The Morning Record, August 18, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 18, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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liMm 4Q7i

TRAYW® cere, MIC?., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1896.

8Mond Tev-Ko406

Between the InsurHente and Soldiers of Gen
eral Merritt’s Army.

Americans Attacked By the People They Are
Befriending—7000 Spanish Prisoners
Taken In the Surrender.

eon TO KSXT smsna

Ametol tor OompUcity to OonntorIfftnVftTiri Ku.
Mttog Bobnan WUb TUrnty at
SridoBOo t^Ooaoiet.
^Detroit. Angwt ir-Ootomer
gTM And pniv will Atrlre la PbllAdel- Apseial w Tna Mooaas tocoaa.
Detroit. Angnet 1?.—An taperUi
pbU At 9 oloto tomorrow. .aomlM to
arroet tooonneetiOB srlth toe Jobnees
rooolro theMtod reserra bbek.i
too goronaent without toe torn of oonntorfeittog OAAOO oeewrod tola Attar*
I itoon Ma OoergkaA Baylis
one. It le not known when they will
tAkon Uto eaatody. A let of bogna
lOAcb Detroit. probnUr not tiU Mon
ecu end bilU fonad to bar began IcAd
d^, when A deaoaatrAtiOB wUl to
too offioon to boUoro they bar* tbo
held mad toe eoioaony of m
boy to too groAt ehain of oridoooo.

ent oeear on boord the Tantie.


Aurwt 17—Bom Kom Ibrdo into the tmUod eity. where too
•oronaent WanU to Betnla 85to
•Aritm> lBdl«£te
isdl^te that tbo Attorieu,
KiebigAn Boeanee it io Beet XqiUpnander, oooing toll fortfcer rooiftdUBe»ltiM in tiu PUUmIiim are sot
ped BegimeatinBerTtoe.
once «ru owleee, boieied a white lUg
OTV. After U* somndcr of MaoUa.
OpeclaluTas Moasue Raoeas.
And onrraidercd.
tkolaoBnrMtsAtudnd OoBenl MerDetroH, AiyMt IT.—NotsrltoatAto
ritt** trpoB* bni wero oosOy ropal^tog Ooremor Pingree profaaw Ignoi
▲dalal J>owey'« Beport.
TktfArs sanmiM A totj AffreMiTo
ABco ea toe anbjeot. tborA la good An■paelel uTaa Moaasa SoDoan.
Attltade, refnilM to roeogaite tbo prothority
tor toe auieaant thAt
WAtbington. Angnet 17.—AdBial
Dewoy'i otBelel Aonoonesaent of too Tbirty*fifto MiebigAB. now At Chap
AooonilBg to eito aocoodI Uo lasarBAtoA.
not bn autored out toe
boabonlaentAiidearrondorof MabUa
ooao Uba bet wilt be Awigned to garboa been iwoeired. It U a* foltosro:
bAd bm ptAOOd by lUjor^JoaoiAl Mer­
Porta Brady Aod Wayne
'MAnilA. Angnet U, to toe Seentoi
ritt. BBtiaiod At Aot b^r permJ
ot toeKery. WetoingUa—MAnlUenr- And otow placea. Tbe feet ia. toe Iblrto bAve Aoy obmre in tbo ouTentor of
bat eqolpped reglntenl
reedorod todmy to toe AaertcAB lend
tbo city. It is roportod UAt they AV
AoduTAltoreoenftorA ooaMnod aV to tbe ield today nnd ton gomcaaeat
tookod toe AmorioAiM in tbo tmebon.
it: bnt ia kupUg qalet
tAek. A dlTieloB of toe oqudroa
Boat Admlrnl De*oy bna nlood too
obellod the toru end iatrenebaoaU At tm toaotonrreclaenU ae anatered
blockade Tbo obopo bare reopened
ton pr.trat that wiU
MAUtoontoeaontboidla* of tla eity,
And tbnro to n front fonliaf of roUnf
drirlag bock tbe enemy, onr nray nd- sarely be anda
naoM tbo pooplo.
randng from thAt tide At toe oeae
tiae. ‘nieelty onironderod A)>ni S

Oor Boji Come lirchlii Home Agtii,
Hninli! flonilir


Only a few left. ■ If you want a cheap one

cheap see what we have.
MsrMiam DIRcL


wm Vet Be Alleved.


Aaertoan oQoere base Mtered the
Madrid. Angut 17.—The gaseial imdty to arrange with CapUIn General preulon hers U tbmt when dipIonaUe
MacIu for ita formal aurreoder in ae- relation nr* rutored betwou the two
MUiatcr Woodford wUl reh tbs terms ef peace. Tbe
lorn VO Madrid. There U no foelinn of
N of toe American But are U
hoetiUty agAiut him hero, and hi* dia*
front of toe harbor. waiUng for tbe ta- erect cuodnet dsHag the war ta felly
moral of the enbmarino mUea. Tbo
•dated In offidal drelea
Spanish Beg stfll Biu over the fortiBW. H. Pletebcr's new hotel, now U
enUoBS. u too eity bu aot job boon eonru of nreeUon at toe oonu of Park
farmnUy^tarned osar to too American aod Front atreeie, ia to be known u
toe "Hotel Columbia.’’

PraoidAnt SAyAppoUt Him on Peaen
UABilAgode Cobfc, Aognat lT.-«enOoaiminuoD Aa An Xrldeaee
«rnl Wood, torovgb tbe rigilanee of
of HU Worto.
tbe aeeret aerrioe men. bu leamnd tont Opeelal t« tbe Means* Bsooaa.
the CAhaa* had planned to aake an at-1 WaahUgton, Angnat 17.—The pranltaapt Uter U toe Bonto to oeeapy toa [doBt ia
the erftdty'jolnUy srlto the Amerioana. In leiaao on doeretAty Alger, and to toow
~ paraannee of their detire to ehnre tbe biaeontldenoehe la likely to appeUt
'oUitAdiaUlatrAUonof tbe town with Seentary Algor on too peace eomata- ookblaj/d op OAMP WZOXOPP.
toe AaerleAB ofiaers and place their oloA toobow toe oooitry be beHerea
Oeaetnl Wboeler WiU Provide Brory*
toe *rar sraa well oondneted.
<Uc« OB ton pnblle bnildinga.
for Comfort.
%be pUn of toe Cnbana. Oeneal
Sptalalto Tbs Mosstso Bbdou.
Wood learaa. ia nd to retort to nay
WesbUgton. Angut
doUaee. bnt w ntumpt to aareh Uto
It Wdi Vat Ooae Off Beforo October Wboeler ^ reedsed order* to ea
' too town panoanbly. The deUUa of
let—It Wan Bo Decided
eoBsaad of Camp Wickoff tiU Oeneial
tbo neheae, bowrrer. are not yet
ShAfur Atrisea General WbeeUr bu
known to toe AaericAna, bnt toe Span- epteiaj mTbs Me^a Rsmbb.
orders to pnrebaw eseiy.toing poseibls
tab nad Cpbaa ranldaBta of tbe towa
New York, Angnat 17.-The Corbett- for the comfort of the men.
AM very much oppoaed to it.
MoCoy boon poatponod n*fl'
They hare peUUoned toe AaertaAB A data not Utor than Oetobu I, at Bof- Baperor WUlinm Oaem of toe Otor.
offioon toreaaia aad proeerye order, faU. Ibb wu decided upon at a noa- apeelal «e TVS Mesknia OsooM
London. Angust 17.—Tbe dally
and notbUg la more oerUIn than that fnrosea held today: between WUIiaa
graph’* oorrupondent U Sb PeUrw
too Cabana will aot be allowd to
Oray reprounUag^ McCoy, and Hawto eity^ The Morro road, by wbtoh tbo to(*M of tbe BeeUe dob, and Uoorge bwg iM*: "1 am able to oonBrm ton
sment that Emperor ^illUm wBl
Oabaos had planned to eoBO to Baa- ConidUn.Oorbett'a bachnr.
etny two days at Lisadta, u ton Osarb
ttago. ta gnarded by tbe Fifth raglaaait
at taanneo. oommandoa by
pmmAx.op JOKv ATKmov. gnnet, dorUg hta Jonrany to PalsntUe."
Borroat, wboae order* ere to let no
Xaai MartUy Trtbtttm Paid to
badtanotauMi ann pooA
»W P ntalMeesIpuattamaAEMfO.,
Btot Irnwyar to Detroit.
ApaeialwTna Manns Bsoeu.
WaabUgton. Aagaat 17—Xn tbs ra*
DeMt. Aagnet 17 —Ibe fiaernl
Aanrirnn Trnat WilU Boy Saanl
porta of Bfty eltlu gtroa oat by ton
Ocd. John AtkUeoa thta aftarneea
.■cotton dtOobMunUnaa.
puul dnpartmeat today. Orand Bapof tbe aoM iaprualre erer
id*. Miob..ahowatUtrsaUnt iaeraau
DetnU Angut 17.—Sevaral aoatos
>. AatbeUetbagUBotoaftopd*
of reooipU
ago a deal wu am foot |or too Ameriaaondod. tba body wu lowamd U*
e*M Tobaeeo Oaapaay. otoesAriu toe totoegtaveaad bandr^ of wm
Plagan Hpidamla
tnat, to boy Dental SesUna A Oo,b
•pedal «e the Hornne Seewa.
BUwntoa tobaneo Untary u Dalrntt <ow«aUtotoa grave mpm tba teg
Bombay. AngaM IT—Tba babaata
<crobeatgl.fi09.00a Tbcvrueaa.
wtappadeaakat. O. A. B. potta aad plaguta
MtoUk* BAM
MbsnadtoabarattooAadUbndtaa. IM teatoi affinUUy rnpnrtod U« waak.


Holley ft OoBBtahlo



tiona Are that tbe deal will g« torongh.

' 290 Froni Street

Tbe D. O B. K. Xneting WQl Beltpae
all Prorloaa Attrapto.

