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The Morning Record, August 14, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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SEeORD. '^m
XEiTMM-OITT, lactn SCNDAy, ADOC8T lA 1898.
■ a •'
^otikMioroofthe¥&li^-aflh ]>miik
■ tt and
Bare XTboid
• ■*•
JTow A lUttw of OoiuidorAbloOoaoenL
AN Alllir of 100,000 MEN
Oawiel W Tea MeaBDa^Raeeaa.
latnad Lnko. Mick., dngaat It—The
twoatddianwhoweraaottttetka boapitalaereml dnja ago. anapaotai
haring tn^oid tam. oaaaad Sr.- Bv-
The baac'baU faaa will be pleaeed t
learn that thorn will be two more drat
elam bane baU gaam hara bateo the
aa thaU otoae oatArely. Man
Only A Paw i^ntss 6«fbr«
Protofioi Wtt’BfInAd.
eoer aatU Friday ta play two
M more with the D. A Ca who
will rotara after a aorim of gaate* at
tha aorthmn raaorta. Them gaaua
will take plaoa Thpnday and Friday
and will be atrleUy a beneit for the
HaaUara. The ptoyora hare giran T^rana City rare sport thto aaaaoa, ajid aa
tt^a team ia toread to dtohand for xarioas reaaoaa, mainly on accennt of tha
breaking ap of the Mantote* team, it to
—opoaod that they ehall go away with
little mnaey in their pocketq aad a
pleasant Impimaionof TraTeraa (3ty.
Tba boys will begia Monday to aeU
tiekam aad it to hoped that there will
be liberal pnrehaaea.
Th* last aeries with the Detroit ag
gregation to sufBeientguarmnte* that
gamm wUl be fim clam nod It to
quite certain that everybody will bo
glad to ace two more gamm by the
I 't*—! Eearybody ebonld tnra
begaa,at4 o’clock. The oommandor ont to wind up the baee hall aeaaaa
Blockade of Oaba and Porto Kioo of the aaral force demanded the ent^ with a generous beneflt for th* bmt
ZAftod and the Koab of Oommaroe
team ever anpportad la thto city.
reader of the plaee. hnt the eommaadVIU ba Bmnmed.
ant refuead to comply. Mea ware land
apcdal w «na Keaxme aaceas.
ed from the American reoeeto, aad
WaahiagtOB, Augnat ll.—Merebaat
raaaetoaf the world are now tree to general engagameat u aaid to hare an- /oaoihh Kolnon Baa Megan Anlaa
for Damogeo for ln)nrl«a aad
oatacaBd loaro aU Oabaa and Porto
The naral reamla augaged ia block
Bto Ohild'n 1>mth
Btoaa Porta. Tho aUU department
ading MaamaUloamthaanxiltorygnB'
Tmterday Jooeph Melrtn of Inland
halda that ao farther proelaMtioa
boatt Blat, Hornet and Wampatuek. plaeed in the bands of Gilbert A Oato^.
to aoadad ratoiag the Moekade of Uaee
Tba gunboat Wilmlngtea may ba tber* Ibree euits Bgalnit tbe towoehlp of tntolaada. Ordera toaned to military and
tond. Ooefortbadmth of ^to diild.
which oeenred recently by the breahleg
naral oammaader* aad tha praaldeat'a
Adriem tbia mwalng aww that Oon. of the bridge over the Platte river while
praolamatiOB of peaoa ara aaid to bo
era! BUaco baa anoeeeded in getting tba family were croaaing it in a wa.-oa;
anOeiont in tbemrelrea to end the
another for Injuriea recriv.-d hy hlmword to ManaanUl'-.
blodkade and open all porta.
mlf and another tor iajorim reoe.vcd
by bto wife.
4oeod to 100.000 MO. other rolontoer
irwe*. Mldo froB thU number wUl be
It it beliereddhat 100.000 men will
be nttetant to gorrtaoa the
flnoe* oeeopM 07 U» United Stntm.
Tb* war deportment boa aim eoe^4rod the matter of taking ear* ef Spanlah noldlnra In Coba.and Porto Eloo, if
tfaep aball be foond In want- Tbeao
notdiei* aro la a oMoe. prlnanen o1
war. While th* United Sutaa gOTwameat 1* not bond to care for them nndar tb* term* ef tha protoeol.Tot in tba
«aaa of bamanltr, neither the Spenlah
will ba allowed to go with- Soreataea Pemona Xmat Their Urea
toceae it m fonnd nuima 7
aad Zheir ZhraUinga Ware Swapt
Away lathe Flood.
a» tarnieh eapplle* to the Spanlah aolHeamse aaesae.
diara. tba Spanlah gorernmaat aionld Opeelal u
Kaoxrillo, Tbaa., Aognet ll.— A
bn expected to relmbniaa thb goremoadbamt
oecnrad at Beeeh Cmk. a
nanat for tbo enUapremou locality la Bawkiae caaa^.
nearly »0 mllea from Bogemrille. Seroatoenpemonaloottholr Urea. Thlr-
Of tha Praoe Oomintmtoa and AmbaatriTta-l— Kay WiB ba Bc»
lataiy of Stato
Sptcial to Tea Soaxtao BbooboWaahlnglon. Angnat IS.—Ambaamdor Bay ta toneeood Seeiataiy of Suta
T)tj whan Aha latter beoomm ohalrmaa
o( the peace eommietloa. ThU to na-
bodiea hare been recorared. Their
eabiaa ia tha narrow ralley war*
awept away in tha flooda following the
Sattoflod With tha Paaoa Protocol
aad tha Inaargeata Will
nOdal. ^Bowerer. indieatloaa am that
Fight »o Kora.
Aaareteiy Sey’a reaigaation from the apwtai to Tn Kcmae Beoem.
atatA department will be In and noeeptWaaUngtoB, Angnat U.—The war
ed within n week. It to anden
department haa bean adrtoed throngh
that the prealdeat ooatempUtea the
the Caban Jnnte that tha Caban laanrai^lBtmeat
Saeretary Day to a
gania will aceept tha taremef Ue peace
Clrcnit jedgaahip attar the work of
protoe^ between tte United Stntea
the peeee oommiteloa baa been fiaand Spain aad hoeUlitiee will eeat
' iahed. A bill to pending la ooagraaa
their part.
for the appelntmeBt of an additional
’ jndg* for the Sixth Cirenii, which iaMichigan. Ohio and Eaatneky.
Bopenad in Teaiardayto
The dtotrict to ao large that itorert
Washington. Angnat 13—Oei
Sbaftar roporta the death of another
Michigan boy at Santiago of peraldons
Fato ofPriraMLadurke Who Killed malarial fever. He to Frivato C. Cham
berlain of the Thirty-fourth regia
a Wiaoonaitt Soldier.
ppKlal (oTn Hoaaim Raooao.
Ibe tout anmber of siek to 1,051: foMilwaukee. Wto..Angnat IS —A 1
eroama, ?,34«; new ease*. MI; fever
ial to the Journal from Marinette.Wto., tarn returned to ^ty. 7IB.
aaya word hae been reeelred her* frt^
Foae*. Porto RIoo. tltat Prirata tmdnrke of the Second Wiaconaln regi Actual
Cvst SetimnUd at «ieO.ment. wba abot and killod PriraU
Stafiord of the Tegular army during n •pacisl Up Tes Uossistt Ksi-oeo.
qnnTTel in » aaloos at Ponce, waaoonrv
Washington, Augnat 13,-Althongh
martialed AoguetS. found guilty aad the war with Spain lasted only
abot on the momliig of Angoat 4.
daya. It asUmatad that It haa coot thto
eoedBa. a at tb* Track la tbo Oaaadian OH7.
apMlal ibTxi Hosuie Rboow.
Wiadaor. Ont. Aoguet 13.- Bota Garaat. a«ank onlaider, won the firat
at twboty to one. lo the ooeond race
OnlltoaA wae backed from a to s aad
won handily. Old Sanguewoa the third
raoe ia a hard drire. Duty won
fonrthat I to 1.' Tho teleat backed
Myutaryforagood tklag la the fiftk
raoe from so to 4 aad wore damned, the
raeo going to Deyo, tho farorlte. The
alxth and eoraalh raem wore won by
CUnWer and Lady Hand* respaoUrely.
hott OBtaidora.
•OCi.oooof which tw000,000 have been a.:tuaUy paid jnt of
the treasury.
Bear Admiral Kirkland Dead.
Ktohigan Aoldleia at Santiago
\TO Zhlaad Xmko.
Detroit. Angnat 13 —(loreraor Pingraohaa«tarttf a amremeet to hare
the Mtohigaa ttaopa retamiag from
Iroat qaartarad at Oamp Baton, toetoad of boiag mat to Moattnk Point,
. with the r«*t of the troope. "1
aball tel^raph Aeneral Alger." mid
the goraCBor. "aad offer him 300 aerm
at lalaad lake for onr troope Them
toat a hotter camp ia the United Suue.
It it haalthy aad haa good water and
aanltary taeiUtlwi" Mayor Maybury
of tbtocity and Mayor Perrr of Grand
Rapida wUl bo aakad to j 'In with the
goreraer la a peUlioa that the Michi
gan treopa be eeat to Camp Baton.
Bttt Dr. EoUlday Thought Be Bad
Doet Bia Borne.
Laat rveatag when be went to -sup
per at Park Piaee Dr. A. H. Bnlliday
eft hto horue bitched ontald*. B >
sot tok* tt laalde bacauae he tbou^t
>uld be parfeetly mfe whore he
eft IV Be was mieUkea to this, h >w.
ever, for when he looked for b>a hutae
the animal aad rig were
gone. A
aeareh failed to reveal the wbrnwabouta
of the /putfit, ao cbvriff Sispoon aad
Chief of Police Beanie were aoUfled,
and an off .-la! aeareh was made. LaU
laat evauing the whole ontdt wsa left
at Morgan'• livery barn by n saan who
bad taken It by mtotoke.
Battary of tbe HnaUeta
Xmat Bight.
Tbe I). A. Ca tuflered a aifmat defeat
at the baads of tbe Ray View base
ball toam, tbe loore being 17 to 3. Tbe
game wsa a abnt out antll tbe ninth innleg, when tbe vtottors eecared Utre*
runa. Butler and Hupt of the Bustler*
formed the battery and Rd. Whoeler
also was la tb* rsme. Th* Traverse
CltT boy* put life sad glnaer in Ue
game and made it pleasant (or tha Bay
View team.
Only a few left. If you want a cheaifone,
cheap see what we have.
Mach Is Said
AM Ice Greain and Soda FoDDtain Odols.
Therefore we will say that you will find our tde
Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, ouT vari
ous Phosphates refre«hiiig. New-drinks are added to onr
list from time to time.
Fouotain opeu week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson,
If You Have Logs to Sell
Comapoad with tbe Traverne (Sty Lumber Ocnn|iAB7.
We baqe for eale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Isth^UtML Saodsy.rwdthe Utotiu«Asiites.
230 Front Street
bortaeoaoma toraatlgatlng. It wm
tbooght that in one oompnap the eapbe Bbiaceined For GNir* tala wna not haring the water beUad,ae- Ordsrs Sashed to Hats Bosoerdiag to the oidoarl'o ord« . Dr.Barrleon Woric.
tiUtieg Disoontlnaod.
hor got a aample of tho drlak igwator.
aUtMr of Owing f^rSpuisb Setdim
tltto i
Arbor, whore it wae AeporUd Teaterday that Blaneo Kad
iaOnbonnd^rtoBtooAlMn lob- toud fnU eaon^ of bacUU to .ptdKm
■aooaeded la Saadiag Word That
iMt of Zmportoaoo — XAMiCMd to raw. Each rat died after batag inoenPeace KegoMaUoaa badlegua-Ko
rrevteoVOTAllTboM Wko 4n in
XRotaito ef the Xagagenwat Kdro
Wnnt ■
Been ObUlned.
Qalanel Iriab aama down heary on
M oSoera at ateeUog.
Ho mid Siotoel to tax HoaxtM Baooan.
Waabingtoa, Ang. 13—Word
that If ha diaoorored another can
been meelred her* of an engngni
water being nerd witbont boUlng there
noMoonont od 4}uoUom gfo^ng ont .of
at Maotanlllo, aad affortt were made
wonld bn tronble. Two patteau pror
dho Spnnloh wnr; Um dtepoalUoB of
at oaee by tUto gorornamat and Spain
od today to barn typhoid ferer. Bigid
ftroepn, nnd t)i* nnabw to bo tntainod.
to got word to tha Amerlaaa
oemtlay la being anerelaed thronghont
Wbnt troop* to nin^ oot of oerrieo. b
Bpantoh fotomthataeeamtloB of hoathe eamp bytto doctora.
«n* of th* qnwtfoni thol !• giriog tb*
tiUUea had beoa otdared.
dopnrtmMitoonotdonWeooaocm. Tbo
Aeoording to the dtopatoh the battle
^idonl bM dUeoMod tbb
with eoofotnrr Algor *nd Qonotol Cor%ln. Tho nrar probobly wUl b* ro-
Red, White and Blue
Picture Moulding
AmaieBunta OompMod Fee Two
Kero Oaam With iho X>. A. Oto.
Thto Weak.
Mill Uaefaineryof all deecriptioae, incloding Two Engiiiee.
Ret Works, Csrnagee and Sswa A complete Sew Hill PUat
While The
Price of Tea Ha$ Oone lip
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach
It will pay yon^to try onr 13c bulk coffee-a good
whole8omep>everage at a small price.
YaB°terday aftarnoon L. K. Gibba ceneelvad the 1dm that aomelhing ahonld
Thon, 187.
be doap to aigaaliu the victocy of the
L'nltod States over Spaia and
metnorate tbe iaanguretl'm of actual
peaeeacgotlatioiia. Be hustled arouad
aad in a short time procured from genn about 035 to com
peamu the Crescent band and Boyi'
Band forgetting out to lend iasplra.
cion to ao Impromptu celabration. The
We have aU kinds of sewing n
bande reepooded prompUy and both chine needlea. J. W. SLATXB’e hou
cb»rd. TkUU • bairato foroolrtljl
■ti BCT« I aUc vni.sU iBproT.. ___
organizationa made the air rest
furotohing atore.
OUier pto«v« )<»t M «»«lrsbh. or bok kx
with paulotic moalc for uearly two
hours. The bande marched through
the atrecta playing altemauly
they were followed by a great crowd
loom 10 ud 11, BaUli Boct
aad a long line of carrisArn sad wag,
Cor. PuMt t*e CSM MU.
Mr. GlbU himself led the prou. Ci-swferd. Mm Aiico T. Sobm*.
eemloD, snd althoogh arranged oa am Aim
Remember that I dc all kind* of rs
UI.»MobFlP Wbllv. Mm Joxls
pairing and enameling, and that I eat
M. WllbSlB
short notice it wet a anecew.
and do give you the best work of any
in the city for the money. Don't ONE
be deoeivsd by wbsl other* t^ yon tc
the contrary, but come and see for NIQMTAaylnm Authorities I#ooKlBg for For.
BOBS wboOlsagured TremI guarantee all my work to be right
• nd If it doe* not prove ao I make It
Sometlma'taetwocn Thnraday eveaand FVlday evening some peraon or
^top In till 8 o’clock every eve.
except Sunday, in the Oaldnell A
oaa dalibarately alripped the harir
don bonding, at north end of UnloE
from niaa willow tram, a row of which
ataads near tba etdewslk ettandiiig
Undiag from Elmwood avaooe to Div.
toion atrect, on tha aaylnm property.
Tha motive for aneh as act eanaot ba
Who has Added a full
comprehended and the asylnm authorline of
tUes are justly outraged. They are
having tbe matter inveeiigated and
a reward of »10 for evidence that
wni lead to the eenvietion of the faUty party or parties.
Valliio. Ca)., Aogiut 18.—Rear- Ad
miral Kirkland, eomaandant of tha
Mare Island navy yard, to dead as the
reanlt of aa operation fab nndarweni
several days ago. Bto end was peaceTo Prepare a Big Beceptioa.
fnl aad without pain. With him at
The local member* of Kasha Tem
tha time vrore bu wife and son. Dr.
ple. Knights of Kohmsaea and the
Hibbeta. Dr. Wagharand Father Bagl
Kntgbu of Pythias wUI bold a meet
aaid of Sl Viaoeat'a chnree.
ing Wednesday evening to arrange for
the reeepiloB of the immense deleBUto FiaiahodXhelr Ont.
gatloa whlefa to to gatbor hare
The stave miU at Oadar ftatohad lu
amber. Royal Vliler Leo A. Caro
cut at Bine o'elook laat night aad abut of Omad Rapida wUl be preoant to asdowa for tho aaaaoa. Tba shingla mUl atot tn arranging the prelimlnarim and
wm ftaith
enttlxig Wadnaadsy or to aUte the STTangeamnte being mtda
by Kasha Temple
Tmerse Clt; Scbool of Insic!
iM8 rrvat Strwt.
Hastings’ Riial Esialu teuiiH!.
Bicvcie Riders. Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Thursday, Aig. I &
To his andertAking establiAhment. Tbe famitore will 00enpy the front of the building
And the ondertAkiiig bnAiness
the rMT.
dS4 TTnioa stroEt.
TiieiAMomNo 51'ffeNs
Uw •xtrwUoo of UHh.
Beuiyo— haa heard ef Zie<*a*y*a
.aadles. packages aU stsea aad prta
at A B. WaUto Drag Btara.
Prices, 2S.3S, SD aid IScto
SesSsonsilsAt Box Office Uob.
vaxwvm 9LV BXAfffXOir.
lha aamban of the drtriar
teat eraalnff U the parlon af the Helal
HhiUar and aineted the teUnwtaf oSoera far the aaealaf year:
A iW. BAsna. Ulwr
viffht M AnMCa te
the VaU Sanaa,
Vioa PraiWeat^Dr. 3.1. Martin.
Seeretary-E. C Compton.
. £
M M Ik* f
Roea thto fall
The date i
.■’5 eanaet be annonneedI yet,. aa the
alab wtohaa to make
* On OneAkfw with, the drlrUff elnbe in Ue town*
aroend bare ube in attaadanee.
proper enoonrafemant to adTaaead to
Ue clnh, there wilt be foar daye of
M T<«*M* CRT. food raeea; three day* anybow.
The Teaehan* Ea
drUteaW wiU be t *M at U* Oentinl
Sehool^balldlnc Mnaday, b^inninff at
EkpabUMB Oosnty Ooi
O.C ICOITATr, B*er*«*i
A roma NMM wkj tke 0*Boer*u
•ndt^oMdtodaBOUMthe ^fubUe•»awt7fortb«»MMf««{ Ue Oln|1«r
M« to (hat tb« Dtoftoj tariff baa Mt
aflDrdad aa opportcaUj for »• praal4«M to toaae boaAs bearing BpOTeaat.:
latanat whorabj lorolfa co*va**Bt*
be eaUed apoa <• Oeata aatooaal
•9M» for tbe Daltad Statoa. It to fnffMad that OB* of the aoet predoae
IqfMtoe of Clmland'e admlntotrattoa
Mdtha btot<V7 of the oaerailon of the
'•rBaato.tariff law to that It oeet the.
Aaerfeaa people a debt arrrecatlac
toMrtj •400,000.000 la tine* of pro-,
•MBdeet peaoe to roo theeflalre of the!
Mttopal coreraweat; while Ue ReftoUlcaa party haa beea able to make
. -•ihowiac^f aaaiallaorplBa, and, at
; •haoaae time, earry on one of Ue
Matfficaatle ^an erer laaararated
kparhtotory, wiU a boad imn* of
iwo.00c.000. which, at preaeat. may!
; «U be eoaaldered ee earplnt In the
WH117 of Ue Onlud buua.
■^Ma. Byxxr of Tezae eeenu to be
hnatoff A bard a time in laedldy Ue
a—erwte of hto own etete aa he doe*
ip landing Ue DemeeraUe minority in
dhn hena* of repreeeataUTea.
, .
Au: Ue campaign liara are not U
Ihli eeantzy. tafland appear* to bare
had a few of Uam at Hoaf Kene and
Bdl*te>»* Obaaea Teaterdny to TarThe wmnd
Ormnd Trarai** u
Coanty Prohibir dtan eneentioB waa
Anar* haU ycetorday
Chairman Ball preaUed and
I eleetod:
. Tbcnearee City; E V. Darto, Loaf Laka
To Senatorial ooavantlea -T' E Car
penter. WUliamabarr; J. B. Barney,
^aeeree City.
Ta Bepreaentatife eonrentioa—M.
M. Baird. WtUlamabarf; P. T. Sim.
•and*. Lone Imke.
Te Oenffreaeleaal eonreaUon-OeeSr. BaH.^rar*e City: a E Bartlett.
WOBamebarrAfter the election ef delegate* ■
ndirreeee were «iraa by Bee. W. BeaU
and Leri T. Paaniaffton. The date of
the aonrentioa for Ue nomiaaUoa of
a eeanty offloen wiU be annoeneed
WiU Ud peraoa barlnc No. 18, in the
Iraafe Ubrary k
Mr*. 3. a Monran or Mr*. Mary Irtoh
ae it to mated at Ue State
The RaoonD to indebted te Dr. C i.
toeeland tor a beakct of naoanally
larf* and fine penUca wbiek
rained at Oewrie Bill fnUt farm. Ue
deeta^ fine fralt farm Jaet want ef Ue
Jadf* E L. Corbett and family hae*
Itemed from Uelr ootteff* at Bdffewood and for Ue remainder of UeeamIt baa beea ieaaed to Prof. John
Dewey of Ue Dniteralty of Chieaffo.
Mra. ’and lira. Cbnreh. whe reeide
flee telle* from Walloa, orlabrated
their celdanwaddlnranniwtery Fri
day erealnc.
Abont twenty friende
wlU a nnmber of
eUer friend* in Ue aelrhborbood.
While ridlnx Uelr bicycle* ea Ue
Beat Side yeeterday B. B. Bibbard aad
Beary Defer eoUided. They *a*taiad
ao inj arte* Uenffh Bibbard'* wheel
need* rapeira.
The Ladice' Library AaMictotion to
harlnf a new plank aidawalk inM in
front ef Ueir property on Front etreeb
Aae Hale to dolaff Ue work.
Wednesday ereniar Ue Companlone
ef FOeceter* will ^re a ten-cant sap
per at Ueir hall in Ue Broach block.
Bobert York, formerly eondaeter on
Ue G. B A 1. between UU city nad
Waltea. wa* in Ue city yesterday. He
haa eharye of a work train loadad wiU
tie* which are beinff diatrlbetod alonr
Ue line.
The enamlaation for city eertificatee
will be held at Ue Central eehot.1 bnUdlnr. Monday momie« eommenelnr at
Alim •ben of Ue Forest Workers
Mlsaleri Baed will meet wlU Mia. Lacy
McCormick Jewltt at Forest Lodf* this
afternoon at fonr o'cloek. A lady friend
Ttoitlnf Mra Jewltt wiU take part in
Ue meetiBit.
The Boya Band wUl ran an ezearSion to Cbarleeoix today on Ue Bteemer
The beat wiU leare Ue
dock at* a. m., and lease CbarlevoU
st 6:te. allewinc fonr and ane-haif
boon at U* resort.
There wlU be a maetlnr of Ua Unlferm Bank. E of P.. Tneaday ereoinf,
to ananye for Ue trip to the encamp
ment at Indianapolis on Ue Sind.
A. A. McCoy A Son has* pnrehi
Ue crop* ol Dnehese apple* in the
shards of Hoe. Petty Bennab aad Dssid Yocker. There are ahoot 1,000
bnUeU. and packiaf for shipment will
There will be anoUeT aeleet daneiny
party at Oman* Wednesday ereniny
and the Oreeoeat band wUl yir* aiytthteorsioB to the resort for Ue bee*
. Hie yonny society people of Ue
city will go in fortic.
A party oonstoUny of Lewi* SUnckt
Frank' RmtochTl and Jim Martlnek
will sphad tbi* weU flahiny and enmpinf at Oarp Lake.
J. 0. ELUS
etoUsw of «raad Bapide aad thaeeatar
■amber of U* ehee firm ed BiU^
blmbaah A Co..to la the oKj dotnii
baslneM and stoitiaff trtenda. Ba sra*
entertained yesterday by’^Fiank Friadrich.
Mtm Lontoe Anaorfe of Grand
Baplda to stoittoff Ue famny of Frank
Mto* Bmma Friedrich of Uiaad
BapM* to her* stoltise her eoaeiaa, the
My work is first daw sad prices that are is reach of all. lam
Friedrieh bey* aad aad wlU stoit Ue
prepared at all timea to take care of the trade. I make a apecialty is
reeorta aronnd Uto reffion before reBuzing, Volcaniaing aad Eoameliog. A fine line of wheels tor aalw
Ml** Bmma Friedrich and Mlm
and to rent.
J. O. XLI«I8, 811 Front street, eaaL
Marian SaeahaU reteraed ymtorday
from a etoit te Fife l^ke.
The Friedrich hoy* will enjoy stoit*
from Wenoel Ansorrs, Bdward An■ory*. of Ue VelUy C>ty Iroo Work*.
Joseph Friedrich and Mite Lontoe
Friedrieh, all of Oraed BapMawho wUI
arrise on Ua ezenceioo today.
Daethossa Violta Beoitel.
Bes. J. C Carman retamed yeeterday
ry TioUn rd-J® FRYMAN. SHOES. IM Front street.
The fir
from KorUport aod will eccapy
tmi te
w be
w (ITU
vj rrvu
yisea by
ProL C. EBoiat,wlU
EBof*t.wlU Ji ^
pelpit in U* Baptist ehnreh today.
take piece next Batarday eftemoon nt 1)0 YOII WSDt 1 BO&t? 'hel’d a yood one cheap, also repair at abort
Joseph Steimelof Satteaa Bey wae
Watch This Column For Bargains 1
; Ask Us For Prices,
Ue city y>-Bterday oa bualnee*.
Mto* E»iU Oibbe aad Ue Mtoaee
Bard hetr <alnmed from Bay View.
Bishop OiUeapto cam* up from Grand
Bap<<i« lAt essalnir.
Dr. a. \y. Fralick aid wife of Maple
City were cere yMterday and dined at
Ue Hotel .YhlUay.
Mlm Osvle Griswold left yeeterday Aadaote...............................................Op. MBent Pis* Cent Ciynr Had* TBB GILBBBT CTOAB 00.
fee her h -m* at Vermoelsilla She Mle* Mabel Wbl'«...............aceompaatot.
will beab-enteweekaad attend Ue
D'aU ef a Fton.er.
sreddiay <>' her eoaria, which will take
Mre. Mary Boren- one of the old
place Tuee-ley.
pioneer* of Acme tewoehip. died at bsr
Meson MoteT’
home Friday nirht. Tbe funeral will Data YOIl Tflfid TIM Klmhlll? ‘ni« ptMte «hieh baa been esddraed by
Mr. aa''Mr*. J. P. Leird aad two teke plw* today and U. beame owned UWIV svw asivH SUV luuiwmui leadfny artiste of the world, ^8t^J
_ _
and ^t
ite quail
quality of totie. W. W. ElMBALL 00., ». E 8TE0K0. M
eklld<-en of EanteeCiiy base arrired by J. W. Slater, etationed
Blk Bap- tjj proot street.
aad will e ijoy U* fishiny. and cool ids, wUI briny Ue remains to Uto city
ither c( NorUera Mlebiyan. They forintennaat la Oskwood cemetery.
are Stopp>i.y at Ue Hotel Whltiny.
I. 19r
A party <-.ia*totlef ol W 8. Eenaady.
HIRAM OOOE Star Gmeery. MS Front Street.
Cbaa B AbernaUyandO. E Greene
of CorinffV-e, Ey.. sod Whiteman E
Smah of Clneinnatl, Ohio, retarded
yesterday moralny to Uelr homea, aftI had onlv had my
policy a few
and Peril s
enjoytoy a moaU of eampiny at
U* mtofortone
cm tn* •
Carp Lake aad Omena
Mrv W. E WiUtoaseo ha* retemed
to her home at Chieayo after spendlny
•one time smonf Ue retort* alony the
Tbl* is e protectlos that all men, e*hey.
Ur. and Mia. Worths of K«lamiziM peeially labortoy mre, sbonld carry.
Take ao eompany but Ue Saainsw.
hare aTTir«d aad will be yeeaU at
Park Flare for *ome tlm*.
X West Front 8t.
W. J. Umer aad Mil* MUler ttopped,
lent and sicknee
oser niybl at Park Place oa Ueir way •i.eopermoaU
Leoebee U Ue world for 15c. Open all aiyht.
Borth from Grand Rapid*.
Mr*. L-o Solomon to eetertelnioy
Hr*. P. O.-hsof Liyionler, led.
Kann and wife arrised last eseniay from Manistee for a stoit wiU,
friend* in this city.
The Uiw«* BotenUal of Grand Bapids, who base bten slsitiny Ueir Bis
ter. Or. ReeenUaJ-Thompeoa of UU
cits, base yone to Northport for a few
74 pBln -Pingree” $3 <X>. $3,50 and $4 00 LadlM* Shoes
The Mtow* Alliton. who has* been
at $1.88.
le yneau of Mr*. Jamea Uoryao
69 pairs •‘PlD^ree" $4.00. $6.00 and $6.00 Ken's Shoes
at Park Place, base retnmed to their
home in Chicayo.
... .Jie sell all kdids of watches
i6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-6 cents
Guard Chains
Bod Boot, Cbolce CoDfeetioDt
steM**^»e»oi*Bt soriet^^th^rt .FurniturB Bflr^ins
The Palace Bakery
Columbian Restaurant
Summer Shoe Snaps!
O V. Wright Injured.
C. V. Wriybt of Ue Star tteam lanndry. waa quite badly injured at the
laundry yesterday eftemoeo. While
la the act of pnttiny np a bot water
tank Ue plstform upon which be wa»
■tending yare way aad the tank stenck
him oa Ue sbonlder aad hip. Portn-1
nttely Mr. Wriyht fell beside a stool
which stopped Ue progrms of Ue ten<
Ur. Wriyht would eertalaiy her* been
emsbed bad the stool aot beea Uere,
ae the tank welyb* orer 500 poenda
A* it w^ he escaped with a rery badly
bruised sbonlder and hip. Ur. Gamer
attended Ue injaiy.
60 pair* -Pingree” $3.00 Ladies Juliets at.............$1.96
U$_pkirs ^Pingree” $8.00 and $8.60 Ladiea' Ozfdrde
at $1.48.
90 pain Ladies $160 and $1.76 Oxfords at............ $1.00
feb 72 pain Kisses'$1.00 and $1.86 Oxfords at..............75o
P Children’s and Kisses’Calf Shoes at............................80o
lad muj other hrotei Ikes redoeod in pice.
IF3?a.]j--k: IHb?iedj?icli.
Oxa. Plel±Gbl3Xe Slxoesa,€b3X.
fine Art Bmbroidery Work.
Mto* Doyle, who is too well known to
Ue Isdira of Trarerse to need ao intrrvincUon. is in Ue city aad will open,
floe display of all the new and pretty
• nr* In t
broidery I
r«. W. 6.
I mUlineri
lors. She will yire free leswios^in^ll
k>ud* of art needle work and lace makiny The dl«o'ay opens this mominy
and ihnae deairiny te become pnpila or
to obtain any of the floe mairriais she
al» *rs imrries will do wrll to see her.
To Him That Hath g
Matt Morrill of Lee Anyele*. Oalifornla. who has been Ttoitiny H. E BsakaU and oUer friends, left yesterday
a boBSe to paint
for UeTboaaand Islands aad Maatreal.
Dr. rooter Tratt to Dead.
Mra Wilfred
Bay City is Ue
Dr. Poeter Pro
geest of Ur*. Minnie Lawrence.
Ue borne In Eatamasoo. on Thoiaday.
Mr. and Mn. Frank Meads are enter■J.
affed 75 yean. Dr. Piatt bad been
teininy Frol 0. B. ElU of Oliret oolOm. R. Winnie,
P ' taaident of Eatamasoo for orer half a
nantery and wa* prominent U hto pro- "him Brian Bregy and Mra Jam« Up-to-date painter and -paper banger.
>dwelnii at home aad abroad.
FOr a Dixon, who bare been rieltlny Uelr
Araat many yean be wa* oonneeted
moUer at Wexford, retoraed yeater!
dmatee, wiU the Mlehiraa aaylnm at
Miia A. J. Doyle retnmed yesterdey
y«i—end wa* widely known in
n^ylnm woric. Hto death will be a ris- from n mMU's rtoit with
Ons Hlgbt Only.
daroreffretto hto many friend* in Lndinyton end Mantotee.
Mtoe Lain Joboam* of CadUlae. who
I,-. T»b>orae City and Uron^hont Ue
ha* been riritlny friend* in Ue city,
I. dtete.
west to NorUport yesterday
Bny a Beboianbip.
Mra Mike Litsey of West Front
Tb* TiaTeea* Oty I
etreet to entertotniny Mra
•nd■ Normal
“ _ - • ■InaUtute
ite cfler*
tcfler * 75 week* ben end ehlldnn of Lelaad.
nebotarUipforoneUIrdoff Ue rcfre.
Mto* Bellard, who hn* been Mm. E
In the mnaicnl comedy,
Inriatee.. If yoo deeiae one of Ueee
C Compwn'sgne*
lest for *oote time. r«pUolnrehipa attend to It at odof. i_
teBir wlU be for a abort time only
ytoherbostent ManC. B DocannaT. Pre
Mto* Moea Shtrida to rtoiMag frlonde
at tlsttom* Bay. 8be left here pseter-
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
TboDsands Say So.
Shall Be Given
City Opera House
Thursday. Aug. 18
a ponn
Mm. Lee of Bey City to Ttoltlag Mi*.
;0. W. Lawmnoo.
•TtirimB* andt all
O. C Baaaom ef KorUport to fai tb*
I at Wait** Drag d-y.
MAH SiiiUliA lide, Pretty (Hrte ud
tki B«t Dnein M Birtk.
Frtoea. 89. U nad SOe. Seats oa mio
LmterRladge,OB*eftbe premlMat M Ue News Stand. P. a Baildiag.
^ Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
of Shoes, you wlU find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
^ of Hen's Bhoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season'of ^
^ the year, and wo have them in all shades for Walking, Bii^- ^
^ cle Biding or Wdrking. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
and the
■ ^
on JUS or an ooums.
I 'OMTlMTAMteaeZMftlB Cab* «o
[ «n« TronW* to Vattod OtotM la
romiac mrrn Oomaiaat.
t U.—&B aUaebr
U ih»- atoto dapartMot U aatborit;
. Cor tba atotoBMt tlwt a dkpateh ha»
boaa rae^vad ¥7 Saeralarj Dty bum
aaa of tha Mat proouaent aonasU
atooad detafllar Spa<t** intaatioa rofardiof taa araeoattoa of Caba aao
Porto Rleo.
Aaaaidiag to tha dltpateb la qaMUoo
It h tha parpaaa of ^paln to InJalfo in
' oaa of tha froataat Mroooioir aett In
tha hiaui7 of the world. 8ba will, if
the cqtportanlty mvaanta Kaelf, abandoa moat of bar^iara la Cvba aod
Porto B'oo bp prr«Ading that thaj de
alratobaeomacitlaeoa of tba Uanda.
Tba objeet of ihi more la to leare
la Coba and Porto Btoo, partiealarlr to
Oafaa, a largo aombar cf Sgaatarda,
who will fomeat trooble for the Cnitod
fitatra. It ia nt'matod that thara oow
loCobaahontlTS.OOu meo. They are
aeattarrd orer tba ivlaad. and it wonld
be didlcatt to got them togetbar onlaaa
th^ came In and gave tbemwlrea op.
(Ipala will Uke paint to tnfera them
that U they rctnra bone there U a
ebance that they will atarve, baeaoae
of tha Impooartabad «'iadition of the
oonatry, while if they remaia ia Caba
it will be iaeombeni apoa ibe Ualtad
fitatos to protect thrm ard gire the
tome eitiaraabiii n-iv legM
the Batie-Ca<iaaaaB« Inaargaata
It aad protect their
«1tU aad reUgloaa righu, aad wbca it
comae tlaae to Tote apon the form of
govaraatent to be permaaeatly adopted
-they toa onteeu toe Cobaae.
Te timber toU project the regimeate
wlU be diabaaded wbereeer to ey bapa to be. aad wUl be eompcUed to
■akc their way « poru where they
will Sad-oo traa jrta ready to carry
Whca toe Oalted gtatea
^alla Spain to aoeoaal for her laxity in
.obaarriagtoeBoadtUaHof the proto. oelabe will plead porerty aad apon wartoaa'pretaxta ton troopa of her klagdom will be dUaepoiaUd aad diatreaaad
eatil tony ooaelode to fonwaar a eoea%rj that deaertad them after they bad
teadcrad toe btot aerrlcea they ooald.
Spain la daairoM of taking from
Oaba aad Porto Rieo all toe artillery,
bat aha doqa act want the infantry.
The artIUery, better treated at al>
tltoto awl mora loyal, could ba naod to
radoaa any iaaoTTaetion that might
break oat.
4 Xattwa of Inieraat From All ■
Pam of Xiehigan.
WhUe kelptng to throah on toe farm
fl( Jonaa Brert, near Moore Park Fri
day, WilBam Detweller fell from a
•trawatoek. strikiagon bia ktod and
ahealdm Hawaa picked npla an nntoPartnto coaditloa, and a pkyatelaa
reported bimaUll anoondona •Jainrday.
Hiaapioawaalejoradaad aareral riba
broken. Ihere are smaU ckasoM few
Btooaa yonag ladlaa who Itora
Criaada in Company L, Thirty-Srat
Mlshlgaa, but will not maka tbeir
r**"** known, gave a lawa party, and
the prooeedi from that antartoin-!
meat aownated to too. which «aa aaat
toCblekamaaga to bny hotplul deli-i
eaciea and waa thanxhtUy acknowladgad.
The pocket-book conUlaiDg ootaa
aad Talnable papera atolea at the time,
of toe bank robbery at Richland a
waak ago, waa found aboat so rodi eaat
of toe depot in the grata and weeda on
toe railroad aiding hy four boyt. The
bank offeredjplOO reward for the return
of the tame. The lucky boya were For
eat Breaee. Oreu Cummlaga, Clyde and
B-yd Moreau. The bank la again open
aad doiug boaioeae. Thera ia no clue
to the robbert.
Thnredaj the atate tnaaurer at ImnalBganaonaeed that applicatioaa wonld
be rcoeired until further notloe for the
pnrehaae of tiuO.OOO worth of Mlcklgaa
crat war boadt. In jnat onadny
the eatire laaue haa boat eonaldarably
orartubaeribed by Mleklgan eltlMna
aaf iaaUtulluna.
JedgePadgbam of Grand Haren haa
HBteueed Edward Dsriea for flee yean
for ahooclag a Chicago A Waat Miebigaa brakeman at Uollaad. Leon De
Toang, a Salratioa army private, waa
aant up for two yoart for amaliag tram
hte »a«UBBat at Holland.
iokK Oman had a terribU euconntar
with a huge mnaeaionge laat Sunday
that eaM near eoatlng blm hit life.
Be waa going down the lake with bia
■nmw taring boat aad bad a troUing
Hae out whan aaddealy bit boat waa
bcoagbt to aotaadatUl aad then toe
tovabla oommaaead. John aneoeeded
to pnlUag toa moaater up to within a
law faat of toe boat whan the fiah
at him with open jawa, aad with
a huge landed plump ia the boat, aad
•bmiabattiaro^bngBB. Johnta aa
old ^dlar and aaear yet ahowad bia
baek to tta enemy, aad ba didn't pro-
and aU pared with oohUa
atoMaad with tag otoMU lor wnUn.
balda barred, aad lor Iba hast few ThabnlldingunwnUpInatond oa «ho;
mlanlai a aa*al haoto raged that fjr oatridaudharaaorlaat is tha wtoSaroaaeaa and ntobboraaaaa ia anpar- dowu; they hare
fhantaiM of Biititokndaforth*
bUad. For a tlM U aaamad that *to- ahatlara. Thara were two otoar oB- Siemcstfaeanaad Hay «1 of tfak yM
ta^ woald anraly raat with tha Uada- aanberidaamyulfaadiicoatu WM ecxjtlnofl to exhibit Magnatiao to tha
maa. but U an nagaardad momaat tba for oar dlnaar, aad nothiag extra at, axportaand prognMlre InyrMitotba
oaa mautar eau^t klaadeenafy with that. 1 bad a little malaria aad waa I Unpexta. Aa oonpand wito tba
the exoeuof
a balf-Nalaon. ana threw him eloar oat alok for about a weak, bat faal drati periodi in IbM and
of toe boat, after whieb ba rilmbad, rat* again. Moat of tor boya bare had Importafor lh9»iafiX4.Tfi9.«IS, agaisat
•ear the -‘gannair and want to make it. but are all doing
nlealy. We expect f8O2.m.7B0 and fSlii,477.660 f<» tba
lie rapart. laariag poor Joke to awlm to be abippod back to toe atataa to a other yean in toe order giran. Fra tba
month of May aluue for tbU year tba
atbora aa beat ba oonld. It waa riaae frwdayanow. JuataaaooBU wa can
exoam of importa over exporta waa
call, for toe aaimal
gat traoaporia. 1 would like to write ll06.711.7B6.aa compared with $69.at leaat twice ae long aad three yon a good lou Utter, bat I bare to Mf.640aiad •66,400.461^ fra IBOBuad
Umca aa wide ae toa boat —Central write' tola on my kaee aad toa fliaa and IB07.
gaau are ao thick Uiat I can't stand
The wont psrt of tlie abowtog ia tba
J. B. Browa aad J. J. Vondmaa, them. When I get into toe utatee I llfcleat condition of tbe export trade,
wUi write you a good loog letter tell-1
«>°atota Uva atoek aanitary
*■“*• "* •W«»bat
bare Juattaated a herd af aatUa tog TOO aU aboat it
.1) «w
, difficult to dUoover. and arc toe anbjrct
OlTe myragarde to all my W«da ^
for tabarcuoloria at Manbarrillla. Soma
porbeef arid In a BaUia Crack meat market
rvw.. «o^»iry
of oustomera arising oot of tba
had been found affected with tha tu-! taeet
Your loriog brvtoer,
i enurmona expel
• to war prrparabarculoaia bacilli, and toe local health
I cions, bad barraos and t
ofltoar noilfted tha alata board of
cial npbtaraU. Tbe trade with China
Twenty aalmala ware gtrea
and tost with India bare also enffered
the tuberculin tout under tba aoparelAll
A llrht cl«E :
aioB of toa atau ratorlnnrlna. Dr. O.
W. Mnaphy. Three
eaaard aad a poat-mortem rerealad
Boainem-------with----------Obina—U ■-----------------..
tbe terrible diaeaae. There waa great with new aad DO^r apreiaitiee toier-1:-----------excitamrat in tba neighborhood dor-1 P®’“*d. Little Trixie hu been dr- bad, the export ol tea from Chat ooobtog toe teat, i large crowd of farms be- aeribad aa a combiaation of profound try to ^iglaud tmiding almoet to dimpdramatic Interest end Infectiout fun pear. At tbe mine time tbecotum Crude
tog prMant.
and there ia no doubt but what the with China ia steadily declining. Aa
dainty little aetreea. May Smith Rob tlie exchange of tea and cottoD oooatlbint, and the capable eofepany will be toted tbe great bulk qf (he trade be
tween England and China the Iom on
greeted wito aa excellent audieece. them two articlea means more than
Thoae who kaee aeen tbe performanoe commercial tronbUa, in view of the po>
before will be aurpriaed by the remark litl«pl arrangements depending m tba
able impreremest that has beea made matotenanoe of Britlab trade at a bigber
and toe many new featurca added. At -fovel than that of any other oonntiy.
Tbe woolen trade wito this country
Followfag ia tbe last latter written City Opera Honee. Tbnraday, August 16.
pom to deaeaow.MhocvBrrM to*
Most Effective
Is through the medium which ^
reaches the greatest number f
of people.
4 ,s
by George Culmaa, who died at SauUguoda promisee t
Tbe old reutlemsn who replied to
ago, Aeguat »lb. to bia paranta
entirely. Tbe Anetralian market buys
toe query of hie eon of "Who waa Shy- lean, and ooue of tbe colonlea affords
Santiago, Joly 14. I6BB.
DEAb Folks —I raealred your letter lock r by answering "Or
any Impcttant bclp to tbe British manaad was glad to hear from you. We boy. you attend ebnreb and Sanday ttfacrarer or exporter. Even tbe ooal «
togoff, there hay
are ahy of paper aa. you<«wlU see. and aehooi every week and don't know who port of England U faUlii
when you answer please tend paper Sbyloch was? Go and read your Bible, ing been a decline of • 1,100.00(1 to tba
^ value of that rant out to May. This
and envclopea. aa 1 eanaot get aay etr,'" displayed as much Ignorui
probably was owing to a large measure
to tbe strike now on in South Wales,
We are all faeltog flne. Yoa talk when they aay it U a faree comedy. to eome linn of iron and eteel work
about tuId: wa got fiooded oat night "Ole Olaou” ia a pronouneed eomedy tbvre ie a slight reoovety. but, on tbs
befera last. I aaear mw it raio ao drama aad stands a* the higbeat type whole, tbs outlook ormtinoes gloomy.
hard before to my Ufa. Wa are right of dlaleet eharaetorisaUos. possesalng What ia moat feared ia that if t^ ooBon top o: a big hlU aad we got toe full aa individuality that is solely iti own. diri<m of Britiih trade oaoturaes tbe
preaenUug a e)e4D->*ot oomwty with coming autumn will witseea faeayy
beneflt of it.
withdrawals eff gold to pay for tbe e»
We are tuppartlng fonr battariea and a strato of pathos vibrating through
oeas of imports or large miea of raooiihave a hard tiaae of it aa we do aath- toe oomposition to eentruat tbs poig- tlee, esperialiy of Amerioana.—New
tog but guard. 1< came off duty at naat aaeaulti of wit with whici; tbs Yrak bun.
eight and waa eating breaktaat when 1 eemedy abounda tu purity of pur
got your letter. I got one from Dan pose acd quality of merit ean
and one from Ai Jabraua, ao you write tested to by ito yean of proaperity
aad tell Dao bow I am and why I doa't ‘ms year it U better than ever before.
George S. Givem artd R6. late of tbe
tawer. Tell Jakraos toat I will ans- Tbe eaat is an uauanally strong aod
attractive one. embracing alt tbe e d | ^ited St^ sray. le the oldest living |
er aa soon aa I get paper.
I don't think we will get to a flgbt. fsvorltev and nearly sll tbe origins a. eradoste of West Point.
It wee
w«. Comnifidore
Coimi.rriore John
Jok C. Wataoo,
probably will be bald aa reaerrea. that ineiudiDg Miw St. Grarge Bu sev sa
then a iieuu-nam. who Istoed Famgnt
la, we will fight if the boy* that are "Mra. O FUunigaa." ao excepiioDally
At <t-ioberfa to
' tbe Timg in Mobile bay.
fiarhting caacot bold them off. thea I Ulsnted company
A private to an todiana company of
totok we will bare ui do it a* they aie Grand Opera Houf« on TLo.k lay e
Tolunteora i* a Chinaniao who baa tak
lag, Augnat I6ih.
nearly done np.
en the name of John Dewey.
