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The Morning Record, January 05, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
; cmr, mcH^ ^atitboat,
110?. I
retiirT wiu stmidI.
Min1»t«r» at Pakin
Prasooutor Rosolndbd
thnt the Sgkt -wfU «ah» piMB
By tha Unitad Stai
Hnw Terk. Jam. 4—Ttott
BiookAd N«setlatk>ns Amof«
.................. tottor opte-
ttoaofamteVtoBkmandtbe mtoMigsr yittothmii today toU
Vmktr tkataadmao '
wnald tht parait to toroked.
WIU Probably bs OrAntsd by
loan AmloabiaABraamant
to a
sad tke rartoM of
wm >,000.fi00 4mm. Tto priBeliBl
age wm ta St Fual. tMv
Hertksn PariSe.
Board of Bupaivtoor*
Wi^lmte Jaa t-For ^ w
Uw me* tka B«KottecateMat ...
i<mllcBmlnl«(«nb(«M*t‘'Ftola the
Atamitmn garwmml tow f«wto U May Hava Waight l^ith Vena■ niiMiy to arte dintoly to dto
>«iMian Oovammant
yotrwri lo help tk« mtototm on
a Tefclac UeMae Aetlee
ff for Mt PlMcant
t Tratoas Pre-
t turn Mlaimr Oeaipir. PMto taka dapMito to \
tlv'oatlook Uho|w|a«forM toPtoMt moB( tka diptcMlte
tena aa to Um amoat atol tolaiaetar of tntoBBUr to to Inalatod oa bj hei aerred BoUet <m VtaMnela that
tke pooan. Aotiac oa OoByar't It mnat take BO boMtle mpt to «««**
potmtiloB of too tnopeity bow held
aakad Ja|a« and »Taral of tba mw- by Kew Yoto and Bomeda eonpaniat
an of Baraiia to toda
nndl no opfwctnnity het been giren.
to obtnto a rnttlentat of
throagh the eoartt or some ether
I^ooaaa. Job. 4—The Anaritu
The tiatotog thlp.
. touajr toto7 reealTad uatraol
terd and Bnffnlo and the gnn(ran Waaktoyton to rap'd to the at- boat Bcxsploahnre been ordered to
Utato of tto United Stotaa toward la Onayrm, Port ol Oniacat, TenmAlaa. It U udtmtood that an eb't capilaL
ayam—nt hat been rcaehad tnyard'
tmt torai and the eomptatioo of the
eonaart of the powm onir miaira
the stomt ol the Itoited HtaUa
acrrnmant oorm the eafflceeaMaii
IrtquatDwn la Thraatanad, But
ratoto twellmtoarjr taraa. alto the
Nothing Dadalve Raportad
deotatoe in regard to aoBe of the de' naadt which cannot to eafocerd at
prrant. __________ ^
Vtommlte IfhL.
> te*7 rMS) optolpa that tke
aottoo ntotire to the reqnirira d
boadt from the praeontor and tke
Jadge of ptobate wonld bs werinded,
And tea the natter oaraPbefote the
bote the Icrmet rotote fMoaddtte aad OB noticm of Sapeertoor
IB. Ike aetian of ttie board to resairtog toe bonds named wat resciad-
« la toe nor ctf Jeame O. John
length by the boerd,
nltbongb no
I it. TIm
paOtioB. amenttolly ae isaaeBted at
tkie ttom. wae deoied at a fseviOBa
■BMtiag of toe board, tot there aeemt
to be a pro^wot of its taring better at
-The eomtmny. thrmigfa Agent Mar
ty. agreet that the city ahall tore
Jie right to oroai the track at any
Ume. toenld toi>y derided to eatend
Oaaaatreri acrota the river and
toe hay. It to aim agreed ttot there
ahalt be a free right of way given,
' > cam the city atoll deaii^ to amke
public loading place between tto
rivrr nnd the track beckiof the Han
nah A toy Mcrmatile Ooi Btore. U
was the opiaiaB that theae propomlt
toontd be embodied la deflaile fora,
aad tlie matter wae left la the hands
of the committee on loadt aad.
bridgea. and they will imtobly re
port to ttot efleot today.
new deek'wae ordded tat the
eonnty clerk's office aad for the lodge
Of isobate'eeffioe. Both these totoe
tto HtoBtac tooDid.
OnpeToipi. Jan. 4-Two hontond
A table and riiair were aim aathorBom Anrr reemsed the Omnge rlrtr
Morris, ah Ohio Ctrl
from Gape Ootony. The tohabltaBti inedfcrtbe'eheriff.bnt these will not
of BebhtuBaland are goBerally ioto- he secured for a few daya
The eommittee oa balldinge and
tog toe Boon.
gronnde wae asthori^ to parehaae
1 to la Daaow
100 oonU of green wood for the
the oenney ne« winter.
the state asL It it ai
lUrriHla. O.. Jan. 4—Araoat outo' of soperrisors asking ttot
rageoot erlBe waa pcrpetratod to tke
. be nnwinted
iittle vllb«e of Ilackne;, Morgan end wiU not te* •oy targe fora*
toU oonnty. to attend the meei
tog to toniing next monto. was re
,to opemrtt tor (ran toe railway.
mnaadoal ' IfeUuwtk Dnidooy. ceived and filed.
The committee on bolidtogs
old. left her h oetogo t > the rlliMian. wat killed at Utrecht
> place
gronnds was
lage peetoOce. ttoe had
h of t
mail box at the door of each
Icoaly, teolnded apot ip a deep ra
county offior*.
tine when idle wat aeeoeted b^ Wal
A bill of toe Hannah A toy Merter A. Welntaoc*. *i .
kulUeOa fortUBSl. wae aliewed.
nm of niinmal MraigUi, who at
tempted orimtoal ataaoll. She reaitt l^rariitac tieumm Anelaw Mmfoet ta This U toe claim to oooneetioo wito
Varam Pierce Ttol am a DtatBce
to final setllameBt for toe oontt
cd him tke beet die eonU. bat wa.
nnaaooamfnl to baflling him to bit
. Mtto relied BUM.
The rest of tfad day wne spent in
dewdiik deeignb.
nptdtl lulbc Komtec toned.
Wkeo ke feared raalta and tke
work by the snpervlaots.
JaoknoBrilto. Pin., Jen. 4-tnfertwatmeut that
nmtlnn wne received bate today from
him br bti neigkbon. be took a.iatar Madima, thU otote. ttattog that nro
and eat I>er throat from ear to ear. negroes were lynched there Uet night
«enl eft'. >1. A M.P.br nillOlue
eevertog all the mntclee. which laid by e masked mob to rerenge for toe
Che iicwd back oo the gtrl't
«to Theamti torrlet.
murder of Tboaae Bedding
Mlm Morri* leeeired ameal other
aexWl I., TV-MnniUir a.^«d.
weeks ago.
rote in the ttoaggle and almost bled
Kew York. Jan. 4—James J. Hill of
Falrhnn. Oa.. Jan. 4-8toUng
to death toforr help readied her. homiBnei. CBlorod. was killed and the Qrmt Kortben, wito the BockeFtoellr the wat diaeoteml hj a partr is SOB OUfferd was <
feUcrand the Morgan totereati
n who mw blood In the eieek. 'onnded by a mwd of---------- -red ooBtrol of the (Niioego. MilWrtotaeok wat >xa captured nnd it
ear heie In* Bight Tkmapmm Imd wnnkee A St. Paul, tbus giving them
now lied with ropet to a email bnlldbm> Bollfted to leere toe oommnntty a complete,tnnk line to the PnriSe
tog, oloaely gwarded by atwtod depa- nod tolled to do
- ties: It Ir more than likely that he
teapolii. JkB 4-The elate aa' will to lyncbed be^cre ntamlag.
nnniTH wti.L bk kbmovsd
thcwltlee wm laforned today that
jiuj tiiiAwn KAPitM rAit-niK
pmnena to Spemoer oOBsty have
lueartuuiare teTHed rram BamBr
avas toto
aainki toennlras
tot a vigUaaee
Outraged and Murdered Nalita
cchk aita.i)»n
■Biratl I- TV Woc»l»e Bewed.
and Imve
IjBch CBBTt. Maay aegroeo
i^ ordmed away bm toe eoaaty
hMttog aslesf k
Vhm toe bonrd of s
Tbe matter of the peddao^ tke
I. B. A L BalhoadOoni^ for
stui ■
JW kimdtOtfkt SuppHf
€Hy Bookstore.
Co btgia tbe Bern Year^ wttk,
Baw la ataek. «
We <aa SMit fan. .
We are Bond to Rednce
Stock this Month.
ion ot B63.650 R«o-
r <^aa TM <MtM* a» av km far *• kMdIt of Butt Wai
te tbaaMekaa aymtef adiur ot
Mm^aUr. It k tkeoakt *>M
to vltl 1w teUf ■■liwilwnai
jtakvabt a.
1,290 -
Jan. 4-The Indian
apjsofBtotioe blU. reported to Ike
eennte today. cMrlae9n.S»for tto
ML Flmant Ittoi— aeboot:
IS.000 to naked for aa addltl^ ■
toll and kittoea:9t.«IO for Ike koapiml;«I.TMfar general repairs aad
•l.m for oapmto
tandmit. and MUOD for toe matotonBoe ^ edncBtiaB of the 900 Indian
In toe stBaM this moralng BeBotor
pledgiaglto^mBBte to tk
It of
auto iawa aad the nmking
of enrii
tnatiee ni wiU imbibU the mle of
nnd IntorioatiBg Uqnars to
aboriglBal trlhae and BariTillsed
.The raeolatloB wae adopted.
AresolnUsB offered by Mr. PetUcaillBg for tsformaUon wito
we to the Pblllpplom aod InformatloB relative to the neeeeeity
case in the strength of the
nrmy. wne referred to toe commit.
BLml Rtealegto Mrs.
H.B-. mr Iwrttti- Acrm A t And >
• 1.00
8.^'. BabVnl vWr Un
Ladfcn'risUVn. Bab U|. Im'4',
tedVi-• IJI end tl A Ws ra ahM
• 1.00
Hm-r Varw MVn rrBwnd V ti.A aad
• «.BO
M«u'» Itm Ktd avr.. V~-end roarrmi
• i.»o
I.bV«' trwMrII
Oiaad Kapid*. Jan.4-A petitloa
to baBkTDpicT wat died today agatotl
Piedmlcfc W. Wnrvbnrg. the pro|wietor of a Btge departmeBt etore here.
Hit liablliUee are mid lo to 9lto.oaO:
Bsaete anknown.
Prederiek W. Vmrsbaeg to cemtowd
. to hto heme by iltoeat aad whim WilItoBi M. WniBbaig. hto ecB aad
ager of the etore. was aotiSed of the
' I to tke Uaiied and heard Prof. Pmak H. Pumbs
Bmtee ronrt at the tomlly i
qoeatioa of govarameBt
lo; Summer street this nfMiMOB. ke
. ef laUwnya. He armed to
add; "1 have little to nay to oon- tavor ot fedeent ownaaklp for-tto
aecttoB with toe aetioB.
We be- naaoBttot it would prevoBt raay
Itove, however, tlmt nattm wiU he diami ' n Artor, Jam. I Peter Vnnoe
alcaightemed ont In Um. Aa aeeB as ogaa BOW exi^aad
Bitted sntoide this morato
4kto to done we hope to nakgaalM
typ^tmetotottototomtoftoepublto. _ «m4 tome mllee weal ot tola elty
to onttl^ hie throat wito a aaqr.
aai" ________________
ITAUAK MranXBXB aawTKg'c'BU VaBoa waa aamawied aad wan a
Joaeph Vanoa. Into law
UtoBriaa of tbe anlrasity.
e only maoa nttribatod Cor tke
ewunw taBefeml m««e tke »
Vaaoe tooodnd
BeoeHorrubMPmUl Pmedi
V TV Hwmlet Brnwa.
rottor'e dmto aatU fempomrily
Bged. Be waa aged akoat
WatotogloB. Jon. 4-Ai a i
ot tto oatatoet today tke aoMoB of MBtoBond to die to toe eleekrio otolr
iW toe CtotA «t April t. Btorti
tto aeaate Auditor Uw^'e teport WiU to toe Amt pesasa toto
d Iff tliteriffir ta Mb i
«a toe Ontoa pate tmala.
aaited n tallBW mtetyra
' •1.00
At about
;:6i(i loi onw onn mi
Pretty Patterns at 25 and 50c.
6 O’clock
Om-IW ll» Dm BatK.
$6.00 Jl8clco-t1
. . WOR. .
, ' $2
Tn tin NW StnItB
McUiaii TBiepInM Go.
You -will be astonished to see what the above I
price will do in onr Cloak department. This jacket I
is made up oftline Oxford doth, nicely trimmen with |
braid, in (act it is right up (o the times in every par- 'I
ticular. Many big bargains in this department for |
the next ten days. Be sure and call.
K<-lial>!i> Dry Oooda. OarpAt and CSolbiog Boi
Jt IHc*. eiun,
SmooA Sbav*
New gnrmnnta eloKkotly'
made, Ite fitting <ianUHm.
lateat gtylto.
You cab alwaya got wbaa
yon oeo an Electric Baaor. I
bare Ibe fiaeat stock of Ugh
grade, fine tempered Electric
Rarofe that are gnaraBteed to
b- the towt and most aatiafae.
lory madp:
Pricaa from f1 to tS.
The Bojton Store.
The hand baa been 'Yn existeace
lore than four ye«rs and tos attained
a good reputation for hnstie and rnergy in funiebtog the pablie with
mneieat /^oent totertoU. While
toe Cieaeent hand will he a part of
toe big new tatnd the pleaeant tvUHoBship of ita members will not be
lin V. fiDiiii
A similar gift was
leader, Ohaa. A Skelc^. te> has
done morii for tto
^ mnaical
alnoe he canto here a few
mcBtto ago. Both gifta were reorir.
Overcoats FOR
Ulsters B
Heefers O
m Y
tost Bight tiw> members of tlie Ores.
«l bund, whirii baa now be«a coosolldnted with toe Boys Band, were
aomely entertained by Mrs. J. And every night .until 6 a m., tbe
N. Mertinek, at her home cn State
•Ireet. Mrs. Marttoek. who hat bemi
of great help to the band and who.
feete a persenal totneet to to<
mles are approximately
cess of tto oqtaalmtlon aad Its
bers, desired to have the boys all togetoer once more before they take op
their work to the new
aad the sapper last night wne the re
salt Tto table In the dining room
was fiUled with ^ beat tbtogsM be
tod in tbe way of deUeacita and
good cooking aad the boys folly miJoyed tbe feast. Dnring the evening
ennlt were todniged t% by the gOMts.
■ fore lUsperstog a tmtimcBUl in
Ni w Uoi^r Cirmlls.
tope of a foBotaln pen was favseated to J. W. Hanneh. manager of
Uie band for fonr years, the gift
was given on eiUialf of the tmmbers
as a token of the pieasnni
tu TV Mmitsr B-med.
San Pianctoeo. Jan. 4-Dr. kinyounnadMator D. f. Oibaon snrto tke past two or three ynara
geoB of tke U. & A aad medical toipecitet ot tnasperto. have made arPOB WOVKBXKKXT OtrXSBSUIP magemeBtofor Uie landliv from toe
tna^lort Omni of tke hodiea
who died from naU^L Theae
WiU to landed by tbrnneelnik
ate fma toe etker bodlga
tnaeport as mob ae tke
mite aad will to stored at
Mia.*-Mr baekW ArMW
CtoUfm-s iwr toiBh-AtrVr
W. J. Mobb6
f'LECTRlC and Oaa Sbadea and Olobaa
H and Oaa Fixtarea, Bella and Oall ItolW
Batteries, Portable StoteHtotfawPa^
Pott. Flat Irooa. CotiiDg Irons, laoaa.
Itoceot Lamp#, ^ c. p to 900 c-.p.— all abapas
and rolura. Interior tdepboota for boaae,
factory or store.
We.can wire ■aythlag
from a ratt bell to a whole city.
Cnpkell Bm.
At toe me Bring ot tbe Oontml l«bor
laioB lari-eventog. toe foUowtog
oflUma were eleeted
PreatdeaL John Probert; vioo iraldeBt,Wmtom Sproal:
mxy. Prank Dolpk; n
tary. A a MoOaaaha
Saadelmtm; Mrfeaat at arms. David
MarjAy: oaoBtive Bommittaa, WUtord Ktook, Olmrlea Joyee aad Nathaa
A ptaa wae propoaad for the otteiMricneta toborteioB
SB ot toe oily. A
-._-lattog of Mr. Atwnttr, Ptoak
Dolpb and A
wito tke otpmtoattoa of this t
organimriwi wUl ptokably to
tod wttkto two or torn weika,
PbitodatpUa, Jaa. 4-Jam« Pol
lock waa today apptead mcoira for
toe DtogtoyWeotmi Mills Oo.. an eataUam to tooaght to kav^ toea
kno^ akoat bytoateffa^ef tto
^■MtetotaomtoamUl w^ah i
tailed to pamtoa lug
Bev. H. W. Smlto wlU |*tei as
« ..It’s new
BUek Teiwtian Bremd- _
dotba, 61 ia„ twdoced totlilO
Black figared Bkirtiog.
aoUd finiah. ailk and
wool. 44 in., rwlnoed to. IBO
Empire Cheviota, pong
ed te abnmk, ready to
make ap. U ia., reduced
to ..........................................IjOO
, Kitm fine VeMlau
, doth. 46 io.. redwwl to LOO
Leafcopv ow fieeltM
I oUms sod Oxford Qtayi.
neBotoao Store.
Built to stand tbe wear and tear that a live, wide-a*
wake boy gives his dioes. That's tbe Id^ of
3B>u get when you boy a pair of those B<>ya Satia
Calf Shoes at $i.sa Theae shoe* ye ^eia.
Made from fine satin edf stock, have a
hoiVy»l«. » wide «t«».oo, ed*. and El£toi
bMk«ay. Buyroorboy.pwr,^
Frcot .StreeL
‘ McNamam Block
teMM our. Am. s. mi.
