The Morning Record, September 23, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 23, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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B«oond Tear-<>No 485

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- wmmp.




PraWt Kafora BUad Two and PnM
la a VaeaUar Kaaaar.
Oow«c«r Smprws of Ohlns
aiwdal M T» Hmi>« KMwa.
Vaakia«to>, Sept t*.—Dr. Vaafhaa
af tha boars ot aiaSlaal aaparta, baa rapMtad that tTpboU terar ia Slatrihatad Hatea tba BMw of •erammant Sarhart. eonalabU, and Miebaal Kean,
U eampa bjr flea ttot awana orar tba
•alf Baoaam tko .Smpsror. Wbo n byatnndar, wbOo reaUtUy arUtte
Vatu ««xl ^riar, Jb>»lac ter
aoldlare attar waSiaf la tnhoU lataaV
' I a boom wbUk wna Ua anbjoet of
Won Only n Pifrira Xaad. Abteopaaa ZaMr*«atiaa—tf Tkat
n family dtopnta. Bo wna anptmd by
▼aa't Vork Ka Waata Oyaalak
tomptod to PoOowaUlny-Ll Snny Ua abaiiff bnt waa abot dead by Ue
Aataa-ttiaVOaMaat ta •uf la
Cbemy 'WiU Pnbnilp Bo JUto- erowd. taUiny U Ue ebarlira arma.
Ofltea aa Laao aa raaalbla.
a TtraDnyatoOatoda


Bmoaatlon of Onbo Mu^bo

U <1.—It waaatatad
at tba a
l today that
daUy wwU be talaratad la tba eraaa.
attoafii Caba by the Bpaalante, erio
hara rasaaatad a paatpoaeaiant aaU
A dbyateb from Baraaa aaya tbat
yatnta iaatraetioaa bare baaa raealrad
tram Madrid by tba Spaaiab oommiaaloam. Tbay an aiyaad by SacaaU
iiimaaU aad addnaaed to tba llarqato
Of Moatoro. Tba laatraatlaaa t
aaatoaafldaatiaUy by tba Margate to
r BpMtob friaa.
Hbfaaa. Tboa^ It may appear a
atcaafa faetVt Irat it la bnt vary
Wat. aadardaprtoaa- '
-------^Eboae wba were tba moat saeoma tba proUr
waa aiffaad ara bow moot aacar to
aaa tba Spaaiab army aaUlaf for Spain.
Tbay anay ^ for tba aalration of
tbadr Uterwta in tba lalaad, aad tba
^nlokar tba Umitod Stotoa takaa bold
of Onba tba batter far tbam. Bayaata'a
inatraetiana are far delay, and tba
Spanlarda adtaeatUf baau tboaybt U
waa praper to tat tba ▲merteaa pnblia
know it.
Bacaato maralyaayato tba Spaaiab
oommiitiaMra tbat tbay ooybt to win
aa maeb aa tbay can. If araona
aauot ba dalayad for aoma moa


Spaatab antonomlat Oablaat obaU re­
main in oOoa nntU tba treaty af Paiia
Tba few paraona bare wbo knew

vaation. The irannda for tbU baUef
ara Uacnata'a eonatant daelaiatiea that
tbla U only a enapanalon of boaUllUto
tbat miyat ba broban, bnt tbat a^>laaation la not U all probabUlty tba troa
aoa It ia more Ubaly a daaira to aatlafy tba damande ot tba Spanlarda ia
addee hero and a Uryanomber •( Spanlab oSoon who can ylra trouble

Tba XaB Vonad Xirawnad at Tea ar
Wna tba Victim af a
Tamar, llieb.. eaptombar
B and inqaaat bald In the
oaaaof Wirud. bnatlaof Lapam. wbo
wna fannd drownad In Cam rirar bora,
raanltod in tba rardlat tbat dnatla
«una to bia death by baiay atnek on
tba bead with a aand bay ar aoma oUar inatramaat and thrown into tba rirTba UUmr ot Anatln wna yraatly atfaeted aad broke down aareral tlmea
duriny the ioqnaat Ba eaid bin bon
bndhadaboBtSa.ooolnlhabaak. Bla
aye wae 3G. He wna nnmnrriad.
body wae taken to Lapaar.
Bnmor Tbat Bmparor of
Vo Kora.
Oaatfal u> Tna Kearaia BacoBa.
•hanybai, Sapt. n —A local nmor
toenmatberato.tbeaHaettba amparor of Cailaa la dead. Mo daUUa an abtaiaabla. bntltiaaald that tba yatm
of Pakia ara eloaad.


Tonr Kora Vaatba at Ponoa.
OpaeUi to Tea Meaaina Bneean.
Waabinyton, Sept. SS.»Fonr a
daatba art anaonnaad at Pooaa. PriTatoa Fbrral. Folk and Uerriaaad Oerpetal Bokn of tba PlfU and Blarantb
Infaatry. Ua Uttar two ware kUlad by
Tbemaa lircmara Vamad.
SpatUl to Tae Moanie Baoonn
Waabinyton. Sapb M.^Tbonana Urarmera of Beaton, yanarnl manaya
tba Oalnmat and HfoU Ooppar Hlalay
On., baa baan addad to tba Uat iar UonaUyaUay tba army.
Sayar To Kant Oaneral Algw.
BnaWrUto. Sapt. Sl.-Tba akk of tba
Tbiity wenod Miabiyan oarpa in the
mamn bonpltnl nra nil imprariny
nrajiMUntorartbaeamlnyof UaMral Aiyar Sntnidny. The Scat dalayatlon wUl ten for tba north Monday.
to St yaw term and pwaa. BUl—.
lino ad woaten to aalaat from, IM

Tnat B4. to B. BMdn * On's. atom.


Wm War or Paaea.
lealal w me tteralae Saeon.
Bnanm Aytaa, Sapt- to.—It la annonnoad that ^lle baa yiran AryanUna Sn daya U wblab to aeeapt arbltraUmi of the boundary diapnla.
Uolaae AryantUa aooepU Ua CbtUan
nltimatnaa. tba aoneorriny bonndary
wiU bayin in a few daya.

noir^entnt yoer tetbor fa-towk. Ton weoUa't hem to repent
if yen papmod year bom wMb aama of Ua p^er that «• am
aallinf. Dent poiadf rapanthnaa toe tey.



