The Morning Record, October 09, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 09, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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8«oood tei

BltoAtion OonOaoea Decided'

Wife of PriDoe Albrecht of Pioaoia
Paaaad Away Teatorday.
apecimltoTaalloBaiBe Baooao.

Mrs. Powers Attacked by a

■aasnred the Oourt Boom Bxtraa.
The eommUvIoD appilated by the |
conn houae bnildtog eommium to'
meaaure np toe extra maaon work for
which the cootraclor baa put to a bill,
began their work ycaterday and 8uUbncaanring toe work, though they
have not yet determined the appmeImate value. It U said, however, that!
toe meaanremenu will be up to
toe repraBentoliena of the contractor.
J. P Gllleapie and Thomaa Houlton
form toe commUaion.

Man With a Knife.
Berlto, Osk 8.-Priaaaaa Maria, wife
family ia to have some framed picLnrca on toe waU. If yon have the
of Priooa Albrecht of Pmaia. B^aat
•ormororKiBBMounred of Go*- of Uraeawiek, died tUa afternooi
picturee we have the new moaldlng for the framea, and they are dandles.
Her AMailant Bntered Through e
Window—The Knife Wee Zlriven
MUMBt Bod Top* Ottd TliroMoaa Eacoaoia caaUe. 8u wm the Daehaaa
of Saaooy aod a daochter of Doha
Throngh QuUt aod Bheet Bat Only
to Order Out ▼olnaioor* BimtotfBnat of Saxe AltOBbery.
e^bt Wonndt Inflicted—Bo Cine
ladttu Ootboriaa to I«is« Bom- 220 Front Street
“CIt7 Bookstors."
to the Intruder aod Bo Beilve
Uf ot iMob Polot-Ttoope on
Knnvn for the Savage Attempt.
* .the Vojr to too Boooe.
Amorlto Tea heanas Raeew.
Supervieora Will Oonnider Ik
' Hra. A. B. Powera, wko lice an Inesa «o. of Bav Tatk.
9l Pool. Oek 8.—The Indton ^ta»The Board of Saperviaora of Grand
valid aFtoe home of'deotge Molr. on
___ _ .
Tbe! Specie lb* Heniliii.BocoiO.
SUte atreek waa aubjected to an at­ Travarae County will meet thlv week,
iMtof lha MiBoototo niliUo laftlorl Sk LonU, Ock
-Tha Umamood tack by an nnkaown party yMterday beginning tomorrow. The moat tmmarning at two o'clock. She wae porUat matter to claim the aUention
toe aoaae of too diaturtoooa today. Tobaeoo Go'a trara hooaei and aaai
OoeeraorCloorhU earyanyry bacanaeifectnrloyplantof toU city hare joat aaleep when ahe waa partUlIy arouaed of toe boerd will be ahe eonnty eonrt
.. _ heavily
houae. The metterl which have lovitUa federal troopa wera ree^lad. Ha j been Uaufarred to the Aoiarieae To- by the jar of aome ona atepplag
aald be would pay no more attesUon
in toe room. The step proved to be | ed toe notloe of toe tazpapera Utely
that of a man who bad forced hia way ' will be conaldered and the progreea of
to toe rad tape of toe rorerament aod ap to the mimaoa.
y I will eall for toItorongb the bedroom window. Ifra. the deliberaUona of the board will be
uatoeraaod let too |
thought It vraa her dangbter} watched with intereak
Cruahed Between Oarn.
toe darll.”
Gertrude, who aleepe with her, and j
--------------------Opeela) loTn Hoavias Baevae.
who often geU np in toe night to aee A. &-Kes'l
The Tolaoteora hare a
Detroit, Oct, 8.—LonU Bnma, a Lake
and a Said fOB for each battery. They Shore brakeman, waa cruahed thle- to toe wanu of her mother. The next
will reach the aeaae lo eifht honra.
Eng between two eara. He died

na fforemac baa a Biaaiaya from thU eftemooo in t&e boepitol. fie aod toe plnnge of a knife Into the bed ! lablatA
labUU. SabiM !
clotbea, which wat repeated the eeoond
Mayor Nema of Bralnerd. aayinf;
Call and aee
tobleta, I
leaven a wife.
Therefore we will'8_^ that yon will find our Ice
time. Mra. Powerabad the bed cintbev ' floe. Sellinc loU of them
“I haTo loot retoroad from Walker.
mao'a 448-Sk
Cream delicious, our Soda Water tme to Havor, our vari­
*nM ladlaae arc coBoestntiay
knife penetrated throngh the quiita
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to <mf
. Uech Uhi »larra nombei^ Think BpeelaltoTu Mouiae Rarcaa
IWh-WItboul platM. Dr. Saw
list from time to time.
Hew York, Oek 8.—Col. Jokn Jacob and aheet and made alight wonnda B. L A Co.'s block.
they held 'iNpoitoeU laat airhk The
Aator haadecUned the BepubUean mom- npon boto aldea of her face, drawing
Fountain open week days only.
oitoatfOB loeka (rave."
blood.butnot Inflicting aerioaa wonnda.
W. P. Street wlrea the (ovanior from Inatleh to repraaent to oongreM toe Her face vraa alao patofnlly aeratched
Benldjl went of Oeaa lake:- -While I famena -teaderleto" dUtrletot Greater byharamailank
Ao not re(ard the altuation aa alarmliif
Mra Powera autea that ahe felt ton.'
nofr toe trouble over, the people are
•ortofetapor, aa though anefforthad
Bauch dtaturbed. If you pould aeod
beea mada to drug her.
Sba eaUed to
toe vlllare autooritiea UO aUndi of
her dsngbter who waa lying by her
arma toey would be (ratefnlly reedtod. •cldiere Arriving in X>etr«it Bet
aide, bnt ahe did not readily raapond.
The Bed Lake Indiana are reported
Knowing That Their rnrienghs
which, ehe belUvea wae alaoon aecouab!
Have Bam Bxtended.
of toe euppoeed dmg which the aaaailant probably naed, bnt ineffectively.
A Porea of Btoatoen Toons Buefca. npeeui to tbc MoBiuia Racoao.
When abe felt the grin upon tier
Detroit, Oek 8.-«oIdlera of to
nptrlel teTaa Hoamae Bacoee.
Plncee yonr hand on toe torotUa ef extra heat at no extra aoek
toroat Mra Powera straggled and final­
oveeimk It U spending II to make 83. Attached to stove or fnrnaee ninm
Walker, Oak
Bank Wauk and Thirty-third and TUrty-fonitb Michi­ ly regained conaeioneneae enfieleotly
It catobee the beat aenally wasted ap toe c*-'--------—■* ---------- ’■ --------Bap Dway We Dob(. toe two Indiana
to call for help. At thU point the party j
roottk Coeta bnt UtUa
captured at Sufar Point on Wedneeday,
Bed and jumped from toe window. Be |
wera taken to Dulnth today in ebarye fnrlongha from 30 to 00 days,
They have been com­
who have bean arriving in Detroit to la described by Mia. Powers ee a medlof deputy Ontied Statea metohala 1
dsed mao, drcaaed in black cloth­
paring oiir shoes with
riaoa and Tatlman. to appear before
ing and with hia bat polled down orer
The adriaabirity of OhUdraa
toe Uolted Sletee court oommieels
hU eyes.
others and find our
wearing toe
Tbc marahala were iuairucted to
The daughter waa immedlauly
toU effect wae Mcelved by OapUin
Irvine Lorn toe Adjotaint Oeneral and aroused and the eon of Mrs. Powers;
AloBS toe liue of railway, to ahoot aay
aant next door to Tom Shane's
Captain Loverlag at Fort Wayne
nee noUSed to be reedy for hie livery barn after Sam.Thomaa. who waa !
At toe lodiao conndl held at the In gneete.
aleeptog there. Mr. Thornes knrried in­
cton .rMervatlon, a demand waa made
to the honaa but found no traoe of tbe
le koown-to many, being made «f tbe flnanfi
by Indian Ayent Sutherland, that toe
■ool. ^ble breasted aod back aad boOnn'
intrader. Hs found that the moaqaito
man eoneemad to toe killia( of the
Tbe brteea heretofore have bees wy
netttog covering the window had been
oMdlennoar Boar lalaod be (hren np Dr. Kelly of Grand Bapids Bellevee tom away and the wiq4ow raieed.
high, bat here is where we eome ia with 89
doxea Rubens to be sold at cask
to anewar the charge of murder.
There waa DO traoe left by which the
Oermatoe Broa’. :Trotttog Home
Marehail Q-Conoer aod *S0 troopa,
party could be followed. Mra. Powers
Slsa 3(0 «

