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The Morning Record, January 04, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
FOURTH TKAB-3ra 114*
; CUT, UCH, raiDAT, 4AXVAMY 4, l®Oi.
■T M. CMM^ W.Mtai
Itev Teak. Jte.
fiterierMn.Bd«to OaaU«pM«te
Wfmim WatM wpoBrir
artoateatha kltea|flag e^Mimaaate Oatehy** «■ ta O-ate tete Mr.
aaflMfa. OaaM ham toea la eoaMaat
two UtOa boje ari^t
ATTACKS Ofl THE COURTS ttead ttet ttter
TraMuteFs Bond Iteft at B80.etoat 1
m. ThM Maa
OOO.Bomo u Bofora
, -OhvsM FroMOUtDirTMtOa A« tea gated tedkMa
Mnc BrIMr arid Thtof
I. frtltoaleCnntoaSiMd
roMB oimiSrtto imii'rt rke’
•rsar nwbtod Tntoaeftotoal.
atart rt SISS.
Aademw. lad.,
S-Cbn of tee
h«« la J-t*" «aa Bad to tea
oom «f lUa rt^ ud^. iaanh
Spaeea. a flU weefcac. dtod yntofday
at tea bone af IhMaa VaaUa to teU
rttr. Mre. Spaeea aifged for tee
teanal earrtoee aad dartdad tontee body to tee boato e< bn
to. HnUa teCaaad to adnlt tee
rtakn. mnesittog flirt a Urge
dowMt wbleb be hM bMB dUUceoi
Ir at week apt*, aad vhkli w
■to Me fmweU to «be MUib1|pB lacle.
iatete. Hie enacwal vae a flier
MtoporitfaMi aad OM to vUeb Che
obaMMiMlee ctf Ibe Itoferaar. te
TBe 1 iBiatie It
'adrtaeme, Wt
wptmlte la deiaU eafl tbe es.
Am Mt btoltau to tar jeto
aMaae la tbe atrle wWab tea
At tte eeMteriw «r tbewa^et
._ .^_tea]leari Anoaat azpedi
PiaSTM'e iaeatofettetoeaMt«o(Oovlliai I........... . ifte illllat la nap
eraor Bite waa iwd.
* ----------------*
Wtea tte two boaato net la yAat tarla*
aaaalMi tUa fotoaoM. «-<
Plapee appaatod tritb hU
aadiv hla ana aarf ptolaaad It vltb
axtatopetaneoaa leatoifca la wbicb he
aaid: ‘‘Straajie aa il nar aaem. I’ve
triedtodoDir daCf." He told the Comm Via Paris That Von
pardte beaid U a te«e white aemnWaldarsM Has Bmh K\Hod
pUateeanthian: ttel the menben o(
■ ■
> afnld to
Maaadttet tber dare aetaetbe- aaaae tha^ tear pahUc atotteeai.
. Plagree Seated (he terlalatoie u>
' awatto^al* neaer to par te* eapnafi
or the icnecaar. a^rtog It had mat
hte StO.000 dartag the peat foar ream
Be ted aner Meairad a teito ten
V ten Pekla that Field Maxthe people, eo he had to par hla ova
-'.war to goraiBor.
alUad teeaa, baa baaa
Tteraatogeglnaa hlatotr oMte Miuj by aaotear oOoar. tet tee deaqaal taiatlce qaeaOcn, eoreriag toiU of tee hlUlng are bM glrea. Tbe
twelre pagea Friantp elaottoe refctto aad popalar eleottoa oT Ualtod
Statea aeaaton arc teatod at leagtii.
U btgiw m Btm Yesr mtt^.
IttidPlHF/flcir. «
Otfl «H FdtfPfMf.
Mbs flptiBi
to tee body af bw baetoad. aad
■art toirtiatlag qaeetliei aroae to flitag the mlae ot tea pwiparty. white'
eneonnntotfea ef ted <
Conond Funotoo Ropo^ Num adttoe ca flaaana. wayiaad neaaeef
tee beard rt aaparrleore. that tee
•rout Amoricon Suooosam
}atoe of laototo be reqalied to gire
bead of fll0.aoo. tee pneee
Damandsof Powars Balng Put
B.ou aad tee treaearer-e head
into Form for Blsn^ros
- d Iron itoOto to gtoeciO did aet
____ with aageaUfled aptobral, md
ttanaaPteamto rutatoa •
tin, repert waa tefanwMnte to tea
Maaila. Jaa. »>-Oeaaeal Fat
reporta teatQaaatalteadlia. ante)
tedaa hldiac aaar Victoria. U tipteg
to raate Maaila Kia totte foUaviwia dl^wto'di aad the naa «e
laUrldtoUr aaiwdtoteg. Snail
0Hy Book Store,
T, Kditce stack
teftn liTcatotT~~
Uwlag. MM.. Jml t derwact
Placn* fnd hU teat iriat M tim >ols»
•Mriw «t t)M> «MBta «nd
Oftk* SMhmtff, «'« « •
Bbak BmAs. ThAf sii^ «
Jin kimh 0t Offkt SmfpHt$
If you get into one ol our young men's
(Age 14 to 2o)
■m-« Ob.BaAV-AmV
•Zero” Ulsters!
Repilv PriM ilM
Teatcaday they wpnted. to faver «t
leariag tee tnaaaier’e bead at IM.OOO
ae tocnerly. aad of flstog the bond of
tee probate todge at ga.000. aa^ teat
of tee proeeeotar at fll.OOO lae Moonled Widneeday. lUa report of
Grtniei Met__
Fakto.yan. S-TIn mlnUMra beld
•eattog MflHr, at whiob tiny be^
be ante to tnaepoetoi tin daoaade
to tee paware Into a formal agnoi
Piweeator Piatt U anm to fflrtog for Ohtoa to algn btoon any qaea
bead, benan be arterle teat tee
mate den not nqoln It oad that not yrt omapletad. It U hM likely
a aen no aooenlty for it. ThU ttot tinre wUt be ,any eeopU
U ehared by may of tee at- wltetin demaada oatU tin A
toraeya of tee dtj.
: new being drawn ap la ae«
mL Tbe teriaed Hat to AmarloaB
yadge Loraager feeU almlUiiy to
lonarito Hlled dnrtog tbe riatog
r^aid to fainUbtog a booA H
■ that 44 adoltt end 90 ohildien
teat it U hot feqnired b
, to not nenenety, aa not
toot their llTea.
cent of naaey paaaea thioogh bU
baada. and that it U not reqolied of
tee probate Judge to any other
Everything in the store at -cut rates.
»nda &
n as«d
1 by tee
aa ■
nty otflem wen aptaored To Submit Pnpors In thaCuban
OB follow!:
Postal Frauds to Senate
Oeo. W. Stowartl. gtO.OQO; nretlea;
Pniy Haanah. 1. T. Hannah. Samnel
DoTldO. Ohandler. Sheriff, $10,000:
aoretlea. J. T. Hannah, W. H. O.
Mltohell, yanea £. Mahan.
to Tto HcfaliMt BmcdO. O.M^att. raglator of deedajfl.
WaahtoifUh. yen. 8-Tbe
000; enntlea, Saanel OarUnd. 3. T.
loAiy to a eommonloatiiB totintonBobert B. Welter, eoonty clerk, ateiefaaedto aebmit the mnra to
h mt
bond to ooanty. $0,000 :eu«Hee. Jaa. tbeOnton poatol fianda eaae aa reO. yohnaOB. y. W. MiUiken. Bond qnealed by ttot body. Tbe refnaal la
atate, $t.000;inreHet, J. H. Loocka. baaed on e memge from Seoetary to
oftheetato. Oa thla Utter aohjeet
If yon wiab to be so, the Telewar Root, wbo dec
the Mlrlag gemaor daeUiea that Flaw n Cinri^ai ffraaw erJeffrin W. W. Brower.
phene u indiapenaible.
•Ue with pnbUc
Oeo. W. OaittAciroait eonrteo
tbe axpMidltorea of tee atoto hare aet
No one can be up to llie work,
looer. $8,000; eoreliee. B. L.
•mo hept pace with lu growth end
in this age, withpnt tbia twentieth
Watetogtoa. yaiL 8—The -aeoretor]
MU. H. D. OaapbeU. F. B. Brown.
.^aU tbe cry ahoat esmragaaoe to«UI tc Tto lt«mtB« s>«n.
of war baa aobmltted to oongrm ar
Otootonatl, yw. S-Hw rtttom'a aB-Ghnee, nonnar. $800; enn
ae laala la f
defleiency eatimate to $3.
. la dealiag with oonmlttoe. mtoly oonpoaad of tnto- tlM. Bdgn E. Chaee. H. B. Oamer.
K R.-Walker.eoraoer,$1000. aniety. 000.000 for dtmy anbatatenoe. oaeaed
a forming tbe otgnalaed oi^ealNot in two honn—Not tomoT'
ohlefly by the heavy detnanda made by
tern to the pmpond yeffriee-Bahlto ■meaB. Mmoe.
»w, but jnwiodimeljj.
to Clitoa aad the PblHpOn —ot the oomflght nndar tea aaiptoM of tee SaeagThe other /ellow often geta the
waya and meaiu ptoea.
a pa^ a tied aater, aM^teaa ecteet toll boato. today aimooaeto
Waahtogton. yan. S—A notice ot order yon might have had, becaoa
teaa«l.6a04>«« uaen. Be igdnldi teat Senator Fonkcr aa well aa tin repert of tbe lettiing
oonteat baa been filed on Rapreae
be^hM s Telephone in hU plao
'tea ateeimr ot Hartal ■niliai aa OrtStteB 0(«,-tto RepnbUnnIoto- Ooorge W. Clyde, waa aooeptad. Tbla
tive Gilbert to Kentneky by y.
fowacfal tateraaU are tea tea abU to, tore dmwnnned the igfat md rtwwaabaUaoe to tin treaenry to $8.lama. hU Ute opponent at the.
Aek the local manngeni.
to esart an andae effect apea Uglale- pronlaedtodo what ttoy ooold' .to
poUa. WllUama olalma the Bighth
tloo. aad argee. la cr^er to redace prerent it
W. A Brady, too telegram reeeired BaUioad Co. for permlaaion to bnlld dlatrict waa gerryimndered by tin
tee coat of teen, that tbe proeUlen
bridge nooM tbe river to tin rear Kentneky l^UUtoie.
o( tee oooatlretioo allowtag eoastry ton today. Anted tint yeCrln nid
of Jamea O. 7ohnaoD’a drag atone
oewapapan •l^ for pahUihlag the
paeaeated to tbe board, and
geoetalUwa esaeted at aapaa
to tin ocoimlttoo on roada and
bridgee. Agent O. E. • Mnmy aaya
weald inareBt bln aa a a
“Oae of tee meet aaetea. imi
,S to yj off
bw of tin anloa fron tokiiw part to that be aranta the matter aanled teU
lime for good. Tbia la
New gartnento elegantly
tin mme petition that waa before
tor adnrtlaiBg teal ealan to be aold
made, beat 6tting qoalities,
ndal to TW HortM
the bontd at their prerloaa aeaaton.
for tbe noo-pvswot of lam." In
lateel atyleo.
Sterttag. III. yen. S-Miai Mamie
foor yean, he flgam. thU baa coat
The BoGton Store.
Kelley and Mlm Florenoo Frey heraetee ante $800,878.61 wltfanot being of
two mloonkeepara. John
tee aUgfatoat aid to deli^aent laxMeyer and Tom SbaaattUat ni^t.
WeUltooirn Kentoefcr Maa am Aiiiiil
flxtarea to tinlr
A rery totnmttog pan of tin laee- BpMtal v> Thr Haakaa Bnoed.
ta. AU tin pUtt
mtf la tint to whleh Ptogree neona FianeUeo, yan. »-A arrere
e emateed. The
jlaaa mlifora
npnda awl almort demaada tint tin wind aad rain atom of wide extent
on for tinlr aet
l« The Haralaa kenrd.
gtrto gave aa a
otetontdlol toreoMredtoOtandB^raaptog over tin north Paelfle
rpera aold tfaeir
lda or Detroit. If IbU wen dotn.
t. rv——u bndly to- ooanty grand Joty today rotamad a
ablrrnenoooldbetodaood to'eoeept
iptad. A report baa nartnd ben one bill a^Ltoat W. W. Farriab. yrtin
election to tbe legiaUtiire bad. aa a tram Ban. teat a trnl> on tin Heramalt, better Uwa weald be a^antod da, fhOiJbato * Oragoa By. toa baeo H. Dewitt, W. R Cox and Sylvaater IKIO FIGHT .RUBBER TRUST
Bilber city weold be aaore aeeeaalble blown fioto tee toceka Sever ' Breedin. Dewitt and Cox are promi
nent men. Breeden, a mloon loafar
than Innaing and the llrtog aoeom- iwtoeagete an xaported tojnred.
wboee life waa toanred for $lt,aBBototleni infinitely bettor. U thU
Xew J«vma naLtol to Chtraao
Dewltt, fUrrite aad Cox are Aetoggeation thonid be foUowto. i*oIfBAICAK PntAKCtAl. «-RlS»
cUrwl to tore attemptod to dabaad
• TialonahoaU be made far tbe eonBtinetlaa thereto of on aadltortnn
Chki«o, Jan. J—The Weetom Rnb^;
by ge«tli« tiMOB to toann tin Ufa
Urge enough to aocommodaie 10,000 to
to Sylvoater Brvadon, whom tenth bar Bool * Shoe Omninny to Chicago
16.000 penum* and ita nae devoted to
tiny aoogbl to aaesre aitbar fey aa WMtoeanvatod at Timiton. K. J..
national and ataie eonventiena by SawWInittoWicalafSmea Anatia, Tk., yfen. $—A diqatah oawdooe ofaleobolio atlmalasta or toi^ with an aatinctood oapitol ■XK^
In diacaaatog Ibe giaod Jury tovea- from Montony. Max., aaya: The byaalrtda. -'.Tbc todtotmant ebargea to$1,000,000, wltb tee pri.vilage to;
tl^kion he decUiv* that tbe rwil aUfto ta tartfctog and boatooik eiicUa Dewitt. PUTiah. Cox and Biaaden atotog it to $6,000,000 within tin life |
erimtoaU have tbai far moapad pan- ovmtiniraintt toa flnaartal orirta ti«otinrwite having antarad totoa to tin rtnrtor. Tbe object to tin oorUbment and latimateo that had Gen to Mexieo catonot be di^nlaad. Tin eonvtraey to Aebnad tin Union Oen- ___ Jton U to oompeto with tin Unit-1
Campnny cot to od Statrt Bobber Company known aa
etal 101110 been wlUtog tofflva to^i
mony agatoat Manh and aay nothing thm to Maxiean doUatn to CBitoa. tin $8,000; tee Woodmen totinWorUto
to tbe Hendetaon-Amea dlreetora be PhlUndDM aad ten tor wnt oontlrmm, $8,000road tea BqaitabU Idfe Inwr- are bite of tin ateeme.
woold have tana Ut off oaaier by Ibe and to additinn to tin U^ prlonto •noeSoelaCr to $6,000. poUrtaa for
•ontt Ptogrto dtoanda hi
Moxlcna money it Ueanrtag a ganerml tinoe anmt bnvtog boon Bwnred to tee
and aoetottoa.
moordby aamlllng tin metboda to Uqsldadon to dabli tinongboot tin
ooaita and ptoaaoaura Inpt
lyandto avwy laatonao ailvor myable to Dawtt.
offer one
•nist% wbst tbe bslnaea o<
Phyrtelan nn« gurgaen.
tton. HebaUaroa tboi tea UgWa* Fkdtar Suita, Orsreonto
t wo ahonU aMot a mlaUanl ooA
gad Ulstan are
flntag tin Umlto to JadirtaltalartarM* with tin ocmatitotfOMl iltteto ‘
Boaton, Jan- 8-W. Mwmy Omne
^iirtM'Mt to tin Iteta- I
aa tmmgstatod gavaraw toteiy to Mm toAiy^a
thto tea atataUon I
to tin Craw fte
By sllBSsns see thta liaa
teeiwaaanwofa Utge teio^ The
onto jalaan at Marqaatta amdlrta
Op Cfl Cbe
St Deal «
During this .month y<iu pick out any |
• $ 10.00 Ovetcoat h> our store
and hand us
We’ll be satisfied as we have too
many, of them.
Keluble Dry Goods, Carpet sad Clothing Hoose.
michlgn Ctltphtnt Cv.
n nice, €iMii»
$mDofb thPfH
You css always gat whaa
yon use an Electric Baaor. 1
Uave the finest stock ol hi^
grsde, fine tampered Electric
Rarx>rs that are gnsrsatoed to
be the best and most nttafso.
lory made.
Pricea from Si to «8.
W. J. l-lobb»
« ..Ifslitw
r vwslMtotoan a^tam tor InaaM
tea review to tin toUwea to tea Unit•dBMlM lS8t#ns. mga tea total
(OwttanfljM lota Mil
18K$n ted sasata of StettRSIb.
I OBfl Lot of rm Suits
I «aMr”^aUter«m'te I
CatphBlI Bns.
T'LECrrBIC and Osa Shades sad Otobn
h sod Gas Fizlores, Bella and Call Balk,
A- BtUories, Portable Stoves, Heatuglkdta
Tea PotA Flat Irons, Coriing
Corling Iro_Inoa. tooaa.
descent Lamps, Jc.p.to300Apr-aUal
lo, boi^
factory or store. We can wire snythtog
from a call bell to a whole city.
146 Front Street
Vour Feet
To A pair of our $2.00 shoes — They’ll
Seek a Divorce
We have an exceptionally fine line of
shoes at this price, both for ladies’«ad
gentlemen. We’d be pleased to diow ^
them to you, and are sure the purchaae.
of one pair would convince yoa tliht
they are truly “money saven" lor^y^
Frcnt Street
McNuuta Slade
YHK notsntfG ttooBb, TkAraamK tart',
X W. MAWW«W. l^Wor ^
of TolcX> iMt JW. ■»! ODO of tke
pat In
Inter-State La^wi.
by that team at the
With th* aefavtip to of dm twea
ttotoaeattiT Xn.
Oyathto Fmtto*
rt nttoa, nL. who waa hen Hay A
................. .
Aealhr dropped into tha BriihUHl
u Bid foond Hr. and Hrs. toiyhtoid*
and their wU* liitle Hrrim. H^ aU
a«abled to the kitchen. Hr. toiyhtkide vrsi tony boriiB brt** with aa an■fFtotbesdof ayned atoedpwktoy
box. while Hrs-toicfatiide and the toy.
■eaud side by ride en «he Boar; r^vded him with intame tbonyh poaa-bR
faypocrfikal Stratton. Near by stood
anesfaer packlac box with foar boh* to
ei«h end. throng wbirt loop, of arcoy
rupehad been so fMwBH as to mart
171T. eawlhadawaoCto* thM ondoM of Ifae awML Bet ot)» «w
toiyta her life Haa.
taFifteea todma of now earec* tha
oeired oreKsTM beta Ea»M Gity'a
groBndto Taaenrer. B. O.
«ar. OMCfe TobeaB, to pttti for
P. Oalltoa, who azrirad at Wetagu.
list eity at a lsiii1»aaa
xUiase ealaiy.
Mlaty- Botbatoad. Dec. >1. with «t.H» to tde
I do ao. if Ta
pookat. ooaldn’i pat a «ab.
(tartI w«a» bia nlaaaa tftm ToMo.
ad to walk to hi* father'* hoBCL
Thi* Tebaaa ba* done, aad the
by a etocB. and died
“ThU Uabrni the yreotst erUU of
baet win, Kant City «aa algned
of npoeaie alawet to d^l of the my lifr " otoerved Hr. Briybtaide.
leoer ia whlrti he wa* bon.
' Gow dP^ ttippare 1 fnt that rope to
The pebUc Utoaiy of Seattle.Wadi., witbooi epeniay tb*bcB? Joel flyman
wae banted to lb* gtaaad Toeedny
nipfaL Ihe totol etnrt offl
rure WIU*u aad B*a*r Ha*
a yrant epic poem.
berinp 15.0)0 rolaae* and
It or Tilted for tha
B».000are a totol Iob. The tanlldias wa* ballc tn yean a«D by Heaiy
Taeler. Seattle'*
aad eoet him nearly 160,000.
chaise of atitaliait badWBMAaBOFOovBBVon
dlBB oad other oiticlaa frtmia boaae
beleairlBit to Looii C^ll aad Alisa
ns taaac«fal aoMlte of Oorenor Ones oe the ahore of Ureec Uke.
BH«la*Bit>eft«ry eUaatail aad ri(- The eridcaiee for the People if ail ts.
and tlw.cBae liaa
the 16th. to sire the def^ie oppor
taalty to eeeara vl
at tbelb
t that
tbel^ i*
atv ftafTM. bat iu <
iimtbrr a
ty. Hr. BriyhUid*. havliiy ttnisbed berBUbop Hartolel of the
i^, prodocwl a bent wire aad a pteea
ebnreb la Africa, has airaafled with «< Btriny. one end of whteh wae fatten
Rev. ueo. R. Belboldt. of ladiana. ed to a few feet of rope. With the vfrre
be proceeded to tiam th* atrtoy into
to yo to Zainbeil. Africa, to eoa
cam bole aod vriygle it cat anotlier. By
. oolleye for EaylUb people at New
the etfiait the rope wa* then
Ontolia. In that eoantry. The Britlo potttitB,
iahyoremmeal ha* dontod tlAQDO
anocheriair cd
and lAOOO acre* of lanA
The health of Qoeea WilheUnias of
“Bat what are vun dotoy it frrr’
“He-e maUny miakr," espial
Hr*. UriylMidd*. “If* hU latM
“The fttly tranblewithnir. “told Hr.
Brtobtside. with apparvat tirrelmsce,
“Ulbii I'm Utr.''
“Bat arbat on top of tha prairie art
yoo mikiDy tranks ontof paekiny T
f«r? Cai bnoo. yon know."
I'm aendtoy them
lo a friend in WUconttn, yon see. Tve
yot Kime other friends ftorttoy obi tber*
touiyfal. and i^ three thiny* have han
dle* oa they ran take them as bayysye.
OlberwUt tbe railway oompany won't
let (hem. Can yonr female mtod aadmiUte Hut fact: Takinyit byandUrye,"
be added mudrelly. “if* a besatifal
piece cif work.''
Tlie caller joioKl the intenc aadience
(B - the flow and coMempUled Hr.
Hollaad hat been impairml and the
anffers oonsttatly from
------------- ia
ttw afl^ of the
Safe are rfriewed are
of ooin-
The qneen U qaite weak and doa
OomM BUh ha* not l-ytara The father of one of Ihea
leave her bed sore than a eonple of
jattiieard of^be
taiyited in a Ioob jnd eahaaftlTe fij
jldeataUy. ae^le eon did .net hours each darTla*. bat brisfa to the atuatioa of
The Aorora, IlL.
have left
the I^Watwe the MWMdty of mopt notify hia. The adjeonunem wa*
for Vienna. Aattiia. They ezpe<
taBidattra aotks bjnb aereral
vicil *evetal Eoropean eltiea before
prodwe teeUBony la faror of the
raaehlny' the Aaetrian nidtol
Uoa of other thhv wbioh ehoaM
It appear* froB the tceilBx...,------- will participate In several-oompetitiTe
oalra atteaRM hy the terlelataia.
lla Tbelrdepartiirewa*r't>««*d
the yoaait men etoppod at the borne
WhUe the dae—iat !■ ehort, It
Indian by the name of Jdin by a |ar«e nomher of friea^of the
Uta* sach that trill Bire an opporta•Ity ter pieaty of *o^ wort by the Oe*irk. ihortiy after the article* dU
A dUpatch from Vladivcatort reajapeared from the hoa*e of Ooniell
l«iatetare if the reecamandaUtai
poru that famine threntea* the Arfiae* the eoBetdaxatleB they deaerte. and Greea. and left there two Boka
and maritime' irovinee.
b-lOBdUw BpoD the i|«aetloa of Two (tor* later tber reiaraed aad
crop* there are bad. and the railways,
----------- ardi left what appear* to be
aoMv is the oendoMof ewieai
thetoremor edTiaea t^
tar aacke at the home ol
hadsea Ban. farmer and hoD«el
iraeed tl>r property le tint inini. aod
Be deplocse
that auwMaaj whteh appe^ to erery
portotioa of food to the laaUiil
Colonel Arthur Lryncb. who
left ia
the hoaae.,
brief, if to the point, aod
The case will come op emit) oa the
nmBeett a
BtIcB on the part 0' (h" forw to five th
Of J. DeWin Hiller, who
> that will 01
body who deatrea icond Boveniinent.
The Be^ce In fall if |<rini<^ o
oaother taife of thU lifne.
will be
I the lUty Opera Hooae ^st Hooday.
eTenlnit in the thini uadArr of the
Hiyh Sehteol Lectnre & Hosic Cooree.
the Baffalt) Commercial of
a reeeat
date (ays;
atart While Vae Warh.
People'* lace>* actoally ached toom
enhip in
ThroBih the Free Bcholanhi
at or ArahltaetDial DxbwIhr
excepIlnF wli<« the ]ieople
In The IntanmUooal C--------- -------------melted with the *)>eakrr'*
BehooU. of SefaniOD P».. which the
It i( the hriyht of art* to cone
Raeord will i«aent yon. If yon acHow BBtarally they *eemed
pare Uie moat rote* by Kebraary 16,
flow tram hi* U]a-«tieodoie*. incisive
ItOI, yoaeanrana Urliiir at year
peaetntioa into men’* motive* and
laiiiLut work, and at the eno lime
hr etady at boste tn iparc tnomenta.
tt yooraeU for a peofeuloital
UoB at a rood Mlaty.
Tills prince of platform entertainer*
the bonle. and
ehaaee thaaTOB. Oai erery-.Votin*
Oonpon yon <«a. and here nil yonr
Meoda Bte their* for ybo.
liaat nijttal
xvxxni ijf wim'
A Tory pretty party w»» iiireh la«l
L. F. Prrfcett ihitrcd
I ear* of potatoes to New
Thi* shipmeat U more than twice
^aaeot. aad daaelait wa* iadolred in
Ralpli Connable. Jr., formerly maotill a lata hoar. NaBenm* rae*i*
nyer of the City Bookstore here, ha*
were iweartit from oolafOc the eiir.
detitable promotion in the
the BBBic wa* fnmithed by Sii
naploymeol of Seibert. G00.I A Oa
* Blaffaan_________
oM’hlenya He he* been for *o»e
A dallchtfnl bintadar p*r1y
time the manAyer of their branch
boaor of HU*
house at BloamlnytoB. bat ha* been
all tbe
AbwnsnBbarof bertrleDd* tesadi bonee* of the Arm.
the ersaias wae move 10 Chieayo tbU week
He will
- BBo praMOt. and
paved r«y pleaa*^.
hU new dnties.
Areiy pleBBBt *nri»Ur party
Btrea laat eeeoii« at the home of Hr.
B^Hia. E E. WUte of Hadiaoa _____________________________ Conyh BemtMaat,la hoaor of the birthday aani
edy for cwld* and la^ppe dnriny the
rarmry of Hm White, by the ChrU- |B*t few year*. 10 onr fcnowledye, not
sTlnyle da*e h** nwnltod in p
tlaa Badearor eooiety of the Friend*
Tho*. Whilfleld & Co. toO
ehareh. A lante aomber of yotmjt Wabash avenne Chieayo. one of (be
people were preeeot, and the rreiiilMC most iromioeni retoil drayyiiU In
BM deUphtfaUr •pcBi in the enjoy • hat fiVr in «portiny of ^thts
MtafRaBeeandothareoeUl |deM
r yi»j» rrapt aodP
plete reeove^.'bnl mieo ‘cdonieract*
any rendracy -rf
Bad U a lUiBer *ijnnl •
toad, oo n fellow'* noar
VOBBO'e face. Hea aad
______je baUdlnp-HtB Hatioo Robm*
VlU taka the pUoe of HUi Edna Bar.
' nmia the aUth «nde. aad Hie* An•atteBamm will fill
the ptaer of
Via Bdidi BarL who wa* oaBpeUod
by Itotrt to raalpn.
* start with li^t
e la themaelree of
. and are eaeilr
3?**^*^ rrtirt (WhetHia'
---^’^TeUeTtof-------------- ---------
I Black Vonetun Broad.
I eloUto.&lieT Mdacedlotl.OO
Black finred Skirtioif.
BoUd fiaUb. *ailk and
wool, 44 in . reduced to. 1.00
Empire (^enota,*poDg.
I ed and shrank, ready lo
^ make op. 51 in, redaced
....... .................... 1.00
Extra fine Venetian
I doth. 46 in., redooed to IXN)
, Ziook over our fine line
of Pebble Cbeviota. ZibI eUseae^OidiindOnye.
I ^ggg
BeU'Phone No. «7.
Child's Cepe (
Out of Order?*
He tax daifle Inerted li whucicx
OOoa to Hamilton A Hillikmi Block.
JAS. O. JOHNSON, Drayyirt
aiiapiiiK .mt her rnU. duyr.
mau- porpeme,
tlins cTwtiay a frind of flioo.nno for wolvm. alMcp. yuao and rlc|>lianta vr:ih
su eaa. and an aui.miil of truth to na
the erection of a national meuamenl
ture that would Iw clever if it wore not
totnark the place of Generat Harri
lion of flM,000 for the
•OB'* rietory.
John HartBUD. juetice of the jnace tltosp aix luiimals, au.l Iht vnqib<v. had
MillriUe. N. J-. yot tore a wortly j learued, iu likeiuannvr. fcou lii-rgraudar with eome risiton to hia office 1 m.aJirt. Haydalena hm n.iw lauBl.t Che '
Fire Insurance
DR. W. J. rnGONS,
If yoa Itora a dwpUtoy. atort.ttoee;
RMC«i ffiUlkfl. OBWB aai
Mere oU
mtt. An
^to tha tortinniio for yon,jmd wtll
yon pratpl and oarefnl atrenOnly tha moat nllahle atock tasur-
W«rk rMTkXCCB AfllllRCtMT. '
Lot Child's
Winter Suits
For aye* a. 4. .6. 6. T and 6
rear*—prioea from kl.60 lo fl»—
jiricca cut in two. Some of
them have' extra vest*—ONE
ILU.F OFF. Haniillou -Clotbtny C.
I Shots « HtpaM]
and Delivered
Call Bell Phone 384
i A.3. F*f«VMAN
r flREI«SUR«l(CE.
n e.u M..X
I The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
yraaddauyliier. and fo it
After the fuaa waa all orw ;
'<» K«»'
b- Jd.-a U,. —Tor to •
Io.h,.on.^ Ob to pbto- ol,,^.
“ I canyfat m;
why i (
small fine wu immaedUapt-
{ at the t
''*'’** •'T*-
*"** '''her i
Hoppey. U. S.
AbnhM» Itoooln. H» wa. on. M
the offlem detailed re ynard fhe fnn-
p*iDtiny yraySreare with bUck
puji.t* h, an<ielrer bo^ ibev (lainted
• iwl
"tMwree with
th wiZ.
a liepame Inorh of
to paint
it Ibl trade
tailclleeand hradyear. A ynud limidwill
[aiul 19 ri.ixrn horse* a day, each kK«*r
bein* abcNil a fott iu leuylb. aod f<«
T1>* »rm T
liar. « pr—az«r, «--uniiTwl
I. yettnrioy in the dlreobatcher fcaUe at ti^wifi Cntopany's tfon Of toedreramd.
“Bicyrle. " theyiejoineil. not wiihont
paekiiw plaai to East 8l Loni* aad
intBBtly killed.
The blade cevoaBng tto pain the aoByettlfei «f th*
Roy Griffin, aged IT yaara. faU oa
pieraed hU
throat and aeverad hi*
Orifin wa* employed
in the triaatog departaeat, and lad
•d aoroM
the room
in hU hand.
with toe
The floor wa*
eUppery tram it* ooalug of yreaer,
aad he feU with toartnl face.
fellow wertaan were ettRM
agonlxtog eiy of dtoneB:
I'm killed.'-
by an
aa the hM to -to* world, extoads roond toe earth. U’e the oae
“Hy God,
AmgecB wa* naltod
tod hi* aarTtoaa wto* o( BO avalL
EValt's droB torn.
Boat anototog.
*r*< ’
Wc Take NoLhanecs
About winning your patronage. We're sure of it with
our enormous stock, and the great backing statement
-"You get your money gack if goods don’t suit.”
^ -1 The Sleighing
enl earriaye that bore the body of
Abraham Lincoln from VnehinyMn to!
10 , Va*liii«<iu'i>mldioy
waNui _
tbe’oM office .if
Cyrus Pirl'Idlreral
led tto daf the Ihium>u»s
, tFood
Goldeo wediny* arc takiny place all pokl*'’- “f
wa* extremely
over tbe ooun^. The old oonMe* of U. He had iuTtfed 900 nr S.K.f
' friend*
evidently took Bocky Honntoin Tea' to a banquet .m tbe roof and eb
etond *:
I ..
yonr ' the open hatchway lo weloiin.' all who J
catuA It wa* Uie wbeu
up wal
walkc.1 1
eu nil
J bail ueve
A only
widow ol HaJ.
Baymanjoui iwrived an mviieiiuo to the
■e I«
lanHoUtein, and a famoti* Mmy nnrae. {quel. IUni knew milhtui olemi rnch an
i* dead at
tier home near NovrU- *lfait. He vrai merely lenkiny anmad
e bnildiny.
town. P*. From 1869 until the eloae
“Yon are jtksi tbe mao we all an
of the war Hr*. HoUteln wa* enyayed
■■ •.!*
waiting fur.''
«tld Hr. Firld, holding
in the iMwptBl aeTTlre. and after tbe
ool hti hand with « nwrry boytk
battle of Uettyttary wa* matron"Come nyfal'along. Tb*fr*>t i*rndy.''
in-chief of a hoepitol where 'tAOO
Before the man euald art few on ex-'
•erionalr wnnsded were looked after. planatiim the bml had homed his
HalDlr tbronyfa her toSneneee Waeh- alcugtn one nf the
beadgaarter. at
Talley teal* at tbe board and erdreed the bett
Forye were poreAieed. ■ restored and in tbe boom for 1dm. Be had a kumir
of making every m feel perfectly at
madtarcetoible to the peopU.
base. Hi* end wei very pitifaL—New
York Prem.
There * no beantr in nil the land.
togntor Todn.
in diffMMt loealltUa for ttOe oa eai?'
teem*. Alan money re loan on real
aetote mnarity.
tbe bill
diorderly eoadaet..
That can with bee laea eompare.
Her lip* are red, her eve* pre bright,
-w take* Rooky Hoantato Taa at
Ask yonr dragyUt.
ISO irpwoMT mrmm
Tbe AH U
le Aaeswr la St. Clttcb.
retired, died enddeoly of appoplexT}
lante a* any other thU *ea*on.
* of the yoBsr men of the city, in
TnettUy nlybt at hU home at Fraav.
aininit over 12.000 ImiheU moilly
or of die cotlette boya wIk> are to rePa.. He inks one of the officer* who
rnral Kew Yorker* and i* aadoolited'
rtta aoan to the Oelrenity of Uichiwere detailed tn yuard tbe penltenr one of the eboieesi coasiimmefl
tiarr when Hi*. Surratt and the
^ aad other edncational Uulltn.
f (lotatoe* that ever left this city.
were hanyod for
• ttoae, after haTinc •peal their raeet tIOBS here. Aboot » oonple*/ were
plotting the a
ghNO laat araalBit in
» Glerelaad
J. V. m m fin
ahonldn'l I iny a flae jut like aov ; ner Thai U rf-liyi»ns iu iiaiuuuicaa
other citUea? I'm an hooeet man 1 well aa arannos. Iu otli.-r h^>uhc« there
even if I am jnntee of tl»e pcoce." A i »•« f*n.ili« lhat.aivrd..rkii.6 luxae-
Ria hhipmem ori>oi
•nalBs In the Apademy by a BitmWr
Btoflaokfar ]
Digests what yo* eat.
