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The Morning Record, February 06, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TUB. morning record.
out, idch, kundat, febrcart b.
■ora to bo troo to Ufo. -ThooeoM
OUoairo Xarfeet.
roMUaotowofoaeettosoftbo ElooChleafo. Peh. S —Wheat—Pehraarr.
dSko. or imiiodtoto rlelDllr. Md • oot»Sc;^Ma^ WSc:^Ja1y.
■her. TTKe; I
Ueiml whore • bnkneh olore of the
yAXlX.T KCLBAOB B^OX FBOP. •BTATO& BVSE0W8 BAM »BT- llotBlltoB Clothtof Oo. to the ooBirol
A Itoto'. ood faawrdtof
Oato-Phtoaary.. S4«; May. *4Se;
hoooe are repreeeslod, atoo a Boetlac
- 17; May.W0.t7.
to pro- PMXTZOM or AZtoajnrr obmSSVATOB OOykXX VILL MX SX8.
■omod to he bc)A There are roprOeoB- XBAX. X^TMABD 8T7RAIMXD.
Oraad EapMe.
Wheat. 8«e
UUOM of the elalcM of C. O. Oarrer, J. 1
O. LaorWorthr. Ja<d( Tentob. Fred I Writ of
■ br.Jodce BoaXm. A. O. WbMlar.is Bunad br
Pappy XMsaaadXittoaa.
KelletraDdFredlleFhn.allof whom
»na Binetiar Wchlfan Oeatfal
OviAia M UnitMl Butw l^ishiJ- areexpoctlnirtolearefron bore March I ^
XtUace Booke Good br
Cba Fadarkl OAoa BUKoU^ to Mow lot. Tbf« toatooa
an Bntiza ramily, Bader Ooatrol
Sotttod fcr Good ud AU-Soo«(er
aod oaffceto loo larre to handle
of State Xiow.
Borfowa Bam Moaod Hto Kon.
V« eattored ao thldc that wealth
only a oamm>](i thlaf. The akel'
Detroit, Feb. S.—Jod^e Ooaoeaa of
All pepolar ebeetBa**c tor the next
<tf a claiB jasper to daofliny J the Circuit coart today ordered the
Oraad Buida, Peh. s —Toe Herald'*
the Uabofa tree, which eay-l*ooow of a writ of Baadaaeaayaian
WMkiBirtOD 8pe<
yeeu the daayer for the party who 1* (ibe Hieaiyan Ceotral railroad ia the
l^eianit hrouyhtby Uoeemor Playree to
trererey -oror the weotem Miehiyah j
to nwltotic aodjcoRipel the latlroad oompaay U eell
-foderai efflee* by
I him A I mm mllh hank
toe aa aiarahal aadU. U. Corell of TraromeBlty ae dtotrtet attoroey."
GbrIos Takes to Hard Wort ^
As a Duck Takes to Wm.'
~X: 7\W.»llbook.-lh.f, k««ledg.. It Uk» WlAle, tob..
“I ““
' Com. uKlwe.hioh kind you’ll k.ve. • J
Valentines I
you arei-ea^to..,
.■M. B. HOLLEY, Mini —
L Jodye Dow-
ovaa reviewed the rallrc
Good Froyram Froaontod to aa ^Au-1 TOateatlon that asder Ito apedal* chardtoBCO of MO.
j icr the eoaipany waa yraatod the pririWho Betaine Bl Bocauae of Batiny
Laal Biyht Meotayne ball waa pack-, 1^ of flainy iu own ratea of fare,
ed with Dearly :S0 peraoM who enjoy-1 Tbto pririleyt, however,
ver. waa elai
report that the family- of ed the public IhatallatioB of Traverae by the aUle to be ind'eflnUe. a*
F. P. OoSar had kuBered from ^tooB City Lodya, No. 4S1. I. O. G. T. Aftor road'ao
cAartM merely yave tbe compafrom oatiay ooat^mioated cbeeoe. aimof laataUa- ay power to tx fared by Its by-'sim.
ilar reporta ba*e been made- Jl. W. lion. The a
aa Im-; and If ao. under the police -power only
I and hto eotire family
s proyram of a ptoaalay cbarac- iwaeonable rate* eould be flx-d. as un
I Ukau viotoam iU Friday i
'{ter ap follow*:
der dueh power, all rules tuneblay tb*
lay with cramp* in the ttoaiach. butj'
M Bmaarka-C M. LaacMter.
welfare aad dnty of ritixans. their
prompt troatmeat caved aeriou* con*e.
W. Oobla
pn^erty, comfort and
k tbonyb they are aoae of them
be reyalalod by law. this beiay tm* of
oatlroly recovered yet The family of
a O'Neal.
baekmea. mlUera. tall raada. eommaa.
Aldermah A W. Jabru* •oSerod in
Bamarka-Bd. Keith.
carrtora. liquor dealer* aad all olhera
aicanar maaaer aad attribnU tMr 111Piaao eolo—Alice Aikina.
dainy public buslama .
WHO to the tame cauae. Hoyh ProaBMltaUan—M. B. UoUey.
JttdifM Donovan quoted eaveral deetoty experienced a eimllar afllietioa.
Ooslny *0By-*By the lody*.
ious of the United Sto
Fartnaatoly tbe raeulu are not aorioa*
In antieipatioB of the larye clam to court under which tbe riybt to reyuiaavattbcoeo
■be lattlated oa the «<th of Pebraary, lata fares ana ebaryes
Do You Think You Will Have
a List of Wants for Monday Morning?
Just Uiak fer a momeaL Are you out of Toilet Soap, or don't you think
y«mr Tbelh Bmsb ha* ouUived its nsefalnemr Or bar* you decided to try Bath
(perfnme) Tableto at 2&c or Me a h^ Thee* and many additloa* that may ba
made to your list we can supply with yoods that are riyht at prices that am
riybu ff pen abould happea to be out of Baklay ^wder. try oara at 3»c pm
if you have tm Ucketo briny them U aad yet a _______
^nd packaye free.
mtlqoe oak, elm. aab, aiaple
'hirt y
Our shoes sUnd hard knocks bet
ed. Thej»aee the beet va'oe'for th*
Ua lodya wilLbold another open meet- tbe elate.
money we have ever sold, srd will St
ter than most and cost jon less
lay oa the iotb. A oordial iavlUUon
up a'rgra aeaUy, while th*r are a*
Detroit. Feb. s.—G<
' Playree nsefni aad ooofortablews the more
to begin with. Try a pain
•bow FaU of Friday Miybt Oaaaod toaxtoaded to eretyeac to atteaA
*> —
wbea told of Jodye Oraovaa’s decis pensive eeta.
Boro Trouble on be Boilroad*
ion mid: "That to Ja*t what 1-axpaetTbe faU of aaow wbleb prerWled
ed. Iks leyislature cieated corporayoator^y moraliiy aad tbe nlyht hetlqnA therefore it Aia* the riyht to ray-:
Hoom FurnishiiiK Store,
I Bennett and t. Fler- ulate them. OUerwto* what would he '
rable trouble to
the railroad* eatorlay tbto city. A* a
poet Koryaa Appear Actively
the me haviny a leytolatarer'
«oa**qneaee train* on all tb* road*
la Fropooed Beal.
, J
were delayed yeator^y. That leavloy
New York. Feb. s -A cable dtopaieh
Bemlt tn OoaU Bloa.
here at fi:U a. m. for Mantotee did met
Wasklaytoa. Fab. t.-A ul^mm re
foot to pui
ceived at Ue ethic departmeat fmm
train left there at *ix o’clock and did end the suite beij|.
' developSm Jose. Ceeu Blcn. annouMes that a
not arrive here naUl »;S0 la*t evenlay.
la tbe andertaklny to Ue appeaxSimilar delay* were experienced on anee of James Gordon Beanett a* an
tbe other road*, with the exception of
BporUat factor in the deal.
t^traindne here at 11:10. which waa
When J. Pierpont Moryan was ia
Paris a few week* ayo. it is said.' he
B. J. Moryan received a lot of 17 fine
put himself in
* least money.
Iml Xonlli Eie^Ued AU P.« Bmune™. All D«.Ur. SeU Them fcr
eeveral biy fnsnieal houses of London. draft horam Irem Ckieayo yaaUrdi
Pari* aod Berlin, and also bad a tony
A ytrl-baby arrived yeaterday at Ue
Fnpoood to^ao;.
eonsutontAbn with Mr. BeaoeU. As a home of Mr. aad Mrs. WlUlam flitch'
oa Lakereult of tbto pUyrimaye of th* eminent ooek.
Msnnfsctnred by
Ameriesko banker it to said that the en
The Portia anb wll] nieet with Hta.
I yuaraau
Ttoe Maatotee Sew* of UM aiyb t ooo tire 8400.000.000 required for tbe par- J. B. McGouyb Meaday afumoea at 9 altofactloo or a
■ata^ the SoHewiny. which will prova' cAw^ of Cuba to aow amniwd.
Call Iand
Tonnelier Block.
Th* money wUl be paid to Spain, -it
Mr. aad Mra. Charlm Howard arc
The only ap-to-dato Wcycla
•The ApparmiUy well-aatbealieatod to eald. aad eharyed lo Cuba, aad wOl paxeato of a briyht tea-ponnd yirl who
be protected by aa toaue of bon^ prac
report of tbe pnrehaM of the
arrived yeaterday.
tically eonaterslyaed by the United
ruraioa ateamor Cbi
Mr. and Mra. WiU ‘Thirlby'a beme
rpalrer aad Baamelar, liv
lombu*' as aa addiltoa to tb* Met of sutm yoveraiMSU mskiay them .a
the Goodrich TraneporUtien otapaay yilt edyed eechrity
arrlval'Of a brlybt yirl-^by.
bae elicited the interesUur fact~Wt bonds, which will bear laryer iateresLTbe pcatponod meetiay of Ue 8mU
'Jn*t after tbe doee of tbe eeaaon 4f naturally coouyb. than the obliyatlons'
navlyatiqB for ISSf.'eomeoae in Chicay^ of more firmly fixed yovemmeau, wilt, '^ide Shakmpmre club will be held wiU
evolved a ecbeme to obtala eoatrol of with the United Suin' eadorsemetil. Mrs. C. A Travis Monday afurnooa
Mrs. F. M. Ashton has Jest received
all of the paaeenyer *teaBer* dolny it to
bBslnem on Lake Micblyao except prenfinm la the markeU under which a larye stock of fine sprioy atyls* of
promoters of tbe purchase, will ribbons wlU which she bae trimmed
thoae of the Grand Haven and Flint A
I am filiowiug a ^w BiCToldfi
tb* window of her mUUaery atore.
Pare Marquette liee* and place them nallM a literally enormous profit
wbicb 1 bare> R^Eoameied.
Tbe yreal bulk of money Involved in
under a alnyle maaayemenu Tb*
About a seer* of eohoel frieads aniv
Look at them in E.-E.Miller-e
atemara thua aonybt to be coptroUed this fortboomlny purchase will
prtoed Almon Boiler Friday evealny hi Drag Store
from London. Berlin aad New York, bto. borne on West SevenU streeL
were those of tbe Goodrich and H
Itnea. the Graham A Morton. St. Joe- althoiiyb some of it will be supplied by Muaic, yame* aad refre
a yreal faaakiny house in Paris.
epb aad Beaton Harbor llaea.
Ue Older of Ue eveniny.
Korthera Micbiyan line, tbe Cbloayo
Tbe examinaUea. of Sarab Ayera,
L«yyiDy at Oeod Harbor.
and South Haven. Cbleayo and Micbicharyad with lareeny from a store, wm
yan City and Cbleayo aod Hollaad
Tbe Schombery Hardwood Lumber to have Wen held before Juitloe Brown
IIsh; aad the t«ke Micbiyan and Oo. to prepariny to start their mw mill
yesterday; bat it was adjouraed ■
Lake .Superior Tn
on the 14th qf this moatb. The <
ny's line plylny fram Cbleayo to Mack: p*b7 ha* eeveral camp* at work aad
WiU Ellhn R. Speacer. who to to aplaaw City. Saultltte Mart* aad Lake lots arb comlny In rapidly. Tbay are
mi next Friday and ,SaUiiday
Saperior ports Th* Wtoeoasln laform- payiny to me* and teams fit per d4y
Htelnbery-s Grand In Hbakeapearian
aat. who hail* from a Lake Miehiyan and fonnd, for banllaiy or tt.M per
plays, to Frank Benniy. who *
d la the territory ooverod 1000 feet Anton Olmn. the enperinby th* acheme. thouyht that the per- tendent wA la tb* city yesterday ee- mal yaqm U* lead lay npport
Thomas 8. Keen*. Ue noted toayedian.
chat* o^ UeI Christopher
~ '
Columbua curiay teams for hanliay leya He proTbe oompaay lariudcs 16 peo^e aad
Biiyht tarn oat to be aa iaitial step cured six eatfitt
carries a carload of speclsd eoea^.
toward the oewaommation of this ylOppo.it* SMntwrg-., -Pliaii* m
John Binaley Loat a Rota*.
'•AeowooUdaUemof Utoklad would
Yesterday aftemooa while dririny (o,
pataaeadtoorapeUUoafor buines* tbe city, a valuable bocae belenjriay te
E. K. Buriceof Lawlay toU Ue dty^
between' Cbtoayo aad Milwaukee, a John Binaley was Uksa sick. Soon
Nye Jordan of 8ut)oiu Bay
In good fibape, bot we can aapply
withdrawal of eaperilaenssUamer* and after arrfviay at the bam of B. J. ^oryour wants (or Boa* time to oome,
town ytotetday.
ratfoa of fredyhl and possibly yan Ue borw died. Uouyti Dr.
WUl Hanna wQl leave
ramenyw raua. It would alee put aa erted every stfort to save ito Ufa Acute momiay for Grand Baidd* to ah inAnxious to
end to compeHtkia. aad rmtore rates on
definite stay.
Lower oor stock.
east shore roatm oat of Chioayo.
Heavy BiUs fhr ■
CeatraUsatioD would aloo lead to a cur
city yeaterday oa hto way from' Goad And are offering some Bsrnins
tailment of shareaxpeaaea. whUA eonwbicb yon will & well to take ad
The board of public work* met last Harbor to Milwaukee.
stltute a lary* sum of
'aiyht ia Ue office of the dty cleU aad
J. E. Basdaiaoa. the Cirealt court vantage ol A cboic« stock of
fabric*, and
Uanmeud reyular mUae bTnlram sMoyrapber. arrived la towa yerter- Bakery Goods always on band,
high art,.in Figured Chmaa, Colored Batin. Doebeaa and fine
Amoey tbe aceoaato audited were Ue day OB hto way to Ulaad to attend and we weald not hare yon loae
Dreade^pe^ulAT $1.00 and $1.96 goods, and we placed a
Bight of tbe fact that tbe
bill* for enow plowiny for Ue pact court.
.ttetnendona cat on them, namely, to 60e.
three week*, wbicb amount to acnrly
Antra OloKW. fortaeriy Of this city,
>B of XUadike ia Hamil- ttoa.
Another lot of mire fancy Silks, aniUble fer waiaU and
BOW foreatan to tbeAebombery Hard
tninmings. regnlsr 76c goods; also a lot of fancy Moire Silk
ton Clotbtny Oeto.
wood Lumber Co-in Good Barber, to la is the bwt, snd that it will pay
former price $1.00, sU go St 8%e.
Feaalty for Bplittiay
Fred Hunter of tb* HamUtoB Ootbtb* dty to apend Sunday wlU hto fam yon to try a nok if yon bare' nerer
pettems st Ipes thso
fay Oa nxeretoed hto oriyinality and inneed it.
Prank Parker, one of Ue carrier beys ilyyeaaity yesterday in A
of tb* Tax MoKxiiru Reoowi. snlfered ' Tbera will be aa exodas of lawyers
Ue Wfa dtopUy wlndra* of tba atota. a painful Injary yeaterday. Be was from Ue eity to Lelsad to attend Ue
Ha naad the Klendlke for a subject aad epliulay kiadUny from a pine aUmp
OifeBlt raurt Mraday. Oa
Ua mealtwa* extremeljJaUraatiay. when Ue ax* aUpped, eatUny a deep aooouat of Ue bad roads aaveral will
{ TrsTsiMOiW<3-1*Apts BXiOOBC.
and fnm th* aevapapar rcperia weuld yaUiahtoley.
O04 7th Bsd Union Strosts.^ *-----------leCYe today-
Ooly $2J
Boys, we
Gaining in Popularity—
Row Does This Strite TOUT
we are Selling
Man; Different Styles.
tonl Bepilis ud Eqet Euail,.
To Take ARiaiitage of Dor Sale.
Fancy Dairy Butter
Strictly Fresh,Eggs
• at 19c per Dozen.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
SpDCiDi at tllD BOStOD StOFD i1
.... j-i
-■ -4
------- '\^
of thlsdeMasd 'docofoJew.'
eermokM ‘Skyloek’o
who, bw^l-
*sed hj ttie KbskM ot tke ChrioUaBa
who apli spoo bl« J«wUh faberdlns.
Doctor T*llt th« JuryN^lng
Sheriff Martin Where the
Striker* Were Hit.
hrthelowofkU dMrkW
; and hia docato at the baada of a Cbriatlaa.
9so«. T. BAin Afts J. W. BAjrm.
railed iatolerablj br wockerlea
Tills Is Boy’s and Cidren^s Week
We Hafe Doited Hi^ Grade Ganneots Witb Yery Lof Prices,
beeped epoA him aod bia Ulbe, Urea
9. W- UAMm. Bdiwr Mtd ftli
but for one pnrpoae—tareare, reraare
that aball food fat the aueieat rradra
faabeara. aoloaljr to Aotaelo. bat all
bia hated ChriatiaB klad.
ewMih.brw>u. ^r
. fWWMltA>.bf UO.
■u wifci.bTwAa.
fhU ia tba
Tube* i.
IHeU-yaeuc tecMM* erbant Taacbo*
UUnUtalMeaM Aaatkar I'alat. mtaal
dpraeer rirhUy deplcU It—
of hatred aad ioflezible purpoae of hor
rible rereure-
A mtoor kej ta
Brhaal te^atiat UiawHfcers t»>r» Cawtag
— Batpa a( Tamr al LalUa.*r AllaenU.
atraare-old naa’a character ia aleel;
WJIkeabarTr. I'a.. Frh. t.-r>n» of the,
Mothers of Traverse City: H’e to your boys’ interest, its to your
iBiwl inleraclInR
yeat.ni.T I. u„ i7„i»„„h,«.,!»««'... pocket books’ interest, and to your own interest to investigate and
broarbt oot in the actor'a latrodaetio)
TrA«rr«> Ctty,
a tIUIe BOte of teaderaeoa
Itaelf (a ‘Sbyloek'a'
for bia daurktar aad for the loaaof tba
men who were bit—where the>how ha-lly and the ’number .jf
riajr that LSab. bU wife, had r>*««
ScaATVB Bi-KNuwa bM ftMli; aeUlod
«h« lo^-drwpB-oBteonlroTOToy rtffi
t BlrblaUUthat the aeutor kaa
r dccidad to Tte
/%iat O.
In tba daya of their
or dead. -He aald that t>........................................................................
tU wounds on ihlrJJ-nltn men were
s^eDCor makw him nonm for the riar.
ter the faderal offlora of wcAUrn tlieh%«■.
nicled by 44-<-allbrr tVInrhesicr bullets
and jmly a small number were caused
BOl beraaae it U a torqaeiae of r^t
ralue. but beeaoae .Uab r**« St to bio
-Mlaa Venrra ma.ir a preMy ■I'ortla;’
tw abc apoke her-Uo-» with feeliar and
(hU eitj
dkatfiei Attoniejr aod Bob.,A. O. Wbeol-
Youth’s, Boy's and Children’s Overcoats, Suits 1 Ulsters
b) bui-l.rhal. .The difenac in Its cromeumlBBlIon asked the ductur u> clsnsIfy tbe sounds as u. thv t>"alH.>n> of
tli<- men when sboi.
Id. the daya when be waa a baebelw.
Prices Will Be Cot Way Below The Cost Of Prodoction.-
fine eloeaUoBarv.effacl: iVe waa rira-
«r of MuUtoe for Manbal.
Tbb la aa ciooa aad rraoefnl. tike deltrered the
4aeided aome U«« afo. bat. ac»i>at faninnt 'qBaiity-of-mercy'apeech with
wUds a pniuatwaa Bade bj otkera apleadld taau aad diaeriBinauoa
who acpecied farora fron the ae«
In the Bide, nftren: Indlrectlr Id the
al t.-. sJz; direetly Hi the rear, three; Indlret-tix' la Ibe rear, rizbk Of the Udr>
Haanlr made an eseelleat impn
Uat Ibe mattw ia
«lBd. both tbereDUeaeo nanod will
bia portrayal of the lirely
real aaiUftad. wbUe aaemi aapiraou
Mr. Speaeer aad bia
• ter Um officaa iB^iapato will ban all paay will prwent Tbe Mer^mat
tba UoM there la Vo reeorer froai Venice at Stelnberir'e Urand Friday
Vhair dlMppolotBieBt.
aipbt. .InllnaCa-aarwIU be plrea on
the emiBeai
of • the
ia no
ItBeaa of
farorod reatlemaB ^tor
oBew to which
cuiluln b
larpe numbet i
>c hack
Mlw 4inee fWyte
(Wyt* m
tbe T
Mlw Ctra.-e <S>yle. Prinripal C
aaalstant al the tAttImer srhod. proved \
to be a scad aliretv fc>c the a
aald she waa aiandlnz i. n the
■rhcH.1 bouse and *au- the d.-puiies
up alone the Tnadslde
Thm the
•irik<-n> aMU.Kii lie.1 <iuli-ily and order,
ly. The sherirr
then asd some
of them zalhere-d around him. but she
dKl nut *e>- anv nf them aliark him.
S..me t.r then, i-rled -.Jo ahead.'’ and a
few atrlkere pushed past the Bhrrlff. At
that moment a al>»c n-aa.fired; then
cwme another, and In an Instant .a v«|.
ley. "I helped many of tbe wounded
*lrik-rs-«hn fell near Ibe arhnol house,
and did n«l are any wrapops en any of
them While I waa helplna Ihem a dep
uty named Boas lauRh.-d al me ae he
unlk.-d about amoklnz a ripar
Satnrday aipbt. aurroanded by all Of
fala ewB baadaeote seenic efforts aod
ba«a beea caUed
Both lure baea promlaeBt before tba
pe^kla of MlehifBB for .aaTaral ;<
aad their oamea
with Batten of latereei aad rtaat pnb-
Ue moaeat.
Mr. Corell. tba
Berridea today aa follows;
SacoBO baa aotbinr knl pood worda to
Momiapaerriee. 10:90a. m.
Ohy ara to be oeapratulated upoa the
Oospel aerrlee. 7 p. m.
' AeelaloB
Yonap peopie'a aei-rles. .^;4S p. m.
wbalerer mar be the poUtieai differ•-
by Beapeettr* Obanbaa.
aay for him aod be aa wall aa Trarem -
Bible ecboela erery Bnaday at cbnrcb
«ae« wblob bare appeared la the ooe- at 11:49 a- m., Oak Park Cbapel I p. m.
Witneeaiap aad prayer aerrlee
trereny. ibare ia ao HoaaUoD that tba
aOoa at dlatrictatuniey will be bbly Thnnday erealam at 7:90 o'clock.
iUed aad the iaportabt doUaa of tb(
^ Choroa, quartet abd aoloaiapiapSaa-
poaltioD wlaely UmloUUred.
day ereaiap.
tea aad Mr. Wheeler are also te be ooa__«ratBlate<l upon
tbe aaleeiioa of the
e N^ee-a auwaa>elae.
a msdr a good wltnesa fc^rl
slth. dust Id the crow
amtnaimn ahe alao madea.irood witnna
Ihedefeiiae The defense will try to
the |«-..plr of iDBtilhier
very morh afraid of the vtrtken. luid
ime much alarmed aheii they heard
they a.mlnp (Juacoti. the prlnrtpal of t
-hool. had denied that his
pupil* aere frlghtered. hilt he rouM
not ezplAlD Very dearty .wby they had
boiled oilt of the e.h.xd without by-Ing
dUmlaeed Mlaa roi. e said on Ihlep.-lt.i
etiae wanted to zet at
Jurt whi
Phe uid
Soaday aarrleea.
Prcaeblnp. 10:90 a. m.
to bare aech a pebllAlioa aa.Dana’a
Sunday school. U>.
Beriew abow by a BuitlplicUy el ffp-
Younp Peopla'a meeUap. 6 p. m.
«ree IbaUn every lUe of ti«de aad ia-
Prpaehtap. 7 p. m.
-dMtry tbeyearbaTbeeBooeof ezcep-
All are wrlcoae.
CKBlsnAX etiMcv.
Serrieeeia K. O. T. M.bair. mProBt
BtraeVAt 10:90 a. m.
otber yean U one ef maay Indicatioaa
Subject—^‘Saekinp first tbe kiapdom
•f tbe bcaltby uoodiiioa of tbe conn- ofltod."
try. the ooBMrelal failorea for 10B7
TcaUmiwial meaUap Friday at ^90
yopteeeaUDf 34 pcreeat. Uee capital
thaa In tbe preocdiapyear.
aald .Till- etnkers ar.-.rondnE. and I
»*M my little sister to zv b- nie a|ih
ine’ I exruiu-d the little Rlrl.. and then
thought It best to dl.mlcw tl >- . laaa *o
they r>)uld get borne before (hr alrlket-s
^1 are ooniially iarii^.
••y. O. OeehU*.. e*mw.
B. Oaborae ha* clambered iato ibe Pta-
Aaeireraaiy normoo at 1U;90 a. m.
Itree band wapon and ba* left no doubt
Oabomc baa ontil receatly been a rery
Mcna^anU-l'mprM' man.
Plafley law
tbe enactment uf
would ruin
nur market
•broad are aot aay lap mneb about the
aadal flporea.ahowlnp tbe czporu of
1M7 to bare been tbe^.larpeet ia
•tatery of tbe ooontry.'
Theatrical Moiee
-Here iaanoiber pleasant aeUoe from
ttm Port Huron Tlrnee. of Hoyt h. Ooaary. who it to appear Is tbe City open
• Bouee aezl tVedneiulay rreniap:
HuwarU Huure
BadlCDce for oo* hour asd a half was
Aellghted snd cbsnBsii.
Mr Conrf^ U
B eoUured Arttat. yet reulaa all the
tubjeoi will
the ktefe.
Ue la f*kMb«a^.v.
leal, and—wtini.
scholsrly, poetlcBl. musksil
bs safe uad b^ bfm for■yoDnetfwbJ^D
Friedrich Bloch.
The follbwlnir la clipped from tbe
Umt^vlUe Eveniof Fast ef OMember
po. inc:
"Tbebin lut nigbi waa ‘Tbe Mer
actaool at V:49' a. a,„ Claaaea |‘
agea. j
the-Jew.'MIm l>enrra*a •Portia.' Mr.
I*re*cbiag bc'lh n
by Bev. W. E Kea*
Bencic as ‘(iratlaao.'
anbjeev " Doctrine of the
lorning anbjeck
/' ‘■Spaneer^ •Btarloek' if. like all bis
chantcterixatluD*. careful, .thoughtful,
■■ Sympathy 4if
acbolarip, striking alway* with irne
Claoa nMeUngatU:9aa. ta.
. aim aad alarap* bttUag the marlj^ with
Sunday school after thamornlag ser
a degree of preclalon that la pleaaiug
•a'd promiaea much. HU delluraiioa
•r the character U as'^et more,of a
trayal. It U more of a sketch than a
Tbuae tenebea that;
naaeg zfuaKWAU
. fbarles'T. eiiiuL BwrUir.
,.re.r Uoanlm.-u
wa.l a’a.UluU<n
show the mMW, tba datalU that are I
Maraing aervta^d sercaen follawad
tadivldually imperaapUbla, but blead j
tke azquialte
U>L>3e dam at it.
Hvenleg eerviee and aermoa at 7.
A oordlal invluUoa to theau tezwieea.
aad look, are atrongiy biated at ia Mr.
apMoarb portrayal.
*<lWa M aaaak to eaMMMd te
a I Tuunu
Aud one of the lanreat and
All are teritefi.
Qapk BUM. Ofioer
expensive companie# IrarelinK.
And Shakespearv's Sublime Historical Tragcil^'.
FEBRUm fl m 12.
achonl pn
* "■
with hla own SMoery. preeentiMg.
The ..............................
Board of-Bdacstion will sell tbe;
Bible caadlag, at opening.
tkr liuildlng tbeWn. at privately
lliing rour bibles.
_^Ir for IToi. For further infnrajallon ■ HI
JuDcor Hodrovor 3 p m.
C. K. meeUag S:4.-..
Let preqrnt.
Hvaningaervioe 7 p. m. Mrs. Moors
will preach the aermoa.- Bong pprvloa
at the opening.
Ctunr aad bring vour friends.
^tpOl-of Vebiee.'wiih Mr. tipaaoer Aa
study than a cojopletely rounded por
JULIUS STEINBERG, Proprietor and Manager.
Barj Mewr*. Pw-------
uompetent teacbari «f all
Popular Clothier, Hatter and Fumisher*
I Sleinberg’s Grand Opera House I
be comeii staia.'
late a-v^paffect whole,
1 lot youU'a fioa Baavor Overooate worth te-OO. at 3*7
I tot of ymte-a Imported
la brown
aad llpht abadca. worth «I2.0U. they po at...:.. 4.41
All bo^k auito. from ape 14 to 10. te all fftndaa. wUI ba
Pareau. .-oroe aud briag your childnui. ■
abadlag* of vooal eUpraaaloa. Iba ^
Cbpe Ovsneata.
These priceB good until March 1st. After taking inventory w»
many broken lota, hence this terrible cut in prices. Come and.
fCBoe and nsturBlDuss ofr B
b (rDida born
perfect picture.
••Around the Store" waa phrea last
Why, Mr. 4-<«i»illi. 1 nwvi to know | A
I'niysr^marting topic for Thandap
Blfht la Ibe Tint Protbyteriaacburch will be "Oar Fatber'a Call." Luka 9: j-iwui
Poviic-: lUiw^-vopr' And ! S
tbe Cl lUbciviKv uisti t-xtrudi d hi.' baud. ■ "«
by Beyt L. Conary.
Mr. Conary bat;
ICor 7:i;.
JThei, :;I3. Matt
hiLlit i<urt,''ao*wnv(l Lm-li- Milas - ^
rare pifta aa a dialectioae aad
Luke llirll
Uni. :.:I3.
^bc ,
1 i-u.IimI < ic. '•( ..im-11)1 to Fawuev !
4:4./ I I** 9:1U. Re*. !«;•<.
. I..I ><i. Illili.w Ifc- aM«l<l'>'l:^
r. -rob
«la tei
ruiK.vtw' ■’iivm;b.
bl it, r. —Ij,
II >,(, J
> hear.him
r.him many
I lot Cbild'a Ulsten, -bortb
I lot Cbild'a ovsrecota alM 10 te t9.^^^'^»i. I
1 lot Child’* tteeren, worth »9 00 at'
eiHterv Had Temwtsed l-atliuwr.
This ulll be atronz'evidenoe for the '
Pilprira SpIrlL"
All are Urlted to
def.-nae. a« It will show (hat nti the! V
come and take part.
Mnaic by the Tiieaday previous to the shooilcr a j ^
O&see City quartet.
number of strikers were rioting In lat- i ^
Sunday echool at the dot* of t^e timer and lerrorixlng the restdenla I W
While these were Dot the asme men {^
momlnp serrice.
Buslaste aad prowho iTiAiThed. on the fatal Friday tbe' ^
tbe etady. leallmony will be valusMe to prove that w
In view of the rioting of PHday the A
Youap men's cUas In tbe leal
aeala le tbe ehereb. Bible clam at tba shertfT eonaldered the live* aod proper- X
the l.Attlmer people In danger. - sR
ripbt of tbe pulplv
Lra*on is ."C>nr
The rommcnweUUh rolled Blephen T I A
Fatber'a Cpre " ^att. .•.-•.•4.
ttemale Adam*, a traveling man. by whom » .
hoped to prove that some of the depu- | SS
for tba Sunday aebool.
Junior ChrlBllan Eadearor at S p. m. (lea while fournoying to the w-ene off JR
the ahimllng made thrwul* that they ■ ^
Youap 1‘eoplr't Society of Cbriatlan would kill pome of the atnkrra. Th* !*9
Rodeariir at 9:49 p. m.
Be ready to wlii.e*a wald he maid not Idenilfy anyj^
•1 of III., deimllew on the i-ar. A* be waa,q,
ttoadar evmloL'roapel meetiag at 7- proceeding 111 :e|l hi* story the defense! 1R
The.pbJei-ito>i was aiutiainad
p m. JIahp ar« given pracUcad help,*’
Hod Meied (be Pawen.
in tfaeae ^Ungv
«< a loBC editorial la ibe Saull 8w
ii" ”*
_____ __________
S5 Jo’l Cblld's auiu. bn*rn lotei ac«e”ftt>m fi to io.
Tbit beiap tb* 3.Mb annirenary of tbe
•f hU eff^inal ooorenloe. by reaeoa
TuR adreeatea of free
.h„io,V UD.II .u.« Mir.
■ ‘“‘.'j;'';? Hs'i
rvAaaaucai. catraca.
Brr. B. aatobwy.l'AXor.
Marie News of *bicb be la editor.
■Do' you I'hinb you-v. ow,. - Bioriou. 1 avall vouTSOlf ot thls CTeat Bareain Sale.
A warm we^mr for you.
Uttar for maiabU.
It moat bbahaoyiBf to Mr.
tynliH- patUhife eev7n dfed In tbe bwpltal. IHO an rllli Ih.-re and recorerinp
CbiliT’a black wonted auite. doubl
breasted, a
Blowly. and thirty have bem dlwhancd.
woo],<r^ralarpite *4 oo, tbb
all of them rured e«cepl «.ne who irn-.a- 1 lot Cbllii'a black wonted kuiu.
*niu. ape
4 te » rrpular
Prices: 26c, 60c, 76c. Box: $1.00.
i •
----------------- --- ---------- - - - -
386 fairs
Fine Shoes.
Piogree & Smith. A. E.
Netllcton and W. L. Xteuglas 'tnake.
Inspect them.
, $6.00.
$6.60 ,
Pair Going
IFx*axiii !^b?i©cii*icItL
The Old Beliable Bhoeman,
Traversa dtp, Mich
. •
----------------I DoingB of all Bents of Pw>ple sn^ Odd Bits 6i "Svin Frqm ^
* All Om The State.
» two aad a ball locbea la Uaglh.
a wcIl-kBOWB elUara bad a lovaly
■_-------------------------- )
h «>• Fallow That li Qat^ Out
Fruit into Trouble in thf
Katoor*t Bsiliwieka
r (he -KeDtucky I
he Mid. a aenalor tor
the whole Amertcaa Iwopla-. |«d
aucb would perfom hli datiM and cut |
hi* vote ia aeeofdancr with bU e«B- I
wtcilotw and with tbe dtctaiM of tala
^ TK. A«u™ »f Wa Conoam. Pro.
inMctrd m the bdef open aaa- :
After tht-' ext
three bourn tbe eeafU adyouned «
Monday. .
Ia the execnflv# MWilon While t
la axaci rapraaaautiM of tbe eaa- j
eoBtdrtable Inoomf. aaya a Oraaartlle
MB “dacraaiaiiui’- fraa a f^rncot «t'
proaparad with him.
Id lea* thaa a weak buvi-1 ber follawla*. when Imwrence wa» »nr-
DMa beran to brlybten and albur tben. i rounded
a parlod of alx montha everything ba*. men.
Seveoteeo atber rlvdr.
Soma | Harper'a Kerry raid.
pera would hwvv had a rtaht to clam.
Indciiinlly from the Fruastan xoverumeut Iv.r the daniacr* *UBtalnt-d iqr
(hem. and It would be r'-xarded l>y lb*
L'nlted-States xuiernmml aa a liiatier
of duty lo sustain tbU demand for Indemtiuy
The o
I lb acUve service In the a
‘o ahlimirtk*
term* indlcaird. tbe ahlp-
iny Jew" from their homes in the hope ! where be left U on roi««r W makrtia
any the plant fivea out poison.
c.imu.l.tatioo on
Iila.wrtaln tbut if tbe
Kawidrerev ae orieinally pomulsated bad
It was recovered, and ia. la-'.ii ]
tamUlM have discarded tba "Wander-1 John HroWn ha4-it at Blue
^ that brighter days may follow.
l.soo armed pro slavery ■ other aide.
it was
The rrmnanu now repose la
is state penitentiary.
Francis Crsbie.
l.uliiiK be made
follor ln* No Aiiw-Hi-an would I
tabor 111 Hawaiian susar ur ciner Oelds
and American waxr* .-..uld n« be paid
comapondaav ia tba Lo««\l .Ledfar.. tbe Mae. baeins beee exploded
for *uch labor; the Hawaiian nattve*
Umaa of peace, in an attempt to ralae
■ Om day be percLaaad a banflDf' baa
were intelUsenl. >et they had not been '
-Waadertne. Jew" | aoae bodies from tbe Kaw rieer. Kaa-.
(voBuUed; that the eon»tiiulloB of Tex- :
as. at the Ume of annrxaii.-n. provided .
' aaa. 6o tbe aoralnir of Jaly U. idiei
-LiBdtar Taihe SMb at U
spev'IBc lubmliahin of tlw- qura- j
'Bear, looked aerioaaaadaald: “I wUb la raoorded bietnry berina with lU
ir people of T.
tion of aniiexaib
yon bad not bronybt it; It'a vary nn- eaplum from tbe Mrxieaiu ia tbrn Sac
................. _ ,, ,
Hawaii waa 1
Wanhlost9n. FVb. .A-The aute de.
lucky and alwaya brinfa aotrow and rameato valley war in Jul.v, iMfiiaiolea
a .tcp that <->ulU add to our «hry.
paniiiiiit ha* Iven noUfltd hy Amtnrrvase our wealth, or be rritarde.1 ^
trouble.' I'he huaband lan(bad st bar' by tbe 'Miaaouri prb-alaverv faeil«n
haarailor White arBcrUo oftbe hwdlfl,
an evidence of out honewy. lie quo
auperalitloD audAbc "Wanderlnc Jew" from the ataeral at Liberty. Mo., in ’51 ration of the uriciual decree IsMied by
at IrtiKth from a aie.ech made in the
yiaced the window of tbe boma In ajand uken to IVanklln. Kaa.. where It Ihe Hruvplan mlolater trf Unamw. l»rV senate In 1<M by'Turple. In whh h the
abort lime tbe wife aad danybter died i wax buried In a UrldLjater it was nxed miiiu< I. prohHiitinx. the
Indiana nenal<>r Mid iliai bowev.r de.
and miafortnoea In buaineaa crowded [ tq demoll>h the I'ree State hotel: in a Americ,in fruii
Ac^ordti u to ihe am-' e1ral-le the ai-qulsltlon i.f the ir.ands
miRh* be the ruiled Siaie* Sould not
Bpoa the bnabasd anul be smtIv be-: bdttle at likkory Ooruera Col. Tltu».. hae-diilurV
the d.-cicc doer 00
affurd to take them "by Meallh. by any
eama dktradtad. SitUny in bU library | from Sooth Carolina, wa. capum-d by 1 aw-lr ««* dried rrui;y. while fr.wh
prucea* of furtive le*eT»lrmaln'«r uiM-d
idmltiml tu rnlry If
one avealn*. redecUny on hi* iriaU U»e Krae sute party and rxehanred'“‘i' ^
larreny spruar frern th- bsiolit noixim
tnation shuws'tls condlllun In Iw'aatta- mlwallert the p.-llcy nf *ue.-ca!i."
■Hd aSieiioaa. tbe “Wandeirinjt Jew' 'for tbe i-annuh. which a^in
faciory. If Ihle modlOeail'-n ha» b**n
Apiaode came to bU mibd. He. himaolfr; Lawrence: 00 September iM it was in '
made in the dr.re*
would apiwar li-m'^'^buV by**sc«J^-^lr‘flhbUterlrt
was nowauperatlUoua. and. Ukintf tbcapudientol in Iboliberattonnf a bnn',^,,,
,.romi.| repr^ht-Uon, made tbe pm-ale <-al. n.l»l
i..nl«IMrc the
lepuiTed hy the
commltiee on
plant from tbe wiadow. be threw It' died hVae SUte pflaonen. Tbe Itrcem-j
4-,died Stsiv* haw received an- bill*
wUa aed danrbter. a ni«a bene aod a
tuotod by tt>« Ftnancwr
terminate But-eeasraiiy ir maaaaae nstat.
There <18 iw iuueottoa that the
Hli; mtiMB are rteb with colA II an
the tixmey paid Orabla by the eompaay
had beeo plae^. W develop the pioparty
It would have been a »reat aacceaa.
Bdremoot eoterprlaen will not be laa*
teriaily aSettad^__________
rlitmt was not reached. Ibe wh.de day
helnu •'•nsutned lo passlni
ravnrahlc scied up.‘h by
lb.- sessl.u. last Friday r
the 8i.BsiWf-rai...i. of one of th<
an lnter>sli.nx .liycusalo
l.rnachlnd^ sate of me t
road, set for Feb IT. was pr-.4i.li
hy Flemins of '5-orxta. wh>. will
Itam-H-rallc (-olleaxu-s d-elr-d 1«»
Hon to Tvquitv. the prrsidcbl
Md me
.mourn of the drbi
d-M _l^b^*l«^
prinriiial *nd
.lr-1-ra.t. Pow.rs, chairman of ihe Ita-1
elm railroad .ommilier, coUlendrO that
otnsalllen *
m, l.ooi»; Fal. S —Franrt* C Omble.
the pra>e<nur and Dnaneler. Is still in
the city, tall WWW no one except a lew
friends and llegal advlMra.
Chance, the ^nrieria vrivaie secre
tary. uho baa stood between bis emhorde of mK«etrfTi''tliat
••ptv In- pk.y-r and
have bi-aiewed Mm alnee h*» prWnee
altrwant hei Deaelal- :
c9ty Ob A
illuir Omaha
Phluaeipbla. Feb
Feb. A"-Tbe
A-Tbe Enquirer
he was-eoinxlbvra for.cu
il the Interaiatal
liitersiatej Hhrth<-r or nU tirabtr would fullov
says (Mr inuinlnc tlml
rompany. aiwm aft^r.
IrrlSHti-Ai I'anaJ and Land rompany.'
one of tbr ootrry>rlBw
ThU hr djd e^. however; "Mr CrabU
-n-rlBw of Francis C
.........o. ..ri to
•.. lu
It. oredltora ' tM
irandrd at prev-ui.and
. *
Xlrabk. •...
ha* ann«ujK.-d
«• Doan-Nliy
Onanthat It has iwd a dtdiar la It* trsasury has not 1-ce able to tnr-li-vrtaJn^Icn-csiw.---.,..
Thir i^e li«-r. rrt..rt.-dTlwoi
with whi.h to pay nou-w. It follows with
> man-d r.l* -m-dil. Mr.
• aliiivmiot from the tiwarurcr of the
eomiwny. Ubuno- H- Lupi r. who l» also
HMh t'witowwal Oai Thai la* Betarr* Vew
u ti.miy <.ii«-a4c*a-itask •> wawh
srevnd t>'— pivsidvBI uf ihe'Bi-curtty )y.
Tru«l and Ufe ln»ur*m- ^oci.pany. of do."
thl» vllj.
Lu|<er said he
t a* irvaaurarl
be Wax not .* dlrect-r; thal he bad t-eeo ..!?» e.— .
eleelrd Ire-.urvr last July, that be had ywirrd.y
never beeu.pr-seiX at a m>-rime of the
comtmnv. that be dlJ not know wbrthT
Feh A-Tbr Mianaap.
c orsl.-n part) arriri'd
• tecra- Fultman ai.d
. in. .oJ.nx «is. John
rrlv.'.l y.sirrdjiy.
\DEftED BrTetePMpfte. '
not. and that he couM not lell wbeih-era ef Itswth CUM,
there would be ImsnedtBle'^pll.ailon
f.T the apisAhUnent of a receiver or not
Biw^iri p Vbrr Bwwptsc.
lai'Ual sluc-k of tbe corporation' be
port jtewt.-Kin F- b A—A raurderar
only about
r r-ouwveito U- banxed. who ba*
si«j<k had hri i ls*urd. This, ^*ped i© * pirtnl Ii* imlra from bin
bad brrr. Isrtird rr
votunisrlly mirieni.H« a. IV ..r land.
ludlt.r ..»» town I
s^horuirs here yerterday.
kils. Ihe |ie |irrty-iylnr In and an.uttd
j^e ml-of anoiber I |on» dlstaiice *elepb.m». The ivoctct
ky,-n.cni.-nBd was (leorxr W.!pinch..br Kanms Oty,.
While the drpertiDVDt has n» ufllctal
i-.Hun MlllProeltlngi-ompany. Thelnlrr- who fullow-d yiiuax Frank Kweffrd^ *
news a* t.. (hi* r.wt.1- a.-t.on of Ovrslate ramrany lx a New J.-rwey oorp-'t-' here from I'acrli. Kan., aud niurdrrefi
■ exoaUant qaallt^ of soft coal from 40! county the starill alarm of the mocking many. a B<rUn cable has ihe fidtowinx
biro fonm-.f-w iollars. hldlnx ih- body
to W feet below tbe aurfaea. in veins! bird fire wbiaUa of Kalkaska aounded from Ibe Berlin Keich*anxeiser.a proraIn the busip-s jYeuerday f'lr. h called
Beiders of (Wllatera^At* tadt.
Inenl newspaper of that Hty; . The
up .•Sheriff Wheeler 1.> trlr|.h.inr ffijtn
from -Ive to aiyhl feel tkick.
These 1 upoa tbe mldniebt air in »oeh a frirbt• Tbe Knoulr-T srtlrlr continues. The
American apricultural dviutrtmenr* re
A- Lsm..»t. Mo. *rid said he would br’bera...
veiu have been found In aeveral pans tul way that two yoone ladles
port (*n ihv Stan J(»w shield louse led 1.on the evrniiix train to help
Comaoa township tboufbt it was the cry of an offlcia! inquiry her* as l.» the dr
of ^ city and aurrouadiBr bonairy.
[icernment'* intr.resi at tbe sale of
tail ihal he boAeR
a wild beast. A brother wa» appi^ed cumslam-es under wblfb Ameriran fruit
fron, tbe.ca.hlaed f-d-ra! and aUta
the >*orn Kxrhatrxe Natlnaal bank. J.