« T
. U Hie, Wtarch Wee Stolen.
commaodod ~by Oenoral Baoon, will
wae ctricken with e nervona ahoek but
Former Mee. 2&. 36.40. 50. 66, 60.66c.
move to the agency on tbc rmervation
anffieienUy to tell of the at-;
Dr. C. M. Kelly and Depnty Sheriff
We have them in black
Badaoed to... 19,34,38,
today. Boat* have been chartered end Provto, of Grand Bapida, arrived to tack. She does not kaow of anyone
another effort wiU be made to appre­ TraveiSe City yeeterday noon, and at who haa a sufficient motive to oommit
C^1 and look at thcM ganaeaia.
or tan—Cloth Top cam!
hend toe twenty Indiana for whom the once went before Jeatiee of the Peace the act which was evidantiy intended
Rewmber that this Mle U at
All Leather.
baa a bench warrank When Brown, and aecnred a writ of replevin to be a nerlona crime. She ia reticent
the troopa arrive at the egeney mpnere for the hcrae Pred Almonk owned by upon toe anbjeel. bat tollmatee that
will be Beat ont and toe men ordered Germaine liroa.' of thU city.
may have
and laata for one week only.
in. If they do not ruepond. O’Conner,
Dr. Eelly'a claim la that Pred Almont led to toe oeeurreoee. It mignl atao
betoed by the troopa. wiU go after U no other than hia own home, Ed lave bean the work of robbers, aa Mr..
Mack, atolen about tbioa years ago Molr who U the StateatreetUveryman.
Larger Store..Double Stock..
The Iniormation given by one of the from a stall on the race track of the often baa oenaiderable money in the
lodianeettbe oooocil yeeterday waa Grand Bapida Ulr grounda The hotee houto. Bnt he la to Chicago now and
Elegant New Lines..
that nineteen yonng bueka oompoeed U also believed to be Ben Unr.who waa tbe previonaaftemoon the money token
toa force which engaged Baoon'e com­
from racing on the Chicago in at toe barn waa deposited in toe
mand near Beer laland Oay-She-Gwontracks.
Oermatoe Broa.
bought bank by toe man in eharge.
Ay-Yoeh, or Strong Voice of the Wind,
Sheriff SlmpaoD waa aoUfied yeeter­
Chicago, aome time
Increased display Fine Wotchea. Fine Una Silk Umbrallaff.
waa their leader. The band expect­ ago in enUre good faith, ignorant of day morning and an inveetigation fol­
Stringed Mosloal Inutromenta. Htringa (or all inatmmenta.
ing to be killed, ia now on Bear ie- hia poet hUtory and bronghtbim to lowed bit witooot tangible rnanlto.
land China Ware. Everytliing new.
iaod and retueea to come to or to take- toia city, where, only Uat Thnredny.
Mrs. Powera formerly kept a board­
Take a 19^1 Uirongb oor eluant new quartera.
part in the eeondl. It ia likely tkat he won first money in toe laat race of
ing bonto oo toe comer of State and
etch renegadee aa they can Indnee to toe recent meeting of the Tmveree City
Casa atreeu and later the Doenat Orova
Join them will make toinga lively for Driving Clnb.
Cottage. Sba aubaaquently left the
the aettlera for eeveral montba.
Neither Dr. Kelly nor Deputy Provtn city and loeaied to Kalkaska, whare
have yet teen Pred Almont altbongh she eondnetod as ezlenaive baking nnd
.they w^ted at the bam of the Qerlaine Broa, in eompany with Sheriff
Laat June she waaaeverely.injnrqdby
Butoelntana. Ohrtotiane and Jewt SUnpeon of toUconoty, nntU nearly II a fall aad baa never recovered enffleio'clock, laat night- They am regUUr- ently to be able to leave her bed. Mr.
Bnrrylng to Placee of Bnfety
•d at toe Hotel WhIUng and will re­ Molr brought her to Traverae City to
byOntgnlng ffteamere.
main In the city aeveml daya. or naUl live with hia family soon after.and she
Bpeelal u> Taa Heaains Racaao.
they can aee toe horae and reach on bad been lying in tbe front bedroom,
Canea. Uland of Crete, Oct. 8 —Many
with Meaara Oermaina
where tbe attack occurred, aome time,
Christiana, Mnaalamam. and Jewa are
there it considerable myatory aorleaving the ielaod. All the ■
reported to ronnding tbe occurrence and the enta
1 an extensive
are crowded and membara of toe differ--DrUelly at Grand Rapids, yeatarday, U the qullttand sheetoand the weenda
Stock of—T>nn,K.n Catholic
remOT- by
enl Roman
orders have removthat toe aaailant
one of tbe B
coper Bros.. who
attend­ on too face, indicate <k»>
their valuables to plaoes of aa^ty. In- ed tbe meeting here laat week and saw latonded to do Mra. Powera aerioaa
flnential Uusaelmans. however, aaeert Pred Almonk According to tbelr story harm if not fatal Injnry. The matter
that ttonble U Improbable, aa tbe pop- toe marks of Pred Almont are Identi­ ia being-bveeUgatod farther.
Of an nnapproacbable ralne. aboea of merit, bniJt npem
plaUop U cowed by the Snlton'e oan- cal with Ed Mack, Dr. ReUy'a atolen
honor, freshly made of honest and clean atock- Why not go
Tha crowded o'endltiott foivee
MOt to toe departnreof toe'troope.
with the majorityy Why not follow tha crowd? Inrestigale
horae, and tbe latter at obm took atepe VIOLATOBB OP STATE OIX.UIV8 • me to sell a large quantity of
impartially and then judge. Why can't we aara yon aa macb
to recover tbe horae if It abould prove
goods at
in tbia aa well as any other department ot oar eeUbliabment?
Are Being Oloeely XsMked After by
to be hia.
AU we aak ia a fair trial.
Deputy iR^obtor Priedrioh.
Shenld Pred Almont turn ont to be
Oor aboea are ail op-to-date, aod we warrant every pair
•rngon LegieUtnre Selected a Promi­ Bd Mack. then, under the radng rnlm
Deputy Oil Inspector Prank Priadto give aatiafaction.
sboaid take advaat^ of tbe
ef toe American avaoeiatloB every man rich U after vlolatora of toe state law.
nent Man of Portland.
Try onr men's Satin OiL all solid Sboea, ib aU widths
who baa ever driven him in e race would One of toe eommoo rioletiona ia toe
g|7-—«lo Tto Moraine Boeoni
and toes for $1.38. We honeetiy bebeve there is tSLOO worth
be excluded from future driving, aa dUpcsing of oil barrels without eaa- Salem. Pregoa, Oak t.—Boo. Joeeph
of wear in them.
having driven e horae nnder an aaanm- celiag toe atamp. Deputy Inapeetor
Simon, of Portland, waa today elected
Onr ladies’ &ne Dongola Bntton and Lace np-torilaie
Pricdrlrh baa reported aeveralsnek vlo326 Fxx>nt StrMt
Unitod SUtee senator by tbe Oregon
Shoes, in all toes and lasts are to be jostly compared with $1.76
latlona in Antrim county aod the vieI^Ulatnre in joint eaaaion. receiving Thelinsefthttm
aboea aold elaewbere, oor price, $liI8.
latora are eager to actUe without
the fall BepubUean vote. Bimon. M;
We save yon as much or more on onr hi^er gndaa.
in cloaks ia UKax. Ladies, MImKtoeald, S3i Bennett, t: Abeent, 1.
ea and Children’s atylee. Priors
Call in—look and price the good raluea we offer. We are sore
Another violation, and one which
S»e to 83000.
8SiV». Greatoal valnrs
to imprew you.
—Hard or aofk
BedCaro Wiped Oak
use of cans for gasoline wltoent the
•pwaaltD IbtHoasisk nxcoBD.
requialtoa teg indleatiog toe eoatoata,
Sydney, Get- T-—An enormona fire nt
Ladim, clean your
>ur kid gloves frith as provided by aUto law; Latoly aeoae
—AU for bnraiag.
Bndfern. tbe prineipet enbnrb of Syd­ iiller Gloveline. It
have oocnrwl throngh
ney, haa destroyed toe whole area oov- .leaves no odor aad can be need while this aspect and Deputy Prtedrieb ie Also tha Always Ready Fire Kindlare
toe glove U on toe hand.
Por sale
toetnrtyour fine.
end by bnMi^ premine and dweU- only by Jamee G. Johnson, too drag- giving epeeial attention to tkeee vi^
Femrr 8xbebt.
Oleae Block.
ly Serlotu at Bear Island.