We do not beur any newu from the
Aasocitt; Joeiin- White ia said to ba
United Sutea.
a for Alarm.
niembra of the United Statm
Tbe only danger that we were in
supreme conrt vbo now rides a wb«eL
waa when we marched fram the coast the city.came to town yesterday tio'y to | Graive A Fcu-l«Ciof Kansas City baa
to tbe biUlefield. We msrebed twenty learn with horror that hr was suffenuc I given $21,000 ton-build tbe agrit-ultnrmilet that nighu There were a few untold tortures Ihrough an eoeouoter ! *l toop* of the University of Kunaaa
boyaahoton tha road but they were with a mad boar, which had gored him
desttoyed by fire.
not hurt very bad. but there ia no in a frightful maener. He was temp-,
A Chicago pnppr notes tbe fact that
danger now aa all of tbe Spanish sbarp- ad to oollapse when be heard that hi* while a man named Heaven baa jnst tetigntd from the bt. Ls>uia police force
abooiere were killed.
family pliys-cian bad given up all hope*
A* we marchfd to the front tbe bnl- of bia recovery. Nobody blamed Mr another man named Helle ia atiU serv
lets flew CO thick that we were ordered Helmfortb for being sboeked at hi* ing.
Captain K. Mayo Dyer of tbe Balti
to lay low and we sUyed toeic about awful predlcamrct. hot be was remore haa presentod to tbe city of Balti
aa boar. Tbe sheila and small bulleu assured aod given resson to believe
more ime of tbe 6 Ipcfa guns which did
coming ao thick that they took oa iherp waa no Immediate eanse fo- toch deadly work at tbe battle of Ma
away from there, aad that night about alarm, becanae the horror was aimp'y a nila.
10 o’clock we were called out, and yon creation of tbe imaginaiioe of Uir
Philip Sheridan, a member of tits
ought to have seen ns go np thut hill..
editor of the Daily Eagle, Montreol bar and a nei^iew of GoMtal
Tbe Spaniards tried te come over th* aided by nnreUable ioformation.
Bbendan. ia oi bia way to tbe Klonhill; they only lost soo mea, and we
dike as crown proscentor and agent for
aevcnil i-oni]eniea
only bad two wounded.
-Bag* lev* Metast.
AngurtB Brochet. the philologist,
•ins here about erery day and
Blind aod almoet helpless as a baby who died reo-ntly at Cknnea. was onoe
when it deran’t rala it is awfa'Iy hot.
I totok we will leuTB here tola after tits mother of General Pitx-Hngh Lea I emplc.yid by ibc Etnpriw Eugenie »
lives with ber son Daniel near Froder-1 meb her bow to prunonnee French
noon. We atey to ons p^aoe about two
Ickabnrg. Va. Though nearly 60 yean ( wuh a Parisian acnenU
daya and then we have to more. I sec old. she ia bright and cha-rful. 8nr- ,
a„„ h—
all kinds of oarrau flying wild bare I rounded by descendant* who fairly idol-k.
when I eome home I am going
uud get one. I think we will be home
before Cbriatmua I think we will be
in the cl9 to a eoopie of days: we are
land." At Arlington she first met Lieu-! E*-i^n<“ra W, A. Peffer. who has
within two miles ol it now.
tenant Sydnev SJmitb Lee. U. K N.. a
uomimited for govcjuor of Kansas
living floe; we kavs beans, brother of Robert K The meeting re- ' ‘"y
Ptobibitomists, will spend two
potatoes tomsto'a, pork, canned beef, anited in raoruhip aod marriage. Gen-1
®«king a canvas, on that one
e«fft-e, sugar and bardtaek. We have eral Joeupb B. Jobnstoo being ontiof tbe laaue witli no question nf politics.
Colonel ^ Earl Eolvinn of Bowling
notbiog but mountaina arapnd us.
a couirtn '-f the naval hero,
Tbe fight the boys bad was one of
tbs grsateat battles that was ever {ovely. piquant face, with roay obeeka, was made a oolcmel for bia oonrpicncm*
fought. They went up ^11 as high as brotRi ^es and clattering brown corU. coolness and oourage at tbe htttle of
When her Bon Pitc-Ilogh became gov- Pittsburg Landing when be waa 'Bot
the yoha hill and drovd*^ Spaniards
tniorol Virginia, she n^e become qn^p years old
with him in BiehmonA febe was'leem
the eminent violinist, is a
Mother, you need not worry: I am ly interested in the political isanes of Bnnlard. He decUm that bU extiaraall right, aod alwsy* will be. 1 have the day. bat nnfortnnataiy a severe oold dtnaiy command over tbe violin is doe
not been alek aisee we started. I sup ■ettlpd in hereyea After intesiae suffer to the fuct that be bss prsetioed, on an
pose papa is worldag hard. Are yon ing. borne with her usual fortinde, the average, six boors a day evo- sinoe be
^ng to have lots of psaebsa? You anbiutcted to a painful opera t1 on, was J2 years of age.
It i* said that tbe Uat direct deanadwant to have lots of them canned, for which, however, failed to give relied,
and she became tually blind—Biob- ant of Amerigo Vespnoci.- who ia living
when 1 get home I will eat loU of aicmdliniea
to FInreuce, Italy, Is tbe Countem
them, and with beet and eome nioe hot
America TaJwi. Her bnabsud. Viaoonnt
bona they fUI r> Ao®
Talon, was a Frencbnian, who fought
The Best Bemedy for Flux.
to tbe Crimea and was mratally wound
Tbls is aU toe this time. Love to all.
Hr. John Mathias, a well known ed atSoUerina
atoek dealer of Pulaski, Ry., taya:
Yoon Lovuo Sox.
Bergeant Matthews of the fiiglitii
"After anffering for over a week with
Service Volontere rifles made a
‘The following Is a letfor foom e»p- flux, aad my physician having failed to world's record of 106. all bnllaayeA
relieve me 1 was advised to try
Uto J. V. MclBtash of Company T (RiamKerllD's Colic, Cholera mud DUr- ebooUng from tbe knee, under tbe
34th Miehigaa to hU brother John:
rfaoea Bemedy. and have tbe
queen's first stage oemditioas of seven
Bauttago de Cuba, July >1.
shots each at 300. 600 aad 600 yards, to
For sale by S. B Walt.
• leoeut regimottal oompetition.
Dnax BnoTHKk Joxx:—I would have
written you before, but that 1 did not
have Anything to write on. I have not
i Half Prioa, alra
■beat XMio
iteet popular mnsie.
seen my baggage stoee 1 arrived her*,
A Cbriatiun abould be a stoiking liks. US Front street.
end don’t know when I wlU. ney
neuB of Juana (Tbrist. Yon have read
are very striei about letting unyeae
Ure* ct Uhrlst, beaotifully snd eioInto the citj mt Santiage bet I aeemd
a pern Friday aad went to and got
me writiig paper.
It k a '
peenltorrity. The utrneU are emy
The Morning Record
■ ^-5
For three monthe, ending
August 1, was
These Figures Speek Volumes to the Progressin Miertiser
Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its
If you want to buy anything or want to
sell anything
Try the Record Want Departmenl
xaj( jcosiruro asoobd. stnroAY, aimjubt u ism
tan Bkta m~c^'
'THE'hlVEir&N W*R8Hfp8.-
Ttarame Oitg MarffeL
Below ie^ Uat uC the buyiag aad aeUIng urleee of yeeterday lot grooeriaa,
Bannacfartdd Botharfifid. a tadet
of tbe Paria bnndi o< tbe taamn fiaandal family, baa yarned bfa final «nmt.
utian aa deetor.
W. 3. AdmU of JadseoBee oBbred la
betaerk Bowall aU^ia pablitatitas
Bgainat tbeAUanU CanatitvtUD that
McKinley wonid be dectad.
Alfred Dole, a nephew of a-Pnd.
dent Dole of Bawaii, is a member of
Company E of tbe national gnard and
was a member of tbe firat expedidon ta'
tf Paol Joota te' tboMly faUn vaadormitory; tt» aAool room. Ita play.
rooB: aod tB arUS. laciuding a matron..’ Aanarotmd the wanhipa.ciC QBraBW
Morslag prayer and litaay at S a. m
a bouaekeepar and taacbera.
o^fj, ^ mui M ..g»ay aurpriaiBg aoAt l»ffiO will ba held the ewfinaaThe managen of the acbool Include WfiK>i«a to tbe fighting and wceUag
tbe namea 'of hrill-lniown Ulla-aukee foroea as ctgaolted to bit day. One
Uoa aervloe, Biabop OUlaaj^ eSeU■OW PSHATB
HfLAKD DIED. women, lupplemented by otheia ib the novel audneoeataryaddltitatotbe crew
tlog. aaaUted by ibe nebor. Tha bely
ettlea ot the atate who aid in placing
eoBBBBiM will fallofr. and It U great
tbe glrla. The prealdent la Ura. O. C. cd a warship of tbe preaeot time la tbe
ly desired that all oommuDicahU will
Sa-allow; tbe agent aho placea tbe nbmsnoe diver. Tbe Importaaoe cd
glrli and rlaiu them In tbetr homea. ttata tadividiial to tbe welfare of a wartake advaeUge of thU oppononlty.
ia-Hn. J. b. Kalac. who haa recently ahlp haa been amply shown daring tbe
TheavealnrMrTlM will be omitted.
rareived a temporary appointment aa r«*ni operations againat the 6|»niab
AU are cordially larltod to these aeraaxlllafy member at thr board of com
tn>L Tbe work largely faUa on the ex. ! tarn point in tbe manecTering dnring' Charlea A. Boawerth, who baa been vitas.
7 ar War CrtUMad.
naer mxtbodibt.
ecntlve committee, who meet every the opening events of the war. and tfaia
amirtant Utaanrer of tbe United
two weeks. About ealxty glria are
aoUi-i+Lry to Oncinnati, was ■av. I. A. Brea ay. paatar.
Mvate Jobo nil^d. ot company D. “placed" each year. Ko glrft are ad bar rendend It necenaTT for onr ahipa
Sanday—Preaehiag at 10:30 a-m. a^d
7hlrty>(ourth Hicbigu infantry. *’*>■ mitted after ibey are U ytate of age, to be in the beat poasible trim for fast fwwrly ta»aatod vritt Bmator FWwork.
nflhctic In tha extreme. H* bad l«en and moat often are about II.
«t Camp Alger for more tbari a month.
Claaa sMtlag at ?:|6 every Sabbath
It la a algnlfloantapactacle—tbeaehDB- to enable ns to clean Iho fonl bottoms Bear Admiral MoKair. wbo has beta
Mid earapf^ the ravagea of tj-pboK! dreda of glrla Iwn-lhlrda of them of onr vcaaelr when they come off a long aadgned to tbe Kaval academy aa sneIhvcr. had
regarded ai a niodH •■fallen
voyage, it baa been nectamry to send oesaor to Philip H. Cooper, U tba firM
Moeaiagaabjeet: "lafita
■bldter, and^nd taken exceptionally
divers down to do tbe work as besrtbey ofBocr of his rank to bare raoeived tba
aabjtat ‘'Tba First
good care of hla health. Bnt typhoid wrecked in thetr ehildhcK>d I aMed ooold
. d<4ail aiBca Admiral Eodgan was tben
. rgver aft«ct?d »■. many aoldlera that the what roBveraatloe with these child-vic
It bar not been done well, bnt It bas in tbe early eightiea.
-c* iiji .'(.Titled that the camp tims revealed, and the answer was the
Sanday acbool at Maae of tbe a
•< \ I '
Uanaeeoe. Va.. and same old reply—‘The street aad the
; '•'i;.' . I; li- n;aich there. dance.•• ParenU who allow their chil oonld be found for tbe proper artiola | ricatlon to visit tbe maharajah of Ka- thgaarviee.
inalor Leagna at 3:30 p. m. and Bpi\
d. ..Ifuily hot day. 1 remem dren to roam the atreeia at night to Tbe anbmarina divers are able only to panhala in India and will, it is taid,
ber diaUnctly that 1 *as on the electric culUvaie chance acqualntancea and to
^ “ tiger bant This recalls worth Ltagee at 0:13 p m.
and even b
tan the greater part of the day. trying mn tbeir cbances-wt public dances
tact that abe naed to keep a yoong
Thereday—grayer meetiag at
to keep COOL Well, the wtdlera tnarehed theraby take warning.
I by tbe htavIncM and nubandinoM of tigcir as a tbaacnic pet
^ day. and by aandown they wei« at
1| shonid be added that greater i
tbolr ar,.« U-.t U 1, icpoalU, » do
, p.
^ g.
All are eordiaHy Invited.
Bnrke’a Station, vbere they pitched hers of these glrla cume from poor
camp and reated for the night.
homea—not only where money Is acarce,
Private Hlland raid to hir i hum: 'Tm but where ahirtlesaneas and even derr. a SaUbmr. psstor.
eahauatrd. ‘l feel aa though 1 bad been gmcratlon
Chareo oa tbe ooniar of Nintb and
dara ago Mr. gtearoa
nrtick on the head a-lth a heavy «-ea> amonr them, however, la a girl who come a neetwary pan of the ship's
Soeci^^a chL
ptm. I am getting dlxxy.
a gf>od home, who is more than or- trainedManywawhlpeearryoneormoiu
divers He must be posattaud ctf
# lu aa w» nratm
Sunday aervieea at fcllowa;
dlnaHIy intelligent.
' an excepOonally atroog eouatltntloh. i ,
, „
as all. The poor fellow was 1 Of the future of the nehool glrla
Preaching at 10:30 a a.
Frank K
. but bnd kept uti..well under' Is difficult to apeak. Uany'get good and. abovTidl. without tbe allghtaat L
Snnday aekool at 11:30 a. a.
'■ S****'*^*Company L, Seveaty-firat
• moat tryirg clrcumaiancea The places on farms (always preferred) and lemleucy to any heart wtakneaa
T. r. A at «:30 p. m.
Everr foot the dlrw descends tbe
«n wounded by a
«t trouble was that the soldiers did , eventually marry. One of the girls Is I
Preaeblng at 7:80 p a.
t have water on the march. They ; a graduate of a college: another It a greater: r.f course, b-comc-^ fewday. Utcr A.
[ reed the report from Santiago saying
Midweek prayer meeting at 7:30 p
had not had pure v.aicr In their.camp, : leather In the Institution, where for- I and at tia....................................
-,..1___^1____________________________________ ______ ._________ _
and the Impure water endsed sicknei
ir.erly ahe was an inmate,
ly. too fiet—the igeasaie is as much a
but the surgeons learned nothing by naturally, sends a Urge numbgr to the
Within sight of the capital school, and Winnebago iwems to have boweetr. only nreJy that it is nocea- ‘ Coionai Erasst Cmttas. wbo bai joM ■
axoogn vcratwisr.
.. the soldiers m.-'rrhe<: without
any to go to such daptta aa ihia. bn* boeu retired from tbe Eogtish army cn Eev.M. e. Beuseh. Pasior.
without water, without even the ahadc
even working tu aballow water tooat acoemot of age, enlisted iu an infantry
jo;oo a. ra., data mcetior.
•f treea.
men suffer vcpf sevm ly at flm and hattalino 88 years ago m a privatt nn- 1 jq.jo ^ ^ barawo. Subiact •‘Lord's
Only a private aoldler! Only a aoa of
emerge fraa tbeir diving anit with <1^^
Smith, and it
• hli mother! Only another life sent Into
racking bond and bleeding from tta
hot until be had wen bit oommlatbe unknown because of a war In the
Sunday school, y
inlereat of humanity. But. even tbe are fond
uoseand ears. In tmfri, every Hme ba «lo*»
*»« aasumod bU real
6:80 p. m.. Epwonh Leagna.
moat Indifferent must pause In pity, giveo to the study of music. Tbe play descends tbe diver cakea bia life to blf | J. M. Barrie led tail ^eveo to vitacty
when ttalnkmg of the fact that tbla sol grmtDds are amall: there can be but band, for anything gdng wrong with ' on tbe cricket field at Tonbridge Wells
7:30 p. n.. Seman. Subject, “The
dier never had an opportunity to face Utur xerelse toy tbe girls, though they tbe air supplying gear would place bia England, tba other day. Mma. I>e Ka- larvaat.'’
the enemy of the country, Tr die *r. are * ,p( at work most of the time. It
| varro. better known aa Mary Aoderudb,
All are welcome to tbeae aervieea.
the beat of battle, sc'.c- cl- r> to the •-t:. lured to me gymnastic exercises, sei in a very bopahsM position.
Tbe diving apparatne in use In oar {vaa on tbe ground all day and sntarCPOW-tl of herol'-l, T<’ (!> of disease, to musk, would b* a very effective dlrtuKsna cHCBCft.
tr •
tl-)Ut a f. e In sight, version. A system of exercises la per nary is a ooatly affair. Tbe method of; Milked tbe artiata aad men -*__??**
ltoe« wad Mary Howe. Paneiw.
f-.tri-'lisp- - :d superior fected which furnish moat effective ita wmkiog te cimple. A long -coil eff wbo tatted under Mr. Bairle'a oaptalnOorner Oak and F’fth atreeta.
..lue ;V.' te Htland paaaed beneat to every part of (he body, aod cubing enp^iec tbe diver with oxygen, W.
Bible acbool at 9:43 a. m.
* .
. a
.nd (he t,->4/le wbo knew him tta 'menMI diversion ia said lo be con- end ey mesne of a coil of rope attached [ BMtardCroker baefoandrereoge to
ai . ;< rr>‘< '’’d him. abould see to it that aldeisbie. There Is no hired help about to bis pom» he tan signal by pnlU to, bie mobbing by the Prince of Wales by
Morning service. 11 a. m.
l:is erave ,h,H be marked with an en- tbe institution. Baob girl is detailed tbe surface and be raised when the;bidding ItstXIO (or LitUe
Junior meeting at 8:00 p. a.'
dui: :g monument.
for three months to certain worii: It work it done. To deaoend the dlv« baa ' 6-vear-old that tbe nrlnoe wanted aod
C. E. maetiPg at 6:45.
Laxity aisd ladifferMoe.
may he the kitchen, dormitory, laondry.
Evening aerrice at 7:30 p. id.
The secreUry of war Is blamed for elc. There are special teachers of cook
Midweek prayer meetiag Wadneeday
certain lamentable conditions, and be Is ing. lauDdning and sewing, the effect weights carried on taeaet and back ' U waa expected to have ttrooght about
tarely In a<ime degree Tesponslble. Gen- being to make the glrla so proficient weigh aome 80 poondL while tbe heavy g75a The prinoe’e Uat hid, throoghaa
that the homes In which they are placed leaihpr boots with their leaden aolee agent, was S6.000. and Chokergotthe
A hearty wMeorae to all.
will appreciate their services. The tow- weigh another 80 ponoda Tbewelgbtof facne.
general, aad (he surgeon geni-ral. np to wages which the girls arc wtlUng to the helmet, which.....................................
tbe mark.' There has been laxity and accept aids them lo finding places *
Bev.r.C.Casmaa. Pastor. ‘
The mornings being spent In practical
also Indifference, resulting In a condi
“ T
*ho was a pbeoomtaally taU Yankee,
16:30 public worship.
tion at Santiago which U a national dis work, tbe afternoon U devoted to tbe
Sertaoa by the pMtor. "Tbe Ministry
grace. AU of the blame falls upon school rooms. There are occaalonal
Michtgsn’B tablnct minister, the eecre- periods for recrviatton. as In any board
townamen. ia Frederick A. Bai- of Mystery.” Prov. X5:S.
ing Bch'W; and there are prayers morn of the heavy underoJottung worn by Um ,
tar>' ot war.
11:45. Bible school.
They call him Chang Bailey, aad
The Michigan soldiers who escaped the ing and night. 1 asked the superinten
6:15. Voong People’s mecOng.
bullets of the enemy at Santiago, have dent what part religion played in the
7:30. Ooapel aerrioe, preaching bF the
been facing death from disease, and redemption of wayward girls. Her
and the glariLg eye*, but hie u«efulnota
almost every man In Che Tbirty-fourth .answer was suggestive.
“We epdvnver to lUv religion before iainimeaeotuble.—Philadelphia Timeu
Michigan has 1»^n prostr»«vd with fe
Everybody wetome.
ver. On one day the following deaths them — gentleness. Industry, purity,
were reported from that rrgiment: Pri cheerfulness and lo show tbe Chris
J. H. M b Proclamation to tbs
vates Henry Kaeeter aod Gei-rge Mar tian spirit. These girls are emotlnnalPublic.
tin. company U and Prlvatei Peter there Is no trouble In 'stirring them up.’
all aorrs la ono of the new fanciea.
Hjsan aod jnseph Grolncr, of ermpany but it Is soon ever." Tbe girls are
, ^
lapruaenangtomyiaUlioosofAmeridrwed —.
allke-a simple blue and white
fr, all of them carried away-witb
-^/LU n.au.aA oon.n. rf d«1. U.. ™i-e, U oo.
U.U, », .Itkik
Bordens beocme light when ebesfulr tMre have I dngbam.
laiial fever.
ly boToe—Ovid.
Monocemeat,! taka the liberty of dafln. - S in
. kha« rcrl-I
-ash Um BalldlBcx.
been'twenty-three. dtaiiis
Cfaildrai have more need ot mcxleU
malarial-Slid lyph-id i The auperinlendetit took me through
ment atom
' the buildings, csrefully locking tha than of critics.—Jonbert
worid. My Urtat Allied Hbowi Uat
doors b^lnd ns as we went. In one
Kealrcted HU Duty.
wUlexhlbll at Traverae Oty August 18
' The surgeon general provided no ade room we saw- ewemy-seven of the litj ^he nev^ aleeves aw close fittinn,
to be
quate facilities for the treatment of the Heat girls In a kindergarten, with a human nrtwa.—Maxxjni.
ruowmadeof thin materials ate puffed ®“«
Amerioa’a leading asaeement
akde and wounded. The commissary lovteg teacher, They had been out In
park. Mo wayward children these. public for being «uincnL—6wift
'or tocfcbd and bare frilb of laoe filling InaUintions. I effer no apology is
general made no adequate prm-lsiMO of
food, and the qurrlermaster general ^ut orphans or homelesa. Some af
The t^y geattatu ia truly wl», aod
tho baoda
making tbU staUmenL Tbe rernkurcta
neglerled hla duly In that he did not j ‘•'•'n were negroes They gathered
Among thefavorites forsnsiiDerwtar a8 taj command, and tbe basis on
ppotide transports for taking the sol- I ronnd their teacher fondly, aod the i«t
are Uilor made white pique skirta. wbiehmyaaormonaaaterpriMiaergadian away from that fever-iidden pest j
« ***'^> *•«■> ' ^ 2 >*'»™
Jwas killed Ir -a di-unkfO brawl and the
Tta nw My one sptake of himmlt itey an* tumally worn with white per- sized for Ua aeaaon of 18»«, fully jasUa drunkard. None of that tho Itaa he like* to hear another talked Bale or Uwn shirt waists.
fies this deeUration. WbUe my amuaeBrigadier General Duffleld Is gradual- !
ly recovering his health, but tha pro i suppressed. BUtumsilc. sad childhood
, .. ! Black and white lace Uapopnlta mantenteaprlae has been prcdlgotuly
■ often sees In sn Institution.
cess Is slo«^-. He was unable
H^w% Which ft of IntoTMt to
MIehifvi PMpUk
'r- '
•;«-' w tr™;".
S18 M
4 60
I 50-
Bgga. POT dozen..
Potatoes, per ba...
About me month ago my child.whleh
is fifteen months eld. had an attack of
diarrhoea aecompauled by vomiting. I
pave it such remedies as are aauaUy
given in such cases, bnt as nothldg
gave relief we sent for a pbysieiaa and
it was under his care for a week. At
tfaU time the child had been sick for
about b*« days and was baring about
twenty-five operetions of the bowels
------ r twelve bonra. and we (ye^coa.mbsrii
better: by lu eontinoed use a'eompiete
cure was brought about and it is per
fectly bealtby—C L. Booos. Slumptown. OilmOT Oo., W. Va. Foraale by
8. E. Wait, drngffiat.
Poisdon fly paper reedy ouL It bitla
thefiiea. 5 eenu 's MOkaga at Wait'S
The lay They Settle !
Manlatee. Mich.. Ang. 1. 1698.
Borne Protective Am'n., Gaylord. Mich.
Dear Sira;—I received today through
your dbtriet manager. W. B. Bardy,
a chaek of *30 oo. In fall settieamnt of _
my aerident uUlm.
Tbaaklngyou for tbe fair and itrempt
. janner in which yon have settled with
me. I remain a member of your aanoelation.
Oaowa BAmxtTx,
1301 Vine etreei.
ManUtM. MIeb.
;.DOM. Demist, O flcce le Markham
Q H. BBOWM. AKoracy a
O. Lav. SpOTlal at.MUcts W (
pODOt A OOTTK.L^WrOT^a^^^tart-
- L1,r
Che front When he desired to be. but !
•5'>nn'«i-riee were well ventilated. I mo«%eK“frioS^S6eom--ru!T^^ foke
^h aad ev^ department
■w-as isolated In a cot away from the-j«»'
tooth brushes In a r^k- pai«cut.-Bulw«,
army. his life cndsiigered by an ,i.; how many of the inmates ever used one
th.y .
There were a tot
tsek of
u light
sleep as a compwiwtion for the many ThiTe are Chevrons Ktript*. fit)?*, belts.
" anim^.
Embracing ale•tuck, either.
care* of life.-Voltaire.
and Jewelry cTall «ru and
«*■*!•. »o»»-hyenas.
*-k. .some one t^d. While they Wberever you find patience, fidelity.' deacriptions with military suggeatiana
ooelloU and Ugsra. Many tare,
When he wws taken to the hospltM^i |
honig. kindneas, truth, there you find | Laut seems to I* the best liked of aU
heretofore unaeta wild anihe w-as merely a ekelelon. When he "
-••• On Che Uackhoard was
respectability, however obsmre and ;tpimunng maicriaia Largo qMntlUca "*»'•
*h« largest living Hippoarrived at Eamont Key he was begin- vhsrt of a •Trliier." It hrinf made lonely men-may be.—& W. Beecher.
|af It areured. eswciHllyou the waist, polumus on eahibltloa la the world.
r where each kind ....
of meal...
nin* l-i be al>Ie lo walk atone, hut he
Good nature i* tbe bmoty of tbe'while only a amall part i* uuplcyud on
This mammoth cetleeUoD of soologiIs atm as weak as a child He makes
* butcher comes before the rlasa
mind, aod. like pcrsoosl beaoty. wins ibg akin.
cal attrasUoaa eonstitate mj Golden
.n.m .1
bui U..1
“ almqn witboni anything else—some-' Tb« numbrr of different flowers wore Meaagerie.aad U the largest U be aean
timei4indeed in spile of poxluve defi- Uq
but u stanliug For example, a with say traveling erganiation exeieocie*.—Hanway.
Ibai iu aajlcir shape had rosea, viuleta biuiting in America at the pcpalar
rank, are loud in their denunciation ofTo be asenttouan ie to be honest, to jlorgcttui-uota and lihua of the valley aa _
the treatment they reo-lved at the
be gtaUe. to bi-guneroni, to be brave, > trimwiug.
I feel under ao neceeaitv of Urinn
hands of the quartermaster general, the, ,
a....A.e...ot - iih ,i,
to be wise, sud, posst-eeing all
j A dress of white and pink mgaBdie _____ .w,Everr one keowa
...I.V —»l-«I their qnaUtiea. to exercise them in tbe most :£rs the sLirt emirely oovertsd with nor. ,
1 .arrobnah,,..
soiToundlnga. ir,,.l.arf
L noticed one rt
my show ha* grow*, for U Ue
What Mnatnr narrows Uayx.
^ occupant bad^one nothing l
I is umde baby lakhioi, and the guimpe
years history o( my ------------ Penator Burrows was here while the
lisiLadeof the mme ulk a. tbe lunug euMrprls* each year hae*e
etanor «as.vr«iE.-si. and be s.ld; 'T
troubles us a great deaf
do n-.t J.e h,.w 1 enc^rwl Alger Is to
jtir nudtxskirt.
ampled growth and Increase in size
blame. The bur-r.u cHlrefw of the war ; f„ape "
Married couplet in Nerwuy are prtv-1 a
.. pnu
...jooosa ooatnmou madeof white over the prectalng one: and I taka
dT-aum-nl a.- r.-mlnat. J t.v the presi^he American flag and war pictures ilcged 10 travel on faUwaya at a
*repe do —_
ebioe. „
A V.___^_________________________________„
shaped front u of ^de in aanouneing that the season u
dent. : lid i --nhsti ed 1 > the senate:
re In evidence. In the sewing rooms aod a half.
j'aae.audthu is outlined with rows of 1698 has been no exception to the rulethe'r t-uur, ‘s f-.r !lf.. The secretary
--fase-inatnrs" (Shawls) are made
Amoog tbe Anglo-Saxons in the mt- narrow black velvet ribbua. Tbe waist la faet.the additions and enlargemeau
»f vat lan;, : trm.ve them, except for
f,„ , wholesale knitting —
this year bare beta ao prodigious
good -autr. .-rd It Is nlways d'Jfieult
laundry work la dona entli oentnry mtu won- glo>-es. while ba« vpanleu ootiiued with' the veJveL
lo i.ed -:M,e wlthiiut court-marllBls. I n,f
women covered their handa with their .and there Ua broad mab cf black volA.
A,., r „.ia ;
ivet. IheUueve* are plain, wlib band* of
aareuw velvet rtbbfi at the wsirta- e ran to my moat tangulne friends and
Chicago's new dircetory claims for
the oily a populatiou of 1.898.000. Bwr York L«ig«beginning my eighth year ia
shewn by the fact w hich is an increase uf 60.U00 over the
It l. v.r."
amuaemeat kiatory I have nomiagiving
this Milwaukee figureeof 1897.
aajw. that the wrnterj- <t war Is huir- ech<-t>I's
children have been removed
a* totbe ontoome. 1 am confident that
t>er:-d, bpl U to even worse than ih- there In some Instance* young women
Ban Frenriaon la the banner port of
A»UI«s mli,d n„b. . bud Jotf. Ua p—. j»r tf-,.p.™Mted tfl.r.
tsaiaior puts It. f-.r the Bevr(U<r>' -f are sent to the W. C T. U. home In this country fi>r the imiMnarion of
nar Is vrv.nUally surrt-undec] 'by n Eau CUlre or to an inslilutton In Chi opium for smoking pnrpoai*. Tbe imerow-d of the weral schemers 4r.
cago. where their children are born, tbe pcgtatioMlaet yvar aggregated Iii.401
WwA the treat Point army e^- i
mother returning to the Industrial popuia. and the duly amuonibd to *“ ’““I"
F**®- Loagf^ow.
preeiatioa my patrons have always ac■n»ey run the war dr|«nmenc tf- rSchool for Training•;38.406.
Aftcr a long expenemeu of ^he world oordad ma. Aod for which 1 tag ta
UkemMves and they can ham-;.-:
Work among the claia of unfortunates
secretary of w-sr If tif -'
.•••-• to which 31rs Bland and her associates
Tite value of birycle* and parts of
ae. Moreover, th-y oil •'
r-- • have set themn- Ives must be discour Mcycleaexi<onedfrtjm tbe United States
and If any one of •!.. ■«
Poverty is not
able in itrelf,
aging In many ways, "H would be," in kUreh. l>«e. was «M8.769. Tbe inJ. B-LaPbabl.
XfMrs rally i" hK d-f ,
she raid. Tf w* did not love to help cream for the IS mouth, endiug with but only wbeu it is tbe effect of idle
the |sh-«v -.<t.-(.t
I . I
pndigality and
these unfortonates."
that tnuotli. as companvl with the year ness,
The Bev. W. B. CosUey. of Stock■ta„uWll-.cU. p-r
thoughtfully. “Tew fallen tading with Maivh. 1897. was ghill.STS. (oily.—Piottreh.
bridge. Ua., wbUe attending to bia
Major Heoden«.E cf jor-.a. a vauixi. ,r)rU can W saved 11 we can get them
poatorial duties at Eilenwood, that
A West Bath iMo.) farmw never bas
Of the civil war. fays; -hjenfral Alg r a,nn enough Hut there was a vein of
State, was attacked bv cholera aorbne
It MevOT atvpa.
ia sot a great war sw-reiary-. H, ought ; y.dars. In her vnlc., She was think- hi, harves shod. He my* tbnt tbe prucWe sleq), but tbe iuum cf life never He sayv “By chance I happrned to get
to have reported t. the preeldeni th«* :mg of the enCU-s, sin air- of thoae wbo tire is agaiuet nature and brtsgs bis
hold of a bottle of Cbamberlln'e Oelle.
IbSIfferenre of hto bureau offivt-rs and I win c^.me to her and longing that b>- hotaes up tran colthood to trevel oo elopa. and tbu pottora which was wear- Cholera aad Diarrbota Bentedy. and 1
Uve prealdent could have suspended i the diligence of parenu. by Uw-aome- thrir hoofs They never aemn to have big wtiEoi tbe. sun went down ia weav
---------- --tbem. Jo« as General Warren was re-; m,w. the stream, of tin might be anv difficulty in getting over tbe nmdA ing when it pomes up toaoxTow.—Prew
lleved of commard on the field of bai- checked at lu s- urce.
byteclaa Jouuai.
(M. beeauae be was not performing hla
setLm moB. '
KBolemab. a
Boap'taL Ata
iqpCTX TO RZirr or fw mie a* lowc tlas
B. 1. Marsaa. m It
rraimiD —Good auitBs rvom gtrl Ooo*
V vac«* aa4 stsJBy sltaatloe. ristcher's
leBbU* BMtaxram.
ipOB StLB-Lnts la Trmwror Olj; 10 par
a c at CcivB sad vwaUparw'BUpsrweath
BDUl paid. 8m W. P. OreuOT. SSaSSl
rpo RBST-Ko. nr South Crloo etrer
A reeei honer. bare, vaisrvorhs, «
qatocc/O-FraskearaiJ rerteefam
pCBKWH^ ^OOMB-^^mmI ^
■nierDEMCB PROPKRTT le tbs eitr of
JV vpsnmxl. MtoUgBB. tr.T aate. or voaM
t OB WOKK. -Udv —t Md
a1 tSrTrvrermCiir LawWOa
*S*ir*"***' *"’**“ «w **»*- TrareneCa^Laa0& Laabsr do. KM-sl**'*"^**
BWB vta
TRM Koururo aioosp, sxnroxT, AVQVtr 14 tese
D— tai* »«k. «>Ji7'TTiF€?VElftN warships'.-
osTTBOB anTion todat.
Bunn Beari de BathOchOd. a oodM TonfatedbytteB
at the Pnrie bnachoUbe famon OnaBenAO (artsooPAi.) cavads.
V Pk»; Jooer ta i atKMtlx fate wm- ciaKoinilr. haaiMMl htofUMlaxasl. aer. Chaa. Ir^Bb Baetor.
N«w« Which H of Intwwtt to
AMaroohd Pm wvstalpa.oC. ovaor natiu aa dostor.
Monior pnym- and lltaay at« a. m
■•..pjwyrarprUiiigaoMkhifvi PMplo.
W. J. ArkoU of JodgecBoe otteed to
srill be bold tbe caafirmocyorte to Pm flfbPof ud wofting
ttoa tervioe. Dlabop (Hlte^ efilela.
fORMs as orgmoted in biadtjr. Oo«
«B. supple
ting, oaaiatad by the roetor. Tba tely
DO*eI ud Dsneiry addition to the crew HcKinler wonld be elected.
■ of the s
«bb aid Id pUcIdr
emamuMloB wiU fellow, ud It Is greav
the irirls. The president la Mrs. O. C. of ■ woKhip of the pnuoc time is the
Alfred Dole, a nephew of ei-PnP. l£oU^m ltoMI«in la ■MllaKt.
radar Bwalloa: the acent who ptacea the, rabawrine direr. The importuoe of dent Dole of Hawaii, la a tneniter of ly detirU that all oominaolcuta sriJI
Cirii and vlalu them In their homes,
IwU’idti*! w the welfare of a war- CompU7 E of the national gnard ud toke odvaatoga of this opporinnity.
, „„hi»
'tUMfcardtha T>IWy*aartl» Barldaat !• Mrs. J. L. Katae. who has recenUr ■ “ip ««■ been wnpljr shown dnrlBf tb«
Tbe eveolag oerrte will be omitted.
member of the first expedltfoe in
received a temporaix.ai
as ' recent operatinoa affsinst tfae Spuish
All are oordloUy invited to these aer»r. ' fieeta.
fleett. Speed
Sneed baa been the meet
most ImporImtaw-'\
aoKliiarr member of Ote beard of con.'
ptoar arraoDiar.
ecutlve committee, who meet e ■ery
opening events of the s
Wutall>xto&. A«r It—The Oe«th of two weeks. About sixty girls
A. Broady. paswr.
II D«.»iT ■»'<mr dilp^ «“■"
Private JUn HUand. of compuy D. •■placed” each year No glrli are ad b..
bnoday—Preoeblnf at lOrSOo. a. 'ud
i«Ni.o.r nlm tw.
Senator Fo*for fart
nirt>--fou^ UlebiBU InfanliT. was mitted after they are IS years of age to be in the be« possible
7:S0 p. m.
I work. u. oirins lo lb. ]«k of bn-bock.
P~:il'» ■»
BBthetlc In Vc'Cttreme. He bad been and most often are about 14.
Rest Admiral McNair, wbo baa been
cues meeting at »:M every Sabbath
at Camp Alger for more than a month,
It Is a slgnlflcanlspsctacle—thesehnn ' toeoable ns to clcu tbc foul bottoms
Md earapeO the ravagea of Opbold dr«ds of glrla two^thlrds of then { of onrvesselswbon they conicotr a long otegned to the Naval academy as ano- moRitag.
fbrer. had been regained aa a model •fallen glrla“-not mature and at voynge. it has been neocamry to send cesaiir to Philip H. Cooper, la the fttsf
Moraingaabjeet: “Infinuee." even
■Mdler. and had taken cKceptionalty Ulned to tba years of discretion.
' dtvera down to do tbe work ns beortliey oOlccr of hla ruk to bare received tbo ing aubjeet “Tba First
food care of his health. Bnt typhoid «recked tn their childhood 1 asked j oonld.
d«lsU aance Admiral Eodg«a woa then
fever afl<ri:-d eu many soldiers that the' what conversation with these chlld-vlc I
It baa not been done well, bnt it has ..................................
in the early eigbtioa.
C -O' ,i!i ■''Tided that the cemp Uma
tlm* revealed, ...ft
a A...M.A. n-a. .ha
Sonday aebool i t awe Of tba moraand .S
answer was th# 1 been tbe ben kind of aobatitnte that
t baa oooeptad u In.f
e \; tf Manapsae, Va.. and,
cobldb.lo.bd fo. tbe [)op« «Wk ' ,|«ii„ ,» vUt lb. balianjid. ol K.. Ing service.
i I u. naitt-h there.
Junior League at S:SO p. at. ud
.■ J .1. . ‘.fully hot day. I remem.
worth Leogne at 4:15 p. m.
ber distinctly that I was on the electric
pan the greater part of the day. tey'lng
and even then tbay are ao handicapped tbe tact that abe need to keep a yonnig
l>areday—Prayer meeting at
ebuees at public dances
to keep oooL Wsa the wildler* tnarctaed thereby take warning.
I by tbe heaviness and nnbaodlneae at tiger as a dlUcsUc pet
dtt day. and by sundown they Were at
It should be added that greater num. their dma that it la impoBsihle to do
j p
fg Soco. Me.
All mr« eordially Invttad.
Bnrke's Siatlnn. where they pitched ba. ol ih... BrI. a.a. Ir^ root lb. «ook lb aijr bol . clblbB. aid lb„a..abo bod b^
camp and rested f»r the niKht.
humes-not only where munty la scarce, complete way
f./o-dbu Th« nniicrat.iui
Private Htland eald Ik h;» > hum: 'T'm but where ahlfilesanes# and even dt-,
Bnt. good or bad. tbe diver baa bsl^^d Bar. B. Oalabery. Paaw.
rrhanated. I fret aa though 1 had been generation
Occasionally t oomc a necesw nart of the ahln't
was that t^ inooey was to te repaid
Cbsrva on tbe eomsr of Ninth and
■truck on the bead «lth a heavy wea* among them, h-wever. la a girl who
Wodawonh Btreeta
pan. I am getting ditxy."
had a good home, who la more thu orSundsy services as fallows:
traiued divers He must be poaewm-d of
dlnaiily imemgeni.
Bu Dvrw fbsnM.—uinariJy
,____ rav.at4tT.tiaa Sia*44uom.
Preaching At JOJO a m.
■That was all. Thr poor fellow wu t Of the future of the srbodl girls » * M eiw.rtianjilly stroug c^atirtUt^.
^ dream tbe mother of Fruk E.
ounatmek. but had kept ur welt under‘Is. fllfflcuU to speak. Uany get good »nd above all. ^iboot the alightte'
^ Competiy E Seveiity-flm
Snnday aehoed at 11 JO a. m.
Iimstances. -ioe
; >u
k. a
tbe most tvytrK
tiTtrs clrcumatanc^
Tbe puuvs
piaivs on tarms
farms (always preterreo)
preferred) ana
and , londoic-y
to wij
uy uuaii
bean wkuaiHA
T. P. A at 4;S0 p. m.
the soldier* did eveotuslly marry. One of the girls la ■
Every foot tbe divw dcscenda tbe
•rest trouble wa»
Preubtng at 7:t0 p. m.
They , a graduate of a college: another la a greater, r-f e«.on*. b-v»mts the presure, t«^ble ciploaioiL A f^^ys UW sb^
not have water on tne
Midweek prayer meeting At 7:M> p.
their camp,, trather In the inatltuUon, where for-, *nd at tLadeepest descent made—name- wu the »ep« from t^tiago mying
ted not had pure v aicr
d Che Impure waur caused sickness: ' ir.crty she was an inmate. Ullwaukee.
woonded in tbe
100 fi et—tbe ptvamre is a mnoh aa
bnt the aurgsona learned nelhlng by | naturally, sends a targe number to the
poood. » O.: lOA. tool,. I, u. ,
OPW* d . .bdL
aperienre. Within sight of the capital, tch-ol.
. ^ .________ _____ _
: bowvvir,
Colcnel Bniert Grattaa wbo baallfUt'
>vir, only rarely that it is
it ncoea^
ctly. the soldier* m.irrhrC without
. T.04 10.0. TO,.ora tia, 10 1» .on,a
lyu EeT.H.-———
to go to aneb depths a* UiiA bnt br» 0«l»d hC the Eoolld,
Without water, without even tbe abada
working lu
iii aoaiio^v
aballow water
water most
moM Aooout w
of age. ulirted in an ...*4lufutry
_ *-0,11—I
10:00 V m., CIsM meelly'‘
Of treea-iwa -tMlriM,
' mu Kuffer wrv sevpnly at firm ud battalion 88 yean ago aaa private
10:30 A. m . Sarioob. Stdijeet “Lord'B
Only a private soldier! Only a ana of
hla mother! Only another life sent Into learn the plain branches; they stud: .«o.TO i™. tkolT divio, «.!, T,, dor U» OAO. of JoL. SovlU...oJil Prayor."
the unknown because of a war in the history, geography and hygiene. They racking head ud bleeding from ^ was nogutil be bad woo bis oommia13 m-. Snaday Kbool.
tsteresl of humanity. But. even tbe are fond of singing, but no time la uOse ud ears. In traih, every Hme In aion that be aanuacd bla real namA
«:30 p. u. Epwiyreb LeATue.
awst IndlSerent must pauae In pUy. gives to tbe study of muaic, Tbe play deaeeods tbe diver take* bis life is bto < J. M. Barrie led bis eleven to vietiay
7:30 p. m.. Ssnnsa. tebioet. “Tbe
When thinking of the fact that tbb aol- grotimls are smaJI: there can be but bud, for uytbing gtdng wrong with on tbe cricket field at Tonbridge WeUo,
- dter never had an opportunity to face little terrise Ibr tbe girls, though they tbe air sopplylog gear wonid plan bim England, tbe other day. Mm& De Na- Harvest-”
the enemy of tbe country. T<- Jle *r. are ' -pt at work motg of tbe time. It tn a very bopelsas position.
AU are wcleoBs to Umss oorvtea.
| vam. betteg known as Mary Anderadh,
tbe beat uf hacUe.
cL r> to the I i‘. urred to me gymnastic exercises, set
Tbe dlvtng apperatoa in me in our I wma on tbe groond all day and utorgrown of Verob- -. T" <!.• of disiwae. to music, srould be a very effective dltn •-Iti.iul a f.e In sight, version. A ayatem of exerclaca Is per navy it a costly affair. Tbe method of i tninsd tbe arttea ud men at letten
I ' lr! .|li.r- r ; -l euperlor fected which furnish moat effective its working la siapla A long-coil of wbo batted nodor Mr. Barrie'^ OAptAioOwner Oak and F'ftb streeta.
..lu* ;*r!^ to Htland passed benefit tn every i>an of the body, ud tubing aui^te tba diver with oxygen, jiiy.
.n<t the ^-kO’Te who knew blm tbe mental diversion Is raid to be con- and oy meui of a ooil of ropo ottaobed I BlcbardCroker boa found revenge far I Bible aebool at e!i^ a. m.
ai . ;■ rpeo-'d him. should see to It that aldeyable. There I* no hired help about to bii poraon be ou Bignnl by pnlla to, bla nobbing by tbe Prince of Wate by ' Morning service. U a. oa. *
bta Tave shall be marked with an en- the Institution. Each girl I* detailed tbe euTfare ud be rairiid when tbs bidding 88.000 for Little Saint, a
Junior nfcting at IK» p. B.
for three months to certain work; it work la dooo. To deooead the diver boa 6-year-old that the irlnce wanted and , C. E. moeting at 4:43.
dni: r monumentmay he the kitchen, dortnllory. laundry, at coarse to bo heavily weighted. The | wbicli was told at a borae awniou when
LaiUly wdS tadlBersane.
Evening aorvlM at 7:80 p. m.
Tbe aerretary of war la blamed for etc There are special tearhera of cook weights carried on breast and bat* ' it was expected to have brougbt abont
Midweek prayer maetlng Wodno
certain lamentable conditions, and be la
onrely lB.srgpaAegTee responsible. Gen- being to make’ the girls ao proficient weigh acme 80 jxkukU. while tbe heavy 8760. The prince’s Ust bid. tbroogfa u
oral Alger hu t^n unable to keep tbs
A hearty woleome to all.
qbartrrmaatcr general. Ibe eommlarary
general and the surgeon general up to
“Cbang, tbe Cbioere giut.“ wbo
tbe mark. There has been laxity and
The mornings being spent In practical
also Indifference, resulting In a condi
tion at Sutlago which la a national dis- woric. the afternoon la devoted to the
grace. AU of the Uame falls upon
Mlchigan-a cabinet inlnlater. the secre periods for recrvaaion. a* In any board
ing sch'vil: and there are prayer* morn
tary of war.
iCT The. odl him CbAik BwIct wd
Ili.i. Bible Aihool.
The Michigan soldiers who escaped the ing and night I asked the superinten
He 1. bo.
tmllets of the tneray at Santiago, have dent what pan religion played In the
be ™ll. Itaid ep te
1, preaching by the
wayward girls. Her Ul. mo».ttr AUb til. bw b«dJn«
been facing death from disease, and
almost every man In the Thiny-fourth
•'We endeaver to live religion before
Michigan bat been prostrated sith fe
Bve^body wolcotna
ver. On one day the following deaths
were reported fn.m that regiment; Pri cheerfulness and to show the Chris
. g. a.'teFearTs Proclamation to tba
vates Henry Haester ud Ge..rge Mar- tian spirit These glris are emotional—
Colored cords uder thin materials fl('
____ Peter there 1* no trouble In ‘stirring them up,‘
. comi«ny
L. _and_ Privates
all cons is tme of tbe new fudea
Haan ud Jwrh nVointr, of company 1 but it Is toon «ver.‘' The girls are
lapreuntinf tomy mlUionaof Ameri
D. an of them carried away with ma- ^ draased allke-a simple blue and white
BnrfenabwmeU^'btwbenehoerfnl-' Aooaiomeof ^ Wne volv« is one can patrons this, my eighth ansual uItrtal fever. Altogether there have j gingham.
ly bonm.—IH-id.
looking drearaa imogina- noaneemeat.1 uka the liberty of deflnbeen twenty-three deaths In that reel. I
A T»arThro»gb th. Bslldlagw
Children have more need of tnodela
lag my pcaiUoa
msnl alone from malarial and typh..id , The suprrlmer.dent took me through
A dress od very ahrer material is
>»be buildings, car-fully locking the tbu at critics.—Jonbert.
world. My Groat Allied Shows tbat
. iritunckl witb narrow satin ribbeu pnt
K««lee4ed HU Dsly.
