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The Morning Record, May 31, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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OfFicul nm
Sfoottd Tmt—No 886
aOiT llCraXHITB » TXAai.
Blob Rani of ^adlm Balloa
H. V. B. Clarke Bade aa lataraatlaf
OBMTvmBMor XcmonsISojiB Fhil- diseo»e<7 in the al>e]r. near hit hara.
oo Cedar atreetos Friday laat. la earl;
ftdalphi*. .
days tha whole territory eorared by
•peclal u> T«s Moaine Racoui.
Pkllsdalphia. Pa.. Usf sa—Kot (iBoe Traretae City waa a faeoriu eamplajr
rroand tor the ladlaaa aad the r
tk« 7«ar of lu iDsUtuUeo kaa UtBorial
that preoeded them, aad
And *« carry all the wide goods in stock so that yon will ao6
Da; bad a mar« idprtoaiva obaarraaM
diaooeeriaa are ntcae of thair
have to wait for th* goods to be ordered Then we hare MM
than that of toda; at lha Linealo bk«Mr. Clarke fonad. a tittle below
of those chMp cnrtaina that we are aelliog at t«n cents the ossy
omaBl la rairaMoat Park. Sarrleae the aurtaee la a baaeh aot blryer thaa
Come rly and aroid tha rush.
>'■ bat. m perfect aad baaeUfal
ware b^d b; J. G. Meade Poav No. 1.
fllat artow beads Thirty or forty
after which the Poat rkaltad the
year* ago aneb -dadt" wera fraqaeat.
of ita rallaat eommaader. OaaaraJ bat of late year* they hare bsM rare,
Haada. as addreaa waa dellTerwl h; aad aot for a qaartor of a eeatary has
2S0 Front Street
Holley & OozuibUb
drchdeaooB Crroa T. Brady.
Uea. there hsaa saeh a-hanl" aa thU nads
’ Daniel ^ Sleklea waa the ormtOT of 'the , *’'
.day.aadaaaddrees waa dalbrerad hy |
Baa Xato X
Oaa. StrClair A Mulhellaad.
Laadlord Paaybara of the Psaifbnre
House, while slttlay la aa arm chair
in front of bis betel veeterdsy, waa
A new line Just rsceiped at
liny. Col
Admiral Dewey's Ren will Baoalva ' rua iato by a hIeye',.T wl« was yolay
. May SO—All depart hla men were In exeelleat shape. Tha
Bach a Hioa Bum ta Prise Roasy. | *t a rale of ape J far exi-eedlny Ua
»u were eleaad to the pahUc today sea flied off Ua can aad took up the
Hooy Kony. May JO.-Tb. p,,,,
‘■'V „
aad nothlac waa yleaa eotof tha awee- Bareh to eaap. bmc Falls ebareh. four money which-ill yo to U. bice Jack-|“/-.
»»<>entood Karthafll BIOCL
lUat hereafter ervii-.t'. muri ober Ue'
aaaauthat Bay hare baaa colar^oo BUeaaway. Nearly all Ue Michiyao eta of' Bear Admiral
Dewey's squadron i
CoatTcasBaa west oat Uare Ula after- ass result of the destrucUoa of Ue ' street or be -vill
that It U enforced. '
\DaBaiB kaowledye of Cereara'a
[ bpanbh fleet in the bay of Msalls is
arheraaboou has pat a aaw phrase ea
{ astimatad at A»xi in yeld far each nan.
Ve entered an ayreament in rood ' f
faith u eloM oar *107* all day Hamor-'d
aflaiia aad will ehaara maBy plaas balaldST npon Ue full assnraeee tbatl/
Uavad to hare beea latUed. It la
Ua plaa wou'd
Oaseral Rllaa
. to lABd ;
tkeayht that Ue oaBpalya acalaat
100,000 Rea on Oubaa SoU to
UOBBilttaM wUl Decide ea PeaUrea
log plea toward tbe rec<«-1 x
AdBlral Oareata Blirht aow be aaded
ofR O. t-R. OelabratiOB.
I oIUt-o u.' ib.- Ssr la Ue fnlnre
fnlm waif
Raat Blanoab Army.
>y daatallahlac the farts at tha aain actxrd-'
A maatiay of Ue faU execoUvc com.
Waahlsytoa. May lo.—It M Ua lart.fc. I
Vaaee ef tha harbor of Baatlairo. blockmittee and Ue ckairmaa ef Ue sab
teatioa ef Praaid'aat McKlalay aad Ua
eommlUeea appelated to arfanye for
adlay the chaDaal. aad laolaUay the
waa dapartmaat that Ue laraalaa ef Ue yreat Maocabee meatier to be held
furnish the honss, oome here for*Seai.
<»pe*Bp *o rsSpaalah fleet aaUl ether prohleBa af
Gala aball be made wlU a deeiaive rpah.
Prices that win save yon moatj. ■
tha war are workad eat. This, hawA Uaadty aproa Is Ue but Uloy
Thara wiU be ao iavasloa. a peraoa
e Uoee "troohlaeoae aleUce-Blae.
aear. la aot la Uaa with Ue ABerleaa
laMl Travaraa City Tost No. S7i E. 0. T. M. {For sale at Foraatei s Hall, this vveainy.
Reliable Dty Goods, Carpet
yallcy. aad. alBply aoeej>tiay Ua eiaw
la Ua Broach block.
It % ttycBOant
Uere are 100,000
and Clothing Honse.
that every membor be preaaat aa‘Ue
«f tha aitoatloa takea by aaeal axparU ----------------------- at Tamps.
aatlra prayram lor tha oalabrMipB aa
bare. Admiral Oerrera will have ta aeGeneral Blanco has aa army of 'tally tha sard will be decided apaa at Ula
battle atoaee.
100,000 aoollmataa tree^ la Ua eptaIt^ ooBedaatlr axyaeted that a hard ioD of Ua aaUoritiaa It wMld he felly
blow will be atraek wiUla Urea or to aaad leas Uaa that aambar of Uai- Bates, A. V. Friedrich. T. i. Boat. J.
A. Moalayae. M's W. B. Thacker. Mrs
loar days, aad that Ue laanlt will be tod Sum aotdim UeiV
E. N.Jehasion.M. B. Belley.teoroury;
kaewa ta Ua world at larya at
Whea Us blow is attack it. most be C & Vadar. traasarsr; H A. O-Coanor.
Aha a^liatlOB of that Ubs.
dwisive aad it wiU taka pIsM atmcst deputy yreat commsader.
It baa aot baea diaeliMd wheUer immediaUly after Ue treopa kave
The chairmen of Ue eeveral sob-eom.dJoBBodore Schley is to be rainfareed. landed. Tbarc wlU be so bombard- mlttem srer Fiaanoe. A V. Friedrich:
ral Bale is shoving ont goods with a rabh. I
Batertaiameni. E. L. Bprayae: Hasie. { .
I meat of Bavaaa aaUI Ue Amerleaa
a P. Carw; Decorations. C E. Back; I AllOtllOr
While the rash leata we win make a
I feroea are ea Cuban aell. and tSe army Parade. J. W. MlUlken: Traosportatioa.
aad aavy wUl make a eoaMaed attack, T. J. Host; Hotols. C- Q. Bbarwood: | Cegr T^O'nCPfl'in
hare bean tiybteoed aad Ue yoveraAmnaamaataC. E. Bale; Badyes. M B j
I leavlny Porto Rice to tall later.
Bant U determined not to faraish say
Holley: Reoeptioa, Mayor W. W BmlU. |
--iBfwmaUea thM may aid Ua enemy.
Tha lady-membar chslrinen of
1200 pairs
oommiueas am aa follows: Fiaaace. 1
Fraac Gaye:'Eetertainmeat. Araanda^
We wish to csll roar attention to the fact that we hart
Smith: Deoorstloas. Mary Sours: Pa* |
many bargains left in cnildrcm's clothing, notwit^tanding that }
radc. Jessie GrifliU: Badyea. Mary Bay- I
Wsahlaytos.'May JO-At lR:30a m to-!
it has stood a ternble storm in tbe laat 10 days. We are bomid J
o close out tbe Ust soil, and have made a aeoond cat in oar
day the navy d«partmemirmselv«l.dU-| washlnytoa. May 30U-Th. featare mood. Eeceptieo. Ellea Bristol.
These asmas sre yireo Usi Us chair- '
;hild’s suit department.
patch from Commodore dehley annoai I of Uc Memorial day eelehratiea oecarmen of tbe respective eommilteee may
- «)i^ dafisltely that ba had located i r* jred OB l^anasylvaala Aveana. A bly de- all kaow that it will be hoped sod cs-1
^vUshBeat of Ue army from Camp Alyer pectad Uey wUl all be preeeal prompv I
i Childs rZOO fine Jersey snit, aeooad ent price.................. $1S8
ly at 7:30 Uls rveainy.
eantlayo. The oommodore huv“
the Uraad Army marchers
A Childs $3.00 Wool Casaimere suit, secood cat price......... $1.$0
Worth $1.S6. Sals price
/ha baa aaaa aad reeayalsad Ua
mironle to Arlinytoa. The old soldiers
• Childs $2..S0 Beefer. stylish snit, second,cat price...........$1.39
«f Ue Spanlah float.
^ Chit,U$4 00all Wool aoiU eeoood cat price.....................$1.47
cheered la reepoase. drowainy Ue mnsic
While naval i^claU have been mor- ef Ue boada All work at Camp Alyer DoaU ef Rra Thoinas |R Browae,
» Childs $2.00 Clay Weave soit, second cut price............... $1.18
Lot of odds and ends, will cioee oat book lot 60e on tha
.'aUy eerUls far'aavaral days that Oer waaenspeaded for Ue day and huadollar, and others for leaa. Call early.
A Uleyram cams to H Mentayue
Tara'S aqnadros waa Is tha harbor. Ua dreds of soldiers are la Ue oily on
Qoiog to leave tbe city. Fixtnrea, show cases and aafe ^
yaaterday afternoon anaonaciny Ue
««eial aBDOBBcemni from Cobbm- leave of afaaeaca.
A for sale.
deaU of Mra* Tboa W. Bmwaa which
dore ilehlay was raoalvad by offleots os
duiv at Ua departmast with iatoaaa
We Make and ifang
All Widths of Curtains....
Imptwaible for,8panisli Squadron to Escape
From Santiago—Completely at ll»cy
of Commodore Schley.
Schley's Fleet May Be Beinforced—Present
Situation Will Hasten Invasion of
Ouha, Probably this Week.
.. J
Cheap Wall Paperl
From 60c up.
™ « Wheel Enameled For S2.5D
lA SecoRd Call To Molliers.i
Ladies Tanii;
1 Regilar Siaoehter ii Prices as It Were.
aailsfactloa. Asaavanoa ta now doably Spastab torpedo Beat Tartar U Saa
mare Uat tbe (jpaalab fleet la botUad
Jnnn Harfler.
apaad Ust Ue ooric Is la Ua bsttle.
SL Tbomaa. Dsatab West ladies. Hay
Wbat effect Ue eerulaty that Oar- M.—The Spaatsh torpedo yaaboat Ter
vara ,ta- practically belpleaa will have ror ta at Baa Jaaa. This report has
hMeoafirmed. She slipped hy Ua
> Ue iavasioa of Cuba, can only be American eeootehlps Uat were said to
Ttae Uaasportatloo el land for.-«e to
the talsad. It is naderstMd. was de
ployed baoaaae af Ue anceruinty 000ley Ue loostlea of Ue Spanish
’sqaadm. » that aadarataadlay te
«arroat Ue probability ef aa early ibea^osof Cobs Usirony.' U la not unlikely that Ue movameot af troops.
a delayed fr» Ume la
time, srill beylB Uls wmA aad Uat
before Ue aad of tlm week tbe Oaited
Btatas fomm wfil have ebtalaed a tab- staatlal feoUold opoa Caban nail
have been waicblay for her. Thatraas-poriAKonao Mil. is emuiay off Ua
Porto Rican coast, at krr craw has re
fused to attempt to run Ue Bsvana
blKkada It is said here that act all
Carrera's ships are wlU him at Bantia- '
”' .
-------------------------TRS PARARA WILL ME SOLD
Takta . KorU Prom Ray Watt
Sp«-:s! ivTui Husiise Bsross
Key West, May 3u.—The prize ateamor l>anams. captured by Ue Mangrove
aacm after Ue openiny ef lha war. waa
takna aorU by a cmlser Uls momiay
PiactlosUy J>ecided to Saad 8,000 to be sold. Bar cargo was mlaased by
Rore te FhlUpplaaa.
Ua United Statea conn la^ week.
^pa^tetSe Mdssne Ri>oiu>.
Weahlayioa. May3oU-It is yneU-
eaUyflaeUadtosaad e.ooo mare troops Oraat Xhnaoastratloa ia Oaaada PaTanay Ddlud ’Statoa.
to Ua PUlllplaat at once. Bampaoa U
at Say West tonlyhl. Br baa aaveml Bpaelal lo Tax Hoxxixv Bxroaii
' biff warabipa awsdtiay ordaia t« de Toraate. May JA—Thma ware yraat
demoBsttatioDa in Ua ehuehea and
puWle plaew aad ezpraaaioBe ef yood
wUl te Ua United Statee hare aad
H .Rnmadin WaahkytM nt RxoaUant
Mhapa TaauMay Komiag. .
ISemsl w Ws Messms naoonn.
.WaaUaytss. Ray UU-ltaa ThirtymMMlUlysn arrlndalDnssLorUy.
mUm trsm WaaklaytoB. tto mars-
Mra Browae-s request that tbe burial
should taka place here. In Oakwsod
eernewry. aad Uat Bev. D. Coehlla
eandact Ue sarvicaa The funeral par
ty will arrive oatheFZup m. ti. a.
A I. train, on Wedaeeday. and Ua
•a will be held imm.
in Ue Coayreyatiooal charcb.
Um. Browns has heca an Invalid for
a year or mom. bat lately bad seemed
mneb Improved aad there wem h^ma
of her ultimate recovery. Tbe anaOBBcemeat of bor death cornea aa a
shock as well as a grief U> Ue old-Ume
frleods of Ua family la this city, where
Mr. Browne waa actively engaged for
several years in the practiee of law.
Mr. Browae will have Ue mast sincere
sympaUy of a great many friaads hare
ia his great affliction.
raye Oo.
Dry XUa of tbe Wylie C
Boned Tentorday.
OneefUe dry kUaa ef the Wylie
CeoperayeCo- was deetroyed hy Are
yeeterday afteraooa abeot 4 a'ekmh.
CaeryeUe eSom kept Ue flro fimm
■preedlag and aaved a laryaqoaatity of
OUnd Polver'B Drop.
Batorday afternoon Claade Polver.
for Ue MereaaUle Co.
deooeMed b«m Ue eecond etery of Ue
hoUdlay on Ue elevator te Ua flrat
pointsd tOSS, regular $8.00
ehoes, sale price $1 85.
Low Rrice Shoe Hoose.
aed SuRdrles.
I hsve just arrived from Chica
go with a uew lot of Bicycles and
New and second hand.
The cheapest pUc« to get a good
Bicycled from $16.00 to $85.00.
Call and see tbe bargains.
New Wheels and Tandeais to
rent, at
118 Uipfl k. Repair Works.
wae where he had left it he opened Ue
door leadlay to It and ete^ed la. In
Ue mannCme aomeeae had aaoended
OB tha maehiae and CUada etepped
Mamhen of Bebekah lodya, Mo. l«S, Into^paae. He laaded on Ue haeaare requested te meet at 1. U O. F. pMat floor, a dtataaee of shoot flftaen
Are made la the laryeot taetery
ball WedneMay monlny at » o^daU
. aad aostalaed a uttalaed wrtat aad
world, located ia Ctakayo. I
t altyht lajariea.
store No !3S Preat at.. TrajeneCt^.
aoUiny aeriooB roBolted.
Pianos aid Oreaas
T. J. HOST, i
J lYont Street
Friedrich Block, t
Children’s Clothing
We have accumulated withio tbe last two years
about ISO children’s suits, running in sizes from S’b
to 8’s of age indnsire. The only fault with them is
they are not aH'Reefer style, but they are clean, nice*
ly made, good wool, double breasted suits. The de
mand is mostly for the Reefer suits now-a-days. We
bare concluded therefore to create a demand for the
-Ebove mentioned accumulation by reducing the price
to about
We have divided them in three lots as foUows:
Lot 1 consists of goods we sold formerly at $3
and over. We have placed them at $1.29.
Lot 2 are a choice all wool goo^ we have aold
at $’2.50 and over. All go at $1.89.
Lot 3 are a choice, lot of imported all wool fab>
rics, worth from $4.50 to $5.00, have been redoced to
The Boston Strife,
i Mourara
bbcobd. u4 teuaM *owm rmt a»Mt
afeaat IMO aebool eklMran. aaah hmrtar u AtearkM flat.
I* Ua
BUS. 311 Fran St. EM.
Cycle Works.,
BrBstng A SpedAlty.
td bj B<
Tba Um wm tad
woeioa Parry Hanaab.^aa.
Cheapest and most reUabla plsoe to get jronr btcrcle repaired and
H. C DavU. 1
go«l rnnning order. Hare had ae>-eral yeara experience And
twoaz-aaran aad Bayoa W. W. 8a1U
know how it abooJd be tione. Satiefaction guaraLwed. I am aelling
la a oarrUca. thaa a Um of Oadata wbo •alarlaa Daeidad Wpoa Proaida AdI bicycle anndriea jtt aboot coat Kew and second hand wheels ior sale^
■M. T. Efc» A«> i. W. HAxn*. pcaoadad tba Martial baad at tba baad aaaoaa for Wirht PaUoa aad Oity
! and to rent. ]^ease giro na a trial.
pf MePheraoa Poat.O A R. The
Clark-Park aueatKm Bhalrad for
W. Babub. Bdltor »nd lUncer- oaat
SlJsXa, 811 Front 6t, BmA.
lad tba coltune of acbaot
the Pfeadat-AppTOprtatian Aakad
abUdraa. Laarla* Praot atraat the
Py Board of Bduoatloo Approaad
kwr llB* »•<> aroaad Btata
WiUtoet DabaU.
lato Boardmaa aTaaua, thaa ta the
The naeUar of tba oouaoil laai areaeooaty rw«?4». »‘>wa aaau waM
■i Matte, hr WA
ier waa wtthont lacMaat. altboa(b
prarlded aad^ apaabara'plalfora
eoatkleraWe topariaatoxacatlre boataraelad. Kattooal oolora wara a<
waa traoaacled Alderaea Hoawhere aadlha
baaoUiuUydaooratadwlUbMUapaad'lafoe. JahraBaaad Cook ware abaaBi.
I It a aa expaolad that Iha park qoeetlon
The earaatOBlaa which bare laureat-1 would he eoMidarad. hot tba censltad areryoDa Bpoa Daooratioa Day aiaee I tee tUroorb IW ebalrwaa. Aiders
llabmaat always bare a deep IlaeacB reported that the coiiimtua
ahrotfleaeaa. and oa UU oooaaiOB they eci.l l not apraa upoa aay oUer report I'
were fatly aa inprcaalTe a* la the paat. tbsu ibst made at a preriaus meatier. I
The ritual was carried out by Cow aac asicad Uat Ua eouaeil. as a whole '
maadar KcHeory. Saalor Vice Cow coDsidar Ua matter. No further a<
Aaylams Trimmed aa Improrbad
ataader MarTia. Juior Vico Com- was tskea. and tbera Ua matur
Biaader Carliale, Chaplala htilaa, aad
17 U A
Officer of tba Uay Moaroe Horae, after
the readlar of the cacarl order* by Ad- ebuieb was plTeB.permliaioB to ba«a| YeaWday afleroooa a Isira crowd
JuUnl Thacker. Toe dlrtae ■hlewiac an rstjap teat at Ue MrU aad of Casa ' wlusased s seraa inalnp ball puma bestreet. Bear Ua Baable block aa K. O. twewB Ibe asylum team and Us Bust-'
aa loeokad by R«e. D- Cochlln
lera—wbst ar« left u( them, added to
A quartet aompaaed of Meaara. 8ayaeraral piekad-np plsyara—and tha lat-.
tuBoll last algbt adopted dar. Uayaea. Crolaer aad Whltwa" fa- sod rieloily aakad (or'Improrcmeat tar were badly beaten.
