The Morning Record, August 02, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 02, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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rrtttBxiwoUBta■SrMm>nt .t MmiiiU.

tta« Same Diepc»eitiott
Shown by Oarcia’a Men.

ctoft, who waa aeat aerth with dtol^tobea, tododtoy the foil artldm of
the topltalattoo of Baattoyo. Be had
been maeh delayed o^acooaat of qoarae reyalatloB* aad was aeeompaatod hy hie aeeretary, who bad to
oharye the reyorta from Oeaetal Shaf*
tar, whleh Oolooel Aator waa to hand
eaally to Seerotaiy Alcer. OdUmI
Aster will «o to New Torit toaiffht to
epoad a few days before rotanlac to
the front, ft to ramored that ho to to
he attacAed to Oeaoral MU«' eta« to
Porto Etoo.b«t on thto >Aat he had
aethtof teaay.


WtutloB U S«i»M u<t
tioB to OoMMwlnc Importut X>topfttehM from Dveer and Kwrltt- riLLAOZVO TAliVABLS PBOFSKTT XM POMTO moo.
ni*7 Kay Oomblo* tn a Demaad tor
•nmnear «f Um Oity.
%Mtal M Tu Moason Kaeon.

WaaUiictan. Aafnat' a-eaeretaiy
Alrw*B^9MnUiTl«Brwa Id cmteaneawUk the praaldaat orer the
•arlova dtaaUon to the Pbillppto*.
Tbmj hare Importaat dtopat^ea
fnm OuMral Merritt aad Admiral
Dewey. Saeretary Alfw adAittod the
alcmifleaaee of the dtoytehea bat deeUaed to etate their aatara..
a»e«tal te Tn aeasis* Escoa
Waehlnrtoa. Aor»t
Merritt hae afato eabiad the
partmeat lalatiee to the ritaattoa at
Manila, which he flade
aad daareroea. owtoc to the attitade
of the toeufoata. la the oytoion of
Oeaaral'MerriUtheatUtadeof the toaarteate to eimilar to that eanmed hy
Qaiela'B Cahaae apea the ^acatioa ol
ti^to to enter aad peeiew thcmaeleee
of the city. althoBAh the tosa^eaU
are a math more formidable
toeiar BOre aBmerona, bnt bettor armed
aad dUed with the arroffi
their aamerooe rietorice orer thrir
Spaatoh foee. Oeneral Merritt todloatoe that be wiU do hto ataMtt to protoet oittoane from the earacery of the
iMtyeate. thonyh the took to doltoato
aad diSeelv heeaneehe meet, while
tgktlag Spaalarde. he ready at any
■omeat to repel the toenryentA
The yeaeral fare notice that he
aboat tooombine with Admiral Dewey
laa joint demand for thbearreader of
the city to the United Sutee foreee,
than foreetalltoy the inmryenta, aad
this more may eaaae a mpUre.
It to pbaeible, to riew of the tael
that OMara) Marritfe cableyraB
neat frwn OariwUat Thoreday.^tbat
thto BWremaat hae been made alrmdy
by the military and anval foroae.
althonyfa there to eome doabt aboot
thto OB aeeoaat of the at
Oeaeral MerriUthatbe mmj need all
hto eoldlea bafore attadday. Itiapoaaibte that the demand will be made
wUbont belay immediately followed
by aa attach; whleh miyht be defe
oaUl all the troope hare reached OariM.
To the date of the r^ort. Oeaeral
Merritt had with him aboat 11,000 aolAieia. Bo far eeren aapedittom* hare
left 8aa Pranetoeo, mrTytoy eoldieta to
Ue Philippiace, aad it to the IntMtlon
to fnmith General Marritt t.OOO i
than the prnent fotoe. If he deUye
the attach ontU all bare raached him
Maaila will not be token that way be­
fore SeptemW. for tha laat of the
troope bare not yat atortod from Saa
Fraaetoeo. Itaiaybe, tbataaanaayement ae to the PhUlpplnm. which it to
oxpectod wUl he todadad to the peace
treaty, willebriato the aecaaeity for
farther actton oa the part ofthe Amer-

Saktoy Tooyenoe on Weak aad TTntootod inhabltanta-Terrar Striokea Betbyeae Itoetoy far Safety.
New Toric. Aoyaet I.—The Herald'a
Poaoe adrieea aay: The Spaatah troope
formerly sutioned to Uto part af Porto
are rapidly retreattoy to tha totorlor. leaetoy hehtod thorn a path of
baratoy plaatottosa aad dcoelatod rilayea. Porto Btoaa refnyaot are oomtoy tote Poaee and they report anpar
ed oatracea perpetrated hj the
SpaatohadldieTetotheriUaceoof Baa

Expected by Administrstlon

Growing Brighter and War
May End By Angnst 16.
Bpaalah Soranmeat SaM to Be Za.
«Uaod to Aooept the Temta of the
Valted Statec to taUtanoe.Thenyh
There to a Obanoe tat Todioaa Bio.
onealon of Detail Beaidoe the FhlUppiae Froblem.
apcelal u> Tn* Meun* BBcees
tTaehtoytoa, Anya*t l.->lt to atiU the
ederatoadiny that no word to espectod aatQ tomoirew from Spain, toach.
toy the aeceptobiUty ef the demaade
of the Ualtod State*.

Poaoe Bxpeeud by Aoyaat 18.

OpMlel to Tni Itoasm* Eeocaa
Parto, Anynet 1 -It to aanoaae
thto aftomoon to a Madrid dtopatetb to
the TompA that the Spaatoh eaWaet to
to meet thto aftoraooa aad draw ap
Dlax, Ooamo aad Adjnataa.
Spato'a reply to Ue United Statoe reThe SpaaUrdi are reported wreal
Utire to the peaoe prupoaala. The diepatch eaye Ue Spaatoh yormi
hamate, triay hoaaea and maltrea
wUl aeeepl Ue torme after ofBelal aewomea aad ehildraa The act* of bra- eeat to Kiren tbam aad that beatU
tali^ reported are ahoektoy beyood wUl he Miapanded to Ue AaUUea.
ripOoa. The terror atrioken refn- floadastoB Ue dispatch my* U* yeayeae are appealtoy to the United State* oral belief to that pmmwUI b* aa aejnUltary anthorittoe for protection.
ipltobed fact before Aaynet IS.
Oeneral WUeon. the mlUitary yoreraor, ^ceatUmed the refayee* eleeely. Oommiadoner* Kay K*ot to Itoadita
Bi«eiai tr ia« ao uos* Beeus.
bntoannot eead aid to the nflarlBy
Madrid, Aaynet I.—Tbo Ubetal to­
Pecto Bleaaa at preeeat.
day myn the Spaatob-Americaa peace
eommieeloaem are to meet to Loodea
Adjiataa to worm tkaa at any other
aad that the pototo dtocamed wiU be
polab Thto to a small bat impot
■ of Ue Phil
town to tha totorior. AmeoNayar
payment of Ue Caban debt. Ue eraeo'
that many womca had beea maltrc
aUan of Cnba and Porto Blm aad Ue
and killed aad their bodtoe eramatedto
Owaerablpoftbewar material-Ate Ua
the .bvatoy hoaaea. He else reported
that the Spantob ywrtaoB at Adjoata*
The SpaalU mtototor of '
eomprtotoy too mW. had abandi
Oorrea. to eaid to be acUrely arranytoy
the place after twenty foor hear* of
for repatriation of Ue Sant
U* fint of whleh are expected to arrire
It to impooalbla to verity the** reto Spain by the end of Aayoek
porte'^bat repamble merchaata here
profeaeto know tke meemayew
briny the newt and declare them
Ool.Joha S. Paye WUl Lmee Santlayo
worthy of eredik
Friday Strideon WiU Parer.
Oeaeral Oraea took a reeonaitortoy
BaaeUI to Tn Mosimi* asceae.
party ever the Itoc ef the nilrced aad
Baattoyo da Oaba, Aaynet I.-Colcmol
dtocerered that, whUa the Spaniards
John 8. Paye. Third tofaatry(reya
.had mlaed the track, the artlUery, all
Imrm today by Ue traneport Iroqooto
ef whleh to at 6can lea. can be branyht
for New York. He to daayaroaelj
here by rail, and thto will be dona
wiu malarial ferer.
Additional retotoreemmitB on traaeColonel Paye to Ue toet Colonel of
ports bare arrired. Oeneral Wilson
Ue reynlar army left to Cuba.
expect* the remainder of the nr*t diUe oUetn who came orlytoaUy were
Ttotoa aad probably the entire Second
alUer killed to battle or died of etok'
dirtoion Of the Fint eerpa. Thto wUl
briny the total American form to Forto

n toet aiyhk Fim
the elty eoc
brake oat to Patrick Poyar^’a bay
ham located to the aeatro of the dty.
oa epread to the' etore aad reeideaee to front, aad Nr. Foyarty barely
camped with hto Ufa
' The whole block, cemprisiay the
WeeUrn Bzprem eompaay’e offee. Bert
EUaworth'e dmy etore, I. Erats'e doa­
ble dothtoy etocn Pad Bolfleld'e jewry etora. Melria Yoaayb tea eiora,
Ullam Elffarb dyar etora aad factory
aad D. A. Ollrerb fomltan etore were
lOB to flamee.
It thm leaped aeroee the etreet aod
oompletelyrolaad Mra. L.D.MeKenaa'e
doable Btore. oecapied hy Jaice MUIerb
mloos and Oaynon*e fniit etora.
Brery ylaee to tke Maeonie block waa
brokea witk tke toteeee beak
8k Joeeph-e OathoUe ehareh. worth
•* two or three ttmea.
bnt rras Immediately pot onk It looked
tor n wkile ae if tke whole wretem
part of the dty would he mined. The
loee to abont KU.OOO.


Dotoael dohn Faoob Aator Briayn the
ap«toJ *e Tb. nsnilM E*~»C.
Waahtoytoa. Aaynst WOortoy the
oabUet eeeeloa today caller* awaited
Spareury Alyw at the de^rtm
amoay them ^ Ootonel John Jacob
Actor, a member of Oeaoral Bhattoito

department hae raoeired the foUewtor
■Ponee. Porto Etoo, Jniy M.-The
tonaeport Cherokee with Oeaeral ▼alaablo Porttoa of tho Uty
*Out-Tbe Loee to Aboat
Sehwaa an board, and parted hto briy'
ada. arrived thtoaftonooa. Ike reEemaaba, Aaynet l.-Oa* of tit*
maiadar to azpaetod aeea.
wontoeoflayralloneUat emr rieitod
(Blyaed) "H. J. Mium.'

Fraa^ espediUon to espected to arrirn at (torite Friday ereaiay.

bbpom fbom osm. bbaftxb.

We order almost everything in Rubber Stamps yon
can think of. Bring your orders—for prompt d$»

Markham Bloct





Ladies’ Fine Dress Skirts.
SS.W8k^at^^K00 SlUtoi^.^


dome aad aae them.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet ,
and dothing House.


Remniliet Mr Ntw flm-

312 Soldi Uiioi Street, Opposite C. t W. M. DipM.
lei IhOud Tams tete H. E. GIBBS. Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the TisTeree CSty Lomber Company.
We have for eale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.,

Sxpraeaed Upon Ur DoaU of Prince
Htomarck of Oarmaay.
Waehtofton. Jaly 8t.-By dlrecUoa
ol Ue preeideat tba followiay dtopatob
waa eant toslybt to U* Bon. Andrew
D. White. United Sutea ambaaeador i
Oermaay. .
Wmhlnyton, D. a. Jaly SI.
White, Ambaamdor. BerUn.-Tbe
oreeldent eharym yea to expram to Ue
proper oKelat quarter to Ue bermrod
German nation and to Ue famUy of
Ue deeeaeed cUteemaa. the eorrow
wbtoh Ue yorerament aad Ue prmldent of Ue United StoW* feel at Ue
paaatoy away of the yreat ehaaoellor,
wboae memory to ever amoeiatod with
Ue yreetoem of Ue German empire.
Adee. Aetiny Secretary.