Frank, on Jan.
t he bad
.yrson bee* rdi lYesday last In i.ornpany
and be waa tnally
m (.'allf-irnls |»wrs arriilos pr«M to ta.(h Ihr *p.«key am
Dr. Dalaoy baa In bis p
prav^led upon to pet a pnn and anlly
as xarnlshers. led n. the Jitf.nmail.m
K'numvrtms llilnp. bn-edinx .hair.. *n ..f Ihe FiV.llc- fsllt
here to Kanaas
rtoaad n
^:-^^hal aome of ttae- lartle* bold lama
forth to kill tbe animal. Itiaaaidtbat able Id lira. sbs.ilutrly Idroilral with th* mlllre. for lexiwlalt^ uo lh<
on a freisht'train: ihst hr todpefi
. bla prandtatber in tbe batUe of Water
Usw'sblFld ioujsHr con- TelliiTVs sh1p "'T^' St* ta.lh .'%‘r* :^bi..uni> of the *f«k of Ihr Interaiste
tbe hunt of the yponp oiaa was aokne|w>ti<* hradquanrn there on Tuea*
land and canal company and of Ihr
loo. in wbieb batUe the intrepid Napoawiuenlly . xprvaard the vpinl.m that tbr oua" H.1.1 Fif mU>n-''buq.I faii«-l m x
mrht. and that the R*xi day btf
leoa Btel his defeat. Jane 18. 1813. Mya
Ihr e,e-V-r 10 o*.- hi. influer,.- wl
to \1«ii hls'-mother and *l»trr on
eomtikny ax t-ollat-ral. which it was
crave msterUI dswsrr thrr*;1.y
A con
Mr IVw-W or Ht ta.wrr. to «r*r h
ro nrair lamAnt. Kn.tr tbr time of
Ua Boyne City Citixen. Tbe doctor's
ihoaxht by tbr aua.Jilnt .-ivdllw
Hoibee R. Uwia. n oolorad man of ference. of tbe <.lher specialist* and (be- Inflnencr with Ih- si.-aker <*n yesl.
arrest h
imhlilon was to
rraadfatber was a surfeon-major. In
I miRhi ‘be mwv than aufficlenl b. pay
rept'Cts «'f the imjierla! oBI.-r ol h--w)tb day 1 tried to-y-; re.-ofnm.ei ft..in tl
nee them axalh. I Afi-r auylnx ever
Ionia, la apitaiinp the qaeatton of eall
nhe ilalms of those holders. The h«.ldtbe Tbirteentb Llrbt.draffoona. Tb«
eonflrtrii-d ihl* i1rw In ecrry lariliular. st»sk.-r. 1 -wuxhf his tialural e>-. b
nlxht with thrpi hi w-nt lo lamontajkl
lap a state convention of oolorad vb*«ra 'Thua Ihr neceealiy-for prompt measure*
er* of the i-olUteral. however slate ibal
anrtieal iaatramenU rcaemble
t failed u> .atrh Ms ofn.lsl eye. Tods;
asked a e.-nMabl« to atvompany him
there w..uld be dtaapp-'lntml-ni Hi thal
.to orpMixe a dab lo be known aa tbe for pn.inxion wa» fully .l. ui.inMraled "
bs'k to prison
if WH* then he eaU^
BiDch tbe delleate onee in use today.
Oraham b.-lds
Matter IM.rli.ird Is the CwSliwt.
: l-wMUs.'-th./.^.Irmsrr •
op Fhrilll Wh-.-lrf and pave noUcv ‘M
•Itboiwb in tba bead, of skilled operaRepublican club of Miebiran.
hi.-and of other |N-oMe who tmjk
The Ortman fruit drerrr was a pnan-lara tbs keen bladaadU VallAnt service, i
with much eneonrape- Inenl lo|.lr of cataneJ .navvi**‘>'n yes
, paymepi foi Orable'* alts-ks with note*,
mant. aad bcTweca tbe Idea wUI bear terday. Seureiary Wilson Mated Ihtt II olije'-t ■■
srid Ihe I naal«ned‘io Oraharn to tbe amount of
Tba UsM used by Dr Oalaey-a praodMayulre (Dem!) of I'a'
, h m' ■ "rally tvr.no*. He holds ■t.'ck of Oia___________
was unduul.tvdly true that rartalu writ taw — .ilred rhaith-aofntbar ia a ^arp* blade betwaai
Or si* CalU AXeat^a to Ut> FabUsMc*
d-bi .'<t' We »'”»«npanle. to the amount rf ».Ma
kn.>wn frail diseaMT"''»>ld be carried cf.I.rtrt.th.- 'nil an-uM
vtoes la lb* I ailed aielto.
tortolaa ebelt bandlea, and on tbe blade I
.• * •
cullateral on his ow n actvwi.nl,
on Ihr troll itsvtf and thus4he Infection tak.- the rta.l mo.,1 hr iwi.rved the law
Chkspo. Fel. 3—irbe.a lual banquet,
U en^ved tbe Enplleb mown. Tbe I
Lapeer ba* a real lively rbrat eaasa- could Iw.xmimonlcsird u.heaJthful trvea
mud, 'morr <ro the acv.onl of others
rteau-xe A. FletcheFs attachnienl is trt of Ihr l-hlrap-. Bar a*ao.tatlon was bid '
doelor has alee tbe elctbcaeope used by | tion. and tbe Fresa eom'manu on the aiaxrrai .listame u ws*rxplalned that j
US.ono. IVa parloer. Karoutd fi Mltchefl. last nlpht. J.awpb K. Ctaoair. uf Neir
,, ,
owr>rrj.lu|. nf rallrtads.- IntirbiapTandfattaer wbtab. on oneoccaalaxi I anbjeci tbasly; "Tpe first ward pboat
wa* in r^^hl' S venture* to the extent YorA belnp th- pufst of Ihr n-ening.
past had-prubibited t e brlnpinx wKhli
poeed iMlxell.
'1 want l» collr-i the
area used on tbe pecaon of tbe "LltUa> has ae *yel not been diaoovarad. al- Ibclr b..Illr,s .f >w
of t:,u«n. u<l hitd* enouRh st.wk a* co). Fully SM leadins aHorneya uf Chlcapo .
rvpilrd surnlre
! tboupb aeen on two diflerani nipbu fruit frt.ro Infe. t- .l
wrrr t-rcsee.<
Chual- dellvef.-d as eld;. c.d ths( the whole purpom- toir-rnl lo krep him nrariy wb>.le
The a-m-l:
« * .
i last week. Itome eay it it a mntker stair*
quml addrrs* u|nn--lhr •ui.yect -Our
shn r.rr ..II.sOrx the *S|r -AiB.iBLK RANK C
fora, mlxfit te .ntl e'
IT.ifresj.4i ~ Hr matntelnrd that in na
•trrhm.’tit ovnrtahlp *ml «pMaddened with iealousy. a. well-1 Vjitxg to eenre her daapbUr off tbe
Aitwwi <W.'klrr M*
It vrni Par 0«t— I other •4Msruit..n to Vhif b mm <-an d«known yoanp lady of tbU plae*. Mya j street, olbera think it is a pertain
•lie (heir .li-es Is th>^ a nobler inteW
I.«l.-irse hss he*
tbe Central L^ Torch, raoenlly se-! woman at timea craxr and knowi not raMnwl V
eprctal toThe I le<raa. porsoil >.r a t.lxhrt ffioral Mand:rars." In-Omaha. N. h. Kvb.
cared a revolver and drove all tbe wny | what she is abo^t. aqd aUll other* do- or dls(s.s-d to i.rcjudice lht
aaya: Th* j ard thal. I'lsj.ipr* ii.d ir-tva.le* «W
-i Icrntj Ir,' VsruitT..
mapine* If Bee fn.u- * -wwr..rd. NrU... aaya
shseni-e .if deflnlte inf..mm
to Eaet Jor^n one eveninp for tbe > elate it i* a female somnambulist. Tbe
(ary \Vtl*on ucd-rsliusl. h
The .iTi.rr.i*
.v. rnro*rl
door* yraierday Ruirnlnp. C. 1.
> ft*arosrad pntjwee of abooUnp a rival|»en»all>o continue*."
the toist .-xporsaitan* .-f fr
outsh.-nr But p
Grata*, tbv caabler. la to ihv vast. A. land but in ecrry 'lotbeT <s>untrT In
who had been ancceesfal in eecurinp'
. * .
ui n.w>/“v>
L. H-.twun. anstatani cashier, will say ahapmx puMk affaliy.- In ttta n-spre* '
tbe attentiea of a certain younp
nolhlnp uf the bank further than thal br WUeve.1 that with .on* coqaeot the
Urallb officer Hair* of liraod Rapids, j
r-M,pdnan ha* mad*
•-I sta pIsd'N.spud's
to whom both Uid claim.
Tbe tateowlnp to the atswD., of Prancls C. common Ju.lsn.rnl .if mankind wouU
^ ta,.j.i_^ n.l,,ulou* than I
Gral'lr. Its piesidrni. .s.uMed with the
M Haniiilidi. JR'rb«i<v and t.lncnln
. I AerautoT Say* The, spread I
-d I'........ .
«,r Wasi Uaara-.tlae 1
,]ne|*en ***^
**** ctirr.-ncy which wa* exthree Am^-^n lawyer* wbuaa
pntr.l yt-slerdsy nw.rnlnp did nut ar»ervi~w bad fn..-t taraHy run-,
Washlnpi-.n. Feb. S—Wl
' rivr fn.m (he east hr thought II better trfUitcd to Ih. fepnallon and prra-rva■p to bn aboL
through tbe day. tk.n of the .Ih^IutkiB. on wbiwe Cunheard of iliphinerla: and there wae a .ja,„r,.ai. h.nses m <;,-rRuiBy. hn-ausr. i
, Hciwoii *•>* the bank wtll p«qr lu drin,-,- the hT^s
<lril Uhrrty for
ffrvelerarrorrrlbe (ever. He think* •* aUrpr-d. ihry propapulr It.dueDsa
|ostt.>rs and all'llshimtet
-» m
In lull.
full. iD.i
Says the Praaa: Mayor BeU o» .Bvn-;
counter-. wa* Bhown to fhaintan HiiL «f (*■•■•
»aXMe*m the KtrLt-Nwev t.*w
hank hke Ueo vi.n.:uctedI vfi a
a •'onaarvaton Harbor, wm to nnff»»lant a
*ct diphtheria.
hour-f.uvipn knaira t
tasia and ll\ls
w'a-MnxI-.n. AVP 3.
Th.- ta.ue* tier, sale and paying «ii
day* affo that he o~>*—*ir.adI hit
hu ate.u.
he* fa>..|HW« t-. • arreraU» ■■om-edrd l.y local
loeal CT>-.U|A
.>«vd rxcluMo-1
' penrral. movrmrnt
1 ar* pm-i-dp^.
ir-ia-law when she doeiarvd that
l.r *dW*c-r.‘lrc th-elphta- lion ap'atnst ]'
.-hnl- llsaanei
»siUj, Ms-hnlcake wraa a work ol arv fie tald any |
Bdward Radevrald. while huntioff
in* of Icw-a. au- j
I Anirn<an
9i Nhh..l* b..;.
"if that rl-s ...:|sidr or .Ks-V ah Ul RO.OOC Thrione with a cook book could make a rabbit* yMterday.canpbt a bunny'that ' ^J^rr
tuielpii affair* !
,ls i... .-V.lrm.-Dt. Cashier I'.rabl..- wii:
.r .late dM-.tcake at pood a* any oaf else- HU ala- i* a croa* faetweAi some wild animal i i-utomm—. salb- hrrv -M..ndsy
Local deysUnra -xLasater
are petiiac tbe coal
it b elated that wiUln tbe past
few: yMrs wall-Mvara have atanek an
* * *.
On# nifrht raceuUy over In Kalkaska
a r- r.rz-’XHrr. .S™
ter-in-iaw immediately challeaired him and a rabbit, laya tbe .Nile* dum
.f jimedh-ii-n.
to a Mkn-makiBff oonleaL aqd il came has the noac. cars and body of a rabbiL
off last niffbt to an entertalomeot at
Bpiaet^l church.
mayor and early.
H i* of a pray color, aod l»
our i-r.riu.
mtti^, »
OTMlieed for a week makinff cake*, but. the qoeeraat lookinp member of the
at that hUaUampllaat niyht was a
bunny tribe ever caupht in theae-|tarta
- dibmal faiinre, while hU aiaiar-in-law'* |The raibi^ i* atill alive and i* op exHe made hihitlonat the KOrler bouse.
a a rrrfect dream.
belcM tha entire chorcb, and {
waa then forcad loeatlL while the
There have been mi iny storira told
woman’s cake wa* auetiosed off al a
and anecdotea rejabrd of tbe intelii :
Tbr mayor will pay the
genre of dogs, but it remain* for «
bet a* s x.u as La can get oal of bed.
carry off the palm (or i
which, the dckrlo.^ thiaka wUl be in .
tatelllrent feline. Mrw. Haywotwl ow:
aboptawcek •
an iromenae Maltese cat -which ha>
been a member of the fanusenold for #
I long
long til
time. *ayk the Alpena K.-bo
Mary B. Kinder
of tiladwin
Mlchigaa..U orgai
I rn.phai
pri.bal-illty of An.Inp Ihr liinu.iu*
Ibal If they <Io dr cloy. It
tli.i It » c.iitra loct i...
••untpy. - 1
rushing np tbe ataira-<k.l
____ mad.
diUon ex'ciosiveiy tff her
Be made for Mr*. Harwood
: ahA , thinking tbe ao>mal bad
io.pto-.j,e sreaesi > raa-rl.
Frt». :• :-Aa Imurra«rt.-nA,A the «ih»,-.|Ule* v-s-:irl 1 'o ^Uicli. vii.- waskitled
• .•n.-o.j^rr on tv,-dn-*d*y.
-l.-e:- sn-1 wj-l, bllleily
iliea in an upperTonm. when auddefif
gold field* early
alnce lb, ,i«'rr l-lnilethere.lpm.-lty
is-ler tbr UcKfDlieMln qu.>l-s thr
clal tr.aUes!
mining camp* of Klondike fur thc.-am
craxy. got out of the wav.
The rat. with Gi-rniun P-lsi.-ns ki
ing of large wages in doing di>iun.tic .started Mr the (door and waited fw her!^'','**^ Ueheni-be -..lu G. r
work. ilecruiU already kecarad make.
W Wllow; then he would come Imck to "rllTr s' 'm.a.u; -"'t^hiri; T".
bar company iwan^ ataong^
___________________ _
her and start agaio. Finally eurioaiiy xppcsranrr even of Intmti.m:
torwm Sf agreement."Update that the
Mrw. Haywood to ai what
llmiutl..n of .s.mmeri ia '
any the expediti,.
I him
the cat uteaul aad she
U rvniaia for ntienstemeyear.
the kilcLtu. where she di*-
' XratiAy n*lsto T*M T>*1 Mr ta Rwaata« j
:•*•« Bi. fMtoto.
:rtt.x.n*. People in cp.wds are on the,
smcis dlscussiop the sliuallon. It I* ■
t any premam-nt harm I
m.- of the Blaefc Hillai
>f tlrahle’* ncbetnea will '
rBi|oB , l<«- lo th*
2i? Front Si.
HalUmura Flock Beceivod Three-Time* a
Otunls. Wte pvr quatt
Sinndardw. SOc-per t^rt
Fletdier's Ofster Depot anil Resiaoraal
To 123 Gass Street,
* • -*
cuvered n big pot of grtwae uu the wa
A . Liucoln-VOktof Bangor, baa re-1 stove all ablaxe.tfae flames acorchinp ‘ th* must favilfed nation trealnwol war !
fmtncdlately adn.Iitvd by the .\ineiicai i.
eantiy come into poaaeMlon of a aonve-1 tbc«aUing. Tbe blaxe was extiugutabgovernment.”
_ .
*nir of national hUtoryotfR* Ua^halfied aud now pqwy is a distlagnikbed
: laemlwr of thr bouM-bold
U y* a Uny bras* t
-»r*to twi oa tits kipbt Ancj„., MirW
Feb-1a—A brakrman
• From 127 State Street
d to" i
. TIIImU t.cpKlBtot«TBk*aBaM
Pprlctn-M. Ills.. Feb. A—Thera were
emiy li.rr,- m.-n.l*-rs priwetrt li
Karu.1, pri-Hd.-d. and a moUon t
to concur I
the prim-;
made apital for
her hualncM was
ta Gonn
ttaM and no buslnn
In th* bonne.
s Tuesday M far
I ITona to obtain
Itaiil. Keh. A-A te-adrille. S. D |
i„-n,e Flnneer Pre*s aaya; If;
Changed Location
X-r-ee uiiU.unded c-i'Idmc In .Jrahl
and ll..bs..ii. and tt Is le-,.-\ed that to-
tr:.l..v ...:.n m-.l h-~.--n-mlnatlona T..
1» .-.-nsiil- • It—;J-inl-. Johnston, of, «
fniJi. A murauiln-wi
-.1 an ai.«.4ul* ’
pruhlbl(l-r,.'iK.*rcr,.aiiJ rrinalnedinta
sran uhrLbvr a qtiaratil ir BO vlporou,
a* to br a |.n.l.l'.lll -n « •iiM le.iiut In
.Wilson i
day recently sbe was attending H
young women
•iralptitf..!-ii> aiu-k
> Rr..on.ls'
I. ah.-uld h
but the hnlr U aboui three inche* lony
Wttfhlnptun. Frt>. A—Fi-.-aklnp jn a *
Ik.. Feb. b —FcPlInapd ( qurwiion of prr»..nal ttrvvHrpe in ;h« !
1 iccelve a fonuic
nanslr' yt-werduy UndBay of K-niu. K-. \
eummentrd aharj.Iy on ihr in-.ticr* ..I |
eapraocy WhAn a.ra
Mralriird ta-r.irrJudXi tbr au'.hta- and im-moturs of the tv*..lution n^nitlj- passed by thr IrglsYaTmlllnp Tr. itln udii.iUrd that be ha
tura of Keainekr demanding to rvslg- j
mran* of supinrt 6nr pUce to llv.
aattae ae aeuatur.
MatMrar tta-stol I. Owgem
fining his pualiiOB
pualtion upMtor figat
HiliabcTo. Ore.. Feb. 5.-Gua WacbUn. questkm. said that
.Itawakrtha ra
<b* murdwr of Ji.hi> Lrdrtek,
of Uw wbfM ptopta of i
hanprd brrv st noon >rsi*rday.
tu.kj-. I i not In a«iv sense th* ai
Opposite the Fire Engin« Hous*.
On* UaU Block Boatb of First HaUonal Bank. Whar* WIU B*
Pound a FnU Ltaa Of
Farm Implement Machinery,
Wagons and Buggies.
IhiTe]HtrtHlT#t etr MfiTBii B4«>« ui M V^mi^TmOmUI
SKlKffilNA MliMftwituiUiPiiM.
lOtftS fERT nOlT,
man. althovcb lt> axialrnrv had lose
ktrawh to thr lDdlaD«. and they
bad fur maiiy >-air U^ji trUInc atoi •
laa robc^sliijt. It. Ttir crral lAaH vt
cu|i|i*r urruplva a pronvtornl
Sational _____
muMum'ai Ur. Moore
Want* Pingre* to Stay tii th« R*«
' publican Party.
*raphlcally dWrtbea *y
^teroetiBg SUtisOcs CompUed From Season to Season by
8. K Wait for Benefit ol' the PnUle.
#1 Monro-, Wla., Pet. 4-Tb* MoonP
2 ‘ fuundiv and
ao' maehlnr ahnpa were gold
hr Whllner eatal*
I.an» * Sob* Thr original rout
of the plant wa» tC>.00e. and It «-a» Bold
for teat than one-irnth <.f thi* amounL
Tbr plant baa kieeii Idlr aln.-r Jan L
______ ___• ' ■
Cuortraeman Sam
8am Smith did
to vule on Ibe Trllrr r-ixilutl.m »1th-.
UEGK fiOTKn^aB iXD BCSitOWS. out dlaruialnit tl. for thr
lirllr%'r<l ihr itrrubiUan
U Mj be of lole-ett to Uw-yiadarm ot tbr Bbcoai.
MtrhMaa V- U»r fnmi la raraMMmt *"p- «U*hi l« riimV iin the rurreno QUtallun
rlU basd yoa'
nboot ibemib fall and arow fall of thto repioo.
<0 lh>* «ei-mar> <‘l Ihr irearury;
aid»a Kmltk
-.JaribI a ubte ri*ior tbe atBOunta for the pdat aiitcM jreara la iDchr* aad
to hut a RvpDbllran of tong riper
—Fler tlaaarad‘'li
i Theprcateat aonoal anoer fall waa In IHU—111 laehaa. The amalieal wna In
ha naaa.'tai t-vnlaliaa.
had inritrd
All le^iKUIIon lt> cungioM It ct>d.
B l«r thr >-m Uaiaht|a
,.-w«l»,n«-«S«lbehratthei».::r«aa. U.
toteh... ArerI tmilrd li> thf artlon of tunding ^mtVarhinginn. VrU L—It-tl Kniiirdr. mlilrrk Evrry Nil and rmoluthin la ape S6.»S Incbra. On t^pteaber :3d and Sitb. ISW. orer flee iaebra of nin fril
•attouiii .l.r.i^irper ,uf tbr' oailunal rehtred ^v. an aig.niprtatr I'ummitier in se bnura. ta aeontianotta anow atora from Noeraber S»tb to Drerabat
. hotter of tv|>ir4niBti«e». l» an otii and, **«iui««r MorrlK of Vermont. «hu htA
«bt P.ner.w m.m and h, don't carntho‘ member of thr .-•nair for m.« ISU. 1*83. oeer tohr feel of a
knoB. lt Brnb..alu.,.l«n.B.rd';^“
.rf st
.r tourro«e.
h..rr,. ... \\to.'n
.. .t..
I ter OH
fin.fire lrrUl.t.
IVhro h.
hr o
en.-^^ comui,
.ii dating
Jiloyo.1 ammca|Bl..laH.an.lng hr BBt
p„wrnt tongr.-w. U> wmmitir.
l»frl.md.^ b>
Hr tiae-bern «|u not report any roraaure tooktng to
BdiB>.|-d and. Bid.Hi by iturruBe uoill a rbangv In our nnani-ial ayatei^ With*
hr tafldr an . »«nlriil |.ediloti In tVa*fa> out a irtBirt from my o.«umlUrr no !«*.^toh. an.l hr t» a ftim.l ot ButroBa.
can '
the a-tiatr iBvora free silver coln.1 rt.i» Api.ccho* B tr be had
r. laaimuch' aa fhe trou-r of repre- loB-a^I
___ _____ a fall uunohm.
irBthm. Therr are' »colatlv*» ba>.a targe majority In op.
»ol* of mrti
Mkr RufroB’e «h.. al»o P<»Hlon lo tree altver cplnagr. It arould
Uke llngtre Mon m«v bav. Orlrnda ln >"■ uerlre. to try to paw a ineaeure of
HapllM ard M. i1u.dl*t .butvhr. who that chara. irr; l*.*uae no mraeure can
diuikr raoh other. 1 like Hun.-B. and ‘*c..mr a U.» Bltbout the .H-nrurrenl
1 llkr IliigrrO- Whal 1 Bam to bar-■ ■d»»'en.ent of l-th houses of .ougreaa
mony 1 duti't «aai to m- iVi.tirr dm - *i *• m*»>Wr si any time for the silver
.n out of th. Kri.ub>uap i*ri> it, mat..rtiy to tbr aenair to take at^b.
a.H-m. I.. Mr that there to a mirtdU , lM»nNfh as ft would be usrlr^-wy'do
• Ki..ui>d on BhU-hj!o.el men n a> Bland ' IP. * •“ omtld-nl that tbr U. m.wr*ta
Three you bate U i: rt K. •r-l} to •*»<> •‘‘''■cr ItepublUTiiiB will not make
mrrrlx one of many i-niP-«> •• *r. th.'attempt. The paanage ,.f the Tetter
lalklra that way. Or tV- s:i. ...t •
it.: •»» -luin.n- Baa auKl.-lent to demon»irat.
nmoH-rBie N Sin i lp-n
. i ..n v the .trragth of tbr ullver aenlimenl In
k»glng l«tt they a.,
u... d ' ‘h, .fi.aCr l•e.Bona;Iy. I am opposed
and BalllriK thmi ILf... U tr -f jhh 11- to «br tree tvlnag.
n the minority.
in thr polubal i. uu are i......nunr:Li:> ; prearoi
singing that IT. iiy » i:a
"V tij t ShaJi ■
. 1.imUI a lUpBbtWm.
the Kann.| ll. V" An-I all ll..‘ il,nr Ihr! Senator Rboup .if Idaho aaya: "Ai(■ojT-Bron'b^nt to li> II g V‘
t" -rt and , though 1 voted l»r the Teller resolution,
irll tb" iruih and M the Ih. ;.l.- diae ‘1 am »llll a ttwgnt HepuU.lcan I have
their own o..r.-luH< he.
’ alwaye Iwrn a blnirlalltol. My people
Mppli—l.Tt oiMi;
! bellevt'In btmeuflltom. The TelIrr rmo•
intended to put nii- In a b»lC:
The BiBie of ill. Wtan hae Krntrlhuted ,
not pmdui— that effe<t. I am
more m.gify and nu.n- i>uCn-aiitial eii|.>
B».h] a blmelalliBt aaany man In the
pllea to aid the riar\>flg Oubaae than
l I Bill not desert the .party
•nv other -tair In the lake region Thto,
hoButed me."
vlatrmem to made Bithoul qualifi.atlon. I
SetiBiT l>avi* ot Minnesota, cbalrb>HWUae it to omrlally ann..un'ed from
lan of ’.he senate cummitiee on foreign
the driwnniriii el kiai.-. although tl.r
•Uli..n*. aaya; I am in favor of the
«..rroB|N>ndentf of the dally i*|h'1» bi
neti.iiorv »o l.H.V ritlhs'aUoa of the treaty of anneaaUon.'
not laken the
a* f«:eBtto -been •*’•> l'«■ll'•'•e that the Hawaiian talanda
r mailer
Bt-nlard.’ «-<r
have! ought I- belong
to this country.
ae.'eriBln.-d Ibal me. Dt*i..aj«r
" ,h_
boBever. that
t-in tonnwallito large parts of Ihes«-hie1ishlr iH.nml.utl.ms and the Ml.h. ^
ma^ ait^ 1 tnen in (be senate
tn-aiy Vou know,
Igan settaton h-Vr l-en liriklng Inp. '
oH«*ed undei ype cunsllluuon n.. treaty
I Say!
Ever Baroed Oat?
if no jo« know
tfceenlBaof '
A bill baa h
indjn'th- S-«:
world'a fair at
AorordiD* to a Parla repi‘ri 3 PJerp'.Bt Muigtan la eoglnoeiioc a arbefne
purrhaar Cut* for M#Uf
Near Monllh. MIrh..
O. P. CARVER. Aewk
X:;iBiportut to Fropertj Holden!
of iwenty-flve flylt
. A vein of sofis reported tn have
farm jvui west of
been Iwated > i
Alonao Kiewart.
• asaiatalit' doord Mates senate, baa
held wfllve IB tl.
rate fur Iwaoty-four
Iwaow a«.ao«»i1 »«
D. W Bu.hvhead. one of Ibe most i eHy tbe bewedv
promlneni Cnemkeea. died at Tablequah. I. T-. of iiilgbCs disease He wmm
7S yean old.
John Milligan, aged 71 yean. Lee MUllgan, 16. anil l-lihel Raker. IS. werr faUlly asphyxiated by the fume# from
charcoal at Mad.g-.'Onl.
Anlhmlir coal has been advaneed Id.
cents per Mn all around at New Tork
on tbr liaais of tl per ton for stove Bias.,
other sues In pminrlion.
Tbe Illinois supnme court overruled
• motion f.»r a writ of supdnedea* for
James Mingle, and be. will hang Peh. U.
He murdered the babe of hto mtoirvsa.
According lo a aUteipeni prepared by
Oolunel Merrlam. the new laenslon
agenl^;3.e>-T'pen.ins are re-.ivtng pen.
Hone In t'bbagv l.e<ause if tbe civil
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
.^Front Street.
§|;sv£v<iin' ^
U r ; ilgl fSi;!:-Jigs'-I t'tlosjsiisU iilrSJaissiis!
rrClened RipWs 4 Udiui *• 8
tim kato 1
Helled UM>w.
isesssSik. isassi.!.'
TbB nuprerne c.>un of Wtscnnaln baa ',
refused to Oecntte Rulllvan. who was
convivied of the murder of Aaa Gurham .
In Trlt-iieviiir. VemoB vniuntyf aome
saf liwle.aiTri
•et Dee. ». l»T
. s.B.ir.B. Lt.
ar.'«. b. , r* I r.B.
.. lilt. iHTrss.Cnrj ......' ^ *®! ' **
: It'to'
Waime |........,0Kiu3a.
Tbe coat ot tbe Cuban war from Feb- ^
lii.ir}'. Ik*-, to tbe end
IXK. to offlcisl- ,
ly eaiimatoHi at ItW.OW.mb. iwsldea tbe 1
- -,u^
arrears due from tbe Cuban treasury. [ !
amounting lo AM,too,006.
-'Roy Devore.' 11 years old. of Areola. '
nia. was sirtiken with paralyMa and to
now In a vruU'wl ccbidltlao. The young'^
boy was an.eacH-sstve chesrer of plug 1
vlobarro and a cigarette smoker.
\A bill has been Introdui-ed In tbe Ohio '
le^lature requiring all penons apply- |
ing'Cpr Umnsei to marry to paaa aa ex
amination (or Imperfectlnns. sneb aa
tuBarlty. dips- manla. kleptomania, etc
Hrrquto Ito. prime minister to Japan.
In an interview, aald hto government
was watching the situation In the east
0 k;....... Voixrinitall
and was pr<-pared tosafeguard Japanese
Irlerrms b) whatever means may be
rtqtiir-d by -vents
v t.it old. a Lake
Shore railroad Itagma... was killed hy a
switch engine ai Chicago In alopping
the horse .d rairicfc Morris, a grocer,
who-was driving Ic front of-ibe eogine, CUeagaatTdOp
karat (relgkisa bn
and Ibn* saving Moirts'
Laaemai iMp-wMrs Caitirrine kleyei and Corydon
MlUaid 'were found guilty In a Chicago
coHrt of-.-onaplrirg i.. kill CTiaries L.
::i lit’”*"
SSsiSSnSI ■i^J83JS5SS»’
. cm
.ijiic i i;: s||i^S:|:sE- i::' i'S|t
igl. CSC:
I t8isaaB-si=$l . i
; Ibirds of the aenale. I think that nea,
ei’ill he i-B.ilulu.ni. Inn
' ly If uot quite iwo-thlrdi of the senate.
houaes of yngi^ ma ing olTItL
I favor the treaty, bnl we are In no burry
«|ulr> ln(.' Air malletI think the cauae of
Tb.rr to no troth in Ihr Stpry tbai ;
ring stronger every
Vt'lttlam Alden Smith - tlrand dup.d. | ««ito»aiioii
Vowed eandMsii
of Wtoronaln says;
siK-oeed Senah^iSutV'.BS. He aaya
that he to saHafl-d with pr-wBI bokora. “I'ain halting between two opinions
In ...nverr-il-.n with a pei—nal friend It la bgcviHlingly diffirull to decide
The argumenia In
hr ha. mid: All |-.UUrs to e.Htoh. and
favor of ann^aalioB are mmtig. The
••.nieBhai evil I »M.||.'Ve In Ihr Si-rlp- aigiHiienis
5‘i»8- , . . 5. S8B
against snnegatlon are also
ture wbKb dniarm tliHi -aufficlrnt uiiiv sti.ng: There are many reasons why
Ihr day IS thr evil tloTrof.' and vt.ni.e- we ought r.. stand by .Air customs and
*uenilt l am n. i reeking truubto "
iradith-iis. and that w- should c..nnne
r ssaSB£5£k:s:t
our smbitlon. to our iireeent lerm.ulsl
The priwidrntlsl i>-.(..tt).e. In Mlihl- limits. Therw are .numervrus reason,
gan are »•>: hkriy to I- allrH-l.Hl |i> the why we ought to annea Hawaii
pn.|—‘-Hi i.-dm ii.m m leit. t- arrler
.If Cuba. Il I
,-R!ISz8£»S=3B ,*
B»rv i.r- Ikrth ot the >11. higan M-ualncp
of public duty- Renalon
and all ..I ih- re|.re«-nisflvr» have In-. cast their vot.-S on these quesIloA.
tervl-Med ton-lmaBIri (ienrral
3'5 '*»- wkss'a
ought lo take plenty W time to drill.. amtitrd them
ante, and to Uvlte advices from ail
pi.’iirialton of ttm.noo for emencrnclea ,sour‘-ew. 1
ire reaching cv’DcliisiulU."
will cover thr dIBv-ully. The enilre vningm.Mi.nal d-lrgaT|.in to now working
Renatur Gear iif.lowa to regarded as
to serure That atH'rtipiiattnn. and they
(■n.- "I III- ■ hlef Republican >i|>)H>nenis
of Hawaiian aniM>xaiion. As a maUar
uf met. Ibe Iowa senator Is simply giv
E RASett«kS£f- £ ;.£ =zS58i(SKb8St!f
ing tbe mailer earrtui c<4uUdrratlca.,He
ha. 3 s.io-ln-law In Hawaii, a Very. Int. Ilia.m and wpll-lnf..rmed huslneiu
*M*. neartv all ot them payirg IJ.COCi mull w hu ba. written him letter* showM<-h ami ufvva.d. |<rr awiviin. In th- Inu i.-iidlliun* in thr Hawaltaii island*
luistal. <uM..iiiu. and Ini-inal revenue which are not genera.ily kiv.iwn The
bureau, alun. Mohlaai. will ha'i- a
mtisior from the Hawk-v. slate
.vhalier SI ato'Ui fiv.- biin.lied guo-l Ji.r.|..r
to a ivinscrvailve Mal.-rtnan, and'be hu*.
place. Thto .will ii^e luimr ..f Qjr t-H-n inrcfuJIy % n.i.lering tlito iin|-.tltrpiil.il.an wora-n- Kapj-y an.1 it witi tjint qu.-.ll- ti ........ -‘.ly stiin.lpdinl
S. & Wait, who lumistaN tbe above Uble. baa. for Hianj years. tMen
mak. Iiany - ili.-i!- as nml a. March
T IVIVm Talmage. a in.ee boy 'tWytoverBaaeat obaervationa at ibis p>'itit. FOr more than a quarter of e
T.-.--iitl.c niani-Hl a wealthy widow.
Kih ivlaiv Ilf War Alger has made a Hr to v«ly « year* “Id. Afier a brief cmtlurT Mr. Wait baa famished the HgKAi.ii. exclusively, a m-wt valnabla meteordorical report. Tlie above tCble will make aa Inleeeatioc study to all who
.irwv- rtruesir for life and hto tainlly redding
lour the yiaing cuuid- return
ati.ndr.1 him fr.mi the i-iHnntng with to Washlngi.m. an-l the disilngUi.h-'d care for aucb thinra- It has been often said that When a aeaaoa baa
talihtui ~.'i.Hoilr III* ..irHudlnairB in preacher will probaMy pr-nrh h. re next h'eary rain fall.tbe toHowing winter will'irl>r a light ano*r (all. Tbia. tbe Uble
tbi wai d-iMiimem Iih.- I'—n «a fullh- Rundi) ^.omliig end evening. ’
will abow. haa'oot alwaya been tbe case. f>>r fear tbat aome at a disunre wOl
ful a. If tli.-> hail iK-rn ...ng tlm- filrml.
In iiur/dtbinlc
Prom the l-g:nnlrr« of hto admintotra, thin h- imfttd every enipl'.ye. -veiuhr ItgaUls^. dcounlenanves ..f our leading M>- tbat a tresaendooa snowfall earaa on tbe 13lb day of May in tbat year,
tiunihlosl. with VIn.ln-ss aiwl <-.'.i..ideia sUtesmrn. and It to all because of the after tbe Wavee were green apoo tbe ueea. It waaa {float wonderfiil and boaoti..n HlK t rr.hingr.1 mnr» has Wn a fait ih..i Russia has iilumphed at. P.tlful sight, hut made sad havoc of blossKiaing fruit trees and aUrtlng bade.
ywri'd of i.liiiosl vuntlnuBl .nil.-ling.
hir.. mol to In th- an.-mlnni over Cr^l
Uae very laterestinir feature in tbe report above is tbs snowfall (or e^
P.«.r.dlbeKlgM.M-ur l-iw.
Hritgiii tn China. . When It Is-came
■ James ii'Junnell of tbr Jackson Clt- K^HiBn tn liond/.n that Russia had wfnUr durinr tbe poriod covered by tbo report. ‘Hiia is found lo ba aa fol
l*.-n .-Tid fsv.ir th- right-hour Uvv whili maned upeaiito of :cj<» truops'nrsi Iowa;
he «ar In iHmisr-ia. Wh.-.vr« say. i.. I'-kin. and Ihal llielr mobilisation had
(Vf- conirary |rnip.".ke'' w'lih the truth' l-.i. by tbe r-uBM-nl of China the Rril, i«s:-«s..
M 00
li rtiak-s to- dlff-rrn.e t.. your^Tre- i*h dii.tumais MiB that fiifther I.luvier IbM-M .
• - W" WS ; 1S9I-IT2..
71. TS
j^s ndriil jvh-lhe« o lumn-II to eleiled woiil." be u*i l.-r* Therefore Hrhtoh ..p- IHM-M& .
: ISK-M..
gov.-moi Ol not. The•I. is ni'lWhg In 1 IHMlii-.n .wa* withdrawn, and Rjqnia
fur n
will hold P-.ft Arthur Bllhuut IhJjpe- 16W-S7............................
ill 00
• I)«'trott Tril>v.»ie,
reniiy v-f war. .
.. -II1.7&: iflyi.t-iM .
spetHh. and l-deaiaphed
An .\ll-sMie with dapae.
. laH6-W»............................
• ‘S.*4,,ga6-1-T..
thm night- Can't. |K.l
Toll will understand the lmponBB<4 IKW-W..................................
1 they get lnto(tb of into vl,<i. II I- remembered tbat
The average snowfall for ths last flfteea wtateia baa been lOS.IO 'tnebee
lor prei-rmem
- • ‘It.-.11 Ri,l;':ii ha- fcitiied an alllanw
i-er supixse that "rnrt,
Tbe i^nre the Uble la studied tbs more lnteresU£r it beeoMea. nnd aunj
'i.nd- .-.ir alll-d naVte*
d anyibltig else than t
t tr. - « -•1< troulde fur us some taeU of value may be deduced from ItII II.at Kalaraaso<‘po«l. b. It f< rci-. {tu! Russia has al
ia.- i. -r. "'Ll ftl. nJ .Now . Gi*al Brilgin lam.g g" t.i wnr with us Iwcauae
■ditsr AoqaHsd ^ UWL
kntyi Ked our, «t that he w.nild derlliie.
Riu-i. '
Irlimeillol-ly i-ause iiou, ___ «
Mlnneapolta. Feb. k-The jury In thr
iltntles t>iai«-i of the Dlsrrlct of Ci.cHmInal libel case against Colonel W.
,‘lumUa. ha- liHil a i.nsllluii In the senate
■bMM^sfMtow. /
, j.
manager trf The Ttroea.
/ for atoiui liri-.-n yearn He was apCtalcago. Feb. k.—Chleako and the brought'in a verdln of not guilty. The
' pulnlid I'v .<<nal. i F.rry atiil credited
Amertran public will bav.
to HicMirat.. alihovigh be never lived In'
M' lrtivcr. 111. toiwer of Japan to dl- aeon to show lo Just what esteem they
t of the
, HMhlgan. ami never vlui-d the stale. mlolxhed l-SHaur- she hss no eiroog aliny as receiver
hold Adrian C. Anson. A grand tesUBut he Inr devoted hlm»-1f I.. MIvtalfpr i-rwBl Rrltaln's wings arv
aan Intereets. arul. by meeting ibein Minted. alK. or .nh-r Kurupean nafloB moBial to him Is to be given, and every for the Ouarauiy Loan company.
ophere, has lAH-ome aiHtualni.Hl w^h all of
’nl«tcao— TWiwiWh the Im.
I hPvriy tv- form on alliance wuh p^untiy to testify how much he or she
Ahr inoat promlneni nu n nf the state,
Burlington. N. J- Feb. &.—Three Bvta
ntii* heitcr hr lx a more valual.le man . Peupto wbu do not study diplomacy thlBkaof the Oldman That is the scheme were lost In tba Delaware river oppof,.i Mtchlgan Interydl* than nny nea may no< have a peep at one.ot tbe
glie this place last night by tbe break
man from tbe state could iwwlhly be rmndest games of diplomacy that tbe
ing of the Ice under e sledding party.'
confarencr wHh Ttaniel M. kprd, tbe The dead are; Nellie FleMa. Richard
unlll after ydara of ogperlrtice here.
world etcr saw. The great Chinese
of the Chicago . Athletic
rtalto-ti-aii. U Hung Chang, knew tbat aaaocUtlon. and the tiro arraiiged tor _ Severas and Mark toumaster. Bertha
R-nator Hal* of Maine. cAalnRan cf Hngland and other natluiu would
Fields, a Bister of NeUia. '
tht i-oinmUte* im naval aflalia. aan to partition X'hUa. He could not ten
with great dlSkculty.
that the appToprtaUon of Sttksn for hi* f.wrs tr any one. not even lo N* be dlacuaeed and fuller arrangemcnlj
the new « ar veaael to ttucoitod tbe Mk^- anii^ut. Au HV took a lour around the for tbe tmlmonlal niada.
Ua^wlll updoubledly be made. Tbere world. Foe w-hat*-For pleaiure? No.
Is.iai^Hvi'Wbtks la Tiweale.
t tbs bona* Indeed. .HI* Sole object was to go lo Rt.
of represvinlativea. but the enUra Mlcb. Petersburg and cement an alllaove with of cricket. ^lieB Grace was compelled
to retire
FoglUh public ^rranged a
,.lgan deiegallon to aorklng for H. and
Tbm ha tontUued bis journey
'll BUPC*CHj.
^th'tM.WO. Rpbi^ng aaka; '«hall we
I baa ben reallow AnaoD to gb into retirement with'
Ueniy BIU. who dlaappeared from om ahowing him some mark of oar catbr -TtBloaagon BooMer In MartlDavtlla. Ind.. about twenty yaaia tsemr* Anaon wiu not play flr« for
Batttmora. He *^; ‘‘H’hcnevdJ-1 play Ot the property. WlMon
flrat time Mnet tbaa. Ha la rtcb ai Las- babe ban again It will ba apdar my own to that duty. The tiabUIU«g..pr* MIAmi OMU. mAiTA
i,5 nSasAisMss
West Michigan.
^ li
Atuneyt at Law.
•Asa* la Haatagwe kieeh. Travetsr OHy! Mick.
srs/k’ENN CAHDS.
M. Hrrewatlle Co. Bl<
^ BORTOK. M.J> . Phjwtotaa and
........ ■¥»-•
“1 trstt. stJSS'i ‘L.’srr sx SSi ■
‘E'l;: ■'"'-‘-rjs.Triscitr™;;
and will aneiid praaptlT to all day ,
rails. «prelsl atleeltoe gleeo to d
mad rktidreo's disraaew. Markbam I
Ol BATgR. nmarsTPasagr Agb—.
unsm UD HRinsnii li
I'uonly r.anoer, OSr*
OO PMsdriefa uSkT^naaa
tnia»a.ana vOre.M.
oonia iroBTB. •
■Mrsaoa. Oear Ftoat
(IlaaM driMititoUy 6l
^OPOg • OOl^^Jlluw^ys aad ran ItoeJ
Cblaf L
-------a City...........
• •
•CWH Rgirr-Miii rt______,____ _
C ablnale rig Beet -barges eery r
a* H Vwlar. eu Freot BtrsM I
OysUickeme......... “
TfbTws* OUy....... Ayr
k RBKT-Ooad.reoayheaatea a
.- laqetoe at Oral Weed
I. S arvUIrkCa. I»-U
JSSlS-TT.Sf*-•*« k«W** tbam.
Dr. S, Wdr Mitchell, the Author
of "Hugh Wyhne;'
I (hU tlin« bp
I clop.
> Audr mpdl-
'It !■ wfll knovD
n b>- thp frlpod* 6f lb«
Carcer of the Author-Ph^*ticijuL i UltchpU
doct<«-'s toratniljr thot
did luit »pp promloP
Hii Profeeional'Experieoce* Uipt
thi- '»>n‘B &umipa. and.
' Fitted Him Admirably For younc man had I«ppo atudylnsafier
ThiP rrrdlrtlon aaa provi *
Fiction Writmg—Acct*
■ before
• t- p fat
dental. Publication of
could hav<
His First Period*
aucceaa that was In atore for the
U U only natural, under the cireumical Contributioa
atancp*. that S Weir Ultcbell aboald
Dr. Holmes'
B aa ae
thlBca ao auhouutUaUy ap*^aa>
haa materially advano i
fora of
dne and literature.
The aeven or el<ht year* Imnedtalely
of the nervou* ayaletn. ..About II
preeedlnE the rtvll war «^*re year* of
it almple, but eomplex !
aim.he lertured Id Hallltnacr upon
h poi*on i*
■Treat a< ll\-fiy for Dr. Ultehell. Hr bad
t RlulUlile.
America a* •|he
hU place in make aa a t>nirlltlD*pr. but
I Kapip* a* "the
ahlle thl* la often quite enensh fer
from lime to time frran I>r, Mitchell’s
'Mllrlu':i irraimpQl.'' At flr*i thi*
pen. and he has over and over resumed treatment sn* lauxhed at on t*glh sides
his lavestUtaClona In thl* dlre.-lo.n. of tbe Atlantic. Kmlncnt authisdciM
hi* lime and enency:
onre-intu the wrltlnK of liapera on 9>ed. Quite reconlly be read an Imimrlani pa- here Bird abniad d,s-Uxed it to he an
leal and allied topica the first ot'a'hleh per upon “Crolalus^olson" before the absurdtly alnwst loo extrayaranl. for'
was published in Itt:. and before the National Academy uf Science. Thb* w i:i seflou* consid. ratlon. while Us reported
I rasulls were eoiuldrred far loo brlllUnt
decade belaecn iSSO and lUO was fax shortly appear In print.
In l**J Dr Mitchell entered upon , for IslfeJ. It has rew-ued numberteaa
advanced be had beaun a aeiie* of pa
rs. Into the* nature of three years’ work as sn army suiwe'm. '
servinc Aral In tbe Chrlatian 8lrvet
polsona particularly the chemical
toty of nnake venoma. - Karly In
.if|. I Tumer'a Lane h<«pltal. He bad *j>ectal
Blstle* a larpe
ro. leharpe of aoldiera anfferlnp from nerv- >
traied quai;to t-c
/ 'A
i: „
All «.0d.
In. Mitchell-* atlentific and
I profeSsJnnsI publlcjitlnns .fraiMT*. pansphleis HH'I volume*. Issued from
IKSi. im lu.lv,—nuni^ IIJ.
tJ. Kvery
K' '
of them 1* Ihe rysuU of ortxtnal
iKtnal 9^nal
liiveetlcation. and they V mostly brtef.
He^b... l-en asked m. e than V
bbe irround that
he Is nut wllllne to undertake lalair In
which he must depend almuac altoicetber
the irralna and work of other per-
> medical literature
'raiure < tbe day
..xnised. He also I
1 pomIS and one
Stoirde* of merit. Two oC his lyrics.
