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The Morning Record, July 09, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Second Tenr-No 870
spuma STx ajcu abbom.
ean aiubontoKc7 WMt. July 8.-A low mutad
Kfulsh BUMBar has baaa rui aproBBd
•t asrial. want of Havana, afUr ^ belnir
, chBMd hj Ua rnaboato Hawk. CMtise,
BBd Pmrie.
The UUlUreBee wm
bnmrht thU momimg hf earerBl BexUiMT emiaan retonisr from the BarU
The MentUy of the
wraeksd S^miud bM Bot bess wUbIMtsA U b tbonrbt tbBt sha b tbs
aipboiMO Xtl.
(Tbe itemn- wu first sljrhtai six
milM from Horro, basdine toward
'Havaaa. Tbe fnaboau faTe^basa and
•panad a bot fire aoUt tbe eaaiBy was
the least Bie Battle There Were 183 Killed and 14^0 foreed aa^m
Wounded, According to Oen. Shafter's Offidal Beport— 'l%e ailab ooenrred two dajs afie bnt
Administration Bzpeota Overtures for Peace to Oome
baa arrived bate. The boats which
Direct Prom Ppanish Government Almost Any Time- bFoafibt the newa were aot close
Defenses of thf Canaries are Weak and Inadequate to eaiMrb U lasTB tbe details.
ptombardment of Santiago WIU Bogin TTnloss
The Oily iB Burrondered.
Sampson and Bhafter Have a Perfect Understandingr and Will Act in Concert
Beaist American Gans.
-Washington, July 8.—[Special. ]—The Collowing, bille- tins were posted late this afternoon*.
Dewey has stopped the exodus of refugees from Manila.
Camara's fleet has suited to return to Spain.
Our losses at the battle of Santiago are officially report
ed as 183 killed, 1240 wounded.
At the cabinet meeting today it was decided to send a
foment to Honolulu immediately.
The department has been informed that a Spanish privauer is cruising off British Columbia.
Colonel Hecker of Detroit, was today nominated as
asMstant quartermaster-general with the rank of colonel, in
charge of the transports.
Everything is reported quiet at Santiago tonight, with
the truce iri effect till noon Saturday. The armistice has
been extended in order to allow General Linares to commu
nicate with General Blanco and with Madrid as to a suitender. Shafter and Sampson have agreed on the plan of
campaign. At noon tomorrow'Sampson will b^n the
bombardment from the outer harbor. The atuck will cease
only when Santiago is uken.
The war department has posted a dispatch from General
Shafter dated July 7. which is subsuntially as follows; “There
is pcrfwt quiet today. At the request of the Spanish general
the employes of the English Cable company were sent in
him to telegraph his government as to surrendering. The
'men are in good spirits and are making themselves more
cure every hour. Among the large number of wounded men
there are few ampuUtions. Perhaps ten will cover them. The general health of my command is good. There are 150
of fever, which runb its course in four or five days, but
is not serious. 1 am much better.
“Not a shot has been fired recently on either side, but
work is being pushed on the batteries and entrenchments.
Our pbsition is greatly strengthened. The American lines
have advanced within 400 yards of the enemy's,
side batteries command the city.
"The dynamite gun of Wood’s Rough Ridei^ has been
beautifully placed.
“Streams have bees bridged over, allowing the transpor^ tation of the heavy artillery with facility. The roads have
been greatly improved.
“The armistice is affording a needed res^ and the men
^ are in'good shape to resume fighting. Linares is evidently
weakening, and the mediation of th^ bishop of Santiago and
the consular corps may persuade him to surrender.
“In case that hostilities are resumed, the plan is for
Sampson to bombard the forts at the mouth of the harboc,
driving the men from the guns and then landing 1.000 men
to'occupy the forts, while the launches, with grappling irons,
go in and countermine the harbor. The fleet will then enter
and bombard the city, supporting the land assault.
. “The wrecked Spanish cruisers are still filled with the
charred bodies, and buazards are devouring the remains.
The Cubans, by Sampson's orders, have buried more than
100 Spaniards washS ashore.”
Irish wUl bs Ooloael and
(•rmssWr-Osasral VblM
Next iB Oommand.
Oasp Eaton, lalaad Uke. July
Adjataat-Oeneral E. R. Irbb baa teadared bb raaiCBsUon U the rereraer
aa adjataat-reaerai of tba Mbbifaa
SatiMal Caard. aad it baa baaa ao-
dsy. Ai tbe esae Uiae eabiaat ateaben rcfard tbe eitution ae bsvief
aon fsetwe enadnelve «f peaoe tbsa
at aay tiae heretofore.
BaaaU Orfee Pwoa.
•pmM la Tja kecnas Rsoeu>.
81. PManboiir. 4alr S-Raniaa offidaU ia pablie are etroarly ia favor of
eyeedy yeaee aa Byata'e oaly ealvaUoa.
Tbe aewepayere teeomarad tbe taterventioa of Beroye.
Offioen wlU be Ooaflaed at AaaayoUs
Saval Aeademy aad Treated with
Oreat OoBalderatioa.
epactal u Tn Moanee Beoeao,
Weabiartoe. July 8.—All the 8yaaUb aaval ofioera eaytared by the
Aaerleaa fleet are to be ooafiaed withU tbe llmiU .of tbe aaval academy
rrooDds at AaaayoUa They wiU be
ylaoed ia tbe qaarien vacated by tbe
Aaierlcas aaval ofBeen wbe left tba
academy to r* iato acUve eemee, aad
treated with tbe craateet coaelderatloa. baviaf
baviax earaed tbe admire*
ties of Amerieaa aaUen by tbelr
•pleadid aablbitioa ef eearafe-ia the
face of almoat iaevluble death «r cay'tore. Admiral Cervera will be ameof
tbe priaeaen, who, U all likelihood,
will bl rlvaa tbe freedom ef tbe
freoade aader a United parole.
U order that be
take the
celonelcj o
of the Tblrtr-flftb ngimnU
for wbieb kb eoaiiBlwioa bae alroadr Appelated toaBo
boas baaed. An order wUl be i
la the Thirty-Third Kchigaa.
appoistiBC laapeclor^Seaeral CM
Brartal w Tat kOBjn«« EKoaB.
WaehlBftoB, July a—The preeldeat
taat-ffeaeral aad CeloBel Uarsb of
▲neraa, aeabtant iBapeetor, will be today eeat to tbe Msau the aomlaaUoB of Victor a Vanyhaa of Miebifiaa
to be aarfeoB of tbe Thirtytkird
al WbiU won d follow tbe ease eot
bo*, the (-ovrrror wiU aot penait it. MiehifaB iatantry.
Pro/. Vaarbaa la deaq ef the mad■a aaje White baa WMle the beat qaaref tbe Uaivenlty ef
Mter the state eoald pMsibly bare
aad be waab him to retain the place. Miohifiaa.
Be WiU therefore rive him leave of abe in order to toka the lieaUaamteeleaalcy nader Oeloeal Irbb. aad AasbtaBtQoartarBiaBter-Ueneral Harry h. BOTH HOUSES OP OOHOBXSS
Siaitb. UaeaU a valned ofiear. will
lae tbe dotlaa of hb chief.
, Rome, July 8.—(Special)—The lulie says negotiations
have been opened among the European powers with a view
of arranging peace. The best intentions, the paper asserts,
ere manifested at Washington, but the Madrid cabinet
strongly opposes any idea of peace.
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Spanish Fleet
Is At the Bottom....
r priced on tboae r
• tbdt we Are tnBk«
inf eo mneb talk aboot 'They won’t last long at B
cent and a balL
Traneperta With An
Treepd Balled Teeterday From
1.8 0;
Baaelal to Tbe Horalac Barore.
CAarleatoo, 8. C,. Jqly 8.—A larye
qaaoUtyofatoree of ammoaiUoa aad
piaeau wen takes oa hoard the
Baatiapo traaeporta tbU meraiar.
. BOOB the Sixth Maamchaa
boarded fnm the barbw boato takea
A heavy eqaaU
baj-katioa fareeme Uma
The price ablp Bita has beea Impremed aaa traaaport. Hervalna haa
beea api>raiaed at stts.ooo.
Wall Paper.
iy at 8 o'clock today. Then wen
cheer*, fallowed by tbe einylaf of- pa
triotic eoofB. BepnaeataUve Bram*ntl of Ohio, yreycaed thtwe cbeen for
Pneideat McKinley, which were fivea
twice over by tbe republlcaaa Them
follow^ Cbeen. joiaed by tba eatln
bonae for Adainl Dewey and ^Oeaeral
Joe Wheeler.
The whole bonae waa one VMt demoaatntioa. fiafa wen yeaeed about to
•very member aad were eothoclaatielly
iraved while memben aaa« tbe clece
tor Bpaia
of the Fifty-fltth Confram.
to Give it Up.
Hew York. Jaly 6.—Tbe Bma'a LeaDBLUOB AX BT. LOUIB.
don oomepondeat aayc
AU Provtow Hecceda Broken by the
t, wbsM aid aacMn«ed Spala te
HaiafrU Thanday.
fo to war. bre new briariaf aU tbe
epMte) u Te* Mannae Useoea.
preasnrs they eaa U iednee Spala to
BL Lmiia. Jaly 6.—AU record* have
ane for peace, It b believed their «fbeen broken at 8U Loota and vicinity
ffrte will prodnoe qalek roaolte la
by tbe heavy nia fait The daaafe
vbw of their eleae rebUcaakip with
dene amonata to handnda ef thoaathe pope aad tbe tact that aU the
aada of doUan. Dartaf 34 kanra. 9
other grmi flaaadal iatereab of
iaehaa of rain fell. The freateat preBorope are. Uke thew. er^iar 8pMa to
viooa fall *ra* «B the a)jrht of Jaaa 16,
a 4.84 laebaa.
1888. when the teeerd
Maay af yoa have been weaiiaf
letmee for S yean fitted by me. They
About 200.000 Xaa te be Pat ia sbonld
art meed ekaafiaf - la S yean
mon, bot if they do call and have year
werk dene free ef ebarfe. C. P. Qemeat, Oytieloa. 110 Oaee etneL M7-4*
The OfBeen an divided oa tbe qaeatioa
ef loyalty to the'variem elalmaat
Ue throne.
Tmetse Cit; Scbool of Issic!
oor rrm CBd cu> at*.
HIM Aljje
It will pay yoo'to bm our Papar «oA
g«t oar prioM before yon boy. .
Mirkham Slock.
i The Choicest
—2-OF strictly new and ap-to-dsto
That ia ahowo in the city, ia here.
PoptUBT Prioee of 50c, 75c, 60o, nnd'll.OO. etc.
Reliable Dry Goode, Carpet
and Clothint Hoose.
and Examination
AT T. J. HOST’S^--Popular Clothing House
V JilS'
. You can examine our bargains ia Cloth
ing Free Gratis. Consult with us as to
what style of garment you want It
costs nothing but you^ time and a very
little cash if you buy.
$6.98 and|l4.98
Obeen Were Oivoa f >r Preaidea-. He
Hlaley, Adaiiral Dewey aad Oeaeral Wheeler. Sreeloa AdJ->urB*4
With a Ora--d Patriotic fiwmoa
ep«elil lATai Mowiiaa Bctobb.
WeabiaftoB. Jaly 8.—Both booeet
r ccofrem edjoaraed tine die preeiae
EoUey dt Oobbb^
290 Front Street
Cario. E^ypt, July 8.—(Special.)—Admiral Camara
EecuUr Bervtoe.
commander of fhe Spanish fleet, which was bound for the Madrid. Jaly 8.—A aeeoad eaU haa
Philippines, and which recently passed through the Suez canal, beea inaed tor Canary Uland raaervea,
has informed the Egyptian government that he has been or and addHloaal fenea ef beme lafeadered to return to Spain. Tbereforc his ships will go through t^andeavalry are beiaf raiaad aad
the canal immediately and* proceed westward. The Spanish the artUlery U beiaf aafmeatod.
The pealaanlar arwOee will ai
warships will be allowed to coal as they are returning home. ^
»oo o« wea by J«iy is.
Washington, July 8.—(Special.)—Tbe return of Camara's nUroadt ar« yrepsnar war traimi ea
squadron to Spain is interpreted here as a significant sign of all Uaea Some of the aeldiery. hewever, are lacUaed to ceadeaaa tbe
coming peace.
Two Owili,
Friedrich Block.
124 Front Street
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
JreaeoB«*UvKbB«- I keepeen an eiuaMr* IlM of irbMU ud laadrlma
Renemlier Mj New Place-
312 South IUoioB Street, Oppositt C. IW. M. Depit
In Ihnii uf Tutau to lol
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agonqi.
ec foot IM. •scU tooM. Sm laeMtoB. Ma
aa«1ie*p^niMl^M?'aa>4 far.
to tool lol, rood |9>'I1ISI. renweed.
tW eowa
Laad food, wall walarad. r<
4f ARrM ihrM ml-* ooalk nad vmi IniBtkccllr.
I* a barralB for oal; time.
M I BtU a-Mt. all iBprorad vUI
vU] feb* aold la oi
Jakaaoe Block. Pbae«m
ace* JbM aa daalraM* or Bor* aa
Thursday and Friday,
» of tha weweel atylw
Mtterae, ra^ar i^ricae feeia SOc to St.oo
We irill plM oareatlreliBeatapeeialyrleae
Neto the prlcea: A fine yenmle »rtiet **ortb ^ tor .
Btylm.) Ataaey etripped percale w^l worth 7»e fer 9^
ylaid wkidt. all colera. wmth Si.oo for Tie. A «M. Iflachai
aloc^ of Ic*. to delifw 41
He Overturee Pet from Bpaia.
rt«f the city.
Waablaftoa, Jaly 8__ tlcaa be etatod
M^le block wood nUo lor ml*.
aathortuUnly that ae evartan toward
yeaea had reached Ue fmnaMB
tothetimeof thccaUaet meettof toTelephOM Me. M.
_ dimity
A Sac
walat worth 83.00
— have a few pare wrbite waleta toft to plain aad fancy piqae of
It valae at $1.48. $1.78, Bt.oa CaU aadaeaMrUae whUe they
The Boston Store,
Front Stnet
. S
V'v ^
THs xoRvnro nmoowb, batuuday, jm,Y 9. ism.
nuvsBWKorrr. -
SM. T. Batm
axo a.
• Is
• at
put in good msBisg order. Here hed eeTeral veers
know bqer it sboold be done. Betiidacticin Knenijeed.
UCTcle eoDdriee et ebont coet New end eecood
andtorent. FleeM give use trie].
Beezing e epeciel^.
BMJ8.911 Front dL. Bert
. (Continued From First Page.)
M. W. guuam. Editor oad Mm«c«
Charleston, N. C., july 8.—(Special.)—Major-General
Miles arrived hereat 5 o’clock and went' immediately to a
hotel with General Wilson. It is not knoirii when he will
embaric; pr<Aably tomorrow.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Washington, July 8.—[Special.!—The authorities mo
mentarily expect peace overtures direct from the Spanish
government, but will b^n action promptly if none come.
But the president says the navy will not be recklessly exposed
to mines and shells dropped from the great heights batteries
as in the case oj the Indiana recently.
Corce^Ktsd with the Traverse City Lomber Company.
We bave for aale Oood,
ALL TAX» rms.
IkWAT »t MM tho boafaordMot of
EMtioffo wiU bcfio. MlM* U« dtj <•
—ri—ioiud to tlu Aowrleona.
kBowi what h« it
•kMt, b«t H U Mto to M7 tAM after
the AnerlMa feet u4 olert tout r*t
tlmcb with
itb tkeplMlM
«UJ wii
hmm to footh^/.
■'tho Kak of P«
, IboizstaiueWoftkePotMkt^Be•OTtor. pvUiikod hr CkM tL BMptoa.
hm eoae to kud. U it tkeNtene et>
ftWfUr^ anwyaid tniiptHnc psMioatkNi tk»t k«a node ItMlt pwalv ia
fMMke/ for Mteial 7Mi«, Md wklek
U Jwt^ »er»od U» ••Piak of Porfto-
SYmBWAasns wov ovx
to «bo Sbootloc Ooatoot Tootordv
Ibo ooeead ohootioc Mat«t betwtM
tto BUI MnrroI'tBwANoelKn a^
Banaa Jahraaa’ Bkarpakootan, to^
fliM TotUrdap. The teorta were at
MlawaBaahwaekara—BUI MvtoI. M; J. N.
Mattimh. M: M. Ylatoa. iSt DoS MoPm»\A. 87; MarhChaw. tS. TWai. Sit.
•arpahoolera—A. W. Jahraaa. tSj
ML dberaer. 4S; C M. Parker. 8t;
ap. Oarrer. 41. Total 213.
The beat aheta ia theee two taaaaa
mi the taaaa whiah
weak. wUl be eeleetcd for a fiaa)
tab to take place aaxt Fridap.
■9m fMieky Mm B«rv«d n OTniMr
Vew Terk Biee» Wv Befea.
»M Feiheby. » yMSf tedlM, .rflted in tb« dtyyeeterS*/ from
' Bmt te epeed • tkrea weeks’ farlMfk
wttb Us perMtSMdfrteadSBt Northpott. The jmrnm krese to s srsdnsu
«< tte Osritole ladtoe eekMl of Peuerlvento sad for three years he kM
Beee st West Point. bsTisr bean sppUated to n eUetahip in the United
Btelea aUitsry scsdewy. AbMt AprU
Ant he wee eent on board the vi
Vew ToA where ha hu been aleee tkt
wv becae- fiewnsm board durief
She hankerdnest of
Md Sea
Aaea end wUl letnrB to the ahlp Aefeet Arst Be to sa UteUigMt y«
■aa. s aloM obeereer ssd hM a
good net ef his exoUteat trsinlar end
deveatoee Xectnite BMt Away With
Aa Itothuaieeao SamoactretAot
The eaveateM reernite who 1
■eetirert into the eeiriee bj Ueo
eat MUner-e reenitlnff Mjasd. sad who
wan naaed in yeeterdsy'a Rkcosd. left
yeeterdsy sfternooe npoo the 4:80 C
A W. M. Usia for Osmp Alger. A large
aaabaroffiiaBdeeedtheBoy'B Band
aaaertfd the yonsg aoldton to the
depot end they were seat off with sa
Anerttea Leandiyto Vew OwMte.
' W. A. Weatoa, heed Unadryatsa s
aeylan. sad C. W. DnttM. sa sagiaaer st the esse plsoe. have porehaaed the new Amerlcsa Isnndry
elsrtod s short Use age by Robert
Price sad Hnbert Northrnp. Aaueg
the inproveBenta to be reads mw issAtoary will be added.
As the MW pn^rrietofS thoronghly
eedWitsnd the Bnslaeas. no donbt they
win Bake a suocasef their aew enter-
A paeiy oaeAstlagofC. H. Born and
fanUy. Be*- D. Cochlla and tamlly, C
J. Sbner and fhwily. N. B. aajda and
dwUy and gncate, will go to Nwah-uwaata ttto aomlag aad apead the day
A large andloBM witaaeaed
a Blapklns" p
eawaavM Promt street, jaat watt of
lest erealag. The ^eee
dauV preaealedbyaooBpaayaf eUtw;
Xlngaly l>toorderUM Plead OoUty:
JasUec Verly dtopeeed of a batch of
dtoorderlles yesterday afteraean. Three
of Uoee who wen ameted at Klngaly
London, July 8.—[Special.]—The Pall Mall Gazette this ia Ue morning plead gailty and w
afternoon publishes a letter from Las Palma, the capital of fined. Doagias Brower was fined t3 aad '
s amooatlDg to » 88. Alfred BleU
the Canary Islands, under date of July i. It says: “ In view:
flood SS and ooeu of fiO &&.