Hire AmeUa B Edward*, in her ■' Unucaldep Peak*." mtatkeu asanyaninlerettluy visit to ihc home* of the workiny i«-i|)le of Sc Ulrich, wheyr
in WMhlnytoii
tor* are mad*-.
will ia DO wiae penvent n*faaarty welIw'TSb-hottee. rani tbe eoconnt.'vra
come from the AnieritU people.
an 0I4. old woman at w.rk, MayConyteoBBan Crampacker of In- daleua Paldauf hv luuuc. She carved
pone. IniL.WiUtottodaee a MU in | nl>. cI.ik*. wolee*. aheep. y<«t. and ele1 Offlw,. phiDIa hbe baa madeibire-Kix auiiaal*
eonyn-et for an ap|wopBia1
iire whole life ksiy. ami abe luu uo idra
000 for the erection of a a
ul hinv locnl aaythitif; olre. hbe makre
mark the aceoe of the famon* battle
Ibciu iu two Mere, aud slic ttmia .ml aa
and TlcioiT at ■Opperanoe. near the nnirl.v aa imreiMe a ihiHi-uiiid cf ibetii a
baltb< yroemd ia that elate. Bimnl- year.
. baffrtBlafc to oolleot vote* how. aod
. keeplBB a( It. Ko <We haf a lianer
Dyspepsia Cure
and used lanyuay* of the •nlphnrou*! «r‘ “• '**'t
Tm can caaily win ihli eootect- by
Only a low Mt
with General LonU Botha in Sontb
emptied in conii and Hr. Africa, has sailed frnn Mew York for
Abmob other ihinR* reeomme
The Hayne, where be will meet F»nl
IteeMa aattahle le«iflatl<m hradiiiK Cornell identlBed the oonleaU as the
Kj -yer and invite him to viait the
to the eBoocngiMai of,the rood pood* Hippoeedly stolen from
United Stotea He will amare the
onse: It wa* also teMifled that the
I. which I
oy* had aold bides that Oanell iden- eyed boer leader that the attitude of
enahlai flae to wli
than for
oomior worse.
tl>e rooteatx of the mekt to MBti
him Urn it wa* the irupeil? i
; tarUlatloB.
•-UMtoy. AgresaMs
Th* litnatloa U deplorsble aad be-
aeeeion» of
the l^Matora a* an anaeoeatir;
' peaee. aad ooedaelre to loo i
VrdlMdF, As 'mott
wtm broodit
Arc made enjoyable if you have a
good warm robe in your cutter. That
one you've been- using may be wearing
out Time for a new, and no beUerttme
’ to buy than just now. Those Mohair
Plush Robes are the nicest for change
able wither -They shed the rain and
snow li^ a waterproof. The colors are
black, brown and varigat^.and sell from
$3.75 up. A hne -line of Horse Hide
Robes—big. soft, silky, warm—and sell at
Si2 and S14; Galloway at $is-
Mince Pies
Own a
The Cleveland Vapor Gas Lamp is
the best aod so the cheapest (amp on the
market. The brass one-bumer hanging
lamp sells at $^.50. the two burner at
$6.50; the Standard Table Lamp (student
style) one burner, full nicklc. sells at S5.75
—the full nickle two burner chandelier
sells for $9.00. Wc'\-e a big stock of ex
tra mantels and chimneys. This is f^t
becoming the most popular light that is
No home complete without one—
And this season are “twin broth Just the .finishing in furnishing a house.
ers.” If you makC'S^r own minm meat Our great stock of new patterns is the
you will want good apples, dried inches, finest ever shown. One-hundred piece
apricots, citron, lemon peeT, orange pee), dinner sets start at $6.75—best set for tbe
seeded raisins, currants aod New Orleans money you'll find after an all day's look
Molasses. Only one kind we sell, aod ing. The $9 sets are ready sellers. Blue
that’s the best. If you’re bu*y and have Decoration at $13.50. sdb itself after^one
no time to make it. th«i buy “Nolle Sudi look—have then at $15, $19 and $35.
Mince Meat. ’the finest on the maricec Many of th^ are “open pattems,^us
Sells at IOC the package. My, but it's enabling you toreplace^^y artiefethat
good, and we sell lots of it. Order a may become Jirokerilvmd so ke^ your
•et always compleca.
package with your next groceries.'^
JKfi'iyWrTS- jf^ir
B «mr. IDCH, MU»AT, JAKVAKT 4.1M».
IWek iMiMMd fccttte ar I
to K
• Md « ptoto Wft ktoM «r
to kM Itoe • «m ttol. TatotM
Ik* to* Mi Mtr toto it •• «MA ctuad
----- — at ix—nifa. Hold luo ' ~
«r CMto Md toud M » btotoMI ptate
ptooto Bitttto.-rto OM cBpral of
totiliMii, «U c«i>rDto «( Imn
Md M» enpfal of wuer la a deep kettkaadbeBoatll. »bea dropped la «U
water. II as be rolled la a hard ball
tietweeo Ibc Uiamb aad Oacen. Add
time ptnu of cbeiled aad brokea peaaaa. boil Are mlaiitn DKm. tbes add
of batter;
lake from Ibe lire sad sUr UU the boi
ler If iDHIrd. Add
t«kiv soda sad etlr qldadf. Aa tk*
aadjr beclae la rise poor at
freit praaed t«Ba ^madlBf a* tUa a*
Cbocolate Caraatela-Boll alewl/ tefHber one pooad of btowa ngar. halt
a eapfol of molaaeee. a qoaner of
pacod of anted eboeolala, half a copil of ereani sad o
uotll U U Uke retT tMek omUeaea Take fnoi the ire. add OM
Mapoontnl or rsoUa aod poor lato
Ui aqnarcaarbea partlr
Bucar Caniuela—Bon tocether «m
plot of praoiilated near and om aad
a half ropfoU of rlcb ereata. Hare a
Mead;. nilHT, alow Cre aad adr oenthtaallr ontll a epoonfiin dropped
late Ire waier eao he
ttauiob aad Daeerf to a bCd balL Take
from ilMf Bre at ooee.
epooefnl of* ranilla or aa; klad et
narortap aad poor lalo wM.battered
llBi. Wbea pani; eeoM. ma<« off to
three eopfale cf r iBwm e«Mr. «
of water aad
qaarter of a itatpeoofDl of tartaric
aetd uotll da trrioc la cold water It
will alatoM enrk. bat If held a m>BMI eae be tolled late a bard ball
Do act eUr. Iwi poor late a bsttarod
diata to COOL Ai Boon as It can be
taaodM add a teaspoeoro) of erttaet
>r peppenalm aad paU aoUl H la whlta,
ibea eat In nicks
' Oes» CaDd;.-Boll togMber
capruh of snaolBicd usar. ball
Iraspooaral of eream of tsrUr, a tsaspooafol of rinesar and a copfnl of
water ootll It will taap when dropped
In cold water. Poor at once on a
gnaaed ptolter and pall when cool
CDOUSb 10 Laodle.
Butter Scotch.—Bbtl tofelber two
cupfotsef granulatedaugar.ltoiraeapsugar, uaii a cn^
fnl of tool
Of botteci
Her alioolden were brokeet ia two
places noee laokeu and face teiriblp
bruised. tUm was iatornallp iiijarptl
is aol aspeebid to U
She to
Tl reals olA
''An sHiMailra sra^tog «com««.T
tkm* an dS places to Hktotgaa:
apaamd al McDowl.rs cornor..> where tmatlMZ extols Becretorp
wip. wbea Miss ttorrle Me- i Wade of the aairetaltp has boM far-,i
Donald was Mtried to John Me-1aisbed with a'ltot of tksm and «u-^
Doaald, bp a tolnlstrr of ike tome; ,|mu from Iheoe points will be re- j
onnuuns Both beat man and Iwidrs-: qulred to show cotlftoana of raceina. i
maid also bore that [lairooTjnlc.
! (foo.
Flromcn's tdoiMineeis are a draw i a woman' hpiawttot al nini
rard in tlie upper ptoirosls warned oparrenl other ..*oh}ectt
Orpatal FalU baa faith enongb
with the Idtotlwtli was saminetp'
|0,Hetoto planulag one. and will weather, and the poor dapoa stood
foeoi'a gtanditand to antt A.OOn per- aroud on tlie atnetslbs iwzt dap:
with vaati aad ooaU Mtmwn bark i
t in MlMit- solotliqi witli an axesoi of solsttoe
gaa all but halt a dosrm of which
baai. while axonad tboa wen men'
thorooghlr modem. Tlial western abirering in bear; ovemoats
pcwtioai of Ihe aisle wlmre moat of
xhe Pero Marquette paamger tnin
Bte popototioo are Holtondets can j Ko. 8 in ctotofe of BnRtnear BarMelt
boast of U.e 'gnaie.1 twoportloii of *nd Oemdnotor Oeorge O'Dtoip of
Detruli, inMuUp fcUb-4 W-iUtom
It ha* St toat bran derided that iIh- . Kraibel sad hto Wif* Wsdnsaday
gnasra) eoafareneo for the world of at a nosaing Jut east of tbe Pore
Mm BereaUi Day Adrenltou will
: Muniuetle atatioa to Otaad Ledge,
held in BslCle Orrak from'Ai«il » (o
siUs Hyacr, formerly mayor of
April n. Dalegale. to the nnmimr Jaokaon died of heart failera while i
Of l.SOO will be lUera. rapeoatuttog ; toatod at the dliuier tabto. He was
' •rery ootuKip iu the world.
' ;s years old aad bail been iwomtoeol
Tbe wiator tom «f tbe KaUiaasoo '^n baatoaM aSain.
Ml CMCDepn
gtoe as aaeiMBi «< wk
tto HTTMe of Duilo faandkowha
What we are Closing Out.
Olintor $uit$q.M
For ages 3.4. 5. 6, 7 and 8 years—
prices from $ 1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in two. Some of them have ex
tra vests ONE-HALF OFF.
petiad'idtfe;nea At tbecsditf tbst On
tisie the Btotoe na;qait the oerriee or
besoTR-ejOke Tken iewodosbtof
aUe to oosttose is the aerrim
Mice..................................... ..........
One Cot Tine Suits
_______ ipwb...
Beautiful patterns—new this season
Sold all the season for from $5.00
to $7.00. now $3.50 and $4.50. .
iii« - -..............
ire ;nrt' eerrice ke reenllMN, be
■atsiikasHstb, asdif faresUMafer
a third psiod (d i*o y*m be feu ilB
One Cot
Cbild's Cape Overcoats
tbeo^tor tbew^mw.*
Mood In an mireir differfareidn. and la recy pad a(:;fe. It gtm
from that in wtaicb it war
a toariae a blaito keteel sad a white
CDS Tktoe two an aappowd to leat f<w Iniesded wfae« tbe King Janes rerMoa
tbe period cf ealiataMoi, wfairii U ftre wai prepared. Then (be ex)*ewi<D "lo
;ean. There u ao trosUe eboat wn take tboagfat" was anirersal m a (jnODjB fer aaxtoaa loHdnds
an sot often awd. TbaiDBriaealfo.
a there to a torge deatb
OBeoadnwrapa rear, wbieb.is alike
nredn Be alM pr*i a atom «q> esefa
iTOoWes ....................................
jam. Tbatnake* If artlckebf bead tore tb«> little ooea from Iheae terri
ble dtoaaoes We know of nothing
with in tbe euonp cf fire jesn. and ezto giro instnnl relief ns U
perietK* >bow« ibal that If qaile eof- ______Ooogh Core., It can also
fleuBt. It if oesrl; tbree hats m pest, relied opon in gripiii- and all Itm
and there ate sot anpwafcli«nea aad iaag txrwbVea of adolla. Pie.
ant to take. F. U. Tbom|«on.
who be; St stab; ae tfaas
'The aaslDe atoo aets cm (all dreto
Claries Wilep, a farmer aged TT
laMf Bre pear* rrrp nieetp. Be irestrea pears, lirtag amt tbe town hall in
Mcaitor townMiip. war Bap City,
a Catigae JvkM eaefa pear and aa
was foond lying dead by Uto botaoa
He geu eljtol twin «d Uoe I
Bay coal- mine No. A When
mn aad ei^t pain of Itoea nee to
pears aad eaperiefiee tbowi (hat
fooad be wai entangled in the reins
iBBB is enfal be doee act need tbel and there was a braise on hia.forrtaanp.-He i. abo nppHed with Bd pain
of gtorea far (be fire pests He get*
Former prices $2.25 to $3.50-All
go at $1.50._____________ ■
- ■
One Cot
Boy’s Reefers
Former price $f.50. now $1.00Ages 4 to 10 years. Come quick.
Jilt ebild's Reefers
-------- -----
bM. two iuKlenhir»^^7wo {sin of
dnwen each pear. He abo reeMrea
foor pairs of wnilen sxk* and foor
pairs of (odoB aorks each pear. He is
ai^plied with tbree pairs of dnes each
peer and ce>o pair of amic tboea each
teatuu. He rteein* two pairs of blankeif daring the term of aerriee. Beit
■ IfO gtTia 40 hum ocillars and Cbm
pain e
lime. That to tbe ootBl iu tbe war nt
elmhing whieb tbe pm
«Mb mariu*' who ><>dj
Tbm attlrlet s
■f first
fl rlBiw.mBto-
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per cent, discount.
Co Boys’ and
eiiildren’s Ulsters
.. . ........ -• .■at25 per cent, discount.
Sneh little pilU aa DeWitt'a Little
Barlr Rtoeta ale rery easily taken
:snd’they sta wondertiUlp effectire
' to cleansing the Urer snduQycls K.
Cot Boy’s ntce Ooercodts
I iwobably totally injured.
One I
three d
red to tin- rraalt of llio
rtoUofaoraiy tnooao to the liulr
town of FarrisMiao.. on New Year’ds.T The animal, a|>pcariHl iu llir
strm-la iiluat noou and chargi'd ililittle to dRW>cd to COM water, it will noMtotatall. Tbereaieafi-w anicler, rertly'aij. littl- knot i
ing in froot of llte only >
snap. 1*00; at once lato aballow pans;
town. Ereiroor insdo a r
do not hare II more cbau a qoarter
of an loch tbIciL Uirk tote aqaarea
tofeir. Jolm' Otoon toiled. to
before II hardens-TaUe Talk.
oly I
coe-bslf of tbealtowaucewfakdi bem
>lie«s. tlm moos.- that tie will laolably dii.
and if be tores sot part of it be is al____ _ ......... ..
.........................„ towed M
When tbrealened witli
bead pumrs and bags of CTerr deoertp-1 be ■ton not
r suT other lung troubTcL iirompt
Uoa-ronnd. witb gate lops or dnws 1 iwrrire i.i>itop wlwi are taking iDlp atuat relief t» ueeeasaTy. ba ii '
> our ball Of what tlw gov>-fniaeot al- to deUy. We wuobi
[ kTwr. and at tlie end of tbeir fire posin' Unc MinuK- Cough Ui
.erriee thep will be paid In tncsieT for BOOD aa indicstione of lisviug taken
are noticed. It, cum «|uiekly
' tlie ekafaer thep did nut taks The filll cold
sod its earlT oar jireTcms rmitinniii' rah» of the ototbing allowed to tocu tioe. F. (?. *rhomrson[ wan f«lire penn i< 11 PS.
Carl Wsltm, repmeotlng tlm Hau-aiiou
■"> '-ety B
. .. Sogur Plantera'
ty ibep lire ii\. hoasea and bare beds Kew Orleans arrired VVednmdar from
hot while 00 abipbcaid *»»ep
s„„oon„o,l that u!
I bamanckx whirb the gormitzirat (nr___ r jnn
ui-w.... w-nni.t
|ui,bto TheRlraptog quartera. both
■* “* U.e atoamabip Arka-,
titotfri. Thefuod toalUhalamaDurada. dto, bound for the Hawaiian i.lj.D.U.'':
Sometimm tbe euauuiMry la not well I to work on ngar plantelion*
■ ' ' ■
■ and the men coaRlato,
but tbry a
get a ebaoge if they
16 to 18 years, marked from 25 to
50 per cent. off.
Boys’ Fancy Olool (tests
Ages 9 to I 1 -former price $1.75,
now 75c.
.^ .
One Lot
Bey’s Reefers
'Advertise Your Wants in the Reconi
icily htoltby taula. UiwaUy apeak-; wa DotnU bridge
lag. Ntmt popif wm be examined ’ tract for a new steel bridge to be
tbe fascioailDg Algion purae of tba
bp a phyateton aa t« fata or Imt boalth.: weotad aeroia tbe rtrer with a N>UluacRttocL. o'lilefa cso be kDtttid or
aad any papU femnd With apmpotom.; fnM draw
, CTVravlfSJ IU
to »M.
allk .UU
aod ImadA A.
At »sbowB
of any eontagiooa diaeoae will be sent
R«r> Thlat
I U; tbe ebatn and book. Il to to b*
__ We ofit« One Hundred Dollari Be-: aa a oiiatHatnc. The making of paiwa
alieep were killed by do^
■r IDU
ID atieep
Oatarrh that can-; la quite a fad wiib fancy workers, asd
^•wr Blktwi Utt week, and a» the noc l» cured by Hall'a Oatarrh <?ure. .h, j.rlwlpal expeuae lie* to baring
Ibem twopefi; t
fmllU Sorb n purae 1
aUtme polou of faalilona
i.------L. of — Atm Arbor
wUow ^ oleaaed out a few ulghto ' anctoU^ abla to earra out any obliga•Ra.buitfaB
Use Bbetlaad doas and -eoaraa sted
ft n«ax. Whohoule DrugdMUy botlK^ed them, for a day
Toto2T*WalSS!7^ii^^ aeedlea. dlr«(-it Tbe Udiea' World.
Catt on SS atliebas: kutt iwiea actora
twotatogthevietomedallth* ehlck-IStoTTlB.
Sip L • thread orer 2. kult L BoTb.1t. hart- l«-n IS.% rar. of augar ItoU-a Oari^ ^ to taikaB
peat from • 10 llmea. knit T. pnrL
brat* sad four of ehtekorr dilpped' {iMd
nmM f-*-"— ^ ^ 2. Blip k knit 2 thread orer. oarrow.
(ram Ftoeoaniiig this yea* nttojg^iem. Prtaa*. Tfie per bottle, thread orer. oarrow. • slip 1. drop S
a sni.oon ID raxli Jo circulate I Sold by all draggtota Teatii
loopt. itepeat fram * 1C times.
2 Now Uke the long atltcbra oai
ihe M.
bp dtoppise : toopa and pot them oo
B%|ra toul Wm Eiliau|icr br
tbe oee<lle Jott koU out. Tben coffiFour
» next to iba beading and knit all
e iryiag le-gei acme powdrr out
'odaffa^ wlwu it eqUoded. Ihrlr depend oe Bslanl gaa are to nao^te Oftb* tout stllcbaa plalu.
2 All kult i^lQ.
toees wore filled witli iDwdcr. and tanr frar of beteg obliged to stoke a
2 811(^1. knit 2 orar, oaiTpw. orai;
U the dootora me abTeTo digtoe ?“T *
arrow, kail Ifi.
grato* aU out. the hope will not ^
A* Dattoli OHj Oaa com
BMirai ffdto Sfri fow.
S^aagOOdlooki^a. tlwe ua.d
n««t»lg»*wiUlompor*»Uptoil durOld raabtooed plum porrtdfa map bo
Or,, wolre.«e raiding riieip
to the iocalilyof New Buffalo and a.l»**ra hqee beta waimed, amde Htbra of wheat door or U
BNsL Wbea it to made of tbe meuL It
Jaemt looaUrioa in BairWi and Laporte
a n.^ Mraawroonntldk Wedaeaday a party wiu _lt to a myMery why woraea eadaie will take a toBcn- Ume to prapara, aa It
least two hours to cook
mvuiirad for a cW and a - Wg Hfty i
Wbra tbe porridge to dooa.
wolf wat rounded up by dogs Mih .
of New Buffalo and killed. A
that Eleotrlo bSoT “ B
ODd party wlUaat ooS to trail the qMok)p rate ^ tnahtoa. -iRffer.
oea^raHety for auy ^
i g; King a New Life Filla, which ah'
••The men 03
atoo get aU I perfeetlTr hannleaa,
tbqr ueerl free, sod
er and
and bowels to . .
asa them aotblng.
I matter,
matter. eleanae tbe ayateo and ab*o-1
-Nowtbtoto tbe
a marine to tbe aary.^lajranc^rt i Heeitoehe. Italy til at Jaa. Q. John- ?
and well frd.. He ileena in a rood bed ““■»
iBDDmork. bra proper atMotiun if : ------------------------------------------------be it sick and draws kandaume wages
In cara every month.
"Hiiwmktooat at all
140 keep him uFtba
beat pbptoeal couAiiiea emd give kto ap
fourlTi off from our fonm-r
petite a kern edge. Be baa lou <ff time
low prioM.
ilrnn' new
for amnsnneiil. On share be ran play
bUliarvto ami ynnl free al the poK. and
be may eojuy all kiuda cd exrndae to
Boys' tr, Rgcfera for
the gTmnaaleni. Tb* mm pUv baseball.
black, blue, crown WoroiiiIfaall. fo.abaIL They pm tbe bambo I. Litx-bilU. >>ar very
and abut aod eojdy tbcmaelTea put
aa rnnrh aa the 00liege bora do.
rbemlbemrumayrnirrtaJn iheaaarlTea
with hooka amt papeia.
xDt IS a mooth
'‘Bmidaathla tbe marine tatakra car*
trancrable. at thgeud of so year,
be msT miire lo the Marluen'boma.
-hewiU baTea^■lm to bimaeU.
1 table,!, three auila od ckshas a
pay aad tbrra-qturten c
meea rg olotbing. heaiilM 1
been* and good board, for Ihe raat
w saeo that t
lyiu deallBRw
K*duty, t^ leralee good
traaaaimt. sad are wrU fed and elotto
Hew Terit 4a taito brara. nlri^
.... JB.Hti. in blacl
blue Keraey, v<>ry popular
this aeaaua.
The Little Mea'a Mtwt l)r.-e
eyOarment ie oar Covert
Top Coat aafin liuetT
reduced to
Tiiild’a Beefere fl.4i', large
sailor collur, a gAod erlicle.
Boasiaa Blouse Bnito, io cordotop. Ooly a few left.
These yon map Iistc at ^
off the regolar price.
Tbe Boaton Store.
Boy's Fiocy Wool VooU___
I 00^ not drum
. A mU Itsra to hto own pper Ute-
ea to tite toraMo- Tba
aatooato da belierod
1 will sell groceries at the !
following prices for the !
next ten days:
pound.................. 4)5 '
2.S7 Front Street.
Steinberg Block, |
J1 Bargain
in a Basket
Commendiig Morujay morning nnd conttauiog
ati week.' we are going to put up, all in a basket, the
following articles, all to go at the price of $1.50.
25 lbs H Best Flour........ $ .45
6 lbs Granulated Sugar..
1-2 lb Tea.........................
1 lb Coffee.........................
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30 .
1 Basket............................
(MletolPoto Md Btefwwg. Ba aad
WMdad toad Iptag
Buffalo, and the jmek i
«gul (uU grown woi*ta.’Wlth a
one week.
. .
All goods guaranteed, or mon^ back.
AH diW’t IlMfm
' rrv—
PM°M!r..lMMIor ^ I. 1*.
S- AmwV
FMao’a gn
rss-iSm TMSMklM
The rmj beat goods aa well
aa the eheaa^ at« per eewt.
dtooounu fiSlhoB
€titeri»rise «r«Nt«y
Both 'Phones No. 146.
-'I , .'■ 'V-^ - ’•i^' V-^''^V ')>'■■ •v'•■'■A^:5•‘
lT, jAirtfAKT
OS mmm
MiPnMv Mvto Hw BMn
WMck B*
^.VhU* aa UatoMBt Mp
Mittn ivt of tte adte. City
;«*7 0ar1aanw U«o«a*Bpthei
M*» -mlM rf U» ffAIM.
p teat to^deewd ex;
» a» ffote of «• d^.
1Wf« ue twopdatt taitep
cnUaaao* that tte gaa «
OteMtte. aad at kaal a^dthad
K. OF P. U»6E 6MWUI6
nt«MmfM7 M «• ted •»
Mate^te«U«diMMM«r te»
oUy—d tte oooaril mwrrti Ite rtgte
tee frailtetoi at aiuH
4, tmt.
BiM LmiatoW
em toatoTM tote
laat af^ TVvaraeTntp tmdge He..
7S.K. Of Pi voted apoa atea eaadltoteafortee makof Ffega. After tV
pte tea Itee ofaqaal
tawkw, aad makee jaepteep that giran tee nCMag eVnriellnr <
er. Jntece 3. A. Loraa«ar.for Ue
aakm tee preamt opileai of teaqaal
ttp be ehaaced teen will te a bkodp _ ^ aad rateable work dnriag tee
terolattoa la tee eoaattp k kee last pmrte behalf of tee lodge. The
veto wae iiaeordad the more uhearfallp
He daekrad that the IcteiteofMB- bamaea Jadga Lmaagar haa made ^atetedmtet teepaai to toUd
eaHwidptem mwkarteip and
teeaM aot te left to tee fadae. Vt
otearwtee taader vateabk amviee.
teoald be Umltad bp kw.
mre Mfloaatp eOaddeted
tea kogiTitp nf tea
Steward tamilv ato teak of Mn
Mr. Steward’s anaeaten MlgiteAt
teal Ohio ta ISU. There Hr. Ptewntd
Into ato Ured BBta to osm
OtoDd ttavene ta WL Hk i
dtattor WM a eoldier teroe^ tto
tag tom l«A ta tea O
Hi^tottolt E_______ _____
laistatekmam«Mi taVd ta Ak llama Ama tek tag’s BaeaM. ato . hmrp ran wiU
HaantaltaM tateMtoto
aw BawM m fmn of ago
md tod toan bfttog Mtoa IMS,
tartag ttrto ta DtooHaa totem
tee age of K pean Hto Catem ato
to priiiBWtl to tee eenaoU.
Btoteer Ured uwettor 4t pear*, md
Oae to la lefermee to ohar»iag f<w
bto father, bora wite tee oentarp.
tee aee of tee meter, when no flat to
dkd at tee age of to. Mr. Steward’i
her. Ban poaager, ato wlfa. an
( teoaUtetfarawa plTlle«eaf
UriBg ta good baalte aad
• da
ofteoeaua awate, wtottea gae to
tMafnil OB Hew Tear*a dap
Wtettettte t mta of Ite «itr
aot. aad amlnaaa
ftomOoergta. wtots to tod bald a
. Siaaahto of tee
OMftoaaea. Tiitirtop toattmdada
Eaqniia. laail. ii
a te tea tttawa ap aa ordlaaiiM teat teleeVafle wifi proteblp. be : <m. owrletad of tatirder te the
faatflal ato Ms^t a ooM. Ha karaa
dWM,to»peara aad U 1 had bad tteaod aad teoee awaitteg 1
- - . . - tmotearaak td Kalght, t
bote her fateer'a aad aoteer'e aide, a widow
The oompMip aleo ob}eai to tV dk- tlmetol
Hiade of Abb Arbor, tormtop a f
Uped te matriaqBp more tea
oooBC to be amde for jaempl papiatot wonldtovadoae eo, tot 1 did aot atill • telttetfOBS te aU n
•oata of Ite di7 aBd tee taalteai
tortocaiFisd, now ta tto aoate__
bare tiiae to tevaeti^ all tee c
lt,teea«ei iapoae aadi hard eoa^r of cae btlle. and wtoh a
to healte. with to Mater Maip. ato
for anp lodge aad it to doabtfal if tetaeofbleb
eo teat It WlUlot take eSeet till IMA Upea tele matter 1 unoMiaend
gga. who to IU at boMber* Mka
teeacU aaottor lodge te the to
wottor ta
' Ite cat ppopie trill aaed to r
There wlU V aS
toothers ato atotora «n}opsd maarito
iMto an eqaal abowteg.
' Tteoadiaateelaae* la dtr
teatioe of «
tele ehBB|re,^howe^
life to old afle. and eome of them teaad degree Horn
of tea oedtenoe ocstKlUae. aad will
Xt to teoa^ bp mom -of teom wV
dlridaalsUvedtobeoToraa Two of
.be bp teadwapartad te tea aaoMU at Vre looked into tee 4ttter ttet tee life to a Axed team, white wUl bald pletod for tee pabUe I
tortp torto bp amsp ta Ttetatac ______
teelOteof teeee ooapka are bow lirteg at
Ha oaA aaatiac. While
will be pr^ptlp aooepted oat a tope at leaat that aafortanate
map okee
okae teeir ar
apae te death oatelde tela monte. AU Pago*. Baqalree an 80 pear* of afle. Mr*. Swward’saUfew poiaia la trUdi it «iU laatebip bp tee gee ooapaap.''
Knl^ta with tetor tamllim wUt be terandherhateandUTad fagiteerto
the prteM walla.
After tee
tteaonanlt tfaap
I a baaqaet loptefl nmtrimonp at over «) peara of
toarlU t ><a>eof tee ace and CBS of teem at aboat «
d bp Hr. Darla,
m«'Aw«7 to at. Me<T*>
“Inr^ardto me toteg lotead np
• «U1 pnteblp be paaad.
: Ooaatee Botep MoaBtata Tm to
V ooqtempt
ooaatp e
Aoaeadl^ to tee eoadllteoa of the
AetiU alarm kal craBing oalled
bop lodge. I waat to aap that 1 think tee Are depBitmeat to Ban Eighth
' aadtteaae aadiawa ap,aap paan fraB'
tea Mde.bp tee famoMtodlMBMad
ahlae ia laorMed. tot H. B. Webbar
tenet where the ohtemep wf Ed BobietaeOo. AakpowA
IflMUae Mtek. eecoad hUhop of the latelpowe as apologp to tliepeo- ner'e rendoBoe wm bamteg oaL TbU
.^aadK. F. Oate^. of laaH.
•tw Mae* New IJeteea hr s arttem eT
dloeeee of VniM Bte. Marie aad Mar- jOe of tee atom of Mltel^ for tethe fatoorlea. aad it wm fear
( attp, aadar tee aaae of the TrarerM qnMteaadtlMter btobopor Aatteoe, snlttefl teeir Koveraor.
ed teat there might he dangar of tee
■r .. -----'
want to my ttot if 'teto ponng
; Oltp Oaa U^t Oo. It ie laorldad died at SL'Mrnp-e bo^dtalteat ereathinks he has a moaoplp on my
TV Ane new rretem of gaecltae
I ttel BO atraet, allap or oteer pobUp tefl at tee age of K) pcare. Btobop
Ughu has been installed ta the
aateUte aimiMWirllp otetraet- Hiak wae te pnmewlon of all bto ooatampt aad that 1 have eoatcaapt toal engine wsBt to the eoene.
Broach block, and to now
At AS per eoeL <
; ad. aad teat la all 0 a where esoav taenltlee to the ead. Drnth had beta for itM bto eonrt alOBe. V U mtotak
ConeUpaUoD neglected or badlpjtiqn.
Ughtteg tee meat
BatollM Olotetag O*
laate oralltpa expected for wreral dapa He wa* CB. for 1 tore oonaempt for
tnaled.I^ to total dimbllitr or! Flank Broach A Sobs, tee grooerp of
I tedl te toft la ai flood eaadltloo ae bon Oot. IA. IKio. at OarioU. coarte in thii Mate, kaowisg their dmth. TMcy MoDBtain Tee abaol- J. J. Breixiiia and the mloon of Bto
■ bafoca It to eapraaelp prorldod ttei Aaatrla. and wax onlateed a talrat Bwteodi of prooednte. Anp
own that will etndp np their
raftenaapadal telil U raqolred, aa
pat In. and
ah will be ta opnatiOB ta a
Fr. Mrak wae one of tee beet lorod of laoeadoie end tVlr praotleea will
t la tea letopl^ of pareawauoe watte.
few dsvt.
with me te« It to a Atograoe to
Tbe Rta
— for these lighu to rnratobed
t aalp telltod toboewn. fimiUar with mea ttel ever kbbred in tee ataie of
Wedneaday evening_________________
bp * l» light plant, aad all of tliei
Miehiimu. He took op tee work for tee state of Mkhigan tee wap tb^
rooms in IV block ars toUltosllv.
U to pnrldad teat tee baUdimt of ter Indfauii In DMA at Artire Orotee. are »«—~i~f that thep tore tee right
-Thtod. In
to the nali
ta phat atell bi«lD withiii U dapa and owtefl to aoazeHp of twieele. te to riolaie tew and oaU it joeUee in
I. there are twoarr Ugfals ta t
of tee nafortanatoe teat
■ »t. aad two in tthe
meat market,
of tea opalaf of aavigatloe te tea Mlehlgasat that
The rest of tee lights in tee
__ bkte ~
ta'u of all tee OateoUro te before them I want te apologtoe to
1 teall be eoaptotad wilhte
aro ofa Mtaller toe. There are ta
ttepwr. It to raqnltad teat a flood
laitetoB eonatp for aot doing ap datp
Mea’a good^iuHtp rid
In 18U, a kige nmabrr of the In- te regard la
to the removitifl
removtefl of teeir
I qaaUtp of Biw te fomiteed. equal to
: eq^ nnrabet above.
kid aboea, well made,
1 IV pfamt WM tmt ta bp E D. okmes wiU be formed next Wednw- pofl a*L« piy.ki>x»T*g e«it>rA>r«dlan* teriiifl renwred to Faehate- proMcnttefl attoraep. Mr. Arthur
i, !• CBBdIe power, at a twice «
dremy........................... l-W
Clsrk ,of Morenct. rsEreeftaitag the
i aefoUowt: TIU Jaanarp 1. iwe. not toWB, Fr.' Mrak followed them, and Tattle, for 1 know ttol V to a thief
Mlclitgaa Brick d^ Tlk Oo. ^ ttot
eeubliibed a aobool for them.
aad a deeelrer and a tdiber.
V to exceed «l.«0 ptw teoaud
Private IcaaoM at anp tou*. 1
IJttaTLWO TOCira HAK-tmi aero m
men and women, now
"1 waat to mp teat it to mp hOneet
> feet: from tee tteie th^i flo.tno.oao
BeUafcep, Ohatorqta Maiwwwam,
Tbe Centml W. C. T. U. will meet at
going at joat...........
TalkMka ato Tmr^ Oltp. TV
tqiteloa teat this grand jarp oaUed
•. oaUo feot of flea U i
tell afternoon at 9:80 with Mr*. J.
ai far north ae Petoakep. He tiar- brre te Ingham coantp was a dtogtare
S paar tiU tee aaanal
The Boeton Store.
W: Travis on Ninte street. All at* Hlehl^ ^toleri
eled bp te«ti»n caaoe wten peaalble. to the etale aad I know whereof I
ae 00,000.000 coble feet,
slip invited to be fresent.
