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The Morning Record, February 27, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Kint Ymr-Ko.
Tvo Centi,
CoriiDO SilTWO’ Birthdoy.
UWt. -The plockcr )Ml7 U Mi<« 8bepord. ol>t«r of Hrm. J. B. Mortim.
Llnlc Pottooe KllTon' OBlerUlapd
prcporiDf for (be lo»c w——
«pd ^ [
• I “ ~ U ^**^**“,
fbt of Bvr
Mr Mb%ie
little s,
tUPPLin SENr TO VO&. •rduoiu JoBrpej «UU ill (he eMrry ATTBVPT TO ASdAesiKATt THB
.fwroooo. it hu^oy h*r Blaith
dUpUyadbybuBdredi of har.lj neo.l
[ blrthdby. Alter MUoy cBorly mpd nuu
bB<Itbm>ybbb<-r«*»>>me.hewll| Boi
'-------------| th. chiHreo wrBt ow U. Prof. Sllre.t'
b«‘«*din«- W* b«#
lock the trill Bud pidek BrrrMBry i> jf*tBo Paputor m Ho woo Bofdro the 1 doBclny Bf»de»y. w)|Ort ihej, pUyed 'wnie pf the Utwt book*,and then the nev ma««zineo ore now Arrir.Ord»r* Proa
W*r with TuiAoy-WMry of, b|yo*»B. ofur which U»oy'bod b eTcjinff. ADii they are finer t>an erer before. Ruy before they are afl
•klpaMt South Bj L%b«-1Ubu.
•boky Throao and WilJlBf to Abdi- oVlatk l*e coo.taitoy of oaodwicbc*. igone.
teenrwB BirwfUd M lUko Vo Oo[ Tuoaday for Moadoo. wbard abO wlH
^ plohlea'aBO l«oor«aBi>t)d oaha. after-.
rata iB Paoor of a Bo]
top II MlTortnp OoToroBoat Wv
' *All her abt t f w a few daye. tboB abo
which tboydeparud- OaTlB'ao roeelred !
■otorUl loOoam ef Pro
wilt otart fnribeooait It'la her lafroB bar litilo ^ .
WbeklnyioB. K«b SAt-AmUImi fiae i t*BlloB to Uke up a elata aad to ao-i Atbeaa, -Prb tA—Ab «
> frioada.
rotary RooMrelt ba* iBatroutod tbr’yoyo bob to work It. At firat. how.jatt'Bpi waa atado today 19
M. «. HOUAT.------ tr
ooBSaadaBt of tbo ItrooklyB aa*y lerar, abo eape<n* I-> •apayo la aewlay. | Klay Ueotya of lireeoo
ao dark at iia.r price.
yardtcatako imiaadlaia preparatloM ' for which ibemUayreat deaiaod at^ Krer alooetho war with Turkey, la 0-r.
ait I'coat.aireel.
for tba Uanaportatloa of all apara oup-1 all tlniM aad yoldaa opportaoittaa are | wblcb iSreooo waa aoalyaaUy defeated, plaaa tBolar.
« and abalU oaddh hU eSered Mr wowea wba bare tba eerao Kiay Uoorye baa pot Amo ao popular
ooBmaad to Norfolk aod Tampa,
to brace tke bardahlpa aad d)aooiafon« | with bla people aa be forBariy waa,
the Bovaaaau of atorea will be awda wbk^k are bound t -> follow. Mlaa'Sbap-1 aad a BBobar of timM bla Ufa aaa beaa
by rail. The departateat raalixto that «rd U OB aatlmable w.xBae wbo baa ! la daayrr.
there la daoyer la tba aaa ruau aod
iBy fnendaloTraranwCity aad all | Greece baa aeeetel tiasaa aliwa tkathe laaat >awraroat laeibad of Moawivh bereBceraa 1b bar uBdrrtak-1 war beea ob the ere of ravatt.aad tba
poruUee k aaed ■ a preoauUoBary lay. aad althoayb bar brow la crowned 1 klsC .baa
d.AlB9elf aa beloy
(with locha a* wbltraa asew brr yeara'weary of the danyar aad wlllioytoab
belay for-jara a-1 aa raaByaato hare loBraed dlrata bit ibroac if bia aabjectt wiabed
yWardad to tba or
a of otbef^bar riyor and ber drirrminatloa will „a repobllcaa form of roTaraaeat. .
r aaral aapp^y depota. Tbe laapactora | briay yratlfyloy rrwarda. SSe expacta. T^ayh ati iBpt at Border i
of factorwa where ahella and asDoiBBl- [ to leare tha doa^t oa a ateamar far, aoexpectad.
tloD are belny made oader contract, Oook'a lalet. April lOtb.
bake beaa adriaed to lyao'B .fba Batter
of axpaaae Ib abippioy and U> ad^t a
Good TenplaiB Bweaioad Sarwc^y.
load roctc rather than aea in errry lafew HoBbora Iwat Hlybv
Uaioa School Sbpply Oo. Woa^Iu'
IT Proctor of
Baraaa. Frk. M •nil i,...., IMKrttm.. 7
Trareraa CIvr Lodye, J o. (J. T.. No.
Irtl. The wamber of membert elected
Wort. Ucalleym bb eomlay hoc tM>{
A r~d ,I~,oI 7-U.aUj .>»n>»«|„|0, b,.,o.l,7!..|A.rri l«- UlU.
alyalteaaea la ooaaaoUoo with tbe la*
Refering to
teraatioaal aitiiatloa.
a aod wItBtattd by a rery
A aambar af tbe aewapapar aea rc- Sapply Co. of Cbleaye ra. School Db-!
tan to Key Wae^ today, aotarip^Uay a
traaafer ot <ba court ef laqulry to tbat
rooma. There ware JOO wbo
a Chemist says:
Winterer jioe lio, be sure tbat km bo
Just whet Kon reallf ooglit to bo,
I Are what we are telling you abont now. We
jearrythe largsst assortment and best for the
I money in tbe c.ty, not part of the time, but all
the time, at-------
; Bedroom Suits.
w^’^. FHtew'
We hare mix of tbe latrcl atyle IWu
^7 Wcot, Fab. 3A—The orobar Da- ,na.Uty of .Bpplba. which «yrayat«l
tM .embera. An impromp-1
impromw "«*'>•
troH arrirad today from MoMla. 8ba h ^ OftbbaamBoittObadbwjBprtd, ..^eml by tbe
a™ teantia. for filS.oo.
.1... .hiek
] Wo wlU aell.Utem t-) yoo lab week.
taklay coal aboprd.
. ..cu.tfa.
brill, 0.™
b aald. did aot approre of the par0-X™l ™l.™,lbai.lbri. bj iMr
obaaa aad refnead to pay tl(e balaaoe of
rbbb, «b. Tb.™ w... .Iibl .Ullor. ! >" P”
tbe record, abowad preaeat from the Lake
Tbat b Senator Moryaa'a View aad tba clalH^
tbe dbtrHt toled for tbe parebaae
orklBy for I
Ba Ooaaldara War Zaarltabla
Laat aiyhtat 10:15 tbe jury raodered | „ .
I block offered by the Grand Chief TernWaablaywM. Feb 9A—Seaalnr Mor*
Hooks Foniisliing Stors,
yaa af Uaooamlttaa oa farelya ^*
' • •
■ ■
P~®*Wr that tkU city will be ayalB ree^-1 13A1II Front Sl TKAVBB8B CITY.
Uoaa ballareatbat the Ueitod 1
aBooBtlay to fiU.es.
oiled aa (bo banDar lodye of tba state.
aad-Spala will flybL 'He ai.ve Ibb baa
beeahii firm euBTieUoo errr aieee tba
bcylBDlBy of tba reroloUoa la Cuba.
In Hemory af Bra. Aaa A Baanab.
^_aafi tbat aa each day iroes by It b Oaao. Bis aSiv^tae aad a TaluAbU
At a aDaeial waeUBy of tbe Udica'
atreBytheaed. Furtnarmore. ba'la-.
Ihaaoad StuA
Library aaaoeiatloa.coBTeaod Satarday.
alBtp tbat DOOtbay yorerameal oa. tba
FrWay erealBy Bobart D. Tork, tka Febraary M. at the Library ruaaa, the
If yoa wool a bicycle built to fit yoo :
fact of tbe e.'rtb woBld take tha atand ----------------------------------------------------------------------eoaduetor on \ke G. R. A I. brueb,'
>laUone'‘wora preanoted ■ leoT# year order aad epwlfic-atione at |
I my eh-Tp. and I ynaraatee
Ukaa by tbU yoTcramaat nadar tbe fariud to the home of C. E. Murray-to ! and adopted:
Uylay ctrenamtaaewa.
*1,1*1. Arrltlay thkra be wu aaWHxaxAe.' It U with rtnoera rayret
Saaator Uotyae to<«nMad aa a biyh• toabbad to find alxtaca G. B A 1. mil* tbat we bare learoed at tha death of
aatbority on all eobjeeu perulnlay to• road Idea waltlsy to snake U pleaaant our frieod aod member of oar aaeociaiBtoraatloaal law. La«i atyhl be wae> tor blm. Babwaeeo aeUsaltbed tbat Uoa. Mra. Aaa A. Uaaaab. tberafora
aebod wbat would probably be tbe firet' fc, omW not expuMc blmeelf for a bo- It le
aupottbb yureraBeat If the board g,*., nd bb oollapae wae coaplatc
........w. That
.... wc ......
dealra ..
in ...
oriB^ulryaowlB aeeeloa at Hiraaa | *hen he wmi praaeaud with a rplmable j Banaer to eapraae oar sorrow at bar
win ylae you 1 coat work in any
etad at atokOB of tba biyb re- low a< one of oar aembare aad aleo to
or. Ua beat baklny enamel and earwhich dattroyed tba Maine
yard of bb topaw railroad mat
iWad our Boat baartfelt aympatby to
tonal ona.
.—-----------the eaUra party bar baraared baebaad wbo Boarat a
w eanplw at
‘■la tbet oaw." be aetd, "ibeyoran- was earprbad whea Mr. Marray threw daeotad wifa. tba falUtuI
maot woaldbitbar moke a claim for an' opea Ue doora of Ua dinlay noa of many yoara. aod to the eblldraa wbo
ladcBBliy or daclara war. la Iba for- wbara wae laid a baaquet which rail win lemy Blw tba molber wboaa lore
Ber CAM If aa ladcmeity b claimed tbe road mra kacw riybt wall bow to ap- aarar failed >0 yo oat u ibOB la aaob
three mala poiau tmbodlad would be
■iaU- Tbe eurpriac wae arraayad larye Boaaara.
tba claim for the da>tnictloa of tba la boaor ot Mr. York wbo will laaee
RecoJiod. That a copy of tbwa raao
pobllu property of tbe llaltod Statca; Tueaday with bla faesily
^ U
Uii Bap- latioDi bo apraod apoa tba record of
aacoad. proper aad ad<H)aats raparatloa Ids, whci^e they will reeiCr^i talnra, Ue oaaociatloa, aod nlao tbat they bo
ta tbo famlllaa of taoee wbo were OB aoisoaat of a ebaaye la tbe datioe of ^bliabed la tbe poparm of tbe city.
klllad or iojerad: third, for tba laeult Mr. York, wbo will ma a coaetruetloa
Mat. M. B C. Batxp.
to tba Uoitad Strtca.
train for tbe oompany. Mr. aad Hn.
Mae A. K. Pnarr.
'■ 1 do not bellera myaelf tbat If that York bare made many friaade here
Mae. M. K BfCs.
I am ahowiug a feG Blcyolss
axplortoa took place ouuldc tbe
duriay their reaideaoaot twoyaaraaad
which I bare fW-Eoameled.
tba yoearamant oould do laee thau la* tbeir departare will be reyraiud.
filet upon Spain aoata eery baaiy penLook at them in ^ E.'Hiller'a
'I nlty, eueb a oo'e as would indaee tba
W. D. C. GerBatae aod H. & Hnll Drng Store.
baea aold lo.ooo boebels of potatow U
tbaa aubmli to it. Tbe yoeernmeat of /obn Saylar, ayad 78 Taara, XHod SalBoB Brown of KUborn. Wia. The
Uc Cnited Suias has to raepoct tba
pnoe patd waa U oenH per biubel. Tbe
o^ioiu of lu own people, belay a repJohn Ssyler. another pioneer of Ue potttoM are belny loaded 00 care for
rtoeulaUTB yorernmeoL Thie paopla Qtoad Trnrrrae reyion. died at bU 1 laimedlate shlpmeaL
of the Ignited Htotca. ae they pay tka boma near Yoba. oa Friday. V*" •'
tnxee aud do tbs firhUay. are auppoaed Un day*' thnew of yrippe followed by
to ba tbe uliiratte coetodlans of the heart taljhm. Hii wife enrriraa bni
Tbe Portia Clob will ma< wIU Mia
boaor ot th^ eountry. The yoearn* there are ao ebUdrea; Ue oalycbUd, a
A. L. Baebaot Moaday afiemooa at i
Boat would, therefare. nirmcerlly aoQ. died about U yeara ayo.
O'clock. Mra Sherman, leader.knee to reapood to tbeecBlimantof tba Baylerof Yuba, aad Henry H. Saylar of
the Irut of March Poatmaotcr
oountry, aad la doiny tbat woald haec New York aad Albert Sayler of Ohio
Baking Powders,
■‘AInta U
which oonorw
liberate iu
i by many aaoafaetareiv
ef ib acid
C^c pare Crawn Tartar Bakiay Powfidr b aold
ponnd imekaye. No need to aae alum mixtaroe .
a tbe pore article e
at that price. Frieemfnadod if net BUafaeta.
Bicycles Built to Order, 1f HE WHO SMOKES
Euamil Tour Wheel.
Meoy Differeet Styles.
Goenl lapUnr ul Eimt EuaCe.
If anyone eboaic aak TOO |n*l a
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—6c.
Feecy Groeeriei Flelsehfflaee's Compressef least
PeoryUlBy Frnto Bad the BwL
Order by 'Phoae Na. M.
•(rtw .aowmeSox- TA'mewAmo C
600U DakBStnotGraav
Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
And ail the Celebrated
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
to Min deMBdt farther than tbe aw/broUeim Mr. Saylar wae TS yearn
Spanieb yorarnmeat would or could of aye, aod had baea a rMideat of title
eoonty U yeara
248 Front Street.
The faaeml wUl U beld-fi»m Ue 7 Tbe SonU Side Sbakeepeare Onb
win meet wlU Mra. K. B Oatw oa
Tnba ebureb Uta momlay at I0:M.
loBdayafUrnooBBt Ue
Maxtor fialpb Aodermta will bM
ebarye af tba funeral arranyemonta ? oeaal
Otly of rnaarM Fart U Xoe
kBewtiiseeardhaobeoB iemeod by
ton ynrbor.
oma Faaae Wm Bappy.
,kbe O. B A I. hot the only ebaaya on la good ahApfs bgt we can finpply
BaOtM Harbor. Fab. SA-TbaateamOllle Paaaa was nine yean old yaa- toe branch wUi be In too oeoniny train your wauls for aomt time to oome,
or City bfTriporee tnad for twaa{y- Urday aad twenty-two of bar aehoolwhich will bereaftor leaea at 5.-0S p. m. and are
foar boare to reach tbe opaa lake route Mtea aarprlaad her at her boma on
Inxwad of 5:4S.
Anxious to
to MUwanke. Now abe li ao far oat of Velirter rtroeL Thoae proaent ware:
B. K. Ernst baa toineil tba fold aototbe harbor, bat eaoybt ao firaly la Ue
Hllde Commlnya. Meade and Meyyie toy party which toaew tomorrow wonLower onr-stock*
Sold of lea tbat abe can aelUor return Miller. Kay McL
lay' for tbe Pacific obonL Mr. Knit And are offerioK aoTne Bsrgsins
nor Bake may headway.
j beck. Era and Maryaiat SmlU. Jane will pro to SoBlUe aad decide bla coot^
whifch yoa will do wall to tata ad-:
and Heaaie Faaee. Lllllo Beadrix. wbaa he reaebw tbat potoL
TaDtage pL A chedoe stock of
EeUer YandUb. Mary Shlelda. Boxel
The Orweaat band will foralab Ua Bakery Qoods always on hand,
, Birdsell. >1oronee TClnlarv Wrenn \fatitroduetory mnalo for tba Courtenay and we woald not hare yoa lose
aon. ANellle UalbreaU, Flare OalbreaU. Noryaa oompany Monday Biybt.
of the fact that tbe
Moda Scbooloatv Lone and Hay Cbaba, atoad of tiw Boy*' Band aa |
It wiU be a anrprlae to a yroat many Miule Wloell and Pearly Loyaalla.
Gamas and rafraabmeau helped paw
to learn tbat there U one
At a'ajwetolmeetlayaf tba LadlaT
Tknwiae City for whom the bardahlpa a pleawint aftwaoon. and many bean- Library Awodatioa ywtar^y aftaria the best, and that it will pay
of tbe Alaakaa ceaoiry.bae no tarroro, tlfal praaeou wlit help OlUe U remem
daeldad to uaito with tba
aod wbo Is about toleaeafor tbe mcec» ber Ua ar^tandher frlenda "My Womam’ Clnb Innttaadlay tbe fanaral yoo to |ry a Back if yoo hare nerer
of tboowad* of dayar yold aaokeca, na* Conntiy TU of Thea." waa eany at ot Mia. Perry Hannah. Tba ladlca are
Bpedaltisfi WiU bs ii
Q aete, ituaDdiag the famoufi
attoadod by maaenllnc ooapaalaa. Yet parttoy and all want bama ro}oleiay.
raqnwtod to meat at Ue borne of Mra
Quartotto medley, -Viva Bspanola.”
OM of the p^nlar aad wall known
B aqaaw^wae airoatod by '
They wUl loara tke
Popular phoefi—10 and 15c.
loenl BilUneia, wUi eoon be cm bw eroy Bd-Bai
wtwday aad ptooto to tba boaw tor Mr. Haanab'a ewldenw at
U tka Paoific eoan m iwtU to Oaekb awvv^yataobar.*
Oor. 7th aod Union Strssts.
M: prowpL
One 1^ free fimt aigfat if aooompaaied by paid ife ticket
To take hdiaitap ef Our Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
Phone 157.
Monday, February 28th.
1870—28th Season.-1898.
Miss Courtenay Morgan,
Supported by a clever company of 12 artists. Opening
biU, the beautiful 5 act comedy drama.
‘La bllle;
TBATX&n orrt. -
3. w. BAxan.
i. m. Ram*wm. wttor ABd Xamcw.
On her eiee eWpe thi*
BpAis lua
MleaiCM When
of Um
flrbUBC ahlp.
Araiy 1
Waahlnrton. Peb. It.—Darlns the past j
9 the left [
-oom. wes^
That b the Taiaa.
t’Blied SlAtee b atit>Df.
Spain haa
Spain «ml-
AAMhere the United Statea In the
International levrytn at the national
‘'b'"' »l>a«
•* °°
la all, the AMarlcaa navy b ver^ mtiah
BtroAM than that of Spain.
• tMAftlt 0<
Mack ha> heen leid of ita
Ih AAOtber coIamb ta r>**o • oofepAri-
pB^ve ai tal
-m br>l»od 1
ber^-. allhoutb he
beard froai iB vaiioua parte of the atate
near lotiue.
The first letter
Ihe fol-
bowa praebely the eonreallM
be earer for tnutile. Who ta to blaine
for thp> condition of affairs? That b a
quesiJon ahlrh la calmly dbcowed Id
the hirher ofnrlel/alnicB.-ahd the ene«-er Ir not dlfhctift to dlscloee.
ter of torpedo hoala. bat^nakliif it all
(aw who
Btraacth of the two
MBI lotbli paster at tbe o|>eQlnB of the
of cuncrees etati-d
tbe MIchliCBD men will auend fo their
AATnJE BBiPa—rtBarcLAte
dutiea Ifv Wasbingibo. they will also
ke<p. their eyes on
Michigan all tbe
•ao hetwMBthaAATyof thto'ooBBtr^
of Peru.
TiavaiaaOtty Karfest
Below b a Ibi of tbe bayiag aad a
prloea of yeaterday for gideerba.
provUoae aad fara pr^aeta ta Trav-
Fir* in a Tan«m*nt at Chfirlastsn
8. Cn Rfifiph a Tornbl*
HfiprMt of 0«ath.
aeiMU At All of thb kind.
u.twe ia Bataaa harbor IcATea thb
mo BinT, .
Oap a
Tbe ^valatlooa belween tbe vovcrn*
Bienu<)cf Spain and the United Staten
have been rtninrd for awre than two
yeanC The peor'e of both natlone aeem
want to ret at each other la warlike
t-'leveland -and
Prevldenl klcKInley have ctood Onnl}'
tdltOMk in Burrewh’ CommittM
R«om ft Vachft.'
b»ve AB. ATWAfa laeDAfe of toMihior
oAce. aa be iBtrrtdrd to eene A
rma lo place of CnrUaa. WUl be
Watch hiny Hb trienda ear that be b
hee*/ r»B* Aod 8»T eMODd belter;,
_l__^___ k
rape. ThMealxMflnlclMebBlUeihipe
Id cer**"h.brMO. •
fkrM Matte. er«eU.
Witb tpidB.
TIM UAlMd 8t»lM hM BlM
•kipa oi Ue ftnt cIma
ofcAwn tbavbbbkabrald.
M*. T. B*t«»
ClW Pork per bbl. a
Gear Pork peril....
Bbort Cat Pork per ft.....................
. floar. H L. A On. Ikeet................
MOBTOT THrrP*i*Tl ABRntnT.TIBTHj ByePlw. H. L. A Co. Beat...
Meal. B. UACo. Keek..
H. ^ O
1* 7*
bwsfTheBi Sstor a'Babs at hat a Phw !
■aaih. Ote.te Oihen B-ri-r *»•• , Lard per !b.....................
Ihras te auuea Yean OU-hethlSB hat Bottor per M DaItT.
CSanad r—j-T Aittvir d—Trmia Bteps CnaBory Bnttor.ft
w per lb ■
Wamaa DIm wt the
_____ per bo (oil
I Corn per bn., old..■
Charleston, fi. C, Feb. M -Nine Uvee | g^lt per bbl.........................
rare lost In a fearful fin a Web raced
Bnn pot ion.....................
for a short ahlle In Church
, ^^ttonr'r'buT...........
let us topA'^ai tne Disuiry ^ihia 'mornins.
At ::i« a
i pyTi** AAtae or WA’
On th- afternoon of Aur. J». 1
auly noticed blc sparks flyin* from I
>»-«■« cn:«i5h-v.ld.p.rb.
y i ***• tenem. ot
v.1... t Wheat, new. per bo.............
t l.y tbe Inc*, thi bTteved i Blreci. The officer found that
Oate. No I. per bn. (oew|.:
h followen bearlmc rich | wu issuing from one of the windows
Com. per bn..
k''® costly itolden glfti for the stranRe j yg ,j„i
The doors were broken 1 Potatoea per
while men.
The ftpantards stranglr-d
open and tbe family on that floor Was'r Rya per
Alahualia In the puMIr square and
rushed out wiihuui any damage. Boms- ! Backwheat...
slaughtered many of the Innocent njen
who had come pearefully to welcome bod, yelled-that'a f.mUy of •«»>•«
Th* slaughter was led by the vaa alf-eplng on the third floor. The'
pr|.-st. Valerde. and he was anerwArda
OhMari MaiABt.
police rush-'-d up sulra aad when they
mad* bishop of ruscb. Tbe bIrbstidJi.
reached the lop ktory- the lifeMavtng
Feb. M —Wheat-May.
Praarro. was made a marquis of ftpaln.
work was stopped t>y the dame* which gl.OSHj^ 4a1:^«^«Sc; Sa^tnbar.
The ttrcw-lous Mlialny was rewarded by
the government .rf Spalm
WhefWTer the SpanUrdi Went In Ih*
time, for there b a great campaign
There are twelve
..10,»M ImiH-ndlng.
ml A rlAoea that SpAln b Moeh the Kearaarga .
..U.Mi grTrstpen to be nominated and ele. fied. ]
..u.sss and there is also to be a gulwrnatriMal
Ic apita of the eaMrliooa of Kantoeky.
..ll.sts eacrpalgn and -the election »f a Irgta- '
<MT we^Ma Id bataI aqolpiiMDt tkb Jlltnob...........
. ll.&» Uiurv w Ulch elects the aticc-sw of Sen- •
Mill ahow that we AI* aoSeleatl; able' Alabaina ■
ator BuTTOwa This latter matter la of ,
. .11,410
«• Make a dbplay that will do
Iowa .
Me Rose and that I
flAlted Statee if foreed to aa baae
ta why be Is no longer In Wakhlnr<*
,h* blood of Innocem ahoHgtnes.
fttoams from dying women
All good newspaper lorn make good prl-,
conquest, and tbe gov- haard, ud Officer Bagtiy rushed In and
I'ork—February. filO.U: May. «lb.S5.
ncAooiBe txu^- DBmaB tMiacLABa. vate seciTlartea. aad"H*nry Krtae U no . ^nimenl of Spain rewarded her free- pnUed ODt three charred budlea. The
Tm lepebUteBa of the oodbUt aah
escerltun to that general nila
: hooters with tllles: riches and numerona quick
MoBlerey............................................................ ‘
work of the Are
Grand Bapida. Peb. 26.-iffheAt. BOc.
BAtlral; wUUar to aooaat the faye <
' Mshee aw tUeelWt sewrsaary.
i honors and marks of appp-val. .Kvery checked-the lirw. and It was soon under
hAttle thrown dowa by theldaaoerAl
By the sane
ae token (uali
(using an Irish j one of
control, but not until nine liven on the
pew wnrlff haa been wrested from SfiAln
fi««aTiiarirni* ounnittee lo their dad
veteran Dcwspaper nan.
third story bad .been lost.
TTie dead
because of her uncMIfaed conduct.
Charles Moure, makowan egrvlirni prlMrs. RebWT* Ki.l'-kmeyVr. Albert .
lining under her dhminDoleke WUl Give Free Oos-Brary
Cbkafo plhtfarwM
secregary to Beni^ orMrMliian. Th* . ’
Caswell O Neil; • Joaephlna-i
aultatieB to a Xamlted Humbar.
com-B|H.ndim of this paper was once
A AAd Other attar- nosiKAwtuxa
Kntpkmeyer. I yeara ot age:
KaUa |
I.Dvale secretary «>f a Mlchlgi
Dr. Lodwig voB Doleke. tbe emiaeni
n of affairs In Cuha
. t.100 penaior. and they used to say that he
has always been aevrre and unusually
•ABltetloDS dBrtar tbe preaent year^
. <400
a worthy sroHcer In that line.
The natives have rebelled meycr.
has heoB clearly and dbUneUy In^avor bUbopac------The man who does tbe work of private
Is sUll la tbs city aad hs wUI
ggain and again. Three years ago a
t. • years;' IJIIIe Knlckmeyei
^100 ae.-rHsty of a Michigan senator, who
•( haeplBg the eorrery of the naUen at Mathaliaa ..
rebellion I- can which has ctmilnued to
s; twhy <if Alt* Knlckmayar, «
. :!ioo attends to It faithfully, has Utile time
. -imited nobbardoriDg tbe n
. l.tTt
muoth ..lA
of bta stey at Park Place which wUl
. 1.S7S tunnies UT learning how to
not belong. Tbe cabinet hath which
Havana and a small^portlM of
; i,«6 mouth abut on public afTalr*
baa attracted eo much atteatieo araosig
. I.»75
comes from every county,
fsteaa *a Yswss OM IHss »imw Oailie tbe medbrnl profeaeloa U one of the
Idbe Baati4oe l>halpa af^Rave
. 1.87S
of loplr* and all po
Dael.tngesiBB eoDtrivaneca knowa |»
Wliiirk Trwte ■*« Mt Fir*
rage has l>een committed by tb<
. 1.875 litical i
s supposed 1.
wbltiAf Hba|liekliag.
. What has the curse of Spain been
Bauannab. n*. pyb. ».-Tbe Plant
U lap'fovided with a powerful electric
. Vra A. L. BavUaad wae oallad y> Kaotackei. ■.
towards these insurgehts* It has been system and Atlantic ^-oaai Une Florida
battery eo regulated that the patleat
dhraad Bapids yaeUrday oa aceoaat of
a course of brutality which shocks the aptvlal vesUbuled train between SI.
ftchiiylcr Olds' conlldenllal letters re
■aybeu .ted with the mildest, ataat
ABMoarji t-acinaa
world and awakens the sympathy of
dhe Ulaeea of her nothar;
Angusllpe and New Turk, was brought
or a earraat
eenlly fell Into Ih* - hands of Hhillsevery nation The people of the Unit'd
The taaiily of O. W. tfardaer of Miatines.
It has generally l-«i supposed
. suddeh siandatill on a buml^ aa airong aa desired. Or. Von Doleke
States have long felt II to be their duly
that the apbynz and sa^
ABairn’le arrived la the city yesterday
trestle near tVayrruaa; UKi miles south
te Interfere and cmi>el the &
kn»w lietter than lo writ! «-<infldenllal
yesthrita atteind the foaeral of Mm. ^ny
- --nder rnba. fiut have We
letlerw to ceri.tln parties.
Hr knows
a(lemrK>n. The *udd<-n
•rtght. and ft It jAir duty u- IntervtCeT
OaBaah. aioiher of-Mrs. Gardaar.
the nx-nial and moral caliber of every
caused the death of Mr*. Frank D.
That la the question.
pollllcIsB fri Mlchliwn, but he seems te
EcUy. i
Holder. of YoDker* N- T.. Ct years of
We know Uta\ Spain has not Foughi
Inrt is D
have slipped up on one of them.
,age. and threw the remaining paanen- server tbe cablnrt
A Bbapla Tire XxUar>bhar.
. 7.S75
battle* with the parpose of pulling
Ited <bher AsptcaUlMUi.
gen Into a panic, but all escaped with umph of eelenUfic I
dowri'-the rebellion. On the conirary.
Haad grenadea. tbe eitBpleet fin as‘
-Pchuy" was regarded as the best pH*
we know that Spain has driven Inno
. t.STO
Magabher. CM be made et baae cheap
vare s.-«-retary in this city when he act
. 4.U4
cent and weak women, children and In
Philadelphia ■
ed In that caiAcIty for t«enat»r Klock.
trestle communicated to the coach, a
ly aadaaally. Aad it b well to have Chicago..
. 4.500
valid men Inlq pla<-ea of cnrenlralton.
brMge. So well versed was he that h'enand the fire spread rapidly. Conductor ent kinds of bath*, locladlog Turkoh.
'at haad a eotell eoatrivaace for eaUa- : Newark ..................
. 4.0M
surrounded them with soldier*, aad
BuMian. Tnrko-Raaalaa. Bomaa. mrd.
alor Slockbridge ci.nsuUed him on ev
starved them to death. Tea. starved to Mather and hla train crew worked Imted TurkUh or II
. t,0l»
falehlag a aaall fin at lu atart.
ery lni|>ortani propoalUon which came
bravely and atalated the pcaaergers
. 4.411
death more than }«.«(» of .these people
before the achate
When eiovemor
Take tweaiy poeada of eomaiop ealt
. .Mlt
It It hcinlble
It'^s barbarous.
It II from tbe burning t»r* In abort order.
Veil Rich apiMdnted Mr. aurrows t«
The burning ireaile was dUcovered i bath* aulpher ..
Md tea pooadaofial amaioniac
^•*** I_ _ _ ’>'■ .offered
^_ _ . _tbe
_ _ _ piivate
_ i.— ._ se<-reteryshlp
befose the train rrcched the structure j which are combined everything wb^
Spain and her govettimenl.
Mb Bf aaMoala. u> »• bad of any I CbarleadBA and i train hand was sent forward to, M g^ for the bomao system.
g.18* '
fllfla-hul -Schuy pctlltely dcjclined *•
Senator Majum of Illinois and others
AraggUt,) aad dlaaolva la seven gallons | AUaate . . suited by many
give a signal. The mnsAe from the I vpo Do] eke ha* tewn
In the aenalr and In the house of repre
«.... ...
sentatives have puhllrly esfireaaed lh« forest fire, from which
94100 I made a pretty good fight before the leg- senitmeAts of a great majortty of our caught, prevented
fimm. Back aa am ordlaarily nasd by j
from eeveral who have eeffared
•'nno I Isluturr. TOO. but Hurrows was elected.
the signal and he ran ahead. Tbe tres
lieople. There can be no doubt of that.
AtAggiaU. and fiU with this, corking : Montgoosery
— ""'I
_ __________
___ ^
for a long time. Tbe doctor will be
seems I
The aenale ha* passed a resoluilon tle was over a shallow basin with nt pleased to rncive vUite either of a
K^tly aad^aartiag. tA prevant ev^ior-1 Mennlnguia .
old soldiers nf
wate( beneath and the pa.arngen wen
I'tOOi foil ^ il*r pari of t
providing pvi-gnlUoD of the belligerent
friendly or professional nature at aay
to dry land.
on tlir part i.f rights of the Cuban Inturgema.
! l.TOp'
lirop MKhJgan. that Is to say.
Tpe abU » «ep dow-n
time doling the mnaiader ot hie eter
-a offiretmnwaoa. to bmak 'orkte*.
I’gH , the \iilunteer ofllrt-r-, to secur* the house Of represrntatlve* has not been
in tbe city.
L»* I passage of a MU pUclrtg the volunteer permMied. for eight months, lo lake up
Pwi Tlaw by the rwaadlaas.
I the flABea. If the flm is U WtlmlagtOD....
I.S9J' O*- ••!* on Ihe mir.-d llrt of th* ,mr
^,u,„on for cons.demiion PreslMontreal. Feb. K.-The Canadian PaI place as to pruvnat thc bouU
. i.ooOl wlthi.ut t»>
of ®»"« McKinley and Speaker Re-d have, clflr railroad has bruken the warld's
tnm braaklng. aais wool.pr cotton.
. J.OOOi want the right to wear the untforms of
,hi, matter. M.anwhile record for a irana-.-ontlnenUal freight
. LOOP' llisir army mnk The bill Is not likely.^
rapine continue,
iMck aff ta# aaek and aoatter the eoB- Newport................
rur. carrying four i-artoads of sflk land
Ta Florida VU ‘-The JAad ef tbe
. 1.000 lp be passed
the rcfigresamen |
„„lged ed at Vancouver by tbe atbamshlp EmHrtneetoB .^....
fiky.ih.i I,
• y..r or'
pres* of China to New Tork In exactly
Th« WvAklBg of the b
— Uirr with a lull glUng Ihem »be^^>
atrocities- But the Spanish spirit seven day*
The silk wa* valued al
'• eertela amoaeiof gat. aaAthe haat
leilreil snii} "ffluers. ami that
^tllt Mrradea the government of Cub* M9C.71*
would make an awful big h»le In ihe
mt the fi'm gcaaratm mora. thus w^- Hartford..
TflpKha »t tbe aptril ot MU CMSUT.
trenury every year.
Maw OUaaaa March 7th la .Ight! Jk* «*•»»«««>
li/w-a* typical of fbe splrtl of Spain
chTol at Baainee. Colter*
, Lend-eeeker. Ue-Pletenrceeoker. Uie
This axtinguUber ha- bM thorough
aam.g aupa—nsst Ciam
ly tested and U folly equal in point pf
of tlrand Rapids-la pushing along
amlrUng like a eonFor the next 80 days 1 will make
.F-Uyo. ........... ...........................................
frneUcal value te aay
InvesUgallon of tbe cause* which Irt j
hypocrite, while al the aamt dress aklrte from |l outegl 25; dress ' beautiful erenery. tl
tbe, German govemmwt to eaclnde 1
writing letters lo Spair waist* 1125: »;ik walsu It 50: cAliee laad and the many
along iu linen.
Amertran. fruit* frr.m Germany. He
I a.nounrlng our national admlnlstratlor
a 7.5c to ll.no
Thaatrleal Motaa.'
Oo toJPMda aad etcape the
ate. investigating the adulte^llon of ,
,t „„ president. One Of
Mu* Dxu. EksKi*,
af winter.
Woday Bigh t the ConrteBay Morgaa
German wlnea whl.jp are ^'d In th;s
eapturi-d or lrlerrn>ted.
312. Bi^t Frout KL
and kfap'^ AKHEVILLB, ‘The Lmad
• -member of tpe com- ,
Spanish mlnlater waa obliged
company will appear for a weclc'a en- Polgearda .
of the Sky,” TBE SWITZEBlJtND of
mliiee on l-.relgn affalra.hr will have ,
Waahlngl. n wlthcut delay.
gagemeat is tbe City Opera Houea. tbe Doqaa do Tetoan............. ..................
AMERICA, 'wher. haaven and ea.^
Thia m
asKisUnre of Ihr enlire membership •
necaaary for :-peln I- .liaavow
ia ™
first aitraeUon belBg"lA Belle Marie."
*«em te meat aasoagst the maay of the
, f ihal crntmiuee In his work.
'• j |I,.Vim^nte“«preieo.’(ff iV h.-r minister.
MlM HatUe V, Hadley, who rame bcaotlaa of natar* See tha grandaat
a pratiy five-act eoaied.T drama filled Emperad'or Carlch V........................
■ r-si-vled fo result In retAllaio^ IrglsU- |
j^at the writer of the
here some t’me ago with Dr Ludwig I srenary
in Amarlea and
BllmocaWith iatereaUng feature* Tbe com• •-‘'W'tlon
offensive letter will receive honora and
Von Doleke. has hoes kept pretty hq*, Hooae.
America'a ooly Palace, the
Hecauae of
erholbm.nts from tbe Si-nlsh goveru- treating paUeau in her room* at Park , chateau of Geo. W. \anderWU.
yaay haa-bean playing to good baaiOr
• '.WW : Iasi week, attending the Michigan club ;
Plsarro and Valerde. the
WMB la Maalstee for a vreek and the iAIiBlrante Aqnando...........
Plaoe by the elevlro-theropeuHc cab-i the traveler, who U in a harrv to fat
banquet. fongt«sm.n CorilM requestn.,o..c..rt....................
- ir Us*■net
^pers hava given the aUracUona mueb | Vizca.ra........... ...............................
- «,8»: rd the committee on Immigration to
City -- I
I InfamU .Marie Teresa —
- *.**>, withhold a report on hi* WU until some ,
tyn'cal of
meat of
I day ihl. week , It ls preaumed
. ,that the
.V j that the ,hattieship Main.'should be en- -tetbs
Al e
,irree.up may be brought before
n.v.wi .harbir; that her
PoUtoea for BuShlo.
Dot ahplai
Mlaa Hadley haa alao; and the Gray.
-• ^Ihonre f..p „maldrratl-n Inal.le .d ten
.hould receive etery polite at.ted
for facial 1 |a roBnectlan with the Gnaen A Crea. Mike Oherhn of Bingham will leave Alfoaao Mil...............................
remcml.err<l thal^
,„d that while the stilor* and
blrmUhea. and
d by
,____ -. .
(teute. the Bonihcrs Rallwev
far Buffalo Monday with alg ear loeda
fator* the Corlla* bill. |
pea.etully rieeplng In
which are haemleoe freckle*. w»rw and form* the Great Throngh-Trnnk-Lla'e
la support of itHC m<-B.«ure
suppow-d t- li- a iK-a.eahle
Of patatee* There will be 4.00ti buah-.
eh are aaBoy- to th* booth aad KloridA. ElagAht
. aid If. *«-uring Its raaaage. I
,h„uu be Blown up,
ilg are- made to vaniab after a few veetlhulod train* atryvlng through
. 1.040 Th. r.. will be a protracted debate uh ,
Ma^ Ldiob .....................
deairoyvd. and the -blue
treatmrnienia: ...
MIm Hadley baa her ate
the bill before It eap W passed.
, jacket* sent suddenly to eteVnlly
N«- parttnenu
nu adrairabU
adrairabl.v arraag>.
arraaged and
__________ ______ _ _. tbeSonih.
nry su-s T rtM tor sTMure.
t'erngtessman Smlih again-led the reo- ,
confluence’ IwHeve* ladies, are iavlted U> Inspect tbe -hath,
. S.0»
lAlfonao XII...........................
For saapa aad laforntatloa. apply far
Ann Arbor, MUh.. Feb- K-W. J.
. 2.0W ord laat week l>y securing rletvn iw»>-i ,h„ „ur battleship was lost by aocl- which t* wortb.r of cloae inspeclioa.
1 Beloa ChiUtlna................
vnor Dearest cnopon Uckat agrat or
Bryan has rotifted the comopondlng
w.ldl. r* In the Fixtb «>f**
Beina Mercedes................
whether o«e Ukr* treatment or wot. kddreaa
Wu. B. Taixox.
. aecretary of the Htudents- Iteciure as. 1.1521 gTv»*l..h*l dtelri'T
The little man,from J
p,„ un^er ihe rules of Intefnallonat AvUittoMlaf Hadley will he eure to
Coade de Venadlto...........
Awt Uen'l. Fas* AgenU
aoclatlotf that If h.- Is all.iwed lo speak'
. 1.15* rimilas la a hummer and visits the pen- I n,, reccqtnlsed i>y all nation*, wc- have be Aot ooly iDterenUng bat profltohle
Don Astonio UJloa . ..
No. 2in Fmrth Aeaao,
«B blmetanisin he wlfl tender hla aer. 1,152 slun ofBre rv.-n' dsy w hen In the city.
no oesasmr to go to war with to All ladle*
Don Juaa de AusUla ..
Loutsvitl* Keatooky.
v5m grail*, but If not allowed to speak
Infanta Isabel..........
!Spain under all of these trying clrcum- sc that aubject hla TWte will be UJOA
-hlgan aasoctstlon Hill
The Michigan
will have a j •ignc,-*
Prrsldenl Cleveland
Ifabel II.............................
A standlQg rule of the enlveiMty that
and a ivr}' yn«leM lanquet ^ghl and Presldrnt McKinley ha* been
MBtversKy hall (wntiol be naed for poling. We haTv her* ; Hght.
Thursday evenlng.
Rut both of
..{N l,Mt
tbe Cuban Insura membership of 500 Wolverine*, and j
been unjust
a first prni<alilonf HI* rule
the atlendantv upon i>ubllc recepilon* I* j .............................................
ff^nfs whlfe i
be Jlist 10, 8p**n;g
ArragOA............. .......................
e lltnltiIS .,r the BMOriAty*
uaiiBlly about t£o! Tbe avming.
That Is a strong aiatement. -hot In th*
ef tbehp^toh nearly midnight, la usually spent
...................... ,of
, ____
able men with whom the
. feh. 2C--n>e plsg^ and aavy were built 25 years ago. aad have conveixaGon about our rX|>eriencca al | writer has conversed, the statement Is
Will cleao it thorongkly. true the wheel* give .you any oi
loratlon for the third bridge over -Ihe beea refitted mad raarcaed, but ara vr^ home sod of th* friend* w* left behind ; coiTtvt and-van be-demonstrated,
aad aay
yoa may wtoh at.
. or>lor. Beet hakiag oven in city. - Oaly tte vary b^M. WAs> Weals N» rerteesiy Pisps^
Bfl*<dasl]g>l were sii|iiuv*d by tbe com- much iafetfar to the Texa* the oaly us when we ram.- to thr national capi- ;
tal lo find fame or fortune, or bi.lhj
-yne -neutrality lawv of palluns aro amel. Call and aae eample aad Jndge for yooroelf- Facun
teltte*’ of government englacere. who
afaoad elaaa ship now remaialag to the
bicycle repairer*
Best -work for the least
('olmicl W. B. TbonipMSi of Hudson never Invoked rxcept In case of war. If
made * rept.n to the war department
a spectolty.