W 290 Frout street

HoUsy * OouibUs


Pakln. Sapt. tt.-An imperial odlat
■nad deSnItoly anaonnam Unt the
pafim d by Baep
The quality of Picture Framing we do by the nunu
amparor of China baa rmiynal power
to tba dawnyar amprmi. who baearber of orders we are taking.
dared Ua mUUtma to daUrar to hm
City Bayiaear H. F. Northrop wUl
Ualr affieial raporta. It U dlfionlt to
obtain ralUbla Ufarmatioa at Ua pal- tern far Dtlea. N. T.,Uia weak, where
In nyaid to Ua proeaadinya. bat ba wlU alart npaa a rary important
aztomlra work of elrii ourinaarUa raoant ralarmaiery adioU probably
iny. Hebaabmmloetadby Ua Ha>
oanaad Ua obaaya.
Wblla Ua amparor waa anbaarrlaat tional Deep Watorwaya Oommlmte to
and a mere dynra bead, Ua downyar acrroy Ua prnpiwail ronto af Ua proram parmittod him to remain U Jaetod canal Uroayb central Mew Twh
Osnsrsl Shsftsr at His Kioh- pmea. bat na ba nttamptod to net on team Ua Groat Lakm to Ua Atlantic.
Boy a Fall Jacket ar Wrap belera aaatay
Stolnberr'a immenae etoek. Tba rmlly eerigaa Home.
Ue InliUtln bU pmeUeal depoaitloa Mr. NorUmp wUl bare ebarya af a
reet tell atylaa ara lam Uan thrm waeto old.
anrraylBy patV in Ua work. Tbte aanaUe rmnit.
bte^aoJmy diffareat from tboaa abown
PrUeipal ndrlem aUto Uat KUy laetioa it one which wae prompted by
TaUaofSeaaod the OataUa of tba
>tir. atylm ordamd earl
Tnmal. Ua Onntoaaaa raformar baa Hr. MorUmpk raonyuiaad ahUl aa a
were lu^^aaad after Ua Innl dariri^T^to
Sad in apite of Ua riyoroae atteapU drll anyininr aad ia a fiattariny raeay f tbo aerreet et^m, banm yon*ra mfa ia aalaciiny teami kM atoU. Bte f
to Koatonk Botat.
made to nrrmt him and it to aaid ba to aiUon af bU ability.
I nntir* Una will U randy ter lupaoltenboatF^y a antnrdny->mBBh
now on bto way to Sbnnyb^
Tba eSaet ot Ue abnnya mmt ba
od«. Ctpef ^
torb woloema by Ua people and bU old
Kabrow SeUday WUl bo Obaorred
raylmoat today wna oordlnl In apita of
wUl be rolaatntod U power m
tba rainy waaUar. Tba yonmnl j<dnad
AtanowtU eld aomradmand mowed old bopmof reform, aa ardanUy ckortobad
acqnaintanem. Ba left at 7 o‘olook to- by tba Uulllyant fnetiow of Chinam maat, will bayin at nandown ttnndny
and eaottana nntU anodawn Headny.
nl^t, yotoy diraot to Mootank Pidat
aew impoaaibla ot fnlfiUmont.
Tka atotea of loenl Babraw dealora wUl
Ba WtU rialt DatroH aooa.
teed U oboarraneaef tba eamaii
One nuran oakad klm bow tbo nlGood ter Frait BaWny.
nntom aoUlara fon^bt U Cnba. ‘Tba
Good tor Stodc BnW^.
Good for Ooneral Fnrmiay.
nynUn did Ua SyktUy.” ba mid.
Tba/nnlor Werbaa.
■‘Aa to Ua Tblrty-Ulrd nod Tbirty Oempaay K WUl Lay tba Body of
The yonny yirU ot Graeo cbnroh
1th to
Tbalr Oomrnda, H. A. Plekannon.
fonrU Miabiyan or nay nlontoan. 1
bora termed a aoniaty. Ua noma of
To Boot Today.
norar Utondad that tb^ abonld taka
wbiek U Ua "Jaalar Vorkam" Alan important part In tbo bnttia of Jnly
Uat niyht Oampnny M bald a mat
j. Ii.GiBBS,
Ut. I erdarad Oonaral Dnfiald to taka
U roraawn' baU aad
bare alaatad Ua follewtny ofilcara.
tba Tblrty-Ulrd ap Ua rnUrond to
dataito for tba fnnaim) of Uair tota
Praaldant—Him Spnyna,
Aynadorm bridye nud draw Ua Are of eomrada, Hiram A. Dlekaaaon.
Viaa Pranldant-Balan Stoat.
»f SnnaUrda Uaro. I
The aompany will aaaamble at Ua
Saeratnry—Utnaa Oerbatt.
didn't w
baU at ll;M a'aoak Uto momiay aad
to Saatiayo and ralnloraa Ua anamy prepare to march to W. S. Andataon'e
Mim laa Wofia of Waet SaraaU
Uera. Tba enemy Srad a few abalto
wboB Ua Thirty-Uird onm U alyht ot
proomcUn wiU alnrt. Ua body atraat. la qaito aiek wlU farar.
Ua fatidya and kUiod two man. Oaa- bnrlny baan morad Uara for propamnrr CeWfahUieill—lan Watolmm aMM. Me. «B. lam« fo« IM. am k
acnl Dafiald did not ndvnnea fnrtbar. UOB for bnriaL Tba G. A. B. wiU aaHnlpk Baatiaya waa aoma bettor laet
atarnad to bto eamp in Ua afUr- aamUa aa bafora and JoU Ua coo^any nifbt. bla farer belay only half a daWorth leeklBr «»lar aa iarai
wlUont dtolodyiay Ua Spanlarda, U Ua proaamion. wbiek wiU laara Ua yraaabora normal.
bnt ba kept tbam from relaforvlny andartakisy rooma at 1 o’alock akaip.
SaaUaye and Uat wna aU I axpaatod
OarlUlOpaalnydaytare Sept. Mad.
Tba oolomn will ba lad by Ua Bay*'
Huaie la attondanea
“1 tall yon. boya. Ua praMdent Bead dowa Union atraat to Front, 33rd aad :«ih.
eranlnya. Soarantra to the Indlee.
yoayad Ua aitnatioa
Btraat, Uanca to Park and Umaa to
*-if ________ The Boaton S^re.
Ue CoByreyntional <^arob. Shonld
BranU bare abown Uat be did azaeUy tba waaUer ba bad Ua proeamloa will
riyhl in not raeaynUiny tba baUlyer- ■tart from Ue baU at Ua aama boor.
oney or Indepaedenca af Cohn wban
Pall baarari will ba aalaatod from
waa daelarad. Uu of man in amony tba racrnlta and Ue briny aqnnd
Throe osnti s dsy.
. mm were docalrad by Ua Cnbana from tba oommdm of dmaaaad wbo
Tba praaldant waa not. Why, boya, erred wlU him in Coba.
DcsUctry—Bleb yrada at moderate
tba blaok Cabana I mw ara no yood for
Aa maay of Ua mambara at Ua eom- prlaee.
Dit SacrTKa.
any nan. Tbara to not half aa mneh to pany ara anabla to bear mnob azarUon
O. L. ACo. abloek.
tbam aa to onr pooraat elaaa of blaekn a apaaial rly will ba la waltlny at the
In Ua aonUam aUUa. The wUtea; ball at twaira a'e'aak to aaabla all poawaU tbay'ro batter.
■IbiatojoU U Ua preaaaaioB.
Sets Shoos,
ibaraof Ua old oryanimUon of
the kind we
Oaaeral MarrlU Bid Mot Come.
Bannab Blflm are aammUy raqnoatod
sen, win be
apwlaiteTaaMoanse naoeap
to partidpaU in Ua march and aaraFranelaao. Sept, n.—One bna- monUa.
found in more eornersof the world than ever before. The
drod and fifty tick aoldiera arrired by
Tba tananl wUl ba bald with Ua
feet of titoasaads of the conqneriag heroes
Ue China today from Manila, bnt Gen- -ima imi^ra mlUtary Maera that
wercabod with SELZ SflOBS, nud irhtf
oral Merrit did not aoma, aa azpacled. eharaeto&ad Ua barlal af Uoyd Dalever they have been introduced theM'
aaU. Tba aerrloa will ba aondnetad by
nhocs have conqnered their way by the
Prof. O. Badaa. of Maplaton. wUl
force of BUperior merit We think
preach in Ua Swadtob LaUera chnreb
At Uat Blyht'a maaUny a aommlttoa
yooU wesr no others After you have tried,
Cpndny, at 10:30 a. m. and 3: p. m.
eonaiaUayof P. C. OllberU WUl Bobarta
of ^LZ* and we’d like to haye you
Moam Kilway and May Ureoa, beU and Enmaat Cooper wna appoint*
see the new ooee juot Arrived.
of OoW Barber, ware anitod la i
draft raooletioai cpon Ua danU of Ua
rinye yeetorday by Her. 3. S. Nanber alx membere of Ua eompnay wbo bare
at tba home of WlUiam Honadlay on died in Uair ooantry'a aarrloe.
Worsbu^ Block.
UapanlBBala. Tba yonny eonpla wiU
make Ualr boma at Good Harbor.
In Jodya Bobarta’ ooort ymterday,
WilUnm Blnckbnm plead yailty to Ua Tba rnneml of Lonla B Latmnior
aharyaaf dtoobarclny iraarma wUkla
WUl ba Held tera Today.
Ua city UmlU. Ha wna fined one dol­
Hn. L. B. lictmlnar. wife of Ua lata
lar. BarmaD J. Baryeaa made Ua Loola B. Lnfmlner. who wna mardarad
oaaplalat which canaad Blaakban'a
by hlybwayman at Momance. a aainll
plaoananrChicnyo.nrriTad Inat amThe fnoaral of Stephen A. Donylnm. iny with Ua body af bar hnabnaA Ska
Ue infant eon of Joke Donylam of wna neaompenlad by bar three ebUdran
Baadon, who died ot ebolam tofanfm, and W. B. Jaeaba. The por^ wna
wna haU yaatorday.
»t Ua depot by a oemmiUm of tba
a Choice of 100 boy'e all wool eaadmere aaita......................
AnynUr maatlnyof Ua Woman’a Enlyhta of PyUte
i Cluuoe of 25 doa. heavy weight all wool knee paota each .46
Cbrtotaln Tampennoa Cnioa arill ba
Tke detnUa of Uw orlma nro talUwn:
i Choice of 26 doaen nil wool boy’n capa, each...................... .19
bdd thto aftenooB at a o'clock In Ua WbUa at Mom*
I. Onoef t
... .17
f A good boy^R ovenbirt......................................
Handreda are faking adwUl bare ahnryn of Ua lltornry pra- anyyaatad that tbay walk nlony Ua
\ Cboioe of 10 doaan ails tiM, each....................
.. .16
vantage of oar great aboe aale
kmcka nnUl Ua fralybt train left Wban
^ Benda A OoA stock.
.. ,10
Am HaU raenlrad a Uttar yaatorday a lonely apot wna reaebad, one of Ua
We bought it at 40 to 60c
from btoaoB Cbarim atatlay Uat BUa- meaplaeadbinnrmnronad Lnfminark
on the dol^. It’s gung at
worU wna yalniny r^dly and bad ba- neck and triad to rob him. Dnriaytba
a lirely rate.
ynn to enjoy toUd food. Tka baya era atnyyla wblab ananed Lntmnim






i STHifEirS







Talk.: uoo

[ $100
Saied ■ - . $2.00
Fine Shoes
1 Saved - . - $1.02
Misses aod
J[ $M0
Childrei's Shoes {[ $.69
Saved ■ ■ . $.71


