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The Morning Record, January 03, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
nn couan iiiEASuani,
Story to Chktaso PoUoo
mrciious DisAmMUNCE
Otraa, vbe ckt»» «o hm 'taM
•iMMtmmvtf CtiBiM eoM<
toter «*m4 aaoBeeUthe no
c4 tte eonty Mdtter Mid hcfH i
IT UMMiif. X«M amm t
hmU Mr. T»H tfa« PiMBiwitii «•
Whioh Sh* Thtnte* th« RmmK
Of»C<Hd MoodM MtffdM’ '.
■tdwOHw. ttaOMMcnttod
«l tWMCy —il
Tictel^ Submitte
County orridU^
SuraSM to ^potvinom
intteBMM «o«* I
tte iteMP^ caeea
I of "to I
promimi to be a battle of yianta In
one of the eaom John a Oertiale wUl
nrgMinflnpportof tte prinolple tbM
tte oenteintiBn foUowa tte ffaR.
In Stun of S10i000, ia Rooolm- Hla tefaf ant^ontot wUlba S motor
Untetay of Kantntey. wbomaiatataw
morwtod by CommRtoe
ttet tte wtela qnaotite imta with
na today mid that ex.
aa eoanael and woaU take pari latte
iifiMt te to mme aide with Car-
BarMM7MS>vM •
IMpfe vbe ttm imU. (■ (kU MOtton, Md U«ti M * Mt oriM to
«U«b MOM «M •»» tmirtit to
Aoeordtaff to Imt Mary, jut stor
'aba OMBo to tha alMa fmi p—^
la yam oftw u dd oMpta -wto lived
abaBrtliiaa id* iMif MSaa-Moat of
rrar beard of them
afienraad. Bhortlr dwr. they dia•^•Tapptad. -tboir toaia «M
aa&wltUiia abort ttMo-afto ttot,
a aalcbbor wbo tiad aot been nppaiid to have aor Moaay acMpt
Vbat beaamadbrday'aiNtfc, bait*
a M»i, and a line honae, and dain the bank.
Sabaaqaatljr. aeeoidliic to Mn.
BobUtaMi'a atoiy. thU netehbor.wbom
ah* aspisaea to have been the nrar^
darar oftheoM oMple. atunptod to
aeU the bmd that ted barn owned br
' ttem, nod wbleh their nalgbbor than
olnlMod. to Mta. Boblnaon't bto*.
Jtilaa Stlaan. Mr. Btlmm deelined
to toMhaae, on the ipeand that the
a«ad«oi9le ailffht return. Ha
OMored that they woald oarer return.
It 1* Btated ttel thie neighbor,
■aiinotod of belMt Inpltotort, ted
a deed (o the farm of the obi eonple.
wUeh waa atrooclr anaptoioned to be
Seraiai ether aa^luoat thlnita are
told by Kra Robinaon, and oottob'
orated by ter faaabanA 8te deea
not remember the name of the old
oenple, and In aevetnl other polnta
her atory la ratlier isooKemit.
Old raaUeata of ite alty do not i
oealier of any a
18 yaara af[0. Bat about 80 year# npo
a taiyatery developed l^ which rraembled In Baay poiau tlie atory of
' Mn. RoMnaon. and fioc wbMi it
aeema tot ahe may hare obtained
' her Idnu.
JcAn Bley oame to hoaR Uke
towntolp in Mae. MU Invui to akar
' np a trim. Ha aaemed to twavN* in
*»*ry w«y. and waa yary IndiiMrtoaa
' Ha lived on with bia wtfe and two
tdiildnn till Joly. 1871. when be
dlMppeared eompletelT. withont any
apparent oBoae. and nelUter himaelf
nor family vmv ever beard Of attor. wnrda Re had wrilton to hla tatter
In Rew Yoch to
In aome bnlldlMi tot he waa dolnit.
nod tot U to iaat tot waa erai
deftnttely known of him or of hit
An employe of Bley at to Ume of
bU dlaappeatanee waa enapeeteil. tet
thooRb the matter -waa iBreatlRated.
' nothlOR waa derelt^ml to Joatify any
iwoeeedlnira. Thla eoi].loye .afterwatda pRMlnoed a deed to the fam of
Bley, the validity of -which
mMdMBtlcm of to ItoKTm to be diteoaed of at thla Britinh Stili Vnry 8u«y In South
The report cm ReMrlnR
Afrienn Campaign
Ttoaorer Clyde waa preaentod and
rafacmd to tte'commlttoe on^Iaa
potelad fnta aaoh band to (ottnl
Idan vUcdi tnald be nmaUr
wwth of Otand Baplda
and after a aerie* of good
win nadonbtodly beeoaw OM of the
recy beat mnaleal oataalaatMU in
to atote oatalde the lante cUlaa
3m Ratoar. who tea hi«a lender
of to Boy* Band mnny yaan, waa
Ototo teeltor. leadar of the Orein
to tend wnae^dayed at a nomlaat
Am to derote Ua effocta In Istelf Of
afternoon with a few leoemmendatleoa white will probably aot ba le-
» treaanai. of 480,000,
4W.000. In tte pate
tte jadfe of probate hat oot be«n
tORire bond*, JndReMonroe.
feMylBR iodRe of tot oqart.
ttel Itere la no atatnloty {wovlalois
reqoirinc to ^dfe of probate U
Rirea bond. JodRe LotanRcr aepporta thla oplntoo. Bnt Ite oommittee beliarea tot tte atatotoi
pire to board of anperrlMn diaoteMoo la to matter. • They therefore
UeU tte )ad«e oT* probate
foot; treaannr. Jatom Martinek:
TnatMa, Frank Kiatoterih AiRaM
btetdordlMetoewilleanMei of to
• aoaemrUtemaBt.ef tfali oonml
sn* fi dne to to pnpoaltiaD to
tte «lty to aaaiat tte Boyt Band in
maintenanoe. Tte oonneil
piMil a doMn to oontrilnte to
anppert of a drat clam band, -and la
vder ttel tore be no diamtlMaeticn
m«Realed tot both to local banda
clldato, ao tot to city eopM
bprr bat one band, which it enoaph
te a my <f tbia atae.
Tl>e moRrmdmtoi will (ire the
Wliatever may bare been to eaee,
Mra RoUnadn la erldmtlly peMnrbed
oTcr tte matur. and II hae traobled
htr to a ieoR time, ahe mya . With
team in bar eye* tee told a Record
reporter at mtdnicht that ete fell
Ihei ate mnat tell tomebody abon
AaOHer UfawBl l*owM« Mato* a
It mnaielan* In thU pan of the
TbkinR both banda tofetber a
tend of nboat thirty ptaeaa U fmteadTte obieot of tte reotKaatastioa la to
and to
oomUae two Rood banda In one, tbna
Londte. Jaa. »-Tte teanalty liM
Imnod by to war «Mlea Mmwa tot a
aarem akirmiah ooeotrad Dee. 88 at
Oraot VIei, amr OreylinRemd. la
white alRfat Britiab warn killed. 46
A dlepntte amt by Genmai Kittefram Pratorto totey repovta that
Qmeeal Dew«4‘a force tried to more
headed off by Ookaml PUober and
ratmated. Tte BrttiMi oaptned 180
Boer boTMa frornTtebaHobB. Col
onel WilUanu enRMtod to Bom
•oothweM of MiddleboTR, Cape Celay.
There la no news of to Boera inradloR to weaten part of Cape Col-
that tte proaecotinR attorney Rire a
tend tor tl.OOO. Thla hat not been
eutem. tat to epmmittee beUerea a bond aboaU be Rtren.
M* faeommendatiou ware made
to to board, after wbleh a reeem
waa lakra antU 8J0 thUmonlnR.
wten action will be taken epon to
bend* preminwd, In each eaae '
■* were anrared by to <
mittee. emept in to caae of to
tmaaoirr. wtere an Inereaee wu
■meoded a* noted.
Tte banda thna far preaented are oa
Oeo. W. Steward. 490.000; aareliea.
Perry Hannah, 3. T. Hannah, Samoel
DarUO. Chandler. Sheriff. 410.000;
mmliea, J. T. Hannah,' W. H. C.
MltobeU.Jan>eaE. Mahan.
O. C.Moffatt. i«Rlaterordeeda,4S.000; anreUea, 8bm Oariand. 3. T.
ymr oM aen of Mra HeMld MeOorJohn II Be
Robert E. Walter, eoonry elwfc.
bond to eoonty, 46.000; earetiea. Jaa
tohnaon. J. W. MilUken. Bond
to etate. 48.000; aoretife, J. H. Lonte,
W. W. Brower.
Oeo. W. Ovtia. eireait oommiaalooer. 48.000; aorettm. B. L. Ranm>e, H. D. Campbell. F. E. Brawn.
O. E. Chaae, coroner. 4600; raretiea. KdRor B. Ctmae. H. B. Uareer.
Ladim’ Arctic*, one buckle,
fint qn^ty,
Women'■ Jeney Aiukoa,
. firrt.qoafity,
Boy’s Suits, ige 3 to 9. wonh to $590 gu at $1.75
Boy’s Reefere, age 4 to t6, worth to $4.50 go
«........................ .........................................$»-75
Men’s Pants, all si,es, worth to *6.50 go at $J«
Zero Ulsters, all sizes; worth to $15 «o.*at- - S8.50
Men’s Suits, worth to $22 go at............ . $450
'•Men's Suits, worth to $8cb. go at-.. -........ $4.75
Everything Cut Way, Way DOWn.
New Goods Only.
BOOp eoo
Mimea' Arctiea, one backK
BOOp 7Bo
Hen'a Arctiea, one buckle,
ton. fm
Just think of the good vou will get out of a
Jacket from now on-- Cold weather is just
setting in. Qur garments are all new and
up-to-date, and made by the best firms in
this country. , But %hat we~mnt just now
' is to sell a big lot. about dVin all. one and
two of a kind, at just
6 O’clock
Half Price
LH( DMnci TilipkM
rale* are a|>)TOtimairly
r thla teence here brm
1 io to
B hare pamed. The attempt
toforee metm npoo <
to people by fleolloR Oenenl Harliacn aa a director. He ha* notlflcd
tte company tot he will aerTe! HU
lemberahip on the board U taken a*
Rnarantmofto ebanfe in policy
and the reetocatioo of Rood feelinR.
In other words, a Ladies'
acket that sold at $ 600 now............$3230
acket that sold at $ 7.50 now.............$i-75
acket that sold at $1000 now
acket that sold at Si2.aonow............. ^00
acket that sold at $i<y-oo now.............$7.50
Om-HiN tin DulMis.
IU| OK ii Udin' Cam, Minn' aid CUdm's Mil.
Tnf tin Nliht Sirilci
New Copper Cireoita
Micliina TaliiilKiu
If w« can fit you. yTa'-ilte you RoeaL
Ri-iiablo Dry (iooda. Carpet and Clothing Hoi
Beilt br Xoar-Vat
X met, eiun,
One Lot
ChikTs C«pe Overcoats
StMctel lo ttr HtnlBC Beeate
RMald of tte Interaattooal Boiler
maker* anion today reciered a dUdateh from
Jaa J. Jeffrim
In white be deelarad he woald not
« for.botfa old ccRaalflgbt in SaeoRerfeat baU at Cincinmtl. beoanae to talldioR waa baUt
AllwM Uwtoeei».000 to Aeceealaer
m-tmlce men and had been boybaraMoionaly and Ite ootloo
eotted by the Boilermaker* onion of
te^t for to bast matle tte eomUiR
which Jeffries U a mambet.
ner tkatto elly ever bad. '
tawM) to Til* lIMar teMrd.
FRYR IB TBBMASSinnRdeld. HL. Jon. 3—B.
amtion which will be Rtren a
ralnaid. treoanrer [of to atate
to anaptoee of jite new orRante
of (aRrieoltnre. and toUm of
for tte petpMe of raialaR foada for board otM
now onUormt and inattnmenta The to MarlnAbonk. U mid to be MioR
In bianoeoanA vrith' to atate apM*al to to Momlac Btoard.
oTcrtare and anaknl parti hara alAoRnsta. Me.. Jan. »-Wb». H.
board of a(ri<nU«re. The
laady baae oemplatod by Mr. 8kel
Frye waa nominated for United
I to tank ore mU to be c
aedtoattmteto «ill ba tte
Btatea ami tor at to BepnbUoan cas«orelty to cdty baa aaen. with
mt of tte membm «f to leflalarair
loHdly Rood miaot. InetodbiR
tonbdrt by a waMa* rota
oatobmted eomadlaa. BlUy
Smootb SIMM
You can always gat wfaw
you oa* an Electric Baior. I
bare ibe finest •look 6t high
Krade, fine tempered Eieotric
Ra-xora Utat are guaraatead to
W iLo brat an«l most aattsfae.
tniy made. Prioea from «1 to43.
. Former prioea82.a-i to 418
—All Ro at 41.00. HamiltoQ
ClothloR 90.
OlBik. arbo wiU be bom to amlat in
RirlnR to aatermlnmeaL Thla
praXa wlU now ba poated.
Tte dlreotara of to oonaoUi
U ofolB indiaposed and waa cenflaed
•pRMt to to Momlac Reewdto Ua tema
Oamha. den.
prineely onm ki etlU offered for Op
MipnteAioo of to Ontetay abaneto be
Of any Irnpemooe and to amat
white to poUoe bad hoped. woaU
pm oat> <elew>o<ky feU fiat TUa.
too, in qdtr of to tael that another
letter waa iwelred by Ondaby today
cureland, Jan. 1 lamea H. Hardy, frtanto Udeappare. threatmln* to
tte ontira. family nnism to
a welt known attonay and real estnte
reward U withdrawn.
dealer, ffled a petition in 1 __ _
today. BU liabUitUsam placed at
4884.M8; nstoto. 418,880.
PaiM ter nata.ooo 'wMb aitMo
Mora Kimball Pituoa and
Orgnaa were •■old during
IHOO than in any year in
our history. By the aame
method of fair dealiag we
hope to merit a absre of
your future psirouaBe.
Thanking the public for
their liberal patronaxe ^nd
wishing sU a very bap(7
and prasperoas New Yesr,
we rmnsin, aince rely yours
AmUnlnevranndeda* U1
*f a mtato with a 4
W. .J. MobBs
Pimakail ftrM
CaipMII bfM.
T'LECTBIC and Oaa Shades and Okbaa
(ip, Fistnn*, Belh and Oall Bilk.
I " Batteries, Portable Storea, Heating Pada,
1 Tea Pots. Flat Irons, Curiing Iron* lnea».
t Lamp*, i c. p. to 300 1
and coloi*. Interior lelephi
factory or atora. We (
from a call bell io a whole city.
146 Front Stre It.
V.V.RIM. VourFetd
Seek a Divorce
To n pair of onr $2«> ,ho«i - Thoyll
Phyatetaw anU Buraeon.
marMn.Camt.MMiaa TtoaotMia Ten* Km Mem JalL
towtef toMirMaaBmiiA
WlaUta, Jon. 8-Ualam Mra (terta WUM Bonse Maifhcla lHBerofto
Hatton, to wemaa wbo wractod to anbtoto and to wtreeeftoi
cany betot aatom last Friday. U re
td seen to mny be takm ^ ferae
; to eomty JaU. Member
tbabnal tMairaiiM naton to
Mite tod teto «v Mtote M
Cfaildrra'a and Uisom' Shoea,
nam from
to 8, valaw op to
nual to TW-Mwatac R«an«a.
Indianapolli. Feb. :-^For the |nat
tiro yrari the natoml rb* eominnies And every uiRlit uniU 8 a m., to
of thla eity here been BRiintinR
IX aPiT* or lyAlxPox
DRD or nCABLn vbtsb
Children'a Aretka, one buckle,
good Mriality,
TbeacM to Ram n*m «•
rw. HMmeo;nc.?^hC«Mrl«e
eity Book Store.
t» ttgb He Otm Vtsrmltt,
Boa Im stoek. •
Wt am tmU roM.
Imdim' tS-OO'ShoeA atyliBh.
•h^irly nad nanioeablr.
ToatrtdtdtV aoidati r—anltita- balanee of 4i.to6.87.
