The Morning Record, August 25, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 25, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




jLgniaaXio A«reM to Oo-6p«i»to With Amwloaiw.

svTsaTAXirss xv onrnoxr.
MU* AMrmm by
Delrcit. A«n>M 14 —Tbe rtelUar
imhMU wan royally aatarta


on now pAomo ooaat.


Bdltor BeToaay Balay Paahad fbr

Bare Begun Between MUee
and Alger.

eoMlat to Ta* Hemac a

Hammocks From 1-3 To 1-4 Off.

noBBoad ban toalykt that tha preeideat haa deeidad to appoint aaa mambar of tha paaea immmtmioB frtMn tba
Padda eoaat. Editor DaYoaay b be­
MS tha PkillppUaa an OtTea Ba^ to Playnah apaeeh oa the 'Eemady for AUcyad ThatSaentaiy Alyar Bap- lay poohad for tha plaea.
290 Froat Street
HoUejr A Oonnattts
•paia-,Would ba Satiafiad tf tha Baalaam Work"
pranad Ordan AObetlay «ha Oar.
Mayor Maybary alao made
lalaada an Kada a Ooloay
aithar iba Vnitad Btana or Oraat a happy addnaa to tba tn haadrad
■ BlamairTaiyPUiBty ia VoBlaatad Por OoBytaaa by XDmae.
daleyatae at the ehambar of oommana.
onto of Saeoad Siatriet.
anemi u Tn Moonaa Baraaa.
epwlal latn Hoaraa Bmoea.
Aayaat tt.-O. B. Piano
iila,A>aal tt—At a a
Waabtaytaa. Aayaat 14-Opaa heaw lot,
lot. with
■ We haie a new
index or without, at price*
today batwaan tba
UUtiaabatwaadOaaatalMilmaad Sae- otBodaae.Twaawao eoaaty. eaptarad never made^before for
3T corr«spoQding
ooayraaaiBBal ebanatioa
. tba foraar daeland
nlary Alyar han bayao.
araAOTOL v. r.
pbatiaally that thay wan wtUlay to
MUat hat yivaa aetthafollowlay tteta- for tba BOMad dbtriet, on tha aiyhth
oo^anta with tha Amaricasa aad aar- toofa niowB Prom Paotorlaa aad meat aaeatlnySaontary Alyar of tap- ballot
randar thalr anu ^romptiy if anand
Beat Ooaaty Tmkat
Other Baitdiaya Sayaral Kaa Fa- prtatlay ordan: "After I arrived at
tt woold ramala aithar aa Aaiarlaaa
tally Ibjarad aad Btraat Oar Trafte
wctal wTn Muara* taemm
cral Shafter aad while I i
Oraad Bapida. Aay.—*4 -Tba npaba BriUah eoloay. or aadcr tha protaciay tba aamadar aayoU
Ikaa eoaaty eoanatiaa ben today
data of tha Onltad BWtaa or Oraat apwiei w a* Hrann Kaoeaa.
Byraeaae, Aayoat S4-—Tba huni
. Oaacral Oorhia aaat a apaotal dla- named tba pnaaat ofBean for the nea
Otharwiaa. tha laaari
pateh to Oaaaral Shafter amariay. him thb falL The head of tha ticket b aa
laadan aaaertad, thay woBld aot dan which atra^ thia city this after
la what yoaU pi^>ow If you want a
tadlaam, bat matt poalUraly rafaaa did thooaaada of dallan worth of dam- my oominy made ao dilfaraaca in hia fallowa; Sheriff. Irvlay Woodwt
maad. that 1 did
yo to aopar- clorir. W. J. Tbomaa; traaoarar, Henry
tedoaa Thay tbraataa fraah nhelKoa aye. The roofa of four faetorlaa <
D. Proctor: mybtar of daada. P. OrbwithlB a month if tbe Amarioaat with- blowB off. Three Btaa employed at a aadehlm.
Car atoeic of t^ yooM (aU Uit aeaaaa*a atyU) yo at ynaUy eat arieoa
"TUa diapateb 1 did aot aae thaa and woUL
power hoaea of tba Imkaaida ralLi
-S9eto«S7B. ValaaeanSt.UtoS4.n. BattarmtWat^
Oaaaral Shatter did not meation it to
Than idy btUl »a Troabla
Coafamd With tha Praetdaat
me. bat it waa yina eat far pabUeawaat
ReUahle.Dry Goods, Carpet
«ndal ta Tn Hoinae mneao.
Uoa in Waahlnytoa. It mlyht have
af them, an alaatrieal aayli
and Clothing House.
Waahinftoa. Aayaat M.<p-WhUa tha
Waahiaytoa. Aayaat 94.—Saaator
Utaat cablarrama from llaalla ahow
Daybaf Mlnaaaeta. ekalnaan of tha
that Oaaaral Marritt haa aaeeaadad la ia baUarad to ban bean fatally iajarad eapt that it waa haaad oa aa impcaaibllity."
vaaaatiliar Ayalaaldo to tba axiaUay by baiay blowa from tha roof of a fao-'
I of tha pnddnt
> mon tapataadad Gaaan)
atau af afralia, it te aald by pnmiaaat tory. Sinet ear aarriea waa delayed
wtoa. waa la ooaShafter than a coloaol aniwraiidaa a
ba«aean of tha roraramant that tha
lat McKialay thb
foaaidaat axp^ tnable with tba caaae of traaa which fall an tha ralla
aftanaoa over the itorthaomiBy^ work
with a eampaay of aoldlan aad waa
. PbUipplaa laaarraata la tha aaar fa- aad troUey linea. Pari af tha roof of
of thb aommbaloB.
• «an.aad^taaaeonatqaaaeaha haa tha Gkarcb of Aaeaaaloa waa blows
of tha rayimaat. tha coloaol eoald
Bxeanioa Tlokata Waatad. at ClW
aoantaraBaadad hta ordan that ao man andaetataaef tha Vliyla Mary waa
aapanada tbe aapuln. Ha-woald News Stood, pMtoffloa.
blowa off aad lodyadia tha eallar.
draopa ahaU ba aaal to tha relaf
Blmply taka oommand of tke aatln
4uat a< tha Amorteaaa
force aa X did at Saatlayo. That thb
Tba d^artan fnm 8aa FraaeiMo
teet wai ncoyalud by tke war
^aatarday of tha AriMoa wiU Oaaaral
Doad for Pratt Bnblny.
Oaelaraa tba Baeratary of War fa a dapartsBoatwaaihawabyall tha aabMarrimaa oa board waa to ban
Oow) for Steak Babiny.
Cor. Proat ud Caw Oio.
Credit ta tha VaUoa aad Baa
for all tha dbGood for Oaaeml Farmlay.
ioUowad today by tha aaiUay of tbe
MadaaOood VaoorA
patebaa from Waahiaytoa in rayard' lo
M. VUkolw.
The ablpa will carry tOOO
Datralt, Aayaat M.—Oonraar Pla- tba aamadar came to me. and Oeaaaldian. Added to tba axpadiUoa aow
yraa, wha ia Jest back fnm Haw York, aral Shafter waa aot meetlonad la
aadar way aad tba one that haa joat
waa aakad abeat hit allwad political
raaobed Maaila the tola) etnnytb of
deal with Saeniary Alyar. fia aaid
dba United Sutaa army wUI be la the
, lliTnBLD.MIOH.
then waa ao pollUea ia bta riait. fia
BaontairAlyar WlU Bake Vanoaal
•alfbbarhood of 17. too maa.
It bacaaea ba waatad to aae tha
laapaetiaB of Boldian Vram
the war dapartmaat will not ctop
review, aad to ba with hia Detroit
with thatnambar. It ta alaeoat
style of
New York, Aayaat 94.—Secretory
tala that aaoayh man will be aaat U frleada, aad ba added;
Alyer haa yoae to Gamp Wikofl, at
"Yoa eaa Joat aay tor me that
yaiae tha Aamrioan army to man.
Moataak Polat. Oa aald that ba made
aad that the ffonramaat wtU eoatiana
ap bb mind late Monday aiyht to vbit
to make arraacamaBU tar rhUipplaa Oaaaral Alyar wUlbeaorry Utor oa. the eoldian at Ckmp Wihuff aad
They an aot yaiay to yet him oat of a penoaal iaveeUyaUua of iba advene
. Ayaiaaldo'B eooraa haa caand t^e tha war dapartmaat Ha b yotay to ■iUebou that have beaa made.
Which I am tailing,
He aald; "1 wUI atay two «r three
praaidaat to ba apprehaaalre and it ia atay riybt than aaUl the aad of Mr.
good thing.
daya. if aaeemary. to owke a complete
aald oa tha heat aathoiity that ha will McKlnlay’a torm. aad he U. aad wUl Inveatlyatioa. If I can make one aolaol Uka aay ehaacat oa the iaaermata ba. a credit to tha departaant, tba diar a llUIe man oomfortoble I ah
I have also in connection
cMBtry. aad tha aiata of Mlahiyaa to b 1 raraid far the tnable of the trip.'
kacplay thalr pladya with
^tarUna wa^of baifainkaatlartB Ue<
Whoa aaked aboat tbe maateriay oat with mr undertaking busi­
Marritt. OfiBantaloeeaakma
taro home fnlly eoBvlaeod
oar porebaom a
Spaakiay of hit latarvlaw with Ad- a( the troopa. he aald; "That b
a full line of
oolamn promlaaa han baaa mada. hat
dealt manor aad haa bean delayed to
trie^ aadltotr^"
U aaah taataaoa they han haaa brokyive oa a ebaaoe to nudrn tha heat
‘Wahlay told me. ia a u'ttla Aat wa
move. - All Ue volaataen who have
IOC dona mci->■0 linaa 4-pIy aallan (la all the lataet aWl«) «orU tie,
had. that ba axpactad to loae hia chip
aarvloe either at Santiayo or Man­
all yo for.
that day off Saatlaya whea ba aaw tha ila, with a few exoapt>aaa. will ba maa99 dona mea'a Uoao cafEa, In diSanat i
91 doaan maa'* Uaadriad ahirta. fi
oat of tha harbor. tmad oak Maey of tbe volnotaen
oaa, all otayed and nlniorcad.
1. Na>l
ooaklrt made hatter, for. ..ote
Saportad Prom Kadrld That Bpaaiab
9S dosaa maa'a black and tea aaamloH
mlam hoaa, rayalar IBe yoote, ye at 7c n
‘aatU tha other haata yet ia naya, aad cle Sam aad for daya 1 have baaa
aad laaaryimtB Ban Bad a
baoieyad by latten, paUttoaa aad par394 Unian Street
tailoaB Battle.
1 made ap my miad to tackle tka whale oooaiapp^ bv tta frleada of each
is dotaa maa'* black Prei^
8p*eUlU>TnMoBn«oRBX>u). '
_76e, a hammer, at..............
>t Oed waa with aa that day '"
rcylmaU to keep them in tha aarrioa.
..ciew U uid
Laadoa, Aayatt 94.—Aaaardiay to a, Tba yavaraor aba add that heaanr
"OI oonna a larya army b aaoaaaaiy
dtapateb from Madrid to a local aowa iw maa SB ylad to eaa aaeh atbar oa aad will be kept ap. Havarthalata, wa
feel that then an many who made a
ayaaey thon.haa baea aerloai dybtlay Mae man oa tba ablpa
paenaiary aacrlttoa to yet to Ua front,
hetwean Spaalarda aad laaoryaata u
and BOW that they are not Beaded, wa
Caba U which tha iaanryeaU loot soe
wont to yive Uem back to their famlkUlad aad otraadad, tha nportcaaaot
Glaw Block.
Iba aad boalaepa I do not know Joat
Treyeme City, Midi.
Vint ahlpXmadofforn
whan tba affiebi order for the maater
bh Boldian Voaabad Roma,
eat will ba yivaa, hut 1 thiak wlthia a
aneui to Ta* MonuB Baevai).
Coranaa. Spain. Aayaat 94.—Tb<
"What wUl tha yovmmaat da for
laaaaaXUa«tKaaoa Baay BImtalf
SpaaUh ateamar AUcaato, with tha amay of tha volnataari wha may lad
With a TovaL
fim of SpalD-k repatriated eotdiera. it ImpaaalMa to yet their old poaltloaa
Opoetel to T8B Mena I'Baom
ba waa aaked.
Wbe arrived fnm Saaiiayo de Caba.
"Tbatb another problem. I I
Maaoa. Aayaat 94 -Peal Balaw. aa reached ban to^N^c^oM crowda
that then will aot he manyanch m
yatharadOB the qaayt^Bto wan not al- aa ) believe that Ua patrietbm of
jail ha^ oommittod aniaida today by
towad to yet near tba va^ far laai ployen b qalto ynat aapayh to .
hanyiny hlmaall with a towel.
of yellow favor contaylon.' All tha cloda each a paariWIlty. Bat the yor■;;AngrM-«800, «saO ud MOO IndlM-aiibM
CTaffiaatcaB da aotilay ia
mUitory aad eivu
To Batin to iMoyaa XaiaaA
maa an nfaaad their eld
Im M1
eptrtiltoTn Mouuo KBcoaa.
w im
“Kiigiw.- *4.00, *6,c» and *6.00 Kai-* SboM
WaBhlaytea, Aayaat 94.—Or
WliX VOT TOUVTBB X.AKVS. omploymant baraai
ban baaa yivaa for the twotriplaaenw
Uefon the r^manb an maatorad
80 pair* -PlngrM- *3X» I.*dlM JnU*t* *t............*1.98
The PraaMaat WiU ba Away Oaly oat all men that an ahaeat will be
oraban. Colombia aad Mlanoi
llSJpilr. -Ptogiw **XX> and *8.50 Ladiia’ Ozlbrda
Tbna Ztoya, Thb Trip.
eallMl back to tha enmpa to pnvant
rvlea ia thdr
aay cenfoaloD la paylay Uam off. The
MclaiwTnilaaBiM Bacon.
. openlloBB U tha Waat' ladlaa, to ya
WaaUaytoa. Anyaat 94.-Praai^Bt omn vrUl ba allowed to kaap Ualr yoaa
80 pair* Ladlaa *1 BO and »I.7B OxSwda nt;........ *1.00
Into "laatirn" at tbt Laayne
by payiay a atipalntod priaa for
McKinlay'a vaoatloa la tha Immadlata
n pair* Hiasaa- *1.00 and *1J!B Oxlhrda nt............7«c
‘ aavy yard.
___________ _
ty oat potato wlU ba Ua
fatan will aot likely iadtida a tear of Btate eacampmeoto of Ue varloaa r^OhUdran-annd lOaaaa’Onlf 81u»snt......................80o
tba lakea. Ha wfll prsbably only be
Waahiaytoa, Aayaat 94 —Private eat of Waahiaytoa throe daya. Be
Oaoryc Kant. Thlrty-faarth Michlyaa, will try te yet away wiihia 19 daya. apaelal laTai Mouia* Baceaa
boBUanaralShafUrblbtoftha dead TUaiaaxelasinof hb trip to Omaha
Oatfolk Aayaat <4.->Tha praaidaat
from typtloU fever. . Than an m»m ^laatofS^rtamber.
today npaQUUd John W. Piaa«y of
8S1 fever caaae ia tha army at San^ivcr
Vxeantoa Ti^ta Waatad. at Oty
'Txuo 0±a. SeUa-ble aixoQxcLazL.
Thera an aeraaty-foar aaw eaaca.
Kawa Stand, poaioitaa.
' Ua Uaitod Stotaant PhOodalpUn.