D Indian pmip if tee oaaoe eeald tpmk. Iwtobtompfnrteerteatifit
asoaed»l.«6per teooeaad feet: from
>d ynpoddStea Iteatete te tU>
Ite —dlf-
SSui's.ffi’S-'iSJS:':; pis-
let Bo|*$
•Mt ChiUres'A UMeft
^J *
Dancing School 151^ i-f;w.d_.e2 rf~-lPMiass.s=i.
as— Ija-gs.Kjg-.iTa.nr- -M-
aad attar tea aaanal ecaaoraptioa not be BJed. and In oaae aellher was was in mp power to wipe oat tee kw
poaHbU. be arent oo foot
wherebp anp eooDtp eoald mU
* iwMtea aO,000,oaD faet. not
lUre tenitorp. Heap of tee old
|arp I woald do' H. It li
. •!.» par teoBsad feat. It li prorld'
ad ttel a dieoOQBl <d *& eeoU per eetllen will remember him. tzaTellng relic of the Dark Age*
-Ingham ooaatp’e grand Jarp tod
ia tee deptli of winter.
teoand feet te autde tor impmeot
wttete tee moatli after the bill for diBggliifl behind him a little eleiflfa tmlp been in eeesion three daps when
with wlerial for eerrloe and the two nf ill memfaon seal teeir repretea laoeadtefl aMOtfa to readetad.
fer hit loaiaep. seotatiree to me and wanted to enter
Oaa of tee oondlUoQt of the
Fr. Mrak wae well l^iown and dear- into a eoatiact with me to give me
aaaoe to that tee dwen. pabUe and
pritato. water malae ^d fdpet. are Ip beloved hi Tiavetae Clip, abosi eveip word that was altered bp anp
to te ciTOO-tee riflbl of wap. aad which place nneh oMiU labor eenler- witnoesm. the petaecatinfl attornep
teaU aol be latorffwad wHh bp the ed. He wae tee dret prieet who ever or tee lodge, everp night, before the
^ oot^up. Id oaae teep are ia- Tiiltod Ttaveree City and tn tele time mornUifl emeion of the coart. te ippeIwed la aap wap. thep etell te re> pbote wae no OothoUc ohnreh la tee wriliag. forgl.OOa I did get the tefommtian teat thep were willtex
paired witeoat expOiae to the clip. place. Mam wae mid at the
The flU plpM afaaU te told ta the at- of Dominie Dtum, and eerrioee were sell me for $!,«». tot it onlp cost me
ap wtMtMwer iBBcticable. abd la all aleo held at the homee of Martin $400 to net a eopplc of detecHTec to
eome here and get it for. me. I am
aaaatware eoeedered bp Ota eonncll. Bliertdan aad Frank PobonL
At the death of Btehop Barafla in reodp to make an efDdarit te this
Fnnatoatoa omet te oblataed frain
I8», Fr. Miakwae chneecraied bUhop matter anp Ume that It to notoeeitry.
tee oooiMAl for all plpea laid.
TV ardtaiaaoe prorldee teat no to- of Maiqaetta He oeonpied tele field
Jortoa atell te doae to chade treee. for nine peon, then wne foroed bp
Ttorerae dtp Obaptor Ko. lOf R.
tailiiw health to reten hie blteoprle.
............ electric lifllit eOBdolU.
Leanlxifl that tee Udlane whom be A. M.. wlUbold a regali
water pipee. nor jtahUe or prirate
at TAD tearp.
aetraw and that the flae comiwnr eo deerlp loved wete wltbont •
TVie will be a epoetel meeteig ff
irleal, be (etnmed to teem aad
dmtl indamnitp tee eltp In all <i
worked with teem till eompelled bp tee Bopal Keighbore Ibis '
where eaah damafle to done.
feebleoeea to leave the work in IWl, at 9 o’eloek. AU new ofAoen and
It to raqaired that tee eompon.r
grand offloen are eqwelaUp
tlfp tee board of pabllr worte when at the ripe age of 8o pwa
He then took the podllon of chap qaested to be (aeoeoi.
aad where teep propoee to open aap
Jamm E. HamiltoB, aaporrkor
aBaatorallep. aad teat it te ob- lain of HI. Maip'e hoepital at MarFife lake towaahi|i, ^ Aled a petiqnette
airaeM no laager than
ttoa for an examteatkm into tee
Oae elte of tee etreei etell te opeu of bto life in peace and quiet.
<< Weslep MoBea. a
The faneral of ft. Mrak will oornr
for-tzarel at all
peara. of ttot township
It to ptorlded that no ooneolldatlaa at 0:80 Satnrdap nwentefl.
Mr* Loaise toraoa has testitatod
with anp other ramponp.and no dirU- tminlier of fwieete from abroad will
against Aagaet
loa of tenitorp or oomblnatloa or ■be tovmnt. ae well ae the eptin
laraoB oo the groand of extreme
it aa to the priee to te cterfl* rlerflp from tfaU dloceoe.
craeltp aad noe sappyV—
od for flea atell be made with an.r
tee Woaton'e
aamr Mnpanp on peoalfr of the forBRUTALITY WHILE ILL
BeUef Corps wiU be V*- *bis after
felttm. or the
DOB tor haelnim and weak.
TV eootianp to required
Mobs, tee aereo moatei oM daagta
timee to keep their book* open to tee
tm of >b. BBd Mn. WlUkm V. De-.
oaaaell. aad to fttnlih anp Infonaa-'
pew of Solon, died ~
«lon In lagard to tee baalneei which
The faaetal wiU be held
ttet bodp map reqalre- A enniwn- Spenel lu Tbr Mtfnlac B>v«*d.
Toledo. U., 'Jaa. 9—Aaeal the re tele aftataooa.
Baal etotoniMT of tee metre boatowM
A eteoal for Ohrietkae to being
of tee oonpaap ehaU be made te the port that oooflMi woald erdw
tee Fted
of tee all«ea faaxteff of
' eoBBOil tee ket of Jannarr and the
Oadet Hoban Qraea. tVeonof J. M. eliBKh. begiBBteg tee pear with tee
It to prorlded ttet the gae eoatpanv Otmi of Sandnakp. tee tateer of tee
mp» hie eon wee not baaed tegs WiU to pobUe. aad mil b
•faaU be lUUe to the dtp for anp
demaflee or loeoee ttet map V aae- While at the AnaapoHc aeademp. tot
MtaM.EC. Bairn entertained the
lalned bp the dtp In anp wap. owia» died from tec eSewte ct- benial tnatof tbelmdlrs' Librarr
ta tee ootaUlihnieol and operation of
; while 111 on board tee
B ket oraaiAgihlpltentee.
Mr*. ECOcaaptoo has gone to
Up of tee eompanp or iU pflenta
MaatcB for a riaH wite ftiesds.
AU eerrloe diwe etell te told to
■rise V. Fisher has gooe to Oip*tee lot line of eoBauiwia at the
tal Valbp toaaeBdteefBBeaalofa
poaoe of tee oomtaap. and teep
■at allow^to ebarpe mere thaa46 Bt-ralW
JeqiebBewiH of Cedar to morteg
emia per fool for idim from the lot
Vamn. O., Jan. b-Hoa. William
into hto new teaUteoe ob Saote
Itee to tee meter.*
Ritael. laotoblp the oldeat. BtoataetIt to ptorlded that BO reot or oteer tre aad beet kaown newaiapev man te UnioB
Mtoa Elk Stotebmg has gOBO to
oViffio etell be made to ««
Ohio, died toaiflhc of paeataoBia, ft
’ te tee nae of meter or for'anp etew peare old. FortoUa wmtBip he baa FttaHny for a rtot wite tor ai
• aaipeoe aot taeatloned in the ordl>
IbaU.E OWnew ••A daoghtor
• aaMB. Ite oompanp oaanot oell the
Game of Monroe Oentar, are th.
fteteor tee ftaaohlae wlteoet the
gMateofltr.BtoMn.EM. Bown.
gOMtet «f tee coaneil. and tte banteke Mat be aeeepttd wlteln ao dare
Him Warner has letuMd to tea
»>e ket rtflukr qBartarlp mMttefl FaBtoXadnaBklaetoolat Big Baptew tee
of the
of tee Imdiea' Ubnip
ida.to oom^ate a eoaras te abectenad.
tte ooaadl to fllraa the iwidlofe
Will taV pkee te tee 111
of paitMBt tee pkat at anp tlBto
after a rtalt wite relatives aad
•fteaaooe at 1
' gtlw a tern of peaza. aot pet dedg- o’clock.
bieoda te tea oi«p.
F. W. rmailagirai of lattctooM
Mted. on ooadUion of rirlBg tte
TVannaal meettefl will be held
«0teM7 Ht moBtiu BOtke of eaoh in*
all ecloek. TV wae ta tea eltp jtMwrtay.
beatWm TV irtoe and term of tap- ateotteB of oSean will take pteo^ t».
Mamie ObImb wto kna batai rtoli
> Mtarotobe dentdod bpaboardof
tegtor patWBtedariag the boUAapa.
iatear ^te oteer
f ateltoatora. two aeleoied bp tee
ratanad pi tew day to toakng. »the
t *tep, •wobpteecoaadl aadoneap.
X Mtated hp tee oboalt pndge. The
AttoeBapgitoBia .af WniMto Bap
KteieaBWaamd Boat fltemNr «f
*"'ptel •i>—laid mtm teaU V tee
aMal ralae of tee to^fak propertp Mapk OIW arc the faaati a^ tV M. A. Waatoto WM ta
«t tea eatopaap.
Over $2,000 worth on hand, principally fine
and high grade goods, made specially for us and
anybody can see their superiority over the or
dinary kind. We make the prices so low that
without a doubt the entire lot will be sold this
11 i0.oit
^ s 15,00
forCoats that are worth in any market $3.75 to $4.50
torGoats that are worth in any market $6.00 to $7.00
torCoats that are worth in any market $8.00 to $9.00
torcoats that are worth in any market i0.00 to i2.001; \
tor Coats that are worth in any market 134)0 to 15.00 i 1
for Goats that are worth Jn any market . 20.00 to 25.00J
ggggggggggg—gggggggggggggggggggggggggggfgggi^ !
Boys’ Reefers reduced $TT50 to $4.00; Youth’s Ulsters redud- ( »
ed $2.50 to $8.00; Youth’s Top Coats reduced $5 to $8.00; f’t
Men’s Fur Ulsters all reduced; Odd Lots in Men’s 8uitsto' '
close at $3.75, $5.00 and $7.50; Men’s Odd P^ts, an oyer-’ ^
stock on sizes 38 and 40, reduced to about one-half price.
Vilhelm bros.
U tft ftat’nttft« tft ft
a- Baaao V»
ammo jrSTamm
«o a iifpritiiiT
ft MtertaBr latointil.
ibauii* ft'
MOM m *nm k* rr«U>«d « ^
ft fa«a> to fbTtart that tft Mato
(artoaart (ft eanof aiitotoatoft for ftotottaB of tft CTitotoal
tkr prtemrr «*«»*• “
« tax oOmM
«amta }m>4m «< tk«
,ad<T to ft <w,-
I (Sir t«» Tvarat. BH,-
MM; aiMftftl BB.«AM.
Mtcded aad
BaM far tft raftta Mto
at ItopMC, wi«M axftMW
U calllBir yoar «t(eB4ta
tior two r«m. WMOniUW; ftadala.
tP tte\-<T»
PiWW ■*■'«•
riw tW pnctk* tt mo
(SUM; oat apprarrd. VIBMUM.
fcM vUrfe ■|ip>«ta ts
t. a. ^uu.
tXitt IBTWiW*-
ttM'tbTMBta ortIT ft
fonftr wptog a
dtnrttoa of ran.
ift MatftBfttoai^
»r a o
tSxBdionaMdMuaial foftto (or
wbrr.v tft taOrtop a
. . tto Ift nee^fti af bin toa
tton to oan JaiL 1. t«T.
praetkaUr ■ dr^ftad
. .
day .ft limed arfr to bla aBceaaav
DBtoKblBc arrraBr aad a-qoMtar toOtknu of drflan. Tft extotaewe of tkto
rood^ tor a»
■ ■■
lap toBie rril-r
Moaoail tauU^ for
» ftlwr tqaal. ante loMitsId ft n^oiroi to
“ ‘
Itoa to MtoblsaB.
TV adrVbti^ of onttK tba^-1
c« of lopTgg^
to wi^tt- .
(far t
ft'utol alTpronqalrtos for Ito rxa.
MUM**' the vn of*^ I
____ an BM Ipoacirt »aon r>nietol|«l j
tft »>t<a a» am*mrr. •»«» If tft af-' ' ISxnfitta* tft ouuwoi froto tft
atoTor tft eoMOtoftltb an
, L'alweaJvtrf^Ikbman. ibat bo aftctal
tfto* poreiwarat.
myi^ the
rn o( (ft MWfaft- ^
thb *f««l m»«bU«-. Tfttrt.
«ftUM> tt Mbs ftr aM hvtrtxlve
•■i»whljftftJ»rf«iii»i. I tn».i,7.«r
to ft* tooi »T»re» of (ft
rtm mm iBd ID whom ftftA-Tfti top-
iWftd wflt roB>«N^ yjw
h^o. It to tor iPintoft. a* ftmvM.
U adarw y«to « ftl* -HPitoo. aort
a» »• t-d ft* ptortoB. bto(o»T *C tlito
mHarilnr Mato vr knov
iftto fta
ftM fMMipM a* ■ bortro of ftMtoOrflAtr ft mM «( 1ft jmrtfloe to
wktft Dto bar* ftw otortad.
I brttor*
« Miall
ft »«»;«“»
w» itall ftw la «lad at alt lion* (bat
«wfT odkor and ravdoya at ift aUto
kt a M*t> to
tft dtrartton o
rcoBBOir. all air aMlwtolrto •
qonud to mueialtor loiutop to tft 1 tnpdooa 3U. IWI. MwiPtbal Iftae ft
tolabUebft-nai of pnvrninmi aad | ptUoltooe rerrlrrd for all pnrpoaeB
tbot Ibrtr
touM ft BudMaloed j Croai all ooanaa *1 J»l.»ai». Itttotocd
i> roBlotBiiUtrd by to^
l^olTmlty of Mleblpin. «0t5Mb^*i
to tft taaat to |
.\o„,| CoUafr. PlfliM-W: CMUinn. Un- aduhtopaa Nenual ftbooU. •«.TtoabHity of a abort
~ ~
dOOM; .Nonbeev UtoblpaD Normal
peMed.. Tftn to aia to ft too mneb
-.tK/aoiJMi Aprtctdtaral UoUaga,
iiiMeoifft not eftivb legtAika. and
tb*lMU»^ -lbe rt*iioB tft prcalet tft 9UU.UU04IU.
ttoftney to add to tft bnlk of tbo
nttoteo. A MMMt aeaelun to lu Ift to|g cddlftoo to tbooe
teraatt.of r-xinmuy and tft metubari j
bp reqnlrrd to uiljadi tftto
of bWb boure and aenalo wlU feci , bodpett to tft Mate kiani of conocftitrr enttoitod wlib tbelr rworda to ]
cbarittea for U»- optotoo
a abort wmOiui than to a hiup one. ; (||mi|,|
To Ift end lliat a liO'Ine'-'-lIke eeMioii
■ay reottli. iftaboltobmeBt of ifteo-:
^h* SJk-bl
to a pBtA- . -raei.
Tft pnlitoino of ataia 0M»B«*torf>t
caiim “prnrral tonkrt" to nrped. 4nl*
top la tft toaai to lini*>to (ft imprea.
and of tft tax|wyeta. to made to baa- , ^ boont luai km-w »-«»r i.v
ten lliial a<iltiu bn ibew- lilU». The ,
' .
or to htodPT ift weUare of tin-■Maoa'and not prrjndhw oliodid ft
■ tft gnid*.
. iMaBdtagnpoBMerefotdofvnifTraa
'so* peoaperay. Nllrblpaa. at ib* l«“
ptanlBp of Ift twealtotb .-eutuo.
'«ba boM initowIM ib'radc to l>« btoiory.
Tft Mat* experia ai yoor bawl- an
VbrM a»d daciairr ortOwneot of Ui*
taxatloa.qorMlan. ao ibat ibo peiqilt.
ftaorad Jnatko bat trininpftil. may
\etotole tftinartw b. ««tirii} tu tft
Bomlia of bnatooM and Ift eanilof
, at a UraUftnd.
■Mf toTWaMwo
-. laft V^toctrta^nretof^^eltatw^ tad atteMtoB to tft tax taw*, ao that
-oracr itollal'a worth of property »hall
boar H» fair and (.jual ptorortkto ■•!
Um pobllr buideo*.
If then are
vTDiBCo to laxalloa. tbey abitold ft cor.
Aa a Itotwidicau poroni.ir. I
■rpr tbat tft paHy pledpe* ft carried
««i. to (ft end Ibat all property «a*y
cinally. ftnertop lhai onOrr
, IMrterlM alale Mi|MTcl«k>u
(ton (here will
an end to lb<- in'
“ aqnalllV tbat bar# |arvtll*.l. Tftre
to BO better way to aacon tbe Inter•■to of ibo ticutac than by lepieUllun
wWcb dU mual and exart J0.II0* to
. aa.
BHtoetop that ift pi<o|de deaiic tUat
•B property now pay Ins epnlllo
d In like ftannor with
Mail ft
efber pruperty. I rtvomeod that Ift
leplaUtor* imthW tft t.ecreeary »acbloeiT tm tft aartwametit and .oneeV tlou of Uxea ou fbto irntpmy upon ■«
ad vatoirtn ("toi'- Tftre >lM>nld ft no
heaty caBaUerailuo of thto imiMrtant
qnaalioo. however, fnv 1ft tol.-reM
kiadiM of BdUloft of proiatiy to no
Mtpki one.
It to BM ntttweary to n-
benrae tft rtepa tbat liave been taken
In leptatatiou of Ihl* kind, for tft duty
Vrolvlnp Uftii u. to 'plalu, and we
ahonU dtoebatpe It and proianly arqnll onroelvre •< bur oldlpalluiw
At Ift liaud* nt the I'orlletl. lepllatvre certain railroad chaneta werv
. KVMtrd. and -I nionuumd tVt fbl*
IlCtotalore aalbfy- llaeir
' Ibe*c
iR'fnre -ad
pcatwd tram UIcbtpxn.
Om of tft tno«t Iwinrti
atale luarltwloo* and ift- prow top drMud for tbe wulli|>b'top «r the**
.. great pobll)' -works.
Tftre are two
Vnr* 10 the dilemma. Cltftr prester
anwoprlatlons or ibr lulerual and
ythlbuiUHupIr work ot tbe stale inUBt
pome to a partial tialt. I'niW ift F.es-
da,u«*.«.-..|>. railUB lu everj Vay |i«>-
n,........-----.i-l^.l__ _
__ I.
---------------- ----- -----
lioariU and
tnal and bceeamary expenaea" tv a per
'dtotn and mUeepa acevani to mrer all
oTMatmarZk^aS^'m Metly.
"Vbnt to iMa tototodej ^
MB «a boBT aVM ao mbM to tft
■^sr' ~
m> *ho tatoaWe-y b« aaya that t'
moat earel aide by itda and kap*
Meint tManre npart. W « V-----------• aatmrk
aaHafartory ftala.
It *eeiB« adtbuMe that tft qBHttoB
Of aalirie* to tft tDenranre daparlabould ft ftnnpbi to a linitoear
tft rMtatey PetMtw.i
haili. The n**(4c bare tft
the ripbl ta
VUcrinp that Mlchlpan .^oot af- j^ow- tb>- etmri .-omceoMittna tbelr
ord to ioae Ita tnmbertttp IndnCiy. l . j,„blk- M-r»aiit» re<wir.-. aod for (bla
■ “
te.aon cunpenaattot. to il
aiientton to the work of U . .
It ahoold ft mlly atlpnlai d by UW.
wbaierer lepiia fair wape for aerrlere p*rto brtiip abont
I. All^ fre» eoUerted to pUMtaneo
■c nleaat tft roto;
J htaa baa Ift
?ML'biiBi1 aoi. I toto’l ballere Td
a* Mn Va tnu (bat nua Ml
Oare’a tbB<*. If I waa yon. Aft *oA
hto baa- mto toai weak.eBnt (bla Ml bU botw.-Yon dan't mma to uadtrMaBA. X
It It
aft bare nmiueatkmable tltto to Ibem.
New Vork aeetn. to tone "olved Ibl*
emmrtid jdoilUr artioe wiib repard *'
Miciilpan atale lax land*. It will al
win oak
and treatlaee lawa.
i-ellDI. with
more aoib^t;
■a of
iw toJj«*rinut fi-atnrca
tft fore-i ift.lden.
Tl»- state I- (n
neni ..f a dtotinrt forert pol'eytbia nicooa tft prorWlne «f tft n.-fre
aary fitttda fft Inlibitoe and larryinp
It OBI. There 1* to* more liu|a*Ttaiit
prolftto Iieforr tft atale today. h*okIBP lowartl the fuiare of tft common.
aiftilli-d aabuiea abould
all feea coUrrtea In ‘
abtoild ft •-redltrd
>f Ift Mata:
e liald. and
oof U»
Uk-klpan> very luund of tft ftreic
part it» aoldlery ba» |dayeil wbenerer
Ift lBler<-ata of ibe nntiuu bare ro
UOlrcd of tb.-ni auy »a<ylnce. No tbat
a a-vt^eie rocord
wlie aiTi.-d In Ibe war
in Hr war 1
tbi- reftllkNi aud
tbi8paln. Ift
le^aiore abonliriuke
ptk pr*»i>H*n *
for Ibe
tbe cunplethMi of itaia
way. Tft lilll onphi to
frtiuiol In eucli a way tbat tin- <-0(11-
or ft mn.l* to -ee that Ulrt.l.tton
fiauaal eo It will Mautl tft le*! of tft ,
coorta r*e tft JbdU-lar} muiiulitoea
for l>> a oiaxItnnDi atru bnodred^ Tbe board
feela in a(r(vl JiuUiv Ito-rr ehuaid ft
; an ample approprlnihm lu j
• that read If 1
M. BTUta M. I>.
“At thU.- w23T^ aMar. *tba
praai. rtTBBp aiaB book* don and
wapl. POT Ift flr.1 ttaa toM yo««
Ilto l-toift ^ tbat MualatoK MCM—
* Here‘tft*0^ of rynletom
<n nrrrator oar IHmtnre. moved Mm
«> SStT^-Por BOM of Lncnie * folka
Wl im Ita. mta-wta.
Tbe exodna of nepreea freB
tianiliua a* a Tenli of recent lewmo
live lepMallon I* crowding Tft ' ' '
market of UaryUnd to aneh ■
tent tbat mocii aoxlaiy I* fell n* to
the oonoma Blnce IWO Ift ftgte RgMrailoD to MMTtoBd Va
eirj .omiuftlo
'1ft Micbbcau I'bli-kaiuanpa eommU• I In eolrlup.
aliiii dreire* lu <-oiitbiue h* work, and
ewaaoe* la raaal lavfc
jf that !• clone, an a'p|*r«ia-lalh»u U oecTlie fepori of the -uaie ftard ot coretMir* Many of ift stali-s bare couimilmis am) t-baellle.. dc.illoa »Ub
plct<-d iwib replunital ami Matemonunr-omoeudailoB* for ebaus*-* lu Hu
mciito on Ibis luuik-lleU aod olft.penal law*. i> woiiby of c«iiei-tol 4-«*n.
Mjtcs ore iitciBrliiK lo etT*rl iuonu>
aldcralluB. Tbt- .-uodurtuu I* luprliaBtade npon It. bnt ftaliatea to aak for Ide llui under ift pre». iit law. *-orea uieoie llie cMiiiinp y enr. The Ulcblpan
ft fthl in UolTah] fruiu
p aum <iitwl to lu ueceaaliir'. Tft of aouvlcu are anumrily UlMiiarped rouiinUslou has piveti 11* time, money
tUU y-iar. 'I'bc eoclat aud irailc re
en. rplc. lu Ibl- work for Ibe
pUn of a BXiil Income la ns-umm*Med from ptiaou ftfw ik re I- auy rea- 1 am’
latlona ot blkWau with tbe Empire
by Ift board, wbh* a*k» for one- aonabic prliktice Ibe.r
sUlearrof a rrey rtoae and-liD|iorlant
(o lulBple In -.-ieiy.
l■n•|■*e.l are an iDceslIve lo
-Ift. and Ift daUy tolerrbxupe
premt conirt rnllnp 1 Is nume*1itnlh>nalUui. am) Ibr Male abuidd do all
of prodftia and peueral acquabitoncr
to abl In inarklvp
ebange it ought, to Joatlre to tbe toa law euat-led ftj lie imnc
a* was alteuiptol under
tftlr bnalnre* m.-n, .aB for
atiratloa. to cxamtac with prtai care ly tbe leplelainre >
Tie- .on- ■ line ilic lu ileflelde W> wbkil klb'hliiton to maklnp tbi- rspoaltton a
tlUtbe aiiaatloB pnaeoted. and conaUcr atilntloD altonld be auieudol 10 i>ermlt
(ucceae. Il* »«>(>«• I* Ift prupreas of
tft qaeatlon «i(b a rh-w lo Uu- /UTore the reHmarluu-m
rrHmartun-m of
ibat law
tft tonntrli* of iln- werteru fttofieplslattire may i.r..nial.ly plrc ll* alof tft L-oUega.
apftre and iltc new iwaacMloiu of tft
Cemton 10 ihr «ine*tlou .d prevldlup
rulte.1 Plate.. It* ob>ect U to brttis
may .inoprely
ft enned TU.
Tft erowded condlUou of ibe axy- for wbal •may
aboiu clurcr reUlIuiis)il|i,
lum* for tft Ineaue Kbimh! n-i-rlvo role bef.<n- -etteme. a «yMeni
aud wrtal. ftiween the poTerninenu i-ttvful •'oualderallou. .Vddilioiul pro.
•nine s«ii~
miiru wlib ifioae of aiata* Ukn
p T^eaerd
-and deiwndeni-le* ot ift WeMcrti b.-tul- vlaton ougbl 10 ft luaih- al oiht fft
ctoisln. Tbelack of aiumrioo whkb
IP, has shown tlwl llie I
Miftre. that tft wrllftlnp of ilHir
to dalryiiip may ft re-1
earing for the olBK-tod pc.*|.le who are
e> bas doae jrerel poi*d In
spmsihle, aiid Iberv arc well Infann^ |
|a<opk- may ft Improved.
■ ‘ ■
to*'- " be. «aj ih.-y ran jirore tft nfTbe «n*o*ltI<ni ajua-al# to ibe coniIl luu liet u soppeeted rvllef
.y*teui of I'rol• Itloll <s
(Uiualric ..f Ibis jiralsullbMi. It Is,
Bii-n-UI »i>lrit of ibe iiallou. and for obulued^y^ctewtlug n ue»- I
»„ta-tls *1*onl toll.u** n ymr.
Hut while Mlcbi* 1
thb raUuD will ft butable In lu blaft eMlniaied Ikal Ift lowest )■>«.
I can Un* uiili elplily c-rvamerfea, WU- |
lory . Il will pol In dw tom b 4>co- can*d (or.
r. Tb<-1
Tb<- anlborlile. do not a«m
tft ttkiuyer* over ift
ton.ln tois It'sir wIillc Mlc-blpan lus
yilto who bate bliftno ftcu i-omiuua- U|*»n ihU
li pUu. •however, aud pending Ift jiru1*allonrn> lieen imprlMii
sliiy .iMs-xc faclortre. TVI*consln bxa
' 'e rswuli* of eucb
lirv stitfiipens and will ft- lo lift w-lib
aftiit (rfti.rtin n .war
It adcplcd
TUc state. Ibronph Its InBtItnts
11 aiber ■
thia sUlc. the suriervUlun of i>n>Iuiii>
tft i>aiiitii(Hiut .-wiuuH n-lal welfare of
wort-.v w urk wlil.-h sftuld ft Hftlkl,----------- for nn
— adera nilplil ft left with ibc is>uuly ly snppuried--!* preforrelnp a prand
ibc I'uilnl Mato. In all llila kilcbl- . wlac al Ibl* Hum. 0 provide
I dltlunal aiiyluui.. Tl»e ptreeui lonltn- __
apent* of ibc sule
»ule l<«anl of
serxiisc in ftlialf of Hie farmer, and to
pab lu» a vlul 4-oureru becaure of ber
I iluu* are doliip exec-ellem work, and ttobs and charltle*.
line iriiu Ihl* ilic eupgoatMa is ndpreai uiauiifacinrlup, apricullural and ' Ift advier of Ibc aulc boatsi of CorTbe law sliuuld he amended •
vao<s<d Hi.it tbe dcpartmeni of dairy
wininp toiere.u. aud auytiitop tending revtlou* au>1 ebartih-* t» Ibac additlOD- .j<- sine hunseof .s.rtts-Uop a
and r.ssj ft clnirp>sl with ift doty of
tu iucrea-c her contari witb tbe world al provUlou ft nude at Ift a.ylnnu tersutury nf Ionia
ila wlU
wiy I*
he a
imiiarUnu IntonnnHoil and soiiplylnc
. * ......
__ ■ a.___I.________________■
ret top
iDstnu-iluii In iniinwveil inelbods to
n of b\
ot advlsi
advisable to luop detain people lu }aUa tor Ift detention
e tbe giiealhm
Ilic luannfAcMrri- of l•mt«r and cftOM.
luted luald
lu aid j[ and a______
J-o to rempel tbo i-an- of milk. Hie ilpbi melbods of
*^(«mre. sbonldft lak^ti
s|ispv*toi> i Ibe ss^uma. 1
of ilicblsan'.
of |>ri*ob.re feistlup and lircssllnp. In Ibl* way tbo
Ift al**olule set'
dairy Imervsi* of the «fatc ran ft ma
tbai wluicvdr artkm may N- taken,
to Jail*, nnd Ibc- ..................
terially jidraiK-e.1. to tbe poneral pnb.luHild U- wHb due regard to Tbe Im- ! beallb.
Tft-MaM aaylniu. situated to loala. praiiicc of ostop ■•oiinty Jail* as cliy Hi' pisM.
e. In Hew of Ift
iwrtaure- of
vl tft *
praaenu a prablem for your conalderaun'UiauT tU._ OooftWlonof -----------------Inm-----baOdF time* and
-> keel* nl-reist of
llUluedJbl^' ailrsliuu *boaid be given.
aide of (be
all- I up lu ilx- Raodnrd of oHir
aud Ike iHftr ou
ArorerrtaUra>torauu iMUtoUM.*
It ftli.siif* 0* h
■luesthm Is. shall they U- con- roada ibai electric railroad* »hould
Il la nut lulendn) at this lime to pel
aled. Mei-au*e of Ibis division of laoupbl
rxIuusiKely toto ihc uuuer of auu IMlIhUl
Kiildlus*. II It staled ib.*re Is em Ibat '
tbe iKlildlus*.
•tolto'n“«lSi^l>to I«"tft ’’raiir“f! plan may to- dcvl»^»blcli
met especial
about »(.ww a year,
elllanre and penenl <-are of
tftv are ■>>OBlnt full raHroad fnnc-i lake a 1.u»mi-* Interest In iftHon*. II I* oeceaaary 1li<- sule fbonld i rek.iimcni■uIBcleutly laige 1 luve tft same control over Ibeui It ha* ;
TWeDiawaiel Karel MUliu.
I... Tbe
ta-i„ follow-!' r*
to tovlte careful amitlny.
peer iIm steam roada. Ills stipSesHnu
Xlhiilpan 1* eery prond of tbe mlUlugahcr. ito- appresau- of tft iwopowd
la that tftbaat way lo biiqp abobl iblg; tary ann of tbe state pi’vscnyaent. and
appbqirtaltou. for
^ ■ beiip tft c^l of a brau.ii ImlldliM tor reogh
wHl ft liy
_ .
a Jinroopb
tbnronpb reel
reviaton I
lepl'lalore shonkl make wis*
tft state liuUtallons wbk-li retwrl to | pgtleul* ttldch la pUred at CT9ii^.34. of tft tiwto-rwnway art ..The snbjeci ■ ,
rapine tft malnieci
ot Um repolatlon of frelfbi rates, of 11|
Ift pres.ui elIrcHva orpanfaul
Mtetr anptlince*. of dspot aud *itti<*n
chartlls-*. and ibr f
ally needed fartliHe* and tft a
tft Imard tbciftn:'
I'lrmly h-lleilnp tbat ift prowtog
road ■iBtlooa of blpbway rroKsInc*. BSC <>r liPBrrtie* Is a meiuee to tft
Uk-hlgiiM Aaytom for tft limaM at
•with 'iHirHnilar
l" Ift youth of Uirtilpan. I c4Il ibe atleiiiloB
Kalamaxon. apeeUls. miUS-i:; total.
Tft amte pnbBc school foe depen- ■epaWton of prades. aod of snnliiog of tft lep)*laiure to tft evH. and adglftiMiLlS: apprured. $4ll.«45.l2.
•set and neplorted i-falMren dsaervaa tft fDlIest pobtlctiy of railnad reports.
EaM.Tli Jlh-hlpan Asylom for tft wen or tft Mate. ProIiMon ouglit to abonU have ihr'tnrefnl airanUon ot Tlsc the
Inaabr at roWlac. .peclato $ISAW.«); ft Bu<)e for Ift rare of ertpp!^ Oopte*
dent <-biUren,'wba. if admlited to ift
Nonbeni klh-bigan Asylum for tft Coldwaler Inrtliniloo. Blpbt stand a
iBaanc. at Traven* City.' specif chance In Bfe. while under tft pre*
UM* aaO Cfteltto*.
«Bt tow (hey nre^Iefi to tft demoial- to dewiray all cooil>laaHdns tft cnplial \
Kreau*.' <if Ibe prealer re). .
•04.7U.U1: total. WlTn.Oft: appeorod,____ _
if tbe comity boose.
which l.Hd to reMrlii rom|Hiliion In ;
Lot'Boi’s Nice Overcoats
^ ss
tHB of laxathm to vogDO. only ml a* . •10.ft41.im: not amoved. •EUl^jn.
I* a larpe matale and parnoBal iinHwiiy are ■■t'H«-r I‘.-nluaaU Hospital for tft IB- i
In ift comi
DCliv of tft cbOdreo are iraiued for
■naaed to meet ibr expense* of tft rane.-itNewlerry. sperlals, •ITS.iaUA: | Jortl;
Ife'e service. Tberr «re Tiil.QOn pn.PITMsaiJk-.;
Mate. •n» PTuetwd* of taxalkm fram
•AJtJCi: unt aM.rored.
pU*I eoumetWed. and on-r. one-balf
-wbttcre BOW known aa "Mevlftc tax
lllon of Ibem reeeive to**ro<-rt<m to I
Niair AsTinui for ift • Insane at ■'*1^'
artwol* each year. Tbe faHlltIco
Unto, special, gll^^eas:: totaL niX... plvinp to this peneration tft IwM
pplBtory oebool fuBd and nitoUed for aSNSk’: appn*vr.l, *aiii»xiQ~
teacftri poesIWe sboaM be streopthneftol pftpuara. Tft «*e of primarr
•t*re.Ucalrd .hi iiropoaed remoral of ened. Tft state normal
ormal acfanol*. whk4
fM**** lotrresl money Is prolilWled for •U psileuu la soDih skle of rlvor.
dotop ao mnch
mneta for the pr^rpreparI are now «oinp
ntbsr pftpossa'niaa ibe payiaetii of
Miebipao Niate 1‘rlsoB al JarkaoB, atton of (mrtm hare not a* yet been
spev-toh. g»e<.»«Mm; jotal. fl&OOIMIO;
ed by tft retlrlBp andlior peeenil •pproved. g».tnkOiw-, not approved
---------------- —.
teneber*. fnlly
Bftww that to many dlstiftts the one
ika • •
Puie Oon*.- of Correeitan aBd Bnmin tax added to tft primary nrftol
(loniuiory at luoto. specials. •id.UIMlO:
'MMg disfcwand was in exceaa ot <ft total »l«iOotw; approred. tHkbSO.OO.
nmooi pn)d for lesuftc*' wwpo* an
State llonse of curreeftaB
tft way fram S to M par c**L SbeoM BiBBch piisun In L'pper I*en»mto nt tnre nboBld enretMly^cooMiW
by tft mate
tftre ft Increased uxaiios of all tft blamnellc. soniai*. g|n.tM.Oii: loml
iDleBdtd *0
beard of education *»
! ^
tUsaos of ptoperty now paytog mw niLtllUllt: apiwoved. »!l).410Cw.
to plkce to
Indosirtot Oebool (or Boys al lmn»- aM trlmol dMrtct o*
rlttc uxea. tft coadtilon above alated
wlU'ft mnda wonw )u*se«d of bettor.