Tte bonda.of nmrly all of to intioMof the Sort hMd a>d Oreaoent
tudmaaCaotodata )otot -me*
referrad to the a
wayaand laiiwa.
and at a nwat'' ttmd mU oeto
Offln SMttmnr, <
BbmkBttk*. Tab mm «
jia MnFt at OtHn Srpplla
Bpacitl low inteM prffvnU tbU
month to rreoon Rtock before
inveatocy Fobramy 1.
Tte beard of •
TllSMt rnai MfMt,
tbr CUeMM poUn • •
or • .on»d mmm ■thM(^ MTO
^ (I ifoTwrf
I D LPt «r PiM SsiU
ntifal pattarae-orar tUa
______ SoldaiUte
. srr&KiTT’js
We have an eacepBonaBy 6ne Um oj
they are truly "money^Meeta" for ^
Front Street.
McN«mgn Blodt;
t OR, m^nmwmn.jrjmtxTM, u*<F '
01 sipK^^ Ames CTM^Lh^irtth^l^
-------r . ''
' aMstetettetMi
t wmikm k»oM lU. ••
BMocy may have Wtaoreoead <d
nineit^ aeeiimid. hat tt amy
maimfMlyttat «e last
wed^flf thaomtnywaa tolemaimd ia Warmly. Ion. Iheeontmet• a war* City Attorney L. L.
I and Mim AlUe Bait.tegbter of the Mm M. & Bar*, ter May
the leadtag bankar of tha town.
,£2^ i
The Flae BUge ladlaa t
8. D., laonnttr has bean the
ml famUties nmoM the Stenx.
and in 4M ianmnee aU pSerhn
Advices fmm
wara bcAsn by a death
that 0TC9S aU over that rspabUe ate
nartun, probably the flnt <nm
Beports timt them U
of (he kind inthehiatoryaf tbelnoial d^^Mfam in oertain eeotloos of dlaa tribe of the Eoc(h<
Merioo are denied.
lent antam of the I---------------the Mm that the govsruasnt providee
qaalifledwhim voters Imve diiffimn- the Slonx with all they wirii
by failareio
does not toed to camse many
the poU tas apte midnight.
deaths bom overwork. Fori
nmstitation makes the peyamat for the pride aad honor of Vm
of the poU tax before the eed of the noble red man. the pernon who died
year a oondltloa preoedcot for vodag bom this anoanal cmam wi
after the year ISOO.
dmawniiii, who boro the
Beports from the oortheni part of Mrs. Annie Big Tnmip
w states of Ouhoahaa aad Sonora,
One of Ohioogo's large stores was
lexica. toU of freqoaal -raids oa umged Snn^ to the,extent of dUn Wmmt.igdB. Jii.iwiintiyRilBiliM
by a Wcayd«. whi^t bad beeo
Aparim aad Taqai UdUns. who have loeked op ie the atcre whan it
drtrvm off macb iKe stock. The oat- closed Batar^ night. The animal
laws are said to be led by a wUm
enable to moors anything
Why tn hnmpkig aronM wMfe a
' The Yeqais are paobably
and drink in Hm store. It ettaoked
beri of a petty that has beea warilag the dry goods on the abelve< end
with Mextcaa troops, aad the Apachos
aad iBinad amny yards of
are from a port of a tH6^ that has ataff. Ahalfdoatn bones of shirts
beea Uyiag la aortheM Masieo eiaoe warn polled down
the dog and
il was A1vv« oat of Ariaona flfwra uaninio pieces.
At Sterling. 111.. William Haslev,
The member* of Ibe ooasrilntional aged 8t. has bean married to Mim
onveatioa at Mexico ere dm sow Mary Mdiim. aged ». b wa
bopefol of belag ready in time to eighth marriage of Ibe taridegi
1V«h« KMacTi«v**na*B«B«*
aohmil a oomplete constitoUon for He is aa ardeat BapebUmn and dorapproval to the preaeat Ualled StatM -ing the c—p-tf he wagered with
evBigreee. altboogfa they *tiU believe
ty' MaKinley waa
thateUasesenablbigOolntooiKanUeieeaefalshewastomarTv him.and if
•- eleet offioers and - 'j Bryan
JA8. Q. JOHK80K. Dragglsi
was saooemfnl be wai
begin tlie work of
will be I her $2,000. He was la love wiOi the
girl and is pleased w
priie be
has won. ______
iQt Child’s
H..d OV
For agM A 4. b. 6, 7 and 8
Is the ohiflfwt of faamu ■rfoni. g SlMpl^ma. MsUoiU»Ir. ir.isilns
years—prime from fl-U to fS—
orals. IltraTbsi*tstorfsod!:^“s^S”>t,iS'‘‘ESi^’'“m
Irices cm in iWo. Some of
ralsioed by Ihs —-I
< "’?'?? lira El«.«. mnm wlu
lii'-m hsve- extra vmU—ONE
HALF OFF. Hamilton Cloth-
Dyspepsia Cure
Disests whst yos sst.
If the pottMOee reoelpta an an ladiaaUcB of the lacnaee of iieaml
> boMaem. the TcBTMBe City poedBee
reveals a (mat advaaoe in ISOO ov«
law. Podmaater Baff-s reoords show
eataercaaeof »l.eaa.t7. The reeeiplB
’ onM0wem«lil,SI0.Wlasa|Binst9i^•
' asT.BBia lawi. la law the total re-,
I eeiptswere 114,4«. whitdi shows a:
remarkable iaormar in two ' yeara
The receipts of tiie postoffioe of Travetae City has shown
«UMh t«d • efauo* to bMo wh*l year, bat last year was the baaaer
~ Mwrb«}»dM><k>H<aMt«d to office.
year-_____ ________
Mr: neitl^ told whet w—owe bi
belied «e «ee ttttoocb the
' tan. Mr. Oun^ told wtat be hoped
Mra A. 8. Fryman is vialtlBff
i to4o«UbMtl0MlKBUtm. eto. Bob- fripmls in Chariervotx; Bast Jorriaa
:. mi ’miirn. the eeailtdete for oooetr sad PetoWey.
: eli*. MB Mwwhot at e laat for bb
Mra. “ “ Byder has retoraef
laaa. Bel Isaiah at WUilaaB- from a visit with teiativas ^ at Marbeih, wItMobewMholdiiMr a Beet- shalL
ioa la onapaar with Jad«e Bareh,
Oscar Friedrich tetamed yeaterdat
he Bated that be ni«ht be able to j Ann Arbor.
•eeate a ledaetioti la the leloe of
Prank ,Oaaael was ia the dty ye«a^ntace Ueeaaea, aad that the flrti raday oo his way to laterloelM,
BBB who obtaiaed a.UeeaM after he after a baslnem trip to Ormad Bapida.
bBaaed hie daties Aoold iret If free
Mrs. W. P. Orotiwr arrived yester
SOD. Ia.. "and a lame tnok nslned
Of aspwM, aad with it a frame for day ftom a visit witli relatives at
me eo I coold not dress myself, bol
his BaniBffe eerttfleate. '
Electric Bitters wbollr cored roc.
end. altbongh TS-wnrs o'id. I now am
irhoD Mr. WaUer made tbU BtateMissSfand OtUetie relumed to Bid
,sUe to do slimy booseworfc." It
Mat, JamB B. Beebe, a roautt aah Rapids yesterday, where ahe will
) cveroomes Oanstination, improve*
iatbe'baiMof the hall, called oat. resome her stodiea ia the Perris InAppetite, gives perfect health. Only
' -rtlwak far that frame." It exeat- dostrUl aehool.
'SOcalJaa E. Johnson's and A. K.
I Waifs drag stores
ad ooBftJwahle meiTimeM at the
Aldennaa Sleder is ooadoed to
'.^Uae. bet moat of those erholnard it home by illaeas.
had ttacottea it. Bat there wen
Miss Lacy Gannett vHlt Teton
two miB who remembered IL One of Ana Arbor today, where slic will
Mtem waa Mr. Valier,aad he waa pn- ime tier raasloal stndiys.
OH^Mdt Off
parla* to write to Mr. Beebe mrterMrs. A. W. Feck has retnroed from
dar and tell him that the aew eoaatr Grand Rapids, where she has been
Use Stnndaril Preparations— EIIS
* plank with a rope on
0le*fc>ad been fetllafr tvioea cm frame# TisitiBd with friends.
ke nothing
„ o............
Im—they coatKljs
it, hat the Rnaaian 'j^xtile
wh« la walked Mr. Beebe and apHim Emma Woodm
>n nothing shonid
should they fail tosM
Interlined Donble Breasted
>Badferthe llocMe, aad irot il
cun* yoo.
Vests. Von can't get cold
Mr. Walter’s ezpeese. The romig
if jTou wear one. J off now.
Sold by Jaa. G. Johnson ud
coapU were married last aranind by
d ber VBcatioii.
The Boatou Store, nj
J E. E. MUler. ,
JmtOm DeVries of WiUUmsbarr. aad
Olaad Garter is back fran > Visit
thair Mirtade eattlflcate wUl
with frieads at Laasind.
tMtig ia'a frame foiviihed by Oenntr • H. E. Gill of Korthjwt -was la the
Olesk WahK.
city vrsterday.
Ralph D. RhlU was ia the Hty
A. C. B. A. IVkTAl-t-ATIUK
from WtUlamrimid yeotesday.
Bert Wood retaned last ermlac
from a visit with his brother. George
Wood, et Kenton.
tsMl eraoiod In fl>« Si- FteneU
Miss Helen aad Master Heber Stoat
aehool boon tbs ladies of the U C. reiamed last evaiiad from a visit to
B. A. awl to install their leceatly Goshm, lad.
•lacted offieen. With them also nathF. H. ViatoB of Wi
mad the members of Ibe a M. B. A. in the olty yveterday.
. aad their families.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook letamsd
After the lasmllatioo, llie party ad- Iasi evsBiBR from a visit to Omad
loaiaadto the lm«e hall adjobiind Rapids.
ths room where the laatallatloa was
Fifty Pieces to Choose From
TVaieneTHr fswiisalry tWv<r«.
held, aad pertocA of a flae baaqaet,
AU Colors.
Past Eminent Omad Cominander E.
with plates laidfM lU. This baaD.
Oaat was divea in booor of Ibe memNow is the time to get material for your .\ew Suit.
last evening to review Ttnverae
I of the C.; H. B. A. and yie'lr citv lost
There never was such a line of goods shown for the
Knigbls Templar.
City Got
money. You should see them.notroubie toshotj- them.
rtdlowind the tamiaet. toasts were A very pleamat jasaiem was held.
uspldslko by i. M. HaeUmaatel. The Temple degree was conferred
Joha Barry, L. F: Perkett, Mrs. npoaFredR Pratt
imem BwialA, Mim Looim Hasllmaatel, Mn. Joha Bany. laestdeat
at tbs U O. B. A., aad Patrick Bor- Oapid sboou hU arrows. Boeky
dsa, jMldeat of the C. M. B. A. Mountain Tea.^Aak yofar diagglst.
the ooeamoo was e very pleamat cem.
At Sydney. K. S. W., Mew Tears
l-^Sar JceBmenitimef^.
day the Earl of Hopetoon was awor*
la ths report of the Boys Band baa- in as the flrst.govemor of the Feder
qsM yesterday a very Importaai part ated Ansttaliao xoltmioa, amidst
> eleaa of the
podea. Score# of thoasands of people
twrcieijmted in - the demODatratioa.
Thebitywai brilliantly illamlnated
that vveBiag WHh apiqae ab'd appro
priate deaigns and the ahlndng In
Commencing Monday morning and continuing
the.harbor was all aflame bom item
all week, we are. going to put up, all in a basket, the
on. The slate banquet at the
fuUowing articles, all to go at the price o£j$i-SD.
town hall was attnded by. 1.000
has beea tlie
«« gaest.
■Uuc^ OMn a^
ai usrcelMfl wwt. M
Winter Suits
Uffsnnt loeaUtiM for sale od easy
“aa money to hM~^
VKkffvruMca MttiMetHT.
Fire Insurance
W-U. Ah. »aatt^Nm^.
m tas dsiM tuertefl ;u MTIC^
OMoa In Hamilton * MilUkto Block.
Fire Insurance
WTito ttm iM—nci for yoa. and will
gfra yoa paompt and earefal altoa“Soy tha mom raliable ttoek Insar-'
Telophoao TO
Travrme City
Rul Estate.
am Ftom. n.
n. n n. lu-ibk
\ap“‘ Tonic
One Dollantand^Tiffy Cent!
Dress Good^.
Tor One Dollar
J. W. miWktn
J1 Bargain
in a Basket
It omim ttwomae.
„--e fame of Baeklln's Arnica
Salve, as the beat in the -world. «•
tMds naad the mith. Dh the cme
P^I^«fOata,Omu. Barns.
|ris^ ^ BmU£
25 lbs H Best Flour........$ .46
6 ibs Granulated Sugar.. .26
1-2 lb Tea........................ .30
1 IbCoffee............ ................. 15
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket...... . ..........
This is a soap, and'wfll positively go off salohi
one week.
' AU goods guaranteed, or money back. . j -
Md CbAdm’s Ubttrs
At at par oonL dlsoonnt.
- e&latOo.
€itleri»rise 6rocm
I The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
We Take No Chances
About winning your patronage. We're sure of it with
our enormous stock, and the great backing statement
-■•You get your money gack if goods don’t suit.”
The Sleighing
I Days..
Are made enjoyable if you have a
good warm robe .in your cutter. That
one you’ve beep using may be wearing
out -Time for a new, and no better time
to buy than jusi now. Those Mohair
Plush Robes are the nicest for change
able weather They shed the rain and
snow like a waterproof. The colors are
black, brown and varigated, and sell from
^.^-75 up. A fine, line'of Horse -Hide
Robes -big, soft, silky, warm—and sell at
$13 and Su: Galloway at $15.
Mince Pies
And this season are “twin broth*
ers." If you make-your own mince meat
you will want good apples, dried‘peadi^
apricots, citron, lemon pcd. orange ped.
seeded raisins, currants and New Orleans
Molasses. Only one kind we tdl. and
that's the best. If you’re boqr aad have
no time to make it. then buy “Nope Sodi
Mince Meat,” the 6oest on the xwovkpti
Sells at IOC the package. My, but it’s
good, and we s^ lots of h. Order a
package with your next groeeried>
Own a
6as Lanii....
The Clevdand Vapor Gas Lamp is
the best, and so the cheapest lamp on the
atarket. The brass one-burner hanging
lamp sells at $3.50. the two Iwmer at
$6.50: the Standard Table Lamp (student
style) one huiwer. full nicklc, sells at $5.75
—the full nickle two burner chandelier
scUs for $9«- WeVe a big stock of extra mantels and chimneys. This is fast
becoming the most popular light that is
No home complete without onejust the hnishing in furnishing a house.
Ottr great stock of oew patterns is the
finest ever shown. One-hundred piece
dinner sets start at $6.75—best set for the
mooey you'll find aher an all day's look
ing. TheSoMtsarefeadyseOeis. Blue
Decorabon at $13.50^ sells itself ato one
look—have them at $15. $19 and $25.
Many of these are “open pattema^Ds
enabling you to replace any arti& that
may become brok^i,,-and so
set always complete.
Both'Plioiies,No.i4^- ‘ 77
ii8 Front Street
g Block
Miiflivs omitfiiff
Ato ^mltoWMUahOmrP.
tbatr m,:o««age W. 8towa*d.«m Bn«
Hiath atteat. T*
At* juiuiiBi
I&int HU
Willi ('
What we are Closing put.
It. aad rrUllbe
____________________ ad IfaB. Stow.
BriaaaidaUffatfBlateaf the tora
aad tokaam in whieh they ate aalrwally bald.
thedtoptoyed mttoDe and Uamaiyttl.
u weU u fcaedtol toformatUa fw the gaiek witied Amekipablie. U to atoo a fleMcariouly
aad p«u”toaeeo^
Winter Suits....
For ages 3.4,^ 6,6.7 and 8 yeareprices from $1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in^o- ^me of them have ex-,
tra vests^NE-HALF OFF. • .
