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The Morning Record, March 04, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Tkd Cento.
raloo BtmU the eotter was orertara1
Brseitiaa. .
sd ud Ura SaHsborj> was throws rioThrrewillbe a reealareoBToeatloBf
leoUy oat etrUiltif on her head. She
I tonight of Trarerae City Chapter, No.
^ ^ Kserioasif hart. Sheriff Simpsoa and AB.B BBIMO MAPIDL^rsDraiAXS!
S.. J. Wail
nominated in WnahIf you have a good Pocket Book. We have a new
Tom Bhaae oonfepod her to the offloe
\ fBOtno
inyton yvstardny
for Us office of pmtof Dr. Martin, where It was foaad that
AMBEIOAM SAXLOBS SQUAX. TO the lajaries were oal^ straral seratehes, MOTIOKABLB STBBiraTBBMIMO manler in CAdiUae.
line and they are dandie^ and the price ia the most surTHS WOML9.
a brslas an the head and a had jarruc.
wHole thing.
and not aeriotts. Tbe kotae wasoaorhi
!■ Out of W«r Oaitod Ototw Var- hf Oeort* Holr.
PoTdar. Bhalla and Fn^JeotUea Will of A W. PeU oa NlaU atraet.
•hip* Oouttf Blow Spaalafa Oowt
r njt^ irelykt «
Ba Bent Sonth f.*r Toaaibto Mae
OltlM toAtoauwa Vaath-Opaia
Warshlpa-BIff Ooaaa Xdaara to
ly demayrd la awiKhiny in the C. A W.
Is a BMforr^ Matloa aa« 'Mot
- e.--------------HOLLEY. MAiinaa
PoUy Xqnippod WiU Baavy iHws
raewaa Oitp lAdfe. 1 OfO. T. ttUl
M. ya^
', ^
' Abls to Oops Witk Os.
tha Bpaacr Lodce of KlehtosaPisberaaeB are now flUiay Uiooyfa
UiaOoa. Msreb
“Tbe Oaitsd
Ormod Chief Tamplar Banliek. of tha
New York. March R.-Tkefe ia a
Staus wiU ^STS orarr loiTB OB the I. O. O. T. af Miebifan baa rireo the tlonanee of activity at Ue New York Ue lee oa Ue hay. bat while very Bee
perch arc belay eaayht laryer flab are!
Spanish eoast Uofra to atoB. a awaih order tor a fine marble c>*»l bloek. anenaL The abippinr of ahelU and
' after the bsfininrof hosUlltica." salO which U to be preseoled to Trarerae othor proJeotUci U tha fortiflcatioBs
Mrs. J. B. Martin will yo to South I
* And get your cbalk wfaere you can gef a good as80tl>
WUlla« Alisa. U. P.. to a World oor- City Udre. No. «l. I. O. O. T. ’ TbU aboat tbe harbor h-nnahaUd. It ia
raspoadsat. Mr. AUaa is ooe of the
on the market, which
expected that a battery of twenty
a the T^ae —|iooire
and j Jod^e IB ibe-atate in terarinr
—,---------_------------ ——
iwelve-lnch moriars will noon be
Bsptut church of that piaop.
.jCaonnaat-:-----as aekaowledced anihority ea naral I membeia sad Has
the prise .offered erived nl Sandy Hock for Uetlay be
memby Mr. Bordiek. The block will be fore they are f.irwardrd to tbe polots
hers is n*
nd ai tha next'mectiny
“1 have always azprdssed ia
prepared by B. O. Alley of tbe Trmv- (or which ibry are dMtined. Them
of Tmeenwaiy faodye. No. 4«l. 1 O
house of eopmoDs an a
erne City Msrbls and UrsDiU Co. ItU
a nnmiier of.nosaeoaied mns at
O. T. Special bnriaeas and initiation.
1 eballeared onr a very floe piece of the bloe variety
Ue prarlnf yroends awaiting tbe eonffovarameat u test
' new eruiser and will be a flltlpf Ulbotd to the eirScUon of carriayha.
The OaUolics of Cadillac are pre^t--*
Ppw^ol by seadEne her acrces the At- hovlU asd'eaerry of Ue member
iny for a lltlny celebration of Su Pst- j
Tbesapplyot aamnnitloD has besn
teUe at foil speed as the Oalted t^ local lodre.
rick-e day and bare enyayed B«v. ]
inercaaed is all macaaiace and
y States seat the Columbia, bat our fofFauer
H. P. Maos of UU city to de-,
rasyed that it will
emmeni declined.
fiver Ue nddrem.
'“1 oonslder Amoriea bss eome of the
Toniyht.nt 8:SO there will be a nqrn-1
A larye oonsUmmeni of ammuniiioo:
very toeet ships afloat and I kaow tbe;
BeereUjy Loo^ and Ohainnna Boa^ indndiny powder and pr. J-clUes. is iT meetlny of Traverse City DivUioa.
American sailorsnre Ss rood as any
OLOTBUro TAL^TBS. Per tantanss. Ue
ready for ebipment at tbr Ar.inaoeedc- No. M. Uniform Bank, K. of P. Mem
taUs Bold Important
the warlA Spain is a retrorrade morialu weYe edUrlsr at S6.^ (aearlv sU ataee] arc isntoI paitmantin the Hronklyn lavy ^rd. bers are requested to appear in- toll
lywoTU*7.60. Ou»_
Henb be Meek OUt WoreSed Balm [ >. etawsr,
bend nalioa.' If ahe abould aOap np all
Commander BwUi JI that oeparUnent uDiforin for drill and iiiiiUUvn of eaaD B. Squais Out etrUa]
Waahto'yloa. March S.—Semtary
the warmhipc araQable all
Is awalltx
. baa recelvad inslroctiona from Waah- didatna ,
world she could aot five Ue United Lony epeot moeh time today la-ebmiwrWn to forward supplies w soon aa
Linooln lUrk Ian at Charlemnnleation wlU Chairman Bontelle of
. Staten eaase for aa Instaat's oooeem.
possible to Kev Weat. wbeaee tbry voix. wbieb collsps.1^ last (all. injariny
ReUftble Dry Goods. Carpet
“Bat there will be no war. The Ue hooee naval oommlttce. He denied will be dbOibuted amony Ue war vea- maay
Spanlah rovemment kaow^ it woiUd bimaelf to all othar callan and from
and Clothing Bouse.
■eU in that neiybborhood. Many pro Uonyh there U eoaslderable flaUkiny
he the alrosl for a Cartlst rislnr. They time U time sent ferthe variona boreao jectiles ware for yoas of lafye oalibra. yet to do up-M t^e Interior. Tbe bnUd•re afraid of a revolntioa U dpalh, bat chiefs of Ue departmanu which U a
No-inforsaatioa ban been reeeivad ae Iny U n beautifol atruetaue and will be
Ual'Bootelleto kelny
•s ^ war with the United States there
to what aiapoaiUoa will ba made of Ue one of tbe flnent resort botnls tu Michsupplied wIU detailed i
ynna which have rnoantly bees ship iyan.
Ue Immadlau seeds of the savat
ped to Ue yard from Washinyton.
These yuna are of different ilzea, and
Only le Oonto.
Up U Uia afuraona no word has
as nvitber Ue Chleayo nor Ua AUantsk,
Don't yo wiUont a Utter Box Plau
ime to to Ue department ti
Xsjority Ifaval OScen at Xaeana
If aapoM ahoaM ask you fam nmatton Ue
which aiw beiay overbaaled at the yard, •n your honse when you can buy Ue
conri 'of ioqoinr at Kay Wsat. -It ia
orlRoeala. A few more left.
and Mar West Ttrmly BeUave
will be ready to receive yans for
said Ua ooart ta under ne obllyatun U
Oxo. W. Raft.
Mains Wss IPentroyad by Oos.
least aU oaonUa. it ia rumored that
inform Ue department ns to when it
Havana, via Key Waei, March t.— eoaelndea this branch e( toflolry. nor they are lawnded for Ue auxiUsiy
Bala of all popular Bbaet Manic at
half friL-e will be rAatiDned for Uli
. The majority of Ue naval officers here
for it u neek pennkaaion
tUzteen of Ue six inch ynns nra in d-yvlonyer. W. M. Kimball Co-.l
•nd at Key West IneUne U Ue eplslon to return to Havana.
that Ue disaster to Ue Maine
Tbe orden nader which Ue court U
*' eanaed by n flcalinf mine nnder Ue opcratluy carry sufieient auUority for Unvra Ht. Paul and (It. Uoula. which
port aide of the ship forward. Opinlsp* a ohuaye at say moment. Uonyh the will earry in additioafoor aU poondnrree. sot only aa U Ue esUUnoe of' deburtmrn i may be informed nn n mat ova each. Tbe New York sad Ue Paris
are to raceive. when Up time comes,
misca la the harbor, bnt that this one ter ^-e^uruay.
twenty-fw of Ue six inek rifles and
waaiaid porpoaely near Ue baoy where
If you want n bicycle bollt te fll yon
As the'pepyrem of Ue Inquliy attoreiffn warships were directed to moor, Bavana drpdbds upon Up wrvekeru' twelve six ponndprvyat to ba ablpped. leave yoor order and speeifleatioae at
There are eixty-ooe ypsapls In Ue my sb.ip, and I yoarahtee to suit yon
„-nad was died by aa elaetrk battery os work' BoUiny of Bub<uetial importr
fleet of auxiliary croism nad aa rap ia wofkmaoabip. material and price.
anee caa be achieved unUl the heavy
idly aa possible Up ycvemmenl facto-'
debris ia removed from Ue wt-pck.
ry will supply riflmu be ready for
tow tbe derricks from Boston and New
them wbenever needrd.
York to Havana U never n speedy flafltossM WluehToinoasdBeveml Tam- derubicy. As a matter of fact Ue
rvntTUiay ffranb nnd Ue BeaL
Uisa Here Oao» Paul-Basalts
derrick Chlee at Norfolk Is
to Ana Arbor.
ind 'just iaslde Cheaapeal
I win yive you 3 coat work ia any
It erUl be
Uooyb It was fully ezpectMl that by
nish. clean all the baarlnys aad true
tornUUa anffered some weeks ayo UlB tlms Ue would be far below HatWorU of AmmnaitioB Without
the wheela all for the above prlen.
thronyh Ue eflecU of eatlny eontami' teraa. This makpalt
'Order by 'Phone No. 34.
Call and uee aamplm at
aaud ebaeae. WhUs prompt medical tbe derrick will reach Havana .harbor
Wsahlnyton. March S.—decreUry of
treatment prevented
sad yet to work much befewe tbe mid Bar Alyerbssbadeeveral heated in4)aeneea, a recent report from Profeeam- dle of nret week. Aa (or the biy. der tervtawn wiu members
8ouU Onion Street Oipev
V’aayba of Ue Aan Arbor Univeraity rick Monarch wbieb is rvqaiiod to
wUI canse apms of Ue vletime to shodilse tbe UrreU and extremely bi-avy
4er and breaUe prayers of thankfai- welybii.fromUebnII. tbednuof her
tioo without waitlny for eanyreaulonal
nem because of Uelr oarrow escape.
sailloy has not been aeL alUonyb tbe aetioo on the appraprlsUou bill.
Home of the eheeae which was i
depaitment baa inqalred of Ue cooSecreUry Alyersatd UatUe country
feoled with tyrol-ikieoD waa tent
braetors on Uat point.
Ann Arbor by Dr. Uaner for enamlos'
Home private letters are enminy to and that atalntory provisions conferrsd
If yon want yonr bicyele Kx«l
tion and Uemolt kns been oommnni- Washiaytoe from officers in Havnnn.
auUority on blm to act withoal wait* np before the snow eoen-off, better
sated by letter (ram Harry Kysrika but wfaile all have aomeUlny to eay
Iqy for conyreae. “If eoeyresa abould brinpE it in now, becanse the m»b
wbo ilattendlny Ue nolveniiy. It is toachlny Ur Maine explosion, it ennderide Uat i was wntay." said Ue aeesutad that several animals were inoca- oot be sciPD’ that Ue cUtemenU ato
ie on and in order to have it read.v
reUry. “I will pay the hill my«el(.“
lated WiU Ue cbecee and they ail died. bssed upon ao.v recent nnd yesermlli
by tjood wheeling time you must
Whan UU rmolt waa koowa Dr. nnknown derelopmenta.
get into line.
Vanykn reqdrsted Dr. Oanier to send
SpMlards ffe»r U 8. Squadron At
him a detailed report of Ue aymptoma
ffh lipplne Islands.
of Uoee who wen pobooed. Or. Oarncr will auks oot a/report aa ra- ffour Thooannd Anres of Land in
Madrid. March 3.—tbe public U
much exereUed over the report of tbe
OouBty Bonybt of iobn OUlls by
As soon aa it was known, that eon^eenre of a aqoadmu of United Sutea
Oao. P. Braat of Milwaokeo.
. Uminated cbe^ bad been sold. Ue
.'ships at Uony Kony,* aa it U preJohn GllUa baa sold. Uronyh i
dealer yatberrd up aU which be bad
aomed Ue vrM.'ls intend to threaten
Mseold .and diaconiloiied aelllsy that
Manila. Ue eapttol rf Ue Philippine
brand. Kince Uat time there have conic Temple. Ciiienyo. 4.l«0____ .. UUnds, In theja^^ntof war hetwean
• been no more cases of polaonlny. The land In- t^wnahlp« RAfi nod se-l« and Ue United Ktstea and dpain.'
family of F. P.poffar suffered the moat *? 10. j^ly in CsBi Bay and Oarfleld.
The Imparclal la an arUeia headed
neverc. Ihou^ Ue Umilies of -Aldet- to Geo P. BmsL of Milwaukse. it
To Manila, to New Yo^.“ quoted an
was a spot oaah deal. Mr. ErnSt will unnamed hlyk prrsonm^ who-aeontn
I Jnbraoa and il. W. U
and others wars nfflietad in a sHUir oaloalxe tha lands, and early in the tbe Idea of aa immloent ruptara. and
epriny 40 or H (amlllca. iaryely Oor-'
eayn "The preaenee of wamhipn at
man. will aiYlve and taka ptwemloa of Bony Kony U only Waahiaylon's pol
Ueir new to-be homea Thera ia no icy wlU n view of oenUnUny Ue
more Urifty and praa|wro«s clam of
Bnt Amerieabas not eo nuany
•nvbnl MattarsofZm]
farmers than tbe Germans. wa,.baa alwaishlpu M to warcant eueh a bold In good ahape, bnt we can anpply
niqettnaed ToniebL
mndy been so welldemonslraud la Ue
action. If'the Yankoea yo to the Phil- your waato for aoma time to come,
etauUnl., 30c per qiuirt
Tbn bn^enamenof therdty^ rsippinea tbe Spaniards will yo to New and are.
lony will prove an imporunt n^ Ydrk.i
qsented to' meet at eiybt o’clocltsi^ine
-laable addiUtm to Ue farmlny comfi
Anxious to
eouaeil looma Uila wmlny for'ths^fr.
pose •( dlseamiayneverBl matters Af moaityof UU eonptv.
Lower our stock,
importance which reqnlm careful ooE
The PwaoB Who PnUs tbs »
eidaruUon. Every baalnasu man In Ue
And are offering some Bargsias •
Should Wnitfbr Ut I>opartaML
dty is aryal to be preonnL
you wiU dio well to take ad- •
Maloti of PyUian Hnvs Plenty of On two oecasiona reedntly whan (
ventage pt A choice stock rf
' Work AhMd.
alarm of fire baa been ydven. tha per^ BakeT7 Goods always on band,
The enatl* hall of tbe KniybU of sou Ubo po'lad the alarm left the box and we would not bare you lose
*kro«B ffrom n Onttor to Monawny
PyUia* was crowded wiu n laryasat- ImmedUtely anerwarda. CbU( B*Dt sight of tbe fact that tbp
aa alarms
tradanes last nlyhL Twenty new «mVastardsyafUmooB Mrs. B. H. BalU- didairs were ylven Ue work of ruk of yivea the pnraoa yivlBy it rsmata at
bnry had a narrow escape from serioos Payv, nmoBc them' e*vsr..l lendlny Ue box natn Ue arrival of Ue Are 4e• Injury in a runaway aocldnnL Mrs. bosinem men of the city. Thore am
ais ’ pnrtmenL so that In eaae il U not ap ia tbe best, and that it will pay
BalUhary waa drtrloy bv nplrltad
eaadldaUa who will parent wbers the Arc U loealnd'tha you to try s sack if you have never
ffMor on Buu street and had had a take Ue work UUr. Oa aooouBt of one wbo ylree Ue alarm can yive tha uaed it
UtUa bruU wiU another ontflt vhien U* larye etaas It was deddad te hold nseaasary dlrsoUons, aad thna Mve
hM-borse became nnmanaysaUe and two meettny* • wsek (or Ue prseesL lorn of valnable Ume.
ipnfl flown Ueatra«ntn-frtobttal ihto A apodal ootvanUon will taka pie~
-Plioiuiat. .
o(«mA Atthaaurmarof Stoto nefl aaxt Monday niyhL
Oor. 7th ADd UbIoii Stcostsi.
100 cm LOSE MONEy
Chalk It Down
MRPETS-Our }feit Spring Livf Ready TOD^Y
u’LL ray TOO.
I HE WHO SMOKES lUTNilef. Bead Cigar
J Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—Be.
.a~ -w. JASn.a.-crB
Bicycles Built to Order.
Only $2.50 to
Enamel Toar Wheel.
Faacf Gricaries. FfeischnaaB's Compressed least
Large Stock of^lioes
That must be sold within the
next SO days. .
Ladies’, men’s and children’s fine and
coarse ehoes—All qualities and prices.
To Tate tdiantage of Dor Sale.!
,Our Goods
Are Moving Off
244 Front St
213 Front St
Brosch Block.
FiBtCllBrA 0|(StBf Oe|uit Baf RestMTaBt.
16 Ounces
of Roasted Coffee
for 10 cents.
Better than any package' coffee oa the market IAlso just receieed a new supply of that 20c Syrup. |
TBB Kuavuro aBOOSD, nXDAT, ItABOH 4. \99B.
chronOlogicm. eras.
Mb DbbM* ««• W7
•’TkB BaartcrfO*^"
Bicycles Eniieleii at Front St Cycle Works
From $1,60 up to $2.60
When the eauntrp bap canw do
Htirwap from bb obsiaber aad--------- Uukltebra, tbe third d«f after Mra
man-mfonerel. beeawblifatberwtoldlag PMdwico «f the I
wm etoM It tbortngbip. ^ tbe wbeaU giro pou aar oruamMUI work
you Dtay wWi ^ any eolor. ^t baking eWaa U <dtp. , OaTp tba rary beat entbe broom and bmrd tbe Mutwrof aMe,^ it M^eepcod
bmUmt wm act
«411 of tbe JnlUn ported,
•“• J"**'**?*'"*^^ Pactoryprtoa^intok.
ttoA T. B^na ajr> J. W. Baxwwk. ptoj «m offer fMtmB wtoioh »UI Bp- (bere la her riarr was aaeonapbemorl Tbe pevf40d-f of tbe Bptaatlneeia
Practical Wepele repalrara. Beat woek far tba. laaat moaap. All w^k
pMl k>««rr7 IriBDdrf UteCobBBB.
~‘Taateed. Braalng a apaetoltp.
g. W. HAnn. BtfiMT -Bad Mbb^vTba pear UU » of tba JowUf «a,
LM or ,!«*««(•
t one of
paar 6«69 begianiag at hbm «b
________ ■'■ IBs MUaSM M TfB»«I»* oily
aa the dutefulNaad £>ir, t
irritated answer. "rUeaald Bot'au>toaka'
Bot\u>aka'«Bepl. Idame.-eauae abe was out tots toat-night i Tba par 8661 elim tbe f,
tbe Town LIm eoetobU Bo weTl bare t
tn Varm. '
ahirt ler enniMrm tbto mornU. You’ll J
airou.ija so
have tn look out tor me till Ma/negiu op. {
Keep plenty of water to tbe Mkettle
botsSAtba Tba mnataid'aontba Mcend Migued to Wednead^^ibe JBtb of,
sto-lf of tba pantry. You know bow to flz ' Petwarp of tbe 88671b year'a tbe Julup a ptoaier, I’te got -to meet Tom Dya _ umoAi oomapoidlng In the noU- 1
Corrmpond’with't^e Tmverar City Lumber Company.
It and bargalD
at the miKut
bargalo fa
f« them famr
-chrooaiogtoi ai-la tbe 747th and ,
Wb have for wJe Good.
ifa-fore tbto tbe firat armptomiof e^wap- tn tbenootloo of i
pcainucr of tbe alok b adeobe datooo had *46tb pear before the blrtb of Cbrin.
