The Morning Record, September 27, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, September 27, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


«eoi»d Te«—No 438








If You Have Lost

Orttlaar Boflalo Ordorod to Ronelala
Bor On If Booded.
Oreat Victory for tbe Fraoeb.
■mUI u> Tam MOBBSI* BMDoa
Held TMtarday By Investi.
WublDgton, Sopt. [SO.—The eralMr
Paria, Sept Sfl —An oflcUl Senegal
gating Oommltvee.
Boffaln will be wnt to tb« Poelle OUdtspatch aay« tbe Swideneee ebarp
■hooter* iu the Freoeb •crrlee hare de­
Covpuy romed
$tO0;b00,000 tioaot Heaolola. oad If aoodod will
Preparatioea for BratanaUe Prooen feated an army of Sofa*, captaring
Bi«bt to Tni^ Fro- rolatOree Dewey'o Beet at Uaalla.
The Boffalo went Into
of laooirjr From Head* of Depart- fire thon«aod men and •elztag three
^ CM of ■•Mag Anaor-PUio—Tbe
Uat week, aad la practicall ready to
meotaaad Oommaadore ofOampo— bnndred rifleeead a qeastity of amKaoafMtoiy will be Iceatod la
atart for the Aalatic *101100.
mtmitioa. One ■barpahootor
Jonty Oity—Tbb wUl Bxaoed AayTheae WeMwg Obargw Boat do ao wounded..
Tbe Boflalo wa* bnilt at Newport
Newa. Va.. for tbe lf''Tgna Hoe. and at
in Specific Form.
tbeUmeof tbe.Bratilian tebeUioo af,
■piclal u Ta> UoBXke Racou.
New York. Sept. sT-Shappl* foUow.: 188* ehe wae
d by tbe BnxiU-1 Waeblngtoe. SepV M.-THe Inreatitag
-- tke ooofirmatioa of the news of Ue an
gallon committee held lU Br*l aeation BaUmatrd That There are 8000 OaM,
formaUoo of a gigantic eteel troat. Shortly before tbe Spanteh-American
„„B,beie present
in SareoaCi^and Sietraa*
comet tbe aanonncetaeol that Caroe-. wa* began tbe United Slate* go»^*™-j Tii* meettng wa* *U^ietly eecret and
is General.
gie will bead thegreatoaiablpbnHding ment made arraogemenu to P-reba.* ■
„ adjoornment
Port Towniend. WsskiT Pepl SB.—
plant eeer attempted. Carnegie- ha* her from Brazil, bnt bo.Uliti*. had be- j
urmorrow. Tbe eteamKhip Topeka ha* arrived
obUlnad tberlgbfto a*e tbe Kmpp goo before .he .Urtod north from Eio ■ The pr«.e lioe* were Um-tod to out-1 from Leon Canal porU with IM. Klonprocea* to make armor, tbe capitol de Jinerh.. bke wa« not formally I
dlkera. M per cent, of who* had-, little
«f tbe company etoek la one bnndred. terord over to tbe United StatM oniil „,,,uon of leltor. of leqniry which or DO dott to ehow f.rr tfaelr cxperiettce.
miUlondollMwand the location wiU be her arrirel at Norfolk. The Boflalo 1.
They will All «ay that they are glad tj gat ool
in Jersey City.
; »'>« a .err «^rriceable crulaer. with a | b,
u. th, aecreto- v of war. alive.
The eteel trnet. bom a few weeir* battery of rapH-flre goas.
She will <,aartor>Q*Mdrgeneral and tbe chief of
Three tbooaand cue* of typ'ioid I*
ago. with a caplUl of $200.000.«»0 acd p-oorrd
to Manila by tbe South‘; tne ordraoee department They will tbe fslima e pieced m tbe r rmSer of
ehrUtened tba Federal atoel company, AmsiMan ronto.
loalft meluly of ioquirise iotended to sick at Dawson, September fl. There
will oonlrol tbe Uhn ontpni of tbl*
I bring ont nil the facta relctivc to tbeinacy death* ddily of whi.:b uo rec­
aosntry from tbe moment tb« iron ore
{organization of tbe volunteer army ord Ujnade.
leavee tbo nnUl U leaves tbe
Theee oS .-lale will be aaked to give
ll U eetlmatod that 8.W»o rersone
ateel wont*.
ation covering c3c^
‘Joined in tbe m«b to 8toe ti
All Beeanaa Bn Vnreei^nlMd
Tbe Carnegie VDfilcato ezpocu to
pertmeot in question: eoneemlug tbe Nearly every foot of availab
aontroItbeehlpbS^ingoftbl* beml*Flag U Floated.
eondition of tbe army, b -th at the be- baa bees proepectod. but no go 4 was
^•re. bealdee tbe coutmeUen of many apsetalioTBelKnns* Bsmbb
ginning and at the close uf the war. toned. That eectlon baa been deserted.
of the warahip* which the maritime
Manila. Soph :e —Wnen the Uuitod iur ihU porp.,kr a da'.c la April ws*
' power* of Enrope bave In oontompla- SUto* cmlaer McCulloch captered tbe ■electod ea <
1 steamer Abbey, after aha thepn
Stanek. who are employed to tbe toimlanded 7.000 rifle*, an inanrgeat gnn, dry at tte asylum performed a daring
boat followed tbe veeeel into the Bay
feat yeatorday. They made the trip to
of Carito. K^w tb* the Amerieae* lettenof complaint and decided
top of tbe big emoke etoek in the
Bold Stranger Btol* a Bare* and
[oontemplato taking peeeeaeion of tbe reply to the writer.. rvqaeeUng
i hli.ttoi^«kl
of 175 feet.
Buggy and Carried Off* Child
eaUre Inenigeat fleet beeanae tb* reaThey came down safely, but no more
At BUwfield.
nel* fly an n
Iltolatouded. if tbe replies ebow tbe girl* WiU be allowed to repeat tbe
apcelal ic the Morain, Saeo. 4.
There ha* been an ostbrMk of amall- writer* to be in poseeeaion of real In- perlmeat
Btlmfleld. Mieb.. Sept, to -A etrea- poz in a OalifomU reglmeot. Sis eaaei formaUoD. toeummontbemtefore the
g«r with a horse and boggy tooay kid­ bave already been reported.
Beturned qnth a Bride.
eommlMion or to *eeenre their af­
napped tbe three-year-old dangbtor of
Cbarlc* W. Faust returned tost night
John Lennon. Mea on blcyela*
Tb* cemmieelon azpeeU to enamon from Grand Rapid* with a bride. The
aooariag the coentry. Tbd horse aad
the eommaading officer* at the vsrion* ladj^wae Mies Jennie Sebanb of Uwoebaggy were elolen from Will Carleton, Tat Mrs. Mary BacUn to Aeeosed of dlvUionasad brigades sad will proUb- *0 and the wedding look place In
Staaltng BtoVaa Dolton.
, aU eellw uortii of tbl* place.
Both will
ly extend it to colrmcle of tbe regl- Grand Bapid* yeeierday.
•pvclal 10 Tn Moasisa Raman.
meeto from wblcb coaplaiuto baveem- rseelve the eengratnlaUons of a good
Aan Arbor. Sept. 80.—Mr*. Mary Bat- aaatod. Th* eommlarion wUl bold two many; friends.
tio. a Stenbenville. Ohio, widow of the
UUtt Stytoi
Va'OB Formed In OppoaiU 1 to Tb* Uto Judge of Probete Battto. waa
Newpt>t tost and popular color* to
L A. W.
jailed tbl* morning for the larceny of
■hoe* are being dbpltyed in Frank
Ifirdricb'e diaplay window. See
OparialteTesUoanav Rioaaa.
elereo dollar* from Mra. Sean, of
Trenton. N. J. Sept 5C —Tbe Ameri- Booth. Main *treet. where ebe roomed. Xt WUl be Uaed tor Office* and Store
«na racing cyelut union formed today Sbe aald ebe waa very narvons and
and Work WiU Begin at Once.
Three eeots a day.
aa aa oppoaition racing aaaoclatlon to drank liquor to induce eleep. aad if ebe
Ground will be broken today or to­
took the money ehe was under It* in­ morrow for th* new brick beildiog of
tbe Letgn* Am*r:eaa Wheelman.
- dy Bald wa* made chairman. Cooper. fluence. Tbe woman was beand over Toaneltor Broa., adjoioiag the present
Debtistry—High grade at anderate
Btorana, Anderson. Zimmerman and and remanded to jell.
Tonnclier block on Front etreet Thii >ricea.
Dr. Sawvrr.
etrnclure will be one of tbe fine oroaH. U.* Co,'* block.
Died at Monuak Point.
taenu on tbe eireet and added to tb*
present bcilding win make an Impos­
Cemp Wlkofl. Sept. #6.—W». Morey ing block. Tbe buildieg will be I3S
Bobean’n Sacceae Vith tb* Marl* of Company K. Thirty-fourth Michi­ feet deep by 77 in width aud two etorTenaa Frompted Bwewad Bflbrta. gan, died this morning of typhoid fe­ iea in height. The lower floor will be
ver. bfier a long illneee. The remalne designed for a large and
Spyclal wTs« Monaias Racosa.
Waahingtoa, Sept. S6.—Having ene- wiU be embalmed and prepared for etore, while tb* npper storr will be
divided into convenient office*. Tbe
eceafnlly raUed the M»rie Terete,
front will be attractive and eubetanUal
Llentonaat Hobaon be* been Inatroetod
Oallad on Bryan.
and tb* diaplay window of tbe *101
to reuime work on the Cristobel Colon.
Bprrlal to IhcMoaiilVo RucoU.
will be one of tbe largest In th* city.
The TeVvu wa* towad Into QnaataWashington. Septombsr 86 -General
aamo bay and wJU be brottgbt to Nor­
folk eeon. With aa naebaaged name Mile* called an William Jsnning* Bryaa
ab* wUi take bar plaen la tb* American
that tba act wa* on* of simple sonrt- •hort Story of e Bevolv«r. a Fiddl*
and a Jag.
Mr. B**ew. a well koown party of
Death of Mrs. J. W. Beat.
tbe West Side, e
bn* D. O. K. B. Aetle* la
Mr*. J. W. Kent died Snadsy at the. Front Street last night. He ruabed
( for tbe Pnaee JnbUen.
I of her dangtater. Mr*. A*a Hal* down tbe street flourUbing a 36-caliber
Tbe local member* of the DramaUc:
revolver and a violin caae.
He en
Ontoreftbe Knigbu of
year* aid sad laara* thrae sons, two eoinured Night Watchman Imfonaee
imt ntgbl and arranged detail* for tb* danghUt* and two adapted danghtai*
at tbe Mercantile Co’* block and intro
reception of the big dalegatlon to come to monm her loeednoed an cxhtblUon ef fflark*maa»bip
bare Ortober 6 for tbe grWt peace J ibShort aervloee were held at tbe hone* by flirlpg between tbe plank* of Ue
Un* of Kaaba Temple. The eerem
during our
yestordsy momtog. Rev. J. A. Bready walk. A bystander took Ue revolver
In* of Initiation will take place
offietttod. and a cbclr eoaeiitiag of away and n-ooved tbe ca^dgea. In
Steinberg'* Grand Opera Hon*e and lb* Mr*. Calkiaa Mlm Vader aad Mmat*.
Ue meantime Beeaw toA hU violin
banquet in the City Opera Uooiw.wberv Osnglaas and Dixon with Mim Lee a*
-om Ha caae and proceeded to produce
eovers wUI be laid for ISO of tbe faith- pienlsv led the singing. The remain* male, wfacm Uflierr Grayson came
fnl. If tbe preliminary arraogemcotii were tekea yesterday to Oraeaville for
of Bcndn & Co'b. shoe stock.
along and after taking pwaeaeion
eounl for anything ibU wlU be tbe borisT.
Ue gnn marched Ue man homeward,
PondredB are pleased with
moat ■tnpendnon* trat^aal eretai
MiwUeleand ebildrea. Carrol aad
crazy drank.
known in norlbera Michigan. Tbi LnUe. accompanied the remain*.
the email coat.
apeclal train from Grand Bapid* wblcb
Missee and children'e ahoes
«viU bear tbe Grand Rapid* party wlU
Mew Fhotographlng Firm.
bring from Uiat place aboat three
at 69c, 89c, 98o—Loto of
Robert Price and Henry Smith have Sd. OreOlck Bm Beiaed Six Bnxhel*
hundred aad tbe crowd will be .welled pnrehaaed the phctographlng bnalaea*
*f a Good Articla.
fifty or tUty more at Cadillac, Bbed on Sooth Union btreet, formerly owned
U is sot generally knows that eoffee
City. Howard City and other potato by A. J. Bradbhaw.and bave taken pcscan
eonealong the line. The rate from Grand aeaslon. Mr. Smith U known here aa
bnt *aoh U U* caae, and good
Baplda is to be bnt ft.OO and
having been formerly conneetod with
coffee, too. Ed. Grellick of Urellleklate point* Id proportion.
tbe gallery in Mr. Xradshaw'b employ
A look means a sale.
ville, plaated a plat of gronad to coffee
and U as expert photographer.
recast harveet of Ue field netapsetol rate* on the C. A W. M. from Price U a local araatonr whose work
tod six bdxhel* of a firat claaa arUcle.
Petaskey. Cbarlevoiz. Harbor Spring*
attracted much atteatien aad
Tbe coffee ha* been tried aad prove* of
aad oibar polnU in that direcUoa.
whose eldU U aa clement In hU natntal
Ue fineet qnalHy. Here is e *agge*•bUlty la that line of work.
Pmiponrd Bacca.
Uoa (or a aew indostry In Grand TtavOa aeeontof rainy weather last week
The Death BMsrd.
aome of tbe hor*e race* at East Jordan
Ralph, the 18 year-old eon of Mr. and Ftw aiUtony parlen.
w*M postponed nniil to4ay.
Mr*. Stack, died Saturday night at
MIbk TWkabarry will receive her
J. T. Hannah's pacer Eaie K. wUl be Ueir borne at Lake Ann.ef ialtomation
friend* at tb* opening of her new
Popular Shoe Honae.
entsrad la tbefreb-for-all race.
perlors In tbe SmiU bn ilding. Friday
ofthe bowels Relph Andereon took
and Saturday. Elegant pattern bats,
B J. Morgan'* trotter. Bicycle Girl, tke remain* to Wexford Sunday aflersailor* aad Ue toteat beantifnl ef­
won th* first hast in the 8:16 otoe* last
1. The faseiml wa* heU to Ue M.
-week. Uto raoa was then postponed
E. chnrch at that placet oae o’clock

