The Morning Record, August 19, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 19, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Ouonl. WMhl>rt«>-Ool»B«l





Tvo CnU,


of torainc the eoldiere adrift with ao
thU ■ornlac. Two
aort of raoofnitifle of their eerrioee.
teDdred Md
firo Ucht orUl___
The pUa oonteBplmtee the rrmatior of
About lCak«-up of the Peeoe lorjTDUn iMTo Olio DftenoOD tor Oama- Wl.y Adinlna Vo.
BO to be looded od boord tiio B«oHelped Augoeti Away.
|aadmpFOBtMot7oh1ireUoB eiiraod
\ Commiuion.
olate. and >00 of Uo Thlrty-foarth
the CohM ^aeml in c
, to he
MieUrDH. to te loodod an the Bedcor. BenHed That it Waa
pnbUe rreooreec
Spuieh Bo&de WiU be Seri The Chunln. with STB ooDTaleeoenlB,
when the Onbana ebaU bmTeeetohHebed
ooBly Aflbcted.
eUble r«**rBBeal which
Utt far MoBMk Point thU aornlarUaltod Siatot hae pledfod itoelf to help
Oenaaa Preae Aix^re Chat After the brlB( into exUtoaoe.
■CmtaBto. ID VMiiU fi'ld • ICMt'
to thn provldlar for ttfr
ilaf Dsd rorsralDWd « riu to Bne*
cer* Were at Liberty to iro Where eoldiere of the Cahma mr»y. the plan
to OcwmtwtoB
; andar eonaiderdtion by the preaidant
They Piemaed-1
Beeomauad*t«ofwAff«etliic OerUin
the Biutoriaf into the
ffliMii ta tho Inludn end Belir Owaor of • ▼enel Md Vewnpnpw
^ ***^jUaitod8utearolaatoerarm>ofalarp,
Bom riMdem
ICea Hot Pcmlttad to Xawith Kemtt.
DBBber of Cnbmn aoldlate who are
! A*«teM citlaena. Their eevlew eonld
W0«ielu>n> W».Bw««o.
tor Hdtdb*.
Berlin. Aaffoat IB.^a anawnr to m ' be need to rood mdrantafe aa memhen
WMhlnrto^uf^^tl^-Etory ^|Bf^toToeomjtw>E«oB..
«tUe effort tahelnc mi^e by the for
New Vork. dticnet J«.-TheBshoomer inqaiiy frOB the Ooraaa prrernBeat. | «f the rariosa iBmaac reriBenU to I
<>■ garriaon doty in Cuba.
•l(T>|>dweretodl*<!OT«r the pmoanel |
Adnoe from t'-U eit7 ^Mded n Admiral Von IMdrieh reporta troB!
Of the pren eoBBieelon. If the mein-

»t Berman, bet the owner mod Mmailm Uet Geoemi Aivneti
aboard tfao Kaiaarin Aftynata for tram-1
IdB the Phil
ttoaaieh boada will drop. U made ap The terma of the p.otdMol bare not peraleeion of Admiral Dewey.
WaBhlayton, Anynst lA—Aoditor
Ae eaml-effielal North Oorman Oaof sen who dealre no coallny atation, been made pnblie UeroepMiab eecnriUce will ralae. Nothiay
from Bony Kony. relaUve ta the act-; may make npon hU office tor informaaatlafaetory ku been yiren ont by .the
lOD of the Orrman emlaur Raiserin Ao- j Boa oeneerainy the payment of prira
d a statoment eovP«
xjqrmror pboituxd sr&ozt yuan. aay» it ahowa that Ue -crober!
. PorolyB flnu Wonld Soyyeat.
'™"> ■«« “ '“'I *■
; 18V8. bat not inclndiny the captorea In
Berlin. Anyiiet IB.—The Schleeieeber
Spaniab officera « « alibi wed to yo free
tha war with Spain. Thb
Zeitnny aajB the forelyn firma in Man- XfThay WUlBavealLoeaUoaofPlaUa aad. oonaeqnantl
General. AoifoUi
and Other Material Vaed in Mak.
was able ta yo whither ha pleased.
ila recently met and ayreod to aryo the
iny Beyae Money,
.foUowiny npon the eoBBtaai'on: The
« Admiral Dladrieha permitted thaalava trade, and ahowa ttat tha
OCpaUion of Uie Franelacana. DoBini apaeui u> Tat Mobkik* Racoan.
him ta proceed to Bony ^cy on tha pHiea takan ware vatned at about •».Detroit, Aayaat 18.—Poblie intereat German warablp ha eeruinJy did ao by 000,000 In roand ntiBbere.
cans, and Anyaitiniana from the iaOf thbaum >U,»04.D04 waa dbwlhBtinaas atrooy la tha famoaa eoan*
leral UarHtt, if ^ utodaepriu money. Adairal FsrrnIt repablie; a prtAihitloa of tha tarfeillay caaaa hronyht oat by tha argut appears to have rveelved the iaryAttorney
ispealUoa of exportdatiM or ezeaaaira reat of the Johaaon fsBlIy.
ta ooDcinsion. the paper Bays ota amount, SUO Sst.TS. Cnahiny reHa ropreaentlay Johaaon, and tha it b ta be fnrther obeervod that under ca'ived about ysT.OOO and Porter abont
Impart daUea; a apeedy con^aratioa
the same amount.
iraBeat offielali totoreatad la the the arranyeaeaU conelodad the Span­
•t applieati^ for eoneeaaioaa. aad a
The treasary offlelaU eetimate that
■tipaUtioa tor the fr^doB of raliyion. caaa held a meotiny today la an eadea- ish troopeat Manila were at liberty ta Admiral Dewey will receive a* price
vor to arraaye a plan for the recover- protieod to Spain or Honr Kooy.
money out of the SpanUb war about
iny of the Windom platoe and the re­

“WUeD Our Bojs ta laicUBi Hodc A|iiii,
Hmab! flomb!"
There will be yeaera) rrjolelnr. aa it U with onr
oar cnatoBeia that have o<
aaw atock of picture Bonldiaf that we have inat
are tomlny oat soch a hiyh imde of work, lha
aweU thisye aad we have tbam:


22Q Front Street_________ BoUey A Ooniutble


Only a few left If you want a cheap one
cheap see what we have.

k Just Part
I of the Price

Is what you’ll pay now ifyou wsnt s





mainder of the cooBterfeitiny mator•noycSKM HAS KSM BXAXt iaU. It wae decided thet Attorney Ineuryenta tobe Treated by Dewey Md
Navia ahoald see hia ellaau and try
Merritt With Same Oonaidoattcn
and todace them te tall the loeatkm ef
as Others.
the parti of their plant net yat capla a 9 aaationa Mannw^ at
Wesbtagtas, D. C.. ABguei IB.-Oenbnrg, While Setamlny Prom a Pn- tnred. la retara for this InforBatien eral Merritt b now to sheolota poeseeaotal—Xn. lalerh Woud M Tory leniency b to be promised in the
skm of the I^ipplne Ulaads, aad to•oriena.
of Mrs. Davinoe. Johnson and
ettoaa eent him tonight by the war
ayacia) teTnaoanBtf Raeoaa.
department eomplrtely Ignore AguiaWUltamsbory. Mich., Anynat 18.—
The Johnson brothers ars very
aldo,.the insnrgeat leader.
WhUedriviay home from the fnneral ioTu that the women escape l^Uy and
Secretary Alger received a cahleOf Mn. Adolf Raiaer, which waa held
officera foink that these Mi
graa from General Merritt asking the
at thia place today, tha korM driven by menta stand a food chanee of heiny
inbtiaUoa to lay down eome rule
Mb. John Smith of Barker Creek and
for the tempwary govemment of the
Mrs. John Ular of Elk Bapida, becaBs
ejty. and the preaideat told the Soerefrfybtenad at the ears near the en
lice headqoartaie to the conaty jail to- tOTj of War to send him enbetantially
«ry and the ladlee were thrown oat aad day.
both hart. Mrm. John KaKh’s injorice
eral Lawton at Santiago de Cuba.
were not oerioee. hnt thoee of Mrs
Thb b to the effect that the Oaltod
Idler are very eeriona, her head belay
States it rcaponei hie for pestae to the
badly eraahed. The hnyyy waa tarn •ovemor Oiven a Q
territoiy surreadered, Md that aU
PhBadelphla, Wbare He Snthnto yleees, but the horse was esayht afpersons
and property mutt be pro­
mastieaUy Addreneed the Boya.
- tar hreakiny from the riy.
Ppwlal ta T«i VojuR» Rsceas.
The ladim were taken to the ereamWhUr the Phllippiam are to he treat­
Philadelphia, Asynst 18—Amid the
ery and Dr. Ctoih called ta atuad their
of cannon Governor Pinyree ed with jDSties end liberty, iutarfsr