IsvD mifllctont to reori- the oonDtip bop to
Tbe paar 8074 of tbe olpmpteda or tbe
it pm-JpIteU) and oewantip intraaL But aeoond pear of lbe'669ih olympiad behe justUnd ibis aotloe on tbe ground that
loning in July, if we fix ibe era of tl
JtAn iaoob AeWr raeeaUp bad bit ...........................
PotBtoM BBd tba Tariff.
> nood by ••bangln
pnpiada el 776^ B. C
roam was better than
Tb* prteo of ptotoo* U
peer S
from «f.000.000 to •SM.OOO.
his eomiemr. S'ow, bowrvi<ci be muiU
•MBdp. ooBBMerBfalj Bboro t
Mr. Tbonao A. Editca thlakt tbe le- eriivcly fan- tbealerodaiiu.odsof tba hour tbe wa of tbe Seleaetdto.
«Mt Mrk. BBd it u not Ue t
Tbe pear 8568 of tbe Japancoe era ^
ponen la drafiap with bto aebiera-' nud '-do I
Irm ooiBBffo of iiiT» ellber. Beli^
asdtbeklMpiorof tbepenod coti '
U U« molt of tSe Dinfiep Uw, Imt to mwito Inraat a good dcal-faMr than ta
^MMBilrrtirit bp the poriiBl. mod In •omo
unould Iwno lui
M«M Ora rnUr* failore o( the crop In
Tbu pear 1816 0 of ibe Mohammedan I
Mim Manba Oelrer. who Utm a
Ohio. iBdiBBB, New York bb4 otber
tiplnfs. ln^op.-iM!sl tbe aHUng room door era. or tbe era of tbe Hvgira. Ibe pear :
l)Blf> Eocie. Moreb S.
and U>ao jiausMl to~ lliten. Tbe moons me begmmng Map S
Mill Mmjhineryof .Ude^'ripUota.incM.dingTwo Engine..
Bat if it WBT* not lor tha twBBtp-Ire
and dn-p drawn aigb^ wbicb oama from
Jan 1. 1888. was tb« 2.4l4.mt« dap I
Ret WorkA CMrriagea and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
tbe <wst iRHlroom struck blm with a aanae
MAeB bBBbel DlBirlep teriff tbe bbt■tuen tbvU-ginuiogU ilMJnliaDpenod. i
Oaretiee Hawkea. tbe UUd poet, in
■lA millloBt of basbeto ol CBBBdtoa a peraotial letter to Camat Uteranca. of n-rrui.
for sale. .
Tbe cloud of Mrs. Totmaa-eruDerel bad
p^toM would tbi> yw bBre boenj writoe, '-ProlMblptbe dominsring influ- M wbDilr lilted Its klai^k |all Iram bto
.-bbored BortM tbe bordbr and our owb aaoe U np life ba« been aomw. ”
bmitand tbe firuansof litoMlblbcirbraniilit
terMB would baro bad a'Market for
John B. Pannier of ChlppcwaFalU
WinUmGUtctie makea no weret aS
that MBT buebdto Um. or. m a rwult WU. reoeoilp elected dnutp lodge, to dUilnc •r*. lU.was almust afraid to pruCecil and tnkei' the flm look at tbe euffeetT. bto weaitto He made over A60.UU0 1.M
' «f tbto larrer importatoc. the pri» tbepoBOKeel judge ia tbe United titatea His heart tbuinpniwtih
«««ld bare ruled lower. Tbe fact to, He ii onlp SI peare old and li tbe drat tbrutas ae a do-p sllaihee fuDowTrixie Frigaaia. wbo hae been- ill i ~
the Diarley ta|iff. ae caaed. baa had a Beppbiiran to oeonpp that partioaUr prrwluns of pslD. Theii he korw that he
a Man «r Weeta
most K<> fi-rwdH. and he i-lekeil bis steps with pueuiuuDU. hae nvtAcred ber |
, dtooet and rery boaafielal effect upoa ofboe in lO pean.
iMite aofllp than en-r boalth:
I ••Sana uw probebTp an brir.** tad J
Tbe pope baa baocaM tba owner of
•ho plot of pUtoee la Grand TrarerM
■ImaI lliv l-hi rucking
MaudLit^gw bee b«9> 86 peart on tbe chief eerretarp, "baa written to
ooe of tbe dneia reaidencee U ParfiTaft- viialr. be eeUM d< I lulu li« chliita cirrtbto pear.
« a Ifngtbp lltigaftoa befoee tbe trlbn- tord depths. Ui.'i- < Ihr dl-hcli.ih wbirh tbe stage, aud pel ab^baa nerw enjoy to know bow mneb that Ufa mtoaianarp;
wai wonb wbo waa killed in China.*'
nal tff LlnuMea Tbto hotel waa be- ih(-ureii-l.sir.. Hta ed a Kwefit
"Tell him."
tad tbe katoa. "that
qoeatbed to the Vatloao bp tbe Ule liioiiier' toy oia.ii b--r Imrl, a » line ol-rth.
Pa% to to
lo {rodnee
prodaee ’'BeI'Ba"Tell
"that we
L PerRj
fuliled arrwn ber eu-s end her bn.wn hslr. aide ibrlbuiule finer Baxb" at Cblago «ball taue him at abont 100 Miapte
Marqeiw do PleMto-Belltaa
milea. mat a leaa.”-4Ddianspolia
When la -need of anything in tbto
Tbe«er. JameaNeedbamiMMbo^) always so ameeili and gliawy. slragRling ■uEastaMcrndBri
over Ihe ptUow toi oonfu.iiio. The air of
of Sump oonaip. 8. C.'. who will be SO the niuni was bfurp with ibe ai»«ll of - U IS intimaud that Daniel I'tobaaB
liae remember tbto it tte place to leave
wheat went up. than tbe mill* epeaed.
peere oid U Map. to etiU engaged ta tbe U-rbs and pungeot with sbeuilorof am- map etar Jnlto Cpp aod bw baibaod.
poar otdera aad get prompt wak.
Md tbelropealniwaafoUowrtbp aa
aettre work of tbe mlntocrp.. He baa phot. About tbe Uoor and bed Were seat- Mr Lumiuc. next seaioa.
HattafaetioB guaranteed a BO ekarga.
been a mintoter ftv more than 76 peart n-redabow aad garments, while In aehalr.
Jeanie Keiflartb baa made a mofa
Leavefour'yedereatoCeeacall up
, aad now
ber pillow, were bcoped tbe rlotha pr.i»itiBad gnoorw aa Moeber fioseeand bai pnaebed to fire g
Uw to brinrlnp U
' Edwin & Bant of Emex, Coon., bai wlib wbtcb Iwr bead bad beeoa bound durbauiu
» Meet tbe raabinc.jxpeaaca a oanpco ball which wm foaod where lug the nlgbt Tba etraagK dl*Kdec of Hm
but tbe oHial crop o
idim aeat dlcmay to bis soul, but liw iisfIt aad fetttar ready tbaold’&pbrooh fort wat am loeatad, tlaily ootered fane and tbe awful aminesa
II and HanI Artbnr
•a weate a aerplua Tbto to aU rerp Juat noth of tbeVallepraUraad atatioo
bto mother (iiimiaI btiii B> atari fruin Me _____________
"Trrlawnryol tbe
hard OB tbe people who hare laatoted at Bapbrook point Tbe ball wat flrwl I 'lalr aodwatehllie nmifortnhto nls-'e l-.r Wells" in lmod<« aud arecredlfad with
breast. It uwvMi. AlU tbe amoranee
•tat inricat eoeld not adranee without trcei a Bntiab abip tn tbe rirar during that aba WM taealblng be agaU arUM making a Buccoaa
tbe war ef IBIA
•he fiaaoolaapeofaUrer. that a proiDio the chair.
A BnmlanDobleaao. Ooont Baatann•oeUre tariff would not atari up tbe
A loi-l■ling of fearful and o'w
akp. baa written to Hapa Warwick ed
<a of blin a
have ofarip compleied aff Irtob oomedp
taUaorlaereaaawaceanrei . .
PbiUdelrUia aping that be baa a good
drama imtta "Tbe Uamekeepa."
aad that tbe plarlep Uw woald aot kiokink ene. S4 pean of age, wbo wantt
York JunrsaL
undertyig from tbe pallid faaiurea of
'There ere now six alack oompantai in
eaae to Met -the •O make a PbiUdelpbU woman kto wilt iMOibrr. to tbe fatted array of ancestral
a of the roreraeteaV Ittoun- andacuuoteaa AilbertquireatobaaD- pbutogTapbi which bung ta oral tminea Pblladeipbto Foorarede^ed to melo
bad an awfnl mre tbe otb(p and a d« pt «S.OOO.OOa
dMtaaate for them
sd. Mra. Tot- in exlsteooe). aad the other to opwm.
W dap wblle out fa a walk with WUL
GwKge Bctnard Shaw. U a reoaot lec. _____ _____________
MMlp Uckp lor tbe pe9lde. who wUl lure befoe rtto WiMen’i Joumaitotio i
sh*e,csiitiofi c# few old folks and
"Wkp. we met tbe rnfatoler. and
Of England, made tbe
tba aomewhat
aotaewhat tbom
tboeo wbo w«t»
wet* gutting
wuett of
oM. wen- diaA
-'Ibta eeoapa beUp aitoled bp a renewal Aowelt
r jKItig wltbkfar lulgbly AiLie on a dranialiuiiai of b«aga WUl asked bim to join aa”—Yoaken
«d the fatee aaaerttoaa made U tn&. gweoping mtenwnt that tbo Eogltob
Sand a nurei "UabriiO.' Tbe play to to
aad whtob hard beea reiterated at people poeme DO biulna, no arttotio feel Um> bUok shadow <>( the giata and tbe be prodiired bp Serab Bersbardt at tbe
ing. few idcta unbonpdad ogatam and
laflnttcslmally small. Renitoattnre next pear
eewp oppofUnli.r aUoe that Uma ran capaeitp fa tbe aaiintUHcm pt
Btyaagertlobigblanda in fnU uniwell this
alwavs bad. and bis lalbor did
fonn|.-Baat1y. are po« cold with- ibe
SacaarABT or Waa Am>km peewidap
m.t mni to b>- tiadly soan\l~l>ui suiimBoamo. Mae* . March A-The South- kill?
aaaerud bto autb^tp la a atanner
luoD Hrinteia' -borne. Oulorado tliue she must die. And mi would Maine westmi Paoxenger aaonrlBlb-n baa . -Sandp-LNa.
bnt I’m
- - - - - - - mon.
- - —- —nigb kilt
wUeb ladtoaUi that be kaowe
d by a elsvM soapany ef It ai
Springe, bas melted bto reeignatluo to and his fniber and Ch-l 'Uirn be w»old granted to the v'brlaUaR Fkxleavorer* I wi’tbe Oakld.—Detrull Free Pifaa
baalneae aad that U eaaaof emerpeaep Hreaideut WillUm B. Preaeott of tbe be left alone In the world And iHrihlog of the rolled 8lei.-s and Canada all Ibe 1
JL. ' r
------ c .
T^to 1. Oood Trealfaeat.
bo to cap^lc of acting qukkip and Intemaiiooel Tppugnipbia! union, to —nolbbig Ibsl «-ould U-done would help runcetolona -leelred. The) Include Ihe I
It any. toifilybo turned about ,)n ih.bdMto aalc of Ilrkeis lo Nashville and mur* '--Mtoa Battle V. Hadley, who
TUe Ktolodxtaiito:
affaoUroiy. la eloaUg a miiUoa.dallar take effral at June I next. Tbe
' and slid down onUI bto Lneea tumibi-d tba for the ChrlBilan Kndrav'or runv-nilon here aome t'me ago with Dr. Ludwig
eeatract for ammnnltioa be exnrctoad aasMiiedfa Mr (nark’e retiree
' Ho->r and bii tare was Lurbsl ta tbscblnu
rare for the round irl|>. July i Voa Dolcke. baa bees kept preUp haap
rusblap. rUlentiy but with
bto good Jadgmeat and uoed .tbe au- tbe ill biaticb of bn wifa
treatiug patfanU lo ber rooms at Park
e prwTcd t
fTace bp tbe electro-lberopeutle cab•boritp whien the Uw permlu uador
. Iv-llege of e
I Ibis Umi
TcmMs la tbs family.
inetbatb. Many ladiea of Traerrae
IL. provided thkels are
•Naahville City have proflwd bv tbe treat**We gueenp having a coal of
wlib the lermlnal lines i
.^HWioneany Oarvn iT
meat of Mlaa Hadley and tbe
be anas- from bto kltoas b
ffioBxn or acxb.
ar« found tieneflclal
•^Jl'y taaband aeid »p griffin wouldn't 1
aot uDptaaaant. Mtoa Hadley baa alan
A Maw Train
Kta. Barab WelU, d«ad ffS. Sled Yea- look well dreggibg. bto auceMiul milk cardUoard with rod. green and bhie
treated mosp young ladtoa for facial apeetoHlea wm be tolradarTO hstw.
Kor & aceiimmodation of ba*eUn« blemlabea. and bp ber manIpulaUona.
lordap Xomtagand oihef»,wbo wiah to reach
karmlw freeklea,
lea, warta and
Ormad Hapida ttoturdap nlgbt1 w
wlib the
Mra. Barab WelU wife of BlUc
which are am
leaat pnsKible looaoftlme: oomi
Trauerae OMy Kaxffe'.
vntob after a f.
HaUa aad one of tbe «dd ploaom bf
betjoy sr.
ttelardi.v. Kc^erv :<ub, ahd uoaiiun- tmt^nb
ladlrp be* ber i
tbto region. dUd at bar boM' near
■I that Hull
leg every Raturda.v thereafter until partaieDU admirably arrangad and
If had boon In tbe gulden text ol the bun- farther nntfor; the Urasd Raplda A partmenta i..t»wi
AoM >eaiordap mcimlng. of old aga:
ladiea are lavited to ianpevt. Ihe bai
day Bcbuo) Irseun He bad learned It by
abo wae *3 peara, oaa nwntb and tea
__ _
inOay ladlane will run a train leaving Macki-1 i^aiek m worthy
dapaoM. Beeldea bar buahand. who to
lo the afternooaa-riv.ng at, whether one takre treetment
bad all el
Urand Rapide abool I0;«.v p. a. ,Tbe | a Hait to Mlia Hadley will be
taw peat three eoore aad tea. »be
fit »
arrival <>t Ihto train in Grand BapMa:^ aot onUInteraittag but b
In bis iwroiysnivf Ingoiuous doultt will belnUmeferconnectionaw Cbl-1^,11 Uii
loaeea tve aoaa aad two daughtere and
to 76
eago aad netroil. BeUtrnieg
trail.*!-____ —
a aeora of frlcada and seigbbora
leg u
will leave Giaad Bap'da every Suedep
aMara bar death. Bbawaa well knowa
•shy tbere wM ao much more of pain and at 7:ir, m m.,eamBaenrieg Sundev. Ke)^
aad kigkip reapaelodbpall-wko kae* I
au6erli.g auddtotb In tbe world Iban of ruarp STih. running on the U’ma
t 'U iOl' And if G»d dldii't make tbusvaw- preeent No. 6. 6’or Ume carda or fi
The faaeral wlU be held from
11- was rery sui^ that If bto mother bad bgenlaor
TewB Ball la Acm Baodap awraiag
uimle tbe world sbewodkf bale ieftout
. C t taH Kara.li.
at^OiM. ( acle D. B. Bebpelar of Willel-1 tawda- bes and ibai ebe would out . Oearral Faaacnger and T'ekei Ageut ,
l^*iwvi had ally slD a (b Bib ta II Itiera
an old time friead at tbe' Hutier per th llairt.
Urand Raplda. Mb-h. ]
fatoUp, wllUtteiata. Uadartaka
Uadertaka wm,
•4 fool lot. < vlih church bnUdlcg.
I alrald III anpw.ofj ibat bis mother would
Elmwood Avr. Rnildlaf orvid be re
■ -*“S. o<
ba'i- iiiada in laiM-y hs iri-sl lo msitoe
modeled tatoatore with little expeaee.
Ih-' yuysof Ihluc lu a workl wbeiv all of
The board of Educatloa will sell the
an be bought cheap
tlx— tilings wr:c unknown aoU wb«'c« Eaat State atrevt school property, oonSatt per bbl ...
Ce fooi-lol, good ooll. with a very fair
om- uilghi lie duly hayi-ytout kiniw that riatlng of lota SK and 7». Mock E. BanBran per 100....
It was guiiiu lu "last right un,” ju'sl os ta Dab. Lap A Co 'a Tib addition, together dwelllag. aitaatod on Madleon eirroL
Mlm Soldfarb of Elk BapMa. to vtolv Bockwbeat PISold oa roar terma. only MW. .
roiatoea.per ou...................................... Wiin, only a llhoul having to die lo get
with tbe bolldtag thereon, at private
ita frlcada ta ibe eltr.
Max Haelaa of Charleeolx. to la the
WAvnax orrr.j^oHiQAK ptoM !■ •
to »Ui*et B efodad
______ TbBBMBMBftbBBlBrBN IbU
UCBBB.Ui«tlMtb«fnB«Bt. BBd^
ELLIS, 311 Front
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,.
- .
Short M^ple Wood.
a j. MORGAN,
^iHack, Bes and Baggage
'Phone No. 3.
City Opera House
“The Grass Of .Gold”
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
-Front Street;
dip on -bto wap boat# from a bwaluM trkoat. aid Barbn^^
B' fiil b> t-tuilrast He fell •’gj j’
No. I.perbu. laewl........
„ i^i ibew w.is. no.im. trying w do anyTheodore Lndgate. maBager of tbe
TVareree Cliy tomber CA, wem' to
Obtoagapeeierdap on buelaoee.
at bt-n-v with
Mre. Ana Kiweger of MU
-aa-l skleU Iwir from e'etythlng bard Ibet
Pa., arrired In the city Imi
betv-uld. Yes. be would give up gulug to
Ttolt her atoter. Hrw. J W. Ueanen.
laaBMi. ,
>b.' Itooktoa to hunt griubes w lib Cbet—
etorything! He w.mld sacrillce all
AltertOlobanaliv reinmod laat aigj^t
Aan.l by ber aud belp tomake it •atrr fur >
from Uiaad Raplda. where he went to
tab# aa oxaminetton before tbe State
Cbioaffo, March
Wheat Mercb,
... Ibetaldia
voo ui.u—o*
ol tbe«
rcaolvea -aba
snseurstar- |.
gl.OtH; Map. «l.wi; July. VUte; Sep- < toed falu by lifting ibevlatnp oluth fmm
Board of Pbanaaep.
temlwr.fSe; Deermbt-r.rTita
bi* eyce aod cxvtoiiutng lo a siralutol
- ,-Mareb. S»Ve: May. *MXe; .Jdee:
Theatrical Motea.
-Inl^. SIHciiSepfaml
itopfamber. StSe.
Oata-Uandi. Mtoe: Map. 8tt)(e; broke. Ask Mame lu luaU me a lUtia
“Tta..CriMa of Gold*' wax veoeated
gruel. Ao take this 4>ld etwlb away." / :
wiirj acceptably bv tba Courtcaap Mbr- lolp. >4«.c.
I'ork—Mareb, •10.60: Map. biaet^ Ashe rvwbrdlor thvlatU-rgbe eioaed
•ru nompaay la the City Opera Uouae
bv band fur a iuomeot about bU own.
laet nlgbi Ao a good atood andfanea.
And fur a; reaant he dn-w bar ta the big
'' Tbe aoene of tbe plep to 8xed ta tbo
tiraad BaidjU. Mareb *-Wbe^
' and paid ber aakwaid MlcnUuna-wblto
l4lb oentuig Bbd tbe ooetomlng
riw eat wrapped it) quilts and draeiu
. aaeordlng to that period. Tbe work of
with baU abut «7ra.~Chkwfo Putt.
tbe varloaa membote of tbo od&panp
Bemember the amemUp at Frof.
waa enoidoAUoaa. bat tbto eori of ploeo SUvera’ aeadamp tonight. Admlaatoa.
"Caa you It
_ ffveapa faa
to aot aAapfad fa tbe ctaAMUtiae o9 tbe gento St oaDta, ladiea free.
the .\ew Yvkv of bto
P. H.—Yen eas leara tb* walU Bad lew doper aoked.tl
aggregatloa ae a wbola, tboogk tbere
BoMon trtMid "1'i
waa good ladlrikaal wok. MMa Mor- •wo-atep la ooe private IcMoa from
Prof. Sllvoe, or do ebanre. OaU at Ale
ffaa gare a good iafarpeofatieo of ffd
faiap of Daaefag.ovw MeSa«ara*i
Bda and In tbto part llkoaUef bar 4ff>
. *
yon a price on
yon ere tore of eett&e
* Valae Received Fer Tour Msiey.
Our cat price eele Is oa reliable aad wall knowa make
ot ahoee only. They require
no reeommaad.
