The Morning Record, October 14, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 14, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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’•iS!^ 1,050


SMoDd Tear-No 451

Troops Tmks Bossesslon of
Stockade At Virden, IlL
Ofltotel List Sbow* TWrisw »«e4
•ad TwsBty-riT* Woumdsd, u B»nlt afOeelMiaer.' mst-aniet la
Towa and th* 8«rio«B TronbU
Mitral to be Orer.
. apwlil W the

Vlidea. ni.. Oct. 18.-After a carefal
iBreetlratioa the liat of dead asd
froaadad lenaiiu at II daad.ts woandtd. OotoBor JthB Bart today waat to
tbe stockade and sBbpoeoaad a aambOT
of tbe ooaipaay's mlaers aa wltBcasea.
Itlsa^aeeUoB whether aay rlolcBce
will be offer^ the stockade bIi
whea they come from the barricade to
attend the coroacr'e iaqaeaV
Thetowaisaa qaiet as a conatry
tharch yard today. Tbe two (atllnff
yaas of the Oaleebtir battery oa the
pabUeequareaadthe blae-eapped in^tryaea at each eoTBer la the basincM dittricl. U ai»ot the <nly
arideaee of yeottrday’a Viot. outaide of the O'Mom eottaye frtwt
yard, la which etands «re cefflBS
-UlBlactheretaalasof ire of tbe rieiiau of yesterday's battle.
Oolonsl McKalyht of Ue roremor’s
staff, at mldalaht rislted the
of the Chica*\virden Coal
aad BoUied Maakyer Lnkiaa, who was
isslds throayboBt the tioahle, that the
. soldier* woeld risU the
aad disarm all the laiaalea Celosel
MeKaiyht aey* that ao o^eeUoae wi
offered to Uls. He belleree that thi
wfU be ao farther oatbreak either of
tbe nmlea mlaerB or of the stockade
Oaptaia Ferrlcr. eoBSsaadiey the
SOBB of Vet««aaa. with part of hia
eatered the aioekada today and dUarmad tha dctacBraa from St. LeraU
and tlU local depuUca employed by the
opmatera. The men offe« d no reaUt' anea to the eomaaaad





WaBhlnytoa. OcU IS.—The nary departmenthaa made pnbllc tha ' ”
and tha seatanos of tbs court martial
la tbs case of Chaplain McIntyre of the
battleship Orayoa. Tbs ebaplaia is
eharyed with abandalonsconduct, tendIny to the destmotion of yood morals,
oonduel to tbe prejndice of yood order
and diaeipllne. and conduct unbeeomiay an officer of the navy. All the
eharyee were founded upon the chapIain's eritiolsm of bu ■uperior officer*
ia a laeture deliTered at Dcbtst.
All Us •peeifleallon* were found
proved as alleyed. and the accused wsa
declared ynUty under tbe three cbsryee
».>.< sentenced to dismissal from the
navy. Ihe ease ia n&der review at
tbe navy departareni._______

VilUyeefOolomaXioat Beveral Taluahla Bnildlnya AyyreyaUay tM.000, TesieidlUP Kwainy.
Benton Harbor. Oob 13.—Oolomasufferad from a $85,000 fire thU morainy.
Tbe Wlmeis' baaket factory, store
bnUdlnys. tha opera honae. steam Uun:
dry aad tbs Moyan rssidenee were toUily dmtroyed. Tbe lunranoe is only
•1.M0Boldirra Hurt Btiok to It.
Waahlnyten. Oct. 18.—The war diepartment is coasuntly reoalviny imqneata from soldier* *skiBy to be mnstered out. *utlny that the war has
eloaed and that they wUb to yo borne.
The department officials asy that the
war wlU not bs over nnUI the treaty of
pmee U ntided by tbe senate, and
that the aoldier* may be needed for
further duty. No diecharye will be
yraated except for alekneoi or dlsabUity, and requests must be approved by
eoloneU and hlyber officials.

Bverybody wbo takes TEk Mobxiko
Bboobd can have the Grand Bapids
Herald delivered to them also for an
additional foor cents per week makr la tbs


;«ptror aad Bnpr^ of Otfauaj
Titlttd Zlac tBd aueta of Ittlf.
Supervisors Adopt Bmphstlo
tpwUl uTnHoMUU Bboobd.
Veaioe. Oct. 18.—The emparw aad
apreae of GeraaaBy airiTed bore at
MB aod proeeeded to tbe royal pal­ Proaaeator X>eem*d to he AeUny
ace. whar« they were welooiaed by the
▲yalnat Oonntyb Interaat—Pratt *
kiar aad qaeeo of Italy. Tbe irapeiial
Daria aad 0*eryn B. Orean Appoint­
eoaple will esbark ob ooard the yacht
at .4 o’clock oa their
ee to Defend Oonety Clerk Mnrtsa thatr pUfrliaway to OoaatanUni
and Serre the Snperr eor*
aye to PaleaUna
YMterday’e aMaion of tha board of
•aperrieors was eharaeuriied by mors
hot shot dlreeUy at PrMaenter Tweddle, wheae coarse bat beea deemed by
Fred WorsbarB^ Fine Was theeBperrisonasayalnsl-Uisistereau
of the coBDty instead of upon its beOnly $10.
hslf. TbU sentiment ia tbe board is
prompted by tbe action of Uc preeeOeo^ Brooke Sentenced to Xlyhteen .entor in filiny a vetiuon forawritof
Xonths and Oscar Howard to One
ipel tbe payment of
Tear in Ionia—Two Dieoree Deoreas tits extras clslmed by Contractor Gibsen. Tbs situation eslled forth several
rsaolatioas. all of which were adopted
Fred Wnrtbnry, the flrat of the Traewith hot one disaeDtiiiy vote, that ef
me City saloon men to be tried for
fiupervlew Peleipher. who filed hie
elolatlons of tbe screen law and tbe
rsaaons lor hia position oa tbe B
only one oonrieted, wss before Jndye
area. Tbe first r*w>l*Uon. which
Oorbett tor eenteace, on tbe openlay of
(.fftfcd by Sup*r*Uor Wilhelm, will exthe oonrt yesterday, and was Aned «10.
plsin iieclf. as foUowa:
Bs paid his ine at once-'
WHKRXas. Thors ia s petUloe filed
Oeorye Brooks, the Fife Lake"hoeae- ' ia tbe Circuit oouri ef Grand rrsveras
trader” end Oioar Howard, of the san e eeunty askiay that a msudamas bq
by said court eumpeliloy the
loeality aad ooenpatien. were cenrict
Clerk of Grand Traverse Co
ed. Monday, of the lereeny of a team see an order on the County

of faoraee worth $150. from a couple of
roriny ToH »*«««- Brooks was seaUaced
ysar aad sin monlhs la the Su a
at Ionia, and Howard yiren
me year at tbe saiaeptaoc. Sheriff
SimpeoB, aoeompanled by Coaatable
Vlntomwill take tbe prisoner* to lonu
this moraiay.
Aaothsr erimlaal. Albert White, who
has serred two *tcrms in prisons of
Hiohiyan, wss also doe lor a lony aeateaos tor larseay, bat owiny to a dsfeet ia the iaformnUoa, which inealidate* the ccnricUm. h* was immaaded
to the Bmordsr’s court, where Jody*
BoberU fare him 60 days in tbcoonaty
jail OB a eharys of patty laremy. the
Talcs of the stolen property belay only
Waehlaytoa, Oct 13.
yer haa aaat tha followiny dispatch to
After the sentences had been dispes<8oremor Tanner of llliBols: -Tn tbs ed of Jndye Corbett beyaa the hsariny
ersnt that tbs National Ooard of tbe
of noD-juiT cBSsa. The irst was thst
etate prorea iBsnfBcisnt tooope with of Gsorye F. Moore ayainst Fhillp
tbe dlffiealty of protecUBy life and Bemsteia, aa action ia assumpsit.
property and malntalnlDy order In the
icn4was found ayainst BerneUte, the Fifth IllinoU rolcateer in- stein by' defsnlt in the sum of $»»2 ?4.
fantry now at Sprinyield will be eab- with intereststoper
it. from April
Jeei to yonr order*.’’
IS, 1698.
‘Ike esse ef F. B Brown ts. Oeceye
McCray, bill to cancel deed, wns Ukea
np after tbe abore eaae ws* dispoeed of
and tbe testimony of witneascs Ukea.
ClinplAUi Hclntyre of the I The case is atiilon.
Ordain riaffnee.
1 Two deeresa of divorce were yraated
o'clock. They were Auyuata
Orart 4Urtial Bemlu is Diamimal j b
Ta.Eo’beri Brta^.Vad
Prom tbe VaT7—He Talked too | Cbsrles Darya ts. Msyyie Durya.
Xuoh About His Boperior

aUts. TnlepboneSS.