and party were received aboerd the enee with the mlllUry authority of the
Yoeemita thb afternoon.
A marine United States will not be tolerated.
ynard waa drawn op to receive them In addiUra to seeking Washington ad­
vice. Gen^ Merritt eahl that he had
neeisres That WUfol Veyleet of Sol­ and they presented arm* aad ya'
Q and bugle calnto. Aa the Govar- raised the A mericu flag over all pn^
diers at Santiago WBl be
ner paaaod. with Ins^ ehaere the naval lie bBUdinga. and waa awaiUag further
Hew York, Anyutt IT.—The Barald'a reeervee yreeted the yovemor. who
ihinytan apac'isl says the* whan
tod them enthaaiaeUcally. and adAlyer read the editmlal dreeed them briefly. Govemer Pinyree
the Medical Record, in which
afterwards entertained ^ Captain Oansed Death of Two and Serioee Inatiictoroi were made npon him and Emory and staff and was yreaUy
Jury to Several Others in PhUat of I pleased with hie reoepUon. Ute in
. delphia Tesierday.
the aUrgel aoyl-Kt of eoldiere
ban- Ifce aftomoon the party retonted to SpwHaJ la Tns Maaniie Rcraui.
Philadelphia, dnguat 18.-The
tisyo, be ^d:
the city. The reeervee expect ta leave
alee of a hnlldtog to coarse ef erection
“It b more than cmel; it b brutal. for MIchiyan eome time Sstarday.
fell today carrying with it a scaffold
nl (
ipon which aeveral mea^era *
say over the privatlone which neoesea- \
rily, at some polnte, met onr
WUl be OonsBitad by the Prrrident to Ing. Two of them were killed.
fairly, lojered and tour others aerioi
itonUago. 1 oooid not go there myhelf
Mustering Out of Troops.
ly hurt.
and nnloed fteppUem I weold wlUlagly Bmeial v< Tiir Roanaa Btaoia.
Waihlngt^. AByuBtl6_The preeihave done ao. if 1 eoald have relieved a
dent has
to faster out f»>m





“Medical aad other en ppUes were eeat
to ahandsnee. Two lighters laden with
medleal sappliee were sent to one inetaaee. They were both dbabled,
b^ag tosL They were foUowod as
anon ae pooBlble by other eeppllea.
“if there wee OBfferiag among the
MB. eansod by wUifnl aeglort. the
faott wUl all be hrouybl to light at the
proper time and through tae proper
Another Del
lOohtyan Has Left Santiago.
•pMisl to Tn Veaane Raroaa.
Washlagton. August 18 —Ths wsr
-department hss posted the tollowlng

••Baatiago Angaat 17.—Adjutant

TS.OOO to /oo.mio voiynto
Toljfatoem. From a

Ae Then are no Spantorda to Pighi
1 Ti b c
it ta Pcopceod to Disband
be the desire of the president to aaeartain the wUhee of the voluitoer treepe
Weahington, August 18.—Preaidaat
themaelree ae to remaJaiag in mervloe. McKinley and the membm of bb cab­
inet are unnaimona in the del
modate himself to the deeiret of the
official acta
toward kn-inging aboal a restoration of
peace aad order in Cuba shall he the
dbbsodmynt of the Coban army.
As there b no longer n Spaabb army
And Judge KeUey Wes Siven Dam- to the fleld ia Ceba there le ao longer
any reason for the existeaea of the
Cohae army, aad it b; therefore, to he
Sreelal le ifc> Itoumit Racaas.
oct of earvbe. The
B.T Ci„. 4«,.,
idea, however.
langed de.............
! of adopting the quixotic idea of paying
eflo ta to
the Caban aoldieru for ihelr smrieoe
e 8. O. Pteber
daring the war or of aaenmiag the re­
sponsibility for their payment
The preeideDt baa. hewevor, a pUa
Jndge Kelley tor them
in mind by erhieb the insurgoat army
la the Tenth district
It the neemiity


Markham BlocL

Oar staek of Ueoe goodi (all thb season's style) goat greatly rat prieee
-PRetoSSTB. Valnss are M1.U to St.OO. Bettor soe them, at

} QTCfllDCDP’C Reliable Dry Goods. Ca^
j 0 LT*PP~f*r y______ and Clothing House.

If You Have, Logs to Sell
Correapond with % TraTewe City Lumber Oomimny.
We bare for sale Good,

Ban Where They Were Sleep ay
Struck by Liyhtnleg. ^ ^
serial le Tu UoBzm RsoBsa.
ladepesdeaee. Iowa, Angnct 18.-The:
’pon b;eonflrmed that flvs eone it
Peter Foy. north of thb place, were ■
eremated by lightning strikiog the
barn where they were tl^iag early
tnb morning.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hill H&cbioeryof all deeoriptiottM, including Two Engines,
Ret Vforka, Cerruges and Save. A complete Saw Uill Plant


Hotod Brieree Dead.
OpMel to Tbs Keense RscasB.

Haw OrlMBS. Angust la—Ftof. J hs
Ddffy, one of the beet known piiu
ting referees in the oonntry, and whe
baa figurnJ in many championship
tost*, diod tbU aftemnon.
Golonol Hoooevalt to Bcaiga.
Waabington. Aagust 18 —Ibts report­
ed that Colonel Booserelt wiU ralgi
mmmimion in a tow dare. Ue will
defend hie ■■Bound Robia” in the war
department before dolor so.
New York. August in —A dbpatoh
The Berald from Sadrld mva; At the
eoaelosion of the cabinet council last
night Admiral Corvers was iastrsetri
to take the flrvt sbip home, independeat of nationality.
Take the OolnmbU for a nice
Bapids thi* eveolog and<
spices of the Oeaeent band. B
trip >S cents. Issvss at 7 o'clock.

Traveree CItj School ol Music!
Cor Prool S&d Cms SU.
H. triiiKis.

Something New!
CsU in and see the new
style of

Which I am telling.

It le a

good thing.
1 have also in connection
with my undertaking^ busi*
ness a full line of

Fine Furniture.
884 Dnlon Street.

While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
t*-lll aM<fa>b.r/b.b
J- of
_X all.
endeavor 4-/*
to keep :*
it within *1________
the reach
It will pay you to try our 13c balk coffee—a good
rholesomejbeverage at a small price.




Thone 167.

848 Front Street.

Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
Ricvcle Riders. The Way
imsmhsr that 1 do all kinds of roIng and enpmelliig. and that I cm.
and do give yoa the he«t wotk of any
one Is tkte city for the mnney. Don't
be deceived by what others tell you to
th« eantrmy, but come and see for
I gnaruntoe all my «rork to be right,
and if it doM not prove no I make It
Stop in rill 8 o'oloek every evening
except Snoday. in the Chldwell A Lou
don bfliiditig, nt north end of Unioc


Onr KeNssm's Sbo. 8(ers




..-lUndSirsdmisMsrsilfi* sbsoiaU ta<s
bss szlrarUoaaf UMb.
Astidoisr. for vrtiactke sV
pain ssad LsisM sad mast ntistartcin xmearuisa m Bssd to eiskrise sstnaUoa *sw-


ieb.. Ang. 1. I8M.
Boms Frotectlve Ass'i
I'n.. Gaylord. Mich,
Dear Sira;—1 roceir
ired today throngk
yoar district manager,
r«r. W. R. Bardy.
a ehoek of Sio.oo. in fall
nr accid'
accident e'aim.
rlngyoMor the^lrnnd prompt
a ssemher c>' yonr issn
Gbomur EakKxrrR.

Miss Doyle
OiTSS Free Lssions

ill Kinds nfEnliniidtrr
Bad Mndtra lacn MnUiR
<L tAvraeceV Pros* Ouvs*.

Ever Burned OMt?'
If so you know
tke valae of

O. P. GA&VEB. Agon

if,^y«:^pf«'.I jyi^
vn xoumro BXOOBs.


SOVOEU B7 B. A. 0.




VSOX9. A.<ra

Daff MeDeonld te now tha proud
poseeeeer of a fine pair of gold eaS
haUMSBBd a silnr fralt spoea preaeated to him last ennliW bg Mr. Oodd
of the Detroit Athletic Onb. in behalf
tbat baea baU organUatlon, in
whom seteem Daft raaka among the
bigbaet When tbe team was ap bare
three geare ago !>«*
memher of
the party that helped entertain thein.
‘tokiag them for a bast ride oa the bag
and helping them have a good time in;
general. 'Oa this last trip be has
helped make things eqnsllg pleasant
tor them and as last evening was their
last to be spent la tbe cltg, theg eeixcd ;
that oppertanitg to present Doff with
the above named artiolee to ehow their
■eciatioBof hU kindaesace.

flMH. r. Sacm a«p J. W. HAsnoL
A W. HAwn. Bdltor »nd IUmc«r.


mt Tt»»«c— Cttj,

The eilecUre irork «1 <mr hlg
BfUtar luetalaM hM 4wB«utr»Wd
WhM tb« MM«7 !■ MTAl eoutracUM
m* he Mil epeet, aad aow the meni
feintd hee prepwed « plM to
r the ia. aadbte eraetmeUM of ifteea fre^t
eramUpe. Theee Teeeele ere te he
BttarMdapOBe^ifeatie seele. three el
«hea to he eeer>lsr herbette tarrel
teMleebipe of test diepleee:
mmt. mad a BlBlaam epeed of ei(hteeo
'•■4 •ae-beU knou. The equipment
, wU oonsiet of foar twelTe-inch riflee
Is Urrete. eiztees eUfSBB, heeldee nnmerone other rune.
BaMee the eeeeele here mestioeed eetBChl ftret eUie cmlaers are to be recomjiaried, aU of the new craft W exceed
ia tOBsaffe, epeed and eqnlpnient any
M the rraat ehlpe now > eommliaioB.
ns Croat feat of the Orecon on the
'~«a and the work of that boat,
Taxes,* Iowa aad Indiana, ia
jtHft- hare fixed the fatnre oonrae of
fOTommeBt r^[ardlB( the baild4tB( of warahipa. Now that there U a
jsawnt of oar attaining a great
- ^a«te in the racifle together with
«hSBsqnirenM>atef the Hawaiian ieJande. it becomee necoMsrj for as to
Jtsap in theae waters a fletlof saSeieat
^trsagih of armament and nambera
fraparly protect oar Uteresta. Wblls
an mac not naed theae gieat fighting
scstt lor a lang while, if over in actaal
hstUa, a saltabie meaace oftent
•earta tmbls: tbarefora the more big
teMlaablpaand figbUag craft we see
peovlda tha greater oar aecaritij.'

