrulle aad eaaf aiilkrr. te'iBliv of
'rTTANTKD-eeeoDdliaoa »bo* COMA. Wheo
W wrltlae ageatlao el<e aad pnear. Ad.
■lr«« Bos IW.Cedar, kllrb.
gpOB BALX-OoedibrMrear old aia». orAlfred Dar. r-B B. Frost a'l.
T Oar-O«ld Hoc art wltb larxc ametbrsiait^
IJ .Dali dlaaood.OBFroaietraM nears a.
Nortbaa’e .tofv. Floder leaxw al ihl.^omw.
0 taameataaC et leea tban 16) arrr* before
has. (.raws, or adTiae Pratt a OarH.lbaTeewa
rVESALB-BeoaeaBd lot P8 Baal Bcbtb
r atreM tmo daws balaaea os lo^Uaa
taka.it. JosaVerljr.
A BAROAIN-ls 40 foot lot. OB Frocl asd
..I OofTha lAon Coffaa hnatlers have some
... jaleamon. te stepping at tba Hotel to town, aad era azploltiag far aad
WUti^. He says &a Mia of Lion Oof; wide "tea cap that chasm, tout
■pF TOU WANT luuruaet Moar klsd in Cm
not laehriate.*^
»t. W. J. 1
fr^- yi ■
'rT''> yrr-Tr ■;
tWWftAWO WA. .—
I ttd tmtgi «Tur ttf
ra almbb
■ kCdel
jTtm M kMM wWmi M m
M n* «M il «i M< MiOT
M «Mi4 vta w lOTirt y*:
Tajv tak
MtM •■ ik<
■* «k* to tk*
ai MM » tt* ylM
U. Oretry’a.'
>b b Impaatobb for any me to eater
tko pouada after daak witheut our
fcaowbdp.'* the valet Mid. "Bvery
might at maaet two Ueod maatlffa are bt
looee. aad aay
edly be attacked.*'
Wkes i'eetbt reportod to M. Oretry.
that crnllemaa Mid;
**kiorH to a mow ezreOrat aad tmniworthy pefwou. He waa la my
«^to«to<r ctot
Aftmem a nalqsa tbeofy with mtmi
0 tiM nnaim of tba waaxmoth.
.. .orhairr
V haifT
fflapbut. wUefa U (ou>d la apA laMmma Boabm U SIbaria. Tbweimtara xrcra ao plantlful ai
i ono timaln
IBM otwaby tint IvtarboBUnfouBdit
togo tben in aaar oh td
Uwt tsU/MiU artiola than to 6oBth Af-.
itoa. wban olephauta aru aupponad U> ha
______ m boodbiu in New York
Bovseth aaya thM they are lavafouad Bsdw oaodiUtaia wbloh
aufca it oartaia tbal they oould Bot haro
Urad aala« the aarronadlagi aad eltaata bMI bami eadrely dlSaraat tna
Train wUl bava Tmvarw atg at «:M
a.m. ffatamlagbava Otand
at q<0
MMkigai at tbit. Bab
b MOmt pabb, «l.oa M. A, >1.
tlma.- Cblmaa'a Kbatb Hoar Vambt
^e!ee h
M Ito wt»4 ttol Mtoa*. tot ■• M 0
U. de Bolnae,
vltk whom we were very latimato, de- alM tragmlly tonad with tba ntnaiaa
alred bb^arrvloec. aad wt offered ao op- peiat to a aaddea aad woaderfni obaage
A DlMlBll mill M* Wmb
tk» thtof «Mk«
If frodiawg Howorth'a arguaeat la
to ba giTMi aay waigbt, tbe Bibtrlan
kaeu WM a bet
plalaaa iaco»
tba ntoMmoat faaU off. He might h
ia tba kaowa pfayaieal googr^y
bit wife aecomid. ButI why abouJd
at tba wiwld. Ha flgnr« that tba platm» waa taddaa^ raiaad to lb pnaent
dlr at any lluw> 1
and that, foior to tbaaddeaolebb <btof. and lu a few hours It waa aaeertaiaed that on the day of tbe robbery vaUB, It waa a wana atnrtefa of lowBrudier bad drawn fnini bb banker flO,<
000 fraara. Prretot Wailed M. Grvtcy.
Id nw. nmaieur." be ml4
yon and 11. de ffulnne'i family
icnn*. Wbea did aay
on Ultimate terms.
tha gigwitio animal bodlM tbrongta aad
Of them riail you ■aatr
**Mme. Bradier «B> here co tbe day tfaroagh, tbM pnaerriag them lataot
aatil tba pfuaeat day. Be aaya that aar»W* I"
kaa tbaaa aaimaU bad been troaan Im.. J abe know .
madlataly after death they xnmld oer"It waa a anbicet of raorerMlbn.''
taialy hava decayed aad dlMppcatred.
"DM abe infonii yon iksl abv aad h
la aoBoplaoaa. fartotheaaat in 81buahanit werw abool to start for
baria. aa wall aa In the laonntaiaoBa
of Alaaka on our oontlnoDt.'^tbo
*K>rtllolr not. DM they do aoT'
of tba Btammotta and other great
•TTjey did."
astlaet anlmab bava been fonnd at a
rerclei aouyhl out iarqnea and bad
17,000 foot above aoa level.
conTcrMtlMi wlib him.
"Tbe man la Mack, with tba orrrcoal Bowortb and Paloony both daolare tbia
over bb arm. did be mulnd you of aay to be laeompatible with choir mode of
one ever emploj-ed In tbe bonaer I'er- Ufa-oSt LoabBenMIC—
det aakfd.
Jacques seemed lost lu thought.
"Do yon often wee M. Hoyetr Per-
•ftef ftl tb* bmto* of______... ______
Orotfr. «■ ibc ItootoTanl Rt. tioraalo.
TW 4««4 toUM had tort
do«a that crrtalB acnl dtouuc ivUtlrM
dbtoM U proTtdad for. and bto chMdrra
Ud aoo* old frtoodatDH to roDnli aa
tha bcM wtf to nrrr out tha wlibaa .
Iha dacMtaad. Thar vara reararBoc la
a parlor la the rear of iha rrand aaloeii
wWa tha report of,a piatol waa heard.
IBtovad hr the craah of 0aaa. The partr la graat hlatvi mterad the aaloos aad
Cuud that a aptoadU toirror of fmt
f0ee, oecspriBf the wall la the enter
«( the aalooli. vai badly ahattared.
fev aoModa after the raUatropba a
ttnuB drenrd la bU
eeer hla am. appaei
waa adadttrd by a an
**1 ata afraid 1 an late. Jantaca.** be
aaU aa be aoiered the ball.
*'>«, aMnelear,” the aatrant aaavered.
V 4>r tboae UritaccMeat bappend vkleb baa dlatotbed
*Ah! What waa thatr the ceutlasaa
aaU. aad tb«. aot
aad ratara laataat
«nd tv kb mouib aa oue lu n
• •n-.ti
"Now yiMi ineoiiou tbc name, tbe man
looked lust B» I <-an lauylne 'll. Muyat
would look If be waa dn-oaed In the aiyb
of a real yeattomau."
"That b ruoueb." saM Peretot.
Tbeo be bad a long talk with U. Oretry, after wbli-b be started for Calais.
There hr learned of tbe deprtn
tboee be sought for Ixiuiloli. He
there end tracked them hark to Calab
and found ilieui at a hotel. At soon at
they bad retired to a room be foibwad
Bad knocked at the door. It was opened
by II. Bradtor.
“Ezmae me.” mM Peretot. advancing
Into the room In spite of M. Bradler's
attempt to prevent bb entrance. "J nm
a Paris detective, and I demand tbe
the aalooa. Booa afterward f^bariea, a
aoa of If. Qretry. quitted the bouar, laforaalac the cooeieryc at the pte that be
waa fuiac to girt taforauiloo of wbat
had occurred at the boiiae.
“A patlenaa baa already left for that
parpoae." aaid the coederp.
“Ab! I»o you ktwv wbo It waar
*T didn't reeocabe blB^” waa the reply. liver them without trouble, and then 1
**He war a patlamaa la Uaek. with aa am Inilrvcieri to allow you to p scot
OTcrcMt orer bU am.**
*■1 caaaoc tblak who It could be,"
^t aU ereata ny pdaf Bradtor. when abe beard a man's voica.
turned toward tbe qieaker and pl{c departed aad telunied aooa with claimed;
two oAeera. EiatnlaalloB abowed that ^^"My God; niiBl U tbe meaning of
a ballet I
> the ouulde bad paawd
■Um window and
"I know aa litito aa yua.” her fanabaad
>e cwBter. Nu clew
perpetrator of the act could be diacorered
‘-Explain yourw-lr, air, and do It qulrkouialde la-the poanda Neat taoniloi ly. or I will aummoa ibe puUce."
I detaetUe uawad IVrrtot caiar to the
P.-rrtot wax taken aback ami bepn ia
a aad found the fanUy la a auta a stammerlug way to wake clear bla mis
tescKMieBt. Ume. Gratry-a ieW- sion. riually hr managed to get out tbs
' S at
at doo.- atory of the robbery.
■a ralaod
IK. Wbea i
‘‘Yon have made a grave mbtakc. air.”
aaM bl. Hradlcr. Olualag the door,
"Wbea waa It
t la
"Show me yoor aathority,"
lewelry at priaant.*'
kliae. Oretry aaM;
Pendet did a<>. and U. Bradtor. after
BtadeItIt lay
. baalaeM erery rrea- epeakUig with bb wife tor a moment.
lay when preparlay for dinner
to aoa that
the eaae and
Hi eoateau are aafe la lay
lad Ha
"Ton arc a puUlc oOrer. and
■■^inuwe. aaa
and >I oiu
did ao tan
Uat rTenjay,
reenlny. Thla
inia are bouud to keep secret tbe exf
BMtalay 1 dlaooeered that the coctitoire
had htea forced and ny lewela remored."
1‘erciet eiaatlned the earrllolre and Mme. Bradtor waa at 11. Gretry's____
carefully acrullalaed the yrounda around tbe day on which you my tbe jewels Were
the hooae. He queatloaed tbc euaclerp Males. But abe then knew nolblng of
aad learaed aU about the putleman la tbe journey to Ku0and. At my oflbo
- biark earrylay an oeerroat who had pae- that ucMniug I received a cable dbpalch
ad out the preeloua erniny Joat after from Englaud (hat uur dangbier. who
the cataetro^ aad who bad aald that waa at a>-fai>ol there, bad eloped with and
he waa piny to lafom the police.
Jaeqaea, whoor duty It waa to adnil rlaHort. waa llkewlaa queatlnned aad told could not cuuacni. I linntcdbiWy drew
how te had adaBttcd iuat at tbe tloto of moaey from the hank and went borne.
tko MtaaUny of the mirror a ymtlemaa My wife rewdved ii> aciv.mpaay me to
Eugland. and tbe plnful cirrumitancea
ana who had
wbirh we were Informed were comwaetotp. Mytay that be waa «duy far of
mnnicaicd ,by bi-r to her father, who.
"lEe**knew my name,** Janiiiaa mU. tbuuffa an Invalid, la a man of strong
“mad 1 anppoaed hr waa oae of tbe per- mind and bore up bravely: suffering Inaaaa iarlt^. aad when he propoeed to p •nltrly teas than if my wife bad abaealed
U the Ueatory I tboufbt It waa aO bcracU without hla koowiag tba reason.
RverTtbing baa Iwea happily arranged,
*That waa the man.** tba detectita and Wo are now on our way borne. Tbb
laualloo. I hope,
hope. will b«\atbfactory.
aald. ‘-Aad tbe petMo wbo Died tbe i*o« explanation.
Perrlet admitted (bat
it waa. and. mut
WM bla eecompUer. It waa a eery deweemiralton. made bb bow and departed
cr atroke of bualneaa."
Tbc eouclerp didn't remeialier harlay aa aouu aa be cooM for Paris. . _ ....
aeon the man who pamed oat enter by rearbing that city he found that U. htoytbe pte. The man wbo died the abot rt. M. de Huinoc's reap.-rtabto valet, bad
might haea entered the yrouada by the dlMppeared. not bariug been aec« from
pte. but be certainly did not leaee that tbe day that Peretot left Parb on bto
way. aa no one paaaad after tbe driay of wild goose ebaae. 8o tar ax tbb record
the abot eirepi the man already de- goea. be wax never found.-Brooklyn CItbeu.
aerthed aad Cbarlea Uretry.
Tbe pounda were not exieoalee. Tberu
waa a eery high waU roeemJ with follap near tbc apot where tbe man wbo
did the deed mnat beer atood. aa tbe baB
tbe friiita of CsUforaia. It eeema Pturul
read of tbonaauda of tons of nOalna ia
e and oranges by t
But wbo would «
Ma. The wall oa tbe other aide lulaed
the roar wall and niendtd for half the
toward the gate. It waa llkaIhc lop with iron
_ -_-.jat to ppaad. Tbaoe
______ e beloapd to If. de Bulaoe. with
wham hto daughter aad her huabaad
ttrod. The detectlee asked penatoaks
le enmlae the pouada aad waa laforma< that M. de Sulaae waa aa laralld a^
cn0d aet be acm aad that bb aoa-te-Uw.
M. Bradbr. and hb wife had that machtestarted
^oa had bettar aaa M. Moret U. «e
p /\lDDLET0WN.O.
e time to thought
Have You..
Por baying a 10 cent
dgar wheo you cin get
- i
Ooeenitloa Day Bxenruloa BatM on
tha O. B. * 1Oaaaad oac-UIrd fart batweaa all
BUUoBS wUbio ISO miles of alartlag
polat. Tkkaw oa sale May Vt aad to.
Ul May II. *ss-st
Csban Plaan always mas
T* OiM a OM la OM 0•^
rake Wano-'t WbiU- Wine of Tar Syni)
itae beM eougb remedy on earth. »
V eenito
First Freeze
©«=«!) CZB
HRMUfft-tlRr (
Claar lea, Itoiti Boardma'a lake.
$1.00 a Month
At meidem-cs—same as liiat year.
. Have large quaalliy on bead,
oxake a apeclalty of car Iota
J. A. Jackson
Beth'Phoaea. No.
g i^a>io|TO. attoyr^oM^^
miaMwaoMM.*'Ill rreetox.
“Tba matter of canAdracea between
ooenaal and oltant la out of great inter- Tolcpk<«cMe.tB.
aataadimportanoe.'' aald a woU known
jurbt and ax-Jodgo tbe other day.
"Aa to the doty of a Uwyer on tha
trial of a caae where b« baa been Informed by bu client that be it gnilty,
tba bMt bad moat ooDtrollliig <
la that of Cbarlea Jamea Phili
lilUpa, tbo
amtaeat BrltUh barrister who
dlraoUtma waa rato-d lu hit time aa aeo- toaOrera Bouse Block.
ODd only to Lord Enkioe.
“Ha waa defeodiog Conrvolaier, who
waa Indicted for tbe mntdor of Lord
Baaell. Daring tba trial, on tbeezamInatioa of a very important witnena for
tbe people, tbe aoonaod waa ninch over-
^f-^have hntl my boildlim
.reboilt aod pat in koocI
'abape nod nm now rendy
tu receive ili old pntronn.
Fire Insurance.
' L. Xi. A. Balldinc.
Line of Jofoli? 6rtidRi|ildift iBdiieiRi.
s: GoodIll Kiidsof
MareoBUto Oa. Btoak.
lipa or to hla aolldtor the fact that be
waa gnilty of tbe crime.
“Mr. Phillipa immediately aaked for
aa adjoanunant of the caae and for a
ecaanlUtloo with tbe jndgut- Tbe oonanclMr. PbUr
atated to tba beach that tbu ancaaed h
oonfemed hit guilt and r
jndgea to point ont tu him hia path of
dnty. Tbo jndgw. after deliberaUon.
■tntad that ho woold have a perfect
right to make anob legal ami logical dodaotloni from tbe crldeiioe as bo
tboagfat tended totbeezculpatieaof tbe
aeoBMM, bat it would bo snprafeational
to auto to the Jnry any pm^ bulief
of bla innooenDe.
“la hia argnmeat to the juy Mr.
PbUlipa, earrlwl away by hla
>k PrMrkrlTaoev Block.
' ' Wewati-.
SiuUSrin WM-lKtoc WMC.
cud efelldrcB-e dlaan— • araetoltr. OtScc
beurv: 10 U It a w.; t te 4 eod T (• S a at.
Ben 'okcev- Noftberu 'phour *0-1.
I. FLOOD. OSoc la new ToaaalMr
Bee. Mo to: rMkdvuec, Me. Tl. Nonkera Mi
—««M sod mldCBCC. No- Tl.
in leel
75ca Month
to privste fbmlliM.
Poyable monthly in advance.
Chas. W. Merrill
Both-pbuOM No. ltd. 410W. ProotSl.
lire Insurance.
Mortae'eBaro Trau^laaoMt^er »l
bla own peraoual belief in tbo Innooeuoe doaaeUr aalsola l-r Ike laloat aad meat ap
of Ua chant, and this atatniueat of UU proved uikoda Dm sr eKk> <•!>• ocstoptlr bam. or any other property inaaral
____ . remember
1 want Vi write tbc
—New York Herald.
laaeranoe for you. aad will give yon
prompt aad earefnl attention.
" * the moat rallabla stock loaurTbe yooBg man had failed in'aecnrlag
aru^^sMe^ m.i|rlera:Nertksra pkMa
Balea very low.
the girt aa bla own for life, owing prindpally to tbe violent oppoaition of her
piUamal aaoeitor, and a friend of bit
bone ?R.
Jobnaon Blockairvci. BoU.wtopfcooc.Mp.ail,
waa ooaaoUng him on hU lorn.
"Byaeatge,''be aald. “I don't aee
rhat yoB wanted to marry that girl
“Tbat'a becaoM you don't know bar.’’
“1 know ber fMber. "
“But 1 waan't aiarrylng him. ”
“PerbaiM aot, bat yon wonld bava to
Mooma a.member of the family."
BonaMFebW.flctt. apcckal oUeoUoe (ivoo
“1 oonld have atood that for tbo girPa teoprcoilrreurfarrood diooaeea poroltor to
tke ■loBoch Oaier mod rooMeoee tU Bar
(irosL Atbooio froa K te ISO-to. ood freei I
“Well. I ooaldn'L Why. I bad aome
kaalingt with him ia a baalaeM way. ^(-aiC tJ^NS
lad I foaad that be waa a regolar robr^“Mew
Tbe 11 :lip- ■.keels has psrlof esricOi
Esplde, esd >toep>r GrsnJ Kepidi le Oli
lOOa to- bse elerpa
eisoauudre^ Sepldeopdcoecb sod
In^cM Atosce tc Uraed Replde pod cfci
The Pare Mirquetta RuilrNd
Ttevereedy. A toe.a
eSSKSSl.;'"”" lompTWPBl
Best to be had in
tbe city it at
hat yon may be
ft old uaD.’’be
Mid. "1 bad aome daallnga with him
aad foaad him afiw hooter. '’—Detroit
Free Pxem.
Hmplet in window.
R. Santo,
DL uranm, John
Gaiaril lasaraaaa.
ii; C<u traxoT.
Blto Wteelaa's UWo Paha.
EUa Wbaeler Wiloox has among ber
eoUaotionatpbot<«raphs one which abe
alwffyi bands to viMiora to ber pleasant
“flat" witbOBt any eiplanatlou. It ia a
piotare of a i«an with bit back tamed,
aad so bla Dm partially ooneoaled, klaaiag a woman wbo la evidenUy berwit AUweskethifMaM paamato tvasa Itaai
If tbe vlaiter does aot make any oomvarfc a spaetolip.
maot. Mrs. Wlleoi aaka “Wby don't
Vaw OSm. Kaikbaa Bl^
yoa -vMaim, ’But wbo is tbe manP
point aluut n mitoa west of Bnffab
and Banduaky at the tmmeesc total oC
iaS.OOU.OUU to 1S0.00U.UU0 pounds?
mbj am telling them tl
That meant nearly or quits two ponnda
flmL'* Any one wbo knows tbe ardent
for every n
aSbotica eilatliig between tbe poeteea of
Oaitrd 8ui
lintra. and yet the bolt of
try in vhl<
bleb tbc grapM •re grown b so paaglaa and Mr. Wiloox wootd not be
w that ito total arai
at all afraid that Ibe kism waa not be.
ao long aa tbe ktasee waa bis wifa—
PkiUuMpbla Prat.
Wartberg Blaek_________Travarrv Olty
The Waukazoo House!
aroimxi.poin. aciotx.
unna in nnuuuTsu l i
boalnaea Open tba yw roBad. Good
LIvary la eoaaMtkm with the boMa.
Batea made kaoira oa aapHoatloa.
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
t tbc crop
evjry year.-Otovelgiid Leader.
Tea. and tbeo Mtimate the crop be
tween a point 15 mlba of tba oaM and
va« Use of Bandnaly. which takw U
Kclly'o bland and tbe Bsm bUndA and
you bare more bctm of gntpM prupm
tbuately than In tbe tarrttarr mat off
gjdp^ DnkM. If.
“My (bar. I tboagbt wa were golag
0 pnwtlea maaomj for a time?"
Wtf»-Bo we aia, dear. I waat down
ooutanaanded tba order yoa gave
r tailor f« a nit aad bonght a bea-
Ml that oort only ball ^ a
tldcwslklAmlMrlB eUsleM.
JOHN F. OTT & CO. sss
•sen W Ximm OMlMioker Oo.
•.«' o
Oaoolg B>o*se TOUs I
‘A bear or n pnntbsg can’t Btaad Um
oiebt of a woltakln «g n
eonnty, "nnd both nltodlalike tbp 1<
of an overcoat made of bnffnio akin.
