The Morning Record, January 13, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 13, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Oootaat atWM J«ba
/. A. Ko9ti«M OonmoMd AU of

TMMrtor-Both n*»Uy JUsic«««
»ad OoBooU «U1 fUl Vooucy—
Owt Koom KotMr Todoy.
ner* Am s moho of ioBrUaf ot
tlM »MU&r of th« boon! of topwTi
•on oU day yMUrdty ud nMklar of
•ay importaiM* WM oeeoBBlUliod.
Wbn tho maeU^ wm eottod
in Uc aomlBf 1. A Montor«A wbo
WM oppolBtod Ue previou day to All
«ba TOMMy oaaaod by the abaaoc* of
. L. f. Potk*U of tbe Koorlh ward. wm»
prMMt to ^om tbe ^oUm of tbe
omoa JohB Witbdm, wbo filled the
•anacy at .the prayloM BMtloc lael
‘ taU. WM alM preeant. Tbva baIo«
toy from the Poorth ward,
a aarloos, dlfBcalty wm praaeatod.
Mr. Wilhelm aoppooed
(hat he
wae nUUed to all with the board,
aa he wm appolated at the Uat eewtiw.
aad Mr. Perifett had aot alooe baM
preeiat at a meeliny. Beaidea. thia be­
lay aa adjoaraed meeUay. Mr. Wll'
It be bad a liyht to
repreaent the ward. Mr. Moatayiu
. teeliic a oertiflMto fnn the dty elark.
•howiBy hie riffat to the office. dUo
deemed that he wm the proper pereea
- Mt be held eredeatiaU bearloy a later
date than theme of Hr. Wilhelm.
A eertaH/dlSealty wm praeeated,
aad OM whieh ponied the membma of
the beard. Vartou optakhie were adeaaoed ^t there teemed ac way
towarde a mt)|daetdry eolatloB of the
« both mea bald eerUfioatm
from the oooaoU. MrT WUhelm
tended that thIa 'wm aa ad>oan»ed
MMtlay, aod he WM entitled te repre­
aent the ward the eame m Wen.
aty Attoracy OUbert wae oooMUed.
and be yaee it m bU opiaion that Mr. Monieyne bad the rlybt
to elt on the board, m he
iMt aelhcted by the ooaaell. and* tha
dty Tartar yan tba liyht to the ooanoil to datennioe wbothar than wm a
neanryaodto fill It. (o tbe aftarnaonJ. W. Patehlo wm called before
the board to yire hia opinion. Be ooinelde$ wllh Mr. OUbert and cited tbe
charter to aohaiantiata bta pualtion.
Be declared that tbe beard ooold Mt
CO back of tbe oerilfieatc yirea by the
«cUy aerk to Mr. Moateyoe.
Ob reqaeat of Mr. WUbelm B. &
Pratt WM called In to ofler hia cvieloa
U tba caM- Be atated that nader tha
drenniktanoea. wbyn two men held
HfleatM pnrportiny to eoUUe them to
•It with the board H wm for the board
to decide whirb abell be the oae to do
' aa. and eay aot of the beard In that
CMpect wonldbe Iwal. B. D. Cempbai
WM preaeat and exprcaaad tbe opinion
that Mr. Patebla'a rlaw of tbe matter
WM cocT^ and tbe intent of the char­
ter wmL yin the oonncll. the power
n there wm a racaacy and to fill the
Tbe qncation of Mr. Perkett hneiny
been in tbe city alnoe bU flnt
fntm tbe board, wm aryaed by Mr.
.. Patchin aa nmoeiay the dlMblllty cre­
ated in hU abaanM when fibe board
Uat met.
eat and atated that it Mfc.Mootayae
-----------.... .^.1— —I—
a bb brothar..Bnder tbedn^matantbe
m to wi^dnw,
dM ha wonld-adeba him
barmeby. Mr.
U order
Montayee atated that if hb witbdnwal
wonld aettla the matter he wonld be
wllllny to do ao. bnt he oonld not


deairad end.
^ After eooMdenble furtbar dbe
Mr. WUhelm aqd Mr. Monlaync deeid. ad to retin and ooma to aoma ayna' menl between tbemaaleM. They then
.Tblted Mayor bmitb and Inter nanonnoad that both had withdnern
from the conuwt. la tha'-maaaUm
. - Mr. Black moeed that tbe boaH decide
by ballot wbo ebould alt for (he Ponrth
ward. Tbb oeeaaioned a yood deal of
ary akirmbbiay and finally
tho matter wm laid on tba ubla nntU
Dorlny an *lnlar«al of calm a oommuleatioo wm read from Alderman
tioWld npon the eonrt booae propbaiUon. Ha atated that the fact that tbe
aaparrbon were aonalderiny the mat­
ter of a new ooarthonaaya*e bim mneb
Mtiafactloa. He wm baartUy in faror
of tbe projaot and hoped that a yood
atrttetnra. at a
bnUt dnrfby the year of 18M.. Tba
needs of tba eonnty for a better .^roeblon for pnaarriny tba important
eonnty ncorda. be daolnnd. wan In­
deed prcaiiny. Hb IdM of tha ooat Of







I fal. They wan fiidl triad oa tba Chla nawbaildlny. MlnaaM of lorn ^y
aayo diriaioa. bat aow they ban bean
fin It woaU be ImpoMlMa to rapteoe
added to tbe can on tbe aorthon diviath«.
H. D. Campbell pm rlnn a few ^o- BBVATOB SAVVA ZLSOTXO OV ion. The tnlna oaieHny ibb aity appMmd with tfala
MnU ta diwmm tba matter aad jba
day. BaceaUy tbe tnnliny
alao aryad prompt action toward! llbe
araeUoB of a proper balldlay. Ha |M- ▼ota Bama m Taaaday. 78 to 78—Op- the state bald a mMtiny In trend Bapneed, howenr. dleeardlay ranlU anponlac VorcM VaAad AU Vlfkt ta Ida and deaonnoed tbb actioa of tbe
oompany, bat tba taUway offlelab baea
tinly aad i^iay. tbe atraetare aaKeep ThalrBUaia Ltaa-Vanra that
lyw^ tba aantimaab of tha traveltlraly fin praof. He eoaaUarad the
Would bo Abdnotlay fratemi^ In tbb nyard.
daya of raolU pMt aad atated
ad Oanaad VnMoal ^yilaoea.
aU dtlM of Importance wm bni
Colnmboe, O .^Jai. it.—The layiaU- tiekau baton antariny tha a
Ooaaty Clerk Newtoa did not ocL8^-Bloeh Bprinc Bnlto, will be
cide with thU Tlew entirely.-Oonyb be awralay, with an orarflow crowd la
Bmilto^aotUny Cb.
kad 80 abjection to a bnUdiny antiz^y aad aboot tbe atata boima. At tha ^ ^wn
fin proof. botUanwM a mattariof tala tba
; kae^oy tbe reoorda when bHy ftayan ad the eama auloM and baay aeanre- dellvety.
Take^vantaya of t^<^
oonld aot reach them, wbidi wa^|M Tha workan on boU aldaa ahowad portonily. .
more wearlnam than cm former man
that ha had rtoantiy mlaaad a Mtiof Inya. Tba Hanna hMtlera ware' a
la a tax title
Tbelr opponanU ^ant tba antln
\m and (bay oonld net be fotiod,
niybt In yetttny aoma laambma oat of
thonyta it wm abaolnWy
bad and auriny near athara than
hen them whan tha
aararalbolUatpM In tha hotaU bw
land tha watebOAaoooant of the tronbla
mea before daybreak, and tbe feellny
foortb ward member, there ana
whalaeer. The re- WM not abated nay when ahey mat
ayaln In tba auu botwa. There ware:
port of tha eoart b
nparta aboot attampUny to abdnet
not area anbmiUad.
Tbe oonneir wUI amat af 8 o'cloek certain mambern dnrlny tbe alybt, bnt
thia moralny to elect a mambar ta ^«p- none Wan loat In aoy aUeyed i
ikeant tha Ponrtb ward, wban there
tbla aftaraoen tba two boom mt
wUl probably be no farther difflealty
In Joint imalcn. There wen no
^nnyea from tbe eotM of ymte^ay—
nineteen for McKlmon nnd Meant
for Hanna ia tba aennta.
Tbe TOte of tbe honM wm tha Mma
wday with tha axerptian of
Baeen Btenn La^ Vlyht Oaaiied
Baslati, who eptad then for WUay. and
Ttonhla With Bactrie Xdybt aak
Hma. who nrtad then for Warner. To­
Talapbona Wirea.
day they aotad with tha other demoTlia fierce alarm laat nlyhl ennaad crab tor McKbaon.
b qalddy dbpellad after alttiny ia
haeo^ with the electric liybt and tfleLiantanant Ooreraor Jonn’ annoanephona wlrm. Abont alybt o'clock the ad tha naalt of tha Joint hallot m: ana of ear eomforUUa. easy chain or
Ineaodeaeeat Ibthta af H. D. ChmpteU Bnana 7S, McKtaMd 70, Laab 1. abaant atralchad at aiM oa a alee escy. coach.
line of roekan b ap to tbe limit ia
A SoM oa the Pront atraat elreaiu nlao 1. and daolarad Haau alaetad aanator
In the r^denee portion of the dty. for tbe anaxpirad tana endIny March style aad qnaU^ and ear prioca “down
at tba kaaU.’' Nothiny b ao oomforU•nddenly weat oat. Tba wtrea of the 4. 1«M.
and liybt ceiMpa- 'Tberaanlt of tha ballot for lony tarn hU'or ap rMt-inriUny u Tnrkbh or
k xniw. aanator WM tba Mma M for abort term, •varotaflad rockar.
nlM wan ao bawrily Uadad with
ooeaaionad by tba drlTiny alaet, frMs- Hanna noeiead 73 votaa, McKbaon 70.
Iny M it faU, that the comet workiny
of the UybUwMlmpoatibla. InaerUral
After Banna wm declared elaetad
plaoM tbe.wiiea were down and neatly aanator far tba lony term
Fiuniahinff Store,
aU niybt (be Ilyht men were cnl|ed inmnl^ad. The yallerlM waat wUd
upon ta watch them eloaaly to prertnt aad the aanaton and reprManatirm isa-in Pnqtfit" TKAVBE8E CITY.
aeeldent. Tbe IncandcMante oa l'4&t particlpatad in tba damoMtraUon.
•treat wen atartad In abont an btnr
after briny extinyalshed. Bnt lP~ot^er BILTVm WXimXHO BWBUS
portiOQS of the city it wm later befbn
tbe wirea eonld be properly adjoa^. Kr.cnnd Kra. W. B. WUaak Smand By their Pnands
la the telepboae exebaaye there
troaUe nearly all niybt on aceonat of
The fnrloaa atom of laat araniay did
tbe cnaalay of Abe wirea and tbe op­ not prarent nearly one bnodrad of tba
Bnt there it alwaya room tor
erator was kept in tronble continaaily. friends of Mr. and Mra W. D. WUoox
ore. Therefore oom at ones for
at their bom to help
will fill
CUT nw, nuD bold.!
if we have tow
of tbalr marrlaye. WbUe tbe Umlly
Bay aad Zlmar Brown An Vow wan qabUy paaoiqy tiw evaniny at
bom tba ynesU bant in npon tbam
Ownan of tba BaMnasa.
aad soon tbe bonae wm fiUed with tba
The City News 6tan;^ehaa^ hakda
ntarry tbroay. After some tfm ^ent ,11 &mUi i:.iM ^
ayab^eatarday. in a * ’ '
In cberry-ynatinya and
! boaincM to
ce yean jbaa
Eay^rown. wbo for time
d tbe boat i
bean active In the City Bookatore. and
wHb a baantifnl nil var ten set.
Elmar Brown, eon of JnMiee 8.1 M.
basket and bnlter dbb. aa tokac
Brown Bay has bad a tony expetjanoa
Mteam from tbelr many friaada.
In the book, nows aad smUonery tonal'
A deliybtfnl proyram foUowad.
and Elmar bM also bad opui^arabtiny of:
able experienoe-in tbe newa bnsiaaaa.
They took noasemiOn at once and .are
d to maa\ tSMr friends and
Te UoM who ls«r» u>W wMWU »ltb m» t0»
Ilnat—Mboea Oook and.Ooodman.
all patrons of the atand. Hie boyaian
Bacltotioo-Cam cyStmi, la aoton
both enaryeUc and will
Hbtory of tbe WUoox Pamily-LaUia
of tba bnslnaaa Mr. NortbrOj; will
iMveaooB for Mt. .Morris. Miefa.. to Marvin.
8olo, ynitor
Join hb pannu.
OalrAee* IB teen vram rva eaa fve AntoUe
Paallnc Cook.
Several of tba parUeiimnU of tba
ebaertnUy teapoodad to antbnalMtie
Tohi Oonlon Won Onp OBbrod byjlnnfieabmaata forawd no OppeWie M. a M. X^Bdpat.
aurauM Oo. tba Baoood Tima.'
small part of tbe enjoyment af tba
Tfaoa A Oonlon. wbo won Ua lenp
After many wbbm for tbo>^fatnn
offered Uat year for the beat raoord for
life inanranca for tba Mntn^ bappinms of Mr and M'n. Wilcox tbe
Life of New York, has mada tba beat /rianda departed, bnt the memory of
noord of any ayant In Michlyan a^a the avanl will ever be a plaanut '
tbb winter aod now the enp b bU to ' In tbe minds iff aU pnarat. '
mt per
nialn. He aaenrad tbe blybrnt
cant, of any nyantof tha eompani in
Btom Oanaad Tronbla With the la.
in order to redaoa oar atoek. praper*vary to Inventory, wa-wUl
atromant ia Trank rriadriebb Btora.
•all yooda at
Imt niybt onaooonntof .the a