Ea enatog. ^eadla; ^iw. of
BA mtotoiw aboat $10 waa
laeamtei^tn ttelhimarte.
retoUree aad frtoatk.
iltoe lirw thto eeaqte tere lived
hare beaa atagnlarly awaet aad
baaaDfnL Mr. BtewaK will be Ti
ywn «ld to Maniv nad MtA Seeward
One Cot Tine Suite
Beautiful patterns—new this season
Sold ail the season for from $5.00
to $7.00, now $3.50 and $4,50.
ton Due
WeoCmOaeHaadredDolkmBeanlTmanj ima of rtotanhDmtCMii
aatbeoandbyHall’oahtoRb Oore.
r^le <d adrantolito haaaqaaU,
‘ MtytbattoatlMlylaektogiatha
Mare I not biddta yon beware of
tear method, Kew Baca will not be
aouethtoguid to be toe wme ae
auned or ercB mote can pat ea to fire
Bocky Menntoln Tte. made br the
oppertaaiilaa to adrmtton Tbom to aU baaltew tauteSmu. aad Bn- Madiioa Madtotoe OoT U ye am
thitoia am dtoaimtoed I7 tfae raqalro- aaetoUyabletooanroat nay obliga- trim, beed ihie waning. Aak yoar
a cd kni irareL And what the IS
nMngaparM in a ear am flUed the
. ■VW 4^ bo U Um-
anrt HMMvnrrmful u r.niillfli'«aikM«.
The fall of two win go iato bUlory
M the auM dlaatrou tor tOm
oa tbr (t«ai I^m la awaf yi
•n»e catch hai bcea v««t Ucbb >«i
Dun tor haU that oMaD raar. and In
. an dia-
Bi«ai<Baiy uurtiy waa held at (be
rint Kelhodlat ehntdi ym»i
attemoon. The Wotaea'a MianU
aoeietiu of ■rreo cbaxtliM parDe
WilUanr Sallivaa, who kidaaniad T*^The |»f>gram eonalated of papera
atdi^ at Boanfitoa and waa curved and ttporta from the fallowin«
Bta of their lecpectire
Saada; nicbt, la afaamaOnf inaaaitr.
OBatola will eadnaTor to tti*a liiai aoeieitea:
Kra. C T. Sunt from the Eplaoopal
the limit of the law. which U tea
paara' Imprlaeomnt.- for abdaetioo. chnreh; Mra. O. Oochlin. Coaungu
TU. kl<taa|>|»d liof waa Rlran only tional; Wra. J. B. Miller. Ptral
MeDudiat; Hra. William tonfman.
a alagte cnat Ot bread in a day and
liair, and waa walked V miira Home Hiaaloii Soeletr. Firat MoththroaiDi deep mw and orrr the wind odial: Mn- Woodbooae. Bapliat: Mra.
awept leo Baida of Portaffe lake. The W. S. Wriffbt, Preabyterian.
Mra .W. K. Wrtebt wm Dte {maid,
aolea wm won from the lad'a Utde
shoea. and hla feet were Uiatrred and lag oOeer of Iha uuMit.
Mra. Horn aaag a aolo. "I Am the
I in eSeefei trm hla espoanre
Blka garea haaqaet to
aboot «00 newaboya and bootbladea
Krw Yean day. A peegram waa ren
dered. and the entertinsient cliMod
with a apeeeh by Frank Fowler;
Miehi^ bMl aniptf factartea hare
not yet eompleted their oampalgn for
1900, bat from the beat data obtain
able it ta expected that the oaliiol of
lofined grannleted angar from th&w
who bare reported will esoeed 48,.
000.000 poanda. or 91,000 imu. Thla
meana that the-fansera of Mlehlgan
hare ralud eloae oa to M0.000 toaa
of baeta. for whicdi they hare neelred
not far from 11.000.000.
The Wolrerlne nevelenbig comiway, whIHi liaa becn exploring for
miaarala. atnek n f^nr foot rein of
eoal oa John
aUlm aottlh of
u oely forty fr«t
Ahoat ayearago
of Ooloa, became
Bad alnee that time
to talk ao that the
■toed. A few
dreamed that her da
ccaabei amler
bV eS<
Mmma aroaaed the family i
ecetlnned to tmisore aatil at
ahe la rrithont any impedli
Wmta F. TnuTr a bantlar pardoned
oal of .lento priaoB Toeaday. did a
" sald’Tba a
The Basics] newspapers received letpaoaltor thing. Hla impen mobad
“Of oeaim it dooM
ten of indignant priest against Ae ad
him at notai, lit inatead of taking ; always choose hit woetoAma ’’
Terttocr'a/udacityiliprfauinint (oleach
tmmadlale adtanUge of bla Uberty ~ "Ob, 1 don't know about that Htra
he ttdd Wardaa Faller that If then tamwiAaoefa tlmitod am Ibat^
waa DO obieotioD be woald atay
n't beoaij
— Wmhtoctaa tpeRtoa wbetfam tte
wlm be waa that day, dqilalniag
eoaU compel the mnoval cd tte obtlmt it be left then be caald not
mnatm card.'
iwidj Tbe »pubbWWH.._
wmkf coBoedtlona to get to hto' hmae. - Tawdry to doired fnmi Bl Aadrcy. Boxicia
hat not uutll that bal^
to Biltodale eoanty. So. with the to (heeariy middle agesfatra wan beU trumtoed.
powder had bra adt-ulieed as it aera
WBiden'e amlllng iienalmloo, the In France and Bagiate on St Aadity's wasfaeforo. to like mwmer in 'lbe
Creed man went lack to the laandi^ day. and them aaaaal gatteri^ ha- Hly anotlwr lumpas waa momd by Iba
and worked,the.muBtaiag half day.' came twted for Aegaadj and wortWem ,
qmsyo* a taite’aeard, "Do yu*
Prof. OceanoKmaaurlof Ae Boyal'lewetrysoldBt Itaam.
Ootlf«e of Uwrning. Mmlrid, Sfato.:
------- ^-----------------:
The chatacteriDic
U tte mtod. 9hM rate tte body.
Anted ogatoA Aewrd "panto"
to Tvpatod to lisre made
a> far forgets iuelf m to truipide
vullbr abhcwtolkm. mA
able' discoyerte. in "the Thumb.
store, tbe slave to' Barer get
net ta«e. to a aurabw cd
He tes found posttive mra of
;h to fomlvt tbe tojuiv. bat will companlm will not jwrm
iwnnit Aa display
•ratprtetomic roce that occupied “T^a^ri^itt'tb;'
-stog wines or Uqof any cards adrort^tog
North Atoorioa thousands of yean miow.
non. and iKh Atogs woAld era be
bMoru tte aulUaf of Columbaa from;
oootniy to tow In •otato paetkM o(
Omua. A aMoe waa tMaaoring Bf-i
...............Qalydaatb New teigbad. Pstent medKinea. too,
tra feet to height and somewtetl
viewed wiA dtrfaror.—New York
"ore VM
wider at ita base, has been fc>uiid|^;S£^Sl ite nteStt£ towScSS
barlmb-ia tte marteea and extmdtog,
“ spomgisa
aboat twea^-Are milm tnm a point;
. .
"DM the major go Aroogh tte warf"
, tte linto
"Toa. like a stieA of Ughtatog. '
af PartsvlUe.
dsa'lthtoktewustea aAmuagettii
b Ay b__
...____ m? Uao< toteBatey Moaa- - ^‘^-^-Attoata OmaDtartte
'item eeaatiea aad laaite tteaoa
..intoTec, Asi: y
kJtiiry Itae of "^ThagA."
tW old 1dm ttet tte body mma^
1. Dm aadmal^ad. do tecMV
itontaadtte maw oa a C$___ botttoM Qnma’aWinaatadSy.
wiIh liKClnR-ia.
Former price.$I.50« now $1.00Ages 4 to 10 years. Corns, quick.
nil ebild’s Reefers
A amall item to hto Own paper tou-
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per pent, dlscpunt.
(Mich. I Foal and Tietang. He and
hto tomlly ted the Grip in ita worat
form. Ttelr-dcetor did tbem no good.
Than be mad ttet Dr. Ktog'i New
’ for____
Otmaampltba. Ooa^
and Ooldiwuag
La Grippe and all
: aad
iroablea: tried it and aay>:
botUea oared tbe whole family,
other medicine oa earth eqaala it."
Only KV- and gl.OOai Jaa. G. Johnaon'a and & E. Bait'* drag ••torea.
THal bottlm 10c.
Co Bays’ and
Children’s Ulsters
............... . -at 25 per cent, discount.
Cot Boy’s nice Ooercoats
16 to 18 years, marked from 26 to
50 per cent. off.
• ' ,
Boys’ Fancy Wool Bests
Ust Call
To Hannah & Lay Comtany. D. K.
llartcr. Gcotgr Puyw. Herman Hvman. Bapttot Churrll Soolety, Mn. A.
L CiBW, Prealmertos Church Sool
ety. £. 8. Jonea. OotunegaMouat
Chuieh Society. Hebrew Church Soei^. ud
H. UcMicharl or
e iierebr notiSed U
le half thc
leiciei .r«r. commencing at or naar
tiw iwstein boondarr of lot I. blocril.
original pial Traverse City, and
running thence «wst with a six inch
]dpe lo a point about IS feet wmt of
the eastern boundary of Park Place
street; thenee running north from
said point with a nine toolr pipe to |
ooaneet with Ac Kwer alluady eonatiuotad at a point about fiO feel north
of Ae north^^of the alle.v betwr^
**iae of mid totoml aewer to to
rAe followtofVdeacribed prop-.
Lott 1 to -Tto^ive. block 8.
original plat TraverBe 9ity, blo^ 90.
otiginal tdat Tmreme'City, tbe west
94 feet of,lot le and'all of lot 16,
block 91. original plat TmTerue City.
Said aaaaaament nas bra n^e ^
Ae board of special asacaaon and re
ported to the city eoQDcil to oomnllanee with Ae cite charter and ordtoaneet lelaDve to the levying Of speThnSf^U and board of apeotol
Mora will meet oa Jaunarr :. 1901.
t 8 o’eloek p. m.. fot the puipom of
..__ ______ time
; and show
any, why each ae_____ ohouldnot be
4 be
and «olleotad and
aad said bmrd of review ehuU
'lust Ae
have power to a^i—
— ------ ------tte aeXtoD of mid board la letotioa
Q W.^^Blokerd, City etork.
Pre-Inventory Sale!
Since the great holiday rush we find certain iines of mer
chandise broken eome slow sellers, others that have been in.
stock over three months, remnants^ etc. Our purpose now is t<f
convert all such goods into cash no matter about the cost, the
main object is to close them out.
An assorted lot of Plaids-ifancj*
and black goods—values u{> to
25c—to close, choice —
packages 4^ inch wool plaids
made to sell at Si.oo a yard a
big bargain- only......................
$100 Black Crepons—an exceptional bargain only..............
Another lot of plain Gray Cov>
About 2 dozen black and colored
About 2 dozen Silx and Wool
Sateen Waists, vaiae $1.45 to
Fancy Waists
$1.25 kind, RHp
only........ .......... ....... ................. L/v/Lf
Boy’s Roefors
8 Plush Capes left—one ol a
kind, from lines that sold up
FoeBeorrloe $110. aowll
—Agee 4 to 10 Tears. Come
BraUum«k>tl^ Oo.
Ladies Jackets, $15^0 and
$30.00 quality — now
Shots mUtpaiitd
43 CMdreaf Umg'a«to. to fii ages i to d yem-OIfB HUF PRR*.
and Delivered
Coll Boil Phene SSO
$5^00 BIsA Cheviot Skim- |2.60
One*half pnee......................
Ail OM’s RMfsn
Ages 9 to 1 1 -former price $ 1.7£^
now 75c. '
8H 6 7 lOo
ue—lot to dose at........
OWrilMO ^teANNSte
The very beet goods aa wall i
And many other bargains at equally low prices.
Come and see them.
Hal tala at
One Cot
Boy’s Reefers
To the nxpayert of the Oily of Tmverne City:
The tax rolla for the coUeatioa of
the atote end bonnty tome for the
1900. And for the teliafteeal
1 and aiy Ibam gnd apeotol
year have been
placed to my hande
— for
I will be to myefBoe to neelTe
_ now
.low oatll
OBtl Pel
8 Ladle*, “you
each week day
in Jump
[ trnmrie cm it,
t it will 00
from 1 o’clock n_.......... .......... —
aftenooB, and oa Toeaday ereatog of
Flam Tamith.
each week fitim T o'clock anul S M
On all itaCe and ecenty uxea |aid
before January lOtli, the regnlar fee ’
of one per cent for collection will be .,
eiiargeal, aad on all laxea remaining
anpaid Jaaaary lOlh. them will Ix(>u llie KdIi. N'atban Ariiarged a fee of 4 per oetil for col
.Kiadier warnuited Cloth-^
lection. Penally on dellnoocnt city
iiig. (foiiii; at 40 per cent,
and aehool taxea and special aiaieaa.
mcela. 4 eenu on each dollar of the
below vaiae. - Bee some of
amoeni of mid tax.
it io oor enat-window. Step j
Offic* to room I. Hamid bailding
10 nod inveeticate.
Dated Demmber 1 . 1900.
Tbe-lkgtoB Btore. J
of pndlt from the ioTeetmenL Tbea, to
San Btendneo laimarily. cable ttaetica
began lo take the place of
auke the auetlag an aanaal aOair.
Light refreahmenta were aerred by
the-ladiu of the Firat Metfa
amteriato. t.ims and coIo Dibd the old
ehnreh. and a rery pljuatnl aoeial oeca. audnorae gtaloa erolrni the hap
py idea of cnnfiniug O* adrertiaiiig
half hour followed the meeting.
card* by moldingx inenncaTe«pae*a and
withont glam. At emee the cardf wen
made to ronf<m to their iniprorcd rorThe Trarme City Typbograp
Inioa will meet thii eranlng at 0 ronndiny*. They were n.;Be haudromoo'clock at Bboer Broa.' printing ly dealgnod, printed in bright, attraetire cohn and eometiniee tllortiated.
iBeua foe the eaaatiig year
M» nmil IHbft.
1S»». when
will be Domlnted and other boaingu ptoputoioa had bss-u clearly HpiikdImpcrtanoe U to <Mne before the attsle.1 to ba ov
tiM^lng. All membeta are eapeelally
all prer tl
nrged to, be pnaent. RefreDu
Terttoing began «
will be amred.
charactw. As befem tbe imprareiimt
in it was in keeping with tbe bectermeut nf tbe vehirlrs. wbieh iitm now
oa Irniger eimply nunfortabte, but ba(uise
toxuriuna. 'Hie amount of intmeat
noticai of tfae effert cd wetrUxr <
mind. "To lompatanea." be wrota, Uken to theadnrttoing curds.asweUw
ert^ d y la bright, and erwy boor la tbe rigitooce of niliral obarTvatiaa. U
demoustiuied by prolma
ilodiligimce." Johnaon, bowlittle glreu to analyae the in- against some notelty within tbe fliA
fltKooM of natme. or any other tnfln- boor of its appeaiance. That is paiticQeocee. opou hinueU. And it may weU larl.r likely to hsnm in Bostoa. wbem
be that thla diapoalthm oahiipmtwaa the committee for regulating theuniluifaerplritof the Hoicaaod in i
f hto own feellngi.'to which
to give way. . _____
bimaaony tbing that "a being en- seldom brksibtogsto kU-kat. One day.
dowed with reasoo" Aoaki "realgn hto . soon moatbi ago, it was moved lo turn
powers to the iofloeacea of tbe air and i llself loose on tbe inbjeel nf a new curd
live in depeodeore on the weather and ihsi ftoabed oni at ooce in all theears:
1 let. ■ wdj nuMl
f. poib end reovd bee
■ere the strcBtwt beaad
waU to to a good otato td p
and haa oeeapad
a ttoae ooly I
towd to wbleh it to barfed.
Former' prices $2.25 to $3.50—All
go at $1.50.
dlarmeee<l a iirorem by rrblch phntographo can be pecmaarntly prlnitd on
the akin. The peo.-m« ton« InJorVina.
and. tmllke tattoping. to not iialnru).