Holley & Connable,

Do You Garry Money?

Markham Blact


Mach Is Said
AM Ice Cream and Soda Fountain Drinks.


Found It


Jas. G. Johnson.






$3.00 Shoes
that we are selling
at $1.38


Jewelry, Silverware!

Popular Shea Noose.


In One!


Fancy and
Staple Groceries.



Shoe DepL

Sell Shoes

GrenlyReilgcef Prices






dlno(7. u4 Me MB M* tUBkedowsM
Bffeetiar the ?Woa mt wltBMew bo- !
eordlBc to Me polat of Tiew ud the
mo« nemwaiMt,
timeof dmy.eBtBlArrefirtre 1b both Pnnstsl ofBsrgssnt Bmsdlsy
WbeB PraeeenUBd Attoroe; T«eSdle to be With MiUtsry Honors^
iBbteBddraMtotbe Jarx Ib the Fred
Wnrsbonr mm Mid there wee “eome- Under AaapicaB of Oompaay K, ia
too*. T. B*tw AID J. W. HAinn*. tbinr rotten in OeBmark,” be added
th»t the cTidenee of Chief of Police
S p. >m. Today.
I. W. Hawo. Wllor *ad IUSM«- Bennie wbi Bhehy. nod that m chief of
Tbe resalns of Color BecgMnt Amslie* he bed BOt been doinr hU dBty,
dit B eerione BeUerbe* M F. SmedUy. who died of typboid
IBM Beaala. oa the atiad, refuted hi* ferer at CBmp Meade, arrired in this'
own (Twaddle'*) eridnaoe tagardlag elty yesterday noon. The body was:
open ecreeas la Wanbarf'e mIoob oa tekea to Andenoa'a tuHterUkiag I
Labor day. He alae indmated that roosa
rgeaBt Bmadley enlisted in Pates''
matter* looked aa tnoagh a flgbt wa*
on between tb* chief of pollee and tbe key. in Company C.. Thirty-fifth Mich-!
praaeentiBg attorney. Be alaoMld tbe igM eolentaeie, and was known aa
people did not bring theM oaaM ngaU- the largeetmaa in the eUte aetrlee,
St tbe laloon men nnleaa they hade' being six feel eight toche* in h^bt
cinch. Ha Mid: "No Mloon man own* Bia father, John Bmedley. I1*m ia




Dealer in Bicycless Bicycle Sundries
Mj work is erst clus aad prices tbst are in retek of all. I am
prapared ai all times to Uke care of tbe trade. I make a spedalty i»
Braziog, Volcaoiziogaad Eoamwling. A 6oe Hoe of wheels fur a^
sod to rest.
J. O. ELLI8, 311 Front street, eMt


Tkx BBOBBt of ellrer dotlen la dr«Bl*tioB October 1. IBM. eboBre'en inCTMir of 0S.O5U.S1& orer the nmoant in
eteenlntion October 1,180T. The freentadf dicnUUon hne Inereneed 01B.M4,Ml nad *old bee deereoeed fS.OiS.SM.
IjnxcDuo oririBBi nad iBcreneed
for MMioae. the McKUley «dMtaietnUoa UnUoiriar 35i per dey
•CaMet «»3 nader Cterelend, while the
jajMth»e M« only S16 per day «oi
pMBd with Sll under Demoer*Uo
Ihee* dffuree Bpeok for themeelee*.
lx IBM the E
A and their poUUMlBlUceeMt/'MeUeer foee down
BO wbMt depreciates in price. dUver
•ad whMt are linked tofether by in­
separable Uee." On Sepumber l.tSM. a
B boebel of WhMt was worth BT.s and
•a enaoeof aUTere-.B-eUrerand whMt
enereatpar. OnH^teBberl, 16»7.
hBBhel *f WhMt was werth 103.B aj
•a ouee of eilTer Sl.3. WhMt went
19 and ellrer went dowa. ThU Icaoek•d aU the dicalty ont of the stale arfaneat of IBM, and the DemocrauUad
•o take ap a aew iMac.tbat of attacklaf the admlaUtralion tor ite eondnet
«d the war.

me, but they aaay
and I may t^l later who it ia”. Hee*preaaed an exalted IdM of hU dnty.
“I don't My John Bennie U owned by
aaleon* or iofinenced by auney, bnt
be U easy.”
Fred B. Pratt, la hi* argament to
the jary, in defeaM of Wnrxbnrg.
BMd* hla maiden plea 4>cfore a Circuit
oonrt jury. He Mid; "Ye*, there U
something rotten in Deamark; This U
not praaecntlon. This
Where i* the rottonncM?
Beery man U prMnmed to know
the law; but It U a elolent preansptlon when applied to Hr. Twaddle. In
tbe twe year* be bM been proeecuUng
atuwney there hare been many com­
plaints and ariwaU made for mIoob
law eiolatlons. bntno eoneletioBa''
Mr. Pratt sasmed ap two of the
witaeMcefor tbe people by Myiag that
Marela might be an honeel man. bnt
on fieptemher S. when be teaUfted
aaeing tbe acreea in Wnrsbnrg'e Mloon
open, in tbe face ol tbe teetimony of
repnUbls witneecM, be mMt kaee
been blind. Of Omlor'a teeiimoBy, he
Mid that Twaddle had his mnning up
and down Front stroet ao mneb that
day. peeping iato mIoobs
whether there were any riolaUonaot
tb* Uw. tiiat he got badly mixed ap
when be reached Wnrxbarg-*
Mr. Pratt made an eloquent
wbteb mad* a farorable imp
worthy of apeeial
Th* eeoond trial of a saloon man for
rlolatien of tb* liqeor Uwa oomM ap
Monday morning at 6 o’clock la the
MM of the people against Iran Dnno.
Judge Corbett yMUrday granted a
deeiMof dLroroe to Nan<
Nancy WUllami
^mWrry O. WUliama. c a chaige
*f deaerUo^
Judgment was rendered in Circuit
court yeeterdsy, of $100 In faror of
Sarah Murphy in her suit agaiBBt
Dedlanty.Jobn D. King and
E. D. Uoff. The defendants were gir*D a stay ef sixty day*

6ntt0M Bay* Ofte.
ncpropceiilonof dnttoae Bay, to
iadaoe Leelaaan to rote tor a oban^
of the aite of the eonnty aMV ia to
Beat to the.eonnty tbe larpe brick
aehool honaa, after harinf it entirely
raitted with a new root and other re^aialtea. Tbe achooI beildinx la
•Mil for the deaondi npon it and if
the chanre U ntada a new aehool bniidiBf Will be erected.
Homer Kulghnin bus returned from
The BiatUr will be considered by tbe hUracatioQ iripin tbe Southern purt
a^rriaora. who will gather Monday. of tb* atau.
Bad the qaestion aa to aobnitUag the
Mias Marion Pratt bat gone to Os­
fropoalUon -to the people wUl then borne, where she will teach school.
Captain J. V. Melntoeh left yester­
day to spend a week at Uaniatea.
Inapectore of boilers and bolle.aenry
moaeker and TbomM Bonner of Urand
Haren, are in theeity on official bust


Fr*d Wursbaz^ Tried For
Violatioii of Liquor Laws.

Tbe Miaees Wilson and Dame of
Northport. are riaiUBg the family of
Wm Johnson.


Enjoyed a Good FrograDi.
The Oovd Templars held a very
rofluMe aemioD in their lodge room*
last evening, at tbe elewe of which tbe
followlug program waa rendered:
Kilatloa—H. B. Holley.

Thv funeral will be bald nader the
aaapleee of Company M. Thlrty-lo*^®
Michigan Tolnuteer*. and Uiongh he
not a member of the Traverse City
company, bo will be burled with full
military booom- Tbe W. B. G. and
HePberaon Poet will also tom out aad
do honor to tbe dead soldier. The prodon will Bttrt from Ue nndertekroom*atl:tO and proceed to the Congregatiunal churcb, where tb* service
will be oondneted by Bev. O. Coeblln.
The members of Company M will
meet at the armory, ForMters' hall, at
»:30 and tbe Boys' Band will Join them
at I o'clock and from there proceed to
the nnderUking rooms. Tbe bnrial
will be at Oakwood cemetery, where
tbe ceremonlea will be eondaeted in
miliUry form by Company M.