Eight whole working days lost

tlint ootild hare beeo pat to good one bv rendiaf some good
book at lewt too mioote* yaeb iUt.
We have all tbe new
bo(^B aa fast aa they are publiabkl.
ton will do better, •
feel better-and be better.


Tkt Tired Feeling


We are
Still Very Busy


M. B. HOUAY, a

“There is More Than
One Pebble on the Beach.”




All thwlMB Books osn be hsd at

Haskell’s Bookstore.
Dress Gosds Short leo{ths-alinost an|i priea ttkes thanv
VV hatever “ ****


can be had

HEBE at prieea very pleaatag to you. W«
most Bell what there^ left at onoo,.
and tbe prioea we’re made to aocomplUi
thia, will pdipriae you. We want tp sell out every winter wr^.
Come and Look at oor BBrcainA

you want

Warm Shoes
at Out Prices....

Prices 60c, 69c, 76c, 98c, $1.86.

Gaining in Popularity-

TtivasE saiEs

Laat Month ExceUed AU Part BortneeB.

All Dealan'Sell Them for

3 ersnsTTS
MmimAotimil <>r


Tonnolior Block.

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

We are



30 DAYS!

Mr. ud Mn. AnyM MoOall
Uyhanlly an^rtaad
i^rlaad last aiyht by •a
larye oompani^f Foresters aod
pnnioM, who Invoded their hpm,
bnvinythe weatbar to do honor to
tbalr friaada. Tl
wlU a happy yalhariny wbo apemt a
plaaaaotevanlny. Oammwen todqlyad
In and nfnabuenU wan a part of

PadlMtod Vaw Ohnnh.

lay of tbe talepbdba and arc liybt
wlrm (be talephone In tbe shoe aton
of Frank Friadrieh burned oat. Frank
hadwoaaidmUa tronbla In extinynbbIny the blase and tbs dboovary In time
Mved what mlybl have proved a ooatiy


Bank ffioara Saetad.
Tba annnal Mtiny of the dbaetors
of the Fbat I^ional Bank .wm held
yMteiday. T%a reports abowad a very
MtiaKetory bnataaM dniiay t»7. The
bU afiesm waia alaetod as faliowa:
a. a Hall, pritod^ Jna. T. Beadle.


vpiit HBOw mxv xHiuia


On Bnnday Pnaidlay -Eldar B
Kallcvy dadieatad a bandaom 8
cbnrrh at Monrea. alybt mllM aont i of
Cbeboyyan. At tbb maetiny 8150 |wm BnmmanA Oatiiiar. •
tota&.oou. ta nrytay npe^tta board nbed, entinly eleariay oft all <bbta
and pa
the neceosity nf prompt actioa and bar' mony In tbelr dellbentwna. he nfarrad
BaaBaxUr. BawlU bahsra oa tba Oatos Are Vow naoad on 0. * W. K.
to the deatiuctioa of tbe oonal/ balldFnaasttfar OoacbM Hwa.
layby fin in laei. when a part of tbe 14tb aad istb with afnll Unaof fine,
nriny tolotblny of tba famoaa blaloThe axpac«mMtoi.|ilaol*y yatm <m
. laeords were dntroyed.
Ba aryaad Mach maanfacton.
H»n your mmallhat a aate reaapiaole fior tba ooaaty «ra token for a salt for aprlay.
Ham- ti^ paasMyar eoachm of tha C A W. M.
r^lniad, aaam lohepiwiaf anaemaiWdawMaloManfietont taamm tor Uton aothlnyOo.

Winter Wheat, Buckwheat and
j Rye Flours. Also making Gran- ulated Meal and All Kinds Mill

Hannah & Lay Co.

Greati; Reduced Prices. 3.49

For Silk Bnoogh (HandBome Styiei)
for» Bhirt WBlst. Th«re*U be nothin
better tUs BOABon than 811k Skirt’WmiBtB.
Why not make tkenr-np now?

:T. w. mIlliken,


Oor. S. Union and Tth-StrtBta.


Buy tke Lyoomlng or Goodyear Glove Brands,
the Beet on Barth, at



iaUMP4Y. JAOTTAaT 18. 1B98L

« bi TnrarM City »»d Um roMU
i U laiMMlar lk'*t
l«Mi apMtta hoMNd xKMrud Ui
dwtfe. AdtUrhtfol profTw wm rM^dtftdMtoUOTO
moUs Mk»>-aUM AUm C(*»fqrd.
, 'RwlMtioB—Ute Dftby BoUad.
TMOA T. Baw avd 3. W. Bma. | vd«l nlo^Balyh
Bedtattos-lf. a Bollay.
a. W. ajJiirn. Bdltor ud MaMffOT.
Vocal aolo-Mte JoMte WUboln.
B«:iUUoo—Mn. J. B. MartU.
Uc - Dorlaf Ue orMtiar a qmad of d«*^!lLr(0iu
’ lidow nfimkMBU. waa aorrad by
,j Mn. SfBarna
* Owmr.WaaU.

TBATSR8S cnr. • MiOBiaA:




on »OLLA» Ajrs com.

Ofeaaa A«aiaa( rhU BhoRnar, Aar iNaplayial a^t»^ OUpoaM at


Tba oaaca ^aiaai Pkil Sbatmr,
charred with diaplaylar aa objactional
pletore in the window of the Lloa ml«OB.were dlapoaed of is Jodfa Bobart*'
WnB.Scaator Bnirawa arrtred
___ eoon yasterday. Shanner bad been
Oraad Bapida yeatiarday be
i “““* ixio* -<1 ... ««> pw

«'M Ti*»Mw car.



a Bon wnteh. Boone J

TAlHlAilBAf TrtfffH at) Ui TMtitj.

Ie aawvw te ueweroo* leeetriM I bmlp
One ed tbe carle of Dndlay, who wae
aeUfr (be tedlM (hat I •• sUU la (he
—------— aM Mbawi— ■—------ -addloBd to the ;noUoa «< thinklnr
shlBStge soew.
oM. foond hiinaaU in a ner«*kward
^icament on a ontain oooaMm U a
a^ told of him m«y be rndltad. Be
Wai to ^poad the aeaninr at the bon* P«lMwpr?Antl D^druff Ba
at a'trind and ordaied hie enrrinfe
Wly. H be bad n long drira hwik to bla
* ap-latv
onn hooM.
’ Whoo tba boor nrriTad. tbe oMriage
vne not (ortboaning.
that Lord
pndley waa o«atdaral4y annoynd by
Bie ddny, one of the j{MRa. wboaa way
' lay {net hi* lordahip’e bonae,
rarad bin a aeat in hi* oar-


. V?


■ --1-


Stdobos’s Grud Open Hose

atnnfcr to Laed DodUy. hot tbe offer
tree accepted.
' The drire did not prove a very aoclehle ooa Lord Dndley took hie mm
and inuaedlftcly relnp^ into aUeooa,
lyeocmned by
Ame nnpUnmnt eahjrcL Pneontly be
becan to qnak in a low, bnt diatiaotly
andible tone of voioe. and bU napan.
Ion. to hleartoniebment, beeid biinaay:
[ “l in very atery 1 auudpted bU offer.
i don't know tbe
^ainly, lint tbe worn ie 1
nokt ark bin lodinner."
I Silt-oce liillowtd this bit of andible
ibinkiug. Hie lordsfaip waa onawaie
that be bad U-crayrd1 h
hU ttuiaffhie and
probably «till inoditalinp
ling npoo
It' n»pli^>«ut anbject when tboToioe
jrf bii omipanicn broke the ctiUoeea
[ Apinrauxly Ibia raeupor wee nflllcted
Litb the amo malady Irw which bii
Inrdabiii raffeiKl, for be exactly linitatjnid:
jedJpa iDocllcy’c «.

One BoUd Week.