T3»«e will be no papUe’ ndlnl nl tha
Behaol of Basic todaj.
\hroagb the sfforu of the Indiee
there wiU be a large ai
U the elab hoBaa
Tha Rxcvno ia taroreff with a qi___
tilpof beaBUfaldahUae and gladioUaa
' throagb the tbonghtfalnme of lira
». K-Modra
The last bass ball game of the- eeaSOB will be pU/ed^tbU aftemosa on
the Twelfth stmt grouads between
the D. h. C's aad Ue UosUara
thleleabMeflteeriaa for tha oaialde
mesbera of the BnsUera a large crowd
Aoald patrooixe the laei gama
The exearaion to Elk Bapide tonight
to he firan bj the Creeeent band will
sBcrd a dailghtfol trip for littie
eg. Tne Ootambia will laava tha deck
M7 o'clock.
Wnmher It. 1 risga calls np the G;. B.
A X. ticket ofiea.
vartp eeren ap]
I at Grange Hall
geaterdaj. They '
Mh)ecu s^dch qnalUg them to teach

Wmtmritm Oama
Xsarr »t*I«« »■«
WofkTodag'e Oanw Xha Xmst of ThU
Tbs eiixme and sold weather graaUg
afleetsd geeterdag'e haU game.
The HasUeta won tha game hg hard
iteea hita eU of them
the namber of hlU
the opting pllohera warn toached ap
Brrora wore Indalgad in freelg hg
both teams aad ^e -pieging aras rerg
tlo«. probahlg on acoount of the ooel
■a displagsd bg the athioephere
Feataree were few aad for between.
A doable plag wae made la tbe third bg
Wheeler, Wilhelm and Weam. DingwalLmade two prettg raanlng a
of fliee in tha foorU inatngaad Ct
tha first man ap in tbe elzU. pat tha
hew ball dbt of the lot for n home ran.
•But was back again behind the bat
for tbe local tatm a id in tbe sixth Ina prettg catch of a foal tip

Wheeler pltged errorleae at third
baaeand gat three einglea Wtlbelm
led the batUng. with two two-baee blu
and n elngle. Pltmna did fine work la
left field again. getUngnader two dif■ealt files. BnUer got a aloe two-bag­
ger in the eeeoad Inning.
Batherlord pitched a good eteadg
game bat bad poer aoppert. Miller at

OM twmer Itoe ear eBar

Will Oo to Albang.
Balph H Hasleu U about to leave
the eitg. YeaUrdag he aeoeptod a
altiOB with W. M. WhtUieg A Co..
wholraale aad retail dealera-of Albang.
N. Y. Mr. Haslett has resided in this
cltg a cata>>er of years and for the past
three gear, baa held a position la the
ehoe departmentofthe HereanUIe Co'a
e. Daring his stag here ha has
made maov friends, all of whom wUl
any to have him leave, bat at the
a time will be glad to learn of his
eaa. Bit resignation at the Co'e
Btore wUl lake place In abont a week.
After a siiort visit among frisads aad
reUtlvirs in thesoathera part of the
aUte, be ''111 leav« f jr tbe east to aaaame his new dalles.

My work ia first class and prioes'tbst are in reach

all. I am

prepared at all times to take care of the trade, t make a specialty in
Blazing, V ulcaoitiug and ’EnamelioC. A fine line of wheels for sale
and to rent.

J. 0. SLlrlB, 311 Ffotit street, east.

Watch This Column For Bargains I
Esaoft Hotea.
n. O. SUasM, Mr. and Mra. T. W.
Brgan aad Mim Hag Brgaa arrived iaat
evening from Chicago aad are rtoUng FBTTSRLY. 6iS Monroe street West Side.
pt Park Place.
Mra. J. 8. Adams of Detroit stopped

Do You Want a Boat?



Praaele Labodle of Mew York who U
Teeortlng here, went to Petoikeg geeterdag for a short visit.
a .
Mr. and Mrs. UIrd and two ehUdron
who have been visiting the Mlsaes An­
derson of Seventh street, left gesurdsg for a at Omens- '
Bboet Kneic at Balf Price,


Store, 137 Front street

5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents'
Bret Five Cent Cigar Made.


Guard Chains £S7JL‘irwS,.1.'S'?irsSrES!Si'j;SS
BawYoa Tried Tlie Elmtan?

•<0aban • Boeee." Tbelma" and all
se latest perfoa rs at Wait's Drug
BmngsLeal Klninet's Keeling.
Becinnlng next Mondag aad ooa- Store..
K a doable aod three etegito are tlnuing tilt Ttaarsdag evening there
vrillbea meeUng
of-------------------------tbe ministers of
crMliUd to him. wbUe hs eoverad first------------------------ -bag in fine shape. Diagwall did net tbe Bmoreilcal Society of toe District
bit toe baU as hard and safe as ks is of Grand Bapide. ,le the
chnreh oe the Soatii Side. A large atKelsey wae alee anabie to aolva Bale expected.
Ia the afterEtoeb and every man shoald carry
toerferd'e carves aad onlg once aacUaga there will be reedleg of ridentandriclioSMproteetion.Bl' o
e larg.
oeeded in hitUag tha bait into aaeov- eoetge and dlecneslons of timely and goaonlgflOO per m>-stii in tbe
tnagest and Wt enmnary on
ered territory.
appiiopriatr toplm, and In the evenings
The United Siatee BenevoVni
Shanahan, one of the pltebers for the Whlng._________________
Ssginw. through tfaeir
Athletic Club, wee retired from the
Xia. IdaXtoTMdoifDvad.
box el toe end of five Uainga, having
Mra. Ida Deveadorf, wife of J. C
been let down for eleven hita, la the
meantime, foar of them being Aoahlea. Devt-oderf of East Webster otrret died
'■Doe" Bemart wae plaeed en the geeierdag sftorneea-of perltonlue, aft­
elab and aaeceedad la bolding his oppo- er a liagaring maem.
■r tUy. ]
nenta dowo to six hita for the remain- fortg-alBi- gears uf age
hnsbaad and nix children to monrn her
log foar Inaiega.
Arrau WaaerS.
A nomber of changes took place after loes. Tbo faneral wiU be held Satari'-e fifth. Bell waa retired from ebon day nornieg at tO;W o'clock. Bev. J.
msking four errora. Chaf* A. Bready will officiate.
Stop after
third base went to short
fee. fftim
Gainey came ia from right field and
played third baaa aad Gathard pUged
C B. Wagoner, editor of the Alden
la right
Bg aa error of Bells and a two-haee Wave was ia tbe city yesterday on
hit and two siaglcs. the Bastera got baslnoss and pieaaare combined.
Ml>4 Zehla Hebert of Maple City is
twornni Intha ftratiaaiag. Adoarie,
three einglea and foar errora again in the guest of Mine Lixtle Olds for a
the aerond gave them five more rans. days.
Miss Caroline Castle of Honolnla
Two innings passed before theg scored
again. Two dooblea, two aingles and & A., is the goest of Hfa. Msrg Sie<
two errora bg the Isldiag team piled BobertsMUs Clyaeot Cleveland U vUlUng
ap five more aeoree fer the local team.
' Three bite aad two errora added foar MUt Isabel Hammond for a few days.
Mrs: N. A. Dennis of Detroit, to the
more rans and made tbe tout 16.. The
other two were made in the ninth, a goest of Mrs. B-iens Bregg of State
two-baggar and two aingles bringing street i
W. D. Tamer is enterUining
them is.
The D. A. C. lenm eecared one of lira. E. B. Cady of Aon Arbor.
Mias Lacy Ganaett has relaroed from
their rans ia the first inaing. ' one:
again in the foarth, two in the fifth her visit at Grand Baiddi.
and one more la the sixth. The otbar
C. D. Stanley nad Nye Jordan of Sat
flae raoa thag baached in the hiath. tons Eag were in the eitg geeterdsy.
Foar aiaglee and a doable and errora
Hrvita Billiage came np from Grand
bg BaU and MUler were the reaaons.
BaptdS yeetenlay for n vtolt with hto
A large crowd shoold be in attend- moibor.
Mrs J. B- MeOoogh retomed yester­
anoe alHodag-e game, as it trill be tiu
last oae played here thU eeeeen aad day from a several weeks’ visit
WiU ha a hot eoatcet Tbe local play­ Lbekport K. Y.
lira. H. D. Alley retanrad geaierdsg
ers an enUtied to a reeeroBe benefit
FoUowisg are tirn eemmarg a4d from a visit at her old hoipe in New
Tort suw.
F. A. Smith wne ia tbe city geeter........ *•! -i
dag. from Peteekeg.
J. A. Cropp of Good Harbor to regtotered at the Whiting.
J O. Jeason hat retomed from Otse­
go enuniy.
D. F. Hozle. C. E. TUleg and George
Hamplsb of Nortiiport attended the
show last eveningI
Mise Flcwenoe EMelban, who has
been vtoitlng Mr. and Mrs. W. P. CrotI
4 ser of Webster street retomed gtster■V-.IN
a dag to her heme at Fulton.
She was
0 1 I aerompanied bg Mrs. Crotaer.
B. C. Dsvto entertained Dr. B. PeterOaisard. rt ..
1 0
_ _ _ i J ® n of Chicago geeUrday. Dr. aad l^rn

Take Onlyhe Best

and test Its qoaUlg of tone.