Meg’s Shoes

^opnrtey to ratam bam
AU fonnar wmnb^ of Ua Hannah
Wfim ara eardlall^ritod to JoU CampaAyBAAdomorttbaboOyof Primta
Dlokinnwi to Ua ehnrU and onnaatoiy
today. AU aaa yot nnlforms by cnUlay no Baa WObalm at tba Moroni
Oa.'aotmo. TBonalAUmwOl moat at
M nrmmy M lltSA '
ArobUOrUtt U aoBmIay tern W

nteek of typhoU terar.


akot An boar Utar ka wna
foond imwankma aad takan to
Ua aonnty bo^tnl in Ohteyo. wbotn
ha died Tomdto'- Dneanaad bateyad
to Bovnral morotordotn, tba MieBibiia.
Tba fnnaial win toka pUea Uia attar1 at two oUpek tem Ua rmldmea
of Jakn Millar at 41« Bud BiyMh
A brother ot tba doeaomd fe o^aotod
to orriaolbk momiay. Tba Knl^

if PyibMo yriU attond fa • body.

-* We hare added seoeral
tboufisad pain of oor own
ehoeo. Prioee ool om tbo
whole lot.
A look neane s eals.




A $3.00

Total...................................... ............................
OomUnstions are mis
( unleee itamisad. WtU
gladly aell yoa each indiridoal itoi aqiarately and aave you
Look at oar men’a ud women’s sH solid shess stJll.OO
ov 6ne i^4rMlAto footwear for $1.00 Mow vbIbs.

. i

>•'•‘.’5 7. i'Te*---? *■


i ^ouxaa nooBP
l4VSBSSinTT. • mOBlOA:
■.-«. •*»



2r W. Hiwnm
ftalw War Dapnrtwwt ato
tag doBMttato •dnarnlly.

’. Hunn, BdUpr ud

I f^^UpttT^


1 oaleek p. to.

in tka ahanua of Oknkman <bo
B. L. ^cngM aaUad tka eooTwttoi
oadw and Uritod C. B. MawM to tke
^air. Z. L. Sprague waa nkaann
Tka Uaioa SUaar and thn Pngnllot
parttoa had praatowly toat In aenaenUaaaadadjonnadtoattoadtka DatoOn tooUoa ef Mr. ^iraCM the appolntnantafa eototoUtoa no eredan'
tiala waa dUpaoaad with and the toeabwa preaant troto tka Datoa Hilrer and
Popnllat partlaa were isrltod to take
part In tke eenrentlan and help neat-

tW OMft SraM Xnna.
: AttM VfWMtod ftt tM MBBlf «M
■Jim 9t U«
mi OaflUw tmttim yaatarter t—hint
Ik* «Mit hoM* «0«r, i« a
to Mk«
ikaifi ia
UoatlM *( IM kalUiac
JMLW waa yrwaataC aUavad
‘jpau. ler akaaflnr alU aad <or aztn
tar tka towadatioa walla
Tka aaattaetor haa
a addittnaal bill, aa

fennd tkat all tke warda ef Tret
and tka townaklpa of Blair. Eaat
Bay. QarSald. Sreen Uka. Maylald,
Paradiaa asd Onion ware rapreeented.
Tkoee net repreeestotod were- Acme.
Pife Lake. Oranl, Long Lake. PwianU aad Wkluwator.
Tke totoporary orgnnlto«on
nude pertoanent aad D. E. Wyakeep
aad Jno. WUkelto were appolntod tollera. and tke oSoete loek tke ei
awry eatb of ofBee.
A. V. rrtodrie^ 0. D. ICanyos nnd

.... t»n 10
Wa. I
.... i.wo<« arable, Pe^lw ^'tJsien surer Parraaetra
.... 4.44W M
... .* 171 «0
) '
I6.7S* to
: - ma bUl haa mat yat baw allawad
i-trtlw«a(anilt*a,aad ihaEaogaDbaa
jaaHaaea U baltaaa that aallbar tka
.-taOdi^ ea«Mitlaa ar tka board
■tfwilaiaa wlU allow aay bill u
.fali (hat k aaarbltaat ar wroay U aay
mm. Bad wa 4a aat baUara that Ua
;MBUitUoa will aaaaM to aathariM
amf Bhaagtota. ar addtHaaa to. tka
^taUUarthatwQl raqatra tka eatlay
aay aaaatlarly axtravagaat aaknaat
:m la aaggaatod by tka Itona
~*aaa WUa Tka eaatatlttaa hatlag
m ebarga tka aawtraetlaa of 'tbia
; taOdlag kara a grara reapoaaibllity
gMliag ayoa tka«, asd tka katoreatt
adlbatarpayara drund that they
' ^arelaa tkeir baat jadgaant ia talfitl'mt (ke traat rayeaad la than by tka
Wrd of aaparaiaaca. aad wa baliara
dhat Ika aoaaUttoa raaiUlag tkla. will
•gt aaaotioa aaytklag tkat wUl ba
tai9kyen a(
I It kaeaaa aridaot tkat tka
• to tlof
thaararla Oaka, tka prablato of tka
■ tka
toltk a^lab tka yraaldaat a*d eaWaat
ooatoad. Pnaidaat MeKtnlay
today of tka EayaWIeaa* wooU
-ftodlykaaadefarrad tka atottaraf ia>
^MtaoMa aatU afwr Ika akkly aaaaaa
«M ar*r. bat tka Ditoearata woold aat
IlMa* to dalav. Tka l»aa waa foraad
4pd tka war daelarad la tka vary faoa
at yaatUaaea aai dlaaaaa. Ko oaa in
Mtkarity waa Igaaraat of Ua graat
^vUoa wktok towt ba nada Oa tka
gfm at aaagraaa tka iiaatUan waa dladdtoad mi tka orgaaUatloa of tka aaaallad “ItotoBBaa" waa prorldad for.
; •kaftor’a army kadkardly raaakad baa
dtogonatil tka cry of daatb and daagair waa taken np by the aawapapan
JB a (aBlt-fladlag way. Mlatakea bara

a prlaalplaa wt tato

Wa apprera of tka patiiotla oonraa of
tka Dawoerat. Peaplaa Party aad Bw
pukllean repraaentatlm In eenyraaa tkalr naaniBoaa anpport of nil n«

i tka poopla ef tke
•m.^000^ r«^
ider tka pretoxt that i
' far tka war.
diera aad wUwn who hare ae nably
gallantly loatained the heaer of
Ug in tka oanae ef iuatloa asd kn.

IjMWIt WMMKUM ijjlUfc /

.TMMiB o
.tyHaaPwaod Aw«y.
Wadaaadny night doath elataaod Kan-j
aanPreetoan. wke was sigkty yean of
nganadonatrf the oldwt ptoneere e(
tunsennty. Denannad Brad ntt
BardWrrlUe and nanriy two weeka age |
waa atrlcken with paralyala and alaoa
thoa. np to the Utaa of hia death, waa
only partially oonaoleiu. Be
aarreyer ky eeeapalloa and ■
Arat BBS to hold tkat oftaala Laalaaan
oonnly- Kaaaoa towsakip waa nanad
to kla honor.
Bla wife died abant two yeara age
asd now tka only aarrlren of tbs fam­
ily ton two aona, who are reaSdanU of
tka Qraad Trarerss ragten
danghtor. married, and Hrlng U Lonlaana.
The fuearal will be held tUe
lag at 10 o'clock from the BnrdlekrUU
Tka raanlna any be seat to Ornad WUl mrniah Mas
Bapida, wbw« tkeee of kla wife were
at $18.00 per Tear.
■eaeiug October let. fifty oer
M. fi. BaakaU kaa geaa'to Detroit to
pnrehBM kla fall stock ef atotloaer
Ckaa. Pearce aad wife wwe rtsiton
here ywtorday troto Fife Imke.
Pketograpber a F. Imdtey and Ckaa.
Vaughn, ef Elk BapMa, ^Mt yeetarday in the city.
y. Pennington and fstoUy are enjoy­
ing a Tiait from Elijah Biaskaw aad
wife ef Kaaeaa, The latter wUl
go to Ma^ City for a rlalt with Mra
Blaakaw-a paraata. Ber. aad Mia. P. J.
Mrs. C. L. Welle aad Mra Otorge E
Habbeler. of Lake Aaa. waracallara
Henry Spartiag. of KiagMay. la Ua
gaast of M. a Dodga
Judge J. E Oampball. of Leolaaan
conaty, rstnmed last night from a
rlalt wiU hU danghtor la Cklanga.
Mim Cora Millar taeapeaUng to laare
here tka first of October far a rlalt at
Moatreal aad oUar Cnandlan dtiaa.
Riley Bwacra made a bnaiaasa trip
yaatorday to Kalkaska.
J. O. Jeaaoo waat to Chicago last
night to pnnUaaa a lot ef horaea.
C d. Bngbac ratnmad yaatorday to
tkla city, harlag takes Ua plaea of
rllag aalaamaa A. W. Fwk. wkite
Ua Utter eajoyed a racatloa.
Mr. aad Mra. J. B. Crawford, ef
kaoa. are Ua guaato ef L. M. Bcnaatt aad family, of FffU atraet.
B. Browa retnraad last algkt
from Tkompeoarilla.
C. C. BamiU. a lickat broker af Ps'
toakey. U is Ua dty.
WUl Wlgbtman. clerk at Hotol Whit­
ing. te apendldg a week at Bead City.