•ref the Army to Psi
Look into the Bituatlon of tha
ladian Troublso.
apwlsIteTBsHossas Rsteso.
8t Paul. Oct 13.—News wasreoeived
today that General Miles would arrive
In Sb Paul Saturday morainy. Uls be­
lieved that tbe preaidaat ialimated to
tbe yeneral his wUb that he s^oold
peraonally iaveetiyate tbs Indian eitnaUoB. If this it trus it fives s slynificanoe to the aitnatien which baa been
eoneealsd very esrefilly.

Plchpodcsts Did a Land Office Bus­
in tbe Ore vd Duriny Unveil**
my Blair Buiue.
Lansiay. Oeb 13.—Yesterday’s yreat
crowd fomisbod s harvest for tbs pickpoekeU. Already ten loasas have been
reported. Charles C. Hopkias. clerk of
e cenru was relieved of »
$150 diamond stud, while llstsnlny to
ex-Senator Patton's oration. William
Gllks of Howell and Jonathan Walker
of DelU of the Ayricnltural eolleye
each lost $100 in cash and Dr. B.C. Kedris of tbe Ayricnltural eolleye $50 in
currency. Tbe other lossas were small.
Tbs peliss rounded up ttie notorious
Jimmie Dwyer of Detroit He wss so*
compantsd ^ two men wbc ysve their
names sa McCarthy and WUliams, bat
whose identity has not bean eatab-

to Jordan E. Qibsoa for tbs_________
a bUI filed by him for $6^738.80, or such
part of the asms as has net beeh paid;


BKXtSK, Tbs above amount is for
extrt. ....
board ot si
has aot’ b
aiowed by Its ewa body
riU law: aad
WakBEAB. The prgeecutiey attorney
has filed said petitlcm and appears to
be tryiny to force Ue county to pay
Uesama: aad
board of eaperTiBor* Ue doty of Ue
proaceatiny attorney is to protoctUe
iaUiwsta of Us county. Tharefoie be



Three New Lines;

Heavy Gale oa Lake Foraea Vcssela
Into Port,
apwid to Tbe KonilBS loeet*

Of book*—The finest (or a gift that haa been placed on
tbe marfcet-At 36c, 75c and »1.00.
All the popular antbon.

Menominee. Oeb 18.—Tbe steamer
Westover aod eoanewt A. T. Biim. na
into this pert thisafiemaoa for abclter.
after trylny to make Garth aad Bseab A 8« ml]e rale M blowlny.

Holley & Gonnable,
290 Front Street

Will Float Orer San Joan Got 18 and
ipaniards WUl Ooaoede Ameri­
can PoeaeoBioB That Date.
BsMilslioTst Hosniss kaeoBB.
San Joan. Oeb i).—It U efficiallv aaDouaesd that the American flay wiU
bs raised over Sen Jnan Oct. 16.
Washlnyton. Oeb 18 —A cable from
the L’sited SUtes oommlaaion at Haa
Jnanaaya the SpaaiarMs asaenttotbs
ptoposUion to evacuate oa Oeb 18. and
if not omiplete will oooeede poseBtsion.

There Is Nothing
In th« picture
■e frami
frame line we can not or do not
Oar work always
ways pleases.

Markbam Bloat

, Uis
board to file Ue eald petiUoa in behalf
of Ue coonty.
Followmy Ue adoption of Ue above,
SnperrisorCleveland preaeated tbe fol­
lowiny. wfaieb was »isw sdopted:
WukHkAB, The proseentiay attorney
”>rmnd Traveive County Mlefaiyan,
be* not
workod in Ue inter* of esid
ed docDioeinttayaii
td eoenty.. a*d
end has
b j
not aeted as Ue ceuneel of said Clerk ;
of said eouatyand board of euperrisors,
aa is hit dnty to do. therefore be it
BeaJved, Thst wa, the board ef
■perrUor* of said eoBBty, deem it
neerseary to proenre eUor loyal eonessi to aid thU board in Ue pertom
This reeolatioe waqfollowed by still
another by Snpervisor Warner:
EkHoi.v*p. That Geo. H. Cress bs
rmpioyed by tbs board of superviaor*
defend County Clark Newton in Ue
- nlso



be emplored e* coansel for Ue board
ot soperrisors tn the court bosse mst-

is tbe niuobOT of style* we show io

Children’s Reefer Jackets.

Get Your
Wet Weather

All are of this season's maonfactore—tU are of donbls and
well-wearing clothe (even tbe cheapest)—and every gsnnent at
tbe price offwed yon, means a saving of twanty-five to fifty per
cent, of what yoa'*i pay at o^er stores.
We're perfectly sincere in the sbove statements and to
prove tbe truth of what we aay, invite yon to call and see tbe
i garments.
Children’s Beefets sre for ages 4 to 14 yean—Prices an
f $1.86 to $7.60.


Oor Great
Shoe Sale.

The world ttves tg yst bold of tbe baadie sad of a baryaia.
than earalay money: it it Bariay money; it U «2 fox $I. The



I Glad Tiogs Pot Your Feetl
W«^ are Agents for tbe Oc
women and csildren.
' This hose is knit of ^e .very best worsted yarn—are i
Italy fast color, and will retain the shape after washing.
Frioes within resch of nlL

Here’s your ebaae* U shoe np
Ue whole famUy at a biy raduetiSB.
A look al ways BMaas a aala.


F. M. Ashton

One of Uedirectresnlttof Ue oonnly
eoart bouse oontroversy and Ue dlfferaneea of opinion and position asenmed by tbe member* of Ue law firm
ef Twaddle A Oroaa, is Ue dlsaolaUoa
of partnership. A aotiee of Ue diesointlon of Ue firm appears is aaeUer
Wheat Karket Buonyer.
column. The aotiee ia siyned by Mr.
Bpetlsl »T«* Mossras
Cross, bat Hr. Tweddie refused U affix
Chieayo, Oeb 18.—Wheat today open­ kis aiynxlure to ii.
ed very atrony at an advanes of ons
Kra. XeXia^ in Aioayo.
cent December startlny at 65 Wc^OSSic.
Chieayo, Oct. 18.—Mrs. MeKlnley,
There wes an exceptionally yood de­
mand and prices were well mainUined. acoempaalad V her conala, Mrs. MeWiUiams of Chieayo, arrived from
Hsryaret Hatherie Fathar.
CanUn today.
apeeisi lo.Tsi Hensrae Bseosa.
Heed We --------------------Tell you whsre to buy your cl...
Detroit Oct 18.—^in Wnlayson.
and jaeketa? It is an esubllahed
etep-father of the late Manyaret Mafact that we save yon 85 per eent tx in the Wayne eonnty hoaaa. Tbe
Uls dapartmaxk Btylss UeUtMt.
eld man haa pamed hia seewtyAfth
variety Ue laryeek .The Bo '
birthday and is la feehls hsaltk.