•««>« behind us as we Went In one
will exhibit at Traveru City August 14
The surgeon general prorlded no ade- !.«>«“ v *bu- tweriy-aeren of the lltTb..„.«, d«..a mcloAillMibit. «.bowr«opil»4..aa«l.r.dlo b.
quate farllitle* for tbe treatment of the 1 5'*«»
ti out In
sick and uv>unded. Tb< cummlssary t loving teacher.
'or t^ockiri
tneked ud have frUU
frilU of laoe'uUing
lace tailing InaUloUona
loaUlationa I1 efler
•Ser no apology
BUeral made no adequate prmdsion of , ‘he parit No wayward children these. public for being cmioeoL—tfwift.
. ' K.i. ..—.K
or homeless
Tb'e truly gcntP'na is truly wise, and ,rer thu buda
making this atotesut. The reaoui
food, and U^e qucrlermaater general
them were negroi-s They gaihorwl h,BboWbo.otto,U,».bblotaegteried hla duly In that be did
»„„ppU.,l.,on,«rorA.n»»r™« M »P cmnmAiA ..1 tb. 1..1. b.
round their icnchrr fondly, and the pet
provide transport* lor taking the
eslerprlM la orgaa baby girl - f r years. Her'Xather
Tbo more uy oitc speaks at hlmaclt itcj- an usnaily worn with white per- nixed for the aeoooa of is»8. fully jual "
killed In a drunken brawl and tbe
or lawo shirt waiata
that the Icai be likes to boar uotber talked
fiea thUd
While my a
BriraUcr General Duffletd I* graduai- 1
"r *
! Black ud white, lace U
ly reovering hts health, but the pro---------------- - ------ “
popular mut enterprise has beu prodigoualy
To dispense
■ is the t
cess Is alow. He was unable to be at one too often see* In an Institution.
Tbe dormlti.rle* were well ventilated. I
the fn>nt when he desired
way fro
hew muy of the Inmates ever used one
ed by i
before ibiri' camel There were a lot
rtcre are diwpoua strip**, frogs, belts.
7;„, (fn^^
attach, either.
br AAi.l i
’ 'I*
■■ sleepas a compenration for tbe muy | epaulet*
ud jewelry of all aorta and ptMOi*-camels, lions, Jangara, byenaa.
gathered alioul a wwlng teacher, all cores,of life.—Voltair*.
nurainx. constant day^nd-nlght
Wherever yon find iwtiMice. fidelity, tleacnpiiow with luUitary auggestiana ^7*^tlOB that he wsf able to pull through.
------------------------truth, tliore yon find' Uce seems to lie tbe brat liked of aU ka'que »»<1
■ “claff. On
merely a skeleton. When
" (he blackboard
rcgpoctabiltry. however obrenre and trimmiOR uatcTiala Large qaantidre mala ud the largest llvlnfi Hippoarrived at Ermoni Key he was bieln. chart of a ••crUter.'' it being made l(W^y met) may tx^—H. W.' Beecber.
if u arv ueed. e^wunllj- ou tbe waist, potumua on exhibllloa In the world.
. dear where each kind of meat comes
Bing tu be able to walk nirmc.
Good nature is tbe beauty of tbe while only a small part is employed cm
This mammoth collectloa of xooloffiA butcher come* bef'’re the class
li atm aa w.-ak as a child. He makes with a whole carcass and rut*.it up by
mind. and. like persuoal beauty, vrina tbe skin.
eal mltraaUoaa conatiUiU my Golden
■0 (omplalm concerning the mantigo
mem of-affair* ai Panttago. but thai way of example. In (he kitchen of almon witboot anytbtug else—some-j Tbe oomber of difforeni fiowers worn Menagerie.ud U tbe larrest ta be aeon
e of the building* we saw girls pre- lime* iudoed in spite at poaitive defi- j ^
i,at i* atartlinp. For example, a sriUi any Irevellnff orgaaisatios «x)a because he la a g<-neral officer, and . Iiaring
the supper: In another bulldlnx
jjja; iu sa:inr shape bad Rises, violota hioitiag is America at tbe popaiar
Vbey were seated at the (able. In the
To be a gcDiirman is to be hooeet. to ilottrecuu-iiut* aud lilies of Ibe valley aa
o henwlf Pome of them s
a rooi
I be wise. aud. posvvrsiug ell tbeaa , Adrvsaof white and pink arsasdie .treat on this fact Everyone kwuw.
qnnimca, tu exercise them in tbe most b*s the rlin eutircly uovered with nor- .u.,
-k«» h«» .rrnwm
i* o.»
What heiurtor nam>w> Ran.
F.-nat r Bum-ws was here while tbe
Uu-adeof tbe same silk os tbodumik oatwprise each year has aeon its noexclan or «a* rreaSoM. and be said: ‘‘I
ur nudcrskirk
ampled growth sad Increase in size
do m t
l. -w t eiicral- Alger la to,
tolam*. T’le buroi.u oflbers of the war
Mairied«oapte» In Norway are p^-! a princess ooernmo Is madeof white ®var the precedinff one; ud 1 taka
dP|:;4jin;i til air n- iiilnal. '; by the preslllegril I® travel on railways at a tore : gcfw de cbKM. A V Miapud from la of pride In unonnelng tbat the aeaaoi
deni. : tid i-nt:rii -d ' y ih* senate: ud
| !aas, ud this is ontUned with rows of il»s baa beu ao exceptlos to tbe rule.
rhi-lr t-r.ur. '* f-r !lf. The secri tary ' j((, -fascinators” (shawls) are made aud a half.
Among tbe Anglo-Saxone in tbe MV- oarrow black v(dvei nbbtm. Tbe waist j. fact.the additions and enlargemeau
excep: for
ly f„r
for «a whr.li-sal.- knitting
itb century men wore gloves, wbile be* v-paalvta ooUiued witb tbe velvet. «_ g^i.
. have beu so nnidigions
goci 'aufr fjd It Is always
»-s rt'IT—••
and custom laundry work U done
_.4 raab i f bluck veJ
women covered tbetr .____
with their , sod there ..
u -a Igoad
to i;rd - arse «rith.n.-t (siurl-tnarttsls. -I Ibr the ell.v.
aa to ha a lonroe of a greal anrprte
ivet. Thebleevee are plain, wuii'budsof
go cot s<« what ricneral Ali-er tould
InilMs-ilr st*ael Took Twentg-riv*.
eru to my mMt sanguine friends ud
have d-he. ni‘r ci.,8t h- can do. to
The Inestimable benefit to the state
OhicB.’. ...w dirMray
answer all of the ^.-■rapaper eritlrlams of the new insMiulii'n for Imberlles at .. . diy a poi'iilunoii of i.btm.OOO. Now Vork Ledger.
In beginning my eighth year ia
rails Is shewn by th«- fact w bicb is u increitM of e.'i.OOO over tbe
amnument history 1 have bo misgiving
-.f this Ullwaukee
oaya. that the sr. t.tery . f war Is ht-ir soh-Ki!‘s ehlldren have been removed figures of ihk7.
-oa to tbe ontoome. I am eufideat that
per.d, but It 1; gvt-n worn.- than il.- 1 then*. In »i>me Instances young women
Han Pmticiooo la tbe butter port eff
A wUling mind makea t hard JoBTp
: effort
int year of n
•ecator puts tl. fit the x>-cr<lar> ->f [are sent to the 'V. C T. IV home In Ibis country fcg th* imponatifU of otfj «a»y.—Maaamger.
ud aneces* In amaaemeat pra*eoUth»
War Is prv.'iltalU ■ surroun-l.-d hy n !esu CUIre or to an Institution In Chl- opinm for amoituig purpoai-e. Tbe imTbe rapenre of pamiag i* tbe prte wUlmaet with tbe full measure of apcrowd of the wensl srhemers Ir. ■' : cago. where their children are born, tbe pcEtatiooe last year oggregaud 131.401
land, th* West Point army ,<r • ■ ■ 'mother returning to tbe Industrial poooda ud tfae duty amtxuitl-d to tSe vanqnuibed gain.—LoagfaHow.
predatioa my patrons bare always ac
Hiey run the war dci-nrtment t.- -x-of Ibe world corded mo. And for which 1 tag to
School for Training.
. IbemsctveV snd Ihey can ban p- •
Work amoug the Clara
of unfortunates
Tbe valne of bicycle* ud parix of . never knew a regM *bo woa not na- tender my warmest gratltado. -B«■acretary of w*r. If tl ev
which Mrs Bland and her associBle*
-M. M«,re'>ver. they ttit
- . . . have set them* Ives must be dlscourapecifuUyy
aad If any on* of '! ■ t»
aging In many ways. ••It would be,J. H. LaPbaal.
for the 18 mouth* (aiding witb |hot only when it U tbe uflect of hUeCttHga rally if ,hi=i •)-r
she said. "If we did not love to help
aha ptrwvi •_<
iK.ti..: , ..in.
tbat month. aaoompBR-d witb.tbe year,wa*. intemperuce. predigoUty and
Tbe Eev. W U. OosUey. of Stockthese unfortunates.”
ShoukI Have lb p
Ithe added thoughtfully. “Tc* fallen Mteng withHATcb. iW. was $;iS3.'S78.
bridge. Ga. while attending to bii
Major Hendet*>T. cf lonle. a v.urii glris can be saved it «e cu get them
poaMrial dntica at EUuweod, tbat
A Vem Balli (Me.) farmer uever baa
pf ih* clvU wsr. rays: ••G.n.riil Alg i sron enough l:ui there was a vein of
sute, was attacked by cholera morboa
■ la aot a great war recretary. He ough; fednees In her v.-lee. She was think hla barma ibod. He mj-i tbot tbe proeWe elrep, bot tbe luom of life neviv Be says. “By chance f happened to get
to have reported tu fhc president th< ing of tbe cndicss *ipan. of those who tiev is agaiiiM nature and brings bia
btdd of a botUe of Chamberlln’a Ocdle.
lafilffervnre of his biarau ofllet-r*
her and longing shat by
Cholera ud Diarrhoea Bemedy, and !
tbe pfe«ldent could have •uspended i the dfilgenc* of parenia by law—*ome. their boofa. Tbey never seem to have ing when tbe ran went down it weav think It was tbe means of saving my
them. Ju*i as General Warren was re-; how. tbe atream r,l ale might t -OBJ diffienlty in getnng over tbe reoda ing when ft oomen np tomoiiuH. Itee
llaved of eommand on tbe field of hat- ebarked at Ha s- urce.
byttsiu JouuoL
oven in olippmy weatbm.
tie. b«<auae be was not performing hla'
rJ s:^’X”“.sroi:r„r.r,Si?
c«.hAi.B..,„.„m. ,AiA,od,.Vbi^zr5sr“.,:za”^^ ...
ira.p'Z' ."."rtori':,,. wciurw:
Traveaa Ot^ lUitet.
Below Ja-a lift of Uwburiband aeU-
Clear Pork per bbl,
waves Cut Pont......................
f1onr. il L. ACo.lMst..
Bye flour. B. L. A Co. BmL..
Meal, B. L. ACo. B««t.............
feed. H. L. *Co. Beat.............
Batter per lb Datre....................
Creamery Butter.E....................
Oaw pwte (old)..........
Corn per bu . old..........
Wbaav old, par b«...
Wheat, new, perte..
teta. No.'l^^'te (new)i-d.^.
Com. ;
. IltoU
B^t^ per E....
Eggs, per doMS............................
Potatoes, per bn............................
Abont one month ago my ohOd.which
led by vomltinc.
rave it aueb remedies as are nauaUy
given in such eases, bnt aa notfainf
gave relief we sent for a pbyaieiu and
4l was nnder his earc for a fircek. At
tbu time the child bad boeti alek lor
abont ten days and wat faarinr abo^
twenty-five operations of tbe boweft
r tsvelve honrs, ud we were coavineed,tbat onleoa H m
. and I decided to.
was'broBg&t abont and It la per
fectly healthy-C L. Boooa. Btnmptown. Gilmer Oo.. W. Va. Per mlo by
S. E. WalL druggist.
Polrioii fiy paper rwdy enL It kilU
tbefiiaa. Secawaoaetafa at Woltb
Tbe Way Tbe; Settle!
Dear biro:—I roeeived today tbroog^
■ear district manager, W. E. Bordy.
my aorident claim.
ThanUag you for tbe fair ud
manner in which yon have aettled •
me. I remain a member of your a
Ounsn Barkbiti:,
mi Vine street.
l,I>ati*l.O«mls iUrkhaa
K. BkOWN, Atsorscy__
• -atraiilOT U.
dag. turroBtOt.
r tsDttiiatoJt^tyjprscUta.
L ‘ii^^s^s.osrj-n^nr,
CAlp.iB. Tslaabora.Tt._______________
■r, wUl r«a*os4 to eali* Ior anratag. Hi
•trmt. Bra< h
•chooJ C. T
I7OB BILE-LdU IB Trarrrw Ov; 19 por
rrto SENT—Ho. nr geoia CbIoo atroct. eight
A raoei bosiv. bars. vairrwork>. oso. Eaqi0»e(0.rraok*erai J ranac»'«
.T" i;
UBiioof Mr* E. M. Bietsoo.HtHaah^oa *1.
▼ OST-Harp *k*p*4 ladlra‘aiB. tutwOtr*
±J e« groBt «treri^ wyer^^U eoafer^ tovor
>CHrE PBOPEBTY la tb* city af
kk^aar <>.r'tiaH.'w' <l«aid
BBB«v (or
Laryn. A Wo*4- H»-«
PBTBBB or Vt corre
rvely-W VM math tret. Tinrerse CMy- 1
^ S^AHIXE^UlUB^ter^al*. toeal^of
H'i'S.'.SS.'Si, PLAITE-mrBUb]
AL OMy Loataor To. Ht-U
I^A^JWJPfw tala 1
DoroowmsrK.i7:*.ra.2 I
J. w. oAxrvTLan
ppap^ipi';^' iMLiu 1,-1,
APOUST 14. 1898.-PAKT TWO.
Entered Into bu Powers
V r
OP More or Less Commen
Quarrels and Even Wars Between
tfie former friends Have freQuentfy foffowed tfie Over
coming of tfie Com
mon foe,
B.. .w. fC^rrWti. tmi
I people and Bome of the more friendir
T*"* ““"“h eeareely be Jook.
d tte pMple nlbered la ed upon, however, aa alllea of much IroWhen and mo>-ed about the country portanee. and their forces were about
pUce to place. Urine on the Und equally divided between the Enrlleh and
•nd Ctvln« battle to the tribes they met. eolontale, who also practically had alyt only with the Idea of drivln* them ; Ilea ...
In the Henlana. purrn.seo
purchased ,n
tn netp
ftom their stroncbolda. but also to take : subdue the ContlnenUl forces. Offers of
»>aw been frequentlyjnade by
portani factor either as a mea...
kaeptnr peace amour peoples or of In- I
ntuaalod the strength of an f
money. *ot nothta* exeeptin* the satl*.. «
kssnlnv RoasU's
faction of kaqfln*
from entcrin* the ■Cedlierrsmean. She ^ When the ITnlted Swiss dsctdsd tS
mrsr; end the carter of
- —so far as tl»
lere U eopcemsd. sM
aloas. It IS
unnecessary to apeak' of the msds itf
yet bad the opportunity to grant.
warfare carried on by the Bn ' ' Three years Ular and as Attstrta was against their almost helpless i
about gotUng over hw war with Pnis. nlsts. nelr barhareus r
•la and making final payments of the peaceful people has never
Indemnity she wss forced into another Id modem history. When ths UUtS«
conflict. This was over ner boidlngs in States conid sUad no longer this srg»>
the Vedlterranaan off the coast of Italy. ton murder st her very door»-*ai
In ;bl* <*ar Austria met the allied forcM surted
■tarted In to reUeve the suSsriM f^
of rn.ncc. Sardinia and Italy. The pracc i *>ans and avenge the many Insults thw
of I^rope was again disturbed. Pna. ' had been hMped upon her by the Bpa»
al.. was anxious to take a band in the '•••‘li and at the same Ume ohllteraW
strunlF. and. France having decided : forever the stigma placed on this ss^
what ehe wanUd for bar asststaacc to I th» of the worid. the Insurgents
J•Italy, the war was broaght to an abrupt, U** w*re looked upon as a aset
end. Austria was compelled to give np. matter.
her possessions. France came out of 1
<*1<J not need their smistaBee. aa#
inromou* ■r,ree«o.~.« I., .h.
•Jlhbot a Bcratch and reoelTSd
war which wfll niumauiy give thm»
•* »
for her e*- thetr freedom U one which our goverae
By the tmaty of peace
looked upon a* Its os^Th#
E were^dlS*
V of l^uien-1 .i^^^
g^^ch tn IW AnWruT^! ««««* was not eaterwl into fo, Th#
look for
________________ _
ktt.000.80e from Sardinia for P*n>ose of Creein* the Cubans ^ tha
In* forces wilt command the respect of
1 J^ntbardy. which after another lone;
roke and afterward dlprivlM
the nation about to b» robbed of some
. trtV^7nt of fhe llVonM ov!m*
beesuns., frith Su? ■ tbs" of their property. There wiuS^
When all la In
^ntroi of the«. ni
of united Italy sume few w reasons which compelled Uncle
Ill entt.o ^in. 'T»'. I,
111 gotten galna After this has been ac*
compllJdied the ally is dealt with ir
vldlti* the spoils. It she Is weaker i
her former friend, she gets nothin*
Is ususUy forced Into a war to pro^
rhe is not enUUed to any of the fruli
of victory.
*Ehere arc many cases In history where
years have i>een spent In warfare be
tween two nations which but a short
Ume before had been alllea. These wars
was brought to an
end Austria was hoi only stripped of
[her share of the new found possessions.
tree, most persons bslleve that
she bsd played with Oermany In relic
allied Itself
" srltb Spate «te
their war. when the Ume for.-a settle. I personal grounds,
.•sent came thty took a ' band,
band. tel
inj ^ The United State
States is loidclag tor a» have come together and allied their H ind came ojit »
as Cuba or the peo(de theta
forces for the purpose of settling dls. [ noleo from Clilna. There were po allies
coopemed. If the tesorgeut forosg
mlttln* the more powerful of the former putes with an obstinate third power. In the Turco-UOislan and Gisco-Turit- are
are willing m aid and co-operate vtife
friends to take away whatever spoils The Crimean war did not benefit to any' lah wars, each of whlrfi Seriously threat- the troops under the stars and iiil|isa
may have been given.Vto. the
her 1..................................that but the de-' lied themselves with the Turks sgB'osf' tlraee.
force for purposes of conquest. Not only
has the ally been Instrumental in malnUJnlng peace within the bordcra of the
territory of many naUons, but he has
also been the cause of much dlwenslon
which In many casts has cansed war
and bloodshed. ^
A» nations graw te wladom and
Btrangth and the conges of government
increased the meam of carrying on sue^fol and
deadly warfare alllu
a:»f become orgreater tmportaaos unUI now the peace of Eqrope U dependen’ >'ti a rnneert composed of several of
the giwt powers pf that oontrtisBt. who
^vs allied themselves for the purpose of
brincinv refractory
rerr«nt..r.. nations
.......___ .____
Although of recent origin, the under
taking of these allied forces has been a
Sttcceas. and peace. It Is said by many
te^ atatesmen. -is bo* a^i^m
•Td the victor twlong the •pmis- b.
1 mung I
■ n where allies are
In nearly svery war that the nations
of Europe have had to contend with
during tbs past century the ally has
played an Important pan until he is
-•‘I looked upon as tedispenaable botn
Wth Ibe United States it has been
different. Tills country te the few wars
Hi which H has been Involved and
sssong which can be numbered two of
that have ukrn place dur.
; two centuries has fought
Way unaided to victory, with the eg-
•friendly powera.;iythl8 country has
done w,-il to decline their otters.
Durttig the civil war. when matters
looked rather cl-N>my for the north and
tt was belUved that England was about
to aid the south, an ally Appeared on ths
scene that chanced the plana of some of
the European powers and gave the north
renewed strength. Huesla was the coun
try that stepped In and would allow no
foreign Interference between the north
and south. Russia was not u>ked to
come to the aulstanee of the north, and
It Is one of the few cases of the kind on
These are the only times when
the United Steles had even a technical
ally worthy the name. Now there is
not a nation In the civilised world that
would not be glad of the opportunity to
Join forces with this country
During the early days of the country,
from the time the first explorers land
ed on ow soil tmtll see were free ffom
foreign rule, the Indians have played
an Important purt as allies of''the powwho wagwj wsr against each ot.rrr
of the new territory.
During I
and Ind
tllsh. with a large ]
with the Fr-nch. Through their fighting
-yny victories were won, but It brought
benefit to them. The Indtans who al
lied their PiTces with those of the whites
not only lost their lives, but when the
Viciors returned In triumph they tamed
•A the Indians and forced them to give
np their possessions to make nMo for
the expanding ooloalc*.
When one nauon is getting ready to
feated nation and former friend has in
many cases been forced to pay a cash
Indemnhy for the trouble the othw na
tion was pul to In whipping her.
The duchies of Holstein and Sleswlck
were part of the possessions enloved hr
Denmark. Holstein held the harbor af
Kiel, a strong naval auUon which Blawanted. Early te ISM AoatrU
allied her forces with those of Germany,
and the combined amy marched
through the dneUes. srfaicA were
Russia, who was determined to Increase
No., o( U,. uUoo. bu
arm, W
her territory and gain an entrance into srith insurgent forces except srhen some, oeeding In their aadmakln^. they wtB
the Uediterranean sea. The natlotts Ibersonal gam was to oe bad or the be looked upon and dealt w.ib as a vosnthat fought with (be Turks were Francs power
ottering Ite services was permit- mon enemy. It is not the first Ume that
and England, and. while they won sig*
to conir^ the eonmry te dispute., the United SutM has esUed Into actum
no] victories over their eoramoa en*my (They have with but few exceptions her forces tor bamanlty-s mke. and
and In many faaitl^ showed the mate I cansed 1 eesaatton of bostlllUes -on, when she ha* done so In any case It ha*
rial their fighting forces were
ot. {humanlterian grounds," and when they! been withoin the aid of a THmidlr forat the conclusion of the war. vhee the ..... ------- ---------------- M^nDder-j^MUon" wl^ nndar
guise od
treaty of peace was signed. Rimste lost
rand •*
Uttle or norhing. and the allies, who eo. ana tn many casrs they took a rs-M
had paid dearly both te Ures and ward that suited tbemseivea. srhetbav tt ‘
THB xomvivo )&BOOBI>, 8UVSAT, A.VOV8T 14, 16M.
dad feaekward thracb the pHt^Mted aeae
«< Odd FbUowa lb BoMoa la Sefitaiiite te
TUI liiei^ht^ Ttetwiteaawbkbha
tba ooa topk o( latemt la aU Um lodgw
Of «be Mata, aad aiwj ■ Iwre^daae an b»toB made for a vlstt «o tba Hob oo
t walked totegal
gnat dar of the week. Sept 91, wbeo
dnsBjNadwaebered, •
(betewtU baa parade that pronitaea to Ah. ^U> a t«a« it laoaahl to oa awae
•ozp^ e«ea Ibat of IS jrean ago. which
waa a leeord breaker. Aireadr tbore baa
flor tb* fiMt OsM IB »■ hlMoiT Ibe eoioe to tbo knowledge of the parade oobnet uiiTW aweet. tae B»eiB«w>ea wiat awmaea
pMd «oe>iDpiMB*ctf Kslchti T%m]d«rf
Tbe tore that filled each bntrI tree Bnar toM.
of tbe UsHed
Par both of oe were prond. end I. ao faarfel
Uj ewrei dUMikl befcBcTira, wae aileot. eedd.
bk tn Ikaavl-1
not oonflaed to il
Tuk «U» ymt. the WateanUe (Me.) oantoD baa decided to Ah. well, (ha eame old tale, eo oft repeated!
Ikarwaot that bekrredme-ah.yaaaaSo^
•Dd th* KnicbU ootna. aud a oantoo troia Baltimore will
a» efter rcare I l»m.d II, bat be s
of the Ke7«OM partlelpate. Brea from fanwar Mlnae- ^
barer knew I loead him elM
Bute are prepar- apolU a large exoiirelon part; U being
Vaa a Bpaaoa.
Isgtoreoalm aod ^aaoed. and maor otber dlnaot ottiei
flttiiigir eot«talB will aead large delegatloiia
f%e gnud lodge and graad eacampawot of South Dakota each pnaaed rmlntioDi to pay ail doea and aanwneataaf
■ nenibere who ban gime to the frooL
"I mar eeem
j qaarreUng with
I Tbe Rebckabe of St Louie hare oisan- BT iToad Lod bntter,”
bntter," a
aaid an np town
' toad a RaU-kah veurran aMoclatton for cbiropodla: to one <>f bit be« ctutomen
; tboaa who bare bald oonaecuUra mamber. tbe ('-ber day. “but in niy hmuble and
ablp tor 16 ymre
eomrwba: iwolwwional opinion, tbemoet
Peaneylranla baa a lodge named Heart mcibleef all meat la tbe matter of footand Band. It waa laetltutod reoaotly at
■ la ibeChb
Did yon erer
notion bto feet? I don't bellevo there U
•mb n thing aa a oom ora bnoioa in
____________will tboefore bare tbe bonall CbiuB CbiropodiatB wonld atarre
«r«< extending tbe ho^rftaUty of tba atata
diD mtolngtfae to death t here ao tar aa the reQnirenientj
«B tba Ttoltlng tratera from all or» tbe
.000 for tbe Odd Fellowt'
irt' borne. Tbit of tbe nuKctilltM fixA are coacemed.
•oneftT. He U eminentlr quallfled aa a
(unount wM atlpoloted by the- grand lodge Whatever the defonnitiea infliettd on
tho ftot ><r women in CSiinamay be, tbe
btfore tbe borne oould bo loool^
men certainly enjoy aoiind and comfortable nud(’r<tandinga Look at tbe Chieommltiee to oonaldar Uw wtadom of oon- new laanriTmeo here in Waablngton.
tAotont a kador.
Tbeyataiid at tbeir work 18 boors a
Tba Boaion tea party waa eompoaed anOdd Pellowa wbo rtxit tbe Cranxmlmla- day. No rlaaa of wurkingmen I know of
IMy of an adjoomad lodge of Maaona.
By a law of tbe graad lodgacd Pennayl- alppt expoetUoD at Umelia will find an apeod ao many bonr* on tbeir feet aa
they da Yet tbey never break down
WDla. adopted In 1604 and never teeclnd««. no member of tbe (waft In tbe Jnrledto- cottage on tbe comer of IKidga end Poor- tfaerv, and. pbyrdcalty. they are a won
«ton oaa be a member of two lodgee at one teentb etreeta In charge of J W .Vlcbota.
derfully b' altby rooe.
aad tbe mmo Omo.
On a mottoo toelect by aedamattan tbe
‘‘Simple lirinr aud freedom from tbe
Tbe grand lodge of tbe itacT Wadi- rote AoM be taken e« on oth« luoUoaa
iBgtoB baa extended nec«i tan to negro i •—Tto. by tba voUng algn.
Tbe Otuueea of tbe Indge ibonld bare
lodgee bolding chartem fromI tbe I
n foot weaktribaU)
, ttie emtody of tbe crraaurer'a and aicralodge of England.
new and diaeaae to tbe kind of boose
Tba Hamilton eonnty (O.)
It to the duty of a prraldlng efOeer to abne ao onireraally worn by them. I
t buraan hex
}ndge l.npartlally and not arlm and give have a pair that 1 have worn for txveral
fer 97 Maaoea and their rolatlTea.
yeara.'aad I wouldn't wi<ar anything
Tbe grand lodge of Netnaaka raporti a bitrlewa He U not'sAaml In tfie princi
balance of *8.000 In tta trraaury. P. H. pal ofBoe tnloflnencc Irglalnllon. but to elre for gi'iiotne indoor comfort. Tbey
Tonng la now grand maakr aad W. B. eonduet boatneai In a burinclike man- are woven rf straw and seaweed aad
aoled with bone bide There ia a thick
Bearen grand aecretaty.
Tba eott of tba acaatan of tbe aorerelgn •nie nf rrraw above tbe leather, and
When Waablngtoo waa bnrted. It waa by
tadge at Dalla> In liMwaa KS,- through this tbe air can olrcnlate free
hla lodge, and tbe aitoola ^bol ctf Im- grand
rse.40: mileage. *ST,78I 40. par diem. ly. keepinc tbe mooelee oftbennderMortality fell npon hit eoffln.
part d tit' toot always oooL Tbe laiin.Tbe eommlttee oa deearattana aad UiBBlnattana for tbe PlRaborg eonolare
' dryinen, > • n notice, are nnaily bareboa adopted a ayttem of eleotrlca] Ulofo< t. wbicb ia an added advantage in
■Inatlon nnlqna aad graad la lia oonoeptbcmacbr of benlthfalm-aa. There is
Hoo. which wtU be etibaneed In beauty
about aa little material In tbe uppen aa
wd grandenr by tbe propoandaddlrtoai to
la uiiuiaiout with tbe idea of a aboe,
tte eame line by tba boMaam benaea of by^
Highland iudgvuf ClD
aad tbia ia just eaiotigh' to keep tbe
erntBuMiDK ThU la tlw JewUb lodgoof thing on tbe font. Tbiaapper, toa ia
Cbartoi W. Drake baa
theHnlghtaoT ITthtoa It waa propoiBd woven tooralyof seaweed, ao that tbeair
Mame of tba Now York
k Maaonlo
BaBand to eoMnate the flftaimib annlteraaiy. and
Avium fond, rleo W. P. bykeik reelgned. U woa propoied U> devote ll.ouo to tte.ea- can bare nnena to tbe foot. Nowhere
tertalnnieat. One of the memben cbere- doea tbia Pboe pinch or in tbe Im at de
npoo renKatibend-whot la tba me of . nt gree prrgs the foot.
“Then-ure tbe iodoor aboes of tbe
eating and drinking up eo much In an
bourt Why not devote It to tba Pytblan Chinama*!. On tbe street hoe in tbe
United StatM nowadays he wears very
oonrmaoly tbe leather shoes or hoota of
and U woa nwulvod to build a baaqjltel- American manntactare. That ia one cf
tnrulab It aod turn It over to the tracien tl»o waya in wbiofa be is becoming
of tbe Pytblan home.
Americanized. Hot the outdoor cloth
fbti inniranee tonefa of the order (tf
. Tbe member of tbe A'. O. D.W. bMona Knlgfau of Pytbiaa. a department copecl- abt>e (J China ia a great deal worn also.
^•atand grand eonttilaUcm that la ever ally protlded for tnetnbrn of the order de That, like the indoor aboe, ia very thick
With him. when bo wakea and when be alring Indemnity, baa riwn lo large pto- and soft in tbe sole, and tbe foot ia
liMpa, in the lodgeroom and out In the porttana It la now paying oat at tbe rate never pinched or atrained by it Tbe
verid.and that la when tbodayaof bU ef •1,S60.00U per annum.
hiNiltbicFt footgear ever known probaIttB ara otrr tOa widow aad orp^a will
Major Genoral Carnahan haa offered a hly waa tbe aaodal of the Greeks. It
be Imndaoin^ provided tor, a enm ample
lo place ibem In eomfon. aeturaJ by the prim of liuo to tbe company baring tbe bad no npper. and, as you will eee in
gooi toKband fellorroblpof oeariy 400.000 largcM percentage of iu meuiberaiilp at atsinary, tbe fovt of men said women
were id<«lly perfect All tbe aaodal afaanwt, boneet men.—Kentucky Work- the IndlanapolU encampment
There are sow fov lodgee of tbe order
ae tbe nea In Montreal.
Prom lateal reporta teoolved tbe groat Arnho. ‘it it aa if tho world were abod
_ place of tbe eu;gi
encampment of tbe order, to be held on with leather.' Tbe Chinaman aerma to
will begin on ibe aeoood
tbe fourth week In Anguai next, at tbe follow ont ibia motto, and bit aboee ara
ft June. ISM.
' Tbe MMeorKentD^renired tbe pate dty of IndlanapolU. promtoee to bd^ a Dearly auira aud nothing more. Bat the
eplendld dt-moDriratlon.
griwe secret of the iscvllence of bis in
Tbe flm Pythian tadge at Salt Inke door kboe ia the half inch straw sola.”
Ity waa organt»a thece Kov. IS. IKTB.
>d Waa called MyrUe lodge. .Va I. The —Wuobingtoo Star.
Ibe ^urtodlctlon baring a
Ut. 3! B. Tnnteref Boone lodgts Ko.
1, of Oorlngton died neeoUy at Lakalaad
AVloto. trbere be had been tor 18 yeara
All tbit Uiw> Boone tadgo paid hto amoeMttta and kept him In good
tie widow reoelved 83,uoa
Tbe report of H. W. Saokott- of PennVleanlila, eupretiie recorder of tbe onkr,
Sowa that tbe total Ineome of tbe orKaoImUdo laat year woa •ii.6b4.00e and tba
cpandilnraa «8.4I6.4a4. of which
«4 waa paid oat In death beorflta.
Oood headway U reported aa being made
Itttbe filatalnei,l amigamcnt plan, which
&Mdy U adopted by at iurtedlrUona
lady bem arc great bnipe to thu trot*,
from Waablngton abow gn-ot
•Mlriiy la^^dlng^n
•ore There
KraUx Csegbt.
wbert of thu Hrat
A oertain Greek adventtmr some
years ago ondmook to padm off upon
tb.- pablic aoine false copies of tbe gos
pel lUBDoacripts. Many loomed men
were deceived, but not Dr. Otme, librarUn of the Bodleian library at Oxford.
Tbe Modern Woodmen of Ameriea eaya Bow be detected the fraud is reU^ in
to lu membura, "Yon can goto war tf you bis own words in The Spectator:
wlab to volunteer In defonso of your eouDI never really opened the txxik. bat I
try. you can go to tbe Klondike tf yoo
wuh to aearch forgold. or you can remove beM it In my baud and took one page
apy ruuotry on tbe face of tbe glolte. of St between my utiger and ibnmb
ily keep your aoHwmeuto and dum paid while 1 lutened to lia-rasciil's aoconut
promptly and y«>ur cmtldeato will be In of bow to foond this moM interesting
full furoe and effect at any luoiaent
At tbe end of three or four minntes I
The d(wtb'wave tor laat montb kepta bauiled It back to him with the abort
Uulu below tbe atvrage mark.
coiuSEvuC. “Niurtfcntb ceutnry paper.
Tto Modem Woudium of America doea’ niy dear air.” and be took li atrsy in a
not interfere with a man arrllgiotu prefer borry aud did not cotne again.
enoea nor him political aOlUottana
Yea, 1 waa pleased, bat 1 have ban
j In iHmttotxatof li.uuoinasranoe In died several nucicDt inanaacripu in my
the M'rimi W'oG^Tnnoqf Amerlea^ttbe tttuo, and 1 know the fvcl of old paper.
! agv of 9U yean waa |4rt« wWttoeoriecy had benxuofour yeara older, tbeeoet.
Inaiiad of liMacaaing. dropind down to
Soen^Editor's mnetnm. Printer
Tto Oaborae (Kan.) eamt) baa raleed (raahing in excitedly)—Here's a gol
•9UU with which to eqnipa Modem Wood joimaon. the 'nimlerer, baa jnst been
found innoceoc, and tbe government
en baud.
Tbe waiver tor bemU hea been abol- bar telegraphed a i '
tbe whole acoonnt
I, and the team is
____ w would eooo be an old line iniuraaw «Mnpgpy ineUad of the graudeft fraknlty tto world haa ever aeon You who
hare good protooUon at a reaaon^e prl«
(coolly)—Don't get excited,
tbe Utueha rxVuaitloa on Hed Men'a
go to yoDT fricoda and tot them know
■boot to U good for you. It «U1 be gioid day. Aug. 10.
GAidtala; "Jobneon Pardoned. Full Aotor ibem. eo don i be aelfiah and keepaU
Tbo order la Kew York now ntunben oointof What He Eacaped!”—Peartow good Ihingi youraelf
•00 trilaia and 86.000 tueinbrnt
aoB'a Weddy^______________
OalUornla rvporta alx new tonla InatlLcol Lenape tadgo. PIdladoIpbla. bM a
toMl laat month
Ceoldat Traaelaie It.
"Is that yonr baby?” aaked tto inAmngementa arc already being made tersMod party. "Wtot a onte little
a large
of H<d Hen to attend ohildJ What U he mylng now?”
torgu number «
BtfleUe In iteeir dora not debartbe iMb- . for
' ' tbeCnttod ritaiea-at
iAlnata lodge from naing tto ceremony at ^ tto^ great eonodl^J
"1 don't know.” repliedtto porpla*fto order at the funeral of the deoeaMd
edfathcr. ''Voa sae. bit motbv oatrles
tbe code book. ”—Pbiladrlphta Konb
A B«n tier tugwid stand
kte ooeniisUon to um- of
Order to Wmi ITHth.
I may have a flital card
aird If apAU'oteea.
Tto ordvr <f B nai U'rftk extends all
Abaeotminded Profoasor (In tb« bath
An eCort lo reduce ttie ralaritv ef tto bwv the L'nltort Htat«< Europe and in tbe tub)—Well, well, now I bare fo^teo
ainamc offlosra and also ibu lulleoge and nriontal eountrics It oonprites among wbat 1 got In bore (or.—Fliegtnde
■wdlcmof ttvaeatmtaUvos. wa« itafeotod
tf a voae T6 lo le
A law waa paraed by Ibe snineuie lodm eumtnoti fooilDg
« declare that tto c
Tto obyecte ut itoroolety ore taw«iHrtal tritiema article of diet la batter, and baMgolring tbe tvporter to dellvw warvonw
Itt betoflia to tto tmstoaa immediately on
nettptaf tbm by Mmand toatuet their tto children of lurnibers wbo dlv without
Tbe family ui a iiieiubto who beArttvsiy to tto paoperbemAetartce
%0w York bto tto largrat metubMaUp,
A Caw initowrtng and pretty tmtm
tnnipa, porenipa potatom i
oan all be pnt to naiqne and
saea tr any tngenlona boy of girt.
^ke a large carrot and ont it
abotu Are inebea from tbe thick end.
Scrape ont tbe pale yellow center nntil
there ia a bole three inebea deep. Tie a
atoni aorliig amond it. Kang ^(n a light
^ce and &!1 the boUow center wUb
water In a few days tbe yonng apmeta
will begin to abont. and it will not be
long before tbe feaibory carrot lenvoa
grow cat and np ao aatoalmaetentuely
cover tbe yellow root
The porauip ia treated in tbe wiue
way. and when bung alternately with
the carrou they muke a very i-ffectire
Bhowtng. Tbe arater mnat be daily re
Many amariag little tbinga can ba
made with tbe nae of orena aeed and
pleoea of oM woolen mateiiaL A bottle
tightly covered with flannel, dipped In
water and rolled in creaa ai-ei will ooan
beooveiod with a great, velretysiirlaoe
If kept tnoin and In tbe light.
A bof wbo ependa bit rammera on a
New England farm, with more in
genuity than opportunity, makea each
year a most inttreAing little garden
In oue corner of bis garden be ereoa
a little wiQsremsncartxgof bean poleo.
Next be planta soariei numer beano, and
as Boon as they get to b>- almoW aif
inclAi btgb be b^na to train tbem np
rmngs leading to tbe p^es. TbeKarleC
ninn<T t* hardy, growa with grott ra
pidity and l«ara claatera of aearlet blot-.
aOma Tbey will grow in wbaterer di
rection tbe stringa alcmg which tbey
climb are arrung^ ao tbe little gardstcr baa hmitieaa metbnda of arrangiaig
for doora and windowa In bis onmiear
Abont tbe IS of Jnne be starta his
oarroU and paranipa. He banga tbcan
alternately al^ tbe front ride of tbe
•ommer booae—tbe one aide where tbe
acarict rtinner ia not allowed to creep.
In the little windowa formed by tbe
ereepera be bangs tweet potatoes, al
ways cboortng tbe place where tbey
will get tbe mas ton.
In tbe ccnicr of tbe sunmer boos ba
nsnally baa a snail wooden table, over
which is seked a pieoe of dartt bine
flannel On tfaie be growa oeaa seed.
One yrar be marked it off likeacbeokerboaid and kept itHoanabrng with creoi
all ebrongfa tbe snmmer by repleniibing {
tbe aeed. Jus as '
---------- - ,------------- be wooM sprinkle
tbe bine ones with fresh seed, ao tibat
ready*to take its place.
Another year be coveted a ronnd
pnmpkin with pale bine flannel and
with tbe erras aeed designed a map of
tbe world. He arranged this on a abmt
pole and with tbe aid eg a wire ntaaaged to have it rerolva
Anothm Intereating experiment is to
bottle to tbe vine, lu time tbe bit
will drop off and tbe grapes will form.
Tbey will soon completely fill tbe bot
tle. and if kept in tbe son will ripen.
Care aboold be taken to empty tbe but
tle after each rain storm.
When tbe grapea have reached perfeocion, sever tbe stem with a pair of actssora Tbe bnneb may be pteeerved by
filling tbe bottle wi^ bailing water
into which baa been pot a few tea^Moncork and mallng a
Dorothy haa a baby brother wbo has
recently toeti ill with tto oomlng
tbroogh of bis flm teeth. 1 think to
has the baidett bead 1 ever aaw on ao
infant. It baa caused Dorothy great
anxiety She stood at the mother's kntM
one day. guntly patting tto little bead.
‘'BeoarefoL Dorothy." said tto mutb€T. "You know poor Utile brotber U
sick. He is catting tala teeth. ” Dorothy
patted tbe tatld head reflectively.
"Mamma. ' she said, "ia it going to
make him sick when to enta hia hair?”
—Pituburg Bullotin.
clotbea aoiled aud waa nying i
for It. At last, in dtssperation. she aid:
" Well 1 diut't know bow it
It rob off!"—New York Tribune.
We will cloee ont • few broken lota of Shoes, at an
e^ieciallj low Sgors.
good wearers.
Tbey are all solid leather and
We ca'Tj s large stock in all styles
and all prices and can please yon. For s good wear
ing shoe get them of
“New Idea" Pattens Ire ilie Eqial of Ib) Pattens Made.
Tee Cents Buys Ib) Style.
To pricM that are leee thnn the oost
of the mBterUl, ob
(All thie eewon’B Btylee.)
49c, 69c and 89c.
49c beys 7Se to 9Dc Waists.
69c bays $1.00 aed $I.2B Waists.
89c beys $1.50 Ic $l.75Yfaists.
Th. lot Inclndn nMriy to riM.
(All are of UM 000000*0 malra.)
At these prices to eloM out qiiickr-880 to $87h-Tal>
nee $1.36 and $1A0 to $4.00.
Lij'ht cassimere puits,
well made, value S6.00,
at $3.75.
Special values at 89c.
$1.38, $1.79, S1.98, val
ues $1.25 to $2.75.
$4.50 for $6 values.
$5.95 for $7.50 values.
One line at 35c Knee
■Pants at 25c.
Bargaiis il all (tepartmnts, 8t
Bfltiibk Drj Goods, Cirptt ud OotUM BHE8.
Tara vrox-oo 0±-ty,
We have tbe n
cquare dealing—Wa have enniad It We
qnou raiisa that maka enttemsra for ns.
We can help yoa to Uva wall. Btoe ara »
f«w teapUar qaatattaoa far thoM "torrM
Cut oat the fbnm« below aod paste
, Be uo each aide of a piece of cardboard
ame aise as tto drawioga Make a
burner Kew Process Ttpor Stove, $22, for $17.30.
burner New Process Vapor Stove. $25. for $1&60.
Mascot R-frigeralor, $3. for..............................,$ 0.00.
C^bilkoot R«*frijferator. $10. for........................... I 8/K).
Cbilkoot Befri^rator, $lii, (or........................... $10.0U.
Only one each of the above left.
First a>me first served.
W. J. HDBBS, Hardware.
^mtmrmwi [niTTITitTirTIInliftininini
•moll bole U eacb teid of tto card and
ue to abort stnugo. Twirl tto card by
twlittng tto soingi batwecM tbnmb and
finger (f each-band. Tto rabbte will ^
pear to tolottoei«a.—Olavelond nabi
Ccicbratcd Cbicagc Ciidies.
" B. H. ROSE & SON'S.
E Bndl. Building.
Mommo MOMtp. tmroAT. AW08T 14, tase.
TwtmrbM(o< spalls
ABd txwd tb» iiMBdawi •'»•
«W tWBcf'■ vu* wn>t for IMMw
ik U( mMUp to.
Ch. bM« Bad bird! nd nto. to wM»
la prvTBTto uks ae Bto^
tito ■•. (roB tiwf) r*fto« to HM
TUI haU pan a*Tv «-r)nirk.
-1 Rckcn «’• trw that 0>«« to al
iMt OM toBtoBc« Is «T«7 Ufo. Praia
pOMsal kBowkdiw I oaa oolr cite nj
owB CM. toll I'll reanra that then
wae Bcrer a Rood. atrasR Btcry toilttea
that did OM find ito iuapintioo ia
Tbe aolbcr <rf ttoa onralar deUmnee eat with hto chlldraa aad bia
grandcbildm co one of thoK.great,
I that belo^ to
erery iwtectioas eocntry botnt io TenBeaaee Ke waa a ciout. alowly going
down noder tbe weight <d yean, yet to
live in the pan waa to rtcall aome of ita
vigor. Kow bia eye* brightened, bia
farm atraigbteoed. bia broad abooldei*
went back, and bia vtdee waa wittoml a
WBtewenft aa tbat tbe Mann
vataMwiib HcdtKaa aaooawaald
«iak c« tafariac ber.
"We had beaa talUag aaaily aa bov
vbcB there waa (be aoeod ot a mafSad
ety and a body falllag afalsto tbe doofc
Botoer mofaed It ertih a ai»ta«^
threw it open, to find a wtsaas atretobed
aeTOMtheBte^ Qolckly be lifted taw ia
hie ftrasg ansa and laid her geatly OB
tbe raagb coach 1 had palled before tbe
hlaaisgloga It waa Keltic, auootiaclooi
and appareatly non dead than allra
Ber long. waTiog hair waa looae, diabcreled by the wind and wetwithasow
that melted to glittering drape ia the
warm glow of tbe room. Her aptuned
face, with ita prrf«rtly rhiwled featares,
bad the anattainaUe beauty of the artin'i draam. Tbracgb all that terrible
storm she bad made ber way for half e
mile wilhcnt a vvt. p or evi n tbe altppera in which she cntT. h.le awaiti^
ber father'* r«t:i for they bad been
lost in tbe drat lew atepa As I grasped
ber pretty lianda to chafe them they
tightly elutrhed tbe canvas bag to ber
boaom, and only nben. ttic Lalf mui
Bomer fom-d anmc bmudy down bw
throat did ibe rrlliiqsish biv bold.
‘Trying to rise, she said rapidly
'Hniry, father. Iiany, It waa Black
Joe. He'a locked in the strong closet. 1
brought tbe money. Yon said yon knew
I would protect it. Tfarrc it is. How
Black Jno did cam and aweor to kill
, na both! Bnt I eaptnrad Lim. And her^
nnnatnral langb told bow intenae bad
been tbe strain npou her dcttm
“We foond the Tilloin vainly trying
to oaanr
batnr nu
bia way oat. anajin
ondjin one
dno um«
a long aentruee pat him ontof tbe way.