Honda;, JaD.17.

beaator Hetar Itoraa of Urand Bapida.
vadad tba Vallay City to ret the aar
t BtOi
Coaeert Band and Orcbeitm.
of the aenator. The aofl bertha which
eded tba pu-tore, i la here la the InterPreMsUaga repertoire Of Aral-clam
hare aaeh aUnrinr attraetioM an thoaa
of the accuoed.
‘ U attorney and BBaiahal of (be waatdiatrlct of Miehlraa.
> who maid like to be dtatrtet
attorBaj are Boa. Ueo. U. Corell oC
Pratarnal Myetlc Orele
Trarerte City. WOUam O. WaVator of
laaia, Oeerra S. Lorelaoe of Mnakeron. were Inatalled. After the iaatanation
Ihe oandldatea for auuahall are J. D. the atemben enjoyed an oyaler anppar
and aroodeoclal Uma
& HaaBen of Hart. rivU W. WatkUa
The -Uaanah Uifln held their «rat
of Hopklna Htatlon. Prank Wait of
Btnrrie. WlUlaa Mean of Boyne City
and 'aemral dark hor^ They are ' 'there wa* a large attandanc* U eplte
aanrly all In Grand Bapid* and each
^ weather and one new member
1 bopo be won't aik me to dbhae B atranr foUowlnr- The agoBy of.1 »*• adniitled and two application* re- net. fort eban’taon-.jitbiB invitatlun.
Lord Dodby'r abKtracUon tma all
aaedanae rMnnUy experlneed by Senstar Sanaa may be taken a* an indloaThe raaerra aCat plat fer tba Lediee' gone. He Ibaeued to Uwotbv’a werda
Oy, nnqpcebeodbg the Joke
SeaU on aale at Box OAIoe Saturday
tlon aa to the enfferijiga bow of the Ariel Sextet wae debyed yeaterday and
- dhb
■gaiDBt bimwtf.
and frankly offi
waa net plaeed at tbe (Sty Sew* Stand' band to hb c(unp.bbD, makb
It b now ready. boW'
Tu* pnaent tax Uw of Michigan b erar. and thoee who dcolre to aaenre
attangu {vovod 1
henring rich fmlv If tbe reperU from reaeiyed eeab may do ao.
aud from that nigbt tbe t
'tkeAndlMrOenerall office form any
fast friend*.—Yootb’* Cmnp
erilerion. The recelpM of Uat office
■■alM a*r*hUe
Anrtng l«9T aggi^nted rrrs.snv 38.
Cbarlee Caiman hae gou
Haring aold fbrir Meat De­
lb Judge from the Ibt of laoobite
Xbb aaeonat nearly eqnab the aaiire
Dr. Klebobon of Kewbeny. b vbitpartment to MclntoMi & El­
clubs and aaaxnatioas given b the
iwnipM of tba peerione aix year*, ing trteade in the city.
liott of Manintee,' will con’‘Logitiuisi Calendar For 1605. "which
wfekffi eoBM alMoat iMredible. bnt
Cbna. Boeenthnl retnmed yeMardny
iDclndea tbe order of tbe White Boee*.
tione to keep
b neewthelMB a laet.
from a bneinem trip to BelUire.
tbe D(^on White Race ebb, tbe LcsitlJ. A,.Uansalen the well known cigar mbt Jecobiie Leagoe of (treat Britab,
■elroa tbe onlneman. b in the
Tnxaarplinof *
(roae Grand and Inland <paaderona titUI), tbe fbatToaitb ward yettorday
en Ooontie*- (shade of Cramweill)
hoard to neglect tba ooaaty eonrt
bite Caeknde odob, tbe For^-Ave ebb
C W. Mcb'eal lift ywUrday
nntil Ancli partiea tnkr podneahooM matter entirely. Today, how­ Grand RM>kb on bubwa*
Orimsby. the Ulesg^ Jerobite olnb.
ever. after a little matter of abont AM with hb enlt ngain»t the Charlevoix tlie
e Oxford U
Legiti^ut club.
Don't tail to oaU at once aiHl
S(. lTe*<Hai
Jacobite club, tbe
ananeaeMry expenae, Hm board will
D ItagoB, tbe Snrrvy
of Spedal
■ ef the anbbet
'White Roae leagoa the Mary Stuart
Alaol^ Line of
wUeb they earn* together to dleence.
^ub of Lanark, tbe Legitiaist BeglsThe Octahedral 'Fbblag and SnnUng
TM*i*epeeial eeaalen agitatien aeame Qnb held ita ananai meettaglaet night tntioB.^anlan. tbe National Royalist
and JaooMte awocbiino, tbe order of
M have been only e eeare, after alt. and abetod oSoen a* (oUowk
St. Germain aod tbe Hemiwfmtl Orey
After a eonfereaee of the gevenior and
Boyal (iak dob. nut 10 moitlcxi our old
Pnnideai-U. D. ChmpbeU.
thoee who would advlae bice, the maiSnentary and Tren*iUM-A. W. Jab- tamilUr Tbauiea Valley Jaoobitea aod
Reduced to Lowest Posdbie
o re^l Joel where It eUrted
two or three foniRii legitiinlat bcabea.
Prices. Don't Fall to Profit
it ongfat not to be diffirult for tba aopRbtortan-M. B. Oatoa
by ThU.
portJVi. of tbe lost lumae of Stuart to
pot aevetml bond red adbounta io the
Tran^onatian^ Com
Add (or even Lndgate eirena) it they ao
decide.—lamdoo Mail.
Cor. Nintb and Union 8to
Ofmod Bapide, KaUcanka ^ BoothrapM* ba.
ehMem By. Heady ter BoatBeaeTonight Travaiae City Lodga. No. 73.
Matilda—Have y
PirM Train WIU Bon Xoadny.
kT ef P. will Inatall tbe reeently elMted
rad him throngb
Kalkaeka. Mieb.. Jan. U.-TheGrand officer*. After tbe eeremonle* tba
-lepbtuM, >nd be answered, "I
Bapid*. Kalkaska A
alt down to an ebbomte don't ku<iw «-Ed yon an, bal It'a all
fight.”—Pick Mo Up.
road, tbe conaunetiob of which
gaa Sept. 33 bet, from a point ea the
In tbe New Tort dupeury for lAli
Chioago A West Mlcblgaa railway at
ia tbe enuf. -‘Feler Copper, marbiniat,
Van Haraa. running tbrongfa thb oocnkb Elm atreet." Elin. atnet wa* tbea
^ and rUlnge. aa^ tbroogb Mbeaukee Prombed Bor thn Baatem Star wue of the poorer looalitiea
eonaty to Stratford, the plaee of tba
I* of tbe.Tbayer lumber
The Baatom Star bdlae are eaakiag
paay. hf* been completed, threngb one ebbomte arrangemeatotor tbMr party
At a meeting of the Senior Lyeenm
of tbe moat valuable agricaltural'Md
be given in the lod^
"of tbe High aebool yaelerdny. tba fol­
himber dbtricU of thb otote.
day. January le. In addition to done- lowing offloere were efectod:
A gaseral good feeling twevaib
throogbout thb entire vielnityV^^^rd and a good aoebl time b being plant
tbe new road and It prombe*
Adaeaapperwiirbe eervod. All MaSecretary—Edith Tbomaa.
ine baunaaa They bare arMtedW
aod' their bmillm an Inrited.'
Btato-Blocb Spring Bnita. will be
haodtoHi* paeeengnr atatlon at ifc I The bill will be » ceab for each perabowD at the .BamiltOD Cloibing Co.
potat. apdonrpeo|dawm. fortbearhtlaea. Tbe giaad mank wUl begin Jae. MaedlV George W. Baxter will
time in the bbtory of KaIka|j(*<-6n)oy i M«>pt1y at 8:30 o'ciook.
Bampatlliva rate* east aod went. Ihej
Ant trab over tbe now road wUI oonJ
' Theatrical Motae. *

drU. 1. .b.F»«U™-l»Ul»l .llkl. r--P»teP'ta-nU.tokl«dlL


Fine ConedlR aad Dnunu

p^opular Prices—
lOo, 20c and 30c.

Caulkett & Co


The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property la becom­
ing brish. I have

i FoU Lise Of Keats


Caulkett & Co.



Two or Three Houses and Lots
and a Number of WeU lipcated

Vacant Resilience Lots

—Watch Repairing.

. —JohnVerly.

in Traverse Oi^ that wUl be sold

—Front Street.

E.W. Hastings..

Real Estate *»„ Fire Insurance.

Mat ef a mUe of Ant care ju*t baiU far I


whan axaeuled by

Traverae City Karket.
Below is a Hat of the huyiag and affilwm b.T«.
to.;.,,.,» co-l-t Ing price* of ynlarday for grocettea.
protision* aad farm pvMoeta ia Tvav............................... -r-..'. Co.
Wo looO to U« Otloio 1 Wot I
0,1. . wok-, .ktotklkoekt .t
axLUBr. num.
ttlckloi, ollwkj. okl OonOd V lt!ut.l.hiw,-. Uool Opww Hoo. oit
I\»rk per bbl.
. -AIO 50
700WUT .BdoktoTor loo. od :
ni,ht.o«toil7 will tbco b.
Clear Park per B<,.
will 0,lD 07.0UB, It not Hocid.7. ; ob.7 doo.Ue .poUlUo ibtraddod.
Coir •

! but abo einging. danebg and mueionl Sb^'eSi I’^'ncrfb
..ob.i..l...t.„to.ol—to whbt 1.
, naually giihn b.r a repertoire company.
d to be - Wantod”
A change of play nightly, ae well aa
>t of Thoannl'
ef apMbltiee. will
YeaUrday afumo^
Cbeatre patron*.
Aahton picked up there n n who wen-Old Town." theepaning pby, os Mooatrangen b tbe city, and wbo an-' day Dlghtw will probably be wii
awarcds'tbe deMniptiona of tbe three by a fall bouac. at iMpnlar prbee af to.
who are wanted for baralng a box
so aad 30 cenb.. (At eeab at box offica 0*U parbu (oldl.
Con per bn., old.......
at Walton Sunday nlgbL Cblm Agent os Saturday moraing.
I'oUtoc* per ba.^........
Meath wae noUfied and thmeen wen
pOTbblBrmn per lou
bvitod to the office of JutUce Drown,
when they gare a very good aeooant
Tbe atodenu of Frof. C B. DeckarviNo
of tbemeelve* aad *bowad that they any'* buiacee college organitad a
enot the mea eoagbi. They
lyeeum Tuaeday evening, with thn falbag b Soatb Uavaa ami w^ loaicliae iowing officer*:
tar work.
ViM pra*ideat-B«y liiompMO.
Saeretaiy—E. W. Moody.
‘ Hav. Obnriaa X. Btaot and jrnmily | &«ulM mcetbg* will be held and
will engige b the dbOordbUy Valaonad InM
ooeeioD of varbu* important natioatal
In kpiu of the weather bat avnnbg. aad other quaetbot and there b na
Chioago VniltM.
.the r^ldeeoie of Mr. and Mra «. D. doubt of J the tbeneSU to be derived
a>\tmgo, Jaa.
Sprague, on Waeblngtoa atraat,
thronged with people wbo came to bad with Bev. ObnrlM T
SwBastar. Be will be hare on the
30f* «
Stoat, the acw rector of Oi
14tb aad uth aritb a fuU Une of Ana
•he: May. iaS9
miagiamat <ff the (amoo* stab
aaA hb aetimabla wlfn.
Have yoar manaeitaa kappy one and admhiMy nr-

U» Ttaj.. UmW «>»».?,

nuBii. Mr. and Mn. Sl^ are wnl-


..JOT.4 tj

GfMd BapdAw. Jaa. ti.—Wheat, Ate.