Pattern Hats
artd Bonnets.

The display to always oovel and
attractive, asd each day finde eons
new deaiyae lately arrivnd trem Cleve­
land and Chieayo. ehowiny Uc latent
ideas in
By Uto matbod Ue ■

oht^lny Ue very latest styles when­
ever Uey wish to embrace Ue^pertoally. All are ccvdlally ixritad.

—Hard or soft.

Misses' Sizes25 cts pelt.
Ladles' Sizesr
y^cts pair.

Hen's Gloies, 2Sc
Oop s Glens, 25c

oi Ue above
Itoentioned HOSE will
wear lonyer thaa any
Me hcae, belny siadc of
extra etrany worsted

The above mmtioxed
Glovca for yood Ittlay
aad wear—are cqnal to
any 50e ylovee In Ue
Try a pair.


Papular Shaa Hause.


It to baltar .

Places your hand on Ue Urottle of ertrn boat al so extra acat. 'ittosa
ieveetinaat. It U apendicy $i u make SS. Attached to etev* or tnrxasa plpa.
Itches Ue heat ueuslly waetefi np Ue chimney and paanee it araaod Us
a. Coats but liuie.

We have coaalderable of Benda
A Os's, shoa stock whieh we are
eelliey at

50 Gts.
fin the dollar.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.


Followiny tbs adoption of Ue above
resolutions. Supervisor WUbelm offer­
ed s motion that Frau A Daria and
Geotye H. Croaa be employed to repreU* defease in Ue ease of John J.
Twaddle ia hia msadanni suit ayaiast
Gonaty Clerk Newton.
The adoption ef ibeee reeoIutionB
places Ue board ef euperrisors upon s
proper foetiny to uatenyl* U* dtffienlty whlek ia eonfrontiny Ue board.
It was expected that Ue bulidiay
oemmittee would havu had iu’ report
of Ue proceed lays attendant upon Ue
eenstmetion of tbe eourt boose as far
a* it ha* yoas. but Uere was ao report
yesterday. Tbs document mast neces­
sarily l>e a volnmlnons one and its
eompllation is attended wiU mobh deun which Ue committee ts treetinf
very fully, la Ue meantime Ue superAnnouae* that they have no spMTiaon are dlspoelay of Ue rontine bua- UI days for openinye, hut are coMtaaV
iaam of Ue county and Ue report wUI ly exbibitiay Urauyfaont Ue eeaaoa a
receive Ue proper eontideretion as moat oompleto line of
1 as it Is preaented.

artneraUp of Twaddle A Orots M


to be exact ^

Ban Jut ntsned
From Chieayo. with tha latest •
and ideas in
• FVll
“ ’land
aad Wmter
Winter Miilii
eiy. The ladiee are
e oordlaUy inriM
to oome and see Ue! style
I ylea.
Oak a
450 Sb»

now, duriog
I tiny attorney U notacUayfi




F^, 2M Front St.
The Morning Record
and Grand Rapids Herald for 14c Week,
Delivered in the City.


—All far hugUay.
Also the Always BeadyFin gi«siyre
to start yoar flraa.

Glance in our shoa mndow.


Phono 167.