*Tbe Old ftona.and the Newjtona'' and
“Prairie |.«a." on<-e ha3 a wide popuUMty. 8..Weil .Mitebell was une of
oipht children, of whom two alster* and
a bri'lhrr survive, Three of the broth
ers served In the cirll war.
^ Dr. Mitchell's lioyhond was paased
amid the Klve and take of a larpe fainfly. the member* of which were con•taally spurred to intellectual actlvlty
throaxh the .example or a father at all
times mentally alert., who constantly
-aarhuxared hU children In dl*cu*slun* of
the Wetatore of their own and .arller
times. Ttie boy's natural trend tosard
llev. Dr.
It aould be
friend (Mpa
It t
connected aith 1
and hi* trained e^e at «.B<-e mded th«
\-a!ue of Ihe iiapet aa a cootrlbatlOD CO
hi* periodical. It Wmed of auch vaJua.
indeed, that.the ifadlnc article for th*‘
number, then abate to iv to plena, era*
lifted ,iul iif Ihe form* aAd ‘Tbe Caao
of .(pemr* Dedlm
ly. and Dr.
first InUrualioB
;he r«epe
-.......... inclosing
liberal cfaeidi an4
author on /tlic frssh
ness, unconvenfl
illty and -powep'dC .
biB w oiic. Sunir oi my re
member the sketch, ft t f written Is
such reallatlc taattoe as
scrtptlon* to be rnlaed for tbe tmagW
nary Oeorxe Dedlow'a support and cniw
An, extendi) dlacusalon of tb*
case foUowed
It was aorae t
si(«d (bat no such armb
luw reaJI}' exitfed.
Dr. Mip-hell dni not in any neasa
abandon medb-lnv Kbvn hr tuok up the
writers pen. He still aitrirds to taM
with all hS oM time vl*or.
ncrrcsllnxjto note that he ha*
inir-idui-ed a disufcct patholucical por.-wiw une of his novMs
iruiiurc Into .-wn
Ttiu* In "HuKh Wynne" be has txace4
with unemns banil the proxfeaa uf th*
prorplnent character *«(•
iimlcldal melascbolM. IS
'vBuland Dlak. ' ^e disease thns de*
ph-tvd Is hysli-rla ind In the story new
apisirinr in tvniiry an-ih-r form of
mental tualluv w portrayed. In vhlcdt
the |e-rs,m afTe- tjd I* SUbJe, t to al
ternate flu of iDtdnae eUtIun and mclan.-holy.
[ . '
Dr Mitchell
bis literary a-rtUr«
In the stunmer
On Jvnv 1 ha
leuv,-* PMladHptJk and iroe* to Canae
da. where he flshea fol-aaln-on on sor.i*
of the Canadian rivers. Then he *ne«'
to hi* earner horn- at Bar Uart>or. It
I* thef^YVt he wsrllea. when be #ev!a
In. lined, ih the n^rnlnxs until be I*
ready to return Ip Philadelphia. H*
d<w^ all of his wrltlBK* with the pe'^
He never dictates this work, and It I*
wei: known that he puts an unusual
Hls serious Iltera
tisedsii I
sulu of Dr. Mucbell's work In retcard lx
raltleanakv pols.iii was bmuKhi out by
tbe'KmlthsoDlan Institution. Thl* was
undoubtedly Ihe moat vnluabl- work
of omcinal research yel published upop tbe subject, and while, am Dr. Milcheil sava li .'onlalned some errors since
C»irre. ied hy himself and ..fhejs no one
ha* increased the st.jrv of .Information
the habits, anatomy i
taken up by Pr. Mitchell, aided by l>r
llelchert of the Dtjlversity of I'enneyl'
i vanla. and this iBvratliraUoa revolted in
, necInnlBC- From QuesneUe the llae 'wlH ' called Into requisition and combined
- with the Infi-rmatlon furnished hy a
nerty of men w ho. at the Inetamv of
til- loule bvlDC u* folloW's:
lU miles distant. Haxleton. ,NK> miles Ihe company took a prospc-line trip
larlh-r on. Teh-crai’h ctvek. 310 mlM: *'-mc months Iwfore there waa dancer
of knowledce betnC'*hul -’If
, .
Ift; Ric Wrnon river. 3«: l.ltlle Salm hy winter. Thl* latter party. Mr. Hos• •
fiilrly Ulon vivrr. M. Five Fincer rapid*. B:
Felly rtv.-r, 5»: Whitt- river. «: Sixty rvet line ,-ouId Iw built und still many of
dillb’Ultle* avnld>-d'.
Mile rlv*-r. 31: Daa^,n City. <3 « total
The mute does not Im ludr the fapmus
Chllkoot pass, but dudees the Issue by
golnif to the east of thl* monument of
mer Slate* It I* tbe Inlentloa of the (hath an'd de*|ialr. There la no pulnl
eomiany to e*tabll*h •latPiBs overy on the |Truj"vted line. Mr. Ht«mer say*,
four mile*. The line will, to a certain where there will not be xnalnlalned a
aMe rood Ju*t so long a* “the
extent, be a Canadian r'verntnieit afexrwcled it will Iw lllUb- I -will pernill." In fact, the conlion ol the line mally means a new
lann-ly by the mounted i>ollco
Ter» soon tbe weary overland trav. In tb-ir •'omiiiunliettons. In fai-|, the route to the Kloithlke. and one which Is
•tor to the Klondike will be able to fol- Canadian A>veram,-nt ha* ivally.Leen Ukcly to find Krvat favor wllh thoM
a more direct roufa by couniinc the acting 1n pfim-rrl wllh the company. whs prefer an overiand Journey.
telegraph poles, for It will only be a
■hort while bt^or* Dawson City will be
wire with
toorld. ■
The rout* for tbe first teleirrapta line
tsto the Klondike El Dorado ha* Just
h**n decided upon, and by tbe middle
•f next-surnhiec the line Till be open
"tor bttalpeH ilr Charfe* R. Hoamer.
■u^rlntendent 'of the 'Pacific PovtaJ
Tnitorraph company, which
the Canadian I'lu-iflc Kallway
uadsr another t
-, ir now la Montrsal eoaipletInE
last. detalla.^r tlM
A "New Telegraph
Route Soon to Be
Four Chief
Routes' to
Alaska, '
nil.,8. WEin MJTCHKI-1-.
dealt.with threw times.
nus disorder* and wounds of nerve* Hla
’ Besldea. Pr. Mitchell corracU >U proot
e*|eTlenre* Jn the Army bospUiLl
• experlenre li
prmcllloner bad served him mnst
broueht Inio beine a volume rm "isunpraUmlnary
to tbe third «t
shot Wound* And other Injurle* of the aumirsoiy *■ a |oeuo<<i,ai>
n«a»i iwc
^nerallon* of .
Nerves.'' written In collaboration with the study of human natore, and there
1‘rofesaur W. W, Ke-m and ur. ileoree Is not the allxhiesi doubt that hi* power
. .
Horvhnusc. li conta/ned mu<-h that i as a fiction writer 1* in icreai
wa. -niirely new c-oncernln« nerve In.- rlred fi»m Ihe wonderfully vaHed st *re University of Pennsylvania and f»iw
Jurlee a
nervous disorders and wa* of homaH expi-rl. nee* which he ha* heen
• fourth peheratlon of profe*.
UTJ by a much lanfer work able to lay up durlnit his profewrtottal ,
>“«>• i»or U >»e himself wuhort
.ffi similar lines by pr. Mitchell alona.' rareSr.
lUerary tApaclty. 1^ i-,ellcal work n«
This volume It today considered the , Dr. Mitchell's flrFt eontribtyion to the | h»s brother. Mr. U^un E. Mitchell,
four K«Brrvat ■lorehouse of facts concerning in- periodical pres* came shout by.acriJune* ..f'the herxe* and their dtserdera ' deni, .and the stoir thereof, which ha*
rarer' than such alncln
andd haa
lieen liberally drawn upon liy j im't'ahly,
print before, tn"as-ihat of the author of "Much
a of * rnmes to me f
• I anurre. In thl* f<
djcatlona of •
these case* ha* l— n
Bdentlfic nature, clinical and
mad- by l>r- John K. MlKhvIl, Dr. Ihe
iln* P«"
v,„ medical InvestlgatloBs an^lhc prodM*
-MllrbeU's son. in a hlrhty urixlnai vol- Srith fri-nd* Ihe question a* to whet....
ume, the title of which la "History of , lot* of physical members Involved loo* ; t*®" -- pure lUerpture—ficUon aai
Nerve l,e*lona“
of any portion of one's, indlvlduallly. :
Dr. Mllchvira numerous taper* on .\* a r^ll nr that dlscusslnn >e wrote
Dr Mitchell
a lorn-on. the ISth 4
diseases uf the nerv,-* h-d to hh> beinr
nut Ibeninposltltlou* rase bf on* GeorceFebruary,
Hla bralch
m contlBae*
extensively <-»nsulted and 1-> a .chanm#
DMIow. who had suffered the ampuls- sxceUent
form in yaarsb
In hi* carver which t«,k him out of m-n- tinn of both aras and both leca. The \
ly every V>Wr. At e»vry station
drvp..Biww.section It will therefore be
n*->esJSIy- toa
lalore a sufllcl'-nt quantity
:ot provisions
av,dd any dancer of
starvation of .th>T?5ecraph vmpbiive*
even under extraorvl Inary vlrvurastances.
Thl* mean* a heavy outlay, when
It I* onalderyd that Ihe uniform rule
of a slatlor every four mile*- will, a*
Btated, !*■ adn|ited by the eom|«ny.
The .iffii'lsl* of the i--iro|i*ny believe
of ih.-»- .'ij n»cv*ril>' m*>t t>e Inured
.-d in
almost a* would he ub*.-rv-cd fn *--le.-itne in,-n to wi«r the unifonn »f I'n-'le
Ram In addition I- thl* (en-e of u|>erators It will ts- nrsstuuiry <» have. It
1* estlmaled. at least l« linemen, and
'their duty will Jse iwrllous—fufly a*
much ao a* -that -of their breihren In
xhe blB cltb-s before Ihe day* of undercr>>und wire*.
Mr. Ilosmer d<sa not la-lleve the dm-'
pany <i1Il find It jM,«*lli1e to employ the
female telegraph operator to an)- nx-
execution of the task the moment the than
n instancy
weatlier permit*. Indeml the comi<any The
expecti to break all records In tele- that
In NoUrab
iber la now *»•
craim imlldlnc- Mr. H,iamvr has Just ramr
e Dall^ t
to mlM
r-iurned east from a trip to Vlrturto. j from PyramidI herbdr. ■>nd they
Vancouver. Seattle and Ran Pranctaco. f never«et thr,m«h ihl» winter. It to fol.
TTie statements made by him. iberefuia. ! !y to altempi the Dalion trail now. and
are laaed.on (lersonal knowledce.
‘ later H will be.^mi>oa>lble on account
The stories told and the oplnl-n* of tbe ■noa.'kC^* nif>; a late summer
vou(h»afed by Iieople Who h«Ve be-o i
n-Tth an t ivrbitiw more by thoae who
Colonel Pomvl
ivllle wi* cake,
h. ve not lwn*t-- the piii^BI civilised ‘ tbe RUriieen wa»!
a 4"od as tbe other
lasl a*
■■ut'klrt* of Ihe Yukon ^dd rv«l«n. IT-'route* meatlonedL ■Tfce riv
g>ie>lim; the pn<*|,e<-|» of *u've** In i open until th- jAih'«
I tf Uay
reachlDC the gnldfi^d* differ very | "and Teaaels drawing
IX inly
widely Am.inc those w-ho have been, tun there In summer] I win l«l yotc
to Skaeruay recently and who nrv In a itlat unlen the created caution la eier*
t«eltlun to siicak authoritatively of Ihe ; rt*ed mapy tteople will los- iheir mOQeF
condltb'O of thing* In theWrth.i* U«u- and never evt In
U>uk at tbs
tenant -Colonel James pumvUle. M. P.. laillce. who have founJ
of Itotheuy. N. B. He rpade his Inve*. i get in thnlr Mores. .A»i
ilcajlons at great perwmal lacotiven- . I will go In by the w1
lenc- with a view to obtaining all poo- I wllh a ftorty."
slide InfOrmatton prior In colng In with I Tbto Is the long**]
^ of MB*.
the exp-'ditlon which be will lead In the, nmte*. hut »on>- wilt j
by It
I no pa.-klnc will haw tl i. !- done, though
Beside* visiting Rkaeguay-and tbe i the time In which It in be used Ir lira.
____ _ ....
1 Rt. Mb-hael'a, on NortiW
and It was of hi* ohserratlnn* I thlel. Bering *ea- Herv next aeasoB
the re that he recently chiefly spokw there will be'found a *umb-.T of steam,
when In •-onvvrsBlIon with a eepoiter. ' er* running up the rHer to Circle Cttp
'We are now making preparation* for and Daw* m City The total dtotaac*
an expeilllloh." said he. "and w ill start 1»> thl* route I* about L«0 mile*,
a* noon a* It Is practicalde. It Is not I For Skagmay a Mekmer 1* taken dl.
pracib able now, I have made Investl- ' r*. ( fnon Vara'-uvt'r Reveral guide*
gallons and I consider that the White that have been toaued »Ute that to get
pass, from Rkagguay.
the only spring : to Skaggu*
nmte.t 'go In by. tt'hen I wa* at 8ksg- fromVIcto
gusy, there were lOM peo.ple In that lirvly e
town, and all were housed, and I would ' direct
trip I
later on."
Colonel Dotntlfle further »kli) ttiat U
he m as a young man he would go to
Rkagguay right away and go Into the
KTovUionlDg bualDiess. There wa* mire.
arid he. to be a demand there In the
»i>ring fur proMrion*. People leaving
th* south would have to buy vartou*
]B VMlllr tbe actual work hk
and the •urveyor* have already
pllahe4 a mod deaf beiw-vi. Quand Fort Fraser—the flrwt two
npMi the route—where the flr»t aeetlon
of the new.Iln* to localcl.
JIM. Then the Wratem Union Telecraph
mmpany made It* famoua aiti-mju
exoneet Aria and the United Rute*. lias
luntry through Thlch the new II
ifr-unllT the present pang In tl
heg*n ft* Journey.
Drea. W hich Tin be Tt miles long- The
• •owpnny estimair* that the totaf'eost
• Till be In
the vicinity of tlto.wt. Of Morse thto
dintrattle* met Titb Us BUiTey
■trui-tloti. for • considerable portion ec
the route I* unknown In detalL Tbs e*.
tlmate given, however. 1* Intended
eover an inoreaRe over the flgufsa ortktnally comi>utrd, -an ample aUoranc*
baring b.s-n made '
TelsffThpbic comntunJrailon with th*
le difficultle* of eonitriietlea a
world extol* n* far north as Q«e*nelte. so great with this llae a. might be lin.
B. C.. which I* sume C« mil** poxth by aglned. Before maktna the aelecUon of
iiorUiw«« of 8catUe. This to the rca- rouU tbe knowledge of <*ien who
( familiar with the coonUT t
oato (sr Us belBg choaui as tba print ot
had l>p*un the pracil,-p of mrdlclne.
When a Ud. he attracted the boUce of
OTlyer Wendell Holme* ai ihe table or
Dr. John K. llltehell. and be no plMaed
it'oprrlcht. iwt.)
older poet that he »ave him a e»py
. Ja. Krb, ♦. I>r. S. Weft Of hU 'llaUail of. the. ConaUuHlon,.n
ailtcbell. the oldtPi ' •lory aiitrr in
Anaeflca. whoM «uvel 'Nuph Wyane.
Vtee Quaker.' ha» n-arhcd a aale'riaiBK
•f W.OM. coiuf* hoD'i-ily by
•hlUUea. bulb medical and llirtai).
Hla arandfathtr. Alexander fclltchell
' of Vltalnla. wV* of ttcuU^ hirtli auU one !
«r the ahlesl physuianh in the tallcy |
« VlTfinla. ICarl.c in life Pr, John K. .
SHtchell. fattier uf Ih" prasr-iil utilbor- j
. phyalclan. raUbUshvd hlm»eir in DWIa- i
dajphla. He^e I'oth h. a pra.-tltloner
•Bd a* a pruieaaor in the JeffeTo-'ii JdrdleaJ colleire he eami-d «Ide reputation :
«• a leader In hie imcf.Tuilon, He was
one of the firat U. make sclenuftc inve*.
tICaClon uf -attlmal inaenetlam." iir
hypnutlsni. a* ft m-u i.rnp it Hi*:
“ a of fevt r* were much In ;
sntll the lad was old ,-doosh.
nsonc the
tather'a Judgment, to rend wUh dl*. which I* sUll said t.
earnmenl. 1 am Informed that an etriy prised |«B*e**lotis of
r Dr. MitchBumber of The, Century Maxaslne will "HuKli Wynne" When
.lecldi-d to print a small vol
•onlatn a poem from Dr.' Mitchell'* pen ell.
talllns ho<^ h» was allowed when a U>y ume ,it Verse. It was refefTvtl hy Ihe
of It to open .a volume of Hhakesie-arr pcbllshera. Ticknor A Fields, to. Pr.
for the first lime ■"Henry W was se Holme* forVonslderwtlon. As Is well
known, from Ih.- ststemeiii reiote In tbe
lected for tbe InllinI rendlnc.
Pr. MUrhell entered the i'niverally of | dedlcMtb>n of one of l>r Mu. heir* buoka.
rsnnsyliania at U year* of axe. in-jPr Holme*, advised Dr, Mitchell l<
tendlnx to take the full course, hut waa , wlih.lraw these verve* snd to r^cmald♦WUfed to 1-sve the instltutloi
- - -............................ -
M. •
land It
‘ hiirhiy
tt ha* i>ren Beceasaxy In ptaaniag thU
ily to bear In mind th* fnct
.. ....
_ A pleasant (eatur*
•t ot tMOntenance to Ukety ... the operator to that the salari**
that .the Toet
Ilea* ot paid will be what axe known a* 'top
tn* rout* tne *nowrau u smviy we. Boteb."
What » nric ran he aeeompUriied this
roendou*—very like that to the eMnlty
------------.nr^ipopie waof
Dursngo. COio
Colo . wnwv
%g. winter w Ml iw briskly pushed forward
- p*et to be snowed up'fv-r w eek* regular. ■ and cveo tbliig mad* ready ter furthSP
«mall »lt-a»a<-r from
Proni Rkagguay the
hi* way Ibcourh the
ha* h*en much wr
. culllr* i>f getting I
all whr. have per
got Iherv, barring
aivldmu. which uxe
laa. Ther«
abont the dllfi.
> this pass.- I'Ut
Bcem b> hava
who met TUh
ble to happen to
expedition. By
fits. Through t
mlwed that this
I be much ItnOroved. thl* pe«a
giadually work iheir way out t
Henn.Ht. and by’apri
. 'apring their outflti lekd* to Lake LJmlei-^n where a l*oat
woitJO tw •-.-nriderably llghtened.*e that *Mll haw Ic be built
it would be neceaaary for them to return Traveler* who intend r<mt via D>M
to Skaxruay—there was newheie eUe— , wUI’also find a dlrt-ct «train(r at Van*
and repleotoh them.
; couver not a hundred hard* from wher*
“Now. then." be continued, “befurs they get off the Canaflian Faclfic trala,
Ihirtlea | '
and people will be >ncsmped all along have their etulf |«rked through Whit*
tbe trail to L*be Bennett. There will pa**- A pack trail was cut over th*
be with those who <-<-me later a great Bunrnit Ia*t yrar, and It U cgpacted
army of people. They talk about going that a cable tramway win be in opeea.
down on the Ice. but that I* impraetu i tbm early next year. ; Thl* ronu oBaiff
cable. They wJti have to wait until the ' no more danger* than the White para
river opfne In May- The lumber around ; Thto route prutntoes do be laipeiy pad.
tbe lake 1* l>ring used up fast and 1, rooised this year. A isteamer 1* takaa«
think It ImprohaNe .that all these pso. jfrom t'ancSirar to Fsrt B'rangeU. and
pie win get through. 1 am ronvtaesd there river •tra'hter* [win be found la
that there arc only two good routes by ! readiness for the cohUnnstlon of tha
which 10 voter tbe^BlBTregtons. Tba j^ournry ur tha rircr to Olenora or T*W
one Is to attnric the White pass and get' raraph creek.
k. At pretet
a portage had
Into lake Bennett In time to go down ! to be roadt after a trip at M mile* op
the river In th* spring, and the other i the river: i >ut a railroad has been soiw
to by the mouth of the Tukon. -br at- > veyed from these to XJ
tampt the Dalton trail now to Voiaa ith* watar Journey a
r Jlr*. KMron Mid Mr. Ki«
DMih UM mi imi.
AtDM« Uie no»^ pMple who «i»d .tirkH ijx^bct imit gi^
TbUrtim. th« frt« wm
• pUin
. L >
............... I ifI11
i' sold rioR. and asaiu b« M...
va« roe
laid ol.
t- ! lie put <>■« riuff caitdoli; aaaj sniil it
____________ ....
____ _________ __________ -- >- ! wo* iie«le«l at bh weddiOK. a f»w
mrnt umitkin cuiim« up Hi •.Hu.fonu'.and
Swrdiib mr-tmior ofSKuawita.
fSlyuaioita, •1 wooih*
ipuoib* latt«r.
latt>r. and
aad U
>1 an baiiixurd
all the ivtxwtcrt ua airtuapnadriue a»d 1
a *001 * Wi-d'at S10.- i bia l*We '»aa
Unit w»auo ti
. ....
' «.i, ...... at., ir...!.. 1. n
^ tlml
B«aid4un*t« •* ih* Order M »«*
Ward Uw.vbtT, tartutur Ilauirl ;
j lad baa lAra-llitl Ua.Ui iji
' l*tu4. 1U«.-C
— . mtulailon- io JbeOlil Y«rt dinatltuttoni ■■* VourlirtB. Ut-MFtal Jn HhuJliy. the 1
Work 1- j«»i
Lida E. Hnwell waa divtariMl at
G ■ L ■ i I -j ItT' ^ of
»b*'r*' ao- 1* arth-ks. and arUt-k- 5 Conii<derate oa»alrr l<«i)<-r: Jiarph R
Mri)-* tmlldin* ............tehiaiti tbe olbi-r <lar tmui bet bos- ; {
H«-k ...........
jHlaad. The
-a camlidai. uiuai l.-wlihout lik-ni-> MKluliasb, editw Bud war PurrarpiaidkalldlKK will b^T&fnd b.<r l:!6 and lhr«r lab and ba\r Ibi-full aud pptpiT UM'of bU
lud, (irviritv W. licnrrll. wbu will I*.*
J„hanu.a'Brabuia, ibr e.3Wikii«1_
alorlc> h»|rti. rtlth a 10 foot »ot»haa«rlucot. llniba. (ur a uialiurri man ran du ibe otaft
in wuahTti Kamau as ,tbe , {
na Mih- b Uallan rroabBawe. aod’lka BORiiud. — Vulao of Maaoniy. rwl eris-rt: W. s». Holmairof liidiaoa. biR Iwulier tlcsOet wbo failt^. a few *
Tbe roonn-ttrut Maaihlr hame baa Si
.e-WaU hclia:dMbeTr.manrT:” itar-' .'o*» a«i». Liidtr the i«mi. of the d-lliiiiah-a—17 iiiiUr and 7 friuali-. Tbi' arHnweU most pay bis wife
Uuruatti. Vbe SwtU Afiicau ape<--, «-m«I Mr.
enutr ace of tbi<iu all b mcr ~l yttktiL
,0011 III lUKiailiiirnts of
a mnulii.
isuiia wrirkiiMi iaSL Jin oiiasal- •»
dtsrlRR tb« T«r INiiVirm! Pr«f«-» '
IWMk. WmI mm* •
to jny
]ny I<nit U:e aliimm;
Uie KMtert. .Star m Nrw Jciwjy, with a 1
Ireland. Tl.titu irf a m<mt extraitf h oHitiilis lu
Sp. nklUR nf aliiiiiiuy. au <sl<( Mirt, •
tout itKnuU-riiblinjM.WKi.
j dmary twwtif a.s iili nial Imiuotialiiy
am Ik ri‘|» ril'd Iruui .Srkau-a
ThcMa-onirhoBMiuf MliawuH ihclten >'r-. Ojij.haul, the U.rieliM: JrtUI lu
ISt iiiiiioiiw—i? glrio. »a U^s. tw moo sehAv. in.viliei ami i-h-u-Ii: Omul • wiwrea
auiisoiiiui: li^ry
—..' '•
Miiisu. Ill'' Ja|B
l<>enti:i', abthiir •ami eiiiiKiuii*i;'t auo-1 AIht i.nnun
imsltlon ip I'
Mll"l. b-'W. VI
ltl.|-l» •
»rr. and be
• Bstmii. SpaliWi prumiw; j » rivli
’ klauinry tlmii ihai ul past nnuirr,
................................ Ikuw, jotmialisi: tSiHirR.' M. liaU'.;:n*; i ;
------- -- rtijiir whols tvndy te Ulwr alti ,
iffigilrtlor of Uio I’nllmaii .
wiK.i'MTSiimjiiaa. kooi laLuxiiL I nax'wid omrsy fur ibi'«iKd ij his lod«o. ;
<Br. ayaUMu: ."nr .Ii.bn Uilts-ri.
Itilln-rl. !I «*f-i
v.if- I iI ..'i .
will ha In harmuny. [ Thirc an' IIW rhaplifs of Rojal Arrh
It will baaf . Ma~ma 111 tiiwa. aliti a
a of RTanlm of T..iM
ft l*nlBrav... ,ait 4ml tamivW: tbi
aad llir .uiaTririJcturr fit prnwwd Urick
^1 the annual ri-unlim'Dl thi- Maaciela
Wlllfati. '
We Always Vest Their Best Prices, and
Go One Better
-A Woman’s Shof. the l>est in the ^'ity. for $1.00.
Misses’ Shoe worth $1.75 for ORc. Men’s Dress Shoes,
stilitlj Sl.lfi.
I'rictrs Fcdiiccd in WarmiShoes’
This Should
Interest the Ladies
1.1 :
-Why. Juu.
U.U )i u ckiad that ;
lal of ihi- I'Rkt The llrwl'fluor will ba
emubor «< ji
man lor;’
„jil as workrixitiis fur cl.-rks and prlnirfs ‘
Tbi- Am-mni
A;.rlaad><e Br radf
. "To a%ni<l'«i,.„l‘... J Lm-w-»T'd Nlt> tbr tarlons> drpartuirot*
drpartuirflt* t»t tbeWasl- taallixit
Ufe aldeof ' thr irlnrtpal <
1 (numlta^utii'ill c^inili-uce iu Edr- |
‘ ^1’’
^ »»««■ !
In-tilh 49^'(al minkia and
' tnuirawlll bcibr rhlid clerk saflWa
lami liiai Ibtntfit* of aiaui' kind or lodt
on tbr other a parlor fur bullra. On tne . —
IS rCGn^ of ■
fw bit kuTuiw. wloT a loUl » ■ uld briiiK llaiii tliroURli ail ri|!bl.
Itniwn—Wliai would vi.u do if some ‘
elan, the sanrtum <J tbr rdltiw ot Tba ' ua-uihcrdilr of »W.
. but 1 lov.it lici .mr able I., satiafy Uir as
Woodman and vaHous tvoOm for •xiinalUhlnoe Jane M the Prliirr of Walm. B«»nd ' «■' l*‘'« Eaklauil inolil bi- f.d nadi-t War one should liwM- you tlbb.duui'
Jiiuee—l anp]i Ml I'd.is'Kiu to tcalito
le niifiiiiini.
{ marter of Jdaaons. has Kiwi>t«d wsrraiita fimiluuair Nuoiii-fsvmal loapnndlaMi
Haauiiio tiuii lu tbe griai wars with Nnpoleim
l.lbU.UVO really ta—New
As tb* aorlrly RTOWS older t^r mat of ; M the aamliUdnui iil of
tbe Uiiiiud Kiugili.n. wae able |o fv«d Vurk Tratb.
1 as late US Ibe CHwas only nt oMIa per niembrd.
Ihat-h the tiumu pTUduu1 of l.smdon obyurla to
A'“huiiirr'a huttun" U a badgr of high
g at^.
bonorintbe Uudi-m Woodmen of AbmcIcb ttoblk installalka uf aBkerf-mp^dally ;<,ualtei> uud tb« iiupitt. .«ly I.
• The Modem Woodmen now have a total
of b.lMi camps and a total tneinberablp of
B«.0<W , .
bow that the long esnilnga are bne do >>W JiTiwy an- euintog In to (he-vomiutt- I
toe In rucb gratify Ini
3.” 1« llTlUg llIrum liBudlomootb !
hiiiuv prujeit wlU | “b
ram tba Iwla-I that tbe
Mamus } move than .piiiple
any id«* cf. I f When la iie«d of Auytbiiig lu ihU
_ ___ ___
‘ve aoyidMcf.
It fur woodemn.
of a property III eerry I found from tbe laid autbiglty
autbidity I mol
liae rem«iat«r
la tbe place
to learc
Tbera were but tea aasoMmeoU during
for Uu-lr purpoav
p‘~-~ —
gi-l iu I.iviTpiolihatln Angurt. whan ]
to the tiMenitty.
_____ Ibe supply of
It eoau «6 and the mnlloal axaminatton
oiiic temple Uithllli
tif iiiipurtw was for Urtween 1 daiUfacUoo*aara«teed
fere to bvenme a member of the Modem b slowly slaking, and lu rool la now.w
gmj.t.rtir weoka o»Iy. inquiry in
LMeh^or orders at office or cal
Woodmea of Auiertim.
Urrhia out of Unit, Tbe huge atrta:lure U „ou,berof
ra’ shops diicloallig the j
SlMk -n.4 B r...Sl.MB VBB Bl_n.
Tbe aroragv age of monherablp la now
only Si. 7A years. idM{Wlng that as tbeaool*ty Increaste in age tba BTi-rage age of tipi
large laOicries le« than a week, tu tbe '
eeUre mcmbumbip la gradually gmwing
This la due to the adaitloo uf MW
, mills fbrwiglourwcuka Two mooths'!
‘siopistorof fiirvigu vuni would rodiwe >
A 'Fewer' la CtrilU
Tbebenaflclarlaaof s'i.MS matuburshave
tin raliout fur Ibe people to abnm raie- |
ablp. lasve aad 1
an paid slow tba ordir was tBsUlnod
I fourth <«f w^t is n*|alri.<d. and tialf of ;
257 Front Street
While tMd Felluwabip bas become
it would bare to be Bevnivd by Ibe nimwWiwjirvad, mrry liig tai lu opnrallons In !. ,„„nd
iiiund .d
of niauydieerBent
niauydtrerKi-nt and lengtbeut^ '
Kuni}*'. Asia ami Aiiiei liw under the
M-a rtiutoK.—Niueliimth CeuRiry.
of nut liwtbaii lb uitfeienl
lie Extra C Sagar........
aloiiai enclnling tbceiiillsed world «Ub
Hay-bpaar P
w t'aespeeied Oawst.
-N X^X \ Coffac.....................
yuehaiiitf Imlgia. II >• 111 Canada aud
Boprema Chbnft-tkir ColgroTe ilcslTes
-a „..;? ;>
It., fio.,:
Wtsll as many grand lodges as pomlbie tbe. I'miMl Mali* that II bat attalmil lu
during his term of ofDre aud has arrangi^ great.*) pio'eraml lias bemiii* a n**« eoiuUri tbe ItanogbUosii. inronriderate ' I .galloe beat Cldpr Vinegar..
■ 1• gall
—lion Head UgMOll............
tbe tulWlng
ulWlng daua
tuT ilay. lew^S auil ba* nlsaildartid- li> tbr dvielopuinii of clxlll' i man wlHi in a
call.in haii**lltiK all utln-ravular wrle-, auks yon to acnmipany him Lome' aud 1 gallline rboiee Table Krrup...
•■luiairil the
tbr graud
.. pot Im k'f Yon ar.......................................
iMbaack Buckwheat Flour...
mall is 'iii be vislliil to arrange, (heir daUw lli*sjiilhis ii.liUlK-lil ll
tu suit
II lumitilv. Hlstlntfsareaslullow’s os.au Is; awiTiaiu.ll. tt ai-ku..nki(Mvs n lulally unesis'etHl. atgl
suis rior nii...iig ilt.-mall in th« vnsi vsieti
rmoty . May 4. .
May S. Indian Tern
Ilf Its U'lieiuli'li.v- — Ik.iulliluii Odd Fcl uiiilvd ihm y.iii are as uiiwelcotne as IHwlft.*! Heal HaeoB
batua; May <1. Klurida:
da; iiay k. Ti nnia
'xpeiT.-d. (>«iM**{ocut]y ynu'i
May lU. Mlssi
\eaf I*rd ..
•; May 1 "
Mgns nlt& |ia..JW.<rd* liuiy be UsitI l« all'iIl«Ct>alllly nugry witli'.vtnir liostess' Choice i>k-alc Hama
May H. Mi.'h:gai>. Uay Kv Kaussr. May
roll' Iiieuils.i.tilp ll/ tbe onkT. bul the', ■‘•drllli-*. ViIB. LouNlana. May IV. <iia.igla; Hay IM.
i1.lemish.il ■ li.-irw-UT aud an . i •-plilig O
lint .. -e. ... ,..n. I
aliuuitamw vl r«sd w.»Ls
m.»l awful aud
.live (.■nrw's tor tbe '____ i
Mlstouri eiK-ampmeiii Imii.b made a “man." Vimr biMeas meanwhile, bar. ‘
gain Ilf -dl:; but.viwr
. j|,g madew liurri.il n.ih t aud liiil als.ut ^
All iii.'ii are vnililisl to equal rights la > not kii.iwiag yiiuwen- tbcrv, diw-. iids
Omaha Knigbu of l>ytblaa are rapidly tbr ludg.T.».iii An •■tsn Slid Ini.-rape.* ami <mrri.-> i«i lU) tdiotir mnrt-raatiub
perfecting a plan which U lo mull iu il.e suonof iqilnmu Isa prliiUge that sbuukl : uilfa vuu. aiiswerm* vunralsuril ID J
cstabliahiuvui of a I'yUiian burial tOaiv. bemiiwded. yery mcluUT
' aiiili. s e.iiii. tbijig like this: "Ob, yt*.
Thviv BM-iiis U. t«c littki question that ll
•l'lK;Lusli.e«sfloli*..f a lodgP tmad tbe I J
,l„t„ ,m Wagu.T. 11 am anre.tbis
wlfl l«' ouiisuiiiujatnl. lie all the FlngH-h toim. aiu uiu.m.* and sui. in^
. IS G001>>
: fini I will m-vti-1*: cm*ed in Uniu. I No, .
•pntiing lotlgus bi tbe city haiY slgmUed yimr.mil pmateaBali* imil-dbay i. if i
...tvisittil the Bine Nose
tbelr appriial niid It U tiapw lni llwi (he
Ik.le-Ii.tab and tii-iiuon ludgce aUl abo
you waat tu take a ride
acqul.w iu the alx-me
Then. m*4M R..l.ek.h. In ruj. .ml
|ft tliat tart irniu round the tigncT'
A' iislge Id Arksiisas ha* a new bylaw— l.Ilrr..l^h.“ .*
■ * j:**'*! »»«•»
«m-el.omlling.);remember the beateplare lo )*t>.
I tell me all
yonr di
•1 fln.' I.w 11 lavniUr a iui alacuta hlUiseU
. utsmt
! 1 have a laiw oi*en lioa. a o aeal
ter mum (han sis wivks.
^ wiU'sowMi rats, Wnnld Ton ticuso j , . , ,__,
- .n
'* i....am.«..euiwbili.lHswktothemlu >l*-‘k'h »bd a top. bus. All very!
the grata] lodge hf I'ennsrltonla hits
bera pliaieTUeO• a • 111
ol gsti-ls
■ A |wlr
• made
kluai meadsT abuu|d lend
fouifurlabla fur
frulu (he boJustJ id.-i.f Ihe biimilt riate
ell..ri lollie suon**ur fab.lodge. Isil
1 .oppi-r Iriuu the bis
a ktary sg tbe tale aeaotor KeaBO.
bow lim tU-n-wal wli.wr bands tbe
Williain K. Ounis trlls.a eaiions dtoUt» w.wk has u.tivii.iu.'
The nieiiiiiTshIp in ibi- grand dnnisin ; In Ii3s Ibe first Imlg.'
^ l„ ; t> iil*iui iliv lBli.rii.|HitigK«ina of Wurt
af Kew V.irk U tu l<e<i>i>gn.lulai>i] u|uie{ a f.rrvigii
1.' rv j Virgiiiu. whuw Maine isio tji'pla<-r<l Id,
hating-.'mi'nil ua an er.i.il gi.ai)ui* . pUbh.- of TniuiiUy—Imu.
tb. rnpilnl. .Wlu n be Omt .wine Ui mO-’
perity uodi.-r the atilv
a .Mref k.iir.«. who Ui'ed in tbe
.Mi hiiih-y Is now grauiX w ank-n of ' gri
tba i4t<ieot gi
vbiiimllur. Jiulgi- 1 I. I.).\lrl
Isanling Imuse. (s'rMiadsd «im tu
j.tlii-gr^id IkKlg.'.it llliimis kl f' ikTi}..
CfaarimW IIiiiN
Alt graii.l
buy a tloket hi a WlBc
In Mmii.' th. rv or.' U.ntC lfels.kahs and : a iisiklUK stirve _
and _
-u iiiiiipli’U. ______
kUcbetlAlan a lof of flu- very U*i I'lirlUr^itEO WORKMEN.
I atl.lTli siiU.nliii.il.').*lge ......
omni His Ufk<-i
I'uniiii .lui ll. l>« ibv . laud cutlam. two and tbree m-nled
rs IXm. a KellUb S4aiMl|.otol. !
l■■gul•-al^llK1! bi.im-III VV. .I Virginia. While bi
I c«ti tit vou out witli any kiud
It is a. lOaiii I
Hint Im. of
iW'l /U-f il.e ■.•..i. to bulge arramju.g |ur liieir sliipnieut «t tb. ralltiiuiwitnlw.il. .h.'..,.H.,U *i.a..iBV.k'aru ............................ ....
„.,„Mo,s.I .o jha
Mctaheridil). I.y dt. I llixl llu' llX'fV
oi.it U- nil t I'} Uk'
u It. rs- V.m Mhoiu'ke
ll iIh an«ll* of tile u^ r !*•
yuod luting your aMfmiii.TKs sliTbkl ks.k
•"•t u-- ju*'*
, w-mld l«- very glad to do on. Tb« next j
Into thls.-iuat«-r. aud you t. ill w..u U- mn- ami mUt iij uf lu umiuIsti.
Pionper Livery
Tliu.il iliai irum a purely, i.u^e* ur wlf
Mr. .lulu. Mnx.n uf (H-nenil ^rioti
. Isfa sianil)aiiiit you .sniHKaflynl to let tbe liidgK. I'IiiImiIi Iphla. lui* etileml ii^id.H, ..
.................. .
ankrdrlfi iwkwunL Vuni niiln|iii) is «"ri> S.1-. idl yriir
tamasing Ibe com of your pruUAluli - sssitin.'l <d
Atochur and .>*liltld
Mriiil»rs ID good sdautllug st Ust.tc.
. peri, juv.uiis
fVnntylianUainMw well upon the lina >r*r tba Cmtseateaee uT loxlce* Note* of
la loorsas.' ui iu<-iuU-isbi|>
Tbe call iipim ib<- n-Uid fund for this
Ili'tlewitf (he fact itoU bHgn. find It
paar will be m tnry much lodunMl sum
'tneuritciiii'ut i(> kiwji rmiituuiis* fur lb*
toitoiis funds_-|iariite. smiiigi imiuis hat*
-lEyMk-imlei fruiu uTKauiUtimi to Nor L hem iiiade III <lu' siil'K'iiie re|*>rter's and
' UPT. Is kiW.inV.MU BI
sopreiue trmaiifvr s .iliK-e*
With ihenss,*siiirnl nollwlnrlkwcnilirt may nuill, all (he niuuiau.i* ul uiiq
lu a single draft >ir uiuiicy nnicr.
the gnsnil n* uiil. t of Mimuori also uenod
F Nelson
aoall forrUk'f b* fl
... sv y .
are laming
out the most
frames that ,
^0 grand Iwlgv of .New \..rk now pre-'
” .
Kagwl AiTwanm.
aaau to a caudidsti- aiki h,- pima^T have ovcr been made in the city,. It takes assortment of i
QocUe 1.1-iis I ■ InsittullngTiew Cl
(•ub a hands.nuely diwigisil . iiibleiiiBlIo
1 fur S.III
Stock, a-gotid koowletlge of tbe .outside tnarkets, an artis-i
and n.uucti Jurisdii: i.iiis
Mlniirhabn umiK-Uof Uliineafiulls. and.
tic taste and the "know how."
Bus End BE^d^G
Thone No. 8.
Pierce’S GEsb Grocery
'■ "
Sleighing Parties,
Picture FramiiiE
Is WherH We Exi»|.
Iitysll.' iiiumairalii O
’ ThriinkTuf Knlgbts'iif linnnr wmoTgBiiisod June 3». IBIH.
ii i* tbt IntenUOi of tbr kidgtw ul CiiH'luiiail liiocle'
the sllorr^ilbllui- D>!U >.«ir In grand
‘4lxly million fiTc hundnsl aiidcigfity' <talgbu aad Udtos ed Maaar.
Bn-titousaud iw uhiindntl and Mlnriy.«lx
J. R. Ikilmrr Is gratwl wulwKir of Tex' drilaraand sprwiy tbm'trills was paMt
ad aad W F Cole grand aeoRMiy.
In diwlb hamonia by Ihfordi-r frulu iBMts 1«SB la IHV7 than to UlUoa. Juac K. ie». to Nuv IX. im7.
ThcmembMahlp of ihs onteto treft
1 up Io.
sml clui
■ aUauhtTl. wbirb
an open to Ibc iiiriutm at all Uuu*
New txiuiAilU arv in ptoiaas of fbniia'
«on In xiakbiixL Fan Joae. rivramvnio
•ad Los Angeles
The steady increase* in that department is ample proof j
of the altove statements.
It does not
cost anything to look and one look wifi close the deal.’
Hook and Eye
Good Keasun.v
ttb) tue ttbABM Bay-Dism:
wine tbrouifh the Eowr loop* you obtala a
flriB g^^rage. vbleb presabu gaapieg or ripping
loo>e fr. m tbv garuieat.-^ It^lao dw« away with Mi^ag aader lha bill.
Tbe hook haslQg no hump U flat. w^..giTca aiaamotb surface to tba
Wc luTlte cswry lady in TraTcrae City to call aad ro tb«ae. There
U ao obligatfoa to buy—we Joai want you to exa^iae tbeM.
Fine Colored Cambrics, Oi^Ddies,
Dimities, White Goods, Udods, Etc.
On all good kinds of Dry Goods.
Draperies. -Carpets, Clothing and
Furnishing Goods
IT wIll pay you.
T*a.Kettle or Sorvin^Uh.
^rict frontliO Cents Up. CallSud See Them.
-140 Front Sliwt.
. j Tmvi rw; t'ity. Mich.
If You Have Lolgs to Sell
Corivgpond willi Ihe Traverpe City Lumber Caaimny.
We have 'for wie G ood.
Sound HemloT'k Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short \jpple Wood.
We have lately added some new |
goods in all the line.i that will please you.
w.'Tc Seearod The Sal« o
Tbs lamojia.
, Four Loop
Hill Haefaiueryof all dei
Set Works, Carriages and Saws,
for sale:
ndiog Two Enginea,
A (xpplete Saw Hill Plant
"We'll make yon
"I II U( no wim i
•.■H.ild ..nt?' cTicrt
r»«d WiirtboVo-"ril
W(inli<-152> "I’l Aart Ka Waa^ tha OM With tba yiia.
alar Bat JWaa Aaaiy.
htdd Qst until tin- laat n>uUi«'* wts of
"It was aboat tbe noatdst iMn gaxM.
yon gin's in " Tb««i bo shut his awotfa
if It was a skin gi^ at all. that I're
nod tiiniiid Ins bi«d l<> tb.- wall.
"Yon Hbtui'l kli-op until yno oomo «rer tewii up i«aibst”
Tbe man in' (be nrebeArn teat waa i
aniaBd. Wp'U mi-bow yini Ulu. that."
Tbe fonvnait uhuik his flsts in tbe dis- talking bi>iwec«) tbe acte to hiirompnn-1
peotrrV fni-o. Th.-n tbi-blai'ksmitb n(c- ion ip tooPa so clear ibal they were ‘
iau-nsl a luortal vnw ibui »f ovvr be^.t qnite andible to tbe girl with tbe thea
oat bo wiml.i leave a mark ni»«r the ter but in tbe ixiw ts-lmid if sbe ItwoMl
fonmau's r.xl wiml Uui lie.auWwcrMl! forward a little. And «fa(-did «o lean.
uotbiUK. ■ Hooliw-d bisovfw.-'
I "Happ«aMid to tno last nun-1 was in ^
Tlic»ui.-d.siin..l loruishS-dsfnrdi-' Wasbuimon." oouliun.sl tbe mau. "I
«97, » ■«eJ*BE»T D. wMlrf
Tided Jniios. TktT-Kbs'iMin Ibeir riiaini i w«it Into a raatanraui Hiert>—very mne 1
or on tin- li.»». if at alL Williani I lookiuK win rf a platw—imd ordiaod a '
«ro»«niMrt fr\m l-ul Su.idrtt/ )
*'‘ *■*
*" >">'
Worthely Im.l no sl.s-]. tbai tiiebt. He ' Innob. My uUe was one ol iboae mali •
-Ka -*ai.l WilU.m.f.^'Ur. Sortdmwest'nsurn.tl with lUtrst. lait ihitvwus ' cow with a Mt on twi-b side of it.
ly bf
-I urn inn««»t! I wlU i ly. “w,. mw t InidBc .iilirr. l'v« Uva nn w-av-r o'is-lia<!—t.B-bim. All u«:li« : Pmty so.® in tiitneaa y.iiuiR female. |
tM bH |.Hiun«'.! " TiJ.«Ji>- onll4i*d. | f.mniwj
Jir. in».:k«mltb. awH looir two ini nn-lmved.w. b otlior. w]iiad 1 pWs bi r uhoppius bandies ,im tbe winv I
| Lunw n imu'«au Uiu«e u».> orvuiid, after M|na.i. kisi|imK'il»' blui.'kflmlb ' dow sill uiid takiw tbe seat oiipnslte. ” !
A»-lii<* a-our-lAtili Ireld ihr iiutflu't 8)i I nvv
awake. Tb. v mlkisl to Inm, iIii-t llud|^ ] "I'n-ityl”’iuijoired bis eoni|ani.m. .
th-'. i.ri-4J.r»
ju*rk.J . "Yi.u'll h«v.-it
od liiiii-wti.iu.bis lyrawi-n. el.iwsl da^ | "•»<. w.-II. 1 diw't kucnrl HiOn't no*
wm-ii.'tiiod—tiM-lj-iTi»» d >ln<w. cct ^ ed Wiinii'dv
tm« i: .oKb.d lL< lnuii^.1.'.