Earl i
of the prospecrivcrvisit of the American fleet, the Spaniards BeU paid »3 flae and M ceets.
are busy at the defenses. The present defenses are miserably Mickolas Kretoser, the saloon keeper '
inadequate. They consist of a battery of mixed smoothbore who was takes wlU Ue net,
by Sheriff aimpwm
and Under-1
and rifled muzzle loaders on the heig^its overlooking the sheriff Ashton, pleaded not /nilty to j
karbor, six obsolete held guns north of Mole, a six-gun Ue charge of eeUlng Uqnor to Doaglu
Bali wan
battery on the artillery barracks within the town, aiid a small
furatohed ia Ue nam of g»M and the
saluting battery.
trial wee eet for Moadey, bat' be
“With modem range guns the Americans could quickly cksaged hto plea later la Ue day and
wreck the batteries from outside the zone of the Spanish fire. paid a fine of til aad eoata
The oompUlaaat in Ueae eaaet waa.
The Spaniards boast of ii.ooo infantry, but it is improbable Aaron Hemm and now Ue aafnrtathat they itill be able to mustm* more than 5,000. The sol Mto ones nropoee to get even, so awarraat
wae swora oot fev hto amet m a i
diers are drilling incessantly.”
ehafge of eeeaalt aad battery. Be will |
HcatphiU was against Ue feaee and be arrested today.
palled the ball U in tins to catch
Ifte Toaawlte to Keepiag a Btriet Wheeler at aeoood base, nllrUg the
IVhWh TIpea the Beetoar.
ThalfUwaeprodactiveof anMher.
New Tork, inly 8.—A epedal trea MiUer snde a peat kit aad got to fint.
Gape Haltiea says the French eteaaer JecenebMtod thabaUaadkaatitoat.
OUade BedceqM anived today froa Pllinaa waa Ut la Ue foot by the
idtcker. Beat drove Ue ball to WDSt. Thoaaa. She tonehed at Saa Jaaa
eon who caaght Pitnaa at seeand,
aad broaght a big cargo of prortoiou while Jeroae went U Ulrd, jast after
aad took a targe anpUy of frcAgkt. Miller eprinted hocae. JarooM tried it.
They aal foor ateanaert in the karber toe. bat waa caa^t at Ue plate.
BaU started a eeriee of nas ia the
of Baa Jnaa dtotAanriag oargeoa.
slxU by pladag Ue ball om
Whea eoaiag ont she waa oeafroated
right flald fence lor twe
by the AawieaB eteantar ToeeaUte.
proeeotod wiU a base,
who advised her eaptaia ef the Mock- and Wheeler aad Tooy fiew oat
ade oftheport. The eteaaer wUl not q-dU ■accceeiea. Miller seat a lesg
throngb right fidd, taUag twe
retva there.
bags and ecoriag Ball and Oleasoa.
drove Ue ball over Ue fence
Xaha Woa in Slghth Xoaad.
ijettoosherttohe a home ran,
MIlIercroeMdUepUta. making Uree
New Yetk. Jaly A—
In that isDlag.
feated toaigbt In the light wlUi Maher
TbeervenU gave two more. Bent
lathe eighth roond.
rraebed fint haaa oa Morrtosy'a error
ef hto hot gnaader.i Ball got fint
base 00 St. Clairh error and Boat was
ntlred at aecoad. Oleaaea'c base bit
seal HaU cafely to aecoad aad a few
00LT8 WXVT DOW* AOAIB BSmfnotM later Wheeler's grpaader
•cored him. Glaaeoa scored a rnianto
9aaa Of Two-BweBts, DenblePtepn
Jerome get to fint aU right whea it
aad a Borne Baa by Iforrtaey—Aeed amo hto tarn U bat to Ue eighth mod
Orowd Witaaaaod a Bharp. latarnat- Bailer seat Ue ball to oentar field.
Heat took a base oa balto, aad Boll's
The EnsUen dawned the Coltn agaia fly to right field ntired him. bet JerbefonUeballcoaldbegU
yateriay ia a gSM flUed with featoran. The oontest abonaded. ia two- inside th* dismoad Tba alaU wae-a.
baggera, donUa plays aad bash raa- shat-oaU
to aeon in Ue fint
Biag. Morrtoey ef tke Colts brwicht
tewB the graad suad by a dandy five inaings aad it begaa to look Uke a
Mate raa. EempblH for the vIeUon •batpet for Uem, bat ia Ue sixU
also a faverlts with ihe crowd by Merrtosy took Ue ball jast right and
kaocked sot a komc na. Uaforto-'
hie snperb fteUlag.
Batlar waa la tke box for Ue hocM Mtely for Ue Oolu Morrimy waa Ue
fint msa op.
toast and he gave a good exUbItioB H
hit oU time speed. bIm bKe wgre' The Maaistee team woald not waver
lands freai hto delivery, bat Conrad for, in their hopee to win bdU1 after Ue
let down for fifteen eeveath. whan the Bosilen aseally gt>
Uu by the Bnstlera The oUto had dowa. if at all. U Uat laalag Mcfrom Bey Cl^, bat the Coanell seat a line kit to Wbealar and
oaald Mt nave the gat Ue first been Fox made a nies bit
a Then was a good eeowd pras- in MUler's direction and Conrad. flew
to Ball. Merrtosy came op with
eet. the beat slaoe Msoeahae dsy. and
home ran gait, bat be coaid
boU sidaa wen eneoaraged wbea goad
only get a long drive threagh ceater
plays wen nada
The Bastion batted tbeiaselves into fieM, which eaabled MeOoaaeU aad
Boyce came np aext
the geed graeee of the pabUe ia both Fox to tolly.
gamoa aad they aew have a fair hold with a flae two-haaer which eoored
span Ue efleclioae Of Ue fans. While Morrtosy. Pitosaa ooald net hold Be
Ue home teasi dtoUagntohed Uen- han's fly and Rqyoe croeeed Ue pan.
adlvea ia heavy bitting aad gaaersl maklag four rane laUat laalag. Tbey
good worh. Ue error eelara abewa ap coaid get M soon to Ue gass*.
>ttafaetory. Bewaver, whUe there
The toUowtoff pn Um eeen aad snm1 naay arron. Ucy wen net maiy:
aiwsya eoeily aad aene of them wan
AB. a. IB.PA A B.
0 I
0 t
tog the fint
Urea iseOage for Ue Ha lata, aad it
looked Uke acloae
U Ue
foarU. however, Ulngs began to took
different Bant began Ue work wiU
Ue etiek wlU a single, bat waa caaght
seowdoafleldsiriaehhiee. whaa HaU
Ue ball, find Ua lattor stoyed ea ,
............ i
e e 11 t i> «
first Gleaaoa madeaffeod bit aad
led to aeearitf eeocad boas. Vik«a.ib....
while Ball went to third.
Wheeler came np then was a anaaldemaad from Ue btoacbers for a W....................... M .
. » M.
raa. bat coadiUons wen net jast
Score by taatoga:
right aad Wheeler oeald not plaoe Ue
baU wbentaa«xpwted.batheeaBt it
Ue fence, oatside Ue home ran
Itoe. eomiag Hail aad Qimmm. Tkto
aU Uat coaid be token to that toalag. thoagh Tony madea Mhg kit
• hiU pnmtoed to scon Wkeetor, bat
They'U 09 Then Again.
In speairing of Ue eeUbrattoa ia f
thdUtoe ea the Foorth, the New. end •
. ms sen; “The Oreeesat Bead of | Tranrac City ptoyed Itaelf lato pppnlarity ia Cadillac ea Ue FoarU -aad
will always be a welcome addltioa to
mastoal feetaree la the fston."
!5 : 5 !!■
1I ! !M
i} } ‘
The Price of Ttee
Has gone up—So has our stock. We have a fresh
dean stock of Cigars an^ Tobaccos and our prices
are reasonable.
’PhoBS 167.
M8 Front Street
Spaa Mated Crea, and ]
8>wa Uxat ArtmwT OaMnf
Dm Moinee. Ia.. Jalr l.-Tbe ITfUi lecM fnmaA frm
aad SlxU Iowa battertM of light artli- Cleme^O^Ueioa, 180 0am etnet
lerr reeterdsr etoc*«4 Ue-tollewlag offieers. *hu sill tv conmiseRtoed by
"I have need Oambnlaln's Coagh
Governor Shaw: Firth. Cedar lUptdsCaptaln. George tV. Brver: fint Ilea- Bamedy is my lamUy tor yean and
tenant. Richard T. Forbes: second lien- always wiU good rsealto.” aan Mr. VT.
tenant, Samuel C. Cook. Sixth. Bur- B. 0^,of El Rio, Callfonia.
rrwn. a
n. Long:
1^; fint
we find It fMO^Uy
-Capula. Frank
XxamlnaUoB of Teachers tor
Ueatenaai., Alberti nH. nwcunn
Hoebaer:, awuu.,
second!; ^
sal* by 8. KIWt.
WlUtora T. Oemtl. Tbs ' “*^W**tweay riaees left for experienced artU.
from Cedar
«ae noon OX fiMBuaers,
Burllogtoa. Ue •aon-comwill bold a special examlaatloa in Ue Rapids and
1 offleers appointed and Us
Central scheol baUdlng Mooday, Ang
wtU be rauetend to todor.
st lilh. for Ue parpoae of
llgb School gradaatoa who a»y wish
> beoome applicants for peaittons to
Persons tronbled wlU diarrhoea will
•aeh in Ue pablic aehm>to of Tra-
R. Winnie,
and Paper Haager.
'Fbr?ntor«aUon in regard lo qaallflUloM of teackera. applicants an .nlemd to HOC. Vill of the Bylaws of
she Board of Bdoeatlne. copies of which
msy be hed at Ue CMy Clerk's office.
By ndcr ef Uc Beard ef Examine
OhasgW a Five Dollar BUL
rttTr ■:
L%'” •:
' Mill Machinery of all deacriptioiia,incladuig Two T^nginfie,
f*et Works, Carriagee and Sewa, A oom[dete Saw Mill Pleat
(or aale
Uat evealag Bert BUto handed
«a a flve-doUar bUl aad naked Urn to
step oat and get it ekaaged. The
rimage took plaoe all right, bat Bart to
not Mttofled aad to MW looking f»r
Ue man, aad lacldeatally the obaage.
S S !? 1 S
Sound Hemlpck Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
, Short Maple Wood.
’Record Want Column.
Prorideaoa, E. L Be aays:
nl yean I have been almost a constant
safferer from diarrhoea. Ue freqaent
attacks e
me aad
nnderiog me acfil Urtas dottos at the
:1. Aboctlwo T< I •c'> a ealea-
•easel weak ___
the attack wiU a few doeee of Uto val.
eable nmedy. The malt has been
very eattotoetory aad almost oompleto
relief from Uc affllettoB.” Fiw tola by
8. B. Wall, Dragglsh
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
of Shoes, yoif will find in our handsome
up-to.date stock
of Ken's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the fovorites at tb's season of •
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking,-Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
UwnpMn Om Qrdm to PttEoh
tho Nooonary War V«»-
m4 T%m C«sun b T»
B« Rob Down.
intry qf beat asmmp
uuua, vmv vn \nv wi
OB the Fhntta Uid
seeded from P.orldB porta to polnu In
central and western Cuba, where larffe
qnanmies of qmM and anp
landed for Oeneral Oontes'
This U tbe amt time that arms have
i Lm» tlkM It Wta* ItB>b.MrWa»> pot. to Oomea and bb men In Uie weatM ITnH Km« HU On ■IwtM OaUl
i a^loBB. aa the flrat etpedltlon
Ha 1* >( w-n>iiM a« i> u>
lipped OarcU and hu men around
a HUM »mru Btr Ik# FMt at SmH—.
Hat KaparM
an tka BpuMk CkpUkU
■Waihln^ton. Job l.-Tl» prwjaetit
akDM • «ooBdl of «mr n«tet4k]r ta
nett kt tke White Ronae. tke purpoae
K to review the pltuaUon k»d Ibni
wbkt cbaogea. If anjr. abonld be made
>B tbe plkoe for the fotore cendoot of
the war. 'Aecordlnc to one of the rnem’ hern pr«ne«t it wka decided to kM4e by
tbe plana already made, at leaet aa to
tte cekerki conduct of the aampaipi
1 Idiyslqui
roB. and h<
d daVof hnoek
about seretes. Oeaaral MUes hlmaelf GOTOTT W. 0. Tr V. XM AJqnTAl.
has no othm- pnrposes to toto* to flantla(t> than to look over the AlliUry Mtuatlon. and to atrengthen the hand of
Bbafter. He wUl not rMIe^ Oeneral
Ehafier of Ua cammaad nnlem the Ut Xaettece Teetardey .
ter’s physical condition la «eh aa to
SreslBg is WBl^ Bntortaining
dsmaod sosae ru'h act OB.
Tbe war departmeat admitted for the
•nd Xsownetive Pepen Ware Bohd
nad DtoffiMMd.
Tbe eponlng eMetoB of the Grand
Traverae Cmiaty W. a T. U. conven
tion wne held yeetardey afterneen la
parlore of the Caagregatiemal
charah, which had been made npprw
nrinte to the eoeasien by aa abnnd*
aM of enamer eweete of a graat
Mm P. E Travto, pnaldent of the
D. E. Carter haa been frantad a pat* Traverae City ttnion. presided over tbe
■qceUag, tke epealng aoeg of “Ameiica" being led by Mra M. E Strong.
Pnyera ter the ndvancemant of the
Ika KnaUeta wUl CO to Mnniatoa to
day for two Bora Bamaa at hwa bail cnuee.were offered by Mra. Harrey CarUse and Mm M. C. Ovlatk Pialm 107
srith the colta.
Prof. C B. Horn la baeinr an addi waa reeponaively read and while a
ebon wait waa mads for Mm A. A.
tion bnilt to bla boma on Waat flaeanUi
Bith, tbap
State PieaMant Benjamin. A pretty
A nnmberof
ovatiaB was given bar by a rising nad
Grand ftnpida}
j for J. O. Jan* waring of kandketehieree by the ladiae
of tbe W. C T. 0. She spoke briefly
J. B. Olhaon hna can- ef her berdabipa in rcaehiag eennuy
maBeod'work on tbe new eoan^ eonrt plaesa thrangb tba beak dnat aad deep
booae. GroBad haa bean broken and sand, but fonad faerealf rewardad In
the work will be poahed.
yedtoplnyed ar
'A. T. Bozia.wb0 baa been Inktnc a email places.
eonrae of asaflldBa at tbe Daltetalty
Tbe mlantee of the laat masting ef
at .Ann Arbor, nirirad in tke city yca- September tt, 1697. held la the Oo^ietordaytoaaaUtCA^Bandrleka in hU gp^tonnl pnrlort were reed nad ap
ry BtoraBdioialnc UiUerb proved. after which a eaU by the preaiTBcntlon.
deal fer tbe vUiting delegatee was
made: the two anion ef Fife Imke and
aa to be aUe to learn the hospital
feley gave no rcapenee, bat a letter
Chieace. Ba waa at Lndl^tan yaatarived bem Fife Lake explalaed that
day and. trill arrive ham today ranch the akasMe ef the delegate wne enoeed
Ibproved la health.
by lUneii: Mn. C. E &tee. pferident
The anewaioB glean by tbe Cemffra- of the nnien. wne present aa kalegate
cnMosal Indlea* AM Sadaty to Nmnh- from WtUiamaborg. Mrs. Lyna Tbomptn-emnta last ovanlac waa not wall pat- aon. aaeretary, waa deUgnU trem la- nan that be had ordered Admiral Sampraniaed. Aboat 60 peopta pnrebaaad torleehen. Mm Adall* E DeVel. preaMB to'detaeh from hie oarn command
idant. was tke vtolUng delegnth tiem
Imnedlktely the vesa^ to be embraced tlckata.
Tbe libraaycomraittoe are at eroric OldMtoeien.
In Commodore Wataen'a eaacerts aquadMm A. C.. Smith followed the call
roo and to direct the commodore to pro- aelecUnc a lUt of aewbooka to add to
D lA mlaaioiL
tke hlraaay larce ooUeeUan for Ue for delegatna with a p^ar on “A Few
TbongkaoB Wket the Flowers Sagraadinc pnbUc.
Tba Tiwtli of the aquadron will not
Elijah Biffelow. jr.. ea»a np from gaat to Mo." Shaspeknof tha menage
be the eame oi th<we orlelaaUr selected,
ef the golden-hearted pansy.'eprlnglng
for the reaaoo probably that the recent Lather yaaterday and waa anatom'
I with Cervera’e
to Co. A. TkirtyfoBrth nctmeat ky into lUa * herever a hare apok peepiog
throngh ^e snows ef winter, allowed
it light, a menage, sweet and ekeering.
n in tba
for *-Oed to love. He haa not forgot
,e anxHtary fnure a «
I of tbe
ten bit ereatom, neither will he Ut
I aane.
block OB Pront ntmek
mte; tbe coUlera
them perish.*’ Bat aU flowers teach
mlua. Caeaar. Leonldaa
Maeacer Eeboe adeUea tba party the same beautiful lesMDS of nnaelCvhand Jnetln. and the «upi>ly boat Del- wba brckelnutheUcketofieaof the
ina and perfect contontmenk They
nonlco. nie ahlpa are tp set aatt aa
baU park and took the evatar pall and are a comfort Id eielrneaa and esrrow, a
noon aa they can coal and anpply.
cap,to ratnm it and save trouble as be plmsora in Joy and pmperity.
Tbe order provldea that each ahip kDOsra him.
In tbellly, autcly with waxen lanvea,
ahall itiahc her way acroaf the Atlantic
Praak Dye the pitcher who came
to a martlme rendesTout, which win be here with Hunt, left for hia home in Mm Smith saw thto sweet message:
"Ho matter what eoadlUoaa exist, we
pelod order! to pre'
Ita exposure to the etlAhteet potable Indiana last nichu
tboold neb daonrbeat to biightaa
danjter from the enemy, and the rnoct
Prof. C. B. Hem erill oonilnct insti and ehaer those we meek" Of the rose.
that is known la that it will not be
le lonT
Qnnn of the flowere, she eatd: "What
after that before tbe American iquad- tute work at East Tawas tbe last
lid we do wiUent yea. nading
ton win be in full puraott of Camara of Auguak
wttb bla remnant of the nranieb nary.
G. Sinae of TbempaonTiMe haa p«r- year fragrance alike ta every OBe, par*’
Maanwhnethegaibennaofthe American
tial to noae. toacblBg the same graad
fleet off tbe Upantah porta b expected ckaaed a fine toaia and carriage of J.
Inaen ef uBaelSahnan and perfect lore.
O. Jensen A Co.
to have a aoberlns effect tmon tbe
flamed paopla. A tele*ram received
She elaecd her talk with thto beanUthe state department yesterday aflertal tbooght; -Let aa give oar flewera
t Camara waa stlU
Him Jeonie Wolfe eloaed a fiva not wbelly. but the greater part to the
lytnr with bds squadron at Sues.
moBttaa’ term of school In Elmwoad llvlag. knowiag, aympnthiriag peoM*
Will iMk WeU After tke WeaadMU
of the svorld. who need aometblag to
The very flrat care of tbe oAclab here township ymterday.