1i cu an Iff la bw UU60|««M.MnffTibMMHlcit (1.11, (1.U, (LU, lUt, (LU, (in, M ari |UI
Old Bailable Bhomaa. Whom Othan Follow. 11$ FFoaft 0t, Wmbtan BIk.
- I r
Min RUKiu wxu Aim: I
______________ ««raB<ral"
My ^ ■a.«,; Bay Oty. lUcb
Kauwiat Pwf» rc«d aa<3 I)r«* Coa-l
.Mania. M LatMaar.
eOurch war to whJd. »«® laciioB. hara
giiM. MiKtt
AMfnblfd«tatthe colum............................
wnkMbarra. IM.. lUrrb l-At tba ^
U«B «Bj\-*r«liy TMiertfay ■
fccoordint to Sonotor Hov Ho ft »
Buildinc Pert* for Vdor
MaO* by Clark
moay. He wlU
covb-ny KBITOB
aC Mlnaart ta a tpaiBk
Baalauia. ieaUfted that be waa Bbartff
Oyaa tka Laa* BUI.
• Martla'a chief Jrputp at the Una of Xbc
Waablnctoa. March
Ha U.M that tbe abertft Bare
OAlASA. apent anotbar day In dtbatr U|Mm tlx •buoiiny.
aU tbe deputlee explicit ordm to keep
' Loitd blU. ratatias to
Tbe Vei7 t^le Manufactarins com*
of V^oo. haa made aa aaMcft-
Ulaaouri nade atm. remarka ibat roae, tactlua. He corroborated MaK^^i■^f^
------------------------- - ^
w», n
a Baat Hn 4k«*aa wUh «ba MM. He waa-onoe editor of a weekly,went on duty. Sept.,7. unUl ihey rimed **'?“">**• '***•* ““ *“
“• '
newepapee and delltored a eulofy on ' In Una al Latllmer. and dee.nbed^ in tne wono.
aaaH Triu aha Baaaa «fea Vmwnaf tW the country editor. "He la j.e faiihful MHwUn* In detail.
' Tbe Kkwrasoa canal fommlaateo e«l. ,
to the people aa the needle to tbe pole." | He aaM that he dbwovered. by Buln< maiea that tbe con of the Oor* wiU
• Oaaayy Kdllar.
WaaUACtaiB. March • A—TaatHOar'a aald be. .'*la ttemomeniouerampalraot I among tbe etrlfcen and feeling aboi|t be HW.m.aM
mi. wheu'a vjul majority—«toi all, I tb^ clothing, that they were annad
Edward tluentber. cm of the Oral
OahaU la the arnite on the Alaikan mark you. but* a vast ^ majonte—of - aiib eiopea and revvUeta. He waa put reeldenu of Ia Oroaae. Wta. ai
beoieataad and nllway TlghtTOt-wayblll DenMwrallf metTv(»man be»ipapera tbruufb a ngtd croaa-rxainlnatloa. but yeara. kilted Uouelf.
waa daddedly aplrlied. Can«r drUvar»d ■--- -ly deeerted Ibelr ctilora and went, be could not he made to cotilradirt
Jooeph l.elt»r. of t'hybga, bi
« TKoroua apearh In lyply to ttat made,
er cup
tup aa a Ct^phy
Cr ‘ ip the to- !
baggage. b>««e. ■fool - aod hlmaeir. He did nol knew who gave feivfl a »II\er
Into the tamp of the bneniy.
order to fire, but did not fee a abut^ivrv*>llegia • cbampluiieblpL
durlnic ihe paal lau daye by RawUna o( tT" *
ivuniiy treekllia ailb rare eXCL|>hliiw
The Kebruary
KKWb earntrvfaVof tbe
Otah. In ib« courae
u( kblch
be made
a, gtrong defenac of the honor of Oor-i
by th.- < hun- of Uryaiv.
Ario Pardee Hiatt. «ie of the depulieir. Roeg laland road eho* an Inrreaae of.
tTA.UOO u\-er
over the
the aame
aame month 4aai year.
graaaiunal committeea and'of omcialB in
"I'd i.uiuLi.lty with un- gave a flowrtption of the ehootlng. trA.WW
abd "'t-................."
WItneaa m« tbe ahivirr
tU aaveral goTamment departmahta. shaken lidellty. eu|>.-rh courage ««a
‘ - ' halt
' - the slrlk- ; genor Campnassles has bean elected
cbmmcndabJe arlf-abnegallun. thereby era al UatUmcr and advise them t» dia- prcwideni and Senor Roaaailvo.baa been
Ona of tbe apeeial teaiuf«a of the de vindicating tbe patrlotl.m. wlsdt m end perse, but was knocked down. A.“ <1^.
M.'|{clrih'd vice imoideul of Uruall by a .
■*bate waa a apeech tdellvtied by Bklna, Indeiendenre of tbe American press.
Hesa. a tivH engineer <-f Haxleton. wbu
la which ba aaac-rted that tbe Oanadlan j . rp m ;hla same coumry editor mb commandevl <^>mpaiO’ A of the depuUea, j ,, ,,
,, 4^^,, „„
Paciee railway »aa -eiubled to make must .h iwnd largely for. h.mest. cur- corroborated Platt In his testimony. He \
Maine baa given to a clUxen of
war upon AmeHcan Inierreta and why ageoua. Kvifl.db- jwesa service In tbe heard one shM flrsl. like a plaiol shot. I
pi rnant at the ship
rim blew up
Ua aggreaaloiia of ibal great .twJltvwd rampnlgp row Imi^ndlng. as well a. then came the vvlley. '
••Chi to be stopped by the Vnited i;!,
T.O —n.. «t ,h. Bn.l-. cn.l-r
BtaUa. y^ina- ai-eech arouied much rtwtir Side of (he house ue would t>e| CsahswOea wWb tbe fsBdtaa Pprige. ' Anstrwlla. kSO# Iona tilared with a fuse '
Mtorvat. particularly that part In which artJiit with unwisdom to drnMve hlm| rglcggu. Man-hd-Tbe weatem roads i^^he rhell-tvs.ni of*^ih^hU- and abe
ba explained tbfi. while to- did not
Mwne tbe now tamuua mcilun S ed tbe
prcMBt Urift law. be stood squarely
ariU nhc alerting Ainrrtcan who did
U would be true to name. Hepubll-I those tvru gentl.-rpen. who conf. rred
f.’*.**?* owned by
cans having nine-t. ntha of tbe gtenl | »|rt, ,be ,«.vrs of the ranadlBn Ph- *vT
Wben be got tbe Boor to apeak Elkins mrtrv>polltan paiH-ra may find ^e eX- ettk. say that to ibelr difinluo a confer- I? ,C?rT;|[r
said be waa gtad to aae Ibat an cflort ruse for aiippurtlQg a n>ea«ure which'code Is desirable for the Repose of , ader
•.'aleb M. Hlancbford, of WaP
waa bring made fo exact abmething
coliMtle. Ind.. has performed I
IVniorrats' Populists and ' 'pacific. If tsswlUlv.
from Canada In view of all that tbe Do. certainly
'riakvo and uflkiated ai I.Ht Tunerala In
Free fillver nepublicaiis igTIrot'afford
, ‘minion goveniment and lia corporati.
■ tbe forty-five yracs <4 his service to the Vtied isc Nsi flslwc as ii
rMrived from the Untied -Statea. "For
Rockford. Ills. March 1-Mlas Mary
long y >-ara.‘- mid Elkina. "Canada had
criebratedI dei-utr rity . lertt for ton • High isMilinval nvM was criebratedtaken buslaeas f^pm our country and AfiSOdATSS PES88 OOVTSACT U Woodruff,
■ dlsIqvarssd^yrsWrdav hv •*
CmlhoJlc uelvervliy at
daspoUad tbe bualoeaa of our ralinxdt
Jn^. >|^r^«vv ^of the
a»d all thU without any proper return."
When Elkina referred to tbe military
Cbitwgo. March 1—The legal contest edge of ex-CTty Clerk Hugland'e abort-.,
advantagea of the Canadian Pacific and
Kelsun. aged M^led from the
Ita* two strongbulda—Halifax and Ea- between tbe Asarsiated PrM and The aiM In the spwlal srrTrtmmi fund for ' .
n years and -did i
CtUmault-Hoar Intemiptcd bim.wHh Inter ivean. haa b<-en cumluded Judge
r ovrr aigty ■
tbe fhoetlona remark that the moator Waterman rrfuwrd the injunction
yeWre and .me of the oldest r
amd have no apprrhettaloa of tbe Bril- prayed for by The 'ntrr ticean against
. ipala Bedwesa lbs l>wly sw CWw
, Dorthwestora Indiana,
t thoae palhia. aa Ihey would the Assoiiated livsa restraining the
Madrid. March t-Tbe caUdnel V
a only In tbe event Utler from cutting off Us news .service.' cU yesterday decided to reduce the|^ja.,„ luimas. In biennial at
seeoloB at
This ends the siiu for g>a>d. as no ap duty on cm to « pesetas pfr hertoiltre ' pjmingftrld elected the following offl- ■
aa long as tbe price exceeds US 1-:#e.
t, J ycofield..Cblcago;
bind thoae guns. In re>poose to a
. aecretarv. Alexander Url-eao. McComh.
iqaeatlon aa to the effect tbe abollab- quashed Injunction ««sr. Inasmuch ais tnaBent
tbe coniular mala-at Van- tbe Aasoclaivd l*ivaa la not shorn of any
OMWr would have U|x>n the iraile of of Us pov.-er ti> rvprlmand members of
tbe porta of Tacoma and Seattle. El tbe assuiiatjun. or lancri tbrir con
kins replied that it would fill thoae tracts. ftm vltOallng the cevenanu of
The inter Ocean mint
pom with trade. '
Caatteka lm|»ae Vpaa Tarle tam.
. U tbe rourec' of a brief reply to Elbisx, Hoar expressed some regret that etieneral Manager Stone, of tyie Asso
Alne bad brought Into the dltcuaaloh ciated Pteos. regards the decision as a
of tbe pending blU so much matter that decbvivv viciuT)'. The must Impuriant
waa apiwrcDily Irrelevant. He agreed point brought forward.'In the opinion
Wlh Elkins that the executive depart- of Judge Waterman. Is that the connMata of the govenunent bad tbe pow. trwrl between Ibe d.-fendanl ahd the
er that (hey ought to eierclae to pre-. platnttR is In resiralnl of trade. Tbe
veni Canada from impoalijg upon this judge held that tbe news cuolrael be- ^
country- nr lu busjaeae Inlerem. He tween the parties was Illegal for thaj-’
alao agreed wllh him that the dtMruc reaadn. because -one vf tbe provisions ]
Hon of the aeal herds war a tepnwrh to of tbe contra.t piuhlUled tbe nrws- :^^_
civtllxacion and that tbe denial of the paiwr ifirtn dIsiriJsiUng Its news. Such
PCikMegea of hoaplUMly to our ftaber- a thing, tqys Judge Watvi.<ean. Is dear- ‘
men waa a reproach- He held. tao.' ly to resiralnl of trade and therefore 1
(hat Canada ought pni to enjoy the illegal And bri-ause .if this lllrgaUl> ;
bonding privilege, rfhteb the UnUed' Ibe iiartles stand as if svK-b conlrari •
had never b.-en made.
1 fBi_
faelly agreed with Elkl
............. .........
10m OUT. TEXui into oou.
nem of anpplying American clllxenrln
h ^o.al>er Kiog That Is (totwg to
Alaaka ought not in anz way ,-to be
burdened by ranadlin monopoly.
rievelati.l’. March S -The sixth an■ OAB OEPRBCATCS TALK OP WAB.
pual meriinc of ihe Nai onal 1-umber
.lers’ Bss'Hiat.i'ii .vas hrld yevlerPrtond at tbe ParBrr.
He expressed the berief however, that the lars «
■lluna ought nut to have taken a'd. middle an.l noitbeiisiern statea. a
vantage of Ibe dealre on the part of the Is A,.riBi..d ti.ii then Interests smuuni
•enale lu Bceompllrb thoae objects by t.. iltoUo.Msi. In «be shsenev of the !
tntroduclng Into lbs tUacuasloD a col- piv-idelu. Charles U. IWU..of MllW- '
lateral matter. Hoar aald be did not d. .phis his wnnuul sddivwB was read i
by-.b-- tx. u». 1 and lonpurwry ■seen-- .'
agree wiib Elkins aj to the danger on ‘ary.
J. J. M.Kelv.-y, o( New Turk. On- !
Bocoui.t of the Caoadlaii PavlOc In tlm* Impu^rani stai. mlnl mode by tbe pres- [
of war Aa a matter of fact these t.009 Id.iit, war that iiie anhual output jf ;
inllea of la.IruAd would l>- a bv>atwge In lumber III this . ounlry rxeevds In valu.
case of hualll.tire. But iDdependeul uf that |or vll the g.dd. ailver. cool, 1
thia faclur. U e United States would U- and WbtMl.
antlrely.cai>al-le uf taking caiv of themActing S-.-rriary U.-Kelvr]
elvey rep.nsd !
aelve* If they had dune au during the the acvession to mniits-rsblp
ship dunng tbe
they year .>r v v'!-n(eeti lumU-r c
could certjfnly do
hellrve In emxiuraging the talk of pos
sible hoatlllUes with a frieodly iiower
and wanted lu esp-. ial:y -llsvoarage all passed 1 y .ongn-ss. .tnutlier rvOoluiloii 2
Ideas of danger from the guns supposed Adopted Uiiunimously dtvlaied In favor . 2
to be pointing in our dtrtx-ljun from .•f the «.‘Iu standard for the , 2
Halllux and Rnquimalt.
cumen. y of the rail. n. The follow ■ 2
Nt:»un .uff Mini
Minnesota tohow.
Uut .rtJKvra Were H.vt.-d; I*resklenr. 12
•harp thu'ugh short
Hun. John N. tlratr^rd. of Kuffalo. 2
Elkins' pn>t>.«llloh. on the K. Y-: sei r. tary ind soi>erlnlendent . * *
gtoun.1 that I) wasAim..! si the Inter, j ,b« eredh bureau. Eugv-ne F, iH-rry. of
eats i.t <tie tarn.-is of the n-irthwe«t. I x,.w V<.rk.
“Wo nsvr.• otli.r Inle
uf the rallr-aol trunk .u.-..
As th> rarin-1 end ■■! bake Huperto'r i f’l- IaO»l*. Uu.. MSi.h S.—Vvi
' tber* Is IqisK-d it greui . mpire of (.tM,- i war done duiiiig the sh< rt mornlns
•“ >r e.tiOO.IKII ..f far.I,err, and tbe Inter- sessi.m uf ih'i l.s«e ball magnates yes- ]
tenlay and U>i >J.1ld not really get di.w^p
•as uiUiI r »VI«
aftomoon_X>n entire
occupied, hot the s-rosion
of a |xrn l*a< lllv road functor) .hara.ier ami there were no
bad brought to these fiirtneis a reduc senratlMi.al ilrv.P.pmeuts. Tbe time.'
tion arhouBUng lo an average of about war devoted wh. lly to making ■■hang s '
10 evnts • bushel on Ih- innsi-.nation In the ruica and adupilim Ihe sttaadule '
of their produv-ts tn Ibe Atlantlr sea- ofgaruaA _
_ ,
bosrd. Why. he naked, should
Uberwto dust toisaese Thrwaich ta Owtorto, 11
vanuge be'drstroy^
Itroy^ in tjir Inierest
Toronto. Marvn J.—l-aieat
few atoekbolders and bondbuldera in
------- -
r'„:r- ■" “ r'
In Memory
of the
Dead Heroes of
The Maine.
■ -—^'.'r'
A Timely lUtfBtraUo]
of Victim* of the
Tragedy of Havana Harbor.
Also D*W story of fii9
Famous Ericsson rMonitor
Which Fought the^errimac.
Sunday^ Record.
§ We Open the Season with a
Special Linen and | _
White Goods Sale. .. |
For Onejesk, Beginning Mnnilny, Mareli 7. i
Importers and manufacturers M-e liskiug' a big advice
ou all kinds of Linens at present, but as we largely antici
pated our wants in this line and fortunately just secured a
lot more at old prices, we are in a positiou to gi've you some
extremely big values. ^
JJOW is the toe to buy. No more at the same prices
when these are gone.
All the new things in White Groods, such as Welts, Piques,
Dimities, Marseilles, Etc.
la a •few words. aaM I
Elkins waa proceeding cm tbe t
cepllon that tbe Canadian
rates -were nol aubject lo tbe law t
trolltor the l«Bg and short haul.
alB said that rpcent auprvtae court
AariiiQua made It poastbio for tbe Amorlean roads to reduce Ibelr tbroo^
o 'compete with this tine
wlihuui regard to the long and abort
* bkul eUase.
Anuih,- frature of Ibe aesolon araa
. that Mnaon nfiiiin.iis Introduced a rt*.
, duiii n #ne-a Joint eommliiee of both
. Vtsea of ...ngresB lo InvesllgaU the
aanrdvr by a Rnoth OsroUna snob of tba
Boartmaai.r at luvke cMy. 8, C, aad bla
«k^Bt child, because they wera bifiefc.
JBo eoitferenra report on tbe penMon
------- ggraed to. An
■«0P waa belA
rmwa Fivd b
. WaMit*gton. March. l-About *M
BSfaiifiA inriodlng atate food —t—
l-r a majority of three. Tl.e figures
lU'isls. It:
W: r<-hiH-ivatlvrts.
O; Palruii.
IndependenL. 1. There la oni.i slituenry >vt l.vh-gr from.
| .<U-uloml.ua «>.. Marcb :.-The i
| ycsti-rdar evening passed the Jones bill;
to require coal to be weighed before
: rrrvx-ning or.d H la now a law.
r was urged by tbe mlaera of I
tbe/tair. _________________ '
- ;
' Hltoris Itoavn mi Wto* Msa^aw.
Springfield, nu , Uan-b I—The Mate
board uf mine exarainics has oigaaised
by eleeiliig iUt'Hhrd Newsam. uf reuriA
preatdeni. sn-J tUu-n Howells, of BraeeVille. Secretory, for tbe msulag year.
tbootlag Wmoelf In the :
ma deopomdeni over Ul-I
----- IN------
___ B
One case of India Linens especially cheap. Also all kinds
of new things in Lapes, Embroideries and Wash Goods.
Wilhelm Bros.
N. B.—All Winter Garments to close at Extretnely Low
M0HE mums.
--------«f the MOM 4
, hn«U»«l«Hiiterrbi«™iort*h
wbb bu
bU the »*uer tmmedi.ielr
«b*i»* mf th*t o»l»«,to-Uw neee.I «*ry foriDellUf. «br« certl«r.t« <-«b. I
Cn. Atg*r Now Announce.Thrt!
Soerttary Long Moant Just
What Ho 8aid,
4lw That Um CaUaet I> XM aUw. tat t*
WtIbc (ta^Mla AH tko-Ptata aa M tta
Mala*. Ttal AtaPaMa—lUllaf taCataa
Katay Gaaa by WanAliM aad
«pu Kara Kapteaatlaa-Ma Bar M<r
VMbU M Waablaataa.
WaahlMtou. Uardi A-Tta Waahlw.
t so
uiday prlnu the (oUeertne uitervlea with Secretary of War Alger:
~Tb* atatemrpt at Secreian- Lioag.tbat
Spata'e 'oflictal paHldpaUoo ta the dieaatcr' to the tlltiw had beeo 'pracucall)- eliminated' aaa merelr an ek|>rce>
den ot i-erxonBI opinion on blep^. J1 !■
aa Injuatlce to blm ga weU as to the
/ aditiinlsiraUon to give an' official algnlAcasceno his expcvaalua. when *e
was parUrulsr at the Utna to etnphaalae
the (act that he aaa peaking BimpU' as
M Indltldnal.- In the absence' ^ uffiI-UU (acts—end-1 can repeat wbat baa
been.sald heretofore, that the public la
enuellv as aell Informed as the gi-e*.
anment—no member of the sdmlnA-
trailuo tAd. .of eoutta. make tAcial
dociaraMun. loQctiing Spain's reaponaiWlltyf nicral 'or oUiPrntse. There U
jta un lota of Infunuaiion as lu Uie
/Mure or origin of the eX|>l>n d upen
Vahich the g-A'eramcm can, at this U»ie.
' luriu a >t>ncluslun ui bas«' s Uerlalun.
The veruici .rf the i>unto( in.}jir) on
that point must patiently be aaailed.'