! "AdiI 1 piii.iil'l lilt.-to know bow yon
.1 ).-IlA and niKliet.ni> H-bimi* ' "'"b.- wuioi'l,"-cla rt ed
iii. tli.»ls have i “Go •«."
...... —
: rtf ;fH. Iiv Jo
*hf jKftviKl tti- iuuir't;i •.nrjjriM-. “Mv | To
10 IKK' dlMamlini vniiv in • Uvir in m (to.- t jurt lYMiiin |.ir bun- , ll>e RirHs-biud Aiiiiihi-rvd a kipkI«.
JK,ut UnK- uiatk-w-illibiK jai k-I th*> jmr r..iiii w'iki in w riiA-in-. Tli«< i di\.dK i-I y.»rw...................
li i> .ally tuie >d our- "Auy wa>.. ' <eu(itinuisl tb.-burrat.ir. |
;»Bif.'. Jii.w i.-ulrt 111.' Imt.L.J luvp l,',*T..r» «if that i-lmaKl flMiulRir «w I miuij-n li.» of Kitl«.ri«ii,
'"■^■'t^'rvrt hium. Iliiupi to «wl and'
luto Mr. Hijnu'iuni'"
Mcti r In' t.iW
Anil ...........
’ • I'kMUith
• -•
WM at bis Jtt.il
ttuisbcsl '•tii Is-f.ire 1 liiusb'-.l luiii.-. fur
At ihtwworiU AVlUiuliis Ml upon' Ami now l.illriwnd bi« ifurnti.Ki Mid fori;.-, biimin.-i
bis' yiMT Utnrr into:
inio : I w.
was takiuR ibiup. rase. TLi.® su- Rot | i
• ... d<v)s'iwie
-nji and
-* .w.-oi
. . .uw-sy,
— J.-uMug
■. . g biy bUDUiea , *
the Ilimr m a <leu.l ittiui.
j cool uh-wt. < *n ftu«> m.Ib i4.««l 11 mtn,' bnn«-«lnR-*
tli• -k
It only w«l.idlW
tTi~. v*-i *Bj;rr . I.HU- thii.OKb. IrtTrlitijf i-YUifu*«4 , l.EifcniiB iiuii h
iu|H>v.ibI.' to nn (be wlinl.m sill, ily bikL by tin
uuinailon U> iTimt tb.' tart- out (but | nf^TmiK«l au.l WtUT uiiuCtL
tissl and a waiter'-i-uies Wilb a bill for b.-r ia.ii-J
WillUtns lull a».d Ibc luurk.'l Iihi.-Ih^ | ''Utinis iiatawl btin i:
■ni.li,.—fiu- uJl (li.. iL.iiie. tbiit In-hud as wvli usiniiii. .1 kiekod. HeiusislM; •
all tbo day tudore iu Urn. .uvluird- Tbm i bn^ih."
n>iv.TTni<-.l Isf.ni-nV'ii'r (n»-«ionU— i»'d «be Indy hud iuuch.Yl witir lue f
tbowouiauwAb whum ^^'iUiaius bnaol- ; ••An-u’Mlicro any ollH-r im.u by the IniV
iniV |sM»iisi »t bini.
bhii. With<wesweep
Wiihtwesweep and I uinst |uy.
. . fly tbnt turn-1 was be*
«d fell i^tlM u]Biu t>i T.iluiii.tT tlM' iu- I aatiK- of ^MUluuw
« in the wtirldf”
' of bis lEaw iiy.arm he wonld aniunh the K>nnfiiu
ts< SI
sospeot that 1 was
«S bflng
lit to
^ , whole jury B>el .-e4|s'to his «.wn btwie. ' wiirk.'.l.
ratlier than liave
iiare ai
ny row 1 $
I "VonrlinitBamoi* William,” KritP. Tlrni b.- licbn n.nl bis lUigm into his . pa><l ■■«b < li.eks and Usik the saUsfnc- • •
"It aeenis to me. |
ni4 tbe firtvmuu, with atUniKli.r tbe cuil ami iawunlly cnrwsi bis bmuent-1 Hou id telliug the loauupT be <
table With tb<> grarity that the lean, nsl mTk.
' nlug u bla. kuiailiug p.iut. 'I'll take
aliaatloo demanded, “(bat 1 had better
"Ho is yours." was tbeqalrk inny. ! It wns tm rui»|t iii'il tbeu night of tbe ' IbeM-wiili ui- anyway.' I mtil, gatbi rhit<di
h np am
and tabu bim right over to the
"Hut wliiTv was the pri*,®er?"
• i
It bud u.t«-r o.vnm«i to the : iug uj. ib.- l uiidi. s whi.-li my myrteri- : •
xinnty >11. II iu a itfi-tly plaiii
"I d.m't deny be «iu;lit butv snv , ftavuian .dtbi-jnrr to M-iid w.wd n. tboi »»>•■ «unisbin« romiwntoo bad ML. Ac'S
-111 you
you go
d- i.o-y
, Bonis that evening, but dial is no oberiff tiai
tb. jiirv nmld not agns . ’ »«>» «b. v ki<i.-U .u (but, but Iwaifinii. 5
UiwmonnatVig apjHuvul'f.Jlowed , proof.”
He felt tlun tbi. was tImbaHbol his ' 11'Dl 'em auderuiy anu and went down 8
| "Hntr about tbn batehM?"
i life, and all the teimcjty that the t«r-' to
ID myf>o"
"Id.m't ire any oiywejy abuot
It "He
„ might
__ ___________
buvu «wsilT diwiipcd It'
fWbaiwasin W aaked hU<rim.-.
filling bis pipe l.aad
|.aad Niuielsjdy
Niuielsjdjr «1
«Imi pi<pi.-kedI it np, and
for tbe ihinl time, "uud l.dtui't iw , then umkI it.”
"Ibui'* tbe quetr port uf iL tbe part
Where yoor jnry ivuues lu either. ”
that makes me mmirtBia if it was a
"It '■vas uy flrrl iiiipiniwit lunidor
game or uol "
cnee.” tbe jadge mm<ii.d, ignoring tbi"Y'lui're ctaiy."
The girl U-biud hwned forward id
Intcimidiiai tut tbi*
pniuv 1- <|tK)i«
|» poiuL
„ . bin alone, pmtleinen: bi* 'band
(otgecly that a fealber pf her big bat
He was I'Vid.'Utly i u ts-tubed.
tickled the ear ^tbe s)naker. He
living bisfam.iuscwBeoveragaiDi. "ami i The fireman drew bU eideovertoa
paomt to liruah itAWoy, Tbe girl btfi^
Imu. iDb.Twell tbe rharge I gav.-to | (wmr f.w a whisj»T.Kl ouusnlUticn.
bedbaiA buslilv. 1
tbe jury. I prai-tlrally lustru.'ie.i iheni ^ The (bought of ib. ir bonieu. uf ihair
"Nb isKiner." cioolibned tbe mao.
toretltvaud immedhttrly to bring in a , an>ieraud of tlieir i-mps ma.le the jurr'
"hwi l^i|«ued tbe firat baiidle than
Twdict id murdiT in the brut dsgme. It 1 deepirati-. To be balke<l in so simple a
there fen- '—
vnaw ueat .wse uf cin-aiustautial rri i oaue waa an onpordnuaMem-L Wbocan
Baugt west tbeorrhedlva iu ibetudeuce, and tbe di-feuis'did little morv I coon I tbe ueighlsirbood eiimi(i<-s that
mnlluous opi-mug cd the preloUe to Urn
thnu throw itis lf sp>u the mercy uf tbe I We bud tbvirbirtblntbedivideil jniy';
last ant.
"Wr (wu't Ktarve him oat. 'Mid lim'"Uaiu! " aid tbe girl with tbe Ibea,Tb<‘ jury was an average cue. Tbe j ftmiuni gbilbiily./'l.ut we lan wtny
Ur bat violeutly and 'ksikid daggers at
—.funuiuu was u diol. rii'.'butibet fansl. j bimliut. I'IIatv. to it that be duea't
tbe young muu in the odjuuiiiig m«i buHUMly .viinpleEioufid furtder who bad alnepH wink."
eans« be Uugbe.1.—New York tsan.
•erred a. li^oviitan bef.ae uud war im- ,
"Two .if uu can ktvp boning him nt
ptcMed with the imporiams- of his own , a timr,” sugui-stid ibo littiu man.
views as well ns of bis own iswition > "He'll dev.Td.. no more work forme '
I7r i.roiiigit hisgrmt ksf doirn.
Htardwe- ■1 ueib tbe fast dyer now
IVrhaps William WmtJiely. thi- hbek- ; nulna be givvi iu party 4)uu-k."
' rier exhibits with Uieiiiniknt ratne cat' makes tbe
ntUi, was (be tn<m intelltgent u> well
"Niv for luo. neither.''
susiaiumwui lui
The jury Kew York
M tbe m<»t di.iut.1^.d nmmbiv of .the ] Xfier a few tu.ee wbisprru tbe cam- i was alterlv I'xbausted. Already
Peloobet Select Notee on the Internktionnl. Leeeone.
“Rich and Rare
Were The Gems She! Wore.”
And she secured them at Verj- 'Lo'
F. A. KARL (lisplaved a
Goudh in all kinds of—
price.s. iMica.usc
ismo ..f
i.f ^leg-;
lujoV Over the Largeei Btoak 1.
F. .A. E-A-iRL,
nctTicraoxr bl
Oir popalarity was uot gained bj make-ljelierea. nor tloea
our increwins trade come-by rbanw. Trade Wtb on a time or
BO and you’ll duicover the aeoreL We expig-t in parchaae to be
• niuilf on any KToond except that yon get the Js«t Poaaible for
your money.
Our $3.00 Man* Shoea are the very b wt for the price.
Htnl are all in the New'.Slylt«.
ulih luU, ,™Cri.t
1 lnj|.p-n.U | T1h>. mv In. d„nlv iil.„n,riri««i,l, „„
Un- f.nnv, h. id npui ibrir i
lnn.dl,...h. nrilrdnU
lli.l 1... ; wlm, n-J,„, n..u, ,nnl.,t i. ll i. «n.L :
h.„. n,,nl<
(K-ulf to,'
gone, •
girnt jaws wetvflnnlyrlose.1. while 111.- papiv. It is luosqnii-sw. It Is rwl pep- „rer to the lUacksniiili Tbe Himfaces of tbe rent of tbe jury *-«e n - p.w. It is vitriol. If ih.-r-is .lulv .««. had hitherto snumb.sl .niiv sm h sl.vp
iuanwhostand.oui.l..-tst.,riur.slwi(l. ai. sofdi.o si.al ..u puket dntv or sailTb. jwyflle.lmiL 'Tb.. cmri i.sika ;aniu.,uisHj.Kiltwt
vari.-.M.y M
v .1.- in imp
luisiij.Kifbat L
1-1 cv
cir- or. .ii.Maieli.
ini.Maieli. Th.
few niinutes’ rerass (Oily, expev-liug to
■ iiivU!'imuli.Kis. I'csl
has l.vu aHitud.w In diainl .m the fli.jr. ut all
iimt. u<vibe raun1<-r.r in a f.-w imuui. s. kii.iwu o> he S'. d.K't.m-«i tliat il -mid tiuioof .lav or night. Bm. Willuun
Tbe sis^vut.'ini retnaiu.d iu tln-lr sdats.' niglwct.-ii; wal.TsM fMiil.'L that the W.vth.ly hud u.K sji pt f.a- ov.t Tt)
"Well.” said the fiHiinau easily. )kvihm uut.snuuulv wiu iuiidi).nie.|
fatrarK .\ud UoW tbe tourtb uigbl
em.k»ng bU sharp .-hiu, "liay 4s ab.«t ^sunvii.l. r A toau'lias tss® known
upnn iiiio. .
nady tox-ut. mid Ibere'um. use of our , U- rn.gg.vi f..r 30 boor* wlO.-uit a let ui>
‘‘Cvune. .VKU. I " Mid a jnryniaii bit
sttyuigben-any l.Higpr, Thm'snotw.. ; jBjuU. luiuimL-. aln.-e^ ... t ,,f biv int.-lY.ni have .'u-d your. 'ttiNiemv.
ways of 1.Hiking at it I gm-ss wv oau ; lig.'^iLV, lie L.i dn.i.d i • uwurigtilgi.e up umi we'il ull .all it
f.)llow the jnilg.' For tbi- sak. of f.tf- : eouwiew^ l.-si be go in.'au'
ajuare, ”
malUT-w.'ll.ltopuorUUo(sluib.‘lxuL j Tbi-Ma.ksmith mu.t have Had «.«m- . But tbe Madiamitb sli.s.k hi.-bead
We'rx» unauln...a»—guilty, .>f curse. ! Inkliug .d wl;»r w... I .for, bim. f-T bis wiib.mt .l.'ijiiiug au aii-wer.
l'teg<.i tbr-e loiles to.ri.le and bate .gnwi jKwsgi. w n:;i<lusbe r..l.l.vl Cis
The ubstiuate jurv.f bml already argotWU‘lioiuet..soppr.”
'uriu'. u '>l..iiil d.-.iuli'w.
Imlcl b.- Hvixi at tbe stage-Ilf ih.' b.-K-tn-who
Tbe vole was burriwlly take. Tb.-u ' mk-umvI lik. a great mil at, biy t. f..»v n sh pi up.® file rack. Wa-I.-I Is-ymid
blihut luieeiig'rlyr.-., W-rth.ly ab.m- ,u„k.d >uan mg. wiuriiug b.^utid*. But inimtinati.ui .luring il..-— ilir..-day. ..f
lainisl MWlid. stmikiiig Id- pi|s- st..!- ■ tbi- Inill
g.ev ull. hi- (..n.i. ntors pHshTti in.piUiit.®, .'v.-ii lit* ..Id ti.dgh.
Idly and l.sAing .ml <d Die vvimli.w, , U-^uo imy vi.gry bill. i.. bis Ian ,,
h.«rs w..ulU bunlly have t>-.a(Dliu*l the
wbib-vori.'U- tines«il aTnuseim-ui playuJ
: ha.La.!j..uni.d lu .lisguM. ValwaiT uiau ..f imlefs-n.l.-mv
Uyioud In- .-yes aiift moUtb.
, SUbj.vt lotihi . ulTuI 111. sli.viil. TJh- ii»I Hilly
y. toriur>xl
by l»i-k of si.ep, but
"Bv gra i -uV .TbYl the fciwnan. , HtH-n.«n mu. as e^.-ll.xl out ib... hu- Ly lai-k'.rf
: <d pr.qier
uoiirisbni.nt. la'-k .d
UalliK- in-wmawm.mt
f'*e-'"« .livi.i.m
.livi.i.ai a-a- Hifa».•y.H.u.e
.•y.H.uie Ittrt
lad Wat.T,
wai.v, la.-k
lu.-k of
of «UH*t..«, and al- l-v a
lonklng at ii.e. ballotnod ih«. cTing .me afi.v tbe «4ber of '-•“*•’■1- l*u««« ilm. jary room.IvMTU^iw- pvM-|.'i.l imuul irriiateni .ortv-paid................................ ..
. • \ Ing to-tb.- -ting a man f.. 1. wii.-ii I..pai iu 'not giiiltv,' and be lias bad tbe '
Willnuii nortbely. wb.. wa.' .i-A to ,„i- Ui- arm inn. a-l.ehiv.aodacJty to iin.bTaeon' 'not.' I should■ 1'1'tn.''<>1 air ns well a...f migbiy li.r
Wlmi w r-. i/.nor- i- tb.-re ilmii n.K
like to km.w wb.1 lbls-g.-nlleiuan \k
V'lu.b.w in fn tii ..1 to U-b-t i.lme for . v. li i. iMonini.. .pi
W.-.an'taff.ini towaste time in f.sil's
Hy t's-w was h.rt ami'iirt.oi: lu.. mivi.-Ij. wbeu mwe..rav. -|,vpa>
plav hiV«"VHetw be cast a Imllving wnirtb(''.sl<,r ..f angn tii.ti .iild ..f to ,
t|„. sbortVivv-k-l
luok u|sin the mtag lusignili.-ani iib-ui« "nikiiom tli. lo-.-uiuu a Uud. aud wls n ilie .«g.»iiv.- -v-i-iu
I III.- li' liur this person. Ill Ills i tm-mh-r jumisvl j.irvMin! abd shut jlie • ,wn-<-s th.- suLi.rer t.. I-iiauM-af.sl with
BAuru.-d im
"ith -» -fi.isli
• of- ;»ns. r tby tbe diulm-ss of tamin.Ip--, fit• tui
I', bot a
"Wemust'-'ltle this right 4iway"—
m i.msi..-lor a fewii.mule^ L.b.5r4i.tlirt.n-mai»tiliiy of wasting hi--tr-ng'll. H.'sniO.*l n-.l. -Wh.n lie wii- acuo-l br In"iCtv- 'u- '.genilemim of Ib.r jury
"• • ‘"i»«'mi.i ami bi it g.. He fxs-ibiB m.ii». be w.iril.l tsvin
Tbv.-Hiri ..IH.vr |mt.bisJirvel,»''‘'‘hvl bis pi,.- iibil.w.pljjealiv ami'fonoo.; ib.in BI the ■It'-K^
Tb.-4:oun Is wniilng.'' •parvb.'.l l.ir a innt. b. H.- ii»l uv*d np
"No.' ah-u. nsl (b.- f.an.iuaii with his last on -. Tb.-ii it was dio-. v.-nd . *Y'"’‘"P***
red fill-.-,, -butvs-. will.
Mid. that tlexe iva-md a mat.-b w tm- c%u J"* mm.l w..nld bvjto !i in a tutm.ul
turning to bi- jiirrm.-o. "w.- vktjjtimi ^—tlmt in no .ai.- had any (..give litu^-'^ Vati.m. Hisf..r»,'.'. In* mtgLis.rk.
On inventorying in January we found from fifty to seventy.five Ulsters aud Overcoats on our tables, of [which we
had from one to three of a Aind.
^ .
We have since been making s-me good inducements on
these, hut have advertised them very little heretofore. We
V LriS S.Iim'i'' y- now want every would be purchaser to look theke over at
u»ihu..i.,d ;^ his earliest opportunity and see what a little moiiey wili'do ^'
towards his comfort. The regular prices of these cOats range -m'
h.-k an ..m.vT, petulant as tbw-'
«h. li
om aii-r iiti-sbi-t Would
•-takeil.-jorytolb.. h.Kel crati.41, umilom
bauda Opjss-d, '
‘ '
j„r-upi-. ' hi a ii
i.*-be km-tv
I*' ’"'“--il'- !'ke a
kiii-tv the r.4 “J" ”F
Ivery luoii iu ther-.m turned ttpon son of linr .h-l'euti.vu. Tb.- liiaeksmiih
liiarksiiiith .
‘1“''- 1
h.-v.«il.l no.-li
_ naturally
b.-artv e.u.v, Iwt tlm
Ilium. Worlln-lv. Ti... l.....................
la.-kiauilb , wim
uaiu.—... a
j .
aowdiviil»d bUbsmI maii-(ial.mi|y ami ' boUd meal wgs n.H .n.l.v.uujsilalalil.' t<.,
f"ri!e. and IM.i
-lunl biins.if
11,.. .
«.hh,. m hl. .-..i.iril
i; tr.,, |... -™'l' e«l -Im.V
looknl from one to. tii.enol glauc. Hg Mem.*l t.i
o ts. ilp, .lulr
.,ujj Miaaiv
Miaaiy to utf.KvJ
uif.KvJ bun m.Btishin.
ii..BCisfain. in.
in H.r T'
. '
. . .
«Bfl(im.-d P.TWB1 present. Th.-lor-luau, av.iild tint >...lire that the r.-t of bis bis tvvlb ^d llumk t..,l be bu.1
Vbo bad Monu! bollyiiig . |iit!n l uadT fel|..vrs tiad pl.nrr nu.l rsKi .Kinngb goupaluBrk in his sli-p.
apoD bis longue. dn.pjsKl his piw wiili- lissl to .at. on (In- way .uu la- iri.vl tqiJo in. ..wriM l.n i
• tint siMvIi, WnrtlHly was not a man i.i etopat (b.- il.-4c hv i;uiii-hi-s. btit .the ‘ ‘
• 7“
' be IJackguarded—be waa Us. ?.ig ; unr oflic'-r lifliriivl Ib.-tii lock to ih.-fT root:
Ae tesMsmiBble Uimstea.
-b. b.' tnlhsl with—be was t.s. ibgni. twx> bv two. bad tliis opisa-iuuity was
Itait’ N'. ns|s-rtiiig I'anii.-r—Hi. yon,
l.i'be (innied with—h.-vva-t... lo-t '•
lb-1. I V. 1-1 lb. .J. ti* d«. y.i.omu by
....... While the fureiium wagjeai. il. 'iin-re w.-re (■Eurily-eigln i-liuirs in , riiiii^^ok.i lu.v-wbcai-;
■ilse be held iDooh sigued pB|»raiid the psnu and a sirfa that sMti-.! fotir. ,
'Arry— trv. 1 say' WUat ore ycr
x.voiy tnors-gagi-a lu bis posM-ed.ni. , Wnnb.-ly was .me of ii«- last cnipl.- girin o»? Wli.-att Why, it'a. only
W.giliidy u,is fi«r«d br*'ii‘.iis-of Ills n-lf uiwrv-st tiHv.fflrer, au.l wbi® be giit iu blMNnlu mad!—1‘nueb.
tvliai.i iMtin.'.Old UiK-phvai<]ue.
tb.-s-fa wa-.ss-ui-ii-l He Mt dowu .« j
--------;----------------"i'll. a„:,vati.ie.;'LeaBW.withag- bis .--bair.-and it gave way with bim.
Cbap-rwiis .ad Tmux UsitM
gravaiiiig y ssl boinir. "I d.m'l Umik j|li- bsik.vl ul-iut for au..ilirr chair «nd
Miss Aoinmu—Therew»im tube nion
be*, guiii
guiiu sud 1 Urtvw shall. Wh.. ,-lb«n sat d..wii apou ibo fl.sir; ' He did ■ chiiiwtxin* Uiau yuaug bidiM ben. lo
e bill.
.rn >1.. IIIl- )to
Ko (ott-.
»ie. So
Bo there's ou
nu ' this with a sigli'-^aaiiaiactinQ.
sigli'-^aaiisiactinQ. for no ttigbi.
call'TYiulii lulu- tliui away fnmi lilug | Mins Banr—It dcM aeem ea Indiiedl! J
dir.-.-! • vid.fl, e."
iJiu b. rant aidmt for htauelf.” Iwimwiiai-ly two ti.un i.*>k tlietr tda<-M ' By .tbe way, wbuare yoa cbapurcouigr j 4
I'd iV i.<r.in:iu
l'<r. inau diepoiriagly. "Dg bwid. him and l-.|.:ui'asking bim qm-*-—Harima Life.
iboul lbs trial. With aa empty j
b»vua linl.'(vw»4i"
;b and aotbing mure than
diy ji
nan a ory
"Rmisai; " replx'd the blarkmnUb
1 "llow tnie it i« t^i '(mi^^baU of tb* *
laOuinfigt fur binitoaiwoe.
Uauily. ”111 r-asmi yoBWitUwe'ra
Hqaitted bim. Hree'e my word (cr AL " Then tbe rert fullcwed and olaf&edj«orld<OMB't knojr bow Uitk other half |
Ba brosg^t hUgnwt Out down open the like wa^M aUiot him.
"Are yoo lagtur (ban tbe jndgrr’
MUa. anasfalsR a W clean off. "I'll
'If .Uemvu WilUama didn't^ It.; care a-danL’’—Detytdt Newt.
not bnd«e a halrUx'udUi «ut{l that in-
So we can supply all wants as regards price. This week and
next wiU materially lessen your chance for selection from
hut vour
stock wa
of aregular
sizes ao
is very
wuw coats mentioned,
^—- ww-pa.
vaao-s vaaMvo
complete, and on th<^e we a*re making a jtiberal (Kscount at
this time. Now Is the time you will get the most good out
of them.
' N. B.—While in our store, if interested, ask to see Mack,
inaws. Kersey Pants, Buck Coats, Overehirts, etc., and get
prices—They will surprise you.
I '<r, lor it «ogtiiil«i (if a thnc qoutrr
IcuKin afrrnr la «birb Mn. Uima waa
«nai tj ui*)je« Uw “baug" of bar lai- '■wE HOONE Y CMIUORE
qnfc-Uy ilid H'?
rat cortatue.
r«- Wb luiir Imn.
t>l">idnc U
"i*n. almnn aara it’« in tb^ dinainit
- • rk'T<d M •>f Ub* nod fatb
tatlr draarr,** mpMd Nra Gmin,
----------- r^
growittg arroouiniKl to Uh . darkafM .
iral TarwMt Im rtra^nv-TlM
and aiaicitd (i^r a ni>vl<-im) cf monuliglii
«• KpaiiML IMI Taatb ■■*»«- V
tbBlib(<4 a rail-. ibH-riiain iiplit botfa
TSe e«. Thai U a* Made
Ibronsli ibc »k<r]>0hi.nu tiu- Uuiliug and , , ^
Uiraiiidiiw^riwilc iT -wardrobe. Art-'
B •.!<] »-(l
Jluii 1^ « Un ili.'B
ItiK ninn (bi« tliciopbt, abc tguond'lb* '
, wus_fu!hiiK mcbiIiJt. and
waWMihe for
K.wu,y rbi
rb ino. rtmiai' an tl mar
— tlir
... .------------------„.,,u,.y
, mm .o n.o d„«n, &U.-. ..d .«,r
jpnndry rlirl.iiige of little linuai liaadl(« ^
land it«ialiv<‘i>ii!l> at wiortsdrawd-ra at
.1- .iBbl UK , Ut
W ! ""
<” •
‘fivl iIk' wrajL
fbiil l(a«.i. vbuailitd to try bia
j ••Itnmet bo in the wardrobe after Bbw ►Lai»>
—^--------jan.”*betlirm*l)t. al.daee.«.Uv«l.vtl(»- / ‘ And Uh b .-rrrril.mR will thaw all
Vernal Cli.ii.-e waa a pn tty and'eotn- ■ ed the dravter wiili »uue uoia-, tripp.d ,« «"' •'• «"<' *»« "• «•“* ‘ »»
Bodinoe »illB and L'ov.a-utum a "elect '• aeniw. the dark n'min. 03«-ned tlw ward- »* «•*Stpil. wbo wa* ju-t beand aaiubrnw* eolmrb. To the l.apj.i-! rrrte'.loor Miib imo..-diOiruliy aui* bur- Kn.uun: to try,cotuii){ fani> Iwnrta .m
nra» of Mr. aud idle. M.inrioe Urwn—; itd Urwlf in it^ etu.i-iooa necwea.
Ibe ice
lalelr Bia.lr alnniei eomj.leie by tbc ar-j Alanricc waa a tioary al.r-po*. and “Vaoit.niTI xam be over, too."
tiral' of tb.' >.ti.»t 'cli.Tob that over 1 ronwrjneutlT aj.t to be a bit beninddled "Rl'ed Aiue. rbe btd j.>i l.^ru.-d
Mue d^iwn fi. tu b««v.-u—then-Werp on Brrt awakiiis—nj.Be«*p«iully in Ibe Mi..ni.b Iron, to bore i.. U-able n.aLate
dravl-Bci*. Ibe Diet waa >d daric. Un tJiiaiuiitirularmcbi.after
ii>p:bi.afl«r apap* »lo“e
M«bn(v'a.njuJ.n.ti. lie bad a ridimlona jtarrnilr dn-auiiii
iiiiK for a foil furtnlytht . "Ub. d.-ar m.-. e V esctaiincd a lit----------..»cnrnoasptida1urainfc"l>raa.dro U«
>u ■<>>' «>n«T
Tb.-y all ^
—.M^v Hy^wiih a violent atari. Tl>e ronn.. to hitu, Wb.d .It raiue fwan email B(»k-. f)
le -tale.if
to be la a cJiii
told hitlow ena.rjupt wifa aliuort wa» }.itch<lark. Tbcie was not even to : *ho wa* tryii.tf to pul .* b.a-bm wax
daily that mon- itas rar.iiexl tbroutli atnpin.ai ot moonlifihl on thti. nda of ,'l‘0ly'« nisbiKewn Wilcwar.!
nnaonpreted rrtrks aiyJ d.t..tiTc joints the b.miw. Braidra; the blinds were .
all Lav.- A-tr tnmLIee." raid ^
than eirvut.io illuaiinau- to coxy down. Hd edt np, (Very u.ne and ain- -Mice "t uiue b. re. pm.-ie. wid I'll put ^
Is what you will see very often on,our
odd Dressers and Commodes.
OFF AT TiiE.METi:]!.
I We Have Them in Nearly All Styles pd Finish!
Intique, 16th Century, Mahogany and White Ename
lung, Square or Shaped Glass,
And tbey are so cheap you will wonder how w e got them, hut
it _
I Will tell yOU.
t.a. * i i e.x. a.
re. ___L x--j
W6 hOUght all that OnB faCtOry bEd OU band.
S The agent was seUing to different dealers^as he went along,
2 #> we made lum,^ offer on the tot and got the^.
••duili eul-urhaii »ay” bi» cdijo-tive
bu band to wak<-bia wif.-. U.-fell her grtoni.Y . ”*
wool.! I«-, ly ii»«r.-e «tf tan , Vernall&ni onder-^b.- bulcisis l..d<;^bra ut
"M''«>'« »b<- .dli. r., luid lb*, i
ClHiio-..- Tho* it
II. pa-e that
lb o..ok1 Iwat il«-wny'breath- "e add.ri -Myki- me a »n.-w dolir
niplitle. viol.- ilauixo wo.- irmrput
inj;d’n"lily- Tinre wae only <a..-«ih.-r w.u.'t you,
tlirpana the n-. i. r—In i < . til Ml no pi i’ll<11 in tot l.taim- uiucr(niiiU.>a f<T.
d yxior..-1 v, .11 J’ll make
a..i’cm alJi v. ..uy otii-7K- i..,o It, ji- Thai wue to li'llc wrvui.t maid. But wmilly taml., tiK . _bi>.1 in fu
"par U surli a lu-Lle Um.p "■>-bi<
-1.M Inti.liMj<< why "biiuld
ebiiuld mi
w...- W
I« ttyiUR
tiytus draw.-ra in'
"-VV.< e..u».»
eoul.i doit. I
wife wu> <ui h.r kinve in (ho> Utlmnii. ' to'.pure
to- .pure bedrreu)?
bedmcui? liit. Il»y
tiny bad tran.-,
t-ian.-, ' Alice radOia-lr
'■-uM i,:
bci. aa mislitU; ►opircd. sayiug
lii'i afi.
T alL Aira.
Aira. Uteiu
Ute<u was
was ii^bL
ti^bL llww
llww «»■
tin-m.<'• ( >'i..u-d
tuipK- tb. «ui.c
MuiH-., bOTRlura.
r i.-u’i.. rr \.a-i-11:..^
u-’.iii• prar.-r*—lUyuRb »ln tuipl.aud dry
dry SSM-U’l..
\.alu«lii*«.rM b(.tb purp<».e—but tiuiUaurioe wiiWrew hi* band, wbirb day what c-u ,<aii‘m..ke <
idlyya^iiuk nml.-r iln fl-.wiia.l terra .n>ti-.i cn to-blJluk by hi- side, wilb like mud iir-.l.liiiR. rmi I
aai<l Paul
. t«UTaUuiealotll.|tnu*..arU.aluevrt.tbellKuiRht: "ril md wak. ii b-T. irvff
"I Ulie.e »e ei.utd.
|aoul. bhe’d be isiatd in diufh. I'll briakly—W,-unj-dii lum-a pi.-tur
bflinrlhnra it w.niM happen tl::-.t the . kuow tbr wnrci l.i>L" ho iiiinLinR, . aberp to ha-k ut and N>UM.-w(a,di'n aImivfat ympiH'd col iu>t u<»1m'w&« in tb|‘i'mid v . h ■ erot of lufatoiiun—wbirbeUnr »bi* tnelia|«-tin. h.-a.U with and
aet of liiisinR the cortain ihai iiiiRbt I was I-. liay* brnvirv—III rh a RliU'te.r ' to acw'p nut tiie am.w f.a-latU and eura
grv.'ul tb- iraRvdy ( f ber life, and liltu. ^
till’iiiaraoder, ill- eliii.' nut id Uil, and iihB|>euff ibe bndle* with Wenmld
wttb a Jitili- H-nam. tbe wouU Bcek bnllou. .1 np bin drvwuii: jarkei. lock r make other muimaU too Bean"—
to Uatcbi*—tin-sever etiold pnt In r ibe little U-dtide eliuh by tiie back, and
"Aud — aud (-lepbanlef" exclah
baud readily on the DiBii-liii^aiid liRlit : ibsi onned, bi* beari beaiive like a ; Fbil; jnio]>liiR np "Ufa.
to dilicuU'jy eliaded caudle on Ibe - tnaffiixl dram.-etealtbilr turned to(V-,'would stop raowii^
dreaxuiR table, m-praceediiig with brr tier U twirt> to-two rooicH.
Irid '' And be went MatuptoR around
w areb and 111 ril. votiona At tnefa timer. , A faint liytbt came ihrauRb to Ibnd-' to ro.ua
wbea AfanTin'UMviided from toopder- ioR akyliRbt lleariiM! Tbe riliain
."Tbere'aa lot to do to Ret ready,
giotuid nRious AvL.te Ibe gn* dh ter , waa at to-other end of tbe room, right Mid Alice “Yon knoww |wpa raya a
to bare
xneted out ill. dole to to eompany-of - opponie to door. Whar beWaaduing piud wortiuau Ua)'Iwaya caMnl
• Ionia in1 'order
order Cet'a apimd today
ItioR .lore rvudy Y'on boya'll bare to
bidy fer wbal i e. aiy
ike Ibe abuvi-li cr wbai»r«r you'd
tried hie “ata.urd ; wtelchf
llybu cull em."
iad" nluot toruiUR the rus off.
; to iaudiliuR look Matinee ahn-wdl;
"Wlial do a few exlia frTt of gat
aic- ' tba bate bus. Tbeibac.uxa asM-rted It- \ ".Aud I'J) look np tbV ptcRtrea." mid
tiXigbt aguiusi it deqx:raiejy : Alin- "We must cbnuaB to auimalx
nify, aMi<-n''^ibn«- pneinoi Brea might ^ auU.
amue biRliC U- mrrifliril-to Ibck of ajte a momeut. It bat BORmenta-d to :
By er.-niiig Ibe tools were nwdy and
-IfRlitr' the wi-ald ex. iaim, wkb aa , fora of (lit rxpliaioe. X^e a tbaudermueb drauiaiiu ft me ae if aba bad | boll be auevxiul.
to aounaU cbiM-u A abei-p fiff BeMia.
becu b(dor('.«n>w'<.f fia.iliRlita and a^ Iben-wue a mnffled exelamation in a beat, an ,ele|ibauL And Alice ebeae a JohDK>D
mcwdi^ pit iueu-aubf a I Idto nauu. Afanriivratoi forw ard with
■ IIW. Slater’s House Furnishing Store |
12S-132 E’r?oi3--b S-fc^r^ee-fc-
E.W. Hastings.
i,i'3F3|Real Estate/»-;
Fire Insurance, i
Monei to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
Wli.-b Aiaarice wirhed to be wither, with u}uul fary. Ctoh! The
lie Wa* always elu
III bl- I l»4i-e of w cayic
' (i-utfal clatter uf lalling glbM, a pirrr
,iiig ihriik. the aonod of a body failing ;
laileii to p-irih'|oiifa the borRlai
' Bes-jid
dflwa."tomi- - iniviiitiiiiie,
” i on the fiiior, abd all war at ill bat to (lie r
and that tl>. ii w
r 'rrtiwiUof eostitcr Iwuil tf ifth- frigbtidied bube m to room ’
rrilw to (Tack tbi
V.'tual Cboior, you . be bad lefL
I Wbatbadbedonc? He kneeled down,
AIrt. On-eo. ar a rale, deigned BO I otreloa of bmken gbuai. and bia baud
-anvwcr. She bated rbrnR and wuudtyed . n»ied tin a bate fooL birk with apprebow a mau of Alanrirc'a acn«-—cxir-pt ; bi-nuiui. be (ni-ped tdaewbete and ttiapod (be till ter qaes-Tiou—eou.d sbj ]> couuii nd a iiiuiii-d beadaud a lew carl,
to ii» uw. ito-gitutallr n-fraimd (i.tu [iug |.inA ",A uiiii b. a aaieli. my kingaariDR eo, Lnwirer. like to iHu<jbli . dim to a iuatrb!" be would d<«btli-ea
little woman sin waa. and, resiRaedly bare *aid bad be uot beeil ao terribly
^IliuR the ba!y'« fi-ediug botUe and i nim-L
talking tlie liiii« rlHnib.-wriih
rlHnib.-with sundry I Joi^t
Jm^t then a rectangle of light'aplight
crouiuugf. in Its b.-ttsiQerot, relind to-pared
to > pared and incrraMd nndl.
ondl. Ilule and
Tirr ajti.w 8E,ak
the niglx. Ii-uviag Aiaarice to blow oot trtmibliug. ciood to iitUc maid ... ™.
(be iMiuRaii-d raudU'.
1 iKt bund, tawatifnl piciura «f a taree Hor lying
ibg labli-an d.iwnio mak.‘ her iiiuge (i..m. Tbi-re
lit «a. wii.l r ai-d it was iiiidniglit. Yirum: A waturt'be do.® awingiUR were mher plan*, tisi. ahi.uld tburr be
-Al^uu. .-l.;«i aei.iil. eiKl m. l.ad to-La- njaw jta.IiiuR.-w with ita biiiR mift. r tune to (wrry them imi
by. Tin" "little <l,.n»b." lulaii. bad a mi.-itod KUiaRmeuis; ael.air. With a
"H r a|» all to Isiys and RtrU'll
"t.iu.-b lil iMi/bnis” and hi. lu.td
n lej.* lyuiR lic.-* ly; a biunfird h-lp." mid I’hil, "and tl
breatbiUR as be
ted ustliMdr in 0*““
unigbuliirt anddn-vulig yaoket. g««a lot dime and liavea zn> "
bis hull- .01 ploiaie t.siibi-d to-tart .ka.rliugat tbofeeiof aphaitralewoiu"W. II we may let em b.-lp " mid
tbraoRli Jbf darkir-><
as in a dvatifaini.a.liissiug gown end Haul Rrandlr. "but tber've g..t i‘>'d» aa
- t'J wtJiidtt." munnux-d Alta On.n. pljiiti. who wa* mot; otbur than to wfftt'll .m he wt-know juit iu>«. ’
uonblt-d > honilkd man'* wite.
n.-xi day was
• llinR to to uv..v..t.---------------------------—_
------ -------------. nghi —
. aa abe Uy; U
Manriee Gret-u uerer tnrnMhe gatoS mukiuK
IR simiw
SIMIW imugra Tbi-ri-were heap*
. breatbiiig of t e child on the one band
exnpi Wb.u 1m takia of the wb<t»crysiuU everywhm-—none, ■
irtnind 1
dly away fur
the anjalie abd latmly
anjB- of year MifL ilosbr
slasby'kind that mi-lt*' *
iKlay. -Mi-a Gi.r-n still Jouka an- , away tu-t. but g.«.d, firm. b.
di I (I,. Url for iKMiille batglan tMiiiro that {Ri.-k> bard autl Is likely lu laidreiiriuR fur to uigbv bai Maanre baa , The day w u> s it Imd grayand suapiimg
tirvi r dated to rl.aff her eiuCe be mis- Otdd. n< lb< n-wa> D<i suD Iti melt Uuiigi
Piu, took hut own Isiui rt flection'in (be and no |fusptt-t <•( a iliaw
off ao. What coold 1 do to pn-v.
aiaiobe smrn fdiadopvratcbarglat. ] As ibc t-bildnu wurked th^ tnniia
froxD.'iakiug cold alrt-ali? HaiT-y
-Luudtai Tit-Bits
' onl niaiir nsctnl |nials atxiQt tuukiuR
(bought* There's (bat little wimlen
eitlMT - ................ ......■
luitiwinmgtw They Mvoi dix-uTeretlthal
rtd lh#dnssUlR
Car*-ro» OsusiiBaarap im-yy trmIrliTi very w.-ll make a sbee]i'*
' aii-i ibt'i) lift (I np ami o-t it tm
•Ubl. dtin ll.e uiiiiiifl.. iCbtiw. Hoor
TIh Jnieliigeuo. id’Skul cl to red body
Aluuht*' lb ». ab»vi!l:n»-;y go and b'gpd RruitislK.ppt r t nal.Iia it P. aelect ; l.-g* Tbt- It RS TV-fused tt> U> bnilt. aud
bn.1 11 i< 1 u;.. but I w«t£lun'( diatnrb >i> tHud.wbile im ibe wiug fa the air, (In- Sidy luA its fine aba{w wbea toy
n I'-i; ill r.’-i
I'm glad 1 wl..re. ly aomt-'prwws ol ARwaliiig , raiaed it
................ ;i , -hlluTl’«lttp iu ki.i.wB duly to Ust-If. it Ralbi^f'a great 1 Finally they. <>K'<d.-d to make the
le <r,
..>1 l;*Ks- i2aty iuflu- «»»■.; t.f lu kiml ludtwvnd witb^Jknai" l-sli.-s- l.v tiunkiiig np lueumls .-f wh<w.
, .,e . (1 l al'. .J-I.
ajil to <•: >"nv- t l. til. fit-id U neulh w bt n a 45 iiiiU-d.liiiu f.-ur sti. ks to make ibu Itga
i„ . ; .
titerlobaby. a. x i.ela id tviro w lil laily allurd tbuo 4.U'«i! aiid tbeu Mssipiug oat Ibe pans
,U rlURJe UniiL
iMtaeea (be bgs and u'udrr Ibe body,
tU (|Lft tly pot « | Last year (be graasbeppe
t sent Steieliuifs a tTviss stick ux aiat bel|«d
Liu - ; (u Ira.v- Ibe whale body
,1.1 V t au.t ui tear fl« w , (D to- I'uiwjsity of
tll«.(kbedYlotoi!colu raUMvl 1
uiva- ; And afx*r Ibe sbts-p's bead fell off
lauutlta'cf two tk tbrtv Hmtv llH-y ab.tvtd apiece
■ Ci.-S0;<
businnd's bMk.
hta. euirprorvv-o. eggs bad been dt p;«iu-d in tbt soil ov. r td lalb tiii.i
iiiLi li.e
ilu< ucv-k
mv-k and tbfU.boill tbe
- ihe inaicbta. The little
bwRe ana of connuy. and tboae eggs bead <-ar. |ullv axdiiMJ iL Hn^ ot c(^
■ ' tu
■ 'fnriiii^ as unny
made t.ry g.mid tytw ,aud nuie. and
bead w:is empty. ' BTC tx|ieci<d
ot' aot malt It. -‘(..b. Ot ar,
ar. diar. wbr ' live‘'IccaaU.'' M (h*y are Uxbmoally ' bu of xq.-iwagbi la tbe aplit etid <>f 1
’ jOamed.
j short
sin k.
k. ■wbicif' was lb<« pnxbrd u
1 Muarns- iuM.? U)a.n tarniug to
call (bem *
gm ..w .1
at. tk..
the nnii-r, .....A....11..
e*|sv-iBUy M-k....
wbea ^ Faniicn
baby is'biiwt-U:-" she aigU-d as sbe ! to ctilltge eutomolugi : talks kmiwiag- |birtail
"Mi. Atlantic" "Pockardi" ami, Hie Is .if was hardra to do. bat with
into litr urewiiig,>-t>wti. which ‘ly «d "M.
"Camqula pellncida.”
'ustrong. upngui stick to wbicb was
■ fottunately vus liuuRing cu to hrwm |‘'Cai:
ki>td> at Ibe low of the btvl.
|{ Li LTab (biy
(bt-y have wbal
what tbey tall ■■'fasten.vl
; (asten.vl t«e
i«e n-t
M-t nuaiwaTs
crumwavs to the
" Iw to |wst,
iwst. and ertty [toy
r-Tip]sus obe CDold UM fifid. Kilties- j •■»!* enre"
manag.d very well Tbecleidiaufa
peiantium! She km-w to a fflct whir* . mau. Woman and cliild lakes part in j trunk tix.l ihwiall out, to it wouldn't
the V twp was. <a at least slit- tlxmgbt i to p(-rfoniuiuee. . It ctmsuu of draw- stay on sniil tin-y decided- to make faeRbetiii, and sbe would knuw 11 Hm ; Sng wpts. held lant ty perapns at rat b l^lieve he wa> pickmg op*mieUiiog from
tuaBietu she laid a finger im it. T&> lit-) eeti, anusa Hie back, over to fields of - tbe groaud auiUiuilt tbetnmk that way
Ue ♦ b. rut. in to col «»agbed u> a elit k- \ grain, (o -(bU Mr. tirasslioj-icr ahall ! aioand a JemR. Umi stick ifliort piecaa
i»R Uisiiber. Ligbta-noiight. towrap not find any room to (be Mileiof his eff wood made to tasks.
rd, and witbmit tnrtoy de- loot, andnb^ ktvp this svssaw np un- K Bow to- Kudney cbildm and tbeir
\lun»l !■ leund.
. Uttle friends did eayoy that too! U(
lay til- iiitit- tuoibvr walked gingerly til be is Marred tiuL
Ko doabrUn ucricaitom college w ill I iDourm all to U>ys End girls helped,
initrtSr- :«xl XVBU.
K« tuu.- ttiuid fail to find to ward. find a way to mivt anoLber visitatHia laud other anunuU wvreadded A bag*
se-extcrmlMtittg ptocra. wtaen | rooMt-r wnb^rtSTtaB-ffators
»br. as II va. ibt fim irtKlc tff fnraltare mctiuukird mi eutnring to zoom.
- When iu Lot* sitsd cj«n. it was pami- «uua wuora wv wm wiatuiu -wo mius* inoiM uku, •m J anotber >-AoDie Willis
MoCblloagb u Yontb'i OoK^iuu.
. hit to Ticw oatimlf <iub to bediwa Wbitbv tobeon tff bis ilk bare gvma.
-Fhono 73.
The, Old, 01(1 story—
......BUT IT PAYS. E
Tome into our «tor««sd yon will e«e the protrf of it.
^ Beadle BaildibC.
^ And what we have advertised Js true you had heater take ad' vantage of the Bemarkable Bargains kt
1‘^THE FAllR.”i
Our Bankrupt Sale
Though we are selling immense quantities of goods at ^
SLAITOHrER FRICKS we have msmy, good- selectioBS, left ^
which must he closed out at once and fifty cen^ on every dol- ~S
lar's worth takes them.
jIt is not likely that such opportunities for Bargains
will ever be offered again, and as tbe stock ik being rapidly
reduced you should come at once for choice.