Hebodsnaen in npea Kettle ebortly
after ber father left. Ko threats oonld
Indoee ber to betray tbe biding place ct
tbe money till she anddenly deviaed a
•cbeme to keep
it and the robber.
Appearing to yield, abe told Joe to look
behind the cheat in the closet which
Boskt bad built irf straig oak planks
place of safety for bis few valaablea
I Be mode ber bold a candle while be
eearehed. As be loaned over tbe ebest
Kettie summoned all her strength and
conrage, threw tbe door obn:. clapped
the hasp over tbe otaplo tout clooed cbe
book that was ottacbfe. This she
iron poki-r. and
"Toa look tbe plenireaf faer,"b«
nid to tbe little tot on bia knee aa be
stroked her corla. Thenittookareqneat
for tbe Wfvy to recall tbe old mao from
bia deanst mivcory “In tboei.'daya,"
be began, “tbei\' waa more family pride
than tlMTC 1* now. Prrlia}« 1 ebonld
aay that family prejndiew were stronger.
We bad a caste as well dediKd aa that
is India. For one to marry in t 'lower'
» was social anicidi', and my foUcA
. being of the ao calUd aristocracy, were
among tbe stalwarts of tbe stalwart in
npholiding tbii intok-ront creed. J beeome aometfaing of a bi-reiic while in
- tbe north completing my edneatioa, bnt
it take* ttme and experience to get rid
of a amxig beroditary bias.
d from bCT prisoner
“We were fairly well off fts- tbOM
Mmea, tou I bad an ambition to do and bis blood etudlJng tbieata.
aCBtethiog more than comber tbe world
“1 loved bn and told beraa Bnt abe
wa a me
was os eourageons marolly os pli>-aical^
satbar I
ly. bbe was not fitted f<w mr Aoikn is
Ufa Wail two years anu six- if 1 Mill
wanted bur. Her father was going i<
•end ber away for a tune. 1 praceated,
t we had in a B
but she r .-nt, and 1 only heard orrasionaectloB of tbe sute and still maliiuin ally, thringh ber father, that abe was
my social jnestige.
well and happy. One Biebi acime 18
"1 went at the enterpriae in earacat, muntbs later 1 was at a prutontioot sobringing a lot of men from Pennsylva- oial gaibering in Mcuipliia. 1 was not
Bia that understood the work and found- society man, bnt bad gone on an old
lag a primitive village of log eabine in friend of tbe family, borne ooe sang,
a regioo aa desolate ns any eni'onntered and 1 tbougbt it the dlvineri mnsio I
'by^ eriginal pioDeera. Tbe miner* bad erer beard. As the ringer rone from
bad tbeir tamilie* with them, and all tbe piano i got a view of a regal beauty,
anppliea bad to he brought 60 miles who seemed familiar to me, hut 1 only
over tbe monnuin roads Tbe fare- knew her when that voice 1 had loarxied
man waa a big hearted bnt obrewd and to know ao will in the moautaina refearless fcrtch-Irishnian. who waa )nst •pemied to or. iotrodncrlao. It was Net
to tbe men and loyal
tie, who bou bei-ngeuingheroiiucatioa,
Hla home was locked after
a dan^ and never bad woman
-4er who had lost her mother yearn be more in the name Irnglfa of Ome. She
fore; The men nstd to call her tbe was tb^ belle of tbe orirtnaatic circle
ifuuntaiu Bok. for she hsd all its deli in Bemphir, but when 1 had drawn ber
cate colurings and won Just as fresh and apart abe langhingly admitted that 1
dainty aixl gracefnL Tbongb atremg bad tbe refusal of b<r at 1 ibst ebo woi
and llibe, becanse of the manner of Iht Just tbe oame bnucst .cirl she Baud to be.
life, abe looked the patrician from bead I proteried mi vig> rct^y tbutwe ent tbe
to foot and had ad innate refinemost of probationary pened i kgrt. And abe
obaracter that no enlinre can supply. your beautiful graiuimA little
Ber VIlice was mnoical, nod tome ber Detroit Free Pn«L
simply songs were man charming than
. the usual efforts of a prims donna. Her
On tbe ooniineui Uie turn dolmm is
adneatioo was of ber own ooqniring
OBid was strangely oot of tbe conven- almuri nnivoni:.My npplkri to the wbulc
ticaal lines. Her knowledge in senne di- constTuouan. uiclndinK tbe eovrnug,
leetions only onrprised yon lees than mound or oaim. Thus Prenob and other
her tact in acquiring informatioo in writera apeak tf a cbamlKred mound cff
othen. Bnt 1 would never tire of talk tnmolna aa a dolmen. But riuce it to
probable tbet tome neror were oovered
ing of her.
“After our rongb colcaiy hsd become up it eeuus better to make a diriino.nettled and was progressing finely on- rion, as we do in this oonutiy.
desirable characters were attracted to France there ore onid to be about 4.000
»b« vtcinlty. home men pnt np a shan- dolmens, many of wbieb wonld in £ug.
V foal off my laud end stocked it with loud be called chambered ttimnli Tbe
moautoin dew. Komcrnns rough ioek- Indian dolmens which ore not covered
ingefaaraners came there fm the oatra- pp reaembie thooe of western Europe.
Bible pnrpine of hunting and fishing, Captain Beadows Taylor examined a
pitthing (heir tent), in nor viciuity. 1 large nomber in India and obtained
beard stories <d gambling, oi>d the men porticnlara of oo less than ‘J.lrii ia the
toerq not aa regular ai thi-lr work as Dekkon. -About bojf of them bad on
they were before thi*e inti'rrupticaia. opening on me aide, probably few tbe
Bonn, tbe forrman. wauicd to adopt free entrance or exit of ttic oo^ as peo
heroic meatnrea for gMting rid of these ple tbongbt tben. Just os in tire Egyp
peeta, bet 1 aaw no way but to wait fur tian pyramid there usi. a paaaage to tbe
•ome breach
tbe law an<I then secure chamber oontainiug Ibo mummy. With
regard to the diainbntigu ol th«ne etrnotbe IntcrtvsitiaD of the aoiboritici.
•‘Onr pay day eamoeverv two weeks, tunv. ii is sold that none is to bo
and 1 brought the money from tbe uear- fiKiuJ in eusUTn Eorap^l<yoodSaxcny.
C«t hank, in a townMnocdistauceaway, They n-app-or in tl)frOuuea and Cirhaving two good men go with me as a caMiu. whence they bave beoo iraoed
guard. On one occasion Kettie. tbe through o-utral A^ia to Indio. They
fotemau's daughter, met os ten miln bnve also U«di noticed by travelers io
from the senloinrat. guiding ns in a Poltstine, Arabia. Perau. Australia
Peurbyn island.!. Madogaaomr and
circniioos route, for abe had learned
“PrehtoUirio Man
tbrongb a wild young girl at tbe drink
ing d«e that there v.oa a plot to waylay
and rob u. Ketric hod promptly pnabid
MeTnUadi WeeM B* PVnak.
ber way through the dangev* of tbe
Like ail other Iditura, J. B. Mdbnlmtnuiuio paths to d-ara ns. fearing that logh wo* oorely tried by tbe individual
dela>- in securing some other memengcr with a mantuicript. Bedid not core for
might be foul to as and at tbe ooma voluntary uonirihnticsu ua any rabjeot,
time endanger ber informant. On tbe and very few of them were ever naed.
way in 1 learned more at the girl and Tbe pHiple who hraught them In ware
ber Ufe thou 1 had ever known, and she
irtly dispomd of when they belonged
•ronsi-d that iutercat which to oo likely to tbe maseniine «x. but it was not wo
to eventuali' in luve
_ to g« rid of them when they ba^
•'ll was a muiitb later before we were pi-ned to be woims It was bia habit for
Creed from a ni<m blo>-kiMli-. and the next many yean u> bring kuch coIIpts to my
time 1 went to tbe
u « as fer dou desk, telling them in n graciona way
ble tbe nsnal amoouL Itouk mute men. that I was innbargeef anebmatton and
«DdwereMir»edwilhoniuccid,.iiL Ev«i would be pleased to bare them take a
this did uol give me tbiipk-asure afford aeat and read tbeir piece* to me, and
ed by tbe Joyons welitinu- of the girl then be would aland back within bear
who hod ao mdcuUy bum in druad ing dtotance and chnckle over Biy mtowbik I was gtoie.
“It was just coming dork when 1
On one «>»«««<«" however, a vtoitor
toond tbe canvas bag containing ibv of Ibis kind refnoed to bn put off anil
BMuej- to tbe funnian, for be was tbs insisted that it wo* hia duty sot only i
nesiouiuu and would pay tdf at tbe notn publUh ber article, bnt to see that it
. boor III xt day. I never felt afraid when wont in the Sunday toane, broauae more
heWBk on guard. That nigbttbe otorm people reed the paper on that day than
waa ou ns again, and with a veiw to on any other.
making some arrang«ments for tbe bet
“Madam.” be hUnaiy lepltod, “toe
tor protectiem of tbe mioea I oent for naaon why ao many pecqile read tbe
him. i never tbongbt <ff tbe money tiU Snnday paper to that we k^ Mto staff
be appeared at ny door, toortly before aot tf ft.
8l Losto Globe^tomcmt.
II o^alook, covered viUidrinuBg auo»
J p|| jp|p|[f ES.tJiJgJ'Sj
^ Siam, mvela overland to San] »wthreymi'dmarb»wmrHaiye«rtoaesa,
Franetoeoand thenoe by water, reaeb-1 ^
tng its deatlnatton in aboot 48 days, 1 tc*'d maybe tab. aad wearttcaf cor tons,
baring been carried nearly 18,000 milaa. r« wtoh I aeuM be Uvia amr. m kres yaa day
A letter mailed here for AdeUida. Ane-.
aad aiabw
tralla. alao goea via San Franetom^ r?!!!?,
travel. •8.846 milee awl to dellvtnd M
asBallywii.ui86d»s. KewYorkmaU, to them obora-ed let me briar yuu >ay.
Aeatined for Oalontta goes by way of
London, traveling 11.180 miles in 80
Bihsm above •ad in me wm yeaioy.
daya while mail mm from this city to > and ao*l wtsb ae wt>hsa.BerrvfTfanan«r.
Cape Town, goes 186 milea
Uy„nt tbe way In. lad.
in ,,
• -leas tin
• ——■
day lUt'acrrvrtira and t
two days'
^ dar^^hsi
■l a bora.
between New j
Yotk and Hongkong ordinarily oon- ^
xoffiiw iMje montb of tuna H»e letter* *
TT'“J“ *
__________ _
O•^r1U la Blackw«.,rt . toaaa
miles of distance. To cesoh MelDonrne. Australia, from this city a let
ter will travel I8.8CS milee in about 88 j
days, aud to roach bydaey a letter wiU
travel 11.6T0 mile. In 81 data Tbe,
mail route from New York to Yoko- '
bama. via San Franclaeo. Is 7,848 milee
long, end about 88 days aro omwomed
intrudl To£. B. HcuioliiJ. ^ tU.
City a letter travels 6,»46 mUea in 18 ,
Lwviug New York on abeamer days.
mail matter u acbMloled to reach Rome
.1 ... .n.
XI riM.1 I..
. .1...
^tlonand Liverpool to e^bt days,
ttottei^in in nine rtaya, bt. rtWisboig
ln«lrtid.r» B«rU> In n'"-d... nl j
York to Buenoe Ayres, which is 8,048
milee distant, consomes 89 or 80 doya.
—New York Tiiiira
la «Wa yblltrytoow Itoach BArolrAmong oUuT queer things found in
tbe Pbilippioes ore vegetable gemk
There Are not many of them, tbongh.
Tbe bamboo is empty normally. One
might cut open a Jtingloof tbe giant
gtaaa amd find nnaliered bollowneoa
But taioa ia a mlllian time* or more ac
cident bring! to light in tbe bamboo
•tom a gem. Nature has molded into a
tump a little of tbe flinty material
which make* the outer atinn *o bard.
The codale usually preaente tbe appearanoe of an opal, and several apemmens
are In (be
cterisiio tines of 1
Those Dodnlea aro known as Ubiuwer.
It is iutereoting to uote that tbo first
ohumioal and minen' - I mode by the James
New Departure’
Ever Barne4 Out*.
If eoyoa know
Dr. A. B. Sirinney. of Detroit. aU:
proprietor of Seed aty Sanitarium. 1>
cnmlng to your town, where 1 • wi’:
vemaln for one day ouly to give tboick an opportnnity to coaanlt hin
that cannot eee him at hia Sanitarium
Tbe doctor bae to nneb faith in tbe
experience be baa had in treating
Chronic diaeaoes that he will give one
stoBth’a treatment and medlcToe free,
Auopbex SDaeicaLOPEianoK* To
every patient will state to their friends
the results obtained by hia treatment.
AU forms of chronic diseases aad deformitlea treated. No man In this
Sute baa bad eueh extended expo-
a P. OAftVKR. Ag*u
John R. Santo,
Geitril lg$yrton.
Travme City. Mtoh
Xaentnione From the South oo the
O. & to L
Tbe G. R. A t. will beve exeuralont
Into Traverse City as follows:
August 23 from points between Fari
. -
» Bipanoa ot a
OlSE^ES aa the doctor. He gradn
j q Nolen, who
old tima-ln aM 87 yeara ago from Cleveland.
Ohio} waa 15 year* In general prac
lurincwh tells Ohio;
■■Val” Hlat« the milUonalrc ties; after that lecturwl”as Profi
j^^er of Milwankee.
: of Ar '
- —
- .
• ~
i«i M me nr.
~ . , n«u4w wuu Apajlaui
plant in bta j Xhis experience, combined with many
■ s and 1 waa lyctr,* «udy In the best hospitals in
Up to tty to cloes M duaL
the conntry, and examining and treatphones vrith m ! tag thonsanda of chronic caseA has
u order to make a oraetioal demonstra-i prepared him to cure when the general
should one he required, and I went! praeUtioner failA Have you been tick
m. Ry. Iseloding Detroit aad Toledo,
| Augmt 86lh from polatton Ann Ar; bor R. R. all points.
M. A RyallpnlBU L
^ August tntk from p inu ao O. R *
I. By betwaia Biefamoad and Fart
Aiirust lOth from Pe"ca. f -oN Cf~
eltaati. Daytoe, Sprln»fl«ln. Xenia
Sep 3r.l-7lh pec a. I- •• t L>ui^'’,
ladUoap-ilU, -' -rre Haute. St. LoM.
The first fit, aaouiriona tiekeuH..a
j ---------- --- -------------------------------------.....
7^^ Ohio. Indaiaa aad Pmsa. Mtogood JO days.
yon, we
C. E. MujotAT. Agent.
we can give you.
C. L. Lockwood, G. P. to T. A
Nff*Remember. one montb wUl be
Grand RapUa.
tooUvely, and ttnaUy mid:
abaoletely free—raedicinea, surgical
operations, and tbe benefit of all onr
William’* FetookM Orrem, pnrp
shiU to all who are too poor to pay.
Our tnetbods of treatment is all that le fruit Juleea, oold eporkltag aoda waur.
known by all the ocboola, with tbe aid elcaa epoooa and glosoeo. This mix
my men down in the maltbi
of electricity, that moat wonderful of ture oonsUtutee our loe cream coda at
I and cold storage are all an agents in Paralysis, Loss of Pbwer, Waife coda fouuUta.
Kbenmatism. and alt diseases of the
“ 'L myaelf. toough a Oerman and A nerroBS system. Go early, aa my
gradnate of Leipaic and UeidulbetR. oan office is alwars crowded.
■jKok Engitoh. bnt what would your
be to my Dutch workmen,
apeak English at alir
Well. 1 sew bow tbe land Uy. OU
Val could not get it thruogb hU bead AUchar*a«<Uiabaat e( OMSteal aMILaa«ar
alractleo. Tavws lor board aad
OItT Platlao, te aSari July X im
that the Celepbune would uanemitaBy- tOa doeierV
tbittg bnt the language of America. 1
8I8BEI SffEf 888
was bound to make the dreL aa I aaid
Remember, we give a written ruar>
aaaaaa aaaa aa-a
'antee to cure every case of PILES and
before. So I rmnarked to Mr. filato:^
" ‘1 can pnt on some Oerman reoeiv. RUPTURE. Alao. we I- ive a lying-ta
„ d.^ r
hitter to go f:
....................... ........
Janeiro, which to only abont 60 milea;
firud [bpldi i Iidiini R. 1
era if you so desire.
1 have eonm with
“I uontoetod up tbe pfaonea. made a
■bow of dmngiDg tbe teoeivera. and la HR ^PIIHFY
bwU an hour kta Blau waa talking to
^rlPIIItl «u-l.;^riia..d.T.a.,D in the malt-
8 88E888
a anaaaa
« SSfiRSR,
“ 'You may put them ia be oaid,
Baduoaa Batae on G. to. to I
'and 1 ohaii want uoe (ixnnan one In
ClneiBnatl, one cant par mile. ReD
tbe malthonae. one German one ia each ^ptember Sd. good to return October
warehouae, English one* in myolSoa
and the ba.>muas office and a German
one faro for round trip.
; Sell August 8th. return August 16th.
ed tbe firri of the sciendfio bureans ot one in the cold storage boosu'
"We closed the deal and ?>. Elata ' LnotagtoD. one fare for round trip,
the American goverutuent.
was glad 10 pay $8 extra for each G<u» '*^11 July 8«tta to August 5th, retnra
In tbo oouditiun in which tbe fruit to man fuuucisur wo put in. Wmb the Aiyua'-I5ih.
known in tbu Uuihd Statoe the milk phoned were sbiDned from tbe factorv I Saratoga, one fare |or round trip
in tbe oocuuint is consifleml lu inly
cuntoBt. Tbo really riiie unt, however.
U» U,
.u ,
To. TO.,
fiSfiz « S
trip. IMI Aagoat 241b. 8Sth. Md 2Tth.
“It was five year* before I mw TUati
Tbu spemge is expured to the hot
egaiu.''<xiucladed Ur. Nolen. “Hereo■88eBISE
for two or three dan in a wuudun
trough nntil tburougbly pulped. Tbe oaruired me at once and mid with a trip. WI August tat. good to retara
August Itsu
last of the oil is then extrsetud by boarry Oermiui luogb: 'Von are tbe aeR«<dooed ratee to other points. Fbon<
Dodaunggi-mlftnau who put ii
squixring tbe auft sponge iu Ibe bantla
Ii C. E Hnrray. AgenL
aaaa a aaaaaaaaa
C L Lockwood, tt. P. A..
Milwan8S8!: 8 8C8S8I88S
•inmd RaptdA.
».£• S
which have much uf tbe loriur of the
peari. Eight or ti n of there cuacanut
A Paxvo TaralBs WklSa.
Tralo* arrlva (raw St tosla. berterlUc. topcarU. oil dUcovi-ml in (be PhilipdlaaaiNiUt. I'loeiaeaU, Chieaxo. Datrcdi ao4
A enriority rarely wunesacd ta this
pineo. aro treasured iu Enropian mnseOraaStUpIdiSAa. a. Slaapmx aa4 4iala«
oountry was seLii at ibe olfloe of the
nma They range from the sire of a pin
peusiuu I'xaioiners in this city today. It OOLUMBZA AND LOG to. ODIthead to that of a very small pea —New
was A negro man turning white. The
Yort Sun _
man's name to Sam Smith. Ha to «7
Dmco'i stO uraoe RapMa.TreVw ItoriW
years old ana came here today from
asO befiac car (row OesroU oa tkU UstA
Going north dally except Sunday.
G<v>rg<-iown to stand an
>saa Tradvra Badeavar ta Baareoaa Iba
8:48 a m
pension, be baring served in the Leave Traverse City
raeU Baxardlax Prataatiaa.
“ Neabtawunto.
. ..B:40
Union army. More than three-fourths
” Omeiia.............
..11:10 “
The longer the war plogrraae^ with of the man's entire body is white, tht
Nortbport----..12:80 p.B
skin fair, r by far than that of tbe or 1
...1:4S ••
Norwood ........
ta takaaOaet OBBdar. Joaa », U87,
of the Ameriran arniH. the butter will be diuuiy white man. Tbe dark ikin r»Charlevoix....
atirea'eieeka m.
the ontlixik tor trade and industry, even mainiug on tbe body to ouly in omall
ooiiMderiiig tbe natural interraptiaa spetB. Smith says that bto skin begun
Bey View........
oomo Hoxra.
which cornea to burinuea on account o( turning white in I8«7. and the dork
'equito •slug...
a war ritoaiinu. It ia sliown not only, skin has been dimppeoring from the
arbor Poiot....
Pa. k
by the stock iiiarlo-t repariK. but in the body ever Since. Tbv physicians wbo
Barbor Springs..
tucHit eni]>baUc tuauDer by tbe gold examined blm today think that riioold
tuovuujMU towanl the Uuited States tbe old mau live a few years kmger be
truBNury. that conditions are very oatto- will be entirely white save perhaps tbe •
Harbor (tprirgs .......... 7riOAl
factiiry to tbe people of this country— faix. A pecoUar feature of the case is
OneXaaaJO......... **.
•• Harbor Point ................ 7:05 “
moch uiuri- so tliuu is naturally to be tliai the face has not txcu rarning white
Oockaaa.............. Arv
...7:15 •'
•' Weqnetonsing..
exiiected during a lime of war.
along with the rest of Ibe body, tbe
...7:15 “
•' Bay View..........
Itjs perfixtly prliletit (but tbe oppo white only obowiiig at a few places be•• Petoakey............
...8:00 ••
CMat Lake............ “
oeutoof tbo proteciivi-tariff policy do niath tbu hair ou tbe forehead, and not
..10:00 •'
BearOraefc-............ ••
not wtob to niiwt tbe is»u<m inrcilvid in__________
_______ ^..
..11:15 “
'• Norwood.............
the Jece__at_____
MaplvOrova............ ^
..18:30 p. a
'• Nortbport..........
tbe ootii]nrieoni gf the workings of tbe 1 Letter in Ciucinnau Etaquizer.
“ Omeua..............
Oiugli-y tariff with the diaactrons nCopvBUk............. “
“ Neabtawocta...
ilts wlm-b followrd tbe workings of
OcmawUai rVshy.
Ar. Traverse CUy ...
the lnb<<>onnBu-Wi|i)na tariff of free
letarlachaB............. '■
Ptlar’a BvUeb........ “
Wonderful are the tales of travelara
trade Olid business di iiKTaliziitioD. This
policy of avoidance ou the part of tbs and tbe proof is generally rrady few
OaOarXaa............. •<
purpoeea of substantiation, if their
Democratic brethren woe empb
dnriiig tbe cloxing days of tbe cungros- truth IB L-olled inqueriioc. An exchange
Bateh-a Oroaslag. “
sional BKriiAi. Beprerentarh-e Robert soys that a tourist wbo bod returned
TraverasKaaen. .. •*
W. Tayler of Ohio, chon whom there is from a trip to iM«ttle and Taooma was
OraUlekvUU ......... “
“ Buttons Bay.. . ■
Travaraa Cltj....... On
no more taltmtad and vigorous friend of deecribuig to bu eastern fnends the
“ NeabUwanU..
Ar. Traverse City..
tbo protective tariff policy in publio glorius of that region, iu marvt
life, eimghl to obtain uaanUnons oon- climate and the npid^stridos Its people
eent in the bouse to print nme statis ore making in tbe arts and ari«nfi«a of
Going north dally except Sesday.
tics obowing the effect of the operations dviUzatua.
Leave Treverae City............ .2:00 a ■
"I tell yon.'' be said, "they are away
of the Diugley law upou tbu bnsincre
“ Nvahtawanta......................... 8:00“
and iudnstriol intcrects uf the country. ahead of yon people here Even tbe ani
“ Sntbwa Bay........................... 4:80•'
Mr. Taylor's saggusiion met with on mals are more siinghily end have more
objeciiuD placed <01 trifling gronuds by guabuadativuDuss aliout. them than tbe
the Democratic ride uf tbe buose. Tbe ouim&ls in this port of tho cooniry.”
"1 have huord. •' said a sarcasuo Jlv
free trodora did nut wish to have the
oonutry placed in pcao^woun of Ibe facts lener, with a wink at the others, "that Daily Montag MxenrsioBa From
rbowiug bow admirably the new prt>- the tikb oot there can sing. “
“Well, they do have a kind of Pnget
teotivK tariff law has worked. Ibe oom1:40 A
psriMiu with the deMntcUve Oomocratie ODondabont them." myoined tbe ttavtawanta where you will oonuect with
tariff act wunld be highly dtopleoring oler.
eteomar Creoeeut returning to Travto them. It is unfortunate that Mr.
erae Olty at 10:45 a m. This wiU give
Tayler was sot ponniitcd to place bit
AcDotcHng to The Daily Meaaeagre. yon a pfeaeant ride of 24 mtlea on the
fignror. before Ibe boose and Ibe oonn- pnbliidied in Pans, the avenge ago for boy and can be aiade every morning.
tty. He tvprerents tbe fomoosObio dis a French cabiuei miuirier to decrctu- If you wtob a longre ride the boat will
trict so long rrprrsrnt8ff*'1n tbe honae iDg Fifty years ago u was 85 year* land you at Omen* or Nortbport where
by Mr. McKinley. It is ooe of tbo nch- and more Unnug tbe first half of the you will oonneot with etoamer returseut and man ihoroogbly tadnst^ dis third republic it was BO yeara. Now it ing to Traverse City at 4.-00 p. m.
Afterpooo exeurskma from TVlvene
tricts in tbu country. Its mannaciur- IS a litilu u.<Tv than '60 yeara. To be
tag industries are a menument to the pn- i-i thf average-oge of each of tbe Olty. take the steamer Crsooent evwy
peotoctire policy and a bletotag to tbe uiinutoni lu M llnsMjn 's cabinet U 68 afternoon at tKiO for Neoblasronia
’hero yon wUI aoaneet with steamer
people (ff that partioc of the great state years H Bnseoo u tbe .oldwt tt 61
rtnrnisg to Trovone aty at 4d» p. .uv.-,Jwn,.u,x-1.
of Ohl& Mr. Tayler's omupoiative flg- y«ara He u followed by M. Barrien,
-.tr""'™”—-H —
nns will get before tbe pe^ at tbe wbo ia 68, and M. Lockroy, who to 66.
TuporUeaoftvsorjMre a rata of
oonnBT, notwithotoadtag the Drew
Tbe yotmgeot member of tbe oobinet to one fora for the rotfbd trip will .be
cratic objectlona
M. GavAxnac vbo to 46 yton of om.
Tnierse Baj Line ofSteamen.
unsm UD MiTHEinui 1.1
Tsie Momimro Aaooac, »7itoat> apopitu twe
Voato far the Waak atgl—Aa«. 14.
fii mtml by Ba«. a a. X*ayla.
1b the «me lane
tb« Vexieu Fl>
Tnnc.-esaliairM.-Mith xxx, 1-U.
Bkudtf. paUbbed in this diy, ia
TUe pMMga IB Matthew telle ca Bw
teeace ii made to ttae cotwtiBiiliar atwy of Cbrbt'a triomiijaac
It of Mr. Bryan on Ibe ocaaion
BUtry Into Jenualetu a few da^ l»of hb rooent vUt here. It ie aUted that
fnte Hie croddxloa. It le the one eoU
Mcikmn Ubor the PoocMt Paid
ial profit fn
r totop• Mexican
ailTer '
baMaandaeniogtbelri^oct fcr gold." '
Will ^ workiiHtmen of the
Statea* take notii-e of tbo fact that
"cheap labor" and a "ailrer bade’
fatou rtito
a>e Unted Statea and in the mreial
a lew daya laUir the roiaM that erie^ , ^
'Hommiar then cried "Oroclfy Him r
:ee it atand forever aaau Ulnatiadcn
heart end
with which the mlnda of.the
mamut of the people may be twayed by
laat fall
by the moltitodea of Hla ' #
bat the hct that perhapa : ^
dooe in ocr oooatry all theoaoditkam in
in Mexico today, hot it would
create there one runenry valoatii
which to pay for labor and another in
of onroptm-
I be Hcnnd t
Ihroogb the carrescy change adeed for.
Is oil*, of tile mii.<t Beductive things on earth, and I offer you
a fhauce to make your home attractive for less money than
“Tn^'^nmptoi tote™ toto. I « 1'*'“
“•'Ic to again in a longtime. This large aw
J «ei| a.Sorted stoi k must he moved by September 1st, and I g
intend the pnblie will move it f«r me if evtremely low prices ^
2'^‘11'b Come early and avoid the rush.
artful and doeignlaR men.
ati ..v.lr.ri/to. nTf'krti
aampalgn 4n
1I S'
Hto-ji»to. to»,.
age and adcnakn doe Kim. It waa a
«i™(uto8 fa to.ll« .^ magulfloeut.
apontaueona demonatia.
a ta Iha Warfc.
M Hakf the Talaa a
Bat it wae
enggtvtta to oa a etody in the oxalla*
fatotoitoto ultow,™
It waa vived to (hnn that throngfa tree
ed and wagn wucld
that all the iiijary preditted to occur to ,
It will be noticed that the qoo
dlmctly iMoU in advancing the inter-1 i* eaid to be expcrieuclug. doM not pro- ^0. than the life and wtwk of ChrUt?
wuctf thewurkiaginau. To the tarami tend to inclnde tbo maker and iwodncor j
(. The trinmt^nt entry wa«a pnbUo
. I of thU profit, but chimee it <ta an tie-1 ^saitatiuu of ChriA. InaKiaelt'
meal aa little worthy of consideniiaB> naUunal aa well aa tooaL People from
pel higher prices fer their prodnetN U
. ii?'torir.7w; ii toto.''-to.ltotoU.njl«ll«T''l>rwtocb[v.rtoto
»»" l>"“»»Um chairs and Honkers.
IJ. W, Slater’s House Fumishiug Store I
other toterosta and other claaau would | "profiting induitrially." which Mexlroj Whatiaworthiwof ourgtmtMtentfaiid-
it waa Mtid that free idlvw woul.i«
Hispcll Carpet Sweepers $1.50.
to. tottto ptoiiripUrf S
128-132 Fxont S'bsreet.
a^aapm ctnreucy.
them WDUBoal and hiihe.~tO nnp
over u«.
nil .totofa.
other ptedamug .to
in--1{ ore
arc ueiuf;
being uxaru
urged »<> smri iu t«curing the,
™ .....
«tw» infinewco of bia public life
Banks and corportinous were , adr>;ition of the free coinage of silver in i stRsigly in fav<w of tbe
d. and it
ji n uic to appear erdar »'•
~ .
to aecnre for thomn-Irca amne irtkr<.a
that tbe operatioo of tbe frev cuinaae of promiaed advantage or allegid profit.
The triumphant entry v._____________
cUvtr would in aomc way lujuriuinily while it is a well nndoiWood f«t. con-1
^il Chri*. ChrtM waa
i 0 the
« ;adran---------ou ben in Mexico,.
the people. He waa a real :
lage of tbe claaaea aou^t o Le amyed
it labor ia tbe one commortlty first Christ To nuiny Chrisdans Christ is |
againat them.
and most depremed through free ailver. not as real as He ought to be. Many |
greuter produoers and large em- Viewed from suv practical and applica
have Mue sort cf a t»sy idea that away :
plcyan of labor were inclnded ia the ble txdnt of ohaerratian. it ia not evoi
hack in tbe oenriiriee cnch a pmn Uv- .
Uat of Intereata againat which appeala
able that tbe tree and unlimited ed, but their ideae about Hi^are
roy ‘
1 mode and prejudice errs’. <!. s-d coi>" g-e of silver in the United Si
rand indistinct Weiboald :
I made b» app-vT .La #o pvnJinr c-jw.d have any other effect mve that of
more tborougi^y tbe life of
Christ li^e more closely to Ktm In
poorer, aa it baa done and ia doing i
prayer, to ^ He may btoome ae real
huge c; _]\otattbe
G Tn torifaly friend atanding beeide ua ‘
.0 PI I C awbUetheamaU
M of thm Inbstvt.
Then we will preeont e i«l Oirist to ^
.•ntvcnib. be benefited tbe greet
:y times heard iT aaserlcd the world, and this le what
* the world !
and iron kiuga
1 louber barona, aa they oboec t
4. Tbe triumphant eotiy waa an ex- ’
thern,^ would hare their pwflia | Uborwa, that they had no desirw to earn
altationof Chriet that produced resnlta j
ihoited and Itawcned. aud that 'while ] brttcTC^'
Upt they would not When He came into Jeruealem. "all
Ibe Inooiue of the employer of labor .
tbe ri^was moved, saying. ‘Who U
» -I l.a Ua I . .
this?' ” Oiie greet object <d oat exaltaHon of Christ should ba to lead men to :
would be promptly inerwHrd
troth as they are now eoduring.
inquire about Him and to U«m to adIf it la thought by any render of thia
frvv ooiuage at ailver being a kadmire Him. If we exalted Christ more
Kviewof free ooinage asKrnnus that it, up factor in their p«wcnt distrvm. But
in our daily walk and ooeverutioa. iu
■ in tbe kMt degree exaggeinted or i i
u.U by the managers of tbe iron
.all oar private and public actiims. men
•verdrawu. permit me to call hi* aiurn-. nime* at Duraug.) aud of the silver
would more «ften aay. "Who is thia?"
tio) to the leading and more c*p.«ially
^ gutaKtu* that t«tv luauv of
And thi* would gi' r na tbo oppurtunity
to the closing feature* of the camimigu their Moxicau nnployoitoiwere as rtcidy
to tell tbim who our Christ is and to
af I8W5 m behalf of the free cmage of
reliable as wv the w.rkim u of any
^ahoin to bcUoTo ill. pwfias and c=ailver.
U it not true that denunciation
oonntry. tiouio of them have U-.ri
and *» rti
... ----
Q.™ to. Wtoto .1 to. raiptor«i.p,„,.jjuj. 1,
af banks and oorporetlims Jonmd the
p.^ncipul theme of to,. sUv»t oiwtore
aud to* silver editors? Wa* it not mgad by prof«soouallab« agitator* before
il toto’
ea.ploved at the«- miuea for manv
,nd their labor has aecnrwl for
ih„ mine owner*, most of whom are n«idem* of Europe, the alm<«rt fal«l..a#
labor orgamtauaiu aud to labcring men ' f,atum« which them luiue* have yieldwbenevur addressed that the adoptioa ^ Poreibly it may
aC free coinage would bestow upon them of thereitnillioneire
tniiliooeire mine ..wner* to inadraucagee over their emploj tm which ato and to have their awertions acceptIbey had not bofore paa*eaB«l?
that their payment of ston aiion
xmerse City^ Thursday, Aag, 18.
tw Ttaw ef Kigkt «m- tbs 1
Very curious and i
t is the
tomporary UDsadnaM of all night alsap-
J. H. LaPearl’s
ing humane and anlmaie at alwut I
o’clock ev«y morning.
At that hour
tbey gire liule moana awaken partial|y w wl
'belly and then either drw h*ck
Great Allied Shows!
into elnmtir or into death. Pfaydcal
giania among —and lioni anipcig ani*
mo, have thu eiptfience. juk u do
frailest _abe|_(
___ __________
.or wrekeet kittena
Olgaatle Kuaeuxn. Ooldm Kraagerie and
■ed in any and every light, the oo-!
case <rf late sleepire
come at « or 7 o’clock?
K man asked'
nme of tbe leedlog physicians regardtag this oceurrenoe and glraned aomc
laon mterestiug uifomuitiaa.
At the hour of about 8 o'clock evtay
morning every nlgbt sleeping "»«"
woman, child end ammal i* orarer to
dreth than at any other rKoment in all
|be 24 hours. It I* ibL-o that tbe more
of the vitals come the nearest to
Hopping or nmniog down. They oome
nruir It that if they came a breath
„ atom—nearer it ’they would stop
Tbe tboogbt u oue of aheorbiiig inttf-
BiUu Beading*. — Pa xxiv. I-IO;
xxxiv. 8; Isul xlv. 22-26; Math. xvi.
r of life comes with-1
jqh a hairbreerlth uf i
st<i|’piug at'
Acts i. l«l I; iv, 10-12; XV. 2-'.. 20; Rum. eosuv m<niM'ni n<-ar 8 a. m.
xiv. 7-12; tml. ii. 20. 21; Phil. i.. 1-lS; this i* esiiluinod
a* follow
tollow*: The
sod a*
CoL iii, 1.4. Ifi. 17; K.-v. v. l-li
the body wlit-n lying still proI, posure
i.f the
- . , pjg.
, duco Uot only rest, but that tame ele- BIQQEB, BETTER, GREATER, GRANDER THAW ■VKW —pow
viiareamcDt of danger bo oniniprceent to all
"'* '* * ' —
Tbonote of tho true church i*not macbim-Tr b-fi unattended—the atacooe A HAGNIFICTNT DISPLAY OF ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES
13-20; xxviii. IN-SO; J<-ho xiii, SI. 82;
Labor and Wacoa la Moatra.
' vrnce h) a mr-.Ticy worth lea* than
cwTvctacre, but catholicity. We long o* a wau-'bful hrnin.
OSAfto. tMANTic. noirAL
. Twi»<mt-4T~
One ol the uupertant pnrpuae* of c;y half us face value U jnstifiedbecansf of
fur a church that shall indved be "the ;
In wclt-nn'iug it» hour* of slrep vou -moSBUm OF mARVBton . ! N*w Ooldwn mBTVAGBRtB
vixit t > Ml xioo, where tbe free aud ftu- thi^ tact dint th< r faithful laboren.
mother of UKall. ■' bbeisuot thotu'rtber ancouwu'OBly wcJt-nnio deaths most ad-;
' ..jiUwmoTH...
..JNTESNATIONALlimited ooiuage of silver is uowaud has ooutd not appreeiote lieiter wages or
of the saiuu and (rf thectnif.-Air* only; rantagivju* time for cuouering roo.
be«iu in upMtion siuee tbe mint was, boHtr currency emditiouB.
B -
led in 189*, rraa to Icnni if '
At tlu-great Ciuti.vuheim nlvcr soel- TtforniiTa She ha* room for alL
poadhle by ohaervati<4i uuJ inquiry rel- ter at Agua* Calieotes 1 found st-verul chilc’jvu must not ouly have food and
ative to the piBCticclcllectsaf that eye- buutod native Mexicans at work, tliat di*ciplino. but theymn*t also have (roe' Im wiiat ground* eoated for appoils gn at industry being outirely rtuidnctol
dum aud light. b>he duu* md cast tliem
pi wurkimmivn in behalf uf such a with tHeir labor, direclid by firt. or eu off wbtui they Uiakv mivtuJeea. Tui-y
change in the omreui-y law* of the Geruum uud Amcriitin depuKiueut finvinuiit kiavo I
to gi
tbey imi.Bt
Unikd Buttoa and what reuwau existed men
Salire workiueu cuuducud the
have opportniiily i<v experiment and
in fact tor any cxpectuUuu that work-' castings nu<l rndand the fienr h««t ci( adventure. The i-Tidt thing, after nil.
' ingtiicn and wall pndnn.ra would be the smelting tires.
They separaud tbe i* not a wx'U kept buuae. but a healthy,
beuefii^d rather than injured through ores U]^ their rec< ipt from the mims.
happy huUMhold.—Clristiau Register.
•Bch a oluuige.
| acocuding UMioaliiyiw dcKuatdlit}’f<ir
1 slion not seek to create prejttdioe - the scvtral fumaev*. Tfaiy bandied the
egaiust rbf c'Hu.i^c i-y.-tcm of Mcmco precious pre^r! < f fhe srueltw in all it#
Ihnmgh mere preiitaitutiuu of the fact Singes fromoude <>ri- to tiilvor i«rs and
that the men'and w utneu who ore the attended
to ita prvjiaTation few sbip-
-be i»i____ ,_____
bibnren <m thi* con'.uit-ni if ixM in any
icon wcrkmai at
civilired section of the entire globe,
But ! desire to state jnrt here tluit to
tom SS to 44 <«nts a day in a curmicy
worth l.»i lhau 12 and 22 cent* in the
ttair ssieltor reci-ive
C9K nflffl 1
----------------------------------- --------------------—
Ef T Oi>/tn A^IT A VITTO toCAt-iiviiv
6,000 fh*.
unue* uuiil *ume raument at abuot 8 a
seobuiery all but *tnpa Iu the
healthy or tiurly bealthy Ixrly ttae com2 uf thik moUK-uI ptodoiv* a wild
ud( to tbe syuem. and thi* aback
caoac* yon to nocouBCloualy throw out
your arm* and It g*. rub y'mr m*ie vio-
Friendship 1* the uinrest thing wc
know to what relmiou ia God i* ItPte.
letitly. moan, take a dn-p breutb and
turn over. Yourdoiug sl^l chii—or
h) siinply to give it
sioo cODocivabli* by
■aved your life.
It gave fnvb Impott
to ttae iiliDuel slopped action of ti
b««ru which ia tciu rvetund the well
„7„r.r.,f4Jr.vS;fam»«rp m:;
CLe bigfauet expeeaRnyH..
1 $26^00 pferHiPFo^^^^
(blo«3) in th. pip»*run* low. ThinnegiKt uf tb> uiginc room of tbe body con-
a zoolo<..c;l o«igT.-AiifeQHTK,
BTvSn WiiBees.
53L“;S’“SSS ™
Ibe inutiunauce <d ihefrueaud uulimil- conutr>-in which their employora live
To be "without natural nffertieo"
ad coinage of diver by Mexico u due Inxurionsly.
b to lack that deiuetit of cbaracter upthe ioss.Mthu workiugmen <if thiHCDunPractically all tbe industries of tbe
_ ___________ *
1x1 which the Holy 8pirit lay* Hi* baud ronwd them totbeir real rate of speed.
try uf more than hall the value of tb«dr City of Mexico are conducted with uaill Uftiogus out of the life of idn and , Tjiu rest tlmi their organ* had received
daily earuiugs
live labor
Native Mexirans are’ coninto tbe
life uf buliueoa—Anitricon ' by being allowed to n.11 plow—to rtin
Use! Mbxlivj coined its own diver and doctor* and street car driver*, they put
| almoH down—enabled tbew. with th«
npiielu its
:.tc Ij^t wiring and attend
* value t
up the elect.tc
—T-------T-------: rmtanmg admiuirtered by tbe 8 o’clock
aud tuainialning the rodemptl......
. .
Tb* BiaekM tsiMrj.
j H)n,njotion, to suivrarfullyliegin anetbUege. os has been dune by almost every building and have charge of mnniripnl
A closed beaven represciit* the black- , „
rairyiug yon over the death
civUi»-d uutiuu <m tbe globe, the Mex- imiirotenKuu they in- the poflceuM-n r*t
that humanity,
i* capable of
loan luburer could purehaoe today mure
t'l* ritic* and the MuIdicTs e< the re-' tnCtring.__ Uev W R
than double the quantity uf fund or p.iLiic.
the ijr>-*idetit of Mexico
nerves and muicltai uf tbe
alcshing hi* wage* will now cuminand. '■v'ay i.-^ bie.M If uu illuhtmtion of the
Umb* and other partitois cf tbo tody.
1mat •
Viia burden uf lose by tuesaii of adber- l*--vdb:liti<-* of ibv native Mexican
Try to coluvate the moral courage
As to wbst causes this little shock |
sow on the part uf Utodrx) to a inuue- 'vi- u luaiKtid by oppon -nity and fa- that will resist thu arrets
lary standard which is os compleudya vc-i;!|: divum'n-;.v<«
It i* most as- —Pidlndelpbia Hetbudist.
tbewlMM Of tbe wise know nothin
thmgof Uicpaet as the bram candle- xcndl;.-not true that cnnditicas here.
Tbe theorice about it are kgiuo.
Vit k or the tallnv dip lia* fallen almost whuh ..re c«; .v-haiy fuvtiruble to caponly th'eoriea Tbe pel
tnUtcly on the nhouldirv of the laborers itul and w aim lynawaiuf Mexico s
OraeMiM K|>ir1l. d«
leatbs »i thie marveloo* tuco^t e_______________________________________________
flC Msxiuu, Hud it is beiug^girue by tbcm cnrmii-y ryjteu. * • < ;;iKt Umnae the
I inyai'lf wooid «T»
AmI will words Ihst bclp JO
Tho government uf Mexiuo, nafive ’aG.r»:r» ot ibu oouucry woAd
while tbe uiunti» of old people who die .;_______
yrhich is a govenuuait of and for tbe not a«d*t in oj.ii VUag iuiprovi-iueiit
tafluential and well to do absolutoly, , and do not desire i» have it otherwii*-
.a* m.
5B&.,. ■ETEORS, THE L6 P£8SL fA>c!lY ■>%¥.7iKll'giyv
HsgllMr’t .lipMste Itnugr 1
ffnds mcansof profiting throngh thefrne They are theviclii!;* id a system and of
allow them
aud uor- • 'wiriii
toinage of silver,
tpim: _______________
pocauons and bonks find mtsuts of in- but a r.ihs'ivu-lu i-xistenee, und they
hare no
Uu choice bn:
but to accept tbe uufurnreaung their profits througb this i*il- , have
hr, but tbe nnfoituuate trata whcwi all tunate allowance.
■lom fnsu
—■-------------------------- 1 here 1 have talkjxufiu
cccne. the
my sejot
'oAum all others ore gaining, are tbv la
tvilh .xrr-wirai tallraad (■rineers
and ouudoctors wi:u>e ''runs". iu-Mime
boring men and their wutacti and
dren. KcristhGresttlcuf thefreucoju-:
age cf^vaataU unique orpecnllar to
Posocr ^
aoinage oountrv. mid it would be true
coinage of sUver in tho Cuiud btatu*
in the Cniud btatea if such a (iristom
were adopted there. It could no more l>e
prevented In kind if not in degrw than
thu MUtdssippi riva can bupiwenud
IU ptwx
As was truly mid by a omductO' on
the Mexican Gwitral railroad whom I
talked with no my way to this city,
"Tbe Amiricun wmkin^en who
free sUver would be
now favorable a
fa.. 01
.^...T^ITFrFS .
ofa«; 1. fa,yto™, ■ A GRAND GALA DAY
... n would trethnii iw.
___d wvih wisdou) fcied «n<i dsor
Let Th; t>b <n uaiw srp>«r.
And wuh si-:iLa* tiTDiInvIy
epwfe ar Lord's WBoenty.
’Teoder diurn. *rWl wtm B
I nywR would uadw tw
Stnt B17 IMW. t ap like a S01
At tnupIBIKU's darSauDe b
or any o
In all o
ritical it: is
mid that tbe physician
reiiy dreads tbe boor 8 a. tn. a
Other UKident in practice, while
I diat Uvm and twadtm it bring* tbe
Traverse City, Thursday, Aug. 18.
BIOS* wonieunrus time gf all
—CiDoinnati Enouirer.;
And Hu lovr h; frognoee own
d in
_____ ___
it Uaot evai sought‘to*, usluia
*oto it*
to be
in Mexico that tbe cur- : b«e npoB labor ia the Uni^ atatoa
Hekst F. Powbs.
swey eystom of ^ country giree tbe-i
a^Uiisi an advantage over dm laborer
Uiebty flinni. dweO with aial
Wbvrtu aaai
Etvt br a Bilgblity lK-»
Boir npirtl. dwell wllb Ml
1 torstiU would bob he8p|au*t« trots na, 1 woald
Mra- Watto—It would do more Im
mediate good if you wunld get a button
with "Don't Forget the Gn)oeriee'*oB
Advertise Your Wants
iL—IndianapcJti Joarual.
Ortgia «( Cuba.
a native name, memdag
> oonntry. Ilie aame Cuba
is at native origlti. The meaiiing ia
In The Morning Record.
