The Morning Record, January 02, 1901

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The Morning Record, January 02, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




tor* 111

MtlTaaertatioaa «cm aad arilteiT
mU amIJiiUiaat of d» UaUrt S«ataa tada;.
rartwehesnaad a haU MdCialay
ad ta IbaltofeMaef tb«:*Mto
uesodtoeerbsDdtwtlli a ataadUy
Use el odtows asd atvUiasa. to*lsalacwMi>a.b«anda
,4«aa»i*i Oalr’ wiaas awntadla*

KH^M^Ppr' tiM - plaispaaida.- Mra. KcKlaler
^ietoadl* tba H*KTaar<0<
^ at bar rictrf uaadiac Um

a( the aakfaat ta tba naalar artat d


IT U £ASy>fOR lleMUlUl
M Choto* *rC«ucM
r U.,8. ^iMi^

a *a Bto Ova War.
I, tm., Jaa. I—Byaaeartaf

t. ICMk. Jm. l-Ctotf Jm»•laAM^foomaer BHm mat tto
Mate oOelal* etoMB at tto* (->MHloa.Ttw mmmimm lB*«iaee
la freM o( *• f*|AM hi
of a Urip MBCoafWof pao]^ ~


1—b IttiaMd
Abductor* of Youns Cudahy that tto O. B. A L ndliead totay
ptaeed ta^etoptayee «■ tto i*.
Now lo Custody
ttaed IM reBertag ttom nf aettae
doty esd iiatttac them <m tto pasrics
roll Of the rood for the real of their
UiM. TbMetoto, ae lata ••
vlU now laealTe a emtai*
of wtot they tore bean «
tita while os aoUre datyTakM In South Dslcots Aftor
Poar SMS employtd ta tto onrebopa
ta tbla eUy, aerts cmatta toWtoCB
s WiM Chas*
le uiiliiiw *
___ .____________.matasroU.
ef thaw tore bew ta tto eeapioy of
tto eOBpany lor » yoaia or mawt.and tto taet tore renctod tto age
Utoit of 10 yaara.
Cfcleacb. laa. I-A apaeial fren
Otadrea. Bah., raiataa tbetaptaned
Pat Onwa star OUrieha. & G '


powa after Bat Omrpyaaesaar the;
ran ea a hot I9U asd
tbata an».~-lWea rWata faUowtac
Otowa nM apoa him «a Ptaa Rldca
OUriduL. A D., aad
npnnd UiB after a wUd etaan.'




Cspe Colony 'i

■mo IMMarnad'AeMr M He.

Ooteehnrgfa. Otmly my«: "Tbe Boer*
of Neabitt't
bc^. ftfty milea ao
bnrg. Ibe eeauy,
800, appeared near WHtoor*.
Udrtringoff ittN*-"
Tbe Cape Town eorraapo
the DaUy- Mail, rafeiriiig
of the dtoattan in Cape
Oblosy. mye
The Boer taraden now number
Murd*r*r.<tf Bumi Von Kettler
tOOO. Tbe weaton Inraaion glre the
Executed In Pekin
moatooncam. It haa aplil into two
dlritione. marching like the
of a fort, one by war of AntlireUnd
toward Matteebaxg. and tlie other
(e Hhoel n»wB Adijrbo Beaebt
toward Beaufort West TJwre u
M laeHe Bmr t'erWaa.
eeeity of a relnforoenieDt ol the army
npHUIteybeHaralBtB4eoed. '
oorpa to dmU with (tom Lord Kitolitamdon. Jan. t-A dUpatoh froto eoer Iiaa poored troopa Into the diePekin mye the aaaaton of Baron Voa tnrbed area*, hot the fogitire taetioe
of many tovc
Kettler, the Oemma tatalator
Otataa. wae tobaaded there yeator
Henry gnarde of aoldlen were placed
In rarfoBt {■»> el the city with or- Old ISWTTtANCK COXani-IHATiON


Oftk* SMhmttf, « • « «

JUtUmdt of Offkt Supptkt tkt


Co btgla Ht*
Bow fa stock,
Wt can suit foa.

City Book Store*

ChOdies'a sad Mimm'

V CUkbeii*oJ«neT
^ IieSKisKt


ILr- r ■ Jener
'^ <toggi»K0
75c, 86c
Wamen'a Jersey LeK^\
gisge, modiom *‘*«**J^


Women'a High Jeroey


Wometi'a 10 bnttoo
iioc. fiOc

^ht«m WKmrwh mil It* %lhm

Qlsmi Shots


Wotnea’a felt sod bearer Shoe*,
lace, button snd coafrenB.
IM?, %lXtO

You Bux Mrfo^lx

tea' felt sad bearer Shoes,
Isce snd omensi, cold

Clothing and Furnishiilgs at the same and lower prices
than others offer Bankrupt and Auctioo Antiqyittes «t.

One-third. One-quarter, and '
many goods at One-half
off of former prices.

aalied at tto Sotoaldarwtad borne to
rent a Mebwe BIU boose. A brother
of Pat wat anestod at Oonnoil Btafft
t belted for Bar- today, efaarged with tbe abdaotl.
» for apeaker of the yonagOadah^

a Saaytaswea hltlikt 1

4 tealght three naiaea
4 fer Salted State#
r aad Oeenylaic ttot be tod 1 nek; .road
MBJohnDalaeU nf Pitubar*.
ahead of bto
After a toilet tbe namee-of Dalaell
The BiUa apatta) arrtnd,ta the mdfteatatwn wHbdtawa and the
QMdloI City ivnaptljr at M:» tJil*
tarMuwa and the it(nrenMr.^la(!t, ao- cvicavrirarcii'ii.TT
ao^Bwted brfdaaldea, vat imnedi-,
atel; aaeoried by three raiUtaiy eonpaatea lo the eapttol batldtaa. Ibere
laetac a aerere vtad with tond
baada. OoL Aawa T. BUaa aed SU ■^UriK«ta«.«alaeB.
faUmr offloen took the oath* of offin
aaaaealy thirty mioatea afM ttoy whioh bat been ■ettb^'to Peri Mont
tod reached the city.
Vakrtea ta obadlenoe to an <



Iim V. fnn

h Everyone a Happy New Year.

Popular Shoe Houao.
The Old,Stand^




6 O’clock

ust think f>( the good you will get out of a
acket from now on—Cold weather is just
setting in. Quf garments are all new and
up-to-<5atc. and made by^he best firms in
this country. But what pre want just now
is to sell a big lot. about 40 in all, one and
two of a kind, at just