OlgABtlo Plant Projootad by

any ileep in thinking what yon wonld give yoer friend tor a
PTMnt. let n> toll you that yon eaa real in peace now. for yon can
bring In that pictere and bare it frsmed with eoiae of that new monld«
log that we h*rt jeet reoeired. and It wUI be Ue fineet present that
they hare ever received.


220 Front Street

‘ HoUey & OonziAt^


Always in season—Window Curtains.
Always the best made, and best fitting,
from the best material, at


FoorpopnlBrstyles of Ltdiee'Fall
.iMketo ^ Black. AH lined ear$5.00Uents. All are new.
Whetber we’re right or not iDN.aay]'
8 cheaper—f<
^y-WU/ties—than foa’ll had anywhere else, TO'll
leave for yon to decide when yon see them. Welt-,
be 8Btis6^.





For any of them when it come* to flelllng OotAiaBr
We’ve got about—well, anyway enough gradgeto . 1
suit everybody. Frloee reasonable.

; '



lAtoft Style*

—AU lor baratog.
—Harder aoft.

^***Ew^aaything better? Seethe
latoetatylea. aeweet toe*, latest eolor* and finest Une In th* elto in
Frank Friedrich’s ator*. Wsnbnrg
bJoek. __________________


Sver eee asythlsg better? Seethe
Ut*et*tyl«a. aeweet too*, latest oolm aad finest line in th* city to
Fra^ Friedrich'* •tor*. Warxbnrg




wtodow. S«*

at Mrs. W. 0. Ikwranee's
■tore will be omU



MS Front StraM '


Hvrr l.a rrrj dmlrablc
.......... ——toiaedtr.

00 Wanhlazioo otrow. Ka m. larsv *8 tow tot, eaesf '

Worth lookbis «p torsi



Half Price!

Reliable D17 Goods, Car
and Clothing House.

We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat


Great Sboe Sale


Sets Sbees,
the kind we
sell, will be
fonud in more comers of tbe world than ever before. The
feet of thousands of the conquering heroes
were shod with SELZ SHOES, and wfaer*
ever they bave been introduced these
shoes bare conqnered their way by the
sheer fome of superior merit. We think
yonH wear no others after you have tried
a pair of SBLZ* snd we’d like to have you
see tbe new ones just arrived.


ClothiDg Department
Read It! Items af laterest!
Men*' fine imported onfinlMied wonted salts, evt by an artlat, npes
tbe lalMt pattoms. fialehad by experitnoed Uilor*. bwt of trlmmlnga,
Skinner'* exttn facing*, doubl* breutod, a rival to any gU.OO tailor
made *nU for S14.50. This lot I* Na GIM. >
AnallwoolSotcb Tweml men*’ anit. Well mad*. French toctaga,
doable breastod. we venUre to say 00 belter aait made at «?.»to
tlO.00, for This lot Is No. 4437.

Cloak Department |
Ladier’ all wool black KeMy Jacketa. satin rfaadema Untog,
■trieUy np to date, for fiS.oa Ask for No. 407. A ladtoe’ laa cloth.
Aalrikabn Jacket, Kersey strap aeama, satin rhadema Linliig throoghoat, •pedal *6 50. CSU for No. Itos.
The above two departmeoU ar* filled with new aad etyUab soval^
tiea We colieit yonr iMpactioa.




KAnBoxrr VAxm
VOlBeffU Wad
«lt7 WiU ho InteMteA
The Ualenea oonaty fair, which
will take place at BepU City, be(innles Wedneedey. will ettreet
«M. T. Baw An> 3. W. BAjnm. Urpo anmbeie of Trererae City
people. Sr-rerel of lh» local merchant
X W. HAX«a, Editor »sd MBrnfor. will make ettmeUre ezbtWta end the
whole three daya will
naaa men hare iaaued i
> Pleye
-1—. •
fame of bell on Friday ead aereral ef
tbe local eotbealerU ere preparinf to
abow tbelr Iwetbren ia Uelanau ooomty how It U doae here. Ike HamUtoa
•.MVmiMMM .
Clotblnf Oompeay end Senator J. W.
UUlIkeo will be emonf tbe exbibitore,
both la tbe beU fame end the dUpley
of food thlnfB to wear.