As AdvartUed,
<mr ling of Fingrao



ClnbSwinging—Minnie Hnbbell,
Oo. M, AtMatloa!
Ton are hereby ordered to appMr at
the Armory. Bundsy. Oel.. »th. at 12:30
p. m. is fall nuiform, to attend the
faoeral of A. F. Bmedley. of Co. C. 33th
Beglaieat, Miehigan VUneteers.
By ohder of
Jo* Ki.xabxx.
1st LienUoantCo. M, S4ih Mich.
Ths Bnre Ia Otlpp*



.For women,

I Our complete Fall and Winter Line la in. ^
I ,
Gall and inspect them.


yV(\NX.cXr^A3^ I
The Old Heliable Sboemaa.

116 Front Street
WarEbnr^ Blodc

Oenatal Mew* VotM of

re is no use suffering from this
!ol malady. K y-^u will oulv
VnIverMt the right remedy. Y -u are having';

Mk Oalld AanaaL
The oagagement of Bryan'* Cootedl-! The Traverie City branek of tbo
ausatltteiBberg’* Grand Opera Boom >
Guild ef Amorhm, wUl
will be for five uigbu. October 17. 18. m*et with Mr*. John Gillla, 210 8UM
20, 21 aad 22. Tbe •ngagomn't prom­ street Tbnreday aftenooB Get. llth at
ises to be one of much inWiMt and is 3 o'clock.
eerteiu to be very anecrMfn).
This wni b* the aasnal mertiag.
«b«B ABcMa are claetad for the easaTwo The
ingyaar. The diraetors are Mpadally
Tba Oval Wood Diah Company now arg^ to be prc*aat.
have a flowing wall on their prembw*.
Tbroagb thU orgaalMtioa in th*
A four Inch pip* was pat down aad a yean past grMtgood hM eome to masy
B«w lAaeh OcBstar.
flow was airnck at a depth 'of 303 feA. , dlaeonragcd aad needy home*.
Nelaon A Hplcblger.aewlnneb eount- 2000 barrels a day i* the rate *t which I A hearty lavllatlon la extmided to a»
Ismael Bey. civil governor of tbe Is­
and fifteen eent meals. *U3 Bouib tbe water flows.
: to auead aad belp in thM good work.
land of Crete, informed the Mueenlman
lion street. 443-<U.
« •
noble* yesterday Ual the snlUn wilt
withdraw tb* Tarkiah troop* from
Crete in acoordanee with the
of GrMt Britain, Bnaala, Frsoee ani
iMly. who on Wedneadar prvsented to
tbe parte a collective noU calling for
th* withdrawal of the Oitomsu farjc-.
and requiring an sMwer within a
week from tbat date.

ambition, have s bud cold. In fact
completely used up. Electric Bluer*
la tbe onlyrrmedy that will give yon
prompt and sure relief They act di­
rectly on yonr Liver, biomaehand Kid­
neys. tone np the whole system and
make yon feel like a new being. They
are gnaranleed to cure or priee refenoed. FoTMleattfae Drag BloreaofB.
E. Wait and J. U. Johsoa. Only SOc

Bear Admiral Sampeoa, who bM
bean allgbUy lodlspo^ during tb*
last few days, baa fully reeovered bis
The cite selected tor th* camp of
the American boope of ooenpation in
Cuba is ailuated cast of Motto ChaUe.
between Cabana* and Cojlmur, on a
bluff ovarlooking the *m. This spot is
exceedingly-cool and healthy. .


Tbr Japanese government will aeod
cruisers to Chinese waters, for tbe pro­
tection ofsnbjecta of Japan in China.
A detacbment of nc Bussian soldiers,
with two Beven-pounders. SS British
marines, and 3U Germau marines, ar­
rived at i'ekin Friday and marvbad
throngb the city to thequartera aasigaed to ibem, They will protect tbe le­
gations of Russia, Great HriUio aad
Germany. Large crowds witnessed
the arrival of the European reinforce
menu, bnt there was no exlraordioa-y
excitement. The Chinese appear to be
The queen of Holland recently re*
oeived by parcel poet a herring from
one of her loyal enbjeet*. A nou ex­
plained tbat it waa lb* firet herring o'
the season's esteb. and was the gill of
aome Dutch fishennau. Her Majesiy
promptly had it cooked and ate it.

American Eagle
Brand of

Are the best
on earth
for the money—«*vpry uiie;n>Aranteed. They don't on*' morh more
than the oummoo
$250, $3.73
One-tbitd of yoqr life is spent in
bed—that onKht to be comfurtsble.

toraior^tuy Finda Him OnUtfof
Mr*. McDonald, landlady of
JHarrrardinf the Screen Btatata WMtem Hotel at Empire, ia in the city
•ad Aaotber Jury In the Afterooon to spend a week with ^e family of
Says Ha U XnnooMt of Braaklnc Lumber Inspector BayM
the Law on Labor liay.
O. L. wnilams of Bellalre was a ri
A Marrow Xbmp*Trad Wnriborr was twice tried be- tor here yesterday.
ikfnl words •nH^n b^ Mrs. Ads
J. O. Crotaer and wife from Kingsley
_<ore Jodge Corbett and two jeriaa in
E. Hart, ol iroWn. a D.
Orenitoonn. yesterday, on ebatyea of spent yesterday in thla city Tlailing
etoiationa of ibe Mloon law*, with
lungs: congh 1
Four docUin
H. B. Cook came up last night from ated in Cones
card to dlaoberlDC tbe ordinance reltd live but*
Walton and will remain over danday.
JaUng to aereena.
short time 1 gave myaelf np
' Oae trial contused tbe sominr and
Savior, determined if J could not sUy
with my friends oa earth, I would meet
Mnitedina rerdict of guilty.
Vaarlytix Hundred BMte Beserrad rav abseui ones abov
‘ to get Dr.
•od the verdict of the jury was not
For Lecture OonrM Tcaterday.
coven- for Consumpl'on,
Leri Peanlngton and hla .brother, Gold* I.gave it a trial, took in
It ha* cured me. sod
Evidence In both cases was praetical- Parker were tbe first ones to be on
thank God 1 am sawd and am nows
Ijr the same.
hand to reserve their aeeU for th* High well and bsaltby woman. Trial bottles I
The Jury U the first trial wa* made School Lector* Coarse yesterday. They to cu. nt S. E Walt's and J. G. Johu-:^^
as follows; Omrles Moulton, Fred were at tbe entrance to the City Book aoD’a Drug Store*. Regular size 5<»c to—
t. Steams. T, J. Carnes, BichaH Brld- atore at 3:15 a. m.,long beforedayligbt,
•ea, James Umson. James WUe, and waited, first on one foot and then
Oaeege Payn. Frank Uolph, Asa Boyn- on an other, until the doors opened msUn abA Omeeau
«ee. Talbot Gridley. Martin A. Elliott, about T o.clock. Byydayligbt there
From $4 .w to $20.00 at S. Benda &
0. bhaw.
a long line In w^ng and when the
■The jury in tha^teoond trial, follows: doors opened Messrs. Holley A CooE. F. Newbonse, Henry Courtade. nable were kept busy marking off seato
Say. we have a oompletw stock.
nntil along towards noon. Last even­
in and aee. Onr goods are nlee. freth , ^1
Aagnstn* Barrett. MlehMl Otaeriiig. A. ing the toul number of teats reswved
and cImu. Tatman. 448-21,
E. Brainerd, George Diptey, Frank was 575. which practically aenrea the
I.J11U. D. D. LUUe. Htwao* O. Earl, expense of the conrae. and with aubae^OMO Avery.
qneot sales and door receipts there Is a
•Mtenee in the ooavicUon on the proepeet of a neat profit.
Erst trial was BOt paaeed. The belief
Tbe single Ucket mI* for Colonel
^e abow
Mowever, eeemed to be tbat eentence Copeland's lecture on the 19tb will be­
Children'*............ ...............
ia tbe liquor cases, where conviction ia gin Wednesday.
Then there are many siylr*
long garmrnu. to.. Pilceai
foiad, will be rsMrved nniil all cases
to $7 30. and even the cheap-;
an the ealeodar have been disposed of.
Buoklenb Arnica Salve.
The witnesses beard In tbe two trials
^Mterday. on both aides were the folJowlag: Prqaecntor Tw*ddlB.P. D. MarTin. W. H. UUnor. Chief of.PoUc* Benaie, Offleer Johnson. A. H. Brown. Fer­
dinand Lantner and tbe defendent,
refunded. Price it cenU per b<
Fred Wurzburg.
Mte br J. G. Johnson and 8. E
The evidence In both caaee binged on
whether or not tbe screens and inside
8»y-t Shirt*
doors and curtains in the mIood. ob
Collaru. <
•trneUng the view of tb* bar from tbe
nMort•tseet oa September 6. labor day were
Benda A
Shop opposite Eagle oflSce,
toplaeawaot. It waa qnlU eontra-


Happjas clams in high water*’—'becanse
we nerer sold a ponnd of adnlterated flonr
in our hisfory. We have a nice bnnefa of
wheat tbat LICITBR missed, and our cus­
tomers are getting it.