Ap»lW HoriX X4t«17 SM PoUIom Haay BalpfU and Xatereatlng Snb
Vot Oomtog ta ▼•>7 JUpi4l7 T«t.
jeota Ttaated at Teatarday*a
r&ATKKBE orrr.
nongb tk* MMoa ta y*l • Uttte mr«EAHD TRAVEESB BE&&U). Ij.apvlM are alrwdx BOTiBg q«it« Tbe rainy weatbar baa Halted.
briakUj. Tba crop «f all »ari«i« «aMy work is first eUaa as«l pricea that are in reach of all. I
> aona eateat. tbe atUndaace at
Jared at all tunee to toke
take rare of the trade. I make a sp^Uy is
oept Bellfl«wara.r«aarallT • raraspaeiM tbe Sunday S^tool NoropI
la prollfle
Brazhig. Vatcanizing and EnameliDK- A fine line of wheels far sale
Uoae who attended yetterday Ceti sore
i. W. BA^nn. BdtMr tti IUaK«- aad bearf and ia well detaleped. M
and to rent.
J. C. EIXI8, SIl Front street, east.
than paid tor brarlng tbe dleagreeable
tba% tbare U great d» maad for ahipplag
laeUlttaa. Tba Baldwin aaaiaa to be
Much faiUfnl, oonafdentiou work U
tbe iMdiag Tanotj tbie ymr.
baing done on tbe part of tboae atUndPradaeera are reeelTing SO ee£tt per
lag and tbe quality of tbe wo«k girea
pay gl.wper barrel.
leayiag the local dealer tbe amall
Tbe meeting yeaterday morning wat'
gin ef ICV centa for barreling aad o^opened with an intplraUon teryiee, led I
erwiae bandUng.
by Hr. Oarmao. in tbe abeeooe of tbr '
Potatoea are ^et Uaetiye. aa tbe proleader. Ser. W. A. H-iekoren of North-,
daeere are too beay wltb tbeir applee
port. Tbe flrti half hour wae devotedTra*en» CUy. to be in a burry in Ueir potato dig­
to thU, and tbe chief thought
ging. as they aonetlaea are. TkU will
•Whauoeyer to bora of Ood orereo
alao allow them to tberonghly ripen.
the world."
Amusem nt Votca
Thla, with tbe farther fact that the poA very thoughtful lecture by Eev.
In all tbe cities of Hieblgan acd
eryp in the eaat ia largely
Demas Coehlin followed.oD“Cnnaeienoe. other slstes where Bryan's Comedtons
deced by ret, la preparing tbe local
tbe elhleal emotlooa.^' He Brat gave bsve appesred tbe preee is profuse in
eomaiiieloB merebaoU to
.retul aaalyais of tbe eonecionoe praise of the sggrcgatloti. 'Htto com*
a larger aad etill moreaebetaatlal
faculty on tbe human soul, then ehow- pany bse been in tbto e’ty twice before
ket ^an iaet year, though at pn
•d lU relatioa, first to tbe moral llviog, and each time made mauy frlenda
U>e prlee it only 20 4enu for buying
then to the gtwpel- >*r. Coehlin spoke Last aprlng the company appeared in
aad 2S tor aelllag.
«t the suprrme imporianee of tbe Hub- Steinberg's Grand and preaeated a rep«&A«9 TBATXB8S PSAKVTB. day echool as the trainer of tbe moral ertolra of popular plays together wltb
eenae of the youth.
■ies of first class *p»ctoUiee They
•oerge Oaapboll Haa Vade a BnoeaaaAnother isterasting book review on will resppesr In Steinberg's all next
the book, "Teaching and Teachers"* week, with the exception of Wedi
tol Trial in Growing Tbaat.
HAZCN 8. rtMoan of Ware*.
George Campbell planted alx bills of
day nighL
*'*'^nSferiSMl^K of Hoeation.
peannU on tbe 23rd of last Hay and ■abject wse bow to eecure tbe echolar’s
yesterday be broagbt to tbe Bacons oowork wltk the teacher.>'
Beats the KlendlkA
^’’^^’jSSrcZSlSyuiKSofitaww. •
olBoe tbe oonteato of one of the hllto.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,
wae conducted by Etev. J. C. Can
which eonstitod of aeveral healthy
CD the snl ject,“Cbrtot,on tbe doetrinee Tex..fass found a more vainable dieroou with topa and 12S well developed
ObBN Of Cbippewa.
eovery than has yet been made in tbe
of tbe Old Testameut." Tbe doctrii
peaauu attached. Bad he planb
Klondike. For years be suffered «
OBOsaa a. anxL of cuono.
them early in tbe spring ha would have of the Old Teetament are as follows: told agony from eonetimpfiou. acenm ;
^ *tmij£a a!r"lS'cB*irpiwni oe ui*.
had a fine crop of fully ripe peanotA "The Stone book teaebiogs.or the law; panlcd by hemorrhages: and was abv>- ^
Symbol tewbings. as the tabernacle
4nte1y eored bv t>r. Ring's New Dltcov- j
IMOND otBiUMole.
atreet in eandy aoli. which aoems well and saerifloea: Sayings of Wtodom. as
adapted to their produeUon. Hr.
Tbe open conference led by J. W.
Campbell will go into ^ prodnetioa
Hilliken, w;aa very lively and nearly cure: would have It. even if it cost s I
ftoMeataer Buuc BoorUot adnreUoo (.ohef peaants more aatearively neat
every one participated, the aubject be­ hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma,
F. JOHKBOa of Woehtena*.
Bronefaitis and all throat and Ineg ef-1 ‘
“1%# eefaolaiA" The principal fections are poslrivelv
■arllMber State Boanl of Bdaeatioa (to
v._ rki_____ ____
thougbuwere. "Bow to aecnre w
A PLaTTof Oeacaee.
aia from irreligious homes aad how to
Tony Patartyl to \Msk again from keep them when once sceured." Also ■toresof 8. E. Wait and J G Joheson.
Regular sice 30 et*. and fil.OO. Guar-1.
theqoeetlon, "What to do with the anteed to cure or price refunded.
2 j
Bdwia Bonner to recosaring after a
ratbar tough tamle with typb^d fever
The afternoon school was opened
Fnrteca Oeott A Week
cigBTS for th« znoney^ on the niBrket
the Iaet two weekA
with the usual song service,led by Rev,
Everybody who takes Tax MoA-nao —Union mndo, tOO.
Hiu. C. S. Travis to eatertainlag J. C. Carman. Tbe mnsloal aad lyrical
BaooRD can have the Gruod Baplds i
Mta A B. BamlU of Petoakey.
ataadard of Sunday echool moalc
Id delivered to them also f<
•g^leU • •
After attending the Sasday School discussed. Uie leader aflrmlng thet
additional four e
1 POSTEB of Qrewl Traren
laatltnte this week, the Rev and HrA there had bees a downward tendvrey.
Tonnelier Block.
Sr“ w^V*f<ir“?he i Sold bj all dealers.
leg only H cents per
'................. 1 northern
bern Michigan aed I
PrentlH Whitman retarned to their and that there was great seed to bring
■eteoTvniHmn paper j/t the
home at Nortbpert yeaterday.
up tbe standard
elate. Telepboee 2-t.
Judge Boberte ben returned from a
The Bible reading by Mrs. J. B*
**^*wu2fin A KawioKvisit with his father.
Santo, was very impressive and inAfter a two weeka' vacation, apent atructIvA The sntjecl was. "Wisdom
in southern Virginia, Leon F. THus. for teaching.*' Tie interest in the
of the Fiist NaUonal bank, to borne
be steadily growing You seen our
The lecture on "Choice 'by Prof.
KObouil Coon COBBl
Hta B. W. Lsrdie aad two children Orawn was one of tbe best yet given
and her mother. HrA Franklin, came
j,,, aeries, He first SDslyzrd I be
home-isst oigbt from a visit in ilUto- faculty of cboice. then tbe priocipsl
dale county.
^^sl^uta A uiyoa.
points were as foll.iws: "Knowledge
Hr. sud HrA George Oaoe and two precedes eboice: iDSlraelian precedes
ebildren, Bruce and Will, returned knowledge: JAetlon follous choice;
. la a litUe leaA than a mouth the elee- from a visit in Toledo and Conneaut. Character results iberefrom." Tbe
BiflM will take place. In the meantime Ohio, yesterday afternooa.
whole was illustrated on tbe kUckHr. snd Mta E. PowerA 231 Bay
gaadldates for office will get some av
fiaatloB from the voterA
Among tbe street, drove home yesterday from a
Mi«» Susie Durfee gave a primary
saadldatSB on the Bepublleao lieket visit with tbeir dsngbler, Mrs Howard talk that wus intensely interesting and
inghiIt Just SB well bum it ss pay x
019 many who have aarved tbe people Saak, at Luther. Lake county.
to all who were *ronunste
Hiram Thayer to in KsIkaskA called enough to bear it. Miss Durfee bss
waU. and beeanee of their ability and
It to s beauty. You do not have to!
ey for flour tbss
gtoi records are to be returned. Sen­ there by the illncrs of a sister.
had much experience with the little have any leaves or filling *ronod In tbe i
ator J. W- MilUken was In Leasing but
wav. It to alwavs ready to extend—!
a tow dsyA but even In thsi short time
training perfectly. She read ■•■ro- ic- Any HtGe child. 3 veara oM can extend j
costs sroo.
fcsdtoplsyed to good adysnUge bto Another lot ot horses from Chicago lerettlag selections from Prof. Ueo'ge it. And It coats no m >re than any nice I
^wliflcaUons tor ao important a truat. was raeslved by B. J. Morgan yesUr- Dawson on "The Study of Child Na­ Uble.
The BepubUoans of this district' kaow
We haves fin* line of extenaloa:
ture." and talked of her own exper­
th*t in Senator Hllllken they have a them in.
ience in the mtoslon kiDdergarien Ublns-ovrr 40 d fferent styiea-from
Tbe funeral of Mta Annette Austin
fif.HS np. We will rave you money on ‘
. wboee every effort will be
sebooto in Chicago.
i fnroiture.
tor the best interests of tbs peoplA will take place at the home in Elm­
) evening session, tbe
There >
o'clockBrer7eDe.&epabUean or Democrat, wbe
kaows the eenstor, atoo knowa that so
AH suburibere to the Grand Ba|dda
Better mas could have bees cboeen for Herald In tbe city, who have not yet
There will be a slight change in tbe
•hat office. Therefore every BepnbU- been called upon by the circulator of program tbto morning. At I0:3n. tbe
a will vote to return Senator Hllli- tbe BaiY<RD. are requested to send tbeir hour for tbe Normal lemon by Bev
kaa and to fato mijoriiy will be added names to the Bbi'ord office before Sat­ Carman. Mrs Beadle will give her
kaadredsof voters of other partlcA urday night, eo that the sew subecrip- Biblv reading on "Tbe Holy Spirit.''
-who have confideoce In one of Norlb- tion ItoUean be made up
and the Nomal leoran will be in tbe
•n Michigan's best busiueM mss.
already taking tbe Rxcoan can get both afurnoon at 2:20.
pupere for fourteen cents a week.
Bribe passage of the resolutions- Ths •ubseriptios'comblnsUon of the
printed In another column, the board I Brcord and the Grand Baplds Herald,
a About Arrival i
gfaapervtoors administered a rebeke: doea not Include the Sunday Herald.
•o Proeeculing Attorney Pweddle snd but the Herald will be delivered every
and Departure of Hails.
•t tbe same time placed tbe legal in- other day in the week.
tocasta of the county in the bands of
There are a few good acaU left for
•uoraeys recognized for their ability tbe lecture of Colonel Copeland In Stein­
•ad integrity. Tbe appointaieot .jf' berg’s Grand next Wend.sdsy evening.
Well, look at this:—
Gaorge B. Crase to act with Pratt A single
tickeu wUI be aold
' DsvtointbelntereeUoftbeeountv.toa tor33ceoU'
jnitlon of the ability aud trustworDuff McOapald received word from
•kUMa of Mr. Oroas and In view of bto btoetoter Maggie In Manistee yeeterday,
kalaaoDneetioD with Mr. Tweddle.a fit- that his brother Pat to aiill vary sick
t of the conservative and unable to receive visits from
•oarae he haa pursuad ia the ^usent friends, though hto^neral oosd:
MBtroversy over the oourt honsA
ims improved.

