The Morning Record, September 04, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 04, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'■ ■

‘ifle .’fA'.-^.T^'.a^opaU':^ ovVAif-in

TUrW-Foorth Xiohifoa ftcorad
Xrloapb ot «ot Tork.
Mdd to Tn Mobbim Snon.
Kbw York, ftopk >.—Tho teryboBt
•rikh Um TUrt7-l0BrUi itom LoBf lal-

Sao«lT«d ft Ors&d Ovmtlon ^7

jroBtwdBjr. Boorod B triOK^
•Wed biftBfB dcoeriptioB.
wbomB at Kam York ood Brooklra,

_______ _


Hifht In Owoofta
-odftdo on Fftotoftot, ftnd
Other SaUdlncs4286/K)0.

Bad tha Mdr« «<n «rowdod, bot tkotr L. B. Woodwsrdb Fanitore ]
ehaan wan drowBad by. Ua wkUUoa
&etot7 TotallT Deatroyad-C
of lhakBrborflaak
Thltty-IWrt Md «ilrty-»oorUi ft^la
BrawiaffOob FUat ftoflerad fteae
Ob Xftair Uuiw fteO—HaadtoaMly

Thooftftndft of Feoplo.

' Oaradte VttbVoMiBBd OoaCBrtB.


, |*ha Oorb


We are anpacking

offOetobar 16.
•eaMaltoTaBMaBaiae BOMM.
Bow Torii. Seat IT-Corbatt aod KeOwMttodarBBd aeraad OB Oetober
Itdarthaiffhtat Baflato. -

Thlrty.Plflh Xlehlcea Will
More Imaedifttely.


7600 Tablets and one ton of Slatea today,
Watrh thia apace tomorrow.


city bookstore,

S90 FroolStreet

EoUsy A TTnnnslili

An Oilcloth School Bag

FroaaaptUB la That the ntfliimt
, Bpeetel to toe maroe Beceeu,
. WUl be Beat to FuM Bloo la
Owoaao, Mieh., Bept. a.—At S«l
a Fecy Bhort Tina
a ire etartod Ib tha rear of L. B. WoodttoaeofthaTfalBWor
ard'a tarmltara factory. A nroBf wlad
iBLaao Laxk. SepV I.->Wmb OoIDetroit. J
to aevelope tbo
s—Todey wae
Dbtbor. SopL t. t:M B. Bi.-It la
•d the iatonaawhole beUdtac bafora the local dra da- ttaa 10 bit ■
OTor. The eBBpBlra of tha Urd Bsd ooeoffr
amrad oa tha aeaoa.
ftith MiahlcBB. iB the WBT «Uh BpolB patod rataro of t'i‘i au^diera of the 9»rd
the Thlrtyttth wae aader orders to
aad aiib Mleblcaa VoiaBtecra, Blatodooa.
■ove to eaap Meade. Pa., bo U«e
oy tha Ue ainet aad aeon Owaaao's leryaat
loat is paeeiar Abe word oa to Uw
The dretaaetlOB of the tnia beeriac
>ttUe whteh worked with
bBildlad ooeapied by Crowe
dhe Totanat hoM. Birlnd Bt 1S:1»
pHraiea. A wild aeaae fallowed, the
the rovaraor to laeare eeatythiar pae- j * Feyaa, aa efrteelui.-al
ihiBB.B. atoaal/ followed b/thaaaayaUlBd add Je«piar abaaillbe
* °toe» of ralaa.
Therefore we wiU uj that yon wUl find onr la
If there are aay who do sot
obd BMtkw BBd BB hoar later the elUe for the aMab welfare. Soddaaly
third, the dn eaaUaaa herinc baes tbefoeenor repadiatad the titleea'e j ThalMaoaUE. Woodwardb faeto- wkh to r« WiU the repiSMat th^ Cream dehoioaa, onr Soda Water tme to fiavor, onr rnrir, wuLh. wiuthaai
eonmittaeBad Baaoasaed that Uaj
MBda tsto throe Bt Tol^o.
have tailed to meke theU preeeaoe ons Phoaohatea refre.hing. New drinka are added to out
Fk bloebe «p JeSweaa BTaBBa-pat-. woaU Bot be allowed ob tha Tblado tha laabaryanU, wkiub %>m totally kaowa,
list from time to time.
teat erawde waited froa J o’eloak forr trala Bad that be weald BttBBd to BBt> dMtreyad. will be fa ly tlSO.OOO; laTha eatlre replaieat iaterpret the
Fountain open week days only.
eared for pfO.OOO.
the warrion' ratara aad tha ifhola eitrr taraUBeall
erdcn to mns that Ury will bt la
The leaeot thaOwoaeoBrewiBc Oo. Porto Bieo before Ue aaow fllet la
As tadlcMtioB BeetlBf followed,
aaamai amka. hamt rawa at bbIw
oae were aeat to the rotaner wiUba6M.eoo.laaaraaae$U.OOO. Tha MlebipM.
ftaadbaeaeaflaakadae^^BioBT tha depot, aad a hotpi- ^ eatlefaetlaa
Ba^ Uw of Crewe A Payae’e africaltaral
■a. 6I0.QB0: iaaaraaas Bot low
»of too with rad ribbooa ob Phetpe.thea fa
eolatloB throwlar the eatlro rnpoMi- Mrs
bility apoa Piocraa Be aeeaeed hfaa beat aad was baraly meaad with hla Freaidaat KeXlelry aad fteontaiy
AJcar Bow at Meataoh
Slowly BB B fBBOfBl oaoh bmlB erept of salad the oenakai for paUtteal eapl- Ufa
Other laaaw oa oarroaedlar reel
lato ihadapM pad thrw^ the wta- tal. TbatomBertawtaed ftrai aad
MoaUak Peial. N. Y.. deft. 1
a hoaaea, eta. wUl r
' dowa tha ataadlar fame at bbzIobb departed at tie o'eloek far Tolado wiU
realdeat aad aecreUry of war v<ivad
at 6 o’clock tbk otoniar. Gneral
MldUnooBldbaaaaa. No balk werd oaU three or faor apeekl frieade to
The Irevea woAad herokaUy aad Wbecler aad hkkUffyrcated McKialsy
^tthe boya. The traiaa a
raar or whiatiaa blows, bat
maay were orerooiae with heat aad aad Alyer. Od'aida Uair teat tbe
tadUod thaBirBBthaboya al^ MMfoUow*:
troopers of Ue Third earalry were
Fmt SeotMa, Tbir^-thM rwrlaeat aaoke. Several citkeM la helplaf drawn ap aad tba iwavvr'ed
had their haade aad face* baraed,
ELlaaa boomed tbe prealdeat'e saiuteof
dWarmitad ware tbay la ay -Oewpaay H. ChabwdM. »6 bmb;
Goad for Fnlt BaMay.
Plre eoapaaka of St. Jga^ aad twaaty-oae ynae.
Bara waa a aqaad artal^ Ooapaay O. Owaen. 41 oaea; OoapaBy
tor Btoek
B___ __
kBakiMGaeeral Wbaeler sMt Ue prsbideBt
aaareepoBded to a eaU aad did
Oorf for General Faraday.
wlthapnNBpt doable-^Blek I. Beatoo Harbor, U; Compeoy B. Alb'caasyOeaenl ttbaftcr hes a toacb of
It: Ooapaay A. FUai. W; CoawimS
fever sad ta aaablr to m-w* fmm hk
A eliyht ehaaya of wind ehaayed Ue
three poor fallows too waah to walk. puy E, Sadiaaw. it; and Bay City,
eoL Bcaidea. dhafter Is ia dataacooTM of Ue Are or the ree-desee por- tion Ueaeral Wbaalar
leot aod 8 ofiaetm.
OBivortod by oomdaa or triaade.
Baeoad Haetloa. Tblr^-lhird r^- Uos of Uedty sroald have been de- the iospacUoB psrty to yo ibroeeb Ua
Biron waa made to feed than at tha
deteattos camp pest Sbsfter'a teat,
O.Q. B niE-R,
leat, Major P. H. Bortaa la e
dapo^ bat they ware plaead la 1
when Ue prasidert yrartwd the OoapaayC.
Bay City. «* ■aa; CobriacM aad uheo to botak aad a
msadrr of UeMaikyo foreaa.
pa«y D. ftariaaw. M; Oompaay L, Sobs
iee. where rkfreebaiaau ware 1
•>U Maadkaroh Us
of Vateraaa. 98; Oomaaay M, Datr«m
ftSd where ocMBtombla beds wal
Etch mea carried the reralatioa «0; Oampaay K. Tbraa Rivera. 40: Com- Balpb Eaatisys, WUl Bobane aad
heafy eqaipaeat aad old SpriaBeld
in Fairly Goad Form.
kiflee. The Kbatktaaiforme. tatlmd Total. 9»t. Taare an «ve aaetkas alWm Roberts, one of the Hannah
*ad tadttorad, fare the awa a dilap­ toyathar. Jast before leavtay for To
ledo Oorenot PlByree raoeived a tele- Ridas, of Oompaay M, Thiriy-foorU
idated appeanaea. Bet all aaesM
Miebiyaa. arrived la Ue cityyeetertake MW life 00 reaehlar Detroit. The yraai that the traias had made up time day moralay from (kmp WlkoE. aolMalOu<ll,lallilML
Cor. rrool
foot *od
*cd Con
aad tbe fliit aeetioa would reach De- ---------- by bis faUer. Judy« Dorla
Bfi^re preeemd tboir uoa la 01
HI*. SUM M.Crowi
Roberts, who 1
U1-. Mobnl
wad the departure from the traia wae UoU at 8 o'eloek.
tbe comThe third aeetioa laoladca Ue Tblr-: mittae from Uk eitr to look after Ue
boy*. Tbe youayeoldiereboin alyse
Old wamaa aad yoaaf arowded ap ^•foarU reyiment—Company
<d hardship aud Ulscas bet Is now safahowi tbe sBpcriorttf 4j(
to vreleooia Ua toldiara. kkaiaf tbclr mea, Blf Rapids; Oampaay C, 88 mea, feriey mainly from Ue effaeta of a
Maakeyoa. Oampaay B. 49 mea. traa tedlaus Jonraey aad Ua lack of Ue
American citueiu over cooti*
airly fMee aad oliaylar to thaai.
Oompaay In. 89 oien. Iroa- eomforu Uat yo to make life pleaaaBt.
oeatalTetefanm Somehow the
Toe ThirtyfoarU wae aa tha laat;
He w*. yy^ted cordially by'
spirit of "get there" over*
•eelioB. Co»paay M. of Tnvene &tf, wood; UompMy K. 96 mea. 81. Juaeph:
friesds but was too won to speud
BOt arrifiap tUl aaariy » o'clock. They OoBpany.L. 19 man. HilktUle: Com' Ume in vkltiny. H« went home imcornea everj obstacle. 9tT
paay M. 47 man, Tnveiae City; aad 10
tbe tAdding
ware oomforubly bouaad at Ue
madlataly.aad aouybt Ue rest of wbloh
American shoes are SBLZ 5HOE5, of which
hats Badly in aewl.
BrmtryaodpreoBted better Uan Ue
■stbst t
Lut erenlDy Coun^ Clerk Newton
more pairs are sold every year than of any
ftVbfeCa eotopaayappearaaee.
and E W. Usstiny* alsi arrived acoomother make. In every trade someone ia
Tbe Calwaal eoapaay looked the horrible blunder ia Ue <
paalad by Uelr sons. Bd. aod Ralph,
at the head, and in the shoe trade this is
OMt dktraMed. The sea diapped cection sad says Uai Ue Loay UUad respectively. It waa known Uat they
tme of 5ELZ. It coats do more to bay a
^Ir paae iaatead of carryiaf U<
weib to arrive la toe eveaiay. aod a
which OMid not be used and only fern
SEL2 SHOE, bot yon’re alwayaW of
•ad their walaiaf aaamai {toiafal.
welcome Ue
money’s worth.
Aa offieer of Ue Thraa Rivers oonBasUnys looked bnybl and happy, bet
paay aaid Ue oid ftprterfteU riilee teete. Coaaeqaeatly. tbe supplies bad
showed siyas of fatiyae. Newton
te yo OB Ue last aeeUoBwere a aoiMBoa.
looked Uia. aad both bore evldeooe of
Tbe yoremor anuayud to briny tki hard osaye- Tbe Boy*' Baud met Uem
"Conid 1 hava.eaehaared wiU the
tipaaiardb weouOld bare made a shew- trains into Ue Miebiyaa Ceatrai depot at Uedepolaod as Ue into pulled Id
lay. That ooaatty is too hot tor white Instead td Brase street, eaviay aa Ue ioep.riuy siruUts of "Borne. 8weet
Home" yreeted Ue boya. Wbeo Uey {
Bea.” He added. "We pot aU we hourb Uma
allykted Uere was a crash, and it wns
sraaied aad 1 caa taU yo« the trip oa
our etoUiny wiadow.
; J
some lima before Uey eonld start for
tbe traaepoTM aad from Moauak PbUt OOTE&MOft WILL TELBOBAPH hooM. Hath were mei by rakUvseaad
to meetiays were toocuiay.
WM ao aoB'ser ooUaf."
The Time of pa]
a of Oompmiy
Tbe oomoUVUe reported that aU the
Tbe samber of tick ob the tnlas
We have been hatriag'a orar
M From Sauolt.
boys of Company M were in a very food
waa‘.eBstbaaexpeetod. The laat
prioea and the resnlt it a
Tbe exact Ume of Ue departwa of
r what Uey bad
tioB had 17. tbe most of aay. bat eev- Oompaay M from Deu^ wUl be tele- passed Uroayfa, wiU the exeepUoa of
great rictor; orer onr cxmieral were left aioar Ue road. All an yrupbed to Mayor 8j»^i by Gdvarmr EUsworU Hale aad Bert Geye. who
In onr du^j
~e oonUin. 600 al Uum
-sow in tbe eommittee'e haade aad ra- naytea, us soon as Ue boar k dxed, are etUl very Ul, bnt wiU Uwy chnnem
fo^the erst pnze. Tlie smaller contains ^ for tbe
In favor ol Uelr reoovei y U. a abort
Tan Shoes going at A offwhich k nooertaia at Uk Ume.
Nanny every eompaoy has home re
150 paira Ladiee’ Oxfords
The contest is limited to boys betwsen tbe am of 8 and 16
The company was tblriy wuU provMpraseoutiras here arraaylay fo^ Uali
yew. Fot every 50c sale in onr U^’a and '
cot to 75c and 81.00.
ed wlU sappllee when Ue committee
and sboe departmanU. the'^ebassr
parebassr _
is lUfiS'to on. *n^
letee. FUot. Hsyinaw, B«y
' reached Moatuuk Point, but Ue money
Children’s Shoes—tbe beet
which wiD be regutered. On C^tober let ire"will cwt tbs f
Gamp Wykoir WiU be » thia, of
afforded meaim to supply many
City aadBiy Bapldsare expected
The Fast.
thronyfa by epeekl traios, Cheboyyan,
In Uie meantime we wish to remfod'oor friends and
New York. dept. 9—The Tribooe's
down upon Ue menu ksoed by Ue
Alpena emd Port Hordh ^ boat.
roM that we
Waeblnytoo apecial aaya: "Orders have eo»tiiksIonary departMot. All three
boys' clotbii
beea prepared at Ue wur departeeat
Order<ed From Camp Keada
for Ue p'ueUeal abaadoomeat at Camp
' Mtotol to Tau Mwumis Esooua.
Ueyn#edin Cabs and they will be
Wikoff at HooieaV Polai.
- OambMeade,Ps..dept9.-ThaTbirty “All Ue rolnotear iafaatry reyl- valuable mementoes ef aa expericaee
are nnssrpaseable in i
ip, fit and dnnbiltty and <wr
third aad Thlriy-fonrU Mkbiyan da- mimtt Uere will eoou start for home Which folk to Ue lot of but fee I
prioea an within the raacb of alL
aod Ue mea receive a farioach aatil
toehmanta aUrt Mo^y tor lalasd
ZU Allnk of tbe celebrated Boemastered wnt"
Yoor money aarers.
Uka Michiysa.
wcii Uet.
Price f9 90.
not to ^eah or fade for eae year. No:
Omemt Bhal I
bettor hat made. We chaileaye aU <
It paja to trade here.
bey osi the ataama
69.90 bate ia Ue city. As theBoatM ‘
01am Block.
W.W. KimbaU Qx'a 411
Tr,.»«, air. Mini. ,J

OBBfgn ortho
or tb« Worn
Won osd Xnvfor OoB^
d fttalBAparDn.

Fith every pu:
purchase of School'

aahad With


Hirkkaa BlocL

Abont Ice Graun and Soda Fountain Diinh

Jas. G. Johnson;


Hastings’ Rsal Estate Agenqr.



Tnierse City Scbool of Insic!





While Uacle Sam
Has Bten Lettins
Dajfligbt Throagh






- I




Look at the Glass Caskets
of Shining Pennies

Oar “UMitripem" Bur's aif ChiMrea's Slats


• ^SS:?5W^!PfT'W!ISpWWWR^


Ttu ausaura maooBO, roaPAT, ■■ram—E 4. i»9«

aI* p. KLLIS
MeriU^siBicycie Sundries

▲ fiteVBLffon.