TBATXB8S orrr. •


sax’sar'. •

■ •■-.■•.I



J. c. e;llis
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

WhoBnaBoaetblaitte Bar Betetdins Two Tetepboae •yetemt.
tel appmred la tbe Bafle on tbe ttd.
velet nf to Um telopbone altaeiioa la 1
Tmrrrae 01^. While tb» erUele waa '
eridentty well iateatlooed. it U oererttaeiee* a loaf way* from atatlsf tbe
true eiwaOon in Trererae City.
Tbe etatement U made that ‘*op'm- j
lea u quite fraeral that the exUtanoe .
of two Ulephoae exebanfe* will be
anyUiinf hot a food thief," end con-1
neeu tbie with the action of tbe oona- ^

My work in first class and priem that are in reach of all. I an
' prepared at all tiines to take care of tbe trade. I make a specialty ia
Brnsing, Valcanizing and Enam» ling. A fine line of wheels for sale
and to rent. .
J. C. ELLIS. 311 Front street, essU

It would oerUirly pot tbe eooeeil ie '
nrery pecoHar poeltloo for them to .
decide whether the merehanta of Trar-.
eree City aboold rent ooe telrphooe or]
two, or a doMO for that matter. Tbe ;
fact* are elmply theae: That the North­
OAAWI>TflAtrE&SBFll.Tr t
ern Tvirpbuna Compedy, oompoe<-d
mainly of eitlzena of Trarene C;ty.
Will be a B:g Auraotlon at the
asked I'M council for permUaion to do
Su‘.« Fair.
botiner- in their own ciiy, and offer>>d
Mfia. H. B. Oo'd-n ofO-i M'wlon.
tbe city a liberal comp«Ds*t<.m fur the
left yesterday forGrAd BspidK. obere*
nae of the atraeU, i
Ulephoae rrnt wiibin tbe reach of she will exhibit at tbe ataU fair a fine
display Of froiU from the peninsula.
those of most modemU Inoomra
Tbe editorial acknowledgae tbe pri­ Tbe exhibit prepared by Mm. Ooldcn la
ces that the Bell Company bare charg­ ooe of the fioe feature* at tbr fair and
ed have been high. This ia true, and this year It will sarpaat any prerloua
It ia also true that they would oontlnne exhibit.
to be high iodeBniUl.T if the Northern
iise* Clara Uneae. Minnie Yonker.
’Telephone Company had not atarUd in
Carrie Baraua and Measra .lake and
business in Trnremc Qiy.
John Hueas spent Sunday at the Travis
We propose to gire tbe cUlMaa of
farm near Grawo. tbs gueau of Misses
Tmrflme City a first elam Ulephoae
jMle and WUnie and Mr. Evarsu
acrrice, up to date, witb all mc.dera
improremenU, at a price within reach
of all.
The ladies of St. Francis cburch will
Had the rlewa of oar "Eagle" friend give aa Icecream and box aoeial at tbe
preralled. Traverse City would be in ForcaUm- ball tomorrow crealpg.
tbe peculiar position of being the only
tows of lu al» in the sUU cot oonaeoud with tbe li
n>era are few men more wide awake
LThe number of indapen- aad enUrprIatog than S. E Watt and
*.ho spare no pains to
Ulrphones in UM in Michigan

Ura. W. O. Lawrence he* fone to
Grand Kaplda
M. W. Elnp, ea evwcbe of the eUte
lend oommUeloBcr'e offlee. U In the
city oe bneineM. QU hee-iqtterter
ere In Obtboyren.
Sheriff John Clone of Cbeboyren,
U In the eliy to rUlt bU brother, W. E.
Clone, one of Company M. who 1« aielc.
9atir«ftbt0eon Sooii
JodfeJ. E Cempbell of Btmwood. W.
Th« BxooiD U Mt *'rwblnr -*• th« Keleon of Nortbp^ W. C. Neleoa of
4«teiiM of the orart beue buildlsr Ulead, end 0. M. Oeme of Northport,
coaimUue.” It eUtmcd esd etitl delefetee to the Eiolb dietrlet conffreacUlme thet the bUl ter extrme »m- elonat ooarention, ere *^n the olty on
, MOuUne to hM not been ei- ibelr way to Menietee.
E. W. Seymonr. of the Korthem
* lowed by the oommlttee end doee not
MieTeitwmhe.4n(teehowD to he MiebleeaTreneporteiloaCo., left yet•Borbtunt ek It nppeen on Ite tece to ttrdey for Detroit.
John Seymonr, oae of the Mortbm
he. The ooi^ttee will no doabt eeh
iot en tloBl*e?et*WfBenl of the Mine UtebloB TraneporuUon Co., le in the
^■ed by the oootieetor, end If the city
Oeorffe Bclnselmen of aboe feme.
Wll ie foQsd to he ea OTen-berre It
Aie ap from Grand Bepidn yeeterday.
•oed sot be peld end we do not beN. a. Slade, tbe popnUr oifer uleelitre it will be allowed by the cemmllea of Safinew, U in tbe city doinf
toe. It U the btulneae of the oommittee
to deurmiae bow the 110.500 elreedy bU trade.
John Lee of Sottona Bey. U ie the the preeeot time,is nearly. If not qulU.
^ peld bee been expended end eo report
SO per cent greaur than tbat of tbe
tbe rale
totheboerdofenperrUofe. It wee the •Atf.
King's New Discovery
Disciirery for Oonsom
OonsompFrank Friedrich will fo to Sbarmee Bell Company. The mtlo of diffarenee Uon.
Aoty ef tbe commute to bare fltat aemrConghi and C.>lda
C»lda This is the
is increasing largely every day aa tb*
tbe extent of tbe extra lebor and today to inapect ell.
. Bedy tbat is praducii-i'
G. M. Dune U la Ue dty ea hU way
hueb a furor all over the country hy its
■eterial rcqoired. if eny, and tbe eoet,
It absolotr’y
•■d if thia waa not done it wm a aert- from Northport to UaabtM, where be Ulepbone*. while the Bell Telephone many aurtling cure*
del^ete to the oonrrcesionel eon- Company’s snbscribem are coatinaaliy enrea Asthma. B-oncbltla. I
«aamlatebe upon the pert of the eomaad aU affeet»on**of the Throat. Chest
slttee, ea otdlneiy boaincae prodanoe motion of tbe Ninth dUtriri.
and Lungs. Call at above drag stores
and gel a trial bottle, luc's .or aregndemanded anob a oonrae.
r so
Sf eeste and $1 bO. GuamnrUitlnf Mr. end Mm. Frank Bamil- purely an imaginary one. While aome lar sice for
few aubecrlbaia to tbe Bell Com­
Tax Mempbia Commercial-Appeal, ten.
Mm. Geoffe M. Arnold end deofbUr pany may reuin their pboasa for aome
leof tbe leedlnr D
pmeof tbe Boath, tokea no atock whatro'
with Mm. L. M. Arnold of Waabiofton rice over vs per cent c f them
mru la the clelma ef tbe ~
need to reutn tbeuldinsi-naentantt.
a and Informa them atreet.
MUe Celia Oriett WiU Icere for Kae- M tka new compacy glve^ them ereryShat tbe party hae no ebeaee wbaterer
•f eeptorinff the next Honte of Erpre- aaa City tbU morelnf. to befln prep- tbie; tb<-y now enjoy-no a urge list
•aaUUrea. Tbe Commerciel-Appenl U aretloa for the mtaUonary work wbich of a<id<uooal aubacribers.
At Battle Creek. UU-ti . tbe Bell Com
mot perticDlerly impreeaed with faolt- ebe ia to take op.
Dr. Cbaee, who baa been confined to pany Lave S4(i aubkinbem. Tne
Badlnr aa poUUeel capital.
bU borne by UioeM. waa oot for tbe company eiaru with 4SU. Tbe baLka.
bauUi, aod business men gencraliyj
SexAToa UoAE waa nnable to accept fimt time yeaterdey.
the Bo^lUb miadoQ beeenae be ia not a
Mr. and Mm Balpb Connable. Jr., of B>>tlt- Crees, bare egr> ed to d'-usra
emeltby man. Pnblie Ufa U not tbe retomed yrtterday from Cbieafo. Hre. tbr use uf tbe Bell l eirpbune afu-r
we are aeUing
profftabledceopatlonaomepeople would Ponaable went on to Peioskeyr lor a atUr October let. wbUb auives the pro­
blem in that city •'lau
.. k*r« «• bell.ere. '
U B Haskell returned yesterday phoue*."
from Cbicafo. where he went to purA Muskegon, whieb Is nearer borne,
nhHKOAVvnrs zkjdbt- ebaae
the hoildey food* for bU book tbe citizriiB bare thrown out the Ben
pbonus. so that now tbeie are bnt four
Vat WKlTaa
Blnaldo Poller of Intorloehen, apeot la uperaticn.
It*B a IxButy—larce size, dool*Ie|
It of two
Sunday In tbe city with bla family.
At Cadillac there is but ons IleD
Bed Vea.
Harry Kytelkn left for Ann Arbor phoue In use,and tbrre is no reason top, dust prorif drawers, patent I
A man named Seaaor end en naeiaV yeeterday to reaomebU work la the Why the alioavtoo at Traverse Ctty castors, fine finish, ISi-lO bevel ^
• Mt pUoed aome plenka aeroat tbe elde- aalremlty.
should be any different in tbl* rrspeev
plate glass—Id fact it is a hand-'
El>y Sweem will leare today
erelk on Front atreet late Saturday
Wh think The Nurtbern Ttlephonr
aipht end by aodola( eaoaed Prank for Barry, Vt., on bosineas with Co. IS entitled to.the respectful conOeaaeU mneb tronble end n narrow tbemoanmentflrm be represenu ia stderatlun of our cillzena fur tbelr eoaaeepe from aerioea Injury. Gannett Ubpertof Miebigu.
Urprise In Inaugurating tbe new com­
C.vr. Juyoe went to Omnd Baplda
«M retnmlnr on bla bicycle
pany, aua for the making of mUa tbat
hoQia on Went Front atreet, end when yeaterday.
rrm b the masse* of the people.
Arebie McPhail left yeaterday for a
Beer Mike Lilney’e atore be enconnFnAXK AHMsrliONU.
vUit in Sarinaw. Ue will enter a Cbllernrl eo obetrnctlon. It prored
House FuTDisber.
Bcc'y and Gen'i Mgr. of the Nurtbero
two eleoka pleoed above ead ecreet cafo Kbool tbU fall and ctody to be- Tclrpbune Co.
tbe walk. HU dUeorery wee made loo oome a doctor.
Frirate Nelaon J.Wyckoff of Company
Utc, end be oollided with tbe plenka.
A few mlnatee later two men pAaeiag M. waa ia tbe city yMtsrdey. Be i* New JCmiairy
Misa racksbeiry will Fecelre her
that way found Frank unoonaeiona ead tbe Union Democratic NllveriU'a
fr vodaaitbe oprning of her new
for eooaty clerk.
eery badly bruited. They took him
parlors in tbe btnlih boilding.Kridat
HobertM. Noribmp baarooe
the kome of Ur. Litoey, where be was
ai-d Saiorday. Elegant paiurn ha’*.,
eared for.
Bert Gaoneit, Frank-§ i MorrU for a rlali with hU parenu.
asilom and tbe latest beautiful eftecta, tssst.
brother, atarted to walk home ahorUy|- Hoo. H. C DarU left taat nisnt ter
after tbe former bad lefU and learned ' Frankfort.
Wf the aeeideoi. Be notified bis moth-' Will Wigbimao baa returned from
«r and aUier. who baaUly went to the i Keed City.
awUlaoee of the Injored man.
On' Mlaa Sniie Maee lefi yeaterdny for a
tbelr way they were met by a couple i *Uit with her atater in Uuskegou. She
mea who addreaaed them with in-i waa accompanied by her tittle niece,
anlUns laqf uage. The ladles called to , Bemloe. who baa bean rlalUnr here Uie
ThTM cent! i da;
Bart for help and tbe men took to: paal month.
AiffbU hot had not gone far Iwfore j A party eoaaUtlar of 6. C. Deaprea
they were orertaken by Mr. Oanuett. 1 aad wife. Mr. and Mm. O. P. fUrrer, H.
It baa been remarked that Saiaer'a D Campbell and wife, Um. O. C Uoft will remember the meelinc fatt and Miaa Edna Moflatt, spent Sun­
dor come time to come, white the prom. day at Ca-p Lake.
Joe Major transacted bnalnesa la CadloM -made by Saaaer to nerer again in«nlt a lady wonid flill a good sizrd’rol- lilac yesterday.
M.C Dodger
rned yeaterday tram
The sidewalk near there waa
Slao found raised to nueb a helcbt that
had anyone attempted pasting over on, F. V Daria, geneml freight agent of
a bicyelc they would probably bare, tbe C. A W M. By I* in town.
J. W. aiffe la in Elk Baplda oo bnaiaaffered aeriona Injury.