Dealer m Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundriee


. £




Diamond J-10 Gts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.






To Born!”

l.W.slater, HouseFnraisler.





To rapHes of SeoreUry of War Al­
ger to tbe queetlons of the waP InveaMgatlog committee are anch as to
aommend themselves to the earnest
•Mtoideration of all fair mindad peoplA Tbs answers aie complete and
•saompaoied by correspondence and
orders, which, combined, completely
• >rate the depenment of the intomtius charges brought against it,
•ad particularly against tbe secretary
«g war. Tbe answer of Secretary Al­
ger win go far tosrards allaying the
agitation ereeted for political effe.-t.

larsJBst ntUBci


Five 3>ollara a Tear.
To those subscribers of tbe Morxixo
Rrcord beyoud tbe reach of carrierA
tbe Becubi) sod Grand Baplds Herald
will be sent by mall for fil> a year,
AH malls close to minutes before dc$1 25 for three monlhA strictly in ad­
vance. Tbe price in the city for both
OxoasR W. Raff,
papers, delivered by carrier, to fourteen
cento a week.
Ladies, clean your kid gloves with
JtoBM tsalght
Milter Oloveline. It to aot a liquid.
IvavM ro odor ard can
_ be
at Prof. Silver’s academy Admis
he glove to on. the'
,..r band.
For sale,
gents 2Sc Udies trcA
New dances the
nly by Jam G. Johnson, the drug- j
and new mnstc.

FrartanOcato AWack-

to them also tor i
From Chicago, with the latest styl
cento per week, ms
and ideas In Pall and W.nter Mllli- .
• for t
arv. The ladies are cordially 1dvIi..h1 i >ng<only 14 cento per week
to eome
____ __and
_ see the
e siyl
siylea MtosL 'fs‘.
the best meuopomaa paper in theH'nnie Koenig. Cor. Oak acd Bar
-sUtA Telephone 23.
atraatA West S.ds. 430-2t.

As good OB arm chair as there is ia the ^
city for $2.00—Oar price is oaly ::::
A wood seat rochar for oalj snc.
A hieh hack, sdid oak, caoe seat rocker, A cica bad with caned headbBard,$t.40. ^
A cheap, plaio bed fer coly KI.IS.
ewooil seat chairs for oalx$t.7S.
6 caoe seat chairs for onln $3.Sn.

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
■ and Paper Haneer.

Shop opposite Eagle o£Si%.

When you are in and looking around for bargains, don’t forget to look
through bur couch room. We have a large and Bne assortment of couches. The
cheapest is a sprin^4dge couch, fully guaraoteed for two years, for only $3.5a ^
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us. Our house ^
furnishing department far excels anything shown in Northern Michigan.
The places


I I4


1^ limS STflRtES.
I :«( Xatrat ViOB All I
P»ru «r MieU«»«.

Tbre« Rivert will met« fouUin oo
the O. A A eenetwy lot.
Tb« aebool boord «t Brlebum 1* mbfBffotpeelol effort tbia yevtopoto
•too to tb« OM o( loboeeo oad dcimta
MOOf tbe aebool bo7».
Itt aom* porta of tbe tut« wiatar
wbaot It bodly hort bjr fllea ood many
Comart ore plowiof ap ibeir drat towTbe people of fcteoaobo ore too baprlaaaly bod for tbe botrotioa Amj. tad
tbe ImttM’ orroBUotiob boa obondoacd
Ita work tbar*.
Foram throarboat Broaeb eoupty
report that tbe heory toiaa ood eery
worm weotber bod errtoaaly injared
oor« la tbe aboek. ood tbot the eolee
of the eulks for com fodder will be
bat tittle.
Tbe report of Mine loapeetor Joalob
HoU,reod ot the meetlurof tbe-boord of
of Boarbuw, ebowe tbot S3
men were killed in tbeeeTerol minee in
Honffbtoa eaonty during tbepa«t year
The Yoanr Womoa’a Cbriatlaa Aa>
•oeUtkm of tbe aUte are bolding tbelr
onnnol mertir.g ot Oliret tbia week.

of dry foodo. dotbia* mod otbaar ortielea abdaa from otorea la Sooth Bond.
Ar*ar baa baea ot work tboro tor
ootM Ume brookiaf la etoreo, oad tbe
oSoera ore bopefal of raanUwr tbe
n and eneotlng them.
ary drm m rite ot Flint, nnd
boee ore eet while tbe dremea
IrkUac tbe damee.
Philip Mitcbeil. tbe loot haatar of
IroB HoantolB, boa baaa foaad. He
lael hie way ood alopl two Bifhta In a
awaatp. The aeoreblnff party come
ocioea him neor Pine eraek. He orrired I
ot midntrht. none (bo woret for
the expeeore.
At Wayne. Hiob., Condaetor Haick
ofo mat A Pm Morq ietu R. R.
troia, pot foar trampe off a frelfbt
train. Th^y laid for him and mee
Hnlek o aoTOte booUnf. Two ore in
jail ot Wayne and a|ton BnlA’a return
t will be mode.
CUrenoe Benjomio.tba Lapeer wife
merderer. boa pleaded gailiy.
At Saginaw, Edward Arnold.-' ST
yeora old, aingle, employed ot tbe
Pnaoelt eoop factory, got bia arm
coaghi in tbe abofUng, and it woa torn
•mpietoly off.
^ar new rallrooda are la eontemploUoB to be bailt to Menominee and

A eorreapondent from lodioa Town
to the Athena Timea girea tbe follow­
ing ttam; ••Proaeia Wo-Wn-Sie.
ioia*a merried to tiaqao ot Catholic
prtcot in Battle Creek. 8bc one time
Jiiood married Wolloce Binmon. He
died. She marry Mooee Foator mo
time. He olive abmewhm if ke not
At Grand R»pida.G«Dml Sbofter bod
• real nice time ot ibe high acbool. oil
tbe young girli HobeonlalDg tbe Mg
BOB. Mnny olthe older loaaies
witbdiffi.-aUy f^ented from taking
port in the oecolKtory exereiaea. Tbe
pnMie reception wu o monator. More
than 4 000 penona abook bonda with
tbe general.
The Detroit Tribone of yeaterdoy
ooya George Melberry. the yoang
who boa .been travrllng between
trait and Troveree City oo tronapertotipn farniabed by tbe oatli
the two citiea. ia at prenont ot Rtnar'
geaey boopltol. where he woa Uken
from tbe Seemon'a homo. Be ia anfferIngfromoB abcem in tbe left groin,
oonaed. be aaya, by tbe penetration of
o iorringe tbill neverol weeka ago.
wbon be woa ran down while
Mieblgon avenue. He eoya bla relotivee lire ia and orouad Travene City
bat tbe lack of boopitol fociliUee tbm
fndneed tbe aatboriUea to aend bim-to
Mia. D. Clark of hear Adrian, boa
Joat received newa of the death of ber
. Sergeant William Batler. of tbe
tcgnlar ormy.wbo waa killed in tbe reemit Indian opriaiDg ii. Minaeeota.

Shot Dept.


60c On The Dollar!
A firm in Springfield. Jlllnoia, atorted p aaall aboe atnre os mall
eapitol.waa forced to give np at tbe maturity of tbelr obllgotiooa and,tke
goo'a were thrown on the market. Onr bnyor in Chicago congfat np tbe
onop. We and onr trorte are benefited thereby.

Look at our Show Window.