'Br>ond this Secretary Alger Would
IMU be tjuuixl. but lie aUtlioilMd The
Bokt lu siai«- must puslilvel)’ that nu
official lu(i>rn,aiiuo «a> IxMiig withheld
from the public, that the sduuniauaUon « as adh^tng sttit liy to the policy
adoHed by Sectvtan Umg. with the
approval ul Uiepresident, at the start,
to.gite the fullest pusilblc publicity to
all fact! euming officially to the departmenu beaHng ui>oii the lues of the
to Cuba «l^ suppUes
•omr'vonimutlon In official circles yes<t-rdA> until the real pun^ort of the
visit of the ships came out. The
cruiser Uontgumery and the gunboat
S'aahvUle were sriecied TorThf porpoae
and orders uxre eci.l to Admltal Stcard to put them In shape fur the tcquuvd seyi'lce.
AtaU>sVlsii>sTha>i:spUlasA. v
It la cxplalni-d at the nav>- depart*nem that this action was taken at the
instance of the Cuban relief aoMwia,
tiuo. orxar.lted through the efforts ot
the slate department fur the relief ot
'^-Uie destlluic nun-cun.twtants In I'uba.
It was rei>r>-H-oted to the department
that great distress prevails among the
people In the vicinity of tagua la
Grande and Malanxar. on the nurthem
coast of the Island, and that consider____^gble dlffleull) Is •xiweicnccd In send
ing -upplles th.-re 1-ecause of the Infre
quent nails of the merchant ships. On
this amou^. ahd because of the tiumediate demand for supplies at- Ihe
points Indicated, the nfficmi trf the aasociatlon requisted the sermary of the
Xia\) to autUoiitr the. use ot uM <w
••Well Tc^ eotM iato tlw «bo4 abcB . The Mighty SooUwni Kailwaj »y%tern, traversing the right (treat States
;Of the Moomlog Smth. desires to a
•nt*rr li rrlurtt<-0 10 oatnproua letter
'‘"'^rhr'i’hlr'The ten! .
"KsU^.M woald wUllntly «o so tha aUaiHlon of the Uraltfa seeker, t
dhllr r«t«lveO at the deii>rlpnt»t
stiit^^rd Bid. hni ftwaoe iblog,"
Laod-seeksr. the rtewsare seeker, t
npl >de. but the
Prodt-Mwker and the Flckie Tneallar
and the dK-era !
«r. that I ccMiAder Um 1b- I*uUir. to the many sdvastsgrs. Oie
IbM KIMee* Wr^.hlua Tac AntnaU'befi they la^[ a
beanUful aernrry. the ricb at.d fertile
eiJeat as rlovd. "—Sew Vt«fc WurlA
1 other,
land and the many reaorta which lie
t. March 3.—The press t*- '
crHlclKirR c
l»eg Its lin<
port fror.i H»
iia irst-niay had the alou-neis.
.. to>nor
. .loridaand ew-apa the many
foltowlilg . tac
'thelto Is grm
> "The wrrs'kiog
eold and dissrreeable davs of winter,
and Btopat ASHEVIU.R. -The
1.1. HrrtlU o' the Kcrrin A Cbspoian work. In me
ofthsxky." THEMWITZEUI.AXD of
Wreck.r.s sr.d 1 r Jsir.g .. mi-any. ar,
. . ..
AMERICA, whera baaeea and e«rt
' turned hatches, beoped-up. coal, scataeem to meat amoogat tha msBy of tb
and later In ll:.- day mm*-.1 a barge near i tered ammuBitlen. guns, rhrata, mataeaatiaa of natarw. Sea tha gvandai
the wretk and tv. -nriKed work. The : Chlnety anO ele<-Uir wires, they must
in America and
MelTtit IS 1 powirlnul boat, but an
mal^e or cut their Inirlcsie way. They
Boase. America's only f>lane. th
other -ind bl! ger ici^ Is rxiiectrd here must exerei«o- *r.-sl care lest their air
Chataaa of Uao. W VandarWIt.
ahortl). Tax Ppan eh divers were at tubes be severed by sharp pru
the traveler, who is in a bui-rv to g<
work a»-.ui the e rei k today, and It Js , Already nmny
mlJ (jIU Id
many have
have -had
-had Iliad
to Florida, can ro via duttaBoogi
undrrsiooJ the) i. 11 rei ort >0 iheSpaa-|
(meertain light and dilllcultpaj[onntaia. and a
pamiag Look' ot Mo.
Ita board
boaWapi-.ni.d to inquire Into the
All the hiete pt-slMe 1. #tmII>
the Bhay Battlerffeida. which
Jhe c
the Bloc
the tale of the atrifa bet<
the president
the Spanish board ot j
caufc-s ll to sink daily deeper Inb.
aad theGray.
the taft mud of the hari»i. making the
iB coBBectioa w Uh the l)oaeB A Ores,
U rejs-rted that Captslu SIgsbee Usk irf r-.lsing It the more herculean.
otat Bnnte. the Houthera Railway
does not «i:>e.l to find any of the dead'
Ti>« question is frequently asked:
forms the Great Thrwngh-Trulik-f.lBe
DC of the exiloalon. but he allll "Are Americans in danger In Havana r'
to <*e Jiouth and Florida. Elegant
believes bodlis will be re.-«ver\-d» from The only truthful answer given by a
reatibaled trains, carrying throng’
purtiona of the wr<-.k aa the divers re
well-lnl->rini d restdeot or American, ofsleeping, dining and ehair-ears. Tl
move the deptis. The divers, who are flclBl or layman, is: "We think not;
Une Par-ex^llence of the South.
working stendily forward, are encotm- ae don’t know." There are n.< algns of
Por.mapa ao8 ■nf<«rmst<'>n. apply to
tai'lng ruminusl dlfficultlea.
a detronstra-.km against the Americana,
your nearest oopnn ticket agent f“Senator l*Toclor and his party re- and -stortee 10 the cuntrary, thus far.
Wu B. Tavboa.
turtird to the Hly last right, after are without foundation. Still, Havana
Aaat Oen'1. psaa. Agent.
tacndlng th< day at Matansas. About is BO place Just now for those without ---------------------------------------------------------------------No. SIBPourth Aeana.
or twelve mllea nut of Havara Ihe the calls of husln.Asot duty. This sea-I ttg CDIHHCV Will he si tark
Loniseillc. Rentocky.
n rr.B slowlr. tstaus* ihe irwur-.
Is Im-lemem and the %-arlatlons of Ull. orlHntl Botsl .M«M»SV
IS had cut the wli.'s. an.1 S.rstor
ip'-rsturr are 4>udden and vtolect.
ctor was told 1
causlnk much slckne»a.
.l>s fnm:
small skirn.lsh n.
All Wea i.f ceii»..rehlp Is so furelgn to
the lire. In which Ave or s.k men ba:
the Amrrlcun inin^ thu an American
been wounded.
can Bcw»vl> Bi-i.reclaty.'ihc dlfficiilly of
! ands favor with Cams
"The omcers'ot tliV Vifesya paid cereseiwlliic
h. w-«
fr..n/ Havana.
The ;
^aow MrtMTk. BBPB
land 01 herwdesiring I
monlst visits Jhh> morrlnu i" .\ lmua. 8psnlsrd-Bi-eni-flUSllyji.*U..undcrwtsB^ j
^OWA»"WrilP» rHCffi.
Mantenda and ("aptain-Gei-.enal Ham"
D,. A. B. Spir.,.. of DcBolU
ll"','”.” .“T'.ta;'
Crowds of people view Ih- 1 rul-ey from
the points of vanlnxe ssh->rr. sr. I those
hfiws and forty minuira ;c«aui>gto yeur town, w
****** T
tn dee lU, ^ Bectloos to rblf-ago S“d Detrols, Tblv
are jennlili-d to d>. a» go on
m lnefi and aeiwpied j temaia for one ^y oaly
f: ' Ujir leave. Ttavetw aty at »a» p. B.
sick aa opportaaity to
From Kr> West comes the new* that
vettfenis ..f the Insur- i thatoaaoot aoe him at hit.Sanitarin;o.i"«'y»»«"‘*y
C. L L>M”KWOOt>.
the court ■ f InqtHry U ihrocgh wuh ts
Slalne ; The doctqr has so much faith la the
Oeu*] Pam. and Ticket Agent.
lovettlgatlon at that point: 1 bar the
_ has 1
»9 in
Grabd Baplda. Mich.
Mangp.ve has Steatn BP and that 1h"
: one
Puerto Prlnelpe s.>m<- time since' was. 1 chronic diaexaea
tb£t be vril!
court I* awaiting insiructioos from probably ane of the hottest since the month'! treatment and mediaae free,
Washlrvton as to nhrther ll shall re- opening of the trouble.
thought '
ni -once to Havana,
The court
known the rr- j AIL «jo»b THAT abb TOO room ^ pay.
that when
pp.bably mum to Bavana to- verse will l» Rpanlgfa
.w»All that he tak.
iks in
return i
h rather 1
IT people gatker thorns by fallleff
the I every patient will state to their friends
ban. This ts believed
d tbs wareiag sent eut by dins treatment.
kidBeys—eoeted toogne—pnreked
Bpaalsh themselves, and the offleiaT; the resnlta obtalnnl by his
- diaeaaea
. and
on I -AU fonos of chronic
eovrinmf W troopa formiUea treated.
No man la 1
—general fsellDg of weariness—Is sore
the pan of the govne
c.— bAA
u— bad aach
.__h extended
exteoded expe- evidence of kldaevand bladder trouble.
than Id any rnKsgenwnt
The Insurgents continue 10 burn cane rigneo in the ireatmeot of CATARRNj Take Utah KUner Brataaloaee—they
Adds and destroy plsntatinns wherever EVe. EAR. THROAT' ANO LUNd vrin earr you—they haVe cured thous
ands of nthara
Tog TuxgkBa or Philthe owners fall to par laseo tn Prval- DISEASES aatho
denl Mesw.Cs goVernmert.
They loot ated 87 years ago from Clevelaad, A™xri.ia make Uuh Kidney Benu
a IS yeara in geae^^^pracOhio; was
Ctmm l-M vl fflekwl. Cwtop.
- -i»» ttatovag rtotwr-sfv
rtlBVw. Ees-seXr.MUV*
tloe: after that
toay and Pbjrau^ogy in Oelroit
nays I ■tet-re BIUM,
Homeopathic Medical'College for S
ruh KMsvr a (.as, a. says saltoMT (wsto hiB.
Iter tVcItman. years; wasSTeara'Superiatcadent
Chicago. Starch S.
V... ,.i, „o,n... .;rL,‘;::;Er.
loportut io Property Holden!
rtr* In-nessea cowpas
wOr ws4e wsiensl roe>
Wbrn TOD.araDt to tfike a ride
remember the best place to pfo.
1 have a lai^opeo baa.a 5 aeai
sieieb and a top' boa. AH
New DepartureiIjJ?£S^SS"^
explosion than us-d«l. The Oghi In ; experience he has had
Navy Ofneen Ar« Sur* That the
Maine Wat Blown Up by a ,,
SubeMarin* Min*.
ingtor. ronewDBOUME TO BE QUOTED. EOWEVEB. *»• Ttmee-Herai."
ponaent. trlegraphs thal |>a|>er that he
has "actual kn- wlolRe" that ibla go^crnmenl win Iniei^cne In .Onha ahortly
Dv Xs( DelUvs 1
A Ttara Wm Any itsthal .the Ragwsia government wdl
But oppose Inbrventlon.
BpdnW Bight le lav.
BMtd of laq.l^ :
XsChlag aad
Sleighing Parties,
Also a lot of the Tgry beat Portiasd cotters, two asd three seated
1 can fit yba dot with any kind
of a tamooL
Fio&ear Liwery Man.
6nid U|Ui i Iidliu B. I
Alma and Ypaliantt 8sn>ta{ii^a-.
ThiaexperiencevTOabinedwUh mAny
yeara* a^udy in the tmst hospitals in
tfie country, and eumining and ti
Ing thonsanda of chronic cases.
prepared him to care wl^ea the general
practitioner IbIIa Hare yon been atek
W Tears r
Are you disconragedT
and see nt.we will tell yea whether
■sra I. D. U to Bepwlw ta *•<'
we can cure yon or not. Ifwecaanet
Franrl. ;«« T®";
•m is Moeugm Bioek. TVararra GMy. Hleh.
Bnuk*. a i.r.imlne»t yoiing physlilwn,
U. Joaxsog. DracfML
DlTSn CaaUtatai BM-h OUwr-Latew
Bara a J*eriWs. Aah.
Havana, via Kr)- West.. Fla.. Hayeh
t—Without adding unneiLtsatily to the
confecturo and
proirfiecy eonrernlng the finding of the
court of inquiry. H Is fair to say that,
as a matter of facL most of the nkxal
afflrere here and at Key West Incline
tcr^he opinion that the court will And
lhal Ihe disaster l-i the Maine was
caused by the explnslon <rf a floatii.R
aub-marlne mine under the port aide of
the ship forward. Oiilnlons differ as tn
whether the mine wa* made of high exploslVM. such as wet and dry'gun cot
ton. or ordinary gunpowder. Opinions
^ree nut onto* as.tu the vxlst^ce of
ihlp>w In the harlicr. but also that
where furelen war v>-ssels were
od to monr,,,snd was tired from an elec
tric battery •in shore.
It Is beilcve<r Ntn-ly possible that the
exphisl. n of Ih., ii me was the reoult ul
th'e rarvb-ssncus or Ignuramw of Span
ish •.iHcrrs In ctiarge of the n&ne^atatlon keys, whin testing the clrculir-hui
the .lalt-T ! I!JP
prolwble It Is funbtr regnrdeil as*eltied by ,Hie evld>-f>ce liefore
that ih' i>.n ride of the hull forward
was cumi-letely blown tn plreeo.
ihai the ofi1y exptaloii on the Value.
ex.vpt . f laulalM rases of Axed
niunitl'-u. 'was thal of :.(Vo |*>|yids of
aalulli g te'wdrtL stored forward, pMr of
whtili no tincc^ran be found.
views are cattn-red from <»(Ilf-era,-who
talk with great reserve and •>nly upon
thi’ -a-surani r tl si their Identity will
Ko I'ht'Ht AL kllK VlklHLli.
ho thtstAL WIIK \lslHtAi.
never U- reveal.-cl
inqi-lry k
and no n...
Wto Apprahruded,
shot hnd a.-«iously
m^t by Officers Burke and ftuffy. who
were'summoned lb the house by the
family to control Dr. BrookA The
mind of the >oung physician has lately known by all the achoola, with the aid
that moat wonderfni of
become affecK-d by over-study and last | of electricity,
night be alarmed the men.berw of hU all agents in Paralyaia. Loaa of Power,
.family by bis handling of a Isree cart Rbeumalism, and all diaeaaea of the
Go early, aa ,my
ing knltA Ofllrerawere called for and aa nerrotia aystem.
soon aa Burke and Duff>- apprared office is always crowded.
H. n.-cssevra. Tsaors. Blood ood BIriq.
Brooks atUtked them With tha knife.
Burke fired at him point bUnk. the bul
let striking Brooks in the left arm. He tsa o-lTSU eis-sses of all (orros traalod soeeongnued his attack, however, and
Duffy fired, hllimg the doctor In the a Is curs, of lb* best of •naPcsl skl'L sa<Vr
Side, . Inillc ling a wound that may IB* doanr** diraeilos. Trras Inr boird spa
irvunststib^lowtiot ssy sssltariba or hos
prove fatal__________
_________ _1______
. '_____
I past is the Uolud Sialss.
They H»ei«> Vary tbeAm-wtoeot.
We give A vrrttten ntbt
Murgsmtoun. N. C. March I.—An old
Indlar. ducter and a little girl who kept
house for him have been found bangIng from in-cs near their cobin al the
bead of IHsh c-rcsk. The two rame here
^Tltee t^eftre every caqe of PILESanc
| KunURE. Also, we 1 tve a iving-ia
| ho*t^I department It our Saniur
, iam. Send for Jfmr'oa .
The fact rvm'alna
of the rpurt of
t- e teslltrony elicited
to lovraaigsto.
A good deal uf sun>rtt* was expc said
by Ani.tl.sr* h«-re at learning thti the
Pt'itHsh divers weiv to be permitted to
n:ske an examination of the vrreck'of
theilalne.capeclplly as It was also said
flist Am- rlran naval offlccra would give
such divers all rorslsieni facilities and
would throw no ohotarlvs In fhe way ot
I'nlled Hiaiea drcllnedlo
held a
Joint Invrallrallori II was known, o.
course, si ttlashlngton. that SpalffTtad
both a moral and Internatleeal rlg$t tn
make aa InveaUgatlon. Of conrae .fids
refera prinHpally to Inipeetlon of pArta
of the ahlp other than the hull. Unrtl
the guns, decks, engines and debris of
all kinds 'have been removed, and. the
i mud haa been pumped from the hull, it
: eknnoi be examined thoroughly by any
! one. i>ome g~d auibcrliles think tt
vrtn be neceaiary t«. buUd *» ooffw
B around the wreck.
r biiivau has tnTtted enllatmenu fwm
/ ' men who have had naval service beThat any Important testimony batore
fere In the englfw rooms, and as It ts
the eenrt has found Us way to thepubsaid that A number ot-these
unlikely, gome of Ihe wUnow enjoying ih three’rooBlhs ported
bare told certain
of time betweeL .............. .............. ................ ,
which they may come agniff“fnto tho of alleged tesUmony, but
.haval service' wlthoBt loea of aemeo
recotd. It U hoped that BOtae At them to be wildly' Imprcltgble and oontrowill come forward td All the ptaeen TB- Toned
known fsus or else atastduiecsied by thv Maine dlaaater.
reicrasL Borne of the corre^mnThe aaTlgAUon bnraan ta atO MV fAg
Bgrairied to agtract Infonaattca
BtrstSESS CARDSQ M BBOWX. Alta-icy---------O. Lav. Bpsclal taraues to
swScoavwrsoslu. tlirraeim.
lu, MvrewnUI* Co. Block.
les IW, tot. »B_________________________
CouotT rra«i«. Offiev rnodrisb
Itt^st weids. ka»e. P^a sr sear. BewMheds.
bCAlAhTEE to 'mi 'aaraa of'^S^i^1S^*BStaiks. PUas. Twp* Wob. and
• Bert,..,.
DRS. B. S. <& CO.
Lock Box 160.
...dnowiTlvs Mto Olactnoi
“•rs;jrtss.r<!3ii£i-~-; -
SUOtllKMl ludl
OltoSM acienU
C"SL,'i KK5VSrr2Li*.V“
1 advance uf the 'Anal
Tlirre It r.o unusual stir of actlrlty
nboul lb< bureaus'of the quartcrmastei
general urNlhv cummissary gyneral uf
the.army, whe'i* more thi-n anywhere
the |>i.-|,sraUuuv for a asrllki
tMneigene} wouldbeappareot.Throfflci rs
juf tiieao l•ureaus aay nu extraurdlnary
ccumuUtluiior supplU-s Is laklnx place
u coBI raets for extra BUppIlea
lemtilaUon. In the urdnauev
bureau th<
protecUIes H .
CoerttaiY Alger. Benalor Hawley (of
the nenair cummlttee on n^ary affairs!, and repn-senutlvek of the house
miutary committee. It was mwd<£lenr
to the aecratary that It was a cerfhinty
M^reprlaiionswonld befurthcomin^and
It wta deemed the part of wlsdcffii to
make the contract no«. u the supplies
Would not be Ic hand fur s;ime montltd.
It ta. said in the navigaiion bureau
that there Is a pressing need Of Able
marhinlsu for tbs navy, cansad by the
Ever Borved Oat^
a To remove the Inipresslun that had
gotten sbr<.....................
Mtlins bifwi-n the na\y d.-|«nmeffi
and the huQse naval ct>mmllle<- were
Dot hariiuinb-us Beoretary
TeSK^di!> afunic-.i. gave out a shoH state-'
mem on the sub>eel. He said; "CoBgresimai. H.>ulelle tisd Is-en pilsunder. Tb* rorarressiran. who Is one ot
e w orld, is
everything that can
In hl< snmial
repert the e-cretan ri*oii,inrnd*-d
l.ut men Iw ndded tu the enllsl>*l force
on account of the tneiease In the numher of ship!
The naval «**mmll1ee. of
wlib'h. Mr. noutcHs Is chairman, has al- I
Teadf decided lu grant this Increase In
the .rerviHr nsval an*r'>|>rlBUi'n bill
Mmnllnie. If there should l-r any Im*
mediate neci-sslty Pg more m.-n »•
ism- f.inimlii.e and Mr. DouleUc/'Wr
ftis elmlrinan, are ready tn make |«i- ;
vision t*. that effect at once."
-Itb~ ^
the tTWnip.idai
plies contributed hr the cbartUble l*«w
pie of the I'nlle.! Btates In resj.mse
the appeals of ITssMent MrKInley aad
Bvetwtary Shem-.an.