Them wua meotUg ef tbe i
here of Tin**rw City Lodgn Ne. 7S. K.
of P. Inat Aigbt to arrange for toe an*
nnal gathering of the D. O. K. K. to
tbtaelty tolatoU. There were prnaenl
Orand Viator Leo Caro and Cbu. Bog'
adooeof KaabaToapto, who eame np
from Grand Baplda yuterday.
that toe grand gathnrUg of the tribe ahaU Uke place on
Thnreday. Oetober 6th. Laet year thta
one of tbe aoet encew
of the kind erer held here and
•t novel and etriking. Thta year
it ta proponed to aelipu all prerioos
attempt*. The Qraad Rapid* eeatUgent will eome here by epectal train,
folly MOetrsng and gather on their
way oandldatoe and aemben from
all the town* on ronto. Tbsa will eieo
be delsgatlone from Petoekey. Cba'le*
roU. ItagUaw, Big Bapide. Mantatoe,
Mukegon ana other pointa It ta eapeeted that a elasc of abont
will Uke toe eeeret work of tbe or*
o’eiodt. toe AaorioAn flag being boUtSpaMai to iu Means* Bocobd.
To Znjnre a PaaUy a OhicAgA by der. Tbe oeremoniee will he held to
MnnUA,Aof- ». Vin Bong Kong. ed by LlMtenAnt Broaby.
A Beary Obarg* of Dynamito
Steinberg's Grand Opein Uon«e t>- ba
.boot 7.000 prleoaort woro ti
Am* tf'—AUtUo After 6 o’clock tbio
AgaUai Tbelr Dwelling. ^
followed by grand baoqaet- The grul
Bcnlng AdBirol Desroycont cmcMcn-, Ibe nqoAdron bad ao CAanAltUa and toed el toTn MessTsc Rscoea
parade wUl be grutor toao lui year
gortoOi^tAinOcnnntl AngnnU to do>i one of toe Taoula waa inJared.
Cbioago. Angut 17.—Aa attoapt I
'**'7toing elu to eonneeUoa wTU
tBAnd toe borroddnrof toe city. The^ “On Angau 7th. Qoaoral Merrttt and
made lut aigbt to lahe tballvwof be npoa a el
foraaUy demanded the
AdalfAl gar* toe Sponltb eontaAnder
JdiB Bill, Jr..hl* wife aod tiro gbiUOKXOAOO aoT^ PMIZB.
one boor U wblcb to ooafdy wito toe toe dty. which ton Spanl
nn. by exploding a baary charge ef
AobawL And told hia toAt if too eity ronerAiretoeed.”
dynaalw agaiata hto reeideaoe. None Cnptnred n Blaok Bau Wbleb
Weigbnd Venrly Sovbi Pc»adn.
wero^ onrrondored in tbot time bo
•ttoeU^enfleredUJnry. Tbe per­
Tbo MiUed aad Wouded.
Sidney fteganstaU. a Ud ton yurs
oroold bonbord It.
petrators plnesd tbe mtatUe oa a pole
Ofngaof CbicAgo. hu distinguished
Oonoml AofuU rofmod to eopitn- ApeeUlteTn MossaoBsonp.
iffietont length to reach tbe eoeond
himeeU in the an of utehing bUek
Vow rbrir, Angnatl?.-Ibe JonraAl'e story windows,
Uto. And At 9:30 o'eloek a olgnAt
beaa At Carp Lake Monday be landed
ont OM the OlymplAdiroetlng too t qoAd- MaoUa apeeUI reporu too tollowlag arranged that it wu plsoed against tbs a bau which weighed six nod toroeroB to open Bro. Almeot lAStonUy the kUlod and woandnd oo too A»erU^ frnma of the wlndosrs of BUI's bodrooa qurter ponada Sidnsy and bi« kreth*
f«nn of wtnblpa bogAn to sheU tbo oido:
The crime is believed to base been er Jouph with to*ir mother are visit­
ing toe family of Herman Hyomn.
toera. ud. toeIrflrowM kept np for
■‘Killed-jobn Dnoaaore, Firm CUi- >n*^red if not exeentod by race traek
Wubiagtoa street and hi* ••rp-rii
two boiuA. Then too AntoricAB traopo fomln; Angnat Thelea. Thlrty-toird
>en, agnlut whoa Nr. Bill u aa of- taone which many expert Bsben
•ebem otoraed toe SpAnlak tresoboe, regaUra; Archie PAtlereoa, Thirteenth Beer af toedsie federation hu eondnet- wonld be prond of. In landing hta
prize it rsqoired all hi* etreaxth and
>, mwtplag All before tbea.
for userel m.nolee the fl-b gase a bard
The Celorado iroope fint otoraed toe
Wonaded-OMt. O. Seehnek. ThiibatUe and eeseral Um*e cam* n^ar
MU toenebu And drm the enoaf tUtb MlniMeeU; Oapt. T. BJontndt.
JerkUg tbe boy from to* boat. KinAlly
bnek to their seoond line of
TkirtUto HUnecoU.
with toe aid of Hr. ByatAn It wu ufeDnitod •Utm Offloen Snto ed
Arrange for Parmel SarrenUid on toe ebetf. Now Uforantioa
der of tbe Oity.
omna from n reliable eonree that freeh
8b Thoaae, D. W. L. Angnat 17.—Ad*
are pendiM And while toe
Spau WUl Mot Object to Him U Hta
pAXtUe Are $250,000 AhcAd. toe UdlcA* rlou from 'San ioan. Porto Bieo, sag
Poraer Offie*.
Mo Violeaoe to be Attempted Bnt
XaeorgoBUPropoee to Oeeapy the
OityJoUtty With AaerloABS, Bat

JB.1 no.l..d.
™aarteet ta fall of uae rery


Tntferse Giti ScM of lusic!
iMBtlOudll, BffidiSoeL
Oop. rrooi aod Case Ou.

SomethiDg New!
JOtaU in and see the new
style of

Extension Tabb
Which I am snlUnc. It 1


! Just Part
' of the Price

J> vlimt7(ra’IIp«ynowIfyoiiiraat«



Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet
and Clothing Bouse.t

If You Have )Logs to Sell
OoTOpoDd With the Trmme Oit, Limber Oompm,,.
Wvliera hr ede Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Ejbjcnos iroxt wAx.-in
Mill MAchMtoryofaUdetaniption^indiidiiigTwoEnffuien,
Ret Work*, CuTugee And Sawn. Aoomplete Saw Mill Pisat
for Bale.


I While The
I ,Jrfee of Tea Has Gone Up
I Wc} will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
;(:1t-will pay yon to try onr 13c bnlk coffee-a good
! wboIesome]berer^e at a small price.

: ■Phone 167.

MS Pront street.

Hastiflgs’ Iteal Estate Agsney.
Bicycle Riders. Steinberg’s Grand
pairing And eftameilng, Aod thAt I can
and do give yon the but worti of nay
one in toe dty for the money. Doa*t
be deceived by stoat others tell yon to
tbe eentrary, bat eome and aee for

Stop in tm 6 o'clock eswy evMlsg
except Senclny. ia the Ckldwell A Low
dOD bnUdfog. At aorto end of Haloa



I have also in connection
with my nndercaking biisi^
ness a fall line of

Fine Furniture.





TvoUrato. .


Opera House.

Thursday, Aug. 18.





llltilNSATION Ot TMt .'-.Gt
^ittouR^^sjisliBBinlAw toeotat* mu


2S, 3S, 50 nd 7S CIS.

bM baa.* at
^*SijSTtanJ?aS*?2i! Beataonaila at Box Offioe Mac-






' ■

" "i '' - '

tWMBsmMsiM ra««ani«, <

va4TSMKcrrT. . xioBiaAH
«M. T. yr— All J. W. BAMOm.
J.1T. I

Bdittv wd HuftfW'


ImiTUU IX)BT -or a wa»k


Friuda or Hr. and Hia. H B. Frstt
Hsjeyed Their HosFttsUty.