•IMOUlMl; apretals. •Sn.uOD.ni; tout
o relief for the toof tft youth.
flTIitWuui: approved. «1UTM10;
nppreved. •ISdaOdW.
B to
la mBed
ntSed to
to tbe anbtft Isglslatm faetog tied }ost at Crmly
' 'Tonr MteBttoB
na bntore. Why will It boI be betta Adrian. mrreiK expo
tt Ml aMde a per gi^ia tirame for Ift
nsftnl tmA. ftenUng tft exmmmt mx esMsetod tram tft awMBed
•ftffUp tag pmwtlosr to tft gMsoBl
"TtatTSvt II to.-
■ f
lu prerrac the loaa of trealili to ib* I
It U arptted that aa effli-
noUB oroworuofi w.
ly ncordad (or Ml<4iifta. If then to
lat a penny
turrit ta the eaylop thai
imoy eared
annd ,;
a peony earned,
*amft. tben
ffto there
Iftra U reana- | ^
rlpbl hand of the Vii-
II tft toHlineoUefc to e«eiy aiw of tft word.
bare In tVrp*. maklBK Tba elite tawnl of Aprli-uUitre cialnu
tftoe rltlie Jnrtep tft flfiy-day {leTlod
tUlnl. mtnlK in n*)r aolotbto' tft for ibr InmKltKttoo of Wlto. Ex|icri- Ift time lute <*iite wfto tbe fullepe
.HBtt kind at toiuiDon itoo« - — '
.CBcc baaabowti Uito caa ft done witb- upon tft biennial eeukm of tft leptoUtft ardtaarr <lto|>ati-l> ‘oi
nm InliTferlnp tritb ilir iralMIc baai- tnre. It rtalma that Ift (-tdtope baa
Mtrwpan I* proo|*roto. lU peo|.ir wHI new. TVri- abooW be eariy coitol^er- prored lt» value and Ift poM*- a-iU ft
aliuu uf tft aiqirotwiatiOD Ulto. and 1 aatUSvil lu hare lu >ujH»n |>rovhted
to dtvMolMtoU |iolM lo a fnlnn nf di- appeal to Ift Irplahit.ire to m* ibat ev- -for by a oy»i*iu.iduilUr In tbat en»•Ifort. roo»lMitil wIili a wl*e
Trralftd hidtiirtrir.. lu Ift way ..f Irp
praoeottop Ibi-toarirea. to tft PortySm laptoVim ftlap rbtofly tton-po-
Maitoa aothlap M»«»d ft don* tmd-
i*to*^ttop*^UI?to wardni eye-
mat to amr auaM. mm.
tmg away to pitonrii
alireitleci Udlrecu-d to Ift rec
tolton of 1ft rellrtop andlter
that a eitutff ft made to tft
r Ift peyoimi of expmeea of
Tbno If *nai mertt to
. BaUni at ift .tprlrnkiiral coUr*e. tft
bcdpau tor ift otair odaattoaal to; aUuitoBo an oot sTaUabtr. Tft ap-
Matt whWi tft
Man of
. otonr i<bo«)d bar* no-; Oenrii
Itotft. oftS It .gtoaM ft Inmw «a totod
xouU. cwTMU nt/fmo 4m l*o vamat. nilao*
(ftt apjaafrtattftm rntolatr tba lax jM,^.|MsM4M;attorfala.nmaaU»; tool of lb* I
Tft apprvrtattoaa «taa«ld be muI. •l.nSMa.ft; apftorad. «1
tr to prow- 4^,
totnilre faatarao of tft un.
_____ o. om romimoi iftwnlvea to iVkSh pot apfOPTed.
» tt, BaMNM'. ft'
BM apmrnd. (£bMM.
Mate mUlc Bdmoi a
wfMM.oH-wses. * n.
Aad •• ibroogb m**sodItoi as* laad*
ftr. <• Ift two *M*—** a( Bte.
idCMrmM •---------------
HOW HE womteo a
.-ecoH^ tend yeang Hwa bom tot
land e( tft ttotog mb mt down oa .
|S00 to too ttB (bask of on SBd HDiNd
bto nmUrldad attonHoB lo UMmrtng to a
We-firat iatsftM BTOaBdaatUwa
I a re-—' la OB tft }aCk)*
a pile of ore CB toe damp Tbm If tft
otoerfenmatoH hnhlBgwa
areiaoreadtilBtokaMMft OBtftftat.
gitber aU toe gHgae aad aadi it, fttog
careful to ptoBrre tacbakal pbnoi la
- aalagkBl toftK* ta aodotog. Tfta
tatata-tal-l ta i rS -nSTl-tab,;
.lU Start
driaki. Ve toftii^MrtamtoiiV emd
riril engtoaM.nB ato»lmh.«»
tea miftH to mtok Wa Irnto. bat
tbe mmafttwM iMl to ItoteMiddlooiBftB.te (ft caUigiftiiyftBgmft
fHft tft toad M tftiMwawteb^
___ isat
•eat. ad if lb«ydoa*to(_
pntinabftt. At this pcdBtvoeaU tft
tML gift a Ko. 4 WMiMHad b« to rip.
wear. (Mr, nreal. cot cr na down M
tftbeeIn«teBl.ttagfaBl.inaalreMatoar and nn ap onr Maid. Utftnlftr
.....................tft baM hand, tft '
lb dri^ by,fall. U’a te*£t
thtog w« go M to tft afpiag. W# bow
- toowe»Ma.aBdif tftrilTM
pmsd ont dcB'C bare tft mgto
ed OD H we aMBpIe the antaapptog ta
erety mloon .within a radinc ot ftt
mift and lake a (ruMi eftw of toftc00. '■'iftB wo-gei lowwk to ur^
ommend rtai tftr ft Incorrmraled In ! '•»»'
r tbU bua'rd by‘oft aalt toe damp
tft tow,
lid ft provided that tft stock we GL.
I* advftd. Ilabunr*
of tto- Dieuftrs of this board ft a grab pile, pack it tolo tto cabin and
-Tft pure foul towi of UichigaB wooun- While Hpeakiap of tft state
waltfarepriBcfoopeaMdtoea------- ‘
bare resalled to largely pnardlnp 1ft board of .-wrrsrthimi and-ftreWre, I
go off. Daring fid* period we
ftsire to memton ibe lavaltatM* aerv- omaelres *-p)aytog aerea ap tor tft
Is Irgislaiore. to Ita wtodom. (teem*
tees Ibereoo of tft Bi. Ber- Ooonre
to MIU (nrti
D. cnieeple. wft ha* serred tft stain
I. It aboMd be L
. _____
________ tnhBQWtbnyaiegetdag
yarebnyIt Is represMited to (tam they
ndtag to
tog. and any leglsInUon tendbe
lunalnp. Ulch.. Jan. i. K
make ibl* more eertaln to a step to
*Tft gtasire Bare
tft rtgbt dtreetloB.
-btotbsT. Who I* that mab WHb (ft
■t kis farennd tomdsr
There ha* beea earefnlly bntU np a bnapsal
“Tfank my child.
moat excelleni system Im tft preserrstloB and pntteeUon «( dsfa and paw In No. be baa :
UlehlpaB. and Ift atate eaniM iSord PyramM. those are
I Ui fern, laeftd wiM» Ift—ib 1
to toke any backward stm>a. Al pra- ms-Mt brand* of. H
' moaqoUo. Be
pened Imtolatlon abrndd ft atou^
tfOmidBN—d dHftpawadbo•andoftb —
TMT M^ly. Tft alan^ur 4 doer
dsrliip tSe last hmittng amaam aaggnau as ft (ft Oilra
tft^Timwmy of rmtrirttog ^ two
ftt lore. F«r. *(lt BB
pasMng bard to idftM. Ha
tft BnmftT of dser oach bnMiB may
i^i for toe Hwtftry
tire, but aarea np tala
toe time wftn toe to
•ik .face
tatatatal ta., ta.,
' cm.aM«unnAT,«A»Asr
yjiisHidtn FisiXB.
s.t.“s--ri ■s'ssU’Sa
beaa U a«r rrirat aad aUi tlw gUra tba
■ icrwiry taweMa of «Ad to aaaqdT
■Mm wdl be taU aow as as9 dae «ftM. Korac was tbcta a Upa pBm
*•* «« • tAfrtmm
1 hare natktt torar ca board the tea ae MD7 ptMtY cbiffopi aad Htda i
■•VKMW Ukwr •■
Alp Daffiart. arhkh ts dae here to■assow. whaoi 1’ lere rerr Meh aad
i M Up I
hate pmMaed to laanr- Kow. 1 dMa't
hear aartUhiat the door of the tareea.
la tbr -em ootae bcoatifat ttaai
TesMfdar I braid rou say there was «»iM to he a •nttac bera tsaipht to dia- cal aleerea erf eera petal da rcalBa
CMs awaas of petdac rid of the tea. aia abowa; ibc? ata irtaitaed with
IM M tMr wbMm hot ago
Yoa Bast kaow ther w9l oae rialnrr. taw Uark ribboe rdrel. aad 1
aad Praak b o» farare aad rreUrsa I poBa of Saeljr lueferd wbHe AIBaa
* ;
IhoacW mat hat* Bifkt esae to bM. at iba wrbis. witb poteted peSa of
•U MMr. «( «b>
a I ranr to ere if I eoatd bnr of it aad ebWaa MlcwUac orer the faaada A
to -oMh attw
M DMoa lo prernt U If poailWr. Bat ptati/ l»‘t of the eadetaltarca wbl^
•U snawt — Uaa ia« offl ftaa
r«r beard aotbiax. N«ar fus kaow er>
emWat, obd > aa Terr aonr I bad to aM aaw ao foabteaiMo ta alM sbowib
taU you. Ut lUass ooaU aM r> «o beiwero as. as Kraak wffl be Urr. aad wo
past iMrt. I know roD brr Be eaaA
ta Buke w one pnaabe. It b tl
do or«Tthtll« m Jobr 1
Ptaak nMr to ae. aad |
aj- brartfrU (radladr.’*
Deriac Ibis rpea* Bkbard aad BoaabriJc bad alBMwt iracbed tbrir deatlaattosu While abe was talkiac DtekM
leacd «ilb board dews brad. Wbo
eatdd foea Ut ■aCrrlarsI Ue bad baai
Urfaic catU D.>w ia a drraa. Thb was
s ad awaknilac.
swaknilac. Uow oflea bsd'ha
tbr tbtarr. 8be abB bo
fIsBoed for tbe
lasppllj married aod ilTloc a boc aad
bsppr life loxetber. with rbiklTra aboitt
tbea to aakr Ibdr decUainc tran siaa
u bcipbt as tbrir rosthfol ooea. Bat.
alas. tUs ass sU orrr sow. It was ladetd s sad awakeaiatAU br roold uy as be paaard bar IB at
tr dour, hb bran was m fall. was. "I
‘■All fitbt. fatbtr. rs% dowe Ippo- _imke too that |«aaiar.~ WUia aarlag
it br i••ukn^ torlaxly lato bir eyrs aad
tMif. «dli)eet and bMkfivaad *o«M 'Pnriarf Ibt peiM at which aar Maep held brr haod aatil tbr M word waa
«• Me • rdloqnlatiui. *la«( tecctiMT.’ baa le do iba raldv of UaaaABsrtts
Mr* n* Art IMendwof*. Id vUefe
s poreraad Iv tbe Baffai perarsae
Tbr rrcotfol day. Ree. 14 ITT*, bad
tke fcdleeriof •!«>
ttrhtaaoa. He was a ter arbiter aad rrirrd.
.N'otUos was to br door ootli
pwltraao aad was anwh Hfced br tba
t osinr bOMM
r tkc Ineene U JIdilletf
II< (be taala
I rarnliun and
nis Is «-efT ofieo wpcriw. The
MwsloB o( luoeer roablea u do
douhl to lior totiir anMca. bot w«
artiMic petcepH.- -•■M«DOt INV art!
— not at whteh tto aiDOIIDl of
_____ i- fartiliore Aa bide.
bad insir wlU be found lo tbo boaan
.of ilir rteu as lB-bo»ea of far teM pro-
With bu tMiUfal daacMar at
br laaldad anutoa.
bad to adlooni to (hr OM Houtb cbor^
• toibetaot
IS and abimirs we act not
amely for^oraelTea. b« wo attaapi
or abouU) aiicfuio to fflre oor foesu
nd frteixts as lotKb plMOoio dorias
ibHr lemiKtrarr »laJia as wo ouioelrea
•ajof. and our pletuno aod
aiHl funiHoio abotUd be eltoooii u
pteote, MM ooeiKdr. bul aO and aandrr.
Let Ds DM- our taste, out luerel; for a
aHflsb craliaeattoo. but lo (Kre aooie
Bbaio of ibc pkasure wc fetd caroelTrs
lo our tisliora and frb-oda. \Thli it a
daif wbleb la expected froB«s and a
dot; we ODfhl to fuUIlL
n.-TC ore altono oiaiaptea of arUailc
faraliurc Into Uie tuaklas of wbtcb ea
ters tbe queatlou «f taste raibei' Uua,
coat. TbrQratmustratloo. IlkclUCOlB-
1 doa-l profess to eoaprebead your ariad.
yranf lady-aot betac able lo roaprrbend ynnr lOMber'r brforr yoa-bal it
arras lo ar yoo an aetiai atraataiy.
.Now. yoo raa’i fortrt tbr procUse you
aadb Pnak Trarabaa befarr wa Irft
IbixtsDd. Aad by tbr way. tbal iralads
me. Hr Is dw bm aotorrow. tbe SWb.
as tbry slsrlrd Nor. IT."
*NIU. fatber. Is that rraily at fa
nra I slaiost foraot il." Aad sbr UbAtd rnsy ml at ber th. "ADd absnl paor
m•■bard. I'm rare I'n auny for bta
I like UiB Terr BBcb. b« Pre uwl bln
lafr. If be nue befnir Prate, be
111 bare bad a chaare. He la m brara
aad patiiAllr. He abows by uey
aad si>re<dir« Ibal be waels lo ash a
Barry bhn. Init np le Ibe
put biio off by waie arttSe
-Well. o>y dear. If tbal's II
. -.........
will M tbr
.. aab)e(?*'drop
tM-r^lt is, ai yea bars saiad ny alad
Tbe Raaeodi' urara was weU Uibird
dibia, altbonafa frots tbe sirrrt, ob ae.1081 of Ibe wladowa brlat bnrily aballeml. It looked very aomber.
. Aruasd a laUr at ooe eod of tbe raala
rnnni ut thn-r inea. Ose waa abeol of
tbr arreayr briebt aad rfkte obp tbr l»imwAluu of yreai mBseular aUllly. Ur
I llcht caaptrsiaord aad bad rraarkably ilsht Use eyes. Ur wc a loac red
uf funillurr In Bctoal esiateiica and rbak.......................... ik OB tbe (able
abvwa to artistic irraliDcot of a dorttef
. wlibum »raat eiiwodUnra of qwaey. fact Ibst be wor a pray wi(.
Next to IdBi SI i a tall. IbiB. Boble lookTbr eDployiDeat of ibe UrffO ailtnr.
lllrrd ia a rich trarirt
•imply framrd. aerres ' betb a deco-mbraUered. KaOet of
taitrr and a lueful purpoa. aad tba
ptaol. while addloc To Ibe attractlroama of Hk- ronicr, la ao placed as to
r (bird Brallrataa was a well boUl
cel liBbi froiB tbe window at fbe ta?t
and (a B|>|swrann- was a perftut
II will be Boicd alto tbat lb« Cbkir la
M- or eobmUl bnediac and palrtatlsoL
•o ttered fa to eel llcl>t for readlat at
This trio lelchl w<dl fraer any
Ibc back of tbe reader and at tbe aaac
llcne face tbe -cetnpanloD recllafnc oo 'bey were RaDuel Adaata, Joba Hat
ntl I*aol Itereri-.
tbe coi^
■Uiey mvtt roBaBcd la an earaert disTbe cortirr p-at. bookahelTca and caakiB
when Ibey were lalrmped by
wrIUas lalili' arc almtdr la desica. yci a. knock on Ibe door. There waa adoiUwould adil to ilir aitrartlteocaa of n l.d 0 y
a scarcely orer 21. of
ilrinx ruiin or library. Tbe ffotatabould lie lo banoMur wlUi tbe other
aciloB. This waa
. faraUblnBi uf Ibc room and may be in Ukbard DoBstta.
CTcca siilDrd oek wllli aacc crceo Cor Ifkbatd OBastaa'a part is tbeae laretduroy ctisblona or lo inalioBaoy or cbe^ Ii4i was (rumlty Ibtl of lislrarr. W'hUe
Ibe otben dlacusaed lapenaol lepirt he
ry wllb crluiaoo pluih cuablona. Tbe lisleiiM
aad aoddrd sow and then wbra
mirror which is inirodorcd abore tbe
Importanl todot waa made. .
ctMbloot ai one cod sr-rvcs to Uebica
!|r was dnply iBtefrated la tbe talk
: awhile, bat ]>resFBlly il eMered
Ibal were too deep lor bis <
rbniaioB. Afler beitic buried bi bit
o»ii tbnttsfals for some tla»e br qoietiy
from Ibe table witboot beisc BOtlerd
anir dImitiBions as tbe aide.
uuBtrrrd out tbronsh tbe door.
, id llirlntdc. C«-i
roirtBloB iaIo Cora rnrin. whoae deep
the aervlcea of a cablMI w
tteesscs arv not knowa lo half tbe Iowa,
fawlotredrd lu (-a)oy a walk aboat. it beIM a bMailfnl al«bt. ...............
sbluinc orerbead.
KtiaUUic akmc Msaraly. be bappcaed
by ebaaee to (Uace Ucfc orer Us sbooldrr ti>ws(d Ibe Urera. Tbni It
becaaa- swsre of a fifun croaeb
the duur of It.
nirbard instatlly tbouebt of all be had
beard of cpfet sad wbal frral harm they
do wllb >na<ieel
wnKbt te Ibe eoloaial Berenor.
MaUaB Us adad ep la aa UMaat as lo
■ twarse of arlkm. be bresa haslUy bot
niy tettacUc bis Ueps lewsrd Ibe
ilMDi :D 1
to U oa ajinosidirre of qBlet.aBd twap
ly tbat was not oofy rcfreablat but
MtwMiBC In lit repfuL (cflalnE laflo;
StSefepiaf or mrfplm of a.
ffhanuter. with iatewaad beary Itaada,
are iliywt tbraseb
uT ribboe bUU
A eurtaoi natal offlrrr
ttompaua am' r.merlle.1 w beo ou duly.
Uor day. wlim bo was oakwr of lb
auytbUuc *'f .•.dimfoeare to prai
abouL la- attcmiard to vent bis spite
, aa' one uf lb.- pokers of tbr rtwrri.
wba was In tu- eoBine room on duty.
(Mac to 11..' siwaUDB tube, tbe oftece yelird:
"la tbm a bUtb.-rtiu; Wkq at ibr
•ad of tills tahev. T*>« feUlujts
the oab-se. as be
A deami uf aa w«e wattteg at a (bOtute atuBm ia Ueargia. As aubody
kauw bnr
we naet watt U WM
aaly' aatwal tkid <mc after aaeUxB
tetoiM go to tea/ilefceu uriDdaw nd la*ute»tu
Ttetwm atari what mas ewppefte.
ttadyuUdMa'iplMr. Wegettotetb«ca the jteifim and diimmril tbe
maUw. ate while we wete talkios a
man draw up to tba tepot fpmi tbe
town. aerite<bv <^<«d-bs came orer
ate ateed wbai was un Vbea be had
bate tafmaad. te leph.'d:
"1 win try my Im-fc with blm ate aee
how lemur oou"
He made ibe oae inquiry, ami the
‘■But Mxn tlimi <mer.” eald ibc graitkauB as be racbed for a lelegraph
Five (biautM later be aboued tw the
dinmwb. It was tu a smtioi afteot M
miles away, and it lete. “Leure asoiri•Bt ta ehuge aw) oosoe down and toke
fall pCMcadaB bran." Tbe tmtne at tbe j-'
end c( tbe dispauk was Uuit of tbe grn-!
mal laanager (rf tbe road.
•■flow mnebi- te asked a b» handed i
Bin lotbeaiirnt.'whowasalsmipmlor. |
••TblsBom d-h.." replied ite man I
•flra tcudiag il ovrr.
. .
Be begsib tickiSR it off ea ewd ae yoa
pleam, and when te bad teidwd te
rose up. pel «• bis bat and trvciceat and
oame ipto Ibe sraltinB mnu.
' “Have eoa enr idea wbesi that (rain
win be tereV quietly asked Ibe nan
wbosMt Ited^wlrfa.
! “Bbe's Jast c-orainB aransd the mrre
;aow. AU aWdr replied tte agest.
! And as (be train drew np te was tbe
, first one tu UsmI it. kwriiig tbe cteco
' to ran itself (ill the oiter laaa oonld ,
, cone duwa.
“Did we cnae eat raaefa atete «m {.
tbatdetet'T asked cd tba manager as
e got seated oa
oo tbe train.
"Well. n-o<. I dtm’t think wc did."
Labor Saving Readiiig
Busy Men and Wonoica, in
The Outlook rr
Ml I fifff vi m DteBted Mvxiat ia ml
wmUlin lini twtj wua ta kirf.
a ^
mi Hatefaa ▼.
[ttA-r AUL. ORUOOl]
O. 1^. 0»rv*r
Dont 6t Foolcdi
aatarally Biren.I. aad a
OrUBlW wharf, off wbirb lit sL..--------aadwrrd. Prun tbeace they boarded T%ty are oiade of ffae many keu, BeimbUn'________
L^ 1— iA- ■Mlitelfa».
- ddps and is Ibrer boBrs bad brokra and bare pointed enffa of uaiiqmMnt
IbreWB iaio tbr
bee. edged wltb a double row of gold
lioari brikl
o pan la tbe proerrditlirr nptre abowa a folded neex1 unlv albai
Istod of eraomy tore, wltb a bow of
leepanliou tiutt digests all
laU' ps|Ml »r Ksil RortU <B Bo,
of food, and- that
is Kodol smlVl-ans.
rlblmo relrM oa iba left aide.
nisi Tb--,.
f-om-rt MssU-r |
foand Frank Tramham l.y iaqalriac of
The coda of tbe vrivci ara finlabedll>Tai»>P^,C^- Il ritoDS tb»- wont - ' -...................... - .
tbe eaplilB aa lo bis wbereabouts.
Frank was a tyiscal KadUbaua. cteaa olT wllb amall goM buliotia. Aooiber »*«
cut aad of a doBllke (raarily of ebarae- rnbM n*cU.ane Ims s lie of ribiMB: ■'*»<
Wnrsbars Blk.
T»Tena <XiT
irr. By
eelrei wllb pnliiKd (tlteods.
Aa already ai
pcnaable. ami purilcuUrly ihe little 1
etyhady Ufc.d bio. as oar Kicbard m
aearfa and (its. tbe cboox of vrlretl
did liimself.
or eiape. and vrim uba aod adoro-'
Dick loU him bow tbioBsteoad and lawbkb ere ueea oo all fUUom
formed blm that be had bera seal by
Ulsi RoasbHIe to see bita safely lo ber ableiolleta. in feet, our bodlcea aeem .
■tresTfi with ndda and eadA fnin tbt'
OoBlbinlaB. Iliehard DbusUb sai4i *T
■are tad Ite JIdcUdb ferkaow yon wontda'i aerd my serridn ta
oa ribbeo lo (be meay ehannA
Crl lo-Uhd if Ibis lea buslarn srasa’t U •Mia aod pctuUou wbicb swing oo anr
exlnrare, but as it Is I shall bare lo (Ct
an order, perbaps, aftboOBh It we pot ou
EtqDlsiic are ibe aew (•><»>* abff
a bold frusi they woo’t prarenl our landirw. especially as wc ran srork our way trtnunlnga lo apcllqur form, bm gold
down a raople uf wbnrfs in my boat aad •Bd allvcr ilnaci In coablnailna with
colored Tclect Is the ocwcat Idea and
laud aud no our will br Ibr'wisrr."
Tbonks. ,d,l H.sp,- mid frank. He most clurming In facte doth or bsodhad lircomr un almost intinialc lerms
xno Chios fllk.
with Db-k already aii.l showed Jl in bis
rbe bcaiicr mak-ea of Ucc. auch as
ItnyiuBr. -1 n>>BhI ns w.-ll Irll yon now,
duchcaac, brngea point aad Ibe beenntin s prelly
nrrllr sharp
>barr> I,Iwumr at rewdfor I sin
reoaiuaoce lace, are distinctly pepInc clinram-r. tiuit I kind
It lo let niar. ami the godet collara are oewrr
is more Wblnd (bis than y
than Ibe llai type tod can be wore lo
mr Lnom. Yon'er not d.
Diy take. Bin I'll inquire of vacioui aij’IcB.
• w n.-n I srr b. r."
- DceoratloB for a law
cL said nntbinc lu (bis. but rowed oe bodice or blouse Is a elmu anangeincDi
ia siU-acc. They soon orrl’ '
of crape or bete velvet wllb ernla. ibe
n-. .kfter tyluB up
. Ibe tnat velvet In (bopa tbe crape tacked or
____ - .. k Frank to Bosabellc's
ibellc' door.
He eouid noi bear lo s.-e ihr^r nMctlnSHuge alOBlc Moaaorae act tn roarites
Praak beard of Iticbsid'. Buodness and
other tbiuB* fnini Itussbrlb-. qod be ta- of tulle or clilffoo are uate. tbe colors
• Vk's wanm-si frieods.
re prod Deed In lung cciset or ribboo
b4Ic and (ioreraor llnleb- straameHijfani ■ to tbe tegu of tbs
sailed for EaxUad. wfaera gown.
The BenohK will present a Free K<-ln»Ur»liip in oitlipr
Tbe black laee rote, wltb appllcatlou
Mechanical or ATi-hitcclakal Dntwio’i;. in
Intctiuof wbitc laev dltpotrd St a garniture.
U quite Ibc Dcw idea for ihia type of
tiosal Com-spondence Schools of Ki-oinfoii, Pa, to Ibe
I be wore orer black or
■y n-totned lo tbrir re- gowi
Lfler tbe rr
jODDg Dian or woman rt-ccii-inz )1»' larifest nuiniN-r of
etlrc bom... ................. ............
votes between now and Pvby. l-‘<, l-Kll. TiiruugL tliis
. FlAt. abort bilrte fdn arc grniily
aad trirnrbblp rootinneJ. In one of
last letters Itiebard reeeired be was
favor tbla aewaon. aod/Yt for Is now
scholarship be or abe can qualify, in a few nimtiis, aa h
formed of (be Mrth of youuc llidisrd oate for coalt. for lu^down coUars
Mechanical or Arcbileclural Prefimnftn. and can iln n
•ad yokes, a busby or (oog bairte
Dick trunsisn remsioed
Very narrow
easily obtain a aalancd p<«ition. Tbi- fortuunlc pi'iiW'ii
lb) te Imposril'
Thai was bis rale.—Boston Tracelrr.
bands of sable, lulok and of brown
can afterwards combine study with work imd qualify
akunk arc oate oa bandaoiuc evening
bfmaelf or lieraeif for an influential and well jwid p sigowns of v-lret and silk, and Bit eolAeeordinB lo «
lion in tbe professions of MrcLanical or KiectHcsl KnWssUmtim fiur. China Is ibe lap (teal iara and wide raven of ermloe arc pop
same tweserre iu the world. Usay w ■*' ular oo loOE eveolng coats.
gineetinK or -Xrrhiti cture.
be sun'rised n. learn that. aolwiibPsi
iUB tbr drnsr pupnUtiuu of Cbitui a
g*w Tear's B ■ aaS ftatslam
tbe r»-ntnri-s since ihr country has I
lr,<m_lAi- Cii. nJiir <•/ Infi'i mutii'ii <j ///.
.irkly isipulsied. It is still t
:r- ■■ ■, IS 1— Cn.r.—1< r-r iaslrurtloa »
ckrd wiib came of any eounliT
iHtcrtuilu'uttl C.Tresf'i’luimee -NAre/i.
roUd. Ktfu la tbr rryloos shout maaner of acrvlBf. A fancy urraage-
____ ___ ________
John R. Santo
.Educational Voting Gontest..
Support Vourself
lUbile Cearning a Profession
______ ..-.I
For .Some Popular Young Man or Woman
no (hirk as to be pests, whib.
as plBeoBS. qualL Btriite and rieebirda
are (onn<r In bumense Sorkv Tba
wolret of Cblnt are panirol
oUriy Domarons and fearless, and nuny 'Uses are loP
Is tfK Open Door
To Mechaniui and Electrical Engineering, or Architecture.
A •elfes Bateb.
Tore coatbmen met on the Weal Bide,
“rhwst srr yri wrarla tbp brown bat
fpr" Btects Jerry.
paaev saaxMBifgvT or kotu, sra
«H|U an- Ibal Ibe
Th' missus makes me wear a bat. to meat from Tal>le Talk It bera tbowaS l>■ns einsk. Ibe
malch lb' br.mr.- riuridslm Dan.
ef Duia nilalos ainffte with blancbte
lnme.1 up to ei
........-, ..
- leUtfsW.
Jerry Uaefa> tad adds;
almoadA rollte In augtr: cbcrinuti la
AdinncloB mare alowly
-Br^rra. If yes ar* wearla a b
almost h iMMdilBs distaaer Of Ibe Irstr
bnr 00 top. und tnlttaa ralaloa
•ad wattird to capture him witboot say
•Oise. Hick aaw tbe mao Prrtte Usbaad
Bhaat rilllt.
Ml te tras|. Ibe door kaoelce., .Ririuud
Hllk la said to be a parTeet food, but
lbM(bl b<.w rrekleM the apy waa (etlo ao aense a beverage ate staoold
aerer be ate at such. For stew loMbn- rrMtidB at a cunaiqiollMn d
.Umax, boweyrr. by crabUBt tbe •core party. OnTersatiim Oaiwte allgbtly. raUdt U snppllea all tbat Is ntceaisty
with a sweep of Ut rich! arm. aud. dap- •ad a wicked Yankee lauucLed an ap ter sastooancu add la this raapset dlfpins hb vn band «eer Ibe apy's moatb. ple of dtsnrd la Ibe abapr of tba atate- fsts from beef tte. which data aot
he prerrated any oatrry.
amt. BOW well known ia Umdoti. tha» Dourisb. bpt oDly ailaialatca. attboiiib
Nut mn.-h of a pruMle was Bude. .. a biu wu fafiiac framed in (be hove <rf ■maoy people atUI forier U.. drioaloa
t>BBPsn bad Ukew Ibr ewlpiw ton mate
timt It affotet both arnrimeni ate
•tiwteth. A veryTlitls nrilk. If Itagreus
•twrSoB^i dtwf tbe ffBwre -to a doer
wttb tbe Iteividnal. la of more real
near by tn qaesttaa Urn. DM waa
ealaa (baa a Urge qoutlty of beef tea.
tM cm of bis wdts to tear a dl»
Agatab cocoa ate dweolato. amda with
stek, farm a rteb, brnry food, but eurthat the datup^rioa a
talaly at a fijiak.
pterenl tbe FMoeb go
i-sstow any aaeb limitathm ca
ne privy eonacil grew, ate is M
SteTwM wte aM dill
*Vr. DuaaUB! Ob. dear:
grew aa loaer-wrystal which tecums
this frit had. SombTA
Bwwbea^ for H WSJ aha.
tbe cablaet.. Tte cabinet baa now
*1 tbeuebt
ywi was*
-------. to star at hsM
grewa, ate a ciyatal It erawtae withtaaltet- BI'bat
k does your pieaewm tee* *** !**^^^* y**f***^”“
ta tbe cablaet. Tte
«T te tbe.aaUuB. which we
ex1 aakr qurmbmad Dkk.
At tfch nibrr bite tewa apemk BaM- ate teany tba dImMMB bid fair to da- aa a wbUe. Is oot. If we took
k it facts.
teUc araar aa ter dicaity. too. aarlac Mentt itea a amicai di^iu^ rika m any way to be
•Yih, well. H yoB Utead tofUai to ^ U
iL or to tbe Aret n
ikB atitea 1 lefuae to bar* aaytblte «• SaMtte**' tUdtmUl MQdtyite- poatmteler grawraL
-say to -yow. Com*, air. will yM escert •MktetbteaayutBO BaaMUtHrUs
•satetahtenayfanstouia aaytf Ut
---- -^r tee added.
______ je 1 abril uha yaa temm vtdawT feuMta tulatiTeB. iriikb pat a
Oame tm. B« 1 vBb yaa wooU w- uaddMatetotfaa poUtete tteohgfaal mot atwaya te. la tbs haada of fk^
plaia yoar priiiai* brae, aa yaa hara tetetoteM ngite-'-naadalpUaTbl'
pb-ted ll>e owarr will bare a coraer
anil of artistic dralBo and one aot to
d to msv boppp
: BAVfD *V »08 etEEK.
“By far tbe (^oickiwt and anrest way to enter llivs>- professions is thraoirb tbe ilraftlnff
room. Drafting is an agr««BbIe and remaneretivu occupation. It gives oni* a knowledge ol
constructive deuils and affords a first class opportonily to Hcqniri' a prscHcsl knowledge «(
mecbaoical or architectural design.
desufo. The era of proaperity on wliicb this conatry baa eni.
ed has trebbled tbo demand for draftsmen and cmplnyers are niaking
nmkim; tempting offers to
com|ie1eot men.
“Hitherto tbe only way to get into tbe drafting room, for the yoniig man wbo has oot
bad a special college training, lias boon through an apprenticeship of a nnaber of ysara ak
•blueprint boy,’with little or no wages. Bot yon oiniiol afford to work two or three yeaifi
(or ‘atairati^n wagea' in order to s^nre a poeition that will snppart yon while (|nalifying tor
further ndrancemeDt.
iy derob
_________ .Jrawiog Conrae yoo
a ^oroogb knowledge of drawing as to be able to saccessfolly EH.the position
of draftsman in any office. Knowing what wo have accomplished in this line of lnstroclion,
we will forfeit $100.00 loony elndent wbo will gtody ai we direct, whom we cannot qualify
as a Mechanical or Architectnral Draftraao. As to onr responsibility we vrill nefer yon lo
the commcrcisl-ageBclw. to any bank oflTcof, teacher, dersymsn or public official in Hcranton.or. if yoo wish, to ■ stodent in ^r own locality.
“A paid up Drawing Ooaree inclndes a tigned agreement to teach yon nntil you «r»
Ihoronghly compelcnL A fine drawing outfit and tiro rolnmea, tolly indexed and boood in
half leather, containing doplioatea of yoUr instmetion, and qoeation papera, keys and dtatring platea will also be fninuhed to yon, for use in yonr cotiiee.
Uthti CtapM
i5«w to Vott.
Cut outatUchad Coupon and mall or brine It W
tha busineas office of the Record.
Each Coupon must bear the name of the^par>
aon for whom you wish to votAi.^
V The records of the gompetitors will be fiMwn
in tho paper after the oontMt to started, and votes
'relH berscsivsd until midnight of March 14,1901.