Secretary lAing
conferred with the president «a the
aublsrt and it was decided t* comply
with the request
AsatbersTTbiM- -BIsusdeiwtaadlagwA
*«Vy ««. jtm BMber lellt
t„W, «rf .b/•U««d »# l«
But the
To Florida Via "Tha La«« of the
Tkd Cento.
raloo BtmU the eotter was orertara1
Brseitiaa. .
sd ud Ura SaHsborj> was throws rioThrrewillbe a reealareoBToeatloBf
leoUy oat etrUiltif on her head. She
I tonight of Trarerae City Chapter, No.
^ ^ Kserioasif hart. Sheriff Simpsoa and AB.B BBIMO MAPIDL^rsDraiAXS!
S.. J. Wail
nominated in WnahIf you have a good Pocket Book. We have a new
Tom Bhaae oonfepod her to the offloe
\ fBOtno
inyton yvstardny
for Us office of pmtof Dr. Martin, where It was foaad that
AMBEIOAM SAXLOBS SQUAX. TO the lajaries were oal^ straral seratehes, MOTIOKABLB STBBiraTBBMIMO manler in CAdiUae.
line and they are dandie^ and the price ia the most surTHS WOML9.
a brslas an the head and a had jarruc.
wHole thing.
and not aeriotts. Tbe kotae wasoaorhi
!■ Out of W«r Oaitod Ototw Var- hf Oeort* Holr.
PoTdar. Bhalla and Fn^JeotUea Will of A W. PeU oa NlaU atraet.
•hip* Oouttf Blow Spaalafa Oowt
r njt^ irelykt «
Ba Bent Sonth f.*r Toaaibto Mae
OltlM toAtoauwa Vaath-Opaia
Warshlpa-BIff Ooaaa Xdaara to
ly demayrd la awiKhiny in the C. A W.
Is a BMforr^ Matloa aa« 'Mot
- e.--------------HOLLEY. MAiinaa
PoUy Xqnippod WiU Baavy iHws
raewaa Oitp lAdfe. 1 OfO. T. ttUl
M. ya^
', ^
' Abls to Oops Witk Os.
tha Bpaacr Lodce of KlehtosaPisberaaeB are now flUiay Uiooyfa
UiaOoa. Msreb
“Tbe Oaitsd
Ormod Chief Tamplar Banliek. of tha
New York. March R.-Tkefe ia a
Staus wiU ^STS orarr loiTB OB the I. O. O. T. af Miebifan baa rireo the tlonanee of activity at Ue New York Ue lee oa Ue hay. bat while very Bee
perch arc belay eaayht laryer flab are!
Spanish eoast Uofra to atoB. a awaih order tor a fine marble c>*»l bloek. anenaL The abippinr of ahelU and
' after the bsfininrof hosUlltica." salO which U to be preseoled to Trarerae othor proJeotUci U tha fortiflcatioBs
Mrs. J. B. Martin will yo to South I
* And get your cbalk wfaere you can gef a good as80tl>
WUlla« Alisa. U. P.. to a World oor- City Udre. No. «l. I. O. O. T. ’ TbU aboat tbe harbor h-nnahaUd. It ia
raspoadsat. Mr. AUaa is ooe of the
on the market, which
expected that a battery of twenty
a the T^ae —|iooire
and j Jod^e IB ibe-atate in terarinr
—,---------_------------ ——
iwelve-lnch moriars will noon be
Bsptut church of that piaop.
.jCaonnaat-:-----as aekaowledced anihority ea naral I membeia sad Has
the prise .offered erived nl Sandy Hock for Uetlay be
memby Mr. Bordiek. The block will be fore they are f.irwardrd to tbe polots
hers is n*
nd ai tha next'mectiny
“1 have always azprdssed ia
prepared by B. O. Alley of tbe Trmv- (or which ibry are dMtined. Them
of Tmeenwaiy faodye. No. 4«l. 1 O
house of eopmoDs an a
erne City Msrbls and UrsDiU Co. ItU
a nnmiier of.nosaeoaied mns at
O. T. Special bnriaeas and initiation.
1 eballeared onr a very floe piece of the bloe variety
Ue prarlnf yroends awaiting tbe eonffovarameat u test
' new eruiser and will be a flltlpf Ulbotd to the eirScUon of carriayha.
The OaUolics of Cadillac are pre^t--*
Ppw^ol by seadEne her acrces the At- hovlU asd'eaerry of Ue member
iny for a lltlny celebration of Su Pst- j
Tbesapplyot aamnnitloD has besn
teUe at foil speed as the Oalted t^ local lodre.
rick-e day and bare enyayed B«v. ]
inercaaed is all macaaiace and
y States seat the Columbia, bat our fofFauer
H. P. Maos of UU city to de-,
rasyed that it will
emmeni declined.
fiver Ue nddrem.
'“1 oonslder Amoriea bss eome of the
Toniyht.nt 8:SO there will be a nqrn-1
A larye oonsUmmeni of ammuniiioo:
very toeet ships afloat and I kaow tbe;
BeereUjy Loo^ and Ohainnna Boa^ indndiny powder and pr. J-clUes. is iT meetlny of Traverse City DivUioa.
American sailorsnre Ss rood as any
OLOTBUro TAL^TBS. Per tantanss. Ue
ready for ebipment at tbr Ar.inaoeedc- No. M. Uniform Bank, K. of P. Mem
taUs Bold Important
the warlA Spain is a retrorrade morialu weYe edUrlsr at S6.^ (aearlv sU ataee] arc isntoI paitmantin the Hronklyn lavy ^rd. bers are requested to appear in- toll
lywoTU*7.60. Ou»_
Henb be Meek OUt WoreSed Balm [ >. etawsr,
bend nalioa.' If ahe abould aOap np all
Commander BwUi JI that oeparUnent uDiforin for drill and iiiiiUUvn of eaaD B. Squais Out etrUa]
Waahto'yloa. March S.—Semtary
the warmhipc araQable all
Is awalltx
. baa recelvad inslroctiona from Waah- didatna ,
world she could aot five Ue United Lony epeot moeh time today la-ebmiwrWn to forward supplies w soon aa
Linooln lUrk Ian at Charlemnnleation wlU Chairman Bontelle of
. Staten eaase for aa Instaat's oooeem.
possible to Kev Weat. wbeaee tbry voix. wbieb collsps.1^ last (all. injariny
ReUftble Dry Goods. Carpet
“Bat there will be no war. The Ue hooee naval oommlttce. He denied will be dbOibuted amony Ue war vea- maay
Spanlah rovemment kaow^ it woiUd bimaelf to all othar callan and from
and Clothing Bouse.
■eU in that neiybborhood. Many pro Uonyh there U eoaslderable flaUkiny
he the alrosl for a Cartlst rislnr. They time U time sent ferthe variona boreao jectiles ware for yoas of lafye oalibra. yet to do up-M t^e Interior. Tbe bnUd•re afraid of a revolntioa U dpalh, bat chiefs of Ue departmanu which U a
No-inforsaatioa ban been reeeivad ae Iny U n beautifol atruetaue and will be
Ual'Bootelleto kelny
•s ^ war with the United States there
to what aiapoaiUoa will ba made of Ue one of tbe flnent resort botnls tu Michsupplied wIU detailed i
ynna which have rnoantly bees ship iyan.
Ue Immadlau seeds of the savat
ped to Ue yard from Washinyton.
These yuna are of different ilzea, and
Only le Oonto.
Up U Uia afuraona no word has
as nvitber Ue Chleayo nor Ua AUantsk,
Don't yo wiUont a Utter Box Plau
ime to to Ue department ti
Xsjority Ifaval OScen at Xaeana
If aapoM ahoaM ask you fam nmatton Ue
which aiw beiay overbaaled at the yard, •n your honse when you can buy Ue
conri 'of ioqoinr at Kay Wsat. -It ia
orlRoeala. A few more left.
and Mar West Ttrmly BeUave
will be ready to receive yans for
said Ua ooart ta under ne obllyatun U
Oxo. W. Raft.
Mains Wss IPentroyad by Oos.
least aU oaonUa. it ia rumored that
inform Ue department ns to when it
Havana, via Key Waei, March t.— eoaelndea this branch e( toflolry. nor they are lawnded for Ue auxiUsiy
Bala of all popular Bbaet Manic at
half friL-e will be rAatiDned for Uli
. The majority of Ue naval officers here
for it u neek pennkaaion
tUzteen of Ue six inch ynns nra in d-yvlonyer. W. M. Kimball Co-.l
•nd at Key West IneUne U Ue eplslon to return to Havana.
that Ue disaster to Ue Maine
Tbe orden nader which Ue court U
*' eanaed by n flcalinf mine nnder Ue opcratluy carry sufieient auUority for Unvra Ht. Paul and (It. Uoula. which
port aide of the ship forward. Opinlsp* a ohuaye at say moment. Uonyh the will earry in additioafoor aU poondnrree. sot only aa U Ue esUUnoe of' deburtmrn i may be informed nn n mat ova each. Tbe New York sad Ue Paris
are to raceive. when Up time comes,
misca la the harbor, bnt that this one ter ^-e^uruay.
twenty-fw of Ue six inek rifles and
waaiaid porpoaely near Ue baoy where
If you want n bicycle bollt te fll yon
As the'pepyrem of Ue Inquliy attoreiffn warships were directed to moor, Bavana drpdbds upon Up wrvekeru' twelve six ponndprvyat to ba ablpped. leave yoor order and speeifleatioae at
There are eixty-ooe ypsapls In Ue my sb.ip, and I yoarahtee to suit yon
„-nad was died by aa elaetrk battery os work' BoUiny of Bub<uetial importr
fleet of auxiliary croism nad aa rap ia wofkmaoabip. material and price.
anee caa be achieved unUl the heavy
idly aa possible Up ycvemmenl facto-'
debris ia removed from Ue wt-pck.
ry will supply riflmu be ready for
tow tbe derricks from Boston and New
them wbenever needrd.
York to Havana U never n speedy flafltossM WluehToinoasdBeveml Tam- derubicy. As a matter of fact Ue
rvntTUiay ffranb nnd Ue BeaL
Uisa Here Oao» Paul-Basalts
derrick Chlee at Norfolk Is
to Ana Arbor.
ind 'just iaslde Cheaapeal
I win yive you 3 coat work ia any
It erUl be
Uooyb It was fully ezpectMl that by
nish. clean all the baarlnys aad true
tornUUa anffered some weeks ayo UlB tlms Ue would be far below HatWorU of AmmnaitioB Without
the wheela all for the above prlen.
thronyh Ue eflecU of eatlny eontami' teraa. This makpalt
'Order by 'Phone No. 34.
Call and uee aamplm at
aaud ebaeae. WhUs prompt medical tbe derrick will reach Havana .harbor
Wsahlnyton. March S.—decreUry of
treatment prevented
sad yet to work much befewe tbe mid Bar Alyerbssbadeeveral heated in4)aeneea, a recent report from Profeeam- dle of nret week. Aa (or the biy. der tervtawn wiu members
8ouU Onion Street Oipev
V’aayba of Ue Aan Arbor Univeraity rick Monarch wbieb is rvqaiiod to
wUI canse apms of Ue vletime to shodilse tbe UrreU and extremely bi-avy
4er and breaUe prayers of thankfai- welybii.fromUebnII. tbednuof her
tioo without waitlny for eanyreaulonal
nem because of Uelr oarrow escape.
sailloy has not been aeL alUonyb tbe aetioo on the appraprlsUou bill.
Home of the eheeae which was i
depaitment baa inqalred of Ue cooSecreUry Alyersatd UatUe country
feoled with tyrol-ikieoD waa tent
braetors on Uat point.
Ann Arbor by Dr. Uaner for enamlos'
Home private letters are enminy to and that atalntory provisions conferrsd
If yon want yonr bicyele Kx«l
tion and Uemolt kns been oommnni- Washiaytoe from officers in Havnnn.
auUority on blm to act withoal wait* np before the snow eoen-off, better
sated by letter (ram Harry Kysrika but wfaile all have aomeUlny to eay
Iqy for conyreae. “If eoeyresa abould brinpE it in now, becanse the m»b
wbo ilattendlny Ue nolveniiy. It is toachlny Ur Maine explosion, it ennderide Uat i was wntay." said Ue aeesutad that several animals were inoca- oot be sciPD’ that Ue cUtemenU ato
ie on and in order to have it read.v
reUry. “I will pay the hill my«el(.“
lated WiU Ue cbecee and they ail died. bssed upon ao.v recent nnd yesermlli
by tjood wheeling time you must
Whan UU rmolt waa koowa Dr. nnknown derelopmenta.
get into line.
Vanykn reqdrsted Dr. Oanier to send
SpMlards ffe»r U 8. Squadron At
him a detailed report of Ue aymptoma
ffh lipplne Islands.
of Uoee who wen pobooed. Or. Oarncr will auks oot a/report aa ra- ffour Thooannd Anres of Land in
Madrid. March 3.—tbe public U
much exereUed over the report of tbe
OouBty Bonybt of iobn OUlls by
As soon aa it was known, that eon^eenre of a aqoadmu of United Sutea
Oao. P. Braat of Milwaokeo.
. Uminated cbe^ bad been sold. Ue
.'ships at Uony Kony,* aa it U preJohn GllUa baa sold. Uronyh i
dealer yatberrd up aU which be bad
aomed Ue vrM.'ls intend to threaten
Mseold .and diaconiloiied aelllsy that
Manila. Ue eapttol rf Ue Philippine
brand. Kince Uat time there have conic Temple. Ciiienyo. 4.l«0____ .. UUnds, In theja^^ntof war hetwean
• been no more cases of polaonlny. The land In- t^wnahlp« RAfi nod se-l« and Ue United Ktstea and dpain.'
family of F. P.poffar suffered the moat *? 10. j^ly in CsBi Bay and Oarfleld.
The Imparclal la an arUeia headed
neverc. Ihou^ Ue Umilies of -Aldet- to Geo P. BmsL of Milwaukse. it
To Manila, to New Yo^.“ quoted an
was a spot oaah deal. Mr. ErnSt will unnamed hlyk prrsonm^ who-aeontn
I Jnbraoa and il. W. U
and others wars nfflietad in a sHUir oaloalxe tha lands, and early in the tbe Idea of aa immloent ruptara. and
epriny 40 or H (amlllca. iaryely Oor-'
eayn "The preaenee of wamhipn at
man. will aiYlve and taka ptwemloa of Bony Kony U only Waahiaylon's pol
Ueir new to-be homea Thera ia no icy wlU n view of oenUnUny Ue
more Urifty and praa|wro«s clam of
Bnt Amerieabas not eo nuany
•nvbnl MattarsofZm]
farmers than tbe Germans. wa,.baa alwaishlpu M to warcant eueh a bold In good ahape, bnt we can anpply
niqettnaed ToniebL
mndy been so welldemonslraud la Ue
action. If'the Yankoea yo to the Phil- your waato for aoma time to come,
etauUnl., 30c per qiuirt
Tbn bn^enamenof therdty^ rsippinea tbe Spaniards will yo to New and are.
lony will prove an imporunt n^ Ydrk.i
qsented to' meet at eiybt o’clocltsi^ine
-laable addiUtm to Ue farmlny comfi
Anxious to
eouaeil looma Uila wmlny for'ths^fr.
pose •( dlseamiayneverBl matters Af moaityof UU eonptv.
Lower our stock,
importance which reqnlm careful ooE
The PwaoB Who PnUs tbs »
eidaruUon. Every baalnasu man In Ue
And are offering some Bargsias •
Should Wnitfbr Ut I>opartaML
dty is aryal to be preonnL
you wiU dio well to take ad- •
Maloti of PyUian Hnvs Plenty of On two oecasiona reedntly whan (
ventage pt A choice stock rf
' Work AhMd.
alarm of fire baa been ydven. tha per^ BakeT7 Goods always on band,
The enatl* hall of tbe KniybU of sou Ubo po'lad the alarm left the box and we would not bare you lose
*kro«B ffrom n Onttor to Monawny
PyUia* was crowded wiu n laryasat- ImmedUtely anerwarda. CbU( B*Dt sight of tbe fact that tbp
aa alarms
tradanes last nlyhL Twenty new «mVastardsyafUmooB Mrs. B. H. BalU- didairs were ylven Ue work of ruk of yivea the pnraoa yivlBy it rsmata at
bnry had a narrow escape from serioos Payv, nmoBc them' e*vsr..l lendlny Ue box natn Ue arrival of Ue Are 4e• Injury in a runaway aocldnnL Mrs. bosinem men of the city. Thore am
ais ’ pnrtmenL so that In eaae il U not ap ia tbe best, and that it will pay
BalUhary waa drtrloy bv nplrltad
eaadldaUa who will parent wbers the Arc U loealnd'tha you to try s sack if you have never
ffMor on Buu street and had had a take Ue work UUr. Oa aooouBt of one wbo ylree Ue alarm can yive tha uaed it
UtUa bruU wiU another ontflt vhien U* larye etaas It was deddad te hold nseaasary dlrsoUons, aad thna Mve
hM-borse became nnmanaysaUe and two meettny* • wsek (or Ue prseesL lorn of valnable Ume.
ipnfl flown Ueatra«ntn-frtobttal ihto A apodal ootvanUon will taka pie~
-Plioiuiat. .
o(«mA Atthaaurmarof Stoto nefl aaxt Monday niyhL
Oor. 7th ADd UbIoii Stcostsi.
100 cm LOSE MONEy
Chalk It Down
MRPETS-Our }feit Spring Livf Ready TOD^Y
u’LL ray TOO.
I HE WHO SMOKES lUTNilef. Bead Cigar
J Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—Be.
.a~ -w. JASn.a.-crB
Bicycles Built to Order.
Only $2.50 to
Enamel Toar Wheel.
Faacf Gricaries. FfeischnaaB's Compressed least
Large Stock of^lioes
That must be sold within the
next SO days. .
Ladies’, men’s and children’s fine and
coarse ehoes—All qualities and prices.
To Tate tdiantage of Dor Sale.!
,Our Goods
Are Moving Off
244 Front St
213 Front St
Brosch Block.
FiBtCllBrA 0|(StBf Oe|uit Baf RestMTaBt.
16 Ounces
of Roasted Coffee
for 10 cents.
Better than any package' coffee oa the market IAlso just receieed a new supply of that 20c Syrup. |
TBB Kuavuro aBOOSD, nXDAT, ItABOH 4. \99B.
chronOlogicm. eras.
Mb DbbM* ««• W7
•’TkB BaartcrfO*^"
Bicycles Eniieleii at Front St Cycle Works
From $1,60 up to $2.60
When the eauntrp bap canw do
Htirwap from bb obsiaber aad--------- Uukltebra, tbe third d«f after Mra
man-mfonerel. beeawblifatberwtoldlag PMdwico «f the I
wm etoM It tbortngbip. ^ tbe wbeaU giro pou aar oruamMUI work
you Dtay wWi ^ any eolor. ^t baking eWaa U <dtp. , OaTp tba rary beat entbe broom and bmrd tbe Mutwrof aMe,^ it M^eepcod
bmUmt wm act
«411 of tbe JnlUn ported,
•“• J"**'**?*'"*^^ Pactoryprtoa^intok.
ttoA T. B^na ajr> J. W. Baxwwk. ptoj «m offer fMtmB wtoioh »UI Bp- (bere la her riarr was aaeonapbemorl Tbe pevf40d-f of tbe Bptaatlneeia
Practical Wepele repalrara. Beat woek far tba. laaat moaap. All w^k
pMl k>««rr7 IriBDdrf UteCobBBB.
~‘Taateed. Braalng a apaetoltp.
g. W. HAnn. BtfiMT -Bad Mbb^vTba pear UU » of tba JowUf «a,
LM or ,!«*««(•
t one of
paar 6«69 begianiag at hbm «b
________ ■'■ IBs MUaSM M TfB»«I»* oily
aa the dutefulNaad £>ir, t
irritated answer. "rUeaald Bot'au>toaka'
Bot\u>aka'«Bepl. Idame.-eauae abe was out tots toat-night i Tba par 8661 elim tbe f,
tbe Town LIm eoetobU Bo weTl bare t
tn Varm. '
ahirt ler enniMrm tbto mornU. You’ll J
airou.ija so
have tn look out tor me till Ma/negiu op. {
Keep plenty of water to tbe Mkettle
botsSAtba Tba mnataid'aontba Mcend Migued to Wednead^^ibe JBtb of,
sto-lf of tba pantry. You know bow to flz ' Petwarp of tbe 88671b year'a tbe Julup a ptoaier, I’te got -to meet Tom Dya _ umoAi oomapoidlng In the noU- 1
Corrmpond’with't^e Tmverar City Lumber Company.
It and bargalD
at the miKut
bargalo fa
f« them famr
-chrooaiogtoi ai-la tbe 747th and ,
Wb have for wJe Good.
ifa-fore tbto tbe firat armptomiof e^wap- tn tbenootloo of i
pcainucr of tbe alok b adeobe datooo had *46tb pear before the blrtb of Cbrin.
