The Morning Record, October 12, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, October 12, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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"sr-twi the morning record. I"g"w

SeeoDd tev-Ko 450




VUl be Aaaomed bj OeoarB) Brooke
la Poito Bloo. Oatober 18.
Orowa Determined apeei^ mTbi MoBsisa Baeoiia.
Fail to Agree.
WaehUigtoo.Oct.U.—On October 18
Dnriag Peaoe H^otiatlons.
Oeoeral Brook Baensea abaolnta oobTTtUrly at Varianoe on PbiUpplae
Tbe United Stotea
nnAOnBOM She WmiUiaUlB Strong trol of Porto Rico.
Qoeation, and tbe Xattar Hae Bean
will aot ahlp tbe reBBlBing troopa exBerM of Tioopa ob
iBlBSd Un> I eept at Spalo'e axpenae.
Befarred Back to Both OoT<mmanU
. tu mUpplB* ObmUob it SotUad is
-Spain SuTgaata that Cuba ba AaB OonelHBtotT Spirit—Oanef*l BIbbnexed t > the United Sintea.
CO BMairaa B^lieit ZaatraotiOBa.


Z»el«iid Finanol,! Concern
Looted by Boivlars.

Madrid, Oct, 11-—The Bpanlab GotI tta iBteaUoB to
maintain a etrong force of troopa la
Cuba nnUI the treatjr of peaee with tbe Zt.lB Said Tbey Secored Leaa ^ua
Colted Statea la definitely algned. Imnva Thoosand Bollara, Bat Uu
nedtately after tbe treaty of peaoe la
Vault Waa Badly Wreckad.
BlgBed tbe oortea wUl be eoBToaed and
epMUl lO tUB HOBBOie tUeOBB.

aiMlBl to Tbo MonlBC Boeord
WaebingtoB. Oet. ll.-No doubt ex­
ists that tbe Paris eoamlssiooere bare
otterly failed to egree. Tbey are en­
tirely at rarianoe npoo tbe aobject of
tbe Phillpplnee. The eorntnlseloBera
bare referred the matter to their reepeolire goremmeote. Spain enggeeu
tbe annexation of Cuba fi>> tbe United

Grand Bapide, Oct. 11.—Tbe burg,
tionof all'eute departmente will be
lare wbo blew op tbe Zeeland bank
•abmiited to parllatenU
Itl.uM tb.t tb, »W..l

.h«. .™rl. I

no. Ml, ■.pn>.UlD.,d ud ..pplM
Britb arms and ammunition, and oon•lauof retarun aoclimsted trooos. not

Uon of Spanbh aorereignty in the

The A. jV Bogsrs Lies
of Wster.
Was ZArivan on the Light, Eonse
Beef Off Old Ebsian and Went to
Piaoea Konday-The draw Xacaped
The aebooner A. J. Rogers, with a
cargo of 599 tons of pig iron, lies a
annkea wreck in fifty feet of waUr, alx
milee off Old Mbsion Light.
The eebooaer la oommand of Captain
Frank Ooulsln. left SIk Rapids Ute
Saturday night with her cargo conained to the Peninsutar Car Co. io
Detroit, from tbe Btk Rapids Iron Co
Thu schooner met a beary sas and
high wind and Sunday morning run
upon the light bones mef off the point.
Tbe reseel ponnded about for awhUe
until the crew plainly saw that tbe
aebooner waa doomed and tbey left
her late in tbe day. The bottom of
the reuel was badly damaged aod
early Mondsr morning she was re­
leased from her poeiUea on tbe reef by
the wind and went to pieces, sinking
In fifty feet of water.
The crew landed at the light bouse
•nd went to Old Ubsloo Uter. Tbe
vaMsI and cargo were both insured.

B^re Justiees'Brown
and Oartis.

and both gneete and tbe bonored
1 remember it ae a partlcnlarly pleasant erent.

A Happy Man-


la one that baa a hafW family, and tbe <ma way to bare each a
family b to bare aoae framed pietnraa on tbe wall. If you bare the
plctarea we bare tbe new moulding for tbe frumee, and they aredandiea.

Former Well Known Timreree City
Man Sled in Omnd Bapide.

News bas been recelred -in tbb city <
of tbe death at OmndBipide, yeeter-'
day. of W. A. Scedder. Ueeeaeed bad
‘Klity Bookstore.’*
230 Front Street
neen in poorbealtb for eoase time and
recently went to tbe home of bb
daugbfr. where bis death ooeorred.
Ur. SeuOder wae formerly in tbe em­
ploy of tbe Hannah A Lay Oo.. baring
charge of tbe dock In Trarerue City.
Tbe funeral will be held In Grand RspDo we get in a new stock O.f Picture Moulding*-^
ida probably under the aoapioee of tbe
Odd FeUowe and tbe K. O. T. M . in but our stock is always good and we turn out work that is
wbicb latter organinUon he carried an first class in every quality and Price.
iasuraace of II.OOO. A widow and

Holley & Connable,

Not Evary Day:::

were seat *.o tbe United Statee
‘ ]~»ip1»1op 1. C.bp «.lpr D«»nb.r I
mnde to cap-; as the date when SpanUh control orer
the bUnd most eeaee. Tbe oommbTb./.M..ap..pp.™pM. n.,. eioners, acting upon three instrueUous,
the beet metropolitan paper in
^bare notified tbe Spanbrds that all BUte. Telephone S3.
I, rpceipts and the i
agement of municipal affairs must pass
ouritiea ware kept within a double- into the bands of tbe American mill- H. L A Go 's block.
doored safe U the raulU,. In a skiUfnl
lacder. The order is not in­
and artbtie manaer which betrayed' tended to work hardship to the Span­
the baud of the proteesional bank rob­ ish troops or government. but it was
ber the rauU door was drilled into and theoght beat to fix a definite time to
then with the aid of nitro-glyoerise end Spanish rule and to begin opera­
aod a time fuse Mown open. After tbe tions under United StatM eontrol.
exploekm the robbwn returned to the Probably the United Statee troope will
rault and made short work of blowing ge to Cuba before then.
the safe open. Both safe and rault
badly wreckei. tbongh but UtUe
damage was done to the office proper.
«You can do it cheaper
Tbs intruders took their Ume in
than ever before in the
auking np their plunder. Tbe oon- Beoeived From Geo. Bsood,
tents of the sate included paper cur­
of the dty.
To Have Soldiers Ready.
rency. gold, silrer. notes and other raluable eecuriUce. Tbe eecnriOee were Commands at Fort Sheridan nnd Oollooked orer and earefolty replaced in
umbos Barracks Ordered to be
the safe intact. A tbonmnd dollars in
Beady for Immsdiau Service in
eltrer was rejected as bulky and bur­
Indian Trouble,
bot all the gold and paper




currency wae Ukea.
apwlsl to lbs Honufs BicaUD.
Tbe boiglars got out of town at
Chicago. Oev II.—Orders have been
their leisore and some time in adranee received here from General Baon to
of the discorery of the robbery,
have the Fourth infantry at Fort Sheri­
dan. the Seventeenth infantry at Oo'umbuB, Ohi4 held ready for immediate
aerriee for the Indian trouble in Minn
Last of tbe Liquar Law ViolationB
Oloaad Testorday with the Ac­
Tbe strength of the two commands
is about 1.000. In tbe opinion of Col. I
quittal of tbe Accused.
The jury in tbe Philip Shermar case, Barr, actiog oommander of the depart­
charged with a rioUtloa of the Ilqoor ment of the lakea. if tbey am sent to
relating to screens, returned s tbe frontier it will be because a large
rerdlcl of "net gnlUy.'" yesterday body of soldiers is needed to round up
morning. The jury, whose nnmea were the belligerent Indians sesttered
given is Tneeday's Riscxiiui. reporUd to throughoot the Leech territory with
Judge CorbeU prompUy at tbe hour as little bloodahed as poasibls. Tbe
set. 8 o’clock In the morning, and were two regimenU. according to the recharged by tke cotfrt in a few brief. porto in beadqnartcru. are in prime
hentire eeateneea, sad then re- ooadiUoa fer servioe, with the excep­
Urad. Leas than fifuan minutes later tion of a few who have not recovered
from the Cuban campaign.
it returned a verdict of acquittal.


Shoe Dp
The Children..
Our Great
Shoe Sale

Is attracting the buy­
ers from far and near.
People know good bar­
gains and tbey are not
slow' to take
tage of this opportunity
to shoe up the whole
Misses’ shoes, sizes 11
to 2. 69c.
One lot. nice styles,
Children’s shoes—the
kind that wear, 46, 69,
69, 89, 98c.
Our children’s shoes
have solid soles, leather
counters, good uppeys.
no shoddy. A look al­
ways means a sale.