fram Mtolaler of War Andre to decide
j the tetaf
wbelher Major Cnlfiwt bad
Asd iTcry nighl onlil da. u.. Il
ly Bitaetee. darinit whlto Ohlrf guilty of aeu in riolatlon of dia- deta to ihool dowa any perwint detect­
ed to attempting to incite an npriilng
elpltae and wbettor be eedld e
^tly be ektopstawllr toleeetd fresi
toe aeqaiUi^tto aedeaed
by a rote of fonr to one.
nut are approxifnately
faltll tto datles of 1
tag 160,000,000 ol aoeldent Hunranoe
re taaey MatMa mi
Irimi ArtleaAselawtto WrUeOeepM (spttal waa eODtnmmated here today
relativea of the otBeen 00 the oaptial
Emetapa. aacaw ibem Mra. - OaaielI Mo­ Aaaaal PmI m Pwt Pleee'toS KhAt age Co. Iter eaOM) tmr letarie* Buelr- ploree Aeeldent aaaociatian of thU
tor of
eltoTaelr Mlllai IMerloetoa.
..Ooy and her eoB and daa»totor
cltr. the Metropolitan Aeeldent ta> charg.- for making ap}«->iitmet
Ofaad Baptda. Aawa* tto praaitatot Mom Slat iMle Crer NMrrto la That
mranoc Company ol Chloagft' tne
lletal and Inrsrir AMeatod
to talk at n «peeilled time.
Onad Batdda
tn Ito opes
mill of the Wylie Korthweatera Beoeroleot Society and
aU aadleoee arera; Wtlltaa Alden
Tbe aaaaal I^ew Year'a banqaet of
e Co. at taterloofaen on the Coattneatal tacoraose Co. eoneolidaiSmith. T. J. O'Brien. Colonel Jadd. tto Boyt BanA a rarioni obaerred f«r
bat began aotloa od Qiider the'name ol tbe Continental
R. D. (.'-onxeT. W. J. Mnart. J. K.
ly yeara, waa girwi In tbe Park for damage# to tbe amonnc of $6000. Ctonalty Co.
letoewi, Zneh Aldrito. A A.
aa dialog tnoa Inat erenliig. threagfa bit attorney, Hon. O. Q.
New Cupp-r Olrcull*.
' Better. Vide Ooaal Jacob Slekatee. There were abont forty In tbe
Tnnwr. The cate will come np ta
vbo omciaily reoreeenied HoUan.1: pnay. Inelndlng the nemben d the the Janoaiy term of tto circuit oenH
Colonel-MoOurtii. Adiotant Handy. bandandanamberoftaTited gneata, in thii eOBBiy.
Ma}or Knox. Uentenanl Colonel Voa,
iben and good friesda of the
Tyler*llegoe the breaking ol tto
Chpaitai Blickle and Stewmri
Jotater wlieel wat doe to an Imper- SpiMtl a. Tbe HonilM BMord,
Ueetemnu Koel and Klletrom.
1b my ttait thla waa tbe *oA elab. !fe«t;caodltioB of tlw machinery ei the
Altany. Jan. 1—Democii
The wlUtary coiapnBlea
fK«n orate tormd erer torred ta tbe Park mUl and that he anil
BaciiiBW and Ray lUty were enter- Plane dining room It not potting It tajarlet. Tto woondt be reoeired extreme were the oeremcn
Uie inangannwu
tained after the tnaaffantlBn
MO atroog, nt Laial^ Hol^ ^ br the accident, to allegea, prodneed
One Lot
Offltge Benjamin U'Dk|l. Jr.. OkI wWrii wonld
rtted a I
lawalBit anaory.
o and ettor tateraal •mte'i dm twentieth oeritory gorrr-;
Child’s Cape Overcoats
ta the aflemocm United Slaiaa Sen. gtooedtbe auto diettagnh
nor. It wat idenl warfher for the j
aior Jaa. MeMlUan of Detroit, waa by ttaa ta jny eity. Uw 1
aeeUBUtien aomlnated by * iolnl aerred ta eonraea ta elegant etyle and
Tbe accident which esneed tto ta- people were on the (tmeu. The cere- j
—.All go at
naeniof tile irpobllenni of the lecU- tto table, bmatllnl ta lU array ol Jnriee claimed wat tbe breaking of 1
Clothing t'4i
tomptlng riaadt. wat attended by the Jotator rrtoel welgflajf *»0 poaadt many lamed lea* than <D mtantcA
tatare whleh wili oot
1a the itale npitoL Senator McMil­ attnrtire andolieiemt wnlttretoe ol and Are feet ta diameter. It it al­
lan '• rewleettas to a tbtid
«mt boatoliT with the giaee and dig­ leged that tto breaking ol the wheel
nity fer which thf7 ate noted. Tbe
aanred, aa the elate leitlali
dne to Incompetent eagineen
foIlowhMt it the na
lllgbta the erenlB* Sekator McHiUas
ao that the govemoi
Hiwna 10 n>e Keraln* Beeord
wonld not work.
New OrlMui*. Jaa. 1-Jame* OlbtlMt the machtaety
I a mtante ona. 26 rear* old, tbe eon of Jolin
ntagaboatmn rero
Gibbon*, a weaitoy grain merohant
ewnrat thUeerentagioeeleoi eandi
abore the csisclty.
and nephew of Cardinal Oibboat.
date* lor bonie offleet*. Jehs J. Car­
Mr. Tamer hat alao began mil ta
dtotand killed late laat night
ton el Pltal wat nnaaiiiiosalT mamGnad Rapid* in behalf of one Arthar
by. highwaymen.
taatod tor apoaker. The otb«* nomQ. Cooper.' agatatt tto Wh '
ttmllant are aa follow*: Sptoker,
After tto good thing* *
PnraltaieOo. for gSOOO for allegod
1*0 tern. Blietman Handy. Oiyatal poaed of Mr. K McNamara
igea. for the loa* of a hand,
asd to preaided while at work at a rip mw- The
PSUtiaargmntatanna. Jobs Lewit
More kitnball Piaiioa and
rtlene* of oriW.OOO PaU. le I
tyasd made aa admtr platactff allegM that tto company
of Detroit.
OrRana werp told iloring
llllnoto Warkmaa.
The eenati- He]ml>lleaBa hold a
employed a tar nnder ■mtntoty age
IlOO than in any year in
caaoBB kale In the afiernoon and ao- tary to tto basd
take material from tto mwiag IWenM b. The Mmiac Kwoet.
our history. By the wme
Loneota. IR. Bdmnnd R. Moller.
iMtod the following ttaff: Pnaidwt thtofMOt watTi
■sritlne asd that while working
metb<Hl of fair dosling we
ptotoin. Kot*n B. Uwmlt. Otand
it abored a plen of paneling back in tonoM maker here tor tbe peat thirty
Bapidt: terrrtary. K. V. Chllaon.
hope lo merit a ahare ol
a---------- that forcod Cooper'* Imsd yean hat fallen tolr. by the death of
Lantiag: eergoant at armt. Moaot
bia father, to an mtatc in. AnatmUa
againat the mw. ao that it
yoor fnlnre patrocaR'e.
ben and gneata for sddmdea and tbe
Pantoltky. Detroit
worth mooo.
to ampntatc it
Thanking tbe public
Tbe reeepika Undated by OorMOr
B. R. MoDoy.
their liberal patronage and
Blitt In the osocsSTr rarlnn toslt^t J. -W. bsseii, C. A. Skeletor. Daff
idxA-trra oonkslv dsao
wishing til a very fappy
wat a tailUahi aSair.
McDonalA Mr. Peny.'Mr. WilUama.
Par two heart a atcady tlrtam of of tto Kalkaiks basd. WalUe Campand protperont New Year,
riaitot* pataed dowh tto tncelrlag bell. A. U Joyce. A a Daapeea,
■ Xarir’TbtaMorMag.
weremtin, sincerely yonr*

' Itae and aboak bandt wlth'tae die- JoeRstser. Morgan Pslga. Cbarlee
, W. O.
O. Oersstae, Bam Brmda. B.
R.fTAI. IMm.Ut *XPIJ>al«\
OreUlek, a fotpwr member asd eOeer Donnely. tto noted PopnllM and saIbor. died aaddenly thU nMatag.
1 80 Front atreoi.
Twe Were KSM a— «toe* «*#«»
H. B. STHOMO. Manager.
Attar tbe emapasy fand Indalged ta ■bortly atwr midnight. Heart dlatawe
»eaed to be the eaaee.
latoeed YeMerkay.
edgat* aa adjonrnmmt was takm to

Half Price!

Lm( DklMH TikiilnM

In other words, a Ladies'
Jacket that sold at $ 6.00 now.............$30
lackel that sold at $ 7.50 now^........... $3.7
jacket that sold af $10.00 now............ $5G
jacket that sold at $i».oonow
jacket that sold at $15.00 now----

Tiy tin Nlfht Sinice

Michitag Tiltiikun Go.



fUMtal ta tv H«-tar BeewA
Vart^ O.. tas.1. Bds6|< asd
Lmm Hltoltaotk, b»* fairtad.
wme killed in an axplnatan of S
. bonmai ltomw mlU ef Hitabecak
Bms at Johnaun today. Biwril
BsaU snd Ohsrlaa 6«raM war* badly
amlded and OharletStow fsatsMy
fatally tajnmd tatamaUy.

^ parlor*, where aeag* w«ce resdandhyMr. Skelabtr, Mr. Besda,
W.ttUOrimiin and A. L. Joyne.
Bmae. Jam 1-Dr. Lywni. onb
Ibe erent wat one of tto nkoet taJoyable ta tbe hiatotyoftto band.
wMeb in mytag mack. a. aU |**rtona •madl^ bla reotot tatigae. UaboUta In aaeellant besldiansanl disnem hare bets coasted aa
Ibe beat of mob ymr.
"IW1 U MO moob. Jgta. 1*
sthf MwataelifA
____ IK 3m. l-Mem Tmi'a day SiT^KiSrsta. Jtak year ding'
WMMbMnd^ln hm wlK tbe boomsad tbe playlag of
poon. the sow eontb
aim bytb*
, U laid np at tto re­
T. OMTiin takidg kk plaaa.




Phyatotan aito Surgwon.


Ht-linbl.- Dry Gooda, Carpet and CIolhiBg Hoose.

Jl IMcc. €l«m,
Smooth SbaM
Yon can always get wbsb
yon mte an Electric fiaaor. I
hare tbe finest stock of high
gesde, fine tampered Elaetrie
lUxoa that are gnamiteed to
lie the best and most satlafaeIniy made.
I’riMsfrom SI totS. .

W. J. IHobbm
I^LECTBIC and Ons Sbadca and Olobss
H and Gaa Fixturee, Bella and Oa'l BelK
BaUeries, Portable Btorea, Heating Pads,
Tea Pota, Flat Irona, Cnrliog Iron* laoMdescent Lamp*. J c.p to300c. p-ailah^sa
and •■olora. fnlerior telephones tor boass,
factory or store.
Wa can wire anytUag
frotii a <-#11 bell to a whole ci^.
146 Front Street.

Caiapbill Brn.



An unprotected foot often leads ooe in*
to trouble.


Buys at our store a pair of LADIES*
ALL FELT SHOES-just the thinr
for this cold weather.
Several other Myles in Ladies' Vfarm
Shoes at $1.50.$!.751

fames Sdetolflcally nnefi.



Fresh and Up-to-date


I Oh Lot of Fine Sttiu


!ai"£” ae!iM*te I
■ CMmtL60toR60-tto7y«Bn. I
■ HaariSm CVxhiag Pa






t ■


iT, #.4jnrAar t, uoa.:

^nm xoBiniro nxnm, x«i i iMi cnV. laat.



Mfesid* »•
kmtm. AaA tha llkUaM
Co. U
tor U. b tea law
dMMM ia «ha «Mf> bM* «C «ha
(hat ooB^ntr ! «kU
■Ml»” b Ml rip to tba
eC tMr awptgpM.
te tt
«iU Iriifri to la dnppad .teM< toa
brib^. ^ airitoftto. vbw pm
•p MMtol, pori wlQ BM baar tbe
riMur ''balls." bat tbe i
..B)Mr"wiUataikatta ririt. r
It wUl be iropar to Mta tba i
%to pm wWi to asU or too a
Aad tbU b mppcaad to be bettor
tba sU «ar. Aad ptob^a it U.

frima as wssb Ma Mr mvst.
Tea Mtaa mw vUms sr towme ftwa-


/-.. .... .

TIiliuimssmsaramili Ma
BeMd W
IM kg tb* shsririto

noT'tumM I smad u ftawMiswvai
ColiMtol H. ts Hoodp fto tba ptlvnto
I itoritoTa «f the luaar a.
tba bs7 la Ohsmbsto aoaatp. wtea
he wlU bant wvoi^ dapi.
Word bas imebed ^mlrrlain 8.
D. ttoto tto BtoU iBdUa agme. -msc^MstoriM gmmu masMmW
that tbe Botorteas red*fn kM>wa m
■tema Bk" beat hU sqm# b***!*?**' ■«***■■***
fstaUp. sealpad aaotfaer ladUm