IsvD mifllctont to reori- the oonDtip bop to
Tbe paar 8074 of tbe olpmpteda or tbe
it pm-JpIteU) and oewantip intraaL But aeoond pear of lbe'669ih olympiad behe justUnd ibis aotloe on tbe ground that
loning in July, if we fix ibe era of tl
JtAn iaoob AeWr raeeaUp bad bit ...........................
PotBtoM BBd tba Tariff.
> nood by ••bangln
pnpiada el 776^ B. C
roam was better than
Tb* prteo of ptotoo* U
peer S
from «f.000.000 to •SM.OOO.
his eomiemr. S'ow, bowrvi<ci be muiU
•MBdp. ooBBMerBfalj Bboro t
Mr. Tbonao A. Editca thlakt tbe le- eriivcly fan- tbealerodaiiu.odsof tba hour tbe wa of tbe Seleaetdto.
«Mt Mrk. BBd it u not Ue t
Tbe pear 8568 of tbe Japancoe era ^
ponen la drafiap with bto aebiera-' nud '-do I
Irm ooiBBffo of iiiT» ellber. Beli^
asdtbeklMpiorof tbepenod coti '
U U« molt of tSe Dinfiep Uw, Imt to mwito Inraat a good dcal-faMr than ta
^MMBilrrtirit bp the poriiBl. mod In •omo
unould Iwno lui
M«M Ora rnUr* failore o( the crop In
Tbu pear 1816 0 of ibe Mohammedan I
Mim Manba Oelrer. who Utm a
Ohio. iBdiBBB, New York bb4 otber
tiplnfs. ln^op.-iM!sl tbe aHUng room door era. or tbe era of tbe Hvgira. Ibe pear :
l)Blf> Eocie. Moreb S.
and U>ao jiausMl to~ lliten. Tbe moons me begmmng Map S
Mill Mmjhineryof .Ude^'ripUota.incM.dingTwo Engine..
Bat if it WBT* not lor tha twBBtp-Ire
and dn-p drawn aigb^ wbicb oama from
Jan 1. 1888. was tb« 2.4l4.mt« dap I
Ret WorkA CMrriagea and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
tbe <wst iRHlroom struck blm with a aanae
MAeB bBBbel DlBirlep teriff tbe bbt■tuen tbvU-ginuiogU ilMJnliaDpenod. i
Oaretiee Hawkea. tbe UUd poet, in
■lA millloBt of basbeto ol CBBBdtoa a peraotial letter to Camat Uteranca. of n-rrui.
for sale. .
Tbe cloud of Mrs. Totmaa-eruDerel bad
p^toM would tbi> yw bBre boenj writoe, '-ProlMblptbe dominsring influ- M wbDilr lilted Its klai^k |all Iram bto
.-bbored BortM tbe bordbr and our owb aaoe U np life ba« been aomw. ”
bmitand tbe firuansof litoMlblbcirbraniilit
terMB would baro bad a'Market for
John B. Pannier of ChlppcwaFalU
WinUmGUtctie makea no weret aS
that MBT buebdto Um. or. m a rwult WU. reoeoilp elected dnutp lodge, to dUilnc •r*. lU.was almust afraid to pruCecil and tnkei' the flm look at tbe euffeetT. bto weaitto He made over A60.UU0 1.M
' «f tbto larrer importatoc. the pri» tbepoBOKeel judge ia tbe United titatea His heart tbuinpniwtih
«««ld bare ruled lower. Tbe fact to, He ii onlp SI peare old and li tbe drat tbrutas ae a do-p sllaihee fuDowTrixie Frigaaia. wbo hae been- ill i ~
the Diarley ta|iff. ae caaed. baa had a Beppbiiran to oeonpp that partioaUr prrwluns of pslD. Theii he korw that he
a Man «r Weeta
most K<> fi-rwdH. and he i-lekeil bis steps with pueuiuuDU. hae nvtAcred ber |
, dtooet and rery boaafielal effect upoa ofboe in lO pean.
iMite aofllp than en-r boalth:
I ••Sana uw probebTp an brir.** tad J
Tbe pope baa baocaM tba owner of
•ho plot of pUtoee la Grand TrarerM
■ImaI lliv l-hi rucking
MaudLit^gw bee b«9> 86 peart on tbe chief eerretarp, "baa written to
ooe of tbe dneia reaidencee U ParfiTaft- viialr. be eeUM d< I lulu li« chliita cirrtbto pear.
« a Ifngtbp lltigaftoa befoee tbe trlbn- tord depths. Ui.'i- < Ihr dl-hcli.ih wbirh tbe stage, aud pel ab^baa nerw enjoy to know bow mneb that Ufa mtoaianarp;
wai wonb wbo waa killed in China.*'
nal tff LlnuMea Tbto hotel waa be- ih(-ureii-l.sir.. Hta ed a Kwefit
"Tell him."
tad tbe katoa. "that
qoeatbed to the Vatloao bp tbe Ule liioiiier' toy oia.ii b--r Imrl, a » line ol-rth.
Pa% to to
lo {rodnee
prodaee ’'BeI'Ba"Tell
"that we
L PerRj
fuliled arrwn ber eu-s end her bn.wn hslr. aide ibrlbuiule finer Baxb" at Cblago «ball taue him at abont 100 Miapte
Marqeiw do PleMto-Belltaa
milea. mat a leaa.”-4Ddianspolia
When la -need of anything in tbto
Tbe«er. JameaNeedbamiMMbo^) always so ameeili and gliawy. slragRling ■uEastaMcrndBri
over Ihe ptUow toi oonfu.iiio. The air of
of Sump oonaip. 8. C.'. who will be SO the niuni was bfurp with ibe ai»«ll of - U IS intimaud that Daniel I'tobaaB
liae remember tbto it tte place to leave
wheat went up. than tbe mill* epeaed.
peere oid U Map. to etiU engaged ta tbe U-rbs and pungeot with sbeuilorof am- map etar Jnlto Cpp aod bw baibaod.
poar otdera aad get prompt wak.
Md tbelropealniwaafoUowrtbp aa
aettre work of tbe mlntocrp.. He baa phot. About tbe Uoor and bed Were seat- Mr Lumiuc. next seaioa.
HattafaetioB guaranteed a BO ekarga.
been a mintoter ftv more than 76 peart n-redabow aad garments, while In aehalr.
Jeanie Keiflartb baa made a mofa
Leavefour'yedereatoCeeacall up
, aad now
ber pillow, were bcoped tbe rlotha pr.i»itiBad gnoorw aa Moeber fioseeand bai pnaebed to fire g
Uw to brinrlnp U
' Edwin & Bant of Emex, Coon., bai wlib wbtcb Iwr bead bad beeoa bound durbauiu
» Meet tbe raabinc.jxpeaaca a oanpco ball which wm foaod where lug the nlgbt Tba etraagK dl*Kdec of Hm
but tbe oHial crop o
idim aeat dlcmay to bis soul, but liw iisfIt aad fetttar ready tbaold’&pbrooh fort wat am loeatad, tlaily ootered fane and tbe awful aminesa
II and HanI Artbnr
•a weate a aerplua Tbto to aU rerp Juat noth of tbeVallepraUraad atatioo
bto mother (iiimiaI btiii B> atari fruin Me _____________
"Trrlawnryol tbe
hard OB tbe people who hare laatoted at Bapbrook point Tbe ball wat flrwl I 'lalr aodwatehllie nmifortnhto nls-'e l-.r Wells" in lmod<« aud arecredlfad with
breast. It uwvMi. AlU tbe amoranee
•tat inricat eoeld not adranee without trcei a Bntiab abip tn tbe rirar during that aba WM taealblng be agaU arUM making a Buccoaa
tbe war ef IBIA
•he fiaaoolaapeofaUrer. that a proiDio the chair.
A BnmlanDobleaao. Ooont Baatann•oeUre tariff would not atari up tbe
A loi-l■ling of fearful and o'w
akp. baa written to Hapa Warwick ed
<a of blin a
have ofarip compleied aff Irtob oomedp
taUaorlaereaaawaceanrei . .
PbiUdelrUia aping that be baa a good
drama imtta "Tbe Uamekeepa."
aad that tbe plarlep Uw woald aot kiokink ene. S4 pean of age, wbo wantt
York JunrsaL
undertyig from tbe pallid faaiurea of
'There ere now six alack oompantai in
eaae to Met -the •O make a PbiUdelpbU woman kto wilt iMOibrr. to tbe fatted array of ancestral
a of the roreraeteaV Ittoun- andacuuoteaa AilbertquireatobaaD- pbutogTapbi which bung ta oral tminea Pblladeipbto Foorarede^ed to melo
bad an awfnl mre tbe otb(p and a d« pt «S.OOO.OOa
dMtaaate for them
sd. Mra. Tot- in exlsteooe). aad the other to opwm.
W dap wblle out fa a walk with WUL
GwKge Bctnard Shaw. U a reoaot lec. _____ _____________
MMlp Uckp lor tbe pe9lde. who wUl lure befoe rtto WiMen’i Joumaitotio i
sh*e,csiitiofi c# few old folks and
"Wkp. we met tbe rnfatoler. and
Of England, made tbe
tba aomewhat
aotaewhat tbom
tboeo wbo w«t»
wet* gutting
wuett of
oM. wen- diaA
-'Ibta eeoapa beUp aitoled bp a renewal Aowelt
r jKItig wltbkfar lulgbly AiLie on a dranialiuiiai of b«aga WUl asked bim to join aa”—Yoaken
«d the fatee aaaerttoaa made U tn&. gweoping mtenwnt that tbo Eogltob
Sand a nurei "UabriiO.' Tbe play to to
aad whtob hard beea reiterated at people poeme DO biulna, no arttotio feel Um> bUok shadow <>( the giata and tbe be prodiired bp Serab Bersbardt at tbe
ing. few idcta unbonpdad ogatam and
laflnttcslmally small. Renitoattnre next pear
eewp oppofUnli.r aUoe that Uma ran capaeitp fa tbe aaiintUHcm pt
Btyaagertlobigblanda in fnU uniwell this
alwavs bad. and bis lalbor did
fonn|.-Baat1y. are po« cold with- ibe
SacaarABT or Waa Am>km peewidap
m.t mni to b>- tiadly soan\l~l>ui suiimBoamo. Mae* . March A-The South- kill?
aaaerud bto autb^tp la a atanner
luoD Hrinteia' -borne. Oulorado tliue she must die. And mi would Maine westmi Paoxenger aaonrlBlb-n baa . -Sandp-LNa.
bnt I’m
- - - - - - - mon.
- - —- —nigb kilt
wUeb ladtoaUi that be kaowe
d by a elsvM soapany ef It ai
Springe, bas melted bto reeignatluo to and his fniber and Ch-l 'Uirn be w»old granted to the v'brlaUaR Fkxleavorer* I wi’tbe Oakld.—Detrull Free Pifaa
baalneae aad that U eaaaof emerpeaep Hreaideut WillUm B. Preaeott of tbe be left alone In the world And iHrihlog of the rolled 8lei.-s and Canada all Ibe 1
JL. ' r
------ c .
T^to 1. Oood Trealfaeat.
bo to cap^lc of acting qukkip and Intemaiiooel Tppugnipbia! union, to —nolbbig Ibsl «-ould U-done would help runcetolona -leelred. The) Include Ihe I
It any. toifilybo turned about ,)n ih.bdMto aalc of Ilrkeis lo Nashville and mur* '--Mtoa Battle V. Hadley, who
TUe Ktolodxtaiito:
affaoUroiy. la eloaUg a miiUoa.dallar take effral at June I next. Tbe
' and slid down onUI bto Lneea tumibi-d tba for the ChrlBilan Kndrav'or runv-nilon here aome t'me ago with Dr. Ludwig
eeatract for ammnnltioa be exnrctoad aasMiiedfa Mr (nark’e retiree
' Ho->r and bii tare was Lurbsl ta tbscblnu
rare for the round irl|>. July i Voa Dolcke. baa bees kept preUp haap
rusblap. rUlentiy but with
bto good Jadgmeat and uoed .tbe au- tbe ill biaticb of bn wifa
treatiug patfanU lo ber rooms at Park
e prwTcd t
fTace bp tbe electro-lberopeutle cab•boritp whien the Uw permlu uador
. Iv-llege of e
I Ibis Umi
TcmMs la tbs family.
inetbatb. Many ladiea of Traerrae
IL. provided thkels are
•Naahville City have proflwd bv tbe treat**We gueenp having a coal of
wlib the lermlnal lines i
.^HWioneany Oarvn iT
meat of Mlaa Hadley and tbe
be anas- from bto kltoas b
ffioBxn or acxb.
ar« found tieneflclal
•^Jl'y taaband aeid »p griffin wouldn't 1
aot uDptaaaant. Mtoa Hadley baa alan
A Maw Train
Kta. Barab WelU, d«ad ffS. Sled Yea- look well dreggibg. bto auceMiul milk cardUoard with rod. green and bhie
treated mosp young ladtoa for facial apeetoHlea wm be tolradarTO hstw.
Kor & aceiimmodation of ba*eUn« blemlabea. and bp ber manIpulaUona.
lordap Xomtagand oihef»,wbo wiah to reach
karmlw freeklea,
lea, warta and
Ormad Hapida ttoturdap nlgbt1 w
wlib the
Mra. Barab WelU wife of BlUc
which are am
leaat pnsKible looaoftlme: oomi
Trauerae OMy Kaxffe'.
vntob after a f.
HaUa aad one of tbe «dd ploaom bf
betjoy sr.
ttelardi.v. Kc^erv :<ub, ahd uoaiiun- tmt^nb
ladlrp be* ber i
tbto region. dUd at bar boM' near
■I that Hull
leg every Raturda.v thereafter until partaieDU admirably arrangad and
If had boon In tbe gulden text ol the bun- farther nntfor; the Urasd Raplda A partmenta i..t»wi
AoM >eaiordap mcimlng. of old aga:
ladiea are lavited to ianpevt. Ihe bai
day Bcbuo) Irseun He bad learned It by
abo wae *3 peara, oaa nwntb and tea
__ _
inOay ladlane will run a train leaving Macki-1 i^aiek m worthy
dapaoM. Beeldea bar buahand. who to
lo the afternooaa-riv.ng at, whether one takre treetment
bad all el
Urand Rapide abool I0;«.v p. a. ,Tbe | a Hait to Mlia Hadley will be
taw peat three eoore aad tea. »be
fit »
arrival <>t Ihto train in Grand BapMa:^ aot onUInteraittag but b
In bis iwroiysnivf Ingoiuous doultt will belnUmeferconnectionaw Cbl-1^,11 Uii
loaeea tve aoaa aad two daughtere and
to 76
eago aad netroil. BeUtrnieg
trail.*!-____ —
a aeora of frlcada and seigbbora
leg u
will leave Giaad Bap'da every Suedep
aMara bar death. Bbawaa well knowa
•shy tbere wM ao much more of pain and at 7:ir, m m.,eamBaenrieg Sundev. Ke)^
aad kigkip reapaelodbpall-wko kae* I
au6erli.g auddtotb In tbe world Iban of ruarp STih. running on the U’ma
t 'U iOl' And if G»d dldii't make tbusvaw- preeent No. 6. 6’or Ume carda or fi
The faaeral wlU be held from
11- was rery sui^ that If bto mother bad bgenlaor
TewB Ball la Acm Baodap awraiag
uimle tbe world sbewodkf bale ieftout
. C t taH Kara.li.
at^OiM. ( acle D. B. Bebpelar of Willel-1 tawda- bes and ibai ebe would out . Oearral Faaacnger and T'ekei Ageut ,
l^*iwvi had ally slD a (b Bib ta II Itiera
an old time friead at tbe' Hutier per th llairt.
Urand Raplda. Mb-h. ]
fatoUp, wllUtteiata. Uadartaka
Uadertaka wm,
•4 fool lot. < vlih church bnUdlcg.
I alrald III anpw.ofj ibat bis mother would
Elmwood Avr. Rnildlaf orvid be re
■ -*“S. o<
ba'i- iiiada in laiM-y hs iri-sl lo msitoe
modeled tatoatore with little expeaee.
Ih-' yuysof Ihluc lu a workl wbeiv all of
The board of Educatloa will sell the
an be bought cheap
tlx— tilings wr:c unknown aoU wb«'c« Eaat State atrevt school property, oonSatt per bbl ...
Ce fooi-lol, good ooll. with a very fair
om- uilghi lie duly hayi-ytout kiniw that riatlng of lota SK and 7». Mock E. BanBran per 100....
It was guiiiu lu "last right un,” ju'sl os ta Dab. Lap A Co 'a Tib addition, together dwelllag. aitaatod on Madleon eirroL
Mlm Soldfarb of Elk BapMa. to vtolv Bockwbeat PISold oa roar terma. only MW. .
roiatoea.per ou...................................... Wiin, only a llhoul having to die lo get
with tbe bolldtag thereon, at private
ita frlcada ta ibe eltr.
Max Haelaa of Charleeolx. to la the
WAvnax orrr.j^oHiQAK ptoM !■ •
to »Ui*et B efodad
______ TbBBMBMBftbBBlBrBN IbU
UCBBB.Ui«tlMtb«fnB«Bt. BBd^
ELLIS, 311 Front
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,.
- .
Short M^ple Wood.
a j. MORGAN,
^iHack, Bes and Baggage
'Phone No. 3.
City Opera House
“The Grass Of .Gold”
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
-Front Street;
dip on -bto wap boat# from a bwaluM trkoat. aid Barbn^^
B' fiil b> t-tuilrast He fell •’gj j’
No. I.perbu. laewl........
„ i^i ibew w.is. no.im. trying w do anyTheodore Lndgate. maBager of tbe
TVareree Cliy tomber CA, wem' to
Obtoagapeeierdap on buelaoee.
at bt-n-v with
Mre. Ana Kiweger of MU
-aa-l skleU Iwir from e'etythlng bard Ibet
Pa., arrired In the city Imi
betv-uld. Yes. be would give up gulug to
Ttolt her atoter. Hrw. J W. Ueanen.
laaBMi. ,
>b.' Itooktoa to hunt griubes w lib Cbet—
etorything! He w.mld sacrillce all
AltertOlobanaliv reinmod laat aigj^t
Aan.l by ber aud belp tomake it •atrr fur >
from Uiaad Raplda. where he went to
tab# aa oxaminetton before tbe State
Cbioaffo, March
Wheat Mercb,
... Ibetaldia
voo ui.u—o*
ol tbe«
rcaolvea -aba
snseurstar- |.
gl.OtH; Map. «l.wi; July. VUte; Sep- < toed falu by lifting ibevlatnp oluth fmm
Board of Pbanaaep.
temlwr.fSe; Deermbt-r.rTita
bi* eyce aod cxvtoiiutng lo a siralutol
- ,-Mareb. S»Ve: May. *MXe; .Jdee:
Theatrical Motea.
-Inl^. SIHciiSepfaml
itopfamber. StSe.
Oata-Uandi. Mtoe: Map. 8tt)(e; broke. Ask Mame lu luaU me a lUtia
“Tta..CriMa of Gold*' wax veoeated
gruel. Ao take this 4>ld etwlb away." / :
wiirj acceptably bv tba Courtcaap Mbr- lolp. >4«.c.
I'ork—Mareb, •10.60: Map. biaet^ Ashe rvwbrdlor thvlatU-rgbe eioaed
•ru nompaay la the City Opera Uouae
bv band fur a iuomeot about bU own.
laet nlgbi Ao a good atood andfanea.
And fur a; reaant he dn-w bar ta the big
'' Tbe aoene of tbe plep to 8xed ta tbo
tiraad BaidjU. Mareb *-Wbe^
' and paid ber aakwaid MlcnUuna-wblto
l4lb oentuig Bbd tbe ooetomlng
riw eat wrapped it) quilts and draeiu
. aaeordlng to that period. Tbe work of
with baU abut «7ra.~Chkwfo Putt.
tbe varloaa membote of tbo od&panp
Bemember the amemUp at Frof.
waa enoidoAUoaa. bat tbto eori of ploeo SUvera’ aeadamp tonight. Admlaatoa.
"Caa you It
_ ffveapa faa
to aot aAapfad fa tbe ctaAMUtiae o9 tbe gento St oaDta, ladiea free.
the .\ew Yvkv of bto
P. H.—Yen eas leara tb* walU Bad lew doper aoked.tl
aggregatloa ae a wbola, tboogk tbere
BoMon trtMid "1'i
waa good ladlrikaal wok. MMa Mor- •wo-atep la ooe private IcMoa from
Prof. Sllvoe, or do ebanre. OaU at Ale
ffaa gare a good iafarpeofatieo of ffd
faiap of Daaefag.ovw MeSa«ara*i
Bda and In tbto part llkoaUef bar 4ff>
. *
yon a price on
yon ere tore of eett&e
* Valae Received Fer Tour Msiey.
Our cat price eele Is oa reliable aad wall knowa make
ot ahoee only. They require
no reeommaad.