Tbe little pWnin* are very clear. The
flperatluo lake* ehool three bmj™ te
ime cm UJ.IB19 <mi.
Ball't Ctetotb Can to ttkee toKot tofieqaeafly the U«t of a
teraally, aotliig
_____ dlWj^^jpoB
modeDoa bae toaa
to B
r* Ai
aad ocher Mew &«l»dtiM paeaUm- blood aad mtMoaa
ly farond br adrerttoen. aad appU- V nm hate ted to wait for tba
:ioa «f raaning eerntmem befem
to $100,000 a year aaab to mlwag. at
laaat 90 eoaemna aate axpud from $46..
OM to rO-000. and frtna U to U may
becoanted who pat oat fnmi$M.000 to
$40,000 caeh. Tbeaa ama. It to aadwatocid. an paid Itw the actnal rental cd
apama to the meet cara. the ptoetog <d
the canto to tbem aad ttewatcbli^
eauiy to we that the can are raa
omdtogtocnBtTact. The ccal of getting
hToataidet^ ealimile' To makeap
of the etoimatcri $3,000,
000 <d total anneal expeodltere an ar
my of imaUcT admttoen, generaUy lo
uloaly. lend their aid.Tbegnnrtbaf atreetcar ndrerttoing
hat been lo a my mark^ degiee dependoit npua and arm*
marked imtnmmeutoiu
lee. It vra* a rety ituignlflcant tolercat
in (be old (Uyi of the bene cm t*iv lo
Ibis. The low ceiled, dingy. Ill lighted
ndiiclm then in tMecarried a f>-tr plain,
auaitractlre cards, half obeRnred by
deirt and rurensi by glaw. the refracticai from which made them diBicnh
toderipher. (hilykxaladmttoeraompied i|M and did no nthcr to help a
One Cot
eitiid’s £ape Ooerceate
DON’T Be Foot«i
SoMth Side
Cor. Union 1
» • Uttk GiM to tte §ta6r <
mMoUt ooinod vftUo ttw |
I at tha mrtk’a
ttetrotUbi dw cMtac time.
row iogiir follow (be roetee
ttarel to the flwnin. njf aad o
taMdfol Uoe of tbe Soolb FMtfle
Hetma b the dtr Taaadaj aad
took aane Rttwtiea back b hb boaM
where ha aad hb brothar Ure wib
a Rbter trbo kaepa boaee for tbcaa.
wlo« the bb .laU oeatwy.
hmft troa ■ eloa ■oUm to a world CharlMCob. ooaabofthe aaforta
MB. wma «»o.ed hr teleower. And ABorioe dittre ia the
Birth-Place atarkt oo Melbcwoe.
Sldoer ud other imtoto «■ the bbsd
ooBtiBcat of AwtaOb. A laU
tor hw jaopbd It
apaakiag tuaa. And do^i fctfet to
aoke • auk a theatenA alba foraod Modr Vew-teabad. aad
Jaa. t-The foctr-firb
be ebb laRbbtaro opeaed
Booawiih every aeoator
ripeuiMbtive b hb •»!etrcatb—Pat a aM oe liaaiU.
Ih^-Aaertoaii njabUo hat a proUea
> order. whU^
wtwooahaadiBthe PhlllpiriDe bdaalml^M
L Theae.are a ai«hir irroop or
Tea. Ueabaant Oerre of Ulaadi off the ooaM of
B to be the
ofaetlritrdartat the oantorr. The
the reaalb of
fotaie will detonaloe whedia Ihi
eoutrr wae a fworldenttal wlpdihlL each laroelraat.
El^tb-Pat a aark at the head of Santor R. B. Loorali of Gnad
•Io4T tbe oSaet of -iba <U«mfoi7 «t •
|M4 Mdwku
•toflrtob Vote the npM procrtee. 1
(P^modi tlmteil maptre i
witk Ue wbMt WrtI raatw to the in
terior awl to the too.
. TkM-Pol 0 flwrt ftt Mlfct ood
ftodr the Bowwd pwriwoe. Me*m
«M OB aakBoira lasit Oftr jimn tie.
Itt 0UtT fw Uw betttiMtog of Kot«te AmarUma, M the Seel UUnd
KBtzeoU Ud to the Eloodike end
Oopi Homo ^jt ie n rnwenni of the
PMtMt. b b o BOdm woodtrUod.
» «Mt nctoo of m^talae. pbloe.
ritore. irbolori. Hmlwr, Rold nad
aaar yean apo, WUUaa H. Beward
aid WMi the oatnial looatloo for the
fatnre eontiaeatal oapitaL It b loaird iB the oDlj ibto ia the anloa
with throe waterwar* to the aea.
hae tributary ondeTelofled reeom
, Mia not
.leur of Deede
IfaSMtto aaabtSd Mewwa in the
trcrit of the odtoe. Mr. MoSatt lae
heat ffiib bek and b ^ r»t «bb
dorob aaeb tine to the oSw.
bill look afbr hb oaiabl datbe aa
la b ahb, bat wUl root fioa hard
iMrii tar a bart tlaa.
Aiehb Urbu hae added ad attraetire oaa to hb barber ihop where a
(mil Ibe of itood cljtarm are dbplared.
It tna reported Taeadar that U. I!.
WniJiiiu WM laid off hb beat aa
> lab VlaOt
wHb TB Von
Totbx OD the
Rapid! wma lo-elected prealdeBt
tern with only oae
that of HeBator Belme for Oharlea
Bmith. Tbe root of the 1
caocBi abta weol tlirdoRh.
Tbe ropreeeotttiTee were
by eoaatiei by Chief Jaettoe Montfomeiy of the Bapreme ooart,
' which tbe bouae look a reeaat. After
tbe boeae ebeted sa ib
oiBoen tbe nombeee of tbe Repablieaa caaeaa aad thea the repreaen
btir«a proeeeded b draw lob for
AprooeedbR which took
.— ’BMDia maoe on coienBR UM. ___
* H»tf * : Private leeaoa* at any boare. Obmea'
atFeWokey, Charlerob. Mane '
<B Friday, dan. 4, riem lOite emip. m.
aad Saturday. Jan. 6. eadl U dl a. m.
a-.E^Sgrtii John R. Santo
9Ri fc'ii tPHCY BM. Tmr—^tr.
“ ,3»r
lAlTTO TO, UKT-(MO«cr. ■■ or >
next ten days:
opesoil lab ernioR. Thete are kaon
to be foar. oaBdidateo ia tbe field.
Boon of whom are dob« aoae tIrI p TOC VAXT iBaaranc* ct anyfaual m Cm
oroaa haalliiiR. Three of theae oaadidaiea have aot brooRhi b tbeb
Bb Ub.
;.57 Front
voiaa, bat Knak Waltoo etarta tbe
Jeha BriRR*. a Ibeanan worfcbR for
-ball rollbR with T8 vole# broaci
laat erenbR.
Xbereei^of tbe ooateA wiU be
1 a pole, and it b a matter of conRireo from atmtUiR to raomlnR ai
Riatnbtion that ho waa aol men aerlaat at the eolea ooae b.
loaaly bjared. aa the fall waa eaoBRli
to kill him. Ho waa at work on a
-Mae. b b Mr. Blaeken who baa
Icf laaettee Peaaetb.'
pob at the. eoRter of Oak and Second
hMO aoapelled to li^ off.
BpmM tone MonlwBword.
Btreeb, when b acme way lie fell.
OwiBff to the heorr trmBe oa the
8t FmaC Jan. (-The faaeral of tbe (trlkfaR the Mnen Rroand SO feet beI
. O. R. * L railroad, the ernilaK
rmUo* OoBBpUy bill be held bw. He atrark nothbR to break hie |
.. J tjoin that iheahl haea eeaohed - here
■ / at7;U laat erenbR. did not arrive Frlibr afteVBoon from the reeideBcc fall, ^d the ahock waa a ceniblc
I of hb eon. Sianby 3. DoaeBy in oae. I
thie city.
Britott' left ankb b badly a]aabeil.
bri Trier laa hasR in the Fork
•omelof the liRameab bebR eoaaid' PMoi bkibor elMV three flue ladba
enilbf ton. Hie left wriat waa alao
- pbtaiee. painted on deenkb. The
Mr. aad Mra- iniaa. C-olc were a*.
1, aad the ]iie* Rlued by aboat thirty of their Meade ■prabed, and be waa ccnaidreably
braiaed. He waa taken to Ihr Hotel |
bM arc attraetlBR iBBCh aUeotioa. b oclebratbR their
thlrty-ffth wedOolambb by liii Mlow woikera.
Thay balooR to W. F. Bowen.
dbR anairereary Kew Vear'e; ereowhetr he enffored mach pub yeaterFled Roll hae renored hie atock of
u. '
*■ ^.“lAtfal time wme enjoyed day afieneoo and ereninR. beloR de: tbUoany aad
f”®* ®‘V liy all nnlil a bte Iwor.
Urioaa part of the time.
w locatbo oo Baet Front etreet j
Be eaya tliat hie aafety bolt, eaed to
to the old Eatonwiee Rtocety halld: KifHc iMarK
(lie .iul- Uie <Oher dv anppnrt him whib at work, beoanie
toR. oppodto SbtabotR'e Otaai
tno iucuib.ee n.-ii- ansulus al»m wlD anbabBod. lellbR him fait. He
A party of yoaBR Bed oooeittbR of j jK.nyv.
cooalderB himaclf fartanatc that he
Oalrb laaRwortb
Til.- .-.I
>-.ni.ekleil iiwn. v
I lialill .<r
wae not killed eacright. Hia lioW
Rtoa. Will Foote.
ia lo Milwmnkcc. He will be bid off
Frank Haaborekr drove to Elk Bap
U'ee eiruiiu'r
for • Rood while, u the tajaiy ia a
where they were hand'•V..I1 rtv.- en.iiK
acrioaa one. Dr. Thoinpeoc attended;
ilrtenbrubedby Mt«. UoAlpilH mini, 'iiiiil I u p: ni l- ll In
They took dinner 00 the way wej; Y«ii
and euiHl In. ilmt
• -- ,-Smith of
REt'EIVEB you hTEKI. 4
■ealiwi.nie. ciM
uM II iwt jwo
■r Ynha. Thay re*«inied Taeaday nbht. j
II lia\e y<tii fr.mi iliat cower
David PlamoB, the fanner rvaident I berun- lla^e eKumiaodml .vmi
• a( thU city, who wai coavleied of;'•ad ■<>•«•.
Tlie alium ime timl. ilh- IhI atal put
- aeondtacy to defimod the United
hlmeetr hi rim- .•om.-r TIk- iiiilel uon
a the aoldlere' Kil.l. Ill a I'vuiiiiai'.duii: rime:
bdianapoUa. Jan. (—The Gontnl
lead Riant act, hae been aenienred to
.............. .. nf ibnt inm.er'
-a taeof fiion and;i6 moothi'lmi»b-i TJic i.ilier srbni-d »ml
faU Steel Company today aoked for a
ouf former low prices. Bran' new
:--------- Ibbthe
'J ”
‘'•''"d. raoeiver for tbe bdtana Steel Com
jalL: **^"*'^
pany. all^bR that V. c'. Waaaoo,
Bwtoe tbe aentcoce wa* iiroaoanced. | „n,j ,j.,„
mag „f *-(]] ^a(,l. <
who bolda Btook. ia abont lo boy $50.
TletoOO'a altoniey reed a toaebbR i a um-pr. "liadu'i .vou iH-tter cive K
letter Man Mnu n«aoa b thboity } d»“H feel any infliieme m all. and 003 of tbe stock of other member* of
the company w role it at a. meetbR
In black, blue, brown Wcg’ombo
of tbe oompaay to be held tomo:
deentab oucamatnoera.
j •.•)!,I j
romfortalile i
Chinchilla—Our ver>* best. i
A. B. Dowrtimy. depate revenue Ttieii'U i» ilmeJlnilt. ••Xi-et*
- - —
an- «n .xmio nut' lio/ore 1 aek Jro
. eaUaetac.batFhrkPbue.
twliv. and a. | dda't lnteD.1 io aek yon
amtn UB1II iM!> day en-fc. I iliink vuo
porrhAn rBiuoDicAi.N.
fti-l the litfloeme liefore *bi*.“
Thb U the month of the Stab leR- Will
In black and blue Kersey - Very
"nie amart one cauic out boklns
K£r£s^>".S£,'^' S,"
Stdiibets Block.
~ 16 to 18 year*, marked from I
It’s an undisputed fact that we clothe the majority of
^ the boys in this city. Our stocks were sunply Immense, but
the extraordinary rush during the holidays has left us with
^ a large 16.^ of broken lines. These we wish to dispose of at
^ once, befpre taking inventory, and to do it quick, we have
^ placed thfe prices so low that it will be an irresistable tempt tation to buy at once if your boys need anything in the line
of clothing.
:: Yoirtti*$ llstirs-
^ Bon H.0I) Retlirs Ir 13.98
E He Utik MM'S Mul Dressi
thtobaie tnm the nbe
ma the tw«nty.«oe BeiM
b Oalevaie to New Han
lto»Rtole^lto^ of nearly Wi
'want. The work la bebR done ander
The ftmt anll-ubver
avery eorirty w
Bferriboa of Bert Oollba.
like aome otlbi ; Brnnlai-d tB I77r..ii>1 nilbiM|i)iJa.
expert eleetricbn from Grand Bapida.
The iBinintlnn of Xliaona 1
A new awitehboard has been added
to tbe three already b asc. m
ySSr*U^S,’"iie**leShlJ WI
Vortc tn the year JTOn. the toml capacity of the bchrda now
A StorlbR mom eonnei
t^mnd eerea hnnThe
Junbn hae lb oriRin in
larerat epHORa b the wotM.
The apeer* of the eboriRmea of Af
rica rbaneea irlili atmoTLevery Rener-
. Kc<r. .u any. of the imponan
tcU. hare any irmm With a -t
the n- '
a8Scrs£^sj£i,:ii:; S';,,',:: ,?r,r
Tbe hanka in the tadUa TrniWR
Sutea: now there are dflVOOu.
In ninety yeaim the f
Incper * * • —"
The obaBfe b bentiem baaneoe
ily canned oom^ blemipami wlti
oerrlee of the ijiliiii By the ml
of nett Wtok thb win all beobrlntod.
Meanwhib, the company oak the bdnlffcmee at. oabovlbee*. aa Rte in-
W. F. Bowen ie prepnrbf u epan i
mmrhiiiiHii hecJrwiRe
tkda city aad will ooenpy as cOea li
tfaaChtyBoekntere balldbR reamtly
Fvoteedky TMnelicr R Bh«
nad which Uhebgte&Kie.
cahtoct rtretoi to wreU VtMb cavalry
taetn'to to Otojada-nnl epalp them to
be liable tor mrrice b war tbm.
Is our Covert Top Coat- satin lined throughout — reduced to S4.50.
E GUMS'Rtstifs 1148
Large sailor Collar- a good article.
t: RksIh Bhisi SMts
I a year, fa
rlranb p
Mb or IhMi ttoral ee poM
In Corduroy — only a few left—
These >*ou may have at \ off the
regular price.
Km PmIs.\os. 3, 16, 19—25. .10. soc to $1.38. ^
Bo]S TwPiNt Silts
Splendid values- the latest ideas in ^
weaves and makes—now going at
Si, $1.50. $1.75. $a up to $7.
VsstN Slits
^ Btfs 15 wl 16 IMlti Top Cuts 13.98 CkilrM's
We are noted for having the largpopular this season.
lot Boy’s Nice Overcosls
est and most complete fines in the
north You find ev'crythiog here—
but while
■ the ’lots
>ts are greatly broken now, we can___..___
still please you
the boy ■- Our reduced pnees will
make you happy —$1.25 to $6jjo.
Fw IM Lvir Bip
The s-piece suits are the correct
things — They are too varied in
«yle._quality and price to describe
in this limited space, but a Icwk
through the department will convinec-you that sacb values weie
never before offeM at the prices
we now have on them.