UaHed btata*
I* agate eleeled treasurer of the Ite- i iherc'ahould b* *.rehellion In Canad*
•t R'ashlngioo to this effect. Th* loce1 campaign com- such aa there was in the United fttates,
ttea Will lou,
ef MnUanpby
and IT Great Rrltaln were urte* «”
and the eastern
SitInn I
alz years oontlnuousj^. and quell that rebelllnn. y would be
■ae to the East BC
New Tor*. Feh. 2A*-A vessel Just ar___gowrtiment at London to rvevenlxidr
kliody In congri-s*
X^oaJa wal.-r works.
rived ta port report* that on the way
queet -thl* country to obaerve atrlet.
arroas tbe AtlanGe a steamer was seen
T. r. Appe.1. A.r Meiwy.
Thai would b* perCecUr
Chteago, Frii M—Th* trustees of the evidently dlrsbled that anewers tbe deWoBtane T.-uif,l, lave adoplad reao- •cripllon of La Champagne, now six Iwen made chairman of the same com ** But while tbe government at MadrU
that of Bpala and ft will ha
. 7.m
Bicycles Enameled at Front St Cycle Works
From $i.S0 up to'$2.50
ELLIS, 311 Front St,East.
faUno* asking
Rhrougfaept the onuniry lo aaslat Ic
rahdng the d*bi wbi.-h hangp
t mbrtoieoed-'WiiiiirdlbmpI*'
mn. wnuam
Abe M bM yat Ml of danger aad to aari#wty n-
daVs overdu*
She displayed no algaal
la>or 1
•ck. deputy Internal re
r ihd dUlricC died at hie home bare
yeaterday. the reaolt of a stroke ot
parulyei* Major Poci wwm • yaareoM.
He eerred In a WtocouMa rmtmAat dnri
mute* for a third lime.
Thr visit of Davr Maglnnlty to PyesldCDl McKinley ha* been mlarepresented
by the Detroit newspapers. Tbe presi
dent did not Tan on Hcgintifty's neck,
weep and apologise for not rSvIi^ him
the Internal revenue collectorshlp.
the contrary, the prasldent- told him
that be Intended to jive him'nometbtet
lualty aa good, .^t Dave informed
ha would BOtAakaxy
rlalma that there ta no war in Cuba, we
have be*n requested to ..»s.*tve the
neutromy laws.
Because of that unfair demand Ibis country has policed
the sea for St«In and prevented onr
people from aelling arms and ammuift.
lion to the Cuban Insurgent* - Thero
no necemlty for such a oourve
t« Internatlotial law.
This eenntrr
■hould qoU policing the nea In Bpantah
TBM KORinHO mooitP. BTOPAY, PBBTCABT 87, 1888.
Doings of iJl Sorts of Poopla naS Odd Bits of News From
All Orer The St&te.
“It to •UUBf* whet» verirt;- of orItolM OM A»da In Utoory book*." toaetked Mn. In Bnnnoi. Ubtviu of
«kn Boynl Onk Udln' Ubnry Mne^
•liM. lo U« Birmlncboa BeoMtrte roywter tho o%ht dny. Sinoe ton. Bnrsna bM bald tbnt olHoa aba baa foud
.tottan. pbotor^ba and neay ethar
wtlelao bnt tbc rroaieai ftad of nit oa«nmd toat waak, whan SSS dn ^rmboeka waa dtoeatand aafaty bidden In
tba lantaa of n boob.
- ewnar, • n^deni of CUwaoo, wna noon
' tonnd and tba libr&rinn to nwnlUnr the
toMt wlndtnU.
will after a Uma coma to bo eoeeplod
aa Iron. Inqnlry at tba probata ofBoa
la tbla elty ravaala tba fact that doring tba put tblrtaop yean, of orar
«00 Wilto a&nittad t^ probata by Jadro
toelntyra. not one bu arar boon brobaa and furthvTTarlQr that tine only
thru willa hare bun effertd for pro
bata before bln that ba ku Mt adnltted 08 good aa ralid. A handrad daeda
are Ml atlde to one will.
•erne Good Ba^injt.
•anday to a good day apua wbleb
to look Bp ona'e reodlag. naitar
pbd to aalut'aonatklag Ip uit onab
nood. be it
flottola. to afford
luuatioB tor tba brain or nonething iMtrnetiTa to odneato the
nlad. At Hukall'e Bo^etmm all
noruot Utoraiy prtiduedbtfatotottofy
all aoru of nental oraHaga Tfaie laiut popolar pnblioatlor. to tbe^lay Li
brary. a dvc-orat paper oorarad book in
which are pnbitobad the worke of the
boat known and Boat pnpnlar anthora.
aaeb M SUnlay J. Wrynan. -*The
Dnabaaa." Eadyard ElpUng aad otbara
eqaally reliable aad noted. Btaldea
thieqiubUealion oee can eaente alt. the
lateat magatlaea and literary <^^netlona np to daU.
toaraingaarTica, u a. B.
Jnawr Eoduaor I p. b.
Tbe Btoard of BdneaUqa wtH aeU tba
C. E BaaUng S;4t p.. b. Leader. BMt State atreet acbool peoparty. ma*
Lomu Peaniagtoa. To^ “OoUlng atottog of lota 38 aad ». black B. BaaBto; LayA Oo'a 7tb addition, together
clcu to Chrtot.''
with toebnildingtberun. at prieMo
Brming seiyiM 7 p. b.
aale tor «7M.. Tor fcrlbar fnfortoattoa
Bong Borriee at waning.
apply to
A W. EKwmo.
Jloralng nereton and earBoa at lb:W
«** U
City Qe^
a. B.
All are cordlaBy tsritod.
Snnday eebool and BHda elnaa at It.
geningaarrtonaad aaraoa at?.
•aT.p.OmbUa.aaeBr. '
All are oordtolly tarltod to thou aarTba City Oonneil bu extended tba
Sermon at HhSO a. m. on “Chrtot and time for tbe eoUutloa of taxu lo
tba Phytlelan." In tbe sertoa oa tba March 1st. IMS.
rtnar itsnooieT.
AU delieqaani taxes at that lieu wlU
practical upaeU of Cbrtottoalty.
Ber.J.a. Brssdy. psswr.
be ratamac to tbc Coanty Treaaarw.
Mnak by tba Qnaen aiyf^oaiUt.
Pruehlng at io:SA a. b. aad 7 p. b.
AH personal taxes mut be paid u
Bnaday acbobl at tba ^oaa of'tbe toon u Feb. toib. 18M.
ClaB muting ml
Snnday acbool al clou of tbe aom- wmlag aerrlca. BIMa ciaaa at tba
right of tbe puliHt Bnalaem bob'!
lag aerriea.
elnaa to tba laet auto to tbe ^arito.
Jea'lor Laagne at tct^u.
144-Feb. 77
Band tba leaaoa. (Hntt. llrSOiSO) before
Bpwonh Laagne at S:4» p. b. .
Tbnndpy eeenlng prayer muting at eoBiag.
T:SOp. B.
For the
VoBBg Peepla'a Society of Cbrtotian men and ouJuT who*“i^
Scbjret of aennoB Saaday moraing.Grand BapMs Saturday oigbl with tbe
■‘AeiiualBtanuwlUOod.“ aad la tba j BnSbavor at S:4S p. m.
tbe putor will ^eak on leut possible lassoftlmr: eomaieaeing
aunlng: --Spiritaai Salelde.” As tbto '
-Ht v
w . Saturday. Febmarr 26ih, and conltoni8 an iBpertaat sohjact and one which _Ml. tamo*, thanomaaed tomb ofi,„^
Katardav (bereefter natU
cordially ^farther notice, the Grand Bapida A
to present, a
Indiana will maa train luring toaeki> to extended to all
Cltr in tbe afternoon amrluf
Uewhem. Aa effhft
. to tol!
ynrala^-by Beapectiu Obwabaa.
■ Aintlaa'i Mnraxlne-' to one of tbe
While paninf as abandonrd ahanty. lateat and one which to attraetlng ooaCbarlee Snltb. a fanur of Cojenian. •tderablr attenlioa brreneoof the Ban*
elaJne U* hare uen a .-igar-ebapad ob-: aer of lu ipelie op and ibr character of
A Barrion eenniy nintour dtodorarad Jeet ereeplDgalowly along tbe proond wfaat it eonuina It ir a flre-ceol
till it cru-oed tba road in front of. tbe axina and in it are Ui« works of tba
tbnt bto nnlnry waa not Urge anongb
kontc. Uis frightened barae ran a Bile beat anthora. Stanley J. Weyaan and
for tba aopport of na Inrmainf fnnlly.
before it oonid be ooain Had. Smith Anthony Hope are among tbe cootrib«nd bOTing bad aoaa exparionea in
nswer that paiplexnare tba objaet waa twenty fut long uion and many of tba mast notad will be mnde to anmw
oarpcniarl^r. ba bagaa doiaf odd Joba
tog question; ‘;How
) a wife or
knd of n bright yeUow color.
writera of the present day ran be found
far bto.neaben. Hto baalnaaa stow
mother be bnppr.ln bearen while
nptAl.v.aadaoonbcboacatocn baarbueband or child to lost?"
thr'City Bookstore Ua. good plara to
tor tba word ••carpantar” in front of
D. U. ToBpkito of Deartora. tbe
But noantiy ba ba- Boat noted banter In the rltlage. end go tor a good selection of reading nat SowarC Hoar* sad nstj Mooes. Paswrs.
Manager Holley hu lately reiboorbi bliaaaif of tba eootnr aprtnk who to m yean old. kept a raoord at ter.
“I was glad when they oald unto me.
bew paper oovaad Ua aarly aprlar waddtnra. and bto bnaUng froif last to irrv. iarlnalra ceired a great stock
lot ns go into the bouee of the Lord.”
addad anotbar word lo bto alfn. It Thie raoord ^w« that daring tbau need books at all prim and many oen- I Pulm i:t
tain new atorlss iy grut anthors.
sow nada. “CbrpaDtrr and Jolnar."
Bible acbool at 9;4» a. m.
yaara Mr, ToBpklu killed 1.M8 dear.
• bearm. S wolraa. aad wild eata. Irnz.
Haary Kruetoco. great-grandfatbar w|ld tnrkaya dneka and othar gane
of B. B. Elkar, of Albion, lirad to ba at wllbonlnnnbar. Ur ToBpklea* faiblaaat 1S«. Kraaeto L. C. Oantaoa. of jar utUed in ibe'lownabipof Pakia
KalaBatog atoo a reutira of tbe agadllgit
Aftarwarde the nam wu
naa, wriua that be aaw tor. If'rancieeo' changed to Backlln and then to Dearat ChaUaioa, VL. U ISIB... I'ranetoeo' bom. When ba Ini began bunting,
than claiBed to ba m yean old. He i Ur. Tonpkine need a gun with a flint
B in Francs to ISM. and died in lock. Then came tbe pill lock gnna.
iSM. the oldaet nan emr known to tbs aad following them the cap lock. Noae
United Slates. He came to America in of Tompkiu’ old kunting .-eBpaniops
IMI. Be claito'ed to bare bau praunt are now alire. Tbe old man to still!
at the orowatog of (foeaa Anu of Bng- rigorona Be uy« be bu eun u 'many '
ladiau in Dearborn u there arc
no^ white tobahiunia. He to well
Tbe two largut eacnem aalt pau to
tbe werid am being made to Mnatotee
far tbe B. O.'petefn nompany. They
am *0 feu la diameter aad'M fut high,, deeeribed u eeenrring ruently :
with a total weight of M» teaa Bleb Wbiteball. Tbto wu nothing mo
pan bu orer e.OOO Ante three feet long.
leu than the a
thru mllm of--piping
in eachfrom tbe face of tbe earth of aa enor
. •
Boneeasd hUl. which bad etood f<w
8..14.. .1.C
• J»» • >——nl J~t
Snb« P.r »I Boj.1 0-k. — .,.4 7. j
ou. ,oU,.>’.Ul.c-t.,'>.7
U» .kon .1
i. HQ.U-C ™ijw.r 1. . i«i.1
I for Ito prodlglou aim. ihni being eeacar. drawB by a apan of gray mi
:ily dtouognkbed.from iu neigbbon.
eto I--------1— in tbs
Ud ti.j -OT >r<(kl«.d o. U»lr
; O" “» mor.l« U. ,u..U,» oltl„„
iwUl be in time.foreonnactioas to Chi
BememSn- the eodal eeent ef thel^Fo and Detroit. Retaming train
i_^._|Will leare Grand Uapldsarert Sunday
ehareh for the winter, next Wednesday
'»t7;41a B..coraneociQgSnndny. Pebe^tog. AHareoordtoHyiarited. re“ ’ ruary STth.
• rn.ntogr on tbe Use of
phetolly thou wbo bare no cbnreb prvaeni Ne.-V For tli
timecard* or foriply to G. l:. A 1.
home u Trareru Clly. to mrae and
sing tbe old bymu and enjpr an ereniag of gate fellowablp. Begin to oonot
open iL
Grand Bapld*. Mich.
. To Make Room For Immense New Dry Goods and Clothing Stoct
We must sacrifice this etock of shoes to secure more room, and th'« entire lot must
be sold in 30 days. Our stock consists of best grade fhoes in ladies', children's and
men's sizes We are go<ng out of the shoe bueiness. Hence this stock must go. Read
these prices, then call early for good selections. Besides these there are some odd sizes
which will be sold for what they will bring.
24 pairs Ladies’fine Vici Ktd
hr h UnOw-ko u..ud
'b— >b.
amnu tbe'track. In 1M8 tbe aaUre
region between Detroit and’ Poatiac, There only n urale of water greeted
tbelr utooHhed gnu.
Tbs |Aaoe
wu deasely wooded.
where the saad noond eleod .._ ...
eeii^.immediately bctwuo White lake ^
rreqeuUy it to said, my* the Bill*-land Uke Mkkigaa. The theory to
dale Leadar. “Don't make a will; tbe {that the bank* gare war And let tbc
lawyen .wiH bruk it;'' and that only | mam of uadetok bcoaa'th the watan j
•bowe bow an ofVrepeated nmertlcn | of tbe two lake*.
I but be erer knew yhe p;re* to be pro------------jdboed. Tbe mnsit-sl purtioa aad drill
WlU Dtoptoy Tbely ProdnStn nt *U-1
i« ebuge of Mu Bingham, -bo
!«•. D™, >ton.
- I
tiulsr ol tSe Hj.ue
UrscT UssUse*
r My.lle Hhlp^PSasM
Vtnal BranenteUon of
■ nu ssrios*
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
sizes 8 to 12. sold before at76c, will be closed out at - -
black or tan, lace or button.
cointoe, worth $1.60,for..
IssssMls tbesrf
risr pi C*lk> ...
ailn-4 «-ilferl,w
lUy NcMsns*
mat COrteli
to of grut sAvsateg* te the
youg U. properly Wntoed mA offar* opnortuniUMfor nttelntog grnu
' omA Antob which to ulAom-teforcA'
“.11m Mystic MiAgete*' to OM of tbo
preAnetkm* orer-totro-
■sU MeHkUel!
i*r tbe porticiponts. Tkto wu boMtltally gtreo n»d Mr. Decker, «m e« tbe • Oeati
•tewn of tbe uMtete wbo AlrecMA tbe
pwAMetite deeUtei that Ikto wu tbe S$3tf
UsOsw aa4 Mari'
Oaly 16 Ontn.
owlttenta Utte Bax Plate
24 pairs Children’s Shoes,
sizes 6 to 8, worth $1.00,'
BlactrCat and Henderson's
English Ties, worth $1.75,
F very pair warranted, to be
closed outat................. :.Ql
100 pairs G. M. Henderson’s
48 pairs Misses' Dongola
24 pairs Children’s Shoes,
eonSdoM wnieb oaly tbe clossst
tentioo to baelaeu aad tburongh min‘lo-' tUiaX-r. Klnes* (be Iswris Srtesr'uB-TsBi’
ing make, poesihle. There -u an
euygrauBanifmted by all wbo Imd
coupicnou parte and tbe, nil knew '
the Jinee of the dlaloffne.* redtations
ted ■bag* aad iwqnlred lltUe or Bo]Wbt>^
/prempltog. Ibere to ae qauUon bat j
umt each .
.taite. u tho.»*»rr«'n*
Working Shoes lack'^ or
buckle, sizes 8 to 11. worth
$1.60. for.................
24 pairs Misses’Coin Toe
Men’s Grain Leather
24 pairs Ladies’ Heavy Grain
Shoes,heels, sizes from
12 t» 2, worth $1.76. tor. -. -
48 and
Children’s Slippers,
50 pairs Ladies’ Shoes,
Button Shoes, worth $1.76,
sizes from 12 to 2, worth
75c, for.......
.................... oOC
24 pairs Ladies’ fine Dress
regular value $100. goee
Children’s Slippers,
sold before at $2.60. must« , «
go at.. . . . ; .. ...................wl IH
regular price $1.26,
50 pairs Ladies’ Slippers,
r. M. Henderson's make,a,.,
regular price $2.60, for.. . . wl wO
Shoes,-sizes from 12 to B.
worth $1.60, will be closed
. out at.......... .......
focmanee U the pretty (alry^^^n-*nku.
Lerther Shoes,'sizes 8 to 12,
sold before at 76c, will be
closed out at......................
Ladies’Tan Shoes,
k, u.. „u„
Saitb Brea Bxbibitioa from tbeir;oT tbe Ourmi eeh.ml in making it a
aoeelty work*, on tbc Wpst Side, wiir seeoeea It «u nit only a fine artlsUc
be made Moaday. ‘Tueaday. Wednmday i •nn.-ees but a Auncial anecem u well,
aad Thnredey. at Ed MiUerh drag! The reoripu for the flrst night were
atore. A general larlutieo to gircD tojAHVTt and for last night it wu esUnittome to step in and look at tbe flu ‘ meted that tne total would reach aboot
worC that to being done by tbto facto-1 tiu It would be impoulble to aroly, which u anew enterprtoe in theiuon tbe indlridnel work of the litUo
«iV aad -bteb proatou to be aa im- j folk* In tbe cute but u there bu been
portant industry. It needs encourage-1 eoate ebaagm since it waa pnbltohed
Mat aad tbe bnaloea men are upec- bnt It is giru again. Each one did
tally requested to examine the work | eplendldly. bat special meetlon mui
thst will be.OB ezbibiUon ihto' wuk. i be made of tbe excellent work of Grace
The produts of tbc toetory crutot of I HuUngs u l^ince Gbdiloos. Alfred
ato differeat etyiu of lawn chairs: Moore u tbe paHcemaa aad .VeHis
and nnaierou BOtalUea. eoatocliag of| Ulngfaam u <toun Tiuaia. Bat all
oletbce racka. towal ricg»,'elc.
! of tbeu deeorre cpwilal menUon;
24 pairs Children’s Grain
48 pairs Men’s Fine Dress
Shoea, coin toe. regular valuee $1.60. witlgo at. .. . ..
24 pairs Men's Tan Colored
Shoes, latest style, former
price $2, will be closed out^
Boy’s Grain Leather Shoes,
50 Pairs, Job lot, of Babies’ Shoes to be closed out at I2lc a Pair.
244 Front Street,
Brosch Block.
Traverse City,
Jii' ■
' tiMe* t* «M et tb* rivm
Lop^. of Pkraxuay.
<• l»r<«
l W«(
I «f irotp*. orrttvd flrr
kllHnr 0» ir*n
I ooun<QnK othrt*.
t lb* b*)m a
• (»*UllK 1
S**m«ToB«black of Inform** : *">«»«» m u.* Ib«i«i t«iatw »b*n u>a tn Order to Heb
, (acts bcrsBo- knoara Thr'pnvIAcnt r*> .
tion AmonctI
F«ht With t
' ported lb* factf to rvncrtsii and In hi*
at WMhir
tain PbclHs^
I owaaae* askitl. auilHirliy ta oiak* a
iriiMi Aar ii|MWtal (V«M tall TbMa All
AbMl H*«
Or*smd-4^sk«ic C»
If so you Icotne
AHMiatioa nniR#, «
O. P. CARVER. Acsat
Carh"B. IM:.
.•ntny tire (re
• mre-llaatrS^Ttb-Bep.,
riwodwit. a*w«w. !■ tkM* >«ala 1<
tVMhinjrton. I'Vh.'lS^At the Iti.tls*
•enfonr ihrm bp i-allb'i
sblfw. IVotdrnl U't<as
Ever Banied Out?
*err«d vr tM l«Uv\.:iic
Last nipbt t >]-:•
mtorv and fnleerr
amiioA the laidlr* «lrrtrd
II'*. K. A- Alc-r, «t ilohiASn. «ra. Ulaed ^>trl and >'
_ of BnUi ai«.4i mtdnirr?.
Uark ilar.ca. of
Sirs, r^-agh*. >f 1 idlana. tbr- foUoulnx’ai-s!'.
9ortrd to the joit.t
AajcuaA'anrn.n. of \
a to MaMIbaCaU
lu>a^ A*« «<ia«-
*;nnat.*iU. lUa..
attrra<vD tac
tloa *
-lb rc^rora*
j -t»** •iH-n <>.rTT as is orc»»- _
tacd him to
**n" 1“ Wtii
•cot* ais'lo rrrarstl*®- A< -■
crnllrirty in arna-d r^'t na* hastllr a>- ' ^
acruhltol. Tbf
Tbp rxifd^t on lnrV«l»d rlnc-w.._
at That
■laif *>4
SVaahloaion. IbW. *l-Th*«Hiotlii«of <9«rb
' dcmnni'irMl'iii of r-rt*- nbicb would Ln>
pr.Ilr**, fnre* or from U»* tr*aaarr «•l<ai^*Dt rrrrrx »rrv
At bdadquar*
t*T» tbr itory *»• J'-r.l-d. btil ibAt
drlMiive* am at tbr Wht.p Hintw Is
Piiirot to all rrsulat bIjuI»i> ibeta>
aad UsrWrr iUit tV^ U
•oirmlv-'v of op-
Tfcey’.sattved VO
thlch wfll be re<.T.v#i,t.on: Unetv>A. uu. Glen
. 1 aawwiaieil. «Si
ie; iniauoln.
uQd asilo, lated.'
is-.n county and
lopmliflt to Propertj Holden!
« r.te la.
-ally wa^
a renal* clasissrf yrspsny
»..ed In S le tl Ion INIper Bl* ill
:li;« coon- .. reui —
The isdnw foi tUe
made to e *-un i
jith diatn i. for. l
wi-nini-Bti niiOCK
|.urtv.i tt
haw been »
---------I'mjirtslue i
Uaev peepaevd la ri>* Ue elUims wf Ibis
Lssador. Wr Jaltan aiMncie-aiid|
etiy CW heoe«l ol uieS ivaortiow. and «lM*l
receded at Asrvnst'm with much hi nor haul i lausr of the ac t ifp. u 4ias*eoarr
e and hiaunioa ekaice frow wvas twwmwe lsa(lw> aad to
mlBtotrallob rtmsms nrai In Us stalt- st^l <very r- t.*aj<tcn wlihla the power [ trafflr beiwieo all points on tbeir iinsa
...........-- - - - -ilbca on tbe Cbl, nitBt that ibrn; Is no m-dlbir evidtac* of the muiblK ess riven. Tl U lolu-d- ,
,hey are'ln comprlllitin with the
and X^Cud rarruadrcu’bof Fprlns-ibject st ohicv. a sw.etdnx • dis- j r*,^aiao raddi- railway and lu cvn- :
SeW.- nmatn (•. be adjnsl-d
All exoar way or ihr olhrr as to Ihr cause of
Gat Wkal
Buffemw by
cepi Choakoaid Alton Ube mlnrs will
Utf disaster, asd hold* lo lu lurpose lo
I nei-lloas. but |•rvhllllled
ibe filled i
Warfainjtivn. 1
awall tbr «>nrlusU>o of tlir iDVratlea-'l
) Stalea UnCa frvm cbarclnf lower ratrt polattnenla n-adv by the preraderl yes UkHy Iw easily s*;w k1 upon.
IVIesalee ail-uAnjt tbe caveiuloo'
tIoD BOW, raakicie by the court
t <Of ta-.i
j than from time to lime are made by terday waa tbai of Webster FlahMEan.
are very mu-h e* -e.
..v-r stalsrual Irwrnoe lor
- - Tb.
, rUj ^ '**•
I'ailBc railway srparau- to be cvllector of
Bjents madr to the Joint cnr.vence by
fhal D* Nel JIhr ~Ph
1 ly. or wl!h Its iwanrt liuna. This U an the Third T'sas dl»ir-t dse-«s [I Mil- Operator Fred tdikin. of fi.l. sjto, and
the Virden tWl rv«i,pBn). at Virden, ]
•ll.i:afd;na the' W'lditi..nai order to the au*|v»nsiun Of
Kew Tc.'k
LaklB Is Ayhlir.X hard aeali.at a Joist j
• '
at rRsne and the ■
^ ineanl to imer all .irisa.-e..
tralili betw.-ri> llu- AlUlttn- and '
st-sle. and ■' the brat of pardon snM i
™..i d ,.d burned.
bd,...s. tecuv- , ,1,,
...a ,
that the Chlcsik.. and All .r railroad j
ilTtwaie Aik
ered from iheWi ck of tbr Maice. Hear the Canadian I'ail^c.
Waahlnnon. P--b. (t-Th. arkumcM
assured him s rate to Ch1-**p thatj
b.vs —to split Of ib*
lb Uarasa at. la arnsauoaal dtvclop-
. BttBU ill ronntctlon with tbc work of
tbt dl\wfw la Ihr Malnr s bull the ad-
yesKrday issued
an order mi.-vlt.s the felled Stalsu
'oHIckiw w ere lines by sus|.-ndm«.^ lonx-and-shurt. .
ipirlr silWrc- .
lion -by I
Admiral RrbeiS vs ya.
••1 should teruinir teke the flrst a*
-test vf«* <oai«i~lea-. Otdee. ■
The coiuml sioii ia-*U'.4 the followitiy
r Ibe Joint Traffic aseca lalloo war was
mclvded In ihe rm.rd Elates .uinv.me
...« .
case was taken
bis.coalAber*. no rase
l»y forjmt.lnk._______
“ “
l■.tce bs-'
—Watch Repairing.
under advisemni.__
Uimns the ii'ii-lDch ammunition d:d-InveaiUa
not explode
I arm- Ifcnt If the v.ni.is ; Slink iar.;!» a* rv;^.ri(U by ihd a. t. auu
powder-vase had expUd >1 th.r*- wou' I ; unUl July- 1. l>.w. uiu* v» this lirdn br
(-wpitaiarrive liiri.
have hcen nu.* r.x left of it -aBJoln. ■ > in tbe meammie rrvvwd «r moltr.ed
Owlto-k S*r Bast.
Oijrago. Feb- J*-One .f the laigcst i
Dolhloc. it IV im< > Il_.li 'lleip-thi' lb.' ' by Itu' i* mmlsslun. (he alwe named
.if ib.**e returned > pdllthmeis ai.^ tbdr councU.iDs In lbs
ipty c
*^"**', trusts f. rm-d la years has I .'en organ- ,
Febr la .:ei pra'It.e. | fatted
to the tcagai
:i -Umdetreeft
„ ivinut b>
Iher taformiilou! Hnes
be says: Wbllr bualnem ol a ffi-eculattvs
In Ibe wl>«et
. cicun Hay can-'/
ipuars We cannot I and
auii.octsrd nature has been «ukA to tvAec't
than that
»e lo- pany. Although th- In.*it*T*ii>n was'
lythlni: d-tinlte ai»ul it. but tf to
tnnspuru- creasing strain lo pollUcat ani
rs. m uBd. r the Kk blgan Uw», all d-tails s< •
ttoB uf paasmevnr U.lh east-Umod
reduced value* and wiihilrawals r cut- the gigantic srbetnr were Worked out In I
tlnd of torfudo cowkl do It? Lwt them
ind lew. for ionger dlatamys
tallmem -f activity In some lines. Chicago ai^ tbe. bradquarf ra-«f lbs
-.ell US that.
No lorpcilo i!
there la little lu todlcai
ihsl the vd- con.hins will be In this eliy-FTtae or>
unea. beta.en all flolnU on tbe petlbeard of could do that anu>u
ume of dls'tlbutlve trade has been ro- kanlzatkm. when eon piei.-d. *111 1B>
UOSWTW' lines or llbew of th.H said o>ndu.'-d, and reports be Itraditreet this elude more than t'o -f the Ur »i buy-Whin
aectU.Bs at whi.h ihe prtlth.bers ir
Cor: •uinj:. Ihr admiral said
•treek. so far as tbe latter branch'of rrv aad ahlrfm of hay IB the states «
I don. ihtnk much of the theory of ar
their aa|d,(V>mi...U..ts are in cwmpellbusiness Is coDcerbedl are «vou.g tbs imams. Indiana. Ohbi and K -blgan.
accld'i I by siumtaneouv eumbustlun. lion fur pssvenger irsftic with the Can
Tbe capital stock l» B.MO.O - All tbs
reevlied this year. With few
ement that apuntaneoua com. adian Pacinc railway and its cuniiec> compan
>nle* in tbc
b^tl. r. igiuld not have taken plnt-e be tlor.s; pruvlded. b-weirr.that such luw- pwtant egcvptlom lbs price alluaUon big Individual ha>
ire to sell tbeir bsslis un* of-sirengtb.
cause Ibe coal was unly throe montbi
irust. wblch
At ibe east Isst week's
old Btvd not be cunalJcred- I have neecI at any ii ir be leas than
-dry.goods trade ■
the same kind of .*wl. lying right oul
I ii..hea ur . harg
SC SI to have kiM. Hut at New Turk lag'in the ttair* and set the price and
lb the navy yard ahed,.cau-h fire of lO adUn I'acinc railway.
there u ronvtderwWy mure d.dng tn-Ste control tbe sale of every ton or load
own atx-urd In two week* wfter li war .With Its .-.mpecilun* f-r ibeirsnvp-.TlaObe coUod sitwst>>n
of it
put there. 1 have said from ths Aral. | <|oa of such tmnseiiger trwffic:'and pfo- Jobbing trade. >Tbe rotton sitwat>>n
one of Armnei^ refleetlng alike lbe\
and I repeal it n.is. that they will ! vided further that
curtailment of prodiftHUm gruw-lug out
never And uiit • hat sunk tbc abIp until revok- d or modined
of uBqr ir-ubl.v ami the Armneas of;
It IS raised, ard lbs weiner the sc recking disci-il-n .d the
raw lottos. Iri.tuced by a good export 1
rempabics' divers gel to work Ihe bet- ' or Wiihoui n-Oce
W-nl Is flnrv l-ui the demand
IhvmtiraUon sboww ikit mea wbo
II Is dangmius to work down
has perc.-pllbly sla.-kebr-i. and there 1* i•oi’coed are men of Uaip*—strong
fhrre In Uavaiu's dirty bay.
lera dolitg In manufactured g.»ds. The *terv«avgi>at
at will p^er.
divers are amati>ur* at thr Imslnevs, c.,we«>
lest report av ic tbe distributloo of foiwl
. . .
viul fore .
—- - -„d rrsulls cwn he exi«ited-oI ,
1i^ Vet Tiwv.oriyy
trade madr so far this year comes frvm which
with srlfee. brains
tbim. Tlsfce pn.lrul.dUl men so
Washlngi. c Feb. ».-H. nr> '
the central w-vi 'yV'rInc trade there Is l^les repair*.
SitcU PiDl tao^ tka
ima sysinnath Vay. and th-y are as a
betts rigbi I- a seat ja the
reported earlier than usual
-nerve*—make tbe tmnci luvgbl. muaelew
rule frarlces men."
A veo' large dr..p In ih. rumber < t atroag—make Ae*b and blood asd f1**
Urgarding (hr moorings of tbe Mslbv from OregoB'W'as under .orsid
business fulh-r-v Is lndi< at-d by rep-Tis rorfeel
health to Men mail Women,
In Hsvana harbor. Admiral Erteo aalJ.
lo Hradvireet * this week, ih.
i.itsl Tax Traskas or rBaAimhPiUA make
indersUBd that the ftpantsb Aag- j Apooner in
ship, when abe was last In .Havana, was ' aperch w bk-h he l•e^Ba Thursday In fa- number lu-ing only j«s. agetnii » last 1Wa*ils pUlj.
^ C
mdnred at the mme buoy at which Ibe ror
of Corbett and was fullowedby
. -wW*
tg*.ai«#to-.b C..............
c .*#*uaMaine anchored.
We do nut
kn-w I T.ll-r, T.-l.er S|-.k. In aut.twit ..f the l»: m in 1»«. ZA in ttM and Ztt in Ws.ai«rto-.b
nous vB**sk*do**tkwl rmeemll-Bteola
thethcr the harlstr U Uid with raln-w. • resuluth li pre*. iii.-d by a iuaj..m> of
, POla **>e kiw wec'e-fi;; •ettef-he gslacd
atid'wc prplisbiy nev.-r aha'd know. We the i-v.ininhtee. It* raid itial when tbe
■ •waMryuMa.aim F1v« V*atw
have no right l- ques lnn H. any ra.»W Mamie rai»- was Ut. re th.. senate In
Jas. O J«H*ao».'Dreffiai.
Z. —The rrleods of
than the ttioutUnls have a right to IKK he had tak n the sime |«»Klon now
know wbeiber this harboir Is Uid *r|Th lak-n ■-> rit«oii-r lie lied.he »ld.i«io«
14tUa beer Twiaara i **17 ,
iVerrd lhat they >
mihes- If It were kn..wB that there to re...,.;nu.- this quewOim as on# of
tWrt. y.-«e bwv Care BSek Bewd 1
biulle* brought t- thlR ivurilr)
were no mines laid It would, be an In- Iconsiituti.
wh.-r- tl:ey have already b., n
rtialtun for some crank to la]’ s.>m« os that ib*
This M due to tbe fait ttisi
hU -WB account The pilot that moored ib'tbe p>.
laws fnrbxi the
of cvTpm:j.«.p.iebi».
'W.F Ciwmw
the Maine *ae under order* trum Ihe atf w*<uld
111 Ihe.
iipanlsb admiral, and Ihe admiral Is .senled
years • afp
reeiooidble for her safety. Just as we bis Inlenie.B l.' viand iB.ihls case by
fear of Infection
had Is
lu origin li
Attorneys at tmw.
are responsible for the safety uf the thr
decisionr«arL’d by the Senate
• eg ...:.«adla-aaUa,.
Vlstwyw lyklle she Is In our harbor"
Ih- Mantle . ase la IMJ9. Alien and oihkuMArwe ffioek. TraveewCity. k
------- • —
; cm »|«ke on tbe case. A bill permitting
,he bulKUr* of s daip between Coon
'lobIs :
^ _________ _______ ~rr~— _____ • Rapids and the iiorth URUts ..f MlnManning has been
, Per—wl M.«l«M*Washington. Feb. Jt-In view of the
,n te, op the Alas• Kevol
wrldely published report that the ha»—r iu,„ p.u.
h tall.-d
Th- pr-mderi has appointed Coleoe]
of Havana i-..DUIns a ayaivm of suieWashington. Feb
— A long and H. C >' ehtr. .•djuiani-gensral of tbe
S. AUeeweys. 8pwtal a
marine mim-s. s ftalereeoi asound o-mvwhat
debaie over thr army, i Uv Gcr.eral lU-tk. retired
Tbe double Uunchmg of tbc battle- I HI.Me.r%allleCo
which Jia* centered' nluch public Inter- qn-stlon of river and harbor appn-prla-
psicx smiAnofi is srsraa.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Bemhers without rrsprtatlon (ranUr
admitted that U>e-suU}ect of tbe tuas
Of the MalBr had bero Olw-ussed.'' but
said that the soveinmrnt had received
iDlonuatloc from Havana
Kemrertt l^shtwe After Ibe bs*y.
bar been under a
the nlKhl a wv^k sk<- last Tuesday
by Ih. ii- ae of tbr Iu>s of the Mam^.
and nuw that manors are—wi least for
tbr time twine—In a uulrirr stai- br
.'bas wiUidmwn from'the natp detiartBoa! snd mine awsy for a Jew days'
real. U-avlns A^stani Horreiary itooarlo ip.*ria(:e tbr
r detwrr
r Ihas
I ttaoroujibly adrtsed |t
every si~p ■f the secretarr'b policy of
treatment t>f the Maine aSalr. an
tbeiT Is not likely i»Ae any chanse In
that respect fd<ll>rd by'the temporary
o duttea of eeeretarr
by Koosev^t.
klapsms a UepoA heal It eek.
Pia.-e n. tnu' h dejwnds upon the rwpon-of Ihr t*>uri of Inquiry it msy ha
• Intrresiinc to notr thst so far BecreUry
Lons bimsew d<-r« mn know when to
•xpre-t this -tmporunt dia-utnent. up to
tbi* time harlnc heaid nolhina from
nay of the membe'w on this poict. Hr
.patber e»|—led that the r.vuet, whUh
_ W i-ompletk poser lo work on lu dWti
lln.i>. souM wind up Its work at Ha
vana hefor* Wvlni. so a* to av-old the
neoessll) for a return trip One nteiive cabltift had a inure deflnlte
Opinion on the i«ih>en. rsfieritnc thh
receipt of »h» report fiom
about Ihr middle of next wer
AdmiaUlmIteaPiwpsrIas Ksrtria Cmetb
Warfalucton: Feb. X.-There la rMnnn to believe that |u prepare for the
mepUuii of a rv|>ort on the Ualnr dis
aster that would sbuw It tv be other
than the result of an acddmi some of
the hmrials of the adn.lbl.Iratb n havt
been lookU t up fhr subject of tndemnlties., an as to lay the foundation of a
base In the event It should bedcc’Vd to
s£mBs,iniWDs umopin.
Ciui Eipidi t liiiiu L I
. ‘lursia's,*,.
it "»•
Brsfjerss CARDS.
js.^ 2s“.r,'f;rv” •
eat In corn-.tom with lb* *.*--»-* m »•<”'» was prvrtiUtated In' the bouse
he l«lth*bl|< Maine SeBor Do Boec. ! T-slerdsy during the cnsid.-iatloi, of
res at Washingsundry chll approprA‘.«m bill. U
Sl*nlvh .harge d'affwlree
practically agicrd
agieed by
b all those wbo
»•* pracUcaliy
ton. last night tuMle
1the tullowlng was
particlpaied that there
fram such psrtlclpBied
autemenig . which. cvnitiTg fm»
*** cuimldervd as as of- . river and barls>r bill at
V led Moisly to attack
ns .-arvled lu the auna bAk-tal
UU. He selected an
knowb-dKe. that 1
tsid.eou for Rorklaitd.
or outside of Ha taa harlio
Dlngtry's district, and
there any aub-roi iDe delenae of at
kind. The report
ibsolutriy fai , -his rem
ontlam app .•ached Ibe aeb-.
and rldicuinue th:
DlBgley den .-.1 that he had
.tbooe perorig ,
.-str'-d tbe apl r .j.iisuon to the
incite the
non* vAxI
n Ojiari-aide .cmmltie. ■■n aiiproj r,
iggenion of iBdivIdM’
ry sugg
d that there w
. Insult
o defeat at' the itrnis in the bill so a*
tVby Fvwriwr *• fetag tm Havwws- to force corisiderailur <d a general river
Key West. Fla.. Fell, M -Arming-the and harlwr bill, hot this Intimation was
' paaseny.-rs yesterday for Havana by .Bol borne out by the vote upon the
<the siascotte w'as Sc-oalor Proctor, of : amendmeol
upr.h wtdih the dedwte
Vermont. Before vailing be was'itowD rested.
An ev-nlng scasUia was held
a dlitwtch published here saylaji that for privsi.- tension M:ls
e place Mar
unsBt mmmitim li
aj sVw^Ne:;;:,
MeRvoy. an old residem of '
.'.’•Li??-1?—--------------------------------- -—
Rockford.- Hi... faiber uf Asfislast , TTF F
state's AttcTtiey R. 'C. MtEvOy. died.
aged IK years.
; b«i« ai*l ifflee. *e.
The house commluee on navwl
has agreed «n the Buulellr Ualne.rellef .U
. and reported I
Insured and will he re*
uooio non*.
KatlMaMh^ ^Tel*pkow* l»
at Law. flyelal
..f l*.tll
1*1(1' m
; Pnv lur lauxblngly replied
irutb we are Just going ove^ there
e what** going on: to be wh^J, thr , cvaihlngton.
ement,la jPo-nt everyl*d)'>ari’lcommcf.c cummlssl.m hae Jost b
a iivea n*w%vntva to twt
reeoH to that method o
There are a large number
Vtalcb wlU aid the authorillev Ib abaptag tbeir acUon In this direction If
Frauclrw.. Feb.
TTbUe aone I Tommy llyun eighteen routuls to diatacts arc fuUy establUhed. While
of tbe earn* Show th. fmrtul toar
• pro* m George Green
---------------- ----------- ilon of clever boxing.
has adopted , Ketther man abowed a mark of punlahrem tbe glfl. . nient at the nnlah. aad the advaaiage
clUtseni ' 1" foreign alternated until after the thlrtrentb
general way tbw round, when
euiwrtor atamln,
methods of redress ha
included de- began to telL Hr seemed the
mand* fpr lademnliy.
fecuve iB iioro work from Ihl^lni on.
dudlng the warahipa of tbe olTenAlAg Joe Wakoit
from New
nation* from our haihora i]UplaF of . York challet
.force. non-lBteicourM. wUfiorawa]
• our minister, reprisal and Mockade.
Ocoato. Wls.. Feb. S(.—Mrs. Rime A.
Some of these atept ho;
ly OB war, aUhougli they are regarded Sharp ^ been held for trial at the
nj-xt Urm of tbe clrcuU court’ 00 tbr
throwing iarboUe acid Into
Utrvat* that force will fotlow If repara
tion It not -made. The case of tbc Wa- Bight.
tarwiieh Is considered to be tbe moot relalloBS between btnuelf and tbr wom
oMlagous to that of the Maine, ahould an. He found she had formed such kn
eataWlahed that the Maine «Maa- ardent aaectiba for him that be anaiiy
■ 'A^aay buidnen wttb her.
tcr was not the result of actideot. The
■Up I1«
Ihereopoo ebt’
d blB Bight with
Wamwlteh was a United Butee Bblp
Mkgaged ta US ts Hirre|rlng the an. Itarbohe add.
local commercial organlaathiiis.. nalhmand the i-ariouB rmiwcir
their location and tbe 1
to be m great dem^
for reference-pur
,h.. .u.unlty.
numcruns re,„j extend-
been prepared. It embracre
about ASM b<«rd* of trade and other
commercUl societies, about i.ooe agrl
cultural B*sn;claUi
- approxlmately KKi railway
DMeeilvM Oaa*W
Washington. Feb. lA—Poor detcctIvM In plain clothed guard tbe presldeat day and night. TbU recent addi
tion was made to tbe WbIM House
guard. It M brUeved. hecaose of tha
gxcitkmrbt Into wbicb tbe country has
be«> -thrown by tbe Maine diaantcr.
21 was impoaatfale to lekra wbetber
tbSM detecUew were diww^' trom tha
queen premdlna In
Many | ——p-r:'J.
The Wagner Palace Car cxqnpai
Alcd Its annua! statetnem
-! In *
who have been rick, being present
' wTrooP-Flne. •atM wsiue. 1* tw
A trolley <»r which ran into an open I W
Jams A. )
•w licb and m-as derailed at Chicago ■
struck Mrw. Jennie Bru'ey. broke both v^apuwc .
her leg* and wrenched her back! The Dtt berOs
may die,
[ ■mryAirrgp
The wteanier Koyo. which had arrived '
at BeatUe from Aianka. brings a report ‘ro"""
that tbe British Qsg ha* been plaaled
at Bummll lake, fourteen mllrv Inside
of the American boundary Une:
day by tbe Wcatm taro ball magnateg f |,,oeefy vaaee- taeot. ratiseh. aS-*
at Canaas City waa the adoption of.
-tcrodutlona increaelng
salary «C
PiMdenl Johnson from t3.m to t&.WL • ww rl««*«u;
An <mctne oP the Wlaconslo Central
road left the raiU snddenly
asba and roll'd down an embankmeet
aboU twenty feet high. Nobody was
hurt and the engine but sUgbUy damaged.
Dr. Cbarlea R- Bames. bead profeeaor of botany at the Ualtciway of Wlsconaln. has accepted a call from the
ITnIvertity of Chicago to Ul the newly
created cheJr of
Oct. L
Tbe Kentucky bouse of repreaenutbat nn>^ perwon wbo shall manufacture. «>h eALS-rLaabro. latk aad abia
acO. loan, barter, ' give away or uro A irarorroony tawberCa. U*-il
dgarette or cigarqtte material abaS
be «»ed Id any earn not lose than m
aor more than MM. It te made a cto>
latloa of tbe law to eeea have mtek ar*
tidaa la poeaimlML
aS« Mtab.