1 with two laaplrinc toafa duriaf
t a( the
of isr atraat sad layiap of sidewalk
It was a pood practice pame aad pood |
B taaja and maana. which preridad aa
w waa the from D tl- WrlphVs plsoe U Biphth material eras shown up oe boU sides. |
•deaaee of tlOO a year la the calary of
North for Ue Asylum team put apj
Beferrad to commlttaa oa
aloqueat aad patrloUo addraaa by P. Blraat.
. *Ba oUy cUrk aad |60 a year la tbeSalan arrorlesa pnme-ia tba box. makinp •
Cllbart. wboaa thaaa aad Ua waa- straausDd walks
>tAm of the al^ht polloaipaa. It Is
Bumareualy sipaad petltioa. band eery pretty stop of shot prouadar by
T Of iU iraauiaat hald Ue InwaBae
to reward faithful eo
la Ua flfU inninc. Baddaw sras
..awd wiU latMta iatereat.
With iwopar aaoourar»ne»‘
words ware ealoulated to aUr the baaru (or tba repeal of the raoeBUy BBseud Id bia plaoa behind tba baV and oaad
thMa laataaces the laeraasad salarlaa
ardiasna* prabibitlup berdlap of eatUa tba alich to pood adrantapa. maklap
lafodaawrad aad la kaaplap with tba
on Ue pinlu on Ua outskirts of the three hiU. Dr Lawton prorad quite a
iTrnr'ri dntiaa of the Ipoumbeau la culeaU Ue prsat truths of Amerlima
Uief at atesllnp. makinp two eery nretfraadoB laU Ue mladt af Ue yooapar
paaaralios asseBbled about bis. Bs p^tiUoB was rocolred sod plscad oa alidaa. and kit out a nice two-bapper.
a Cox eoearad first baas In pood
: Tbs aaarry mad falthfulaasa of the told of Ue rrodl w»™ of the aaUoaa
A proposition from the Board of Kd- elyle and pi* two pretty blu
SMck af the Woaua'a Oamaiery to- of tba aarU from Thanaapyle. Mara- ucatlob for tba city to bay Ua Bast
On the BnsUsrs' tide Will SnUka
fnaaoMBi AMoelaUoa was brour^t Uaa. tVaterloa.aad aUar praat suop- 8uu atraat primary school buUdlnp
iwolbly before tba public yastArday. plea and from Ue« be pradoally eaata and lob (novnow tn nac'for school played a nloa pame beklnd Ue bab
PUber pitched (airly waU far fire Inmkm tbroaps rUltad Oakwaod aad down U msdara Uaiaa aad dwelt apaa pnrpoaec) waa re)aoUd. but It waa Ue
nlaps, when Andrews was
preat slreppla
far liberty
wm» foreed by leanlta to ackaowladpe
aeuM of Ua oouacll Uat Ua property
Bba wartb of Ue orraaitetloa. The wbieb made Hamcrial Uay a' flaad should net be aald to any one by Us Btrlklap eat four men a:
Udiaa aacagad la tba rood wark of iDstlloUaa la Ua I'nlted 8utaa Haard of Bdncatlaa: and Ua Bx(x>ki> is only two bits. Boon 8alfka. at Uird,
tMatlfylac tba oanatery preuads da- Ha described la plawlap terms Ue snrs tbb b also Us saa^yit'tbepsblic mada sereral wild throws. Tbirlby
played short wlUoat an error.' E'ruk
of tha war aad aloqoaaUy
Norouy corered first bate wlU Obly
related Ue laeldasts of Ua
a Wsys aqd^Meai
OBS error aad pot a pica hit.
PiWiri the taaporary aaearB
>nowlup salaries fc
Fleas, ia ripbt. playa^ aa errorlaaa
«( bualaaM aaadltloas aloap ibaeMiera
Ue current year and Ue report wi
fame. wlU two hits. Ball played oentoropposlnp
Mibaord. reliable reparta ladleau that armies In a dsath slrapTl* f**'
ter. without aa error alao.
‘•taDaitodBlaUa'battilac works baa prinelplfs. . Pram tbb Mr. tiUbart
Dopnl played all ripbt In left field
pranbloally uaehed ppon ineldanb at
^pariMiwI a beallby rarlTal.
and mada ana hit. thareballioe payinp plowlap trlbutaa
Baaoltby inBlBpa:
Ua baraes of Oattykbn^b. Sbileb.
n ■- K.
AaUatam.LookoatMonntaln.ua WllAsylum 4 3 0 S t 4 >—IT 10 S
darneas aad maay aUar batUa firlds
Hustlers .u : o o I 0 1— A « »
AATBB OP DBPABTXD EXBOBB which still laara mamariea at Ua auifa Enpibeer Fire 11
Suuck aut by NorU. 7: ATsher. S:
la tha braaab af many rataraaaaf Uoae Dlrrcior of Ua poor................
ABdrews. t Stolsn bases—Aaylam. 4;
KeztoB St Cemetery.............
Balds. In tba oonree of bb address be AdditioDsl
at Fire Itepartm
Ibpartmant »io HusUare. 3. Tw>faasa hito. D. Cox
msn St
paid a brilliaot and tauebinp tribute to
par mouth (or ume amplayad
and Dr Imwtoa.
' Ibnorlal Day Obaaraad WiU Kora
Ua younp ooldiers who bare .lately I Tha report of Ua oomaiittae on
Skaa Ueual BijCBifioanos^Oakwood
marched to Ua front in the deleaae ofjstrceU aad Walks was (aroraSle oa
Pra(taat WiU Floral OfEsriapa— liberty and of bnmaaily. aad deaenbed I pradinp and praraliap MadlMW atrael
Btp Blk Bapida Xxcnrnlon.
XBipteMlaa Xcarelaaa la Ua Aftar- bow Ua sacri'flcea of Ue Grand Army | from Front to Baadolpb aad ibe work
Thr axcarmloa to Elk Baplds on tba.
Booa oa {ha Oouaty Orouada—Aa of Ue Bapublic made it passible (or will ba done.
ud tk.y mil
5-011 Gim tlml • cliuiM
learner Columbia last arenlap piren i
Bloqaant Addtaw by P. O OUbart iboae aaldiaia to pa (orU ta batUe for
Mr. ibrrbou thoupbt a team sboojd I by the Creseent Band, eras larpaly pat- .
cotnfoit and case that come from maiiag SelZ Shoes
HamarlaA Uay waa ohaerrad ia Trur- Ua liberty of tba peoples of oUcr | be ready (or Ue pew cktmleal
'•■[roDlted. TWO hundred tickets were;
aad sma trill 6nd that the respect ertenda to yotir podm.
Btaa CIV
* deeper aad
nalton whoae prlnclplra oppoaad Uat | mqbt wa. laauactod to louk iuto the
OMdarer. faallac Uaa erer batora,
quite a pood tnaDy ware turned 1
hook, because SeU Shoea wear kaiger, therefore coat leas
■ eftbe
SM b ae loapar a dream
af the pasi
past. pM-plean prirlls pc. The address was i uattar aad report at next oauaoil
than others.
ad j'wiU flllM with inspiretloa sod Ua closaai! msrtisp.
a Tirid reality, aad mlapled
j The committee op Ways and Means
:^«ha mamoriaa of haroea pass ad kway. attenUon waa aoeordad the speaker.
FollawlDptks addrssa Ue Creeaesl reported the tax lery for the c-urranl
____ UeapbU of frtaads aad tb^
who bare left Uelr taomaa at tbelr>^»d played a selection, then Ue en- year aa loilows;
s.ias no
Ure andlanoa joined in alnplnf ■Amer-. Fire Department...................
^OBBtry'a call, ready to do aad dare all
of Wlaabadaa.Oatmsnr.
Tk, .~u..
-'t. .k.;“"“VuVd..“ :::::: ::: rS )
•hAan for Ua aaerod cauaa of liberty
make it easy for os to fit yon.
benedleUen by Be*. J. A. Bready.
i 1‘olioa fund............................
cost will be trifling but your comfort
Interest an^aaklofi’lnad
Oa Baaday-Ua membaie af MePberMB PiBt aad W. B C. atuadad dlrlaa
^teetaea atUs FiritM. B. cbnrob and
K. B. l>rnu want to Brand Baplds
. IIMmad to aa aloqaaaat and lasptea- Snnday.
Blm mamorial tarmaa by Bar. J
B. Waterbary laft (or Seattle. Kebac
l-ark fund.
Waahlnpwn. yaaterday
kl Hltltilwrc'* alorr. |9T
Monday moraine dawned clear aad
Mra. 3. W. Bannaa and danpbteri MTotal.
foT.se.s u
•raim. aad leap bafers tba boar aa- tnreed Inat nlpbt from Kalamnsoa.
To this will ba added a tax of fire ' <
•oaaead for Ue exerebaa at Oakwood
Be*. Joa. Paanloptoa and aea iWker
Bamabry. Ue plaaa waa Urobpad. with want to Lake Aon yaatorday (or a (aw tills as Ue dollar (or atraat fuad.i _
riiich win asiouBl to about tIO.Ouu. <
people, many drlrlap lu from tha aur- day'a oatinp.
toUl of about
- - Lariac bauds ue\>arkar FeDplnpton has raalpned tha
The Hoard af Bdueatton prasected'H
Marly eared (or Us last'rastlap places poeltion babas bald ia Ue "Faraaus"
heir aaanal bodpet swoontlnp to Sdit - > g
0t friaadt. and dowaie wars arary- for l^a paat fiea years.
Sikara. The pood work s( Ua Warnet CO. 73. leas one mill tax primary srbnol | 4
Mra. C. H. Huater of 8Ute atreel
BBk Camaury Impraramsut Amoeb- terUlned Mis. Wm Fapnn and Mr.' money sad (oralpo tuitl-io. eillmsled .j
St fit.SOU. or. laBTlap a net le«y af STS.- j g
•bB baa made a marked ebaupa la Ua. Newsmas of Maniatea Sunday.
Ttaia was spproeed wlUuul de- 8
B of Ue proaifda.
Earl lisBsett went to Island Lake
BBd elicited much f<
Snnday aad will rlslt In Ue sontbera
na pieras of Ue old soldiers. Urou
part of Ur state (era couple of moatbs. '*“■
«Bt tbs osmaury were deooraUd «
Mrs. Minnie Tnbelar arrieed last
Baps aad flowm and Ua soldiers' ■
nlpbt from Cbleapo to join her hus Cber^mlth It... Onit.Kw wed Nureer el
■■eat waa alabotauiy ulmmad.
band. who is pardsaer at tba aaylnm.
pifuaa years ape Ue Irai memorial
rinrlnltr. N C. Ms> It--Mies Bmras
W. B Dapan, Btotloi apenioffbeM.
' Barriosi ware bald Id Trarsraa City. A N. B. at Uka Aan. aceem^lad by lUiirell, OsuRblrr i>r Prsr.k iisnsell.
Mrer four mil-* fmm k'l-rtt..rd, w.i
BBd Uara were but two praraa to dee- Mrs. IwpnaSunday in Ua city. «hi.
sm) muidrird at hrr Tsthrr'i
BSBU. Taatarday forty-fear were reHerbert Monlapoe left for Detroit here-'. brl.e-<-n 2 and 3 oVI»-k Sunday
' mbarad by their camrmdea of Ue yaaterday mornlap to attend the annual sfietncKtii. After .hr h.d l-een ■*PWL Tba aasal Imprasslre and aol- msaUap of Ua Mlebtpan Uroeera' Amo- mulled her shMll.nl rut her throat
frtini rer l» ear. Tso nrprors were
Mr. and Mis. Carr of Dondaa nra Ua arr<aietl on sa.ptrlr.n and l»dcsd Id
•aary, aad eoaeladlap wlU Ua bapla pnaata of Mins Clnre Gnrr Uis week. ■he Cniirord Jsll. The affair aroused
tbe people and the xherift look mex*.
paU for ••'IVps. '
Mr. CAtt U nn anterprlainp newspaper nres to prevent a lyochln*. They were
Tba only maflfbar of tba UauBah min *n4 la naeociatad with his faUer Dal efiectlve.
Blflaa wbo has imaaed away alasa tba in Us pabUeaUoB of Us Dnndaa Ba■paaisaUoa of Ueoompaoy. waa John porter.
__________ _
teeuied peproex
•tawart. who was killed by aa
Joe Klsrr and Tom Johnson. The mob
MlBt aWal two yean apo. Bb prare
hustled them out to the ricinlly of the
Hr. Hawmosd la Hotter.
crime end hsnped them to the same
■M Boi forpouaa. aad Ua rsmal
A msaaapa from ChlMAr* states that tree, The bodlea were filled with buU
MtebOTS af Ue Blflta la town plaead
and are still banptnp. The men
lets s:
oa it a pieea of baaatiful daaipn aad
1 to Ua last.
bqspiul for' trpaunant, is pnln- protested their II
B ymATBRAK orrr. -
a '5'^
\i)V\eb the qo\ orve
out S5e
Summer Cor&ete.
eomiorVabVe itt, loo, auA UouV Ibe
\»eaT. MDVat
couU awaout ask. iorT
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front St.
i Teacher of Violin.^
Once More
Has invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and-once -m r,*
more in the interest of those who intend getting
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Coyeringi
U aoeardaaoe wAU Ualr usual ens- Inp eery rapidly. Be waa subjeetod to
tba mambeisof Ua L. L A and an eperatlon which be bere well and
: W. a I- A. daooratad Ua prarta of de new bis nlUmate reooeery is pnetically
parted mamban wlU baauUfBl Oow-.
Died at Laka Ana.
Daeld Beana. aped >e yeais, diadand•at IBM Impfsialra thaa tboad la Ue daaly eaatarday afurooaa at Imka
»0t4tBp. Bad Ub bripbUBM oi Ua day Ana, o< InflamaUm a< tba boe
Bddad ta tba todaaaMBb ta draw a Daoaaaad Isaaaa a wUa aad Urea abUdraa. alas a aistar and tbraa bretbma
BWfonaadBtOnapa haU UJmasfoc.
Mast paopia ba*e.a Tittle patience,
some paoplahn*a blot IfyoapetGeo.
R. Wfonla to buns your paper, yop
won't naad any. tor ba eamca when ba
across to. fioM't wnsto Us paper, and
«taa M m«a than oUarn.
OppOHlW Bfiglfi Ofiofi.
CTF -A-Isrs" gZUsTD
fWe mention the fact that we offer the oeet have Ue
^ largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better;sat- ^
^ Refaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us oonvinoe you.
Btraat and eraated aoaw Intaroal. aa It
waa after aama slek one of onr ova
Kara Thaa 900 Waatta«a^ Bataa oompaar. TbU proved to be doba Sooti,
Prom Kara Boadar:
na 1 afterward learoad; bnt It wna
Tbara wa. a r^b tor UUad X«ka tboorht biaUlnwa wonld not be'aarXAVD XAn lUVOAT.
Baadar maralar ta apUe of tbe tbroat- tooa
aalac waaUer. aad wbM tbe irala
Br tba war. <«• ot tba Blflaa eoaaleapt Opa. Ba«M Mif Bajapad a pal'ed oat tbara war* *S7 paiaaarara plainad to ma that ba bad not bean far
aboard. t» of them for Camp Batoa, niabed wlU a -bonaewtte.*' aad be bad
InaMaBt Dar With triaada aad
Abe rrmalDder tar Grand Baplda. At* no-wa^ to aborlan bla arsr troweer*.
I Balattvaa-TiattOfa dav Itma Pawbleh were evidenUr latanded for »
laada aad Wttaaaaad OaapXlfa.
tv tbe Trareree CUr aoldlw bore aad loacar man. and wbieb he wv> tbereI tor two taar boota ‘-Oar Bor*** tbelr bearu will be made flad aad fero ebllred to keep tmed up aa beet
p wattad for tbe uaU tbai waa Ihair tenu brlfbur tor maaj dapj be- be ooolo. I aaanrad blm tbat.doubUeaa
la briar tbelr friaad* aad ralaUrea. aad eao*e of (be rUU o( tbelr frieada from there waa anr aamber of ronor ladle*
• it41d poll U. tbara wa* a happr bame. Bsaldaa aoorea of baakeU e( wbo wonld baooir loo plad to make
I o( aoldiara. Draaadtlo ibalr rood tblora there wae aa abaadaoM rood the daBsleaer If tbar knew of It
a lha bori^rtaaoted Boa of Bowen and odda and an^ of oaatul- and 1 forlbar promiked him that I
woold pot a litUe ad.’la the Raeord U
and tier
« Croaal^ a train with a the editor would permit, without
from tbelr Trararee Cllr admlrebarflBr too much (or It TbU. ibera•a tba train palled invc ?amp
>'* P
.. __ _ loaf time
before tbe crowd. Wl
At tVhtie Cloud brcaklait »
fare. U tbe ad :
na^ to enter tbe camp taken and ao boor and a half ipeot
'BeuaeKlfe Waated-Br
foraUwareaaxIouto ahake repalrinr a break wbieb oceorred aloag rib, Iq pood and reiralar aundinr.
w'Ub tne aoldlaJt.
, the line. Time wa* made no. boweeer. Hu,t be well supplied witb needle*,
mah aranue waa tbe point befera Uraod ^pldi wae reached and pin., thread and button*. J'aablonable
rbodr waa raablar for. The
the train puCed Into Uland Uk« frtlla no object. All appUoation*
Plaee," -Panrhorn Boob#." depot there were eoo In the Uronr-| prompUj coeelderwl. Addre*a Uaanab j Word* of Viadom to Qraduntlnr 01am
Bmort.- "The Aartedion. but tbe 1 Klfle. Coin>an.v M. Camp Eaton "
br Eev. W. S. Wnght.
m." and in fact all tbe "boardlaf- pleasure of vlaitiur tba aaldiar* in j \Vc learned that Mrs. RoberU and
Tbe Praabrterian rhureb waa filled
were aeon erowied with—not
oblltaratad what diaooiplorw daurblerrMarlOD had been In camp tba
capacitr bunday nlgbt.
bat with Urn aoMlara were auffrrad. The Traverae City par- day before and taka* "pot luck" with
aeklnr hnakaU and L* reaebed home at «:lt banday mom' tbe boya Kartunately "pot luck" on tbe oGcaelon b-io* tba annual liaocalaurealeaannan. which ie tie Brat event
that day belar delicious frleaaead masa of rnod thlnr* to eat, from '“«•
In the Gommenrement cxereUee at the
oot, which wa* •ervad ap in 'beat Park
a Bat tbei
claae of the aehool year. Tbe new and
chnreh adiBoa waa beaollfiIt bad been my "intealion" to eat
ad still farther with Bower* *nd
dianar with the boy* If they wonld la
•vary hand, Haw aWanfa that A 4
crowded In every eorper with tbe papllt
ma. but aa Mr*. Meintoab bad
of tba boy. want without Ihair *
^a* at I.iand
of tbe acboola and frieada of tbe graddown tba aljrht b-fora. wa both
tmrarm tba middle af tba after- ^
uatea. Tbe aennon by Rev. Wiley K.
Lake, ana Trlla
took dlanv witb tbeeapuin. whan, by
(bkm aad plea
Wrlgbt was a powerfnl one and appeal
5 ! the way, I
Abant It
' hut tbara <
ed with mcch faroe to tba bearta of hb
______.h l*n*<»lait them for a few
baareiB. He compared life to a day,
paratlon. and I feuad it very good. In
raiiooame. nnlea* they eat at tbe
Traeana City. May n.
and dwelt opon tbe momiag boon a*
tba “b(U of adiblea" which the CMtpUl*
M rau Monday aa they did Sanday.
Before oomlafr home from tbe meet
akempllfled by youth. While eala^had raralved from bis aister * abort
Tba mma Uat aad bilehan
"Rejoice Ic tby
Inr of the r
dead the fnard-bonae. or ip military ** ibonyhl wa wonld ma down to la- time before
I yoalh.” be nrgad that not oaly wa* *m.