'3UU aounao aaooaS;


-Ki^------- ■'

Aa offbfioat party i^ wlaoly tabea
la laat aeaalar byaaatabar of firte
TlMTbrMQ«ftrtarB.&CaaK k«a- aad ayeeax naaof
tof ihaBaatOda.
My workoUm sad prices that are in reach o(ill. lam
4»> j. w. HtCT. br U« MtMM Bwtha Md KoM OalMM. thaUtlar taaia abiattatioatMthalr
prsisred «t all tiiM to take care of the trade. I make « ^lecUlty is
hawri«p*«tfBnjwff*»d »» —'■* ■* caaidaaea thalr atuaiion waa attiaatad
EaunelinB. A fine line of -wbeela for halo
to a aaa who paaaad by ecteral timaa
(b* V>r
and tn tent.
J. 0. SLIilB, Sil Front street, eaaU
U i^Uaf
Vk» rcMraad aoUWn aad 4aA OtaO triad to fi’Tt with Ua*.
M th« dtaw W b« iarwd »p« *h*» Tba laat •aaiteaeddtd aot approve of
U wm b< rwwWad Uuk tbe ttavelaria aatioat aad drtarmM
apoa a pUa wtalcb woald mite hiia
hia aitaatfoaiaad taaah Us a
Bm« wd BarUa. «m om el A* H». TbaaexttlBethemepaaMd,
Bwtlifei dad b««
lUttoatesTaMldier^Cnae la 0*1
eaa of tha party boldly sat tha teaa
Padar Ihe clreaMtaDMa tba aaMt aad tocatbar tea pair atartad ter a
which pnmfU thcM brava ftrU to atroll. It waa a abort oae. howar«r.
tbpitraaffaraooadiaeovarad. tabii
offer to ai^ ie Ue '
ia boaor «l XiaTMae Cltff% aoldlw diktat, thattertead of ri»Wlaff tba
bojm, ^Uaeme the eomaradatiM
eospaay of a lady, be waa sakiar hie
prMty apae^ee to tbe r
tbe party, dnaaed In fasale attire.
Mtoa Pearl Taekabcrry haa r»tor»ed
■ne Tietis did pot diapley at kaaa
et tke little j >ka aa the fros Threa Btven and
Mr. aad Mn. Jaa« Bwbbjr aad Mia.
W« have received from tbe Priodrich Mosic Home of Orrad
preparstksa to opeo her ^lUeer;
Maxwell Olaey. who haae beea aialtiac
Rapida over one bnndr^ Violins Whir-h will be placed on aale at W»
atore'ln tba aew fisUh baUdii« aa
at t^aaeter dae^'* i» Garfield, reW. Kimbaira Htuic btore, 23& Front Street, for
taraed to their bow U Meedoa ThataTbe aaered aoofeervioa which wa* been rialtlny tba larya oltlea aad pa'Ifa-. aad Mr*, tf tibor Greea of Betea poctpoaed fros laat Saeday. wtU be ehaaed a larya aopply of yooda. Tha
ftn nuMad^hateewboearacedr.
held ta Graaa eharab tbla eTeolar.
atoek will arrive thla week.
^adbOMrtly lew the graatlac el bx.
Joeeph Booo •brieye to the Bacoao
Mta. A. H. Perry atart. tbla aoralac
•Mire aad BMet liberal tariff eeaOM8om* of these tnBtmments are atora wt^ and atifdiUy dnmaffed hy
fiea •peeiseoa of tba Dncbaa*
•a the Patoakay. oa a trip to OaUlorala.
Baeklen'a Amies Salm.
•iaaebytbe Dalted Statee toOaaade
abippioR and will therefore be aold at
She la aeeospaaied by bpr tear ahQ- apple, which he daam yieat for a sad, Tkx Bsrt Salts ia the world for
la the eeleetlea
Outa, BrotoeA SoreA moera. Salt
dree. The trip le aada la tbe bepa of pUin* prodaot.
t U eappeft el thelrdeThe aeariae prayer s-etlay of the 'fthaas. Paver SortA Tettar, Chapped
baortmar Boyb baalih. which
Sanda. ChUblainA Cons, and nU 8^
■eada for laetaaee. they
C B Uaioa will he held at the Ooayre- tenptiooa, and p^Uvel^ cye^PG^
w)t baee food ter
^ teat that dariac the tea yean.
yatloeal chureh at aeven o'elook tbla orno pain
Mima Mae Bradraa aad Tom
It to ynarmn'
MN^IMd, Oaaeda pareheeed of the
Asory ihes will be foead StradivarisA Ceoeervatary. Ole BoD and Prates'
eida of thiecity are apaadiBy a few soraiay. Bev. J. 0 Oarsaa will be
riorel Mode's Theta riolloa retailed from •* tors each. Thto to e rare op'
Paited StaUe for
rateidel. Price llaeata per boi
tbe leader.
pertan tv f> r rerarlof e model tt>ed by (he old staierA All tbcae InatratacntwsV br J. O Jnheeop and 0
■ H tWaH.
' PMS,000.000 te
exeae be pellri fire* e’
--------- ------------Holoe.
i of Great ]
Aadrew Satltb leevea tUa «eratar caraioD aroaod tba bay U .cday alyht
4Ma to tha aBout of •
AmH he acmefn la a few day*.
oe tha Patoekey for Cbieafo latbcte- by the aiaasar Oriosbia
ratchS B.Mida AOo'a-dd."
Mow thaaa flfaraa are Intaadad to ahew
teraetof blepataaioar lo^ BawUl
•he daalrabUity of Oaaada aa a
go fros there to Baveda.
235 Front Streets
th I ay to prepared for (ba opaaiay of
N. E. STRONG. Manager.
Mat for Aurkaa prodacU aad aapport
Mr. aad Mra. Bart Dooflaa of Paw the fall tars. Thv beildlDya are ia
ibaral Wade ar•aarvoMat
tweaoaatriaa. Paw. Mich., ar« fpaaU of Mia. Jasea yoodeoadlUoaeadthe taeeher* freeb
DixoB. oa State atreat.
tiooi vaeetloo. prepared ta aetue down
OItvg Ftm Lmbobs
-Mta. W. a KataeewrriTed la tha city ta tha bard work of the fall aad wiapeatarday fros Grand Bapida, where
^-haa baaa rieMB^. OB hs way hern
Dr J. A Saydo-to deatal parlora are
aow coaneeud with the oatar w»ld
iClai icBBle ShaAb of Pwoedo. ar> bytalaphoaeaasberlTa
rived 1B the city laat aveatar for a vWt
The leOiea nf Travene Bay Hive. No.
oar axporta to Cbaada. aad It aopyorta
at tba born cf a W. Fhoat
ice tbe wo^gmen «t thr
71. L.O. T. M .ara aaked ta
•ho Uoory that Caaada aatanOly baTracy GUUa. who. hea bean vfalUny
rat • o'clork
toaffoteu- uA aot to Great Britala.
Uerelettvraaad Iricada 4a tbe elty. ta attood the fsaerai of Mra- WaltaeV
Matwbatbladm Oaaada bnylaf Me
wiUretamtoCbieesooethe Patoekey
•rMoa? Ultear tariff, aria la thaba?
(hie iitorpiar.
Tba Bteaser Qeeen of tbe L«kea
ffa do aot lay aa axport dn^. do wa?
Dr. B 1. dhhioo aad wlte vrIU aV
ta Sattoa’a
■.at Oaaada lower bar tariff to that
and tbe rwoaies at aariaaatk Bay ta briar fr'iybt fros that aee
1 wrieome
•ra aao eaU bar the «S.OOO.OOb wartb of
They loft here yeetwday and my Moo to thto city to be pat dboartl tba
s aha ettU
in tbe shape of clothing, ba»
atop over at Detroit to aee the Haaaaa a'easer Peuakey for tba ahipplay
saally fros Great Britala. aod wa
•Bd fnniiafai^ vsinea. Ww
E flea, m roate hose.
WlUriva har
want overy wotkingman is
Mta. a. C. Daria ia oatartalalaf Mra.
advantafaa ia ear sarkau. Bat
Sad TMtays V.os Iowa.
H. H. Noble of Bk Ba^da.
Tnverae City to visit na.
•Mat ia wbat aba wQl aot do. aad
Mita Edith Adasa, taacoer la the
Mra. JasaaThosaa aed Mra. WDl.
Mind yoo, we do not aek
whoi Groat Britala will aot let har do.
ias Vaacha, who have beos vitltiaf Blswood Bvenoe achool. rvceivad a
9be fealt for tba fullaat maaiara of
yon to bo>, bnt come, let’s
Sfae Yonng Charweter
sya laat niyht of iba death by arthe tasily of Willies Bole, have ca .
I the twoooutriaa
yon a line of
lioartaia'; aot oara.
Wm Needhas wlU attend the State She wlU leave toalyht ter lo* a
Beiatthweyaeta:fTteaokmcoreete for a e
Mtoa Myrtle Snashell ratomed yea
sec U* anexeta vOasM
• 0 M^ala. ^ ia aaia
tarday from a aeveral moatha' rialt at
They will compare veiY
dbrotiffh eoataBtkm «
MUwaakeeaadlayto. Wtoeonaln.
B <a.ts ta tlw
DM reU'*r trw r
nicely with tiie kind sold mt.
0t bla wheel.
Mtoa Evelya Lany «f B‘k Bapida
'«l« ratal (area «
$10.00 or tbereabonte'
DlOB (teoxn aaya he to for barmoaty. ealledapaa firieada in tha ettr yaatarAlso we have got a .nice a*'
ery f ir Cotuusptloo.Cnorh* tod CoUa
BBtatthovamiisa.he ia kaoptay i day.
D. a. Eh^. ef Olon Baven.
He dt«larea Ua( yold to<f lllUtvalae
aortment of tbe cheaper kind
,^eaa wat^ oe tba soatb ef tha battu
tha city yeetarday.
at UDO. $5X0 and $6.0a .
a^teh holda Dave HIU.
ii ev'D
weald have l(
ewa if It cm t
Mrs. 4esee a Hobart. Bareld Be- ear':
haadrvd doHan
n a botilr.
' Xbb Aserteea aod Speatob bereae b-.rtaadBoberta Boee arrived yaatar- Broaehitto aad ell I------------throat
at aad
_ - af- A irathral B«C tataiaic pictara ta coaatry Utc
oeitirrlv cured by Dr.
BbiowBpetaboattberaUoof IS to I. day fros OlaolanaU. They wiU visit
fiw fcitaiospAdsiral Carrera to eboet tbe oaly hare the aeiyhborlny reeeeta dnriay Ue UnrrNew
Mpaia bea bem able to prodaee.
-. - Wait aod J o Joha*on.
Beyolar alta M eta. and fl.OO. Oaart
at Biy Bapida attar vWttny hto aataed ta core or price iwfnnded.

Special Sale..



At Less Than Factory Cost!
15 Days Only.

One-Half to Two-Thirds of the Regnlar ftica^

■ znz

W. W. Kimbairco.

Miss Doyle

WelconiiDg WorkingioD!

aid Moden Uce Hakine;'


Steinberg's Brand
Opera House.


Suits at $7.50.


“Si Plunkarr

etotar, Mia Im Goto, of Pine etraat.
laapeetor of halto. Hem*, aad U
apeetor of boUaiA Bloecktr. of Omnd
OraWB. Priaripal Havon, wore ta the city yeetarday.
irictaau have bees
B. C. Koch and to. Nelaoa retomed

Mtafifortbe befinniPf of the
tbe aasmer at OseoA
BOfaehool. Tbe free Uxt hoek
Mis Marie MeLaoyUta aod Mtoa
ppetas haa antallcd a larye
Pe^i/U-, teaehere la the Blyh school
•f bard labor layettinf thinya la ahapa, arrived Intherity.yeetardey.
dar emny ohaareeara neeaaaary.bat tba
Mita Sera Greeao has retsraed te
_ nealt will be baeafictal to popUa and thto city after apendiny her cameiex
te tba aeboola reaerally.
TsmUon with reUtlvra in Ohta.
gtm leserrow with a fall oorpa of exW. B. Jasea eed aoa of Chtoeye an
«aUs*ttraeherA swat of whom have
yoests at Park Pli
^rorked with BB Cbveral years aod the'
Mr. aad Mrv. Ire Saxoa of 8liybU
peepeettobrlyht fora profitable tors.
SiepSee Lardle of Old Mtosloe. spent
ysterday in the city. He to maktay
to ontar Ue aaivereity
Uto fall.
B. BUtea and wife of Barker Creek,
Ticnie Tratecday
speal yesterday in tawn.

rt M MWS- kew >• rrwT •

.jatt mads bv the oriebratad art tail­
ors. Rleek A Movers, of B «he*tar. N.
Y. No better fi'tiay or betwr finbhed
elothinycenbefoaoa le aey Mket.
- - Fa rcaeooablA Theas yo<ris havr
. mde expresly for as and we - -

Oraed Traveiae Gmnye
Sdltor TvwiUtyerie Bew Teotara.
4 Ittannaal Chlldreato Day hyaptanle
A new applicant for pablto favor-In
.'■tBan Bay yeetarday. A yood dta*
'war was enjoyed and every oaa had a rvAiii«^ ti ue OadiUac Globe, a bright,
^weod USA bat owlny ta Ue yreat newsy, weekly paper of tight paysA
:Uy piietad and brtoUiny wiU Uva
- Beat, tha aeoU preyram was omitted.
local news and
. -Mr. TerwUliger bcUevaa
Warm WeaUer Taffy PnlL
'• Mtoa Praneee Hlyyths eatartalned a be he* diseoveivd a fortUe field far aa
tpashra tt her ylrl Meade tail evantay tadepmdeat jooraal and be declaraa
that Uta will differ from moet ell la­
borne oa ffeat NtaU street.
ta Uat be wfll
Oat •fdoerayamee ware part of Ue
h and a “sld- not waste Um on poUtAoai vditortato.
.tahr siroUAt eight o'clock was a There v* «««
teeUe enjoyed' by the ylrto. Up- j Oadtllae aod perbapa Uare to r.xis br
mUelrretarn they were served wiU, aneUer good one. Anyhow the Bxooxo
■ taffy whtoh Uey palled ta Ueir | wtahta all kinds of
. krarta ofmtent.
Tbe youoy ladtoe present bealdee

Un-a Ashuw aod,


titmwtke BBkssfinwPina.
AdmlMioo.26, Sfi. 60e.

124 Front Street.

Fasbionable Outfitters'.

11 aad rap tbes. Tbe Beatan 8iof«.

Gep. t Winnie
iTp-tg-tate Ptliler
Md hpnRaiieBr.
Shop opposite Eagle ofBce,

Good Words.
Tnreh I>'bA Mich . AoX tl. *»8.
Blabvslkx a McfoaiacK. Dtoirict
Mmare'A Traverse Cliy. Mich.—I have
Cen • otembta of th* United States
B*"evol'Pt 8rt-toty of 8*ylMw for
eear’T els yeas, and have nlwey* fnaad
them prompt and jv.v Actapi tbaeka
frr check *or t41 7« in tatitotneat of
nv aerident claim. Men ta Uls rictaity have been bnidly swindled by aeri
deot and riekaroo oospanim. bet ^
Daited States can a'wava be depraded
rw ta fnlfil fbrir e**®*^**- * wilt alwav*«taod ready ta help yoo wbeo
yoo come here.

MKitiiNo, UCN I IttF


a A Ca m
-Blue Gfaya-o.
t Anna B*vtar.

Ft’de! A Fl|ine Top Witli Ererj Piuthase i* oaf Bop's Dapartneit.


BBaxrauie or mhool.

Josorrop WlU XaaayatmU The Av-


I Our Offerings

i ^,N Furniture

tl i


Oesene Ugasoil Ane>tiog.
ieces ezclueive with ue, that
lave not been equalled,
We make particular m-ntion of BISD and EATTAN PtlBNITUEE. Aside from a floor fii'l of beautUh' creations in
^ thie material we make prices equally as at ractive.
Whether you intend to re^rnUh your bouse this fall or
^ just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
to do so at a yyry little cost. We want you to see the goods
t: In any event.

suit t»E SHOWING



!be?Z Ue eSsMta*oSi^Ma Moodsy
'* Bi000««Uoft^i>tarinoveltireta evcpU«.
i alif^ afrived at the ikwtoo 8tarA j _

------------------------------- ras. fti»e elTk w .
----------- —




TKM Mosme waeo^. «uvbat. nmxBn 4. ism.
H— !■<■■ ■■1^1^.
twa * ftnr jwn ifo.


taf ^l»»U M «MI«m Tte ami-

I «( tba
XMar Baadad ia Traaca aM \ko
rman WUl tot 91VM Aaaihar

MMlsty ttet Mn prlaoMr of tba tala
Mm QlaUa wUI aooa ba broar^t ^
,9naoo aad lalrtod for the Mm of
ba wia
eoadMoad. A
'.toataioo ofDr^oi' aaotaaoe baa oot
.fat bm Tolad hy tba OaUaat. bat
araao oftba BlBlatara ora koowa to
'faaor tb Taraof tbaa. U. OavoiraaaoMMaraaiaala. MlaloM of Bor
Md Miautar of CoMBorto, raapactirdr
apf aai. or rotber. aaoBaal delay. M.
OoaoicMii beeoaae ba baa aot flatbed
Ua iBmtiffotlooa. oad baeoaaa ba la
OtU aoaSdaat tbot t>r«jfaa ia mUty:
M. Mororjtala bcaoaaa bariwaaa k bod
Md tba eoaotry wrald aaSar aamaly
bf tba dlaterboa^ «t troda wbkb
woald orrloiaty fol W a rr^t oaUoa•1 aeoodof oad onltaBeot. Bat tba
Vtaoeb paopla, aaae oraay otpsnro, rOoofolae ihoi rari^n ia laavitobia, aftd

«w*7 rlfwa^M* «kt iun Mm 4a
tom, «ad aa ^
lltOa bMa arbe wMUy rota tba Mary
•Of Uka tba aolborry botlar tbM tba
abatty. tb^ faaat oo tba tanoar oad
allow tba abany «rop to ba barraatad
ta M oatajorad eoMItioa.
■ Mr.JorB*e.afta—arot OadlUaa. la
4aod, ayadfS.
Tba Bar. Hr. HoMitabarfy la om of
M Mai popalar praaahara ta QadiUo.'.
Bart Ooata at Bmo teviably. Wax
ford aoaaty. waa abot by bh» brotbar
wbUa tba two ware fooUaf wltb a coa.,
Ha wUlkaa a IV by tba aa^at.