On Bsm BnLl Goodi wiU only nu *tOi
the snrplns stock if tcAA. .We wdB*l> '
■ell it sU St each rninoof pnoee, bat
oa^ftupliu goee si 16 and 26 per osBi :
off R regular pricaa.

City Bookstore,"


Elooapto3a.000men. Oeaeral Wltoon
Sheet Xorie at Half Prioa, alae
erery piece of the lateat popular music.
deelaia* that IS.OOO men weald be
W. W. Kimball Co.. SSS Front etreet,
Tke Bly AtlaaUo Uaen WUl be Be N. E Streny, maaayer.
eaooyb to take tke toland.
tamed to Tholr Ownetn Oerered
AUrmioy reporta that the SpanI
WiU Blery.
totonded to attack Poaoe hare been drNew York, July SO.-Tbe Jonmar*
enlatod and two Itoea of pickeU wei
Waeklayton epeetol my* preparnU
Iflem iO ud 1i, Baih Hotk.
aent onk
are betoy made by the aary depart­
Oor Pirel **4 Caw Ru.
ment to tom ever the aaxlUtory cmlIS 41lr» M. Crawford. MU* A1U« T Koberu.
M*b*l P. Wbiu. Klw Omrf*
eer* Sk Paul. Sk Louie Yale and BarH. wUboln.
rard to Uelr ownera,.Ue
taJoBcUon Waa p ranted to Detroit line. They fintobed their woU for the
yoverament aad retire to Uelr old
Ayatoet Vee of FabUe Koaeyn to
and peaoefal life oorored wtU ylory.
Aoeordtoy te Ue
Opwlal ui Ta* Measu* aecoan
to to retam Ue
Detroit. Anyoat I.—The Leayne of
Ue ooadiUen to which It reealred Uem.
American Hanic'.palitica to enjoytoy The yone wUl he takea off. ammoniHas added a foU
its aanoal eonTcnUon here today. It tlon botots remored, aad the ahipa reto attended by mayor* aad oSoare of Btored to Uelr peaoefal appearaaoe.
eren to beiny repainted Uelr orlytoal
leadlay American clttoa.
A aeaaatiea, oeenrred thto momtoy
The warlike fame Ueee rmiilc kare'
when Jadye Boamer yraatod aa to- aeay make Uem exmedtoyly popnlar
jaaction prerenttoy the nae of m<
a* paeaeayer eblpe wbea they return to To his aadsrtaking establish­
appropriated by the city for thto oator- that arrrice. Them wUl be pleaeere ment. The fomitnre will oc*
tptomenk The qaaetion bow to, who to Ue Uooyht ef mUiay. far toet*
oapy the front of the building
OB Ue 8k Pant, Ue raUel which drora
WiU pay bUto?
the Terror Into San Joan harbor to a and the undertaking boaiaess
atoktoy condiUon. The Harrord aad
Ooneral Sehwaa at Porto Btoo.
Yale were formerly Ue New York and
Paris. It to BOt known wbeUer old
apeemi u Ta Hobbui* Rsceea.
WaBhtoytoB, Anyast l.—Tho •

Hony EMy. Anyast I.—The Ualtod
State* transport P.iatro ha* arrired
aad anchored ontelde Lyeeamn paea.
She Toports no'American or laaorreat
adraacea aiade on Maaila ap to Friday
and the rematnd£- of tha Third Baa


Meat Korn of Ue Webiyaa Troope.
Jadye Loria Beberts reoeatly wrote
toSeeretary-of War Alyer. reyardtoy
Ue condition of oar troop* at Santlayo
and inqairiay of Ue proepeeto for imThafollowlay from Oeoaial Alyer wUl explain itorif;
Waehtoytoa. Jnly M. 1896.
Dear Sir; 1 hare year letur of Jaly
!8U. la Uedret place. Ue troop* at
Saatlayoare all prorlded wlU Uyht
deck ttoiferam aad Uto oaderwear. la
the next plam. alUonyh Ue nomber
reporUdoaUealek list to very laryo,
Ue peroeataye of dmU* tor rneeedInyly eaialL Yea eaa
rieU what a ditH*alt
matter it woaU he to briny eoldlere infMted wiU yeUow ferer tote the
Ualtod Btetm. and aU« Ue ymt dea­
fer by Inm of life on the troaeporU to
tbear eiek that woald reealt from ecch
a rooyh royaye—lire* that eoald oUerwtoe be eared. Yon ean rent amnred
that juet a* room aa Ue yoremment
eaa do CO for Ue hmt totereeto of all
eonoemed, thoee aohle yonny mea w{U
be hmuykt North, ta fact, the De­
partment hae already eelectad a *eaahore reaort for them at Montank
Polat at Ue eaetem and of Liny
lalaaA Very tmly yoere,
B. A. Alois.
Secretary of War.
Jadye L^ria Bdberte.
Trarme City. Mich.

This 16 and ^5
Per Gent Discoant Sale

HOI Maohineiyof all deecriptions,inclo(iing Two Engine^
Set Worke, Oerriegee end Sews. A complete Saw Mill PUat
for sale.


Hastings’ Real Estate AgencTr

Itaverse Gitj ScM of lnsic!

Bicycle Riders.

WHO wiifpu thTbius?


1 starter


FiaeWovee Wire Bed Spriag
for $1.03___

H. l¥rter,

8M Union straat

mber that I deal] ktodn mt roand onamellny. aad that I cae
lire you Ue bmi work of any
one in Ue dty for Ue money. HmH
he deeeired by what othera tell jem to
Ue eontrary. bat come aad aea fa
I yoarmatoe all my woric to be riyht.
and 11 it doe* not prove so 1 mala It
^top to till 8 o'clock nreiy oraalay'





• ♦


While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
It will pay you^ try o«r 13c bnlk coffee—a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.


M8 Front Street

-■ ■■

f (vr-

.,- -r.-r '

«ini;ato«Apro bboobs|.
tmATXKsc om^*’
n> tea^^Ibx bsb
k t. BAoa AZ1> J. W. BMm.
‘^ .f. W. HA«xn.>dit«r ud Muar«^ BUBBCBtPnoMB.

Ooodrieh lM k Oigr.a

For Ite'Mcdlw Mt'y c»^«riBr

be rnttUmM the floaaell Uat alrbt
rMr»Uwr«MM. Voapered wfft arelow aeeti^ lately.' TheredHeooaOctt Ckaotuna Idenble baalMM dhpfteed of bat withter of a Mtore to demaed aay wry
« doUbenttea «r aatetated aiyo-

• Is

“ATJMMBd «1M'■•>*•».

^tt toflta a dotpetnto kap . Bad
traap* M ball with MriiBit hMd. A.
play by Alia aad P.tUaaterta. pUyara w the wtedy aide of the etreat,
tired twaaalm tbaaaany aide of
tbeetrat. Lori Paanurton ^tobod
a flee, etoady fiM lor the aMth Uda
and PicM baUad tho bw made aorerml

liORTHinlctGlE WdllK$!
Cbeapent ind moot relublo ploce to get jonr bicycle repaired amI
pot in good msDiog order. Hare bad eererel jeon experience tad
know hornet eboold be done. SetiifacUon gnaraticeed. I am oentep
bicycle condria at about coet. New and second band vheela for sale
and fo rent. Pleaw feive us e trial.
Braxing a specialty.

twoof the aooree for that aide.
the exeeptioa of a few errora tha reat'
did woodwork.
Alla, Baeltead aad Wkwier formed |
the battortee for the Morth Side and
Kaaarer Eehoe of the UoatUm pUyed
firetbtwler them for a oooplo of teatera.
The Iteo-ap of the teama waa w follow»:
North Sido—Whaior. c.i Alla. p.
and Sb; Keboe. Ut b.; P. Paaateffton.
e.f. aad lb.: HarUaad, td b. aad p.;
and dsllvsrsd. WB8T0N A DUTTON.
OaaDett, abortotop; Bomcra, ad baae;
Olubeaaki, L Li B. Wilhelm. »ad b. aad
• ■'' «to aU Omu.
f.; OrUtt. r. Li •HoldaworU. L t.
The Idler—Good toa»y npanttddowni
Booth Sidae—Pleoe, e ; L. Paatonc- is yoor prafemion. 1 prsnnie.
Tbe Actor—1 ahonld twitter. Look
ton, p.; Bemaa, Id b aad lat b.;
WriKhtmaa, td b.t Thlrlby, w-i Woar- atms. Dotegtbewiidmuinthebatoer, Ut b. aod Ib i Bowman, 1. Li Ford, mootall day and a cake walk on tbe roof
at night. Ikik aboot hps and downai—
e. Li Manny, r. L
Indlanapolla Joorcal.
•tiiobratkl retired from the fame te
llftb mala#. Score by tealocai
North Side.... 0 10 10
Jooec and Brown had qoamtsd ud
Sooth bide.... 1 0 S 8 1 0 0-6 srets tozcaatia '-H'tol" niffed Jc»a
"If I hpd yon by c string folks would
«y srfaat c fine monkey yon ware.’’
Best Five Cat Cigar Mads.
"Yea: bntUey'dwutamutotafca’
charge (ff the two of na," mid Brosrn.
Taehers at the Xastiteto Tskteg np —Piok Ma

• SLIilB, eil Front BL, Xm»

Watch This Column For Bargains!