C. G. Turner lenvca for Grand Ba
win be for the wounded m«. who are to
be brourbt north aa rapidly at their and lonU today an nbostnam trip.
for and foeU aa latarnt in thaaa, wbUe
condition win permit. There waa aome
Mm. A. 8. ~
they live, not after they dia.”
Idea of taklnc one of the Uv hotala at
Portress Uunroe. standtns on the ffov- of the W. C. T. U., to kalng ontertnlnod
One of tha deparimaau of work in
by Mm 3. W. TmrU.
the Union to providing flowen for the
a hospllal, but It Is saidd to be tbe prrsTbe Mtooea Alice and Evelyn WOl*
sDi plan to svbsiitute a number of larpe tome of Hantoue are vlaiUng their ilek and na Mm Smith to tke Flower
MtoaioB eeperiatandenk her onbjeet
tenu. which a-ten property (dlcbed and
placed are *ald to be hyelenlcally better asat. Mm John J. Oampbell of Uke
and dear to her and toemed
than enclosed etructurcs fur the treat
with exquisite gems an flower laasona
ment of wounds at this seeson of the
Mm A..D. Baker of Grand Bapida to that broaght one nearer to natnra.
year. Meanwhile all is l>eln« done in thagneatof Mr. and Mn. B. 8. Pratt
the nelirbb(irhi»id of Rantlapo to alle’The flower talk wu followed by a
J. F. andD. 8. Koedkam have raTtato the siifrerinn there that tbe
paper -’Why ia Local Optica better
a wm penr.ll. Tielerday after- toraed from CinelnDaU.
than Ucanser writtea by Mtsa Mag
noon came a teiesram frvni Oeneral
Mtos Carrie Avery, who has been viagie
Stone of Old Mtoalon and praaeated
Bhafter to the war dcpartmenl as tollowe: “In the name of the sick and itiag frUnda in MOwaakea.' haa f by Mr*. A- E DeVol of that plaea. Ia
woqnded officers and men under my tamed.
bar argamant against liesnsa, Mtos
ccRiahd. 1 thank Mr. J. W. Mackay I Clarenee Whitney, who kna bean vtoStons spoke of the high lioeaso of
for the ice aeet ns.*'
I iUhg in Mnakvoa Mnea tba Dnlvani^
Michigan atmoet amonatiDg to proUI at Ann Arbor closed, to bens to apend
bitioa (so ooastdaredi and eltod TravI tba aDatoer.
em City as a fair example (7) aa ths
HamiaaStr ef tbe Army Coder Ike PtmI Evelya Wilton of Cnnrlevoln to vWt
Meat fkhce tke Field.
to bavs peUWaahiDAton. July A—Major General 'lag her brotber, Arthar WUnan of tionad tbs cemmon ooancil to ab plaea
MeUon A. Miles, commandlnc the army, _ Bast SlnU streek
Ue aalooat that Uair chUdrea
sled lif the entire staff of army I Dr. F. J. Frallck af KorUport, eras
not be obliged to pam Uem on their
beadquanera,Uft last night fOrCharlea- i ia the city yesterday.
ten. 8. C. where the party wUl embark
Joe Zimmerman to In from a boalnaat srny to school.
(or Santiago. They left o«-er the South* trip for the MerckaotUe Co.
Sks Uoagbt that the eanas given
era nilruad at Id:*! p. m. The party
A. E. Wells left laat night for De for liemisa, was Us lesaanisg of taxes
conelsu of General Miles: General J. C troit.
and is ths open diaensslon that foUowed
Gilmore, adjuunt general of aufl; Oentba
statement was isads on good anB. C. MeLane of Interloehan waa in
J Koy Stone; Colonel C. R. Green*
Uority that the taxes from saloon It*
the city yesteraay.
did not begin to pay for Ua eara
W. Oon*. M. C-Maua, and A. 8. Rowan,
L. E. BaUe came down yMtarday
Major John U. i:iark and Captain B. from Settona Bay.
of Ua criminals Uat were Ahe direct
B. Whitney. At tbe same time Uea*
oateome of Uem. Mine tonUe ef Ue law*
Uaant ColonH Michier aul a Urge aiaff
ilta, it was staled, were dne to latoxof taeadquam-rs cierlu who have beea
10 no TO TBS STBm
icnnta. A dry town wna Ukea aa an
IB TBmpa will <-ome north, to Cbartea,toa and join the party. The Mahi win
> at Wikira wider
where in one year ender local
be iBkde ^frnm CliBrien..D <rn the Am
Bteamer after the geoeral and Ua ntaff
cnaaadairmk ngnlnatlMcnaea Ua prearrive.
This may be vtifaer tbe Tale
rioaa year wiU mloona, aad daring
lambU. wtaich are uklng on tr->op8
from eelt:«mem yesterday than tha dry year, only cbo family nasdad
there. If the trooi* are ready |o n^rt ’ farther
any tine since It ataned. Both man tows aappork wbUe Ua Itoanaad sa*
bef<»e the parly arrived they
iht> wi;i go on
year had 67 famUim to eapnork
and the general win follow on the Reso ufacturers and strikers have Assumed
lute or one of the other ateamert to a arm and defiant attituda The fortner
Van Barea coanW is held up by
sail after the Tale acd Culumbia it u have Issued a signed statameat to the
C. memben. aathe banner eoonty
axpected that the pa.-ty wtu be at San- eflect that they will not aUn thalr
ttogo the early part of i
factories latil the six can ah start with in local opMoB.
the eve of‘ hU departnre
Oeneral M:tea a "auffVrlent force ef competent wor
Tbe Mother-a meetUg led by Mrs. M.
adtlsfactlon on aurting i
E -Strang wna tal ed tstereeting
"e'spoke of the
hips they bad . ...
thengbU feraUproamiandthe aberi
1 recenily. and of those yet t
ilimr*- led by Mra Miners on the
oema. It has operated tevetriy against
eabj6et:”AaWemea me attorn, toil
' the general offlcem and General MUm
net CiMBmtftnttoanl to Deprtfo *nem
fbeto that he. too. to not entirely in*
of the Bellotf" v e fan od the ri^t
kind of sptrik after wbtok tha wasHiff
ndjonrand MU tha aenniag anaion.
The oranlngaanMnoftheW. C. HT*
owing to eonnter nttraetlonn. B«v. D.
Coeklia opaned ths devoUonal ssrrien
^ prayer and Mtos Jonta WUkelm
sang MtoeUvely. "StUl as tho Might",
aad la a few waU dosaa words Mm
P. ETi
Mm A. E Benjamin. Mn. Benjamin
eaUglxcd woman in ths horns, a well
ordered boma being tha next kla to
hsavan. Thto to tha vrork of Us W. C.
T. 0.. tha protaetioa of tho
tbe prerenUon of Uqoor InlBu.
only S4 yeera ago," eke said,
“that In a little tcatnt Chantnaqna a
hand of women ooneelved the idea of
ths white ribbon elab. !a IS years the
white ribbon bed enelraled ths globe.
WkOe not a ehareh organisatien. it to
in ItMlf a home, toreiga. aad aid noaUty eombloed.
Shedmertbed the terrible oplam ha
bit In China and said toat amoag tha
awfnl elghU to be freqeently
the «0M opinm dene, ware mothers
with their bahea preppedap beslda
tbam. area esadren Urea nad fear
yean of age eaceemblng to the terri
ble babik Tbe W. C. T. U. work aa
faiUfaUy. w^ their forelga
^ opium kaWt aa they de
I OB tbe htUbOHds <g
TniRH Bu Uu itStUUL
Used ooa (ran a white poeSsr wi___ O0I.VMBXA AMD LOV A. CUUr
heavy btnek border, pmfaepe S lest kew
tyt feet wide:
TwMvOay. at «fiD a b., after a severe IS
M. SDcesBbtO IftaseppsBsaa o( tbsreeocdtrv oaos ot Uw cnaabw cf Uommwmig
Bom a ass bmb notito ead patrioim Bla
lm» atoms. SBitUe troB
inmat So'eloek oa Wsdasadn next. U
Tea PAaexin
This pUcHd. Uke aU othem in Bmda
bom a 1 ewt iotenai rovenae alamp.
Even the placards in shop windows.
wh(B oonveying anyaanimnoaBient, are
that etamped. b laatas which certnin*
ly meets some of Adem SmlU’s fi
seay of ooltoonoo. fer it wonid be-very
saw to dtooorer any attempt toevnde it
fiem and Printer
- iSlE:
Ar. Harbor dpringt.......... ..6;4S
Far worse then tbe ptogoe to tbe inocatotha scare now prevalent to Oeleotta. There is not e cbspnuBie.-serT.
eat or tmboo who is not peraonlod that
onters have g«»e ott that eveo^hod)
mnet be forcibly i
Going aooU dsllj ax asA Sasdvw
pest of Uto beliel caan an quoted of BanvaNorU 'wt..............................
people having b>-eo forcibly iiiocnlated
to tbe streets by tx-iug prlck>ri on Ue
neck and back wiU emue lortrament
raaembliiig a ianoct Tb> rc can be no
reucnsbld doubt Uat Uen- are boow
bwdmaahea makiug capibil uat of Ue
■eare, and ao hrnily muted ia tbe idea
to the miuda cd the igmirant people
thet ooUtng abort of <
U)«4elUng apoB tke taaU for liqaor, on Ue part of the g
Ar. MorUport....................... .«:U “
r Iwelt at leagU spon tke aabjeet store etder.—Oalcnttn Eugltshinna.
Daily Morning Sxeainioae Vnm
heradi^, etoting that ia each genar.
Oar baby has beea onattooeUy troabTrnvavne City.
atioB yoe And tketaata fer liquor mere led wlU colic and cholera infentam
Ttoks steamer at 8:«0 p m. for Keabdeeply eeeted. aad Ue system leas aUa alaee
bto blrU,
and••all• Uat we eoold tawaata where yen wIU coaaeet wiU
do for him did not seem to give more steamer Cresoent retaraiag to Travto eepangnlnst Ik
temporary relief, aatil we tried mne «ty at 10;4S p m. This wiU give
The beBinem meeting wIU be bald Uaa
Cbamberfato’s Colic. Cholera aad Dlar-' ywa a pleaasnt ride ef M mCm on «bn
thto maming at tbe C.
rbom Brae^. Stom giria|^Uat re^- toy aad can be made every morntof.
ehareh parlom tba annnal aleetioa of
if yon wish a loafer ride Ue boat ^
> give ypo Uto teetlmoaiai as ao land yon at Omine or Motthport wbmw
oaUan taking piece.
gratltade. not that yon yoe will ooaaaet wiU etamaer retarn*
e of odrr
need It to advertise yoar meritortoea lag to Travens aw at 4H0 p m.
Wild Oeaansk Bidem
remedy.—O. M. Law. Kralrak, I
Aftarwoen asenMtons tram Trarame
For mle by E E Walk DraQiek
aty. taketke steamer Craeeant evsiw
la addiiioB to tha girLoowboy. aeoak
aftornooB at !tM tor Menktawnato
Indian and cavalry eqaeatriaaa U Bof*
where yon wiUeoMem wHk etmmsg
falo Mil's WBd Went and Oongvoas of essariing n«s or blarring of
retaraiag to Traverae aty ati <t0D p
Boogb Bldon of tbe world, it Intreda- oa C F. Clessenk Ontlmoa.
oes VnqaerM from Maxiee, Geacbos
tram Soatb Amerien, Arabs (ram tbe
Afrtoaa dasan. end Coeeeeks (earn the
eteppee ef Bnstla. These tatter, hardy
aad daxterona konemen, ssay be
Mambia to OoBgregaUdnal Udim
•oelety. mn leave tbe doek m*
riderad es cm tbe border Uae
7:M. Fare ii oeatp
the wild Irrsgnlare aad tbe trained and erne aty;
drUled military: for theagk they wa^
Ue regular aniform and are r^olar
aalUted soldiers smong Ue Cosmela ot
they ride wiU
wild, flsree dash aad Indlvidtmlity not
chancteristie of any of the'oUer bed
im ef cavalryman. Thtodom
Ual Uw »re not well diiUed in tbaii
taetlm and capable of going Uroagh
their evolntioas admirably, bat they
have a certain sort of spirited freedom
aad capneiW far Independent pen
Freneband Americana i^hk U en*
eouraged Uereto, dtoplay. They wear
(some but eombra nnlforma, rida
Ue liUe, snail horses of Ue stoppea,
and are mounted on small troop sad
dles, very high front and rear, which
are baiU ap wkU pads fully foariachm
Ulck, ao that Uey seem to pereh far
abovu their horara. Instead ot a bread
elaeh to bold Ue saddle Uey bold
Uree narrow strape tightly drawn.
wbieb OMld aeem to be rather cevere.
rbeir aiBrape an very small, only big
eneogh to get Ua potato ot tha tom
Into, a^ drawn ahork A man maat
ba a good rider wbe eu eraepy that
aerial roost and stmdy hlsMalf by Ueae
toy ttirrapa. Bat tbe Croemok does
net only Uat bat mack mora.
kto horse at tall gallop he swoops down
aad picks mp a handkerchief (ram Ue
graand. koida fast by Ue saddle and
IB to float to tka air alaafaidn,
swtoge himaalf baek to hie amk and
Urowlnghto feet straight ap is Ue
air rmu on bis akoaldera. or head.
npoB Ut mddle. leaps off. and ariar
running a short dtotanoa regatas bto
seat hy a bonnd from tke graand. an
tnaily ercBBliig his aUrrapa over Ua
mddle aiaads upright with hto toee in
Uem and all Uto wiUout dimlatobing
hto baaiUsBg pace.
Seeori Votae.
Mrs. M. H. M. Baymead and eons.
George and Edward of Grand Bapids.
passed Uraugb Ue cliy ymtorday en
route for Keahtawanta. wbare Uey
wm oeoapy their eottage for the remelnder of Ue season.
Bdwnrd Jarris and M. E Leaeb
eame npfrom Fnlrmoaak lad., nad
vriU spend a ooopto of months at Lang
Has a wonderful man withla its
limita, in tbe parson of
... •••
Sir Richard EastQfl
Of JL«TiagtOD, Ky.,
Faioitt Ut
Sicitific Lire Rader.
Not a clairvonint or fortnne teller
bnta SciHoUfic FAlmiat
ne PnbUe'e Balieu Uilw.
Record Wsot Column.
Proffeasor of Aatrooomy, Astral. \
Ofey, nijsiology, and Cbar. .
aeter expreesion.
Palmistry Taught.
modneed Batse on O. E * L
Bnffalo. M. Y-. one fare for round
rip. Sell Jnly ItU
ktolsU-Oeodtoreto IS
am Bspk ink
Chleaga.one faro for r ._
S emta. Sell July ItU g^ to retain
aaelnaaU. one cent par mile. Sel]
‘ ’Ad,
ka, goodto retain October
DDreadooB taken of hand,. .—4 '‘i
Detralk one'tore for round trip. Bell
Jnac (7U and -CsU retorn July 4th.
IndianapiUs, oae tore tor roand trip
Sell Aogast «U. return Angnst l&U.
Ladlngton. one tore for roand trip
Sell Jnly
sly MU to Aagast Sth, retain
trip. Sell Angoet S4U. I
go^ to return Sepk 6U.
VermUlUa. O.. one fare for roand
trip Sell Aagast lak good to retnn
Aagast tUk
Bay VlewCbmp Meeting, one tore Im
sand trip SeU.......................
. Jnly UU to tlA.
The King Pilmist
onia. * 903 Am. to 9:30
Parlors atl^Wbitiis: :
Mo dl^y ef signs enade. As
Ask fm
P. A..
soBfeoreoawdunettoparlor' iwhere
Atom* She Wm.
Grand Bapi^ en win And
_ atteMl*
Last Eastox in
Aant Harriot—For nmr‘$ mka.
AllWarns privato. Call sem
wbsre have yon and He.'Sweetoer bam
toraftor tbe flrat week i^rgee win to
all tbe •
MlaiKni -Oh, vre bars only been will ran on Best Bay as foHows:
bunong for foor leaved elorar. We
PnlmUnry tokwl of Farip Fr.
have bad such a lovriy ttosa
Anot Bszrist—And bow nnny fosr
leaved olovers did yon flndl
Him Enice—Why. omne to think of
it, we didn't find any. did we, ObarleyT
—Boston Znnsaripk
ProtectiTe Assodatiii
iS;*K£5Sr.... •.••s-js
*^oa bed flnelw^ today, Bem. ” mid
> I
the flibmnan'a wife aa be
mam the ascet Ubara) t
**nw worst lack I ever had.** wne
Bleek, Betel Whlttng and Park Place
the snllen rwly.
at s:u p m. 'BrnwOl also eoBneet Antbcrlsad under tke 8
'Wlv. Bam, look at tbe fnnt string wiUbmtntlliMpm. Frnh ear wm
be at Bast Head on Toeedayn. Tbnradaya a^ Satardayto Itosssngifi and
Dtetriei egent for HorUweetera MkhS.,
fan. Itovsrae Qty. Mkk.
iHX Kuxnaa
Rough Rkloni Fall Ovar Eaeh
Othar to 8hak* Hands
Wrth Him.
WTBA OF tss ifBTtonfin
q fSEL
, Witt tbe Sms GiOUat Pilaws Wk»
Sbkicd Hb Da^:er That
HiMorte Nichu
OwlhaS^a UtoUMdBlMdWaloEBIMekMaO-XUtaCMlrr MB^ad
11* wait* CaamdM U Uvlac tka Taww
AMBSMtet Um behaac*.
. V&shlnctun, Julr S^3«aet«I Sbaf>
I -i.t-.tnniuocinc tbe «xcbutfe
; '-nn «ni3 hi* men
;. .....». Ik U addre—a te the eecMUT of «*r ud dated Hcadquarten
FmbAnDrCoTpa.Cab*. Jnlj-*.—"UeotenaK Hobaon and all hi* men have
Sant been received aafel)' la ezchanse
(or BpanUb officer* and priaooer* taken
tqr t'iilted Butea All In good health,
axeert two > amen convaleaclng bom
remittent tev-r."
-The foil list of the Kerrimac crew
I* a* follow*; Llentenant Rlduncnd P.
Ifobsoo. **r.'<u=T naval conatnietor;
ler Merrlinac into Santiago harbor, bBt
be dcdlaed a* he bad a report to mak*
U Bampeon. Bot wttb regard to h)a **perience a* a prisoner of war In San>
Oago he *a1d; "Dorlnc tbe first four
4*7* we were prisoner* of war we were
Moflaed In Mono castle, sad 1 can aseure you those were extremely UfcomforUble abd disagreeable days. Tbe
Spaniards did not exactly 111 treayua.
but It took tbem acme time to tecoker
trom the shock caused by what mosfef
them considered our Yankee Impudence
in trying to block their harbor. As a rule
the officer* and men who came intocontact «ntb 01 were gruff in speech and
auRen in mannsr. There were many
Ihreatanlttg glance* ahot in our dlreeUon.
bboo«d. batubdat, Jtu.i
Question Which I
Torriblo 8torjr of Dead and
Mutilatod Man.
been gted to ubd.:nake to do the sami,0
"Billie we were la ssorro
Morre msue
castle we
were aa^-al prisoners, but at tbe end of
Oeorge Charvtte. firxt-flass guenera' ' four days we
r iranaferred to the
male: J. C. Murphy, coxswain; 0«<bi>ra JariadIcUoa of*
Prignsn, coxraain. resident of Stuart, moved to the Bell
la.: George F. Pbiaip*. marhlnlsf. on the ontsk ru- of b^llago. where
Pkank Kelly, water tender: Randolph remained ur.Ul toda>'. We knew but
little of what w=_- going on In tbe city,
Oansan. eoxrualo.
though of conrw we could always tell
Mra at the PTaot Crow Wild.