Bom kxaUMaa In tba^tbarti yart
of tbaalate oca axperiaaetkt tba Iobv
mtdroofbt known for yaara. It baa
to do any rood te orar two
tma of cue
.tba. Accra
iBf. ItbaatM
laia’ loM to fartnert wbo froac eaenabar picklda, a food May depandinf oe
elaa. Com and^fotatoea will ba abont
bait a crop, nnd paaebaa wUlbatMU
wttbont food min noon.
Tba M wan nan* to Onap Alfw from'
Mieblfna to recmlt tbe Tblrty-tbird
nnd Tbinyfonrtb refiaanta will ba
taken c^a ol tbara laatend ofetoptbattbaerWtebebroorbttatba qolak- pinf at Detroit.
At Makefan a pnrtyof bayn Friday
r tbat ’tbe nfteraooB eapured aa nUtfata ta
faofle aea bow aaaily they wore fooUd. Makefoa rtrar- Tba aniaal k ahont
arhile tba rwtot tb> world eotdda of
Fnacawaa aotdaeaired.rmwayraatar
Iwleadnt eaMd'or It wilt not yar>
OoaUnna loof. Iba dadalaa ol tba
fOTammeat mey be daUyad for a taw
By aa BatIWh Bnaboat Wbena OapMaya to pwbait M. Oaroiraae to ta<ab
taia Map ended w aa Appeal
Uqeiriaa. and tba bopr that the yablla
wni aabaida.
Acapelao. Mrxiaa. Sept. l.-Datnlk
Tbara will not ba a apaeial aa«loo
bate rcaebad bera of tbe part takaa hy
of tba Cbaabrr of Depatiaa aa
raportad ytatnday. Brary rSort wUl tba Brltkb f nbwt Iitnadar ta drtrlaf
ba Mda to amid tbe aaaaoaiiir of
farilaMat. araa if tba eabtaat aptiU. MoralM frow tbe port of Oeoa. Tba
froM a atery raaebad bera by tbe PneiAe mU
oontdaattal toatratba trwa hietary of ataoMrOoeta Blcn.
At the Appeal of the Oaitad Statae
tbaaa later deralapaaeata. Abont a
reaMrata in the part, of Occa. whioh
Vbaoab aait-Orayfae praaa lad Colnarl wae beld hy tbe taanrceaia. tbe .
Mtwvxkoppao, f'>TBrHyG*naan nilItaly attaebe ia Park, to maka a par
sooal appeal to tbe Oamaa BBpMr landdnaartyotblmjwkauand mato Made tba paraktaat atUeka npea riaee, drirtaf oat tbe rebde and bokt^im.
Colooal debwnrakoppaa npnla taf the BHtkb Bhf. Tbk took place
—wwil tba aaporor on bk honor na a Aofnetath.
Awetmfenqemilar bU aeaktanee
noUUar that ba narer kaaw Drryfna m
bad any drallsfa with bin while ba wnaKnttotbeBagllM enpulb at
waa ta Park. Tba letter, which n . k Joe^ alaeiy nilca doVra tbe eoaet. by
•llairad OMoorl Paalaaardi. tba Italiaa Ooited Bute* Oonenlar Afeat Wnlfart.
■illtary attache la Park, baa wrtitan who deemed it oeeraeary to protect tbe
te him necUoBiac Drryfua by naaar tateerete of tbe forrlfo maidente. and
waa. Colonei Sehwarchonten aaanred panknUrly tboee ofr dAawieaaa
tain Fioake, n»poade«
• aralltarn hetaf Bootborw
able, took
ioto hU own band*.
BdbMlaha to ayala intara tba Fceoeh He did not b.alU-a to Ma«ma fnit reyoeoraMnt of tbeae facia, aad to in
dat that tiia aontiniiad iwprtlUon of
bba antaBBy ia Fraaca nnat eaaae.






We boast of an untisually complete line of new fall goods
which all are invited te call and see—Our children’s de­
partment has received especial attention in our purchases
and we are justly proud of it.
Seats end knees of boy’s garments bare 'o
stand tbe brunt of all the hard knocks a bo> Is
Rure to give them—Boy's goods we sell ere
heavily reinforced at these points, have elas­
tic button holes, and ar> made as near perfect
as pnsslble—We have given especial care to »
e.elect only clothe that will give the best serv­
ice, and believe our obildren's department will
meet the needs.of parents for a strong, serviceable and stylish boy's suit at
moderate cost

Special Points of Weakness
in Children’s Suits Have
Seen Overcome.

Our Special Lines
of Men’s Suits at $7.50 and $10 *

I,amson.,& Hubbard Oar line of Oerbr Hats his
his proves toe popilir to

Fall Style, 1898.

nako OOP cheap ie the
nab-Rew fall ships of
this eobbp hat sow ae sale
-Give itiam a triil-Roth
calars, hrowi taf blicL


Were record bre»ker* Usl year—A lerger find better line
of tfaera tbia ya«r->-Axk to XK neii'a xaita at iKeee erioee>-tbey
are made by b hooae wboee gurmntee ia aa Rood aa gold, and
printed on tbe ticket of each coat—W> are anre they will in-’
teregt yon, and that yon will take paina to enquire xaor*- abem
them—Onr line of better gtadM ia aimpSy anpert), and oeeda to
be aeen to be folly appiMsiffied.
This department is not behind the othdrs—Puffs. Fourtn-Haods. Cluba, Tecks. Bows and Ascots—moat beauti­
ful line silk patterns this season.

vkii VO C' nataotiDuple and A«la Minor.
I "la tvuro OerMny wiUdrnwBcIl
! elaioH on EVlcgoc bey n South
aai*‘»7; Ay.iec. „d will Rnglaad ta





It ta a trifltag thing. pThcp>,thnt white ivory
bn'tant are oavd ^kcToRlvvTy on -'AAicr'’
Troatata. yet -AdlvT" C'« thlag owaa it* go«d
Portngal there, wbicb repntattan to pvrfv^tan of dataUc. . The ivnry
tba latter k witling ta aa}) ta battaM are elmply uaa iadtaatioa of the paina
Hanna. *ta Key Wnt. Sepa 3
G^many. She ak-> wUl gin nufal
Hartaf anoM-taiiy door rwyvbii :»arp-it M Boglaadn opetattona ta taken by the Moafaetarera to bring their gocrie
ta a point wberv eritiqtam to ImpoaribTe. TUe
IB kk fewer Weoony the imprciMon
b.eMMlta,forS^.nvmKv- York,
HaUfeldt hae gow taOaron tea .ucmvr Philadelphia.
aabm.t tbe treaty to tbv Bm-,
Paodo. Inaiead. atartvd aaerelly fw hi*
ri.. aa.*
oaUve laoa.l,.utt-n hme* tatat
i^u ramwttaauhOvnatal 8Hpp-d

Vdtard Voodraff, Prwl<-ent of tba
Beet, nnd Second to An^aw
Salt Lake. i:<ah. Sepi. 9 —WUfotd
I of lataraat Fro* AO
WondroOI. afed »1 yoere, praeldeat of
tly Moman eharcD, k dmd. haetaf
paetad away ye-t-rday at the r
of Oolonal leaa« Trow bo. near San
Ltitla Howard Ororrr. bnma
Saint, with IS.000.000
MelaBoa on Wadnaaday. dM on Fri­ Fmaeieao.
Mn. Woodruff ba* bvon a grant nafq Pando wM no aconar abo^ the nhlp
g-i^imtay begem lore and lore beAt Otane Baptda a Bolar ear fot farar from kidney dkaoae for aevarai than be *«ii *or Cantata PiUard and
ynnm. nnd aboat a
itb afowaot to lawMtad two fraoee ta nto aafa ^
That i. tba very emwooe
■tnek at Iba Leonard atreot era
iiMeaU. To fuel for and
Oalifemia ta tba bop iptlBprortaf bk kaaplng; obialoieg a rMtipt for >1- ^
wHb Bin paopta witfala. TbeecMi
Faodo tbro IrAkad bimaatf in bk mate- naffer with Chrim ruenlu u a knowtbcaltb.
- Md Botoraao fat tbe patitnFee
____ rema ord ovarealrd nnUI tbe «dge of Ohrut and a love for Chrkt.
fnatatanrofina atra.k the «nr. daahta laf* tha harb<w. about 7 o'clock ta Uto alwaya henooie mure or lea like
. •olkbtar it. blx Urea wart prohnUf prMident of tba Mnrwoa ebareb
ib«y lova Tbe virtnee
loaf Ufa wae one of effort.fanaUe faith
*_ j witieh tav ealnt labonouly roUavatee
B. W. Tatteo of Ralbatka. baa dk.
eoften and dignify bk oonnsesmaca.
aorared tbat wbaa tieyoilar on a
. . .
Mtly which cB-rgevvd
cBt govvd him it IU Im-.
tutv« dwdt eu luug on tbe beanty
toy road oe a dark nlfiti. a poreopia*-. Wntard Woodruff became praeident of aotly

4,, ^
ta'thapetbdlecotiBie’ttckaoBa pl'aahi«ba Horm* chnrA oe tbe death o( puw..We wataeruln. MucS d»p«.di
wBlk. BkpMomatlc lire fell mry .John Taylor. Ue anooeaeof of Brifbam
iu I of tbat lUa. to trinmpb over tbe power
a teem. n«t
moeb mt np aboet tbe c-PMuoter aod I Yonnf. Praetdant Woodroff ta
of un. to be meek, obarilnbia nod pas, when ibe army '■ awen Month*
bad to be TT-Urad.
' bktory of Mortnoakm will be looked
nuKlU.. cl.ii iRi lo-r —Ur. :
. Oar of the bl« pnmpe at tbe Draad ! “P**- P»4«*»'F- “ ""iF “"***'*
BbpUi wameworki plant ha, been Brtffbam Toanf. and ta the l.fe
broken down and tba ea*t aide ol tbr cub had been a laadtay tplHt and pto
dkMtant will be »Urred ap if the;
^ Him.—
«lty Uexperienatac a water fenine.
hk faith for bktau«riiy and anmentledge
Gorra Fox, the ptnnd BapUa boy
any *aeh aAoast beeomea pnblta.
*bo erae c«a of tba crew of tbe Maine
ATthongh Paado.had the i —‘
arben the ebip wee Wown np. arrired
Onr natten will hara need to p
of having aooeldrrable private wealth,
boM Friday on a abort fnrlonfh.
(gmon. Thea
it k prepoeteroo* ta *nppoe* any eueh
kaomtadwltbecmreaodbwMbBt k
m oonid hr T«aliacd on hk prof^
wall and healthy. Ha waa eaalfnad to
bnt at the tanaide a half
Brfaa Korins te Porto BicM
nneoftbe elfht-incb tnrreu dorinf
The fond* may h**e been largely docenwill be ao ;aoatnte that death
Capital Tattarday
It of Saatiafo, and waa
made npof eabeerlpUoo* from Spen- would be a relief. Old onaditiona mnat
allownd to fire ooe abot. and it k one
Ponca. Porto Rico, Sept. 3.—Oenai
tards ta Sontk America and Mexico, pataaway. Urn aellUfa ^rlt maat go,
ol bk prondeat ramembmnoaa of tbe
the vii
vicarioaa. The natioa'a woea i
which raaebad Pandoln large amoonie tato the
wnr. Uc k attached to the ladiana.
r of uoop 8. of tba
itawi^tbe grace rf Ood. be aah-1
daring hk vkit to Mexieo.
ridtaod u good acomnt They matt not
id onh oompany of tba
At Cadillac, Fred Bralnard, a brake Sixth ceralry. aod
he loet aa a purifying "agmicy. bat
MX on tbe O. R. A I., elipped and fall Bifbtb infantry, cUrted for San Joan
throagh mival
*1 tefforta become a tevnndar a awitcb cnfloe which pnaied thk mnmlag. Ha rxpacta to nMk<
tfao natioa’a
oearonaafbkfectiBjiirinfit ao Umt tbe trip orariand In three or loor daya
heart amid her bapOam of blood.—FteaOwing ta tba crowded condlUoe of HMHaan Amngad Whtab la OflhaUr
Bif black bean bolbar Beaa!e campntaa and VeSnaive ta Xta
toco at Rio Pladraa.
At Hnrtatcn year old boy i—___ tba MW- Gaaeml Brooke took i
Mooir-rry waa kicked bT a hocnaoo mand yaatartay of all the ttoopa on U
New York, Sept l.-The Janrwal
nrtau the following eaWo diapateh
Tbnnday aod fatal ly InJnred.
! IMand.
from tioiadop:
•’An Anglo-Oorman treatv haa haan fnnnaciaB, of which tbe hlghret powM
pAeonad by dricktag
algnrd by Grant Hatafaldt the Oarman mart be awva and men oan hardly
FSompt work by doctara cared bar
aad Hr. Balftm'. repre- Bia.—Jobs White Cbadwkk.
ZxouatoB Tlokati tamaht and enld atiAi
Lord Salkbory. It pfOvIdea
. Bvaa the aotmato at Bumeidv. La- CtyH^Stand. P. O Bldg. «13-tf
o«d oma, ArOgM.
tbat Baelaad aball allow Bmparor
gaar ooanty, have anffered frtMn tbe
Ood gaUe aright oar repnhUn nnd tta
WQUam free awing in Aria Mtaor ta MriM pnrident ao diat righinoaaDem
*arfnl heat the aaat law daya and aav
Ml nf them jnmped tato walla, and
again aa nnoaL iwhidi ha cxpaela to wort M the Bnl«an with dtOcnlty vaaenad.
tab of Tarhey dn'riag hto fiarthaaoriag
A Kantooouty faimer who plantadi





label k not mwly an adwi^iavsnen'—it U a
guarantee that every garawat to wbtah It to at­
tached Ie right from itaiag ta battanhoto.
"Adier’-aothtagtotateedad for oMa whaaa
taitee lead them to wkh to be well dreeaed. bnt wbo do not earv to p«y the bl^ nrieaa
of tbe enMom lailor. It ta deelrned by exporta
aad fit# nad wrar* tike vBahret
work. Wv h«ve tbe Mir of "Adler" Clothing In
Travfrae City, and onr new euek of aalta and
arereeata to pow ready.

City Opera Housr

Kore Byaakrda Beach Bomr.
Satoader. ^ t.-Tba .
Oovandanga with <,370 aelJiera from
Saatlaga on board, arrived here to­

On* Vlglit Ottlr

At ________
bia anetinp
o. Jraaoa anld 16 horeee aad *evea at



CraiK and ,|
Combination ^

In.tha tangbaWe ecBady.

A Pair of Lunatics’
A farre eoonady.
awinWt’ritwiBij?. a

“Islie' Her Fatlis."




BY Waves of sockd. tz^JTSZJzX^:^

tsvftea anii^'f^lr:

Tba lafaat aaa af Mr aad Mia
Omaila AM yaatarday aftarm at
tbair barnammat otraat. of bmrt
toUara Tba fnaaral will be bald tram
M. Fi
a valaabla company U -St Mt
»biah la a foar act oomody of Mow ktWo’doak.
Boclud fam Ufa Tba atiloa of tba
Mr. aad Mra P. C. Perry of laloroa tbo farm Of tba PacM.
loobaa.oaoaratba daatb of tbrir lataat
Ot.. wUeh biavadaf by
wbo AM yeatarday miwiag at their
lobmt Otasy. a bogaa atoak apeoala1«
?” .“*7
»». wbo baa lavalglad old Parmar
..ji taloftapb]-1
aom iaMraaia of alcbt
elabt aiUaa. A oeU
** ’■“ P- *■ t**
*P*k Fata Into atoak apaealatlaa aad ralaad
Tben will ba a mlatoter’a marilaf la
*aaa glToa to tba pabUo prttUa the lart ! OMabla of aendioR lartbar tbaa tbit
‘Wbo U to bUaia far tba
Uata odor to form tba eldnmqteitha paBtor^l atadr at tbe rMoran'

iagofoeraoUienr AUlavitad.
lU ba aery ootdp—for
I poatal
la to beaomi an beiram attbadaaUiof;
w Bbaw that tba ptiaaft Italiap’a dia- Morae'a for RODoral aeraioe. It tmini to Bar. CbM. T. atom. Batter.
Corner Waablagtoa atraat aad Board' bar aaela.
.aavMiea ara aot ao inportaat and orlg- ba boat aaitad to Mciat
tbe oid|
laai at baa baaa aappoaad. Tba prao- la tiae at war, to foR atRaaliaR or to
imrmtr to aa aeeqmplioe in tbe
Maal aaefalaaat of Mannal'a ioTaatkm, telacfaidiiaR to URfataUpa or lalaada
Moraiag aarrlea aad aenaoB at lOdO. of Moeaa Wottoa a Jaw m aay 1-adar.
Bolyoe«am«8toBatii:u a. m.
Ipimc aaaaral milaa off abot*.—Kaw
'bo trlaa to naeare a mortgage oa tba
Snaday Mhori aad Bibla elaaa at IS. old tarwmr'a borne.
Im tbat be bat RonLlartber tbaa
AaarTieaetaaeredaonr»t7stOp. m.
FoUx Amart, a Datob•arm elae in aoJriaf tba qaoaticm
Tba maafcnl proRram will be aeatov ponraoB tbe aoeae, aalllag blagraBaTHIRD RAIL I.. ^
Bow to ta)««tapb betwcaa two potato
ed by Martaagb’a orebeaira. OflwlM. opboBC. and be and 81 Plaaiard. tbe
BotoonrtcU '] with wtiaa.
to Ro Ute tbo orgaa faad.
t;i an o,\«
SkrextdeJirerad la
r'baro. baeame fa»t frlaada, aad
All are cordially laritad to tbeaa.aar- foD tba vUlaiB aad tba wUy Jaw la
Hr. Preaoa made it perfeotip otaar that
Tba lataat addlHra to tbc ryKtoni
«M Uad of eaergp wbicb Mr.
aadargroaod ralJwayt la Loodoo «-i
tbair anampta to rata tba old tarmar.
Mtptqpa it tba alaetro macaetie waM.
raiaa ua ca l aua.
During tba aatioe of tba eom>dy a
iwobabiy rank at tbe tnoat ituportant .
aU tbeaa liaea befeae it bat tM‘urn> ■mre «Mn aad Harr Kewe. Baewra.
Bumbar of ep-to-d<ta apaaialtltfv wUl Th« PAok«n At Um Battl# of
OotiMr Oak aad nttb otroeta.
Fvaa Pitta,
'-DR inopaadoB. It wli] roaa diwui. .
bvtotrudaoad by tba Mg oompaayof
asiitlAgo d« Osba Woro All dead your addraaa to H. B. BaeklaA
Of ayi miJea (kroopb tbe btuien pa ; .
eomady bevlag baaa
HoroM — Tholp Horoie ^
liondce. Tbe road will br abooi 65 I .
re-wriUea tbia ar..»a win be .a eattra
below atreet letel and wlU be cai..
J nolor BMetlag at >;00 p. m.
foru ia Oottfiiff Ammoni- ^ wQI eoavlBBe you of tbeir I '
new veraloa of tala aaeaamfsl la^b
ia two aeparate aad parallel tauut.
Ada Montgomery, leader.
p.-oda wr. makiag Itoaa of tbeairoagtkm and BAtiona' to tbo Tbeae pills are euM la aiRkw aad aiw Bacb atatioB will be aerred by two eJLot all tbe cblldren eoma.
ratora and two auirwaya
SATOd tho b%j.
C B maetlng at 6:4S.
Tbe Dew oadmakioR will bare er^
a and Uver tnmUea tb^ hav*
P. B. Batlm. of peek trala Ko. 1
Bvaalng aerrloe at 7:W p. m. ’
cdal iatereat for ttaia conntiy from n.
proved iavalaabla. They are
Ut all wbo win at^ an tboaa
Malaa.”aa ptoyad ^ 8»d. aaya: ••
fact tbat tba electrical equipment •
-- * lobep-^-—
« psrfactly frae
‘-------from ___ _____ _
tbe Crary A Oldeoa oomWaatl w. k tbe mom or lam riolaat form, aad wbea
laaabataaoeaad to botbe road iHelf aad of tbe ertenaiTe rtt
tea of alerator:< by wbiefa it will L.
we laadad we bad no Bm* to aae a doe- parMyveRetabU. Tbardono. _____ ,
tor, f-w It was a
eaae of rash aaad raab
aerrad will be faraiabed by Annlcaii
loa bafore tba publie today; it ba* tor.
mat with aoaraaawud
aeaitloa aad mtioe
Tbe third rail eqaiptaat will bo pot