tb.^'^to^:;................................ ..........
deep prirdtiona whichtbry bara ae nuZflot Of Letters.
neoaeaaarily and ae ssoetoptalaingly
U«t of irtwr* rriBatslae Is
aoatalsad. tkraagh the eorrapt and tht
TVmT«T** Clir Pun 0«l.* Bocatlrd lor.
periiean aaanoar in which tka quartor- VMli eedlar 1>*|>I OrU. lueaUmc
StrU. I«> "
waater aad aargeom geaeral'a depart■
Erc.t. tLP.

wTebarge Ue auffeiiags asd an-1 n^r^v' a.''
malydaaUaofUerolnntoore. eanaad
Jobmee. CelTln
r sieknaaa. to Ua miamnaagcmaBt o^ftdwai
Id reokleas disregard ef tka aeldUru’
U>ubrrt, Preok
..toraata by Ua war dapartmanu
toek«7 '
beWa deeply aympaUlaa wlU
ba- “£Tii.
andI frlenda who hare siucr. aod o
been called to meura Ucloaaef
U« lorn of Uelr
Farraul. Julias
WuU. W T.
brare aad Urlag eoldler boya.
On Ueal matteia. we call Ue sttea- Sr. WatiVnar
itoa ofotkapeopto to Ua raaolaUeat
is all of hla
Ooedrieb to
work tut hla patrons, for UaUnaflt
tka Uta BapitoU^ eoareatioa asd by
of tbcaa wbom Uey know to ba aftkat eoaraattoa Igaared a% anworUy
him to re­
of Ualr attoatioa aad which ooademaa
turn, which U wUl do. aad wDI poatka syatom of oSoa holdiag sow preitirely only ka bare one week lenger,
ralUag la Ua E^nbllaan party U this
kept, te to OcL 1st. wiU officea at
eonatr by whisk a taw tarorad ease by
the Wbitieg Hotol, aad 11 yon hare
teeth to be exUaotod aithont peie
and filled wiUeut pain yon want to
aaa for Us past twalre years.
go to Dr Blankner.
We eoademn Ue extraragaat. loeee
aad corrupt manner la whlck Ua budLadles, elean your kid glores with
aem af Ua eourt konsa aonatructUa la Hiller Uloreline. ItU net a liquid,
belag caadnotod asd is Ue diaftlag of learee BO odor and can be ueed while
Uscontraet which partnita nalimlled Ue glore is on the Und. For eal# only
by James ti Jobbaoe. Druggist.



we demand e oouraniDg ef Ue Board
ef SnperTteeri and Ue appoiatmeat by
' kaas aopalatad U aoaaa t taea, bat oat Uem ef a aea-partlaaa oommlaaioa
*< tt all wa kava rletory. That it coat
ipoaed of repreeeatatiraa of each ef
Many Itoaa wnat ba adoal tod. bat who thrrwsogBi'i*d'''^fUcal
1 ^tUcal aartlm. to Ureatigmto Ue chargee which hare ai­
de of carrapUon aad
readj bees made
and all oUer mattoru
law? No aatloa an aartk erer abu
Aa drWtiag
eosaectod wiU the
drWtii of Ue oen. aaek a eaaqaaat ander Ilka ooadltloaa. tract aad Ue eoaduct ef Ue BnUdUg
and we call upea Ue peo­
ne war waa ever waged withoat a
WHt pereantage of death from dbaaM ple of Oraed Trarerae oeuety wllhoet
regard to party affiliation to join wiU
pai kardsbiya which the atrongaatcoa- na Lb onr eCerta to orerUrow Ue eer’wtHaUana could not arlthatoed. Oar rapt ring which baa mUmaaaged Ua
loww la the war with fipala are deeply fiaaaeaa ef onr county an til it haaro4oidored. but biatory doM aat furalah ■ultod In Ua praaent Ceurt Bones
• reaord wkara. under like ellmatie
The eonrentien Uen ;
Mdltiom. the peroauuge af deatba
Ueneminatlon ef eandldatos for eonswna ea low U aa abort a parlad of
ty ofBeea The only ballet taken
on aberlff. which reaultod na fellows:
Jr there la any bitch in Ua propaaed r. Wnrsbnrg. SB; N. J. Wyckofl. 21:
a of the eoadnei of Ue war aentteting. i- Mr. Wursbnrg'a nom'
«ka taattor can ba easily adjusted asd inntlon was Uan made nnanimona
All tkaoUar
Ika gnilty parties promptly
. if Ua admlnlatoatioa aj aMlatoaUoa u follows:
Clerk-N. J. Wyekoir.
will refer Ua matter to Ue Grand
Begiator ef Deeda-WillU Wightman.
Tanaaena oeaaW Democrat-fillrei^PepTreaaarer-A. V. Fitodrieh.
!«tMt party- They charge all Ua sickPreaeentlog Attonwy—W. P. Orettor.
•Sto nnd auSartog of Ua rolonteer tol-W. P.
Circait Court Onmmk
fitors to ecsTUplie* and iwekleaa misOrotser.
■ toaaagament la Ua war dapartpmeut.
Sureeyor—E A. Store
Ik emphatic Urtoa.wkiakaagraat tUi
Ooroncre-Dr. LA.Th
A eennty oampniga c_________
ehoesB, MC from sack party: A V.
ykrddeaaUq aSMti la fias aUUaeiy FriedrUA. Democrat; J. G. Rai '
BUeer; C B. Monroo. Popnlist.
Thto oommlttoe waa authorised to
. m .Front street. Friday .
certlfe to the tlUei aad fill any eaeaa. their faU •eoiteg. Ladies eies that might oeesr.kad the eemmlt-- toeStUMr
toe was alao^evi^nythorlty to jl^


• • ,-A-;.i;.s li, J .i .


Geo. R. Winnje

\0A •mvie. “ICo teams Vtv sbeelt i
maie Vfom ttv\s.''

5s aW T\q\A—mortVv VookVaq up. I

ne barge kidney O Neff is taking on
lombar from Ua Oaal Wood Disk Oo.
for Ua SanU Bids Lamker Co. of Chh

Good looks are rcntly more Uan ekia



Watch This Column For Bargains I

look: If yoar stomaci
you h^a^ys^ptlc look; Ify

H0ME4IE0WI fAnailELO*SSr'¥S,r..'^«n,?r^

look. Soeuru .___
win surely havee gbod looks. “Electric j C
Bitters” Isa good AUeratireaad
Acta directly oo Ue stomack, lieer ana
kidnaya Pnriflee Ue blood, eves idmplea. blotokee asd boUa. and gives a
good eompleiioB. Every bottle gnsr
anteed. Sold at Ue Dr^ Storm of S.
E Walt and J. G. JohiMon. aO eenu
per bottle.

EW8 0O.

Poet ogee Betiding.

Fifty Cents
Guard Chains

Ta t Oaed VabaUa


Furniture Bargains TEoar»JSg’8‘Sy...^,S‘“

Bee 0. Beeda A Oo.

C^ojwTiWan fetau^t

Watberanaa Idas

Call in


$22.00 Bedroom Soite. I Franklf,

! and Briefly.

and seethe-

we are nelling


For $14.50.