Bat DoolorM Inrargants Will

nor Pinyree aad Jaatia B. Whltiay

The Oenerel Olalme Credit
etren Shafter.



A Bible!


Mirttiia Dlocl.


Just Part
of the Price




Hastings’ fisal Estate Hgsafi.

Traieru Gitjr 8cM tfJlRsic!





Sometliing Nev!

Extension Table

'a. L.GIBBS,

Boston Store I
Bafgain fajj porerennefs!

nMT»l6 III CUBi.

Fine Furniture.




Carhartt Overalls!


It HamiltOD ClDthing Go's.

Summer ^hoe Snaps!

Aid flitg|[ Otter Dtote* lioos radictd li irice.

IE?2?a.33Jk: IE*3?iedj?icln.

«UTSBSxomr. . iqokioa: fikdolctd In by th« Boftrd of
' _«u5^i^'m4Lp.

•owtif MMaaof
Ba «e«OlBAad wltb • ^awtaf Mb«ta to tka
wik a( Mr. OnwB. Mr. OoekUa
^ aM0lk
orar by Mtarrlar to «ba ffwt labor

Dealer in DicyctesaGicycle Sundries


jb. BOOM. 8~xM by 8UP...

intoodoot Ontwa

Mf work ta ilfst oinn ssd prieen that nn in nsebof alL Ism
prepared of nil tinw to Uke rare of tbe tnde. I make s spedslta ia
Bradag, yolcsaisiiig and Ennaieliu. A fine Use of vbeetg for nls
and to rent.
J. 0. SLLI8, Sll Front street, eavU