•IT • f>y_WBt«n*girftwg thapi^
,______ I we flMt i_ _
PMft* ■» rtUlpottficopM
dovad»P«U.o. 1
i<nt«siun» tnoBAce.
, safaBittad to the
W two thiiifa at UaW. li Wrlaw^tbaaeds of retom ahm <«*ala
tines af
of le*isl«lon
le«ltl«lon Ife’ PlOT
lain tiaas
•dwoM aoiaa rery rfrimaidsHa
______I, which, shoal
shoal^tho lepU« follow woold resalt In benefit
«a m efeate. Ob be ether hnnd the
' jpiteril— ------------ « obebls, who. In the ei-porer-
. ^BsffWdiaastff tbe merits of till* eon-.
tBllcB be spitafnl attaoks aumlaftt
•jtoBS P«W» boald hare had ~
T'— b a slaw doeaaest. which
: ib^tasrcbaenooBfla.4 strlelly to,
e to tbe acta,
labta lafwnd to shoald hare.
ie wlb the dipalty doe fram
Mai eseeatire of the.
«wt«<ll»nilreod; th«7 «
ioaoded l> Ite bkd of tha
BM th* Mmw *o>U ba pot w tba
oooMiL TW potaa bore btm «■ apasv« i<x ymn. oad atlU odtea tbfy
bora a etaaaaa to atop hetbar gmhbtw «d OCX ttneUUwr 1« Umb.
Tbc eoaaeil to poarar a («* p«on a|0
mA tita flnt OBTa in • pood ditaotieo wbao tbey aoda tiw Bfoetiie
IdphlOoBiMriwaU their Uo« in
tt» aUaya whore it voa poaalbla and
IhBO eo«bt to hare been a aiepiMt at
timt tine oa fattfav poles belac po(
«p OD oar atretita The eoBiBay has
d «1U) the onter of the
last-onoaail Meatiag and they By that
(be ooBpaay will debt the dty cn the
qnestioB. The eospany did sn awfal
pieee of spile work by jBttUg op
poles «■ brae sdioUtin* ilwata It is
all innrti rr~ to ran tluae lines
boob B clnee CCffebet. ^ ehoaU
fasre been mnde to po dfiatb on the
Bel eide of fUilrced avenu and ttiB
esjt ihraapfa the alleye and thereby
kept oS of Boantaasn arenae. -WeU
inptqp and Ftaaklin stilts.
Beths R«srds the noble cabsI up in
'telnto' Best " Ihst cotne into pobUo
»iew csi the telephone war,
iCrantdBlaobnsp lhsB pollbsd
Xte Uacie U«m of Water
At OysHr Bbt, L. 1,. the rooBS «
bd.. Uiriaitat the paint of death datfneooeh Mce, A. F. A A. M.
as be laaU of bei^ Bade tba riotiB of a laaetkal jafear. MAs Bisn
faif aad as bs orns ahoot to taka
atat her chair was Jobad sway
fall. Bslaioli^ iatorMl iaji
iAjkytkrnmm^wiU oaoB hep
death. Xt is the paipeae «f the '
ily to hold the iofcar taqmible
bsT dBth if the tall prom CataL
Tw*»ty-aro tho
the nnUedBBaea It was net
nd to Bnka a fnaetieB of this deptee.
bat wbee the AM is oBterad <aaay
of the aaost lanBlniial Mssoaa ta the
wiUbeieaaBt aB
piron in the pahUe teU.
Ahoerdiacto flir Olmiia Mark,
has. ineridwt of the Soyal O*o-
qKBsibls far fasBiap aab
Armor Paebina CoBpany of KanBS fal earner in polar deps bat the
City. "We fo«nd bat prices bare IpeadlapBrttibabl ether nretie espone steadily op on aoooant of the peditioas ara cantiBited wtb '
trast," Bid lbs ecBpany's pot- diflcalty nearly as prsat as the ice
ednstnp spsot, "and so weal oat- flelda It appears that B. B. Bald
eldeofibis ooantry tor oar bIa" win, the ABarlean oxfiarw,
Twenty-fire cartonde of tbe bip- boBpfat np sMh a bwpe apply of
nset are aliBdy cb tbe rood and
that their pries has risen from
blrty-flre additional ear loads will •l6to«80.aBdtheyarshsrd to profellow eocB.
core STB at bat pries.
The poblio library of Seattle was SoBoel Hnbbord.a yoanp man of l»
burned to the proand Tasitey aipbt. yean, died at hie booM in Bterea*
Tbe.ffre oripiasled ia m nortbeael Palm. Wis., late Moaday' afternoon
entner of tbe.baso»s*ri»Bibly pKm froa tbe aaoeeaire am of dpaiettea.
__ faraaoew The toml slock
He was toka wlb etUBps and
bobs, BBBberinp U.00D roloates and ^MBS tbs day hefers and saffered
rained at at Isast fin.^OO. prs a total bcribly for nera^ boars.
treee, tli e^l ares ate of
except to U|bt op a circle of or bondrad feet, and after a heavy rein the
BtreeU sn noddy for s week loniter
be test of the city, beeaase the
•son cannot sliine broopb. Did you
bBTbe latest? Tbe Ulle of John
Barry-spreal work. "How to Bluff
irs for no poles.
Jsioee H. ddochoonb.
I M ^ Mr- Pii«>M It woaM^re toMtioB, M
from one whose
mab and opbioos . bald bare
wsipbl wlb bob law makers and
tbopscpU.^Batvlbe albre of the
•------- (T rnami before be }oim seenloa of tba senate and boase. topetber
Mtb Tltapeiatire side nmarks, aly
tnribs ndleale. Tbnrafore. a
npa^Uebboaldbeheld a an
:t,nottnBtpabUedooamem has bee
mly a BaWilnp stock among those it
bbald Instract and adrlee.
8«^Ot^.OelQ..team« mm
old, Md bM *
if MOa
Mn.«0«u awaiA. Mbwda. .
ow n«Hi7
PM.«« d.dMtb«mta«teV.te.or
be wltadaMdlrntteHld. dfa
• iMo' tha
At Port Bora RKAard Kerwla.
f ^ new
Tbe first I
L WlUlSB Jr.. Va RoWnsoo, Pwey Buipoaa.
eentoiy is a Cbloapo
Wesley Yoanp is bU mune. and be Tommy Turner and Fmak and Wm.
led to be altar Mia Adelaide Geae- Barron, tnnplnp in ape from 16 to I*
viere Oehler. danpbler of Kr. and yars. are under oRest. charged with
Mr*. W. O. Oebler. of Kew York. being the .fiiebopt who have lOTorOn tbe stroke of nidnipht Dec. SI Ued that t^u for months pat Tbe
and in •mMs ennad a senatia, areral of
lees tlBb ten minata after tbe eltr be boys beUapb^ to pood families,
bima bad rang in tbe twatieb ocn- and one of tbem.- Bibard Knrwin,
being be eon of one of tbe best crfBtary the ooaple were man and wife.
JbhnOralg. of Oorlapton. Ky.. a oers a tte polim foroe. It is aid
inere Ud. beams m mneb addiotad be bpys hare cafesied t.t starting
to eipantta bat be would atal seTetal flrss.
other poods, sell them ad inrast be
prooenls in hie fsTOrite smokera.
He would smoke faan forty to fifty
cigstettee a day.
Poor prominent fannera of Saroey
county. Ark., aredaadatbe
of drinkinp wood alcohol at a t
day gmberlnp.
Aa inetase of-mdre lha lh>
rat in be maey of tbe srorld In
a bad a peneratla will be ae of
Wrtttd B M
be mat Interatinp ebtblto of the
lual report of the director of the
mint which is now going broopb tbe ISSTR-'t."'
Proton. BatsIi
Nearly be whole.ot ibis in- ____ ______
crase U in metallie maey and mneb
is in goio,
te larger prapoma u
, ^^.71,^.AtBaJna de Porto Ria, *«>*!
Years day. tltoamnds of people wit-,
Oso. W. Ratt. Fu>tl»A-I-T.
the. BtoitiBg of the new trolley
Wdl mtit, a» MOW
tbtm (or
Dyspepsia Cure
Wbna oideriaw faff
Mil Mfc lor Ma 12.
lao wMeurr* :
I Bell •phone Ko. r.
JO»Wf«fi ir. OTT b OO
SRESAL SESIDESCES In dUfaasol localities for ml* on eosr
teems. Also money to lean on rral
Kfi tax dfiMC iMcrtefi III noncire.
OOoe in Hamilton ft MllUkeo BlocA.
Fire Insurance
If you hnvs n tfwsfiUag. stBok.stosn.
ban. ee any ocher mupsity iasarakk. kindly teaemW I want to
WTilB the tasatance for yoo, and will
^raycoprampt iand enreful attenOnly the sM mliable s^ tnanrj
Ihfk Place'hotel yaterdsy a
The meeting was well sttaded and
fall of bterest, and rariou topia
----- -L.- A............. a retotinp to the
mannfactare of lumber.
Among be m
be irira that ebald be diarped for
lambvr be oomiag yar. H was the
•ease of be mating that oo prim be
at at pieiBt. boi that the lambermea await fnhher deeelopmenta
From be dieoosala and be pledget
of tbe waanfaetorer* pracut, it ap
pears that be outpm for the coming
year will be about half ofr last year
In be city W Oraad B^ds a
tain strati there bare been fa a long
tlms strings oT unslphlly. annse^
poles owned byanelatrio Ugfating
•aapanyotbat city. The llgiaing
,nnB|nny bad marked be.polos, wtb
a warntag sign to latratn tbe city
MberttlM from remoeing them.
Among Ibosc present st
Yestoifiay the city marshal c
inp were H. B. Lewle.of be Elk Bapide Ira Oo. ;W. H. White of the White
at down be poire a West Bridge Lumber Co.. Boyne City
street, wlbal aakiog be lare of Platen. Boyne City: Archie Gibbs,
the u^tlnp company. Orami Bap- Usyfteld; 8. E. Curdy. Kingsley;
Ids tma a rigeroat way of dealing W. T. Culeer, of J. 8. LSteonif Lumwlb BnsighUy objtote oa her streeU berCa, Ludlngwn; G. H. Obensoer
ad when -be authoritiee my bey of Geonte R. Kicbolsa & . Co.
mutffo. why, they must, and bat
Charles' M. Ayen of Grand
onda It. Tbit Is aot be aly instance Bapids; K. Foster of Alden
where Otand Bapids aatboriae* ban
twmored pola frot ,be etreeta /
few years ago a certain company wm, Willton Bab of Rath ft Oartier.Ladordered to take tWr poles from Oaal Ingta.
afreet a or before a giem date. The
mandate wu ignored, wherapon at (mm Traverse City;
Edwin F. UbI. then mayor, sera
n form of ma ad persaally ai
J. FalpbamadL.
Folpbom Md L. 1Roberts of Fnl
iataded be mnoeal of be objeo- ..
ilmble poles, ad they suyed re- gUamShaaafetanag Co.
Tbe toUowing lumber inspectors
letOsoprasrat; Charles ChristiaWba n cerpotatioD refuses to be
rsaombto sod ignores be rights of
be people, measures of this kind are
.vrtala I'linii^O'Hica. ivmi., tcer»
rlaui Lr> b;* 1ri<li'i:i iic near tin- front
Mo Keei to brave IIobr.
dm.T. Nut I'lDK KEu the bell tsugond
It U at neoeimry for ya to to go tl«r laeMisiil Rliiqied tn ItM- plK«e
away to eoltope. st prat expenec ud auil took «hi»-n the iratiMiiitier.
with seenral yars’ lorn of lime tram
work, to eeoaie a pood edneatia. esDie InlD Uw place and Uuiulred;
-Wen ter t>uy soy alg«r Tlie mer.
Tmanttndyrlibtathome, ia tbe -*--^t. hilal upon mUng be measOoQSB cd Study in Medmnioal or
«ald III llie 'iibnoe: "I eao't bear
‘ aixt eaci^ alMilracIcdly at tbe
Arahiteotaial Drawing in Tbe InterItaKiiig Us roles, the granger
Bmnnla. Pa., which Tlie Beard will abnureti; -Want ter hay any aigsr
pUe you, if yoo hare the meet
gull inlent upon the ma at the other
end of the wire, the uicrrhat eald.
to your credit on Feb. 1&. IBOl.
-Oh. I enn't bear a word
Thrangb thli Course you
Trtn *«v —
friitn nenta Georgia. Infint(Btoa paying tbe high aeanpe
t and lifted op hi* voice,
ig tlw roof, while every.
aryorSl.onayBnr. b will bs
' to gel a sitatia,
kAd been nmc- -Do ya
orsmaseor in a mnoh demand a alarm
t<T boy any a-l-ff«r-. be sbotiied.
BOW. While working nl tbit pwifes• Nt<, curfoad yon. nor sbeuied tbs
ala you esh ke*)i a studying for the merHiaai. drnpplag the telephae and
inftoatial ad highly t»id prates- cUpplnc hi* lisndR tn hi* oniraped
“Ton IrU Hunt raised bliu.*' tvmarktd
pineeriiig. cr .
the egg ma to bf* periner a» be
in which ya ca rise to be rtsy top. walke.1 out
riimbed Into bis wagmt and dim-.--------^
never «*ed a deaf man yet
Ta will never have sopped a
-■-------to pet a start in lUr. Da't wbBt I couldn’t make bear when I
nut on alt mr steam**
, but laaneb
into the ewntrat wlb tbe fiaed deocstriy off be entaable
. prim at staka.
Mxa. A. J. Scott of Park atteei
aMctainiaf tmr farather. J. H. And—B Of InanreiUe. Win.
id hero away to roDege. onl
Btls—sd to sevenil Iltriary and sciem
ttfir riolif.
“PaibeT Rl>* asked «-ib abaost
starillag snddniDraa. -Mid you ever
Koj. to think ibsi tbe people oa this
globe eonsame nearly ja)ynO.OOOJUO
rabb-ywrts of osygen every yeerr
“Orest beevvos. nor the pmetlcai
oM men toplusL “Boi «Ui mtntt be a
jnMakr. I-never beard «d anybody
who eorntroUed tbe ontpot of oxygen *
> oSer to
F. B. Moora Ima
BM Indtos of be Woaa't Olab
•saw the pina fw be'inowmed hoqfi- BodEyMonatalaTea and
^^baaka. «5c. A* y.
«a (radbarga.
_____ _______ ______
. the __
Nine men were discovered in tbe perfect healer of Onts, Corbs,^ Boras,
; Braims
act of loading a mfe at Carette, O.,
arly today. Oitisens drove them
away ad fired fifty bot*. wanding
ae bf tbe craoks.
Bob Arkansas oi
which sze to hare new state , bases | Blastie Spar Tsralsb.
Can Boll Phans 364
Cakes and Mapla Synip
No breakfast complete without Buckwheat cakes and
good Maple Syrup. We’re selling the New England Buck
wheat. put up in packages, for loc the package. This is
strictly pure, prepared self-rising buckwheat. Then we have
the Hannah & Lay Co's celebrated Buckwheat in 25c sacks.
Now the syrup. The finest on tbe maritet is the Adirondack
Sap Maple Syrup. Absolutely pure, put up in air tight cans,
thus preserving the syrup to the last,drop. Tbe quarts sell
for 30c, the two quart cans for 55c and the gallon af $1. We
have the edebrated Canada Syrup. A pure article that
we're now selling at 25c for the quarts, the two quarts at 50c
and the gallon at qoc.
237 Front Street.
6 lbs Granulated Sugar.. .25
I -2 lb Tea..............................30
1 IbCoffee.............................. 16
I sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket.................................05
This isa Hiap, aad will positively ro oSaale ia
one week.
All goods guaranteed, or money back.
Efttennlse ftwen?)
..8 F™. Suoo.
The Hannah & Lay
Mimffla Conipany.
I_____ 1 r____
26 lbs H Best Rour........ $ .45
20 lb White C Surar -..
ited Suffar
in a Basket
and Delivered
I will sell grocerieS|k
following prices f6r
next ten days:
Commencing Monday morning and contimiing
all week, we are going to put up, all ia>^ basket, tbe
all to go at the price of $i.sa
following articles,. sdl
Bates vwy low.
Sdots « Htpairtd'
B Bargain
The more you spend
the more you save, if
you trade here, and
we are offering you
goods you want now.
Satisfaction followff
the purchase of tbe
goods we advertise
Now that tbe snow is beref Enjoy every day get a
good cutter. Seen our liae ? We've the Sundard Swell and
the Portland, in both regular uze and extra wide body with
high back-seat fnrvished with the finest of upbolMery in sev
eral different colors, and tbe cuUers are finished in black,
green and maroon. Prices run from $17 to $30. We fully
warrant these in every respect, and we’ve never yet had a
dissatisfied customer. '
Are music to the bones. The bells we^ell have the
finest tone made and we have shaft bells, big and little., full
chimed, sell from 50c to $2.^ the' pair: team bells, a big assortmentTsell from 35c to 75c each; string bells; well made,
good pliaUe leather, no danger of losing the bells, sell from
to $3^ the string.
flow Colli Was It This Miiniiiig?
Didn’t know, had to ask every one you met on the way
downtown. Boy agood Thermometer, saves you lob of
worry, tells you bow cold it is out of 4m(s or hpw/warm in
thehoesa havetltom in all sizes and landssfrom IOC to the
foUy toted Stamdard Barometor at $3.50.
k dtitVio
vuanBuif(.jiunTABT «, nM.
rirna; u?r_L^r!ui__L
XV «b« M Cod'*
glJft i:;;:;:::;:;:;
Sstis! ........
Lay one of them
aside ^
for yourself,
and the three (if you
bring them to us)
««r u «>L Pits <Ras U feet to in
feet impm* <i« e^ ee mMtl
f«h. X
l»imsl tsQKil
mMinee td eowidceeble HBgai, • .
tfsrte. tat more tta« two fsltaias ere
Among toa.taais
thnamnds who
-nva aaed Chamberiaia’i Oangh Aera-
ftae *r VMta w^tSp.