Wt thaaka
CbambarlalaN Colic,
--------- ---to CbambarlalB'a
iaityf ibe
“ repi
la Eaglaad
at lO-JO. Babjeet, and baadkarrblata. with daaf-wiag CAMarm aad DIarrtasa Bamedy. wa
Oeatwal Eiectrio eoopaay—tbe "■oded Prayar.” Teal. Pe. 7*. v. to.
oboara lor Mr.Crwy (oar-Blaa Jackat") were able to keep at wort and keep
Wdab TbooiaoD-BoaatM company.
Beaaing aerriera at 7;f0. 8abJ*ot. wbaa ba avaagea tba dattraeUoa of tba oarbaalth; 1b tact. I-------------* •
of aaian
adiag Sarraata.'‘ Teat, Lake 1. Maiaa aad Ibrowa to tba braeu “Old
UM third rail, pleoed oa tbe titabatweea tbe main raila. Tbe aerrice will e. 19.
Glory." ThU actiaotkm will ba aaaa
eutiSEsa cahd».
Tba aerrieaa of tba Lord'a ffapptr IB tba aty Optra Boaaa
MAamwit TaAmmcR.
BO way of
differ from that oo tbe New Baren lUw
|LtOraaE.DBM.O aasta
ar Hertrtan wa»^ wfaiefa ia'tfannra off In tbat tbe traiai will be battled by wiU ba bald at tba aeaniat maatiag.
ware ao
roads tbat a wagon tnla oosdd
tidewiae from a awtaiUo ooodsotor appante eleooio looomodraa, wboae
aaa. My eoatrade aad myaril tod'
wbMm alectile eatnat ia tba latter it
to the Bev.7.a.|(ea4r. wmmm.
«Mac Wbe ------ BMt.
feitempted wilb very great treqoeaCT. well known heavy loeomottvea Wblrt
k * ****’^
Aaaday—Prtaobl^at 10-JOa.m.aad
Vo new fora of radlaoea hat baa dla- ere beiiig need la the beU Uae taaaal
Ibe mm whom 1 bavs seen an____ IvftTamp^^Itoow ia fear aa
7:S0 p. at.
aoTend. Maroooi'a gemrator or baaa- at Baldatore.
M la Ute hare always been cbamfol it abaoiately saved life."
lUur ia really a piae« of apparatu da^nnlly iotercatli« wfU be tbe ag.
Clam amatlag at 9O0 every Sabbath sod bcpaful men. wbo went about tbrir
Tbe^atM leUw M SrrttM In
■ of tWs ree*'*-**-*.
Viaed by Profemar Bighi and U only a
egnipmeaL Them wiU mornlag.
biudaemwitb a wnlleon their taoMMd
w»dtM form of Hm’a radiator. Two ba 49 la all. and tbey wiU be of tba
took tbe changes tud ebanoe* of ibis
Saaday auboot at daae of tba a
^ known doable dmm Spragae typo.
mmtal life like maa. taoInR roagb aad
Tbeir eapadiy wUl be 100 yamriijtiii
Junior Laacaa at 1 JO p. m. aad Bp- smooth aUke aa it eem-. and m
TamHne (wfalob la a |
per trip, or a load of aboet lAOOO
the Mb of tbe old provert that “good
worth League at 4:16 p m.
Pitwly opp^^and slaioat la eoitaM poooda
times aad faad timm aad aOliampua
wnlag subject. “Ufa. tba Seed over.''—Sicbaaga.
with oacb
It ia very gratifying to note tbat
—■tlaaa of EtomUy." Evaaiag tabjeet.
satall bram balla. and tbe latter-. whole of tbe
Blade the termioaltof tbeaeoondaTyeir aocb I Important work in tbe capital •What Bverybody Wanta. Wbai All
U Auada to Boaaoe.
aatt of a powerfnl iadoction ooil. a A city of tbe world M beeo aeoored by May Hava 00 Buy Tarma, aad Vat
«mg* battery or other aooroe of eleo- twoAmcti(ma inna, and the taetiaa What Few Pamaw "
If we ware not aelliiig better goods.
trlcity. B. la placed in the primary dr- direct tribototo tbe.Ugh i____
cMoby.aoic, which aim oaotaina an tudiaaiy
Itaaw key. K. Tbe tortM rf fine wire ttfloAThere is bat eue way to obtaia
otmipaaiag tbe aeoaudary ooil ate m
tbe very bmt le genU' aad boys' outfit»of tbe
Mark and that la te get them of 8
All are o
piimaiy that tbe correat iodooed in tba
R gaJvaiilaed iranamanBaada A Cn.. the taabioaable eatfittar*.
tormer baa a very high voltage or peneKVaXUKUCAU
' ia produeiag ateel
■ratiug power. It wonld leap aa
Bfaema. coated with alnminium, wbi^ ■ev.n. aalsberr. Paatar.
r at Icactt aix inebee. So'
So long
m tbe It ia claimed, are anperlot to and mota
Cborcn co tbs ooraar of Klalb aad
key i» open notfaiua bappeiu, bot when durable than gairaolaed iron, tin plate
Wadaworth straeta
• ii Cloeed and (be primarv drcnli la
placUbed iron for many purpoam iat
Suadsy osrvieea aa tellowa:
aomplcte tbe aacondury begtna aparfcltig which
• tboae

^.1. are now g^om.
Os OarUsta sws
Hloa Red Clawson.
at 10:80 a. m.
’ rapidity, and
SB> adM«Sttoma>v
aleetto magnetio wavea, aUmt 860.000,Sondsy aebooi at 11:80 a. m.
aluminium coated tbeeu are atited
•00 per aeooad. are thrown ont xldewim to be that they can be worked and
Y P. A at 6:80 p. m
from an imaginary line oonnecting (
teamed without peeling, tbe coating
Preaching at 7:80 p. m.
eeaten of tbe big apberta, let ca aay
adberiog abaolutely to tbe afacet. can be
Midweek prayer maatlBr at 7:S0 p.
B. Tbe rigtag line which Mr. Pieeoe Maily aoldeted. will resist tbe setioo of
bar drawn on tbe ondetaide ctf tbe
and can be bestod to
aylinder la M inlecded to repreaent a a red best without desttoyiug the coatwire, bat tbe eeriea of inviaible elaetro lag. Moreover, tbey can.'wMn'dMtwl
A»S aeM nrr Sni-eW* ertosge. «
magnetio wai
be polished to a luster equal to bur1 -ne mon wgipal pan of Mr. Matomf'a apparatu if bia reoeiver, or re­
lay. While it workt on tbe fame princi­
18 m., Saaday aebooi.
ple u Hertz’a refODator it Introdocea a
new featore. It la imuetbiug more than
6:80 p. m.. Epwortb Uagae.
arcoal thread naed mm Clameats la
la Lselaeaii roaaly
a mere ring, earrfolly ••tnned” to re-, •lectric lampa cost* about «I8,000 a
7:80, ammoa.
apood to vibrationr of a certain fie- pound, bot an sutburity statea that
Sowr Mmt fmli 4
^oeacy. In a fFnaif^l glam tnbe an inch gallium is vastly more expensive tbaa
narWeU aes
aeS Waykaa
r. naraeU
bjS e^iMwUaea. susap taada; M
Wo ritaU to tempted to forget, bat
and a half long and perbapa a quarter tbe csrboc filament. 1 ^ grains of it be­
Of an inf'b in diuoiter be inaerm tvro ing worth |S6. or about IIOO.OQO per we most not forget, that we have for a
erst cur. Mick.
•yliadncal bita of rilver. aeparated at pound. Be also furmslHS a list of tbo qnaner at a oentnry btea leading tbe
tbeir baaaa by half a millimeter, or rarer metals, with tbeir approximate way toward tbe................
tbat we have boon preparing ftw
•boot one-fifcirib of an locfa. Tbe outer prioes per pound:
— 'totarllWtaaf tegtoy ■ SMb
the time when all cootrovendw bMsFen
andsof tbe silver “pole pieces" ancoo- BcryUloB asd Uaitaassm......................
a i>.. natiauaball to muled without reavt
iwoted with wiixs tbat pierce tbe glam. BhollBiB aad Iborituti................
W, Sja.
WdymMuo aad ralSdlUB ....................... t.r*a to war. If we forget that, tbe inunlnent
Tbe tube is made airtight, and a high ^oa
and laatahin..............................
daugerwUl bo tbat we eball faU in love
yacnnm ia created within

chin it.
But be- Ert«u:u. mooltuo .nd yimna...............
Bubmttunaad va.u(Uiuu...-................. tam with wv, and that, deluded by tba
phantoni of military and uax-al glory,
vre/bfU eeok new opporttmitlm to nm
r pieces is filled With s mlxtuie cf
our atruigtb and display our prowess as
fine nickel and silver filings, to wUoh
Boo> CtocmJaraamaSwS;
dictalor among tbe nariana.—Ohrisa trare.of nMvenry bts been added.
Tbe battle tbat b««au in Eden between daaBccitaor.
Now. if a “iocar' batrory, B, snob
Ifishneei. wooee other name is sin.
aa la wsed iu
and obadieoca to diviue dicutea of InAladaw* FM Um Old.
ol&oe, be couaerted vrith Ibn apparatu
oanate love bu raged tfarouKb all tbe
and an aueiurt be wade to scud ecu
Kifirtaem seems to come with a dooages since. Shall tbe eerpetrt or tbe ble gnov and tenderiMBS trooi tbe MA
BBfitois. SMW.r.oiw
rent tfaroogb tbe Utu-r. them will I
Cmaior to obeyed? Shall men doas It a><wns iu then tbe boarded and long
A puir of draft boisM, oolor bay, weigbt 31U0, a little nagy, ex,
they please or shall tbey please Uod? purified beoevuleaw at years, as U it
It is a ccoteat for ktngsblp, aad wfa«n. had aurvived and oGtu]sertd tbe tom- toa Dice puir. well broken. : tiiceja a: each times tba ever tbe " '
n of the ordtol it bad
A fine buy mure, blocky built, 1550 in -weight
■puined and the loviug word* of tbe
« if the wind which bad tooAo uxtru good (rruy mure, 6 yearu. weight 1500, block bailL
wito Lord, are obeyed. 10 that mODwat ken tho form bad swep in vain
Jeau Christ Is exalted alreab. Our vie- tbe heart, and tbe frosts wUcA tmd
One buy mure, 6 yeun old. weifffat 1350. Uocky built
b CLc}' .I ue V itiun tbe ttifipeato of toriea, our achievetaenu. our spiritual chilled tbe blood and whitened tbe thin
puir of grey geldings, blocky built, wea^t 2600. 5 and 7 yenrs
advaaeemmita. all are moaw at llfriog looks bad DO power over tbe warm tide
higher tbe ccoquering Christ.—Wil­ of tbe affootiuaa^ Cborebmau.
liam T. EUis.
te. If • Oewte U dnvp^ ca a paw*
|«THOMTATWt tXKANATlON OP Mt, ft wiU ria* <mt a oortala mm.
▼ai7 tba aa««nt of aatal te it. astf
t«IARCOHI'* WMtCLCM TCLEOfMPHV. PM duttge tba ao«a.
WlHB aa tadootiae eoU pewartal : ^
•oacb to Riv«a6ittab apart ia Mad j
vftb tfaatnaaailttar. Mamaii'aiMeiw
~ *
daadap aeheal at m
• a ahUdmoatbataaaM.
aoU oapabla of Riaiac i





r ■

Blok or Well, a Bush
Bight and Day.



Dunne: the Battle
of Santiago.


JSSJTiSrS:;;;;;:;;;;;:;. . S






.... ^w£r“-



Grand Traverse •W.TJSXtfSELand Company

Seed Wheat for Sale!




U U U Mm b 8R m Ttat

OXEN FOR SALE! ;,jiso««RruiTs


It Pionter Urtnr Stabit.


A pair of nice yonnr
Oxen, weight 8,200
with agood yoke, price



Hopses fop Sale



At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HOBGAN, Prop.

Kow I have a fine lot of them. Fifty head
to select from.


c( Ood.
Tbe tnling desire of every member
of tbe obnrob abonld batoabow himaaU "approved of Uod. a wortman that
aabaiaed.'’ To be approved of men. tbat ie to be pcqnlar iu

ItUapty that many kFmrva tbrir
teUfrtou fur tbe still hour of worabl|k
but fail to diqilay itiadbaaociva datiea
ofdaUyUfe. In the ou cam tbm« aca
tba bowe4 band, tba gentle tone, the

tbe aoowl. tbe harsh tenper. brntofmu
tuilo ■adgned. Tat Uadis not tto Ood of
you wbaa all maa ^eak well of ^ou,"
Ha U the
aald tbe Mamer Himaett. “Thetitend- Ood of onr faonra of wtxk as wML—
Ate Hertrian wave* tbey sre“po}ar- ridp of the world la enmity, with Uod. "
imd’'oraRaoRediiiorder. They art* To have!tbe approval of tbe world,
to each other, Term a etaain, and ooo- t^, la to have tt«e dimpprovai tfi Ood.
do';i tta« current. OouseqnetiUy if an
lUi-Brophic “iionudei,"
................................--I,-' a. is
1 in the h«.sl circoit. it will to
OnwaRt S»»4
artuMod only when the nlrkel silver
toy on tto staamer ColamWa Monday
filings sn> polaiiaeri by tbe electro magStrive daily and hourly to ba aim. evening. ___________ ______
aerie wsr^ 111 otbei words, it will to­ to atop youiMJf Csroibly aud wcall your
il with aerwrar-y tlw .-vnal* gi*en by
m at what yon are, wl
yon tmgh*^
you arc going
. and
tad wbitbw
be mmUuk. ~
This is mwt piniol dls
Two tbia mmllk wings, WW. an
TtowTl to MrtllBfi Iu * few daya.
ralctABaada*Oo»a“Ad.Uhamh Mepaacw,
msbcuxi'b ucotttvRa.


A njoe bUck mure, blocky built 7 yeun old. weight 1850.
A low built grey mure 7 yeun old, weight 1500.
An extim ake ebefitaut bone, blocky bodt sdth tnbed mdt,
weight 140a
A pair of blocky bidlt buy. anreu. weight 8400.
A fine ckentnut mure, 6 yeun old, nngy built weight 1400;
A fine buy gelding, 5 yuun old, blocky built weight 1350.
An latru good cbeetnut bone, 8 yeun old, weight U60.
A nice brown mure, blocky built weight 1160.
A few c&eup bonee at a very low pnee, and a whole ban fall td
all kinds of horsn -to suit'sdl kinds of eustoawn.
Stock tmkeo in exchnge for bones. Time given with good a»eunty. Satirisetion guaranteed or mooey rafuoded. PleMe beu iu
Biad that you o«ii buy cheaper and better hones ben, and know
whet you an getting before you buy than any auction eale.

Please ca l and uomlne mr stock whethyou wish to buy or DO^
B. J.


9. W. •AWVTUtF




Numerous Quaint Phases of Life
In the Capital of the Pearl
of the Antilles:'
neither la bla outfit. TTiere are few. If
anr. closed caba la Havana. The pab.
Hr ronvaranccs are made up of dctortas add the picturesque ••volaatea,"
the Utter of which are pecnJlar and are
to be found oatr la Cuba. A few thou­
sand of these rehlelcs are to be foucd
about the prtnrlpal streeU and around
the public pUsaa or parka The Cares
are verr low. and the oabnea have eooadences. Ther are not In the habit of
driviBC around one block half a doaen
tinea and then denandlns a lante fee.
The dsitor makee arraasanenU with
him. and under the shade of the top of
the drtnria he U taken throuch the dtr
where the mote Important slphu are to
The borsea aaed In these conraranccs
fCoPTfIcht. Wfi
, tlB* <mt la(o the aaa. Surroundla* it
to look Into Havaaa U to look Into are the «ray walU ud the turreiad are naUve aalmali aad are veer anfall.
ek In else tl

•• •kaowa i—of u,e fortlf“*—
4ha cltloa of 8pala
Thua a well
. .
and atranrti
e place «!'............. ..................
driven at a rapid rate over the allmr
It dtr of the Weat ladlea
atreeta. aad It U wonderful bow seldom
tal of Cuba.
a la more like the


xoned la tropIcaJ Anenea.- Bara tba . pear

• • for
irly four I tope of the hllU aad h>ii» before the dtr
•panlarda have
iBfii. are cemca lato dew mar be aeen the forts
' •aatartea. Maar of the -*
OB the
Mtlve spaaiaroa
8paalarda wno
who nee up to ine i wun ineir atu<« irowmua
anatoma of the hone couatrr- The offl-1 ateamer, which looks like a anall boat
^«i. Tho Kovern ^e place cone direct ^from them. Uke moat of the harbors ta
Am Spain, and there U iUUe la the i the West Indies, that of Raraaa la

a heavr aaie. Tha back of
the body U fastened to the axle by two
re sprinn. while ta from It li atsod to the sbafu by mesas of straps,
tn the top of the body is suspeadad
aproD to keep out the sua. The
shafu are about » feet Ions. Two
are ceseraliy used to draw the

aalmaJ U called, cardea a heavy
saddle, tn which the "csballero" alts
and pllee his whip with naceaslBK eaThe body of the volaaU rdU
from dde to aide ae the odd looktns
vehicle roee dasbinc throuch the
e Btreetd
does not bother
the etrencth of bU carriage, and'
aeems bent on loalnc no Ume m cetUnc
from one pUee to another. The rate at
which a pfocemloB of vnlaatea can
“cover ground" le aemetblnc as
Tbe bouU of Havana are as good as
any In the West lodlea They are i
pUed with everythlnc necdfol for
comfort of tbe ettesta The oa- pecnlUrity about tbetn Is the windows,
hut Uila does not refer to tbe hotsla
While the dctorias are Uka tha aana nloae. They
are small a 1 screened with hesvy Imrs


excejH It be to keep the cvests from
dropplnc tbetr trunks to tbe crosnd and
lakinc -Freach leave." U the city
aa clean at the boieU. it would luJeed
be a model place of realdence. but unfonunately little thouckt aeems t '
Ctven to tbe aimets. which are filthy
except s few of tbe more ImpM-Lsnt
A ebon dlBUncc from tbe taoleU U the
cathedrnL where the bones of Cob
bus found their reettng place afer

butdlnc ud bav« then iMpeet the IIb*
paloUncB and autuan. It la oae of the
moat ImpoalBC edlUcaa la that aecttoa
aad for rlchaanlBfamlahla*! will com.
farorably with maar of the ciuba
pare favorably
' I'
la the Uatted
£1 Prado U the flaeet street In Caha.
It la very wide aad well paved, la the
center drive and at the fuaetloB with
other atreeu are to be found beautiru]
iluary. Alone the walks aad drlveyt are the finest palms and tropleal
plants o« the Island. The street U 'two
miles Ions aad la far superior to many found la the Uryer cities of the
noRh. It is to Havaaa what Fifth ave.
BUS U to New Tork.
The piaas de Totua. wbe*e the Uihoua
bnllfichu take pUce, U aimoat la the
center of the town. It U a larce. cineutiulldlac aad U as rcpuUlve
la appearaace as U the "areusenwnt"
that U carried oa inside eC it.
The old poRltm of the city, where
moat of the business U carried on. has
narrow and dlRy atreeU. Obispo It *he
main business tborouefatare. Here U ev.