PARENTS—You will be pleased if you please the boys. ^
E Your boys will be pleased if you get them warm clothing
w- hera this week.
pc Bey’s SeadipiaHm.
iCb^Boston Store.t
MniiUt I InthwtUni I. I.
nn couan iiiEASuani,
Story to Chktaso PoUoo
mrciious DisAmMUNCE
Otraa, vbe ckt»» «o hm 'taM
•iMMtmmvtf CtiBiM eoM<
toter «*m4 aaoBeeUthe no
c4 tte eonty Mdtter Mid hcfH i
IT UMMiif. X«M amm t
hmU Mr. T»H tfa« PiMBiwitii «•
Whioh Sh* Thtnte* th« RmmK
Of»C<Hd MoodM MtffdM’ '.
■tdwOHw. ttaOMMcnttod
«l tWMCy —il
Tictel^ Submitte
County orridU^
SuraSM to ^potvinom
intteBMM «o«* I
tte iteMP^ caeea
I of "to I
promimi to be a battle of yianta In
one of the eaom John a Oertiale wUl
nrgMinflnpportof tte prinolple tbM
tte oenteintiBn foUowa tte ffaR.
In Stun of S10i000, ia Rooolm- Hla tefaf ant^ontot wUlba S motor
Untetay of Kantntey. wbomaiatataw
morwtod by CommRtoe
ttet tte wtela qnaotite imta with
na today mid that ex.
aa eoanael and woaU take pari latte
iifiMt te to mme aide with Car-
BarMM7MS>vM •
IMpfe vbe ttm imU. (■ (kU MOtton, Md U«ti M * Mt oriM to
«U«b MOM «M •»» tmirtit to
Aoeordtaff to Imt Mary, jut stor
'aba OMBo to tha alMa fmi p—^
la yam oftw u dd oMpta -wto lived
abaBrtliiaa id* iMif MSaa-Moat of
rrar beard of them
afienraad. Bhortlr dwr. they dia•^•Tapptad. -tboir toaia «M
aa&wltUiia abort ttMo-afto ttot,
a aalcbbor wbo tiad aot been nppaiid to have aor Moaay acMpt
Vbat beaamadbrday'aiNtfc, bait*
a M»i, and a line honae, and dain the bank.
Sabaaqaatljr. aeeoidliic to Mn.
BobUtaMi'a atoiy. thU netehbor.wbom
ah* aspisaea to have been the nrar^
darar oftheoM oMple. atunptod to
aeU the bmd that ted barn owned br
' ttem, nod wbleh their nalgbbor than
olnlMod. to Mta. Boblnaon't bto*.
Jtilaa Stlaan. Mr. Btlmm deelined
to toMhaae, on the ipeand that the
a«ad«oi9le ailffht return. Ha
OMored that they woald oarer return.
It 1* Btated ttel thie neighbor,
■aiinotod of belMt Inpltotort, ted
a deed (o the farm of the obi eonple.
wUeh waa atrooclr anaptoioned to be
Seraiai ether aa^luoat thlnita are
told by Kra Robinaon, and oottob'
orated by ter faaabanA 8te deea
not remember the name of the old
oenple, and In aevetnl other polnta
her atory la ratlier isooKemit.
Old raaUeata of ite alty do not i
oealier of any a
18 yaara af[0. Bat about 80 year# npo
a taiyatery developed l^ which rraembled In Baay poiau tlie atory of
' Mn. RoMnaon. and fioc wbMi it
aeema tot ahe may hare obtained
' her Idnu.
JcAn Bley oame to hoaR Uke
towntolp in Mae. MU Invui to akar
' np a trim. Ha aaemed to twavN* in
*»*ry w«y. and waa yary IndiiMrtoaa
' Ha lived on with bia wtfe and two
tdiildnn till Joly. 1871. when be
dlMppeared eompletelT. withont any
apparent oBoae. and nelUter himaelf
nor family vmv ever beard Of attor. wnrda Re had wrilton to hla tatter
In Rew Yoch to
In aome bnlldlMi tot he waa dolnit.
nod tot U to iaat tot waa erai
deftnttely known of him or of hit
An employe of Bley at to Ume of
bU dlaappeatanee waa enapeeteil. tet
thooRb the matter -waa iBreatlRated.
' nothlOR waa derelt^ml to Joatify any
iwoeeedlnira. Thla eoi].loye .afterwatda pRMlnoed a deed to the fam of
Bley, the validity of -which
mMdMBtlcm of to ItoKTm to be diteoaed of at thla Britinh Stili Vnry 8u«y In South
The report cm ReMrlnR
Afrienn Campaign
Ttoaorer Clyde waa preaentod and
rafacmd to tte'commlttoe on^Iaa
potelad fnta aaoh band to (ottnl
Idan vUcdi tnald be nmaUr
wwth of Otand Baplda
and after a aerie* of good
win nadonbtodly beeoaw OM of the
recy beat mnaleal oataalaatMU in
to atote oatalde the lante cUlaa
3m Ratoar. who tea hi«a lender
of to Boy* Band mnny yaan, waa
Ototo teeltor. leadar of the Orein
to tend wnae^dayed at a nomlaat
Am to derote Ua effocta In Istelf Of
afternoon with a few leoemmendatleoa white will probably aot ba le-
» treaanai. of 480,000,
4W.000. In tte pate
tte jadfe of probate hat oot be«n
tORire bond*, JndReMonroe.
feMylBR iodRe of tot oqart.
ttel Itere la no atatnloty {wovlalois
reqoirinc to ^dfe of probate U
Rirea bond. JodRe LotanRcr aepporta thla oplntoo. Bnt Ite oommittee beliarea tot tte atatotoi
pire to board of anperrlMn diaoteMoo la to matter. • They therefore
UeU tte )ad«e oT* probate
foot; treaannr. Jatom Martinek:
TnatMa, Frank Kiatoterih AiRaM
btetdordlMetoewilleanMei of to
• aoaemrUtemaBt.ef tfali oonml
sn* fi dne to to pnpoaltiaD to
tte «lty to aaaiat tte Boyt Band in
maintenanoe. Tte oonneil
piMil a doMn to oontrilnte to
anppert of a drat clam band, -and la
vder ttel tore be no diamtlMaeticn
m«Realed tot both to local banda
clldato, ao tot to city eopM
bprr bat one band, which it enoaph
te a my <f tbia atae.
Tl>e moRrmdmtoi will (ire the
Wliatever may bare been to eaee,
Mra RoUnadn la erldmtlly peMnrbed
oTcr tte matur. and II hae traobled
htr to a ieoR time, ahe mya . With
team in bar eye* tee told a Record
reporter at mtdnicht that ete fell
Ihei ate mnat tell tomebody abon
AaOHer UfawBl l*owM« Mato* a
It mnaielan* In thU pan of the
TbkinR both banda tofetber a
tend of nboat thirty ptaeaa U fmteadTte obieot of tte reotKaatastioa la to
and to
oomUae two Rood banda In one, tbna
Londte. Jaa. »-Tte teanalty liM
Imnod by to war «Mlea Mmwa tot a
aarem akirmiah ooeotrad Dee. 88 at
Oraot VIei, amr OreylinRemd. la
white alRfat Britiab warn killed. 46
A dlepntte amt by Genmai Kittefram Pratorto totey repovta that
Qmeeal Dew«4‘a force tried to more
headed off by Ookaml PUober and
ratmated. Tte BrttiMi oaptned 180
Boer boTMa frornTtebaHobB. Col
onel WilUanu enRMtod to Bom
•oothweM of MiddleboTR, Cape Celay.
There la no news of to Boera inradloR to weaten part of Cape Col-
that tte proaecotinR attorney Rire a
tend tor tl.OOO. Thla hat not been
eutem. tat to epmmittee beUerea a bond aboaU be Rtren.
M* faeommendatiou ware made
to to board, after wbleh a reeem
waa lakra antU 8J0 thUmonlnR.
wten action will be taken epon to
bend* preminwd, In each eaae '
■* were anrared by to <
mittee. emept in to caae of to
tmaaoirr. wtere an Inereaee wu
■meoded a* noted.
Tte banda thna far preaented are oa
Oeo. W. Steward. 490.000; aareliea.
Perry Hannah, 3. T. Hannah, Samoel
DarUO. Chandler. Sheriff. 410.000;
mmliea, J. T. Hannah,' W. H. C.
MltobeU.Jan>eaE. Mahan.
O. C.Moffatt. i«Rlaterordeeda,4S.000; anreUea, 8bm Oariand. 3. T.
ymr oM aen of Mra HeMld MeOorJohn II Be
Robert E. Walter, eoonry elwfc.
bond to eoonty, 46.000; earetiea. Jaa
tohnaon. J. W. MilUken. Bond
to etate. 48.000; aoretife, J. H. Lonte,
W. W. Brower.
Oeo. W. Ovtia. eireait oommiaalooer. 48.000; aorettm. B. L. Ranm>e, H. D. Campbell. F. E. Brawn.
O. E. Chaae, coroner. 4600; raretiea. KdRor B. Ctmae. H. B. Uareer.
Ladim’ Arctic*, one buckle,
fint qn^ty,
Women'■ Jeney Aiukoa,
. firrt.qoafity,
Boy’s Suits, ige 3 to 9. wonh to $590 gu at $1.75
Boy’s Reefere, age 4 to t6, worth to $4.50 go
«........................ .........................................$»-75
Men’s Pants, all si,es, worth to *6.50 go at $J«
Zero Ulsters, all sizes; worth to $15 «o.*at- - S8.50
Men’s Suits, worth to $22 go at............ . $450
'•Men's Suits, worth to $8cb. go at-.. -........ $4.75
Everything Cut Way, Way DOWn.
New Goods Only.
BOOp eoo
Mimea' Arctiea, one backK
BOOp 7Bo
Hen'a Arctiea, one buckle,
ton. fm
Just think of the good vou will get out of a
Jacket from now on-- Cold weather is just
setting in. Qur garments are all new and
up-to-date, and made by the best firms in
this country. , But %hat we~mnt just now
' is to sell a big lot. about dVin all. one and
two of a kind, at just
6 O’clock
Half Price
LH( DMnci TilipkM
rale* are a|>)TOtimairly
r thla teence here brm
1 io to
B hare pamed. The attempt
toforee metm npoo <
to people by fleolloR Oenenl Harliacn aa a director. He ha* notlflcd
tte company tot he will aerTe! HU
lemberahip on the board U taken a*
Rnarantmofto ebanfe in policy
and the reetocatioo of Rood feelinR.
In other words, a Ladies'
acket that sold at $ 600 now............$3230
acket that sold at $ 7.50 now.............$i-75
acket that sold at $1000 now
acket that sold at Si2.aonow............. ^00
acket that sold at $i<y-oo now.............$7.50
Om-HiN tin DulMis.
IU| OK ii Udin' Cam, Minn' aid CUdm's Mil.
Tnf tin Nliht Sirilci
New Copper Cireoita
Micliina TaliiilKiu
If w« can fit you. yTa'-ilte you RoeaL
Ri-iiablo Dry (iooda. Carpet and Clothing Hoi
Beilt br Xoar-Vat
X met, eiun,
One Lot
ChikTs C«pe Overcoats
StMctel lo ttr HtnlBC Beeate
RMald of tte Interaattooal Boiler
maker* anion today reciered a dUdateh from
Jaa J. Jeffrim
In white be deelarad he woald not
« for.botfa old ccRaalflgbt in SaeoRerfeat baU at Cincinmtl. beoanae to talldioR waa baUt
AllwM Uwtoeei».000 to Aeceealaer
m-tmlce men and had been boybaraMoionaly and Ite ootloo
eotted by the Boilermaker* onion of
te^t for to bast matle tte eomUiR
which Jeffries U a mambet.
ner tkatto elly ever bad. '
tawM) to Til* lIMar teMrd.
FRYR IB TBBMASSinnRdeld. HL. Jon. 3—B.
amtion which will be Rtren a
ralnaid. treoanrer [of to atate
to anaptoee of jite new orRante
of (aRrieoltnre. and toUm of
for tte petpMe of raialaR foada for board otM
now onUormt and inattnmenta The to MarlnAbonk. U mid to be MioR
In bianoeoanA vrith' to atate apM*al to to Momlac Btoard.
oTcrtare and anaknl parti hara alAoRnsta. Me.. Jan. »-Wb». H.
board of a(ri<nU«re. The
laady baae oemplatod by Mr. 8kel
Frye waa nominated for United
I to tank ore mU to be c
aedtoattmteto «ill ba tte
Btatea ami tor at to BepnbUoan cas«orelty to cdty baa aaen. with
mt of tte membm «f to leflalarair
loHdly Rood miaot. InetodbiR
tonbdrt by a waMa* rota
oatobmted eomadlaa. BlUy
Smootb SIMM
You can always gat wfaw
you oa* an Electric Baior. I
bare ibe finest •look 6t high
Krade, fine tempered Eieotric
Ra-xora Utat are guaraatead to
W iLo brat an«l most aattsfae.
tniy made. Prioea from «1 to43.
. Former prioea82.a-i to 418
—All Ro at 41.00. HamiltoQ
ClothloR 90.
OlBik. arbo wiU be bom to amlat in
RirlnR to aatermlnmeaL Thla
praXa wlU now ba poated.
Tte dlreotara of to oonaoUi
U ofolB indiaposed and waa cenflaed
•pRMt to to Momlac Reewdto Ua tema
Oamha. den.
prineely onm ki etlU offered for Op
MipnteAioo of to Ontetay abaneto be
Of any Irnpemooe and to amat
white to poUoe bad hoped. woaU
pm oat> <elew>o<ky feU fiat TUa.
too, in qdtr of to tael that another
letter waa iwelred by Ondaby today
cureland, Jan. 1 lamea H. Hardy, frtanto Udeappare. threatmln* to
tte ontira. family nnism to
a welt known attonay and real estnte
reward U withdrawn.
dealer, ffled a petition in 1 __ _
today. BU liabUitUsam placed at
4884.M8; nstoto. 418,880.
PaiM ter nata.ooo 'wMb aitMo
Mora Kimball Pituoa and
Orgnaa were •■old during
IHOO than in any year in
our history. By the aame
method of fair dealiag we
hope to merit a absre of
your future psirouaBe.
Thanking the public for
their liberal patronaxe ^nd
wishing sU a very bap(7
and prasperoas New Yesr,
we rmnsin, aince rely yours
AmUnlnevranndeda* U1
*f a mtato with a 4
W. .J. MobBs
Pimakail ftrM
CaipMII bfM.
T'LECTBIC and Oaa Shades and Okbaa
(ip, Fistnn*, Belh and Oall Bilk.
I " Batteries, Portable Storea, Heating Pada,
1 Tea Pots. Flat Irons, Curiing Iron* lnea».
t Lamp*, i c. p. to 300 1
and coloi*. Interior lelephi
factory or atora. We (
from a call bell io a whole city.
146 Front Stre It.
V.V.RIM. VourFetd
Seek a Divorce
To n pair of onr $2«> ,ho«i - Thoyll
Phyatetaw anU Buraeon.
marMn.Camt.MMiaa TtoaotMia Ten* Km Mem JalL
towtef toMirMaaBmiiA
WlaUta, Jon. 8-Ualam Mra (terta WUM Bonse Maifhcla lHBerofto
Hatton, to wemaa wbo wractod to anbtoto and to wtreeeftoi
cany betot aatom last Friday. U re
td seen to mny be takm ^ ferae
; to eomty JaU. Member
tbabnal tMairaiiM naton to
Mite tod teto «v Mtote M
Cfaildrra'a and Uisom' Shoea,
nam from
to 8, valaw op to
nual to TW-Mwatac R«an«a.
Indianapolli. Feb. :-^For the |nat
tiro yrari the natoml rb* eominnies And every uiRlit uniU 8 a m., to
of thla eity here been BRiintinR
IX aPiT* or lyAlxPox
DRD or nCABLn vbtsb
Children'a Aretka, one buckle,
good Mriality,
TbeacM to Ram n*m «•
rw. HMmeo;nc.?^hC«Mrl«e
eity Book Store.
t» ttgb He Otm Vtsrmltt,
Boa Im stoek. •
Wt am tmU roM.
Imdim' tS-OO'ShoeA atyliBh.
•h^irly nad nanioeablr.
ToatrtdtdtV aoidati r—anltita- balanee of 4i.to6.87.