Fine Dress Goods,
Clothing, Furnishings and
Fancy Goods
TUB. morning record.
out, idch, kundat, febrcart b.
■ora to bo troo to Ufo. -ThooeoM
OUoairo Xarfeet.
roMUaotowofoaeettosoftbo ElooChleafo. Peh. S —Wheat—Pehraarr.
dSko. or imiiodtoto rlelDllr. Md • oot»Sc;^Ma^ WSc:^Ja1y.
■her. TTKe; I
Ueiml whore • bnkneh olore of the
yAXlX.T KCLBAOB B^OX FBOP. •BTATO& BVSE0W8 BAM »BT- llotBlltoB Clothtof Oo. to the ooBirol
A Itoto'. ood faawrdtof
Oato-Phtoaary.. S4«; May. *4Se;
hoooe are repreeeslod, atoo a Boetlac
- 17; May.W0.t7.
to pro- PMXTZOM or AZtoajnrr obmSSVATOB OOykXX VILL MX SX8.
■omod to he bc)A There are roprOeoB- XBAX. X^TMABD 8T7RAIMXD.
Oraad EapMe.
Wheat. 8«e
UUOM of the elalcM of C. O. Oarrer, J. 1
O. LaorWorthr. Ja<d( Tentob. Fred I Writ of
■ br.Jodce BoaXm. A. O. WbMlar.is Bunad br
Pappy XMsaaadXittoaa.
KelletraDdFredlleFhn.allof whom
»na Binetiar Wchlfan Oeatfal
OviAia M UnitMl Butw l^ishiJ- areexpoctlnirtolearefron bore March I ^
XtUace Booke Good br
Cba Fadarkl OAoa BUKoU^ to Mow lot. Tbf« toatooa
an Bntiza ramily, Bader Ooatrol
Sotttod fcr Good ud AU-Soo«(er
aod oaffceto loo larre to handle
of State Xiow.
Borfowa Bam Moaod Hto Kon.
V« eattored ao thldc that wealth
only a oamm>](i thlaf. The akel'
Detroit, Feb. S.—Jod^e Ooaoeaa of
All pepolar ebeetBa**c tor the next
<tf a claiB jasper to daofliny J the Circuit coart today ordered the
Oraad Buida, Peh. s —Toe Herald'*
the Uabofa tree, which eay-l*ooow of a writ of Baadaaeaayaian
WMkiBirtOD 8pe<
yeeu the daayer for the party who 1* (ibe Hieaiyan Ceotral railroad ia the
l^eianit hrouyhtby Uoeemor Playree to
trererey -oror the weotem Miehiyah j
to nwltotic aodjcoRipel the latlroad oompaay U eell
-foderai efflee* by
I him A I mm mllh hank
toe aa aiarahal aadU. U. Corell of TraromeBlty ae dtotrtet attoroey."
GbrIos Takes to Hard Wort ^
As a Duck Takes to Wm.'
~X: 7\W.»llbook.-lh.f, k««ledg.. It Uk» WlAle, tob..
“I ““
' Com. uKlwe.hioh kind you’ll k.ve. • J
Valentines I
you arei-ea^to..,
.■M. B. HOLLEY, Mini —
L Jodye Dow-
ovaa reviewed the rallrc
Good Froyram Froaontod to aa ^Au-1 TOateatlon that asder Ito apedal* chardtoBCO of MO.
j icr the eoaipany waa yraatod the pririWho Betaine Bl Bocauae of Batiny
Laal Biyht Meotayne ball waa pack-, 1^ of flainy iu own ratea of fare,
ed with Dearly :S0 peraoM who enjoy-1 Tbto pririleyt, however,
ver. waa elai
report that the family- of ed the public IhatallatioB of Traverae by the aUle to be ind'eflnUe. a*
F. P. OoSar had kuBered from ^tooB City Lodya, No. 4S1. I. O. G. T. Aftor road'ao
cAartM merely yave tbe compafrom oatiay ooat^mioated cbeeoe. aimof laataUa- ay power to tx fared by Its by-'sim.
ilar reporta ba*e been made- Jl. W. lion. The a
aa Im-; and If ao. under the police -power only
I and hto eotire family
s proyram of a ptoaalay cbarac- iwaeonable rate* eould be flx-d. as un
I Ukau viotoam iU Friday i
'{ter ap follow*:
der dueh power, all rules tuneblay tb*
lay with cramp* in the ttoaiach. butj'
M Bmaarka-C M. LaacMter.
welfare aad dnty of ritixans. their
prompt troatmeat caved aeriou* con*e.
W. Oobla
pn^erty, comfort and
k tbonyb they are aoae of them
be reyalalod by law. this beiay tm* of
oatlroly recovered yet The family of
a O'Neal.
baekmea. mlUera. tall raada. eommaa.
Aldermah A W. Jabru* •oSerod in
Bamarka-Bd. Keith.
carrtora. liquor dealer* aad all olhera
aicanar maaaer aad attribnU tMr 111Piaao eolo—Alice Aikina.
dainy public buslama .
WHO to the tame cauae. Hoyh ProaBMltaUan—M. B. UoUey.
JttdifM Donovan quoted eaveral deetoty experienced a eimllar afllietioa.
Ooslny *0By-*By the lody*.
ious of the United Sto
Fartnaatoly tbe raeulu are not aorioa*
In antieipatioB of the larye clam to court under which tbe riybt to reyuiaavattbcoeo
■be lattlated oa the «<th of Pebraary, lata fares ana ebaryes
Do You Think You Will Have
a List of Wants for Monday Morning?
Just Uiak fer a momeaL Are you out of Toilet Soap, or don't you think
y«mr Tbelh Bmsb ha* ouUived its nsefalnemr Or bar* you decided to try Bath
(perfnme) Tableto at 2&c or Me a h^ Thee* and many additloa* that may ba
made to your list we can supply with yoods that are riyht at prices that am
riybu ff pen abould happea to be out of Baklay ^wder. try oara at 3»c pm
if you have tm Ucketo briny them U aad yet a _______
^nd packaye free.
mtlqoe oak, elm. aab, aiaple
'hirt y
Our shoes sUnd hard knocks bet
ed. Thej»aee the beet va'oe'for th*
Ua lodya wilLbold another open meet- tbe elate.
money we have ever sold, srd will St
ter than most and cost jon less
lay oa the iotb. A oordial iavlUUon
up a'rgra aeaUy, while th*r are a*
Detroit. Feb. s.—G<
' Playree nsefni aad ooofortablews the more
to begin with. Try a pain
•bow FaU of Friday Miybt Oaaaod toaxtoaded to eretyeac to atteaA
*> —
wbea told of Jodye Oraovaa’s decis pensive eeta.
Boro Trouble on be Boilroad*
ion mid: "That to Ja*t what 1-axpaetTbe faU of aaow wbleb prerWled
ed. Iks leyislature cieated corporayoator^y moraliiy aad tbe nlyht hetlqnA therefore it Aia* the riyht to ray-:
Hoom FurnishiiiK Store,
I Bennett and t. Fler- ulate them. OUerwto* what would he '
rable trouble to
the railroad* eatorlay tbto city. A* a
poet Koryaa Appear Actively
the me haviny a leytolatarer'
«oa**qneaee train* on all tb* road*
la Fropooed Beal.
, J
were delayed yeator^y. That leavloy
New York. Feb. s -A cable dtopaieh
Bemlt tn OoaU Bloa.
here at fi:U a. m. for Mantotee did met
Wasklaytoa. Fab. t.-A ul^mm re
foot to pui
ceived at Ue ethic departmeat fmm
train left there at *ix o’clock and did end the suite beij|.
' developSm Jose. Ceeu Blcn. annouMes that a
not arrive here naUl »;S0 la*t evenlay.
la tbe andertaklny to Ue appeaxSimilar delay* were experienced on anee of James Gordon Beanett a* an
tbe other road*, with the exception of
BporUat factor in the deal.
t^traindne here at 11:10. which waa
When J. Pierpont Moryan was ia
Paris a few week* ayo. it is said.' he
B. J. Moryan received a lot of 17 fine
put himself in
* least money.
Iml Xonlli Eie^Ued AU P.« Bmune™. All D«.Ur. SeU Them fcr
eeveral biy fnsnieal houses of London. draft horam Irem Ckieayo yaaUrdi
Pari* aod Berlin, and also bad a tony
A ytrl-baby arrived yeaterday at Ue
Fnpoood to^ao;.
eonsutontAbn with Mr. BeaoeU. As a home of Mr. aad Mrs. WlUlam flitch'
oa Lakereult of tbto pUyrimaye of th* eminent ooek.
Msnnfsctnred by
Ameriesko banker it to said that the en
The Portia anb wll] nieet with Hta.
I yuaraau
Ttoe Maatotee Sew* of UM aiyb t ooo tire 8400.000.000 required for tbe par- J. B. McGouyb Meaday afumoea at 9 altofactloo or a
■ata^ the SoHewiny. which will prova' cAw^ of Cuba to aow amniwd.
Call Iand
Tonnelier Block.
Th* money wUl be paid to Spain, -it
Mr. aad Mra. Charlm Howard arc
The only ap-to-dato Wcycla
•The ApparmiUy well-aatbealieatod to eald. aad eharyed lo Cuba, aad wOl paxeato of a briyht tea-ponnd yirl who
be protected by aa toaue of bon^ prac
report of tbe pnrehaM of the
arrived yeaterday.
tically eonaterslyaed by the United
ruraioa ateamor Cbi
Mr. and Mra. WiU ‘Thirlby'a beme
rpalrer aad Baamelar, liv
lombu*' as aa addiltoa to tb* Met of sutm yoveraiMSU mskiay them .a
the Goodrich TraneporUtien otapaay yilt edyed eechrity
arrlval'Of a brlybt yirl-^by.
bae elicited the interesUur fact~Wt bonds, which will bear laryer iateresLTbe pcatponod meetiay of Ue 8mU
'Jn*t after tbe doee of tbe eeaaon 4f naturally coouyb. than the obliyatlons'
navlyatiqB for ISSf.'eomeoae in Chicay^ of more firmly fixed yovemmeau, wilt, '^ide Shakmpmre club will be held wiU
evolved a ecbeme to obtala eoatrol of with the United Suin' eadorsemetil. Mrs. C. A Travis Monday afurnooa
Mrs. F. M. Ashton has Jest received
all of the paaeenyer *teaBer* dolny it to
bBslnem on Lake Micblyao except prenfinm la the markeU under which a larye stock of fine sprioy atyls* of
promoters of tbe purchase, will ribbons wlU which she bae trimmed
thoae of the Grand Haven and Flint A
I am filiowiug a ^w BiCToldfi
tb* window of her mUUaery atore.
Pare Marquette liee* and place them nallM a literally enormous profit
wbicb 1 bare> R^Eoameied.
Tbe yreal bulk of money Involved in
under a alnyle maaayemenu Tb*
About a seer* of eohoel frieads aniv
Look at them in E.-E.Miller-e
atemara thua aonybt to be coptroUed this fortboomlny purchase will
prtoed Almon Boiler Friday evealny hi Drag Store
from London. Berlin aad New York, bto. borne on West SevenU streeL
were those of tbe Goodrich and H
Itnea. the Graham A Morton. St. Joe- althoiiyb some of it will be supplied by Muaic, yame* aad refre
a yreal faaakiny house in Paris.
epb aad Beaton Harbor llaea.
Ue Older of Ue eveniny.
Korthera Micbiyan line, tbe Cbloayo
Tbe examinaUea. of Sarab Ayera,
L«yyiDy at Oeod Harbor.
and South Haven. Cbleayo and Micbicharyad with lareeny from a store, wm
yan City and Cbleayo aod Hollaad
Tbe Schombery Hardwood Lumber to have Wen held before Juitloe Brown
IIsh; aad the t«ke Micbiyan and Oo. to prepariny to start their mw mill
yesterday; bat it was adjouraed ■
Lake .Superior Tn
on the 14th qf this moatb. The <
ny's line plylny fram Cbleayo to Mack: p*b7 ha* eeveral camp* at work aad
WiU Ellhn R. Speacer. who to to aplaaw City. Saultltte Mart* aad Lake lots arb comlny In rapidly. Tbay are
mi next Friday and ,SaUiiday
Saperior ports Th* Wtoeoasln laform- payiny to me* and teams fit per d4y
Htelnbery-s Grand In Hbakeapearian
aat. who hail* from a Lake Miehiyan and fonnd, for banllaiy or tt.M per
plays, to Frank Benniy. who *
d la the territory ooverod 1000 feet Anton Olmn. the enperinby th* acheme. thouyht that the per- tendent wA la tb* city yesterday ee- mal yaqm U* lead lay npport
Thomas 8. Keen*. Ue noted toayedian.
chat* o^ UeI Christopher
~ '
Columbua curiay teams for hanliay leya He proTbe oompaay lariudcs 16 peo^e aad
Biiyht tarn oat to be aa iaitial step cured six eatfitt
carries a carload of speclsd eoea^.
toward the oewaommation of this ylOppo.it* SMntwrg-., -Pliaii* m
John Binaley Loat a Rota*.
'•AeowooUdaUemof Utoklad would
Yesterday aftemooa while dririny (o,
pataaeadtoorapeUUoafor buines* tbe city, a valuable bocae belenjriay te
E. K. Buriceof Lawlay toU Ue dty^
between' Cbtoayo aad Milwaukee, a John Binaley was Uksa sick. Soon
Nye Jordan of 8ut)oiu Bay
In good fibape, bot we can aapply
withdrawal of eaperilaenssUamer* and after arrfviay at the bam of B. J. ^oryour wants (or Boa* time to oome,
town ytotetday.
ratfoa of fredyhl and possibly yan Ue borw died. Uouyti Dr.
WUl Hanna wQl leave
ramenyw raua. It would alee put aa erted every stfort to save ito Ufa Acute momiay for Grand Baidd* to ah inAnxious to
end to compeHtkia. aad rmtore rates on
definite stay.
Lower oor stock.
east shore roatm oat of Chioayo.
Heavy BiUs fhr ■
CeatraUsatioD would aloo lead to a cur
city yeaterday oa hto way from' Goad And are offering some Bsrnins
tailment of shareaxpeaaea. whUA eonwbicb yon will & well to take ad
The board of public work* met last Harbor to Milwaukee.
stltute a lary* sum of
'aiyht ia Ue office of the dty cleU aad
J. E. Basdaiaoa. the Cirealt court vantage ol A cboic« stock of
fabric*, and
Uanmeud reyular mUae bTnlram sMoyrapber. arrived la towa yerter- Bakery Goods always on band,
high art,.in Figured Chmaa, Colored Batin. Doebeaa and fine
Amoey tbe aceoaato audited were Ue day OB hto way to Ulaad to attend and we weald not hare yon loae
Dreade^pe^ulAT $1.00 and $1.96 goods, and we placed a
Bight of tbe fact that tbe
bill* for enow plowiny for Ue pact court.
.ttetnendona cat on them, namely, to 60e.
three week*, wbicb amount to acnrly
Antra OloKW. fortaeriy Of this city,
>B of XUadike ia Hamil- ttoa.
Another lot of mire fancy Silks, aniUble fer waiaU and
BOW foreatan to tbeAebombery Hard
tninmings. regnlsr 76c goods; also a lot of fancy Moire Silk
ton Clotbtny Oeto.
wood Lumber Co-in Good Barber, to la is the bwt, snd that it will pay
former price $1.00, sU go St 8%e.
Feaalty for Bplittiay
Fred Hunter of tb* HamUtoB Ootbtb* dty to apend Sunday wlU hto fam yon to try a nok if yon bare' nerer
pettems st Ipes thso
fay Oa nxeretoed hto oriyinality and inneed it.
Prank Parker, one of Ue carrier beys ilyyeaaity yesterday in A
of tb* Tax MoKxiiru Reoowi. snlfered ' Tbera will be aa exodas of lawyers
Ue Wfa dtopUy wlndra* of tba atota. a painful Injary yeaterday. Be was from Ue eity to Lelsad to attend Ue
Ha naad the Klendlke for a subject aad epliulay kiadUny from a pine aUmp
OifeBlt raurt Mraday. Oa
Ua mealtwa* extremeljJaUraatiay. when Ue ax* aUpped, eatUny a deep aooouat of Ue bad roads aaveral will
{ TrsTsiMOiW<3-1*Apts BXiOOBC.
and fnm th* aevapapar rcperia weuld yaUiahtoley.
O04 7th Bsd Union Strosts.^ *-----------leCYe today-
Ooly $2J
Boys, we
Gaining in Popularity—
Row Does This Strite TOUT
we are Selling
Man; Different Styles.
tonl Bepilis ud Eqet Euail,.
To Take ARiaiitage of Dor Sale.
Fancy Dairy Butter
Strictly Fresh,Eggs
• at 19c per Dozen.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
SpDCiDi at tllD BOStOD StOFD i1
.... j-i
-■ -4
------- '\^
of thlsdeMasd 'docofoJew.'
eermokM ‘Skyloek’o
who, bw^l-
*sed hj ttie KbskM ot tke ChrioUaBa
who apli spoo bl« J«wUh faberdlns.
Doctor T*llt th« JuryN^lng
Sheriff Martin Where the
Striker* Were Hit.
hrthelowofkU dMrkW
; and hia docato at the baada of a Cbriatlaa.
9so«. T. BAin Afts J. W. BAjrm.
railed iatolerablj br wockerlea
Tills Is Boy’s and Cidren^s Week
We Hafe Doited Hi^ Grade Ganneots Witb Yery Lof Prices,
beeped epoA him aod bia Ulbe, Urea
9. W- UAMm. Bdiwr Mtd ftli
but for one pnrpoae—tareare, reraare
that aball food fat the aueieat rradra
faabeara. aoloaljr to Aotaelo. bat all
bia hated ChriatiaB klad.
ewMih.brw>u. ^r
. fWWMltA>.bf UO.
■u wifci.bTwAa.
fhU ia tba
Tube* i.
IHeU-yaeuc tecMM* erbant Taacbo*
UUnUtalMeaM Aaatkar I'alat. mtaal
dpraeer rirhUy deplcU It—
of hatred aad ioflezible purpoae of hor
rible rereure-
A mtoor kej ta
Brhaal te^atiat UiawHfcers t»>r» Cawtag
— Batpa a( Tamr al LalUa.*r AllaenU.
atraare-old naa’a character ia aleel;
WJIkeabarTr. I'a.. Frh. t.-r>n» of the,
Mothers of Traverse City: H’e to your boys’ interest, its to your
iBiwl inleraclInR
yeat.ni.T I. u„ i7„i»„„h,«.,!»««'... pocket books’ interest, and to your own interest to investigate and
broarbt oot in the actor'a latrodaetio)
TrA«rr«> Ctty,
a tIUIe BOte of teaderaeoa
Itaelf (a ‘Sbyloek'a'
for bia daurktar aad for the loaaof tba
men who were bit—where the>how ha-lly and the ’number .jf
riajr that LSab. bU wife, had r>*««
ScaATVB Bi-KNuwa bM ftMli; aeUlod
«h« lo^-drwpB-oBteonlroTOToy rtffi
t BlrblaUUthat the aeutor kaa
r dccidad to Tte
/%iat O.
In tba daya of their
or dead. -He aald that t>........................................................................
tU wounds on ihlrJJ-nltn men were
s^eDCor makw him nonm for the riar.
ter the faderal offlora of wcAUrn tlieh%«■.
nicled by 44-<-allbrr tVInrhesicr bullets
and jmly a small number were caused
BOl beraaae it U a torqaeiae of r^t
ralue. but beeaoae .Uab r**« St to bio
-Mlaa Venrra ma.ir a preMy ■I'ortla;’
tw abc apoke her-Uo-» with feeliar and
(hU eitj
dkatfiei Attoniejr aod Bob.,A. O. Wbeol-
Youth’s, Boy's and Children’s Overcoats, Suits 1 Ulsters
b) bui-l.rhal. .The difenac in Its cromeumlBBlIon asked the ductur u> clsnsIfy tbe sounds as u. thv t>"alH.>n> of
tli<- men when sboi.
Id. the daya when be waa a baebelw.
Prices Will Be Cot Way Below The Cost Of Prodoction.-
fine eloeaUoBarv.effacl: iVe waa rira-
«r of MuUtoe for Manbal.
Tbb la aa ciooa aad rraoefnl. tike deltrered the
4aeided aome U«« afo. bat. ac»i>at faninnt 'qBaiity-of-mercy'apeech with
wUds a pniuatwaa Bade bj otkera apleadld taau aad diaeriBinauoa
who acpecied farora fron the ae«
In the Bide, nftren: Indlrectlr Id the
al t.-. sJz; direetly Hi the rear, three; Indlret-tix' la Ibe rear, rizbk Of the Udr>
Haanlr made an eseelleat impn
Uat Ibe mattw ia
«lBd. both tbereDUeaeo nanod will
bia portrayal of the lirely
real aaiUftad. wbUe aaemi aapiraou
Mr. Speaeer aad bia
• ter Um officaa iB^iapato will ban all paay will prwent Tbe Mer^mat
tba UoM there la Vo reeorer froai Venice at Stelnberir'e Urand Friday
Vhair dlMppolotBieBt.
aipbt. .InllnaCa-aarwIU be plrea on
the emiBeai
of • the
ia no
ItBeaa of
farorod reatlemaB ^tor
oBew to which
cuiluln b
larpe numbet i
>c hack
Mlw 4inee fWyte
(Wyt* m
tbe T
Mlw Ctra.-e <S>yle. Prinripal C
aaalstant al the tAttImer srhod. proved \
to be a scad aliretv fc>c the a
aald she waa aiandlnz i. n the
■rhcH.1 bouse and *au- the d.-puiies
up alone the Tnadslde
Thm the
•irik<-n> aMU.Kii lie.1 <iuli-ily and order,
ly. The sherirr
then asd some
of them zalhere-d around him. but she
dKl nut *e>- anv nf them aliark him.
S..me t.r then, i-rled -.Jo ahead.'’ and a
few atrlkere pushed past the Bhrrlff. At
that moment a al>»c n-aa.fired; then
cwme another, and In an Instant .a v«|.
ley. "I helped many of tbe wounded
*lrik-rs-«hn fell near Ibe arhnol house,
and did n«l are any wrapops en any of
them While I waa helplna Ihem a dep
uty named Boas lauRh.-d al me ae he
unlk.-d about amoklnz a ripar
Satnrday aipbt. aurroanded by all Of
fala ewB baadaeote seenic efforts aod
ba«a beea caUed
Both lure baea promlaeBt before tba
pe^kla of MlehifBB for .aaTaral ;<
aad their oamea
with Batten of latereei aad rtaat pnb-
Ue moaeat.
Mr. Corell. tba
Berridea today aa follows;
SacoBO baa aotbinr knl pood worda to
Momiapaerriee. 10:90a. m.
Ohy ara to be oeapratulated upoa the
Oospel aerrlee. 7 p. m.
' AeelaloB
Yonap peopie'a aei-rles. .^;4S p. m.
wbalerer mar be the poUtieai differ•-
by Beapeettr* Obanbaa.
aay for him aod be aa wall aa Trarem -
Bible ecboela erery Bnaday at cbnrcb
«ae« wblob bare appeared la the ooe- at 11:49 a- m., Oak Park Cbapel I p. m.
Witneeaiap aad prayer aerrlee
trereny. ibare ia ao HoaaUoD that tba
aOoa at dlatrictatuniey will be bbly Thnnday erealam at 7:90 o'clock.
iUed aad the iaportabt doUaa of tb(
^ Choroa, quartet abd aoloaiapiapSaa-
poaltioD wlaely UmloUUred.
day ereaiap.
tea aad Mr. Wheeler are also te be ooa__«ratBlate<l upon
tbe aaleeiioa of the
e N^ee-a auwaa>elae.
a msdr a good wltnesa fc^rl
slth. dust Id the crow
amtnaimn ahe alao madea.irood witnna
Ihedefeiiae The defense will try to
the |«-..plr of iDBtilhier
very morh afraid of the vtrtken. luid
ime much alarmed aheii they heard
they a.mlnp (Juacoti. the prlnrtpal of t
-hool. had denied that his
pupil* aere frlghtered. hilt he rouM
not ezplAlD Very dearty .wby they had
boiled oilt of the e.h.xd without by-Ing
dUmlaeed Mlaa roi. e said on Ihlep.-lt.i
etiae wanted to zet at
Jurt whi
Phe uid
Soaday aarrleea.
Prcaeblnp. 10:90 a. m.
to bare aech a pebllAlioa aa.Dana’a
Sunday school. U>.
Beriew abow by a BuitlplicUy el ffp-
Younp Peopla'a meeUap. 6 p. m.
«ree IbaUn every lUe of ti«de aad ia-
Prpaehtap. 7 p. m.
-dMtry tbeyearbaTbeeBooeof ezcep-
All are wrlcoae.
CKBlsnAX etiMcv.
Serrieeeia K. O. T. M.bair. mProBt
BtraeVAt 10:90 a. m.
otber yean U one ef maay Indicatioaa
Subject—^‘Saekinp first tbe kiapdom
•f tbe bcaltby uoodiiioa of tbe conn- ofltod."
try. the ooBMrelal failorea for 10B7
TcaUmiwial meaUap Friday at ^90
yopteeeaUDf 34 pcreeat. Uee capital
thaa In tbe preocdiapyear.
aald .Till- etnkers ar.-.rondnE. and I
»*M my little sister to zv b- nie a|ih
ine’ I exruiu-d the little Rlrl.. and then
thought It best to dl.mlcw tl >- . laaa *o
they r>)uld get borne before (hr alrlket-s
^1 are ooniially iarii^.
••y. O. OeehU*.. e*mw.
B. Oaborae ha* clambered iato ibe Pta-
Aaeireraaiy normoo at 1U;90 a. m.
Itree band wapon and ba* left no doubt
Oabomc baa ontil receatly been a rery
Mcna^anU-l'mprM' man.
Plafley law
tbe enactment uf
would ruin
nur market
•broad are aot aay lap mneb about the
aadal flporea.ahowlnp tbe czporu of
1M7 to bare been tbe^.larpeet ia
•tatery of tbe ooontry.'
Theatrical Moiee
-Here iaanoiber pleasant aeUoe from
ttm Port Huron Tlrnee. of Hoyt h. Ooaary. who it to appear Is tbe City open
• Bouee aezl tVedneiulay rreniap:
HuwarU Huure
BadlCDce for oo* hour asd a half was
Aellghted snd cbsnBsii.
Mr Conrf^ U
B eoUured Arttat. yet reulaa all the
tubjeoi will
the ktefe.
Ue la f*kMb«a^.v.
leal, and—wtini.
scholsrly, poetlcBl. musksil
bs safe uad b^ bfm for■yoDnetfwbJ^D
Friedrich Bloch.
The follbwlnir la clipped from tbe
Umt^vlUe Eveniof Fast ef OMember
po. inc:
"Tbebin lut nigbi waa ‘Tbe Mer
actaool at V:49' a. a,„ Claaaea |‘
agea. j
the-Jew.'MIm l>enrra*a •Portia.' Mr.
I*re*cbiag bc'lh n
by Bev. W. E Kea*
Bencic as ‘(iratlaao.'
anbjeev " Doctrine of the
lorning anbjeck
/' ‘■Spaneer^ •Btarloek' if. like all bis
chantcterixatluD*. careful, .thoughtful,
■■ Sympathy 4if
acbolarip, striking alway* with irne
Claoa nMeUngatU:9aa. ta.
. aim aad alarap* bttUag the marlj^ with
Sunday school after thamornlag ser
a degree of preclalon that la pleaaiug
•a'd promiaea much. HU delluraiioa
•r the character U as'^et more,of a
trayal. It U more of a sketch than a
Tbuae tenebea that;
naaeg zfuaKWAU
. fbarles'T. eiiiuL BwrUir.
,.re.r Uoanlm.-u
wa.l a’a.UluU<n
show the mMW, tba datalU that are I
Maraing aervta^d sercaen follawad
tadivldually imperaapUbla, but blead j
tke azquialte
U>L>3e dam at it.
Hvenleg eerviee and aermoa at 7.
A oordlal invluUoa to theau tezwieea.
aad look, are atrongiy biated at ia Mr.
apMoarb portrayal.
*<lWa M aaaak to eaMMMd te
a I Tuunu
Aud one of the lanreat and
All are teritefi.
Qapk BUM. Ofioer
expensive companie# IrarelinK.
And Shakespearv's Sublime Historical Tragcil^'.
FEBRUm fl m 12.
achonl pn
* "■
with hla own SMoery. preeentiMg.
The ..............................
Board of-Bdacstion will sell tbe;
Bible caadlag, at opening.
tkr liuildlng tbeWn. at privately
lliing rour bibles.
_^Ir for IToi. For further infnrajallon ■ HI
JuDcor Hodrovor 3 p m.
C. K. meeUag S:4.-..
Let preqrnt.
Hvaningaervioe 7 p. m. Mrs. Moors
will preach the aermoa.- Bong pprvloa
at the opening.
Ctunr aad bring vour friends.
^tpOl-of Vebiee.'wiih Mr. tipaaoer Aa
study than a cojopletely rounded por
JULIUS STEINBERG, Proprietor and Manager.
Barj Mewr*. Pw-------
uompetent teacbari «f all
Popular Clothier, Hatter and Fumisher*
I Sleinberg’s Grand Opera House I
be comeii staia.'
late a-v^paffect whole,
1 lot youU'a fioa Baavor Overooate worth te-OO. at 3*7
I tot of ymte-a Imported
la brown
aad llpht abadca. worth «I2.0U. they po at...:.. 4.41
All bo^k auito. from ape 14 to 10. te all fftndaa. wUI ba
Pareau. .-oroe aud briag your childnui. ■
abadlag* of vooal eUpraaaloa. Iba ^
Cbpe Ovsneata.
These priceB good until March 1st. After taking inventory w»
many broken lota, hence this terrible cut in prices. Come and.
fCBoe and nsturBlDuss ofr B
b (rDida born
perfect picture.
••Around the Store" waa phrea last
Why, Mr. 4-<«i»illi. 1 nwvi to know | A
I'niysr^marting topic for Thandap
Blfht la Ibe Tint Protbyteriaacburch will be "Oar Fatber'a Call." Luka 9: j-iwui
Poviic-: lUiw^-vopr' And ! S
tbe Cl lUbciviKv uisti t-xtrudi d hi.' baud. ■ "«
by Beyt L. Conary.
Mr. Conary bat;
ICor 7:i;.
JThei, :;I3. Matt
hiLlit i<urt,''ao*wnv(l Lm-li- Milas - ^
rare pifta aa a dialectioae aad
Luke llirll
Uni. :.:I3.
^bc ,
1 i-u.IimI < ic. '•( ..im-11)1 to Fawuev !
4:4./ I I** 9:1U. Re*. !«;•<.
. I..I ><i. Illili.w Ifc- aM«l<l'>'l:^
r. -rob
«la tei
ruiK.vtw' ■’iivm;b.
bl it, r. —Ij,
II >,(, J
> hear.him
r.him many
I lot Cbild'a Ulsten, -bortb
I lot Cbild'a ovsrecota alM 10 te t9.^^^'^»i. I
1 lot Child’* tteeren, worth »9 00 at'
eiHterv Had Temwtsed l-atliuwr.
This ulll be atronz'evidenoe for the '
Pilprira SpIrlL"
All are Urlted to
def.-nae. a« It will show (hat nti the! V
come and take part.
Mnaic by the Tiieaday previous to the shooilcr a j ^
O&see City quartet.
number of strikers were rioting In lat- i ^
Sunday echool at the dot* of t^e timer and lerrorixlng the restdenla I W
While these were Dot the asme men {^
momlnp serrice.
Buslaste aad prowho iTiAiThed. on the fatal Friday tbe' ^
tbe etady. leallmony will be valusMe to prove that w
In view of the rioting of PHday the A
Youap men's cUas In tbe leal
aeala le tbe ehereb. Bible clam at tba shertfT eonaldered the live* aod proper- X
the l.Attlmer people In danger. - sR
ripbt of tbe pulplv
Lra*on is ."C>nr
The rommcnweUUh rolled Blephen T I A
Fatber'a Cpre " ^att. .•.-•.•4.
ttemale Adam*, a traveling man. by whom » .
hoped to prove that some of the depu- | SS
for tba Sunday aebool.
Junior ChrlBllan Eadearor at S p. m. (lea while fournoying to the w-ene off JR
the ahimllng made thrwul* that they ■ ^
Youap 1‘eoplr't Society of Cbriatlan would kill pome of the atnkrra. Th* !*9
Rodeariir at 9:49 p. m.
Be ready to wlii.e*a wald he maid not Idenilfy anyj^
•1 of III., deimllew on the i-ar. A* be waa,q,
ttoadar evmloL'roapel meetiag at 7- proceeding 111 :e|l hi* story the defense! 1R
The.pbJei-ito>i was aiutiainad
p m. JIahp ar« given pracUcad help,*’
Hod Meied (be Pawen.
in tfaeae ^Ungv
«< a loBC editorial la ibe Saull 8w
ii" ”*
_____ __________
S5 Jo’l Cblld's auiu. bn*rn lotei ac«e”ftt>m fi to io.
Tbit beiap tb* 3.Mb annirenary of tbe
•f hU eff^inal ooorenloe. by reaeoa
TuR adreeatea of free
.h„io,V UD.II .u.« Mir.
■ ‘“‘.'j;'';? Hs'i
rvAaaaucai. catraca.
Brr. B. aatobwy.l'AXor.
Marie News of *bicb be la editor.
■Do' you I'hinb you-v. ow,. - Bioriou. 1 avall vouTSOlf ot thls CTeat Bareain Sale.
A warm we^mr for you.
Uttar for maiabU.
It moat bbahaoyiBf to Mr.
tynliH- patUhife eev7n dfed In tbe bwpltal. IHO an rllli Ih.-re and recorerinp
CbiliT’a black wonted auite. doubl
breasted, a
Blowly. and thirty have bem dlwhancd.
woo],<r^ralarpite *4 oo, tbb
all of them rured e«cepl «.ne who irn-.a- 1 lot Cbllii'a black wonted kuiu.
*niu. ape
4 te » rrpular
Prices: 26c, 60c, 76c. Box: $1.00.
i •
----------------- --- ---------- - - - -
386 fairs
Fine Shoes.
Piogree & Smith. A. E.
Netllcton and W. L. Xteuglas 'tnake.
Inspect them.
, $6.00.
$6.60 ,
Pair Going
IFx*axiii !^b?i©cii*icItL
The Old Beliable Bhoeman,
Traversa dtp, Mich
. •
----------------I DoingB of all Bents of Pw>ple sn^ Odd Bits 6i "Svin Frqm ^
* All Om The State.
» two aad a ball locbea la Uaglh.
a wcIl-kBOWB elUara bad a lovaly
■_-------------------------- )
h «>• Fallow That li Qat^ Out
Fruit into Trouble in thf
Katoor*t Bsiliwieka
r (he -KeDtucky I
he Mid. a aenalor tor
the whole Amertcaa Iwopla-. |«d
aucb would perfom hli datiM and cut |
hi* vote ia aeeofdancr with bU e«B- I
wtcilotw and with tbe dtctaiM of tala
^ TK. A«u™ »f Wa Conoam. Pro.
inMctrd m the bdef open aaa- :
After tht-' ext
three bourn tbe eeafU adyouned «
Monday. .
Ia the execnflv# MWilon While t
la axaci rapraaaautiM of tbe eaa- j
eoBtdrtable Inoomf. aaya a Oraaartlle
MB “dacraaiaiiui’- fraa a f^rncot «t'
proaparad with him.
Id lea* thaa a weak buvi-1 ber follawla*. when Imwrence wa» »nr-
DMa beran to brlybten and albur tben. i rounded
a parlod of alx montha everything ba*. men.
Seveoteeo atber rlvdr.
Soma | Harper'a Kerry raid.
pera would hwvv had a rtaht to clam.
Indciiinlly from the Fruastan xoverumeut Iv.r the daniacr* *UBtalnt-d iqr
(hem. and It would be r'-xarded l>y lb*
L'nlted-States xuiernmml aa a liiatier
of duty lo sustain tbU demand for Indemtiuy
The o
I lb acUve service In the a
‘o ahlimirtk*
term* indlcaird. tbe ahlp-
iny Jew" from their homes in the hope ! where be left U on roi««r W makrtia
any the plant fivea out poison.
c.imu.l.tatioo on
Iila.wrtaln tbut if tbe
Kawidrerev ae orieinally pomulsated bad
It was recovered, and ia. la-'.ii ]
tamUlM have discarded tba "Wander-1 John HroWn ha4-it at Blue
^ that brighter days may follow.
l.soo armed pro slavery ■ other aide.
it was
The rrmnanu now repose la
is state penitentiary.
Francis Crsbie.
l.uliiiK be made
follor ln* No Aiiw-Hi-an would I
tabor 111 Hawaiian susar ur ciner Oelds
and American waxr* .-..uld n« be paid
comapondaav ia tba Lo««\l .Ledfar.. tbe Mae. baeins beee exploded
for *uch labor; the Hawaiian nattve*
Umaa of peace, in an attempt to ralae
■ Om day be percLaaad a banflDf' baa
were intelUsenl. >et they had not been '
-Waadertne. Jew" | aoae bodies from tbe Kaw rieer. Kaa-.
(voBuUed; that the eon»tiiulloB of Tex- :
as. at the Ume of annrxaii.-n. provided .
' aaa. 6o tbe aoralnir of Jaly U. idiei
-LiBdtar Taihe SMb at U
spev'IBc lubmliahin of tlw- qura- j
'Bear, looked aerioaaaadaald: “I wUb la raoorded bietnry berina with lU
ir people of T.
tion of aniiexaib
yon bad not bronybt it; It'a vary nn- eaplum from tbe Mrxieaiu ia tbrn Sac
................. _ ,, ,
Hawaii waa 1
Wanhlost9n. FVb. .A-The aute de.
lucky and alwaya brinfa aotrow and rameato valley war in Jul.v, iMfiiaiolea
a .tcp that <->ulU add to our «hry.
paniiiiiit ha* Iven noUfltd hy Amtnrrvase our wealth, or be rritarde.1 ^
trouble.' I'he huaband lan(bad st bar' by tbe 'Miaaouri prb-alaverv faeil«n
haarailor White arBcrUo oftbe hwdlfl,
an evidence of out honewy. lie quo
auperalitloD audAbc "Wanderlnc Jew" from the ataeral at Liberty. Mo., in ’51 ration of the uriciual decree IsMied by
at IrtiKth from a aie.ech made in the
yiaced the window of tbe boma In ajand uken to IVanklln. Kaa.. where It Ihe Hruvplan mlolater trf Unamw. l»rV senate In 1<M by'Turple. In whh h the
abort lime tbe wife aad danybter died i wax buried In a UrldLjater it was nxed miiiu< I. prohHiitinx. the
Indiana nenal<>r Mid iliai bowev.r de.
and miafortnoea In buaineaa crowded [ tq demoll>h the I'ree State hotel: in a Americ,in fruii
Ac^ordti u to ihe am-' e1ral-le the ai-qulsltlon i.f the ir.ands
miRh* be the ruiled Siaie* Sould not
Bpoa the bnabasd anul be smtIv be-: bdttle at likkory Ooruera Col. Tltu».. hae-diilurV
the d.-cicc doer 00
affurd to take them "by Meallh. by any
eama dktradtad. SitUny in bU library | from Sooth Carolina, wa. capum-d by 1 aw-lr ««* dried rrui;y. while fr.wh
prucea* of furtive le*eT»lrmaln'«r uiM-d
idmltiml tu rnlry If
one avealn*. redecUny on hi* iriaU U»e Krae sute party and rxehanred'“‘i' ^
larreny spruar frern th- bsiolit noixim
tnation shuws'tls condlllun In Iw'aatta- mlwallert the p.-llcy nf *ue.-ca!i."
■Hd aSieiioaa. tbe “Wandeirinjt Jew' 'for tbe i-annuh. which a^in
faciory. If Ihle modlOeail'-n ha» b**n
Apiaode came to bU mibd. He. himaolfr; Lawrence: 00 September iM it was in '
made in the dr.re*
would apiwar li-m'^'^buV by**sc«J^-^lr‘flhbUterlrt
was nowauperatlUoua. and. Ukintf tbcapudientol in Iboliberattonnf a bnn',^,,,
,.romi.| repr^ht-Uon, made tbe pm-ale <-al. n.l»l
i..nl«IMrc the
lepuiTed hy the
commltiee on
plant from tbe wiadow. be threw It' died hVae SUte pflaonen. Tbe Itrcem-j
4-,died Stsiv* haw received an- bill*
wUa aed danrbter. a ni«a bene aod a
tuotod by tt>« Ftnancwr
terminate But-eeasraiiy ir maaaaae nstat.
There <18 iw iuueottoa that the
Hli; mtiMB are rteb with colA II an
the tixmey paid Orabla by the eompaay
had beeo plae^. W develop the pioparty
It would have been a »reat aacceaa.
Bdremoot eoterprlaen will not be laa*
teriaily aSettad^__________
rlitmt was not reached. Ibe wh.de day
helnu •'•nsutned lo passlni
ravnrahlc scied up.‘h by
lb.- sessl.u. last Friday r
the 8i.BsiWf-rai...i. of one of th<
an lnter>sli.nx .liycusalo
l.rnachlnd^ sate of me t
road, set for Feb IT. was pr-.4i.li
hy Flemins of '5-orxta. wh>. will
Itam-H-rallc (-olleaxu-s d-elr-d 1«»
Hon to Tvquitv. the prrsidcbl
Md me
.mourn of the drbi
d-M _l^b^*l«^
prinriiial *nd
.lr-1-ra.t. Pow.rs, chairman of ihe Ita-1
elm railroad .ommilier, coUlendrO that
otnsalllen *
m, l.ooi»; Fal. S —Franrt* C Omble.
the pra>e<nur and Dnaneler. Is still in
the city, tall WWW no one except a lew
friends and llegal advlMra.
Chance, the ^nrieria vrivaie secre
tary. uho baa stood between bis emhorde of mK«etrfTi''tliat
••ptv In- pk.y-r and
have bi-aiewed Mm alnee h*» prWnee
altrwant hei Deaelal- :
c9ty Ob A
illuir Omaha
Phluaeipbla. Feb
Feb. A"-Tbe
A-Tbe Enquirer
he was-eoinxlbvra for.cu
il the Interaiatal
liitersiatej Hhrth<-r or nU tirabtr would fullov
says (Mr inuinlnc tlml
rompany. aiwm aft^r.
IrrlSHti-Ai I'anaJ and Land rompany.'
one of tbr ootrry>rlBw
ThU hr djd e^. however; "Mr CrabU
-n-rlBw of Francis C
.........o. ..ri to
•.. lu
It. oredltora ' tM
irandrd at prev-ui.and
. *
Xlrabk. •...
ha* ann«ujK.-d
«• Doan-Nliy
Onanthat It has iwd a dtdiar la It* trsasury has not 1-ce able to tnr-li-vrtaJn^Icn-csiw.---.,..
Thir i^e li«-r. rrt..rt.-dTlwoi
with whi.h to pay nou-w. It follows with
> man-d r.l* -m-dil. Mr.
• aliiivmiot from the tiwarurcr of the
eomiwny. Ubuno- H- Lupi r. who l» also
HMh t'witowwal Oai Thai la* Betarr* Vew
u ti.miy <.ii«-a4c*a-itask •> wawh
srevnd t>'— pivsidvBI uf ihe'Bi-curtty )y.
Tru«l and Ufe ln»ur*m- ^oci.pany. of do."
thl» vllj.
Lu|<er said he
t a* irvaaurarl
be Wax not .* dlrect-r; thal he bad t-eeo ..!?» e.— .
eleelrd Ire-.urvr last July, that be had ywirrd.y
never beeu.pr-seiX at a m>-rime of the
comtmnv. that be dlJ not know wbrthT
Feh A-Tbr Mianaap.
c orsl.-n part) arriri'd
• tecra- Fultman ai.d
. in. .oJ.nx «is. John
rrlv.'.l y.sirrdjiy.
\DEftED BrTetePMpfte. '
not. and that he couM not lell wbeih-era ef Itswth CUM,
there would be ImsnedtBle'^pll.ailon
f.T the apisAhUnent of a receiver or not
Biw^iri p Vbrr Bwwptsc.
lai'Ual sluc-k of tbe corporation' be
port jtewt.-Kin F- b A—A raurderar
only about
r r-ouwveito U- banxed. who ba*
si«j<k had hri i ls*urd. This, ^*ped i© * pirtnl Ii* imlra from bin
bad brrr. Isrtird rr
votunisrlly mirieni.H« a. IV ..r land.
ludlt.r ..»» town I
s^horuirs here yerterday.
kils. Ihe |ie |irrty-iylnr In and an.uttd
j^e ml-of anoiber I |on» dlstaiice *elepb.m». The ivoctct
ky,-n.cni.-nBd was (leorxr W.!pinch..br Kanms Oty,.
While the drpertiDVDt has n» ufllctal
i-.Hun MlllProeltlngi-ompany. Thelnlrr- who fullow-d yiiuax Frank Kweffrd^ *
news a* t.. (hi* r.wt.1- a.-t.on of Ovrslate ramrany lx a New J.-rwey oorp-'t-' here from I'acrli. Kan., aud niurdrrefi
■ exoaUant qaallt^ of soft coal from 40! county the starill alarm of the mocking many. a B<rUn cable has ihe fidtowinx
biro fonm-.f-w iollars. hldlnx ih- body
to W feet below tbe aurfaea. in veins! bird fire wbiaUa of Kalkaska aounded from Ibe Berlin Keich*anxeiser.a proraIn the busip-s jYeuerday f'lr. h called
Beiders of (Wllatera^At* tadt.
Inenl newspaper of that Hty; . The
up .•Sheriff Wheeler 1.> trlr|.h.inr ffijtn
from -Ive to aiyhl feel tkick.
These 1 upoa tbe mldniebt air in »oeh a frirbt• Tbe Knoulr-T srtlrlr continues. The
American apricultural dviutrtmenr* re
A- Lsm..»t. Mo. *rid said he would br’bera...
veiu have been found In aeveral pans tul way that two yoone ladles
port (*n ihv Stan J(»w shield louse led 1.on the evrniiix train to help
Comaoa township tboufbt it was the cry of an offlcia! inquiry her* as l.» the dr
of ^ city and aurrouadiBr bonairy.
[icernment'* intr.resi at tbe sale of
tail ihal he boAeR
a wild beast. A brother wa» appi^ed cumslam-es under wblfb Ameriran fruit
fron, tbe.ca.hlaed f-d-ra! and aUta
the >*orn Kxrhatrxe Natlnaal bank. J.