city and Uland" an soU. to tbe
Idaces. where one eaa cetanythlnc
dry cbods to machtaery.
la carried oa d^ac
moralax aad late afternoon.. The elerka
stand around amoklac elfarettee and
.even when atteadlng to the waau of
Icustoroers carry Uahted ciyars and d«--------- —-------- -•"It everybody ta
the child to tbe
oldest inhabiuat. whether it be maa or
Itlamitaalatrequeiit.Blcht to
see oM wobm with lams bundles on
auiax aloax the street with
xara tn their months, while
m scarcely able to walk will
jfltat away at tbe fracraat
ilo *TOW wild,
is the center of the tobacco la.
dustry and Is filled with dfar factortea.
tn which the majority «( the popuUtloa
find employment.
There is no rattllac of milk
the aquawhins of peddlers In the stiaeta
to dUturb the slumbers of the weary.
Neither ars there any frtiit stands to
take up portions of the sidewalfca. Ev­
erybody, apan from tbe stdrskeepera.
who baa aaythlns to eeU- earrlcs bis
wases on horseback. It Is aot unconi'
mOb to see la tbe early momlas ped*
dlers drivtas from elsht to ten hotsea
alone tbe strseta Tbe beasts ars covered from head to tall with farm prod­
uce. They are not harnessed- Bach
borne has around his neck a rope which
Is Ued to the tall of the animal next
-U In


In«c^ a miUnuia drlrias ______
oowa brfore him ui^ to jnour dooc aa*
mlllUnc the reqalnd ameuai a tiu ro*
wait aad the cow ataoda pathaUr
cbewlas Ita cod' That la the caaa di
Havaaa. There la au imlailaa off ctaOlhad water oa the peopla Ther kaaw
the milk la freab and Ihe C

Poultry placed in crates on the haeka
of boraes U brouxbt tn Ue etiy sve.y
day. AU you have to do ta to maka
your aelretloa from amons the lot. aad
chldteaa set oat. Then there Is a acrasa>
ble to capiare them. The small boy,
who. like hue parenta. la tear. SR» ■<>»•
eaersy iaso him. He Imves hie reatinf
place la aome coot, abaded spot and
suns OB a chase after tbe chlckeaa but
aot. sad lo relate, for the purpose of rsir pwner.
pwner The Cue
tumlns them u> their
1 boy is
can set It for cthlns- When auch
mr,. ...........................
the o
aa arcldeni does ........
a closer s-aich on the small boy than hs
d»ee on Ih- chlckena
Tbe pedd era
a heslns to s««f^SnK|
and before the sua
hli acorvhlns rsyv they have s«M not
aad are either on their way home or Ml
mte cafe trytns their hack at tbe yu»>
llns taMeu
Another quaint feature of HasaM
life Is tbe eaunest merehant. There am
many of them. They so tbroosh thd
streets carrytns larr* palm leaf baslcM

_ ..___'

their wares, as do tbe astives. by guiaf
from boas* to house. There, are oa»
ben of Chines* employed 1a*tbe tarfd
ctsar factories and on the planuUs—
‘ y.
it dot tbe e
Wh*l« Havana has t
risbu there are a aumberi to be foaad
In tlw -coomry a few atflet ouL S*a
valley of the Tumnn la a parndMa tt
Is situstsd briwssB
■ eeu two
»wv hlsh
uau miw uw
Is covered with sasar MBd tohaeee ptabe
tatloBs. while B tbe bills Is u be fuaat
•St Irtm ces ta the tresis
aome of tbe flaest
Tbe famous BeUamar caves an U ttd
Tumurl and are sren worth a mML
Tba Buwt eomfortahle way to a«( *P
tbem ts IB a voUnte, altbonsb a rail*
read nacbes tbem. Tbe road. botruvM-.
Is Bke many tuass te be Covad U Caba
—it is primitive IB tbe extrema. Aa
old wfMd tnuBlBS bieomotlve and a ear
Umt saw Its best days many yearn a#a
comprise ibe equipment. To yo by tatt
means BM only a sbakles vp. faW tha
chaDres of loelas aa eye or two by thi
Cinders thrown from tbe vldi iiijutMlt








• -sni! jrfiirSTT
In a primttlTK state k tar as improvemeats are coaCerbM. ' There are few
darse aad Imporias bvUdiass le tba,
* • Tfcte. What the sMydacipL hswsvsf. Of
• • modem etyurtvaes M yuaJees tm-ln^w
1. auvdiii sf; imBdiaaB..tbaSe«tra scoKi'
airucted early in the '
- —
- -o- Bhcbfef-tbesetiwe'Bh _ ___ _ - '• - ■ nr. The sity faiueUrls ti|«palflS. aydT 7(*bBse to be-found lo.tbe.cswmr ]uA
OUUIdeef itwcorperBUliialta...
X OteJkai.*,v|sHor.baa,o1 <»?'
'hcstdteJa.Mi upUl Ilmauanm poiau ^
bow Ihto lbe .bv.hwn.Ae,^ The WWI
tar outside of the bsrlxir le roush
runs mpldl>i,-»hlle.ihai '



ear tecKT.
- ■> -.-tf-u*

w.Uo .. 30v.s'tJi
tlJcW^ta-ii- rTr. .a .•
<v.l ,K ^
-"i-V VC-... .

te.-j ‘ei.tmtOiriki.i Hd‘ -r,f‘ tni;* '

they are won0B$olly and fearfully

rf-kfhlch IS oftea eulficlent U>
the nAlU£A.ltaU>ssJ35B fought oC^*'

k an. It Is oa s



>S1V tvtA, .1:. ,.j„

veoUona on earth la the '
.SM«.i«saM-x(p.Jvttcc<Ba( hi

*d> u'l'tuuxosio
o'l'toMaosio «l
w V

iSi • »1 iwlt r tyi«


I ;U ,vr,tw-


tometlmes bd'cbi^tet^''«utersd
if br tW df iMe wrist tmpor- lying the load of movtair sransis ^
wibtwpal- sardrifTfuaC--------------T
The trifU»«fn«tH»9over tbe backa uf
ailed wttbTmtta.'flosBra«ad vevruntea
^taeuroflp aBaaaeA Cmat-atalks 'of:
ir tmas oeyvaal iete SsBy will .mi
of thetaads.fdraaiimsiwls. '

liK ima.' TtaHSe-tfaik bht murm ar.
^r the'-bMika- 'atxr-tMn am
opemsfafVir Wrirkprurfbe-vaiMr. A
sancer fW hoidlfiy TBe formalU. la
«Hft bdMIled.
TbrOUM-ta appi-V r»-the*att
tbe vapor stfcataies .p* ai«be
tve tkruusbtbedpBie.bMauwfl
Sir ftark AntbMRy'^IBijlU:-wtti M*
'tMMP-nrtMAt m

« found In tbe nsrtbi ' frant or s nsir of laiMbc

»«>>. amitBseJ e.od .lad|


arusnm aaooMB, *p»I6At.

Wat aw«r.

< if


M* iMT.


<d New T«rk. b«t
hMUeedlnJaBMTlUa dim len.

■vnlmn” Mid tbe he«4 toAkaqM
••DoyoadUl «o » **• fMAatw
toUottl 1 icDrtBb'X TtMahTtye mid
there me »> other (alien is ddeUy.'’
did b« rei^r. He ddU sot tell
a wiltfal faUebonl; bat, tddag off tbe
Italte bta anee.
rat. be tsnwd back (be ooUar and dlaplayedtbe
HtUe tag bearing hie old
!•« wnb Wa rcns-iedr. ,
UUor'a "«"»* He bad oot it oat d bii
becwB sau bot r« '
dd rat and eaidnUr aewed it *o tbe ^
lebeeane all aeaeeete;i
• eoUar d hi* new pnrebaae.
It ww about thii tiiae wa began to
mar be a pa»daaa
gprtnawltboet bt-com-eadgem,
, learn that Jarfc'e rragalitr did not ex-.
•ad hecooaa a ebader aiember w
lb* nyel wnueiv rrowe
; tend alone tn bia clotbea tet that be .
diber the A. T. KW. or aa «rd» 1
and wtlb lUr aed vMb rtm;
« it aathodtr (or beBoming dirt
Aetaau m«>. *tom mdwe
bed changid Ua lodgingn. Vbleb bad
Bonod bl( areve.
am. and hl» pcaeeadao or txwpr
' teen d a Inxaricnt character, to tbe
toaeObedlwllanlmi laNewTeckTrfb-‘ mnaniwt kind ^ qnaiten is a cheap,
d PMb woni dom uot aSad h>
.ttnemeut diatriet.
Tbe hd weather baa o
I Bla meala, »e teamed, w«e taka at
; tbe rbr^al wtanranta and tbe coat of'
' bla living and baa bea itwatimahly
Ead> w^ brla» (mrer tbe amdoe d
KradaaaceialedwltbbliBlntbe «naU.
the (oTdelffB grand lodgeatBoataD.
kdiie at Baaaao. 1boOm telt that we bad any ri«^t to aai, Wbat could H meat Waa Jat^ bedkationa point to a premadoo aorpe
lavtUnto blm aboatit. Itwaahia earning a bemitt Vai be loaing all that
STJ^^h^-tefadnmtra Sht 2d privilege to weawhat be
pHde that Imd al^
Mtewa’ or- |df**d. Aa long aa it ailed hi^ why wiyr,charn««iawlhlmr Ka OntwardSJsTaSwW b^ in 1-xlngVm, to. S^we concern
ly be wet the
meeting «d tbe grend terT
_ 010.
old- ue
He came
ewne or
o< a gooo
good xanuiy,
*an»Uy, aw
and uw
nntll tbe next mertlngtd
Tratb U be waa becoming more and father bad been at tbe brad of one cd
lodge flbooma her euewrw.
more genteeUy ahabby every day. bat the largrat banking inatitoticBa in the
Becasae of It* great length tM
tot^'tbecarefnlw^inwbicbblatbinyooat city. Sr died a fcw yean preriotia,
will be allowed in tbe pro .
and (rayed
(rayed tronaera were hmabed and ,»d it waa andemoodthat Jack waa bla
plane M tejf
; and
a evidence that it waa not only heir and that be had reoeived. oot
I <d bia appearanee afertaue. bni a emufortable competency.
Itoocnrted We now n ujembered that it waa abont
^ tjme’of hUfathcr'a^thtbat Jaok'a


1080. MMl to >881

SeniwnM WeeWlWl* luiirmn*fnmelodffe.
PKlflc lodee ol St. Ixmta made • oM
^ of 8t BMBbm dnrtnc U>e lad amnl-

We will cloae ost » few baokea lot* of Skoex, at u
eapecUIly low figara.
good wexren.

and aJI price# and can pleaM yon. Pot a ^Md wear- |
ing eboe get them of




Men of
Good Sense

CrlMdoo todce ol Clefclaad hM a BMmacautoD to piorirle at “®** “ j
^reel at
j remember bon we aU envied him
4BtaDd daedTdod dill.a.
RiMntvrer a
not Is aU. It waa one od Jack’a dntiea aa emd>> trben be wua nppoaed to wane into hli
gtL a od eaab Raio d $1,007 (or tbe pad
ostf^CSTS^TrJb. tT^(^- terto go to ibe t-nk mch dgy.mal money; bow we rpeeulated aa to wbm

| ^hea
oone for blm to make be woald do with it. but on one polni
John B. wmanMOr BaSalobaa haca ^ratranm
MHOmnl aid^demop wltk Ibe tank ot
Tbe oSeerof a eubofdlniae lodge «! bin repxlar trip and be dipped oo bla mooli agrwd-be would be ^ ai^
aod o( • eubordinate OB light overrat and atartod oot tbe bead ^ood old Jack, and we wtmld enjoy
Kebcaab Muge
.^ ^
m.uv of bi« little auppera and theater
SWlBCbnrr ManoHal ft 1
and di^M efBeUny
tn tbe
eaee , '»l
oot paniia. Had be not alwayi treated oa
^ made a lame gain la ta«
"I mt
mv., Jack, yoa
yon are not golog
golngoot----dvlsw (be pan term aad la t
<g a lodge aa “aeerrmiy- and
In eaae of I in,bat
«<* >5^^'
coaf! Wby,,
very i^J* way at leart once a month when be
««m>w in your bone*
boor, w
will (reeax"
bad nothing but bia mlary? Now that
Tba aodowmeat rank d oar of*r la the lodge be* at
•■Ofa.Dooreuae.oldmau. lalwayago he had rane into money we could ex­
mb tnaoraim loaUtattOD whkb U la aap IW flBaaera and aeeouBt*. .
tbla way—dmwed warm luride, you pect many nioe evaaingi at dear Jack'a
^ laladd totbe ortard SalgtiU d (tried offidally a* tbe “a.ianalal
mry.” and In a adnUeremeln the en—»r- know—prvfer it that way—notaobolky expram.
and cluniay. you know."
, Jock waa oot well Be did not look
ment If «yM-flnoimlal mtlbe ■’
And out be went. Tbet nifd>t efter «ta We all noticed it
An Anctaat Odd Fellow fa <m who
<g tbe office (cr«e bad gooe Mike,
*<TBke a vaeatian. old boy." arid tbe
bolda an expired wi^rawai oord or a dbr Om4 hr tbe Tadeai
bead bookkeeper. "Too ore oot yeuxpetittou* for mam- tbe office boy. bad to reUrve hli
mlt Vraarewntingtoohardand oot
r appiirai, tba pe-'
pe- ’ *‘I
-I don't
d«i*t tbinkMr.
tbtnkMr. JackUdrecred
Jac^Udr^ wai
I*'' inaideataU.
ht-t*!* at aU. 1 mw him roll op I
' ateevet
ateevee to wash
vratb bia nano*
lumd* waay.
today, anas_
**"2okd^tblnk of it, oM mao. Joat
I nee tbe title "A. r.uDd A. M..’’ MMb the mme u any ori
a ii|
little Indigmtiaa. Be aU right in a
only bad on a tbin co«<m nndcrrbirt. 1 g
erpt that be doea not bro I
think be'e dead cloae wid bia mtmry. day m twa
^lodgea Twmty Amarioan loggm om until tbe «d of rix moatMatebla ad- and
day be will be owatn tbia tnBut be wra't all rigbh Be lotted
pakT and tblnner every day ontU one
I Bat we aU knew better than (hii. morning be did not cane dowa. W« aU

' Jack wM in trouble. Why didn't be let knew the reaaon. Kotblng bat riekneaa
ttoa of the Book
d Id 1788. Ibe
■ ua know wbat it wait Kotaman in tbe god eerkma ricteeae would keep him
•mrar title ratloocd to be need by tbe
oWLw (ran tbe manager down to tbe fnea tbe office. It wae arranged tfaat
«nd ledge ri EngUnd.tonowed by tbeee
Tbe man. ant
■ office boy that woold not have extended
riiould tannt up hie tedgingi that
w «g Beoriand and Ireland, and many other wpradeuion
--------- ---------1 -. , g belpi^ band to him. (or we all loved night
have him ewd (or and proper
rand tedgm la thU oountry adopted tba who refuawto prorfde for bU
He waa e alerting fellow, alwaya medical attcntimi aecuicd. We found
Sm ayte."—Treat leboard.
children iboold death (erahim ^
to divide on tbe third* principle— him In a cheap, email but clean nxam
Tbe grand oesneU of Royal and Srimt
yon take two-third* and be one. He bad On die table, under tbe one gaalight. we
giMtmof NtrthCaroUBa bm beoaorea
umati timesaMe tomakaa formerly been tbe Bean Bnmuael of the found two or three aeta of bexte of afuall,
gmHtUiMet member of tbe,
ravidonof ll.COOor giOOLfortbUpur- office, and wbat tbe change waa tfaat roureni* that did not employ a regular
pow by
by Joint
_ tbe A. O. U. W, and ko5>- hgd come over him waa wonTingniaU. hookkreper.
Tbe gmnd oommandery of Rratneky le po*e
U wa* finally derided that we would
Jack bad been doing (heir wort at
ing hl«due*aitdiomeMiucnU paid up. Be-:
k benefit* and
aii i>a« tbe at- tetnrb
»ldt». be get* rick
tbe matter to him In a delicate iight
tendance ef hi* brethreo and their attend- manner Tlse Uad bookkeejicr being a
Jack was ou tbe bed toxlnginthedepBle«tlD« lodge of Dcrroit I* repiceci
of fever.
to tbe army and nary by nine of Iw n
Um wa* df lcgntcd tbe ta*k.
be mnmUed
mnroUed orey
orpr mid
ai over.
^d^U«r tvortman kUIlre of MUoppommity cle-nr be
1»2T pti^itcrt itself, t-iriiw had even openTbe doctor (honk hi* » ; d. "Poorly
$8U0 to Ibe klaMmie bume.
There are «7 rhapter* at ibiyri Arch CUdrtrel^ir^lU lodgo rwOTtly. ThU J!d. and Jack'a (Iiii.y coat and fra.ved nonrifhed—nothing to hit.. Ettocatly
Mmcma In kUaaouri with a ' ‘
w/rTthe Urxmt InItUttan known In Ibe tronacre looked the more shaWiy iu com- j*eu < u «hcrt ratious. In i o condition
panaoo with tbe bripl't newspring suits to withttsi-'i thi« nitach rf tever.
• Indiana gread lodge doe* ar* 8&c«ata
The A. O. U. W. ha* ftirnUbcd about urouiid him. "I never saw clubr* so
W. c'-, lo iiic d<. i<riha
gcr meh member andtl (or each candidate 8,hU0 membaatoibcanny.
cbi-a{i.''mid one of ilie junior elta-kx though hi* prvwut .-tiviTODmiuis
Omtid Master BakiT rrmroed Bom tbe "Mv tailor pot thU up for faci. luid I needy and wodW bo paid f«
The title of "Anriest Va*
(Ujwue hidge to high iiilriu. He was deciure it’s quite respiTtahle looking- boM attention to Jui* aW that he
gamed by a ludyof kaaoo*
iw..iul*ed atioUuY fi'.ooo for LOW mem- quite tbe eauic thing that I used to pay •,<' him ngnlarly and do every
toorntbangnlar EmUiah grand lodge in
sin Kentucky the next y«w. He ha* gg,-; jn, " It was ju*t hire that some- pim>iLlr tn aan- him. The Uudi
..pletod pUns whireby he apeeia to *epeculiar hnppiiied. A big »«jtfle ,-<««■ assured ns t>at
In Fmniylvaala no brother ha* tbe
V 60.1
iub (lauding on tlH> d.rt^.ear the er.vy aitei-ti.m.
iim. tv.t
but ssaid, with a shake
fight toh'liver a hclnrebxrm a lodge
register hud CTidcj-Cly
cvidcLcly bccmiii-overheatbccouii- overheat- ofhU
pf hi* head:''He's
head: ''ne'* iu .a bad way-4miin
(armimlon of the grand ma*ur.
and mocrelly ara plisfao*
ed. and. bring
bring cotked
cotki-d tight,
tight, there
there was
was fever, brought co by worry and
ond fatigue.
rriendtolp lodge of Cookahlre, Q«
n ................ ncihiiig
for It to do l-nt
I'M ixplode.
«xpiode. whieh
which Evii'.ently
Evidently irat
Ira burning the caijUl
ctoUlc at
M^y dedicated a tlm- Ma«oulc bullOJcg
i, dill
dill vvilb
with a
a loud
loud rer~rt.
report. CufortnnatoUufortu,
1... it
It aontoln* the bm Uaaonlc iodgeroom la t-ii,«..i.flner>ewWi Ti..
We (.cured a nurec. wbowm to be
t. jurt U-hind itreithewall werei
gte ivcFVlooD and b1*o a Urge halL It U
818 member, in g.«l standing.
Jjyj ^1 ow coau and hat*. Poor Jack’* with him cvety miuuie and attend to
owned by tbe klaaDna
TbrAnciemO.ihTof I'nit
of all thiuy coat wa* bc.palti-n-d frma collar hi* every want and cnmmniilcate with
. One of the moat feiolUh «n»tom* lately
totwL Poor fellow! He lotted uiamay- n* i»'are !:'■ gn w wtaw. A* we were .
introdiKedliy Knfgble TempUraU that of
aba ChrUiuas waR. 1 can aee no good
, ed!
' preparing to h ave' tbe twtn he raim-d
laaaoe fur Its contlntmnee. and Ui<-rv cmWe felt xore that next mcrainR we up m hi# delirium and lUvw hi* utm
many tealoDi Macon* who are vlguroualy
'mould see Jack ogrinurrwdMlwflltcd mound wUc:y. Inoticd upaptrclntcbOlgiMad to IL—Illiiioi* r nvmaaun. ,