■yDe are aVtwaVtvq



T>ress &oods
a\ ttteW iptlee

*10* are sdVlaq tbe same
that are
\tv drij qoo4* ebow
\B\t\dow8 lit tbe tW'i 0^ DetToW at $S.
“Sbe iabftc ts eowrae abeautt^V <me
aad amoaq tbe beet.
Out etocb coatatae att qradee
Hvota 5e a laari wp. *5beret»ao ttoeVT
I ta TJCortbera tdtcbtqaa tbat eoea apjpToaebeett.
It qoo4 aanetp to eeVect Vfota te
j eoiaetbtaq mortb coatideitaq.



22.00 Bedroom Soite.

For $14.50.

New Store 120 Front Street.



Geo. R. Winnie
tlp-to-daiB Painter
and Paper Hanger.

Mope Tlrea areal Might.
While riding to Elk Baplda Sunday
Mpy boodoa punctured tbe Ure of tbe
troot wheel of bla bleyele- He rensoced tbe tire, fastened a piece of rope
la Its place' and ftnaUy flnUbed hU
jonm-^y. _________________


Miaa Clara McGregor arrired last
Shop op^site Eagle office.
Btgbtfroa White Pigeon, to take a
paaiiion at the asylum.
Ed. A. tvolfe returned to Indianapo­
lis yHterday. after a three weeks' rUit
with bla mother of ibis city. He waa
eeeompBBled by hlaaiater, Mra C. W.
JoyceFrank Roldaworih left yeaterdaT for
e^^*w"^. Lasrrencra* mlilinrry
atore will be .continued Uouday aod Ann Arbor toe^tinne bin ntndies In
Pctr«kr.r, Mich 8«-pt. |0 1808.
tbe L'oirersily.
Bi.Axui.zx & McCtiXkicK, Districtl
a U. Corbett, one of tbe elek nova ilanagers—Gcnt-emcn—I wish to ex-;
Ladles, e ran y -or kid glorea with
• hrartfeu Ibaula for cbeck for'
HiUrrGi' Itia POl a liquid, ; lately returned from Cuba, ba* bis doc­
learnt 1.0 odnr aod can be used wbVe tor's permtaalM to retara to bla borne I $100. In payment for the death claim |,
of my laU bnahand, F. H. Uilmau. I ,
Ibr p'.-re l*o» the bend. For Mir only In tbe eonutiy.
fn eonrinced tf-At
mn.. ezeellent '
that vm..
your moat
iy Jamee O J'Jihaon. Druggist.
Pst McDoaald ef tbe Manialee-Com­ ' company wiabea to aet fair witb their
membera and I ebce
“Fltz”-”Fltz”-“Fitz.” pany. is reoorering from hi* **•
I both tbl ageuU andd eompany.
1 u< ** at Flower Huapltal, New York, is
i>i7 truly Toara,
TtfM «sU > a>7.

Prompt Payment
1 Characteristic.

Are Others
Who make 6oar as good as the “BEST,”
but tbe year around nothing beats it. Our
6rst consideration is quality. Tbat this
is the best ^licy is proved by the fact
that eyery year we have been able to show
a healthy increase in our sales.




We are maMiig very low prices on Furni­
ture and you can’t afford to buy elsewhere
without looking at our stock.
Here are just a few items:
Sii Cane-seated Dining-room Chairs for obI|[ $3i0
A Had Cane-seated Rocking Chair, only $I.2S
A No. I Woven Wire Spring (foil sized) $.85
A firil sized Mattress, only $1.40
A full sized Bed, (cestors included) for only $1.40
A nice Conch, with guaranteed Springs, for only $3.75
No one can or will, match us in prices for
the same quality of goods.


Wm T

«««»«»»»•»•« »«»««*• «»»»«»«




•twMf SMstof* (or* Bstobo, wSm«
•he wUl BMi bw bM>»Bd. who, It to
•Bid. to not te food bcolib.

we cannot do-

kilted is Chleoeo, bed SS.OOO laearwoe
la th« E. a T. M. Be woe % awaber
of a trat la Boltoad. Mleh.
Tbe MeroMtUe Coapaay to faranb*
Bely of Bearw D«a wm erasbed
For Busy Readers.
J dMtb beaeatb a bM-a. Pally fifty peo- iar
„ the
. bedrooa. faraltota for W. B.
pie wero tojarod. two U to tboorht. I
«••• Oolawbtoo Hotel, oad
(•tolly. Beery wthoblballdisc la the !
tbU; The South Side 'Sholnepeore Clab
BwsB»b» bu «ix e<rw (MtnHa^.-urouebatUieeblebeB, b«t s UeBtor.’*^*^
with Mn. J.
wbloh taro oat doaooo etran MiBaallx. j ey oi»d obb Uetify to the oodItmt. Be i •*'*>'»*'
eoao try Urm booMt aad
Wh»t tbe KMdlBg Tel^hooe New* j »*• riding hie wheel when the ohieben *™?“ eeBired r«»tly. The doaere W. Treela, on Beat Ninth otreet.
AU manbere of the Trareraa Olty
■ays to tree of oiaet of Vbe towee is tbe ! n» <■ (nmt of bln Jest Is time to be will oirr arete S3O0.OUO.
A yooay New-Yorker, who two yeera'chapter Na U7, order ot the Baatem
■tolo. It to to tbe eflMt that there to raoorer. The bird wm oot bart oey
■ot la that town oae idle man oneept to epnk of. bat tbe man waa tbrowa aye WM heir to a haedred miUloo dol- Stor are reqaaaiedtoattaad the aoaaal
taeia late to today aaralar a aalary aa a roll- j meetlay thto araalaf. Offioen will be
he to Idle from eholoe. All tbe loe»l off bia wheal ia front of a
rood employe. Coraailea VaafierbPt, alaotad.
lodntrlee ore raaDlar tall blMt, aome and badly eatabcmt the baml, while
Jr., the dtslabaritad, 1to an aaatotant
Htoa Sank Lee to berlog «be fence
oeertioM, and there to plenty of work Uie wheel woa ralaed.
•rlseer la the mechaale
department la front of her property oorner Ninth
for erery mtn who wanu iu
Mre. JaaoB Powell, laadlofiy of the
TlelalijUuSstardej v


BlBr.dcriDr •■

Some Good Stories of Fact and Fancy Condensed #

and UaioB etreeu remured.
The barge Band and aehooear Naiad
of Cbailevoix are locelrlag lamber
'*, from tba Tmverae City Lamber Com-


We ennaot offer
shoddy footwear for any price
becanae we don’t aell that

we can doWe can sell yon tbe moa
shapely and beat fitting dioea
ever made. '
We can give yon fully 50 per <»nt more wearing quality
than any other dealer in to^ Oor cnatomere know it.