.With the Biagle exception of the first
Fred Warsbuig case, who was
vleted, aod remains to be sentenced,
»r. KeUy, of ®n
all the llqodrTiolaUoo eases for this Oommittea App
e if SnperFrud Almont from aertnalne Bros., term of Circuit court are now disp
viaora Oan LegnTly AntboHse a Comand Ola Oermatne, Wife of WUl oL Tbe remaining cases oa the ealeamittat to Make a Contract
Oeimaine. Enters a OroasAeplerln dar have bMn coatisued nntU tbe next
Aside from tbe rooUne of tbe work
term, in January, 1899. Aigumeato oa
Before JosUee Ourtia.
of the board of supervisors yesterday
tbe alleged faulty oomplalato aad iaThe eomewbat noted ease orer the dlctmento in the Ellis and Whiting' ; there waa another reeolntloa introduc­
ownership of the race horse Fred Al- cases may ba beard this week by Judge ed by John Wilhelm toneblng opon the
court bouM entasgleibent. This was
mont. BOW tbe property of Germaine CorbetL __________________
a measure providing for a oommittee
Brotbeiu. af tbU city, has gone into
to examine into tbe legality of the aucourt. Yesterday before JosUceBrowu
thcriiy given the building oommittee
Dr. Kelly who claims Fred Almontis
by the board, to enUr.lnto a contract
Bd Mack, his racer stolra two years
for the coostmetion of a court bouae.
ago. and Deputy Sheriff Prorla, both
and tbe busineas connected therewith.
of Grand Rapids, secured a writ of reToe resnlt was the election of a oomat FlWaburg Teetarday.
plsrln. Jor the horse Fred Almost, now
mittee eonsUtlng of Bsrriaon Spepr. 8.
In possemion of the G«malne Broth Bppcisi te TUI Mouuiia Bacoso.
C. Dsrrow sad IT. S. Shep^. The
ers. Thf writ was serred by Sheriff
Pittoburg. Oet. 11.—This city
Btore on Baet Front stroet, to tl
Simpeon and the horse promptly reancient Jerusalem committee was snthorized to employ
, only to be tbe subject ofs by- Knlgtat Temolars and abrloeis to­ Pratt A Dsvls and such other couosel
erom-replerln. Issued on behalf of Ols day. Tbe day was beauUfuL A mil­ as they deemed expedient to act with
Oennaine. the wife of WUl Germaine, lion
___ r—w—___»______________
people, ea grand stands two
______milsa the proaeeuliag attorney,
George H. Croaa gave cooelderaMe
bUd«1 w wct«»i.e
wbo claims to he tbe owner of tbe | icm^, cad st poinu of ranUge riewed
horse, and in a few mlnntee later Fred
magnificent perade pageant. infonnatioB of a legal character before
Alment was back in the bam of Ger­ LonUrille or Detroit gets the next the board, the anbatanoe of which waa
maine Bretheru, whence be bad been coaelave. It is estimated that the pa­ that theboard could not legallydelegate
taken by Sheriff Slmpeon a abort boor rade proper waa composed of upward to a committee the antberiiy to effect e
of i.'<,000 nnlformed knights, moving in eontmet for the coastiucUoa of the
eonrt bouae,
tberefere the pro- The crowded condition* foroee
Tbe trial of the replevin oase before carriagH, on horse back and afoot.
ceedlag which has resulted in the
Justice Brown has bees fixed for Octo­
ne to sell a large quantity of
Vomaa’s Club to Meet Today.
baUdlng as tar as it baa gene, is Uber 18. aad the trial of the eroesreplevgoods at
’ in suit by Ols Oermqine will oome beMembers of the Woman's Club are
'fors Justice Curtis on October 19.
requested by the president and
Dr. Kelly and Deputy Sheriff Provio tary M. Qeiimde Sprague, to meet in
To make room for neV goods. Yon
Srcelal lo Tea Hossiss Bseoas.
returned to Grand Rapids, last eveniag the lecture room of- the
ehould take advaot^ of tbe
Chicago, Oet. 11.—The polica faallava
aad wUl come back to Traverae City church at 1:10 this aftemooa, prompts
-with their witocMcs in Ume for the ly. Tbey wUI attaod the fnaeral of they have the maa who m^e tbe thouMrs. E O. liCdd, from tbe home at 818 eaads of street ear tickets dnmped in
trial next week.
Detroit. The name of the prisoaer is
Hon. W. H. Foster was aunonneed Washington street.
aet yat made poMie.
SM Front Street
yestorday as counsel for Dr. Kelly. M.
' ToBatayBlvarfarDutdt.
C. Do^ was first retained in Ue case
and Mr. Foeter was employed to ^ist
gone to Beuy river with plenty of
Last night ths Boys' Band ware
' vriU staugbroyally antortained at the heme of B.
—Hard ar eoft.
ter dilacks for a wedi.
Ibutean OesU A Week.
E. MlUer, to boaor of the marriage of
Bverybedy who ukes Tan Monxmo
Tbs eonnty'board of superinteadenU bis eon Bert to Mlae Koyle a abort Mau
• Rxcoan can bave the Grand Rapids
—All for buratog.
Bcrmld delivemd to them alse for an of tbe poor met In annual aemlon yeeaddiUonal four cents per week, mak­ terdsy in the offiee of the chairman, O. and the youag bride and groom were Also tka Always Beady Fire Ktodlera
ing only 14 cenU per wMk fer tbe P. Carver. Tbe othmf memberu are A preeant to reoelve the hearty oongratnto start yoar ires.
heat paper in nortiieni Mlehlgan aad B. Pulver of Parad^ township nnd C. totina of thilr mnsioM friends. Mnsic
wnsnnothar fantare of tha oocaaiai
H. Ehtw of Aeise township.


Popular Shoe House.



iMarkiiam Bloct
Everybody who lakeg~TxE MoRMs-n
Br.r,>Ri) can have tl
Herald deli<ivered to them also for°n 11
additional four !Dta per week, mak- j §
■ for the A

In One!


Fancy and
Staple Groceries.

}n'o more premium tickets or premiums, after Xortmher 5th. f
Please bear this in mind :

Said:::: -

By merehaats. of tiie marit*
of tbe goods they have to sell, tbe
. judgment as to

Best Styles,
Best Materials,

Best Workmanship,
and lowest Prices.
Must be left to tbe eostom«n' deeieion.
We are glad to ahow oor neir
fnU vutor — bave you eompnru
clothe, trimmings, makee and
generul "tose’' with the other
dealers' roods, and are aaUafied
F that we’ll gel the sale.

The world lovae to get hold of the handle end of a faarguto.
than earatog money; It i« «svlag money: it is t: for <1. Tbe

PIsoea your hand on tbe throttle of extra heat st no extra ooat.
inveetment. It U epending 91 to make $3- Attached to eb
it eatchee the heat asually wpatod np the chimney and ]
robm. CoeU but lltGe.

tVe huidla the

Banner Wrappers!
Manufoctured by the Fabun Manufacturing
Oo. Every garment a perfect fit. Made of
ped Bnck, Flannel DeLain, in all coiora and ell
Bixea. Priced Sbe, 89c, $1B5 and $1,48.
We lecommeod-and goarantee theee garmenta to be tint claaa, or
yoor money Leek.
Also a large line of ready-made skirta, in black brocade, dfeae
goods and"novelties, price from 00c np to $4.98.
Come and see them. Remember tbe place.

a*« wnoxrx estrmxaB.

Style’s Thfer Thing I
This BMeonbae the stamp
of good tailortog at prtew
wtthto reach of all: even oar
$4.98 aU wool are aaita made
Utter, fit aleer than r.90
aaita abown alehwhere.



It le as


Greatly Redeced Prices


It Is bottaff


Style ie net blwaye indicated by a
faacy lirary or flashy clothes Tbsre is
much danger from overdreaalng. Tbore
is a happy mass that iadloatos t
ud breeding which sUmpe the ___
ir Ute arrivals to dress fabI beauties, their quiet eiegaaee
J1 that eould be daelred.

•S.50 maa'saU wool sulta bear
tbe BMst eritioal
Mir eatabUayieBt
‘A visit ta our
a tba most ak^iAlwill ooavinea'
Yoor maney aavwa.

Fboht Stbut.

Olaaa Block,



',-r^J 'V-'^^.’^i^fl^-H-rV'-'^'-



Oeo^ Efboks ud Oucmt
Bafmd Wer* OonTlot«d.

l. r. BAWi AJtD 3. W. HAjn.
g, W. HAnn. Hditor Md >!»•««•



VKAlef tteWkXtttPM^a Amom«
of Bobbiat Two Zadius-QUor
XiMM of Oirw-aU Oourt Mom
0««Vo Brook* wdOMuHowu^ of
Fife Loke. ocenoed of tbe loroeoj of o
teem of borM Crow two IndlUA
Ckeriee Geoero ud Anoo OrMO. wore
(onod foUtj “*■ chorRed'' b<r • Joiy in
C^mit oo«t yertMdn; *ft« » trial
ttaree-qnnrtcra of
tbe do;, ibie Radinir bj tbe Jerr
Mke* tbe tbeft one of Inroenj. M tbe
boraoe elolen wore mined M tteo. Two
Tee denu of Fife Lnka. Jeoaie


led by Mr. Oarman.
ofSanday aobool mmle waa
nlao bald. Mm W. K. Wrigbt than
led a Bible mndlag. "deed for dowor*.'
8be bad
jeeufor tbe "aaed” and dIRarcDt paeaagca were rend beariag on the anb>
tiwe allowed for it i • altogethorioo
The eeeoad lerriare of tbe eeriea wae
given by Leri T. Penatogtoa. on
•Toee Art of ttoi
lag.He divided thU Into three diviriona:
1. ToBndontbow bocIt the pnpi!
2. To enforce old tkiaga.
3. To teach new things
HeAhen enlarged on tbcee polnta In
a very helpfal way.
A very intcreetlng half-hoar
then epent Hetealng to Mm M. J. Ortffito talk of her primary methoda Mm
OriHtb 1* ta charge of tbe Primary de­
partment in the Fimt Mctbodiet ekarch
of lb I* city.
Tne evening tervloe wee keld in the'
Baptiepctanreb aad wM largely attend­
ed, theeburoh being nearly fall.
An inspiring eong service opening
the meeUng. after which Bev. D. Coehlie read a deriptar* leason and led in
The addrees of the evening vrat by
Bev. WUUamEwlng.etateenperinteodentof dnnday echeols of tbe Coagregaiional chnreh. Bis sabject was "The
next dnnday ecbool advance." Theaddreee wae masterly and tbongbtful aad