WMd. II vfll hAT» • laagiti «r m tmt
|The Largest Oil Tank
Steamer In the World ^
ow all «b«i «» frr« br*m. Tlw Mien
«rtn derrlop uU>ui l.BW bar—puwac. utd
■bip I* rxpai’tvd to make U loMi
>ou». II wmbeUuncbedlnJuBe.
Ad tdl tank alfamer muai be built
«1Ui the BTraiwt i*r». • On o4h«r «blw
of Inn thr ilvru «hlrh pierce the bull
<T«D be Jen tf. rtut ticbl. In u Ul ehlp
e>-er>- outer ruet njuet be calked, or the
Ch«*t»r. I^..
UBk 'Mrumr Jb-U» woi^d wjll to«|Wn BUowrd
iBuaebcd h«rr nr>t Joi
lAlivvd* win build ihto »u«m«r for pump»d full «>f »
|be TniM callope of oil. In other worda. water lr»o the lank, where It club* to I
rrfTj tnp It will carr>- oH enouch to 1 the akin WTien Ibe lirwl workmab de- I
-.taK^ b<
•pt^eof <
ifftle len.
The ahli
^e Stbbdard C
jwinkt pitchtlir «Bd ebin-
•r- i In* of the oil eapanalon t Aka will h.
^ , built
oe deek. Th<
tanka wUI be S4
•^It wlU hare
•a. [
unique featurM.
, ,oeke. deep. . Thw -will oonnm
Heretofore oil unk ablpa bare been 1 with the tanka below tbraugb amall
built with all the atorace rdom forward opeoiag,. and *a tbe oil In tbe M* tanka
Md tbe fuel bollaH abd machloefr alL expaudi the kundua will be forced ni>new ablp will have tanka both for* j ward Into the deck-*" tanka. Thu*
and an. and tbe tnacblnerj’. tbe quar- tower tanka will be full ••
ter* for the men. ate., win be
'' ''
the pltchln* mad toaaln* of tb* oil
e will protect
the otl firm
r )«*k**». There wlU be a
0 deck. U Ifaere abould be a
leakace of *aa or oil. tfa* ewcape will be
ahew-n oir tbe atartace of iha water In
t weft tank on the deck. It ran b*
pnmped oul from thla aioall tank 'Without dancer. In any event, the oil
a eomipln*
eocwpln* wii
will n«i>1 prnetmte tatbrtU-' ..
r. but win rtae.
Another remarknble feature of tb*
'new- ahlp will be a fuel oil Unk four feet
deep next the bottom, exlendln* from
one end nf tbe ahlp to the other. It la
Intended to operate the ahlp with fuel
oil If poaelble. bui tf thla prove* ImiCrectlcaVle there are coal bunkera
which will hold tut ample auppty ofj
fn^ Thr experlmeni with fuel nil will ' wll! be
be watered with *reai Intetwai by mm above.
tntereetad tn tranaporutlfm. It waa
Each of the dedc tanks' will be proused amne lime a*o on a lank ateamer. vldeil with a lar*e went hatch, throuat
but nmocceaafully. The nary depart- which the «aaea fKtm the oil can e*.
ment baa been teatin* It alao-and with cape. In ealm weaihar'Uiea* Pfi-heaanWaorrem
. r wtll be ralacd.
A bulkhead mnnln* (brooch tbe ahip : Tbe tanka on tbe oil abip will be flOad
tanctiudinally w^i «rtde tb* tank } tbn>u*b Aarse toalaa laid on tb* deck
WaeeinhalL la aanh sMe af thla haJk-land below n. Tbeto win he fom open,
bead there wui be Katar- U*bi -parti. , inpa In the chief main-one forward, one
Uena. ^rrt forward and three aft, I aft and two amldahips. The ahlp heln*
which will make tbe number, of uah Imeorad at tbe oil eompanya dock, the
dirltloaa II Theao wlfMrary In depth dork tank' will he oonoecaad with tbe
with lb* ehape of the veaael. tbe awull. ; main by ike' Oasible pipe, and encinm
aat beln* S f*M < loctaeo deep. Tb*<oo the dock wlU-pump the oil into the
larreat unk will bold IRdto callona of main. Valve* openln* from tbe main
rtl-atmoet aa mueb a* tbe Imneat ad ' Into ibe unka will be controlled from
tank har*w now In aarvtce.
. 1 Use dock, and the oU ariu be tuned Into
In the handUnc of oil tbeve U creat; otw unk aner another until the abU>
dancer rrant rolatlUaattoa. An expert, to loaded. Tbw« wlU be puMln* enenc* which a workman at tb* Roach ' cine* en tbe ahlp to empty the tanka,
ahlpyard bad wrltb tbe steamer Stand- • Tbe oew ship wUl-noc be built for
aaey which' have coat the goA-ernmeat
tS.D0D.M0 to H.000.000 each.
Th* making of models of tbs
type* of vessels U*Bol ae dlfllcutt la
amns re^«cu as waa modal maUag
tbe days of cUbomtr riming. The
twisuag and strtaglng.of the little cord*
which were to represent the rap** naad
on masts aad yards was an intricate
, When the Mala* «m ordered to Ha {U,ece of work. Now tbe wood aad
vana a crowd auiTouadad the model of metal worker* have the hardest wortt to
the ahlp dar after day. studytag all tbe do on a model. There are not so many
pclats at conatructloa. examining in___
guns carried on thf new battleabtpa.
detail th* mounUng of the guas on deck ’ but they are more Intrteate In design,
aad tb* mue porthole* from which oth. and (be woodwork of (be
*r guai of brass were looking oat, ap.
parently all ready for action.
Svery gun to represepted la mlnto.
The metal ahJelda For this reason the raetrwifd^ work
model* receive fancy aalaiies. and It js
I la perfect this rather tbaa the coat of material
wpportlon. All (hs details of masts and iwhieh makes th* model so expensive.
ifglBs. of funnels aad bridge and
The models are oot made "merely f1
king tower are worked oot with re- show, although Ibey have been taki
■aikahle Odelliy. and the Une* of th* to some of the cxpeslUons lo give the
wtgtiu.1 are followed In the model with people of Inland eltla an idea of what
■athemaUcaa exactnesa
the navy really la Tb* chief use of
ta contrast
the models is to bilag Into th* eye im
awltt erntoera. th* batUeshlpa mediately all the aaUent outward leamd torpedo beats of the new navy to ture# of tbe ship, even If that ahlp to
ba girutture of the Une of bdtUcahip tf at Genoa or off the coast of Japan Tb*
Ihe Old navy, the Pennsylvania, of models have a decided educational
rfeltf a model standi
nds In BecreiaiT value whenever a new man comro to
The tbe bead of the navy department, for
nto moOBled UO guna but four guno few tf the men who ate made aecreta(iM Btodern <oasi deteasc vemel are rtes of (he na\7 are familiar with the
bidv^er hatury then all that the old stroetore tf ablpa aad tbe average arc.
seurr of the navy hae never been
Tbe model tf a veaw.1 costs a groat aboard of a naval vsasel up (o the time
■any hnadred dollar*. Some have coot erhen hF accepted oAcc.
The navy department la oaoa to Sad
new use for modato. A tank to batag
ooastructed at tba navy yard to teat
bo to dctailod ta the s
■ar apeed various form* of eonstruettoa.
« aU tbs Umo tbit th* n>* model* tn iht navy dapartmant will
I Hera, tn Ma A
" “the
I «* “>e rockp bottom of the lake.
under water, .and
Pond cave. Jt waa In a dacared
^he ansMirance of the ahlr. will not condition, abnwin* that It bad been un
der water for many year*, and waa ■ elfe. luall}- than If tbe watera at the
to the cave. Tbe aarvtcea of UK *uldan
modeled upon Ham that Indicated It aa : deep lake bad cloaed over him.
Id other
Ip will be of t
tfped form out’
The men who ahip on an oil tank
Btaatner hare a verr nnpleaabnt expert,
enc*. The fume* from the oil are dl*.
ajtreeable at all time*. Then tber mnst
ax^lae the »real
I tbe
;dll& of fire, and they a
Ited to atrtk* a matrti or
viVed raeellecflun of a totnatMa of the
locality, aome tbree-quarterr of a
tury a*u. and it la beUaved that thla
may now complete the atory of ib»
myatcrtoc* dlaappearanec of Jean VaJ.
When J
of Spain.
he apent hit 1
* In tbe AdlroDdacka. which were not as well known
then as 'they an now. It was a dream
of the Preneb refucetw to form a rreat
Mltlcmcnt at tbe fu<>t of these moimtaina but this dream was never fulBliad. and now a melancholy inurest
attacbea to tbe few hair outKcrwtcd
; traces of their early but fiilllc efforU
( Directly bsch of this plateau and sitt Dated ^land about two milea la a aeeluded cheet of water entirely sur
rounded by unusually
and Ihe fart that ths trails are In.
diatinrulehable to those not famillsr
vHlb woodcraft Indicstes thst It Is sel.
dom visUed. It to known to the cuidea
as Qraen lake. The banks oP the little
lake preaesi a atvne af deadlatlon.
Tree* have fallen from year to year»(
until the shore to a 'maat of debris
which seema Impenetrable. 41 require*
a cenaldarable siructle with thr di
wood to rearb^thv Cave of the PepulCher, as the raveni which lo<>^ down
utMD Ihe lak* la known to tbe culdes.
In from of this pecullai- cave It a lar*e
flat rock, which aSords a resUac place.
The entrance U the Cave of th*
Sepulcher leedi In ibroucta tbe adUd
rock and conelsts of a paaaaceway
aboui I fact hl*b and f feet broad, extcndlnc perhaps It feet, where It ends
In an Irrecular ahaped chamber atvracini tt
the tanka, would blow tb* ship to pleee*.
tn spite of this dancer, however, there
has been only one sertoua aeddeot to a
tank steamer, and that waa due te aa
struck the ahlp canaliic the eU to aaplod* and wrertt the veaatL~
The atOTwee unk for f«al oil provided
In Mr. BauCa desten wtu be reaaonaand
Oe» the day of the d
bly free from dancer from nchtnlnr or the ebamber
uiudeasantly damp. A . Vallois a youtt* ilH. t
any oOwr attack from without and photocrwpfalc flaetUlcbl
...............may reveal for ' one
"epeh I
will remove the objection heretofore ^a frmi tlon of ...............................
a second anoth’
colled at
raised to (be use o£j>etrolcum aa fuel j waj leadln* beyead. which has never j the blockbowst
ships of war.
-.. ____ miry waa aot srrtoasly
was debated In tbe BrtUah parliament it aa uncanny ptoev
th* home of ' frowned upon to the house of tbaprlnce.
tn im. It was claimed that (be use ol , the' hed*eho* and po >lMy la^er anid and It was aa open secret that VaUots
fuel oil would add to the dancer of at- | animals at some aeas___
had fonned aa ladiaeroet atuebmeot
Uck from an enemy, but with tb* dtl | As lit name quccesti, ibr esve has a .lu the pretty Dminutn maid.
stored heioM
wou’d ;' hlsiory.
hletory. sad
and the rtory
«ory to cloaely
cloael aad close of the Interview the ctrt'dlaap.
Mom the water line (here wou-d
be »o dvwer
------- ----...
- «ndd rtfhtully ronnectrd wi.h the U.i vi.it peardd ow a blUd tr.il wwS 7^
ttnu a
reach tt.
Jomph Bonaparte, due d* Burvell. ’the Interior ef tb* forest. Icovlnc Val-
not be saad for this purpose. Tbeyhre
too pretty and too expensive to be
risked In (he model tank. Per ekpetirnt
.. set
mployed at
the oavy yard. Two yrar* and a half
a*o the llrat of these models, elctat fact
tCopyrtcht. iMki
<Covernmeat has work under roatraet Ion*, was conetructed on th* lines of
WasUnctwn. Feb. S.—Ever alae* (hc'l there. Model "»->.in|r Is always ax* tbe'^ult of th* Indiana- It was waxed,
C. d. B. Maine was osderad to Havana | pensive work, but tbe maklac of ship and. for lark of a belter place to test It.
^ center of Interest to vlaltnrw te j models to especially Costly because It wab taken out In the Potoavac aad
1 baa been tbe set of cases | must be done by th* roost expert ms- lowed behind a aleam launch. WHea
la the .ball, of the navy departmmit [ cbaalcs and rlcirerw In a shlpbulldln* the navy yard tank to constructed the
btfldlnf contalnlac modal* of the ship* j establlshroeat. Tb* work win occupy a modela will
, ..
Beet They arc ordinary mu-' daxen men somerlme* six or seven ' and win be run by electricity from
. ctosad OB sides aad top. months. Tbs cost seem* larce. hut com. | end of the tank te tbe oiher. Tbe task
' rather ,nem.w. standlnc acalnst the ! pared with the emu of the W* ahlp It to Iwill be 400 feel Ion* by UO feet wide,
^reaas raJlInc which Jook* Into the well ; inconsiderable. Tbe U^nc coat U.M.. ; , The object of the model tank to
«f the broad
■ road sUIrway
rtalrway Not avety vea-‘#00.
‘ 000. Thera at* M
If vesAs of t'
Ihe speed of dlflerenl type* of »hlps.
The Strange Story of
La Sepulchre <Je Vallois,
^ ,r.“.hln u «C‘^a^u
Models of Warships on
Exhibition at Washington.
taia «e>rted and rerr mack abArwte
ed At the dltsner. hour he. too.
found to be abaenl.
With an unuaUBSaatorr' rrfereaee •»
dlBap:>;^rancF of Vallvla and tb*
irch »be-b waa made for bta. •
■carcb In which tbe frlenda of the sWI
aeem to have, >olBed. and tbe crM< tt
li.t pr.fnv -t ih, iMwa of bla favurll^
h him. for tbe fourtk;: the etorr of V’.ellotB ta the
The Ions lean krent alowlr'br .1
0«. apd tt I. to be complete , ,tucK In the main w hen ibe tank, uvn
ihjr the i« of.briober. lU rapadty will r«ip?i,i '■ 'u 'poV|Jd‘*wrih*TS (
S«n (.m et
of knowing the apeed of any
new type of vessel to from reports sent
to us by our naval Intelligencd offlcei*
of the experlmenu and petformance* of
foreign navies. Whenever a new model
Ooo for one of ^ vessels anthortned by
congrm. ll is aa open question what
Show.________ _
year* 11
the practice of the department
Urgely t
tractor* to build
large premhim* have been offered for
*v*f7 knot or for every fraction tf
knot above a certain mlnioram a.
(alaad by the ship en her trial DiMler
this lystam (ht PpUadelphto. 8aa rraa.
cisco aad Maasaefauastu earned tioo.ooo
each for their hulldera. the Marblehead
tltt.ee0. the Detroit IIW.OOO. the Oregon
9171,000. the New Tortt and Montgomery
9MDAO0 each, the Olympia dSOO.OOr, the
Columbia and Brooklyn RW.OOd each,
and the Mlaaeapolto MH.MO.
With the splendid winning tf the lOaapolto tthe apeed^ premium poller was
by the department. Betor*
that ttpie.
le. however, tbe question of
butldlni a:
' rat tank bad beea
a demongtrated
Clyde, which has bad one Ur operaUoa
for more than IS year*. This Ann
claims to have saved many thousands
tf doUat* by apeertalnlng thfough expertment In the tank th* best form of
ship of a certain displacement to at
tain a certain speed. Tbe BiiUsh ad<
mirally hks had a tank for experintenta
at Haalar for many yearw. and three or
four of Its sUlltf officials ar* oo duty
there eonstantly. n>e late WtUlam
Froude wrote many valoaMe ectenllfte
rvporta on -the rctfstance of ablpa.".
based on experlmanU tn ths admiralty
Tbe navy aepartmeat's tank wtu coat
910*.000. and aside from Its srtenuac
value It win be aa interaaUtf abow tar
' "on whaosam M WaablagtaM.
one corner was found a quantity tf
>»a«a. wilHh the surveyor laatoud wma
those of a^nman beln*. C
’u tbe cai^ a dtocuaaloss a
was determined to make a
. ...
•/UCh Inveatlcatlen.
A -second expedition Into lb* eaVe »a«
to flndlnr a sudlclent number of tho
tcaltarvd bone* to Indicate that ttaap
were those of a man and a woman. Jurt
before leavine tbe cave thr euld* pleka«
up a tarnlataed coin. One sMe of th»
' coin wa« burnlebed. and It proved ta ho
a S|>anleh cold coin with (be eIBcy tf
doaeph Bonaparte. It hM freqoanUr
been IdeniifM as one of tbe eolu
k- to his friends as t
B. .S41U II w sauaiauy awu
untala tttk that It om a
e by the unfortanat* serretary.
Valkds aad bis sweeihsart TTa~i '
*d lb* oav* If. as to «aaafoltr baBeeoC <
they Indeed pmtahed there, baa batf heretofore a sealed chapter In the kkK •
(ory. Th* t
were carcfolly eoliacW
ad aad bun
burled on the bank ahoec the
oava, and a marked tree Indicates tho '
spot- "Ls Bepwlchre" hss Cleen up tto
dsad. aad at last the emten of tb* tofer '
haw* reveaW how the lover* rdaebad '
thslp plaea af retreat, aad hew. haela« •
lost their boat, they wet*...............
genuine reform, tn which men hav*
nemed (heir ucras and aft<rward bo> i
come good, valuable duscn*. Uoro
than that. I have helped hundrsds at
them. perwoneJIy. with amall sums tf .
mortsy. aad never, excepting In one la- *
Btaace. haw* they tailed to pay ll batfr
they became abledo do so. 1 doa"(
tCopyrlehl. UM.)
I iibed. The only form of puntohmeet mean, of course. UlhgAll of (hem stlek ‘
It. Feb. a.—The pealtentlai. that we us* to eoaflacmcnl In the dvk
their good remluQon* even wfaM ■
of lOew Tork county, ettuated on Black- • —— bread aad water fare, and thla to
a good *tart. but tadny tf thsm
weir* island, in th* East river, to one of
r coutlDued Bsore than (l^urs. do."
the latvcst. if not the latrest. prison of fur fear of aogM aecldsot which might
“What epporumlty for arm
It* (Trade In Ihe weelern bemtophere.
have they In priaenr' .
In somr reepecU II differs from lb*
"As a matter of fact" he eontlnaaC
"None beyoto roadlag. Many tf them
other*, thoush the dllTereerM are leas
canaot read.
ikliw than might be imagined.
threatened by a prisoner In aU my ex- them, prison life consists tf aothta«
Carden Louis Dwight Pltobiii. .
Ipertenro. though J waa bora in tbe huralgU hour*- wdrk. three meals aa«
l>een in charge of It for a dosen yeeua. ; Weibertfleld prison in ConaecUevt and stoop, excepting that they may attend
have been connected with prison man- service la the chapel It they cboms. M
by numerous New Torker* aad that ru agement all my Ufc. It Is likely to Is not compulsory, but there are regutor
mor tv>s marked him as one who to hsppen at any time to any'prison offi“
and Jew.
likely to lose his officlal^ead under tb* clal. bowetvr, for-there are many con- 1 ish. A prtaoaer may
attend t
swinging of tbe Tammany ax arrears ; ticta w ho ar* Itahle to go inaane and ' be must declare his choice, sad then hs
trouble him not a whit. Beeiog that , break ont rlolenUy without a momeafs to not allowed to atteod any other aervhe has been lo Che prison service of notlce."
New- Tork stale for just half a century,
The menUon tf Mr. rasborr’e birth
to BO active, youthful men of tt. wecalled (be fart (bat hi* gn '
ferns unlikely that be will suffer
perwooal Inftuaaes M
grievously under any change of admln* prison
~ '
In this prison
ling in the office of Ibe penlten- ersfleld prtoon and removed the pria-■ nene la now received whme senK-v.
. 1 asked Mm wbst the dietini live oners from Simsbury, which was called | to longer than one year, and many an
feature* ofjhe faminis old i-ris-n were, ronnrctlcut a old Newgate. He was sue. < senlenrod for only 10. «0 or M day*.
but he sermeJ
a l<us.i» irl,. . -n ts rrr^ra by his son Amos, who Jaler built There are UOt here Bow. and 1 cwnaoc
much like all .dher lulsonr. ' he said, the Albany penitentiary and was su- personally get acquslnlrd with them,
as he talked ,.i»nr. fluently and pertnlendent of that fill he was euc. Th* keeper* do to some extent, sad
eaally, be mrnU«ned M>me dtollnrtlvc ceeded by hi* eon. who saeved there and there are O'* reguUr roWlonarlea.NWha
at thr KImln rt-rormalory and aa eu- , do «-hst they can. but It all amoonuko
la more that? self supporrlirx. If the IKrtntendent of Kale prlsene until be j very llltle."'
produi'llve labor, beth skilled and un- took his present position on BtarkWell's . "Thro Blackweir* Island offer* ns
skilled, be re^k’Dvd.at half what it island. 1'ndcr Ms management (he sya. real solution to the old quesOoo—bow (a
would bring In the market. Tbrre are
the great prison has
quarries of excel|.-nt liullding stone on nearly perfect as arlusJ rondlllons rm .ment to the convletrtbe Island, aed the cuhyirts.quarry and be made to conform to IHeal tbeoriea.
TTmt.** said the warden."' to juM ag
cut all the stone, needed for the Im
"What duty or retp«na|bmty does tba grrut a pussle aa It always has beaa.
provements and addlltons constantly community assume with reference to a Perhaps It always will be." ^
being made to t
• imvtcP beyond keeping him In good
Ingi there. Tite
................... lie 1* In eenfinementr*
to a handsome stone building, erected,
flnlsbed and eveir painted by. convict
General Forrest's Herenm.
-'None.'' was the rather startling anlabor, and a large wing to being added sw-er. "And It to hard to aee just what
After Cenrrml Forrest's raid lata
ta th* prison ilaeU tn th* aame way.
can be done. The great dlffirutty to lu lempht* large Kories were toM ahetf
ih^s. clothing, brusbe*. brooms^ Iron knowing w bat to do for tl^ when they
to heroism and tho marvelous dolngi
Ing arr uv:
,.i at ibe prison shop*.
best iiiustr^m. tf tha
Rem^kable Facts About
Blackwell's Island Prison.
bla. ksmithi
cabinet work
public Institutions of ths eouniy.
It to a remarkably boaliby prison,
.he vntilauoa and dialhag* are ao
oearty -perfect t*|At the “priaoo smell"
----- aroKy peroeptfUa. Nlaa.taoths of
jirrtonera laeteaae tn welcm before
they ar* Kx moatha la th* place, aad
tbe mertallty to very lew.
It Is an orderly prisea. -W# have
wry little trouble." aald tb* wardea
Though there an always a tow idfmotocy oae* Umt hav* u bo pun.
vld* a rrtug* -for tbam. where they
could be helped while they are trytiM w
get a fresh start In Ufe. hut tbe objac.
UOM to that srv parfecUr obvious. It
would be highly tmdealrmUe to gather
ex<onvlr(s-together aad detrimaatal to
Ihe very one* who are trying tb* hardart to make tbalr way hon*«tty. baeava*
Udng that oparataa agalart
It frequently and aertoualy la
' as ex-«o«vtcta."
"Then yoq beilev* that tbtf de roarm?"
adralrattoa iaoplred by tb* sonardl
came frotp a negro soldier who riatmed
to have seen him aa be rode up ta boat
of the Gayoeo beui. He begaa taBtas
his corapanioa* bow Femat ioofead and
finally camt to the appaaraao* tf hto
T was a.etaa'ta right la dl* aDay
wbea 1 Bsao him noma
aald hw
«B* rid hto boas right -ap te de bm
trt. aa-rra (elUa you de trtf.-h* Mtch.
ad hto bom right to de aaesnd atory
baa'stara. I aaad him. Itaturoulaatf
THE kobhiHo hboobu^tthoat, nsEVABT er. i«es.
Mr •( tk* KM
CkM rrtm
. —■“
n* o«mm» om u th« wmm Am am
*>«•!• ■■PU. citr.
)Td. ia "OeahirUi
raqoUMw of » n
r. & DeU«itai«b wrlM of "Tb«
Qntok Rotm^ Id 8l' KlcbcJaA bit
_ . tbe
tor tbe fin departotoL Mr.
baoRb Awa:
Tbe -rjaickeat borara is tbe world were
------in KaiuBii City at tbe beadt,uartcri.af iu
• fire
- dcp
naaer tbaoffloa of tbe .
kixnrMintotbeOHtt. TfaMdutrbaol
1 tiy gir\t,K • tootort, or pm of I
a kmtm. at
the oprolnR or ctmlnfof
of ao''
™ poni«ic<»tnfo oMow 1» ^fl«4
halKe. Od th. «mtr«7. ifait dotj U tar by
prcoHartdea at pottfr*. mreh
blftber and mora lui|«rtaDt. and ti.be- or atiichea Uiat balonn tu crnain localtbooTtm tbe maaMr to be prepared to per- iHaA
I HoA Md
«Dd U la mained
maitwd aw
",r formlt.byaoqualnllDirtbabretbreDwItb
form M. by aequalnUoBthabretbreo with lonlitte
loalitiaa taTo
bare looR
looft oeaa^
oeaae to
tbafr dlftipettre fafarioatl
laoea that bear Its
nfaettm baTinit loDR alnae beap^na.
Hale is the .ioveotor of tbe carliaat
femd to Ypw, BelyloHi. wbila tbe ■<rioRioR bameaai wbiob made tbe
laeca are all made at BayeoA quick burae posdbla Wbeb Mr. Haniy
Tba ediet at tbe imod maatre of Kew
"Tbe finest French laoe« are .made in M. Sunlry and hit wife were in tfaia
Terk.aemrtsc fratersid relattoni with tbe
*nnd lad«e qf Paru^mcita wttb geiieml
coontry, they wltneatod an ezbifaitins
wbicfa «ru tbe first
apfaoval by tbe ctmft.7 j
II of
” pillow 1... I
■ Tbe^pand maatre of Itoatb Cbrelins
tnlfd that upon a charter belna iaaued to
^ppKooni dll
aladRc uDdc-rdlf^mtionlbaihlde broCb- inim. ly tbe Urgeet audlAst prodooer of
«*a naimd tbereln ai tnaater add wardeoa black lacca. Her obantilly U par-weabMome Ipao facto lueuibm of Ibe ttew ccllencu tbe fiiusat ercr Diada <Stdb it bcooRbt an inyuaticMi. to Mr. Hale to
krdee aiwi deiuittod from tbetr ot-l«tDaI .alto a oentrr fur black lkc«A Kormandy fiaitHDRUnd as tbe n^^eaeoutive of
Ibe American fire aerrioe at the internatodr*.
.prndoo« Rood black and white bJouda tiuual fire louruament. Mr. Halo and
AU tbe Maaoeir tadtea la Ibe DlMrtct of
Columbia a»trorLln« bard to make a
Miroremarkably oniok
irmt siMTcnB of tbe llM<ole tatrtoba
bald at Uaablliami tx-xt A|VtL
quickest bamreaOne of the dlotJnire.Uhloa tetunaef BrnmU furn«ab« m--t ofjbe Belpao ^
iuR time of tbe Ijondon Ore brtRade is 1
minute 17^ ncuDds and tbe Kanaaa
tbuuM be.s'TrtcdmeaiKi blsfaly tMpBCted qoaniine*. Tbe old laoea for »bicb ; cjtr h<m«i were bamiwwd in !».' sec-'
rlaftor to a ludRo
«»»d-rt were race ,
Ihmatloo day at tba l*>
>U Ua- ao «-lel«t^ are no lm*rr tbe mode^; a\,**tbanH a^da. Ibero could be no
rnof a though rtill mneb in*d by creiLou-,
itanaat City fonr fine
nurt Tbiiitalaotroe of mallBWi. Of,
h«™e*M i,. .h. Ln«b .~t
Chaptcfii of Ibe Eaatorn Fiar m now | meeblis. lace and ealeucUwosA t^b
truck almuat at quickly at m
tert in Ma^k ^ wi.hthe.ptootal of - tbe W 1. returnltlR lotarcu. Bn^ea ;
Dab could jomp Into ibeir barIte KmndloditeorObla
) makto arooitd marfi valmriennc*. not SO ;
It waa a bretiy sight to metbare
A ivand kx^ wbkb baa tits rttusl | bruptiful at tbe hne-oRe groend, sod
apriug to tbeir
tta} tendsd lowwrd Its ai
the repid srowUl o< Babekah lodfre and
Jbeb mambcreblp.
Tte frlmdi of tba work drnU muhipty.
bat tbe drone towltboat toreamonsblt
Tbesrendiodse of tba Oetmtb «d»jdre
*lp of 4.SN. and 14 eeoampmMtm, with a
reMbM^lp of Sto. Our jOerman bretbna apptrotata Ibe edean reset of 4be order.
BMpBbdad brtntawB. eooM back. This it
Bare yoo been to tbe 10d«e tbte ynrl
TbemiretoDof Odd Fellow todses Is not
toRSlD nicM by tbe elaoUoa at rertato
. preeoua at oflbam. but to flU tbe ofilMa
wHbeertalD membem tosaln
Wbeoeyer an otBrer or as««>t of tbe
cretid lodfc U dtspored to carer up bU aottaaa or go beyond tbe limit of bla a
t^tbe itreehateoBswlMabltrealt
AoaldbemUMl fur.
A membm'a ditto
atllb bU InKta-
«hW la Itto Jabllae Ttor mi tWOMar.
Atau tba Troll.
eoed^wiib tfaeapMal proelaiDatbe great iDcuboDiv of tt^ I'uitrd
CMatto. Rohm T. nanlH of OcorRia. tbe
BCtont year la a Jobilee ymr with tlio ta
sted Order of K.^ra »>rerlnR Torlom
aaerratlonaaod uranKObaerved aaaueb.
Tbe |•ruclamaUot1 wa< firtoadranecriat tbe
tofeilDR of tbr Rttsi uuuncll of (hr I'nlled
Btatto laat Auguii and l•'lalmdrd t<> oomreemorna: tbr acmUaintrnDtal of tbr Ked
Mcn'a brgaDlaatloO. Tbe Tarumt Irlbra
tbrooRlxiul tbe country areUklqR admn
tMc of the jubltcn pro^matlon to (mwil.r
tnenaae tbrlr meniberahlp. athl aumeof
ranla. If not the UrRtat. U tbr
•ape of Urrmaatnwn. which boa about
1.0W memtiera and tbe mm of Sri.444 In
Brutbeik. yon wbo bare been Mwpendtd
tar nonpaymeot uf dOm. eoiuo back while
yoo haro an opportunity.
Tba RTMt mcbcffi of Indians baa ruled
tbatgiounc baas.right tooommanlcau«8w U. P. W. outside dr the wlswau of a
fcoown to iw tn good sMndiDR or to menibeeeof otbrrtrib.a<inlyi>n prraematlon of
- mBelal utdacs for tbe lAtowurd.
• w..... ...t
you for spring wear is the question-of
IX jlT|| D C
patterns you will use. First from
itH I WIlC the btundpoint of aceuracy and etonomy
of wa/rr/rt/~then from the standpoint of
and proHressivnitss—wA fastly from the stand point of low price,
do wc honestly recommend
The Pattern of Fullest Satisfaction
(Tb« Pviriixo'q'Vwc-aiot.i
m\jm praa A...CU uj
fp the fullest sense, to prove satisfying to you.
pattern.'/4W cents.
Dally (Pilp.1 Ketrs met roper.
The dally output of news print pupre
In tlie Culud tftatMi is about I.SOO to
l.SOO Iona Tbe prodnetiou of newt
{nut is larger Ibau toy other grade.
That of bisik popre Is pnilsthlr m n
•a l.iwo Iona and of writing 4&0
katatol UospUlsa.
" Wbal makea you think tbit mu u
ImptBtor wbmi be aaya ba ia fraol BoaIon?"
"Tba i»a that badtMut edaimto
Uea in tba Baedifiay di«iM.'***<;btcigu Hire.
A line of Ladles’Dress Skills
Came in Friday. We’ve
ever lead the skirt trade of
this cityi yet never before
ha\'c we been able lo place
befc^ you as good.a line of skirts as we now show.
I'hey are the best filters we have ever shown—the ma
terials are choice—and the ‘styles and patterns very
pretty; Should veiy much like your examination of
■ AMiy do wc call your atAbnlll tentkm to our stock
of Wash Goods for spring and
summer wear. Already more
than a half dozen patterns
are sold outI'olks find
out that now is a good time to
make up summef,^dresses. Our coRhttion-of choice
Cambrics, Percies. Organdies, Dimines. -Cinghams,
etc., is well worthy of ymir attentio.n. Iff will afford us
pleasure to be allowed to show them to you. Prices
• The best good store is
xitH-iug uddwiuBiict.in*. Tbeinflo-:
• ■tandlDR yoke
«ii-..of ibi.
mid a reiir
retired poliraman tba
ibi. lirel
UKk of ai-rion* eoo;f«lka" told
oomir iji.pret
«kre tbty. "‘bat aim
almoat M aim ai •
i.pret wbub t-rre readied tbe ! «bre
.1* uf tba l.mill»b reading |.oto-, «*ew nan U put. on tbe
tb fmn and gore
tidi. r ,-ti\li
litto U- •ligbifd. it i« a mattre t
«“ P**"*' *‘"'7 ^ RcU fat. Ytm
ibnt »urh a book j “erer yatrewapicn r at a pnliremon
slimii.l huvf i:-;K'bC(t B I in-ulation of far bat that Ilf bod u jnutK-b on bim war*
opviant ..f U'O.OOfi luj ir* Upon-tbe tby of ao old cooDCxy Uenuan.
?‘But it In't onrpuicnee that ferere
pnr-i.ti of llw rerly {.iiJuUrity of bi»
Uiijl; l.ioryUiiotsc Uirew the weii^t of polloemaa to boy bigger waiatad troneen
taliiiDAut ptHauunliiy, aod bi« groat and ooau a* they grow older. It'a a de
thai’i riRfat — a defonoiiy.
gi(i, tu. uTuiur auo dt bnue ai-cored bii
(uUuitoca aud-wick-lvadvi-TtiaHl fail doc When B man li on bii feet anywhere
kriuiiat a tiwu panicularly farorable from 18 to 20 bonre ont of tbe >4. be
to tbur reoiqtliub.—FurtnigtaUy B»- Into mttlea down on bimmlt Ha pnta
all bii weight 1 bU bipa.
"Ibia tbrowa out hl» i ‘
I dmwi bU I ,oald. I i*ok. making
A vwyexpreaaire pbnwa waa erolred look bellow tacked. .
by a acbool board inopvcaar at Bontb- bim. Hli feat and ankleo, Wbtdi get
work potioe oonrt. A womao wbooe aore. rbt-nmatie aad^all out of abape on
obild bad been tstnim An attoodiog arconot of bu ranatant walking, ore ■oAmuI Bdliiitttd that nn a {Ferintu oo- lievod wbi
wbtm ta nati
roati bii bipa
bipa. Joat try A
onalon ube bud told a lie to oaxe fcer it and1 aee how cniy and reatfnl tta \
boatiand. wbrn-npem tbo inxpeHnr re babit ia
la Bat you'll gM an aiwaalnf V
marked that -ibeae motbef* wbo keep •trail' lb a ebon tima
tbeir ofaildren fTom Tlirlrrlnair In w
"A polioemon'a feet alwaya beoma
dar to eacapa finre "Bad Uka gaasaa- laiga 1 wore a Ha 7 atae wbi 1
latB."^H<Areand qaarlea
on tbe ftwea 80 yean ago. Now
and tta width
1 bare to wear a Ka 10. am
A Brel MreA.
—wait 1 gBMi tbey dl't 1lefttr ttaan
"ilo yon know a good tonie for oerr- op to my width. And
,nd it'a
aaapenont, Sinipkinir'
G« tba walking.
"Ho. What I waoi to find b a tonio
Tea all mi wbe bare paWoUad to
tapaopb who bare to lire with tbrn." two or ttarea ytare an 'fat' and nr tba
—Boaion Tnrelw.
mmattmanoifaa"—Haw Fort Ban.
Carpet ADd
Is still going on. Tbe one
week that this sale has
been in progress, has thiikfied our cloak stock m a
wonderful minner. Still, if^ou come at once, we be
lieve we can satisfy you in styles and fit,, and just onehalf Price takes them. Every garment included—
ladies', misses* and children’s— all this season’s manufailure. Again we suggest—come at once.
. CUpa FMto tba WarkabM.
Ibr Mudret, IV.-sl.nen of Amerh-a go ;
h_|s better to sBTor your .
•ban to remain a menttwr and
laqntrcia that you are a Maoeabee tmt
that you "don't lust Ilka their plan or way
af doing bosliMm."
Commanders ^ CantscanMlbetoeearefnllb pro^y tosUng strangna wbo apply
ler adm linn
Do not pannU any aaeaeBal -filing to
^low yoo to forget that yoo bare a com
mon iDtmwt with yoor brotber Hir Knight.
wbMbar be rreldat In OonnacUeut. Danado
«r (MUforuia. AD are membn ck (ho
Mmaordm. and Iba order Uoa^tooi
w MMh M U fiom to lbs otb*.
Tba Jarladknioai of South UskoU reJoicto in tbe fact that bat algbt aeasM
ynanU went required to nwait IM dtotb snbjecC Tbe lecturer ■
tbe rZ^ "aT^to'^'^
IcMrafor Ihayiwr.aiid aaa thank efftolng
a state in wbiob tbe ideas entrul- tea purOea. Both were adifiafa and qnara. H. W tlndlb has taord arirruUr reIbe body, and produood morbid relaomA We stay jfldge. ibcrefoca, tbat*
queatlng twob lodgs to cootributo an
antaunt equal toU-uenu for each >if Its ebuogca in its fnnotiom. li aUowed to Sehopenbaoer took bis nutiona of toetDea partly fren bis wotber. It rom withuenibere. to teem a fund la aid of any
needy workman's family ia tbe auto.
Old' Kentnck ta kaeplng up tu tvuoid
this really tofrible diamm were in 99 »«t in tbe eatreme, yet not witbool
cama oat of 100 sown and watered dor- i •<»>>« aapecks <d tmtb.
n of Sk LouU touna Ing tbe perlodcf edoesAhreand traiaing I Tbe nrw woman would rare at tbla
her preMiaiooa. and yet it
d and taato drUkd of RirU at and after a criutal period of I
teana tn vzlatcocw.
Ute. 8«sb cares were man- fre.|ucnt i «‘«ld do her good to read what SchnIjook oTvr ^ur haJpe and mot up tbe alBae tbe inwmlortitre of the sri.t«u of penhanm baa toeay wi;h aa mneb calmfaithful onto, that they may '
higher ednoatum uf women, for the ad-1 »«* aa she can cammaod. Woman U
ed to Um- laat JiareU uf tbe «
rtoatee uf .tbit toadc the griwt raiotske here depicted at emphatically "a ItwM
The Kryatonr Workman Rum to areiy
no nal dif. man"—todetd ao far below man aa to
member in Ihr I'ennaylvanU Jarladktloa
Iieiwtiea giilr'and bnyi between pe fit only for tbe rule of the old faabat the rstwnau of tbr greod lodgr
HeDealiooed toned German baarfren.—self Cultora.
thi- aRi«■ of 14 and 81.
Vouna man, makr wme ptuvisl.m'for tbe freqnrat <iurtfm-nce of canre of
yoor wife and fainlty aaalnat aioknen. and
-TUm to atep.
dyarb. If m.V tnarrad. rbow your loie and auauna and bn akdowu amnuR Rirla and
Amtoig Ibe brat storiee leuwiled by a
rtopret for llw facbto and motfato. who aiirihuttd tbia to
and Ibe lack ot bealtby eawetee.
I we» known aiiRler it one ahuot a Sooteared fur you Ha your chUdbood daya
Crmeant lodge. No tl.U orll.. waatn- • He adviKwMd goU. crcling. Uwn tea-1 tlMi laird wbo was reo day reiating to
ailiutrd at IktroU April A imw lu Bia and other gamw as a igereailr.- and : hie Mends at tbe dinui-r cable tbe story
onrrectiTc and inairted spun tbe uecto-1 Of a floe flib h- bad cauRht "Diaiald.''.^
oitonlwtobip now nutnbera nearly aoo
sily te regular mdnlpenoe in jdiTincal - aatd be to the eerrabi Iwbiud bis chair
eserctae. It wua not work whtcb hort, I —aoold roan, but abrwwrrant—"how
but ftenerrereooe in work afire nature bt»»T x*»» tbe Osb I took yreterday?"
- --- OUC iMT dsuRrr sigUala in tbe
Donald neither spoke nor mored. Tbe
e CoAertytaf FHeMsIc mi tbr -OtAre. j bad
led Mto,atj.f1
nntotinn. ‘-‘Weei,
repeated Cito
aware Thrdrea.
| abape <d conrtant iaau^le. iom U ap- laird
Pythlaiilsra ta not •.frm-Uonal buianlP«-"te and imgulariiy of. functl.iua replied Donald, "it wm IwbT pond at
irthlrfundsRienlal I Krrrt.nsBXbaaation nmetimto .swurtod break&M it had gotten to aebteen al
ler Boie and
tonib could uUtaln. a loug stride toward I as a result of exceaaire physical exur- dinner
intornal Malum would bemada. Tosuo- cire. and amooR middle agnliadlea aa a wbs^-ye aat down
emMully plaoa boforc the mind of rtery
■It of wirryV Tbe remedy
ledy in
I tbe lat- i captain." Tb«. afwr a punse. be addiiMHuber of the unlur tbe fact that no mat
wastoiireeiaaierandaecordlDg|cd"rre been'talftn leoaa'myMfe to
ter. bow iwrf.Tt he Is « llhlu Mnua-lf be U
int was alto met j pl« thii tbootera. but I'll bedashed it
not In and of blmsclf a»n>|ile(e. but It etrr to rule. The i eplaii
.. children
Idren and was In tbim l'»> gulDR to trll leea noo in my old age
a part of a gn-at and iui]>urtaat uraaniM- with in .young
to plaoae tbe foaboa."
generally doe
tlon. It an aulit.iciuunt wortby of tbe bast
of "Ibe ru»-l,
\V L. DouaUto
mental facultiaa or
TA* Left VtM.
Omaha U toha.eaPytblan burial pUs» anduagRiug.
"la tbrra any purtlon of tbe fowl you
It will be'a part of Kurest LbWB>
ynfer. majmf'aaked tba boatem blandAa BsUtoOta 'mi Hwmrf OTbr Obiu brigade will turn out atrnager
Henry Ueorgo bad all the pnpular
at itidlsnapolls than at aoy previous eorifti. of tbe American orator and ynur-f *^'"The left wing, if yoS pleaaa."
with aomethlDR more. Slucurity ■ "The left wing?"
No ntorn Important oommlUto tenm a
Into the new year « Ufa all lo
t and •
With ababq^uf fiino.dou i
Three are now S.Stsi caiupa in tbe ordrr
Tbn socMy e-tu-nd tbe new year with
abowlug made siDre oragiilatloa smong tbe fraUtnal .irdira, iv uie muir
<SB shown, a* a itiembcruf tbs Oeorgis
l(«lslMnni. In ahaplng l>«t*UUan fortbvlr
Tlieaffalra-of tbe order ibrengbodt are
iB'azneUoDt ooadltloD, and’thc oonttouMl'
•eed results show tbe wlMom arelprecwglmo In tbr (irenlcr .NW Vork oue
Dnl brnth<-r of our *U|>ren)c cnunrll
ne-exedutire oumnilltc* of t^ ordrr Id
os able to DU ibt re
fix U)uU has adopted prootlod plans
plana lor ,I ------------quln-mrnu >J is.tniiilml.mre for d^rt-.
.. - . i ment of. i
Arthur C. 8alaM0«r
giTiDK employtuont to tbe.tbaaimloyed
membsis of ibs order and also^ od- Brooklyn
to tbol ofUos.
groartb ri
all .1...
aiuog u.
Ilka !
----------------I.d .„n,U,
Bupreme Marbtal Oartd Eaoden oAKan | ]» «* nolo tbe iiaymcDt of IBO otden cm
Antonio. Tax., has premntad 8u|nnie { droremd btbthrre of «45f>.?in Wiand fUT.Aadstoot Councilor Ptaber wiUs a breu- «;t of -doleyed cUlms. |■ree(lcaI)y kbuO.tWO
" -------- 4 tba uronemontblothefamilMaof broUMTs
i G.nf.Pip..pdP„,TTVort 8bo«.
f Style. Wear and Price Guarentned.
tbe MntberlacdA wbicB awolutj for
|,nt Dan. with a new mate,
is—Trass Freamama. tbeir surly proficiency in taoSinftkliw. ; .ii]| j„ rervioe, and a< quick as stw.