Monoy to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
JohnBon Block.

'Phone 7S.

At Low Prides
if sold NOW. Come and ask about
thpm, if you want a home or a good

T hos. T. Ba tes.

$i.88, $1.98, $2.48

S3.0Q. $3.60, $4.00 and $4.60.

The Old Beliahle Skoe Man.
, 118 Front Strebt, Wurzburg Block.

TH« M^jaaa mboom^, thtobdat, jahtt^y is. lese.
bit ifroocaBOe and which Btacited not to
praiMMf for l&tomstlon to Ua po—M
•too itloUv* to th» bwuBduT Unc benrero VaacMta ond Bntfah amoso,
.'Kbm tbe 1^ blow bad fallen, be
. tnd to bitorm Ote aoiutt* «hoU>or tb«
To the Bortb of Eoropa, at the en- bounded from tbe bands of tbe gnarda.
^Dicvd BtMoi now hM •ny dera* tfr
raid tbe palace
oUrr raiploret at work upon tb« Vrt- trance of the gslf of the Baltioan.
esOod. Cbris■*c!aihlii«
bouadaiT qurflioo. aod alao
Chang* in th* Chri] Strvie* Law •stiaian
what tmn ot the
of tte AdrlaUc^" This
awB W17 ivyiu BSWI
Not Pr**nt^ by 9tr*ngth
Vaaieo la known bj tlit iwnM of SuxA- bb ptmiahar with a look of fwddty. faa
Of h* friMd*.
twdrw where in tanner 4*71 Nddsod two daMted wildly tbroogb the enwd.
of tbs wiiHSt and ban of tnoouetaa. hr V Tbe next itj tbe sihier bad qnllted
BatneUnstaToatbeGteat Tbefti*t,ba- ..............................
w ••*»»
oanae of fata patriottaa, skill and gea- beard df at Norbatg. dee dated Jan. t. Itia. comtmilOK In iu, bad icaeoed bU mnti7 fron the
Flee years after tbb two prinnen.
force mttll E»»c. a, ISK. the ordae of
Match fS. IVT. atnborUlnK certain ■objoditiaa of the Dane, and tba m«- tba cos a young ntaa of sotne be and
TM Altar Tkr*»
oaned raflroad raniianlca to charge catd. br bia indoBJiiable wtgj and twenty yeara, aocoMi of robbery, fba
^ for the tiamportatloii of paaaco- aililarjr knowledca, bad .ex^ud her to ■olber.tbe bead of a band of bigbwiv•^bTabattiw mr Itah
(en both east-bound and west-bound tfae Sm teak amonc tbe natkwa cf the Bteo. together oonflned in a dangsoo at
J^rnmmm WlUioat a Wralv
fbr the loncer dtat'anee by tbetr aeversl wTvtd. Tbs latmdring .in' IftW. tbs Ibe-fort of FtadeitekftaTg, ««n tfana
coonectln* lines ihao for shorter dis­ crown derolred upon bia daBftbtar,
tance In certain aeetlons-where these Christtne. then wwrtwly ) S raatt of agfe.
“Ah." said tbe yoong inaB. “what 1
lines tome into eotnpeiUion s-lth tba
WaafaloctoQ, Jan. U—Tlit drll
Jt was a nnmindof Jnly, 1*46. in tetRTt Bi(wt la that 1 aball nesar again
wtea dabate which waa laaaatnMed ^ Canadian PsHfle.
Stockbotm. The i'
behold b«T I lom."
the kenw a waok aco ended pmarday.
Xl\b.sts Uwawrsu al Washtsgtaa.

w »
••cbild." replied tbe robber. "In’a
Washington. Jsn. IL—The meeting«t of
of artillery and fbc
««■ shn^
shnAs of
« tbe
the |k^p<v«- jrw
ik ua
It opettrd with a'roar, but ended verjr
few yrais
yean inou
thou w
be ttuomeu.
liberated. vu
tamelr. Th*-r« waa nut fveo a rote on tbe Illinois DetnoctaUc deD-gatkm -in j {,ce. (nr it was tbe natal day of tbe I not despair, (or tf sba them iovest is
qQ,«b. b’oUea. squires and : really faltbfj^ yon mav vsi be happy.
the apprppriatloB to the leslaUUre. ex- the bouse of rerreseniatlves to a-Jset <
,4^ loururd „f
of tbs
tbs land
land bad
bad n.iqjTegaleil . Lisiea. Our young uid' bsaatifnl qu*»»
ecuilve and ^dlcW appryprlattoo bill a member of th- DritKwratIc -conprrs-;i the
atonal remmlne*. which was to
to pay
their hqmagv to their youthful caioe orA-red ir. l.lowa to be adnitnister the commlnlnn' upon wfalrh thr hren
held ycslerday. went over until
' •
aqrerviKD, ond-lbe ts-asatil 1mm lbs
to tbs>lionld«*a of a poor felluw
debate waa preditated. The lU^utiUr- Boon today. . ________
meat tlirtsut rrgioiw of bweden had Vbo. strork with an anmnqnerable pai•oa who are aoeWtij: to motUy or repeal
Ife aarreeu. Cab Maertaas.
contrived totuake bia way to btockbnlm aimi for her. dared Co ivst«^nliy press |
the law decided to let the debate runie
Wsshlngtim. Jan. ll.rComin4ssloDer to gain a gbuirs of tbe fair CTeatorr bi,a ccuiwe Itpa to ber liainl.r fingers, and |
to a cloa. yeaterdar, ti«l It required
the caaUnK t-ute ul ahr apraker jo ai'- Martin A. Knapp was yasierdar elected w hose fame, sounded Ibrongbont Uic i fv which be wwdifvracHl as if be bad ;
chairman of ilic Interstate commerce world, and W'hrwo learning bod b^cx-j (vanmitted a critxKi of ibe most daring
eoaipIlBh tbla.' Th^re are coptt'etine
tolled by Ihwarus xml Samaiw.
: rharacter, But be swore Ufore Ood
0 the altuallon In wJ
Tbe court nf the palace was tbinnged that a day woald arrive wbsn tbs band
tbs future onduct of thr war aaalnrt on tbe Sift of December, u
Witfa anxtous spsetatnrs. and the tnxi|is whiob bad bren refused binfaboold be
the cfril serrtce Isw is Irlt. All tbs
were rang'd in dm- ■•rdef to greet tbs pressed to bit li{*> and tbe mouth which
BepahUcan ot>run<-iKs of the law agn-e
i, Jan
The urgent de- sppeaTxtKV' of tbe queen, when snddenly
• hiiimi
that the light Is to br kept up. and It la
tbe windows were thrown open end to him fur mercy.
noalUvely stated I-y Pearson of North
tbe flower of Sweden—ladies, nobles and
"That duy to mnob detdied seemed aa
Carolina that aaauramre hav t>een re(dfievrv—aiqu'iucd in tbe -c
calvsd from those ih authority in the
iltJ never arrive, bqt it came at
bouse that an opiiortunity will b> given LEXOW BUS1N£8S 18 PRETTY WARM. unilonDA All eyes were directed f
I l«*t •*
flnring tbu cbme when tbe
ta the future for the ruiisideiatiue of a
point, and a niHvtgaal rr.v a
I *bbo I qoeen in her gnJor ^became separsfal
X«sks use tbs Chkwgu Ovli asrrtas O-asbUl to modify the law.
ctjmetV But niriatiws WBs not there, j
ctgnpsnkgBk snd she fonnd^
misMM WUI ttalr tbs bstsab
Haw (he
Wae CsTrtaA
Chicagu. Jan. 12.—The invesllgalloo It was tb«^hitn|^s^nlj herself alone in tbe midHle o( a deep
- A standing vote was Drst taken on
'. .
. - .
RuMenly she was snirocnded
ClosInR the detiate. and It appeared Ui of the ^te arnate conimltiee into Chi­
by a band of robbers, who wined her
be K to tS in favor of rhwlng. A roll cago's ^Ice guvemment haa ended an
call was demanded and nfaen that had far as the presence of the civil sent re the '•otfanirtssuj of tbe pcpnlare bad mb- j «Bturr. ignorant of ber quUity. ^Be- ;
aided, rtwd as (olluwa;
spert meV abocried. *1 amyaarqneenr •
boon taken, the motion to close delwte costmlvvion or.lw record
“A bold «i.d inwient peaaant bavitig I q-hV wtwdi fdl like lightning on my
stood defeated by six voles. A redevetupmenta of yesterday twenjhe boot of rwtribotiao bud areapllalaUoi] of the vote was called for | J" | ] were found who had been dis- dan-d lu iushlt ber majesty, it is dmued [
and Jt was whiapetwd about ibat as-- I| cnarged half a,diwenJIro* for various expedient that be ahonld suffer punish- i rtved. 'Look (m me.'I •aid.'^'Do yon
I had been
front the
lljr 'I ^louUnns
ived from
of tbe-pollcv regulalltms. and mant. but in ootudderaUun iff tbe day. | not remember me? I am Oarl. tbe poor
rules commiit-e that .me W..U1Awould- he
be .. .
m*dc whhh surprised and that DO rbmd sJmmU mar tbe («► j aiiner who mice preuumod to kiss thv
glvsB for the ynnai^ralli'B of a meMThey act^ t
tiviiieo. tbe queen ordains him to re- )
hand, and for which yon ordered ,
ure prepared by tbe Repulillcan op- this at'utiee. and acted upon Ircatment reive 16 blows in tbulpmeiwe of K"* him to bo srenrgfd in tbs fsoe of alL
penenta of the law, H
they bad received from the commitiee amtublcd multituds aaawurning to atoekbolm outhy natal day. butT
Ly declaring that In their belief It was fotwoffeudem.”
______ God that a day would 1arrive
Illegal. UBfaIr as^ usebwa They will
Tbe Aicf ut tbe poHes, with bis a<-: ^hen I sbontd prem it to my Una.
aocordtngly refuae- to take any further sistsstt, having c^octed tbe prisomr , h„ greived. andpremy oath
“A tie." added the
esker. *'snd thived,
outta aball now be
Chair rotes aye."
hibed.’ 1 advanced town
toward bea.
Thus the speaker saved .the day and the elgll service conunlsilon. and EL R.
,___my iMri (ailed nm. and 1 wept liku
the molten to close the debate was Bliss for tbe ex-p(dicemrn and rommll- dUBctil^ refrained (ram givit^ vent to ; ^ ebild.
carried. The RepuWItwne applauded tee—were~Bl asords' points througbont
,h,. n«rWtost voriferwuslW The debate wastben the oesalun. and on one occasion At- -Itb u.n.n.1 uid P1..T U » .ddn :
tornev fnis< Invited Kraus to "step out­ ud l<p^.a...pu,,h.»iii.
-iKm. I p-mli B «!.»»,