' lag bead of ihr
Prcaideot JaaM B. Ancellarrtred atjBo^B' afed 89 years, marriud Ura j The Top’ kv. Kaa.. fl->ar cnllla bare paay.
,: Feratrolt, ay.-d'At. >(. G obea. ladtoao. ^ o*sa*d grinding for want of wheat. It' Barry Rent la nara^ a aora aboal-!
Ado Arbor Sitorday morofac
wormli greeted by bia -vtndenu.
B a rebrat fall.
T..CO.P1. b.a.u..rl..l .«.! UiiJ. |,„UmUrJ U...
.111. .t otl«At Port Baron Iftoi Jennie Sather- wcddiug day, tbe ooarUbip being ur- I pint of tbe Slate are idle from the | ^ B. I’help*. a eoot maker from De-;
lud WM aererely barncd abont tba, rled on by corr(»poD<lence. Loot week Icauae. Farmers ore holdieg their wheat
hit token a s to F. G,
bead and foee by an eip'o^ion of ro*o-' “** ' ‘"P^*
«•*“'«*<*• *“<*
<* «• for better prices.
line Sstarday. Throogn s^me mUtoke
Fierce forest fires are dermstotieg
Fsrewe'l mrv'eaa were held Sunday!
•he fl.Ied the lamp with gam>liaa la I
large timber traem in Colorado at d at the Fri.-ndk chureh.oa Bev. - lloword 1
, ateod of keroasaa oil, which enplodad ^ ^
» the boy ra,
and ifary M-tore. p-esent pMlore ofj
arbea a match wm toahec to It Bat:
. 'Ibe Melhodtoto of Caltforato hare the ehurrh.will leave this city for'
for the timely amilfmee of a neighbor refueed.andibeelimaneamewitb
their bom.-to V^MOautl.
•be woold hare beea baraed to death, j'aboee reaaltauied.
lig'ioas fervor tbe n
R. W Byna.- nl<ht Ofwratw at tbe
Tba deami thief, perbalia the aome
Tbe pickle factory at iloltaad, which
"Father" Loreott Wangb. who ia said C- 4 W M df^pot, to forced to take a
■owgtreslhefarmereof «he*iclaitya, „ who rreenlly operated la Traec
to be the oldeet living preacher of that vacaiibaoascoonatof Ul beelth. Mr.
n«k.. fK .11 th.
.» !
denomlaatioo la the world. Be to
Gardener. f»rmerlv night operator at
... .Stealinggold leaf fram denttou’ offioea
rotoe. to to t\eal.rged by tbe addition
amliveot West Virgiolm, wm a frieed thto Dlaoe.if -xp-eieJ to arrive umoy to
Mkoad Dr.
of » toma^ulag tmitory. which
of Daniel Webster. Joba Qilscy Ad- fill the vecaocy.
. 1
srill take the former
•oia. TbomM B. Bantoa. oad oiber fa­
their hands m well.
mous men of bia younger day*, sad
A Big Bspkto editor hM been pt«Charles Baker of Baebaaan. Uieh. went to California with an
What tba Bank* and Uadtog BaMaaa*
•eaUd srHb fonr big. red applm tbst is
Indiana J8st. Ba lives in Ssata Barbata oonniy
Man pr Kalomaioo think of tba
eaa hardly be crowded together into a lowoa for his IS yeornBld son Will, aad is stiU ragged, la the beet
peek measure.
ism. who left home Tboisday In com­ bealth, and vigoroaa In bto prcoehlag.
Not In a eeoie o^eats hM tbe Chipany with Ulea Drew. aged. IT. So far
employe of the Wetzell tnraieg workt., beor>-Ji haa failed to reveal the where- eago riverbsmr^ueb a frightfnl eon- To Tat Pi'si
W,.tb.q. tmigsrC, berriqrevnitr tool
is.. Tbe
aiuca as u bow is
i ae water ia
ta m
loestod t*p aed a half m<:es north of abonts of the rona^ays. and Uie fsmll- diUcaasltaow
SMinalaiva vlth thr oOerr*
MancelODo. had bia arm ao bsdiy tea aie distracted with.grief. No motive | black m lek. and the smell tosiekealai
. oM bt Klehlgoa AaelMBi Aa
kuow tOra totw
to Un- erewe ot veeeeU Uavetuiag it.
- eroabed between two cog wheels tbst toas*igned for tba <
Tbe canae of the trouble to that tbe
nmputotioD of tbe right arm below the the boys.
•IbBw WM aecasaary.
Elmer Diegmsn. a Branch eoaaly pumoing works at Hridgaport hM bro­
Aacldaat AaaoetoD)wn ia Marengo tcrwasblp ooe farmer, raised a euesmber cf tbe eom ken down and the aewera have all been
.... —.n boatoiM
tbresblag maefalae man bos thnahed
fire feet la flusbed into the river by tbe reeeni ■ UW^ MIC evDdt —
Ur(v BPBbvrMilp la
|h|^lt^arr bai
oat 40,000 bosbels of wheat with bto length.
Tba Omaha enpoaition will make a
B. T. AlleoU bronght the editor of
. Clab root bee very aerions'yjiaBUgea the Bellaire Independent Salntdey an profit of $90,000.
The enbjeet of winter
< the great cabhoga forma la the marsh onloD of tbe White Itoiton variety
troops that are n-n used in the nceepi
and one-hslf.

Hiclilp Accident Assdciition.


being oonsiaered.

Th*r h‘!!i?'*’b^ j

lid we'lgVe^^*” f

planted too oftoo with caMmge anS I oae pound and miven oencea


M»m oy paiaviog wa leoce

pK-■ aaairr, Kal<BO*oo.
A. n. dTuBio.
Haierof Kaloi
Al.«(ltT W. »SITU.

departmebt. o««e«of
Ufllerruof th.
tbe er-v
variom sitca


u,,« Ub, buJb,ib -b.n lb.: iir biuir

of whom 900 Were kilivd. Three
prvceeaof pollUeol recoasirue-1
Opaai- g of Buvioraa OoUrge.
IstoofBeera were wonod^ and *T Egyp- j jJoq to began under American noapioe*.
The fall term wllloommenee Septem­
tlaa ooldiera killed and 69 wonaded.
namber of Europeau. parUcutor y
ber *0 toateod ot September U
General Kitebeaer. eommaadlag tbe ^ Freacbmen. are numbered to tbe ad- Donpeed prevlonsly. i '
•e -are proper rooau.
TAeoe paerd of <
and BavMa Mpeeta a busy aad proa- of the October term of Circuit oourL
Itohed poaUnt FMbopa and on the Sobat parduk winter.
■tatfa street and after that will be 1
river. The troope 'did ih> fighting exTbe firat aection of the eleolrie raU held et Grange ball^mUl tbeaaw Mon- j
oaptwith a Dervtoh steamer on tbe way roed to tbe auramit of tbe Jangfna.tbe •on bioek to completed, when we shell,
occupv tbe Bwr>n<l fl.or of that build-1
fumoot mouDUin of the
■mU. wbleb WM captured.
lag. Our roouM io thto block wUI
In ordrr that the aiek and eoavolewi'>««*
the Aaoiger gia- a* floe aa say in the state and we abali
ooatof the army may be properly fed j
1» *• **P«ted the roed wlU makeeveay rff-irtto beat tbe fmpt In
all oor mork. We have hod more calU
hereafter, a .ynem of diet kitebeoa to| '* fiahbed by tbe 1«14.
axtend ihroaghuut tbe entire army to" *® Englaod the reoepl hoi apeU
wader preparation.
Every regiment bronght a plegne of moaqaitoes to ae»-!,todg,
denu eaongb who will prepare
will have ODt. which will be under tbe
re*n!tir.g in the totroduc-, th-u
tnwlvra t^tokeevory poaiUoa whij|h
■aperrtoioa of the malor snrgeoa of tbe i
Americaa mom)ulto nets. , The i may
l^meat and will U an •<• joaet of the •>>**?
ka'l to »w aospeodr^menul dUpet*ary. A revtoion of j
.the army eook book wUl be mode, j A umin bearing J0.0b0,aoo onnoea of Oomptoto saw ftoek sai ftylmMiaa Taekabvrry will have her mil­
teaching bow to contrive between fif-y silver bnllloa.froffl Fblladelpbia toSaa
linery opening Friday and Saturday,
and sixty differeatdtobeaont of army ' Franeiaeo, to soon W marks new era
in her fine new atore in the Smith
mUoaa. The prarident. ex-effleio. Vlii i to tbe federal gogpriimeotb method of
building. Blegmateffrcu from latest
be Mked to be the nominal head of this jlraaaportog tbe prectoua mrtala befsAbionabla caauea. AU Udlra in­
vited. ________ .
new deportment, but the ezeenUve - tween iu minto. Tbe ebipuent to to
work will be done by a auff enUrely i be mode on a epctdol fast freight train Haw Toia, Vtw S^lu.
iBdcpendent ot the army.
guarded by federal aold'ei* and daucNew oolon Ssw them to Priak
On the lalond ot Uorbodoeejlbe storm (ivea. It is aappoaed that hereafter: Frtodrich'a big display window,
where the f
«B the Bight of iteptnmbM’ loth, awnpt freight and not ezpreaa, wUl ba 'the.
■way 10,000 aoMea, damogad thou- method of ahipowt.
panda more nrd cn&iwd lOO dvatba The
Mrs. Sampanru the wife of Bear Adeliy "f 'tfiMitetow
aperiiaiy d-r- mtiol aampMMi.aGlv.t tiaiur-:ay oti the
* KitZ”-’‘Fi'Z*'-”P*fZ


If You Havfe Logs to Sell
Correspond with the Traverse City Lnmber Cunipany.
We have for nie GcmxU

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
.t °
Short Maple W'ood.
r.-A.2TJ?S FO£t «
Kill Maohinery of all descriptions, ioclading Two Enginea,
Set Works, Carriages and Saw-. A complete Saw Hill Plant
for aaln


ftfb2*..'^.'S‘«°'-S;'“ *
For Tow Sckol Boots iEwsf?'
Live AgenU Wanted in tTn- Fifty Cents
occupled Territory.