Oeurge E. Kimball of FMtufiald. Me., en
MtoelleDce. The Celgiati and P«bcb t «ngli« hfirSi - tbe thfowiofi of Waw
join tbe unique dliUnctloD of bring
l^«l^fln«t.iDpoiDtof iaW.-a-i^jh,
tiou. B tbs World. Pana u to a large oonireny. jla tbu
the horato
exb*t all emporium for Brlgian Uc«l I
» run ^ iTt
ledge, f
yooiKif. and thee you t
tweet It It to be mn
BOTelneiauddi^tre ^de^a. kt^ ;
Profanity U mure an 1
ill Aul ’
I mlnotoWj;
eiee. more a mart of bad hn-edlng than c
deprarity: the Idle use, of aaered Damt
tbe palm | ““
--------- :---------------doM nut add faree to wulb. nor empbari fgr blat* lacsA while BelRium may ['
behsMabaarr aa wawno.
claim it for tbe eaparona finmeasuf bv j Bobopetibauer'i motbet. JoafiDa, wet
puinta. nothing equaling in etticfealdel- u atugnlar woman, with wbom be was
Icucy b« faisoua pnlntde gaae."
) pcrpstually at wur. SliewMUrcly.be
I WM rH& She wm a MtimeaiAUst. be ,
Stoth Dakato to Faeto a Ballaf FuM.
' datestod aenliment. Hbe was derotod to !
lodge than whorls known oa tbelpemU .
Tbe byUwa pn>hll>lt the adopUnn of on
appikam Iwfore tbr srrlral uf tbenrttfl-{
bl* tbouffbu npon tbe fuTRC of .
a and It 1)10*1 nerrr be done. Nuooe i-^
experieuca and abowed tbcni hot truui
. authority to walto tbU-pcoTtalon
the batumsr. rude and unHuisbed id
^ byUws
.... .................
form For this trey ivuhiu "PruRtma
Tbe bend onasul bas ruled that erery •,
K-*mi --.......aud Potrrty." a sitouljUiu! block to re
saq>p must ounfre at lre« the bcncflclarr
dun-nn upon ell epplleauia for edoptlon
i Though there snant to U> a gain month- ^lusible pnhUclaus. to iIh- eoauomio
......Uae of Uilies'Fine Sims
inlAce and Botton.V«rtiD«Top». Ssme io
MW. in He.) and Spring H.S. Si«« in
Hrol for ladies who wear small, sixes 1.1|
and 2. Tkn or Black..............‘....................... .
213 Front St.
Baltimore Stock Saeclred Three Tlmca a Wmak.
CounU. fiOc per quart.
Stmndnrda, 30c per qi
■SS«FlBtthjr's 0|Tster Otpot and Restaarait. .
‘J£ j
“Tell Me One Thing. Tell Me Trair.
Tell Me Wh; Ton Score Me Sof
*IV8 because
did not use seme of
that new Stationeiy that Hollers reoetveA It is strictly up-to-date.
Then we have some new sealing wax
and seals. Get some'at once.
220 FroDt SkrMt.
*m MOMflKO a»OOHl). 8XIHDA\, rttBUAZT 87, tSM.
taif iMl ehwn to mteUlA hiamU ta ’ Bniian fosad hlwrtf in i
plaamme," lapBad Bmian. “Onaathta
life, b* BMd axpect no fortfatr bolp or > fire Urge raoBia,' with wic
jaod In I
And they went togather Into the aeeBUtiMo lUtmcd nneufly, asd with a' alio. Be.<waa to pa; at the andeM rata
teep naied rfcret ohriaaa apon Ma of £8 in the half year f« Ut* lot. BU- cBd cd the ifoBtgomery atnrt gtoraCa.
downoanfeoe. ItwupitlfBl. bethcncbt '.Ua ooonird down hU flnt qnaticr’a It wa* nearly m hare of famitore m the
priTatel;, to ne ao digniflcd and a«-< amt and waatpoi tootdtrahnaa plat*. Arm. There ww BO Bce« than a 'tatoa.
bottles aad
^eetatdeananaahUfatbfrtbBBlcvtiicilhiarMthltd 80 abillissa. had he bad
while roond the men. arranged ao ae to
^Ool<<hl».K. 8oBmta.M,««C
stake the sKMt of thenaelvca, aioed BUh aaid acnewbat ragoely:
P*l°^ ”■»
be o\tr so that be might get back
'‘Oanenltatlcai free. Every morning
And she secured them at Very -Low Prices, because
- ....................tbc ken
F. A. EARL displayed a large Hue of Elegant
Thii Billian<
When BHliam a lather bad at
atand tUl be knew ezactly wben be
Goods iu all kinds oftbe tail of hit drvm coat. ^
anlty. 1
1 ahall need it
** addnming’'
t di^
fal laeacnt «v^nct aud bnparaUeltd fotniT career, and when b<- bad ooacloded
bested it. It did very wril. being
Look ovav tke Largam »
with a vivid piettire of Lilliam'a olti- Used with ailk.
Too are a donerr queried Mavie-'
Biate fatciVbirh wa^ obrionaly not (o
billiam dooble bolted tbe pUte
to llw doer, for be onderelood the waya iter.
imtgmeiy «iv<e^ and mt down to
■tsdy. ih(
vite *ogg>-«ttaoe fnan the-mlpriL h
>h of Herr Dr. Pim. mid Billiam qniolfly. "bnl I give them
ngzrarmoxr bxoox.
' -penple-a
baud withknything they faring
e-tr' cUd Billiam to (unrer. )
pemtuck of Vienna npoo
that he e-tr*
dnd. be held it abuoat
iuanll fqrose Billiam had tbrye chain to aia«.'with ■
Of bit i-hil.',-.>u tv athmpi to answer one -twoftW backed ebairt te elimm and
ha mo
an caty chair, which in time of need
««t, »r:
«^oaliCi*tion? eaid Billiara. a lit“W'bui bavb yon to K.y to that,
air? tonMU-leamd op agaimrt tbe waU. It:
What ctiTiM- hav.- von lo Iraki'? Aiirwer : wnt a d<vk chair and cm Sa 1IM. at'‘*M*rpl«.d. "Wen._I ve.^-ti lau-fa.
Sih-nre. eir. I wiU not la cUap ml.--d fsnjitut.- in Nicbolao
l.g-amltbiuimailw.yltfe.” ,
ot. wr,;
littni t.. a atiigle vwid. Voo n.av wvll | etrveL BiUum fell that be toi^t go
antly, "tfaie i«nv betlerlhananeqalv
autid ^tadud a^ ailtvil. Have I that lengthIn lotnry.
ratiun. 1 b.-ord }\ia «ith my uwn ran
brought a m inti> (be wtrld for il
Billiam had u
manjrho wmt
kept ytn. give* yoo an tspmdve tdo'- niwre than thit. He had a wooden bed
catitm cailv
mlv fir tbit?"
»hld. b. h«l 1«M|H l.tb,OOT.t.
8o Billiam kept nlcDce and thought i„j.i.nim,i.«.,u«Ti«i«pib.Fi..>;>»‘n-'-‘««.,
Itelf. port'
Hurt' hr pvt
tnt and
■ “»«*' .' •* ««king
taking a fi« from biro
him as b.bard of the wUcr down at the kenn. It.
Atom laudag.-* ontifat to b- w. i agtiiu. h> plank. He cmly dept npiu j, «,* '
1»«W >■ an iudiotable
Il wae an honr paet the lim. lic^ppt nig^it. The next day be began to eat it
obahgiug tivon one toot j tlie
fin-irod. 'ft waa a good bed.
Span th.- gravel vra'lk.
tbuogb. be mid. hot not for sleeping cm.
'Don't inaslt me by jon.ping al«nt After the fiivt five miusUa it began to
Turttu Cm, Mice.
like a ben cm a 1k« gri.*i'l<-. ” ervd hi». biu- bim aU over.
bo Billiam boned the 4 abilling
ing with younell, l.r.i «ill nu hsiger bed. and it tttiiMd uut all right Uaf
mippcrt yoo in idleotft widdrlaDch- vray. it crackled like green wood ae it
\ a
horned. Preamtiy the fami-uf BiUiam'e
0)^ Day Only BaA ■oath.
bramp)at.-wax.d great intbe land. Dr.
Macfarhme. a d>ort.,wiqded and tomIS GOOD!
a* be waa pnlTmeui quite onrsia-otedly
ing hie way up the weary,
weary, grimy atoiM
■tain to visit the datar of tbe MmWhen yon wont tu take a ride
I. a e a. a 00.4
' et tto Sra. w. Thtmt m« laws.
sight, air. before 1 strike yun with my
remember tbe beet place to go.
the landing hum_______
I have a large open boa. a 6 aeat
>4 Ctom. Briakt's blMCB. —----------To my dmply that Dr. Bacfariane
tgly Billiam w«mt—down
sleigh and a ,top boa. All very
a. me a«rmm Dismsm. Cm»m iSl. THaa
to the kenneU to vidt tbe M-tter, won wae macmiebed does comdderable injsaM
comfortable for
dering all tbe vray whetber, aa tbe akin tiei- to hi* date of mind. Hr mood rea not bredan, be cogbt to nte an rm- gardiug the Irlghtly polished, clearly
i-nt fo folly tea ;
■tiek to the culd'vrmter
*r. Uaatar*.
minotea Then be rang the bell
all. and an {
answering peal came from jost the oth
And tbUI is briedy why BUUsm
er aide of toe panel, bot no one arrived
himself in Edlnber^ and edablis
for it was tbs middlt-td tbe
d by dmnoe at tbe end dayuBd Billiam was at fauclamea Dr.
Doyatrert in tbe Lacinqoar- Maefarlane cunld Iran little from the
terof rhedty. Billiam had £180—ClUO naiiistrua <w bi-r sish-r bt-yemd tbe gen
I*''n^ro^‘'u(D cANt-Kaa cfD*e wttka
-----------------uh. pal* «. seer. W*» awhcli
eral BBspicitBi that their neighbor open
t'ATaanB. Krakwtrmrasat. Cl
OOiJUKm To CUV men
the other aidr of the lending was "maythtb.
see biu throogh a year and £80 which bes no ran rictal iu hu mind."
i Alaoa lot of the vary bent J’qrts*‘^V.-uiaivvirsrt*is»a*o.
It 'wae not tbe mamstrem, hot the land catUr»,Jwo and thivr aeated
hii elder brother HerUTt. captain in the
One HsDdnd aid Tenth hsMiu, had •eaustrms' sister, who vultwtc
amt him.
I can ht yoo oat with any kind
"Bat be sent os in tbear." added the
"Young fool, BilHam—alwayi waa,”
who was a pale aad uiceid- of a turnout.
said Captain Herbert. "Uonihe’e jiivt4ytightlTQff." And with that be doffed ingly pretty girl .pouting to
imbly plqmped purple arapr. whiofa lay
;on a plate qn the little imktd table by
Lbwkaoard will need the the bedside.
**•*• yuuog uiaeaguOT » ut
Ploodor Uvaiy Kaa.
"He ll be a kind o*^ y<^ doetnmoney nure than old Buaaa," said the
Beektuayob. uaeduui.
>' sixter. Mukuig back •« ha p
BiUiaui bad. I
W theqiuvtiixi td tbe vet- lows, fur gntiinde wm not ha stro
trtumrj «nrg«*. He was to stody bard ! point.
iu erder tv berome au cadinary surgi-an j The oaggeRicn exrlud the dorter, fer
a man who hmt w.jcked Lard at
anh pbyni-tsD of
if humans. He'was
He was onlv
only |be wa»
[hian^ um-r^to ai*d nniymnnuratiTi.
to bepani«redtviimjebotDeuaKvay.wr.
allowed t
I. lawti-f his lathw jaoctice. Bi>idv» whk-b he had a young
He bad agi*-td
■mV. Jiiemy |familygmwuigDpabiiot him. If. therewith reijiests fir ue:
I feel that...be : fore, be was to have ■ yuong iuierlo
way Billisiu wa> made.....................
• iv-uter
- T of ■
wae the pnsligal ~ ii ano a disgrace t«» I ai ttliog in the
now with
the stuck «f the Oni.iibwaites .rf Onni- ! ufloaKv-. it was as w. 11 to know
Ricti and Rare
Were The Gems She Wore.”
% t. A OEOOIgtT.
tCopTrUrtL MR. bir lh» ABtbM.l
*'Kq. fatW." «)d Bmuai. with «••
•Mob, “1 ui hot holf itood mooch to
______ .______^"2
liA( tc Han;. B« will mmto . Urn
aniw. a« ii «]) the tin* Booidiiff shoot
and M* father were-suadiac
r lo 'the rectot7 patdm. which
om the beantUal rale <d Sc
BrlrellTB alept above then.
atfetAed oot like a ikai with bU bead
lew hotw< iliia pawK. Tlie lake glimncrod beoeath all, dream:r in tbc li^t
nidanmiDer hate. Ben biuniiied in the
ihookwiihtheirenaftbenTelera .
) The old rector of• Applethtbaile
dead. TbUdarofinideotbinerbadlinu
hie fnnttal dajr. An uM man ftfli lo the
hrimof ri«re anddignitira, faehad liml
all bU life, nnder the wing of bit brothar. the iqoire. tooted nlely in the IanUy liriug. dining errry Sunday and
Hintedey at U
Ihth- ball and tmding
in jiiotatiiiu m eettleri and
Drs.8.S.&C0. ■1
th« Celtkntei SpMbUfta.
log to the nqoire'e }«ovid«niial arrange■nnt. the new order wae to be—kiltiaB.
: Bit red name wa* William, with
ething very di
BobodvUioogbt of tnlliuc him any/thing hat billiam — t-zn-pc only the
y' ^nin. when, ae at ptveiwt. Bill
Billiam and
bedlffrred id (quuiuu. <ll>iu be mid.
.“William Aeginald Srioon Onni^waitr. will yon dare to dieobey yoor
father?" AndBilliani btmghlebead,for
be knew that a de.v »ae coming when
he woold.
t At KihOo] be had been called BlllUm
lor the mivn that ■'‘Yorker" ieeallrd
. a "Yorkt-r." beraiae It wae ohriooe
that be ooold he called notblug elee.
Ue bov wheae Latin venwe he did mid
to him: " Now. go m. old BUIiain: harry
ap I want to go oot to the playing
d^totnite that yooug haai Scottminer te nakii^ faorn at me and mak
ing me laogh to chapel." Bo to mve
ttne Mliam gave him hie own copy of
venfiandmwibe plagiariK pam to the
hmd of the fum nett day oa the
•Beagth of BiUiam'e iambira Yet that
Hotel Whiting
Sleighing Parties,
aatbor and origin of bis dieUi
Why eboold htf It
“only old Btl-
For cme thing, he was forever bringing
SU mamter c£ broken dva-n qnrrowa,
—nbhita and thft* leffied dog*
iato tbe acbool aod. if poedble.'ei
tnio the darmlury. Them smells of
— of' it was •; oVltak lu the evening when
' Dr. Mai-farJaae <aUH-stumbling up Bil
Titr duurM4idd slightiy
toe Unndry. ami ben- HiUiam.
rerr modest iwrtiiai of goods ajar, am
ami thenibett- nme -from the other
ns..rtAsBl .lir-v.»»«*»"•« M' mm auU OPpafteO I «««^ ■ lumosru s rmur .£ vtdnw. a
....... ,, . ^
ith sundry mha
t“«'‘‘**>‘*v.jniewhen-UuitnntobleUmr. i aouods which ei t u the thirtur's traiued
totionof tbe schouL. Bat when
„,v„ nyitt, tb.-gnasT gloom eari-ouW nut distingoiah. But. above
«niB owHiHee coma lo Uu^-t w
tbe Plrasaa.-e. Ib-w Billiam ment all. tbi-w tom fltlnlly tbe ahnU ay o<
^em^ tbe wto maRer rarei wyp^ ,
^ j
wbcau this history r au inlanp Upm blaring this last tbe
^ ..
. . the dour
Cham pa't tbea
with the brus*
wheAin dwelt Binum. hapiug well
Day by day the stodoit of medictoe plate upi u. which, wtavi be steppid
Vlndvrard of it
within, wmed at first urarly
full of
ly fu
'^tooned delight*. Day and night
Anybody elm woold have
ior -aiUam, ;i»«ple. it was brighUy enough
. l« l*g
prtmipcly expelled, hot BUliam's latha
lor the bnwd Same of a Nil ti gas buniwaa a voy impurtaut pawn iudird. and
ahiM.dwilh exa-saoJ jOTssore above
the hmd masta bad kuuwu him iutiitely at ooIlefW. Besidca, uoouvooold
mibly bare expelled BilUatu. Tbe
I him with
cricket LaU would airaigfatway bsv«^|
risen In mutiny.
the wallv of the rouni. silting with
By and by Rilliatn'a fat^ tried him j
* Osfod. but. thongh Billiam eUid
'hi* U-nus, be would have utine of il- So
gluay brown sinpv ail round—young
whrti the m-tnry fell vacant it seemed
lads with dogS -belw^u tbeir knirs.
all tout could be (hue wa* to make ar
girl* buldiugrals in' isiskt-ts, middle
ia bv wbicJi Billiam would stx-gid wouan
ceed hi* nmde. Tbe Bight -■
. talkiel
iSbiT in snbdned
Beginald StdnunUTUiitbnalte.KiUiam’s
I tuMM or to their pii
, .
•‘pata,” saw uo diftirt.Wy iu lb* nun- j
I per*, bvairtinraa a dug would' bi-outue
ta. He bad Uv-n at Ki.ei aod Lyrist-i
I excited by tiM- voio- if a eat itauplaitichnrcb wi(b tbe bi--hiip<f Lakeland.
ing of Usio* 'ami iiuinisounieul mmr
wd the malialeui
ui iitn U naturally to
him. bni he w'vuld be promptly cbIIkI
into submission t>y hi* ma*ter. u
he ih* final auloiioh of u mis4 dilBcnll
esuary wonld gudikuly flutter aga
pr^litn. Everybody ev>-u remotely mu<<the barw warned by inctinrt of
proximity of f/many enetuite.
and aU exprrased tbi ir
Hustly, buw<-i-er. cbere vn* a respect
With relief aad alaaiiy.
fal ailrtl^ The . doctor stood awhile
toouitima nothing was lai'rt t<
i tuotad in anuueiiMBt and did not «rvi
who had a eettsa w
iMlliiim baralshrd «p da«v
take any uotich whro several of
opcqi his mind and i
' all unknown to hUfaiba, was also tak-'j forma patiepu nodded alUhly
about toe kiuoebi and ameUvd of ^i- 'ing ciaasaa at the veterinary colU-ge [to him.
mato tfcua “»»*»•*««•»«>“»“ P":
pare lor to* bishop a examination and
-------- ■*------ ----------.. J
8t Abba'_____
(ealVed in clerica) drclra "Th* Back
Door"), Bill m mo« taicxpert.dly rm
h the plan. Be would be no {air1; he wa* not good c*ioa4d>> ke assertghwaite, ex-cabmet niiniAa and P. C-.
kroke into a rage almost as vftlent as
wben hi* party Isola praolaimed a new
" y Wilhoui oiainilting him. He lupoUcywl
teMd 1
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
1.™u., BII1U» IS..'.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
boom mader came op cm night to find
—i.u an
... open. !..{«.
ki. band.
knife i_
in his
driving fiucely into a tlmaig Of boyi
armed with,, cricket bau and wik-keta,
he }Buauptly daabed ur the
and wroMed the knife
*«t of bis banda.
"Doyoowito i^>
. - tbe
.u. boom
_ mader. abdkiug hi
"Tea." mid Billiam atonOy. "if
Lovrtfaer throwa my while mioe ont of
toe window."
Ko fonhw laureeding* irerr taken.
npuu examluaticn BiUiam
proved to be aeored Uat-k and blor with
toe vricketo of bie advermrica. He waa.
^ gvxMping
™ • i for 800 y.
badraom opnu tbe grotiud thar. ‘**** ui»e
.2 STini,^ U,.
FRIDir. MRCH 4tk, I89R.
Suits, Overcoats aed IGsters
We must have room ior our ne^ spring
stock. -Where we have only one or two suits.
overcoats or ulsters of a kind left we have put
red tickets on them, which means a reduction
of from 20 per cent, to 76 per cent., to close :
S;: them out at once.
Everyone knows from past experience that
they cannot afforci to miss one of these sales at
^ ^ ovu- store. It is an opportunity to save from :
>1-3 to 1-2 the price on a suit if you cw fin<| a :
fit. This sale comprises from one hundred to
““ ^ one hundred and fifty suits. Nearly the same
^ number of ulsters and overcoats. Don’t fail
^ to investigate early. Mrst customers do not
^ leave best choices for the last comers.
1 t.-il ,ir.J.s*m. mam .och davaa. it wu. UuKaUrKel.MAuudix.his arm. ______
card»w6u!d be called for. IfoUowod behind him. bis tooek of hair
And in additicaiJt/ this V-------s:-----be promrvdand
a rtunplt< Ui-waa atoiqang
ceirtain interim oeiCinBity in hb< atodira furward and eagaly explaining aumeby "givtiug a loah at anotba fellow's toing to tov man. Bo Inicnt vrasihe
npon the matter in hand that be pafM
Billiam'a'‘piggay" In kfemigomery tor doctor without so moch as noticing
atm-t. a* it WB* -culled by tbe few tf him.
"And rU look in and ase bow the
bis cororadra who bad era seat its apair of yon have got oh tamoRvw-.''
creta, vra* s>u»Mhing to wtatdir at.
Blliiam mid, abakUiK tbe bard fmturad
ab«d of taking a
vrannlr by tbe hand at the door.
n and bid mom ii . well fm
Biniaja innH-d and fir the Srat tim*
and moitary neighlavbood Billiam en
tered into tbe tenancy if an ontire Mit loAed toe doctor fair in the face.
"kly name 1* Dr. MucIarUne. I tev*
«f room* qpoB the garrrt fioor of on* of
to* high "lands" which areadiadnottva fautara of toa old ^aartor
8L toe phyalcilan. -"ahd I toonld Jlke
tavor of a few woeda with yea.”
Within toi* tambUdtowa dwelling
"Ootnlnly: fay
: ^ikikiiuiuwuiihuuuuiwutiuiukikuui
THX KOBantO KSOOBt. ttrSDAT. nsBOABT «7. 188A
^ Oo You Want The World ? I
«<Hewr esdalmad MTk. 8L Creax, Iba
pteoftbaOemadlaPraBcalsa. “Ton will
M gtre aw IrsaoM. M. IMiar'
“That Isnu. mademolaalla. IHanrlB'
earlaUe rule—booorad bj tine narar to
tame intomxi tbau this u
“At l.«tt xm wiudat aaaalt la roar
Luke, wbere Jeaoi and His <
I f«« mnt l_1M IHY—IM ■■
came to tbe tanme cf Hartba and'^.
at Betfaaay. Martha, {notably being tbe '
' TW« WM •' bard7 Mlov Buotd
^ i bav« made arranfementa ao 700 can own it and
• JbcsMoB wbfl liTMi in m atutck on • dw>
■'Tnw. but I do not employ models— older and tbo IhvuI nf tbe buoi*-, began I
«n dnim jxut ai
at the Wyo- BOtlhiogmodcia. Ab.ytMllockBiirTsrtsad! to citaiceni betw If witti the eucmaintuin« buiitiBK fmoitda Wbo bad a rfpa> But it ti M. I ataore yoo.^ I regret, mad- ent of btn (nnwie and. aa it- w <ifira tbe
tatino f(* beius aboet a* bapdr wttb amoiaollo. ttai I oaanat ^ukaea In yoor ease .with w.ujiatikindandiT tbecitcnin- |
auuoea. worked btneif into a sute of
hii n«U aa 1b* next oonier. BmiiMce aoRsenlon. It la impawlble.
bad an Mpecial didikt fcv tbe “dude"
••URini. inademolaalle. 1 eouM not bigb nernifu vxcitetnant Mary, being
bnntera. and it «aa W boast that in a point one stroka with a aeooad perwnt In I of a tjoift. I...........................
lair «MO«nWT ba ootdd boat an^tblat tberunm. It la me. 1 am narrotu as a ; furrMl to ait c
araanas food elotbaa and carrj-lni'bf ttouM. That IR why 1 employ that big I llRten to tbe words that fell tram Bii 1 C
'pout* of TariaMicd arawiitton. Ha EasiUhmaB to aUmt Id tbe anUroom asd ' Uin aa He talked to Hia diaciplco. In |
tbia pnaitian Marthp in btn exctteinent: ^
1 chided Marytcn brrtboagfatleMn>*R and | V
a-p.. u.
“But you ora atm I
; opptsilad i» Christ BlmMlf to bid Mary
jaaseooaof BroaatoD. bacaaie ntoro po|>mlar jraaraftaiTcar, ootll finally ba bad eowr my studio daring arerklng boors.*' I oomc and asRiat her, but Ubriat rebuked '■ ^
Oaah ar Payinenta.
bo ba a little DKira ae^et In bla operaM. Dnlrr. aa coeectrie artist of great I Hartba for hey breranxioty abont tbe 17
tiatu.'as tbaraweraaJucatber toostanj ceigiDallty and wldwyaead renown, rwver Ddimpartaot things of life and eomTisiioto to allow'hi^tiaa to do tba palaiad to order. 'Hla studio ww thrown 'mended Mary for berabKntdag interest
in tbe bigbest welfare of ber being. He ^
wbola lot Jnatir*. Oe flnallj abnanaoed
j tbna waebea na that it is bautr to get ^
tbaC in (otore be waa Rains to whip oopainted.
I close by Him turd to ntuy olcae by Him ' W
bodj «ndar tbe rank of tyiloeal in tniU- be.Ubad
was In tbe early half of a fair spring
Uty lift' and. nobodp wbo in ei*U Ufa day !tbat Nile. S*. Crt-ux went forih to ' than to be orerinierested in aitd oou- M
wasn't ailaatilt tnaj’orof a blit townor atorrit Ibe anist'i stodlo and drfmi bla ctraed slmit th<> things of life, wbicb
a praaident ut a railroad. Bj following burl) Rngll.h senUnel. NadamaiaeUa perisb<wilb tbs umga..Y
1. VocangetcloseioChriatbyatodythis plaabe aocoreded in fUUng bla tlma Uugbed beartUyasabe.|iaaardagroapo( I
tog Uu
Uia wend. He is no luagnr
lunger upon' ta]
eotgiartablf witbntit oteiwtnktng bin- her rrttnds and Krock a cord upon the log
w, anlformlr aoooa«f(.l nntfl anricM sDiur abe carried- Oar Mends earth in bodily f.irm. that we cun ait atWO CaiL BUlt auj 0116 8 failCy OF DOCkot bOOk 0X1 blCTCleS
«He dap a part; stopped at bis laadt sUred cnriously.
■■tt'hat aa tmpialeot looking tallewr'
iwd introdu«d tbaw.aelTaa pa eaatera
said one.
. '
wordahavo nutaUbeeDlostiolbcworld. Ifm
/taaristsbesi on doing aoma elk axtarRtidmtly bar dligntaa—adapted tram
/ ninatino. Tb^
If tbcj might one nt a pruup of roving tioubodovta then Many of tbcm bare beea racorded and I
preoerrod for our ttao today. We e-an ''
•top oTamlgbt with bim.
•■a«i(lemt<n. -’aaid Braoston. “do It
bbo paHTd (be old partera and knorksd atm «t at Ria fact and liatoi to Uia > 1
bappeo that tbt^’s a gitfiml nuotig at the arttn a sDlsroom. Uagb. ita Bng- words if wo WiU coly -take; ibo Bible ,
nod and aiudy it. It'i woadorfnl j
•• Well, young man.‘'-tw exclaimed, syifag btnr little wo appn-data and bow care-1'
' Ko. tbara didn't fasppen to ba.
aenUaoualy. “wbatbyoiir Itaaly we use this bleaacd {nirileoe of I <
“A lodge, mabbe, or a eioa pteai- aadunoUdle
tetr■■Taptay-tariDg. Sea. 1 am a troata- llauuiug to tbcToioeof Christ Himself. 11.^
Tbare was not. It was an noofBtdai dour. Hutniear, tbeanlit. bade u
pan;. Tbe ml; nan wicb anything ap- and alB|r: l■D^ aloA my ronipaolo
Jeans boa mid. liateo to Ria voioe in tbe
proacbing as official deaig&atioB was a ill with favor, so 1 oooia alooo "
“H m."Mi>c
young fellow wbo was Partngoeee oond tbe porWT. “I know Beriptans, but wo have tbe prii
irlvilege of talking Co Him, com.
ml in a seaport town down aaat. Ha
U go ing with Him in pruyer. 'Oiisiaa grmt
wasn't a DstiTa of Pomgal blnaelljnst a plain AneHcdn dtinm. wbo bad and lurulR U Ibis la a nwmisat hour Ueming that wo enjoy, and we kbonld
fen ynnr cstorwauling Noualoar la aoW not fail to rralixa it. We obonld spend
baan appointed to tba place becanat ba at wurk. No. bo, tny younicstBr/’ aa
bad tba fine to attend to tba faw dattaa matar.utaUo aUempasd to follow: “stay moeb time with Christ in prayw, bold
ing soul to soul basamnniem with Him.
“OdDOMwin a eonanl."
Bnnatmi you tbwa.”
reBaotivdy. “I don't know. 1 oarw
Hcreiursod almost Imimdisialy. eloa- that our dl^Msitinaa and our obanotm
Correfippud with tbe Trarene Citj Lumber Ootnpenj.
may beeame man and maa« like HU.
baardof aiob. DoubClam. mebba. It's a
"Playtascaial. M. W T
Tbe erne aim <if oar livee riioold be to
taapootlbla aa fatmMble job.''
We here tot
When in acad of anything ifi this
Motairartay. ta move like Christ. Tbe closer wt
He was answered that ft wna ■
tlae rMDambar this is ttw ptane to laave
work and llatoe.
“Well,'' baenggeetad. “mabba ba'li
to Him. in tbought and weed and
yoor ordureand get pmnipt work.
tbe Base like Him we will bectun
«b Ocns ant bora in tba yard, gentlain expectancy.
the studio door ra b Bis dMita that we aboold be like
BatiafaeUoo gnaranWsd or no ebarg*
aaan. an tba exereiwa wiU b^”
latnsd fixed, and tlugb only grunted:
Him, that He and we tbonld be one. Laave your erdara at nffiea gy call ap
They bad no idea what wit oomla&
alongl Surely
an not tti
bat BNMtoa explained briefly, and tba yok.”
and one also with God. Let uxtberufon
>oaag man atamad perfeotly wiiUng to
For fita nrinutes more madamolai
word and ti
taksblspan In ttraualae. tboagb tba trilled faerloodeat, tben stopped again.
atbatit ' lenifled. triad tbeir beat to ”'‘Come, don't wmta Umsl"iald Hugh imaiClaD,. as roacifeeud in it. Lotos
aamw Hnmaton oot of Itl Tba diwan impwaUvtly.
btdd ooistantly sweet ccntniiitiim with
Him in pniyur. until we sball ta tramcUiDsatllerlnadeernab at bit eirtint
with ao oMoaragemeet, oot oven a
Bttdfooiidbawaaa'ltbere. Uebadcera- lowed.
the power of tbe Spirit into
faravu, only <be Eagllabmaa'i steadily fa- formed
folly ateppad aside, and aatbp monuttio pealed rmindmef ibe'valneof SeeCliy Hia very liknasu
Bible lte8dingx.-^k. morf. 1^; Prov.
•gtnm thoudwed pmt btni tbe ocosal
Mill MeebineiyoE ell deecriptioa*, ioclodiag Two Engioee,
xriii 14: Luk«viil,-Sfi: Johaxr. i-iO;
bit bim on tbaear. Than tiw PoRagaaoa
Pet Wwke, Ofirruges ajid Sewn. A oomplete Sew Mill Pleat
rapraaeotatlTa C^lowad ap bla advan
GaL ii. *0: V. l»,96: Epb. iv. Ux PbiL
tage. and leapiog npcn tbe prootfata rDORRienr nd for bcr. sod ouold eta per- 1. 91-S8; ii, 6; Col. iii.10, 17.
for eeie.
fimnaioa tattered bii bad against tba anade bim to let birstDg while ta wurkedT
86 foot: lot. with eburta bnUdlug.
Hogb tatorood.
Sramid ontU be bad worn a bole in tba
To Thees Whs Ds Hst Bsip.
Blmwoud1 Asa. Bolldinr could be re“ UoDsleor says that you may go Inside
bard aolL Ba picked Brooston op and and
afewomiedttode omdrled Into store with little egpeaaa.
sliHTwbUe be works "
ihraw Ub on into tSfroad. and tben
MademoleslU elipped joyful)/ bta tbe B<«t of the wori:. while tbe rest <d tbe Qae ta bought ctaa^
«6 loot lev good aoll, with a very fair
went oet amd tbrew him back again. Utudlo. Wtare wee M. Ihalref For s mrantara. wbo ought to have tbe mme
Tba Portognew conaol. it may be re moRieet ebe laoked in vein, then'mpled inter^ ciibcr do nothing cr an critics. dwamug. eitoalad on Madiaon atraeh
marked. bad spent tbe batter part of bis him belf bidden butwrro two large can- Tbw* la no tatawwayto keep all bands Said ea oair terma. only >450.
■«. epoD one of which he workert.
tile leaning bow to box and wreetle,
from miaebtef than to find some good
"Stand tboe." oommandsd Hogb. wbe for them to do. Many a captious critic
and tbia waa bis first opponuity to let
bad followed, "and Rlng."
MadeiaoiBello ob^td, and lor lack of an baa been cured of his habit by being put
In an bow BrooMun came back to life.
repenofy snob aengi repeated to work lo do better than Umar whose
He wearily looked aboot bim and mid. •XMoRlfo
those ata bsd song in tbs anuraom, ber work 1^ criticiaea. How much happier
“GenUemen. did a doseu cr two ra- mjm toieed coward tbe palDter.
are tbe people wboean juaUy feel they
franaoKirt Joi^ aaeak
while 1
k'N]( tbraet la dry. ' esurmatad mads- are of much oar in tbe world than tboae noea aad Eve^ag, March 2$lh
' Won't lookfn an tackle me?" He waa molwlle. "May I bare a lUUa watorr*
wbo natixa that they an mere dnmwt
told that no ancb thing bad tappenad.
"Slag your laat-annk again.''said Hogk Tbm» is DO ontnpariaoo betw««u tbeun
“P'r'apa it was a state I^rialaierr'
la riul mtiafactioo. Men sometiracR
Mo. it waa just a young man wbowat ynu. and you can go. Too will than find complain at bard work, tat Ibwe ir no
a Pertagoeoe oonanl.
so yoD oummand ma, do yout". man who bss au ancb raason to cmONE MONTK FREE.
Be drew a md ilgb. “I wooldn't 'a' she"Ab.
cried. "Tbougb my throat la asd^ {data as the nan wbo baa nothing to
, tellavni it." be mid. "I had more oeaZ>r. A. B. Srinocy. of Detroit, alac
do.~Cbristiati Insttnctbf.
propric“.orof Seed City Sauitarius. it
.Sdenca In tbe inatitotiooR of tbU land FvJlow. If yriub
Whom yon
coming to your town, where-1« wiU
of fmdoadof oom. To fbiuk that a man
remain for ooe day only to give tbe
wbo baa liekad goveraort au state 'tor"To NIK Kl Creux of the Cumedle
aick an opportnoity to conanlt him
Francalfe. I beHsto," iDUrTUptadtbe peraers an aberiffs an
tof o«« him at bis F-aoitarium,
. be wbooped Ull he’s ball dead by a f nr- ter. wUb e beany guffaw.
We see tbe good—* way tbat may
or baa oo much faith ia tbe
"Yon beta found me out." tbe gasped. have to ta reaebed. oa one flgbta with Tbe doctor
xiner that can't talk tba langwidge of
It la of 1.0 ooDRequrnoe: I tamppsts an tbi- muootain top, but experience be has bad in treating
bla own foiTin eiiantzy! Gt-Dllcmtai. "Ah,I well
chronic diaeaaea that he wilt cive one
to watch M. Uoaire at bU work
tbey ain't no lue bein patrioiio no
wbiai. wbtn rvoebed, is a |wUi of pl«a>- Bontb'B treatment aad medicine free.
Also puek sruciCALorituxTiONs to
aMve. Tbe repobllaan fonn of goT'meni
antnew and peactv We aee ibo wrong—
Is crumbliu an abc’sgoiD to,falL Dug it
Tbo porter's
rr bad on a way ton ofum adorned with ipcckma AX4, TBOSS THAT AUX ZOO FOOU TO TAT.
AU tbat he aaka in return in that
all. 1 beat tba dsyligbu ont of e reg’lar dervane an astoulabing ii
promlaer of.taae and plenty, bet which
United Sum aenstor wnust. on b« 1 IletlrTWoS hli beard and bla ungatnly leads at latt isto doubt aod disappoint- every patient willstate to their friends
ta hie treatment.
tbe tirond of my tack with rw- ^nnd rcamumad tbe appearance of M. mcDt and despair. We see tto faaman All forms of chronic uioeasee and de
soul brre cm tbU earth placed forever formities treated. No man' in this
'■Nailem9taeUe."bemld. "yeahave bad at tbe parting of Umc paiba, where it
extended expe
the fi-Ucity of watcbloi Hugh, niy Kngrience In the treatment of CATARRH,
>L ip au excellcDt dlagoiae.
drau iTig e pelndnn brush o«tv e diy
DISEASES aa the doctor. He gradiN
may {ilaad <r dcniou» may cajole,
.MadciiH>la(:]lu. tuy rule la Inverli
ward. but «____ ______ ,.
t into a ated 87 years ago'from Cleveland.
1 lore to bear oee tbm paths reaebiog
tbe desertebimau tbat here was an ax- R«mi einglDg."—Kxcbaoge.
cDdlcm future, aud. tbougb ucv dare oot Ohio; waa 15 years in general practiee;
celluat obaace to give graainem a fitting
predict to what depths of infamy asd of Anatomy and Phyriologr in Detroit
-.■ebUtary Ml to as Melted.
pogiliaiie noepiion be mid it waa no
ww tbe one conrm may cr muy not at Homeopathic Medical College for >
"Vires vow. mortnos pUnga." Tbe last dasocud, wo dare to uay tbat wbo- years; wusSyeari Buperintendent of
«m. He would very llkelv whip tbe
Te. K.ttl. or Bmvliig DUh.
•tatesmun. bntwtat would be tbe-Sood? grrat bell frooi which Seblllw wok tala evw. tbrongh tbe way of morifloe, baa Ahna aad VpalUntl SaniUrinma.
Once tbe young men at tbe oonotry bad
with many
.hi.nly talong to the voloM of tbe past. climbed tbe beuvunly stoepa abaU re This experience, combined
beat hospitals in
got to proriUoting tbeir great talaita to 7'IiIy.Ir tbe boll of Ibe NunttaratSehaJf- ceive as bis reward
wexthy to be
tbe aervisD of fareign-dynastim be (eH taURen. ltweaaRtstIlaletnl«$Q.tt>^iiKb carried tbtongbom eternity with solemn _________ __________ mining aod treat
*tbat tbe ceoDCiy bod gone to tbe dogaf Id thiR oentury tbe famlllw end guilds gratitodu and mered awa.—Obristian ing thouaanda of chronic caaee, baa
prepared him to cure when the general
'and tbat tbere would ta do eubstantia] which RuppUed tbvgrest bulfriosof Rurape Bugiater.
ora^Uoner faUa. Have you been aick
Joy even in bUcUng ttaeye of tbu pt^- wereetNuremhorg end Augsburg and In
tor years? Are - you diseonraged?
HolUnd, while tbe Kllogrnr KUngbe fem146 FroDt Street,
TimTene City, Mick
Call and see ns, wc will'
I tell
" you wbetber
Jly In irarthweat Oermany gave tbeir name
t. If we canaai
CbrMy MtaatesU
ire you. vi
iU toll yon wbat reUef.
tanguage U spoken.
Bvery Cbriatlan worker needi to have
Glocko 1
Ibe ToMto Saturday Might tella tba apbaffbatuen waaorlg
tbe secret of good oouraga. Ooutage ii
mbtf, one month wilt ba
following stay of Dean Vaugban. He and it baa wllod Ita o
DO nxire Deoematy to tba nldier tbat sbaolately
bad been {reparingaosie colored elorgy- than a century.
figbia bii country’* tattlei than to the
Aplraaof tbe metal broke ewgy more soldier of Christ wbo wa|as wariara ^perutloa'a. a^?th“ taSrf?’of*a^w
man for miaaiem work and had invited
to all wbo are too poor to pay.
than 100 years ago. and a near end dantbam to dine wttb him in tbe Temple.
of treatment ta all that U
On tbat day Mra Vaugban waited an gerpos crack eru revealed laat yeer. Far Cd it ia eoaatant aitd argCDt. To Ims it known by all the acboole, with the aid
boor in tbe drawing room for bar gneata. Ibe aako uf Ita historic {M it was tiwtad ia to loee power to overaome. Witbeut ef electricity, that moat wonderful of
with all potalhls care. It Waa covered up ta
Loan of Power,
At last abe
wintw. and Its voice was beard only on ilJoaboa would have been tat poorly
aad all diaeaaea of the
toUtaboUik'tbal it was odd that tbe Sunday ta summer. Mow It ta to be melt
' fw the great task tbnuR ppeo Riieuinatiafii.
nervons ayatem. Oo eariv. as mv
fbvitad gneota did not appear.
ed with eta four oitar bcllstg tbe mlnaiw, ^a
"Vaa. tna'affl." be rapllad. "and and a new pwt wUl take Ua place. Anoth
wbat'a oddar atill I've done nothing all er historic tail In Bsrlsnriand U tbe aUvtr
expected of bim. He waa to lead
Abe eveaiiiig tmt ton Ohriaty mlnstnla tali In the minster at Bm. ltrang"for Israel into the praniaed Usd. Tbeyhad R?d^vai?diMaM'ri sil ferns tnaa
tbe aerrlee of God. the fesUvateof state
away traan tbe door.
and tbe execution of tbe evildoer." Wbon been reaoued from alsvaiy in EgypL
tbefororaof the yoong Frcoofa aepubUo brought to tbe tardanof Canaan und
wrmired Bern ta ITUfi, ttaclUxene paint were xuady to enter open tbe inbarit- irexta.aiib* leneRief es) eaaiuiiaa cr bea
A man'may float in aaU wutw wltb- ed It a funcnwl black, and unte-tble dis- aaoe pramieed'toAbmhaaaiKlhlsaaed.' pital
la tlM Ualiai SUiaa.
ewt movisg bii banda or feet U be has
Remember, we give a written nsr>'
tbe pkeawoe of mind to throw faU bead
aniee to core every case of PILES aod
back and allow faU body to oink to tbe
RUPTURE. Also, we t xve a lyiag-tn
Do you give tittaa of all yoo- pcmitae? boRpltal department if our Banttarjnaitiae wbicb it wiU ttan natwelly
If not. docs your rigbteooaem is this
groom wbo wm ntarriad.pp Tnaa^ and manar evem SQual tbe rlgbtaom
A Tnrklta turban of the loMt Mm bunged UmmU on TfaGrwiay."
an avtaaga.^%ariaeawboB yon ■
“Tea. tat why did ta waKs wAomaaitaitia M jrmda (d tba AM and eMb
tayr-darelasd Hata Daalar.
flardlj Miss T?hat It Cost Yon.
Eyeiybody Knows That the “World" Bicycles Are First Class
ill Strictlif High Srade. aa< Too Cat Bor it far $50.00,
Then we have the “EAOLE” Models, Nos. 76 and 80. They
are not merely “good bicycles for $50.00,” hut they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can he produced in large quan
tities. They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicycles.
2L' i I ■ L'>ok over our line before buying.
128-X32 DPx-oix'fc S'fc3?e©'b.
Hact, 6ns and Baggage If You Have Logs to Sell
->Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
'Phone No. 3.
DR. SPIRHfT SJ!;.“,SVS?a'.7
j B«dle Bnildin,. .
B. H. ROSE &. SON.
Price from 60 Cents Up. Call and See Them.
step In and'kee Uie
Shoes at $1.98.