W$ have Winter WhMt Flour. Bye* Flour,

'b a beanty—lai^ size, dooble |

Feed. Heal, MlddltagE Bran, Com and Oata

top, dust proof drawers, pntent '


casters, fine &nUh, 18x40 bnral !

•axnplec'and quote you prioea. It oaimot

plate glaan—In fact it is a band-^ j


We ehaU be pleaMd to eeud you

do you any barm aod it may do ue boUt

eomo anile.

J.W.Slater I

lota of goode Tonrs'reepeoifkilly,

fiooM Fttrnlnhnr.


New Store 120 Front Street.

^ Our Offerings

Shop opposite Eagle office.

Prompt Payment
1 Characteristic.
Paloskey. Mick. Bept. 90 im.
iLASeSUCE A McCoasica. District
■1 wUh to excheek fto
prem my kesrtfeU thsoks tor eheokfw
9100. Is payutost ior Ue deeU claim
of my Isto husband. F. B. Gilman. 1
am couetceedUst >our moat exeeUen). I
:y wishes to set fair wiU Uelr •
______ re and I cheerfully reoommer-* ‘
koU Ua agents and eompany.
Very truly yooiu.
Alviaa GnjcAX.


My work U 8nt cUm and prioen that are io ranch of nil. Inn
mwpnrnd ni nil timen (o Uke enra of the trhde. I tonke n npet^ty in
BraziBB. Volcudshig uid EanmaUDg. A fine line of wbeeU for nle
and tn rant.
J. Q. SIXI8, Sll Front ntreet. e

abont fifty addiUonal anbecribera.)
This wUl make teaideat rate fiit.M
par year or fis.oo per qnartar in ad▼aaee, payable on or betera Ua iOU of
Ua first moaU of aackj^uartor. Oaatraela wUl b« iMsed for om or Urea
Jon BAsnr.
Manager Mick. Telepboaa Ou.

ll|i-tii-<liiie PaiBKr
aid Paper Hanger.


Dealer in Ficycfes s Bicycle Sundries

Desenre Uigseal ItteetlH.



We make particular mention of REED and RATTAN FURNITXJRE. Aalde from a floor full of beautiful creations in
: this material we make prices equally as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refumlah your house this fall or ^
: jiiBt contemplate the addiUon of a few piecee to make your ^
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity ^
: to do BO at a very little cost We want you to see the goods
: In any event -


rmm MOBm«;«aoQap,raD)iXfi
rlMkattoM *tatlar kkrlrl*ad,
f«aad dMdla
hv'bad Wtdalty ma^. Upm

ntWac to tto Birbi atoaaatpUiBid

■mTT —"”t»— » ItotfovA I
id act tMUaf. at tnll at aaaal. bat
•M, wm■Us4Ub( oa • UakotatrM aalbiBff fl< a atrioit aatan
WaAaafAar fUttmt mftim wbn
krok* u4 k* Ml im tki froud. ft»c>
of Batlar toWBohlp. Oal>
tarlac kit «oUw.k«u Md toMfciaf u howB eoaaly.
reaped hotoo aftor a trip to Tokosaba
At ItoM RHm. amaU arttott ton tto other day ^ a walM MotaieUy
I ttoi tou ■towl {roBtto waa a^aeUiy. He aoertbed the
tooM l» «to> pobUe
tebool toiidlaf. loae to ptekpodtota. bat wwaarpriaed
>t Pallewi mtoid a he* mt ofaaw* a few dajt Uter u yet word that tke
lac fua. wkleh waa dittritotto asoaf walleb' ^Hth iu eoatotte ttoaet. had
~ fapUa. laiattifattoa thofrad ttoaa- boeDloiadoB the platteaaealu of a
latmM of aa eryaalMd toad of yonny Tekosaha nerchaat toortly after he
«toya wtoaa objwt U to atial. A tore
icarebid whUA waa tto eaebe aad
•aosyk foodt to ttoek a asaU ttoa
Wwafottad. Tto pretteaUot attoreiy
tot the' aatUr la baad aad tto ooaaty Otofal Bewa Botae et aaieenal
ayaat la alaa aallaf with Urn.
Stoekhaddla la tto peeaUar aaae of
Oeweral Acyaatl. the fomer captala*
a eertalo aoetloa of Oaoiyetoire towa- yeaeralofUe Phllipploe blasda hao
ahip, la OtUwa aonaty. It U loeatad arrived at Victoria, capital of the ipaBla what wM oaoa oae of the yreat pla> lab prorlaea of Alava. aboil thirty
•riet of that ooaaty. bat iaa beta aailea loiib of Ililboa. Itb nU that
dlaared ay aad Made lBt» food afrl- bi looka m aod U retleoBt eooeereiay
•nitaral oeaatry.
tba rMiBt toppealaya at MaaQa. The
Netaamo haa had tear laoetolaiy yaaeial. bowerar. admlU that ha ocatree withU a Boath.
tewplaud aarreedarlDy before the ca*
Athaia poopto hare a nw Indattry. pltBlatleBaeUallytookplaea Healeo
«om* oat haa diaoorerad that aa mU? praUed the aray elcqaeatly aad asara trm will pay «t U to aa alyhty- preaeed tke hope that' tba I
toaad hale of raatoa, aad tto lahat
Bear the TUlaye are belay rapidly
leased oat.

WnUaai dafftr wto waa rteaaUy nTheaUe-tto- of aU toMban <4
laiMd trcM nawaaty Jilt, wbm to
I ore aakod to cin------- — *----------- -TaltoyeU trtbato to (to ^(arday Market (o^
bald tetoerrew aftarmooa (roa tteS
arreatedma alBllar Aarya at Biy o'oloto, at HaskaUh book atere.
Ida. Itle elalBMd that r^Ua la
qbdillae ho aWo a bleyeU retaad at iu
Backlash Araiaa HelAp
aad ap«B rwoUay Loray tradoA Uo
To Baer Baivk is Ua wortd lor
whoaltoawatoh. Ho wool to Biy Oate, Broleea, Bone, moan. Halt
Bapido where to traded watebee with Bhaato, Fever Beam, TeiMr, Chapped
Banda, CbUblalna, Corea, asd aUUte
(B aad raealred oae dollar to baov Bnip(kwa,aBd pooitlrelr oarea PDoa,
Ho wu takea baek to CbdUUe.
or no par raqalrad. It la yaarentead

A.$5.00.Slioe Fm' $3.00

.WrMcad (to Bayip.
TeeterdayUe taoB of poattoatW. sate bv 3. e. JohsMB and S. ■ Walt
[. KiUey beoaae friybteaed while
ataadlv in (roat of Mr. Eeileyh real
dense oa Btau atreot. Tke honee
dastod dowa tto etreet aad wtoa they
■ lLU)Cl»II.DKitM.Orn«U Hertua
atoppid Ue bcyyy waa a arreck.

A GRimi TIME o-'ssjsisi;
te OaSleefc.

During the Battle
of Santiago.

TTT K tfOOP.Phr—ateaaaddeq—oe. treat.
W • BeBteftbvv^c »dA mt. TWitfO—•

Sick or Well, a Bush
Night and Day.

L torai la* OSere.Olir Opera Bsaas Mk.

The Paokers at th6 Battle of
Santiago de Cuba Were AU
Heroee —Their Heroic Effbrts in Getting Ammani.
tion and Batione to the
Front Saved the liay.