«wwrn*tod penaieleat walk at k
Bwt Pnat etrwt >ad
rrtedrieh WM eqealiy faeomd. The
Utter walk tote extend a epaoe df U
feet la front Of the Frledrleh Wwk and
te aew bolJdiar edjoteterThe eonaea protnptly reoelred aad
Bled aelalmofM. Belch of Beat B»y.
who eeked the eUy te pay him tee delUra for deinaree to a lir. aMtalned te
a raaawpy. The renaway le aUar*d
tohawbeeaeaneedbeeaBM the team
wae frichieaed at the aew ewne eroehBtoiWldto the ether:
.‘The D
reeently percbeeed by the olty.
Bn* toned the SepabUeaoe teto
Mr. totekter to dir a pit for their Him. Baieh alee eaatateed tejarlea, bet
Mirhbor, hot we, ooraelvea, haw r^t ae the doctor'e bUl had not yet been re
tttolheawk where the ehleksm rot oairad ao olalm wae prewated at thh
tfea^" mereBarkwaaotode
A ptefUen alraed by aboat MQ Maal
•Mr reerirter the new* ef the Urefoa
u Interesting ud Xmportiat
A astttax Ctsi.
Mitiaa. where the people ^wd ap the MB wkter that ao fartbw teatrtotien U pUaed npoa rldera rarardter
••Yon arc the star of myUfa.’’toid
the w^ka, waa referred to the
Md plaeed a Jaat eetlmte apoe it,
Almost an entire change' sf program the tooster ferrently.
AlderBao Moa"Well,
the hen usbemcFVsrill be followed daring Ue lest
«d in the direction of the ham. "yocr
Tm* HawaUaa eeasoe of IBM ahewe a tarna aakad that it be referred to that
woaka of Ue normal teetitate.
4a now about thsi
dtue aa eerUte other peUtioae
BdWlitloe wlthte the lecal oomptU
place ct orUography, Mias Gray takes
beier oeotodered. aad the
any aehocd ara of 14.M8, aad the total
np reading, and Ue “oontse of atody"
Baking Powder Me. Coffee 10. II. IL
•aaber of pnpUa atteadter^MhwU for: mlttee dcelre to report in a aianaar w
», 80aad88s. FnUlte# Onaris^
Uat abe had ekaege sf, srill be dieaolt aU ooaWEMd. If poealble.
BIBAM COOK. Star Gr«eei7. 24S Front S_____
that year war u.otl T
placed by a claea in "Ike CommI
A potittoa of Blfth eueet rwh
nkooto iB Hawaii aad 48t
of TwelTe,” uder Profeeaor Oareey u
w tho rndter aad rrawlter
Badriok A Oo. are Ml
I win rhave
atreet for a block weat from WadaTMa work baa hew before the peblle ete tee cram In Ue city.
• toeettieaadthe worib aizwt, wae referred to the
•ehooU for Urce years, first starting
faapto are te ao weed to tarn It over to Blttw oa eueelB aad walka.
te a oommittee of tweire, appointed by
aea whe tried to eBbarran the
TtaaeUer Broa. wore rtMted por> Ue N. B A. fire years ago, of which
c waeaeriaiiaa Bieeioa to boild aa extoaaioe of briek Professor Hinsdale of dnn Arbor wu s at Watt's Drop Store.
0 tf
.16 hy 46 feet, to toeir totok member, ud Seperiatendent Sabin of
Xseryonal hu hot
block oa Pmt atreet,
rriea. foroa
Iowa wuehalrmu. The oMmittee eudie*. paekagra all
^----------- dltlta of the,
A petMoo for the r»dii« aad r*««at B. B. Walt'S Drag i
r •varaM.toacertecrideMeatWaeb-, etter of two blocke oa Third atreet, wrrr girea two years’ time to prepare
their reporC Tbe leading ricestion
a, bat the yellow i
Where W. H. FLBTCHBB aervu first.
raterrod .to the eomalttoe oa was (risen Ue mrei eeboela In ae effort
hare leapt np the werk.'wlth
clM regular meals for ISc ud Bat
Btrwuaad walka witBpowarto act.
LDsebea In the world for Itc. Open all night.
to ertablub Isr them as goad s school
Ctaisa to the aaonnt of tl.lto.tS
Ue graded. UUer anbieeu takes
Vnn ddatlral Oerrere dpally retnrse weraordaredpaid. and the treoearer'a spare thamateunuceef raralaeboala
flhoH State Xteas.
the ptfOlM neems to have suMhtel
IB-Bptoh ha wfit be te a poelttea to rlrt
An effort will be made to get togeU ^ at tha atinda of the oOclala
la rirem ^ the
■ MM Talnehle teforaettoa te thoee of
The eiaas in English Uteratnrs udsr
er a football team agate UU fall te
« rerardtef the ftarelter of ProfsaetJ Gnmey wUI taks np Us
Kalatosim b rabteg te oak
j. Jli felldw ooBatrymea whoi^
Pifteatii street, from Onn to Ueioa.
for Us atreet fair tbb year, ud m^#Mar<rfTwiheepir.:
atedy of MaebsU. While six wsska is
The board el pabUo wo^ abmlUed aoae too long a time to do juUes
Mr. Bartiy. aged a. living with bta rsr teg to Ue newspeea- reporte the
Uaddltloa to patmUtec our akip ita report of the dock Itee ordered to to the play, every effort .wUl be
nephew, six milaa eoaU of Albkm. wu merel-Mto ud bmlneto ma of theMOden BaMte la diapoaad to try oar be eatabliahed from the math of tke
aoetdatally ahot hj hb graad nephew. oelary el^ ooaeider itamlghty geoB
forU to accompUah six wuka'
Mor pUte. The war haa baeaa riser to the dam of the door mllL The work Id two wsrki' time by tbe norT. DaU wu almoet teetanudpMdld adrertlaeBent for American report ww aecompuled by a profile malciasa.
The boy at first denied bavlog
Zaia, the world's gratest elalrvoylaty. will hold a
«fau and profraaa
which WM prceeoled by City BngteMiat Ofay will devote aboni three ut aod mediom U here. She telU done it, bnt when qneettoned by Coro­
It 8M. te b«or
near Nortfarnp. Tbe profile only
days mors to winding np Ue "coares yoar foil name. WlU names of friesds, ner O. 0. Bnbbard. admitted bb gollt. H Oeaeial Sbaftorb reeut vletarles.
templated the diataaoe from Park of sudy’* and. later, when Us fall tetbwhaiyoo called for. reads yonr i

tonghi eeboel at thst place.
street to Ue mill, m Ue board of pnb- acboola begla, abs hopes to hsve town­
lUreltfe insiaetly ud correctly wiU-1 A movement b oa foot among the! and aleo married hb wUe-there, vrhoae
uinsea raen
T CkdtUao ...
' bdIAm
n..*!. n-i___ '
' fcablart So Oei a rarleagh on Ae- Uc werka were not yet ready te raport ship msstiage held by Ue rupsetive
Aingaqnestion. Tbe put vivid-; bstincea
men a
oa the epaee from Park atreet to the teaoben of each tewnabip ud fortber ly recalled,
sailed. the
Ue present anmbuk- Ue Orud Rapids
Rsoida A lodiua
•oant of an Znjnry—Hia IxMdnoea amws on O. B. * I
bay. Tbe propoeed dock line proridee Ue work begun at the ImtiMte. Bach eb r given, tbe fntore clearly foretold. to beUd a new depot there. For years
peilaoa Interesting.
for a channel 70 feet In widU and grade of reading for Inauaes. will be Do not mba Ub great opportonity te Ub aeema te hsve bees emal-r «ete]]y .Ctecinnatl. one cent per mils Bel)
September 8d. good to return 'OcMwr
>Arthar '6oou. one of the
k wka totebUehed ud the dock bnUt, stedled and Ue manoal Uorongbiy nc- eooaD!tZaxa.Mafaa remaiaa te Tmv. p-embed. bot all Uongbt of
BiBae. On. M. 84 th Mlchltaa eotnateeia. abeat SO feet would be taken off Unten
eru City Uii week oely. Zaia hu de­
IcdteaapUteremeten for roaad trip.'
gfftteed from New York yeeterday etroct bridge, thor allowing u ontlct
SsJl Angut lU. reton Angut iMh.
veloped tbb wonderful power in But
Lantegten. one tere foe ronad trip..
Msraoa ad left m the 8AS train f«r for the aUey te Ue rear of Ue BoldsWX-QTm-TOHO AJrVDAX,.
India. She hu been tanght by tbe
ibpUa^torUltUiparato. Arthar worth property a Uaion atreet.
grmt adepts the development of Ue
Ms the rictim of aa sendent whUe Ue
Action ra Ue report wu deferred Offlceis Wars KIseted ud Us Msw
sobUe foreaa of Ue bamu or*mtega. one fare for round trip.
laspewere Uadteg from the Hamrd until the next meeting.
^August Ut. good to men Asraet
fubm or what may be termed Ue
ad Baattero de Cnbn, haring bad ae of
OltyTreeaTnrWDrabnegwM grant­
The ateexhoUen of Ue We-qne-Wng aoleaoe of Ue eosl. Tbb etndy leads
T.XOBIO. Onterlo. oM fare for rmnd
tfs Bagma amnehed aad aaotbor brok- ed u atoastoo of a maU for the ae- elnb held Uelr aunal meeUag yecter te Ue aeqaialtion of powers which aptrip^Angn’sTid'u;
I4U. Mih. aad fTU.
M- B* wa planed on the tejnrbd Hat,
of Seirer dletriet No. A
day aad dlacused plus for mak- pmr myaterlou to Ue ordinary aenses.
good ors ero Sep«.«ih.
FMf aanbU to atteed to daty. Later
Tbe claim of the Baelse Fre Hnglae Aag a more general use of tbe clsb bet wbleb ara only Ue rvsolt of know­
Venn..ilon,o , one fare for nmnA
^ wae traaMerrad to the hoepltel ship Co. fortin&fbrUenew chemical ex house ud the tare advutagea- of the ledge of neural laws of a more deUeate
Billet to. aad eeat to New YoA. beteg ttegniaher, eras referrod to Ue com­ bctldiog and grocada It wu decided kind than thoee which arc more gener­
•■tared te tbe Marine hoepital a sut- mittee OB elalma ud ceeoonto.
te iuDgnrate plau from time to time ally noderst-tod. Bere one week enly.
M<S»sni1 Tbe Aret mu be tote a the
Aldermu Uarrteon ssggsstsd that to excite added tetereat among U« Call 158 Sute street, comer or Caaa.
Opposite Bl«le OAOB.
BMatta ww P. a Bnana, wl^ wa wba the roll wu called after a fire
ibera and it wu also decided to ad
•OBBMUd With tte ESOOID ten year. ausy auwersd ud recelsed pay. who mit aaeoeiate membeia fer the remain
MB wbe is nw a meaiber sf the hoe- wers not preunt at Ue fires. Os mo- der of Ue year at $1 each.
pMleotpsra tbeOIirctte. Iks beys tiM the autur wu referred to Us
Tha foUowteg efioera were elected
•Beat mnay pleesut honrs eomteg committee on fire cad water for recomPresident—O. P. Carver.
SHteh. formar MtocUtlooa of both te toMdatioo.
Vice President—A F. Oamei
Tbarerw City affordteg c Ue which
Secretary—J. A. Hontagu,
A reprcMotoUrc of LaPearIk rircos
Made their Toynge plwauL Aeoomo- WM prsunt aad caked that Ue Uccase
Trvucrer—S. B. Welt.
datteae beteg limited on the ehip they fu for bis show be^aoed to gU. It
Directors tor two yesrs—H. Montasea ate off the eame pUte.
WM foand that aofbeh actla conld be fue. B. L Spragne. C.:. B. Womy. G. B.
Arthnr obtained a forlongh when be taken coder Ue ordiucce, bnt that Hoyt.
gM*ed Hew York, after a few 4aye in tbeelarkoM'dlaaiiealloenM for SM,
Dtrvetofs for me year, faotding ever
.•he'hmpital ud came home aa won aa which he wu ordered to do.
-T. T. Betei, J. W. Minikcn, C.
feewald. Be stopped at Detroit eo
Alderman Ooodrioh snggeeted that a Daek. H. D. Alley.
StoMs and called npoa Oorerasr Pin- pchltc refuse bnner be'eeubliahsd sy
Beeort Notes.
gcoe. who atertoteed him rery oordl- Ueelty and tbe propoelUa wu reaUy. teriting him to dine with him aod oslssd wiU favor. Aldermu Ma0. lAagle. who bu bun apendteg
Mberwito makteg ii pleaaut lor the tagne offered ralubls
time at Traveru Beaeh raeort
raMrned eoUUr boy from Michigan.
leUmed yeeterday to Chicago.
which woeld bring about
BeoU is uxiens to return to the frat
B. J. dteele arrived at Traveru Beaeh
and boU mattere
Mtbla band le atlU cripplad thongb
hotel yuterday.
referred to the eomaittoe
dcteguMlyThe familiM of John Barry and Tbst
ways ud oacana.
Shane dined at Traveru Bcaeb Suday
C. r. Bickox of Milwaukee, arrived
at Traveru Beaeh last aighL
mysl Vlstar Yacht Olnb Will Xasne a
Mr. and Mra. W. B. Wood and W. S.
BoaU Bide of Front Street Won the
Eennedy pemed through tbe'elty yeaGame Twtorday.
- LeadM. Ang. i.—The Timet annonn•a this morning that tbe Boyal DUta
Tbe grwt bell game, between Ue terday a nmte for Ue more norUmn
.Tashtclobbu arranged to challenge norU tide ef Front a'treet and Uou of
Obaflm'B. AbmaUy retqned yip4or the America's cop. The New York UenonUaidtiwupalted off ymtorterday te bb Ume'En Covingtm, By.,
TwBit elnb will be notified of Ue deei- day. Aceordtegto previous
■nente only eeren luings were piayod. after epmdiag aeveral weeka at OmeA few oosUy errors by Ue Uird baaeThe ledlee are preparlag for e aeleet
and pomibly one or two qnretknDon J. LeaUera of Orud Baplda,
MMdag par^ to Uke place te Ue We- able deebtoBB of Ue nmplre led Ue
- J*a-toBgclnb honae Friday svealng. aorU elde Ix^a to defuk Aa Ue lat­ took dinner at Ue Park I>a yeaterr
^ —MrUmato^oceofUeelob. Tick- ter vruUy of a catcher, Wbevler of
O. P. Oreen ku arrived from Chieago
—iBaesalrrady been exteuleely )ld. UeHmtIerswu allowed Uem providand will ape^ a week or two fiebtet
lhata lanre company U aaaared
Ing ‘'Jocko" Weaver eonld take part te ia the anrroi
.. On aooooet of Ue epnttened deelree tbe game for Ue aooih alders. A three
Leo Solomon eame up yoeicrdey from
parte be
mfhbpatroM te Ub eity, Dr. Hhell-; baae bit formed one of- Ue
— ------------Manistee. Be wu aoecapanled ^
man, tbe optie^ Am dvetded te r«- took ud edded a fmtore te Ue game.
hb wife aad dugbter Bnby. ud Elelc
AnoUev future wuuaeoAdatal ou Kana, who have Utely arrived from
handed utoh of a fiy by Archie Oviatt.'
thtir hoM u Ligtmbr, Ind. The
a player on Ue aorU aids Aa Ue baU
par^ have eput the put week rieltteg
abmttodbappearover hb

American Steam Laundry SS

Spectacles, 26c to $8.00.