Vra. X'ae4ra0 I* 1U* wife
tW U
••wM iMtar n Ptooklr* ata Altaar.
w n Xmt Tert M« •
Tta Oatpealen' VaJee, Va tM,
taU its iaetaliatloB Ttarada/ areaOF MICHIGAN iacaad
Ita foUawIm M
Saitacarai,^ b^ki'
load. aoMtdins to qulitj.
blndcs aiediMd and sobKtadtoctatala paeparathn befcra
to .taUJBtatair. fleataa
•wOl as a waiaet. wlila ettara aMXa
tta am of a eabte toot. Itaaa wUoh
ootaMaa ra«iJaritr of aaifaes asd atta
are itataai. Tta
re tfaer arc rasdr for ezportatiiB la
BCaadouaUr. TtaclareraoltAlttaoh. is ramored and tta
expoaara for tea or
jdt darsto tta Baa's rajitBiBeaa, bat
la wiater a nma bealta to tta raqaind
laaipantarf is taqaiiad. aad Ita dijia« taoreB tatas eicht or tea dsjs.
Wtao wall dried, tta bkcEs ara woU
claaaad aad poUabad. Ttan tberm
Borted ieto aboot It elmaa. atah etai
Dolpb: Tioe pnaldeat. Jota JB. Wtatarii taoordiait
MaT. TiataleiPlMBctal
BMMatT. Otartae & BastacMa:
WlOXa t. S|Boal; eoadaeCair, Joha 3. Kaaetatdi waidae,
Wa EL fialM] traataa. oaa and oaabair roars. Jolm J. Stanaaai oaa
rear. Alooao Pox. eaeJ^ jmt. Wm. hi enttoQ wool—^fflDeeriaf aad Mbt“ Balaa. Aaditoas. aiae laanthi.' laeJonmal
Jota UnUor; six raootta, ». G. Warser: tbrta Booths. X. H. Wlntara.
It mar M be geoerallr knows that
Delegstes to tta atala eoBaeil.
Pnok Dolph. Wb. J. Spmal, Chss.
H. Brasiairtoa. Clamiee Hlokertt. ELI
}. Bamiaoad.
PeBDsrlvsaiaBailnad rcapaar bailda
iU own ea«UMS. aad Ibm Imilt for exHaw^ TU.T
txtn ttaiai ate known aseltaa P. Iber
We oSar One Baataad DoItaM Be- are very larpa sad bnllt. with slljibt raward for ear oaae of OateRli that oaa- riatiotw. after tbe patlern cf tta bif
There U eertaialr no me of the iBOt be owed br Hall's Oatarrh Cara, Bi«Uto taatine inpcsted into this connriatac ceoamiioa who'wlU tare . |g-J- q>iBay.Oo,. Pwpa.. Tolodo. O. try aereral yean
and which at that
totter ttotao. of Urltet ia ibrae oaa. p.’?'
t IS rears. Haw wata cariudly in iu way- When
OMcf (taaablgei
twies thaa tta lahat aoo of Mr. jaad ta^^^pM^^
tto sbopa to to ph
mad Mn. C. H. Oaboni. of Albitm. to ai.
ataad of pattiaa it to the work it Is inBe was bora leas ttaa twaattr-foar
Hob aaada br tbtfh^ba
tended tor at ona it te ran fv two te
boM tofwa Ita close of the aiae
Weal & Traax. WtalsBla
tfarea weito oa some one
tto local
teantb oaotatr.
Inucbes In onbr totraialt. aoto apeak.
TolaAaadrwtlatai Bwindter. aa^ tbe
Chdlllae Eiprasa. ii oa bU war to loO.
!'■ Chtterfa Oara fa takm iaOadiUsc and U act arrastad ta tta toniaU^. .
meaBHae will ja«bab1j
afaeat tta ftrat of Febraarr.
Vorester'a aiethod of aeparatlnA liii free.
violin and Iba latter's asooer >■
Hall's Pamilr PiU« a
tbroaxh the old time tard dtreotorr
to make fast tiate, and at almmt
rt every
aad iu iacidasital ioforiBaUae eoan*
Taller Oenter, a Uttla vUl^ n«r alalioo Ilia traia is foninl to to as liKla
biaed with Uw advertlaeiaente of Tala, haa an oil boora. Sons dvr ahem) of trbedak lime sad mow wait
teeirbaola. la aa Ohio towa the teontta i«o tta Taller Oaater tea- fur from tiai fcccaidi to a mianta. —Phil*
otlwr dav Poteater chanted aad col prorameat Onapaiir was formed^ ^Iphia KerunL
lected elitot doUari par pane for ad- Tfaer aeoared a lease of 1,000 aorea of
vertisiiuc, aad laomised Co Isaae aev- land aad •euaBoad bartap for oil.
Tba^teek eimoaptioo of their devil,
oral thoataa’d copies of Ita lUrectorr. with the raaalt that both oU aad «as whom they call Yams, makva that p«rTbe Boekrv» laeieiiaai aad hia have beea foiBd.
aonape cma of the mart rstanie of tta
aer ere now parted, aad Vorcatrr
wbolo devil tribe. Aecurdinp to (heir
is ea rente to aartbere Eliohitiaii.
* n»e Mrsmer.
idns of him, he U S40 miles high aad
tto hairs oa bb bodyataad act Uks
At Ootdwater Nta Ella DoBtaial li U a^wy^ry^^ a
palm trrea oa a moanlii
<aa. Melaaotaly. I
aadmSrB..— ____ ______________
: Uibaoo, who had held the poaitioa
for ciKht yrara. aad that of depaty
peonag uaii«s Kaoia ttietr can aad
ooaaty clerk It years.
tach other Utile pranks aspalUDgoat
«lx bandars eatared Ita brewery'' aoB. la., "aad a lame Utk raOned tbalr toagaas. toe and flaget nails and
of the Tiroll compaar at Detroit after me ao I coaid not drraa myaatl, bat goBgiag ccl tbrir eyve. Be is a heart*
1 of tbe m^ davitah kind
nidaiffbt Wnlandar. taid bonad aad Btootrte Eltuia artmUy oared me.
IV other exqaiHte little tor, tawed the nixhi watohmaB. Pred aad. altboagb n yeart old. I sow am
able to do all my hoaoewerk." It
Rats, after wiiieb tta^ Umw him U orereanes
Oonantmtlan, imiworea
a oorwar with aotaa Bok> orer him.
and then blew opea tta tafe.
MIflhiAaB'a secoad military aebool Watt's drag stores.
atari at Bentoe Harbor
. tyraaaleaUy to
Pire broke oot la the Chubollc
aboat Jan. IS. Prof,
Rd* 1 cdiixrch at Big Ratdda Taestoy and
wards, formerlr
thelspite of tta effortt of tta flra depart- tanner and bit sister, living near Koto.
mast the adttea was almost oatiraly SIcny. that ca tto erreiag before s etetta Park hotel tmlil be oaa looaate' deatreyed. Tta Ere origiaated near tsin fame day both woald '
d dteatrlolanl
tta eoUar. Ita enaae is not kaowa, doth. This
The nasiber of iciaoMra ta Jaok- as yet. The tom raaaMd ^.OW. 'with pov dnpes that ttay bacnaia toneand
aoapriaim haa nwibad tta- lAwsat «s,«0 Inananoa. Tta baltdiag
raafaedahriaktogchroaghttaatreetB. A
brother of tfaaaa anfunimatei then esma
laaik la twaaty-Sre yearn, on awaoant an old one aad wiU ptotably to
acmataw to tta ecaiclaaioa
the ere
of the arfaoleaale tteCdoal^ 'toara plaoedbyatoe«4iftM. :
lamitywM dae to the witchcraft of
balag now oaly Tto iamatea of tta
tbair atepaiother. and in a Srtff bUnd
rags ta killed the pocr woauu with a
At PIrmoaih dolomoa Brewa. of
boa.—PbUadalpbb Ledger.
Coldwater. la.. sfepM off tta tr«*
ta avoid a paaiwiiger traUi, bat tall Mich. I Post and Ziataag. Be and
dohmaogotim Bu. aide mto
was straek by a train eomiag in tta;^ ta^i5tiKfc*fe?S^St
Qaest—In what way. tlrf
other diraetinn. Bis leg was oat off‘Diaeorar for rtmteiaftliai. Ooogta
StengB — When 1 tripped ia the
below tta knee by the wbeeU of tta aad 0^ waanMiHM ouTfar
tem sad weal aprawliBgoB tta So*,
eagtoe. Brown wa. ewoate to Pitts
taartak my Yalr partntr’s draaa. yoe
bnrgwitba atriag of potatoe rare, iSSwtiSrti!!
were tta only om ia (ta room who did
aad was waltiag for a freight to take 1 other madWl^w
aqoA it"
bUtnroat. He was 7T years old.
|Oalv ^ .ng «loO at
O. Joto. WUbar Boas «t Uaqasme. fa., who | « •
UtaklagtaUu at Ml. ClemoBA vs-!^^ ”***»*^
The code of aoeletyU mnogarwltk
d tram hla iraraes «adww(«mi4
WM Baldwin ta aaa pencma ttaa that «f SiMl. m4
ia ihk woods aluoal disWI from
__ ____
any a man wbo world not aorapla to
oold. Krariy hia whole body
Sanday. tmd litao'la will r^^iao next
: hU ftqten to his atoghbort
/fresMiaad there are small chaaees I Monday. Thoae srho have bean oaard f<
for hU reoovmy. Hrladlyaara eld.)mihm« ware relaaaad Tnata^iT ■aa hit kaifa as
tta Alexander Macomb
,ttara bat bean 18 oaaaa. bat all^i
Eteaghtrra of Ita AanHaan Barela-1 bton odaBned to tta hmM -»■__ u
Horn WiU eodMTw to ted tta tame grat tobta oat Bo dre^ toe. ».
of ovary soldier bailed to Macomb I aalmd.
otanty wbo aarsed to oither tta rev
battenaxy war or tta war of ItU.
Is tta perrwos of this aoeisty to ynpMat bottle of OroMa'a WaanMed Byetly mark these gravaa
ltt*a niaiiiiiiBiii. aadan
i^afTar tfic fails to em yov
eadteorceld. Voatoa fiiMdaa a
BHetR7 Went wlU add
fertr-ftar tbotusad apfde »«• to
liU 4Wotard. ei(hlMB milae Mtab of
tta «{Us«e of O^jrlocd. OtMfo'oout7. MfWir i» tbe epri^ as tta
weatber will pennit. Wtan bit wotfc
it done ICr. Ward .wilt be oae of tta
lariieA frail Krawras in tta Obited
fttatcs. itlt
two thoarand aerM aad aiaet^-titae
thoaaasd Uvea. Tta land U plae
A etate coaTiatian of eportaatn ti
to be haU is LaostBff tta latlM
(•rl of JaDiiai7 at wbiob a kH
Uoo will be fniaed injiag tta eute
lerislalttre to aiaead tta pnaoet
niBo law* BO ftaas tta killtat of
To tta Tmxpmjm at tta Oltr of Trat
Tta tax rolls fwtta
le state and oontr
rear IMO. ood for >
From our
Ulster, Overcoat or
Reefer stocks.
The cleanest and
best of gQods
at the lowest of prices.
,n». ,'SSi
y IWli. Itaregnlsr fee ;
tmto-d am
-.......T centItf<for colleoHoP wTll be; *
and oa all tsxearTtaainltig; asvMU- LawoKa.'nr«.
___ iryiOth. there
e will
toiM^’ ■ i fee of 4 per c»nt
It for cs>l-,Kwi
ewsert. N.-S-IWefir W. BerW.
Pesialty oa deUnaassil city
moaat of mid tax.
Oflioe to reom l. Herald bnildtog.
Dated Deoember I . 1900.
Peter Warttatg.
City Tresaorer.
To Hannah & toy Camnaay,
h. Craw. PwntateTian (^barch Soci
ety. E. & /onea. Ooogregattooal
Charoh Soeiety. Hebrew Obaxta Sooiacr. aad Cbarks H. McMietael or
J. a. Ztoaer. Eat:
Yoa ara hereby notified thM an as_______ has beea made a^aat yoar
nemtas for one half Ita cost of the
lateral sewer corameBoing at- oo' near
tlw eMteni boaadary of lot I. block 8.
original pint Traverse City, and
raantog tb«tre east with a Hs Inch
pipe to a point aboat IS feet vreat of
the matere boandaty of Park Place
aoeat: thence ranntog north from
mid point with a nine toeh pipe to
connect with the sewer already cooieel:
State and Waahingion atreeta. Tlte
pnrpose of mid lateral sewer is
lewer the following
'tog <lcacribed
described nronpr
Lou. i *o7.
inclaaive. Modblock 8,
original pUt-Traverse
Tnrcrae City, biota 90.
original plat Traverae
Travene City, tta iwest
St feet d lot IS and all
" of' 'toi |6,
biota 21, original plat 'Ikgreraa City.
Said amaaament has ...
the board of special aiaeai..................
ported to Che eity eeancil in oompU--------with
the city charter
atarter and ofJtootdui> nlatire to the lerytog of ape-
TSr s
__ B eooneil and beard
boai of apeoial aanaors ariU
'•' meet on Ji
- 1901.
t 8 o'clota p. m.. for
m of
Any parw ' inunaM to the abora
aaaammaat may appmi at this ttoae
and Miow canie. if any, why aaoh asmmmtiBt afaealdnot to lerled and eollooted and said board of review shall
have pewar to adinst tta same and
tta aerion of said board to nIaHoD
tberato shaU to finaL
Dated thU tout day of Oaoamber.
A- D., 1901.
AlmoB W. Rickerd. City clerk.
ItVi-e o d to I-T.
Caraaf T
sBaUef Ootps deaitea
aad nlae
Clothing Co.
We are Starting the XXth Centunr’s Sailing
>VI«K Our Ortete«
Annual ClcaraDceSalc
Winter Suits and Overcoats.
We were fortunate enough to secure a big lot of Kuh, Na
than & Fischer’s celebrated clothing at about 60c on the dollar.
Every suit, every overcoat, every ulster a rare bargain, and
fully guaranteed.
We are never undersold. Our competitor wonder how
we can sell so cheap—It is because we sell for cash and buy for
cash and mark our clothing at a barely living profit. You will
note a few prices quoted below, which will bear evidence that
we are underselling them all.
CMn of ny Ustif Ii Ita tam, Incliilliii niHS ifi to 121100 it $l2a
Beaver and Oxford Grays —
worth S6.00.
Dancing School
Wednesday Evening
“ -
a of Hew York
_____ -AUttalataat aooiland glide wnltx artll to
d to onatetm. OhUdtea’a
» wlU to formed
__________ - o^iooL
PM P.?Ite3!^mor
John R. Santo
1 *7F)^uysagoodb)ueorblackBeav^ er Overcoat, worth op to $4axl
51 510
lxm&.**1ilra. Baay, Mn.
Moi^'Mra Mene. Mta. Oook. Com-
____ s^rsffa s °SrgLg!S&gL‘*°"
jg.toikr nr akirr.askEE BSPORE MOTnra. Gnat toamdm FirciosuSx
nnhaadafiwoo UeoHon.
___ .sealre mid
itUPobrMty 1.
aata weakk day tram
tom 8|P:-“.:________________
------------------------------- on and] nb. L^*waj«TOK.«i*w«i sttmikB
o-.tack „B1.
1. a. I
WII Piircliasi
Four Dollar’s Wertli
pitta reeomr, bat ata> i
a riagk ease has raanltad to pnaa■aato Ttaa. Whiideld
* Oo,
Oo. $«
ht»tato *
Wafaaih aretme XXiotffo. one of tta
0*«U Kersey and the pomilar 0»fords, guarantee to be woru $looa
Men’s Imported Iristt Frieze
Ulsters-are positively worth 7 QQ
S13.50. now.................................
coals which'were formeriy Sisxxh
Ever)' garment fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or
mone>' cheerfully refunded.
Ym cite fi Ita Omtto k Ita taoso it S6.50, IMU« Ita $2SJ» tata
at $ 1.76. $2.98. $4.98. $5.98, $6.98. $8.80 and $9.89
Must be seen to be appredat^—the number whtdi have be« sold, is ao evidence
that our prices are positively tbe lowest coottderiog quality- Remember these price*
krill soon diminish our stock fio rapidly that if you are oot an early purchaser jeo^
stand a poor chance to get your siz&
The Boston Store
■ crtTiiaem, unm>UT,>uniAKl>, uai.
k GOLOBAIK) STORY. nAiis Fw snrcR SYsm
Kfllk«we aterwrtra-haf
item to bo tawcMa
awth- U Kaaaa City------» la ailka
Ctt7liRtaMr V»lmh« f^pM- UUolttlatowBofPwkTllla.k htebaib
^ ■***' aritm
tke apeatba twerfdca of ayallty
aiaao a«aiM tba broad lliMoon. M
tb« IwalH adsht coataia pwbi(aM
•■ anm diMTiel >;«. «
boBM. ft»<Bg oiber laancra. boorrrtL
ivUllwn^ for i
it abritn a aemiaaiy of riiartfirabli
IIOOMCU « tktix :
local fataa whieb tcaetea both baaa mi
rirb tb» hlfber teancbM of aa cdoeaia^vtlM tko omtlw of tbai. bat with wbfc* Jort bow we bare
Tba mats atnel«f tbo
toiinh l>i II FII n'frt T* 1 -----------;thui«ri
ItttOiaUtUoriTCr.whklifuBllUri; laortb
te bar >«* Brofch otnot. TiHido laiw alcns tbo botuaa of tba
mi fi^torHiotitrly ion tii .loaSdr. \» ctat «wi br the ooMon U»e of Tallry at nsbt aaflM with tfaeMtaoaii
.......................... ...
Uaroo MW. ll Iroaur ft Oetoor * >ft<Utiar. mi tbo
Tba Star writer waa dUiaf U fcoot
'ioMroalboi B br BaSIraod
of local
' Tt» WOiB atik Kvcr will opw Ibe micbaat wbo bad aold it. It waa
“tatoPo dointiob* Olid tea
f the G. B. ft. L aboot S o'eloeft in tba aftsDooa. aad
into llw tin
IW mmo
» IM. AMPMim'.