FOURTH TKAB-3ra 114*
; CUT, UCH, raiDAT, 4AXVAMY 4, l®Oi.
■T M. CMM^ W.Mtai
Itev Teak. Jte.
fiterierMn.Bd«to OaaU«pM«te
Wfmim WatM wpoBrir
artoateatha kltea|flag e^Mimaaate Oatehy** «■ ta O-ate tete Mr.
aaflMfa. OaaM ham toea la eoaMaat
two UtOa boje ari^t
ATTACKS Ofl THE COURTS ttead ttet ttter
TraMuteFs Bond Iteft at B80.etoat 1
m. ThM Maa
OOO.Bomo u Bofora
, -OhvsM FroMOUtDirTMtOa A« tea gated tedkMa
Mnc BrIMr arid Thtof
I. frtltoaleCnntoaSiMd
roMB oimiSrtto imii'rt rke’
•rsar nwbtod Tntoaeftotoal.
atart rt SISS.
Aademw. lad.,
S-Cbn of tee
h«« la J-t*" «aa Bad to tea
oom «f lUa rt^ ud^. iaanh
Spaeea. a flU weefcac. dtod yntofday
at tea bone af IhMaa VaaUa to teU
rttr. Mre. Spaeea aifged for tee
teanal earrtoee aad dartdad tontee body to tee boato e< bn
to. HnUa teCaaad to adnlt tee
rtakn. mnesittog flirt a Urge
dowMt wbleb be hM bMB dUUceoi
Ir at week apt*, aad vhkli w
■to Me fmweU to «be MUib1|pB lacle.
iatete. Hie enacwal vae a flier
MtoporitfaMi aad OM to vUeb Che
obaMMiMlee ctf Ibe Itoferaar. te
TBe 1 iBiatie It
'adrtaeme, Wt
wptmlte la deiaU eafl tbe es.
Am Mt btoltau to tar jeto
aMaae la tbe atrle wWab tea
At tte eeMteriw «r tbewa^et
._ .^_tea]leari Anoaat azpedi
PiaSTM'e iaeatofettetoeaMt«o(Oovlliai I........... . ifte illllat la nap
eraor Bite waa iwd.
* ----------------*
Wtea tte two boaato net la yAat tarla*
aaaalMi tUa fotoaoM. «-<
Plapee appaatod tritb hU
aadiv hla ana aarf ptolaaad It vltb
axtatopetaneoaa leatoifca la wbicb he
aaid: ‘‘Straajie aa il nar aaem. I’ve
triedtodoDir daCf." He told the Comm Via Paris That Von
pardte beaid U a te«e white aemnWaldarsM Has Bmh K\Hod
pUateeanthian: ttel the menben o(
■ ■
> afnld to
Maaadttet tber dare aetaetbe- aaaae tha^ tear pahUc atotteeai.
. Plagree Seated (he terlalatoie u>
' awatto^al* neaer to par te* eapnafi
or the icnecaar. a^rtog It had mat
hte StO.000 dartag the peat foar ream
Be ted aner Meairad a teito ten
V ten Pekla that Field Maxthe people, eo he had to par hla ova
-'.war to goraiBor.
alUad teeaa, baa baaa
Tteraatogeglnaa hlatotr oMte Miuj by aaotear oOoar. tet tee deaqaal taiatlce qaeaOcn, eoreriag toiU of tee hlUlng are bM glrea. Tbe
twelre pagea Friantp elaottoe refctto aad popalar eleottoa oT Ualtod
Statea aeaaton arc teatod at leagtii.
U btgiw m Btm Yesr mtt^.
IttidPlHF/flcir. «
Otfl «H FdtfPfMf.
Mbs flptiBi
to tee body af bw baetoad. aad
■art toirtiatlag qaeetliei aroae to flitag the mlae ot tea pwiparty. white'
eneonnntotfea ef ted <
Conond Funotoo Ropo^ Num adttoe ca flaaana. wayiaad neaaeef
tee beard rt aaparrleore. that tee
•rout Amoricon Suooosam
}atoe of laototo be reqalied to gire
bead of fll0.aoo. tee pneee
Damandsof Powars Balng Put
B.ou aad tee treaearer-e head
into Form for Blsn^ros
- d Iron itoOto to gtoeciO did aet
____ with aageaUfled aptobral, md
ttanaaPteamto rutatoa •
tin, repert waa tefanwMnte to tea
Maaila. Jaa. »>-Oeaaeal Fat
reporta teatQaaatalteadlia. ante)
tedaa hldiac aaar Victoria. U tipteg
to raate Maaila Kia totte foUaviwia dl^wto'di aad the naa «e
laUrldtoUr aaiwdtoteg. Snail
0Hy Book Store,
T, Kditce stack
teftn liTcatotT~~
Uwlag. MM.. Jml t derwact
Placn* fnd hU teat iriat M tim >ols»
•Mriw «t t)M> «MBta «nd
Oftk* SMhmtff, «'« « •
Bbak BmAs. ThAf sii^ «
Jin kimh 0t Offkt SmfpHt$
If you get into one ol our young men's
(Age 14 to 2o)
■m-« Ob.BaAV-AmV
•Zero” Ulsters!
Repilv PriM ilM
Teatcaday they wpnted. to faver «t
leariag tee tnaaaier’e bead at IM.OOO
ae tocnerly. aad of flstog the bond of
tee probate todge at ga.000. aa^ teat
of tee proeeeotar at fll.OOO lae Moonled Widneeday. lUa report of
Grtniei Met__
Fakto.yan. S-TIn mlnUMra beld
•eattog MflHr, at whiob tiny be^
be ante to tnaepoetoi tin daoaade
to tee paware Into a formal agnoi
Piweeator Piatt U anm to fflrtog for Ohtoa to algn btoon any qaea
bead, benan be arterle teat tee
mate den not nqoln It oad that not yrt omapletad. It U hM likely
a aen no aooenlty for it. ThU ttot tinre wUt be ,any eeopU
U ehared by may of tee at- wltetin demaada oatU tin A
toraeya of tee dtj.
: new being drawn ap la ae«
mL Tbe teriaed Hat to AmarloaB
yadge Loraager feeU almlUiiy to
lonarito Hlled dnrtog tbe riatog
r^aid to fainUbtog a booA H
■ that 44 adoltt end 90 ohildien
teat it U hot feqnired b
, to not nenenety, aa not
toot their llTea.
cent of naaey paaaea thioogh bU
baada. and that it U not reqolied of
tee probate Judge to any other
Everything in the store at -cut rates.
»nda &
n as«d
1 by tee
aa ■
nty otflem wen aptaored To Submit Pnpors In thaCuban
OB follow!:
Postal Frauds to Senate
Oeo. W. Stowartl. gtO.OQO; nretlea;
Pniy Haanah. 1. T. Hannah. Samnel
DoTldO. Ohandler. Sheriff, $10,000:
aoretlea. J. T. Hannah, W. H. O.
Mltohell, yanea £. Mahan.
to Tto HcfaliMt BmcdO. O.M^att. raglator of deedajfl.
WaahtoifUh. yen. 8-Tbe
000; enntlea, Saanel OarUnd. 3. T.
loAiy to a eommonloatiiB totintonBobert B. Welter, eoonty clerk, ateiefaaedto aebmit the mnra to
h mt
bond to ooanty. $0,000 :eu«Hee. Jaa. tbeOnton poatol fianda eaae aa reO. yohnaOB. y. W. MiUiken. Bond qnealed by ttot body. Tbe refnaal la
atate, $t.000;inreHet, J. H. Loocka. baaed on e memge from Seoetary to
oftheetato. Oa thla Utter aohjeet
If yon wiab to be so, the Telewar Root, wbo dec
the Mlrlag gemaor daeUiea that Flaw n Cinri^ai ffraaw erJeffrin W. W. Brower.
phene u indiapenaible.
•Ue with pnbUc
Oeo. W. OaittAciroait eonrteo
tbe axpMidltorea of tee atoto hare aet
No one can be up to llie work,
looer. $8,000; eoreliee. B. L.
•mo hept pace with lu growth end
in this age, withpnt tbia twentieth
Watetogtoa. yaiL 8—The -aeoretor]
MU. H. D. OaapbeU. F. B. Brown.
.^aU tbe cry ahoat esmragaaoe to«UI tc Tto lt«mtB« s>«n.
of war baa aobmltted to oongrm ar
Otootonatl, yw. S-Hw rtttom'a aB-Ghnee, nonnar. $800; enn
ae laala la f
defleiency eatimate to $3.
. la dealiag with oonmlttoe. mtoly oonpoaad of tnto- tlM. Bdgn E. Chaee. H. B. Oamer.
K R.-Walker.eoraoer,$1000. aniety. 000.000 for dtmy anbatatenoe. oaeaed
a forming tbe otgnalaed oi^ealNot in two honn—Not tomoT'
ohlefly by the heavy detnanda made by
tern to the pmpond yeffriee-Bahlto ■meaB. Mmoe.
»w, but jnwiodimeljj.
to Clitoa aad the PblHpOn —ot the oomflght nndar tea aaiptoM of tee SaeagThe other /ellow often geta the
waya and meaiu ptoea.
a pa^ a tied aater, aM^teaa ecteet toll boato. today aimooaeto
Waahtogton. yan. S—A notice ot order yon might have had, becaoa
teaa«l.6a04>«« uaen. Be igdnldi teat Senator Fonkcr aa well aa tin repert of tbe lettiing
oonteat baa been filed on Rapreae
be^hM s Telephone in hU plao
'tea ateeimr ot Hartal ■niliai aa OrtStteB 0(«,-tto RepnbUnnIoto- Ooorge W. Clyde, waa aooeptad. Tbla
tive Gilbert to Kentneky by y.
fowacfal tateraaU are tea tea abU to, tore dmwnnned the igfat md rtwwaabaUaoe to tin treaenry to $8.lama. hU Ute opponent at the.
Aek the local manngeni.
to esart an andae effect apea Uglale- pronlaedtodo what ttoy ooold' .to
poUa. WllUama olalma the Bighth
tloo. aad argee. la cr^er to redace prerent it
W. A Brady, too telegram reeeired BaUioad Co. for permlaaion to bnlld dlatrict waa gerryimndered by tin
tee coat of teen, that tbe proeUlen
bridge nooM tbe river to tin rear Kentneky l^UUtoie.
o( tee oooatlretioo allowtag eoastry ton today. Anted tint yeCrln nid
of Jamea O. 7ohnaoD’a drag atone
oewapapan •l^ for pahUihlag the
paeaeated to tbe board, and
geoetalUwa esaeted at aapaa
to tin ocoimlttoo on roada and
bridgee. Agent O. E. • Mnmy aaya
weald inareBt bln aa a a
“Oae of tee meet aaetea. imi
,S to yj off
bw of tin anloa fron tokiiw part to that be aranta the matter aanled teU
lime for good. Tbia la
New gartnento elegantly
tin mme petition that waa before
tor adnrtlaiBg teal ealan to be aold
made, beat 6tting qoalities,
ndal to TW HortM
the bontd at their prerloaa aeaaton.
for tbe noo-pvswot of lam." In
lateel atyleo.
Sterttag. III. yen. S-Miai Mamie
foor yean, he flgam. thU baa coat
The BoGton Store.
Kelley and Mlm Florenoo Frey heraetee ante $800,878.61 wltfanot being of
two mloonkeepara. John
tee aUgfatoat aid to deli^aent laxMeyer and Tom SbaaattUat ni^t.
WeUltooirn Kentoefcr Maa am Aiiiiil
flxtarea to tinlr
A rery totnmttog pan of tin laee- BpMtal v> Thr Haakaa Bnoed.
ta. AU tin pUtt
mtf la tint to whleh Ptogree neona FianeUeo, yan. »-A arrere
e emateed. The
jlaaa mlifora
npnda awl almort demaada tint tin wind aad rain atom of wide extent
on for tinlr aet
l« The Haralaa kenrd.
gtrto gave aa a
otetontdlol toreoMredtoOtandB^raaptog over tin north Paelfle
rpera aold tfaeir
lda or Detroit. If IbU wen dotn.
t. rv——u bndly to- ooanty grand Joty today rotamad a
ablrrnenoooldbetodaood to'eoeept
iptad. A report baa nartnd ben one bill a^Ltoat W. W. Farriab. yrtin
election to tbe legiaUtiire bad. aa a tram Ban. teat a trnl> on tin Heramalt, better Uwa weald be a^antod da, fhOiJbato * Oragoa By. toa baeo H. Dewitt, W. R Cox and Sylvaater IKIO FIGHT .RUBBER TRUST
Bilber city weold be aaore aeeeaalble blown fioto tee toceka Sever ' Breedin. Dewitt and Cox are promi
nent men. Breeden, a mloon loafar
than Innaing and the llrtog aoeom- iwtoeagete an xaported tojnred.
wboee life waa toanred for $lt,aBBototleni infinitely bettor. U thU
Xew J«vma naLtol to Chtraao
Dewltt, fUrrite aad Cox are Aetoggeation thonid be foUowto. i*oIfBAICAK PntAKCtAl. «-RlS»
cUrwl to tore attemptod to dabaad
• TialonahoaU be made far tbe eonBtinetlaa thereto of on aadltortnn
Chki«o, Jan. J—The Weetom Rnb^;
by ge«tli« tiMOB to toann tin Ufa
Urge enough to aocommodaie 10,000 to
to Sylvoater Brvadon, whom tenth bar Bool * Shoe Omninny to Chicago
16.000 penum* and ita nae devoted to
tiny aoogbl to aaesre aitbar fey aa WMtoeanvatod at Timiton. K. J..
national and ataie eonventiena by SawWInittoWicalafSmea Anatia, Tk., yfen. $—A diqatah oawdooe ofaleobolio atlmalasta or toi^ with an aatinctood oapitol ■XK^
In diacaaatog Ibe giaod Jury tovea- from Montony. Max., aaya: The byaalrtda. -'.Tbc todtotmant ebargea to$1,000,000, wltb tee pri.vilage to;
tl^kion he decUiv* that tbe rwil aUfto ta tartfctog and boatooik eiicUa Dewitt. PUTiah. Cox and Biaaden atotog it to $6,000,000 within tin life |
erimtoaU have tbai far moapad pan- ovmtiniraintt toa flnaartal orirta ti«otinrwite having antarad totoa to tin rtnrtor. Tbe object to tin oorUbment and latimateo that had Gen to Mexieo catonot be di^nlaad. Tin eonvtraey to Aebnad tin Union Oen- ___ Jton U to oompeto with tin Unit-1
Campnny cot to od Statrt Bobber Company known aa
etal 101110 been wlUtog tofflva to^i
mony agatoat Manh and aay nothing thm to Maxiean doUatn to CBitoa. tin $8,000; tee Woodmen totinWorUto
to tbe Hendetaon-Amea dlreetora be PhlUndDM aad ten tor wnt oontlrmm, $8,000road tea BqaitabU Idfe Inwr- are bite of tin ateeme.
woold have tana Ut off oaaier by Ibe and to additinn to tin U^ prlonto •noeSoelaCr to $6,000. poUrtaa for
•ontt Ptogrto dtoanda hi
Moxlcna money it Ueanrtag a ganerml tinoe anmt bnvtog boon Bwnred to tee
and aoetottoa.
moordby aamlllng tin metboda to Uqsldadon to dabli tinongboot tin
ooaita and ptoaaoaura Inpt
lyandto avwy laatonao ailvor myable to Dawtt.
offer one
•nist% wbst tbe bslnaea o<
Phyrtelan nn« gurgaen.
tton. HebaUaroa tboi tea UgWa* Fkdtar Suita, Orsreonto
t wo ahonU aMot a mlaUanl ooA
gad Ulstan are
flntag tin Umlto to JadirtaltalartarM* with tin ocmatitotfOMl iltteto ‘
Boaton, Jan- 8-W. Mwmy Omne
^iirtM'Mt to tin Iteta- I
aa tmmgstatod gavaraw toteiy to Mm toAiy^a
thto tea atataUon I
to tin Craw fte
By sllBSsns see thta liaa
teeiwaaanwofa Utge teio^ The
onto jalaan at Marqaatta amdlrta
Op Cfl Cbe
St Deal «
During this .month y<iu pick out any |
• $ 10.00 Ovetcoat h> our store
and hand us
We’ll be satisfied as we have too
many, of them.
Keluble Dry Goods, Carpet sad Clothing Hoose.
michlgn Ctltphtnt Cv.
n nice, €iMii»
$mDofb thPfH
You css always gat whaa
yon use an Electric Baaor. 1
Uave the finest stock ol hi^
grsde, fine tampered Electric
Rarx>rs that are gnsrsatoed to
be the best and most nttafso.
lory made.
Pricea from Si to «8.
W. J. l-lobb»
« ..Ifslitw
r vwslMtotoan a^tam tor InaaM
tea review to tin toUwea to tea Unit•dBMlM lS8t#ns. mga tea total
(OwttanfljM lota Mil
18K$n ted sasata of StettRSIb.
I OBfl Lot of rm Suits
I «aMr”^aUter«m'te I
CatphBlI Bns.
T'LECrrBIC and Osa Shades sad Otobn
h sod Gas Fizlores, Bella and Call Balk,
A- BtUories, Portable Stoves, Heatuglkdta
Tea PotA Flat Irons, Coriing
Corling Iro_Inoa. tooaa.
descent Lamps, Jc.p.to300Apr-aUal
lo, boi^
factory or store. We can wire snythtog
from a call bell to a whole city.
146 Front Street
Vour Feet
To A pair of our $2.00 shoes — They’ll
Seek a Divorce
We have an exceptionally fine line of
shoes at this price, both for ladies’«ad
gentlemen. We’d be pleased to diow ^
them to you, and are sure the purchaae.
of one pair would convince yoa tliht
they are truly “money saven" lor^y^
Frcnt Street
McNuuta Slade
YHK notsntfG ttooBb, TkAraamK tart',
X W. MAWW«W. l^Wor ^
of TolcX> iMt JW. ■»! ODO of tke
pat In
Inter-State La^wi.
by that team at the
With th* aefavtip to of dm twea
ttotoaeattiT Xn.
Oyathto Fmtto*
rt nttoa, nL. who waa hen Hay A
................. .
Aealhr dropped into tha BriihUHl
u Bid foond Hr. and Hrs. toiyhtoid*
and their wU* liitle Hrrim. H^ aU
a«abled to the kitchen. Hr. toiyhtkide vrsi tony boriiB brt** with aa an■fFtotbesdof ayned atoedpwktoy
box. while Hrs-toicfatiide and the toy.
■eaud side by ride en «he Boar; r^vded him with intame tbonyh poaa-bR
faypocrfikal Stratton. Near by stood
anesfaer packlac box with foar boh* to
ei«h end. throng wbirt loop, of arcoy
rupehad been so fMwBH as to mart
171T. eawlhadawaoCto* thM ondoM of Ifae awML Bet ot)» «w
toiyta her life Haa.
taFifteea todma of now earec* tha
oeired oreKsTM beta Ea»M Gity'a
groBndto Taaenrer. B. O.
«ar. OMCfe TobeaB, to pttti for
P. Oalltoa, who azrirad at Wetagu.
list eity at a lsiii1»aaa
xUiase ealaiy.
Mlaty- Botbatoad. Dec. >1. with «t.H» to tde
I do ao. if Ta
pookat. ooaldn’i pat a «ab.
(tartI w«a» bia nlaaaa tftm ToMo.
ad to walk to hi* father'* hoBCL
Thi* Tebaaa ba* done, aad the
by a etocB. and died
“ThU Uabrni the yreotst erUU of
baet win, Kant City «aa algned
of npoeaie alawet to d^l of the my lifr " otoerved Hr. Briybtaide.
leoer ia whlrti he wa* bon.
' Gow dP^ ttippare 1 fnt that rope to
The pebUc Utoaiy of Seattle.Wadi., witbooi epeniay tb*bcB? Joel flyman
wae banted to lb* gtaaad Toeedny
nipfaL Ihe totol etnrt offl
rure WIU*u aad B*a*r Ha*
a yrant epic poem.
berinp 15.0)0 rolaae* and
It or Tilted for tha
B».000are a totol Iob. The tanlldias wa* ballc tn yean a«D by Heaiy
Taeler. Seattle'*
aad eoet him nearly 160,000.
chaise of atitaliait badWBMAaBOFOovBBVon
dlBB oad other oiticlaa frtmia boaae
beleairlBit to Looii C^ll aad Alisa
ns taaac«fal aoMlte of Oorenor Ones oe the ahore of Ureec Uke.
BH«la*Bit>eft«ry eUaatail aad ri(- The eridcaiee for the People if ail ts.
and tlw.cBae liaa
the 16th. to sire the def^ie oppor
taalty to eeeara vl
at tbelb
t that
tbel^ i*
atv ftafTM. bat iu <
iimtbrr a
ty. Hr. BriyhUid*. havliiy ttnisbed berBUbop Hartolel of the
i^, prodocwl a bent wire aad a pteea
ebnreb la Africa, has airaafled with «< Btriny. one end of whteh wae fatten
Rev. ueo. R. Belboldt. of ladiana. ed to a few feet of rope. With the vfrre
be proceeded to tiam th* atrtoy into
to yo to Zainbeil. Africa, to eoa
cam bole aod vriygle it cat anotlier. By
. oolleye for EaylUb people at New
the etfiait the rope wa* then
Ontolia. In that eoantry. The Britlo potttitB,
iahyoremmeal ha* dontod tlAQDO
anocheriair cd
and lAOOO acre* of lanA
The health of Qoeea WilheUnias of
“Bat what are vun dotoy it frrr’
“He-e maUny miakr," espial
Hr*. UriylMidd*. “If* hU latM
“The fttly tranblewithnir. “told Hr.
Brtobtside. with apparvat tirrelmsce,
“Ulbii I'm Utr.''
“Bat arbat on top of tha prairie art
yoo mikiDy tranks ontof paekiny T
f«r? Cai bnoo. yon know."
I'm aendtoy them
lo a friend in WUconttn, yon see. Tve
yot Kime other friends ftorttoy obi tber*
touiyfal. and i^ three thiny* have han
dle* oa they ran take them as bayysye.
OlberwUt tbe railway oompany won't
let (hem. Can yonr female mtod aadmiUte Hut fact: Takinyit byandUrye,"
be added mudrelly. “if* a besatifal
piece cif work.''
Tlie caller joioKl the intenc aadience
(B - the flow and coMempUled Hr.
Hollaad hat been impairml and the
anffers oonsttatly from
------------- ia
ttw afl^ of the
Safe are rfriewed are
of ooin-
The qneen U qaite weak and doa
OomM BUh ha* not l-ytara The father of one of Ihea
leave her bed sore than a eonple of
jattiieard of^be
taiyited in a Ioob jnd eahaaftlTe fij
jldeataUy. ae^le eon did .net hours each darTla*. bat brisfa to the atuatioa of
The Aorora, IlL.
have left
the I^Watwe the MWMdty of mopt notify hia. The adjeonunem wa*
for Vienna. Aattiia. They ezpe<
taBidattra aotks bjnb aereral
vicil *evetal Eoropean eltiea before
prodwe teeUBony la faror of the
raaehlny' the Aaetrian nidtol
Uoa of other thhv wbioh ehoaM
It appear* froB the tceilBx...,------- will participate In several-oompetitiTe
oalra atteaRM hy the terlelataia.
lla Tbelrdepartiirewa*r't>««*d
the yoaait men etoppod at the borne
WhUe the dae—iat !■ ehort, It
Indian by the name of Jdin by a |ar«e nomher of friea^of the
Uta* sach that trill Bire an opporta•Ity ter pieaty of *o^ wort by the Oe*irk. ihortiy after the article* dU
A dUpatch from Vladivcatort reajapeared from the hoa*e of Ooniell
l«iatetare if the reecamandaUtai
poru that famine threntea* the Arfiae* the eoBetdaxatleB they deaerte. and Greea. and left there two Boka
and maritime' irovinee.
b-lOBdUw BpoD the i|«aetloa of Two (tor* later tber reiaraed aad
crop* there are bad. and the railways,
----------- ardi left what appear* to be
aoMv is the oendoMof ewieai
thetoremor edTiaea t^
tar aacke at the home ol
hadsea Ban. farmer and hoD«el
iraeed tl>r property le tint inini. aod
Be deplocse
that auwMaaj whteh appe^ to erery
portotioa of food to the laaUiil
Colonel Arthur Lryncb. who
left ia
the hoaae.,
brief, if to the point, aod
The case will come op emit) oa the
nmBeett a
BtIcB on the part 0' (h" forw to five th
Of J. DeWin Hiller, who
> that will 01
body who deatrea icond Boveniinent.
The Be^ce In fall if |<rini<^ o
oaother taife of thU lifne.
will be
I the lUty Opera Hooae ^st Hooday.
eTenlnit in the thini uadArr of the
Hiyh Sehteol Lectnre & Hosic Cooree.
the Baffalt) Commercial of
a reeeat
date (ays;
atart While Vae Warh.
People'* lace>* actoally ached toom
enhip in
ThroBih the Free Bcholanhi
at or ArahltaetDial DxbwIhr
excepIlnF wli<« the ]ieople
In The IntanmUooal C--------- -------------melted with the *)>eakrr'*
BehooU. of SefaniOD P».. which the
It i( the hriyht of art* to cone
Raeord will i«aent yon. If yon acHow BBtarally they *eemed
pare Uie moat rote* by Kebraary 16,
flow tram hi* U]a-«tieodoie*. incisive
ItOI, yoaeanrana Urliiir at year
peaetntioa into men’* motive* and
laiiiLut work, and at the eno lime
hr etady at boste tn iparc tnomenta.
tt yooraeU for a peofeuloital
UoB at a rood Mlaty.
Tills prince of platform entertainer*
the bonle. and
ehaaee thaaTOB. Oai erery-.Votin*
Oonpon yon <«a. and here nil yonr
Meoda Bte their* for ybo.
liaat nijttal
xvxxni ijf wim'
A Tory pretty party w»» iiireh la«l
L. F. Prrfcett ihitrcd
I ear* of potatoes to New
Thi* shipmeat U more than twice
^aaeot. aad daaelait wa* iadolred in
Ralpli Connable. Jr., formerly maotill a lata hoar. NaBenm* rae*i*
nyer of the City Bookstore here, ha*
were iweartit from oolafOc the eiir.
detitable promotion in the
the BBBic wa* fnmithed by Sii
naploymeol of Seibert. G00.I A Oa
* Blaffaan_________
oM’hlenya He he* been for *o»e
A dallchtfnl bintadar p*r1y
time the manAyer of their branch
boaor of HU*
house at BloamlnytoB. bat ha* been
all tbe
AbwnsnBbarof bertrleDd* tesadi bonee* of the Arm.
the ersaias wae move 10 Chieayo tbU week
He will
- BBo praMOt. and
paved r«y pleaa*^.
hU new dnties.
Areiy pleBBBt *nri»Ur party
Btrea laat eeeoii« at the home of Hr.
B^Hia. E E. WUte of Hadiaoa _____________________________ Conyh BemtMaat,la hoaor of the birthday aani
edy for cwld* and la^ppe dnriny the
rarmry of Hm White, by the ChrU- |B*t few year*. 10 onr fcnowledye, not
sTlnyle da*e h** nwnltod in p
tlaa Badearor eooiety of the Friend*
Tho*. Whilfleld & Co. toO
ehareh. A lante aomber of yotmjt Wabash avenne Chieayo. one of (be
people were preeeot, and the rreiiilMC most iromioeni retoil drayyiiU In
BM deUphtfaUr •pcBi in the enjoy • hat fiVr in «portiny of ^thts
MtafRaBeeandothareoeUl |deM
r yi»j» rrapt aodP
plete reeove^.'bnl mieo ‘cdonieract*
any rendracy -rf
Bad U a lUiBer *ijnnl •
toad, oo n fellow'* noar
VOBBO'e face. Hea aad
______je baUdlnp-HtB Hatioo Robm*
VlU taka the pUoe of HUi Edna Bar.
' nmia the aUth «nde. aad Hie* An•atteBamm will fill
the ptaer of
Via Bdidi BarL who wa* oaBpeUod
by Itotrt to raalpn.
* start with li^t
e la themaelree of
. and are eaeilr
3?**^*^ rrtirt (WhetHia'
---^’^TeUeTtof-------------- ---------
I Black Vonetun Broad.
I eloUto.&lieT Mdacedlotl.OO
Black finred Skirtioif.
BoUd fiaUb. *ailk and
wool, 44 in . reduced to. 1.00
Empire (^enota,*poDg.
I ed and shrank, ready lo
^ make op. 51 in, redaced
....... .................... 1.00
Extra fine Venetian
I doth. 46 in., redooed to IXN)
, Ziook over our fine line
of Pebble Cbeviota. ZibI eUseae^OidiindOnye.
I ^ggg
BeU'Phone No. «7.
Child's Cepe (
Out of Order?*
He tax daifle Inerted li whucicx
OOoa to Hamilton A Hillikmi Block.
JAS. O. JOHNSON, Drayyirt
aiiapiiiK .mt her rnU. duyr.
mau- porpeme,
tlins cTwtiay a frind of flioo.nno for wolvm. alMcp. yuao and rlc|>lianta vr:ih
su eaa. and an aui.miil of truth to na
the erection of a national meuamenl
ture that would Iw clever if it wore not
totnark the place of Generat Harri
lion of flM,000 for the
•OB'* rietory.
John HartBUD. juetice of the jnace tltosp aix luiimals, au.l Iht vnqib<v. had
MillriUe. N. J-. yot tore a wortly j learued, iu likeiuannvr. fcou lii-rgraudar with eome risiton to hia office 1 m.aJirt. Haydalena hm n.iw lauBl.t Che '
Fire Insurance
DR. W. J. rnGONS,
If yoa Itora a dwpUtoy. atort.ttoee;
RMC«i ffiUlkfl. OBWB aai
Mere oU
mtt. An
^to tha tortinniio for yon,jmd wtll
yon pratpl and oarefnl atrenOnly tha moat nllahle atock tasur-
W«rk rMTkXCCB AfllllRCtMT. '
Lot Child's
Winter Suits
For aye* a. 4. .6. 6. T and 6
rear*—prioea from kl.60 lo fl»—
jiricca cut in two. Some of
them have' extra vest*—ONE
ILU.F OFF. Haniillou -Clotbtny C.
I Shots « HtpaM]
and Delivered
Call Bell Phone 384
i A.3. F*f«VMAN
r flREI«SUR«l(CE.
n e.u M..X
I The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
yraaddauyliier. and fo it
After the fuaa waa all orw ;
'<» K«»'
b- Jd.-a U,. —Tor to •
Io.h,.on.^ Ob to pbto- ol,,^.
“ I canyfat m;
why i (
small fine wu immaedUapt-
{ at the t
''*'’** •'T*-
*"** '''her i
Hoppey. U. S.
AbnhM» Itoooln. H» wa. on. M
the offlem detailed re ynard fhe fnn-
p*iDtiny yraySreare with bUck
puji.t* h, an<ielrer bo^ ibev (lainted
• iwl
"tMwree with
th wiZ.
a liepame Inorh of
to paint
it Ibl trade
tailclleeand hradyear. A ynud limidwill
[aiul 19 ri.ixrn horse* a day, each kK«*r
bein* abcNil a fott iu leuylb. aod f<«
T1>* »rm T
liar. « pr—az«r, «--uniiTwl
I. yettnrioy in the dlreobatcher fcaUe at ti^wifi Cntopany's tfon Of toedreramd.
“Bicyrle. " theyiejoineil. not wiihont
paekiiw plaai to East 8l Loni* aad
intBBtly killed.
The blade cevoaBng tto pain the aoByettlfei «f th*
Roy Griffin, aged IT yaara. faU oa
pieraed hU
throat and aeverad hi*
Orifin wa* employed
in the triaatog departaeat, and lad
•d aoroM
the room
in hU hand.
with toe
The floor wa*
eUppery tram it* ooalug of yreaer,
aad he feU with toartnl face.
fellow wertaan were ettRM
agonlxtog eiy of dtoneB:
I'm killed.'-
by an
aa the hM to -to* world, extoads roond toe earth. U’e the oae
“Hy God,
AmgecB wa* naltod
tod hi* aarTtoaa wto* o( BO avalL
EValt's droB torn.
Boat anototog.
*r*< ’
Wc Take NoLhanecs
About winning your patronage. We're sure of it with
our enormous stock, and the great backing statement
-"You get your money gack if goods don’t suit.”
^ -1 The Sleighing
enl earriaye that bore the body of
Abraham Lincoln from VnehinyMn to!
10 , Va*liii«<iu'i>mldioy
waNui _
tbe’oM office .if
Cyrus Pirl'Idlreral
led tto daf the Ihium>u»s
, tFood
Goldeo wediny* arc takiny place all pokl*'’- “f
wa* extremely
over tbe ooun^. The old oonMe* of U. He had iuTtfed 900 nr S.K.f
' friend*
evidently took Bocky Honntoin Tea' to a banquet .m tbe roof and eb
etond *:
I ..
yonr ' the open hatchway lo weloiin.' all who J
catuA It wa* Uie wbeu
up wal
walkc.1 1
eu nil
J bail ueve
A only
widow ol HaJ.
Baymanjoui iwrived an mviieiiuo to the
■e I«
lanHoUtein, and a famoti* Mmy nnrae. {quel. IUni knew milhtui olemi rnch an
i* dead at
tier home near NovrU- *lfait. He vrai merely lenkiny anmad
e bnildiny.
town. P*. From 1869 until the eloae
“Yon are jtksi tbe mao we all an
of the war Hr*. HoUteln wa* enyayed
■■ •.!*
waiting fur.''
«tld Hr. Firld, holding
in the iMwptBl aeTTlre. and after tbe
ool hti hand with « nwrry boytk
battle of Uettyttary wa* matron"Come nyfal'along. Tb*fr*>t i*rndy.''
in-chief of a hoepitol where 'tAOO
Before the man euald art few on ex-'
•erionalr wnnsded were looked after. planatiim the bml had homed his
HalDlr tbronyfa her toSneneee Waeh- alcugtn one nf the
beadgaarter. at
Talley teal* at tbe board and erdreed the bett
Forye were poreAieed. ■ restored and in tbe boom for 1dm. Be had a kumir
of making every m feel perfectly at
madtarcetoible to the peopU.
base. Hi* end wei very pitifaL—New
York Prem.
There * no beantr in nil the land.
togntor Todn.
in diffMMt loealltUa for ttOe oa eai?'
teem*. Alan money re loan on real
aetote mnarity.
tbe bill
diorderly eoadaet..
That can with bee laea eompare.
Her lip* are red, her eve* pre bright,
-w take* Rooky Hoantato Taa at
Ask yonr dragyUt.
ISO irpwoMT mrmm
Tbe AH U
le Aaeswr la St. Clttcb.
retired, died enddeoly of appoplexT}
lante a* any other thU *ea*on.
* of the yoBsr men of the city, in
TnettUy nlybt at hU home at Fraav.
aininit over 12.000 ImiheU moilly
or of die cotlette boya wIk> are to rePa.. He inks one of the officer* who
rnral Kew Yorker* and i* aadoolited'
rtta aoan to the Oelrenity of Uichiwere detailed tn yuard tbe penltenr one of the eboieesi coasiimmefl
tiarr when Hi*. Surratt and the
^ aad other edncational Uulltn.
f (lotatoe* that ever left this city.
were hanyod for
• ttoae, after haTinc •peal their raeet tIOBS here. Aboot » oonple*/ were
plotting the a
ghNO laat araalBit in
» Glerelaad
J. V. m m fin
ahonldn'l I iny a flae jut like aov ; ner Thai U rf-liyi»ns iu iiaiuuuicaa
other citUea? I'm an hooeet man 1 well aa arannos. Iu otli.-r h^>uhc« there
even if I am jnntee of tl»e pcoce." A i »•« f*n.ili« lhat.aivrd..rkii.6 luxae-
Ria hhipmem ori>oi
•nalBs In the Apademy by a BitmWr
Btoflaokfar ]
Digests what yo* eat.