W. W. KlMBALL 00.. N. K BTBONO, tfanager.

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOK. Star Groeerg. 845 Front Strmit


d Park etreeta.

Furniture Bargains ¥SoK’.

‘'i The Palace Bakery

hindeofVegeUb'em. Try oar 7Sc Ten. THOBTELL A UANB. Pnlaoe Bakery.
Union sod yto streets.


r menu for SSff and Beet

Summer Shoe Snaps!
74 pain "Pinffree” $3<K>, $3.50 aod $4.00 I<adleg* Shoes
at $1.08.
69 pain '^Pingne'' $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Men’s ShoM
60 pain "B^gree” $8.00 Izadies Juliets st............ $1.68
118 p^itr'‘’Pin8T»e” $200 and $2.50 Ladin’ Oxfords
4x $1.48.
$0 ^in Ladles $1 50 and $1.76 Oxfords at............$1.00
P<^ Busses’ $1.00 and $1J26 OxfordB at..............75o
Childnn’s and ICissss* Calf Shoss at.......................... 80o

Und many other broken lines reduced in price.

IFi?a.Ti "k- iFrieciiricli
TJi© Oxa. X%eX±e.*ble S3a.oe3ca.a:a..

i '


g Our Offerings

! 5 !
i i ■



I twata................ 4t n u V It

................s s 0 e a 4 « e a-:-w
D- A- c.................... I 0 I 0 t I a e a-»
' .BvU retired snrr tat ibsIbc Chsfles west
W .bon; cnlaer etoi to itaM. Oetbard le
masBsbsti mlnsl after MS iBBlaxi Bereart
Bawtiee tbr sur In bnz,
^T».-b«^t»^WllhHioyio^Hnn. WesvChsflw.
base.. riti.Urnf.DauMe plan
Tbeeler to WUb.ln to Boor Ob ralM
ball.. oV KatbeKwd S.oA bltanabao I. offfierBin will go to Monroe Centre todag, nan t itirork osi. br Kutb.rferC I. br abbtilAsea the; will be enterUlaed bg lira
Teat^. Abont tweatg of the ladles
Kale aod Baartg at 87.
miU form tbs party.
Franeia Haynes arrived last night

Desenie Unusual Attentiou.
'li’w Powers ef Elk Beplds
guest et toe Whiling yeeter^y.
Mrs. A. Hale of fieveatit etreet to en­
terUining Mrs. Cbas. B. Kelsey of Chin fi. Foley of Cedar, uanweted
inees here gesterdag.
B 'Stanley
' Stulcg ccame ia gsrtmdng from
Maple Cltg.

Tbe Bev. W K CoeUeg.
ridpe, Gs., wbUe
wbUi attending to hto
sstorial dullen
lien at Ellenwood, thi '
oa a vialt to kls daeghler. Mra. W. H.
_ _ ;tackedl» cholera morbi
Crowell of Mow^ street Mr. Bayses He sags. "Bg chance I happened to get
ie nearly elghty^even yeaia pU, aad .is bold of a bottle of Chamberlin's Colic,
~ olera and Diarrhc
one of tbe pioneers of the western re­
nk It was the me
serve. bsving moved with kls pareats
s. It relieved- a
c by S. a Wait.
from Uartferd. Coan. when bat n boy,
to ‘hvtabaU oouty, Ohio, toa oeantg
which has elaoe been made femoaa, as
tbs blrthplsesof Presldeat MclUalsy.
Mr. Haynes' home U with kls eon. bat
a bonae to paint
on the mme old farm of two bandred
aom which be began making oat of
toe wildemeae. nearly sixty yaara ago. hto money's worth in grod honest work
Cshe th,a Co.ntnbts fvi * bjc? trip to
if ha employ*
SDlBapidathiesnBlngaoderthaaBa- Aad new after all theee yean he ia
BfsMof thrOreeoMthaad. Boand trip atiU ahletejonmey alaae and make
Gbo. B. WinniB,
fisMta BantIcanaate'oloek.
naothm riait to hie friends la HieMgan. I Cpd«egato painter and paper hanger.

Asethsr Xichigan BoUier Oona
Washington. Aagast lA—Shnfler'
hMlth report sags that Prirate James
<T. BUla Compasg C. Tblrtg-thlrd Michlgnn>
o' dgsenterg. The new
sseee of fe*«r are onlg ninetg-ihrea
A dispatcb from Lakeland, Fla. esgs
tfa«t Obok Jvhn CaruaUiucl, o
«rg dtpettnw-nk
dalrtAebrft-.oot'.ag.'H'- bed bem U1
lore;me time.



To Him That Hath
ShaU BeOiven

WE iBE SH0WIN6 ,r?r.“'hr


We make particular mention of SEED and BATTAE FDBNITUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautifni creations in
: tbU material we make prices equaUy as attractive.
■Wbetber you intend to refurnish your house this fkll or :
: jiist contemptote the addition of a few pieces to make your :
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity :
to do so at a very UtUe cost We want you to see the goods :
in any event.


As Dflstelbed bj J. Offdsn Walls, Ona of BoosaTalt*s ^
Boosfa Bidars.


WalurS-PemuilA i. B«7BoId* »r«pBrsU0U t« OoMiraet InnraM
at NuhriUe, Miek.. obtelnod » p«t«st
to Sxeal TboM