- xhuiid*. Itor-kitfran
a ot asl*M* (
Itolgnu of Hoomr.
Deputy H. C. Won 1* wirklng in Htepfelni county. Ky.. end l»-i*a u> revive a
mmher of the l(•dga in that comity.
Befouentallre* to the grwitd Ldge of
te State of KvW York wen- cl.«t.-«l by
gnbordlnate ludgaoo the lint uux ting*
' to Augnn. The greud hidgr- will iiioi* at
Banatraa Sprini
i^prinm ou tbe >.<xmd Tutaday
^ „,.toiubcr.............
Seitoiubcr. when Qreod IlivtoTor
Tbowaa ftttpairtek will protwbly be re

Tbay an all aolid leather and

We ca*ry a IxrRe xtock in all atylea 5

Somtilnn Mate Mstatn.

They think to »ave a few dollars on a
suit and find that vrtille they have savri
a couple ot dollars they have paid twice
tbe difference In comtbrt and appea-rance.
Don't pay an ordinary price- for an or.
dlnary suit when an ordinary price- will
b-ay an extraordinary, up-to-date suit at
Come In. getjonr prices and see our




Li^ht cassimere'fimts.
well made, value $-i.00,
at $i.75.

Special values at 89c,
S1.38, 81-79. SI 98, val­
ues 51.25 lo 5-2.75.

$i.50 for $6 .allies.
$6.95 for $7.50 values.

One Hoe at 35c Knee
Pants at 25c.


Bareaios in all rlepamneats, at

^RdiiMe Dry Goods. Cirp(t«daolWi<Bon».
Tara.Trei?se Oitiy,


Watch This Column For Bargains I

icuWcoM. Tbespra J.,cU.y.«; i.sie v:<i»k-cf (irri. yon have . ________
its^^vwl^l iiKTlt*. Many of there bqT ga'cwldcaice of baviirg Uta carcfnily k'i i it vamiil Cvd j iiiM thri
a DoUe 1
cid'-uiMv nni eo cbrnrly UviilmatocUUu* (oruL'oe^ leaving dirty whimiqxxa oa
be at the ctv> cJ yoor
ai«n the order ihai to reject them, then a»-,-iiiny
------------- —--------------V r.!iiny black cloth.
-j rey.
my. Ji-rt." «aid tbs
TTifttr CptltS
- ...
the bead bort-: The psp« rewd a*(olteww
riiicili nvedWm cxpntML Other suicide
.'toUv rou are growing caret
To MT Bos--D;.»r. I tocwlh ra M

* '• »■? For lain Sclmol Bids



I rv-i» thlrt

So lino*


; Guard Chains S."!
Bat: Yoa Tried Tbe Kimball? Z'zr.nSf'.lr,.

lb" lylBW* and are cln.riy not a cUliu
''Wliy, hrfw fo, rid m.Ji* 1,1,‘
ruiiultin# r- galarity every
•uainis tbr MnbiT. For thi* rnuon eueb m'lf with
„l • tun;; .*,* .d li.^orelo,- ure. -oc*.
r<..lly didn't know I
a MB. but a* re*
core bn* to lx- c-muldored and Iw nxmiing
.•t*.,vnll.m«Iorr.j.'vi«l aethefneuand (ookirg to unfit.'
.------------_ - - . . dmlad'^

Bbra aubonUnate lodgea now refn*e
work and have UKsaliig* aad are reoiind
iPTual bvDi
Of th • thrw fraUto 80 or Ha* nxniibers. llx- KmiiJ dlctoOw,
<t ptotCK having t
Ice In
ih.- rniiwt;
ori (rum a I cflc*
q n-piM
p durfi
-el Incmiw of uia
e ut i:

ft. dc-. l yoowi: that yo^^ri<>tl>c# are
y„ti-.reo«r n-do low.
kinder rannln to aetri? 'y.m mvd a new ia.mnUo» oj


r.K) d.-tade icywaf h

• r.A vevt it* o.,aiity of tone.

b ’cn Fodnreed Hr

• wv.rW.

Step it*


Furniture Bargains

J-BOT lov7 tbe M.«in-U
,e*. .
and DbIou ata.
ly b»rr,w-ti)s frcaw
-li>U„..o..,.n,l,.,Hm7. F».
A inreubre who shall aesfgti or tnaiter or .be maooauee# auo vne iioroe
m, j .*
hi* luM-Ut oenitlcate >ha:i, upon ennric- Ferum tbird.
tton tkcreri. be *ti>|iecdtd cw vaprilcal. a*
Itl*D«ha hrige may dcKvmlne.
yot BFxwiaH.
Lnp.-'• » if til-worl • for I'M?. Open all nirht
>MT (rilmkiii* at thetroiig'^ ni* lo aixlMiglt*. Bcully. 1 feci llte-1 am di*- bh^^k^'Tuw
too man:
ngihe faltbiiil
Umln-neatb, written in Jack'a own

.......... ............

r—- pro- canliug
.................. an old frirad when I givuup an
llreUc hhrtoe.
u for
tor beVng
bulDR i-tv-out
i-tvwut while tbe "glay
"gtay at old «nt:bMlmn*t
mit; but 1 mn*t rec my tailor. It
wa« tbe foUcivring:
home'' alwa.v* caaipnL
will iH'ver do tO offendd tbe Mti*tic
«ya^ (Jud tikf you. htUr. fve dooe IV I've;
ipesd* Far
If yoa are evw Incllmid to grumble of niy frienda 1 tlinnk yon. old man, pa't,av
p.l4.U.*U tarthlBi ted*y- I're fccM 70" j
___________,jn«jf iboSSyeam work
nieely lrat>d~
of Meem teiuph!, by which It t* ritowo when you bare to p*y your beoctlt aa*<«- • for culling my attemtioo to U. Beedly, atm"
Co.** blort and ba»
Tbe next day tbe
y—------- perper
ooe oro,,
«ta( 8.881 Nobire were created, of w^ luciii.rempmbrttlmyyouiweoonWbuil^ a (idlow can't aw bow hi* own dothea'
ibe -preeUee
• 0 of
oounta of bow one of the oty ■ largeri
w,i# 77^ a man m),awrv^«mtl..t*v
Bomtvr S.hS: are still in gt>.idand regulm toward a fund tba^lll gu to ndieve tbe .
dutra. ri the wldCw and tla. (aOierWro. f
tb© office bny had a great rioty ' banldog iMUtaliousluidreetiv-cdalari^ walkin* 4 feet: a tort rennet. 88 feet;
All work entruitad to him will reCuloD U nqrepentod in tbe memb**
Since lu organUaihm ita eorioly hro „
,he next morniiig. "Wbat wua nm of money aamiymoariy oon«^i n flv. 84 fret; (art skater. 88 feet; ocean - calve hi* moei earefol altentton, to«ri it alto ^ra tbe aflUlations vrttk
paid to tbe beuclciartre of lu deoearol ^
up in the aecondband Tbe Inrtituliar had long known of tbe *
g; ^lurr with a oonaciratUma and aelenraoderlre or eooriitartea, iw both.
Ibee* over tii.aou,iHja
j Mrtricl la« night? H^a ^t_ri
' rimrt^ ri tbUamount.
feetnocomotive. 60 mile* an^brar. 88
“be” wnitogly
naorderof tbe Kobleaof the Myrtle
Me an Skinny Wri*h waa grin who ti« thief w«
J" .’
iao feet; .be wort cyBteinadatea bark into remote aMiqoily.
gnarantra all work to be the beat.bcw 818 600 .
Jick grin into one
^ waa wtrt^raj^ wro a^to
Priorsa* low a* it eobriatrnt wiUg
It waa planted iu Ible omntiy >6 yean
wave (at tbe voteautc cataetitiptoe ot g,,.
work. Booms 7 and
•OO. Thlnecii Knight* Tcinplan on i$e{d.
i760.ono to tbr totoliy i 'Oemlny.' I
Skiniiy, ^at’a our knew.
Ang. 87. 188A In the Sunda irianda).
U. 1878, xatkerri in Srw Vork and bullda membees. 87i
.............................. ww. to other w«d*.
dlrobled memben ai.dorrr87to,.-o0|»h'- cashier. He makea more a* 800 case* a ns. Jack a secret. He u tumeelf^w 84<)(eei; eoand In tbe air. 1,086 feet;.
itiriDMl tbe ageofTS , moot'. Wbat’* be drio in that J'int?’ I now. and tbe little lag on tbe ^ter <<
**rface'af the globe at sea tevel, I
1 tbe ordw to thia to tbeae who bad Btirined
I perta tre’lie vriadow. an I eee him bar- bia toahkmaWe evfci wx* aev^ ibw tr on'the eqoaWf, 1,800 feet; tbe moon, j
j,!, on virilna for 18 daya •»
. wi'de
.. , Sbyloek fer
---------.--------V..1 ------------------------- « C
r. Bill
BUI in
to I8t A860 (ret; tbe „„
jb, wTsT^Mball Co.'a. 418-61
Hi-mv* fwan tbe varlou* lurtallctl-w* i gain
ariieap aulto’
bia own trilfra—Wnil, 8^
6K a^((.
riotbra I rad -« him hand over Loni.
«l«m tbf Qtder to be
.earth, 18 mile*: Hollem’a comet to
bang added ri- ; , fio bi 11. an be got change back.
________ _
dittonoud nrw
! tbe nenoeiioo,
peribelion, *««
886 mUsa; riwtrlo v-.
cur- ! ^ .___ , _
Wmw fy*»w—t fer Indtrg
\ Cbriattua*,' 1 My* toSaony. ‘batdat’a
j ^ •elrorapb wlrea. 7,000 mlloa; •
Breiaflcr tbr exucotiiv will have tba
----funvy Bread bay
Plngwtoeb-Oongiatnlale ore. dear JSoorioti
ll,040niito*! elecI*!*"***"^- 417-88L
«ptt.m of teaulng las call* when mrded
noiyaad not iKtindcrnbliyatioo n.ciill
LfewtraaBtCrnreal H. K Rrinktea^ groew grti rich. Irfabegin. Skinny." Qrataaier.
Ji,000 mitee: light, IW.OOO mllm: die-j
. .
w •wo piV Qomb. Uul.v.aiecall Ivlbrgrn,
A few morning* ufterJack came down
8e^ Brtto ril ktoda. *‘®*y^**
---------4. glad, rid mani Bat— charge
charge of
of aa LeySen
Leyden bolUe
bolUe throogn
throogn oopOOPceri lund will be maur this enrtvat year rtaS virttod BilUmore ”««“'(J*,,
i.uracae of mak‘i-g arrengemunuwtth tb* I _a,u i,,ww TWwtwwro were _ -»yon*n«abei*rei^ipririi?
^ rmHe ro rich?
__ J!j_
_* _i
to.k i_
. Bland.
^„ofooa-rixteeaihi»cblndiaml0>toad of two Jart - r

ijillltaTT treneb fm-tbc uioeiingof tbeaa-_____emitto.
Cltlacda will bcnu.uv rereito $8 (or ev- mume matte nr*t October
-- -y anjuna bl* rather nthnth. Wby. abe-------------abe wm aree _
gnr new member Introduced and Inhlsu-d
a Bckrt* bought and wld at
In tbe ankm. ot which 8* will hr raid at
. Brad. f>.0. Bldg. 4lt-tf
taitiattoD and $8 wbrn toe m w dU*ei.
rtall have faaao aoeb U* ris moutba.


Tmm m*maM tateotm kmn>AT. «aran|a 4, ims.

' Tber Are taSseoccd
Modcaa Free Ceiaage.

Mac pMOfibiabT team

xjw Wlary is our n«*fm -


te the iKiTttige d
aU it en ■<« ««an> to Mr b«n tbM* Mitr «V*1
poiAiiy b«r. triMB tSOO pw mmtb tj


fmti Mr tto. t

-I dmld ba deUcfatad.*'
and be bnfled <«.
ad to Km Fordyoe..
*'Jt'e all my odd,** I n
“Whatr* dte 0
rftoold tnm ont to
CMz bae been t»nriBff to me abontr*
1 sailed, the qaaintnem of the whole

£rcr Burned Ont?

a kr Bm. a. K. Dvia.
Tane.-''Beeaa*e»ee Rsd nueestoue ■eel
■Mihirr--tafc. s*iii:a«ai: Aeti xs«i.u.«a
Bepmmnoa and eoBTereioo are aaaentiaUy dmilar in bmbb1i«. Tb^r rdm
to the •tamius to
dasdinc, of a
man. under oonvieticn and aortow fbr
ten da to the aemoa of God.

U ao yon know

O. P. OAKVXK. A«>w
l.W7«naDdd«fiti«.iMT«*0p«i»aDtli ■»*-«7
toe tbe rmtod aleW to footO «M toeda
(or the pririURe of pnoddac tbeir tee.
Bad riok ef« we «r eU tto letputal Mary.
profcaaon laadaitiai to aU othsforma Ike iMBOofMwer. u>d Me hat UeU e<
«r tuadoB ttM7 BmBt mart; arehltaota, no Biehtr bfowi te nsawl erto a>win
|16 par month: mlalattra of onty
mod. #10 per moatb; letaU groecn, nltto^al^efliMtodBOW<rtone
I •■Ko,” I aaid: "that yon ahonld be ***•<*«>«*
ootward Ufa. bntte,
_ _
•l.400fNr jtnr iB thia dtraaddiatrict:
itUeladyvteefaarmabe baabeende- aU |n^ pnrpoM both wmda hi.t„___ *V:
mxd l«rt(rB to tlw mah ^ •P*r* lunter pai^ #1,S00 pir year; doth'
*e Masise
\ij tba arltv iag acorea. #»o0 per year: boteU, ne^STs
abefahinwd. Isaaedatberrritioally. ontward acticoa
'eo-r dtotri,.
w > b-Jv"
every form <d buinem and «*•
TtneomaaB, loeetos tos U tovtHcfy:
ety Una of oocnpatton and IndnMiy.
that ten the Aota Paal daaeribee it. . Th»aWa»yoofor the folraed tttweipi
n# Up* tbot only tnbbl* of tbrir sort.
‘‘7h:.t it jnst what 1 don’t want yon ■'>'> ■ ctnparleon of the paemcee will manner in which yoo have eetUed-wiih
AH ttwM axncdana be it remember- «Uto totbeBlrfattbMtoitoklBtLeBioUl
to think, docttw.” abe hm-rmpted.
ehow that Panl’a theology U oomol.
1 »e. I rmain a aie-eWr of yonr amoI Stla^boattof tbeOt^of Ifariec
aoBepentanee andoonveraiooaedeaertb.
Gaono* BAJumiTa.
BO 06m dty iB the world, asrc
biaor and towaMtal tl«Ttnally look yoongir and
bentifnl ^ i» tbeae paamgea Inclode oonriotlaa ,
atreetliacietre, Klah.
aemkam. For Wtanee, in addition to
than JOQ ud when vre wot together at
•m. sonow for ain. taming
the etanpreqnlreneBta and other ta^
rt tbeas a**r daysl
MdAont botavrard which ennecte 1mSe m tf

wlcUon rt tin. No one wiU t« |
|{|QyQ|0 |{jQ0|*g
**~Vphmv.* «1«
from tin «*pt be U firstoaovinoed
per bead for all cattle ilasfetBr^aqA
I pnltepec. t>« milea disant. The car- #1 per bead for hogs and sheep These
"Yeo,'’l4igTeed.‘ “ItMTestlme.’’
that be to a tinna. ‘‘When the wicked ,