Tte bonda.of nmrly all of to intioMof the Sort hMd a>d Oreaoent
tudmaaCaotodata )otot -me*
referrad to the a
wayaand laiiwa.
and at a nwat'' ttmd mU oeto
Offln SMttmnr, <
BbmkBttk*. Tab mm «
jia MnFt at OtHn Srpplla
Bpacitl low inteM prffvnU tbU
month to rreoon Rtock before
inveatocy Fobramy 1.
Tte beard of •
TllSMt rnai MfMt,
tbr CUeMM poUn • •
or • .on»d mmm ■thM(^ MTO
^ (I ifoTwrf
I D LPt «r PiM SsiU
ntifal pattarae-orar tUa
______ SoldaiUte
. srr&KiTT’js
We have an eacepBonaBy 6ne Um oj
they are truly "money^Meeta" for ^
Front Street.
McN«mgn Blodt;
t OR, m^nmwmn.jrjmtxTM, u*<F '
01 sipK^^ Ames CTM^Lh^irtth^l^
-------r . ''
' aMstetettetMi
t wmikm k»oM lU. ••
BMocy may have Wtaoreoead <d
nineit^ aeeiimid. hat tt amy
maimfMlyttat «e last
wed^flf thaomtnywaa tolemaimd ia Warmly. Ion. Iheeontmet• a war* City Attorney L. L.
I and Mim AlUe Bait.tegbter of the Mm M. & Bar*, ter May
the leadtag bankar of tha town.
,£2^ i
The Flae BUge ladlaa t
8. D., laonnttr has bean the
ml famUties nmoM the Stenx.
and in 4M ianmnee aU pSerhn
Advices fmm
wara bcAsn by a death
that 0TC9S aU over that rspabUe ate
nartun, probably the flnt <nm
Beports timt them U
of (he kind inthehiatoryaf tbelnoial d^^Mfam in oertain eeotloos of dlaa tribe of the Eoc(h<
Merioo are denied.
lent antam of the I---------------the Mm that the govsruasnt providee
qaalifledwhim voters Imve diiffimn- the Slonx with all they wirii
by failareio
does not toed to camse many
the poU tas apte midnight.
deaths bom overwork. Fori
nmstitation makes the peyamat for the pride aad honor of Vm
of the poU tax before the eed of the noble red man. the pernon who died
year a oondltloa preoedcot for vodag bom this anoanal cmam wi
after the year ISOO.
dmawniiii, who boro the
Beports from the oortheni part of Mrs. Annie Big Tnmip
w states of Ouhoahaa aad Sonora,
One of Ohioogo's large stores was
lexica. toU of freqoaal -raids oa umged Snn^ to the,extent of dUn Wmmt.igdB. Jii.iwiintiyRilBiliM
by a Wcayd«. whi^t bad beeo
Aparim aad Taqai UdUns. who have loeked op ie the atcre whan it
drtrvm off macb iKe stock. The oat- closed Batar^ night. The animal
laws are said to be led by a wUm
enable to moors anything
Why tn hnmpkig aronM wMfe a
' The Yeqais are paobably
and drink in Hm store. It ettaoked
beri of a petty that has beea warilag the dry goods on the abelve< end
with Mextcaa troops, aad the Apachos
aad iBinad amny yards of
are from a port of a tH6^ that has ataff. Ahalfdoatn bones of shirts
beea Uyiag la aortheM Masieo eiaoe warn polled down
the dog and
il was A1vv« oat of Ariaona flfwra uaninio pieces.
At Sterling. 111.. William Haslev,
The member* of Ibe ooasrilntional aged 8t. has bean married to Mim
onveatioa at Mexico ere dm sow Mary Mdiim. aged ». b wa
bopefol of belag ready in time to eighth marriage of Ibe taridegi
1V«h« KMacTi«v**na*B«B«*
aohmil a oomplete constitoUon for He is aa ardeat BapebUmn and dorapproval to the preaeat Ualled StatM -ing the c—p-tf he wagered with
evBigreee. altboogfa they *tiU believe
ty' MaKinley waa
thateUasesenablbigOolntooiKanUeieeaefalshewastomarTv him.and if
•- eleet offioers and - 'j Bryan
JA8. Q. JOHK80K. Dragglsi
was saooemfnl be wai
begin tlie work of
will be I her $2,000. He was la love wiOi the
girl and is pleased w
priie be
has won. ______
iQt Child’s
H..d OV
For agM A 4. b. 6, 7 and 8
Is the ohiflfwt of faamu ■rfoni. g SlMpl^ma. MsUoiU»Ir. ir.isilns
years—prime from fl-U to fS—
orals. IltraTbsi*tstorfsod!:^“s^S”>t,iS'‘‘ESi^’'“m
Irices cm in iWo. Some of
ralsioed by Ihs —-I
< "’?'?? lira El«.«. mnm wlu
lii'-m hsve- extra vmU—ONE
HALF OFF. Hamilton Cloth-
Dyspepsia Cure
Disests whst yos sst.
If the pottMOee reoelpta an an ladiaaUcB of the lacnaee of iieaml
> boMaem. the TcBTMBe City poedBee
reveals a (mat advaaoe in ISOO ov«
law. Podmaater Baff-s reoords show
eataercaaeof »l.eaa.t7. The reeeiplB
’ onM0wem«lil,SI0.Wlasa|Binst9i^•
' asT.BBia lawi. la law the total re-,
I eeiptswere 114,4«. whitdi shows a:
remarkable iaormar in two ' yeara
The receipts of tiie postoffioe of Travetae City has shown
«UMh t«d • efauo* to bMo wh*l year, bat last year was the baaaer
~ Mwrb«}»dM><k>H<aMt«d to office.
year-_____ ________
Mr: neitl^ told whet w—owe bi
belied «e «ee ttttoocb the
' tan. Mr. Oun^ told wtat be hoped
Mra A. 8. Fryman is vialtlBff
i to4o«UbMtl0MlKBUtm. eto. Bob- fripmls in Chariervotx; Bast Jorriaa
:. mi ’miirn. the eeailtdete for oooetr sad PetoWey.
: eli*. MB Mwwhot at e laat for bb
Mra. “ “ Byder has retoraef
laaa. Bel Isaiah at WUilaaB- from a visit with teiativas ^ at Marbeih, wItMobewMholdiiMr a Beet- shalL
ioa la onapaar with Jad«e Bareh,
Oscar Friedrich tetamed yeaterdat
he Bated that be ni«ht be able to j Ann Arbor.
•eeate a ledaetioti la the leloe of
Prank ,Oaaael was ia the dty ye«a^ntace Ueeaaea, aad that the flrti raday oo his way to laterloelM,
BBB who obtaiaed a.UeeaM after he after a baslnem trip to Ormad Bapida.
bBaaed hie daties Aoold iret If free
Mrs. W. P. Orotiwr arrived yester
SOD. Ia.. "and a lame tnok nslned
Of aspwM, aad with it a frame for day ftom a visit witli relatives at
me eo I coold not dress myself, bol
his BaniBffe eerttfleate. '
Electric Bitters wbollr cored roc.
end. altbongh TS-wnrs o'id. I now am
irhoD Mr. WaUer made tbU BtateMissSfand OtUetie relumed to Bid
,sUe to do slimy booseworfc." It
Mat, JamB B. Beebe, a roautt aah Rapids yesterday, where ahe will
) cveroomes Oanstination, improve*
iatbe'baiMof the hall, called oat. resome her stodiea ia the Perris InAppetite, gives perfect health. Only
' -rtlwak far that frame." It exeat- dostrUl aehool.
'SOcalJaa E. Johnson's and A. K.
I Waifs drag stores
ad ooBftJwahle meiTimeM at the
Aldennaa Sleder is ooadoed to
'.^Uae. bet moat of those erholnard it home by illaeas.
had ttacottea it. Bat there wen
Miss Lacy Gannett vHlt Teton
two miB who remembered IL One of Ana Arbor today, where slic will
Mtem waa Mr. Valier,aad he waa pn- ime tier raasloal stndiys.
OH^Mdt Off
parla* to write to Mr. Beebe mrterMrs. A. W. Feck has retnroed from
dar and tell him that the aew eoaatr Grand Rapids, where she has been
Use Stnndaril Preparations— EIIS
* plank with a rope on
0le*fc>ad been fetllafr tvioea cm frame# TisitiBd with friends.
ke nothing
„ o............
Im—they coatKljs
it, hat the Rnaaian 'j^xtile
wh« la walked Mr. Beebe and apHim Emma Woodm
>n nothing shonid
should they fail tosM
Interlined Donble Breasted
>Badferthe llocMe, aad irot il
cun* yoo.
Vests. Von can't get cold
Mr. Walter’s ezpeese. The romig
if jTou wear one. J off now.
Sold by Jaa. G. Johnson ud
coapU were married last aranind by
d ber VBcatioii.
The Boatou Store, nj
J E. E. MUler. ,
JmtOm DeVries of WiUUmsbarr. aad
Olaad Garter is back fran > Visit
thair Mirtade eattlflcate wUl
with frieads at Laasind.
tMtig ia'a frame foiviihed by Oenntr • H. E. Gill of Korthjwt -was la the
Olesk WahK.
city vrsterday.
Ralph D. RhlU was ia the Hty
A. C. B. A. IVkTAl-t-ATIUK
from WtUlamrimid yeotesday.
Bert Wood retaned last ermlac
from a visit with his brother. George
Wood, et Kenton.
tsMl eraoiod In fl>« Si- FteneU
Miss Helen aad Master Heber Stoat
aehool boon tbs ladies of the U C. reiamed last evaiiad from a visit to
B. A. awl to install their leceatly Goshm, lad.
•lacted offieen. With them also nathF. H. ViatoB of Wi
mad the members of Ibe a M. B. A. in the olty yveterday.
. aad their families.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook letamsd
After the lasmllatioo, llie party ad- Iasi evsBiBR from a visit to Omad
loaiaadto the lm«e hall adjobiind Rapids.
ths room where the laatallatloa was
Fifty Pieces to Choose From
TVaieneTHr fswiisalry tWv<r«.
held, aad pertocA of a flae baaqaet,
AU Colors.
Past Eminent Omad Cominander E.
with plates laidfM lU. This baaD.
Oaat was divea in booor of Ibe memNow is the time to get material for your .\ew Suit.
last evening to review Ttnverae
I of the C.; H. B. A. and yie'lr citv lost
There never was such a line of goods shown for the
Knigbls Templar.
City Got
money. You should see them.notroubie toshotj- them.
rtdlowind the tamiaet. toasts were A very pleamat jasaiem was held.
uspldslko by i. M. HaeUmaatel. The Temple degree was conferred
Joha Barry, L. F: Perkett, Mrs. npoaFredR Pratt
imem BwialA, Mim Looim Hasllmaatel, Mn. Joha Bany. laestdeat
at tbs U O. B. A., aad Patrick Bor- Oapid sboou hU arrows. Boeky
dsa, jMldeat of the C. M. B. A. Mountain Tea.^Aak yofar diagglst.
the ooeamoo was e very pleamat cem.
At Sydney. K. S. W., Mew Tears
l-^Sar JceBmenitimef^.
day the Earl of Hopetoon was awor*
la ths report of the Boys Band baa- in as the flrst.govemor of the Feder
qsM yesterday a very Importaai part ated Ansttaliao xoltmioa, amidst
> eleaa of the
podea. Score# of thoasands of people
twrcieijmted in - the demODatratioa.
Thebitywai brilliantly illamlnated
that vveBiag WHh apiqae ab'd appro
priate deaigns and the ahlndng In
Commencing Monday morning and continuing
the.harbor was all aflame bom item
all week, we are. going to put up, all in a basket, the
on. The slate banquet at the
fuUowing articles, all to go at the price o£j$i-SD.
town hall was attnded by. 1.000
has beea tlie
«« gaest.
■Uuc^ OMn a^
ai usrcelMfl wwt. M
Winter Suits
Uffsnnt loeaUtiM for sale od easy
“aa money to hM~^
VKkffvruMca MttiMetHT.
Fire Insurance
W-U. Ah. »aatt^Nm^.
m tas dsiM tuertefl ;u MTIC^
OMoa In Hamilton * MilUkto Block.
Fire Insurance
WTito ttm iM—nci for yoa. and will
gfra yoa paompt and earefal altoa“Soy tha mom raliable ttoek Insar-'
Telophoao TO
Travrme City
Rul Estate.
am Ftom. n.
n. n n. lu-ibk
\ap“‘ Tonic
One Dollantand^Tiffy Cent!
Dress Good^.
Tor One Dollar
J. W. miWktn
J1 Bargain
in a Basket
It omim ttwomae.
„--e fame of Baeklln's Arnica
Salve, as the beat in the -world. «•
tMds naad the mith. Dh the cme
P^I^«fOata,Omu. Barns.
|ris^ ^ BmU£
25 lbs H Best Flour........$ .46
6 ibs Granulated Sugar.. .26
1-2 lb Tea........................ .30
1 IbCoffee............ ................. 15
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket...... . ..........
This is a soap, and'wfll positively go off salohi
one week.
' AU goods guaranteed, or money back. . j -
Md CbAdm’s Ubttrs
At at par oonL dlsoonnt.
- e&latOo.
€itleri»rise 6rocm
I The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
We Take No Chances
About winning your patronage. We're sure of it with
our enormous stock, and the great backing statement
-■•You get your money gack if goods don’t suit.”
The Sleighing
I Days..
Are made enjoyable if you have a
good warm robe .in your cutter. That
one you’ve beep using may be wearing
out -Time for a new, and no better time
to buy than jusi now. Those Mohair
Plush Robes are the nicest for change
able weather They shed the rain and
snow like a waterproof. The colors are
black, brown and varigated, and sell from
^.^-75 up. A fine, line'of Horse -Hide
Robes -big, soft, silky, warm—and sell at
$13 and Su: Galloway at $15.
Mince Pies
And this season are “twin broth*
ers." If you make-your own mince meat
you will want good apples, dried‘peadi^
apricots, citron, lemon pcd. orange ped.
seeded raisins, currants and New Orleans
Molasses. Only one kind we tdl. and
that's the best. If you’re boqr aad have
no time to make it. then buy “Nope Sodi
Mince Meat,” the 6oest on the xwovkpti
Sells at IOC the package. My, but it’s
good, and we s^ lots of h. Order a
package with your next groeeried>
Own a
6as Lanii....
The Clevdand Vapor Gas Lamp is
the best, and so the cheapest lamp on the
atarket. The brass one-burner hanging
lamp sells at $3.50. the two Iwmer at
$6.50: the Standard Table Lamp (student
style) one huiwer. full nicklc, sells at $5.75
—the full nickle two burner chandelier
scUs for $9«- WeVe a big stock of extra mantels and chimneys. This is fast
becoming the most popular light that is
No home complete without onejust the hnishing in furnishing a house.
Ottr great stock of oew patterns is the
finest ever shown. One-hundred piece
dinner sets start at $6.75—best set for the
mooey you'll find aher an all day's look
ing. TheSoMtsarefeadyseOeis. Blue
Decorabon at $13.50^ sells itself ato one
look—have them at $15. $19 and $25.
Many of these are “open pattema^Ds
enabling you to replace any arti& that
may become brok^i,,-and so
set always complete.
Both'Plioiies,No.i4^- ‘ 77
ii8 Front Street
g Block
Miiflivs omitfiiff
Ato ^mltoWMUahOmrP.
tbatr m,:o««age W. 8towa*d.«m Bn«
Hiath atteat. T*
At* juiuiiBi
I&int HU
Willi ('
What we are Closing put.
It. aad rrUllbe
____________________ ad IfaB. Stow.
BriaaaidaUffatfBlateaf the tora
aad tokaam in whieh they ate aalrwally bald.
thedtoptoyed mttoDe and Uamaiyttl.
u weU u fcaedtol toformatUa fw the gaiek witied Amekipablie. U to atoo a fleMcariouly
aad p«u”toaeeo^
Winter Suits....
For ages 3.4,^ 6,6.7 and 8 yeareprices from $1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in^o- ^me of them have ex-,
tra vests^NE-HALF OFF. • .