Guard Chains
P. Uu*i
rr-aiii>rr. nUlaaox-B Pab. Oa.

I Furniture Bargains:
Columbian Restaurant
/rap.-p.,.rTMv4r Locchea in tbe worla fry Itc. Open all alg^t




One HeXaaafa'a Shoe Sfaue.

Spuidist in Diseases of tte Eft

_ 6.8. A'—rjrrbbfbramnv
■ the bottle trrai>oee bear* the
W vigabtnre b«e elves el

At The Cottage Home.




= BUY...


WUi be iDWravme Cityjroleotloaally.
froBOet-atoiata. Wuibrteasd


'rood Dptoaem

oUfTh. avd oU blood dto

— H KtivaB._____

Mrs. Perkiaai>arv^ iylnjir«d.
; poUrr. who aa*'hem al—rk v»ik —i Mrs J-Hre CahUl of Imaatog. aprpi
The tofeatanild of Barry Wright of j oc-m* the airwi p.ward the oW
li« Serdbj wil. Mi-.b A>W Crawford, -a
Elbrilge, was tnatoaUyklltod by light-!wm ordrrrd u, tnrov ap hia n.n l . | ■• f • »y’r..m K .«r ..g Brook, wberr
•aiog Satu-day.
| which hr did. firing n‘» r-reiver at thr a»c •-i»rut iba
One woa'-iD‘isopp'M»that*coma{r>o same time H-ww. {.died wjJi bal­
Bew to
between a grett big man aad a liltV lets and died toatopt y The mbircarliood look' an r«.Miy mon^tbao r-kin
ehiekvn could rrauU diaoktruusy fir vm are at large.

Col->bbl Itaonb robt-1 J.bOO



ly Sella, aged 1» yMra. whUe rmsing ,
j aboat a mo.<h wh
<m boreeback with aa oldor bratber.' atotiag tor wbum ihry wvie made, and
ibv abaniluDt !Dtof Comp Mvade
I. .
iu Peunaylv«nla.
k, ,h, brab.,-.
I,,,. .
SxtoadtogU^ a
Iwwifc The bo,, hnd -u ■ b«llT
, ...diciotKwj dam.,,, for iaMat. E Tbtmon to prepariagt-i move
»b,l.d bf ,b. bb-c'. h.«l. „fi. I.
,„bi)i> era>f--ri«oery and truU bnain.M
haiirvad that the woupd will be faul
iicrxb fa ti'iD of tbr tr-icaai> bvmriug
into t»v avw buiidtng adjjiaitig ibe
Tbe five year old child of Mr George hiap.iShli~-n h''u-wfiD -ha r>utb. H- wi
,P-ki»oic,uiv.u„. ,.,,b„.bi ri„™. .n»-f
ta«.w.,o.a.„—y „d lb.Ub.., ,,,,
br-bio, rxtvad hi- ha>b eaa to laelnda a Inneh,.tt.,.o,«.iu™„i„„.r
J„,,„ oouBtor ttnii ktotiooery liars.

lb- livrr be inactive, you bare a biHno»
if yonr atomavb be diarTdrTvd.
------------aaoorb. wvre eut‘ri y dem Ulshi
. V--U iiwe a dybpuptie looki if your klHOwiarU Htwe Mutae of tfalV-raai ^ .hipp'i g va» lo-i or blown «ni u n-v- be afftetod. you. bare b pinrbed
Gecore good health, and ^itu
aea The lofl i*am«g*-in tb - KnihaTb. oblj
,b. ,
„■ will barely have good look-. ••El**ctric
Kit-«ra" to a good Altera'ire and T<mir.
„d ii. ."r—
- ...
I A'"'dlrvcllv on tbe •‘-'inacb. liver and
iMt atroagbold. Gedorif, c p^u'eit. on:
|,o) *ort 4no .tm-ricans bent k-.ineya. Pari6*« to' blnud, curen pirn
Baptembar 22od. after ihrw b-.«ra- „„ aj.uirur thvir formnw io Cuba .-r
wod b.-ii*. and gives, a
• gu*i
hard fighting, when an E/ypt.i
i iuvrsiirtg thowt alrv.dy acquired are i
tjjr’|)™g‘^|,"'‘ve of:
■ambaring l.aoo, aoder
loder enmiuaed
ji,,. fi-ic in H>.vai'a and r Wait-aed J. O JoIidood.
J ernu

.4. S. P'RYMAN.

13.5 Front Stre-l

Watch This Column For Bargains!

if von con. From one a*^ ef Ub.^tb.Kte-.h.. ^<1.... —___ _in u.

rheaen. It to said that eumlaatioes
El. Buybea, a Clio lad of eighteen, farm ie Crockery, there »ere oonotod were being mode with a view to tbe
became food of odv..ntare and left bto i8M washed eeeoa, wblcb were perfect. eeleetioa „
of eampe near popular winter
widowed mother and home a month ' At this ratio. It would yield 1000 bnah- i rewwU to
•go. Nothing hM been beard uf him . eto to the acre. Be certoiniy has the' Georgs sod Florida It U
■toce nnilt’bis mottter received a tele--lorgeet crop known in that vletoliy.
leotioo of the department to have any
Igram atatlng that he bod been biU-fil
very large campa at any of ihrio

What we are doingWe warrant every pair of ahoea we aell. If it don’t wear
ad repi^aented it meana a new pair withoot extra charge. Oome
and try a pair and be convinced.-

acn. J. to. oowAy.
Aorp «-m^iiiiil~>Br1im»C«tar»fi. Cro— eyral
M> okw >ranVh°-^Jo!
tov dnrfH-vi
-gOHd rraolto.
vyr arr. t—blbk
rraied bby ! . ▼IWtood Air admlaiM
,«Brav.a loMMgjeUo-rfuwh.
«Uoa y« aoed far making cnraAiM M



At S. Beoda it Co's, means to wear tbe Best and
the Latest at a Big Saving.

Perfect “Fitters,”
Speriof oUenGun ic« mil Io.-—

Look at the display In our windowa |

Oegut ReelffSiiU

Fur boy* 3 to «.
tares, stHcU.v all worl. very h
•pme.atylieh oad trimn-ed ia braid,

(For boys 8 to 1« year*), offer yon 1
the very choieeat pick of valara to -'

iMifr 5iib

Ov-UOK tantrTfttNSfilti
la fancy m'xtarea (for boys 3 to 8
year* of age): can't be rqnaledfor
tbe. money—very laicat pattens—

ii T$H«
.WvabowtbegrealratltoaaofblMn, s
Macl^and fonry miztnrea. Prices, ^

Oor line of Gents Top Costs, Uistera and Mackinloabea is compiete.
beet and beet onlj yon find at