SEeORD. '^m
XEiTMM-OITT, lactn SCNDAy, ADOC8T lA 1898.
■ a •'
^otikMioroofthe¥&li^-aflh ]>miik
■ tt and
Bare XTboid
• ■*•
JTow A lUttw of OoiuidorAbloOoaoenL
AN Alllir of 100,000 MEN
Oawiel W Tea MeaBDa^Raeeaa.
latnad Lnko. Mick., dngaat It—The
twoatddianwhoweraaottttetka boapitalaereml dnja ago. anapaotai
haring tn^oid tam. oaaaad Sr.- Bv-
The baac'baU faaa will be pleaeed t
learn that thorn will be two more drat
elam bane baU gaam hara bateo the
aa thaU otoae oatArely. Man
Only A Paw i^ntss 6«fbr«
Protofioi Wtt’BfInAd.
eoer aatU Friday ta play two
M more with the D. A Ca who
will rotara after a aorim of gaate* at
tha aorthmn raaorta. Them gaaua
will take plaoa Thpnday and Friday
and will be atrleUy a beneit for the
HaaUara. The ptoyora hare giran T^rana City rare sport thto aaaaoa, ajid aa
tt^a team ia toread to dtohand for xarioas reaaoaa, mainly on accennt of tha
breaking ap of the Mantote* team, it to
—opoaod that they ehall go away with
little mnaey in their pocketq aad a
pleasant Impimaionof TraTeraa (3ty.
Tba boys will begia Monday to aeU
tiekam aad it to hoped that there will
be liberal pnrehaaea.
Th* last aeries with the Detroit ag
gregation to sufBeientguarmnte* that
gamm wUl be fim clam nod It to
quite certain that everybody will bo
glad to ace two more gamm by the
I 't*—! Eearybody ebonld tnra
begaa,at4 o’clock. The oommandor ont to wind up the baee hall aeaaaa
Blockade of Oaba and Porto Kioo of the aaral force demanded the ent^ with a generous beneflt for th* bmt
ZAftod and the Koab of Oommaroe
team ever anpportad la thto city.
reader of the plaee. hnt the eommaadVIU ba Bmnmed.
ant refuead to comply. Mea ware land
apcdal w «na Keaxme aaceas.
ed from the American reoeeto, aad
WaahiagtOB, Augnat ll.—Merebaat
raaaetoaf the world are now tree to general engagameat u aaid to hare an- /oaoihh Kolnon Baa Megan Anlaa
for Damogeo for ln)nrl«a aad
oatacaBd loaro aU Oabaa and Porto
The naral reamla augaged ia block
Bto Ohild'n 1>mth
Btoaa Porta. Tho aUU department
ading MaamaUloamthaanxiltorygnB'
Tmterday Jooeph Melrtn of Inland
halda that ao farther proelaMtioa
boatt Blat, Hornet and Wampatuek. plaeed in the bands of Gilbert A Oato^.
to aoadad ratoiag the Moekade of Uaee
Tba gunboat Wilmlngtea may ba tber* Ibree euits Bgalnit tbe towoehlp of tntolaada. Ordera toaned to military and
tond. Ooefortbadmth of ^to diild.
which oeenred recently by the breahleg
naral oammaader* aad tha praaldeat'a
Adriem tbia mwalng aww that Oon. of the bridge over the Platte river while
praolamatiOB of peaoa ara aaid to bo
era! BUaco baa anoeeeded in getting tba family were croaaing it in a wa.-oa;
anOeiont in tbemrelrea to end the
another for Injuriea recriv.-d hy hlmword to ManaanUl'-.
blodkade and open all porta.
mlf and another tor iajorim reoe.vcd
by bto wife.
4oeod to 100.000 MO. other rolontoer
irwe*. Mldo froB thU number wUl be
It it beliereddhat 100.000 men will
be nttetant to gorrtaoa the
flnoe* oeeopM 07 U» United Stntm.
Tb* war deportment boa aim eoe^4rod the matter of taking ear* ef Spanlah noldlnra In Coba.and Porto Eloo, if
tfaep aball be foond In want- Tbeao
notdiei* aro la a oMoe. prlnanen o1
war. While th* United Sutaa gOTwameat 1* not bond to care for them nndar tb* term* ef tha protoeol.Tot in tba
«aaa of bamanltr, neither the Spenlah
will ba allowed to go with- Soreataea Pemona Xmat Their Urea
toceae it m fonnd nuima 7
aad Zheir ZhraUinga Ware Swapt
Away lathe Flood.
a» tarnieh eapplle* to the Spanlah aolHeamse aaesae.
diara. tba Spanlah gorernmaat aionld Opeelal u
Kaoxrillo, Tbaa., Aognet ll.— A
bn expected to relmbniaa thb goremoadbamt
oecnrad at Beeeh Cmk. a
nanat for tbo enUapremou locality la Bawkiae caaa^.
nearly »0 mllea from Bogemrille. Seroatoenpemonaloottholr Urea. Thlr-
Of tha Praoe Oomintmtoa and AmbaatriTta-l— Kay WiB ba Bc»
lataiy of Stato
Sptcial to Tea Soaxtao BbooboWaahlnglon. Angnat IS.—Ambaamdor Bay ta toneeood Seeiataiy of Suta
T)tj whan Aha latter beoomm ohalrmaa
o( the peace eommietloa. ThU to na-
bodiea hare been recorared. Their
eabiaa ia tha narrow ralley war*
awept away in tha flooda following the
Sattoflod With tha Paaoa Protocol
aad tha Inaargeata Will
nOdal. ^Bowerer. indieatloaa am that
Fight »o Kora.
Aaareteiy Sey’a reaigaation from the apwtai to Tn Kcmae Beoem.
atatA department will be In and noeeptWaaUngtoB, Angnat U.—The war
ed within n week. It to anden
department haa bean adrtoed throngh
that the prealdeat ooatempUtea the
the Caban Jnnte that tha Caban laanrai^lBtmeat
Saeretary Day to a
gania will aceept tha taremef Ue peace
Clrcnit jedgaahip attar the work of
protoe^ between tte United Stntea
the peeee oommiteloa baa been fiaand Spain aad hoeUlitiee will eeat
' iahed. A bill to pending la ooagraaa
their part.
for the appelntmeBt of an additional
’ jndg* for the Sixth Cirenii, which iaMichigan. Ohio and Eaatneky.
Bopenad in Teaiardayto
The dtotrict to ao large that itorert
Washington. Angnat 13—Oei
Sbaftar roporta the death of another
Michigan boy at Santiago of peraldons
Fato ofPriraMLadurke Who Killed malarial fever. He to Frivato C. Cham
berlain of the Thirty-fourth regia
a Wiaoonaitt Soldier.
ppKlal (oTn Hoaaim Raooao.
Ibe tout anmber of siek to 1,051: foMilwaukee. Wto..Angnat IS —A 1
eroama, ?,34«; new ease*. MI; fever
ial to the Journal from Marinette.Wto., tarn returned to ^ty. 7IB.
aaya word hae been reeelred her* frt^
Foae*. Porto RIoo. tltat Prirata tmdnrke of the Second Wiaconaln regi Actual
Cvst SetimnUd at «ieO.ment. wba abot and killod PriraU
Stafiord of the Tegular army during n •pacisl Up Tes Uossistt Ksi-oeo.
qnnTTel in » aaloos at Ponce, waaoonrv
Washington, Augnat 13,-Althongh
martialed AoguetS. found guilty aad the war with Spain lasted only
abot on the momliig of Angoat 4.
daya. It asUmatad that It haa coot thto
eoedBa. a at tb* Track la tbo Oaaadian OH7.
apMlal ibTxi Hosuie Rboow.
Wiadaor. Ont. Aoguet 13.- Bota Garaat. a«ank onlaider, won the firat
at twboty to one. lo the ooeond race
OnlltoaA wae backed from a to s aad
won handily. Old Sanguewoa the third
raoe ia a hard drire. Duty won
fonrthat I to 1.' Tho teleat backed
Myutaryforagood tklag la the fiftk
raoe from so to 4 aad wore damned, the
raeo going to Deyo, tho farorlte. The
alxth and eoraalh raem wore won by
CUnWer and Lady Hand* respaoUrely.
hott OBtaidora.
•OCi.oooof which tw000,000 have been a.:tuaUy paid jnt of
the treasury.
Bear Admiral Kirkland Dead.
Ktohigan Aoldleia at Santiago
\TO Zhlaad Xmko.
Detroit. Angnat 13 —(loreraor Pingraohaa«tarttf a amremeet to hare
the Mtohigaa ttaopa retamiag from
Iroat qaartarad at Oamp Baton, toetoad of boiag mat to Moattnk Point,
. with the r«*t of the troope. "1
aball tel^raph Aeneral Alger." mid
the goraCBor. "aad offer him 300 aerm
at lalaad lake for onr troope Them
toat a hotter camp ia the United Suue.
It it haalthy aad haa good water and
aanltary taeiUtlwi" Mayor Maybury
of tbtocity and Mayor Perrr of Grand
Rapida wUl bo aakad to j 'In with the
goreraer la a peUlioa that the Michi
gan treopa be eeat to Camp Baton.
Bttt Dr. EoUlday Thought Be Bad
Doet Bia Borne.
Laat rveatag when be went to -sup
per at Park Piaee Dr. A. H. Bnlliday
eft hto horue bitched ontald*. B >
sot tok* tt laalde bacauae he tbou^t
>uld be parfeetly mfe whore he
eft IV Be was mieUkea to this, h >w.
ever, for when he looked for b>a hutae
the animal aad rig were
gone. A
aeareh failed to reveal the wbrnwabouta
of the /putfit, ao cbvriff Sispoon aad
Chief of Police Beanie were aoUfled,
and an off .-la! aeareh was made. LaU
laat evauing the whole ontdt wsa left
at Morgan'• livery barn by n saan who
bad taken It by mtotoke.
Battary of tbe HnaUeta
Xmat Bight.
Tbe I). A. Ca tuflered a aifmat defeat
at the baads of tbe Ray View base
ball toam, tbe loore being 17 to 3. Tbe
game wsa a abnt out antll tbe ninth innleg, when tbe vtottors eecared Utre*
runa. Butler and Hupt of the Bustler*
formed the battery and Rd. Whoeler
also was la tb* rsme. Th* Traverse
CltT boy* put life sad glnaer in Ue
game and made it pleasant (or tha Bay
View team.
Only a few left. If you want a cheaifone,
cheap see what we have.
Mach Is Said
AM Ice Greain and Soda FoDDtain Odols.
Therefore we will say that you will find our tde
Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, ouT vari
ous Phosphates refre«hiiig. New-drinks are added to onr
list from time to time.
Fouotain opeu week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson,
If You Have Logs to Sell
Comapoad with tbe Traverne (Sty Lumber Ocnn|iAB7.
We baqe for eale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Isth^UtML Saodsy.rwdthe Utotiu«Asiites.
230 Front Street
bortaeoaoma toraatlgatlng. It wm
tbooght that in one oompnap the eapbe Bbiaceined For GNir* tala wna not haring the water beUad,ae- Ordsrs Sashed to Hats Bosoerdiag to the oidoarl'o ord« . Dr.Barrleon Woric.
tiUtieg Disoontlnaod.
hor got a aample of tho drlak igwator.
aUtMr of Owing f^rSpuisb Setdim
tltto i
Arbor, whore it wae AeporUd Teaterday that Blaneo Kad
iaOnbonnd^rtoBtooAlMn lob- toud fnU eaon^ of bacUU to .ptdKm
■aooaeded la Saadiag Word That
iMt of Zmportoaoo — XAMiCMd to raw. Each rat died after batag inoenPeace KegoMaUoaa badlegua-Ko
rrevteoVOTAllTboM Wko 4n in
XRotaito ef the Xagagenwat Kdro
Wnnt ■
Been ObUlned.
Qalanel Iriab aama down heary on
M oSoera at ateeUog.
Ho mid Siotoel to tax HoaxtM Baooan.
Waabingtoa, Ang. 13—Word
that If ha diaoorored another can
been meelred her* of an engngni
water being nerd witbont boUlng there
noMoonont od 4}uoUom gfo^ng ont .of
at Maotanlllo, aad affortt were made
wonld bn tronble. Two patteau pror
dho Spnnloh wnr; Um dtepoalUoB of
at oaee by tUto gorornamat and Spain
od today to barn typhoid ferer. Bigid
ftroepn, nnd t)i* nnabw to bo tntainod.
to got word to tha Amerlaaa
oemtlay la being anerelaed thronghont
Wbnt troop* to nin^ oot of oerrieo. b
Bpantoh fotomthataeeamtloB of hoathe eamp bytto doctora.
«n* of th* qnwtfoni thol !• giriog tb*
tiUUea had beoa otdared.
dopnrtmMitoonotdonWeooaocm. Tbo
Aeoording to the dtopatoh the battle
^idonl bM dUeoMod tbb
with eoofotnrr Algor *nd Qonotol Cor%ln. Tho nrar probobly wUl b* ro-
Red, White and Blue
Picture Moulding
AmaieBunta OompMod Fee Two
Kero Oaam With iho X>. A. Oto.
Thto Weak.
Mill Uaefaineryof all deecriptioae, incloding Two Engiiiee.
Ret Works, Csrnagee and Sswa A complete Sew Hill PUat
While The
Price of Tea Ha$ Oone lip
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach
It will pay yon^to try onr 13c bulk coffee-a good
whole8omep>everage at a small price.
YaB°terday aftarnoon L. K. Gibba ceneelvad the 1dm that aomelhing ahonld
Thon, 187.
be doap to aigaaliu the victocy of the
L'nltod States over Spaia and
metnorate tbe iaanguretl'm of actual
peaeeacgotlatioiia. Be hustled arouad
aad in a short time procured from genn about 035 to com
peamu the Crescent band and Boyi'
Band forgetting out to lend iasplra.
cion to ao Impromptu celabration. The
We have aU kinds of sewing n
bande reepooded prompUy and both chine needlea. J. W. SLATXB’e hou
cb»rd. TkUU • bairato foroolrtljl
■ti BCT« I aUc vni.sU iBproT.. ___
organizationa made the air rest
furotohing atore.
OUier pto«v« )<»t M «»«lrsbh. or bok kx
with paulotic moalc for uearly two
hours. The bande marched through
the atrecta playing altemauly
they were followed by a great crowd
loom 10 ud 11, BaUli Boct
aad a long line of carrisArn sad wag,
Cor. PuMt t*e CSM MU.
Mr. GlbU himself led the prou. Ci-swferd. Mm Aiico T. Sobm*.
eemloD, snd althoogh arranged oa am Aim
Remember that I dc all kind* of rs
UI.»MobFlP Wbllv. Mm Joxls
pairing and enameling, and that I eat
M. WllbSlB
short notice it wet a anecew.
and do give you the best work of any
in the city for the money. Don't ONE
be deoeivsd by wbsl other* t^ yon tc
the contrary, but come and see for NIQMTAaylnm Authorities I#ooKlBg for For.
BOBS wboOlsagured TremI guarantee all my work to be right
• nd If it doe* not prove ao I make It
Sometlma'taetwocn Thnraday eveaand FVlday evening some peraon or
^top In till 8 o’clock every eve.
except Sunday, in the Oaldnell A
oaa dalibarately alripped the harir
don bonding, at north end of UnloE
from niaa willow tram, a row of which
ataads near tba etdewslk ettandiiig
Undiag from Elmwood avaooe to Div.
toion atrect, on tha aaylnm property.
Tha motive for aneh as act eanaot ba
Who has Added a full
comprehended and the asylnm authorline of
tUes are justly outraged. They are
having tbe matter inveeiigated and
a reward of »10 for evidence that
wni lead to the eenvietion of the faUty party or parties.
Valliio. Ca)., Aogiut 18.—Rear- Ad
miral Kirkland, eomaandant of tha
Mare Island navy yard, to dead as the
reanlt of aa operation fab nndarweni
several days ago. Bto end was peaceTo Prepare a Big Beceptioa.
fnl aad without pain. With him at
The local member* of Kasha Tem
tha time vrore bu wife and son. Dr.
ple. Knights of Kohmsaea and the
Hibbeta. Dr. Wagharand Father Bagl
Kntgbu of Pythias wUI bold a meet
aaid of Sl Viaoeat'a chnree.
ing Wednesday evening to arrange for
the reeepiloB of the immense deleBUto FiaiahodXhelr Ont.
gatloa whlefa to to gatbor hare
The stave miU at Oadar ftatohad lu
amber. Royal Vliler Leo A. Caro
cut at Bine o'elook laat night aad abut of Omad Rapida wUl be preoant to asdowa for tho aaaaoa. Tba shingla mUl atot tn arranging the prelimlnarim and
wm ftaith
enttlxig Wadnaadsy or to aUte the STTangeamnte being mtda
by Kasha Temple
Tmerse Clt; Scbool of Insic!
iM8 rrvat Strwt.
Hastings’ Riial Esialu teuiiH!.
Bicvcie Riders. Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Thursday, Aig. I &
To his andertAking establiAhment. Tbe famitore will 00enpy the front of the building
And the ondertAkiiig bnAiness
the rMT.
dS4 TTnioa stroEt.
TiieiAMomNo 51'ffeNs
Uw •xtrwUoo of UHh.
Beuiyo— haa heard ef Zie<*a*y*a
.aadles. packages aU stsea aad prta
at A B. WaUto Drag Btara.
Prices, 2S.3S, SD aid IScto
SesSsonsilsAt Box Office Uob.
vaxwvm 9LV BXAfffXOir.
lha aamban of the drtriar
teat eraalnff U the parlon af the Helal
HhiUar and aineted the teUnwtaf oSoera far the aaealaf year:
A iW. BAsna. Ulwr
viffht M AnMCa te
the VaU Sanaa,
Vioa PraiWeat^Dr. 3.1. Martin.
Seeretary-E. C Compton.
. £
M M Ik* f
Roea thto fall
The date i
.■’5 eanaet be annonneedI yet,. aa the
alab wtohaa to make
* On OneAkfw with, the drlrUff elnbe in Ue town*
aroend bare ube in attaadanee.
proper enoonrafemant to adTaaead to
Ue clnh, there wilt be foar daye of
M T<«*M* CRT. food raeea; three day* anybow.
The Teaehan* Ea
drUteaW wiU be t *M at U* Oentinl
Sehool^balldlnc Mnaday, b^inninff at
EkpabUMB Oosnty Ooi
O.C ICOITATr, B*er*«*i
A roma NMM wkj tke 0*Boer*u
•ndt^oMdtodaBOUMthe ^fubUe•»awt7fortb«»MMf««{ Ue Oln|1«r
M« to (hat tb« Dtoftoj tariff baa Mt
aflDrdad aa opportcaUj for »• praal4«M to toaae boaAs bearing BpOTeaat.:
latanat whorabj lorolfa co*va**Bt*
be eaUed apoa <• Oeata aatooaal
•9M» for tbe Daltad Statoa. It to fnffMad that OB* of the aoet predoae
IqfMtoe of Clmland'e admlntotrattoa
Mdtha btot<V7 of the oaerailon of the
'•rBaato.tariff law to that It oeet the.
Aaerfeaa people a debt arrrecatlac
toMrtj •400,000.000 la tine* of pro-,
•MBdeet peaoe to roo theeflalre of the!
Mttopal coreraweat; while Ue ReftoUlcaa party haa beea able to make
. -•ihowiac^f aaaiallaorplBa, and, at
; •haoaae time, earry on one of Ue
Matfficaatle ^an erer laaararated
kparhtotory, wiU a boad imn* of
iwo.00c.000. which, at preaeat. may!
; «U be eoaaldered ee earplnt In the
WH117 of Ue Onlud buua.
■^Ma. Byxxr of Tezae eeenu to be
hnatoff A bard a time in laedldy Ue
a—erwte of hto own etete aa he doe*
ip landing Ue DemeeraUe minority in
dhn hena* of repreeeataUTea.
, .
Au: Ue campaign liara are not U
Ihli eeantzy. tafland appear* to bare
had a few of Uam at Hoaf Kene and
Bdl*te>»* Obaaea Teaterdny to TarThe wmnd
Ormnd Trarai** u
Coanty Prohibir dtan eneentioB waa
Anar* haU ycetorday
Chairman Ball preaUed and
I eleetod:
. Tbcnearee City; E V. Darto, Loaf Laka
To Senatorial ooavantlea -T' E Car
penter. WUliamabarr; J. B. Barney,
^aeeree City.
Ta Bepreaentatife eonrentioa—M.
M. Baird. WtUlamabarf; P. T. Sim.
•and*. Lone Imke.
Te Oenffreaeleaal eonreaUon-OeeSr. BaH.^rar*e City: a E Bartlett.
WOBamebarrAfter the election ef delegate* ■
ndirreeee were «iraa by Bee. W. BeaU
and Leri T. Paaniaffton. The date of
the aonrentioa for Ue nomiaaUoa of
a eeanty offloen wiU be annoeneed
WiU Ud peraoa barlnc No. 18, in the
Iraafe Ubrary k
Mr*. 3. a Monran or Mr*. Mary Irtoh
ae it to mated at Ue State
The RaoonD to indebted te Dr. C i.
toeeland tor a beakct of naoanally
larf* and fine penUca wbiek
rained at Oewrie Bill fnUt farm. Ue
deeta^ fine fralt farm Jaet want ef Ue
Jadf* E L. Corbett and family hae*
Itemed from Uelr ootteff* at Bdffewood and for Ue remainder of UeeamIt baa beea ieaaed to Prof. John
Dewey of Ue Dniteralty of Chieaffo.
Mra. ’and lira. Cbnreh. whe reeide
flee telle* from Walloa, orlabrated
their celdanwaddlnranniwtery Fri
day erealnc.
Abont twenty friende
wlU a nnmber of
eUer friend* in Ue aelrhborbood.
While ridlnx Uelr bicycle* ea Ue
Beat Side yeeterday B. B. Bibbard aad
Beary Defer eoUided. They *a*taiad
ao inj arte* Uenffh Bibbard'* wheel
need* rapeira.
The Ladice' Library AaMictotion to
harlnf a new plank aidawalk inM in
front ef Ueir property on Front etreeb
Aae Hale to dolaff Ue work.
Wednesday ereniar Ue Companlone
ef FOeceter* will ^re a ten-cant sap
per at Ueir hall in Ue Broach block.
Bobert York, formerly eondaeter on
Ue G. B A 1. between UU city nad
Waltea. wa* in Ue city yesterday. He
haa eharye of a work train loadad wiU
tie* which are beinff diatrlbetod alonr
Ue line.
The enamlaation for city eertificatee
will be held at Ue Central eehot.1 bnUdlnr. Monday momie« eommenelnr at
Alim •ben of Ue Forest Workers
Mlsaleri Baed will meet wlU Mia. Lacy
McCormick Jewltt at Forest Lodf* this
afternoon at fonr o'cloek. A lady friend
Ttoitlnf Mra Jewltt wiU take part in
Ue meetiBit.
The Boya Band wUl ran an ezearSion to Cbarleeoix today on Ue Bteemer
The beat wiU leare Ue
dock at* a. m., and lease CbarlevoU
st 6:te. allewinc fonr and ane-haif
boon at U* resort.
There wlU be a maetlnr of Ua Unlferm Bank. E of P.. Tneaday ereoinf,
to ananye for Ue trip to the encamp
ment at Indianapolis on Ue Sind.
A. A. McCoy A Son has* pnrehi
Ue crop* ol Dnehese apple* in the
shards of Hoe. Petty Bennab aad Dssid Yocker. There are ahoot 1,000
bnUeU. and packiaf for shipment will
There will be anoUeT aeleet daneiny
party at Oman* Wednesday ereniny
and the Oreeoeat band wUl yir* aiytthteorsioB to the resort for Ue bee*
. Hie yonny society people of Ue
city will go in fortic.
A party oonstoUny of Lewi* SUnckt
Frank' RmtochTl and Jim Martlnek
will sphad tbi* weU flahiny and enmpinf at Oarp Lake.
J. 0. ELUS
etoUsw of «raad Bapide aad thaeeatar
■amber of U* ehee firm ed BiU^
blmbaah A Co..to la the oKj dotnii
baslneM and stoitiaff trtenda. Ba sra*
entertained yesterday by’^Fiank Friadrich.
Mtm Lontoe Anaorfe of Grand
Baplda to stoittoff Ue famny of Frank
Mto* Bmma Friedrich of Uiaad
BapM* to her* stoltise her eoaeiaa, the
My work is first daw sad prices that are is reach of all. lam
Friedrieh bey* aad aad wlU stoit Ue
prepared at all timea to take care of the trade. I make a apecialty is
reeorta aronnd Uto reffion before reBuzing, Volcaniaing aad Eoameliog. A fine line of wheels tor aalw
Ml** Bmma Friedrich and Mlm
and to rent.
J. O. XLI«I8, 811 Front street, eaaL
Marian SaeahaU reteraed ymtorday
from a etoit te Fife l^ke.
The Friedrich hoy* will enjoy stoit*
from Wenoel Ansorrs, Bdward An■ory*. of Ue VelUy C>ty Iroo Work*.
Joseph Friedrich and Mite Lontoe
Friedrieh, all of Oraed BapMawho wUI
arrise on Ua ezenceioo today.
Daethossa Violta Beoitel.
Bes. J. C Carman retamed yeeterday
ry TioUn rd-J® FRYMAN. SHOES. IM Front street.
The fir
from KorUport aod will eccapy
tmi te
w be
w (ITU
vj rrvu
yisea by
ProL C. EBoiat,wlU
EBof*t.wlU Ji ^
pelpit in U* Baptist ehnreh today.
take piece next Batarday eftemoon nt 1)0 YOII WSDt 1 BO&t? 'hel’d a yood one cheap, also repair at abort
Joseph Steimelof Satteaa Bey wae
Watch This Column For Bargains 1
; Ask Us For Prices,
Ue city y>-Bterday oa bualnee*.
Mto* E»iU Oibbe aad Ue Mtoaee
Bard hetr <alnmed from Bay View.
Bishop OiUeapto cam* up from Grand
Bap<<i« lAt essalnir.
Dr. a. \y. Fralick aid wife of Maple
City were cere yMterday and dined at
Ue Hotel .YhlUay.
Mlm Osvle Griswold left yeeterday Aadaote...............................................Op. MBent Pis* Cent Ciynr Had* TBB GILBBBT CTOAB 00.
fee her h -m* at Vermoelsilla She Mle* Mabel Wbl'«...............aceompaatot.
will beab-enteweekaad attend Ue
D'aU ef a Fton.er.
sreddiay <>' her eoaria, which will take
Mre. Mary Boren- one of the old
place Tuee-ley.
pioneer* of Acme tewoehip. died at bsr
Meson MoteT’
home Friday nirht. Tbe funeral will Data YOIl Tflfid TIM Klmhlll? ‘ni« ptMte «hieh baa been esddraed by
Mr. aa''Mr*. J. P. Leird aad two teke plw* today and U. beame owned UWIV svw asivH SUV luuiwmui leadfny artiste of the world, ^8t^J
_ _
and ^t
ite quail
quality of totie. W. W. ElMBALL 00., ». E 8TE0K0. M
eklld<-en of EanteeCiiy base arrired by J. W. Slater, etationed
Blk Bap- tjj proot street.
aad will e ijoy U* fishiny. and cool ids, wUI briny Ue remains to Uto city
ither c( NorUera Mlebiyan. They forintennaat la Oskwood cemetery.
are Stopp>i.y at Ue Hotel Whltiny.
I. 19r
A party <-.ia*totlef ol W 8. Eenaady.
HIRAM OOOE Star Gmeery. MS Front Street.
Cbaa B AbernaUyandO. E Greene
of CorinffV-e, Ey.. sod Whiteman E
Smah of Clneinnatl, Ohio, retarded
yesterday moralny to Uelr homea, aftI had onlv had my
policy a few
and Peril s
enjoytoy a moaU of eampiny at
U* mtofortone
cm tn* •
Carp Lake aad Omena
Mrv W. E WiUtoaseo ha* retemed
to her home at Chieayo after spendlny
•one time smonf Ue retort* alony the
Tbl* is e protectlos that all men, e*hey.
Ur. and Mia. Worths of K«lamiziM peeially labortoy mre, sbonld carry.
Take ao eompany but Ue Saainsw.
hare aTTir«d aad will be yeeaU at
Park Flare for *ome tlm*.
X West Front 8t.
W. J. Umer aad Mil* MUler ttopped,
lent and sicknee
oser niybl at Park Place oa Ueir way •i.eopermoaU
Leoebee U Ue world for 15c. Open all aiyht.
Borth from Grand Rapid*.
Mr*. L-o Solomon to eetertelnioy
Hr*. P. O.-hsof Liyionler, led.
Kann and wife arrised last eseniay from Manistee for a stoit wiU,
friend* in this city.
The Uiw«* BotenUal of Grand Bapids, who base bten slsitiny Ueir Bis
ter. Or. ReeenUaJ-Thompeoa of UU
cits, base yone to Northport for a few
74 pBln -Pingree” $3 <X>. $3,50 and $4 00 LadlM* Shoes
The Mtow* Alliton. who has* been
at $1.88.
le yneau of Mr*. Jamea Uoryao
69 pairs •‘PlD^ree" $4.00. $6.00 and $6.00 Ken's Shoes
at Park Place, base retnmed to their
home in Chicayo.
... .Jie sell all kdids of watches
i6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-6 cents
Guard Chains
Bod Boot, Cbolce CoDfeetioDt
steM**^»e»oi*Bt soriet^^th^rt .FurniturB Bflr^ins
The Palace Bakery
Columbian Restaurant
Summer Shoe Snaps!
O V. Wright Injured.
C. V. Wriybt of Ue Star tteam lanndry. waa quite badly injured at the
laundry yesterday eftemoeo. While
la the act of pnttiny np a bot water
tank Ue plstform upon which be wa»
■tending yare way aad the tank stenck
him oa Ue sbonlder aad hip. Portn-1
nttely Mr. Wriyht fell beside a stool
which stopped Ue progrms of Ue ten<
Ur. Wriyht would eertalaiy her* been
emsbed bad the stool aot beea Uere,
ae the tank welyb* orer 500 poenda
A* it w^ he escaped with a rery badly
bruised sbonlder and hip. Ur. Gamer
attended Ue injaiy.
60 pair* -Pingree” $3.00 Ladies Juliets at.............$1.96
U$_pkirs ^Pingree” $8.00 and $8.60 Ladiea' Ozfdrde
at $1.48.
90 pain Ladies $160 and $1.76 Oxfords at............ $1.00
feb 72 pain Kisses'$1.00 and $1.86 Oxfords at..............75o
P Children’s and Kisses’Calf Shoes at............................80o
lad muj other hrotei Ikes redoeod in pice.
IF3?a.]j--k: IHb?iedj?icli.
Oxa. Plel±Gbl3Xe Slxoesa,€b3X.
fine Art Bmbroidery Work.
Mto* Doyle, who is too well known to
Ue Isdira of Trarerse to need ao intrrvincUon. is in Ue city aad will open,
floe display of all the new and pretty
• nr* In t
broidery I
r«. W. 6.
I mUlineri
lors. She will yire free leswios^in^ll
k>ud* of art needle work and lace makiny The dl«o'ay opens this mominy
and ihnae deairiny te become pnpila or
to obtain any of the floe mairriais she
al» *rs imrries will do wrll to see her.
To Him That Hath g
Matt Morrill of Lee Anyele*. Oalifornla. who has been Ttoitiny H. E BsakaU and oUer friends, left yesterday
a boBSe to paint
for UeTboaaand Islands aad Maatreal.
Dr. rooter Tratt to Dead.
Mra Wilfred
Bay City is Ue
Dr. Poeter Pro
geest of Ur*. Minnie Lawrence.
Ue borne In Eatamasoo. on Thoiaday.
Mr. and Mn. Frank Meads are enter■J.
affed 75 yean. Dr. Piatt bad been
teininy Frol 0. B. ElU of Oliret oolOm. R. Winnie,
P ' taaident of Eatamasoo for orer half a
nantery and wa* prominent U hto pro- "him Brian Bregy and Mra Jam« Up-to-date painter and -paper banger.
>dwelnii at home aad abroad.
FOr a Dixon, who bare been rieltlny Uelr
Araat many yean be wa* oonneeted
moUer at Wexford, retoraed yeater!
dmatee, wiU the Mlehiraa aaylnm at
Miia A. J. Doyle retnmed yesterdey
y«i—end wa* widely known in
n^ylnm woric. Hto death will be a ris- from n mMU's rtoit with
Ons Hlgbt Only.
daroreffretto hto many friend* in Lndinyton end Mantotee.
Mtoe Lain Joboam* of CadUlae. who
I,-. T»b>orae City and Uron^hont Ue
ha* been riritlny friend* in Ue city,
I. dtete.
west to NorUport yesterday
Bny a Beboianbip.
Mra Mike Litsey of West Front
Tb* TiaTeea* Oty I
etreet to entertotniny Mra
•nd■ Normal
“ _ - • ■InaUtute
ite cfler*
tcfler * 75 week* ben end ehlldnn of Lelaad.
nebotarUipforoneUIrdoff Ue rcfre.
Mto* Bellard, who hn* been Mm. E
In the mnaicnl comedy,
Inriatee.. If yoo deeiae one of Ueee
C Compwn'sgne*
lest for *oote time. r«pUolnrehipa attend to It at odof. i_
teBir wlU be for a abort time only
ytoherbostent ManC. B DocannaT. Pre
Mto* Moea Shtrida to rtoiMag frlonde
at tlsttom* Bay. 8be left here pseter-
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
TboDsands Say So.
Shall Be Given
City Opera House
Thursday. Aug. 18
a ponn
Mm. Lee of Bey City to Ttoltlag Mi*.
;0. W. Lawmnoo.
•TtirimB* andt all
O. C Baaaom ef KorUport to fai tb*
I at Wait** Drag d-y.
MAH SiiiUliA lide, Pretty (Hrte ud
tki B«t Dnein M Birtk.
Frtoea. 89. U nad SOe. Seats oa mio
LmterRladge,OB*eftbe premlMat M Ue News Stand. P. a Baildiag.
^ Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
of Shoes, you wlU find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
^ of Hen's Bhoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season'of ^
^ the year, and wo have them in all shades for Walking, Bii^- ^
^ cle Biding or Wdrking. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
and the
■ ^
on JUS or an ooums.
I 'OMTlMTAMteaeZMftlB Cab* «o
[ «n« TronW* to Vattod OtotM la
romiac mrrn Oomaiaat.
t U.—&B aUaebr
U ih»- atoto dapartMot U aatborit;
. Cor tba atotoBMt tlwt a dkpateh ha»
boaa rae^vad ¥7 Saeralarj Dty bum
aaa of tha Mat proouaent aonasU
atooad detafllar Spa<t** intaatioa rofardiof taa araeoattoa of Caba aao
Porto Rleo.
Aaaaidiag to tha dltpateb la qaMUoo
It h tha parpaaa of ^paln to InJalfo in
' oaa of tha froataat Mroooioir aett In
tha hiaui7 of the world. 8ba will, if
the cqtportanlty mvaanta Kaelf, abandoa moat of bar^iara la Cvba aod
Porto B'oo bp prr«Ading that thaj de
alratobaeomacitlaeoa of tba Uanda.
Tba objeet of ihi more la to leare
la Coba and Porto Btoo, partiealarlr to
Oafaa, a largo aombar cf Sgaatarda,
who will fomeat trooble for the Cnitod
fitatra. It ia nt'matod that thara oow
loCobaahontlTS.OOu meo. They are
aeattarrd orer tba ivlaad. and it wonld
be didlcatt to got them togetbar onlaaa
th^ came In and gave tbemwlrea op.
(Ipala will Uke paint to tnfera them
that U they rctnra bone there U a
ebance that they will atarve, baeaoae
of tha Impooartabad «'iadition of the
oonatry, while if they remaia ia Caba
it will be iaeombeni apoa ibe Ualtad
fitatos to protect thrm ard gire the
tome eitiaraabiii n-iv legM
the Batie-Ca<iaaaaB« Inaargaata
It aad protect their
«1tU aad reUgloaa righu, aad wbca it
comae tlaae to Tote apon the form of
govaraatent to be permaaeatly adopted
-they toa onteeu toe Cobaae.
Te timber toU project the regimeate
wlU be diabaaded wbereeer to ey bapa to be. aad wUl be eompcUed to
■akc their way « poru where they
will Sad-oo traa jrta ready to carry
Whca toe Oalted gtatea
^alla Spain to aoeoaal for her laxity in
.obaarriagtoeBoadtUaHof the proto. oelabe will plead porerty aad apon wartoaa'pretaxta ton troopa of her klagdom will be dUaepoiaUd aad diatreaaad
eatil tony ooaelode to fonwaar a eoea%rj that deaertad them after they bad
teadcrad toe btot aerrlcea they ooald.
Spain la daairoM of taking from
Oaba aad Porto Rieo all toe artillery,
bat aha doqa act want the infantry.
The artIUery, better treated at al>
tltoto awl mora loyal, could ba naod to
radoaa any iaaoTTaetion that might
break oat.
4 Xattwa of Inieraat From All ■
Pam of Xiehigan.
WhUe kelptng to throah on toe farm
fl( Jonaa Brert, near Moore Park Fri
day, WilBam Detweller fell from a
•trawatoek. strikiagon bia ktod and
ahealdm Hawaa picked npla an nntoPartnto coaditloa, and a pkyatelaa
reported bimaUll anoondona •Jainrday.
Hiaapioawaalejoradaad aareral riba
broken. Ihere are smaU ckasoM few
Btooaa yonag ladlaa who Itora
Criaada in Company L, Thirty-Srat
Mlshlgaa, but will not maka tbeir
r**"** known, gave a lawa party, and
the prooeedi from that antartoin-!
meat aownated to too. which «aa aaat
toCblekamaaga to bny hotplul deli-i
eaciea and waa thanxhtUy acknowladgad.
The pocket-book conUlaiDg ootaa
aad Talnable papera atolea at the time,
of toe bank robbery at Richland a
waak ago, waa found aboat so rodi eaat
of toe depot in the grata and weeda on
toe railroad aiding hy four boyt. The
bank offeredjplOO reward for the return
of the tame. The lucky boya were For
eat Breaee. Oreu Cummlaga, Clyde and
B-yd Moreau. The bank la again open
aad doiug boaioeae. Thera ia no clue
to the robbert.
Thnredaj the atate tnaaurer at ImnalBganaonaeed that applicatioaa wonld
be rcoeired until further notloe for the
pnrehaae of tiuO.OOO worth of Mlcklgaa
crat war boadt. In jnat onadny
the eatire laaue haa boat eonaldarably
orartubaeribed by Mleklgan eltlMna
aaf iaaUtulluna.
JedgePadgbam of Grand Haren haa
HBteueed Edward Dsriea for flee yean
for ahooclag a Chicago A Waat Miebigaa brakeman at Uollaad. Leon De
Toang, a Salratioa army private, waa
aant up for two yoart for amaliag tram
hte »a«UBBat at Holland.
iokK Oman had a terribU euconntar
with a huge mnaeaionge laat Sunday
that eaM near eoatlng blm hit life.
Be waa going down the lake with bia
■nmw taring boat aad bad a troUing
Hae out whan aaddealy bit boat waa
bcoagbt to aotaadatUl aad then toe
tovabla oommaaead. John aneoeeded
to pnlUag toa moaater up to within a
law faat of toe boat whan the fiah
at him with open jawa, aad with
a huge landed plump ia the boat, aad
•bmiabattiaro^bngBB. Johnta aa
old ^dlar and aaear yet ahowad bia
baek to tta enemy, aad ba didn't pro-
and aU pared with oohUa
atoMaad with tag otoMU lor wnUn.
balda barred, aad lor Iba hast few ThabnlldingunwnUpInatond oa «ho;
mlanlai a aa*al haoto raged that fjr oatridaudharaaorlaat is tha wtoSaroaaeaa and ntobboraaaaa ia anpar- dowu; they hare
fhantaiM of Biititokndaforth*
bUad. For a tlM U aaamad that *to- ahatlara. Thara were two otoar oB- Siemcstfaeanaad Hay «1 of tfak yM
ta^ woald anraly raat with tha Uada- aanberidaamyulfaadiicoatu WM ecxjtlnofl to exhibit Magnatiao to tha
maa. but U an nagaardad momaat tba for oar dlnaar, aad nothiag extra at, axportaand prognMlre InyrMitotba
oaa mautar eau^t klaadeenafy with that. 1 bad a little malaria aad waa I Unpexta. Aa oonpand wito tba
the exoeuof
a balf-Nalaon. ana threw him eloar oat alok for about a weak, bat faal drati periodi in IbM and
of toe boat, after whieb ba rilmbad, rat* again. Moat of tor boya bare had Importafor lh9»iafiX4.Tfi9.«IS, agaisat
•ear the -‘gannair and want to make it. but are all doing
nlealy. We expect f8O2.m.7B0 and fSlii,477.660 f<» tba
lie rapart. laariag poor Joke to awlm to be abippod back to toe atataa to a other yean in toe order giran. Fra tba
month of May aluue for tbU year tba
atbora aa beat ba oonld. It waa riaae frwdayanow. JuataaaooBU wa can
exoam of importa over exporta waa
call, for toe aaimal
gat traoaporia. 1 would like to write ll06.711.7B6.aa compared with $69.at leaat twice ae long aad three yon a good lou Utter, bat I bare to Mf.640aiad •66,400.461^ fra IBOBuad
Umca aa wide ae toa boat —Central write' tola on my kaee aad toa fliaa and IB07.
gaau are ao thick Uiat I can't stand
The wont psrt of tlie abowtog ia tba
J. B. Browa aad J. J. Vondmaa, them. When I get into toe utatee I llfcleat condition of tbe export trade,
wUi write you a good loog letter tell-1
«>°atota Uva atoek aanitary
*■“*• "* •W«»bat
bare Juattaated a herd af aatUa tog TOO aU aboat it
.1) «w
, difficult to dUoover. and arc toe anbjrct
OlTe myragarde to all my W«da ^
for tabarcuoloria at Manbarrillla. Soma
porbeef arid In a BaUia Crack meat market
rvw.. «o^»iry
of oustomera arising oot of tba
had been found affected with tha tu-! taeet
Your loriog brvtoer,
i enurmona expel
• to war prrparabarculoaia bacilli, and toe local health
I cions, bad barraos and t
ofltoar noilfted tha alata board of
cial npbtaraU. Tbe trade with China
Twenty aalmala ware gtrea
and tost with India bare also enffered
the tuberculin tout under tba aoparelAll
A llrht cl«E :
aioB of toa atau ratorlnnrlna. Dr. O.
W. Mnaphy. Three
eaaard aad a poat-mortem rerealad
Boainem-------with----------Obina—U ■-----------------..
tbe terrible diaeaae. There waa great with new aad DO^r apreiaitiee toier-1:-----------excitamrat in tba neighborhood dor-1 P®’“*d. Little Trixie hu been dr- bad, the export ol tea from Chat ooobtog toe teat, i large crowd of farms be- aeribad aa a combiaation of profound try to ^iglaud tmiding almoet to dimpdramatic Interest end Infectiout fun pear. At tbe mine time tbecotum Crude
tog prMant.
and there ia no doubt but what the with China ia steadily declining. Aa
dainty little aetreea. May Smith Rob tlie exchange of tea and cottoD oooatlbint, and the capable eofepany will be toted tbe great bulk qf (he trade be
tween England and China the Iom on
greeted wito aa excellent audieece. them two articlea means more than
Thoae who kaee aeen tbe performanoe commercial tronbUa, in view of the po>
before will be aurpriaed by the remark litl«pl arrangements depending m tba
able impreremest that has beea made matotenanoe of Britlab trade at a bigber
and toe many new featurca added. At -fovel than that of any other oonntiy.
Tbe woolen trade wito this country
Followfag ia tbe last latter written City Opera Honee. Tbnraday, August 16.
pom to deaeaow.MhocvBrrM to*
Most Effective
Is through the medium which ^
reaches the greatest number f
of people.
4 ,s
by George Culmaa, who died at SauUguoda promisee t
Tbe old reutlemsn who replied to
ago, Aeguat »lb. to bia paranta
entirely. Tbe Anetralian market buys
toe query of hie eon of "Who waa Shy- lean, and ooue of tbe colonlea affords
Santiago, Joly 14. I6BB.
DEAb Folks —I raealred your letter lock r by answering "Or
any Impcttant bclp to tbe British manaad was glad to hear from you. We boy. you attend ebnreb and Sanday ttfacrarer or exporter. Even tbe ooal «
togoff, there hay
are ahy of paper aa. you<«wlU see. and aehooi every week and don't know who port of England U faUlii
when you answer please tend paper Sbyloch was? Go and read your Bible, ing been a decline of • 1,100.00(1 to tba
^ value of that rant out to May. This
and envclopea. aa 1 eanaot get aay etr,'" displayed as much Ignorui
probably was owing to a large measure
to tbe strike now on in South Wales,
We are all faeltog flne. Yoa talk when they aay it U a faree comedy. to eome linn of iron and eteel work
about tuId: wa got fiooded oat night "Ole Olaou” ia a pronouneed eomedy tbvre ie a slight reoovety. but, on tbs
befera last. I aaear mw it raio ao drama aad stands a* the higbeat type whole, tbs outlook ormtinoes gloomy.
hard before to my Ufa. Wa are right of dlaleet eharaetorisaUos. possesalng What ia moat feared ia that if t^ ooBon top o: a big hlU aad we got toe full aa individuality that is solely iti own. diri<m of Britiih trade oaoturaes tbe
preaenUug a e)e4D->*ot oomwty with coming autumn will witseea faeayy
beneflt of it.
withdrawals eff gold to pay for tbe e»
We are tuppartlng fonr battariea and a strato of pathos vibrating through
oeas of imports or large miea of raooiihave a hard tiaae of it aa we do aath- toe oomposition to eentruat tbs poig- tlee, esperialiy of Amerioana.—New
tog but guard. 1< came off duty at naat aaeaulti of wit with whici; tbs Yrak bun.
eight and waa eating breaktaat when 1 eemedy abounda tu purity of pur
got your letter. I got one from Dan pose acd quality of merit ean
and one from Ai Jabraua, ao you write tested to by ito yean of proaperity
aad tell Dao bow I am and why I doa't ‘ms year it U better than ever before.
George S. Givem artd R6. late of tbe
tawer. Tell Jakraos toat I will ans- Tbe eaat is an uauanally strong aod
attractive one. embracing alt tbe e d | ^ited St^ sray. le the oldest living |
er aa soon aa I get paper.
I don't think we will get to a flgbt. fsvorltev and nearly sll tbe origins a. eradoste of West Point.
It wee
w«. Comnifidore
Coimi.rriore John
Jok C. Wataoo,
probably will be bald aa reaerrea. that ineiudiDg Miw St. Grarge Bu sev sa
then a iieuu-nam. who Istoed Famgnt
la, we will fight if the boy* that are "Mra. O FUunigaa." ao excepiioDally
At <t-ioberfa to
' tbe Timg in Mobile bay.
fiarhting caacot bold them off. thea I Ulsnted company
A private to an todiana company of
totok we will bare ui do it a* they aie Grand Opera Houf« on TLo.k lay e
Tolunteora i* a Chinaniao who baa tak
lag, Augnat I6ih.
nearly done np.
en the name of John Dewey.