They beoomo enmgad when they aee
bnntar ktrldUig tbroogb Ihewoodi with
fhty will sUrt for him
tho iuitant they get tdght of him. ud
uleea be stops Ibom with n riflu ball or
a charge of bncksbul tboy will invaria
bly Uokle him.
will cacti In- }.*iO fiN-i ju|uaiv.
away from a hunter
skin coat, but they
who wusn Ik coat of
fur ud will attack
* trace of
of bim,
lint Id ralD. He a
» 10 bare
Idwd Qttcriy. Tbe
Of.» bfirr iBl Muf •ItLla • «
lion of tbe (uyatcry waa that be waa
tey l<li «K« ho Uk< • ton ca
dead. Hia notber brilcred it. but
lUa dtaii aad (•llltbl <ont $a4 f«
ta did not.
tibe could mi.
Aad lUr m auu Uk *a> til food, tad no
proBilaed lo wail for bim. Ebe dared
At yitidtd litcr^T *> inur tsula nidf
la avrldltM fn/tr ibr brart't itrrp intdtfBi^
nut break that promlte. AUeo bad lured
ber. Sbe nuat-abe would-be falibtnl.
Ebe would nol yield lo Lauieote!
rm ktr drii«t>i morrrBt dulNd Ihr tdtdt.
Dare did not acaln aee Uonlra,
Biud. drupi Ibt ana;
Pot brr IP BN
: and Itll lo mtdtt aranP' tbooeb at each rlalt be made bia aunt
dorifif tbt aprioR be railed at tbe
Id Ml. nut i«ly Cnaimd,
(4 t>T that to hn Ulr mid paaa.
ace. But UoDica had alwaya U
m htr nail erf tBtttbtM Alli Ihr fOart.
Tbe nlolater aod bit win- receirrd blm
noat eordlally. Tbey would cladly bare
aeeo tbeir dauefater hit wife.
ODe day lo Juoe Monka waa retumlDf
bone froto a walk down (b ibr cure. Her
way waa lu the netfbtwrboud of Allen'
Aa it waa atill early lu tbe
decided to CO aud pay ber
anil. Hhc bad not roue to tee ber oftn
of late ibruDcb fear of meelinc Laorauce.
She Mt that abe Would ruu no ritk of
meHinc bin tbit aflemoou. be barJuf
rlailed bit auul tbe prerioua week. Ou
. hall
Ebe koocked lifbtly aud
[ brifbl with tbe door open.
wUboDt waiiinc for a reaponae walked
creeo of early apriuc. dowo here by the
Into tbe I Itle parlor, where abe koew
core all waa cray—maud, roeka, aky.wren Mra. Dare
ire waa in tbe babil of ailtins.
tbe water bad lip- aame dreary tint—not
Bui at tbe tbreabold Monica pa&cd.
a cltwm o( aitbi-r color. cxii-|it that of tbe for there stood I.,aoreore by tbe window,
erfmauu abawl wbicb ibe flrl. piltloc on a aa open letter lu bit baud.
Ilia aunt
ledcr of r.K-k. bad wra|>{>ed around ber.
aat near blm. apparently In a stale of
Laureuci- Dan-, comiue alone tbe mad Creat escltemeot.
which reu abore the beacb. aaw tbe
As the aaw Mouica abe cried out:
{latcb of ml and paum-d.
-He Urea. Monica! Be Ilm! My bor
"Thai la Monica,” be mutiered.
My owu Allen U Urine! Cosm
He . mad<- a few iouc atridea and
Id and bear tbe letterr*
Blood beaidr ber.
Then abe fell to wecpln* aod r .
“Monica,” he aald eoflly.
orer and orer. “My boy U llrloc."
Tbe ciri turned ber head with • ^nlck
UoDlea looked from ber to Dare in be-
S&e Tried to fie True.
There «aa a dUplcaaed lone in ber
tolee and b< r hrowa caaue lufetber lu ■
frown aa abe n-cardi-d biio.
‘‘Monica, you are cruel.’'
IIm- cirt made no auawer.
“Monica, laat auniiuer you care Be
a faini hope ibat in lime you would lliten
tu Be.
What bare you to aay lo Be
;DN yon
If. t.N.. waa pale.
o a cha
“ caaped MoDiea at length.
“U It
“Vea." B I be did nut look at ber
“I reeclred tbe letter tbia Bominc and
.- down by the flrat train.''
-He U well
“Where U be? I don’t UDderatand.“lo Califumla.''
Monica looked at him eoonuedJy.
-Why-why baren’t I-lnit 1 hnre
i: I a
I U-iooc
T ". ” K
iNNa bla B'lre.
liti alwaya talking
of (Siueiu l^nrence.
Ijiuriatv li> >Bi- loo
beioiig to Allen. 1 can’t Barry you.”
“But Allen la nol’’-
“Munlea." be said, with great gentleseae of Voice, ’‘Ibiuk! It ii four yetra.
He was lo hare retumi-d lu leu Boalht.”
“1 moat be faithful I.. bim.”
l>arefluahad. “Tbbc la nooaenae. Mon
” be Mid hair BOgrlly.
BOgrlly. "If Allen U
Urine.” be went on. “ahy hare
beard frum bim all tbeae yearal' Are
you going to anete your 1(0- in Ibis little
rUIag*' and give up all chanee of bappinew for a faoHrul idea of being biund
lu blm? And tbink of im l 1 bare iored
you ao long. Home tu lu,-. I abatl lorn
you-so mnrb that you miiet lure me Is
fetura. Cume, I awear that you absll
nerrr regret It. Monica.”
“1 can't. I.iurenre.’’
“Will you «|H>il both of our Urear
“1 must not lUten, I,aarraee. 1 wUh
that you did nut rare for me."
“I can't help caring for you. I think I
bare Iored you ainn- Ibe tint day 4
you. ud now that you are frt»”—
“I am not free.”
“ mica.
I. liatenr
Bb^ went along awiflly until abe knew
that abe waa out »t view from tbe core.
Her tfaongbta were in a wfalri.
nhonld she not yield? Khe knew that ber
happlnesa would be a>-ctirc with this
lender man. ..
Hlittle he.____
ed ber alruggle In reaUl bis ideading!
He Ibougfal abe did not care. In the old
days sbe had compared Allen with biffl.
nnd alwaya to tbe former's dlasdraatage.
For after the drat gUmour of their en
gagement she bad m-en ibe sballowscss
ueaa of Allen’s natnre, and In
Ibe clos
relations iol-< which tbrougb
r eogagi-iiiciit
abe waa brought with
Allen's cunaln Ipiurenrr she bad reeogaUed tbe Btrong and noble cbarscter of
tbe latter.
And tbeae last years bow ibe tenderasas of bis natnra bid abowu ont! What
■ bad giren to AlU-n'a deaolstc
mother! He bad almort filled
d tbe plaiv
n bad been only a auuag admiration.
In Bplie of her recognlflon of AII«n’a
weak nature. Ibe faBrinailon of bla glance
and soft redee had held brr t eaptlre.
Bnt now! When Allen bad gone went
r. wbl
Iba. al
— „ .™_.,
jiaerr 1
tnm. But tbe t
and other montha had grown Into yean,
and be bad not returaad. They bad ao
Dears of him after that last Ictur, writtaa aaren months from his depaitura.
l«nn«ea bad fAf)«y«4
yon t!
killing a doer ouoo in awtailo for a
ebugn Wlii-n Ibv weather was bitler
cold, 1 wore B oouuakiu overcoat mitll a
putber rniuiNl it. ud livru is wbat is
Alwii Is a D
lod u even dostm of putbors
Ud a score of wolv.w while wearing
*“WbBl is it, Uiurence? Why
, do
-u you
rfu- that
It was
was in
in Janaary,
Jannaiy. ISJf,
‘ PO.L
ap<-ak so?”
wearing IL One very
Thru, as be41d not answer. she atbl
..n.. '
_ ,“*
N in
oil niy auowshoes
with n touch of iinpertousni-as
la ber
mormug 1 put
and slnried lor ttaa
the h.tail of Kitoben'a
j (seek to bant paulbvrrfudwolvL-s. Tho
”Lrt me read It.”
u her,.............................
and sbe read.
lie «
uow was ibrtv fort .loop lu tho woods,
tbe prcUniityiiT lines, and tho wulvos aud panUi.-rs were
,, I alaaghicriiig the dcL-rntafrigbifalrato.
I caiuo .lilt bi-n-fail.-.!. 1 ki-pt un Ir^ng *«»« *»«»
, i..
' rifle
'for what
others, hophut to a. b.o»c suuu- m.-a.ur.-, * tbonght might be a panther,
of SUC-.-.-SS lN-f..n-r.-iuriuiigh..uu-. but one*
‘1 hndo t boon ataudiug a uiinntc
failure ■u.-t'.'.-.liNi auuiber. i-'iiiully 1 was ! When 1 heertl a twig snap back of
taken ill with rbriiiusUe fi-vi-r. The wo- ud before I could tnru half way r
man at w bow- h-UM- I wu» sta.riug nurs-'aowethiugetruck my back ud drove mu
cd me through It. and
forward on my buds and knoes. Of
of the swertot
taOv hriped eonrso 1 iustuily roaliaod that a panther
fall me
m my I
It stuck
wish, but 1 Ml in lu
know olktvslnto mysboulders ud began to
wc-ri- matri.-il.
lid we.
wr W®**
kick with it* •
• •
but she luri-il
I, end
suarllng ud
p. I hare
have I| tearing at tiio
r very hapjiy.
H.-li.-i e me.
U)o eouuskiii with its loi-tb.
been easy wh.-u I (buugbi of my , I knew iu a second that thu only thing
her and M<uii<-u. Itui 1 nn-t M.4iuu for mu to do was to tlirow uiysolf backlast week
1, be was psMlog through lo.ward. uud tbU I did at ones burying
Eau Frau. Uce
r.., 11-l.ija me t[,.l
rvporl.-d 111 U- <-ligag<
might h pl 1, Irom
consok-d aud will furgivt- Uir.
lusi i» j
. .
wber.-1 “•^'“8 mucb-iioisc.
mucb iioiw!. It cotitlnned to
why 1 am writing tu dU.li..- myr wb.-r,-1
aliouts. I am fairly |.r...|H-r..us and
skull ■ c'*"'
clnw Sr‘'*t
great r.'-"**
renU !•*
iii Ike
md sbull
cuouskiu coat
idiM.-ly. 1| ODtil
nntil I stabbed it tl
three Unit* in tho
have motbi-r ■kiik- out lieie iiumidinti-ly.
1 know sbe aill forgive mi-, and i5k- will Side, when it sloppt-dkicking audbegu
find th<- swe.-t.-«i mile .IstiRiit.-r iii law , to ga.-«p. 1 knew that tho point of thu
in Ibe t-ouulry. You will suit Monks far knife bad tonch.sl a vlUl spot, ao I lay
iN-lier than
h.„ ,h-
1 sbunld bate .kuie.
Yuu ^ ,un trlltliopaiither aOvlchod out deed.
, — -*
-------, auotlKTiiiov.-iue.it in theovorgn-i-ii troa
"Tliiv timii 1 spli-d a pair of i-yos on
uilurr. uui .iin-s lue
letter down witb « mUc cry and bid brr
face in her bauds.
Dare stood Wklng at brr sadly, carslog Allen ill bi> Cekrl.
“My darling, it 1 .tinld have spared you
this"- be Mid.
’'Lsurvnrv. I tried all along to be faith
ful to Alien, but '"Butwluit. Monies?”
Ebe bIikmI up aud looked into hit.eyes a
fleeting claucc, but it was cnou^ for
Dare.—Chicago ll.-cotd.
a limb aUint
looked atonnd hastily. It waa bat
a abort distance to the rocto at the cove,
and^tbe piscc
■ go down these. 1 cannot talk
to you
TbougtaU of ibelr last iaterrlew_______
place eame lo her mind. How miserable
abe bad been then and bow mlwrable
now. Allen was alire. and abe. srretebed
girl, was not giad. Ebe did love blm. It
was Lanrence that abe Iored. but abe
must be faithful to Allen. Lenrence
never gucsi wbnt n wicked girl abe waa.
Alien alive and abe Mt glad, and srhtt
waa Lanrence ioiag to tell berl
Dare seated ber in a abeltered pnoltion
nnd stood lookliA ai ber. n srofU of coA-
pitch ud
the snow, soon (umingnp its toes. Then
I pulled off the overcoat ud discovered
that the paiillier had ruined it Tho
olaws hadn't touclii-d my flesh, though,
for I woro three thlckunsses of deerskin
ud two of wool ttudor tho oTKcaat.
that trip of thr«o days I gopfivo pan
thers and four wolves.
Which is tbe «oi»'n-st iisveiuctil—gran
ite. cobble or as|>liull?
made in I'liilidel|.bia show tliut a burse’s
ikslly tbe same noist- on
lit. but the Sound is
the granite, ^^gmn, .- mii..e of wagoii wbecls
drowns Ibal oT tbu honM-sbot-s.
amounts tu atuut tu -|nt cent of tbe
whole uoise, and ns it is |>rat-tieally suppreteed on asphalt it foilosH ilial sspbslt
It tbe quietest.
It is also the best for
motor cars.-IxMidoD Globe.
crying. Ebe now looked up at Lanrence.
“Flniah tbe leitiT, iNiurencc.
Monica: our Allen b siiU lirlng.”
Dnre bad folded tbe letter and waa
potting It Into bla pocket.
‘"niere It little mure of Importance,
dear anut.''
Monica, dear child.
Head tbe letter for ber. Irfiurenre.
"My di-ar aunt, yon muat try to calm
yourself or you will be ill.
Monica was puaaled l>y Dafe's evident
A geeseaeble Jesl.
desire not lo rr-ad tbe letter
"I^lell you sb.-'a the very salt of tbe
went over to Mrs. Dare and embraced
’‘Itiil I think sbe ..v.-nl.N'S li n little
“Laurence U right: yon mutt try tn be with her iM>pp.Ty temper.’'—<-'lcvelsufi
niD. dear Mra. Dare."
rtois Deslir.
“Joy never kill*, child. 1 mutt cry for
bslt Fisr isMoKr.
pore happlneaa."
“1 aball go boioe now.’’ mM Monica.
A pbysielu, in tToAiiiiguinsueps*
baps there U a letter for Be.'
Hunt, found it mlmlrsblotouiakonsoof
:ell. child.. but eome early ion...............
'OtuuousiDiuctioitsof salt. Tbti paWe'llI cou
count the days now till we aee the tiut bn.1 obstinately rcfasril all tionrt,anrencc bad left the room and itood
al the eniraure door.
"I am going with you.” be aald
llonU-a cgnie out.
Dare regarded the girl atctltbily aa
they walked along. He marreled at tbe
uaimpaoaloned manner in wbicb sbe had
recelred the news of Allen’s being alire.
Kite was still very wbile. and there was a
strained look in ber face—not tbe expreaaion of joy be would bare expected
lo ace. Ebe walked rapidly, paying no
heed to Dare.
He put bin band gently on ber atm.
''Lki not walk to Ait. Monica. Ton
will tire yonracU out.”
Ebe did not reply, bat west mote
-Mo^ca," began Dare bealtatinfly. *T
-do not tbink that yon will find a lener
from Anen,”
Ebe stopped atiU and looked at him.
“What is it. Lanrence? Yon arc bid
ing Boroetbing.
Wbai la Ibe mysteTr!
Vby did you not wlah to read tbe lettVby
"Monica. I bellcre yon are a brave glrL
Call ui> aU ybnr pride now.”
Ebe gated at bim with wondering eyta.
16 fm-t ebovo thu luow
The Kels* of Percaseata.
“■ -i;'-'-. V>-
that wean n wolf
will obnuo a mu
uy otbi-r kind of
hint if ibey get a
ebuee. In thu winters early lu the for
ties I hnntod pauthers, wolrea ud bears,
Ttic irovernmvnt work l« iiudtY IIh* dim-tiuu of Jatiicp Knox Taylor. «uiN-rvlaliic
ally 111 a
I SiMoUti PMialaMttce.
li Olid I>ri1
A wolf or even a fsck
of them will always ton Uil ud mn
IHW. If (hr Paa AkIisii
H(> vBNt U lb^ nainlMT of valuiihip aad iBiarratlBc objM>iB for axhlliltloD lu lip* |i
•fKw hul« UalMliis »f Rival pn>|»n>m <-ouM poaaiblY •'oolala tbPiu. Inal<«d of •
Aui>-rl<-an Kx|-Mltit>n. wbIHi !■ tu In- ImM Id Baffalo frum Mar 1 lo Nor. 1. IINil. ili<- K<H|.-ral mnnp will counIpI of
thm' luaaalrr amptum
ml l>r ••oloDluidpa. Tbe Diain iHlUdlllR will In- IHii f>vt wiilt- aod UN> fn-t Iour. TUp
And Wat it BuSBcIblns «r Its gvsM
Aad chaimed ll uto ©>•<* sg^
1 did no* «sru Iu
k Vr nsaM.'
I only sold ‘Hloa bt.M Iky life.
Tby awc-t yoong gi»«. v still tV bus.
the S>o« Kol Keep roes With tV A«.
vsace «f Sledksl fcWavw.
Wo all know just wbatadorsblocreatnrea alt grauduiuthors arc, aud bow
tboycuBot do wiongh for tbe little
ones bolougiug to Uicir sons ud dugbtom Now. without wishing to appear
tmgraleful fur those atltmliiwis. there
aro aouio mothers who think tbumsulvm
quite capable of caring for iholr own
babicK, and (hocceiHunal and persisicut
ooutrory opinion of gramlma bocimue
After a lime voxailoue raibt-r Hiu liolpEven though grudma hasbronghtnp
a doten chiMmi, and this is her daugh
ter's very first ©xp<-rienco in that line,
it i« just ns w,'ll not to giro ovorliberal
doeas of ndvi.v, nor is it good pnlloy to
empty out Hii- nn illcino tho doctor i»o■oribes for baby's cough aud substiiuto
ip of »<ioills. U-camn' sirup of aqullls
I all that the youngsters uf uulhur
gtmeralioti wi-r« dowsi with.
The lattiT mediciuu may bp regarded
by grandma ns tho most porfcct cough
remedy in .-xisieiin-, but the prescribed
drops or pellrts may bo quit© as effectIve, ud it is but UQtnral that ’ the
young moHier and tbo phyt-irian is
charge riinuld M-1 ii bit aiinoyiti at Uie
agsuiiiptimi ..r snpi-rior kuawlctlgc. howit may b
varied 1
doxou might
provk quite Hi« rvverMi of bvueUolal for
tho m do aieclo youngster, and ov«i
though a tioby is a nov.-Hj- to iJio yonog
ger amoant U ao iaveoted at tbe pCaaut
aboat »S50 or ft. 760 for a family <4
Eatimatea mode by oorafta aatmtuniito. wbo come pratty near agtaa-.
ment omoog tbenmalvaa put tbe val»i
mtiem of Great Britain about nine yeoia
•go at •60.000,000.000 aid that <<
Frimouat»40.000.000,000. Tbit weald
afford a per oapiu ralaotloa of •1.888
for Great Britaluand^l.Ofil farFrsmoo,
Iking the valuation for a ^lly of
e •0,090 in Great Britain 86,406 la
Fruoc.. Tbe figoraa of Fraaoe are
placed higher by saueanthan, and tba
total in both oonntriee Inolndee earatal
eatimatea of tbe large boldlngsot tot'
eign M-curitlaii, tome of them oororlaff
pniperiy locatotl iu the United BUteo.
Tbe great holiUugi of foreign aeonrltles, eaiimatcd tnamdnat in Great Brit
ain to about •h.OOO.uOO.OOO, explain to
a large extent tbe adyerM bolauea of
foreign trade oonstantiy shown by tba
Britlih sUtlsUca. Great Britain woald
long ago have been denuded of ber gold
aud beouuie liukrupt if the exocot of im
ports over exiKirls shown by bar trade
■tatiiticH were a true imAsuta of bw
fluuclDl oudlHoii. The foot that about
•400,OUU,OOO is dnn bur unualiy in
liitertat chorgra upon British capital
placed abroa<I exploina bow the cu af
ford tc import scTcral hudn^ mlUloa
ind* ■terliug of f
in e
excomof the domesHo merchudiM
which she ex|>arts.
baluco of luqiorto of morchandiaa over
exports doring tbe lait two £
wbih' piling up lu the vaulu of tba Bank
of Fruoe and dlstriboUng throng bar
utary circulation a larger atom of
thu ,uy other <
try.-Unftod Stales luvator.
motlier nature will bo lii-r boat teaober
M lo iu wants and cares. Orudmi
must romomU-r Hint sh.-Jiad lo Iwlniiiated ill her suiNirior liaby training be
font nLo could ]>usn a*
would hho hftvo Ueii j
liml her authority wrpin................................
by a wiwr oomclody wbo scomod Lor
methods ud riili<-ul.-<l liur lack of wiidoui?
Whoii tho young mother asks for adTice, it is time .-ii-iugh logiv.i it to her.
She is certnlu to do so ud will approdate most kindly the valoablo hiuU the
mnr." exporiem-etl mother can givo hnr.
bnt ber M-Iiiigs will lie quite tho reif advi<-e is thrust upon her aud
thu care .if hir own pris-ioiu baby taken
d go over
of his trapa
When ho got to tho top of thu knoll on
big way back, ho board a hoar bellowlog down iu tbo hollow, as if 1| was
ohaltenging uothur bear to fight witb
him. In a minute Joel caught sight of
baring been made use of KomotimeprovioQsly. To tbo doctor's surprisiSHomc
of tho wum syiiiptums of iuHauity dU-
City Opera House
pew Vhs Monsy Osm.
of tliu iattor.
Thursday, May 31
very night, irui l?r r eye is caught by a
tea gown, n bargain tea gowu, and ibe
boys ii
Tint iiigiit somu man seated
I (liiitte-lsiruUKli with many
plumes sweao. She g.H<s unt to buy a
jacket, minliiig ono sorely, bnt hw ormtic fancy is caught by iaco triiumod
undi-rwenr, luid beforo she n>alizeN it
AdiI Iuk .lull; C'onipaDy io a repartoiyf of lilt- lateat comedy aaccEanet
Hit'll t-laos Sintfiiig and DanciDg.