Frank, on Jan.
t he bad
.yrson bee* rdi lYesday last In i.ornpany
and be waa tnally
m (.'allf-irnls |»wrs arriilos pr«M to ta.(h Ihr *p.«key am
Dr. Dalaoy baa In bis p
prav^led upon to pet a pnn and anlly
as xarnlshers. led n. the Jitf.nmail.m
K'numvrtms llilnp. bn-edinx .hair.. *n ..f Ihe FiV.llc- fsllt
here to Kanaas
rtoaad n
^:-^^hal aome of ttae- lartle* bold lama
forth to kill tbe animal. Itiaaaidtbat able Id lira. sbs.ilutrly Idroilral with th* mlllre. for lexiwlalt^ uo lh<
on a freisht'train: ihst hr todpefi
. bla prandtatber in tbe batUe of Water
Usw'sblFld ioujsHr con- TelliiTVs sh1p "'T^' St* ta.lh .'%‘r* :^bi..uni> of the *f«k of Ihr Interaiste
tbe hunt of the yponp oiaa was aokne|w>ti<* hradquanrn there on Tuea*
land and canal company and of Ihr
loo. in wbieb batUe the intrepid Napoawiuenlly . xprvaard the vpinl.m that tbr oua" H.1.1 Fif mU>n-''buq.I faii«-l m x
mrht. and that the R*xi day btf
leoa Btel his defeat. Jane 18. 1813. Mya
Ihr e,e-V-r 10 o*.- hi. influer,.- wl
to \1«ii hls'-mother and *l»trr on
eomtikny ax t-ollat-ral. which it was
crave msterUI dswsrr thrr*;1.y
A con
Mr IVw-W or Ht ta.wrr. to «r*r h
ro nrair lamAnt. Kn.tr tbr time of
Ua Boyne City Citixen. Tbe doctor's
ihoaxht by tbr aua.Jilnt .-ivdllw
Hoibee R. Uwia. n oolorad man of ference. of tbe <.lher specialist* and (be- Inflnencr with Ih- si.-aker <*n yesl.
arrest h
imhlilon was to
rraadfatber was a surfeon-major. In
I miRhi ‘be mwv than aufficlenl b. pay
rept'Cts «'f the imjierla! oBI.-r ol h--w)tb day 1 tried to-y-; re.-ofnm.ei ft..in tl
nee them axalh. I Afi-r auylnx ever
Ionia, la apitaiinp the qaeatton of eall
nhe ilalms of those holders. The h«.ldtbe Tbirteentb Llrbt.draffoona. Tb«
eonflrtrii-d ihl* i1rw In ecrry lariliular. st»sk.-r. 1 -wuxhf his tialural e>-. b
nlxht with thrpi hi w-nt lo lamontajkl
lap a state convention of oolorad vb*«ra 'Thua Ihr neceealiy-for prompt measure*
er* of the i-olUteral. however slate ibal
anrtieal iaatramenU rcaemble
t failed u> .atrh Ms ofn.lsl eye. Tods;
asked a e.-nMabl« to atvompany him
there w..uld be dtaapp-'lntml-ni Hi thal
.to orpMixe a dab lo be known aa tbe for pn.inxion wa» fully .l. ui.inMraled "
bs'k to prison
if WH* then he eaU^
BiDch tbe delleate onee in use today.
Oraham b.-lds
Matter IM.rli.ird Is the CwSliwt.
: l-wMUs.'-th./.^.Irmsrr •
op Fhrilll Wh-.-lrf and pave noUcv ‘M
•Itboiwb in tba bead, of skilled operaRepublican club of Miebiran.
hi.-and of other |N-oMe who tmjk
The Ortman fruit drerrr was a pnan-lara tbs keen bladaadU VallAnt service, i
with much eneonrape- Inenl lo|.lr of cataneJ .navvi**‘>'n yes
, paymepi foi Orable'* alts-ks with note*,
mant. aad bcTweca tbe Idea wUI bear terday. Seureiary Wilson Mated Ihtt II olije'-t ■■
srid Ihe I naal«ned‘io Oraharn to tbe amount of
Tba UsM used by Dr Oalaey-a praodMayulre (Dem!) of I'a'
, h m' ■ "rally tvr.no*. He holds ■t.'ck of Oia___________
was unduul.tvdly true that rartalu writ taw — .ilred rhaith-aofntbar ia a ^arp* blade betwaai
Or si* CalU AXeat^a to Ut> FabUsMc*
d-bi .'<t' We »'”»«npanle. to the amount rf ».Ma
kn.>wn frail diseaMT"''»>ld be carried cf.I.rtrt.th.- 'nil an-uM
vtoes la lb* I ailed aielto.
tortolaa ebelt bandlea, and on tbe blade I
.• * •
cullateral on his ow n actvwi.nl,
on Ihr troll itsvtf and thus4he Infection tak.- the rta.l mo.,1 hr iwi.rved the law
Chkspo. Fel. 3—irbe.a lual banquet,
U en^ved tbe Enplleb mown. Tbe I
Lapeer ba* a real lively rbrat eaasa- could Iw.xmimonlcsird u.heaJthful trvea
mud, 'morr <ro the acv.onl of others
rteau-xe A. FletcheFs attachnienl is trt of Ihr l-hlrap-. Bar a*ao.tatlon was bid '
doelor has alee tbe elctbcaeope used by | tion. and tbe Fresa eom'manu on the aiaxrrai .listame u ws*rxplalned that j
US.ono. IVa parloer. Karoutd fi Mltchefl. last nlpht. J.awpb K. Ctaoair. uf Neir
,, ,
owr>rrj.lu|. nf rallrtads.- IntirbiapTandfattaer wbtab. on oneoccaalaxi I anbjeci tbasly; "Tpe first ward pboat
wa* in r^^hl' S venture* to the extent YorA belnp th- pufst of Ihr n-ening.
past had-prubibited t e brlnpinx wKhli
poeed iMlxell.
'1 want l» collr-i the
area used on tbe pecaon of tbe "LltUa> has ae *yel not been diaoovarad. al- Ibclr b..Illr,s .f >w
of t:,u«n. u<l hitd* enouRh st.wk a* co). Fully SM leadins aHorneya uf Chlcapo .
rvpilrd surnlre
! tboupb aeen on two diflerani nipbu fruit frt.ro Infe. t- .l
wrrr t-rcsee.<
Chual- dellvef.-d as eld;. c.d ths( the whole purpom- toir-rnl lo krep him nrariy wb>.le
The a-m-l:
« * .
i last week. Itome eay it it a mntker stair*
quml addrrs* u|nn--lhr •ui.yect -Our
shn r.rr ..II.sOrx the *S|r -AiB.iBLK RANK C
fora, mlxfit te .ntl e'
IT.ifresj.4i ~ Hr matntelnrd that in na
•trrhm.’tit ovnrtahlp *ml «pMaddened with iealousy. a. well-1 Vjitxg to eenre her daapbUr off tbe
Aitwwi <W.'klrr M*
It vrni Par 0«t— I other •4Msruit..n to Vhif b mm <-an d«known yoanp lady of tbU plae*. Mya j street, olbera think it is a pertain
•lie (heir .li-es Is th>^ a nobler inteW
I.«l.-irse hss he*
tbe Central L^ Torch, raoenlly se-! woman at timea craxr and knowi not raMnwl V
eprctal toThe I le<raa. porsoil >.r a t.lxhrt ffioral Mand:rars." In-Omaha. N. h. Kvb.
cared a revolver and drove all tbe wny | what she is abo^t. aqd aUll other* do- or dls(s.s-d to i.rcjudice lht
aaya: Th* j ard thal. I'lsj.ipr* ii.d ir-tva.le* «W
-i Icrntj Ir,' VsruitT..
mapine* If Bee fn.u- * -wwr..rd. NrU... aaya
shseni-e .if deflnlte inf..mm
to Eaet Jor^n one eveninp for tbe > elate it i* a female somnambulist. Tbe
(ary \Vtl*on ucd-rsliusl. h
The .iTi.rr.i*
.v. rnro*rl
door* yraierday Ruirnlnp. C. 1.
> ft*arosrad pntjwee of abooUnp a rival|»en»all>o continue*."
the toist .-xporsaitan* .-f fr
outsh.-nr But p
Grata*, tbv caabler. la to ihv vast. A. land but in ecrry 'lotbeT <s>untrT In
who had been ancceesfal in eecurinp'
. * .
ui n.w>/“v>
L. H-.twun. anstatani cashier, will say ahapmx puMk affaliy.- In ttta n-spre* '
tbe attentiea of a certain younp
nolhlnp uf the bank further than thal br WUeve.1 that with .on* coqaeot the
Urallb officer Hair* of liraod Rapids, j
r-M,pdnan ha* mad*
•-I sta pIsd'N.spud's
to whom both Uid claim.
Tbe tateowlnp to the atswD., of Prancls C. common Ju.lsn.rnl .if mankind wouU
^ ta,.j.i_^ n.l,,ulou* than I
Gral'lr. Its piesidrni. .s.uMed with the
M Haniiilidi. JR'rb«i<v and t.lncnln
. I AerautoT Say* The, spread I
-d I'........ .
«,r Wasi Uaara-.tlae 1
,]ne|*en ***^
**** ctirr.-ncy which wa* exthree Am^-^n lawyer* wbuaa
pntr.l yt-slerdsy nw.rnlnp did nut ar»ervi~w bad fn..-t taraHy run-,
Washlnpi-.n. Feb. S—Wl
' rivr fn.m (he east hr thought II better trfUitcd to Ih. fepnallon and prra-rva■p to bn aboL
through tbe day. tk.n of the .Ih^IutkiB. on wbiwe Cunheard of iliphinerla: and there wae a .ja,„r,.ai. h.nses m <;,-rRuiBy. hn-ausr. i
, Hciwoii *•>* the bank wtll p«qr lu drin,-,- the hT^s
<lril Uhrrty for
ffrvelerarrorrrlbe (ever. He think* •* aUrpr-d. ihry propapulr It.dueDsa
|ostt.>rs and all'llshimtet
-» m
In lull.
full. iD.i
Says the Praaa: Mayor BeU o» .Bvn-;
counter-. wa* Bhown to fhaintan HiiL «f (*■•■•
»aXMe*m the KtrLt-Nwev t.*w
hank hke Ueo vi.n.:uctedI vfi a
a •'onaarvaton Harbor, wm to nnff»»lant a
*ct diphtheria.
hour-f.uvipn knaira t
tasia and ll\ls
w'a-MnxI-.n. AVP 3.
Th.- ta.ue* tier, sale and paying «ii
day* affo that he o~>*—*ir.adI hit
hu ate.u.
he* fa>..|HW« t-. • arreraU» ■■om-edrd l.y local
loeal CT>-.U|A
.>«vd rxcluMo-1
' penrral. movrmrnt
1 ar* pm-i-dp^.
ir-ia-law when she doeiarvd that
l.r *dW*c-r.‘lrc th-elphta- lion ap'atnst ]'
.-hnl- llsaanei
»siUj, Ms-hnlcake wraa a work ol arv fie tald any |
Bdward Radevrald. while huntioff
in* of Icw-a. au- j
I Anirn<an
9i Nhh..l* b..;.
"if that rl-s ...:|sidr or .Ks-V ah Ul RO.OOC Thrione with a cook book could make a rabbit* yMterday.canpbt a bunny'that ' ^J^rr
tuielpii affair* !
,ls i... .-V.lrm.-Dt. Cashier I'.rabl..- wii:
.r .late dM-.tcake at pood a* any oaf else- HU ala- i* a croa* faetweAi some wild animal i i-utomm—. salb- hrrv -M..ndsy
Local deysUnra -xLasater
are petiiac tbe coal
it b elated that wiUln tbe past
few: yMrs wall-Mvara have atanek an
* * *.
On# nifrht raceuUy over In Kalkaska
a r- r.rz-’XHrr. .S™
ter-in-iaw immediately challeaired him and a rabbit, laya tbe .Nile* dum
.f jimedh-ii-n.
to a Mkn-makiBff oonleaL aqd il came has the noac. cars and body of a rabbiL
off last niffbt to an entertalomeot at
Bpiaet^l church.
mayor and early.
H i* of a pray color, aod l»
our i-r.riu.
mtti^, »
OTMlieed for a week makinff cake*, but. the qoeeraat lookinp member of the
at that hUaUampllaat niyht was a
bunny tribe ever caupht in theae-|tarta
- dibmal faiinre, while hU aiaiar-in-law'* |The raibi^ i* atill alive and i* op exHe made hihitlonat the KOrler bouse.
a a rrrfect dream.
belcM tha entire chorcb, and {
waa then forcad loeatlL while the
There have been mi iny storira told
woman’s cake wa* auetiosed off al a
and anecdotea rejabrd of tbe intelii :
Tbr mayor will pay the
genre of dogs, but it remain* for «
bet a* s x.u as La can get oal of bed.
carry off the palm (or i
which, the dckrlo.^ thiaka wUl be in .
tatelllrent feline. Mrw. Haywotwl ow:
aboptawcek •
an iromenae Maltese cat -which ha>
been a member of the fanusenold for #
I long
long til
time. *ayk the Alpena K.-bo
Mary B. Kinder
of tiladwin
Mlchigaa..U orgai
I rn.phai
pri.bal-illty of An.Inp Ihr liinu.iu*
Ibal If they <Io dr cloy. It
tli.i It » c.iitra loct i...
••untpy. - 1
rushing np tbe ataira-<k.l
____ mad.
diUon ex'ciosiveiy tff her
Be made for Mr*. Harwood
: ahA , thinking tbe ao>mal bad
io.pto-.j,e sreaesi > raa-rl.
Frt». :• :-Aa Imurra«rt.-nA,A the «ih»,-.|Ule* v-s-:irl 1 'o ^Uicli. vii.- waskitled
• .•n.-o.j^rr on tv,-dn-*d*y.
-l.-e:- sn-1 wj-l, bllleily
iliea in an upperTonm. when auddefif
gold field* early
alnce lb, ,i«'rr l-lnilethere.lpm.-lty
is-ler tbr UcKfDlieMln qu.>l-s thr
clal tr.aUes!
mining camp* of Klondike fur thc.-am
craxy. got out of the wav.
The rat. with Gi-rniun P-lsi.-ns ki
ing of large wages in doing di>iun.tic .started Mr the (door and waited fw her!^'','**^ Ueheni-be -..lu G. r
work. ilecruiU already kecarad make.
W Wllow; then he would come Imck to "rllTr s' 'm.a.u; -"'t^hiri; T".
bar company iwan^ ataong^
___________________ _
her and start agaio. Finally eurioaiiy xppcsranrr even of Intmti.m:
torwm Sf agreement."Update that the
Mrw. Haywood to ai what
llmiutl..n of .s.mmeri ia '
any the expediti,.
I him
the cat uteaul aad she
U rvniaia for ntienstemeyear.
the kilcLtu. where she di*-
' XratiAy n*lsto T*M T>*1 Mr ta Rwaata« j
:•*•« Bi. fMtoto.
:rtt.x.n*. People in cp.wds are on the,
smcis dlscussiop the sliuallon. It I* ■
t any premam-nt harm I
m.- of the Blaefc Hillai
>f tlrahle’* ncbetnea will '
rBi|oB , l<«- lo th*
2i? Front Si.
HalUmura Flock Beceivod Three-Time* a
Otunls. Wte pvr quatt
Sinndardw. SOc-per t^rt
Fletdier's Ofster Depot anil Resiaoraal
To 123 Gass Street,
* • -*
cuvered n big pot of grtwae uu the wa
A . Liucoln-VOktof Bangor, baa re-1 stove all ablaxe.tfae flames acorchinp ‘ th* must favilfed nation trealnwol war !
fmtncdlately adn.Iitvd by the .\ineiicai i.
eantiy come into poaaeMlon of a aonve-1 tbc«aUing. Tbe blaxe was extiugutabgovernment.”
_ .
*nir of national hUtoryotfR* Ua^halfied aud now pqwy is a distlagnikbed
: laemlwr of thr bouM-bold
U y* a Uny bras* t
-»r*to twi oa tits kipbt Ancj„., MirW
Feb-1a—A brakrman
• From 127 State Street
d to" i
. TIIImU t.cpKlBtot«TBk*aBaM
Pprlctn-M. Ills.. Feb. A—Thera were
emiy li.rr,- m.-n.l*-rs priwetrt li
Karu.1, pri-Hd.-d. and a moUon t
to concur I
the prim-;
made apital for
her hualncM was
ta Gonn
ttaM and no buslnn
In th* bonne.
s Tuesday M far
I ITona to obtain
Itaiil. Keh. A-A te-adrille. S. D |
i„-n,e Flnneer Pre*s aaya; If;
Changed Location
X-r-ee uiiU.unded c-i'Idmc In .Jrahl
and ll..bs..ii. and tt Is le-,.-\ed that to-
tr:.l..v ...:.n m-.l h-~.--n-mlnatlona T..
1» .-.-nsiil- • It—;J-inl-. Johnston, of, «
fniJi. A murauiln-wi
-.1 an ai.«.4ul* ’
pruhlbl(l-r,.'iK.*rcr,.aiiJ rrinalnedinta
sran uhrLbvr a qtiaratil ir BO vlporou,
a* to br a |.n.l.l'.lll -n « •iiM le.iiut In
.Wilson i
day recently sbe was attending H
young women
•iralptitf..!-ii> aiu-k
> Rr..on.ls'
I. ah.-uld h
but the hnlr U aboui three inche* lony
Wttfhlnptun. Frt>. A—Fi-.-aklnp jn a *
Ik.. Feb. b —FcPlInapd ( qurwiion of prr»..nal ttrvvHrpe in ;h« !
1 iccelve a fonuic
nanslr' yt-werduy UndBay of K-niu. K-. \
eummentrd aharj.Iy on ihr in-.ticr* ..I |
eapraocy WhAn a.ra
Mralriird ta-r.irrJudXi tbr au'.hta- and im-moturs of the tv*..lution n^nitlj- passed by thr IrglsYaTmlllnp Tr. itln udii.iUrd that be ha
tura of Keainekr demanding to rvslg- j
mran* of supinrt 6nr pUce to llv.
aattae ae aeuatur.
MatMrar tta-stol I. Owgem
fining his pualiiOB
pualtion upMtor figat
HiliabcTo. Ore.. Feb. 5.-Gua WacbUn. questkm. said that
.Itawakrtha ra
<b* murdwr of Ji.hi> Lrdrtek,
of Uw wbfM ptopta of i
hanprd brrv st noon >rsi*rday.
tu.kj-. I i not In a«iv sense th* ai
Opposite the Fire Engin« Hous*.
On* UaU Block Boatb of First HaUonal Bank. Whar* WIU B*
Pound a FnU Ltaa Of
Farm Implement Machinery,
Wagons and Buggies.
IhiTe]HtrtHlT#t etr MfiTBii B4«>« ui M V^mi^TmOmUI
SKlKffilNA MliMftwituiUiPiiM.
lOtftS fERT nOlT,
man. althovcb lt> axialrnrv had lose
ktrawh to thr lDdlaD«. and they
bad fur maiiy >-air U^ji trUInc atoi •
laa robc^sliijt. It. Ttir crral lAaH vt
cu|i|i*r urruplva a pronvtornl
Sational _____
muMum'ai Ur. Moore
Want* Pingre* to Stay tii th« R*«
' publican Party.
*raphlcally dWrtbea *y
^teroetiBg SUtisOcs CompUed From Season to Season by
8. K Wait for Benefit ol' the PnUle.
#1 Monro-, Wla., Pet. 4-Tb* MoonP
2 ‘ fuundiv and
ao' maehlnr ahnpa were gold
hr Whllner eatal*
I.an» * Sob* Thr original rout
of the plant wa» tC>.00e. and It «-a» Bold
for teat than one-irnth <.f thi* amounL
Tbr plant baa kieeii Idlr aln.-r Jan L
______ ___• ' ■
Cuortraeman Sam
8am Smith did
to vule on Ibe Trllrr r-ixilutl.m »1th-.
UEGK fiOTKn^aB iXD BCSitOWS. out dlaruialnit tl. for thr
lirllr%'r<l ihr itrrubiUan
U Mj be of lole-ett to Uw-yiadarm ot tbr Bbcoai.
MtrhMaa V- U»r fnmi la raraMMmt *"p- «U*hi l« riimV iin the rurreno QUtallun
rlU basd yoa'
nboot ibemib fall and arow fall of thto repioo.
<0 lh>* «ei-mar> <‘l Ihr irearury;
aid»a Kmltk
-.JaribI a ubte ri*ior tbe atBOunta for the pdat aiitcM jreara la iDchr* aad
to hut a RvpDbllran of tong riper
—Fler tlaaarad‘'li
i Theprcateat aonoal anoer fall waa In IHU—111 laehaa. The amalieal wna In
ha naaa.'tai t-vnlaliaa.
had inritrd
All le^iKUIIon lt> cungioM It ct>d.
B l«r thr >-m Uaiaht|a
,.-w«l»,n«-«S«lbehratthei».::r«aa. U.
toteh... ArerI tmilrd li> thf artlon of tunding ^mtVarhinginn. VrU L—It-tl Kniiirdr. mlilrrk Evrry Nil and rmoluthin la ape S6.»S Incbra. On t^pteaber :3d and Sitb. ISW. orer flee iaebra of nin fril
•attouiii .l.r.i^irper ,uf tbr' oailunal rehtred ^v. an aig.niprtatr I'ummitier in se bnura. ta aeontianotta anow atora from Noeraber S»tb to Drerabat
. hotter of tv|>ir4niBti«e». l» an otii and, **«iui««r MorrlK of Vermont. «hu htA
«bt P.ner.w m.m and h, don't carntho‘ member of thr .-•nair for m.« ISU. 1*83. oeer tohr feel of a
knoB. lt Brnb..alu.,.l«n.B.rd';^“
.rf st
.r tourro«e.
h..rr,. ... \\to.'n
.. .t..
I ter OH
fin.fire lrrUl.t.
IVhro h.
hr o
en.-^^ comui,
.ii dating
Jiloyo.1 ammca|Bl..laH.an.lng hr BBt
p„wrnt tongr.-w. U> wmmitir.
l»frl.md.^ b>
Hr tiae-bern «|u not report any roraaure tooktng to
BdiB>.|-d and. Bid.Hi by iturruBe uoill a rbangv In our nnani-ial ayatei^ With*
hr tafldr an . »«nlriil |.ediloti In tVa*fa> out a irtBirt from my o.«umlUrr no !«*.^toh. an.l hr t» a ftim.l ot ButroBa.
can '
the a-tiatr iBvora free silver coln.1 rt.i» Api.ccho* B tr be had
r. laaimuch' aa fhe trou-r of repre- loB-a^I
___ _____ a fall uunohm.
irBthm. Therr are' »colatlv*» ba>.a targe majority In op.
»ol* of mrti
Mkr RufroB’e «h.. al»o P<»Hlon lo tree altver cplnagr. It arould
Uke llngtre Mon m«v bav. Orlrnda ln >"■ uerlre. to try to paw a ineaeure of
HapllM ard M. i1u.dl*t .butvhr. who that chara. irr; l*.*uae no mraeure can
diuikr raoh other. 1 like Hun.-B. and ‘*c..mr a U.» Bltbout the .H-nrurrenl
1 llkr IliigrrO- Whal 1 Bam to bar-■ ■d»»'en.ent of l-th houses of .ougreaa
mony 1 duti't «aai to m- iVi.tirr dm - *i *• m*»>Wr si any time for the silver
.n out of th. Kri.ub>uap i*ri> it, mat..rtiy to tbr aenair to take at^b.
a.H-m. I.. Mr that there to a mirtdU , lM»nNfh as ft would be usrlr^-wy'do
• Ki..ui>d on BhU-hj!o.el men n a> Bland ' IP. * •“ omtld-nl that tbr U. m.wr*ta
Three you bate U i: rt K. •r-l} to •*»<> •‘‘''■cr ItepublUTiiiB will not make
mrrrlx one of many i-niP-«> •• *r. th.'attempt. The paanage ,.f the Tetter
lalklra that way. Or tV- s:i. ...t •
it.: •»» -luin.n- Baa auKl.-lent to demon»irat.
nmoH-rBie N Sin i lp-n
. i ..n v the .trragth of tbr ullver aenlimenl In
k»glng l«tt they a.,
u... d ' ‘h, .fi.aCr l•e.Bona;Iy. I am opposed
and BalllriK thmi ILf... U tr -f jhh 11- to «br tree tvlnag.
n the minority.
in thr polubal i. uu are i......nunr:Li:> ; prearoi
singing that IT. iiy » i:a
"V tij t ShaJi ■
. 1.imUI a lUpBbtWm.
the Kann.| ll. V" An-I all ll..‘ il,nr Ihr! Senator Rboup .if Idaho aaya: "Ai(■ojT-Bron'b^nt to li> II g V‘
t" -rt and , though 1 voted l»r the Teller resolution,
irll tb" iruih and M the Ih. ;.l.- diae ‘1 am »llll a ttwgnt HepuU.lcan I have
their own o..r.-luH< he.
’ alwaye Iwrn a blnirlalltol. My people
Mppli—l.Tt oiMi;
! bellevt'In btmeuflltom. The TelIrr rmo•
intended to put nii- In a b»lC:
The BiBie of ill. Wtan hae Krntrlhuted ,
not pmdui— that effe<t. I am
more m.gify and nu.n- i>uCn-aiitial eii|.>
B».h] a blmelalliBt aaany man In the
pllea to aid the riar\>flg Oubaae than
l I Bill not desert the .party
•nv other -tair In the lake region Thto,
hoButed me."
vlatrmem to made Bithoul qualifi.atlon. I
SetiBiT l>avi* ot Minnesota, cbalrb>HWUae it to omrlally ann..un'ed from
lan of ’.he senate cummitiee on foreign
the driwnniriii el kiai.-. although tl.r
•Uli..n*. aaya; I am in favor of the
«..rroB|N>ndentf of the dally i*|h'1» bi
neti.iiorv »o l.H.V ritlhs'aUoa of the treaty of anneaaUon.'
not laken the
a* f«:eBtto -been •*’•> l'«■ll'•'•e that the Hawaiian talanda
r mailer
Bt-nlard.’ «-<r
have! ought I- belong
to this country.
ae.'eriBln.-d Ibal me. Dt*i..aj«r
" ,h_
boBever. that
t-in tonnwallito large parts of Ihes«-hie1ishlr iH.nml.utl.ms and the Ml.h. ^
ma^ ait^ 1 tnen in (be senate
tn-aiy Vou know,
Igan settaton h-Vr l-en liriklng Inp. '
oH«*ed undei ype cunsllluuon n.. treaty
I Say!
Ever Baroed Oat?
if no jo« know
tfceenlBaof '
A bill baa h
indjn'th- S-«:
world'a fair at
AorordiD* to a Parla repi‘ri 3 PJerp'.Bt Muigtan la eoglnoeiioc a arbefne
purrhaar Cut* for M#Uf
Near Monllh. MIrh..
O. P. CARVER. Aewk
X:;iBiportut to Fropertj Holden!
of iwenty-flve flylt
. A vein of sofis reported tn have
farm jvui west of
been Iwated > i
Alonao Kiewart.
• asaiatalit' doord Mates senate, baa
held wfllve IB tl.
rate fur Iwaoty-four
Iwaow a«.ao«»i1 »«
D. W Bu.hvhead. one of Ibe most i eHy tbe bewedv
promlneni Cnemkeea. died at Tablequah. I. T-. of iiilgbCs disease He wmm
7S yean old.
John Milligan, aged 71 yean. Lee MUllgan, 16. anil l-lihel Raker. IS. werr faUlly asphyxiated by the fume# from
charcoal at Mad.g-.'Onl.
Anlhmlir coal has been advaneed Id.
cents per Mn all around at New Tork
on tbr liaais of tl per ton for stove Bias.,
other sues In pminrlion.
Tbe Illinois supnme court overruled
• motion f.»r a writ of supdnedea* for
James Mingle, and be. will hang Peh. U.
He murdered the babe of hto mtoirvsa.
According lo a aUteipeni prepared by
Oolunel Merrlam. the new laenslon
agenl^;3.e>-T'pen.ins are re-.ivtng pen.
Hone In t'bbagv l.e<ause if tbe civil
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
.^Front Street.
§|;sv£v<iin' ^
U r ; ilgl fSi;!:-Jigs'-I t'tlosjsiisU iilrSJaissiis!
rrClened RipWs 4 Udiui *• 8
tim kato 1
Helled UM>w.
isesssSik. isassi.!.'
TbB nuprerne c.>un of Wtscnnaln baa ',
refused to Oecntte Rulllvan. who was
convivied of the murder of Aaa Gurham .
In Trlt-iieviiir. VemoB vniuntyf aome
saf liwle.aiTri
•et Dee. ». l»T
. s.B.ir.B. Lt.
ar.'«. b. , r* I r.B.
.. lilt. iHTrss.Cnrj ......' ^ *®! ' **
: It'to'
Waime |........,0Kiu3a.
Tbe coat ot tbe Cuban war from Feb- ^
lii.ir}'. Ik*-, to tbe end
IXK. to offlcisl- ,
ly eaiimatoHi at ItW.OW.mb. iwsldea tbe 1
- -,u^
arrears due from tbe Cuban treasury. [ !
amounting lo AM,too,006.
-'Roy Devore.' 11 years old. of Areola. '
nia. was sirtiken with paralyMa and to
now In a vruU'wl ccbidltlao. The young'^
boy was an.eacH-sstve chesrer of plug 1
vlobarro and a cigarette smoker.
\A bill has been Introdui-ed In tbe Ohio '
le^lature requiring all penons apply- |
ing'Cpr Umnsei to marry to paaa aa ex
amination (or Imperfectlnns. sneb aa
tuBarlty. dips- manla. kleptomania, etc
Hrrquto Ito. prime minister to Japan.
In an interview, aald hto government
was watching the situation In the east
0 k;....... Voixrinitall
and was pr<-pared tosafeguard Japanese
Irlerrms b) whatever means may be
rtqtiir-d by -vents
v t.it old. a Lake
Shore railroad Itagma... was killed hy a
switch engine ai Chicago In alopping
the horse .d rairicfc Morris, a grocer,
who-was driving Ic front of-ibe eogine, CUeagaatTdOp
karat (relgkisa bn
and Ibn* saving Moirts'
Laaemai iMp-wMrs Caitirrine kleyei and Corydon
MlUaid 'were found guilty In a Chicago
coHrt of-.-onaplrirg i.. kill CTiaries L.
::i lit’”*"
SSsiSSnSI ■i^J83JS5SS»’
. cm
.ijiic i i;: s||i^S:|:sE- i::' i'S|t
igl. CSC:
I t8isaaB-si=$l . i
; Ibirds of the aenale. I think that nea,
ei’ill he i-B.ilulu.ni. Inn
' ly If uot quite iwo-thlrdi of the senate.
houaes of yngi^ ma ing olTItL
I favor the treaty, bnl we are In no burry
«|ulr> ln(.' Air malletI think the cauae of
Tb.rr to no troth in Ihr Stpry tbai ;
ring stronger every
Vt'lttlam Alden Smith - tlrand dup.d. | ««ito»aiioii
Vowed eandMsii
of Wtoronaln says;
siK-oeed Senah^iSutV'.BS. He aaya
that he to saHafl-d with pr-wBI bokora. “I'ain halting between two opinions
In ...nverr-il-.n with a pei—nal friend It la bgcviHlingly diffirull to decide
The argumenia In
hr ha. mid: All |-.UUrs to e.Htoh. and
favor of ann^aalioB are mmtig. The
••.nieBhai evil I »M.||.'Ve In Ihr Si-rlp- aigiHiienis
5‘i»8- , . . 5. S8B
against snnegatlon are also
ture wbKb dniarm tliHi -aufficlrnt uiiiv sti.ng: There are many reasons why
Ihr day IS thr evil tloTrof.' and vt.ni.e- we ought r.. stand by .Air customs and
*uenilt l am n. i reeking truubto "
iradith-iis. and that w- should c..nnne
r ssaSB£5£k:s:t
our smbitlon. to our iireeent lerm.ulsl
The priwidrntlsl i>-.(..tt).e. In Mlihl- limits. Therw are .numervrus reason,
gan are »•>: hkriy to I- allrH-l.Hl |i> the why we ought to annea Hawaii
pn.|—‘-Hi i.-dm ii.m m leit. t- arrler
.If Cuba. Il I
,-R!ISz8£»S=3B ,*
B»rv i.r- Ikrth ot the >11. higan M-ualncp
of public duty- Renalon
and all ..I ih- re|.re«-nisflvr» have In-. cast their vot.-S on these quesIloA.
tervl-Med ton-lmaBIri (ienrral
3'5 '*»- wkss'a
ought lo take plenty W time to drill.. amtitrd them
ante, and to Uvlte advices from ail
pi.’iirialton of ttm.noo for emencrnclea ,sour‘-ew. 1
ire reaching cv’DcliisiulU."
will cover thr dIBv-ully. The enilre vningm.Mi.nal d-lrgaT|.in to now working
Renatur Gear iif.lowa to regarded as
to serure That atH'rtipiiattnn. and they
(■n.- "I III- ■ hlef Republican >i|>)H>nenis
of Hawaiian aniM>xaiion. As a maUar
uf met. Ibe Iowa senator Is simply giv
E RASett«kS£f- £ ;.£ =zS58i(SKb8St!f
ing tbe mailer earrtui c<4uUdrratlca.,He
ha. 3 s.io-ln-law In Hawaii, a Very. Int. Ilia.m and wpll-lnf..rmed huslneiu
*M*. neartv all ot them payirg IJ.COCi mull w hu ba. written him letter* showM<-h ami ufvva.d. |<rr awiviin. In th- Inu i.-iidlliun* in thr Hawaltaii island*
luistal. <uM..iiiu. and Ini-inal revenue which are not genera.ily kiv.iwn The
bureau, alun. Mohlaai. will ha'i- a
mtisior from the Hawk-v. slate
.vhalier SI ato'Ui fiv.- biin.lied guo-l Ji.r.|..r
to a ivinscrvailve Mal.-rtnan, and'be hu*.
place. Thto .will ii^e luimr ..f Qjr t-H-n inrcfuJIy % n.i.lering tlito iin|-.tltrpiil.il.an wora-n- Kapj-y an.1 it witi tjint qu.-.ll- ti ........ -‘.ly stiin.lpdinl
S. & Wait, who lumistaN tbe above Uble. baa. for Hianj years. tMen
mak. Iiany - ili.-i!- as nml a. March
T IVIVm Talmage. a in.ee boy 'tWytoverBaaeat obaervationa at ibis p>'itit. FOr more than a quarter of e
T.-.--iitl.c niani-Hl a wealthy widow.
Kih ivlaiv Ilf War Alger has made a Hr to v«ly « year* “Id. Afier a brief cmtlurT Mr. Wait baa famished the HgKAi.ii. exclusively, a m-wt valnabla meteordorical report. Tlie above tCble will make aa Inleeeatioc study to all who
.irwv- rtruesir for life and hto tainlly redding
lour the yiaing cuuid- return
ati.ndr.1 him fr.mi the i-iHnntng with to Washlngi.m. an-l the disilngUi.h-'d care for aucb thinra- It has been often said that When a aeaaoa baa
talihtui ~.'i.Hoilr III* ..irHudlnairB in preacher will probaMy pr-nrh h. re next h'eary rain fall.tbe toHowing winter will'irl>r a light ano*r (all. Tbia. tbe Uble
tbi wai d-iMiimem Iih.- I'—n «a fullh- Rundi) ^.omliig end evening. ’
will abow. haa'oot alwaya been tbe case. f>>r fear tbat aome at a disunre wOl
ful a. If tli.-> hail iK-rn ...ng tlm- filrml.
In iiur/dtbinlc
Prom the l-g:nnlrr« of hto admintotra, thin h- imfttd every enipl'.ye. -veiuhr ItgaUls^. dcounlenanves ..f our leading M>- tbat a tresaendooa snowfall earaa on tbe 13lb day of May in tbat year,
tiunihlosl. with VIn.ln-ss aiwl <-.'.i..ideia sUtesmrn. and It to all because of the after tbe Wavee were green apoo tbe ueea. It waaa {float wonderfiil and boaoti..n HlK t rr.hingr.1 mnr» has Wn a fait ih..i Russia has iilumphed at. P.tlful sight, hut made sad havoc of blossKiaing fruit trees and aUrtlng bade.
ywri'd of i.liiiosl vuntlnuBl .nil.-ling.
hir.. mol to In th- an.-mlnni over Cr^l
Uae very laterestinir feature in tbe report above is tbs snowfall (or e^
P.«.r.dlbeKlgM.M-ur l-iw.
Hritgiii tn China. . When It Is-came
■ James ii'Junnell of tbr Jackson Clt- K^HiBn tn liond/.n that Russia had wfnUr durinr tbe poriod covered by tbo report. ‘Hiia is found lo ba aa fol
l*.-n .-Tid fsv.ir th- right-hour Uvv whili maned upeaiito of :cj<» truops'nrsi Iowa;
he «ar In iHmisr-ia. Wh.-.vr« say. i.. I'-kin. and Ihal llielr mobilisation had
(Vf- conirary |rnip.".ke'' w'lih the truth' l-.i. by tbe r-uBM-nl of China the Rril, i«s:-«s..
M 00
li rtiak-s to- dlff-rrn.e t.. your^Tre- i*h dii.tumais MiB that fiifther I.luvier IbM-M .
• - W" WS ; 1S9I-IT2..
71. TS
j^s ndriil jvh-lhe« o lumn-II to eleiled woiil." be u*i l.-r* Therefore Hrhtoh ..p- IHM-M& .
: ISK-M..
gov.-moi Ol not. The•I. is ni'lWhg In 1 IHMlii-.n .wa* withdrawn, and Rjqnia
fur n
will hold P-.ft Arthur Bllhuut IhJjpe- 16W-S7............................
ill 00
• I)«'trott Tril>v.»ie,
reniiy v-f war. .
.. -II1.7&: iflyi.t-iM .
spetHh. and l-deaiaphed
An .\ll-sMie with dapae.
. laH6-W»............................
• ‘S.*4,,ga6-1-T..
thm night- Can't. |K.l
Toll will understand the lmponBB<4 IKW-W..................................
1 they get lnto(tb of into vl,<i. II I- remembered tbat
The average snowfall for ths last flfteea wtateia baa been lOS.IO 'tnebee
lor prei-rmem
- • ‘It.-.11 Ri,l;':ii ha- fcitiied an alllanw
i-er supixse that "rnrt,
Tbe i^nre the Uble la studied tbs more lnteresU£r it beeoMea. nnd aunj
'i.nd- .-.ir alll-d naVte*
d anyibltig else than t
t tr. - « -•1< troulde fur us some taeU of value may be deduced from ItII II.at Kalaraaso<‘po«l. b. It f< rci-. {tu! Russia has al
ia.- i. -r. "'Ll ftl. nJ .Now . Gi*al Brilgin lam.g g" t.i wnr with us Iwcauae
■ditsr AoqaHsd ^ UWL
kntyi Ked our, «t that he w.nild derlliie.
Riu-i. '
Irlimeillol-ly i-ause iiou, ___ «
Mlnneapolta. Feb. k-The jury In thr
iltntles t>iai«-i of the Dlsrrlct of Ci.cHmInal libel case against Colonel W.
,‘lumUa. ha- liHil a i.nsllluii In the senate
■bMM^sfMtow. /
, j.
manager trf The Ttroea.
/ for atoiui liri-.-n yearn He was apCtalcago. Feb. k.—Chleako and the brought'in a verdln of not guilty. The
' pulnlid I'v .<<nal. i F.rry atiil credited
Amertran public will bav.
to HicMirat.. alihovigh be never lived In'
M' lrtivcr. 111. toiwer of Japan to dl- aeon to show lo Just what esteem they
t of the
, HMhlgan. ami never vlui-d the stale. mlolxhed l-SHaur- she hss no eiroog aliny as receiver
hold Adrian C. Anson. A grand tesUBut he Inr devoted hlm»-1f I.. MIvtalfpr i-rwBl Rrltaln's wings arv
aan Intereets. arul. by meeting ibein Minted. alK. or .nh-r Kurupean nafloB moBial to him Is to be given, and every for the Ouarauiy Loan company.
ophere, has lAH-ome aiHtualni.Hl w^h all of
’nl«tcao— TWiwiWh the Im.
I hPvriy tv- form on alliance wuh p^untiy to testify how much he or she
Ahr inoat promlneni nu n nf the state,
Burlington. N. J- Feb. &.—Three Bvta
ntii* heitcr hr lx a more valual.le man . Peupto wbu do not study diplomacy thlBkaof the Oldman That is the scheme were lost In tba Delaware river oppof,.i Mtchlgan Interydl* than nny nea may no< have a peep at one.ot tbe
glie this place last night by tbe break
man from tbe state could iwwlhly be rmndest games of diplomacy that tbe
ing of the Ice under e sledding party.'
confarencr wHh Ttaniel M. kprd, tbe The dead are; Nellie FleMa. Richard
unlll after ydara of ogperlrtice here.
world etcr saw. The great Chinese
of the Chicago . Athletic
rtalto-ti-aii. U Hung Chang, knew tbat aaaocUtlon. and the tiro arraiiged tor _ Severas and Mark toumaster. Bertha
R-nator Hal* of Maine. cAalnRan cf Hngland and other natluiu would
Fields, a Bister of NeUia. '
tht i-oinmUte* im naval aflalia. aan to partition X'hUa. He could not ten
with great dlSkculty.
that the appToprtaUon of Sttksn for hi* f.wrs tr any one. not even lo N* be dlacuaeed and fuller arrangemcnlj
the new « ar veaael to ttucoitod tbe Mk^- anii^ut. Au HV took a lour around the for tbe tmlmonlal niada.
Ua^wlll updoubledly be made. Tbere world. Foe w-hat*-For pleaiure? No.
Is.iai^Hvi'Wbtks la Tiweale.
t tbs bona* Indeed. .HI* Sole object was to go lo Rt.
of represvinlativea. but the enUra Mlcb. Petersburg and cement an alllaove with of cricket. ^lieB Grace was compelled
to retire
FoglUh public ^rranged a
,.lgan deiegallon to aorklng for H. and
Tbm ha tontUued bis journey
'll BUPC*CHj.
^th'tM.WO. Rpbi^ng aaka; '«hall we
I baa ben reallow AnaoD to gb into retirement with'
Ueniy BIU. who dlaappeared from om ahowing him some mark of oar catbr -TtBloaagon BooMer In MartlDavtlla. Ind.. about twenty yaaia tsemr* Anaon wiu not play flr« for
Batttmora. He *^; ‘‘H’hcnevdJ-1 play Ot the property. WlMon
flrat time Mnet tbaa. Ha la rtcb ai Las- babe ban again It will ba apdar my own to that duty. The tiabUIU«g..pr* MIAmi OMU. mAiTA
i,5 nSasAisMss
West Michigan.
^ li
Atuneyt at Law.
•Asa* la Haatagwe kieeh. Travetsr OHy! Mick.
srs/k’ENN CAHDS.
M. Hrrewatlle Co. Bl<
^ BORTOK. M.J> . Phjwtotaa and
........ ■¥»-•
“1 trstt. stJSS'i ‘L.’srr sx SSi ■
‘E'l;: ■'"'-‘-rjs.Triscitr™;;
and will aneiid praaptlT to all day ,
rails. «prelsl atleeltoe gleeo to d
mad rktidreo's disraaew. Markbam I
Ol BATgR. nmarsTPasagr Agb—.
unsm UD HRinsnii li
I'uonly r.anoer, OSr*
OO PMsdriefa uSkT^naaa
tnia»a.ana vOre.M.
oonia iroBTB. •
■Mrsaoa. Oear Ftoat
(IlaaM driMititoUy 6l
^OPOg • OOl^^Jlluw^ys aad ran ItoeJ
Cblaf L
-------a City...........
• •
•CWH Rgirr-Miii rt______,____ _
C ablnale rig Beet -barges eery r
a* H Vwlar. eu Freot BtrsM I
OysUickeme......... “
TfbTws* OUy....... Ayr
k RBKT-Ooad.reoayheaatea a
.- laqetoe at Oral Weed
I. S arvUIrkCa. I»-U
JSSlS-TT.Sf*-•*« k«W** tbam.
Dr. S, Wdr Mitchell, the Author
of "Hugh Wyhne;'
I (hU tlin« bp
I clop.
> Audr mpdl-
'It !■ wfll knovD
n b>- thp frlpod* 6f lb«
Carcer of the Author-Ph^*ticijuL i UltchpU
doct<«-'s toratniljr thot
did luit »pp promloP
Hii Profeeional'Experieoce* Uipt
thi- '»>n‘B &umipa. and.
' Fitted Him Admirably For younc man had I«ppo atudylnsafier
ThiP rrrdlrtlon aaa provi *
Fiction Writmg—Acct*
■ before
• t- p fat
dental. Publication of
could hav<
His First Period*
aucceaa that was In atore for the
U U only natural, under the cireumical Contributioa
atancp*. that S Weir Ultcbell aboald
Dr. Holmes'
B aa ae
thlBca ao auhouutUaUy ap*^aa>
haa materially advano i
fora of
dne and literature.
The aeven or el<ht year* Imnedtalely
of the nervou* ayaletn. ..About II
preeedlnE the rtvll war «^*re year* of
it almple, but eomplex !
aim.he lertured Id Hallltnacr upon
h poi*on i*
■Treat a< ll\-fiy for Dr. Ultehell. Hr bad
t RlulUlile.
America a* •|he
hU place in make aa a t>nirlltlD*pr. but
I Kapip* a* "the
ahlle thl* la often quite enensh fer
from lime to time frran I>r, Mitchell’s
'Mllrlu':i irraimpQl.'' At flr*i thi*
pen. and he has over and over resumed treatment sn* lauxhed at on t*glh sides
his lavestUtaClona In thl* dlre.-lo.n. of tbe Atlantic. Kmlncnt authisdciM
hi* lime and enency:
onre-intu the wrltlnK of liapera on 9>ed. Quite reconlly be read an Imimrlani pa- here Bird abniad d,s-Uxed it to he an
leal and allied topica the first ot'a'hleh per upon “Crolalus^olson" before the absurdtly alnwst loo extrayaranl. for'
was published in Itt:. and before the National Academy uf Science. Thb* w i:i seflou* consid. ratlon. while Us reported
I rasulls were eoiuldrred far loo brlllUnt
decade belaecn iSSO and lUO was fax shortly appear In print.
In l**J Dr Mitchell entered upon , for IslfeJ. It has rew-ued numberteaa
advanced be had beaun a aeiie* of pa
rs. Into the* nature of three years’ work as sn army suiwe'm. '
servinc Aral In tbe Chrlatian 8lrvet
polsona particularly the chemical
toty of nnake venoma. - Karly In
.if|. I Tumer'a Lane h<«pltal. He bad *j>ectal
Blstle* a larpe
ro. leharpe of aoldiera anfferlnp from nerv- >
traied quai;to t-c
/ 'A
i: „
All «.0d.
In. Mitchell-* atlentific and
I profeSsJnnsI publlcjitlnns .fraiMT*. pansphleis HH'I volume*. Issued from
IKSi. im lu.lv,—nuni^ IIJ.
tJ. Kvery
K' '
of them 1* Ihe rysuU of ortxtnal
iKtnal 9^nal
liiveetlcation. and they V mostly brtef.
He^b... l-en asked m. e than V
bbe irround that
he Is nut wllllne to undertake lalair In
which he must depend almuac altoicetber
the irralna and work of other per-
> medical literature
'raiure < tbe day
..xnised. He also I
1 pomIS and one
Stoirde* of merit. Two oC his lyrics.