Kint Ymr-Ko.
Tvo Centi,
CoriiDO SilTWO’ Birthdoy.
UWt. -The plockcr )Ml7 U Mi<« 8bepord. ol>t«r of Hrm. J. B. Mortim.
Llnlc Pottooe KllTon' OBlerUlapd
prcporiDf for (be lo»c w——
«pd ^ [
• I “ ~ U ^**^**“,
fbt of Bvr
Mr Mb%ie
little s,
tUPPLin SENr TO VO&. •rduoiu JoBrpej «UU ill (he eMrry ATTBVPT TO ASdAesiKATt THB
.fwroooo. it hu^oy h*r Blaith
dUpUyadbybuBdredi of har.lj neo.l
[ blrthdby. Alter MUoy cBorly mpd nuu
bB<Itbm>ybbb<-r«*»>>me.hewll| Boi
'-------------| th. chiHreo wrBt ow U. Prof. Sllre.t'
b«‘«*din«- W* b«#
lock the trill Bud pidek BrrrMBry i> jf*tBo Paputor m Ho woo Bofdro the 1 doBclny Bf»de»y. w)|Ort ihej, pUyed 'wnie pf the Utwt book*,and then the nev ma««zineo ore now Arrir.Ord»r* Proa
W*r with TuiAoy-WMry of, b|yo*»B. ofur which U»oy'bod b eTcjinff. ADii they are finer t>an erer before. Ruy before they are afl
•klpaMt South Bj L%b«-1Ubu.
•boky Throao and WilJlBf to Abdi- oVlatk l*e coo.taitoy of oaodwicbc*. igone.
teenrwB BirwfUd M lUko Vo Oo[ Tuoaday for Moadoo. wbard abO wlH
^ plohlea'aBO l«oor«aBi>t)d oaha. after-.
rata iB Paoor of a Bo]
top II MlTortnp OoToroBoat Wv
' *All her abt t f w a few daye. tboB abo
which tboydeparud- OaTlB'ao roeelred !
■otorUl loOoam ef Pro
wilt otart fnribeooait It'la her lafroB bar litilo ^ .
WbeklnyioB. K«b SAt-AmUImi fiae i t*BlloB to Uke up a elata aad to ao-i Atbeaa, -Prb tA—Ab «
> frioada.
rotary RooMrelt ba* iBatroutod tbr’yoyo bob to work It. At firat. how.jatt'Bpi waa atado today 19
M. «. HOUAT.------ tr
ooBSaadaBt of tbo ItrooklyB aa*y lerar, abo eape<n* I-> •apayo la aewlay. | Klay Ueotya of lireeoo
ao dark at iia.r price.
yardtcatako imiaadlaia preparatloM ' for which ibemUayreat deaiaod at^ Krer alooetho war with Turkey, la 0-r.
ait I'coat.aireel.
for tba Uanaportatloa of all apara oup-1 all tlniM aad yoldaa opportaoittaa are | wblcb iSreooo waa aoalyaaUy defeated, plaaa tBolar.
« and abalU oaddh hU eSered Mr wowea wba bare tba eerao Kiay Uoorye baa pot Amo ao popular
ooBmaad to Norfolk aod Tampa,
to brace tke bardahlpa aad d)aooiafon« | with bla people aa be forBariy waa,
the Bovaaaau of atorea will be awda wbk^k are bound t -> follow. Mlaa'Sbap-1 aad a BBobar of timM bla Ufa aaa beaa
by rail. The departateat raalixto that «rd U OB aatlmable w.xBae wbo baa ! la daayrr.
there la daoyer la tba aaa ruau aod
iBy fnendaloTraranwCity aad all | Greece baa aeeetel tiasaa aliwa tkathe laaat >awraroat laeibad of Moawivh bereBceraa 1b bar uBdrrtak-1 war beea ob the ere of ravatt.aad tba
poruUee k aaed ■ a preoauUoBary lay. aad althoayb bar brow la crowned 1 klsC .baa
d.AlB9elf aa beloy
(with locha a* wbltraa asew brr yeara'weary of the danyar aad wlllioytoab
belay for-jara a-1 aa raaByaato hare loBraed dlrata bit ibroac if bia aabjectt wiabed
yWardad to tba or
a of otbef^bar riyor and ber drirrminatloa will „a repobllcaa form of roTaraaeat. .
r aaral aapp^y depota. Tbe laapactora | briay yratlfyloy rrwarda. SSe expacta. T^ayh ati iBpt at Border i
of factorwa where ahella and asDoiBBl- [ to leare tha doa^t oa a ateamar far, aoexpectad.
tloD are belny made oader contract, Oook'a lalet. April lOtb.
bake beaa adriaed to lyao'B .fba Batter
of axpaaae Ib abippioy and U> ad^t a
Good TenplaiB Bweaioad Sarwc^y.
load roctc rather than aea in errry lafew HoBbora Iwat Hlybv
Uaioa School Sbpply Oo. Woa^Iu'
IT Proctor of
Baraaa. Frk. M •nil i,...., IMKrttm.. 7
Trareraa CIvr Lodye, J o. (J. T.. No.
Irtl. The wamber of membert elected
Wort. Ucalleym bb eomlay hoc tM>{
A r~d ,I~,oI 7-U.aUj .>»n>»«|„|0, b,.,o.l,7!..|A.rri l«- UlU.
alyalteaaea la ooaaaoUoo with tbe la*
Refering to
teraatioaal aitiiatloa.
a aod wItBtattd by a rery
A aambar af tbe aewapapar aea rc- Sapply Co. of Cbleaye ra. School Db-!
tan to Key Wae^ today, aotarip^Uay a
traaafer ot <ba court ef laqulry to tbat
rooma. There ware JOO wbo
a Chemist says:
Winterer jioe lio, be sure tbat km bo
Just whet Kon reallf ooglit to bo,
I Are what we are telling you abont now. We
jearrythe largsst assortment and best for the
I money in tbe c.ty, not part of the time, but all
the time, at-------
; Bedroom Suits.
w^’^. FHtew'
We hare mix of tbe latrcl atyle IWu
^7 Wcot, Fab. 3A—The orobar Da- ,na.Uty of .Bpplba. which «yrayat«l
tM .embera. An impromp-1
impromw "«*'>•
troH arrirad today from MoMla. 8ba h ^ OftbbaamBoittObadbwjBprtd, ..^eml by tbe
a™ teantia. for filS.oo.
.1... .hiek
] Wo wlU aell.Utem t-) yoo lab week.
taklay coal aboprd.
. ..cu.tfa.
brill, 0.™
b aald. did aot approre of the par0-X™l ™l.™,lbai.lbri. bj iMr
obaaa aad refnead to pay tl(e balaaoe of
rbbb, «b. Tb.™ w... .Iibl .Ullor. ! >" P”
tbe record, abowad preaeat from the Lake
Tbat b Senator Moryaa'a View aad tba clalH^
tbe dbtrHt toled for tbe parebaae
orklBy for I
Ba Ooaaldara War Zaarltabla
Laat aiyhtat 10:15 tbe jury raodered | „ .
I block offered by the Grand Chief TernWaablaywM. Feb 9A—Seaalnr Mor*
Hooks Foniisliing Stors,
yaa af Uaooamlttaa oa farelya ^*
' • •
■ ■
P~®*Wr that tkU city will be ayalB ree^-1 13A1II Front Sl TKAVBB8B CITY.
Uoaa ballareatbat the Ueitod 1
aBooBtlay to fiU.es.
oiled aa (bo banDar lodye of tba state.
aad-Spala will flybL 'He ai.ve Ibb baa
beeahii firm euBTieUoo errr aieee tba
bcylBDlBy of tba reroloUoa la Cuba.
In Hemory af Bra. Aaa A Baanab.
^_aafi tbat aa each day iroes by It b Oaao. Bis aSiv^tae aad a TaluAbU
At a aDaeial waeUBy of tbe Udica'
atreBytheaed. Furtnarmore. ba'la-.
Ihaaoad StuA
Library aaaoeiatloa.coBTeaod Satarday.
alBtp tbat DOOtbay yorerameal oa. tba
FrWay erealBy Bobart D. Tork, tka Febraary M. at the Library ruaaa, the
If yoa wool a bicycle built to fit yoo :
fact of tbe e.'rtb woBld take tha atand ----------------------------------------------------------------------eoaduetor on \ke G. R. A I. brueb,'
>laUone'‘wora preanoted ■ leoT# year order aad epwlfic-atione at |
I my eh-Tp. and I ynaraatee
Ukaa by tbU yoTcramaat nadar tbe fariud to the home of C. E. Murray-to ! and adopted:
Uylay ctrenamtaaewa.
*1,1*1. Arrltlay thkra be wu aaWHxaxAe.' It U with rtnoera rayret
Saaator Uotyae to<«nMad aa a biyh• toabbad to find alxtaca G. B A 1. mil* tbat we bare learoed at tha death of
aatbority on all eobjeeu perulnlay to• road Idea waltlsy to snake U pleaaant our frieod aod member of oar aaeociaiBtoraatloaal law. La«i atyhl be wae> tor blm. Babwaeeo aeUsaltbed tbat Uoa. Mra. Aaa A. Uaaaab. tberafora
aebod wbat would probably be tbe firet' fc, omW not expuMc blmeelf for a bo- It le
aupottbb yureraBeat If the board g,*., nd bb oollapae wae coaplatc
........w. That
.... wc ......
dealra ..
in ...
oriB^ulryaowlB aeeeloa at Hiraaa | *hen he wmi praaeaud with a rplmable j Banaer to eapraae oar sorrow at bar
win ylae you 1 coat work in any
etad at atokOB of tba biyb re- low a< one of oar aembare aad aleo to
or. Ua beat baklny enamel and earwhich dattroyed tba Maine
yard of bb topaw railroad mat
iWad our Boat baartfelt aympatby to
tonal ona.
.—-----------the eaUra party bar baraared baebaad wbo Boarat a
w eanplw at
‘■la tbet oaw." be aetd, "ibeyoran- was earprbad whea Mr. Marray threw daeotad wifa. tba falUtuI
maot woaldbitbar moke a claim for an' opea Ue doora of Ua dinlay noa of many yoara. aod to the eblldraa wbo
ladcBBliy or daclara war. la Iba for- wbara wae laid a baaquet which rail win lemy Blw tba molber wboaa lore
Ber CAM If aa ladcmeity b claimed tbe road mra kacw riybt wall bow to ap- aarar failed >0 yo oat u ibOB la aaob
three mala poiau tmbodlad would be
■iaU- Tbe eurpriac wae arraayad larye Boaaara.
tba claim for the da>tnictloa of tba la boaor ot Mr. York wbo will laaee
RecoJiod. That a copy of tbwa raao
pobllu property of tbe llaltod Statca; Tueaday with bla faesily
^ U
Uii Bap- latioDi bo apraod apoa tba record of
aacoad. proper aad ad<H)aats raparatloa Ids, whci^e they will reeiCr^i talnra, Ue oaaociatloa, aod nlao tbat they bo
ta tbo famlllaa of taoee wbo were OB aoisoaat of a ebaaye la tbe datioe of ^bliabed la tbe poparm of tbe city.
klllad or iojerad: third, for tba laeult Mr. York, wbo will ma a coaetruetloa
Mat. M. B C. Batxp.
to tba Uoitad Strtca.
train for tbe oompany. Mr. aad Hn.
Mae A. K. Pnarr.
'■ 1 do not bellera myaelf tbat If that York bare made many friaade here
Mae. M. K BfCs.
I am ahowiug a feG Blcyolss
axplortoa took place ouuldc tbe
duriay their reaideaoaot twoyaaraaad
which I bare fW-Eoameled.
tba yoearamant oould do laee thau la* tbeir departare will be reyraiud.
filet upon Spain aoata eery baaiy penLook at them in ^ E.'Hiller'a
'I nlty, eueb a oo'e as would indaee tba
W. D. C. GerBatae aod H. & Hnll Drng Store.
baea aold lo.ooo boebels of potatow U
tbaa aubmli to it. Tbe yoeernmeat of /obn Saylar, ayad 78 Taara, XHod SalBoB Brown of KUborn. Wia. The
Uc Cnited Suias has to raepoct tba
pnoe patd waa U oenH per biubel. Tbe
o^ioiu of lu own people, belay a repJohn Ssyler. another pioneer of Ue potttoM are belny loaded 00 care for
rtoeulaUTB yorernmeoL Thie paopla Qtoad Trnrrrae reyion. died at bU 1 laimedlate shlpmeaL
of the Ignited Htotca. ae they pay tka boma near Yoba. oa Friday. V*" •'
tnxee aud do tbs firhUay. are auppoaed Un day*' thnew of yrippe followed by
to ba tbe uliiratte coetodlans of the heart taljhm. Hii wife enrriraa bni
Tbe Portia Clob will ma< wIU Mia
boaor ot th^ eountry. The yoearn* there are ao ebUdrea; Ue oalycbUd, a
A. L. Baebaot Moaday afiemooa at i
Boat would, therefare. nirmcerlly aoQ. died about U yeara ayo.
O'clock. Mra Sherman, leader.knee to reapood to tbeecBlimantof tba Baylerof Yuba, aad Henry H. Saylar of
the Irut of March Poatmaotcr
oountry, aad la doiny tbat woald haec New York aad Albert Sayler of Ohio
Baking Powders,
■‘AInta U
which oonorw
liberate iu
i by many aaoafaetareiv
ef ib acid
C^c pare Crawn Tartar Bakiay Powfidr b aold
ponnd imekaye. No need to aae alum mixtaroe .
a tbe pore article e
at that price. Frieemfnadod if net BUafaeta.
Bicycles Built to Order, 1f HE WHO SMOKES
Euamil Tour Wheel.
Meoy Differeet Styles.
Goenl lapUnr ul Eimt EuaCe.
If anyone eboaic aak TOO |n*l a
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—6c.
Feecy Groeeriei Flelsehfflaee's Compressef least
PeoryUlBy Frnto Bad the BwL
Order by 'Phoae Na. M.
•(rtw .aowmeSox- TA'mewAmo C
600U DakBStnotGraav
Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
And ail the Celebrated
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
to Min deMBdt farther than tbe aw/broUeim Mr. Saylar wae TS yearn
Spanieb yorarnmeat would or could of aye, aod had baea a rMideat of title
eoonty U yeara
248 Front Street.
The faaeml wUl U beld-fi»m Ue 7 Tbe SonU Side Sbakeepeare Onb
win meet wlU Mra. K. B Oatw oa
Tnba ebureb Uta momlay at I0:M.
loBdayafUrnooBBt Ue
Maxtor fialpb Aodermta will bM
ebarye af tba funeral arranyemonta ? oeaal
Otly of rnaarM Fart U Xoe
kBewtiiseeardhaobeoB iemeod by
ton ynrbor.
oma Faaae Wm Bappy.
,kbe O. B A I. hot the only ebaaya on la good ahApfs bgt we can finpply
BaOtM Harbor. Fab. SA-TbaateamOllle Paaaa was nine yean old yaa- toe branch wUi be In too oeoniny train your wauls for aomt time to oome,
or City bfTriporee tnad for twaa{y- Urday aad twenty-two of bar aehoolwhich will bereaftor leaea at 5.-0S p. m. and are
foar boare to reach tbe opaa lake route Mtea aarprlaad her at her boma on
Inxwad of 5:4S.
Anxious to
to MUwanke. Now abe li ao far oat of Velirter rtroeL Thoae proaent ware:
B. K. Ernst baa toineil tba fold aototbe harbor, bat eaoybt ao firaly la Ue
Hllde Commlnya. Meade and Meyyie toy party which toaew tomorrow wonLower onr-stock*
Sold of lea tbat abe can aelUor return Miller. Kay McL
lay' for tbe Pacific obonL Mr. Knit And are offerioK aoTne Bsrgsins
nor Bake may headway.
j beck. Era and Maryaiat SmlU. Jane will pro to SoBlUe aad decide bla coot^
whifch yoa will do wall to tata ad-:
and Heaaie Faaee. Lllllo Beadrix. wbaa he reaebw tbat potoL
TaDtage pL A chedoe stock of
EeUer YandUb. Mary Shlelda. Boxel
The Orweaat band will foralab Ua Bakery Qoods always on hand,
, Birdsell. >1oronee TClnlarv Wrenn \fatitroduetory mnalo for tba Courtenay and we woald not hare yoa lose
aon. ANellle UalbreaU, Flare OalbreaU. Noryaa oompany Monday Biybt.
of the fact that tbe
Moda Scbooloatv Lone and Hay Cbaba, atoad of tiw Boy*' Band aa |
It wiU be a anrprlae to a yroat many Miule Wloell and Pearly Loyaalla.
Gamas and rafraabmeau helped paw
to learn tbat there U one
At a'ajwetolmeetlayaf tba LadlaT
Tknwiae City for whom the bardahlpa a pleawint aftwaoon. and many bean- Library Awodatioa ywtar^y aftaria the best, and that it will pay
of tbe Alaakaa ceaoiry.bae no tarroro, tlfal praaeou wlit help OlUe U remem
daeldad to uaito with tba
aod wbo Is about toleaeafor tbe mcec» ber Ua ar^tandher frlenda "My Womam’ Clnb Innttaadlay tbe fanaral yoo to |ry a Back if yoo hare nerer
of tboowad* of dayar yold aaokeca, na* Conntiy TU of Thea." waa eany at ot Mia. Perry Hannah. Tba ladlca are
Bpedaltisfi WiU bs ii
Q aete, ituaDdiag the famoufi
attoadod by maaenllnc ooapaalaa. Yet parttoy and all want bama ro}oleiay.
raqnwtod to meat at Ue borne of Mra
Quartotto medley, -Viva Bspanola.”
OM of the p^nlar aad wall known
B aqaaw^wae airoatod by '
They wUl loara tke
Popular phoefi—10 and 15c.
loenl BilUneia, wUi eoon be cm bw eroy Bd-Bai
wtwday aad ptooto to tba boaw tor Mr. Haanab'a ewldenw at
U tka Paoific eoan m iwtU to Oaekb awvv^yataobar.*
Oor. 7th aod Union Strssts.
M: prowpL
One 1^ free fimt aigfat if aooompaaied by paid ife ticket
To take hdiaitap ef Our Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
Phone 157.
Monday, February 28th.
1870—28th Season.-1898.
Miss Courtenay Morgan,
Supported by a clever company of 12 artists. Opening
biU, the beautiful 5 act comedy drama.
‘La bllle;
TBATX&n orrt. -
3. w. BAxan.
i. m. Ram*wm. wttor ABd Xamcw.
On her eiee eWpe thi*
BpAis lua
MleaiCM When
of Um
flrbUBC ahlp.
Araiy 1
Waahlnrton. Peb. It.—Darlns the past j
9 the left [
-oom. wes^
That b the Taiaa.
t’Blied SlAtee b atit>Df.
Spain haa
Spain «ml-
AAMhere the United Statea In the
International levrytn at the national
‘'b'"' »l>a«
•* °°
la all, the AMarlcaa navy b ver^ mtiah
BtroAM than that of Spain.
• tMAftlt 0<
Mack ha> heen leid of ita
Ih AAOtber coIamb ta r>**o • oofepAri-
pB^ve ai tal
-m br>l»od 1
ber^-. allhoutb he
beard froai iB vaiioua parte of the atate
near lotiue.
The first letter
Ihe fol-
bowa praebely the eonreallM
be earer for tnutile. Who ta to blaine
for thp> condition of affairs? That b a
quesiJon ahlrh la calmly dbcowed Id
the hirher ofnrlel/alnicB.-ahd the ene«-er Ir not dlfhctift to dlscloee.
ter of torpedo hoala. bat^nakliif it all
(aw who
Btraacth of the two
MBI lotbli paster at tbe o|>eQlnB of the
of cuncrees etati-d
tbe MIchliCBD men will auend fo their
AATnJE BBiPa—rtBarcLAte
dutiea Ifv Wasbingibo. they will also
ke<p. their eyes on
Michigan all tbe
•ao hetwMBthaAATyof thto'ooBBtr^
of Peru.
TiavaiaaOtty Karfest
Below b a Ibi of tbe bayiag aad a
prloea of yeaterday for gideerba.
provUoae aad fara pr^aeta ta Trav-
Fir* in a Tan«m*nt at Chfirlastsn
8. Cn Rfifiph a Tornbl*
HfiprMt of 0«ath.
aeiMU At All of thb kind.
u.twe ia Bataaa harbor IcATea thb
mo BinT, .
Oap a
Tbe ^valatlooa belween tbe vovcrn*
Bienu<)cf Spain and the United Staten
have been rtninrd for awre than two
yeanC The peor'e of both natlone aeem
want to ret at each other la warlike
t-'leveland -and
Prevldenl klcKInley have ctood Onnl}'
tdltOMk in Burrewh’ CommittM
R«om ft Vachft.'
b»ve AB. ATWAfa laeDAfe of toMihior
oAce. aa be iBtrrtdrd to eene A
rma lo place of CnrUaa. WUl be
Watch hiny Hb trienda ear that be b
hee*/ r»B* Aod 8»T eMODd belter;,
_l__^___ k
rape. ThMealxMflnlclMebBlUeihipe
Id cer**"h.brMO. •
fkrM Matte. er«eU.
Witb tpidB.
TIM UAlMd 8t»lM hM BlM
•kipa oi Ue ftnt cIma
ofcAwn tbavbbbkabrald.
M*. T. B*t«»
ClW Pork per bbl. a
Gear Pork peril....
Bbort Cat Pork per ft.....................
. floar. H L. A On. Ikeet................
MOBTOT THrrP*i*Tl ABRntnT.TIBTHj ByePlw. H. L. A Co. Beat...
Meal. B. UACo. Keek..
H. ^ O
1* 7*
bwsfTheBi Sstor a'Babs at hat a Phw !
■aaih. Ote.te Oihen B-ri-r *»•• , Lard per !b.....................
Ihras te auuea Yean OU-hethlSB hat Bottor per M DaItT.
CSanad r—j-T Aittvir d—Trmia Bteps CnaBory Bnttor.ft
w per lb ■
Wamaa DIm wt the
_____ per bo (oil
I Corn per bn., old..■
Charleston, fi. C, Feb. M -Nine Uvee | g^lt per bbl.........................
rare lost In a fearful fin a Web raced
Bnn pot ion.....................
for a short ahlle In Church
, ^^ttonr'r'buT...........
let us topA'^ai tne Disuiry ^ihia 'mornins.
At ::i« a
i pyTi** AAtae or WA’
On th- afternoon of Aur. J». 1
auly noticed blc sparks flyin* from I
>»-«■« cn:«i5h-v.ld.p.rb.
y i ***• tenem. ot
v.1... t Wheat, new. per bo.............
t l.y tbe Inc*, thi bTteved i Blreci. The officer found that
Oate. No I. per bn. (oew|.:
h followen bearlmc rich | wu issuing from one of the windows
Com. per bn..
k''® costly itolden glfti for the stranRe j yg ,j„i
The doors were broken 1 Potatoea per
while men.
The ftpantards stranglr-d
open and tbe family on that floor Was'r Rya per
Alahualia In the puMIr square and
rushed out wiihuui any damage. Boms- ! Backwheat...
slaughtered many of the Innocent njen
who had come pearefully to welcome bod, yelled-that'a f.mUy of •«»>•«
Th* slaughter was led by the vaa alf-eplng on the third floor. The'
pr|.-st. Valerde. and he was anerwArda
OhMari MaiABt.
police rush-'-d up sulra aad when they
mad* bishop of ruscb. Tbe bIrbstidJi.
reached the lop ktory- the lifeMavtng
Feb. M —Wheat-May.
Praarro. was made a marquis of ftpaln.
work was stopped t>y the dame* which gl.OSHj^ 4a1:^«^«Sc; Sa^tnbar.
The ttrcw-lous Mlialny was rewarded by
the government .rf Spalm
WhefWTer the SpanUrdi Went In Ih*
time, for there b a great campaign
There are twelve
..10,»M ImiH-ndlng.
ml A rlAoea that SpAln b Moeh the Kearaarga .
..U.Mi grTrstpen to be nominated and ele. fied. ]
..u.sss and there is also to be a gulwrnatriMal
Ic apita of the eaMrliooa of Kantoeky.
..ll.sts eacrpalgn and -the election »f a Irgta- '
<MT we^Ma Id bataI aqolpiiMDt tkb Jlltnob...........
. ll.&» Uiurv w Ulch elects the aticc-sw of Sen- •
Mill ahow that we AI* aoSeleatl; able' Alabaina ■
ator BuTTOwa This latter matter la of ,
. .11,410
«• Make a dbplay that will do
Iowa .
Me Rose and that I
flAlted Statee if foreed to aa baae
ta why be Is no longer In Wakhlnr<*
,h* blood of Innocem ahoHgtnes.
fttoams from dying women
All good newspaper lorn make good prl-,
conquest, and tbe gov- haard, ud Officer Bagtiy rushed In and
I'ork—February. filO.U: May. «lb.S5.
ncAooiBe txu^- DBmaB tMiacLABa. vate seciTlartea. aad"H*nry Krtae U no . ^nimenl of Spain rewarded her free- pnUed ODt three charred budlea. The
Tm lepebUteBa of the oodbUt aah
escerltun to that general nila
: hooters with tllles: riches and numerona quick
MoBlerey............................................................ ‘
work of the Are
Grand Bapida. Peb. 26.-iffheAt. BOc.
BAtlral; wUUar to aooaat the faye <
' Mshee aw tUeelWt sewrsaary.
i honors and marks of appp-val. .Kvery checked-the lirw. and It was soon under
hAttle thrown dowa by theldaaoerAl
By the sane
ae token (uali
(using an Irish j one of
control, but not until nine liven on the
pew wnrlff haa been wrested from SfiAln
fi««aTiiarirni* ounnittee lo their dad
veteran Dcwspaper nan.
third story bad .been lost.
TTie dead
because of her uncMIfaed conduct.
Charles Moure, makowan egrvlirni prlMrs. RebWT* Ki.l'-kmeyVr. Albert .
lining under her dhminDoleke WUl Give Free Oos-Brary
Cbkafo plhtfarwM
secregary to Beni^ orMrMliian. Th* . ’
Caswell O Neil; • Joaephlna-i
aultatieB to a Xamlted Humbar.
com-B|H.ndim of this paper was once
A AAd Other attar- nosiKAwtuxa
Kntpkmeyer. I yeara ot age:
KaUa |
I.Dvale secretary «>f a Mlchlgi
Dr. Lodwig voB Doleke. tbe emiaeni
n of affairs In Cuha
. t.100 penaior. and they used to say that he
has always been aevrre and unusually
•ABltetloDS dBrtar tbe preaent year^
. <400
a worthy sroHcer In that line.
The natives have rebelled meycr.
has heoB clearly and dbUneUy In^avor bUbopac------The man who does tbe work of private
Is sUll la tbs city aad hs wUI
ggain and again. Three years ago a
t. • years;' IJIIIe Knlckmeyei
^100 ae.-rHsty of a Michigan senator, who
•( haeplBg the eorrery of the naUen at Mathaliaa ..
rebellion I- can which has ctmilnued to
s; twhy <if Alt* Knlckmayar, «
. :!ioo attends to It faithfully, has Utile time
. -imited nobbardoriDg tbe n
. l.tTt
muoth ..lA
of bta stey at Park Place which wUl
. 1.S7S tunnies UT learning how to
not belong. Tbe cabinet hath which
Havana and a small^portlM of
; i,«6 mouth abut on public afTalr*
baa attracted eo much atteatieo araosig
. I.»75
comes from every county,
fsteaa *a Yswss OM IHss »imw Oailie tbe medbrnl profeaeloa U one of the
Idbe Baati4oe l>halpa af^Rave
. 1.87S
of loplr* and all po
Dael.tngesiBB eoDtrivaneca knowa |»
Wliiirk Trwte ■*« Mt Fir*
rage has l>een committed by tb<
. 1.875 litical i
s supposed 1.
wbltiAf Hba|liekliag.
. What has the curse of Spain been
Bauannab. n*. pyb. ».-Tbe Plant
U lap'fovided with a powerful electric
. Vra A. L. BavUaad wae oallad y> Kaotackei. ■.
towards these insurgehts* It has been system and Atlantic ^-oaai Une Florida
battery eo regulated that the patleat
dhraad Bapids yaeUrday oa aceoaat of
a course of brutality which shocks the aptvlal vesUbuled train between SI.
ftchiiylcr Olds' conlldenllal letters re
■aybeu .ted with the mildest, ataat
ABMoarji t-acinaa
world and awakens the sympathy of
dhe Ulaeea of her nothar;
Angusllpe and New Turk, was brought
or a earraat
eenlly fell Into Ih* - hands of Hhillsevery nation The people of the Unit'd
The taaiily of O. W. tfardaer of Miatines.
It has generally l-«i supposed
. suddeh siandatill on a buml^ aa airong aa desired. Or. Von Doleke
States have long felt II to be their duly
that the apbynz and sa^
ABairn’le arrived la the city yesterday
trestle near tVayrruaa; UKi miles south
te Interfere and cmi>el the &
kn»w lietter than lo writ! «-<infldenllal
yesthrita atteind the foaeral of Mm. ^ny
- --nder rnba. fiut have We
letlerw to ceri.tln parties.
Hr knows
a(lemrK>n. The *udd<-n
•rtght. and ft It jAir duty u- IntervtCeT
OaBaah. aioiher of-Mrs. Gardaar.
the nx-nial and moral caliber of every
caused the death of Mr*. Frank D.
That la the question.
pollllcIsB fri Mlchliwn, but he seems te
EcUy. i
Holder. of YoDker* N- T.. Ct years of
We know Uta\ Spain has not Foughi
Inrt is D
have slipped up on one of them.
,age. and threw the remaining paanen- server tbe cablnrt
A Bbapla Tire XxUar>bhar.
. 7.S75
battle* with the parpose of pulling
Ited <bher AsptcaUlMUi.
gen Into a panic, but all escaped with umph of eelenUfic I
dowri'-the rebellion. On the conirary.
Haad grenadea. tbe eitBpleet fin as‘
-Pchuy" was regarded as the best pH*
we know that Spain has driven Inno
. t.STO
Magabher. CM be made et baae cheap
vare s.-«-retary in this city when he act
. 4.U4
cent and weak women, children and In
Philadelphia ■
ed In that caiAcIty for t«enat»r Klock.
trestle communicated to the coach, a
ly aadaaally. Aad it b well to have Chicago..
. 4.500
valid men Inlq pla<-ea of cnrenlralton.
brMge. So well versed was he that h'enand the fire spread rapidly. Conductor ent kinds of bath*, locladlog Turkoh.
'at haad a eotell eoatrivaace for eaUa- : Newark ..................
. 4.0M
surrounded them with soldier*, aad
BuMian. Tnrko-Raaalaa. Bomaa. mrd.
alor Slockbridge ci.nsuUed him on ev
starved them to death. Tea. starved to Mather and hla train crew worked Imted TurkUh or II
. t,0l»
falehlag a aaall fin at lu atart.
ery lni|>ortani propoalUon which came
bravely and atalated the pcaaergers
. 4.411
death more than }«.«(» of .these people
before the achate
When eiovemor
Take tweaiy poeada of eomaiop ealt
. .Mlt
It It hcinlble
It'^s barbarous.
It II from tbe burning t»r* In abort order.
Veil Rich apiMdnted Mr. aurrows t«
The burning ireaile was dUcovered i bath* aulpher ..
Md tea pooadaofial amaioniac
^•*** I_ _ _ ’>'■ .offered
^_ _ . _tbe
_ _ _ piivate
_ i.— ._ se<-reteryshlp
befose the train rrcched the structure j which are combined everything wb^
Spain and her govettimenl.
Mb Bf aaMoala. u> »• bad of any I CbarleadBA and i train hand was sent forward to, M g^ for the bomao system.
g.18* '
fllfla-hul -Schuy pctlltely dcjclined *•
Senator Majum of Illinois and others
AraggUt,) aad dlaaolva la seven gallons | AUaate . . suited by many
give a signal. The mnsAe from the I vpo Do] eke ha* tewn
In the aenalr and In the house of repre
«.... ...
sentatives have puhllrly esfireaaed lh« forest fire, from which
94100 I made a pretty good fight before the leg- senitmeAts of a great majortty of our caught, prevented
fimm. Back aa am ordlaarily nasd by j
from eeveral who have eeffared
•'nno I Isluturr. TOO. but Hurrows was elected.
the signal and he ran ahead. Tbe tres
lieople. There can be no doubt of that.
AtAggiaU. and fiU with this, corking : Montgoosery
— ""'I
_ __________
___ ^
for a long time. Tbe doctor will be
seems I
The aenale ha* passed a resoluilon tle was over a shallow basin with nt pleased to rncive vUite either of a
K^tly aad^aartiag. tA prevant ev^ior-1 Mennlnguia .
old soldiers nf
wate( beneath and the pa.arngen wen
I'tOOi foil ^ il*r pari of t
providing pvi-gnlUoD of the belligerent
friendly or professional nature at aay
to dry land.
on tlir part i.f rights of the Cuban Inturgema.
! l.TOp'
lirop MKhJgan. that Is to say.
Tpe abU » «ep dow-n
time doling the mnaiader ot hie eter
-a offiretmnwaoa. to bmak 'orkte*.
I’gH , the \iilunteer ofllrt-r-, to secur* the house Of represrntatlve* has not been
in tbe city.
L»* I passage of a MU pUclrtg the volunteer permMied. for eight months, lo lake up
Pwi Tlaw by the rwaadlaas.
I the flABea. If the flm is U WtlmlagtOD....
I.S9J' O*- ••!* on Ihe mir.-d llrt of th* ,mr
^,u,„on for cons.demiion PreslMontreal. Feb. K.-The Canadian PaI place as to pruvnat thc bouU
. i.ooOl wlthi.ut t»>
of ®»"« McKinley and Speaker Re-d have, clflr railroad has bruken the warld's
tnm braaklng. aais wool.pr cotton.
. J.OOOi want the right to wear the untforms of
,hi, matter. M.anwhile record for a irana-.-ontlnenUal freight
. LOOP' llisir army mnk The bill Is not likely.^
rapine continue,
iMck aff ta# aaek and aoatter the eoB- Newport................
rur. carrying four i-artoads of sflk land
Ta Florida VU ‘-The JAad ef tbe
. 1.000 lp be passed
the rcfigresamen |
„„lged ed at Vancouver by tbe atbamshlp EmHrtneetoB .^....
fiky.ih.i I,
• y..r or'
pres* of China to New Tork In exactly
Th« WvAklBg of the b
— Uirr with a lull glUng Ihem »be^^>
atrocities- But the Spanish spirit seven day*
The silk wa* valued al
'• eertela amoaeiof gat. aaAthe haat
leilreil snii} "ffluers. ami that
^tllt Mrradea the government of Cub* M9C.71*
would make an awful big h»le In ihe
mt the fi'm gcaaratm mora. thus w^- Hartford..
TflpKha »t tbe aptril ot MU CMSUT.
trenury every year.
Maw OUaaaa March 7th la .Ight! Jk* «*•»»«««>
li/w-a* typical of fbe splrtl of Spain
chTol at Baainee. Colter*
, Lend-eeeker. Ue-Pletenrceeoker. Uie
This axtinguUber ha- bM thorough
aam.g aupa—nsst Ciam
ly tested and U folly equal in point pf
of tlrand Rapids-la pushing along
amlrUng like a eonFor the next 80 days 1 will make
.F-Uyo. ........... ...........................................
frneUcal value te aay
InvesUgallon of tbe cause* which Irt j
hypocrite, while al the aamt dress aklrte from |l outegl 25; dress ' beautiful erenery. tl
tbe, German govemmwt to eaclnde 1
writing letters lo Spair waist* 1125: »;ik walsu It 50: cAliee laad and the many
along iu linen.
Amertran. fruit* frr.m Germany. He
I a.nounrlng our national admlnlstratlor
a 7.5c to ll.no
Thaatrleal Motaa.'
Oo toJPMda aad etcape the
ate. investigating the adulte^llon of ,
,t „„ president. One Of
Mu* Dxu. EksKi*,
af winter.
Woday Bigh t the ConrteBay Morgaa
German wlnea whl.jp are ^'d In th;s
eapturi-d or lrlerrn>ted.
312. Bi^t Frout KL
and kfap'^ AKHEVILLB, ‘The Lmad
• -member of tpe com- ,
Spanish mlnlater waa obliged
company will appear for a weclc'a en- Polgearda .
of the Sky,” TBE SWITZEBlJtND of
mliiee on l-.relgn affalra.hr will have ,
Waahlngl. n wlthcut delay.
gagemeat is tbe City Opera Houea. tbe Doqaa do Tetoan............. ..................
AMERICA, 'wher. haaven and ea.^
Thia m
asKisUnre of Ihr enlire membership •
necaaary for :-peln I- .liaavow
ia ™
first aitraeUon belBg"lA Belle Marie."
*«em te meat aasoagst the maay of the
, f ihal crntmiuee In his work.
'• j |I,.Vim^nte“«preieo.’(ff iV h.-r minister.
MlM HatUe V, Hadley, who rame bcaotlaa of natar* See tha grandaat
a pratiy five-act eoaied.T drama filled Emperad'or Carlch V........................
■ r-si-vled fo result In retAllaio^ IrglsU- |
j^at the writer of the
here some t’me ago with Dr Ludwig I srenary
in Amarlea and
BllmocaWith iatereaUng feature* Tbe com• •-‘'W'tlon
offensive letter will receive honora and
Von Doleke. has hoes kept pretty hq*, Hooae.
America'a ooly Palace, the
Hecauae of
erholbm.nts from tbe Si-nlsh goveru- treating paUeau in her room* at Park , chateau of Geo. W. \anderWU.
yaay haa-bean playing to good baaiOr
• '.WW : Iasi week, attending the Michigan club ;
Plsarro and Valerde. the
WMB la Maalstee for a vreek and the iAIiBlrante Aqnando...........
Plaoe by the elevlro-theropeuHc cab-i the traveler, who U in a harrv to fat
banquet. fongt«sm.n CorilM requestn.,o..c..rt....................
- ir Us*■net
^pers hava given the aUracUona mueb | Vizca.ra........... ...............................
- «,8»: rd the committee on Immigration to
City -- I
I InfamU .Marie Teresa —
- *.**>, withhold a report on hi* WU until some ,
tyn'cal of
meat of
I day ihl. week , It ls preaumed
. ,that the
.V j that the ,hattieship Main.'should be en- -tetbs
Al e
,irree.up may be brought before
n.v.wi .harbir; that her
PoUtoea for BuShlo.
Dot ahplai
Mlaa Hadley haa alao; and the Gray.
-• ^Ihonre f..p „maldrratl-n Inal.le .d ten
.hould receive etery polite at.ted
for facial 1 |a roBnectlan with the Gnaen A Crea. Mike Oherhn of Bingham will leave Alfoaao Mil...............................
remcml.err<l thal^
,„d that while the stilor* and
blrmUhea. and
d by
,____ -. .
(teute. the Bonihcrs Rallwev
far Buffalo Monday with alg ear loeda
fator* the Corlla* bill. |
pea.etully rieeplng In
which are haemleoe freckle*. w»rw and form* the Great Throngh-Trnnk-Lla'e
la support of itHC m<-B.«ure
suppow-d t- li- a iK-a.eahle
Of patatee* There will be 4.00ti buah-.
eh are aaBoy- to th* booth aad KloridA. ElagAht
. aid If. *«-uring Its raaaage. I
,h„uu be Blown up,
ilg are- made to vaniab after a few veetlhulod train* atryvlng through
. 1.040 Th. r.. will be a protracted debate uh ,
Ma^ Ldiob .....................
deairoyvd. and the -blue
treatmrnienia: ...
MIm Hadley baa her ate
the bill before It eap W passed.
, jacket* sent suddenly to eteVnlly
N«- parttnenu
nu adrairabU
adrairabl.v arraag>.
arraaged and
__________ ______ _ _. tbeSonih.
nry su-s T rtM tor sTMure.
t'erngtessman Smlih again-led the reo- ,
confluence’ IwHeve* ladies, are iavlted U> Inspect tbe -hath,
. S.0»
lAlfonao XII...........................
For saapa aad laforntatloa. apply far
Ann Arbor, MUh.. Feb- K-W. J.
. 2.0W ord laat week l>y securing rletvn iw»>-i ,h„ „ur battleship was lost by aocl- which t* wortb.r of cloae inspeclioa.
1 Beloa ChiUtlna................
vnor Dearest cnopon Uckat agrat or
Bryan has rotifted the comopondlng
w.ldl. r* In the Fixtb «>f**
Beina Mercedes................
whether o«e Ukr* treatment or wot. kddreaa
Wu. B. Taixox.
. aecretary of the Htudents- Iteciure as. 1.1521 gTv»*l..h*l dtelri'T
The little man,from J
p,„ un^er ihe rules of Intefnallonat AvUittoMlaf Hadley will he eure to
Coade de Venadlto...........
Awt Uen'l. Fas* AgenU
aoclatlotf that If h.- Is all.iwed lo speak'
. 1.15* rimilas la a hummer and visits the pen- I n,, reccqtnlsed i>y all nation*, wc- have be Aot ooly iDterenUng bat profltohle
Don Astonio UJloa . ..
No. 2in Fmrth Aeaao,
«B blmetanisin he wlfl tender hla aer. 1,152 slun ofBre rv.-n' dsy w hen In the city.
no oesasmr to go to war with to All ladle*
Don Juaa de AusUla ..
Loutsvitl* Keatooky.
v5m grail*, but If not allowed to speak
Infanta Isabel..........
!Spain under all of these trying clrcum- sc that aubject hla TWte will be UJOA
-hlgan aasoctstlon Hill
The Michigan
will have a j •ignc,-*
Prrsldenl Cleveland
Ifabel II.............................
A standlQg rule of the enlveiMty that
and a ivr}' yn«leM lanquet ^ghl and Presldrnt McKinley ha* been
MBtversKy hall (wntiol be naed for poling. We haTv her* ; Hght.
Thursday evenlng.
Rut both of
..{N l,Mt
tbe Cuban Insura membership of 500 Wolverine*, and j
been unjust
a first prni<alilonf HI* rule
the atlendantv upon i>ubllc recepilon* I* j .............................................
ff^nfs whlfe i
be Jlist 10, 8p**n;g
ArragOA............. .......................
e lltnltiIS .,r the BMOriAty*
uaiiBlly about t£o! Tbe avming.
That Is a strong aiatement. -hot In th*
ef tbehp^toh nearly midnight, la usually spent
...................... ,of
, ____
able men with whom the
. feh. 2C--n>e plsg^ and aavy were built 25 years ago. aad have conveixaGon about our rX|>eriencca al | writer has conversed, the statement Is
Will cleao it thorongkly. true the wheel* give .you any oi
loratlon for the third bridge over -Ihe beea refitted mad raarcaed, but ara vr^ home sod of th* friend* w* left behind ; coiTtvt and-van be-demonstrated,
aad aay
yoa may wtoh at.
. or>lor. Beet hakiag oven in city. - Oaly tte vary b^M. WAs> Weals N» rerteesiy Pisps^
Bfl*<dasl]g>l were sii|iiuv*d by tbe com- much iafetfar to the Texa* the oaly us when we ram.- to thr national capi- ;
tal lo find fame or fortune, or bi.lhj
-yne -neutrality lawv of palluns aro amel. Call and aae eample aad Jndge for yooroelf- Facun
teltte*’ of government englacere. who
afaoad elaaa ship now remaialag to the
bicycle repairer*
Best -work for the least
('olmicl W. B. TbonipMSi of Hudson never Invoked rxcept In case of war. If
made * rept.n to the war department
a spectolty.