^pecialtiea at
for each play.
rctnni with
while cop aud
saui'.r —Philmlelphia
"A Runaway Wife"
People talk about eigarettui buing
DDbealtAful, bnt Hie fart Hiat 1 am still
alive is proof to Uio contrary," uld a
middle ag.si man.
“1 begu smoking
-iew.............. 10. 20 and 30 centa
Ladies FreeThursdatlliehtoglt
Imfore C p. ro.
."Joel had a betUT fur coat at home,
ud ho didn't care much wbat tbo bear
did with the one ou tho log.
nut killing me long ago. I may also add,
in'strict coulidoiico. (Iiat tho reason I
th«Tj is a curioni''*
locA-lng tomb which hoi been en^ettd by ,
a well known nillcr of that pleoe. It it
tramped down tho knoll then to a.
all t*-"
the ......................
fun at abort
ud pretty
in tbo exact tfaepo of a millstone ud : »»
studs onfonrgruitosupporu dmigned i --------thu bear gave tbo coat a dreadful
let out a yell, fell over backward
especially for that pnrpcwe. Theowner. ,
who experts to be boriod in It sooner or ;
“» oprawUng ud rolling in
relies is that cigars
u sick."—New York
V Bs DM.
Loril Salisbury, wbile on a visit to hi*
nephew, Mr. A. J. Unlfour, M. P.. in
auiu.-Nil himself
If by
I lord
ing „
■truck too low witb his iron ud asked
:m6 paid 30 cent ticket, if roaerved
Bests on sale Tuesday.
W. B KalBoo ha* loaaed Jao. Sebofield's afaop, No. 44t to tit Enot FroDt
•irvet for a term of yaara wbora oa
will ooDdoet a flrat eloaa bUehamiUi.
wagon and repair baalaaaa. Fine boras
«hoelog a apeeloUy. Wa aolieit a-ttriol
from every one.
bis caddie:
"What have I bit?'’
Tho youngster, whows* wilbont ravereoou, gruffly made uswor;
RooHud."—I^ondon Globa.*
didn’t say a word. Tbe
year at tbe ooimty felr.-St. Louis Be- i
had his own way. and be wises
dead ax a flint when Juci got to him.
' Joel's hnnting knife was lu a pocket of
tbe ororeoat. ud tbe point of it bad
pleroed tbe heart of tho ugry uimal
when be hogged tbo coat to his breart
in a fit of rage."—Scrulou Letter In
New Ttek Son.
troB one of llourt’s operas.
Alenitder tbe Great knew Homer by
baart ud eonid repeat bolb
"UUd" ud tbe"OdyMoy" from R
b going
to ‘boy me a bicycl'
Uttic Mias FteekleaI (lofUlyl-I'Te
, bad one te a year.
_____ __ I,
. I
Qiglit tbi-y will praaeat
the fpnr act comt^y eotitied
SBMAieO rigsrvtVm Tlilrtr Tears.
If Hccompanicd Ly an eacort vitii
I the overcoat in lii* paws nnd b«gu to
every performaoca.
[ii.-b coetiioiog aud special ■cenery
look back to iL
I ought to add that I
have never iiiliale.1 Hio smoko of clgareti.a-, wliicti pt-rhapa aoconuts fug tbeir
V/I.a,' “
Ibi. 1. dob,. w. .n n»lor«l tb bb>lib. p,-*";-! •“ ««• >«“
«™ cbigrj
—Ksw YnrL-iNstm' before ho got witliiu ten rods of the log.
-New > ork Ledger^__________
Sp m tbo log, the bear sei^
"Go, Forget Me.
Wolfe, « poet wb»> in bis time woi
highly trteemed. but is
ed only by this ud one otlier song. The
ilody taken
ansio la u adepUliou of a acl<
the bear bad got socut of tho coat ud
was about to tacklo it
«i.To S* «1- "“V"”
later, is ao prond of bis moonment that
be exbibiu u exert model of it ©verr ^
to tho tinio when there were no Ameririgardt.-s, and I fc-l uld wh«u I
ud. nooording to ell imiicatioiis. there
douti clcmotlfk WhrtiHHxiaroprcMUit
in too great quautiiy or are lacking.
It is uiisafu to allow auy onlluaTy wo
Imtfflcnt of the iusue.
Wo are told
that tbe taamu body cousiecs of about a
A guod one la told on a
He keiu ws-lng
Nvlng the wonls
In the paiM-rs
11 .
without tbe
iluellt, and iDDoceotly
IK.Kcsl that Hie «H
of S.H1H1 .\frti-an
Hue liny n DutHimnu walkKl
s placv ami Ruddeiily asked:
"Win J..U diuks of tioin I’aulT’
"le'Diuii- KtN-'m i|uk'k.
prruujpt'irlly out of her hands.—LouUvillo I’osl.____________________-
tbe noisy bear, but caoldn't make oot
eppoarod. Fnitber trials convinced the
(ncul^ of the value of this diocuvery,
KriuiM- is oatimotad
to hold 84,(HKi.ooo.OOO of foreign aacori.
tie^ largely Italian ud Epuloh, and
•bo also boi been able to show a large
“Quo wliitur Joel Wright, who nsod
to hunt and trap all tho way from the
Xxiyalsock to the Meboopuy, rollod up
his coouskin ovorco-.t ud placed it ou
on shaald alsq be ".n-h
for tbe high value put upcm waste pahlie luds in tbe oebsna, with tbe not ta^
•nit that tbe per capita volaaticm of tte
United States would be radaead to
ud is ronstaiitly in
'hoy lmim-<liatoly rotuniod to the doer
pen aa bold as yon please, aud I shot the
whole flvn as fast as I could load and
itira popaiulQB.
wltbpnp^ located fa the United Btatos asd
did ort go iato tbe qaastfoD wbm It is
o^ad. U tbe eadiaato of Mr. Rotet
^IB IV Ugbt of IVI yuQiit eaiUs
Tb.. world cT'-w pun-. tV heart giaw
■wsktiio etna
* bad
• on a wolfskin
-------- cont. and
and tbo wolves
ty la Abe halted Butas by tbe ooM o<
18W WM•66,087, Wl. 187. orll.OWp
Giffeo la oorraot. that •6.000.00ILOM
iD fereiga capital was iav«^ k this
oouby in lEEO, probably u evu Iw-
man t» enter a Plun- with money. She
has such a craving for luxuriee, such
coutoiiipt for inen- iicivMsilies, Uiat she
almost invnnalily pureiiaaps (bo former
aa If lliry luid Ini'Ii scaiv.1 by a false
Wlhen Hivy saw Hint Hio
coat wa
( lu sight, they didn’t <
for mo than for a sapli
Tbe «isy was mst s* Ussk Sritbort.
My m-tobbon lust u cold wttkla,
Afwl tniUi was lost as fuU of dookt.
TV world was Jm-i M (oU of Aa.
"Tho uauio w'Intor 1 surprised a pack
of wolves Hint had onniored three deer
ill a p<>ii up in tb.i Mchuopan
logged it out of Hie im ii ilio mnnit-m they
got Bight uf lutL I pollid off tlio oast
ud pntltbcbiml atnr, and iho wolrm.
when they stopp.-.! to Io.ik hark, acted
Uhmuut, aud IboMli was given ns u
experiment in nutriiiun, this tri-otmont
riem TOoib.
- "books. Is which be mtMd Aon thoMto
■■eisfssds ^oRon Tnascriia.}
Lkaw She aotv city ways
Aal to this rsOJIag city Mr.
m tids lbs dnaricOt or lUys.
“ -..................... ibaolsi-fisSsBdJu
eont," said an aged banter of SnlUvnu
a fnr coat ou.
Mngg (dlgdainfoUy)—
rs OilH Ito Sica (1 nyrpuv
Faieral Oinctor.
An emioentiy ekined sad accompHibed artiat. A wottderhil and
Ihorooghly qualified pboU«rapberV-
grapbera ta posing, ligfaUsg, drapteg and amaffteff bla
nbjeela tit the proeUelag
ol hU^ly
bla truly wqaderfal,
woaderfal orL
art, p)tetefn^._
leiag ql
Soper hu aecored the Kioto balldlaf ofpoalw tba Hotel Oolala oa Froai
atraatandhoa remodeled UoadpanUa order for sMeUyaptodate gbelotnpby.
AU ora eordtolly tented to TteUbkatadkraad tete bM ahU^ m aa •» «a
fo Isj* UttoOoial Svpcrta
Mter Waana Oaatoa Stataaa
Made in Cteaalaad Laadar.
todapdaelarad caa
pert pabitobad la tba Otoi
ad the aadlaaaa to fltttoc wotda, aad
apofca of Ua moanlac of the dap amd ita
ImprssBifs BxsTotoss
Bar. Oaraal lad in pmpw. whkk
followed bp tba addnm of tba dap.
bp Bat. W. T. Woodbooaa.
Mr.Weedheaaaeallad tba attaattoa
of Ua aadlaaaa to tba ericla and
tba klatotp of the daj. Itt tna
maaatoc and Ua hantoap of ito
tba aaatiaaaato that
aallad teU ito aatabUahmat. Hetop
of axaltattoa map de tor Ua FoarU of
Jalp.bnt bare ae pUoa to Uk oaeai
tba "la Mamonam” of the aatkm.
Bo raeaUad the hktorp of tba aoldton
of tba dril war. asd tba worit that
tbap did for tba eoantrp. Ba^okaef
tba Croat raaolU of tba rietorp for Ue
Uatoa. asd of Ue mamloae pritUacn
Mr. Woodhowa doaad hie etirrlsc
addram wlU Ueaa worda:
“Wa seed the ^Irit of the sien of *76
who wbao tbap bad aot forU tbair
Idaaa of corersmeat to the Dedarattoa
of ladepeadeaee, eoded it wiU t
worde. ‘For the eo^ortof Uit dedantfoa. rriptoc oa the protaetloa of DiTtoe Proridanae. we pladpe eaeh oUer
oar Una, oar fortonea and oar aaered
honor.' Wa seed Ua aplrit of Ue
(Conttonad on foorU pace-)
MaPbaraoa Peat, W. S. O. and OompanpMFald Toador Trlbautotbo
bat woald ba a »a«bor of tba adrtoorp Daparlod Saroto Fiatwal BoeU-
ttv* OommU, I
•MmTM »mim ••««>•»>«
rirhiiT-*"r DItmrtW Sm* o<
aoulttaa to (to aaadaet of tba aaoriac
■aaator Bauab daaial
gaaa ae faitbar tbaa to mj that aelb*
IW baa baaa daeidad oa to tbaorfaai
attaaaf tba
aad eaa't ba aatD tba «
nw Brttkb BdvMMVMrd to MI
w«7 tatiNM Praterto nd JoUuMI of Troops from
Uad«B, M«7 w—T)m «v «a« hM
Many Warships
toMBd BOtUac traa Lord B«bOTU alBw
It Md« pablk kto dtopateh Mat fron adrieac from Obtoa Btatca That ‘Bex
npMtod to oemfj iotosoMbarf witb- ara’'araClaaato Pakto—FaaradTbat
Mt opfOilttoB, bat talcrrmau tros Oabloa wUl ba Oat-Saport Tbat
eorraapoadoato la Pratorto atau tbat
amcrioaii Martoea Sara Baoelrcd
tka Boar capital haa baaa abaad
totboBrittoh. Ua forla bavtai
Ordara to Otoeredltad.
aaaoaatad. aad that ^raaldaat Krafar OpMlal W TM Haretaa BaoorC
aad Ua aaaaaUra ooaneU hara flad
na DaSl7 UaU baa raealrad from Paria. Map so-Tbe fonlcn office kaa
Bari Baatojn. Iatal7 captand bp tba neeirad eabla adricea from China
Boata U tba Praa State, bat aat fraa, which alata that the -Boxan" an eloae
toPeklo. ll to feared to official elrclea
tba Mlowiap: "Praterla, Map
Pretaria wiU ba oaeaplad la two boon hen that tba eablee will be enV The
boxen hare maap oaaoelatea wlUito tba
wltboat tariataaaa. Tbapraridaa '
dtp of PakiB.
daZoaato aatbortoad to laealra Iba Tien Ihto. Map tO->Detaehmanta of
tortotob. Btorptbtoc to qalat. Cbowda M> man aaeb from hmerieaa. Britiab,
an walttoc axpaOtaattp to tba eboreb Japanaaa, Uennan.’ltolian, Fraaeb aad
aqaaratetba arrival of the Brittob. Bnaaiaa wanhipa, now to Ohlaaoe wtLoodem. MapbO-Lord Boborto' mas ton. hare been ordered to Pakto to
The rloarpp
Mrabad ll mitoa toosdap. altbessb
baU fatioM. Iba eaptsio of Btoada- boa refnaod to aUow the troopa to profeatato or Oormtotos profosto. tba aood witbont aatboritp of Tanac U
Borni faetos Ballar from ratraattor bp
Waabtoctoo. Map » -Both tbeauta
raU towarto Praierta. Bobarta' pastttoa aboold aiae baapr- tba moraaaat dapartBMBt aadaarj
1 aboottba
of tba Boon’Wc CUB from Pocwaal
di^teb of bmertenn martoea
aad Utofi Hob.
to Pakto to cnard tba United Stotn
Praterla. Map tr—Bp naaaatifai
DatoCM Bap. Map #0 - Praa Biato laentwB thara. The nport that IM
troopa ara raUptof wall, owtof to Amarloan mnrtoaa bnd atortad from
Btapab eesttoaad praaaaae with than Tnkn for Pakto U not aredltad at tba
aad bto aatira aad gallaat parUdpatioa nnrp dapnrtmant.
to tba S^ttoc Itoaa rorardlaoB el parTaaurdap'a Baaa Ball Beona
aoaalriak. Stotp-toar priaonen arrlrad todap OB tba roaolt of the Llndlap
Sfht, Prtoaa of prortolOBa ara adranc
else, alt^oocb hofa aappltoo are atUl
araUaUaPh^phu..................... r U
Praridaat Kracar to werriad bat
--.varkablp eool aad dlcaiflao aadar tba Doanbna aad MaFartond: Griffith and
elioamataaeaa Oaaaral Laeaa Mapor
tUtaip adriaor to Maw York........
Pluabnre ......
to too baap at tba rartoaa tnmto. fiawlep and E
DarMorptobatof fertiSadaadt
sra BBaeantralac to tba waat- Bnoklpa.........
ara dtotrieta. where Dalarp to ceoa- St. Lonla..
Hope and FamU: Bachap aad BobIsaoa.
Lesdoa. Map »0-Tba war ofka
raealvad the foUowtoc from Oaaaral Boatoa.............................. a l« 0
* id *
-Haw Oaatto. Natal. Map M—Tba Onaa aad Ctorkai Seott aad Paltt.
aaanp kartof laacarod at Dorabarf
aad praoriac mp rlcbt aad rear aad aa* Cbieaso ............................... i 7
a 11 4
BOpiw me. OB Map tt I directed tba "naBu Citr...........
forea aadar Blldarard to mareb bP
Woolfa drift OD Utreebt aad aaotbar
forae aadar LltUetoB to march bp
Ilbaaca drift oa Dorabarf. Tbate
moTemaola patbad tba aaamp at Dora'
berf toreure to the aorth. Oaaaral
SUdorard la at Utooebt. whkh ptoea
aarreadmad. Clarp to bomhardtof
Lator'BHok. The aaamp to maeh diebcartaaod. Ware thep aot to aaeb
atnmf poaltlOM 1 doabt If tbap coaid
abow aap A^t. The rallwap i
opaaad to Haw Oeatle oa Map >«■’
................... ”
i I ^
Took Three Prtzaa to Sbaottoc Oootaat
to Okarlarola-Tropbp Sboettor
Woabpl.)eal Team
Dap c*toTB
with the baarta of tba Amarkaa paepU.
Tear bp pear tba Idea of It aa aimpdp a
boUdap fadaa awap aad than la to plaaa
aoraraUwboaaeaiatbairdaad. aad a
Ion of eonatrp that, totortwtaod aa It
Ktolth tba doopaat faaltota of the
hamaa haart eoaaaa aaon aad
ba atroacar tbaa death Itaalf.
Then waa aarar a Daeonttoa Dap
awaatar, more paaeafal or kept with
deepor faeliac to Tnraree Oitp tbaa
the one jaet paaeed. While the
toe wae etm crap, befon the bosp dap
bad talrip beraa, ben and than la
Oakwood aametarp enree bacon ta
crow briebt with flowen. The eteadp
oamtoc of rleliorO eoaUaaed and toercaeed. Bp 0 o'clock then wae aablmeet BBbroken proeeoaloa of carriacee.
pedeatriaaa aad btopalea on tba road,
while within the catae the cnonde
Clowed with blomoma Uke one creat
Carden. Then were few_giana whlob
did aot bear tbelr
aad maap of
thoee etnacan, eU of arki
Cnrmhadatlcaeto^epTBp of Bowen
told apoa them bp eome lortoc band.
Brerpwban the bricht UtUe flee*
appear^, eo maap amn of them than
area a paar aco. and all tba aoldtor'e
cram won alraadp daeontad, befon
Boodadbp the Oroaoent Bead, aad
oaeortad bp Oo. M. the eatonae toft
tbalr poet roome at B a. m. and marchad to tba eamatorp. The Womaa’e EcItofOorpa.
eonaeU aad aoldton
who wan ncable to take the loac
The Itoe waa toeraaaad bp the 1. o. a
F.. A. 0. U. W. and maap eitixea
carriacee. aad attbe eemeterp baadredt
wen alrcadp walttoc tbelr comtoc-'ae
retanae' enrapbad alraadp baeo deeontedwlih Sowereand flac.eaad the aiaemUp cathered at the •oldler'e m
meat, which wae beaatifaUp trimmed
with Sowan.amonc tbem beinc a larce
quanUtp of ran hot boaae flowan aaat
bp Dr. J. D. Manna, enpartoteadant of
tba Hortbarn Mlebifan Aaplam, who
nmambamd iba poat to tba 1
The impr^re Memorial Dap ritaal
of the G. A. B. wae earried ont. tba
maria bp a ebolr aadar tba dlreettoa of
Mra. Daptoa batoc aa aajopabla faafaatare. Tba aolama roll oaU of the
dead waa cina. tba qaartarm&nar aaawertoc "ban” aa S9 aamea mn oaUad. riz of them harinc bean added riaea
tba roll call a pear aco.
The mamben of Oo. M haa mmamhared their eomndea' toet real bp baaaUfal floral daricna to thb form of aa M.
The I. O. 0. F.. Rabekahe. 1. O. F. aad
A. O. U. W. aln ptooed wnatba of
flowan or aachon on the enmof
tbelr departed memben.
When the ritaal eervicec wan ended
"tape” wan eoanded aad the eoauadw
of the deed nldton took ap the line of
march homeward, leavtoc them to
their paacefnl reat andw the flowere.
The aftaraoon procram t^nedwlth
the parade which wae partidpatad to
bp bnadraae and wltneeead bp aa Immanae namber. The parade formed at
the O. A. B. headqaartan at Grance
hall, and followed the ttoe of march
pnrionelp annonnaad to the cronade la
front of the eoldlen' monnment oa
Fonrtli Year—No. 9SS
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Dunting Flags
At the Old Reliable
..Uneven Prices Are Misleading..
For Ladies’
TOR SUITS WORTH $6, $6, $8.
Black with plaid cloth tope,
chocolate with plain cloth
topo, chooedate with kid tops.
S» .d m Bigle.
See «i in Eigb.
$2.50 For
Ladies’ Bicycle SALE STARTS
\'ery neat ahapea, sboea that
fit comfortably aad easy and
look well. Chocolate kid witii
plain cloth or dark plaid
cloth tope.
Ladies’ Tailored Suits at Half Price!
We have boof^ht the entire sample line of a leading
manufacturer at a great aacrifice, tod beginning
tbia morning we will give you bargains on up*todate garments, such as have never before been offer
ed yon. Come today.
Bicjcle Boots.
Black and chocolate kid, kid
topa, handsome boots, atyliah
and ahapely enon«b for moat
any occaaioa.
Popular Shoe Houae.
Minute Rates
Ladies’ Rid Lace Shoes.............................98c
Men’s Satin Oalf Bals................................ 98c
Boy’s Satin Calf Bals............................$1.00
Ladles’Black and Tab Oxfords..............76o
Misses Box Oalf Lace................................ 76o
Woman’s Rid Button................................ 76c
Serge and Carpet Slippers...................... S6c
Woman’s Oil Orain Button Shoes.........97c
Men’s and Boy’s WorUng Shoes............98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxlords
at........................................ 60,60 and 76o
Set them of the Old Beliahle,
New Store
242 Front Street
SMClelioTk* Manilac BmotO.
Oharlevoto. Mleb.. Map so-The abootlac ooBteat aadar the aatideoe of the
Obarlaroto Ona Clab bald bare todap
7 10 1
woe tba lancoat and moat
r bald la Kortbara Mlablcan. aad OiaetoaaU........................ a » l
UwM aad Saniraa; PbUllpa aad
aooM aaoallaat acorm ware made. W.
F. BowoaotTraveneCltpmadaaceod
aanoxAi. ueaoce.
roeord aad took ftrat moaap to >wo
a a a
aeoata aad aaaoad aaoaap to tba third
hieaco ........................... 7 la 8
aaaaa Qtp..................... a 14 4
Hanp Lake of (Sarlero! t took Brat MaOni aad Bacdaa: Groan. Ooadlacptotwa oeaotoaadw lablcbcaa Mllwaakae........................ t a S
to the wepbp aboot. wbleb wee won bp MtoaaapolB..................... s it 4
eharloroto. Tba prUe to tba tiopbp DowUac aad Bmitb: Parker aad
aboot WM a oUror aap rained at SM.