- "b*t-»«>"»a."
lead Lake to aaa "the boya." Throufh
d attMUo*.
nUnndaratakdinr or atopidlty oa
At « o'clock tbe bucla Bounded for y,, ^
"downing" Uem* ever ainoCL *^10 tbbi*^*
dra^pamde. and Cbmpaay M waa
aamalea*. (atnee I do not know bU
af a firm ralifiaiu parlsndablennderteklDgwegladlyhelped.| * *
r the Brat U' ba ready. They
wa war* told we ahould have-to
.,.u. D...,dw,.,
1 np Baa aa they llnad np In
Briebtoo. a aUUan
larly active in doing bis shi
■ fevnlef U>alrl«ata,anda* tbvy went
will prove a help and etrenfib to
la on* of the tent* lata which we
■ikmfrb aoma preliminary drill they camp, and wa ware therefomobUfedto
peeped as we paaaad by w^..tb^pi^t■•bnwwl that tbelr two week* of drUlin* ^rive down to tba lake from Ibera.
lleat sight—a swaev roay-ohe^ad bt■ b*d placed them an a foollnc with any The baaaty af the aoenery and tbe by. aalaep on a oot. aad ite Mdler■«t tbaoompanleein the amw militia, y^hnaaaof the day more tbaa oamtatbv. nlao aalaep. beside it.
■ Bnt in b<mv of tbelr vUitor* Company
u* for ihU tiOnbla. the only
Ic Ue tMt of Ue c^Uia of Ue
t and it I •
" K viM eaeuaed from dreaa-parada,
,^or^oed onr atoy
Maniatae aompany were two cuanlng
mneb to tbair joy.
aomewhat We learaad afurward that little kitten*, aa tame aad oonUntod aa b very probable that Mark Craw will
Tboae wbo aitneaaadtbedrea*parade’ tbU waa wholly i
•ry aa all If in some one** parlor. Thev were
deg attacked Mark'* amaH dog Frita, '
I bad notblar bnt pmiaea tor tbe S4th
well tad. aa milk b quite plaatifcl.
la froat of Cohen's empty store balld-1
I nfimeot. it wae « fraud alfht at tba
tbreufh atop at lha lake,
Anotker ■maacot" b a beantlfol tog which baa Ulely been improved ,
mlaa beaded by the 5tb Infantry
, delafailon from the ManI band and the eolor baarera. marched Utea company eomlnf ont with bone grayhoand called "Maod." whbb I witb a pUle glass frost. Feariag that | •
eentore to aay will eever contribute to hb pet wonld meet with serious injury. | *
|d«wn the parade froandt. The eoidler.
j M.rk bantlly seised s large oebble stone ! •
I ware applaaded for tbelr fin* abowinf.
j^uad. and uuy "pot luck."
I was v«T glad to have seen tbe ; ,„d Irt it fly with conslderabl* (arce. •
I At five o’clock tboae an fnard d»ty^
laiendod object Mark
reralUved. Lata In tbe aftvnoon p^.ipp «
camp fronnd. where I boya, even though I bad to swallow j
lOoveraor Pingree appenred on tbe ,ppp^ Carpsral Otto Kyaelka oa *bc tbe tear* once in a while, and I 'hope | ,onld have txwn moeh happier, but forIhey srare glad U tee me. They were tunately (or ihr dog, Ue missile passed
dby Frank FriedJ-e.
.to, Urough aue of Ue plau
It belnr near d'anar time tba boy*, all looklag forward wltc pleasant ex-;
window* laaviag a bole large
ItocelleBcy. Tbe.Uovemv invited all ware all sealtinf aroand whettlaf their paeutlon to the excursion which
uvenUon. (Aaan
■ bn have aupper with him and tboae who appetllea tVhether thU U a rafolar eomlng down aud which they know
^*|ter Ue pasaerby wa* nuraewd by the'.
I Meepted were treated toafood meal pert of tbe drill 1 eanoolmy at I beard wUl brtpg boeto of frieeds to camp
novmisvMAT »•
Ohr Neckwear stock la very complete, and will soon be
added to by another large invoice "Puffs," "Imperials,"
“Strings,” “Bows” and ‘Four-in-hands.” We expect them
tomorrow. Step in and ask about them. Incidentally
you might see our new Hats at the same time Some
decided novelties in the Hat line.
„a p„* » ,«■
If You Have Logs to Sell
Cormppond with the Traverse City Lomber Company.
We have for sale Good.
Sound Heinlock Lumber;
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
7*0X1 aAT.Tn
Mill Mschineryot bll descriptioaB.incladiDg Two Engines,
RM Works, Carrutges snd Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Aspsrsgus, Lettuce. Esdiebes, Bhubsrb |
Freeh Eveiy Day.
I 'PSoneieT.
I by colQCBd-Wdtter*.
: bo ordera Imnad. I waa favored with
raa e;St) wt>ea the train pulled pnt. p
into tbe cook tent where Oaorga
any M -received many renslnf ^^la waa performiof tbe ofiee of
» each of which wa* bnt a baa>—cber with dexterity and dUpatch
I wi^'t* "Onr Boy*" in camp.
f *e*reely to be expected from one not
I mt ww mported at Cbmp Eaton sJn 'Ualnad to the profeealon. There vre*
y that tba sub redment waa nV*5*PPe«»‘“r ameU of bacon la the air
o move fw two weeks a* sMb arf'h* wa* prepariof French toaat
I omnpanj A* to be awalled to lOfl men. f««« * bof* oUe of ahead-bread before
Among tbe many friends of Company »“■ t judge rgg. and _
milk _
mutt ^
I M-. Thirty
•Uer abuttcook.and forgot to ask if
B tbe grondde Sunday fi
I' ^aeee bealdca Traverat City. i
Yon^sve ail beaH of the beanty x>f
*e. Frank Holdaworth. Barry Kytbe location so I will not go inU any
I #nlka. Clarenoa Wkluey and Marlon
Ub 1* Ue worai one I ever madeGlass ba* advaneed loo per cent, bat!
And Wv arw not obliffed to hell mvAl at war pric<«. We h»ve «
my priee* are always the same. Leave * (?ar load of the bt'St wtmtern corn-fed etock nod can faraub yon tbe
ordera for parcels baggage and expraas j b«^t Cbicaeo be«f killed at home.
This advertisment iaclnding Mark's I
practice i* slinging will am
about 130.
Bingham Bros., Front SlneL
Hastiogs' Real Estate Agency.
FrakiQpa'a, Jamea A
Hern-a. Stnart Robeon'a, Margaret Ha«r*M Hooker is Dead.
thv'a. Madame Modjeska's. Walker
Grace V Jloeker. daughter of W. H
Whitaaide'a aad Rhea's Tbb abosM
mtke a strong groap of actor* aad Hosker. died Sandsy evening at v
o'clock afur ao llloeas o( severs! |
n> loM KB. r< >4 devUlDx. PeneuuC, SW dews aad IIS per weelS netU paM la
tV* playi
« acre* (brer wU— *oeib aad wvu rrow tbe e»r. Uted feed, weU wai*ee<
•ad Jean bmiU from Ypsilaatl; Byron
months. His* Bboksr was first at-1
Boldaworvb aad Will Newnma from
. tacked by typhoid,fever last December | ‘ *rO TblB I* * bsrx*l* ter aaljSlAl
The taaU are In rows like etroeta aad I lea. The company plays i engagrsere* I wllv«~i. all ImpreTvd. wlU be said u> ae* piece *r dlvtSed m eU
and bad scarcely 'reeoeerod from UU ',
AahueeeSlaeS I
when measle* followed and the long ._______________________
('•rand Rapids.
head Of Uair row Which ran.
rontlaued illucs* resnlted in qaick cos-1',abbt.Co.M..»U Eog." Tba tonm
Baltimore Stock I^Tead Throe Timm a Wa«k
» eajored sumption aud thus suddenly
OMpaay M.. wa* a cheerful crosrd are llkawlae all named, aad I copied
ouats. 40b per qnnrt
Mamduy. Tnc boy* took great plaaaure
tamsrlptloo* oa a
Siaadnrxla, 30c per quart
tbe City Opera House last night. The
u abowlng
ibsir friends about Ue They were aa follows:
Solid Heata
ladle* of (trace ebuteb were energetic held from tbe tamllT rcaldeote. ttr
«Bmp. 111* guard bouse wa* new Ko j ■> (which caamed '
in eecurlng aome of tbe very best vocal Webster street, on Wedoeedsy foreamlttod from tae rounds The only anOy aufgeativej
•Hotal WbUiog.'tilenl, bnt while tbelr eSorU were re norm at lo o'clock.
day was a new* boy wbo “bpaniurda—NU-" "Traverae Baaort"
warded with a fine artistic socosm. it
wiU aeverml other bey* bad b*ca e*-. wbieb baa a hone shoe fastened above
•ras a floaneial fsllnre. Madame UreMTMd by guanb eeveral mileo out of u. -CryaUI Palaee" "Fangborn Bona*"
Trovaroe Oity Harfcat.
Ihrom-Banani. assUtrd by Mies Rebec
•amp wlU the warning Uat if any of ••Traveree Beach Reoorl" the reaortan
Eoy (iibhs I* nnnlttg s felon oa’bb
ca HacKanxle. gave a high claae rrolul
tbom abonld reUro Uey would be put tn tbb being O. Krsdka. A. Soott, C.
*Uat wa* worthy of a crowded boese. left habd.
InUngnard houee nod Uen sent to cianlon. II Docker. C.Uargnve*. C.
El- Hoxlo and Alfred Moore went
the program inclnded eolos. dnets and
tbo reform ecbool. Only oae ralnrned Thacker. "Dewey'a Retreat." which 1
Norwegian songs and each dUplayed tront fishing upUc Boardmnn nver
and he had Ue pleasnra of having cal- waoU raUer bave'ebaagad to "Dewey’s
yeeterdsy and captured six'nlee ones.
tbe exceptional UlenU of Ue artists.
IIS 00 > Remember that 1 do aU kinds of reUr* nnmberlng several Ihonaand. ^e Ade*nce." it teem* to me. "Mo-ab-tao..
OT nnirlog aad enameling, and Uat I con
•Oldbn were wall pOBtado* Ue nnm- wan-la" "The Asylum" wboae Inmatao
It so *9fi do give you the beet work of asp
Island Uks Sunday was Ue sddiUcs i short Cot fork..... .
bmof boon one would have to apond *,8 abo pewtadabove tbe door as fol6U oae ia Ue citv for tke money. Don’t
Seeraury Holley of Ue K. O. T. M.
taln rnlco
Dunham. BhorUs SmIU.
- 00 he deoeived by what oUai* tell yon to
Ue member* of Ckimpany H, liU regi
00, the contrary, bat oome and eee for
iBaba Altzanda'r, i weighs 320) Dago
1 so I yonraelf.
arnand Central Hickigau. bseraeeiead ment. on Ue train tbU ride of Grand
bo In Ua
Bootmae. "Park PlaoT
ssboa* regular I
a *up|y«ad from Ue great camp fifty elegant colit doee not prove
■ Of bard tack.
Tbe county oonrUoose
to bo tbe "boa ton" aad are ragblAad oewd pictures of tbe Gwt Gamp Degree
toam in full elaborate eaelume. also
Ull S o'clock every evooin
eompapy have as follows: Fim Dovls Pete Hnnter,
161 exeept
except bonday.
in the
fine eagravinga of llraat Commandor
• prasantod to "Sasoka’' Roberta,
"Robe" Gaga
K I doe bnUdlng. at aorU nd of Onion
Boynton, founder of Ue order. Grant tact aad after
them by Ue Imdie* Library AtaoeU- “Duieb Tatma*. Tba laei tent In tba
will ask for bid* tor lbs eoastrncUeo -------Lieutonant
ftj» eery *aafnl. and tbr boys wbh to line baa a aign aonapicuonsly peatad
■ tbair sincere appreciation of "Girl Wantod.” wbeUer Mcook or dUb and Great Roconl Keeper Thomaa Wat
There wUI be s regular meeting ef
p,, ^
t auted (ne followlag son, all ofwbem will be prsaent at tbe
Iboglfta. ________________
Traverae CSly CbapUr. .order ef Ue Bran per
Smedley, big eelebrsUan to be held here Jane
OXJ> MSTUBS AT ELK EABIDB. WoodwarU. Brolthnapt, Wykoffi Dal- 23rd. Tba ptetom will ba dlqiUyad Eastern fitar. UM ovening. Tbeladios
wbo form U* sollolllng eommluee for
as a reminder af Ue coming event.
Friday might wUl meet .Wodaesday ^fiTDIO At*rt*OFT»AT*M«Tt
*«ntop and Picnic to Tab.,
Tba boy* all liok browp and rugged
afternoon in Ue Oongragntlonnl obnreh
Plan Tomorrow.
to ba making a pbmie of camp
Warrant for Brows*.
at 2 o’cleo^.
tke Old
loocldnot help UUklng
A warront w*a unned Honday for
team ter rig bearing n party of
t)«a wUl take place at Elk Raold* ^ y,,. enfoneod wait U a good Iblng. Oonglas Brower of Mayfield, by JnsUee
two ladM aad two yoong nsen name to
wodneoday. Every preparation U „
Varly. Browpr U ehanrad by Emory Ue elty*trom Inland yontorday and *p.bdaforageodUmeand mur Tra»- to.ed to Ue Ufs It wm vary hot U
ratarn btesa.'WhUe firiving oa
•neaiy paopla
people are iM|mn>c
prapariag to *V the camp Ua
Ue day I waa
wna tbara, iaad If aad battery upon George Gray, a pio
T1r«t-eUM Bigt. BvarpUlag tew
L'Bton straot. Ue toam bonamo frigbtga.A ItwUlbaa great ro.^ and Uey bad goa*
go., aat omm fartherr aonU
aad neat, tetea ns rananaabie m qap
y for old-tlmo trinnda ta wbei* it i* aUU faottor. or dlroeUy to neer of Uat locality. Uadorobsriff aaed and raa away. One of Uo moa,
first-elam bara la Ua el^. Olvo te a
Ashton waaitoMnyfialdyrotorday to
»t tajarod nad Uo rig wne
call aad gat
a and enjoy n C«ba or Uo PUllpplMW I am abnid
Oo to A»^ 0<ria««M bvbto abop
safe* tbo warrant.
Tbb hman* brok* asray fir year umsorial work. Tsi* obaln
goU picBlc dlBBor. Tbo bay l
many wmBd hnvo cooenmbod to tbo
trototbobacgTi trlteUairost aad BOW at werh WlU K. B. flUvm* anatot«lU»ahn trip* tor U* net------- '
We do not
--------...p,.w... belong to the combination
*--------- lent Motaa.
Tba B'jnu Stock Companv will be
aaan at Bteiobarg'e Urond for oae week
beginning June M. The Bijon Slock
dempany b one wall knowa ia Ue cast
and particnlarly ao ia Ue sutes of
New Yvk and Paansylvaata. The
managemeat promiaee a ibt of thor-
Vai7..i”™ J,V .. 1 “'>■
---------- a*
S48 Fnnt StiMt. {
Ui o I tno
‘^13 Front SL
Fletcher's Orstei Depet loA HesteetieL
Bicycle Riders.
Horse Hotel.. '
Umjj Sale lod^F^ Bui.
'"■ i
taB MOMmro bbookp. TTrEBPAT^MAY ai. isee
In operaUun ion.or.->lr. anVr'a'iaree*
year thut>down. Thr*e arc the only two
natural css fuel mills to the eountrr.
wi tto
ri««Ma *r
Oorp. at Tamps ai Oae*.
RIchmoB^ Tad.. May S9c-It la tha
•eneral Impreesloa of tboae who have
been in daily aiteadaoc* af the irtal
that the aute baa made a ttront caae.
and It It not believed that tha 4efenae will be dble to tbow that the
kllUBK waa In nett>de.'eDa*. a* Thrawlcy
baa oalmalned. Tbe atale baa Miovn
by a half dozen or more wlioesaea that
tbe body of Bhoemakvr. ae It lay la the
road, directly In front of the ThiMley
bone, showed no slant of bavlac llUen
after a atrunl*- Tbe anow was nve
Inches deep, and tbe abecace of foot*
prlnta, exccptlns those of^hoOmaker,
canaed thh state to clrc btapbasle to
the theon* that Thrawlaj was a
Runintd During • Fog by a Brit
ish St«am«r^hich Sinks
a. Unit Lattr.
g man js TES osTHBEB^ 8ns
New Tork. May » —A apeeWdiapcMi
to The Tribune says: Order* have at
laal rone forward to Major Oencral
Sbafter at Tampa to embark the cteal- ] Madison. Wla., May M. — Uovenior
ar porttoo of his conw. Imludlnx all (be ' Buahnell. of Obk>. and ex-Oovemur
rcmiar and a Tew of the moat efficient : «
O^'emor Adama of Colo-
asyreaslve mlUtary mq,vcment which
has been«> freoueiiily predicted and as
often delayed for rme cause or another
will he an aeo^mplUbed fact befnrv the
end of thi* week. The slrunicett unlU
Sampeon s
aquadmn will convoy tbe exjvdlllon
,ne «nea!i of Ooverror ScoOeld. who
I wlU ylve a banquet In ibeir honor at
' the pxecuUve mansion In the evenlnx.
. Every Uilnx former amemor of Wlaeontin. but Edwsnl Soloman. who I* In
■ Eurupe. wlU be rrvwnt.
PeMe'rwIoa Asked to'v^ewi*.
STfl^llTly^d^Med.* “ “
“''’'I^Phlladelphl.L May M.-A. S. ESiwn.
Pimultaneoutly the most rlyld eenaor- hauer. chief of the bu-ea^.f city pru>
ship of prem dispatches that has to far
a letter u. Alfred H.
been undertaken by tbe eovemment
will be pot Into operation ai Tampa and
— •Kr):..We«t. and no mraaaxe relatlnx to by May t1 the nsun It now occupies In
tbe movements of iropt or eblpA or In Independence ha 1. This request I* the
outcome of a letter written by President
any way spculatlny upon the exiwdltlon. will be permitted on tbe wire* U Loyv to Senor Kasasta and the queen
this means of preventlnx publication of rexeoi of Spain In which he express 'd
the opinion that the AmvHCan people
Informailon which would be axceedlnx*
were *Kaln*t war.
ly valunhle to S|<sln Is nol fully sueveuHardly WsHh KoCleknr Is TVaas.
ful Il.r censorablr will be promptly ex
Comliana. Tex.. May 3 —The wife of
a man't head at a closer ranire than two
be lonfldently aftertid that be
feel would be certain to bum boih hair yond the se< n-lary of war and the set- John Sh'roka drueirisi. last Tuesday reand skin, and would alto Uevrete the retury of the rnvy the presldmt will ivlvi>d sn iDsultinc. letter sijtned Na
than Mosley. A* soon a* Shook Irartied
scalp to a cnntlderable d rrec. None o'
•ivlllan to enjoy ble con- of the letter he aoueht out Mosley, who
tbece result r.>lln»ed tlioueh Thrawley.
il> matter until a landinc
on the day of the k;lIlnB. l.-)ld sn>enff on forelftn trirttory shall have been act- was a necro drayman; and shot him
four times, kllllns him Instantly. The
James, of Hrnrr countv. that he and
vally B>-vomplithed. and General Shatter
Mosley, from whom he sepaetaoetnaker were clliicbid -b'n the shut himself will have sraled order*, wboee ; rated last
_ ___
cuiiiriiir »%ii.
1! be
ur known
sio'riii ouij
only to General qups'luninx. brvl
! Mfe. and General CVrbln until
buvirx written t!
r-dltinn Is safely
Admiral Mualey'a death.
B-w Bs Bewlly maud*
tbe tjwestlwa at Sampson's sole Inatructirni
Mtebixante Nell More BmhU.
HawiUUa ABBrtsi>a*.
sD'rd the expedition and to co-operate
from tbe “nirawlry xste to within elxht
or lea feet of the body wet* found by
vartout witnesses.
The fact that the face of Shoemaker
was not powder-bumed nor discolored
In any sray. as a reault of thi^ shot. Is
another point which the suie believes
•bout that Tbrswley was not In dote
rans*. Dr. J. R. Welst and Dr. J. M.