SOO . bridge, rraoi tfai* poftil U will es- many of the cofiitiy pec^le weaeoaxMt :und cart oe Prtat itnet lo Ho|» ias Into town, ft coaotryclrl of tbe laMn<dd.aM»oai|b Ifo|M
•met. tooUi oa Hc^ to VaokiafrMa. (ioa caw caatrrias ap oa a bar^aek
ftfta of
bcaae and tbd oS Ca wbat, now that
’'Si^iatlNBiddloef UMoixtTCadi
DO ValilBictoa to Bailnad
oo Bailnad 0T«ae lo Tbe Star nua'a attentioi waa eallrd to
it. be notkad waa a qocer aort of bona
i^ffalh. —» oa Bicbth to VUlo, blorJc.
‘ 'rtwet. aad awth oa Valloy U> Haa~ waa DotblDR Mora or ku thaiiaD
ibrrirawMlrd w i**>>
ProriaioaJi amie (or;cftl raaly *afo of
u^\ «w«.
bad apparratly lain there forytirfl and
tal ditw-'' Wtaral
aewen to rf}.{n
diaia II...
tlie retire dU^ bad
a arwrr
rrr^ ila opeaiac wbea rxawiaed dlaclcaed a aiu|deiaai
. it Ibr rirrr will be SI
il^ebea ia dla- looUnR bok io «m aide, clearly tbe
rk of ezplnirai. ftt thla point tba
.<^^tba fall aone 706 of tben>, Marl clad pMter.
Bticariiai of tbr iaTcetipatcr ftom tba
•. aDldkn. eaup foUowetm^diaButa ItaiB ; xbr plana aa drawn apby tbr dty CMt waa olkd to two otbrr aafea, atmand
andsko lyttt* “> tbeir
... .. rcplodrd
fidra ia tbe rtrerl ead dnind duty ai
^ by tba danu Pe railroad, and at ibe bri
tbMMir Matrka.,bone'blarfce.
.ataaitic of winter auda acanp at what
w tba aito cf Ttinldad. whieb riU
•jnietly lancriMl Sat- Star tnaa tf tbe '
ethof (ba iUlon
i fairly la tbe taoatl
I tba Twy tbi^- 1 aaclr. Mr. Bdward Krfil. at HoMli-1
»«* “f « »«»7- f
........... .
.. - . Ibe Pwfcrllk
TO the
tne Mai
eaM nf
a port. Tk«
The oareaway
waa jwrlonaed
... ,
The Want of Working People.
ra aa( af pw—«lHB Or. ft. w. O
warti af Baa« aetlw ftk«e(4'a
O. U. aheofct a«pldjad.ia tt» Oai•AV cm.
ial oOea of Ur laiObio In ha ~
3. ft. aayte. «M wmimoir taland
UtauAlrayraterftiy OMCsteftby the
trwWi.eHU ................... air Mr Ma j UauM tr. a. w.OmU nS ij Lli a
lehBW<MVcUlvw<^<a Braena;
ecau: ‘ferraan ISwi B luaaM Ur Ball
aeAoaa iajaty and poait-OattetaraMBwaittia M Mf. Oaa. U>w.' BUR ■aBariU tHeaa»bl II Jt I la
Ua death waa a aaiTWW oae.
Tba rmleaalaar, a tmAiat turd ia A- W. (Baara DtMr Llr« >BB tw mf Uaw UlMat
Wi lllll
M Buaotaetaxe of plata wort. U
Ut I eanaau a Ite _ M
I aeak. I
bnted by brmamr tiU It
Ba ana kawied lack
JlentisL ^
preaBBauar' •»*«* »!«*«• » .»**
aqnare iaeb. Wbea tbe priuiri ana
about at thla point, a bolt bmka. and
tarrlbla 1am.
throat^ a door, i^ete ba lay ea tba
Soar. etBBBed aad aaarly naeoa. fttklbwt Berue aad JDm
duada BlaekcM. both it Kertbpen,
picked np by Dr. Saydir i Ako Ibe Biita U tbe Drawls
anltadia auniate Meaday at
Ibr WMeh tU CoiM « >
aad Dr. Leater. aad oairled into tbe
raaiduee of Bar. Bocfcorca
ofBcw, where be .aoon twrired.
then tnkea into tbe eOee ef Dm
Great latereat ia beiad taken in the Mlaa ftauUa Blaekea aad Mr. Btaey
ft Moon, where he wni att^- TodBd reeleet for tbe
Soou amaded the bridal eoapia.
ed by Dr. W. 8. Moca.
in Ibe lataraattonal <
After the eawlmwy the brIUl party
Mr. Sbook’a Cnee waa badly enl and eidiooU. to br direa by Ibe Record. repaired to tbe bene of 'Mn. Oon
laearnted. ft paab almoat aenm bia Ko additional rotce were reeeired
face waa eat jaat below tbe lotrer lip.
-eaiac. thoodh all tbe
uHUwne Mrred. Naay I
ftnotber laiaUer goA waa oat fa tbe
are baolly eoUeotlBd baUota.
aired by Mr. aad
upper Up The upper teeth
linte o«oor,
BBtnber of rdlaa win be
i. aad a boat of
both the w j buided in tuidbt.
eoBdratalatiaea and doad
Uid lower law bone, wtae____
• ■ The Record bar reoelred tbe eet of
rete re- ; bomnd ToUoieA of tbe ooaree ia
. ,,
qolred for the cat in Ita^ lower J*w j
n,d ««ther eet I
Otei.li. R-iok. Hauit.iB.Ttei U
aerer aold la balk by paddlere or len
White tite
than SSc. Doa't be fooled.- d^ tbe
tea Bade by tbe lanoaa Madiau Medlotae Oo. Aak yoor dragt*!-
PByojplMt and Burdwon.
Bil>ll till ■Mil mj Fitted.
5* •a we
■ ■ ■■_________ I
; ;
Pere Marquette
ITlfh Witne W<im- l •*•*“"* Iiicuutuumi; mrrin. v'e iviuat i urn aon a™ aim r raua aaiuM auu tia< I lory, orereu dcatl^
■ in tbe ©mce of the RecotiL
I tbiw pat In a biUrrooi•“'“dnl by Mitt pior-* Yutin«i-r hrtnl««ni, aloni, wiib tbe teat of
' tUae. and probably
'• • ly tuHl
bad aa
ea iniK-b
tnncli fnn
fen aa >nee
: enoe A. Tbonaa
Thonaa and amitlanl
amitlani ..
h—i| w
I*”*. - Tbey come, chardin
Poaimaatar Raff lua receivtd
i tbaycTM bad before, aiare. Wit.i.r. ; houM- keeper Pred Stebbitu. Tim I
Tbnradb'a mistake. Uu date of tbe i
te. u« liitete. .tel teu.il teuite tell, teiii. wrfi,. do.. ..ite..i I.I.. tteio. i EV Id
v,^n; i£^^ sL otanp canoelliiid maehine from Uk- : rioac
nf tbe eoataat for riie free eebol- i
. i.Oi.Ua.lteiITrt.ld«l.
»tel.l,l,.iu uid.ppll,..l.i,.uid 5;f
! midbiy pnjielar wiib (fnanarabiii In the Interaalioaal Correa-i
•nea-, ITajF'a
a. a.i*. a.
"With tbe fltrl cmnlnd «f tbe Cl , : the brideamaid wore a dieaeof veae-1 tre
okod In the local poet offire J
aaapoodraer School ■ tbe adventamA banubed tbeir ar- I
The raaeblne Uaa a capacity
ittcr all they lieard of."
lettere au hoar.
boand f« Bl. Augnatiuo. aaubnrind
;• aereral bendrede, weTeuMrcbiiiddoaa
J-tbaral% cf tU Urtk liter by wbirli
' Ibay bad camped.
Hot a faaUur erer fl.-ied bw'k to le’l
tbaatorycif tbeir fate. With tbe bat
Bap cf tbe laM haomr aod the lativt
' aun dUot ou fbetcarmcat MmI rap they
Bkonaared from tbe earth. To Uiia
' day no oae it abk in loakr a Bo(^eMicBi
ara aa to what becamo of them, earept
that It la mppoaed they were bairber^
by tbe Indioati.
Fifty Tran a«» Ibera wo» an old Coebachtef naaird Irou ■'‘hirt,
Iirt, Imi
ofataatyoldaUrt <if chain tuail wl
ba woe* bat aeilbrr be nor any nf Ibe
knew aaylbiuK of tbe
■n in tbe
back than (be Mrart 'tkxnaiK-b« tnemory
oealdraabb Many bare tuppoaed lUt
it waa a relic cf tblR t^maiab eapodiiioa
f■ tbne centoriee
centnriee mtn.
oito, which, liad
liad ap
partatly marched oB tbp earth tbit taraway epring day in the moaih of tba
"Bat iHjw for tbaiciak in uumeorlare I WB« thlnkiiw of--------M rf tbeae Spaelah m
' "l dnuiio bowmorb they ««d from
, U<»
HoaUngtretarncI frobi'
jlMBfiadyoaierday oa Bcooent of tbr.
a ^
^ adjournment of tlm k«UlBtare oalll.
mdly at llie *afe ncacert lo him. the ooe
;nexl Wedntaday.
„. . __,,
'^«>dKortb of bn, >ii;ali|rtilcd.
Waatbataafeycnrir' eni aaked
City line teturaed home, after* tiall
{vUh Mina looniav Friedricb.
I,! tliea riiifat wbar 1 do t)pw and Ject na
| Mix* Mabel Gibba of
I TlaitlUd ' >>er Moain.
Mix Ethel I I do
Olbba. of Weal Kidhth aCreet.
-----------------------1- Mpnaf,tbonM?”ohaerredtbeParkA oarleoil of chain was reeaired rilk inaa. "Tbry ain't in aobody'a
from Hcnnaylraiiia yeatenlaT by J. way, and they do BiM nte for booe
W. Klalen
Uocka. Nnlbee IblaR. tee ain’t «.d no
------------------------- •
carta u(» lackk Hroad eoLatjh to
, ’emnrdiow. So we jwt let ’em bo «*
•*"J. aa Ibey aay •it iani."—WaahiDiiiid Ilntl.Mid. 'the fnlnol'e I I, necrU-l.
nwi. lii.
Iii. iwteir
|-«r liitiltb , iaslen Star.
.1. iiwi«
larsHc In III. hard work, lie wrtlee
Is4ka TeiUuay Tm Ml«.
•• urn «Uv anil f«r Ini., Ibe
I Ex-Senator Henry U Dawee. tbe
F.tnitmwwmiatn of tsermfny drtaLa dialinuLDof the! '
none tmt Mccic.ia iwRiH-. Bud a year
year'e* | that ibe town aile qoeatloa in the Indian
ti. l.im awvnlnrly nfiir
nf''*^ ;; Teeriinry ba» bmaue tate <if preat ItnMclj^ li:irie«i fnitii a pkotaii.in I" i pg^i
Tbeie are imw nbont noO.OOO
..nilc people in Uie Indian Teratorr.
il the «tiltnti of T.irk.-y
They Imre linilt up town,. Imi are mere
{ |u,Vt!*am''
----- -. .. . ,
'Imam* at attffereiiee. witlmnt a liarticle
Park itTMlbridee aad hriagiiig ni.t*"^ bU right mtdina flayer hsfweea j
againet the O. R. ft L frei^l boaie-. |«»® P^“k^ » aeetwely that the Onmilewta^'
hail to be re^nl at tbr Jket joint.
■ the' l>r. A', s. HbfWi |*-rfo»iaed the oppta-/ las the'
Over $2,000 worth on hand, principally fine
and high grade goods, made specialiy for us and
anyt)ody can see their superiority over the or
dinary kind. We make the prices so low that
without a doubt the entire lot will be sold this
•!_ Aoaligbt.
d a
■ darlnmid
iLnrkMfHt room
mnm wrllb
ariidcm liyfat a ruby- whete tbe ejutnid
wae a moaiem bef.ire—a lawny wine
red <f oxquiaite tccr. Edmund RaaaelL
forGoats that aro worth in any market S3.75 to $4.50
forGoats that aro worth in any market $6.00 to $7.00
forCoats thaf are worth in any market $8.00 to $9.00
torcoats that are worth in any market 10.00 to 12.00
for Coats that are worth in any market 13.00 to 15.00
tor Coats that are worthjn any market. 20.00 to 25.00J £
Muauari raaks Bret ia Maka, teete
in the last ecarae year •SI.7U: tba
aext beiOB IVsaa. with StT.tSf, and tba
third TaBBcaaM. sritb <63.636.
S-SSSi itss
“I have
taad dMl ------------- --------------------- ---------------af
u. '.l««.M.te ',m. w a.,
andredbynighi. Aod *wh agreen—
and Mecicam moibats toll their childui
of Ibcaoldlrta who. hundrede uf year*
,<U.«a»e ua
IB* man-bed from there aud were
malcteA rrmio '
Barer baard uf aiiBla.-'-WaAhto|ii<m ISmBarniJi!'^'_____
ratMT V4tr- Lack Btoiey ia Gieat Britain ia tba
m of 1 abiUiny ptr bead
CP all cattk M at auction narti. I
^ fUAt life* a W—Aa
abilUafce per
A yooait and well drcAeed w
per bead cat Idr up to M xtaiUiafi i*
torod ChariDR Cnau lokura^ office tbe
Talae. twopence pir-bead over 30 abilother day aad wmee out a diepatch
and n.
lin«A aad up la M afaillii«> aud tbieo.jd tMUsnui). M.ft
be mt to Maacheater. Sberead It orer,
E Htri.j
-iS^" pence per bcml or«r 66 shiUiSfE*. Wba*
lefleeled fir a aioocst, aod thca ^ij^nl
aniliea tp pipe abo ap^e* t(
dropped it oa Utc floor cad
U- teOTte-l
NOT. . ^
OBd. Tblaobeako threw awny. hot waa W «EU state
Mti*L a with the third and aeot- it nff
IID BOuMllentli (arnae
Mr. Btllatb-Ii'A my kind of yUB,
a read
Flia^—"Rerer kt lae hear tna yoa
fw:.-. ■
laisi !;s
ToAiadav tbe river wear* all three .Ift/AhTHA-a r-r! RM.-r*l ro.*. n,u«
litlU.Alh« rewktwouW -..m l«.rn ’
hinlnii tothr Trinidad oewApapriA.
where be woahl find eattle braud> ad-
Bacood.—“KooBa axpreta yonio re-
•e«,H.n.. 1. fond of dor., and I. a
*.h„ol, Co their
Kpl.ndld boru-mnn
o OB Ibe nprrMit:
r. T. lUilleti. l!ir onHiorof a inle.. children, M.OOO cf wbcidThare no other
bltk Ilrer Rio de La* Aaimar, ran bwav froiii li.iiiio aiHl wi-ul
Ibneewhoee pannta
a* .V cnlilii ■•ny at IE. .fie oeuaiM-.'
ratetearhera They have no voire io the
aadil ia anppoeed to Indd llieatoey t Mllnr lireII K'plliis -:iw " tale li.- 1:
doyi-niBimtH of tfaeei> five ualiuua. par .a
Wr:ilel|-;Mld a.IvUi d lllm Id SO HI "1
polio- lafk-er to pn>i
pnnert them <r tbeir
t ia tbe river ladmaRe, wbirb
adumet vicil.-m-e.
ibeMosIramdutmt poeiend to andrr- Korlliomjitnn. Slii.-. a few da.v« a
It will betlie obi.'.-i of tberenuniaftaad.
e.ne lli-ivunlcnf tlir n|do>| Woman lu i
enrh a Kilutiau dt
"When Ibe Frmcb'far trader* under the T-nv Male. Sin- wn» Inim In Mon- ' fv. ,,
SohkWa aad St. Vraln eame Irappinn trenl III ITn:.. Ili'i f*!l>er llve.1 to I>e ! luiTe built np tl
ia tboae walen Tmm S|in a
lanteauma in ecMtly bnihfitid. and exFMach effort at iranalatiou tbrr made
pmAlni itnre* and trading place* may
oat that the Hirer of tbo L^at Souk
title to tbr druund npro
n tbo PursBlGcy river.' and «j miscellaneous wants. arUirb iv Atructurm *t«rd ««i
™ i t;—:------r~I---------------------------- -------- I vuli-e in tbeir d>vcn)meu1,and, ercondly,
lerriteite, 11, Ateteite. b.11 i FS-“Kr-E-ifK'*;5iS.i;fc;• toer eball be lieW either
... raluable
. ,
te, ilA/A>n*fa*-A~m|.i.»i).«i«B»i..eUdr
“Bnrr rean |>irka nut hi* name for
hitiulf, bat they
ftm. It iaa't much of a river cither,
. ]l<t-lf
only BboBi M feet Wide at Trinidad.
* MexicaiM. h
t'harlea kehtwr lam
proper reward will be fwld for tbe tarber eJiop of Ufouti
return of the young man in good con-1 ,i,p Hotel Wbitiag. and will Mk<- fne-1 3 S i
ttl hixjaeixiaa iblA aorniag.
Boys’ Reefers reduced $+50 to $4.00; Youth’s Ulsters reduc- ,
ed $2.50 to $8.00; Youth’s Top Coats reduced $5 to $8.00;
Men’s Fur Ulsters all reduced; Odd Lots in Men’s Suits to
close at $3.75, $5XX) and $7.50; Men’s Odd Pants, an overstock on sizes 38 and 40, reduced to about one-half price.
^ |,
w*M coaie from (be pecnilar naturu
•C bta baataeoe. ,
boicbcr. for In-
fay. aBdibe taaa wbo *|,ied them w»
BMrir talked an arm Off aw.“
Jotanaon looked
(■r aal* Mr.
tJISTUXO VOl-yiO MAX-(^ *va m "Why—why—a arotpiaB'e de MU
WdlBarwM yaau Mr.