After tbe exchange bad been made.
| with hU garrison. .Although Oenernl
j TWaJ is aprsrenUy anitou* to reMst
| to tbe blu-.r end the utter bopeleasof holding out against a siege by
und and sea mort be forcing Itself up-
a BspeblOeas-saaesa for Yard Bo. I wOl be
beUUOiwDge Ball.Caw *m«t. oo WeCM»O^^ arealag. jaly
w b* held
Ever BoHied
Bicycle Riders.
Bemrmber that I do aU klnda of tto
tmMsg and enameling, asd that 1 ena ~
aad do give yon tbe beet wortc of any
one in. tbe city tor tbe money. Don't
be deceived by what others teU yon to
the Otetrnry. bnt eonu apd nee for
^ 1 gnarnntee all my work to be right,
end tf it does not prove so I maks It
I and flttto steata ce WaOaidar eroalBg. Jsly
U. ite. at 4 o'eJte>._to_el«wt ttdeUwaroto aw
Stop in tm a o'clock every ovaalag
exeept Sunday, in th* OaldweU ft Loe.don baildlng, at north end of Onion
A BmwUieae eaoco. (or Wa»d No, 4 wUI, te
held at O. W. Lardle'* potato waceboo*
atrocl, OB VeSacaSay evealag, Jaly 11. lOT. at
•"■'SSSS'~S'S7'»t2SlS SI u!
r. D. MSBriM.
wsanso. k
rr .A.'SCSS.'SSSSlSpSSdX.ff
lag. oo Wedneaday eeeelBg. Jaly U, IMS. at 4
I ammunition I* running short. Oar pual* o'clock, to otfetHdetagato* to ourod Qw Bw
I Uon Is being hourly strengthened.
| The pros|<ecis for the raiUiulaUon of
j Bantlago without further fltbt'ng grow
render the city. Firing
sumed. although the truce Is supposed
to be ended. l:»th armies have been
Atteraeya at Idtw.
Informed that Waahlngton and Madrid
are negotiating terms of peace. The
srfalu flag still flies over the Santiago
lines. There have hem no messages or
flags of truce between the commandera
Blnoe when Aaeistant Naval Csostrac- g U. BKOVN. Anorway
tor Hobson aod his men were ex O. Lav. Bpaelal aboauae to ea
changed. It is lUted by refuxers that aadeoaewraaelBc. HtrraatBt
the voluntesra at Santiago were loud Is
their demonda that the city ebould be
sumndered; so perslsteat )n fact that
many of tbem were imprisoned.
Twrwl Win PIgbt to the Death.
The prospecu of oapUulaUon wttbout pi^MLTM.'ui*'
further Acting, however, are not so
clear when the fallowing Is cocslderad:
PreM dlspatA. "as Hobson and tbe by the Vesuvius throwing dynamite
men of the Merrimac approached tbe ahrila Several U.ne* at night we were
. Brat line of eotrenchments occupied by also folly aware that tbe land batteries
were fighting outride the ri«y.
"Last Friday and Saturday It would
oastem atbbtea to tbe other, and by be difficult to explain bow anxious we
tbe Ume the returning party reached were for new* of tbe success of our rid*
tbem every man was on hU feet, refus- during the engagement. Tbe lltile Ing to be restrained by tbe
fermatloB the Spaniards would give ua
sf tbe officers, cheering wildly and msb- contd not be relied upon. One thing
lag ever every obstacle that chanced U that I fould out In tbe hospital was
be In bis way la| hi* effort to reach that a large number of Spanl^ officers
Hobson and his pdity and grasp tbnn were wounded te last Friday's^ht. for
hand. The released prisoners many were brought to tbe bnspltsl to
'rounded and corrpriled to be treated. Numbers of badly aimed
the Spaalab geaernl
t; . lo M..eive the greeilngk. oongrata- bulleU came Into the bospitnl windows
laUons and vigorous, beartfelt, hand- on Friday, but I do not brileve any one would eonUnns to resist, replied: TM
shaking of men Uey bad never acen be was Inlnred by them. Our quarUr* course be will. Toral will fight till he
dlea.” General Blanco telefihpbed
there were very dean and comfortable, Torn! from Havana: 'The ^nlsH
and tbe food was fairly good.
Was a Bragh but Hoasty WolcMw
dtea but never *urrendera,'"paraphra*"In fact I have no reas n to complain Ing the blalnrlc cry of Napoleon’i
Sunburned cavalrymen who had spent
tteir lives -D the saddle on tbe plains of of our treatment as priaooer* of war. Imperial Guard. This aUtemeDt Is con
Artsona. New Hexioo or other western The . prejudice which tbe Spaniards firmed by tbe French cable operators,
aUtiw or territories, and wbo did not showed against u* during the first few wbo have left Santiago They told tbe
know the difference between a ehlp's days soon wore away.- We conducted Writer of this dispatcb that the cable
maintop, bilge or keel, itaiew their arm* onraelves properly and simply forced was still working to Jamaica and that
around tbe sailor boys and literally tbem to treat us well. We knew noth they connected It with tbe cable to Ha
dramred them over the entrenclimentx. ing alK>ut tbe destruction of Admiral vana before leaving This give* GenaU the time sending out yaUs that under Cerveru's fleet until told by our own
aUen iriti
other clreumstanccs would have struck )peeple today. Of course our confine rid. but cuu out Santiago; Tbe desper
terror to hearts even as gallant as those ment beosme very Irksome, and 1 enn- ate character of General Torsi's de
of tbe Uerrimac heroes. ,No mountain not tell you how great was the relief termination to con'.:nuo the struDrie
' fastness of the west ever resounded
U apparent when it is known that the
troifi iffiouts of an Indian war dance that press my gratitude to our soldier* who Spanish soldier* have less than a ddFa
equaled the wild outbreak of American gave us such a welcome when we came ammunition remaining.
WririUthat occurred at tbU -meeting of iDle the Ilnea All of us are In excellent
■ gbe sailors wbo did their duty with ev.
and see tbe war through to tbe
ery Spanisb gun In tbe harbor trained
upon them, and the taaidy men under
Oeneral Shafier.
Order la the flkerry Order Case.
tAolB. Joly 8.—The twe faction*
rurgwt DU Bar* Protudlea.
Milwaukee. July K.-A Journal w>eelal
Tbe Seventy-first New York volun- from Oshkosh. WIs.. says: In tbc clr- of tbe PopuIUU. the r^lara and tbe
teen, near the Sough SJden. was the rutt court yroterd-'v an important order mlddle-bf-the-r. a-lera. adjourned their
next regiment tu fall upon Hobson smd was made by Jucige Burnell la tbe seiwrote conientiona last night. After
hi* men, and almost immediately tbe Sherry fallnro.case. It provided that ib«g drew apari yootenday morning to
Kintb and Tenth cavalry, both colored IM shares of Gerry Lumber company different balls tbe manifested bitter
reglmenta joined In tbe general entbua- stock estimated at IIO.OOQ. and cggtain ceased and aonventl.>nal bualneas went
lands In Ovonlo a 1 Shawano enuniiea along amnothly. Tbe regular Ucket
eaUtnaled at about (SO.OOO, be turned follows: Supreme Judge. & A. Handy
way through the Um* of while and eol. over to Hiram E-ulth. of Milwaukee,
ored soldiers. Hobson, ao far as possi who in turn agree* to indorse ICO OK on fur short term, and J. M. McCall lane
ble. grasped each hand extended toward hi* claim of tTT.KS against Ebcrry. Tbe derm; railway coimnlssluBer. J. Tt
him. and neither be nor hU men made other «7.(U will be filed as an ordlnarv' Bmltb; superintendenl of schools. J. D.
any protest against the most uncom claim.
' EllUt. Arthur Rosell. Owen Miller and
fortable crowding and (oailing which
Baa Bvr hroead FaiL
trey had t» undergo. If the young offloer
Peoria, ins.. July L-Mme. Fraser,
T^ middle-of-the-roadars’ ticket la:
—whose home is la Alabama—has any
race prejudice he eerflalnly forgot all wbo feU from a bafioon at Beos-'B. lUa.. Supreme ludgea J. N. Voerhls tor the
about It as he paaaed through the lines a year ago and Just reeov«wd. W .^oes- long lenn: A. H- Livingstone, for tbe
ct soldiers on his « ay to GAeral Wbael- day fell 1.00D feet from a parachute at short term; railway commissioner. J. H.
Propbetstowc. Ills.. Undlng in a tree, Hillls: superintendent public lastruo•ris bekd .uarten.
and may rero'-er.
tJon. J. D. Brown.
Tbe regular committee on resolutions
reported a platform reaffirming theprlnBsldlsrt Waal to Hr* a lateM Hahaaa
clplea adopted by the Omaha and St.
7%e state of Texas Is about TS.OW Louis coBVenilona sad declaring for
square mlir* larger In area than Spain. tbe coinage of sliver and Che Issue Of
Tbe rlDgleaders of the recent revolt legal tender notes and against enormous
nordrd them and tears rolled dosm their In Uruguay, Icclodiag etgbt generalA IncTcoae In isaatlon and enlargement
have been deported to Buenos Ayres.
of the pubUc debt for
cheeks as the acridiera crow-ded around
Colonel B. F. Montgomery, of Colo
them. As Hubson and hU poMy ap- rado. was elected prcsMcnl of the In
jiroscbed Captain Grimes' bnitery tbe ternational Mining congresA
man cried out oo every ride to have a
The Tennessee Populik'J at their sute
nsluic fired la their honor. Hobson p.-o- conventivn numinated B. N. Rlehard•tootes M the Dlawaod.
Chicago. July S.—League records at
tmted against tUa immedlairly, and *oD. nf Fianklin. for governor.
private Eugene Rucker. Taylonrille. base 1*11 yroteidsy were os follow*: At
nhoated to the artlUerymen. who had
also caught tbe Infection, bot to fire Fifth Illinois, was buried at Cblrica- New Tork-Brooklyti 1, New York 1«; at
their guns. Some of tbe most ebtho'- mauga. He died of pneumonia.
gtastlc bf the men appealed to Colooei
Walter M. Howe, a real estate dealer
^obn Jacob Astor. and the latter entered at 1(T Dearborn airerl. Chicago, was f: at I
into the sBirtt of the occasion an& told found dead In hi* room U Kuhn's hoteL phU C; .
burg «: at Chlrago-anrtnnatl 7. ChiSuklded.
The Chicago city council has author cago I.
WoelernLeague: At Detroit—Milwau
But the otBoers of tbe battery pre ised the laase of
of water eervented the men frem firing tbe guns, as ttfleates to anbdpnte the roeelpu from kee 2. Detroit 4: at 81. Paul-Mlnneapoll* t. 8t. Raul 4; at Kansas City—
tbe water office.
reporu for the opening[*of atnatta^
Tbe supersUttoB about St. Swltfaln Omaha 1. Kansas City 2: (second gams)
and if the latter had reeponoeo our roi- Influencing tbe weether begins on hi* Omaha 1. Kansas City 2t (second game)
dlert were in no position. In tbeir state ao-cnlled day. Ju'y U, and continues tot Indtonapolls It Columbus 4.
of dlsordw
enlhuslaam. for an en- forty days afterward.
AasM BeleaM* a> Maawgwr.
. gagement. Hobaon finally reached GenThere was almost a wnmmpout along
New York. July A—A. C. Anson was
OJsa. Wheeler’s headquarters, where tbe
yesterday rvleam-d as manager of th*
vstman cavlaryman and other officer*
gave him a svarm irelcmne. By this Ume practlcnlly at a standnllL
Captain Chs jw«rk. of the New Tewk.
The Marion Cycleeompanr.ot UarltA.
tttd.. has made an aaslknibenl. The lia
bilities are erilroaied at MO.SM. The
ameta sril! Call coaadersbly below that
figure. .
but alBce the managerial reins have
e rtom tJ
The Chicago Stamping company. beeu te the hands of the "grand old
they entered the Bantlago barter on West Cengreas and Green streeu. Cbl- man- of baae tell the New York* have
UaHr perilous mlarion.
owo. snanutacturinc tbe United Sutes not ascended tbe percenuge Udder, and
Captain Chadwidt and nil be others hlcyelea has confcaaed Judgment
the New York magnate was not aatlatook each by the band and extended the
g tIH.lH.
bmrtleet greeting. T%e emort Ud
Garter Sima of Ptgrvidance. R. L.
tonscbi a change of clothing, lorindlng a wdl'known eng'ne^r and three times
imw enlforma. tor Botwon and bla men. a mlUionai.e. lately appeared before tbe
and the Utter were glven.s short respite United Sutes naval examining board.
wbBe they ebsnged their «>p*rel. Hob- Slms.'^tahed to serve in tbe engine room
•OB was also glvena horse to ride over without pay.
the trdll to Jursgna and hU
Secreisty Long hu cloned coBtrncts (nusicred In by BaCarday. when work
. Before
placed I
'With the ChaymaB * Merritt Wrecking srill be commenced on the Eighth reffito^ag for the sea coast Bofateh was company, of New- York, for the raising Btrot, colored. Beveruy-ftve recruits ar
' taken to General Sbafteria beadquanem of the, wrecks uf the SyAnlsb wsrahlpe rived yerierday for the Ninth and fifty
Md warmly greeted by th* comma^- Strewn out along the coast of Cubs tor (or the Eighth. Tbe Ninth bad withut
tng genersL
AasoeUisd a distance of twenU' miles srMt of San them recrulU LUI men and the Bghtb
UM men^^^Tfason toraatntervtewnnd tiago harbor.
Si’- '
•L. iT^snMtt:
ssen for Ward No. S will If
All. UoU. iwrood alroeL on
W. at * o
Dad Oba, WhUe tha BriUah CaasaJ naya WedBrodayeroalBg.jBTtt.
Twal wtu right TUI Ba Dlea—lularmal
Trwm la OparaUoo with Beporta ot
TaBaHaarij Out of A
*‘>or Admiral Ceriera t have noth*
lag bot the hlgbeit admiration. HU General Shafier of tbe complete de
act In informing Admiral Sampson of struction of the Spanish fleet, and that
our safety I regard as that of a k'nd- the American wnnbips nre now tree to
bearted. generous mko and chivalrous co-operate with tbe army In tbe redoeeSleer. 1 expressed to him nay sincere tloo of Santiago. He baa bees given
anxiety of our ahlpmaie* and 9"
friesda at home. He repeatedly ^okc
to me of his admiration of what be
cailed one of tbe most daring acu in
narul htstory. though I am *uro..we
9, tew
mom my ■■■ y«w»»«y vw.a **
Horse Hotel.
Hotel Whiting
Liittf, Sale ml Feed 6m.
Flnhclam Riga. BrorytUng new
and neat Bates as raeeonebU as any
fifst'clam barn tn tbe elty. Olv* ns a
caU and get onr priese.
Monday, July 18, &udSi|ilditbdtuiLE
9 Hoot*: 0 A m. to 8 p. BL
OUT nieibe. U aAsm Jess SO. tsa.
Dr. MeD«DAld hu for yean maAa a
_mdy and apaeiaUr of chronic______
chronic and Unr*ri^ diaawsM thni
At raqnlra aklllfnl
• atUattoe to tax tttlaa.
^itel tnaunnit for
earn. Ssch
effe as family nhysielaa* fail to help
and pronoBAO* tocnrnble ars partieniarly aelieited. sapectally thoaa ovardoted ivlth atroaf mlaernl drugs and
noisoaa Dr. McDtmnld mass e^y tbs
purest medicines from tbs vefetoWs
^gdom. He pey* attonUon to tbe
canee of the dUeaae aod Instraeta bb
patienu tbe way to health and bnppiBcaa Dr. McDonald caa show bandreds of tmUmosUls In Ue baad writ**
or »«
Ing of rrataf el patienu wbo have been
eared by aim when others failed. Be
U eo familiar with tbe baman ^atem
that be U-----------------------------------tbe mind or body oorreetly at a fflanea
fritboBt Bskiar any qnmtlosa Ttionaanda of Invalid are being treated dally
LarofwKWoad. WO If
for diaeaaea that they do not have,
W/rgN OB WOXKN vantlB* eanstoal aod while a few dnme of medicine direetad
IVL proetable ewploTBieal sboejil apply >a
to tbe teat of tu diaeaee would
City. Ate apeedy ralieL and permanent care In a
very abort tlma Oond health b the
^ »te^ He®
AS* saasassasaasae
se B 8
I ■■■■M
« aAsnee
e SS8S8
I I (till fl
e a eseea «
8 s aesM s
*=ss s - —"8 g
• ■((('■(■■■IMM I
sAnanssAAseeans a
ssfissseassisiss s
wltbont, mlaary claims as tor bar own.
Trolse sertra (raw St.Jwato. ti
If yen are a aeSerer yoa abonid weigh
tedmSeMaaaaA > siMptsg sadsisiag
wall these words. A person who negleeu fab hteltb U guilty of a grant
wrowg to hlmaelf aod a grave inlery to
rpo BCNT-n*all sioee tvo dooro aaat ol bemanity. Tbe name of Dr. HcDowd
I Btelnberr'* Hraad Opara Boaaa. Apply tb* well known specblbt in the '
to JBlIro netaberg. lW-t(.
mb and lingering dbcaaee,
warlte eariasar. Trwro
o. a. teunuT, Afwn
of bomee which bb akiU and wottder- 0. L. LOCKWOOD O. P. * T. A.. Oread SeKde.
anWaelitBpoti m. W»4i*
' "IS"
' of Bavard Wbitlag.
^ tUMTtt
laqalro^ at
^MtgcK sionau nAm-rar ai^^
apply t^v
taeeroe^nT'prapmy'ia'M^aaK or vtU
* in. Tisverw City.
A’35£5£.'S1E'uaala Traearae City L
-Laabar. ath •
avLaaterOa I
ooUegea. and L . .
tbe treatment of ebromb dbeaaoa anrprbe the most akeptbal. AU ebfwnb
dbeoaeaof the
EYE. .
, treated,
ientlfleally and sneei
Dr. McDonald haa aaade a ^meial
Btody of all dbenam of the brain and
narvoua ayatem. aod all delleaW aad
oteeure dbeaaos peculiar to women.
« ------------ »-Bcbl Bamedtaa
from horaous debility and early daenv.
Bbenmatb aad pamlytie erippUa mi
to walk; catArrkal daafnea* poaiti* ,
eared and many made to bear a whis
per in a few mlBuiea. All acbca and
paba fade away under bb magbnl rsmedlea Bpilepay er falling abknem
penlUvely cured tbrongb bbaew msibed of treatment.
Special attesUon
' dbesaea of tbe
TbOM naable to call wriu for qneatioo blaak. Bnadrod* eared tbrongb
I have pots Ota* hack ae tbs atroM lor Ua' irrnepondeaee. Medldnee aokt overrbsTA
OoBsaltetton frw and auMy
eeewadattoa te Ik* pabUe. Btoad wlD ha
midontial. Addreaa
Dr. D. A. McDonald,
John R. Santo,
Geteral lissraict.
Tn SrsdAuer. WemngUm Fleta.
Gtehd BepUa, Mlehifam
•eaied PropoMb.