New York. Angoat IB.—Tb* Trib
nae'B Waabiogtoo special aayt Uat a
naval program for preaentaUm to runtheir w*y for three mtUe wlU> henr?
Ite tellowlBr gr
greaa, involving tbe immediate
' BlOue; »t
8u- oddiegmlnevtheo end wlthontm blt«
atmetioB of fifteen wnrabipe. hot bwa
Mat to tb« 8l JaMph Prwa to cet, for oer rmtione were nil to the
edopted by Ue naval beard of ezperu
J. Ogden WeUe. eoe of BoaoeTell’e
to whomueenbjeet was referred hr
Songh Biderm, eon of A. W. Well*, one
At the 8ret etrenk of gre^ in the east
Secretary Long.
of the ownen oAthe bMket fnetarr in u- o'—..u -V------^ began to
It provides for Ut«e seagoing, bar.
piek ^ our men at work on
belt* turret bailleehlpe of U.000 tons
Snaiingo de Cobn, Jely SS.
treaebee eo we dropped oor pieks and
displaeemeet. and a minumum epMd of
It he* been jut n week now cinise began the aeeond dsy'e AgbUag on
eighteen and one-half koou wbci
the etnre end mulam wbre mleed oeer more erbn terns* A heary fire wae
eeeseU are loaded- to their deepest
both trenebo* all day and
Snntinge nad ne \ramieed to write an kept up
dranebtor ao average speed ef above
•enonat of the flg^g before the rit; ealj a tew men at a time were pcrmlv
nlneteea knou under ordinary ornle1 wUl eadenror to do to, bnl e* it
ted to go to the rear to eat or eleep.
iDg eondltioDi; Uree flnt-elam armor­
nred oe mad ground nad onr line of Meanwhile onr arUllery wa* doing
ed emiserm of 11.000 tons and twentybattle waa ao long I will bare to con­ good work o» the right and erery Use
two knote apeed: Uree aeerad-claaa
fine B.raeif to that part nf
In which I the Spaniard* were driren oat of their
proteeted ard armored erniaer* of G,By brigade waa engaged.
j treacbea by aahell, tberapid fire aed
000 tons displacement -and twenty
The Rsagk Euierm bad been tnenper-1 gatUUg gna* on onr left
knete npeed. simUar to Ue Maine type,
ntad by a week* real after tbeir aklr- > them down in long llaea. Be-entoreeand for eiz pro.
mlabat L*<J Ja«loa when tkaj again I nienta were now ooming up and
toeted emlsere of *.500 tons and sUtook Ue front. tVhen the batUe open-1 right wing kept closing In natil by
>en knot, speed.
edat Caney we found otumelree aU-! nifiht they were nearly in fike eity.
Tbe reduced speed efUe ships.whiU
Monad aa a reaerre enppirt to a battery ; By tbia time the Spaeiard* eridently
U uniloTBly about two knote leas Uao
of light artUlery which wa* aUUoaed' coaridered thUr cate hopele** for aboat
wbat was prupoaed at tbe prelimiaary
«n a ridge aome three milee from Baa-1 tea o'clock they tried to break throngk
meeting of Ue boerd on Tueedey waa
Mofiojoar lloee but we repuleed them withbrought about by Ue desire to secare
Wfaile we were watching tbe battle'ent the laaeofainaa. kiUiag, ee wc
ef action on
aS to onr right
at C*nry
_____ ------ r- afterward* fonad out. nearly a ihon*aceonnlofUe increased reepoaslbili-Med by.baring a ihell buimt right erer and and taking :00pri*oaerm.
ties of U* United State* in Ue Pacific
m far hardly had onr S-lach gua*-apenThU did not prereet n* from iaprorand Ue certalaity Uat Ue veeseU or
ad when th* Spanish batteries la Sah- ingonr antreachBenU and throwing
meet of Uem will be rrqnired to make
Mago began eending C-ioob shell* right ap new radoubu dnriag the night. The
ap a fleet la that ocean.
Tbe saeri■4a among a* and before we oonld get third day's fight opened with renewed
fle* of speed to endorane* was made
nader the hill wc had lost eereral acn. rigor on onr side for we now had near­
wiUUeviewof eecuring veesels ef
The Spaniard* cridenUy bad onr uat least 8.000 knote radios or capable
aet range for erery ehell burnt within Spanish fire wae rery feeble all day
Amnaement Vote*.
of Steaming straight away from 8aa
a mdin* of fifty jhrd* of onr battmy. nod when a white flag appeared on
Standing room only w*a tbe citna- Franeieoe te Manila and Samoa.
After eereral of onr gunner* had been tbeir eatreoebmenU at 4 e'cloek we Uoa at Steinberg'e Grand le»t night
The board ha* decided Uat tbe Pa­
kiUed tbe gene were taken U a more
when the enrulo went np on tbe first cific raUer than U* Atlastle will be
_ were
» and we
ernt___ wae only a tmeeaekiog for twenty-four act of Ole Olson. The repntaUon sf Ue chief theater of Ue American na­
tbe front "After haring been *hened I k®"* *<•
ihelr dead We were a* Ue attracUon as aa Inducement to val operations in Ue future and Uat
far an hour we wore all anzion* to get I
opportunity a* they------- packed hensee had preceded It and wkUe great eaerlfiocs to high speed
atthoBpanfardsand aeoordlngly wbeaj®t»>
<>etstli out all day for that
there *mre net enough seats to aeeom- could be safely made fer tcsmIs attach-:
>wwe deployed aeraaaM>eereekaadfoBBd!pBi’P<»e4®r
lo** bad been larfo, raodaw the crowd.The company which *d to Up ooter line ef national defense '
tbe Ninth caralry.Iylng behind e hedge omeuoUng to 2.004 dead and wounded, Acting Managnr Baker has ander hi* on the east coast of Ue United Btatea, |
firing at aome trenchei and a block-jSpaniard* had Inst S.TOO. immediate charge i* one of the beet abnormal coal eapaeity and high eeos- {
on a high bill we did not wait <
M>e tmee ezpired another flag that has struck UK city la •ome time. omy are prime reqnUltes as long^as
1 and the SpanUrd* kept Tbe lodlrldnal work wa* of a bijrb or­
far order* but with a cheer we dashed
■esBions to Ue wi-etward re- ’
np the elope and eloeed in on the bloek-. this np naUI the 10th whan we opca^ der and tka realisa of Ue MtaaUon*
All the veaeeU. bow.
, np on Uem with all oar artUlery (S7 ezeited intense approval. Tbe title
hoase so qntekly that aome of tbe
. will be as speedy as Us fastest
tf enough to shoot reireaOng |
*“8 Irom tbe pita We kept a
role was edrairmbly handled by George
■1* DOW building abroad and will
Spaniard* with tbeir S-ehootera and we {l>«*ry fire np far orer three boan with
Hemler, who** correct Swedish b* eminecily more practicable in en­
naptnred eereral prisoner* before they ' haNly e respnnae froei) the Spanish dialect aed Indiridoal Bannertom* durance, strengU and forraidabllity.
oonld eUmboot of the tranche*.
{lines. On the mb the white flag went Bade th* part ezeecdiegly pleasing
The first six warshipa on tbe list are
rmm the top. of the hUl we kept! «P HTalo and on the 17th tbe'city
and seecptebla The old fsrorite, MU* larger than any ships is the uavy of
pieking off the Spaniard* naUl they ;fiiMng ap 24,000 UanserriflM S). George Homey who hH been a flz- Ue United Statea at tbe present Ume.
reached their areond line of trenebes. I
qnmnUtira nf arnmneltioo. tnre with this attraction for •ercral Tbe lows, onr largest bstUcsbIp, has
Imked .tter onr winded | ”'**'*-w bein, years, as Bridget U'Plaanigae it ati^l only 11.410 UBS oikplacemeat. while
one of the moetongiLgieg member* of Ue first Uree of tbe new wsrahlp* will
numed.. curd. .1 luH;
-“rki« U.rlr uc. . ..l.Url!1 ,.u Ue cast. She baa lost none of her old- have 13,00(1 ton* dUplBeement. and the
Twd.ridlii.pU.. op., kill .Id. „d|''““'“^W
k-Ucr. time popnlarlty and eeema to grew aecood Uree 12.oou tons. Tbe Uird
w loM hrd buD irirrwpoodiriri. Ik®** indlin..t.l Und. yonngcr and mom dUtineUy Irish three will be of Ue site 'of tbe Maine
the‘ SiarSpangled Banner,
haary bnt the trenehea i
every day. All the other members ef and Texas.
heaped np w
i. After I
are now 'mmoed aboat a mil* Ue east are worUy of epreial aotiee
The Texas, the swiftest of our battlea half hour rest we puahed » and by {«o a lorely mounuin andtbe.massgemeutUjQsUy credited
ahips. has a speed of only aeventeea
. Oteady adraaceaasd qnlek msbea took •Wea°>.''^tingfarther order*. Asonr wiU carrying one of the beet aggrega­
knots. She will be beaten by all nine
tbe seeond line of treaehm and withoot transport*'are in tbe bay we ezpect to tions os tbe road and a first elaas renof Ue new battleahipa, sod those of
stopping pnahed on np the Mope on to ; ^ loaded toon and be sent to Pnerto dirioo of Ue play is every partienlar.
her own else* will eoUtrip her at Ue
■ the platean which anrronad* the pilr.
^ retoroed to the State* to
rate of three knot* an hour. Tbe low*
Hero we found a akirmiah line witina j ^'Mt nntll the Haraea Gampaiga. Ths
A packed tent yesterday taaUfied to baa a speed of aizioen knote and 1*
are completely worn oat from be­
500 yard* of their main line of
lemeriUof .1. B. LaPeari'acimnsand next to the Texas in that polaV Tbe
la and mMntMned a nonUe ing kept in the treeche* ao long and
eaagerie. The parade lo tbe morn­ 13.000 ton battleablpe will have a speed
•aona firing antU daricaea* put an end not saaoriog regular ratloaa and a* a ing attracted e«Dwds 00 tbosireete and Uree knots greater than the baa. and
to tbe day's figbUng. CateacL poata reaa^t thw* is a good deal of sieknem gave anbeuntlal evideoee that
,—--------------- --------- ------ --------- ... Ue 12,000 ton abips will have a apeed
were than thrown «nUa front and un­ in camp, bet nothlag eeriona ha* de- show wax one of more than ordinary ] of six knots an bonr greater.
der corer of darkness we set to work reloped yet We now hare Santiago letereat. Oue ef tbe special attractions
Prom tbedi eompariaons it can te
an a line of entrenehmento which were bread and Cblaago beef ae part of onr wa* a collection of splendid horvea and seen that Ue new battle ships will ex­
d e Bile before morning. This dally raUoat.
mtgelflpent poalea. Tbe diaplay of
cel Uoae wbleb have so distinguished
work waa not done by fresb men but
Imals and corlosiGn at Ue gronnda at Uemtelvee in the present war, in every
bymen-thai bad fought erery Inch of
J. O. WzuX
the western extremity of Front street pteilealar. save, perhaps, la Ue ezeel- i
ts nni^e aad an exbtbitiop of fioo | Jeaoe ol Ue oflleer* any crews that
•Ogging raUroaJ. whieh will extend a kpfetMeds. The alaow iotrodneed by Ban thrm
The maid Wtterie* of pacb of Ue
diataoee ef 27 miles from Cedar river Hr. LaPimrle is not a smaU one by any
and for a two-ring attracUon It: new will be composed of
Saltetad fer Two Tears Aad Inalste hBd eoaaeot wiU the Chicago A NorUes Serving Ont The Full
| weaterx road near Power*. Six mile* isUe test that has visited Travere* four twelve-inch rifle* Id UrreU on 'he
my in SOBS llBC. Tb* elren* Is fillH centre line fore and aft, similar ^
with fine'fsstares, rare festeof agility Uoae of Ue Iowa, and the teeondsry
and strength, tumbling. Juggling, bare­ batteries will moanl froB foorteen
back riding and eniqae perforaiances. te sixteen rapid fire six-inch guns. In
new aad ap to date. There are maay addition to Ucse there will he nnnsa_...t Mlebigan volnoteers:
- itg wfater.
decidedly meritorioos festurae which elty large auxiliary batteries of axeort"Femantflna. F.a.. Aug. 17. 1 ^
l^oMng, baa besa
to Traverve Ctiy and which ed ponnder sizes, both quick fir* aad
••The officers aod men ol UU regi-,by Oevemor Pingroe to prokept the large andi-ne* contlDnally ia- seBl-aatomstlc. The big tblrte*n-U>eb
to Chiokamaug* and aasUt in oartereeted. In a word, LaPearU shew guns of earlier battleships hare been
any reqnmt or petitions to war depart- ‘“fi
Mck mrmtetp ef Us ThirtyIs a good one and epndneted epos beal- put aside in tbs new deelgna
meat to have H sent to Ulaad Lake or
?* w.ll accept Ue
priaelplea which
wbicb go a long way
Wo have enlisted for
^ ^amp
H* *•
toward maklag it one of Ue best soctwo Tears aad want to aerv* tbe tall ^
oeeee* of its kind. WiU Ue aggregation
Cbemleal iovestlgstloa baa brought
Is an ezecptionalty fine band, which to notice raoently a new element uUed
W. D. Totten, of EpHmska, a proB- -W. T. MMlraxu, ColoaeL
hythinm, according te an *0000006inent lawyer, and Ue leading
B« Bttetu , crat of Kalkaska eonnty. aay* Ue CeaveooiiioBi uTicam. A fosed mixture of ,
' ^
Owing te n break-up of Ueeompany Mirer eolphide and silver oblorideixj
|;eracyandwUl bemafter te fonnd te
eleetrolyz^ in a nitrogen
nalng platinum elvetrodes (zee tram
------------V ; fonnd In tbe ranka of the repnblicaaa.
lion did Mt arrive in tbe dty last svea- Iridlom. In this melt la found a dark
« Nfattsra ol Interest From AU E {Those who know Mr. Tetten beet will