' ' aaa." mti Mr. Jacksw* wba tad
; cmr, mcH^ ^atitboat,
110?. I
retiirT wiu stmidI.
Min1»t«r» at Pakin
Prasooutor Rosolndbd
thnt the Sgkt -wfU «ah» piMB
By tha Unitad Stai
Hnw Terk. Jam. 4—Ttott
BiookAd N«setlatk>ns Amof«
.................. tottor opte-
ttoaofamteVtoBkmandtbe mtoMigsr yittothmii today toU
Vmktr tkataadmao '
wnald tht parait to toroked.
WIU Probably bs OrAntsd by
loan AmloabiaABraamant
to a
sad tke rartoM of
wm >,000.fi00 4mm. Tto priBeliBl
age wm ta St Fual. tMv
Hertksn PariSe.
Board of Bupaivtoor*
Wi^lmte Jaa t-For ^ w
Uw me* tka B«KottecateMat ...
i<mllcBmlnl«(«nb(«M*t‘'Ftola the
Atamitmn garwmml tow f«wto U May Hava Waight l^ith Vena■ niiMiy to arte dintoly to dto
>«iMian Oovammant
yotrwri lo help tk« mtototm on
a Tefclac UeMae Aetlee
ff for Mt PlMcant
t Tratoas Pre-
t turn Mlaimr Oeaipir. PMto taka dapMito to \
tlv'oatlook Uho|w|a«forM toPtoMt moB( tka diptcMlte
tena aa to Um amoat atol tolaiaetar of tntoBBUr to to Inalatod oa bj hei aerred BoUet <m VtaMnela that
tke pooan. Aotiac oa OoByar't It mnat take BO boMtle mpt to «««**
potmtiloB of too tnopeity bow held
aakad Ja|a« and »Taral of tba mw- by Kew Yoto and Bomeda eonpaniat
an of Baraiia to toda
nndl no opfwctnnity het been giren.
to obtnto a rnttlentat of
throagh the eoartt or some ether
I^ooaaa. Job. 4—The Anaritu
The tiatotog thlp.
. touajr toto7 reealTad uatraol
terd and Bnffnlo and the gnn(ran Waaktoyton to rap'd to the at- boat Bcxsploahnre been ordered to
Utato of tto United Stotaa toward la Onayrm, Port ol Oniacat, TenmAlaa. It U udtmtood that an eb't capilaL
ayam—nt hat been rcaehad tnyard'
tmt torai and the eomptatioo of the
eonaart of the powm onir miaira
the stomt ol the Itoited HtaUa
acrrnmant oorm the eafflceeaMaii
IrtquatDwn la Thraatanad, But
ratoto twellmtoarjr taraa. alto the
Nothing Dadalve Raportad
deotatoe in regard to aoBe of the de' naadt which cannot to eafocerd at
prrant. __________ ^
Vtommlte IfhL.
> te*7 rMS) optolpa that tke
aottoo ntotire to the reqnirira d
boadt from the praeontor and tke
Jadge of ptobate wonld bs werinded,
And tea the natter oaraPbefote the
bote the Icrmet rotote fMoaddtte aad OB noticm of Sapeertoor
IB. Ike aetian of ttie board to resairtog toe bonds named wat resciad-
« la toe nor ctf Jeame O. John
length by the boerd,
nltbongb no
I it. TIm
paOtioB. amenttolly ae isaaeBted at
tkie ttom. wae deoied at a fseviOBa
■BMtiag of toe board, tot there aeemt
to be a pro^wot of its taring better at
-The eomtmny. thrmigfa Agent Mar
ty. agreet that the city ahall tore
Jie right to oroai the track at any
Ume. toenld toi>y derided to eatend
Oaaaatreri acrota the river and
toe hay. It to aim agreed ttot there
ahalt be a free right of way given,
' > cam the city atoll deaii^ to amke
public loading place between tto
rivrr nnd the track beckiof the Han
nah A toy Mcrmatile Ooi Btore. U
was the opiaiaB that theae propomlt
toontd be embodied la deflaile fora,
aad tlie matter wae left la the hands
of the committee on loadt aad.
bridgea. and they will imtobly re
port to ttot efleot today.
new deek'wae ordded tat the
eonnty clerk's office aad for the lodge
Of isobate'eeffioe. Both these totoe
tto HtoBtac tooDid.
OnpeToipi. Jan. 4-Two hontond
A table and riiair were aim aathorBom Anrr reemsed the Omnge rlrtr
Morris, ah Ohio Ctrl
from Gape Ootony. The tohabltaBti inedfcrtbe'eheriff.bnt these will not
of BebhtuBaland are goBerally ioto- he secured for a few daya
The eommittee oa balldinge and
tog toe Boon.
gronnde wae asthori^ to parehaae
1 to la Daaow
100 oonU of green wood for the
the oenney ne« winter.
the state asL It it ai
lUrriHla. O.. Jan. 4—Araoat outo' of soperrisors asking ttot
rageoot erlBe waa pcrpetratod to tke
. be nnwinted
iittle vllb«e of Ilackne;, Morgan end wiU not te* •oy targe fora*
toU oonnty. to attend the meei
tog to toniing next monto. was re
,to opemrtt tor (ran toe railway.
mnaadoal ' IfeUuwtk Dnidooy. ceived and filed.
The committee on bolidtogs
old. left her h oetogo t > the rlliMian. wat killed at Utrecht
> place
gronnds was
lage peetoOce. ttoe had
h of t
mail box at the door of each
Icoaly, teolnded apot ip a deep ra
county offior*.
tine when idle wat aeeoeted b^ Wal
A bill of toe Hannah A toy Merter A. Welntaoc*. *i .
kulUeOa fortUBSl. wae aliewed.
nm of niinmal MraigUi, who at
tempted orimtoal ataaoll. She reaitt l^rariitac tieumm Anelaw Mmfoet ta This U toe claim to oooneetioo wito
Varam Pierce Ttol am a DtatBce
to final setllameBt for toe oontt
cd him tke beet die eonU. bat wa.
nnaaooamfnl to baflling him to bit
. Mtto relied BUM.
The rest of tfad day wne spent in
dewdiik deeignb.
nptdtl lulbc Komtec toned.
Wkeo ke feared raalta and tke
work by the snpervlaots.
JaoknoBrilto. Pin., Jen. 4-tnfertwatmeut that
nmtlnn wne received bate today from
him br bti neigkbon. be took a.iatar Madima, thU otote. ttattog that nro
and eat I>er throat from ear to ear. negroes were lynched there Uet night
«enl eft'. >1. A M.P.br nillOlue
eevertog all the mntclee. which laid by e masked mob to rerenge for toe
Che iicwd back oo the gtrl't
«to Theamti torrlet.
murder of Tboaae Bedding
Mlm Morri* leeeired ameal other
aexWl I., TV-MnniUir a.^«d.
weeks ago.
rote in the ttoaggle and almost bled
Kew York. Jan. 4—James J. Hill of
Falrhnn. Oa.. Jan. 4-8toUng
to death toforr help readied her. homiBnei. CBlorod. was killed and the Qrmt Kortben, wito the BockeFtoellr the wat diaeoteml hj a partr is SOB OUfferd was <
feUcrand the Morgan totereati
n who mw blood In the eieek. 'onnded by a mwd of---------- -red ooBtrol of the (Niioego. MilWrtotaeok wat >xa captured nnd it
ear heie In* Bight Tkmapmm Imd wnnkee A St. Paul, tbus giving them
now lied with ropet to a email bnlldbm> Bollfted to leere toe oommnntty a complete,tnnk line to the PnriSe
tog, oloaely gwarded by atwtod depa- nod tolled to do
- ties: It Ir more than likely that he
teapolii. JkB 4-The elate aa' will to lyncbed be^cre ntamlag.
nnniTH wti.L bk kbmovsd
thcwltlee wm laforned today that
jiuj tiiiAwn KAPitM rAit-niK
pmnena to Spemoer oOBsty have
lueartuuiare teTHed rram BamBr
avas toto
aainki toennlras
tot a vigUaaee
Outraged and Murdered Nalita
cchk aita.i)»n
■Biratl I- TV Woc»l»e Bewed.
and Imve
IjBch CBBTt. Maay aegroeo
i^ ordmed away bm toe eoaaty
hMttog aslesf k
Vhm toe bonrd of s
Tbe matter of the peddao^ tke
I. B. A L BalhoadOoni^ for
stui ■
JW kimdtOtfkt SuppHf
€Hy Bookstore.
Co btgia tbe Bern Year^ wttk,
Baw la ataek. «
We <aa SMit fan. .
We are Bond to Rednce
Stock this Month.
ion ot B63.650 R«o-
r <^aa TM <MtM* a» av km far *• kMdIt of Butt Wai
te tbaaMekaa aymtef adiur ot
Mm^aUr. It k tkeoakt *>M
to vltl 1w teUf ■■liwilwnai
jtakvabt a.
1,290 -
Jan. 4-The Indian
apjsofBtotioe blU. reported to Ike
eennte today. cMrlae9n.S»for tto
ML Flmant Ittoi— aeboot:
IS.000 to naked for aa addltl^ ■
toll and kittoea:9t.«IO for Ike koapiml;«I.TMfar general repairs aad
•l.m for oapmto
tandmit. and MUOD for toe matotonBoe ^ edncBtiaB of the 900 Indian
In toe stBaM this moralng BeBotor
pledgiaglto^mBBte to tk
It of
auto iawa aad the nmking
of enrii
tnatiee ni wiU imbibU the mle of
nnd IntorioatiBg Uqnars to
aboriglBal trlhae and BariTillsed
.The raeolatloB wae adopted.
AresolnUsB offered by Mr. PetUcaillBg for tsformaUon wito
we to the Pblllpplom aod InformatloB relative to the neeeeeity
case in the strength of the
nrmy. wne referred to toe commit.
BLml Rtealegto Mrs.
H.B-. mr Iwrttti- Acrm A t And >
• 1.00
8.^'. BabVnl vWr Un
Ladfcn'risUVn. Bab U|. Im'4',
tedVi-• IJI end tl A Ws ra ahM
• 1.00
Hm-r Varw MVn rrBwnd V ti.A aad
• «.BO
M«u'» Itm Ktd avr.. V~-end roarrmi
• i.»o
I.bV«' trwMrII
Oiaad Kapid*. Jan.4-A petitloa
to baBkTDpicT wat died today agatotl
Piedmlcfc W. Wnrvbnrg. the pro|wietor of a Btge departmeBt etore here.
Hit liablliUee are mid lo to 9lto.oaO:
Bsaete anknown.
Prederiek W. Vmrsbaeg to cemtowd
. to hto heme by iltoeat aad whim WilItoBi M. WniBbaig. hto ecB aad
ager of the etore. was aotiSed of the
' I to tke Uaiied and heard Prof. Pmak H. Pumbs
Bmtee ronrt at the tomlly i
qoeatioa of govarameBt
lo; Summer street this nfMiMOB. ke
. ef laUwnya. He armed to
add; "1 have little to nay to oon- tavor ot fedeent ownaaklp for-tto
aecttoB with toe aetioB.
We be- naaoBttot it would prevoBt raay
Itove, however, tlmt nattm wiU he diami ' n Artor, Jam. I Peter Vnnoe
alcaightemed ont In Um. Aa aeeB as ogaa BOW exi^aad
Bitted sntoide this morato
4kto to done we hope to nakgaalM
typ^tmetotottototomtoftoepublto. _ «m4 tome mllee weal ot tola elty
to onttl^ hie throat wito a aaqr.
aai" ________________
ITAUAK MranXBXB aawTKg'c'BU VaBoa waa aamawied aad wan a
Joaeph Vanoa. Into law
UtoBriaa of tbe anlrasity.
e only maoa nttribatod Cor tke
ewunw taBefeml m««e tke »
Vaaoe tooodnd
BeoeHorrubMPmUl Pmedi
V TV Hwmlet Brnwa.
rottor'e dmto aatU fempomrily
Bged. Be waa aged akoat
WatotogloB. Jon. 4-Ai a i
ot tto oatatoet today tke aoMoB of MBtoBond to die to toe eleekrio otolr
iW toe CtotA «t April t. Btorti
tto aeaate Auditor Uw^'e teport WiU to toe Amt pesasa toto
d Iff tliteriffir ta Mb i
«a toe Ontoa pate tmala.
aaited n tallBW mtetyra
' •1.00
At about
;:6i(i loi onw onn mi
Pretty Patterns at 25 and 50c.
6 O’clock
Om-IW ll» Dm BatK.
$6.00 Jl8clco-t1
. . WOR. .
, ' $2
Tn tin NW StnItB
McUiaii TBiepInM Go.
You -will be astonished to see what the above I
price will do in onr Cloak department. This jacket I
is made up oftline Oxford doth, nicely trimmen with |
braid, in (act it is right up (o the times in every par- 'I
ticular. Many big bargains in this department for |
the next ten days. Be sure and call.
K<-lial>!i> Dry Oooda. OarpAt and CSolbiog Boi
Jt IHc*. eiun,
SmooA Sbav*
New gnrmnnta eloKkotly'
made, Ite fitting <ianUHm.
lateat gtylto.
You cab alwaya got wbaa
yon oeo an Electric Baaor. I
bare Ibe fiaeat stock of Ugh
grade, fine tempered Electric
Rarofe that are gnaraBteed to
b- the towt and most aatiafae.
lory madp:
Pricaa from f1 to tS.
The Bojton Store.
The hand baa been 'Yn existeace
lore than four ye«rs and tos attained
a good reputation for hnstie and rnergy in funiebtog the pablie with
mneieat /^oent totertoU. While
toe Cieaeent hand will he a part of
toe big new tatnd the pleaeant tvUHoBship of ita members will not be
lin V. fiDiiii
A similar gift was
leader, Ohaa. A Skelc^. te> has
done morii for tto
^ mnaical
alnoe he canto here a few
mcBtto ago. Both gifta were reorir.
Overcoats FOR
Ulsters B
Heefers O
m Y
tost Bight tiw> members of tlie Ores.
«l bund, whirii baa now be«a coosolldnted with toe Boys Band, were
aomely entertained by Mrs. J. And every night .until 6 a m., tbe
N. Mertinek, at her home cn State
•Ireet. Mrs. Marttoek. who hat bemi
of great help to the band and who.
feete a persenal totneet to to<
mles are approximately
cess of tto oqtaalmtlon aad Its
bers, desired to have the boys all togetoer once more before they take op
their work to the new
aad the sapper last night wne the re
salt Tto table In the dining room
was fiUled with ^ beat tbtogsM be
tod in tbe way of deUeacita and
good cooking aad the boys folly miJoyed tbe feast. Dnring the evening
ennlt were todniged t% by the gOMts.
■ fore lUsperstog a tmtimcBUl in
Ni w Uoi^r Cirmlls.
tope of a foBotaln pen was favseated to J. W. Hanneh. manager of
Uie band for fonr years, the gift
was given on eiUialf of the tmmbers
as a token of the pieasnni
tu TV Mmitsr B-med.
San Pianctoeo. Jan. 4-Dr. kinyounnadMator D. f. Oibaon snrto tke past two or three ynara
geoB of tke U. & A aad medical toipecitet ot tnasperto. have made arPOB WOVKBXKKXT OtrXSBSUIP magemeBtofor Uie landliv from toe
tna^lort Omni of tke hodiea
who died from naU^L Theae
WiU to landed by tbrnneelnik
ate fma toe etker bodlga
tnaeport as mob ae tke
mite aad will to stored at
Mia.*-Mr baekW ArMW
CtoUfm-s iwr toiBh-AtrVr
W. J. Mobb6
f'LECTRlC and Oaa Sbadea and Olobaa
H and Oaa Fixtarea, Bella and Oall ItolW
Batteries, Portable StoteHtotfawPa^
Pott. Flat Irooa. CotiiDg Irons, laoaa.
Itoceot Lamp#, ^ c. p to 900 c-.p.— all abapas
and rolura. Interior tdepboota for boaae,
factory or store.
We.can wire ■aythlag
from a ratt bell to a whole city.
Cnpkell Bm.
At toe me Bring ot tbe Oontml l«bor
laioB lari-eventog. toe foUowtog
oflUma were eleeted
PreatdeaL John Probert; vioo iraldeBt,Wmtom Sproal:
mxy. Prank Dolpk; n
tary. A a MoOaaaha
Saadelmtm; Mrfeaat at arms. David
MarjAy: oaoBtive Bommittaa, WUtord Ktook, Olmrlea Joyee aad Nathaa
A ptaa wae propoaad for the otteiMricneta toborteioB
SB ot toe oily. A
-._-lattog of Mr. Atwnttr, Ptoak
Dolpb and A
wito tke otpmtoattoa of this t
organimriwi wUl ptokably to
tod wttkto two or torn weika,
PbitodatpUa, Jaa. 4-Jam« Pol
lock waa today apptead mcoira for
toe DtogtoyWeotmi Mills Oo.. an eataUam to tooaght to kav^ toea
kno^ akoat bytoateffa^ef tto
^■MtetotaomtoamUl w^ah i
tailed to pamtoa lug
Bev. H. W. Smlto wlU |*tei as
« ..It’s new
BUek Teiwtian Bremd- _
dotba, 61 ia„ twdoced totlilO
Black figared Bkirtiog.
aoUd finiah. ailk and
wool. 44 in., rwlnoed to. IBO
Empire Cheviota, pong
ed te abnmk, ready to
make ap. U ia., reduced
to ..........................................IjOO
, Kitm fine VeMlau
, doth. 46 io.. redwwl to LOO
Leafcopv ow fieeltM
I oUms sod Oxford Qtayi.
neBotoao Store.
Built to stand tbe wear and tear that a live, wide-a*
wake boy gives his dioes. That's tbe Id^ of
3B>u get when you boy a pair of those B<>ya Satia
Calf Shoes at $i.sa Theae shoe* ye ^eia.
Made from fine satin edf stock, have a
hoiVy»l«. » wide «t«».oo, ed*. and El£toi
bMk«ay. Buyroorboy.pwr,^
Frcot .StreeL
‘ McNamam Block
teMM our. Am. s. mi.