Over fifty gneata enjoyed tha heepitallty of Mr. aad Mrs. B. A Pratt at
MhrBoabfoPlsya Hiilersat. their beastifsl hoae. last
futi • WtwAtnmb)* Owtroi
eveaiag Is aBaaserwhieb wiU laa«
te a plaaaaai memory te all preeeot.
Of«r « OloM
My work is fint clan And prices tbst Are io reach of nil. Ism
lb« •ttmdMM* M Um tea CMM 7M-1 The ooBpasy eooalewd almoet axoia(artey te»wM« tte D. A (Ta Md tfaa ’ sively of tbs otd rsaideau of Trswise
prepared at all timea to take care of tbe trade. I make a specialty io
dtoteadad BoMlea wu T*ry saklL aty, aad bsppy memorive of pioneer
Biazmg, Vttlcaniziog and Snan
Tte »!• tte Bi(ht tefore tofl tte days iatenperaed with atorim of UriUla ft Tftry tloir oondlUoft. Ing adveatnrea by "laad and aea” ^
and to rest.
T«7 lltUe ftxdteMBt vna oftsMcatod formed tha toplea of convenaUoa.
ftt ftay aiftCft ol tte obm ptftteUy on
took aotaa of tke yean of raaldeoce
ftoeoBftt«( thft oold wcftiher.
here of each penoa preeent and found
Id tb« alxth iDiUnc • oIom dwteioft
they footed up an aggregate ef eeven- ]
ft* rirea tte rtaltori by U»pl«| OntMU hnsdred and eeventy-alx. as av«r-1
tterd ted Ue Hostlm nfuMd tft pUy
age of over thirty-one yean, which i
ftolew rmpire Ontterd Wftft iftsored.
To have your shoM half eolrd or tope asd heels re­
Ukee our town pretty well back to tbe |
Cbift aiwle WM tTMly Iftdftlcte la by
paired. JOB MABLIN. S14 East Front atreeL
B. B. MUler led tbe'
bothaid» DnriBC tte mIo*. dneta.
V. 0 L A Hsrket.
bora ben some fifty
•te.. whlcb foUft*^, Hast wftBl«d
yearo ago. and S. B. Walt look second
Tbe following ladtee are asked to
Twomay'a aeftlp tweftOM tte l*tt«r adkonors wlU a record of forty'*«*6n eootribete to Ue ttatniday Market to
dreMftd ttaa eaptals InaaftBceiiUftiBftDFETTEBLV. fllS Monroe street. West Bide.
years The oldest person praaest waa be held next Batnrday afternoon at
ly BftBftftr. A («w word! <r*« Usplr*
••Asst Adaline" SmiU. Mrs. Prsttb Haskall'a bookvtnrv, from i to S o'clock;
NoTfttay ftftdothmKiMwhfttnoiafled
who la s member of her family, Meadamva Barilaod. nanaiovsky. M.
the IrelDl flftpuln ..d (be r*“e
and at tte age of eigfaty-eevea is N. Bammond. J. B Uimlln. L. M.
tlnaUy eoaUnaed with Onthard asplraprigbtly and antertslsing, and whoee Harris. A Hobbs. J M. lagrig. C. Sure. 137 Frost atreet.
lap ftltwftfttely with Hovotay.
favorite manner of paaaiag time la Ue Irish. M. Jamvaoe. C. J. Kneelaad,
The delay of the pUy and the annay- ddng of the mmt dainty asd elaborKenyon, E. Keltovr, B Lyon, W. Lon­
If ooBtroTvrey aisoaf tte piayen waa
embnlleryasd needlework which
at appreeiatad by the patrons of the would put to ehame Ue eyeelgbt ef don. O. Lnrdlv. G. E Lnclw. H. B
Beet Five Cent Cigar Made. THB GILBERT CIGAR 00.
iraae and the Ikpleaenre waa plainly cany a young girl of tte preeant gen- Lederle, Anna Liu^. a D. La Poiut,
Minnie LawrvD<w. C. C. Mnea, T. D.
itfcatMi, and atroar islimatiOBa raiion.
MeMnsnv M. S. HeMieheni. L. K Mc­
fieea that the fa» auatfo oa or
A mHt slaborate asd beaoUfol Coy. J. A. McMnnua. Mery Moody. JesBsay -would demted a return of their 'high tm ' was served which Uowed
Boaey, which waa paid to aee a ball tte trivsdft and nelgbbon of Ue oldeo ■le Mills. O. B. McLellaa. R. Montn(fttpe, Mt a diaeuaaioa of pereooal dlB- time Uat the mialrcaa of HiUercet had gne. Molr. Asa HaU. A. B. Ball. C.
Ball. B. J. Morran. O C. Hoffatt Mte
ranoea os the disBoad.
of tte wall remembered skill
sod Uet lU quality of tone. W. W.*KiHBALL CO.. V. B. STVONO. Managnr,
Jocko Wearer oanpht behind the bat
•3S Front street.
yeaterday for the first time durlnf hU had made her noUWc in Ue long ago
euy hare, ea aeoeust of a ali( ^t Isinry past.
reoalred by Hunt. After tte first isTse gavaU from abroad were Mr.
aiap hia eatebisg waa ef an exoallast aad Mra. A. a Worthy sod Mrs. M. J.
COOK. Star Oroeety, 946 Frost Street.
order and he made aeraral pbenomenal Bddy of Kalamaioo. Mrs. D. PeUisos
I offoul fliea. Miller at ahart of Chicago, Mrs. C, B. Atwood of Fer­
atop bad two errors but oorered Bors nando. California.* Mrs. B. Batch of
Bach and every man ehonld carry ac­ I
and Paik aueeta.
thsm hla saual rroesA Wheeler led Grand Rapids, asd Hr. Morgan Bales
cident and tli-kneeaproteeUon. Itcnoia
with the tettlnr and brooKbt down a of Cbkago.
yon 6aly $1 00 per m'>eU in the larg­
Honie FuTslahlng Goods. GEO. W.
nnmber of aky-eorapera. Pitman play­
est. atrongeat and )>eat company on
corner Stats asd ObIob ata.
ed errorleB is left field and diatisSociety of Saginaw. Urangh tbrlr
ruiahed himaelf Is a bard run for a ball
agenu, look after yon when y-on are
eo'aleae to the hltehlsf fenee that the
tick. Ibeir many teatlmoalala from
fielder waa forced 40 throw hUaeelf W -As Old Orask” Vasts uBoeOrigisal eiUECua of TrsverM< City and vleinity
abnold eonvinoe yon Uat they are fair ktnda of Vegetab'va. Try ear 76e Ten. TBDRTELL A OANB, Fnlnee Bakcay.
the troaad ia order to aare himaelf laTeam Oo Agalnat HqaUera.
corner Union and 7U eireeU.
jury by ooUldlac with tte feaoe. WUHoBSixe lUooBD—! would like tocee
' stout of hla terri- Ue BoKxisii Rcouso etart a.movemeat
tBy'ls tte fifth lasing. Barry seat a for a ^me of hall between Ue BasUera
tetrtrt HaBairvra.Tia>rrw City. PfaiK
fly Into right field which could have nod ohr eld aloe who aaed to give oa
furr Jobssua Blerk. Boos I
LnoekeadT^ world for 16c. Open all eigbu
9*S«Utbl« A««BU Waoted.
bees taken aare of by Rntberford who
F good fas than the Bahtiers can.
played tte poaitioa. bat Wilhelm
As Ue movement has been started to
eat and naked for it. When nearly an. glvrUeBostiersa beavfii. 1 Ulnk a
der it te stopped asd the hall fell to game batween Ue Hnstlere aad car
the gronad unteucked. Be eelced It old nine composed of Bm Wilhslm.
asd made a wild throw to third base Dsve Campbell. Bd Gilbert. Jack Reid.
Dingwall scored os tte error. Alf Friwlrieh. Fred Boughey, Frank
However, Wilhelm made a pretty atop Httot. and they eonld have Tony No­
of a hot liner in the sixth, and got a votny now as he has retired from base
two-bagger while at tet. Although ball, aad get a pitchcf from the
Butler pitched at Bay View Tuesday, Unsllers.
74 pain “Pininve" $3.00,98.60 and $4.00 LadlM' Shoes
ba pltebad a good gams again yester­
Please work thia op; it meeU with
At $1.98.
day. On account of a sore hand Hunt Uc approval of all who have heard of
69 pairs ‘*Pin$ree** $4.00, $500 and $6.00 Man’s Shoes
played at flnt base instead of behind
at $2.98.
the bat. and filled the poslUen well.
Ak Olo BAtLCssXK.
Be alee got a nice donble while at bat
60 pairs ‘^PingTse” $300 Ladies Juliets at............$1.68
la tbe mlath. Three double playi were
Tbe l>eaU Becetd.
113 pairs ’‘Pin$rM” $2.00 and $2.50 Ladies’ Oxfords
made by Ue local team. Miller aad
J. e. Metier died at 10 a. m. Toe#
at $1.48.
fully Ui tte feurih Inning, Bntlrr. day of gangrene at Ue home of Mr.
90 pairs Ladies $1 50 end $1.75 Oxfords at......... $1.00
Saeket, on Ue weet side of Silver Laka
Wilhelm and Hunt purticipated ia one
Be was alxlyfonr years old. aad bad
78 pairs Hisses’ $1.00 and $1.85 Oxfords at........... 75o
in tte aeveatb. aad WbeaUr. WUhelm
many acqnalotaoees is Ue elty. The
and Bunt retirml two sun in tba eighth.
Children’s and Misses’ Calf Shoes at...............80c
funeral will be held at Ue home of Mr.
Dlsgwull. for the onUlde pUyed fine Sacxelt at 9 o'clock this mornieg, and
t seoead ard led Ue batting lUt. "
will be in charge of H. L- Carter.
gotabese rna is tte fint and two
alnglea afterward. Barry Ue pitcher
Newt waa received laat evening of
a sent with a two-teggsr asd two
Ue deaU in Chicago of Mrs. WUl Stew
alnglea. Ha alao pitched a geod game ard, -formerly a resident of Traveree
atrlktegont eight men aad allowing
Txa.e Oxd. Eel.±a‘bl.o SlxoexcLaaa.«iy. .Mrs. Steward bad many friends
only eight hlU off hU delivery.
here who wUI he grieved to learn of
sey. Ua atau in oastre field, played hU
poAtlan in grand style. In Ue first her deaU.

Walch This Goluinn For latgains !


Fifty Cents
Do Yoe Want a Bodt?


BnwbUwn County Ooi

asS!i:Si:si^-5? srsilfxir
*• Ormod Opm 0»uc. Tih«ip« OIVi o«
--------- .^*.ek>ek.
- dlo«*l-

5 Gents-Smoke Jracker Jack Sigars-S cents
Guard Chains

Bate Yon Tried The.UmbiU?

Take Only the Best Soaps -12 Bars for 25c

o. a HorraTT, awTMi7. Bvom eoBlftff from Manila ladieau
•hat oar troabloa is the PhlUppiaea
haaobatjast bepna- Ibe laamritaote
have ButiaW and are dlapoaed to reMat (he iniUaUre tatea by thia
forarsBoah It la qalte oridaat that
the satlTea of tte ialaada do sot know
• fMd thlsf -when they aee It.
Md thIa -ntry elesust is the
jitaatioB ahowa that they are atdarty usable to gortn tteBaelrea.
That belsc the oaaa. what ahaU
ho daaa with tte ialasda? Ibe next
mag te happen ia a deal of troable tor
•klB rorarnmBit in the aetUemest of i
•ho qaaatioa. WhUe we do set want
•he ialasda In their estitety. perhapa
•ha quiekeat way out of the difficulty.
atm all. wauld be to taka tham and
hofis at onoa to aet ihe Bachloery of
food ABurieas corarnmeat la motion.
am daal with the naUr« la a Banner
•O Mbdue them and at the aame tlae
li^an a few leaeona in appn-eiaUon of
Bewalhlod that la good for them.
•oaWtte the arcrape fanner about rlybl
is esehangs for hia wheat; yet we no•fee that te la eUll allowed to pay hla
SMTlraffa Is ^a aaBo money that preesUed before the laat presidential elecTbbbs ought to te a briak daaund
•or Colab Financial Seboel la thatBbe•fan of Maise where the people IsTMt«d their meaey is a acbeme t« make
^eU oul ai^ eftlt water.


Peiilirae That Ha Was Xladsfomad
Hegardisc the Fire Teask
Mossue fiscosD-lB regard te tte
gwehaae of the fire teasi for tte city,
to which I euted before the oeusell
Mnday might Ahat B. J; Morgas had
phftigail the city
for axebasgisg
tma of the horeee, contrary to an agreepMt When tte taas waa purehaaed,
I dsMis to eay few word#.
Is Baktsg the statement to the oehn«a I did It is good faith, and relied
.mob information derived from certain
employea of the department. 1 I
g»r^, however, dlsoovered that I had
teea BlsleferBed, aad that the h
la quMtioa had been in nee by tbe elty
about three years tefore it became
aaoMttry to replace it. This being the
nsM I believe Uere waa no nnlalracaa
•o tha city U being charged the extra
aaouat. aa the animal heeame ineapacMated long afwr it bad given geod
a«wlec aad naUI Ukea eiek fitted tbe
taquirementa. 1 make this sUtement
after tkorengh isveetigaUos whieh
ihnri that my InformatioB waa erroseaaa 1 will state farther tiint my only
MaMva is tha eonree 1 punned wa
•te istanst of the city.
GaosoK W. luao

jBoii Bods, Cboict Confections.

Furniture Bargains ^a.

The Palace Bakery


Coiurnliian Restaurant

Summer Shoe Snaps!

I Tr' 1

And manir othet broken lines rodiiced in prico.

:n\cBJ3JsL !B’x‘ied-i?ictL

inning he captared a fly from Wheeler's
tet. joal aa it waa pibenl to land aga^i
tSa tror fence. 'Be alao did good work
wiU Ue aUek. Dncbtama played good
hall at first base and got two. bits, a
two-baggar and a alugle.
axoeptioBa of a few erroia. Ue rest

kany Traverse City people will be
grieved ui learn of the deaU of J- A
Ormsbee. formeriyof Uls city asd well
known in tbia locality. Heceased
7«> yean of age sod weot W Califorala
a few yean ago. Bia deaU occorrod
Aogast OU. at Parris, after several
aad weeks of intense suffering.

time a snfferer from heart trosble. The
faneral will be brld from Ue M. B.
qfanrek today at U o'eleek.
Faria Oroas—The pure aUff.
leap adolteratlona. *5 ocaU
; Walt's Drag Store.