•m Uiat «b« b»d a Unt» laca-d taoi«
•ter* In tier atanboard aid* abr«aM of
tfia malnmaat- Above the water line
tbe bole talended abost tea feet blgb
and six (bet wide. Jual how tar below
«b* water lint the miiaer «aa damased
cobM net be aaoertnlned. and none o(
4b« naval officer* would alve any |D>
(onnatloD la retard to the arcldenb At
•ooc at the tesRel came to anchor tbe
captain and crew , tweaty-one In all. oi
tbe BnUrti Meamer FoacoUa-whlch le(t
thla port Saiuiday with a caret) of na*
ablaerr and ccneral merehandle* (or
Bordeaux—went aabore.
Neither the
caplalD nor any of ble crew would talb
wbes they landed, and all ihri could be
•btalned (rum the officer* of fr.e «'<>•
iBiabla wa* that the two veeaeU had
-• e
lAnsInx.Hay so.—FreparailonsarebeWasblticion. Hay SO—The confllcfint v.1ih General Shatter under the Utter'*
, ' ins made by Ihe slatp officials (or aor
reports as to the attitude of Speaker j ulrectlon.__________
ether sale of war bonds to pay the exReed upon present conilderallon of tbe ‘
Bpesistd* Ha>* a tVo-lly Tarm,
of rnltlnx Ml'hlxar t quoU onHawaiian resolutions In the house, and ; jtaflrld. May SO.-A Kory waa printed der
troops. Tbece
the persUient rumor* of existinx differ- ; yeaterday
•rday In B Proxreaao to tbe effect , atlll rrmslns unissued tsoo.ojc
the speaker and RepubU- that the squsdruns
squadrons of Cem-er* and loan auihorixed b
tbe lexialsiuts.
can leaders In the house, ha* prompted-; Sampaon had come toyrtber
t .
off Jamaica
HsaeeBeport Belsre (he Iraals,
Ibe fullowlnc brief aialement of the and In the eneaxemem two of SampB'ashinxion. May M.—The report o(
speaker’s poaltlon. It was (umlahed by sro's ships were destroyed and one
)r aeiect, cummittce of the Ohio stale
oae who baa reviewed tbe entire situs- Bpanlab ship disabled, the Amerlcsat
•naie appointed to Investixate the alUon with blin;
"The quesUon U not of ! UUnx refuse In Haytlen waters. The
I Ii-xed attempt at bribery in eoanectlnn
Hawaiian attaesatloa at all Probably | ilorr I* not believed even here. (UpUIn
with Che election of M A Hanna to tbe
a malorlty of tbe Republicant of tbe , Anson, the marine minister.-saylnxonly
t'niled 8tatea aenate. was laid before
boose are fer It. U obUxed to vote; but such thiax ft "nesHy possible.tbe senate Saturday.
many prefer not to have the question 1
up because It will lead to delay, keep |
The plaxue at Honx Konx la maUliff
eenxress bere all summer, and prevent
rnxhUul headway amonx the native*,
from looklnx after
larxe numben of them dytax daily.
dUlrtct*. and at tbe tame time not bsiasu of U7« at St. fiutna*. declared
that Fraaee was r-aAif^'to matnlaia
aunax Hawaii.
Washlr.Xton. May ».—Jn issponae to
tbe Ulk about quarrels between j *•» strtciest nautralUy T« the aiapaneirnestiy bU offer 10 return to KansaB and raise
:ley and HIU and the speaker U tbe ; American war. and said be earnenl
neutral a rexlment of toMlerw under (he presi
ov.^«l .1 tb™. »,.r»,bd. ! 1“I»« 'b.. .b. .......
would su> cvvd
dent's sscosd oall for troops Represen
The main thlnx
tative Simpson, cd Kaiisaa. has received
bill, make the appro- Pvace.______________________
pass •
a teltwvam from Governor Leedy of that
state. In which he says that he is "In
clined to believe. In commoa with other
leave the president and his adviser*
d Brtttsher flesl. la II
cltiicns ot the state of-Kanaes. and es
time l<
pecially w Ith the citlaens of the Seventh
Annexations will then
London, May SR.-Enpiard's rreat eltdietnci,
that we would prefer that you
'( ihemselvesjf
laen was Saturday laid to rest In th* should remain In your present position
n— |i a Ballway Prsyress.
Valhalla of hU me. Military pomp durtnx the present crisis of the ailalr*
Anderson, tnd.. May ».-Tbe Indiana and tbe outward trapplr.es ufimxeanuy of our courtry."
Gas Uelt Electric railway was put la
operation Saturday between this city | glotined by the homaxe of his xretlest
Carbnville. Ills., May SO. — WlUlam
and Summltville and Marlcn and Pair- i aurrlvlnx coirterr;|„.r*ile* and bj- the
Perflc*. the sell-confessed murderer of
mount, leavinx but five miles t,) connect , iraumenl of universal rvverener ex- hit dauxhler. Anns, axed IS. will cheat
up to complete the Msr1on-And< ~* * *
the sallow*. It would seem.
He has
been ,timmltted to Jail two week*. Re
and when completed It will be Ihe k
cently he informed bit fellow prisoners
est system In the country, coverlnx <
and Ibe attendants that he was suSerISO miles. Tbe equipment Is hlxb 'cl
Inx from the bile of a mad di>x
Axsd Ceople Bratally Araaaned.
hae be-R vIo'enL barklnc and snarlinx
like a dox. bliinx and learinx his cloibea
Brooklleld. WIe. May ».—Ur. and,
to jiece* and xlvinx every evidence of
I the rabies. If he Is shamminx his pre
tense Is an e*<e1lenl Imitation.
beaten by two tramps at an early hr^u^ ,
Saturday, him Neul-ecker's
Cartewsaad AlBMlFatab
will proliably prove
I Lawren.eburx.Ind-ACay SO.—Benjamin
bond. ihc'i i'O In a s rinus condlllt
dltion. wl
' Hnld.-n, ,.f Ull-.-r l.,wnshlp. Is cnppled
recover. No clue to aasaltanu Robbery i
I with rhrumttism. and Is compelled to
was the motive.
I use two cane* In wxikinx. While In
Ibis xarden. In an.attempt to look over
F^Thi -t. laoaah
.CapUIn J. Evane of the
xetardlhc the .-<lll(l»n: •The Fcscolia
cleared from thu p.Tt
Bn on Sat«rday «
•J'twrEO of about f..
SBD tons. All went well until cvcnlny.
when a heavy foe set In. I was on tbe
bridf* and ordered tbe Ilfhta up and
the foc-w'bltUe kept solns. As the foe
erew denser tbe speed of the PoscolU
waa reduced to nne-taalf. About i o'clock
lAokDut Johnson.
B the .brldye. reported a
•teamer c>n l)ie port bow. Our llchia
w*r* burelRR biiebtlx and theforalenal
was whlstllRf. 1 looked up and saw a
bl( steamer with (our funnela dead
ead. At tt
ywds apart I
tneviuue. I
tbe approaebtny
«ne bUsL
CM>* T-cMb*r with a Crash.
•Thai waa ihe lliwt time I beard tbe
Oohimbla'B whlyUc. I InatanUy ordered
•ur enclne* full speed astern. The vee•els came toxetber. however, with a
terrible crash, and the bow of tbe FoacoUa rar. up on the crulaer's armor
bell and thetveut Ibruuyfa her sponson.
thb abbet.
ay M.-rollowln« are tha
Ever Bortied Oat?
rtnbs ftaturdsy: At rieveland-Baltl.
more 1 Cteve’and 0: -at 8(. LouIp—
Brooklyn I. Bt. txiuls S: (second CXJoe)
Brooklyn 1 St. Louts I; at lx>oU>vnie—
Boaton fr, Ix>ulsvllle 7; at Cincinnati—
New Tork 7, CTnciDratl J!; at Plttsbury
WashlDifton 7. FltUburx •; at Chicaco
—Phlladdphlo 10. Cbicajto 4.
Tfeaiem I.earue: At Indlanapollp—
Mlnneapolit 7, Inrtlanapollt f; at Detroit,
-Omaha 7. Detr.di 14: at Mll-ankeeKansas (Ttry «. VUIwaukee i. (Sunday)
at Columbus—St. Faul 4. Cniumbue Z:
at Mllwanfce<—Kansas city «. Mllwan-
UTSTj BAiq^oai,
O. P. CARVER. Ammt
John R. Santo,
Geieral listiaKe.
TMvarM City. Htab '
pier of the bic briditv of th* Northern j Wxrxbae* B4o*k.
Pacific railroad, welxblnc over S.OM.OM I___________________
pounds, was moved from Its foundation
Sunday aPemoon and slid on roller*
to a new foundation, a distance of
nrwrty lour foet. The pier waa Mitr
feet hixh twenly-flie feet wide and
twelve feet In diameter, built of solid
yranite. TT.e entire time occupied In
raovinc the pier was less than a minute,
ibe enclneers belnx assisted by a aUde
of earth which slid the entire mass
alenjf the steel rollers provided for that
lime I
I as in b*
Dr. Higgins,
M. R V. B
Tbe Med N E. trains leavlnx Traverae Citv at V:3& a m. and S:4U p. tn.
ennnretat Opemitli with'he A. A A.
B R. (or Arcadia. Tbe »t40 p. m. train
alto connects at Onekaina JanetioD (or
Through Veketa on aale.
U W CwkiNRHAti-Afoat.
Vitalized Air admmUtered (or alao
late painless ezUaetloo of teeth.
AatidoUr. (or extraeiion of teeth
wltboDt pain osed. Lateat'fcbd moat
Detroit Free Preaa or Tribon* de
livered (or Itk: par week.
City New* Co.
M.w Tork OysUis
am rec^vlpc direct from New York
A fine quality of oounta i
Dda. and staaU eoetiaue so
,___________________lonx as there la a
I maud. Tboae wtshluff oysters will And
Uy fresh. Fietel
B. J. Morgan,
On M. ft V. B. &. E.
All baggage, bad and hack work
for. aaid road ahonld be
me Office 239 State street, telepbose 3. AU ordera kft with me
will receive pmopt attentioo.
AUOTMja *t lAW.
Gfuil Ripidi i Udlui 1.1
0,ILBBR * OA'tffA Aaeri^.^«pra1ala
■tTT B MOOS. Phrwclaa and danjera.ir^
W . Best Of the eye sMcBr/ToaBti Oseblock*. 'Phima. hoaa* sad el-
r. Offices. City Opera
1 locked for a
l.arklry of t
Tbe wreckaxe stuck In the eruli
above and below the' water line,
caused the Columbia to list conslder^Ir
Had It not been for tbe bulxtnx
Of the sponaon from the side of the
sratshlp the Foseolla would <,n!> have
•truck the Colombia a xlaneinx blow.
FtMcolia Totally l>lM>birA
Tt was dead calm at the Ume of the
tollMon. After baeklnp away 1 saw
that the tnjurj' to the Fosolla was seri
ous and Instantly ordered the life boats
They were In the water In
Just (' ur minute* and my fifteen aeamen w.rc ordered" into them. I re
mained sbrerd the wreck with try five
Officers.. 1I> enBiocer*. after trylnx tbe
isjfted the
Ornament wonlheBrooklyn Handicap,
w-nrih S1<'000. with ease Saturdsv.
The; IiBilaB cabinet has resixtied. Kinx
Humbert has Instructed the Marquis dl
Rudlql.Jo orxacixe the cabinet.
Custodian Bjsn Is now in ptwreselee
of th* office of the InlersUU Bulldtni
and Loan aasociatloo. of BloomloctOD.
able of w rklnx the ahlp. " The ahip
Wat leakinc badly and the pump* made
■ little Impr, sMon on ' the water. The
captain stin d by bis ahlp. however, un
til she Went clown, and then wentabeyard
a I-ske. Ind .
W —The (Inal
**ercls-s nf the I'resl.yisrtan xeneral
•arambly t.- h the form of ronxrainlatory speevhrs by the tcodemtor end
Dr. Itndcllffe referred to the
'pointed with h..|x to the futuro. The
action of th- ^,'ew York presj.ytery. In
dropplnx th- name of Dr. lirlxxs from
, the roll was n|.i.r..ved. A resolution deetartnx the loyalty of the church to tbe
WDvernment was adopted Notblnxwas
dor* about ^ani'. union with tbe
aouthern'churth. A resolution qf xrat(tude (o the Britlsi. twtion for Its teliBWahlp In the war erlals was adopted.
A protest Bfraintt a Roman (^athoUc
t hour*
.«< the assembly wetY devoted to routine
baSlness, and a rescdutlon was adopted
•Xalnst the sale of liquor onirovernment
to# 11
Oedumbu City, Ind., Mar It-F. J.
Beller. of WblUey county, was Bainr.
day nominated at the Democratic Joint
as the candidate for tbe joint
dtomot of Whitley and Huntinxiou
•euntlea. ReBolntiout were adopted ladorstax to* Cbicaxo platform, favorinx
a rtcoAua «mr policy and Indoralnc tk*
«a(Mr of Senator Turple.
! and he’fell forward and his neck waa
cauchi r»-tween two pickets. He was
unable to extrlraie himself, and when
I discovered by hts family he Was un
conscious srd nearly d-ad.
€> M*rw Mis.
vtxTMtxxm ziaxr
I-''R^ii. May Jv.—The xoveruor of
pirascd In the outspoken (rratllude of SlrrTtf^ne cahls* to Ih* CulonlaJ office
• lie
, free javrple. Between Westminster ^ ‘‘v" “«•
and Mr* McGraw. th■With few exceptions the German
Abbey Is s shert dlslaace. Ain-rli an mlsslornne*. were mataacred
press continue* Its rampeixn of abuse ,nd etvrj- spot on which the eye rested I **">''
* •* Tai»A nesr the Svcna ef
the other r
-------- outspokenly or by , .warmed with human beinxm
The poreesslon of members of parlla■*w Route to 0hl*M«l-harkey
J wihcd t
an otter to me-t lluhlln before
lAwl*' Greater New York
s weie present, but i
Coney lalsnd.
Lnwrence Hook'a saloon and Elevld I in a body ttutethey from the ..-jse to [.operated b.T --___________ ______
•ArvJn’s residence at Wasbinxion. lad., the Abbey. Gladsiom's Rrsv„ Is Immt- isystem and tbe G sod Eapids A ludi■cd by fire. Evidence polnta j dialely next to that of Dlsra-ll. hiextcHi >na Eallwsy via Viekabnrf.
(p iRcei
Trams will ai.'ivc at and depert from
' Dearborn stalioD. Cblcarn. This alat¥he t
I Ion is oa Hoik eireeu between
tbe .Mkhlxsn P
t irty win be held WednesdaysndTburs
dsy at LonalnxGoveruor MclAurln.' of Ulsalstlppl. Owe Killed sad
has appointed RepresenUtlve William
Sullivan to me fnlted Btales senate i
10 succeed the b
After quite a
,p-.o,ubeen selected by the Brotherhoodof Lo- I cnmi, 1 .
form,live Enxtreers as tbe place In i arm ' -ri,
which to bold toe fourth biennial oen- '
J"hn O. Johnson, a well-knosrp eitlxen
c( .vycBQW. Ilia. CC years old. while
cfowlrA toe railroad Inuka was struck
by a frelxht train sad falaUy hnrt. dyrxploMcn of a
•tt Carney
WlUlam Brow-u. a woritman. was killed.
Collins shot and moruny
sroiinded Joseph
Cisycrofl, colored,
while the tatter was attemptlnx to en
ter a wrindew in tbe OeUlns reffidence at
JeffersonvUle. InA /
General Eralus Newton Bates, ptum
Inently Identified with tbe. elvtl and
ininury Malory of the atate* of llUnols
and Minnesota, died at MlnnoapolU last
nlxht. affedTS yesra,
It la stated at Waishlnxtcm. net efficlally. however, that James B. AnxelL
minister to Turkey, baa resixtied from
bis post and will be ancceedcd by Oarar
8. Straus, cf New Tork. former mlnlsur U. Turkey.
Miniaar ta nsaaeSal Triahla
Wabash. Ind, ^ay M.—Mra. C. K.
Oomer. mlUlner of Ootoen. has teUtd
Vito UaUUUaa •( about tLMt.
VUUoci* at them don't know tew to
e Other Caplarcd—A
Ihv .a I.J I U) h«nd ,.\vr H.r„Mj-rs ih-R rnuunlrd their
.;'srppe:.r,-d. A large pease
pur-'ilt. They .iv-nook the
distance from
The rd-hc's iln-d. >v.,undlnx a man
nani'-d .Mir'.. Th- t-i»s- r-turn-4 th*
(Ire. kil Inx one of the roSh-rv and eoiut
pellloB :he o h-r t- s.:tr, nder. Half at
the stolen tuorey v a« recoveredDes Mollies, la., Jday M.-Tbe *upreme court iiaa brought the PrimeGoes!
National Cuaid controversy
In favor of Prime lo be affirmed by
opeistlon uf law. as the conn was tied
oa the case and could not agree. Tbe
trouble arose over a contest for lb*
OIBec of adjutant xrovrkU >h which John
R. Prime was elected. Gneal havliix
j.down town boalue . and hotel diatticta
rsllronds. Using
Iff this
statiSD a'Ve
' AtekisoD.
-. Topeka A Sante
Fc. “Wabash
Cbicaxo A Easternwllllaol
ernwIlllBoia. Chicago.
LouikTlIle and Erie,
J No transfer will, therefore. E>e ne«CB,aary for paaaengeis to or from the
above meolioned line*.
Important hUtioos on this through
| ear llse between Chicago and Grand
, Raplda are Valparaiso. Soulb Bend and
Htabawaba. Ind . Vickaburg. EUlamazoo and PLainwell. Mich.
Tbe eqoipmenl osed In previdlng this
service will consist of new standard
vasUboledday coaches. Pullman buf
fet parlor cars aod tbe latest designs of
(Oilman wide vealibuled. gsa-Hghled.
twclvs-seetlon drawing room sleeping
It is believed that tb* ebaractar
I will be aueh as to
merit a liberal atronage by the iravel-
Ar^r^rraw^tS c!S*^
TrwtasaerlTetras Otaelaean
'-*<* I
HARIKB poItA* (or
TTSTvrve City Lob bee O
aralra* at USS *. B
h.Bi. MlrU -_____________________________
unsm lu ionuunn li
Ts laka aSen eanday, JsB* a, UH.
^j^aVTXD-1 xtrt B
lBX»oesire-t Trw'vtse
^XifLoru siDSWaiA
bus,, toe sals
Ira.lg^ 6
•^AXTEP-A (.« ro«l B-s. Apidjl^^vlo
‘)M Ml
City proi-rvy lo ezr**iiss. or will
UALX-Al'Wk of caafrcUoaery sad Sz'vs W Bock, ar Culoe Biivev.
jeTB wasTro“ro* "Wab wnw
'AIK." loflodlas tBUKsoa Msasd Uod.
BsaiJ sbout sfBlew oiTio«. foru sad
pefbotfc nstlosasadssrspblrsuMy
_____ ..stales—, of
nllSBt Orwey: tells
rlfloty o'
oe. BfUey. Pttskarb
.f sK>gi H
I.swNDd irsdus ooBBaodeTa. br Boe- damra
RaaklB YouBS. tkr Isisrptd leader for Oiba
Utwv IS the halls of Coacresa tSc xrvaMi
£.3!=? ^
so Wnber receives grwM tim^^BlBB (raw
rredJt: (rwixM
ti to**
lloeHug is a ooadeuied acted-
A rrw GOOD uxj MBiri
A CliyLosiherCo. RU-lf
Oenl Paas'rasd Tickat Agaut.
X. * R. X. R. R. Sommer SxeoraioPA
\Ylre NaU mlUa. a trust
point would be In full (^ration agsla
today with T» men and that the Hazeu
Wit* Nail muia. tscently purchased by
toe United States Nall .eompeny, of
nUddelBlfla Cte-U-ttHlO. R«B»WJw P«
to4p.a. Tsle^>iBe.n.
inverse City tn Maalsi** oa Sunday,
May nod, -*ad e^ eiker Sonday
thereafter. Traini leave Traverse City
at B;J0 a. m. Betoraing train* teara
ManlstaeatSitOp ». Usnat low ratea
Booad trip (are aetmon than 81-00 (or
l^a^^OOPf^ ai
tleneral Paarangar Agaat.
with Bcrl, th* Jwwalar.