•IT • f>y_WBt«n*girftwg thapi^
,______ I we flMt i_ _
PMft* ■» rtUlpottficopM
dovad»P«U.o. 1
i<nt«siun» tnoBAce.
, safaBittad to the
W two thiiifa at UaW. li Wrlaw^tbaaeds of retom ahm <«*ala
tines af
of le*isl«lon
le«ltl«lon Ife’ PlOT
lain tiaas
•dwoM aoiaa rery rfrimaidsHa
______I, which, shoal
shoal^tho lepU« follow woold resalt In benefit
«a m efeate. Ob be ether hnnd the
' jpiteril— ------------ « obebls, who. In the ei-porer-
. ^BsffWdiaastff tbe merits of till* eon-.
tBllcB be spitafnl attaoks aumlaftt
•jtoBS P«W» boald hare had ~
T'— b a slaw doeaaest. which
: ib^tasrcbaenooBfla.4 strlelly to,
e to tbe acta,
labta lafwnd to shoald hare.
ie wlb the dipalty doe fram
Mai eseeatire of the.
«wt«<ll»nilreod; th«7 «
ioaoded l> Ite bkd of tha
BM th* Mmw *o>U ba pot w tba
oooMiL TW potaa bore btm «■ apasv« i<x ymn. oad atlU odtea tbfy
bora a etaaaaa to atop hetbar gmhbtw «d OCX ttneUUwr 1« Umb.
Tbc eoaaeil to poarar a («* p«on a|0
mA tita flnt OBTa in • pood ditaotieo wbao tbey aoda tiw Bfoetiie
IdphlOoBiMriwaU their Uo« in
tt» aUaya whore it voa poaalbla and
IhBO eo«bt to hare been a aiepiMt at
timt tine oa fattfav poles belac po(
«p OD oar atretita The eoBiBay has
d «1U) the onter of the
last-onoaail Meatiag and they By that
(be ooBpaay will debt the dty cn the
qnestioB. The eospany did sn awfal
pieee of spile work by jBttUg op
poles «■ brae sdioUtin* ilwata It is
all innrti rr~ to ran tluae lines
boob B clnee CCffebet. ^ ehoaU
fasre been mnde to po dfiatb on the
Bel eide of fUilrced avenu and ttiB
esjt ihraapfa the alleye and thereby
kept oS of Boantaasn arenae. -WeU
inptqp and Ftaaklin stilts.
Beths R«srds the noble cabsI up in
'telnto' Best " Ihst cotne into pobUo
»iew csi the telephone war,
iCrantdBlaobnsp lhsB pollbsd
Xte Uacie U«m of Water
At OysHr Bbt, L. 1,. the rooBS «
bd.. Uiriaitat the paint of death datfneooeh Mce, A. F. A A. M.
as be laaU of bei^ Bade tba riotiB of a laaetkal jafear. MAs Bisn
faif aad as bs orns ahoot to taka
atat her chair was Jobad sway
fall. Bslaioli^ iatorMl iaji
iAjkytkrnmm^wiU oaoB hep
death. Xt is the paipeae «f the '
ily to hold the iofcar taqmible
bsT dBth if the tall prom CataL
Tw*»ty-aro tho
the nnUedBBaea It was net
nd to Bnka a fnaetieB of this deptee.
bat wbee the AM is oBterad <aaay
of the aaost lanBlniial Mssoaa ta the
wiUbeieaaBt aB
piron in the pahUe teU.
Ahoerdiacto flir Olmiia Mark,
has. ineridwt of the Soyal O*o-
qKBsibls far fasBiap aab
Armor Paebina CoBpany of KanBS fal earner in polar deps bat the
City. "We fo«nd bat prices bare IpeadlapBrttibabl ether nretie espone steadily op on aoooant of the peditioas ara cantiBited wtb '
trast," Bid lbs ecBpany's pot- diflcalty nearly as prsat as the ice
ednstnp spsot, "and so weal oat- flelda It appears that B. B. Bald
eldeofibis ooantry tor oar bIa" win, the ABarlean oxfiarw,
Twenty-fire cartonde of tbe bip- boBpfat np sMh a bwpe apply of
nset are aliBdy cb tbe rood and
that their pries has risen from
blrty-flre additional ear loads will •l6to«80.aBdtheyarshsrd to profellow eocB.
core STB at bat pries.
The poblio library of Seattle was SoBoel Hnbbord.a yoanp man of l»
burned to the proand Tasitey aipbt. yean, died at hie booM in Bterea*
Tbe.ffre oripiasled ia m nortbeael Palm. Wis., late Moaday' afternoon
entner of tbe.baso»s*ri»Bibly pKm froa tbe aaoeeaire am of dpaiettea.
__ faraaoew The toml slock
He was toka wlb etUBps and
bobs, BBBberinp U.00D roloates and ^MBS tbs day hefers and saffered
rained at at Isast fin.^OO. prs a total bcribly for nera^ boars.
treee, tli e^l ares ate of
except to U|bt op a circle of or bondrad feet, and after a heavy rein the
BtreeU sn noddy for s week loniter
be test of the city, beeaase the
•son cannot sliine broopb. Did you
bBTbe latest? Tbe Ulle of John
Barry-spreal work. "How to Bluff
irs for no poles.
Jsioee H. ddochoonb.
I M ^ Mr- Pii«>M It woaM^re toMtioB, M
from one whose
mab and opbioos . bald bare
wsipbl wlb bob law makers and
tbopscpU.^Batvlbe albre of the
•------- (T rnami before be }oim seenloa of tba senate and boase. topetber
Mtb Tltapeiatire side nmarks, aly
tnribs ndleale. Tbnrafore. a
npa^Uebboaldbeheld a an
:t,nottnBtpabUedooamem has bee
mly a BaWilnp stock among those it
bbald Instract and adrlee.
8«^Ot^.OelQ..team« mm
old, Md bM *
if MOa
Mn.«0«u awaiA. Mbwda. .
ow n«Hi7
PM.«« d.dMtb«mta«teV.te.or
be wltadaMdlrntteHld. dfa
• iMo' tha
At Port Bora RKAard Kerwla.
f ^ new
Tbe first I
L WlUlSB Jr.. Va RoWnsoo, Pwey Buipoaa.
eentoiy is a Cbloapo
Wesley Yoanp is bU mune. and be Tommy Turner and Fmak and Wm.
led to be altar Mia Adelaide Geae- Barron, tnnplnp in ape from 16 to I*
viere Oehler. danpbler of Kr. and yars. are under oRest. charged with
Mr*. W. O. Oebler. of Kew York. being the .fiiebopt who have lOTorOn tbe stroke of nidnipht Dec. SI Ued that t^u for months pat Tbe
and in •mMs ennad a senatia, areral of
lees tlBb ten minata after tbe eltr be boys beUapb^ to pood families,
bima bad rang in tbe twatieb ocn- and one of tbem.- Bibard Knrwin,
being be eon of one of tbe best crfBtary the ooaple were man and wife.
JbhnOralg. of Oorlapton. Ky.. a oers a tte polim foroe. It is aid
inere Ud. beams m mneb addiotad be bpys hare cafesied t.t starting
to eipantta bat be would atal seTetal flrss.
other poods, sell them ad inrast be
prooenls in hie fsTOrite smokera.
He would smoke faan forty to fifty
cigstettee a day.
Poor prominent fannera of Saroey
county. Ark., aredaadatbe
of drinkinp wood alcohol at a t
day gmberlnp.
Aa inetase of-mdre lha lh>
rat in be maey of tbe srorld In
a bad a peneratla will be ae of
Wrtttd B M
be mat Interatinp ebtblto of the
lual report of the director of the
mint which is now going broopb tbe ISSTR-'t."'
Proton. BatsIi
Nearly be whole.ot ibis in- ____ ______
crase U in metallie maey and mneb
is in goio,
te larger prapoma u
, ^^.71,^.AtBaJna de Porto Ria, *«>*!
Years day. tltoamnds of people wit-,
Oso. W. Ratt. Fu>tl»A-I-T.
the. BtoitiBg of the new trolley
Wdl mtit, a» MOW
tbtm (or
Dyspepsia Cure
Wbna oideriaw faff
Mil Mfc lor Ma 12.
lao wMeurr* :
I Bell •phone Ko. r.
JO»Wf«fi ir. OTT b OO
SRESAL SESIDESCES In dUfaasol localities for ml* on eosr
teems. Also money to lean on rral
Kfi tax dfiMC iMcrtefi III noncire.
OOoe in Hamilton ft MllUkeo BlocA.
Fire Insurance
If you hnvs n tfwsfiUag. stBok.stosn.
ban. ee any ocher mupsity iasarakk. kindly teaemW I want to
WTilB the tasatance for yoo, and will
^raycoprampt iand enreful attenOnly the sM mliable s^ tnanrj
Ihfk Place'hotel yaterdsy a
The meeting was well sttaded and
fall of bterest, and rariou topia
----- -L.- A............. a retotinp to the
mannfactare of lumber.
Among be m
be irira that ebald be diarped for
lambvr be oomiag yar. H was the
•ease of be mating that oo prim be
at at pieiBt. boi that the lambermea await fnhher deeelopmenta
From be dieoosala and be pledget
of tbe waanfaetorer* pracut, it ap
pears that be outpm for the coming
year will be about half ofr last year
In be city W Oraad B^ds a
tain strati there bare been fa a long
tlms strings oT unslphlly. annse^
poles owned byanelatrio Ugfating
•aapanyotbat city. The llgiaing
,nnB|nny bad marked be.polos, wtb
a warntag sign to latratn tbe city
MberttlM from remoeing them.
Among Ibosc present st
Yestoifiay the city marshal c
inp were H. B. Lewle.of be Elk Bapide Ira Oo. ;W. H. White of the White
at down be poire a West Bridge Lumber Co.. Boyne City
street, wlbal aakiog be lare of Platen. Boyne City: Archie Gibbs,
the u^tlnp company. Orami Bap- Usyfteld; 8. E. Curdy. Kingsley;
Ids tma a rigeroat way of dealing W. T. Culeer, of J. 8. LSteonif Lumwlb BnsighUy objtote oa her streeU berCa, Ludlngwn; G. H. Obensoer
ad when -be authoritiee my bey of Geonte R. Kicbolsa & . Co.
mutffo. why, they must, and bat
Charles' M. Ayen of Grand
onda It. Tbit Is aot be aly instance Bapids; K. Foster of Alden
where Otand Bapids aatboriae* ban
twmored pola frot ,be etreeta /
few years ago a certain company wm, Willton Bab of Rath ft Oartier.Ladordered to take tWr poles from Oaal Ingta.
afreet a or before a giem date. The
mandate wu ignored, wherapon at (mm Traverse City;
Edwin F. UbI. then mayor, sera
n form of ma ad persaally ai
J. FalpbamadL.
Folpbom Md L. 1Roberts of Fnl
iataded be mnoeal of be objeo- ..
ilmble poles, ad they suyed re- gUamShaaafetanag Co.
Tbe toUowing lumber inspectors
letOsoprasrat; Charles ChristiaWba n cerpotatioD refuses to be
rsaombto sod ignores be rights of
be people, measures of this kind are
.vrtala I'linii^O'Hica. ivmi., tcer»
rlaui Lr> b;* 1ri<li'i:i iic near tin- front
Mo Keei to brave IIobr.
dm.T. Nut I'lDK KEu the bell tsugond
It U at neoeimry for ya to to go tl«r laeMisiil Rliiqied tn ItM- plK«e
away to eoltope. st prat expenec ud auil took «hi»-n the iratiMiiitier.
with seenral yars’ lorn of lime tram
work, to eeoaie a pood edneatia. esDie InlD Uw place and Uuiulred;
-Wen ter t>uy soy alg«r Tlie mer.
Tmanttndyrlibtathome, ia tbe -*--^t. hilal upon mUng be measOoQSB cd Study in Medmnioal or
«ald III llie 'iibnoe: "I eao't bear
‘ aixt eaci^ alMilracIcdly at tbe
Arahiteotaial Drawing in Tbe InterItaKiiig Us roles, the granger
Bmnnla. Pa., which Tlie Beard will abnureti; -Want ter hay any aigsr
pUe you, if yoo hare the meet
gull inlent upon the ma at the other
end of the wire, the uicrrhat eald.
to your credit on Feb. 1&. IBOl.
-Oh. I enn't bear a word
Thrangb thli Course you
Trtn *«v —
friitn nenta Georgia. Infint(Btoa paying tbe high aeanpe
t and lifted op hi* voice,
ig tlw roof, while every.
aryorSl.onayBnr. b will bs
' to gel a sitatia,
kAd been nmc- -Do ya
orsmaseor in a mnoh demand a alarm
t<T boy any a-l-ff«r-. be sbotiied.
BOW. While working nl tbit pwifes• Nt<, curfoad yon. nor sbeuied tbs
ala you esh ke*)i a studying for the merHiaai. drnpplag the telephae and
inftoatial ad highly t»id prates- cUpplnc hi* lisndR tn hi* oniraped
“Ton IrU Hunt raised bliu.*' tvmarktd
pineeriiig. cr .
the egg ma to bf* periner a» be
in which ya ca rise to be rtsy top. walke.1 out
riimbed Into bis wagmt and dim-.--------^
never «*ed a deaf man yet
Ta will never have sopped a
-■-------to pet a start in lUr. Da't wbBt I couldn’t make bear when I
nut on alt mr steam**
, but laaneb
into the ewntrat wlb tbe fiaed deocstriy off be entaable
. prim at staka.
Mxa. A. J. Scott of Park atteei
aMctainiaf tmr farather. J. H. And—B Of InanreiUe. Win.
id hero away to roDege. onl
Btls—sd to sevenil Iltriary and sciem
ttfir riolif.
“PaibeT Rl>* asked «-ib abaost
starillag snddniDraa. -Mid you ever
Koj. to think ibsi tbe people oa this
globe eonsame nearly ja)ynO.OOOJUO
rabb-ywrts of osygen every yeerr
“Orest beevvos. nor the pmetlcai
oM men toplusL “Boi «Ui mtntt be a
jnMakr. I-never beard «d anybody
who eorntroUed tbe ontpot of oxygen *
> oSer to
F. B. Moora Ima
BM Indtos of be Woaa't Olab
•saw the pina fw be'inowmed hoqfi- BodEyMonatalaTea and
^^baaka. «5c. A* y.
«a (radbarga.
_____ _______ ______
. the __
Nine men were discovered in tbe perfect healer of Onts, Corbs,^ Boras,
; Braims
act of loading a mfe at Carette, O.,
arly today. Oitisens drove them
away ad fired fifty bot*. wanding
ae bf tbe craoks.
Bob Arkansas oi
which sze to hare new state , bases | Blastie Spar Tsralsb.
Can Boll Phans 364
Cakes and Mapla Synip
No breakfast complete without Buckwheat cakes and
good Maple Syrup. We’re selling the New England Buck
wheat. put up in packages, for loc the package. This is
strictly pure, prepared self-rising buckwheat. Then we have
the Hannah & Lay Co's celebrated Buckwheat in 25c sacks.
Now the syrup. The finest on tbe maritet is the Adirondack
Sap Maple Syrup. Absolutely pure, put up in air tight cans,
thus preserving the syrup to the last,drop. Tbe quarts sell
for 30c, the two quart cans for 55c and the gallon af $1. We
have the edebrated Canada Syrup. A pure article that
we're now selling at 25c for the quarts, the two quarts at 50c
and the gallon at qoc.
237 Front Street.
6 lbs Granulated Sugar.. .25
I -2 lb Tea..............................30
1 IbCoffee.............................. 16
I sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket.................................05
This isa Hiap, aad will positively ro oSaale ia
one week.
All goods guaranteed, or money back.
Efttennlse ftwen?)
..8 F™. Suoo.
The Hannah & Lay
Mimffla Conipany.
I_____ 1 r____
26 lbs H Best Rour........ $ .45
20 lb White C Surar -..
ited Suffar
in a Basket
and Delivered
I will sell grocerieS|k
following prices f6r
next ten days:
Commencing Monday morning and contimiing
all week, we are going to put up, all ia>^ basket, tbe
all to go at the price of $i.sa
following articles,. sdl
Bates vwy low.
Sdots « Htpairtd'
B Bargain
The more you spend
the more you save, if
you trade here, and
we are offering you
goods you want now.
Satisfaction followff
the purchase of tbe
goods we advertise
Now that tbe snow is beref Enjoy every day get a
good cutter. Seen our liae ? We've the Sundard Swell and
the Portland, in both regular uze and extra wide body with
high back-seat fnrvished with the finest of upbolMery in sev
eral different colors, and tbe cuUers are finished in black,
green and maroon. Prices run from $17 to $30. We fully
warrant these in every respect, and we’ve never yet had a
dissatisfied customer. '
Are music to the bones. The bells we^ell have the
finest tone made and we have shaft bells, big and little., full
chimed, sell from 50c to $2.^ the' pair: team bells, a big assortmentTsell from 35c to 75c each; string bells; well made,
good pliaUe leather, no danger of losing the bells, sell from
to $3^ the string.
flow Colli Was It This Miiniiiig?
Didn’t know, had to ask every one you met on the way
downtown. Boy agood Thermometer, saves you lob of
worry, tells you bow cold it is out of 4m(s or hpw/warm in
thehoesa havetltom in all sizes and landssfrom IOC to the
foUy toted Stamdard Barometor at $3.50.
k dtitVio
vuanBuif(.jiunTABT «, nM.
rirna; u?r_L^r!ui__L
XV «b« M Cod'*
glJft i:;;:;:::;:;:;
Sstis! ........
Lay one of them
aside ^
for yourself,
and the three (if you
bring them to us)
««r u «>L Pits <Ras U feet to in
feet impm* <i« e^ ee mMtl
f«h. X
l»imsl tsQKil
mMinee td eowidceeble HBgai, • .
tfsrte. tat more tta« two fsltaias ere
Among toa.taais
thnamnds who
-nva aaed Chamberiaia’i Oangh Aera-
ftae *r VMta w^tSp.