r. B. BnUer, of pack train Na .
writlny tiwdi Saatla^deCato, oa Jaly
At Pekia. niBan wUoh It ia Impoe- Ud. aaya; -ffe all bad dterrh<oa la
■ It hre jatt beta dltaorertd that rel- Bible to diarayard. art la olraolailon to ■ora or Ism vloleat form, aad wbea
«abu docBMaU aad diet toloaylBy the affect that the eBpraw dowayar of we loaded we bad ao Use te
tor. (or It waa a com of rub
to Oakland ooaatkbare beoa at tome Cbioa haa reoorered bar
aiybt and day to kacp Ue troopa eapukaowa tlmaaairitotoBa oskaowa orer tto eBperor, who la bow pracU- pUto wiU aBBaDhtoa aad ratlou,
tot thaoka
______ to
- ChaBberlala'a Colic,
•aaaa. aaU to a Jaah dealer ia Detroit. cally la a auU of Utolaya.
Cholera and Dlarrhcea Benedy, we
A two year old boy wat drowaed ia
were able to keep at work end keep
• woU at Port Sarea Wedaaeday. The at Saatiay* ara oa tba alok liet. aad oar faealU; la faet, 1 elneeraly balieve
Uat et one critical time Uie medicine
-prall waa nader the hoate aad haa to a Oeaaral Lowtoo nportod S8 sow
ioBy tine bees oorered with a piece of af fever Wedauday.
dasrea. Tto llule falUw loot a baU
At Madrld.tbc qeeea rayaat baa aiya•ad erawlad wader the booee tm yet it ad Ue deerae (aapeadiay AdBlral HonBe fall throwyh the eaaree aad waa tijo aad yraaUay pardoa to' ooavleta
drowwod la two feet of water.
who fooyht aa reiaatoon la
Tbare eeaetblaf aboot wlU Uat'BitodAuto.^
4rtelBy a Bilk wayoB (hat la eoadaoAt Waahlaytaa tto Aaatriaa toyaUea
Ire U laayerlty. BBolatlay A. Laa- wLU oheeire aia waeka toOBralay la itabeolntely aeved life.**
Tto above letter waa writtea to tto
«er at Boyal Oak. called tba oldsat fiaoBary of tto laU Btopreae BUxabeth. aaaofactarers of Ula tredleiee. Ue
toaad wiaaar a tke auu, there
DoriBy Ula period Mlaletor vaa Hea- CbaBberlsia Mediriae Oo.. Dos Moines,
aiwia to Ue front M. T. BaadaU of yelBBller aad bla atoff wUl aat partlel- Iowa. For eale by S. B. «fait.
^Uaa. ayed.M. wbohae alao drirea a pate ia aay eaelal faaatioBa «re tboae
of a atricUy oBcial eharaewr.
;toUb wayoa fertwutydre yean.
- leeUll riyoroae aad hearty aad blda
At Deaver Chaplaia Melaton of tto
lair to paddle Bilk to sany yean yet. Oreyaa who is to bo
AtOalBiaet Nra Bra Straadioord. oral weak oa Ue ckarye of haviay oa•yad tM. la dead drona tto effeeU of fairly erilloised Adairal AaspoaB aad
borna raeeired Friday while llyhUay a Cbpuia Braaa. baa beoa itriekea wlU
- laBp. The Are aeeldeaiiy oaayhl the aerreua proetratloa aad may be 111 eo4c
oartaiaa, which were abore the Ump.
^•nd iB trylny to extlByaiah tto Aaaa
Tto pvaeideal kea decided to poet.tor
olothlay oaoebt
An aad wee
...... ...........................
poaehtadeparlanfor Ue weet oatil
^.Ulybarato off her tody before eo- un ewwad week la Octotor. ylriay
•laUaee ooaM reach her.
hiBMlf oaly tiae to reach Oaaha by
Oae of tto neaaeet haa beia foaad October U.. It ia new expected Uat
Aoitope of aa Biale aaa who haa aaed Ur. Hay will to installed aa eeeretary
- • Btovi, Ue property of a aephew, for of state before the preeldest'a departAtopaetoiyhtyeara. BeoeaUy he pre- are tor Ue weet mod it is hoped to bare
oaotad a bSl to hla aephew lor $i oov ttowardeparuneoilovcatlyaUoi) well
•riny repoira to Ue etove darlBK Ur oeder way before the prcaidcDt yets
.Mae he aoedlt.
WUliaMttadioaaeofBreat towaabip.
Coaaal Wnilama at Alerra Leoa baa
Baylaaw ooaaty. waa killed by bli lafomed Ue drpartBeet of etote that
teaa raaBtoy away and Urowiay Ua Ue yoeernor of Sierra Leoa baa offered
trooi the asayoa.
a reward of Alo te any pereoa who will
firelU taferBation Uat will lead to
Gvaeral AbafUr ia awotlay whb
recsioBtlHalaaUe rec^Uoo all aloay Ue ai^rehsBBioB aod ooavietiea of tto
dhe way la aoattora Mieblyaa, aad perpetrator or perpetrators af Ua bot•aactinee atooetpr^ to be deUrerad dereofthe ABaricaa Blaaioaarlea at
froahtafrleadawbo riU bla wom Botofaoh aad IUb on Hay I aad o
•haa Ue Cabana ever dU.
Tto aonUere part of Spaia baa baea
At Uaaeeloaa Ue faaitr of A- Badwiy were aot a little eirpriaed tto riaited by terrible Aoeda. At tto vUother dey when they heard a crash of laye of aemra, near Cadla. U peraeaa
beoa drowaed. A yrret
•aeafUvwiaOuvkaadoa loukioy aroaad saw • partridye lyiny oa tto of catUe bare periehed and the oIi<
Boor ia a otaaaad aod daaed ooadbioa. barveet te lost, especially ia Ua provThe partridye bad ffowa -ayaiaat Ue iaeee ef Seville end Uraaada. There
wladowpaaila brnad dayliyhu with have brea maaay deaths la oUer parts
•oflloieDt foeee to ahatur it. Trcuble of Ue Aoocted coaotry.
«aeayh for a partridye for ooa day.aod
At Paris. Ferdlnaad W. Peck, tto
M the Beat to woe hearth-talr made
teUe Parte
■aide tato a pot pie aad eaun.
etpoallioD of I»00. aceoapanled by bla ' *nr?2^,„,w, »„ ,p,
ana bare ■.
Trees are dyiny aloay the liaea of staff, depoeited a ffold wreath oa the ; SS?fl.5“irlT;;?rw*VRn* i
•lectric rallroada la Ue eoetbere part
lb of l^r.yeite Wedareoay. It waa i
«f Ue BtnU where aot properly latal«tod.
Hea. Lafayette, fro— Ue United Sutre
■reitn.oci I
At Bey City Jeeepb /aahowlak. ayad
“**^*“*“ ffr^^ ■
•taetoea. waa probably fataUy baraed
By the oxplaeloB of y^lae at' BoaaBaU'e woodMware factory Wediteedoy
There are few bcb more wide awake
’ •ftwaooa. The boy waa la tto Uab aad enterprlsiny than 8. K. Wait and
koaae pempiay yaeoUae wbea the I. O. JubntOB who apart no palna to
•eenre Ue beat of everytbluy In itolr
•taff exploded. blowlayhlB froB the ine for their many euitornera. Tkev
heUdtey eod eettlay Are to hlx eleU- BOW have the valuable arency for Dr,
lay. *liik fallow werkaea reocoe^^lai; Klny's New Dlacovery (er ConaninDfroai eraeaatiun.
Ha waa friyhtfally Uoa. Couyhs and Colda. This te Ue
wonderful re—lyly that U produriof
Baraed aboot the head aad araa aad such a furor all over Ue ennatry by lu
llBkaledUe AaBea.
Then le omU ■any aUrUlny curea. It abaoluvely
'Bhpe for bie rreovery,
enres Aathma. Brooebitte. lioareoneM
and all aflecUona of the Throat, Cbeal
. At lUaietlqae Cbaa. Raaascy., em. aad Laafa. Call ai above drop alora
■ployed hy tto Delu la-tor, ooBpeay.
deU dowp aUui at Ue company ■
koBN aboat S o’clock Wedaeedxy morara tell yon to
eretrery, bat ooma aad aaa Icr
Uy and broke kla aeck. He died
milaaiT Opotof PillAy.
■hortiy after biiay picked np.
1 ruarantoe all my warb to be rlplit.
Mya. Lawrenca will bold bar fall and If it dOM not prove eo 1 make h
Ttoritleaaaof Baalt 6u. Harieare
Iday ared^Satorday rin^hu
0|wolBr _oB FW^_
talslay foods for Ur parpoae of yiviay
eatber-imnerr paHen:
Htop in tilt a o'cToek every arenlnf
to each neBbar. of CoBpaay Q, of
AU Ue lateat
ateat fftll
fltll alyla frofra— ui- except Sooday. in Ue Caldwell A Loo
•to TbirtyfoorU Infantry, which waa
care WlU ba dtepUyad. Svatyoae don bnlldlnc. at norU end of Unloe
fnereited in that city, a




DR, SPIHREr^ia?:.K."!3!s:

0»er 1,000,000 Pwyle Wwr Thera.

They are made in any aize, all kinds o( leaUier and modem
Bo7% wesr the W- L Doaglas $9.00 ehoe. They
are the aame as the mea'a.
Tha aame money that boys ihodc^ yooda will boy the beet
at oar store. Try it aod be coavinced.


. -Pboee. beew aod te-

135 Froot Street.

He Has Surprised Them All I

His Patrons fathosiaslic In Their Praise.


__ _ .

win rreMto to ealU to anrelac.


j^jBRjratoRk^win r




sarib*. PtirettW. Oattlr taken tavicbaare

Olii to grewal :

*vBtr rboppan aaX •aayrit
I eawB Svntvwtaw ■■ Oievae
Kaat aaci
JjtuH t<aLX—Uouat aad
—ODtb aad toiere—. t.
W. Palrkr*'^4— ^
rpo SDrr—*iev»B room, bonaa wllb ■
A kwaoti tel. No.n6 Mate alreel. <
OravB. Its WaUlorton alraot.. <S U

reierenre. lAddreae O tO. Rsirfab oftee.