*Tbe Old ftona.and the Newjtona'' and
“Prairie |.«a." on<-e ha3 a wide popuUMty. 8..Weil .Mitebell was une of
oipht children, of whom two alster* and
a bri'lhrr survive, Three of the broth
ers served In the cirll war.
^ Dr. Mitchell's lioyhond was paased
amid the Klve and take of a larpe fainfly. the member* of which were con•taally spurred to intellectual actlvlty
throaxh the .example or a father at all
times mentally alert., who constantly
-aarhuxared hU children In dl*cu*slun* of
the Wetatore of their own and .arller
times. Ttie boy's natural trend tosard
llev. Dr.
It aould be
friend (Mpa
It t
connected aith 1
and hi* trained e^e at «.B<-e mded th«
\-a!ue of Ihe iiapet aa a cootrlbatlOD CO
hi* periodical. It Wmed of auch vaJua.
indeed, that.the ifadlnc article for th*‘
number, then abate to iv to plena, era*
lifted ,iul iif Ihe form* aAd ‘Tbe Caao
of .(pemr* Dedlm
ly. and Dr.
first InUrualioB
;he r«epe
-.......... inclosing
liberal cfaeidi an4
author on /tlic frssh
ness, unconvenfl
illty and -powep'dC .
biB w oiic. Sunir oi my re
member the sketch, ft t f written Is
such reallatlc taattoe as
scrtptlon* to be rnlaed for tbe tmagW
nary Oeorxe Dedlow'a support and cniw
An, extendi) dlacusalon of tb*
case foUowed
It was aorae t
si(«d (bat no such armb
luw reaJI}' exitfed.
Dr. Mip-hell dni not in any neasa
abandon medb-lnv Kbvn hr tuok up the
writers pen. He still aitrirds to taM
with all hS oM time vl*or.
ncrrcsllnxjto note that he ha*
inir-idui-ed a disufcct patholucical por.-wiw une of his novMs
iruiiurc Into .-wn
Ttiu* In "HuKh Wynne" be has txace4
with unemns banil the proxfeaa uf th*
prorplnent character *«(•
iimlcldal melascbolM. IS
'vBuland Dlak. ' ^e disease thns de*
ph-tvd Is hysli-rla ind In the story new
apisirinr in tvniiry an-ih-r form of
mental tualluv w portrayed. In vhlcdt
the |e-rs,m afTe- tjd I* SUbJe, t to al
ternate flu of iDtdnae eUtIun and mclan.-holy.
[ . '
Dr Mitchell
bis literary a-rtUr«
In the stunmer
On Jvnv 1 ha
leuv,-* PMladHptJk and iroe* to Canae
da. where he flshea fol-aaln-on on sor.i*
of the Canadian rivers. Then he *ne«'
to hi* earner horn- at Bar Uart>or. It
I* thef^YVt he wsrllea. when be #ev!a
In. lined, ih the n^rnlnxs until be I*
ready to return Ip Philadelphia. H*
d<w^ all of his wrltlBK* with the pe'^
He never dictates this work, and It I*
wei: known that he puts an unusual
Hls serious Iltera
tisedsii I
sulu of Dr. Mucbell's work In retcard lx
raltleanakv pols.iii was bmuKhi out by
tbe'KmlthsoDlan Institution. Thl* was
undoubtedly Ihe moat vnluabl- work
of omcinal research yel published upop tbe subject, and while, am Dr. Milcheil sava li .'onlalned some errors since
C»irre. ied hy himself and ..fhejs no one
ha* increased the st.jrv of .Information
the habits, anatomy i
taken up by Pr. Mitchell, aided by l>r
llelchert of the Dtjlversity of I'enneyl'
i vanla. and this iBvratliraUoa revolted in
, necInnlBC- From QuesneUe the llae 'wlH ' called Into requisition and combined
- with the Infi-rmatlon furnished hy a
nerty of men w ho. at the Inetamv of
til- loule bvlDC u* folloW's:
lU miles distant. Haxleton. ,NK> miles Ihe company took a prospc-line trip
larlh-r on. Teh-crai’h ctvek. 310 mlM: *'-mc months Iwfore there waa dancer
of knowledce betnC'*hul -’If
, .
Ift; Ric Wrnon river. 3«: l.ltlle Salm hy winter. Thl* latter party. Mr. Hos• •
fiilrly Ulon vivrr. M. Five Fincer rapid*. B:
Felly rtv.-r, 5»: Whitt- river. «: Sixty rvet line ,-ouId Iw built und still many of
dillb’Ultle* avnld>-d'.
Mile rlv*-r. 31: Daa^,n City. <3 « total
The mute does not Im ludr the fapmus
Chllkoot pass, but dudees the Issue by
golnif to the east of thl* monument of
mer Slate* It I* tbe Inlentloa of the (hath an'd de*|ialr. There la no pulnl
eomiany to e*tabll*h •latPiBs overy on the |Truj"vted line. Mr. Ht«mer say*,
four mile*. The line will, to a certain where there will not be xnalnlalned a
aMe rood Ju*t so long a* “the
extent, be a Canadian r'verntnieit afexrwcled it will Iw lllUb- I -will pernill." In fact, the conlion ol the line mally means a new
lann-ly by the mounted i>ollco
Ter» soon tbe weary overland trav. In tb-ir •'omiiiunliettons. In fai-|, the route to the Kloithlke. and one which Is
•tor to the Klondike will be able to fol- Canadian A>veram,-nt ha* ivally.Leen Ukcly to find Krvat favor wllh thoM
a more direct roufa by couniinc the acting 1n pfim-rrl wllh the company. whs prefer an overiand Journey.
telegraph poles, for It will only be a
■hort while bt^or* Dawson City will be
wire with
toorld. ■
The rout* for tbe first teleirrapta line
tsto the Klondike El Dorado ha* Just
h**n decided upon, and by tbe middle
•f next-surnhiec the line Till be open
"tor bttalpeH ilr Charfe* R. Hoamer.
■u^rlntendent 'of the 'Pacific PovtaJ
Tnitorraph company, which
the Canadian I'lu-iflc Kallway
uadsr another t
-, ir now la Montrsal eoaipletInE
last. detalla.^r tlM
A "New Telegraph
Route Soon to Be
Four Chief
Routes' to
Alaska, '
nil.,8. WEin MJTCHKI-1-.
dealt.with threw times.
nus disorder* and wounds of nerve* Hla
’ Besldea. Pr. Mitchell corracU >U proot
e*|eTlenre* Jn the Army bospUiLl
• experlenre li
prmcllloner bad served him mnst
broueht Inio beine a volume rm "isunpraUmlnary
to tbe third «t
shot Wound* And other Injurle* of the aumirsoiy *■ a |oeuo<<i,ai>
n«a»i iwc
^nerallon* of .
Nerves.'' written In collaboration with the study of human natore, and there
1‘rofesaur W. W, Ke-m and ur. ileoree Is not the allxhiesi doubt that hi* power
. .
Horvhnusc. li conta/ned mu<-h that i as a fiction writer 1* in icreai
wa. -niirely new c-oncernln« nerve In.- rlred fi»m Ihe wonderfully vaHed st *re University of Pennsylvania and f»iw
Jurlee a
nervous disorders and wa* of homaH expi-rl. nee* which he ha* heen
• fourth peheratlon of profe*.
UTJ by a much lanfer work able to lay up durlnit his profewrtottal ,
>“«>• i»or U >»e himself wuhort
.ffi similar lines by pr. Mitchell alona.' rareSr.
lUerary tApaclty. 1^ i-,ellcal work n«
This volume It today considered the , Dr. Mitchell's flrFt eontribtyion to the | h»s brother. Mr. U^un E. Mitchell,
four K«Brrvat ■lorehouse of facts concerning in- periodical pres* came shout by.acriJune* ..f'the herxe* and their dtserdera ' deni, .and the stoir thereof, which ha*
rarer' than such alncln
andd haa
lieen liberally drawn upon liy j im't'ahly,
print before, tn"as-ihat of the author of "Much
a of * rnmes to me f
• I anurre. In thl* f<
djcatlona of •
these case* ha* l— n
Bdentlfic nature, clinical and
mad- by l>r- John K. MlKhvIl, Dr. Ihe
iln* P«"
v,„ medical InvestlgatloBs an^lhc prodM*
-MllrbeU's son. in a hlrhty urixlnai vol- Srith fri-nd* Ihe question a* to whet....
ume, the title of which la "History of , lot* of physical members Involved loo* ; t*®" -- pure lUerpture—ficUon aai
Nerve l,e*lona“
of any portion of one's, indlvlduallly. :
Dr. Mllchvira numerous taper* on .\* a r^ll nr that dlscusslnn >e wrote
Dr Mitchell
a lorn-on. the ISth 4
diseases uf the nerv,-* h-d to hh> beinr
nut Ibeninposltltlou* rase bf on* GeorceFebruary,
Hla bralch
m contlBae*
extensively <-»nsulted and 1-> a .chanm#
DMIow. who had suffered the ampuls- sxceUent
form in yaarsb
In hi* carver which t«,k him out of m-n- tinn of both aras and both leca. The \
ly every V>Wr. At e»vry station
drvp..Biww.section It will therefore be
n*->esJSIy- toa
lalore a sufllcl'-nt quantity
:ot provisions
av,dd any dancer of
starvation of .th>T?5ecraph vmpbiive*
even under extraorvl Inary vlrvurastances.
Thl* mean* a heavy outlay, when
It I* onalderyd that Ihe uniform rule
of a slatlor every four mile*- will, a*
Btated, !*■ adn|ited by the eom|«ny.
The .iffii'lsl* of the i--iro|i*ny believe
of ih.-»- .'ij n»cv*ril>' m*>t t>e Inured
.-d in
almost a* would he ub*.-rv-cd fn *--le.-itne in,-n to wi«r the unifonn »f I'n-'le
Ram In addition I- thl* (en-e of u|>erators It will ts- nrsstuuiry <» have. It
1* estlmaled. at least l« linemen, and
'their duty will Jse iwrllous—fufly a*
much ao a* -that -of their breihren In
xhe blB cltb-s before Ihe day* of undercr>>und wire*.
Mr. Ilosmer d<sa not la-lleve the dm-'
pany <i1Il find It jM,«*lli1e to employ the
female telegraph operator to an)- nx-
execution of the task the moment the than
n instancy
weatlier permit*. Indeml the comi<any The
expecti to break all records In tele- that
In NoUrab
iber la now *»•
craim imlldlnc- Mr. H,iamvr has Just ramr
e Dall^ t
to mlM
r-iurned east from a trip to Vlrturto. j from PyramidI herbdr. ■>nd they
Vancouver. Seattle and Ran Pranctaco. f never«et thr,m«h ihl» winter. It to fol.
TTie statements made by him. iberefuia. ! !y to altempi the Dalion trail now. and
are laaed.on (lersonal knowledce.
‘ later H will be.^mi>oa>lble on account
The stories told and the oplnl-n* of tbe ■noa.'kC^* nif>; a late summer
vou(h»afed by Iieople Who h«Ve be-o i
n-Tth an t ivrbitiw more by thoae who
Colonel Pomvl
ivllle wi* cake,
h. ve not lwn*t-- the piii^BI civilised ‘ tbe RUriieen wa»!
a 4"od as tbe other
lasl a*
■■ut'klrt* of Ihe Yukon ^dd rv«l«n. IT-'route* meatlonedL ■Tfce riv
g>ie>lim; the pn<*|,e<-|» of *u've** In i open until th- jAih'«
I tf Uay
reachlDC the gnldfi^d* differ very | "and Teaaels drawing
IX inly
widely Am.inc those w-ho have been, tun there In summer] I win l«l yotc
to Skaeruay recently and who nrv In a itlat unlen the created caution la eier*
t«eltlun to siicak authoritatively of Ihe ; rt*ed mapy tteople will los- iheir mOQeF
condltb'O of thing* In theWrth.i* U«u- and never evt In
U>uk at tbs
tenant -Colonel James pumvUle. M. P.. laillce. who have founJ
of Itotheuy. N. B. He rpade his Inve*. i get in thnlr Mores. .A»i
ilcajlons at great perwmal lacotiven- . I will go In by the w1
lenc- with a view to obtaining all poo- I wllh a ftorty."
slide InfOrmatton prior In colng In with I Tbto Is the long**]
^ of MB*.
the exp-'ditlon which be will lead In the, nmte*. hut »on>- wilt j
by It
I no pa.-klnc will haw tl i. !- done, though
Beside* visiting Rkaeguay-and tbe i the time In which It in be used Ir lira.
____ _ ....
1 Rt. Mb-hael'a, on NortiW
and It was of hi* ohserratlnn* I thlel. Bering *ea- Herv next aeasoB
the re that he recently chiefly spokw there will be'found a *umb-.T of steam,
when In •-onvvrsBlIon with a eepoiter. ' er* running up the rHer to Circle Cttp
'We are now making preparation* for and Daw* m City The total dtotaac*
an expeilllloh." said he. "and w ill start 1»> thl* route I* about L«0 mile*,
a* noon a* It Is practicalde. It Is not I For Skagmay a Mekmer 1* taken dl.
pracib able now, I have made Investl- ' r*. ( fnon Vara'-uvt'r Reveral guide*
gallons and I consider that the White that have been toaued »Ute that to get
pass, from Rkagguay.
the only spring : to Skaggu*
nmte.t 'go In by. tt'hen I wa* at 8ksg- fromVIcto
gusy, there were lOM peo.ple In that lirvly e
town, and all were housed, and I would ' direct
trip I
later on."
Colonel Dotntlfle further »kli) ttiat U
he m as a young man he would go to
Rkagguay right away and go Into the
KTovUionlDg bualDiess. There wa* mire.
arid he. to be a demand there In the
»i>ring fur proMrion*. People leaving
th* south would have to buy vartou*
]B VMlllr tbe actual work hk
and the •urveyor* have already
pllahe4 a mod deaf beiw-vi. Quand Fort Fraser—the flrwt two
npMi the route—where the flr»t aeetlon
of the new.Iln* to localcl.
JIM. Then the Wratem Union Telecraph
mmpany made It* famoua aiti-mju
exoneet Aria and the United Rute*. lias
luntry through Thlch the new II
ifr-unllT the present pang In tl
heg*n ft* Journey.
Drea. W hich Tin be Tt miles long- The
• •owpnny estimair* that the totaf'eost
• Till be In
the vicinity of tlto.wt. Of Morse thto
dintrattle* met Titb Us BUiTey
■trui-tloti. for • considerable portion ec
the route I* unknown In detalL Tbs e*.
tlmate given, however. 1* Intended
eover an inoreaRe over the flgufsa ortktnally comi>utrd, -an ample aUoranc*
baring b.s-n made '
TelsffThpbic comntunJrailon with th*
le difficultle* of eonitriietlea a
world extol* n* far north as Q«e*nelte. so great with this llae a. might be lin.
B. C.. which I* sume C« mil** poxth by aglned. Before maktna the aelecUon of
iiorUiw«« of 8catUe. This to the rca- rouU tbe knowledge of <*ien who
( familiar with the coonUT t
oato (sr Us belBg choaui as tba print ot
had l>p*un the pracil,-p of mrdlclne.
When a Ud. he attracted the boUce of
OTlyer Wendell Holme* ai ihe table or
Dr. John K. llltehell. and be no plMaed
it'oprrlcht. iwt.)
older poet that he »ave him a e»py
. Ja. Krb, ♦. I>r. S. Weft Of hU 'llaUail of. the. ConaUuHlon,.n
ailtcbell. the oldtPi ' •lory aiitrr in
Anaeflca. whoM «uvel 'Nuph Wyane.
Vtee Quaker.' ha» n-arhcd a aale'riaiBK
•f W.OM. coiuf* hoD'i-ily by
•hlUUea. bulb medical and llirtai).
Hla arandfathtr. Alexander fclltchell
' of Vltalnla. wV* of ttcuU^ hirtli auU one !
«r the ahlesl physuianh in the tallcy |
« VlTfinla. ICarl.c in life Pr, John K. .
SHtchell. fattier uf Ih" prasr-iil utilbor- j
. phyalclan. raUbUshvd hlm»eir in DWIa- i
dajphla. He^e I'oth h. a pra.-tltloner
•Bd a* a pruieaaor in the JeffeTo-'ii JdrdleaJ colleire he eami-d «Ide reputation :
«• a leader In hie imcf.Tuilon, He was
one of the firat U. make sclenuftc inve*.
tICaClon uf -attlmal inaenetlam." iir
hypnutlsni. a* ft m-u i.rnp it Hi*:
“ a of fevt r* were much In ;
sntll the lad was old ,-doosh.
nsonc the
tather'a Judgment, to rend wUh dl*. which I* sUll said t.
earnmenl. 1 am Informed that an etriy prised |«B*e**lotis of
r Dr. MitchBumber of The, Century Maxaslne will "HuKli Wynne" When
.lecldi-d to print a small vol
•onlatn a poem from Dr.' Mitchell'* pen ell.
talllns ho<^ h» was allowed when a U>y ume ,it Verse. It was refefTvtl hy Ihe
of It to open .a volume of Hhakesie-arr pcbllshera. Ticknor A Fields, to. Pr.
for the first lime ■"Henry W was se Holme* forVonslderwtlon. As Is well
known, from Ih.- ststemeiii reiote In tbe
lected for tbe InllinI rendlnc.
Pr. MUrhell entered the i'niverally of | dedlcMtb>n of one of l>r Mu. heir* buoka.
rsnnsyliania at U year* of axe. in-jPr Holme*, advised Dr, Mitchell l<
tendlnx to take the full course, hut waa , wlih.lraw these verve* snd to r^cmald♦WUfed to 1-sve the instltutloi
- - -............................ -
M. •
land It
‘ hiirhiy
tt ha* i>ren Beceasaxy In ptaaniag thU
ily to bear In mind th* fnct
.. ....
_ A pleasant (eatur*
•t ot tMOntenance to Ukety ... the operator to that the salari**
that .the Toet
Ilea* ot paid will be what axe known a* 'top
tn* rout* tne *nowrau u smviy we. Boteb."
What » nric ran he aeeompUriied this
roendou*—very like that to the eMnlty
------------.nr^ipopie waof
Dursngo. COio
Colo . wnwv
%g. winter w Ml iw briskly pushed forward
- p*et to be snowed up'fv-r w eek* regular. ■ and cveo tbliig mad* ready ter furthSP
«mall »lt-a»a<-r from
Proni Rkagguay the
hi* way Ibcourh the
ha* h*en much wr
. culllr* i>f getting I
all whr. have per
got Iherv, barring
aivldmu. which uxe
laa. Ther«
abont the dllfi.
> this pass.- I'Ut
Bcem b> hava
who met TUh
ble to happen to
expedition. By
fits. Through t
mlwed that this
I be much ItnOroved. thl* pe«a
giadually work iheir way out t
Henn.Ht. and by’apri
. 'apring their outflti lekd* to Lake LJmlei-^n where a l*oat
woitJO tw •-.-nriderably llghtened.*e that *Mll haw Ic be built
it would be neceaaary for them to return Traveler* who intend r<mt via D>M
to Skaxruay—there was newheie eUe— , wUI’also find a dlrt-ct «train(r at Van*
and repleotoh them.
; couver not a hundred hard* from wher*
“Now. then." be continued, “befurs they get off the Canaflian Faclfic trala,
Ihirtlea | '
and people will be >ncsmped all along have their etulf |«rked through Whit*
tbe trail to L*be Bennett. There will pa**- A pack trail was cut over th*
be with those who <-<-me later a great Bunrnit Ia*t yrar, and It U cgpacted
army of people. They talk about going that a cable tramway win be in opeea.
down on the Ice. but that I* impraetu i tbm early next year. ; Thl* ronu oBaiff
cable. They wJti have to wait until the ' no more danger* than the White para
river opfne In May- The lumber around ; Thto route prutntoes do be laipeiy pad.
tbe lake 1* l>ring used up fast and 1, rooised this year. A isteamer 1* takaa«
think It ImprohaNe .that all these pso. jfrom t'ancSirar to Fsrt B'rangeU. and
pie win get through. 1 am ronvtaesd there river •tra'hter* [win be found la
that there arc only two good routes by ! readiness for the cohUnnstlon of tha
which 10 voter tbe^BlBTregtons. Tba j^ournry ur tha rircr to Olenora or T*W
one Is to attnric the White pass and get' raraph creek.
k. At pretet
a portage had
Into lake Bennett In time to go down ! to be roadt after a trip at M mile* op
the river In th* spring, and the other i the river: i >ut a railroad has been soiw
to by the mouth of the Tukon. -br at- > veyed from these to XJ
tampt the Dalton trail now to Voiaa ith* watar Journey a
r Jlr*. KMron Mid Mr. Ki«
DMih UM mi imi.
AtDM« Uie no»^ pMple who «i»d .tirkH ijx^bct imit gi^
TbUrtim. th« frt« wm
• pUin
. L >
............... I ifI11
i' sold rioR. and asaiu b« M...
va« roe
laid ol.
t- ! lie put <>■« riuff caitdoli; aaaj sniil it
____________ ....
____ _________ __________ -- >- ! wo* iie«le«l at bh weddiOK. a f»w
mrnt umitkin cuiim« up Hi •.Hu.fonu'.and
Swrdiib mr-tmior ofSKuawita.
fSlyuaioita, •1 wooih*
ipuoib* latt«r.
latt>r. and
aad U
>1 an baiiixurd
all the ivtxwtcrt ua airtuapnadriue a»d 1
a *001 * Wi-d'at S10.- i bia l*We '»aa
Unit w»auo ti
. ....
' «.i, ...... at., ir...!.. 1. n
^ tlml
B«aid4un*t« •* ih* Order M »«*
Ward Uw.vbtT, tartutur Ilauirl ;
j lad baa lAra-llitl Ua.Ui iji
' l*tu4. 1U«.-C
— . mtulailon- io JbeOlil Y«rt dinatltuttoni ■■* VourlirtB. Ut-MFtal Jn HhuJliy. the 1
Work 1- j«»i
Lida E. Hnwell waa divtariMl at
G ■ L ■ i I -j ItT' ^ of
»b*'r*' ao- 1* arth-ks. and arUt-k- 5 Conii<derate oa»alrr l<«i)<-r: Jiarph R
Mri)-* tmlldin* ............tehiaiti tbe olbi-r <lar tmui bet bos- ; {
H«-k ...........
jHlaad. The
-a camlidai. uiuai l.-wlihout lik-ni-> MKluliasb, editw Bud war PurrarpiaidkalldlKK will b^T&fnd b.<r l:!6 and lhr«r lab and ba\r Ibi-full aud pptpiT UM'of bU
lud, (irviritv W. licnrrll. wbu will I*.*
J„hanu.a'Brabuia, ibr e.3Wikii«1_
alorlc> h»|rti. rtlth a 10 foot »ot»haa«rlucot. llniba. (ur a uialiurri man ran du ibe otaft
in wuahTti Kamau as ,tbe , {
na Mih- b Uallan rroabBawe. aod’lka BORiiud. — Vulao of Maaoniy. rwl eris-rt: W. s». Holmairof liidiaoa. biR Iwulier tlcsOet wbo failt^. a few *
Tbe roonn-ttrut Maaihlr hame baa Si
.e-WaU hclia:dMbeTr.manrT:” itar-' .'o*» a«i». Liidtr the i«mi. of the d-lliiiiah-a—17 iiiiUr and 7 friuali-. Tbi' arHnweU most pay bis wife
Uuruatti. Vbe SwtU Afiicau ape<--, «-m«I Mr.
enutr ace of tbi<iu all b mcr ~l yttktiL
,0011 III lUKiailiiirnts of
a mnulii.
isuiia wrirkiiMi iaSL Jin oiiasal- •»
dtsrlRR tb« T«r INiiVirm! Pr«f«-» '
IWMk. WmI mm* •
to jny
]ny I<nit U:e aliimm;
Uie KMtert. .Star m Nrw Jciwjy, with a 1
Ireland. Tl.titu irf a m<mt extraitf h oHitiilis lu
Sp. nklUR nf aliiiiiiuy. au <sl<( Mirt, •
tout itKnuU-riiblinjM.WKi.
j dmary twwtif a.s iili nial Imiuotialiiy
am Ik ri‘|» ril'd Iruui .Srkau-a
ThcMa-onirhoBMiuf MliawuH ihclten >'r-. Ojij.haul, the U.rieliM: JrtUI lu
ISt iiiiiioiiw—i? glrio. »a U^s. tw moo sehAv. in.viliei ami i-h-u-Ii: Omul • wiwrea
auiisoiiiui: li^ry
—..' '•
Miiisu. Ill'' Ja|B
l<>enti:i', abthiir •ami eiiiiKiuii*i;'t auo-1 AIht i.nnun
imsltlon ip I'
Mll"l. b-'W. VI
ltl.|-l» •
»rr. and be
• Bstmii. SpaliWi prumiw; j » rivli
’ klauinry tlmii ihai ul past nnuirr,
................................ Ikuw, jotmialisi: tSiHirR.' M. liaU'.;:n*; i ;
------- -- rtijiir whols tvndy te Ulwr alti ,
iffigilrtlor of Uio I’nllmaii .
wiK.i'MTSiimjiiaa. kooi laLuxiiL I nax'wid omrsy fur ibi'«iKd ij his lod«o. ;
<Br. ayaUMu: ."nr .Ii.bn Uilts-ri.
Itilln-rl. !I «*f-i
v.if- I iI ..'i .
will ha In harmuny. [ Thirc an' IIW rhaplifs of Rojal Arrh
It will baaf . Ma~ma 111 tiiwa. aliti a
a of RTanlm of T..iM
ft l*nlBrav... ,ait 4ml tamivW: tbi
aad llir .uiaTririJcturr fit prnwwd Urick
^1 the annual ri-unlim'Dl thi- Maaciela
Wlllfati. '
We Always Vest Their Best Prices, and
Go One Better
-A Woman’s Shof. the l>est in the ^'ity. for $1.00.
Misses’ Shoe worth $1.75 for ORc. Men’s Dress Shoes,
stilitlj Sl.lfi.
I'rictrs Fcdiiccd in WarmiShoes’
This Should
Interest the Ladies
1.1 :
-Why. Juu.
U.U )i u ckiad that ;
lal of ihi- I'Rkt The llrwl'fluor will ba
emubor «< ji
man lor;’
„jil as workrixitiis fur cl.-rks and prlnirfs ‘
Tbi- Am-mni
A;.rlaad><e Br radf
. "To a%ni<l'«i,.„l‘... J Lm-w-»T'd Nlt> tbr tarlons> drpartuirot*
drpartuirflt* t»t tbeWasl- taallixit
Ufe aldeof ' thr irlnrtpal <
1 (numlta^utii'ill c^inili-uce iu Edr- |
‘ ^1’’
^ »»««■ !
In-tilh 49^'(al minkia and
' tnuirawlll bcibr rhlid clerk saflWa
lami liiai Ibtntfit* of aiaui' kind or lodt
on tbr other a parlor fur bullra. On tne . —
IS rCGn^ of ■
fw bit kuTuiw. wloT a loUl » ■ uld briiiK llaiii tliroURli ail ri|!bl.
Itniwn—Wliai would vi.u do if some ‘
elan, the sanrtum <J tbr rdltiw ot Tba ' ua-uihcrdilr of »W.
. but 1 lov.it lici .mr able I., satiafy Uir as
Woodman and vaHous tvoOm for •xiinalUhlnoe Jane M the Prliirr of Walm. B«»nd ' «■' l*‘'« Eaklauil inolil bi- f.d nadi-t War one should liwM- you tlbb.duui'
Jiiuee—l anp]i Ml I'd.is'Kiu to tcalito
le niifiiiiini.
{ marter of Jdaaons. has Kiwi>t«d wsrraiita fimiluuair Nuoiii-fsvmal loapnndlaMi
Haauiiio tiuii lu tbe griai wars with Nnpoleim
l.lbU.UVO really ta—New
As tb* aorlrly RTOWS older t^r mat of ; M the aamliUdnui iil of
tbe Uiiiiud Kiugili.n. wae able |o fv«d Vurk Tratb.
1 as late US Ibe CHwas only nt oMIa per niembrd.
Ihat-h the tiumu pTUduu1 of l.smdon obyurla to
A'“huiiirr'a huttun" U a badgr of high
g at^.
bonorintbe Uudi-m Woodmen of AbmcIcb ttoblk installalka uf aBkerf-mp^dally ;<,ualtei> uud tb« iiupitt. .«ly I.
• The Modem Woodmen now have a total
of b.lMi camps and a total tneinberablp of
B«.0<W , .
bow that the long esnilnga are bne do >>W JiTiwy an- euintog In to (he-vomiutt- I
toe In rucb gratify Ini
3.” 1« llTlUg llIrum liBudlomootb !
hiiiuv prujeit wlU | “b
ram tba Iwla-I that tbe
Mamus } move than .piiiple
any id«* cf. I f When la iie«d of Auytbiiig lu ihU
_ ___ ___
‘ve aoyidMcf.
It fur woodemn.
of a property III eerry I found from tbe laid autbiglty
autbidity I mol
liae rem«iat«r
la tbe place
to learc
Tbera were but tea aasoMmeoU during
for Uu-lr purpoav
p‘~-~ —
gi-l iu I.iviTpiolihatln Angurt. whan ]
to the tiMenitty.
_____ Ibe supply of
It eoau «6 and the mnlloal axaminatton
oiiic temple Uithllli
tif iiiipurtw was for Urtween 1 daiUfacUoo*aara«teed
fere to bvenme a member of the Modem b slowly slaking, and lu rool la now.w
gmj.t.rtir weoka o»Iy. inquiry in
LMeh^or orders at office or cal
Woodmea of Auiertim.
Urrhia out of Unit, Tbe huge atrta:lure U „ou,berof
ra’ shops diicloallig the j
SlMk -n.4 B r...Sl.MB VBB Bl_n.
Tbe aroragv age of monherablp la now
only Si. 7A years. idM{Wlng that as tbeaool*ty Increaste in age tba BTi-rage age of tipi
large laOicries le« than a week, tu tbe '
eeUre mcmbumbip la gradually gmwing
This la due to the adaitloo uf MW
, mills fbrwiglourwcuka Two mooths'!
‘siopistorof fiirvigu vuni would rodiwe >
A 'Fewer' la CtrilU
Tbebenaflclarlaaof s'i.MS matuburshave
tin raliout fur Ibe people to abnm raie- |
ablp. lasve aad 1
an paid slow tba ordir was tBsUlnod
I fourth <«f w^t is n*|alri.<d. and tialf of ;
257 Front Street
While tMd Felluwabip bas become
it would bare to be Bevnivd by Ibe nimwWiwjirvad, mrry liig tai lu opnrallons In !. ,„„nd
iiiund .d
of niauydieerBent
niauydtrerKi-nt and lengtbeut^ '
Kuni}*'. Asia ami Aiiiei liw under the
M-a rtiutoK.—Niueliimth CeuRiry.
of nut liwtbaii lb uitfeienl
lie Extra C Sagar........
aloiiai enclnling tbceiiillsed world «Ub
Hay-bpaar P
w t'aespeeied Oawst.
-N X^X \ Coffac.....................
yuehaiiitf Imlgia. II >• 111 Canada aud
Boprema Chbnft-tkir ColgroTe ilcslTes
-a „..;? ;>
It., fio.,:
Wtsll as many grand lodges as pomlbie tbe. I'miMl Mali* that II bat attalmil lu
during his term of ofDre aud has arrangi^ great.*) pio'eraml lias bemiii* a n**« eoiuUri tbe ItanogbUosii. inronriderate ' I .galloe beat Cldpr Vinegar..
■ 1• gall
—lion Head UgMOll............
tbe tulWlng
ulWlng daua
tuT ilay. lew^S auil ba* nlsaildartid- li> tbr dvielopuinii of clxlll' i man wlHi in a
call.in haii**lltiK all utln-ravular wrle-, auks yon to acnmipany him Lome' aud 1 gallline rboiee Table Krrup...
•■luiairil the
tbr graud
.. pot Im k'f Yon ar.......................................
iMbaack Buckwheat Flour...
mall is 'iii be vislliil to arrange, (heir daUw lli*sjiilhis ii.liUlK-lil ll
tu suit
II lumitilv. Hlstlntfsareaslullow’s os.au Is; awiTiaiu.ll. tt ai-ku..nki(Mvs n lulally unesis'etHl. atgl
suis rior nii...iig ilt.-mall in th« vnsi vsieti
rmoty . May 4. .
May S. Indian Tern
Ilf Its U'lieiuli'li.v- — Ik.iulliluii Odd Fcl uiiilvd ihm y.iii are as uiiwelcotne as IHwlft.*! Heal HaeoB
batua; May <1. Klurida:
da; iiay k. Ti nnia
'xpeiT.-d. (>«iM**{ocut]y ynu'i
May lU. Mlssi
\eaf I*rd ..
•; May 1 "
Mgns nlt& |ia..JW.<rd* liuiy be UsitI l« all'iIl«Ct>alllly nugry witli'.vtnir liostess' Choice i>k-alc Hama
May H. Mi.'h:gai>. Uay Kv Kaussr. May
roll' Iiieuils.i.tilp ll/ tbe onkT. bul the', ■‘•drllli-*. ViIB. LouNlana. May IV. <iia.igla; Hay IM.
i1.lemish.il ■ li.-irw-UT aud an . i •-plilig O
lint .. -e. ... ,..n. I
aliuuitamw vl r«sd w.»Ls
m.»l awful aud
.live (.■nrw's tor tbe '____ i
Mlstouri eiK-ampmeiii Imii.b made a “man." Vimr biMeas meanwhile, bar. ‘
gain Ilf -dl:; but.viwr
. j|,g madew liurri.il n.ih t aud liiil als.ut ^
All iii.'ii are vnililisl to equal rights la > not kii.iwiag yiiuwen- tbcrv, diw-. iids
Omaha Knigbu of l>ytblaa are rapidly tbr ludg.T.».iii An •■tsn Slid Ini.-rape.* ami <mrri.-> i«i lU) tdiotir mnrt-raatiub
perfecting a plan which U lo mull iu il.e suonof iqilnmu Isa prliiUge that sbuukl : uilfa vuu. aiiswerm* vunralsuril ID J
cstabliahiuvui of a I'yUiian burial tOaiv. bemiiwded. yery mcluUT
' aiiili. s e.iiii. tbijig like this: "Ob, yt*.
Thviv BM-iiis U. t«c littki question that ll
•l'lK;Lusli.e«sfloli*..f a lodgP tmad tbe I J
,l„t„ ,m Wagu.T. 11 am anre.tbis
wlfl l«' ouiisuiiiujatnl. lie all the FlngH-h toim. aiu uiu.m.* and sui. in^
. IS G001>>
: fini I will m-vti-1*: cm*ed in Uniu. I No, .
•pntiing lotlgus bi tbe city haiY slgmUed yimr.mil pmateaBali* imil-dbay i. if i
...tvisittil the Bine Nose
tbelr appriial niid It U tiapw lni llwi (he
Ik.le-Ii.tab and tii-iiuon ludgce aUl abo
you waat tu take a ride
acqul.w iu the alx-me
Then. m*4M R..l.ek.h. In ruj. .ml
|ft tliat tart irniu round the tigncT'
A' iislge Id Arksiisas ha* a new bylaw— l.Ilrr..l^h.“ .*
■ * j:**'*! »»«•»
«m-el.omlling.);remember the beateplare lo )*t>.
I tell me all
yonr di
•1 fln.' I.w 11 lavniUr a iui alacuta hlUiseU
. utsmt
! 1 have a laiw oi*en lioa. a o aeal
ter mum (han sis wivks.
^ wiU'sowMi rats, Wnnld Ton ticuso j , . , ,__,
- .n
'* i....am.«..euiwbili.lHswktothemlu >l*-‘k'h »bd a top. bus. All very!
the grata] lodge hf I'ennsrltonla hits
bera pliaieTUeO• a • 111
ol gsti-ls
■ A |wlr
• made
kluai meadsT abuu|d lend
fouifurlabla fur
frulu (he boJustJ id.-i.f Ihe biimilt riate
ell..ri lollie suon**ur fab.lodge. Isil
1 .oppi-r Iriuu the bis
a ktary sg tbe tale aeaotor KeaBO.
bow lim tU-n-wal wli.wr bands tbe
Williain K. Ounis trlls.a eaiions dtoUt» w.wk has u.tivii.iu.'
The nieiiiiiTshIp in ibi- grand dnnisin ; In Ii3s Ibe first Imlg.'
^ l„ ; t> iil*iui iliv lBli.rii.|HitigK«ina of Wurt
af Kew V.irk U tu l<e<i>i>gn.lulai>i] u|uie{ a f.rrvigii
1.' rv j Virgiiiu. whuw Maine isio tji'pla<-r<l Id,
hating-.'mi'nil ua an er.i.il gi.ai)ui* . pUbh.- of TniuiiUy—Imu.
tb. rnpilnl. .Wlu n be Omt .wine Ui mO-’
perity uodi.-r the atilv
a .Mref k.iir.«. who Ui'ed in tbe
.Mi hiiih-y Is now grauiX w ank-n of ' gri
tba i4t<ieot gi
vbiiimllur. Jiulgi- 1 I. I.).\lrl
Isanling Imuse. (s'rMiadsd «im tu
j.tlii-gr^id IkKlg.'.it llliimis kl f' ikTi}..
CfaarimW IIiiiN
Alt graii.l
buy a tloket hi a WlBc
In Mmii.' th. rv or.' U.ntC lfels.kahs and : a iisiklUK stirve _
and _
-u iiiiiipli’U. ______
kUcbetlAlan a lof of flu- very U*i I'lirlUr^itEO WORKMEN.
I atl.lTli siiU.nliii.il.').*lge ......
omni His Ufk<-i
I'uniiii .lui ll. l>« ibv . laud cutlam. two and tbree m-nled
rs IXm. a KellUb S4aiMl|.otol. !
l■■gul•-al^llK1! bi.im-III VV. .I Virginia. While bi
I c«ti tit vou out witli any kiud
It is a. lOaiii I
Hint Im. of
iW'l /U-f il.e ■.•..i. to bulge arramju.g |ur liieir sliipnieut «t tb. ralltiiuiwitnlw.il. .h.'..,.H.,U *i.a..iBV.k'aru ............................ ....
„.,„Mo,s.I .o jha
Mctaheridil). I.y dt. I llixl llu' llX'fV
oi.it U- nil t I'} Uk'
u It. rs- V.m Mhoiu'ke
ll iIh an«ll* of tile u^ r !*•
yuod luting your aMfmiii.TKs sliTbkl ks.k
•"•t u-- ju*'*
, w-mld l«- very glad to do on. Tb« next j
Into thls.-iuat«-r. aud you t. ill w..u U- mn- ami mUt iij uf lu umiuIsti.
Pionper Livery
Tliu.il iliai irum a purely, i.u^e* ur wlf
Mr. .lulu. Mnx.n uf (H-nenil ^rioti
. Isfa sianil)aiiiit you .sniHKaflynl to let tbe liidgK. I'IiiImiIi Iphla. lui* etileml ii^id.H, ..
.................. .
ankrdrlfi iwkwunL Vuni niiln|iii) is «"ri> S.1-. idl yriir
tamasing Ibe com of your pruUAluli - sssitin.'l <d
Atochur and .>*liltld
Mriiil»rs ID good sdautllug st Ust.tc.
. peri, juv.uiis
fVnntylianUainMw well upon the lina >r*r tba Cmtseateaee uT loxlce* Note* of
la loorsas.' ui iu<-iuU-isbi|>
Tbe call iipim ib<- n-Uid fund for this
Ili'tlewitf (he fact itoU bHgn. find It
paar will be m tnry much lodunMl sum
'tneuritciiii'ut i(> kiwji rmiituuiis* fur lb*
toitoiis funds_-|iariite. smiiigi imiuis hat*
-lEyMk-imlei fruiu uTKauiUtimi to Nor L hem iiiade III <lu' siil'K'iiie re|*>rter's and
' UPT. Is kiW.inV.MU BI
sopreiue trmaiifvr s .iliK-e*
With ihenss,*siiirnl nollwlnrlkwcnilirt may nuill, all (he niuuiau.i* ul uiiq
lu a single draft >ir uiuiicy nnicr.
the gnsnil n* uiil. t of Mimuori also uenod
F Nelson
aoall forrUk'f b* fl
... sv y .
are laming
out the most
frames that ,
^0 grand Iwlgv of .New \..rk now pre-'
” .
Kagwl AiTwanm.
aaau to a caudidsti- aiki h,- pima^T have ovcr been made in the city,. It takes assortment of i
QocUe 1.1-iis I ■ InsittullngTiew Cl
(•ub a hands.nuely diwigisil . iiibleiiiBlIo
1 fur S.III
Stock, a-gotid koowletlge of tbe .outside tnarkets, an artis-i
and n.uucti Jurisdii: i.iiis
Mlniirhabn umiK-Uof Uliineafiulls. and.
tic taste and the "know how."
Bus End BE^d^G
Thone No. 8.
Pierce’S GEsb Grocery
'■ "
Sleighing Parties,
Picture FramiiiE
Is WherH We Exi»|.
Iitysll.' iiiumairalii O
’ ThriinkTuf Knlgbts'iif linnnr wmoTgBiiisod June 3». IBIH.
ii i* tbt IntenUOi of tbr kidgtw ul CiiH'luiiail liiocle'
the sllorr^ilbllui- D>!U >.«ir In grand
‘4lxly million fiTc hundnsl aiidcigfity' <talgbu aad Udtos ed Maaar.
Bn-titousaud iw uhiindntl and Mlnriy.«lx
J. R. Ikilmrr Is gratwl wulwKir of Tex' drilaraand sprwiy tbm'trills was paMt
ad aad W F Cole grand aeoRMiy.
In diwlb hamonia by Ihfordi-r frulu iBMts 1«SB la IHV7 than to UlUoa. Juac K. ie». to Nuv IX. im7.
ThcmembMahlp of ihs onteto treft
1 up Io.
sml clui
■ aUauhtTl. wbirb
an open to Ibc iiiriutm at all Uuu*
New txiuiAilU arv in ptoiaas of fbniia'
«on In xiakbiixL Fan Joae. rivramvnio
•ad Los Angeles
The steady increase* in that department is ample proof j
of the altove statements.
It does not
cost anything to look and one look wifi close the deal.’
Hook and Eye
Good Keasun.v
ttb) tue ttbABM Bay-Dism:
wine tbrouifh the Eowr loop* you obtala a
flriB g^^rage. vbleb presabu gaapieg or ripping
loo>e fr. m tbv garuieat.-^ It^lao dw« away with Mi^ag aader lha bill.
Tbe hook haslQg no hump U flat. w^..giTca aiaamotb surface to tba
Wc luTlte cswry lady in TraTcrae City to call aad ro tb«ae. There
U ao obligatfoa to buy—we Joai want you to exa^iae tbeM.
Fine Colored Cambrics, Oi^Ddies,
Dimities, White Goods, Udods, Etc.
On all good kinds of Dry Goods.
Draperies. -Carpets, Clothing and
Furnishing Goods
IT wIll pay you.
T*a.Kettle or Sorvin^Uh.
^rict frontliO Cents Up. CallSud See Them.
-140 Front Sliwt.
. j Tmvi rw; t'ity. Mich.
If You Have Lolgs to Sell
Corivgpond willi Ihe Traverpe City Lumber Caaimny.
We have 'for wie G ood.
Sound HemloT'k Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short \jpple Wood.
We have lately added some new |
goods in all the line.i that will please you.
w.'Tc Seearod The Sal« o
Tbs lamojia.
, Four Loop
Hill Haefaiueryof all dei
Set Works, Carriages and Saws,
for sale:
ndiog Two Enginea,
A (xpplete Saw Hill Plant
"We'll make yon
"I II U( no wim i
•.■H.ild ..nt?' cTicrt
r»«d WiirtboVo-"ril
W(inli<-152> "I’l Aart Ka Waa^ tha OM With tba yiia.
alar Bat JWaa Aaaiy.
htdd Qst until tin- laat n>uUi«'* wts of
"It was aboat tbe noatdst iMn gaxM.
yon gin's in " Tb««i bo shut his awotfa
if It was a skin gi^ at all. that I're
nod tiiniiid Ins bi«d l<> tb.- wall.
"Yon Hbtui'l kli-op until yno oomo «rer tewii up i«aibst”
Tbe man in' (be nrebeArn teat waa i
aniaBd. Wp'U mi-bow yini Ulu. that."
Tbe fonvnait uhuik his flsts in tbe dis- talking bi>iwec«) tbe acte to hiirompnn-1
peotrrV fni-o. Th.-n tbi-blai'ksmitb n(c- ion ip tooPa so clear ibal they were ‘
iau-nsl a luortal vnw ibui »f ovvr be^.t qnite andible to tbe girl with tbe thea
oat bo wiml.i leave a mark ni»«r the ter but in tbe ixiw ts-lmid if sbe ItwoMl
fonmau's r.xl wiml Uui lie.auWwcrMl! forward a little. And «fa(-did «o lean.
uotbiUK. ■ Hooliw-d bisovfw.-'
I "Happ«aMid to tno last nun-1 was in ^
Tlic»ui.-d.siin..l loruishS-dsfnrdi-' Wasbuimon." oouliun.sl tbe mau. "I
«97, » ■«eJ*BE»T D. wMlrf
Tided Jniios. TktT-Kbs'iMin Ibeir riiaini i w«it Into a raatanraui Hiert>—very mne 1
or on tin- li.»». if at alL Williani I lookiuK win rf a platw—imd ordiaod a '
«ro»«niMrt fr\m l-ul Su.idrtt/ )
*'‘ *■*
*" >">'
Worthely Im.l no sl.s-]. tbai tiiebt. He ' Innob. My uUe was one ol iboae mali •
-Ka -*ai.l WilU.m.f.^'Ur. Sortdmwest'nsurn.tl with lUtrst. lait ihitvwus ' cow with a Mt on twi-b side of it.
ly bf
-I urn inn««»t! I wlU i ly. “w,. mw t InidBc .iilirr. l'v« Uva nn w-av-r o'is-lia<!—t.B-bim. All u«:li« : Pmty so.® in tiitneaa y.iiuiR female. |
tM bH |.Hiun«'.! " TiJ.«Ji>- onll4i*d. | f.mniwj
Jir. in».:k«mltb. awH looir two ini nn-lmved.w. b otlior. w]iiad 1 pWs bi r uhoppius bandies ,im tbe winv I
| Lunw n imu'«au Uiu«e u».> orvuiid, after M|na.i. kisi|imK'il»' blui.'kflmlb ' dow sill uiid takiw tbe seat oiipnslte. ” !
A»-lii<* a-our-lAtili Ireld ihr iiutflu't 8)i I nvv
awake. Tb. v mlkisl to Inm, iIii-t llud|^ ] "I'n-ityl”’iuijoired bis eoni|ani.m. .
th-'. i.ri-4J.r»
ju*rk.J . "Yi.u'll h«v.-it
od liiiii-wti.iu.bis lyrawi-n. el.iwsl da^ | "•»<. w.-II. 1 diw't kucnrl HiOn't no*
wm-ii.'tiiod—tiM-lj-iTi»» d >ln<w. cct ^ ed Wiinii'dv
tm« i: .oKb.d lL< lnuii^.1.'.