UaHed btata*
I* agate eleeled treasurer of the Ite- i iherc'ahould b* *.rehellion In Canad*
•t R'ashlngioo to this effect. Th* loce1 campaign com- such aa there was in the United fttates,
ttea Will lou,
ef MnUanpby
and IT Great Rrltaln were urte* «”
and the eastern
SitInn I
alz years oontlnuousj^. and quell that rebelllnn. y would be
■ae to the East BC
New Tor*. Feh. 2A*-A vessel Just ar___gowrtiment at London to rvevenlxidr
kliody In congri-s*
X^oaJa wal.-r works.
rived ta port report* that on the way
queet -thl* country to obaerve atrlet.
arroas tbe AtlanGe a steamer was seen
T. r. Appe.1. A.r Meiwy.
Thai would b* perCecUr
Chteago, Frii M—Th* trustees of the evidently dlrsbled that anewers tbe deWoBtane T.-uif,l, lave adoplad reao- •cripllon of La Champagne, now six Iwen made chairman of the same com ** But while tbe government at MadrU
that of Bpala and ft will ha
. 7.m
Bicycles Enameled at Front St Cycle Works
From $i.S0 up to'$2.50
ELLIS, 311 Front St,East.
faUno* asking
Rhrougfaept the onuniry lo aaslat Ic
rahdng the d*bi wbi.-h hangp
t mbrtoieoed-'WiiiiirdlbmpI*'
mn. wnuam
Abe M bM yat Ml of danger aad to aari#wty n-
daVs overdu*
She displayed no algaal
la>or 1
•ck. deputy Internal re
r ihd dUlricC died at hie home bare
yeaterday. the reaolt of a stroke ot
parulyei* Major Poci wwm • yaareoM.
He eerred In a WtocouMa rmtmAat dnri
mute* for a third lime.
Thr visit of Davr Maglnnlty to PyesldCDl McKinley ha* been mlarepresented
by the Detroit newspapers. Tbe presi
dent did not Tan on Hcgintifty's neck,
weep and apologise for not rSvIi^ him
the Internal revenue collectorshlp.
the contrary, the prasldent- told him
that be Intended to jive him'nometbtet
lualty aa good, .^t Dave informed
ha would BOtAakaxy
rlalma that there ta no war in Cuba, we
have be*n requested to ..»s.*tve the
neutromy laws.
Because of that unfair demand Ibis country has policed
the sea for St«In and prevented onr
people from aelling arms and ammuift.
lion to the Cuban Insurgent* - Thero
no necemlty for such a oourve
t« Internatlotial law.
This eenntrr
■hould qoU policing the nea In Bpantah
TBM KORinHO mooitP. BTOPAY, PBBTCABT 87, 1888.
Doings of iJl Sorts of Poopla naS Odd Bits of News From
All Orer The St&te.
“It to •UUBf* whet» verirt;- of orItolM OM A»da In Utoory book*." toaetked Mn. In Bnnnoi. Ubtviu of
«kn Boynl Onk Udln' Ubnry Mne^
•liM. lo U« Birmlncboa BeoMtrte roywter tho o%ht dny. Sinoe ton. Bnrsna bM bald tbnt olHoa aba baa foud
.tottan. pbotor^ba and neay ethar
wtlelao bnt tbc rroaieai ftad of nit oa«nmd toat waak, whan SSS dn ^rmboeka waa dtoeatand aafaty bidden In
tba lantaa of n boob.
- ewnar, • n^deni of CUwaoo, wna noon
' tonnd and tba libr&rinn to nwnlUnr the
toMt wlndtnU.
will after a Uma coma to bo eoeeplod
aa Iron. Inqnlry at tba probata ofBoa
la tbla elty ravaala tba fact that doring tba put tblrtaop yean, of orar
«00 Wilto a&nittad t^ probata by Jadro
toelntyra. not one bu arar boon brobaa and furthvTTarlQr that tine only
thru willa hare bun effertd for pro
bata before bln that ba ku Mt adnltted 08 good aa ralid. A handrad daeda
are Ml atlde to one will.
•erne Good Ba^injt.
•anday to a good day apua wbleb
to look Bp ona'e reodlag. naitar
pbd to aalut'aonatklag Ip uit onab
nood. be it
flottola. to afford
luuatioB tor tba brain or nonething iMtrnetiTa to odneato the
nlad. At Hukall'e Bo^etmm all
noruot Utoraiy prtiduedbtfatotottofy
all aoru of nental oraHaga Tfaie laiut popolar pnblioatlor. to tbe^lay Li
brary. a dvc-orat paper oorarad book in
which are pnbitobad the worke of the
boat known and Boat pnpnlar anthora.
aaeb M SUnlay J. Wrynan. -*The
Dnabaaa." Eadyard ElpUng aad otbara
eqaally reliable aad noted. Btaldea
thieqiubUealion oee can eaente alt. the
lateat magatlaea and literary <^^netlona np to daU.
toaraingaarTica, u a. B.
Jnawr Eoduaor I p. b.
Tbe Btoard of BdneaUqa wtH aeU tba
C. E BaaUng S;4t p.. b. Leader. BMt State atreet acbool peoparty. ma*
Lomu Peaniagtoa. To^ “OoUlng atottog of lota 38 aad ». black B. BaaBto; LayA Oo'a 7tb addition, together
clcu to Chrtot.''
with toebnildingtberun. at prieMo
Brming seiyiM 7 p. b.
aale tor «7M.. Tor fcrlbar fnfortoattoa
Bong Borriee at waning.
apply to
A W. EKwmo.
Jloralng nereton and earBoa at lb:W
«** U
City Qe^
a. B.
All are cordlaBy tsritod.
Snnday eebool and BHda elnaa at It.
geningaarrtonaad aaraoa at?.
•aT.p.OmbUa.aaeBr. '
All are oordtolly tarltod to thou aarTba City Oonneil bu extended tba
Sermon at HhSO a. m. on “Chrtot and time for tbe eoUutloa of taxu lo
tba Phytlelan." In tbe sertoa oa tba March 1st. IMS.
rtnar itsnooieT.
AU delieqaani taxes at that lieu wlU
practical upaeU of Cbrtottoalty.
Ber.J.a. Brssdy. psswr.
be ratamac to tbc Coanty Treaaarw.
Mnak by tba Qnaen aiyf^oaiUt.
Pruehlng at io:SA a. b. aad 7 p. b.
AH personal taxes mut be paid u
Bnaday acbobl at tba ^oaa of'tbe toon u Feb. toib. 18M.
ClaB muting ml
Snnday acbool al clou of tbe aom- wmlag aerrlca. BIMa ciaaa at tba
right of tbe puliHt Bnalaem bob'!
lag aerriea.
elnaa to tba laet auto to tbe ^arito.
Jea'lor Laagne at tct^u.
144-Feb. 77
Band tba leaaoa. (Hntt. llrSOiSO) before
Bpwonh Laagne at S:4» p. b. .
Tbnndpy eeenlng prayer muting at eoBiag.
T:SOp. B.
For the
VoBBg Peepla'a Society of Cbrtotian men and ouJuT who*“i^
Scbjret of aennoB Saaday moraing.Grand BapMs Saturday oigbl with tbe
■‘AeiiualBtanuwlUOod.“ aad la tba j BnSbavor at S:4S p. m.
tbe putor will ^eak on leut possible lassoftlmr: eomaieaeing
aunlng: --Spiritaai Salelde.” As tbto '
-Ht v
w . Saturday. Febmarr 26ih, and conltoni8 an iBpertaat sohjact and one which _Ml. tamo*, thanomaaed tomb ofi,„^
Katardav (bereefter natU
cordially ^farther notice, the Grand Bapida A
to present, a
Indiana will maa train luring toaeki> to extended to all
Cltr in tbe afternoon amrluf
Uewhem. Aa effhft
. to tol!
ynrala^-by Beapectiu Obwabaa.
■ Aintlaa'i Mnraxlne-' to one of tbe
While paninf as abandonrd ahanty. lateat and one which to attraetlng ooaCbarlee Snltb. a fanur of Cojenian. •tderablr attenlioa brreneoof the Ban*
elaJne U* hare uen a .-igar-ebapad ob-: aer of lu ipelie op and ibr character of
A Barrion eenniy nintour dtodorarad Jeet ereeplDgalowly along tbe proond wfaat it eonuina It ir a flre-ceol
till it cru-oed tba road in front of. tbe axina and in it are Ui« works of tba
tbnt bto nnlnry waa not Urge anongb
kontc. Uis frightened barae ran a Bile beat anthora. Stanley J. Weyaan and
for tba aopport of na Inrmainf fnnlly.
before it oonid be ooain Had. Smith Anthony Hope are among tbe cootrib«nd bOTing bad aoaa exparionea in
nswer that paiplexnare tba objaet waa twenty fut long uion and many of tba mast notad will be mnde to anmw
oarpcniarl^r. ba bagaa doiaf odd Joba
tog question; ‘;How
) a wife or
knd of n bright yeUow color.
writera of the present day ran be found
far bto.neaben. Hto baalnaaa stow
mother be bnppr.ln bearen while
nptAl.v.aadaoonbcboacatocn baarbueband or child to lost?"
thr'City Bookstore Ua. good plara to
tor tba word ••carpantar” in front of
D. U. ToBpkito of Deartora. tbe
But noantiy ba ba- Boat noted banter In the rltlage. end go tor a good selection of reading nat SowarC Hoar* sad nstj Mooes. Paswrs.
Manager Holley hu lately reiboorbi bliaaaif of tba eootnr aprtnk who to m yean old. kept a raoord at ter.
“I was glad when they oald unto me.
bew paper oovaad Ua aarly aprlar waddtnra. and bto bnaUng froif last to irrv. iarlnalra ceired a great stock
lot ns go into the bouee of the Lord.”
addad anotbar word lo bto alfn. It Thie raoord ^w« that daring tbau need books at all prim and many oen- I Pulm i:t
tain new atorlss iy grut anthors.
sow nada. “CbrpaDtrr and Jolnar."
Bible acbool at 9;4» a. m.
yaara Mr, ToBpklu killed 1.M8 dear.
• bearm. S wolraa. aad wild eata. Irnz.
Haary Kruetoco. great-grandfatbar w|ld tnrkaya dneka and othar gane
of B. B. Elkar, of Albion, lirad to ba at wllbonlnnnbar. Ur ToBpklea* faiblaaat 1S«. Kraaeto L. C. Oantaoa. of jar utUed in ibe'lownabipof Pakia
KalaBatog atoo a reutira of tbe agadllgit
Aftarwarde the nam wu
naa, wriua that be aaw tor. If'rancieeo' changed to Backlln and then to Dearat ChaUaioa, VL. U ISIB... I'ranetoeo' bom. When ba Ini began bunting,
than claiBed to ba m yean old. He i Ur. Tonpkine need a gun with a flint
B in Francs to ISM. and died in lock. Then came tbe pill lock gnna.
iSM. the oldaet nan emr known to tbs aad following them the cap lock. Noae
United Slates. He came to America in of Tompkiu’ old kunting .-eBpaniops
IMI. Be claito'ed to bare bau praunt are now alire. Tbe old man to still!
at the orowatog of (foeaa Anu of Bng- rigorona Be uy« be bu eun u 'many '
ladiau in Dearborn u there arc
no^ white tobahiunia. He to well
Tbe two largut eacnem aalt pau to
tbe werid am being made to Mnatotee
far tbe B. O.'petefn nompany. They
am *0 feu la diameter aad'M fut high,, deeeribed u eeenrring ruently :
with a total weight of M» teaa Bleb Wbiteball. Tbto wu nothing mo
pan bu orer e.OOO Ante three feet long.
leu than the a
thru mllm of--piping
in eachfrom tbe face of tbe earth of aa enor
. •
Boneeasd hUl. which bad etood f<w
8..14.. .1.C
• J»» • >——nl J~t
Snb« P.r »I Boj.1 0-k. — .,.4 7. j
ou. ,oU,.>’.Ul.c-t.,'>.7
U» .kon .1
i. HQ.U-C ™ijw.r 1. . i«i.1
I for Ito prodlglou aim. ihni being eeacar. drawB by a apan of gray mi
:ily dtouognkbed.from iu neigbbon.
eto I--------1— in tbs
Ud ti.j -OT >r<(kl«.d o. U»lr
; O" “» mor.l« U. ,u..U,» oltl„„
iwUl be in time.foreonnactioas to Chi
BememSn- the eodal eeent ef thel^Fo and Detroit. Retaming train
i_^._|Will leare Grand Uapldsarert Sunday
ehareh for the winter, next Wednesday
'»t7;41a B..coraneociQgSnndny. Pebe^tog. AHareoordtoHyiarited. re“ ’ ruary STth.
• rn.ntogr on tbe Use of
phetolly thou wbo bare no cbnreb prvaeni Ne.-V For tli
timecard* or foriply to G. l:. A 1.
home u Trareru Clly. to mrae and
sing tbe old bymu and enjpr an ereniag of gate fellowablp. Begin to oonot
open iL
Grand Bapld*. Mich.
. To Make Room For Immense New Dry Goods and Clothing Stoct
We must sacrifice this etock of shoes to secure more room, and th'« entire lot must
be sold in 30 days. Our stock consists of best grade fhoes in ladies', children's and
men's sizes We are go<ng out of the shoe bueiness. Hence this stock must go. Read
these prices, then call early for good selections. Besides these there are some odd sizes
which will be sold for what they will bring.
24 pairs Ladies’fine Vici Ktd
hr h UnOw-ko u..ud
'b— >b.
amnu tbe'track. In 1M8 tbe aaUre
region between Detroit and’ Poatiac, There only n urale of water greeted
tbelr utooHhed gnu.
Tbs |Aaoe
wu deasely wooded.
where the saad noond eleod .._ ...
eeii^.immediately bctwuo White lake ^
rreqeuUy it to said, my* the Bill*-land Uke Mkkigaa. The theory to
dale Leadar. “Don't make a will; tbe {that the bank* gare war And let tbc
lawyen .wiH bruk it;'' and that only | mam of uadetok bcoaa'th the watan j
•bowe bow an ofVrepeated nmertlcn | of tbe two lake*.
I but be erer knew yhe p;re* to be pro------------jdboed. Tbe mnsit-sl purtioa aad drill
WlU Dtoptoy Tbely ProdnStn nt *U-1
i« ebuge of Mu Bingham, -bo
!«•. D™, >ton.
- I
tiulsr ol tSe Hj.ue
UrscT UssUse*
r My.lle Hhlp^PSasM
Vtnal BranenteUon of
■ nu ssrios*
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
sizes 8 to 12. sold before at76c, will be closed out at - -
black or tan, lace or button.
cointoe, worth $1.60,for..
IssssMls tbesrf
risr pi C*lk> ...
ailn-4 «-ilferl,w
lUy NcMsns*
mat COrteli
to of grut sAvsateg* te the
youg U. properly Wntoed mA offar* opnortuniUMfor nttelntog grnu
' omA Antob which to ulAom-teforcA'
“.11m Mystic MiAgete*' to OM of tbo
preAnetkm* orer-totro-
■sU MeHkUel!
i*r tbe porticiponts. Tkto wu boMtltally gtreo n»d Mr. Decker, «m e« tbe • Oeati
•tewn of tbe uMtete wbo AlrecMA tbe
pwAMetite deeUtei that Ikto wu tbe S$3tf
UsOsw aa4 Mari'
Oaly 16 Ontn.
owlttenta Utte Bax Plate
24 pairs Children’s Shoes,
sizes 6 to 8, worth $1.00,'
BlactrCat and Henderson's
English Ties, worth $1.75,
F very pair warranted, to be
closed outat................. :.Ql
100 pairs G. M. Henderson’s
48 pairs Misses' Dongola
24 pairs Children’s Shoes,
eonSdoM wnieb oaly tbe clossst
tentioo to baelaeu aad tburongh min‘lo-' tUiaX-r. Klnes* (be Iswris Srtesr'uB-TsBi’
ing make, poesihle. There -u an
euygrauBanifmted by all wbo Imd
coupicnou parte and tbe, nil knew '
the Jinee of the dlaloffne.* redtations
ted ■bag* aad iwqnlred lltUe or Bo]Wbt>^
/prempltog. Ibere to ae qauUon bat j
umt each .
.taite. u tho.»*»rr«'n*
Working Shoes lack'^ or
buckle, sizes 8 to 11. worth
$1.60. for.................
24 pairs Misses’Coin Toe
Men’s Grain Leather
24 pairs Ladies’ Heavy Grain
Shoes,heels, sizes from
12 t» 2, worth $1.76. tor. -. -
48 and
Children’s Slippers,
50 pairs Ladies’ Shoes,
Button Shoes, worth $1.76,
sizes from 12 to 2, worth
75c, for.......
.................... oOC
24 pairs Ladies’ fine Dress
regular value $100. goee
Children’s Slippers,
sold before at $2.60. must« , «
go at.. . . . ; .. ...................wl IH
regular price $1.26,
50 pairs Ladies’ Slippers,
r. M. Henderson's make,a,.,
regular price $2.60, for.. . . wl wO
Shoes,-sizes from 12 to B.
worth $1.60, will be closed
. out at.......... .......
focmanee U the pretty (alry^^^n-*nku.
Lerther Shoes,'sizes 8 to 12,
sold before at 76c, will be
closed out at......................
Ladies’Tan Shoes,
k, u.. „u„
Saitb Brea Bxbibitioa from tbeir;oT tbe Ourmi eeh.ml in making it a
aoeelty work*, on tbc Wpst Side, wiir seeoeea It «u nit only a fine artlsUc
be made Moaday. ‘Tueaday. Wednmday i •nn.-ees but a Auncial anecem u well,
aad Thnredey. at Ed MiUerh drag! The reoripu for the flrst night were
atore. A general larlutieo to gircD tojAHVTt and for last night it wu esUnittome to step in and look at tbe flu ‘ meted that tne total would reach aboot
worC that to being done by tbto facto-1 tiu It would be impoulble to aroly, which u anew enterprtoe in theiuon tbe indlridnel work of the litUo
«iV aad -bteb proatou to be aa im- j folk* In tbe cute but u there bu been
portant industry. It needs encourage-1 eoate ebaagm since it waa pnbltohed
Mat aad tbe bnaloea men are upec- bnt It is giru again. Each one did
tally requested to examine the work | eplendldly. bat special meetlon mui
thst will be.OB ezbibiUon ihto' wuk. i be made of tbe excellent work of Grace
The produts of tbc toetory crutot of I HuUngs u l^ince Gbdiloos. Alfred
ato differeat etyiu of lawn chairs: Moore u tbe paHcemaa aad .VeHis
and nnaierou BOtalUea. eoatocliag of| Ulngfaam u <toun Tiuaia. Bat all
oletbce racka. towal ricg»,'elc.
! of tbeu deeorre cpwilal menUon;
24 pairs Children’s Grain
48 pairs Men’s Fine Dress
Shoea, coin toe. regular valuee $1.60. witlgo at. .. . ..
24 pairs Men's Tan Colored
Shoes, latest style, former
price $2, will be closed out^
Boy’s Grain Leather Shoes,
50 Pairs, Job lot, of Babies’ Shoes to be closed out at I2lc a Pair.
244 Front Street,
Brosch Block.
Traverse City,
Jii' ■
' tiMe* t* «M et tb* rivm
Lop^. of Pkraxuay.
<• l»r<«
l W«(
I «f irotp*. orrttvd flrr
kllHnr 0» ir*n
I ooun<QnK othrt*.
t lb* b*)m a
• (»*UllK 1
S**m«ToB«black of Inform** : *">«»«» m u.* Ib«i«i t«iatw »b*n u>a tn Order to Heb
, (acts bcrsBo- knoara Thr'pnvIAcnt r*> .
tion AmonctI
F«ht With t
' ported lb* factf to rvncrtsii and In hi*
at WMhir
tain PbclHs^
I owaaae* askitl. auilHirliy ta oiak* a
iriiMi Aar ii|MWtal (V«M tall TbMa All
AbMl H*«
Or*smd-4^sk«ic C»
If so you Icotne
AHMiatioa nniR#, «
O. P. CARVER. Acsat
Carh"B. IM:.
.•ntny tire (re
• mre-llaatrS^Ttb-Bep.,
riwodwit. a*w«w. !■ tkM* >«ala 1<
tVMhinjrton. I'Vh.'lS^At the Iti.tls*
•enfonr ihrm bp i-allb'i
sblfw. IVotdrnl U't<as
Ever Banied Out?
*err«d vr tM l«Uv\.:iic
Last nipbt t >]-:•
mtorv and fnleerr
amiioA the laidlr* «lrrtrd
II'*. K. A- Alc-r, «t ilohiASn. «ra. Ulaed ^>trl and >'
_ of BnUi ai«.4i mtdnirr?.
Uark ilar.ca. of
Sirs, r^-agh*. >f 1 idlana. tbr- foUoulnx’ai-s!'.
9ortrd to the joit.t
AajcuaA'anrn.n. of \
a to MaMIbaCaU
lu>a^ A*« «<ia«-
*;nnat.*iU. lUa..
attrra<vD tac
tloa *
-lb rc^rora*
j -t»** •iH-n <>.rTT as is orc»»- _
tacd him to
**n" 1“ Wtii
•cot* ais'lo rrrarstl*®- A< -■
crnllrirty in arna-d r^'t na* hastllr a>- ' ^
acruhltol. Tbf
Tbp rxifd^t on lnrV«l»d rlnc-w.._
at That
■laif *>4
SVaahloaion. IbW. *l-Th*«Hiotlii«of <9«rb
' dcmnni'irMl'iii of r-rt*- nbicb would Ln>
pr.Ilr**, fnre* or from U»* tr*aaarr «•l<ai^*Dt rrrrrx »rrv
At bdadquar*
t*T» tbr itory *»• J'-r.l-d. btil ibAt
drlMiive* am at tbr Wht.p Hintw Is
Piiirot to all rrsulat bIjuI»i> ibeta>
aad UsrWrr iUit tV^ U
•oirmlv-'v of op-
Tfcey’.sattved VO
thlch wfll be re<.T.v#i,t.on: Unetv>A. uu. Glen
. 1 aawwiaieil. «Si
ie; iniauoln.
uQd asilo, lated.'
is-.n county and
lopmliflt to Propertj Holden!
« r.te la.
-ally wa^
a renal* clasissrf yrspsny
»..ed In S le tl Ion INIper Bl* ill
:li;« coon- .. reui —
The isdnw foi tUe
made to e *-un i
jith diatn i. for. l
wi-nini-Bti niiOCK
|.urtv.i tt
haw been »
---------I'mjirtslue i
Uaev peepaevd la ri>* Ue elUims wf Ibis
Lssador. Wr Jaltan aiMncie-aiid|
etiy CW heoe«l ol uieS ivaortiow. and «lM*l
receded at Asrvnst'm with much hi nor haul i lausr of the ac t ifp. u 4ias*eoarr
e and hiaunioa ekaice frow wvas twwmwe lsa(lw> aad to
mlBtotrallob rtmsms nrai In Us stalt- st^l <very r- t.*aj<tcn wlihla the power [ trafflr beiwieo all points on tbeir iinsa
...........-- - - - -ilbca on tbe Cbl, nitBt that ibrn; Is no m-dlbir evidtac* of the muiblK ess riven. Tl U lolu-d- ,
,hey are'ln comprlllitin with the
and X^Cud rarruadrcu’bof Fprlns-ibject st ohicv. a sw.etdnx • dis- j r*,^aiao raddi- railway and lu cvn- :
SeW.- nmatn (•. be adjnsl-d
All exoar way or ihr olhrr as to Ihr cause of
Gat Wkal
Buffemw by
cepi Choakoaid Alton Ube mlnrs will
Utf disaster, asd hold* lo lu lurpose lo
I nei-lloas. but |•rvhllllled
ibe filled i
Warfainjtivn. 1
awall tbr «>nrlusU>o of tlir iDVratlea-'l
) Stalea UnCa frvm cbarclnf lower ratrt polattnenla n-adv by the preraderl yes UkHy Iw easily s*;w k1 upon.
IVIesalee ail-uAnjt tbe caveiuloo'
tIoD BOW, raakicie by the court
t <Of ta-.i
j than from time to lime are made by terday waa tbai of Webster FlahMEan.
are very mu-h e* -e.
..v-r stalsrual Irwrnoe lor
- - Tb.
, rUj ^ '**•
I'ailBc railway srparau- to be cvllector of
Bjents madr to the Joint cnr.vence by
fhal D* Nel JIhr ~Ph
1 ly. or wl!h Its iwanrt liuna. This U an the Third T'sas dl»ir-t dse-«s [I Mil- Operator Fred tdikin. of fi.l. sjto, and
the Virden tWl rv«i,pBn). at Virden, ]
•ll.i:afd;na the' W'lditi..nai order to the au*|v»nsiun Of
Kew Tc.'k
LaklB Is Ayhlir.X hard aeali.at a Joist j
• '
at rRsne and the ■
^ ineanl to imer all .irisa.-e..
tralili betw.-ri> llu- AlUlttn- and '
st-sle. and ■' the brat of pardon snM i
™..i d ,.d burned.
bd,...s. tecuv- , ,1,,
...a ,
that the Chlcsik.. and All .r railroad j
ilTtwaie Aik
ered from iheWi ck of tbr Maice. Hear the Canadian I'ail^c.
Waahlnnon. P--b. (t-Th. arkumcM
assured him s rate to Ch1-**p thatj
b.vs —to split Of ib*
lb Uarasa at. la arnsauoaal dtvclop-
. BttBU ill ronntctlon with tbc work of
tbt dl\wfw la Ihr Malnr s bull the ad-
yesKrday issued
an order mi.-vlt.s the felled Stalsu
'oHIckiw w ere lines by sus|.-ndm«.^ lonx-and-shurt. .
ipirlr silWrc- .
lion -by I
Admiral RrbeiS vs ya.
••1 should teruinir teke the flrst a*
-test vf«* <oai«i~lea-. Otdee. ■
The coiuml sioii ia-*U'.4 the followitiy
r Ibe Joint Traffic aseca lalloo war was
mclvded In ihe rm.rd Elates .uinv.me
...« .
case was taken
bis.coalAber*. no rase
l»y forjmt.lnk._______
“ “
l■.tce bs-'
—Watch Repairing.
under advisemni.__
Uimns the ii'ii-lDch ammunition d:d-InveaiUa
not explode
I arm- Ifcnt If the v.ni.is ; Slink iar.;!» a* rv;^.ri(U by ihd a. t. auu
powder-vase had expUd >1 th.r*- wou' I ; unUl July- 1. l>.w. uiu* v» this lirdn br
(-wpitaiarrive liiri.
have hcen nu.* r.x left of it -aBJoln. ■ > in tbe meammie rrvvwd «r moltr.ed
Owlto-k S*r Bast.
Oijrago. Feb- J*-One .f the laigcst i
Dolhloc. it IV im< > Il_.li 'lleip-thi' lb.' ' by Itu' i* mmlsslun. (he alwe named
.if ib.**e returned > pdllthmeis ai.^ tbdr councU.iDs In lbs
ipty c
*^"**', trusts f. rm-d la years has I .'en organ- ,
Febr la .:ei pra'It.e. | fatted
to the tcagai
:i -Umdetreeft
„ ivinut b>
Iher taformiilou! Hnes
be says: Wbllr bualnem ol a ffi-eculattvs
In Ibe wl>«et
. cicun Hay can-'/
ipuars We cannot I and
auii.octsrd nature has been «ukA to tvAec't
than that
»e lo- pany. Although th- In.*it*T*ii>n was'
lythlni: d-tinlte ai»ul it. but tf to
tnnspuru- creasing strain lo pollUcat ani
rs. m uBd. r the Kk blgan Uw», all d-tails s< •
ttoB uf paasmevnr U.lh east-Umod
reduced value* and wiihilrawals r cut- the gigantic srbetnr were Worked out In I
tlnd of torfudo cowkl do It? Lwt them
ind lew. for ionger dlatamys
tallmem -f activity In some lines. Chicago ai^ tbe. bradquarf ra-«f lbs
-.ell US that.
No lorpcilo i!
there la little lu todlcai
ihsl the vd- con.hins will be In this eliy-FTtae or>
unea. beta.en all flolnU on tbe petlbeard of could do that anu>u
ume of dls'tlbutlve trade has been ro- kanlzatkm. when eon piei.-d. *111 1B>
UOSWTW' lines or llbew of th.H said o>ndu.'-d, and reports be Itraditreet this elude more than t'o -f the Ur »i buy-Whin
aectU.Bs at whi.h ihe prtlth.bers ir
Cor: •uinj:. Ihr admiral said
•treek. so far as tbe latter branch'of rrv aad ahlrfm of hay IB the states «
I don. ihtnk much of the theory of ar
their aa|d,(V>mi...U..ts are in cwmpellbusiness Is coDcerbedl are «vou.g tbs imams. Indiana. Ohbi and K -blgan.
accld'i I by siumtaneouv eumbustlun. lion fur pssvenger irsftic with the Can
Tbe capital stock l» B.MO.O - All tbs
reevlied this year. With few
ement that apuntaneoua com. adian Pacinc railway and its cuniiec> compan
>nle* in tbc
b^tl. r. igiuld not have taken plnt-e be tlor.s; pruvlded. b-weirr.that such luw- pwtant egcvptlom lbs price alluaUon big Individual ha>
ire to sell tbeir bsslis un* of-sirengtb.
cause Ibe coal was unly throe montbi
irust. wblch
At ibe east Isst week's
old Btvd not be cunalJcred- I have neecI at any ii ir be leas than
-dry.goods trade ■
the same kind of .*wl. lying right oul
I ii..hea ur . harg
SC SI to have kiM. Hut at New Turk lag'in the ttair* and set the price and
lb the navy yard ahed,.cau-h fire of lO adUn I'acinc railway.
there u ronvtderwWy mure d.dng tn-Ste control tbe sale of every ton or load
own atx-urd In two week* wfter li war .With Its .-.mpecilun* f-r ibeirsnvp-.TlaObe coUod sitwst>>n
of it
put there. 1 have said from ths Aral. | <|oa of such tmnseiiger trwffic:'and pfo- Jobbing trade. >Tbe rotton sitwat>>n
one of Armnei^ refleetlng alike lbe\
and I repeal it n.is. that they will ! vided further that
curtailment of prodiftHUm gruw-lug out
never And uiit • hat sunk tbc abIp until revok- d or modined
of uBqr ir-ubl.v ami the Armneas of;
It IS raised, ard lbs weiner the sc recking disci-il-n .d the
raw lottos. Iri.tuced by a good export 1
rempabics' divers gel to work Ihe bet- ' or Wiihoui n-Oce
W-nl Is flnrv l-ui the demand
IhvmtiraUon sboww ikit mea wbo
II Is dangmius to work down
has perc.-pllbly sla.-kebr-i. and there 1* i•oi’coed are men of Uaip*—strong
fhrre In Uavaiu's dirty bay.
lera dolitg In manufactured g.»ds. The *terv«avgi>at
at will p^er.
divers are amati>ur* at thr Imslnevs, c.,we«>
lest report av ic tbe distributloo of foiwl
. . .
viul fore .
—- - -„d rrsulls cwn he exi«ited-oI ,
1i^ Vet Tiwv.oriyy
trade madr so far this year comes frvm which
with srlfee. brains
tbim. Tlsfce pn.lrul.dUl men so
Washlngi. c Feb. ».-H. nr> '
the central w-vi 'yV'rInc trade there Is l^les repair*.
SitcU PiDl tao^ tka
ima sysinnath Vay. and th-y are as a
betts rigbi I- a seat ja the
reported earlier than usual
-nerve*—make tbe tmnci luvgbl. muaelew
rule frarlces men."
A veo' large dr..p In ih. rumber < t atroag—make Ae*b and blood asd f1**
Urgarding (hr moorings of tbe Mslbv from OregoB'W'as under .orsid
business fulh-r-v Is lndi< at-d by rep-Tis rorfeel
health to Men mail Women,
In Hsvana harbor. Admiral Erteo aalJ.
lo Hradvireet * this week, ih.
i.itsl Tax Traskas or rBaAimhPiUA make
indersUBd that the ftpantsb Aag- j Apooner in
ship, when abe was last In .Havana, was ' aperch w bk-h he l•e^Ba Thursday In fa- number lu-ing only j«s. agetnii » last 1Wa*ils pUlj.
^ C
mdnred at the mme buoy at which Ibe ror
of Corbett and was fullowedby
. -wW*
tg*.ai«#to-.b C..............
c .*#*uaMaine anchored.
We do nut
kn-w I T.ll-r, T.-l.er S|-.k. In aut.twit ..f the l»: m in 1»«. ZA in ttM and Ztt in Ws.ai«rto-.b
nous vB**sk*do**tkwl rmeemll-Bteola
thethcr the harlstr U Uid with raln-w. • resuluth li pre*. iii.-d by a iuaj..m> of
, POla **>e kiw wec'e-fi;; •ettef-he gslacd
atid'wc prplisbiy nev.-r aha'd know. We the i-v.ininhtee. It* raid itial when tbe
■ •waMryuMa.aim F1v« V*atw
have no right l- ques lnn H. any ra.»W Mamie rai»- was Ut. re th.. senate In
Jas. O J«H*ao».'Dreffiai.
Z. —The rrleods of
than the ttioutUnls have a right to IKK he had tak n the sime |«»Klon now
know wbeiber this harboir Is Uid *r|Th lak-n ■-> rit«oii-r lie lied.he »ld.i«io«
14tUa beer Twiaara i **17 ,
iVerrd lhat they >
mihes- If It were kn..wB that there to re...,.;nu.- this quewOim as on# of
tWrt. y.-«e bwv Care BSek Bewd 1
biulle* brought t- thlR ivurilr)
were no mines laid It would, be an In- Iconsiituti.
wh.-r- tl:ey have already b., n
rtialtun for some crank to la]’ s.>m« os that ib*
This M due to tbe fait ttisi
hU -WB account The pilot that moored ib'tbe p>.
laws fnrbxi the
of cvTpm:j.«.p.iebi».
'W.F Ciwmw
the Maine *ae under order* trum Ihe atf w*<uld
111 Ihe.
iipanlsb admiral, and Ihe admiral Is .senled
years • afp
reeiooidble for her safety. Just as we bis Inlenie.B l.' viand iB.ihls case by
fear of Infection
had Is
lu origin li
Attorneys at tmw.
are responsible for the safety uf the thr
decisionr«arL’d by the Senate
• eg ...:.«adla-aaUa,.
Vlstwyw lyklle she Is In our harbor"
Ih- Mantle . ase la IMJ9. Alien and oihkuMArwe ffioek. TraveewCity. k
------- • —
; cm »|«ke on tbe case. A bill permitting
,he bulKUr* of s daip between Coon
'lobIs :
^ _________ _______ ~rr~— _____ • Rapids and the iiorth URUts ..f MlnManning has been
, Per—wl M.«l«M*Washington. Feb. Jt-In view of the
,n te, op the Alas• Kevol
wrldely published report that the ha»—r iu,„ p.u.
h tall.-d
Th- pr-mderi has appointed Coleoe]
of Havana i-..DUIns a ayaivm of suieWashington. Feb
— A long and H. C >' ehtr. .•djuiani-gensral of tbe
S. AUeeweys. 8pwtal a
marine mim-s. s ftalereeoi asound o-mvwhat
debaie over thr army, i Uv Gcr.eral lU-tk. retired
Tbe double Uunchmg of tbc battle- I HI.Me.r%allleCo
which Jia* centered' nluch public Inter- qn-stlon of river and harbor appn-prla-
psicx smiAnofi is srsraa.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Bemhers without rrsprtatlon (ranUr
admitted that U>e-suU}ect of tbe tuas
Of the MalBr had bero Olw-ussed.'' but
said that the soveinmrnt had received
iDlonuatloc from Havana
Kemrertt l^shtwe After Ibe bs*y.
bar been under a
the nlKhl a wv^k sk<- last Tuesday
by Ih. ii- ae of tbr Iu>s of the Mam^.
and nuw that manors are—wi least for
tbr time twine—In a uulrirr stai- br
.'bas wiUidmwn from'the natp detiartBoa! snd mine awsy for a Jew days'
real. U-avlns A^stani Horreiary itooarlo ip.*ria(:e tbr
r detwrr
r Ihas
I ttaoroujibly adrtsed |t
every si~p ■f the secretarr'b policy of
treatment t>f the Maine aSalr. an
tbeiT Is not likely i»Ae any chanse In
that respect fd<ll>rd by'the temporary
o duttea of eeeretarr
by Koosev^t.
klapsms a UepoA heal It eek.
Pia.-e n. tnu' h dejwnds upon the rwpon-of Ihr t*>uri of Inquiry it msy ha
• Intrresiinc to notr thst so far BecreUry
Lons bimsew d<-r« mn know when to
•xpre-t this -tmporunt dia-utnent. up to
tbi* time harlnc heaid nolhina from
nay of the membe'w on this poict. Hr
.patber e»|—led that the r.vuet, whUh
_ W i-ompletk poser lo work on lu dWti
lln.i>. souM wind up Its work at Ha
vana hefor* Wvlni. so a* to av-old the
neoessll) for a return trip One nteiive cabltift had a inure deflnlte
Opinion on the i«ih>en. rsfieritnc thh
receipt of »h» report fiom
about Ihr middle of next wer
AdmiaUlmIteaPiwpsrIas Ksrtria Cmetb
Warfalucton: Feb. X.-There la rMnnn to believe that |u prepare for the
mepUuii of a rv|>ort on the Ualnr dis
aster that would sbuw It tv be other
than the result of an acddmi some of
the hmrials of the adn.lbl.Iratb n havt
been lookU t up fhr subject of tndemnlties., an as to lay the foundation of a
base In the event It should bedcc’Vd to
s£mBs,iniWDs umopin.
Ciui Eipidi t liiiiu L I
. ‘lursia's,*,.
it "»•
Brsfjerss CARDS.
js.^ 2s“.r,'f;rv” •
eat In corn-.tom with lb* *.*--»-* m »•<”'» was prvrtiUtated In' the bouse
he l«lth*bl|< Maine SeBor Do Boec. ! T-slerdsy during the cnsid.-iatloi, of
res at Washingsundry chll approprA‘.«m bill. U
Sl*nlvh .harge d'affwlree
practically agicrd
agieed by
b all those wbo
»•* pracUcaliy
ton. last night tuMle
1the tullowlng was
particlpaied that there
fram such psrtlclpBied
autemenig . which. cvnitiTg fm»
*** cuimldervd as as of- . river and barls>r bill at
V led Moisly to attack
ns .-arvled lu the auna bAk-tal
UU. He selected an
knowb-dKe. that 1
tsid.eou for Rorklaitd.
or outside of Ha taa harlio
Dlngtry's district, and
there any aub-roi iDe delenae of at
kind. The report
ibsolutriy fai , -his rem
ontlam app .•ached Ibe aeb-.
and rldicuinue th:
DlBgley den .-.1 that he had
.tbooe perorig ,
.-str'-d tbe apl r .j.iisuon to the
incite the
non* vAxI
n Ojiari-aide .cmmltie. ■■n aiiproj r,
iggenion of iBdivIdM’
ry sugg
d that there w
. Insult
o defeat at' the itrnis in the bill so a*
tVby Fvwriwr *• fetag tm Havwws- to force corisiderailur <d a general river
Key West. Fla.. Fell, M -Arming-the and harlwr bill, hot this Intimation was
' paaseny.-rs yesterday for Havana by .Bol borne out by the vote upon the
<the siascotte w'as Sc-oalor Proctor, of : amendmeol
upr.h wtdih the dedwte
Vermont. Before vailing be was'itowD rested.
An ev-nlng scasUia was held
a dlitwtch published here saylaji that for privsi.- tension M:ls
e place Mar
unsBt mmmitim li
aj sVw^Ne:;;:,
MeRvoy. an old residem of '
.'.’•Li??-1?—--------------------------------- -—
Rockford.- Hi... faiber uf Asfislast , TTF F
state's AttcTtiey R. 'C. MtEvOy. died.
aged IK years.
; b«i« ai*l ifflee. *e.
The house commluee on navwl
has agreed «n the Buulellr Ualne.rellef .U
. and reported I
Insured and will he re*
uooio non*.
KatlMaMh^ ^Tel*pkow* l»
at Law. flyelal
..f l*.tll
1*1(1' m
; Pnv lur lauxblngly replied
irutb we are Just going ove^ there
e what** going on: to be wh^J, thr , cvaihlngton.
ement,la jPo-nt everyl*d)'>ari’lcommcf.c cummlssl.m hae Jost b
a iivea n*w%vntva to twt
reeoH to that method o
There are a large number
Vtalcb wlU aid the authorillev Ib abaptag tbeir acUon In this direction If
Frauclrw.. Feb.
TTbUe aone I Tommy llyun eighteen routuls to diatacts arc fuUy establUhed. While
of tbe earn* Show th. fmrtul toar
• pro* m George Green
---------------- ----------- ilon of clever boxing.
has adopted , Ketther man abowed a mark of punlahrem tbe glfl. . nient at the nnlah. aad the advaaiage
clUtseni ' 1" foreign alternated until after the thlrtrentb
general way tbw round, when
euiwrtor atamln,
methods of redress ha
included de- began to telL Hr seemed the
mand* fpr lademnliy.
fecuve iB iioro work from Ihl^lni on.
dudlng the warahipa of tbe olTenAlAg Joe Wakoit
from New
nation* from our haihora i]UplaF of . York challet
.force. non-lBteicourM. wUfiorawa]
• our minister, reprisal and Mockade.
Ocoato. Wls.. Feb. S(.—Mrs. Rime A.
Some of these atept ho;
ly OB war, aUhougli they are regarded Sharp ^ been held for trial at the
nj-xt Urm of tbe clrcuU court’ 00 tbr
throwing iarboUe acid Into
Utrvat* that force will fotlow If repara
tion It not -made. The case of tbc Wa- Bight.
tarwiieh Is considered to be tbe moot relalloBS between btnuelf and tbr wom
oMlagous to that of the Maine, ahould an. He found she had formed such kn
eataWlahed that the Maine «Maa- ardent aaectiba for him that be anaiiy
■ 'A^aay buidnen wttb her.
tcr was not the result of actideot. The
■Up I1«
Ihereopoo ebt’
d blB Bight with
Wamwlteh was a United Butee Bblp
Mkgaged ta US ts Hirre|rlng the an. Itarbohe add.
local commercial organlaathiiis.. nalhmand the i-ariouB rmiwcir
their location and tbe 1
to be m great dem^
for reference-pur
,h.. .u.unlty.
numcruns re,„j extend-
been prepared. It embracre
about ASM b<«rd* of trade and other
commercUl societies, about i.ooe agrl
cultural B*sn;claUi
- approxlmately KKi railway
DMeeilvM Oaa*W
Washington. Feb. lA—Poor detcctIvM In plain clothed guard tbe presldeat day and night. TbU recent addi
tion was made to tbe WbIM House
guard. It M brUeved. hecaose of tha
gxcitkmrbt Into wbicb tbe country has
be«> -thrown by tbe Maine diaantcr.
21 was impoaatfale to lekra wbetber
tbSM detecUew were diww^' trom tha
queen premdlna In
Many | ——p-r:'J.
The Wagner Palace Car cxqnpai
Alcd Its annua! statetnem
-! In *
who have been rick, being present
' wTrooP-Flne. •atM wsiue. 1* tw
A trolley <»r which ran into an open I W
Jams A. )
•w licb and m-as derailed at Chicago ■
struck Mrw. Jennie Bru'ey. broke both v^apuwc .
her leg* and wrenched her back! The Dtt berOs
may die,
[ ■mryAirrgp
The wteanier Koyo. which had arrived '
at BeatUe from Aianka. brings a report ‘ro"""
that tbe British Qsg ha* been plaaled
at Bummll lake, fourteen mllrv Inside
of the American boundary Une:
day by tbe Wcatm taro ball magnateg f |,,oeefy vaaee- taeot. ratiseh. aS-*
at Canaas City waa the adoption of.
-tcrodutlona increaelng
salary «C
PiMdenl Johnson from t3.m to t&.WL • ww rl««*«u;
An <mctne oP the Wlaconslo Central
road left the raiU snddenly
asba and roll'd down an embankmeet
aboU twenty feet high. Nobody was
hurt and the engine but sUgbUy damaged.
Dr. Cbarlea R- Bames. bead profeeaor of botany at the Ualtciway of Wlsconaln. has accepted a call from the
ITnIvertity of Chicago to Ul the newly
created cheJr of
Oct. L
Tbe Kentucky bouse of repreaenutbat nn>^ perwon wbo shall manufacture. «>h eALS-rLaabro. latk aad abia
acO. loan, barter, ' give away or uro A irarorroony tawberCa. U*-il
dgarette or cigarqtte material abaS
be «»ed Id any earn not lose than m
aor more than MM. It te made a cto>
latloa of tbe law to eeea have mtek ar*
tidaa la poeaimlML
aS« Mtab.
WMd. II vfll hAT» • laagiti «r m tmt
|The Largest Oil Tank
Steamer In the World ^
ow all «b«i «» frr« br*m. Tlw Mien
«rtn derrlop uU>ui l.BW bar—puwac. utd
■bip I* rxpai’tvd to make U loMi
>ou». II wmbeUuncbedlnJuBe.