Tbaclria at oeaOzal ita aCrtriac
bmvtJp to alwaps nptj with tbe
With the iatmsaaBxUtp that oalp
Wtod - ntober." Tbap are Mat
father em ftU. Joe
»«rpw.U._____________ __
Ltoeola.lawa. hos iaqalirid at tba
poauSoaavMpdiptoraMlfa tao|V
read^t^ U aaothm^ b
iag togrit news from hU daagbttr, taKaw ^laad uikaSatoecdto
Mrs. Albert Oriuad, who with her Orae Jewett, ups a writer In tba Bo
hoslaBd, left Unim eooatp aboat tbs BuiU. IhBTasamasanMati'
TMato Maciaa MUM Baae lla
middle of Kovambar for OklabaOto. doM that go torik to tba diQi b
Barm weeks have passed aad Iba
laaeSeepaThaB toParasri WfUM
daagbtor has tolled to apprUa bea Ganenl Gaga wu qmrtarad la old DadPnridmt C. G. Tumr of tba an
larmu of bar wbamabrnto aad'Hr. vus. a town whieb U liakad bp witoh
boatdof4MdoBa U sot oBtodad bp
to Bswiek. and one with gamComrad’ pamats, who remda noar ttia tore^
hiU roof apoo which a good dame and
tba atoUM tot that tba b^ Uehed
Tboaqwm a. have no word from tfaair bereroaUaeliafead to beau reach of
Ms.da>aHcrii 1
aoa. Tba trip to Oklahoma was baiag
tp wUb tbcp drank
CBttwlaaT. Wrifl.L Hr
WT Tenter
Tsnrisr U
Coomd had
tu forblddeD to patriou antil tba tax
rsrp ptkd Out tbe pordoo' board did
aavatBl toadied doiUrt
was rameved' - bat 1 have ucict asm a
U(* ihaaervewhleb tbap are oreditad moaep. aad hu eqaipmeai was tba liviiqt plaoa at mos so raadecn and so
srltb. He iiipcaaMi tba optoloe. too,
Tbompam take# op the minUcent cf 17S0 or d^ pougaT
that Oovecaori Pla*raaNiaroUed too
lUlL la its glut raems filltd with old
lohfor hli dsogfator ihls w
mach^rirre whea be relaaaad Trit^iL
hna little hopes of Adding
Baiativeaate aUnaad'md fear
Iba gcndskTws. with tbsir high puked
wont has b^ipmad.
sails like great birds' wings, do not vat
> nest aaabar oe tba Rixb
Apaobaladiaasarem tba wnipatb ull down tbe liver from iba badfng
Bobool lATtua aad Haiir
in tba State |of Ohlhoabaa, Hex(eo. whsrvcr in fleeu of teas aad twmtiu
tba faaioat leetate, "The Uses of
aad are tobtoag UoUtod raaehns ud to l>crtfmorith. with thelT loads of puw
UxUaaM." bp.J. DaWHt Mllltf.
pisnks and bemd* to baaxchaagad for
simll^ oattU.
of tbe most irioniaeai speakers
A wosasa ia Port HamilloB. K. Y*. Bast ludiur ram, tobacco aad Biolsama
tbe Ipreaa platfona. Hr. MiUbrsras hu glad a patltkm psaping tba ooart or for tlaadau Irm. dobk or eordaga, or
lor sacb prioaleu old glam and silver
in this ritp m aoiaber ofpeara«b,
asipoiB bar aanfram eoartlag
and chins u came from enknown porU
srfaara be dall^tad ooa of the UmeM
min pmag woman wbo lives in
and DOW peep oat wcederiaglp open
tiat atteadad tba lectara
aaarbp town.
ooorw that aaaaoa, sritb his ialnitAaxietp for iba mfetp of a pel mt tnru aad hric-a-brae. from ibair
able. leeihre, "The Btraaitar at tba
t chpboards and sbelvaa
maaed tba dmth of Hra Jamu Hapee
Oato;" Hr. Hiller delivers
"I fmad Ibud Uiogi bare.'
Ohioaga Fora nombiri of pears
lectfifM Ip a pear tbaa aap other
Jewett u^. "and Lbupa to lure them
hu been the matroa
mss «n the Aai^nu) platfonn.
prbea 1 go Into tba oakuowa." If me
tbe Oitoago aDd Baslata Uliaois Rail- had oea'svboira of snevrtors. it would
Of tUs laotonr.tfaa aotedDr. Akad r<Md depot at Kaelid aad Stowait
beimpouible to pick out better than
of Uverpool. Baxlaad. wps:
lived ia tba depot, thou wbo cbou tbe elabonia certika.
"Ooa of the ffteat atea'ftbooi I met
vrbeie bar pet cat kept her eompaap. all carved bp band with inflnile pains,
Soadap she beard bar eat oa tbe op- and tba high paacUiig of tba parkaa,
............................................ and the
poalla side of a traighi ciais that
the stroapest man that 1 hare
staading m tbe track. Thinking
this pear. He has aa oMn
toub. Ibaogbof a patten oo wbUb Mstba ttaia was sliU aba atumptad
baaA with tetr toBbUair all ovar bU
*Bight bava sat the sul
;nas batweao tbe cars, when tbe train
wbm iba flCtod np tba
fondiead, a bix. powerful moath, osd
started. Site wu eraabed 4o dmth.
the kisdliasf apes that erer looked
oat from a fare so fall of tnleUerl. and foriaas galu have dimted havoc
It l> rakiiUted that the cotton
He walks tostar. Ulks foster aad eats
in the -VniCad Kingdom of Great <if tin- south, (hli' sass<Hi. will .
faster than aap other naa on
Britiaa. la maap parte of the oeontip gTsai.ono.nuo in cotton and sent. a<-d
iean roa^ent His lertores tbara hdva taMB dimatiooi floods, Jlisi.twn.flC'i worib of oil. _____
are farimfal of facto tbepai*positiveJaadsUto and wnabonu. Oa all sidu
It bolsurou with haator. tb^ sweep taach stock 1ms bean drownMl.
ioto view sraat aatUsial and iaier- railimds aalT higliwaps are blocked,
natloml issbas, with aatb bid world balldlagt aad bridgN.have been
itrasMttb aad new world volatUitp cauried oS aad tbe overflowing
tliat the etfert arems alaoat vol- streams liave laondated miles
:. Hr. Hiller Is a character. coontip, while tbe lains have snhHe has been eT«rpwhere. He knows merged the straata in aoma of the
everphodT.- Be reads ereiTthlBtc and towns thnw to fonr feet. Immense
knows rverpthlax. Be Vi the t»1v tracts of land- ia several conalles
u (ollp ranriDeed
mr budi
man la America who can start
have been transformed into inland or of tbe rr of Dr. A. W.
ith talking and go awav to naother
tefoge Chue't Kcr
In-tare, Icaviag his month ro dnitli in the apper roanu of rilieir dwell
for him.”
truted (crctvt
lags. Hanv vtllageo are altogether
ThU klctare will oecer at the Oitp isolated and soaie towns of consider­ two jvsrs lor cpilensj by two daeton was
girosupiedfc. 1 louad that bet sickness
0]Ma Honse. Hoadap avening. Jan. able sise are wihoM gas. owing
wss MI epUetar. but Betvou iroabks. dM
There are still soma good seau tbe works being flooded.
Oeiutements. sad prescribed
lout of Dr. Chsse's Nerve Pith a dsv. slier
left, bat there ihoold not be and
A mlocn-keeper and tliree miners
]riol«blp Will not be when Hr. Miller are under arvast at HaipsviUr. Mont, Bub sad at bed-time. Siacc that Iibc she
hu HI had s vliiclr tod udl. Her bcalib
begins bit lertnre.
she ha gsiord ahoci
charged with stealing 1.140 ponnds of
filttra prondi in weighs, sod I do mi hesiere from the Bald BoBa
tste to sate that Dr. A. W. Cbu^t berve
MUsldaJohDnoBaftlia-SooU vis- cUimed the men cairiad ore from the PiUs have saved her lile and cestsrvd h« to
nilae in - their pockets and dinner beshb."
iUng bar motbar, Hra Bckenft.
Sec tUl (be pertmil sad cifUtaie of Dr.
Is nuaored Umt Wfdding belU will badeeta
AW.CtoKsreoaceccptei. Price toccau
merican and Mexican laaocars ai sbos.—Subasufar«s.u.
stand for her bafora bar retoti) aottb.
a Blancai. Oal., mobbed eigbl bp ibe Dt. a -W. Cbd^WsdicUe Co.. .
HUa Map metaco hst ratonted from

:t. Clemens, greatlv ini|av>ved ia
snbstintion of Chtneae help for
Mexican girU ia a packing bonae.
John Wright U eandned to 1
BmmeU disimteh upi:
home hP OB attack of bean troablr.
Fraak Parks U in the citv fr«« atem which ims beaa raging with
such intensllp along the emit daring
Wednesday Evening
Dr. Kopes of Aaa Arbor is speodiag the lost twantT-fbor boon hu eansed
manp dmiba At Bragg* a barge
At tbe Aeadaaip Wedaesdap'-aftorKow Ymr's In tbe cUv.
,noon at 4 o'cloA, and at 9 p m.
Hobart Oaldwell of Cbsrlerois
J. DeOtmuauwof New York
man at work wu bodilp carried oat I Prof.
apml New Year's iathU eitp.
OitT erill give Uuocu In the art of
K. R. Strong is in the eitr from to sea. Trig boats have been sent ogl
to And tbe mea if pouibleGrand Baplda
‘etpdaaeuand gUde waits erill br
Frank Wianikp spaat Kew Year's
II Olfrilu (baehtb*.
rgnaruteed la «m tons. Oiildien's
sp ia Ots»d Baplda
The fame of Bneklln's Armu I elauu will be fanaed next WodnesHra J. a Horton and bar too Lpnn Salvr, u the but ia the world. vx-!dap aftonioco ai 4 o'clock. Psvicods
1 menu made on eatuing tbe eUu
of Moaroa Oeatar are vioiUng
- •

of Onto Corns.
at aap boors. Olaasu
daaghtDfs. Hra W. P. Kaoaep aad ______ ______ _ SealdA Bolla, Ulcers, at Petoekep, Charlevoix. Haacelona.
Mm Ben KcUp.
V^loas, Ae^ Pains aad ail ttln Kalkadka and Travorae Oltv. The
Him Horl of Oaraoa Oitp, U vUit Sraptiaai. Oa^ Infallible Pile ear*, oalp pcofeeiloaal leaeba la aonbera
etc a box at Jaa. G. Jehaam's and 8. i Hlchlgutag bar sUter, HA Tbap«t.



Dyspepsia Cure


t i'
t* I
I .