J.W. SLATER, Boose Fomislier.


the “Best”



I The Gentlemen!
Men’s High Grade Patent Leather Shoes,
^ Fine Vesting Tops, Light Flexible Soles—A
strictly dress Shoe.


THE PRICE $5.00.

For street wear we have a fine line of:
Black and Tan Shoes, made from Boxand WiJ- :
' ^ low Calf, Hea-vy Extension Soles—The newest'
^ toes—Leather and Drill Linings.

Geo. R. Winnie

$3.00 TO $5.00.

Up-to-date Painter
and PaperUaneer.







Boy Tbompvn «m the rleUm of m


onacK (KPMoorAi.) cacnca.

nrrnl-r belay hto Mrtbday aahlrar-


mur«t Trom AU J

P»ru or meblgML.

An Early Preparation
for Winter May Save
You Dollars in Doctor Dills.

Bar. ObM. T. 8U>e^ BmUt.

^ ibttm oI

Tbestram berye Sldaey O. Meff. b
Comer Waahlnyion etreef And Boardloediay Inmber from QroUbk Bro*. (or man arenna.



ivr «ri«c ^ «r «r MPK ar «r m mwir

LodiBrtM’a oMslaf tMtory

Holy eommnnion at (>:40 a. m.

d. E. Boardmaa baa eloeed a eoatoact

llomlny eerrioe and nenaon at 10:M.

with Gardner A Sow to put dowa aa

Bandar aehool at lt:00 a. tn.

9U.OOO. Ua W«n pUd out (■ tU oaoDly.

OBipooad ptorer


p^.bd pr,irt.

ManlUia IMaud.

Miabterlal Belief Pnnd. will speak at
10:30 a. m.-and at 7 p. m.



Baren. Conn..seeretaryofthe Kattonal

The ateamer Charle*

bMbU™..™ P"k 18„„j

Moled netil 1®0S.

Ber. N. H. WbttUeoey D. D. of Hew

thirty head oi fine eatUe from South



bar. O. OsefeUa. psalar.

Prank Braaefa A Bona bare porehaaed

Sqaiml. portridgo, qakU. vroodeoek,


eb Matthewi' hose aad

oisbed minisiers of the oonntry.

horeea kicked her la the aide.

Dea«h i


The city of F^nt bee made a rood

be repreaenb.


In that | transferred to near Mnmmil City, where

time dre new factoriee bare located in

it wilt be located.

Vbe city, which arlU yire employment
to too men.

Oae of them is nlrendy In

The Enpire Leader has ayaln chany

Wilbnr B Campbellwhore-

opemtioo and the other fonr will be by

eeally sold bis interest io

the beytonlny of nextyear.

All fire of

Leader, has assumed enUre control of

will maenfactare


the new



He U

the Empire


T:3u p. m.



Junior Leayue at 8:30 aad Bpworth
Lesyueat 5:45 p. m.


Memberaof MePberaon PoslQ. A. B.
are requested to meet

At CateonriQe. William Glone hany.




thb afteraoon at one o'clock to attend

Be had

the funeral of Color Seryeant Smedley.

not been in yood Acalth for aome time

which will beheld at theCenyreyatioD-

aad dcapoadeney b

anppoaed to bare al church.
been the ennee of the rash act.
The local Hiyb school foot ball team
Daniel W. Book. Laneiny'e pioneer srill yo to MauUtee next Friday
Merchant, eelebrnted the flfUeth anai-

play a yame ayainst the hiyh school

rersary ofhb establUbmeht in bnsi-

team at that plane Haneyer Brown de*

aesa in that city Saturday.

nine that all pUyen practice

Un U.;tob-

ar6, 1MB. be opened aamatl furniture

niyht this week.

•lore and in IMS otored to the comer

at the ball on sute stmel

he eUIl oeeupiee.


The eamlral

committee of

does away with that—“soft aS silk"—Give us
a chance to demon.strate to you its good qual­
ities—we carry it in all shapes for all lengths
of men.
We now have a most complete Hoe of win­
ter underwear from the very cheapest to the
very best. For several years we have eildeavored to make our Underwear Department the
largest and best in Northern Michigan—our
sales would indicate that we had succeeded.

Sunday school at eloae «f momlny

“The Promise of

series on tbe Holy Hpirit.
Dean at her home on Dlrision ntreet.

that the moet Ineiona fmit is eeUioy at
Ic a pound.


Sunday preachiny at 11:30 a. m. and

the Father’’ the first sermon in


^ hlmeelf Wednesdar niyht.

Everyone should wear woolen uniterwear—
Many do not on account of the irritatioo.

Ber.J.A.SrraSr Dsalat.

Momloy subject:

oarrlayes and other arUc'.es In the eame

Orspeeare so numeroas at Olnton

“We Prepare You from the Groimd Up.”


and disabled mlnisten.

Bay and the tteam harre Alice H. Gill

record In' the pea\jMr months that few I will briny the ontflt to this city, to be
eltbeis Mlehiyancan equal.


AH are Inrited to hear

him aad to assist in proridiny for ayed


Jodre Siraob i-aw mill at Hortons


ehnrebes in behalf of the noble canee

j^^rthp^rl to one of

She wea 54 j

year* of ape.


^he Stebbioe aaw and ehinyle roll) b

oae of the

reanlMd la a few minutea.

Dr. WbiUlraey b one of the dbUny-

of fine cattle^ the yrarhiy

of teami j

were htlcbad to the yard at Mrm. Jen- j



They shonld report





Son.*' the second aermon on thb wonderfnl parable.
Tbarsday, yeseral
at 7 p. m.

pmyer meetisy

Ail are eordiaUy iaviied.

cv. n. asUbrrr. Psalar.
Church on oomer of Pth and Wads,
worth streets

Ulsters and Overcoats.

There will be



preachiny Sunday



Going every day. A little early, you say?
Yes. but you have to buy early in order to get
best fit and best selections. Many of our cus­
tomers pay us a small amount down and have
a Suit or Ch-ercoat laid away in order to get jU8t wbftt tll6y WAnt while
tbe stock is new and complete. Why not do the same?


Meetiny at Silver Lake.
finndsy school at 11:30 a. m.
Preachiny at 7:00 p.

m.'instead of


The W. B. C. will meet at MePkenon

Baptde, baa sent an Inriution to Preai-

Post rooou promptly at me o'clock
deat McKinley to attend the enmimi thb afternooo to etund the fnnaml of
dnriny the last week in October etad

Preachiny by Bev. J. Q. Neober.
All are welcome.
«r. rnaxcu


The Feast of St. Franeb will be cele­
A telegram came from Captoln Me- brated
tomorrow at the Catholic
the Inrltation and uryed it npon the
Intoab yesterday, staliny that Norwian
church, ■rte service of tbe day will be
president, and the preeldeat wUl be
and B. J. .Niebob would leare
as follows:
New York yesterday (or home.
Low mSMes C.-30. 7:30 and 6:00
tlMons. statesmen, taannfncturers end
are the last members of Company M to
Solemn Hiyh Mass 10:00 a. m. at tbe
. botinew: men. Oeaerel Shnfter has leave New York, where tbev bare bees
of which BL Bev. B
aeeepted the InTltation to be there os
sick in the hospital slnoe they left Mon
Bichler. Bbhop of Grand Rapids. wlU
Patriotic day, and U McKinley cornea,
took Point.
c.>a(ertbe sacrament of confirmation
he will hare a day all tio himself.
Frank Ibler will open hb new bakery,
on a larye class of cbildreo and adnlta.
Mary Kelly, the oldest wblte resi­ reeteonntand lunch ooonler, io the
Solemn Hiyh Hass Vespers with ben.
dent ot Lake Superior, U. P. b dead at Germaine bnilding.for bnslnees tomorediction of tbe Bleesed Sacrament at
the advanced aye of los years,
He will run a first class lunch
7;30 p. m.
aye was well autbenucsted.
counter and restsoranl.
The contract for the brkk caA atone
Tom Cone eorqes to the froat with a
R«T. 3. C. CsrmsB, Peeler.
Creak of natnre >n the shape of a hen work for the new TooneUer block has
10:30 a. m. Publie worship.
srfaich b lookioy after
the wanu been let to William Irwin. John ProTJermoo by Pastor Chrman. ’'Tbe
of a eaet-off poppy, relates the Hudson beri has the'contract for the plaslerioy.
Rxpeetaut Jesus.’' Heb. 10:13.
Alfred Otborae. an employe on the
Oasette. The ben. sinyalarly enoayh.
11:45 Bible School.
treated the do; as one of her cbieeens. C. A W. H. had bis hand crushed while


last niyht Ooremor Pinyree indorsed

fladiaylt alone, and the puppy, eri-

eonplmy cars, at Baldwin yeeterday,

5:45 Yonny people's meetiny.

dently yraUfni tor small favors,

One of the finyers was smashed sod Dr.