. vtettktftypaUste skate to kal
213 Fr<ftt St
Bhltimoeo^ Stock BeoMvod Throe Times e Week
natGhar't Ofster Otpot iif tananai
umni in nmiuRn li
Second Tenr-No 870
spuma STx ajcu abbom.
ean aiubontoKc7 WMt. July 8.-A low mutad
Kfulsh BUMBar has baaa rui aproBBd
•t asrial. want of Havana, afUr ^ belnir
, chBMd hj Ua rnaboato Hawk. CMtise,
BBd Pmrie.
The UUlUreBee wm
bnmrht thU momimg hf earerBl BexUiMT emiaan retonisr from the BarU
The MentUy of the
wraeksd S^miud bM Bot bess wUbIMtsA U b tbonrbt tbBt sha b tbs
aipboiMO Xtl.
(Tbe itemn- wu first sljrhtai six
milM from Horro, basdine toward
'Havaaa. Tbe fnaboau faTe^basa and
•panad a bot fire aoUt tbe eaaiBy was
the least Bie Battle There Were 183 Killed and 14^0 foreed aa^m
Wounded, According to Oen. Shafter's Offidal Beport— 'l%e ailab ooenrred two dajs afie bnt
Administration Bzpeota Overtures for Peace to Oome
baa arrived bate. The boats which
Direct Prom Ppanish Government Almost Any Time- bFoafibt the newa were aot close
Defenses of thf Canaries are Weak and Inadequate to eaiMrb U lasTB tbe details.
ptombardment of Santiago WIU Bogin TTnloss
The Oily iB Burrondered.
Sampson and Bhafter Have a Perfect Understandingr and Will Act in Concert
Beaist American Gans.
-Washington, July 8.—[Special. ]—The Collowing, bille- tins were posted late this afternoon*.
Dewey has stopped the exodus of refugees from Manila.
Camara's fleet has suited to return to Spain.
Our losses at the battle of Santiago are officially report
ed as 183 killed, 1240 wounded.
At the cabinet meeting today it was decided to send a
foment to Honolulu immediately.
The department has been informed that a Spanish privauer is cruising off British Columbia.
Colonel Hecker of Detroit, was today nominated as
asMstant quartermaster-general with the rank of colonel, in
charge of the transports.
Everything is reported quiet at Santiago tonight, with
the truce iri effect till noon Saturday. The armistice has
been extended in order to allow General Linares to commu
nicate with General Blanco and with Madrid as to a suitender. Shafter and Sampson have agreed on the plan of
campaign. At noon tomorrow'Sampson will b^n the
bombardment from the outer harbor. The atuck will cease
only when Santiago is uken.
The war department has posted a dispatch from General
Shafter dated July 7. which is subsuntially as follows; “There
is pcrfwt quiet today. At the request of the Spanish general
the employes of the English Cable company were sent in
him to telegraph his government as to surrendering. The
'men are in good spirits and are making themselves more
cure every hour. Among the large number of wounded men
there are few ampuUtions. Perhaps ten will cover them. The general health of my command is good. There are 150
of fever, which runb its course in four or five days, but
is not serious. 1 am much better.
“Not a shot has been fired recently on either side, but
work is being pushed on the batteries and entrenchments.
Our pbsition is greatly strengthened. The American lines
have advanced within 400 yards of the enemy's,
side batteries command the city.
"The dynamite gun of Wood’s Rough Ridei^ has been
beautifully placed.
“Streams have bees bridged over, allowing the transpor^ tation of the heavy artillery with facility. The roads have
been greatly improved.
“The armistice is affording a needed res^ and the men
^ are in'good shape to resume fighting. Linares is evidently
weakening, and the mediation of th^ bishop of Santiago and
the consular corps may persuade him to surrender.
“In case that hostilities are resumed, the plan is for
Sampson to bombard the forts at the mouth of the harboc,
driving the men from the guns and then landing 1.000 men
to'occupy the forts, while the launches, with grappling irons,
go in and countermine the harbor. The fleet will then enter
and bombard the city, supporting the land assault.
. “The wrecked Spanish cruisers are still filled with the
charred bodies, and buazards are devouring the remains.
The Cubans, by Sampson's orders, have buried more than
100 Spaniards washS ashore.”
Irish wUl bs Ooloael and
(•rmssWr-Osasral VblM
Next iB Oommand.
Oasp Eaton, lalaad Uke. July
Adjataat-Oeneral E. R. Irbb baa teadared bb raaiCBsUon U the rereraer
aa adjataat-reaerai of tba Mbbifaa
SatiMal Caard. aad it baa baaa ao-
dsy. Ai tbe esae Uiae eabiaat ateaben rcfard tbe eitution ae bsvief
aon fsetwe enadnelve «f peaoe tbsa
at aay tiae heretofore.
BaaaU Orfee Pwoa.
•pmM la Tja kecnas Rsoeu>.
81. PManboiir. 4alr S-Raniaa offidaU ia pablie are etroarly ia favor of
eyeedy yeaee aa Byata'e oaly ealvaUoa.
Tbe aewepayere teeomarad tbe taterventioa of Beroye.
Offioen wlU be Ooaflaed at AaaayoUs
Saval Aeademy aad Treated with
Oreat OoBalderatioa.
epactal u Tn Moanee Beoeao,
Weabiartoe. July 8.—All the 8yaaUb aaval ofioera eaytared by the
Aaerleaa fleet are to be ooafiaed withU tbe llmiU .of tbe aaval academy
rrooDds at AaaayoUa They wiU be
ylaoed ia tbe qaarien vacated by tbe
Aaierlcas aaval ofBeen wbe left tba
academy to r* iato acUve eemee, aad
treated with tbe craateet coaelderatloa. baviaf
baviax earaed tbe admire*
ties of Amerieaa aaUen by tbelr
•pleadid aablbitioa ef eearafe-ia the
face of almoat iaevluble death «r cay'tore. Admiral Cervera will be ameof
tbe priaeaen, who, U all likelihood,
will bl rlvaa tbe freedom ef tbe
freoade aader a United parole.
U order that be
take the
celonelcj o
of the Tblrtr-flftb ngimnU
for wbieb kb eoaiiBlwioa bae alroadr Appelated toaBo
boas baaed. An order wUl be i
la the Thirty-Third Kchigaa.
appoistiBC laapeclor^Seaeral CM
Brartal w Tat kOBjn«« EKoaB.
WaehlBftoB, July a—The preeldeat
taat-ffeaeral aad CeloBel Uarsb of
▲neraa, aeabtant iBapeetor, will be today eeat to tbe Msau the aomlaaUoB of Victor a Vanyhaa of Miebifiaa
to be aarfeoB of tbe Thirtytkird
al WbiU won d follow tbe ease eot
bo*, the (-ovrrror wiU aot penait it. MiehifaB iatantry.
Pro/. Vaarbaa la deaq ef the mad■a aaje White baa WMle the beat qaaref tbe Uaivenlty ef
Mter the state eoald pMsibly bare
aad be waab him to retain the place. Miohifiaa.
Be WiU therefore rive him leave of abe in order to toka the lieaUaamteeleaalcy nader Oeloeal Irbb. aad AasbtaBtQoartarBiaBter-Ueneral Harry h. BOTH HOUSES OP OOHOBXSS
Siaitb. UaeaU a valned ofiear. will
lae tbe dotlaa of hb chief.
, Rome, July 8.—(Special)—The lulie says negotiations
have been opened among the European powers with a view
of arranging peace. The best intentions, the paper asserts,
ere manifested at Washington, but the Madrid cabinet
strongly opposes any idea of peace.
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Spanish Fleet
Is At the Bottom....
r priced on tboae r
• tbdt we Are tnBk«
inf eo mneb talk aboot 'They won’t last long at B
cent and a balL
Traneperta With An
Treepd Balled Teeterday From
1.8 0;
Baaelal to Tbe Horalac Barore.
CAarleatoo, 8. C,. Jqly 8.—A larye
qaaoUtyofatoree of ammoaiUoa aad
piaeau wen takes oa hoard the
Baatiapo traaeporta tbU meraiar.
. BOOB the Sixth Maamchaa
boarded fnm the barbw boato takea
A heavy eqaaU
baj-katioa fareeme Uma
The price ablp Bita has beea Impremed aaa traaaport. Hervalna haa
beea api>raiaed at stts.ooo.
Wall Paper.
iy at 8 o'clock today. Then wen
cheer*, fallowed by tbe einylaf of- pa
triotic eoofB. BepnaeataUve Bram*ntl of Ohio, yreycaed thtwe cbeen for
Pneideat McKinley, which were fivea
twice over by tbe republlcaaa Them
follow^ Cbeen. joiaed by tba eatln
bonae for Adainl Dewey and ^Oeaeral
Joe Wheeler.
The whole bonae waa one VMt demoaatntioa. fiafa wen yeaeed about to
•very member aad were eothoclaatielly
iraved while memben aaa« tbe clece
tor Bpaia
of the Fifty-fltth Confram.
to Give it Up.
Hew York. Jaly 6.—Tbe Bma'a LeaDBLUOB AX BT. LOUIB.
don oomepondeat aayc
AU Provtow Hecceda Broken by the
t, wbsM aid aacMn«ed Spala te
HaiafrU Thanday.
fo to war. bre new briariaf aU tbe
epMte) u Te* Mannae Useoea.
preasnrs they eaa U iednee Spala to
BL Lmiia. Jaly 6.—AU record* have
ane for peace, It b believed their «fbeen broken at 8U Loota and vicinity
ffrte will prodnoe qalek roaolte la
by tbe heavy nia fait The daaafe
vbw of their eleae rebUcaakip with
dene amonata to handnda ef thoaathe pope aad tbe tact that aU the
aada of doUan. Dartaf 34 kanra. 9
other grmi flaaadal iatereab of
iaehaa of rain fell. The freateat preBorope are. Uke thew. er^iar 8pMa to
viooa fall *ra* «B the a)jrht of Jaaa 16,
a 4.84 laebaa.
1888. when the teeerd
Maay af yoa have been weaiiaf
letmee for S yean fitted by me. They
About 200.000 Xaa te be Pat ia sbonld
art meed ekaafiaf - la S yean
mon, bot if they do call and have year
werk dene free ef ebarfe. C. P. Qemeat, Oytieloa. 110 Oaee etneL M7-4*
The OfBeen an divided oa tbe qaeatioa
ef loyalty to the'variem elalmaat
Ue throne.
Tmetse Cit; Scbool of Issic!
oor rrm CBd cu> at*.
HIM Aljje
It will pay yoo'to bm our Papar «oA
g«t oar prioM before yon boy. .
Mirkham Slock.
i The Choicest
—2-OF strictly new and ap-to-dsto
That ia ahowo in the city, ia here.
PoptUBT Prioee of 50c, 75c, 60o, nnd'll.OO. etc.
Reliable Dry Goode, Carpet
and Clothint Hoose.
and Examination
AT T. J. HOST’S^--Popular Clothing House
V JilS'
. You can examine our bargains ia Cloth
ing Free Gratis. Consult with us as to
what style of garment you want It
costs nothing but you^ time and a very
little cash if you buy.
$6.98 and|l4.98
Obeen Were Oivoa f >r Preaidea-. He
Hlaley, Adaiiral Dewey aad Oeaeral Wheeler. Sreeloa AdJ->urB*4
With a Ora--d Patriotic fiwmoa
ep«elil lATai Mowiiaa Bctobb.
WeabiaftoB. Jaly 8.—Both booeet
r ccofrem edjoaraed tine die preeiae
EoUey dt Oobbb^
290 Front Street
Cario. E^ypt, July 8.—(Special.)—Admiral Camara
EecuUr Bervtoe.
commander of fhe Spanish fleet, which was bound for the Madrid. Jaly 8.—A aeeoad eaU haa
Philippines, and which recently passed through the Suez canal, beea inaed tor Canary Uland raaervea,
has informed the Egyptian government that he has been or and addHloaal fenea ef beme lafeadered to return to Spain. Tbereforc his ships will go through t^andeavalry are beiaf raiaad aad
the canal immediately and* proceed westward. The Spanish the artUlery U beiaf aafmeatod.
The pealaanlar arwOee will ai
warships will be allowed to coal as they are returning home. ^
»oo o« wea by J«iy is.
Washington, July 8.—(Special.)—Tbe return of Camara's nUroadt ar« yrepsnar war traimi ea
squadron to Spain is interpreted here as a significant sign of all Uaea Some of the aeldiery. hewever, are lacUaed to ceadeaaa tbe
coming peace.
Two Owili,
Friedrich Block.
124 Front Street
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
JreaeoB«*UvKbB«- I keepeen an eiuaMr* IlM of irbMU ud laadrlma
Renemlier Mj New Place-
312 South IUoioB Street, Oppositt C. IW. M. Depit
In Ihnii uf Tutau to lol
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agonqi.
ec foot IM. •scU tooM. Sm laeMtoB. Ma
aa«1ie*p^niMl^M?'aa>4 far.
to tool lol, rood |9>'I1ISI. renweed.
tW eowa
Laad food, wall walarad. r<
4f ARrM ihrM ml-* ooalk nad vmi IniBtkccllr.
I* a barralB for oal; time.
M I BtU a-Mt. all iBprorad vUI
vU] feb* aold la oi
Jakaaoe Block. Pbae«m
ace* JbM aa daalraM* or Bor* aa
Thursday and Friday,
» of tha weweel atylw
Mtterae, ra^ar i^ricae feeia SOc to St.oo
We irill plM oareatlreliBeatapeeialyrleae
Neto the prlcea: A fine yenmle »rtiet **ortb ^ tor .
Btylm.) Ataaey etripped percale w^l worth 7»e fer 9^
ylaid wkidt. all colera. wmth Si.oo for Tie. A «M. Iflachai
aloc^ of Ic*. to delifw 41
He Overturee Pet from Bpaia.
rt«f the city.
Waablaftoa, Jaly 8__ tlcaa be etatod
M^le block wood nUo lor ml*.
aathortuUnly that ae evartan toward
yeaea had reached Ue fmnaMB
tothetimeof thccaUaet meettof toTelephOM Me. M.
_ dimity
A Sac
walat worth 83.00
— have a few pare wrbite waleta toft to plain aad fancy piqae of
It valae at $1.48. $1.78, Bt.oa CaU aadaeaMrUae whUe they
The Boston Store,
Front Stnet
. S
V'v ^
THs xoRvnro nmoowb, batuuday, jm,Y 9. ism.
nuvsBWKorrr. -
SM. T. Batm
axo a.
• Is
• at
put in good msBisg order. Here hed eeTeral veers
know bqer it sboold be done. Betiidacticin Knenijeed.
UCTcle eoDdriee et ebont coet New end eecood
andtorent. FleeM give use trie].
Beezing e epeciel^.
BMJ8.911 Front dL. Bert
. (Continued From First Page.)
M. W. guuam. Editor oad Mm«c«
Charleston, N. C., july 8.—(Special.)—Major-General
Miles arrived hereat 5 o’clock and went' immediately to a
hotel with General Wilson. It is not knoirii when he will
embaric; pr<Aably tomorrow.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Washington, July 8.—[Special.!—The authorities mo
mentarily expect peace overtures direct from the Spanish
government, but will b^n action promptly if none come.
But the president says the navy will not be recklessly exposed
to mines and shells dropped from the great heights batteries
as in the case oj the Indiana recently.
Corce^Ktsd with the Traverse City Lomber Company.
We bave for aale Oood,
ALL TAX» rms.
IkWAT »t MM tho boafaordMot of
EMtioffo wiU bcfio. MlM* U« dtj <•
—ri—ioiud to tlu Aowrleona.
kBowi what h« it
•kMt, b«t H U Mto to M7 tAM after
the AnerlMa feet u4 olert tout r*t
tlmcb with
itb tkeplMlM
«UJ wii
hmm to footh^/.
■'tho Kak of P«
, IboizstaiueWoftkePotMkt^Be•OTtor. pvUiikod hr CkM tL BMptoa.
hm eoae to kud. U it tkeNtene et>
ftWfUr^ anwyaid tniiptHnc psMioatkNi tk»t k«a node ItMlt pwalv ia
fMMke/ for Mteial 7Mi«, Md wklek
U Jwt^ »er»od U» ••Piak of Porfto-
SYmBWAasns wov ovx
to «bo Sbootloc Ooatoot Tootordv
Ibo ooeead ohootioc Mat«t betwtM
tto BUI MnrroI'tBwANoelKn a^
Banaa Jahraaa’ Bkarpakootan, to^
fliM TotUrdap. The teorta were at
MlawaBaahwaekara—BUI MvtoI. M; J. N.
Mattimh. M: M. Ylatoa. iSt DoS MoPm»\A. 87; MarhChaw. tS. TWai. Sit.
•arpahoolera—A. W. Jahraaa. tSj
ML dberaer. 4S; C M. Parker. 8t;
ap. Oarrer. 41. Total 213.
The beat aheta ia theee two taaaaa
mi the taaaa whiah
weak. wUl be eeleetcd for a fiaa)
tab to take place aaxt Fridap.
■9m fMieky Mm B«rv«d n OTniMr
Vew Terk Biee» Wv Befea.
»M Feiheby. » yMSf tedlM, .rflted in tb« dtyyeeterS*/ from
' Bmt te epeed • tkrea weeks’ farlMfk
wttb Us perMtSMdfrteadSBt Northpott. The jmrnm krese to s srsdnsu
«< tte Osritole ladtoe eekMl of Peuerlvento sad for three years he kM
Beee st West Point. bsTisr bean sppUated to n eUetahip in the United
Btelea aUitsry scsdewy. AbMt AprU
Ant he wee eent on board the vi
Vew ToA where ha hu been aleee tkt
wv becae- fiewnsm board durief
She hankerdnest of
Md Sea
Aaea end wUl letnrB to the ahlp Aefeet Arst Be to sa UteUigMt y«
■aa. s aloM obeereer ssd hM a
good net ef his exoUteat trsinlar end
deveatoee Xectnite BMt Away With
Aa Itothuaieeao SamoactretAot
The eaveateM reernite who 1
■eetirert into the eeiriee bj Ueo
eat MUner-e reenitlnff Mjasd. sad who
wan naaed in yeeterdsy'a Rkcosd. left
yeeterdsy sfternooe npoo the 4:80 C
A W. M. Usia for Osmp Alger. A large
aaabaroffiiaBdeeedtheBoy'B Band
aaaertfd the yonsg aoldton to the
depot end they were seat off with sa
Anerttea Leandiyto Vew OwMte.
' W. A. Weatoa, heed Unadryatsa s
aeylan. sad C. W. DnttM. sa sagiaaer st the esse plsoe. have porehaaed the new Amerlcsa Isnndry
elsrtod s short Use age by Robert
Price sad Hnbert Northrnp. Aaueg
the inproveBenta to be reads mw issAtoary will be added.
As the MW pn^rrietofS thoronghly
eedWitsnd the Bnslaeas. no donbt they
win Bake a suocasef their aew enter-
A paeiy oaeAstlagofC. H. Born and
fanUy. Be*- D. Cochlla and tamlly, C
J. Sbner and fhwily. N. B. aajda and
dwUy and gncate, will go to Nwah-uwaata ttto aomlag aad apead the day
A large andloBM witaaeaed
a Blapklns" p
eawaavM Promt street, jaat watt of
lest erealag. The ^eee
dauV preaealedbyaooBpaayaf eUtw;
Xlngaly l>toorderUM Plead OoUty:
JasUec Verly dtopeeed of a batch of
dtoorderlles yesterday afteraean. Three
of Uoee who wen ameted at Klngaly
London, July 8.—[Special.]—The Pall Mall Gazette this ia Ue morning plead gailty and w
afternoon publishes a letter from Las Palma, the capital of fined. Doagias Brower was fined t3 aad '
s amooatlDg to » 88. Alfred BleU
the Canary Islands, under date of July i. It says: “ In view:
flood SS and ooeu of fiO &&.