clnded in the o.
for tbe Inroeay, bdt tbey were ncquit;
tod. tbe proeevntlnr nUoraej in kU nrIt to the jnrr and JadB* Cprbett
in hie ehnire. ioetmetinf the jof? to
Acquit theB M there wee no direct eH*
dene* iaplIenUnr them in tbe theft.
Thejniy which tried the cnee wne
na lollowa; If. A. Elliot, Hlehnel OherIn^, Frank Oolpb. Henrj Coarude,
Fred d. Btearea. Charica dhaw, A. E
BraisanLAaFiutiie Barrett, £ E. Mewhooae. Chaa. Monltoo. T. J. Caraea.
Richard BrliUoa.
Tbe wltaaaea for
the people were (%arlee Oenero, Antoe
B. PINOKU of Weroo
tbe two Indiana J. O.Klaf QUea
Hodcee.. W. 8. Gardner and WiU
for OeeretetY of Mo teWell*. Th»M (or tbe defendenU were
ADOTOe S- WTKARKO of *«----Mr. Ewing epoke briefly of thegreat
Oeoive Poroka. Clande CaoUcaiaa aadBoeoon O. OIX of Bowiea.
(Tward movemeato which bad taken
Urooka Tbe jnr/ iqeat ont about 4
o’clo(!k after remarkabi;'abort addreta- place at dkfferent times in tbe world.
«B b; both W. H ‘Foeter.coaGBel for the menUoniag each men as Lather. OslUBUBOE 0- nUL of Cllaioa.
defeaea, aad ProaeoaUag Attoraep vin and Enos. Wesley aad tbe Moody
*WILUAM l^njUf»^l>>r«|BC lole.
Twaddle, ior the people, the featnre of of oar own day, who all broagU dif
nonepwtBl^dciii of PebUe laotrucUoowboee arrmatent waa a plea to tbe Jitty fexeatirntbi to tbe world. Bat the
AASUN AbaMMOND of HaioOote.
toaeqaltJeaaieClnpp aadClaade Oae* truth which today we
Jadge Corbett, ia bto charge to need toemphasizc to -Tbs tcaehing of
fbeBonDI of .Ac rslToralv (lone lotn)thejarjaleoenadoB
tltallar plea, la- tbe Bible to tbooe oauide tbe leneb of
Tbvbon jrDEiwe of kooi.
JlwMewbw Btoie Board of iCieaUoa (aken doming the worde of tbe proeecoUng. tbe Sooday ecbool.
attorne/ and aabitnaUaUj iMinteUai
The enroUmeat at the ineUtate to
r. JOHKBON of Toobleoao.
PwMowbw Mow Boom of MncoliOQ (imc tbe ja,y to bring la averdkt of
gaUiy aa ngaiaettbea* twodefendaata.
A PUR of Ooamaa.
Tbe jury wae oat aboat an boar, once lai.aa. Benzie and Oi^ Travarae.
aending tothe eoort for advice aa to
An iatereeting thing aboot tbe lasU-B(« to tbefioe display of Htemtase
the ml Be of the etolea property.
Aftei it reached iu doable verdict of by tbe pablication eocietiee of the mr8ENATOH1AL.
gmil^ against two of Ue detendsata
There to a greet
juin w.aoLusn.ofOro
and noqaltul aa against thelOtl
other two, deal of reading.for fme dUtribolioa
aad also eampic* of all their flamt pnbfor the dhf and.
S:M.coart was a4JonmedaatU d o'eloek licatioae. One soeta^ alooa, has over
tbto morning.
S(W 00 worth of Utemtare iheve.
wtujLAM B. roersB of am
Promptly on the eeamaing of> Or- Mies Sasie Oarfee also bss an ioie^
calieonrtatd o'clock this morning. a eating ditpl^ of thlogs nsefal in kin­
Jury will be empiaaelled for Ue trial of dergarten work in the iinaday eeboo:.
nee of Margaret Eieaknar againsi
■ ***iraSl25l'^WBWTOIf.
Henry D. Draves. a civil action. The
^ ^SlS M^cT^rTAR
Mile of the eaee to ■■Trespaae oa the
Toe morlng of the Wtoeboewaki
- Tbeeoonsel for tbe complain­ baildiag. whieb bas
ant to Gilbert A Gatea. and for the de­ with so many difi.*alt<ea, is still delsyfendant. Pratt A Davis. Following edand blocks Front street to the inFer dirrull Court Cuatniaalocei
this CMS wUl come aamber 3 oa tbs eoavenleace of traffic. Pat Bowes gam
esleodar, Warrva Pleree against ap tbe J <b also sad now Joe Boon bss
Bebeeca Pierce, aasampsiu The at­ t^rn bold of It aad prumues t.. do the
torneys In this ease are Tweddle A •b right
rmiw B. WALBEM.
Crow for plaiaiiff and Pratt A Darfs
William Beitaer's factory which waa




Two Good Vewapapera.
Ssffuning with next Monday uomJng the Gmad B^ids Wald will he
SUBrnred to tbe sobeeriben of the
MoBirap Bsuwo for the additional
innm eif foar cenu per week, or both
*r M cento. The Herald aad Bneono
flOgaiber wUl be delivered to
mho deelre for the price nanwd. which
In a remarkable offer. ooBaUeriag the
qnlne of both pnpem rn Mom
B ea the bmt daUy
Wmpaper north of Grand Baikda. aad
the Hemid staods la the front mnk
•mongthe gnat papera of Miekigan.
ftis offer will take effect next Monday
and every aubaerlber of the Bdcone
Ana 'profli by It aad have two good
•ewspnpem covering the entire news
Held of the world, with lateei teleFiwph dtopatebee. for little more than
«be price of one.
AU present sabeoribem of both paI will be entitled to tbe redaeed

Alfred White, twice aa inmate of tbe
etaU prisons of MicAigso. pleaded
gailtv to a charge of lareeey, when ar­
raigned. Be stole a watch and some
clothing from tbe Hotel Paagborn a
few days ago. Tbe time for seatenclag
him aa not yet beea flxed.

shat down for a week for repaim bas.
again started np with a large force of


Healer Tnifii^tesi'Bicycle SuMs

I £»vUV« &vr\s
Mrs. N. Mertes si>d fsmily left yes­
terday maroiog to Jrie Mr. Mertee at
Newberry, where th«y will make their
Fmak Wmnsky. clerk of the Park
Place hotel, left yesterdey for Umaba.
where he wi'l spend ten days at the
big cspositlon.
Oscar Bemnsretagnedyestordayf]
a trip to Kalkaska and Vaaberen.
ContUble AsbtoB will go to Fife Lake
tbto Boraiag on legal
W. C Finney of BsuU dm. Marie, to
la the city to epead a week with hie
brother. A. E Finacy. bookeeper at
William Beitaer'e tactmy.
A. Weaver was called tn Grand
Baoide yesterday by tbe anaoeneemeat
*f the death of hi* fatber-in-Uw, W. A.
Mm E A. Weaverand Mm J ad Cai

"VD. 'tdvVWVexv. |
Larger Store..Double Stock..
Elegant New Lines..

Jewelry, Silyerwarel
iDcivaned display Fine Watches


The Bars La Orlppe Cam.
There is a* nse soffcirriag from this
dreadful malady, if ym
tbe right remedy. Yon are ba<

^tb« c«^

A aoo4 w«.m
CoaL Aftll SATt

______ __
, .

oforder.bave do appetite, no lifeori
ambition, have a bad cold, in fset are,
maehand Rid- Ola/Hx in

neys. lone up tbe whole syste
make you ferl like a new being. Tbry
saranteed to cure or price refaad?'or sale at the Dme Storm nf S.
E Wak aad
. Johsoa. Only soe
Vr botUe.


Fine line 8Uk UmbrellAB.

BARNUM &.EARL, a“^“'

natil aftercamimi week.
SergL E W. Aostin of Fort Leama-! _
worth, to a goest of Mtos Minnie Beit- ■





Oar store witboot seetaff our VeffetabTe exbttHt We btv»
ye«r. end thi* one caps them all. We bare a*^
our s^ott icindctt.



You seen our

To Im!”

I lilt

J. W. Cliffs aad Mr Benjamin of tbe '
W. W. Kimbelt mnsiw- store returned
It to a besu'y. You do oot>avc to
yasterdsy from Chicago, where they
proenred a large line of small instro- have any leaves or fliliog sronad in the
It*, mosioal merebandiss and the way. It to alwavs ready to extend—I
latest sheet mosie nniob tbev wiU ex.:, Any little child t craVs oM eao extend |
hibit in the display window of the it And tt eosu no m are thsn any nice I
store. .
VMwnl loetttnte Affbrdn^p
We have s finr line of rxtenslrn;
Per BrU^t TbonEbto
R. J. Cooper, late of Eaton Rapida. Ubies—ovrr 40 d ffereat s^lce—from t
has opsMd a aeatana attraeUve berbrr flf.M up. We will save yoa money on ^
Veefkl BaggeeUone.
TbeSaaday School Normal that to abop aader tbe cdBce ot^the Hotel I f araltnre.
being held in this city wae opened on
Meaday evening in the Preebyterlaa
ehareh. Owing tothe very rainy westh- class tiade.
Giaed Travmae eoanty cao boast of
the attendance waa smalt bat the
aaother pair of twins. Mr.^ and Mrs.
a wasexeelleat.
songesrrier led by Rev. J. C Cm-- Freak Caofleld. of Silver Lake, wel­
a bright baby boy and girl into
man opened tbe eeesioa. after which aa
inepiriag addreta was given by Prof C.
^ Hold on rtiere a minute!
H. Horaon, ‘The Bible Teacher's Privln thery
Jega" Professor Horn spoke flrst. very be a meet^g in tbe pariore of tbe Con­
to- Do yon want to buy any
gregational eheroh of tb« Woman's
Home and Missionary society.
E L. Carter has hrenebed out in tbe
BOB or throogh tclephoae number 23.
hm to the bearn of her puplle.
aadertokiag basiatas. He has pur
TBxaetionof I
^ev. J. C. Carman gave some aeefal chawd the stock of H. A.
Twaddle in filing a peUUon fiyawrit "pointers'' ia hto closiag talk. One 314 L'ahm etreet. aad will
BAmiandamas to compel County Clerk was ibat three U's are aeeeesery Tor a U with hto stock la bis preaeat qaarto toene aa order for tbe pey- good Bandsy acbooi teacher to bare la ters.
•ent of the bUl for extras cUimed by hto or her poMesalon. Tbsyare. Grace.
Tbe ofgan fund of the Rptoeopal
Etetractor Gibson, may be for tbe in- Grit and Ureeabaeka There are also ebarcb received a eabttaaUal benefit
•■rests of tbe people but It appears on the three Ts which are TAleat, Tim* lavlrvening. at tbe aoeiaJ held at the
I lace of it as though Ur. Tweddle
home of Mr. aad Mn. b. Garland. A
'esterday mirnlng’s msetlng
wns arting in behalf of tbe eoairactor.
liberal rrepoOM followed the cordial
«md architect, rather than for Ike especially good and so wis the atl«»d. iuviuUons iwoed One of the pieaeant
It bae been saggeetad also
features'of tbe program were scleeAa InspiraUoa eerriee, syfaieh
mt enito of this nstare in behalf of
by Ur Uantfleld. a oommercial
truly an iaariration opened tbe aervlee
laeonnty, ahonld first be aotborised
msB of Hmton.
and was led by Bev. P. E Whii
Whitman of
tbe board of supervisors
Harry Bsc'^ i, advanoe repreaeetaUve
from ihs gratlty of tbe charges made
R'jan'sL^'medtoi.B, is ia ibe city
>e flrst of s series cf tea lectnre*
the proceeding
was then gives by Prof. C. T. Orswn, cumpletiog arraagcmeala for- the at­
traction, e-bicb is to appear in bteiaon tbe snhjecl, • Some Important Edu­ bergs Grand next week. Tbto » the
cational Prindplea." 'Tkis talk had in company which played to aneh good
WBATxvna the reel parpoee of the
ntny gdod thlays, which each bosiaess ber* last spring, with a fine!
When you are in and
peUtion for a writ of mandwaas filed
Jher approprUted to bimlf for use


1.1. sum, ikHse msim.