Ea enatog. ^eadla; ^iw. of
BA mtotoiw aboat $10 waa
laeamtei^tn ttelhimarte.
retoUree aad frtoatk.
iltoe lirw thto eeaqte tere lived
hare beaa atagnlarly awaet aad
baaaDfnL Mr. BtewaK will be Ti
ywn «ld to Maniv nad MtA Seeward
One Cot Tine Suite
Beautiful patterns—new this season
Sold ail the season for from $5.00
to $7.00, now $3.50 and $4,50.
ton Due
WeoCmOaeHaadredDolkmBeanlTmanj ima of rtotanhDmtCMii
aatbeoandbyHall’oahtoRb Oore.
r^le <d adrantolito haaaqaaU,
‘ MtytbattoatlMlylaektogiatha
Mare I not biddta yon beware of
tear method, Kew Baca will not be
aouethtoguid to be toe wme ae
auned or ercB mote can pat ea to fire
Bocky Menntoln Tte. made br the
oppertaaiilaa to adrmtton Tbom to aU baaltew tauteSmu. aad Bn- Madiioa Madtotoe OoT U ye am
thitoia am dtoaimtoed I7 tfae raqalro- aaetoUyabletooanroat nay obliga- trim, beed ihie waning. Aak yoar
a cd kni irareL And what the IS
nMngaparM in a ear am flUed the
. ■VW 4^ bo U Um-
anrt HMMvnrrmful u r.niillfli'«aikM«.
The fall of two win go iato bUlory
M the auM dlaatrou tor tOm
oa tbr (t«ai I^m la awaf yi
•n»e catch hai bcea v««t Ucbb >«i
Dun tor haU that oMaD raar. and In
. an dia-
Bi«ai<Baiy uurtiy waa held at (be
rint Kelhodlat ehntdi ym»i
attemoon. The Wotaea'a MianU
aoeietiu of ■rreo cbaxtliM parDe
WilUanr Sallivaa, who kidaaniad T*^The |»f>gram eonalated of papera
atdi^ at Boanfitoa and waa curved and ttporta from the fallowin«
Bta of their lecpectire
Saada; nicbt, la afaamaOnf inaaaitr.
OBatola will eadnaTor to tti*a liiai aoeieitea:
Kra. C T. Sunt from the Eplaoopal
the limit of the law. which U tea
paara' Imprlaeomnt.- for abdaetioo. chnreh; Mra. O. Oochlin. Coaungu
TU. kl<taa|>|»d liof waa Rlran only tional; Wra. J. B. Miller. Ptral
MeDudiat; Hra. William tonfman.
a alagte cnat Ot bread in a day and
liair, and waa walked V miira Home Hiaaloii Soeletr. Firat MoththroaiDi deep mw and orrr the wind odial: Mn- Woodbooae. Bapliat: Mra.
awept leo Baida of Portaffe lake. The W. S. Wriffbt, Preabyterian.
Mra .W. K. Wrtebt wm Dte {maid,
aolea wm won from the lad'a Utde
shoea. and hla feet were Uiatrred and lag oOeer of Iha uuMit.
Mra. Horn aaag a aolo. "I Am the
I in eSeefei trm hla espoanre
Blka garea haaqaet to
aboot «00 newaboya and bootbladea
Krw Yean day. A peegram waa ren
dered. and the entertinsient cliMod
with a apeeeh by Frank Fowler;
Miehi^ bMl aniptf factartea hare
not yet eompleted their oampalgn for
1900, bat from the beat data obtain
able it ta expected that the oaliiol of
lofined grannleted angar from th&w
who bare reported will esoeed 48,.
000.000 poanda. or 91,000 imu. Thla
meana that the-fansera of Mlehlgan
hare ralud eloae oa to M0.000 toaa
of baeta. for whicdi they hare neelred
not far from 11.000.000.
The Wolrerlne nevelenbig comiway, whIHi liaa becn exploring for
miaarala. atnek n f^nr foot rein of
eoal oa John
aUlm aottlh of
u oely forty fr«t
Ahoat ayearago
of Ooloa, became
Bad alnee that time
to talk ao that the
■toed. A few
dreamed that her da
ccaabei amler
bV eS<
Mmma aroaaed the family i
ecetlnned to tmisore aatil at
ahe la rrithont any impedli
Wmta F. TnuTr a bantlar pardoned
oal of .lento priaoB Toeaday. did a
" sald’Tba a
The Basics] newspapers received letpaoaltor thing. Hla impen mobad
“Of oeaim it dooM
ten of indignant priest against Ae ad
him at notai, lit inatead of taking ; always choose hit woetoAma ’’
Terttocr'a/udacityiliprfauinint (oleach
tmmadlale adtanUge of bla Uberty ~ "Ob, 1 don't know about that Htra
he ttdd Wardaa Faller that If then tamwiAaoefa tlmitod am Ibat^
waa DO obieotioD be woald atay
n't beoaij
— Wmhtoctaa tpeRtoa wbetfam tte
wlm be waa that day, dqilalniag
eoaU compel the mnoval cd tte obtlmt it be left then be caald not
mnatm card.'
iwidj Tbe »pubbWWH.._
wmkf coBoedtlona to get to hto' hmae. - Tawdry to doired fnmi Bl Aadrcy. Boxicia
hat not uutll that bal^
to Biltodale eoanty. So. with the to (heeariy middle agesfatra wan beU trumtoed.
powder had bra adt-ulieed as it aera
WBiden'e amlllng iienalmloo, the In France and Bagiate on St Aadity's wasfaeforo. to like mwmer in 'lbe
Creed man went lack to the laandi^ day. and them aaaaal gatteri^ ha- Hly anotlwr lumpas waa momd by Iba
and worked,the.muBtaiag half day.' came twted for Aegaadj and wortWem ,
qmsyo* a taite’aeard, "Do yu*
Prof. OceanoKmaaurlof Ae Boyal'lewetrysoldBt Itaam.
Ootlf«e of Uwrning. Mmlrid, Sfato.:
------- ^-----------------:
The chatacteriDic
U tte mtod. 9hM rate tte body.
Anted ogatoA Aewrd "panto"
to Tvpatod to lisre made
a> far forgets iuelf m to truipide
vullbr abhcwtolkm. mA
able' discoyerte. in "the Thumb.
store, tbe slave to' Barer get
net ta«e. to a aurabw cd
He tes found posttive mra of
;h to fomlvt tbe tojuiv. bat will companlm will not jwrm
iwnnit Aa display
•ratprtetomic roce that occupied “T^a^ri^itt'tb;'
-stog wines or Uqof any cards adrort^tog
North Atoorioa thousands of yean miow.
non. and iKh Atogs woAld era be
bMoru tte aulUaf of Columbaa from;
oootniy to tow In •otato paetkM o(
Omua. A aMoe waa tMaaoring Bf-i
...............Qalydaatb New teigbad. Pstent medKinea. too,
tra feet to height and somewtetl
viewed wiA dtrfaror.—New York
"ore VM
wider at ita base, has been fc>uiid|^;S£^Sl ite nteStt£ towScSS
barlmb-ia tte marteea and extmdtog,
“ spomgisa
aboat twea^-Are milm tnm a point;
. .
"DM the major go Aroogh tte warf"
, tte linto
"Toa. like a stieA of Ughtatog. '
af PartsvlUe.
dsa'lthtoktewustea aAmuagettii
b Ay b__
...____ m? Uao< toteBatey Moaa- - ^‘^-^-Attoata OmaDtartte
'item eeaatiea aad laaite tteaoa
..intoTec, Asi: y
kJtiiry Itae of "^ThagA."
tW old 1dm ttet tte body mma^
1. Dm aadmal^ad. do tecMV
itontaadtte maw oa a C$___ botttoM Qnma’aWinaatadSy.
wiIh liKClnR-ia.
Former price.$I.50« now $1.00Ages 4 to 10 years. Corns, quick.
nil ebild’s Reefers
A amall item to hto Own paper tou-
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per pent, dlscpunt.
(Mich. I Foal and Tietang. He and
hto tomlly ted the Grip in ita worat
form. Ttelr-dcetor did tbem no good.
Than be mad ttet Dr. Ktog'i New
’ for____
Otmaampltba. Ooa^
and Ooldiwuag
La Grippe and all
: aad
iroablea: tried it and aay>:
botUea oared tbe whole family,
other medicine oa earth eqaala it."
Only KV- and gl.OOai Jaa. G. Johnaon'a and & E. Bait'* drag ••torea.
THal bottlm 10c.
Co Bays’ and
Children’s Ulsters
............... . -at 25 per cent, discount.
Cot Boy’s nice Ooercoats
16 to 18 years, marked from 26 to
50 per cent. off.
• ' ,
Boys’ Fancy Wool Bests
Ust Call
To Hannah & Lay Comtany. D. K.
llartcr. Gcotgr Puyw. Herman Hvman. Bapttot Churrll Soolety, Mn. A.
L CiBW, Prealmertos Church Sool
ety. £. 8. Jonea. OotunegaMouat
Chuieh Society. Hebrew Church Soei^. ud
H. UcMicharl or
e iierebr notiSed U
le half thc
leiciei .r«r. commencing at or naar
tiw iwstein boondarr of lot I. blocril.
original pial Traverse City, and
running thence «wst with a six inch
]dpe lo a point about IS feet wmt of
the eastern boundary of Park Place
street; thenee running north from
said point with a nine toolr pipe to |
ooaneet with Ac Kwer alluady eonatiuotad at a point about fiO feel north
of Ae north^^of the alle.v betwr^
**iae of mid totoml aewer to to
rAe followtofVdeacribed prop-.
Lott 1 to -Tto^ive. block 8.
original plat TraverBe 9ity, blo^ 90.
otiginal tdat Tmreme'City, tbe west
94 feet of,lot le and'all of lot 16,
block 91. original plat TmTerue City.
Said aaaaaament nas bra n^e ^
Ae board of special asacaaon and re
ported to the city eoQDcil to oomnllanee with Ae cite charter and ordtoaneet lelaDve to the levying Of speThnSf^U and board of apeotol
Mora will meet oa Jaunarr :. 1901.
t 8 o’eloek p. m.. fot the puipom of
..__ ______ time
; and show
any, why each ae_____ ohouldnot be
4 be
and «olleotad and
aad said bmrd of review ehuU
'lust Ae
have power to a^i—
— ------ ------tte aeXtoD of mid board la letotioa
Q W.^^Blokerd, City etork.
Pre-Inventory Sale!
Since the great holiday rush we find certain iines of mer
chandise broken eome slow sellers, others that have been in.
stock over three months, remnants^ etc. Our purpose now is t<f
convert all such goods into cash no matter about the cost, the
main object is to close them out.
An assorted lot of Plaids-ifancj*
and black goods—values u{> to
25c—to close, choice —
packages 4^ inch wool plaids
made to sell at Si.oo a yard a
big bargain- only......................
$100 Black Crepons—an exceptional bargain only..............
Another lot of plain Gray Cov>
About 2 dozen black and colored
About 2 dozen Silx and Wool
Sateen Waists, vaiae $1.45 to
Fancy Waists
$1.25 kind, RHp
only........ .......... ....... ................. L/v/Lf
Boy’s Roefors
8 Plush Capes left—one ol a
kind, from lines that sold up
FoeBeorrloe $110. aowll
—Agee 4 to 10 Tears. Come
BraUum«k>tl^ Oo.
Ladies Jackets, $15^0 and
$30.00 quality — now
Shots mUtpaiitd
43 CMdreaf Umg'a«to. to fii ages i to d yem-OIfB HUF PRR*.
and Delivered
Coll Boil Phene SSO
$5^00 BIsA Cheviot Skim- |2.60
One*half pnee......................
Ail OM’s RMfsn
Ages 9 to 1 1 -former price $ 1.7£^
now 75c. '
8H 6 7 lOo
ue—lot to dose at........
OWrilMO ^teANNSte
The very beet goods aa wall i
And many other bargains at equally low prices.
Come and see them.
Hal tala at
One Cot
Boy’s Reefers
To the nxpayert of the Oily of Tmverne City:
The tax rolla for the coUeatioa of
the atote end bonnty tome for the
1900. And for the teliafteeal
1 and aiy Ibam gnd apeotol
year have been
placed to my hande
— for
I will be to myefBoe to neelTe
_ now
.low oatll
OBtl Pel
8 Ladle*, “you
each week day
in Jump
[ trnmrie cm it,
t it will 00
from 1 o’clock n_.......... .......... —
aftenooB, and oa Toeaday ereatog of
Flam Tamith.
each week fitim T o'clock anul S M
On all itaCe and ecenty uxea |aid
before January lOtli, the regnlar fee ’
of one per cent for collection will be .,
eiiargeal, aad on all laxea remaining
anpaid Jaaaary lOlh. them will Ix(>u llie KdIi. N'atban Ariiarged a fee of 4 per oetil for col
.Kiadier warnuited Cloth-^
lection. Penally on dellnoocnt city
iiig. (foiiii; at 40 per cent,
and aehool taxea and special aiaieaa.
mcela. 4 eenu on each dollar of the
below vaiae. - Bee some of
amoeni of mid tax.
it io oor enat-window. Step j
Offic* to room I. Hamid bailding
10 nod inveeticate.
Dated Demmber 1 . 1900.
Tbe-lkgtoB Btore. J
of pndlt from the ioTeetmenL Tbea, to
San Btendneo laimarily. cable ttaetica
began lo take the place of
auke the auetlag an aanaal aOair.
Light refreahmenta were aerred by
the-ladiu of the Firat Metfa
amteriato. t.ims and coIo Dibd the old
ehnreh. and a rery pljuatnl aoeial oeca. audnorae gtaloa erolrni the hap
py idea of cnnfiniug O* adrertiaiiig
half hour followed the meeting.
card* by moldingx inenncaTe«pae*a and
withont glam. At emee the cardf wen
made to ronf<m to their iniprorcd rorThe Trarme City Typbograp
Inioa will meet thii eranlng at 0 ronndiny*. They were n.;Be haudromoo'clock at Bboer Broa.' printing ly dealgnod, printed in bright, attraetire cohn and eometiniee tllortiated.
iBeua foe the eaaatiig year
M» nmil IHbft.
1S»». when
will be Domlnted and other boaingu ptoputoioa had bss-u clearly HpiikdImpcrtanoe U to <Mne before the attsle.1 to ba ov
tiM^lng. All membeta are eapeelally
all prer tl
nrged to, be pnaent. RefreDu
Terttoing began «
will be amred.
charactw. As befem tbe imprareiimt
in it was in keeping with tbe bectermeut nf tbe vehirlrs. wbieh iitm now
oa Irniger eimply nunfortabte, but ba(uise
toxuriuna. 'Hie amount of intmeat
noticai of tfae effert cd wetrUxr <
mind. "To lompatanea." be wrota, Uken to theadnrttoing curds.asweUw
ert^ d y la bright, and erwy boor la tbe rigitooce of niliral obarTvatiaa. U
demoustiuied by prolma
ilodiligimce." Johnaon, bowlittle glreu to analyae the in- against some notelty within tbe fliA
fltKooM of natme. or any other tnfln- boor of its appeaiance. That is paiticQeocee. opou hinueU. And it may weU larl.r likely to hsnm in Bostoa. wbem
be that thla diapoalthm oahiipmtwaa the committee for regulating theuniluifaerplritof the Hoicaaod in i
f hto own feellngi.'to which
to give way. . _____
bimaaony tbing that "a being en- seldom brksibtogsto kU-kat. One day.
dowed with reasoo" Aoaki "realgn hto . soon moatbi ago, it was moved lo turn
powers to the iofloeacea of tbe air and i llself loose on tbe inbjeel nf a new curd
live in depeodeore on the weather and ihsi ftoabed oni at ooce in all theears:
1 let. ■ wdj nuMl
f. poib end reovd bee
■ere the strcBtwt beaad
waU to to a good otato td p
and haa oeeapad
a ttoae ooly I
towd to wbleh it to barfed.
Former' prices $2.25 to $3.50—All
go at $1.50.
dlarmeee<l a iirorem by rrblch phntographo can be pecmaarntly prlnitd on
the akin. The peo.-m« ton« InJorVina.
and. tmllke tattoping. to not iialnru).