Earl i
of the prospecrivcrvisit of the American fleet, the Spaniards BeU paid »3 flae and M ceets.
are busy at the defenses. The present defenses are miserably Mickolas Kretoser, the saloon keeper '
inadequate. They consist of a battery of mixed smoothbore who was takes wlU Ue net,
by Sheriff aimpwm
and Under-1
and rifled muzzle loaders on the heig^its overlooking the sheriff Ashton, pleaded not /nilty to j
karbor, six obsolete held guns north of Mole, a six-gun Ue charge of eeUlng Uqnor to Doaglu
Bali wan
battery on the artillery barracks within the town, aiid a small
furatohed ia Ue nam of g»M and the
saluting battery.
trial wee eet for Moadey, bat' be
“With modem range guns the Americans could quickly cksaged hto plea later la Ue day and
wreck the batteries from outside the zone of the Spanish fire. paid a fine of til aad eoata
The oompUlaaat in Ueae eaaet waa.
The Spaniards boast of ii.ooo infantry, but it is improbable Aaron Hemm and now Ue aafnrtathat they itill be able to mustm* more than 5,000. The sol Mto ones nropoee to get even, so awarraat
wae swora oot fev hto amet m a i
diers are drilling incessantly.”
ehafge of eeeaalt aad battery. Be will |
HcatphiU was against Ue feaee and be arrested today.
palled the ball U in tins to catch
Ifte Toaawlte to Keepiag a Btriet Wheeler at aeoood base, nllrUg the
IVhWh TIpea the Beetoar.
ThalfUwaeprodactiveof anMher.
New Tork, inly 8.—A epedal trea MiUer snde a peat kit aad got to fint.
Gape Haltiea says the French eteaaer JecenebMtod thabaUaadkaatitoat.
OUade BedceqM anived today froa Pllinaa waa Ut la Ue foot by the
idtcker. Beat drove Ue ball to WDSt. Thoaaa. She tonehed at Saa Jaaa
eon who caaght Pitnaa at seeand,
aad broaght a big cargo of prortoiou while Jeroae went U Ulrd, jast after
aad took a targe anpUy of frcAgkt. Miller eprinted hocae. JarooM tried it.
They aal foor ateanaert in the karber toe. bat waa caa^t at Ue plate.
BaU started a eeriee of nas ia the
of Baa Jnaa dtotAanriag oargeoa.
slxU by pladag Ue ball om
Whea eoaiag ont she waa oeafroated
right flald fence lor twe
by the AawieaB eteantar ToeeaUte.
proeeotod wiU a base,
who advised her eaptaia ef the Mock- and Wheeler aad Tooy fiew oat
ade oftheport. The eteaaer wUl not q-dU ■accceeiea. Miller seat a lesg
throngb right fidd, taUag twe
retva there.
bags and ecoriag Ball and Oleasoa.
drove Ue ball over Ue fence
Xaha Woa in Slghth Xoaad.
ijettoosherttohe a home ran,
MIlIercroeMdUepUta. making Uree
New Yetk. Jaly A—
In that isDlag.
feated toaigbt In the light wlUi Maher
TbeervenU gave two more. Bent
lathe eighth roond.
rraebed fint haaa oa Morrtosy'a error
ef hto hot gnaader.i Ball got fint
base 00 St. Clairh error and Boat was
ntlred at aecoad. Oleaaea'c base bit
seal HaU cafely to aecoad aad a few
00LT8 WXVT DOW* AOAIB BSmfnotM later Wheeler's grpaader
•cored him. Glaaeoa scored a rnianto
9aaa Of Two-BweBts, DenblePtepn
Jerome get to fint aU right whea it
aad a Borne Baa by Iforrtaey—Aeed amo hto tarn U bat to Ue eighth mod
Orowd Witaaaaod a Bharp. latarnat- Bailer seat Ue ball to oentar field.
Heat took a base oa balto, aad Boll's
The EnsUen dawned the Coltn agaia fly to right field ntired him. bet JerbefonUeballcoaldbegU
yateriay ia a gSM flUed with featoran. The oontest abonaded. ia two- inside th* dismoad Tba alaU wae-a.
baggera, donUa plays aad bash raa- shat-oaU
to aeon in Ue fint
Biag. Morrtoey ef tke Colts brwicht
tewB the graad suad by a dandy five inaings aad it begaa to look Uke a
Mate raa. EempblH for the vIeUon •batpet for Uem, bat ia Ue sixU
also a faverlts with ihe crowd by Merrtosy took Ue ball jast right and
kaocked sot a komc na. Uaforto-'
hie snperb fteUlag.
Batlar waa la tke box for Ue hocM Mtely for Ue Oolu Morrimy waa Ue
fint msa op.
toast and he gave a good exUbItioB H
hit oU time speed. bIm bKe wgre' The Maaistee team woald not waver
lands freai hto delivery, bat Conrad for, in their hopee to win bdU1 after Ue
let down for fifteen eeveath. whan the Bosilen aseally gt>
Uu by the Bnstlera The oUto had dowa. if at all. U Uat laalag Mcfrom Bey Cl^, bat the Coanell seat a line kit to Wbealar and
oaald Mt nave the gat Ue first been Fox made a nies bit
a Then was a good eeowd pras- in MUler's direction and Conrad. flew
to Ball. Merrtosy came op with
eet. the beat slaoe Msoeahae dsy. and
home ran gait, bat be coaid
boU sidaa wen eneoaraged wbea goad
only get a long drive threagh ceater
plays wen nada
The Bastion batted tbeiaselves into fieM, which eaabled MeOoaaeU aad
Boyce came np aext
the geed graeee of the pabUe ia both Fox to tolly.
gamoa aad they aew have a fair hold with a flae two-haaer which eoored
span Ue efleclioae Of Ue fans. While Morrtosy. Pitosaa ooald net hold Be
Ue home teasi dtoUagntohed Uen- han's fly and Rqyoe croeeed Ue pan.
adlvea ia heavy bitting aad gaaersl maklag four rane laUat laalag. Tbey
good worh. Ue error eelara abewa ap coaid get M soon to Ue gass*.
>ttafaetory. Bewaver, whUe there
The toUowtoff pn Um eeen aad snm1 naay arron. Ucy wen net maiy:
aiwsya eoeily aad aene of them wan
AB. a. IB.PA A B.
0 I
0 t
tog the fint
Urea iseOage for Ue Ha lata, aad it
looked Uke acloae
U Ue
foarU. however, Ulngs began to took
different Bant began Ue work wiU
Ue etiek wlU a single, bat waa caaght
seowdoafleldsiriaehhiee. whaa HaU
Ue ball, find Ua lattor stoyed ea ,
............ i
e e 11 t i> «
first Gleaaoa madeaffeod bit aad
led to aeearitf eeocad boas. Vik«a.ib....
while Ball went to third.
Wheeler came np then was a anaaldemaad from Ue btoacbers for a W....................... M .
. » M.
raa. bat coadiUons wen net jast
Score by taatoga:
right aad Wheeler oeald not plaoe Ue
baU wbentaa«xpwted.batheeaBt it
Ue fence, oatside Ue home ran
Itoe. eomiag Hail aad Qimmm. Tkto
aU Uat coaid be token to that toalag. thoagh Tony madea Mhg kit
• hiU pnmtoed to scon Wkeetor, bat
They'U 09 Then Again.
In speairing of Ue eeUbrattoa ia f
thdUtoe ea the Foorth, the New. end •
. ms sen; “The Oreeesat Bead of | Tranrac City ptoyed Itaelf lato pppnlarity ia Cadillac ea Ue FoarU -aad
will always be a welcome addltioa to
mastoal feetaree la the fston."
!5 : 5 !!■
1I ! !M
i} } ‘
The Price of Ttee
Has gone up—So has our stock. We have a fresh
dean stock of Cigars an^ Tobaccos and our prices
are reasonable.
’PhoBS 167.
M8 Front Street
Spaa Mated Crea, and ]
8>wa Uxat ArtmwT OaMnf
Dm Moinee. Ia.. Jalr l.-Tbe ITfUi lecM fnmaA frm
aad SlxU Iowa battertM of light artli- Cleme^O^Ueioa, 180 0am etnet
lerr reeterdsr etoc*«4 Ue-tollewlag offieers. *hu sill tv conmiseRtoed by
"I have need Oambnlaln's Coagh
Governor Shaw: Firth. Cedar lUptdsCaptaln. George tV. Brver: fint Ilea- Bamedy is my lamUy tor yean and
tenant. Richard T. Forbes: second lien- always wiU good rsealto.” aan Mr. VT.
tenant, Samuel C. Cook. Sixth. Bur- B. 0^,of El Rio, Callfonia.
rrwn. a
n. Long:
1^; fint
we find It fMO^Uy
-Capula. Frank
XxamlnaUoB of Teachers tor
Ueatenaai., Alberti nH. nwcunn
Hoebaer:, awuu.,
second!; ^
sal* by 8. KIWt.
WlUtora T. Oemtl. Tbs ' “*^W**tweay riaees left for experienced artU.
from Cedar
«ae noon OX fiMBuaers,
Burllogtoa. Ue •aon-comwill bold a special examlaatloa in Ue Rapids and
1 offleers appointed and Us
Central scheol baUdlng Mooday, Ang
wtU be rauetend to todor.
st lilh. for Ue parpoae of
llgb School gradaatoa who a»y wish
> beoome applicants for peaittons to
Persons tronbled wlU diarrhoea will
•aeh in Ue pablic aehm>to of Tra-
R. Winnie,
and Paper Haager.
'Fbr?ntor«aUon in regard lo qaallflUloM of teackera. applicants an .nlemd to HOC. Vill of the Bylaws of
she Board of Bdoeatlne. copies of which
msy be hed at Ue CMy Clerk's office.
By ndcr ef Uc Beard ef Examine
OhasgW a Five Dollar BUL
rttTr ■:
L%'” •:
' Mill Machinery of all deacriptioiia,incladuig Two T^nginfie,
f*et Works, Carriagee and Sewa, A oom[dete Saw Mill Pleat
(or aale
Uat evealag Bert BUto handed
«a a flve-doUar bUl aad naked Urn to
step oat and get it ekaaged. The
rimage took plaoe all right, bat Bart to
not Mttofled aad to MW looking f»r
Ue man, aad lacldeatally the obaage.
S S !? 1 S
Sound Hemlpck Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
, Short Maple Wood.
’Record Want Column.
Prorideaoa, E. L Be aays:
nl yean I have been almost a constant
safferer from diarrhoea. Ue freqaent
attacks e
me aad
nnderiog me acfil Urtas dottos at the
:1. Aboctlwo T< I •c'> a ealea-
•easel weak ___
the attack wiU a few doeee of Uto val.
eable nmedy. The malt has been
very eattotoetory aad almost oompleto
relief from Uc affllettoB.” Fiw tola by
8. B. Wall, Dragglsh
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
of Shoes, yoif will find in our handsome
up-to.date stock
of Ken's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the fovorites at tb's season of •
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking,-Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
UwnpMn Om Qrdm to PttEoh
tho Nooonary War V«»-
m4 T%m C«sun b T»
B« Rob Down.
intry qf beat asmmp
uuua, vmv vn \nv wi
OB the Fhntta Uid
seeded from P.orldB porta to polnu In
central and western Cuba, where larffe
qnanmies of qmM and anp
landed for Oeneral Oontes'
This U tbe amt time that arms have
i Lm» tlkM It Wta* ItB>b.MrWa»> pot. to Oomea and bb men In Uie weatM ITnH Km« HU On ■IwtM OaUl
i a^loBB. aa the flrat etpedltlon
Ha 1* >( w-n>iiM a« i> u>
lipped OarcU and hu men around
a HUM »mru Btr Ik# FMt at SmH—.
Hat KaparM
an tka BpuMk CkpUkU
■Waihln^ton. Job l.-Tl» prwjaetit
akDM • «ooBdl of «mr n«tet4k]r ta
nett kt tke White Ronae. tke purpoae
K to review the pltuaUon k»d Ibni
wbkt cbaogea. If anjr. abonld be made
>B tbe plkoe for the fotore cendoot of
the war. 'Aecordlnc to one of the rnem’ hern pr«ne«t it wka decided to kM4e by
tbe plana already made, at leaet aa to
tte cekerki conduct of the aampaipi
1 Idiyslqui
roB. and h<
d daVof hnoek
about seretes. Oeaaral MUes hlmaelf GOTOTT W. 0. Tr V. XM AJqnTAl.
has no othm- pnrposes to toto* to flantla(t> than to look over the AlliUry Mtuatlon. and to atrengthen the hand of
Bbafter. He wUl not rMIe^ Oeneral
Ehafier of Ua cammaad nnlem the Ut Xaettece Teetardey .
ter’s physical condition la «eh aa to
SreslBg is WBl^ Bntortaining
dsmaod sosae ru'h act OB.
Tbe war departmeat admitted for the
•nd Xsownetive Pepen Ware Bohd
nad DtoffiMMd.
Tbe eponlng eMetoB of the Grand
Traverae Cmiaty W. a T. U. conven
tion wne held yeetardey afterneen la
parlore of the Caagregatiemal
charah, which had been made npprw
nrinte to the eoeasien by aa abnnd*
aM of enamer eweete of a graat
Mm P. E Travto, pnaldent of the
D. E. Carter haa been frantad a pat* Traverae City ttnion. presided over tbe
■qceUag, tke epealng aoeg of “Ameiica" being led by Mra M. E Strong.
Pnyera ter the ndvancemant of the
Ika KnaUeta wUl CO to Mnniatoa to
day for two Bora Bamaa at hwa bail cnuee.were offered by Mra. Harrey CarUse and Mm M. C. Ovlatk Pialm 107
srith the colta.
Prof. C B. Horn la baeinr an addi waa reeponaively read and while a
ebon wait waa mads for Mm A. A.
tion bnilt to bla boma on Waat flaeanUi
Bith, tbap
State PieaMant Benjamin. A pretty
A nnmberof
ovatiaB was given bar by a rising nad
Grand ftnpida}
j for J. O. Jan* waring of kandketehieree by the ladiae
of tbe W. C T. 0. She spoke briefly
J. B. Olhaon hna can- ef her berdabipa in rcaehiag eennuy
maBeod'work on tbe new eoan^ eonrt plaesa thrangb tba beak dnat aad deep
booae. GroBad haa bean broken and sand, but fonad faerealf rewardad In
the work will be poahed.
yedtoplnyed ar
'A. T. Bozia.wb0 baa been Inktnc a email places.
eonrae of asaflldBa at tbe Daltetalty
Tbe mlantee of the laat masting ef
at .Ann Arbor, nirirad in tke city yca- September tt, 1697. held la the Oo^ietordaytoaaaUtCA^Bandrleka in hU gp^tonnl pnrlort were reed nad ap
ry BtoraBdioialnc UiUerb proved. after which a eaU by the preaiTBcntlon.
deal fer tbe vUiting delegatee was
made: the two anion ef Fife Imke and
aa to be aUe to learn the hospital
feley gave no rcapenee, bat a letter
Chieace. Ba waa at Lndl^tan yaatarived bem Fife Lake explalaed that
day and. trill arrive ham today ranch the akasMe ef the delegate wne enoeed
Ibproved la health.
by lUneii: Mn. C. E &tee. pferident
The anewaioB glean by tbe Cemffra- of the nnien. wne present aa kalegate
cnMosal Indlea* AM Sadaty to Nmnh- from WtUiamaborg. Mrs. Lyna Tbomptn-emnta last ovanlac waa not wall pat- aon. aaeretary, waa deUgnU trem la- nan that be had ordered Admiral Sampraniaed. Aboat 60 peopta pnrebaaad torleehen. Mm Adall* E DeVel. preaMB to'detaeh from hie oarn command
idant. was tke vtolUng delegnth tiem
Imnedlktely the vesa^ to be embraced tlckata.
Tbe libraaycomraittoe are at eroric OldMtoeien.
In Commodore Wataen'a eaacerts aquadMm A. C.. Smith followed the call
roo and to direct the commodore to pro- aelecUnc a lUt of aewbooka to add to
D lA mlaaioiL
tke hlraaay larce ooUeeUan for Ue for delegatna with a p^ar on “A Few
TbongkaoB Wket the Flowers Sagraadinc pnbUc.
Tba Tiwtli of the aquadron will not
Elijah Biffelow. jr.. ea»a np from gaat to Mo." Shaspeknof tha menage
be the eame oi th<we orlelaaUr selected,
ef the golden-hearted pansy.'eprlnglng
for the reaaoo probably that the recent Lather yaaterday and waa anatom'
I with Cervera’e
to Co. A. TkirtyfoBrth nctmeat ky into lUa * herever a hare apok peepiog
throngh ^e snows ef winter, allowed
it light, a menage, sweet and ekeering.
n in tba
for *-Oed to love. He haa not forgot
,e anxHtary fnure a «
I of tbe
ten bit ereatom, neither will he Ut
I aane.
block OB Pront ntmek
mte; tbe coUlera
them perish.*’ Bat aU flowers teach
mlua. Caeaar. Leonldaa
Maeacer Eeboe adeUea tba party the same beautiful lesMDS of nnaelCvhand Jnetln. and the «upi>ly boat Del- wba brckelnutheUcketofieaof the
ina and perfect contontmenk They
nonlco. nie ahlpa are tp set aatt aa
baU park and took the evatar pall and are a comfort Id eielrneaa and esrrow, a
noon aa they can coal and anpply.
cap,to ratnm it and save trouble as be plmsora in Joy and pmperity.
Tbe order provldea that each ahip kDOsra him.
In tbellly, autcly with waxen lanvea,
ahall itiahc her way acroaf the Atlantic
Praak Dye the pitcher who came
to a martlme rendesTout, which win be here with Hunt, left for hia home in Mm Smith saw thto sweet message:
"Ho matter what eoadlUoaa exist, we
pelod order! to pre'
Ita exposure to the etlAhteet potable Indiana last nichu
tboold neb daonrbeat to biightaa
danjter from the enemy, and the rnoct
Prof. C. B. Hem erill oonilnct insti and ehaer those we meek" Of the rose.
that is known la that it will not be
le lonT
Qnnn of the flowere, she eatd: "What
after that before tbe American iquad- tute work at East Tawas tbe last
lid we do wiUent yea. nading
ton win be in full puraott of Camara of Auguak
wttb bla remnant of the nranieb nary.
G. Sinae of TbempaonTiMe haa p«r- year fragrance alike ta every OBe, par*’
Maanwhnethegaibennaofthe American
tial to noae. toacblBg the same graad
fleet off tbe Upantah porta b expected ckaaed a fine toaia and carriage of J.
Inaen ef uBaelSahnan and perfect lore.
O. Jensen A Co.
to have a aoberlns effect tmon tbe
flamed paopla. A tele*ram received
She elaecd her talk with thto beanUthe state department yesterday aflertal tbooght; -Let aa give oar flewera
t Camara waa stlU
Him Jeonie Wolfe eloaed a fiva not wbelly. but the greater part to the
lytnr with bds squadron at Sues.
moBttaa’ term of school In Elmwoad llvlag. knowiag, aympnthiriag peoM*
Will iMk WeU After tke WeaadMU
of the svorld. who need aometblag to
The very flrat care of tbe oAclab here township ymterday.