er tbtaga, they elalni to hare the. ezelnalre patent for the pipe earring
gaa (rota tbe generator to the gmeomeAt all madiiDfa with a aeparate
ganerator n«e eneh aipee, there la like­
ly to be a lirely eonteaV
Oharlea D. Qaocbett. law partner of
Wedaeeday abnouaoed himself a candidate
for the legislature from Ueeeoond dis­
trict of Honghton. to aoceeed Ueorge
W. Buleaoe. who U also a candidate for
re-election. Charles Baitb of fjake
Liudea will reeeirc the e
InaUoa with eaae.
Tb* people of Calamktoo
•taotly dUcorering queer ibing* in tb*
drinking water fnrniahed by tbs city
water works. They
Now aaay bsre ordered beer from the
brewery and prefer to ms np against
that kind of an imaglnai
The Saginaw and Pi
way Co., capiua Stock fiSO.OOO.flled artlelee of ineorpoTmtion Tueeiay. The inoorperaiore are Heoi^ C. Potter. Jr..
Jamue B. Peter. Ssmnel O. Higgine and
William J. Bartow, all of Saginaw.
They will Volld an electric road.
Many of tbe boys of tbe Flint .mili­
tary oempany are retoralag from the
south on elek leaya Some from Siboncy are at Flint dangeroutly UL The
eoadition of tbe men arousee nnivereal
pity and IndigsaUon at tbeir boat
ment. -




Pans ofXichignn

fi*redltbimwlU*iaoority la hU deel-

ifi* 4* *»«V«v*m*«v‘*w-ww» w-if , reMou for hia eaange of opiclen are
Attfeefoneral of Frank Lee Wed-'good.
Mbday at Banger It took ten strong.'
menu lower Ue reBaias into Ue:
grave. Lae weighed 4S0 pouads and ralgia, branebia and cholera nerbns,
U* toUl weight of Ue casket and all in Ue ordo- naaed. eaneed Ue most
is esUBStod at TOO ponnds. He claimed tiekaaseln MMlgan daring the past
• of being tbe heaviest G. week. ConanmpUes was reported at
A. B. man U the Cnlled SuteaUa was f
tyjUoid fever at 46.
•0 years of age.
25, whooplng-eoa^ at IB.
Samnel Crawford A BonC ef Pigeon.' fever at 16. aad dlphUeria at 14.
Foreai eonnty. Pa., who pnrehased
The DolverMlyofMlehigaBwiU aot
Company. bt able to eoenre the beqneat of Mrs.
andoUer prop- EUtaboU H. Batrn wiUont a onateet.
arty at Cedar rtvor aad npward* of M.- at learn. She died at Port AMter. N.
MOaermoftimbarodUadsiB Menoml- T-, leaving U* nalvenlty pioporty
•oanad OelU emutfat, arill tegia valned M filU.OW te antabUsk a bhair
dieaaaa* af woaea aad ohtldi
moftAarlyaeztZBofab «• tbMr


nvwdal te n« Mensist Beewa.
Detroit. Angdxt 18..—Following are
;U* reaulte at Ue Windsor track today
Ptrst rnee. Phrse Prond, 4 te I, wna;
•acoad race. Boyal Bainte waa. 4 te 6;
Uird rsea, Slman D. 4 to 1. wna; fanrU
race. WivbU.. evan. wm; flfU taea,
Insealna, 2 to 1, won., Th* tzaeli was

___ ___

Posed WiU alkallM
carbonate it girm a melt adnble in
hydrochlorui add. (rOm which hydro-1
gen solphide give* a brown predpiuta
Tbs yield of this sew •nbateDca .i* aetil
to be fi per cent of tbe original anlpbnr ,
' '
' ' et that Ueze la a !
of snlpbor, it i*
ddezed that Uto bythina is famed tg
the dmcnptzdtfon of enlpbat. It is adBitted, however, that doc* there is a
Bnall. or I per oeat only, lem at dUoriae in tbe eleetrblytie leaeMoa it is
pcmible that byUinffl may to (ORiied by
a looked for ariU i
Take the Odnmbto fer a nio* trip to
Its BeatlaaTasat^o’dedt.



The Morning Rncord
Is recorded every day. These Ggures give
the guaranteed circulatioii of
every issue. It is a

For thlsireglon, and

Covers Territory
^ Which Ail Local Advertisers
Desire To Reach.
This Being the
Largest Circulation
of any paper
in this locality
The Korninx Becord is of course the best
medium because It enters the homes of
the people.
It Is popular because the

Latest Telegraphic News
Is given (up to 2 o’clock every morning:)
and because its

Live Local Mews and Special Feitiires
Make it a
Valuable and
Reliable Newspaper.


gHit ^mmro awobp. y«oAT,



u> ian

> BkaathaBoMb an Aa
**rm Ritprtaed. WUMa. that yiw da
«. m. * X.
In tbe Butout aaifeeti ftrt an eoU ^wanttobewaabed. Oontyonkaow
•UTa. Ibeonlj dead sneeen tbe dziad it
tom Trararua CUy u fettawa:
' **1be^uUid*donotkaow bowto
Hot when your mammy get* eoap to
Mkt «bitr •klpi." «id • (ttTtl eOo«
Poker bub
ynor fiyea.''—Oaraland Plain Oealrt:
*• BartonAdrerHoerawt. •<I«p«r....
groond that it ii a |
A«*ljr coifldwt I . ,t OaOEsn Dewwf
; cbuioe.
#oaldh«M wittr-.i IfeMi Wirt «lw
"Kan ia waned to doA."
re are OouiDgeannar
}>«. xbcy
"Wbat’e Aetronhler
3 from
hnw CtTcn tb«a •Imort
“She oaa'i tell wbetber Ae toto lore
S. By all pototo {
wHb lientenant Amber or wiA bia igsn.
dmbbtait M be did wltb bU own flrtt.
aaifaa."-.Kew Yak WalA
It ia ■uniinl that a ntateltr rf tba • <*y- 0« tb* oontrary. it anoo leona rtsdale od strair aod woodri^,___ _ .
. ,
Augnat sotb from potou an C Bi A
WaSfc'^'” Bi^nmad and Pot
' DO seoeaeity for larisg ia a
Tba Boat Xanady fbr flux.
Tbey now inatat on nding in tta'ins of
Aeguat lOtb fioa Peaaa. prtata Oto; bosej and degeoeralee iato a tboroagb.
wbioh tact a
oamagee drawn by a
Bring in Spaaiab porta wbo ate «d age ^S^er.
Hr. Jobo Hatblaa. a well known
with a tnm for pbUoeiHihy bu dednoed
ftr-eerrioB aboatd warAipe. know too
"Aa big u a whale'