weald eaaaaaarara erftiatom. whUe aa
amattarof foot tha aalaetiaaa wpra
la At a rnrriaaa Maattag by ^ mada far tka beet Utameta of the
Bmindi Wbaaa Mettaa to Saaa aekooto. Aflar aoma fortkar dtoeuTaaeban' Appllaattaao VOad mth •kn tka motloB ta roeeiad theacUoaof
tke board ia qaeottoo woe eairtod, the
onig Bofatlre rota bring that of Mr.'
MM yftwir^oui.
OwTsspsod with tbe TrSTorse OHy Ltunbsr Oompsny.
Mat riaao tha eHr'traa orgablaad
We here for ssle Good,
Tbto matter daapoaad of tba roatlaa
tkorabtto aaab a warn tfaa'at
boeinmo of the bMrd wae naamod
■aattof af toa baard of aioaattoa
On racomaeadatiew of tka eoauaittaa
tkara via laat alght. It waa a loog
on wags aad I aaaa claiau amoaatlag
M. a Xtodg* a OanStdatn
Baetlac aad faU of aiattan of
toWll.U war allowad.
aldaraUa BioMat la eoluiaetian
From amaranoM that have come to
The I
amaiittae reportad that IB nnaolidtatad. 1 have kaan peronadIkaM^ aeboali
Mattaaa which daI attaatioa. aa tka tha oontrnet tor the eoppUM for the ad at Uie lato dag to annooBM mgaalf
aehoaU will raopta on tb^dftk of aoKt acbooto for tha eomlng gear bad been > a aandldau at Ua ooming Bepabliawarded to M. E. BaekaU for mi.M.
iS aooBtg aoavaattoa for Ua oflM of
The nport wae aaeepted aad adopted.
The board af axamiaare roeommradlataroatlag ai a oartaia littla matter ad that eardficataa be graatad to tba ha rlvaatoUedBtiaaafUaofltoe
deat Otawa aad following witboot aaamlaatien:
Uill MsehinerFof sll deeeriptions,tnclndiiigTwo En^es,
Ue IntarMto of Ue ooaotg.
Pint giadr-Barl B. Smith, gndanta
Mr. Eoaad kaeaaa aaoe after
Maxlt C Dosok.
flet Woiks, (^rrisgee and Saws. A ooisptete Saw Hill Plant
of Ollrai coUega; Stole M. Daaa. gradmaadag opaaad. Aa 6o|
for sale.
Qrawn waa abaaat from tke prariooa uiaof tba State Mormal.
Bntartalnod bg Mtoa BInne.
Saeoad grada-BdlU B. Adams. BoamaeUag Mr. Boaad eleshd tka opporMtos Nettla Blanc entartainad abont
taaltg at ttot Utoa ta hare pamad a
foortaan hf her frUade at bar
raqnlriag all a^teathma of
BMt BlgbU Btreet. The araaiBg wm
I oa taackan filed wltk the
Mr. Ooehlia axpialaad Ua work of dallghtfoUg apaot in ram and masle.
dtg dark taatcad of ramaialag ia tha
la Ua form of iaa
dan of tha eeperiatandeat. Mr. Ua board la makiag Ua amminaboDa,
and cake and naaorted frait
Boaad ganaa kto raaaaoc for thta ebowlag how Ueg were eondaeted ia a
fair to all candidates. Oat of
oaggeotioa that aoeh a eouae woald
Maae tha applteatiaae to be hapt aa eight aiamlaatinas wbiah Uag bad
Xho Sore La Orlppe Oaie.
file wbara tke beard poald get at them passed npon. <mlg two paseed. Mias
retono OM I
aad BotlMve them aobjeet to the die- MaiUda Millar aad Miss Bolda & dreadful
rut maledj.
malsdj. U
if goo svfll anlg got
' •BcavTAXT Aloxb wui Tiait Maataah poaltJoa of aag OOP tadlrldaaL
Bvana. boU being given aaeoad grado the right remedg. Yon are hav^ p^
Mat to aaa if tka attaeka n^ Ua daall Uroogh gov bodg. gear liver ie ont
Whee he ntaraad from oatalie the OortUtesleo.
der.have no appetito, do life v
lartamt an JaitUad. aad U ka fiadi d^ttoporiataadeatOnwa leerapd of
Tba report of Ue treasnrer abewed a ___ lUoa.
bare a bad cold. In feet are
•liBranM»wWatoBoadtartaB toToa- tkaaettda of the board aad te na- balaaee oa hand Jalg 1 of bat
compleielg need np. mcetrie Bitters
i^l^a Wdaffeat whoamoackii aab- aiM thanfor.
which hM alaea baaa awaliod oosuUaf toUe ODig remedg Uat wflj give goo
arttamtaa an-n«0Mlbla for tka daprompt and sore relief. Tbeg aet dlLoot algbt aa eoea ae the ailaatoe of abig bg taaaa reoaived.
rectlg on gour Llw, Stamaeb and RidylwiWt oooditioa amoag oar aoUlan. thete^toae mi
Tbe raalgaatioD of Mtos Boa* Con- nega, tone op Ue whole egstem and
tTkaatkoiiwatary haa mada hia tn
anpariataadeat took axoe^ipae to the wag .on acooant of lllaeaa. wm rcceirod make go* feelllke a new kalag. Theg
and accepted. Mim Coawag to at Uv- are gnarantaed to care or price rnfondaction rafarrod to. aaa
t. bat to tha asaUea whl^ U*
a In acarcb of better ed. For aale at tba Drag Sloroe of S.
E. Wait and J. G. Jobaon. Onig hoe
te iatargaatt of tka PklUpplaei apind tha
oa tha pan a^ Mr. healU.
per bottle.
aana di^oaad to oooparaU with tba Baand. Protamer Otawa waa aonald
Tha matter of foreign tciUon stm
AMiledaratMsidla.b«tt la ao datag arablg asrretoad orar tba matter and bronght np bg Mr. Bannds wbo
Mr modaatly daelara that tkaj :
dasmad the rfiarte of Mr. Bonad aa Uoogbt Uat Ua Mitten of aon-rostftaralttkatrowaway. lariawofthia lajBttioeto klmeolf aad a refiectios daat papits aboold ba advaoead, m ha
iiMdltlnn the pca^rat ia wiaa la eon oa bis boaeetg. Be etatad that bg of­ did DOtooaaidrrUatUeg srera paging
y—Mg to land Caltad Butaa foreaa oa ficial action of tha board wban he wm Ucir jttst share. Be atated Uat mang
amploged he waa empowered to peas Items of extra expaoM bad crept ia
a sboald cany acnpmallapplicatlonefar teachers aad tines the estimate made sosda time ago
•otcctioa. Iteoato
aaeording ta tha aama role tha amplog- bgNr. Pgbearegardiag Ua ooatofrno- gou onig SI 00 per
Mtb In Ue larg. VBTTBBLT. eit Monroe street, WmI Side
osant of all teaehan sraa opoa hto raa- ning the acbaols, makiag the cost
ommendatloa. Ba impreaaad npM tha greater than Ua reeclpu. It stm asof Saginaw. Urongfa Ucir
VUi Plaj Sara With fitted Man board tbe fact that arerg t^llcatioa
cartaioed from Uc clerk that Uccrntm ----------took after gon when goo air Store. U7 Front atreot. ■
freci Oolia and Maatlara, Tkraa
wbicb ha raeeirad sras promptlg filed of laiUon WM fixed bg the bg-Iaws. sick. Their mang uetlmonlato from
•amn Moxt Weak.
aad Bobmittad ta tha ooasmlttaa oa therefore Uere wm do forUer acUoo cltiseni of Treverae Cltg sod vidnitg
sboald eonvioee gou that tbeg are fair
IlhaadaaaybaaadodaitBlg arraai
taken, other than Ue dlscomloo in and Just. Call and see us.
to amplog new teacher*. Then waa which it svM not made clear that Uc
Beet Five Coat agar Made. TaBOlLBBBTClOABOO.
no aingle effort oa hit part lo keep the aon-resldent papils were ooi paging
^ doakg baU' plajan wiU plag la
ieaiioaa from tha committee or Ucir jasttere.
Hateioa BatCdag aad dnadag aad dU
E. KtoboUMntlnbtoraalgaation m
0'’~B«iUUr Acmis WmIMS
Ihraa dataa kdn. Mbadag. Taaadag aad
a member of Ue beard, which wm arVadhaadag. The home taam -will ba
Mpted and a vote of Uanka tendered
aadaapoftkaboBtplagaraof the tau the eoadaet of the poblle eebooU of Ue him for hie good work la behalf of tbe
beanaadosaaJ by
Maatlara aad the Maaiatae Colta, auk- eltg and in order to do eo bis approral eefaoole. Mr. Klcbots it aboat to leave
♦be worlA Step la
and taut iai qaalitg of tone. W. W. ElMBALL CO.. B. B. SnOKO,
laga rarg atreag team. The loeala of the <
Ue dtg. Oa motioa of Mr. Moore tbe
*x*meziw xes.
VUl oobM of tka foUowiar Baat. a.............
when the board daemad committee on Ueebera, in eoajanetioa
gaiter; Batlar, Braaaar, Laadboai that he was not deallfied la perform wiu SupeHoleodeotGrnwn. were aeFINE DENTAL WOBS.
Md Olaaaaa. pllteta; Ihoapeoa. tnt tboae daUei ihag eoald look oat for
Uorised to All Ua vaaea^ caMod bg
Hl^M OOOR. Btor Oraoevg. 34S Front Sttoet.
tea: Bahaa, aaeoad baea; Oleaeoa
•eriataadant aad his reatgan- Ue redgnatian of MI Coawag.
Vh* »aaa»to« Maftaatfaw Zadalcad

If You Have Logs to Sell

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.




We Have
Been Lucky.

And sacceeded io getting Fresb VegeUbles every
morsiag. A large assortment oearlj all the time, and
can depend on their being fresh.


■Phmu 1B7.

atS Tront StrMt.

Watch This Column For Bargains!
Take Only the Best Fifty
doJob fut


a Boat?


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cinars-^ cents


Guard Chains !X2iS,S,.Tr«S^as:t!5“,^.


BiK Yoa^TrM The Dmhall?

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c


lUfd haae; BamphUl. left dald; Boll,
lid be haadad in at onoa.
gaatra field; aad oaa of the pltehan ia GnwB amplogad Urma which
fight fidlfi- Theee will be groat gaame board coaid aet mtolake aad which
gad laa apart to aaaarod.
waneapoetoUg ealealatad ta Impreae
*poa Mr. Boaad that hto reflrci
OSU WILL 9MT IMfiVBAMOB. woald not be tolerated. While eaprneelng bto rfewa with grMt force Mr.
timm bg Ughtaiag wm ba Bar. Brawn ohoerrad a oool and dignified
ttaUg Baooaarad.,
which tba more fareafallg dlsWmiarn Kawmaa. wbe had
te dtoaok bg Ugbtalag Moadag algbt.
orGrawn bad gottaa
arlU aaean from the Parnure' Mataal fairlg Into hia eabiect Mr. Boaad deTMifinn
»baot »I00, olarad that tha aoparUtandMit. aot be­
wbieh wlU go far toward tha porch
ing of nMBbar of Ua board, bad
of aaatber good taam.
right to addrem tbe beard.
re taken to tbto poalTba bare of Bdward O. Wall
Bagalag waa etrook bg Ughuilng tloo a^ Mr. Moore morad tnat Mr.
be parmittad ta atata tbe i
Mamdag moraUg aad bonad to
tar befon tbe board. Mr.Ctelin.wbo
gfooad with all iia eoataata of 1
wae in Ue chair in the abaene
ftaia aad farming Im^emeato.
tea waaabaotSl.tOO. The pUee waa Magar Smith, pet tba motion which
Tbca Mr. Grown CMtiaced
tearad ia tha Farman’ Moiaal aad
notU he had follg aUlad bto riewe to
lir. Wall will raoeira aboot SMO.
the board. In eeswlaaloa ha emphatIcallg daelarad that it waa hto datg la
Oaa of the Sarlg Ploaeeta.
Eer. V. F. Thoretaa wae ia the dtg reaaat tha laslnoatlaae osade bg Mr.
yaetofdag oa U arag tern Charlercdx. Bonad whan ha made tba motioa
arhan he aow reddm. to hto former adopted at tha last maaUng. Darlog
ths remarks of tha anperiatandant Mr.
heme at Platte, Banda oooatg.
irorod to hare Ua matter
fharetaoaame ta Onad Trarerae U
laid orer aatil bepobld make a forUar
gaan ago and he waa the flrat maa
4rlr# a team throaglk from Platte to
tloa eaesa from a raltobla eonrea. Bat
fgarerae Cltg. Be. with aaothor
Ue autter wm not dron^.
•p help, cot hU wag tbroogb
ITadar the head of new boaineas Mr.
faadlam toreat and waa ala dago oa the
wng. That to tha atafl the pioaeen of Pgbos offmad a motion that Ue raaolnttOB pasead at Ua Uat meeting, prorid4>tnnd Trararae wae mada of.
Tbonua waa BBperrtoor of hto towa- Ing Uat ail applicatioae ba filed wlU
■hip for aerarnl gaara wbaa Beaato Ua Clark, be reeeinded. At Ula Uere.
M to Ua intent of
I to Onnd
aaloeal prcachar Ue motion.
red tha sroili of Ua
fk the M. K-ahhrch for 41 gear* aad eepaoiaUglat^aa
wearlgdage. did a great napvintandeataiaee ha took h^ of
Ue citg aehooto and deeiniod that hit
abtoahareb. fie to
aalayUf the dacUalag gean of life work WMacredU tohimMlf aad Ue
gndlaawaUaaraad rmt from aetlre Oitr aad that oar atete atand m a
moanaMat to oooadentiOM afforta aad
great abUiig of Soparlntendant Orawn;
SoMaeateTntto Xodag.
and ba aoold aot ondaniaad kow n
It to axpaetad Uat tha C A W. K.
ooold ha BO narrow
dralaa will be raaolnf lo tbab- regnlar H to ^aeailm Ua moUree of Ua
order bg this maraiog. the work of saparinteadMt, whaa laonltt hare
ngatofag tba waah-«at aa tba toaek ikaii ■ aemg g«
•Mr fiablate kaea nuked HmaA rattan af Ua

Tbe soparintendent gave nameroM
•aggMUoes reding Ue inangnration
of Ue tree text book egaum. One Im­
portant mattar wm wheUar Ua papils
having old books skoeld M Mked u
OM Uam or wbethar Ue board ehoold
porobaee- e complete eqalpmeut. The
board fiaattg dedded to fomtob Ue
oemplete oatfit. the additional cnet af
which will reach gsi4.
AnoUcr mattar was m to whether
.................................... be reqalred
to bag that)
_______ whei'
dtg abonld rent Uem to them,
fiuallg decided ta eall Uem oatrigbt;
also Uat dtg
lig patrons ooold
could 1have Ue
_ off bnginx their own b
book* if
tbeg deairad. After a long die______
ragging tbe new egetem. aad ooMideraUoo of Mr. Grawn's nggeatlona.
Ue board adjonrned.
•beet Koeie at Half Price,

Boa Boat, Chola CoarKUaas.
«bd hrk •trevts.

Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant


LanchM in the world for Uc. Open aU night.

I Our Offerings


K. £. Strong.

To Him That Hath


Desenie Unasaal Atteatiaa.


Shall Be Given
Geo. &. Wiiude,
Pp-to4toto .palnur and paper hani

Miss Doyle
GtTW Ftm Lsssons

All Iliads of EmbnilileiT
and Madera Lace Matiag
WiU or wiUont bib.





^ Wo make particular menUon of SEED and RATTAN ETO.
•- NITUBE. Aside from a floor flill of beautlflil creationB in Z!
^ this material we make prices equaUy as atrractivA
Whether you intend to refurnish your house Uii. fall or ^
^ juat contemplate the addition of a faw pieces to make yov ^
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offSr you the opimrtunlty ^
^ to do ao at a very Uttle cost. Wo want you to see the goods ^
In any eySnt.


■a^eci^ M Maa. «M IM wtaa
afalaattkanaian. TVa «ctaa» wm
aatlra at tka a^la.
■artan aaar Bawtoa aad Howard
lakaa tkiak tka* aa ■laaid Uoa la
ataf aroaad la tkat vtelaltf.
alfhtharrlblataanoaatp kaard aad
Mha of aem Uf aaiwl aaj '

~ Doyaand Fmian
Thayanalmiainynmnanltoa eat In
nnd wa haraaaknnrto hanry shower
7 aftsewnm nnd and a fatahow
•eery niyht. Oaha woold he a good
plaea tor Bdwards, an kamnldaocT act
ly propheay (») tha waatkar.
Wa hare tka meat (rimtooa aaa rime
I hare orar aaaa. Shartty ^nfara aanrtoa tba moantaln looms np btoek aa
ink and with n few rioada on top
whleh Beam to rcAaai tka aanUyht orar
tbs mttra aky. It haata any tr: ^rorka
arm aaw. Wa-«lm to I .re oar
Woaktoat cooked bafora ta: rue aud
than wa taka oer blaakata ^od go to
tha W® tree and wriU or rc’id a^Ui
dinnerItlma. If raporta ara U-.i*
wUl ba\mt of hare In a day -w • w,*. 1
hope it to tme aad they err moriay
troopaavnry day, mltmry i.«. 1 wbh
nodld ha ta aoma of .’.joa fiafaie;

Bow Torfe. Anynrt 84.—Commodore
EhlUp haa protaatod to tha secretary of
tka anry ayalaat hto owa
hawnai It to made at tka aapinai of hto
eonndaa and Msnds. who. ha ballarea.
hare pertarmod tkrir daty qnlu aa
hraralyaadably m ha. Haeaaaotdaellna tka promotioa. for If bo did m It
woaU be aqairalant to a realynattan
fra tba aerriae..