We do not beur any newu from the
Aasocitt; Joeiin- White ia said to ba
United Sutea.
a for Alarm.
niembra of the United Statm
Tbe only danger that we were in
supreme conrt vbo now rides a wb«eL
waa when we marched fram the coast the city.came to town yesterday tio'y to | Graive A Fcu-l«Ciof Kansas City baa
to tbe biUlefield. We msrebed twenty learn with horror that hr was suffenuc I given $21,000 ton-build tbe agrit-ultnrmilet that nighu There were a few untold tortures Ihrough an eoeouoter ! *l toop* of the University of Kunaaa
boyaahoton tha road but they were with a mad boar, which had gored him
desttoyed by fire.
not hurt very bad. but there ia no in a frightful maener. He was temp-,
A Chicago pnppr notes tbe fact that
danger now aa all of tbe Spanish sbarp- ad to oollapse when be heard that hi* while a man named Heaven baa jnst tetigntd from the bt. Ls>uia police force
abooiere were killed.
family pliys-cian bad given up all hope*
A* we marchfd to the front tbe bnl- of bia recovery. Nobody blamed Mr another man named Helle ia atiU serv
lets flew CO thick that we were ordered Helmfortb for being sboeked at hi* ing.
Captain K. Mayo Dyer of tbe Balti
to lay low and we sUyed toeic about awful predlcamrct. hot be was remore haa presentod to tbe city of Balti
aa boar. Tbe sheila and small bulleu assured aod given resson to believe
more ime of tbe 6 Ipcfa guns which did
coming ao thick that they took oa iherp waa no Immediate eanse fo- toch deadly work at tbe battle of Ma
away from there, aad that night about alarm, becanae the horror was aimp'y a nila.
10 o’clock we were called out, and yon creation of tbe imaginaiioe of Uir
Philip Sheridan, a member of tits
ought to have seen ns go np thut hill..
editor of the Daily Eagle, Montreol bar and a nei^iew of GoMtal
Tbe Spaniards tried te come over th* aided by nnreUable ioformation.
Bbendan. ia oi bia way to tbe Klonhill; they only lost soo mea, and we
dike as crown proscentor and agent for
aevcnil i-oni]eniea
only bad two wounded.
-Bag* lev* Metast.
AngurtB Brochet. the philologist,
•ins here about erery day and
Blind aod almoet helpless as a baby who died reo-ntly at Cknnea. was onoe
when it deran’t rala it is awfa'Iy hot.
I totok we will leuTB here tola after tits mother of General Pitx-Hngh Lea I emplc.yid by ibc Etnpriw Eugenie »
lives with ber son Daniel near Froder-1 meb her bow to prunonnee French
noon. We atey to ons p^aoe about two
Ickabnrg. Va. Though nearly 60 yean ( wuh a Parisian acnenU
daya and then we have to more. I sec old. she ia bright and cha-rful. 8nr- ,
a„„ h—
all kinds of oarrau flying wild bare I rounded by descendant* who fairly idol-k.
when I eome home I am going
uud get one. I think we will be home
before Cbriatmua I think we will be
in the cl9 to a eoopie of days: we are
land." At Arlington she first met Lieu-! E*-i^n<“ra W, A. Peffer. who has
within two miles ol it now.
tenant Sydnev SJmitb Lee. U. K N.. a
uomimited for govcjuor of Kansas
living floe; we kavs beans, brother of Robert K The meeting re- ' ‘"y
Ptobibitomists, will spend two
potatoes tomsto'a, pork, canned beef, anited in raoruhip aod marriage. Gen-1
®«king a canvas, on that one
e«fft-e, sugar and bardtaek. We have eral Joeupb B. Jobnstoo being ontiof tbe laaue witli no question nf politics.
Colonel ^ Earl Eolvinn of Bowling
notbiog but mountaina arapnd us.
a couirtn '-f the naval hero,
Tbe fight the boys bad was one of
tbs grsateat battles that was ever {ovely. piquant face, with roay obeeka, was made a oolcmel for bia oonrpicncm*
fought. They went up ^11 as high as brotRi ^es and clattering brown corU. coolness and oourage at tbe htttle of
When her Bon Pitc-Ilogh became gov- Pittsburg Landing when be waa 'Bot
the yoha hill and drovd*^ Spaniards
tniorol Virginia, she n^e become qn^p years old
with him in BiehmonA febe was'leem
the eminent violinist, is a
Mother, you need not worry: I am ly interested in the political isanes of Bnnlard. He decUm that bU extiaraall right, aod alwsy* will be. 1 have the day. bat nnfortnnataiy a severe oold dtnaiy command over tbe violin is doe
not been alek aisee we started. I sup ■ettlpd in hereyea After intesiae suffer to the fuct that be bss prsetioed, on an
pose papa is worldag hard. Are yon ing. borne with her usual fortinde, the average, six boors a day evo- sinoe be
^ng to have lots of psaebsa? You anbiutcted to a painful opera t1 on, was J2 years of age.
It i* said that tbe Uat direct deanadwant to have lots of them canned, for which, however, failed to give relied,
and she became tually blind—Biob- ant of Amerigo Vespnoci.- who ia living
when 1 get home I will eat loU of aicmdliniea
to FInreuce, Italy, Is tbe Countem
them, and with beet and eome nioe hot
America TaJwi. Her bnabsud. Viaoonnt
bona they fUI r> Ao®
Talon, was a Frencbnian, who fought
The Best Bemedy for Flux.
to tbe Crimea and was mratally wound
Tbls is aU toe this time. Love to all.
Hr. John Mathias, a well known ed atSoUerina
atoek dealer of Pulaski, Ry., taya:
Yoon Lovuo Sox.
Bergeant Matthews of the fiiglitii
"After anffering for over a week with
Service Volontere rifles made a
‘The following Is a letfor foom e»p- flux, aad my physician having failed to world's record of 106. all bnllaayeA
relieve me 1 was advised to try
Uto J. V. MclBtash of Company T (RiamKerllD's Colic, Cholera mud DUr- ebooUng from tbe knee, under tbe
34th Miehigaa to hU brother John:
rfaoea Bemedy. and have tbe
queen's first stage oemditioas of seven
Bauttago de Cuba, July >1.
shots each at 300. 600 aad 600 yards, to
For sale by S. B Walt.
• leoeut regimottal oompetition.
Dnax BnoTHKk Joxx:—I would have
written you before, but that 1 did not
have Anything to write on. I have not
i Half Prioa, alra
■beat XMio
iteet popular mnsie.
seen my baggage stoee 1 arrived her*,
A Cbriatiun abould be a stoiking liks. US Front street.
end don’t know when I wlU. ney
neuB of Juana (Tbrist. Yon have read
are very striei about letting unyeae
Ure* ct Uhrlst, beaotifully snd eioInto the citj mt Santiage bet I aeemd
a pern Friday aad went to and got
me writiig paper.
It k a '
peenltorrity. The utrneU are emy
The Morning Record
■ ^-5
For three monthe, ending
August 1, was
These Figures Speek Volumes to the Progressin Miertiser
Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its
If you want to buy anything or want to
sell anything
Try the Record Want Departmenl
xaj( jcosiruro asoobd. stnroAY, aimjubt u ism
tan Bkta m~c^'
'THE'hlVEir&N W*R8Hfp8.-
Ttarame Oitg MarffeL
Below ie^ Uat uC the buyiag aad aeUIng urleee of yeeterday lot grooeriaa,
Bannacfartdd Botharfifid. a tadet
of tbe Paria bnndi o< tbe taamn fiaandal family, baa yarned bfa final «nmt.
utian aa deetor.
W. 3. AdmU of JadseoBee oBbred la
betaerk Bowall aU^ia pablitatitas
Bgainat tbeAUanU CanatitvtUD that
McKinley wonid be dectad.
Alfred Dole, a nephew of a-Pnd.
dent Dole of Bawaii, is a member of
Company E of tbe national gnard and
was a member of tbe firat expedidon ta'
tf Paol Joota te' tboMly faUn vaadormitory; tt» aAool room. Ita play.
rooB: aod tB arUS. laciuding a matron..’ Aanarotmd the wanhipa.ciC QBraBW
Morslag prayer and litaay at S a. m
a bouaekeepar and taacbera.
o^fj, ^ mui M ..g»ay aurpriaiBg aoAt l»ffiO will ba held the ewfinaaThe managen of the acbool Include WfiK>i«a to tbe fighting and wceUag
tbe namea 'of hrill-lniown Ulla-aukee foroea as ctgaolted to bit day. One
Uoa aervloe, Biabop OUlaaj^ eSeU■OW PSHATB
HfLAKD DIED. women, lupplemented by otheia ib the novel audneoeataryaddltitatotbe crew
tlog. aaaUted by ibe nebor. Tha bely
ettlea ot the atate who aid in placing
eoBBBBiM will fallofr. and It U great
tbe glrla. The prealdent la Ura. O. C. cd a warship of tbe preaeot time la tbe
ly desired that all oommuDicahU will
Sa-allow; tbe agent aho placea tbe nbmsnoe diver. Tbe Importaaoe cd
glrli and rlaiu them In tbetr homea. ttata tadividiial to tbe welfare of a wartake advaeUge of thU oppononlty.
ia-Hn. J. b. Kalac. who haa recently ahlp haa been amply shown daring tbe
TheavealnrMrTlM will be omitted.
rareived a temporary appointment aa r«*ni operations againat the 6|»niab
AU are cordially larltod to these aeraaxlllafy member at thr board of com
tn>L Tbe work largely faUa on the ex. ! tarn point in tbe manecTering dnring' Charlea A. Boawerth, who baa been vitas.
7 ar War CrtUMad.
naer mxtbodibt.
ecntlve committee, who meet every the opening events of the war. and tfaia
amirtant Utaanrer of tbe United
two weeks. About ealxty glria are
aoUi-i+Lry to Oncinnati, was ■av. I. A. Brea ay. paatar.
Mvate Jobo nil^d. ot company D. “placed" each year. Ko glrft are ad bar rendend It necenaTT for onr ahipa
Sanday—Preaehiag at 10:30 a-m. a^d
7hlrty>(ourth Hicbigu infantry. *’*>■ mitted after ibey are U ytate of age, to be in the beat poasible trim for fast fwwrly ta»aatod vritt Bmator FWwork.
nflhctic In tha extreme. H* bad l«en and moat often are about II.
«t Camp Alger for more tbari a month.
Claaa sMtlag at ?:|6 every Sabbath
It la a algnlfloantapactacle—tbeaehDB- to enable ns to clean Iho fonl bottoms Bear Admiral MoKair. wbo has beta
Mid earapf^ the ravagea of tj-pboK! dreda of glrla Iwn-lhlrda of them of onr vcaaelr when they come off a long aadgned to tbe Kaval academy aa sneIhvcr. had
regarded ai a niodH •■fallen
voyage, it baa been nectamry to send oesaor to Philip H. Cooper, U tba firM
Moeaiagaabjeet: "lafita
■bldter, and^nd taken exceptionally
divers down to do tbe work as besrtbey ofBocr of his rank to bare raoeived tba
aabjtat ‘'Tba First
good care of hla health. Bnt typhoid wrecked in thetr ehildhcK>d I aMed ooold
. d<4ail aiBca Admiral Eodgan was tben
. rgver aft«ct?d »■. many aoldlera that the what roBveraatloe with these child-vic
It bar not been done well, bnt It bas in tbe early eightiea.
-c* iiji .'(.Titled that the camp tims revealed, and the answer was the
Sanday acbool at Maae of tbe a
•< \ I '
Uanaeeoe. Va.. and same old reply—‘The street aad the
; '•'i;.' . I; li- n;aich there. dance.•• ParenU who allow their chil oonld be found for tbe proper artiola | ricatlon to visit tbe maharajah of Ka- thgaarviee.
inalor Leagna at 3:30 p. m. and Bpi\
d. ..Ifuily hot day. 1 remem dren to roam the atreeia at night to Tbe anbmarina divers are able only to panhala in India and will, it is taid,
ber diaUnctly that 1 *as on the electric culUvaie chance acqualntancea and to
^ “ tiger bant This recalls worth Ltagee at 0:13 p m.
and even b
tan the greater part of the day. trying mn tbeir cbances-wt public dances
tact that abe naed to keep a yoong
Thereday—grayer meetiag at
to keep COOL Well, the wtdlera tnarehed theraby take warning.
I by tbe htavIncM and nubandinoM of tigcir as a tbaacnic pet
^ day. and by aandown they wei« at
1| shonid be added that greater i
tbolr ar,.« U-.t U 1, icpoalU, » do
, p.
^ g.
All are eordiaHy Invited.
Bnrke’a Station, vbere they pitched hers of these glrla cume from poor
camp and reated for the night.
homea—not only where money Is acarce,
Private Hlland raid to hir i hum: 'Tm but where ahirtlesaneas and even derr. a SaUbmr. psstor.
eahauatrd. ‘l feel aa though 1 bad been gmcratlon
Chareo oa tbe ooniar of Nintb and
dara ago Mr. gtearoa
nrtick on the head a-lth a heavy «-ea> amonr them, however, la a girl who come a neetwary pan of the ship's
Soeci^^a chL
ptm. I am getting dlxxy.
a gf>od home, who is more than or- trainedManywawhlpeearryoneormoiu
divers He must be posattaud ctf
# lu aa w» nratm
Sunday aervieea at fcllowa;
dlnaHIy intelligent.
' an excepOonally atroog eouatltntloh. i ,
, „
as all. The poor fellow was 1 Of the future of the nehool glrla
Preaching at 10:30 a a.
Frank K
. but bnd kept uti..well under' Is difficult to apeak. Uany'get good and. abovTidl. without tbe allghtaat L
Snnday aekool at 11:30 a. a.
'■ S****'*^*Company L, Seveaty-firat
• moat tryirg clrcumaiancea The places on farms (always preferred) and lemleucy to any heart wtakneaa
T. r. A at «:30 p. m.
Everr foot the dlrw descends tbe
«n wounded by a
«t trouble was that the soldiers did , eventually marry. One of the girls Is I
Preaeblng at 7:80 p a.
t have water on the march. They ; a graduate of a college: another It a greater: r.f course, b-comc-^ fewday. Utcr A.
[ reed the report from Santiago saying
Midweek prayer meeting at 7:30 p
had not had pure v.aicr In their.camp, : leather In the Institution, where for- I and at tia....................................
-,..1___^1____________________________________ ______ ._________ _
and the Impure water endsed sicknei
ir.erly ahe was an inmate,
ly. too fiet—the igeasaie is as much a
but the surgeons learned nothing by naturally, sends a Urge numbgr to the
Within sight of the capital school, and Winnebago iwems to have boweetr. only nreJy that it is nocea- ‘ Coionai Erasst Cmttas. wbo bai joM ■
axoogn vcratwisr.
.. the soldiers m.-'rrhe<: without
any to go to such daptta aa ihia. bn* boeu retired from tbe Eogtish army cn Eev.M. e. Beuseh. Pasior.
without water, without even the ahadc
even working tu aballow water tooat acoemot of age, enlisted iu an infantry
jo;oo a. ra., data mcetior.
•f treea.
men suffer vcpf sevm ly at flm and hattalino 88 years ago m a privatt nn- 1 jq.jo ^ ^ barawo. Subiact •‘Lord's
Only a private aoldler! Only a aoa of
emerge fraa tbeir diving anit with <1^^
Smith, and it
• hli mother! Only another life sent Into
racking bond and bleeding from tta
hot until be had wen bit oommlatbe unknown because of a war In the
Sunday school, y
inlereat of humanity. But. even tbe are fond
uoseand ears. In tmfri, every Hme ba «lo*»
*»« aasumod bU real
6:80 p. m.. Epwonh Leagna.
moat Indifferent must pause In pity, giveo to the study of music. Tbe play descends tbe diver cakea bia life to blf | J. M. Barrie led tail ^eveo to vitacty
when ttalnkmg of the fact that tbla sol grmtDds are amall: there can be but band, for anything gdng wrong with ' on tbe cricket field at Tonbridge Wells
7:30 p. n.. Seman. Subject, “The
dier never had an opportunity to face Utur xerelse toy tbe girls, though they tbe air supplying gear would place bia England, tba other day. Mma. I>e Ka- larvaat.'’
the enemy of the country, Tr die *r. are * ,p( at work most of the time. It
| varro. better known aa Mary Aoderudb,
All are welcome to tbeae aervieea.
the beat of battle, sc'.c- cl- r> to the •-t:. lured to me gymnastic exercises, sei in a very bopahsM position.
Tbe diving apparatne in use In oar {vaa on tbe ground all day and sntarCPOW-tl of herol'-l, T<’ (!> of disease, to musk, would b* a very effective dlrtuKsna cHCBCft.
tr •
tl-)Ut a f. e In sight, version. A system of exercises la per nary is a ooatly affair. Tbe method of; Milked tbe artiata aad men -*__??**
ltoe« wad Mary Howe. Paneiw.
f-.tri-'lisp- - :d superior fected which furnish moat effective ita wmkiog te cimple. A long -coil eff wbo tatted under Mr. Bairle'a oaptalnOorner Oak and F’fth atreeta.
..lue ;V.' te Htland paaaed beneat to every part of (he body, aod cubing enp^iec tbe diver with oxygen, W.
Bible acbool at 9:43 a. m.
* .
. a
.nd (he t,->4/le wbo knew him tta 'menMI diversion ia said lo be con- end ey mesne of a coil of rope attached [ BMtardCroker baefoandrereoge to
ai . ;< rr>‘< '’’d him. abould see to it that aldeisbie. There Is no hired help about to bis pom» he tan signal by pnlU to, bie mobbing by the Prince of Wales by
Morning service. 11 a. m.
l:is erave ,h,H be marked with an en- tbe institution. Baob girl is detailed tbe surface and be raised when the;bidding ItstXIO (or LitUe
Junior meeting at 8:00 p. a.'
dui: :g monument.
for three months to certain worii: It work it done. To deaoend the dlv« baa ' 6-vear-old that tbe nrlnoe wanted aod
C. E. maetiPg at 6:45.
Laxity aisd ladifferMoe.
may he the kitchen, dormitory, laondry.
Evening aerrice at 7:30 p. id.
The secreUry of war Is blamed for elc. There are special teachers of cook
Midweek prayer meetiag Wadneeday
certain lamentable conditions, and be Is ing. lauDdning and sewing, the effect weights carried on taeaet and back ' U waa expected to have ttrooght about
tarely In a<ime degree Tesponslble. Gen- being to make the glrla so proficient weigh aome 80 poondL while tbe heavy g75a The prinoe’e Uat hid, throoghaa
that the homes In which they are placed leaihpr boots with their leaden aolee agent, was S6.000. and Chokergotthe
A hearty wMeorae to all.
will appreciate their services. The tow- weigh another 80 ponoda Tbewelgbtof facne.
general, aad (he surgeon geni-ral. np to wages which the girls arc wtlUng to the helmet, which.....................................
tbe mark.' There has been laxity and accept aids them lo finding places *
Bev.r.C.Casmaa. Pastor. ‘
The mornings being spent In practical
also Indifference, resulting In a condi
“ T
*ho was a pbeoomtaally taU Yankee,
16:30 public worship.
tion at Santiago which U a national dis work, tbe afternoon U devoted to tbe
Sertaoa by the pMtor. "Tbe Ministry
grace. AU of the blame falls upon school rooms. There are occaalonal
Michtgsn’B tablnct minister, the eecre- periods for recrviatton. as In any board
townamen. ia Frederick A. Bai- of Mystery.” Prov. X5:S.
ing Bch'W; and there are prayers morn of the heavy underoJottung worn by Um ,
tar>' ot war.
11:45. Bible school.
They call him Chang Bailey, aad
The Michigan soldiers who escaped the ing and night. 1 asked the superinten
6:15. Voong People’s mecOng.
bullets of the enemy at Santiago, have dent what part religion played in the
7:30. Ooapel aerrioe, preaching bF the
been facing death from disease, and redemption of wayward girls. Her
and the glariLg eye*, but hie u«efulnota
almost every man In Che Tbirty-fourth .answer was suggestive.
“We epdvnver to lUv religion before iainimeaeotuble.—Philadelphia Timeu
Michigan has 1»^n prostr»«vd with fe
Everybody wetome.
ver. On one day the following deaths them — gentleness. Industry, purity,
were reported from that rrgiment: Pri cheerfulness and lo show tbe Chris
J. H. M b Proclamation to tbs
vates Henry Kaeeter aod Gei-rge Mar tian spirit. These girls are emotlnnalPublic.
tin. company U and Prlvatei Peter there Is no trouble In 'stirring them up.’
all aorrs la ono of the new fanciea.
Hjsan aod jnseph Grolncr, of ermpany but it Is soon ever." Tbe girls are
, ^
lapruaenangtomyiaUlioosofAmeridrwed —.
allke-a simple blue and white
fr, all of them carried away-witb
-^/LU n.au.aA oon.n. rf d«1. U.. ™i-e, U oo.
U.U, », .Itkik
Bordens beocme light when ebesfulr tMre have I dngbam.
laiial fever.
ly boToe—Ovid.
Monocemeat,! taka the liberty of dafln. - S in
. kha« rcrl-I
-ash Um BalldlBcx.
been'twenty-three. dtaiiis
Cfaildrai have more need ot mcxleU
malarial-Slid lyph-id i The auperinlendetit took me through
ment atom
' the buildings, csrefully locking tha than of critics.—Jonbert
worid. My Urtat Allied Hbowi Uat
doors b^lnd ns as we went. In one
Kealrcted HU Duty.
wUlexhlbll at Traverae Oty August 18
' The surgeon general provided no ade room we saw- ewemy-seven of the litj ^he nev^ aleeves aw close fittinn,
to be
quate facilities for the treatment of the Heat girls In a kindergarten, with a human nrtwa.—Maxxjni.
ruowmadeof thin materials ate puffed ®“«
Amerioa’a leading asaeement
akde and wounded. The commissary lovteg teacher, They had been out In
park. Mo wayward children these. public for being «uincnL—6wift
'or tocfcbd and bare frilb of laoe filling InaUintions. I effer no apology is
general made no adequate prm-lsiMO of
food, and the qurrlermaster general ^ut orphans or homelesa. Some af
The t^y geattatu ia truly wl», aod
tho baoda
making tbU staUmenL Tbe rernkurcta
neglerled hla duly In that he did not j ‘•'•'n were negroes They gathered
Among thefavorites forsnsiiDerwtar a8 taj command, and tbe basis on
ppotide transports for taking the sol- I ronnd their teacher fondly, aod the i«t
are Uilor made white pique skirta. wbiehmyaaormonaaaterpriMiaergadian away from that fever-iidden pest j
« ***'^> *•«■> ' ^ 2 >*'»™
Jwas killed Ir -a di-unkfO brawl and the
Tta nw My one sptake of himmlt itey an* tumally worn with white per- sized for Ua aeaaon of 18»«, fully jasUa drunkard. None of that tho Itaa he like* to hear another talked Bale or Uwn shirt waists.
fies this deeUration. WbUe my amuaeBrigadier General Duffleld Is gradual- !
ly recovering his health, but tha pro i suppressed. BUtumsilc. sad childhood
, .. ! Black and white lace Uapopnlta mantenteaprlae has been prcdlgotuly
■ often sees In sn Institution.
cess Is slo«^-. He was unable
H^w% Which ft of IntoTMt to
MIehifvi PMpUk
'r- '
•;«-' w tr™;".
S18 M
4 60
I 50-
Bgga. POT dozen..
Potatoes, per ba...
About me month ago my child.whleh
is fifteen months eld. had an attack of
diarrhoea aecompauled by vomiting. I
pave it such remedies as are aauaUy
given in such cases, bnt as nothldg
gave relief we sent for a pbysieiaa and
it was under his care for a week. At
tfaU time the child had been sick for
about b*« days and was baring about
twenty-five operetions of the bowels
------ r twelve bonra. and we (ye^coa.mbsrii
better: by lu eontinoed use a'eompiete
cure was brought about and it is per
fectly bealtby—C L. Booos. Slumptown. OilmOT Oo., W. Va. Foraale by
8. E. Wait, drngffiat.
Poisdon fly paper reedy ouL It bitla
thefiiea. 5 eenu 's MOkaga at Wait'S
The lay They Settle !
Manlatee. Mich.. Ang. 1. 1698.
Borne Protective Am'n., Gaylord. Mich.
Dear Sira;—I received today through
your dbtriet manager. W. B. Bardy,
a chaek of *30 oo. In fall settieamnt of _
my aerident uUlm.
Tbaaklngyou for tbe fair and itrempt
. janner in which yon have settled with
me. I remain a member of your aanoelation.
Oaowa BAmxtTx,
1301 Vine etreei.
ManUtM. MIeb.
;.DOM. Demist, O flcce le Markham
Q H. BBOWM. AKoracy a
O. Lav. SpOTlal at.MUcts W (
pODOt A OOTTK.L^WrOT^a^^^tart-
- L1,r
Che front When he desired to be. but !
•5'>nn'«i-riee were well ventilated. I mo«%eK“frioS^S6eom--ru!T^^ foke
^h aad ev^ department
■w-as isolated In a cot away from the-j«»'
tooth brushes In a r^k- pai«cut.-Bulw«,
army. his life cndsiigered by an ,i.; how many of the inmates ever used one
th.y .
There were a tot
tsek of
u light
sleep as a compwiwtion for the many ThiTe are Chevrons Ktript*. fit)?*, belts.
" anim^.
Embracing ale•tuck, either.
care* of life.-Voltaire.
and Jewelry cTall «ru and
«*■*!•. »o»»-hyenas.
*-k. .some one t^d. While they Wberever you find patience, fidelity.' deacriptions with military suggeatiana
ooelloU and Ugsra. Many tare,
When he wws taken to the hospltM^i |
honig. kindneas, truth, there you find | Laut seems to I* the best liked of aU
heretofore unaeta wild anihe w-as merely a ekelelon. When he "
-••• On Che Uackhoard was
respectability, however obsmre and ;tpimunng maicriaia Largo qMntlUca "*»'•
*h« largest living Hippoarrived at Eamont Key he was begin- vhsrt of a •Trliier." It hrinf made lonely men-may be.—& W. Beecher.
|af It areured. eswciHllyou the waist, polumus on eahibltloa la the world.
r where each kind ....
of meal...
nin* l-i be al>Ie lo walk atone, hut he
Good nature i* tbe bmoty of tbe'while only a amall part i* uuplcyud on
This mammoth cetleeUoD of soologiIs atm as weak as a child He makes
* butcher comes before the rlasa
mind, aod. like pcrsoosl beaoty. wins ibg akin.
cal attrasUoaa eonstitate mj Golden
.n.m .1
bui U..1
“ almqn witboni anything else—some-' Tb« numbrr of different flowers wore Meaagerie.aad U the largest U be aean
timei4indeed in spile of poxluve defi- Uq
but u stanliug For example, a with say traveling erganiation exeieocie*.—Hanway.
Ibai iu aajlcir shape had rosea, viuleta biuiting in America at the pcpalar
rank, are loud in their denunciation ofTo be asenttouan ie to be honest, to jlorgcttui-uota and lihua of the valley aa _
the treatment they reo-lved at the
be gtaUe. to bi-guneroni, to be brave, > trimwiug.
I feel under ao neceeaitv of Urinn
hands of the quartermaster general, the, ,
a....A.e...ot - iih ,i,
to be wise, sud, posst-eeing all
j A dress of white and pink mgaBdie _____ .w,Everr one keowa
...I.V —»l-«I their qnaUtiea. to exercise them in tbe most :£rs the sLirt emirely oovertsd with nor. ,
1 .arrobnah,,..
soiToundlnga. ir,,.l.arf
L noticed one rt
my show ha* grow*, for U Ue
What Mnatnr narrows Uayx.
^ occupant bad^one nothing l
I is umde baby lakhioi, and the guimpe
years history o( my ------------ Penator Burrows was here while the
lisiLadeof the mme ulk a. tbe lunug euMrprls* each year hae*e
etanor «as.vr«iE.-si. and be s.ld; 'T
troubles us a great deaf
do n-.t J.e h,.w 1 enc^rwl Alger Is to
jtir nudtxskirt.
ampled growth and Increase in size
blame. The bur-r.u cHlrefw of the war ; f„ape "
Married couplet in Nerwuy are prtv-1 a
.. pnu
...jooosa ooatnmou madeof white over the prectalng one: and I taka
dT-aum-nl a.- r.-mlnat. J t.v the presi^he American flag and war pictures ilcged 10 travel on faUwaya at a
*repe do —_
ebioe. „
A V.___^_________________________________„
shaped front u of ^de in aanouneing that the season u
dent. : lid i --nhsti ed 1 > the senate:
re In evidence. In the sewing rooms aod a half.
j'aae.audthu is outlined with rows of 1698 has been no exception to the rulethe'r t-uur, ‘s f-.r !lf.. The secretary
--fase-inatnrs" (Shawls) are made
Amoog tbe Anglo-Saxons in the mt- narrow black velvet ribbua. Tbe waist la faet.the additions and enlargemeau
»f vat lan;, : trm.ve them, except for
f,„ , wholesale knitting —
this year bare beta ao prodigious
good -autr. .-rd It Is nlways d'Jfieult
laundry work la dona entli oentnry mtu won- glo>-es. while ba« vpanleu ootiiued with' the veJveL
lo i.ed -:M,e wlthiiut court-marllBls. I n,f
women covered their handa with their .and there Ua broad mab cf black volA.
A,., r „.ia ;
ivet. IheUueve* are plain, wlib band* of
aareuw velvet rtbbfi at the wsirta- e ran to my moat tangulne friends and
Chicago's new dircetory claims for
the oily a populatiou of 1.898.000. Bwr York L«ig«beginning my eighth year ia
shewn by the fact w hich is an increase uf 60.U00 over the
It l. v.r."
amuaemeat kiatory I have nomiagiving
this Milwaukee figureeof 1897.
aajw. that the wrnterj- <t war Is huir- ech<-t>I's
children have been removed
a* totbe ontoome. 1 am confident that
t>er:-d, bpl U to even worse than ih- there In some Instance* young women
Ban Frenriaon la the banner port of
A»UI«s mli,d n„b. . bud Jotf. Ua p—. j»r tf-,.p.™Mted tfl.r.
tsaiaior puts It. f-.r the Bevr(U<r>' -f are sent to the W. C T. U. home In this country fi>r the imiMnarion of
nar Is vrv.nUally surrt-undec] 'by n Eau CUlre or to an inslilutton In Chi opium for smoking pnrpoai*. Tbe imerow-d of the weral schemers 4r.
cago. where their children are born, tbe pcgtatioMlaet yvar aggregated Iii.401
WwA the treat Point army e^- i
mother returning to the Industrial popuia. and the duly amuonibd to *“ ’““I"
F**®- Loagf^ow.
preeiatioa my patrons have always ac■n»ey run the war dr|«nmenc tf- rSchool for Training•;38.406.
Aftcr a long expenemeu of ^he world oordad ma. Aod for which 1 tag ta
UkemMves and they can ham-;.-:
Work among the claia of unfortunates
secretary of w-sr If tif -'
.•••-• to which 31rs Bland and her associates
Tite value of birycle* and parts of
ae. Moreover, th-y oil •'
r-- • have set themn- Ives must be discour Mcycleaexi<onedfrtjm tbe United States
and If any one of •!.. ■«
Poverty is not
able in itrelf,
aging In many ways, "H would be," in kUreh. l>«e. was «M8.769. Tbe inJ. B-LaPbabl.
XfMrs rally i" hK d-f ,
she raid. Tf w* did not love to help cream for the IS mouth, endiug with but only wbeu it is tbe effect of idle
the |sh-«v -.<t.-(.t
I . I
pndigality and
these unfortonates."
that tnuotli. as companvl with the year ness,
The Bev. W. B. CosUey. of Stock■ta„uWll-.cU. p-r
thoughtfully. “Tew fallen tading with Maivh. 1897. was ghill.STS. (oily.—Piottreh.
bridge. Ua., wbUe attending to bia
Major Heoden«.E cf jor-.a. a vauixi. ,r)rU can W saved 11 we can get them
poatorial duties at Eilenwood, that
A West Bath iMo.) farmw never bas
Of the civil war. fays; -hjenfral Alg r a,nn enough Hut there was a vein of
State, was attacked bv cholera aorbne
It MevOT atvpa.
ia sot a great war sw-reiary-. H, ought ; y.dars. In her vnlc., She was think- hi, harves shod. He my* tbnt tbe prucWe sleq), but tbe iuum cf life never He sayv “By chance I happrned to get
to have reported t. the preeldeni th«* :mg of the enCU-s, sin air- of thoae wbo tire is agaiuet nature and brtsgs bis
hold of a bottle of Cbamberlln'e Oelle.
IbSIfferenre of hto bureau offivt-rs and I win c^.me to her and longing that b>- hotaes up tran colthood to trevel oo elopa. and tbu pottora which was wear- Cholera aad Diarrbota Bentedy. and 1
Uve prealdent could have suspended i the diligence of parenu. by Uw-aome- thrir hoofs They never aemn to have big wtiEoi tbe. sun went down ia weav
---------- --tbem. Jo« as General Warren was re-; m,w. the stream, of tin might be anv difficulty in getting over tbe nmdA ing when it pomes up toaoxTow.—Prew
lleved of commard on the field of bai- checked at lu s- urce.
byteclaa Jouuai.
(M. beeauae be was not performing hla
setLm moB. '
KBolemab. a
Boap'taL Ata
iqpCTX TO RZirr or fw mie a* lowc tlas
B. 1. Marsaa. m It
rraimiD —Good auitBs rvom gtrl Ooo*
V vac«* aa4 stsJBy sltaatloe. ristcher's
leBbU* BMtaxram.
ipOB StLB-Lnts la Trmwror Olj; 10 par
a c at CcivB sad vwaUparw'BUpsrweath
BDUl paid. 8m W. P. OreuOT. SSaSSl
rpo RBST-Ko. nr South Crloo etrer
A reeei honer. bare, vaisrvorhs, «
qatocc/O-FraskearaiJ rerteefam
pCBKWH^ ^OOMB-^^mmI ^
■nierDEMCB PROPKRTT le tbs eitr of
JV vpsnmxl. MtoUgBB. tr.T aate. or voaM
t OB WOKK. -Udv —t Md
a1 tSrTrvrermCiir LawWOa
*S*ir*"***' *"’**“ «w **»*- TrareneCa^Laa0& Laabsr do. KM-sl**'*"^**
BWB vta
TRM Koururo aioosp, sxnroxT, AVQVtr 14 tese
D— tai* »«k. «>Ji7'TTiF€?VElftN warships'.-
osTTBOB anTion todat.
Bunn Beari de BathOchOd. a oodM TonfatedbytteB
at the Pnrie bnachoUbe famon OnaBenAO (artsooPAi.) cavads.
V Pk»; Jooer ta i atKMtlx fate wm- ciaKoinilr. haaiMMl htofUMlaxasl. aer. Chaa. Ir^Bb Baetor.
N«w« Which H of Intwwtt to
AMaroohd Pm wvstalpa.oC. ovaor natiu aa dostor.
Monior pnym- and lltaay at« a. m
■•..pjwyrarprUiiigaoMkhifvi PMplo.
W. J. ArkoU of JodgecBoe otteed to
srill be bold tbe caafirmocyorte to Pm flfbPof ud wofting
ttoa tervioe. Dlabop (Hlte^ efilela.
fORMs as orgmoted in biadtjr. Oo«
«B. supple
ting, oaaiatad by the roetor. Tba tely
DO*eI ud Dsneiry addition to the crew HcKinler wonld be elected.
■ of the s
«bb aid Id pUcIdr
emamuMloB wiU fellow, ud It Is greav
the irirls. The president la Mrs. O. C. of ■ woKhip of the pnuoc time is the
Alfred Dole, a nephew of ei-PnP. l£oU^m ltoMI«in la ■MllaKt.
radar Bwalloa: the acent who ptacea the, rabawrine direr. The importuoe of dent Dole of Hawaii, la a tneniter of ly detirU that all oominaolcuta sriJI
Cirii and vlalu them In their homes,
IwU’idti*! w the welfare of a war- CompU7 E of the national gnard ud toke odvaatoga of this opporinnity.
, „„hi»
'tUMfcardtha T>IWy*aartl» Barldaat !• Mrs. J. L. Katae. who has recenUr ■ “ip ««■ been wnpljr shown dnrlBf tb«
Tbe eveolag oerrte will be omitted.
member of the first expedltfoe in
received a temporaix.ai
as ' recent operatinoa affsinst tfae Spuish
All are oordloUy invited to these aer»r. ' fieeta.
fleett. Speed
Sneed baa been the meet
most ImporImtaw-'\
aoKliiarr member of Ote beard of con.'
ptoar arraoDiar.
ecutlve committee, who meet e ■ery
opening events of the s
Wutall>xto&. A«r It—The Oe«th of two weeks. About sixty girls
A. Broady. paswr.
II D«.»iT ■»'<mr dilp^ «“■"
Private JUn HUand. of compuy D. •■placed” each year No glrli are ad b..
bnoday—Preoeblnf at lOrSOo. a. 'ud
i«Ni.o.r nlm tw.
Senator Fo*for fart
nirt>--fou^ UlebiBU InfanliT. was mitted after they are IS years of age to be in the be« possible
7:S0 p. m.
I work. u. oirins lo lb. ]«k of bn-bock.
P~:il'» ■»
BBthetlc In Vc'Cttreme. He bad been and most often are about 14.
Rest Admiral McNair, wbo baa been
cues meeting at »:M every Sabbath
at Camp Alger for more than a month,
It Is a slgnlflcanlspsctacle—thesehnn ' toeoable ns to clcu tbc foul bottoms
Md earapeO the ravagea of Opbold dr«ds of glrla two^thlrds of then { of onrvesselswbon they conicotr a long otegned to the Naval academy as ano- moRitag.
fbrer. had been regained aa a model •fallen glrla“-not mature and at voynge. it has been neocamry to send cesaiir to Philip H. Cooper, la the fttsf
Moraingaabjeet: “Infinuee." even
■Mdler. and had taken cKceptionalty Ulned to tba years of discretion.
' dtvera down to do tbe work ns beortliey oOlccr of hla ruk to bare received tbo ing aubjeet “Tba First
food care of his health. Bnt typhoid «recked tn their childhood 1 asked j oonld.
d«lsU aance Admiral Eodg«a woa then
fever afl<ri:-d eu many soldiers that the' what conversation with these chlld-vlc I
It baa not been done well, bnt it has ..................................
in the early eigbtioa.
C -O' ,i!i ■''Tided that the cemp Uma
tlm* revealed, ...ft
a A...M.A. n-a. .ha
Sonday aebool i t awe Of tba moraand .S
answer was th# 1 been tbe ben kind of aobatitnte that
t baa oooeptad u In.f
e \; tf Manapsae, Va.. and,
cobldb.lo.bd fo. tbe [)op« «Wk ' ,|«ii„ ,» vUt lb. balianjid. ol K.. Ing service.
i I u. naitt-h there.
Junior League at S:SO p. at. ud
.■ J .1. . ‘.fully hot day. I remem.
worth Leogne at 4:15 p. m.
ber distinctly that I was on the electric
pan the greater part of the day. tey'lng
and even then tbay are ao handicapped tbe tact that abe need to keep a yonnig
l>areday—Prayer meeting at
ebuees at public dances
to keep oooL Wsa the wildler* tnarctaed thereby take warning.
I by tbe heaviness and nnbaodlneae at tiger as a dlUcsUc pet
dtt day. and by sundown they Were at
It should be added that greater num. their dma that it la impoBsihle to do
j p
fg Soco. Me.
All mr« eordially Invttad.
Bnrke's Siatlnn. where they pitched ba. ol ih... BrI. a.a. Ir^ root lb. «ook lb aijr bol . clblbB. aid lb„a..abo bod b^
camp and rested f»r the niKht.
humes-not only where munty la scarce, complete way
f./o-dbu Th« nniicrat.iui
Private Htland eald Ik h;» > hum: 'T'm but where ahlfilesanes# and even dt-,
Bnt. good or bad. tbe diver baa bsl^^d Bar. B. Oalabery. Paaw.
rrhanated. I fret aa though 1 had been generation
Occasionally t oomc a necesw nart of the ahln't
was that t^ inooey was to te repaid
Cbsrva on tbe eomsr of Ninth and
■truck on the bead «lth a heavy wea* among them, h-wever. la a girl who
Wodawonh Btreeta
pan. I am getting ditxy."
had a good home, who la more thu orSundsy services as fallows:
traiued divers He must be poaewm-d of
dlnaiily imemgeni.
Bu Dvrw fbsnM.—uinariJy
,____ rav.at4tT.tiaa Sia*44uom.
Preaching At JOJO a m.
■That was all. Thr poor fellow wu t Of the future of the srbodl girls » * M eiw.rtianjilly stroug c^atirtUt^.
^ dream tbe mother of Fruk E.
ounatmek. but had kept ur welt under‘Is. fllfflcuU to speak. Uany get good »nd above all. ^iboot the alightte'
^ Competiy E Seveiity-flm
Snnday aehoed at 11 JO a. m.
Iimstances. -ioe
; >u
k. a
tbe most tvytrK
tiTtrs clrcumatanc^
Tbe puuvs
piaivs on tarms
farms (always preterreo)
preferred) ana
and , londoic-y
to wij
uy uuaii
bean wkuaiHA
T. P. A at 4;S0 p. m.
the soldier* did eveotuslly marry. One of the girls la ■
Every foot tbe divw dcscenda tbe
•rest trouble wa»
Preubtng at 7:t0 p. m.
They , a graduate of a college: another la a greater, r-f e«.on*. b-v»mts the presure, t«^ble ciploaioiL A f^^ys UW sb^
not have water on tne
Midweek prayer meeting At 7:M> p.
their camp,, trather In the inatltuUon, where for-, *nd at tLadeepest descent made—name- wu the »ep« from t^tiago mying
ted not had pure v aicr
d Che Impure waur caused sickness: ' ir.crty she was an inmate. Ullwaukee.
woonded in tbe
100 fi et—tbe ptvamre is a mnoh aa
bnt the aurgsona learned nelhlng by | naturally, sends a targe number to the
poood. » O.: lOA. tool,. I, u. ,
OPW* d . .bdL
aperienre. Within sight of the capital, tch-ol.
. ^ .________ _____ _
: bowvvir,
Colcnel Bniert Grattaa wbo baallfUt'
>vir, only rarely that it is
it ncoea^
ctly. the soldier* m.irrhrC without
. T.04 10.0. TO,.ora tia, 10 1» .on,a
lyu EeT.H.-———
to go to aneb depths a* UiiA bnt br» 0«l»d hC the Eoolld,
Without water, without even tbe abada
working lu
iii aoaiio^v
aballow water
water most
moM Aooout w
of age. ulirted in an ...*4lufutry
_ *-0,11—I
10:00 V m., CIsM meelly'‘
Of treea-iwa -tMlriM,
' mu Kuffer wrv sevpnly at firm ud battalion 88 yean ago aaa private
10:30 A. m . Sarioob. Stdijeet “Lord'B
Only a private soldier! Only a ana of
hla mother! Only another life sent Into learn the plain branches; they stud: .«o.TO i™. tkolT divio, «.!, T,, dor U» OAO. of JoL. SovlU...oJil Prayor."
the unknown because of a war in the history, geography and hygiene. They racking head ud bleeding from ^ was nogutil be bad woo bis oommia13 m-. Snaday Kbool.
tsteresl of humanity. But. even tbe are fond of singing, but no time la uOse ud ears. In traih, every Hme In aion that be aanuacd bla real namA
«:30 p. u. Epwiyreb LeATue.
awst IndlSerent must pauae In pUy. gives to tbe study of muaic, Tbe play deaeeods tbe diver take* bis life is bto < J. M. Barrie led bis eleven to vietiay
7:30 p. m.. Ssnnsa. tebioet. “Tbe
When thinking of the fact that tbb aol- grotimls are smaJI: there can be but bud, for uytbing gtdng wrong with on tbe cricket field at Tonbridge WeUo,
- dter never had an opportunity to face little terrise Ibr tbe girls, though they tbe air sopplylog gear wonid plan bim England, tbe other day. Mm& De Na- Harvest-”
the enemy of tbe country. T<- Jle *r. are ' -pt at work motg of tbe time. It tn a very bopelsas position.
AU are wcleoBs to Umss oorvtea.
| vam. betteg known as Mary Anderadh,
tbe beat uf hacUe.
cL r> to the I i‘. urred to me gymnastic exercises, set
Tbe dlvtng apperatoa in me in our I wma on tbe groond all day and utorgrown of Verob- -. T" <!.• of disiwae. to music, srould be a very effective dltn •-Iti.iul a f.e In sight, version. A ayatem of exerclaca Is per navy it a costly affair. Tbe method of i tninsd tbe arttea ud men at letten
I ' lr! .|li.r- r ; -l euperlor fected which furnish moat effective its working la siapla A long-coil of wbo batted nodor Mr. Barrie'^ OAptAioOwner Oak and F'ftb streeta.
..lu* ;*r!^ to Htland passed benefit tn every i>an of the body, ud tubing aui^te tba diver with oxygen, jiiy.
.n<t the ^-kO’Te who knew blm tbe mental diversion Is raid to be con- and oy meui of a ooil of ropo ottaobed I BlcbardCroker boa found revenge far I Bible aebool at e!i^ a. m.
ai . ;■ rpeo-'d him. should see to It that aldeyable. There I* no hired help about to bii poraon be ou Bignnl by pnlla to, bla nobbing by tbe Prince of Wate by ' Morning service. U a. oa. *
bta Tave shall be marked with an en- the Institution. Each girl I* detailed tbe euTfare ud be rairiid when tbs bidding 88.000 for Little Saint, a
Junior nfcting at IK» p. B.
for three months to certain work; it work la dooo. To deooead the diver boa 6-year-old that the irlnce wanted and , C. E. moeting at 4:43.
dni: r monumentmay he the kitchen, dortnllory. laundry, at coarse to bo heavily weighted. The | wbicli was told at a borae awniou when
LaiUly wdS tadlBersane.
Evening aorvlM at 7:80 p. m.
Tbe aerretary of war la blamed for etc There are special tearhera of cook weights carried on breast and bat* ' it was expected to have brougbt abont
Midweek prayer maetlng Wodno
certain lamentable conditions, and be la
onrely lB.srgpaAegTee responsible. Gen- being to make’ the girls ao proficient weigh acme 80 jxkukU. while tbe heavy 8760. The prince’s Ust bid. tbroogfa u
oral Alger hu t^n unable to keep tbs
A hearty woleome to all.
qbartrrmaatcr general. Ibe eommlarary
general and the surgeon general up to
“Cbang, tbe Cbioere giut.“ wbo
tbe mark. There has been laxity and
The mornings being spent In practical
also Indifference, resulting In a condi
tion at Sutlago which la a national dis- woric. the afternoon la devoted to the
grace. AU of the Uame falls upon
Mlchigan-a cabinet inlnlater. the secre periods for recrvaaion. a* In any board
ing sch'vil: and there are prayer* morn
tary of war.
iCT The. odl him CbAik BwIct wd
Ili.i. Bible Aihool.
The Michigan soldiers who escaped the ing and night I asked the superinten
He 1. bo.
tmllets of the tneray at Santiago, have dent what pan religion played In the
be ™ll. Itaid ep te
1, preaching by the
wayward girls. Her Ul. mo».ttr AUb til. bw b«dJn«
been facing death from disease, and
almost every man In the Thiny-fourth
•'We endeaver to live religion before
Michigan bat been prostrated sith fe
Bve^body wolcotna
ver. On one day the following deaths
were reported fn.m that regiment; Pri cheerfulness and to show the Chris
. g. a.'teFearTs Proclamation to tba
vates Henry Haester ud Ge..rge Mar- tian spirit These glris are emotional—
Colored cords uder thin materials fl('
____ Peter there 1* no trouble In ‘stirring them up,‘
. comi«ny
L. _and_ Privates
all cons is tme of tbe new fudea
Haan ud Jwrh nVointr, of company 1 but it Is toon «ver.‘' The girls are
lapreuntinf tomy mlUionaof Ameri
D. an of them carried away with ma- ^ draased allke-a simple blue and white
BnrfenabwmeU^'btwbenehoerfnl-' Aooaiomeof ^ Wne volv« is one can patrons this, my eighth ansual uItrtal fever. Altogether there have j gingham.
ly bonm.—IH-id.
looking drearaa imogina- noaneemeat.1 uka the liberty of deflnbeen twenty-three deaths In that reel. I
A T»arThro»gb th. Bslldlagw
Children have more need of tnodela
lag my pcaiUoa
msnl alone from malarial and typh..id , The suprrlmer.dent took me through
A dress od very ahrer material is
>»be buildings, car-fully locking the tbu at critics.—Jonbert.
world. My Groat Allied Shows tbat
. iritunckl witb narrow satin ribbeu pnt
K««lee4ed HU Dsly.