Kfglit just A*

burn it




•7 Cor floor


COBtB you.

niNNAti & Ur CO.

Well look at thts:-

Ewaal seat diairs far aal|f $U5.
As gaad aa ana chair as there is ia the
6 caiie saw ctairs far aalp $3.50.
city far $1.00—Oar price is aaijr
^ A «aed seat ratter far ailp SOt.
^ A Oigii batk, saHil aak, caae seal reeker, A aim bad with camd headbaanl,$i.40.
I: far aalp OSt.
A cheap, piaia bed far aaly $1.15.
looking around for bargains, don’t lorget to look

— through our couch room. We have a large and fine assortment of couches. The

Ladies, clean your kid gloves with
■re the effect of bringing the coartiller Ulovriine. It to not a liquid,
boose eontroversy Into the conrU book. "Teacblng and Teachers" was
se eord
rrior and eaa be need while
qaicker than would oiberwiee have given by Mi«. P. E. Whlusan of Mnrtb- the glove to
> been the case aad the matter will the
Bvv. J. C. Oarman ooadoeted the flrst
»ore quickly be nounglrd.
ofaserireoftbree Bible leesoDS. Tbe
Atrttan tets A WssE
ibjectwas, •'Okrtsi in theOidTeeu
Everybody who takes Tan Mpuixe
Bkoobp uao faavr tbe Gr>cd Ksuids
e coodocted by
Hrraio • xivrrvd• to then

1. and the
anbjeet of
Ad jiUonal
fuor oenU per week mak
finpfirlmiteadeat." wm
. 14 oania per i
g only
hsat paper it urthern Micblgso aad •<> Intereating that It
bard to eloae
the bast mcL..__
.. paper la tht and
no go to aiaaert
atate. Telephone S3.
The nfUmoMMCelon was opened by Shop opposite Eagle office. |

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-fate Painlw
ail Paper Haacet

I .n

fine line of wbeele for nl«
J. C. ELLIS, 3U Front street, east.

— cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully guaranteed l<jr two years, for only$j.5a You can surely save money by buying your fumimre of us.

Our house

^ furnishing department far excels anything shoivn in N’orthein Michigan.
The place—





thAt IM ^ t>]RB » 1


Ab AdTortiBOd,
»reto4MM«wteita «z«r* work Asa 1 tke Job. »Wefc ifc* •r»Wl«t«Ul*ed he died In Um airM.
tbeir dedBioB AbAlI be floAl.
done; A»d tbe »ld ooAMct forMr*. Mai7 a. Hnwkim of Bny Citj.
OUT Una of Plngroa
4ih. Yoar pMUtoMr (Artber Rpr*-1 (b«r |*o«id«d..................................
bne been frnated n pennten of tit a
MttUtbstnAid bnildln* nommittoe on | nlon eboeld be npprored hf tbn eom* month <m Acaoontof b«r eon BoWArd,
tholTthdAyofaeptember, A D . 18M.: mlttee. which wn. fonnd npon iaspeo' wbowma one of the beroe* wbowent]
P«titio& for Ott« Mod by held A neetinc At the oSoe of CAid ; tlob of tbe recede of the praceedlnce down with the MAine in fUennA he’ >
WilliAm A. Kewton. in tbe eltp of jof tb« m-etin( of cAld oommlttee on bor. Thlc U the flnt penelon tTMUd
Prooeaator Twoddle.
Tmeerae Cl^. nnd thnt All tbe mem-; tbe 17ib dej of September. A. D. 18»6
.fee on Arconht of th»t
, ben of Mid oommlttee wm prreent. i to bnre been done M heretofore rep^ | dleAeter;
cbAlrmAnofjeented.AndtbAtbeAdrleed eoid oom-1 The body of Mm. N ek Tbompeon.
eeideopiBittee, OAlled enld meeUnf to mlttee to then end there pny tbe bill who U mUclDf from jneoherille. hne
nnd tbnt enid WUUab A Newton nndertheeirenBBtAdaea.
not been found yet, nnd it U beliered
Who iti AoeoMd ot FitlMly order,
Btb. Tour petiUoner fnrlhm- repre- now tbnt ebe hne wnndered nwty in A
then end there neted as elcrk of enld
eommittee At enld omtinc. And mode mte tbAl tbe leid ooatreetor hne nd- fit of temponry IneAnlty. Her hueTmotcriblog B*oord
the foliowlof piinotm of tae proceed- rleed him tbnt if enld bin U not paid band, who Is etlll eonfied in the eonnty
icseof enld baildlnr oommlttee in a twitbin n reeaonnble will hrinr Jell. UlU n eUAtrhtforwnrd etory, nnd
Of rroeeedinfre.of Bnlldint Oommitcnit nOAincl enld coenty to reeorer tbe hie toetimony CAnnot be sheken.
eemteh book lued for that
toe—Proneentdr Seeki to Ooopel Uodlog to Afterwerde enter the eeme
>nt of enM Mlbend tbnt It U neceeAn loiAne man named Bank TomeOle^ Mewton to Xnaoe Order for npon n book prorided by enld commit-Imt; in order to enbeer therirbu of
{tan emted a blr eeuation at Mnako^ by Jnmplog throl,b . window nnd
Pnrmmt of Bill for Oonn Boom teeforrecordlnCthe ttlnnim of their the pntlic. tbnt the enid Wllllem
------------ -----------._0
'' '
r •
Aod ....
tbe said Jnrdan W
E. Mewtua record »k»
the ..P—r.t
proecedlnga of utitir.
eaid diaappearinraae.
y as if aaalQlbeon having preeented n bill for ex- committee had on the 17th day of Sep­
Another ebnpier in the eonnty eonrt Un work nnd msterlals, nod Itemm -d tember. IBM aa In truib end matter of
kpMi rnmlttwersy wne opened yceter- by tbe nrehltrctc. B-ish,
fact they really were, and execute and
Della Medema, the
dny by Proeecntinf Attorney Tweddlo. Baah. aod approved oy them, and the deliver to tbe anId Jordan S. Gibson
wbo filed A petition, nlleged to ne on value of tbe same eatlmaiad by them bia order
.p- -reBsi^Rr of Grand »-yenr-oid daogbter of Mr. and Mrs.
bebnlt of the county, in which n writ all aeoerdiog to eald eooliact. amoani- Trave-*e c-i.ui./.aa be is I* dniy bonnd J'lhn Medema, died Monday of lockjaw
of-rnmndamuc It npplleo fnr to oompel log in all to the enm of alx tbonaand todofortbeatnount of asid bUI. or a* the rt-ault of ruouiog a rusty nail In ^ ;
Oonnty Clerk Newton to isene an order •even hundred and thirty-two dollar*
:b part thereof as has not been paid ber f- ot nbout a week ago. Tbe wound : 9
The Old Reliable Sboeman.
Friday night was ypareotly heal- { *
lew the payment to Contrmetor Oibaon and twenty emta, .<S6.73;80). which i In order to nare the aaid conoty from
* Worzborg Block ^
log. when lockjaw rtHfte-iiyael In.
J 118
---------Front Street,
^ amovnt of hie bUI, Se.73t.CO. for 'eald mlnoM in regard to aaid bill ap-1 nwdteaa litigation, nod in
At Tecommh. the body of Kr*
extras in tbe eoort honae oonatmei^on. peared npon aaid acrateh boo*, as lol-1 vrttb tbe Joatiee in tbe eaee, and in or,
■. .-—i.,,—
aleo to oncDpel him to correct eertain )owa;
[der tbat the anid county ofGrandTrav- Bower, n farm labsrer, waa found !
sinatec of A mwung of Jie building
“A motion was made thnt tbe bill of
may not be deemed to have broken bnngiag in N U Suttuo'a barn Sun­
He had been mleaiog since Tbura-1
h are Alleged to hare J. B. Gibson be allowed. The moUoo Its contract with tbe mid Jordon E
been falae'y l
waa carried, Mr. Perry mtiag in the Oibaon in relation to aaid coart booae. day. Despondency was the cause of I
Judge Corbett iaaned no order for legatiee,” ae will appear by tbe a«lalotb. That your petitioner has no bU nev Be was eeriootly burned In
lump exploatun l*et March and was nnCounty Clerk Newton to ahow 'nauae vlt of Jordan E. G;beon, Vv. A. Bovr- other legal tpecifie remedy and <
on ^eClatofthla month whyaneb
mnn. John Pnlcipberand B. 0. Ladd,
able to work.
writ ebonld not be gtented.
marked exbibiu “A"
“C" and ‘-D ’ kid of the People'* writ of
CorreapoBd with the Trsvene City Lumber Oompuny.
Tbe petit
petition explain* itMlf nnd ia reapectieely. and which ore made a by tbe Inierpoeltton of this honomble
We have for sale Good,
part of this petition.
M follow.;
State of Michigan. To the Clreuit
Your peGUoner therefo
OoagregaUooal Church, ThU
Cosrt for thecounty ofOmnd Trarene •enu that the aa(d WillUm A. Newton, a writ of maaaamua may
Your peUt^Mer. John J. Tweddle. knowingly, wtlfully, falsely aod snr- liam A. Newton, Oonnty Cleric of
yrioeeenUng Ator«*y >»
firwld repUUr.naly enUred In anid book, pro­ Grand Travene Onunty, aad clerk of
Th* mnaicnl and liUrary pregram to
ooenty of Grand Trarerae, nnd who vided to the rroorda ot the
be given at the Congregational church |
baa held hta aaid o9m ainee tbe firat Inga of aaid building committee aad him to enter In hU buck ofproeeedingu this eveolag, promisee to be a rare enday of January, A. O. 1M7. and ehew* contrary to bia aaid minutes entered in of cold bonding commitive. in accord­
for tboee fortunate enough
his aaid acrateh book, the foliewiog ance with tbe faev and eo that they t^bepraernv Misa Mabel White hae
•nto thin Honorable Coon:
lav That at a lagally called meet­ forged, lalae find counterfeit worda wUl ahdw that aaid bill of Jordan B charge of this program, and that, of
ing of the Board of Superrieor* of aaid writing aodVenord of tbe
Oibaon for extra work and
luelf. la a guaranty of tbe excellence
County of Grand 'TraTerae. In the cprlog of aaid vriVnnder dnteof
to six thousand aerea hnn- of the treat prepared. Tbe program waa
Hill M«chiDrryQ{»llde«eriptioiu,incIoduigTwoEDguiM,
Of the yenr A. D. ie»8..nnd of ter the
tembmlTth. IWB:
dred aad thirty two dollar* aad twan apeeially dealgnad as one of tbe enteranid county hndnoUec
tf cMitn (•e.T3t.»l was allowed and
Set Works, Carriages an$ Saws. - A complete Saw Hili Pluit
lU for the Saoday school workraiae the anm of Tbirty-five thouaand
approved by aaid building oommittoe.
bere. The program ia aa fol­
for sale.
dollar* (S3&.000.00) for the pnrpoee of hundred and thirty-two doUara and •t their meeting held -on the ITtb of lows;
building a CourVbonae on iU cite in tbe twenty le lU (*6,733 #0) for extra September laat. and correct tbe record
et^ of Trarene CKy. in eaid coun^.by work and maUrial be allowed.Mr.Pol- thereof.
Second Sonata................................Bohm
a which were then aod them cipbR voting In favor of allowing tbe
And farther eommaadiog him to oxJette aad May Strong.
adopted and morded. duly appointed bill, mod Mr.Perry votingagainat It Mr. ecute and deliver bia order *pon tbe Bnaa Solo....................................Selrcted
a eommittee known at the Court houae Walker explaiued that be wUhed tbe Conaty Treusnrerof Grand 'fraveree
C. F. Hunter:
g of John Pnlciph- bUI laid over in order that an oppor­ County, to Jordon B Gibaao for tbe StntM Posing............................ ................
•r, John A. Perry and Fred B Walker, tunity might be had Co examine into amount of enid bill, a* to jiuthm nod
Bbea Martin.
pll eapervlaora in aaid county of Grand tbe ebargea made io the bill, aod the right be ought to do. and tbat rack Vocal Dnet-'-In the CroM of Christ we
taeerae, nnd Wiliiam A. Newton, authority of the eommittee to allow other order may be bad In the premiaeo Olory....................................................
elerk of eaid board of eupervlaora and ibceame and that if it wee bia duty asJuaUoe may require.
Meaarv White and Hnater.
County Clerk of enid county of Grand as a member of tbe eommittee to vote
Joa* J. Tweddlr,
Piano Solo. Grand Valeeop tS. .Chopin
Trarerae, na clerk of
yea, he would eo record hla vote."
Louise Buck.
wboeednty among other thlnga was
6tk. Your petitioner further rep'e
violin Solo, II Trovatore Faolaale op
and la to properly, correctly aod troth- eeniathet the nroeeedihga.of aaid build
91........................................J. B. SingUslee
' fatly aote. Uke aod ree rd all the pro iug committee upoo tbe aaid 17th day
Blnccbi Ba
eaedlngi of aaid committee when in ot September, in reference tj tbe atld
BeclUlioa '■Paltatiiiii ' Eseraon Brooka
Matter* of Intereat Fn n
aemlon, aod act as clerk of eaid com­ bUl of Jordan & Gibvon of alx tbooCam U'NrII.
Still OB top. Best cigars for tbe money on tbe market
mittee at each, every and all meetinga aand aeven hundred nnd thirty iwo
v'Plano f>oet. ■■Spauivb Dance___ Rolat —Union made, too.
Porta or
of Michigan.
. held by them, and to make, execute dollars and twenty eems, iS*-, 73t.20)
J-tte and May Strong.
Vocal Solo "The Better Land'' -Cowen
wereanbvtantlallT aa follow*, to wit;
About on*-third of the SOO-aere cab­
treaenrer of said county
Mrs. A. H. Bollidsy.
•■Sept. IT. JBdij Hill of J E Gibaon bage crop at Three Oak* will prav«a
Sold by all dealers. ,