1i cu an Iff la bw UU60|««M.MnffTibMMHlcit (1.11, (1.U, (LU, lUt, (LU, (in, M ari |UI
Old Bailable Bhomaa. Whom Othan Follow. 11$ FFoaft 0t, Wmbtan BIk.
- I r
Min RUKiu wxu Aim: I
______________ ««raB<ral"
My ^ ■a.«,; Bay Oty. lUcb
Kauwiat Pwf» rc«d aa<3 I)r«* Coa-l
.Mania. M LatMaar.
eOurch war to whJd. »«® laciioB. hara
giiM. MiKtt
AMfnblfd«tatthe colum............................
wnkMbarra. IM.. lUrrb l-At tba ^
U«B «Bj\-*r«liy TMiertfay ■
fccoordint to Sonotor Hov Ho ft »
Buildinc Pert* for Vdor
MaO* by Clark
moay. He wlU
covb-ny KBITOB
aC Mlnaart ta a tpaiBk
Baalauia. ieaUfted that be waa Bbartff
Oyaa tka Laa* BUI.
• Martla'a chief Jrputp at the Una of Xbc
Waablnctoa. March
Ha U.M that tbe abertft Bare
OAlASA. apent anotbar day In dtbatr U|Mm tlx •buoiiny.
aU tbe deputlee explicit ordm to keep
' Loitd blU. ratatias to
Tbe Vei7 t^le Manufactarins com*
of V^oo. haa made aa aaMcft-
Ulaaouri nade atm. remarka ibat roae, tactlua. He corroborated MaK^^i■^f^
------------------------- - ^
w», n
a Baat Hn 4k«*aa wUh «ba MM. He waa-onoe editor of a weekly,went on duty. Sept.,7. unUl ihey rimed **'?“">**• '***•* ““ *“
“• '
newepapee and delltored a eulofy on ' In Una al Latllmer. and dee.nbed^ in tne wono.
aaaH Triu aha Baaaa «fea Vmwnaf tW the country editor. "He la j.e faiihful MHwUn* In detail.
' Tbe Kkwrasoa canal fommlaateo e«l. ,
to the people aa the needle to tbe pole." | He aaM that he dbwovered. by Buln< maiea that tbe con of the Oor* wiU
• Oaaayy Kdllar.
WaaUACtaiB. March • A—TaatHOar'a aald be. .'*la ttemomeniouerampalraot I among tbe etrlfcen and feeling aboi|t be HW.m.aM
mi. wheu'a vjul majority—«toi all, I tb^ clothing, that they were annad
Edward tluentber. cm of the Oral
OahaU la the arnite on the Alaikan mark you. but* a vast ^ majonte—of - aiib eiopea and revvUeta. He waa put reeldenu of Ia Oroaae. Wta. ai
beoieataad and nllway TlghtTOt-wayblll DenMwrallf metTv(»man be»ipapera tbruufb a ngtd croaa-rxainlnatloa. but yeara. kilted Uouelf.
waa daddedly aplrlied. Can«r drUvar»d ■--- -ly deeerted Ibelr ctilora and went, be could not he made to cotilradirt
Jooeph l.elt»r. of t'hybga, bi
« TKoroua apearh In lyply to ttat made,
er cup
tup aa a Ct^phy
Cr ‘ ip the to- !
baggage. b>««e. ■fool - aod hlmaeir. He did nol knew who gave feivfl a »II\er
Into the tamp of the bneniy.
order to fire, but did not fee a abut^ivrv*>llegia • cbampluiieblpL
durlnic ihe paal lau daye by RawUna o( tT" *
ivuniiy treekllia ailb rare eXCL|>hliiw
The Kebruary
KKWb earntrvfaVof tbe
Otah. In ib« courae
u( kblch
be made
a, gtrong defenac of the honor of Oor-i
by th.- < hun- of Uryaiv.
Ario Pardee Hiatt. «ie of the depulieir. Roeg laland road eho* an Inrreaae of.
tTA.UOO u\-er
over the
the aame
aame month 4aai year.
graaaiunal committeea and'of omcialB in
"I'd i.uiuLi.lty with un- gave a flowrtption of the ehootlng. trA.WW
abd "'t-................."
WItneaa m« tbe ahivirr
tU aaveral goTamment departmahta. shaken lidellty. eu|>.-rh courage ««a
‘ - ' halt
' - the slrlk- ; genor Campnassles has bean elected
cbmmcndabJe arlf-abnegallun. thereby era al UatUmcr and advise them t» dia- prcwideni and Senor Roaaailvo.baa been
Ona of tbe apeeial teaiuf«a of the de vindicating tbe patrlotl.m. wlsdt m end perse, but was knocked down. A.“ <1^.
M.'|{clrih'd vice imoideul of Uruall by a .
■*bate waa a apeech tdellvtied by Bklna, Indeiendenre of tbe American press.
Hesa. a tivH engineer <-f Haxleton. wbu
la which ba aaac-rted that tbe Oanadlan j . rp m ;hla same coumry editor mb commandevl <^>mpaiO’ A of the depuUea, j ,, ,,
,, 4^^,, „„
Paciee railway »aa -eiubled to make must .h iwnd largely for. h.mest. cur- corroborated Platt In his testimony. He \
Maine baa given to a clUxen of
war upon AmeHcan Inierreta and why ageoua. Kvifl.db- jwesa service In tbe heard one shM flrsl. like a plaiol shot. I
pi rnant at the ship
rim blew up
Ua aggreaaloiia of ibal great .twJltvwd rampnlgp row Imi^ndlng. as well a. then came the vvlley. '
••Chi to be stopped by the Vnited i;!,
T.O —n.. «t ,h. Bn.l-. cn.l-r
BtaUa. y^ina- ai-eech arouied much rtwtir Side of (he house ue would t>e| CsahswOea wWb tbe fsBdtaa Pprige. ' Anstrwlla. kSO# Iona tilared with a fuse '
Mtorvat. particularly that part In which artJiit with unwisdom to drnMve hlm| rglcggu. Man-hd-Tbe weatem roads i^^he rhell-tvs.ni of*^ih^hU- and abe
ba explained tbfi. while to- did not
Mwne tbe now tamuua mcilun S ed tbe
prcMBt Urift law. be stood squarely
ariU nhc alerting Ainrrtcan who did
U would be true to name. Hepubll-I those tvru gentl.-rpen. who conf. rred
f.’*.**?* owned by
cans having nine-t. ntha of tbe gtenl | »|rt, ,be ,«.vrs of the ranadlBn Ph- *vT
Wben be got tbe Boor to apeak Elkins mrtrv>polltan paiH-ra may find ^e eX- ettk. say that to ibelr difinluo a confer- I? ,C?rT;|[r
said be waa gtad to aae Ibat an cflort ruse for aiippurtlQg a n>ea«ure which'code Is desirable for the Repose of , ader
•.'aleb M. Hlancbford, of WaP
waa bring made fo exact abmething
coliMtle. Ind.. has performed I
IVniorrats' Populists and ' 'pacific. If tsswlUlv.
from Canada In view of all that tbe Do. certainly
'riakvo and uflkiated ai I.Ht Tunerala In
Free fillver nepublicaiis igTIrot'afford
, ‘minion goveniment and lia corporati.
■ tbe forty-five yracs <4 his service to the Vtied isc Nsi flslwc as ii
rMrived from the Untied -Statea. "For
Rockford. Ills. March 1-Mlas Mary
long y >-ara.‘- mid Elkina. "Canada had
criebratedI dei-utr rity . lertt for ton • High isMilinval nvM was criebratedtaken buslaeas f^pm our country and AfiSOdATSS PES88 OOVTSACT U Woodruff,
■ dlsIqvarssd^yrsWrdav hv •*
CmlhoJlc uelvervliy at
daspoUad tbe bualoeaa of our ralinxdt
Jn^. >|^r^«vv ^of the
a»d all thU without any proper return."
When Elkina referred to tbe military
Cbitwgo. March 1—The legal contest edge of ex-CTty Clerk Hugland'e abort-.,
advantagea of the Canadian Pacific and
Kelsun. aged M^led from the
Ita* two strongbulda—Halifax and Ea- between tbe Asarsiated PrM and The aiM In the spwlal srrTrtmmi fund for ' .
n years and -did i
CtUmault-Hoar Intemiptcd bim.wHh Inter ivean. haa b<-en cumluded Judge
r ovrr aigty ■
tbe fhoetlona remark that the moator Waterman rrfuwrd the injunction
yeWre and .me of the oldest r
amd have no apprrhettaloa of tbe Bril- prayed for by The 'ntrr ticean against
. ipala Bedwesa lbs l>wly sw CWw
, Dorthwestora Indiana,
t thoae palhia. aa Ihey would the Assoiiated livsa restraining the
Madrid. March t-Tbe caUdnel V
a only In tbe event Utler from cutting off Us news .service.' cU yesterday decided to reduce the|^ja.,„ luimas. In biennial at
seeoloB at
This ends the siiu for g>a>d. as no ap duty on cm to « pesetas pfr hertoiltre ' pjmingftrld elected the following offl- ■
aa long as tbe price exceeds US 1-:#e.
t, J ycofield..Cblcago;
bind thoae guns. In re>poose to a
. aecretarv. Alexander Url-eao. McComh.
iqaeatlon aa to the effect tbe abollab- quashed Injunction ««sr. Inasmuch ais tnaBent
tbe coniular mala-at Van- tbe Aasoclaivd l*ivaa la not shorn of any
OMWr would have U|x>n the iraile of of Us pov.-er ti> rvprlmand members of
tbe porta of Tacoma and Seattle. El tbe assuiiatjun. or lancri tbrir con
kins replied that it would fill thoae tracts. ftm vltOallng the cevenanu of
The inter Ocean mint
pom with trade. '
Caatteka lm|»ae Vpaa Tarle tam.
. U tbe rourec' of a brief reply to Elbisx, Hoar expressed some regret that etieneral Manager Stone, of tyie Asso
Alne bad brought Into the dltcuaaloh ciated Pteos. regards the decision as a
of tbe pending blU so much matter that decbvivv viciuT)'. The must Impuriant
waa apiwrcDily Irrelevant. He agreed point brought forward.'In the opinion
Wlh Elkins that the executive depart- of Judge Waterman. Is that the connMata of the govenunent bad tbe pow. trwrl between Ibe d.-fendanl ahd the
er that (hey ought to eierclae to pre-. platnttR is In resiralnl of trade. Tbe
veni Canada from impoalijg upon this judge held that tbe news cuolrael be- ^
country- nr lu busjaeae Inlerem. He tween the parties was Illegal for thaj-’
alao agreed wllh him that the dtMruc reaadn. because -one vf tbe provisions ]
Hon of the aeal herds war a tepnwrh to of tbe contra.t piuhlUled tbe nrws- :^^_
civtllxacion and that tbe denial of the paiwr ifirtn dIsiriJsiUng Its news. Such
PCikMegea of hoaplUMly to our ftaber- a thing, tqys Judge Watvi.<ean. Is dear- ‘
men waa a reproach- He held. tao.' ly to resiralnl of trade and therefore 1
(hat Canada ought pni to enjoy the illegal And bri-ause .if this lllrgaUl> ;
bonding privilege, rfhteb the UnUed' Ibe iiartles stand as if svK-b conlrari •
had never b.-en made.
1 fBi_
faelly agreed with Elkl
............. .........
10m OUT. TEXui into oou.
nem of anpplying American clllxenrln
h ^o.al>er Kiog That Is (totwg to
Alaaka ought not in anz way ,-to be
burdened by ranadlin monopoly.
rievelati.l’. March S -The sixth an■ OAB OEPRBCATCS TALK OP WAB.
pual meriinc of ihe Nai onal 1-umber
.lers’ Bss'Hiat.i'ii .vas hrld yevlerPrtond at tbe ParBrr.
He expressed the berief however, that the lars «
■lluna ought nut to have taken a'd. middle an.l noitbeiisiern statea. a
vantage of Ibe dealre on the part of the Is A,.riBi..d ti.ii then Interests smuuni
•enale lu Bceompllrb thoae objects by t.. iltoUo.Msi. In «be shsenev of the !
tntroduclng Into lbs tUacuasloD a col- piv-idelu. Charles U. IWU..of MllW- '
lateral matter. Hoar aald be did not d. .phis his wnnuul sddivwB was read i
by-.b-- tx. u». 1 and lonpurwry ■seen-- .'
agree wiib Elkins aj to the danger on ‘ary.
J. J. M.Kelv.-y, o( New Turk. On- !
Bocoui.t of the Caoadlaii PavlOc In tlm* Impu^rani stai. mlnl mode by tbe pres- [
of war Aa a matter of fact these t.009 Id.iit, war that iiie anhual output jf ;
inllea of la.IruAd would l>- a bv>atwge In lumber III this . ounlry rxeevds In valu.
case of hualll.tire. But iDdependeul uf that |or vll the g.dd. ailver. cool, 1
thia faclur. U e United States would U- and WbtMl.
antlrely.cai>al-le uf taking caiv of themActing S-.-rriary U.-Kelvr]
elvey rep.nsd !
aelve* If they had dune au during the the acvession to mniits-rsblp
ship dunng tbe
they year .>r v v'!-n(eeti lumU-r c
could certjfnly do
hellrve In emxiuraging the talk of pos
sible hoatlllUes with a frieodly iiower
and wanted lu esp-. ial:y -llsvoarage all passed 1 y .ongn-ss. .tnutlier rvOoluiloii 2
Ideas of danger from the guns supposed Adopted Uiiunimously dtvlaied In favor . 2
to be pointing in our dtrtx-ljun from .•f the «.‘Iu standard for the , 2
Halllux and Rnquimalt.
cumen. y of the rail. n. The follow ■ 2
Nt:»un .uff Mini
Minnesota tohow.
Uut .rtJKvra Were H.vt.-d; I*resklenr. 12
•harp thu'ugh short
Hun. John N. tlratr^rd. of Kuffalo. 2
Elkins' pn>t>.«llloh. on the K. Y-: sei r. tary ind soi>erlnlendent . * *
gtoun.1 that I) wasAim..! si the Inter, j ,b« eredh bureau. Eugv-ne F, iH-rry. of
eats i.t <tie tarn.-is of the n-irthwe«t. I x,.w V<.rk.
“Wo nsvr.• otli.r Inle
uf the rallr-aol trunk .u.-..
As th> rarin-1 end ■■! bake Huperto'r i f’l- IaO»l*. Uu.. MSi.h S.—Vvi
' tber* Is IqisK-d it greui . mpire of (.tM,- i war done duiiiig the sh< rt mornlns
•“ >r e.tiOO.IKII ..f far.I,err, and tbe Inter- sessi.m uf ih'i l.s«e ball magnates yes- ]
tenlay and U>i >J.1ld not really get di.w^p
•as uiUiI r »VI«
aftomoon_X>n entire
occupied, hot the s-rosion
of a |xrn l*a< lllv road functor) .hara.ier ami there were no
bad brought to these fiirtneis a reduc senratlMi.al ilrv.P.pmeuts. Tbe time.'
tion arhouBUng lo an average of about war devoted wh. lly to making ■■hang s '
10 evnts • bushel on Ih- innsi-.nation In the ruica and adupilim Ihe sttaadule '
of their produv-ts tn Ibe Atlantlr sea- ofgaruaA _
_ ,
bosrd. Why. he naked, should
Uberwto dust toisaese Thrwaich ta Owtorto, 11
vanuge be'drstroy^
Itroy^ in tjir Inierest
Toronto. Marvn J.—l-aieat
few atoekbolders and bondbuldera in
------- -
r'„:r- ■" “ r'
In Memory
of the
Dead Heroes of
The Maine.
■ -—^'.'r'
A Timely lUtfBtraUo]
of Victim* of the
Tragedy of Havana Harbor.
Also D*W story of fii9
Famous Ericsson rMonitor
Which Fought the^errimac.
Sunday^ Record.
§ We Open the Season with a
Special Linen and | _
White Goods Sale. .. |
For Onejesk, Beginning Mnnilny, Mareli 7. i
Importers and manufacturers M-e liskiug' a big advice
ou all kinds of Linens at present, but as we largely antici
pated our wants in this line and fortunately just secured a
lot more at old prices, we are in a positiou to gi've you some
extremely big values. ^
JJOW is the toe to buy. No more at the same prices
when these are gone.
All the new things in White Groods, such as Welts, Piques,
Dimities, Marseilles, Etc.
la a •few words. aaM I
Elkins waa proceeding cm tbe t
cepllon that tbe Canadian
rates -were nol aubject lo tbe law t
trolltor the l«Bg and short haul.
alB said that rpcent auprvtae court
AariiiQua made It poastbio for tbe Amorlean roads to reduce Ibelr tbroo^
o 'compete with this tine
wlihuui regard to the long and abort
* bkul eUase.
Anuih,- frature of Ibe aesolon araa
. that Mnaon nfiiiin.iis Introduced a rt*.
, duiii n #ne-a Joint eommliiee of both
. Vtsea of ...ngresB lo InvesllgaU the
aanrdvr by a Rnoth OsroUna snob of tba
Boartmaai.r at luvke cMy. 8, C, aad bla
«k^Bt child, because they wera bifiefc.
JBo eoitferenra report on tbe penMon
------- ggraed to. An
■«0P waa belA
rmwa Fivd b
. WaMit*gton. March. l-About *M
BSfaiifiA inriodlng atate food —t—
l-r a majority of three. Tl.e figures
lU'isls. It:
W: r<-hiH-ivatlvrts.
O; Palruii.
IndependenL. 1. There la oni.i slituenry >vt l.vh-gr from.
| .<U-uloml.ua «>.. Marcb :.-The i
| ycsti-rdar evening passed the Jones bill;
to require coal to be weighed before
: rrrvx-ning or.d H la now a law.
r was urged by tbe mlaera of I
tbe/tair. _________________ '
- ;
' Hltoris Itoavn mi Wto* Msa^aw.
Springfield, nu , Uan-b I—The Mate
board uf mine exarainics has oigaaised
by eleeiliig iUt'Hhrd Newsam. uf reuriA
preatdeni. sn-J tUu-n Howells, of BraeeVille. Secretory, for tbe msulag year.
tbootlag Wmoelf In the :
ma deopomdeni over Ul-I
----- IN------
___ B
One case of India Linens especially cheap. Also all kinds
of new things in Lapes, Embroideries and Wash Goods.
Wilhelm Bros.
N. B.—All Winter Garments to close at Extretnely Low
M0HE mums.
--------«f the MOM 4
, hn«U»«l«Hiiterrbi«™iort*h
wbb bu
bU the »*uer tmmedi.ielr
«b*i»* mf th*t o»l»«,to-Uw neee.I «*ry foriDellUf. «br« certl«r.t« <-«b. I
Cn. Atg*r Now Announce.Thrt!
Soerttary Long Moant Just
What Ho 8aid,
4lw That Um CaUaet I> XM aUw. tat t*
WtIbc (ta^Mla AH tko-Ptata aa M tta
Mala*. Ttal AtaPaMa—lUllaf taCataa
Katay Gaaa by WanAliM aad
«pu Kara Kapteaatlaa-Ma Bar M<r
VMbU M Waablaataa.
WaahlMtou. Uardi A-Tta Waahlw.
t so
uiday prlnu the (oUeertne uitervlea with Secretary of War Alger:
~Tb* atatemrpt at Secreian- Lioag.tbat
Spata'e 'oflictal paHldpaUoo ta the dieaatcr' to the tlltiw had beeo 'pracucall)- eliminated' aaa merelr an ek|>rce>
den ot i-erxonBI opinion on blep^. J1 !■
aa Injuatlce to blm ga weU as to the
/ aditiinlsiraUon to give an' official algnlAcasceno his expcvaalua. when *e
was parUrulsr at the Utna to etnphaalae
the (act that he aaa peaking BimpU' as
M Indltldnal.- In the absence' ^ uffiI-UU (acts—end-1 can repeat wbat baa
been.sald heretofore, that the public la
enuellv as aell Informed as the gi-e*.
anment—no member of the sdmlnA-
trailuo tAd. .of eoutta. make tAcial
dociaraMun. loQctiing Spain's reaponaiWlltyf nicral 'or oUiPrntse. There U
jta un lota of Infunuaiion as lu Uie
/Mure or origin of the eX|>l>n d upen
Vahich the g-A'eramcm can, at this U»ie.
' luriu a >t>ncluslun ui bas«' s Uerlalun.
The veruici .rf the i>unto( in.}jir) on
that point must patiently be aaailed.'
'Br>ond this Secretary Alger Would
IMU be tjuuixl. but lie aUtlioilMd The
Bokt lu siai«- must puslilvel)’ that nu
official lu(i>rn,aiiuo «a> IxMiig withheld
from the public, that the sduuniauaUon « as adh^tng sttit liy to the policy
adoHed by Sectvtan Umg. with the
approval ul Uiepresident, at the start,
to.gite the fullest pusilblc publicity to
all fact! euming officially to the departmenu beaHng ui>oii the lues of the
to Cuba «l^ suppUes
•omr'vonimutlon In official circles yes<t-rdA> until the real pun^ort of the
visit of the ships came out. The
cruiser Uontgumery and the gunboat
S'aahvUle were sriecied TorThf porpoae
and orders uxre eci.l to Admltal Stcard to put them In shape fur the tcquuvd seyi'lce.