Thnapaeo aad the 1 B. orallirk fariorr. Vtoder *|I] ei.o'er a
ITVirvP-Blaek lalJ oeereoat.
at Bfoaa ogee.

nadn ea

T MT—Canraa rorered telreeopa aalrbel.aeaX^lalaiDg IJ pair o.'eratla. rieder *ltJ be re­
warded bj lra> lua la dry .-ooda drpartDret e(
kerraoilte tte______________________ tStMi*

TJtOR «ALt-T*o wheeled mwpen aad two
f Osahrrw Trarrraa ORr Uiwbar Co IBp!

Be Bust retare, for there are mtny waiitoy for Ufa. They all aay, Doc­
tor, you are a boon to aaff«riny bauauily.* By special requaat be wUl retare.
Hlecaee text the

One W«t Onlj aod Mo lom-Si^tnlier iiOtti to October IsL
It. BnUa u< a Eitot Md Ihl IU l< an.


—----------- ti'.uore eaa (oltaw. Hnw te UUt S«ai b.-iw«ea tkelladd.
PalBlnal What jwbxt bttea What eoafort and what a aun.r w ia Ute.
tot r heart tadteeaacd. yoar ttrtb are ratten, bat Uwtta> vvn were pbUcA
arenad iBBeverfctryotwa. Bulwh.p too ir« to D- Blankner. (orUUeBiyoa will rrer prulae. yoe tell your aelS'ibor Uat to wilt Mve yoa
iTinroaX WANTaO-Lodiea
BaNTBO-todie. or fWail.
pala asd when
re y
it t
i Ub for hla arala. B*W
ir teeth eto>a
a«h>a yoo
yoe ^1
- toonre rwrlrir
aeuof Juraalle Booki
Gaeb eel haa (oar booki
for two wreka, lony eaeoirti for yoB to Aed oat Uat all ba eoys la
(Traded for ..n.d
Uitlr orra >o rruwe
i^dwc u|i
up foliit
teiki ,Eaeb ' trn«- All bU ptteoaaaa.v. Doctor, ox-i hack,
won't yoB. pleaee. I know a
to U. ot tft
^Ueve ae when I tell
ill tbea
them yoo are the aaa
aa who
tiTwrnnwInr wRh. nappe
n«|ipT lllnali
illnairaito* Trwatoi-;
Trwwet, ; ff****
ffl*» ^
ao tolapala. WOB
Woe'tI yoo eoBC
bvarAtaof yoar
eome back aod let
Ivt ttothe- yaia
yain the
■;55«“|ffftei .aklU and they. Uku -v. will
w‘!l praise ym.
Ton. I know U-y
U»y wiU
will TWBkl
® BliaWner will to back ^
to Traver
Traveree <Sty
l ie. af all four Ua.k. iMe . Mo»daj tDorBlDy. at the Whitlar Hotel, at alnv. By reqitaal aoly. Too
fWa.Uaelre-rrot wawpafor pa.'ior pan
'“r oolr I want
dental work done withoot pain, and when to leavre bte pat'
k. ara roo ortoiar back a.-aln? >No. he will auwer This lathe
n» • II
.« '•■•»tre». JtiTBun.* Darr. Tastebaaf yen will btoe. if yon bare diae
achicy, yon h
had better oobc while yon have I
will -ake yov,(wice ylad.
>—ember yoo uke no chlorefoem.Da ya'.no eitberor other p

Blllnr. BO twUtlny. aa ynn hate those who vm call tbnra.I. Bt
Bet U teeth are
WHf falractedafLyiay aione. aod When ypq are Uronyb yen aay th>t wat ai-ply
QKuuw-R KioRWAi^ PLairs-i ute bv ;
1» a qoaow. Bni all bla patroaa
SSar; tok. Oaeior. wbre are yoe eomlay back? B» wfl to here (ron Sapt. »U te
At the
a wawi a w
Makes ao diP
bady.m have been disease, aabee no dlSeeenae
M berc«
ly teeth yon hava to poll. maUre no <iiff«rence what too have aoffervd
—I.ureber. atb and ablii«
av Come while yen have Ue opporUnity to Dr. IT'anluer. Aralaad
■ CItr Luttber 0». M»-if
eraa Boral Rtebanyr taaaraorc. Saerleaa
of New Vnrk.
Tbarlerla rtre.
Paalaeula Motaa1. rraakftwt PUte Olaaa. HIcb , Malaal Rate
OUaa. Aelaa Ufe of Coaa aad otbar eosna.
Btea. a B. AJlro. rrtedrtcb Rlork.


»: r.v.r vr

.“isct' Lr~-


It Takes
But Little Talk =b“t"oL>rrr4rktfS



- : --iii:


Uteatdaimeandeiafnntatyla. Wo<^
•tetenwill reeaive Ua IxdU naUair
parlore. m Frrat street. Friday and
iato^v. (btdr fall apretor. Udtea
wUl And anyUloff to onlt tbetr faaey.




Bicyclp Rirfers.
r£SS£SS, H TIid Only ERtire Hew Slock la The Gilf!

<lbe alaetrte U^Uaf ^t at PaUtofey baa beea aadar -nnleipal oanUalbotasbort' tloa, bat atraadyUa ttolr aaw pariara. m Frant etereu
Raw aad alaffaat atytea troa aretsoa af
sffaattaaaan la a ndaoliaa atlOpar faabion. AU ladia invited. 4U-n
aaat. to Uaretae ekarffoA forllffbL
Tto Dread Havre Trtbane clalma
Tline Mxita A lay .



'/ ^r^ujUli^lSi uiS I

The beet asAortoMnt, UrgMt
neAtMt pAtteniB in

I $7i50, $9,10, $12 Heo's Suits and Onmats

nre bn oar tabled.
= Be gnre aad give as a call before you make your final selection —It pays to do ao.

E S. BENDA & CO. Fai^hionable Outfitters





r - •••

That to th« OpUto® «t PraMMt
JkMT^ or
»ekt^ Wto» Bm #«>t mvtaiMtf




t - —‘


IfMT Talk, S«pt. I* —Pr««ld«t An«»U erf tb« Dmhmti; «rf MloUfw. wko
bM Wd «ilatour to Torkoj. mrrfToi
MlbeTotttontolutBi^t. Dr. Anc«)>
HaiigmU to c«Mw hto arfalato^ttoii
of tW Bttlvwdtj. Dr. Aac«U.iiM «■•
pBJIMBt of
ABMrlou otolM* apo* tbo Tnrktoh
fOTWBBWt. Outer tit* raters vsp.
(reqsesUr Bosfwffa* witb
(tolSMl Hsj. Uo sew aaeaaiaaj of
Wbte SSM tf it WSO tTM test tllf
OBiMd tUtM iBtesAa to Mforoo ter
^pSMBtBf ItoeUlMt sTBloot Tsteoy
' kj » duBoutrstioB of toroo. Dr. AarsUropltod;
"I b*?o ort hOBrrf of it. We bbA«
tosima. Bi M tee oteer aowers. for
istesfe Isaieted bp tee Tkika spos
nr mbeloBsrloe. The enlteB rctoeed
te rMortiise tee <tetBe. »ad rfeDiee lilt
ttepanlWilty. Wheteer aa atteapi
tefUbeBaBdeteBoltoet teCMeUiiseby
' tom of am or bj a deametratloB to
• MtW for tee tovrrsBrot bIom to
rfeeide. The asltan aetoallp told the

aa .^WLAM BU B
Mtea atera ppealat
iBita irrabBS ToBUirfap.
OsaoeoBBt of tea etc
tears »BB «o oBi of door BOBowt at tee
Boatea Btora BaarraBrad. Dot tewa
waa good^p^-Baaie tealda whfeh
wsa aiBjoj^'bp b laifa aaBher who
>lAtai teairiBi* bleak to partietpato to
tea fall 6pii^. The atora to baanU
tellp triBBwd with Aae fooda sad the
OMSt daltoau fatariea aad Recast aftaets <B umtaaiT attraeted tea adadratkw of teroara of ladies. whUa tee
eloteter and ahoa deparuiaBto ware
Tba dsa tlBas of draaa gooia,
jaeketa aad asdlaae other ftoa roods