C. G. Turner lenvca for Grand Ba
win be for the wounded m«. who are to
be brourbt north aa rapidly at their and lonU today an nbostnam trip.
for and foeU aa latarnt in thaaa, wbUe
condition win permit. There waa aome
Mm. A. 8. ~
they live, not after they dia.”
Idea of taklnc one of the Uv hotala at
Portress Uunroe. standtns on the ffov- of the W. C. T. U., to kalng ontertnlnod
One of tha deparimaau of work in
by Mm 3. W. TmrU.
the Union to providing flowen for the
a hospllal, but It Is saidd to be tbe prrsTbe Mtooea Alice and Evelyn WOl*
sDi plan to svbsiitute a number of larpe tome of Hantoue are vlaiUng their ilek and na Mm Smith to tke Flower
MtoaioB eeperiatandenk her onbjeet
tenu. which a-ten property (dlcbed and
placed are *ald to be hyelenlcally better asat. Mm John J. Oampbell of Uke
and dear to her and toemed
than enclosed etructurcs fur the treat
with exquisite gems an flower laasona
ment of wounds at this seeson of the
Mm A..D. Baker of Grand Bapida to that broaght one nearer to natnra.
year. Meanwhile all is l>eln« done in thagneatof Mr. and Mn. B. 8. Pratt
the nelirbb(irhi»id of Rantlapo to alle’The flower talk wu followed by a
J. F. andD. 8. Koedkam have raTtato the siifrerinn there that tbe
paper -’Why ia Local Optica better
a wm penr.ll. Tielerday after- toraed from CinelnDaU.
than Ucanser writtea by Mtsa Mag
noon came a teiesram frvni Oeneral
Mtos Carrie Avery, who has been viagie
Stone of Old Mtoalon and praaeated
Bhafter to the war dcpartmenl as tollowe: “In the name of the sick and itiag frUnda in MOwaakea.' haa f by Mr*. A- E DeVol of that plaea. Ia
woqnded officers and men under my tamed.
bar argamant against liesnsa, Mtos
ccRiahd. 1 thank Mr. J. W. Mackay I Clarenee Whitney, who kna bean vtoStons spoke of the high lioeaso of
for the ice aeet ns.*'
I iUhg in Mnakvoa Mnea tba Dnlvani^
Michigan atmoet amonatiDg to proUI at Ann Arbor closed, to bens to apend
bitioa (so ooastdaredi and eltod TravI tba aDatoer.
em City as a fair example (7) aa ths
HamiaaStr ef tbe Army Coder Ike PtmI Evelya Wilton of Cnnrlevoln to vWt
Meat fkhce tke Field.
to bavs peUWaahiDAton. July A—Major General 'lag her brotber, Arthar WUnan of tionad tbs cemmon ooancil to ab plaea
MeUon A. Miles, commandlnc the army, _ Bast SlnU streek
Ue aalooat that Uair chUdrea
sled lif the entire staff of army I Dr. F. J. Frallck af KorUport, eras
not be obliged to pam Uem on their
beadquanera,Uft last night fOrCharlea- i ia the city yesterday.
ten. 8. C. where the party wUl embark
Joe Zimmerman to In from a boalnaat srny to school.
(or Santiago. They left o«-er the South* trip for the MerckaotUe Co.
Sks Uoagbt that the eanas given
era nilruad at Id:*! p. m. The party
A. E. Wells left laat night for De for liemisa, was Us lesaanisg of taxes
conelsu of General Miles: General J. C troit.
and is ths open diaensslon that foUowed
Gilmore, adjuunt general of aufl; Oentba
statement was isads on good anB. C. MeLane of Interloehan waa in
J Koy Stone; Colonel C. R. Green*
Uority that the taxes from saloon It*
the city yesteraay.
did not begin to pay for Ua eara
W. Oon*. M. C-Maua, and A. 8. Rowan,
L. E. BaUe came down yMtarday
Major John U. i:iark and Captain B. from Settona Bay.
of Ua criminals Uat were Ahe direct
B. Whitney. At tbe same time Uea*
oateome of Uem. Mine tonUe ef Ue law*
Uaant ColonH Michier aul a Urge aiaff
ilta, it was staled, were dne to latoxof taeadquam-rs cierlu who have beea
10 no TO TBS STBm
icnnta. A dry town wna Ukea aa an
IB TBmpa will <-ome north, to Cbartea,toa and join the party. The Mahi win
> at Wikira wider
where in one year ender local
be iBkde ^frnm CliBrien..D <rn the Am
Bteamer after the geoeral and Ua ntaff
cnaaadairmk ngnlnatlMcnaea Ua prearrive.
This may be vtifaer tbe Tale
rioaa year wiU mloona, aad daring
lambU. wtaich are uklng on tr->op8
from eelt:«mem yesterday than tha dry year, only cbo family nasdad
there. If the trooi* are ready |o n^rt ’ farther
any tine since It ataned. Both man tows aappork wbUe Ua Itoanaad sa*
bef<»e the parly arrived they
iht> wi;i go on
year had 67 famUim to eapnork
and the general win follow on the Reso ufacturers and strikers have Assumed
lute or one of the other ateamert to a arm and defiant attituda The fortner
Van Barea coanW is held up by
sail after the Tale acd Culumbia it u have Issued a signed statameat to the
C. memben. aathe banner eoonty
axpected that the pa.-ty wtu be at San- eflect that they will not aUn thalr
ttogo the early part of i
factories latil the six can ah start with in local opMoB.
the eve of‘ hU departnre
Oeneral M:tea a "auffVrlent force ef competent wor
Tbe Mother-a meetUg led by Mrs. M.
adtlsfactlon on aurting i
E -Strang wna tal ed tstereeting
"e'spoke of the
hips they bad . ...
thengbU feraUproamiandthe aberi
1 recenily. and of those yet t
ilimr*- led by Mra Miners on the
oema. It has operated tevetriy against
eabj6et:”AaWemea me attorn, toil
' the general offlcem and General MUm
net CiMBmtftnttoanl to Deprtfo *nem
fbeto that he. too. to not entirely in*
of the Bellotf" v e fan od the ri^t
kind of sptrik after wbtok tha wasHiff
ndjonrand MU tha aenniag anaion.
The oranlngaanMnoftheW. C. HT*
owing to eonnter nttraetlonn. B«v. D.
Coeklia opaned ths devoUonal ssrrien
^ prayer and Mtos Jonta WUkelm
sang MtoeUvely. "StUl as tho Might",
aad la a few waU dosaa words Mm
P. ETi
Mm A. E Benjamin. Mn. Benjamin
eaUglxcd woman in ths horns, a well
ordered boma being tha next kla to
hsavan. Thto to tha vrork of Us W. C.
T. 0.. tha protaetioa of tho
tbe prerenUon of Uqoor InlBu.
only S4 yeera ago," eke said,
“that In a little tcatnt Chantnaqna a
hand of women ooneelved the idea of
ths white ribbon elab. !a IS years the
white ribbon bed enelraled ths globe.
WkOe not a ehareh organisatien. it to
in ItMlf a home, toreiga. aad aid noaUty eombloed.
Shedmertbed the terrible oplam ha
bit In China and said toat amoag tha
awfnl elghU to be freqeently
the «0M opinm dene, ware mothers
with their bahea preppedap beslda
tbam. area esadren Urea nad fear
yean of age eaceemblng to the terri
ble babik Tbe W. C. T. U. work aa
faiUfaUy. w^ their forelga
^ opium kaWt aa they de
I OB tbe htUbOHds <g
TniRH Bu Uu itStUUL
Used ooa (ran a white poeSsr wi___ O0I.VMBXA AMD LOV A. CUUr
heavy btnek border, pmfaepe S lest kew
tyt feet wide:
TwMvOay. at «fiD a b., after a severe IS
M. SDcesBbtO IftaseppsBsaa o( tbsreeocdtrv oaos ot Uw cnaabw cf Uommwmig
Bom a ass bmb notito ead patrioim Bla
lm» atoms. SBitUe troB
inmat So'eloek oa Wsdasadn next. U
Tea PAaexin
This pUcHd. Uke aU othem in Bmda
bom a 1 ewt iotenai rovenae alamp.
Even the placards in shop windows.
wh(B oonveying anyaanimnoaBient, are
that etamped. b laatas which certnin*
ly meets some of Adem SmlU’s fi
seay of ooltoonoo. fer it wonid be-very
saw to dtooorer any attempt toevnde it
fiem and Printer
- iSlE:
Ar. Harbor dpringt.......... ..6;4S
Far worse then tbe ptogoe to tbe inocatotha scare now prevalent to Oeleotta. There is not e cbspnuBie.-serT.
eat or tmboo who is not peraonlod that
onters have g«»e ott that eveo^hod)
mnet be forcibly i
Going aooU dsllj ax asA Sasdvw
pest of Uto beliel caan an quoted of BanvaNorU 'wt..............................
people having b>-eo forcibly iiiocnlated
to tbe streets by tx-iug prlck>ri on Ue
neck and back wiU emue lortrament
raaembliiig a ianoct Tb> rc can be no
reucnsbld doubt Uat Uen- are boow
bwdmaahea makiug capibil uat of Ue
■eare, and ao hrnily muted ia tbe idea
to the miuda cd the igmirant people
thet ooUtng abort of <
U)«4elUng apoB tke taaU for liqaor, on Ue part of the g
Ar. MorUport....................... .«:U “
r Iwelt at leagU spon tke aabjeet store etder.—Oalcnttn Eugltshinna.
Daily Morning Sxeainioae Vnm
heradi^, etoting that ia each genar.
Oar baby has beea onattooeUy troabTrnvavne City.
atioB yoe And tketaata fer liquor mere led wlU colic and cholera infentam
Ttoks steamer at 8:«0 p m. for Keabdeeply eeeted. aad Ue system leas aUa alaee
bto blrU,
and••all• Uat we eoold tawaata where yen wIU coaaeet wiU
do for him did not seem to give more steamer Cresoent retaraiag to Travto eepangnlnst Ik
temporary relief, aatil we tried mne «ty at 10;4S p m. This wiU give
The beBinem meeting wIU be bald Uaa
Cbamberfato’s Colic. Cholera aad Dlar-' ywa a pleaasnt ride ef M mCm on «bn
thto maming at tbe C.
rbom Brae^. Stom giria|^Uat re^- toy aad can be made every morntof.
ehareh parlom tba annnal aleetioa of
if yon wish a loafer ride Ue boat ^
> give ypo Uto teetlmoaiai as ao land yon at Omine or Motthport wbmw
oaUan taking piece.
gratltade. not that yon yoe will ooaaaet wiU etamaer retarn*
e of odrr
need It to advertise yoar meritortoea lag to Travens aw at 4H0 p m.
Wild Oeaansk Bidem
remedy.—O. M. Law. Kralrak, I
Aftarwoen asenMtons tram Trarame
For mle by E E Walk DraQiek
aty. taketke steamer Craeeant evsiw
la addiiioB to tha girLoowboy. aeoak
aftornooB at !tM tor Menktawnato
Indian and cavalry eqaeatriaaa U Bof*
where yon wiUeoMem wHk etmmsg
falo Mil's WBd Went and Oongvoas of essariing n«s or blarring of
retaraiag to Traverae aty ati <t0D p
Boogb Bldon of tbe world, it Intreda- oa C F. Clessenk Ontlmoa.
oes VnqaerM from Maxiee, Geacbos
tram Soatb Amerien, Arabs (ram tbe
Afrtoaa dasan. end Coeeeeks (earn the
eteppee ef Bnstla. These tatter, hardy
aad daxterona konemen, ssay be
Mambia to OoBgregaUdnal Udim
•oelety. mn leave tbe doek m*
riderad es cm tbe border Uae
7:M. Fare ii oeatp
the wild Irrsgnlare aad tbe trained and erne aty;
drUled military: for theagk they wa^
Ue regular aniform and are r^olar
aalUted soldiers smong Ue Cosmela ot
they ride wiU
wild, flsree dash aad Indlvidtmlity not
chancteristie of any of the'oUer bed
im ef cavalryman. Thtodom
Ual Uw »re not well diiUed in tbaii
taetlm and capable of going Uroagh
their evolntioas admirably, bat they
have a certain sort of spirited freedom
aad capneiW far Independent pen
Freneband Americana i^hk U en*
eouraged Uereto, dtoplay. They wear
(some but eombra nnlforma, rida
Ue liUe, snail horses of Ue stoppea,
and are mounted on small troop sad
dles, very high front and rear, which
are baiU ap wkU pads fully foariachm
Ulck, ao that Uey seem to pereh far
abovu their horara. Instead ot a bread
elaeh to bold Ue saddle Uey bold
Uree narrow strape tightly drawn.
wbieb OMld aeem to be rather cevere.
rbeir aiBrape an very small, only big
eneogh to get Ua potato ot tha tom
Into, a^ drawn ahork A man maat
ba a good rider wbe eu eraepy that
aerial roost and stmdy hlsMalf by Ueae
toy ttirrapa. Bat tbe Croemok does
net only Uat bat mack mora.
kto horse at tall gallop he swoops down
aad picks mp a handkerchief (ram Ue
graand. koida fast by Ue saddle and
IB to float to tka air alaafaidn,
swtoge himaalf baek to hie amk and
Urowlnghto feet straight ap is Ue
air rmu on bis akoaldera. or head.
npoB Ut mddle. leaps off. and ariar
running a short dtotanoa regatas bto
seat hy a bonnd from tke graand. an
tnaily ercBBliig his aUrrapa over Ua
mddle aiaads upright with hto toee in
Uem and all Uto wiUout dimlatobing
hto baaiUsBg pace.
Seeori Votae.
Mrs. M. H. M. Baymead and eons.
George and Edward of Grand Bapids.
passed Uraugb Ue cliy ymtorday en
route for Keahtawanta. wbare Uey
wm oeoapy their eottage for the remelnder of Ue season.
Bdwnrd Jarris and M. E Leaeb
eame npfrom Fnlrmoaak lad., nad
vriU spend a ooopto of months at Lang
Has a wonderful man withla its
limita, in tbe parson of
... •••
Sir Richard EastQfl
Of JL«TiagtOD, Ky.,
Faioitt Ut
Sicitific Lire Rader.
Not a clairvonint or fortnne teller
bnta SciHoUfic FAlmiat
ne PnbUe'e Balieu Uilw.
Record Wsot Column.
Proffeasor of Aatrooomy, Astral. \
Ofey, nijsiology, and Cbar. .
aeter expreesion.
Palmistry Taught.
modneed Batse on O. E * L
Bnffalo. M. Y-. one fare for round
rip. Sell Jnly ItU
ktolsU-Oeodtoreto IS
am Bspk ink
Chleaga.one faro for r ._
S emta. Sell July ItU g^ to retain
aaelnaaU. one cent par mile. Sel]
‘ ’Ad,
ka, goodto retain October
DDreadooB taken of hand,. .—4 '‘i
Detralk one'tore for round trip. Bell
Jnac (7U and -CsU retorn July 4th.
IndianapiUs, oae tore tor roand trip
Sell Aogast «U. return Angnst l&U.
Ladlngton. one tore for roand trip
Sell Jnly
sly MU to Aagast Sth, retain
trip. Sell Angoet S4U. I
go^ to return Sepk 6U.
VermUlUa. O.. one fare for roand
trip Sell Aagast lak good to retnn
Aagast tUk
Bay VlewCbmp Meeting, one tore Im
sand trip SeU.......................
. Jnly UU to tlA.
The King Pilmist
onia. * 903 Am. to 9:30
Parlors atl^Wbitiis: :
Mo dl^y ef signs enade. As
Ask fm
P. A..
soBfeoreoawdunettoparlor' iwhere
Atom* She Wm.
Grand Bapi^ en win And
_ atteMl*
Last Eastox in
Aant Harriot—For nmr‘$ mka.
AllWarns privato. Call sem
wbsre have yon and He.'Sweetoer bam
toraftor tbe flrat week i^rgee win to
all tbe •
MlaiKni -Oh, vre bars only been will ran on Best Bay as foHows:
bunong for foor leaved elorar. We
PnlmUnry tokwl of Farip Fr.
have bad such a lovriy ttosa
Anot Bszrist—And bow nnny fosr
leaved olovers did yon flndl
Him Enice—Why. omne to think of
it, we didn't find any. did we, ObarleyT
—Boston Znnsaripk
ProtectiTe Assodatiii
iS;*K£5Sr.... •.••s-js
*^oa bed flnelw^ today, Bem. ” mid
> I
the flibmnan'a wife aa be
mam the ascet Ubara) t
**nw worst lack I ever had.** wne
Bleek, Betel Whlttng and Park Place
the snllen rwly.
at s:u p m. 'BrnwOl also eoBneet Antbcrlsad under tke 8
'Wlv. Bam, look at tbe fnnt string wiUbmtntlliMpm. Frnh ear wm
be at Bast Head on Toeedayn. Tbnradaya a^ Satardayto Itosssngifi and
Dtetriei egent for HorUweetera MkhS.,
fan. Itovsrae Qty. Mkk.
iHX Kuxnaa
Rough Rkloni Fall Ovar Eaeh
Othar to 8hak* Hands
Wrth Him.
WTBA OF tss ifBTtonfin
q fSEL
, Witt tbe Sms GiOUat Pilaws Wk»
Sbkicd Hb Da^:er That
HiMorte Nichu
OwlhaS^a UtoUMdBlMdWaloEBIMekMaO-XUtaCMlrr MB^ad
11* wait* CaamdM U Uvlac tka Taww
AMBSMtet Um behaac*.
. V&shlnctun, Julr S^3«aet«I Sbaf>
I -i.t-.tnniuocinc tbe «xcbutfe
; '-nn «ni3 hi* men
;. .....». Ik U addre—a te the eecMUT of «*r ud dated Hcadquarten
FmbAnDrCoTpa.Cab*. Jnlj-*.—"UeotenaK Hobaon and all hi* men have
Sant been received aafel)' la ezchanse
(or BpanUb officer* and priaooer* taken
tqr t'iilted Butea All In good health,
axeert two > amen convaleaclng bom
remittent tev-r."
-The foil list of the Kerrimac crew
I* a* follow*; Llentenant Rlduncnd P.
Ifobsoo. **r.'<u=T naval conatnietor;
ler Merrlinac into Santiago harbor, bBt
be dcdlaed a* he bad a report to mak*
U Bampeon. Bot wttb regard to h)a **perience a* a prisoner of war In San>
Oago he *a1d; "Dorlnc tbe first four
4*7* we were prisoner* of war we were
Moflaed In Mono castle, sad 1 can aseure you those were extremely UfcomforUble abd disagreeable days. Tbe
Spaniards did not exactly 111 treayua.
but It took tbem acme time to tecoker
trom the shock caused by what mosfef
them considered our Yankee Impudence
in trying to block their harbor. As a rule
the officer* and men who came intocontact «ntb 01 were gruff in speech and
auRen in mannsr. There were many
Ihreatanlttg glance* ahot in our dlreeUon.
bboo«d. batubdat, Jtu.i
Question Which I
Torriblo 8torjr of Dead and
Mutilatod Man.
been gted to ubd.:nake to do the sami,0
"Billie we were la ssorro
Morre msue
castle we
were aa^-al prisoners, but at tbe end of
Oeorge Charvtte. firxt-flass guenera' ' four days we
r iranaferred to the
male: J. C. Murphy, coxswain; 0«<bi>ra JariadIcUoa of*
Prignsn, coxraain. resident of Stuart, moved to the Bell
la.: George F. Pbiaip*. marhlnlsf. on the ontsk ru- of b^llago. where
Pkank Kelly, water tender: Randolph remained ur.Ul toda>'. We knew but
little of what w=_- going on In tbe city,
Oansan. eoxrualo.
though of conrw we could always tell
Mra at the PTaot Crow Wild.