' IMgbt aad Iba pawfa Iv OorenMa
. M«iaa ia aU probaMUtp' vUl eloae
tbia laeldaA «f Plafiaa't
tea. It la «iBl»a likalp ttet Wtipbt
wiU aerer a«ala aaa tba^^de of
- ftofcam paUaa. tf'ika bdiar<« biiaaU TbU U tba opIaSaW^ Babp
wbo bam bam lalaratoad is tba arise.
‘ AiMflamaU
mads la hSTa
VHgfatatTaaWd m a ebufa of ibe
Hml MairiaUasrism m
bajMnadtaMilbadoririor tba peafubtiarp. ThUooanawMMtlciiatadbpPlaciaa.tbeiafalabaaiUaK off
atob riotlea. Tba eoaiiBatoUm of
, and Uia
pMk U batter tUs u ribaolrila
pardm latbUmaa, as Wrlpht mtiooc
baamatod util tba a^dm of
tba parola. wbkb U sow udantood
to be Mt Usltod to all noatlii as
iat ladlmtad bp tba diqmtebaa. Mr.
.Flwm stotod that VH^I would
; hmatix Bmtbs in wbtob to peo|»r»
‘ for Us dafMuateaaotbar trial, bat
'll U »o« appatrint that a eoarloUm.
; arm^lf ha Uwaiftotad.wUl badoobi[ 4«L 9u riVldaMe la Iba Tharber
' mMf aoma, eanot ba wad. and it
r WaMtoMlpdoaMtaliftbasaeattoip
■' U’^jlillriOBldU oaowrid to brisf
i abMa eoapiotlML natefbre ibtra
(, U aratp naaoti to baUera that Wrifhl
;-trlU ramOn a fraa naa.

fj m

It U oot Ukelp tlMt Goranor BUas
dad it tMoaaarp to omtraet tbe
babit The isatgtanpaaSerdap w*s devoid of madi of
__ alabritale eeraaonp which has aiUhdad sUrillar er«ats is fonaar pears,
bat tbe baslaeaallka air which anr-

that coadltlOD
tbe eoBlBir Malm of the
Uclalatara. so that vaoUl aetotcmf
srtli probablp be an aanooestorp Ids_«rp.

! ..Sr.

■a of tba lexIdatlvea cos ia Uuitiair Usi
tbe ra-alaetim of benstor
HsHlUaa. Tbti oartalnlp will
t- ba as i^tioml Mow to Ptninaa. hot
tiU pardon record laap i«ove tmHi

«lu ^wa of
«ba isMxiinUaabf a aew state povonmaat fivaa Hlobiiias a fraab sMrt.
wUAaacan'waU froai tba beirta-



«wvtf« Wew Vcara MatMaa*
Hr. Bobart JohaaoB of Qtaad Bapids aad HIm VloU A Joka were
toairiad peataidap aicmiiiii at
bctw of tbe bride's sUter, MrsFlood, bp Bar. D. OoehUa.
triple left peaterdap for,tbelf
bridal' cooi
talar* bone U Qfosd Kapids.
« will be a I
■aatiiy of tbe varioos i
ooolatin of tba ebarebas ia tbe First
M. B. cbmreh this arteraom at
e’eloA riiup. The aabjeet U
BMs-Bp* View of HIssioa Work
FbroM^I tba World," as nader«*Mbp«badlCrir
•BtaiiTe of fwh
BMfatp will toke sort mtbe jrcwnm.
A frar will aaioa offariax will ba
noetved for tbe “Belief of tbe
HraOhrUtiaMof Obiaa." Tbr jmb.
Ua UeordlaUp laritad to alMd thU

^Dist^ wbat yoBOSt.^


8gak fe£rsiaj?a!g


F. 0.tTH0HPS0ir

t»sMU«k..airiflsikm griu ■kutnii


;kv hountain tea

free niral maU daUvaep.

6 lbs Granulated Sugar. • .25
1-2 lb Tea..............................30
I lb Coffee.............................. 15
i sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket.........................
This is a snap, and will positivdy go off sale in
one week.
AU goods guBfanteed, or money ba^.

Eitterprtse O^acery



W. A. Mullein*

John R. Santo

Fire Insurance
ir pm kM a flwalUag. stsek.alaaa.


"^,k.Mti.U.U.Mc* In—BatuTup low.

Mephofte 7>

Tmrerm CYtp


The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company

Begin the
New Century

Dancing School

Commencing Monday moroiog and continuing
all week, we are going to put up. all in a basket, tbe
following articles, all to go at the price of $j .50.
25 ^ H Best Flpur........ $ .45

k oBTutcce flMMMfy.

e. m, ooB-wor
JAB. G. J0BK80N, Dragglst

It TftkM a Bamedy of Un
oominmi Harit to Draw
tba DiM|iiaUflad Praise of
a Saeoassfdl Praotloliig:

J1 Bargain
in a Basket

UBstmi loealitlu for uU m emj
aa. Also BMaap to loan m real

MtluM BlMer«a:iBMrtr«e.
Hm |M lUiCB. omn
WMft Ml fwxctolft wmt. MB OMatoB HMm a Milllkm BlocA

Dont Bc^ooledi

HUa Hap Pearl' left pastwUy for
Aaa Arbor.
Hr. and Hra E. B. Ptorp ratanad
ptto TiM iaSMoaS ia After tferk ef to EUworth pastardap after qaading
tbe holUUps with Hra Perrp’s both­
tbe Oeriar taw Bvaaiw.
er, Hr. H. V. FriarL of ibU aitp.
After tba racaldr work of tba ($rdar
of tbs Basuca 8ur toot avaalax,
Saadaptoonlng tbe fi
tba* patornt, to the aaaibar of aboat
m. sat desra to a tompUiut supper art were elected bp the Saadsp
. Mcvad bp tbe ladies, to which all did aohool of tbe Bvasagalleal cbafch
Mix Wm. Hans; MUdetastioa. Followiac Uthetoaoa:
Hia Sarah
Winters; secretarp, MUs Oracr Poheoal; oagaaUt. MUs Kora DipIp;
(bonster, HUs KatU OleaMB
rUa. Hiss Katie OUasoa.




JOKFi W.of-r A oo

By trading where you 0et the beat of goodSv best of
prices and best of treatment. These are wonderful trading
days, and this the greatest trading centers.

1 Blanket
Are these latter days--Must keep

Party Sussg

warm if eveything else is forgotten.
Great big. (leecy blankets—the look
warm end feel warm kind — made in
white, red and gray—Prices from $J.S5
to Sio the pair. Got a splendid blaok'
et that sells from >;oc to
the pair.
Bound to please you.

And you'll Deed an extra dress
shirt Your wife may invite some
frieods ia. or you’ll want to make a caU
—AU your shirts are 'In the wash."
The finett Dress Shirt sells for $1.50—
Got aaodier spleadid shirt and it sells
for $im Bay some now and have
them on nand.

—Those boy’s of'youn—Tbeji’II

Don't you -want an extra one for

live longer and make you happicF.
Boy's Blue Chinchilla Reefei^ sell at
$3- Sj. $5. S6 and $7.50; Brown Reef*
ers $4.50: handsome Tan Colored Reef*
ers;S?.50. TheseAMt-Reefen that will
stand all the rough usage a granriag
boy can give it. Buy one aad proveit. •

A splendid stock to select from.
A plain hand lamp for 35c; a large «ie
for 50c; a fine decorated lanp with .
shade and base to natch, sells froa «ic
.up; handsome parlor lamps from tsioo
- The finest lamps exUbited^^
$6.50 to $8j» and $9.o&


tbft foom or a Usger ooe for some
•teroom? Ever own an Air Tight
Sceoo? They seU from $ to s£n:
Rooad Heaters, no finer hoe shown,
SCH from $11.50 ro$34, and they give
Br best of satisfaction. See how it
aeerastobefuUy satisficid.

Swings a big part of I

our iMsiaesB.
Tbore ore
mmI----------boMho bom is tbe ebwpest btuiise
weworraattbe WbHoAoUry Machme


Mok «CiMK» MOb Itoiir
09 Omk akW hm |M
m Pi>B*iy.

aftto gmcU.

tte M»£KiU»^Mnte Adivl
Otf Otak «tekM« hM nelmd a
lMWfMHwteAO*..tb» ktikM
► f«M«t «•«tlww*-bcaUsiikt Ube pmaadlnti tn tte matin
a *• put of the oiC7.
The taifccT diaaer gf*«a itf the ladin cd the BapdM ehanli p


Tiafarm Bay paring Ofade
A noaOiar of tbe yonag men «f tbe
oily drove to Blk Bapdde had «
tag. retaroing early tbli aeon
They bad a «aed ttme, avldMtiy.
Mr. aad Mra. W. & OlUatt of ME
are tbe parimta of
eeaubros w Mim^..
At tbe meeting of the
Ihak^ Maoriottoo to Uontogi
tbiaermtog. oOean wlU be alaotad
iftrtba anaatog year. n>a maattog
wlllba«a»adai;tM o'tdook, and

oolw: qwotc
Beaty totde waatalwr wadgkukeb.
itCarwd from tba othm glile-to daaarittbatw
t may I*
T* —* ikat It at
ri«BM. lavtowafthtoUrnfaBavtoB
amoag a aaaibcr of (Mbtoaa aad laarirn noted la too ItomToek
rwy taktag:
DriM liimaatU af Wtoa M toe vaHeg
and oblie eevktfa ata galta Iba tmnrical combiMttan. Tbty an altor the pteme ibapa aad
■beweiod ar aat. areardtog to ptofercaec. The bright ef tbe bride aad bw
I* am liiiriial Mam (or tba
W fcaija. for baagnMi an baOt
aad tor ■beet atolda
Floa-en af cetov ate el

What we are Closing Out.