S. BENDA &. CO- S'aabL±03xektole
A. V. Friedrich Block.

To DWmrd tko Ontna
hnac «p on a mk in what It'
M. B Holley haa reeelvad from the
Tbo&A W.M.Ry.Oann abont to
I eaUad the DerUh BIbew. We -ware la
the middle of the etrcam and It wae aboiteh the oae of car fatee aod the «I9 of Hobart. itUsd of Tatmaaia.
bolUaf aU axnuid oa We both ewam praeOee of makla( patroae of the road An^tralatla. a eat of badyee and tonveoira of tba Anctrallaelaa C. B. eoaveaaaboreaad aaved ew cooda. bat they •how their tk
tionbeld Oet. 13. IWT. Tbaee will
The travellnf men aad their
were at wet aa we were. It It caUed
soo mtlee from where the KloUna plpyarn have been the wortt enenilve ntake $B7 badfoa In the eolleetloa of
Holler aod they wUl be amonf the
iptiea Into the Copper river to the to thie ayatem end at taet tbeir eonUnnuA priced, beeanae of the dlatance
month of the Copper Then I went np nal eomplaintaare to be rawarded.
9k\uVt. & tnA o^ 3\owt6 V» Sammer.
they have oome.
the Copper river; fonr of na lined np
ahont 4S mllre. It took teven daye to
S^e» ^Tt "im «v4 "Svt ’BrttDtWL
Below it a lltt of the bnytnr aod ^
line np. and whan we came back we
ran down in fenr honra The Copper Ine pricea of yettorday for
provUiont aod farm pr^uett In Tiav
warkimfr on bin
near la ewifi and fall of roekt. and we
Amn Rftpid*. Kloleam River. AUtVa., Wr
He will pnU throork all rifbt nadonrhande fall to keep oB allofj
eKUJPe raicn
hat will be a airry looklnc object. them, •nteee have been eiyht or nine oear Pork per bbl.
In the Elotena and Oear Pork per R..
•verrey diary to iM when I wrouyon The other *an wae knocked down in i
way and bad hU ana broken. | Q^pp„
One of onr party ShorlC-.
tet. b«tl tall to led it. However!
Short Cot Pork per S
: Ravu't writtea yon alaoe I left the bet he had a partner alonr who klUed was awept off the mft aad went dowi Plonr, U U A Co. <M
4 00
t 50
twice bat accldenully eanybl a limb Rye honr.
H. L. AOo, Beet...
Rlaeler.toalir have eean thU aide o< 1 the bear.
1 58
H. L. A Co. Beet.............
there will be mat* or lett---------., Doeka, jack entpea are on the email aad wat aaved from drowainy. We
r^iLSKST e <ui
Feed, a,
h U A Co. Beet...
to yon and the mat of the folka WelUkee in abnndaooa A thot mn
then went to the heed of Oekoae river. Feed:
G- w-uoe u. ptebew P
10. n«Tf*»ui« Oo- meet.
iW «11~ we Itel eeee 0..!U. .
he. Ik. ~et ISO mllee from the Copper. We peeked
wlulet wk.™ tk.™
kleety .lieeelee. 1
«eek el
our provUien* for the trip. I took 7S Lerdperlb....
wood aad water, for all the water we | alaoe I have been here that were ttop- ponnda on the atari end wa everayed
Imdon the (laeiar wat melted enow. I pimy in tha oonntry. Bed aqoIrreU lOmUetaday. The loedaytewliyhter Creemery
per #> ................
and It had to be melted with wood ■ and rock tqolrrelt are tearoa There and we eonld make better lime. Bat Cfaeeec
Oeu per bn (old)...........
that told tor tOeenU per ponnd. to we ju a rock boy tlmllar to onr yronad boy »0 poande ti conaldered m pack load Cora per bn., old...........
were not In ao much of a harry after here.
Beaver are qalU pleaty. alto a«d 10 milma day a day'* work, aerom Potntnee. per bu...........
we ttmek Umber. We took onr time 1 martin mnak rale aad otter mice are a conatry where thereU DO trail. Ball Sell per bbl.....................
and whip nnwnd onr Inmbnr oat aad | peat. They are everywhere and Into am worked down ao I took 75 ponnd* Bran per 100....................
belU onr boata to make the balance of' vrerythiny. FUh are plenty here, end my yua on a yood trail from Cop­ puTUie nawovtmavi
onr trip to Copper river It took 49 ealmoa. yrayliny, white
lane per Canter to Amy* Rapid* and made
Wheal, old. per bn................
daye fiom Vnldei to yet aU my provU- tromt and brook trout. Salmon are S2 mile* in eeven bonre aod thirty min. Wheat, new. per bn..............
• tent to Umber over the ylaeier: that U |eaoyht by the Indiana and white*, by
iVne** I
loat fifty ponad* OalB. Ko. 1. per bn. (new)..
the Of fle*b- I mcaaereo aroond the waist Com. per bn............................
better than a yrent many did. tor I
--------------------in correal and dlpplny with a when I left Traveree City. 38 inebm. Bye, per bn^..........................
WMone of the first over, of thorn who
Batter, per lb..........................
came on the tame boat with me. There baaket made of wlllotrs, about 3 fact now 1 meaenre 30 iacbea. Bnl I
Byy«, perdoxen......................
t- r riv- that atarti from the ylacler aeroaa at the moath aad 3S foet<Io*P> perfectly well. It U estimated that Poutoee. per bu......................
and aftrr ru'inru^' tbont IS ^le« ronslny to a point at the bottom, that ibree-fourlheof the people who come
Buckleab Antes Brave.* :i K •. -Ji U . . ..e lake l» ia faeteoed on a pole about 10 feet louy. inhere have yone back. Some tamed
*rbor^”"w>«»4 to ■
Tk* Bt*T Salve in t^ world fm I »«h«rm mil
aald to%e thirty -mllea lony. Kloteoa and oae aupde and p^e it is the hack before they yol fairly eiarwd over
Cute. Brnlee*.^ Boren, meeia. Sal eeUi tor
river drain* U>e lake and U SS mile* etream above and briny* it down the ylaeier. I doa’t know bnt It wUl Bheuta. Fever *rm. Tetter. C^PP“
«»> w„^
lony. amptylny into Copper river. Btrenm and onV That ia done for tern out that Ueee ware Ue loeky Hand*, Chilhlalne, Cona. and all 8Vln nrwo'bvlrert.
Ootena river aad lake are always bonre Jatt ae ateadily ae a manb onee. for they eold oet et yood pricee. BnpUose.and poaiUvely enrm PUeo,
or no par required. It Is yuarnntoed
rony. hot not so mnch at the OHipw etrenyth will permit, the.aalmon yolny Flour et the eummit c^ld thi* epriny to yive perfect aaUetaeUon or money
mn in aad are dipped np whoa we were eomlny over for fin per refunded. Price *S cents wboj. Fc
river. The CAper river vaUey li a
Uyk Uble land?Vell vrooded. aad the They ma from 8 to IS ponnde each, hundred, enyer oold et the firet Umber mle bv J. O. Johnson and 8. B Walt
principle Umber U apmee: alder and thonyh 1 eaw aome kiny aalmon that ferfl per ponnd end eelt 7S oenU per
po^ in aome place* U qaiu thick weiyhed 4S ponnda each. Tba Indian* pound end oUter provialen* ecoordinyly.
»nd of larye aUe. Some of the apmoe depend on the aalmen for their liviay Oooda ere taoHel cheep here new:
CmrUsu via ft. &. B 1
tram are very ult and IK feet thronyh more than any other kind of “mnoh elotbloy tan't anlaahle et ell.
«t lha haaa. They make fine inmber. mnek;” that U their name for anythiay
Ta UUaofid. BepUi^ S7U:
There bee net heee a atrikeof any
vary liyht and atrony. Tb* *oU U a yood to aat Thi* aprlny the Paoifie kind made in here end nlmoet every­
Mnit and Ch^ Oet 4th.
Icnm. tha rioheat I evar aaw, aad Steam Wballny Oo. atretehed
one that can yet oet is eelUny ont aad
Tbe O R A l- will five thvlr annul
U tajort aa food on tha topof the hlyb acroea the Copper river to catch the yolny. The Copper river and all of Its
reorsion to Blehmocd oo September
mt htUa •• it ia in the craeki aad rivet aalmon for thalr oannary nt Orea.
lied clear
U. aad to Ifetroit and Cbicayo '
4U. Tickete
eek leier._______
--- boMoarn. So far I have failed to find the aalmon were two weeks laU
to Ue very keads from whare Uey
be eold at the rete nf »5 00 W K'U-~od
•ay poor aoU in Alaska. It miykt weU Iny np, and the Indiana were nearly ■prsayont of ylaeieia aad Uere has end Detroit, and 86.00 to Cbleayo. ^Ube called the land of bird* and flowen. •tarred They tell when the mlmon not a claim bees found. Oold
dreo upder IS year*, belf rate. Tick- OraeC Tewiwoesatr
tm tha bird* seem to come np here •hoald be here by the leariat ont of found In fine fiakm so Uyht Uat Uey ete will be *old from ell »UUon*. MaeV CtlT.
when they won’t be diatnrbad to rales come of the trees or hnaaee. The lake can’t be eanybl, called eolem. nay iiiaw <aty to Bly Rapids, Ipriu-^
yood for return on reyolar traioe flb
their yonnyMd where there I* plenty! troet are el mMt like the bro
where on any of tbe creek* or lakes,
ee food for them- I here found ell the | bnt not eo email. They avarsye, theae bat Uat b all. Several of Ue mei
^Detroit, choice of two r«n tUW >1
W*imn»-r«r eieioi
riven: Oo. vl. F. A P
blrde bara that we here in Hicbiyen. | that I eanyht. t pennd* each, and are just before ■tarUay lor borne went ont
r at BbUme Boose. p>
m Reed City: Ue oUv. vUft.H.
bnt the bine bird and wren, and in got aa yood entlay aa the brook trout. aad staked oUlm* aloay Ue Copper
A M. railroad from Oraar Biyll - For
weh anmbere.
and don't care abont a halt or fiy. Tb* aad Kloteaa river*, imt to my Uey Cbieayo the new will be via V.ckeborp
Alaake la e veetfloweryerden. Wild white fish b a fine eatlny fish aad look* bad a claim. Bnt Ue elalme are net and the Onad Trank sveteia
For time of traiae and farther Inlor
itMM yrow everywhere. 1 beve found very mnch like a herriny. They eel I worth a cent aad Uey never healed u
dbem in the deepest ewempe end wey dom bite a book The yrayliny an pan full of dirt oa Uem befora auhisy. mation. apply to O. R A 1. Uckei
eyente. or eddrem.
p the tide of the mountain, almoat to fonnd la elmoet all the atreexns. hat taetublaS So fvr we bare all made a
C. L. l>KTiirwn,
den't Wte yood ia the larye eireama. dbmal failare. Some are yolny U
O P AT. A.
aa the waver b always redly. Batnp main here Ub winter aad yo over to
on tha Oakoaa river 45 mllee from Cop- UeTenanaby Mentaate pass. It 1* a
yrowiny on the bosbea 4 and S feet per river, e clear creek empties in. too mile trip and pull yonr previeioae
Ammal OMa TzcwBn.
blyh. Tbe foryoi-m^nou yrowlny It
- b a etream ..............................
half the aixe of Bowd- oa tbe Ice and snow, then camp oa Ue
Via Ana Arbor ratlwav. Wednesday
•nlyonthefoothUIe I think are fieer
river. aad one of the very few Teoana naUI Best Hay and bnild a
5th. !»»f Tbronyh
than any 1 ever aaw In coIUvalioa. clearatrsMia I have oeaa alnee I have heat aad yo down, or over to 40 mile. Oetober
from Treverae Cltv Leave b. A b. fc.
It b knewn as the yray- There have been a yreat many yolny re. roed depot «t 9:35* m. Tickets to
The wUd pee b enotheroommon fiwer
bare: there are bine, pink and white. Hay etream and it b well named.
down to Orea. on Ue Copper. Tbe Toledo eed reten 85 oO; one fare frtwn
. lady alipThere wore four in tbe party wSen only plaee Uey live is at the Rapids, Toledo end poinu on UeWh^HiyA
Lake Erie. Boeklny Vnlley. Ohio Cen­
per. beneyanckle. Woe, purple dabiee re were there and we cenelnded to
yard*. Wood* canyon can be tral. Detroit A Lima N«rUem. Clnete.
V. Pew*
catch aome fish and dry them. I had
d if a man 4* yood in a boat and nati. Hamilton A Dayton between T<^
and aeom* of olhere that T never
.. -Octhot two flyn with me. I oanyht I9t on b not afraid. I wbh I ooald yet Ue ledoend Lima aod Ohio CenWalbed
AH lot.
ahraha. Flower* are always In elyht, •ne before it worn ont. and 180 an the RaoMts VO read. We y« a few papers Biy Four route between Toledo and
after they are a meeU old. Yon probBO matter where yon are. even on tbe
Tickete pood to r-tam
ably waa't hear from me for aome lartrein enUl Nov. S, 1898. For fn 1
labM, white and yuUow pond IlUlea. wore them o«t eatehtny yrayliny.
oertleolera and rates ~ine early and
The whole eonntry U covered with have steed ia one apot aad eanyht
Ilanoineham. Ayeat. (Wo. Htr If___________
inquire of H. W. Coi
liny ia aooUer monU or i
a It has net been barwd off. the ehorteet oae woWd be twelve