Bowaa waa barrodirom tba tropbp Baffialo............................. 0 7
ohootoaaaoooBtof bolBC a aonroal- aeralaad ........................ 7 11
Oa^ aad Bpoar; MaKaoaa aad
dastmamber. Bowaa aad JapX
of Tiarcna Qtp an batttoc tkna to
adlaaapolii..................... 4 it
one that TraromoCItp will win the Dotralt.............................
a 10
tropbp at tba next aeatoob
^om aad Bapdos; Oreato ai
Tba data of tba aoxt oeatoot baa aot
pet baaa ixad
Babonia Flaca* at Saopraa^
■pwil w Th« Herein BeeoMBic Ortot of Paaaloa BUla.
aRMltlWTM HorabwaMon
WaablBctoo. Mar to-1ba atata deWaablBCtaa. Map s»-^a tba boaoa partmaat raaatrad a talafram todap
today list pMokw MUa wan paoaad to from Cooaal Uaa at Bmpraa. Tarki
aa boar aad tweatp mtontaa aad tba aaptoc that tba babosla placaa had
boaea adjoaraad aatU tomorrow.
led the pan^. followed bp the Bopa'
Bend. Tbuoamethe apaakenoftha Ispbsmliig, Iron Monntain
dap aad the dtp offietole to carrtocea.
And other
FoUowtoc tbeaa came Ue bopa of
Compaap M. marehlnc aa aa aoaort to
tbaheroeaof'Cl.who foUowad totba
aambar of 6S. tod bp a flfa asd dram
Next to Itoa came the Onaepnt band
who wan foUowed bp over 300 UUto
aebool ehildren to Haa. who ehaerad
aad wand tbrir flaca. aalltoc oat applaaaa from tba maap epaeutora.
At the aoldtor'e moaameat groanit,
thoae who partidpatad to Ue panda,
^(h maap who bad cue oa aad amap
who foUowad. cetbarad aronad aad la
froat of tba atana that bad been tract-----FOB---aidoa Wpablncton atnet. Tbaataad
oaeaplad by the apaakan of tba
dap. tba ofltoen of the peat, tba dtp
offielali. Bon. Perry Baaaab, Uoda
Daa Whippla.aBd Ua Bt^ aebool ebolr
aa flt ladka, geaUemea and eblUaadar tba dlreettoa of MnjDkptaa.
Adjataat M. D. Morcaa read tba dl> sea with beat oboea at tower priew tbaa,
ettooa from headqaartan as to tba any other store to town.
oeatlp. ud qaleklp fleae.
ohomnaeaef Ua dap, raaoaatlac»■
biatoep and aiplalalBC Ita traa m
In fally Mtitfled with the wear, n^le anil
i $3.00 Shoes
Don’t Fa; Higb Prices t
314 Front Bfreet
We have a bandeome aeeortment of both ladiee* and
geete sboee for yon to aelect from. Over 20 different ctylee
that eell at this price.
We have the black, the tan, laoe and button, light
flexible eolee—heavy eolea for street wear, round toee and
pl^ toee—in fact almost any qtyle you'd finfl In a 23 shoe.
S McNamara Block
Btotto-SIck totocdLeetaraaad
Maale.Ooai*a. athletlm and aa learaott
IB arasT wt-ft— p««— ■«—it wm ast to ArtMA Bate* S«pMM
appa^ for batter taeUltiae for ^yrioaltralalng. Among tto {Uaetratloaa
OlAH AabobI iM
OcMrt Oatfl Oetotor.
wroB are Arot elam pietorm of
lAMtaf. Baj M—U taM toaadaeldaptondld Prodootlo&.
feat ball teaiM oftkb ymraadyaaia
•d tt*t U* Mmh «**e wiU art to
goa* by. tagetbar with the aamaa of
vfMd tote* tto —yrwM aosrt ostU Ably BAitaA. Oarafally Aitangad aaA ttoplayera. la eoBaaettoa with thb
t. Bit* **»
W. a*M*wM- tto Oaote tom. AttorM^ 0«Mt*l FUlad with ValoaU* BetoM Bbtoep ba atoteb oitto haa* ball wamof
Otto.»lK>h**toMi*o( th*c***.eo^t«00 aad a An* pietare of th* aiae.
j. W. Haxxb. Wller uti tUmagm. •Btoosaaeout of ttomator of so- -A Work of Xdteeary Mont WWto Saraml picas are daroted to what b
to toto*rdk7
mad ■•drtrea,'* aad Uey are rightly
Satto aeort Aartag tto Jom tarn, promi
mmad. ahlbitlag hamor in rarkma
.ameagttoaa baiag eaam tateolrstage* aad aavoriag of a loeal applleai-y (to eeBattatioBalitiy of tto tabarl- Tto Tieiiira^bn" b oak Aad ttea that b rafraehlag.
atox aad beat eagar boaatylaw* tto Arat Anaoal of tto High eokool
A few pages ai* else devoted to rw
aad tto right of tto *teU tax
eeeter otet soma* tiow th* printer oltab of soebl ot*bu la which tto
krifkt with baaatlfal lUastrattoas aad ••aior elam tor* pwlblpated. And
*lS4«rat la aoeg, atary, kbtory and what b of groat vala* tor refsrtao* b
atalmleted Ibt of tto graduate* of
Th* Aasaal b a work of art. It b a every elaae slap* lets.
mm^ tot*.,
to to*•.«*««
rwmtrnm »»
•itoBa Baarty Oraattsg aad X>rawa
Moah valaaUe work has baas daoe
ttoODCh tto •traaia by Xathdalaa- pMiblUtiasefoarHigh aetooL IV b la the •baelaMB dapartmaat of tto eatie High •etool>aptb.
thb baeaM* aothlac bat abUlty. taper terprba aad the foil
I foe s good
tto TBeeptioa tsadwad to Prof. C. T. tor lateUaet aad earafal tralalag ooald
OrawB wbsa to arrirad oa tto M. A make sack a pabUeaUna pomlbU by dml of the money rabad to aeeomplbh
M. K. train y**teiday wa* oa* that etadaata. Tto pagea of tto booklet the aad songbt: J. W. B. Babbell.
■f Porto EU» to* oU Sfookh ton* *r* might make any maa pread. Wkaaba teem with brilliaat thongbb aad rai- MellbOraak Laeile Theobald. Bart
hotoc sHd«*Uy oboUokod. Tto
ttappadfmm tto train, b* wa* met by oahla aeboQl hbtory and to it* adlter* Moategne. Edgar Keith.
F^anptlM tor. Uodlor ami troasporto- Sap^taadtot'Bora, 1 rlnelpal Byder. baloagttoendlt of doing eomet
The editorial makes no claims of
tto* otorr** *r* BOO dOM *w*p with and may of tto waobr'* aad pnplb of wblek b of raloo not only to tto High perfection, hot ssodMtly presents the
OB tottenn. Aarwol. Anwaod. fteh tto aebmib. H* wa* eooortad to a ear- eebool etodanu bat to arory tazp^or result of the several montht’ labor and
toot **Bl. porkOBd nattOB, fooU aod rtag* oa tto Berth Md* of tto dopok and altlxon of Trareree aty.
study to s pnblic which cannot bnt
aad a* ha appeared, be wae greeted Tto Anneal b* booklet oonebtlng appreciate the effort.
to«*d. rie*. to*B*. **lt pork. Am*, to- wlU eheora aad the High aehool yell, of soo pages and tbrooghoat it b
The “Tiavaraensian'' b worthy of
OOB. tr**h fltb. oodfiah. torrlac- *obp giren from the throau of Afty loety bellbhed with axeellant balt-tene pie- pemaal frem the Arat to the last page.
fB*W. drtod to*f. •ac»r. moUM* »*d yooag meo;
tare* Bnely printed aad artbUoally Every leaf eontaioe information of
aea*B The Porto Rlehse wUl bow to Raule, deule. alp, boom. bah.
arranged. The sorer coatelna an ortia- valne. and evidence* of atudy, paint
bU* to toke » Mto wltboBt totor tomd
Trarersa City High Sebool, Eab: Bah mantal UUe whieh b attraetirc. aad taking efforta and the intelllgeuce
for Ik Md ttoj wUI *eoB to ohle to
the sdrerlbtng page* testify te liber which IS ebaraeterietie of a atodent of
OBi^ the prifUac* of » free *41
Be took bb place, with Bnperiniaa ality of baslaea* man and zeal by the the Traverse City High aehool.
mmX. papiBT
^ toxee asd barlDic dent Horn aad Priaelpal Bydar. In the adrertbing manager*. The Am por The work of compiling the data has
BV* wner for food.
carriage, the home wae girea a elap by trait b that of former Soperintea- been ardooua and it* value to the
one of the boye, and he ran oat from dent Charle* T. Urawa, and npon tam patron* of tbe aehoob wUI is a measure
compenaation to those who. did
between the thille. a rope aneolled and ing the lesTee a little farther the read afford
the work. Aod in making these brief
half a bandred yonng em eUrted tto er Bads Ue tollowlag:
reference* t
d work
tbe Br.<(-aAKLkH T. UkAWK
extends lb eoogratnlation* to
;*hB Polot wa* l^r*|^ Throofh a gaily daeoratad carriage down tto vkMc uBtinof «e»n>lDib« i«>idldM tauci. uKU
editors and manageri of the Annual
atreek with yelb. and ehearo. They
xo nzk* ibe Blab Betwe) * bkl
r their ei
iBire Field by Two FrIrhtoBto
west down Front etreet at a brbk trot,
Oowe and BnShred Heiioo* lojnry
aad ap Oaae to Eighth, where Mr.
that tbe demand will tar exceed tbe
Oaae* where a pereen raeorar* from Orawn b tolng}entertalned by Mr. aad
Because you have sour cream for your coffee. You
should have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
both aod they are the kind that is;^gnarairtbed to
keep everything nice and sweet A good refrigera
tor is a good investment and costs but very little.
tto affeeU of a brokea or dUloeatod
Back are rary rare, bat Joka Polot,
• Bohawiian tmrmmr Urlw ea tto Marnj teB la KlBwood towaaklp, to*
tod aa experlooee that mke* him aa
BBtortaasta exaot^, ^ which. whUa
It for hlBi b
to pbyalclaa* aad otiera.
Polot wa* laadiv two eow* to water
ta a larre Aeld a week aco la*t Mob
Bay. i^aa tto aalmaU beoewe friffhtawad aad ataapedad. Tto ro^ beaoB* taayled aboat Palot'a Ilatto aad
to waa dracfed aboat 40 rod* aeroM
tto Bald, eafferlBir ooaaldarable lajary
toor* after the aeeldeak He te *0 bad
ly lajarcd that he ha* aot yet been
hblatorlraaa aeeonnt of the aeeiAoBk It waa not ontil bnaday that
ooryleat aid waa aaiainonad and then it
WM feared that bU life ooald not to
aarad. Dr. Bran* waa called yaaurday
toomlnc aad foand a dblocaUon of tto
•ad alsoe that Ume Polot haa abown
atfoa of ImproTamaat. It b rery tare
'"ttot neh an Injory b taoeeaafoMy
troated bat In thb caaa there b protO'
ba that Pelot will aoon be able to yet
•boot ayale.
Or. Brana wlU pat the paUent'e head
BBd Back In a plaater caat to baaten
OatherioK of the O. 8. C*.
toat Blffht the O. 8. C. met at the
bone of Mba Ocrteade HlyylBa aad
war* antertalnad oharmiBRly by the
toetiaa and Mba Qayle Brbwrtd
tolasdld featore of the ereolng waethe
Tto table ’
were dalaty asd beauUfal. eosebUny
of wild vloleU and battereopa- repreaantlny the dob colota.
Farewell OaBce at BlByhem
The Maeeabee hall at Blnybain hae
boas eold, aad Satorday erening a
teawall daoee wiU to ylvea. to which
all are inrltad. Bafreehmenu will be
f ambbed free to all who attend, and a
Alia tine i* aatored to all.
Dr. 8. C. Borke of Kmplre, b in the
W. mater Moat over to Blk Baplda
Heman Bale haa retnmad from CblWO.
H. a Ball left yeaterday.ifor Waablagton, D. C.. on a batineae trip.
Mra. C. 3'. Bowden aad mother. Mr*.
Horten Clnte. who bare been rbltlng
Mio. Qate'e abter. Mr«. J. W. Trarb,
ratorned yeeterday to their home In
Wbeoy, S. Y.
F. OU left yeeterday for Chica
go on a trip of baeineea and pleaeare.
When be retnme be will be aceompanlad by Mra. Oik who ha* bean rbitlng
in Chicago eereral weak*.
Mr. and Mrr. F. C. Baaer and .Mr.and
Ml*. Charlc* Proetozha bare rctamed
«m Chicago.
Mr. aad Mr*. A. W. Usd went to I
bolt yeeterday acoompanlod by tbi
>, for a rUit of elz waeke.
Jfr. and h
day with their aoi
loehen yeeterday.
Mr*. W. F. SUeby went
yeeterday for a rblk
Ur*. A. B. Finney west to Kingsley
kThabnVniCwM j
igh. Asthma.
Bronehioa amId Incipient
Conaumptlon. Is
\ *thl
A XaOB dear Brain.
Toar beat fcellnya. your aodal poa]ttoB or bnalneaa eaoeaa* depend laryelr
• etomaen
will mato y
Bold by 8. B. Watt aad Ja*.
Xiaetared at Northport.
-tbport la tto High echooi
town, aad wai
laetore ooerae of that
froatad by a large
toad to Mr Cnrib'
May of nation*.”
Following, on the next page, b an
ornamental design within which ap
pear the nsmssof theboardof oditori:
Editor In chief,'
Managing edit
Bobart Walter.
Baattage, Eva Thacker.
Farther along are printed aketebm
of Superintendent C. T. Orawn, Super
intendeat Charles H. Bom aad Princi
pal Edward B. Byder, with very good
portraib of the two last named, and
aboaketebeeofthe High sebool teach
Other illnatratioiiB are «f^ the Bigb
aehool teachers, the publle school
buUdlug, the laboratory and library of
the High school building, aealor class,
junior, aophomore and freshmen clasM*
lo tastefully arranged groups. oScer*
of each of the claMce, board of editors
and adverlUlDg managers. There i«
aboa portrait of Helen Hitebeock. Arst
teseb'er of Tta*er«e City's Arst school,
together with the old log school house
which was the fonudeUon of our public
eebool eyetem.
Among the clever article* and stories
are the following:
Alnmol. by Leri T. Pennington.
Tnveree Bay, a pretty poem by E.
Panlloe Joliobon. the Indbn priecee*.
Our Soldier Boy*, by Ethel Thomas.
else* Hbtory. Billie W. Bubbell,
Edith Hauings.
Claw oration, Bert Montague.
Clae* Prophesy, Edna Mngel.
Claes Song. Mr*. M. R. Buek; music
by Mra. Dayton.
Clam WiU. Edna Holdiworth.
asm Poem. Eva M. Thacker.
Salautory, Winifred Foller.
Valedictory, Florence Thompsun.
Junior Clam Hbtory. Alfred Ayers.
Sophomore Class Hbtory. Ida Uv
‘'F^^men Clast Hbtery. Albert Kyaelka.
Pictnrm. Utlie B. Marvin.
The Old Laboratory. Ethel M. Gibbs.
A few page* are devoted to opinion!
of member* of th* senior cla*»e* of
former yrsrs npon ihe Annnal and it
oijsob, all laudatory aad encouraging
There are references la glowing
Two Tails
To a Horse...
They are unnecessary.
on a marble statute.
So is a pair of tin cuffs
Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
d her.
Itb a wotoarlol stomaen
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee'every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some*
fter asdI kidaey ramady. Cai
lea* appi^t*. ^^i>On^
^ing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
W^t tad Jaa. B.
and look us over.
JlABtA for Ball.
Mf*. Lob Oela. S14 Piaa ateaak
laifliHNt,'niii> Ids
120 FarorLt Stareet.
S3.50 SHOE
$3 >50
CooJ •hori air
rt atilt of poOd Itidgn
• $3.60
^ «Soeabeca*a«liiry .re;uiiif coeJ
I hr y air appreciated tr ycunf niefi and bi
AM MM fbr fer the lectt eiyllcf. .nd aemcrable il
9O*O0 Coir.-.redw.tnoti.er .-iiikei.W. U.OoLflaa
U'e are rzrlualee Aaenu la tbia eliy.
Ch,- $3.50
i'JsivivJv, $3.eo
Pnetlttl ShM H.d
I Cure —Warnar’i
Whit* Witte of Tar Byrup* tbe
best coupih reineyly on vArlh. cure* a cold
iu ooe day if uken in time. 25 and 60 CIS.
Don’t Wait
Until The Sun Shines
Before you buy your parasol. Buy
when the assortment is complete—when
you can get just what you want. Have
some beauties in white 'chiffon with diff
erent widths of ruffles from $1.00 to S^.oo.
A Woman
In White
Duck Skirt or a covert linen is a
pleasing sight, and it's cool and comfort
able. A new line just placed on sale.
Prices from 50c to $2.00.
Something New
All the time being placed on sale,
lust now it's the new combination pulley
collar and tie, made in Swiss Muslin, with
collar of different colors—pink, blue,
white, rose and lavender. All sell for the
same money, 50c the one.
Your Face
And enjoy yourself, and wear one of
our new Walsh Veils, come in single pat
terns and sell at 50c.
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any*
A Woman'* Awfal Peril.
*^bere b only one rhawori to eare
yoar life aad that b throogh an opera
Moa” ware the etartUag words beard
to Mio. I. B. Bant of Lune Bidga.Wb .
from tor doctor after ha had raialy
triad to eore her cd a Irightfal ear
stomaab troable aad yellow jaos
«bU *taB*a bad lamed aad ahe ..
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
A Child
Liquid Glue
Is fast and can be relied upon to .stick
to anyone it is put against. Got a loc
bot tie. or one for 50c. A good stick of
mucilrge for 5c. A four ounce bottle,
wide mouth, for loc.
A Waste
Willbe found a siire catch. VVe’d
like to catch 25c of your money for one
kind—others at 35c. 50c, 75c and up. A
big line of Indian Baskets from 15c to the
big hampers for $1.00.
A Good Pencil
Is Always In the Push
The kind we sell will stand lots of
pushing. Faber's. Dixon, Eagle, at 5c.
Have a fine line of harder grades of lead
for artists, architects and draughtsmen.
A Drop
of Ink
Will make a million think. Just think
of ‘‘the Company's" when you want your
next ink. Black ink only 5c ajbottle:
Paul's fluid ink in patent bottles loc; red,
purple and green ink 10c; Hectc^raph
ink 25c.
Is a Little Woman
Your Letters
And all women want Parasols. Our
"Little Women’s" Para.sols, are the hand
somest shown. A sateen sells for 35c;
plain silk with two ruffles $1.00; figured
silk at $i .50, and the two toned effects
And save $100, as one man did.
You’ll save more than that in the course
of a year. Letter copying book, 500
pages, 7.''c: 700 pages $1.00; copying press,
$5.75. Everything needed in the office
The Hannah & Lay HercantOe Go.
now»r ot Htffh School BoOOiTOd Di]teaM
I of tk« endMtM U
*7 FttFf. C. T. 0CSWB M •^D—orruiT
ud tb* PabUe 8chooto"~Ttoty-c—
Wm OnCwt^BneUMt PfoofUi
ttroaibMt-CravdttsMd d
•f IhsTnvwM atyBlfkMhoolii
»thlar«( WM wMm< tM 11 MMbm
ef tb« «lMi of Itoo feovo lokM (Mr
fU« OM( tbo Urt of gndooMo.
Aa k tha ooltcnol notoa opon
aoaoHMt ooBoalooa bm. tbo City
0|Mt* Boom «M pookod to tta doors,
ud Bioaj wMt ftwoy oaobla to obt^
oaoU. Tbolowor floor waa ftsarrad
lor tbo friends of the oUm ud ad&k
ak» wM by Ueket. Tbk port of the
" loU wM held utU t o’oloek. when oU
woe tbrowB open oad rapidly fllle^ till
there iIm not room for oaother one.
At 8:15 iheesruin went op. dlaeloi'
lop 0 beontifal eeese, the elaee eeoted
la o eeal'Oirele. m they waited for the
Ofardaee to berla.
The Hlph school ehoTM opened the
prerram of the oTenlnp with a beaatlfal aaloetion. the Olorio. aonp la a way
that woald do eredlt to alnfen of far
greater age and length of tralalag.
After a feeling Inroeatloa by BemiJV.
K. Wright, the High school chons
fare aaother Iflae aeleeUoa, "Veeper
Balk.•aiotatory by Xke Pallor.
The Mlntatory
glren la a very
plenalag etyle by Miae Winifred Poller.
She epoke of the oeeaaion that called
the andleaee together, and extended to
those who were present a bearw welootne In the oatoe of the eleaa.
She gave an earnest welooBs, beoaaee of the earneetnsas ef the work
that had Jnat been closed in the eebool.
and of the eiUl more earnest work that
awaltsAin the ontaide world.
She gave
loving weloocM. in
▼iew of the ehcneet efforts of those
who had deoe so ^neh to make the
path ef odnoation easy tor the feet of
those who bsd Jut ewmovted
Bseh ot the Mth. She epoke of the
Isbort to bring out that which wu
beat and worthy of enlUvatlon in each
of the noBben of the elsac.
She spoke of the ebeerineu of the
welooBs that wu brought by the
elsac. Not that they feel over confi
dent u they look oot on the eoene be
fore thoB.but that In view of the preparaUon that the put bu tomiebed
- they look forward with hope tor the
Mies Puller closed her ulatatory
with the wordi:
*fIlM knowledge that the whole
world hu opened before u does not
I ful elated
When we see the heigbtt to which
- -eeue have climbed and the grut deads
that have bun acoomplUbed, we
hSBbled and made to ruIUe how mseb
aCll liu In the future. We ful In
SOBS meunre equipped for life, and
yet whM we tey to imagine all that
Bl^t be attained, all the grut pomi
bUlUu for u to make realities, oiu
preparation sums but to hare awaken
ed u to a oonuptioB of bow grut the
world U. and bow small oar preunt attainmenu. Our fond of knowladge
eecme grut now. but when we think
ef all uie learning and wUdom of the
agea,'we reallu that we beve made on
ly a beginning, beve laid only the
foendation of a
“The thought that the whole world
-^Uu before u and that our opportunltka are bonndleu. glvu to oar ulaUtion a grutar depth of meaning, aod
■aku the weloome which the claM of
XMO cstcnda to yon a'true one ”
Blcquent Clan Oration.