6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-6 ccDta ^


Guard Chains



Fine Piano for $140.

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

Bon Boni, Cliclce ConreclloBj,'g”s^s*i''ja


x„ Furniture Bargains t
No More Atlas Coupons

Columbian Restaurant „,


Zaza, the Clairvoyant.

■tliniBii scon HIS returked

Geo. R. Winnie,
Op-tiHlate Paiiter
aid Paper Haiger.


5 !'

Whichever you may wish when Bulling yourself with a pair
of Shoea, you wUl find In our handsome and stock 3 !
of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's seasontof ^
the year, and we have them In all shades for Walking, Bloy- ^ '
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
and tho





■ "Im* llO>OTtW*l^'^.^gPA^^





. ^





i,’ IMB.
BABsxva or tss


tan Blta »*M Byl« BMad. aad bd taet
- ■ •-'RrMltoen.'
a* n Uttlnpatabaf _
Wsotoa A Dsttaa, the aew pre«rlm
fa aaa^aosnraaetbtait was aliaest lUatotae’e BaU Team Sa* Otaeed to
lenofUeaewAmerieaaStaamLaaaly ••hloeeotaiaf
eriU senta teem or other of
The Maatosta* Oolta are ao________ dry. are BOW opea for basiam* aad an
Wbca the naaw aeltad w* foaad that a ball team, kariac dtobaaded oftor alnady bnlldiag ap a good trade.
plaee* we UOnght bare
The rognlar meaUdy mssUagol Ua
thrircaB* laat Snaday. The came*
reman’s Forrign Mtonloaary Bontaty
jwiU Wash from flve to tea feet la havn oot braa payiar very w*n In
Vtom Bacnaa 1
betchtwhiahhad b*M pi
taMtotc* tbn* tar Uto mttem aad Ur MUeMeUodtotehnroh wUl be beU
Bxparianosd By Hannah Bifles atBantiago-rSararal;
nUacD, Jnly. 19. ItH. ! pooid by the wfgkx of eaow. aad a*
U* chnrU pariero m Wedaeaday
gmaeat eaoM aot tee Uelr w*y
Lattera f^m tha Front—Tha Momlnf
-W* tn aboet .eprnag np partiaUy bat dear to pUy oot the eeaeoo wftboot
iftaraooa at 9;I0. ^
yasds from the elw aad oa a hill SOO
best over eaoagh to amka trev- bmvylom. Thl* to aot a very Aattar
Haaslsy. who to bavfag
Baoanl on the Battia Flald.
^ feet bichrr. I watabed tke boabard- •toyed
elllng Tpry bard. There 1*
ing cMcIadoa for Ue b**e baU eeason grvat sneoem wtU hto lUosMtod svar
BMt yesterday aad It wa* gnmA
left now where large drifu were, bat ar Kaaiate*. which haa for aeverai Isetnre. paaeed Urongh Ue dty ymterI am enjoyiac very goad beelU. al- Ue-eooBtry is almoat aU bar*, the hli:*
mrs boasted of betag aM* ta eappi
day oa hto way to attoad th* old mt>
At C«te. Jel; U.
▼irld tket for foltj half e MlBeta I wh tbongh pan of Ue ttaM we wMt pret­ aad Boantaln* are greea wlU
tiers' meeting of Leelansn.
be bmt aakauar team ia tbs etat*.
Monue Baot>u>-Oo rriBsy. J11I7 Winded attar eaek ftaek. jeet a* om ie ty hnacry. If there are nay boya ep aad bnUea Md eneh Tcgetatloa. Lou
The D. A. Ctowareboekedforagai-^
Professor Oaracy. Mlm fPIghUma
aih. the Mtb UUA. WM t4kea from bHaded br looklnjr at tbe earn. Tbe there Uat wMt to re to oar. }net tall of wild flowm Md far I her* Md a in MMtotee on Ur tanU. bnt as U*
aad Mta* Gray, inetractot* at Ue aartk* 8m Jom UU Md a«t*U«d for mi tboader wa* tbe loodcet I erer beard tbaa from me, to go Md ep^ oa* •on of plant Uat look* aomethlag like
team hac dtobaaded. Ue date 1* off.
' laetiUto, rid* ont to TVavanm
TMt 4sty thoal two bUm nortkcMt of Md tbe Btoaataia* eear u were etreek day la a alaoghtar boa**, and iBigla* tebaeeo growlag.
Manager Keboe ba* eeeared Uat data Beach Ul* eveniag on Uelr wheela. ’^
We OMBred epom a OB^i aereral tlcaca. The *tarM U*tad Ull ' Uey are pwple lastaad of eattlo, then
Tke gold foaed her* so tar to vary Md iaataad of two gamm wiU the O.
alerp Uat night in a cemetery and they Ba* aad located near Ue glacier where A. a here there wUl be Urm. Ue lOU, They will take capper there aod ntara
kUl Md erat detail* two mUee tanker dapliekt, darlnr tke eattre tine
Mte UMMter Uaettor rMTd.
W* etood la mj track* with robber blMket will have all Ury wMt. I will taU My oae cmI get at U. as U* memeat
llUaadltU, Thee* wUl he Arm elaoe
Tbe Orcsenit band will eajoy a prtyea of onr firat night'* oxportfinee in yon dig a bole It fllU wiU water that
fomtaed tkere utU Jtlf lOtb. the A*j oa. not twcaaae T bad to. bot beeai
gamm aa the Detrdt aggrngattoa to
vau daaeSag party la Stdabergto kaU
■poa wkf»k abeftaita traoeeloeed. end had ta keep a* d<7 a* poaible.
• •.••F...a •w<w«ab Ue eoU. eaaeed by
~ >wo ta be very etroag.
Uto sveaiag. which to to be gtvna by
tkea we were takes to npport two
They started oa at 7 o'clock at night
Don’t worry abont me, a* I oerer frit
>e asltlagof Ueglaeler.
kBttarle* of Ufkt ertiUerj. TkeeeWt- belter la laylUeMdoBr oOBpMj ia wiU laoroondaof ammualtioa. Ure* on the toe to melUag f*st>i>d a river ■B. AMD MM. OMTB HOMOBLBD. Protmeor Uorot.
terta* ere eltuted epos e km ebeat la a aafe plata.
dnya' rnUoaa aad onr blanket* and •lx time* a* targe es tbe BoardmM riv­
Prafsmor C E. H«*t wiU go to SegfOM nai* eeet Md oeerlootriar ike dtp.
dtohe*. a load Uat woald mtko a pack- er to roMing oat Md dowa the trail rarewetl Bnrprise at U* Boma of aw tamorrow for a two wevks* stayTwo rroxn ▼erlia Tkoiaaa.
tkree oompMie* e( the Iklrd kettalioe
male kave eonvBtoioaa
Whea we where t.500 case bMled tbrir ooUt* ap
CPbcn be n-tnra* he wlU devote la.
Parer Hoepitai. lit bUm caal of
Mppon baticrj F, whick i* opoa tbe
were eboat Ure* milaa oat of Uat Uto spring. If a com was her* la Use
Laet evening Mr. and Mm. OrU, wh* flreaead energy to Ue iostroettom rf
Slboaa, July 15. im.
klfheet pert of thi kill, ecd
diny hole, we began to meet Ue and hade bore* Md asmaU eatAt 1 were married in this city a short Uma the Crescent band aad latrodnc* mar '
Daax Pout* at Bome—1 wHta anla
eoppone Wtterrl^ eboot
wonnded coming la from the bettleago, wera deiightfolly aarprtoed by a tw and popalsrplecM. New laetrudowa*”^ hll7 wl
i to let yoe know that all U yet weU fleld, noae wlU basda and feet ehot Uiak ba eonid go over tha gtaeier aad
1 eompMj of friend* at Ue homo irou arc • fntere prmpect fer the
op Ue Co^er river oa U* toe, bet ta
lyaelf. I aa aowa
oC. oUera woaadrd in mora vital
of Mra. Brondfoet. Ue gamt* bnlng bend.
‘ Btaward.-pro»tad Ure* daye arc. ptaem. W* marobed all aigbt. ■top­ My eUer way. Jodgiag from all lUhle
itofUaattavob^ao. TheekfBal
A party of tonrteea etartad Snnday
report*. I Uink it to aot praeUcahlc. amlnly member* of Ue Baptist ebsreb,
Md am BOW takinr oar* et patleau,
to ^M Iriar wa* the fi InfC of a eiefo
ping half M kenr for brejktasV aad Noam oatAie^ have got ta U* (topper who have a very high regs’^
Mr*. to CD)7y aaiUng for a few faonn, U*
M of Uem, wlU a* oe* elee to help
then posked oa, leaving oar blMkals. river aad ai* golag oa.
CM opoe tke left wlar of tee army
IfMy are Orth, who to abODtta leave Ue city. gacau of Fron^ Prledrteb. bat the bay
and aU of Uem aet like rero'ar babies;
kivhed aU Uat day and at night
Thla waa followed hr r..liey* froB tbe
eamped jast at Ue other tide of t^ Tbe party was arranged aa a farewell was roagb and wme of Ua party baWMt erarythior BenttaMbl* Md
«Ue pita aad aoon tba batteriee epesed
halted jostet Ue flgbUng line. We glacier, beiidiag boau ta go down Ue gnUeriag for the mtaemsd eonpl*.
e teaaiek. Tbe company was 1m«■om* of U* BnmeatloBabl* tblnr* naBra. Prota oar poaUlua oa tbe left of
slept WiU SpMtoh ballet* whissing atream Uat Aowe into a take Md froB 1~.. thl. monlu, to
edntOremckTiltoMd drove bom* ia
derUe con. Peel a* yet Brat eUe*.
tbe battery we eoold ue th* reaoltef
They eoaad better Uere by a etream lata Copper river. ba. whore Uey vlU make Uelr fatare
Ne on* ba* died yet wlU Ue yellow
»U the ehole from battery tC Keraral
than Uey feel. Th* dead war* lyUg
eoBsUtingolTBeBatar t. W.
Before departlag Ue gamta
The etream* are very swift aad every home.
fever her*. Do aet be alarmed by
ahou look rSeetnpoa a block how
nil arxmad oa That night the Don*
oeUt geiag dowa to clUsr lest or dam- proaented Mrs. OAh wiU wlU e band-, Mmikea bad son James, C. B. Marray
what yon aaay have read in the pnpera.
aad we ceeld ptalaly eee the eleade of
made* ebarge, atUmptlag to bmak send ^ water, ta whole or In part. So some dlvar batter dtob a* a token ef aad ooD Irving and C» E. Bock and aoa.
Th* femr i* at pteeent a very Urbt
*ad dut whieh roeo a* tbe abelU etrneh
nace have gone to Crystal Uke.
thfongh ear line*. Ovor 7V0 caae oat. every mas most Jadge for hlmaelf what tbeireiaeerc frieodakip.
form. 1 r«l •» per monU bow.
the tUe rooftac Md exploded, bereral
bat only «M raUraed alive.
Tbe U best for him to do. Os* Uiag we
where Uey will asjoy a week or two
told that 900 eolered Immone* are
Wire opeaed npra th*ee battariae
' of mmp life.
'‘YMkea Plga” didn't "de * ting to rogret her* to that wndM net take a'
Xn Robot of LJ.Ptam.
lar her* to reltav* aa Seren mea are
but Uey war* aeoa
located Md
Tba Husilem go to Bay View lomer>