Snaday School Obildren WiU
Fizet of a Borioo on Sonday.
Daring the prcacat month tbecblldrea
la tbe variona Sonday acboola of the
city ore giving
to tbe temperance qneaiion. Coacerta
are being planned, which will not
only be enjoyed by tbe children and
their friende. buttoeb aa w|]'. blip to
pat into t^ miada of tbe children
right teiti^ance . aentiffieou. The
pablic and especially alt friendt of tbe
temperance cause are cordially invited
to atund these apitalioa meetings by
tKeebiidren and yoaax people of the
donday aetaools The following will be
tbe program at the
ebureb next jianday eveoing at T
Music.................... f...............................Cboli
Dorotioaal exoiciie ...................... Pastor
Recitation....................... Etta Bcbncider
Becitatton..............................Eva Tfaurtell
Recitation............................. Edna Marral
Violin 8ok>. ............. BInPcbe Barnum
..M. li. Bollsy


For the Men’s Satin Calf in all toes, worth $2 at $1.28.
For the Men’s Eureka Calf, worth $2.50, for $148.
For the Men’s Colt Skins, worth S4.00. for $2-4J
the Men's Satin Calf, worth Si.50. for 98c.
the Women’s Solid Dongola Shoes, worth $1.50,
For the^^omen’s fine and stylish shoes, worth $2. for

I paper in thr
tbe boat t
state. Telephone 8S.

town bnt vroa finally aubdaad with a ft. L. Iwa TdUt IntlOM
lorn of from >$.000 to >10.000.
Sddle Froy. aged C. attemptod to
satob on to a moving train at Detroit.
Xiatxolt tad Betsn. 16.00.
Be loat hia right lag, tba toss ot bU
left took and probably bU Ufa.
B.—A A A n. G H I
Indiana ofBcero fonad is a deserted itedt-O < *«ih, l-ea./
‘term bunas south of Niles a q-iasu<y
a W CausibgP^Agk

Our complete Fall and Winter Linelis in.
Cali and inspect them.

The Old Reliable Shoeraan.
118 Front Street.
Wurabni^ Block


Bargains too aamaroas la meatian.
Tour money savers.


Increnaed displuy Pine Wntrhes -Fine line Silk UmbrellasStringed tfusieal Irnttramente- Striu.:8foralliiutranieDU. Huriland China Ware. Everything new.
Take a look tbrongb oar elegant new qaartera.




Bdar oreelax In tbe brauUful kart

Ever Burned Out

Jewelry, Silverware!


dUMlIl iMouday, Oct 17.

iFd Alradi
M tloe e( I
of iM-tb wfiboai
Ant Molar.
>lar. for .rtnwUoe

uofarmcr P*.

Largei* Store—Double StockElegant New' Lines..

Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.


$1.28. f

For the Women’s extra fine Dongola Shoes, worth S3,
for $1.87.

Dell Lloyd, aged M, wbo had bee<i
Tbliing hU uncle at St. LouU, aiartot
to go to Saginaw on bis wbael to meet
hia pareeU. His body waa found ter­
ribly mnUtated by the roodaide near
WbMler. Byron Parriab baa been ar■ rooted for tbe murder and eoufesaed
that he did it while under tbe ii.flaeaee
Of liquor.
Amoe Coon, an elderly man. living
with bU family about three milea oat
of Wyandotte, waa tbe victim of a
brutal aaaanlt a^ robbery Tuesday
Cnkaown peraona aaaaolted
him in b‘s own yard, and afttr beating
bim into Inseokiblliiy took m re than
SKA fi^m bis rl-nbingaodthen left bim
; while they made
ibeir eacepe. There iaabMlnlely
. nine to theii identily.
• Tbomvi Hodge of Biauton.C' mmitted
aaleide by banging hunbrlf in n barn VvoalSolo...................... Moaelle Bennett
on Tnesdsy.
The aUU penal, cba-iuble and re­
formatory inatltutioDs wil! ask for $1.Pomer Haasger • f the Hauia'ee Colts
AOO.OLO worth of
lagialature at tbe coming M-salwn. but 1
a Victim of Diaraae.
tUa amount baa been cat nearly $200,^
Manistee that
000 by tba boardof ^rrecti^na and I
ehantiea. The Inatituliona Mking for
aid are tte Bchool for the Blind, at W
^ midnight tf
Lansing: Home for tbe Feeble Minded, I Wedoeoday.

He waa' a favorite among
at Lapeer; Northern Michigan Aaylom 1 ^ x%Tt^ciTc\t of arqualntaneea.
fortbalnaane.atTrovar^Ci^! Upper of whom are residenu of Troveree City.
Penlnanla Boip’ul for tbe Inaane, at Deceased was a nn'.ed bareball enttaoMawbrriy: Upprr Penifuula prison, at' alaaiaad cama-to Msoittee ten yea-n
Marquette: Indnatrial Home for Olrla,' ago as a bull pi a: e-. Four years ago
Adrian. State Public School, at Cold-' 1 he entered tbe cigar business and bns
water; Bsstero Michigan Asylum f‘r j ,iaee been auceesHful In that caUing. ,
tbe Insauc, at Pontiac; SUte Priton, at He married Jo epbtoe Baor. who. with ;
one child, anrvivea -im.
; Asyi.
Criminal Inaana, at Ionia. •
Tbe deceased wa^ a promineB'
mineot Elk.
WUllam Flaunigan. aged 1«. while beiiig a charter member of Mam
attempting to steal a ride on the roof Lodge. No. *50. and a member ot the
Ut a ear of a D AM. freight train waa Royal Arranum.
swept off bv a bridge at Ditroit and
•ariona’y injured.
IfiTerybocy wbo takes TuR Hoknim.
Mk Pleasant rroidenu are beeomiag
RxcoHt> cas I ave the Grand Rapids
•sa'perstrd enough at tbe eontlaued
Uenld deliverfd to them also for an
Operations cf petty tbelves in that city
additional foar oenta per week, makisg only 14 cents par
tolypob' tbe first one ol the rascals

A fire starting is a Kegannee livery
stable es Tnesday tbreatenad

For women.


. »rd wonde- at tbe borgolra we offer. Theae gooda ore not abopwom,
' Kew
abd loau, all mode.for tbia aeoaon'a trade and WARRANTED
in evety rcapeek Nothing reeerved, whole lot moat go qoick before
cold weotber aete in. Come quick and hove firat pick.

Ooo. V. Xmrdie-'
Sracuon of a Lo^ Shop.



of new
and fresh


Goa W. Lordie, the poUtc bayer
and ooBBimloB mcrebont, ia eoniemplotiog the erection of on exlenaiva
in tbe city early in tbe
Mr. Lordie la boviag colU for borrela
ot tbe rote of 10 evory boar froa Trav.
me City and viclaity and tbe namber
Urge, tor the botketia lively. He boa a force of men
eteodUy at work ia bla wbrakoaae tm
extenaive ordeia.
Tba baUding will be dfty feet front
by ISO deep, one alary only bat 16 feet
In tbe clear, with a etorege oopoelty,
iBoidva tbe coopering deportmenk of
8,000 finiabed borrela- Ten trot cUae
ooopm will be emplored who will tarn
out 000 borrela doUy.
Mr. Lordie boa not deflnlUly deter­
mined upon tbe loeotion, bnt be la dUigeatly looking over tbe groand, eecnr.
Ing lumber, etc. for tbe porpoee.

As Adverttssdi,
onr line of Pingree


Jf ao you know
the value of
O- P. CARVER. All*-'

Lots of sprcialtiM by enUre company
! at roeb porformane*.
Do not mlM bearing tbe fine band and
Watch for the pundc.

John R. Santo, Fun! Fun! Fun!
Geieral iBsgrance.
Warybarc Hiock.

Prices—1C. 3U nod 30c.
I H-.ts will be placed on
Trsoerw Ctrv. Miot , Offii-e.