Our Offerings

I -N Furniture

kutK I..H.I HmDriog.



To Him That Hath

tWmto....... .. .......... » T I. B 11
Awarded to A. S. WUaos.
a house U> paint
A. B- WaeoB.waa the lowaet bidder
lor the ereeUoD of A. Petertyi'a
eaiplags and wages factory to be built OeuWe p
hla mooey'a worU is good honest work
at (he eorasr ef Usloa and StoU offBuUai
If he employe
WUd fUieX. SBUer. VeiamssB. Bis bid waa ti.ers asd tbe
OM. a. Wianie,
gawtraet waa gives to him. Work on
taa sew buUdlng will be eomme
Op-to-oate painter aad paper hanger.
Applaa OoBiug in Uesly.
atoMS. Stone from Graen Bay. Wia..
teas arrived asd will ba naad for the
Applaa are eoalag to the dW H«vly
Bow-a-dsya. Teaurfiay Aldensan Lardie received and paekad is hia wareAometb»g Good to Mat
houae. ISO barrels of Ue DuehsM yariGiTM Free Leeeone
Thepnblioiaaak'd*.! pat~-r: ia *he ety. The prtoe paid waa $1.06 per harntBaetlvd boo.h neai 'Ac comer of
toaau't Ktirinh vW-eta. bre-«'vd c.-wr
Hr two "VUri*'r ’H-lc maH»na. tha
(heet Hade at Half Price, alee
Kteaea Frmneia Bldnd asd Masdia

Shall Be Given


Miss Doyle

flviMagtoB. who wfll ba piaaasd to
aBTeiafratemastB today.


All finds of EniMei}
aid Moderi loot Moline

pieces exclusive with UB, that
fit flnt unUffiPlil for beauty have not been equalled.
■we make particular mention of BEBD and BATTAN FUBNITUBB. Aside from a floor full of beautifhl creations In
thfs material we make prices equally as attractive.
Whether you Intend to refurnish your house this fall or.
just contemplate (the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms took rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
^ to do so at a very Uttle cost. We want you to see Ue goods
in any event.



^SB koitilHa musoud, thpbbpat. attovst is, issb.

r umnSis SToi«Er*|

Wa! ThaboatwmiwTotba doA at 7
e'clook. EoaadtripaatyM eaata.
Mmxe. A. Erooaa. whociadaatad tbte
roar fron tho U. af U. deattoUr doM Vattan of XaUnx Won
partncBt, hoadoddod to locato (a ^k
Be bM looaed tbe rooias oror Uie
ram «c xtAicu.
Flnt Natteoal bank aad wbaa tbe
%«nvrmiononici*n«tMtWiir*riF paiadaff aad paperior of than baee
- be wUl bare a Aae eat
te oontar to tto (root t a writar of of nfleea aad In a ifood loeaUon. Tbe
ahUdnaV hbtory. Bbok
• ■ by tbe
le. Sbc k at Orasd Trareree Land Oa bot Ue----I part of tba pany bare leaerd (be Mosa adjdniaff
Ueir lamer onca.
aba wUl poWkb ta book fonn. Htaa
Anthony OreUlek ia drlrlnf a flne wan
MaeanWr k a taaebar in tbe GreasrlUe t boraea pnrchaaed from B. 3. Morfan.


Tbe Sanlt 8t«. Maria ne«a taya; ■•Aclira work on tbe 800's bl( water power
eaiul projaot will be nnder way witbin
tba next tour weeks, and wUl noteease
UtU Ue stnpandooas task bas been
flnkbad. TbU, aeeordinf to tbs terns
at tbs cdatneta. wUI'be wttbia 16
■ontbs troB Ukir exeealion: botnomliaUy witbU tw^eaTO.- Tbe eaterpriae wUl inrolrea ooUay of «S.000.I)00
nnd will load to the eeublisknent of

•OMBAT aonOL OOVTSMTIOM. Ust ovMlny trom MaaktM and are
Hotel WUUny.
Vai Meet ta
Harvey DarkMoameo r faom BlkiA*
Xlnyaley Mext Week.
- aad KlUy Wriybt ar*i Everybody knows or ooght to know,
The Aonnal Ooeety Saeday St^ool
"f “»*»
it ts tbe
eeaventloo for Orand Travprae will W rived borne yeeuvdar after a vkit vHtb I
bald at Klnyaley oommeedey Taeaday ralaUvM in Caea eognty.
ilpy, Aayaat S3 and eloalnc aMea^ at Wd Mimi«
ettber by boillny or by flltretiom
Boqa Tboraday. Anyoat »S. Aa Inter
astlny proyiam Am been prepared. 1
u oa bk bicycle.
wal« fmn injfniritieA and ebonld
iwbat new futnre belay the lost''
Mrs J. J. and Cbarlea ^resina have ' certainly be dour wbi-re no betKx method
tote eeedoH, moddad After tbe ses ntoraed from a vkit at Ewt Jordan. | exists, hut a nM-fnl filter can be made
C. R. Baleaof Indiana, who pitebed ; sotarily at Ixmw at an almost nominal
sioM At a reynlar institnu. Tbeee
scsrcely any
will be held on Wedneaday and Thnn- for tbe Hastlera iMl year, k In the «** U“*
for a booM .Id not t oNuHrioy cae
dsy mornlnyt and will be eondneted by
Tbe bomt n-ade filter conslsU dmply
Rev. J. C. Carman. They have been
of A. J. Doyle of thk eity. hM arrived
« ordinary doceul. r a kmp ylM
earefnlly arranyed aad will be fall of
and will take a waalUan as ulesman , •«* as can U- pnrebased anywhere for
iavaloable biota to Kanday eoboot lith R
eAiesman ,
by way of s funnel, and a
j piece of sp mp: or cotton wool, borne
workers. Tbe oiUxensof Klnyslay are with 8. Beads A Co.
Nre F'rank Wclton and eon fahave re-; people jircfeT oouen wool becanse it can
piepariny to take tbe bMt care of their
after a time and rv^este and it ia hoped that every
sebool In tbe eoonty will be repreeent- k aaskUnt cashier at the First Nation-' new.d at a nominal coat. If a spouyo k
it oaytat to be laktA ont ottes.
ed at tbe convention. Tbe proycam k al bank of this city. He will move bis obciN>n, It
o)>au$d in hot water and Afterward
famUy here tbk fall.
M tollowa: .
rUiwd in cold.
. Tuesday Sveniny.
Kcai Batata TranctaiA.
The sp>ioBe or cotton wool ie pUced
7:30. Devotional Serrioe, C. U. Estea.
W. CommiDye Ui J. J. Donn, part for tbe diKT:uic«) «if an inch in tbe lamp
■uuandit. blkS. U. A L. Co.'a abadn. Tina is thra covirod by a Uyer
..6:00. Addrem of Welcome, 'S. W. 4tb add—$3J0.
of! fine white ssud. whidi bas been
L. J. OlcMa to David Prdveneber, wMbed very cleun. and placed inn floe
Clark. Eiaysley.
Besposse. B. O. l^dd. Trsverec City. pareek la aecilena 3« and S3, tk 37 nr
Appointment of Commilteea.
Prereneber to L. J. Olceon,
6:30. Address, Eev. W. ,E. Wriybt,
lou 6 and B. blk
B. L. A Co.'s 4th
"Tbe Orestest Book In tbe World."
Medneeday Morsiny.
iMUinte 8es4ion;-Tbe Teacher’s
Preparation. Condnetor, Bev. J, a Car-



Admiral Dewey aad OApesia Blyrime
■» amony recently elmted membrnsol
tbe Sew York Yacht club.
ratKxBapple tree which
llaa^rtn tbeeevsBtocBth eailny. It AiU bean trait.
PMldeDt Krayer, tbonyh be Uvw
very simply, is said to be rsey wealth,
bis'fonnns beiny estimated at aboat
$6,000,000. besides tbe $40,000 a y«r
for bii serricea to tbe state.
Bev. Myna W. Seed myt: "Tbrnn
baa been bnt one man wbo cocld tell a
.troe flsfa story. Bn wai the discipU
Peter, and Peter mid. 'We Adled all
night and caa^t Dothiny.' "
While Coancilor B Freedman of