Tonnetier Block.
Trarene to the o
Piano Solo—"The Last Hope"
732 20 for extra work, and matjr- failure.
;« of the architect bae beep laU was prearnu-d. Mr Weaker moved
Antonio DjU wn* breaking rock with
made and filed with him of tbe work to lay tbe same on tbe table until next
Miaa Joeepbine Vsder. « «
n hamnter nt tbe Csndy mine, Qsiaeaee
done by the contractor io p
meeting of tbe cnmeiittee. Tbe yeaa tbe hammer atruck tbe hanging wall
bia contract, nnd aleo to make, execute aod pays being demanded the
ani*. rtbenoding. bit Dota on thr head,
and dclivbr faU order upon eaid reeu’led aa fo low*: Yeaa. Walker;
fruciuring hU eknll. He died in a few
} the eaid eoatfneior.
nay, Pu'-loher. Prrrv. Mr. Polclphei momenta.
to nnsble him toproenm his p.yfor aoy moved that the bHI of J. B rilhaon for
At Ctaebjygan Uie adopted non of
and nil work nnd all material done or 90 T37.SO for extn wtirk and maUrial
County Poor Saperlateodeol Brogan
furnished na extrn. nnd In ncc >rdanct be allowed: auil''B anpporied by M>.
was shot dead while bunting with
with the contract between the aaid Walker. A yra Afid nay vote being
Uoc of the boys
county of Grand Trarerae and tbe con called for by Mr Puielpher. Hr. PulciWhind Brogan aluobled nnd bia gnn
tracKir, mid after a bill for any extra rher aod Mr. Walker voting ye* the
waa discharged Thr c-mleaU went inI’e'-'.v. ooelared the mo- \o Brogan's back,
wor^ or maU-rlat kaa been |>re*iBUa ctilmw.
to said commlttea,tDd SMiroved by the
Oar Trek ipzrepl Wedandari
Oobba A Mitcbel of CadlHae, Uich..
archltccu aod aai<i bdlldlogcommittee, ' ?ad thtt tbe said record of said pro­
ceeding* npon the I7tb day of tieptem has* lately pnrehaaed 17.000 acre* of
then up«* repneat < f aaid e.
ber. 1801. are fa'ae, and not ia aeeird- hardwood laUda Io Hudson and Cbaudaoee with tbe fvbtaaa wlU appear hr Ivr lownabipe. Cbarlevoix conaty. at a
tbeaffilevit* of J .<in I'ulclpb-r. Jor- price of 91Sl.«*3 The lands were own­
Id. Your petitioner further repre- dar E OitMon. W N. Bowman, markm ed by tbe Grand Bap'dsA lodlqp* Bailroad Company. It ia aaid that the pur­
■entothal John I’ulcip'rr. J ibo A- -B- -A" and •€• te*pectlvely. ami
chasers bevr al»o been buying exien- ; Opealer Uoodar vmlag In tbe beauUtol t-art
Perry and Fie i B: Walker, committee hennoloatUcUd and made a part of
•irely from private parties aod picking
as aforaaa^d. for and in behalf of said ibik petition.
Ulle* eonreying Gmber iauda in
eounty ol'Orand Traverse, and by
tbority vested in them, made and en- aenu *h*t on tbe 17 h dny of Srpicn
Indian Commie'ioner Jooe* in bit
tnred into a W'nlrnct with one Jordan { ber. IRM, nnd after n.ld bulldtar
■ana' reotri for ihe fi-cal y--ar ended
E Gibson to bni;d said court bbuae. | miiUr bad approrod the bill of nix
>01100and fomirii the necaaaary material | thousand aaven hondrad nod tniny- Jnne3, 18IH. sey* that ibe d
therefor, in aecnrdarce with cerlninjtwo dollar* and twenty eenta, (S>. nneeof tbr Kroteataot r-oatraei >tcbool
Bay Mills. Mirh.. Uareabuloue Pro-'
plana and ^ecifleattou adopted by 7 i:.7u j. of Jordan B. GIbnoo. a* welL
Kod (n aceordaaoe with aaid cop- j aa bad tbe urehitecta, the aaid Jordan | teaiant !hool in tbe service, the Johi
Lota of •neeialiiM by entire eompany
of j Bobertv aeboul on the Sboabone reaer.
,;e Gibaon then and there 1
tnet which plan* and ap
tbe aaid William A. Newton an order j vation io Wnahington. C<
> not miaa hearing tbe fine band aad
were made a part thereof.
Ever Burned 0«if
3d. Your petitioner farther repreWatch for the parade.
nenta tbat io anid ctmUnct it la pro. eonnty In order that he might proenrr : achooi and the Uarbr.r Sprluga, Mich,
If ao yon know
WIU b. iQ TiBVrrw Otf. prote«loo*llr.
{|iaBO,t.«tol«Ui. WUlarfoaad
vided nmoog other thing* that the his pay upon aa^d bill, aod which tbe sebnol for which the government paid
* tfieralneof
to tbe former and 93.078 to tbe
nrcbiiecU will auperinicnd tbe work aaid William A. N-wton thro'and
f9r the board of anperriaom. Interpret there nbaolutely refused to execute: latter.
PAxw.ff-. a. oe-way.
nnd ddlirer to him. .tad atill does peg-1 At Dtiyle while SutinnmaatcrOaaton
PricM—10. 20*ndsoe. '
the drawings and writioga nnd give nil
SeaU wUl be placed on «ale at Box Borglcal <-»<«. sneh as
aeoMOnry instruction* for th* work, lect and refuae to 00 ao. according to ^ was trying to signal a train tbe aei
r\r. ebould prreent ibrmrrlt'T,
aaid exhibit -A" hereto attached and ] pbore wire beeame entanglad. 'Toad- Office.
——------- — Ibr daei/jrn ,
decide on the qanltty. quantity nnS
j just it be cllmhad to the top of the
«f*th*rr°*w*Trra»re tq
TOlne of the material! offered, omitted, made a part of thia petition. ^
if>-.Prlrr* Also erw>rv of irtfacltea wrv-WC
8th. Your petitioeer fuirberre prr-1 nole, slipped, end in fsHiog eangbt on
daimed as extra, or fumitbed by tbe
and gU~r» lomlsb-d.
board at their ept.-iu, nnles* a price is aenl* ihit on • r sbun*. the 2H;h d*y of'apjtruFog spiks.*!'! w»>*j billy
Bbew* Dr. Mtxrr**
1898. be was called upon aa; Injufed that 12 atiiche* were required
d io writing and
wui andlt all clalto* agaiaat tbe ooun-1 pmaecuting atlorcay of said county by | to elnec tbe wound.
« ajrrsp. Thirmnrdr
Vj for exl^nalon of time, for d*nmf*ai«*W
whether j At Houghton tbe ArradlanC pperC*^
Bemember thnt I do all klnte of re­
Otw HoKamara-s She* SUa*.
„d like maiiera. etc., aod on tbeae 1 ««•
and that 1 eaa
. and mameUng. and
«u.u tn. arcblteef. dmtWon. appro*.' P~7* *ald bill •6.732.20 of Jordan E .haft and rock honam. tn be .baol^^
and do give yon tbe
the beat w
I MSBdt withest a
In tbe city for the money,
Sbv tbe oommiltoe will bind allcoiniEillee waa fire proof. They will, when completwll
FINK DENTAL WOEK. be_ deceived
by what other* tell yon t
Also that tha board of anperrit. I then in aemion, and be then aad there 1 which will be thi* wAtef. be the «1y
gf *r>. CoUrr*. Fcrcr
tbe eontrary. but come aad aee for.
i« tbro*gb tbeir committee re«rve aKerUtned that lb# value, of the ex-, onm of their kind intbeoopperdl.triet
the right to order through the arcbl- tra wutk and maUrial included in sold
At Midland. Sunday momlog. Samuel
I gnaraatM all my work to be right,
nsr« /4<fi~T/r»t>vW*H.
aad U it doe* not pcore *0 I make il
loctt any change In tbe work wltisoat bill wn* not, n«r bad it been mutually ] A. Orth, aged 30. of Anderuon & Orth,
dmggia’a. waa foned in hU atore in a
8.R, A'eerxrveiseBBiCM
' Impairing the contract, the valnn of
Sti» in till 8 o'eloek every eveatag.
_i« boiUe enpucr bean
■neb changes to be mnUUy agreed upsigaatiuv as bct« given el
extsept Sunday, In tbe OaldweU h tonterabaoiBicpain jdon boUdlng, at north aad of Ooiom
'm haforehnnd in writing, and in de- ing aaid oonrt booae bad mada pro- of cblor anodyne taken tba ayenf ng be­
of «Bch agreement the nrdsiteeta viaiena tbat in caat aoeb agreement fore for atimmrik teonbie. - Doctors
mi. 'tmaal and w ->t
fix tbe valuation, nnd their deter-- wa« not agreed on beforebardln wrlt- worked over him all day, aad in tbe
• vetuandfsrmaklBd
LacfeBexJII. Heatfaw*. Ml*.
4labtioR^nll bd^nal aad eonc-urivu. Ibg.ibeo Uiv archiiecuab>Mi d«alimaiw nfteroooo be rovlooA en«Hgta to