Prof, and Mrs. C B. Doekeray enteri* tfinmlogy ae Uat
aklareareof tsoslek. Ualy fonr docalleaoedeo that oar peatUan wuaafe
Md I Utah there wiU he a* more ia- know b good Ulng when wa
taiaed a tew yoosg people last eveolng row morning tor two gamm wUh «he
ton her* at preaent- Almoat with that
tron abell* aad we had a epleadld opfaatry ebargna.
rt teoB. OaWodamday amraiBC
Another Uiag w* mlm to a eam^ at Uelr home en deal BigbU street lo
I mirht r«f
BOW (fever,
to witaaa* the hatUa.
W* are waitiag for .onr gaa* to be l*be eouuy eoatala* aeme beaalital bcBor of L 3. ETses. who wOi leave Uto there will be a doUar exeantaa to Bay
while It b of a mild form, and be ear*
Briaf etopped atdarkaad opeaplaeed, aad Uen we will nave sixty views, and it eeemt too bad for a fellow aftaraoea for bto bom* is Mnske^. View via Ur C. A W. M. whieb will oaof cornlnp oot alive. Oar atall to held
bd acala la tba aoralac, bot tha raply
goa* which eaa Are l.OOO shot* m hoar to aee Uem Md not be abU to abet Game* aad cards were Ue order of Ue aU* vidiora ta take advantage ef Ue*
at Slboan eevaa day* tor yaarMiia*.
of tbe Spaniard* wa* aot a* eplritad a*
lata tbe city.
kaU gam* and spend nevsrol plensMt
Uem to his frleada.
cvealag, aad retrsehauata were •«
Md It takes aeven more day* for ft t*
I.walked lea mUe* ta get Uto peper
tbaairht before Md tbe eaaaeaadloc
boar* at Ue rsnori
Aiaalta. aaawhol*.*otara* 1 have by Mrs. Deekaray.
cel ta yoa. eo Utto wm be pretty old
wa* aet haary.
to write m aad Um was able ta get •eea, is maeb nicer Uaa I
Those preeeat were U* Mtoee* Jauu
by tbe Ume that H reeehee yea, hot
SeoB after aooa. while tbe batUe
only tan aheeta of paper Md no eavea* we have nene of Uoee peat* boro ao BrnlU. Groce WlUrcIm. BUel Doan and
perhap* It will fomtoh tome rnllef to
wae atUl la prornee, we reoelred 4he
k^aa, 0* I^wIU have to aew Uem ap widely
Reee Sbndek; ntoo. Measro. Roy Perry.
Mra A B. Harriaoa. whe ha* b«a
kaow that Oscar aad I are well aad
Brat anil wa hara raealted ia Cuba.
Md make a handle of it. 1 wrote a
my aone—there are eome. bet they are Cbaa Bock, (tart Behaelder. Clark Allsm Uc gomt of Mra 8. C Dmpro*. laavca
beany, op ta tbe data ef Uto letter at
At three o'elack a troee wa* declared
sr yaetardsy Md wa* obliged ta ae*
•e laterior to Ue genaiae Mlebigaa ar­ Md L J. FTeea.
Uto mortoiag for her home la MHwaa- "
^ which laetod setU th* eorrMder of
Ua bark frem a eoeoMBt palmu
Mr. Plem has been her* aenrly twn ke*.
ticle Uat they doa'teonnt. bat l^y
‘ BMtiaca. lo the moralBC of Joiy Uth
1 have asM a* klgh aa »*0 offered fer
my Uey areplenUfal enoogh In'the yean Md held the porittoa of laetrnctMtos JeanU GUI of NorUport to virileevea etawarde wtU he seat to U*
tbe aewe ef the earreader of Saotiaco
a ten eemt piece ef tobaceo Md Ave dol­ lourior. We have Ue news of U* or in steaegropby aad type-writing at tag trinads ta town.
State* (a hoepltal la YlrcUto) ta take
waa paaaed arooad tbe lln« and oar
lars fer n ^nnrtar of e poand of bacoa.
war ap ta Nay 9«U, and are wattlag U* besmse* Oellsge nntU Uat imtiteMtos TUly Nagtas Imvm today fer a
Brat kaowledce waa rained by tbe
«m* almeet Improbable bat It to
for more, bet of oeorsc do not deabt Uoo ctaeed tor Ue eammer vneatSoa. few daya MmUm* bring her dmtiaab*r*. Then, ia that eaea, 1 will he
cbearlar of tbe troop* npon tbe flrinr
Ua traU. I offered II.OU yeatarday
the Anal t*»alt. 1 am glad tbe Banaab He wm also stanogropher for Dodge A tioa. ,
able to hear from yoo Md other* at laline.
Brerybody U b*ppy now.
for Baurial ta wme throe letters bot
bad an opportaaity ta go na
Frod Pnrroaet drove oscr from Ue
tn* cmalnr all tbe band* alonr tbe tarval* aet <)niM *0 far betweeaasbe- waa not ebls to get It.
ha* made BMy frienda, who will be boM la Fravemoat ymtantay.
body Md wish I had been there, and
Ua* were playiar national alra Md tbe fereora* I do now. I de aet kaow
It rains twice a day and once every ^
■any to lean of his departon.
Uey wlil prove a crodlt
Mra. Peter Aaaa of MayAeld was to
eWdiara were cheerier Md elnrlar. ' It jast bow often yoo write, hot I have aigbt here bnt I bare ooi washed my
Treveree City aad UlebIgM If they
town ymterday.
I* rnawrnd that oar lament will go
hMd* for a week except 00 leave* wet
Vearly a Drownlag AeetdMt.
have an opportaaity. Well. I gaem
O. A BoUlday. who to camptag srtU
to Porto Bloe, bat ao Me ia aore of it ilnoe toavioc U* *hom of U* D S.. wiU dew in tbe morning.
Uto will do for one time. Hope we
Th* Boy's Band exoorslon Snaday hto (amUy at Oarp Lake, ridm to Mr kta
now aliDost Uree week* afo. Bot a*
We have ta carry our water Ave milea
will be eble ta tell of e4»>* big gold came very near Mdiog la a tragedy. oOce ta Ue meratag oa hto wheeU yePrtrataa Ooray aad AtexMder are yet I am notVery bomeeick, aer do 1 ta do onr cooking with, ao we cm have
etrikee here when I write next. We Aaaaberof U* band boys want in tarntag at avaaiag.
OUU oa the eiek Itet, bot th* reet of Ue foel bad. for 1 beUsv* that yoa've writ- no baths, Uen what we drlok aad cook
Mtoa Oaro Vtataa et Detroit, who
baUIng at NeahtawMta. oa U* edge
tea Md I have not received yoor let­ wlU we woald not consider At to wash
bojo are la rood bealU.
Faxn D. Ccxna
of U* channel bank wbsrc tbe water haabeenUegnastofMraJ. D. MmTha Brat Uourue Bbcobm were re- ter*. Botsfaonld I yet sick. It woald tn at home bat we are g>ad ta get It.
be dtcidedlr ebeerlcc to reed letter* Bat fur all Uita, the coentry to Ane oa
to vary deep, and Albero Bssroki stop­ eon for eome daya left ymterday (era
. ociead thla aoraiar.
from homo
ped off Into Ue ebaanU.
He called •hen visit at Charievotx aad MiftWaat
a 8. MoaoAX.
high land. Death larking la the low­
■ We have pretty cood etoB ta eat lands.
for help when be caB* to the enrtnee. Ulaad.
Sad End of Bimm P. Baker Bear
Mra. M. C Bnroh of Oroad Baptds
aad Wallie Campbell dove to amlst him.
TeU Mr*. Newton that ebe aeed not
: n* doUowlar are eztraela takna bereMdsbculd I cei *l«k my friends
Pe oakey
whe beloac to the same eorp* would
bot was eaogbl by Ue nafortsaato pamH Uroagh the rity ymlarday.
taoa a latter dated July Ittb. writtan
worry about Bd, a* It a doing him
Mra. A W. Peek taft ymterday for a
Tbe rrmaln* of a bm soppooed to be boy aad taken down wiU blm.
by D. 8. MorcM to bla aoUer. Mr*. J.
more good ihao a Uoaaaad dollar* at
Um tbe privates are attaaded to. borne. Ue ia brown and hearty look­ Hiraa P. Baker were foand la Ue
be cams to rieit at Bny View. She wa* aeeompaaa HerfM:
by ber nephew. Walter PceA
-Sanday naonlar. w* were take* to Therc«^^^« wo-*t sod of everytbiac ing. Do not worry for we will be borne woods sosth ri Ue city near Wab-me- Ua top. and It u ■ WlU*.
Be Wedeetoay Borniag by Oscar K. that be saooeeded ia getting into ahnJProL C. T. GrowA who ba* been eonaapport battery K bf tbe anaiery from bec'DBinc to end—poorest rmb, all right.
Beat reepeeta ta all my
SbIU. a laaber looker. Mr. Smith, low water. In Ue meMtla* Bert darting tastUale work at CheboygM.
where w* are bow etatloaod.
Saaday hardest work, poorest attaadaoce when friends.
while walking Urongb the woods, Winnie dove for Baseakl. and Ue oU- bm r^roed tabtobem* ta Uto city.
atep. B..tba«areftraoe waa takes risk, aad lean medical attanUoa.
Tear loving aoa.
Andrew HpMlding of Fetenbnrg.
came acrom a thatched hnt and. epon er boy* swam cml to help Md saeceed
down Md tbe **ir««IdMtiaro b^an.
EvoKxn LAxcAsm.
eatariag. fonad U* remalaa Jnstlo* ed in gattiag him to shore after he had MicA. to visiting hto dangbter. Hia A
I am one of a detail of twelre to eee the thine, to rotten to the h<
Panace. Depety Sheriff SmiU and
gone dowa fonr time*. It was a vary V. PrtadrlcA
Coard a read thronrh which tbe Span- Siealltaf to B prevalllBC tad amenf th*
Hto* Laaro FartaU left ymterday
George Bc-yerstt repaired to Ue place narrow emape for Baxeeki. aad qaita
leh BD*t pace to eaptarc Ue battery whole “ptiU.” Tbe private*. In other
le tbe afternoon, and after m examia- acloesaaoQfh one ta suit Cempbell. for Omen* for a vtoli wlU (rieada
word*, C«t Ue refose of what i* left
aad we are *D doty airbt Md day.
She WiU also visit friesds at NorUntloQ carried Ue remains to the rmiCroB my poet. lean eee tbe aeatiaa e( after all other* have bad their dip into
rnserol of W. L. Kooro*.
' road traek wber* Uey were bnriad. A
BaaHaro which contain* the army bar- Ue oaoe fat bin.
Fi*d Cortia Writaa More Aboot
F. G. BenatMn has reurned from a
eoople ef bills, s diary and eoB* paspbAt present Ue bonpitnl 1* pretty well
The fsnenl of Ue late Mareas
xaeka, hoapItaU and block booae*.
' leu were fonnd ie s grip, while on hi* Monroe, which was held Saoday after- baslnms trip to Chioogo.
Gold Boating.
n* baUdiar* of Saatiaro ate mad* retnlaied and tfaiaca bovIsc In aomeMra. Fred Oolver aad aoa Lorratoa,