Ad tdl tank alfamer muai be built
«1Ui the BTraiwt i*r». • On o4h«r «blw
of Inn thr ilvru «hlrh pierce the bull
<T«D be Jen tf. rtut ticbl. In u Ul ehlp
e>-er>- outer ruet njuet be calked, or the
Ch«*t»r. I^..
UBk 'Mrumr Jb-U» woi^d wjll to«|Wn BUowrd
iBuaebcd h«rr nr>t Joi
lAlivvd* win build ihto »u«m«r for pump»d full «>f »
|be TniM callope of oil. In other worda. water lr»o the lank, where It club* to I
rrfTj tnp It will carr>- oH enouch to 1 the akin WTien Ibe lirwl workmab de- I
-.taK^ b<
•pt^eof <
ifftle len.
The ahli
^e Stbbdard C
jwinkt pitchtlir «Bd ebin-
•r- i In* of the oil eapanalon t Aka will h.
^ , built
oe deek. Th<
tanka wUI be S4
•^It wlU hare
•a. [
unique featurM.
, ,oeke. deep. . Thw -will oonnm
Heretofore oil unk ablpa bare been 1 with the tanka below tbraugb amall
built with all the atorace rdom forward opeoiag,. and *a tbe oil In tbe M* tanka
Md tbe fuel bollaH abd machloefr alL expaudi the kundua will be forced ni>new ablp will have tanka both for* j ward Into the deck-*" tanka. Thu*
and an. and tbe tnacblnerj’. tbe quar- tower tanka will be full ••
ter* for the men. ate., win be
'' ''
the pltchln* mad toaaln* of tb* oil
e will protect
the otl firm
r )«*k**». There wlU be a
0 deck. U Ifaere abould be a
leakace of *aa or oil. tfa* ewcape will be
ahew-n oir tbe atartace of iha water In
t weft tank on the deck. It ran b*
pnmped oul from thla aioall tank 'Without dancer. In any event, the oil
a eomipln*
eocwpln* wii
will n«i>1 prnetmte tatbrtU-' ..
r. but win rtae.
Another remarknble feature of tb*
'new- ahlp will be a fuel oil Unk four feet
deep next the bottom, exlendln* from
one end nf tbe ahlp to the other. It la
Intended to operate the ahlp with fuel
oil If poaelble. bui tf thla prove* ImiCrectlcaVle there are coal bunkera
which will hold tut ample auppty ofj
fn^ Thr experlmeni with fuel nil will ' wll! be
be watered with *reai Intetwai by mm above.
tntereetad tn tranaporutlfm. It waa
Each of the dedc tanks' will be proused amne lime a*o on a lank ateamer. vldeil with a lar*e went hatch, throuat
but nmocceaafully. The nary depart- which the «aaea fKtm the oil can e*.
ment baa been teatin* It alao-and with cape. In ealm weaihar'Uiea* Pfi-heaanWaorrem
. r wtll be ralacd.
A bulkhead mnnln* (brooch tbe ahip : Tbe tanka on tbe oil abip will be flOad
tanctiudinally w^i «rtde tb* tank } tbn>u*b Aarse toalaa laid on tb* deck
WaeeinhalL la aanh sMe af thla haJk-land below n. Tbeto win he fom open,
bead there wui be Katar- U*bi -parti. , inpa In the chief main-one forward, one
Uena. ^rrt forward and three aft, I aft and two amldahips. The ahlp heln*
which will make tbe number, of uah Imeorad at tbe oil eompanya dock, the
dirltloaa II Theao wlfMrary In depth dork tank' will he oonoecaad with tbe
with lb* ehape of the veaael. tbe awull. ; main by ike' Oasible pipe, and encinm
aat beln* S f*M < loctaeo deep. Tb*<oo the dock wlU-pump the oil into the
larreat unk will bold IRdto callona of main. Valve* openln* from tbe main
rtl-atmoet aa mueb a* tbe Imneat ad ' Into ibe unka will be controlled from
tank har*w now In aarvtce.
. 1 Use dock, and the oU ariu be tuned Into
In the handUnc of oil tbeve U creat; otw unk aner another until the abU>
dancer rrant rolatlUaattoa. An expert, to loaded. Tbw« wlU be puMln* enenc* which a workman at tb* Roach ' cine* en tbe ahlp to empty the tanka,
ahlpyard bad wrltb tbe steamer Stand- • Tbe oew ship wUl-noc be built for
aaey which' have coat the goA-ernmeat
tS.D0D.M0 to H.000.000 each.
Th* making of models of tbs
type* of vessels U*Bol ae dlfllcutt la
amns re^«cu as waa modal maUag
tbe days of cUbomtr riming. The
twisuag and strtaglng.of the little cord*
which were to represent the rap** naad
on masts aad yards was an intricate
, When the Mala* «m ordered to Ha {U,ece of work. Now tbe wood aad
vana a crowd auiTouadad the model of metal worker* have the hardest wortt to
the ahlp dar after day. studytag all tbe do on a model. There are not so many
pclats at conatructloa. examining in___
guns carried on thf new battleabtpa.
detail th* mounUng of the guas on deck ’ but they are more Intrteate In design,
aad tb* mue porthole* from which oth. and (be woodwork of (be
*r guai of brass were looking oat, ap.
parently all ready for action.
Svery gun to represepted la mlnto.
The metal ahJelda For this reason the raetrwifd^ work
model* receive fancy aalaiies. and It js
I la perfect this rather tbaa the coat of material
wpportlon. All (hs details of masts and iwhieh makes th* model so expensive.
ifglBs. of funnels aad bridge and
The models are oot made "merely f1
king tower are worked oot with re- show, although Ibey have been taki
■aikahle Odelliy. and the Une* of th* to some of the cxpeslUons lo give the
wtgtiu.1 are followed In the model with people of Inland eltla an idea of what
■athemaUcaa exactnesa
the navy really la Tb* chief use of
ta contrast
the models is to bilag Into th* eye im
awltt erntoera. th* batUeshlpa mediately all the aaUent outward leamd torpedo beats of the new navy to ture# of tbe ship, even If that ahlp to
ba girutture of the Une of bdtUcahip tf at Genoa or off the coast of Japan Tb*
Ihe Old navy, the Pennsylvania, of models have a decided educational
rfeltf a model standi
nds In BecreiaiT value whenever a new man comro to
The tbe bead of the navy department, for
nto moOBled UO guna but four guno few tf the men who ate made aecreta(iM Btodern <oasi deteasc vemel are rtes of (he na\7 are familiar with the
bidv^er hatury then all that the old stroetore tf ablpa aad tbe average arc.
seurr of the navy hae never been
Tbe model tf a veaw.1 costs a groat aboard of a naval vsasel up (o the time
■any hnadred dollar*. Some have coot erhen hF accepted oAcc.
The navy department la oaoa to Sad
new use for modato. A tank to batag
ooastructed at tba navy yard to teat
bo to dctailod ta the s
■ar apeed various form* of eonstruettoa.
« aU tbs Umo tbit th* n>* model* tn iht navy dapartmant will
I Hera, tn Ma A
" “the
I «* “>e rockp bottom of the lake.
under water, .and
Pond cave. Jt waa In a dacared
^he ansMirance of the ahlr. will not condition, abnwin* that It bad been un
der water for many year*, and waa ■ elfe. luall}- than If tbe watera at the
to the cave. Tbe aarvtcea of UK *uldan
modeled upon Ham that Indicated It aa : deep lake bad cloaed over him.
Id other
Ip will be of t
tfped form out’
The men who ahip on an oil tank
Btaatner hare a verr nnpleaabnt expert,
enc*. The fume* from the oil are dl*.
ajtreeable at all time*. Then tber mnst
ax^lae the »real
I tbe
;dll& of fire, and they a
Ited to atrtk* a matrti or
viVed raeellecflun of a totnatMa of the
locality, aome tbree-quarterr of a
tury a*u. and it la beUaved that thla
may now complete the atory of ib»
myatcrtoc* dlaappearanec of Jean VaJ.
When J
of Spain.
he apent hit 1
* In tbe AdlroDdacka. which were not as well known
then as 'they an now. It was a dream
of the Preneb refucetw to form a rreat
Mltlcmcnt at tbe fu<>t of these moimtaina but this dream was never fulBliad. and now a melancholy inurest
attacbea to tbe few hair outKcrwtcd
; traces of their early but fiilllc efforU
( Directly bsch of this plateau and sitt Dated ^land about two milea la a aeeluded cheet of water entirely sur
rounded by unusually
and Ihe fart that ths trails are In.
diatinrulehable to those not famillsr
vHlb woodcraft Indicstes thst It Is sel.
dom visUed. It to known to the cuidea
as Qraen lake. The banks oP the little
lake preaesi a atvne af deadlatlon.
Tree* have fallen from year to year»(
until the shore to a 'maat of debris
which seema Impenetrable. 41 require*
a cenaldarable siructle with thr di
wood to rearb^thv Cave of the PepulCher, as the raveni which lo<>^ down
utMD Ihe lak* la known to tbe culdes.
In from of this pecullai- cave It a lar*e
flat rock, which aSords a resUac place.
The entrance U the Cave of th*
Sepulcher leedi In ibroucta tbe adUd
rock and conelsts of a paaaaceway
aboui I fact hl*b and f feet broad, extcndlnc perhaps It feet, where It ends
In an Irrecular ahaped chamber atvracini tt
the tanka, would blow tb* ship to pleee*.
tn spite of this dancer, however, there
has been only one sertoua aeddeot to a
tank steamer, and that waa due te aa
struck the ahlp canaliic the eU to aaplod* and wrertt the veaatL~
The atOTwee unk for f«al oil provided
In Mr. BauCa desten wtu be reaaonaand
Oe» the day of the d
bly free from dancer from nchtnlnr or the ebamber
uiudeasantly damp. A . Vallois a youtt* ilH. t
any oOwr attack from without and photocrwpfalc flaetUlcbl
...............may reveal for ' one
"epeh I
will remove the objection heretofore ^a frmi tlon of ...............................
a second anoth’
colled at
raised to (be use o£j>etrolcum aa fuel j waj leadln* beyead. which has never j the blockbowst
ships of war.
-.. ____ miry waa aot srrtoasly
was debated In tbe BrtUah parliament it aa uncanny ptoev
th* home of ' frowned upon to the house of tbaprlnce.
tn im. It was claimed that (be use ol , the' hed*eho* and po >lMy la^er anid and It was aa open secret that VaUots
fuel oil would add to the dancer of at- | animals at some aeas___
had fonned aa ladiaeroet atuebmeot
Uck from an enemy, but with tb* dtl | As lit name quccesti, ibr esve has a .lu the pretty Dminutn maid.
stored heioM
wou’d ;' hlsiory.
hletory. sad
and the rtory
«ory to cloaely
cloael aad close of the Interview the ctrt'dlaap.
Mom the water line (here wou-d
be »o dvwer
------- ----...
- «ndd rtfhtully ronnectrd wi.h the U.i vi.it peardd ow a blUd tr.il wwS 7^
ttnu a
reach tt.
Jomph Bonaparte, due d* Burvell. ’the Interior ef tb* forest. Icovlnc Val-
not be saad for this purpose. Tbeyhre
too pretty and too expensive to be
risked In (he model tank. Per ekpetirnt
.. set
mployed at
the oavy yard. Two yrar* and a half
a*o the llrat of these models, elctat fact
tCopyrtcht. iMki
<Covernmeat has work under roatraet Ion*, was conetructed on th* lines of
WasUnctwn. Feb. S.—Ever alae* (hc'l there. Model "»->.in|r Is always ax* tbe'^ult of th* Indiana- It was waxed,
C. d. B. Maine was osderad to Havana | pensive work, but tbe maklac of ship and. for lark of a belter place to test It.
^ center of Interest to vlaltnrw te j models to especially Costly because It wab taken out In the Potoavac aad
1 baa been tbe set of cases | must be done by th* roost expert ms- lowed behind a aleam launch. WHea
la the .ball, of the navy departmmit [ cbaalcs and rlcirerw In a shlpbulldln* the navy yard tank to constructed the
btfldlnf contalnlac modal* of the ship* j establlshroeat. Tb* work win occupy a modela will
, ..
Beet They arc ordinary mu-' daxen men somerlme* six or seven ' and win be run by electricity from
. ctosad OB sides aad top. months. Tbs cost seem* larce. hut com. | end of the tank te tbe oiher. Tbe task
' rather ,nem.w. standlnc acalnst the ! pared with the emu of the W* ahlp It to Iwill be 400 feel Ion* by UO feet wide,
^reaas raJlInc which Jook* Into the well ; inconsiderable. Tbe U^nc coat U.M.. ; , The object of the model tank to
«f the broad
■ road sUIrway
rtalrway Not avety vea-‘#00.
‘ 000. Thera at* M
If vesAs of t'
Ihe speed of dlflerenl type* of »hlps.
The Strange Story of
La Sepulchre <Je Vallois,
^ ,r.“.hln u «C‘^a^u
Models of Warships on
Exhibition at Washington.
taia «e>rted and rerr mack abArwte
ed At the dltsner. hour he. too.
found to be abaenl.
With an unuaUBSaatorr' rrfereaee •»
dlBap:>;^rancF of Vallvla and tb*
irch »be-b waa made for bta. •
■carcb In which tbe frlenda of the sWI
aeem to have, >olBed. and tbe crM< tt
li.t pr.fnv -t ih, iMwa of bla favurll^
h him. for tbe fourtk;: the etorr of V’.ellotB ta the
The Ions lean krent alowlr'br .1
0«. apd tt I. to be complete , ,tucK In the main w hen ibe tank, uvn
ihjr the i« of.briober. lU rapadty will r«ip?i,i '■ 'u 'poV|Jd‘*wrih*TS (
S«n (.m et
of knowing the apeed of any
new type of vessel to from reports sent
to us by our naval Intelligencd offlcei*
of the experlmenu and petformance* of
foreign navies. Whenever a new model
Ooo for one of ^ vessels anthortned by
congrm. ll is aa open question what
Show.________ _
year* 11
the practice of the department
Urgely t
tractor* to build
large premhim* have been offered for
*v*f7 knot or for every fraction tf
knot above a certain mlnioram a.
(alaad by the ship en her trial DiMler
this lystam (ht PpUadelphto. 8aa rraa.
cisco aad Maasaefauastu earned tioo.ooo
each for their hulldera. the Marblehead
tltt.ee0. the Detroit IIW.OOO. the Oregon
9171,000. the New Tortt and Montgomery
9MDAO0 each, the Olympia dSOO.OOr, the
Columbia and Brooklyn RW.OOd each,
and the Mlaaeapolto MH.MO.
With the splendid winning tf the lOaapolto tthe apeed^ premium poller was
by the department. Betor*
that ttpie.
le. however, tbe question of
butldlni a:
' rat tank bad beea
a demongtrated
Clyde, which has bad one Ur operaUoa
for more than IS year*. This Ann
claims to have saved many thousands
tf doUat* by apeertalnlng thfough expertment In the tank th* best form of
ship of a certain displacement to at
tain a certain speed. Tbe BiiUsh ad<
mirally hks had a tank for experintenta
at Haalar for many yearw. and three or
four of Its sUlltf officials ar* oo duty
there eonstantly. n>e late WtUlam
Froude wrote many valoaMe ectenllfte
rvporta on -the rctfstance of ablpa.".
based on experlmanU tn ths admiralty
Tbe navy aepartmeat's tank wtu coat
910*.000. and aside from Its srtenuac
value It win be aa interaaUtf abow tar
' "on whaosam M WaablagtaM.
one corner was found a quantity tf
>»a«a. wilHh the surveyor laatoud wma
those of a^nman beln*. C
’u tbe cai^ a dtocuaaloss a
was determined to make a
. ...
•/UCh Inveatlcatlen.
A -second expedition Into lb* eaVe »a«
to flndlnr a sudlclent number of tho
tcaltarvd bone* to Indicate that ttaap
were those of a man and a woman. Jurt
before leavine tbe cave thr euld* pleka«
up a tarnlataed coin. One sMe of th»
' coin wa« burnlebed. and It proved ta ho
a S|>anleh cold coin with (be eIBcy tf
doaeph Bonaparte. It hM freqoanUr
been IdeniifM as one of tbe eolu
k- to his friends as t
B. .S41U II w sauaiauy awu
untala tttk that It om a
e by the unfortanat* serretary.
Valkds aad bis sweeihsart TTa~i '
*d lb* oav* If. as to «aaafoltr baBeeoC <
they Indeed pmtahed there, baa batf heretofore a sealed chapter In the kkK •
(ory. Th* t
were carcfolly eoliacW
ad aad bun
burled on the bank ahoec the
oava, and a marked tree Indicates tho '
spot- "Ls Bepwlchre" hss Cleen up tto
dsad. aad at last the emten of tb* tofer '
haw* reveaW how the lover* rdaebad '
thslp plaea af retreat, aad hew. haela« •
lost their boat, they wet*...............
genuine reform, tn which men hav*
nemed (heir ucras and aft<rward bo> i
come good, valuable duscn*. Uoro
than that. I have helped hundrsds at
them. perwoneJIy. with amall sums tf .
mortsy. aad never, excepting In one la- *
Btaace. haw* they tailed to pay ll batfr
they became abledo do so. 1 doa"(
tCopyrlehl. UM.)
I iibed. The only form of puntohmeet mean, of course. UlhgAll of (hem stlek ‘
It. Feb. a.—The pealtentlai. that we us* to eoaflacmcnl In the dvk
their good remluQon* even wfaM ■
of lOew Tork county, ettuated on Black- • —— bread aad water fare, and thla to
a good *tart. but tadny tf thsm
weir* island, in th* East river, to one of
r coutlDued Bsore than (l^urs. do."
the latvcst. if not the latrest. prison of fur fear of aogM aecldsot which might
“What epporumlty for arm
It* (Trade In Ihe weelern bemtophere.
have they In priaenr' .
In somr reepecU II differs from lb*
"As a matter of fact" he eontlnaaC
"None beyoto roadlag. Many tf them
other*, thoush the dllTereerM are leas
canaot read.
ikliw than might be imagined.
threatened by a prisoner In aU my ex- them, prison life consists tf aothta«
Carden Louis Dwight Pltobiii. .
Ipertenro. though J waa bora in tbe huralgU hour*- wdrk. three meals aa«
l>een in charge of It for a dosen yeeua. ; Weibertfleld prison in ConaecUevt and stoop, excepting that they may attend
have been connected with prison man- service la the chapel It they cboms. M
by numerous New Torker* aad that ru agement all my Ufc. It Is likely to Is not compulsory, but there are regutor
mor tv>s marked him as one who to hsppen at any time to any'prison offi“
and Jew.
likely to lose his officlal^ead under tb* clal. bowetvr, for-there are many con- 1 ish. A prtaoaer may
attend t
swinging of tbe Tammany ax arrears ; ticta w ho ar* Itahle to go inaane and ' be must declare his choice, sad then hs
trouble him not a whit. Beeiog that , break ont rlolenUy without a momeafs to not allowed to atteod any other aervhe has been lo Che prison service of notlce."
New- Tork stale for just half a century,
The menUon tf Mr. rasborr’e birth
to BO active, youthful men of tt. wecalled (be fart (bat hi* gn '
ferns unlikely that be will suffer
perwooal Inftuaaes M
grievously under any change of admln* prison
~ '
In this prison
ling in the office of Ibe penlten- ersfleld prtoon and removed the pria-■ nene la now received whme senK-v.
. 1 asked Mm wbst the dietini live oners from Simsbury, which was called | to longer than one year, and many an
feature* ofjhe faminis old i-ris-n were, ronnrctlcut a old Newgate. He was sue. < senlenrod for only 10. «0 or M day*.
but he sermeJ
a l<us.i» irl,. . -n ts rrr^ra by his son Amos, who Jaler built There are UOt here Bow. and 1 cwnaoc
much like all .dher lulsonr. ' he said, the Albany penitentiary and was su- personally get acquslnlrd with them,
as he talked ,.i»nr. fluently and pertnlendent of that fill he was euc. Th* keeper* do to some extent, sad
eaally, be mrnU«ned M>me dtollnrtlvc ceeded by hi* eon. who saeved there and there are O'* reguUr roWlonarlea.NWha
at thr KImln rt-rormalory and aa eu- , do «-hst they can. but It all amoonuko
la more that? self supporrlirx. If the IKrtntendent of Kale prlsene until be j very llltle."'
produi'llve labor, beth skilled and un- took his present position on BtarkWell's . "Thro Blackweir* Island offer* ns
skilled, be re^k’Dvd.at half what it island. 1'ndcr Ms management (he sya. real solution to the old quesOoo—bow (a
would bring In the market. Tbrre are
the great prison has
quarries of excel|.-nt liullding stone on nearly perfect as arlusJ rondlllons rm .ment to the convletrtbe Island, aed the cuhyirts.quarry and be made to conform to IHeal tbeoriea.
TTmt.** said the warden."' to juM ag
cut all the stone, needed for the Im
"What duty or retp«na|bmty does tba grrut a pussle aa It always has beaa.
provements and addlltons constantly community assume with reference to a Perhaps It always will be." ^
being made to t
• imvtcP beyond keeping him In good
Ingi there. Tite
................... lie 1* In eenfinementr*
to a handsome stone building, erected,
flnlsbed and eveir painted by. convict
General Forrest's Herenm.
-'None.'' was the rather startling anlabor, and a large wing to being added sw-er. "And It to hard to aee just what
After Cenrrml Forrest's raid lata
ta th* prison ilaeU tn th* aame way.
can be done. The great dlffirutty to lu lempht* large Kories were toM ahetf
ih^s. clothing, brusbe*. brooms^ Iron knowing w bat to do for tl^ when they
to heroism and tho marvelous dolngi
Ing arr uv:
,.i at ibe prison shop*.
best iiiustr^m. tf tha
Rem^kable Facts About
Blackwell's Island Prison.
bla. ksmithi
cabinet work
public Institutions of ths eouniy.
It to a remarkably boaliby prison,
.he vntilauoa and dialhag* are ao
oearty -perfect t*|At the “priaoo smell"
----- aroKy peroeptfUa. Nlaa.taoths of
jirrtonera laeteaae tn welcm before
they ar* Kx moatha la th* place, aad
tbe mertallty to very lew.
It Is an orderly prisea. -W# have
wry little trouble." aald tb* wardea
Though there an always a tow idfmotocy oae* Umt hav* u bo pun.
vld* a rrtug* -for tbam. where they
could be helped while they are trytiM w
get a fresh start In Ufe. hut tbe objac.
UOM to that srv parfecUr obvious. It
would be highly tmdealrmUe to gather
ex<onvlr(s-together aad detrimaatal to
Ihe very one* who are trying tb* hardart to make tbalr way hon*«tty. baeava*
Udng that oparataa agalart
It frequently and aertoualy la
' as ex-«o«vtcta."
"Then yoq beilev* that tbtf de roarm?"
adralrattoa iaoplred by tb* sonardl
came frotp a negro soldier who riatmed
to have seen him aa be rode up ta boat
of the Gayoeo beui. He begaa taBtas
his corapanioa* bow Femat ioofead and
finally camt to the appaaraao* tf hto
T was a.etaa'ta right la dl* aDay
wbea 1 Bsao him noma
aald hw
«B* rid hto boas right -ap te de bm
trt. aa-rra (elUa you de trtf.-h* Mtch.
ad hto bom right to de aaesnd atory
baa'stara. I aaad him. Itaturoulaatf
THE kobhiHo hboobu^tthoat, nsEVABT er. i«es.
Mr •( tk* KM
CkM rrtm
. —■“
n* o«mm» om u th« wmm Am am
*>«•!• ■■PU. citr.
)Td. ia "OeahirUi
raqoUMw of » n
r. & DeU«itai«b wrlM of "Tb«
Qntok Rotm^ Id 8l' KlcbcJaA bit
_ . tbe
tor tbe fin departotoL Mr.
baoRb Awa:
Tbe -rjaickeat borara is tbe world were
------in KaiuBii City at tbe beadt,uartcri.af iu
• fire
- dcp
naaer tbaoffloa of tbe .
kixnrMintotbeOHtt. TfaMdutrbaol
1 tiy gir\t,K • tootort, or pm of I
a kmtm. at
the oprolnR or ctmlnfof
of ao''
™ poni«ic<»tnfo oMow 1» ^fl«4
halKe. Od th. «mtr«7. ifait dotj U tar by
prcoHartdea at pottfr*. mreh
blftber and mora lui|«rtaDt. and ti.be- or atiichea Uiat balonn tu crnain localtbooTtm tbe maaMr to be prepared to per- iHaA
I HoA Md
«Dd U la mained
maitwd aw
",r formlt.byaoqualnllDirtbabretbreDwItb
form M. by aequalnUoBthabretbreo with lonlitte
loalitiaa taTo
bare looR
looft oeaa^
oeaae to
tbafr dlftipettre fafarioatl
laoea that bear Its
nfaettm baTinit loDR alnae beap^na.
Hale is the .ioveotor of tbe carliaat
femd to Ypw, BelyloHi. wbila tbe ■<rioRioR bameaai wbiob made tbe
laeca are all made at BayeoA quick burae posdbla Wbeb Mr. Haniy
Tba ediet at tbe imod maatre of Kew
"Tbe finest French laoe« are .made in M. Sunlry and hit wife were in tfaia
Terk.aemrtsc fratersid relattoni with tbe
*nnd lad«e qf Paru^mcita wttb geiieml
coontry, they wltneatod an ezbifaitins
wbicfa «ru tbe first
apfaoval by tbe ctmft.7 j
II of
” pillow 1... I
■ Tbe^pand maatre of Itoatb Cbrelins
tnlfd that upon a charter belna iaaued to
^ppKooni dll
aladRc uDdc-rdlf^mtionlbaihlde broCb- inim. ly tbe Urgeet audlAst prodooer of
«*a naimd tbereln ai tnaater add wardeoa black lacca. Her obantilly U par-weabMome Ipao facto lueuibm of Ibe ttew ccllencu tbe fiiusat ercr Diada <Stdb it bcooRbt an inyuaticMi. to Mr. Hale to
krdee aiwi deiuittod from tbetr ot-l«tDaI .alto a oentrr fur black lkc«A Kormandy fiaitHDRUnd as tbe n^^eaeoutive of
Ibe American fire aerrioe at the internatodr*.
.prndoo« Rood black and white bJouda tiuual fire louruament. Mr. Halo and
AU tbe Maaoeir tadtea la Ibe DlMrtct of
Columbia a»trorLln« bard to make a
Miroremarkably oniok
irmt siMTcnB of tbe llM<ole tatrtoba
bald at Uaablliami tx-xt A|VtL
quickest bamreaOne of the dlotJnire.Uhloa tetunaef BrnmU furn«ab« m--t ofjbe Belpao ^
iuR time of tbe Ijondon Ore brtRade is 1
minute 17^ ncuDds and tbe Kanaaa
tbuuM be.s'TrtcdmeaiKi blsfaly tMpBCted qoaniine*. Tbe old laoea for »bicb ; cjtr h<m«i were bamiwwd in !».' sec-'
rlaftor to a ludRo
«»»d-rt were race ,
Ihmatloo day at tba l*>
>U Ua- ao «-lel«t^ are no lm*rr tbe mode^; a\,**tbanH a^da. Ibero could be no
rnof a though rtill mneb in*d by creiLou-,
itanaat City fonr fine
nurt Tbiiitalaotroe of mallBWi. Of,
h«™e*M i,. .h. Ln«b .~t
Chaptcfii of Ibe Eaatorn Fiar m now | meeblis. lace and ealeucUwosA t^b
truck almuat at quickly at m
tert in Ma^k ^ wi.hthe.ptootal of - tbe W 1. returnltlR lotarcu. Bn^ea ;
Dab could jomp Into ibeir barIte KmndloditeorObla
) makto arooitd marfi valmriennc*. not SO ;
It waa a bretiy sight to metbare
A ivand kx^ wbkb baa tits rttusl | bruptiful at tbe hne-oRe groend, sod
apriug to tbeir
tta} tendsd lowwrd Its ai
the repid srowUl o< Babekah lodfre and
Jbeb mambcreblp.
Tte frlmdi of tba work drnU muhipty.
bat tbe drone towltboat toreamonsblt
Tbesrendiodse of tba Oetmtb «d»jdre
*lp of 4.SN. and 14 eeoampmMtm, with a
reMbM^lp of Sto. Our jOerman bretbna apptrotata Ibe edean reset of 4be order.
BMpBbdad brtntawB. eooM back. This it
Bare yoo been to tbe 10d«e tbte ynrl
TbemiretoDof Odd Fellow todses Is not
toRSlD nicM by tbe elaoUoa at rertato
. preeoua at oflbam. but to flU tbe ofilMa
wHbeertalD membem tosaln
Wbeoeyer an otBrer or as««>t of tbe
cretid lodfc U dtspored to carer up bU aottaaa or go beyond tbe limit of bla a
t^tbe itreehateoBswlMabltrealt
AoaldbemUMl fur.
A membm'a ditto
atllb bU InKta-
«hW la Itto Jabllae Ttor mi tWOMar.
Atau tba Troll.
eoed^wiib tfaeapMal proelaiDatbe great iDcuboDiv of tt^ I'uitrd
CMatto. Rohm T. nanlH of OcorRia. tbe
BCtont year la a Jobilee ymr with tlio ta
sted Order of K.^ra »>rerlnR Torlom
aaerratlonaaod uranKObaerved aaaueb.
Tbe |•ruclamaUot1 wa< firtoadranecriat tbe
tofeilDR of tbr Rttsi uuuncll of (hr I'nlled
Btatto laat Auguii and l•'lalmdrd t<> oomreemorna: tbr acmUaintrnDtal of tbr Ked
Mcn'a brgaDlaatloO. Tbe Tarumt Irlbra
tbrooRlxiul tbe country areUklqR admn
tMc of the jubltcn pro^matlon to (mwil.r
tnenaae tbrlr meniberahlp. athl aumeof
ranla. If not the UrRtat. U tbr
•ape of Urrmaatnwn. which boa about
1.0W memtiera and tbe mm of Sri.444 In
Brutbeik. yon wbo bare been Mwpendtd
tar nonpaymeot uf dOm. eoiuo back while
yoo haro an opportunity.
Tba RTMt mcbcffi of Indians baa ruled
tbatgiounc baas.right tooommanlcau«8w U. P. W. outside dr the wlswau of a
fcoown to iw tn good sMndiDR or to menibeeeof otbrrtrib.a<inlyi>n prraematlon of
- mBelal utdacs for tbe lAtowurd.
• w..... ...t
you for spring wear is the question-of
IX jlT|| D C
patterns you will use. First from
itH I WIlC the btundpoint of aceuracy and etonomy
of wa/rr/rt/~then from the standpoint of
and proHressivnitss—wA fastly from the stand point of low price,
do wc honestly recommend
The Pattern of Fullest Satisfaction
(Tb« Pviriixo'q'Vwc-aiot.i
m\jm praa A...CU uj
fp the fullest sense, to prove satisfying to you.
pattern.'/4W cents.
Dally (Pilp.1 Ketrs met roper.
The dally output of news print pupre
In tlie Culud tftatMi is about I.SOO to
l.SOO Iona Tbe prodnetiou of newt
{nut is larger Ibau toy other grade.
That of bisik popre Is pnilsthlr m n
•a l.iwo Iona and of writing 4&0
katatol UospUlsa.
" Wbal makea you think tbit mu u
ImptBtor wbmi be aaya ba ia fraol BoaIon?"
"Tba i»a that badtMut edaimto
Uea in tba Baedifiay di«iM.'***<;btcigu Hire.
A line of Ladles’Dress Skills
Came in Friday. We’ve
ever lead the skirt trade of
this cityi yet never before
ha\'c we been able lo place
befc^ you as good.a line of skirts as we now show.
I'hey are the best filters we have ever shown—the ma
terials are choice—and the ‘styles and patterns very
pretty; Should veiy much like your examination of
■ AMiy do wc call your atAbnlll tentkm to our stock
of Wash Goods for spring and
summer wear. Already more
than a half dozen patterns
are sold outI'olks find
out that now is a good time to
make up summef,^dresses. Our coRhttion-of choice
Cambrics, Percies. Organdies, Dimines. -Cinghams,
etc., is well worthy of ymir attentio.n. Iff will afford us
pleasure to be allowed to show them to you. Prices
• The best good store is
xitH-iug uddwiuBiict.in*. Tbeinflo-:
• ■tandlDR yoke
«ii-..of ibi.
mid a reiir
retired poliraman tba
ibi. lirel
UKk of ai-rion* eoo;f«lka" told
oomir iji.pret
«kre tbty. "‘bat aim
almoat M aim ai •
i.pret wbub t-rre readied tbe ! «bre
.1* uf tba l.mill»b reading |.oto-, «*ew nan U put. on tbe
tb fmn and gore
tidi. r ,-ti\li
litto U- •ligbifd. it i« a mattre t
«“ P**"*' *‘"'7 ^ RcU fat. Ytm
ibnt »urh a book j “erer yatrewapicn r at a pnliremon
slimii.l huvf i:-;K'bC(t B I in-ulation of far bat that Ilf bod u jnutK-b on bim war*
opviant ..f U'O.OOfi luj ir* Upon-tbe tby of ao old cooDCxy Uenuan.
?‘But it In't onrpuicnee that ferere
pnr-i.ti of llw rerly {.iiJuUrity of bi»
Uiijl; l.ioryUiiotsc Uirew the weii^t of polloemaa to boy bigger waiatad troneen
taliiiDAut ptHauunliiy, aod bi« groat and ooau a* they grow older. It'a a de
thai’i riRfat — a defonoiiy.
gi(i, tu. uTuiur auo dt bnue ai-cored bii
(uUuitoca aud-wick-lvadvi-TtiaHl fail doc When B man li on bii feet anywhere
kriuiiat a tiwu panicularly farorable from 18 to 20 bonre ont of tbe >4. be
to tbur reoiqtliub.—FurtnigtaUy B»- Into mttlea down on bimmlt Ha pnta
all bii weight 1 bU bipa.
"Ibia tbrowa out hl» i ‘
I dmwi bU I ,oald. I i*ok. making
A vwyexpreaaire pbnwa waa erolred look bellow tacked. .
by a acbool board inopvcaar at Bontb- bim. Hli feat and ankleo, Wbtdi get
work potioe oonrt. A womao wbooe aore. rbt-nmatie aad^all out of abape on
obild bad been tstnim An attoodiog arconot of bu ranatant walking, ore ■oAmuI Bdliiitttd that nn a {Ferintu oo- lievod wbi
wbtm ta nati
roati bii bipa
bipa. Joat try A
onalon ube bud told a lie to oaxe fcer it and1 aee how cniy and reatfnl tta \
boatiand. wbrn-npem tbo inxpeHnr re babit ia
la Bat you'll gM an aiwaalnf V
marked that -ibeae motbef* wbo keep •trail' lb a ebon tima
tbeir ofaildren fTom Tlirlrrlnair In w
"A polioemon'a feet alwaya beoma
dar to eacapa finre "Bad Uka gaasaa- laiga 1 wore a Ha 7 atae wbi 1
latB."^H<Areand qaarlea
on tbe ftwea 80 yean ago. Now
and tta width
1 bare to wear a Ka 10. am
A Brel MreA.
—wait 1 gBMi tbey dl't 1lefttr ttaan
"ilo yon know a good tonie for oerr- op to my width. And
,nd it'a
aaapenont, Sinipkinir'
G« tba walking.
"Ho. What I waoi to find b a tonio
Tea all mi wbe bare paWoUad to
tapaopb who bare to lire with tbrn." two or ttarea ytare an 'fat' and nr tba
—Boaion Tnrelw.
mmattmanoifaa"—Haw Fort Ban.
Carpet ADd
Is still going on. Tbe one
week that this sale has
been in progress, has thiikfied our cloak stock m a
wonderful minner. Still, if^ou come at once, we be
lieve we can satisfy you in styles and fit,, and just onehalf Price takes them. Every garment included—
ladies', misses* and children’s— all this season’s manufailure. Again we suggest—come at once.
. CUpa FMto tba WarkabM.
Ibr Mudret, IV.-sl.nen of Amerh-a go ;
h_|s better to sBTor your .
•ban to remain a menttwr and
laqntrcia that you are a Maoeabee tmt
that you "don't lust Ilka their plan or way
af doing bosliMm."
Commanders ^ CantscanMlbetoeearefnllb pro^y tosUng strangna wbo apply
ler adm linn
Do not pannU any aaeaeBal -filing to
^low yoo to forget that yoo bare a com
mon iDtmwt with yoor brotber Hir Knight.
wbMbar be rreldat In OonnacUeut. Danado
«r (MUforuia. AD are membn ck (ho
Mmaordm. and Iba order Uoa^tooi
w MMh M U fiom to lbs otb*.
Tba Jarladknioai of South UskoU reJoicto in tbe fact that bat algbt aeasM
ynanU went required to nwait IM dtotb snbjecC Tbe lecturer ■
tbe rZ^ "aT^to'^'^
IcMrafor Ihayiwr.aiid aaa thank efftolng
a state in wbiob tbe ideas entrul- tea purOea. Both were adifiafa and qnara. H. W tlndlb has taord arirruUr reIbe body, and produood morbid relaomA We stay jfldge. ibcrefoca, tbat*
queatlng twob lodgs to cootributo an
antaunt equal toU-uenu for each >if Its ebuogca in its fnnotiom. li aUowed to Sehopenbaoer took bis nutiona of toetDea partly fren bis wotber. It rom withuenibere. to teem a fund la aid of any
needy workman's family ia tbe auto.
Old' Kentnck ta kaeplng up tu tvuoid
this really tofrible diamm were in 99 »«t in tbe eatreme, yet not witbool
cama oat of 100 sown and watered dor- i •<»>>« aapecks <d tmtb.
n of Sk LouU touna Ing tbe perlodcf edoesAhreand traiaing I Tbe nrw woman would rare at tbla
her preMiaiooa. and yet it
d and taato drUkd of RirU at and after a criutal period of I
teana tn vzlatcocw.
Ute. 8«sb cares were man- fre.|ucnt i «‘«ld do her good to read what SchnIjook oTvr ^ur haJpe and mot up tbe alBae tbe inwmlortitre of the sri.t«u of penhanm baa toeay wi;h aa mneb calmfaithful onto, that they may '
higher ednoatum uf women, for the ad-1 »«* aa she can cammaod. Woman U
ed to Um- laat JiareU uf tbe «
rtoatee uf .tbit toadc the griwt raiotske here depicted at emphatically "a ItwM
The Kryatonr Workman Rum to areiy
no nal dif. man"—todetd ao far below man aa to
member in Ihr I'ennaylvanU Jarladktloa
Iieiwtiea giilr'and bnyi between pe fit only for tbe rule of the old faabat the rstwnau of tbr greod lodgr
HeDealiooed toned German baarfren.—self Cultora.
thi- aRi«■ of 14 and 81.
Vouna man, makr wme ptuvisl.m'for tbe freqnrat <iurtfm-nce of canre of
yoor wife and fainlty aaalnat aioknen. and
-TUm to atep.
dyarb. If m.V tnarrad. rbow your loie and auauna and bn akdowu amnuR Rirla and
Amtoig Ibe brat storiee leuwiled by a
rtopret for llw facbto and motfato. who aiirihuttd tbia to
and Ibe lack ot bealtby eawetee.
I we» known aiiRler it one ahuot a Sooteared fur you Ha your chUdbood daya
Crmeant lodge. No tl.U orll.. waatn- • He adviKwMd goU. crcling. Uwn tea-1 tlMi laird wbo was reo day reiating to
ailiutrd at IktroU April A imw lu Bia and other gamw as a igereailr.- and : hie Mends at tbe dinui-r cable tbe story
onrrectiTc and inairted spun tbe uecto-1 Of a floe flib h- bad cauRht "Diaiald.''.^
oitonlwtobip now nutnbera nearly aoo
sily te regular mdnlpenoe in jdiTincal - aatd be to the eerrabi Iwbiud bis chair
eserctae. It wua not work whtcb hort, I —aoold roan, but abrwwrrant—"how
but ftenerrereooe in work afire nature bt»»T x*»» tbe Osb I took yreterday?"
- --- OUC iMT dsuRrr sigUala in tbe
Donald neither spoke nor mored. Tbe
e CoAertytaf FHeMsIc mi tbr -OtAre. j bad
led Mto,atj.f1
nntotinn. ‘-‘Weei,
repeated Cito
aware Thrdrea.
| abape <d conrtant iaau^le. iom U ap- laird
Pythlaiilsra ta not •.frm-Uonal buianlP«-"te and imgulariiy of. functl.iua replied Donald, "it wm IwbT pond at
irthlrfundsRienlal I Krrrt.nsBXbaaation nmetimto .swurtod break&M it had gotten to aebteen al
ler Boie and
tonib could uUtaln. a loug stride toward I as a result of exceaaire physical exur- dinner
intornal Malum would bemada. Tosuo- cire. and amooR middle agnliadlea aa a wbs^-ye aat down
emMully plaoa boforc the mind of rtery
■It of wirryV Tbe remedy
ledy in
I tbe lat- i captain." Tb«. afwr a punse. be addiiMHuber of the unlur tbe fact that no mat
wastoiireeiaaierandaecordlDg|cd"rre been'talftn leoaa'myMfe to
ter. bow iwrf.Tt he Is « llhlu Mnua-lf be U
int was alto met j pl« thii tbootera. but I'll bedashed it
not In and of blmsclf a»n>|ile(e. but It etrr to rule. The i eplaii
.. children
Idren and was In tbim l'»> gulDR to trll leea noo in my old age
a part of a gn-at and iui]>urtaat uraaniM- with in .young
to plaoae tbe foaboa."
generally doe
tlon. It an aulit.iciuunt wortby of tbe bast
of "Ibe ru»-l,
\V L. DouaUto
mental facultiaa or
TA* Left VtM.
Omaha U toha.eaPytblan burial pUs» anduagRiug.
"la tbrra any purtlon of tbe fowl you
It will be'a part of Kurest LbWB>
ynfer. majmf'aaked tba boatem blandAa BsUtoOta 'mi Hwmrf OTbr Obiu brigade will turn out atrnager
Henry Ueorgo bad all the pnpular
at itidlsnapolls than at aoy previous eorifti. of tbe American orator and ynur-f *^'"The left wing, if yoS pleaaa."
with aomethlDR more. Slucurity ■ "The left wing?"
No ntorn Important oommlUto tenm a
Into the new year « Ufa all lo
t and •
With ababq^uf fiino.dou i
Three are now S.Stsi caiupa in tbe ordrr
Tbn socMy e-tu-nd tbe new year with
abowlug made siDre oragiilatloa smong tbe fraUtnal .irdira, iv uie muir
<SB shown, a* a itiembcruf tbs Oeorgis
l(«lslMnni. In ahaplng l>«t*UUan fortbvlr
Tlieaffalra-of tbe order ibrengbodt are
iB'azneUoDt ooadltloD, and’thc oonttouMl'
•eed results show tbe wlMom arelprecwglmo In tbr (irenlcr .NW Vork oue
Dnl brnth<-r of our *U|>ren)c cnunrll
ne-exedutire oumnilltc* of t^ ordrr Id
os able to DU ibt re
fix U)uU has adopted prootlod plans
plana lor ,I ------------quln-mrnu >J is.tniiilml.mre for d^rt-.
.. - . i ment of. i
Arthur C. 8alaM0«r
giTiDK employtuont to tbe.tbaaimloyed
membsis of ibs order and also^ od- Brooklyn
to tbol ofUos.
groartb ri
all .1...
aiuog u.
Ilka !
----------------I.d .„n,U,
Bupreme Marbtal Oartd Eaoden oAKan | ]» «* nolo tbe iiaymcDt of IBO otden cm
Antonio. Tax., has premntad 8u|nnie { droremd btbthrre of «45f>.?in Wiand fUT.Aadstoot Councilor Ptaber wiUs a breu- «;t of -doleyed cUlms. |■ree(lcaI)y kbuO.tWO
" -------- 4 tba uronemontblothefamilMaof broUMTs
i G.nf.Pip..pdP„,TTVort 8bo«.
f Style. Wear and Price Guarentned.
tbe MntberlacdA wbicB awolutj for
|,nt Dan. with a new mate,
is—Trass Freamama. tbeir surly proficiency in taoSinftkliw. ; .ii]| j„ rervioe, and a< quick as stw.