The atora to adBirabip arraared to dtoplap to tea vary beat adraatore tea
roada la aacry d^tiaaat aad tee
ahelveaara tltad with arerytelar
lata daairat and atylaa Mtoa Pali
araU haa obarra of the BiUlaary
partmeot and ydaterday thto porUtt af
tea etora waa a tarorita raaort AU of
tea aalaaBan and aaraaladiaa wara kapt
bnty aad aaoh exerted arsry effort to
estartoln the etoitara at tee atora.
Thera erill be Bote Bnk by aa ordof BWk- abastta tele oraolar and toBorraw
BUtod aaoaiar craiy lady will he yaaantod
ter^de^A^aat hia ha waa aati
Barto lademoity from teca. beeasM B
wite a pretty eoarenlr, ia the fora of
opasaa shot at and kiUad Torktoh aol- a Bctal J^aaaaa fraydiara from tealr boaaa
‘Oar elaiaa are difforaat froa tea 4 |S QO laekistMih te Tew Bey
•tad teelr loaaea la tea osana of gamar-.
«1 rleto by a Bob. OsrelalBareatapMaeaaehatontar baato. Thapraparty of tea ABartobBa waa daatray^. act
lB«faaacal riot, bat by aaldtora pat to
rsard teat prepare, tote wba. aeaaa^saatly. wara afula at tea r»*«»'
aaaaL 1 plaead teat tUw bafora tea
haltaa aMa^ty.bat hto aaawu waa tea
^ama aa baton, aad ha rafasad to maka
aay^apaeilaaMwar. It aasBa to bs
teataa amd dsBOMtiattea to tea
«a)y Bsaaa wbaraby tea Tvktob roasraBsat eaa be Bade to Bake raatltetite.
••Taikay MB teaioaly be oallad tea
alte BBB of Barapa after tea iBpatsa
gtaaa teat aoaatry by tba Oraak war.
It to BOW pnaaiBid of aa aray of KKi,
000 wall oqalppad bob. drUlad la sod
era taetfea by GsrBaa cAoaea. Tbalr

Tbeireei •Wan wfll hara tealr fall
opaalar oa VMday aad Saturday, In
tear haw parlora, Wt Froat atraet.
New aad alerant atytoa froa eeatraa of
taahloa. AUladlaa Inrltod. 4>l-«t

Tltm etnti t da^..
___ __________ to leaae Trararae

aty Friday Boralar at 11 a. a. and
aanaateaBancalBlnynan. Aay one
waaUar to bm ax know abaat “The
Staddard Lrotaraa” will ba ehaarfaUy
fsTBlahad aaeh tnforaattoa. DHera
oanbapUaad now far lamadiau or
Cbrtotaaa daltoary. Telopbaaa Park
Plaoa Hotel, dr^aeaid or'eaU la tea

Sept 22, 23 & 24,1898.
On the above dates we throw our doora wide open to welcome onr friends and pa­
trons Into the largest stors' north of Grand Baplds; a store filled with car loads upon
car loads of brand new merchandise, consisting of Olothing, Dry Goode, Boots and
Shoes, Carpets and MllUnory. Our purchases this fall have been heavy, most of the
goods being bought by the case to insure the lowest price obtainable.
We are hound, as ever, to maintain our reputation as leaders of low prtces, and our
efforto have been crowned with succesa Our stock consists of clean, reliable goods,
recently bought. Wo stand back ol every doUar’a wo- th we soU. Koney reftmdad df,
not satisfactory. The prlooe we quote below are a few of the many bargains we offer:

Dry Goods Department.
■ .................... “

sow yi. b«rt Pruita, worUi 5c, lor.

4000 ydh good yard wide Sheeting, w^h 6c........................084
3000 vda eood Fancy Outing, worth 8c.................................. Oo
?f^Jh!^linen. half W^cbed Table Cloth, worth

Foll^ fcte'Qo'iilii worth

lor...................... M

Good Lioen ToweliM, MUw
Turkey Red Table Lroeo, wort SOe
.......... 1«
Doobli told Pleid Dio» Goode, mpilei eeloe 10c. tor........ 06
Fioet, Sorelty Drcee Geode, double told. rer>l«r eklno
40 irrt’pimcy Wool Biocide.','arid vdoe et 'ssi, lor........


Handsome now noreltie* in wool and ailks of Amenoan and
foreign prodnetioos.

Notion Department.
Paper Pina. Ic; Needles, le per paper; Silk Twi^ Ic; 4
; of
for 6c; beat Spool Cotton,_;*c; clear Pearl Batt^

Tbs Odlsbnttd SpMlAliiU.

176 pairs Men's Fancy Wonted Pants, regnUr
value $3, for..................................................................... 1 86
Men’s all wool fine Clay Pantn, worth S3, Cor................... S 66
Men’s Wool Pants from....................................................... Mo up
Tooth's Suits, up to 19 years of age, from......................8 66 Up
All wool Youte’s Sufis, from 18 to 19 yean of age,
worUitfi.for........................................................... 486
AU wool Black Cheviot Touth’e Suita, worth
•660, lor............. ............................................................
Tooths Fancy Wonted SfdtB, worth $7, for.................... 6 00
Men’s Bnita, from................ ............ ................................160 Tip
160 Men's all wool Suits, well msde, good filten, for.... 4 W
100 Men's Blue end Black ell wool Cheviot Suits for.... 660
100 Men's aU wool Fancy (^y Suits,-16 OB., worth
76 Men's all wool Black Clay, finest Wesbington
mOls, wortli 818............................................................. 7 60
Extra heavy double-breasted G A B, Suits, for............. 8 60
Men s sU wool Tweed Suita, worth 87A0, far.................... 4 76
Our stock of Overooets and Ulston for Men, Boys, and
Youths is immense, at prices' wav below say boose in GrandTravarse region. We carry BU<te A Meyer's Boiteeeter dothnal to tailorjnade. Do not pay foacy piieee nalsl you
visit our Clothing Department.

Shoe Department.

wax ax AT
ranted steel Shears and SciaeorB, regular value 60c, £or^.

Hotel Whiting



*’***?'h. BnuoAT. Gaaacal Araat.




Tbavibsi Citt, Mich.

Saturday and Sunday,

OoaultBtlon sod Bxi

• ssd StrtoUy

«te OtMaeM ef the ■

r. noeet aa« La^.

------sa^at^rwtde.aU.riued- inmbw.waru*^ lomof PUw wltlmt pala,.lBtwro|
M.aadoltheetthe aaa a

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

Bx»eo±ala £os OpesAlng ‘WoeJe.

Gent’s Furnishings
50 doi. Men’s Silk Puff Ties, worth
25 doz. Men’s Silk Teck Ties, worth 26c, for.......................




25doz.Harvest01oves,worth26:,for................................. JJ
Gennine Goat Skin Gloves, clear stock, for................. ..... 1»
Men’s Sospenders from So up; iiutoal Japanese Handker.
chiefs, 8c each ; men’s Mackinaws from 08o up.

Hats and Caps.
Call for the Roswell, warranted for one year, no better


oibertom CM'ip! 'ciii irem 'Uo »F

See our “Ucantripem’' Unes for Boys, Youths, Misses end
BoW Union Caasimer* Saits, up to 16 yrs of age......
Bo^’ all wool fine Oaesimere Suits, up to 16 years of
Boyk^l'l w^l"fiJc'cl.y Bait*,' "P <« « j"- »' <«•■


Look Box 160.


Clothing Department.


w aad to*# aMdletaa taaf
•riUi a eafllal «f IBtoa.


styles. We gnarantee you a saving of 26 per cent u> thu de­

Fltoa Tapa Woe

Tbm^he arr aaabl* u> call caa wrlia fall fanleala
•aatb, ccpiw. with fuU laitnieUofi* bo* to halakan.
n* era el Dr*, h- a. a Co. wm tneorvopaioO acTvral

Hen's Satin Calf Shoes, solid soles and oounten, new
goods, new styles, for.only.......... ................................. $l 00
A rattling good M^'s Shoe, new goods, nobby stylaa,
soUd, for...

Millinery Department

1 48
3 gj

B^j’*S^U^ro 6O0 u^ this depa^ent.
100 pairs of Men’s HairlineVoel Pants, good value
150 Mi^of^Min’s all wool timers Pants,' worth

960, for............................................... ..............

If You Have Logs to Sell

Souvenirs given away on the above datea
MuBio in attendance evenings of the opening days.

Oorreqnod with the Traverae Oity Lumber Ooupeuy.
We have for sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Ever Burned Out
U aoyoB knew

mu lUehiiietjrof til dateriptloDt,titeIodiag Two Englnet,
Ret Workt, OtirUget tsd Stwi. A oMupIete Sew MU PUat




John R. v^nto,




We Don’t Have To
Take For
a Back
aByaf thu Thuit oomM IS Mhlac OaokU
WtfT, t«ttAmt-w»Il,u7««y*h<«sh (nd«l
•attmiyMy. rTiuruea«M«.




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