The andienee expected that when
the elau oration wu given. It would
be fine: and the aadlanee wu not dis
appointed. With fall csetoBary
puure and canaataca. Bart Montague
delivered the oraUcrn on the" enbjeet.
He began by epenklng of the qnu
ftlon propounded by Job over thm
tkoneand yenn ago, whether lifhtnln|
eenldnotbe used to convey Intalligenes, u a prophecy of the telagrapb.
After the passage of U
Moru auwered the qnutiott of Job
la the nOkmaUve, and one of the grutnt eearvela of the world wu n fact.
||bu thU prophecy. Mr. Montagna
traeed the hktory of the eleetrieal
setoan down to the present day, when
1,000,000 people earn tbelr daUy bread
by the nu of thU ume llghtal^.
Haapoke in brief of the progrui
unde in the sdnau. from the first
toan nuonaeed by Thala through the
work ed WillkB Oflbert. Davy. Pua4t9, Aalvanl. Vtfta. Ohm, Ampare, DeTf. Osested. Oenlonb and Prnaklin.
le the days of the eleetrieal wisnrde of
the peneut, ltdken, Tkaln. Bonstgw
Be nUnded to the very aanU eeetkm
ed the OenteaBlal BxpoetUoa at Phila
delphia in lire, whecon tow eleetrieal
aeultiu were dkplayed. sad to the
r at the OalamWaa
Bxpeaitlea u Chisago la igOI. where
aUwMhammlac wlU the whM ot
ileekiBal ■srditseey by day aad abtou
with electric Ughk hj sight.
I while the B^y straggle aad strive
t- he caU. '•Uni below, beiag created to obey the beaad prupired wlthoat claetridty. bat hate ot the tow. the elect. TUe deetheir IMag k aet our Uviag. aad tbelr trlMoffovemmaet k oae that hu
prosperity k not oar pre^erity. We
aiaddariag the history of tbf
Uutaadlflereatege. The world hu world. Its tudaacy aad the foeadai/sntiit It hu advawed, aad wUl tloa upon wUeh its whole etreag^
not be eeateet witkoat farther sd- hu been bsDt k thaerushtagof edaeaThesiow gMag methods tioB aad aU that leads to Mevate the
ateideBttmuaoleagernpplytU reto the pelBt whet* they will
qstiuiseak of modem ladaaky.;'
tiirow off their boede.
the kyrted
‘Not only bu ark
uecu of electricity, aad epoke of how and
down the eeboMh. aad hid
tamed the world hu grawa to the leamlag of the egm away from the
theaethlBfs. marvolom thoagb they peepla. bat it bu aearpad power our
it to
ago. He drew a vivid eomearkon be- emekany totbepowerof the tow. It
tweu the world u it k aaduit hu'^eetsed the tralte of labor of the
would be without tbU woadarfnl td maay.aad tsraed them over to ib»
wOlefthefew. Ithubeea raepoulr of the myatery <
ble far almut aU the Woodshed aad
eamiag the real aatars ot thk Mbcle wartonof the world, from the earlket
tocea, whkb the wkaat seiade of tha dewBof bktoey tooarwmrwith Spain
world coaght w long to aaravel. sad -thk eareod doetrlae ot the uperiorof ths grut program msde la thsu la- tty of the tow, end their dlTlae right
IgattoM ia the put half ewtary. to dominate the seaey.
Mr. Montagu cloasd hU oration with
••The demoeratlc idu staade for thru
tbeu words:
grut prinelWee—eqeality.freedom aad
“Bacbrcsnltt u theu srsthe pro- developmeah It k the natural out
dneu of matter Blade ot Mleau who growth o( that Bubllme tcaehlag of the
have for the lut 40 years, been study Inflalte Boa ot God. the nnlvensl tothing tbeu phenomena. It k pomlble erhood of God and the universal broththat the next 40 years will prodau a erbood of mu. Wherever thk rellgcomplete eolntloa, for u eelence ad- iOB goes, there wUI| go the tudeacy
vaaeu aad men advanu in uienu, toward thk form of goversmut.
aad their knowledge broadens,
■‘The tondamental prladpte of s
oomplluted matters revul themutvm
k that la matin buoUtol simplicity, that ladiutu terathst eooeerti ou peisoo alone,
the planiog of a Muter Mind, In&nite- that peraon alone ehnU decide the
ly gruter • than ours. We ecc but dim question, ud that in matters that
ly Into nature’s metbodi. and under ooneero the whole people, the whole
stand icu.'bnt u our InvutigaUsae In people shall decide. Tbe pric
vroKiw sv MRS. M. K. Biv-u: wrnc, mbs. ai>ki.aii>k kayton.
We bail tbe day that marks for u ssotbsr victory won:
Tbe cwMt reward of yean of toU, ot tasks, and leuont done,
Bnt while we feel tbe thrill of Joy, regraU will mingle still.
And hurte with dup emotion swell ud eyu with turs o'er fill
For we mwt uver trader Uea. mut part with triradfi growa-dfiar.
And luve tbe eunu we've learned to love with ever^raMltig year.
No more for w the clanging bell may couad Itt cumtone loud:
No more o'er duke and problems dup oor pehlng bc^.be bawod,
But life bolds problecu draper etlU than apy we here met.
Aad Ineenni harder tor to learn thu we have muMred yet. .
The way le long ud steep sod rongh tbet leeds ap to the eUts:
Bnt who would'be a conqueror ud ebow.no battle sura
Let eonrage then our burto Inspire. Chau gloom and turn away.
Let youth ud hope ud Joy have eway on thk our feetal day.
We'U pledge once more a brimming hulth to friends and teaehere dear.
And to our Alma Mater give one loud ud ronelng cheer.
Yet let ue eing a parting eoog to happy days gone by.
Then turn to meet Ute'e duties etern with nnrpou true and high.
people hnu bW gond-by to eherithed
noA\tiem aad tomitaikae, only to
Isaach out oa a earaer of better thiage
than would hau bem peeelbk aadar
She oalUaed the character that the
hu of l»oo hoped to develop aad
ring to perfuttoB oat of the failures
and eucoeeeu aad etragglu of the
past. AselmBute of thk ehsraetar
ehemutloaed hoauty. eoniage. ealf
eoatrol aad loyal^ to duty.
Mimlbomyeoa eloeed her valedktocy with them words;
tonight. Bat to wUtT Iwtud ol'
uyiag good-by to the good thlaga behlad. eaa we not make It a good-by to
fanarm aad low ideak. aad a welcome
to s iteoagw ehsraetar. a gruder,
BoblarUfaT .
"Teachtfc. we wkh to thank you
tor yoar earnest work la our behaU.
tor yoor sympathy ud help at all
tlBU O. do not saygood-l^.to u
u into a closer
naloB, a higher Ufe. We ehall etUl
Deed gniduu aad adriee. WlU yon
not help w to pertoet our eharaetcre,
that we may become etrong ud earn
eel men and womest”
After uotber deUgbtful ulectlon by
the High echool eboroe. -Tbe Bevel of
tbe Uavu" the dlplomu
preeuted to the dam In a nut epecch
by Bon. A.V. Friedrich, preeidenl of the
board of edsutlon. He expremed oonfidepce in tbe gradutu, that they
would add lulre to the already bright
MBe of the Traveru City High school.
Tbe dlplomu were dUtriboted to the
by Harvey Grand and Gerald
S^rlntendeat Horn expreeeed hk
thuke to tbe public for their hearty
kltoD in tbe work of tbe ubook
. tbe yur. After thk i
arou. and aeng the clam song.
A few elosiag words were spoken by
Rev. D. Coohlln,
tbe braedlcUon.
to tbe myeteriuof huvra udurtb;
progreu. God revuk lo us their ulul-:
Ira u our minds become prewred '
to receive It.
-We heve eera why we mey ult tbk
the the eleetrieal age. Fads come ud
go. bnt when electricity ume. it came
toctoy. It k not tbe ruuU of a eingle
oratnry of preparatiou. but hu re
quired for He preunt development over
2.000 yuTs. We may Imagine the
future, ud gueu whet it will produce,
but here we mwt stop; ud with tbe
twUef that nothing bu a brighter
future than elutriolty. doing our but
to Biake U eo. give to future ’ genera
tions the ruuU of our labore to fulfil
tbe prophecy that we are now living in
tbe beginning of a new age.”
A rang.-The Jolly Miller." by the
Boys UlM Gab wu grutly enjoyed by
sH preunt. and tbe clnb wu given a
burty encore.
The next thing on tbe program wu
the ooBuenumrat addreu by Prof.
C. T. Urawn, formerly supermtendent
of the ubook here and- now
of tbe eute normal achUi at M i. Plus-
ktheai >e.i however, Uat of self gov-
Imperative. Thk grut need mut be
met in tbe public schook of tbe eonnuy“No other form of ednution bu bora
found eoffielenttor tbe grut tuk of
makiog bomogeneou tbe gtuti
foreign populaUon that k pouring In
upon iheaoiintry every year. Private
schook rad eburen echoole have bun
tried, ud failed. It rei«p|^ for the
public eebook to ebuge alt tbe utlraalltiee ud tongues ud eondltians In
to good, upable Ameriun cltl/.au.
-Our edouUoD In the public schook
mut contain all tbe elcmenu of life
neceeury to good eiUtenebip There
k no qnuUon but that the aebook now
make ibeir pupik InteUigent raougb.
bnt it k not enough that tbe pupil be
able to know, -but be mut be able to
dc. Tbe world uka the queetitm.
■What un yon do?'
-Tbe echoole will oot enUraly meet
tbe demude of the hour till every boy
and girl who luvu tbe school cu earn
an honut living. There lea false idea
of dignity growing up among etudents.
that manual labor k degrading. Man
ual and domeeuc training ahonld be
included in thecouraeofetudyof every
eebool lo the country. Every boy ud
girl should be made to feel that kbor
It honorable, ud that;hard work k tbe
loherltuu of every Ameriuo."
After a etill tortber wuldera'
the public aebook. Prof. Grawn cloud
• 1th a t^feracce to tbe exercku of
Memorial Day. ud epoke of uoUier
Oraod Army of the Bepubllc thu thus
wbou gravM wereetrewn with flowert,
an army of the boye ud glrk of the
pablie echool. A« the dutioy of the
naUott wu ufe with tbe old Grand
Army, eo mey that destiny be treated
today to Giat young and strong army
of otodente of the public cehoo.
Tbkaddrue wu foUowod by a de
lightful violin ulo, Oaprieloao, by
Prof. C. B. Horst. So gruUy wu tbk
In annonnelug the addreu. Snperintradent Horn epoke of the emlnrat
fltneu that Mr. Grawn ebonld have
bun invited by the elau to give thk
addrem. ud eaid. "1 eunot Introduu
Mr. Ouvrn to yon. u he k prolmbly
knowa to more people) hereiUah uy
one eke in the opera faoue. I eu
eimply auounee tbe addrus. -Ikmocraey ud the PubUe School.' "
Whan Mr. Grawn srou from bk
aut oo the etage. 1m wu greeted with
ndous ovation, tbe applawe
ng for aope Ume. He expreued himulf ee feeliog quite
_ hk old friends, ud epoke of
tbe gruUng that be bad reoelved at
the depot upon hk arrival u oae that
pleased him grutly. on account of the
spirit wbiA prompted it.
Trof. C. T. OrawB'e AWe Addrue.
The addrem (laelf wu a muterplee
of dup. uraful, logical thought, clur
and Vlgqrou expreuion And eloquut
delivery. It wu Iktened to with rapt
sitratkm throBghoat,ana will fnrekh
wu oompeUsd to raapood ton hurty
food tor thought to thou who heard It.
ueore, which be did with a maxarfcs
■r muy a long day.
Be begu by epeakkg of tbe tsro of Mask.
grut idsu of government, the srielO' Vslediotery, Mlm Flee
MkdTlceuu Tbompeoa. tha valaeratw aad the demoenUe. the former
based upon tbe Idu that KCkty k ar- kteriu. uld good-by tor the ekm la
rasged In strata, tbe latter that all fitting aad toaehlag wordc. She epoke
mu are eruted equL From the of the udasm that the •'Good-by'’ graeeUut polBte made ia hk ad- crally earrtu vrith it. bat deelrad to
give lo a batter and more Joyou msudraee. the foUewing an a few:
■Arktoen«y holds that eoclety k lag. that of luring oae thing tor a
amagad ta layen, aad that the few brighur and batter oae. She apoka of
ths maay tImuiB kktory whu'
to rale, tor thek e
^anc# la tireather an.
ahlefl oa to biin( fbrth something new
aad “jaat the thing” to meet demaada.
Flannel Coats
and Pants
The Ideal salt for the hot days
oomiBg>-made by the nobbiest tailors
in the new stripe flannels.
hour that tbe company dlspeiuod, and
thing of tbe put.
uperu." The clam colon, pink and
nile greu. The elau flower is the
forge i-mr-QOl.
Following are the gradoaue. conraee
of study and clam officers:
Eoglkh course— Fruck Roulynd
Caffrey. William E. Snwball. Maud B
ItoberteoD. Jamee W. B. HnbbeU. Jos
epb E. Bbrenberger. A. Marion Pratt,
Bdythe Ellr.ibeth Butings. Fred 1.
CQOBU!5 AFTER LAST STAN/.AFarewell to happy echool daye, oa dear old Traveru ahore.
In memory aye we'll trusnre them and con their pleunru o'er.
c Our Resources
ara RMI Shnuo
Irene Oriatt. Fred A. Dago, Wlllii
B. Nub.jtovld S. Jiekllng. Flora B.
Scientific Coorae—Mayme C. Despres.
Hubert B. Montague. Wiley Edgar
Reltfa. Edna Mnrrel, Frank A. Walton.
Frank Novotny.
Latin coufse-Luelle M. Theobald.
Florraee M. Thompaon. M. Eva Thack
er, Euth Winifred Fuller.
Boginuring course—Jouph K. Ruiaky. Hiram Burnky. CalkteJ. Dunbar.
Clam effieers—Praelorat. Robert E
Walter: vice president, Nellie W.Grant:
secretary. Edna Holdswortb; treunrer,
A Card.
We. the unoeralgned. do hereby
agru to refund the money on a 50eent bottle of Greene'e Warruted Sy
rup of Tar if it faik to cure your cough
or cold. We also guarantee a 2S-cent
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display In grades
from $1.60. $2 00, $2.60 up to $8.00 aad
$7.00. You can be fitted both jts to
goods snd price in this department.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
Of Best makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in every way—Prices, 60c,
76c, $100,$1.C6, $160.
HamilIton Clothing Co.
This Morning
at Just
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House
Tailor Made Suits!
The Best Repertoire Compenii
OP the Roai.
Playing at popular prieu Inteodnelng
up-to-date comedies aod dramu. lotereneraed with aneelaUles by firstclam vaudeville artUts
' I'fae fintt'wmedjr-drama, in
four acts, entitled:
The Police Alarm
Vaw SpaeialtiMi.
Free Toiishi .
If accompanied by one paid 30c
ticket, whicb most be pnrebaaed
before 6 o’clock tonight
Reserved auto aa^ale at tbe boxofflu Talapbeai m.
Popalu prism-10. 80 aad N ««tt.
Through a fortunate purchase from one of the
foremost manufacturers in this country we offer you
their entire sample line of Ladies’ Tailored Suits
consisting of all the newest shades and styles at
exactly HiALF PRICE. A sample line means one of
a kind anil many kinds. Wo' want every lady in
Traverse City to pay our cloak room a visit during
this sale, especially so if you are in. need of a suit.
You Cannot Realize
The wonderful values this sale affords you. until you
see and examine carefully the garments themsrives.
All are strictly up>to-date in style, in make-up, in
variety of materials, and thdy are
We hrge yonr immediate attention to this
great chance to buy stylish goods at bargain prices.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet aed ClothiDg House.
boston store
The Ihta of a cold, backward season has loft us with a mammotl^ stock on our hands, and EYBBT SOLLAB'S WOBTH
KTTST BE SAOBIFIOED. Our doors will bo closed on Thursday, Kay Slst. to enable us to prepare for this grand offering. We deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season for our unloading sale and face the situation before it is too late.
This store irtU be open again Friday morning, and jmsitively every article and dollar’s, worth of merchandise in the ^
Tk» ehsrily wBTds of Beat of Ifat btg
ko^tsto of Now York w«w bright
with color TsoMlog 4 tbo roonltof the
CUrk-MorrU woddlag is 8t. Tboaoi
«ter<b tho dv botero. AfUrtbowod
<lBf toUftUoi hodeoded obootmUalfht tbo flowon wltb which the
oboreh oad tbo bOBO of tbo brtdo'o oli«« had booB doeentod. Md which ooot
aaaall fortaao, wore dlotribatod to
«bo oariOM hooaitaU. Tbo flowort dieWlbvtod wwo 40,000 blanoM, of which
ai.000 woro Baiter lUioo. 10,000 rooeo.
S,00e pooajoi, 2,000 enhido, aad othoro
la ^ooortieo. Tbo hrldo racoirod
bar fatbar. Sartor Clark, a wed
gift of $14,000,000. Thia fact waa
Mdo hwwa by latlMto frioedo of tho
teUj. Tbio gin Wte In addltiM to
Iba oalaabU Jowolry ecotlag tboaoaado
0< doUara, which the
■picaoaa of the Sts artiaUa raaaivad by tbo bride.
Tba Btete
c to Baropaan
hravalars for tba ts daya In May.
tbaedd boose at Marimba^. U-.
arbara Bath McBaary Bteart. tho ante
araaa. waa bom. hte bean parebaasd by
aMarkabarglawyar aad will bs tom
down. Prlaadsot Mrs. Smart In St
bsols offarad him doable tbs pries bs
paid for'lt, bat ba rafaaad to Ballla Kay. 1B7S, Amarlah N- Haynas of
Kobam. Msai.. bseama a mambarof
Borao lodge of Maatmsla that
Kty and daring tba ananlng tblrty-fonr
yoaca baa atteadad ovary ragalar aad
^Mclal moating.
Tba riearoy of India. Lard CarsOD of
has faltea in Myaora aad test aeatterad
Tbara b mnab
•leek latsara aad fanaars of tea waet
•aaaacutof tea Oarmaa maal laspiitiBi Wll Itfonad
a blQ oBarad in tea
■ of adlvcrlB
of 10 par eaat OB all ii
Oeagraas baa already aaaet•dall teat appears aaadfal. In thsopla
In of tea sacraUry of agrtcnltara
Bigh •ebool Sooo Boll ToaasX.»t a
BardPoogbt OaaoTaotordoy b?
A very lanre crowd at tbo Twelfth
otrootpark pootordayi
acaaod a good gaiBB of baU lbctwaan
the High aobool team and Banda'c
Twlrlara, which waa won by the latter
byaaeoroof«te4. With the ozoop
tten of tho first aad gpvanth Innlngo,
tbo game waa elcao aad wall played.
The game waa won by tbo Twlrlara by
batter Holding and team work. Thay
Bade taw arren. whlla the High
oebool team made aeraral vary coaUy
CMOBaarrarbyTom WUbalm cooV
tag throe mna.
Boesara ^tebad a vary goad gams for
tbo Hi^ sehooL Bs straek oot flvs
msB aad was bit for nlaa basss.'. bat
this Is low whan one aooaidan tbo waU
known batting abiU^ of the TwiylarsTha hits wore wall scatterad. and ha
abowad hla hand aovoral timaa whan
bsstraskoetthalastmaawltba man
oatbMwaiUogtorabIt. AtCB^Ume
ba stmek oot the bardaat hitter of the
Twlrlara whan tha baaaa ware fnlL
Kimball for tba
good game, allowlag bat ten bite, and
atrlklng oat aovan msnTha High aehoola have not played a
game before tbla aeaaon. and moeb of
of thalr srork waa daa
to that fact. They wars crippled In
tba firat half of the first inning‘•by
Oatehar Dean gatting hit by a hot
ais hand sras split open bstwasn
riagand iitUs fiagar. Three aUtehaa
ware raqalrad M elcaa tha woand. Movotay look hU place at catch,. and
Pcilowlng la tea seers by innings:
High School.......... oooosiooo
Banda’s Twtrlars. .4 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 r~D
oondenscd news
J«UiLJitKLK(.idlJK iKKlKLtetKLti
Tba dry ktlas at tea Hood A Mahoay
lava aad heading mUl at Dmlrs have
bean daatroyal by firs. The dry bead
ing with which t^ ware flUad in bnnlag threw large ecala of firs all ovar
the town. Maay balldiagi ware ca
AQaraeaa, Vanrzaala dispatch aa;s: fire at osa Uma, bat all ware Mvad.
Icaa is at praaant nakaown.
^niaa JoseV. Hemabdar. tea ravelnlaadar. hat baso . capiarad by
81k iaebst of baU fall In soma aae...............
troopa. Tba rovelntien U tlOBS of Moakagoa eoanty Monday
night, tearing frait treoa to tetters and
It aaema at laat M if waatera clvUUi- suipplngoff tbs frait. The loss tosmalL
008 ware maldag lU taBaaaea faU la gardeners la tba city aad videlty U
- China. LI Hong Chang has seat two eoasidcTable.
af Ms «ooa to attend a coarse of
The 3 year old daaghter of Lewis
-laeteBaaat tea Vaadarhllt aBivaraJty HnnUnglaf Cedar Bdrlaga, got hold of
<KiBteii, and it It said test a Jarge a bottle of carbolic acid aad swallowed
■amber uT yonng oeteatlal mrlatoersu part of ila contents. Prompt work
will follow them
saved tea baba’i Ufa.