light be ratbrt Ae principle that beidhwided moi ate
apoila, ----------- - - “After
vaU tbe entdtiea aito............................................
■naU, u there ia a apeetoa
wof tbeoeta; krt likely to commit Crimea than men DOW eold to the Umdon tnarketa. Tbey flax, and my pbysielaa barto
ad aptn aeo fcrwaxd tatboiroaBnDp'a eean genu hardly three feet loi«.
•re md to taate like a ootubioation to
iHA a tblA heed of l>air.
aiiewbctiy, nectarine and plnuppik
“Aa iwnaing u a fox" wooM bare
aaral awriee to pot UMBieeirea to tba
erltob Colllie. Cholera and Diar­
PtwmO^ Indatoanad Penna- tick1 idiotio to tbe i
Here ie a
WtaeU to tbe BUbd.
__________ ______ __ rhoea Bemedy. and hare AeNeaaareaf good to day*.
way of being trapped into it.
Tbey feond toxee to large
Xbe Uind man hu to dey nd e»f~^ B<»»ahln oonnty (Mau.) farmer gare ■taUagtbat half of one boule cared;
fipantab petty offioen, eren wt
nunbne, bst eo atopid. benoee tbey ■tirely on tbe acenncy to to-i me to “ tooomprtent ntan who had worited
.** Fa eale by & B. 'Wait
C. L. LocKwoOT.^.*pT^kT'/**"^ .
Grand BepiA.
illed byahipmatee
gnide him wbtrrvur be inay >s .ah to go,/*’*'
"Tbii man,——, hu
and it U remarkable to wb.?t n Aort >
tor me a day, nad 1 ami mti»WiflUsi'h Patoakey Oream, per*
• iher buro Ibor ■hnngheied.
^ . l .
Badnaad Bataa on O. B. AI
inr. fon.tu!rnrc Ui tort^
Theof a feather" that *-floek time be becomea familiar «
fruit Joleea. cold aparklingaoda waiar.
Ctoeinnatt. one cant pa miJa Sell
mix...%c«e. TbiaU
do not belong to tbe pengeia locality and fnab ai
Auftria’ekrantxeriadooBMd. Itwu
eaattitutw oar tea cream eoda at ^tembg td. good to return Oetdba
^ uorau«aKk-r«ttdetate.
Few peofae are aware to tbe pc
wiAdrawn frtxn
otrcnla- ' >re
'ait'a eoda fountain.
meet. ‘ Xali
It-V literally ^TbootBo«e ?(
tor a ooreriag a, to tbe ear. hot Uie blind, throng _ Ciao on July 1 and wiU not be aooepted
IndiapapUia. one tore for reand trip,
M the
Spaniab naTj
nary are tor
for lae
the moei
inort i
pengtiin •tont eserciae u.
to uiav
that csgan,
organ, ure aoie
able n
to errtj by tbe goremmeot alter Dec. *1.
oe ofwmao
,- . , , — Anotbw
ell Aeguat ttb. retnm Angut ISA.
part yooager amji cf good famUiee who ;
Aa« tt iwimi not on bat i dixsorir objecto atmort m rapidly aaa IkM The coin bu been in exiatesee
Lootogton. one fare fa round trip.
nerer keeping
more--that earing
C« tod their bUl^net by abUity nsdcr water, ™
-----------------------rtud' tbe fifteenth oentnry and took ita
------------- m
For iuEtanoe, when walking in a nr. name ftum tbe otBi marked
aorthnagb oompetitioat, bat Arongb ^ .
toe lotercearian td tbeir people at tbe to the earfaoe at nch Met and tare In- toct caiui, bo can aa«srtato tbe tooi^Trareree Oi^ Market.
aonrt. Tbe iucajiaclty to many to tbem twal*. that an wdinary ofaaerrer would, Ity to objort. Iiy the f.toing to tbe atBr’ow
Irtow U a liat of the buying and eel)
' tooiTbcn upon bU faoa It would ■
ia laughable, llteir craollr U notori. •WtcertaltoytawtakeitforaiUb.
togr prleu
of yeeterdar for grocariae.
Dncke ewim
cwim the
tbe world orer. bot.
bat at first tbat
that thcediogiTen
the etou.
twk «
ana. Pram tbe rery Aytbat aSpaaiaed
and farm produeta In Tra*
la ealiand in tbe aWp** ore«r«t)y to one'
X UX7DOK.DEHtin.Orm.te MatMaa g«:« to return Sept «A.
! City:
tic epeoiee is foend Aat oannot
aBuibloto bU ear. bat it 'bu been aa------------I amsiblo
•f bU coonuy'a wur reuelr mltotod '
face fa round
omuiaiy btti In aqusUc aocom- aertoined by eaperimou chat a blind CIra' Pork p
agnt Ut good to retnm
rolnutarily or involnnurily—be ia
g k Bkows. auMor a
O. lae. apactal .umuen u. <
Itbulired 80 lung to a : man with hlaean ahgjped can teU whoa
made to ft«l that be ir no bettor tban a
aUeeBiaiMrtu- XII rrtw>^
Bedaoed rutu to etba notola. Pbona
found in any large object ia dcwe to bia ___
lace,. Short Cut Hcwk...........................
heart. For tbe tligbteet iulrection to «>“«J »*>»" «■'
----------------------It u
S C. E Harray. Agent
n when it apiiruu-W no .lowly u'
iiboi. Cut Pork par lb................
ngulatiom be
to aV laabioo
*“ •«”**«
UO i« pmiiArd
. uili *

C. L. Dcakwood. G. P. A..
Aat uakee bUfellow bloelucktt* {„ , •*« ■““‘‘f* «urely.
' not to
oauae any •
i^iUe cnrreuf
cnmxit of air
air. ,
L. * Co. beat..............
le.HcreaBUleCe Black.
Gfend Bapida.
sarice like uu,
our uwu
own aouwouw^mui
and that to <lmu j
«»b" doee nut1 | .Fhaj
hu UU walking
, •***“^. “ ■
------------------------al<xjg the rtreet,
* C®-**•*“••
Britain floah with ctiger. Tbu «ntral ,
can toll wbetber it to wide or narg; *2 f S
........ .
and connmtog idu of thr*S|«nl«h
*«■ «"b U found there Aat not only now. wbetbw tbe hcnem an. hbm «■:
AOo. Beat........
ral officer ia that all hand, forward
bia aerranta.
r wbecba
In tbe BpaniA nary ererr man forTravou ettr, Blrt
ward, from the chief petty to&coradCTwn
A ttar But.
to tbe norated laodwoen, Band by for
A Jewela in Turin huinade nHny Anaxebeto
He goee along boldly, aeaniag to aea
wiA bia ean and to bare tondmaifca to Polatoea. pa bu...
‘; for a ; :eat aloop Tbe tail U to beaten Aeair. Of ooone nobltod mao lifca Saltpabbl.............
to Uaefcen Ae officoe' Aou
goto. ^tndded r
Bran pa 100...----^ and tlm logo
afta be hu iruverwd it oooe he knowx
CHTauklea.iB e«anjiLlrX.II
oroy point to
» to him.—
Rand la a elab to Irtoy. Ice weight ii Itoktm'e Weekly.
fiefEi sfifii *■*
tort tban an onooe. and it ia mM to
an aaaaaa aa«a see
.^cim a tbe part toa bloe- hare ooM ffi.OOa
S« S£6S«« Sisa SS8
—"g =»■
^ ..II a Spanito oAea
ff geu It to fa a
•ul. t petty offloar Iw anyreal afanded
X anolaiaeor u,>VslveraliTBakn<lal. Abb
. iiedoee not Immediately uoder CbattofaU tack npon if yoKonMde
Mor. >1U rv-CMfl u>ean> far aaniag- B1
> «■«• vp «r «.M>i «


Ktakrt »b«ittb7mM
to ert bU own ^ral^t in Hood.
Ibe Fnodi s Ungnace eontaiu rt
iMrt 11 prt cent of nnlea mvde
dos ______
ie ntrtrly
dmU ofTota« s etienlar is tbe letter ba _
bsir OB fck bMA or u^wbore elM. The
•”*7 **«»* «« *op to Londea
botcUttetebertogresdered It
#00.000 tolls
■yeBpe thtdl^dieertod bt» | .llrtto la bnt one torto^ to_Jepen


John R. Santo,
Beoeral lisiraiee.

i 6nid Bipids i iDdiui K. B


I;Sr. ■

to bnmiliate Ae petty offioa. He alU THE WONDERS OF A WATCH.
, biffl vile namea to Ae bearing to Ae
•muted blnejockete and not'
ly klAi him. He calli him aft capeA Boaton jewdar wbo hu a tolenl'
•tolly when Ae petty tofioa ia Aowing
t portyof wntnm Vititow nboot the ‘
oidera him to
bia ■
**“ b<«> wtuindlug bto paAcL. ngh. to right to all b^^d ri! i ^ totoiy t^t a watch l. Ae «naUAu vieitora tn tbe main deck Tbe’**' *“'**
machine that — j
to Ae n
Bpaniah - - riot, during Ae peogreea of a'AUirmay !
1"«»* «-----

About one raonA ago mychUd.wbieb
to fifteen moDtA old. had an attack of
dlarrkoea accompanied by rurtUhig.
gave it each remediee u are neually

!0 ij



se s 8

e sMsel



gave relief we Ant fa a (toysirion and
It wat upder bis care fa a week. At
AtotimeAe child had been olek fa ptOUKO-lAdlrB- sale
about tea daya and wu barlug aboai
------ ^y•fi*e operatiou of tbTbcrwtoa

y»e rhrt^ Tta


lief it woold aot live.
CbambaUto’a Call •> as Wm SeTraUi etreet.
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy
.vm-oirl for t
iStau BU«el.
wu recommendA. and I decided to
try it. 1 MOD noticed a ckapge for the
IKTED-Br Oru>ter. BVlit room beav
Lone to tbe facta onontoed wiA ito
better: by Ita eenlipoed use a complete
wltk roarenlcDcca. ao East WOa. aod
impolrive" Aaporiton. aa Blonoo might
CSfiS 8 S S£BS« 8
core wat brought a Aot and it is pa- vest of Ur (i K. * I. irark. Small famllr. ASAblA
deecrito an ottaa who wonld oda tbe petoonnaaoB are amply incredil
______ "=S= = - ••--•.g a
"Kow, mim. it ain't no nae ya tryto feeUy faeallbr—C'L Boeoa. Stumpnaoeacrc to Ae iumatea of a boapitol wboioanridaed in total. Afala' aniA
aBleeE'EIEEEBEEB ■-----------BUrikua aevuiai
aevuiul tnonmua
thonmud blowa
Dlowa on bia fa Icr bide. 1 luowa ye're ondor that town. Ollmer Co , W. Va. Faaale by
maintained by CuAna.
«aaaaB.aaaaaaaaa m
«d XawBi
S. E Walt. draggiiL
Tbe ataDobicn ptmiabment la employSX=8dSeB«SCS85£ 8
1 **•*• ’«®» I CM ‘•‘c y*r bv-L "-^nggeta
«e. T
Paris <yr«en—Tbe i
ed for Ae moat trivial offeuma to tbe Sunday oomce aroonA but tbe loUa
J^ul to a watch makea every day and
Oelvk Hta Wiltr.
aaaa a eaaa«««aa
bMAH*bia“^y by a S taS?
day tow day ^
Lord Yoong to uid to A one of tba
8£$b 8 Sfi8S8888fi
that A to to fa Ae atanebion bi.h ;
‘“®*’**" • 7*“ ■‘"•c** **c«cl)mun on tbe bAcb art Ae
t^^AKTXO—Axlrl ta dneeaera] bow
wegw 2
when be returns aboard. TA''ruleo' T^S^**?*
"f* 5
»"• At lco« A bu a lumiy tongno.
Aumb" ii ancAeroommcuipnnlahinent i
*** “P*®® *® FORw
One day in Soptomber A woe driving
to tA SpaniA navy—Ao •uspending
fignru-a arc biymid Ae graap to: into town from b>« pla« In Ae coonto
two tOUmDO.
AamA mj
eo vuyi
Aal'’ rJo,.c
--------r. i...
Ae marrel
—." II ...•
A M..
mrt. mu
. %/y
' un?
■___ . I try
.jtter, “wAt an OOLTTMBXA AMD LOU A. OUXtbeir feet body touch Ae grmmd. from ,
'**” oRtotat-1
■•Hallo!” Mid lA Jei