Sfoottd Tmt—No 886
aOiT llCraXHITB » TXAai.
Blob Rani of ^adlm Balloa
H. V. B. Clarke Bade aa lataraatlaf
OBMTvmBMor XcmonsISojiB Fhil- diseo»e<7 in the al>e]r. near hit hara.
oo Cedar atreetos Friday laat. la earl;
ftdalphi*. .
days tha whole territory eorared by
•peclal u> T«s Moaine Racoui.
Pkllsdalphia. Pa.. Usf sa—Kot (iBoe Traretae City waa a faeoriu eamplajr
rroand tor the ladlaaa aad the r
tk« 7«ar of lu iDsUtuUeo kaa UtBorial
that preoeded them, aad
And *« carry all the wide goods in stock so that yon will ao6
Da; bad a mar« idprtoaiva obaarraaM
diaooeeriaa are ntcae of thair
have to wait for th* goods to be ordered Then we hare MM
than that of toda; at lha Linealo bk«Mr. Clarke fonad. a tittle below
of those chMp cnrtaina that we are aelliog at t«n cents the ossy
omaBl la rairaMoat Park. Sarrleae the aurtaee la a baaeh aot blryer thaa
Come rly and aroid tha rush.
>'■ bat. m perfect aad baaeUfal
ware b^d b; J. G. Meade Poav No. 1.
fllat artow beads Thirty or forty
after which the Poat rkaltad the
year* ago aneb -dadt" wera fraqaeat.
of ita rallaat eommaader. OaaaraJ bat of late year* they hare bsM rare,
Haada. as addreaa waa dellTerwl h; aad aot for a qaartor of a eeatary has
2S0 Front Street
Holley & OozuibUb
drchdeaooB Crroa T. Brady.
Uea. there hsaa saeh a-hanl" aa thU nads
’ Daniel ^ Sleklea waa the ormtOT of 'the , *’'
.day.aadaaaddrees waa dalbrerad hy |
Baa Xato X
Oaa. StrClair A Mulhellaad.
Laadlord Paaybara of the Psaifbnre
House, while slttlay la aa arm chair
in front of bis betel veeterdsy, waa
A new line Just rsceiped at
liny. Col
Admiral Dewey's Ren will Baoalva ' rua iato by a hIeye',.T wl« was yolay
. May SO—All depart hla men were In exeelleat shape. Tha
Bach a Hioa Bum ta Prise Roasy. | *t a rale of ape J far exi-eedlny Ua
»u were eleaad to the pahUc today sea flied off Ua can aad took up the
Hooy Kony. May JO.-Tb. p,,,,
‘■'V „
aad nothlac waa yleaa eotof tha awee- Bareh to eaap. bmc Falls ebareh. four money which-ill yo to U. bice Jack-|“/-.
»»<>entood Karthafll BIOCL
lUat hereafter ervii-.t'. muri ober Ue'
aaaauthat Bay hare baaa colar^oo BUeaaway. Nearly all Ue Michiyao eta of' Bear Admiral
Dewey's squadron i
CoatTcasBaa west oat Uare Ula after- ass result of the destrucUoa of Ue ' street or be -vill
that It U enforced. '
\DaBaiB kaowledye of Cereara'a
[ bpanbh fleet in the bay of Msalls is
arheraaboou has pat a aaw phrase ea
{ astimatad at A»xi in yeld far each nan.
Ve entered an ayreament in rood ' f
faith u eloM oar *107* all day Hamor-'d
aflaiia aad will ehaara maBy plaas balaldST npon Ue full assnraeee tbatl/
Uavad to hare beea latUed. It la
Ua plaa wou'd
Oaseral Rllaa
. to lABd ;
tkeayht that Ue oaBpalya acalaat
100,000 Rea on Oubaa SoU to
UOBBilttaM wUl Decide ea PeaUrea
log plea toward tbe rec<«-1 x
AdBlral Oareata Blirht aow be aaded
ofR O. t-R. OelabratiOB.
I oIUt-o u.' ib.- Ssr la Ue fnlnre
fnlm waif
Raat Blanoab Army.
>y daatallahlac the farts at tha aain actxrd-'
A maatiay of Ue faU execoUvc com.
Waahlsytoa. May lo.—It M Ua lart.fc. I
Vaaee ef tha harbor of Baatlairo. blockmittee and Ue ckairmaa ef Ue sab
teatioa ef Praaid'aat McKlalay aad Ua
eommlUeea appelated to arfanye for
adlay the chaDaal. aad laolaUay the
waa dapartmaat that Ue laraalaa ef Ue yreat Maocabee meatier to be held
furnish the honss, oome here for*Seai.
<»pe*Bp *o rsSpaalah fleet aaUl ether prohleBa af
Gala aball be made wlU a deeiaive rpah.
Prices that win save yon moatj. ■
tha war are workad eat. This, hawA Uaadty aproa Is Ue but Uloy
Thara wiU be ao iavasloa. a peraoa
e Uoee "troohlaeoae aleUce-Blae.
aear. la aot la Uaa with Ue ABerleaa
laMl Travaraa City Tost No. S7i E. 0. T. M. {For sale at Foraatei s Hall, this vveainy.
Reliable Dty Goods, Carpet
yallcy. aad. alBply aoeej>tiay Ua eiaw
la Ua Broach block.
It % ttycBOant
Uere are 100,000
and Clothing Honse.
that every membor be preaaat aa‘Ue
«f tha aitoatloa takea by aaeal axparU ----------------------- at Tamps.
aatlra prayram lor tha oalabrMipB aa
bare. Admiral Oerrera will have ta aeGeneral Blanco has aa army of 'tally tha sard will be decided apaa at Ula
battle atoaee.
100,000 aoollmataa tree^ la Ua eptaIt^ ooBedaatlr axyaeted that a hard ioD of Ua aaUoritiaa It wMld he felly
blow will be atraek wiUla Urea or to aaad leas Uaa that aambar of Uai- Bates, A. V. Friedrich. T. i. Boat. J.
A. Moalayae. M's W. B. Thacker. Mrs
loar days, aad that Ue laanlt will be tod Sum aotdim UeiV
E. N.Jehasion.M. B. Belley.teoroury;
kaewa ta Ua world at larya at
Whea Us blow is attack it. most be C & Vadar. traasarsr; H A. O-Coanor.
Aha a^liatlOB of that Ubs.
dwisive aad it wiU taka pIsM atmcst deputy yreat commsader.
It baa aot baea diaeliMd wheUer immediaUly after Ue treopa kave
The chairmen of Ue eeveral sob-eom.dJoBBodore Schley is to be rainfareed. landed. Tbarc wlU be so bombard- mlttem srer Fiaanoe. A V. Friedrich:
ral Bale is shoving ont goods with a rabh. I
Batertaiameni. E. L. Bprayae: Hasie. { .
I meat of Bavaaa aaUI Ue Amerleaa
a P. Carw; Decorations. C E. Back; I AllOtllOr
While the rash leata we win make a
I feroea are ea Cuban aell. and tSe army Parade. J. W. MlUlken: Traosportatioa.
aad aavy wUl make a eoaMaed attack, T. J. Host; Hotols. C- Q. Bbarwood: | Cegr T^O'nCPfl'in
hare bean tiybteoed aad Ue yoveraAmnaamaataC. E. Bale; Badyes. M B j
I leavlny Porto Rice to tall later.
Bant U determined not to faraish say
Holley: Reoeptioa, Mayor W. W BmlU. |
--iBfwmaUea thM may aid Ua enemy.
Tha lady-membar chslrinen of
1200 pairs
oommiueas am aa follows: Fiaaace. 1
Fraac Gaye:'Eetertainmeat. Araanda^
We wish to csll roar attention to the fact that we hart
Smith: Deoorstloas. Mary Sours: Pa* |
many bargains left in cnildrcm's clothing, notwit^tanding that }
radc. Jessie GrifliU: Badyea. Mary Bay- I
Wsahlaytos.'May JO-At lR:30a m to-!
it has stood a ternble storm in tbe laat 10 days. We are bomid J
o close out tbe Ust soil, and have made a aeoond cat in oar
day the navy d«partmemirmselv«l.dU-| washlnytoa. May 30U-Th. featare mood. Eeceptieo. Ellea Bristol.
These asmas sre yireo Usi Us chair- '
;hild’s suit department.
patch from Commodore dehley annoai I of Uc Memorial day eelehratiea oecarmen of tbe respective eommilteee may
- «)i^ dafisltely that ba had located i r* jred OB l^anasylvaala Aveana. A bly de- all kaow that it will be hoped sod cs-1
^vUshBeat of Ue army from Camp Alyer pectad Uey wUl all be preeeal prompv I
i Childs rZOO fine Jersey snit, aeooad ent price.................. $1S8
ly at 7:30 Uls rveainy.
eantlayo. The oommodore huv“
the Uraad Army marchers
A Childs $3.00 Wool Casaimere suit, secood cat price......... $1.$0
Worth $1.S6. Sals price
/ha baa aaaa aad reeayalsad Ua
mironle to Arlinytoa. The old soldiers
• Childs $2..S0 Beefer. stylish snit, second,cat price...........$1.39
«f Ue Spanlah float.
^ Chit,U$4 00all Wool aoiU eeoood cat price.....................$1.47
cheered la reepoase. drowainy Ue mnsic
While naval i^claU have been mor- ef Ue boada All work at Camp Alyer DoaU ef Rra Thoinas |R Browae,
» Childs $2.00 Clay Weave soit, second cut price............... $1.18
Lot of odds and ends, will cioee oat book lot 60e on tha
.'aUy eerUls far'aavaral days that Oer waaenspeaded for Ue day and huadollar, and others for leaa. Call early.
A Uleyram cams to H Mentayue
Tara'S aqnadros waa Is tha harbor. Ua dreds of soldiers are la Ue oily on
Qoiog to leave tbe city. Fixtnrea, show cases and aafe ^
yaaterday afternoon anaonaciny Ue
««eial aBDOBBcemni from Cobbm- leave of afaaeaca.
A for sale.
deaU of Mra* Tboa W. Bmwaa which
dore ilehlay was raoalvad by offleots os
duiv at Ua departmast with iatoaaa
We Make and ifang
All Widths of Curtains....
Imptwaible for,8panisli Squadron to Escape
From Santiago—Completely at ll»cy
of Commodore Schley.
Schley's Fleet May Be Beinforced—Present
Situation Will Hasten Invasion of
Ouha, Probably this Week.
.. J
Cheap Wall Paperl
From 60c up.
™ « Wheel Enameled For S2.5D
lA SecoRd Call To Molliers.i
Ladies Tanii;
1 Regilar Siaoehter ii Prices as It Were.
aailsfactloa. Asaavanoa ta now doably Spastab torpedo Beat Tartar U Saa
mare Uat tbe (jpaalab fleet la botUad
Jnnn Harfler.
apaad Ust Ue ooric Is la Ua bsttle.
SL Tbomaa. Dsatab West ladies. Hay
Wbat effect Ue eerulaty that Oar- M.—The Spaatsh torpedo yaaboat Ter
vara ,ta- practically belpleaa will have ror ta at Baa Jaaa. This report has
hMeoafirmed. She slipped hy Ua
> Ue iavasioa of Cuba, can only be American eeootehlps Uat were said to
Ttae Uaasportatloo el land for.-«e to
the talsad. It is naderstMd. was de
ployed baoaaae af Ue anceruinty 000ley Ue loostlea of Ue Spanish
’sqaadm. » that aadarataadlay te
«arroat Ue probability ef aa early ibea^osof Cobs Usirony.' U la not unlikely that Ue movameot af troops.
a delayed fr» Ume la
time, srill beylB Uls wmA aad Uat
before Ue aad of tlm week tbe Oaited
Btatas fomm wfil have ebtalaed a tab- staatlal feoUold opoa Caban nail
have been waicblay for her. Thatraas-poriAKonao Mil. is emuiay off Ua
Porto Rican coast, at krr craw has re
fused to attempt to run Ue Bsvana
blKkada It is said here that act all
Carrera's ships are wlU him at Bantia- '
”' .
-------------------------TRS PARARA WILL ME SOLD
Takta . KorU Prom Ray Watt
Sp«-:s! ivTui Husiise Bsross
Key West, May 3u.—The prize ateamor l>anams. captured by Ue Mangrove
aacm after Ue openiny ef lha war. waa
takna aorU by a cmlser Uls momiay
PiactlosUy J>ecided to Saad 8,000 to be sold. Bar cargo was mlaased by
Rore te FhlUpplaaa.
Ua United Statea conn la^ week.
^pa^tetSe Mdssne Ri>oiu>.
Weahlayioa. May3oU-It is yneU-
eaUyflaeUadtosaad e.ooo mare troops Oraat Xhnaoastratloa ia Oaaada PaTanay Ddlud ’Statoa.
to Ua PUlllplaat at once. Bampaoa U
at Say West tonlyhl. Br baa aaveml Bpaelal lo Tax Hoxxixv Bxroaii
' biff warabipa awsdtiay ordaia t« de Toraate. May JA—Thma ware yraat
demoBsttatioDa in Ua ehuehea and
puWle plaew aad ezpraaaioBe ef yood
wUl te Ua United Statee hare aad
H .Rnmadin WaahkytM nt RxoaUant
Mhapa TaauMay Komiag. .
ISemsl w Ws Messms naoonn.
.WaaUaytss. Ray UU-ltaa ThirtymMMlUlysn arrlndalDnssLorUy.
mUm trsm WaaklaytoB. tto mars-
Mra Browae-s request that tbe burial
should taka place here. In Oakwsod
eernewry. aad Uat Bev. D. Coehlla
eandact Ue sarvicaa The funeral par
ty will arrive oatheFZup m. ti. a.
A I. train, on Wedaeeday. and Ua
•a will be held imm.
in Ue Coayreyatiooal charcb.
Um. Browns has heca an Invalid for
a year or mom. bat lately bad seemed
mneb Improved aad there wem h^ma
of her ultimate recovery. Tbe anaOBBcemeat of bor death cornea aa a
shock as well as a grief U> Ue old-Ume
frleods of Ua family la this city, where
Mr. Browne waa actively engaged for
several years in the practiee of law.
Mr. Browae will have Ue mast sincere
sympaUy of a great many friaads hare
ia his great affliction.
raye Oo.
Dry XUa of tbe Wylie C
Boned Tentorday.
OneefUe dry kUaa ef the Wylie
CeoperayeCo- was deetroyed hy Are
yeeterday afteraooa abeot 4 a'ekmh.
CaeryeUe eSom kept Ue flro fimm
■preedlag and aaved a laryaqoaatity of
OUnd Polver'B Drop.
Batorday afternoon Claade Polver.
for Ue MereaaUle Co.
deooeMed b«m Ue eecond etery of Ue
hoUdlay on Ue elevator te Ua flrat
pointsd tOSS, regular $8.00
ehoes, sale price $1 85.
Low Rrice Shoe Hoose.
aed SuRdrles.
I hsve just arrived from Chica
go with a uew lot of Bicycles and
New and second hand.
The cheapest pUc« to get a good
Bicycled from $16.00 to $85.00.
Call and see tbe bargains.
New Wheels and Tandeais to
rent, at
118 Uipfl k. Repair Works.
wae where he had left it he opened Ue
door leadlay to It and ete^ed la. In
Ue mannCme aomeeae had aaoended
OB tha maehiae and CUada etepped
Mamhen of Bebekah lodya, Mo. l«S, Into^paae. He laaded on Ue haeaare requested te meet at 1. U O. F. pMat floor, a dtataaee of shoot flftaen
Are made la the laryeot taetery
ball WedneMay monlny at » o^daU
. aad aostalaed a uttalaed wrtat aad
world, located ia Ctakayo. I
t altyht lajariea.
store No !3S Preat at.. TrajeneCt^.
aoUiny aeriooB roBolted.
Pianos aid Oreaas
T. J. HOST, i
J lYont Street
Friedrich Block, t
Children’s Clothing
We have accumulated withio tbe last two years
about ISO children’s suits, running in sizes from S’b
to 8’s of age indnsire. The only fault with them is
they are not aH'Reefer style, but they are clean, nice*
ly made, good wool, double breasted suits. The de
mand is mostly for the Reefer suits now-a-days. We
bare concluded therefore to create a demand for the
-Ebove mentioned accumulation by reducing the price
to about
We have divided them in three lots as foUows:
Lot 1 consists of goods we sold formerly at $3
and over. We have placed them at $1.29.
Lot 2 are a choice all wool goo^ we have aold
at $’2.50 and over. All go at $1.89.
Lot 3 are a choice, lot of imported all wool fab>
rics, worth from $4.50 to $5.00, have been redoced to
The Boston Strife,
i Mourara
bbcobd. u4 teuaM *owm rmt a»Mt
afeaat IMO aebool eklMran. aaah hmrtar u AtearkM flat.
I* Ua
BUS. 311 Fran St. EM.
Cycle Works.,
BrBstng A SpedAlty.
td bj B<
Tba Um wm tad
woeioa Parry Hanaab.^aa.
Cheapest and most reUabla plsoe to get jronr btcrcle repaired and
H. C DavU. 1
go«l rnnning order. Hare had ae>-eral yeara experience And
twoaz-aaran aad Bayoa W. W. 8a1U
know how it abooJd be tione. Satiefaction guaraLwed. I am aelling
la a oarrUca. thaa a Um of Oadata wbo •alarlaa Daeidad Wpoa Proaida AdI bicycle anndriea jtt aboot coat Kew and second hand wheels ior sale^
■M. T. Efc» A«> i. W. HAxn*. pcaoadad tba Martial baad at tba baad aaaoaa for Wirht PaUoa aad Oity
! and to rent. ]^ease giro na a trial.
pf MePheraoa Poat.O A R. The
Clark-Park aueatKm Bhalrad for
W. Babub. Bdltor »nd lUncer- oaat
SlJsXa, 811 Front 6t, BmA.
lad tba coltune of acbaot
the Pfeadat-AppTOprtatian Aakad
abUdraa. Laarla* Praot atraat the
Py Board of Bduoatloo Approaad
kwr llB* »•<> aroaad Btata
WiUtoet DabaU.
lato Boardmaa aTaaua, thaa ta the
The naeUar of tba oouaoil laai areaeooaty rw«?4». »‘>wa aaau waM
■i Matte, hr WA
ier waa wtthont lacMaat. altboa(b
prarlded aad^ apaabara'plalfora
eoatkleraWe topariaatoxacatlre boataraelad. Kattooal oolora wara a<
waa traoaacled Alderaea Hoawhere aadlha
baaoUiuUydaooratadwlUbMUapaad'lafoe. JahraBaaad Cook ware abaaBi.
I It a aa expaolad that Iha park qoeetlon
The earaatOBlaa which bare laureat-1 would he eoMidarad. hot tba censltad areryoDa Bpoa Daooratioa Day aiaee I tee tUroorb IW ebalrwaa. Aiders
llabmaat always bare a deep IlaeacB reported that the coiiimtua
ahrotfleaeaa. and oa UU oooaaiOB they eci.l l not apraa upoa aay oUer report I'
were fatly aa inprcaalTe a* la the paat. tbsu ibst made at a preriaus meatier. I
The ritual was carried out by Cow aac asicad Uat Ua eouaeil. as a whole '
maadar KcHeory. Saalor Vice Cow coDsidar Ua matter. No further a<
Aaylams Trimmed aa Improrbad
ataader MarTia. Juior Vico Com- was tskea. and tbera Ua matur
Biaader Carliale, Chaplala htilaa, aad
17 U A
Officer of tba Uay Moaroe Horae, after
the readlar of the cacarl order* by Ad- ebuieb was plTeB.permliaioB to ba«a| YeaWday afleroooa a Isira crowd
JuUnl Thacker. Toe dlrtae ■hlewiac an rstjap teat at Ue MrU aad of Casa ' wlusased s seraa inalnp ball puma bestreet. Bear Ua Baable block aa K. O. twewB Ibe asylum team and Us Bust-'
aa loeokad by R«e. D- Cochlln
lera—wbst ar« left u( them, added to
A quartet aompaaed of Meaara. 8ayaeraral piekad-np plsyara—and tha lat-.
tuBoll last algbt adopted dar. Uayaea. Crolaer aad Whltwa" fa- sod rieloily aakad (or'Improrcmeat tar were badly beaten.