mVoas Sicptntxvces
5n Qvics\ 6^ SoVdi.



Hie ln*r»-n.





Crul bpldi i Indtut L S


J!5 *s

‘ ffS8=S 88«£8B S:i S8



BBtSfl £B»s8


-g-A-AS-S__________ _




Te ■ B E lESi I 8 8 fi s s'!

^TiHs« AtTtw rvow pen Wars*. Oeirstt sod
°U^*h«Ie“l5ls'’'^rtvm at UBS a m.



inebm lony aad all tbe way ap ta eo
Inebea. The cmea ta the eaaimt yetUny alony I evar fiahed In. and Iota et
room to mat a fly. aad any flehei
eaacatebaUhe want*'to carry.
If it were a bnadred ponnda.
The Indian*, all ayree. are
brlyht«Hn‘ll*«“‘«F«ver**w. qniek
to lean. perteeUy boneet very friendly
aad aooommodatlay. They are aU reUyiona. I think they heloay to the
Oraek ehnreh. Mml of tbe older

Ue winter.

Yonre reapectfally,
from a few inebaa to a faw taal thick.
J. O. LAPewomiv.
1 have aeen tba mom ao thick that I
We have thrown sway the key—no
bale-T»* vheeW w»«per« oeC tn
P. 8. Tb mceqnitom are Jut a* bad
lockiny the door at the Colnm. F^toUe™ y;:..r.erttr u,w>«,cc m-a
would alBk into U to my knem
bbn ReeteoranL Lnnebee eeiwcd
aetbey knee been represented to be.
tealklny over it It b like atepplny on
all Ume» of niyht. Mr. Frank Nav.
• aponye. The moaa b of aeveral oolto the
ilybt clerk, will
will eater
aiyht and day as lony as they'ah browo. weamy white, pale
of th» ho"*"’
stay. They elmoly wear a man out.
and very dark yraen, Oae elxe yrowa
.Uy. r. h. Fietcher.
Tbeyeome in aa
tbe shape aod aUe of an Ul-abaped
mmi suy nntU Ue froete kill
fiayer to a lady’s ylove, and almoat
Uem in Ue fail. Tbe water pail
Ally*. VVWCrlHbW^
white. There are Innomerahlo lakm
frooen over aiyht before laat. eo you
of amall sire scattered all over tbe Cop­
JR* 1
jpoeqaitom are doae.
Tbe days Kaiyht templw Oeselavt at PltUhurg.
per river haaln. Some have onlleu to
One fare for roan trip Sell OeL 8*.h
U. pteU». ot OhriU U. . Uta. axwwarm and pleasant nob.
the dlflerehl irlbolarlea of the Copper
to ISU rvtnm OeL 17U. Cao extend to
J. O. L.
-river, hot the moil ef them have sack tied aroand their aeeka. 1 think
Oet MSL Mml direct route, kbortert
nelUier ooUet or Inlet Staynaai wlUi an edneaUem they would make a
(' E. MtTEEAv. AyenL
Seat Bldri* Won.
ra»r»i^«for cienfvtl* •roTkvrv. ri»dlt
menda or laka* snrroaodod with larye yood
„.. Uviny In ihta eonstry. ne they are
C. L. LocKv-ooP. O. P. A T. i
marahm- some of the lakes have fish In j«cepUooally briyhl and Uta oonnrry
> iatermtiay yarn* of ha»e ball
them but the majority have not Thajhaa yreat raaonroea They dreaa in
_ played a few d*y* ayo between
larymtlakel eaw on my trip up the ; moose and cariboo akin*
*^*_"*"^ tbe Wmt Bide and Bast Side knee hall
linsA and it ended in favor of Uc Bmt
-Qakont river wa* aboot * by »ia mile*. aod Uln cotton yooda
The foot bill* are ueually free from They are Ue Stick Siwash tribe: Miek- Side. Tbb b tb* second yame
aad did Baal Sida hm taken from tbe Wmt
-timber and are oovered wiU yram aad
.aom Marebes eeveral mUm in lenytb some tradiny wiU him. He U a hriybt Side, out of six yamee.
are a very common Uiny her*. They man.'
Boom. I* to IS.
The tempeiaure all anmmerbaaa't
.e. oovered wlU yram. eiUer the
eommon marU yram r red top. 1 have been above 75 or below 55. I have and Frank Rokoo; East Side, Bay
where Uaibeen from U* ylacler down Ue Klo- Blackburn and Coon Snifkn.
•Mn Uoueand* of
Struck out—Novak 14. Blackburn 7.
grmm would be from at kiyb a* my tens lake and- river to Copper; It b
called 100 mile* from Velde* to Cop­
wabt to Ue top of my head.
1 celebrated tbe BoTi' "FrEB” StoekiBftE
Game ba* been very plenty here, per river, that route.
- Koi toad# of iron, hot wear like It.
aome d*y». eneb a* moose, cariboo and 4Uof Jaly by ihootiny Amy* Bapid*
tSe. To be bad axciaalveb at B. Ben­
bmr. *^*0006 bom* are found every- OB Ue Klotena river. The rapid* ar*
da A Oo'a. A V. Friedrich block. Hi
- where and moose traiU cat thronyb 30 mllm loay and partim who have
white bcr*e rapid* *ay that Ueee
the moe* mnniny from on* meadow to
-U* oUer are very common, hot they
OeBpUtannriteeka&d i^lmare eld tralb aad don't *a*m to have tall b 70 feet to Ue mil* aad rock*
MU* Tackabsiry will have her mil.
bean n*ed for year* to any aiteat. and flood wood ntake It qaiu a trick u
Unery opoalog Friday and Saturdey.
in her Am
store in Ue SmlU
Tbere b onee in a while a fresh track yet down. The day after we aboot
boUdlny. EUyonteffecUfroui latmt
oeea. hat seldom. Bear* ar* moee
fsshionable centrao. All ladlm in­
pleaty: •eveeal have bees shot by dlf- and U* whole 17 anvamped or
vited. _________________ _ «»»
femntoam oa Ue traU. Two parUm omasbed on some of Ue roeka. Fifty
w«r* hart by bmr. in Ue last few dollar* wa* Ua prioe paid for any one V*«Teai.1ltv fi^ba.
Newerion. 8ee Usm in Frank
day*. One had been ont hnntiay bear* who wootd toke a boat oafely down
Friedrich’* biy dbpiay window,
•ltd bad lost hi* knife and wa* tokiny bat only a few came tbronyh safely
wbeia tbe flamt shorn are exhibited.
hb back track lookiny for hb knife. , The way they yot down wa* to take a
ai boat and line down wiUaamall
wlU hU head down, and Ue first Uiny
'' be knew a bear (rinnamoa) •tmek him load. Mypartnw.N.UcR.aadl. shot
«s U* head, toariny hb scalp loom Uem on a raft ySomc plaem Ue water
frmn Uc whole top of hb bead. Uea would atrike Tta hnaat hlyb, Uea We
bit him in Ue face, hreakiny haU wonld he swept nnder bnuh along Ua
lew*. ThohoarUanlnflhimfordmd. bask, bat wa.masagad to sUek to U
Be Baally enma Into mmp and U* doa-



Three oette a dfij.

^ S»Tio»*t. Baoc (•«■<»«». Js»s-

John R. Santo.
General Insurance.

Bicycle Riders.

,1 Mot'oetoTaEPayma.


\st«* uTsiwrisl S«W—■ nt» if»»«d

one in Ue city for the money- Don *
be deceived by what oUer* teU yon b
the contrary, bnt come and sm Wi
^’’“ywantoe all my work to be right
and 11 it dom not prove ao I mska I
mop in tm B o’clock every evenlny
except Sunday, in Ue OaldweU A Lmdoo balldlng, at norU nnd of Onloi


Ever Borned Out?
U ao yon know

O. P. OA&YXB. Ago*

infw-iW twIMlor SI

ui lORiiitiBi LI
tSMksseseinaaaar.Ism «.M8I,
sttmo-siseXA m.

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