^-:E i

mm ‘

bnmetiei. wWla aad piak fer
-Monde, aad the maid af bmor ce '
bnaek all of a aaltd orior.
Theedeet may be intllllj
tha awkward way tbe Bowoae ate
roand baaqari «boMd be rarrted
In both haada. whBc the plaam ri "
be taU graeofally aetom tbe left ana.
tbe num* betn bald wMb the right
hand. Benaaett are made op witb
Have I not fatddra job bewuc ef
apprial regard to Iba styt* aad color «f
iW gewiw. Tbe rcty emarteat thing
Mediotoe Oof.H ye an
BOW la 10 abower the brtrtf iHlk '
qnata. uatag pink aad wkite boAi for wtoe. bead tbl* waratog. Aik yoor
tone aad rich red Jaeki for Iba amid
af boaer-a All tbe boaqari* are tied
e bon r«*l ■ boarard.
wiib broad rolnt ribboaa to mat^ tbe

U>e bridge, aad lb.
r. B»aiC atandis
taot man WMir* a Bower from tbe maid
op to tbe rig. wae
tbe aalSML' Tbe rig etaahod into a
tetopbooe pole at tbe alley. _aad tbe
bone took* loom, raantog to Ott'e
lamberyard. Tbe elelgh wma^iadly
• oir above tbe elbow by t
W^ma Kev Yam**
Monday erentog, Mr. Bngeo
Trade and MUa Bopbto A. Hendriokt

The lalaoee In (be itale tMaair at
Um cion ot the T«ar waa«l.MD,4B.<a.
Al the cloM of bBiioeH foar jmn
aco hM ctirhi there wu a taataaea of
«n.OOD on the oUwr aide of the led-






eoeaMiT to atapa
Mn. Fiaak ntaboch. aced(70. a
Tbe bri<tol eonple
- Bay City.
attmded by Mlm Halda Ben
dropped dead Monday al«bt of beart driiAe. alator of the bride, and WllAt laekaon the ]
‘*‘”'*‘”jdiifaat In fioartof the iqiera boaae. ilam J. Trade, brother of tbe gi
ImTe ton ont of otereoata
iBbe wae anoomiMM by_her hna- Mr. aad Mra Trade will reaide to
of tlje rapid biuineee In froein# i»iatbtaeity.
oaen by the Romaor. Over sa mao
have Wt the irieon .lnrin« Deoowbi-r
to atan life anew. Monday the eletfatf UM Ih* rml W*U i
la« etorea were teaidaR a lai«e w>lea
otoloUiiiw. Who«a ftm*"one u‘“®
“Ycm bsve heard of Ibe railroad dog. I
rivM bU clotbaa. It wortfa nTlnR.
ofemime.-'midt'yWarmaa., • Bvrty-,
RMirtal iiriaan cloth- today for ?
body ha*, hot rli ventnre to mj that i
Wtea a iwliaoer Irarca apd will mil for the moath of tbe yoe never beard of a railway eat. W ell, t
be U lilted out with a aait from the
by tbe Ant bMt. He will I need to have mm Yon know I nmd
to flte CD tbe Bio Grande Weatera. 1
Id lea.
work ahont Para. RatberlnR Bab
repute* alooR tbe AmasoB and wiU got mind, op with (me ul tbtoe big
' b'
'^i* be abaent {wohably two or three meontsin climbwi to a wierk one time,
bnrRlu rwtned the
wd after That f ipilt the boriiMa* esU
> >aat aa aha <
1 lamed poet Well, now for Ibe Ubabaal to liae. He eorerad bar month
Aithor Woteott, the 1T year old eon
with bla haed and demanded ber r a Hecperia terawr. laid bl* loaded
’■Too know tba expiates of tbe rkllmoni7. ICiu Montaffae alni«fled abotRon on a log while oot bnating. road dog have been tvconnmd' in divers
haidanddnallTmanand to erream. The gan dlaobarged wh«« he polled ptom
tbe pemengem from a faibombat iter a«TCl fati^ id tbe room adtoward him and the conlonta
lem pit or a dark yawning abym and all
JolnlaR thooRht it wa» chlldreo pUy- Ibdged in Woleotl’a leg.
that. Those an ril alorim of tbe rail­
Inc. Tbe bnnjlar Ucd her faanda,
While Ur.-and Un. Lea Dutamon. roader, of Which the dng i* Ibe bero Of
attain thnauiaed tbe frlRtitated r HaaoTor. were attwding obolr tbe boar. Myyara u not like tbme old
woman, teeand fio from a bos . in paaotloe Uielr 8 year old eon took ctcriee. for pony vrs* loo well tnloed
tbe bnreoii drawt* and
of tbe baby. He dropped -tbe to do anything so neb ai toeavea Crain
na anddenly a* be came. All wai year old infant onto tba hot etere and tbneby endanger ber own life.
done In broad daylight.
and beforo tbe grandfatber. who wa*
blepben. VTilUatn and John Born to another rootn. oonld roll abe bnby
grwm. employed In idokiag on> on totfaefloar it had been amied iu
tat took m liking to ratinaidiiig.
the aarfttee al tbe '
enUre length. Tbe irobabiltHn are
"8be wa* a remarkable traveler, and
weaitdown with the eave-bi Bator the cdiild wilt rooorer.
toe preferred the tender nf a freight loday aTwroomi. odd Uia bodiet will
somotivetoaPDllmanpelBcecar- When
neTor be retwetvd. A abaft hooae
poPt:i-vH pehiodicai.*.
the tnin would have a Icmg wait at a
alao dro|>ped- into the working*.
sidetrack <x etatioo. Mia* Polevroald
deecend from ber perrh m the pile of
Tbe dry honae it partially ander- forcible- ....... .............. The'.
I if tbe weather w
mlaed,-and may go down na tbe ear- Party" to- BngbMd. written by a leador of tbe p-----a Ibe eeet of the engineer, wi
lane laetill earing and eiBckllag.
-_e article . would (it looking ocl CO thr track beIt, U Ml
8. A. Moran annonnoee'Uiat n pr
of the I
fond and go to fault of mice, and if tt
iawtbnalneM mao amoda ready to _______________ _
-’^”Sfeat^ WBi loneb boar woold hmit op the
give Bf.fiOO to endow a chair of Uaoh- tbe Uimml Party, aad dtoeioae*
kltcbeti door of tbe depot rating boom
it deal af contemporoaeoni Bn
er of altortband leaobert at the nnt- ___blciorr.
She wa* a groat favorite and alwayt had
Altfaongb written by
evnity. Tbe dcmatlon is Intended
tbe brat the bonse nBcxded. She wa* a
brantifnl cat Ear fu wa* jet black,
to wee a period of three yearn, and
and when the engine wa* ran^ down
Boer; Wnr, coatato
at the end of that time it eaa be de- aad tba___
tbe atop inwdea of tbe monntain* to*
Mgmined wfaetberor not tbe espn- that U TitallT
wonld hold ber place on tbe top (f Cb*
^ t«m>t la a aneuwa wHbMt any ooai htota/^^
trader with all tbe gram and dignity
to tbe elate. Tbo o«er wlil be pro
Imagtoabto. and U tbe wind waa blowaentnl to the regmia at tbelr next
. . Ilete-----—--------e that thr Omr
Bamto if
ifae vronld raffle up ber blank coal
dneceeto hit wicb for A
The ammben of tbe wbool board at and neaee. He eeee that it _1 by i«
Ptxai never mimed a trip alllbe time X
and net by war that hto empire
wm oo tbe road aftw abe took tbe nilBtamlmagh, Iron eoaaty, «>v erideni- _______ Bat 4be droam omm
ly a lot of Croat, ombbed old barbe-.
••Wrbenl Wt tbe Weatera. p«w
kka iaat Hll two yeang la^iqe
to toooae between ber owner and
were engaged for tbe year at teaoben
__.o ahraptly cast aside a Ug blrak manstrr that bad eorried ber
to Ibe echooto.
‘ wtb* day t
eomanymllra. I t
Jaet beoaaee the new* got oof eoey began. »___________ ____ _
itdottobid-tbe big i
^t. and will
ttott they had been matriod on No- ettoet. All animale fight,
I think. Tbe better the
td gene throagh a
vreaber « tost, their rerignanoa*-----; had race' ■ ■
doawnded by tbe board,
brant eg a rullieiaa witb a big
ai Uierr wa* aotliing in. tbe
lonk^ at tbe ragine. wbieh wa* eiramtraet* txobibiUng marriage they
<d ap ready to start cb iu trip- and
-tnard i» teaum. and tbe boud
aocB raw past uioont to her peit* on
clarod ihrir place* vacant. The'
tbeecal I *poke Uadeity to bw. and
Meher-lridro demanded pny for tbe
too arobed her back and paired known of Ihe conttaet*. aad a*
E^ly. When I bid tbe boya goodby apd
ha* been rofneed tln-y ate going to' tlv«lr
ealkid ber. abe. came part way. lonkad
eaeforil. -Vnd here's Inuring theyi^
etmtoci to the deatbu Tbla la «p at me in an oDtlecided manner and
finally tove ■ {dtifol meow and walked
win, myi lb* DetraitProe Prom.
ieeprotolly I
qS toward tbe cBgine Main. Sbektot
—-^ >1 railway company under- atJe Amrto-S
op her babM f<» aBvml year* after that
j-eade. Evrei
aad finally via embed to death to a
wreck. Sbe wee foond curled op oa the
Tftom' the conncll. Monday <iarr.
boa by tbe ride cf tbe toanlmateftra
momliig MayorUrtdappanrodon the;
of theowtoaei. Both bad died nt tba
acrnqpritb a force of men nrmod with
pmt <d daty. ■ '-OiicagD IntarXtea.
asra«ad ehovela. and chc^qieri down ,
Be.nod fllleilln Uie bolea.
itortls. an aged oittoen ef
r. Cbeaey '< I. PWpa.Toledn.0.
died snddonly Monday
r."3.' Aew^fl
BSe. Ask ymir draggisL
aad faeUer* him


hlerietm. He wa* apparently in good
aad death wa.
was «ne to
tp baa
is was Tt /Eton i
Mr. Onrtis
AlBaOleOroek marir'totmag* wi
d<me Monday bv tbe tooaktog away


Ball'* CMttoib One U late to-

One Cot Tine Seods
Beautiful patterns—new this season
Sold all the season for from $3.50
to $4.50-^ive to seven years.

One Cot

Former prices $2:25 to $3.60—
go at $ 1.50. •__________________

One CM
Bey’s Reefers
Former price $1.50, now $1.00Ages 4 to iO years. Come quick.

Tb« Old idea that tbe body hometlBM need, a poweitnL diaatlo,
pan^Te pill hai been exploded; for
Dr. ICtog'a New Life PtUa, wbicb an
perieeUwbarmleaa, gaatly ettorolate
liver and bowela to expel potaonoae
matter, oleanae tbe syemm and abaoletely oore^Oon^paUem a^ .Sick
'* aad
8. E->
vnule New York elair 1* DrM In
point of |>w|>ulattaa. It is *evrii<li in
mile* of lallroad. arrardtox «o <me an.
tbortty. miBol.. to# lUtd in poiiola.
ttoo. is itie jTrwtrat lallrnnd Male,
vrith ll.lTiSi mile, of tnu-V. IVnixylvanla I* *eeumU»Ui Iu populntbrn and
to it* ntlra ..f rallreed ti
A small item to hie own paper late­
ly bronght Bmaaing good fortone to!
editor Uhris Heilter of the Kagiaaw. '
iMicli. iPoel and Zh-tang. tl.< aad
bis family liad'llie Grip to iu wont
form. Tlietr doctor did them no gooit.
Tlieu ■- - - •
-• la wat> gni
Iji GriiipoeandMl
trooblea; trie"
tricUit and my*; “Three
_____ tbe
whole* family. No
other medicine on earth eqnal* fit"
Only Ue nod ^fil.OO at Ja*. G. Johnaon-* and 8. K. Wall .' drag . .tore*.
Trial bottlee lOe.

jni Cbild’s Reefers
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per cent, discount.