C. E. Mnmy Is abont to bnild a floe
ew residenee on Franblln street be­
tween Wasblnyion and <HsU streeta
HombUs road Ue oellnloid gear
W. A, Dean Is tbe arcbltc-:i who made
tbe macliUe oanght fire and befon be
tbe pli
ooold lump boned bk tronsmoff him.
B. J. Hortran bat jn«t reoelred a
While itadoBod with bk r<«iment at
bandsome new earrisife, a roeaway
Chlckamanga, Major H. B. Ulmer of
BocHand, Ms. carried nh Umo^U tba
made by Victor Peter^l.
mails a ebem mahU w Ub Captain U. &
Cbaries Hrextna bas anepud a podiOo)U. wbo remained at tbe plcceofeamd.
UoD in F. a. Heamann't Uilor shop.
E. B. R. Green, CLe son nf BettU
A party of rsaoruts from Ne«b-taGrooB. is tbe prccldsni of the Tktpoa
In tbe world. At least 7S.000 borea wanta bare aiade arrangements to atclnh. inlAxaai tbe richest cisb laffts
power will be dereloprd.
Und (he ball r»B« today.
world. On Ue memnrrUip w’k a i
Cnrtls Murray k now measenrer boy
Wliiian Martin's daerhter of Braek
land Pro
It MeKinli?
sray, who was ran orer by a water for tbe Western Onion company.
Tbe cjigagent.rc <if Liualenaut Hr ttank, died tbree bonrs afterward.
n and Mis* k-liaOnnk of Owei •
Coot met
The Kiies Mi
npany bat reiratemiit HrUm at a Norfolk wedoalred a msb order from FeroMides,
dmg, wbera be was best man and she a
Beret A Co, of 'Barana. Cnba. for 1,000
6:30. Prayer for Teaebar's of tbe
Almenda Ferris to Edward Adams
barrels of flr»r. to be shipped within
Ufe at c CoBDty. Leader, W. Z. Uda. Fife Uka lok t and 6 blk 1. Oak Park add, $3uo.
Beu Jordan Ibe priseflgbtsr wbo ra«] Bert Oage Tells of Uie
tbe next IS dsrn. The company wUl
ontly whipped rtexge [>lx(n.Ani«fiea’$
Katherine Griffith to Hagb Griffith,
£ »:0a Bible Leeaon.
work day and nicht to fl'l the order }
obamptoa f«aiL<-rweigfat,Ys tbe aqp of a
paroela in secUoM IS and 38 T 36 a r
6:30. Tbe Sptritoal Farakblnn of a 11 w $600.
aad tbe irst carload mil fo forward
Lrad>a ciRgymaa aad bas beeft dlsTeacher, Hon. D. C. Leacb, Walton.
owued by bis family becanMof bU tak­
Sarah E. HMtings to W. L. Brown,
Santiaflo, Ceba. Anyust T. 1«M.
10:00. Leeaon Study Plana, Mia. Ad­ part of lota 30 and 31, block K, B. L. A
ing up wiU pogiliian.
. A ttfrlblewiad aad rata storm etmek
Dkab Farau:—It has jnst oot
Ce'A 7U add—$800.
Bt. Joaepb late Headay aicbt. Be- meaeed to rain as nsnal and Oeorpe dle abbs, Mayfield.
Admiral T
Maoris tbe Utbex tt
10:30. Teachers' Meetloya. Pnrpoes
Jokn JobnatoB to traatesa of estate
the Hnrisbjiavy. i* dead al tbe age iff
porta slowly eoninf In from rarions Doyle aad I are slttlnf ia onr tent
of J. a Lewis sskofnwii.SeA It.
polnk tbranrboat the trait bait, show waiiinyfortl to stop. Ws just re- and Plana, Mr. M. H. Beyaolds, Owoe- t3« B. r llw—$76.
tbat tboomads of trait trees were eeired onr trsab beef and are walUny
F. U. Smith et alto A. D. RodeL Mli
11: Bible OocatioH.
mined. Tbe eetfnated Iom k to Issne it. We expect treeb bread and
of nv k. See. 11. t 37 n, r I3w.
Wednesday Afterooon.
Hannah A Lay Co. to Brardman Riv­
then I will boU aome beef, aad hare
ColoDcl John B. Manball cC Ue
rreat pale on tbe lake.
1:30. Devotional Serrioe, Bar. D. O. er Eleetrie Ltybt A Power Cs aek of
bread aed rn*7 for sapper. That
EigbU lUlnok Infantry is Ue first eblawk sec 3 tp to B r 11 w.. also nak of
k not a bad ■‘tay-OBi" for a eoldier. We Haryer. Kinymley.
Mka Ajuie B. Tbrap of Adrian
nrod man U tbk oonntiy to ihave atHtranuiwmTnt /
nwk sac 4 tp 37 n r II w. $1000.
3:00. Importance of Primary Work.
almalaf bnllbead fish four weeks ayo expect to yet treeb beef aad bread eeery
6. J. Bodyea to F. B. Ooteber ask lAwa bog. TbU mnstbepadted tbrongh uinrdaobigbamilitery grads AUUa
wbaa one of them flopped in bar band day now. besidas potatoea, coffee, sn- Mattel Bates, Traversa City.
of sek see 33 IP 36 a r tt w. $160.
tbe topnf tb<i ftlsmandspnAd oat to fit oflicen of his regimeot are colored, and
Dor MstbodA MfA 3. W. MUUken
' aad ran ita bora into her flnrer. 8he yar and oaoe In a while to r«t canned
Martha Dokey to Martha J. Lawr aernoa by tbu aid of a lung pencil cc a Kferal of Uem. like blm. were once
parceU in see 38 tp 38 n r « w. $1000.
name near loainy bar hand b«t went to toMteea. Laat niyht I aoaked eix and Mra C. J. Ebner. Traveiee City.
On top of tbemndmudbe plaoeda
The annoBBi'Rnent tbat Mbs Bejane,
l:0a Bulnees
Ssesion, Beporta,
1 where tbe was ^ren hardtacks in water and tbte moraiay
Uyer of animal chan-nal which has beeoj tbe famoQs Francta actnm. bad Urti■tie and the born which w
mixed salt sritb them and baked it Election of Offleers, etc.
prcvionaly tbonioKhly washed by pot­ tsted salt for dlroroe Ufollowed by Ua .
May Smith Robbins wbo will appear
; ^ broken off la her flnper Joint wu re- like pancakee. and It was a ml food
Wednesday Bvealsy.
ting it in I
news that tbe ]
7:30. Brasyelktie Servioa. Cosdnetod in UtUe Trixie at Ue Cilv Opera Boose bniliugwaternpui It. Tbk Uyer abonld dtopped. and now a Park com
Ws were leaned new eaneae mits yee- by Bev. J. C. Carman. Traveree City.
tonlgbS k a sweet singer, a graeefnl be at least on inch deep nod abonld bs writes that Mms ReJaiM. ber tansfaaad
■tof tbe peach crop
dancer and an exceedingly clever ae-^ well prvuwd down npoit tbe Uyer of and Ueir baby are freqoendy «mi la
beyan tbk week, and all tbe transpor­ tMday aad they are dandlea. They are
Thnrsday Moralny.
tress 8he beooraes a favorite wlU sand. The filtet is now trady for tua. an aowmobUe on Ue Sola
tation Haas art sererely taxed. Fsnn- cool and the coats are trimmed with
Instltnu Sesaion.
W’sb-r k ponred ini'i the lamp ^>ade
vtUa aleae will ship 1,000 carloads, tbs bins wbieb makes them abow off ia
6:80. A Model Sanday School Session.
and allnwtd lopcraiiuCesinwlytbnnigb
We bare sent In
fnit belnr loaded on boats at Saora- flne style.
Tbe anno
. of Ue engage- to the (lr<amt(A b>-n<Ath. AfbT a Gme
«;ie. The Art of Teacblny. Oeo. W.
TraverM Oity Market.
. tack. Abont too earloads will be ship­
mem of that popular corardy, "Ole Ol­ the rbonial will get cloygodand a lit­
ped alanr tbe MUwankee. Benton Ssr- socks, and bats, wbieb we expect to
10:00. Trairiny Leeaon for Ssaday son.'* k tbe a>snrAnce of an evening of tle marl 1*' taken from tbe tup and boiled log prUea o._________ . .. ^----------- .
bor A Celnnbtu.
Grabsm A Monos yot In a few days aad then we will be School Officers, M. H. Reynolds.
uBsIloyed pleMure. for "Ofs" always for a fi’W iiiiuotes and tbi-n spread oot pror-kioas aad farm prodnete ia Trav«
erne Cityi
ataamars will earry lbs balk of Miebl- all rtyyed oat. The boys areaearlyall
"drives dull care away," and leavev before tbe fire. It will then be as good
lO-JO. Attention. Mka b'ettle Grey.
faa peaebes to Ctaleaco, while tbe C. A wsll and I am feeliny flne. I.lentenaat
with a good impression. Tbe produc­ as ever and uui be ttaos cliAascd indufiil:O0. Illaitrationa
Geo. W. M
niteiy. F:r>rn time to time also tbe
W. M. railroad-wm ran a dally frolt KlaaMB and 1 want down to tbs creek Wetby.
tion k gasranteed better than
whute aptaratos will want cleansing,
-train from as far north as Oceana tbk morntny and took a yood bath ' ll:xa ouestion Box.
fore, for le addition to all ovw special­ and the «b'U- 'of tbe cbarcoal. as wcjl
and was'ied all of oarranderdottaes.
ties fealurcK, song*, etc., scmnpaoy o' as tbe bay ul hand and tbu cuttoo wool
Wc are yoiny to move tomorrow over
3. F. Lee of Banror, an old aoldisr
lb ba* been enfrayed or sponge, will bare to be token
aad widely ksowa In tbe slate because
Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond of Grand —nearly all tbe old favorites having and iboroogbiy boili-d. or. better still,
of bU rreat wekrht. which was 4S2 ot 'onr reyiment. ao when we yet orders
Feed. U.L. A Co. Beat...............
roplooKl with nuw material.
been reUtned, iecluding Mies
tolraveherewe will all be toyetber. Baplds are the yneete of Hr. and Mrs. George Hu*»ey. the Irkfa qaete. who
poonos, k dead. He was 00 years old.
l>roTided tno filter bo Uns kept tbnrJohn Uillia
Tba ID-year-old sob of William Pnmt- Tbe band k oowlny up from Seboney ' Fred J Lawrence, slate edi'or of tbe will reo-ive a hearty wcloume when
Ue company appears here lonigbl,
anbarr of Menroe. climbed npon tbe
TTe do not knew bow lopx we will be Detroit Erenlny SewA k m the city ! Tborsday. al Steinberg's Orand Opera maricet Ctetimr^any timra tiie valou CraamiVT Better ....................
asat of a larye land roller. Bs fell off
with bk wife and son oa tbelr way
of this eii^ple apparatus—Now York
aad tbe roller paSaad over him, break- here, bat over two woeks. 1 think. We Petoakey. They stopped over in TtsvHerald.
expect to be moved M soon M we
laf bk neck aad eruhloy bis body.
yet transporta. and from wbat 1 bear erse City on aecouot of tbe illness of J.H.ImPeark Groat Two Ring Oirens
Leek aad Benedict O. Linas, two we ate yoiny to Looy Island to do par- tbrlr yoony son.
Novelty, rxcelllens origlnslily and
Frcneb boys ayad seven aad nine, were rkon daty. wbieb will bsayrand tbiny
MrA Georye Campbell and ebildrea magnitade are strikieg cbaracterk- over tbu fnis.' lU'-tbod of shot firing for
drowaed at Craes Villare Monday.
left yesterday for Lother to vkit Mis. Ges of J. U. LaPearl's circus perform •inking pnrpasui arc now gtsiernlly ad­ aimxe gam or r
They wereplaylnyoB a raft with sev- ^‘*W^received Rkcoxim tbk a. m. dated Csmebell's mother, Mrs, L M. Orsy.
aooes tbit sesMa. In this depariment mitted. As an instance, a cose may be
ar^ ladlaa boys, when Look feU in 13th, 14ib aad iMb. and I ses tbe avw
Etb«I Gibbs of West Blyhtb street k srs seen smaltilndeof new feature*; takai where 30 sboU have to be tired at