25c for a blue mix satin face, good vaiua for
the money.
35c---gray ribbed, very good.
SOebuys some extra good goods-Many styles
to select from.
A special bargain in Camels Hair, 55c,
65c to 75c-Kandsome designs foTeverybody.
Another special, $1.00, Plush back-See them..
Combination Suits tram SI.50 to $5-See them.
The Celebrated Jaros-Hygienic well known to
Wear Jaros Hy­
our trade.
gienic Underwear,
'Noagb said.
Sold bf us for years.


You njRy CAtch coW
witb Jaroy Hygienic
Underwear,but you'll
have to try to —it
absorbs moisture,
ai>4 proofs ttje yKii>
'against climatic
'ebangey—non irri­


THX MOBrnro K»boac fbidat, ootocth 14, isos.


SwoscMOU^ Hwfest.
Below Is a list of the boyisy aod ssUMra Billns—7-yes. John ii at ham%
•««Ml lHw9 VotM of VmlTCfMl Isy prleaa of yestaeday for yfoeerise, hot I hardly think ha’* in a anluble
------ r-.-------------------prodsolid. Trseframe of mind to *e« yo..
The Rev. Dr. Fourthly (maklny a
fill M
ttc qoMUo. of tbo p
.'of F^,
I hope!
«Uon Uo MOo. Is dlspau taotwm
in‘l Mr*. BUlne>-Wby. bo; bnt be umA
erwt Brits, sad Frsoos, be eettlsd by
SH i ooe of the fomace regiMera apart a litS
: tie while» ago
aco to fix it,
iL and he's tfrieg
it together agaim*-<}bicssn
St Milwsnkee OnUee WsUaehUe-



to Maslle. bnt aobseqnent reporie
Bnt I don't see bow that ean ba."
threw BOBwdt/nbl on this, and Hooo"Wby not, my dearr'
loin m»y l^belr objecUee point, from
“I don't aee bow they os
wh'Qcstbey'may proesed to Manila totweeo
etweeo the partii
toatranythan Sdmlrsl Dewey's poai'Becstme I'm anre tbatall Ohlaamai
look exeotly alike. "—OleveUad Plain

or no parreqnired.

It 1
•ntaperbox. F
wie by 3.0. Johneem and fl. B Wait

14 Cents
a Week

Of Buslneas College will ' oen at the
Orange hall Monday ee-oiny, Oct.
hi. I8V8 Those desiring to take
apellloy. arithmetic, penmanship,
hook-keeplny, ahorthard. or any of
the common btaachM will be ae-

BtTStltSlfa CABbs.
M. LOL-PON, DesUsl, O'<


seaeoararsaelBC- til r
/^ItnSRT * UATXa.Aoorfwre- Special at
V7 iMitico to Probate prarUcc. BacmaPaae
10, Mereaatlle Oo. Mock.___________________

^S55isIS,Si'^ siTMi

TTT g. MOOK.PltnleUaswitiaiaecm.PeatW • Beet of Ibr ere as* ear, Ooustr Cer-



at lav. OScee.OUj Opei

W. ",ii2Sf£C3!E“ ■'

Arbor, will reepneC to caUo ter aoralae: ttl

The Morning Recnril
; and

Grand Rapids Herald

ignl.KTTOR* WANTBD-Ladtn. or neoilc

of. There is. to bey in with, nothing FeoftssB Onto A Weak.
Everybody wbo take* Tur Mosnixa
leathery about the appearanoo of the
Rk<v>rd can have the Grand Rapid*
snbjtict when dealt with by an artist
“ .......................nlof.Kapl
-CB. I
e inject
ing only 14 eests par week for
He simply submits faU subject to a
bestpsper is norUem Michigan and
series of laths io a liquid the campositioa of which is such as effectnaUy to
atate. Telepbooe SS.
prereot deoumposition to the end of
rime. For anatomical psrposet, the
body may be made to regain all its
prinmry treebuesa Let the trmimeut
be oarried to a lunbiT stage, aod the
nbjeot attains the deurity, as well aa
the oonaisteury, of marble. A final
process will re«ore to this dealhlem
nssrbie the softness, the flexibility sod
I da all kinda of re
Sven the coui|ilcxiou it
pairing and enai
alive —AntcsiBut
and do give you
_ _
one in the city for the tsouey. Don'’
'Colaael Hearr'a (
be deceived by what others tell yon tc
Oolonel Henry, the self confemed
. bat com* *nd i
Iheytns farger. w** the son of humble
I guarantee all my work to be right
parents, bis father having been a smsll
fanner at Ponzy. Enlisting in a foot and if it uoea not prove ao 1 make i’
tegimeut In Jb68. his promoticn from
in tin 8 o'clock every eveniag
the ranks was rapid. Be went tbroo^Hi
the Franoo-Geiman war, and was Iwioe
nSrth end ef Onion
captured, bs
Brave and i
eful, he was a favor­
ite with hie euperiars, and when it
oame to aelecting ofticen for (be Alge­
rian expedition in IbSa he was among
those eent dot. He was twice wounded
in an eogagement with the rebela

Bicycle Riders.



Specialist in Diseases Of the Eye
«t.«loiam. WIUbrtea»4

.OsaBAFtsotJBUl*e.OhieayeOet UH IF
FreaidcDl Me Kinley.Sampeeu.Hebley
“oheoB wUl be there-Tbe Northnad- Boheon
icbigaB Tram,
Transportatlou Co. will
anil roand tnn tickets tn Chioago for
gr. menls and iwi lb .cclu^Ri—good .
rainre Oct. XSU>. htcamcr Petoskav
B. H. Fop*. AgL


At The Cottage Home,
cal CBM ^ atirh SS Cataran, Croat *
'vMlhe flret '
. a*b>a<
.. jrall______________
reeof tbe
___ .fl
pervoaaleare which wools luniemied rwalta
^1 tefiy oi Sliwi—C of the eye are treelcfl b»
Dr.PrlcK. Alaar-rrora
------ ------------------ ”
aa* xlsaece forelshcS.




0I.LU 3 months.

I. Tiuiak Tot

We nerco' want to meet a womsA who
Uneis Sam treau tha Indians in the
west. When Samis was laid out 10.- la described aa belny a* beantifsl as a
000 sere* ware pnrehssed of them, and
( hig aod Uaek. with ITOl-ND-AuiBet woser Owi
I kept in tnut for
, them. cnel teeth sod eye*, was not charing f It br prartae prepertr end pi
eolW Callet RBrnnecpOee.
Tb. io..T,in„Dt p.,..
„ dKmupieut
l».p,dol mm
.. m. URMUt
dn.m I-----------------“ < pn cdt IpUmtu,
ae m p.cupapd ■■
------------------------ -—--------------ij- A child two moDthe looks like that, a law should be pamed I
wantep-ab eiperteeeed
------------------------------------t-tuii,..,----------------------------------old receives aa
as a grown
■ ^1aThis U an IneenUre to the propayaUos
ef the tribe.
I^K SALE—Xirhi-rear^d man-, rarriaev.
Jj robr* ■•Bd whio: mtiv bnnw. easy kevpMej. Uen. Henry W. Lawton, yoveni'
«r;^^naU B»jalrv ol Dr. Xlak. ctu or of the militafy department of BasU- call those funny looking, two wbt
TTrANTKD-OIH tor evovral bone* work.
ayo. left Toeeday for the Onlted Sutca carriages hansoms?
W IrqurvalBoeLeaetorv: 4Wlf
OB the Miebiyso, aeeompanled by
TTT* BAVX Oh haDd Bid|k te loan oo terei
side*. The battery of El Moro firad a
W avl rlir pronenr. Newaitin* ter aoDvr
salute of IS ynn*. and more thaa
attorwre-Trawravaiy. Htrb
4IS-RUbone* up in Che all.—Chicago Net
Csbaa* raised a lusty cheer as
TT>ORKALS—Lvmbvr camp and Nulpmeins
Michiyao sailed away.
“When a woman.”
In accordsoee with a general order
airh. 44t-Sk.
of the mlliUry governor, all the Span­ pber. “mys that she really
, Q.».Wa,r.o-Ap,d,a..mParhaUv^^
ish civil conru within Philippine ter­ i* getting stout and her hm
that it is becaoee«be
tr mneh and
le cat* too
ritory BOW subject to American control
have resumed the exercise of* tbvir piesome that Ibe boncymouc bai ceased
joriedieitOB, subjict to the supervision to be.”—Mctropolitno.
of the American mlliluty yovernme
Rot Tow Severe.
which reserves the exclusive right
Hr*. Blinks—A Berlin editor has
« criminal jnrladiction.
been scat to priitm for throe month* for
priatjs •> joke aboot Emperor Wlliiam. Dou'k ~on think that ootragedos?
The rouservatiob of Ibe human oorpee
Mr. Bl.uks'itboogbtfolly)—Well. 1—
nppean to have been brungtat to a pilch don't—know. Perhaps it was a pan.—
of perfectioc in Italy which Egyptian Kew York Weekly.
profeaeocs of the arf
-t never
in their most