Our complete Fall and Winter Linells in.
Call and inspect them.

If You Have Logs to Sell


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.



Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-6 Cts.



Best Yet!

Steinberg’s Grand

See These Hnsss!

Opera House.

I will be at the Brodhagen & Wlschnew.
ski Barn, or European Horse Hotel, October
18 th, with 80 head of horses and mares. -


Best Draft Horses
JL^ybt Shipped.

Hondaj, Oct 17.

.Ernm 6 to 8 years old; weight, 1800 to
ISjOOv' From the finest and best stock farms in
NOTthern Indiana.
Prices right Better stock never offered in
! Northern Uiebigan.




Specialistin Diseases of the Eye

Fun! Fun! Fun!

At The Cottage Home.









.:C. f;






Ve«* Vou* *r

. VooDg Hr. Bailey of T<um

ht obtained a renomlnaHoo to eengrem.


4m d^pnek tbe keynote of antluxpaDaion,
d bad rejeo^ tbe doO'
trine of national iaolaiion arid apecUic
ally declared in favor of tbeacqniidtian
■ol new territory.
to a apeerb delivernl at Cfaatbai

to whom she waa married eight-yeara

Among the beat known of tbe

booka written by Blanebe Willia How­
Word oomet tram Paria that tbe
ard are -Ooe Hummer." •‘Gaenn."
floanced akirt ia a thing of tbe peat
■‘Anat Serena" aad “Tbe Open Dmc."
there, bnt Eugliiib end Amcrioan wom­
Mnet of her worjc faai been tbe delinea'en will not accept tbia anoonucemenL
bave jaat ukun to it with tion of Amerieaa. and eepeeially New
Haglaad life.
Cloae fitting Jacket, of colored mel­

CapUln Oeaeral Blanco

baa Mined a

ton. notably to national bine, bnnteai' decree permitUag thoae aoloiera. both
■v^, ti. «b« blBlu «r. B.U.; KrDck | ^
::yranu, are made like a dreae regular* and volanwera.whu have aerva new keynote
W ar revenoe and war, „
ronndud to front
ed tbeir eooBtry aU yeira. aa n quired
ita barden. Tbe | wd baviag their taila enl off eqnare «
by law. to remain to Cuba Some of
•dminiatration party waa to be attacked ' in a aligbUy ronudod atyle.
tbe aoldSera will Uke advantage of tbe
(or having paaaed a war rereone bill
Tbe ueweet chatelaine ieiuadeof amaad layidown tbeir araa
wbicb provided for tbe laananee of toTbe ambei clasp ia uionnted to
gold, and gold ebatoa
la bold
variona am- to enter peaceful paraniu bere.altboagb
tem>t bearing bonda He aaid;
ibe aatboritiee believe a large namber

“We'oppoeed tbe pawage of that bill
.bwatiae we believed it antboriaad an
■ry mlo




booda. and tba condition of tbe Creaanry
provea cooctoaivcly tbat we were right.



monnted in gold

A Daniab ' ***^


(fermalae Broa. la tbe method

I eampaign for


Etoce big round mrf aqnar* ocllare : tba wife of Dr. von Teolfel. pbyiwrlan 1

ularity with tbe Totera of fall diatricL

altbongh the Tuaa Demdency to oon-

Edttob or HoBKiaa Bacoan-Kladly
oorrect the li

pointiontbepteeer-iof proeaedlag toeaUWIah ay claim to
acieoliri giT<
TBtiou of tbia
tbii import
rtant article of food. ! tbe bone known la thia city by tbe
Tbe metboda of kllli
kllliDg tbe animal,
name of Pred Almont—bnt a verbal
Kew* baa Jaat been received of tbe oordiug to bia tbeory.
gwtly al;„UeoderaUodtog
Haalob.Oermaay. of Blanebe, f.ait. Tbe animal mnu be f<tmtiMl. not
brilliant aa deathin

today wae aatUfaetorly adjaated \ij
WUlla Howard tob Tenffel, a well: killed, and inataotly tbe ready aaaietact
tbe attoroeyi of both sidca.
I 'am
________ kaowa Ameriean anlborem. 8be wae' with a abarp knife ea a to the heart
w- w ,

a feature of antama
eonaiitinRof a aailor
tnmed b^ enffa of malieae lace are in

When, by reaaon ci bia peraonat pop­


In Soatk IMoU Um wese* ara

_____________ ____ ________ _____



Tbe general opinio at tbe iatiiiaUon of meat ia that
>at tbe

of tbe blood ia tbe oatue ot mnob of tbe
any breaeb offaitb belwaaea myaelf


rytog OB a meal

oo winter gowni, and good reanlia at*
obtaiDod to aaUn, valret or ribbed ailk.

%e making a qtecialty thia yearof atrik-



A Word Yrom Or. Hally.

rvMervatlea «f MmL




will cbooee to return to tbe penlneu'a.
silver gilded filigree



Thia allow. ‘--^7 of »o markad partlcnlar wb.cb 1




ti time tbe meat la to be kept, ii ibto^ | laatter
ktwr of ides'
IdenUtv beyond all doubtby a powerfnl pomp tbmngb tbe nninJnted ventricle and tbeoce in tbe vein,
Da. C. W. Kellt.
of tbe entire carcaaa. Tbe operation ia
an extremely aimple and abort one. and
imnudiaiely apuo ita completion tbe
animal can be dteaaedand cot up. Htat


Bucklen-a Aniiea Salve.