I Kage way ia broad and ■taded bytpeat
feots Indioate bow it to made pomlbie.
She gave me a nervoosimic glance man tyneth away frro hto wdekodne*
EememVr tbvM di an'iHctia of fua t*o towa on eadt aide, onr which
X had dined with 8t Croix, and we
"Oh,’' I amid reamrtritigly, "I am * * * *» sball MvelusM^ uecauMhe ' pairing and epamrUng. ard ti-i I «
for the goTemment of Mexioo to bestow
___7 aftemooB ten 4 o'clock till dark sndi Mibaidies as are anaotinoed in Tbs were now on onr way to some nnintsr- your friend!"
oaitideretb and tumeth away from all.
do give von the Vat
I magnificent mocraaina of teeraDd
estlug pMgile who woe giving a dance
She w* playing vrith tbe edge rt ba hto Omn%ifiiiMis be shall snitiy live: one in tbe citv foiHee »■ . be tiiall not die" Cotialdaation leada he deceived
what - taeis'.
000,000" to tim______________________ aiBoe MUging tbe dab tbe coovasatiCB fan
••A woman to only a* old as dm to oonviation, and cooviotiou to ooover- tbe eonuar}. ' '
way, limited, and to reiathiOBe the na- I ......................... Apparently we both poa-,
. It was Bot until OariA undo
od (or
for refiectlcB.
refieetioB. Aswe-'
Aa we, Joota."
tiie observed, "and
tianal tommy for the
------ emple food
It ia. through (adiiaciable ban Prancia- and "grave ooooeni" b.
rattled ora Bime etoria Bl. Crtdx end-: tied at an extraaely mriy age. •*
«o atreet. jnet the benntitBl AlMwda tothronghdep '
denly ttionaed ia my ear:
.j “8t Croix waa perfectly Jnstifled la *b* «“»».
«»d the ooeUy ntfnee of Cbarlet IV, ia the votoi of its torn ootaege oarhe eitod onttoM^to
"Taa*U are ba tonight. Ingram." This veamato^B be told me," I mid,
Atop in tinEo’cloekevery eiaglBg
Ootnmbnc and GnyatiaxKclnan to Cha- leBcy.batthgyi- *
X had tetnnied fnm the oonntry that with a tonph. "Bnt that to a detail eervow at
' forforgi'
. "seeft Sendev. in tfaeCaldwellAI Loutpnlttpac. ODoe the palacecf kingaand tntheBwiuKr.
—ling. Still deep in my tbooghta. I The thing that vriU surprise him matt
>- Brp
inclnte aonow and iot> boildlng. at north end of Union
empsora and today, aa the twwM of the in dhe system hoe whtob leadi him to teplie
trill be the fact that Clare existar*
(Crtef fa sin. Sowm ia not
preitdent of
fitted In regal
■Ko snoh Iw^ She to n taunted
it. We may
She looked at me with a mile.
oxge iu adoption U the United Smtea
■ h tfae<^ Uoannot he queeti eased or denied that miles from town, nnd"—
] "Ah. yon have met ba W the Bon- be Hciy fa sin and not lepttittd
■a o( the Am.
I Ropped etonptiy. aa 1 oenia>t a mas ?"
bnt vre will sot repent ct itvrltfaont bnthe mme 1cm In tovaana. the aame lino• enmie to a cottage. U the query tfaJl taatian in vmlne, tiw mme nnnmel re- gUmpae of his face. Fortnnetely be bad
"Ten; I fonud my little lO-yeertdd ing nony fa it
name to the mind of the render bow qairesnents relativs to meeting largely not uotioed my 1
"So." I •weetbenrt of SimU bad grown into a
>• Bepataaoe to taming from tin to
esa andi wealth and ^deader exist in a iiKStaaed national expesmea, and the
1. grasping the ei
daintyyomigladyoflSl Bowtolt,"! Ood. Tbeee are the two easentUl eleeoantry where the exttetn Of poverty maie loss to laboraa and tarmen as are
again decided that the teni-__________
___ Bk Cmix toignonnt menta of
I The siuna to oonoosttinoed, "that
la the lot of a large majorityof the peo­ nowbttBgexpwiaioedin Mexioo woald nine interett In yonr life sbonld be oenfaa etisteno^*'
------------------rioted of bis tintnlnees, be to sorry (or Wersbwg Bleek.
Tvbvmm Ctty. m«B
ple. It oaa be prtnp4y aaawcred that aaoctatany the tree euinage of dlra in teredinciwr'
i •‘WeU, he amamed I had no childxca. H nad then be turns from it to Ood.
the poverty of the people ton neemary the United Bmtmsbonld the mtofottnM
"Ingram, old tiiep." he said aolemii- and I—1 oonld not snmmoB up eaongh With grief smd hatred fa his tin. the
taddent to the monetary poUcy of Meatly. "it’s neriont this ttme." (I bad eonnge to cell him aftorvrard. Yonsee tinna turns from it nnto Cktiandeoioo. whatever oontribnt^ oonditione
beard this remark made befen under what e diffimlt pantion I am inT' she deavom aftoward new obedtonoa This
nay cztot. even aa to the woaderfnl
timlkr drowastanceSL)
e^ded plaintively.
to npeotanoB as ScriptnraUy defined.
wealth <f ttrefoetaante few who profit
••Irtnoerely tmtt It tol’’I applied.
"Yea, it is diffimlt.’’1 agreed. "The To Israel the Lo»d mid: "Bepenl and
The wagm paid for oommoB labor
tbnmgb tfaefiMeateat
A good looking, wealthy man. patt nnexpectid sppewsince of * fall grown turn yoormlve* from nil your transrange from as low as 90 cents per day
cteap labor of wbk& tl
grestiona. eo iniquity will not be your
fa fall grovn mea to tf. fiO aad 70
KetnOy boatta
’’This hasbiBpcBedwhile 1 have been heavy a stiain at this crititul stage of ruin. Cast away from you all your !! 41
coats, ths latter rate beiag paid only la
■wayr’ 1 nddei
; hi. lava. A gul of 18 to a reeponsbU- tonamremions. whereby ye have tonna- :i aa
asaaaa ease sssHe nodded.
I ity," I added.
gieamd and make yem a new heart and ;| <9 S£9?9« «8ffS S8S
tantbom the banarn of telabotcm,
"And the maiden to"~ I began.
All ^ time I had been fanggira to n new spirit’’ A new heart and n new
not orwonld not thrive noderaaeb ;
w acme s^-wial .........
j ijtott would
St. Croix aotnaUy looked oonfosed. 1!----myadl
1 1 result in B new Ufa. Pnnl
ptdicy and cbetvfofe that frietMtaMp t
"Wea she's hardly’’—be eeid awk- thought it wae aUiut time lobrinc met- <mid to the gmtUea, "Bepoit |iid turn
free oningv Involved favor (or tbeoom- caUedbesaea The wagm cd Bative tal- Wardly. "tbstto—of oonraeabe'eyoang . tomtoa bead.

'to .God and do waka meet (a rqNBt- I SKISHfitfikSeSflCfiCfi
ios. printm paintem, cderhssmd each
‘MraPadyee.’’Iaald,“doyoorenl- knoa" Hepentonoe is not only oeiting
Uke better oecopatiaaewly exceed #1
f EEaeie
! ty cure fa 8t CKBxr Sbedid not m- to do evil, bot also IcMing to do weU. |
«s • «
s saaaaa
L BObridMB pekM and
‘ ^ fa a momttit.
It to both tnnlng from sin and tnisitig 1
<8 K « 8 S9g888
taxee remitted by the gonrament U
iedly. "Of
••Y(*.’’ahe mid timply. "I rwdly toOod. Have we repented? Have we
VeOBO to corpmatiocu and mcoojnliea
Why. man. love him. Oh. can’t yon saggett scmie- felt eucry fa sin, tuned from tin, and .
Ibe gowtunstt of Mexico baa reerutly
abe'e only y
lebaud died thing!" end she loc^ at me plending- are we coring God? Bepentnnee to a {
eutsed into a oonWaot vrith the Wm- the pcceent time 44^ omta
powmalmattobetweeanaaitiGod. It^
At the grortvy stnra in tfato^ty. al­ handy thing of that kind. Oh.
eta Daicn l^-legr^ catD]«nT and the
■Yea." 1 wHqnie:ly. "Wewillbelp brings Gods pardon end fogfveneas fa1
Keirinati Oahl^fiompauy. both owned most nnda the ehadow of the wationsl wenion.
weni on. withasmile, "Icouldn'tdoit
oDeauctUv. li .vc yon bean! frmn Clare tin. TbeabKuoeof itoansalhe peoslty j
ooeimille^hi the United Sialea. mint. Mexican doDorsi. the only mouey if there were any children!"
today?" 1 cnuiinaed.
a . (or ain to fall npm onr own heade. Let
erbereby an aheolnio roonopolyof all
"Uave yoo actnally prepood to her?”
Her hatil nrut to her pocket,
U* tliernforu repent, tnni to God and do I
eatqmanicatioD by wire with foreign wages in any tapacity. mast he ex­
"hoi yet." ho replied ihonghtlnllf. ’ "Tniy, vt-s." sliCBiid. "AleK^r«une waits uuet fa repectanoe.
changed tar the necrasrie* of life at
noemnios is heetowed npoo than.
it is as gnci:_________
as aettied. na I was gcang one. I have not tuad it Bible HttuUngs.—Job XL 18, 14; Xm
S»»r, ,0 "bnt 1 fuel that
For a
to any part of the
IniTuni," bonmtlnn'd. anairof vcl.’'
I. 16-90: Iv. 6-9; Jex. ir. 1; xxxi,
United StatTB they are empoweml to «, N «.t.prr I..U.J lor,R
"WonldynorbUgemebydaiDgao, as 18-80; Eeck. xiv. 6j hoe. vi, 1-8: zlv,
charge f 1 7b in gold for ten vronie and dark, nabw prrdoi'iiun and 95 cunts
•My dear r-L Croix." 1 void, "the* you have it wi;h ymr*
1-9; Zecii. i 3, 4: Mal. iii, MS; Math.''
19 ocftta in gold for hkIi additional per ix.ntidf w Auuriisiu or (.•Rrmansag- remlld(ui-(w remind mo of Uie guidold
hhedrewun vovi-lopofromberpocket. Iii, 1. >: Meik i, 14, IS; Loku lii. 1-8;
potatoca 8cents pa {noinl: hotter.
wad. and (or tolognme tr»>m the Unit­ ar:
*n to
tn 80
HA c*.ats
n .r. |>-r
ih.. laltur |
1= fJid OijoothM thc h-n.-r oPt Acts if, BB; Bev. ii. 5. 16.
pound, the
to 80
OU.I* Kr
iaitur I "Ab!" be replied, wiibatij*. ’ThU.........................................
ed btatee to any port of Mexico #1.83 in „0
A* ebe read ila smile came c— .
^ facyish fiutoiim!"
gold, with }H cunt* in gold additinua prioe fa AnuTinin Imtter snd the for- | ^ no
fa tho iKitivi □u'sillcd quality; i- ,.
£R=9S2«9S£SS*SS 8
for each wad above U11. AKpvctalmt.'
..y, ----------------........................
wbitbwotUd lu an vtjurUiantiy high Kilt 14 cents i*r iK<c-j,l: beans. 6 to 90
WO wijlgruJstupiiLUy b
m think cuic s yoong as C'Lue will *B*d to Coatals kboat Tirr^ir.are or i
le in the United States, to given ib<'
ceuier: imviiig nuui ouuu lu xuuia. yoo malt,' vc<a na”iiv?”
T»r»«ty Per teal of KlckrU
Mextean ucwiqwpcr*, aixl tlie oeitrart
*? ■ will U-aUc to"—
"D.o efae uorrettle it ia Simla ywan
The maonfactani ni nirkvi kicol will '
oanpcl* the paymunt Ly th.- u(*wK|m)M.Tv e..j0p-xpOB^: t'T ti-ce <iiL 5j to RO j
hntiiaml?’’I sag- ago tbnt hIh-wtiJd martr tjoLodv*but probablv be reroIut.rui»-d by a new'
for their entire onteiiiu «Tvice in rold
J=« lnv,n,.^ in tt.tsW A
rrslsa arrive (rsB St. 1>
to companies diartered by the llexicon
.lsihOK rtorlBOa:!. Cb
gOvenuDMit anti w ith i«teliltoh<«l nfhet
*'Poa child!" be -vua
said .u
in o
a umipooenapaa, . ,
I '
th, laugbed hspTti’y
well kton-ii lo.,sl dapitalitce. and the
i:..1 Rsplcs s-mo. BS &
and eoDi]Jeteu]nipinrrit luevt. Tnisfnr- e«->.^i,.,~
ticr:it,M. i;i-. "She must have been very
"K' liny." 1 «uA glsScicg et ha. "1 new prodaei wi.i sjK^tly be tnmed out '*T^os ae^^troB Moekloar- O';. Peta
titer illt'>tnt<s the fact tlinl the thivip
osa OraoC
l;«ip.B. (
_________. . -_______.k._ .________ 1.
slver camsiey of Mcrjt^ is (or the jsiy- rrnt rppnTvaira*ivi' i vi n in the homo of
ment of
to workingmen end to its adoplvia uad niulur the Hug whose to tliL-ir wive*'first mamaga in this
St. Croix rvjtnm-d
rvjuiui-d us.
WiIJim*, k
fa well known steel wafcer.
wwker. !
VTsT ^arSw
farmm for tbeir protinoc. bnt is not fa s*at:'V it beant Tl.e so called "wall of way.
"St. Cn>ix." 1 paid to him qaielly. h'o b^tghave totn tnkua ont ly the *»« baff.nsr irow teiroii oeiai*, '
the importer* and expe-rtoner thegnv. j/DiiH-iion’' tTiwl‘-d by free coiling" in
"Wenre admiiubly suited.’’be con-. aft<raudnnte or m, "I kuvi’Iren and-, iiivfotwrae he feared hi* ferret would -r. L.bOCKWOOl'*
* «t-hfUT.*«<s
•‘-“■v •iDO.P.AT A .Orandk
ecsimiittariml curpemciona.
U|*d«,Lii -I______ diiug in yi ,:r DiTaiiB—with a good r»- thus'be leanird by otbm and endkm

It iv well remarked in a reecnt num­
eulL" le'ltii-d.
litigaiionmightreralt. Curefolanslyac*
ber of The Mexiam Fiaaucier that «™ ta 11. L.M K rt.x 1. u.« ”»'y , A ua diouM 1» . jo» « » olte 11.1
He tartii-d witbagUd lookof Rirprtoc were made of the Quisbed prodoct by
"the romai.B penj.le ate not asking for devoid (d the Lirst featnn-suf itao Amor- hiav-ifiL"
to .V.a Fordycu.
ebemisu, hot they were unable to dto7e uA* sflvcl Su4a], Jbbc m. iner,
,m.»rtU...lrtr!V.,a.».wllct-'Ji. .
«aDce»iutw or aalaried pljns or vocinl
bow the steel was made a tbe
gtotiuctioui at the hi-nd* of tHnvral Bryan imd t;>nst i<f his fclloTv jxirtiMin*
widow. ■
“It'sfrr you tnsav. i.itir boiiring the proportians of the different matriiaU.
bare always oppirat. bat it exarts most
"MuchtioyBng,"rcp’iedBt Croix, portnr." ds-npliiti snltly.
a* many of the rahstaures had ‘
from artiidea not iirndacud here and vio­ ’•’s cue rouiKjn why she should
Ifaeancrtmditiiii is." Iisddiibmpt- changed by the famaee's beuL
Isb. t|Xe iln*. itWa
op(>.;>Iv of MvTico lire nut ask­ late* i.,ty ltujK>rfimi pruuniile of a nmi/y nraiu."
ly. "tbAi yoo agree to bceuaie my la1< is elaiuied that the new steel oobing for
i'Jiiarr .jhiri. ;! plmwor hiSilrhfuL home fav iTicy tariff svAom.
•'Tmr.'' 1 said. "How long faaa it Ik T-in-hiw!"
tains from 95 to 80 per cent of nickel
aoclel di«in' liiui. They ku *• by long Rivjfttly in the ;vit;rmwof the United
I .'•■•ilJK on!'
Hemijed to he quite empnsed. 1 to the srsrh Heretofore not more than |y.a'>
«qaniuic« th;:t K.lari.d pl^xa. a»at
Ifae dinraad <f tbv wialtb ttf 5Ic;atv> rfaii..|chlu^:xr..ftbe_fr.-.coiuage
"ifiM kiwImt." he saidduwly. "« tion.
ticvl ha been obtained by tbo*engag«l
♦hatH«ial didim-ti-m i* Uitrid fttan - foilrexmi.clellusdish,ration:
! ,o ,Muu,t* to 9 on Monday last week."
«. Croix gtonod at Mm. Fyrtre,- to the mannfactnre of it Tbe t
. tbetnbylhciriKJVi'rtyM.i wn t-iH-iues*.
____ ______ ___ ________
__ «'■« ujsi loe nimaniB sieei , ......................................
■ -v^rb are lnma>« li uid }«rpotii..u«l l.y
hurry op m.itB»e lady will and then u;u Uie nxvit lutrlligeni thing lucreared iu strength sod bardnres to
(povemtci-ut polidoa.
MrwuieiKiBchfor I pailmiy weeuy of L
everdidin hi-lifi—aeoeptcdniyigotbe point where IS per cent of nickel B»»r'ctwS . "
Taiua t> rwr aeltoMlM.
» Uu.w re-v ire. i Jn«t than the cab drew np with a pamk—Maam t Mi.gaxiui>
was need, and from jxuut to 88 and SO
l>-bu lull Slid (be;haol lor hiiaar-AU .
In hi* letter onltrizing tlie Mejdcaa
per cent Viirb additiuo of nickel made I lvboc L^*..
no- thi t''v»a.'Uli-r. SDi I'/ibB >

... ..
---------------------the prt),inet softer. This vsTiaiiou lnlc*e»wtrt......
govenjiuunt and i.*h(uur)uJ policy it EwmTi. hr •biin

'Hoe we are,” eaid ht. Croix.,
at. z«i* oa a..«e
lo> (vmitvlhd 1« Uj»
Will be rumvnj^d tiuii
M. ZoU doubts wbeihiThewm write ‘hes.utoe* or hardiips*. they claim, is I t^TSoe?!
T;:e imsa-nt iiasneial tiolicyof the •’Jo;..pcotr
; Blade DO tvfmwc to tlw mort constiie- United OL-ito* erenitsi and maintain*
Alur gicwti^ OUT fatetrawe eepn- ^
"if* 1 nodtoadvsntugv. as the strel'wlll tfaui