Mjrraa Babeeek. wke afaa raeaattf
amatadoatkaokarfaofalaallaf tlM
frm Joka Qaadarqiatat of Daraad oa
(ka avaalaf of Aaf. 1 UR tar farU
aa. Biatrial waa to karaaooa
oa Friday of tkia week. Tka ofioara
ArriTsd at Xontmk Feint.
ara afur him.
''Imtnnk Print. L. 1.. Aaynat 84.—
For aararal yaata past aad in fact all
eompanlee of the TbUty-foorth
kla Ufa. Fred Ocda, a lO-year^ boy
M-’ hU-aa. mndar command of Captain
haalhrad npoa hb moUar at Battia
Oartx. ham raaehad hern oa tka Bad­
Creak, Mta. Amalia OoU aad exlortad
tka astarvriaa t7 aararalloeal baalaaaa moaay from her by thraata. la tha
ger. iu<- 'ranaporta Beaolnto aad ArM. yatoalBV to Ua lataaaaa of tha paht faw yeara be ksa takaa tram her
cs'tb kar. also airircd. Seerataiy Al­
aaaaoa tka pn>}aal a
ger will r ,it tka camp today.
fsoo, part of tka amoast of life lnaar>
apoa kb tathar'a Ufa. 'Aafoat U
Allar aa akaiaai of aaarly Ara Taaro ka atote ker foU watok and aeld it.
Mr. Aoaaaa ratanad aad waa aot loaf
Smnyaliml Miniatarlal MtaUcr.Ha Uaw la tha moaay. Uiaa damat
»triet with that aotarJ. W. OaanUatt tka opUelan wUi
SM Btara of hb motbar, ulaf riolaat
At the mtntotoriat eonrutlon v' i‘loam far eolleyc abont Sepumber lA
, tke J. K.
thraata. Sbadaddad apoa hb arraat day aftoraaan thodarottanal*; .n»aa
OraUlakCa. Tb^^rm kaa aaearadtka
Olimr Brown of Coral. MiHa.. b haea
aad JaaUea UwU fare tka boy M days
tha aftaraoon ware led by Ber.
arifh>t to ^ofaelara hamb.
TblUny kto stoUr. Mrs. Pator W. Blnkala tha eotav ]a0
Oporye Browa of Clorcrdala. Mleh.
kaaaa otata« aad oUar raaUlatad ▼«racy tauraatiay paper oatiUad •Utab aadm tha Karr imtaab la aad for
Mia. John Maylea of MOea, b riaittay
iraUm of memory and ito ralatlen
to daoyhtor Mra. Friedriah Dahlha
tkaStataof MlehicaB. Tha oompaay
totora Ufa" woe wall rendaiad by
wUl Bat ha loaf la fattl^ thair plaat
of Bast Wathiayion atraet. She wm
Bor. P. Sebooiar of Oatadoaia.
ncrapaalad by ber aoa.Maetor Artkar
la oparatioa, aa a oomplata aat of
Ber. Oeotya Koehler from loaia.
■aablaary b new oa haad.
Mra. Oaorv* O Maol retamed yeetoigars aa cxeellmt talk apm “Belief,
How Company M Boya Farad
Tka raatUatat. harral b made oa a
day fra a riait to Kalkaaka.
UabaUaf and BaparsUrion.'' Theapi>ak■mdhlaa which haa a raaraalaad
Towarda the Sad of ttair
K. StiekBcy aad Mr. aad Mia. Brookatooboarrabla
oapael^ of flva haodrad par day. The
way ef Skeraaan retnmed borne yester­
•tay in Oabk
ararywhara and betbraa It to ha ramkanal U made hy aalaf a atral^ parday aftor a riait with Bar. 8. Sabbary.
aanto of haatbm worahlnallal-adfa ahapad pirea of wood laMrs. J. O. Lai^worthy will leera to­
'Belattaa of
Baatlafo do Cabs. AafaM t. im.
ataad of a joiaiad ata*» It b almply a
day for a two-warin' riait at Old MbMr Dua Mqtbxb—Boeelrad yoar Obareh aad Boriaty" &». B. G. Frye Sion.
Blab aad tae davba for makiaf the
Bald that tte eharch ahoald pat forth
harrral or or other raaUlatad paekafa latter of Jaly 14.1 tkiak tkat was
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Finlay of Triodo
afforto to oppose tha Uqoor trafile. aloe
baalat-wacriaf machlao. Tha'aUb data, day before yoatorday aad yoara of
ara ririUay Hro. Pixlcy’B facotbera,
effort to atop daaaeraUca of tka Sab­
Odie aad Jamas McOarry of Bay atmat.
ara tad lata tka aucbiaa by aa op«a- JeaaWtk today, 00 yoa aaa oaa what an
bath aad
tar aad whBa paaalaf throafk it they triad of a maU ayatom wa hare bare.
Oaanra O. Bates, who hm baoa riait­
tkat tka eharch ahoald aaaistia tha ao. are woraa lato a wah ebmpoaad of wire Howorar. alaoe tka taU of tha
tay frionds kara. rctamad tost aiyht to
lation at tha lahor ^biam. bnt shore Ckieayo.
aad alata. Tha maehtaa aot oaly
Brary maa bat two ia oar «om|
waaraa, bat eala the eraaa for tha
Oscar Bamoa aad famOy ham rataraTba last paper of tba af
head, haraU tha aada. mm tha alaU of has had tka malaria and nearly
ad from Kalkaska wham they rialtad
meetlay mtlUod “The OonaeWnaa. Itt rriatlma.
nalferm leaftk aad maasaraa tha kara yot orar It now and era In hatter
Prorlnea and Bellabillty,'' was rery
Jobs ^adye aad daayhtor. Mbs
laaftk af web rcqolrad to aaaha a har- ahapa tkas orar to stand tha bant
phUoaopUeaUy proaentod by A- BalmBthel. arrimd last amatay from Port
nlof aayriMfromtka ordlaary flaar wUeh I treat wUl aot be lonf. If rahahar of Bead Cl^. Mr. Hi
Baroa aad are ynaau nf B. W. Boand
kiiaal ap to tha tarft ttaroa wfatah will Peru aia tree we wUl ha off tka btand
waa fora nambar of yaara a
and family of Bast BiykU atmat.
kaU flra kaadrad paaada of hama. batata thb rcaekae yoe. Wa will more
.ptoba ary to Japan.
Badge b a mambar of tba board of
dried or aalimaata.
At the arealay maatlay Bor. fi. Splt- adaeatlen at Port Bnroo aad Mr.
Thb method of auldaf paekafm b nearer tkedtyao wa cna fo oa tha
tler praaehad from Matthew 11;
aot ooBlaad to barrria aloaa, bat tha first hoata.
Bonnd b OB tka board of ednentioa ol
thama waa “Christ the Modal
woraa wab may be aaad to form aU
Yoa rraated me to aay aomrthliir
thb dty.
Taachar." Christ innyht -with antborUada ad boxes; erat« aad other raa aboat tba Cabaaa. WaU. la my opto
Ml*. J. A. Mootayne and aoas. Ban
ity, hatay pern meed with tot naeeaaary
. .^lUatad paekafaa for the ahlpmaat ol ton tkejr are a wortklam aat of aara(aa.
wiadam for hto mtoaioB. Sympathy b and Oemld, wlU go to Petoakey today.
fralta. rafatablaa. maata. poaltry, hard­ They atda oar Maakatt
A. Clark baa arrimd fra Detroit to
omtaaat cbnraetorbtic of Christ in
ware. oaaaao aad bottled fa^
ataekad them to go iato/battla. aad
hb wife, who b riaittay Mrs.
-eUUon rrltb maaklad. Ba it tha
Ho hatter
ekarv* exhorblmat prieaa fortobaaoa
axampla of character to imitate. Be b Paiya of Huts atraetbaa ooald hare baoa foaad la Traroiaa aad fraiu which Uey paddle to toe aolMbaaa Mlanie aad Sadie Lowe of De­
aba able to yira laformatl
Cttf or perhaps la thdauta thaa tha dlare. Ofyaia aad mooaaata cost from
lay tha myatorlona ihinya of Ufa. The troit, are rbiuny the Mbaes Ptorsoa of
Mae who bare aaearad tka rifbtt aader S to 10 eaaU apiaea or six tar 8$ eaata.
um etreet.
Bible ta the tent hook. Sack ware the
: tha patanu ralarrad to. They hare
They don't appear to bare aay ymUMra. Ellen Bodge of Grand Lodge,
pemeyei from the creaiay*e sermon.
larva plaab pleaty of room, an abaad- tada for what wa hare dona for them.
It wna dacidad to bold Ue nest oon- b TuUlny bar dsaybtor, Mra. WlUiam
aaoa of power and throe rallroada. and Ilia dpaaiarda are allowed to yo oat of
Biggins of West KtaU street.
rsstlon at Petoakey.
tka lake within a atoBah throw of thair Unas for freiu and they will
John Batteabnry and family of West
ttalr taatoty, thee alZcwdiaf excep­
eat of thdr way to dlrida
Eighth aireat. are anjoylayariaitfrom
W. g. L A, XarkaC
tional akippiaf fdellitiea. .
oer aoldlate. I know that at timsa aa
The foUowiny Udlm are aakad to Mim Fitxyerald of Detroit aad Mra.
maay aa six Spaniards hare mat ana or
iDtribcto to tka' datniday Market to ruiyemld of Pontlae
two of oer boya oot in tha woods aad
CG. MacaandBoyMaea of Detroit,
----------------------------------- bMLMtMcdMk
ba held aext Sxtnrdxy aftomoon at
mid hare klUad them, sad no oaa
are the yceats of C. C. Maea.
weald erer hare ka-iwn who did It. I Baakall'e bmkatorc, from 8 to i o'clock:
Mbs Ada Eeaiyn went to Fetoakey
n M. C. Ortott. C. M. Piall. A.
boUere the tirenebery i« all daa to the
‘‘dBeera. The Spanbb ebarp ahooten Padan. C. B. Patcraon, V. Paterlyl. C.
Mbs Teresa Sebctacekar of Saginaw
J Hattara of lataraai From Adi J
who ebotirom the traea said before tha M. Parker, W. J. Parker, C. Paiye. T. arrimd in the city last night for a riait
Faria of Mieblfaa.
Wttla that they were ordemd to oUmb Plareon. Aynas Smith. Jennie Smith. with her abter, Mra John Barry. Ska
those treaeaadeuy there aatU they
was aeeompaaiod by ttbe Gertie Sebefrrara eho*. oat. aad to aboot rraryihlay B. K. Stoward. Dorene Smith, B. M. naeker. daayhtor of Aldarmaa SehefCbarlaa baaria. raaidlBf amlte aad a
in bine. 1 can tell yon aothlny aboot Sutaoo, Altaa Smith. Kate Simpean. naeku of that plaeo. also by Mlm Edith
half eaat of Diamaodale.
the war ter we depend apon tha M. A. SUlaa, J. Beanie. B.Banaom. B. Barry who hat been tbara ebittay
aablda by takhtf para fraaa. Tha
Thlrlby, Battb Timblin, Dr. Ibompdeetor aaya ha will Ura. Lawtoh fatk- Moanxe Reooro for the moat of oar aon, D. B. Tltas. T. G. ShUaon, friends.
Jamas Morgan aad A. Tracy Uy ar­
ar took hb owa Ufa by the mma meth­ ewa.
a & Vadar. Sr.. F. X. VanDyke. A.
rimd yeaurday from Chicago aad wUl
od aararal yaara sfo.
WaU. we morad before 1 bad time to Totniba, Chaa. WUkalm, J. W. Zlm- lemaia in thb aity tar a few days.
The farmhooaa of Chrb. Wamott. finish thb aad I hare aot had aay time
Mrs. Joba Melaloah of Boat BtoU
of Bemaa, waa -beraad by Uffataiaf nniil today. Company M oaly had terBrarttiaa.
street, to aojoyiag a risit from bar
Taeaday. It waa oaa of tha fiaeat la an maa oa sick report thb mominy.
The Ladies of Amanda Bire Mo. Sit father. B. B. Clark of Blaaehard.
thb aaelloa. Laaa, fl.SOO: amalt laWp are now on tba top of a hUl which will serra lea eraam and cake at their
Balph Boaooe will taka ta aka Patoaaaraaea. Be waa alek ta bad. aad had
erarleoke the elty. aad are taalde the hall on Friday afternoon aad ereniny. key eseanion today.
to be earriad ont of toe boBae.
ariytnal Spaabh lines. We earae hare
Mba Anna MatUaoa arrimd last
The UdiM of Tmmae Bay Bire, Ha.
. Tha paper mllb of B. H. ChBda at to tha reams of oer battalUona which
from Atlanta. Oa.. for aamral
Tl. will enjoy a picnic at Beat Bay toBoektard. beraad Taeaday‘aifhU aata tha elty. nay w«ra
Bach one b to brlnjr a bae- waeka rbit with Mra W. D. C GartaUiafs loot of 862,000. One baodrod is awtnl ahapa Krary man bnt alx la
kat Of aataUee and the food rrill be maina
1 ara thrown ont of
riok and lytoy on tha yroand. eerrrd in yanaral at the dinner hoar.
Mra L B. Oayc retamad yoatorday
Thaaaaae of the Are b not known.
Tweire of them had died whm wa
iUe, where aha haa been
TbeCrsacent hand will rire aa open
The Eifht^th Paanaylraob rolan' earns and wa nil wont ia and yot them
ir oaneert ia front of Benda A Go's.' rbUtay for
toera eaat to 8aoU Ste. Marie early oat onthahUl alft now they are ta
E. S. Pratt aad family and F. H.
darlnr the war to fuard tha
ymid ahapa. Wa are witkia 10 rode of
loekaaad fairiaon at Fort Brady, left tha tree trader wblah Hohaoa waa axYoatorday Elba " " -.......... ‘
Taeaday aifhi far Middletown, Pa.. ehaayad. It b a macniicaai ira«. nol
where they will be maat.*rad out. They rery hiyh bet apraadlay akd lo feet ef tha Trarelara Lite aad Aeeldaat
fo fra the "Soo” toClereland by boat aroand at tha base. From all wa eaa AmoelatioB, made a aettlemcat with
araaoJoTtay riaito from Joseph and
aad tkenae to their daeUnaUon fay raU. hear we will be off the bUnd before W. D. C Oarmataa for iajnriaa raoeimd truibm Britton of Sblawamaa eoea^.
la a raetttaeridaat. The amoaat of
BIram MeCoakey. a penalow of another weak baa paeaa*
L. M. Bennett b oatartnlatay hb
Bprtavpart, deelarae that fate daeraaa
Don't worry aboot me ma. for 1 am tba elaim aUowed waa r»father aad mother, Mr. and M.'a. B.
Oaorya B. McLellan aad Made Blob Boanett of Biiyhtoa.
that ha »baU die by aomatktar iammed la the best of bealth.oaly not rery tot.
dowa hb throat To aatry oat the aad will be home In a tew months at bam retoraed from a two-daya' oottay
Mia. C. P. Diekermaaof Grand Bnpallalaod. OrerTotroat aad a largo
Idea, ha iadoatrioasly pokca hb ease meat. Lora to aU and wriu oftm.
ida, to the ynaat of Mia. A. L. Joyce of
ibor of haaa are the raaalt of thair
AawahbriUat. Baoneaalapttortwo
Fifth atraet.
fishing o^iaon.
fmn auaivht sod afBaara oa Hoaday
Mba Lmdon. Via. WUllam London
Yesterday afternoon tha Bonrdman
Santtoyo de Cnha, A.ny. 10.1808
blfht Jailed him. The maa wlU be
and Mra. F. M. Gsidaoer and daayhtor
Dnan Mwnm—Tba
ara all yet- Blmr Blaotrie Light A Power Ca.
aeal to Ralaautoo. It kaapa aararal
Margaret ham miarsad from aararal
plaoad two arc UyhU at tka washf only
two c
haafa7 mea buy to kup him from tiny batter; 1 know-^
days' oatlnyat Northport.
three on tha sick Ibt. 1 waa oa Uia ont on tha C. A W. M. near Sabin, aa
nlatar bb throat.
Bea Menuyaa U anjorlay a trip
Kianey, of Chieafo. arrtrad ia list abont eiykt days and lost abmt that tba yang of workman ooaKl work with Joe Zimmarman, tramlisy aalaatwenty-flre
Kalamaaao at aooa Taeaday aad
maa tar tka MaroanUla Company.
on adrboa from tall. I wear a atm amaUer nnifona bed.
Tha officUI notloaa of the Bcpnbllean
Fianartoa'a dataetira avanay for aU^ad aad It b plenty larye for ma. We hare
oompUelty la the Biekllhd baak rob­ aa entire new eniform now. An ele- cancoaea to be held an tka Slat, are
TlieL. & A M. 8. cxearaton from
bery. tt to aaU ha haa rtoltad Joe yant eream otdorad dnok. Coat rritk printed in another eolamn.
Win. aad OaL Laaywortky ham gone Waoaaonnnd LnPorte.and the KalaOr«ory at Jaekaaa rritkta a mmth. Mae eafla aad pocket lapeb and bine
ehonldar etrapa, aU trimmad with bram to Aldon to Join the eamplny party of matoodirialon which waa to sirim in
Ha oarrbd a loaded rerolmr.
hettema. BnUraly too nlee for Ceha, Tramrae City boys on tba sbera of thb olty last amnlny abont 6:18 was
A terride toaadar and rala atorm rb- aad they bare already bayaa to taka a
Torch Lake.
boaia behind time, acririny km at
itad Iron lloatoln Moaday airht aad
ttaya of Caban aril. Wa aim yat uw
Mra. J. O. Laayworthy has reoaimd aboat 8:4S p. m. Six pamenyar eom
tha total loaa .daa to rraaboeta, dllad Wankau and nndarelotbaa aad ooeka.
a lattor fra her hoabnad ia Alaaka, were filled to tkrir eapaeity with
BeUara.ate.. b aatlmatod at 816,000. Tkara b notkiny at aU yolny on bare
aUtlay tkat he baa eaakad kb batony- eaiaioobta fra Baffata and stkar
Many waabeata ara raportod oa the
and I can't think of nnytktay to writs. tags and atartad apse a proapaettay amtom points.
H CUeavoA Narthweatera B. E. The
Tba mly exeUammt rra bare b dly- tonr of three montba* daratlM throogh
Also from northara Ohio. Indtoaa
H antin ayaum b at a ataadattU. The
yiay ap tarantelaa'had watohtay them
bgtan of tba Taaaaa rirar aftor and boathere Mlchiyan. Tha trata
^ Imdiarkw aohool hoam waa atrneh \j flybl. Wa day npabmt twenty yaagold.
ranehadheraomrtbaM. AM. B. mUtorday. They are aa tklok aa frays in
Ttoa O. B. A L hridya. aaar tka Wa- wsy. They transfamd at Maatotoa
Fraa texthotoa were dafaatadia Maa- n Bwnmp and diy kolas aheat a tost qna-lony rink bana, ra damayad by nrnaalay. The 7M 0. B. A L trata al­
- totaa by » rata of SIO to 801. Father doap. They takaaapadal plaasara la tbariofmTbaadayraoitotay.nadta ba- so bmnyht a larya nambar from tba
Xoalewaki’a ^iatrlot, eoatalainc a larfa trottlay orar ns at alybt. hat wa ara tayrapalrad.
fWdan 9t U* Eacx»D that» faw jmn
9 • H»Ua—a born low*. J. i. &■»•
Mll.«Mbmfartbe pvp«w ot "f
■iiAv • atoak fl0mpu7 ter tba BM<
wlua «i arkat ta kaowa aa tka Karr
VaatUaUd Bacrti aad olher natiJ