Hire AmeUa B Edward*, in her ■' Unucaldep Peak*." mtatkeu asanyaninlerettluy visit to ihc home* of the workiny i«-i|)le of Sc Ulrich, wheyr
in WMhlnytoii
tor* are mad*-.
will ia DO wiae penvent n*faaarty welIw'TSb-hottee. rani tbe eoconnt.'vra
come from the AnieritU people.
an 0I4. old woman at w.rk, MayConyteoBBan Crampacker of In- daleua Paldauf hv luuuc. She carved
pone. IniL.WiUtottodaee a MU in | nl>. cI.ik*. wolee*. aheep. y<«t. and ele1 Offlw,. phiDIa hbe baa madeibire-Kix auiiaal*
eonyn-et for an ap|wopBia1
iire whole life ksiy. ami abe luu uo idra
000 for the erection of a a
ul hinv locnl aaythitif; olre. hbe makre
mark the aceoe of the famon* battle
Ibciu iu two Mere, aud slic ttmia .ml aa
and TlcioiT at ■Opperanoe. near the nnirl.v aa imreiMe a ihiHi-uiiid cf ibetii a
baltb< yroemd ia that elate. Bimnl- year.
. baffrtBlafc to oolleot vote* how. aod
. keeplBB a( It. Ko <We haf a lianer
Dyspepsia Cure
and used lanyuay* of the •nlphnrou*! «r‘ “• '**'t
Tm can caaily win ihli eootect- by
Only a low Mt
with General LonU Botha in Sontb
emptied in conii and Hr. Africa, has sailed frnn Mew York for
Abmob other ihinR* reeomme
The Hayne, where be will meet F»nl
IteeMa aattahle le«iflatl<m hradiiiK Cornell identlBed the oonleaU as the
Kj -yer and invite him to viait the
to the eBoocngiMai of,the rood pood* Hippoeedly stolen from
United Stotea He will amare the
onse: It wa* also teMifled that the
I. which I
oy* had aold bides that Oanell iden- eyed boer leader that the attitude of
enahlai flae to wli
than for
oomior worse.
tl>e rooteatx of the mekt to MBti
him Urn it wa* the irupeil? i
; tarUlatloB.
•-UMtoy. AgresaMs
Th* litnatloa U deplorsble aad be-
aeeeion» of
the l^Matora a* an anaeoeatir;
' peaee. aad ooedaelre to loo i
VrdlMdF, As 'mott
wtm broodit
Arc made enjoyable if you have a
good warm robe in your cutter. That
one you've been- using may be wearing
out Time for a new, and no beUerttme
’ to buy than just now. Those Mohair
Plush Robes are the nicest for change
able wither -They shed the rain and
snow li^ a waterproof. The colors are
black, brown and varigat^.and sell from
$3.75 up. A hne -line of Horse Hide
Robes—big. soft, silky, warm—and sell at
Si2 and S14; Galloway at $is-
Mince Pies
Own a
The Cleveland Vapor Gas Lamp is
the best aod so the cheapest (amp on the
market. The brass one-bumer hanging
lamp sells at $^.50. the two burner at
$6.50; the Standard Table Lamp (student
style) one burner, full nicklc. sells at S5.75
—the full nickle two burner chandelier
sells for $9.00. Wc'\-e a big stock of ex
tra mantels and chimneys. This is f^t
becoming the most popular light that is
No home complete without one—
And this season are “twin broth Just the .finishing in furnishing a house.
ers.” If you makC'S^r own minm meat Our great stock of new patterns is the
you will want good apples, dried inches, finest ever shown. One-hundred piece
apricots, citron, lemon peeT, orange pee), dinner sets start at $6.75—best set for tbe
seeded raisins, currants aod New Orleans money you'll find after an all day's look
Molasses. Only one kind we sell, aod ing. The $9 sets are ready sellers. Blue
that’s the best. If you’re bu*y and have Decoration at $13.50. sdb itself after^one
no time to make it. th«i buy “Nolle Sudi look—have then at $15, $19 and $35.
Mince Meat. ’the finest on the maricec Many of th^ are “open pattems,^us
Sells at IOC the package. My, but it's enabling you toreplace^^y artiefethat
good, and we sell lots of it. Order a may become Jirokerilvmd so ke^ your
•et always compleca.
package with your next groceries.'^
JKfi'iyWrTS- jf^ir
B «mr. IDCH, MU»AT, JAKVAKT 4.1M».
IWek iMiMMd fccttte ar I
to K
• Md « ptoto Wft ktoM «r
to kM Itoe • «m ttol. TatotM
Ik* to* Mi Mtr toto it •• «MA ctuad
----- — at ix—nifa. Hold luo ' ~
«r CMto Md toud M » btotoMI ptate
ptooto Bitttto.-rto OM cBpral of
totiliMii, «U c«i>rDto «( Imn
Md M» enpfal of wuer la a deep kettkaadbeBoatll. »bea dropped la «U
water. II as be rolled la a hard ball
tietweeo Ibc Uiamb aad Oacen. Add
time ptnu of cbeiled aad brokea peaaaa. boil Are mlaiitn DKm. tbes add
of batter;
lake from Ibe lire sad sUr UU the boi
ler If iDHIrd. Add
t«kiv soda sad etlr qldadf. Aa tk*
aadjr beclae la rise poor at
freit praaed t«Ba ^madlBf a* tUa a*
Cbocolate Caraatela-Boll alewl/ tefHber one pooad of btowa ngar. halt
a eapfol of molaaeee. a qoaner of
pacod of anted eboeolala, half a copil of ereani sad o
uotll U U Uke retT tMek omUeaea Take fnoi the ire. add OM
Mapoontnl or rsoUa aod poor lato
Ui aqnarcaarbea partlr
Bucar Caniuela—Bon tocether «m
plot of praoiilated near and om aad
a half ropfoU of rlcb ereata. Hare a
Mead;. nilHT, alow Cre aad adr oenthtaallr ontll a epoonfiin dropped
late Ire waier eao he
ttauiob aad Daeerf to a bCd balL Take
from ilMf Bre at ooee.
epooefnl of* ranilla or aa; klad et
narortap aad poor lalo wM.battered
llBi. Wbea pani; eeoM. ma<« off to
three eopfale cf r iBwm e«Mr. «
of water aad
qaarter of a itatpeoofDl of tartaric
aetd uotll da trrioc la cold water It
will alatoM enrk. bat If held a m>BMI eae be tolled late a bard ball
Do act eUr. Iwi poor late a bsttarod
diata to COOL Ai Boon as It can be
taaodM add a teaspoeoro) of erttaet
>r peppenalm aad paU aoUl H la whlta,
ibea eat In nicks
' Oes» CaDd;.-Boll togMber
capruh of snaolBicd usar. ball
Iraspooaral of eream of tsrUr, a tsaspooafol of rinesar and a copfnl of
water ootll It will taap when dropped
In cold water. Poor at once on a
gnaaed ptolter and pall when cool
CDOUSb 10 Laodle.
Butter Scotch.—Bbtl tofelber two
cupfotsef granulatedaugar.ltoiraeapsugar, uaii a cn^
fnl of tool
Of botteci
Her alioolden were brokeet ia two
places noee laokeu and face teiriblp
bruised. tUm was iatornallp iiijarptl
is aol aspeebid to U
She to
Tl reals olA
''An sHiMailra sra^tog «com««.T
tkm* an dS places to Hktotgaa:
apaamd al McDowl.rs cornor..> where tmatlMZ extols Becretorp
wip. wbea Miss ttorrle Me- i Wade of the aairetaltp has boM far-,i
Donald was Mtried to John Me-1aisbed with a'ltot of tksm and «u-^
Doaald, bp a tolnlstrr of ike tome; ,|mu from Iheoe points will be re- j
onnuuns Both beat man and Iwidrs-: qulred to show cotlftoana of raceina. i
maid also bore that [lairooTjnlc.
! (foo.
Flromcn's tdoiMineeis are a draw i a woman' hpiawttot al nini
rard in tlie upper ptoirosls warned oparrenl other ..*oh}ectt
Orpatal FalU baa faith enongb
with the Idtotlwtli was saminetp'
|0,Hetoto planulag one. and will weather, and the poor dapoa stood
foeoi'a gtanditand to antt A.OOn per- aroud on tlie atnetslbs iwzt dap:
with vaati aad ooaU Mtmwn bark i
t in MlMit- solotliqi witli an axesoi of solsttoe
gaa all but halt a dosrm of which
baai. while axonad tboa wen men'
thorooghlr modem. Tlial western abirering in bear; ovemoats
pcwtioai of Ihe aisle wlmre moat of
xhe Pero Marquette paamger tnin
Bte popototioo are Holtondets can j Ko. 8 in ctotofe of BnRtnear BarMelt
boast of U.e 'gnaie.1 twoportloii of *nd Oemdnotor Oeorge O'Dtoip of
Detruli, inMuUp fcUb-4 W-iUtom
It ha* St toat bran derided that iIh- . Kraibel sad hto Wif* Wsdnsaday
gnasra) eoafareneo for the world of at a nosaing Jut east of tbe Pore
Mm BereaUi Day Adrenltou will
: Muniuetle atatioa to Otaad Ledge,
held in BslCle Orrak from'Ai«il » (o
siUs Hyacr, formerly mayor of
April n. Dalegale. to the nnmimr Jaokaon died of heart failera while i
Of l.SOO will be lUera. rapeoatuttog ; toatod at the dliuier tabto. He was
' •rery ootuKip iu the world.
' ;s years old aad bail been iwomtoeol
Tbe wiator tom «f tbe KaUiaasoo '^n baatoaM aSain.
Ml CMCDepn
gtoe as aaeiMBi «< wk
tto HTTMe of Duilo faandkowha
What we are Closing Out.
Olintor $uit$q.M
For ages 3.4. 5. 6, 7 and 8 years—
prices from $ 1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in two. Some of them have ex
tra vests ONE-HALF OFF.
petiad'idtfe;nea At tbecsditf tbst On
tisie the Btotoe na;qait the oerriee or
besoTR-ejOke Tken iewodosbtof
aUe to oosttose is the aerrim
Mice..................................... ..........
One Cot Tine Suits
_______ ipwb...
Beautiful patterns—new this season
Sold all the season for from $5.00
to $7.00. now $3.50 and $4.50. .
iii« - -..............
ire ;nrt' eerrice ke reenllMN, be
■atsiikasHstb, asdif faresUMafer
a third psiod (d i*o y*m be feu ilB
One Cot
Cbild's Cape Overcoats
tbeo^tor tbew^mw.*
Mood In an mireir differfareidn. and la recy pad a(:;fe. It gtm
from that in wtaicb it war
a toariae a blaito keteel sad a white
CDS Tktoe two an aappowd to leat f<w Iniesded wfae« tbe King Janes rerMoa
tbe period cf ealiataMoi, wfairii U ftre wai prepared. Then (be ex)*ewi<D "lo
;ean. There u ao trosUe eboat wn take tboagfat" was anirersal m a (jnODjB fer aaxtoaa loHdnds
an sot often awd. TbaiDBriaealfo.
a there to a torge deatb
OBeoadnwrapa rear, wbieb.is alike
nredn Be alM pr*i a atom «q> esefa
iTOoWes ....................................
jam. Tbatnake* If artlckebf bead tore tb«> little ooea from Iheae terri
ble dtoaaoes We know of nothing
with in tbe euonp cf fire jesn. and ezto giro instnnl relief ns U
perietK* >bow« ibal that If qaile eof- ______Ooogh Core., It can also
fleuBt. It if oesrl; tbree hats m pest, relied opon in gripiii- and all Itm
and there ate sot anpwafcli«nea aad iaag txrwbVea of adolla. Pie.
ant to take. F. U. Tbom|«on.
who be; St stab; ae tfaas
'The aaslDe atoo aets cm (all dreto
Claries Wilep, a farmer aged TT
laMf Bre pear* rrrp nieetp. Be irestrea pears, lirtag amt tbe town hall in
Mcaitor townMiip. war Bap City,
a Catigae JvkM eaefa pear and aa
was foond lying dead by Uto botaoa
He geu eljtol twin «d Uoe I
Bay coal- mine No. A When
mn aad ei^t pain of Itoea nee to
pears aad eaperiefiee tbowi (hat
fooad be wai entangled in the reins
iBBB is enfal be doee act need tbel and there was a braise on hia.forrtaanp.-He i. abo nppHed with Bd pain
of gtorea far (be fire pests He get*
Former prices $2.25 to $3.50-All
go at $1.50._____________ ■
- ■
One Cot
Boy’s Reefers
Former price $f.50. now $1.00Ages 4 to 10 years. Come quick.
Jilt ebild's Reefers
-------- -----
bM. two iuKlenhir»^^7wo {sin of
dnwen each pear. He abo reeMrea
foor pairs of wnilen sxk* and foor
pairs of (odoB aorks each pear. He is
ai^plied with tbree pairs of dnes each
peer and ce>o pair of amic tboea each
teatuu. He rteein* two pairs of blankeif daring the term of aerriee. Beit
■ IfO gtTia 40 hum ocillars and Cbm
pain e
lime. That to tbe ootBl iu tbe war nt
elmhing whieb tbe pm
«Mb mariu*' who ><>dj
Tbm attlrlet s
■f first
fl rlBiw.mBto-
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per cent, discount.
Co Boys’ and
eiiildren’s Ulsters
.. . ........ -• .■at25 per cent, discount.
Sneh little pilU aa DeWitt'a Little
Barlr Rtoeta ale rery easily taken
:snd’they sta wondertiUlp effectire
' to cleansing the Urer snduQycls K.
Cot Boy’s ntce Ooercodts
I iwobably totally injured.
One I
three d
red to tin- rraalt of llio
rtoUofaoraiy tnooao to the liulr
town of FarrisMiao.. on New Year’ds.T The animal, a|>pcariHl iu llir
strm-la iiluat noou and chargi'd ililittle to dRW>cd to COM water, it will noMtotatall. Tbereaieafi-w anicler, rertly'aij. littl- knot i
ing in froot of llte only >
snap. 1*00; at once lato aballow pans;
town. Ereiroor insdo a r
do not hare II more cbau a qoarter
of an loch tbIciL Uirk tote aqaarea
tofeir. Jolm' Otoon toiled. to
before II hardens-TaUe Talk.
oly I
coe-bslf of tbealtowaucewfakdi bem
>lie«s. tlm moos.- that tie will laolably dii.
and if be tores sot part of it be is al____ _ ......... ..
.........................„ towed M
When tbrealened witli
bead pumrs and bags of CTerr deoertp-1 be ■ton not
r suT other lung troubTcL iirompt
Uoa-ronnd. witb gate lops or dnws 1 iwrrire i.i>itop wlwi are taking iDlp atuat relief t» ueeeasaTy. ba ii '
> our ball Of what tlw gov>-fniaeot al- to deUy. We wuobi
[ kTwr. and at tlie end of tbeir fire posin' Unc MinuK- Cough Ui
.erriee thep will be paid In tncsieT for BOOD aa indicstione of lisviug taken
are noticed. It, cum «|uiekly
' tlie ekafaer thep did nut taks The filll cold
sod its earlT oar jireTcms rmitinniii' rah» of the ototbing allowed to tocu tioe. F. (?. *rhomrson[ wan f«lire penn i< 11 PS.
Carl Wsltm, repmeotlng tlm Hau-aiiou
■"> '-ety B
. .. Sogur Plantera'
ty ibep lire ii\. hoasea and bare beds Kew Orleans arrired VVednmdar from
hot while 00 abipbcaid *»»ep
s„„oon„o,l that u!
I bamanckx whirb the gormitzirat (nr___ r jnn
ui-w.... w-nni.t
|ui,bto TheRlraptog quartera. both
■* “* U.e atoamabip Arka-,
titotfri. Thefuod toalUhalamaDurada. dto, bound for the Hawaiian i.lj.D.U.'':
Sometimm tbe euauuiMry la not well I to work on ngar plantelion*
■ ' ' ■
■ and the men coaRlato,
but tbry a
get a ebaoge if they
16 to 18 years, marked from 25 to
50 per cent. off.
Boys’ Fancy Olool (tests
Ages 9 to I 1 -former price $1.75,
now 75c.
.^ .
One Lot
Bey’s Reefers
'Advertise Your Wants in the Reconi
icily htoltby taula. UiwaUy apeak-; wa DotnU bridge
lag. Ntmt popif wm be examined ’ tract for a new steel bridge to be
tbe fascioailDg Algion purae of tba
bp a phyateton aa t« fata or Imt boalth.: weotad aeroia tbe rtrer with a N>UluacRttocL. o'lilefa cso be kDtttid or
aad any papU femnd With apmpotom.; fnM draw
, CTVravlfSJ IU
to »M.
allk .UU
aod ImadA A.
At »sbowB
of any eontagiooa diaeoae will be sent
R«r> Thlat
I U; tbe ebatn and book. Il to to b*
__ We ofit« One Hundred Dollari Be-: aa a oiiatHatnc. The making of paiwa
alieep were killed by do^
■r IDU
ID atieep
Oatarrh that can-; la quite a fad wiib fancy workers, asd
^•wr Blktwi Utt week, and a» the noc l» cured by Hall'a Oatarrh <?ure. .h, j.rlwlpal expeuae lie* to baring
Ibem twopefi; t
fmllU Sorb n purae 1
aUtme polou of faalilona
i.------L. of — Atm Arbor
wUow ^ oleaaed out a few ulghto ' anctoU^ abla to earra out any obliga•Ra.buitfaB
Use Bbetlaad doas and -eoaraa sted
ft n«ax. Whohoule DrugdMUy botlK^ed them, for a day
Toto2T*WalSS!7^ii^^ aeedlea. dlr«(-it Tbe Udiea' World.
Catt on SS atliebas: kutt iwiea actora
twotatogthevietomedallth* ehlck-IStoTTlB.
Sip L • thread orer 2. kult L BoTb.1t. hart- l«-n IS.% rar. of augar ItoU-a Oari^ ^ to taikaB
peat from • 10 llmea. knit T. pnrL
brat* sad four of ehtekorr dilpped' {iMd
nmM f-*-"— ^ ^ 2. Blip k knit 2 thread orer. oarrow.
(ram Ftoeoaniiig this yea* nttojg^iem. Prtaa*. Tfie per bottle, thread orer. oarrow. • slip 1. drop S
a sni.oon ID raxli Jo circulate I Sold by all draggtota Teatii
loopt. itepeat fram * 1C times.
2 Now Uke the long atltcbra oai
ihe M.
bp dtoppise : toopa and pot them oo
B%|ra toul Wm Eiliau|icr br
tbe oee<lle Jott koU out. Tben coffiFour
» next to iba beading and knit all
e iryiag le-gei acme powdrr out
'odaffa^ wlwu it eqUoded. Ihrlr depend oe Bslanl gaa are to nao^te Oftb* tout stllcbaa plalu.
2 All kult i^lQ.
toees wore filled witli iDwdcr. and tanr frar of beteg obliged to stoke a
2 811(^1. knit 2 orar, oaiTpw. orai;
U the dootora me abTeTo digtoe ?“T *
arrow, kail Ifi.
grato* aU out. the hope will not ^
A* Dattoli OHj Oaa com
BMirai ffdto Sfri fow.
S^aagOOdlooki^a. tlwe ua.d
n««t»lg»*wiUlompor*»Uptoil durOld raabtooed plum porrtdfa map bo
Or,, wolre.«e raiding riieip
to the iocalilyof New Buffalo and a.l»**ra hqee beta waimed, amde Htbra of wheat door or U
BNsL Wbea it to made of tbe meuL It
Jaemt looaUrioa in BairWi and Laporte
a n.^ Mraawroonntldk Wedaeaday a party wiu _lt to a myMery why woraea eadaie will take a toBcn- Ume to prapara, aa It
least two hours to cook
mvuiirad for a cW and a - Wg Hfty i
Wbra tbe porridge to dooa.
wolf wat rounded up by dogs Mih .
of New Buffalo and killed. A
that Eleotrlo bSoT “ B
ODd party wlUaat ooS to trail the qMok)p rate ^ tnahtoa. -iRffer.
oea^raHety for auy ^
i g; King a New Life Filla, which ah'
••The men 03
atoo get aU I perfeetlTr hannleaa,
tbqr ueerl free, sod
er and
and bowels to . .
asa them aotblng.
I matter,
matter. eleanae tbe ayateo and ab*o-1
-Nowtbtoto tbe
a marine to tbe aary.^lajranc^rt i Heeitoehe. Italy til at Jaa. Q. John- ?
and well frd.. He ileena in a rood bed ““■»
iBDDmork. bra proper atMotiun if : ------------------------------------------------be it sick and draws kandaume wages
In cara every month.
"Hiiwmktooat at all
140 keep him uFtba
beat pbptoeal couAiiiea emd give kto ap
fourlTi off from our fonm-r
petite a kern edge. Be baa lou <ff time
low prioM.
ilrnn' new
for amnsnneiil. On share be ran play
bUliarvto ami ynnl free al the poK. and
be may eojuy all kiuda cd exrndae to
Boys' tr, Rgcfera for
the gTmnaaleni. Tb* mm pUv baseball.
black, blue, crown WoroiiiIfaall. fo.abaIL They pm tbe bambo I. Litx-bilU. >>ar very
and abut aod eojdy tbcmaelTea put
aa rnnrh aa the 00liege bora do.
rbemlbemrumayrnirrtaJn iheaaarlTea
with hooka amt papeia.
xDt IS a mooth
'‘Bmidaathla tbe marine tatakra car*
trancrable. at thgeud of so year,
be msT miire lo the Marluen'boma.
-hewiU baTea^■lm to bimaeU.
1 table,!, three auila od ckshas a
pay aad tbrra-qturten c
meea rg olotbing. heaiilM 1
been* and good board, for Ihe raat
w saeo that t
lyiu deallBRw
K*duty, t^ leralee good
traaaaimt. sad are wrU fed and elotto
Hew Terit 4a taito brara. nlri^
.... JB.Hti. in blacl
blue Keraey, v<>ry popular
this aeaaua.
The Little Mea'a Mtwt l)r.-e
eyOarment ie oar Covert
Top Coat aafin liuetT
reduced to
Tiiild’a Beefere fl.4i', large
sailor collur, a gAod erlicle.
Boasiaa Blouse Bnito, io cordotop. Ooly a few left.
These yon map Iistc at ^
off the regolar price.
Tbe Boaton Store.
Boy's Fiocy Wool VooU___
I 00^ not drum
. A mU Itsra to hto own pper Ute-
ea to tite toraMo- Tba
aatooato da belierod
1 will sell groceries at the !
following prices for the !
next ten days:
pound.................. 4)5 '
2.S7 Front Street.
Steinberg Block, |
J1 Bargain
in a Basket
Commendiig Morujay morning nnd conttauiog
ati week.' we are going to put up, all in a basket, the
following articles, all to go at the price of $1.50.
25 lbs H Best Flour........ $ .45
6 lbs Granulated Sugar..
1-2 lb Tea.........................
1 lb Coffee.........................
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30 .
1 Basket............................
(MletolPoto Md Btefwwg. Ba aad
WMdad toad Iptag
Buffalo, and the jmek i
«gul (uU grown woi*ta.’Wlth a
one week.
. .
All goods guaranteed, or mon^ back.
AH diW’t IlMfm
' rrv—
PM°M!r..lMMIor ^ I. 1*.
S- AmwV
FMao’a gn
rss-iSm TMSMklM
The rmj beat goods aa well
aa the eheaa^ at« per eewt.
dtooounu fiSlhoB
€titeri»rise «r«Nt«y
Both 'Phones No. 146.
-'I , .'■ 'V-^ - ’•i^' V-^''^V ')>'■■ •v'•■'■A^:5•‘
lT, jAirtfAKT
OS mmm
MiPnMv Mvto Hw BMn
WMck B*
^.VhU* aa UatoMBt Mp
Mittn ivt of tte adte. City
;«*7 0ar1aanw U«o«a*Bpthei
M*» -mlM rf U» ffAIM.
p teat to^deewd ex;
» a» ffote of «• d^.
1Wf« ue twopdatt taitep
cnUaaao* that tte gaa «
OteMtte. aad at kaal a^dthad
K. OF P. U»6E 6MWUI6
nt«MmfM7 M «• ted •»
Mate^te«U«diMMM«r te»
oUy—d tte oooaril mwrrti Ite rtgte
tee frailtetoi at aiuH
4, tmt.
BiM LmiatoW
em toatoTM tote
laat af^ TVvaraeTntp tmdge He..
7S.K. Of Pi voted apoa atea eaadltoteafortee makof Ffega. After tV
pte tea Itee ofaqaal
tawkw, aad makee jaepteep that giran tee nCMag eVnriellnr <
er. Jntece 3. A. Loraa«ar.for Ue
aakm tee preamt opileai of teaqaal
ttp be ehaaced teen will te a bkodp _ ^ aad rateable work dnriag tee
terolattoa la tee eoaattp k kee last pmrte behalf of tee lodge. The
veto wae iiaeordad the more uhearfallp
He daekrad that the IcteiteofMB- bamaea Jadga Lmaagar haa made ^atetedmtet teepaai to toUd
eaHwidptem mwkarteip and
teeaM aot te left to tee fadae. Vt
otearwtee taader vateabk amviee.
teoald be Umltad bp kw.
mre Mfloaatp eOaddeted
tea kogiTitp nf tea
Steward tamilv ato teak of Mn
Mr. Steward’s anaeaten MlgiteAt
teal Ohio ta ISU. There Hr. Ptewntd
Into ato Ured BBta to osm
OtoDd ttavene ta WL Hk i
dtattor WM a eoldier teroe^ tto
tag tom l«A ta tea O
Hi^tottolt E_______ _____
laistatekmam«Mi taVd ta Ak llama Ama tek tag’s BaeaM. ato . hmrp ran wiU
HaantaltaM tateMtoto
aw BawM m fmn of ago
md tod toan bfttog Mtoa IMS,
tartag ttrto ta DtooHaa totem
tee age of K pean Hto Catem ato
to priiiBWtl to tee eenaoU.
Btoteer Ured uwettor 4t pear*, md
Oae to la lefermee to ohar»iag f<w
bto father, bora wite tee oentarp.
tee aee of tee meter, when no flat to
dkd at tee age of to. Mr. Steward’i
her. Ban poaager, ato wlfa. an
( teoaUtetfarawa plTlle«eaf
UriBg ta good baalte aad
• da
ofteoeaua awate, wtottea gae to
tMafnil OB Hew Tear*a dap
Wtettettte t mta of Ite «itr
aot. aad amlnaaa
ftomOoergta. wtots to tod bald a
. Siaaahto of tee
OMftoaaea. Tiitirtop toattmdada
Eaqniia. laail. ii
a te tea tttawa ap aa ordlaaiiM teat teleeVafle wifi proteblp. be : <m. owrletad of tatirder te the
faatflal ato Ms^t a ooM. Ha karaa
dWM,to»peara aad U 1 had bad tteaod aad teoee awaitteg 1
- - . . - tmotearaak td Kalght, t
bote her fateer'a aad aoteer'e aide, a widow
The oompMip aleo ob}eai to tV dk- tlmetol
Hiade of Abb Arbor, tormtop a f
Uped te matriaqBp more tea
oooBC to be amde for jaempl papiatot wonldtovadoae eo, tot 1 did aot atill • telttetfOBS te aU n
•oata of Ite di7 aBd tee taalteai
tortocaiFisd, now ta tto aoate__
bare tiiae to tevaeti^ all tee c
lt,teea«ei iapoae aadi hard eoa^r of cae btlle. and wtoh a
to healte. with to Mater Maip. ato
for anp lodge aad it to doabtfal if tetaeofbleb
eo teat It WlUlot take eSeet till IMA Upea tele matter 1 unoMiaend
gga. who to IU at boMber* Mka
teeacU aaottor lodge te the to
wottor ta
' Ite cat ppopie trill aaed to r
There wlU V aS
toothers ato atotora «n}opsd maarito
iMto an eqaal abowteg.
' Tteoadiaateelaae* la dtr
teatioe of «
tele ehBB|re,^howe^
life to old afle. and eome of them teaad degree Horn
of tea oedtenoe ocstKlUae. aad will
Xt to teoa^ bp mom -of teom wV
dlridaalsUvedtobeoToraa Two of
.be bp teadwapartad te tea aaoMU at Vre looked into tee 4ttter ttet tee life to a Axed team, white wUl bald pletod for tee pabUe I
tortp torto bp amsp ta Ttetatac ______
teelOteof teeee ooapka are bow lirteg at
Ha oaA aaatiac. While
will be pr^ptlp aooepted oat a tope at leaat that aafortanate
map okee
okae teeir ar
apae te death oatelde tela monte. AU Pago*. Baqalree an 80 pear* of afle. Mr*. Swward’saUfew poiaia la trUdi it «iU laatebip bp tee gee ooapaap.''
Knl^ta with tetor tamllim wUt be terandherhateandUTad fagiteerto
the prteM walla.
After tee
tteaonanlt tfaap
I a baaqaet loptefl nmtrimonp at over «) peara of
toarlU t ><a>eof tee ace and CBS of teem at aboat «
d bp Hr. Darla,
m«'Aw«7 to at. Me<T*>
“Inr^ardto me toteg lotead np
• «U1 pnteblp be paaad.
: Ooaatee Botep MoaBtata Tm to
V ooqtempt
ooaatp e
Aoaeadl^ to tee eoadllteoa of the
AetiU alarm kal craBing oalled
bop lodge. I waat to aap that 1 think tee Are depBitmeat to Ban Eighth
' aadtteaae aadiawa ap,aap paan fraB'
tea Mde.bp tee famoMtodlMBMad
ahlae ia laorMed. tot H. B. Webbar
tenet where the ohtemep wf Ed BobietaeOo. AakpowA
IflMUae Mtek. eecoad hUhop of the latelpowe as apologp to tliepeo- ner'e rendoBoe wm bamteg oaL TbU
.^aadK. F. Oate^. of laaH.
•tw Mae* New IJeteea hr s arttem eT
dloeeee of VniM Bte. Marie aad Mar- jOe of tee atom of Mltel^ for tethe fatoorlea. aad it wm fear
( attp, aadar tee aaae of the TrarerM qnMteaadtlMter btobopor Aatteoe, snlttefl teeir Koveraor.
ed teat there might he dangar of tee
■r .. -----'
want to my ttot if 'teto ponng
; Oltp Oaa U^t Oo. It ie laorldad died at SL'Mrnp-e bo^dtalteat ereathinks he has a moaoplp on my
TV Ane new rretem of gaecltae
I ttel BO atraet, allap or oteer pobUp tefl at tee age of K) pcare. Btobop
Ughu has been installed ta the
aateUte aimiMWirllp otetraet- Hiak wae te pnmewlon of all bto ooatampt aad that 1 have eoatcaapt toal engine wsBt to the eoene.
Broach block, and to now
At AS per eoeL <
; ad. aad teat la all 0 a where esoav taenltlee to the ead. Drnth had beta for itM bto eonrt alOBe. V U mtotak
ConeUpaUoD neglected or badlpjtiqn.
Ughtteg tee meat
BatollM Olotetag O*
laate oralltpa expected for wreral dapa He wa* CB. for 1 tore oonaempt for
tnaled.I^ to total dimbllitr or! Flank Broach A Sobs, tee grooerp of
I tedl te toft la ai flood eaadltloo ae bon Oot. IA. IKio. at OarioU. coarte in thii Mate, kaowisg their dmth. TMcy MoDBtain Tee abaol- J. J. Breixiiia and the mloon of Bto
■ bafoca It to eapraaelp prorldod ttei Aaatrla. and wax onlateed a talrat Bwteodi of prooednte. Anp
own that will etndp np their
raftenaapadal telil U raqolred, aa
pat In. and
ah will be ta opnatiOB ta a
Fr. Mrak wae one of tee beet lorod of laoeadoie end tVlr praotleea will
t la tea letopl^ of pareawauoe watte.
few dsvt.
with me te« It to a Atograoe to
Tbe Rta
— for these lighu to rnratobed
t aalp telltod toboewn. fimiUar with mea ttel ever kbbred in tee ataie of
Wedneaday evening_________________
bp * l» light plant, aad all of tliei
Miehiimu. He took op tee work for tee state of Mkhigan tee wap tb^
rooms in IV block ars toUltosllv.
U to pnrldad teat tee baUdimt of ter Indfauii In DMA at Artire Orotee. are »«—~i~f that thep tore tee right
-Thtod. In
to the nali
ta phat atell bi«lD withiii U dapa and owtefl to aoazeHp of twieele. te to riolaie tew and oaU it joeUee in
I. there are twoarr Ugfals ta t
of tee nafortanatoe teat
■ »t. aad two in tthe
meat market,
of tea opalaf of aavigatloe te tea Mlehlgasat that
The rest of tee lights in tee
__ bkte ~
ta'u of all tee OateoUro te before them I want te apologtoe to
1 teall be eoaptotad wilhte
aro ofa Mtaller toe. There are ta
ttepwr. It to raqnltad teat a flood
laitetoB eonatp for aot doing ap datp
Mea’a good^iuHtp rid
In 18U, a kige nmabrr of the In- te regard la
to the removitifl
removtefl of teeir
I qaaUtp of Biw te fomiteed. equal to
: eq^ nnrabet above.
kid aboea, well made,
1 IV pfamt WM tmt ta bp E D. okmes wiU be formed next Wednw- pofl a*L« piy.ki>x»T*g e«it>rA>r«dlan* teriiifl renwred to Faehate- proMcnttefl attoraep. Mr. Arthur
i, !• CBBdIe power, at a twice «
dremy........................... l-W
Clsrk ,of Morenct. rsEreeftaitag the
i aefoUowt: TIU Jaanarp 1. iwe. not toWB, Fr.' Mrak followed them, and Tattle, for 1 know ttol V to a thief
Mlclitgaa Brick d^ Tlk Oo. ^ ttot
eeubliibed a aobool for them.
aad a deeelrer and a tdiber.
V to exceed «l.«0 ptw teoaud
Private IcaaoM at anp tou*. 1
IJttaTLWO TOCira HAK-tmi aero m
men and women, now
"1 waat to mp teat it to mp hOneet
> feet: from tee tteie th^i flo.tno.oao
BeUafcep, Ohatorqta Maiwwwam,
Tbe Centml W. C. T. U. will meet at
going at joat...........
TalkMka ato Tmr^ Oltp. TV
tqiteloa teat this grand jarp oaUed
•. oaUo feot of flea U i
tell afternoon at 9:80 with Mr*. J.
ai far north ae Petoakep. He tiar- brre te Ingham coantp was a dtogtare
S paar tiU tee aaanal
The Boeton Store.
W: Travis on Ninte street. All at* Hlehl^ ^toleri
eled bp te«ti»n caaoe wten peaalble. to the etale aad I know whereof I
ae 00,000.000 coble feet,
slip invited to be fresent.