aeoa. wn* Ue largmt fancrsl
ai red brick, and tbe view froB Ue tblac of n syeiematte Banner. Tbe
The diary oontalncd bto nsBs and en­ bold In Uto eoaniy. Over 1 000 people of Aegtaaw, ue visiting Mm. Cslverit
feter petlenta are fed ezdiuivciy oa
bm b perfect.
lo (Amp St Poet ef Valdes Glsrier. { tries from October T. 18M. when he passed aronnd Ue casket to Uke a last paresis, Mr. aad Mra. a B. Walt ed
At 4 o’clock Saoday afi«mooo. a elr- malted milk, beef tea aad water.
left BssUordsa.nntll October 99. Md review of tbe reatain*. aod 174 teams Wasbtagtan street
■alrvnfroB Ue fleet acnonneed tbe' They all coawsy tat (fj.
EwTon Bicoxo—Tbe last Itltar I It to prmamed tbsl he died eooa after
Bay w^it has gene ta Fetaakey for a
Well, rneoa Pve growled eaonxb Md
present Tbe Odd Fcilowa of
openinr of Ue bettle and all batteriee
wrote yoa was when we landed, sod
Uudata. The general Ueory to that Booru* Centre, of wbleb deomaed wsi few dsy* vnealtoa.
told eaoagb for once. I keep e diary
opeaed fire.
Uen. of coarse, bat little eonld be srea
Soy Thompeoa to aiaisUpg ia tha
be was iomne. a* every entry (e Ue
»mb*r. bad charge of Ue affair.
Ue battle bercn
a dark eloodof all ebangea I make^bat 1 do aad
of tbe count’7. as it was about eight
roe* from Ue moentain* porih of tbe
^ ^
weU ai tome of Ue feetnoder snow. T^eJ Ull me tbs’. diary after October mb BcnUon*' bis Thirty members frem Orond Trovero* First NaUonal Beak.
BeoHmM of 8raU Maaltaa .
being bangry and thirsty. He was C/odge, Ne. too, Md aboal twety-Ava
city, aad floated acroe* Ue valley. |

Irst winwr it w** twelve feet deep beIsland,
to ta Ue ciWcamped scar the river bank aad wiUls from Ue Kingsley lodge beside a large
foralBC a graad aad plctove»^a# slgbt. j
j«ly i»u. >e k.
f.i*ltset-l*d. We e-imped and beelcd
E. Wilhelm aad family have rotarna mile from a farm boase Uat he mast namber of oUar friends wen ta
As Battery K opued Are apoe tbe j I act b» .ret 0. K and of Oiear I !.*t
oar staff u,< to thef -otof Ue glaeier.
have psaaed Is going ta Ue wood
*d from Bay View and Pataekey where
Meekhoaaeewe eonld eoe tbe abelU beard nutbing, bot be bae n->t Ue vel- Md there Mr. LaBr*orthy
•ay left
uu ns
as end
Petaakry to East JordM
Uey have beea enjoytag a vacation.
atrika Ue roels Md explode. Urawiag low (ever sIm he woald be kere. aad I
Z>mtU of Barah Llngla.
■ -l“ “"U-' o. CMb., 7U..
«ll»l ., ,b.
City Bnginevr U. F. NorUrnp Md
eUada of red brick iata Ue air. Wken- am at Ue troic each day ta sec after
I. n.
«P U.. ,1.™.
^ J ^ .
Mr*. 6*rob J. Uag.* died at oae wife have rctaraed from Uatr vtolt at
evH-M enemie*' battery opened Are My of the boye who msy be sick from ••beoebes”
«.b«" .1
ef u..
Ue ribbi-r
glacier ..a
e'elaek yesterday marotaff at Ue bem* Detroit, where Mr. NesUrap attaaded
Uey were promptly loeeted Md as my compear and el the titb.
Shonld tano* beyond, aad Uen we chMged
by Ue doctor, stated that he would of her dangbter, Mra. Ohaa Jobasoa, a mretlag of the AmericM Badety of
promptly silenced, aad now aoae re- Oscar be taken at many of Ue imi are oar pUns somewhat aad traded
40s Wmt SeveaU street, of old aga avil Bogiacera.
I CM easnre yoa he shall rrecive Us staff (prortolonsoalyl (or like ttnek at walk tT Clarioa. Md that wn* Ue lasT
8h* was 68 yean old.
She Imvm
beard ef ktm, tboogb eeareh
WUl Batae ha* rotareed from hto vaYoor letters were received when I bmt of care a* long a* I eo tbit
Uc foot of Ue glaeier and got
made, nntll bto remains wera fonad three ebUdren two daagfaten aad on* mtioa trip aod vtolts at Charlevoix sad
was on gonrd daring Us bombardmaat car* Md eee to bis oomforu.
money to pay for peeking it ap. The
eon and ba* made her boms wIU Mr. Petaskey.
aad 1 stopped reading Uem eeverml BOW Ue paUenta do aot go la oeed a* glaeier it U* worst part of Uto eona- Wedaeadsy
A Wood <4 IhompMwvUta. waa *
tlmm U obeerr* Ue effeern of Ua sadly a* Uey did at Amt. Bach ward try. and It to an nwfni problem ta
fanerol wlU be bald at 6:80 UU morn­ > Ue city yeatarday oa haetaas*.
ha*, any Uirty patleau aad a steward salve. At lu highmi point it to abont
Two Big Trent
ing frtMB U* bonae. The reoaalns will
Fred Banter ba* retarsed ta bto poAt > o’clock p. m. Monday a truce over Uem. ar* fed on beef tea and 5,000 feet above sea level, 95 milm
Ycntenlay Henry Tonneller Md Bert br taken to Alba aad laid by tbe tide
slUon in HamUton CtaUlag Cou'
vaeagala declared, and wedoa't kaow caaluJ milk fonr timm a day are kept awsy. This woald be bad cnoagh MoOoy west Ashing for treat above Ue
ef ber bosbaod.
atoro. aftar enjoying n vnoattae.
Wbca the Ariag wUI begin.
oa oott and kave shecU over Md oadcr WlU a steady rise, bnt it to a sneem- dam o* U* BeardmM river.
Bev. Somnel & MtUa. wh* has beea
llaee extend 11 ■*!]** sronod the
Arc visited by a yellow f.ver
Bceiiag ofWlItard tTnlea.
of hill, that woald pat "Rama- evening Ury retnrned wlU tw* n»mthe gamt of Rev. Howard Mooro Ipr
ehy, from eoast to eoast. ao Uere to a* epeelallst twice a day.
dell'e hill" to shame, Md ta pat a
6 spedmea* of Ue roiabow speeim,
Tbe regalar meeUng of .Ue WUlard some Um*. ha* retaraed ta Ue home
poaeiblllty of My escape by a Aaak
Up to data only 11 dmUs (Uto 1* tbe eoaple of tons ef atoS np Uem by
aaaaaring abont 9« Inches nad Onion will be held st chnrU this afurat Riehmoad.laA
exact namber for Uto whole camp for abeer maaole to vary trylag work.
aooa at t o'clock. It will be a MoUan'ArnmorUat some Spanish sharp 1 am wli^ a etaac's easy Urow of Wood bsB ta be taken along, too, t* tag aeariy *■ large. The eanller oae
meoting Md each lady to reqnested ta
•boota; B were eeerctad near Battery K Ue barlal plaee) have rmalted from last over Ue elacier, a dtotaoo* ap­
bre^t boat* alive nad wm have a qaaetioa ooaoeraiag th* govern- ^It Jatae^ tSdtjSlta^JS'wmS?
eanaed a party of akirmither* to be tbe 650 or 659 oaam eomlng to Uto proximating somUm. NearUe ram- plaeed ta Fred Beehtat's eeqnarlua.
t ef eblldrea. All U* ladim are elcM •pooas aad gtaseot Thto mixtare ooasUtutce oer im eream aoda at
aeat wt this rntralag. bat m»e hoepltal. wlUla 08* sveek aad Ave mit it uormt a grroi deal aad it woe
cordially Invited ta attend.
Walth soda foantaia.
SKl-tf .
Bnsdayto Fir*.,
day*, wktri) to Ue wkole leagU of
loeomaen sight to see fear or Ave
; TariracdteUacllmata of Caba. It time Uat Uere has heea a hospital mas go after wood Md be gone two or
A lighted cigar or elgantte throw*
*>Oowri* BUI Frau Fana.”
The Aaast od iem aerved at Bern
aaptw'p -rtsatly Aligfaifal to me. The her*.
Uree daya aad only bring np a aled earotesaly between tbe etdawalk Md
Dr. J. C. Eaeelaad has very approday* ar. naesedlagly boh hat in Ue
I aa getting Arm Mam grab aad do: load by bard labor. No water wa* to ride of the Paorborn Hotel to asppeeed .priataly ekrtotened hto Ane trait farm
attarao'm a ahower comm Md Um aot wish for B*r*i hake yet
be bad oa Ue glacier except by seelt- ta bare act Are to the bnUdiag. Aay oa Ue hUU wMt ef th* city. >-G*4vri*
lauat peril mm at Walth Drag
the nig -to are cool, yce, even nhllly.
foarteea dollars la Bwaey: did yon get: iag .anew, Md I am afraM ov toUeta way the Are was there Saaday
Farm" after U* farm of the Store..
iMt Bight 1 wttaemed a wrriMi aad UeSpnatoheolBelaeathaB* t* yoo. raffend from aroat of wnter mnay- lag aad Ue drpartmrat was ealled eat
aaata owned by m naeestar ta
awfal Unadar storm.
I wsat c«
I'hav* net heard frem yon ^ee tlmaalOtawImaardtolHa Bnt it ba-' to azttognJeh U* bUra. ■ Tton Unreal
ganril aad ahoat nine o'clock the atorm leaving Newport New* or evan Camp gna ta thaw at last aad betora U*: eagta* did Ua work rasy
Btaki* L_._
WM* Bu of aot* aad related te a Drag Stern.
b^aa- ThaUghuiagnmseolBtaaaely Alger, Md 1 aa alaoM ready to eenm anow waa off. '’boBbl* hem” aad bat- beforo mneh damagn wm Aobb.



wrifiap. BxpeettoCBOBBah^to U*
D. 8. whoa ataad foee-na nmn^ aad
■ay c*t a toMcwr^
that yM folk* at borne
writ* to oaa nr Ue oUer of a* aaee a
wnaa }n*t for lack. I wm doae.