AtaU>sVlsii>sTha>i:spUlasA. v
It la cxplalni-d at the nav>- depart*nem that this action was taken at the
instance of the Cuban relief aoMwia,
tiuo. orxar.lted through the efforts ot
the slate department fur the relief ot
'^-Uie destlluic nun-cun.twtants In I'uba.
It was rei>r>-H-oted to the department
that great distress prevails among the
people In the vicinity of tagua la
Grande and Malanxar. on the nurthem
coast of the Island, and that consider____^gble dlffleull) Is •xiweicnccd In send
ing -upplles th.-re 1-ecause of the Infre
quent nails of the merchant ships. On
this amou^. ahd because of the tiumediate demand for supplies at- Ihe
points Indicated, the nfficmi trf the aasociatlon requisted the sermary of the
Xia\) to autUoiitr the. use ot uM <w
••Well Tc^ eotM iato tlw «bo4 abcB . The Mighty SooUwni Kailwaj »y%tern, traversing the right (treat States
;Of the Moomlog Smth. desires to a
•nt*rr li rrlurtt<-0 10 oatnproua letter
'‘"'^rhr'i’hlr'The ten! .
"KsU^.M woald wUllntly «o so tha aUaiHlon of the Uraltfa seeker, t
dhllr r«t«lveO at the deii>rlpnt»t
stiit^^rd Bid. hni ftwaoe iblog,"
Laod-seeksr. the rtewsare seeker, t
npl >de. but the
Prodt-Mwker and the Flckie Tneallar
and the dK-era !
«r. that I ccMiAder Um 1b- I*uUir. to the many sdvastsgrs. Oie
IbM KIMee* Wr^.hlua Tac AntnaU'befi they la^[ a
beanUful aernrry. the ricb at.d fertile
eiJeat as rlovd. "—Sew Vt«fc WurlA
1 other,
land and the many reaorta which lie
t. March 3.—The press t*- '
crHlclKirR c
l»eg Its lin<
port fror.i H»
iia irst-niay had the alou-neis.
.. to>nor
. .loridaand ew-apa the many
foltowlilg . tac
'thelto Is grm
> "The wrrs'kiog
eold and dissrreeable davs of winter,
and Btopat ASHEVIU.R. -The
1.1. HrrtlU o' the Kcrrin A Cbspoian work. In me
ofthsxky." THEMWITZEUI.AXD of
Wreck.r.s sr.d 1 r Jsir.g .. mi-any. ar,
. . ..
AMERICA, whera baaeea and e«rt
' turned hatches, beoped-up. coal, scataeem to meat amoogat tha msBy of tb
and later In ll:.- day mm*-.1 a barge near i tered ammuBitlen. guns, rhrata, mataeaatiaa of natarw. Sea tha gvandai
the wretk and tv. -nriKed work. The : Chlnety anO ele<-Uir wires, they must
in America and
MelTtit IS 1 powirlnul boat, but an
mal^e or cut their Inirlcsie way. They
Boase. America's only f>lane. th
other -ind bl! ger ici^ Is rxiiectrd here must exerei«o- *r.-sl care lest their air
Chataaa of Uao. W VandarWIt.
ahortl). Tax Ppan eh divers were at tubes be severed by sharp pru
the traveler, who is in a bui-rv to g<
work a»-.ui the e rei k today, and It Js , Already nmny
mlJ (jIU Id
many have
have -had
-had Iliad
to Florida, can ro via duttaBoogi
undrrsiooJ the) i. 11 rei ort >0 iheSpaa-|
(meertain light and dilllcultpaj[onntaia. and a
pamiag Look' ot Mo.
Ita board
boaWapi-.ni.d to inquire Into the
All the hiete pt-slMe 1. #tmII>
the Bhay Battlerffeida. which
Jhe c
the Bloc
the tale of the atrifa bet<
the president
the Spanish board ot j
caufc-s ll to sink daily deeper Inb.
aad theGray.
the taft mud of the hari»i. making the
iB coBBectioa w Uh the l)oaeB A Ores,
U rejs-rted that Captslu SIgsbee Usk irf r-.lsing It the more herculean.
otat Bnnte. the Houthera Railway
does not «i:>e.l to find any of the dead'
Ti>« question is frequently asked:
forms the Great Thrwngh-Trulik-f.lBe
DC of the exiloalon. but he allll "Are Americans in danger In Havana r'
to <*e Jiouth and Florida. Elegant
believes bodlis will be re.-«ver\-d» from The only truthful answer given by a
reatibaled trains, carrying throng’
purtiona of the wr<-.k aa the divers re
well-lnl->rini d restdeot or American, ofsleeping, dining and ehair-ears. Tl
move the deptis. The divers, who are flclBl or layman, is: "We think not;
Une Par-ex^llence of the South.
working stendily forward, are encotm- ae don’t know." There are n.< algns of
Por.mapa ao8 ■nf<«rmst<'>n. apply to
tai'lng ruminusl dlfficultlea.
a detronstra-.km against the Americana,
your nearest oopnn ticket agent f“Senator l*Toclor and his party re- and -stortee 10 the cuntrary, thus far.
Wu B. Tavboa.
turtird to the Hly last right, after are without foundation. Still, Havana
Aaat Oen'1. psaa. Agent.
tacndlng th< day at Matansas. About is BO place Just now for those without ---------------------------------------------------------------------No. SIBPourth Aeana.
or twelve mllea nut of Havara Ihe the calls of husln.Asot duty. This sea-I ttg CDIHHCV Will he si tark
Loniseillc. Rentocky.
n rr.B slowlr. tstaus* ihe irwur-.
Is Im-lemem and the %-arlatlons of Ull. orlHntl Botsl .M«M»SV
IS had cut the wli.'s. an.1 S.rstor
ip'-rsturr are 4>udden and vtolect.
ctor was told 1
causlnk much slckne»a.
.l>s fnm:
small skirn.lsh n.
All Wea i.f ceii»..rehlp Is so furelgn to
the lire. In which Ave or s.k men ba:
the Amrrlcun inin^ thu an American
been wounded.
can Bcw»vl> Bi-i.reclaty.'ihc dlfficiilly of
! ands favor with Cams
"The omcers'ot tliV Vifesya paid cereseiwlliic
h. w-«
fr..n/ Havana.
The ;
^aow MrtMTk. BBPB
land 01 herwdesiring I
monlst visits Jhh> morrlnu i" .\ lmua. 8psnlsrd-Bi-eni-flUSllyji.*U..undcrwtsB^ j
^OWA»"WrilP» rHCffi.
Mantenda and ("aptain-Gei-.enal Ham"
D,. A. B. Spir.,.. of DcBolU
ll"','”.” .“T'.ta;'
Crowds of people view Ih- 1 rul-ey from
the points of vanlnxe ssh->rr. sr. I those
hfiws and forty minuira ;c«aui>gto yeur town, w
****** T
tn dee lU, ^ Bectloos to rblf-ago S“d Detrols, Tblv
are jennlili-d to d>. a» go on
m lnefi and aeiwpied j temaia for one ^y oaly
f: ' Ujir leave. Ttavetw aty at »a» p. B.
sick aa opportaaity to
From Kr> West comes the new* that
vettfenis ..f the Insur- i thatoaaoot aoe him at hit.Sanitarin;o.i"«'y»»«"‘*y
C. L L>M”KWOOt>.
the court ■ f InqtHry U ihrocgh wuh ts
Slalne ; The doctqr has so much faith la the
Oeu*] Pam. and Ticket Agent.
lovettlgatlon at that point: 1 bar the
_ has 1
»9 in
Grabd Baplda. Mich.
Mangp.ve has Steatn BP and that 1h"
: one
Puerto Prlnelpe s.>m<- time since' was. 1 chronic diaexaea
tb£t be vril!
court I* awaiting insiructioos from probably ane of the hottest since the month'! treatment and mediaae free,
Washlrvton as to nhrther ll shall re- opening of the trouble.
thought '
ni -once to Havana,
The court
known the rr- j AIL «jo»b THAT abb TOO room ^ pay.
that when
pp.bably mum to Bavana to- verse will l» Rpanlgfa
.w»All that he tak.
iks in
return i
h rather 1
IT people gatker thorns by fallleff
the I every patient will state to their friends
ban. This ts believed
d tbs wareiag sent eut by dins treatment.
kidBeys—eoeted toogne—pnreked
Bpaalsh themselves, and the offleiaT; the resnlta obtalnnl by his
- diaeaaea
. and
on I -AU fonos of chronic
eovrinmf W troopa formiUea treated.
No man la 1
—general fsellDg of weariness—Is sore
the pan of the govne
c.— bAA
u— bad aach
.__h extended
exteoded expe- evidence of kldaevand bladder trouble.
than Id any rnKsgenwnt
The Insurgents continue 10 burn cane rigneo in the ireatmeot of CATARRNj Take Utah KUner Brataaloaee—they
Adds and destroy plsntatinns wherever EVe. EAR. THROAT' ANO LUNd vrin earr you—they haVe cured thous
ands of nthara
Tog TuxgkBa or Philthe owners fall to par laseo tn Prval- DISEASES aatho
denl Mesw.Cs goVernmert.
They loot ated 87 years ago from Clevelaad, A™xri.ia make Uuh Kidney Benu
a IS yeara in geae^^^pracOhio; was
Ctmm l-M vl fflekwl. Cwtop.
- -i»» ttatovag rtotwr-sfv
rtlBVw. Ees-seXr.MUV*
tloe: after that
toay and Pbjrau^ogy in Oelroit
nays I ■tet-re BIUM,
Homeopathic Medical'College for S
ruh KMsvr a (.as, a. says saltoMT (wsto hiB.
Iter tVcItman. years; wasSTeara'Superiatcadent
Chicago. Starch S.
V... ,.i, „o,n... .;rL,‘;::;Er.
loportut io Property Holden!
rtr* In-nessea cowpas
wOr ws4e wsiensl roe>
Wbrn TOD.araDt to tfike a ride
remember the best place to pfo.
1 have a lai^opeo baa.a 5 aeai
sieieb and a top' boa. AH
New DepartureiIjJ?£S^SS"^
explosion than us-d«l. The Oghi In ; experience he has had
Navy Ofneen Ar« Sur* That the
Maine Wat Blown Up by a ,,
SubeMarin* Min*.
ingtor. ronewDBOUME TO BE QUOTED. EOWEVEB. *»• Ttmee-Herai."
ponaent. trlegraphs thal |>a|>er that he
has "actual kn- wlolRe" that ibla go^crnmenl win Iniei^cne In .Onha ahortly
Dv Xs( DelUvs 1
A Ttara Wm Any itsthal .the Ragwsia government wdl
But oppose Inbrventlon.
BpdnW Bight le lav.
BMtd of laq.l^ :
XsChlag aad
Sleighing Parties,
Also a lot of the Tgry beat Portiasd cotters, two asd three seated
1 can fit yba dot with any kind
of a tamooL
Fio&ear Liwery Man.
6nid U|Ui i Iidliu B. I
Alma and Ypaliantt 8sn>ta{ii^a-.
ThiaexperiencevTOabinedwUh mAny
yeara* a^udy in the tmst hospitals in
tfie country, and eumining and ti
Ing thonsanda of chronic cases.
prepared him to care wl^ea the general
practitioner IbIIa Hare yon been atek
W Tears r
Are you disconragedT
and see nt.we will tell yea whether
■sra I. D. U to Bepwlw ta *•<'
we can cure yon or not. Ifwecaanet
Franrl. ;«« T®";
•m is Moeugm Bioek. TVararra GMy. Hleh.
Bnuk*. a i.r.imlne»t yoiing physlilwn,
U. Joaxsog. DracfML
DlTSn CaaUtatai BM-h OUwr-Latew
Bara a J*eriWs. Aah.
Havana, via Kr)- West.. Fla.. Hayeh
t—Without adding unneiLtsatily to the
confecturo and
proirfiecy eonrernlng the finding of the
court of inquiry. H Is fair to say that,
as a matter of facL most of the nkxal
afflrere here and at Key West Incline
tcr^he opinion that the court will And
lhal Ihe disaster l-i the Maine was
caused by the explnslon <rf a floatii.R
aub-marlne mine under the port aide of
the ship forward. Oiilnlons differ as tn
whether the mine wa* made of high exploslVM. such as wet and dry'gun cot
ton. or ordinary gunpowder. Opinions
^ree nut onto* as.tu the vxlst^ce of
ihlp>w In the harlicr. but also that
where furelen war v>-ssels were
od to monr,,,snd was tired from an elec
tric battery •in shore.
It Is beilcve<r Ntn-ly possible that the
exphisl. n of Ih., ii me was the reoult ul
th'e rarvb-ssncus or Ignuramw of Span
ish •.iHcrrs In ctiarge of the n&ne^atatlon keys, whin testing the clrculir-hui
the .lalt-T ! I!JP
prolwble It Is funbtr regnrdeil as*eltied by ,Hie evld>-f>ce liefore
that ih' i>.n ride of the hull forward
was cumi-letely blown tn plreeo.
ihai the ofi1y exptaloii on the Value.
ex.vpt . f laulalM rases of Axed
niunitl'-u. 'was thal of :.(Vo |*>|yids of
aalulli g te'wdrtL stored forward, pMr of
whtili no tincc^ran be found.
views are cattn-red from <»(Ilf-era,-who
talk with great reserve and •>nly upon
thi’ -a-surani r tl si their Identity will
Ko I'ht'Ht AL kllK VlklHLli.
ho thtstAL WIIK \lslHtAi.
never U- reveal.-cl
inqi-lry k
and no n...
Wto Apprahruded,
shot hnd a.-«iously
m^t by Officers Burke and ftuffy. who
were'summoned lb the house by the
family to control Dr. BrookA The
mind of the >oung physician has lately known by all the achoola, with the aid
that moat wonderfni of
become affecK-d by over-study and last | of electricity,
night be alarmed the men.berw of hU all agents in Paralyaia. Loaa of Power,
.family by bis handling of a Isree cart Rbeumalism, and all diaeaaea of the
Go early, aa ,my
ing knltA Ofllrerawere called for and aa nerrotia aystem.
soon aa Burke and Duff>- apprared office is always crowded.
H. n.-cssevra. Tsaors. Blood ood BIriq.
Brooks atUtked them With tha knife.
Burke fired at him point bUnk. the bul
let striking Brooks in the left arm. He tsa o-lTSU eis-sses of all (orros traalod soeeongnued his attack, however, and
Duffy fired, hllimg the doctor In the a Is curs, of lb* best of •naPcsl skl'L sa<Vr
Side, . Inillc ling a wound that may IB* doanr** diraeilos. Trras Inr boird spa
irvunststib^lowtiot ssy sssltariba or hos
prove fatal__________
_________ _1______
. '_____
I past is the Uolud Sialss.
They H»ei«> Vary tbeAm-wtoeot.
We give A vrrttten ntbt
Murgsmtoun. N. C. March I.—An old
Indlar. ducter and a little girl who kept
house for him have been found bangIng from in-cs near their cobin al the
bead of IHsh c-rcsk. The two rame here
^Tltee t^eftre every caqe of PILESanc
| KunURE. Also, we 1 tve a iving-ia
| ho*t^I department It our Saniur
, iam. Send for Jfmr'oa .
The fact rvm'alna
of the rpurt of
t- e teslltrony elicited
to lovraaigsto.
A good deal uf sun>rtt* was expc said
by Ani.tl.sr* h«-re at learning thti the
Pt'itHsh divers weiv to be permitted to
n:ske an examination of the vrreck'of
theilalne.capeclplly as It was also said
flist Am- rlran naval offlccra would give
such divers all rorslsieni facilities and
would throw no ohotarlvs In fhe way ot
I'nlled Hiaiea drcllnedlo
held a
Joint Invrallrallori II was known, o.
course, si ttlashlngton. that SpalffTtad
both a moral and Internatleeal rlg$t tn
make aa InveaUgatlon. Of conrae .fids
refera prinHpally to Inipeetlon of pArta
of the ahlp other than the hull. Unrtl
the guns, decks, engines and debris of
all kinds 'have been removed, and. the
i mud haa been pumped from the hull, it
: eknnoi be examined thoroughly by any
! one. i>ome g~d auibcrliles think tt
vrtn be neceaiary t«. buUd *» ooffw
B around the wreck.
r biiivau has tnTtted enllatmenu fwm
/ ' men who have had naval service beThat any Important testimony batore
fere In the englfw rooms, and as It ts
the eenrt has found Us way to thepubsaid that A number ot-these
unlikely, gome of Ihe wUnow enjoying ih three’rooBlhs ported
bare told certain
of time betweeL .............. .............. ................ ,
which they may come agniff“fnto tho of alleged tesUmony, but
.haval service' wlthoBt loea of aemeo
recotd. It U hoped that BOtae At them to be wildly' Imprcltgble and oontrowill come forward td All the ptaeen TB- Toned
known fsus or else atastduiecsied by thv Maine dlaaater.
reicrasL Borne of the corre^mnThe aaTlgAUon bnraan ta atO MV fAg
Bgrairied to agtract Infonaattca
BtrstSESS CARDSQ M BBOWX. Alta-icy---------O. Lav. Bpsclal taraues to
swScoavwrsoslu. tlirraeim.
lu, MvrewnUI* Co. Block.
les IW, tot. »B_________________________
CouotT rra«i«. Offiev rnodrisb
Itt^st weids. ka»e. P^a sr sear. BewMheds.
bCAlAhTEE to 'mi 'aaraa of'^S^i^1S^*BStaiks. PUas. Twp* Wob. and
• Bert,..,.
DRS. B. S. <& CO.
Lock Box 160.
...dnowiTlvs Mto Olactnoi
“•rs;jrtss.r<!3ii£i-~-; -
SUOtllKMl ludl
OltoSM acienU
C"SL,'i KK5VSrr2Li*.V“
1 advance uf the 'Anal
Tlirre It r.o unusual stir of actlrlty
nboul lb< bureaus'of the quartcrmastei
general urNlhv cummissary gyneral uf
the.army, whe'i* more thi-n anywhere
the |>i.-|,sraUuuv for a asrllki
tMneigene} wouldbeappareot.Throfflci rs
juf tiieao l•ureaus aay nu extraurdlnary
ccumuUtluiior supplU-s Is laklnx place
u coBI raets for extra BUppIlea
lemtilaUon. In the urdnauev
bureau th<
protecUIes H .
CoerttaiY Alger. Benalor Hawley (of
the nenair cummlttee on n^ary affairs!, and repn-senutlvek of the house
miutary committee. It was mwd<£lenr
to the aecratary that It was a cerfhinty
M^reprlaiionswonld befurthcomin^and
It wta deemed the part of wlsdcffii to
make the contract no«. u the supplies
Would not be Ic hand fur s;ime montltd.
It ta. said in the navigaiion bureau
that there Is a pressing need Of Able
marhinlsu for tbs navy, cansad by the
Ever Borved Oat^
a To remove the Inipresslun that had
gotten sbr<.....................
Mtlins bifwi-n the na\y d.-|«nmeffi
and the huQse naval ct>mmllle<- were
Dot hariiuinb-us Beoretary
TeSK^di!> afunic-.i. gave out a shoH state-'
mem on the sub>eel. He said; "CoBgresimai. H.>ulelle tisd Is-en pilsunder. Tb* rorarressiran. who Is one ot
e w orld, is
everything that can
In hl< snmial
repert the e-cretan ri*oii,inrnd*-d
l.ut men Iw ndded tu the enllsl>*l force
on account of the tneiease In the numher of ship!
The naval «**mmll1ee. of
wlib'h. Mr. noutcHs Is chairman, has al- I
Teadf decided lu grant this Increase In
the .rerviHr nsval an*r'>|>rlBUi'n bill
Mmnllnie. If there should l-r any Im*
mediate neci-sslty Pg more m.-n »•
ism- f.inimlii.e and Mr. DouleUc/'Wr
ftis elmlrinan, are ready tn make |«i- ;
vision t*. that effect at once."
-Itb~ ^
the tTWnip.idai
plies contributed hr the cbartUble l*«w
pie of the I'nlle.! Btates In resj.mse
the appeals of ITssMent MrKInley aad
Bvetwtary Shem-.an.
Secretary lAing
conferred with the president «a the
aublsrt and it was decided t* comply
with the request
AsatbersTTbiM- -BIsusdeiwtaadlagwA
*«Vy ««. jtm BMber lellt
t„W, «rf .b/•U««d »# l«
But the
To Florida Via "Tha La«« of the
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