D Indian pmip if tee oaaoe eeald tpmk. Iwtobtompfnrteerteatifit
asoaed»l.«6per teooeaad feet: from
>d ynpoddStea Iteatete te tU>
Ite —dlf-
SSui's.ffi’S-'iSJS:':; pis-
let Bo|*$
•Mt ChiUres'A UMeft
^J *
Dancing School 151^ i-f;w.d_.e2 rf~-lPMiass.s=i.
as— Ija-gs.Kjg-.iTa.nr- -M-
aad attar tea aaanal ecaaoraptioa not be BJed. and In oaae aellher was was in mp power to wipe oat tee kw
poaHbU. be arent oo foot
wherebp anp eooDtp eoald mU
* iwMtea aO,000,oaD faet. not
lUre tenitorp. Heap of tee old
|arp I woald do' H. It li
. •!.» par teoBsad feat. It li prorld'
ad ttel a dieoOQBl <d *& eeoU per eetllen will remember him. tzaTellng relic of the Dark Age*
-Ingham ooaatp’e grand Jarp tod
ia tee deptli of winter.
teoand feet te autde tor impmeot
wttete tee moatli after the bill for diBggliifl behind him a little eleiflfa tmlp been in eeesion three daps when
with wlerial for eerrloe and the two nf ill memfaon seal teeir repretea laoeadtefl aMOtfa to readetad.
fer hit loaiaep. seotatiree to me and wanted to enter
Oaa of tee oondlUoQt of the
Fr. Mrak wae well l^iown and dear- into a eoatiact with me to give me
aaaoe to that tee dwen. pabUe and
pritato. water malae ^d fdpet. are Ip beloved hi Tiavetae Clip, abosi eveip word that was altered bp anp
to te ciTOO-tee riflbl of wap. aad which place nneh oMiU labor eenler- witnoesm. the petaecatinfl attornep
teaU aol be latorffwad wHh bp the ed. He wae tee dret prieet who ever or tee lodge, everp night, before the
^ oot^up. Id oaae teep are ia- Tiiltod Ttaveree City and tn tele time mornUifl emeion of the coart. te ippeIwed la aap wap. thep etell te re> pbote wae no OothoUc ohnreh la tee wriliag. forgl.OOa I did get the tefommtian teat thep were willtex
paired witeoat expOiae to the clip. place. Mam wae mid at the
The flU plpM afaaU te told ta the at- of Dominie Dtum, and eerrioee were sell me for $!,«». tot it onlp cost me
ap wtMtMwer iBBcticable. abd la all aleo held at the homee of Martin $400 to net a eopplc of detecHTec to
eome here and get it for. me. I am
aaaatware eoeedered bp Ota eonncll. Bliertdan aad Frank PobonL
At the death of Btehop Barafla in reodp to make an efDdarit te this
Fnnatoatoa omet te oblataed frain
I8», Fr. Miakwae chneecraied bUhop matter anp Ume that It to notoeeitry.
tee oooiMAl for all plpea laid.
TV ardtaiaaoe prorldee teat no to- of Maiqaetta He oeonpied tele field
Jortoa atell te doae to chade treee. for nine peon, then wne foroed bp
Ttorerae dtp Obaptor Ko. lOf R.
tailiiw health to reten hie blteoprle.
............ electric lifllit eOBdolU.
Leanlxifl that tee Udlane whom be A. M.. wlUbold a regali
water pipee. nor jtahUe or prirate
at TAD tearp.
aetraw and that the flae comiwnr eo deerlp loved wete wltbont •
TVie will be a epoetel meeteig ff
irleal, be (etnmed to teem aad
dmtl indamnitp tee eltp In all <i
worked with teem till eompelled bp tee Bopal Keighbore Ibis '
where eaah damafle to done.
feebleoeea to leave the work in IWl, at 9 o’eloek. AU new ofAoen and
It to raqaired that tee eompon.r
grand offloen are eqwelaUp
tlfp tee board of pabllr worte when at the ripe age of 8o pwa
He then took the podllon of chap qaested to be (aeoeoi.
aad where teep propoee to open aap
Jamm E. HamiltoB, aaporrkor
aBaatorallep. aad teat it te ob- lain of HI. Maip'e hoepital at MarFife lake towaahi|i, ^ Aled a petiqnette
airaeM no laager than
ttoa for an examteatkm into tee
Oae elte of tee etreei etell te opeu of bto life in peace and quiet.
<< Weslep MoBea. a
The faneral of ft. Mrak will oornr
for-tzarel at all
peara. of ttot township
It to ptorlded that no ooneolldatlaa at 0:80 Satnrdap nwentefl.
Mr* Loaise toraoa has testitatod
with anp other ramponp.and no dirU- tminlier of fwieete from abroad will
against Aagaet
loa of tenitorp or oomblnatloa or ■be tovmnt. ae well ae the eptin
laraoB oo the groand of extreme
it aa to the priee to te cterfl* rlerflp from tfaU dloceoe.
craeltp aad noe sappyV—
od for flea atell be made with an.r
tee Woaton'e
aamr Mnpanp on peoalfr of the forBRUTALITY WHILE ILL
BeUef Corps wiU be V*- *bis after
felttm. or the
DOB tor haelnim and weak.
TV eootianp to required
Mobs, tee aereo moatei oM daagta
timee to keep their book* open to tee
tm of >b. BBd Mn. WlUkm V. De-.
oaaaell. aad to fttnlih anp Infonaa-'
pew of Solon, died ~
«lon In lagard to tee baalneei which
The faaetal wiU be held
ttet bodp map reqalre- A enniwn- Spenel lu Tbr Mtfnlac B>v«*d.
Toledo. U., 'Jaa. 9—Aaeal the re tele aftataooa.
Baal etotoniMT of tee metre boatowM
A eteoal for Ohrietkae to being
of tee oonpaap ehaU be made te the port that oooflMi woald erdw
tee Fted
of tee all«ea faaxteff of
' eoBBOil tee ket of Jannarr and the
Oadet Hoban Qraea. tVeonof J. M. eliBKh. begiBBteg tee pear with tee
It to prorlded ttet the gae eoatpanv Otmi of Sandnakp. tee tateer of tee
mp» hie eon wee not baaed tegs WiU to pobUe. aad mil b
•faaU be lUUe to the dtp for anp
demaflee or loeoee ttet map V aae- While at the AnaapoHc aeademp. tot
MtaM.EC. Bairn entertained the
lalned bp the dtp In anp wap. owia» died from tec eSewte ct- benial tnatof tbelmdlrs' Librarr
ta tee ootaUlihnieol and operation of
; while 111 on board tee
B ket oraaiAgihlpltentee.
Mr*. ECOcaaptoo has gone to
Up of tee eompanp or iU pflenta
MaatcB for a riaH wite ftiesds.
AU eerrloe diwe etell te told to
■rise V. Fisher has gooe to Oip*tee lot line of eoBauiwia at the
tal Valbp toaaeBdteefBBeaalofa
poaoe of tee oomtaap. and teep
■at allow^to ebarpe mere thaa46 Bt-ralW
JeqiebBewiH of Cedar to morteg
emia per fool for idim from the lot
Vamn. O., Jan. b-Hoa. William
into hto new teaUteoe ob Saote
Itee to tee meter.*
Ritael. laotoblp the oldeat. BtoataetIt to ptorlded that BO reot or oteer tre aad beet kaown newaiapev man te UnioB
Mtoa Elk Stotebmg has gOBO to
oViffio etell be made to ««
Ohio, died toaiflhc of paeataoBia, ft
’ te tee nae of meter or for'anp etew peare old. FortoUa wmtBip he baa FttaHny for a rtot wite tor ai
• aaipeoe aot taeatloned in the ordl>
IbaU.E OWnew ••A daoghtor
• aaMB. Ite oompanp oaanot oell the
Game of Monroe Oentar, are th.
fteteor tee ftaaohlae wlteoet the
gMateofltr.BtoMn.EM. Bown.
gOMtet «f tee coaneil. and tte banteke Mat be aeeepttd wlteln ao dare
Him Warner has letuMd to tea
»>e ket rtflukr qBartarlp mMttefl FaBtoXadnaBklaetoolat Big Baptew tee
of the
of tee Imdiea' Ubnip
ida.to oom^ate a eoaras te abectenad.
tte ooaadl to fllraa the iwidlofe
Will taV pkee te tee 111
of paitMBt tee pkat at anp tlBto
after a rtalt wite relatives aad
•fteaaooe at 1
' gtlw a tern of peaza. aot pet dedg- o’clock.
bieoda te tea oi«p.
F. W. rmailagirai of lattctooM
Mted. on ooadUion of rirlBg tte
TVannaal meettefl will be held
«0teM7 Ht moBtiu BOtke of eaoh in*
all ecloek. TV wae ta tea eltp jtMwrtay.
beatWm TV irtoe and term of tap- ateotteB of oSean will take pteo^ t».
Mamie ObImb wto kna batai rtoli
> Mtarotobe dentdod bpaboardof
tegtor patWBtedariag the boUAapa.
iatear ^te oteer
f ateltoatora. two aeleoied bp tee
ratanad pi tew day to toakng. »the
t *tep, •wobpteecoaadl aadoneap.
X Mtated hp tee oboalt pndge. The
AttoeBapgitoBia .af WniMto Bap
KteieaBWaamd Boat fltemNr «f
*"'ptel •i>—laid mtm teaU V tee
aMal ralae of tee to^fak propertp Mapk OIW arc the faaati a^ tV M. A. Waatoto WM ta
«t tea eatopaap.
Over $2,000 worth on hand, principally fine
and high grade goods, made specially for us and
anybody can see their superiority over the or
dinary kind. We make the prices so low that
without a doubt the entire lot will be sold this
11 i0.oit
^ s 15,00
forCoats that are worth in any market $3.75 to $4.50
torGoats that are worth in any market $6.00 to $7.00
torCoats that are worth in any market $8.00 to $9.00
torcoats that are worth in any market i0.00 to i2.001; \
tor Coats that are worth in any market 134)0 to 15.00 i 1
for Goats that are worth Jn any market . 20.00 to 25.00J
ggggggggggg—gggggggggggggggggggggggggggfgggi^ !
Boys’ Reefers reduced $TT50 to $4.00; Youth’s Ulsters redud- ( »
ed $2.50 to $8.00; Youth’s Top Coats reduced $5 to $8.00; f’t
Men’s Fur Ulsters all reduced; Odd Lots in Men’s 8uitsto' '
close at $3.75, $5.00 and $7.50; Men’s Odd P^ts, an oyer-’ ^
stock on sizes 38 and 40, reduced to about one-half price.
Vilhelm bros.
U tft ftat’nttft« tft ft
a- Baaao V»
ammo jrSTamm
«o a iifpritiiiT
ft MtertaBr latointil.
ibauii* ft'
MOM m *nm k* rr«U>«d « ^
ft fa«a> to fbTtart that tft Mato
(artoaart (ft eanof aiitotoatoft for ftotottaB of tft CTitotoal
tkr prtemrr «*«»*• “
« tax oOmM
«amta }m>4m «< tk«
,ad<T to ft <w,-
I (Sir t«» Tvarat. BH,-
MM; aiMftftl BB.«AM.
Mtcded aad
BaM far tft raftta Mto
at ItopMC, wi«M axftMW
U calllBir yoar «t(eB4ta
tior two r«m. WMOniUW; ftadala.
tP tte\-<T»
PiWW ■*■'«•
riw tW pnctk* tt mo
(SUM; oat apprarrd. VIBMUM.
fcM vUrfe ■|ip>«ta ts
t. a. ^uu.
tXitt IBTWiW*-
ttM'tbTMBta ortIT ft
fonftr wptog a
dtnrttoa of ran.
ift MatftBfttoai^
»r a o
tSxBdionaMdMuaial foftto (or
wbrr.v tft taOrtop a
. . tto Ift nee^fti af bin toa
tton to oan JaiL 1. t«T.
praetkaUr ■ dr^ftad
. .
day .ft limed arfr to bla aBceaaav
DBtoKblBc arrraBr aad a-qoMtar toOtknu of drflan. Tft extotaewe of tkto
rood^ tor a»
■ ■■
lap toBie rril-r
Moaoail tauU^ for
» ftlwr tqaal. ante loMitsId ft n^oiroi to
“ ‘
Itoa to MtoblsaB.
TV adrVbti^ of onttK tba^-1
c« of lopTgg^
to wi^tt- .
(far t
ft'utol alTpronqalrtos for Ito rxa.
MUM**' the vn of*^ I
____ an BM Ipoacirt »aon r>nietol|«l j
tft »>t<a a» am*mrr. •»«» If tft af-' ' ISxnfitta* tft ouuwoi froto tft
atoTor tft eoMOtoftltb an
, L'alweaJvtrf^Ikbman. ibat bo aftctal
tfto* poreiwarat.
myi^ the
rn o( (ft MWfaft- ^
thb *f««l m»«bU«-. Tfttrt.
«ftUM> tt Mbs ftr aM hvtrtxlve
•■i»whljftftJ»rf«iii»i. I tn».i,7.«r
to ft* tooi »T»re» of (ft
rtm mm iBd ID whom ftftA-Tfti top-
iWftd wflt roB>«N^ yjw
h^o. It to tor iPintoft. a* ftmvM.
U adarw y«to « ftl* -HPitoo. aort
a» »• t-d ft* ptortoB. bto(o»T *C tlito
mHarilnr Mato vr knov
iftto fta
ftM fMMipM a* ■ bortro of ftMtoOrflAtr ft mM «( 1ft jmrtfloe to
wktft Dto bar* ftw otortad.
I brttor*
« Miall
ft »«»;«“»
w» itall ftw la «lad at alt lion* (bat
«wfT odkor and ravdoya at ift aUto
kt a M*t> to
tft dtrartton o
rcoBBOir. all air aMlwtolrto •
qonud to mueialtor loiutop to tft 1 tnpdooa 3U. IWI. MwiPtbal Iftae ft
tolabUebft-nai of pnvrninmi aad | ptUoltooe rerrlrrd for all pnrpoaeB
tbot Ibrtr
touM ft BudMaloed j Croai all ooanaa *1 J»l.»ai». Itttotocd
i> roBlotBiiUtrd by to^
l^olTmlty of Mleblpin. «0t5Mb^*i
to tft taaat to |
.\o„,| CoUafr. PlfliM-W: CMUinn. Un- aduhtopaa Nenual ftbooU. •«.TtoabHity of a abort
~ ~
dOOM; .Nonbeev UtoblpaD Normal
peMed.. Tftn to aia to ft too mneb
-.tK/aoiJMi Aprtctdtaral UoUaga,
iiiMeoifft not eftivb legtAika. and
tb*lMU»^ -lbe rt*iioB tft prcalet tft 9UU.UU04IU.
ttoftney to add to tft bnlk of tbo
nttoteo. A MMMt aeaelun to lu Ift to|g cddlftoo to tbooe
teraatt.of r-xinmuy and tft metubari j
bp reqnlrrd to uiljadi tftto
of bWb boure and aenalo wlU feci , bodpett to tft Mate kiani of conocftitrr enttoitod wlib tbelr rworda to ]
cbarittea for U»- optotoo
a abort wmOiui than to a hiup one. ; (||mi|,|
To Ift end lliat a liO'Ine'-'-lIke eeMioii
■ay reottli. iftaboltobmeBt of ifteo-:
^h* SJk-bl
to a pBtA- . -raei.
Tft pnlitoino of ataia 0M»B«*torf>t
caiim “prnrral tonkrt" to nrped. 4nl*
top la tft toaai to lini*>to (ft imprea.
and of tft tax|wyeta. to made to baa- , ^ boont luai km-w »-«»r i.v
ten lliial a<iltiu bn ibew- lilU». The ,
' .
or to htodPT ift weUare of tin-■Maoa'and not prrjndhw oliodid ft
■ tft gnid*.
. iMaBdtagnpoBMerefotdofvnifTraa
'so* peoaperay. Nllrblpaa. at ib* l«“
ptanlBp of Ift twealtotb .-eutuo.
'«ba boM initowIM ib'radc to l>« btoiory.
Tft Mat* experia ai yoor bawl- an
VbrM a»d daciairr ortOwneot of Ui*
taxatloa.qorMlan. ao ibat ibo peiqilt.
ftaorad Jnatko bat trininpftil. may
\etotole tftinartw b. ««tirii} tu tft
Bomlia of bnatooM and Ift eanilof
, at a UraUftnd.
■Mf toTWaMwo
-. laft V^toctrta^nretof^^eltatw^ tad atteMtoB to tft tax taw*, ao that
-oracr itollal'a worth of property »hall
boar H» fair and (.jual ptorortkto ■•!
Um pobllr buideo*.
If then are
vTDiBCo to laxalloa. tbey abitold ft cor.
Aa a Itotwidicau poroni.ir. I
■rpr tbat tft paHy pledpe* ft carried
««i. to (ft end Ibat all property «a*y
cinally. ftnertop lhai onOrr
, IMrterlM alale Mi|MTcl«k>u
(ton (here will
an end to lb<- in'
“ aqnalllV tbat bar# |arvtll*.l. Tftre
to BO better way to aacon tbe Inter•■to of ibo ticutac than by lepieUllun
wWcb dU mual and exart J0.II0* to
. aa.
BHtoetop that ift pi<o|de deaiic tUat
•B property now pay Ins epnlllo
d In like ftannor with
Mail ft
efber pruperty. I rtvomeod that Ift
leplaUtor* imthW tft t.ecreeary »acbloeiT tm tft aartwametit and .oneeV tlou of Uxea ou fbto irntpmy upon ■«
ad vatoirtn ("toi'- Tftre >lM>nld ft no
heaty caBaUerailuo of thto imiMrtant
qnaalioo. however, fnv 1ft tol.-reM
kiadiM of BdUloft of proiatiy to no
Mtpki one.
It to BM ntttweary to n-
benrae tft rtepa tbat liave been taken
In leptatatiou of Ihl* kind, for tft duty
Vrolvlnp Uftii u. to 'plalu, and we
ahonU dtoebatpe It and proianly arqnll onroelvre •< bur oldlpalluiw
At Ift liaud* nt the I'orlletl. lepllatvre certain railroad chaneta werv
. KVMtrd. and -I nionuumd tVt fbl*
IlCtotalore aalbfy- llaeir
' Ibe*c
iR'fnre -ad
pcatwd tram UIcbtpxn.
Om of tft tno«t Iwinrti
atale luarltwloo* and ift- prow top drMud for tbe wulli|>b'top «r the**
.. great pobll)' -works.
Tftre are two
Vnr* 10 the dilemma. Cltftr prester
anwoprlatlons or ibr lulerual and
ythlbuiUHupIr work ot tbe stale inUBt
pome to a partial tialt. I'niW ift F.es-
da,u«*.«.-..|>. railUB lu everj Vay |i«>-
n,........-----.i-l^.l__ _
__ I.
---------------- ----- -----
lioariU and
tnal and bceeamary expenaea" tv a per
'dtotn and mUeepa acevani to mrer all
oTMatmarZk^aS^'m Metly.
"Vbnt to iMa tototodej ^
MB «a boBT aVM ao mbM to tft
■^sr' ~
m> *ho tatoaWe-y b« aaya that t'
moat earel aide by itda and kap*
Meint tManre npart. W « V-----------• aatmrk
aaHafartory ftala.
It *eeiB« adtbuMe that tft qBHttoB
Of aalirie* to tft tDenranre daparlabould ft ftnnpbi to a linitoear
tft rMtatey PetMtw.i
haili. The n**(4c bare tft
the ripbl ta
VUcrinp that Mlchlpan .^oot af- j^ow- tb>- etmri .-omceoMittna tbelr
ord to ioae Ita tnmbertttp IndnCiy. l . j,„blk- M-r»aiit» re<wir.-. aod for (bla
■ “
te.aon cunpenaattot. to il
aiientton to the work of U . .
It ahoold ft mlly atlpnlai d by UW.
wbaierer lepiia fair wape for aerrlere p*rto brtiip abont
I. All^ fre» eoUerted to pUMtaneo
■c nleaat tft roto;
J htaa baa Ift
?ML'biiBi1 aoi. I toto’l ballere Td
a* Mn Va tnu (bat nua Ml
Oare’a tbB<*. If I waa yon. Aft *oA
hto baa- mto toai weak.eBnt (bla Ml bU botw.-Yon dan't mma to uadtrMaBA. X
It It
aft bare nmiueatkmable tltto to Ibem.
New Vork aeetn. to tone "olved Ibl*
emmrtid jdoilUr artioe wiib repard *'
Miciilpan atale lax land*. It will al
win oak
and treatlaee lawa.
i-ellDI. with
more aoib^t;
■a of
iw toJj«*rinut fi-atnrca
tft fore-i ift.lden.
Tl»- state I- (n
neni ..f a dtotinrt forert pol'eytbia nicooa tft prorWlne «f tft n.-fre
aary fitttda fft Inlibitoe and larryinp
It OBI. There 1* to* more liu|a*Ttaiit
prolftto Iieforr tft atale today. h*okIBP lowartl the fuiare of tft common.
aiftilli-d aabuiea abould
all feea coUrrtea In ‘
abtoild ft •-redltrd
>f Ift Mata:
e liald. and
oof U»
Uk-klpan> very luund of tft ftreic
part it» aoldlery ba» |dayeil wbenerer
Ift lBler<-ata of ibe nntiuu bare ro
UOlrcd of tb.-ni auy »a<ylnce. No tbat
a a-vt^eie rocord
wlie aiTi.-d In Ibe war
in Hr war 1
tbi- reftllkNi aud
tbi8paln. Ift
le^aiore abonliriuke
ptk pr*»i>H*n *
for Ibe
tbe cunplethMi of itaia
way. Tft lilll onphi to
frtiuiol In eucli a way tbat tin- <-0(11-
or ft mn.l* to -ee that Ulrt.l.tton
fiauaal eo It will Mautl tft le*! of tft ,
coorta r*e tft JbdU-lar} muiiulitoea
for l>> a oiaxItnnDi atru bnodred^ Tbe board
feela in a(r(vl JiuUiv Ito-rr ehuaid ft
; an ample approprlnihm lu j
• that read If 1
M. BTUta M. I>.
“At thU.- w23T^ aMar. *tba
praai. rtTBBp aiaB book* don and
wapl. POT Ift flr.1 ttaa toM yo««
Ilto l-toift ^ tbat MualatoK MCM—
* Here‘tft*0^ of rynletom
<n nrrrator oar IHmtnre. moved Mm
«> SStT^-Por BOM of Lncnie * folka
Wl im Ita. mta-wta.
Tbe exodna of nepreea freB
tianiliua a* a Tenli of recent lewmo
live lepMallon I* crowding Tft ' ' '
market of UaryUnd to aneh ■
tent tbat mocii aoxlaiy I* fell n* to
the oonoma Blnce IWO Ift ftgte RgMrailoD to MMTtoBd Va
eirj .omiuftlo
'1ft Micbbcau I'bli-kaiuanpa eommU• I In eolrlup.
aliiii dreire* lu <-oiitbiue h* work, and
ewaaoe* la raaal lavfc
jf that !• clone, an a'p|*r«ia-lalh»u U oecTlie fepori of the -uaie ftard ot coretMir* Many of ift stali-s bare couimilmis am) t-baellle.. dc.illoa »Ub
plct<-d iwib replunital ami Matemonunr-omoeudailoB* for ebaus*-* lu Hu
mciito on Ibis luuik-lleU aod olft.penal law*. i> woiiby of c«iiei-tol 4-«*n.
Mjtcs ore iitciBrliiK lo etT*rl iuonu>
aldcralluB. Tbt- .-uodurtuu I* luprliaBtade npon It. bnt ftaliatea to aak for Ide llui under ift pre». iit law. *-orea uieoie llie cMiiiinp y enr. The Ulcblpan
ft fthl in UolTah] fruiu
p aum <iitwl to lu ueceaaliir'. Tft of aouvlcu are anumrily UlMiiarped rouiinUslou has piveti 11* time, money
tUU y-iar. 'I'bc eoclat aud irailc re
en. rplc. lu Ibl- work for Ibe
pUn of a BXiil Income la ns-umm*Med from ptiaou ftfw ik re I- auy rea- 1 am’
latlona ot blkWau with tbe Empire
by Ift board, wbh* a*k» for one- aonabic prliktice Ibe.r
sUlearrof a rrey rtoae and-liD|iorlant
(o lulBple In -.-ieiy.
l■n•|■*e.l are an iDceslIve lo
-Ift. and Ift daUy tolerrbxupe
premt conirt rnllnp 1 Is nume*1itnlh>nalUui. am) Ibr Male abuidd do all
of prodftia and peueral acquabitoncr
to abl In inarklvp
ebange it ought, to Joatlre to tbe toa law euat-led ftj lie imnc
a* was alteuiptol under
tftlr bnalnre* m.-n, .aB for
atiratloa. to cxamtac with prtai care ly tbe leplelainre >
Tie- .on- ■ line ilic lu ileflelde W> wbkil klb'hliiton to maklnp tbi- rspoaltton a
tlUtbe aiiaatloB pnaeoted. and conaUcr atilntloD altonld be auieudol 10 i>ermlt
(ucceae. Il* »«>(>«• I* Ift prupreas of
tft qaeatlon «i(b a rh-w lo Uu- /UTore the reHmarluu-m
rrHmartun-m of
ibat law
tft tonntrli* of iln- werteru fttofieplslattire may i.r..nial.ly plrc ll* alof tft L-oUega.
apftre and iltc new iwaacMloiu of tft
Cemton 10 ihr «ine*tlou .d prevldlup
rulte.1 Plate.. It* ob>ect U to brttis
may .inoprely
ft enned TU.
Tft erowded condlUou of ibe axy- for wbal •may
aboiu clurcr reUlIuiis)il|i,
lum* for tft Ineaue Kbimh! n-i-rlvo role bef.<n- -etteme. a «yMeni
aud wrtal. ftiween the poTerninenu i-ttvful •'oualderallou. .Vddilioiul pro.
•nine s«ii~
miiru wlib ifioae of aiata* Ukn
p T^eaerd
-and deiwndeni-le* ot ift WeMcrti b.-tul- vlaton ougbl 10 ft luaih- al oiht fft
ctoisln. Tbelack of aiumrioo whkb
IP, has shown tlwl llie I
Miftre. that tft wrllftlnp of ilHir
to dalryiiip may ft re-1
earing for the olBK-tod pc.*|.le who are
e> bas doae jrerel poi*d In
spmsihle, aiid Iberv arc well Infann^ |
|a<opk- may ft Improved.
■ ‘ ■
to*'- " be. «aj ih.-y ran jirore tft nfTbe «n*o*ltI<ni ajua-al# to ibe coniIl luu liet u soppeeted rvllef
.y*teui of I'rol• Itloll <s
(Uiualric ..f Ibis jiralsullbMi. It Is,
Bii-n-UI »i>lrit of ibe iiallou. and for obulued^y^ctewtlug n ue»- I
»„ta-tls *1*onl toll.u** n ymr.
Hut while Mlcbi* 1
thb raUuD will ft butable In lu blaft eMlniaied Ikal Ift lowest )■>«.
I can Un* uiili elplily c-rvamerfea, WU- |
lory . Il will pol In dw tom b 4>co- can*d (or.
r. Tb<-1
Tb<- anlborlile. do not a«m
tft ttkiuyer* over ift
ton.ln tois It'sir wIillc Mlc-blpan lus
yilto who bate bliftno ftcu i-omiuua- U|*»n ihU
li pUu. •however, aud pending Ift jiru1*allonrn> lieen imprlMii
sliiy .iMs-xc faclortre. TVI*consln bxa
' 'e rswuli* of eucb
lirv stitfiipens and will ft- lo lift w-lib
aftiit (rfti.rtin n .war
It adcplcd
TUc state. Ibronph Its InBtItnts
11 aiber ■
thia sUlc. the suriervUlun of i>n>Iuiii>
tft i>aiiitii(Hiut .-wiuuH n-lal welfare of
wort-.v w urk wlil.-h sftuld ft Hftlkl,----------- for nn
— adera nilplil ft left with ibc is>uuly ly snppuried--!* preforrelnp a prand
ibc I'uilnl Mato. In all llila kilcbl- . wlac al Ibl* Hum. 0 provide
I dltlunal aiiyluui.. Tl»e ptreeui lonltn- __
apent* of ibc sule
»ule l<«anl of
serxiisc in ftlialf of Hie farmer, and to
pab lu» a vlul 4-oureru becaure of ber
I iluu* are doliip exec-ellem work, and ttobs and charltle*.
line iriiu Ihl* ilic eupgoatMa is ndpreai uiauiifacinrlup, apricullural and ' Ift advier of Ibc aulc boatsi of CorTbe law sliuuld he amended •
vao<s<d Hi.it tbe dcpartmeni of dairy
wininp toiere.u. aud auytiitop tending revtlou* au>1 ebartih-* t» Ibac additlOD- .j<- sine hunseof .s.rtts-Uop a
and r.ssj ft clnirp>sl with ift doty of
tu iucrea-c her contari witb tbe world al provUlou ft nude at Ift a.ylnnu tersutury nf Ionia
ila wlU
wiy I*
he a
imiiarUnu IntonnnHoil and soiiplylnc
. * ......
__ ■ a.___I.________________■
ret top
iDstnu-iluii In iniinwveil inelbods to
n of b\
ot advlsi
advisable to luop detain people lu }aUa tor Ift detention
e tbe giiealhm
Ilic luannfAcMrri- of l•mt«r and cftOM.
luted luald
lu aid j[ and a______
J-o to rempel tbo i-an- of milk. Hie ilpbi melbods of
*^(«mre. sbonldft lak^ti
s|ispv*toi> i Ibe ss^uma. 1
of ilicblsan'.
of |>ri*ob.re feistlup and lircssllnp. In Ibl* way tbo
Ift al**olule set'
dairy Imervsi* of the «fatc ran ft ma
tbai wluicvdr artkm may N- taken,
to Jail*, nnd Ibc- ..................
terially jidraiK-e.1. to tbe poneral pnb.luHild U- wHb due regard to Tbe Im- ! beallb.
Tft-MaM aaylniu. situated to loala. praiiicc of ostop ■•oiinty Jail* as cliy Hi' pisM.
e. In Hew of Ift
iwrtaure- of
vl tft *
praaenu a prablem for your conalderaun'UiauT tU._ OooftWlonof -----------------Inm-----baOdF time* and
-> keel* nl-reist of
llUluedJbl^' ailrsliuu *boaid be given.
aide of (be
all- I up lu ilx- Raodnrd of oHir
aud Ike iHftr ou
ArorerrtaUra>torauu iMUtoUM.*
It ftli.siif* 0* h
■luesthm Is. shall they U- con- roada ibai electric railroad* »hould
Il la nut lulendn) at this lime to pel
aled. Mei-au*e of Ibis division of laoupbl
rxIuusiKely toto ihc uuuer of auu IMlIhUl
Kiildlus*. II It staled ib.*re Is em Ibat '
tbe iKlildlus*.
•tolto'n“«lSi^l>to I«"tft ’’raiir“f! plan may to- dcvl»^»blcli
met especial
about »(.ww a year,
elllanre and penenl <-are of
tftv are ■>>OBlnt full raHroad fnnc-i lake a 1.u»mi-* Interest In iftHon*. II I* oeceaaary 1li<- sule fbonld i rek.iimcni■uIBcleutly laige 1 luve tft same control over Ibeui It ha* ;
TWeDiawaiel Karel MUliu.
I... Tbe
ta-i„ follow-!' r*
to tovlte careful amitlny.
peer iIm steam roada. Ills stipSesHnu
Xlhiilpan 1* eery prond of tbe mlUlugahcr. ito- appresau- of tft iwopowd
la that tftbaat way lo biiqp abobl iblg; tary ann of tbe state pi’vscnyaent. and
appbqirtaltou. for
^ ■ beiip tft c^l of a brau.ii ImlldliM tor reogh
wHl ft liy
_ .
a Jinroopb
tbnronpb reel
reviaton I
lepl'lalore shonkl make wis*
tft state liuUtallons wbk-li retwrl to | pgtleul* ttldch la pUred at CT9ii^.34. of tft tiwto-rwnway art ..The snbjeci ■ ,
rapine tft malnieci
ot Um repolatlon of frelfbi rates, of 11|
Ift pres.ui elIrcHva orpanfaul
Mtetr anptlince*. of dspot aud *itti<*n
chartlls-*. and ibr f
ally needed fartliHe* and tft a
tft Imard tbciftn:'
I'lrmly h-lleilnp tbat ift prowtog
road ■iBtlooa of blpbway rroKsInc*. BSC <>r liPBrrtie* Is a meiuee to tft
Uk-hlgiiM Aaytom for tft limaM at
•with 'iHirHnilar
l" Ift youth of Uirtilpan. I c4Il ibe atleiiiloB
Kalamaxon. apeeUls. miUS-i:; total.
Tft amte pnbBc school foe depen- ■epaWton of prades. aod of snnliiog of tft lep)*laiure to tft evH. and adglftiMiLlS: apprured. $4ll.«45.l2.
•set and neplorted i-falMren dsaervaa tft fDlIest pobtlctiy of railnad reports.
EaM.Tli Jlh-hlpan Asylom for tft wen or tft Mate. ProIiMon ouglit to abonU have ihr'tnrefnl airanUon ot Tlsc the
Inaabr at roWlac. .peclato $ISAW.«); ft Bu<)e for Ift rare of ertpp!^ Oopte*
dent <-biUren,'wba. if admlited to ift
Nonbeni klh-bigan Asylum for tft Coldwaler Inrtliniloo. Blpbt stand a
iBaanc. at Traven* City.' specif chance In Bfe. while under tft pre*
UM* aaO Cfteltto*.
«Bt tow (hey nre^Iefi to tft demoial- to dewiray all cooil>laaHdns tft cnplial \
Kreau*.' <if Ibe prealer re). .
•04.7U.U1: total. WlTn.Oft: appeorod,____ _
if tbe comity boose.
which l.Hd to reMrlii rom|Hiliion In ;
Lot'Boi’s Nice Overcoats
^ ss
tHB of laxathm to vogDO. only ml a* . •10.ft41.im: not amoved. •EUl^jn.
I* a larpe matale and parnoBal iinHwiiy are ■■t'H«-r I‘.-nluaaU Hospital for tft IB- i
In ift comi
DCliv of tft cbOdreo are iraiued for
■naaed to meet ibr expense* of tft rane.-itNewlerry. sperlals, •ITS.iaUA: | Jortl;
Ife'e service. Tberr «re Tiil.QOn pn.PITMsaiJk-.;
Mate. •n» PTuetwd* of taxalkm fram
•AJtJCi: unt aM.rored.
pU*I eoumetWed. and on-r. one-balf
-wbttcre BOW known aa "Mevlftc tax
lllon of Ibem reeeive to**ro<-rt<m to I
Niair AsTinui for ift • Insane at ■'*1^'
artwol* each year. Tbe faHlltIco
Unto, special, gll^^eas:: totaL niX... plvinp to this peneration tft IwM
pplBtory oebool fuBd and nitoUed for aSNSk’: appn*vr.l, *aiii»xiQ~
teacftri poesIWe sboaM be streopthneftol pftpuara. Tft «*e of primarr
•t*re.Ucalrd .hi iiropoaed remoral of ened. Tft state normal
ormal acfanol*. whk4
fM**** lotrresl money Is prolilWled for •U psileuu la soDih skle of rlvor.
dotop ao mnch
mneta for the pr^rpreparI are now «oinp
ntbsr pftpossa'niaa ibe payiaetii of
Miebipao Niate 1‘rlsoB al JarkaoB, atton of (mrtm hare not a* yet been
spev-toh. g»e<.»«Mm; jotal. fl&OOIMIO;
ed by tft retlrlBp andlior peeenil •pproved. g».tnkOiw-, not approved
---------------- —.
teneber*. fnlly
Bftww that to many dlstiftts the one
ika • •
Puie Oon*.- of Correeitan aBd Bnmin tax added to tft primary nrftol
(loniuiory at luoto. specials. •id.UIMlO:
'MMg disfcwand was in exceaa ot <ft total »l«iOotw; approred. tHkbSO.OO.
nmooi pn)d for lesuftc*' wwpo* an
State llonse of curreeftaB
tft way fram S to M par c**L SbeoM BiBBch piisun In L'pper I*en»mto nt tnre nboBld enretMly^cooMiW
by tft mate
tftre ft Increased uxaiios of all tft blamnellc. soniai*. g|n.tM.Oii: loml
iDleBdtd *0
beard of education *»
! ^
tUsaos of ptoperty now paytog mw niLtllUllt: apiwoved. »!l).410Cw.
to plkce to
Indosirtot Oebool (or Boys al lmn»- aM trlmol dMrtct o*
rlttc uxea. tft coadtilon above alated
wlU'ft mnda wonw )u*se«d of bettor.