mST BlfME S1IUII6. t


Pratoaaor Omtiy and hto aotopany o<
adamtod days and panlaa. aama one
bandied ta aambor. wiU exhibit ia thb
oily aadar eaaraa. Uthatraot. Monday.
Aayast 88. afunoon aad srcnlay
Profmaor Gantryh axniWttoa to toe
wall known lathmeltyto need etteh
pratotay. Tha aimpia
that kb tolantod doya and ponim ara
a-MatoaxbIbU brnbaattaient to aathaaa tko Ustla ooaa. who in tan maka
tha tact kaowa to tbaoldar onaa, and
aa aaaal Profaosor Gantry wfU enjoy
the mma llbami patoonaya. Hb exklbitton thoronyhly daaarrm aU tba
pmtoa tkat b baatowad npoa it. tor it
woold be Impoaalbla to deriae, a more
^-------- . and taatraetim axhlMttoa
(haa tka one yimn by FiofoasorOaotry
aad hto wondarfal doya aad poalea.
Tha prtaaa of admtoalon are: ChiUma,
18 eanto; ndolu, 88 aanto.

Mato SatauTraMtHt■steto ttrm Amrtm tr. srAasaw fah*
etaMsc. Faiaraahr b-o.teto. tegirieret.
Lfada Mawoa ta Aanra K. Hte
(ynarASaa) pareris ta aaa 81188 a r u
w. alaoparaolsiaaae88t86a r tt «.
J. W. MiUitea te Witabt Bho. aw>
BU Wolf to BUsabolh Well w K ota
BUsa Jana HartwMa ta Pater Boai
^tolettWk A.BLACob7lb a«d
Ata Cbampayna to Andrew fbampn
ra lot II btt K. H L A Oak 7th odd
Ferry Haanab at al to JasMa D. M«h •
by. 81.
Aodbor Oenani to A. B- Btiram,#

.. B. Coouniaa at al to Alias M.
Meadao X of aa k one. f8 to87nr U

. A. Kaaelaad at to te Bmltb BIr
ywlte 6blk.4a.L. A 00*0 Mb aSb
and tba rislMr at bb tnbla to qatoa
Uksl- to bear dried applm refmxsd to
Fetor Fonstota to Fatriok Bsp'^ .
na“Rnlt“aa be toto find i
toto 7, 8 aad 11. blk 8 Ooodrite'a a.--1.
howerer, coe of tbmn is snllleieBtly fi
tanata to yet away fra bb farinose .
and liriny teanpoenrity down ta tba
Joseph Bvlslar to Maiy B BUia, lot
bine gram haa an opportonity toaoqnira
ootna rirtnea not otbarwim ofaaahmbla. 9. blk 7. Goodrich's add.-8880.
it wns mefa a one I oangbl np with ooa
mocitoiiy in Jane along tba ridya «ff tba
“I'm looking for n plsoe." X mid
List of Lattoca.
nfbs a few ptriiminarios, “wtaeca I can
-atop for a week or so wfaila 1 locA np
aoma timber I bam in tbia nrigbberIMO
bood. Do yon know of any?*'
“Tben ain’t mnek nr that scot
crav'd bm." be tepUed, “oxceptin
yoB go to Monnt Plenaaiit. an I rarinm
that'a too fw. Bat hoi' on.” be broke
In with a sodden tbangbt, “tbar’a tba
Widdar bokatt Bba axad ma yiriidy
to aaa scans or yoa fottaat tbaaUU and
teU'em aha iMd a idaoa to riaep and cat
two w thiaa men «d Uwy wasn’t too
What tba teaka and Undias I
“Is it a tntty good placer' I Uthink of tba


■ ISS.S15-A

Hclilgu iccUat Aiteeiidn.

Tbe yonng nun'e face flnebed.?'
*‘WnU. I nakon,” bo said with m
ottphasia. “Sbe’s yota to fas my m<
m-in-law oome next September.''
••Oh. 1 bog yonr pardon, “ I baste
toendaln. “X cm^ariud to know if
sba ted good onting. Sonecd that wo
get ta primte bonses oren in tte eitiet. teUer* etncMryewu lb* Iriaar
yon know, u oot tte beri in tte^orld. ”
“Cibee tedersod."be anid witba
ffBefSeling. “Yer ain't never triad the
that to }UtotoasIr
.Widdar Tbokett’s pie yet, mirier, an
yer want to keep still till yer d& this eUr w* heec serer beasd •. Matolatri an^
Ain’t Dotbin like it nowbere, no matter
whet kind nr a pic ate aeu afore ym.
Pmidrai rirM XmIomI Bank.
It's aU aa plaribos nnnm, an no miatoke. Why. I’m tellin yoa that I sot
CMirtor Bear a»Ttar« Bank.
down to one nr ber pies last week, dem
ef X reoomembiv what kind it was. of
I erer knowod, an 1 was eatio right
Hs/orerf Bi
into it like a hot aborel gam into a
.URT w. ana
‘snow pile, an BiU Bngers acRbt U»e
tabb from me called me a Itor, on 1
aer«r mid a clern word to Urn tell I
ted pinm e't my pe and got my teeth
picked. Dem my bnetans ef 1 diA ooloI did not Ufae to loqnire farther into
the niystety of wtet teppened to Mr.
Bogen after tbe last
of tte pie
was mfaly boat>-d iiysfiyinfomiant, bnt
I made a fairnoAud went <n to sm
tte Widoir t^ett ocmcerniiig board
and lod^ ^ one man f« oiip weak.
—Wa«bta£ah Star.



A umnbar of literary men wen at one
time gatbar^ in a well knows dinp.
e in New York. Tbe
of cooree brillient, and tbe repartee
sparicled with mirtb and wit. During a.
laU ill tbe talk tbe door Uowly opesiad.
and an old toatbou daiky. grissJed
aritb ago. poked tab bend ta and then
■lowly drew hb body ta after him. A
waiUT nnnsd to eject bim, when one
of tbe gentlemen oit-d;
Wait a moment Let's ace what tte.
Tbe' darky bobbed np to tte table,
where this gentleman aat and bald oot
^b ka^ Thr>>wiDg a wink to fab oeigbban.'tbe'^ntlotiun took tbe bat a^
maldog e show of placing tometbtag
into it paated it on to the next man.
who did likewba. Tbe bat made a tonr.
of tte lootD. to the poxzlod wonder of
tbe darky. The last to recrim it sol­
emnly bnndtd tt tack with a poUu;
bow, tnylng:
“Tbera, rir. don'tytm tiitak yon ham
Tte old darky looked oolcmnly aronnd
tte oompnny and. mocbaaieally taJdng

tte tet. te oaid;

“Cien'mon, I'to indeed glad dat I got
abet) de bat back!”
Tte rejdy was so tboragfaly enjoyed
by tte oompany that tbe dsii^ left (be
plaee a moah ritew man than wboa te
ted eoternd It.—Kansas City WoriA
A Marrow Xseapa.
'I%ankfal words written by Mia. Ada
E. Bart, of Itoton. S. D. ' Was token
with a bad onld which aeuled on my
lanya: ooayh aat ia and finally tormtaated ta Coaanmptioa. Four doeton
ma ap. aaylag I conld lira bat a
ra myarif np to my
dlf I oaald not st*y
with my frianda on earth, I would meat
my abaent anea abore. My batfaand
waa adriaed to yet Dr. Ktag^ Mew Diaoorary for Consamption. Coa^ aad
Orida. I gars it a trial, took ta aU
eight boUlaa. It hat eared me. and
tbUk God 1 am etroi and am now a
wril and healthy womi. Trial botUaa
10 eta. at 6. E Watfeand J. O. Johncan't Drag "
aadVL Go
Faria Oraws Tte ^ staff. Ms
eteM adaltoratiira. 88 osata a pennd
atWait’a Dray Slera.

■ S
LiTA Ag«nu WainUd Is Usooenptod Territory.


Monday, Aug. 29,
1 Sreois^



The World’s Beet TtBined
ABiaal Exhibitloa


MOo .