Vra. X'ae4ra0 I* 1U* wife
tW U
••wM iMtar n Ptooklr* ata Altaar.
w n Xmt Tert M« •
Tta Oatpealen' VaJee, Va tM,
taU its iaetaliatloB Ttarada/ areaOF MICHIGAN iacaad
Ita foUawIm M
Saitacarai,^ b^ki'
load. aoMtdins to qulitj.
blndcs aiediMd and sobKtadtoctatala paeparathn befcra
to .taUJBtatair. fleataa
•wOl as a waiaet. wlila ettara aMXa
tta am of a eabte toot. Itaaa wUoh
ootaMaa ra«iJaritr of aaifaes asd atta
are itataai. Tta
re tfaer arc rasdr for ezportatiiB la
BCaadouaUr. TtaclareraoltAlttaoh. is ramored and tta
expoaara for tea or
jdt darsto tta Baa's rajitBiBeaa, bat
la wiater a nma bealta to tta raqaind
laaipantarf is taqaiiad. aad Ita dijia« taoreB tatas eicht or tea dsjs.
Wtao wall dried, tta bkcEs ara woU
claaaad aad poUabad. Ttan tberm
Borted ieto aboot It elmaa. atah etai
Dolpb: Tioe pnaldeat. Jota JB. Wtatarii taoordiait
MaT. TiataleiPlMBctal
BMMatT. Otartae & BastacMa:
WlOXa t. S|Boal; eoadaeCair, Joha 3. Kaaetatdi waidae,
Wa EL fialM] traataa. oaa and oaabair roars. Jolm J. Stanaaai oaa
rear. Alooao Pox. eaeJ^ jmt. Wm. hi enttoQ wool—^fflDeeriaf aad Mbt“ Balaa. Aaditoas. aiae laanthi.' laeJonmal
Jota UnUor; six raootta, ». G. Warser: tbrta Booths. X. H. Wlntara.
It mar M be geoerallr knows that
Delegstes to tta atala eoBaeil.
Pnok Dolph. Wb. J. Spmal, Chss.
H. Brasiairtoa. Clamiee Hlokertt. ELI
}. Bamiaoad.
PeBDsrlvsaiaBailnad rcapaar bailda
iU own ea«UMS. aad Ibm Imilt for exHaw^ TU.T
txtn ttaiai ate known aseltaa P. Iber
We oSar One Baataad DoItaM Be- are very larpa sad bnllt. with slljibt raward for ear oaae of OateRli that oaa- riatiotw. after tbe patlern cf tta bif
There U eertaialr no me of the iBOt be owed br Hall's Oatarrh Cara, Bi«Uto taatine inpcsted into this connriatac ceoamiioa who'wlU tare . |g-J- q>iBay.Oo,. Pwpa.. Tolodo. O. try aereral yean
and which at that
totter ttotao. of Urltet ia ibrae oaa. p.’?'
t IS rears. Haw wata cariudly in iu way- When
OMcf (taaablgei
twies thaa tta lahat aoo of Mr. jaad ta^^^pM^^
tto sbopa to to ph
mad Mn. C. H. Oaboni. of Albitm. to ai.
ataad of pattiaa it to the work it Is inBe was bora leas ttaa twaattr-foar
Hob aaada br tbtfh^ba
tended tor at ona it te ran fv two te
boM tofwa Ita close of the aiae
Weal & Traax. WtalsBla
tfarea weito oa some one
tto local
teantb oaotatr.
Inucbes In onbr totraialt. aoto apeak.
TolaAaadrwtlatai Bwindter. aa^ tbe
Chdlllae Eiprasa. ii oa bU war to loO.
!'■ Chtterfa Oara fa takm iaOadiUsc and U act arrastad ta tta toniaU^. .
meaBHae will ja«bab1j
afaeat tta ftrat of Febraarr.
Vorester'a aiethod of aeparatlnA liii free.
violin and Iba latter's asooer >■
Hall's Pamilr PiU« a
tbroaxh the old time tard dtreotorr
to make fast tiate, and at almmt
rt every
aad iu iacidasital ioforiBaUae eoan*
Taller Oenter, a Uttla vUl^ n«r alalioo Ilia traia is foninl to to as liKla
biaed with Uw advertlaeiaente of Tala, haa an oil boora. Sons dvr ahem) of trbedak lime sad mow wait
teeirbaola. la aa Ohio towa the teontta i«o tta Taller Oaater tea- fur from tiai fcccaidi to a mianta. —Phil*
otlwr dav Poteater chanted aad col prorameat Onapaiir was formed^ ^Iphia KerunL
lected elitot doUari par pane for ad- Tfaer aeoared a lease of 1,000 aorea of
vertisiiuc, aad laomised Co Isaae aev- land aad •euaBoad bartap for oil.
Tba^teek eimoaptioo of their devil,
oral thoataa’d copies of Ita lUrectorr. with the raaalt that both oU aad «as whom they call Yams, makva that p«rTbe Boekrv» laeieiiaai aad hia have beea foiBd.
aonape cma of the mart rstanie of tta
aer ere now parted, aad Vorcatrr
wbolo devil tribe. Aecurdinp to (heir
is ea rente to aartbere Eliohitiaii.
* n»e Mrsmer.
idns of him, he U S40 miles high aad
tto hairs oa bb bodyataad act Uks
At Ootdwater Nta Ella DoBtaial li U a^wy^ry^^ a
palm trrea oa a moanlii
<aa. Melaaotaly. I
aadmSrB..— ____ ______________
: Uibaoo, who had held the poaitioa
for ciKht yrara. aad that of depaty
peonag uaii«s Kaoia ttietr can aad
ooaaty clerk It years.
tach other Utile pranks aspalUDgoat
«lx bandars eatared Ita brewery'' aoB. la., "aad a lame Utk raOned tbalr toagaas. toe and flaget nails and
of the Tiroll compaar at Detroit after me ao I coaid not drraa myaatl, bat goBgiag ccl tbrir eyve. Be is a heart*
1 of tbe m^ davitah kind
nidaiffbt Wnlandar. taid bonad aad Btootrte Eltuia artmUy oared me.
IV other exqaiHte little tor, tawed the nixhi watohmaB. Pred aad. altboagb n yeart old. I sow am
able to do all my hoaoewerk." It
Rats, after wiiieb tta^ Umw him U orereanes
Oonantmtlan, imiworea
a oorwar with aotaa Bok> orer him.
and then blew opea tta tafe.
MIflhiAaB'a secoad military aebool Watt's drag stores.
atari at Bentoe Harbor
. tyraaaleaUy to
Pire broke oot la the Chubollc
aboat Jan. IS. Prof,
Rd* 1 cdiixrch at Big Ratdda Taestoy and
wards, formerlr
thelspite of tta effortt of tta flra depart- tanner and bit sister, living near Koto.
mast the adttea was almost oatiraly SIcny. that ca tto erreiag before s etetta Park hotel tmlil be oaa looaate' deatreyed. Tta Ere origiaated near tsin fame day both woald '
d dteatrlolanl
tta eoUar. Ita enaae is not kaowa, doth. This
The nasiber of iciaoMra ta Jaok- as yet. The tom raaaMd ^.OW. 'with pov dnpes that ttay bacnaia toneand
aoapriaim haa nwibad tta- lAwsat «s,«0 Inananoa. Tta baltdiag
raafaedahriaktogchroaghttaatreetB. A
brother of tfaaaa anfunimatei then esma
laaik la twaaty-Sre yearn, on awaoant an old one aad wiU ptotably to
acmataw to tta ecaiclaaioa
the ere
of the arfaoleaale tteCdoal^ 'toara plaoedbyatoe«4iftM. :
lamitywM dae to the witchcraft of
balag now oaly Tto iamatea of tta
tbair atepaiother. and in a Srtff bUnd
rags ta killed the pocr woauu with a
At PIrmoaih dolomoa Brewa. of
boa.—PbUadalpbb Ledger.
Coldwater. la.. sfepM off tta tr«*
ta avoid a paaiwiiger traUi, bat tall Mich. I Post and Ziataag. Be and
dohmaogotim Bu. aide mto
was straek by a train eomiag in tta;^ ta^i5tiKfc*fe?S^St
Qaest—In what way. tlrf
other diraetinn. Bis leg was oat off‘Diaeorar for rtmteiaftliai. Ooogta
StengB — When 1 tripped ia the
below tta knee by the wbeeU of tta aad 0^ waanMiHM ouTfar
tem sad weal aprawliBgoB tta So*,
eagtoe. Brown wa. ewoate to Pitts
taartak my Yalr partntr’s draaa. yoe
bnrgwitba atriag of potatoe rare, iSSwtiSrti!!
were tta only om ia (ta room who did
aad was waltiag for a freight to take 1 other madWl^w
aqoA it"
bUtnroat. He was 7T years old.
|Oalv ^ .ng «loO at
O. Joto. WUbar Boas «t Uaqasme. fa., who | « •
UtaklagtaUu at Ml. ClemoBA vs-!^^ ”***»*^
The code of aoeletyU mnogarwltk
d tram hla iraraes «adww(«mi4
WM Baldwin ta aaa pencma ttaa that «f SiMl. m4
ia ihk woods aluoal disWI from
__ ____
any a man wbo world not aorapla to
oold. Krariy hia whole body
Sanday. tmd litao'la will r^^iao next
: hU ftqten to his atoghbort
/fresMiaad there are small chaaees I Monday. Thoae srho have bean oaard f<
for hU reoovmy. Hrladlyaara eld.)mihm« ware relaaaad Tnata^iT ■aa hit kaifa as
tta Alexander Macomb
,ttara bat bean 18 oaaaa. bat all^i
Eteaghtrra of Ita AanHaan Barela-1 bton odaBned to tta hmM -»■__ u
Horn WiU eodMTw to ted tta tame grat tobta oat Bo dre^ toe. ».
of ovary soldier bailed to Macomb I aalmd.
otanty wbo aarsed to oither tta rev
battenaxy war or tta war of ItU.
Is tta perrwos of this aoeisty to ynpMat bottle of OroMa'a WaanMed Byetly mark these gravaa
ltt*a niaiiiiiiBiii. aadan
i^afTar tfic fails to em yov
eadteorceld. Voatoa fiiMdaa a
BHetR7 Went wlU add
fertr-ftar tbotusad apfde »«• to
liU 4Wotard. ei(hlMB milae Mtab of
tta «{Us«e of O^jrlocd. OtMfo'oout7. MfWir i» tbe epri^ as tta
weatber will pennit. Wtan bit wotfc
it done ICr. Ward .wilt be oae of tta
lariieA frail Krawras in tta Obited
fttatcs. itlt
two thoarand aerM aad aiaet^-titae
thoaaasd Uvea. Tta land U plae
A etate coaTiatian of eportaatn ti
to be haU is LaostBff tta latlM
(•rl of JaDiiai7 at wbiob a kH
Uoo will be fniaed injiag tta eute
lerislalttre to aiaead tta pnaoet
niBo law* BO ftaas tta killtat of
To tta Tmxpmjm at tta Oltr of Trat
Tta tax rolls fwtta
le state and oontr
rear IMO. ood for >
From our
Ulster, Overcoat or
Reefer stocks.
The cleanest and
best of gQods
at the lowest of prices.
,n». ,'SSi
y IWli. Itaregnlsr fee ;
tmto-d am
-.......T centItf<for colleoHoP wTll be; *
and oa all tsxearTtaainltig; asvMU- LawoKa.'nr«.
___ iryiOth. there
e will
toiM^’ ■ i fee of 4 per c»nt
It for cs>l-,Kwi
ewsert. N.-S-IWefir W. BerW.
Pesialty oa deUnaassil city
moaat of mid tax.
Oflioe to reom l. Herald bnildtog.
Dated Deoember I . 1900.
Peter Warttatg.
City Tresaorer.
To Hannah & toy Camnaay,
h. Craw. PwntateTian (^barch Soci
ety. E. & /onea. Ooogregattooal
Charoh Soeiety. Hebrew Obaxta Sooiacr. aad Cbarks H. McMietael or
J. a. Ztoaer. Eat:
Yoa ara hereby notified thM an as_______ has beea made a^aat yoar
nemtas for one half Ita cost of the
lateral sewer corameBoing at- oo' near
tlw eMteni boaadary of lot I. block 8.
original pint Traverse City, and
raantog tb«tre east with a Hs Inch
pipe to a point aboat IS feet vreat of
the matere boandaty of Park Place
aoeat: thence ranntog north from
mid point with a nine toeh pipe to
connect with the sewer already cooieel:
State and Waahingion atreeta. Tlte
pnrpose of mid lateral sewer is
lewer the following
'tog <lcacribed
described nronpr
Lou. i *o7.
inclaaive. Modblock 8,
original pUt-Traverse
Tnrcrae City, biota 90.
original plat Traverae
Travene City, tta iwest
St feet d lot IS and all
" of' 'toi |6,
biota 21, original plat 'Ikgreraa City.
Said amaaament has ...
the board of special aiaeai..................
ported to Che eity eeancil in oompU--------with
the city charter
atarter and ofJtootdui> nlatire to the lerytog of ape-
TSr s
__ B eooneil and beard
boai of apeoial aanaors ariU
'•' meet on Ji
- 1901.
t 8 o'clota p. m.. for
m of
Any parw ' inunaM to the abora
aaaammaat may appmi at this ttoae
and Miow canie. if any, why aaoh asmmmtiBt afaealdnot to lerled and eollooted and said board of review shall
have pewar to adinst tta same and
tta aerion of said board to nIaHoD
tberato shaU to finaL
Dated thU tout day of Oaoamber.
A- D., 1901.
AlmoB W. Rickerd. City clerk.
ItVi-e o d to I-T.
Caraaf T
sBaUef Ootps deaitea
aad nlae
Clothing Co.
We are Starting the XXth Centunr’s Sailing
>VI«K Our Ortete«
Annual ClcaraDceSalc
Winter Suits and Overcoats.
We were fortunate enough to secure a big lot of Kuh, Na
than & Fischer’s celebrated clothing at about 60c on the dollar.
Every suit, every overcoat, every ulster a rare bargain, and
fully guaranteed.
We are never undersold. Our competitor wonder how
we can sell so cheap—It is because we sell for cash and buy for
cash and mark our clothing at a barely living profit. You will
note a few prices quoted below, which will bear evidence that
we are underselling them all.
CMn of ny Ustif Ii Ita tam, Incliilliii niHS ifi to 121100 it $l2a
Beaver and Oxford Grays —
worth S6.00.
Dancing School
Wednesday Evening
“ -
a of Hew York
_____ -AUttalataat aooiland glide wnltx artll to
d to onatetm. OhUdtea’a
» wlU to formed
__________ - o^iooL
PM P.?Ite3!^mor
John R. Santo
1 *7F)^uysagoodb)ueorblackBeav^ er Overcoat, worth op to $4axl
51 510
lxm&.**1ilra. Baay, Mn.
Moi^'Mra Mene. Mta. Oook. Com-
____ s^rsffa s °SrgLg!S&gL‘*°"
jg.toikr nr akirr.askEE BSPORE MOTnra. Gnat toamdm FirciosuSx
nnhaadafiwoo UeoHon.
___ .sealre mid
itUPobrMty 1.
aata weakk day tram
tom 8|P:-“.:________________
------------------------------- on and] nb. L^*waj«TOK.«i*w«i sttmikB
o-.tack „B1.
1. a. I
WII Piircliasi
Four Dollar’s Wertli
pitta reeomr, bat ata> i
a riagk ease has raanltad to pnaa■aato Ttaa. Whiideld
* Oo,
Oo. $«
ht»tato *
Wafaaih aretme XXiotffo. one of tta
0*«U Kersey and the pomilar 0»fords, guarantee to be woru $looa
Men’s Imported Iristt Frieze
Ulsters-are positively worth 7 QQ
S13.50. now.................................
coals which'were formeriy Sisxxh
Ever)' garment fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or
mone>' cheerfully refunded.
Ym cite fi Ita Omtto k Ita taoso it S6.50, IMU« Ita $2SJ» tata
at $ 1.76. $2.98. $4.98. $5.98, $6.98. $8.80 and $9.89
Must be seen to be appredat^—the number whtdi have be« sold, is ao evidence
that our prices are positively tbe lowest coottderiog quality- Remember these price*
krill soon diminish our stock fio rapidly that if you are oot an early purchaser jeo^
stand a poor chance to get your siz&
The Boston Store
■ crtTiiaem, unm>UT,>uniAKl>, uai.
k GOLOBAIK) STORY. nAiis Fw snrcR SYsm
Kfllk«we aterwrtra-haf
item to bo tawcMa
awth- U Kaaaa City------» la ailka
Ctt7liRtaMr V»lmh« f^pM- UUolttlatowBofPwkTllla.k htebaib
^ ■***' aritm
tke apeatba twerfdca of ayallty
aiaao a«aiM tba broad lliMoon. M
tb« IwalH adsht coataia pwbi(aM
•■ anm diMTiel >;«. «
boBM. ft»<Bg oiber laancra. boorrrtL
ivUllwn^ for i
it abritn a aemiaaiy of riiartfirabli
IIOOMCU « tktix :
local fataa whieb tcaetea both baaa mi
rirb tb» hlfber teancbM of aa cdoeaia^vtlM tko omtlw of tbai. bat with wbfc* Jort bow we bare
Tba mats atnel«f tbo
toiinh l>i II FII n'frt T* 1 -----------;thui«ri
ItttOiaUtUoriTCr.whklifuBllUri; laortb
te bar >«* Brofch otnot. TiHido laiw alcns tbo botuaa of tba
mi fi^torHiotitrly ion tii .loaSdr. \» ctat «wi br the ooMon U»e of Tallry at nsbt aaflM with tfaeMtaoaii
.......................... ...
Uaroo MW. ll Iroaur ft Oetoor * >ft<Utiar. mi tbo
Tba Star writer waa dUiaf U fcoot
'ioMroalboi B br BaSIraod
of local
' Tt» WOiB atik Kvcr will opw Ibe micbaat wbo bad aold it. It waa
“tatoPo dointiob* Olid tea
f the G. B. ft. L aboot S o'eloeft in tba aftsDooa. aad
into llw tin
IW mmo
» IM. AMPMim'.