andealted to bk brother for help. Ben reeraits have Idt for Camp Alyer; bat entertsiainy Miss Blanche Kelly of ao many new dUplays are presented.
yet hold of him, bat was palled in. and I don't believe they will Jda as nntU Mayfield.
ucin 'I,
oI . r«™™ta
Tbs Indian boys we reach tbe United Sutea. at IcmV
Boy Gibbs of Msvfleld. U here for
Uii-a£lK>al. Sow. UUe vny oI j
.^ou ow, »nd
beiny afraid they would be blamed for hope tbey won't. A yreal many of the few days' vkit with bk parenu of West
arsnie ttlenl that for Urec solid boars the shot lighter baa that to tMocud tbe
tbe accident, ran borne without telliny boys are kleklny beeaoae tbey have
Clybtb sirMt
two Hogs and elevated stags, s world I shaft by nivans of the wisding enginea
anyone about it. The bodies
The Mi>st« June Campbell and Isabel of arid apparalns. and the imrarase | First be geu into Ue tniuk end then
stay here, aad they blame the oolonsl
(onad OB the shore.
•KlDbaa < Bnera." •'Tbama” And' aU
for it, bat aUhooyh I think be k a
sarroaodlag rae* coarse, are occoplrd signals to ibe eiigiuuman. U Ue signal
-d------ebemp.’' I don't believe he can Torch Lake, after »peodinir some Ume with seoist'onal dispisys participated faili:orif tbe engiiieman dors not on- tbe Uteat perfnmea at Wait's Drag
help it. Tbe beat way k to keep atiU in thk city visitiny tbe families of A. In by over 100 peerless artkts
New derstand or If the engines bring abort
of Ft.Am. cannot rabr tbe irnnk off the
F. Cameron and O C. Moffstv Hiey feat are* sre the ruls.lbe old time
Buy a Sckoianblp.
and make tbe moat of It.
. boUooi. tbe shot lighter bus no escape
X A. Morysn Protests Ayalnat An
I am trylny to take yood care of my were accompanied by Imo and MaryThe Traverse City Beslness CoUega
msks I
sPri"os injory or d<ath. There k
Btroneoos dtatement.
self and I bdkve I can stand it as looy
room for tbe
ly auperb stUActlons j no frar of tbk when the electric Fbot -nd Normal lestitute offers s 76 weefa
MokXi.vo fiKcoku—At tbe reynlar M I bsv« to.
weeks vkiliny friends at Torch Lake. gathered from all parts of the world. | firing niutbod is nsed. a« tbe Giots
eoandl meetlay Monday evenini; one
Mrs H: B. Lewis of Elk Bsplda k la Ue two rings, elevated stage aad i bu find on tbi-■nrlacc or in tbedynaI am uylny to yet Mme reliea to
S'holsrsSios Attend toil At orer. m tba
of tbe aldermen made tbe remark that briny-borne, bat we are All shy o1 visitiny friends in tbe cityupon tbe ariel apponin. eontaiawl in I i""
'f prrfunvd. Then. OBaiu. tbe Her will be tor a short time oe*y.
I sold a team to tbe city and yoi
B. 3. Lowrey. editor of lbs Howard J. U. DaPesrl's Coloeeal Pavilion, tba !
money and we can't yet any; but I
C E DocKXSkT. PtoA
m««b work
. toad said team to be all e. k. and then yaess ybn wUl be satisfied if I <
' as tbu cluctrii- iii' tliad for tbe tame
403-e. X o. O.S-w.
City Record and deputy Inierasl reveiBlry meet in
ebaryed the city flfty dollars to ex- boro- O K myself. When sre yet Into Boc collector, is la tbe city on bubine»s
friendly rivalry for soprems-y, sad Bf|>aratc]y, owing to tnoir being of ditebanys one of tbe faorees.
the United btetes I will write oftener. connected with bis f IHca
eempoee tbe most varied and graodest fmmi luiigtbeaiid utlu reanste. and ocaTbk k not so. Said team was in
Tbe families of J. H. and L. G Bnell aresic exbibibitioe ever smd nnder p-qoeiiily a leas amoaui nf energy Is
From yoar loriny boy.
amvlee ibew- years and one of them
and tbelr yuestA wbo bare been enj y- canvas. Will exhibit at Traverac City liruogiu into f<jm ou tbe rock. In tbe
BxRT Oscc.
eras taken sick aad after it recovered
iny a week eamplny at - Camp MUcs" today.
elecUK- meihirl, os all tbufebtitt areCrud
Manistee. Mleb.. Aeg 1. I6M.
Boeort Motea.
WM not fit for tbe parposs, and I was
on Carp Lake, have reinraad faomA
at the ramu lustaut, the colkctive force Boma Protective A's'e.. Gat lerd. Mleb.
Lki of Letura.
C. C. I^ollmer and wife arrived la»t
asked to yet a yood borne aad exebaaye
k ntilised and greater
Hear 8lra;—I
Rlnr—I received
tMtav tbro^
d udav
Frank Zdnbok. editor of a Bohemian rsUonInKtsiar U«t of Imrro rvwSsli
tot tbe ekk one. wbieb I did aad tbe eveniny from Grand Rapids. Tbey srll aper at Cbicayo. and Victor Peteriyl, tb* Trorrroc Cur Fuat Ofllec Btirallen
k bmoKht to bear on tbe rock. WiU
. W. B. Hai7y,
ecvk eneiae Aoeox I*., la »Uliur (or le
electricity alto cbeiv i< li-as risk of ex. oaa tbat 1 let tbe cHy have has been yo by boat to Ne.ah-U-waau tbk formerly of this city bat now of Cbi- •tat*
-ACxnIwd au«sei Itlb. UK "
t etybteea months, aad will
eayo, arrived yesterday to attend tbs
id prompt
tlvu cost of the two ■ystem* it may bo
A party of seven iesorters from
' show tor himself what kind of a boras
Hdlrbor, VenllDsaC
Jotaam. Hr*
fnneral of TbomM Petertyl.
mJd that cloctric firing is a little more manner ii
tbe city yot. 1 esi led npon said aldcr- Oaena took dlnnerat Park Place yes­
Bvwp, Orsov
Mia.. John B. Sasto bM retaraed KeUer, Julia
expiiusiru tbou that by foas bat it does me. I rsmaia s member of your 1
OaonoB BaitkrTDt.
iMn tbe next day after tbe meeUny and terday,
abont twiOH a* inocb work. Tbu actual
from a vkit In the sonlbers p^ of tbe
1301 Vine street
Manktec. MUb.
3. VC. VsnybB, F. Ernst and Walter
naked him where be yot bk laformacost of uluctrio low tcodcB detoaotors
Man. (as be was not a member of tbe Trambnll of Old Mission wyrs in tbs
is $63.60 pir 1.000, wbilo that of detMrs. P. Sandlrman k vkiliny in Pe- Martm, M»j
Tarlor. C
~ "
oanacU at tbe time tbe team wm city yesterday for s lew bonra
onarors and ftmus for a correvpondUg
J. F. FHch of Orand Baplds k steynumber of sbuu wonld be $60.80.
bonybt.) He said he wm told so by
Hannah and Loreoa Pennington have
the fire department. If any one doabu iay tor a few days at l!U>teI Wbitiny.' .
returned from a vkit in Maple City aad
Mr*. W. T. Fkbcranddauybter ar­
my ward they can yet all of tbe datea
Lake Ana.
Tbit ia often canatd by eating too
and prioM by calliny at the dty clerk s
Oos Bight Onljr.
A. Pollock, who bM been eojoying a
ttoeb end too rich Itxsl and hr too little
aOee. 1 have nofanlt to fin<^ with Mr. Tbey are at the Hotel Whillny.
axurcke. bnbatiiute a simpis ploU
Mr*. W. O. Holden and daaybter wock's fishing at Barker Creek, bM re­
SalomoB, M bk butness k selliny
meal and a dusM-n of fruit for so mneb
aad'yettinyibe best prices be Maiyarct left yeeterday far a vkit at^
meat and ao many rich d^es followed
Benteb of Ue Seoend M.
MB. My hide k with tbs committee the Petoakey reeortA
by ricb pastries and
B. cbnrek. k nntertaUUg bk faUv
Itrs. J. A. Wiekoff of Grand Baplds
la not yivlay rMideats of tbe city s
and caks and eoni wbat you eat "by
from loaU.
tbeewaatof tbe brow,"and yon will—^ to bid OD said team, and It pasiied throng the city yeeterday cn.
A party oonekUag of tba Mkeee
have lew btodacbes and other distxdera.
ailybt bare saved the dty some money rente for OmenaUng. Me^rkoa aad Danforih. Mrs.
la tba maskol oomoij.
M tbe price of said team wm to cost
^Bvenlle Forty.
Harriet Bettowby and Mrs W., K.
«m nod tba bill paid WM S300.
maodiring. Tbey wbow work k wdAboat fifteen boys of tbe Beat Hide Walker of Elk Rapids dUed At Park
B.J. Moboas.
“Wbm« yer goto wid de gna, C
entary do sot require ao ,moch food os
teoapanied by tbat nnmber of yirk Place yeeterday.
leyT Bantu ter SfasUrdaP’
bodcarriets and tbayeanaatdigmtndt
F. Labodle, an actor of H«w Yorit, is
had a JoUy party at the W.
Pm bontU
hfifiMn te
Vo* work.*'
wmA V
Kaw; I'm
(tob food.—Popnlar Sclencs
I day abow eleb booee Ust evaalay. Tba aovalty a gneet at Park Plaoe■•Wbat yor want wtd wortP’
W. F. GUI of GUk Piar WM U Ue
mill appear ia Trmeena City M Un mb oftbe affair STM tbat aaeb boy bad to
"1 want tar IdU it.”—Mew York
ot thkmoatb.
Dr. J. C. OaaatUuof Elk Bapida vtm
MteryoM te iarltad «o fa to Elk asuabar of Ike boye who iataadad ta be
ilrioa fly papar ready cab IthfUa FotUoS. 1 bortioalinrUt U Boasia, bM
a vkitor bare yetterday.
Bap^ Ertday al^t oa the Cnneeat
the flUs 6 cants a package $t WattA sebUved wku WM belUved to be impooW. G. Baamgarden and bob Birivai DruSUtA.
•IbU, tba pradootlae (t Jet black rosea
-baaflAKmreloB OB the Steamer Obinm- Ably Absent.
At tba News SuoA. P






esMls- •=


Tile Way They Settle! • i

City Opera House

Thursday, Aug. 18



IkMUnanlulk. .



. ^

Mouavn amooas, thtobpat, apqpot la fw
Plosive oases in





to go
Seoood Hobo—Whkt tarf
rim Bcdaoxl’m tired of betag tailed
Tha inrcBtloD
itmntim which
fonna the nb- • tmap It woeld eeem tsore blgb
to —
be ■known
••• s
n ptmiMe^ w.
on mn
the ,- if** ot the ----------noeoenpenyliig
warn. wM ou» c*w*
. t> ognTlng
w —
■ toned
■■bbe between KewTock etate nnd Penn- i^ee^ *o iworide • Stapleett«chtD« by |—To« Toptce.,
ClwiU.’*»ide«oiy teller ion Blonx whlebnB otdinnty bicyae eubenned'
CltyJoanMareptrta. “Of oodree. them, opoo • mUrond onck, the Uegrole nu>-


Ever Boned Oat?