1 with two laaplrinc toafa duriaf
t a( the
of isr atraat sad layiap of sidewalk
It was a pood practice pame aad pood |
B taaja and maana. which preridad aa
w waa the from D tl- WrlphVs plsoe U Biphth material eras shown up oe boU sides. |
•deaaee of tlOO a year la the calary of
North for Ue Asylum team put apj
Beferrad to commlttaa oa
aloqueat aad patrloUo addraaa by P. Blraat.
. *Ba oUy cUrk aad |60 a year la tbeSalan arrorlesa pnme-ia tba box. makinp •
Cllbart. wboaa thaaa aad Ua waa- straausDd walks
>tAm of the al^ht polloaipaa. It Is
Bumareualy sipaad petltioa. band eery pretty stop of shot prouadar by
T Of iU iraauiaat hald Ue InwaBae
to reward faithful eo
la Ua flfU inninc. Baddaw sras
..awd wiU latMta iatereat.
With iwopar aaoourar»ne»‘
words ware ealoulated to aUr the baaru (or tba repeal of the raoeBUy BBseud Id bia plaoa behind tba baV and oaad
thMa laataaces the laeraasad salarlaa
ardiasna* prabibitlup berdlap of eatUa tba alich to pood adrantapa. maklap
lafodaawrad aad la kaaplap with tba
on Ue pinlu on Ua outskirts of the three hiU. Dr Lawton prorad quite a
iTrnr'ri dntiaa of the Ipoumbeau la culeaU Ue prsat truths of Amerlima
Uief at atesllnp. makinp two eery nretfraadoB laU Ue mladt af Ue yooapar
paaaralios asseBbled about bis. Bs p^tiUoB was rocolred sod plscad oa alidaa. and kit out a nice two-bapper.
a Cox eoearad first baas In pood
: Tbs aaarry mad falthfulaasa of the told of Ue rrodl w»™ of the aaUoaa
A proposition from the Board of Kd- elyle and pi* two pretty blu
SMck af the Woaua'a Oamaiery to- of tba aarU from Thanaapyle. Mara- ucatlob for tba city to bay Ua Bast
On the BnsUsrs' tide Will SnUka
fnaaoMBi AMoelaUoa was brour^t Uaa. tVaterloa.aad aUar praat suop- 8uu atraat primary school buUdlnp
iwolbly before tba public yastArday. plea and from Ue« be pradoally eaata and lob (novnow tn nac'for school played a nloa pame beklnd Ue bab
PUber pitched (airly waU far fire Inmkm tbroaps rUltad Oakwaod aad down U msdara Uaiaa aad dwelt apaa pnrpoaec) waa re)aoUd. but It waa Ue
nlaps, when Andrews was
preat slreppla
far liberty
wm» foreed by leanlta to ackaowladpe
aeuM of Ua oouacll Uat Ua property
Bba wartb of Ue orraaitetloa. The wbieb made Hamcrial Uay a' flaad should net be aald to any one by Us Btrlklap eat four men a:
Udiaa aacagad la tba rood wark of iDstlloUaa la Ua I'nlted 8utaa Haard of Bdncatlaa: and Ua Bx(x>ki> is only two bits. Boon 8alfka. at Uird,
tMatlfylac tba oanatery preuads da- Ha described la plawlap terms Ue snrs tbb b also Us saa^yit'tbepsblic mada sereral wild throws. Tbirlby
played short wlUoat an error.' E'ruk
of tha war aad aloqoaaUy
Norouy corered first bate wlU Obly
related Ue laeldasts of Ua
a Wsys aqd^Meai
OBS error aad pot a pica hit.
PiWiri the taaporary aaearB
>nowlup salaries fc
Fleas, ia ripbt. playa^ aa errorlaaa
«( bualaaM aaadltloas aloap ibaeMiera
Ue current year and Ue report wi
fame. wlU two hits. Ball played oentoropposlnp
Mibaord. reliable reparta ladleau that armies In a dsath slrapTl* f**'
ter. without aa error alao.
‘•taDaitodBlaUa'battilac works baa prinelplfs. . Pram tbb Mr. tiUbart
Dopnl played all ripbt In left field
pranbloally uaehed ppon ineldanb at
^pariMiwI a beallby rarlTal.
and mada ana hit. thareballioe payinp plowlap trlbutaa
Baaoltby inBlBpa:
Ua baraes of Oattykbn^b. Sbileb.
n ■- K.
AaUatam.LookoatMonntaln.ua WllAsylum 4 3 0 S t 4 >—IT 10 S
darneas aad maay aUar batUa firlds
Hustlers .u : o o I 0 1— A « »
AATBB OP DBPABTXD EXBOBB which still laara mamariea at Ua auifa Enpibeer Fire 11
Suuck aut by NorU. 7: ATsher. S:
la tha braaab af many rataraaaaf Uoae Dlrrcior of Ua poor................
ABdrews. t Stolsn bases—Aaylam. 4;
KeztoB St Cemetery.............
Balds. In tba oonree of bb address be AdditioDsl
at Fire Itepartm
Ibpartmant »io HusUare. 3. Tw>faasa hito. D. Cox
msn St
paid a brilliaot and tauebinp tribute to
par mouth (or ume amplayad
and Dr Imwtoa.
' Ibnorlal Day Obaaraad WiU Kora
Ua younp ooldiers who bare .lately I Tha report of Ua oomaiittae on
Skaa Ueual BijCBifioanos^Oakwood
marched to Ua front in the deleaae ofjstrceU aad Walks was (aroraSle oa
Pra(taat WiU Floral OfEsriapa— liberty and of bnmaaily. aad deaenbed I pradinp and praraliap MadlMW atrael
Btp Blk Bapida Xxcnrnlon.
XBipteMlaa Xcarelaaa la Ua Aftar- bow Ua sacri'flcea of Ue Grand Army | from Front to Baadolpb aad ibe work
Thr axcarmloa to Elk Baplds on tba.
Booa oa {ha Oouaty Orouada—Aa of Ue Bapublic made it passible (or will ba done.
ud tk.y mil
5-011 Gim tlml • cliuiM
learner Columbia last arenlap piren i
Bloqaant Addtaw by P. O OUbart iboae aaldiaia to pa (orU ta batUe for
Mr. ibrrbou thoupbt a team sboojd I by the Creseent Band, eras larpaly pat- .
cotnfoit and case that come from maiiag SelZ Shoes
HamarlaA Uay waa ohaerrad ia Trur- Ua liberty of tba peoples of oUcr | be ready (or Ue pew cktmleal
'•■[roDlted. TWO hundred tickets were;
aad sma trill 6nd that the respect ertenda to yotir podm.
Btaa CIV
* deeper aad
nalton whoae prlnclplra oppoaad Uat | mqbt wa. laauactod to louk iuto the
OMdarer. faallac Uaa erer batora,
quite a pood tnaDy ware turned 1
hook, because SeU Shoea wear kaiger, therefore coat leas
■ eftbe
SM b ae loapar a dream
af the pasi
past. pM-plean prirlls pc. The address was i uattar aad report at next oauaoil
than others.
ad j'wiU flllM with inspiretloa sod Ua closaai! msrtisp.
a Tirid reality, aad mlapled
j The committee op Ways and Means
:^«ha mamoriaa of haroea pass ad kway. attenUon waa aoeordad the speaker.
FollawlDptks addrssa Ue Creeaesl reported the tax lery for the c-urranl
____ UeapbU of frtaads aad tb^
who bare left Uelr taomaa at tbelr>^»d played a selection, then Ue en- year aa loilows;
s.ias no
Ure andlanoa joined in alnplnf ■Amer-. Fire Department...................
^OBBtry'a call, ready to do aad dare all
of Wlaabadaa.Oatmsnr.
Tk, .~u..
-'t. .k.;“"“VuVd..“ :::::: ::: rS )
•hAan for Ua aaerod cauaa of liberty
make it easy for os to fit yon.
benedleUen by Be*. J. A. Bready.
i 1‘olioa fund............................
cost will be trifling but your comfort
Interest an^aaklofi’lnad
Oa Baaday-Ua membaie af MePberMB PiBt aad W. B C. atuadad dlrlaa
^teetaea atUs FiritM. B. cbnrob and
K. B. l>rnu want to Brand Baplds
. IIMmad to aa aloqaaaat and lasptea- Snnday.
Blm mamorial tarmaa by Bar. J
B. Waterbary laft (or Seattle. Kebac
l-ark fund.
Waahlnpwn. yaaterday
kl Hltltilwrc'* alorr. |9T
Monday moraine dawned clear aad
Mra. 3. W. Bannaa and danpbteri MTotal.
foT.se.s u
•raim. aad leap bafers tba boar aa- tnreed Inat nlpbt from Kalamnsoa.
To this will ba added a tax of fire ' <
•oaaead for Ue exerebaa at Oakwood
Be*. Joa. Paanloptoa and aea iWker
Bamabry. Ue plaaa waa Urobpad. with want to Lake Aon yaatorday (or a (aw tills as Ue dollar (or atraat fuad.i _
riiich win asiouBl to about tIO.Ouu. <
people, many drlrlap lu from tha aur- day'a oatinp.
toUl of about
- - Lariac bauds ue\>arkar FeDplnpton has raalpned tha
The Hoard af Bdueatton prasected'H
Marly eared (or Us last'rastlap places poeltion babas bald ia Ue "Faraaus"
heir aaanal bodpet swoontlnp to Sdit - > g
0t friaadt. and dowaie wars arary- for l^a paat fiea years.
Sikara. The pood work s( Ua Warnet CO. 73. leas one mill tax primary srbnol | 4
Mra. C. H. Huater of 8Ute atreel
BBk Camaury Impraramsut Amoeb- terUlned Mis. Wm Fapnn and Mr.' money sad (oralpo tuitl-io. eillmsled .j
St fit.SOU. or. laBTlap a net le«y af STS.- j g
•bB baa made a marked ebaupa la Ua. Newsmas of Maniatea Sunday.
Ttaia was spproeed wlUuul de- 8
B of Ue proaifda.
Earl lisBsett went to Island Lake
BBd elicited much f<
Snnday aad will rlslt In Ue sontbera
na pieras of Ue old soldiers. Urou
part of Ur state (era couple of moatbs. '*“■
«Bt tbs osmaury were deooraUd «
Mrs. Minnie Tnbelar arrieed last
Baps aad flowm and Ua soldiers' ■
nlpbt from Cbleapo to join her hus Cber^mlth It... Onit.Kw wed Nureer el
■■eat waa alabotauiy ulmmad.
band. who is pardsaer at tba aaylnm.
pifuaa years ape Ue Irai memorial
rinrlnltr. N C. Ms> It--Mies Bmras
W. B Dapan, Btotloi apenioffbeM.
' Barriosi ware bald Id Trarsraa City. A N. B. at Uka Aan. aceem^lad by lUiirell, OsuRblrr i>r Prsr.k iisnsell.
Mrer four mil-* fmm k'l-rtt..rd, w.i
BBd Uara were but two praraa to dee- Mrs. IwpnaSunday in Ua city. «hi.
sm) muidrird at hrr Tsthrr'i
BSBU. Taatarday forty-fear were reHerbert Monlapoe left for Detroit here-'. brl.e-<-n 2 and 3 oVI»-k Sunday
' mbarad by their camrmdea of Ue yaaterday mornlap to attend the annual sfietncKtii. After .hr h.d l-een ■*PWL Tba aasal Imprasslre and aol- msaUap of Ua Mlebtpan Uroeera' Amo- mulled her shMll.nl rut her throat
frtini rer l» ear. Tso nrprors were
Mr. and Mis. Carr of Dondaa nra Ua arr<aietl on sa.ptrlr.n and l»dcsd Id
•aary, aad eoaeladlap wlU Ua bapla pnaata of Mins Clnre Gnrr Uis week. ■he Cniirord Jsll. The affair aroused
tbe people and the xherift look mex*.
paU for ••'IVps. '
Mr. CAtt U nn anterprlainp newspaper nres to prevent a lyochln*. They were
Tba only maflfbar of tba UauBah min *n4 la naeociatad with his faUer Dal efiectlve.
Blflaa wbo has imaaed away alasa tba in Us pabUeaUoB of Us Dnndaa Ba■paaisaUoa of Ueoompaoy. waa John porter.
__________ _
teeuied peproex
•tawart. who was killed by aa
Joe Klsrr and Tom Johnson. The mob
MlBt aWal two yean apo. Bb prare
hustled them out to the ricinlly of the
Hr. Hawmosd la Hotter.
crime end hsnped them to the same
■M Boi forpouaa. aad Ua rsmal
A msaaapa from ChlMAr* states that tree, The bodlea were filled with buU
MtebOTS af Ue Blflta la town plaead
and are still banptnp. The men
lets s:
oa it a pieea of baaatiful daaipn aad
1 to Ua last.
bqspiul for' trpaunant, is pnln- protested their II
B ymATBRAK orrr. -
a '5'^
\i)V\eb the qo\ orve
out S5e
Summer Cor&ete.
eomiorVabVe itt, loo, auA UouV Ibe
\»eaT. MDVat
couU awaout ask. iorT
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front St.
i Teacher of Violin.^
Once More
Has invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and-once -m r,*
more in the interest of those who intend getting
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Coyeringi
U aoeardaaoe wAU Ualr usual ens- Inp eery rapidly. Be waa subjeetod to
tba mambeisof Ua L. L A and an eperatlon which be bere well and
: W. a I- A. daooratad Ua prarta of de new bis nlUmate reooeery is pnetically
parted mamban wlU baauUfBl Oow-.
Died at Laka Ana.
Daeld Beana. aped >e yeais, diadand•at IBM Impfsialra thaa tboad la Ue daaly eaatarday afurooaa at Imka
»0t4tBp. Bad Ub bripbUBM oi Ua day Ana, o< InflamaUm a< tba boe
Bddad ta tba todaaaMBb ta draw a Daoaaaad Isaaaa a wUa aad Urea abUdraa. alas a aistar and tbraa bretbma
BWfonaadBtOnapa haU UJmasfoc.
Mast paopia ba*e.a Tittle patience,
some paoplahn*a blot IfyoapetGeo.
R. Wfonla to buns your paper, yop
won't naad any. tor ba eamca when ba
across to. fioM't wnsto Us paper, and
«taa M m«a than oUarn.
OppOHlW Bfiglfi Ofiofi.
CTF -A-Isrs" gZUsTD
fWe mention the fact that we offer the oeet have Ue
^ largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better;sat- ^
^ Refaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us oonvinoe you.
Btraat and eraated aoaw Intaroal. aa It
waa after aama slek one of onr ova
Kara Thaa 900 Waatta«a^ Bataa oompaar. TbU proved to be doba Sooti,
Prom Kara Boadar:
na 1 afterward learoad; bnt It wna
Tbara wa. a r^b tor UUad X«ka tboorht biaUlnwa wonld not be'aarXAVD XAn lUVOAT.
Baadar maralar ta apUe of tbe tbroat- tooa
aalac waaUer. aad wbM tbe irala
Br tba war. <«• ot tba Blflaa eoaaleapt Opa. Ba«M Mif Bajapad a pal'ed oat tbara war* *S7 paiaaarara plainad to ma that ba bad not bean far
aboard. t» of them for Camp Batoa, niabed wlU a -bonaewtte.*' aad be bad
InaMaBt Dar With triaada aad
Abe rrmalDder tar Grand Baplda. At* no-wa^ to aborlan bla arsr troweer*.
I Balattvaa-TiattOfa dav Itma Pawbleh were evidenUr latanded for »
laada aad Wttaaaaad OaapXlfa.
tv tbe Trareree CUr aoldlw bore aad loacar man. and wbieb he wv> tbereI tor two taar boota ‘-Oar Bor*** tbelr bearu will be made flad aad fero ebllred to keep tmed up aa beet
p wattad for tbe uaU tbai waa Ihair tenu brlfbur tor maaj dapj be- be ooolo. I aaanrad blm tbat.doubUeaa
la briar tbelr friaad* aad ralaUrea. aad eao*e of (be rUU o( tbelr frieada from there waa anr aamber of ronor ladle*
• it41d poll U. tbara wa* a happr bame. Bsaldaa aoorea of baakeU e( wbo wonld baooir loo plad to make
I o( aoldiara. Draaadtlo ibalr rood tblora there wae aa abaadaoM rood the daBsleaer If tbar knew of It
a lha bori^rtaaoted Boa of Bowen and odda and an^ of oaatul- and 1 forlbar promiked him that I
woold pot a litUe ad.’la the Raeord U
and tier
« Croaal^ a train with a the editor would permit, without
from tbelr Trararee Cllr admlrebarflBr too much (or It TbU. ibera•a tba train palled invc ?amp
>'* P
.. __ _ loaf time
before tbe crowd. Wl
At tVhtie Cloud brcaklait »
fare. U tbe ad :
na^ to enter tbe camp taken and ao boor and a half ipeot
'BeuaeKlfe Waated-Br
foraUwareaaxIouto ahake repalrinr a break wbieb oceorred aloag rib, Iq pood and reiralar aundinr.
w'Ub tne aoldlaJt.
, the line. Time wa* made no. boweeer. Hu,t be well supplied witb needle*,
mah aranue waa tbe point befera Uraod ^pldi wae reached and pin., thread and button*. J'aablonable
rbodr waa raablar for. The
the train puCed Into Uland Uk« frtlla no object. All appUoation*
Plaee," -Panrhorn Boob#." depot there were eoo In the Uronr-| prompUj coeelderwl. Addre*a Uaanab j Word* of Viadom to Qraduntlnr 01am
Bmort.- "The Aartedion. but tbe 1 Klfle. Coin>an.v M. Camp Eaton "
br Eev. W. S. Wnght.
m." and in fact all tbe "boardlaf- pleasure of vlaitiur tba aaldiar* in j \Vc learned that Mrs. RoberU and
Tbe Praabrterian rhureb waa filled
were aeon erowied with—not
oblltaratad what diaooiplorw daurblerrMarlOD had been In camp tba
capacitr bunday nlgbt.
bat with Urn aoMlara were auffrrad. The Traverae City par- day before and taka* "pot luck" with
aeklnr hnakaU and L* reaebed home at «:lt banday mom' tbe boya Kartunately "pot luck" on tbe oGcaelon b-io* tba annual liaocalaurealeaannan. which ie tie Brat event
that day belar delicious frleaaead masa of rnod thlnr* to eat, from '“«•
In the Gommenrement cxereUee at the
oot, which wa* •ervad ap in 'beat Park
a Bat tbei
claae of the aehool year. Tbe new and
chnreh adiBoa waa beaollfiIt bad been my "intealion" to eat
ad still farther with Bower* *nd
dianar with the boy* If they wonld la
•vary hand, Haw aWanfa that A 4
crowded In every eorper with tbe papllt
ma. but aa Mr*. Meintoab bad
of tba boy. want without Ihair *
^a* at I.iand
of tbe acboola and frieada of tbe graddown tba aljrht b-fora. wa both
tmrarm tba middle af tba after- ^
uatea. Tbe aennon by Rev. Wiley K.
Lake, ana Trlla
took dlanv witb tbeeapuin. whan, by
(bkm aad plea
Wrlgbt was a powerfnl one and appeal
5 ! the way, I
Abant It
' hut tbara <
ed with mcch faroe to tba bearta of hb
______.h l*n*<»lait them for a few
baareiB. He compared life to a day,
paratlon. and I feuad it very good. In
raiiooame. nnlea* they eat at tbe
Traeana City. May n.
and dwelt opon tbe momiag boon a*
tba “b(U of adiblea" which the CMtpUl*
M rau Monday aa they did Sanday.
Before oomlafr home from tbe meet
akempllfled by youth. While eala^had raralved from bis aister * abort
Tba mma Uat aad bilehan
"Rejoice Ic tby
Inr of the r
dead the fnard-bonae. or ip military ** ibonyhl wa wonld ma down to la- time before
I yoalh.” be nrgad that not oaly wa* *m.