Thb Baar Sai-vn ia tbe world
baa b>en kept three mootba with perfect
Outo, Braiaee.
Uloera. Salt
aatialactiou nudur tbia form of treat­
ment. Thia dlatnvery opena new poraiBanda, Cbilblaina. Coma, a
biJitii-e to tbe way of preaerving meata
>Uosa. and poaltivelv eurea Piiaa,
and i^-witbost (be objeetiooi nanally
> par required. It la guaranteed
nigud to other waya of removing tbe to give cerfeei aatlafaeUon or atone;
refunded. Price tSeenU per box. F
aale bv J. O. Jobnton and 8. B Walt
Hand Writtra Bible.
Some men have queer bobbies, and a
remaikablo one ia tbat of a Olmagow
man who baa Ki<etit the leiiaire of four
yeara in rewriting tbe Scriptnres. He \ —



IM. aiikr ‘ ne-. kUo-i TWiblft.Oae.wTMa.UMa
SOMaia. uraar I'Uftaar ol (he Hetuol MviMii.-sm

(.LOCDOK.DeoUat.OVce. I, M^bi
ia a ivimpoaitor witjr a wundurfal gift' T
pointed a revolver at Miaa ,ucu...u.
of to'niag ont beantifnl writing, .uu
and -------------------------------------,
while out walklog. Tbe ' in th. time mentionod be baa managed . O U bro^. ^


Anewmake of caebmerel. j»rt cn-

the ventrida

depending in strength opnu (be length i farther




:uezL irwill find tbe aarplos to tbe

a UATCa.Xuerfora- Bprclal »I
inawrrobaieprarUcc. BooBaBaae
aille Oo Bl«<k. ______________

r._________ __________ w. u.j-PlndirgTt-rae Will ba'
r.'w r^e, wiilvxcu-d ibr amount received : ,geot to makeairappinga and'revera on
from tbe sale ot IkuiUh. tbos demoD- | mveie gowna
•tmting mat tbtre wa. im ut^ty for j

i H.Rol-

«Dd aee joat when the war wei going to
end and bow niurb it waa going to coat
end be ia rarpnwd that tbe men who
voted for the war revenue bill did not

.ki-'w all about it
Hut suppnea evenU bad been differ'mt Soppoae. for inetauca, tbat a vioient Morm bad arimo and driven Sampwon's ships from tbeir sution at tbe en’Rranoe to Santiago harbor, tbns pennitXet aa suppose (bat General Torsi bad
ibeld ODt but a little longer against Genwral Sbafter’sarmy.
wbicb the best mil-my, wbicl

i Norfolk Oct. 18.
The emperor of Germany is nld to |
Big foreet fires in Colorado are again
be baring plays written on tbe glory of
gaining, and tbe town of Gothic U
tbe Bobensullcms.

Bailey: bence they fvovidod tlic governinont with sofiicjeui muau. t<i pneecute
tbe war

to a


it alionld


last two roouibs or

neocssary to seonre

revenne to carry oo that war.
And now Mr. Bailey bos that particu­
lar aort of temerity wbicb in Texoa is
known us "immaculate gall" to desig­
nate tbe war revoone bill as an ieane to
the congressional campaigns
Having attempted to make an imue
-of tbeadunnistration'sexpani
laion policy
blindly and
and (ailed, he bae groped blindl

dared tbe landiag of sallora to protect
the Japxneae legaUon at Pekin.

timber market to Northern Mlanaeota

ness in Mr. Dickson's new play, “Histakea Will Happen.”
John Hare begins with "Tbe Prayer,”

There U unusual aeUvity ia lbs pine
and Wisconsin.

weeks ago, baaI pri.vt-d a big raocesa
nd in ber repertory dnrand will be need
tog ber Doming American tour.

Several large

abipa paiote
ited black. Under a tropical
Ban an iron toip ia boi enongb under
any cot
>10. There does not seem to

number of








ttambo atoted tbat the lose of tbe hair
to the brief period was due to grief and

TravaiseOi^ MoAei.

mOB atLK-XUrbt-rrer-Ald msrv\ verrIaKv,
A robe* *n4 wble: «eatl» lt«r*e. •MT keepr^^»hf->*U. enquire of Dr. R iBc.Htr.

OaU per bn (old)...
Corn per bn., old...
Salt per bbl
Bran perir

But n ctiUU you when Us hired n
. Sioi-a Oil Ksaa a( you Imrd
An when y.u s
Says, “'.ouli nsv.. to «irno
The reply-««a» you bear IfWllh Buspleloii aa arnb ivslo.
-He U out an thera'i no lolila
Wbea be-e eomla In si
Woehingio* Star.

ed States mintage.
A Mimoori man filed aa an anawer to
signed by'both "to disband.'
_______________ „____department in
ncotinu with the fcdtral telegmpb i
lee jcA bfcu ^bUsbed in Me;
LlaOnd ia tbg/inOBt elevated dty to
Europe. It U tallt on amonntoto fdato
or pigeon 8,800 feet above tba level td

Vtw XoUite
Ladle* dMlring tailor mode suite are
mqneeted to call on Mrs. Ida Smith
at 346—oeiruer Boordmoa aveene and
- •


oonto MOXTM.




ftltj'pr^rt “ K?-“llB?fOT moerr
after loco Useeeptr-C. Ituderwood A UMor
atuiratra.Travemc Cttf. Hkb.

toMn. WHcbl. eor


jr. .




nior'aBwnto........ “
BhefBaa'a MIU..... “


Selea...................... *'
reato..................... “
•—Apply at l» Park ativet.
Batch'* OrcaalBR..
TrararaaXaaerv... ■'
Ormuekvuic........ “
Cfounross WAKTXD-LadM* or OeeUe Ti'awraa



19 IT

19 Hj


IXglJT pBAL- oTerflowlBC witb bappr Uliwtral
dou* ■ellrra. HelBlBBlIk* tbem.


Fevtea Oanto A Weak


Slj7a“i w^iMpK'^et Si'tenr tek**ftoe!
ftead iwelre •oeal rtaaip* (or paylUR pan only
ofibrpoalaireatoM. Drop all traah aod clear
ant a laooib wlib oar eirluairr lurer"—
Tax KanossL Boos Cosetss. JerantA 0
I^R BAI B—AMuall. oew beu*e well located,
OriBb"' **
Rept. ». will
O bolldloK lot
Fft atreru. Maw
omaa lake* IL
loqolte ol Ttao*. T. Balea Rocoi

T^R RALX—Bouaa and
i: eodowb.B par me
W. PatchlB^ 4»-k5


pvOR RALX-TwSybael


■TKBrkAKCX-WbaD yoo waal fire or Ufa taA \aaraore. loaieeihertballaBi la tbe bosl.uraia. Boyal X»chaor» ‘
“ "
Prankfon Plate Siam.
Qlaa Hlcb Meta^VM
(riasa. Aaiaa Life at Coen, aad
Diee. X H- Allyn, Priadrlcb »a

John R. Santo,
Geieral IgsHtagce.
IBavetea Cttg. Hteb



^ l^RIKX ^yTlLXR^fer^aale.


iXWALX PLAKK-Poraale by
!'JUTAPLX WOODfor aato '
-«A_^rM^_j|4Tjf-----------Tpox SALX-i^,_ ■
Trarvrae Oity Lumbar


aa<aaeaaoa a a a aa eawaa
SSS=8«8«SS8«S 8S S6888

larum airoei. tfeat,*

I ol meaoj.

firtid Ripidi t Mlui R. B
IB888 CBeeiB BBI B8
aaaaa aaaaaa aae e«
S£$=S SSSfifiS s:s 68




fii diir

Mottoe to Tax Payers.

aud city iaxr> aed apeclai aaeraiwrnt* levied
addlUosal four eente per waex. max- te^br^ty tor ^ IwyaeutajicalyvM.
. .IfomTTrl^wn^ o'clock a.
togoaly 14 eeateper week' for tbe
OB I okleek to 4 o'clock p. b.. a '
beat paper to nortbem Michigan and _______ , and Mday vwalec* at eaeb
tbe beat metropolitan paper to the
aute. Telapbone33.




Itlh and Coloe •Irveliw

3ba*p for eaak. or wUI trade
ellT propenr. ooao of 4-rear-nld mar
^ ijrbt zsw^adft^ar dr^^od^^^ojr


t. M.
P.« P. M.Dope4.... “
• S4X
Kawlaod................. “
OaBpt................... "
OaekaBadet......... “
OnakaBa............... Arr -T«
OMkaata.............. Lv*




hie wire's suit lor divorce an agt

unsm UD aanTBUSTEU li

quireof Trustee* 3. C. Lewi* lalale. SUakU.
illrb 4M-nA


Praaident Me Kinlay.Sampeon.Sebley
and Bobeoa will be there—Tbe North­
ern Michigan Tranaportatloa Oo. wiU
eell reoad tnp Mckete to Chicago (or
87. meala and berth toeluded—good
______Jed—good U
return OeL S5th.
Steamer Patoekey
laavee for Chicago every Saturday.
Cborlcvoiz every Tneodoy.
Phone 88.
B. B. Pope. Agt.


r.ail or aAdrrwi O. LeteBlIrer,
Lard per tt..............................................
Batter per Ib Daln........................
Creamery Butter, m........................

onaneea. and waa tbe only caae on

Gioal Peace JuWlea CUeage Oet 18. IF

na cm. aci.

Te lak* *Sw» euaday. y Boe 3D, IM,
atlADe-eteeka a.



from wbicb tba hair bad fallen.


rnKAIKXD KUBan-MM CstoUft B>Uceab. e
A areduat* of ib* Celvorelir Be«p<tel, Aas
Arbor, win rrbpood toeelU for OBreloa- »
B StbstTMi aetf

be any n
necessity for making it hotter


on Mrs. Webb's bead the size of a coin,



c. noFFAlT. Abatrsets ot TtUa Baal
aad CaavaraiMliM Boon ». Me-

• ylhe t
of black paioL which abeorba while white refracts heat raya.” .

Tbe Dm:''a(ic Minar, os an inetance


Wearoslia»<-hnMa Sr
oiwi mn>rin< uw ti

9r at tew. na«we.O

pay a little more or a great deal mote ' ------------------------------------------------------------ (or puint if iron ibtpe with a white coat
,_________________ ^
are more oomfortable (or the crewe than to 4 p.m. ToUptwiee. n.