■ ry. k* tmei* M« immtamt
grcf QuBfB VMori*, WM mallr


New Departure!

dMpu tMM, bolk tor bnlk. tiBtBOli«>IMch*"MUarkliic,’‘a«d bei

“Vb^ did yoo *0
• •


' ID'S fP *> Uhi


><ObIj 10 Wm bor. o'mand•'ot."
And IB hCT aadl. M—
' *>CvMU»oaMBlt«ldook(Tr‘
*'in)lb^wom«B be U. Well. I'm (olnc
«o bed^ou'd brtur too. One c’clook.
•‘Only to eeleb tb. Ilsbt tbet Um
WltUB hir rlBoee dlirlae.M»w b«ud ViUud elftflDC ae be mored
Thne montbe after tbe oarty ntomlnc
boortn which VUtard had called bUMend
Oaner a -donkey" and bad toft hli orer«nat in a bv|> on MlUar'e aofate oane in
"-l-h a ejirinain* eiep. Be oToawd the
.l-<rD opiMKite MUltorwUb
...wi LiiKbt that erw eanw to



"Tea." «ald blUler. wlU ealm deoUtoo.
"Wril, yan don't." tbe other reeponded
Bianjphaotly. "beoaoee yon can't know
K. 1 am Rolnit to leU yon. tbougb. 1 am
•Dins to'actonnd you."
He leaned forward, patting hie band on
Miller'e kiMT and looked at blm with amUtag. ■parkling .
‘ You don't bellrre In Bind leading, by
tbe way."anid Miller, takingr the band
npand ehaklDg UalM.fiUnli>dcdly,
very ooriooi Inetancc bai juft ooine to my
Betiee. It U by a new proouia "
. bntber lulnd reading! I bare
1^1 '
_it jton to Uaen "
"Soppaeo 1 toll yon wbat It U "
"What what UV'
"It would not be pumlble for you
Ba Ko one ktwwiof U oxoei>t myncU and
one otbwwbom yon don't knowl Bal
"Bel ba>"cald KlUer ratber gtaeely.
Be wheeled around to hie deak and leak
from a email dmwer aoma allpa of paper.
' Be then pni on hto glamea.
"Juft ileteo a moment and dtow me
wbere my mletakee occur and exenee me
for prewnulug to you In detail wbat yon
would probably Impart to me In m~
eoncrete form. On tbe erenlngof Tbi
« go to tbe
day. Sept, a, yon Intended to
Intoead be
theater with Oeorge Carter,
took yuQ up tow n to call on .
Be Introduced you to a beautiful girt In
whom hewas loirreMed. You alao became
lore at flret eight,
after you tried to catch a gUmpae of her,
but tailed.
Than quite aoddunially you
met.and Che meetlugwaeaploa.ure. You
began to pine for
..... to aume uccnlt
"In tbe third Interrtew you reallied
ftkat your b<mrt bad gone beyond your
kiwplng. Jealooey. bowerer. aoon crept
In and oamhd yoo day* and nigbu of angulB. which were followed by a nerlod of
mclancboly. TbI* aoded In a bom of
bealtby dellanau. Yoo
your divinity at aorne ootdnor fuDCtloa—
In a garden. I think—and Batweqocntly
drenewlth beror In her oouipenlonebip.
Tba next day you eanl ber Bowum.
leoeirtd them gradoualy. Finally you ree.lt_apoke
Your reply wae urgent and paealonato. and ber re>oloder rnUod you to
the aeretrtb batren of delight. Yob he­
re fonnaUy enguged laat Saturday, and

[ u hto ebatrin i
"Why—what do yoa mean to tell me
you hare found out about all thia tg randlog my mlndi"
"Not by netdbtg it—by h<wrtfig It."
"Hearing ttf 1 nerer uttered ooe ^Ua"My daar boy. you did. Ten told me
your nnry In tbe chuloeiit of languagea,
but nooonKiooaly. 1 mud admit."
bUllrrtmdJuitod hto glawaa and <«a>D
glal>o<d over kto Unto aUts.
' Thiavday. tbe Sd. waa tbe Oret vrm
wymir fate, and you
ing 'Only lo lore ber; mwhing
l)nI »'»U ..
.. KilU vnistd iv.'lirrtlroly.
lang and buiuinud It for a fall
•moe day
ft until you did luert btr. after which It
waa 'W'e met tij ckanee. the uaual way.'
Then you told me y<ni w«tr> yearning to
aaa her airaln In 'Cuuld I bnt oome Ur
yon.’ Thu you murmured In a pathetic
undmone till ll ga«i pWv to« Juyoua
and you flow to her that Tory evening,
love tbve—Uxvbilly i Urre.’ wm the next
number, which you aaiig oouxtantly and
with dn-p fueling
You wer>< Uu-n ellrnt
fur aumo IlKje Uaie.aud w bte ! Ixwnl you
Toloe again lu 'My dream of love to n'ur,'
‘Maid of Albena erv we port, and 'Love
sot' brwthcd forth with dafti Madiumt.
felt «■ the point of oBi-rlm yo<> i?mpa
tbatto ad\-«cr. but waa deu<Tred luckily fay
"Shall 1. waatlna ta danpalr,
Qto iMBum a woous '■ fair I


-----------London by bbnmir, a

JL o< .iUcW^ - in wiTlIta

Ing aatooll In
found In gitM qanntiatf In aoatbwn I “
by no raeana uneoininoo with..........
t. .kIt U the ^nmtoa there which to tbe
oxide of aluminium.
Wbeo eeparated i
ftom other enbataoeea. alumina If a >
whin powder.
Deotriclty ie tba chief |
factor in tbe prodoodoo ttf meeallla i


ely over tbe vat la oonmetal framework, through
which are innrted a large nmaber of
carbon roda about 16 or 90 Incbea long



I in this

.............. U


unething like a foot In width and an
inch in thickneea. and made of aorne
good ooodnetor of electricity. They
I. to.*,- i.H...
.no. ;kto« .-.J I brouted and dried by the rtgor both of
bare lo be rrry larie.
car- j
‘"a-k berenm they
ry a current equal to 8,060 boraepower.
appeared oreriy ptriahiog with

Tbe enmoC la ooe ^ gnat rolntne. bnt; treat and buDg>w. An expnreion glrenied
ray low rollage, tbe electro uotire in tbe ey«a of thU mlserefato object and
force at each vet or erndUe being only | the young prinee at the aame momeot
about Bcron vulta
They knew e^h o^. wd aa

practitioner faila. Hare yon been aick
Are you discouraged 7
for yeara
yeat 7
" "
we can c
cure yon.
yon we will tell yoo wbat reliel
we can glre you.
,^Kemember. one tmth wilt he

. ».


tnutoformed twice—flrft.
bringit toa proparoltage, and, aeoand- ;
ly. tochanseittramanaltpraatingtoa
direct correui. Tbeeu iron rataorernei-j
hire are ocgmected np in Ktire electrioally, and then they are ffllfd with tfag ^

a true
........... .................................
"Whmu Bob Clewlluea, do I imt baU an Our metboda of ti__________________________
old abipmate
to your Tb be..................................
sun I do.—._________________________________________
known br aU tbe achooU, with tbe aid
as prime a aeaman aa era crtramed Baall gf electricity, that moat wonderful of
or arrvod a gun. Why. what baa hretered all agents in Paralyaia, Loaa of Power,
your old bulk In this war?"
Kbeumatiatn. and all diaeaaea of tbe
^*>e man wre dumb with confllOlag oervoua ayatam.
Go early, aa tty
omotloa*-h°« *he tcara atartod Ip hiseyea office la always crowded.

which act eiiba ae a flux or aa a n

to taka

current most be


and th

must be

lri,“ “

tha value of

Blgga-1 wcoder why -they Mttt the
Spaaiab offioen to Atmapolta!
Boggs—Probably to teach than gaary.—New York Jonreml.
Card of Thanhs.


John R. Santo,
Eeietal lisarim.
Travaraa CIif. Web

aad eepaeially the Odd Pallowa.
of wbleh order Mr. Mouroe waa a mambar. for tba axpraaaiooa of eympatby
aad regard, aad for all the kind atbnterrible afmetioa‘^taoBBddenlyo .
teeV ua In the death of htuband aad

TreFttPaOi^ lUitM.
Balow la b Uat of tha bn^ aad aaUt^M^jgtttday for gr


DISfiASBf aa tbedoctor. He grade
ated 87 yeara ago from aereland,
Ohio; waa 15 yeara In general pra»
tlce; after that lectured aa Profeaaor
of Anatomy and Pbyaiology in Detroit
Romeopatbie Medical College for I
-----------------------" -earn Superintendent of
_ middle aged,________
1, weather_____________________
faeotee Jack Tar_________
and____ 'palUnti
tn a raggrd faekee and troUHta, a red Thia experience.
hto bred aodhto old aboretlad yean' atudy in the
....................jy aorne strands of ropo.
tbe eonntry, and exa
.. ._ Dgaod ti-_.
He had neither ablnDorstockluga.
and, Ing thonaanda
_____________ of
-- chronic caaea, baa
though bis shin seemed to have boon prepared him to cure when the general

work and the oarbona are ccosected
with tbe pontlTe conductor of tbe eleotrio ourrait and the rat orouidblewith


ice eold wind plemd even theuomfortable
wrepplngtof tbe mlktr prlnoaohlUlngkla
young blood, but It eeamed to rreeae tbe
ragged oreaturta wbom he paiMd.
It may be that feeUng tba eold himtelf
3 In look*

and freun 9 to
incbea is diameter.
Thia fiameiTotk la InauUied electiioally tram tbe iron ondblea. Tbe frame-

Tbeee oondnotpta

Dr. A. B. 6plsn«y. of Detndt. alae
pcopftoW of Bead City fiuIUrium, to
eealneto your town, where le wiU
winitn ioroea day only to gire tbr
•Ick na ^rportunity to ootuolt bin:
that eaaoot a«e him at hla Sanitarium.
Tbedoctor haa ao much ................................
faith in the

formitlee treated.

Etcf Burned Qotf
Ettael-Tea. AUt


•oroedlMlhed being followed byattoftd- ttpertot* he bw ^ lo ^Ung
Iicbanred that bemada tato way chronicdiaeaaea that be will ^re one
orur London bridge, which at that tittu. Bonth'a treatment and medicTae free,
bad a eeria of narrow aloovot or wnimei
with aaata along the rlrer or baliutrada *«. TBOSg THAT Agg ■«» pooa to fat.
All that he aata
aaka tot
tot return la that
Mde of tbe pavemeok
CTcry patient will ataU to their friendt

tbe powdered alnnina to!
pi—i to «».It
deecriptlae of tba preone la aa foUowe:


BlM—rTa hod Miy • teM i

other to”w^ 1 P”.
hto hand, wblto tba alba did not

B -to-i—to ItoM. — ■«.

Meuct Monoi
BAaar Monom
Enow Moaaoa
Monroe Center, Anguat laL

Clesr Pork per bbl, mw..
BbortOet Pork........................
▼a haT# aU klnda of aewing ma- Flour. U L.A0O. Beet..
ebioeneedlea. J. W. SLATxa'a bonae Bya Plonr, B. L. A Co, Baai....
Maal, B. L. A Co. Boat....................
furnlahiag atore.