7:00 Bvrnlny

erired her fosteriny care and now trots


aronnd with the other chickens as eon

finyer wilt not have to be taken off.





Tbe owners of tbe steamer. Queee of
People da not know which b the the Lakes, wbico wss bnrued several



Sermon Sui ject
of Hapoinese.

.tentedly as if it were its aature to do
straaytet—the hen ndaptlny the doy.

“An Artesian Well

John. 4:14.

St Joseph, thronyh hi* brother. Capt.

or the d « allowiny himself W become seulement from tbe company, wbo in.

Clark, of thsOreyon.for one of the two

a chicken. •

Spanish pet caU taken from tbe wreck-

sored tbe boat, thronyh John B. San-

Col. Petermaan. ofthe Tbirty-fonrtb to's.ayeccy.
Michlynn rolnnteera.has won bis p>int

Thb city: is tP have another restao-

red tape, and


BN' Faulkner of Charlevoix,

always win lead all imitators,

&0 Suits

■ - — because they are simply what they’re claimed to
be, nothing more, nothing less, viz: -

The Very Beat Line of Suits Ever Offered
at Seven Dollars and a Half.

Hamilton Clothing Company


WaVTKD-Kar'nriirvC drr:
Imo»e »«owd. appix hf .ici ; I
D. Jutlu.WHabrrir. 44H-21.

Our New’
BiamoDd Last

evoB SALK—Klvb«-rv*f.oli1 «■•!». PMTlaxv.
J? robp. -oC »bH': m-BlIv h.w. fM) kwpBiHjiiitTOfDr Kio*.pi«».

A hearty welcome to all.
The request of Cspt L oydClkrk. of

weeks ayo.bsvd received a aatisfaclory

after eutdny no end of

III llInMlilllill


pleoMt evprtM Pridey erealor. ^

in ladies Shoes

■W‘-7JS's;".';s; an.:r:
Sou lb L'al(M< •irvrl. Cll;.


bn* DO vqnnl for Urscc. Beauty
and Comfort.

0 ••■lltir for Bonrv
ed Spanisb warship Cristobal Colon.ha* •TUT loan !•
t KlrrsmC • Vlwor
been yranted and Capt. Clark has re­
ceived the valnible pet by express.

Haie Ton Seen Theiii?

4 V-r»mr nron wjr

ths companies eomprisiny bb r^ment will open one this week la tbe vacant ^sebM) to the foreign looking basket
will be mustered out at their homes atorein Justice Brown's bnilding on which coi.tsioed tbe cat, wss a card



the following:

Front street.

over 350,000 mites of trarel by
members of

many of whom are la



C. W. Aahion transacted basiness at

the reyiment,



stand the Ipny journey to Island

Dr. Whittlesey of New Hsven, Cohn.,


by the captain and the crew of the Ore­






gon to the gallant coia-Dander. Cfaas.


B Clark.whose breve efforu f- ro<d tbe

Mrs. 8n>an Muffstt. who Hred neaibebnreh today, both tsorniny and
Oomnna, is desd from stsrration.

surrender of the Cristobal Colon. July


ths last two a eekb not one bit of noarQeo. B Jaxton. a br.itberof Mrs. Mc­
fshmenl had been taken. Mrs. Muffatt.
who was an elderly lady, had the idea Kinley was shot and killed by some no
« of no use to herM*lf or
anyone known Individonl Friday evwniny at

was thwarted io her purp ISC.




taavM a husband and three children.

to the

Tbe other cat. ina icordsnce

wishes* of




wss Uken to the lows


Tiie presllent has nnUfisd


[commUtioo at Utvsoa that the Span-

Benxie region fruit men who


IW^addryi^ofpru... for „„het U *« cn« of f*Hare, the Coitsl btstvs-would brook no
here H properly
farther delay, bat immediately therehaadled.
Tbe prune reqnirae no more
afur Uke pjsssssion of tbe yovem•are than the -apple, and has not half
■ the insect enemies of the peach. The
Deuile, just rec*ived at Shanghai
Patriot editor has a number of sampmouth of one of tbe t^uinries of the
Yang The Kiany. elfow that the fire

cxrellent sute of preaervatiop. and are

which broke out there oo Soudsy last

•aanperior to the kinds shipped In aa destroyed lO.Ouo hjoses, devaetated
pin over mud.—Bessie Cointy Pstriet. about awn milee of boUt-op groand.
and did damage to tbe extent
ThrM Soctore in OonsaltattOD.

of from

5,000.000 to ' taels.

grea Bre]si
Bow to Prevent Oroop.

. e., Th
it to be cbOMC in
r. ludll
Ex^rieioeand Dr. Keas-m Uj
coDsnttaUon together, tbev will give
you tbe Heat advice that cxb be taken."
Wbi-n vou have a had cola Dr. InelinnUon* would reoommeniTCllain'a I'ough Remedy berenae .
pUanant and aafe to Uke. Dr Expert.
•Boe would recommend it be<-aa>e it
•ever'fails to effect a ap-redy and nermnnent cure. Dr. Reason wonld rec­
ommend it becauM it is prepared on

VVe have two uhlldren wh'i are kul>jeci u> allxckbof uiuup
Whenever au
-ning on my wife ^ivea them
I'a Cough Remedy and It
always prevents the attack. It is
ehold iiece»sity
aity in tbificonDtrya
mailer what else we .run out of.
wonld not do to be without Chamberlain'* Couzh Remedy.
More of it U
aold here than of all otbe* coogh tnadicineaeombioed.—J H. Nicki-k. of NicjkleBrob . raer-hanU. Nlcklcvrlle, Pa.
! For sale by S, E. Wall.
Old fashion in dreas may be revived,
bnl no old------ *—j.-i—-------—
:n rea and

Wr buvr oihrn at other price*.
Come and inspect them and yon

Best IN THE World.

gO'.lCrroiR* WAKTKD-Lad^ra


will kurely buy.

135 Front Street.




• ‘'tlaV'lr

r firpl. m. will

^ M<^u‘'Nrw
___ Baica
.. la troal of M. Flial roiara laara
of Tbo* T. Bales Record o(B<-^^^

LMk Bex
naatlaga. MOk.
W. Patrbia. 4B-U.

________ ________________

Evealny SebMl
Of Uuainrei College will opra at tbe
Greege ball Monday evening, OcL '-rKscasNCg--Wb»n>su waal Ute or lllr la31. Idiiif
Those deairlog to takel^ '
-. abnrtband, or an;
■ V of < aJ. FrankNin'TUteOIrrr.niK-B . Naiual Flale
the common branches will be ■P.'ClaM. A<-*Ds Ufp .-r Cona. aoA Mber '-niBPSX. a. XU}B. Frtrdrtcb Block.
3tw-4wks 446
A MARDCR BOtLKB for safe, laealrr of
A TfarerarOU? LnwberOo.____________ 33*Af
want Capes thii season. We have
------------, ihiog''-ibat'
in these ya menu
Flush (
crushed, fancy)—Cloth
fancy)—Itoucle. etc.
Tbe prices we name are
strong Indncement /or yon 1
deal with os, for tbeVre "yoi

Nice luncbe*,, good lanehea. treah
lunehea, at Tataan*a. 446-it.