Hamilton Garhartt


T •>


: )vu Rfrm*8 THAT iHFtsT -mi WA.

r la Wat u« Ite MMar
Om<< Detnit'fMlivd

toa«M to two WMi ud belpad fcr

e oU eboma. Bwy SHlaea, tettNd •ot,VfOiA

that tbe peMataof hie--------------------"The very bardeal leeam a yemag
opea to recaire tbe ailMe
n bMdaa ito dine at mwAmerkaa^to lean when brentarn wbo had boK
tim any la that of obedlenoe. Ko tbe
1 andwetena ttaO
Aral tlnm hie indlridoal antborlty la de­
1 hare aaeo bar,"
throned. Be It aa fracdooe aa a tborNetlaon. <na nlatlog tbe aioiy to
oogfabred oolt that long rebela againM aald
you Inadmee -Ido not feat that 1 hare
the whip and apor. It ii hard for him twayed bw aanUdfaMO, alnee yoQAra to
'oatand that hie freedom of aotlon anttnd; oat of oar llttte world. Andltle
MnbardlnatedtomUltaryfweaa- gnat
i,iitoek."be----------------------lnek.’-beweMoa. "that
Otj. He cbafaa. If be dow not openly ^ npoo oe in thU epinttane wv- «by, It
nbeL bot when oncn whirled into line eoald not here been bettor If It bad all
be makca tbe beat addia on eartb.
loebadathUwatoh. “Wa
**kty firet driUmamer had bean my JweNdlaoa
e little ttma I mnai tall ym the
frind and tbefricnd of my family fran hare
net. Tbe nory,'’ bo mid. "wm written
my boybood vp. We had hontad and at a deek liaamlly bmped with erldoMee
flahed and oonited togetba mod ex­
changed aeemta wlth..a freedom Hint


nNW atnuise owtam whkb pMi
Itbeli- entire exietenoe In tbe water, poedeodlY ten» They m a pvt
^eonoe to tbe flabontB, wbo on con*
iMaMy axpond to tbeirMiaoiM.
. . MuUatUy snaking, nime bm
marni tbe grocp tbe HydxophktaL
iflHX afler tncn tbe terwrtriol anakea
«nly tn tbe piieilon of a llet, paddl«>
paymeot tram moM polnta than a i
} • wiL tbewVeptUee lohobit tbe doK not obtain among brotbi
t • •! p"!« «S tbe old worM and ooeo- day. early in my expeiieooeateeoldkr, paw eould paodbly Indleata. Of ec
: :i l- ”cth of t> in< Dr. and while erer^ing waa being harried thiaenrlrx^unmtwaa lewoodble ferbw
Imagbta, bat abe toond
■'.'.i;.:, I:ol«a«r of drawing with a riaw to getting na Into Hexioo.
for tbe fltot diMtlM lo«
A. i-Tiuortob uuirwdty. obwrred luge we had been drilling till I felt rwdy
cy for averting all tUi
•oiatan of tbMcreatorei while on a drop. Tbe repeated ordera otrodt pain
r, an oppanandy tltta
_ irboaMfvSntBatra.
I'fv Sotnatra. Or. Weber to my Ban and1 I woDld
wo ~ hare omtodenwoe tn charge of a
nad natoroUy took epoolal nobee of
length, when within eaay
a me, J
( her B
them. Be wys that when tbe rcwel waa obot of him. 1 aboated. ‘For benreu'a
me 50 mike off tbe cooet miriads of
Boh atop thla tomfoolery and iet'a
“Tbe paadonate oothortt of tellng
ne* nakH ooold be eeen awimming
tbe t
foond copmaloo In her pen. and abe wrote
Qt M (er aa tbe eye ooold tentdi.
oked at_____________ _ ber owo ttuiy—told bow a man wbo waa
y kept npoo tbe awlaoe. and Kraal •OorporaL take that
a anddiiUbim I great power In hlaei
• gr
like tbe deril'
pi^tloii. wealth, InAaanae and. abore all,
"The corparal did. and I thoogfat I'd1 a taattnation and magnettsm that mada
him dUScuU «o leoM. badeffered them aU
Oaring «wi«" weatbw tbCK teptlka die of-exhaoBtiofL 1t fnlly meant to
ouy be aeao aonning tbemoelrea npoo cballonge tbe drillmaater and whip him I to bar. He bad been married many yean
«be aarfaoe of tbe pea. lanalning mo- Hbe^ined. bat beanooeededio mak- ^,7“
aioolew except for a oU^t nndnlatian
oanoed by tbe morement of tbe wata.
Wbao alarmed, tbe egik reptilee dire
like airowa. karlng a train of babblea
bablndtbon. Some opedta are extienteb brilliant in ookradoo. being bright
yallow, banded witb bbok. while other*
are tinted with dalioate ohadwot greea
Tbe food of oea nakM oonoiataeatitelyof fbhea. Fraqovutly lldMa armed
with long Bharp opinea faU rktima to
their mpp^too. Among tbem are tbe
■ apegoot and oUcroidA whkh are furairbed with qdnea time and Are inobea
hug. Bat them do not enbanam the
Toxacloaa repdfe in tbe leaat Tbe rtodm ia Ant killed by tbe nake'a poiaoo.
efier rritkb It ia awaUowed heed drat
Ttaa fjrinea. natanlly pointing toward
die tail
tbe riodm. and being relaxed
hi death, axe comprcaaed agidnot the
hody of the AAaa d^ndto pnxeeda



*. and John Mm, emlMM fhgM.
ware goKlptol ^ nni|liliVb^


mi vnnpi of the PtalUpidDW, bat tbe
- ■anwiiininii votor <d Um» totwwtltit

Bakw k a Uit Of tha butag

A. ew«.



.......>:s "


... .5:«


o. p. oA&yn. Agoi

. • • *0

I aanaoPTAATunanT SttAi<>


Tlie lay They Settle!



my aoridant claim.
manner in wbieb yoa hare aettled with
ma. I ramain a OMmbar of yoar tarn
olatloBGaowx Bfraorm, _
Manktaa. Mlah.
1101 Viaa atreeu

Bicycle Riders^

allng. and that I can
Booklaa'a *rawa
Arawa waiwa.
oot In tbe dty tor the money. Don*#
Baar Sai.tx in the world tor be deerlved by what othem t^ you «•
BntkM. Soraa. Oloera. Balt the mtraiy. bat eome and aae for
Banda. CbUblaine. Oorao,

Pilea, and if It doM not prore ao 1 Baaka 41 ^
• right.
iloek every eTeatag

Dally MetBlng Ssenralona Vtom
•«aban Boaaa." Thelma” aad all
Travaraa City.
tha lateai perfo«« at W^t'a Drug
TAke otaamtf at 8;I0 a- na for Noah- Store..
>»»■«<tawanta where jom wlil coanaet with
mt retarelag to TrarPor «ela->BaiiBaboU geoda. Mre.
.._________ ________ _ one a» at 10:4# a. m. ThU
wlU g^a


I John R. Santo.

ToaalteaoB, MM Beat Prent!

GnwiI lasvafbt.