fiefesSt Ibe Lwe.
side and seine 11. and I'll show you. " peuri «.i tl,u idu »».
„„ ,pp„..rl. dc m.dnl B»..Broalus. the chairman of the commit­ President Kraus, declseed thsi Bliss
to i
- ------- ,»k.b«.d,u.d
ter w civil sevvlce, opened the debate was “s vlUsIn." and refuaed to permit BiuFT Wbo had o srfrom Kurbetg
(Or the day with an eiabvrate defense blm to handle any documents belonging
at the merit xysirtn and an argument
he commiesIon for thr reason that
(or auaialBing the Uw. Pearsqn of
Kortk Csreltoa askrd hnw the tuie- It -detiends in’ll!?Isgslliy of the It
meat that the civil service law waa
• e-hether the c
•conomtrel could be reconciled with the vrifl ncDore " It. and that point Is tbe
fact that the employea uf the govera- osC upam wh'.ch tbe commission bases
tbesovere^ to
• Snth.*T« cipetiwe bwi proved ii. that
meni had almost doubled since US. III refusal to appeal any further.
to ber court and Uw nobJm od the land, jg R„e we xbooM never dreqwir. There
Brnriut denied that tbls wga true. Thr
bat ulM to tbe meaiHwt ot*cr aobjecta: ; j,
, favorable moincnl. and all
advocates of the vpoUs system, he said.

j, ’Bcrenwry is to be wairtfal, and
Dubonoe.' la.. Jan. 12. - Frank A
^ j,
p,.^, j* not to
Dold. 'harged ellh murdering Henry and bjw tbe royal band.
attack on Carl echurx Bruslus aald
K» tbelandof aqtreen. tbs b^ ^p^ ^ Do not desSiT I b«,».y.t
Duffy, a merebant of Waukon. will be*
latter rn>bably threw it ^dc after he pot na trial there n-xi'Monday. He at Christ im—at*« that was tbe .idol of i
lUBT happy boom."
bad read It. with Carlisle's remark: will be defended by an accident Insur­ bis lifr. wlKSn ponnit was tbe nnlv | _ ,
•'Anomer roul chimney cau^t Hrr."
ance rompatiy. which U IntereMed lu prtiaianit that gtsced hU smoky eabin | _
d tbe tiBi^ 'ff Carl.
^Maguire of California read a letter pruving Uia* DuIfy /ornialtled suicide.
liiipi'inres wbirb be had itfTer
"Alwqi. my Isdr' cried be to tbi
(foin ex-Publit Hrlnter Benedlcfa aechoped to enjoy, aiM the young miner
rsiary, tmim
now ta the cdasMiM 1
raolved at all haxnrds, all hcmhlc and . .. .
^ ,
rhallenging <■
Herman Wirt cA the artery In bis
made last week lu an attack 00 (be ctril
serrire law and offering to resign tf l«ft wrist and then hanged’bImiH-lf In
Hnshl If Is-uH-trss. Tbe gulknva L
Notls-ig to titockbolm was a Ireig and
tbe Indiana member could subaiaattaie a barn at t'hicasc
lyady. and tbiM xerDUunauwaiuyaa.*'
A. C. Frewl. a Chiogo traveling man. fatigourg journey, and liiimt
dlsapiieared at Kansas City Itw. a. not the most ample. But this was nciili- —Jiew Turk Newer'
BATS THK DKB^Tf; IS All. lW4-Fr.
and-haa not sim-e b-ea nesrd from..
ing—tbe image of Clinstine was to him '[
as the Insusiar tOjtbc luarioer. and be :
aiMpisS.ef Kaess. t-.peg>s (he amis..
an apolBectli stroke in the midst qj bis n-Bcbed s-ris-kbolm tbe evening before I
meaWIHeeerttv—HelUr> Views. ■
sermon at tlw Baptist vhutvh at Harper.
be brlivv^ tbls w'Vld may be a differtbe royal birthday.
- BImpson of Kansas enlivened tbe Kaa.
closing hour o^t^he debate with
The Rwehor line, operating a line of
quarter tif a century
----il eoatest In Ohio s(-amshii>s' In-iwsefi Rl. Louta and to tbe chnirb of BL Kirhola. tomcat!
besvm many years of
at glory and bapplbappi- !
He aald ibe debate had been molouged iVu"t;;ra''i-dntsV
Boutbern pidnts. hai
has ^de
msde Vn'iali'nL besveo
while th-lirpubi.eara out in Ohio were metil.
I ness to the yduihful sovereign, and |«I1
WSkW I.r.«nls.-Iiu boys lu the
Among tb- apppointmenli by the Hbrii with a portion of bi»
trewebes In th. mterrat of Reua.or pre^. m yreiredky w.s ib.t Of Ethan | puribswd . aumrt ™»tnme. in which i *•*“'>*« of
Hanoa Ji v
,» x bluff, said Wmp- U iVuu. i-simast-r at Fort Madj-, h«viug attired bimaell be lambbd j
trom w rity
non. N«J"r.g w*a to be door, and now (om, la.
1 atawi Un-1 ity. fcaaling his eriw on the that aenalnr Hanna's ele<tli.n was seMis. Ballltivtcn Hooih ts pronounced i
woudm whMi (or tbe tiivi tinie
sibni tramwaya rbere wui be
cured ihe mark was throwq off and s (to be out of danger, but it »4H4>e usv-^
voU was to b.- taken tonight -n ftde eral weeks before she can regain b^f : tnwml slmift M VI___
of- r-1-ei...d
DO homes and no wirra. With beat and
MIL -Whether'ibe house w-ouU have an usual sirerglh.
- ' tg nmuiuoopportunlt); later lo consider.a VRI fif
Tbiimas A. F-dison baa discovered w^'
light suH'lied. as water is now furlodincsiUuii qr rei-rel of t(<U» ! new metal, whleh. mixed with lri»"n
niabed, Ibriv will be no carting in od
apeaker.TgU■ '■ ,rebders cast-iron ak lough and atruug?
teig and Wm
uCbris- real or csrtii^ out of asbtd. TransSlmpsop
is the « hole thing." e/.- as w-ruuxlil iron,
mitted power wiU be the magiciau to
ctalmed Rlmpwm. "and i ins tbe housr.^l Fourieen large clothing and drygoods
work Ibis 'grand transformaUem. Oas'
-Arms are boyrotllng the |len\-r news-.
•Ileve you loi
the ap-aker." pa,*.m Iq an effort u- obtain a reduc-' aWrted Irtiui tlie gtonod where, like may
, • tv ow-d for booking', if electricity
as>rd Qiilcv.. ".So." replied Hlmpsor.. U.m in a-iverilslrA raire.
' many pihers. he bad passed tbe night ‘‘JT:," i !.i!i
no grinding
•'He n.-i.v .oiiBulia me and I never
John F. Burke, a eondo.tor for the jin siunitaT, aud. ulthiilgb yet inriy. from ixtal or adies -and »w,
consuii him."
North CKl'seo-mi—t Kallwar Aiem-I (uund tbe atrreK IliPiiqpxi wiili'liuu- of pBVi-meiiis Irom wbo^ls and barm'
.Hell-: of. T'-vas. the leader Of the, pany. was kill-d by fsiiiiiB un.i.-r a cari„i,abliaui.s «-inoiiig tb..r (-□• (ret. tiK- riir will b« M chan a tbe
mlB'iriii. . lf,!o-il the drtoiii- with aonie 5> ID the LaKalh- alreel tunnel.
' ■
iu -T«>»«.««, Jl,
‘ -■I'”'., )»*•
remark'a^.i-i mne •> -- ^lllude .Af the';
,h, »-..-!,tad„-,.n ™ lirl u.iwM -Irt 3' ““"^’7":."”
' t>ej?l.eia!- I'
II ss.
.lilB.uIt. he
.-oort, fell
' to/i"-!)-'- 11) lb. si/i-vrltr 4rf
sfhue walkirg from n.s
. wfun In ;in.
^owed thelp
to thV'ta’w'??.!
A.,.d.u„.w mid
_ - In lb- i-M J !-ill'1.-<T Its i-iactk-al dr-'
: nuinb'Utiotially. to F“>s tliv guard lum I ctnidiUotit
. has
. Isvii tuadt ,



r r;*«r:


i •"'» ‘'P"*-' “■"*



^ ^*

' ------------------

h—they .IM n-.t l-li.-ie in life
Ipouuded hiui, i.-|.l qiimbTihg algmt. rvIkicanaba. Mich.. Jan. li-Meo are at
tMure. usd wiiJI.' tU. rrp.-«l' ..f u,e lau
I'oglUsM'.obeli has made an nffre of g-anfless. as l«- wa. igmsat.t iif airnritraric tearing down No. 2 im dock. whip ib- Aus- qnctip. jiwtliug and pusbiiig aside uo- Moot of the timbers will be aas4 lo
™«n<*s- Tlie latl-t re- blea, Isdiiw. ofllvpiw and other function- rebuild No 4 which war burned Kov.
at omes the}' stood b) Ui-lT i-xaTv'!
arirs—:n abuti. ull who in^sli'd him
2» Usi. The new dock will be alxty
With Ibe coo.-losiun >rf lUll-y e ri • ' “V*' ^tofi has whlpTwl bUher.
At length, baring Vntcrvd tbe groat feet high. ooBtalnlBg 260 pockeu. each
■ (le bit:
Dr. E. kl. Bmlih has leddered tats
one haviug a capacity of 12S tena. It
t,ih,-n ‘ resignation lo Ibe '-trusirerI of «(ool* gallviy, bia rimplc ctwiuwc i
wlU he forty fret wide and Um (Sat
; the gare and calb-d nplbvustoi
dlecurercd that those who desired i.. pell-r rVt.) reenlnary and
lung and will coat MjQ.aoQ.
f (he presidency
of the
,be aarenibled muliHnde.
■iswsMr aRmlisa
t eionm- i*poo
‘am mucittuni rose all around, but still
Mllwiuk.-«, Jan. U-^Ywderiek HjorkIscied to iTAke the motien InCmtiai- ; mnon.
I <Arl kept advancing, s...
iic was ign;
a member of the lltm of Win
tre ..r the whole. No vote, tbcr-f'.r-,
\V. F. noerdre. a member of the New- !^j
ytlhiWiL- and had
A C".. wen-kn.iwti and egmI’Usied e>pxk
S|ix-k ana
- reniiii I-- iwken
token (Uld
and IbC
ibc bill waa iwss.-,:
iwss,-.: T..rk if.. nannusiea
and i—iro<eu«n
«. far
f-. ns
m ti^lsucT'
thg'd'sir oT tbs hall tensive dealers
.lu reM esUtc. has bawithout dlvUloiL
gun suit for the awiobiUBept uf a r»celver.
plaloUS alleges that Mor­
weree r-fori by the peuriona cwamitgan
for bia own uae
<e« on a hill to pension Osnsra} Hewde's i ibe Dick "Exchange, out of 4I6.M0.
gbuHe of Cbristlse^ bia entbusikn large sums of money belonging to tbe
two daurhlers at HM a monlb each. :■ The potl of Oialm-tle below
t'halrnuir Oallingri-earing Ibe nmimii- Orl'-i'Ss, with Its hundrede of Ihmi- Anew Bo bounds, and poshing tbsoflker
tee dll! n-'t wl.h to enter osi tbe pen----aside
ssads of duilars Invested In cotton
' akuilnc .'f daiichiemof veterana A1i«n press-1- w-harvra eiv- has gone Into seisud the baud whioh «i tba( niOBtcnt
Totaka, Kan.. Jan. lA-Ai a meedag
•f N-iniidta ttiroehl (leruval Meade's. the hsnds of a ress-lvre on acceunt of ww extended to tlmiprcsideDt «( tbe of the free silver Republhao state eooiIts InaUMty to meet ttdi.WO Interest on scuate apd pRw»^ il to i>i* i'P*mltlee yesterday veaolnUoiiB were
bonds due July 1. iks7. aud Jan. t.
At aigbt (ff Oarl and hu bqldaem agreed on condemning Rrereiary Qagv'a
f the Leady
Ctutstine uttered a uenaa and wllbA«re' ttitai
■Jlie Rr« s-Ixure under the new law
taken waa made al Niagara. Falls w hen a drvw ber band, while a bnndred arms
Dsvbi ■lalsWn sacque valued al tSM waa were in a moment rMsrd to cbastlaa tbe
at. PauL Mian- Jan. 12.-Tb* W(t»alatsd tba care of the a
taken from Miaa B. ^rkUton. of t«D- peasant aUv* wbo bad inraUad tbe
cAeur a^ iKiirud to an bonor unarved ttoB of tbe Amwlcan live strek feeders
4on. BnglaaA-------'
UnAar tfato law asolsMa gar bat (at tba ttttad aad tbs tieb. And and
WWbtnctUB. Jan. U.-AUsn iDtitta eranU an Uken right off peoplsg' badm oaob was tba arime te wbiob ba w« There were fully m driegaua ba tbe
Md aeeund tbe adoptlsn la tb* and raps off their heada
Ifnu didgracad-a «riuBa arising ftaa ban and IW m«« Bn lAstiat to arof a resolutluD caiu^ upon .tbe
r*TU.-____ __


Corra^od with tbe Tr*T*ne Oity Lojober Compuiy.
We haV« for «*ld Good,-

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
x*AjsTx>s ;tor SATtin.
Hill MaebiiiieTyof all d8acriptiona,i^clodiiig Two Engioe*.
Pet Works, Oarriageti and Saws. A. ooi^ete Baw Hill Plant
for Bale.


New Location.


Increased FaciUtiee, Xsarger Stock of

Gcoceries of All Kinds.
Also Hay and Feed..


. 1 have porchased the l>u»inp«a of E. L. Baoaom A Sou
and moved thg Eaterpriau Grocer)- stock to tbe old Bauaom
Btand on tbe South Sid* of Front Street, on tbe oomer of the
alley oppohiU- StrinberR’s Grand. I have alad porchaBed tbe
interest of O- Pierce in the Eoterpria* Grnpery, at^ trill continne the haaineai with a fine stock ot Grocenea, etc.

Order by Telephone No. 146.



W. J. K0BIN80N, Prop’r.

01 tllO


to VI,

li You Have Logs to Sell

213 Front St.

BalUawr* Btoek I

i Tbres TTmaa a Week

Coanta. 40c pwr otutrt
Standanla. 30c per quart .
Snlid Mdata.

Fletcbtf's Ofster Depot h( Resttuau.

20 Cents
Will Buy yon

One Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup



SH8 Front Stroet,


Brosch Block.

Printers’ Ink Says:
".AmonR the best advertisinfi media arepapi^Ahat
spend money liberally on themselves, first in secur­
ing'popular features;'aad second, fn advertising these
featlh-es. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in ilje benefit of which the ^
advertiser, of course, shares."



The Morning Aecord

Prox'idfs Fresh General and Foreign News,a Complete Local History Every Day, and On
Suiiflaj’s sets before its Readers U}>-to-Date

Popular lllustratsd Features.
It Costs Money to Do it
but the Increase of the CirculatiM Proves that

■ i

KEGORD Has I EseneG Seat is tbe Bud
Advectiswa Profit hy It.


mm OmI« BMdilr
M rwtM


ake tir«pt into tlM cAeo oi Uw Inu^ vitfa ^doBlo penwtetioa. Anr*

At th« 8avmf» Bn(Mtty of ThOM
Whh* Barbariaift ofOkIv
hema Tan^tory.


nally. Min Pro*U(dab." be
»Uotiily. "lam not
4.. .1..

newapapen abenx yon. I can’t doanytbinp mote tban «ay i 'am aony jore
■bonid buT* any troablea Tbat'sall
anybody don ia me trben 1 set into
"Rare-yon-read that eroel article
aboat my boaband a^yiae for a di-

T^ej- Hava Bntcbeitd TwvatT*
Fit* People.

B**at« U D.OM. Mat tha Koama An
Armed Wbtim Harvytaa to the
■Ctho Tt

"Yea—chat it to my. Iglanood o*er
tbfl beadllsee "
“Yoo oanatleaet tall me where 1 eaa

nml to Mob t«> If the *toi7 laU t* Ito*
a VriM Werter* iBvealtoo.

Kattaad City. JaiL'11—Ceneral alarm ted tbe editor."
“How, tpke my adrioe «nd .keep
emeta throtuthout the aoiubweei owls*
to tbe pet*(»tenl runroia of a Semteole away. Rwoo'tdoyon tbe4MA bit of
Indian etulireek i hU-h have poured In
“Bnt don’t yon tblok I bare a right
from various pans of Uw country. The



Is ae*»li3Ci In iWa and Hamilton aaJooBi>'hml4i»'e<Ttrainrlc ~Hraelced
eounile* and there « ere rnrrest report* me whki I was rradirie," feald Hanyel.
en,->rti to »ei-ure Isdict* and I aa(9. -tStdint a * about aThBUMMaclwrvmenKrflbeweathw »*nu In thi. and <dher vaae.,before woman wh.. committed autrldc becauee
ab* waa >ealoua -r ber liurt«nd.” He
aaked me whaM tnouaht I acnild do If
___ _______ _____
J iraa a roarrii-d man and <ould not
he broi-rhl inly before tbe'^mnd }Brj |l'''e happUx *lth a woman.
1 aald
o, Mammon t' and It wnnM be ' I »««ld »rt a divorce, or If I coold not
4»e and a hair miif*. Aa ie cite oU«r n-eemwrr for Repteaeniatlve Otl. to », do tbei 1 w viiM almply pac* up and
kuia now uaed for nrtxT air obierm-, ibero a» n .alinene, Oiu and other* get out.
"He aald wntnen were ill beasts, and,
tiana (be
.ne traoiewcirk iaioinud I who would be wanted as witnesi
togtclberv.’. b wiw* lusliwd .tf najla,
that rase werv here Iasi night aoo .i that If he had a wuman like that be
while the v .lite motarn am-ritw is a* I »• not thought to be probsble that OUs would take aed tbfow ber where tbrrs
would not be enough left for tbe sun
durable a* the bhu-k ails nmd in tbs |
Bhloe on. abd he kind of abook bl*'
as li was east )e«er<]ay the
earlier foiuis ol toimtiflo kite* and

Range! here msde gcatnr*.
abeence cS Otis and other* oppoeed to flat, so."
moeh pbvaper.
Ranoa would have no effect on the with both hand*, as if be ws* struugllag
71** big kite id rectangular in shape i
a petaun.
"He aald." wline**
hsve Ibe *pme Iruublea. but
Uto the HkrUtpve pier, but me details j
Another case of allwed
y comes
,fr®W the other ald<. Repmenutive will noon get rtd of them. It wilt not
last mueh longer" He also aaJd (hat
lAielgert wished tq "make a thousand
past week, voted yealcrday for Hanna. doIUra ot so. and go to Europe nuUl
thing* blew over."





, -


Suits to Order.






Pise Merchant Tailoring. .




>umlnR of the ta« Indian murderer*
near Maud. Oklahoma, last Friday-the
Retnlnnles have Iwen .«rea(ly exrited.
and trouble has he.-n bund f..r sev>
*ml daya'
Italia*. •.......... -............. ..
The Kews fpwn Oklaioms <'lty, O. T..
aa>a: ^ Therj- Is ar. uprMtiia In the
Bemlnule nadun ami 100 armed Indlani
have killed laenty.flvc clUsers of PoIa
Uasiomle cvunly. this terrllory. The
. Indian* are scikln* to avenge the re­

cent burning of^I.tDcolr Uttlelscy and
Palmer Sampson, two Indlaiu of 4be
Seminole tribe who were arrused of
murdeHng Ur*. Leard. of Maud post,
oirice. A special train load of aAned
dilcetsi has gone to Eirtboro. ten mile*
from Maud, and excltomenris higher
that, eyrr ^fore known in tbe Indian
Modtae ot tbs LyaelMd Isdtoa* Tbbea L'p.
•\nother Special to 7%e New* from
^'< aiAs. J. T.. Mys; Teaterdsy t’nited
State* CnmnJprithM'V. T. Pear* and>
J. r. Wlmlom. chief clertt to Indian
Agent Wltdom: accompanied by C. P.
lo-nn. the nallenal |>by*iclaii of the
Seminole nkllon. went (o the farm of
Henry Taylor, a Seminole lediaa where
the bodies of XJncoln M'c<1Hs4y and
Italroer Sajr4>*on. the twn-Semlnole In­
dian.* who were burned at the stake
by a mob. are burled and opened ibe
lem|Mirary gt*^e where the charred
b->die« wep- rmting. Only Ibe trunk#
of the.btallra femsined. The lega and
' arm* wire entirely burned off and they
Were unrerognlubtr. A common t hsdn
we# around the neck of each by a padlock. The chain was retm>\'ed and brought back to Wewdka.
Il win be oved^Wfi evideitce In the m.
lodloa* l'rg>d To Re Quirt.
♦ Il 1* rumored that the people along
the ftalaboma line are much earned
and fear the Indians arfll cross the line
and eirdeavur to acenge the death of
their bMthers. Tbla, bowmer. need
not be feared, as all Is qulel and serer*e In the Seminole nation, Tel a feel­
ing has l-een created by the cruel and
ha»ly anUon of the mob
Bgcond Phlef
Halbuttrr.hs* dialed the hand eiilefs
of tbe S-'iniiiiile nalioe to urge ibe In.
dians til be nulet and not commit ahy
reirebenslbli' acta. Bersallooal reiion*
' as to thi- Indian outbtvak are not to be
r-lied uiK>n.