At Daavar wblla Prof- B. A. Howe
Baeantiy Wm. Sehleaamachar. a
WM wMting early Taaoday mornlag io Nortefiald farmer, became aaragad at
ory for tea his borsas and damping oat of tha
aaatoriaaaadteaaeUpntebarln. bs ffOB took ont hla knife and eat tea
threat of one of team. Tha humane
Mda aas el tbs most
la of tha ynr, tea radlacov- soeiaty to^ np tea
ease aad
«yof tea plaaat Broa- This tiny
flaad $so with tea
which wsi diaeoverad only two alteraative of 75 days la tea hoan of
paara ago at tea BarUa obaarvatory. correction.
boea looked for alnoa laat Saptems year old aim of Albert Straw
gto ealea- of Oalaat, waa aaveraly oealdad Tuaa« it abeald amarga from behind day. Ho waste tha kltehao whan a
*a acn. Astroaomars all ovar tho bird flew te tea door, which aurtied
varid have boaa acaaalag the sklaa for him. aad in dedgteg he eat dowa into a
0, bat witeoat aneewa Prof- Howe paOo
of bet water. He wiU raeovar.
I tea planet aaar tea first
tites BoBaaon. 7t. of Adrian tewaOil!
geiatef Ariaa
ahip, committed anlrida with a abetgan. Tha abet aaterad below tea
heart, sattlag fire to bis vaat. To pra-
At Okamoa, Irving Clark, aged M
inatent rollat. t yoara. waa atraek by a belt of ll^te■S^Tmadlt ta my family for tear teg and teataatiy kUlod. Aeempaaioa
mwBt^ it as tea graatem
Tba Irving Pmeb Co. will
tbraa Blght'a angagemant at the City
Opera Boon tonight- The'oompaay
highly raeommandad as being
eompoesd of first class artiste, thorough
ly equipped with a satected
of tea lateat comedy saeemsss. elagaat
ly and a trainad aorpa of apaelalty artiste. Tba pram
thronghont the wMtern statea have
baan lavlah te thalr MlsAfiL^thia i
pany aad tha pnbliA-W reapondo
gansroni atyla. The piny aalaeted for
timight is "A Bn^way Wifa"
Praaeh it said to bs 'aztramely fanny
la Us part and tea anpporting company
te all teat can be daalrad. PrieaaiO.M
andueanta- Udlaatrao tonight only
dbyaa aacort with one
paid AO cant ticket.
raa a large and wall pleated andlteat witeMaad tea trtpU biU
by Bryan’a Oomadiana at. 8telnbarTs Grand Opera Haase teat night
npof the
ou act comedy. "Ihe Girl from the
Bowery'" which was very cleverly act
ed, followed by an olio of new and npto-date qtedlalUaa by all tea leading
mambars of the company- This eanght
tha boasa by aterm, the team work of
Prank P. Millw-and Olga Bryan scor
ing tee greatest hit. Oaorga D. Sweet
as "11m Coantry Kid" and "LltUs
Marjoria," tea child artist, mads strong
hits, as did also tbs other mambars in
tea olio pogram- Tba performance
eonelnded with a comic opera in one
act, "Sweat Stetenn." wUebhad as a
finals a vary pretty tebleanxof '-The
Stars and Stripes."
Tbs antertatemsate given by
Bryan company can te bath be said to
baths b
givsn te Traverse City.
teaaa hat been vary g^ tha Int three
nlghU of thalr oagagameat hare still
U te not sntlrsly ssttefaotory to tht
managsmsat and te order teftll tea
thoatrs te ite utmost espaeUy. thaatrs goers will bo awarded an nnnanal opportunity tonight to wlteata
fonr act comedy drama, “Tba
Poliea Alarm." With ovary 30 eaat
Uekat parabaaad batora e o'clock te............................... will be given free.
good for any lady. That te. one paid
tenant ticket will admit a gentleman
and lady or two ladles, antiUteg them
to tba bast sesb.
TbeAlnmni Bsoqnet.
It win be impoasible to clear tbe
dining room at Park Plaoo for
Alnmnl banquet thU aveninr before »
o’elo^ aad tha raoaptlon will begin at
4:30 instead of 4 o’clock as pravioaaly
•100 Baward.SlOO.
pleased to leara that there ..
one dread dteaaaa that aclenca haa bean
able to eaiwTui lu auges and thatte
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core te tbe
only positive cars now known to the
madloal fraternity. Oaterrfa being a
I Catarrh
“““““"'“‘■‘“r.; -SuT,
Onra te taken internally, acting dlreetfonndatliw of tha dteaaaa. and giving
Steamer Oolnmbls Bnaday.
by the Oraeoaat osnd to ran aa ezenrslontoBlk Bsplds Sunday after
noon. leaving the dock at abont one o'
clock on the atosmer Colnmbla- Blk
Bsplds te booming now and the popalation te rapidly teerassing. The uw
cement factory te
to a large nombar te lu conalrnetion
and whan oompleted will employ abont
Tbare have bean many interestteg ehaagas te tbe town lately aad
everybodv will be glad of an
ty to take aplsasanttrip on the bay and
at the aaou time visit one of tho most
hnstlteg tows te Michigan. The round
trip wUl cost 35 eaato.
Than wUl ba a aoelal danoa temor>
row night at Porrester'a hall, nnder
the anspicat of Traversa teat No. «71.
K. U. T. M. Tho proeauls wUi ba de
voted to tbe banall of a mambar who
has baan in hard elreoautaaeea. Tha
ladies will serve tapper.
Tba meeting of tbe Willard W. C. T.
U. wtUbe held this afternoon at tbe
Second U. E. church.
Oao. Gene was in tbe city yesterday
on bnsineas. Mr. Osas has not sold bis
honsc on Washington street, aa was
anaonneed soma time ago. bnt atill
bolds it for sale
Tbe steam barge John Otis has
rived after Inmber at the docks of John
P. Ott A Col
was aolamnissd by Pather Bsner of St. Francis church yasterAlaxaader Oarrolland Mtea DsteyJohn•on. both of MaUoton. Tha couple
have many fiisnds in1 Traversa City
who will give tl
MiUor's barber chop baa been attncUvaly improved with new paper
aad a oopper cclllag.
A haadaomaly painted wagon has
boon put la nae is thte city by tba
Adams Express Co. It is one of the
modern kind enelosad with wire.
Sqniars A Bonner, the south stds bar
bers. bsva had a neat sign painted by
S. B, Howard, for thalr mng aaaa. Tba
palntiagte antltiad "Mngs" and diepUys tbe greatest aaeortmaiit of homely
. I" that one could wteb te aca.
Tba painting te very neatly ezaented.
Bav. J. A. Brandy will praaeh at tbe
arawood chapel tomorrow ovcnlng at
7:30 o'clock. Aqoralal Invitation is ex
tended to all
A delightful time wee enjoyed by
Canton Traverse No 4. I. O. O. F.. lut
evening, tbe oeeulon being tbe ialtistion of sight esndidstee. Sevan of them
being from ThompaoovUlr. After tbe
initiation earemony, s dellelons bsnqoei was served.
Both tbe Craaeant and the Boys
hands hsvs been engaged for tha big
Odd Pellows ealabratloD to take place
bare June soth and SUL
Mlm Winifred Pnller. ealulatorian of
the elase of IMO. received yeaterday a
fine bonqoet of
CsHforala, sent te her by a trtasd ia
Los Angalii.
A deltgbtfal aarprtee was parpetratad npoB Mrs. Cbas. Peterson Taaadsy
evening by abont M of bar frtaada
dallghlfnl ooeial time wasI ttjoyad.
after which ioe eraam aad eaka warn
_ coosUtetion and aastetteg natara
ia doing itt work. Tba proprtetors
bava ao maeb faith te its carativa
that they offer Oaa Baadrad
Dollars ‘ r any asaa that It falls to
Mr. Bsbaa Pray of OgdaMharg, N.
1 for list of testimonials,
AddtM P. -I. Ohaaay ACe..Totedo.O. Y.,writaa: "After aaffwiag for years
with mnsenlar rhan------
lOoBttenad from first page.)
and woman of 14C1-45, the noble apirit
of aaerlSee for country and humanity.
We need the spirit of the boys of 'B4.
who Jut H nofltechtegly marched
away to meet the foe.
"Washington Irving uys. -The sor
row for the dead te the only sorrow
from which we refuse to be divorced.
The love which survives the tomb te
one of the noblest attributes of the
aool. There te a voloe from tbe tomb
that te sweeter
noBg. There te a
oe of tbe ddad from which
we torn even from the charms of the
of tbe dead to which
we turn today, with eyas bedewed
wltb -heart'e mysteriow gems', te a
msueig of uaselfteh loyalty, The
voids tA>m the tomb te tweeter than
eong, for it is elnglng of ezalted pstrlottem. Oh. Caleb the spirit of that
song from the tomb todsyl It te the
eplrit of that eong that makes tyranny
tremble, that erubas
earth aad that piaees upon the heed of
liberty a diadem eomparad wltb whoee
Iwilllaney tbe crowns of royalty mast
pale wltb Inslgnitieanee. Cherish the
spirit of thst song from the tomb.
It te thst memory and that eplrit Abet
wUl give an added lot ter to every star
in the dear old flag."
The High echool chonu under the
direction of Mrs. Dayton, naag “Co
lumbia. the Gem of tbe OcMn" in a
way that was grMtly appraeiated by
the andlenoe. Jut preoeding the ad^
draae of Bev. Woodbonse. and immedi
ately after, Mrs. Dsytea sang in a very
pleasing manner "The Sword of Bank
er HUl."
Bev. A A. Wall prononnead the
heaedleUoB, and tha entire andlenoe
arose and eang "The Star Spaaglsd
Banner." which closed the exereteee of
the day.
Patrlotloally Obearved Taaterday wltb
Parade aad SpaeohaaWexford Camara observed >
and a very large number participated
ia the ezereteas of tbe day. In the
morning the graves at the oamaury
were decorated by aeommittee of A. P.
Earl Poet, and later the parade was
formed oonstetlng of about 300 people,
beaded by tbe Wexford band, and
Bsarehed to the cemetery, whore abont
300 more were waiting. The exereteea
were very ImpreuivtAfter an elaborate program by tbe
oehool. tbe entire coneontM of people
partook cl a campfire dinner.
In tbe afteraoon the pat
la a great open air maatiag, and
e by spesken on tbe meaning
of the day. Bev. Darling of Peteekey
spoke feelingly of the past of tbs
country and tbe fiag. P. C. Oilbert of
this city wse the principal spraker. and
dealt li^ly with <he fntnrc. tbongh
he paid a glowing tribute to the heroee
of tho civil war. He apoke of the defeue of the flag by tbe boys of 'cl. aad
daoLared that In tbe bands of tbe deBoeadaau of tboae heroes, tbe flog te
sals tedsv. Slnoe It was raved In thst
great straggle, and te now loved aad
heeorad by north and aenth. ft oaa be
aataly earriad te the ends of tbe earth,
bring freedom te tee darkaat
of all lands.
A fast Btcycls Bldar
wm often raealve painful cntaApralns
r bral
every 1________rpBMdy. I fo
found relief
ia Dr. Obaaa'a
<0 KiZuy>U'
-Uvar PUla."
Gaarantead toI romova tim
Hps. bnraa. Olears and _pilaa Core
No r«ne^ equate WAWm^ Warn enrari
.Vcc* OF Tab BYbop for this tetri- ^tsor br.~A W. Obaaa ifad-^i^BU- gaarrantead. Only ase. Ttj iv Sold
by 6. E. WaU aS Jas. G. Johi
{riaken tb^ !tio. N- V.. Sand
stamp for tree ai
------------------------------•n« _____
and fatal dl
BteUb^SS^pStsM »«t.
r«9HnUlr1pptii24 Imvs.
Tba two maa bad aeagbt obelter
from tea aterm aad ware alttteg on a
large ctona aadar a baa. They bad
ZS^Uad. Trial bosatea loe at 8. B. mKadanambraUa Io fartbn pmteet
front window?
pZ^wd Jaa O. JohaacBb dras aieraa teem.
"M?! 2!i "
lent Bead will Taka a Crowd on
Item Bntenwa had Mis Skull Practnred
at PashabatowD.
A dranken brawl at Puhabatown a
few daya ago may result aerlouly for
Tom Bntenwa. an Indian,
straek In tha head In the melee and bis
skull fraetnred. The Indian hu re-
EilorU to find ont the name of tbe asnaUant have been futile, u tbe other
Indiau of the place refue to reveal it.
W. W. HiUarOene Weet.
W. W. Miller, who retired tram the
grocery bnsmeaa a few weaka ago. latl
yeaterday with bis fsmUy for the weal.
Mr. Millar will locate at Edmonton,
Alberta, where be ezpecU to again angags in baeinm. Mr. MUler aad fam
ily- leave behind them many warm
triaada. _________________
Twaatr-five Tears of Satteriag.
Mr.T-V. Bsldinger of 117 OUaton
street. Detroit, writes: "Dr. Chsse's
Ointment te a blasslng, It enrad me of
Itching pUra after 3S yeais' ofsnflaring
Inring which lime 1 tried doctorn’treatmeat and i___ , klnde
_ _ . of <
witeoat reenlv" Dr. Chsse's Ointment
gusranteec te cure piles, eczema aad
JI draggteia
alt Skin trbnblee 50 cenU all
o.. BnSalo.
or Dr. A. W. Chsee Med. Co..
e boz
free for stamp.
N. Y. SsoT
For ¥. LDoojbB SiM goto FrjBUI
For Jtuw lOltn iko« go to Frput.
TPOB iALX-e»>ea r.«« beu*-. U><! lot aSsia
sr,c-, a;;.feS"
fVMK WAHTXD-Keu end trite preferred, el
TOB TO Urr-PMlIar and antilar oal 9U
0 rerdebark. U K. Olbte A S<>a. ia7.St
•Oooae TO EXMT-A»»Boulh rajoaa^l.
Xv vltb or trlieaul board.
Z'SSEvlSr '"Ls
XpOR SAUC-d roo.n l.ouar. tanre 1<«. oa
J? Kr.Alb-irrei. rbrep In-|OlfV
^ VHSB (ilRL—Waalrd at CIS FroM^etrevt.
Betreid (or ret are to ibie eSee.
IPOB hALE-Kev milrh Belrlria row. P|ec
* ree'enld. clrtw 14 -luen. milk a dar.
■lad uil rrulle aad eaaf aiilkrr. te'iBliv of
'rTTANTKD-eeeoDdliaoa »bo* COMA. Wheo
W wrltlae ageatlao el<e aad pnear. Ad.
■lr«« Bos IW.Cedar, kllrb.
gpOB BALX-OoedibrMrear old aia». orAlfred Dar. r-B B. Frost a'l.
T Oar-O«ld Hoc art wltb larxc ametbrsiait^
IJ .Dali dlaaood.OBFroaietraM nears a.
Nortbaa’e .tofv. Floder leaxw al ihl.^omw.
0 taameataaC et leea tban 16) arrr* before
has. (.raws, or adTiae Pratt a OarH.lbaTeewa
rVESALB-BeoaeaBd lot P8 Baal Bcbtb
r atreM tmo daws balaaea os lo^Uaa
taka.it. JosaVerljr.
A BAROAIN-ls 40 foot lot. OB Frocl asd
..I OofTha lAon Coffaa hnatlers have some
... jaleamon. te stepping at tba Hotel to town, aad era azploltiag far aad
WUti^. He says &a Mia of Lion Oof; wide "tea cap that chasm, tout
■pF TOU WANT luuruaet Moar klsd in Cm
not laehriate.*^
»t. W. J. 1
fr^- yi ■
'rT''> yrr-Tr ■;
tWWftAWO WA. .—
I ttd tmtgi «Tur ttf
ra almbb
■ kCdel
jTtm M kMM wWmi M m
M n* «M il «i M< MiOT
M «Mi4 vta w lOTirt y*:
Tajv tak
MtM •■ ik<
■* «k* to tk*
ai MM » tt* ylM
U. Oretry’a.'
>b b Impaatobb for any me to eater
tko pouada after daak witheut our
fcaowbdp.'* the valet Mid. "Bvery
might at maaet two Ueod maatlffa are bt
looee. aad aay
edly be attacked.*'
Wkes i'eetbt reportod to M. Oretry.
that crnllemaa Mid;
**kiorH to a mow ezreOrat aad tmniworthy pefwou. He waa la my
«^to«to<r ctot
Aftmem a nalqsa tbeofy with mtmi
0 tiM nnaim of tba waaxmoth.
.. .orhairr
V haifT
fflapbut. wUefa U (ou>d la apA laMmma Boabm U SIbaria. Tbweimtara xrcra ao plantlful ai
i ono timaln
IBM otwaby tint IvtarboBUnfouBdit
togo tben in aaar oh td
Uwt tsU/MiU artiola than to 6oBth Af-.
itoa. wban olephauta aru aupponad U> ha
______ m boodbiu in New York
Bovseth aaya thM they are lavafouad Bsdw oaodiUtaia wbloh
aufca it oartaia tbal they oould Bot haro
Urad aala« the aarronadlagi aad eltaata bMI bami eadrely dlSaraat tna
Train wUl bava Tmvarw atg at «:M
a.m. ffatamlagbava Otand
at q<0
MMkigai at tbit. Bab
b MOmt pabb, «l.oa M. A, >1.
tlma.- Cblmaa'a Kbatb Hoar Vambt
^e!ee h
M Ito wt»4 ttol Mtoa*. tot ■• M 0
U. de Bolnae,
vltk whom we were very latimato, de- alM tragmlly tonad with tba ntnaiaa
alred bb^arrvloec. aad wt offered ao op- peiat to a aaddea aad woaderfni obaage
A DlMlBll mill M* Wmb
tk» thtof «Mk«
If frodiawg Howorth'a arguaeat la
to ba giTMi aay waigbt, tbe Bibtrlan
kaeu WM a bet
plalaaa iaco»
tba ntoMmoat faaU off. He might h
ia tba kaowa pfayaieal googr^y
bit wife aecomid. ButI why abouJd
at tba wiwld. Ha flgnr« that tba platm» waa taddaa^ raiaad to lb pnaent
dlr at any lluw> 1
and that, foior to tbaaddeaolebb <btof. and lu a few hours It waa aaeertaiaed that on the day of tbe robbery vaUB, It waa a wana atnrtefa of lowBrudier bad drawn fnini bb banker flO,<
000 fraara. Prretot Wailed M. Grvtcy.
Id nw. nmaieur." be ml4
yon and 11. de ffulnne'i family
icnn*. Wbea did aay
on Ultimate terms.
tha gigwitio animal bodlM tbrongta aad
Of them riail you ■aatr
**Mme. Bradier «B> here co tbe day tfaroagh, tbM pnaerriag them lataot
aatil tba pfuaeat day. Be aaya that aar»W* I"
kaa tbaaa aaimaU bad been troaan Im.. J abe know .
madlataly after death they xnmld oer"It waa a anbicet of raorerMlbn.''
taialy hava decayed aad dlMppcatred.
"DM abe infonii yon iksl abv aad h
la aoBoplaoaa. fartotheaaat in 81buahanit werw abool to start for
baria. aa wall aa In the laonntaiaoBa
of Alaaka on our oontlnoDt.'^tbo
*K>rtllolr not. DM they do aoT'
of tba Btammotta and other great
•TTjey did."
astlaet anlmab bava been fonnd at a
rerclei aouyhl out iarqnea and bad
17,000 foot above aoa level.
conTcrMtlMi wlib him.
"Tbe man la Mack, with tba orrrcoal Bowortb and Paloony both daolare tbia
over bb arm. did be mulnd you of aay to be laeompatible with choir mode of
one ever emploj-ed In tbe bonaer I'er- Ufa-oSt LoabBenMIC—
det aakfd.
Jacques seemed lost lu thought.
"Do yon often wee M. Hoyetr Per-
•ftef ftl tb* bmto* of______... ______
Orotfr. «■ ibc ItootoTanl Rt. tioraalo.
TW 4««4 toUM had tort
do«a that crrtalB acnl dtouuc ivUtlrM
dbtoM U proTtdad for. and bto chMdrra
Ud aoo* old frtoodatDH to roDnli aa
tha bcM wtf to nrrr out tha wlibaa .
Iha dacMtaad. Thar vara reararBoc la
a parlor la the rear of iha rrand aaloeii
wWa tha report of,a piatol waa heard.
IBtovad hr the craah of 0aaa. The partr la graat hlatvi mterad the aaloos aad
Cuud that a aptoadU toirror of fmt
f0ee, oecspriBf the wall la the enter
«( the aalooli. vai badly ahattared.
fev aoModa after the raUatropba a
ttnuB drenrd la bU
eeer hla am. appaei
waa adadttrd by a an
**1 ata afraid 1 an late. Jantaca.** be
aaU aa be aoiered the ball.
*'>«, aMnelear,” the aatrant aaavered.
V 4>r tboae UritaccMeat bappend vkleb baa dlatotbed
*Ah! What waa thatr the ceutlasaa
aaU. aad tb«. aot
aad ratara laataat
«nd tv kb mouib aa oue lu n
• •n-.ti
"Now yiMi ineoiiou tbc name, tbe man
looked lust B» I <-an lauylne 'll. Muyat
would look If be waa dn-oaed In the aiyb
of a real yeattomau."
"That b ruoueb." saM Peretot.
Tbeo be bad a long talk with U. Oretry, after wbli-b be started for Calais.
There hr learned of tbe deprtn
tboee be sought for Ixiuiloli. He
there end tracked them hark to Calab
and found ilieui at a hotel. At soon at
they bad retired to a room be foibwad
Bad knocked at the door. It was opened
by II. Bradtor.
“Ezmae me.” mM Peretot. advancing
Into the room In spite of M. Bradler's
attempt to prevent bb entrance. "J nm
a Paris detective, and I demand tbe
the aalooa. Booa afterward f^bariea, a
aoa of If. Qretry. quitted the bouar, laforaalac the cooeieryc at the pte that be
waa fuiac to girt taforauiloo of wbat
had occurred at the boiiae.
“A patlenaa baa already left for that
parpoae." aaid the coederp.