_______________________ . .
ling. atreet.
«»«•** '
erg BMek.
Tkavaree CHy. HUB
»tt ewvlhtne
woald have eatt
evteythlng be
iiJimiiia 11 yon wlah a longa ride the boat will
WAYS OF THE BLUE CRAB. to tbe wtnda, bare dlabonored^ bU fanlly. land yoa at Omana or Northpert where
yoa will Gonoeet with ateamer ratoralag to Travane City at 4:00 p. m.
Afteraooo axearaioaa from TVavetaa
" U took a few yeaie only lo (haamtba
While tbe bine crab la not oommonly _ente reaooteeawhleb bate! ttbadlkl
tbonght of aa a awimina and doK In
whera yoa will aoanaet with etaamer
foot opoDd tbe greattr part of Ita time
retomUig to TravoK City at 4«0 p.
on tbe bottom, yrl it can
eiieEi fill! ■■■
aanain Itaelf la tbe wata and owim at haramd fay tbe knowledge their peoniaeaaaa ease eee
...............iroc a
a Toy-fair rate of apeed. Itowlmaeod- Iw itntr thiT betook beneU to tbe man
Sfitest 98SS IBS
wioe, and when awimming it oanka wbo had paoSerad bw man than the half
one Ug oUw thrown forwaid and boot <g bla fcii«dam.
book at tbe middle Joint, making a
BuaraieM Prom tha Boath oa tha
point projeeaing at tbM end of tbe
O &.*!.
body. wbUe tbe atba big otaw traila
o you. 1 know,
AI. will
otraight oat aatam If it ebangea dime- Owe any man eooM leawt aneh m oppoBl, UU Travaiea
City aa lollewa:
tioa. it oooka tfaa olaw it bad been car­ bat mot of aU the ooewboKtaae bed
88 b « n 9SAB88
rying atraiglrt and leta tbe otba go
btr bends but a few b*M yean
Weber leooada os Inatanoe whore free. If it aoataiaa itaelf in tbe wata
He Kid to very dignified etyU Wayaa
be waa Aahingin one of tberireraon
mt pmgrearing, it entria ita Dig
ig eboot hU ‘Ufe-a work'-tt eonAogaat aoth from Paeaa. pedate Ototbeeaatoaaatcf Somatra. Heweandng olawi in front of itaelf aa it woald notbeUeve,o( eeeiirtng cndewmenti einnaU. Deytoa. Spriogfleld, *eatalor unlfosliloi lo rertoiu parte of tbe
Sep. trd-7U Penaa. polaia LoaUrUla.
a dragnet and bad oomKed anamba
tallrdoo-................ .
of tDedhundaed Adi. AatbanotwM <m tbe bottom, bat it baa to keep ita eoantty—aboat tbe bnpevtanee cf coeh lodianapolU, Tarrc Haute. SV LooU.
Tbe fliut five exearaiona tU
being bronght In. two leige eeaoiafcM little clawe in motion to aoetain itaelf. work becaose It would endara. while hU
would not permit him to tooeh
aoddenly made their anMaranee Inalda and in ewimmlng the little olawa are princlpks
pmnel mattera, they having only an
ladainaand Penaa. tiokThey ahowed'no aigni of niMaaiiMK at kept actirely at work. BeaMm making mboDctal ezUtenoe.
good to days.
aapeue. bat wire banfedly gobbling a good degree of progren thxoogb tbe
"JeiA. thme may be demona. but 1
C. E. Muanar, AgesL
down tbe ooraered Aobea Kor did they water in awimming tbe bine omb oan
I't leveage fitted blm
C. L. Lockwcmd
•on.. G
O. P. A T. A.
I the UatAahbad change iu oooTK or awim to a taigba be krwott depths of
don't yoal
'■Ob. I most tcdl3yoo that the story waa
dimppeaod. when tbe formidable opa- cr lower level with fadlity. When
ihst U. It e
torw made their eaoapa.
irlghteoed. tbe Uaecrabmovea off aideaonO.M.*!
r of a
Being air breatfaera, tbe eM aakee wayo, bat when moving about al borne by the mauaglDg editor
per mile. Bel!
low triot aod when
Imd a aimllar exitteDoe lb the whale. and ondiatarUd it may move atraiglrt onlKed
September Sd, good to retarn October
the yardstick In the oasblov'e dbpartme
Beientixta hare exjmaaed moch intoM forward. Ita body may be InoliDod at duly paid (or with strict regard W t
aa to bow long they can remala nhckr any angle to tbe line (f f ogreea. bnt quantity under eoashleration. Thatw
ToroBto. Onurio. one fare for iwnod
wata. PioteMir a P. WitAeld of tbe Ua motion atiD be forward, the big not a great amount. T '
trip. Sell Aogaat >4tb. t#ib. aad mb.
go^ to retnre Sept. Oth.
Anwrican lioaeom cf Katoral Hlatory, (dawa carried crooked aroond tn front. infcemudthataeheck
Rednerd ratM to other polnte. Phone
sent to the office of tbe
while dimgging for ooeala, mw a large It may be I
C. E. Murray. AgtaL
aea anoke lying motianlea amcaig annio tbo Unier
iiger tanks
at tt» aqnarinm, lu writer <d that etoiT."
L Lockwood. Q. P. A..
"Hjippy the man wbo bad tbo twIvUoge
eoral growtha eome eight feot below which there are bine arabo. lobttoa and
•od Baplda.
vndlng that money WBarbaaFloyd."
theanrfaoe. It riwwed no alg>>e of fw otbathinga Tbe temperataro of tbe
ondremelned intbeeame poaitkintor wata DOW Jaateoita tbe crrNtneeena.
d upa linlettartledattbe
NeHson looked
iweTTona baa hoard of Lowaoy>a
aoid they are very Urely. Bine crabi
candlsa, packagKall sues and prloK
may be tern awimming here, end ako
at R. E. Walt's Drag Store.
4be oolaa.- The fanga are very abort, wanting aboBt, ttepptng down from
lOO-tf. ______________ _
and cmaeiioectly do net peoeirate oo etooea that are aa high M they tbgmk
William'a Petoakey Oraam. pore
deep aa the fanga of mom oerpento. bat oalvM are wide with perfeot dignky. if
wk k lly l» 1 frail juicoa. cold sparkling aeda waiar.
coly a oenteb from them ia mowaiiy not grwic of mauna. and walfciQg or
spoons and glasses. ThU mixto frodoce oeriooa reealta. Owiog to caitylDg brir clawe bafon them.—
■'tt'bon tbe lean, k we called It,
tare eoosUlutes oar lee orsam eoda at
tbeir great ahyneoa aoctrteiita are ray
toned to bar bntefecanr. tt wee
es with
Wtii' aeda fountain.
me. When cantered, tb^ map apon a
do hsrrtS.
fall asenianee that It had made
rictim. Aa tbe eyca ate adapted only
and the desire wm added that UsbrniMi -------^
UpobUean Word Oancoeaw.
for OK in tbe water they otrike Uittdly
Bren after tea
wboi bruogbt into tbe air, altboo^ Eorope and had o » Into geneiU tMD
Bring for dayi wbeo vamored from taacapa woe
At tbe onme time
tumol___ ,____ _____ _______ _ . their natire element.
introdoaed: bet apart from ut>e that bad bucc plKod oo Henry MUcoffee
Many apecUnena baaltd ap tn Aahasun's stalwftn sbouJdara. It
mm'a oeta hare been eent to aoolkgioal Bnope dale book only
dark In tbu rurmi for Berbeta, eomlng
^gardeoa Tbe London gardma ers Vmloe. 1659 in Paris, 10#2 in Lcndoti sbo did out of (be 'stningsr light.
went K far aa to boUd a apodal tank and 1694 in Leipala Prom
UoguUh the loeMises
eltber of the men.
ues of eltb
iat thtdr ^nommodation. fint tbem bowovcT. th coaveotkoal crlcotal cof­ to tbe mttely saidd to
her own sweet way
SMW forward Ns. XwUI W
rudLog with a TOMSge
captnred apedmoi dtber die on toate fee cap. witboat stem or bondla. waa that sbo war intnidl
r. K Ball. KM-aed mrrrt os
I. wbo begged Mr. NcUns. tnr. 31, KSS. st I o-clork
ora abuittlme after being jilaaed in little used, and in Germany not at aU.
lUtolyinthedrawcaptiTity. ‘Bcrking a ^rk entner of The CbitMK teacnp was omd Tor tea. SOB M join 1
tbdr ta^ they lefom all food and ol- coffoo aod obocoUte w-welL epechnoiia log
timately otan-e to death. An nod tbe of pmcrUin were undoobtedly dntro- evidiDtly bad tamed the bmd uf the oeUCowailiios.
hssSIc. rutOer vUl be r«vsrd<
sniuMooa rolcanic Ulanda of the Malay­ dneed iirto Etnupe ia
• ------iddleogea biated Dr. SpelMr. Koilson had not
tbe mii
an arcfalpdago them reptiloa ate par- yet not till tbe siitcentb oontniy
dnwmed that be woald be Us e death's
;belrfmet. "flach e Joyoai ooca. tioalarly unmomaa Freqat-nteraptioua cups impvted fadm China lo any groat fa^
odraramaDg .them iilanda, which are <taantiU«a.and even then It waa ea ard- Mn,
hardly more than tbe indy of the vol- elcB of v«rto. Meal of tboK found tbeir ef (be betrothal of oar bekn-.M lUrhara to
,T«n» aty: tO
nos B4LB-LOU U
tbe men of bor eboUe. that tacky Lewis,
psjnsnts^ leoath
way bark luto China agaiu. as oolleoC- wbo cf ouume U wmthy of ber U any man
Daring Ibe ttroe cf an eraption the . ^jg p^waiiuin Is a lasting fad tbere. and eqnldbe.''
few pe<.ple rwltmig nrar by take to the high prices-are paid for good specUnens
But Uerhaia wei Twdlant ThespeoOal
«at«t in tlH-ir l>»U
U> cacap*’
- .tbe
- rain

Chlnws- poroehin. if Ogute had uu aSeetsd ber bigb spirits.
of uah ^
a]«deairNL eaoan pcMbly to Incrmae them.
etnSMml'^VNfW City.
It *1 p-iM-nilly a cciw of Jumping rwjnires immense etadyacd knowledge,
"I shell be living so early In tpe marnmU. iBSStrirt ■
from «!u' frying pan lui > tbe Ore. bow- as tbe ChiDve are ekilUal imltaten Ing that I will not sec you again, Kellevtr .\i Mjrhuii.-» the loa faeoomee and pot nonjeroo* falsifioationsoa tbe soo." said SpdwTK they were paitlngfor )
tbenlgtaV “I want lo inflict aword aboat [
tuu-omlnrtalAy warm from its cloee
myaelD'^ said, -'lo add my eonadence
pn-siiuity y,> iK- burolug nioantaln.
to Barbea Floyd’A Tou will egme with
faivki-ii'rmm wildly atwat
mo. 1 think, that after wltncsalng hex hap­
for eM-apu Tbry taicluiivur to climb
Every bom
piness tonlgfat Cbiae U np further need of
over the- gmmaUa of tbe refogwa' odor of nls own. a
iMulw-to expiate my oraelty to bar. You
boats while tlx-v twine their bodiw in in tbe Archir dcr Geaanimlen Pbyaiok)- oouM not of eoorse know that you were
great loaan-s abinit t.hv forward cbalns. gie, by wbieb be can be reoagnised not tolling my ekxy too." -PbtUdelpUa
When about to Uy tbeir eggs, tbsee merely by dugs bat tgr perscais wltbwuneerptaiu approach tbe abore. TIk eggt ritive organa of snelL Tbecaae la mcnarc laid atx^ve high water mark aM^ \tio»od of a man who blindfolded oonld
It WM ooans a Fiencbman. M. Bonleft to batch by tbe beat of tbe sou. VS oot «xcb individoal In a company
Joor (Mr. Ooodday). wbo toft faU ebep and
Many oeanum prey open tbr yoang (ff SO by bia odex.
in tram » o'clock u 11 :tJ«'eiOTE a. luali
repiUea. Among their uncedw are
Tbe amell U not bora whh aa. bat tomato aaoee to hang biawotl, and oa be­
ing cut desra by tbe poikw went Iwek aad
Miarka and other large fisbes, wbila tbe«daa}ly tlU tbe tee at paber- flnlMied hU meeL That hi^ipMied only
adulu. in spite of tbeir duith dealing ty. after wfaiofa it remains tmebaaged. tbo ottwr day. It wm doridedly French.
fangs, fall victims to Ota eagles and Members of a family have ti/kiad ot I>rdhably a man of no other bsUod ooold
large gnUs. After tbe great typhoons oommOD odor, which peniats even when have souompUsbsd It. M. Donjour's ax*m be ehartoi
for hU fash deed was that be was
wkleb are oommon In the PbiUppmue they bare lived apart lor a long tiine.
bu wife baviog hanged btti^
. and tbeir vicinity, many of tbusu ureaTbe coCire area of tbe Dniied BtatM . year bsfure because of tbs Monotony xf
tareamay befoond aksig cbe-beach.
wbere tb^ have ben cast np doring U plaeed at I.M6.017.B9I ecrea.
sbe atorm and killed by th.. violent which 741.T08.S05actt
PtalB. 50c. with bib. toe. All yoa
I of tbe waves—K. v Yoik byiuSiridnaU or by
want of them.
atateaorbare paamdoat?tfaeoonM
"Man will eome aad mas will go. bat
of tbe gweral goverenNot.
time tor ptot
A pteter in Hoodoras baa a right to
we are bore te stay.”
Bobtg—Ves'm, 1 dl^*t
"legistar" blmoeU and M labotan.
gfonlyonoe. I g« tbe
BavagcA on tbe whidA lira I
wbsrehy tfacy an exempt from mUUaiy' than oivilM paopla
>wklag.>^lnolnnatl B


Kipm 4 Miui 11


^ at imium l i

— 'LT55SS‘»“?cii'.iS5 »iss*jr


L'r'.;sn,.''?ris,. 's:




Hamilton Oarhartt



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