Oeurge E. Kimball of FMtufiald. Me., en
MtoelleDce. The Celgiati and P«bcb t «ngli« hfirSi - tbe thfowiofi of Waw
join tbe unique dliUnctloD of bring
l^«l^fln«t.iDpoiDtof iaW.-a-i^jh,
tiou. B tbs World. Pana u to a large oonireny. jla tbu
the horato
exb*t all emporium for Brlgian Uc«l I
» run ^ iTt
ledge, f
yooiKif. and thee you t
tweet It It to be mn
BOTelneiauddi^tre ^de^a. kt^ ;
Profanity U mure an 1
ill Aul ’
I mlnotoWj;
eiee. more a mart of bad hn-edlng than c
deprarity: the Idle use, of aaered Damt
tbe palm | ““
--------- :---------------doM nut add faree to wulb. nor empbari fgr blat* lacsA while BelRium may ['
behsMabaarr aa wawno.
claim it for tbe eaparona finmeasuf bv j Bobopetibauer'i motbet. JoafiDa, wet
puinta. nothing equaling in etticfealdel- u atugnlar woman, with wbom be was
Icucy b« faisoua pnlntde gaae."
) pcrpstually at wur. SliewMUrcly.be
I WM rH& She wm a MtimeaiAUst. be ,
Stoth Dakato to Faeto a Ballaf FuM.
' datestod aenliment. Hbe was derotod to !
lodge than whorls known oa tbelpemU .
Tbe byUwa pn>hll>lt the adopUnn of on
appikam Iwfore tbr srrlral uf tbenrttfl-{
bl* tbouffbu npon tbe fuTRC of .
a and It 1)10*1 nerrr be done. Nuooe i-^
experieuca and abowed tbcni hot truui
. authority to walto tbU-pcoTtalon
the batumsr. rude and unHuisbed id
^ byUws
.... .................
form For this trey ivuhiu "PruRtma
Tbe bend onasul bas ruled that erery •,
K-*mi --.......aud Potrrty." a sitouljUiu! block to re
saq>p must ounfre at lre« the bcncflclarr
dun-nn upon ell epplleauia for edoptlon
i Though there snant to U> a gain month- ^lusible pnhUclaus. to iIh- eoauomio
......Uae of Uilies'Fine Sims
inlAce and Botton.V«rtiD«Top». Ssme io
MW. in He.) and Spring H.S. Si«« in
Hrol for ladies who wear small, sixes 1.1|
and 2. Tkn or Black..............‘....................... .
213 Front St.
Baltimore Stock Saeclred Three Tlmca a Wmak.
CounU. fiOc per quart.
Stmndnrda, 30c per qi
■SS«FlBtthjr's 0|Tster Otpot and Restaarait. .
‘J£ j
“Tell Me One Thing. Tell Me Trair.
Tell Me Wh; Ton Score Me Sof
*IV8 because
did not use seme of
that new Stationeiy that Hollers reoetveA It is strictly up-to-date.
Then we have some new sealing wax
and seals. Get some'at once.
220 FroDt SkrMt.
*m MOMflKO a»OOHl). 8XIHDA\, rttBUAZT 87, tSM.
taif iMl ehwn to mteUlA hiamU ta ’ Bniian fosad hlwrtf in i
plaamme," lapBad Bmian. “Onaathta
life, b* BMd axpect no fortfatr bolp or > fire Urge raoBia,' with wic
jaod In I
And they went togather Into the aeeBUtiMo lUtmcd nneufly, asd with a' alio. Be.<waa to pa; at the andeM rata
teep naied rfcret ohriaaa apon Ma of £8 in the half year f« Ut* lot. BU- cBd cd the ifoBtgomery atnrt gtoraCa.
downoanfeoe. ItwupitlfBl. bethcncbt '.Ua ooonird down hU flnt qnaticr’a It wa* nearly m hare of famitore m the
priTatel;, to ne ao digniflcd and a«-< amt and waatpoi tootdtrahnaa plat*. Arm. There ww BO Bce« than a 'tatoa.
bottles aad
^eetatdeananaahUfatbfrtbBBlcvtiicilhiarMthltd 80 abillissa. had he bad
while roond the men. arranged ao ae to
^Ool<<hl».K. 8oBmta.M,««C
stake the sKMt of thenaelvca, aioed BUh aaid acnewbat ragoely:
P*l°^ ”■»
be o\tr so that be might get back
'‘Oanenltatlcai free. Every morning
And she secured them at Very -Low Prices, because
- ....................tbc ken
F. A. EARL displayed a large Hue of Elegant
Thii Billian<
When BHliam a lather bad at
atand tUl be knew ezactly wben be
Goods iu all kinds oftbe tail of hit drvm coat. ^
anlty. 1
1 ahall need it
** addnming’'
t di^
fal laeacnt «v^nct aud bnparaUeltd fotniT career, and when b<- bad ooacloded
bested it. It did very wril. being
Look ovav tke Largam »
with a vivid piettire of Lilliam'a olti- Used with ailk.
Too are a donerr queried Mavie-'
Biate fatciVbirh wa^ obrionaly not (o
billiam dooble bolted tbe pUte
to llw doer, for be onderelood the waya iter.
imtgmeiy «iv<e^ and mt down to
■tsdy. ih(
vite *ogg>-«ttaoe fnan the-mlpriL h
>h of Herr Dr. Pim. mid Billiam qniolfly. "bnl I give them
ngzrarmoxr bxoox.
' -penple-a
baud withknything they faring
e-tr' cUd Billiam to (unrer. )
pemtuck of Vienna npoo
that he e-tr*
dnd. be held it abuoat
iuanll fqrose Billiam had tbrye chain to aia«.'with ■
Of bit i-hil.',-.>u tv athmpi to answer one -twoftW backed ebairt te elimm and
ha mo
an caty chair, which in time of need
««t, »r:
«^oaliCi*tion? eaid Billiara. a lit“W'bui bavb yon to K.y to that,
air? tonMU-leamd op agaimrt tbe waU. It:
What ctiTiM- hav.- von lo Iraki'? Aiirwer : wnt a d<vk chair and cm Sa 1IM. at'‘*M*rpl«.d. "Wen._I ve.^-ti lau-fa.
Sih-nre. eir. I wiU not la cUap ml.--d fsnjitut.- in Nicbolao
l.g-amltbiuimailw.yltfe.” ,
ot. wr,;
littni t.. a atiigle vwid. Voo n.av wvll | etrveL BiUum fell that be toi^t go
antly, "tfaie i«nv betlerlhananeqalv
autid ^tadud a^ ailtvil. Have I that lengthIn lotnry.
ratiun. 1 b.-ord }\ia «ith my uwn ran
brought a m inti> (be wtrld for il
Billiam had u
manjrho wmt
kept ytn. give* yoo an tspmdve tdo'- niwre than thit. He had a wooden bed
catitm cailv
mlv fir tbit?"
»hld. b. h«l 1«M|H l.tb,OOT.t.
8o Billiam kept nlcDce and thought i„j.i.nim,i.«.,u«Ti«i«pib.Fi..>;>»‘n-'-‘««.,
Itelf. port'
Hurt' hr pvt
tnt and
■ “»«*' .' •* ««king
taking a fi« from biro
him as b.bard of the wUcr down at the kenn. It.
Atom laudag.-* ontifat to b- w. i agtiiu. h> plank. He cmly dept npiu j, «,* '
1»«W >■ an iudiotable
Il wae an honr paet the lim. lic^ppt nig^it. The next day be began to eat it
obahgiug tivon one toot j tlie
fin-irod. 'ft waa a good bed.
Span th.- gravel vra'lk.
tbuogb. be mid. hot not for sleeping cm.
'Don't inaslt me by jon.ping al«nt After the fiivt five miusUa it began to
Turttu Cm, Mice.
like a ben cm a 1k« gri.*i'l<-. ” ervd hi». biu- bim aU over.
bo Billiam boned the 4 abilling
ing with younell, l.r.i «ill nu hsiger bed. and it tttiiMd uut all right Uaf
mippcrt yoo in idleotft widdrlaDch- vray. it crackled like green wood ae it
\ a
horned. Preamtiy the fami-uf BiUiam'e
0)^ Day Only BaA ■oath.
bramp)at.-wax.d great intbe land. Dr.
Macfarhme. a d>ort.,wiqded and tomIS GOOD!
a* be waa pnlTmeui quite onrsia-otedly
ing hie way up the weary,
weary, grimy atoiM
■tain to visit the datar of tbe MmWhen yon wont tu take a ride
I. a e a. a 00.4
' et tto Sra. w. Thtmt m« laws.
sight, air. before 1 strike yun with my
remember tbe beet place to go.
the landing hum_______
I have a large open boa. a 6 aeat
>4 Ctom. Briakt's blMCB. —----------To my dmply that Dr. Bacfariane
tgly Billiam w«mt—down
sleigh and a ,top boa. All very
a. me a«rmm Dismsm. Cm»m iSl. THaa
to the kenneU to vidt tbe M-tter, won wae macmiebed does comdderable injsaM
comfortable for
dering all tbe vray whetber, aa tbe akin tiei- to hi* date of mind. Hr mood rea not bredan, be cogbt to nte an rm- gardiug the Irlghtly polished, clearly
i-nt fo folly tea ;
■tiek to the culd'vrmter
*r. Uaatar*.
minotea Then be rang the bell
all. and an {
answering peal came from jost the oth
And tbUI is briedy why BUUsm
er aide of toe panel, bot no one arrived
himself in Edlnber^ and edablis
for it was tbs middlt-td tbe
d by dmnoe at tbe end dayuBd Billiam was at fauclamea Dr.
Doyatrert in tbe Lacinqoar- Maefarlane cunld Iran little from the
terof rhedty. Billiam had £180—ClUO naiiistrua <w bi-r sish-r bt-yemd tbe gen
I*''n^ro^‘'u(D cANt-Kaa cfD*e wttka
-----------------uh. pal* «. seer. W*» awhcli
eral BBspicitBi that their neighbor open
t'ATaanB. Krakwtrmrasat. Cl
OOiJUKm To CUV men
the other aidr of the lending was "maythtb.
see biu throogh a year and £80 which bes no ran rictal iu hu mind."
i Alaoa lot of the vary bent J’qrts*‘^V.-uiaivvirsrt*is»a*o.
It 'wae not tbe mamstrem, hot the land catUr»,Jwo and thivr aeated
hii elder brother HerUTt. captain in the
One HsDdnd aid Tenth hsMiu, had •eaustrms' sister, who vultwtc
amt him.
I can ht yoo oat with any kind
"Bat be sent os in tbear." added the
"Young fool, BilHam—alwayi waa,”
who was a pale aad uiceid- of a turnout.
said Captain Herbert. "Uonihe’e jiivt4ytightlTQff." And with that be doffed ingly pretty girl .pouting to
imbly plqmped purple arapr. whiofa lay
;on a plate qn the little imktd table by
Lbwkaoard will need the the bedside.
**•*• yuuog uiaeaguOT » ut
Ploodor Uvaiy Kaa.
"He ll be a kind o*^ y<^ doetnmoney nure than old Buaaa," said the
Beektuayob. uaeduui.
>' sixter. Mukuig back •« ha p
BiUiaui bad. I
W theqiuvtiixi td tbe vet- lows, fur gntiinde wm not ha stro
trtumrj «nrg«*. He was to stody bard ! point.
iu erder tv berome au cadinary surgi-an j The oaggeRicn exrlud the dorter, fer
a man who hmt w.jcked Lard at
anh pbyni-tsD of
if humans. He'was
He was onlv
only |be wa»
[hian^ um-r^to ai*d nniymnnuratiTi.
to bepani«redtviimjebotDeuaKvay.wr.
allowed t
I. lawti-f his lathw jaoctice. Bi>idv» whk-b he had a young
He bad agi*-td
■mV. Jiiemy |familygmwuigDpabiiot him. If. therewith reijiests fir ue:
I feel that...be : fore, be was to have ■ yuong iuierlo
way Billisiu wa> made.....................
• iv-uter
- T of ■
wae the pnsligal ~ ii ano a disgrace t«» I ai ttliog in the
now with
the stuck «f the Oni.iibwaites .rf Onni- ! ufloaKv-. it was as w. 11 to know
Ricti and Rare
Were The Gems She Wore.”
% t. A OEOOIgtT.
tCopTrUrtL MR. bir lh» ABtbM.l
*'Kq. fatW." «)d Bmuai. with «••
•Mob, “1 ui hot holf itood mooch to
______ .______^"2
liA( tc Han;. B« will mmto . Urn
aniw. a« ii «]) the tin* Booidiiff shoot
and M* father were-suadiac
r lo 'the rectot7 patdm. which
om the beantUal rale <d Sc
BrlrellTB alept above then.
atfetAed oot like a ikai with bU bead
lew hotw< iliia pawK. Tlie lake glimncrod beoeath all, dream:r in tbc li^t
nidanmiDer hate. Ben biuniiied in the
ihookwiihtheirenaftbenTelera .
) The old rector of• Applethtbaile
dead. TbUdarofinideotbinerbadlinu
hie fnnttal dajr. An uM man ftfli lo the
hrimof ri«re anddignitira, faehad liml
all bU life, nnder the wing of bit brothar. the iqoire. tooted nlely in the IanUy liriug. dining errry Sunday and
Hintedey at U
Ihth- ball and tmding
in jiiotatiiiu m eettleri and
Drs.8.S.&C0. ■1
th« Celtkntei SpMbUfta.
log to the nqoire'e }«ovid«niial arrange■nnt. the new order wae to be—kiltiaB.
: Bit red name wa* William, with
ething very di
BobodvUioogbt of tnlliuc him any/thing hat billiam — t-zn-pc only the
y' ^nin. when, ae at ptveiwt. Bill
Billiam and
bedlffrred id (quuiuu. <ll>iu be mid.
.“William Aeginald Srioon Onni^waitr. will yon dare to dieobey yoor
father?" AndBilliani btmghlebead,for
be knew that a de.v »ae coming when
he woold.
t At KihOo] be had been called BlllUm
lor the mivn that ■'‘Yorker" ieeallrd
. a "Yorkt-r." beraiae It wae ohriooe
that be ooold he called notblug elee.
Ue bov wheae Latin venwe he did mid
to him: " Now. go m. old BUIiain: harry
ap I want to go oot to the playing
d^totnite that yooug haai Scottminer te nakii^ faorn at me and mak
ing me laogh to chapel." Bo to mve
ttne Mliam gave him hie own copy of
venfiandmwibe plagiariK pam to the
hmd of the fum nett day oa the
•Beagth of BiUiam'e iambira Yet that
Hotel Whiting
Sleighing Parties,
aatbor and origin of bis dieUi
Why eboold htf It
“only old Btl-
For cme thing, he was forever bringing
SU mamter c£ broken dva-n qnrrowa,
—nbhita and thft* leffied dog*
iato tbe acbool aod. if poedble.'ei
tnio the darmlury. Them smells of
— of' it was •; oVltak lu the evening when
' Dr. Mai-farJaae <aUH-stumbling up Bil
Titr duurM4idd slightiy
toe Unndry. ami ben- HiUiam.
rerr modest iwrtiiai of goods ajar, am
ami thenibett- nme -from the other
ns..rtAsBl .lir-v.»»«*»"•« M' mm auU OPpafteO I «««^ ■ lumosru s rmur .£ vtdnw. a
....... ,, . ^
ith sundry mha
t“«'‘‘**>‘*v.jniewhen-UuitnntobleUmr. i aouods which ei t u the thirtur's traiued
totionof tbe schouL. Bat when
„,v„ nyitt, tb.-gnasT gloom eari-ouW nut distingoiah. But. above
«niB owHiHee coma lo Uu^-t w
tbe Plrasaa.-e. Ib-w Billiam ment all. tbi-w tom fltlnlly tbe ahnU ay o<
^em^ tbe wto maRer rarei wyp^ ,
^ j
wbcau this history r au inlanp Upm blaring this last tbe
^ ..
. . the dour
Cham pa't tbea
with the brus*
wheAin dwelt Binum. hapiug well
Day by day the stodoit of medictoe plate upi u. which, wtavi be steppid
Vlndvrard of it
within, wmed at first urarly
full of
ly fu
'^tooned delight*. Day and night
Anybody elm woold have
ior -aiUam, ;i»«ple. it was brighUy enough
. l« l*g
prtmipcly expelled, hot BUliam's latha
lor the bnwd Same of a Nil ti gas buniwaa a voy impurtaut pawn iudird. and
ahiM.dwilh exa-saoJ jOTssore above
the hmd masta bad kuuwu him iutiitely at ooIlefW. Besidca, uoouvooold
mibly bare expelled BilUatu. Tbe
I him with
cricket LaU would airaigfatway bsv«^|
risen In mutiny.
the wallv of the rouni. silting with
By and by Rilliatn'a fat^ tried him j
* Osfod. but. thongh Billiam eUid
'hi* U-nus, be would have utine of il- So
gluay brown sinpv ail round—young
whrti the m-tnry fell vacant it seemed
lads with dogS -belw^u tbeir knirs.
all tout could be (hue wa* to make ar
girl* buldiugrals in' isiskt-ts, middle
ia bv wbicJi Billiam would stx-gid wouan
ceed hi* nmde. Tbe Bight -■
. talkiel
iSbiT in snbdned
Beginald StdnunUTUiitbnalte.KiUiam’s
I tuMM or to their pii
, .
•‘pata,” saw uo diftirt.Wy iu lb* nun- j
I per*, bvairtinraa a dug would' bi-outue
ta. He bad Uv-n at Ki.ei aod Lyrist-i
I excited by tiM- voio- if a eat itauplaitichnrcb wi(b tbe bi--hiip<f Lakeland.
ing of Usio* 'ami iiuinisounieul mmr
wd the malialeui
ui iitn U naturally to
him. bni he w'vuld be promptly cbIIkI
into submission t>y hi* ma*ter. u
he ih* final auloiioh of u mis4 dilBcnll
esuary wonld gudikuly flutter aga
pr^litn. Everybody ev>-u remotely mu<<the barw warned by inctinrt of
proximity of f/many enetuite.
and aU exprrased tbi ir
Hustly, buw<-i-er. cbere vn* a respect
With relief aad alaaiiy.
fal ailrtl^ The . doctor stood awhile
toouitima nothing was lai'rt t<
i tuotad in anuueiiMBt and did not «rvi
who had a eettsa w
iMlliiim baralshrd «p da«v
take any uotich whro several of
opcqi his mind and i
' all unknown to hUfaiba, was also tak-'j forma patiepu nodded alUhly
about toe kiuoebi and ameUvd of ^i- 'ing ciaasaa at the veterinary colU-ge [to him.
mato tfcua “»»*»•*««•»«>“»“ P":
pare lor to* bishop a examination and
-------- ■*------ ----------.. J
8t Abba'_____
(ealVed in clerica) drclra "Th* Back
Door"), Bill m mo« taicxpert.dly rm
h the plan. Be would be no {air1; he wa* not good c*ioa4d>> ke assertghwaite, ex-cabmet niiniAa and P. C-.
kroke into a rage almost as vftlent as
wben hi* party Isola praolaimed a new
" y Wilhoui oiainilting him. He lupoUcywl
teMd 1
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
1.™u., BII1U» IS..'.
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
boom mader came op cm night to find
—i.u an
... open. !..{«.
ki. band.
knife i_
in his
driving fiucely into a tlmaig Of boyi
armed with,, cricket bau and wik-keta,
he }Buauptly daabed ur the
and wroMed the knife
*«t of bis banda.
"Doyoowito i^>
. - tbe
.u. boom
_ mader. abdkiug hi
"Tea." mid Billiam atonOy. "if
Lovrtfaer throwa my while mioe ont of
toe window."
Ko fonhw laureeding* irerr taken.
npuu examluaticn BiUiam
proved to be aeored Uat-k and blor with
toe vricketo of bie advermrica. He waa.
^ gvxMping
™ • i for 800 y.
badraom opnu tbe grotiud thar. ‘**** ui»e
.2 STini,^ U,.
FRIDir. MRCH 4tk, I89R.
Suits, Overcoats aed IGsters
We must have room ior our ne^ spring
stock. -Where we have only one or two suits.
overcoats or ulsters of a kind left we have put
red tickets on them, which means a reduction
of from 20 per cent, to 76 per cent., to close :
S;: them out at once.
Everyone knows from past experience that
they cannot afforci to miss one of these sales at
^ ^ ovu- store. It is an opportunity to save from :
>1-3 to 1-2 the price on a suit if you cw fin<| a :
fit. This sale comprises from one hundred to
““ ^ one hundred and fifty suits. Nearly the same
^ number of ulsters and overcoats. Don’t fail
^ to investigate early. Mrst customers do not
^ leave best choices for the last comers.
1 t.-il ,ir.J.s*m. mam .och davaa. it wu. UuKaUrKel.MAuudix.his arm. ______
card»w6u!d be called for. IfoUowod behind him. bis tooek of hair
And in additicaiJt/ this V-------s:-----be promrvdand
a rtunplt< Ui-waa atoiqang
ceirtain interim oeiCinBity in hb< atodira furward and eagaly explaining aumeby "givtiug a loah at anotba fellow's toing to tov man. Bo Inicnt vrasihe
npon the matter in hand that be pafM
Billiam'a'‘piggay" In kfemigomery tor doctor without so moch as noticing
atm-t. a* it WB* -culled by tbe few tf him.
"And rU look in and ase bow the
bis cororadra who bad era seat its apair of yon have got oh tamoRvw-.''
creta, vra* s>u»Mhing to wtatdir at.
Blliiam mid, abakUiK tbe bard fmturad
ab«d of taking a
vrannlr by tbe hand at the door.
n and bid mom ii . well fm
Biniaja innH-d and fir the Srat tim*
and moitary neighlavbood Billiam en
tered into tbe tenancy if an ontire Mit loAed toe doctor fair in the face.
"kly name 1* Dr. MucIarUne. I tev*
«f room* qpoB the garrrt fioor of on* of
to* high "lands" which areadiadnottva fautara of toa old ^aartor
8L toe phyalcilan. -"ahd I toonld Jlke
tavor of a few woeda with yea.”
Within toi* tambUdtowa dwelling
"Ootnlnly: fay
: ^ikikiiuiuwuiihuuuuiwutiuiukikuui
THX KOBantO KSOOBt. ttrSDAT. nsBOABT «7. 188A
^ Oo You Want The World ? I
«<Hewr esdalmad MTk. 8L Creax, Iba
pteoftbaOemadlaPraBcalsa. “Ton will
M gtre aw IrsaoM. M. IMiar'
“That Isnu. mademolaalla. IHanrlB'
earlaUe rule—booorad bj tine narar to
tame intomxi tbau this u
“At l.«tt xm wiudat aaaalt la roar
Luke, wbere Jeaoi and His <
I f«« mnt l_1M IHY—IM ■■
came to tbe tanme cf Hartba and'^.
at Betfaaay. Martha, {notably being tbe '
' TW« WM •' bard7 Mlov Buotd
^ i bav« made arranfementa ao 700 can own it and
• JbcsMoB wbfl liTMi in m atutck on • dw>
■'Tnw. but I do not employ models— older and tbo IhvuI nf tbe buoi*-, began I
«n dnim jxut ai
at the Wyo- BOtlhiogmodcia. Ab.ytMllockBiirTsrtsad! to citaiceni betw If witti the eucmaintuin« buiitiBK fmoitda Wbo bad a rfpa> But it ti M. I ataore yoo.^ I regret, mad- ent of btn (nnwie and. aa it- w <ifira tbe
tatino f(* beius aboet a* bapdr wttb amoiaollo. ttai I oaanat ^ukaea In yoor ease .with w.ujiatikindandiT tbecitcnin- |
auuoea. worked btneif into a sute of
hii n«U aa 1b* next oonier. BmiiMce aoRsenlon. It la impawlble.
bad an Mpecial didikt fcv tbe “dude"
••URini. inademolaalle. 1 eouM not bigb nernifu vxcitetnant Mary, being
bnntera. and it «aa W boast that in a point one stroka with a aeooad perwnt In I of a tjoift. I...........................
lair «MO«nWT ba ootdd boat an^tblat tberunm. It la me. 1 am narrotu as a ; furrMl to ait c
araanas food elotbaa and carrj-lni'bf ttouM. That IR why 1 employ that big I llRten to tbe words that fell tram Bii 1 C
'pout* of TariaMicd arawiitton. Ha EasiUhmaB to aUmt Id tbe anUroom asd ' Uin aa He talked to Hia diaciplco. In |
tbia pnaitian Marthp in btn exctteinent: ^
1 chided Marytcn brrtboagfatleMn>*R and | V
a-p.. u.
“But you ora atm I
; opptsilad i» Christ BlmMlf to bid Mary
jaaseooaof BroaatoD. bacaaie ntoro po|>mlar jraaraftaiTcar, ootll finally ba bad eowr my studio daring arerklng boors.*' I oomc and asRiat her, but Ubriat rebuked '■ ^
Oaah ar Payinenta.
bo ba a little DKira ae^et In bla operaM. Dnlrr. aa coeectrie artist of great I Hartba for hey breranxioty abont tbe 17
tiatu.'as tbaraweraaJucatber toostanj ceigiDallty and wldwyaead renown, rwver Ddimpartaot things of life and eomTisiioto to allow'hi^tiaa to do tba palaiad to order. 'Hla studio ww thrown 'mended Mary for berabKntdag interest
in tbe bigbest welfare of ber being. He ^
wbola lot Jnatir*. Oe flnallj abnanaoed
j tbna waebea na that it is bautr to get ^
tbaC in (otore be waa Rains to whip oopainted.
I close by Him turd to ntuy olcae by Him ' W
bodj «ndar tbe rank of tyiloeal in tniU- be.Ubad
was In tbe early half of a fair spring
Uty lift' and. nobodp wbo in ei*U Ufa day !tbat Nile. S*. Crt-ux went forih to ' than to be orerinierested in aitd oou- M
wasn't ailaatilt tnaj’orof a blit townor atorrit Ibe anist'i stodlo and drfmi bla ctraed slmit th<> things of life, wbicb
a praaident ut a railroad. Bj following burl) Rngll.h senUnel. NadamaiaeUa perisb<wilb tbs umga..Y
1. VocangetcloseioChriatbyatodythis plaabe aocoreded in fUUng bla tlma Uugbed beartUyasabe.|iaaardagroapo( I
tog Uu
Uia wend. He is no luagnr
lunger upon' ta]
eotgiartablf witbntit oteiwtnktng bin- her rrttnds and Krock a cord upon the log
w, anlformlr aoooa«f(.l nntfl anricM sDiur abe carried- Oar Mends earth in bodily f.irm. that we cun ait atWO CaiL BUlt auj 0116 8 failCy OF DOCkot bOOk 0X1 blCTCleS
«He dap a part; stopped at bis laadt sUred cnriously.
■■tt'hat aa tmpialeot looking tallewr'
iwd introdu«d tbaw.aelTaa pa eaatera
said one.
. '
wordahavo nutaUbeeDlostiolbcworld. Ifm
/taaristsbesi on doing aoma elk axtarRtidmtly bar dligntaa—adapted tram
/ ninatino. Tb^
If tbcj might one nt a pruup of roving tioubodovta then Many of tbcm bare beea racorded and I
preoerrod for our ttao today. We e-an ''
•top oTamlgbt with bim.
•■a«i(lemt<n. -’aaid Braoston. “do It
bbo paHTd (be old partera and knorksd atm «t at Ria fact and liatoi to Uia > 1
bappeo that tbt^’s a gitfiml nuotig at the arttn a sDlsroom. Uagb. ita Bng- words if wo WiU coly -take; ibo Bible ,
nod and aiudy it. It'i woadorfnl j
•• Well, young man.‘'-tw exclaimed, syifag btnr little wo appn-data and bow care-1'
' Ko. tbara didn't fasppen to ba.
aenUaoualy. “wbatbyoiir Itaaly we use this bleaacd {nirileoe of I <
“A lodge, mabbe, or a eioa pteai- aadunoUdle
tetr■■Taptay-tariDg. Sea. 1 am a troata- llauuiug to tbcToioeof Christ Himself. 11.^
Tbare was not. It was an noofBtdai dour. Hutniear, tbeanlit. bade u
pan;. Tbe ml; nan wicb anything ap- and alB|r: l■D^ aloA my ronipaolo
Jeans boa mid. liateo to Ria voioe in tbe
proacbing as official deaig&atioB was a ill with favor, so 1 oooia alooo "
“H m."Mi>c
young fellow wbo was Partngoeee oond tbe porWT. “I know Beriptans, but wo have tbe prii
irlvilege of talking Co Him, com.
ml in a seaport town down aaat. Ha
U go ing with Him in pruyer. 'Oiisiaa grmt
wasn't a DstiTa of Pomgal blnaelljnst a plain AneHcdn dtinm. wbo bad and lurulR U Ibis la a nwmisat hour Ueming that wo enjoy, and we kbonld
fen ynnr cstorwauling Noualoar la aoW not fail to rralixa it. We obonld spend
baan appointed to tba place becanat ba at wurk. No. bo, tny younicstBr/’ aa
bad tba fine to attend to tba faw dattaa matar.utaUo aUempasd to follow: “stay moeb time with Christ in prayw, bold
ing soul to soul basamnniem with Him.
“OdDOMwin a eonanl."
Bnnatmi you tbwa.”
reBaotivdy. “I don't know. 1 oarw
Hcreiursod almost Imimdisialy. eloa- that our dl^Msitinaa and our obanotm
Correfippud with tbe Trarene Citj Lumber Ootnpenj.
may beeame man and maa« like HU.
baardof aiob. DoubClam. mebba. It's a
"Playtascaial. M. W T
Tbe erne aim <if oar livee riioold be to
taapootlbla aa fatmMble job.''
We here tot
When in acad of anything ifi this
Motairartay. ta move like Christ. Tbe closer wt
He was answered that ft wna ■
tlae rMDambar this is ttw ptane to laave
work and llatoe.
“Well,'' baenggeetad. “mabba ba'li
to Him. in tbought and weed and
yoor ordureand get pmnipt work.
tbe Base like Him we will bectun
«b Ocns ant bora in tba yard, gentlain expectancy.
the studio door ra b Bis dMita that we aboold be like
BatiafaeUoo gnaranWsd or no ebarg*
aaan. an tba exereiwa wiU b^”
latnsd fixed, and tlugb only grunted:
Him, that He and we tbonld be one. Laave your erdara at nffiea gy call ap
They bad no idea what wit oomla&
alongl Surely
an not tti
bat BNMtoa explained briefly, and tba yok.”
and one also with God. Let uxtberufon
>oaag man atamad perfeotly wiiUng to
For fita nrinutes more madamolai
word and ti
taksblspan In ttraualae. tboagb tba trilled faerloodeat, tben stopped again.
atbatit ' lenifled. triad tbeir beat to ”'‘Come, don't wmta Umsl"iald Hugh imaiClaD,. as roacifeeud in it. Lotos
aamw Hnmaton oot of Itl Tba diwan impwaUvtly.
btdd ooistantly sweet ccntniiitiim with
Him in pniyur. until we sball ta tramcUiDsatllerlnadeernab at bit eirtint
with ao oMoaragemeet, oot oven a
Bttdfooiidbawaaa'ltbere. Uebadcera- lowed.
the power of tbe Spirit into
faravu, only <be Eagllabmaa'i steadily fa- formed
folly ateppad aside, and aatbp monuttio pealed rmindmef ibe'valneof SeeCliy Hia very liknasu
Bible lte8dingx.-^k. morf. 1^; Prov.
•gtnm thoudwed pmt btni tbe ocosal
Mill MeebineiyoE ell deecriptioa*, ioclodiag Two Engioee,
xriii 14: Luk«viil,-Sfi: Johaxr. i-iO;
bit bim on tbaear. Than tiw PoRagaaoa
Pet Wwke, Ofirruges ajid Sewn. A oomplete Sew Mill Pleat
rapraaeotatlTa C^lowad ap bla advan
GaL ii. *0: V. l»,96: Epb. iv. Ux PbiL
tage. and leapiog npcn tbe prootfata rDORRienr nd for bcr. sod ouold eta per- 1. 91-S8; ii, 6; Col. iii.10, 17.
for eeie.
fimnaioa tattered bii bad against tba anade bim to let birstDg while ta wurkedT
86 foot: lot. with eburta bnUdlug.
Hogb tatorood.
Sramid ontU be bad worn a bole in tba
To Thees Whs Ds Hst Bsip.
Blmwoud1 Asa. Bolldinr could be re“ UoDsleor says that you may go Inside
bard aolL Ba picked Brooston op and and
afewomiedttode omdrled Into store with little egpeaaa.
sliHTwbUe be works "
ihraw Ub on into tSfroad. and tben
MademoleslU elipped joyful)/ bta tbe B<«t of the wori:. while tbe rest <d tbe Qae ta bought ctaa^
«6 loot lev good aoll, with a very fair
went oet amd tbrew him back again. Utudlo. Wtare wee M. Ihalref For s mrantara. wbo ought to have tbe mme
Tba Portognew conaol. it may be re moRieet ebe laoked in vein, then'mpled inter^ ciibcr do nothing cr an critics. dwamug. eitoalad on Madiaon atraeh
marked. bad spent tbe batter part of bis him belf bidden butwrro two large can- Tbw* la no tatawwayto keep all bands Said ea oair terma. only >450.
■«. epoD one of which he workert.
tile leaning bow to box and wreetle,
from miaebtef than to find some good
"Stand tboe." oommandsd Hogb. wbe for them to do. Many a captious critic
and tbia waa bis first opponuity to let
bad followed, "and Rlng."
MadeiaoiBello ob^td, and lor lack of an baa been cured of his habit by being put
In an bow BrooMun came back to life.
repenofy snob aengi repeated to work lo do better than Umar whose
He wearily looked aboot bim and mid. •XMoRlfo
those ata bsd song in tbs anuraom, ber work 1^ criticiaea. How much happier
“GenUemen. did a doseu cr two ra- mjm toieed coward tbe palDter.
are tbe people wboean juaUy feel they
franaoKirt Joi^ aaeak
while 1
k'N]( tbraet la dry. ' esurmatad mads- are of much oar in tbe world than tboae noea aad Eve^ag, March 2$lh
' Won't lookfn an tackle me?" He waa molwlle. "May I bare a lUUa watorr*
wbo natixa that they an mere dnmwt
told that no ancb thing bad tappenad.
"Slag your laat-annk again.''said Hogk Tbm» is DO ontnpariaoo betw««u tbeun
“P'r'apa it was a state I^rialaierr'
la riul mtiafactioo. Men sometiracR
Mo. it waa just a young man wbowat ynu. and you can go. Too will than find complain at bard work, tat Ibwe ir no
a Pertagoeoe oonanl.
so yoD oummand ma, do yout". man who bss au ancb raason to cmONE MONTK FREE.
Be drew a md ilgb. “I wooldn't 'a' she"Ab.
cried. "Tbougb my throat la asd^ {data as the nan wbo baa nothing to
, tellavni it." be mid. "I had more oeaZ>r. A. B. Srinocy. of Detroit, alac
do.~Cbristiati Insttnctbf.
propric“.orof Seed City Sauitarius. it
.Sdenca In tbe inatitotiooR of tbU land FvJlow. If yriub
Whom yon
coming to your town, where-1« wiU
of fmdoadof oom. To fbiuk that a man
remain for ooe day only to give tbe
wbo baa liekad goveraort au state 'tor"To NIK Kl Creux of the Cumedle
aick an opportnoity to conanlt him
Francalfe. I beHsto," iDUrTUptadtbe peraers an aberiffs an
tof o«« him at bis F-aoitarium,
. be wbooped Ull he’s ball dead by a f nr- ter. wUb e beany guffaw.
We see tbe good—* way tbat may
or baa oo much faith ia tbe
"Yon beta found me out." tbe gasped. have to ta reaebed. oa one flgbta with Tbe doctor
xiner that can't talk tba langwidge of
It la of 1.0 ooDRequrnoe: I tamppsts an tbi- muootain top, but experience be has bad in treating
bla own foiTin eiiantzy! Gt-Dllcmtai. "Ah,I well
chronic diaeaaea that he wilt cive one
to watch M. Uoaire at bU work
tbey ain't no lue bein patrioiio no
wbiai. wbtn rvoebed, is a |wUi of pl«a>- Bontb'B treatment aad medicine free.
Also puek sruciCALorituxTiONs to
aMve. Tbe repobllaan fonn of goT'meni
antnew and peactv We aee ibo wrong—
Is crumbliu an abc’sgoiD to,falL Dug it
Tbo porter's
rr bad on a way ton ofum adorned with ipcckma AX4, TBOSS THAT AUX ZOO FOOU TO TAT.
AU tbat he aaka in return in that
all. 1 beat tba dsyligbu ont of e reg’lar dervane an astoulabing ii
promlaer of.taae and plenty, bet which
United Sum aenstor wnust. on b« 1 IletlrTWoS hli beard and bla ungatnly leads at latt isto doubt aod disappoint- every patient willstate to their friends
ta hie treatment.
tbe tirond of my tack with rw- ^nnd rcamumad tbe appearance of M. mcDt and despair. We see tto faaman All forms of chronic uioeasee and de
soul brre cm tbU earth placed forever formities treated. No man' in this
'■Nailem9taeUe."bemld. "yeahave bad at tbe parting of Umc paiba, where it
extended expe
the fi-Ucity of watcbloi Hugh, niy Kngrience In the treatment of CATARRH,
>L ip au excellcDt dlagoiae.
drau iTig e pelndnn brush o«tv e diy
DISEASES aa the doctor. He gradiN
may {ilaad <r dcniou» may cajole,
.MadciiH>la(:]lu. tuy rule la Inverli
ward. but «____ ______ ,.
t into a ated 87 years ago'from Cleveland.
1 lore to bear oee tbm paths reaebiog
tbe desertebimau tbat here was an ax- R«mi einglDg."—Kxcbaoge.
cDdlcm future, aud. tbougb ucv dare oot Ohio; waa 15 years in general practiee;
celluat obaace to give graainem a fitting
predict to what depths of infamy asd of Anatomy and Phyriologr in Detroit
-.■ebUtary Ml to as Melted.
pogiliaiie noepiion be mid it waa no
ww tbe one conrm may cr muy not at Homeopathic Medical College for >
"Vires vow. mortnos pUnga." Tbe last dasocud, wo dare to uay tbat wbo- years; wusSyeari Buperintendent of
«m. He would very llkelv whip tbe
Te. K.ttl. or Bmvliig DUh.
•tatesmun. bntwtat would be tbe-Sood? grrat bell frooi which Seblllw wok tala evw. tbrongh tbe way of morifloe, baa Ahna aad VpalUntl SaniUrinma.
Once tbe young men at tbe oonotry bad
with many
.hi.nly talong to the voloM of tbe past. climbed tbe beuvunly stoepa abaU re This experience, combined
beat hospitals in
got to proriUoting tbeir great talaita to 7'IiIy.Ir tbe boll of Ibe NunttaratSehaJf- ceive as bis reward
wexthy to be
tbe aervisD of fareign-dynastim be (eH taURen. ltweaaRtstIlaletnl«$Q.tt>^iiKb carried tbtongbom eternity with solemn _________ __________ mining aod treat
*tbat tbe ceoDCiy bod gone to tbe dogaf Id thiR oentury tbe famlllw end guilds gratitodu and mered awa.—Obristian ing thouaanda of chronic caaee, baa
prepared him to cure when the general
'and tbat tbere would ta do eubstantia] which RuppUed tbvgrest bulfriosof Rurape Bugiater.
ora^Uoner faUa. Have you been aick
Joy even in bUcUng ttaeye of tbu pt^- wereetNuremhorg end Augsburg and In
tor years? Are - you diseonraged?
HolUnd, while tbe Kllogrnr KUngbe fem146 FroDt Street,
TimTene City, Mick
Call and see ns, wc will'
I tell
" you wbetber
Jly In irarthweat Oermany gave tbeir name
t. If we canaai
CbrMy MtaatesU
ire you. vi
iU toll yon wbat reUef.
tanguage U spoken.
Bvery Cbriatlan worker needi to have
Glocko 1
Ibe ToMto Saturday Might tella tba apbaffbatuen waaorlg
tbe secret of good oouraga. Ooutage ii
mbtf, one month wilt ba
following stay of Dean Vaugban. He and it baa wllod Ita o
DO nxire Deoematy to tba nldier tbat sbaolately
bad been {reparingaosie colored elorgy- than a century.
figbia bii country’* tattlei than to the
Aplraaof tbe metal broke ewgy more soldier of Christ wbo wa|as wariara ^perutloa'a. a^?th“ taSrf?’of*a^w
man for miaaiem work and had invited
to all wbo are too poor to pay.
than 100 years ago. and a near end dantbam to dine wttb him in tbe Temple.
of treatment ta all that U
On tbat day Mra Vaugban waited an gerpos crack eru revealed laat yeer. Far Cd it ia eoaatant aitd argCDt. To Ims it known by all the acboole, with the aid
boor in tbe drawing room for bar gneata. Ibe aako uf Ita historic {M it was tiwtad ia to loee power to overaome. Witbeut ef electricity, that moat wonderful of
with all potalhls care. It Waa covered up ta
Loan of Power,
At last abe
wintw. and Its voice was beard only on ilJoaboa would have been tat poorly
aad all diaeaaea of the
toUtaboUik'tbal it was odd that tbe Sunday ta summer. Mow It ta to be melt
' fw the great task tbnuR ppeo Riieuinatiafii.
nervons ayatem. Oo eariv. as mv
fbvitad gneota did not appear.
ed with eta four oitar bcllstg tbe mlnaiw, ^a
"Vaa. tna'affl." be rapllad. "and and a new pwt wUl take Ua place. Anoth
wbat'a oddar atill I've done nothing all er historic tail In Bsrlsnriand U tbe aUvtr
expected of bim. He waa to lead
Abe eveaiiiig tmt ton Ohriaty mlnstnla tali In the minster at Bm. ltrang"for Israel into the praniaed Usd. Tbeyhad R?d^vai?diMaM'ri sil ferns tnaa
tbe aerrlee of God. the fesUvateof state
away traan tbe door.
and tbe execution of tbe evildoer." Wbon been reaoued from alsvaiy in EgypL
tbefororaof the yoong Frcoofa aepubUo brought to tbe tardanof Canaan und
wrmired Bern ta ITUfi, ttaclUxene paint were xuady to enter open tbe inbarit- irexta.aiib* leneRief es) eaaiuiiaa cr bea
A man'may float in aaU wutw wltb- ed It a funcnwl black, and unte-tble dis- aaoe pramieed'toAbmhaaaiKlhlsaaed.' pital
la tlM Ualiai SUiaa.
ewt movisg bii banda or feet U be has
Remember, we give a written nsr>'
tbe pkeawoe of mind to throw faU bead
aniee to core every case of PILES aod
back and allow faU body to oink to tbe
RUPTURE. Also, we t xve a lyiag-tn
Do you give tittaa of all yoo- pcmitae? boRpltal department if our Banttarjnaitiae wbicb it wiU ttan natwelly
If not. docs your rigbteooaem is this
groom wbo wm ntarriad.pp Tnaa^ and manar evem SQual tbe rlgbtaom
A Tnrklta turban of the loMt Mm bunged UmmU on TfaGrwiay."
an avtaaga.^%ariaeawboB yon ■
“Tea. tat why did ta waKs wAomaaitaitia M jrmda (d tba AM and eMb
tayr-darelasd Hata Daalar.
flardlj Miss T?hat It Cost Yon.
Eyeiybody Knows That the “World" Bicycles Are First Class
ill Strictlif High Srade. aa< Too Cat Bor it far $50.00,
Then we have the “EAOLE” Models, Nos. 76 and 80. They
are not merely “good bicycles for $50.00,” hut they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can he produced in large quan
tities. They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicycles.
2L' i I ■ L'>ok over our line before buying.
128-X32 DPx-oix'fc S'fc3?e©'b.
Hact, 6ns and Baggage If You Have Logs to Sell
->Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
'Phone No. 3.
DR. SPIRHfT SJ!;.“,SVS?a'.7
j B«dle Bnildin,. .
B. H. ROSE &. SON.
Price from 60 Cents Up. Call and See Them.
step In and'kee Uie
Shoes at $1.98.
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