11 98

^i:iE S

will run on Bast Bay aa foUowa:
. e:toa. m.
Leave Old MmIoo..
.. 7:10 a. m.
.. 7:40 a. m.
Leave E'k Baplds...
.. 8:90 a. m.
Arrive Old Mtoeieu..
0:00 a. m.
Leave Old Mlsalon...
. .n:tO a. m.
Arrive East Head...
.. 8:00 p m.
Leave Bast Head....
S:»0p. m.
Arrive Old Miaalou..
.. 5:10 p. m.
Leave Old Mirelon...
.. «:40 p. m.
Arrive Elk Baplda...
Op. m.
Leave Elk Baplde...
Arrive Old Mleeton..
'Bue will leave tbe MereanUle 00*1
Block. HoUl Whiting and Park Place
Cor®. ,.
at 1:10 p. m. 'Bua will also eouect
Eyr, per ba..............
with boat at ll:Ma.m. Fruit car will
Bnttor.per ft....
be at Bast Bead on Tueedaya. TbureBggm. par dotes..
daya and Satnrdaya Pareengeta and
fruit will be taken on at any point
aieng Pentaaula abore by o
in a beak

sSsiii' I
a BATMOFTKAvasarCT aiuir


6nid Riptdi ft ImUm I. i

ttlxCiira. Jn« what thie •
[uaricr deck when a Mona
probably ooe of tbe secrets of the proo- quanerdeck
non eotuea
irfin, old tneinsat ttotorectef aay aaoltarlaMaboacea When all tbe crudblw are filled < tbe riggtng
Come, tip
rey. come alt*
along wUh^i^’and
with the mlxtura tbe coirent to tnixied
i "7"
tbe ranting
et your eaa____________
______a wrftten
:en rnaf. Q K. UOWW. AtMreer oaa Oat
vaa Coma, look almrp! "
antee to cure every eaae of PILES and O. lav. epaMol atteeuoa to <
oarereaSir II1 Fveal to
day arven days in tbe week. All cd the
So reyiog" tbe youth walked brtokly on RUPTURE. Alao, we b tve a lylng-ln
material In tbe different esudblea it till be rente lo a shop near WeUolaae boipital department Ir our Sanitar
breted to rednere when tbe procrea of square. ' Htre, you. Mr, I want an'ont hiax. Bend for Jouraa*
■epantioo takes place. The oxygen of andouk'ftilckandaati tiew rigging fa
the alnmioa to thrown off aa gaa and my mate hero.
'Wbo't to payr said tba cao^ena
otba ntidnaffl floota to tbe top of tbe
crneible and le skimmed off.
Why. I'll pay. to be
wre tba
m in a melted m
links to tbe bottom of tbe oncibK
"Ob. very welll" ha answared aad re­
wbere it to dipped ont from time to tired with Bob Into hla back room and
time with large iron ladles and poored Boon recoroed. bringing tbe maman comTYODOX * OOVKU. Attorevys aad eeaassi
into rend and
into ki~.i,«
D tor. a» la*. Ottssa. City Otot. Bvare —
to that of pig Iran.
[. PtMTEB. Attoreey at t
Alntuininm to woR nrefnl ae an alloy Just aa Bob ClewUnoa l^lpea»d a half


S2BS«* ssas Itt



■ 9
<s a a
88 B 8

9 ■IIB99
a eaaaaa
8 988188

Home Proteefln Association



with other metala It la being extonaiTely uara
naed tn
In many diiectiana,
airacnoDB, ana

^ ivtuea
Becauae If yon arc aick 14 days <
wonld be vaeUy more need except that I
And eo as the
he ahUerii
shivering taore we pay yoa from tbe firet day you
np to date no saUafactOTy way has beat'
thankfully gathprod up thn
th« ragged garb
»!“ from the brer you
dlaooreeed to aolda ik
In different there wtre two lusuts made hoppla at the
inm forma about ouu-ewelfth of tbe I
"And now. wbot'e to payf" ertod the
ctnat of tbe rertb.—Chicago Tlmee- royal middy.
"Flfiwn doltow. sir."
With genuine sollnr I
odcuiatKl bit
geoenius youth bad i
Few Testll. lavmttoo.
inancxo. <u>d re the allowooce made to
An Ansciian Inventor has o
I'nitou WlMtom Henry was never large
In aitoptw pbotograjAy and el


S.: IS.?

to tfSol^^ing out and applicaciem of de- aging It be -ires for a iimmenl perplexed
■dgAa In ^textile niannlacture in a way wbat to do. until he tfaouglit iJ bis watch
wbidi U it Mtid wiU revolutiooixe thia and said, "Wbat wlU yoo give
itnporcant branch of indnauy.
By bia ,
oovcl uicUiUl It U claimed' that' the I
doalcr cy<xl It snsplclonelv. weighed
»ork whtoh U. uka, iDoitU „ .... |
yeara to compote can be aoooi

will weave hoodkaohiefa.
In tfarro
le porcharerof then ban
chiefs will1 bo pbougrapbctTIty
pbotograpbedHty an
a gp-

.,1k. ™

.. porokii


vcey pretty, but not heavy. It’e
the fashion maybu. but we buy by weight
—Just the rese Is all
I'll venture to give
yon ti
'— '
'» care. Mr. bnt I'm like to

in a quarter of au hour. Thli tww elec­
tric loom will be exhiUied for Rie first
time at the Faria uxhibitlan. where it

maobiue. and in half an boor a atlk
bandkurebior with the pnruhaacr'a partrait woven into it trRl be praduond
At tbe jnbileu exhibition Mw being
held in Vumna email Undscapea wortn

""“k ""k to™

eiiuer aieanei
KrEag-io- Kstoii#
a before mgaiMKO
Stop knd think.
1 rvadsawodbsUatrerenyS
you get Insured and yoa will have no Artor. wtltiMBoreweaUs Isr a
W. R. HAR-)Y,
gan. Trev«

»X toto• City. Mich.



aaaaaaaaaaaaaua a
88:8S98S89898«S 8





Tmerse Bay Liae ofSteamcn.

W TBto mtdvace.


TrioK EKNTr Hlnrios
Fag. »l-ct




ft*, cur- »l tft

L<a,e Travaae City..

Oread gAptds:



liimn ill Kinuiiiii li

Pewwkry ..
Bey View..

, " Bore, Boh. do you take tb. oddehanga
i to keep your posket warm UU you get
| aboard again."
this time poor Bob waa crying like
* child, fur bo had boon loug Mrk aod dia-1

FrM .C. r Beret. C

■W‘S^s.‘.SXS.‘4:t''AS£= K

Going north dally except Suaday.
T mate for a bit, without Its Jackrt.


ls< FrrecrtbMl relre. BaiarisraOr------------------ie'elock, M Froat
Fraal sirest- ore.
Ore. *^us


k- j "'IJS.'l.i'

tak«» In this way
Tosla Bereadr AgMaet LssreTa

| lortanee. reying as be held the money toward him
"Come, tome, lake In yoiw cargo, ship-


rie vToS,

Maabonolaud. Africa of tbe efficacy of |

dried them, and afterward, having giv
, Dob did' not forrei to teU
j the «o»y. and It w». d«-ds S^hU that
wmiaro Henry, dukeof CUrenee.
j lotb. peupls of England—London News.
Bxiies la aitorio.

liKMo again
In a oonple of days the i
"Which, I oinat Bay. you rendered lit flue .wunu ww> vlfjbly affectoCU tbe locusu |
etyle. -Wheneer I aer tbuK" tnilllng eytw,
reuisiuiug atauonary on tba mesLile
‘Como Inui the garden. Mood.' and ‘Wdlt sudka
A lictU later they w«re all '
for the wagon'tnlunmd me of a happy re- lUtud. and tiie tanurr dcclai
thsc ha '
Thaae dou'em for thee wore
lias not a siuglt, locust
. .
culled. 4oTe.'told lla own atoiy, and'I'd
U thu euiry U truu. it poinie to
e0er thte till* hand of mine. ’and 'Oh, farm.
a Icmg
trvmlM" iiM'.' expUlned the ft-vi-riah oagtrlia
ppstssen with which you awaited the pnatman
on a certain moraing laat week. 'Hafraln,
MtdaetouaW'mid'Wc d boWi-rbldeawM'
Kovel rira Kagtiia.
gave lur aumr nxiinenta of aaxlety, but ‘I
EnthnciaAic descriptions are giron.
cannot live without thee.' 'She to mine,
the word to apnkan.'and ‘It lathy wedding according to tbe FbilpdL-Ipbia Rtx-ord.
of a new bond fire engiitu for
niomllig’ cloeed the Bugoe] of evenu In
moat mitotorUiTy luanorr. and 1 cat) ooi
•nberUui aod ocaiuMy towns whi-re the |
gratulate you on a very a
public aemoc la out within oa«y call I
gramme Have 1 mlaataud the enae!'
which haa Uhdy been iTougfat out lu 1
"Well, of all aa-toB-Uh-lnglbliigal Yen ~
purtahle. he- 1
England. Thu nuschiM
»nn putxhat Ina Mory. Nobody woold ing mounted on a parr ol nroug

wheels aud can pump some 50 ksIIou*
"Which U tbe beat poaalble leaMB few
of water per minute ogainet a htad uf
patting it in a Mary," aald Miller. ~
65 fen. or. when owd tn emergency,
ran be farced to deliver UK> gallous a
lulnate. Tbe cugiov rusts <m four iron
fn-t. this position being effected by
railing the handle of tb«t carriage and
lowering tbe boiler.
It is of tbe quick
I taiaing ettnni type aad may he run up
j to a working preaetue to a few minutca,
nwbo talks nice in ebnreh I which for cnergeney work is of oouto
JtwtibhM ,of great taportanea Thepnmp«»be



, Harbor kpringa .
Harbor Poiul____

1 am not Asiatic or a ebamplonof AMo,
yet 1 can see that there are two aldea to
tbUquivtion. however much 1 may sarTbe eWe we do
Fot all think u> is that ta thUxolltory syvbrm among three that are Asiatic or of
Aalatlc stkiei tbore Is very little capital

very great annual exodus of triaoneea to
BtU-rla, the majority have no right to
expend np>n the few ti

Wood and training and. bring totrillgent,
are ocrtain to have (■wtcctiy uodiwauod
and nooeptod Uie ebanoea when oppoMog
eonutry. and finally that
In KusaU and ont id It there U pioity (d
torvlgn, tree oatd
to ikhvw that tbe caodlttoD of the taisooera
and tbe exiles U not nearly ao bad ae
tbow, wbo |ilay upon the exceptinnM wmMthvucasor Amefican nginbllcaas bare
reoMd us to liTuiglDe.
In Knssla. was to ^
atnid I should
ge to XIU,
my oplnlob." said L
"That would ,oot be ao haul." reld ka.
"Moot people are bettor off thoa ever
wbun tb(7 are sent to Slberto."—Jnllaa
Ralph in fiarper'a MagaMim


▼AKTEIV-Olfl t

‘uf j.fu thlnVl*St'

^e toxin i^anody a^inat
On* forgotten theft Wbat do you take mo for,
Isnuer wb<^ |>ns.-ored aanpiily
' of
' 'locnal , eM
'n Go am]
ami get some rationa my man."
iold (be
tbe royal middy hud to pet
toxin frgB the gurenuueni reya that I
It U eold
a. uiuculated locusts died be kept and hbuself oo a month'* abort allowanee of
the fungus lime to mature, ground
Uicu. into i«wd«
Of locuMs
wbichwaspwo bourt in pamlng went
lutuaflveacreojealle patoh. and oome of
ibv iiiwwu were sattuauid w(ib a eolniKiu from tbu ground oppowdev and tel


Going Bouth daily except Sunday.

Ar. TravereeClty..

^ a r.StokSa. lawMiisrtre«*■


B4LX--dtady Koaafrk Msyvh^a

OaoSams let...
OMo( Lake........

ruov's Bvlleb.......... ~
saal MUL.... "
Abo................... “

• .osv tor '

■oWA's Oresotsg..
Buitona Bay ...
Ar. Traverse City. -

LareraB Wood. M»4f


Odor north dally except Bnoday.
Leave Traveree City........................t:0t> p. m
" NeahtawaaU........................... *:00 "
" ScUoaa Bay............................. 4;8A " Omasa............................................ 5:15 "
Ar. Northport................................... 6:is "



,rloe racissev.

' of Bovard Wfelttar

- "S'S


Take ateamar at D:40 a.
tawasta wberv you will ,
etebttcr Cri

for Keohwith


yoa a plcbaaot ride of 94 mill
, aad con be made every
. morning.
If yon wish a longer ride the beat will
land yonat Umena or Northport where
TOO will eoaacet with ateamar returnlug to Trevaree City at 4H)0 p. aa.
Afunooa axeutaiobs from Tre’
aty. take the ateamar Craecont every
afternoon at 9K» for Ncabtawaota
where yon vrlll eosooet with eteniaer
retarelag to Travnrec City at 4:00 p.



ts‘:c£TJSJi‘sr£^&.-S£iiJ. W. OAUVTLBT

e fare for the roii^ JM|i. will



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