After tbe exchange bad been made.
| with hU garrison. .Although Oenernl
j TWaJ is aprsrenUy anitou* to reMst
| to tbe blu-.r end the utter bopeleasof holding out against a siege by
und and sea mort be forcing Itself up-
a BspeblOeas-saaesa for Yard Bo. I wOl be
beUUOiwDge Ball.Caw *m«t. oo WeCM»O^^ arealag. jaly
w b* held
Ever BoHied
Bicycle Riders.
Bemrmber that I do aU klnda of tto
tmMsg and enameling, asd that 1 ena ~
aad do give yon tbe beet wortc of any
one in. tbe city tor tbe money. Don't
be deceived by what others teU yon to
the Otetrnry. bnt eonu apd nee for
^ 1 gnarnntee all my work to be right,
end tf it does not prove so I maks It
I and flttto steata ce WaOaidar eroalBg. Jsly
U. ite. at 4 o'eJte>._to_el«wt ttdeUwaroto aw
Stop in tm a o'clock every ovaalag
exeept Sunday, in th* OaldweU ft Loe.don baildlng, at north end of Onion
A BmwUieae eaoco. (or Wa»d No, 4 wUI, te
held at O. W. Lardle'* potato waceboo*
atrocl, OB VeSacaSay evealag, Jaly 11. lOT. at
•"■'SSSS'~S'S7'»t2SlS SI u!
r. D. MSBriM.
wsanso. k
rr .A.'SCSS.'SSSSlSpSSdX.ff
lag. oo Wedneaday eeeelBg. Jaly U, IMS. at 4
I ammunition I* running short. Oar pual* o'clock, to otfetHdetagato* to ourod Qw Bw
I Uon Is being hourly strengthened.
| The pros|<ecis for the raiUiulaUon of
j Bantlago without further fltbt'ng grow
render the city. Firing
sumed. although the truce Is supposed
to be ended. l:»th armies have been
Atteraeya at Idtw.
Informed that Waahlngton and Madrid
are negotiating terms of peace. The
srfalu flag still flies over the Santiago
lines. There have hem no messages or
flags of truce between the commandera
Blnoe when Aaeistant Naval Csostrac- g U. BKOVN. Anorway
tor Hobson aod his men were ex O. Lav. Bpaelal aboauae to ea
changed. It is lUted by refuxers that aadeoaewraaelBc. HtrraatBt
the voluntesra at Santiago were loud Is
their demonda that the city ebould be
sumndered; so perslsteat )n fact that
many of tbem were imprisoned.
Twrwl Win PIgbt to the Death.
The prospecu of oapUulaUon wttbout pi^MLTM.'ui*'
further Acting, however, are not so
clear when the fallowing Is cocslderad:
PreM dlspatA. "as Hobson and tbe by the Vesuvius throwing dynamite
men of the Merrimac approached tbe ahrila Several U.ne* at night we were
. Brat line of eotrenchments occupied by also folly aware that tbe land batteries
were fighting outride the ri«y.
"Last Friday and Saturday It would
oastem atbbtea to tbe other, and by be difficult to explain bow anxious we
tbe Ume the returning party reached were for new* of tbe success of our rid*
tbem every man was on hU feet, refus- during the engagement. Tbe lltile Ing to be restrained by tbe
fermatloB the Spaniards would give ua
sf tbe officers, cheering wildly and msb- contd not be relied upon. One thing
lag ever every obstacle that chanced U that I fould out In tbe hospital was
be In bis way la| hi* effort to reach that a large number of Spanl^ officers
Hobson and his pdity and grasp tbnn were wounded te last Friday's^ht. for
hand. The released prisoners many were brought to tbe bnspltsl to
'rounded and corrpriled to be treated. Numbers of badly aimed
the Spaalab geaernl
t; . lo M..eive the greeilngk. oongrata- bulleU came Into the bospitnl windows
laUons and vigorous, beartfelt, hand- on Friday, but I do not brileve any one would eonUnns to resist, replied: TM
shaking of men Uey bad never acen be was Inlnred by them. Our quarUr* course be will. Toral will fight till he
dlea.” General Blanco telefihpbed
there were very dean and comfortable, Torn! from Havana: 'The ^nlsH
and tbe food was fairly good.
Was a Bragh but Hoasty WolcMw
dtea but never *urrendera,'"paraphra*"In fact I have no reas n to complain Ing the blalnrlc cry of Napoleon’i
Sunburned cavalrymen who had spent
tteir lives -D the saddle on tbe plains of of our treatment as priaooer* of war. Imperial Guard. This aUtemeDt Is con
Artsona. New Hexioo or other western The . prejudice which tbe Spaniards firmed by tbe French cable operators,
aUtiw or territories, and wbo did not showed against u* during the first few wbo have left Santiago They told tbe
know the difference between a ehlp's days soon wore away.- We conducted Writer of this dispatcb that the cable
maintop, bilge or keel, itaiew their arm* onraelves properly and simply forced was still working to Jamaica and that
around tbe sailor boys and literally tbem to treat us well. We knew noth they connected It with tbe cable to Ha
dramred them over the entrenclimentx. ing alK>ut tbe destruction of Admiral vana before leaving This give* GenaU the time sending out yaUs that under Cerveru's fleet until told by our own
aUen iriti
other clreumstanccs would have struck )peeple today. Of course our confine rid. but cuu out Santiago; Tbe desper
terror to hearts even as gallant as those ment beosme very Irksome, and 1 enn- ate character of General Torsi's de
of tbe Uerrimac heroes. ,No mountain not tell you how great was the relief termination to con'.:nuo the struDrie
' fastness of the west ever resounded
U apparent when it is known that the
troifi iffiouts of an Indian war dance that press my gratitude to our soldier* who Spanish soldier* have less than a ddFa
equaled the wild outbreak of American gave us such a welcome when we came ammunition remaining.
WririUthat occurred at tbU -meeting of iDle the Ilnea All of us are In excellent
■ gbe sailors wbo did their duty with ev.
and see tbe war through to tbe
ery Spanisb gun In tbe harbor trained
upon them, and the taaidy men under
Oeneral Shafier.
Order la the flkerry Order Case.
tAolB. Joly 8.—The twe faction*
rurgwt DU Bar* Protudlea.
Milwaukee. July K.-A Journal w>eelal
Tbe Seventy-first New York volun- from Oshkosh. WIs.. says: In tbc clr- of tbe PopuIUU. the r^lara and tbe
teen, near the Sough SJden. was the rutt court yroterd-'v an important order mlddle-bf-the-r. a-lera. adjourned their
next regiment tu fall upon Hobson smd was made by Jucige Burnell la tbe seiwrote conientiona last night. After
hi* men, and almost immediately tbe Sherry fallnro.case. It provided that ib«g drew apari yootenday morning to
Kintb and Tenth cavalry, both colored IM shares of Gerry Lumber company different balls tbe manifested bitter
reglmenta joined In tbe general entbua- stock estimated at IIO.OOQ. and cggtain ceased and aonventl.>nal bualneas went
lands In Ovonlo a 1 Shawano enuniiea along amnothly. Tbe regular Ucket
eaUtnaled at about (SO.OOO, be turned follows: Supreme Judge. & A. Handy
way through the Um* of while and eol. over to Hiram E-ulth. of Milwaukee,
ored soldiers. Hobson, ao far as possi who in turn agree* to indorse ICO OK on fur short term, and J. M. McCall lane
ble. grasped each hand extended toward hi* claim of tTT.KS against Ebcrry. Tbe derm; railway coimnlssluBer. J. Tt
him. and neither be nor hU men made other «7.(U will be filed as an ordlnarv' Bmltb; superintendenl of schools. J. D.
any protest against the most uncom claim.
' EllUt. Arthur Rosell. Owen Miller and
fortable crowding and (oailing which
Baa Bvr hroead FaiL
trey had t» undergo. If the young offloer
Peoria, ins.. July L-Mme. Fraser,
T^ middle-of-the-roadars’ ticket la:
—whose home is la Alabama—has any
race prejudice he eerflalnly forgot all wbo feU from a bafioon at Beos-'B. lUa.. Supreme ludgea J. N. Voerhls tor the
about It as he paaaed through the lines a year ago and Just reeov«wd. W .^oes- long lenn: A. H- Livingstone, for tbe
ct soldiers on his « ay to GAeral Wbael- day fell 1.00D feet from a parachute at short term; railway commissioner. J. H.
Propbetstowc. Ills.. Undlng in a tree, Hillls: superintendent public lastruo•ris bekd .uarten.
and may rero'-er.
tJon. J. D. Brown.
Tbe regular committee on resolutions
reported a platform reaffirming theprlnBsldlsrt Waal to Hr* a lateM Hahaaa
clplea adopted by the Omaha and St.
7%e state of Texas Is about TS.OW Louis coBVenilona sad declaring for
square mlir* larger In area than Spain. tbe coinage of sliver and Che Issue Of
Tbe rlDgleaders of the recent revolt legal tender notes and against enormous
nordrd them and tears rolled dosm their In Uruguay, Icclodiag etgbt generalA IncTcoae In isaatlon and enlargement
have been deported to Buenos Ayres.
of the pubUc debt for
cheeks as the acridiera crow-ded around
Colonel B. F. Montgomery, of Colo
them. As Hubson and hU poMy ap- rado. was elected prcsMcnl of the In
jiroscbed Captain Grimes' bnitery tbe ternational Mining congresA
man cried out oo every ride to have a
The Tennessee Populik'J at their sute
nsluic fired la their honor. Hobson p.-o- conventivn numinated B. N. Rlehard•tootes M the Dlawaod.
Chicago. July S.—League records at
tmted against tUa immedlairly, and *oD. nf Fianklin. for governor.
private Eugene Rucker. Taylonrille. base 1*11 yroteidsy were os follow*: At
nhoated to the artlUerymen. who had
also caught tbe Infection, bot to fire Fifth Illinois, was buried at Cblrica- New Tork-Brooklyti 1, New York 1«; at
their guns. Some of tbe most ebtho'- mauga. He died of pneumonia.
gtastlc bf the men appealed to Colooei
Walter M. Howe, a real estate dealer
^obn Jacob Astor. and the latter entered at 1(T Dearborn airerl. Chicago, was f: at I
into the sBirtt of the occasion an& told found dead In hi* room U Kuhn's hoteL phU C; .
burg «: at Chlrago-anrtnnatl 7. ChiSuklded.
The Chicago city council has author cago I.
WoelernLeague: At Detroit—Milwau
But the otBoers of tbe battery pre ised the laase of
of water eervented the men frem firing tbe guns, as ttfleates to anbdpnte the roeelpu from kee 2. Detroit 4: at 81. Paul-Mlnneapoll* t. 8t. Raul 4; at Kansas City—
tbe water office.
reporu for the opening[*of atnatta^
Tbe supersUttoB about St. Swltfaln Omaha 1. Kansas City 2: (second gams)
and if the latter had reeponoeo our roi- Influencing tbe weether begins on hi* Omaha 1. Kansas City 2t (second game)
dlert were in no position. In tbeir state ao-cnlled day. Ju'y U, and continues tot Indtonapolls It Columbus 4.
of dlsordw
enlhuslaam. for an en- forty days afterward.
AasM BeleaM* a> Maawgwr.
. gagement. Hobaon finally reached GenThere was almost a wnmmpout along
New York. July A—A. C. Anson was
OJsa. Wheeler’s headquarters, where tbe
yesterday rvleam-d as manager of th*
vstman cavlaryman and other officer*
gave him a svarm irelcmne. By this Ume practlcnlly at a standnllL
Captain Chs jw«rk. of the New Tewk.
The Marion Cycleeompanr.ot UarltA.
tttd.. has made an aaslknibenl. The lia
bilities are erilroaied at MO.SM. The
ameta sril! Call coaadersbly below that
figure. .
but alBce the managerial reins have
e rtom tJ
The Chicago Stamping company. beeu te the hands of the "grand old
they entered the Bantlago barter on West Cengreas and Green streeu. Cbl- man- of baae tell the New York* have
UaHr perilous mlarion.
owo. snanutacturinc tbe United Sutes not ascended tbe percenuge Udder, and
Captain Chadwidt and nil be others hlcyelea has confcaaed Judgment
the New York magnate was not aatlatook each by the band and extended the
g tIH.lH.
bmrtleet greeting. T%e emort Ud
Garter Sima of Ptgrvidance. R. L.
tonscbi a change of clothing, lorindlng a wdl'known eng'ne^r and three times
imw enlforma. tor Botwon and bla men. a mlUionai.e. lately appeared before tbe
and the Utter were glven.s short respite United Sutes naval examining board.
wbBe they ebsnged their «>p*rel. Hob- Slms.'^tahed to serve in tbe engine room
•OB was also glvena horse to ride over without pay.
the trdll to Jursgna and hU
Secreisty Long hu cloned coBtrncts (nusicred In by BaCarday. when work
. Before
placed I
'With the ChaymaB * Merritt Wrecking srill be commenced on the Eighth reffito^ag for the sea coast Bofateh was company, of New- York, for the raising Btrot, colored. Beveruy-ftve recruits ar
' taken to General Sbafteria beadquanem of the, wrecks uf the SyAnlsb wsrahlpe rived yerierday for the Ninth and fifty
Md warmly greeted by th* comma^- Strewn out along the coast of Cubs tor (or the Eighth. Tbe Ninth bad withut
tng genersL
AasoeUisd a distance of twenU' miles srMt of San them recrulU LUI men and the Bghtb
UM men^^^Tfason toraatntervtewnnd tiago harbor.
Si’- '
•L. iT^snMtt:
ssen for Ward No. S will If
All. UoU. iwrood alroeL on
W. at * o
Dad Oba, WhUe tha BriUah CaasaJ naya WedBrodayeroalBg.jBTtt.
Twal wtu right TUI Ba Dlea—lularmal
Trwm la OparaUoo with Beporta ot
TaBaHaarij Out of A
*‘>or Admiral Ceriera t have noth*
lag bot the hlgbeit admiration. HU General Shafier of tbe complete de
act In informing Admiral Sampson of struction of the Spanish fleet, and that
our safety I regard as that of a k'nd- the American wnnbips nre now tree to
bearted. generous mko and chivalrous co-operate with tbe army In tbe redoeeSleer. 1 expressed to him nay sincere tloo of Santiago. He baa bees given
anxiety of our ahlpmaie* and 9"
friesda at home. He repeatedly ^okc
to me of his admiration of what be
cailed one of tbe most daring acu in
narul htstory. though I am *uro..we
9, tew
mom my ■■■ y«w»»«y vw.a **
Horse Hotel.
Hotel Whiting
Liittf, Sale ml Feed 6m.
Flnhclam Riga. BrorytUng new
and neat Bates as raeeonebU as any
fifst'clam barn tn tbe elty. Olv* ns a
caU and get onr priese.
Monday, July 18, &udSi|ilditbdtuiLE
9 Hoot*: 0 A m. to 8 p. BL
OUT nieibe. U aAsm Jess SO. tsa.
Dr. MeD«DAld hu for yean maAa a
_mdy and apaeiaUr of chronic______
chronic and Unr*ri^ diaawsM thni
At raqnlra aklllfnl
• atUattoe to tax tttlaa.
^itel tnaunnit for
earn. Ssch
effe as family nhysielaa* fail to help
and pronoBAO* tocnrnble ars partieniarly aelieited. sapectally thoaa ovardoted ivlth atroaf mlaernl drugs and
noisoaa Dr. McDtmnld mass e^y tbs
purest medicines from tbs vefetoWs
^gdom. He pey* attonUon to tbe
canee of the dUeaae aod Instraeta bb
patienu tbe way to health and bnppiBcaa Dr. McDonald caa show bandreds of tmUmosUls In Ue baad writ**
or »«
Ing of rrataf el patienu wbo have been
eared by aim when others failed. Be
U eo familiar with tbe baman ^atem
that be U-----------------------------------tbe mind or body oorreetly at a fflanea
fritboBt Bskiar any qnmtlosa Ttionaanda of Invalid are being treated dally
LarofwKWoad. WO If
for diaeaaea that they do not have,
W/rgN OB WOXKN vantlB* eanstoal aod while a few dnme of medicine direetad
IVL proetable ewploTBieal sboejil apply >a
to tbe teat of tu diaeaee would
City. Ate apeedy ralieL and permanent care In a
very abort tlma Oond health b the
^ »te^ He®
AS* saasassasaasae
se B 8
I ■■■■M
« aAsnee
e SS8S8
I I (till fl
e a eseea «
8 s aesM s
*=ss s - —"8 g
• ■((('■(■■■IMM I
sAnanssAAseeans a
ssfissseassisiss s
wltbont, mlaary claims as tor bar own.
Trolse sertra (raw St.Jwato. ti
If yen are a aeSerer yoa abonid weigh
tedmSeMaaaaA > siMptsg sadsisiag
wall these words. A person who negleeu fab hteltb U guilty of a grant
wrowg to hlmaelf aod a grave inlery to
rpo BCNT-n*all sioee tvo dooro aaat ol bemanity. Tbe name of Dr. HcDowd
I Btelnberr'* Hraad Opara Boaaa. Apply tb* well known specblbt in the '
to JBlIro netaberg. lW-t(.
mb and lingering dbcaaee,
warlte eariasar. Trwro
o. a. teunuT, Afwn
of bomee which bb akiU and wottder- 0. L. LOCKWOOD O. P. * T. A.. Oread SeKde.
anWaelitBpoti m. W»4i*
' "IS"
' of Bavard Wbitlag.
^ tUMTtt
laqalro^ at
^MtgcK sionau nAm-rar ai^^
apply t^v
taeeroe^nT'prapmy'ia'M^aaK or vtU
* in. Tisverw City.
A’35£5£.'S1E'uaala Traearae City L
-Laabar. ath •
avLaaterOa I
ooUegea. and L . .
tbe treatment of ebromb dbeaaoa anrprbe the most akeptbal. AU ebfwnb
dbeoaeaof the
EYE. .
, treated,
ientlfleally and sneei
Dr. McDonald haa aaade a ^meial
Btody of all dbenam of the brain and
narvoua ayatem. aod all delleaW aad
oteeure dbeaaos peculiar to women.
« ------------ »-Bcbl Bamedtaa
from horaous debility and early daenv.
Bbenmatb aad pamlytie erippUa mi
to walk; catArrkal daafnea* poaiti* ,
eared and many made to bear a whis
per in a few mlBuiea. All acbca and
paba fade away under bb magbnl rsmedlea Bpilepay er falling abknem
penlUvely cured tbrongb bbaew msibed of treatment.
Special attesUon
' dbesaea of tbe
TbOM naable to call wriu for qneatioo blaak. Bnadrod* eared tbrongb
I have pots Ota* hack ae tbs atroM lor Ua' irrnepondeaee. Medldnee aokt overrbsTA
OoBsaltetton frw and auMy
eeewadattoa te Ik* pabUe. Btoad wlD ha
midontial. Addreaa
Dr. D. A. McDonald,
John R. Santo,
Geteral lissraict.
Tn SrsdAuer. WemngUm Fleta.
Gtehd BepUa, Mlehifam
•eaied PropoMb.
. vtettktftypaUste skate to kal
213 Fr<ftt St
Bhltimoeo^ Stock BeoMvod Throe Times e Week
natGhar't Ofster Otpot iif tananai
umni in nmiuRn li
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