Served at Tatman'a Inneh eonntar.



rr • OATBS-Acterrieya. RpMlalatla y Prebw^preettea. BoamsFaad

KillU I«»pUr Ondtr. .t
| D^i^,
ena. Ofieala aansoaBldc.
■ One (are for round trip. Sell Oct. 8’h i 'Pbo^ioa.
to ISUi return Oct. 17th. Can extend to \
B K<
on 3iet. Moet direct route, sbortert
C E. MCRXAV. Agent.
C. L. Lockwood. G. P. J
DODGE. XuoriMy aad
Grand B^ida.


, TTT a. POSTER, Atlnren s» Lav. Spadal •
, W . aHaaUoBtoiaitiUss.
Ladlsa do-irlny Uilof made antta
"in Mre. Ida Smith
Mrtiman avrnae- and _
PUin dreaamakiny; Q.

r fer Ibr pmeot flreal yrw.
oursfraafa rlori ta 11 :*) o'clock a.)
oia ) evloca t« 4 o'clock p. ■.. aad oo i
a.sad Iroa
sod Friday rmkngs afeack vrock ‘
-^‘:Oiaa4PmetJiiWlm.(JhleM8 0et IB 19'


0. L. Itw loUtt Letlcei

Werid’t FtlrOoffw


,. Trarvnw city Lon-

Can be procured of Mra. C B Bector
at 144 Lake Avanna
44: .Ml
Luokes. XfUehH!

Se^rvS^m to a nataraOnd 1
MSdiUoa. For sale by dTlL Wait.

W.L.Doudlas Shoes

for “'"horida/a^^lrb llrT bu tour Wka
Bra.lod fr.r lltiloono* losTon up folk*. Rock
book rbo'aiaK..lrT|rtaIful,rapll.oiln(

from Hankow, the treaty port at the

are finely flavored

■sdnlthonyh two years old are in an



iL WAVTci^-ApRir at i:

(iouria, .
.......... _Cl Rkrum..........
a. Kira.
- ..............

• profluble industry


$I.I5,$I.48,$I.98, •

.i»0 KKNT-No SB w»,b.o«i
X qulrroffirorirr Wtlkiaa.

tri«l tbeexp-imont-ythsai..grow-

Jea ot evaporated pruaes grown and

T70RSAL4I-L-it!W «
JC of oU dr-M-ripUOor
«Itilr> vf Tr.iMi
• •• ■
Blrb. 441 an.

or. rfloolriv «;Uibmppy lllw«ir-tton« Trewondo<.« orllrr., Boiblnp llkr Ihrm. Four montbr
aol'rn hi.rrrrtfor rn*r*r,lr workrrr
Kli'O. rrrlvbi palo.
Blxpm roai<rl«alnn.
OioCi rrttb namplra of all tour book* frrr,
er hr MiserTi Hrr.d iwrlTC • oral .daoip* for parfax part only
eraoe Scretvla of ihr po.taxr aloor. Hrop all Iraidi aud olrar
(an a aiontb alih our r><-lu>lrr lurrnllra
Tna N»iink»i,B.».K f'oiHXax. JcvikiLX Dart..
£hai Sun for It vn.

forward a more vlg-

She did : «>»"“» P^Hey wi.l be porsood

■Ot give up tiylng Uaend her life,

3, I6ys.''

wllllredr (or
TTOR SiLC-Cbc«t> for.
X ••11} proprn.v. rpao oi «Tr«mio
wrlcbltmupouod*: Bar drlrlnx aad
hu’orar: aTiKi<-o>rrrd parrlacr at>-* Va
Call or Bddrrrr O. Lou HIrvr. aror.


About two moolbs ago she tried j (Mnwn. O.

to drown heraelf In a water tank,

theCriftobal Colon, belay forwarded


is the yoesl ot pMf. C. T.

and return.

-‘To a good

Ameriesn—Treat me kindly and give
me food, a* I am a priMoer of wi

Omens yesterday.


£r«tsk^la. gtoderplaa«laav*atM0M.
ixa gacoxn ofca. MXd.

-Ut« ,tiiNereBb>>bo>a am [aro Michiyan TrensporUUoo Co. will
be ebar^ a pearly
pcpalty at
of tiro
per ceot tereoUee- ; sell ronhd
ronnd D
t«p UekeU to Chicago for
Itoa. ill ta
and berth Included—good to
iir'iwi -ill br
Steamer Petoakey
leaves for
to Cbteago every Satardav.
Charlevoix every Tuesday.
Phona 36.
K. H. Popa. Ayt



S- BE]fcTX)^ & CO-, ti2?-© S*uLS±eet; OXotilid.e3?s xnn. -felxe Ox-t^r.


Is an every day occurrence, and “competition." it is said, is “life itselt"—perhaps. To be a leader sCnd then BEHAIN
A LEADEB, that is the proof of real merit. It s but » few months ago honors were about even among Men’s Out­
fitters—then we entered the race. How quickly we forged ahead, everybody knows.
WE BECAME THE LEADEBS almost immediately. Why? Because the good people of Traverse City have
been waiting for a store where Hone but the Best Qoods are to be Found—a store where the price is the same for
you as to your neighbors—a store where you can get your money back, should you wish it—a store where All the
goods are "New and of Latest style and pattern.
Bead our ads—you are not wasting your time—for we have eVery article we mention and just as described.


Some clothiers think we are run­
ning a funny establishment:

Clothing bought of us


we press and repair



Clotlling*** For Men.

BtcatiiC we are not selling for
‘‘less than cost.’*
Because par salesmen have positi^^instructions to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
Because yon can get yonr mon
ey back, if you so desire.
Because we run a good clothing
store, and hope, by your help, to be


We have made our bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.

Top CoaU, OveroAU. etc. An; p«raoD who comen
h«r« espectlnr to And na ordln»r; readj-mada
stock of elotbine will be afreeabl; eorprised when
we mSet them with coetom-made excellaaea
Eaadj'to-wear elefaooe without the worriee aad
'-AiUam'' trial! of the custom abop. Tbeae ara
the advaota^ to wbieh we Invite ;our patroMfa with tbe moat poaalbla aaring to ;oa.

Men’s Suits
In Watstoda. Cneviou, Beotebaa. Sargea. atc-.aingla and double breaated—plain and allk faced to
. .. tomaka'ainhold togathar,
and wall worth S5 per cent, mora money. Wc
iva all tba new {’'all Stylca. at

$7.60, $10. $12. $16, $18.
So much
for salts, now for
Ooratjlrs in the«e goods are strictly up-U>:dsle—
anybody wbo wears a ton coat wants 'em so. They
are tbs kind that fastldioai dressers always insist
on buying. Eseellent qualities of Domestic and
Imported Covert Clothe, and Whip Cords—all
sbades-make up with double stitching nnd strap
seams—Workmnnsbip Srst class, yet we cell 'em at

$7.60,$10.$1S, $16. $18.


PBBBI.ESS SHIRTS—New patterns in
Madras, separate Cufla to match, 50c,
MADRAS 8BIBT8, sepamU enffa to
match, 75c.
NIQBT SHIRTS, fancy trimmed. 50e
and $1 00.
UNDBRWBAB—Man’s Nalnml Wool.
L-NDBEWEAR-Men-s Ane Australian
Wool, in DStnral color, tan and blna,
CND^RWBAB-Man'sAne full fashion,
od, tan and natural color—groat
vninea at gz.oo.
UNDERWEAR—American full faabiooad—Pine goods redoeed from 13.50
—you can buv them now for $8.00.
BUiTS. m.oo


None better
-Lutest Styles.

i^ a


i 2 for 25c

can enter our stock but the very
best-If you want the best come to os.
dothingeae'For Boys.


Top Coats

..Hats For Men..


. .
the aelection—abop just as economical, and if
anythir>g U not satisfactory wc return
the m-ney without a whimper. No
red tape spun here.


Ifyoc would have yonr boy well draeaed
bring him to QA We can fit him with wall .made
up-to-date Clothing that can't be excelled in style
aad finish and save you money. ‘—
We bare elegant Single
and OOUBLBURBASTED SUIT** in Blue and Black.Dlsgonaland
Fancy Ciirviou, Kergea, Worsted. Twreds. Cnsslmeres, and M- Itont for boys 14 to IB years at

$4, $6, *7.60, tlO.
Aleo floe assortment of Nobby Saiu fo
for tbe 3-yearold todaler. tbe U-year-oId school boy
--'end all aget
between. Our line of Vestee
Saiu iiaeonatanUy
---------------..,i» ..d-

Our Double Bieasted Two Piece Suits
»r60. es. t*.60, $3.60, $6, »6.