•««>« behind us as we Went In one
will exhibit at Traveru City August 14
The surgeon general prorlded no ade- !.«>«“ v *bu- tweriy-aeren of the lltTb..„.«, d«..a mcloAillMibit. «.bowr«opil»4..aa«l.r.dlo b.
quate farllitle* for tbe treatment of the 1 5'*«»
ti out In
sick and uv>unded. Tb< cummlssary t loving teacher.
'or t^ockiri
tneked ud have frUU
frilU of laoe'uUing
lace tailing InaUloUona
loaUlationa I1 efler
•Ser no apology
BUeral made no adequate prmdsion of , ‘he parit No wayward children these. public for being cmioeoL—tfwift.
. ' K.i. ..—.K
or homeless
Tb'e truly gcntP'na is truly wise, and ,rer thu buda
making this atotesut. The reaoui
food, and U^e qucrlermaater general
them were negroi-s They gaihorwl h,BboWbo.otto,U,».bblotaegteried hla duly In that be did
»„„ppU.,l.,on,«rorA.n»»r™« M »P cmnmAiA ..1 tb. 1..1. b.
round their icnchrr fondly, and the pet
provide transport* lor taking the
eslerprlM la orgaa baby girl - f r years. Her'Xather
Tbo more uy oitc speaks at hlmaclt itcj- an usnaily worn with white per- nixed for the aeoooa of is»8. fully jual "
killed In a drunken brawl and tbe
or lawo shirt waiata
that the Icai be likes to boar uotber talked
fiea thUd
While my a
BriraUcr General Duffletd I* graduai- 1
"r *
! Black ud white, lace U
ly reovering hts health, but the pro---------------- - ------ “
popular mut enterprise has beu prodigoualy
To dispense
■ is the t
cess Is alow. He was unable to be at one too often see* In an Institution.
Tbe dormlti.rle* were well ventilated. I
the fn>nt when he desired
way fro
hew muy of the Inmates ever used one
ed by i
before ibiri' camel There were a lot
rtcre are diwpoua strip**, frogs, belts.
7;„, (fn^^
attach, either.
br AAi.l i
’ 'I*
■■ sleepas a compenration for tbe muy | epaulet*
ud jewelry of all aorta and ptMOi*-camels, lions, Jangara, byenaa.
gathered alioul a wwlng teacher, all cores,of life.—Voltair*.
nurainx. constant day^nd-nlght
Wherever yon find iwtiMice. fidelity, tleacnpiiow with luUitary auggestiana ^7*^tlOB that he wsf able to pull through.
------------------------truth, tliore yon find' Uce seems to lie tbe brat liked of aU ka'que »»<1
■ “claff. On
merely a skeleton. When
" (he blackboard
rcgpoctabiltry. however obrenre and trimmiOR uatcTiala Large qaantidre mala ud the largest llvlnfi Hippoarrived at Ermoni Key he was bieln. chart of a ••crUter.'' it being made l(W^y met) may tx^—H. W.' Beecber.
if u arv ueed. e^wunllj- ou tbe waist, potumua on exhibllloa In the world.
. dear where each kind of meat comes
Bing tu be able to walk nirmc.
Good nature is tbe beauty of tbe while only a small part is employed cm
This mammoth collectloa of xooloffiA butcher come* bef'’re the class
li atm aa w.-ak as a child. He makes with a whole carcass and rut*.it up by
mind. and. like persuoal beauty, vrina tbe skin.
eal mltraaUoaa conatiUiU my Golden
■0 (omplalm concerning the mantigo
mem of-affair* ai Panttago. but thai way of example. In (he kitchen of almon witboot anytbtug else—some-j Tbe oomber of difforeni fiowers worn Menagerie.ud U tbe larrest ta be aeon
e of the building* we saw girls pre- lime* iudoed in spite at poaitive defi- j ^
i,at i* atartlinp. For example, a sriUi any Irevellnff orgaaisatios «x)a because he la a g<-neral officer, and . Iiaring
the supper: In another bulldlnx
jjja; iu sa:inr shape bad Rises, violota hioitiag is America at tbe popaiar
Vbey were seated at the (able. In the
To be a gcDiirman is to be hooeet. to ilottrecuu-iiut* aud lilies of Ibe valley aa
o henwlf Pome of them s
a rooi
I be wise. aud. posvvrsiug ell tbeaa , Adrvsaof white and pink arsasdie .treat on this fact Everyone kwuw.
qnnimca, tu exercise them in tbe most b*s the rlin eutircly uovered with nor- .u.,
-k«» h«» .rrnwm
i* o.»
What heiurtor nam>w> Ran.
F.-nat r Bum-ws was here while tbe
Uu-adeof tbe same silk os tbodumik oatwprise each year has aeon its noexclan or «a* rreaSoM. and be said: ‘‘I
ur nudcrskirk
ampled growth sad Increase in size
do m t
l. -w t eiicral- Alger la to,
tolam*. T’le buroi.u oflbers of the war
Mairied«oapte» In Norway are p^-! a princess ooernmo Is madeof white ®var the precedinff one; ud 1 taka
dP|:;4jin;i til air n- iiilnal. '; by the preslllegril I® travel on railways at a tore : gcfw de cbKM. A V Miapud from la of pride In unonnelng tbat the aeaaoi
deni. : tid i-nt:rii -d ' y ih* senate: ud
| !aas, ud this is ontUned with rows of il»s baa beu ao exceptlos to tbe rule.
rhi-lr t-r.ur. '* f-r !lf. The secri tary ' j((, -fascinators” (shawls) are made aud a half.
Among tbe Anglo-Saxone in tbe MV- oarrow black v(dvei nbbtm. Tbe waist j. fact.the additions and enlargemeau
excep: for
ly f„r
for «a whr.li-sal.- knitting
itb century men wore gloves, wbile be* v-paalvta ooUiued witb tbe velvet. «_ g^i.
. have beu so nnidigions
goci 'aufr fjd It Is always
»-s rt'IT—••
and custom laundry work U done
_.4 raab i f bluck veJ
women covered tbetr .____
with their , sod there ..
u -a Igoad
to i;rd - arse «rith.n.-t (siurl-tnarttsls. -I Ibr the ell.v.
aa to ha a lonroe of a greal anrprte
ivet. Thebleevee are plain, wuii'budsof
go cot s<« what ricneral Ali-er tould
InilMs-ilr st*ael Took Twentg-riv*.
eru to my mMt sanguine friends ud
have d-he. ni‘r ci.,8t h- can do. to
The Inestimable benefit to the state
OhicB.’. ...w dirMray
answer all of the ^.-■rapaper eritlrlams of the new insMiulii'n for Imberlles at .. . diy a poi'iilunoii of i.btm.OOO. Now Vork Ledger.
In beginning my eighth year ia
rails Is shewn by th«- fact w bicb is u increitM of e.'i.OOO over tbe
amnument history 1 have bo misgiving
-.f this Ullwaukee
oaya. that the sr. t.tery . f war Is ht-ir soh-Ki!‘s ehlldren have been removed figures of ihk7.
-oa to tbe ontoome. I am eufideat that
per.d, but It 1; gvt-n worn.- than il.- 1 then*. In »i>me Instances young women
Han Pmticiooo la tbe butter port eff
A wUling mind makea t hard JoBTp
: effort
int year of n
•ecator puts tl. fit the x>-cr<lar> ->f [are sent to the 'V. C T. IV home In Ibis country fcg th* imponatifU of otfj «a»y.—Maaamger.
ud aneces* In amaaemeat pra*eoUth»
War Is prv.'iltalU ■ surroun-l.-d hy n !esu CUIre or to an Institution In Chl- opinm for amoituig purpoai-e. Tbe imTbe rapenre of pamiag i* tbe prte wUlmaet with tbe full measure of apcrowd of the wensl srhemers Ir. ■' : cago. where their children are born, tbe pcEtatiooe last year oggregaud 131.401
land, th* West Point army ,<r • ■ ■ 'mother returning to tbe Industrial poooda ud tfae duty amtxuitl-d to tSe vanqnuibed gain.—LoagfaHow.
predatioa my patrons bare always ac
Hiey run the war dci-nrtment t.- -x-of Ibe world corded mo. And for which 1 tag to
School for Training.
. IbemsctveV snd Ihey can ban p- •
Work amoug the Clara
of unfortunates
Tbe valne of bicycle* ud parix of . never knew a regM *bo woa not na- tender my warmest gratltado. -B«■acretary of w*r. If tl ev
which Mrs Bland and her associBle*
-M. M«,re'>ver. they ttit
- . . . have set them* Ives must be dlscourapecifuUyy
aad If any on* of '! ■ t»
aging In many ways. ••It would be,J. H. LaPbaal.
for the 18 mouth* (aiding witb |hot only when it U tbe uflect of hUeCttHga rally if ,hi=i •)-r
she said. "If we did not love to help
aha ptrwvi •_<
iK.ti..: , ..in.
tbat month. aaoompBR-d witb.tbe year,wa*. intemperuce. predigoUty and
Tbe Eev. W U. OosUey. of Stockthese unfortunates.”
ShoukI Have lb p
Ithe added thoughtfully. “Tc* fallen Mteng withHATcb. iW. was $;iS3.'S78.
bridge. Ga. while attending to bii
Major Hendet*>T. cf lonle. a v.urii glris can be saved it «e cu get them
poaMrial dntica at EUuweod, tbat
A Vem Balli (Me.) farmer uever baa
pf ih* clvU wsr. rays: ••G.n.riil Alg i sron enough l:ui there was a vein of
sute, was attacked by cholera morboa
■ la aot a great war recretary. He ough; fednees In her v.-lee. She was think hla barma ibod. He mj-i tbot tbe proeWe elrep, bot tbe luom of life neviv Be says. “By chance f happened to get
to have reported tu fhc president th< ing of tbe cndicss *ipan. of those who tiev is agaiiiM nature and brings bia
btdd of a botUe of Chamberlln’a Ocdle.
lafilffervnre of his biarau ofllet-r*
her and longing shat by
Cholera ud Diarrhoea Bemedy, and !
tbe pfe«ldent could have •uspended i the dfilgenc* of parenia by law—*ome. their boofa. Tbey never seem to have ing when tbe ran went down it weav think It was tbe means of saving my
them. Ju*i as General Warren was re-; how. tbe atream r,l ale might t -OBJ diffienlty in getnng over tbe reoda ing when ft oomen np tomoiiuH. Itee
llaved of eommand on tbe field of hat- ebarked at Ha s- urce.
byttsiu JouuoL
oven in olippmy weatbm.
tie. b«<auae be was not performing hla'
rJ s:^’X”“.sroi:r„r.r,Si?
c«.hAi.B..,„.„m. ,AiA,od,.Vbi^zr5sr“.,:za”^^ ...
ira.p'Z' ."."rtori':,,. wciurw:
Traveaa Ot^ lUitet.
Below Ja-a lift of Uwburiband aeU-
Clear Pork per bbl,
waves Cut Pont......................
f1onr. il L. ACo.lMst..
Bye flour. B. L. A Co. BmL..
Meal, B. L. ACo. B««t.............
feed. H. L. *Co. Beat.............
Batter per lb Datre....................
Creamery Butter.E....................
Oaw pwte (old)..........
Corn per bu . old..........
Wbaav old, par b«...
Wheat, new, perte..
teta. No.'l^^'te (new)i-d.^.
Com. ;
. IltoU
B^t^ per E....
Eggs, per doMS............................
Potatoes, per bn............................
Abont one month ago my ohOd.which
led by vomltinc.
rave it aueb remedies as are nauaUy
given in such eases, bnt aa notfainf
gave relief we sent for a pbyaieiu and
4l was nnder his earc for a fircek. At
tbu time the child bad boeti alek lor
abont ten days and wat faarinr abo^
twenty-five operations of tbe boweft
r tsvelve honrs, ud we were coavineed,tbat onleoa H m
. and I decided to.
was'broBg&t abont and It la per
fectly healthy-C L. Boooa. Btnmptown. Gilmer Oo.. W. Va. Per mlo by
S. E. WalL druggist.
Polrioii fiy paper rwdy enL It kilU
tbefiiaa. Secawaoaetafa at Woltb
Tbe Way Tbe; Settle!
Dear biro:—I roeeived today tbroog^
■ear district manager, W. E. Bordy.
my aorident claim.
ThanUag you for tbe fair ud
manner in which yon have aettled •
me. I remain a member of your a
Ounsn Barkbiti:,
mi Vine street.
l,I>ati*l.O«mls iUrkhaa
K. BkOWN, Atsorscy__
• -atraiilOT U.
dag. turroBtOt.
r tsDttiiatoJt^tyjprscUta.
L ‘ii^^s^s.osrj-n^nr,
CAlp.iB. Tslaabora.Tt._______________
■r, wUl r«a*os4 to eali* Ior anratag. Hi
•trmt. Bra< h
•chooJ C. T
I7OB BILE-LdU IB Trarrrw Ov; 19 por
rrto SENT—Ho. nr geoia CbIoo atroct. eight
A raoei bosiv. bars. vairrwork>. oso. Eaqi0»e(0.rraok*erai J ranac»'«
.T" i;
UBiioof Mr* E. M. Bietsoo.HtHaah^oa *1.
▼ OST-Harp *k*p*4 ladlra‘aiB. tutwOtr*
±J e« groBt «treri^ wyer^^U eoafer^ tovor
>CHrE PBOPEBTY la tb* city af
kk^aar <>.r'tiaH.'w' <l«aid
BBB«v (or
Laryn. A Wo*4- H»-«
PBTBBB or Vt corre
rvely-W VM math tret. Tinrerse CMy- 1
^ S^AHIXE^UlUB^ter^al*. toeal^of
H'i'S.'.SS.'Si, PLAITE-mrBUb]
AL OMy Loataor To. Ht-U
I^A^JWJPfw tala 1
DoroowmsrK.i7:*.ra.2 I
J. w. oAxrvTLan
ppap^ipi';^' iMLiu 1,-1,
APOUST 14. 1898.-PAKT TWO.
Entered Into bu Powers
V r
OP More or Less Commen
Quarrels and Even Wars Between
tfie former friends Have freQuentfy foffowed tfie Over
coming of tfie Com
mon foe,
B.. .w. fC^rrWti. tmi
I people and Bome of the more friendir
T*"* ““"“h eeareely be Jook.
d tte pMple nlbered la ed upon, however, aa alllea of much IroWhen and mo>-ed about the country portanee. and their forces were about
pUce to place. Urine on the Und equally divided between the Enrlleh and
•nd Ctvln« battle to the tribes they met. eolontale, who also practically had alyt only with the Idea of drivln* them ; Ilea ...
In the Henlana. purrn.seo
purchased ,n
tn netp
ftom their stroncbolda. but also to take : subdue the ContlnenUl forces. Offers of
»>aw been frequentlyjnade by
portani factor either as a mea...
kaeptnr peace amour peoples or of In- I
ntuaalod the strength of an f
money. *ot nothta* exeeptin* the satl*.. «
kssnlnv RoasU's
faction of kaqfln*
from entcrin* the ■Cedlierrsmean. She ^ When the ITnlted Swiss dsctdsd tS
mrsr; end the carter of
- —so far as tl»
lere U eopcemsd. sM
aloas. It IS
unnecessary to apeak' of the msds itf
yet bad the opportunity to grant.
warfare carried on by the Bn ' ' Three years Ular and as Attstrta was against their almost helpless i
about gotUng over hw war with Pnis. nlsts. nelr barhareus r
•la and making final payments of the peaceful people has never
Indemnity she wss forced into another Id modem history. When ths UUtS«
conflict. This was over ner boidlngs in States conid sUad no longer this srg»>
the Vedlterranaan off the coast of Italy. ton murder st her very door»-*ai
In ;bl* <*ar Austria met the allied forcM surted
■tarted In to reUeve the suSsriM f^
of rn.ncc. Sardinia and Italy. The pracc i *>ans and avenge the many Insults thw
of I^rope was again disturbed. Pna. ' had been hMped upon her by the Bpa»
al.. was anxious to take a band in the '•••‘li and at the same Ume ohllteraW
strunlF. and. France having decided : forever the stigma placed on this ss^
what ehe wanUd for bar asststaacc to I th» of the worid. the Insurgents
J•Italy, the war was broaght to an abrupt, U** w*re looked upon as a aset
end. Austria was compelled to give np. matter.
her possessions. France came out of 1
<*1<J not need their smistaBee. aa#
inromou* ■r,ree«o.~.« I., .h.
•Jlhbot a Bcratch and reoelTSd
war which wfll niumauiy give thm»
•* »
for her e*- thetr freedom U one which our goverae
By the tmaty of peace
looked upon a* Its os^Th#
E were^dlS*
V of l^uien-1 .i^^^
g^^ch tn IW AnWruT^! ««««* was not eaterwl into fo, Th#
look for
________________ _
ktt.000.80e from Sardinia for P*n>ose of Creein* the Cubans ^ tha
In* forces wilt command the respect of
1 J^ntbardy. which after another lone;
roke and afterward dlprivlM
the nation about to b» robbed of some
. trtV^7nt of fhe llVonM ov!m*
beesuns., frith Su? ■ tbs" of their property. There wiuS^
When all la In
^ntroi of the«. ni
of united Italy sume few w reasons which compelled Uncle
Ill entt.o ^in. 'T»'. I,
111 gotten galna After this has been ac*
compllJdied the ally is dealt with ir
vldlti* the spoils. It she Is weaker i
her former friend, she gets nothin*
Is ususUy forced Into a war to pro^
rhe is not enUUed to any of the fruli
of victory.
*Ehere arc many cases In history where
years have i>een spent In warfare be
tween two nations which but a short
Ume before had been alllea. These wars
was brought to an
end Austria was hoi only stripped of
[her share of the new found possessions.
tree, most persons bslleve that
she bsd played with Oermany In relic
allied Itself
" srltb Spate «te
their war. when the Ume for.-a settle. I personal grounds,
.•sent came thty took a ' band,
band. tel
inj ^ The United State
States is loidclag tor a» have come together and allied their H ind came ojit »
as Cuba or the peo(de theta
forces for the purpose of settling dls. [ noleo from Clilna. There were po allies
coopemed. If the tesorgeut forosg
mlttln* the more powerful of the former putes with an obstinate third power. In the Turco-UOislan and Gisco-Turit- are
are willing m aid and co-operate vtife
friends to take away whatever spoils The Crimean war did not benefit to any' lah wars, each of whlrfi Seriously threat- the troops under the stars and iiil|isa
may have been given.Vto. the
her 1..................................that but the de-' lied themselves with the Turks sgB'osf' tlraee.
force for purposes of conquest. Not only
has the ally been Instrumental in malnUJnlng peace within the bordcra of the
territory of many naUons, but he has
also been the cause of much dlwenslon
which In many casts has cansed war
and bloodshed. ^
A» nations graw te wladom and
Btrangth and the conges of government
increased the meam of carrying on sue^fol and
deadly warfare alllu
a:»f become orgreater tmportaaos unUI now the peace of Eqrope U dependen’ >'ti a rnneert composed of several of
the giwt powers pf that oontrtisBt. who
^vs allied themselves for the purpose of
brincinv refractory
rerr«nt..r.. nations
.......___ .____
Although of recent origin, the under
taking of these allied forces has been a
Sttcceas. and peace. It Is said by many
te^ atatesmen. -is bo* a^i^m
•Td the victor twlong the •pmis- b.
1 mung I
■ n where allies are
In nearly svery war that the nations
of Europe have had to contend with
during tbs past century the ally has
played an Important pan until he is
-•‘I looked upon as tedispenaable botn
Wth Ibe United States it has been
different. Tills country te the few wars
Hi which H has been Involved and
sssong which can be numbered two of
that have ukrn place dur.
; two centuries has fought
Way unaided to victory, with the eg-
•friendly powera.;iythl8 country has
done w,-il to decline their otters.
Durttig the civil war. when matters
looked rather cl-N>my for the north and
tt was belUved that England was about
to aid the south, an ally Appeared on ths
scene that chanced the plana of some of
the European powers and gave the north
renewed strength. Huesla was the coun
try that stepped In and would allow no
foreign Interference between the north
and south. Russia was not u>ked to
come to the aulstanee of the north, and
It Is one of the few cases of the kind on
These are the only times when
the United Steles had even a technical
ally worthy the name. Now there is
not a nation In the civilised world that
would not be glad of the opportunity to
Join forces with this country
During the early days of the country,
from the time the first explorers land
ed on ow soil tmtll see were free ffom
foreign rule, the Indians have played
an Important purt as allies of''the powwho wagwj wsr against each ot.rrr
of the new territory.
During I
and Ind
tllsh. with a large ]
with the Fr-nch. Through their fighting
-yny victories were won, but It brought
benefit to them. The Indtans who al
lied their PiTces with those of the whites
not only lost their lives, but when the
Viciors returned In triumph they tamed
•A the Indians and forced them to give
np their possessions to make nMo for
the expanding ooloalc*.
When one nauon is getting ready to
feated nation and former friend has in
many cases been forced to pay a cash
Indemnhy for the trouble the othw na
tion was pul to In whipping her.
The duchies of Holstein and Sleswlck
were part of the possessions enloved hr
Denmark. Holstein held the harbor af
Kiel, a strong naval auUon which Blawanted. Early te ISM AoatrU
allied her forces with those of Germany,
and the combined amy marched
through the dneUes. srfaicA were
Russia, who was determined to Increase
No., o( U,. uUoo. bu
arm, W
her territory and gain an entrance into srith insurgent forces except srhen some, oeeding In their aadmakln^. they wtB
the Uediterranean sea. The natlotts Ibersonal gam was to oe bad or the be looked upon and dealt w.ib as a vosnthat fought with (be Turks were Francs power
ottering Ite services was permit- mon enemy. It is not the first Ume that
and England, and. while they won sig*
to conir^ the eonmry te dispute., the United SutM has esUed Into actum
no] victories over their eoramoa en*my (They have with but few exceptions her forces tor bamanlty-s mke. and
and In many faaitl^ showed the mate I cansed 1 eesaatton of bostlllUes -on, when she ha* done so In any case It ha*
rial their fighting forces were
ot. {humanlterian grounds," and when they! been withoin the aid of a THmidlr forat the conclusion of the war. vhee the ..... ------- ---------------- M^nDder-j^MUon" wl^ nndar
guise od
treaty of peace was signed. Rimste lost
rand •*
Uttle or norhing. and the allies, who eo. ana tn many casrs they took a rs-M
had paid dearly both te Ures and ward that suited tbemseivea. srhetbav tt ‘
THB xomvivo )&BOOBI>, 8UVSAT, A.VOV8T 14, 16M.
dad feaekward thracb the pHt^Mted aeae
«< Odd FbUowa lb BoMoa la Sefitaiiite te
TUI liiei^ht^ Ttetwiteaawbkbha
tba ooa topk o( latemt la aU Um lodgw
Of «be Mata, aad aiwj ■ Iwre^daae an b»toB made for a vlstt «o tba Hob oo
t walked totegal
gnat dar of the week. Sept 91, wbeo
dnsBjNadwaebered, •
(betewtU baa parade that pronitaea to Ah. ^U> a t«a« it laoaahl to oa awae
•ozp^ e«ea Ibat of IS jrean ago. which
waa a leeord breaker. Aireadr tbore baa
flor tb* fiMt OsM IB »■ hlMoiT Ibe eoioe to tbo knowledge of the parade oobnet uiiTW aweet. tae B»eiB«w>ea wiat awmaea
pMd «oe>iDpiMB*ctf Kslchti T%m]d«rf
Tbe tore that filled each bntrI tree Bnar toM.
of tbe UsHed
Par both of oe were prond. end I. ao faarfel
Uj ewrei dUMikl befcBcTira, wae aileot. eedd.
bk tn Ikaavl-1
not oonflaed to il
Tuk «U» ymt. the WateanUe (Me.) oantoD baa decided to Ah. well, (ha eame old tale, eo oft repeated!
Ikarwaot that bekrredme-ah.yaaaaSo^
•Dd th* KnicbU ootna. aud a oantoo troia Baltimore will
a» efter rcare I l»m.d II, bat be s
of the Ke7«OM partlelpate. Brea from fanwar Mlnae- ^
barer knew I loead him elM
Bute are prepar- apolU a large exoiirelon part; U being
Vaa a Bpaaoa.
Isgtoreoalm aod ^aaoed. and maor otber dlnaot ottiei
flttiiigir eot«talB will aead large delegatloiia
f%e gnud lodge and graad eacampawot of South Dakota each pnaaed rmlntioDi to pay ail doea and aanwneataaf
■ nenibere who ban gime to the frooL
"I mar eeem
j qaarreUng with
I Tbe Rebckabe of St Louie hare oisan- BT iToad Lod bntter,”
bntter," a
aaid an np town
' toad a RaU-kah veurran aMoclatton for cbiropodla: to one <>f bit be« ctutomen
; tboaa who bare bald oonaecuUra mamber. tbe ('-ber day. “but in niy hmuble and
ablp tor 16 ymre
eomrwba: iwolwwional opinion, tbemoet
Peaneylranla baa a lodge named Heart mcibleef all meat la tbe matter of footand Band. It waa laetltutod reoaotly at
■ la ibeChb
Did yon erer
notion bto feet? I don't bellevo there U
•mb n thing aa a oom ora bnoioa in
____________will tboefore bare tbe bonall CbiuB CbiropodiatB wonld atarre
«r«< extending tbe ho^rftaUty of tba atata
diD mtolngtfae to death t here ao tar aa the reQnirenientj
«B tba Ttoltlng tratera from all or» tbe
.000 for tbe Odd Fellowt'
irt' borne. Tbit of tbe nuKctilltM fixA are coacemed.
•oneftT. He U eminentlr quallfled aa a
(unount wM atlpoloted by the- grand lodge Whatever the defonnitiea infliettd on
tho ftot ><r women in CSiinamay be, tbe
btfore tbe borne oould bo loool^
men certainly enjoy aoiind and comfortable nud(’r<tandinga Look at tbe Chieommltiee to oonaldar Uw wtadom of oon- new laanriTmeo here in Waablngton.
tAotont a kador.
Tbeyataiid at tbeir work 18 boors a
Tba Boaion tea party waa eompoaed anOdd Pellowa wbo rtxit tbe Cranxmlmla- day. No rlaaa of wurkingmen I know of
IMy of an adjoomad lodge of Maaona.
By a law of tbe graad lodgacd Pennayl- alppt expoetUoD at Umelia will find an apeod ao many bonr* on tbeir feet aa
they da Yet tbey never break down
WDla. adopted In 1604 and never teeclnd««. no member of tbe (waft In tbe Jnrledto- cottage on tbe comer of IKidga end Poor- tfaerv, and. pbyrdcalty. they are a won
«ton oaa be a member of two lodgee at one teentb etreeta In charge of J W .Vlcbota.
derfully b' altby rooe.
aad tbe mmo Omo.
On a mottoo toelect by aedamattan tbe
‘‘Simple lirinr aud freedom from tbe
Tbe grand lodge of tbe itacT Wadi- rote AoM be taken e« on oth« luoUoaa
iBgtoB baa extended nec«i tan to negro i •—Tto. by tba voUng algn.
Tbe Otuueea of tbe Indge ibonld bare
lodgee bolding chartem fromI tbe I
n foot weaktribaU)
, ttie emtody of tbe crraaurer'a and aicralodge of England.
new and diaeaae to tbe kind of boose
Tba Hamilton eonnty (O.)
It to the duty of a prraldlng efOeer to abne ao onireraally worn by them. I
t buraan hex
}ndge l.npartlally and not arlm and give have a pair that 1 have worn for txveral
fer 97 Maaoea and their rolatlTea.
yeara.'aad I wouldn't wi<ar anything
Tbe grand lodge of Netnaaka raporti a bitrlewa He U not'sAaml In tfie princi
balance of *8.000 In tta trraaury. P. H. pal ofBoe tnloflnencc Irglalnllon. but to elre for gi'iiotne indoor comfort. Tbey
Tonng la now grand maakr aad W. B. eonduet boatneai In a burinclike man- are woven rf straw and seaweed aad
aoled with bone bide There ia a thick
Bearen grand aecretaty.
Tba eott of tba acaatan of tbe aorerelgn •nie nf rrraw above tbe leather, and
When Waablngtoo waa bnrted. It waa by
tadge at Dalla> In liMwaa KS,- through this tbe air can olrcnlate free
hla lodge, and tbe aitoola ^bol ctf Im- grand
rse.40: mileage. *ST,78I 40. par diem. ly. keepinc tbe mooelee oftbennderMortality fell npon hit eoffln.
part d tit' toot always oooL Tbe laiin.Tbe eommlttee oa deearattana aad UiBBlnattana for tbe PlRaborg eonolare
' dryinen, > • n notice, are nnaily bareboa adopted a ayttem of eleotrlca] Ulofo< t. wbicb ia an added advantage in
■Inatlon nnlqna aad graad la lia oonoeptbcmacbr of benlthfalm-aa. There is
Hoo. which wtU be etibaneed In beauty
about aa little material In tbe uppen aa
wd grandenr by tbe propoandaddlrtoai to
la uiiuiaiout with tbe idea of a aboe,
tte eame line by tba boMaam benaea of by^
Highland iudgvuf ClD
aad tbia ia just eaiotigh' to keep tbe
erntBuMiDK ThU la tlw JewUb lodgoof thing on tbe font. Tbiaapper, toa ia
Cbartoi W. Drake baa
theHnlghtaoT ITthtoa It waa propoiBd woven tooralyof seaweed, ao that tbeair
Mame of tba Now York
k Maaonlo
BaBand to eoMnate the flftaimib annlteraaiy. and
Avium fond, rleo W. P. bykeik reelgned. U woa propoied U> devote ll.ouo to tte.ea- can bare nnena to tbe foot. Nowhere
tertalnnieat. One of the memben cbere- doea tbia Pboe pinch or in tbe Im at de
npoo renKatibend-whot la tba me of . nt gree prrgs the foot.
“Then-ure tbe iodoor aboes of tbe
eating and drinking up eo much In an
bourt Why not devote It to tba Pytblan Chinama*!. On tbe street hoe in tbe
United StatM nowadays he wears very
oonrmaoly tbe leather shoes or hoota of
and U woa nwulvod to build a baaqjltel- American manntactare. That ia one cf
tnrulab It aod turn It over to the tracien tl»o waya in wbiofa be is becoming
of tbe Pytblan home.
Americanized. Hot the outdoor cloth
fbti inniranee tonefa of the order (tf
. Tbe member of tbe A'. O. D.W. bMona Knlgfau of Pytbiaa. a department copecl- abt>e (J China ia a great deal worn also.
^•atand grand eonttilaUcm that la ever ally protlded for tnetnbrn of the order de That, like the indoor aboe, ia very thick
With him. when bo wakea and when be alring Indemnity, baa riwn lo large pto- and soft in tbe sole, and tbe foot ia
liMpa, in the lodgeroom and out In the porttana It la now paying oat at tbe rate never pinched or atrained by it Tbe
verid.and that la when tbodayaof bU ef •1,S60.00U per annum.
hiNiltbicFt footgear ever known probaIttB ara otrr tOa widow aad orp^a will
Major Genoral Carnahan haa offered a hly waa tbe aaodal of the Greeks. It
be Imndaoin^ provided tor, a enm ample
lo place ibem In eomfon. aeturaJ by the prim of liuo to tbe company baring tbe bad no npper. and, as you will eee in
gooi toKband fellorroblpof oeariy 400.000 largcM percentage of iu meuiberaiilp at atsinary, tbe fovt of men said women
were id<«lly perfect All tbe aaodal afaanwt, boneet men.—Kentucky Work- the IndlanapolU encampment
There are sow fov lodgee of tbe order
ae tbe nea In Montreal.
Prom lateal reporta teoolved tbe groat Arnho. ‘it it aa if tho world were abod
_ place of tbe eu;gi
encampment of tbe order, to be held on with leather.' Tbe Chinaman aerma to
will begin on ibe aeoood
tbe fourth week In Anguai next, at tbe follow ont ibia motto, and bit aboee ara
ft June. ISM.
' Tbe MMeorKentD^renired tbe pate dty of IndlanapolU. promtoee to bd^ a Dearly auira aud nothing more. Bat the
eplendld dt-moDriratlon.
griwe secret of the iscvllence of bis in
Tbe flm Pythian tadge at Salt Inke door kboe ia the half inch straw sola.”
Ity waa organt»a thece Kov. IS. IKTB.
>d Waa called MyrUe lodge. .Va I. The —Wuobingtoo Star.
Ibe ^urtodlctlon baring a
Ut. 3! B. Tnnteref Boone lodgts Ko.
1, of Oorlngton died neeoUy at Lakalaad
AVloto. trbere be had been tor 18 yeara
All tbit Uiw> Boone tadgo paid hto amoeMttta and kept him In good
tie widow reoelved 83,uoa
Tbe report of H. W. Saokott- of PennVleanlila, eupretiie recorder of tbe onkr,
Sowa that tbe total Ineome of tbe orKaoImUdo laat year woa •ii.6b4.00e and tba
cpandilnraa «8.4I6.4a4. of which
«4 waa paid oat In death beorflta.
Oood headway U reported aa being made
Itttbe filatalnei,l amigamcnt plan, which
&Mdy U adopted by at iurtedlrUona
lady bem arc great bnipe to thu trot*,
from Waablngton abow gn-ot
•Mlriiy la^^dlng^n
•ore There
KraUx Csegbt.
wbert of thu Hrat
A oertain Greek adventtmr some
years ago ondmook to padm off upon
tb.- pablic aoine false copies of tbe gos
pel lUBDoacripts. Many loomed men
were deceived, but not Dr. Otme, librarUn of the Bodleian library at Oxford.
Tbe Modern Woodmen of Ameriea eaya Bow be detected the fraud is reU^ in
to lu membura, "Yon can goto war tf you bis own words in The Spectator:
wlab to volunteer In defonso of your eouDI never really opened the txxik. bat I
try. you can go to tbe Klondike tf yoo
wuh to aearch forgold. or you can remove beM it In my baud and took one page
apy ruuotry on tbe face of tbe glolte. of St between my utiger and ibnmb
ily keep your aoHwmeuto and dum paid while 1 lutened to lia-rasciil's aoconut
promptly and y«>ur cmtldeato will be In of bow to foond this moM interesting
full furoe and effect at any luoiaent
At tbe end of three or four minntes I
The d(wtb'wave tor laat montb kepta bauiled It back to him with the abort
Uulu below tbe atvrage mark.
coiuSEvuC. “Niurtfcntb ceutnry paper.
Tto Modem Woudium of America doea’ niy dear air.” and be took li atrsy in a
not interfere with a man arrllgiotu prefer borry aud did not cotne again.
enoea nor him political aOlUottana
Yea, 1 waa pleased, bat 1 have ban
j In iHmttotxatof li.uuoinasranoe In died several nucicDt inanaacripu in my
the M'rimi W'oG^Tnnoqf Amerlea^ttbe tttuo, and 1 know the fvcl of old paper.
! agv of 9U yean waa |4rt« wWttoeoriecy had benxuofour yeara older, tbeeoet.
Inaiiad of liMacaaing. dropind down to
Soen^Editor's mnetnm. Printer
Tto Oaborae (Kan.) eamt) baa raleed (raahing in excitedly)—Here's a gol
•9UU with which to eqnipa Modem Wood joimaon. the 'nimlerer, baa jnst been
found innoceoc, and tbe government
en baud.
Tbe waiver tor bemU hea been abol- bar telegraphed a i '
tbe whole acoonnt
I, and the team is
____ w would eooo be an old line iniuraaw «Mnpgpy ineUad of the graudeft fraknlty tto world haa ever aeon You who
hare good protooUon at a reaaon^e prl«
(coolly)—Don't get excited,
tbe Utueha rxVuaitloa on Hed Men'a
go to yoDT fricoda and tot them know
■boot to U good for you. It «U1 be gioid day. Aug. 10.
GAidtala; "Jobneon Pardoned. Full Aotor ibem. eo don i be aelfiah and keepaU
Tbo order la Kew York now ntunben oointof What He Eacaped!”—Peartow good Ihingi youraelf
•00 trilaia and 86.000 tueinbrnt
aoB'a Weddy^______________
OalUornla rvporta alx new tonla InatlLcol Lenape tadgo. PIdladoIpbla. bM a
toMl laat month
Ceoldat Traaelaie It.
"Is that yonr baby?” aaked tto inAmngementa arc already being made tersMod party. "Wtot a onte little
a large
of H<d Hen to attend ohildJ What U he mylng now?”
torgu number «
BtfleUe In iteeir dora not debartbe iMb- . for
' ' tbeCnttod ritaiea-at
iAlnata lodge from naing tto ceremony at ^ tto^ great eonodl^J
"1 don't know.” repliedtto porpla*fto order at the funeral of the deoeaMd
edfathcr. ''Voa sae. bit motbv oatrles
tbe code book. ”—Pbiladrlphta Konb
A B«n tier tugwid stand
kte ooeniisUon to um- of
Order to Wmi ITHth.
I may have a flital card
aird If apAU'oteea.
Tto ordvr <f B nai U'rftk extends all
Abaeotminded Profoasor (In tb« bath
An eCort lo reduce ttie ralaritv ef tto bwv the L'nltort Htat«< Europe and in tbe tub)—Well, well, now I bare fo^teo
ainamc offlosra and also ibu lulleoge and nriontal eountrics It oonprites among wbat 1 got In bore (or.—Fliegtnde
■wdlcmof ttvaeatmtaUvos. wa« itafeotod
tf a voae T6 lo le
A law waa paraed by Ibe snineuie lodm eumtnoti fooilDg
« declare that tto c
Tto obyecte ut itoroolety ore taw«iHrtal tritiema article of diet la batter, and baMgolring tbe tvporter to dellvw warvonw
Itt betoflia to tto tmstoaa immediately on
nettptaf tbm by Mmand toatuet their tto children of lurnibers wbo dlv without
Tbe family ui a iiieiubto who beArttvsiy to tto paoperbemAetartce
%0w York bto tto largrat metubMaUp,
A Caw initowrtng and pretty tmtm
tnnipa, porenipa potatom i
oan all be pnt to naiqne and
saea tr any tngenlona boy of girt.
^ke a large carrot and ont it
abotu Are inebea from tbe thick end.
Scrape ont tbe pale yellow center nntil
there ia a bole three inebea deep. Tie a
atoni aorliig amond it. Kang ^(n a light
^ce and &!1 the boUow center wUb
water In a few days tbe yonng apmeta
will begin to abont. and it will not be
long before tbe feaibory carrot lenvoa
grow cat and np ao aatoalmaetentuely
cover tbe yellow root
The porauip ia treated in tbe wiue
way. and when bung alternately with
the carrou they muke a very i-ffectire
Bhowtng. Tbe arater mnat be daily re
Many amariag little tbinga can ba
made with tbe nae of orena aeed and
pleoea of oM woolen mateiiaL A bottle
tightly covered with flannel, dipped In
water and rolled in creaa ai-ei will ooan
beooveiod with a great, velretysiirlaoe
If kept tnoin and In tbe light.
A bof wbo ependa bit rammera on a
New England farm, with more in
genuity than opportunity, makea each
year a most inttreAing little garden
In oue corner of bis garden be ereoa
a little wiQsremsncartxgof bean poleo.
Next be planta soariei numer beano, and
as Boon as they get to b>- almoW aif
inclAi btgb be b^na to train tbem np
rmngs leading to tbe p^es. TbeKarleC
ninn<T t* hardy, growa with grott ra
pidity and l«ara claatera of aearlet blot-.
aOma Tbey will grow in wbaterer di
rection tbe stringa alcmg which tbey
climb are arrung^ ao tbe little gardstcr baa hmitieaa metbnda of arrangiaig
for doora and windowa In bis onmiear
Abont tbe IS of Jnne be starta his
oarroU and paranipa. He banga tbcan
alternately al^ tbe front ride of tbe
•ommer booae—tbe one aide where tbe
acarict rtinner ia not allowed to creep.
In the little windowa formed by tbe
ereepera be bangs tweet potatoes, al
ways cboortng tbe place where tbey
will get tbe mas ton.
In tbe ccnicr of tbe sunmer boos ba
nsnally baa a snail wooden table, over
which is seked a pieoe of dartt bine
flannel On tfaie be growa oeaa seed.
One yrar be marked it off likeacbeokerboaid and kept itHoanabrng with creoi
all ebrongfa tbe snmmer by repleniibing {
tbe aeed. Jus as '
---------- - ,------------- be wooM sprinkle
tbe bine ones with fresh seed, ao tibat
ready*to take its place.
Another year be coveted a ronnd
pnmpkin with pale bine flannel and
with tbe erras aeed designed a map of
tbe world. He arranged this on a abmt
pole and with tbe aid eg a wire ntaaaged to have it rerolva
Anothm Intereating experiment is to
bottle to tbe vine, lu time tbe bit
will drop off and tbe grapes will form.
Tbey will soon completely fill tbe bot
tle. and if kept in tbe son will ripen.
Care aboold be taken to empty tbe but
tle after each rain storm.
When tbe grapea have reached perfeocion, sever tbe stem with a pair of actssora Tbe bnneb may be pteeerved by
filling tbe bottle wi^ bailing water
into which baa been pot a few tea^Moncork and mallng a
Dorothy haa a baby brother wbo has
recently toeti ill with tto oomlng
tbroogh of bis flm teeth. 1 think to
has the baidett bead 1 ever aaw on ao
infant. It baa caused Dorothy great
anxiety She stood at the mother's kntM
one day. guntly patting tto little bead.
‘'BeoarefoL Dorothy." said tto mutb€T. "You know poor Utile brotber U
sick. He is catting tala teeth. ” Dorothy
patted tbe tatld head reflectively.
"Mamma. ' she said, "ia it going to
make him sick when to enta hia hair?”
—Pituburg Bullotin.
clotbea aoiled aud waa nying i
for It. At last, in dtssperation. she aid:
" Well 1 diut't know bow it
It rob off!"—New York Tribune.
We will cloee ont • few broken lota of Shoes, at an
e^ieciallj low Sgors.
good wearers.
Tbey are all solid leather and
We ca'Tj s large stock in all styles
and all prices and can please yon. For s good wear
ing shoe get them of
“New Idea" Pattens Ire ilie Eqial of Ib) Pattens Made.
Tee Cents Buys Ib) Style.
To pricM that are leee thnn the oost
of the mBterUl, ob
(All thie eewon’B Btylee.)
49c, 69c and 89c.
49c beys 7Se to 9Dc Waists.
69c bays $1.00 aed $I.2B Waists.
89c beys $1.50 Ic $l.75Yfaists.
Th. lot Inclndn nMriy to riM.
(All are of UM 000000*0 malra.)
At these prices to eloM out qiiickr-880 to $87h-Tal>
nee $1.36 and $1A0 to $4.00.
Lij'ht cassimere puits,
well made, value S6.00,
at $3.75.
Special values at 89c.
$1.38, $1.79, S1.98, val
ues $1.25 to $2.75.
$4.50 for $6 values.
$5.95 for $7.50 values.
One line at 35c Knee
■Pants at 25c.
Bargaiis il all (tepartmnts, 8t
Bfltiibk Drj Goods, Cirptt ud OotUM BHE8.
Tara vrox-oo 0±-ty,
We have tbe n
cquare dealing—Wa have enniad It We
qnou raiisa that maka enttemsra for ns.
We can help yoa to Uva wall. Btoe ara »
f«w teapUar qaatattaoa far thoM "torrM
Cut oat the fbnm« below aod paste
, Be uo each aide of a piece of cardboard
ame aise as tto drawioga Make a
burner Kew Process Ttpor Stove, $22, for $17.30.
burner New Process Vapor Stove. $25. for $1&60.
Mascot R-frigeralor, $3. for..............................,$ 0.00.
C^bilkoot R«*frijferator. $10. for........................... I 8/K).
Cbilkoot Befri^rator, $lii, (or........................... $10.0U.
Only one each of the above left.
First a>me first served.
W. J. HDBBS, Hardware.
^mtmrmwi [niTTITitTirTIInliftininini
•moll bole U eacb teid of tto card and
ue to abort stnugo. Twirl tto card by
twlittng tto soingi batwecM tbnmb and
finger (f each-band. Tto rabbte will ^
pear to tolottoei«a.—Olavelond nabi
Ccicbratcd Cbicagc Ciidies.
" B. H. ROSE & SON'S.
E Bndl. Building.
Mommo MOMtp. tmroAT. AW08T 14, tase.
TwtmrbM(o< spalls
ABd txwd tb» iiMBdawi •'»•
«W tWBcf'■ vu* wn>t for IMMw
ik U( mMUp to.
Ch. bM« Bad bird! nd nto. to wM»
la prvTBTto uks ae Bto^
tito ■•. (roB tiwf) r*fto« to HM
TUI haU pan a*Tv «-r)nirk.
-1 Rckcn «’• trw that 0>«« to al
iMt OM toBtoBc« Is «T«7 Ufo. Praia
pOMsal kBowkdiw I oaa oolr cite nj
owB CM. toll I'll reanra that then
wae Bcrer a Rood. atrasR Btcry toilttea
that did OM find ito iuapintioo ia
Tbe aolbcr <rf ttoa onralar deUmnee eat with hto chlldraa aad bia
grandcbildm co one of thoK.great,
I that belo^ to
erery iwtectioas eocntry botnt io TenBeaaee Ke waa a ciout. alowly going
down noder tbe weight <d yean, yet to
live in the pan waa to rtcall aome of ita
vigor. Kow bia eye* brightened, bia
farm atraigbteoed. bia broad abooldei*
went back, and bia vtdee waa wittoml a
WBtewenft aa tbat tbe Mann
vataMwiib HcdtKaa aaooawaald
«iak c« tafariac ber.
"We had beaa talUag aaaily aa bov
vbcB there waa (be aoeod ot a mafSad
ety and a body falllag afalsto tbe doofc
Botoer mofaed It ertih a ai»ta«^
threw it open, to find a wtsaas atretobed
aeTOMtheBte^ Qolckly be lifted taw ia
hie ftrasg ansa and laid her geatly OB
tbe raagb coach 1 had palled before tbe
hlaaisgloga It waa Keltic, auootiaclooi
and appareatly non dead than allra
Ber long. waTiog hair waa looae, diabcreled by the wind and wetwithasow
that melted to glittering drape ia the
warm glow of tbe room. Her aptuned
face, with ita prrf«rtly rhiwled featares,
bad the anattainaUe beauty of the artin'i draam. Tbracgb all that terrible
storm she bad made ber way for half e
mile wilhcnt a vvt. p or evi n tbe altppera in which she cntT. h.le awaiti^
ber father'* r«t:i for they bad been
lost in tbe drat lew atepa As I grasped
ber pretty lianda to chafe them they
tightly elutrhed tbe canvas bag to ber
boaom, and only nben. ttic Lalf mui
Bomer fom-d anmc bmudy down bw
throat did ibe rrlliiqsish biv bold.
‘Trying to rise, she said rapidly
'Hniry, father. Iiany, It waa Black
Joe. He'a locked in the strong closet. 1
brought tbe money. Yon said yon knew
I would protect it. Tfarrc it is. How
Black Jno did cam and aweor to kill
, na both! Bnt I eaptnrad Lim. And her^
nnnatnral langb told bow intenae bad
been tbe strain npou her dcttm
“We foond the Tilloin vainly trying
to oaanr
batnr nu
bia way oat. anajin
ondjin one
dno um«
a long aentruee pat him ontof tbe way.