SOO . bridge, rraoi tfai* poftil U will es- many of the cofiitiy pec^le weaeoaxMt :und cart oe Prtat itnet lo Ho|» ias Into town, ft coaotryclrl of tbe laMn<dd.aM»oai|b Ifo|M
•met. tooUi oa Hc^ to VaokiafrMa. (ioa caw caatrrias ap oa a bar^aek
ftfta of
bcaae and tbd oS Ca wbat, now that
’'Si^iatlNBiddloef UMoixtTCadi
DO ValilBictoa to Bailnad
oo Bailnad 0T«ae lo Tbe Star nua'a attentioi waa eallrd to
it. be notkad waa a qocer aort of bona
i^ffalh. —» oa Bicbth to VUlo, blorJc.
‘ 'rtwet. aad awth oa Valloy U> Haa~ waa DotblDR Mora or ku thaiiaD
ibrrirawMlrd w i**>>
ProriaioaJi amie (or;cftl raaly *afo of
u^\ «w«.
bad apparratly lain there forytirfl and
tal ditw-'' Wtaral
aewen to rf}.{n
diaia II...
tlie retire dU^ bad
a arwrr
rrr^ ila opeaiac wbea rxawiaed dlaclcaed a aiu|deiaai
. it Ibr rirrr will be SI
il^ebea ia dla- looUnR bok io «m aide, clearly tbe
rk of ezplnirai. ftt thla point tba
.<^^tba fall aone 706 of tben>, Marl clad pMter.
Bticariiai of tbr iaTcetipatcr ftom tba
•. aDldkn. eaup foUowetm^diaButa ItaiB ; xbr plana aa drawn apby tbr dty CMt waa olkd to two otbrr aafea, atmand
andsko lyttt* “> tbeir
... .. rcplodrd
fidra ia tbe rtrerl ead dnind duty ai
^ by tba danu Pe railroad, and at ibe bri
tbMMir Matrka.,bone'blarfce.
.ataaitic of winter auda acanp at what
w tba aito cf Ttinldad. whieb riU
•jnietly lancriMl Sat- Star tnaa tf tbe '
ethof (ba iUlon
i fairly la tbe taoatl
I tba Twy tbi^- 1 aaclr. Mr. Bdward Krfil. at HoMli-1
»«* “f « »«»7- f
........... .
.. - . Ibe Pwfcrllk
TO the
tne Mai
eaM nf
a port. Tk«
The oareaway
waa jwrlonaed
... ,
The Want of Working People.
ra aa( af pw—«lHB Or. ft. w. O
warti af Baa« aetlw ftk«e(4'a
O. U. aheofct a«pldjad.ia tt» Oai•AV cm.
ial oOea of Ur laiObio In ha ~
3. ft. aayte. «M wmimoir taland
UtauAlrayraterftiy OMCsteftby the
trwWi.eHU ................... air Mr Ma j UauM tr. a. w.OmU nS ij Lli a
lehBW<MVcUlvw<^<a Braena;
ecau: ‘ferraan ISwi B luaaM Ur Ball
aeAoaa iajaty and poait-OattetaraMBwaittia M Mf. Oaa. U>w.' BUR ■aBariU tHeaa»bl II Jt I la
Ua death waa a aaiTWW oae.
Tba rmleaalaar, a tmAiat turd ia A- W. (Baara DtMr Llr« >BB tw mf Uaw UlMat
Wi lllll
M Buaotaetaxe of plata wort. U
Ut I eanaau a Ite _ M
I aeak. I
bnted by brmamr tiU It
Ba ana kawied lack
JlentisL ^
preaBBauar' •»*«* »!«*«• » .»**
aqnare iaeb. Wbea tbe priuiri ana
about at thla point, a bolt bmka. and
tarrlbla 1am.
throat^ a door, i^ete ba lay ea tba
Soar. etBBBed aad aaarly naeoa. fttklbwt Berue aad JDm
duada BlaekcM. both it Kertbpen,
picked np by Dr. Saydir i Ako Ibe Biita U tbe Drawls
anltadia auniate Meaday at
Ibr WMeh tU CoiM « >
aad Dr. Leater. aad oairled into tbe
raaiduee of Bar. Bocfcorca
ofBcw, where be .aoon twrired.
then tnkea into tbe eOee ef Dm
Great latereat ia beiad taken in the Mlaa ftauUa Blaekea aad Mr. Btaey
ft Moon, where he wni att^- TodBd reeleet for tbe
Soou amaded the bridal eoapia.
ed by Dr. W. 8. Moca.
in Ibe lataraattonal <
After the eawlmwy the brIUl party
Mr. Sbook’a Cnee waa badly enl and eidiooU. to br direa by Ibe Record. repaired to tbe bene of 'Mn. Oon
laearnted. ft paab almoat aenm bia Ko additional rotce were reeeired
face waa eat jaat below tbe lotrer lip.
-eaiac. thoodh all tbe
uHUwne Mrred. Naay I
ftnotber laiaUer goA waa oat fa tbe
are baolly eoUeotlBd baUota.
aired by Mr. aad
upper Up The upper teeth
linte o«oor,
BBtnber of rdlaa win be
i. aad a boat of
both the w j buided in tuidbt.
eoBdratalatiaea and doad
Uid lower law bone, wtae____
• ■ The Record bar reoelred tbe eet of
rete re- ; bomnd ToUoieA of tbe ooaree ia
. ,,
qolred for the cat in Ita^ lower J*w j
n,d ««ther eet I
Otei.li. R-iok. Hauit.iB.Ttei U
aerer aold la balk by paddlere or len
White tite
than SSc. Doa't be fooled.- d^ tbe
tea Bade by tbe lanoaa Madiau Medlotae Oo. Aak yoor dragt*!-
PByojplMt and Burdwon.
Bil>ll till ■Mil mj Fitted.
5* •a we
■ ■ ■■_________ I
; ;
Pere Marquette
ITlfh Witne W<im- l •*•*“"* Iiicuutuumi; mrrin. v'e iviuat i urn aon a™ aim r raua aaiuM auu tia< I lory, orereu dcatl^
■ in tbe ©mce of the RecotiL
I tbiw pat In a biUrrooi•“'“dnl by Mitt pior-* Yutin«i-r hrtnl««ni, aloni, wiib tbe teat of
' tUae. and probably
'• • ly tuHl
bad aa
ea iniK-b
tnncli fnn
fen aa >nee
: enoe A. Tbonaa
Thonaa and amitlanl
amitlani ..
h—i| w
I*”*. - Tbey come, chardin
Poaimaatar Raff lua receivtd
i tbaycTM bad before, aiare. Wit.i.r. ; houM- keeper Pred Stebbitu. Tim I
Tbnradb'a mistake. Uu date of tbe i
te. u« liitete. .tel teu.il teuite tell, teiii. wrfi,. do.. ..ite..i I.I.. tteio. i EV Id
v,^n; i£^^ sL otanp canoelliiid maehine from Uk- : rioac
nf tbe eoataat for riie free eebol- i
. i.Oi.Ua.lteiITrt.ld«l.
»tel.l,l,.iu uid.ppll,..l.i,.uid 5;f
! midbiy pnjielar wiib (fnanarabiii In the Interaalioaal Correa-i
•nea-, ITajF'a
a. a.i*. a.
"With tbe fltrl cmnlnd «f tbe Cl , : the brideamaid wore a dieaeof veae-1 tre
okod In the local poet offire J
aaapoodraer School ■ tbe adventamA banubed tbeir ar- I
The raaeblne Uaa a capacity
ittcr all they lieard of."
lettere au hoar.
boand f« Bl. Augnatiuo. aaubnrind
;• aereral bendrede, weTeuMrcbiiiddoaa
J-tbaral% cf tU Urtk liter by wbirli
' Ibay bad camped.
Hot a faaUur erer fl.-ied bw'k to le’l
tbaatorycif tbeir fate. With tbe bat
Bap cf tbe laM haomr aod the lativt
' aun dUot ou fbetcarmcat MmI rap they
Bkonaared from tbe earth. To Uiia
' day no oae it abk in loakr a Bo(^eMicBi
ara aa to what becamo of them, earept
that It la mppoaed they were bairber^
by tbe Indioati.
Fifty Tran a«» Ibera wo» an old Coebachtef naaird Irou ■'‘hirt,
Iirt, Imi
ofataatyoldaUrt <if chain tuail wl
ba woe* bat aeilbrr be nor any nf Ibe
knew aaylbiuK of tbe
■n in tbe
back than (be Mrart 'tkxnaiK-b« tnemory
oealdraabb Many bare tuppoaed lUt
it waa a relic cf tblR t^maiab eapodiiioa
f■ tbne centoriee
centnriee mtn.
oito, which, liad
liad ap
partatly marched oB tbp earth tbit taraway epring day in the moaih of tba
"Bat iHjw for tbaiciak in uumeorlare I WB« thlnkiiw of--------M rf tbeae Spaelah m
' "l dnuiio bowmorb they ««d from
, U<»
HoaUngtretarncI frobi'
jlMBfiadyoaierday oa Bcooent of tbr.
a ^
^ adjournment of tlm k«UlBtare oalll.
mdly at llie *afe ncacert lo him. the ooe
;nexl Wedntaday.
„. . __,,
'^«>dKortb of bn, >ii;ali|rtilcd.
Waatbataafeycnrir' eni aaked
City line teturaed home, after* tiall
{vUh Mina looniav Friedricb.
I,! tliea riiifat wbar 1 do t)pw and Ject na
| Mix* Mabel Gibba of
I TlaitlUd ' >>er Moain.
Mix Ethel I I do
Olbba. of Weal Kidhth aCreet.
-----------------------1- Mpnaf,tbonM?”ohaerredtbeParkA oarleoil of chain was reeaired rilk inaa. "Tbry ain't in aobody'a
from Hcnnaylraiiia yeatenlaT by J. way, and they do BiM nte for booe
W. Klalen
Uocka. Nnlbee IblaR. tee ain’t «.d no
------------------------- •
carta u(» lackk Hroad eoLatjh to
, ’emnrdiow. So we jwt let ’em bo «*
•*"J. aa Ibey aay •it iani."—WaahiDiiiid Ilntl.Mid. 'the fnlnol'e I I, necrU-l.
nwi. lii.
Iii. iwteir
|-«r liitiltb , iaslen Star.
.1. iiwi«
larsHc In III. hard work, lie wrtlee
Is4ka TeiUuay Tm Ml«.
•• urn «Uv anil f«r Ini., Ibe
I Ex-Senator Henry U Dawee. tbe
F.tnitmwwmiatn of tsermfny drtaLa dialinuLDof the! '
none tmt Mccic.ia iwRiH-. Bud a year
year'e* | that ibe town aile qoeatloa in the Indian
ti. l.im awvnlnrly nfiir
nf''*^ ;; Teeriinry ba» bmaue tate <if preat ItnMclj^ li:irie«i fnitii a pkotaii.in I" i pg^i
Tbeie are imw nbont noO.OOO
..nilc people in Uie Indian Teratorr.
il the «tiltnti of T.irk.-y
They Imre linilt up town,. Imi are mere
{ |u,Vt!*am''
----- -. .. . ,
'Imam* at attffereiiee. witlmnt a liarticle
Park itTMlbridee aad hriagiiig ni.t*"^ bU right mtdina flayer hsfweea j
againet the O. R. ft L frei^l boaie-. |«»® P^“k^ » aeetwely that the Onmilewta^'
hail to be re^nl at tbr Jket joint.
■ the' l>r. A', s. HbfWi |*-rfo»iaed the oppta-/ las the'
Over $2,000 worth on hand, principally fine
and high grade goods, made specialiy for us and
anyt)ody can see their superiority over the or
dinary kind. We make the prices so low that
without a doubt the entire lot will be sold this
•!_ Aoaligbt.
d a
■ darlnmid
iLnrkMfHt room
mnm wrllb
ariidcm liyfat a ruby- whete tbe ejutnid
wae a moaiem bef.ire—a lawny wine
red <f oxquiaite tccr. Edmund RaaaelL
forGoats that aro worth in any market S3.75 to $4.50
forGoats that aro worth in any market $6.00 to $7.00
forCoats thaf are worth in any market $8.00 to $9.00
torcoats that are worth in any market 10.00 to 12.00
for Coats that are worth in any market 13.00 to 15.00
tor Coats that are worthjn any market. 20.00 to 25.00J £
Muauari raaks Bret ia Maka, teete
in the last ecarae year •SI.7U: tba
aext beiOB IVsaa. with StT.tSf, and tba
third TaBBcaaM. sritb <63.636.
S-SSSi itss
“I have
taad dMl ------------- --------------------- ---------------af
u. '.l««.M.te ',m. w a.,
andredbynighi. Aod *wh agreen—
and Mecicam moibats toll their childui
of Ibcaoldlrta who. hundrede uf year*
,<U.«a»e ua
IB* man-bed from there aud were
malcteA rrmio '
Barer baard uf aiiBla.-'-WaAhto|ii<m ISmBarniJi!'^'_____
ratMT V4tr- Lack Btoiey ia Gieat Britain ia tba
m of 1 abiUiny ptr bead
CP all cattk M at auction narti. I
^ fUAt life* a W—Aa
abilUafce per
A yooait and well drcAeed w
per bead cat Idr up to M xtaiUiafi i*
torod ChariDR Cnau lokura^ office tbe
Talae. twopence pir-bead over 30 abilother day aad wmee out a diepatch
and n.
lin«A aad up la M afaillii«> aud tbieo.jd tMUsnui). M.ft
be mt to Maacheater. Sberead It orer,
E Htri.j
-iS^" pence per bcml or«r 66 shiUiSfE*. Wba*
lefleeled fir a aioocst, aod thca ^ij^nl
aniliea tp pipe abo ap^e* t(
dropped it oa Utc floor cad
U- teOTte-l
NOT. . ^
OBd. Tblaobeako threw awny. hot waa W «EU state
Mti*L a with the third and aeot- it nff
IID BOuMllentli (arnae
Mr. Btllatb-Ii'A my kind of yUB,
a read
Flia^—"Rerer kt lae hear tna yoa
fw:.-. ■
laisi !;s
ToAiadav tbe river wear* all three .Ift/AhTHA-a r-r! RM.-r*l ro.*. n,u«
litlU.Alh« rewktwouW -..m l«.rn ’
hinlnii tothr Trinidad oewApapriA.
where be woahl find eattle braud> ad-
Bacood.—“KooBa axpreta yonio re-
•e«,H.n.. 1. fond of dor., and I. a
*.h„ol, Co their
Kpl.ndld boru-mnn
o OB Ibe nprrMit:
r. T. lUilleti. l!ir onHiorof a inle.. children, M.OOO cf wbcidThare no other
bltk Ilrer Rio de La* Aaimar, ran bwav froiii li.iiiio aiHl wi-ul
Ibneewhoee pannta
a* .V cnlilii ■•ny at IE. .fie oeuaiM-.'
ratetearhera They have no voire io the
aadil ia anppoeed to Indd llieatoey t Mllnr lireII K'plliis -:iw " tale li.- 1:
doyi-niBimtH of tfaeei> five ualiuua. par .a
Wr:ilel|-;Mld a.IvUi d lllm Id SO HI "1
polio- lafk-er to pn>i
pnnert them <r tbeir
t ia tbe river ladmaRe, wbirb
adumet vicil.-m-e.
ibeMosIramdutmt poeiend to andrr- Korlliomjitnn. Slii.-. a few da.v« a
It will betlie obi.'.-i of tberenuniaftaad.
e.ne lli-ivunlcnf tlir n|do>| Woman lu i
enrh a Kilutiau dt
"When Ibe Frmcb'far trader* under the T-nv Male. Sin- wn» Inim In Mon- ' fv. ,,
SohkWa aad St. Vraln eame Irappinn trenl III ITn:.. Ili'i f*!l>er llve.1 to I>e ! luiTe built np tl
ia tboae walen Tmm S|in a
lanteauma in ecMtly bnihfitid. and exFMach effort at iranalatiou tbrr made
pmAlni itnre* and trading place* may
oat that the Hirer of tbo L^at Souk
title to tbr druund npro
n tbo PursBlGcy river.' and «j miscellaneous wants. arUirb iv Atructurm *t«rd ««i
™ i t;—:------r~I---------------------------- -------- I vuli-e in tbeir d>vcn)meu1,and, ercondly,
lerriteite, 11, Ateteite. b.11 i FS-“Kr-E-ifK'*;5iS.i;fc;• toer eball be lieW either
... raluable
. ,
te, ilA/A>n*fa*-A~m|.i.»i).«i«B»i..eUdr
“Bnrr rean |>irka nut hi* name for
hitiulf, bat they
ftm. It iaa't much of a river cither,
. ]l<t-lf
only BboBi M feet Wide at Trinidad.
* MexicaiM. h
t'harlea kehtwr lam
proper reward will be fwld for tbe tarber eJiop of Ufouti
return of the young man in good con-1 ,i,p Hotel Wbitiag. and will Mk<- fne-1 3 S i
ttl hixjaeixiaa iblA aorniag.
Boys’ Reefers reduced $+50 to $4.00; Youth’s Ulsters reduc- ,
ed $2.50 to $8.00; Youth’s Top Coats reduced $5 to $8.00;
Men’s Fur Ulsters all reduced; Odd Lots in Men’s Suits to
close at $3.75, $5XX) and $7.50; Men’s Odd Pants, an overstock on sizes 38 and 40, reduced to about one-half price.
^ |,
w*M coaie from (be pecnilar naturu
•C bta baataeoe. ,
boicbcr. for In-
fay. aBdibe taaa wbo *|,ied them w»
BMrir talked an arm Off aw.“
Jotanaon looked
(■r aal* Mr.
tJISTUXO VOl-yiO MAX-(^ *va m "Why—why—a arotpiaB'e de MU
WdlBarwM yaau Mr.
' ' aaa." mti Mr. Jacksw* wba tad
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