“Ab! I»o you ktwv wbo It waar
*T didn't reeocabe blB^” waa the reply. liver them without trouble, and then 1
**He war a patlamaa la Uaek. with aa am Inilrvcieri to allow you to p scot
OTcrcMt orer bU am.**
*■1 caaaoc tblak who It could be,"
^t aU ereata ny pdaf Bradtor. when abe beard a man's voica.
turned toward tbe qieaker and pl{c departed aad telunied aooa with claimed;
two oAeera. EiatnlaalloB abowed that ^^"My God; niiBl U tbe meaning of
a ballet I
> the ouulde bad paawd
■Um window and
"I know aa litito aa yua.” her fanabaad
>e cwBter. Nu clew
perpetrator of the act could be diacorered
‘-Explain yourw-lr, air, and do It qulrkouialde la-the poanda Neat taoniloi ly. or I will aummoa ibe puUce."
I detaetUe uawad IVrrtot caiar to the
P.-rrtot wax taken aback ami bepn ia
a aad found the fanUy la a auta a stammerlug way to wake clear bla mis
tescKMieBt. Ume. Gratry-a ieW- sion. riually hr managed to get out tbs
' S at
at doo.- atory of the robbery.
■a ralaod
IK. Wbea i
‘‘Yon have made a grave mbtakc. air.”
aaM bl. Hradlcr. Olualag the door,
"Wbea waa It
t la
"Show me yoor aathority,"
lewelry at priaant.*'
kliae. Oretry aaM;
Pendet did a<>. and U. Bradtor. after
BtadeItIt lay
. baalaeM erery rrea- epeakUig with bb wife tor a moment.
lay when preparlay for dinner
to aoa that
the eaae and
Hi eoateau are aafe la lay
lad Ha
"Ton arc a puUlc oOrer. and
■■^inuwe. aaa
and >I oiu
did ao tan
Uat rTenjay,
reenlny. Thla
inia are bouud to keep secret tbe exf
BMtalay 1 dlaooeered that the coctitoire
had htea forced and ny lewela remored."
1‘erciet eiaatlned the earrllolre and Mme. Bradtor waa at 11. Gretry's____
carefully acrullalaed the yrounda around tbe day on which you my tbe jewels Were
the hooae. He queatloaed tbc euaclerp Males. But abe then knew nolblng of
aad learaed aU about the putleman la tbe journey to Ku0and. At my oflbo
- biark earrylay an oeerroat who had pae- that ucMniug I received a cable dbpalch
ad out the preeloua erniny Joat after from Englaud (hat uur dangbier. who
the cataetro^ aad who bad aald that waa at a>-fai>ol there, bad eloped with and
he waa piny to lafom the police.
Jaeqaea, whoor duty It waa to adnil rlaHort. waa llkewlaa queatlnned aad told could not cuuacni. I linntcdbiWy drew
how te had adaBttcd iuat at tbe tloto of moaey from the hank and went borne.
tko MtaaUny of the mirror a ymtlemaa My wife rewdved ii> aciv.mpaay me to
Eugland. and tbe plnful cirrumitancea
ana who had
wbirh we were Informed were comwaetotp. Mytay that be waa «duy far of
mnnicaicd ,by bi-r to her father, who.
"lEe**knew my name,** Janiiiaa mU. tbuuffa an Invalid, la a man of strong
“mad 1 anppoaed hr waa oae of tbe per- mind and bore up bravely: suffering Inaaaa iarlt^. aad when he propoeed to p •nltrly teas than if my wife bad abaealed
U the Ueatory I tboufbt It waa aO bcracU without hla koowiag tba reason.
RverTtbing baa Iwea happily arranged,
*That waa the man.** tba detectita and Wo are now on our way borne. Tbb
laualloo. I hope,
hope. will b«\atbfactory.
aald. ‘-Aad tbe petMo wbo Died tbe i*o« explanation.
Perrlet admitted (bat
it waa. and. mut
WM bla eecompUer. It waa a eery deweemiralton. made bb bow and departed
cr atroke of bualneaa."
Tbc eouclerp didn't remeialier harlay aa aouu aa be cooM for Paris. . _ ....
aeon the man who pamed oat enter by rearbing that city he found that U. htoytbe pte. The man wbo died the abot rt. M. de Huinoc's reap.-rtabto valet, bad
might haea entered the yrouada by the dlMppeared. not bariug been aec« from
pte. but be certainly did not leaee that tbe day that Peretot left Parb on bto
way. aa no one paaaad after tbe driay of wild goose ebaae. 8o tar ax tbb record
the abot eirepi the man already de- goea. be wax never found.-Brooklyn CItbeu.
aerthed aad Cbarlea Uretry.
Tbe pounda were not exieoalee. Tberu
waa a eery high waU roeemJ with follap near tbc apot where tbe man wbo
did the deed mnat beer atood. aa tbe baB
tbe friiita of CsUforaia. It eeema Pturul
read of tbonaauda of tons of nOalna ia
e and oranges by t
But wbo would «
Ma. The wall oa tbe other aide lulaed
the roar wall and niendtd for half the
toward the gate. It waa llkaIhc lop with iron
_ -_-.jat to ppaad. Tbaoe
______ e beloapd to If. de Bulaoe. with
wham hto daughter aad her huabaad
ttrod. The detectlee asked penatoaks
le enmlae the pouada aad waa laforma< that M. de Sulaae waa aa laralld a^
cn0d aet be acm aad that bb aoa-te-Uw.
M. Bradbr. and hb wife had that machtestarted
^oa had bettar aaa M. Moret U. «e
p /\lDDLET0WN.O.
e time to thought
Have You..
Por baying a 10 cent
dgar wheo you cin get
- i
Ooeenitloa Day Bxenruloa BatM on
tha O. B. * 1Oaaaad oac-UIrd fart batweaa all
BUUoBS wUbio ISO miles of alartlag
polat. Tkkaw oa sale May Vt aad to.
Ul May II. *ss-st
Csban Plaan always mas
T* OiM a OM la OM 0•^
rake Wano-'t WbiU- Wine of Tar Syni)
itae beM eougb remedy on earth. »
V eenito
First Freeze
©«=«!) CZB
HRMUfft-tlRr (
Claar lea, Itoiti Boardma'a lake.
$1.00 a Month
At meidem-cs—same as liiat year.
. Have large quaalliy on bead,
oxake a apeclalty of car Iota
J. A. Jackson
Beth'Phoaea. No.
g i^a>io|TO. attoyr^oM^^
miaMwaoMM.*'Ill rreetox.
“Tba matter of canAdracea between
ooenaal and oltant la out of great inter- Tolcpk<«cMe.tB.
aataadimportanoe.'' aald a woU known
jurbt and ax-Jodgo tbe other day.
"Aa to the doty of a Uwyer on tha
trial of a caae where b« baa been Informed by bu client that be it gnilty,
tba bMt bad moat ooDtrollliig <
la that of Cbarlea Jamea Phili
lilUpa, tbo
amtaeat BrltUh barrister who
dlraoUtma waa rato-d lu hit time aa aeo- toaOrera Bouse Block.
ODd only to Lord Enkioe.
“Ha waa defeodiog Conrvolaier, who
waa Indicted for tbe mntdor of Lord
Baaell. Daring tba trial, on tbeezamInatioa of a very important witnena for
tbe people, tbe aoonaod waa ninch over-
^f-^have hntl my boildlim
.reboilt aod pat in koocI
'abape nod nm now rendy
tu receive ili old pntronn.
Fire Insurance.
' L. Xi. A. Balldinc.
Line of Jofoli? 6rtidRi|ildift iBdiieiRi.
s: GoodIll Kiidsof
MareoBUto Oa. Btoak.
lipa or to hla aolldtor the fact that be
waa gnilty of tbe crime.
“Mr. Phillipa immediately aaked for
aa adjoanunant of the caae and for a
ecaanlUtloo with tbe jndgut- Tbe oonanclMr. PbUr
atated to tba beach that tbu ancaaed h
oonfemed hit guilt and r
jndgea to point ont tu him hia path of
dnty. Tbo jndgw. after deliberaUon.
■tntad that ho woold have a perfect
right to make anob legal ami logical dodaotloni from tbe crldeiioe as bo
tboagfat tended totbeezculpatieaof tbe
aeoBMM, bat it would bo snprafeational
to auto to the Jnry any pm^ bulief
of bla innooenDe.
“la hia argnmeat to the juy Mr.
PbUlipa, earrlwl away by hla
>k PrMrkrlTaoev Block.
' ' Wewati-.
SiuUSrin WM-lKtoc WMC.
cud efelldrcB-e dlaan— • araetoltr. OtScc
beurv: 10 U It a w.; t te 4 eod T (• S a at.
Ben 'okcev- Noftberu 'phour *0-1.
I. FLOOD. OSoc la new ToaaalMr
Bee. Mo to: rMkdvuec, Me. Tl. Nonkera Mi
—««M sod mldCBCC. No- Tl.
in leel
75ca Month
to privste fbmlliM.
Poyable monthly in advance.
Chas. W. Merrill
Both-pbuOM No. ltd. 410W. ProotSl.
lire Insurance.
Mortae'eBaro Trau^laaoMt^er »l
bla own peraoual belief in tbo Innooeuoe doaaeUr aalsola l-r Ike laloat aad meat ap
of Ua chant, and this atatniueat of UU proved uikoda Dm sr eKk> <•!>• ocstoptlr bam. or any other property inaaral
____ . remember
1 want Vi write tbc
—New York Herald.
laaeranoe for you. aad will give yon
prompt aad earefnl attention.
" * the moat rallabla stock loaurTbe yooBg man had failed in'aecnrlag
aru^^sMe^ m.i|rlera:Nertksra pkMa
Balea very low.
the girt aa bla own for life, owing prindpally to tbe violent oppoaition of her
piUamal aaoeitor, and a friend of bit
bone ?R.
Jobnaon Blockairvci. BoU.wtopfcooc.Mp.ail,
waa ooaaoUng him on hU lorn.
"Byaeatge,''be aald. “I don't aee
rhat yoB wanted to marry that girl
“Tbat'a becaoM you don't know bar.’’
“1 know ber fMber. "
“But 1 waan't aiarrylng him. ”
“PerbaiM aot, bat yon wonld bava to
Mooma a.member of the family."
BonaMFebW.flctt. apcckal oUeoUoe (ivoo
“1 oonld have atood that for tbo girPa teoprcoilrreurfarrood diooaeea poroltor to
tke ■loBoch Oaier mod rooMeoee tU Bar
(irosL Atbooio froa K te ISO-to. ood freei I
“Well. I ooaldn'L Why. I bad aome
kaalingt with him ia a baalaeM way. ^(-aiC tJ^NS
lad I foaad that be waa a regolar robr^“Mew
Tbe 11 :lip- ■.keels has psrlof esricOi
Esplde, esd >toep>r GrsnJ Kepidi le Oli
lOOa to- bse elerpa
eisoauudre^ Sepldeopdcoecb sod
In^cM Atosce tc Uraed Replde pod cfci
The Pare Mirquetta RuilrNd
Ttevereedy. A toe.a
eSSKSSl.;'"”" lompTWPBl
Best to be had in
tbe city it at
hat yon may be
ft old uaD.’’be
Mid. "1 bad aome daallnga with him
aad foaad him afiw hooter. '’—Detroit
Free Pxem.
Hmplet in window.
R. Santo,
DL uranm, John
Gaiaril lasaraaaa.
ii; C<u traxoT.
Blto Wteelaa's UWo Paha.
EUa Wbaeler Wiloox has among ber
eoUaotionatpbot<«raphs one which abe
alwffyi bands to viMiora to ber pleasant
“flat" witbOBt any eiplanatlou. It ia a
piotare of a i«an with bit back tamed,
aad so bla Dm partially ooneoaled, klaaiag a woman wbo la evidenUy berwit AUweskethifMaM paamato tvasa Itaai
If tbe vlaiter does aot make any oomvarfc a spaetolip.
maot. Mrs. Wlleoi aaka “Wby don't
Vaw OSm. Kaikbaa Bl^
yoa -vMaim, ’But wbo is tbe manP
point aluut n mitoa west of Bnffab
and Banduaky at the tmmeesc total oC
iaS.OOU.OUU to 1S0.00U.UU0 pounds?
mbj am telling them tl
That meant nearly or quits two ponnda
flmL'* Any one wbo knows tbe ardent
for every n
aSbotica eilatliig between tbe poeteea of
Oaitrd 8ui
lintra. and yet the bolt of
try in vhl<
bleb tbc grapM •re grown b so paaglaa and Mr. Wiloox wootd not be
w that ito total arai
at all afraid that Ibe kism waa not be.
ao long aa tbe ktasee waa bis wifa—
PkiUuMpbla Prat.
Wartberg Blaek_________Travarrv Olty
The Waukazoo House!
aroimxi.poin. aciotx.
unna in nnuuuTsu l i
boalnaea Open tba yw roBad. Good
LIvary la eoaaMtkm with the boMa.
Batea made kaoira oa aapHoatloa.
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
t tbc crop
evjry year.-Otovelgiid Leader.
Tea. and tbeo Mtimate the crop be
tween a point 15 mlba of tba oaM and
va« Use of Bandnaly. which takw U
Kclly'o bland and tbe Bsm bUndA and
you bare more bctm of gntpM prupm
tbuately than In tbe tarrttarr mat off
gjdp^ DnkM. If.
“My (bar. I tboagbt wa were golag
0 pnwtlea maaomj for a time?"
Wtf»-Bo we aia, dear. I waat down
ooutanaanded tba order yoa gave
r tailor f« a nit aad bonght a bea-
Ml that oort only ball ^ a
tldcwslklAmlMrlB eUsleM.
JOHN F. OTT & CO. sss
•sen W Ximm OMlMioker Oo.
•.«' o
Oaoolg B>o*se TOUs I
‘A bear or n pnntbsg can’t Btaad Um
oiebt of a woltakln «g n
eonnty, "nnd both nltodlalike tbp 1<
of an overcoat made of bnffnio akin.
They beoomo enmgad when they aee
bnntar ktrldUig tbroogb Ihewoodi with
fhty will sUrt for him
tho iuitant they get tdght of him. ud
uleea be stops Ibom with n riflu ball or
a charge of bncksbul tboy will invaria
bly Uokle him.
will cacti In- }.*iO fiN-i ju|uaiv.
away from a hunter
skin coat, but they
who wusn Ik coat of
fur ud will attack
* trace of
of bim,
lint Id ralD. He a
» 10 bare
Idwd Qttcriy. Tbe
Of.» bfirr iBl Muf •ItLla • «
lion of tbe (uyatcry waa that be waa
tey l<li «K« ho Uk< • ton ca
dead. Hia notber brilcred it. but
lUa dtaii aad (•llltbl <ont $a4 f«
ta did not.
tibe could mi.
Aad lUr m auu Uk *a> til food, tad no
proBilaed lo wail for bim. Ebe dared
At yitidtd litcr^T *> inur tsula nidf
la avrldltM fn/tr ibr brart't itrrp intdtfBi^
nut break that promlte. AUeo bad lured
ber. Sbe nuat-abe would-be falibtnl.
Ebe would nol yield lo Lauieote!
rm ktr drii«t>i morrrBt dulNd Ihr tdtdt.
Dare did not acaln aee Uonlra,
Biud. drupi Ibt ana;
Pot brr IP BN
: and Itll lo mtdtt aranP' tbooeb at each rlalt be made bia aunt
dorifif tbt aprioR be railed at tbe
Id Ml. nut i«ly Cnaimd,
(4 t>T that to hn Ulr mid paaa.
ace. But UoDica had alwaya U
m htr nail erf tBtttbtM Alli Ihr fOart.
Tbe nlolater aod bit win- receirrd blm
noat eordlally. Tbey would cladly bare
aeeo tbeir dauefater hit wife.
ODe day lo Juoe Monka waa retumlDf
bone froto a walk down (b ibr cure. Her
way waa lu the netfbtwrboud of Allen'
Aa it waa atill early lu tbe
decided to CO aud pay ber
anil. Hhc bad not roue to tee ber oftn
of late ibruDcb fear of meelinc Laorauce.
She Mt that abe Would ruu no ritk of
meHinc bin tbit aflemoou. be barJuf
rlailed bit auul tbe prerioua week. Ou
. hall
Ebe koocked lifbtly aud
[ brifbl with tbe door open.
wUboDt waiiinc for a reaponae walked
creeo of early apriuc. dowo here by the
Into tbe I Itle parlor, where abe koew
core all waa cray—maud, roeka, aky.wren Mra. Dare
ire waa in tbe babil of ailtins.
tbe water bad lip- aame dreary tint—not
Bui at tbe tbreabold Monica pa&cd.
a cltwm o( aitbi-r color. cxii-|it that of tbe for there stood I.,aoreore by tbe window,
erfmauu abawl wbicb ibe flrl. piltloc on a aa open letter lu bit baud.
Ilia aunt
ledcr of r.K-k. bad wra|>{>ed around ber.
aat near blm. apparently In a stale of
Laureuci- Dan-, comiue alone tbe mad Creat escltemeot.
which reu abore the beacb. aaw tbe
As the aaw Mouica abe cried out:
{latcb of ml and paum-d.
-He Urea. Monica! Be Ilm! My bor
"Thai la Monica,” be mutiered.
My owu Allen U Urine! Cosm
He . mad<- a few iouc atridea and
Id and bear tbe letterr*
Blood beaidr ber.
Then abe fell to wecpln* aod r .
“Monica,” he aald eoflly.
orer and orer. “My boy U llrloc."
Tbe ciri turned ber head with • ^nlck
UoDlea looked from ber to Dare in be-
S&e Tried to fie True.
There «aa a dUplcaaed lone in ber
tolee and b< r hrowa caaue lufetber lu ■
frown aa abe n-cardi-d biio.
‘‘Monica, you are cruel.’'
IIm- cirt made no auawer.
“Monica, laat auniiuer you care Be
a faini hope ibat in lime you would lliten
tu Be.
What bare you to aay lo Be
;DN yon
If. t.N.. waa pale.
o a cha
“ caaped MoDiea at length.
“U It
“Vea." B I be did nut look at ber
“I reeclred tbe letter tbia Bominc and
.- down by the flrat train.''
-He U well
“Where U be? I don’t UDderatand.“lo Califumla.''
Monica looked at him eoonuedJy.
-Why-why baren’t I-lnit 1 hnre
i: I a
I U-iooc
T ". ” K
iNNa bla B'lre.
liti alwaya talking
of (Siueiu l^nrence.
Ijiuriatv li> >Bi- loo
beioiig to Allen. 1 can’t Barry you.”
“But Allen la nol’’-
“Munlea." be said, with great gentleseae of Voice, ’‘Ibiuk! It ii four yetra.
He was lo hare retumi-d lu leu Boalht.”
“1 moat be faithful I.. bim.”
l>arefluahad. “Tbbc la nooaenae. Mon
” be Mid hair BOgrlly.
BOgrlly. "If Allen U
Urine.” be went on. “ahy hare
beard frum bim all tbeae yearal' Are
you going to anete your 1(0- in Ibis little
rUIag*' and give up all chanee of bappinew for a faoHrul idea of being biund
lu blm? And tbink of im l 1 bare iored
you ao long. Home tu lu,-. I abatl lorn
you-so mnrb that you miiet lure me Is
fetura. Cume, I awear that you absll
nerrr regret It. Monica.”
“1 can't. I.iurenre.’’
“Will you «|H>il both of our Urear
“1 must not lUten, I,aarraee. 1 wUh
that you did nut rare for me."
“I can't help caring for you. I think I
bare Iored you ainn- Ibe tint day 4
you. ud now that you are frt»”—
“I am not free.”
“ mica.
I. liatenr
Bb^ went along awiflly until abe knew
that abe waa out »t view from tbe core.
Her tfaongbta were in a wfalri.
nhonld she not yield? Khe knew that ber
happlnesa would be a>-ctirc with this
lender man. ..
Hlittle he.____
ed ber alruggle In reaUl bis ideading!
He Ibougfal abe did not care. In the old
days sbe had compared Allen with biffl.
nnd alwaya to tbe former's dlasdraatage.
For after the drat gUmour of their en
gagement she bad m-en ibe sballowscss
ueaa of Allen’s natnre, and In
Ibe clos
relations iol-< which tbrougb
r eogagi-iiiciit
abe waa brought with
Allen's cunaln Ipiurenrr she bad reeogaUed tbe Btrong and noble cbarscter of
tbe latter.
And tbeae last years bow ibe tenderasas of bis natnra bid abowu ont! What
■ bad giren to AlU-n'a deaolstc
mother! He bad almort filled
d tbe plaiv
n bad been only a auuag admiration.
In Bplie of her recognlflon of AII«n’a
weak nature. Ibe faBrinailon of bla glance
and soft redee had held brr t eaptlre.
Bnt now! When Allen bad gone went
r. wbl
Iba. al
— „ .™_.,
jiaerr 1
tnm. But tbe t
and other montha had grown Into yean,
and be bad not returaad. They bad ao
Dears of him after that last Ictur, writtaa aaren months from his depaitura.
l«nn«ea bad fAf)«y«4
yon t!
killing a doer ouoo in awtailo for a
ebugn Wlii-n Ibv weather was bitler
cold, 1 wore B oouuakiu overcoat mitll a
putber rniuiNl it. ud livru is wbat is
Alwii Is a D
lod u even dostm of putbors
Ud a score of wolv.w while wearing
*“WbBl is it, Uiurence? Why
, do
-u you
rfu- that
It was
was in
in Janaary,
Jannaiy. ISJf,
‘ PO.L
ap<-ak so?”
wearing IL One very
Thru, as be41d not answer. she atbl
..n.. '
_ ,“*
N in
oil niy auowshoes
with n touch of iinpertousni-as
la ber
mormug 1 put
and slnried lor ttaa
the h.tail of Kitoben'a
j (seek to bant paulbvrrfudwolvL-s. Tho
”Lrt me read It.”
u her,.............................
and sbe read.
lie «
uow was ibrtv fort .loop lu tho woods,
tbe prcUniityiiT lines, and tho wulvos aud panUi.-rs were
,, I alaaghicriiig the dcL-rntafrigbifalrato.
I caiuo .lilt bi-n-fail.-.!. 1 ki-pt un Ir^ng *«»« *»«»
, i..