Wheat, old, per bn......................
WbeaL new. per bn...................
Oats. No. I, perbu. (new)..
for eomeihiug to> substitute
snbstitnte of tbe ciercrowding of the tboeirical
ally for
Thoae who have not yet eecnted
per bn......................................
DU the
for It and has finally bit npou
tbe war prafeasioD in London, quotes tbe fact aeaU (or Colonel Copeland's lecture on
Bye. per bu................................
tbat lu
iu a new arama
drams proacoea
proceed tnsve
tbsve a
revenoebill. Tt isdonbtfnl ifI young Mr
the 19th can aaenre tbem at tbe City Butter, per tt>...................................
Bailey's party will accept tbii aa an , toinft paH waa applied for by 200 aoThera are still aboat Bags, per doaen..............................
laana While iu leaders may bave ae treerea
Potetoea. per bn.............................
Genevieve Ward, tbe well known 150 good seats left, and stogie admis­
much courage aa tbe yormg Texas atateeAmerican tragedy actreoa, rtatea in an sion tieketo will be sold (or 35 eente
vnan Tbuy'at* ool all equally foolish.
aketeb that
abe was
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
Mr. Bailey bad better begin practicing autobiograpbical
B. Hart, of Grotoi. 8. D. "Was taken
on a new keynote.—Chicago Timea- j trained for an opera ringer, and lost ber
Mias Katie D»ekeray went to Barker with a bod cold which aettled on my
! voice in Cuba after ainging In many
opean capitala
Creek yeeterday to visit bar parents. tonga: cough eel in and fiually termin­
ated in ConaumptioB. .Four doctors
Oa«AlMi of Uto or Death.
. Hlnanaw la working to J. W. gave me up. saying I could live bnt a
Tbe onlv uiorki-t which a country of
Slater's oCee during ber abaenee.
short Ume. I gave myself up to
liigb latitude con be sure of i« its own
arior, determined if 1 coni
could not <
home market uud it cannot be aure of
Archie Oviatl. who baa been very
A good intntioo olotbea Itaelf with
■1th my friends oc earth, 1 would meet
tbat exoept llirough tbu medium of ad­
ly absen
sick with typhoid fever, ia able to be
equate protective tnriffa Tbe qneetiun
rlaed to gel Dr. King's New DisDoubt whom you wilt, bnt nerar ouL
_________________ .
for CoBBumption. Coughs and
of a priitmive tariff ia nut for tbe
doubt yourKlf.—Bovee.
Parker Pennington bagged five pur1 guve it B trial, took in all
United Stetoa a simple queAioo of a
Tbe more wo study tbe moiu we dla tridgea during bia hunting expedition eight bottlei

greater or less abnudauce, it is a qoeacover out iguoranoe.—SbeHey

God I
tton^ life or death.—New York Cohto lAke Ann.
ling good is tba only certainly bapWall'* and J. O.Joknpy* rtion iu a man’s life.—Sir Philip Toutees OenU A Weekirug Stortm.
Begular alze 50c
Everybody who takes Tuk Mokxixu and 81. Quaionteed or price
it on virtonaadeeda,
Tbe Waav Problem.
and Umngb
tbongb a
a la
late, a anre reward no
“Boya boys! Why do yem throw and
addltloaal four caaU per weak, mak­ PbutMBOaauAWeek.
opm and sticks at that litGe fellow?" ] deeds.—Coubtovc
ing only 14 cenU per week for the
Erarvbodv who (^aa Tllk Mow.1!*.:
Tme dignity is never gained by place
“ 'Caoi-e be takes nipd'riDoferSceBte,
beat paper In nortbem MicBigan and
BEtxiRD cam bave the Grand Kapida
an tbe rest of os kids is staodln out fer. and never l >«twtaen houon an with­
beat metropolitaa paper to tbe
Herald delivered to them alao for an
drawn. —Masringer.
10 cents!"—Town Topica
to. Telephone 33.
addlUoDal four ceott per week, makto cbarauior. in maoneiu, in style, to
iagOBly 14 oenta per week fer
Alre>«r Aaeleat.
all tbinga tbe supreme excellence is
beat paper to nortliera Miebigao
Vew Lueb Oounter.
“1 seppoee golf will 'gradually die rimplicity.—Longfellow
toe bast metropolitan paper in
Nelaon A Spkblger.uewlunob count­
over bere, as everv other game baa."
Tbe beat mauoor of
er and fifteen cent meala. «03 South
“Ptwribly, but atatiflica sbow tt is
aelvee ia by i
him that
Union atrceL 445-CL
-not likely uo die of old age."—Brook». Ia Xtbi TdlM Lotieu
baa injured os.—
lyn Life.
Cob be procured of Mio. C H. Beetor
at 144 Lake Avaone.
Of Boatneea College wlU open at tbe
yon ongbt never to rpeak.—CeciL
Grange boll Monday evening, Oct
Satrolt and l^ituA^OO.
31. IBUe. Thoae deeiripg to tokMore beaiu pine away to secret anOct 30th the 9:35 a. m. via M. A N.
gniab for luikindueis from tboae who
A. A. A D. Q B. A M. B. -BL Lim­
teok-keenlno. ebortband. or any«
obonld be tbeir oomfortara than tor any
as I
nn. ,-rer)- wbtint
ited to OcL 39th. 1698.
the oocemoi bronctaea will be ac
otoer calamity to life.—Young.
It 'U'd serm a I :*ch o- frleudohlp
W. CuDDlagbom. Agt 446-10
If rou dMn’l
111- fur him.
iMter on you find his office.
An TOO tbltik boar gMd he'll be
When be sreeu the chum os helped
Ueh proepftrliy to e<
Hoa- he
ll e«k
k alKHi.
An n-Jolre to ft
Wlio let- p-’irntuuiy iiaes mm
•Thoul ao oCiM- eoekln plea!



eks.^Vl»o». boOM and o»OSoa Priadrich
j SST.te

Below U a Hat of tbe buying and oelling prices of yesterday for groevr-ea.
projected. The better times are mak. provfaiona and farm pr^neU In Trav
lug things hnm to all liaea and tbe erse City:
lumber basloeea is beginning to get
Clear Pork pqy bbl, oea.............
lU share of the good things.
Clear Pork per (b..............................
11 35
At Zaneaville. Ohio, tbe young child Short Cut Pork...................................
of Mr. and Mrs. Webb was aeixed with Short Cut Pork per tt....................
Floor, U L. A Co. beat..............
a severe illness which reenlled faulty.
Bye Ploar. H. L. A Co. Beat..
Tbe fond mother, worn cut by nursiog Meal. H. L. A Co. Beat...............
and anxiety; waa almost prostrated by F6ed. H. L. ACo. Beau..............
are a

be pley^
yed byby Ed
Edward Terry, to , saw tbat drastic measnm were naeeain London early to Janopen bia
failed, and to
"Tbe Ti-rmagant.” wbicb Him Olga
prodneed to London a few


than white, tbe Boston Tranacript aaya: ]
"Tbe govemmrni obgbt to be able to

bave recently changed beads and tbsre

Tbe day following tbe oeatfa of
an adaptation by Harold Child of grief.
Fraucoii Ooppew's “Le Paler," not pre. tbe child. Dr. Bambo, the family pbya
vionsly K«n in Euglifb, and ”Uurt“
ieian waa called and was shown a spot
play called "What the World
Will Sav." bv yooug G. P. BancrofL

to tbe legiolatioD

Japanaae govamment bat or-

KHD.'' St the B(. Jameo, London,

Loudon —
la to —..v
have ooob its first roof
itnry anth'orities admit be might have ’
CbtilM Wyndlnuu'wiu be’ebe
done, and the site of Amerioan ocenpa- inuovalor, to bis new tbttter near
tion had been converted into a great i tx-icesief aaoare.
boapiul oauin which would bave been
tog things prom.
«n iueritsblc result, would the war
iscd by Hme. Hodjeska for this acai
bare beea aided yet? Would not (be
.. revival
of Shs
auc^ua. of wbicb Hr Bailey oomtony and Cleopatra."
gilains, be moeb less?
Charles Diekaoo and Hisa Henrietta
Tbe Boppartera of tbe administration
could nut foreaoe all tbe events so plain Crosman ore doioga tdienomenal btteito tbe retrospective view of young Hr.


Mr. and Mrs. Kendal will prodnee
tbeir ui-w play, “T»>e £ld«v Him Biostbia

It ia ezpeeted tbat

the Teresa will leave for New York or

In*bis new fantastio piece. “Tbe
Imndof Nod.” Albert Cberalier repre­
sents a oertain Jbefeoeor Peter Pindar.

raaic « eL£,piLEAHc.rraB>aT<nira

ctsss '-ii.-™"-—'—

years old. and Nias Shade la 1».

turned by bead.



volver to bU left temple and blew out | j„ ariiatically deaigued initial l«ter,

bia brains. The young woman Is in a | and luuh book a viclorial beadlDg illui-------------1_... .-.jut—
the context. The writer la a
coadltlon. r.-—of
Corcoran was 30
native at Dumfriea, and
days ran erriods for Carlyle, to wbom
Work on tbe Spanish cruiaer Vitcaya
faatuoing to tbe oullar
.be rcgnlarly oarried tbe local moming
Divera foand 50 paper.—Chicago Inter Ooran.
And, but (bey open in tbe back, and a baa beea abandoned.
Oifted alao with msrvelona bind sight,
lace. obiffoD or net scarf is attached feet of tbe bottom of the bilge gone.
be can aee plainly tbat all of tbe mdaey
long enongb to go twice around tba Half of tbe deck ol tbe Infanta Maria
derived frto tbe v
levmne .bill ,
j,, ,
uotterfly bow to Tereaa has bean laid. Ia pomplag out
■wonid not 0^ needed
**^?*«. *" ■ fronu—New York 8nn.
tbe engtoe-reom both eagioea were
Hr. ^iley ran now look back
the government to sell Ita bonda
; and may be worn with any dresay bodIt u a aimpio and eaay matter for

?s5..ww « w7»’iSSS*d,e2?~ ‘

IQ. Bn


waaaa anaaaw
8«SS« S88&SS



be etaraadapaoaliyotfopereeai twcolloe'wiU bv ronrBiad

utbaCliyClark fer
etealbawlBlartax rote.

Local beaMb trabi arrlvaa at U«l k m.

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