fortbr hollilare.
gavh «vi haa teor hooka
aradod for IIIU* ouve to rrowo up folka. Kai-h
book charmmx,do<lAi(ol,rapti*ailex Prira*
raen form Mr lo lEu
Larc* booh*, each
douaeoDrrm. Nntblsx like them. Pour moetbe

Prrlrht pal*.

BlRval roB'sl<a|ne.

^n^tw*lT» *apfl*cJra*

City-or Country.

BOn a moBib with our rsrioelvr lavmtlm,
Tes KiTiosAL Boo* roaccah. Jpvnru DtpvOsiciuo
I70R SALK—Arasn.ww Bon*o well loraied.
r^^far sate «. moDlhlr paywaola.
At Cft C'D'H. If »o)d before Ori. 10. wUI
0JOU takea beaDllfiil *»> building lot
on Ibe soren' of Blgfaih awS Bair* aueeu. New
*litewalii le f>~el oT lou FIrM «mbm take* it.
lavuIrwofT —• T.BaieaBword oCr^^ ^
giDKWALE PLANK-TVn Ims •Idrwalk
D |d*nk loraafr. TraverweCity Ln^rrCo.
T^i: s VwK-aoaMBa*le«onlbc KaotSldr;



News of the World!


T70R SALE -Two wbeele* *reaper* aa* two
X atunber* Trarvree City Utm’wrCe <Btf
TNBrRAKCE-Wben you waul Bee or life teX autanre. reBeBberthailam In tbe bust- .
el. Prankfon rialeOlaea. Mleb..VulaalPlaU
aiaaa. Aetna Life of Conn, an* other eoBBaeUw. K. B. Aliya. PrledNob Bhx*.

HABINX BOlUtS for bate. laqolr* af
Trarrrue City Lomtivr C«.

Particularly Traverse City, Grand
Traverse Begion and all Kichigran.
Best combined News Service
in the


6fUd SipMi i iBdlui K. I

TpOK sale—LoBber.
atb an* ahlaglao.
f TrarerarCItyLuBbrrOo. ISS-U

T OWr-OnPeontidreelHaturday crrolng. a
AJ elripv* *Uk beX. with oxadlae* bnrkla.
•et wl^Jewelii.^^rt^rr pleaK Irare at HoBBTOR SALR-1 and 4 foot (mare wood. SBlIb
£ S Bull. Phoor K.

MoUos to Tsx Psysrs.
I wiu be la By ofltec natil Noreaber lat.
lass forthe purpcNw of rolteriliur tbe arbool
andyttyiaaaaaad epecla) aaaeaeB-eu lerle*
la thecUy tor thr preaetil flacal year.
Odkwbourafromgo'clor* la 11 :M e’clork a.
B. aa* tram 1 o'Clark to 4 o rlork p. a . an* oa
Tneaday an* Priday eT«Bb>tB Aaaeb waafc
On aU taxea pal* below October let. tM,
there will br ehamo* one per ccort. praalty for

If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreopond with tbe Tntyerw City Lomber Ooupuy.
.We have for nle Good,

118 fg
aaaaa aaaaan *■* «*
£&S=S SS«£CS SZS 8«

BefiiiBiTiEBEi II eiisr
8R«=«88esS88fi 8£ S8888

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
r.A.m3B B-OK BAT.-m.


» /krXRS. M


By Gappiep

Bsoklan's Snioa •alee.
U.TX in ue worio xor
Sorea, meen. Salt
aoTM. Tetter, (^pped
ns. Corns, and aU sK

.......... .

additiooal four eenta per week, mak­
ing only 14 eente per week far the
best paper In northern Michigan and
the best meiropollUn paper in the
eUte. Telephone S3.




rer. s flrems. os tke etesiser 3. 0.,
Lockwood.fetlUtothe bold of tbst
boat sod WM eeriooaly Isjored iatersally. Be U not expected to Hva. The
isjored mas U SS yean old and
boaie is is Ssad Beaeh. Mich.
Secretary Slyer wUI reeoiBBead to
ee&rr«** (bat the exlatisy tailroad ayetoa is Cobs be eztesdrd so aa to forts
a Use roaslBy directly from Cape May..... -4 00
si at the east csd of tbs islaod to Cape
Btmve sanaoptsi,'
emr oitAX,.
Sstoalo on the westers extremity.
wUl also recommend that this worl
ssderUkeo by the Catted Slate* yor.................•■■■
tbe Dseessary fanda
Jemle dame* Jr., son of the famosa
bandit, ha* been tailed at Kansas City,
is company with Bill Ryan,a notorioss
nsrmber of the old Jama* yaoy.
The annoal report of Comeslssionsr
. Bc'mann. of the yeneral land offiee,
It Co.. Chicp,. uid rM . fre. nmple
esiimsted tbatOTsr 11,000.000.000 feet box of Dr. King* New Life, IHIla A
of pubHc timber hara bean destroyed trial will conrince you of tbeir merits.
by Ore is the past SS years, repre>ent- These pills are easy in
particularly effecUee in
tuc is valoe masy mUlion* of doUara. ConsUpation and Sick Hea
'f b ' report saya forsat firea form ibe Malaria and Lieer troubles they hsee
They am
mr A *ubj ctfortbe ttientioa of Ue been prored inealaable.
lai-l iffi •
tiOw, tbrtrirnioy as yuarantoed to be perfectly free from
------- ............................. nceand to be
thry do. BOt only Us yrowiny foreau,
do not wMken
bs< -.he forest lands, whose prodscUre- ^y their ac^. but by ylring tone to the
stomach and bowels yreatly inriyorate
arr- it reUrda indefinitely.
the system. Reyular site 25c. per box.
0l>e baUleshipe Orayon
Iowa Sold by J. O. JohneoD, and S. B. Wait
aalUdTnaadayfrom Mew York with Dniyyiata.
sealud order* from Waahlnytos. 7%er*
She CeelOa’t t sders(as« t«. .
hsr bees eossiderale cpecnlsUon aa
7oo say. Georye. ♦here an two parthe direction of the batUaehip*. It wee
flret atsted they woald proceed direct dea in China stnggliug for oontroIT’

- rMTtesBOcatiAWeck.



oaee la Herald buUdina. roea C.

01 TweSdlae Otsmna Ivscw asMa
OSS. B. Oflcsa

. Hill MachineTy of nil deecrijitioiik, inclodiog Two Rnpdfina,
Set Wo^CenihgesandGewp. A complete Sew Hill Pleat


iiiii ~


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