Co B oys’ and
ebildren’s Ulsters
.................. at 25 per cent, discount*

Cot Boy’s Rice Overcoats
16 to 18 years, marked from 25 to
50 per cent: off.

Boys’ Fancy Ulool Vests
Ages 9 to J 1 -former price $1.75.
now 75c.


H-w and, very pmiy idea U to
fasten Ibe souvenir* tbe bride bestows
opoD her maids in tbe knots of ribbon
and flowers of Ibe bonqneta. Often it
U a pip of tbe roaWa favorite atone.
Tbe cnatom of preseotlng tbe bridesmahls with Ibeir goatu U followed by
come Uri<lra.
Tbe little mild of honor. aeoeUy tbe
smatl tlsler of tbe bride, carrie* oo bef
■ns m basket of margoerlles. Tbe
page, wboae doty It le to carry tbe brid­
al train and keep bie eye* raeleoed oo
Ibe bead of tbe atately bride, n-rora
boutonniere on bU little vklvet cost i
bloose with quite tbe satpf air of dia
ttoetlon SI tbe best man. <
Two noreMIrs in flower fasblont tbii
seaeoo ate tbe co« bonqnet and L'AIrioe collar. Tbe ioclely giri wbo cant
exist wtibout ber rioletB and who Itodi
Ibe hoge ronnd baoeb charming ter tbe
Btrevt Imt loconrentenl for evtolng
wear, wtll gteefoUy weicome tbU orig­
inal iden. for It will enable ber to ding
to ber ebrriebed Marie Loolee and yet
cvlgn In comTort.
The coff booqnrt U decidedly
and practical, for tt to worn on tbe
and doc* not hamper tbe bands, it U
made of tmd aatia ribbon, wbicb faateas eroond tbe right wrist Prom this
depend ■ bow and etrearaer* of Ibe
ribbon oouiiied witb vloleta. A small

Pre-Inventory Sale!
Since the great holiday rush we find certain lines of mer­
chandise broken some slow sellers, others that have been in
stock over three months, remnants, etc. Our purpose now is to
convert all such goods into cash no matter about the cost, the
main object is to close them out.

id black g(^8 -values up to i A/s
25cto dose
dose, rhoire.......................
choice - • - ............ XV/L(
SI.50 and $2.00 Black Crepoos 00Q


bnnefa of tbe eame flowen and fen
One of Ibeee enS booqoeti toadc t
wUL tilic* of tbe valley or nU gtrdenb
'tM pew collar called L’Alglon. to
booor af UarnS^ Adams and ber ImpraaonatloD. U alao of tbe favorlie vWet
broad band wUefa encircte* tba
tbroat toUleWy eoverod witb the flow­
er*. and from tbe side* am etoideU of
a*. Narrow violet rlbbone on
to tottieework aerora tbe treat
and Imtig to hmg end* to tbe edge a<
e Algtoa CMlar.

ty, only.................................


About 2 dozen SUk and Wool .
Fancy Waists
$1.25 kind,

.^bout 2 dozen black and colored
Sateen Waists, value $1.45 to OAa
S2.2S. at.......................................




ia-60to $9.75

43 CkiMrea’s Lost Oofiks. tuTit tres 1 to 6 rears-ORE HALF mz.


cram to* (aritet ll baa a deep baad
T«BBd tbe tbroat and tara* dews to a
mt of Mma. Buskardre many trt-



3H 6 7 lOc

And many other baiffaios at equally low prioefi.
Come and see them.

^ Mihgfligiad, do banto

the beat variety pr tb*

bFiVt-iir rill.

For ages 3. 4. 5. 6, 7 and 8 year*—
prices from $ 1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in two. Some of them have ex­
tra vests-ONE-HALF OFF.

least oo the trip »
aard ca there hi f«

Ameihy«. atv widely dh«rlb-M to
Ibe Cnlwd State*, being fool** to
Ibe tows of Glen Flora, boa }bM
New Eagtond. in the lAke Saperter t»- jara sold sadsr a foreokrauv
aodSoribr--------- ranrtef* for the «m of fittW.
to Qoorgla a»d oeveral of tbe


Olinter Suits....

s3?&si.“T.rr2i.^.K ehiM’s Cape Ooerceats

TbehormbelongtogtoJ. B. Bath



South Side

Cor. Union and 8th


TUT. «oUa«e M»k&


accaatefeetHe. My bjw awnm loakad

Man* Oaaam TaotaA


sen '

MlMl -«V> t<

■MbarMlb^ mrrvaa ft*
•Mt !<>i fcyiWtttrfa Bm. M tte
M «r Mr. ifed Ma. BmumI WU- 1

the next ercalna.
Aad ai> (or amoth onrr ttoatt aad
«« ——.———.a, OMM,
year after year dan, that tentoi aU
man with the aUol ynheh dMcand me
I bare been leaaUy puaed (ram baad
to baad aad Irealrd wflb the ntmmt cob- {
tempi by aU that bare aMked me at all.
Tbier or fear than I bare beea Uaard
lato lip enpa held oat to paoarraby by
blind -beoata, and treanenlly I hart
'bold to ccBfem that
plTra ia charye to little boya aad
, Amerteu manaen. with all their <tefay dtabOMW cromn and boken.
yeon this , tecta, are better aalted to my Aamrteaa
In reomretioo wflb my career aa **a
otlbecfaairMU- (Me than Jaimame mamm with all
bad oar- I bare aotked ooe enrioos fate
othtCT took np tha, thrtr gealle perfrrtkam.
wberraa I badmoaotly
la aolitude la aiy palmy daya «f bte I

I Rood aa they obunld he. not oear^ Oi
aa a mJr. bem______
hem a'rmmnatiiril
____ _ be ram
M good aa our may hope they may becotae.
iir aiere rood Dimea wbearerr
’ ‘ ^"“ipteralmadlodmoro-—
ebaaetd baada.
Bet Ibr rod ot my Iroablea ia drawiac!ItfaereRnlar dealata. ^ l*M>ea Whlefa ;
ao rertaio aa it looki at drat ORbl,
ipraBR np M tMwinR
Kb. I.aat Himday 1 waa taken to a: thes opraBR
chalia is the ,
^ j, rir not involre a mneh RiealOB miliBR daya la the Open apace :« omonnl of aeU rewemton cw telf obebnrek aad dropped lato a plnih Uaad I tereet on
box with a loi ot olber roiaa, aad oabat- in front cd the pier ebed h itUlastiD-, Ui-raliiB doabtlem nKwe Mmarant thm
onmlly Inn ab.rp eyed me. aprmd ». arf ,o aomm e«^ Thu apm» te mliad '

•ST Corilr. Tm
» tktrm^ •• f<0h of mr
I !>;< tb* tMmi uf a>r frOev ceiat cad
U CMS th» f»od fr»f« of MoMad.

• oMlj'.Md a l«ac<bo^ eua«io. tb* «Md>«

• -^1

L aMdm V*r^. 0«9(ke H.

0'Boai|w,. jivvn. pnbapo. and loood luo. I
Frankra»F of as old l*blUdH|Ala fanilr. aad
ibr liouar of air Bailrlir oaa and Ja
oar of tbr
All Foala'CliA.
(%<M>tniil »fITrt.
bad hoadrc^i of tbooaaada
of bmh'
rartlrr dara
4^0 aad oiMofo. aad I
rarti olbor ao rioaoir I.h,l
l•onBrTou1d1TllB•apart. Wr paoord ..
MSntvhBMttagilaMWTaniaff. Tkaj lofawT livoibtY at oar bIrthpUrr. abria
■•m flat tOdEottMT bat vbat thef on>OT tiMMMiTw graatl7, aad la« bIrM Im in Uiitr n
aalll wr wnr i
«aa BO exoopCion le Uw tula.
lorr (<■ roirriac n|>ob a
iMaa ioar ;««« mb «« lUtaiiw (hat ITT «
M-paratnl. Not Iona
at M Maj atery wanl 1 pao-od Ibntnrb tbr trtlor'» a-tolow
far troet ob tbr ftrat
,Vaf Uio wMthoT i"*'’ 1^'
aotlil, bnt for tni' rontiac 13
^ itT .1^ ,^;iBnnthiIkadmtlrtodo, knowtodacarcrhaa lod ihon to,h„
------ .----------baranor carh
- wMi wMtbar saeb that no trooi (faat
<kai obtalard
„ l«Ta»
drliabi at at) piraaiac apiirorati
Chid MiraBO dlaroitard to tbo waaiJr^Td
I anil w^mml
orrmnl lo«i
Inalli tupart vitbaOT. la
ar, tiw «Ub rM lU naBO. The tarty | airkuinird tbr
IM- "llrand NVa
NVa Iiliur.*’
Illiur.* nnd
•«l and
end mprrtrd
Mat ——waa attaBaod aaitiRly ' t* *■* boeoml
l>r alL tnr cirl It

mi Vito andMr. i

«JT ...rnr.,. — bo--1•


^^-rO. pot it In tbr boapHal.'' Uarbed
Ibr other, and in a ^mml I fomid myaelr iir a ranraa Baif^lb nboai SOD ertpplea or tbr roin family. Tbrrr wrrr Nil*..
da, Jrimra. tfuarirra awl Ualf Dollara.'

• WMl. wbaf. jour ItwiUrr
• Alar.- I anawrtrd, • Tai a bad oae.‘ LnAl I bare brrn pteecrd."Oil. d«e-| takr .« a., about it." Mid,
Ibe Halt ItolUr. ■ You're door for now. oo
ynu mlEbt a> well make Ibr beat et IL
Yoti’ll bar.- plrnty «f rowpany till yougo 1.. Ibr amrlirr-., fur wr'rr- all bad. I'm
■puriona myarlr-oaly abmil one-tblrd ail-


MaRis .garr a very

.... Kvr.,'.“.

heara of 0 aad 6.