Hebodsnaen in npea Kettle ebortly
after ber father left. Ko threats oonld
Indoee ber to betray tbe biding place ct
tbe money till she anddenly deviaed a
•cbeme to keep
it and the robber.
Appearing to yield, abe told Joe to look
behind the cheat in the closet which
Boskt bad built irf straig oak planks
place of safety for bis few valaablea
I Be mode ber bold a candle while be
eearehed. As be loaned over tbe ebest
Kettie summoned all her strength and
conrage, threw tbe door obn:. clapped
the hasp over tbe otaplo tout clooed cbe
book that was ottacbfe. This she
iron poki-r. and
"Toa look tbe plenireaf faer,"b«
nid to tbe little tot on bia knee aa be
stroked her corla. Thenittookareqneat
for tbe Wfvy to recall tbe old mao from
bia deanst mivcory “In tboei.'daya,"
be began, “tbei\' waa more family pride
than tlMTC 1* now. Prrlia}« 1 ebonld
aay that family prejndiew were stronger.
We bad a caste as well dediKd aa that
is India. For one to marry in t 'lower'
» was social anicidi', and my foUcA
. being of the ao calUd aristocracy, were
among tbe stalwarts of tbe stalwart in
npholiding tbii intok-ront creed. J beeome aometfaing of a bi-reiic while in
- tbe north completing my edneatioa, bnt
it take* ttme and experience to get rid
of a amxig beroditary bias.
d from bCT prisoner
“We were fairly well off fts- tbOM
Mmea, tou I bad an ambition to do and bis blood etudlJng tbieata.
aCBtethiog more than comber tbe world
“1 loved bn and told beraa Bnt abe
wa a me
was os eourageons marolly os pli>-aical^
satbar I
ly. bbe was not fitted f<w mr Aoikn is
Ufa Wail two years anu six- if 1 Mill
wanted bur. Her father was going i<
•end ber away for a tune. 1 praceated,
t we had in a B
but she r .-nt, and 1 only heard orrasionaectloB of tbe sute and still maliiuin ally, thringh ber father, that abe was
my social jnestige.
well and happy. One Biebi acime 18
"1 went at the enterpriae in earacat, muntbs later 1 was at a prutontioot sobringing a lot of men from Pennsylva- oial gaibering in Mcuipliia. 1 was not
Bia that understood the work and found- society man, bnt bad gone on an old
lag a primitive village of log eabine in friend of tbe family, borne ooe sang,
a regioo aa desolate ns any eni'onntered and 1 tbougbt it the dlvineri mnsio I
'by^ eriginal pioDeera. Tbe miner* bad erer beard. As the ringer rone from
bad tbeir tamilie* with them, and all tbe piano i got a view of a regal beauty,
anppliea bad to he brought 60 miles who seemed familiar to me, hut 1 only
over tbe monnuin roads Tbe fare- knew her when that voice 1 had loarxied
man waa a big hearted bnt obrewd and to know ao will in the moautaina refearless fcrtch-Irishnian. who waa )nst •pemied to or. iotrodncrlao. It was Net
to tbe men and loyal
tie, who bou bei-ngeuingheroiiucatioa,
Hla home was locked after
a dan^ and never bad woman
-4er who had lost her mother yearn be more in the name Irnglfa of Ome. She
fore; The men nstd to call her tbe was tb^ belle of tbe orirtnaatic circle
ifuuntaiu Bok. for she hsd all its deli in Bemphir, but when 1 had drawn ber
cate colurings and won Just as fresh and apart abe langhingly admitted that 1
dainty aixl gracefnL Tbongb atremg bad tbe refusal of b<r at 1 ibst ebo woi
and llibe, becanse of the manner of Iht Just tbe oame bnucst .cirl she Baud to be.
life, abe looked the patrician from bead I proteried mi vig> rct^y tbutwe ent tbe
to foot and had ad innate refinemost of probationary pened i kgrt. And abe
obaracter that no enlinre can supply. your beautiful graiuimA little
Ber VIlice was mnoical, nod tome ber Detroit Free Pn«L
simply songs were man charming than
. the usual efforts of a prims donna. Her
On tbe ooniineui Uie turn dolmm is
adneatioo was of ber own ooqniring
OBid was strangely oot of tbe conven- almuri nnivoni:.My npplkri to the wbulc
ticaal lines. Her knowledge in senne di- constTuouan. uiclndinK tbe eovrnug,
leetions only onrprised yon lees than mound or oaim. Thus Prenob and other
her tact in acquiring informatioo in writera apeak tf a cbamlKred mound cff
othen. Bnt 1 would never tire of talk tnmolna aa a dolmen. But riuce it to
probable tbet tome neror were oovered
ing of her.
“After our rongb colcaiy hsd become up it eeuus better to make a diriino.nettled and was progressing finely on- rion, as we do in this oonutiy.
desirable characters were attracted to France there ore onid to be about 4.000
»b« vtcinlty. home men pnt np a shan- dolmens, many of wbieb wonld in £ug.
V foal off my laud end stocked it with loud be called chambered ttimnli Tbe
moautoin dew. Komcrnns rough ioek- Indian dolmens which ore not covered
ingefaaraners came there fm the oatra- pp reaembie thooe of western Europe.
Bible pnrpine of hunting and fishing, Captain Beadows Taylor examined a
pitthing (heir tent), in nor viciuity. 1 large nomber in India and obtained
beard stories <d gambling, oi>d the men porticnlara of oo less than ‘J.lrii ia the
toerq not aa regular ai thi-lr work as Dekkon. -About bojf of them bad on
they were before thi*e inti'rrupticaia. opening on me aide, probably few tbe
Bonn, tbe forrman. wauicd to adopt free entrance or exit of ttic oo^ as peo
heroic meatnrea for gMting rid of these ple tbongbt tben. Just os in tire Egyp
peeta, bet 1 aaw no way but to wait fur tian pyramid there usi. a paaaage to tbe
•ome breach
tbe law an<I then secure chamber oontainiug Ibo mummy. With
regard to the diainbntigu ol th«ne etrnotbe IntcrtvsitiaD of the aoiboritici.
•‘Onr pay day eamoeverv two weeks, tunv. ii is sold that none is to bo
and 1 brought the money from tbe uear- fiKiuJ in eusUTn Eorap^l<yoodSaxcny.
C«t hank, in a townMnocdistauceaway, They n-app-or in tl)frOuuea and Cirhaving two good men go with me as a caMiu. whence they bave beoo iraoed
guard. On one occasion Kettie. tbe through o-utral A^ia to Indio. They
fotemau's daughter, met os ten miln bnve also U«di noticed by travelers io
from the senloinrat. guiding ns in a Poltstine, Arabia. Perau. Australia
Peurbyn island.!. Madogaaomr and
circniioos route, for abe had learned
“PrehtoUirio Man
tbrongb a wild young girl at tbe drink
ing d«e that there v.oa a plot to waylay
and rob u. Ketric hod promptly pnabid
MeTnUadi WeeM B* PVnak.
ber way through the dangev* of tbe
Like ail other Iditura, J. B. Mdbnlmtnuiuio paths to d-ara ns. fearing that logh wo* oorely tried by tbe individual
dela>- in securing some other memengcr with a mantuicript. Bedid not core for
might be foul to as and at tbe ooma voluntary uonirihnticsu ua any rabjeot,
time endanger ber informant. On tbe and very few of them were ever naed.
way in 1 learned more at the girl and Tbe pHiple who hraught them In ware
ber Ufe thou 1 had ever known, and she
irtly dispomd of when they belonged
•ronsi-d that iutercat which to oo likely to tbe maseniine «x. but it was not wo
to eventuali' in luve
_ to g« rid of them when they ba^
•'ll was a muiitb later before we were pi-ned to be woims It was bia habit for
Creed from a ni<m blo>-kiMli-. and the next many yean u> bring kuch coIIpts to my
time 1 went to tbe
u « as fer dou desk, telling them in n graciona way
ble tbe nsnal amoouL Itouk mute men. that I was innbargeef anebmatton and
«DdwereMir»edwilhoniuccid,.iiL Ev«i would be pleased to bare them take a
this did uol give me tbiipk-asure afford aeat and read tbeir piece* to me, and
ed by tbe Joyons welitinu- of the girl then be would aland back within bear
who hod ao mdcuUy bum in druad ing dtotance and chnckle over Biy mtowbik I was gtoie.
“It was just coming dork when 1
On one «>»«««<«" however, a vtoitor
toond tbe canvas bag containing ibv of Ibis kind refnoed to bn put off anil
BMuej- to tbe funnian, for be was tbs insisted that it wo* hia duty sot only i
nesiouiuu and would pay tdf at tbe notn publUh ber article, bnt to see that it
. boor III xt day. I never felt afraid when wont in the Sunday toane, broauae more
heWBk on guard. That nigbttbe otorm people reed the paper on that day than
waa ou ns again, and with a veiw to on any other.
making some arrang«ments for tbe bet
“Madam.” be hUnaiy lepltod, “toe
tor protectiem of tbe mioea I oent for naaon why ao many pecqile read tbe
him. i never tbongbt <ff tbe money tiU Snnday paper to that we k^ Mto staff
be appeared at ny door, toortly before aot tf ft.
8l Losto Globe^tomcmt.
II o^alook, covered viUidrinuBg auo»
J p|| jp|p|[f ES.tJiJgJ'Sj
^ Siam, mvela overland to San] »wthreymi'dmarb»wmrHaiye«rtoaesa,
Franetoeoand thenoe by water, reaeb-1 ^
tng its deatlnatton in aboot 48 days, 1 tc*'d maybe tab. aad wearttcaf cor tons,
baring been carried nearly 18,000 milaa. r« wtoh I aeuM be Uvia amr. m kres yaa day
A letter mailed here for AdeUida. Ane-.
aad aiabw
tralla. alao goea via San Franetom^ r?!!!?,
travel. •8.846 milee awl to dellvtnd M
asBallywii.ui86d»s. KewYorkmaU, to them obora-ed let me briar yuu >ay.
Aeatined for Oalontta goes by way of
London, traveling 11.180 miles in 80
Bihsm above •ad in me wm yeaioy.
daya while mail mm from this city to > and ao*l wtsb ae wt>hsa.BerrvfTfanan«r.
Cape Town, goes 186 milea
Uy„nt tbe way In. lad.
in ,,
• -leas tin
• ——■
day lUt'acrrvrtira and t
two days'
^ dar^^hsi
■l a bora.
between New j
Yotk and Hongkong ordinarily oon- ^
xoffiiw iMje montb of tuna H»e letter* *
TT'“J“ *
__________ _
O•^r1U la Blackw«.,rt . toaaa
miles of distance. To cesoh MelDonrne. Australia, from this city a let
ter will travel I8.8CS milee in about 88 j
days, aud to roach bydaey a letter wiU
travel 11.6T0 mile. In 81 data Tbe,
mail route from New York to Yoko- '
bama. via San Franclaeo. Is 7,848 milee
long, end about 88 days aro omwomed
intrudl To£. B. HcuioliiJ. ^ tU.
City a letter travels 6,»46 mUea in 18 ,
Lwviug New York on abeamer days.
mail matter u acbMloled to reach Rome
.1 ... .n.
XI riM.1 I..
. .1...
^tlonand Liverpool to e^bt days,
ttottei^in in nine rtaya, bt. rtWisboig
ln«lrtid.r» B«rU> In n'"-d... nl j
York to Buenoe Ayres, which is 8,048
milee distant, consomes 89 or 80 doya.
—New York Tiiiira
la «Wa yblltrytoow Itoach BArolrAmong oUuT queer things found in
tbe Pbilippioes ore vegetable gemk
There Are not many of them, tbongh.
Tbe bamboo is empty normally. One
might cut open a Jtingloof tbe giant
gtaaa amd find nnaliered bollowneoa
But taioa ia a mlllian time* or more ac
cident bring! to light in tbe bamboo
•tom a gem. Nature has molded into a
tump a little of tbe flinty material
which make* the outer atinn *o bard.
The codale usually preaente tbe appearanoe of an opal, and several apemmens
are In (be
cterisiio tines of 1
Those Dodnlea aro known as Ubiuwer.
It is iutereoting to uote that tbo first
ohumioal and minen' - I mode by the James
New Departure’
Ever Barne4 Out*.
If eoyoa know
Dr. A. B. Sirinney. of Detroit. aU:
proprietor of Seed aty Sanitarium. 1>
cnmlng to your town, where 1 • wi’:
vemaln for one day ouly to give tboick an opportnnity to coaanlt hin
that cannot eee him at hia Sanitarium
Tbe doctor bae to nneb faith in tbe
experience be baa had in treating
Chronic diaeaoes that he will give one
stoBth’a treatment and medlcToe free,
Auopbex SDaeicaLOPEianoK* To
every patient will state to their friends
the results obtained by hia treatment.
AU forms of chronic diseases aad deformitlea treated. No man In this
Sute baa bad eueh extended expo-
a P. OAftVKR. Ag*u
John R. Santo,
Geitril lg$yrton.
Travme City. Mtoh
Xaentnione From the South oo the
O. & to L
Tbe G. R. A t. will beve exeuralont
Into Traverse City as follows:
August 23 from points between Fari
. -
» Bipanoa ot a
OlSE^ES aa the doctor. He gradn
j q Nolen, who
old tima-ln aM 87 yeara ago from Cleveland.
Ohio} waa 15 year* In general prac
lurincwh tells Ohio;
■■Val” Hlat« the milUonalrc ties; after that lecturwl”as Profi
j^^er of Milwankee.
: of Ar '
- —
- .
• ~
i«i M me nr.
~ . , n«u4w wuu Apajlaui
plant in bta j Xhis experience, combined with many
■ s and 1 waa lyctr,* «udy In the best hospitals in
Up to tty to cloes M duaL
the conntry, and examining and treatphones vrith m ! tag thonsanda of chronic caseA has
u order to make a oraetioal demonstra-i prepared him to cure when the general
should one he required, and I went! praeUtioner failA Have you been tick
m. Ry. Iseloding Detroit aad Toledo,
| Augmt 86lh from polatton Ann Ar; bor R. R. all points.
M. A RyallpnlBU L
^ August tntk from p inu ao O. R *
I. By betwaia Biefamoad and Fart
Aiirust lOth from Pe"ca. f -oN Cf~
eltaati. Daytoe, Sprln»fl«ln. Xenia
Sep 3r.l-7lh pec a. I- •• t L>ui^'’,
ladUoap-ilU, -' -rre Haute. St. LoM.
The first fit, aaouiriona tiekeuH..a
j ---------- --- -------------------------------------.....
7^^ Ohio. Indaiaa aad Pmsa. Mtogood JO days.
yon, we
C. E. MujotAT. Agent.
we can give you.
C. L. Lockwood, G. P. to T. A
Nff*Remember. one montb wUl be
Grand RapUa.
tooUvely, and ttnaUy mid:
abaoletely free—raedicinea, surgical
operations, and tbe benefit of all onr
William’* FetookM Orrem, pnrp
shiU to all who are too poor to pay.
Our tnetbods of treatment is all that le fruit Juleea, oold eporkltag aoda waur.
known by all the ocboola, with tbe aid elcaa epoooa and glosoeo. This mix
my men down in the maltbi
of electricity, that moat wonderful of ture oonsUtutee our loe cream coda at
I and cold storage are all an agents in Paralysis, Loss of Pbwer, Waife coda fouuUta.
Kbenmatism. and alt diseases of the
“ 'L myaelf. toough a Oerman and A nerroBS system. Go early, aa my
gradnate of Leipaic and UeidulbetR. oan office is alwars crowded.
■jKok Engitoh. bnt what would your
be to my Dutch workmen,
apeak English at alir
Well. 1 sew bow tbe land Uy. OU
Val could not get it thruogb hU bead AUchar*a«<Uiabaat e( OMSteal aMILaa«ar
alractleo. Tavws lor board aad
OItT Platlao, te aSari July X im
that the Celepbune would uanemitaBy- tOa doeierV
tbittg bnt the language of America. 1
8I8BEI SffEf 888
was bound to make the dreL aa I aaid
Remember, we give a written ruar>
aaaaaa aaaa aa-a
'antee to cure every case of PILES and
before. So I rmnarked to Mr. filato:^
" ‘1 can pnt on some Oerman reoeiv. RUPTURE. Alao. we I- ive a lying-ta
„ d.^ r
hitter to go f:
....................... ........
Janeiro, which to only abont 60 milea;
firud [bpldi i Iidiini R. 1
era if you so desire.
1 have eonm with
“I uontoetod up tbe pfaonea. made a
■bow of dmngiDg tbe teoeivera. and la HR ^PIIHFY
bwU an hour kta Blau waa talking to
^rlPIIItl «u-l.;^riia..d.T.a.,D in the malt-
8 88E888
a anaaaa
« SSfiRSR,
“ 'You may put them ia be oaid,
Baduoaa Batae on G. to. to I
'and 1 ohaii want uoe (ixnnan one In
ClneiBnatl, one cant par mile. ReD
tbe malthonae. one German one ia each ^ptember Sd. good to return October
warehouae, English one* in myolSoa
and the ba.>muas office and a German
one faro for round trip.
; Sell August 8th. return August 16th.
ed tbe firri of the sciendfio bureans ot one in the cold storage boosu'
"We closed the deal and ?>. Elata ' LnotagtoD. one fare for round trip,
the American goverutuent.
was glad 10 pay $8 extra for each G<u» '*^11 July 8«tta to August 5th, retnra
In tbo oouditiun in which tbe fruit to man fuuucisur wo put in. Wmb the Aiyua'-I5ih.
known in tbu Uuihd Statoe the milk phoned were sbiDned from tbe factorv I Saratoga, one fare |or round trip
in tbe oocuuint is consifleml lu inly
cuntoBt. Tbo really riiie unt, however.
U» U,
.u ,
To. TO.,
fiSfiz « S
trip. IMI Aagoat 241b. 8Sth. Md 2Tth.
“It was five year* before I mw TUati
Tbu spemge is expured to the hot
egaiu.''<xiucladed Ur. Nolen. “Hereo■88eBISE
for two or three dan in a wuudun
trough nntil tburougbly pulped. Tbe oaruired me at once and mid with a trip. WI August tat. good to retara
August Itsu
last of the oil is then extrsetud by boarry Oermiui luogb: 'Von are tbe aeR«<dooed ratee to other points. Fbon<
Dodaunggi-mlftnau who put ii
squixring tbe auft sponge iu Ibe bantla
Ii C. E Hnrray. AgenL
aaaa a aaaaaaaaa
C L Lockwood, tt. P. A..
Milwan8S8!: 8 8C8S8I88S
•inmd RaptdA.
».£• S
which have much uf tbe loriur of the
peari. Eight or ti n of there cuacanut
A Paxvo TaralBs WklSa.
Tralo* arrlva (raw St tosla. berterlUc. topcarU. oil dUcovi-ml in (be PhilipdlaaaiNiUt. I'loeiaeaU, Chieaxo. Datrcdi ao4
A enriority rarely wunesacd ta this
pineo. aro treasured iu Enropian mnseOraaStUpIdiSAa. a. Slaapmx aa4 4iala«
oountry was seLii at ibe olfloe of the
nma They range from the sire of a pin
peusiuu I'xaioiners in this city today. It OOLUMBZA AND LOG to. ODIthead to that of a very small pea —New
was A negro man turning white. The
Yort Sun _
man's name to Sam Smith. Ha to «7
Dmco'i stO uraoe RapMa.TreVw ItoriW
years old ana came here today from
asO befiac car (row OesroU oa tkU UstA
Going north dally except Sunday.
G<v>rg<-iown to stand an
>saa Tradvra Badeavar ta Baareoaa Iba
8:48 a m
pension, be baring served in the Leave Traverse City
raeU Baxardlax Prataatiaa.
“ Neabtawunto.
. ..B:40
Union army. More than three-fourths
” Omeiia.............
..11:10 “
The longer the war plogrraae^ with of the man's entire body is white, tht
Nortbport----..12:80 p.B
skin fair, r by far than that of tbe or 1
...1:4S ••
Norwood ........
ta takaaOaet OBBdar. Joaa », U87,
of the Ameriran arniH. the butter will be diuuiy white man. Tbe dark ikin r»Charlevoix....
atirea'eieeka m.
the ontlixik tor trade and industry, even mainiug on tbe body to ouly in omall
ooiiMderiiig tbe natural interraptiaa spetB. Smith says that bto skin begun
Bey View........
oomo Hoxra.
which cornea to burinuea on account o( turning white in I8«7. and the dork
'equito •slug...
a war ritoaiinu. It ia sliown not only, skin has been dimppeoring from the
arbor Poiot....
Pa. k
by the stock iiiarlo-t repariK. but in the body ever Since. Tbv physicians wbo
Barbor Springs..
tucHit eni]>baUc tuauDer by tbe gold examined blm today think that riioold
tuovuujMU towanl the Uuited States tbe old mau live a few years kmger be
truBNury. that conditions are very oatto- will be entirely white save perhaps tbe •
Harbor (tprirgs .......... 7riOAl
factiiry to tbe people of this country— faix. A pecoUar feature of the case is
OneXaaaJO......... **.
•• Harbor Point ................ 7:05 “
moch uiuri- so tliuu is naturally to be tliai the face has not txcu rarning white
Oockaaa.............. Arv
...7:15 •'
•' Weqnetonsing..
exiiected during a lime of war.
along with the rest of Ibe body, tbe
...7:15 “
•' Bay View..........
Itjs perfixtly prliletit (but tbe oppo white only obowiiig at a few places be•• Petoakey............
...8:00 ••
CMat Lake............ “
oeutoof tbo proteciivi-tariff policy do niath tbu hair ou tbe forehead, and not
..10:00 •'
BearOraefc-............ ••
not wtob to niiwt tbe is»u<m inrcilvid in__________
_______ ^..
..11:15 “
'• Norwood.............
the Jece__at_____
MaplvOrova............ ^
..18:30 p. a
'• Nortbport..........
tbe ootii]nrieoni gf the workings of tbe 1 Letter in Ciucinnau Etaquizer.
“ Omeua..............
Oiugli-y tariff with the diaactrons nCopvBUk............. “
“ Neabtawocta...
ilts wlm-b followrd tbe workings of
OcmawUai rVshy.
Ar. Traverse CUy ...
the lnb<<>onnBu-Wi|i)na tariff of free
letarlachaB............. '■
Ptlar’a BvUeb........ “
Wonderful are the tales of travelara
trade Olid business di iiKTaliziitioD. This
policy of avoidance ou the part of tbs and tbe proof is generally rrady few
OaOarXaa............. •<
purpoeea of substantiation, if their
Democratic brethren woe empb
dnriiig tbe cloxing days of tbe cungros- truth IB L-olled inqueriioc. An exchange
Bateh-a Oroaslag. “
sional BKriiAi. Beprerentarh-e Robert soys that a tourist wbo bod returned
TraverasKaaen. .. •*
W. Tayler of Ohio, chon whom there is from a trip to iM«ttle and Taooma was
OraUlekvUU ......... “
“ Buttons Bay.. . ■
Travaraa Cltj....... On
no more taltmtad and vigorous friend of deecribuig to bu eastern fnends the
“ NeabUwanU..
Ar. Traverse City..
tbo protective tariff policy in publio glorius of that region, iu marvt
life, eimghl to obtain uaanUnons oon- climate and the npid^stridos Its people
eent in the bouse to print nme statis ore making in tbe arts and ari«nfi«a of
Going north dally except Sesday.
tics obowing the effect of the operations dviUzatua.
Leave Treverae City............ .2:00 a ■
"I tell yon.'' be said, "they are away
of the Diugley law upou tbu bnsincre
“ Nvahtawanta......................... 8:00“
and iudnstriol intcrects uf the country. ahead of yon people here Even tbe ani
“ Sntbwa Bay........................... 4:80•'
Mr. Taylor's saggusiion met with on mals are more siinghily end have more
objeciiuD placed <01 trifling gronuds by guabuadativuDuss aliout. them than tbe
the Democratic ride uf tbe buose. Tbe ouim&ls in this port of tho cooniry.”
"1 have huord. •' said a sarcasuo Jlv
free trodora did nut wish to have the
oonutry placed in pcao^woun of Ibe facts lener, with a wink at the others, "that Daily Montag MxenrsioBa From
rbowiug bow admirably the new prt>- the tikb oot there can sing. “
“Well, they do have a kind of Pnget
teotivK tariff law has worked. Ibe oom1:40 A
psriMiu with the deMntcUve Oomocratie ODondabont them." myoined tbe ttavtawanta where you will oonuect with
tariff act wunld be highly dtopleoring oler.
eteomar Creoeeut returning to Travto them. It is unfortunate that Mr.
erae Olty at 10:45 a m. This wiU give
Tayler was sot ponniitcd to place bit
AcDotcHng to The Daily Meaaeagre. yon a pfeaeant ride of 24 mtlea on the
fignror. before Ibe boose and Ibe oonn- pnbliidied in Pans, the avenge ago for boy and can be aiade every morning.
tty. He tvprerents tbe fomoosObio dis a French cabiuei miuirier to decrctu- If you wtob a longre ride the boat will
trict so long rrprrsrnt8ff*'1n tbe honae iDg Fifty years ago u was 85 year* land you at Omen* or Nortbport where
by Mr. McKinley. It is ooe of tbo nch- and more Unnug tbe first half of the you will oonneot with etoamer returseut and man ihoroogbly tadnst^ dis third republic it was BO yeara. Now it ing to Traverse City at 4.-00 p. m.
Afterpooo exeurskma from TVlvene
tricts in tbu country. Its mannaciur- IS a litilu u.<Tv than '60 yeara. To be
tag industries are a menument to the pn- i-i thf average-oge of each of tbe Olty. take the steamer Crsooent evwy
peotoctire policy and a bletotag to tbe uiinutoni lu M llnsMjn 's cabinet U 68 afternoon at tKiO for Neoblasronia
’hero yon wUI aoaneet with steamer
people (ff that partioc of the great state years H Bnseoo u tbe .oldwt tt 61
rtnrnisg to Trovone aty at 4d» p. .uv.-,Jwn,.u,x-1.
of Ohl& Mr. Tayler's omupoiative flg- y«ara He u followed by M. Barrien,
-.tr""'™”—-H —
nns will get before tbe pe^ at tbe wbo ia 68, and M. Lockroy, who to 66.
TuporUeaoftvsorjMre a rata of
oonnBT, notwithotoadtag the Drew
Tbe yotmgeot member of tbe oobinet to one fora for the rotfbd trip will .be
cratic objectlona
M. GavAxnac vbo to 46 yton of om.
Tnierse Baj Line ofSteamen.
unsm UD MiTHEinui 1.1
Tsie Momimro Aaooac, »7itoat> apopitu twe
Voato far the Waak atgl—Aa«. 14.
fii mtml by Ba«. a a. X*ayla.
1b the «me lane
tb« Vexieu Fl>
Tnnc.-esaliairM.-Mith xxx, 1-U.
Bkudtf. paUbbed in this diy, ia
TUe pMMga IB Matthew telle ca Bw
teeace ii made to ttae cotwtiBiiliar atwy of Cbrbt'a triomiijaac
It of Mr. Bryan on Ibe ocaaion
BUtry Into Jenualetu a few da^ l»of hb rooent vUt here. It ie aUted that
fnte Hie croddxloa. It le the one eoU
Mcikmn Ubor the PoocMt Paid
ial profit fn
r totop• Mexican
ailTer '
baMaandaeniogtbelri^oct fcr gold." '
Will ^ workiiHtmen of the
Statea* take notii-e of tbo fact that
"cheap labor" and a "ailrer bade’
fatou rtito
a>e Unted Statea and in the mreial
a lew daya laUir the roiaM that erie^ , ^
'Hommiar then cried "Oroclfy Him r
:ee it atand forever aaau Ulnatiadcn
heart end
with which the mlnda of.the
mamut of the people may be twayed by
laat fall
by the moltitodea of Hla ' #
bat the hct that perhapa : ^
dooe in ocr oooatry all theoaoditkam in
in Mexico today, hot it would
create there one runenry valoatii
which to pay for labor and another in
of onroptm-
I be Hcnnd t
Ihroogb the carrescy change adeed for.
Is oil*, of tile mii.<t Beductive things on earth, and I offer you
a fhauce to make your home attractive for less money than
“Tn^'^nmptoi tote™ toto. I « 1'*'“
“•'Ic to again in a longtime. This large aw
J «ei| a.Sorted stoi k must he moved by September 1st, and I g
intend the pnblie will move it f«r me if evtremely low prices ^
2'^‘11'b Come early and avoid the rush.
artful and doeignlaR men.
ati ..v.lr.ri/to. nTf'krti
aampalgn 4n
1I S'
Hto-ji»to. to»,.
age and adcnakn doe Kim. It waa a
«i™(uto8 fa to.ll« .^ magulfloeut.
apontaueona demonatia.
a ta Iha Warfc.
M Hakf the Talaa a
Bat it wae
enggtvtta to oa a etody in the oxalla*
fatotoitoto ultow,™
It waa vived to (hnn that throngfa tree
ed and wagn wucld
that all the iiijary preditted to occur to ,
It will be noticed that the qoo
dlmctly iMoU in advancing the inter-1 i* eaid to be expcrieuclug. doM not pro- ^0. than the life and wtwk of ChrUt?
wuctf thewurkiaginau. To the tarami tend to inclnde tbo maker and iwodncor j
(. The trinmt^nt entry wa«a pnbUo
. I of thU profit, but chimee it <ta an tie-1 ^saitatiuu of ChriA. InaKiaelt'
meal aa little worthy of consideniiaB> naUunal aa well aa tooaL People from
pel higher prices fer their prodnetN U
. ii?'torir.7w; ii toto.''-to.ltotoU.njl«ll«T''l>rwtocb[v.rtoto
»»" l>"“»»Um chairs and Honkers.
IJ. W, Slater’s House Fumishiug Store I
other toterosta and other claaau would | "profiting induitrially." which Mexlroj Whatiaworthiwof ourgtmtMtentfaiid-
it waa Mtid that free idlvw woul.i«
Hispcll Carpet Sweepers $1.50.
to. tottto ptoiiripUrf S
128-132 Fxont S'bsreet.
a^aapm ctnreucy.
them WDUBoal and hiihe.~tO nnp
over u«.
nil .totofa.
other ptedamug .to
in--1{ ore
arc ueiuf;
being uxaru
urged »<> smri iu t«curing the,
™ .....
«tw» infinewco of bia public life
Banks and corportinous were , adr>;ition of the free coinage of silver in i stRsigly in fav<w of tbe
d. and it
ji n uic to appear erdar »'•
~ .
to aecnre for thomn-Irca amne irtkr<.a
that tbe operatioo of tbe frev cuinaae of promiaed advantage or allegid profit.
The triumphant entry v._____________
cUvtr would in aomc way lujuriuinily while it is a well nndoiWood f«t. con-1
^il Chri*. ChrtM waa
i 0 the
« ;adran---------ou ben in Mexico,.
the people. He waa a real :
lage of tbe claaaea aou^t o Le amyed
it labor ia tbe one commortlty first Christ To nuiny Chrisdans Christ is |
againat them.
and most depremed through free ailver. not as real as He ought to be. Many |
greuter produoers and large em- Viewed from suv practical and applica
have Mue sort cf a t»sy idea that away :
plcyan of labor were inclnded ia the ble txdnt of ohaerratian. it ia not evoi
hack in tbe oenriiriee cnch a pmn Uv- .
Uat of Intereata againat which appeala
able that tbe tree and unlimited ed, but their ideae about Hi^are
roy ‘
1 mode and prejudice errs’. <!. s-d coi>" g-e of silver in the United Si
rand indistinct Weiboald :
I made b» app-vT .La #o pvnJinr c-jw.d have any other effect mve that of
more tborougi^y tbe life of
Christ li^e more closely to Ktm In
poorer, aa it baa done and ia doing i
prayer, to ^ He may btoome ae real
huge c; _]\otattbe
G Tn torifaly friend atanding beeide ua ‘
.0 PI I C awbUetheamaU
M of thm Inbstvt.
Then we will preeont e i«l Oirist to ^
.•ntvcnib. be benefited tbe greet
:y times heard iT aaserlcd the world, and this le what
* the world !
and iron kiuga
1 louber barona, aa they oboec t
4. Tbe triumphant eotiy waa an ex- ’
thern,^ would hare their pwflia | Uborwa, that they had no desirw to earn
altationof Chriet that produced resnlta j
ihoited and Itawcned. aud that 'while ] brttcTC^'
Upt they would not When He came into Jeruealem. "all
Ibe Inooiue of the employer of labor .
tbe ri^was moved, saying. ‘Who U
» -I l.a Ua I . .
this?' ” Oiie greet object <d oat exaltaHon of Christ should ba to lead men to :
would be promptly inerwHrd
troth as they are now eoduring.
inquire about Him and to U«m to adIf it la thought by any render of thia
frvv ooiuage at ailver being a kadmire Him. If we exalted Christ more
Kviewof free ooinage asKrnnus that it, up factor in their p«wcnt distrvm. But
in our daily walk and ooeverutioa. iu
■ in tbe kMt degree exaggeinted or i i
u.U by the managers of tbe iron
.all oar private and public actiims. men
•verdrawu. permit me to call hi* aiurn-. nime* at Duraug.) aud of the silver
would more «ften aay. "Who is thia?"
tio) to the leading and more c*p.«ially
^ gutaKtu* that t«tv luauv of
And thi* would gi' r na tbo oppurtunity
to the closing feature* of the camimigu their Moxicau nnployoitoiwere as rtcidy
to tell tbim who our Christ is and to
af I8W5 m behalf of the free cmage of
reliable as wv the w.rkim u of any
^ahoin to bcUoTo ill. pwfias and c=ailver.
U it not true that denunciation
oonntry. tiouio of them have U-.ri
and *» rti
... ----
Q.™ to. Wtoto .1 to. raiptor«i.p,„,.jjuj. 1,
af banks and oorporetlims Jonmd the
p.^ncipul theme of to,. sUv»t oiwtore
aud to* silver editors? Wa* it not mgad by prof«soouallab« agitator* before
il toto’
ea.ploved at the«- miuea for manv
,nd their labor has aecnrwl for
ih„ mine owner*, most of whom are n«idem* of Europe, the alm<«rt fal«l..a#
labor orgamtauaiu aud to labcring men ' f,atum« which them luiue* have yieldwbenevur addressed that the adoptioa ^ Poreibly it may
aC free coinage would bestow upon them of thereitnillioneire
tniiliooeire mine ..wner* to inadraucagee over their emploj tm which ato and to have their awertions acceptIbey had not bofore paa*eaB«l?
that their payment of ston aiion
xmerse City^ Thursday, Aag, 18.
tw Ttaw ef Kigkt «m- tbs 1
Very curious and i
t is the
tomporary UDsadnaM of all night alsap-
J. H. LaPearl’s
ing humane and anlmaie at alwut I
o’clock ev«y morning.
At that hour
tbey gire liule moana awaken partial|y w wl
'belly and then either drw h*ck
Great Allied Shows!
into elnmtir or into death. Pfaydcal
giania among —and lioni anipcig ani*
mo, have thu eiptfience. juk u do
frailest _abe|_(
___ __________
.or wrekeet kittena
Olgaatle Kuaeuxn. Ooldm Kraagerie and
■ed in any and every light, the oo-!
case <rf late sleepire
come at « or 7 o’clock?
K man asked'
nme of tbe leedlog physicians regardtag this oceurrenoe and glraned aomc
laon mterestiug uifomuitiaa.
At the hour of about 8 o'clock evtay
morning every nlgbt sleeping "»«"
woman, child end ammal i* orarer to
dreth than at any other rKoment in all
|be 24 hours. It I* ibL-o that tbe more
of the vitals come the nearest to
Hopping or nmniog down. They oome
nruir It that if they came a breath
„ atom—nearer it ’they would stop
Tbe tboogbt u oue of aheorbiiig inttf-
BiUu Beading*. — Pa xxiv. I-IO;
xxxiv. 8; Isul xlv. 22-26; Math. xvi.
r of life comes with-1
jqh a hairbreerlth uf i
st<i|’piug at'
Acts i. l«l I; iv, 10-12; XV. 2-'.. 20; Rum. eosuv m<niM'ni n<-ar 8 a. m.
xiv. 7-12; tml. ii. 20. 21; Phil. i.. 1-lS; this i* esiiluinod
a* follow
tollow*: The
sod a*
CoL iii, 1.4. Ifi. 17; K.-v. v. l-li
the body wlit-n lying still proI, posure
i.f the
- . , pjg.
, duco Uot only rest, but that tame ele- BIQQEB, BETTER, GREATER, GRANDER THAW ■VKW —pow
viiareamcDt of danger bo oniniprceent to all
"'* '* * ' —
Tbonote of tho true church i*not macbim-Tr b-fi unattended—the atacooe A HAGNIFICTNT DISPLAY OF ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES
13-20; xxviii. IN-SO; J<-ho xiii, SI. 82;
Labor and Wacoa la Moatra.
' vrnce h) a mr-.Ticy worth lea* than
cwTvctacre, but catholicity. We long o* a wau-'bful hrnin.
OSAfto. tMANTic. noirAL
. Twi»<mt-4T~
One ol the uupertant pnrpuae* of c;y half us face value U jnstifiedbecansf of
fur a church that shall indved be "the ;
In wclt-nn'iug it» hour* of slrep vou -moSBUm OF mARVBton . ! N*w Ooldwn mBTVAGBRtB
vixit t > Ml xioo, where tbe free aud ftu- thi^ tact dint th< r faithful laboren.
mother of UKall. ■' bbeisuot thotu'rtber ancouwu'OBly wcJt-nnio deaths most ad-;
' ..jiUwmoTH...
..JNTESNATIONALlimited ooiuage of silver is uowaud has ooutd not appreeiote lieiter wages or
of the saiuu and (rf thectnif.-Air* only; rantagivju* time for cuouering roo.
be«iu in upMtion siuee tbe mint was, boHtr currency emditiouB.
B -
led in 189*, rraa to Icnni if '
At tlu-great Ciuti.vuheim nlvcr soel- TtforniiTa She ha* room for alL
poadhle by ohaervati<4i uuJ inquiry rel- ter at Agua* Calieotes 1 found st-verul chilc’jvu must not ouly have food and
ative to the piBCticclcllectsaf that eye- buutod native Mexicans at work, tliat di*ciplino. but theymn*t also have (roe' Im wiiat ground* eoated for appoils gn at industry being outirely rtuidnctol
dum aud light. b>he duu* md cast tliem
pi wurkimmivn in behalf uf such a with tHeir labor, direclid by firt. or eu off wbtui they Uiakv mivtuJeea. Tui-y
change in the omreui-y law* of the Geruum uud Amcriitin depuKiueut finvinuiit kiavo I
to gi
tbey imi.Bt
Unikd Buttoa and what reuwau existed men
Salire workiueu cuuducud the
have opportniiily i<v experiment and
in fact tor any cxpectuUuu that work-' castings nu<l rndand the fienr h««t ci( adventure. The i-Tidt thing, after nil.
' ingtiicn and wall pndnn.ra would be the smelting tires.
They separaud tbe i* not a wx'U kept buuae. but a healthy,
beuefii^d rather than injured through ores U]^ their rec< ipt from the mims.
happy huUMhold.—Clristiau Register.
•Bch a oluuige.
| acocuding UMioaliiyiw dcKuatdlit}’f<ir
1 slion not seek to create prejttdioe - the scvtral fumaev*. Tfaiy bandied the
egaiust rbf c'Hu.i^c i-y.-tcm of Mcmco precious pre^r! < f fhe srueltw in all it#
Ihnmgh mere preiitaitutiuu of the fact Singes fromoude <>ri- to tiilvor i«rs and
that the men'and w utneu who ore the attended
to ita prvjiaTation few sbip-
-be i»i____ ,_____
bibnren <m thi* con'.uit-ni if ixM in any
icon wcrkmai at
civilired section of the entire globe,
But ! desire to state jnrt here tluit to
tom SS to 44 <«nts a day in a curmicy
worth l.»i lhau 12 and 22 cent* in the
ttair ssieltor reci-ive
C9K nflffl 1
----------------------------------- --------------------—
Ef T Oi>/tn A^IT A VITTO toCAt-iiviiv
6,000 fh*.
unue* uuiil *ume raument at abuot 8 a
seobuiery all but *tnpa Iu the
healthy or tiurly bealthy Ixrly ttae com2 uf thik moUK-uI ptodoiv* a wild
ud( to tbe syuem. and thi* aback
caoac* yon to nocouBCloualy throw out
your arm* and It g*. rub y'mr m*ie vio-
Friendship 1* the uinrest thing wc
know to what relmiou ia God i* ItPte.
letitly. moan, take a dn-p breutb and
turn over. Yourdoiug sl^l chii—or
h) siinply to give it
sioo cODocivabli* by
■aved your life.
It gave fnvb Impott
to ttae iiliDuel slopped action of ti
b««ru which ia tciu rvetund the well
„7„r.r.,f4Jr.vS;fam»«rp m:;
CLe bigfauet expeeaRnyH..
1 $26^00 pferHiPFo^^^^
(blo«3) in th. pip»*run* low. ThinnegiKt uf tb> uiginc room of tbe body con-
a zoolo<..c;l o«igT.-AiifeQHTK,
BTvSn WiiBees.
53L“;S’“SSS ™
Ibe inutiunauce <d ihefrueaud uulimil- conutr>-in which their employora live
To be "without natural nffertieo"
ad coinage of diver by Mexico u due Inxurionsly.
b to lack that deiuetit of cbaracter upthe ioss.Mthu workiugmen <if thiHCDunPractically all tbe industries of tbe
_ ___________ *
1x1 which the Holy 8pirit lay* Hi* baud ronwd them totbeir real rate of speed.
try uf more than hall the value of tb«dr City of Mexico are conducted with uaill Uftiogus out of the life of idn and , Tjiu rest tlmi their organ* had received
daily earuiugs
live labor
Native Mexirans are’ coninto tbe
life uf buliueoa—Anitricon ' by being allowed to n.11 plow—to rtin
Use! Mbxlivj coined its own diver and doctor* and street car driver*, they put
| almoH down—enabled tbew. with th«
npiielu its
:.tc Ij^t wiring and attend
* value t
up the elect.tc
—T-------T-------: rmtanmg admiuirtered by tbe 8 o’clock
aud tuainialning the rodemptl......
. .
Tb* BiaekM tsiMrj.
j H)n,njotion, to suivrarfullyliegin anetbUege. os has been dune by almost every building and have charge of mnniripnl
A closed beaven represciit* the black- , „
rairyiug yon over the death
civUi»-d uutiuu <m tbe globe, the Mex- imiirotenKuu they in- the poflceuM-n r*t
that humanity,
i* capable of
loan luburer could purehaoe today mure
t'l* ritic* and the MuIdicTs e< the re-' tnCtring.__ Uev W R
than double the quantity uf fund or p.iLiic.
the ijr>-*idetit of Mexico
nerves and muicltai uf tbe
alcshing hi* wage* will now cuminand. '■v'ay i.-^ bie.M If uu illuhtmtion of the
Umb* and other partitois cf tbo tody.
1mat •
Viia burden uf lose by tuesaii of adber- l*--vdb:liti<-* of ibv native Mexican
Try to coluvate the moral courage
As to wbst causes this little shock |
sow on the part uf Utodrx) to a inuue- 'vi- u luaiKtid by oppon -nity and fa- that will resist thu arrets
lary standard which is os compleudya vc-i;!|: divum'n-;.v<«
It i* most as- —Pidlndelpbia Hetbudist.
tbewlMM Of tbe wise know nothin
thmgof Uicpaet as the bram candle- xcndl;.-not true that cnnditicas here.
Tbe theorice about it are kgiuo.
Vit k or the tallnv dip lia* fallen almost whuh ..re c«; .v-haiy fuvtiruble to caponly th'eoriea Tbe pel
tnUtcly on the nhouldirv of the laborers itul and w aim lynawaiuf Mexico s
OraeMiM K|>ir1l. d«
leatbs »i thie marveloo* tuco^t e_______________________________________________
flC Msxiuu, Hud it is beiug^girue by tbcm cnrmii-y ryjteu. * • < ;;iKt Umnae the
I inyai'lf wooid «T»
AmI will words Ihst bclp JO
Tho government uf Mexiuo, nafive ’aG.r»:r» ot ibu oouucry woAd
while tbe uiunti» of old people who die .;_______
yrhich is a govenuuait of and for tbe not a«d*t in oj.ii VUag iuiprovi-iueiit
tafluential and well to do absolutoly, , and do not desire i» have it otherwii*-
.a* m.
5B&.,. ■ETEORS, THE L6 P£8SL fA>c!lY ■>%¥.7iKll'giyv
HsgllMr’t .lipMste Itnugr 1
ffnds mcansof profiting throngh thefrne They are theviclii!;* id a system and of
allow them
aud uor- • 'wiriii
toinage of silver,
tpim: _______________
pocauons and bonks find mtsuts of in- but a r.ihs'ivu-lu i-xistenee, und they
hare no
Uu choice bn:
but to accept tbe uufurnreaung their profits througb this i*il- , have
hr, but tbe nnfoituuate trata whcwi all tunate allowance.
■lom fnsu
—■-------------------------- 1 here 1 have talkjxufiu
cccne. the
my sejot
'oAum all others ore gaining, are tbv la
tvilh .xrr-wirai tallraad (■rineers
and ouudoctors wi:u>e ''runs". iu-Mime
boring men and their wutacti and
dren. KcristhGresttlcuf thefreucoju-:
age cf^vaataU unique orpecnllar to
Posocr ^
aoinage oountrv. mid it would be true
coinage of sUver in tho Cuiud btatu*
in the Cniud btatea if such a (iristom
were adopted there. It could no more l>e
prevented In kind if not in degrw than
thu MUtdssippi riva can bupiwenud
IU ptwx
As was truly mid by a omductO' on
the Mexican Gwitral railroad whom I
talked with no my way to this city,
"Tbe Amiricun wmkin^en who
free sUver would be
now favorable a
fa.. 01
.^...T^ITFrFS .
ofa«; 1. fa,yto™, ■ A GRAND GALA DAY
... n would trethnii iw.
___d wvih wisdou) fcied «n<i dsor
Let Th; t>b <n uaiw srp>«r.
And wuh si-:iLa* tiTDiInvIy
epwfe ar Lord's WBoenty.
’Teoder diurn. *rWl wtm B
I nywR would uadw tw
Stnt B17 IMW. t ap like a S01
At tnupIBIKU's darSauDe b
or any o
In all o
ritical it: is
mid that tbe physician
reiiy dreads tbe boor 8 a. tn. a
Other UKident in practice, while
I diat Uvm and twadtm it bring* tbe
Traverse City, Thursday, Aug. 18.
BIOS* wonieunrus time gf all
—CiDoinnati Enouirer.;
And Hu lovr h; frognoee own
d in
_____ ___
it Uaot evai sought‘to*, usluia
*oto it*
to be
in Mexico that tbe cur- : b«e npoB labor ia the Uni^ atatoa
Hekst F. Powbs.
swey eystom of ^ country giree tbe-i
a^Uiisi an advantage over dm laborer
Uiebty flinni. dweO with aial
Wbvrtu aaai
Etvt br a Bilgblity lK-»
Boir npirtl. dwell wllb Ml
1 torstiU would bob he8p|au*t« trots na, 1 woald
Mra- Watto—It would do more Im
mediate good if you wunld get a button
with "Don't Forget the Gn)oeriee'*oB
Advertise Your Wants
iL—IndianapcJti Joarual.
Ortgia «( Cuba.
a native name, memdag
> oonntry. Ilie aame Cuba
is at native origlti. The meaiiing ia
In The Morning Record.
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