■enbA. HteM ^WhMBeOf*«|A

AttlM p
U Miig glTW io the ntioos wilatng
4iattkita <n the oontiDMt to Um nbjwt
beMnettaodi of
- pnr«Btlng
where the prodon:
iaa pcadbiliv. lu tBanr of the di>tricti onrefu) reoordi are keptaftbeie-UtiaBof tbeprodoctiociof gw to the
’ -' M in tarotnetric preuore. in
dar that the hOJ in the preenreof tbo
atmosphere may be used as a warning
of pomlble dang«, and in nearty erery
oue care has ben taken to lorMtigata
the IbbiUtynf then
ignite the mine gaans.

wne n blnctatnltb shop there. In those alng npon one nil menni being i>vridoays the blnckwuith't Undo wm • hoto- j «d wbereby it U held in position,
rioosly good one. All the blnc^smitiit
Below the front wheel of (be Weyele.
got rich with their borne, nmie nnd <«'• freae is ewpendod from • forked

“1 hnre bud that
sleep,*’mid the goMip
'ladeedr retormd

walks Id b«

“Tbeman ImaBy.”«id the ble^

from a bar numing from the axU of the | go Posh
front wheel. Ou the lower portion of )
tbb vnspended frame rollae are Jonr- {
___ "•» \
igage the track and tbo adja- j\
naled to engage
No mat. a
no (ate.
mid the mble
oeut portiou of the tire. At the roar of,«« patron.
the wheel, elwot midway of its height, |
No fare, IM Zatr, retomed the a
two edditiooal rollers are joornalod in ‘•“Ca­
Then be pot him off.—Chicago Host
the forked brace already nenciaoed,

widow, “must be e hero. ”

; vreraberg toeek.

' Uxemtwieam From the eonth 1
“The IfruggieV* 5 eent ctgar, finest
niekle smoke in town 8. E Wsifs

Blia—Yonhad been married seven
times by one dergynaa. Bow did yon
Stella—The now one glva trading

t..n)bant, and in a recent leotnre pnb- : In which be accnmnlated wtwlth. As is
liabed in the Bnllolln de U Sociote j well known, apple cider. If ailowtd to
d'Bnooamgement bo dmulbea and ex- lUnd IgngtsKmidi. will buoomc"hard.”
plMns very folly the aotiou of bis sn i and after tbut it will cum into
, called •‘grisoniaetm.’’ or apperam for i
"ThU cider dealer always bad pheity
detenuining theiropartioMof oumbnsti- of hard dder on baud, tat never bad
hie gas existing io a saiupk- ot inlno air any vuugar for mlc. Tbo famitn and
anbmitled fnr enuniiiatiun.
wbu at bU place oonld
The {Wiuoiplo tf the grisnotnotrads^dleniy:' get a drink uf bard ddiw. which
that vd tariiing the ooml-nstibie potfiV
todi out uf a tiudinxw at 10 oenu
ot tbe mniple of air by an iocandcs^^^drink. and
sue uf the drink was
epirat of platirnru wire. i»wsnrlug
something whieh attracted very little

Jack—Why did you brmk yenrengagfinent with Msrief



and 'h.« srlres began to twotett. They

WfirSh* Asked.
'(tti. Msiy Ann. look oei and «
Which «sj im Bsc li flyiDst”
Tbns. as 1 i*™cd s c-iuc* Door.
1 bswd ■ sbrU) volc« erriac-



good so daya

1^. Baa
vs Citr.


Willitm's Petoekey Oroam. pure
fruit juieee. eold spurkllng
clean vpoone and gleeeea. Whle mlx--------------------------eoda at
Ito-tf .
alfe eoda fonutain.

:c. fc£.“a*s.sss;‘'.s-,.is~i.u..ta„;ta

6™t **pWb t iBdlui K. E

Boom tree sad loysl. torlnc Iwt.
Hcoedarp. posse Bind,
flias fnnnas It cu read the Bfas
BreasUtottarraBBer wlad.
torbniB s batosad or ■ son
to Ub tor PbiUppUMs
Or rn as C«U'a tropic
rs wbu Ibis toner


Ct(v 8MeB. IS e«eet isir 6. UH.

I tl

A rjilMlsh aaUoB. yet nnlqra.
Cnbcnrd of gntui betorw
ffWas tbra I Based, bol brard-ttae vetas
toll artratooDce more:
“Ob, Jtory Asa. took oat sad sse
Whteb wmj tbs flss Is artbcl
U 1 be wuri t* blowira tnoi lbs vrat,
Sbea tora to* cfiAbw s-drri>«-"

I aa
' 88
»'r«of th-O k. ai.irvck. eBvIl toaili'. Ad­
t.Trviw OKr.
"finL^ooi rwt—n«.'




r work. Aa^tratne w
. .

.. . .

aaaaaa aa«e ess
SS8E88 S8SS 888 '

ri^-r win U revrswded to rpsrelsg ^



OpsTw Beuss 81

• Btoot._____________________________________

hicycle frame and by a bu mn-

.1 aU tbe work, except to
it iad^ctaS^the dd*
I «
of luhetebtls taken up ^ iU .
tbe way <f aU fl«h, this

August soth from Peaui



ie’.t. ■ bad to have some oxonse for hav,
(.oaring of the rear wheel
ing visit^ the state line shop, and so; ^s in the device need on tbe front
toe blacksmith, afnw supplying
so here tbe
- them ■ ..uu., —„v.v
—w .w..--,
engagee tbe
fstPlJi:.! I with a lew dipp
I rf iiird dder,, ijjj,»w side of the rail and tbe adjacent
and atriied bread.
take the sboee off thrir
* "*
**" portion cf the wheel.
lorry plays a andI pBt <
n new cues, wbet^ they i *
keep the bicycle in posiounfactaro of this'
ded it €W not F<w this «rria> Iw ,j(„ „„ jj,
^ lateral framo is fas-


O'* uwTm u
lO.MtTtsmlU 0» BlttcS

Rantc, Ht. Lonis.'


.14^.4 M.B

O. M. * L
^ , .m u...

ut't live with Its month

having tbe conibastioti cbunitier form . it on*.' day. and the next day yoo will
omaco the birvcle tiro few the pnr.
tta uppw i»n of . cr.a«oi,.J nu. » k
«rj. ».d . .ood
^ „|iovlo« tlo iow.r ...Ilor. of
th.t tb,. o.lp obnT.uoo,i.«>«u7
Horn rtoo yoo ^1 lO
Tbo ..a. of lb™, b>I»
readings of tbe grat
bKJmd boi ^bb^lUinyitol mllo™
p..yp.o,4ioobb- b> tbe pnipbafter tbe pavagt
igeof tho.l.ytric
obirobb to >U b.rt ddor, .orf bo
cy of tbo blcycl. wbool
bnt specislprocaniiaus have ID Uu token game
plaw becameBoboothtbomu-^boJottbobloyoi.
.. to tbe limit Bia
m. -----------------------toinsBieibeoaonancyof allpooditiuna ; very popnlu. and tbe farmers came
somewhat situUar amngvmat is emsnch as temperature and -piassnre.
and from many
- miU« around
^ in both •‘"‘“..ployed.
In this case tbe frame carries
rpoBcs to get their borsee
iitliary dervioea for tbe4 pnrpoaes
bewsee tood at his plai
place. ; i,o, .
form (**atlul
cewntiul pans
parts of
cf tboapi^tiu,
tboapi^ntiu, as Mdhy of them wonld oomc
oome homo
home drunk.
d^ • pn^iion by a supporting braoe sttaobed
Dr. Grebant cleuly M>owed..a«]^on



Into Traverse CHy es followr
Augu't S3 from poleto betw*
---------------------------------------------------------------:—, Wayne and Grand BapUs iodmlvs.
Business CA.HUS.
Angast «4th from pelaU n F. A P.
---------IM. By- toclodiagDrwdt and Toledo.
a. utrDOg.p.stiM.ot^.1,
r^^from points on Ana Ar,__________ .
Auguet t&to from polnU on L. 8.
H. nnowK. auetirr sm c
w M. 8. By aU poiau ta eouthern Mich

Turn—Her father offered to lend me
money to gvt married on.—Brooklyn

tednetion in volsnie and d.dudng
atteuiion. Manlly any kind <d bennge
tbe differenoe tue proportiuu of/Cte ii> Uunv intoximting than hard dd«r. It
damp which most have be^u preient. is a good deal like chatiipagne itt one
The meascrcmvnt If aocomplitbsd by rrapoct. Yon ran drink a gnat deal of


John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraica.

Tbs* Olte Balt
Watta—One half the world domoot
know bow the other half Itrra.

trie apiBiatns in mines there was lots of transient west tbo
may be a sooroeflf ignition of taploafre { wagtsis bad to waitr This state Une
gasm. and <« the whole this iniprwtunt, shop was a bn«y place. There was no
eobjcct i( being eery tboroQghly Inves-j tavern there, bnt the blaoksnith alio
“i j
{hadaader jaem, andhe made the cider.
■- p-r eerv-cially tl>e wrort of j for all the fanuers for miles atooiuL
\ :...tureof rariooa 1 Bnt neither this nor the profits of his
, .
M.VU OMxied on by Or. Aop could aooonnt ftr the rapid way


O. P. CAMTSB. Ageat


8o oabDOO. Imt ft? 1
I ihoeiug. and the wagon and Che other' braoe fbstened to the bicyole ftaine and Isboald Sink she would tide.’’—Chioa-

I 're^worit which they did. Most of
> (be blacksmitiw combined with their
- other work wagon repairing and ^en
■ wagon making. There wao ray few
big wagon faotoriee in thorn daja, and
We brealso a good hand made wagon cost big money. Whmiheywere doing nothing else,
they wonld mslcie wagons, and when

If ao jam kaow







K 8




Badaeed BAtas oa O. B- * X

Sr HH;

^ PShsSS: ^Hflirfb'.^^

When the dongb leaves that last pair, Bis ddsr and had been iwttiag
It is only ooe-^tgbtb d m Inch thi^ ■
^ nearly enny borw which

and has bum tborongbly kmaded.


ladlsnapilU. one tore for round trip.
til Anguet Stb. return Angoet ISib.
Luoington, one (are for round trip.
rTAKTBD —Omd d
•II July mb to Angast fttb. re Ur*
W vsrressdstMdr •
ugut'. Iftth.
rulBBbUs ResUaraat.
Heratoga. one tore for round trip.
Sell Angoet IsU good to nlarn August
Toronto. Ontario, one fare lor i
trip. Hell August <4th. tftlb. and ITtb. TTunatsHkO dooiis-«*a*a« ««bs «
OawrilM EsslBs.
go,<d to ruturu Sept. Bib.
gasoUuecnglnta to
VermlllloD. U., one fare for rouad
, openta


n bo removed tren a
* ‘ bicycle and easily applied, and, mure-

srb“iir *r.i.‘'i.*tb!ir.s!bi!d"

»toig. willy nilly. "—Washlngto

Tsa which fiirnii tbu duegh into luaf
shape, and wbcsi the rolb rs separate ]

aad •»*» Wm the Bitght t^sd
UtUe OirL


again the loaf in thrown ont niiou a Is-1
Onue inawbileUM'dnUneaaandbenviWo.
Tbe opi.'mtor. however. nsnally n««cf offidalrL^nris are varied by stograsps the dongb u the nJlors open,

rles which have something of brnnan ■

«d pi.™ II l« lb. pu, ™dypp.« .b. I luonf Bid whW. ,d„ ... . t«W : J",CT-m,
U» bmm
1. . mtat

.1 -cay ...y
taad ..d


»W , tad, tb. L««ta Mlf K™-»>"“
Si tar™, tanm. btadmtrf tb. pl.K.. tata titaita Z "™ i.