AuoAtT fuatnreto ' ed Aai tA powa thatmorec lA watch. you doiBg here? I tboaght all napectait equivalent
four-------------timee «A hie jeople were ool to town."
— • * »,r(T» (ram BlebaoU. fUO Warua,
Ae poniiive fyatrai to tA “aolitary I ____
• __, .
i- only
•----Oetoa norA daily axoapl Sunday.
cotJlpBM. ber W. p. Croucr. Xae-I rrmoBib
•ad tiraU BBpiaB.Taa ■ Potor
otAr. ''bare von
nnd flA uiaictlon. ” Thie conriatt to I
"ft “J "V®
Boe eosmcairaa
EHCW (raa unmieatUB
Dnmli eaUaTtratm.
lockingnpa mtoa offendtr to an un-^
f ,sr*l. One rraet raBa«a enu Poar.
sulr* ef Hn. B. M. SMttee. aSWuhiaeta m C.L.LOOEWOOU'(^/a?t!^Oraun<
Bgbted and peacrically uuventilatod ,
“ ”®i ®*’‘“
j At Ac time of Ae gepcM election to
oom partitment nnd In feeding him upon
NorAport...................... 12:30 p. n
jjow Ae baton* wheel of a wwtoh U | ISM Awnaviritiug at DXmyHonae.
mdtfisb aod no water
• moved by Aia four flun power one and ! and Ae report came that Lord Wolme*.
Kiple of Aye at a stretch.
uae.bmidnriAt tochea
toebea wiA
wlA now Ae End of Albome.
Alborae. had
bad been ra.
eaA viteutioo—V.ufibmitoa ountton-' turned to Ae western division by A Ypsuiunl. Mieiiitr«i?Ter‘ulrfo/*woiiU
1 0.0^ to oar yea.
j majority to 8 ov« Mr. T. B. Boeban•(Chaser far Traw-r rXtj TVililrwfr propr Eavairr of P. A. Bari.
1C you would preeurve Ae tiroekeep- on. Soou after ac-mo one tumc to and
on should said Aat (A majaity was 900.
noeutly made____________ ______
to great value to gardencra nnd fiatou. ! aray IB Bontha-Youth'aOamimnimL added Aat Lad------ audLordGoing aostb daily exapl Sunday.
Tdled to.Aolma.
It wu to iliu effect Aai Imvea to Ae
“Ab.” said Young, “tAt
■omato plant will drivu toMcts awav
• Ae iwo clphem ”—YooiJ
'—YooA’a Oosi«
toom other plama He covi re«l tA to‘STAGE GLINTS.
Biato Icavtu ot»t sumu young Araha be
........... a
_ new
wished to protect frtitn Ao ann uik_____
I from ' Bwyn X. Barroin Aa written
nail inaeet* and wu delighted o find i P**F
Pbrii to Vitoar BunAC
Fuddy—Bid you bear to tA tetribla
Ao totter cluarod ont u auou as
J. U. Itorry lately wrote in S4 bonn
LuuKiie oBiiou
itai bappaoed lo Dauby?
Aagr got cA oda (if lA tomato luniva i a one nut play a "dODlogue,"
Maerious that fail
Hu Aen rxteudixl tiK- amo truatinunt , "PJalonio FriwdAip,...........................
wiucu WUI a
a ' totiinate
frfenda —.e ....ui.
nnaUe t(
M an eunn* row of yomig {Msiub im«.
niae bim.
and tab raucusr was cumpii-tv. To nai- ;
accidentf fiailxu^
da the pr(*T** mors ^miile bo tried a
OBilirino? Full to an toerva?
I ur Aia total nealy-700 . firiddy—Worse. Uu bu lo« aU Ua
■ apisymrotAr ir.-u- and Ardtoand an-violinirta
money.—flOBton Tranrcrijit
lOODfl U.M hr bun U (STflCtlV Uffn-tive
k t>v V , ,
$60 00 Bewanl.
weap.... .<b.rii<..r. „r...t.calb-noAinit.
Itomhtnlft acm Manrin ie
•tnlva (ms Ibr ol
losina arUelrs:
today. '* reomarkud «xie Brixdclyn papa
Uraka of iruld ieat.n>elalaw«
Ar. TravaraeClty..........
Kotutta'a new jJay, "At Ae Tuning toBnother.
ooiM nonM.
v'^i OQock book of role taaf «iU tarM
to a boBLni Mlp • Tnta
"Did you?"
*' Cunavfwl v);u-h sluk* o tAbot- For of (be CeuWfy,” wbiA was given
Om «oUr poM <
"Yea 1 diA When 1
at NojJ.a, met w-ih dreidod oppttotkw
Os* bnde* w|ik
I found tAt tA ryrlumptaon my baby
qA.ti-.i: wl'ul. li. tow Irjd. Avb inrt ’ Slguora is credited with lA to- eaiTtoge wwiwoed a fraction ova
bad to deuld.- lb ua uctio.. be..oght by
•PP«‘nDK in Luudou next mitoa"—Harpor’u Baxar.
Ar. NorA^V.'.
*A own.r» ul a teasel againatau under-Italian verriou to "The |
Wbr a, «vu,
TA uA.-rttnur Ad rufAed to i ***®«"* ““ TaDqueray.
ptyiAownrx tbu auiiiuut dne on Ael
Villlira Stoofad.
,®'!tef ^
tortuunuu iiuliry fie BtotaJ loks. on Ae i“Bl»a“Ba O'Brien," U at work on Ao i
any nure?
ground tAt iiM-'hiujiuJ acMxjcu made it :»®w« o* ““ WA opera, the date to
i k
- -ta|4wuud to stop Jut out­
poaaible lorairt-th. atop To|irwe||iat »Wch ia laid to Aa auveotueuA can- ride Ae—
ufltoc“duur one day after
Ua conituition true eoiui(l.'A>- undur_____ — ooanact with
m.—Chicago Kev
writer had. at a coat oI
»in Drury Lane tbea*
■learner Crescent retaralag to Trav.
' the vcam-l to Ac aurlace again, fiot the «a. Lacrdco. I
: City at t0:4& a. m. ThU will give
eententiau did i;rt find fava wIA lA and delighted by tA payment to a . .
a pleasant ride of 24 mitoa on Ae
Mnt Botea—Don'I yon find it a great
lad cAuorila and bia ooiluagot-s. who monA dividend at riw rate to 10 pa
and eao A made every moruiag.
ruliuf to Avo Ae AUdrun at tohoo) If you wiah a longer ride Ae boat will
daoldfd ibat tA Aip wua total aud cent pa annum.
1 you at Umena or NorAport where
Mt aqiamal Iona, li weald Aua a|>i,isr
Korbia Bobertaoa aA Mra. FaMA
Mra Goto—Well, it Would A if
will oonnect with ataama retunAat Av Inw ta uot alwtiy* abr«wKi «rtb CampAll actully to Aid to produce on
Aeg diA't lean ao many uw qaea- Ing toTruTerteOity at 4:00 p. m.
au elatxjrate ucato au EngliA varria to tbuia Jo art.—Chicago JounoL
City, take Ae BUamer Oreaeaut evary'a weird, niyaOcal "PsUeu
Thv aUghAv Wrmpam.
at 2:00 fa KaalfipdMelimoA."
rkera yon will aoBueet wlA
"WbenGcuLnJ Ctonco iadefated.
We bad to put Jinks aAocw Be where
4.-00 p.
Wdll he.bave to yield Dp bitawod?" ^ aUy mehe ba dubai ip vandevilto in a tojx rocking Ac Uau "
"Koi vre’l) let Mm keep Aat. At be
"TA foolikh ykmog fellow!"
AorttAe. SA can give 80 mlnoiee of
'to pmrttoa af fiva i
vUi Ave to band ova Ms pen. "-4:bi Ae Waguui
"No; yon a*, bo la Ae faAato It eefonfor Ae r<
Wagooiao cyclu to Au vouxtoe ol
".Ae Goutto

k,.w «,n h. i,u» ^ 1


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