- "b*t-»«>"»a."
lead Lake to aaa "the boya." Throufh
d attMUo*.
nUnndaratakdinr or atopidlty oa
At « o'clock tbe bucla Bounded for y,, ^
"downing" Uem* ever ainoCL *^10 tbbi*^*
dra^pamde. and Cbmpaay M waa
aamalea*. (atnee I do not know bU
af a firm ralifiaiu parlsndablennderteklDgwegladlyhelped.| * *
r the Brat U' ba ready. They
wa war* told we ahould have-to
.,.u. D...,dw,.,
1 np Baa aa they llnad np In
Briebtoo. a aUUan
larly active in doing bis shi
■ fevnlef U>alrl«ata,anda* tbvy went
will prove a help and etrenfib to
la on* of the tent* lata which we
■ikmfrb aoma preliminary drill they camp, and wa ware therefomobUfedto
peeped as we paaaad by w^..tb^pi^t■•bnwwl that tbelr two week* of drUlin* ^rive down to tba lake from Ibera.
lleat sight—a swaev roay-ohe^ad bt■ b*d placed them an a foollnc with any The baaaty af the aoenery and tbe by. aalaep on a oot. aad ite Mdler■«t tbaoompanleein the amw militia, y^hnaaaof the day more tbaa oamtatbv. nlao aalaep. beside it.
■ Bnt in b<mv of tbelr vUitor* Company
u* for ihU tiOnbla. the only
Ic Ue tMt of Ue c^Uia of Ue
t and it I •
" K viM eaeuaed from dreaa-parada,
,^or^oed onr atoy
Maniatae aompany were two cuanlng
mneb to tbair joy.
aomewhat We learaad afurward that little kitten*, aa tame aad oonUntod aa b very probable that Mark Craw will
Tboae wbo aitneaaadtbedrea*parade’ tbU waa wholly i
•ry aa all If in some one** parlor. Thev were
deg attacked Mark'* amaH dog Frita, '
I bad notblar bnt pmiaea tor tbe S4th
well tad. aa milk b quite plaatifcl.
la froat of Cohen's empty store balld-1
I nfimeot. it wae « fraud alfht at tba
tbreufh atop at lha lake,
Anotker ■maacot" b a beantlfol tog which baa Ulely been improved ,
mlaa beaded by the 5tb Infantry
, delafailon from the ManI band and the eolor baarera. marched Utea company eomlnf ont with bone grayhoand called "Maod." whbb I witb a pUle glass frost. Feariag that | •
eentore to aay will eever contribute to hb pet wonld meet with serious injury. | *
|d«wn the parade froandt. The eoidler.
j M.rk bantlly seised s large oebble stone ! •
I ware applaaded for tbelr fin* abowinf.
j^uad. and uuy "pot luck."
I was v«T glad to have seen tbe ; ,„d Irt it fly with conslderabl* (arce. •
I At five o’clock tboae an fnard d»ty^
laiendod object Mark
reralUved. Lata In tbe aftvnoon p^.ipp «
camp fronnd. where I boya, even though I bad to swallow j
lOoveraor Pingree appenred on tbe ,ppp^ Carpsral Otto Kyaelka oa *bc tbe tear* once in a while, and I 'hope | ,onld have txwn moeh happier, but forIhey srare glad U tee me. They were tunately (or ihr dog, Ue missile passed
dby Frank FriedJ-e.
.to, Urough aue of Ue plau
It belnr near d'anar time tba boy*, all looklag forward wltc pleasant ex-;
window* laaviag a bole large
ItocelleBcy. Tbe.Uovemv invited all ware all sealtinf aroand whettlaf their paeutlon to the excursion which
uvenUon. (Aaan
■ bn have aupper with him and tboae who appetllea tVhether thU U a rafolar eomlng down aud which they know
^*|ter Ue pasaerby wa* nuraewd by the'.
I Meepted were treated toafood meal pert of tbe drill 1 eanoolmy at I beard wUl brtpg boeto of frieeds to camp
novmisvMAT »•
Ohr Neckwear stock la very complete, and will soon be
added to by another large invoice "Puffs," "Imperials,"
“Strings,” “Bows” and ‘Four-in-hands.” We expect them
tomorrow. Step in and ask about them. Incidentally
you might see our new Hats at the same time Some
decided novelties in the Hat line.
„a p„* » ,«■
If You Have Logs to Sell
Cormppond with the Traverse City Lomber Company.
We have for sale Good.
Sound Heinlock Lumber;
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
7*0X1 aAT.Tn
Mill Mschineryot bll descriptioaB.incladiDg Two Engines,
RM Works, Carrutges snd Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Aspsrsgus, Lettuce. Esdiebes, Bhubsrb |
Freeh Eveiy Day.
I 'PSoneieT.
I by colQCBd-Wdtter*.
: bo ordera Imnad. I waa favored with
raa e;St) wt>ea the train pulled pnt. p
into tbe cook tent where Oaorga
any M -received many renslnf ^^la waa performiof tbe ofiee of
» each of which wa* bnt a baa>—cber with dexterity and dUpatch
I wi^'t* "Onr Boy*" in camp.
f *e*reely to be expected from one not
I mt ww mported at Cbmp Eaton sJn 'Ualnad to the profeealon. There vre*
y that tba sub redment waa nV*5*PPe«»‘“r ameU of bacon la the air
o move fw two weeks a* sMb arf'h* wa* prepariof French toaat
I omnpanj A* to be awalled to lOfl men. f««« * bof* oUe of ahead-bread before
Among tbe many friends of Company »“■ t judge rgg. and _
milk _
mutt ^
I M-. Thirty
•Uer abuttcook.and forgot to ask if
B tbe grondde Sunday fi
I' ^aeee bealdca Traverat City. i
Yon^sve ail beaH of the beanty x>f
*e. Frank Holdaworth. Barry Kytbe location so I will not go inU any
I #nlka. Clarenoa Wkluey and Marlon
Ub 1* Ue worai one I ever madeGlass ba* advaneed loo per cent, bat!
And Wv arw not obliffed to hell mvAl at war pric<«. We h»ve «
my priee* are always the same. Leave * (?ar load of the bt'St wtmtern corn-fed etock nod can faraub yon tbe
ordera for parcels baggage and expraas j b«^t Cbicaeo be«f killed at home.
This advertisment iaclnding Mark's I
practice i* slinging will am
about 130.
Bingham Bros., Front SlneL
Hastiogs' Real Estate Agency.
FrakiQpa'a, Jamea A
Hern-a. Stnart Robeon'a, Margaret Ha«r*M Hooker is Dead.
thv'a. Madame Modjeska's. Walker
Grace V Jloeker. daughter of W. H
Whitaaide'a aad Rhea's Tbb abosM
mtke a strong groap of actor* aad Hosker. died Sandsy evening at v
o'clock afur ao llloeas o( severs! |
n> loM KB. r< >4 devUlDx. PeneuuC, SW dews aad IIS per weelS netU paM la
tV* playi
« acre* (brer wU— *oeib aad wvu rrow tbe e»r. Uted feed, weU wai*ee<
•ad Jean bmiU from Ypsilaatl; Byron
months. His* Bboksr was first at-1
Boldaworvb aad Will Newnma from
. tacked by typhoid,fever last December | ‘ *rO TblB I* * bsrx*l* ter aaljSlAl
The taaU are In rows like etroeta aad I lea. The company plays i engagrsere* I wllv«~i. all ImpreTvd. wlU be said u> ae* piece *r dlvtSed m eU
and bad scarcely 'reeoeerod from UU ',
AahueeeSlaeS I
when measle* followed and the long ._______________________
('•rand Rapids.
head Of Uair row Which ran.
rontlaued illucs* resnlted in qaick cos-1',abbt.Co.M..»U Eog." Tba tonm
Baltimore Stock I^Tead Throe Timm a Wa«k
» eajored sumption aud thus suddenly
OMpaay M.. wa* a cheerful crosrd are llkawlae all named, aad I copied
ouats. 40b per qnnrt
Mamduy. Tnc boy* took great plaaaure
tamsrlptloo* oa a
Siaadnrxla, 30c per quart
tbe City Opera House last night. The
u abowlng
ibsir friends about Ue They were aa follows:
Solid Heata
ladle* of (trace ebuteb were energetic held from tbe tamllT rcaldeote. ttr
«Bmp. 111* guard bouse wa* new Ko j ■> (which caamed '
in eecurlng aome of tbe very best vocal Webster street, on Wedoeedsy foreamlttod from tae rounds The only anOy aufgeativej
•Hotal WbUiog.'tilenl, bnt while tbelr eSorU were re norm at lo o'clock.
day was a new* boy wbo “bpaniurda—NU-" "Traverae Baaort"
warded with a fine artistic socosm. it
wiU aeverml other bey* bad b*ca e*-. wbieb baa a hone shoe fastened above
•ras a floaneial fsllnre. Madame UreMTMd by guanb eeveral mileo out of u. -CryaUI Palaee" "Fangborn Bona*"
Trovaroe Oity Harfcat.
Ihrom-Banani. assUtrd by Mies Rebec
•amp wlU the warning Uat if any of ••Traveree Beach Reoorl" the reaortan
Eoy (iibhs I* nnnlttg s felon oa’bb
ca HacKanxle. gave a high claae rrolul
tbom abonld reUro Uey would be put tn tbb being O. Krsdka. A. Soott, C.
*Uat wa* worthy of a crowded boese. left habd.
InUngnard houee nod Uen sent to cianlon. II Docker. C.Uargnve*. C.
El- Hoxlo and Alfred Moore went
the program inclnded eolos. dnets and
tbo reform ecbool. Only oae ralnrned Thacker. "Dewey'a Retreat." which 1
Norwegian songs and each dUplayed tront fishing upUc Boardmnn nver
and he had Ue pleasnra of having cal- waoU raUer bave'ebaagad to "Dewey’s
yeeterdsy and captured six'nlee ones.
tbe exceptional UlenU of Ue artists.
IIS 00 > Remember that 1 do aU kinds of reUr* nnmberlng several Ihonaand. ^e Ade*nce." it teem* to me. "Mo-ab-tao..
OT nnirlog aad enameling, and Uat I con
•Oldbn were wall pOBtado* Ue nnm- wan-la" "The Asylum" wboae Inmatao
It so *9fi do give you the beet work of asp
Island Uks Sunday was Ue sddiUcs i short Cot fork..... .
bmof boon one would have to apond *,8 abo pewtadabove tbe door as fol6U oae ia Ue citv for tke money. Don’t
Seeraury Holley of Ue K. O. T. M.
taln rnlco
Dunham. BhorUs SmIU.
- 00 he deoeived by what oUai* tell yon to
Ue member* of Ckimpany H, liU regi
00, the contrary, bat oome and eee for
iBaba Altzanda'r, i weighs 320) Dago
1 so I yonraelf.
arnand Central Hickigau. bseraeeiead ment. on Ue train tbU ride of Grand
bo In Ua
Bootmae. "Park PlaoT
ssboa* regular I
a *up|y«ad from Ue great camp fifty elegant colit doee not prove
■ Of bard tack.
Tbe county oonrUoose
to bo tbe "boa ton" aad are ragblAad oewd pictures of tbe Gwt Gamp Degree
toam in full elaborate eaelume. also
Ull S o'clock every evooin
eompapy have as follows: Fim Dovls Pete Hnnter,
161 exeept
except bonday.
in the
fine eagravinga of llraat Commandor
• prasantod to "Sasoka’' Roberta,
"Robe" Gaga
K I doe bnUdlng. at aorU nd of Onion
Boynton, founder of Ue order. Grant tact aad after
them by Ue Imdie* Library AtaoeU- “Duieb Tatma*. Tba laei tent In tba
will ask for bid* tor lbs eoastrncUeo -------Lieutonant
ftj» eery *aafnl. and tbr boys wbh to line baa a aign aonapicuonsly peatad
■ tbair sincere appreciation of "Girl Wantod.” wbeUer Mcook or dUb and Great Roconl Keeper Thomaa Wat
There wUI be s regular meeting ef
p,, ^
t auted (ne followlag son, all ofwbem will be prsaent at tbe
Iboglfta. ________________
Traverae CSly CbapUr. .order ef Ue Bran per
Smedley, big eelebrsUan to be held here Jane
OXJ> MSTUBS AT ELK EABIDB. WoodwarU. Brolthnapt, Wykoffi Dal- 23rd. Tba ptetom will ba dlqiUyad Eastern fitar. UM ovening. Tbeladios
wbo form U* sollolllng eommluee for
as a reminder af Ue coming event.
Friday might wUl meet .Wodaesday ^fiTDIO At*rt*OFT»AT*M«Tt
*«ntop and Picnic to Tab.,
Tba boy* all liok browp and rugged
afternoon in Ue Oongragntlonnl obnreh
Plan Tomorrow.
to ba making a pbmie of camp
Warrant for Brows*.
at 2 o’cleo^.
tke Old
loocldnot help UUklng
A warront w*a unned Honday for
team ter rig bearing n party of
t)«a wUl take place at Elk Raold* ^ y,,. enfoneod wait U a good Iblng. Oonglas Brower of Mayfield, by JnsUee
two ladM aad two yoong nsen name to
wodneoday. Every preparation U „
Varly. Browpr U ehanrad by Emory Ue elty*trom Inland yontorday and *p.bdaforageodUmeand mur Tra»- to.ed to Ue Ufs It wm vary hot U
ratarn btesa.'WhUe firiving oa
•neaiy paopla
people are iM|mn>c
prapariag to *V the camp Ua
Ue day I waa
wna tbara, iaad If aad battery upon George Gray, a pio
T1r«t-eUM Bigt. BvarpUlag tew
L'Bton straot. Ue toam bonamo frigbtga.A ItwUlbaa great ro.^ and Uey bad goa*
go., aat omm fartherr aonU
aad neat, tetea ns rananaabie m qap
y for old-tlmo trinnda ta wbei* it i* aUU faottor. or dlroeUy to neer of Uat locality. Uadorobsriff aaed and raa away. One of Uo moa,
first-elam bara la Ua el^. Olvo te a
Ashton waaitoMnyfialdyrotorday to
»t tajarod nad Uo rig wne
call aad gat
a and enjoy n C«ba or Uo PUllpplMW I am abnid
Oo to A»^ 0<ria««M bvbto abop
safe* tbo warrant.
Tbb hman* brok* asray fir year umsorial work. Tsi* obaln
goU picBlc dlBBor. Tbo bay l
many wmBd hnvo cooenmbod to tbo
trototbobacgTi trlteUairost aad BOW at werh WlU K. B. flUvm* anatot«lU»ahn trip* tor U* net------- '
We do not
--------...p,.w... belong to the combination
*--------- lent Motaa.
Tba B'jnu Stock Companv will be
aaan at Bteiobarg'e Urond for oae week
beginning June M. The Bijon Slock
dempany b one wall knowa ia Ue cast
and particnlarly ao ia Ue sutes of
New Yvk and Paansylvaata. The
managemeat promiaee a ibt of thor-
Vai7..i”™ J,V .. 1 “'>■
---------- a*
S48 Fnnt StiMt. {
Ui o I tno
‘^13 Front SL
Fletcher's Orstei Depet loA HesteetieL
Bicycle Riders.
Horse Hotel.. '
Umjj Sale lod^F^ Bui.
'"■ i
taB MOMmro bbookp. TTrEBPAT^MAY ai. isee
In operaUun ion.or.->lr. anVr'a'iaree*
year thut>down. Thr*e arc the only two
natural css fuel mills to the eountrr.
wi tto
ri««Ma *r
Oorp. at Tamps ai Oae*.
RIchmoB^ Tad.. May S9c-It la tha
•eneral Impreesloa of tboae who have
been in daily aiteadaoc* af the irtal
that the aute baa made a ttront caae.
and It It not believed that tha 4efenae will be dble to tbow that the
kllUBK waa In nett>de.'eDa*. a* Thrawlcy
baa oalmalned. Tbe atale baa Miovn
by a half dozen or more wlioesaea that
tbe body of Bhoemakvr. ae It lay la the
road, directly In front of the ThiMley
bone, showed no slant of bavlac llUen
after a atrunl*- Tbe anow was nve
Inches deep, and tbe abecace of foot*
prlnta, exccptlns those of^hoOmaker,
canaed thh state to clrc btapbasle to
the theon* that Thrawlaj was a
Runintd During • Fog by a Brit
ish St«am«r^hich Sinks
a. Unit Lattr.
g man js TES osTHBEB^ 8ns
New Tork. May » —A apeeWdiapcMi
to The Tribune says: Order* have at
laal rone forward to Major Oencral
Sbafter at Tampa to embark the cteal- ] Madison. Wla., May M. — Uovenior
ar porttoo of his conw. Imludlnx all (be ' Buahnell. of Obk>. and ex-Oovemur
rcmiar and a Tew of the moat efficient : «
O^'emor Adama of Colo-
asyreaslve mlUtary mq,vcment which
has been«> freoueiiily predicted and as
often delayed for rme cause or another
will he an aeo^mplUbed fact befnrv the
end of thi* week. The slrunicett unlU
Sampeon s
aquadmn will convoy tbe exjvdlllon
,ne «nea!i of Ooverror ScoOeld. who
I wlU ylve a banquet In ibeir honor at
' the pxecuUve mansion In the evenlnx.
. Every Uilnx former amemor of Wlaeontin. but Edwsnl Soloman. who I* In
■ Eurupe. wlU be rrvwnt.
PeMe'rwIoa Asked to'v^ewi*.
STfl^llTly^d^Med.* “ “
“''’'I^Phlladelphl.L May M.-A. S. ESiwn.
Pimultaneoutly the most rlyld eenaor- hauer. chief of the bu-ea^.f city pru>
ship of prem dispatches that has to far
a letter u. Alfred H.
been undertaken by tbe eovemment
will be pot Into operation ai Tampa and
— •Kr):..We«t. and no mraaaxe relatlnx to by May t1 the nsun It now occupies In
tbe movements of iropt or eblpA or In Independence ha 1. This request I* the
outcome of a letter written by President
any way spculatlny upon the exiwdltlon. will be permitted on tbe wire* U Loyv to Senor Kasasta and the queen
this means of preventlnx publication of rexeoi of Spain In which he express 'd
the opinion that the AmvHCan people
Informailon which would be axceedlnx*
were *Kaln*t war.
ly valunhle to S|<sln Is nol fully sueveuHardly WsHh KoCleknr Is TVaas.
ful Il.r censorablr will be promptly ex
Comliana. Tex.. May 3 —The wife of
a man't head at a closer ranire than two
be lonfldently aftertid that be
feel would be certain to bum boih hair yond the se< n-lary of war and the set- John Sh'roka drueirisi. last Tuesday reand skin, and would alto Uevrete the retury of the rnvy the presldmt will ivlvi>d sn iDsultinc. letter sijtned Na
than Mosley. A* soon a* Shook Irartied
scalp to a cnntlderable d rrec. None o'
•ivlllan to enjoy ble con- of the letter he aoueht out Mosley, who
tbece result r.>lln»ed tlioueh Thrawley.
il> matter until a landinc
on the day of the k;lIlnB. l.-)ld sn>enff on forelftn trirttory shall have been act- was a necro drayman; and shot him
four times, kllllns him Instantly. The
James, of Hrnrr countv. that he and
vally B>-vomplithed. and General Shatter
Mosley, from whom he sepaetaoetnaker were clliicbid -b'n the shut himself will have sraled order*, wboee ; rated last
_ ___
cuiiiriiir »%ii.
1! be
ur known
sio'riii ouij
only to General qups'luninx. brvl
! Mfe. and General CVrbln until
buvirx written t!
r-dltinn Is safely
Admiral Mualey'a death.
B-w Bs Bewlly maud*
tbe tjwestlwa at Sampson's sole Inatructirni
Mtebixante Nell More BmhU.
HawiUUa ABBrtsi>a*.
sD'rd the expedition and to co-operate
from tbe “nirawlry xste to within elxht
or lea feet of the body wet* found by
vartout witnesses.
The fact that the face of Shoemaker
was not powder-bumed nor discolored
In any sray. as a reault of thi^ shot. Is
another point which the suie believes
•bout that Tbrswley was not In dote
rans*. Dr. J. R. Welst and Dr. J. M.