! "AdiI 1 piii.iil'l lilt.-to know bow yon
.1 ).-IlA and niKliet.ni> H-bimi* ' "'"b.- wuioi'l,"-cla rt ed
iii. tli.»ls have i “Go •«."
...... —
: rtf ;fH. Iiv Jo
*hf jKftviKl tti- iuuir't;i •.nrjjriM-. “Mv | To
10 IKK' dlMamlini vniiv in • Uvir in m (to.- t jurt lYMiiin |.ir bun- , ll>e RirHs-biud Aiiiiihi-rvd a kipkI«.
JK,ut UnK- uiatk-w-illibiK jai k-I th*> jmr r..iiii w'iki in w riiA-in-. Tli«< i di\.dK i-I y.»rw...................
li i> .ally tuie >d our- "Auy wa>.. ' <eu(itinuisl tb.-burrat.ir. |
;»Bif.'. Jii.w i.-ulrt 111.' Imt.L.J luvp l,',*T..r» «if that i-lmaKl flMiulRir «w I miuij-n li.» of Kitl«.ri«ii,
'"■^■'t^'rvrt hium. Iliiupi to «wl and'
luto Mr. Hijnu'iuni'"
Mcti r In' t.iW
Anil ...........
’ • I'kMUith
• -•
WM at bis Jtt.il
ttuisbcsl '•tii Is-f.ire 1 liiusb'-.l luiii.-. fur
At ihtwworiU AVlUiuliis Ml upon' Ami now l.illriwnd bi« ifurnti.Ki Mid fori;.-, biimin.-i
bis' yiMT Utnrr into:
inio : I w.
was takiuR ibiup. rase. TLi.® su- Rot | i
• ... d<v)s'iwie
-nji and
-* .w.-oi
. . .uw-sy,
— J.-uMug
■. . g biy bUDUiea , *
the Ilimr m a <leu.l ittiui.
j cool uh-wt. < *n ftu«> m.Ib i4.««l 11 mtn,' bnn«-«lnR-*
tli• -k
It only w«l.idlW
tTi~. v*-i *Bj;rr . I.HU- thii.OKb. IrtTrlitijf i-YUifu*«4 , l.EifcniiB iiuii h
iu|H>v.ibI.' to nn (be wlinl.m sill, ily bikL by tin
uuinailon U> iTimt tb.' tart- out (but | nf^TmiK«l au.l WtUT uiiuCtL
tissl and a waiter'-i-uies Wilb a bill for b.-r ia.ii-J
WillUtns lull a».d Ibc luurk.'l Iihi.-Ih^ | ''Utinis iiatawl btin i:
■ni.li,.—fiu- uJl (li.. iL.iiie. tbiit In-hud as wvli usiniiii. .1 kiekod. HeiusislM; •
all tbo day tudore iu Urn. .uvluird- Tbm i bn^ih."
n>iv.TTni<-.l Isf.ni-nV'ii'r (n»-«ionU— i»'d «be Indy hud iuuch.Yl witir lue f
tbowouiauwAb whum ^^'iUiaius bnaol- ; ••An-u’Mlicro any ollH-r im.u by the IniV
iniV |sM»iisi »t bini.
bhii. With<wesweep
Wiihtwesweep and I uinst |uy.
. . fly tbnt turn-1 was be*
«d fell i^tlM u]Biu t>i T.iluiii.tT tlM' iu- I aatiK- of ^MUluuw
« in the wtirldf”
' of bis lEaw iiy.arm he wonld aniunh the K>nnfiiu
ts< SI
sospeot that 1 was
«S bflng
lit to
^ , whole jury B>el .-e4|s'to his «.wn btwie. ' wiirk.'.l.
ratlier than liave
iiare ai
ny row 1 $
I "VonrlinitBamoi* William,” KritP. Tlrni b.- licbn n.nl bis lUigm into his . pa><l ■■«b < li.eks and Usik the saUsfnc- • •
"It aeenis to me. |
ni4 tbe firtvmuu, with atUniKli.r tbe cuil ami iawunlly cnrwsi bis bmuent-1 Hou id telliug the loauupT be <
table With tb<> grarity that the lean, nsl mTk.
' nlug u bla. kuiailiug p.iut. 'I'll take
aliaatloo demanded, “(bat 1 had better
"Ho is yours." was tbeqalrk inny. ! It wns tm rui»|t iii'il tbeu night of tbe ' IbeM-wiili ui- anyway.' I mtil, gatbi rhit<di
h np am
and tabu bim right over to the
"Hut wliiTv was the pri*,®er?"
• i
It bud u.t«-r o.vnm«i to the : iug uj. ib.- l uiidi. s whi.-li my myrteri- : •
xinnty >11. II iu a itfi-tly plaiii
"I d.m't deny be «iu;lit butv snv , ftavuian .dtbi-jnrr to M-iid w.wd n. tboi »»>•■ «unisbin« romiwntoo bad ML. Ac'S
-111 you
you go
d- i.o-y
, Bonis that evening, but dial is no oberiff tiai
tb. jiirv nmld not agns . ’ »«>» «b. v ki<i.-U .u (but, but Iwaifinii. 5
UiwmonnatVig apjHuvul'f.Jlowed , proof.”
He felt tlun tbi. was tImbaHbol his ' 11'Dl 'em auderuiy anu and went down 8
| "Hntr about tbn batehM?"
i life, and all the teimcjty that the t«r-' to
ID myf>o"
"Id.m't ire any oiywejy abuot
It "He
„ might
__ ___________
buvu «wsilT diwiipcd It'
fWbaiwasin W aaked hU<rim.-.
filling bis pipe l.aad
|.aad Niuielsjdy
Niuielsjdjr «1
«Imi pi<pi.-kedI it np, and
for tbe ihinl time, "uud l.dtui't iw , then umkI it.”
"Ibui'* tbe quetr port uf iL tbe part
Where yoor jnry ivuues lu either. ”
that makes me mmirtBia if it was a
"It '■vas uy flrrl iiiipiniwit lunidor
game or uol "
cnee.” tbe jadge mm<ii.d, ignoring tbi"Y'lui're ctaiy."
The girl U-biud hwned forward id
Intcimidiiai tut tbi*
pniuv 1- <|tK)i«
|» poiuL
„ . bin alone, pmtleinen: bi* 'band
(otgecly that a fealber pf her big bat
He was I'Vid.'Utly i u ts-tubed.
tickled the ear ^tbe s)naker. He
living bisfam.iuscwBeoveragaiDi. "ami i The fireman drew bU eideovertoa
paomt to liruah itAWoy, Tbe girl btfi^
Imu. iDb.Twell tbe rharge I gav.-to | (wmr f.w a whisj»T.Kl ouusnlUticn.
bedbaiA buslilv. 1
tbe jury. I prai-tlrally lustru.'ie.i iheni ^ The (bought of ib. ir bonieu. uf ihair
"Nb isKiner." cioolibned tbe mao.
toretltvaud immedhttrly to bring in a , an>ieraud of tlieir i-mps ma.le the jurr'
"hwi l^i|«ued tbe firat baiidle than
Twdict id murdiT in the brut dsgme. It 1 deepirati-. To be balke<l in so simple a
there fen- '—
vnaw ueat .wse uf cin-aiustautial rri i oaue waa an onpordnuaMem-L Wbocan
Baugt west tbeorrhedlva iu ibetudeuce, and tbe di-feuis'did little morv I coon I tbe ueighlsirbood eiimi(i<-s that
mnlluous opi-mug cd the preloUe to Urn
thnu throw itis lf sp>u the mercy uf tbe I We bud tbvirbirtblntbedivideil jniy';
last ant.
"Wr (wu't Ktarve him oat. 'Mid lim'"Uaiu! " aid tbe girl with tbe Ibea,Tb<‘ jury was an average cue. Tbe j ftmiuni gbilbiily./'l.ut we lan wtny
Ur bat violeutly and 'ksikid daggers at
—.funuiuu was u diol. rii'.'butibet fansl. j bimliut. I'IIatv. to it that be duea't
tbe young muu in the odjuuiiiig m«i buHUMly .viinpleEioufid furtder who bad alnepH wink."
eans« be Uugbe.1.—New York tsan.
•erred a. li^oviitan bef.ae uud war im- ,
"Two .if uu can ktvp boning him nt
ptcMed with the imporiams- of his own , a timr,” sugui-stid ibo littiu man.
views as well ns of bis own iswition > "He'll dev.Td.. no more work forme '
I7r i.roiiigit hisgrmt ksf doirn.
Htardwe- ■1 ueib tbe fast dyer now
IVrhaps William WmtJiely. thi- hbek- ; nulna be givvi iu party 4)uu-k."
' rier exhibits with Uieiiiniknt ratne cat' makes tbe
ntUi, was (be tn<m intelltgent u> well
"Niv for luo. neither.''
susiaiumwui lui
The jury Kew York
M tbe m<»t di.iut.1^.d nmmbiv of .the ] Xfier a few tu.ee wbisprru tbe cam- i was alterlv I'xbausted. Already
Peloobet Select Notee on the Internktionnl. Leeeone.
“Rich and Rare
Were The Gems She! Wore.”
And she secured them at Verj- 'Lo'
F. A. KARL (lisplaved a
Goudh in all kinds of—
price.s. iMica.usc
ismo ..f
i.f ^leg-;
lujoV Over the Largeei Btoak 1.
F. .A. E-A-iRL,
nctTicraoxr bl
Oir popalarity was uot gained bj make-ljelierea. nor tloea
our increwins trade come-by rbanw. Trade Wtb on a time or
BO and you’ll duicover the aeoreL We expig-t in parchaae to be
• niuilf on any KToond except that yon get the Js«t Poaaible for
your money.
Our $3.00 Man* Shoea are the very b wt for the price.
Htnl are all in the New'.Slylt«.
ulih luU, ,™Cri.t
1 lnj|.p-n.U | T1h>. mv In. d„nlv iil.„n,riri««i,l, „„
Un- f.nnv, h. id npui ibrir i
lnn.dl,...h. nrilrdnU
lli.l 1... ; wlm, n-J,„, n..u, ,nnl.,t i. ll i. «n.L :
h.„. n,,nl<
(K-ulf to,'
gone, •
girnt jaws wetvflnnlyrlose.1. while 111.- papiv. It is luosqnii-sw. It Is rwl pep- „rer to the lUacksniiili Tbe Himfaces of tbe rent of tbe jury *-«e n - p.w. It is vitriol. If ih.-r-is .lulv .««. had hitherto snumb.sl .niiv sm h sl.vp
iuanwhostand.oui.l..-tst.,riur.slwi(l. ai. sofdi.o si.al ..u puket dntv or sailTb. jwyflle.lmiL 'Tb.. cmri i.sika ;aniu.,uisHj.Kiltwt
vari.-.M.y M
v .1.- in imp
luisiij.Kifbat L
1-1 cv
cir- or. .ii.Maieli.
ini.Maieli. Th.
few niinutes’ rerass (Oily, expev-liug to
■ iiivU!'imuli.Kis. I'csl
has l.vu aHitud.w In diainl .m the fli.jr. ut all
iimt. u<vibe raun1<-r.r in a f.-w imuui. s. kii.iwu o> he S'. d.K't.m-«i tliat il -mid tiuioof .lav or night. Bm. Willuun
Tbe sis^vut.'ini retnaiu.d iu tln-lr sdats.' niglwct.-ii; wal.TsM fMiil.'L that the W.vth.ly hud u.K sji pt f.a- ov.t Tt)
"Well.” said the fiHiinau easily. )kvihm uut.snuuulv wiu iuiidi).nie.|
fatrarK .\ud UoW tbe tourtb uigbl
em.k»ng bU sharp .-hiu, "liay 4s ab.«t ^sunvii.l. r A toau'lias tss® known
upnn iiiio. .
nady tox-ut. mid Ibere'um. use of our , U- rn.gg.vi f..r 30 boor* wlO.-uit a let ui>
‘‘Cvune. .VKU. I " Mid a jnryniaii bit
sttyuigben-any l.Higpr, Thm'snotw.. ; jBjuU. luiuimL-. aln.-e^ ... t ,,f biv int.-lY.ni have .'u-d your. 'ttiNiemv.
ways of 1.Hiking at it I gm-ss wv oau ; lig.'^iLV, lie L.i dn.i.d i • uwurigtilgi.e up umi we'il ull .all it
f.)llow the jnilg.' For tbi- sak. of f.tf- : eouwiew^ l.-si be go in.'au'
ajuare, ”
malUT-w.'ll.ltopuorUUo(sluib.‘lxuL j Tbi-Ma.ksmith mu.t have Had «.«m- . But tbe Madiamitb sli.s.k hi.-bead
We'rx» unauln...a»—guilty, .>f curse. ! Inkliug .d wl;»r w... I .for, bim. f-T bis wiib.mt .l.'ijiiiug au aii-wer.
l'teg<.i tbr-e loiles to.ri.le and bate .gnwi jKwsgi. w n:;i<lusbe r..l.l.vl Cis
The ubstiuate jurv.f bml already argotWU‘lioiuet..soppr.”
'uriu'. u '>l..iiil d.-.iuli'w.
Imlcl b.- Hvixi at tbe stage-Ilf ih.' b.-K-tn-who
Tbe vole was burriwlly take. Tb.-u ' mk-umvI lik. a great mil at, biy t. f..»v n sh pi up.® file rack. Wa-I.-I Is-ymid
blihut luieeiig'rlyr.-., W-rth.ly ab.m- ,u„k.d >uan mg. wiuriiug b.^utid*. But inimtinati.ui .luring il..-— ilir..-day. ..f
lainisl MWlid. stmikiiig Id- pi|s- st..!- ■ tbi- Inill
g.ev ull. hi- (..n.i. ntors pHshTti in.piUiit.®, .'v.-ii lit* ..Id ti.dgh.
Idly and l.sAing .ml <d Die vvimli.w, , U-^uo imy vi.gry bill. i.. bis Ian ,,
h.«rs w..ulU bunlly have t>-.a(Dliu*l the
wbib-vori.'U- tines«il aTnuseim-ui playuJ
: ha.La.!j..uni.d lu .lisguM. ValwaiT uiau ..f imlefs-n.l.-mv
Uyioud In- .-yes aiift moUtb.
, SUbj.vt lotihi . ulTuI 111. sli.viil. TJh- ii»I Hilly
y. toriur>xl
by l»i-k of si.ep, but
"Bv gra i -uV .TbYl the fciwnan. , HtH-n.«n mu. as e^.-ll.xl out ib... hu- Ly lai-k'.rf
: <d pr.qier
uoiirisbni.nt. la'-k .d
UalliK- in-wmawm.mt
f'*e-'"« .livi.i.m
.livi.i.ai a-a- Hifa».•y.H.u.e
.•y.H.uie Ittrt
lad Wat.T,
wai.v, la.-k
lu.-k of
of «UH*t..«, and al- l-v a
lonklng at ii.e. ballotnod ih«. cTing .me afi.v tbe «4ber of '-•“*•’■1- l*u««« ilm. jary room.IvMTU^iw- pvM-|.'i.l imuul irriiateni .ortv-paid................................ ..
. • \ Ing to-tb.- -ting a man f.. 1. wii.-ii I..pai iu 'not giiiltv,' and be lias bad tbe '
Willnuii nortbely. wb.. wa.' .i-A to ,„i- Ui- arm inn. a-l.ehiv.aodacJty to iin.bTaeon' 'not.' I should■ 1'1'tn.''<>1 air ns well a...f migbiy li.r
Wlmi w r-. i/.nor- i- tb.-re ilmii n.K
like to km.w wb.1 lbls-g.-nlleiuan \k
V'lu.b.w in fn tii ..1 to U-b-t i.lme for . v. li i. iMonini.. .pi
W.-.an'taff.ini towaste time in f.sil's
Hy t's-w was h.rt ami'iirt.oi: lu.. mivi.-Ij. wbeu mwe..rav. -|,vpa>
plav hiV«"VHetw be cast a Imllving wnirtb(''.sl<,r ..f angn tii.ti .iild ..f to ,
t|„. sbortVivv-k-l
luok u|sin the mtag lusignili.-ani iib-ui« "nikiiom tli. lo-.-uiuu a Uud. aud wls n ilie .«g.»iiv.- -v-i-iu
I III.- li' liur this person. Ill Ills i tm-mh-r jumisvl j.irvMin! abd shut jlie • ,wn-<-s th.- suLi.rer t.. I-iiauM-af.sl with
BAuru.-d im
"ith -» -fi.isli
• of- ;»ns. r tby tbe diulm-ss of tamin.Ip--, fit• tui
I', bot a
"Wemust'-'ltle this right 4iway"—
m i.msi..-lor a fewii.mule^ L.b.5r4i.tlirt.n-mai»tiliiy of wasting hi--tr-ng'll. H.'sniO.*l n-.l. -Wh.n lie wii- acuo-l br In"iCtv- 'u- '.genilemim of Ib.r jury
"• • ‘"i»«'mi.i ami bi it g.. He fxs-ibiB m.ii». be w.iril.l tsvin
Tbv.-Hiri ..IH.vr |mt.bisJirvel,»''‘'‘hvl bis pi,.- iibil.w.pljjealiv ami'fonoo.; ib.in BI the ■It'-K^
Tb.-4:oun Is wniilng.'' •parvb.'.l l.ir a innt. b. H.- ii»l uv*d np
"No.' ah-u. nsl (b.- f.an.iuaii with his last on -. Tb.-ii it was dio-. v.-nd . *Y'"’‘"P***
red fill-.-,, -butvs-. will.
Mid. that tlexe iva-md a mat.-b w tm- c%u J"* mm.l w..nld bvjto !i in a tutm.ul
turning to bi- jiirrm.-o. "w.- vktjjtimi ^—tlmt in no .ai.- had any (..give litu^-'^ Vati.m. Hisf..r»,'.'. In* mtgLis.rk.
On inventorying in January we found from fifty to seventy.five Ulsters aud Overcoats on our tables, of [which we
had from one to three of a Aind.
^ .
We have since been making s-me good inducements on
these, hut have advertised them very little heretofore. We
V LriS S.Iim'i'' y- now want every would be purchaser to look theke over at
u»ihu..i.,d ;^ his earliest opportunity and see what a little moiiey wili'do ^'
towards his comfort. The regular prices of these cOats range -m'
h.-k an ..m.vT, petulant as tbw-'
«h. li
om aii-r iiti-sbi-t Would
•-takeil.-jorytolb.. h.Kel crati.41, umilom
bauda Opjss-d, '
‘ '
j„r-upi-. ' hi a ii
i.*-be km-tv
I*' ’"'“--il'- !'ke a
kiii-tv the r.4 “J" ”F
Ivery luoii iu ther-.m turned ttpon son of linr .h-l'euti.vu. Tb.- liiaeksmiih
liiarksiiiith .
‘1“''- 1
h.-v.«il.l no.-li
_ naturally
b.-artv e.u.v, Iwt tlm
Ilium. Worlln-lv. Ti... l.....................
la.-kiauilb , wim
uaiu.—... a
j .
aowdiviil»d bUbsmI maii-(ial.mi|y ami ' boUd meal wgs n.H .n.l.v.uujsilalalil.' t<.,
f"ri!e. and IM.i
-lunl biins.if
11,.. .
«.hh,. m hl. .-..i.iril
i; tr.,, |... -™'l' e«l -Im.V
looknl from one to. tii.enol glauc. Hg Mem.*l t.i
o ts. ilp, .lulr
.,ujj Miaaiv
Miaaiy to utf.KvJ
uif.KvJ bun m.Btishin.
ii..BCisfain. in.
in H.r T'
. '
. . .
«Bfl(im.-d P.TWB1 present. Th.-lor-luau, av.iild tint >...lire that the r.-t of bis bis tvvlb ^d llumk t..,l be bu.1
Vbo bad Monu! bollyiiig . |iit!n l uadT fel|..vrs tiad pl.nrr nu.l rsKi .Kinngb goupaluBrk in his sli-p.
apoD bis longue. dn.pjsKl his piw wiili- lissl to .at. on (In- way .uu la- iri.vl tqiJo in. ..wriM l.n i
• tint siMvIi, WnrtlHly was not a man i.i etopat (b.- il.-4c hv i;uiii-hi-s. btit .the ‘ ‘
• 7“
' be IJackguarded—be waa Us. ?.ig ; unr oflic'-r lifliriivl Ib.-tii lock to ih.-fT root:
Ae tesMsmiBble Uimstea.
-b. b.' tnlhsl with—be was t.s. ibgni. twx> bv two. bad tliis opisa-iuuity was
Itait’ N'. ns|s-rtiiig I'anii.-r—Hi. yon,
l.i'be (innied with—h.-vva-t... lo-t '•
lb-1. I V. 1-1 lb. .J. ti* d«. y.i.omu by
....... While the fureiium wagjeai. il. 'iin-re w.-re (■Eurily-eigln i-liuirs in , riiiii^^ok.i lu.v-wbcai-;
■ilse be held iDooh sigued pB|»raiid the psnu and a sirfa that sMti-.! fotir. ,
'Arry— trv. 1 say' WUat ore ycr
x.voiy tnors-gagi-a lu bis posM-ed.ni. , Wnnb.-ly was .me of ii«- last cnipl.- girin o»? Wli.-att Why, it'a. only
W.giliidy u,is fi«r«d br*'ii‘.iis-of Ills n-lf uiwrv-st tiHv.fflrer, au.l wbi® be giit iu blMNnlu mad!—1‘nueb.
tvliai.i iMtin.'.Old UiK-phvai<]ue.
tb.-s-fa wa-.ss-ui-ii-l He Mt dowu .« j
--------;----------------"i'll. a„:,vati.ie.;'LeaBW.withag- bis .--bair.-and it gave way with bim.
Cbap-rwiis .ad Tmux UsitM
gravaiiiig y ssl boinir. "I d.m'l Umik j|li- bsik.vl ul-iut for au..ilirr chair «nd
Miss Aoinmu—Therew»im tube nion
be*, guiii
guiiu sud 1 Urtvw shall. Wh.. ,-lb«n sat d..wii apou ibo fl.sir; ' He did ■ chiiiwtxin* Uiau yuaug bidiM ben. lo
e bill.
.rn >1.. IIIl- )to
Ko (ott-.
»ie. So
Bo there's ou
nu ' this with a sigli'-^aaiiaiactinQ.
sigli'-^aaiisiactinQ. for no ttigbi.
call'TYiulii lulu- tliui away fnmi lilug | Mins Banr—It dcM aeem ea Indiiedl! J
dir.-.-! • vid.fl, e."
iJiu b. rant aidmt for htauelf.” Iwimwiiai-ly two ti.un i.*>k tlietr tda<-M ' By .tbe way, wbuare yoa cbapurcouigr j 4
I'd iV i.<r.in:iu
l'<r. inau diepoiriagly. "Dg bwid. him and l-.|.:ui'asking bim qm-*-—Harima Life.
iboul lbs trial. With aa empty j
b»vua linl.'(vw»4i"
;b and aotbing mure than
diy ji
nan a ory
"Rmisai; " replx'd the blarkmnUb
1 "llow tnie it i« t^i '(mi^^baU of tb* *
laOuinfigt fur binitoaiwoe.
Uauily. ”111 r-asmi yoBWitUwe'ra
Hqaitted bim. Hree'e my word (cr AL " Then tbe rert fullcwed and olaf&edj«orld<OMB't knojr bow Uitk other half |
Ba brosg^t hUgnwt Out down open the like wa^M aUiot him.
"Are yoo lagtur (ban tbe jndgrr’
MUa. anasfalsR a W clean off. "I'll
'If .Uemvu WilUama didn't^ It.; care a-danL’’—Detytdt Newt.
not bnd«e a halrUx'udUi «ut{l that in-
So we can supply all wants as regards price. This week and
next wiU materially lessen your chance for selection from
hut vour
stock wa
of aregular
sizes ao
is very
wuw coats mentioned,
^—- ww-pa.
vaao-s vaaMvo
complete, and on th<^e we a*re making a jtiberal (Kscount at
this time. Now Is the time you will get the most good out
of them.
' N. B.—While in our store, if interested, ask to see Mack,
inaws. Kersey Pants, Buck Coats, Overehirts, etc., and get
prices—They will surprise you.
I '<r, lor it «ogtiiil«i (if a thnc qoutrr
IcuKin afrrnr la «birb Mn. Uima waa
«nai tj ui*)je« Uw “baug" of bar lai- '■wE HOONE Y CMIUORE
qnfc-Uy ilid H'?
rat cortatue.
r«- Wb luiir Imn.
t>l">idnc U
"i*n. almnn aara it’« in tb^ dinainit
- • rk'T<d M •>f Ub* nod fatb
tatlr draarr,** mpMd Nra Gmin,
----------- r^
growittg arroouiniKl to Uh . darkafM .
iral TarwMt Im rtra^nv-TlM
and aiaicitd (i^r a ni>vl<-im) cf monuliglii
«• KpaiiML IMI Taatb ■■*»«- V
tbBlib(<4 a rail-. ibH-riiain iiplit botfa
TSe e«. Thai U a* Made
Ibronsli ibc »k<r]>0hi.nu tiu- Uuiliug and , , ^
Uiraiiidiiw^riwilc iT -wardrobe. Art-'
B •.!<] »-(l
Jluii 1^ « Un ili.'B
ItiK ninn (bi« tliciopbt, abc tguond'lb* '
, wus_fu!hiiK mcbiIiJt. and
waWMihe for
K.wu,y rbi
rb ino. rtmiai' an tl mar
— tlir
... .------------------„.,,u,.y
, mm .o n.o d„«n, &U.-. ..d .«,r
jpnndry rlirl.iiige of little linuai liaadl(« ^
land it«ialiv<‘i>ii!l> at wiortsdrawd-ra at
.1- .iBbl UK , Ut
W ! ""
<” •
‘fivl iIk' wrajL
fbiil l(a«.i. vbuailitd to try bia
j ••Itnmet bo in the wardrobe after Bbw ►Lai»>
—^--------jan.”*betlirm*l)t. al.daee.«.Uv«l.vtl(»- / ‘ And Uh b .-rrrril.mR will thaw all
Vernal Cli.ii.-e waa a pn tty and'eotn- ■ ed the dravter wiili »uue uoia-, tripp.d ,« «"' •'• «"<' *»« "• «•“* ‘ »»
Bodinoe »illB and L'ov.a-utum a "elect '• aeniw. the dark n'min. 03«-ned tlw ward- »* «•*Stpil. wbo wa* ju-t beand aaiubrnw* eolmrb. To the l.apj.i-! rrrte'.loor Miib imo..-diOiruliy aui* bur- Kn.uun: to try,cotuii){ fani> Iwnrta .m
nra» of Mr. aud idle. M.inrioe Urwn—; itd Urwlf in it^ etu.i-iooa necwea.
Ibe ice
lalelr Bia.lr alnniei eomj.leie by tbc ar-j Alanricc waa a tioary al.r-po*. and “Vaoit.niTI xam be over, too."
tiral' of tb.' >.ti.»t 'cli.Tob that over 1 ronwrjneutlT aj.t to be a bit beninddled "Rl'ed Aiue. rbe btd j.>i l.^ru.-d
Mue d^iwn fi. tu b««v.-u—then-Werp on Brrt awakiiis—nj.Be«*p«iully in Ibe Mi..ni.b Iron, to bore i.. U-able n.aLate
dravl-Bci*. Ibe Diet waa >d daric. Un tJiiaiuiitirularmcbi.after
ii>p:bi.afl«r apap* »lo“e
M«bn(v'a.njuJ.n.ti. lie bad a ridimlona jtarrnilr dn-auiiii
iiiiK for a foil furtnlytht . "Ub. d.-ar m.-. e V esctaiincd a lit----------..»cnrnoasptida1urainfc"l>raa.dro U«
>u ■<>>' «>n«T
Tb.-y all ^
—.M^v Hy^wiih a violent atari. Tl>e ronn.. to hitu, Wb.d .It raiue fwan email B(»k-. f)
le -tale.if
to be la a cJiii
told hitlow ena.rjupt wifa aliuort wa» }.itch<lark. Tbcie was not even to : *ho wa* tryii.tf to pul .* b.a-bm wax
daily that mon- itas rar.iiexl tbroutli atnpin.ai ot moonlifihl on thti. nda of ,'l‘0ly'« nisbiKewn Wilcwar.!
nnaonpreted rrtrks aiyJ d.t..tiTc joints the b.miw. Braidra; the blinds were .
all Lav.- A-tr tnmLIee." raid ^
than eirvut.io illuaiinau- to coxy down. Hd edt np, (Very u.ne and ain- -Mice "t uiue b. re. pm.-ie. wid I'll put ^
Is what you will see very often on,our
odd Dressers and Commodes.
OFF AT TiiE.METi:]!.
I We Have Them in Nearly All Styles pd Finish!
Intique, 16th Century, Mahogany and White Ename
lung, Square or Shaped Glass,
And tbey are so cheap you will wonder how w e got them, hut
it _
I Will tell yOU.
t.a. * i i e.x. a.
re. ___L x--j
W6 hOUght all that OnB faCtOry bEd OU band.
S The agent was seUing to different dealers^as he went along,
2 #> we made lum,^ offer on the tot and got the^.
••duili eul-urhaii »ay” bi» cdijo-tive
bu band to wak<-bia wif.-. U.-fell her grtoni.Y . ”*
wool.! I«-, ly ii»«r.-e «tf tan , Vernall&ni onder-^b.- bulcisis l..d<;^bra ut
"M''«>'« »b<- .dli. r., luid lb*, i
ClHiio-..- Tho* it
II. pa-e that
lb o..ok1 Iwat il«-wny'breath- "e add.ri -Myki- me a »n.-w dolir
niplitle. viol.- ilauixo wo.- irmrput
inj;d’n"lily- Tinre wae only <a..-«ih.-r w.u.'t you,
tlirpana the n-. i. r—In i < . til Ml no pi i’ll<11 in tot l.taim- uiucr(niiiU.>a f<T.
d yxior..-1 v, .11 J’ll make
a..i’cm alJi v. ..uy otii-7K- i..,o It, ji- Thai wue to li'llc wrvui.t maid. But wmilly taml., tiK . _bi>.1 in fu
"par U surli a lu-Lle Um.p "■>-bi<
-1.M Inti.liMj<< why "biiuld
ebiiuld mi
w...- W
I« ttyiUR
tiytus draw.-ra in'
"-VV.< e..u».»
eoul.i doit. I
wife wu> <ui h.r kinve in (ho> Utlmnii. ' to'.pure
to- .pure bedrreu)?
bedmcui? liit. Il»y
tiny bad tran.-,
t-ian.-, ' Alice radOia-lr
'■-uM i,:
bci. aa mislitU; ►opircd. sayiug
lii'i afi.
T alL Aira.
Aira. Uteiu
Ute<u was
was ii^bL
ti^bL llww
llww «»■
tin-m.<'• ( >'i..u-d
tuipK- tb. «ui.c
MuiH-., bOTRlura.
r i.-u’i.. rr \.a-i-11:..^
u-’.iii• prar.-r*—lUyuRb »ln tuipl.aud dry
dry SSM-U’l..
\.alu«lii*«.rM b(.tb purp<».e—but tiuiUaurioe wiiWrew hi* band, wbirb day what c-u ,<aii‘m..ke <
idlyya^iiuk nml.-r iln fl-.wiia.l terra .n>ti-.i cn to-blJluk by hi- side, wilb like mud iir-.l.liiiR. rmi I
aai<l Paul
. t«UTaUuiealotll.|tnu*..arU.aluevrt.tbellKuiRht: "ril md wak. ii b-T. irvff
"I Ulie.e »e ei.utd.
|aoul. bhe’d be isiatd in diufh. I'll briakly—W,-unj-dii lum-a pi.-tur
bflinrlhnra it w.niM happen tl::-.t the . kuow tbr wnrci l.i>L" ho iiiinLinR, . aberp to ha-k ut and N>UM.-w(a,di'n aImivfat ympiH'd col iu>t u<»1m'w&« in tb|‘i'mid v . h ■ erot of lufatoiiun—wbirbeUnr »bi* tnelia|«-tin. h.-a.U with and
aet of liiisinR the cortain ihai iiiiRbt I was I-. liay* brnvirv—III rh a RliU'te.r ' to acw'p nut tiie am.w f.a-latU and eura
grv.'ul tb- iraRvdy ( f ber life, and liltu. ^
till’iiiaraoder, ill- eliii.' nut id Uil, and iihB|>euff ibe bndle* with Wenmld
wttb a Jitili- H-nam. tbe wouU Bcek bnllou. .1 np bin drvwuii: jarkei. lock r make other muimaU too Bean"—
to Uatcbi*—tin-sever etiold pnt In r ibe little U-dtide eliuh by tiie back, and
"Aud — aud (-lepbanlef" exclah
baud readily on the DiBii-liii^aiid liRlit : ibsi onned, bi* beari beaiive like a ; Fbil; jnio]>liiR np "Ufa.
to dilicuU'jy eliaded caudle on Ibe - tnaffiixl dram.-etealtbilr turned to(V-,'would stop raowii^
dreaxuiR table, m-praceediiig with brr tier U twirt> to-two rooicH.
Irid '' And be went MatuptoR around
w areb and 111 ril. votiona At tnefa timer. , A faint liytbt came ihrauRb to Ibnd-' to ro.ua
wbea AfanTin'UMviided from toopder- ioR akyliRbt lleariiM! Tbe riliain
."Tbere'aa lot to do to Ret ready,
giotuid nRious AvL.te Ibe gn* dh ter , waa at to-other end of tbe room, right Mid Alice “Yon knoww |wpa raya a
to bare
xneted out ill. dole to to eompany-of - opponie to door. Whar beWaaduing piud wortiuau Ua)'Iwaya caMnl
• Ionia in1 'order
order Cet'a apimd today
ItioR .lore rvudy Y'on boya'll bare to
bidy fer wbal i e. aiy
ike Ibe abuvi-li cr wbai»r«r you'd
tried hie “ata.urd ; wtelchf
llybu cull em."
iad" nluot toruiUR the rus off.
; to iaudiliuR look Matinee ahn-wdl;
"Wlial do a few exlia frTt of gat
aic- ' tba bate bus. Tbeibac.uxa asM-rted It- \ ".Aud I'J) look np tbV ptcRtrea." mid
tiXigbt aguiusi it deqx:raiejy : Alin- "We must cbnuaB to auimalx
nify, aMi<-n''^ibn«- pneinoi Brea might ^ auU.
amue biRliC U- mrrifliril-to Ibck of ajte a momeut. It bat BORmenta-d to :
By er.-niiig Ibe tools were nwdy and
-IfRlitr' the wi-ald ex. iaim, wkb aa , fora of (lit rxpliaioe. X^e a tbaudermueb drauiaiiu ft me ae if aba bad | boll be auevxiul.
to aounaU cbiM-u A abei-p fiff BeMia.
becu b(dor('.«n>w'<.f fia.iliRlita and a^ Iben-wue a mnffled exelamation in a beat, an ,ele|ibauL And Alice ebeae a JohDK>D
mcwdi^ pit iueu-aubf a I Idto nauu. Afanriivratoi forw ard with
■ IIW. Slater’s House Furnishing Store |
12S-132 E’r?oi3--b S-fc^r^ee-fc-
E.W. Hastings.
i,i'3F3|Real Estate/»-;
Fire Insurance, i
Monei to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
Wli.-b Aiaarice wirhed to be wither, with u}uul fary. Ctoh! The
lie Wa* always elu
III bl- I l»4i-e of w cayic
' (i-utfal clatter uf lalling glbM, a pirrr
,iiig ihriik. the aonod of a body failing ;
laileii to p-irih'|oiifa the borRlai
' Bes-jid
dflwa."tomi- - iniviiitiiiiie,
” i on the fiiior, abd all war at ill bat to (lie r
and that tl>. ii w
r 'rrtiwiUof eostitcr Iwuil tf ifth- frigbtidied bube m to room ’
rrilw to (Tack tbi
V.'tual Cboior, you . be bad lefL
I Wbatbadbedonc? He kneeled down,
AIrt. On-eo. ar a rale, deigned BO I otreloa of bmken gbuai. and bia baud
-anvwcr. She bated rbrnR and wuudtyed . n»ied tin a bate fooL birk with apprebow a mau of Alanrirc'a acn«-—cxir-pt ; bi-nuiui. be (ni-ped tdaewbete and ttiapod (be till ter qaes-Tiou—eou.d sbj ]> couuii nd a iiiuiii-d beadaud a lew carl,
to ii» uw. ito-gitutallr n-fraimd (i.tu [iug |.inA ",A uiiii b. a aaieli. my kingaariDR eo, Lnwirer. like to iHu<jbli . dim to a iuatrb!" be would d<«btli-ea
little woman sin waa. and, resiRaedly bare *aid bad be uot beeil ao terribly
^IliuR the ba!y'« fi-ediug botUe and i nim-L
talking tlie liiii« rlHnib.-wriih
rlHnib.-with sundry I Joi^t
Jm^t then a rectangle of light'aplight
crouiuugf. in Its b.-ttsiQerot, relind to-pared
to > pared and incrraMd nndl.
ondl. Ilule and
Tirr ajti.w 8E,ak
the niglx. Ii-uviag Aiaarice to blow oot trtmibliug. ciood to iitUc maid ... ™.
(be iMiuRaii-d raudU'.
1 iKt bund, tawatifnl piciura «f a taree Hor lying
ibg labli-an d.iwnio mak.‘ her iiiuge (i..m. Tbi-re
lit «a. wii.l r ai-d it was iiiidniglit. Yirum: A waturt'be do.® awingiUR were mher plan*, tisi. ahi.uld tburr be
-Al^uu. .-l.;«i aei.iil. eiKl m. l.ad to-La- njaw jta.IiiuR.-w with ita biiiR mift. r tune to (wrry them imi
by. Tin" "little <l,.n»b." lulaii. bad a mi.-itod KUiaRmeuis; ael.air. With a
"H r a|» all to Isiys and RtrU'll
"t.iu.-b lil iMi/bnis” and hi. lu.td
n lej.* lyuiR lic.-* ly; a biunfird h-lp." mid I’hil, "and tl
breatbiUR as be
ted ustliMdr in 0*““
unigbuliirt anddn-vulig yaoket. g««a lot dime and liavea zn> "
bis hull- .01 ploiaie t.siibi-d to-tart .ka.rliugat tbofeeiof aphaitralewoiu"W. II we may let em b.-lp " mid
tbraoRli Jbf darkir-><
as in a dvatifaini.a.liissiug gown end Haul Rrandlr. "but tber've g..t i‘>'d» aa
- t'J wtJiidtt." munnux-d Alta On.n. pljiiti. who wa* mot; otbur than to wfftt'll .m he wt-know juit iu>«. ’
uonblt-d > honilkd man'* wite.
n.-xi day was
• llinR to to uv..v..t.---------------------------—_
------ -------------. nghi —
. aa abe Uy; U
Manriee Gret-u uerer tnrnMhe gatoS mukiuK
IR simiw
SIMIW imugra Tbi-ri-were heap*
. breatbiiig of t e child on the one band
exnpi Wb.u 1m takia of the wb<t»crysiuU everywhm-—none, ■
irtnind 1
dly away fur
the anjalie abd latmly
anjB- of year MifL ilosbr
slasby'kind that mi-lt*' *
iKlay. -Mi-a Gi.r-n still Jouka an- , away tu-t. but g.«.d, firm. b.
di I (I,. Url for iKMiille batglan tMiiiro that {Ri.-k> bard autl Is likely lu laidreiiriuR fur to uigbv bai Maanre baa , The day w u> s it Imd grayand suapiimg
tirvi r dated to rl.aff her eiuCe be mis- Otdd. n< lb< n-wa> D<i suD Iti melt Uuiigi
Piu, took hut own Isiui rt flection'in (be and no |fusptt-t <•( a iliaw
off ao. What coold 1 do to pn-v.
aiaiobe smrn fdiadopvratcbarglat. ] As ibc t-bildnu wurked th^ tnniia
froxD.'iakiug cold alrt-ali? HaiT-y
-Luudtai Tit-Bits
' onl niaiir nsctnl |nials atxiQt tuukiuR
(bought* There's (bat little wimlen
eitlMT - ................ ......■
luitiwinmgtw They Mvoi dix-uTeretlthal
rtd lh#dnssUlR
Car*-ro» OsusiiBaarap im-yy trmIrliTi very w.-ll make a sbee]i'*
' aii-i ibt'i) lift (I np ami o-t it tm
•Ubl. dtin ll.e uiiiiiifl.. iCbtiw. Hoor
TIh Jnieliigeuo. id’Skul cl to red body
Aluuht*' lb ». ab»vi!l:n»-;y go and b'gpd RruitislK.ppt r t nal.Iia it P. aelect ; l.-g* Tbt- It RS TV-fused tt> U> bnilt. aud
bn.1 11 i< 1 u;.. but I w«t£lun'( diatnrb >i> tHud.wbile im ibe wiug fa the air, (In- Sidy luA its fine aba{w wbea toy
n I'-i; ill r.’-i
I'm glad 1 wl..re. ly aomt-'prwws ol ARwaliiig , raiaed it
................ ;i , -hlluTl’«lttp iu ki.i.wB duly to Ust-If. it Ralbi^f'a great 1 Finally they. <>K'<d.-d to make the
le <r,
..>1 l;*Ks- i2aty iuflu- «»»■.; t.f lu kiml ludtwvnd witb^Jknai" l-sli.-s- l.v tiunkiiig np lueumls .-f wh<w.
, .,e . (1 l al'. .J-I.
ajil to <•: >"nv- t l. til. fit-id U neulh w bt n a 45 iiiiU-d.liiiu f.-ur sti. ks to make ibu Itga
i„ . ; .
titerlobaby. a. x i.ela id tviro w lil laily allurd tbuo 4.U'«i! aiid tbeu Mssipiug oat Ibe pans
,U rlURJe UniiL
iMtaeea (be bgs and u'udrr Ibe body,
tU (|Lft tly pot « | Last year (be graasbeppe
t sent Steieliuifs a tTviss stick ux aiat bel|«d
Liu - ; (u Ira.v- Ibe whale body
,1.1 V t au.t ui tear fl« w , (D to- I'uiwjsity of
tll«.(kbedYlotoi!colu raUMvl 1
uiva- ; And afx*r Ibe sbts-p's bead fell off
lauutlta'cf two tk tbrtv Hmtv llH-y ab.tvtd apiece
■ Ci.-S0;<
businnd's bMk.
hta. euirprorvv-o. eggs bad been dt p;«iu-d in tbt soil ov. r td lalb tiii.i
iiiLi li.e
ilu< ucv-k
mv-k and tbfU.boill tbe
- ihe inaicbta. The little
bwRe ana of connuy. and tboae eggs bead <-ar. |ullv axdiiMJ iL Hn^ ot c(^
■ ' tu
■ 'fnriiii^ as unny
made t.ry g.mid tytw ,aud nuie. and
bead w:is empty. ' BTC tx|ieci<d
ot' aot malt It. -‘(..b. Ot ar,
ar. diar. wbr ' live‘'IccaaU.'' M (h*y are Uxbmoally ' bu of xq.-iwagbi la tbe aplit etid <>f 1
’ jOamed.
j short
sin k.
k. ■wbicif' was lb<« pnxbrd u
1 Muarns- iuM.? U)a.n tarniug to
call (bem *
gm ..w .1
at. tk..
the nnii-r, .....A....11..
e*|sv-iBUy M-k....
wbea ^ Faniicn
baby is'biiwt-U:-" she aigU-d as sbe ! to ctilltge eutomolugi : talks kmiwiag- |birtail
"Mi. Atlantic" "Pockardi" ami, Hie Is .if was hardra to do. bat with
into litr urewiiig,>-t>wti. which ‘ly «d "M.
"Camqula pellncida.”
'ustrong. upngui stick to wbicb was
■ fottunately vus liuuRing cu to hrwm |‘'Cai:
ki>td> at Ibe low of the btvl.
|{ Li LTab (biy
(bt-y have wbal
what tbey tall ■■'fasten.vl
; (asten.vl t«e
i«e n-t
M-t nuaiwaTs
crumwavs to the
" Iw to |wst,
iwst. and ertty [toy
r-Tip]sus obe CDold UM fifid. Kilties- j •■»!* enre"
manag.d very well Tbecleidiaufa
peiantium! She km-w to a fflct whir* . mau. Woman and cliild lakes part in j trunk tix.l ihwiall out, to it wouldn't
the V twp was. <a at least slit- tlxmgbt i to p(-rfoniuiuee. . It ctmsuu of draw- stay on sniil tin-y decided- to make faeRbetiii, and sbe would knuw 11 Hm ; Sng wpts. held lant ty perapns at rat b l^lieve he wa> pickmg op*mieUiiog from
tuaBietu she laid a finger im it. T&> lit-) eeti, anusa Hie back, over to fields of - tbe groaud auiUiuilt tbetnmk that way
Ue ♦ b. rut. in to col «»agbed u> a elit k- \ grain, (o -(bU Mr. tirasslioj-icr ahall ! aioand a JemR. Umi stick ifliort piecaa
i»R Uisiiber. Ligbta-noiight. towrap not find any room to (be Mileiof his eff wood made to tasks.
rd, and witbmit tnrtoy de- loot, andnb^ ktvp this svssaw np un- K Bow to- Kudney cbildm and tbeir
\lun»l !■ leund.
. Uttle friends did eayoy that too! U(
lay til- iiitit- tuoibvr walked gingerly til be is Marred tiuL
Ko doabrUn ucricaitom college w ill I iDourm all to U>ys End girls helped,
initrtSr- :«xl XVBU.
K« tuu.- ttiuid fail to find to ward. find a way to mivt anoLber visitatHia laud other anunuU wvreadded A bag*
se-extcrmlMtittg ptocra. wtaen | rooMt-r wnb^rtSTtaB-ffators
»br. as II va. ibt fim irtKlc tff fnraltare mctiuukird mi eutnring to zoom.
- When iu Lot* sitsd cj«n. it was pami- «uua wuora wv wm wiatuiu -wo mius* inoiM uku, •m J anotber >-AoDie Willis
MoCblloagb u Yontb'i OoK^iuu.
. hit to Ticw oatimlf <iub to bediwa Wbitbv tobeon tff bis ilk bare gvma.
-Fhono 73.
The, Old, 01(1 story—
......BUT IT PAYS. E
Tome into our «tor««sd yon will e«e the protrf of it.
^ Beadle BaildibC.
^ And what we have advertised Js true you had heater take ad' vantage of the Bemarkable Bargains kt
1‘^THE FAllR.”i
Our Bankrupt Sale
Though we are selling immense quantities of goods at ^
SLAITOHrER FRICKS we have msmy, good- selectioBS, left ^
which must he closed out at once and fifty cen^ on every dol- ~S
lar's worth takes them.
jIt is not likely that such opportunities for Bargains
will ever be offered again, and as tbe stock ik being rapidly
reduced you should come at once for choice.
Fine Dress Goods,
Clothing, Furnishings and
Fancy Goods
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