Fivll waa aerred.

n by Irria Hum^

at tiio Boadoaiy, In boaor ot hU ooaat)M MlaiM OaUiorlnr aad Klln. bBthdUbta.


■oro-f n.
iNii ii « .

There b a Mmpnnylhot makeanbari-| „ ,.,6, dn bncoioe rirtUmd. it wiU be
ana of renting ottamcr chaic*. A nnm- >
i},^ bmitl and atimwan) et

11 jait

pecnlter thlBR aboat the Itewa haabaada who >nmmltm aaldde b that
they OBded tealr Urea by
late a uliteca. Mia. Boytkan

raiy Bae

.oaiqyad aBddtBoliiR





la nil a late l>oar.

Arm’ttT WAH nrt'RKM
TbToaa lata a t'nwk to

ORBlB tf the right kind «( a

a naaairar

, Millie Mr .ami Mia . Animal Baii-


aBB. thr roMBtly' newly wndtlod
OMido wme CB their weddioR tonr

LPt mi't
Winter Suits
ForofeaAd. AA7
ynam—pricea fi«m$I.Wti
la two. Sen

drwJ pir-T-,
\Vi*il, to rbortm a lotir rlnry, _____,
•ar Ibal doriur Ibr am SO rrart et nj
life I did I...I rnjor ►» niorb ar a two
n.rka' raratbw. i paiw.<l fron baad to
linnd arTpraJ timer a day aad rlaHed
<arir errrj <ily of iapottaar* tbia aide
( Ibr Kui'kr Diunnlnlna. Nalnrally lUa
rkr told upob my pbyolqiir. and 1
T a 111
lilllr tbiourr ib«n I bad bmi In
tbr doya of my mdolent rblldbood. yet
iny cuiUiitaikm waa aa alronr aa of old.
an.l when lawanl tbr rioar ot 1SD3 '
P.iiml myx lf nraiu in I>biUdrlpbU 1 U
ilial 1 Wja eonl for at Iraat anntbrr 30
yiat*. ' .Vlao. linw littk dl.l I ilrram i.f Ibr im-



earr Ibal I aai going
1 nf rola. tbra U . h. natnraUy mote tmaiglilly.
py , namlw of aoeielim with aU the
ben—if not in ibe tc_____
There ia an iolrrealiuK famiW at Fort pwR^dwnialia of an imptBing cortege.
Ibr ibapr of aomr rlrrrrtj faahliard ar- ]
.iiinhiod.-Ht- Wningrl
^_____ the
ilmt will .......................
be aarful tn oiinhiod.-Ht.............................
whirlt illoatialra jirrlerUy tliia . -The
old mare iwogiitied
Loub Blar.
crcclinr . ....... .....................................„
. . .
ll iwliulte four gmrr-.
nt „
a glauiv, mid ......
iwliuly inn
______ _
________ _
A yonuK prl may hr anti alt.
,i„. |mr of ilw land*. ' lu
rnin my

..iS”-,!". ‘sviiis


RnoMHwitk (I

SK."..V?SJSgl-"“'T-.X^jaHtwo to

“f't;* z
I p.:r,.r„r'.sLn.7


er on Ibe areaur, and hr didn't turn in I
offiTiiiR iiiair nod luhkria l<. Ibo>ioiiall» tliiy would me
hUlor.- Ilia black hair ana Hoaacrep ! »liip>
w ho rouir .« ab.>tr.
quoUitniKi of onr., and they looked
pert, and ibr only iliiu* that mnde him
Tl>r girl Ima no diallgnriigt tnoament «i,j, .orpriae nt tlie tribnie which
noli.rahlr waa the reiiiUnilloi] of rery on Ikt rhin. bnt Cl«c i.tli.-tr luivr,-and wjf,. xim aiiparrmlypaTing to. the



STO Jtiss


,1, w^u

Thiaiiiilrxio Ihr Indian woronnVngi. ihrV dldu'l ^aena I
in bia t lreer tali. They ri-'
mt^iBri-riglith of as b.rii in lliick- at )«», ,i,ry pamel ■
ebaagrdciirtia brCure parting,
way," anid thr aoo of Niakan, .
glaorlng at Ibr ba.Isr of ririlioalion band- ,
n.—New York
alopprd tbu old tuAte and drag^ bar
ed to him where tbe girrn name rend
nut of (hr imoMwiun. mttch to her nr"I*., .ron Iiiliol Irllios tire what,
aa imuBaw naa.mMn.
ptlK-aml dfeignat. <>f roorm 1 had a
your Inrtlati tiauir l>':" Tl.r mild lilllr
g.„l Utigh oerr it. Iml it waa BO Un^frllnw '> r.Tra glitlried aa be gaee It.

niullw with my wifa. and 1 had no
-Y..I1 will banll.r rruwnilirr tbni."
onr of iriy n.mpaiiiuiit tfeni Ibr Imx.
br ‘Tbe iranalaltoo la-Wben the Bneay
diiui boy and dllfnent flibra had differ- p-uiv tilM onlit llml old mue and got
I rball p.rer f..r»t tbr armr Ibal
Saw Ur They >V.-r.. l-riebtrucd and Tan : »□!
di vcloplng tbr i«i»riw ot i^t out of aiglil for gtwirt.Umiarilla
b.wcP Tbi <.ld ini-.i> lai.Mbr iKur i
Away.’"—New York Kuo.
Aiiiimg (hr Omahnr tbe Oonrirr-Jonrunl
dal ti|..n th.' w.K.lru liWr-k, brld the
■ "■ ' ■'
, yiiqlh were tanghl to loii. not an much
- ■—
aiiiall rnrt of a >lrrl puiirb againat
A Dahe'a latawrilr.
to nui rapidly f.« a .abort dtalauce a> to
Tk* Bappy RXaltm
it awl atm.* tbr .rthn rad of Ibr pnnrk'
Tbr folk,wing am-nInlF i> (old of lh.' keep np anreru pare for manymlha. •
Aafoi lb<- people, be I
a ahrn' Now with a linmiui-r. He then
bi-hl Ibr iT.ln tip to Inaprrt It. and. be­ grrat Utila- rf TVclIinxtuii by Ulrig; 'Of aud (he habit of rarcfeloterreaUun waa tbal«MnIl.n>ioiu ianomn
hold. tbl- lirtil from Ibr lamp br.Mr bin the dukr'a rigid Inli-grily an inalanre .-r-: alao iucnlrntrd. Tbe rnnnriw' aerricea Ibau a Sli.-Ilaurti-r ia n S.
ab.Mir Ihlonsb. a elmrtar bole la Ibe
r irilwl bnta were >
tMmr-a l.dyt
Drceaaarr for Them
... _______ ____ ________ ______
Wc in the wnndra l*.x Jingb4 togrtbiT farm adldnlag hla lan.l< wa. for mIi-... Irarvl for in ann-h^ tbe buffalo aud to with but oiiridr-juf life—that
la our ladigaation. but ladiirealion rap- anrt bl> agi'nt nrg..iiaird lor bitn (or (be
rrinm quickly, oo |llut tbe tribe could The unmlxT of tbooe who lire ^ actira
boaiarwa.Mly garr ph.w in frar and IremMing aa
—ertl and iIh. hunter*
aud riaitilr lnl*ir ia aatnabihiziRly amall
ll.r wrrl.-ti wllb Ihr >f«-1 |.iiiH-fa nriird
ee any great Tbe flnrt ibiiig that airikfw .eon cb landurr after anolbrr of our iiumW and had midr a rnpilal bargain. What do; Ihr herd before it nmld
niranV a>krd Ibr dnkr. 'Why. your ;
rlarly note ing lu Pabii.i i> tlml ll ia a place when
auldr.frd bini lu tbr oam.- prama. Tbe
tbe cuuutry
ciisutry aa they
.' -- etrrytlimg l.uig ug<> left off happening.
lilllr Ul> or ailirr that frU from tbe gner. 1 bate gi.i tbr fattu ao much, i the (opugraphy nf the
briraiirt tber^ineealrbuf
of the
lh game Of life (brn- it may iraly beanid, "Lm
pnnrh wi-rra an-full.r gaibm-d ii|. by the and I know it l,. I«- wwib at l«»l ao;
xo dirret-tto tnbe
aUl man aud pU'cl lu a pill but. and be mjKbmorr.' •.Vtryouq.iiiramwofthatrj^ ^
jour* ar auirt-ut el ar twenblaoV"
•Qulie aiirr. your grarr, f.,r 1 bare rateanrkml an rapiillr Ibal b.i ihr
tbr aborln.! n«lc. Which Palma la aa quirt a* Malta ia nolay. oad
in.r I.. Iw Harrd upm Ilw oprrai' •' rry ^1. ibfti. iwyl ^
lbatiaMytngBg.>nd(ieal. Food U t^eap
■ -■ •
well ,4.1,
High full. T
1 .b.
Ibe r..i™
geallriaai, .....
from —
me .b.
the b.lur,
balaore b^
,r.i tbe
Plnody giw and i ~ ‘



team become

alelRb waa


Bwny.' The


AoRMt -wna dnRROd aomc dlatane*
aad Uwn Undod In a atnwm of water.

■ -.