■Tb.1 Im 4 ih. worn
»ld mth.l—rttr»tiw.ok "T1«t ..rf „p„rt .l<»i: lb. ..iik .Inlsbi

j»U« bij
Free Freaa




A kite could be flown to m


we cannot fly kites with wire baring
no weight and against wbich tbe wind
will not pnwii, aud in


And Itat

ruled wtih a nut entirely
hrvaiae rut
In the early ’iei that the
locAl aatboHtlea dared ^ol

81. Louu. .^sr i;.-Jam«* E. Blytbe.
a Bt. I»ui* fepresetitatlv* oMheOceanIc
I Phoaphaie company operating on Cllp; perton Island, where on Dec. 14 last
i marinet from the Mrzican cruiser
Deroocrtiu Unded and hauled down the
' American flag, l* in the city. He says:

»» »

... ..........


/ •----------

so that for any parpom
wbmapiuMof about motal tf a given
tf*e and thi.knem U to be used, almoina trata
tbe cteRper material,
“Ho notvasnas, Mr. 1 mimed • tinis and inmanyi^will updoubtodlyalto
IcrMoucreaL”—Harlem Life.
lor. Iricnd?
Convict (Uttoriy)—Jb« lor mtooiDg

Trelloy Carsae a teit'a
Tbe Oourt tbeater in Mnnidi hai
A Dew raburbau eleeCrio read near
rerolviug stage. Tbe pan iu view of tbe
moe rvpreaenu ood-quartor of ■ fSevcland. knnwu as tbe Clevelaud and
dtcla A chang ed aoenc am be effect­ Iiorain Etectric railroad. "bOM a ocbednls
ed' is 11 wooads by hringisR to tbe of time that calls for a fpeed tf
OsmsB Rapsfts to dwirtaa
milM an hour, and .rooenUy during
ftoct tbe
fuaner of a oixcla.
Berlin. Jen. U.—Compete iwtnna
MUM trial trips one oar averaged 6S ;
from sonlhrm Oettakny abuir tbe «gmOee and even oovved oo* portfoa tf,
PiuURd It fnpmXr FeakRd. <
ports to Amerif* in mi to have been
tbenedata SSxBileate.
•IEM.U*. agalaM tM-tiMK Is UM.

MchlguaaPoriy w

is fSltaUMloaa.
ZW »m Peieskey
4 1» W«- • ~


yesterday ha* .rested a




tows lewUtotsre ta *Hilis.


DetX K.C.

PL Wares


Trela* arrive U__


re Sraaeb arrirea sameA**.
p-ss. ^

bere. for a on—Cblrvl Interest In the
estate of Abrsham Berman. plalnUfTs
brother, alleging that the Llviogston*
bad aecur^ II by fraud


Chicago -« ■>—•->
West Michigan.


Attorney* nf-Law.
iOetota HeetBgseM*k.«m««t«eatr.inm.

; ^^^."i'rjo'TirJSlnd"
mm 0^01*^

iTOvery and peaceable eceupaiion.
"riipperina Island eould be made an
ideal naval and coaling atollon. cornof niiuic.fwiiii Urvwurki flying ereiskite baa rinai above the j mandlna any canal that might be cut
where, and wUb crowds on tbe sideBuderrumuU of air. it ii I through the lathmus of Panama, and
walk cheering, to tbu town ball, where
thsewaa a ttaoquet. with a speech from oat of danger until, in desoeoditig, li I •>*» the trejM of the Pandwich Islands.
I II I* now the properl) of the Oceanic
tbe mayor, and so on. When this was •trikre tbe brrekera again.
Hhosphate compani'. of Reo Franelaco.
OXk-TOWX Qt-ICKLV nEPOPtXATSIk. nearly over, my father and my brotbrr.
This company kee|« a llltle garriaoo
who. bat
bad ctaue to meet me. went borne
' '
on tha'laland
fcarlbtow People Tsk* ReTu^at «hawiM*
every wEMy day. a nuall sigiue being-t ,ig
,ij„e. It I* estimaied that there
my mutber I waaouming.
—Call tor Men aud Arw.
ue was half a mile or mm used fre pB>iugo(it tbe wire.—Sci*Bi- i are i.ow.reo tom of high fcrede guanu
Wiehlla, Kai.. Jan. II-A st-rtal
j on the island, worth IK a ton.'
A boDcb of no, men at tbe rugi- tiflo AnmriaiU.
The Riklr from Shaw nee-fi, T. saj
. Blent, etaru-d truui Ibe ball tagi-tber.
r,,,,, Il
_____ - rsitag*.
• !
The train from the eust
night j
enoiher, until
brought to this city a <* r onUlning
A ttuvrl prnjutdlino was made not
flually 1 t
t on alone along the faevmy woman and child at
long ago to tbv revviret*‘if the Baltb I
set RepesireUwg aa.eae Myr*.
The pae-ngerw
I Far abuod, ui tb.: cunmr of the Hrtwl mtweaud Ohioniilnwd. Tlio Baltiiu'ire : Columbus. O.. Jan. U.—The ninth
t>~rf an-l vy
ay a pliihed battle between i j__
I wliirh I mui tnre lor borne. I andObiulus a (iraucb rauuiug fp>tu : neat convenu.m of the rnited Mine
an-1 settlers «■,..«
« ...k place jn.yr*- |____
Ab;- Ind'tl.s an-.
; ___
________ i.A__
what is known aa Aluxaiiilria jnucti.iu
at America opened In this city
-ni.i.n ne*.
res.' m
nm,— t
terday i-.?',vrti....n
.u.i p
-.s- offl.-e
resulting >n the wiping -.utN.f several I
’ 'Wteu I luul unue 4<i.b«r. tfie lifted near WaaliiugloB, to Sht-pnrd'a, on tbu ).<sti-rday imirnlng at K o'clocfc. Tbe
families. A later diapatch f'rom Khaw- I op biT bands and praootmoed tnyname. Pnlnniac riv-1, wbw; a car ferry ia op- eorventina I, tbe targrei in the history
nee say*. "A message ^aUlng fA>r men I that was all. and then her aQu> were v-nted iacouncctioo wKh tbe linoa Irad- of the orgsnlaatlou. shout SM delegati*
and am* has fust iwenriwlved from ; aboot my nock, and my old ^e over- Ing suolh IrtoD the oapital. A profcaaor from the state of Ohio, IlUnnIa PeonIvanla. Indtana and Wert Virginia
Eartbom, a town of ab.lgtio# Inhabl- ; mat was wvt with ber falliagim*. of iiu caxl.rucoliiwedositvd toleaaetbia ■/Ivanl
Ix-lrg l! allendacce. Pireldeht Ralcham*, saving that n-tart>Tt^ Indiau* He, ^
come home."—Hffw-York obcrl Ktii-UJi uf'irack (ig th« purpoae of
The morning serelon
r»rd prosIdM.
.have as -m vcoRvanre on theffnwn and
edocuiiug yiiuug uivu in practical railws* give.v up (A the orgatilzatloe of
are mnvlrg losani tbe place."4|N-larlne ]
------------------------------------raid w..rk
In his Ictur he explained
conv<gntl<.n. The report of the eomthat they will l«om it. Grave fear* are
The Balldag a 0«wd Dag.
that be chongbt there was a wide field tnlllre on credentials w-kf-prre^ted at
entertained for bemeatcaders on the
. Ko memUfr of ibu amino laiiiily bat fig bright and en<Tge[ic boys who oenld
the aflertuKin iveaalorIt sbo*ed.4£4
hordt r, A tpeclal train was made uy
more peryiAl«aitl;
itly maligu.
b" tiKiroogbly er«U grouudetl iu the votre svrv distributed as fOllovret'OhIa
from here Of 150 fiteti. armed to thr
* who have
jirectiiwi side of railruadiug provkkd votes In the renvenilon. representing
leefh. and left for the scenr.
_____ •> kiiowlcdgvof the dOg and his at­
vote* were
Guthri*. O T.. Jan. It—D^iy mat
tribute* bare diATilml him aa stupidly of ruod. HrliciievedUiatbytbeemploy- dlrtribuled
ahals arrived here from Maud report ■
that •ecib.n, fo’jow- fvrreio^and illusiruton tove. plctoi^ lucDt of v.-tcruu reilroad menaift4.-acbi** iniBOl*. IM; PennsyUaUla. tJ; West
• ^'r*lgn of terror
Inr the recent burning of two gemlnole , tlto u*k Hitt irf at-miwild heart, tiU tbe the boy* amid prcfltably epcuif two ur
Indians, whkh baa piovvjkrt the Sero- geu.ral public has come to look ttpoa tbnw y<-ar* warking i« ttainiuon. flreInMirs to IhreateB vengeance. A dozen hlui aa daugcruua
famines are n-|sirted to Aavr left their
"iiive a dog n ho«l name." if an old agents and iu other raparitic* icquired
Bpriogfleld. Ills.. Jan. IS.—During a
■farms iu the vIHnIty B Maud. - One 1
u*,) i^rbuiiv ii irut tmo. but when in tbe nilruad oerviee. uka this bruneb bri^ aeesinn of tbe aenale }-e*ter^y
deputy t>rinBa a rc|M>rt that two white I „
y, pg,...]
Fltgpatnck Inlroduced a bill taxing Inof the Baliiucm) aud Ubio Is of ooasidmen captured by Bemlnote budu M«n-. E<':ilv- uD.QAt Vvrileiv pu. have fallen
aersr.^ companies t per rem. of gross
comday sere put tn the thmnb torture,
iui- gr»vc i-nwr in claiminR that tbe {wiled to decline the offer.—Klactritml recelgila The revenue committee bill
t’nlled Rtales MarrhM Tbompaon has'
waa read tbe Hr*! time and advanced
bt.lli.'if( u d'tu-u-nt iiut cnily in affoo- Ebgmmr. '
•rtTVlved Instructlona to vpd a force
to second reading.
Tbe new bill ia
of i.i the line marking the ilun.jlicT ill iiiU'iligri
based on tbe Berry taUl.
&t'juvh< iijje. who il
herder of Oklahoma and tbe Indian
In the hraae Bovry introduced a bill
Terriiery In cn-operate with tbe Indian
taxing insurance companies t per cenL
Terrllo!yc.m(1ahi In quelling the threat­ Ibal tin- lialldi.g's bmlu iwclatlvcly uow qmrtiug rulli^ sheet blumluloin at of their gross recHpta. and In rommliened outiireak.
laigir Uisii that of the spaolel. which iwiou* which, while higher per pound lee (if Ihe whole on tbe revenue bills
Oklahoma City, O. T.. Jaiu it.-fVord dog is gt«rtsn.r cxjuiddered to be tbe than tbum-for afanct braao, an cheaper scvvral tufastliute* for aectlcni. etc.,
last night
per square fiiDt fur abewta of the reme. were ofleted but no action was token.
loot fflU-lligrui of the eanioe
Remlnnle Indians have gathered at the
bile (be hulliiug's affectloo U never to tMckurea—tliat Utosay, the price of
bthql dancinggmunds three mile* south
is not so high.
The WsalWr W. May KspreL
be doubted.—Onilng.
«f ISariltnrri. O. T.. and that many clUpiued to ihi.' prire of IrVsa abeeu, as the
Wrehlngioa. ire IL PeUowfet are te
sena oY lluat aecUon of tbe territory are
apeclfio gntviiyjif. bTaMfheets is wbni wretWr tBiUnUlaos for tweety frer hours
Belatod ttaaviet.
fleeing from an expec le.1 maaaacre.
tm a p. ■. yewetdan
Isdtaa* and tUFrimn Mteiottary—What are you in oompsred t.i U^lipiletfie gravity of aln. Muskogee. I. T., Jail. 11 - fnlted