BOQj ftatnre of Mexico'iifinauciul .>vliry. pnx-iMdy the rejjiIlUanii Mr. Bailey de­ mbd. fiev^jKo^e rt my ao^ot^
anvthlng in that wav. it
its eabcidy granriag. muKipoly form- mands. bni sBLh cuuditioos would not anceweretban, audlhautagothroogh would Lo bawd m whutj aswrt Lonclaim (biM with tbe new steel |Lsk< Acs...............
- tag. oainial favoring d
«n«le Jnst as bard as
exist ooe hour aftiv the elootioeafa ttoj^nstmlHpmUa-rtdtitydimcea Free- don’* great watorwav. the Thamve.
now. with the additional advautoge
Whid) add to the po^uf an edict from free coiitt^c ivjignws and a free coinage cuUy 1 saw SL Croix oomiag toward
tim pahiGe even while they add to Che president The cuiuiy the lalssareAA
w--.. wealth, povrer am! gnmoenr of the cap- 0“» they will nevw m«. Tbe aofia"
|wvt«y of the maffics from wboee toll cemwfor bi* b>n and tbe farmer fahis
Ingram. itesalA tnktogxne by tbe
l^hfud. Whwva ha* net sen
«• grtUe^......
all are being enriched in Mexioo save iwortna is as good in our country today arm- came w^ me.
the Ttounc* caniim explain the grewtnem
"p** «
*■ expected to
(hetoilmtheniMelvea It may be a mat­ as (be money of the inndbolda and the
There is nobody so oaeting as tbe ^ Isnidon. wbnee heart and pub* it U. •“ developed on tbia cla« of wak.
ter of some Intcreat to iny readers to rich. Is:t it is not >o In .M-xieo. The Biaa inlove.
I ahould oeruiiniv he attracted hr tbe
advantage gamed by the new ;
lean taow tbe genaons anbsidiea are (rueouiuage of silver tore ho* ermted
bhe » wBJtii^ to be introdnetd to Thames in anything 1 tniKhi be IndnoMl “*** ^
““c** *«m Reel (ban odi- !
provided for. In »o first place. Mexieo one moneyfCT the laborer and the torm- yon. ' be arid as vre ma«to onr way to towjiia 1 do not know the people, nstJ ««> be used and yet hqva mnoh
a aeeJndM
oeelnded bowevCT. They are peHecc ttiuim^ to
baa a edrdnle of Ingwn dnties oerenl a and auotba for tbe buudliolda. the VI.H
Here, in .
stivmgth.—Pltuboig Dtopatab. j
bandrud piT cent in nxroas u( the tariff
1 tbe vt37 rich, and through canir (fa St Croix wasexperlamed to me. 1 was oamparatlvcly at bcone in
gntlcsof cb.' piesvnt Diugley bill in the ......... otreog and tito rich are- alwaya those mattarsi. vre found tbe tody.
Rome, yon know. It was to me * tbe
* ®**“*
0ollcd Buuk on many staple aittolos. the gainos. Tbe'’raan being made fa
aouth rt Prance, where I was bronght
One rt the most important electrioal utt**..::".
•» per barrel im flour. #1.40 par bnsbel tbe adopDoi erf this clam favoring, la- low me to"—
__ tbe
_ spirit rt
___a tt^tttting acbem*
np. lanldenta
reoord. by rTty."?
m wbmt. #3 1ST kog <m nails. #1 cadi tow fqqmwadug pcdicy in tbu United
^‘Mra. Fcrdycef"
___ ' klnniwi Utin wee. towhk* J partly wbicb powa is to be condorted tern
OB hata #3 per aiuoie yard un wootoB- Sc^ oreate* the very issue Mr. bailey
I kakoo at LlX. then baatt «t tou^tot England to Qlfletttit That Sssi* Ana to L« Angelee adtotanoe of
dMb and 8 omU per Hpiare yard ob 00 hamhastioally prucUlma, but tbe pol­
J_____ _ „ ,
bltrt wethingwater, tbe rhsrmel, be- W mil*, nnda • preenre rt n.000 >- • ptala oottoB cloth, IS cenu per ponad icy be breocs would ettahlish the evil
r ttwretoimad.
iwe« US and Albion it an Atysi-e gulf »olta, if now in proovsi Of oonsomma-j
"VoukDow one aodterr'eriedSt *8<efas^at*tbe twoooontiiamar- *!*■ It to prt^waed to dr lire-1 '
OB CBied meats and 60 cenu per quart and the injury to whUi he refoi in a
pnmled look.
4meBiaedfrait.huiug some items indio- countiy where now it do* nut exiet fboix. withVa 'V.Vvv
Jally asweUasmaterlaUy. Me IiMlly
to i.OOO bosepowor
- Why.
- aHve of its gcseral moke np Tbcee
the raolta
Itbinkthat I candoBotbiBgderpwitb la U»o car boo* at La Angeloe The
Aattea, however, are evidently intended cf free ootoo^ of tilvcr givee fovoe to
re BaglKod any more tbaD 1 can srith I»W »»stioD to in Sonu Ana eanyon. .
to be in great part prohibitive, snd they the BSmrtiou that evoy laboring man
"Y(». Dr. Ingram and law quite
^ nskiiame 19 miles fw* Bedlands and 80 mil*
--------------------are having that efivet. although Mr. ahould mek to prevoit its udoption in frwide she inteonpud. withB^ann
It would take yean to ttndy *«» *be point rf development The ,
: :ij;
' '
'athedeaeaae our oonntxy, every fnttua should seek
the* oouBtriaa and 1 am no Idl^ enrrfmt will be gmented at J.OOO volte ftSSSOMEYat- .Tre
«f In^MTts to the freed _________... to icercst it. every toila fa wage* iu
and traottonred np to #8.00a Tbe SSJLL.-............... “
"That to joUyr St Cralx Mid bete
, fre—
.re Ak. ffVrSSV
aUdlngscala Stampsanieqaliadhythe any line should seek to preveni iL that
•ovtonmoit <ai every rec«ipt tosaed. on evury mattnet of lava fa tbe wvok aud
Ana river, which is to be dP »—>*we
•ray sfa.Br card or advertnetueut post- equal oppommity (a all dmands tta ’^**1 am not sure that Mn. Focdyei
"Ka" said (he patient woman, with retted tiom the stream by a canaL
ad np on niTiflii n.ii*. chicks, cosiiraeta nrevesiticm, and, to becta apply tbe agreed wiiii him entirely.
ert tbebon aaiut "Isboold finmeand tonnel work along tbe tide
Tbe BOaliis rt n watts came thnogh
leases, certiftomes. and the books cf av- Texas stntemnsn’a declsntion, "by tbe
this of the eanyon (0 a prtnt whew it endtbe open dooa 8t Onto lo^ M bis
ety bmdaem boose am taxed in aooesd- Framl" it tiwnld be poevetiiad.
that denly drops ihrougb 9.900 (ettrtiiipA '
gaoe with the munhgrof leave* ««eb
goto- a diitin* rt ?80 fra. u the anla
Pbrbt F. Fuwue,
he baUevea his new^^ise."—Otixu••Botbtrr;bekrisd. "Ifiavd,
book eosUaina. the t'xAk piping ^stm
Ohy of Mexioo.



“*■ ■'

H Tie Way Tiej Settle!


“* *"***^



John R. Santo.
Gtaerai lisaraaee.

6rud Rtpib I lidlui k. K


ainsm ua loatHEumi a. a






r£k koma<rimw. mnm
y w^ «BtO latdy. n
tU lock Monwl to aingte na oat Cor Ma '
They obatted pteamatly fbr nac
thna. and then Dr. Baker went bone.
Many Tbdta followed tUe one. The '
ebild aroe ill far a long tinw, and many i
a oi^t. when tbe great city waa wrap- ,
pedintbeoileiiMof aleep.dldOr. Baker
tidibeddetbebedcgtbBt little child. '
ding bia own reel and health that i
Bet oh. If tb. tod. Ww. not manmai abort
Aed tbel;cawB,-VFrwbaBd tararkvtaodiort- tbe little m>e might not eoffer. 1 don't .
why it iA bat eklmeM «<ni to
And ODF rt*d not trtub aftFr woo. weddy fert: tsing boman bearta cloarr together. It '
U BOOM laecbodeeawtorttbo iDomaawaa
may be *w angalab bom of a common |
•M7 BO Acid o< arork In wbleh dalaya
eTMt. gympatby and balm in the .
an ItM dangerow tfaaii in taking oat
VaHM Few tbingi fiMUj being pat««td before tber am triad. The United Prt anwbe. Wwd wild Bttb* leddWtwortd ba.
epeecb which la only beard In tbe etlll (
StMia patent lawa am tbe moat liberal Aad Tb bsiwr ae thnh. tbe' 1 rtrtak IT
and favorable to tbe Inventac of any in
wotebee of tbe uiglit, when tbe tongoe .
iadnmb and fancy baa iia away. Be the
tbe wwld. and by fbem be la allowea Ptoo) dtaorte m
two y«n of pabUo nie of bit inventltB
caaac what it may. atekneae lifdXa it> <
the bnaat cd tboae wbo wat^ tbrUick- (
irior to tbe date of bit applieatloai
eting fUme of affectioc, and tbe oil cf ,
witbont in any way . ttiniidt
aympotby Bteadiea tbe flame into lore. '
right. In on ordlnaiy eaae
ae tbe tiivenwc
MwoU abow a drawing or a pbotogr^
and wbfo all tbe ontalde worid la dart <
W bia inventien or tbe maohlaT Itaelf
and drear thia lirtk flame diapeiMa tbe |
to afow of bit peraoMl trtonda Tbe
■Miadowa of depnonoe and warma tbe ' ^
Onr fiiatd tbe aboiff baa jnet told •ool with iia tender beat, making cat *
dnwiog aboold be aigtMd and dated by
eUvw frieiKla or a algned and dated
VB('.J<dit that tbe tnaebiaewaa aeen dootora In debtwe of By (rtrfe«ina I
V tbwB NkmU be made. In eaee of wiiA to ny that, altboo^ acne medioal
■ay ^naatian of priority (iirtetfWeuoe) men am batcbcia, a greater ntunber an
■ ■ B and anotber inveotor. tbia tender hearted men. When all goee well, to gnide tbe tzonbled heart into tbe aafe < i
JUjlW.ltf jtt.dooWA ...





*aMaf af
■aWMWM. tor gapT. for n1»m. Im MrM
Taraamn oatoaUW.. bgthrtaoe- IUb«.
, Ataa»e<«a»«lM». anUadMbBpUMM
a Har^aa TioaMa amt M
AsO an FlrpaMil beni^tw •

The First Ooe That Calls

Monday Morning Gets a



We have a few more of those sample coaches left yet. Now is your timo ^
as they moat go. Will finish moving next week, and I won’t move any of them, i

The fimote.thai calls MtadaynorBiiiegets tu at r

FKOk reverse side

fvr^aair ,



are. ■,




^N'S. ; •'

t : .u.:?
Tii iiii'iiiiiiiiiitiiriniii
o,. -u. th~



Ud aWt

eever ils 0^'

We Would
Like to Cell Your Attention

the^ nice Bacop and yierte ■HaM>’we ^
“11*^-. WcTieyer bad^^. nicer,‘^.didAny-

_ .nnMi'ifaen'Io'hnakpBEakwj
^ke Itsat *t{b>' for nee in tbd

.'Faib end Haraeillea am


Id do

Ong^aipegMat at
a i^a ki. —--a—


Tbe flrrt giM dfOftdn (
__ ,__ ____■ k> lexA.

' ‘I-




a Atscob

an effan oboald

V S--'r.v*




vny wen Bsttl Inmiy. wbea
I to single ne ont te lit

The First One That Calls

They chatted pleanantly Cor tone
ttme, and then Dr. Baker went bome.
Many ririni foUoned tbit ooe. The
child waa ill for a Icog time, and many
a nl^t. wben tbe great dt; waa wrap­
ped in tbe aUence of aleep. did Dr. Bakto
■»»y IWwnicfa bedde tbebaiof thatlittle efaild,
ateallng bii own rent and bealtb that
idtorarkvtuidfMt tbe UtUc one migbt not etiirer. 1 don't
And the L<
,. _ ____
o»a ti.:r aodMot.
Kfinlliig tbo oft repotted tottment iirDtvHTtfa'
know why it U, bnt aidmem Moma to
■MM! n<>lliraabmnrrw*c, moddrfMt; bring boman heart* cload together. It
«bot 4eUya «M 4Ai««oai tbece >■ ptob- abAo^o
UofMo«*vboitb* muraiai
may be that *t>gpi«h bom of a ommnnn
aMjr DO field vt week la wWch deltje “
canto find* aympatby and balm in tbe
AM iMi dABgMOU than to taking oat; ^vithk'MwcfX
BotoMA Pew thinge jMttly being pat-! worto—
bmrt of anotber who ralfem. It may be
Poren^?holo*rtwUdB*U.leddl«T-ooldho. that Ood naDamia to then a allent
apci^ which ie only beard in tbe atlU
8t«M peMDt lewe on tbe BOM liberal ^ j..
,u>k. the'1 A^iok Uto
and taeorabh) to tbe InTentae of ouj in ’
watchea of the nl^t. wben tbe tongne
- Mie world, and br Penn be U aUowea rro« di«rt« a-dd»e-lhe«% • ho, ta to. Udiifflb and fancy baa ite away. Be tbe
two peen of poblio nw of bU iDTention
canac what it may. ricknow Ui^ti in
grlor to tt>e date of bie appllcatlo*__________________t
tbe bread of tbune wbo watch tbe flick- .
witbont In any way pnlndleing bir
erlng flame of aflectlan. and tbe oil of ,
tight. In on ordinary owe tbe iuTentot

Monday Morning Gets a

2^2^ ' - ----- - —


Tbe docter betnn':

to Afew of bia peraOMl (rtoda. Tbe
dmwiiliroboaldbealgDedaBddatod by


am. onnt tbai tbe maobinewat prm dootom In defraoe of toy paofe*icx

whleb 1^U entitled,
filing of an applieatioo c
tlirawn Into i
firattwoyeaiaofiwllffc Theonly —
«» for baete that can poadbly be urged
ta tbe aroldanoe of interfereuoe, and

bot the mcaneni


____ .. No pttdnakm iejndged
« haiably
tbu eg medielBe, bew tooeqalre iiaaeieoceniany reroltingande.._
^____ , .u* w
Dfcewry. and pre^de in gniml tfatnk

aatiaa. Meanwhile tbe inveotor’e ardor

in life ia to make nwr

^^rmeral tbVobtalniug of • petent
* ^ ,*° ***^
ttnrard yoo by tbe following atory that nnwgi
InTenttmL may faa a Chriodu and a doettrni tba
getting money ont of
ime time.
Only tboee who bare tried it know the
di^Itr of HtiiHlDC tb* tnnmt of
Wbailwaa at coUege.Xbadacbom


witbont mean* end witbont bpportnnl- I ««
____ tbe inter«« of dtben
(tea for eotiatlng


tbe drtary abore of life a bmeon a
tbewlnteof adreiaity cannot daotroy.
bet brighten by ttwdr wrath—a beaoon
wbich aball lire wben oU otfam fade
to guide tbe troobled beert into the eefe ! I
harbor of it* doable.
after night ae tbe doctor end ‘'
be gWw■etdwd thet beastitnl dilld ‘ i
____ bat tbe flickering flame bad
bwn kindled, and weU it wea. for aoon
tbe aU of aympatby would be neoded to
Heady tbe flame end keep wimtb in

We have a few more of those sample coaches left yet. Now is yoar tin ,
as they mast go. Will fiaish moving neat week, and ! won't move any of them. (

The first ose that ulls Moiila; natiiag gtn aie at
oae-thiti the erigieel trice.

IJ, W. Slater’s Honse FomisliiDgStorej

their polity may WTcr bccoetaminatod.
And to be called little Mabel Bobtoton.
boor of 1_- ...........
oeems lomeditotebecweentbenl^t ana
day. Tbe Khadea were np, and tbe flrtt
abaft* of tbe newban dayoepc oUently
throogb tbe windowa end t^ted the
abadow* of tbe rurm. The doctor held
tbe cbild'e little bend, and tbe girl
with tear dlnuned eyeo, watched Om lit-


yr-JBdWajl Ti» ,

I tbroogta Meaiod>WnlI Uiifit
I colcicgttaw ^ tbWSbat>itb>



•,. •

I*^*j>0nlj^i^ Mch' .of'tie above 1^.
<nrni-vimvhim^ .

ifflilSt' a. iw.rfh.-.:
Be imd€«k^’'nflbdloti>e

I f..;. - . -


i 1. HOBIS^iiiwtt ^

r. and IM ’iP' filb^tated iU*«r ddUore. wbtob they
— TirfwmnH.-bbtoa from Mexico amtep' titioaaly if'tbe Islabden were not open-'
1^ bemiltted to gin'goodrto exobange..

fnmnms galleona. wbich were *^ '



Britlab iffiTattm from-tbe daya of 'oor!'
I f)i^' BNdabetb onward, fartoed the
-a.. ---------------------- 1.....*-.

l awtot-^ ptrtoo) and Mani!



TektM Waned ae the ■
.iri^bke' An lng#etoo*- Bogiiab mtizito bad’
Wrraahiderof 'vFitteamaRicdeto
praTo tbotlSbaketbotiSbakel-Beocedtheatyledir


, CelehrtMChicige Ctidiet
a H.^OSE & SO«fS. •

tobalm Baennaadbo)dbi*'toagae..‘BorlB>atoix'oa^'Bnt hold my tongne.-a. ShakeapmreAayi.
In them nbacnra
la writing Bwxd.
and that WwTWhy be necer bod ttme to
correct bi* own playa'* '

fWWottortodng T) " What were'

gte^di. tbe Tm.;
amnauig.. —.------------ ------in nunaM.,UiaB. ^betryietiioa are cow,..


. Barb and Maraeillee ore i
naotedbyhekgrapb llneeeutlr.



cC Mexico Onriug that long

Intoereiy life will
mrifKi. ondwwhi^ moati

•SS^ttan^only^on^^ I*- friemda. tbebarome^ ofginning (d an inrenlor'a nooblea. Tbe
• allowance of a patent by tbe patent
oflkn U not law. and goeatiaaa of inCrtngament are alwoy* likely to ariae 11..
dm invention it reMlyitoane'Mei.atnei- *•■
«miawbicbcan6n|y Ktottled* to «*-, '
panHTejm^tiaig « bH been eolj that.
rpalenlto-o»ly"alieaMa f«c nUwonlt.” and when on InTealor like
to b* did not long rinoe,


x28-l.3a S'3T033.-fc. Stfee^


. .
■-incUned-M think tbatai
jbakeepelMaff legal i
may bare Iteen'fnmicbed] to
— ■


We Would
like to Call Vow
To the nice Bacon and picnle>aiiiis'we are
selitn^. We neverhad a^ nicer, norwdidAny-


-rfl*' p
fWnae In.a..
tl 1 ,........................
mild toaca Mtort inymmt. Tbo ^ ■• -. ■ .a;—
I’nmning tbfongh aabw Thoa^VPT^.
neaK-ew^kaclearlyabow*thatAafeto i.
i$AnSikk'jtxie5ttf1n dto'bnt|H^''-i .|

Electrical lUwtoW'

wiF^MMifia wara>-io eeminne .fp.
latt-W fabbtomto aetbe aom iai-j
’ - .-oft fiKlIntofferanottwr 10.


' SQMUd'ilemlpcfejUil^^
• bkiamiUh wi.*ia0K



.elN^TIlBtoW ^totoicr


tion ia which an effort abooM^miifb"
omping oWa>dbaBdd wb^
twentieriBeKfiMficf^dske. being

ttfnarifae>Att«mfi*(A ttieirineicacn!
' fih edMton oCtboair
; .4n-iTt;,wiid^a.i..nmMoi«M«w«.aav


I xotlMc hard at ffrto. b«l 1 OK now in oMatoa.


.1' -.. :-.;''-.cLU.i.A

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