•IMOUlMl; apretals. •Sn.uOD.ni; tout
o relief for the toof tft youth.
flTIitWuui: approved. «1UTM10;
nppreved. •ISdaOdW.
B to
la mBed
ntSed to
to tbe anbtft Isglslatm faetog tied }ost at Crmly
' 'Tonr MteBttoB
na bntore. Why will It boI be betta Adrian. mrreiK expo
tt Ml aMde a per gi^ia tirame for Ift
nsftnl tmA. ftenUng tft exmmmt mx esMsetod tram tft awMBed
•ftffUp tag pmwtlosr to tft gMsoBl
"TtatTSvt II to.-
■ f
lu prerrac the loaa of trealili to ib* I
It U arptted that aa effli-
noUB oroworuofi w.
ly ncordad (or Ml<4iifta. If then to
lat a penny
turrit ta the eaylop thai
imoy eared
annd ,;
a peony earned,
*amft. tben
ffto there
Iftra U reana- | ^
rlpbl hand of the Vii-
II tft toHlineoUefc to e«eiy aiw of tft word.
bare In tVrp*. maklBK Tba elite tawnl of Aprli-uUitre cialnu
tftoe rltlie Jnrtep tft flfiy-day {leTlod
tUlnl. mtnlK in n*)r aolotbto' tft for ibr InmKltKttoo of Wlto. Ex|icri- Ift time lute <*iite wfto tbe fullepe
.HBtt kind at toiuiDon itoo« - — '
.CBcc baaabowti Uito caa ft done witb- upon tft biennial eeukm of tft leptoUtft ardtaarr <lto|>ati-l> ‘oi
nm InliTferlnp tritb ilir iralMIc baai- tnre. It rtalma that Ift (-tdtope baa
Mtrwpan I* proo|*roto. lU peo|.ir wHI new. TVri- abooW be eariy coitol^er- prored lt» value and Ift poM*- a-iU ft
aliuu uf tft aiqirotwiatiOD Ulto. and 1 aatUSvil lu hare lu >ujH»n |>rovhted
to dtvMolMtoU |iolM lo a fnlnn nf di- appeal to Ift Irplahit.ire to m* ibat ev- -for by a oy»i*iu.iduilUr In tbat en»•Ifort. roo»lMitil wIili a wl*e
Trralftd hidtiirtrir.. lu Ift way ..f Irp
praoeottop Ibi-toarirea. to tft PortySm laptoVim ftlap rbtofly tton-po-
Maitoa aothlap M»«»d ft don* tmd-
i*to*^ttop*^UI?to wardni eye-
mat to amr auaM. mm.
tmg away to pitonrii
alireitleci Udlrecu-d to Ift rec
tolton of 1ft rellrtop andlter
that a eitutff ft made to tft
r Ift peyoimi of expmeea of
Tbno If *nai mertt to
. BaUni at ift .tprlrnkiiral coUr*e. tft
bcdpau tor ift otair odaattoaal to; aUuitoBo an oot sTaUabtr. Tft ap-
Matt whWi tft
Man of
. otonr i<bo«)d bar* no-; Oenrii
Itotft. oftS It .gtoaM ft Inmw «a totod
xouU. cwTMU nt/fmo 4m l*o vamat. nilao*
(ftt apjaafrtattftm rntolatr tba lax jM,^.|MsM4M;attorfala.nmaaU»; tool of lb* I
Tft apprvrtattoaa «taa«ld be muI. •l.nSMa.ft; apftorad. «1
tr to prow- 4^,
totnilre faatarao of tft un.
_____ o. om romimoi iftwnlvea to iVkSh pot apfOPTed.
» tt, BaMNM'. ft'
BM apmrnd. (£bMM.
Mate mUlc Bdmoi a
wfMM.oH-wses. * n.
Aad •• ibroogb m**sodItoi as* laad*
ftr. <• Ift two *M*—** a( Bte.
idCMrmM •---------------
HOW HE womteo a
.-ecoH^ tend yeang Hwa bom tot
land e( tft ttotog mb mt down oa .
|S00 to too ttB (bask of on SBd HDiNd
bto nmUrldad attonHoB lo UMmrtng to a
We-firat iatsftM BTOaBdaatUwa
I a re-—' la OB tft }aCk)*
a pile of ore CB toe damp Tbm If tft
otoerfenmatoH hnhlBgwa
areiaoreadtilBtokaMMft OBtftftat.
gitber aU toe gHgae aad aadi it, fttog
careful to ptoBrre tacbakal pbnoi la
- aalagkBl toftK* ta aodotog. Tfta
tatata-tal-l ta i rS -nSTl-tab,;
.lU Start
driaki. Ve toftii^MrtamtoiiV emd
riril engtoaM.nB ato»lmh.«»
tea miftH to mtok Wa Irnto. bat
tbe mmafttwM iMl to ItoteMiddlooiBftB.te (ft caUigiftiiyftBgmft
fHft tft toad M tftiMwawteb^
___ isat
•eat. ad if lb«ydoa*to(_
pntinabftt. At this pcdBtvoeaU tft
tML gift a Ko. 4 WMiMHad b« to rip.
wear. (Mr, nreal. cot cr na down M
tftbeeIn«teBl.ttagfaBl.inaalreMatoar and nn ap onr Maid. Utftnlftr
.....................tft baM hand, tft '
lb dri^ by,fall. U’a te*£t
thtog w« go M to tft afpiag. W# bow
- toowe»Ma.aBdif tftrilTM
pmsd ont dcB'C bare tft mgto
ed OD H we aMBpIe the antaapptog ta
erety mloon .within a radinc ot ftt
mift and lake a (ruMi eftw of toftc00. '■'iftB wo-gei lowwk to ur^
ommend rtai tftr ft Incorrmraled In ! '•»»'
r tbU bua'rd by‘oft aalt toe damp
tft tow,
lid ft provided that tft stock we GL.
I* advftd. Ilabunr*
of tto- Dieuftrs of this board ft a grab pile, pack it tolo tto cabin and
-Tft pure foul towi of UichigaB wooun- While Hpeakiap of tft state
waltfarepriBcfoopeaMdtoea------- ‘
bare resalled to largely pnardlnp 1ft board of .-wrrsrthimi and-ftreWre, I
go off. Daring fid* period we
ftsire to memton ibe lavaltatM* aerv- omaelres *-p)aytog aerea ap tor tft
Is Irgislaiore. to Ita wtodom. (teem*
tees Ibereoo of tft Bi. Ber- Ooonre
to MIU (nrti
D. cnieeple. wft ha* serred tft stain
I. It aboMd be L
. _____
________ tnhBQWtbnyaiegetdag
yarebnyIt Is represMited to (tam they
ndtag to
tog. and any leglsInUon tendbe
lunalnp. Ulch.. Jan. i. K
make ibl* more eertaln to a step to
*Tft gtasire Bare
tft rtgbt dtreetloB.
-btotbsT. Who I* that mab WHb (ft
■t kis farennd tomdsr
There ha* beea earefnlly bntU np a bnapsal
“Tfank my child.
moat excelleni system Im tft preserrstloB and pntteeUon «( dsfa and paw In No. be baa :
UlehlpaB. and Ift atate eaniM iSord PyramM. those are
I Ui fern, laeftd wiM» Ift—ib 1
to toke any backward stm>a. Al pra- ms-Mt brand* of. H
' moaqoUo. Be
pened Imtolatlon abrndd ft atou^
tfOmidBN—d dHftpawadbo•andoftb —
TMT M^ly. Tft alan^ur 4 doer
dsrliip tSe last hmittng amaam aaggnau as ft (ft Oilra
tft^Timwmy of rmtrirttog ^ two
ftt lore. F«r. *(lt BB
pasMng bard to idftM. Ha
tft BnmftT of dser oach bnMiB may
i^i for toe Hwtftry
tire, but aarea np tala
toe time wftn toe to
•ik .face
tatatatal ta., ta.,
' cm.aM«unnAT,«A»Asr
yjiisHidtn FisiXB.
s.t.“s--ri ■s'ssU’Sa
beaa U a«r rrirat aad aUi tlw gUra tba
■ icrwiry taweMa of «Ad to aaaqdT
■Mm wdl be taU aow as as9 dae «ftM. Korac was tbcta a Upa pBm
*•* «« • tAfrtmm
1 hare natktt torar ca board the tea ae MD7 ptMtY cbiffopi aad Htda i
■•VKMW Ukwr •■
Alp Daffiart. arhkh ts dae here to■assow. whaoi 1’ lere rerr Meh aad
i M Up I
hate pmMaed to laanr- Kow. 1 dMa't
hear aartUhiat the door of the tareea.
la tbr -em ootae bcoatifat ttaai
TesMfdar I braid rou say there was «»iM to he a •nttac bera tsaipht to dia- cal aleerea erf eera petal da rcalBa
CMs awaas of petdac rid of the tea. aia abowa; ibc? ata irtaitaed with
IM M tMr wbMm hot ago
Yoa Bast kaow ther w9l oae rialnrr. taw Uark ribboe rdrel. aad 1
aad Praak b o» farare aad rreUrsa I poBa of Saeljr lueferd wbHe AIBaa
* ;
IhoacW mat hat* Bifkt esae to bM. at iba wrbis. witb poteted peSa of
•U MMr. «( «b>
a I ranr to ere if I eoatd bnr of it aad ebWaa MlcwUac orer the faaada A
to -oMh attw
M DMoa lo prernt U If poailWr. Bat ptati/ l»‘t of the eadetaltarca wbl^
•U snawt — Uaa ia« offl ftaa
r«r beard aotbiax. N«ar fus kaow er>
emWat, obd > aa Terr aonr I bad to aM aaw ao foabteaiMo ta alM sbowib
taU you. Ut lUass ooaU aM r> «o beiwero as. as Kraak wffl be Urr. aad wo
past iMrt. I know roD brr Be eaaA
ta Buke w one pnaabe. It b tl
do or«Tthtll« m Jobr 1
Ptaak nMr to ae. aad |
aj- brartfrU (radladr.’*
Deriac Ibis rpea* Bkbard aad BoaabriJc bad alBMwt iracbed tbrir deatlaattosu While abe was talkiac DtekM
leacd «ilb board dews brad. Wbo
eatdd foea Ut ■aCrrlarsI Ue bad baai
Urfaic catU D.>w ia a drraa. Thb was
s ad awaknilac.
swaknilac. Uow oflea bsd'ha
tbr tbtarr. 8be abB bo
fIsBoed for tbe
lasppllj married aod ilTloc a boc aad
bsppr life loxetber. with rbiklTra aboitt
tbea to aakr Ibdr decUainc tran siaa
u bcipbt as tbrir rosthfol ooea. Bat.
alas. tUs ass sU orrr sow. It was ladetd s sad awakeaiatAU br roold uy as be paaard bar IB at
tr dour, hb bran was m fall. was. "I
‘■All fitbt. fatbtr. rs% dowe Ippo- _imke too that |«aaiar.~ WUia aarlag
it br i••ukn^ torlaxly lato bir eyrs aad
tMif. «dli)eet and bMkfivaad *o«M 'Pnriarf Ibt peiM at which aar Maep held brr haod aatil tbr M word waa
«• Me • rdloqnlatiui. *la«( tecctiMT.’ baa le do iba raldv of UaaaABsrtts
Mr* n* Art IMendwof*. Id vUefe
s poreraad Iv tbe Baffai perarsae
Tbr rrcotfol day. Ree. 14 ITT*, bad
tke fcdleeriof •!«>
ttrhtaaoa. He was a ter arbiter aad rrirrd.
.N'otUos was to br door ootli
pwltraao aad was anwh Hfced br tba
t osinr bOMM
r tkc Ineene U JIdilletf
II< (be taala
I rarnliun and
nis Is «-efT ofieo wpcriw. The
MwsloB o( luoeer roablea u do
douhl to lior totiir anMca. bot w«
artiMic petcepH.- -•■M«DOt INV art!
— not at whteh tto aiDOIIDl of
_____ i- fartiliore Aa bide.
bad insir wlU be found lo tbo boaan
.of ilir rteu as lB-bo»ea of far teM pro-
With bu tMiUfal daacMar at
br laaldad anutoa.
bad to adlooni to (hr OM Houtb cbor^
• toibetaot
IS and abimirs we act not
amely for^oraelTea. b« wo attaapi
or abouU) aiicfuio to fflre oor foesu
nd frteixts as lotKb plMOoio dorias
ibHr lemiKtrarr »laJia as wo ouioelrea
•ajof. and our pletuno aod
aiHl funiHoio abotUd be eltoooii u
pteote, MM ooeiKdr. bul aO and aandrr.
Let Ds DM- our taste, out luerel; for a
aHflsb craliaeattoo. but lo (Kre aooie
Bbaio of ibc pkasure wc fetd caroelTrs
lo our tisliora and frb-oda. \Thli it a
daif wbleb la expected froB«s and a
dot; we ODfhl to fuUIlL
n.-TC ore altono oiaiaptea of arUailc
faraliurc Into Uie tuaklas of wbtcb ea
ters tbe queatlou «f taste raibei' Uua,
coat. TbrQratmustratloo. IlkclUCOlB-
1 doa-l profess to eoaprebead your ariad.
yranf lady-aot betac able lo roaprrbend ynnr lOMber'r brforr yoa-bal it
arras lo ar yoo an aetiai atraataiy.
.Now. yoo raa’i fortrt tbr procUse you
aadb Pnak Trarabaa befarr wa Irft
IbixtsDd. Aad by tbr way. tbal iralads
me. Hr Is dw bm aotorrow. tbe SWb.
as tbry slsrlrd Nor. IT."
*NIU. fatber. Is that rraily at fa
nra I slaiost foraot il." Aad sbr UbAtd rnsy ml at ber th. "ADd absnl paor
m•■bard. I'm rare I'n auny for bta
I like UiB Terr BBcb. b« Pre uwl bln
lafr. If be nue befnir Prate, be
111 bare bad a chaare. He la m brara
aad patiiAllr. He abows by uey
aad si>re<dir« Ibal be waels lo ash a
Barry bhn. Init np le Ibe
put biio off by waie arttSe
-Well. o>y dear. If tbal's II
. -.........
will M tbr
.. aab)e(?*'drop
tM-r^lt is, ai yea bars saiad ny alad
Tbe Raaeodi' urara was weU Uibird
dibia, altbonafa frots tbe sirrrt, ob ae.1081 of Ibe wladowa brlat bnrily aballeml. It looked very aomber.
. Aruasd a laUr at ooe eod of tbe raala
rnnni ut thn-r inea. Ose waa abeol of
tbr arreayr briebt aad rfkte obp tbr l»imwAluu of yreai mBseular aUllly. Ur
I llcht caaptrsiaord aad bad rraarkably ilsht Use eyes. Ur wc a loac red
uf funillurr In Bctoal esiateiica and rbak.......................... ik OB tbe (able
abvwa to artistic irraliDcot of a dorttef
. wlibum »raat eiiwodUnra of qwaey. fact Ibst be wor a pray wi(.
Next to IdBi SI i a tall. IbiB. Boble lookTbr eDployiDeat of ibe UrffO ailtnr.
lllrrd ia a rich trarirt
•imply framrd. aerres ' betb a deco-mbraUered. KaOet of
taitrr and a lueful purpoa. aad tba
ptaol. while addloc To Ibe attractlroama of Hk- ronicr, la ao placed as to
r (bird Brallrataa was a well boUl
cel liBbi froiB tbe window at fbe ta?t
and (a B|>|swrann- was a perftut
II will be Boicd alto tbat lb« Cbkir la
M- or eobmUl bnediac and palrtatlsoL
•o ttered fa to eel llcl>t for readlat at
This trio lelchl w<dl fraer any
Ibc back of tbe reader and at tbe aaac
llcne face tbe -cetnpanloD recllafnc oo 'bey were RaDuel Adaata, Joba Hat
ntl I*aol Itereri-.
tbe coi^
■Uiey mvtt roBaBcd la an earaert disTbe cortirr p-at. bookahelTca and caakiB
when Ibey were lalrmped by
wrIUas lalili' arc almtdr la desica. yci a. knock on Ibe door. There waa adoiUwould adil to ilir aitrartlteocaa of n l.d 0 y
a scarcely orer 21. of
ilrinx ruiin or library. Tbe ffotatabould lie lo banoMur wlUi tbe other
aciloB. This waa
. faraUblnBi uf Ibc room and may be in Ukbard DoBstta.
CTcca siilDrd oek wllli aacc crceo Cor Ifkbatd OBastaa'a part is tbeae laretduroy ctisblona or lo inalioBaoy or cbe^ Ii4i was (rumlty Ibtl of lislrarr. W'hUe
Ibe otben dlacusaed lapenaol lepirt he
ry wllb crluiaoo pluih cuablona. Tbe lisleiiM
aad aoddrd sow and then wbra
mirror which is inirodorcd abore tbe
Importanl todot waa made. .
ctMbloot ai one cod sr-rvcs to Uebica
!|r was dnply iBtefrated la tbe talk
: awhile, bat ]>resFBlly il eMered
Ibal were too deep lor bis <
rbniaioB. Afler beitic buried bi bit
o»ii tbnttsfals for some tla»e br qoietiy
from Ibe table witboot beisc BOtlerd
anir dImitiBions as tbe aide.
uuBtrrrd out tbronsh tbe door.
, id llirlntdc. C«-i
roirtBloB iaIo Cora rnrin. whoae deep
the aervlcea of a cablMI w
tteesscs arv not knowa lo half tbe Iowa,
fawlotredrd lu (-a)oy a walk aboat. it beIM a bMailfnl al«bt. ...............
sbluinc orerbead.
KtiaUUic akmc Msaraly. be bappcaed
by ebaaee to (Uace Ucfc orer Us sbooldrr ti>ws(d Ibe Urera. Tbni It
becaaa- swsre of a fifun croaeb
the duur of It.
nirbard instatlly tbouebt of all be had
beard of cpfet sad wbal frral harm they
do wllb >na<ieel
wnKbt te Ibe eoloaial Berenor.
MaUaB Us adad ep la aa UMaat as lo
■ twarse of arlkm. be bresa haslUy bot
niy tettacUc bis Ueps lewsrd Ibe
ilMDi :D 1
to U oa ajinosidirre of qBlet.aBd twap
ly tbat was not oofy rcfreablat but
MtwMiBC In lit repfuL (cflalnE laflo;
StSefepiaf or mrfplm of a.
ffhanuter. with iatewaad beary Itaada,
are iliywt tbraseb
uT ribboe bUU
A eurtaoi natal offlrrr
ttompaua am' r.merlle.1 w beo ou duly.
Uor day. wlim bo was oakwr of lb
auytbUuc *'f .•.dimfoeare to prai
abouL la- attcmiard to vent bis spite
, aa' one uf lb.- pokers of tbr rtwrri.
wba was In tu- eoBine room on duty.
(Mac to 11..' siwaUDB tube, tbe oftece yelird:
"la tbm a bUtb.-rtiu; Wkq at ibr
•ad of tills tahev. T*>« feUlujts
the oab-se. as be
A deami uf aa w«e wattteg at a (bOtute atuBm ia Ueargia. As aubody
kauw bnr
we naet watt U WM
aaly' aatwal tkid <mc after aaeUxB
tetoiM go to tea/ilefceu uriDdaw nd la*ute»tu
Ttetwm atari what mas ewppefte.
ttadyuUdMa'iplMr. Wegettotetb«ca the jteifim and diimmril tbe
maUw. ate while we wete talkios a
man draw up to tba tepot fpmi tbe
town. aerite<bv <^<«d-bs came orer
ate ateed wbai was un Vbea be had
bate tafmaad. te leph.'d:
"1 win try my Im-fc with blm ate aee
how lemur oou"
He made ibe oae inquiry, ami the
‘■But Mxn tlimi <mer.” eald ibc graitkauB as be racbed for a lelegraph
Five (biautM later be aboued tw the
dinmwb. It was tu a smtioi afteot M
miles away, and it lete. “Leure asoiri•Bt ta ehuge aw) oosoe down and toke
fall pCMcadaB bran." Tbe tmtne at tbe j-'
end c( tbe dispauk was Uuit of tbe grn-!
mal laanager (rf tbe road.
•■flow mnebi- te asked a b» handed i
Bin lotbeaiirnt.'whowasalsmipmlor. |
••TblsBom d-h.." replied ite man I
•flra tcudiag il ovrr.
. .
Be begsib tickiSR it off ea ewd ae yoa
pleam, and when te bad teidwd te
rose up. pel «• bis bat and trvciceat and
oame ipto Ibe sraltinB mnu.
' “Have eoa enr idea wbesi that (rain
win be tereV quietly asked Ibe nan
wbosMt Ited^wlrfa.
! “Bbe's Jast c-orainB aransd the mrre
;aow. AU aWdr replied tte agest.
! And as (be train drew np te was tbe
, first one tu UsmI it. kwriiig tbe cteco
' to ran itself (ill the oiter laaa oonld ,
, cone duwa.
“Did we cnae eat raaefa atete «m {.
tbatdetet'T asked cd tba manager as
e got seated oa
oo tbe train.
"Well. n-o<. I dtm’t think wc did."
Labor Saving Readiiig
Busy Men and Wonoica, in
The Outlook rr
Ml I fifff vi m DteBted Mvxiat ia ml
wmUlin lini twtj wua ta kirf.
a ^
mi Hatefaa ▼.
[ttA-r AUL. ORUOOl]
O. 1^. 0»rv*r
Dont 6t Foolcdi
aatarally Biren.I. aad a
OrUBlW wharf, off wbirb lit sL..--------aadwrrd. Prun tbeace they boarded T%ty are oiade of ffae many keu, BeimbUn'________
L^ 1— iA- ■Mlitelfa».
- ddps and is Ibrer boBrs bad brokra and bare pointed enffa of uaiiqmMnt
IbreWB iaio tbr
bee. edged wltb a double row of gold
lioari brikl
o pan la tbe proerrditlirr nptre abowa a folded neex1 unlv albai
Istod of eraomy tore, wltb a bow of
leepanliou tiutt digests all
laU' ps|Ml »r Ksil RortU <B Bo,
of food, and- that
is Kodol smlVl-ans.
rlblmo relrM oa iba left aide.
nisi Tb--,.
f-om-rt MssU-r |
foand Frank Tramham l.y iaqalriac of
The coda of tbe vrivci ara finlabedll>Tai»>P^,C^- Il ritoDS tb»- wont - ' -...................... - .
tbe eaplilB aa lo bis wbereabouts.
Frank was a tyiscal KadUbaua. cteaa olT wllb amall goM buliotia. Aooiber »*«
cut aad of a doBllke (raarily of ebarae- rnbM n*cU.ane Ims s lie of ribiMB: ■'*»<
Wnrsbars Blk.
T»Tena <XiT
irr. By
eelrei wllb pnliiKd (tlteods.
Aa already ai
pcnaable. ami purilcuUrly ihe little 1
etyhady Ufc.d bio. as oar Kicbard m
aearfa and (its. tbe cboox of vrlretl
did liimself.
or eiape. and vrim uba aod adoro-'
Dick loU him bow tbioBsteoad and lawbkb ere ueea oo all fUUom
formed blm that be had bera seal by
Ulsi RoasbHIe to see bita safely lo ber ableiolleta. in feet, our bodlcea aeem .
■tresTfi with ndda and eadA fnin tbt'
OoBlbinlaB. Iliehard DbusUb sai4i *T
■are tad Ite JIdcUdb ferkaow yon wontda'i aerd my serridn ta
oa ribbeo lo (be meay ehannA
Crl lo-Uhd if Ibis lea buslarn srasa’t U •Mia aod pctuUou wbicb swing oo anr
exlnrare, but as it Is I shall bare lo (Ct
an order, perbaps, aftboOBh It we pot ou
EtqDlsiic are ibe aew (•><»>* abff
a bold frusi they woo’t prarenl our landirw. especially as wc ran srork our way trtnunlnga lo apcllqur form, bm gold
down a raople uf wbnrfs in my boat aad •Bd allvcr ilnaci In coablnailna with
colored Tclect Is the ocwcat Idea and
laud aud no our will br Ibr'wisrr."
Tbonks. ,d,l H.sp,- mid frank. He most clurming In facte doth or bsodhad lircomr un almost intinialc lerms
xno Chios fllk.
with Db-k already aii.l showed Jl in bis
rbe bcaiicr mak-ea of Ucc. auch as
ItnyiuBr. -1 n>>BhI ns w.-ll Irll yon now,
duchcaac, brngea point aad Ibe beenntin s prelly
nrrllr sharp
>barr> I,Iwumr at rewdfor I sin
reoaiuaoce lace, are distinctly pepInc clinram-r. tiuit I kind
It lo let niar. ami the godet collara are oewrr
is more Wblnd (bis than y
than Ibe llai type tod can be wore lo
mr Lnom. Yon'er not d.
Diy take. Bin I'll inquire of vacioui aij’IcB.
• w n.-n I srr b. r."
- DceoratloB for a law
cL said nntbinc lu (bis. but rowed oe bodice or blouse Is a elmu anangeincDi
ia siU-acc. They soon orrl’ '
of crape or bete velvet wllb ernla. ibe
n-. .kfter tyluB up
. Ibe tnat velvet In (bopa tbe crape tacked or
____ - .. k Frank to Bosabellc's
ibellc' door.
He eouid noi bear lo s.-e ihr^r nMctlnSHuge alOBlc Moaaorae act tn roarites
Praak beard of Iticbsid'. Buodness and
other tbiuB* fnini Itussbrlb-. qod be ta- of tulle or clilffoo are uate. tbe colors
• Vk's wanm-si frieods.
re prod Deed In lung cciset or ribboo
b4Ic and (ioreraor llnleb- straameHijfani ■ to tbe tegu of tbs
sailed for EaxUad. wfaera gown.
The BenohK will present a Free K<-ln»Ur»liip in oitlipr
Tbe black laee rote, wltb appllcatlou
Mechanical or ATi-hitcclakal Dntwio’i;. in
Intctiuof wbitc laev dltpotrd St a garniture.
U quite Ibc Dcw idea for ihia type of
tiosal Com-spondence Schools of Ki-oinfoii, Pa, to Ibe
I be wore orer black or
■y n-totned lo tbrir re- gowi
Lfler tbe rr
jODDg Dian or woman rt-ccii-inz )1»' larifest nuiniN-r of
etlrc bom... ................. ............
votes between now and Pvby. l-‘<, l-Kll. TiiruugL tliis
. FlAt. abort bilrte fdn arc grniily
aad trirnrbblp rootinneJ. In one of
last letters Itiebard reeeired be was
favor tbla aewaon. aod/Yt for Is now
scholarship be or abe can qualify, in a few nimtiis, aa h
formed of (be Mrth of youuc llidisrd oate for coalt. for lu^down coUars
Mechanical or Arcbileclural Prefimnftn. and can iln n
•ad yokes, a busby or (oog bairte
Dick trunsisn remsioed
Very narrow
easily obtain a aalancd p<«ition. Tbi- fortuunlc pi'iiW'ii
lb) te Imposril'
Thai was bis rale.—Boston Tracelrr.
bands of sable, lulok and of brown
can afterwards combine study with work imd qualify
akunk arc oate oa bandaoiuc evening
bfmaelf or lieraeif for an influential and well jwid p sigowns of v-lret and silk, and Bit eolAeeordinB lo «
lion in tbe professions of MrcLanical or KiectHcsl KnWssUmtim fiur. China Is ibe lap (teal iara and wide raven of ermloe arc pop
same tweserre iu the world. Usay w ■*' ular oo loOE eveolng coats.
gineetinK or -Xrrhiti cture.
be sun'rised n. learn that. aolwiibPsi
iUB tbr drnsr pupnUtiuu of Cbitui a
g*w Tear's B ■ aaS ftatslam
tbe r»-ntnri-s since ihr country has I
lr,<m_lAi- Cii. nJiir <•/ Infi'i mutii'ii <j ///.
.irkly isipulsied. It is still t
:r- ■■ ■, IS 1— Cn.r.—1< r-r iaslrurtloa »
ckrd wiib came of any eounliT
iHtcrtuilu'uttl C.Tresf'i’luimee -NAre/i.
roUd. Ktfu la tbr rryloos shout maaner of acrvlBf. A fancy urraage-
____ ___ ________
John R. Santo
.Educational Voting Gontest..
Support Vourself
lUbile Cearning a Profession
______ ..-.I
For .Some Popular Young Man or Woman
no (hirk as to be pests, whib.
as plBeoBS. qualL Btriite and rieebirda
are (onn<r In bumense Sorkv Tba
wolret of Cblnt are panirol
oUriy Domarons and fearless, and nuny 'Uses are loP
Is tfK Open Door
To Mechaniui and Electrical Engineering, or Architecture.
A •elfes Bateb.
Tore coatbmen met on the Weal Bide,
“rhwst srr yri wrarla tbp brown bat
fpr" Btects Jerry.
paaev saaxMBifgvT or kotu, sra
«H|U an- Ibal Ibe
Th' missus makes me wear a bat. to meat from Tal>le Talk It bera tbowaS l>■ns einsk. Ibe
malch lb' br.mr.- riuridslm Dan.
ef Duia nilalos ainffte with blancbte
lnme.1 up to ei
........-, ..
- leUtfsW.
Jerry Uaefa> tad adds;
almoadA rollte In augtr: cbcrinuti la
AdinncloB mare alowly
-Br^rra. If yes ar* wearla a b
almost h iMMdilBs distaaer Of Ibe Irstr
bnr 00 top. und tnlttaa ralaloa
•ad wattird to capture him witboot say
•Oise. Hick aaw tbe mao Prrtte Usbaad
Bhaat rilllt.
Ml te tras|. Ibe door kaoelce., .Ririuud
Hllk la said to be a parTeet food, but
lbM(bl b<.w rrekleM the apy waa (etlo ao aense a beverage ate staoold
aerer be ate at such. For stew loMbn- rrMtidB at a cunaiqiollMn d
.Umax, boweyrr. by crabUBt tbe •core party. OnTersatiim Oaiwte allgbtly. raUdt U snppllea all tbat Is ntceaisty
with a sweep of Ut rich! arm. aud. dap- •ad a wicked Yankee lauucLed an ap ter sastooancu add la this raapset dlfpins hb vn band «eer Ibe apy's moatb. ple of dtsnrd la Ibe abapr of tba atate- fsts from beef tte. which data aot
he prerrated any oatrry.
amt. BOW well known ia Umdoti. tha» Dourisb. bpt oDly ailaialatca. attboiiib
Nut mn.-h of a pruMle was Bude. .. a biu wu fafiiac framed in (be hove <rf ■maoy people atUI forier U.. drioaloa
t>BBPsn bad Ukew Ibr ewlpiw ton mate
timt It affotet both arnrimeni ate
•tiwteth. A veryTlitls nrilk. If Itagreus
•twrSoB^i dtwf tbe ffBwre -to a doer
wttb tbe Iteividnal. la of more real
near by tn qaesttaa Urn. DM waa
ealaa (baa a Urge qoutlty of beef tea.
tM cm of bis wdts to tear a dl»
Agatab cocoa ate dweolato. amda with
stek, farm a rteb, brnry food, but eurthat the datup^rioa a
talaly at a fijiak.
pterenl tbe FMoeb go
i-sstow any aaeb limitathm ca
ne privy eonacil grew, ate is M
SteTwM wte aM dill
*Vr. DuaaUB! Ob. dear:
grew aa loaer-wrystal which tecums
this frit had. SombTA
Bwwbea^ for H WSJ aha.
tbe cablaet.. Tte cabinet baa now
*1 tbeuebt
ywi was*
-------. to star at hsM
grewa, ate a ciyatal It erawtae withtaaltet- BI'bat
k does your pieaewm tee* *** !**^^^* y**f***^”“
ta tbe cablaet. Tte
«T te tbe.aaUuB. which we
ex1 aakr qurmbmad Dkk.
At tfch nibrr bite tewa apemk BaM- ate teany tba dImMMB bid fair to da- aa a wbUe. Is oot. If we took
k it facts.
teUc araar aa ter dicaity. too. aarlac Mentt itea a amicai di^iu^ rika m any way to be
•Yih, well. H yoB Utead tofUai to ^ U
iL or to tbe Aret n
ikB atitea 1 lefuae to bar* aaytblte «• SaMtte**' tUdtmUl MQdtyite- poatmteler grawraL
-say to -yow. Com*, air. will yM escert •MktetbteaayutBO BaaMUtHrUs
•satetahtenayfanstouia aaytf Ut
---- -^r tee added.
______ je 1 abril uha yaa temm vtdawT feuMta tulatiTeB. iriikb pat a
Oame tm. B« 1 vBb yaa wooU w- uaddMatetotfaa poUtete tteohgfaal mot atwaya te. la tbs haada of fk^
plaia yoar priiiai* brae, aa yaa hara tetetoteM ngite-'-naadalpUaTbl'
pb-ted ll>e owarr will bare a coraer
anil of artistic dralBo and one aot to
d to msv boppp
: BAVfD *V »08 etEEK.
“By far tbe (^oickiwt and anrest way to enter llivs>- professions is thraoirb tbe ilraftlnff
room. Drafting is an agr««BbIe and remaneretivu occupation. It gives oni* a knowledge ol
constructive deuils and affords a first class opportonily to Hcqniri' a prscHcsl knowledge «(
mecbaoical or architectural design.
desufo. The era of proaperity on wliicb this conatry baa eni.
ed has trebbled tbo demand for draftsmen and cmplnyers are niaking
nmkim; tempting offers to
com|ie1eot men.
“Hitherto tbe only way to get into tbe drafting room, for the yoniig man wbo has oot
bad a special college training, lias boon through an apprenticeship of a nnaber of ysara ak
•blueprint boy,’with little or no wages. Bot yon oiniiol afford to work two or three yeaifi
(or ‘atairati^n wagea' in order to s^nre a poeition that will snppart yon while (|nalifying tor
further ndrancemeDt.
iy derob
_________ .Jrawiog Conrae yoo
a ^oroogb knowledge of drawing as to be able to saccessfolly EH.the position
of draftsman in any office. Knowing what wo have accomplished in this line of lnstroclion,
we will forfeit $100.00 loony elndent wbo will gtody ai we direct, whom we cannot qualify
as a Mechanical or Architectnral Draftraao. As to onr responsibility we vrill nefer yon lo
the commcrcisl-ageBclw. to any bank oflTcof, teacher, dersymsn or public official in Hcranton.or. if yoo wish, to ■ stodent in ^r own locality.
“A paid up Drawing Ooaree inclndes a tigned agreement to teach yon nntil you «r»
Ihoronghly compelcnL A fine drawing outfit and tiro rolnmea, tolly indexed and boood in
half leather, containing doplioatea of yoUr instmetion, and qoeation papera, keys and dtatring platea will also be fninuhed to yon, for use in yonr cotiiee.
Uthti CtapM
i5«w to Vott.
Cut outatUchad Coupon and mall or brine It W
tha busineas office of the Record.
Each Coupon must bear the name of the^par>
aon for whom you wish to votAi.^
V The records of the gompetitors will be fiMwn
in tho paper after the oontMt to started, and votes
'relH berscsivsd until midnight of March 14,1901.
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