' rifle
'for what
others, hophut to a. b.o»c suuu- m.-a.ur.-, * tbonght might be a panther,
of SUC-.-.-SS lN-f..n-r.-iuriuiigh..uu-. but one*
‘1 hndo t boon ataudiug a uiinntc
failure ■u.-t'.'.-.liNi auuiber. i-'iiiully 1 was ! When 1 heertl a twig snap back of
taken ill with rbriiiusUe fi-vi-r. The wo- ud before I could tnru half way r
man at w bow- h-UM- I wu» sta.riug nurs-'aowethiugetruck my back ud drove mu
cd me through It. and
forward on my buds and knoes. Of
of the swertot
taOv hriped eonrso 1 iustuily roaliaod that a panther
fall me
m my I
It stuck
wish, but 1 Ml in lu
know olktvslnto mysboulders ud began to
wc-ri- matri.-il.
lid we.
wr W®**
kick with it* •
• •
but she luri-il
I, end
suarllng ud
p. I hare
have I| tearing at tiio
r very hapjiy.
H.-li.-i e me.
U)o eouuskiii with its loi-tb.
been easy wh.-u I (buugbi of my , I knew iu a second that thu only thing
her and M<uii<-u. Itui 1 nn-t M.4iuu for mu to do was to tlirow uiysolf backlast week
1, be was psMlog through lo.ward. uud tbU I did at ones burying
Eau Frau. Uce
r.., 11-l.ija me t[,.l
rvporl.-d 111 U- <-ligag<
might h pl 1, Irom
consok-d aud will furgivt- Uir.
lusi i» j
. .
wber.-1 “•^'“8 mucb-iioisc.
mucb iioiw!. It cotitlnned to
why 1 am writing tu dU.li..- myr wb.-r,-1
aliouts. I am fairly |.r...|H-r..us and
skull ■ c'*"'
clnw Sr‘'*t
great r.'-"**
renU !•*
iii Ike
md sbull
cuouskiu coat
idiM.-ly. 1| ODtil
nntil I stabbed it tl
three Unit* in tho
have motbi-r ■kiik- out lieie iiumidinti-ly.
1 know sbe aill forgive mi-, and i5k- will Side, when it sloppt-dkicking audbegu
find th<- swe.-t.-«i mile .IstiRiit.-r iii law , to ga.-«p. 1 knew that tho point of thu
in Ibe t-ouulry. You will suit Monks far knife bad tonch.sl a vlUl spot, ao I lay
iN-lier than
h.„ ,h-
1 sbunld bate .kuie.
Yuu ^ ,un trlltliopaiither aOvlchod out deed.
, — -*
-------, auotlKTiiiov.-iue.it in theovorgn-i-ii troa
"Tliiv timii 1 spli-d a pair of i-yos on
uilurr. uui .iin-s lue
letter down witb « mUc cry and bid brr
face in her bauds.
Dare stood Wklng at brr sadly, carslog Allen ill bi> Cekrl.
“My darling, it 1 .tinld have spared you
this"- be Mid.
’'Lsurvnrv. I tried all along to be faith
ful to Alien, but '"Butwluit. Monies?”
Ebe bIikmI up aud looked into hit.eyes a
fleeting claucc, but it was cnou^ for
Dare.—Chicago ll.-cotd.
a limb aUint
looked atonnd hastily. It waa bat
a abort distance to the rocto at the cove,
and^tbe piscc
■ go down these. 1 cannot talk
to you
TbougtaU of ibelr last iaterrlew_______
place eame lo her mind. How miserable
abe bad been then and bow mlwrable
now. Allen was alire. and abe. srretebed
girl, was not giad. Ebe did love blm. It
was Lanrence that abe Iored. but abe
must be faithful to Allen. Lenrence
never gucsi wbnt n wicked girl abe waa.
Alien alive and abe Mt glad, and srhtt
waa Lanrence ioiag to tell berl
Dare seated ber in a abeltered pnoltion
nnd stood lookliA ai ber. n srofU of coA-
pitch ud
the snow, soon (umingnp its toes. Then
I pulled off the overcoat ud discovered
that the paiillier had ruined it Tho
olaws hadn't touclii-d my flesh, though,
for I woro three thlckunsses of deerskin
ud two of wool ttudor tho oTKcaat.
that trip of thr«o days I gopfivo pan
thers and four wolves.
Which is tbe «oi»'n-st iisveiuctil—gran
ite. cobble or as|>liull?
made in I'liilidel|.bia show tliut a burse’s
ikslly tbe same noist- on
lit. but the Sound is
the granite, ^^gmn, .- mii..e of wagoii wbecls
drowns Ibal oT tbu honM-sbot-s.
amounts tu atuut tu -|nt cent of tbe
whole uoise, and ns it is |>rat-tieally suppreteed on asphalt it foilosH ilial sspbslt
It tbe quietest.
It is also the best for
motor cars.-IxMidoD Globe.
crying. Ebe now looked up at Lanrence.
“Flniah tbe leitiT, iNiurencc.
Monica: our Allen b siiU lirlng.”
Dnre bad folded tbe letter and waa
potting It Into bla pocket.
‘"niere It little mure of Importance,
dear anut.''
Monica, dear child.
Head tbe letter for ber. Irfiurenre.
"My di-ar aunt, yon muat try to calm
yourself or you will be ill.
Monica was puaaled l>y Dafe's evident
A geeseaeble Jesl.
desire not lo rr-ad tbe letter
"I^lell you sb.-'a the very salt of tbe
went over to Mrs. Dare and embraced
’‘Itiil I think sbe ..v.-nl.N'S li n little
“Laurence U right: yon mutt try tn be with her iM>pp.Ty temper.’'—<-'lcvelsufi
niD. dear Mra. Dare."
rtois Deslir.
“Joy never kill*, child. 1 mutt cry for
bslt Fisr isMoKr.
pore happlneaa."
“1 aball go boioe now.’’ mM Monica.
A pbysielu, in tToAiiiiguinsueps*
baps there U a letter for Be.'
Hunt, found it mlmlrsblotouiakonsoof
:ell. child.. but eome early ion...............
'OtuuousiDiuctioitsof salt. Tbti paWe'llI cou
count the days now till we aee the tiut bn.1 obstinately rcfasril all tionrt,anrencc bad left the room and itood
al the eniraure door.
"I am going with you.” be aald
llonU-a cgnie out.
Dare regarded the girl atctltbily aa
they walked along. He marreled at tbe
uaimpaoaloned manner in wbicb sbe had
recelred the news of Allen’s being alire.
Kite was still very wbile. and there was a
strained look in ber face—not tbe expreaaion of joy be would bare expected
lo ace. Ebe walked rapidly, paying no
heed to Dare.
He put bin band gently on ber atm.
''Lki not walk to Ait. Monica. Ton
will tire yonracU out.”
Ebe did not reply, bat west mote
-Mo^ca," began Dare bealtatinfly. *T
-do not tbink that yon will find a lener
from Anen,”
Ebe stopped atiU and looked at him.
“What is it. Lanrence? Yon arc bid
ing Boroetbing.
Wbai la Ibe mysteTr!
Vby did you not wlah to read tbe lettVby
"Monica. I bellcre yon are a brave glrL
Call ui> aU ybnr pride now.”
Ebe gated at bim with wondering eyta.
16 fm-t ebovo thu luow
The Kels* of Percaseata.
“■ -i;'-'-. V>-
that wean n wolf
will obnuo a mu
uy otbi-r kind of
hint if ibey get a
ebuee. In thu winters early lu the for
ties I hnntod pauthers, wolrea ud bears,
Ttic irovernmvnt work l« iiudtY IIh* dim-tiuu of Jatiicp Knox Taylor. «uiN-rvlaliic
ally 111 a
I SiMoUti PMialaMttce.
li Olid I>ri1
A wolf or even a fsck
of them will always ton Uil ud mn
IHW. If (hr Paa AkIisii
H(> vBNt U lb^ nainlMT of valuiihip aad iBiarratlBc objM>iB for axhlliltloD lu lip* |i
•fKw hul« UalMliis »f Rival pn>|»n>m <-ouM poaaiblY •'oolala tbPiu. Inal<«d of •
Aui>-rl<-an Kx|-Mltit>n. wbIHi !■ tu In- ImM Id Baffalo frum Mar 1 lo Nor. 1. IINil. ili<- K<H|.-ral mnnp will counIpI of
thm' luaaalrr amptum
ml l>r ••oloDluidpa. Tbe Diain iHlUdlllR will In- IHii f>vt wiilt- aod UN> fn-t Iour. TUp
And Wat it BuSBcIblns «r Its gvsM
Aad chaimed ll uto ©>•<* sg^
1 did no* «sru Iu
k Vr nsaM.'
I only sold ‘Hloa bt.M Iky life.
Tby awc-t yoong gi»«. v still tV bus.
the S>o« Kol Keep roes With tV A«.
vsace «f Sledksl fcWavw.
Wo all know just wbatadorsblocreatnrea alt grauduiuthors arc, aud bow
tboycuBot do wiongh for tbe little
ones bolougiug to Uicir sons ud dugbtom Now. without wishing to appear
tmgraleful fur those atltmliiwis. there
aro aouio mothers who think tbumsulvm
quite capable of caring for iholr own
babicK, and (hocceiHunal and persisicut
ooutrory opinion of gramlma bocimue
After a lime voxailoue raibt-r Hiu liolpEven though grudma hasbronghtnp
a doten chiMmi, and this is her daugh
ter's very first ©xp<-rienco in that line,
it i« just ns w,'ll not to giro ovorliberal
doeas of ndvi.v, nor is it good pnlloy to
empty out Hii- nn illcino tho doctor i»o■oribes for baby's cough aud substiiuto
ip of »<ioills. U-camn' sirup of aqullls
I all that the youngsters uf uulhur
gtmeralioti wi-r« dowsi with.
The lattiT mediciuu may bp regarded
by grandma ns tho most porfcct cough
remedy in .-xisieiin-, but the prescribed
drops or pellrts may bo quit© as effectIve, ud it is but UQtnral that ’ the
young moHier and tbo phyt-irian is
charge riinuld M-1 ii bit aiinoyiti at Uie
agsuiiiptimi ..r snpi-rior kuawlctlgc. howit may b
varied 1
doxou might
provk quite Hi« rvverMi of bvueUolal for
tho m do aieclo youngster, and ov«i
though a tioby is a nov.-Hj- to iJio yonog
ger amoant U ao iaveoted at tbe pCaaut
aboat »S50 or ft. 760 for a family <4
Eatimatea mode by oorafta aatmtuniito. wbo come pratty near agtaa-.
ment omoog tbenmalvaa put tbe val»i
mtiem of Great Britain about nine yeoia
•go at •60.000,000.000 aid that <<
Frimouat»40.000.000,000. Tbit weald
afford a per oapiu ralaotloa of •1.888
for Great Britaluand^l.Ofil farFrsmoo,
Iking the valuation for a ^lly of
e •0,090 in Great Britain 86,406 la
Fruoc.. Tbe figoraa of Fraaoe are
placed higher by saueanthan, and tba
total in both oonntriee Inolndee earatal
eatimatea of tbe large boldlngsot tot'
eign M-curitlaii, tome of them oororlaff
pniperiy locatotl iu the United BUteo.
Tbe great holiUugi of foreign aeonrltles, eaiimatcd tnamdnat in Great Brit
ain to about •h.OOO.uOO.OOO, explain to
a large extent tbe adyerM bolauea of
foreign trade oonstantiy shown by tba
Britlih sUtlsUca. Great Britain woald
long ago have been denuded of ber gold
aud beouuie liukrupt if the exocot of im
ports over exiKirls shown by bar trade
■tatiiticH were a true imAsuta of bw
fluuclDl oudlHoii. The foot that about
•400,OUU,OOO is dnn bur unualiy in
liitertat chorgra upon British capital
placed abroa<I exploina bow the cu af
ford tc import scTcral hudn^ mlUloa
ind* ■terliug of f
in e
excomof the domesHo merchudiM
which she ex|>arts.
baluco of luqiorto of morchandiaa over
exports doring tbe lait two £
wbih' piling up lu the vaulu of tba Bank
of Fruoe and dlstriboUng throng bar
utary circulation a larger atom of
thu ,uy other <
try.-Unftod Stales luvator.
motlier nature will bo lii-r boat teaober
M lo iu wants and cares. Orudmi
must romomU-r Hint sh.-Jiad lo Iwlniiiated ill her suiNirior liaby training be
font nLo could ]>usn a*
would hho hftvo Ueii j
liml her authority wrpin................................
by a wiwr oomclody wbo scomod Lor
methods ud riili<-ul.-<l liur lack of wiidoui?
Whoii tho young mother asks for adTice, it is time .-ii-iugh logiv.i it to her.
She is certnlu to do so ud will approdate most kindly the valoablo hiuU the
mnr." exporiem-etl mother can givo hnr.
bnt ber M-Iiiigs will lie quite tho reif advi<-e is thrust upon her aud
thu care .if hir own pris-ioiu baby taken
d go over
of his trapa
When ho got to tho top of thu knoll on
big way back, ho board a hoar bellowlog down iu tbo hollow, as if 1| was
ohaltenging uothur bear to fight witb
him. In a minute Joel caught sight of
baring been made use of KomotimeprovioQsly. To tbo doctor's surprisiSHomc
of tho wum syiiiptums of iuHauity dU-
City Opera House
pew Vhs Monsy Osm.
of tliu iattor.
Thursday, May 31
very night, irui l?r r eye is caught by a
tea gown, n bargain tea gowu, and ibe
boys ii
Tint iiigiit somu man seated
I (liiitte-lsiruUKli with many
plumes sweao. She g.H<s unt to buy a
jacket, minliiig ono sorely, bnt hw ormtic fancy is caught by iaco triiumod
undi-rwenr, luid beforo she n>alizeN it
AdiI Iuk .lull; C'onipaDy io a repartoiyf of lilt- lateat comedy aaccEanet
Hit'll t-laos Sintfiiig and DanciDg.
^pecialtiea at
for each play.
rctnni with
while cop aud
saui'.r —Philmlelphia
"A Runaway Wife"
People talk about eigarettui buing
DDbealtAful, bnt Hie fart Hiat 1 am still
alive is proof to Uio contrary," uld a
middle ag.si man.
“1 begu smoking
-iew.............. 10. 20 and 30 centa
Ladies FreeThursdatlliehtoglt
Imfore C p. ro.
."Joel had a betUT fur coat at home,
ud ho didn't care much wbat tbo bear
did with the one ou tho log.
nut killing me long ago. I may also add,
in'strict coulidoiico. (Iiat tho reason I
th«Tj is a curioni''*
locA-lng tomb which hoi been en^ettd by ,
a well known nillcr of that pleoe. It it
tramped down tho knoll then to a.
all t*-"
the ......................
fun at abort
ud pretty
in tbo exact tfaepo of a millstone ud : »»
studs onfonrgruitosupporu dmigned i --------thu bear gave tbo coat a dreadful
let out a yell, fell over backward
especially for that pnrpcwe. Theowner. ,
who experts to be boriod in It sooner or ;
“» oprawUng ud rolling in
relies is that cigars
u sick."—New York
V Bs DM.
Loril Salisbury, wbile on a visit to hi*
nephew, Mr. A. J. Unlfour, M. P.. in
auiu.-Nil himself
If by
I lord
ing „
■truck too low witb his iron ud asked
:m6 paid 30 cent ticket, if roaerved
Bests on sale Tuesday.
W. B KalBoo ha* loaaed Jao. Sebofield's afaop, No. 44t to tit Enot FroDt
•irvet for a term of yaara wbora oa
will ooDdoet a flrat eloaa bUehamiUi.
wagon and repair baalaaaa. Fine boras
«hoelog a apeeloUy. Wa aolieit a-ttriol
from every one.
bis caddie:
"What have I bit?'’
Tho youngster, whows* wilbont ravereoou, gruffly made uswor;
RooHud."—I^ondon Globa.*
didn’t say a word. Tbe
year at tbe ooimty felr.-St. Louis Be- i
had his own way. and be wises
dead ax a flint when Juci got to him.
' Joel's hnnting knife was lu a pocket of
tbe ororeoat. ud tbe point of it bad
pleroed tbe heart of tho ugry uimal
when be hogged tbo coat to his breart
in a fit of rage."—Scrulou Letter In
New Ttek Son.
troB one of llourt’s operas.
Alenitder tbe Great knew Homer by
baart ud eonid repeat bolb
"UUd" ud tbe"OdyMoy" from R
b going
to ‘boy me a bicycl'
Uttic Mias FteekleaI (lofUlyl-I'Te
, bad one te a year.
_____ __ I,
. I
Qiglit tbi-y will praaeat
the fpnr act comt^y eotitied
SBMAieO rigsrvtVm Tlilrtr Tears.
If Hccompanicd Ly an eacort vitii
I the overcoat in lii* paws nnd b«gu to
every performaoca.
[ii.-b coetiioiog aud special ■cenery
look back to iL
I ought to add that I
have never iiiliale.1 Hio smoko of clgareti.a-, wliicti pt-rhapa aoconuts fug tbeir
V/I.a,' “
Ibi. 1. dob,. w. .n n»lor«l tb bb>lib. p,-*";-! •“ ««• >«“
«™ cbigrj
—Ksw YnrL-iNstm' before ho got witliiu ten rods of the log.
-New > ork Ledger^__________
Sp m tbo log, the bear sei^
"Go, Forget Me.
Wolfe, « poet wb»> in bis time woi
highly trteemed. but is
ed only by this ud one otlier song. The
ilody taken
ansio la u adepUliou of a acl<
the bear bad got socut of tho coat ud
was about to tacklo it
«i.To S* «1- "“V"”
later, is ao prond of bis moonment that
be exbibiu u exert model of it ©verr ^
to tho tinio when there were no Ameririgardt.-s, and I fc-l uld wh«u I
ud. nooording to ell imiicatioiis. there
douti clcmotlfk WhrtiHHxiaroprcMUit
in too great quautiiy or are lacking.
It is uiisafu to allow auy onlluaTy wo
Imtfflcnt of the iusue.
Wo are told
that tbe taamu body cousiecs of about a
A guod one la told on a
He keiu ws-lng
Nvlng the wonls
In the paiM-rs
11 .
without tbe
iluellt, and iDDoceotly
IK.Kcsl that Hie «H
of S.H1H1 .\frti-an
Hue liny n DutHimnu walkKl
s placv ami Ruddeiily asked:
"Win J..U diuks of tioin I’aulT’
"le'Diuii- KtN-'m i|uk'k.
prruujpt'irlly out of her hands.—LouUvillo I’osl.____________________-
tbe noisy bear, but caoldn't make oot
eppoarod. Fnitber trials convinced the
(ncul^ of the value of this diocuvery,
KriuiM- is oatimotad
to hold 84,(HKi.ooo.OOO of foreign aacori.
tie^ largely Italian ud Epuloh, and
•bo also boi been able to show a large
“Quo wliitur Joel Wright, who nsod
to hunt and trap all tho way from the
Xxiyalsock to the Meboopuy, rollod up
his coouskin ovorco-.t ud placed it ou
on shaald alsq be ".n-h
for tbe high value put upcm waste pahlie luds in tbe oebsna, with tbe not ta^
•nit that tbe per capita volaaticm of tte
United States would be radaead to
ud is ronstaiitly in
'hoy lmim-<liatoly rotuniod to the doer
pen aa bold as yon please, aud I shot the
whole flvn as fast as I could load and
itira popaiulQB.
wltbpnp^ located fa the United Btatos asd
did ort go iato tbe qaastfoD wbm It is
o^ad. U tbe eadiaato of Mr. Rotet
^IB IV Ugbt of IVI yuQiit eaiUs
Tb.. world cT'-w pun-. tV heart giaw
■wsktiio etna
* bad
• on a wolfskin
-------- cont. and
and tbo wolves
ty la Abe halted Butas by tbe ooM o<
18W WM•66,087, Wl. 187. orll.OWp
Giffeo la oorraot. that •6.000.00ILOM
iD fereiga capital was iav«^ k this
oouby in lEEO, probably u evu Iw-
man t» enter a Plun- with money. She
has such a craving for luxuriee, such
coutoiiipt for inen- iicivMsilies, Uiat she
almost invnnalily pureiiaaps (bo former
aa If lliry luid Ini'Ii scaiv.1 by a false
Wlhen Hivy saw Hint Hio
coat wa
( lu sight, they didn’t <
for mo than for a sapli
Tbe «isy was mst s* Ussk Sritbort.
My m-tobbon lust u cold wttkla,
Afwl tniUi was lost as fuU of dookt.
TV world was Jm-i M (oU of Aa.
"Tho uauio w'Intor 1 surprised a pack
of wolves Hint had onniored three deer
ill a p<>ii up in tb.i Mchuopan
logged it out of Hie im ii ilio mnnit-m they
got Bight uf lutL I pollid off tlio oast
ud pntltbcbiml atnr, and iho wolrm.
when they stopp.-.! to Io.ik hark, acted
Uhmuut, aud IboMli was given ns u
experiment in nutriiiun, this tri-otmont
riem TOoib.
- "books. Is which be mtMd Aon thoMto
■■eisfssds ^oRon Tnascriia.}
Lkaw She aotv city ways
Aal to this rsOJIag city Mr.
m tids lbs dnaricOt or lUys.
“ -..................... ibaolsi-fisSsBdJu
eont," said an aged banter of SnlUvnu
a fnr coat ou.
Mngg (dlgdainfoUy)—
rs OilH Ito Sica (1 nyrpuv
Faieral Oinctor.
An emioentiy ekined sad accompHibed artiat. A wottderhil and
Ihorooghly qualified pboU«rapberV-
grapbera ta posing, ligfaUsg, drapteg and amaffteff bla
nbjeela tit the proeUelag
ol hU^ly
bla truly wqaderfal,
woaderfal orL
art, p)tetefn^._
leiag ql
Soper hu aecored the Kioto balldlaf ofpoalw tba Hotel Oolala oa Froai
atraatandhoa remodeled UoadpanUa order for sMeUyaptodate gbelotnpby.
AU ora eordtolly tented to TteUbkatadkraad tete bM ahU^ m aa •» «a
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