Oa oiBBiBBkm wna dmigmd Bome dia-

npeef nod

taaoe farther, hot nelthi-r were
. 4





—twhat bcnleed oad badly oliaken

umi. iiKC«>MtX(i FAMoca

hecieweti and etbera will be
d In the comer of Bloyole

teat innm toraMriy owned

fey a J
Bold In I
later on mat enot. where alir
M* food work on the tnek.-' Billy
ttURtaa. drtrm for B. J. Honmn. meeirad ymterdar a letter ftM.lrrln
BlUiaRB. who la now In New^'erk.
OBOlealiiR n

cllndBR from a


Y«rk]*tirr whlA-Rirea an aeronni
M a tenet rimedlaR nntelf in Netfarfc. K. J..

in wkith Bicycle


**thowed the way" toa'nninfaer of
calebrated paoera aad troitera.
RlrlBR the man a rery higii



Ml few bet aimed. Aa UiRRint waa
MMtmlaeyor the mare here he la
ally pcond of her
tar feat an ordinary work bone.
OBtU ^ b«van to derolop aotar good

b. u.

life and
---------------j danger. It ,wa. not nneomtumj for ilieM ercry nimrr .if the ialand. Tbe people.
When I ratur tc rouw iuuonraa. 1 found '
CWrteaa Adeeerteemeata.
yonug uiiw to tun from fo to 100 uiilra if not acliTr iu tire cnllirallOB of moral
niyorlf in tbr Wbwdra l«i* again, *tu'’ ^ A^c^iiy rietgyi.inn wnnld terim^ »jthiu ft bi>ar». Inking r«iy little rrrt Tttiue, at Wt .h.vwn want of aympatby
aud foiai.—"Hunting l'u»toma of Ibc for ibal whirb ia vnilral ornoclirilablo.
-C. .. ............................
try (here waa only B amoolh ti>o» I terwag. mMberieat girl of 18 whom be lo
and in<<M awd Itol
ftbUi and Iwi-k and uae of my romuan, i •»**®T* «» tH
booie. but whom he I
__________________________________ j*" {in«enai»a OBd Ure
b?ii« lufm-il me tW^r JJonda *h^
i in tbrl.on.1 uf peace. Uiamplatrieomu,n.
me inat w wooDda liau
Ia*aatl>. taimr twe Bwowladga.
bkih folk bare a diffetwnre.tW mraUhl.
farm tiI)M wlih wddrr. Tbr
, i,
"Hanimn. what day latliiaV
eU man 1<»\ a number of «
■•TltSa la l->vlar,-drar. "
bnx and oertrlly rarrird aa t
"Where-a Suuclar?"
. ,
tequirrd. a Lind matter for aa exeab
Tl>r latter kept aome of ua
•tiunda.Y Ii aiill lo Ibefuturu"
doara I *(«• '■Mck rrtrirrrr d.«
Owurr parti
It i-y.ry day br look b
■t die I Fitb blo> on Bu ocbrr arronsi tims hla
"How did it gel there’"
nm hla tbiK*rl and Iho
One <bf tin- oldeat bridge "benta,"
itipraird Wr tirvrr aaw ante.
’ neagr trndewrira.''
"1 nM*i II haant eimie ret "
pier*, in ihia oiuntry ta to be fonad
aTt" 1 wa. t.iro aw" from », re- i
Who gee that d« o» wosdm «la».
"IlbBau‘1? Wlial’akwpplugllV'
tumoDia cuonly. Cal. Two luge rodntl&iug c«jmaiun.. pbced telweea 'wn j ^ »bo
eC the
"Why, drar. It can't come srnTU'a womi tree* growing aide by aide enpport
IHmra—•trat^rr* I.
time_frg it.
IM rago (riiich
Iho .4«Mu.F
limbrra nurt .M.—
raiU Ml
of «
a bridge
dirilnguiabi-d l.y omorrih apnta on their
“Howdoea H kDOWwrhen Ifa time et.*.^, , amallraYine orrrtekat e plaoe
•idr.^ and gireii r


cigor *'

ibE.' i


uf hiiniUiaUag f.
•aqaMUy became noted (or
her •DC and Mkl;
•peed, ereatally gettlBR n'mark of


'""r’-?-. ■■

**‘.1- . . M
When-, the rt-dbrd ia 72 feet afeore the
“Don't Irther me. Aatlt
(!ai,f.„iaua rMer to U aa "the
"Mamma, whal'a Sunday didog any only uatunil wu.dr« bridge tn the
howl"—Chicago IrifenDA
»arpt •
' iB the tiM of the Old caralry depot.
On n (criain rery foggy night there xrae
UejBcaiiipietBtelfDcn, broken only fey thePlruniw owe* ita gnatrol wm to taT^
IB0 14.
TOir«B of the ontrite who. u tngnfer ;
nb)ect ^ripniiou. Tbcpmtnlmofadollufldll wtwd dOWB {
(olkiwa:--Mybelor-Igiewtll keep a arlKnlboy ta bapfdDM
w woke np jnte ae
da greal
cd ................................................,
all minelet | (or a year. The fmi ooBaened with iti
-and I'm grill
the Banal watch wna paaatag.
a ‘hoot de loavea aad teboa. Dey wmwmi
■i«u wiU expire teu^BT. Now,
wna what be board: Flrteomitiy, "Na
H S.DOO Item OBd AOMftabna. Bade what b me of arhoolb^e ia egnallp
Tbew br banded out aaotbrr dime, aad
ktU.. WiUbe pat I
1, OBd aD't wwUr* Tbea thu* wm iwelre ’poatlm had
dloi hod to cot 'em bB. De ! tne of
lato aa
leo. All they differ la la the
MMf tfwm luunteM. tete a notea caUad
dey didDt lwt"-AllaBtB ' fxvie M their dddlaa. —New Yrifc Ltdr
iBto tha tekawh "Ma t. and aU<«
waU.aDd-No. raMteepl" BeteenNa
deoBld taka Bp Ifaethciadof thapnSoBday Hchtxd Boy—Im't thtea iM
•aMtegaagoden to whhh morn than a
ta^lr old otetbioR which haa
aaaaeu hack. At Uat a caiehaa grw- gMpkdMi M alamfeu ran ate ad wtod
boon doaoted for tha poor. ThU U
------ laa accepted mr wltbrat loefclag at hnsriedly. "Na I. oad aUfewalLaM
i. BolmH o< the City Bookteon
new line of wort for the BMlatfe
am. aad 1 begaa to frri that pethapa I Va •■•A Iterf______________
taff of life, teacberr
entertatoed the eletfca of the tear
waa ate aarb—a bad oar ' after all. 1
"Vea. my boy."
waa OBsn lo br aadierlrrd. Towud reea"Well. Um. it baa .
teg my new ewarr odrr»d aw to a bau.
uedh nad egaia I beaid tbe baadUath«ref«ctf
>Ne gaad. haaa."
The rrry arsl day I waa CoMb
Tha ney baal gooda aa wall

Veed qoallttea. wba te>e waa gtrm
lato the Jmada ot a baiaer aad enb-


'SIS'iSE," "IZ j r"

pair tiiy narf
priilu'..a cnTl that baa brat ebt
to Ibr brink ot the anrltin#




Con.n.oBoalbe(rombaabe«aBe.ltb A I—tariti. amwi nw O-atel ■» l
oBimalml that iwi Biach mtaw than half
Drm NwriOmtha
‘Some y« ago." aaid Aldmaa
Ibr total nnmbef of ocean Irarelrea
JameaC. (tilberl loareprwier. "I had
proride (benioelTei
a tttiant'doWB Irnrn who died, leering
—New Yoi* boii.
a wife andbelplme family. Theirtmly
------------{woperir ctaannen
ctxadned a
of aa
aa ,oio
old more,
more, asn
and —rfil t nail aad oaafaimmarT gnri
'1 iwoperty
tba AlmbaadaaaaaKaaab
daya •> Thoir Cl

'bar day
•rif In tbr tiai
ababblly drrrotd old nan wllh
utly.farr. obolook tar
ABdde&t Whleh fdotuiatcly had bo on tbr Inp 8«»t nf a ten
morr aeHona leaalto than a dnokinR tur ii.t.> n >nooJ.« |.rt
tan ceoek. Antcnat waa drlrlaijwlih .•fntbrr
aoomtABloa in (kijciaiah when their
the RToem wna the rlritm of a




WbUroo Ilia WaAdlBC THp.



marrtaRe ie aot a teUore after all,
and iatirnoma that pbe mlRht

II. in RbiBM and

ma oa)oyod by


mrrotr .k.rlichi in th* nomi in liArr ibal
•be inisbl fondir nr or diokr’'Dr^ to brr

hatorrailiiR.for aboot


and other anpphea
tk. aineliomaoDof
rrf onr nabtmal a..
fmit. tiawira
anppUea !|The
demrii aa -teewa* laownoara mi^t re- ! ipmnor njiut lather be oonchc ia
qniie. aad ateamm chaira and other ,
i aelf emtiol
folding ebalriL
,o . .
tdoeUre^Ml. U

«,d.lnrd tbal
that aa
a. aaoa]
aoo, j
lag brramr fuU wr >bo^ br tab j
ru up
UP fur
tor tih
im aa
Mar oi
Fori WriuiRi'l. Jeuemi end Sllka ^ifr cooWdrire her about l^iwo herarlf.
re nnay and mrited
na. aa the rhureb an- “"f I*"*'"*
• II aeemrd. howmr. that the
the enml metal

Iboritln woBld
muiiialrd min In para bto rlrealalloa lip. and thealmof tbia aarageoniamcDt Kew Allamr who had a mania o
Indlratea the ago
ila owner. When n ,
a fanerab and made a point
Thr ibiHirht ofsiy approarbincdlaaolB- girl marrleB. brr lower tip b pierced, orerr to mirn me. Tfe
Ihw hrT.u(b! irara to my ryn, aad I
R of wood or a piece of bnio .
er could karr rrroTeerd my
Ac rbe to fullow
One day my wife waa drir-

tbf j ridrd a romfonaUr boor for u
aiMI'antiini It

tlbM Mwtta'a Tmrtr.

faatty lawty
Rood -

*••“<»* •




:np'w" ss,'^“d3
aaifl oae aa ae, day*

•»« .**« wonld bito a hook. Fr,»]r^«'

0» yoww tmn.mi thmwtn



•« ■■»

ibMSM and drilctopa "IW'I Ih^ld LrT^
«M Mrrad la «i> oaonaa.
] rvr. »t bt.l-rr for a mwd of air ' ■
M Cba anwim o( Ao adOM.. aadadTfttiotn-aiitHlaiforUa.
aad (dTn>io>»-a> «H1 a* for Uo.
‘*“***T*y .«>
. To look ot B)T aow bo «or woald tblok
tb«ajmof>naMt Mr. bad M»a B. I
oW. for I •» bauored
■. B«rUr, patttm M Mr*. E.- Viloon.rH I rr» b>n<M
• ■«yaBd{kiB»rf a«« Iboo lB7f»i>d lo-fore I ■«

■wlroa et the foctnaato marri

ni^ haaboBda ia the late twwty
Two M har feaafeaadi dted
dmth wUhla a ynar


^ see2^.1!^ -



«r at Pufc Plaee yeetertey.

M CkM's nmkn

^ a M hm pootetod «■ tfeadOM
ter haU on hoar a Bakaa him teal pteaaoMiobetehad brklawttelfhewM



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