•m Uiat «b« b»d a Unt» laca-d taoi«
•ter* In tier atanboard aid* abr«aM of
tfia malnmaat- Above the water line
tbe bole talended abost tea feet blgb
and six (bet wide. Jual how tar below
«b* water lint the miiaer «aa damased
cobM net be aaoertnlned. and none o(
4b« naval officer* would alve any |D>
(onnatloD la retard to the arcldenb At
•ooc at the tesRel came to anchor tbe
captain and crew , tweaty-one In all. oi
tbe BnUrti Meamer FoacoUa-whlch le(t
thla port Saiuiday with a caret) of na*
ablaerr and ccneral merehandle* (or
Bordeaux—went aabore.
Neither the
caplalD nor any of ble crew would talb
wbes they landed, and all ihri could be
•btalned (rum the officer* of fr.e «'<>•
iBiabla wa* that the two veeaeU had
-• e
lAnsInx.Hay so.—FreparailonsarebeWasblticion. Hay SO—The confllcfint v.1ih General Shatter under the Utter'*
, ' ins made by Ihe slatp officials (or aor
reports as to the attitude of Speaker j ulrectlon.__________
ether sale of war bonds to pay the exReed upon present conilderallon of tbe ‘
Bpesistd* Ha>* a tVo-lly Tarm,
of rnltlnx Ml'hlxar t quoU onHawaiian resolutions In the house, and ; jtaflrld. May SO.-A Kory waa printed der
troops. Tbece
the persUient rumor* of existinx differ- ; yeaterday
•rday In B Proxreaao to tbe effect , atlll rrmslns unissued tsoo.ojc
the speaker and RepubU- that the squsdruns
squadrons of Cem-er* and loan auihorixed b
tbe lexialsiuts.
can leaders In the house, ha* prompted-; Sampaon had come toyrtber
t .
off Jamaica
HsaeeBeport Belsre (he Iraals,
Ibe fullowlnc brief aialement of the and In the eneaxemem two of SampB'ashinxion. May M.—The report o(
speaker’s poaltlon. It was (umlahed by sro's ships were destroyed and one
)r aeiect, cummittce of the Ohio stale
oae who baa reviewed tbe entire situs- Bpanlab ship disabled, the Amerlcsat
•naie appointed to Investixate the alUon with blin;
"The quesUon U not of ! UUnx refuse In Haytlen waters. The
I Ii-xed attempt at bribery in eoanectlnn
Hawaiian attaesatloa at all Probably | ilorr I* not believed even here. (UpUIn
with Che election of M A Hanna to tbe
a malorlty of tbe Republicant of tbe , Anson, the marine minister.-saylnxonly
t'niled 8tatea aenate. was laid before
boose are fer It. U obUxed to vote; but such thiax ft "nesHy possible.tbe senate Saturday.
many prefer not to have the question 1
up because It will lead to delay, keep |
The plaxue at Honx Konx la maUliff
eenxress bere all summer, and prevent
rnxhUul headway amonx the native*,
from looklnx after
larxe numben of them dytax daily.
dUlrtct*. and at tbe tame time not bsiasu of U7« at St. fiutna*. declared
that Fraaee was r-aAif^'to matnlaia
aunax Hawaii.
Washlr.Xton. May ».—Jn issponae to
tbe Ulk about quarrels between j *•» strtciest nautralUy T« the aiapaneirnestiy bU offer 10 return to KansaB and raise
:ley and HIU and the speaker U tbe ; American war. and said be earnenl
neutral a rexlment of toMlerw under (he presi
ov.^«l .1 tb™. »,.r»,bd. ! 1“I»« 'b.. .b. .......
would su> cvvd
dent's sscosd oall for troops Represen
The main thlnx
tative Simpson, cd Kaiisaa. has received
bill, make the appro- Pvace.______________________
pass •
a teltwvam from Governor Leedy of that
state. In which he says that he is "In
clined to believe. In commoa with other
leave the president and his adviser*
d Brtttsher flesl. la II
cltiicns ot the state of-Kanaes. and es
time l<
pecially w Ith the citlaens of the Seventh
Annexations will then
London, May SR.-Enpiard's rreat eltdietnci,
that we would prefer that you
'( ihemselvesjf
laen was Saturday laid to rest In th* should remain In your present position
n— |i a Ballway Prsyress.
Valhalla of hU me. Military pomp durtnx the present crisis of the ailalr*
Anderson, tnd.. May ».-Tbe Indiana and tbe outward trapplr.es ufimxeanuy of our courtry."
Gas Uelt Electric railway was put la
operation Saturday between this city | glotined by the homaxe of his xretlest
Carbnville. Ills., May SO. — WlUlam
and Summltville and Marlcn and Pair- i aurrlvlnx coirterr;|„.r*ile* and bj- the
Perflc*. the sell-confessed murderer of
mount, leavinx but five miles t,) connect , iraumenl of universal rvverener ex- hit dauxhler. Anns, axed IS. will cheat
up to complete the Msr1on-And< ~* * *
the sallow*. It would seem.
He has
been ,timmltted to Jail two week*. Re
and when completed It will be Ihe k
cently he informed bit fellow prisoners
est system In the country, coverlnx <
and Ibe attendants that he was suSerISO miles. Tbe equipment Is hlxb 'cl
Inx from the bile of a mad di>x
Axsd Ceople Bratally Araaaned.
hae be-R vIo'enL barklnc and snarlinx
like a dox. bliinx and learinx his cloibea
Brooklleld. WIe. May ».—Ur. and,
to jiece* and xlvinx every evidence of
I the rabies. If he Is shamminx his pre
tense Is an e*<e1lenl Imitation.
beaten by two tramps at an early hr^u^ ,
Saturday, him Neul-ecker's
Cartewsaad AlBMlFatab
will proliably prove
I Lawren.eburx.Ind-ACay SO.—Benjamin
bond. ihc'i i'O In a s rinus condlllt
dltion. wl
' Hnld.-n, ,.f Ull-.-r l.,wnshlp. Is cnppled
recover. No clue to aasaltanu Robbery i
I with rhrumttism. and Is compelled to
was the motive.
I use two cane* In wxikinx. While In
Ibis xarden. In an.attempt to look over
F^Thi -t. laoaah
.CapUIn J. Evane of the
xetardlhc the .-<lll(l»n: •The Fcscolia
cleared from thu p.Tt
Bn on Sat«rday «
•J'twrEO of about f..
SBD tons. All went well until cvcnlny.
when a heavy foe set In. I was on tbe
bridf* and ordered tbe Ilfhta up and
the foc-w'bltUe kept solns. As the foe
erew denser tbe speed of the PoscolU
waa reduced to nne-taalf. About i o'clock
lAokDut Johnson.
B the .brldye. reported a
•teamer c>n l)ie port bow. Our llchia
w*r* burelRR biiebtlx and theforalenal
was whlstllRf. 1 looked up and saw a
bl( steamer with (our funnela dead
ead. At tt
ywds apart I
tneviuue. I
tbe approaebtny
«ne bUsL
CM>* T-cMb*r with a Crash.
•Thai waa ihe lliwt time I beard tbe
Oohimbla'B whlyUc. I InatanUy ordered
•ur enclne* full speed astern. The vee•els came toxetber. however, with a
terrible crash, and the bow of tbe FoacoUa rar. up on the crulaer's armor
bell and thetveut Ibruuyfa her sponson.
thb abbet.
ay M.-rollowln« are tha
Ever Bortied Oat?
rtnbs ftaturdsy: At rieveland-Baltl.
more 1 Cteve’and 0: -at 8(. LouIp—
Brooklyn I. Bt. txiuls S: (second CXJoe)
Brooklyn 1 St. Louts I; at lx>oU>vnie—
Boaton fr, Ix>ulsvllle 7; at Cincinnati—
New Tork 7, CTnciDratl J!; at Plttsbury
WashlDifton 7. FltUburx •; at Chicaco
—Phlladdphlo 10. Cbicajto 4.
Tfeaiem I.earue: At Indlanapollp—
Mlnneapolit 7, Inrtlanapollt f; at Detroit,
-Omaha 7. Detr.di 14: at Mll-ankeeKansas (Ttry «. VUIwaukee i. (Sunday)
at Columbus—St. Faul 4. Cniumbue Z:
at Mllwanfce<—Kansas city «. Mllwan-
UTSTj BAiq^oai,
O. P. CARVER. Ammt
John R. Santo,
Geieral listiaKe.
TMvarM City. Htab '
pier of the bic briditv of th* Northern j Wxrxbae* B4o*k.
Pacific railroad, welxblnc over S.OM.OM I___________________
pounds, was moved from Its foundation
Sunday aPemoon and slid on roller*
to a new foundation, a distance of
nrwrty lour foet. The pier waa Mitr
feet hixh twenly-flie feet wide and
twelve feet In diameter, built of solid
yranite. TT.e entire time occupied In
raovinc the pier was less than a minute,
ibe enclneers belnx assisted by a aUde
of earth which slid the entire mass
alenjf the steel rollers provided for that
lime I
I as in b*
Dr. Higgins,
M. R V. B
Tbe Med N E. trains leavlnx Traverae Citv at V:3& a m. and S:4U p. tn.
ennnretat Opemitli with'he A. A A.
B R. (or Arcadia. Tbe »t40 p. m. train
alto connects at Onekaina JanetioD (or
Through Veketa on aale.
U W CwkiNRHAti-Afoat.
Vitalized Air admmUtered (or alao
late painless ezUaetloo of teeth.
AatidoUr. (or extraeiion of teeth
wltboDt pain osed. Lateat'fcbd moat
Detroit Free Preaa or Tribon* de
livered (or Itk: par week.
City New* Co.
M.w Tork OysUis
am rec^vlpc direct from New York
A fine quality of oounta i
Dda. and staaU eoetiaue so
,___________________lonx as there la a
I maud. Tboae wtshluff oysters will And
Uy fresh. Fietel
B. J. Morgan,
On M. ft V. B. &. E.
All baggage, bad and hack work
for. aaid road ahonld be
me Office 239 State street, telepbose 3. AU ordera kft with me
will receive pmopt attentioo.
AUOTMja *t lAW.
Gfuil Ripidi i Udlui 1.1
0,ILBBR * OA'tffA Aaeri^.^«pra1ala
■tTT B MOOS. Phrwclaa and danjera.ir^
W . Best Of the eye sMcBr/ToaBti Oseblock*. 'Phima. hoaa* sad el-
r. Offices. City Opera
1 locked for a
l.arklry of t
Tbe wreckaxe stuck In the eruli
above and below the' water line,
caused the Columbia to list conslder^Ir
Had It not been for tbe bulxtnx
Of the sponaon from the side of the
sratshlp the Foseolla would <,n!> have
•truck the Colombia a xlaneinx blow.
FtMcolia Totally l>lM>birA
Tt was dead calm at the Ume of the
tollMon. After baeklnp away 1 saw
that the tnjurj' to the Fosolla was seri
ous and Instantly ordered the life boats
They were In the water In
Just (' ur minute* and my fifteen aeamen w.rc ordered" into them. I re
mained sbrerd the wreck with try five
Officers.. 1I> enBiocer*. after trylnx tbe
isjfted the
Ornament wonlheBrooklyn Handicap,
w-nrih S1<'000. with ease Saturdsv.
The; IiBilaB cabinet has resixtied. Kinx
Humbert has Instructed the Marquis dl
Rudlql.Jo orxacixe the cabinet.
Custodian Bjsn Is now in ptwreselee
of th* office of the InlersUU Bulldtni
and Loan aasociatloo. of BloomloctOD.
able of w rklnx the ahlp. " The ahip
Wat leakinc badly and the pump* made
■ little Impr, sMon on ' the water. The
captain stin d by bis ahlp. however, un
til she Went clown, and then wentabeyard
a I-ske. Ind .
W —The (Inal
**ercls-s nf the I'resl.yisrtan xeneral
•arambly t.- h the form of ronxrainlatory speevhrs by the tcodemtor end
Dr. Itndcllffe referred to the
'pointed with h..|x to the futuro. The
action of th- ^,'ew York presj.ytery. In
dropplnx th- name of Dr. lirlxxs from
, the roll was n|.i.r..ved. A resolution deetartnx the loyalty of the church to tbe
WDvernment was adopted Notblnxwas
dor* about ^ani'. union with tbe
aouthern'churth. A resolution qf xrat(tude (o the Britlsi. twtion for Its teliBWahlp In the war erlals was adopted.
A protest Bfraintt a Roman (^athoUc
t hour*
.«< the assembly wetY devoted to routine
baSlness, and a rescdutlon was adopted
•Xalnst the sale of liquor onirovernment
to# 11
Oedumbu City, Ind., Mar It-F. J.
Beller. of WblUey county, was Bainr.
day nominated at the Democratic Joint
as the candidate for tbe joint
dtomot of Whitley and Huntinxiou
•euntlea. ReBolntiout were adopted ladorstax to* Cbicaxo platform, favorinx
a rtcoAua «mr policy and Indoralnc tk*
«a(Mr of Senator Turple.
! and he’fell forward and his neck waa
cauchi r»-tween two pickets. He was
unable to extrlraie himself, and when
I discovered by hts family he Was un
conscious srd nearly d-ad.
€> M*rw Mis.
vtxTMtxxm ziaxr
I-''R^ii. May Jv.—The xoveruor of
pirascd In the outspoken (rratllude of SlrrTtf^ne cahls* to Ih* CulonlaJ office
• lie
, free javrple. Between Westminster ^ ‘‘v" “«•
and Mr* McGraw. th■With few exceptions the German
Abbey Is s shert dlslaace. Ain-rli an mlsslornne*. were mataacred
press continue* Its rampeixn of abuse ,nd etvrj- spot on which the eye rested I **">''
* •* Tai»A nesr the Svcna ef
the other r
-------- outspokenly or by , .warmed with human beinxm
The poreesslon of members of parlla■*w Route to 0hl*M«l-harkey
J wihcd t
an otter to me-t lluhlln before
lAwl*' Greater New York
s weie present, but i
Coney lalsnd.
Lnwrence Hook'a saloon and Elevld I in a body ttutethey from the ..-jse to [.operated b.T --___________ ______
•ArvJn’s residence at Wasbinxion. lad., the Abbey. Gladsiom's Rrsv„ Is Immt- isystem and tbe G sod Eapids A ludi■cd by fire. Evidence polnta j dialely next to that of Dlsra-ll. hiextcHi >na Eallwsy via Viekabnrf.
(p iRcei
Trams will ai.'ivc at and depert from
' Dearborn stalioD. Cblcarn. This alat¥he t
I Ion is oa Hoik eireeu between
tbe .Mkhlxsn P
t irty win be held WednesdaysndTburs
dsy at LonalnxGoveruor MclAurln.' of Ulsalstlppl. Owe Killed sad
has appointed RepresenUtlve William
Sullivan to me fnlted Btales senate i
10 succeed the b
After quite a
,p-.o,ubeen selected by the Brotherhoodof Lo- I cnmi, 1 .
form,live Enxtreers as tbe place In i arm ' -ri,
which to bold toe fourth biennial oen- '
J"hn O. Johnson, a well-knosrp eitlxen
c( .vycBQW. Ilia. CC years old. while
cfowlrA toe railroad Inuka was struck
by a frelxht train sad falaUy hnrt. dyrxploMcn of a
•tt Carney
WlUlam Brow-u. a woritman. was killed.
Collins shot and moruny
sroiinded Joseph
Cisycrofl, colored,
while the tatter was attemptlnx to en
ter a wrindew in tbe OeUlns reffidence at
JeffersonvUle. InA /
General Eralus Newton Bates, ptum
Inently Identified with tbe. elvtl and
ininury Malory of the atate* of llUnols
and Minnesota, died at MlnnoapolU last
nlxht. affedTS yesra,
It la stated at Waishlnxtcm. net efficlally. however, that James B. AnxelL
minister to Turkey, baa resixtied from
bis post and will be ancceedcd by Oarar
8. Straus, cf New Tork. former mlnlsur U. Turkey.
Miniaar ta nsaaeSal Triahla
Wabash. Ind, ^ay M.—Mra. C. K.
Oomer. mlUlner of Ootoen. has teUtd
Vito UaUUUaa •( about tLMt.
VUUoci* at them don't know tew to
e Other Caplarcd—A
Ihv .a I.J I U) h«nd ,.\vr H.r„Mj-rs ih-R rnuunlrd their
.;'srppe:.r,-d. A large pease
pur-'ilt. They .iv-nook the
distance from
The rd-hc's iln-d. >v.,undlnx a man
nani'-d .Mir'.. Th- t-i»s- r-turn-4 th*
(Ire. kil Inx one of the roSh-rv and eoiut
pellloB :he o h-r t- s.:tr, nder. Half at
the stolen tuorey v a« recoveredDes Mollies, la., Jday M.-Tbe *upreme court iiaa brought the PrimeGoes!
National Cuaid controversy
In favor of Prime lo be affirmed by
opeistlon uf law. as the conn was tied
oa the case and could not agree. Tbe
trouble arose over a contest for lb*
OIBec of adjutant xrovrkU >h which John
R. Prime was elected. Gneal havliix
j.down town boalue . and hotel diatticta
rsllronds. Using
Iff this
statiSD a'Ve
' AtekisoD.
-. Topeka A Sante
Fc. “Wabash
Cbicaxo A Easternwllllaol
ernwIlllBoia. Chicago.
LouikTlIle and Erie,
J No transfer will, therefore. E>e ne«CB,aary for paaaengeis to or from the
above meolioned line*.
Important hUtioos on this through
| ear llse between Chicago and Grand
, Raplda are Valparaiso. Soulb Bend and
Htabawaba. Ind . Vickaburg. EUlamazoo and PLainwell. Mich.
Tbe eqoipmenl osed In previdlng this
service will consist of new standard
vasUboledday coaches. Pullman buf
fet parlor cars aod tbe latest designs of
(Oilman wide vealibuled. gsa-Hghled.
twclvs-seetlon drawing room sleeping
It is believed that tb* ebaractar
I will be aueh as to
merit a liberal atronage by the iravel-
Ar^r^rraw^tS c!S*^
TrwtasaerlTetras Otaelaean
'-*<* I
HARIKB poItA* (or
TTSTvrve City Lob bee O
aralra* at USS *. B
h.Bi. MlrU -_____________________________
unsm lu ionuunn li
Ts laka aSen eanday, JsB* a, UH.
^j^aVTXD-1 xtrt B
lBX»oesire-t Trw'vtse
^XifLoru siDSWaiA
bus,, toe sals
Ira.lg^ 6
•^AXTEP-A (.« ro«l B-s. Apidjl^^vlo
‘)M Ml
City proi-rvy lo ezr**iiss. or will
UALX-Al'Wk of caafrcUoaery sad Sz'vs W Bock, ar Culoe Biivev.
jeTB wasTro“ro* "Wab wnw
'AIK." loflodlas tBUKsoa Msasd Uod.
BsaiJ sbout sfBlew oiTio«. foru sad
pefbotfc nstlosasadssrspblrsuMy
_____ ..stales—, of
nllSBt Orwey: tells
rlfloty o'
oe. BfUey. Pttskarb
.f sK>gi H
I.swNDd irsdus ooBBaodeTa. br Boe- damra
RaaklB YouBS. tkr Isisrptd leader for Oiba
Utwv IS the halls of Coacresa tSc xrvaMi
£.3!=? ^
so Wnber receives grwM tim^^BlBB (raw
rredJt: (rwixM
ti to**
lloeHug is a ooadeuied acted-
A rrw GOOD uxj MBiri
A CliyLosiherCo. RU-lf
Oenl Paas'rasd Tickat Agaut.
X. * R. X. R. R. Sommer SxeoraioPA
\Ylre NaU mlUa. a trust
point would be In full (^ration agsla
today with T» men and that the Hazeu
Wit* Nail muia. tscently purchased by
toe United States Nall .eompeny, of
nUddelBlfla Cte-U-ttHlO. R«B»WJw P«
to4p.a. Tsle^>iBe.n.
inverse City tn Maalsi** oa Sunday,
May nod, -*ad e^ eiker Sonday
thereafter. Traini leave Traverse City
at B;J0 a. m. Betoraing train* teara
ManlstaeatSitOp ». Usnat low ratea
Booad trip (are aetmon than 81-00 (or
l^a^^OOPf^ ai
tleneral Paarangar Agaat.
with Bcrl, th* Jwwalar.
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