Tbe little pWnin* are very clear. The
flperatluo lake* ehool three bmj™ te
ime cm UJ.IB19 <mi.
Ball't Ctetotb Can to ttkee toKot tofieqaeafly the U«t of a
teraally, aotliig
_____ dlWj^^jpoB
modeDoa bae toaa
to B
r* Ai
aad ocher Mew &«l»dtiM paeaUm- blood aad mtMoaa
ly farond br adrerttoen. aad appU- V nm hate ted to wait for tba
:ioa «f raaning eerntmem befem
to $100,000 a year aaab to mlwag. at
laaat 90 eoaemna aate axpud from $46..
OM to rO-000. and frtna U to U may
becoanted who pat oat fnmi$M.000 to
$40,000 caeh. Tbeaa ama. It to aadwatocid. an paid Itw the actnal rental cd
apama to the meet cara. the ptoetog <d
the canto to tbem aad ttewatcbli^
eauiy to we that the can are raa
omdtogtocnBtTact. The ccal of getting
hToataidet^ ealimile' To makeap
of the etoimatcri $3,000,
000 <d total anneal expeodltere an ar
my of imaUcT admttoen, generaUy lo
uloaly. lend their aid.Tbegnnrtbaf atreetcar ndrerttoing
hat been lo a my mark^ degiee dependoit npua and arm*
marked imtnmmeutoiu
lee. It vra* a rety ituignlflcant tolercat
in (be old (Uyi of the bene cm t*iv lo
Ibis. The low ceiled, dingy. Ill lighted
ndiiclm then in tMecarried a f>-tr plain,
auaitractlre cards, half obeRnred by
deirt and rurensi by glaw. the refracticai from which made them diBicnh
toderipher. (hilykxaladmttoeraompied i|M and did no nthcr to help a
One Cot
eitiid’s £ape Ooerceate
DON’T Be Foot«i
SoMth Side
Cor. Union 1
» • Uttk GiM to tte §ta6r <
mMoUt ooinod vftUo ttw |
I at tha mrtk’a
ttetrotUbi dw cMtac time.
row iogiir follow (be roetee
ttarel to the flwnin. njf aad o
taMdfol Uoe of tbe Soolb FMtfle
Hetma b the dtr Taaadaj aad
took aane Rttwtiea back b hb boaM
where ha aad hb brothar Ure wib
a Rbter trbo kaepa boaee for tbcaa.
wlo« the bb .laU oeatwy.
hmft troa ■ eloa ■oUm to a world CharlMCob. ooaabofthe aaforta
MB. wma «»o.ed hr teleower. And ABorioe dittre ia the
Birth-Place atarkt oo Melbcwoe.
Sldoer ud other imtoto «■ the bbsd
ooBtiBcat of AwtaOb. A laU
tor hw jaopbd It
apaakiag tuaa. And do^i fctfet to
aoke • auk a theatenA alba foraod Modr Vew-teabad. aad
Jaa. t-The foctr-firb
be ebb laRbbtaro opeaed
Booawiih every aeoator
ripeuiMbtive b hb •»!etrcatb—Pat a aM oe liaaiU.
Ih^-Aaertoaii njabUo hat a proUea
> order. whU^
wtwooahaadiBthe PhlllpiriDe bdaalml^M
L Theae.are a ai«hir irroop or
Tea. Ueabaant Oerre of Ulaadi off the ooaM of
B to be the
ofaetlritrdartat the oantorr. The
the reaalb of
fotaie will detonaloe whedia Ihi
eoutrr wae a fworldenttal wlpdihlL each laroelraat.
El^tb-Pat a aark at the head of Santor R. B. Loorali of Gnad
•Io4T tbe oSaet of -iba <U«mfoi7 «t •
|M4 Mdwku
•toflrtob Vote the npM procrtee. 1
(P^modi tlmteil maptre i
witk Ue wbMt WrtI raatw to the in
terior awl to the too.
. TkM-Pol 0 flwrt ftt Mlfct ood
ftodr the Bowwd pwriwoe. Me*m
«M OB aakBoira lasit Oftr jimn tie.
Itt 0UtT fw Uw betttiMtog of Kot«te AmarUma, M the Seel UUnd
KBtzeoU Ud to the Eloodike end
Oopi Homo ^jt ie n rnwenni of the
PMtMt. b b o BOdm woodtrUod.
» «Mt nctoo of m^talae. pbloe.
ritore. irbolori. Hmlwr, Rold nad
aaar yean apo, WUUaa H. Beward
aid WMi the oatnial looatloo for the
fatnre eontiaeatal oapitaL It b loaird iB the oDlj ibto ia the anloa
with throe waterwar* to the aea.
hae tributary ondeTelofled reeom
, Mia not
.leur of Deede
IfaSMtto aaabtSd Mewwa in the
trcrit of the odtoe. Mr. MoSatt lae
heat ffiib bek and b ^ r»t «bb
dorob aaeb tine to the oSw.
bill look afbr hb oaiabl datbe aa
la b ahb, bat wUl root fioa hard
iMrii tar a bart tlaa.
Aiehb Urbu hae added ad attraetire oaa to hb barber ihop where a
(mil Ibe of itood cljtarm are dbplared.
It tna reported Taeadar that U. I!.
WniJiiiu WM laid off hb beat aa
> lab VlaOt
wHb TB Von
Totbx OD the
Rapid! wma lo-elected prealdeBt
tern with only oae
that of HeBator Belme for Oharlea
Bmith. Tbe root of the 1
caocBi abta weol tlirdoRh.
Tbe ropreeeotttiTee were
by eoaatiei by Chief Jaettoe Montfomeiy of the Bapreme ooart,
' which tbe bouae look a reeaat. After
tbe boeae ebeted sa ib
oiBoen tbe nombeee of tbe Repablieaa caaeaa aad thea the repreaen
btir«a proeeeded b draw lob for
AprooeedbR which took
.— ’BMDia maoe on coienBR UM. ___
* H»tf * : Private leeaoa* at any boare. Obmea'
atFeWokey, Charlerob. Mane '
<B Friday, dan. 4, riem lOite emip. m.
aad Saturday. Jan. 6. eadl U dl a. m.
a-.E^Sgrtii John R. Santo
9Ri fc'ii tPHCY BM. Tmr—^tr.
“ ,3»r
lAlTTO TO, UKT-(MO«cr. ■■ or >
next ten days:
opesoil lab ernioR. Thete are kaon
to be foar. oaBdidateo ia tbe field.
Boon of whom are dob« aoae tIrI p TOC VAXT iBaaranc* ct anyfaual m Cm
oroaa haalliiiR. Three of theae oaadidaiea have aot brooRhi b tbeb
Bb Ub.
;.57 Front
voiaa, bat Knak Waltoo etarta tbe
Jeha BriRR*. a Ibeanan worfcbR for
-ball rollbR with T8 vole# broaci
laat erenbR.
Xbereei^of tbe ooateA wiU be
1 a pole, and it b a matter of conRireo from atmtUiR to raomlnR ai
Riatnbtion that ho waa aol men aerlaat at the eolea ooae b.
loaaly bjared. aa the fall waa eaoBRli
to kill him. Ho waa at work on a
-Mae. b b Mr. Blaeken who baa
Icf laaettee Peaaetb.'
pob at the. eoRter of Oak and Second
hMO aoapelled to li^ off.
BpmM tone MonlwBword.
Btreeb, when b acme way lie fell.
OwiBff to the heorr trmBe oa the
8t FmaC Jan. (-The faaeral of tbe (trlkfaR the Mnen Rroand SO feet beI
. O. R. * L railroad, the ernilaK
rmUo* OoBBpUy bill be held bw. He atrark nothbR to break hie |
.. J tjoin that iheahl haea eeaohed - here
■ / at7;U laat erenbR. did not arrive Frlibr afteVBoon from the reeideBcc fall, ^d the ahock waa a ceniblc
I of hb eon. Sianby 3. DoaeBy in oae. I
thie city.
Britott' left ankb b badly a]aabeil.
bri Trier laa hasR in the Fork
•omelof the liRameab bebR eoaaid' PMoi bkibor elMV three flue ladba
enilbf ton. Hie left wriat waa alao
- pbtaiee. painted on deenkb. The
Mr. aad Mra- iniaa. C-olc were a*.
1, aad the ]iie* Rlued by aboat thirty of their Meade ■prabed, and be waa ccnaidreably
braiaed. He waa taken to Ihr Hotel |
bM arc attraetlBR iBBCh aUeotioa. b oclebratbR their
thlrty-ffth wedOolambb by liii Mlow woikera.
Thay balooR to W. F. Bowen.
dbR anairereary Kew Vear'e; ereowhetr he enffored mach pub yeaterFled Roll hae renored hie atock of
u. '
*■ ^.“lAtfal time wme enjoyed day afieneoo and ereninR. beloR de: tbUoany aad
f”®* ®‘V liy all nnlil a bte Iwor.
Urioaa part of the time.
w locatbo oo Baet Front etreet j
Be eaya tliat hie aafety bolt, eaed to
to the old Eatonwiee Rtocety halld: KifHc iMarK
(lie .iul- Uie <Oher dv anppnrt him whib at work, beoanie
toR. oppodto SbtabotR'e Otaai
tno iucuib.ee n.-ii- ansulus al»m wlD anbabBod. lellbR him fait. He
A party of yoaBR Bed oooeittbR of j jK.nyv.
cooalderB himaclf fartanatc that he
Oalrb laaRwortb
Til.- .-.I
>-.ni.ekleil iiwn. v
I lialill .<r
wae not killed eacright. Hia lioW
Rtoa. Will Foote.
ia lo Milwmnkcc. He will be bid off
Frank Haaborekr drove to Elk Bap
U'ee eiruiiu'r
for • Rood while, u the tajaiy ia a
where they were hand'•V..I1 rtv.- en.iiK
acrioaa one. Dr. Thoinpeoc attended;
ilrtenbrubedby Mt«. UoAlpilH mini, 'iiiiil I u p: ni l- ll In
They took dinner 00 the way wej; Y«ii
and euiHl In. ilmt
• -- ,-Smith of
REt'EIVEB you hTEKI. 4
■ealiwi.nie. ciM
uM II iwt jwo
■r Ynha. Thay re*«inied Taeaday nbht. j
II lia\e y<tii fr.mi iliat cower
David PlamoB, the fanner rvaident I berun- lla^e eKumiaodml .vmi
• a( thU city, who wai coavleied of;'•ad ■<>•«•.
Tlie alium ime timl. ilh- IhI atal put
- aeondtacy to defimod the United
hlmeetr hi rim- .•om.-r TIk- iiiilel uon
a the aoldlere' Kil.l. Ill a I'vuiiiiai'.duii: rime:
bdianapoUa. Jan. (—The Gontnl
lead Riant act, hae been aenienred to
.............. .. nf ibnt inm.er'
-a taeof fiion and;i6 moothi'lmi»b-i TJic i.ilier srbni-d »ml
faU Steel Company today aoked for a
ouf former low prices. Bran' new
:--------- Ibbthe
'J ”
‘'•''"d. raoeiver for tbe bdtana Steel Com
jalL: **^"*'^
pany. all^bR that V. c'. Waaaoo,
Bwtoe tbe aentcoce wa* iiroaoanced. | „n,j ,j.,„
mag „f *-(]] ^a(,l. <
who bolda Btook. ia abont lo boy $50.
TletoOO'a altoniey reed a toaebbR i a um-pr. "liadu'i .vou iH-tter cive K
letter Man Mnu n«aoa b thboity } d»“H feel any infliieme m all. and 003 of tbe stock of other member* of
the company w role it at a. meetbR
In black, blue, brown Wcg’ombo
of tbe oompaay to be held tomo:
deentab oucamatnoera.
j •.•)!,I j
romfortalile i
Chinchilla—Our ver>* best. i
A. B. Dowrtimy. depate revenue Ttieii'U i» ilmeJlnilt. ••Xi-et*
- - —
an- «n .xmio nut' lio/ore 1 aek Jro
. eaUaetac.batFhrkPbue.
twliv. and a. | dda't lnteD.1 io aek yon
amtn UB1II iM!> day en-fc. I iliink vuo
porrhAn rBiuoDicAi.N.
fti-l the litfloeme liefore *bi*.“
Thb U the month of the Stab leR- Will
In black and blue Kersey - Very
"nie amart one cauic out boklns
K£r£s^>".S£,'^' S,"
Stdiibets Block.
~ 16 to 18 year*, marked from I
It’s an undisputed fact that we clothe the majority of
^ the boys in this city. Our stocks were sunply Immense, but
the extraordinary rush during the holidays has left us with
^ a large 16.^ of broken lines. These we wish to dispose of at
^ once, befpre taking inventory, and to do it quick, we have
^ placed thfe prices so low that it will be an irresistable tempt tation to buy at once if your boys need anything in the line
of clothing.
:: Yoirtti*$ llstirs-
^ Bon H.0I) Retlirs Ir 13.98
E He Utik MM'S Mul Dressi
thtobaie tnm the nbe
ma the tw«nty.«oe BeiM
b Oalevaie to New Han
lto»Rtole^lto^ of nearly Wi
'want. The work la bebR done ander
The ftmt anll-ubver
avery eorirty w
Bferriboa of Bert Oollba.
like aome otlbi ; Brnnlai-d tB I77r..ii>1 nilbiM|i)iJa.
expert eleetricbn from Grand Bapida.
The iBinintlnn of Xliaona 1
A new awitehboard has been added
to tbe three already b asc. m
ySSr*U^S,’"iie**leShlJ WI
Vortc tn the year JTOn. the toml capacity of the bchrda now
A StorlbR mom eonnei
t^mnd eerea hnnThe
Junbn hae lb oriRin in
larerat epHORa b the wotM.
The apeer* of the eboriRmea of Af
rica rbaneea irlili atmoTLevery Rener-
. Kc<r. .u any. of the imponan
tcU. hare any irmm With a -t
the n- '
a8Scrs£^sj£i,:ii:; S';,,',:: ,?r,r
Tbe hanka in the tadUa TrniWR
Sutea: now there are dflVOOu.
In ninety yeaim the f
Incper * * • —"
The obaBfe b bentiem baaneoe
ily canned oom^ blemipami wlti
oerrlee of the ijiliiii By the ml
of nett Wtok thb win all beobrlntod.
Meanwhib, the company oak the bdnlffcmee at. oabovlbee*. aa Rte in-
W. F. Bowen ie prepnrbf u epan i
mmrhiiiiHii hecJrwiRe
tkda city aad will ooenpy as cOea li
tfaaChtyBoekntere balldbR reamtly
Fvoteedky TMnelicr R Bh«
nad which Uhebgte&Kie.
cahtoct rtretoi to wreU VtMb cavalry
taetn'to to Otojada-nnl epalp them to
be liable tor mrrice b war tbm.
Is our Covert Top Coat- satin lined throughout — reduced to S4.50.
E GUMS'Rtstifs 1148
Large sailor Collar- a good article.
t: RksIh Bhisi SMts
I a year, fa
rlranb p
Mb or IhMi ttoral ee poM
In Corduroy — only a few left—
These >*ou may have at \ off the
regular price.
Km PmIs.\os. 3, 16, 19—25. .10. soc to $1.38. ^
Bo]S TwPiNt Silts
Splendid values- the latest ideas in ^
weaves and makes—now going at
Si, $1.50. $1.75. $a up to $7.
VsstN Slits
^ Btfs 15 wl 16 IMlti Top Cuts 13.98 CkilrM's
We are noted for having the largpopular this season.
lot Boy’s Nice Overcosls
est and most complete fines in the
north You find ev'crythiog here—
but while
■ the ’lots
>ts are greatly broken now, we can___..___
still please you
the boy ■- Our reduced pnees will
make you happy —$1.25 to $6jjo.
Fw IM Lvir Bip
The s-piece suits are the correct
things — They are too varied in
«yle._quality and price to describe
in this limited space, but a Icwk
through the department will convinec-you that sacb values weie
never before offeM at the prices
we now have on them.
PARENTS—You will be pleased if you please the boys. ^
E Your boys will be pleased if you get them warm clothing
w- hera this week.
pc Bey’s SeadipiaHm.
iCb^Boston Store.t
MniiUt I InthwtUni I. I.
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