Tbe dctah U ta into tb. tn.rhin. ty .

lb Indi. SO y— wo. Dm.11. tbe little


chair <arrier.nnwhicb tin cnpuas’-'-ffr ' hcrtiine. having 1«>€W immcrtalised to
as raotiera. tat deeper, are fixed every the pages cf a bo has Importani record

Tbe bine book just Isanedon the In-

end snocerafnlly. re luceh «



turns over a pulley to go back to the ' diau idague shows that the goranmeut
doughtableandihedoughfallinpon tU- of Bombay was more jndiciOQS than '

Two men at the donttb table

taisoBow OardM PUata.


»h^ ^


tbo govaamunt of India In arntomog

,™ .u“*

power plant

, not Lord Elgin who insisted upon the



Tlioru would bo no oon-

the Irare. is an emetic. Hie berries of
tbo yew haw killed many persona and

“pnwT <rf •
chUd. as w«^ as to |
give a vivid impnamm of the borroei,

it i.'pretty W.U known nt^adays that

iff tbe pcstilenc^

It i. not safe to e.t Btaty p«wb piu or
cherry kernel* at once. The lolwilias ara

read wuhemt ^^_y a^^jgJmlrati^^ ^ and oU it.
vxtermTfUme. thU^
I. fell ill of tbo I
A uatiw, a
|iQit soya should .
His wife nnrsud him
ibjutit to gaa. choniA
j oially i



tbore was no one to bnry ho-. Tbwe
w«re five chUdrin. of whom four waa
nn and ano was n girl They fled to a
noigbhariDg bnt. wb>n« tbe eldest, a
tsy of U. provided food for tbe rosL
They boy. fouling ill. went back to the
h"u*r where hit mother’s body was and

Tbeie^t-sund flt-wtra of tbo oluauder
are >k.ully. aud tbe berk of Uk-aiial}a
tm- i- wrv
ni.-hiiroa.; the water
dnpwoiv wi u iivi lu.fiuwer. nseip- .
blui eJery auii is -.'irnlcrt.

diod thure alone. Next to him in age the proper time fur such acts jiboald be
w a pirl »< »•
I between 11 tlaek at ntgbl and i o'oJook
This gitL Dannli by nam^ was one in tbe murtiiug. this beiDg the interval
ot the most marveloBs little horoin'es when tbe tomperatore cf tbe human
vr livud.
wo(k^ few tbe re- i body falls to its mlntmum—Chat f^






t is made in o
' of the (ecLniool juonuis that if
derons deuds ore done in "oold Mood”

j mainiug childrenfed them until; healthy heings, ititamunied. gotbtoogb
I first her brothen.4 7 and then tbe taby. : aregnlardailycycieuf variable warmth.
if tbo wdl known ball agud
-- * 1* year fi
- menths. perisbo
' j cf this > Tbe uiaximam boat it reached
biifc been in- wriiWe diMSuie. The l«dy
brarincF uw! ii l,icy;;lek
, of the elder , o’clock in tbe murning. ,when in pertrwiuc,-! ui II •• f..*-- cf wlKuls of omni- . Ur was carried away to the night by sons under Si years the ill tny;?.! a •wi;li the result of di- jackale. tat sbebnried the baby, “pnl- muds at TO d<«rcoB
gres r..
this being
miuithi.ig lui
u oI theborsrain ting tbe t>dy in a laskut and digging a uiuintmined untilI 6 o’cln
o'clock following.
drawuik: and u.,
es|-eaally in starting trench for it with a jiick. ”
when it slowly and stuadily falls till
the vehicle. T'>e hnhs if thiiDu whuels '
One farotbur was left. She oookad | an bo-ar Uicre uiiduigbt. tbe deonasa

device that it i. ptasiMu fur one man to , tsh inspects (ouod them. They wore | that tfais extent at change ooonn only
move tbe viJikle readily.
j washed, their clothing was bnmod, and I in yosng bodies, old people
(they were redothed and banded over to aueailyeqoaldegteecf warm
I their grandfather. Tbe bocrors of the all tbe S4 bonra
FTtachbactorlolcgistshavedisoovcred plague cannot be exaggaated. tat thie
that tuberculosis may be oommuuicated hri^t eyed Uttle girl and the trother,
It has been found in Ueanany that
to fisbto. and that it proves total to . she raved are a toodiing episode in the
them very qnicUy. Tbe bacilli used in grim hitomy of Indlau epidanloa
tbe experiments were derived from bnman beings, rabbits, hues sud piwioniwhich, oraxmrea, is rich in
bon, a oondaotor cf electricity. It is
partly for ibis reason tost so many
smokiog ebtaueyf are strm* by light­
ning. and that to ait near a ffnplaee M



6166 6 616666611
aaaa a sasassssa
■A8& 8
•vg- S


i:{*c srsr™-st

Ls^ra I- Wa^

< OR WOVEN vvBltw »
^______ Israploimnt

OfsadZyirasraa ss. atsnvBc sad dlslsg

tW BI^'suMr^rerw Cllj. I&-Sis

(Btcagv ees utaae wspiss, iwp.


**l>atos^srv1^frvB RfshBsed.rMt«
Ostren rad Orsad ]
vad buses var trva Dvttvit <M this trato.

Going north dally exeapt Susdey.
Leave Travrrae City........................8:40a. a


. Appl7*aTrsv-

loom aDionatitnaisi
a sSsn esadar. 3 sas a. USf.

A rtw ooop Loa URN «
A <aijUiBber<-0 SS-V


Ar. Harbor Hpringi--







levins aril
ineks of roU lra(. -eelalai
”(>oJ Fixbt
aonre book of rel3 U

AT. T^rJl^ATa?!


'”4^. "
Oar brtdr* of oor pomlato
boud for u'lurhBrsis
- - bood for tdrnisiod


Ar. TraveraeCity..

Ar. Nortopiwt.................................6:16

led him down to tbe stream to drink - over two degrees—the& st abunt •
and slept with her arms aroond him ev- ' o'clock in the morning, tbo upward

Lnaiee cage, bo much easier is tbe ay night No native wonld oome near i tnru is takes and^e heat increases tlU
storting of an omnibus rendered by this , tbom, and so tbey lived nndl the Brit-1 e o'clock. The point is made, however,


saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
S«:88fie«888SR68 8





—.gy |j»




Tommy—Cmne, Bridget, jday with
ly infected fish.
fitoB fish, howeret, have very little ef- oa We're playing aoldia.
Bridget—G'wan, yea litBe tm^ 01
-fei3t when Injected into mbUu and
fowla airing to tbe attonnaUon'of tbe ain’t so soldier.
Tommy—No, Bridget tat yWn *
power of tbe gne in tbe colder blood



prodacing voiuitibg
puinsiutbe bead. Lady's sliuptirpoi
aoDs in tbi- san;e tnam«-r as doe. poiFoa
ivy. the tmlbs suniiug to be the mest
batmfal. LUi'-» ff the volley ar*,' ab«o.
as murh so There is enough ojiium in
red poppies t.j do miM-hicf. ami tlw
antnmu croexm, if tbu hl,*4juis ancbewi-d. cunre. voaiitiup and port-nng.


Triietse Bij Lite of Steam

dnet of steam to this pednt on aooonnt
of the great oondenratfoa. With compreircd air the friotiun would he enormoos. With elrctrioity. while tbe lost

Among tbe garden plants commonly ; danger of (toeing “a calamity-more
in vegnu which pcisseas
a |«ii
.oa.. . satuns and mure wldenpruad than the
I mention
ion 1tbe fiowin of , very toriblo one that has now to be
tbo jougnli. white hyacinth and snow- dealt with." A story in tbo bine book
by rraisUnoe and leakage woold be
drop. tSir narrimns being also putico- iUostrating the nntnre of tbo plague ‘
larly d.s.'.ly, so much so indued that to has no oonutetien with the prtaunt cpl. Noth«hew a e- all
11 scrap <if one of the talbs demic. bnt wn* worth reteniug from a
*Airkrud°pi'r^Ui^ lu .«huiuni
may result fatally, while the juioo of record of «0 year, ago to revive the :

epokea are fitted, while the bearings
ronsiA of steel rollers inHored in a

Bednced rates to other polnta. Fbonr
C. E Marray. AgeaL .
C. L. Lockwood.«. P. A..
Orwud Bapids.

““i* oc­


Just as the cop reaches tbe trairiciur it f


tf'oo. bot n .ppta. by


;Thrs’^h“tap.= Zn^xj^gThiLrir^^

. anonghdongh fur one loaf of br*ad.

siD tb. ..p.„ta,..,b.ypta

Dcinnsti, ouceent par m&e. Sell
^^Umbar to. good to return October

i. for-*eah-



______ _


<aty at 10:46 a m. TbUwUl give
yoaaple^trideef<4mltoa on the
tray aad can be made every moraiiu.
If you wteh a laager ride the boat will
land you at Omeaa or Northpsrt where
you Will eoanaetwito steamer retofrn^toTravaraeatyaKKiOp. ra.
Aftraaooa exniretoiN from Tn
City, take the el earner Creeesnt ovary
aftervooa at tK» for
where TOO wiUaonneet with sfa
retarn^ to Traeane aty at 4g» p.

Jisirgrc mad trip wm I




boeb^radoavpvr OBW-pos—,.iborevillbocbaiwvi



Jtai a™
--- - — aar „
• —tts'-1
to raioei
or ,n
an OaBvl.....................
d at Klaota.

DO TOD «ir SK.iv. tr Sta


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