■Vnij MaUaa. is sflect D

Uon ha* Icen effected wjlh the ieten\toe' »f galninc anlDclenl
Strength to Michigan to retkalm tbe
tslanA to which they assert they have
never given the Slav legal imasiml jo.


mil Make wi IAhsI Karel tCHi* tm*
Rig (Wssto

d to g1*« IV etUssto of tass
•f .aek fodscUsea. *•« Ihoir
oagdwwDtTdaro loaAtag sod »v-


Cnld Ripiii t ildiui L I .
wbich he
ataie and

the^vnttle. and Ihe nmlnec*-of the


This win- ia cot iu lengths of T, 000 ^
feet, mid aftre «ch tboumud i. reeled
om firm as a ruck.
"Wbeo Ihe regiment came borne, we out the flight U arrretod until the inmarched up tbroogb tbe mme street clination cm, U, drivnuined-by foruriog
that we bed matebed downyisn before ■* -aropiu upon a wale marked in hUck
upon tbe inner ssitacn of tbe white
—nigbt agyu. it was. tom—with a bmd

awhy, hot she siuod

States Marshal Bennett received a tele­
gram last night from one of his depuUe* at Maud. O. T.. in. which the deputy
give* a report Id drculatlm there that
the Seminole Indiana are on the war-path and that a band of some iW In­
dians have maaaacred IwenM'-ffre per­
sons. Marshal Bennett hv made arrangvmenia to depart aX once for tb*
region of the reported uprlalng. He la
very popular with thp Hemlnole* and
hope* to be_ab> te. quiet them.


lOTlh. la again

Washington, Jan. li-Wh^p asked ; Republican fuucua for oBlcet* of that
hte oplnlor last nicht on the .ubjort of ;
were elected.____________
Ihe Brsi day’s ball.’llng In lhenhl<w*enBlnrial fdtaatlon Peoatnr Fnraker aald;
"It seems to me tbal Ohio has apokbn Register spedsl frcim Bloomington says
fcr. herwelf. and ilvt
»• »/>« touen i A rtjsBceTy suit filed In the circuit

old eoldier. "wai of my mother. We | actual kite bebavea in a vvrr difli
bad tiM iu camp for day*, for weeks. | numnar from that dfwcribed above.
necuasiiy for uoli« a'string
in fact filling tip the regiment and'
drilling and getting equipp^ and get­ which, like tbe other mst.-riola b> their
reapective oK-iueDU. would oombiuo tbe
ting remly g«D«nlly. Finally w
gnmtest strength with lightqt'ss 'ifill
mustered hi.i ' '
bo plainly ae«n from the fem^ot^ quowesiart«&
IB nightfall when wafell infer tfdonVery floe etoel wlru was mleoted hecause it was strong eiKiash to prevent a
our first cump and marched oni
tiu briuki-ig away and weighed but
formutf on tlM oolar line. There
great crowd iticre. relatives and frieuda five p<ipuda to the miJa Aa three miles
and ligbtacciw come m k« the regiment of wire aro required fat an elevation of
« mile tbe total weight suriained by
off. In fruut of my own ootuiioDT 1
kite at that altitude.
could are my fiatber and mother, come
would bt-aUnil IT
to see the las* of tbeiy. boy htfnru be
went to war. 1 was ibe apple of my pounds, nr z:i puumls at a height of
mother’s e.vo. 1 knew that, and 1 bad miles, wbich ia tUv limit of a*vut aa

Detroit. Jan. .11 —lleaxTr Island. Msiy
mile* wem of PeiiH-key. orgA the home
of "King- Strung, ibe bead of the Mor-

De* Moines, la.. Jan. II.—The permaneM^rganlaatlon of the bouse was
ure on the
effected Mopdsy.
Ppeaker Funk twbollctlng for senainr. and that *veh a eelVed the votes ot M out ef IW mem­
scheme rarnnt be harried through.
ber*. the other four member* being
Some of the Hanna men also stale that
shacDt. The Dvmocrats voted for their
at Ibe proper time they will reorganlie nominees for the balanee of the offle**.
the bouse, as Ih. vote ef ye*lerd.y ‘
,^e speartr the



TV rte* tsear*


a trum wbirb pnix-Tta fm-ward from | „ „
,1... .______
* .......
..w __A
.V... Inmt a'U.
of tbe
Kell HousTbe mukoroimph is at. finiwnt lasbiid thal he claimed to rcpretiert Kurt* and
"And I can tmdewtand it wae very to tbu lower aide of tbe veuKT tram,
tula*. Kepre*enutU-e Snider had been
anaoyixiii t<> have it mid that yon pet but UB its being beuoatb Um- kite tn- anilcipaiing the viaii. and a atwnochim out of a cab me uinht and made dangen iu salviy in detevudiuR this rupber u-Ss concealM In tbe bath r
dcluaite instrument Is iu futarc to be
(aattued wbvrv ibe Inmiuwork will lornend that the name* of hi* bsekyrs
cn the cbaucoi of injury.svere given by the caller.
"Anditwai natnmnye
. Hot havii g liino to auj^yvi* persna- •Tt Bacma to me that Ohio has apokm
to beve it aiaerted in cold type lUt in a ally Ute ( X|icriia>-ats made with kiir*.
While It If noldikely that any In­
fit (d jealtrn* pitjoe jon knockd bun Mr. J*oH*T li4ig wisp piegsuti tuii
dictment will )tr made, yet It la~nnlte
down and tbm gnmpM <y* bim."
braacb ot th*' xuwfbiT bunm’i work to
"Do yon tbink the ^pera in all <d
O. F. Marvin. vn’f»>**»<‘J uioi.siroliigT.
tbe cltiee printed that?" abe istioin.-d.
The latter K’.'otlcmafl ha* Mid in R'Is- scene on the charKv* of brlVry. Tbe
“In all probability tbeyditi I'maor- tlau to the flviug ct- kitiwal ibevejy oplrwlljnn Is charging the Hanna men'
y fttr ibe worry it moat tana* yon."
pvatest flexatiiai: "if wctswld empli.y with Voting down the motions and t'e
an InveeUgs“That wam'l all!" abe esrlaimed.
a string or wire buying u<> weigbl. and
tJoD nf the, briber)' charge* made by
Ml tee that the ^iud lutwiuru upou it
Otl* The Hanna m»n say they will
would be wbully InapjimaalOe. then
give the follest eciuideralion to this
ABd wore <*f tins wire la paid

the real atJte nf analrs'Vlll be known

If ae you know
tbe Talnr of


Warn Mve* (Mm Bmw U ISAS by a
IMaadWuit II Itoek.

tbetr liv.-*. Md It is not probable that

EtcT BMTBBd Ovtf

MlaRylasn. I

u too bad. Ibareoo

or more of •etUere are aald to Ikve k*M



ttw Oils elaltna that an ac«m of Ben.
trial yKterdar He aald that trot tone
ator Haniui' offered Mn tlO.OM
<1 Ananta*V«> 1 for Hanna. Tb» olhr. »v aaya. wa»‘ *brtor* tb» dlaappraraaca of Mr*. Lm«
-_ _
.. I K_ —.. ..
. .a
awa_ _
- ■
■ .
- - - - - l«la4 a
waa .Aaiflaai.
rasdlng .
a -paper
made at CtncUmaiL
The nnnd
Jorom sort K

dance* to mataarree in ahlcb a acore


Chlcagr. Jas. U-t'^rnnk Bancri. a
new wltneaa. appeaird Is tbe L.ue1eert

I« wl»> .ppe.™ In U..;..nrt.™nl.t«.i .0^." ,XTu» '

lUpoR'' Tfat for Ton Mcf Roast^


: «EW wnWEM

mmhee dm a*m* rhem*.
CoUmbw. 0_. Jao.

■ ICb AtUt^«a-a

trliicb ab* Uid on tbe deA

•terlee' vary



toont. Aoertor *•« Oss

rjas-.s^ss’-" ■

•raTreereoeOHraadHk KaM«»
sad will sue
calU. eperl
sod cXIUrre

Ar.Tiaraiee ottT..7«am.


UDsm imNimisKU li
T* toka agreiBsagag. Jem Rt an.
T\E B. A. HAT6J. I —-----------------

Blare* sriretifimUTfittML




Ofitos ts Haedltre Twla ll



Pawlils A OroUet. Attjrw

TTTOOO rOK gALT WrwIorX. per



Kl'srLr.'Sii.lCT; arLSfs;

A GOOD raui lor t
A or tor sole re <
PatrlilB. tie-lwo
mkAKa WAXTUX-rec sU Rile haol for logs
A re coo* fcoa Leo* twSr |« Trerent atr,
ll.»prrlW. Apply otkacoituoRer. gtOSt
TTOB kALK-Tho gasoIlM IguarS "Vet
C nrm alare Soot. aalioUe lor p'
parUre. cr«lslsg oo*
* fiskisg.
AAOc^ B. S.

B'SdSTJJJJrSifiS-"-lou obS%a
cfUo. im-tf

Bartol o4 Motor M. T. Oaody.

TTXMLOCKUfKBUt tor sole ot «prr IM
Jg- 4M -------- „„ g.y


Waabliiglon. Jan. U.—Tb* remains of
Major H.'P. Handy were takes Monday
Handr^ wife and ao®. suyed
over night, takilt- the S o'ekKk (rain
m the morning for Berlin. Md.. where
the interment took ptaoa.

'i'K.—Money to Loan
Oorefvosodoltrpreparw- ’

VAToaui * ownnx.A


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