Knee Pants
The kind that's sewed right........
Pretty patterns all wool Panu..

PmU w
r“ 1 I X
like Iron-rn- sale at t

Cnisli and Fedora Hats
50c and $1.00.

Do not buys Reefer for your boy
before yon see our Sne Hoe—sge4 to
Ifi—Bine. Black. Green. Brown.mix­
ed. with Storm or Ksllor oollar trimad with Braid etc. $S.30up to $0.00.

In Michigan—we get them
order—lOe. We alao baeenfeinioe
of fancy atripes. mixturea in Cotton.
Silk or Wool at 5. 10. 15, 85. 35. 50c.


Price Sl.OO.

Mackintoshes..... Cur Umbrellas....
—••Born <a .V«e Fori.
niUrd eocn/trAcre."
Our $1 00 Umbrella has tbe b«t

Men and boy's.
Our naaortment of Mens* nnd
Boys* Box Costa and Maekintesbea
•"e sell t


Our special U tbe NEWLAS'O
Hat, the best in tbe i=ty for $3.00
Weearr/all tbef3 Ageaey Styles
la Fall Derbies, inclbdlng the Dun­
lap. Knox. Yonman. Millar aad tbe
Youngsbnpbt icorrec iy eopled) $3.50
Our It.oo Derby in black,brown,
and Preneb brown, etc., la n World
SeeournewstrlesatSl.OO. 1.30,
and $1.73. lb all the Fashionable
The latest in men's


at 50e am:
aad the bi
to $6 00.

Oil Clothing..

Union made

Mro'i sed bo> . cloibIBK nold t>r u«.

Black and brown.

Gloves & Mitts...
We have evervtblnr in thU line
from the cheap 85c Hnle Skin to tbe
finest silk lined I'reacb Kid. For
R. R. men we have Gauntlets at 50e.
75c and one that's fire proof stft.OO.
All kinds of JerMy and Wool gloves
andmttU. Prices right



Pants &Dveralls

'They are poelUve’y tbe Best that
money can buy. Fell cut. rubber
lined, double aaam*. made of best
beevy dnek. We start 'em at $1.00
ap toll 85. fa oo, 8 50 aad warrant
each one.

Plar Work (or School ChUdinn.
PsrvaM at aclAol ehlldrr
sbarBoM. aoae chUdive
snh>«l IbHr porveta wtabra oU

Wc have tbe belter
isatfrom $8.00

85c and $1 00.

Duck Coats...


Hare yon seen onr All Wool
Pant at $8 00. Good Working PanU
from 75c np. • Carbarit" Overalls—
all sixes at leas than yon could boy
'em eleewherc.
bine, brown, white.

■ ■

•» .idf


White Goats Ipons.
Butcher's and Waft^s Ai
85e. Whit* Duck CoaU at 76c . $I1.00^
Trtu-1 Bi

easy prices for I
C-asy Suspenders I

26. 86,
St 60e.
0, 16, 26,



A. V. Friedrich Block.

T, J. Host’s Old Store.
124 Front Street.



Traverse City, Michigan







Duties of the Men Who Are Supporting
Uncle Sam’s Contention In the Nego­
tiations With the Represent­
atives of Spain.
pro*- I It was jwssihle end until many of the I ran*lD* the treaty, and while thU Is
tCopyriehi. 1S8.I
an to other nations looked upon her with die- true they will be expected to Insist Upon
The wars in which the United Btaies
lly.<accepUn* the terms
baa been Involved with other nations capture American vessels in the Uedl- | trust nnd wondered what had become I Epaln substantially
1 the commlshave been mv.

of the ' sand" which she had shown
have been few when compared wjtb terranean and wndemn
alaveiT. "> bad had our tronbles with some of them abe possessed. U*ben tbs ' slonen as a baala
these pirates before and had been pay- time came, she struck with the determi- ; ^Tiere are many Important <iuestlons
> be settled by the comrolsslonerw. The
ly little experience In that phase of Inx them not (o molest American ves­
•merica a*aln. j most Important ones to be eonaldered
diplomatic service of which the arran*- sels or cltlsens. The dey did not keep
It look the dons some lime lo find oul . are the disposition of any sections of the
In* for a treaty of peace entirely satis­ his promise, and a powerful-squadr^in
factory to the victors Is such an Iro- In command of Porter and Perry was that they were no match for the Amer- Rilllpplne islands which the United
rtanl factor. The work of prepartn*
•X and declarln* war Is ueually a Ion*
report, the irovcmand tedious process and Is ibirounded In caplurto* tbe larKest fri*aie in the ■ the Span^b navy, was sunk and_ihe , rardln*^ . _
will demand from Spain (be island
by *rave reeponsIbUltles and an endless Alyerlan navy'and. with other naval;
of LuxoD. In the Pbllipplne croup. t« be
array of detail, it le no more so. how- -successes, so terrified tbe dey that he
IS slcned by M. Jules Oambon. t
ever, than the arranirlnx of a treaty erf consented to a treaty contemplattn*; col
S embasaadur. representln* Spain,
amicable relations. Under It sli his Fl
peace after hostilities have cessed.
The work Of brinKm* two warrin* na­ prisoner* were released, a cash Indem- and Secretary of Stale Day for the.
tions hack to the friendly relations that nlly was psid. and the dey renounced United Statea. Hoalllllles ceased, and
previously existed between them Is no 411 fulure claims to tribute from Amer- ne*otlatlons were started for tbe con­
easy mailer, and not only does It re­ ira. This was the first and only treaty clusion of a.treaty of peace, after the
quire a
deal of time, but the most made by the United States with an­
delicate r|un*s In diplomacy. The war other country in which a cash Indem­
mticht be bf ahort duri.ilnQ. such as nity on account of war was
that which has just been broucht to an
end between the United SUtes and
Spain, and yet the lime consumed In
ansitcin* the treatyor peace and bcln*Ins the nations Interested into friendly

really only a Uttle more (ban 100 days.
d yet it is not known bow lon*.lt will
ke tbe ]
e their work and restore the friend­
ly relations which existed before.
In the wars In whl«* the United
Butes has been en*a*ed with other
countries terms have been quickly
made. This, however, haa been because
we have exacted no lar*e territorial
conccoalons or cash indemnity. Our
wars have been brouebt on by Interfer­
ence with t^e ri*hti of our clUseni or
of our bommeree. Tbe first struccle of
tbe American people was with En*Und
and was for Independsncc. At Its ci>nciualon tbe coteinlsalon did not ask for
anythin* more than that the colonies
be permitted to covem themselves and
be considared free from En*llah rule.
The seoond war. that of ISIJ. was
for tbe purpose of takto* from them
any En*llsh subjecu> that rol*bt be
servln* on them. Thi
been brou*bt to an- end. American
commerce was not Interfered with, and
tbs only thtn* that was really done was
tbe settlement of the northern border
e« the United Statea. it ms while our

which state had won Its Independence
from Mexico, led to the war with that
country In i8«-7. HosUiltlea were
bruuxhl to a close by tbe slcnln* of
the treaty of-Guadalupe-HIdalxo. which
was raUOedon May 30, IBii. Inate*d of
exactin* a caeh Indemnity from Mex­
ico and the ceaslon of territory the
United SUtee paid that xovemment
tl&.OOO.OOO for the territory annexed and
also asTeed to pay a.tSO.OOO which citi­
zens of the United Butes claimed
a*alnst Mexico for damaces suauined.
These sre about all tbe treaties the
United BUtee has made on a war basis,
with tbe exception of the one now bein*
ne*otlated by our represenutlvea and
those of Spain at Faria.
We have elUered Into treaties with
all the powers by wbich our commerce
and American cltlseiublp win be pro­
tected. These, however, are common
occurrences, and little or no Interest Is
Uken lo them by the people In cenerat.
except while they are beln* made. With
the treaty that le bein* arran*ed now
It la different,, and all Americans are
keenly alive to Its Importance. 11 Is tbe
first one in which Ibe United SUIes has
been Interested In which she demands
that territory, be turned over to her
without payin* caeh for It The war, as
everyl>edy knows, was brouxht on by
the inhuman treatment Bpsln offered
her colonlee in tbe AtlanUc and PadDe.
In order to punish that country, the
United SUtee. not only spent eaomons
suras of money, tet left many of her
clUsens on the fle^ of battle. Bbe stood
tbe Insulu of tBe Spaniards as Ion* u

but • matter of a abort time betore this aetfee <
: alcin. I
will bare bees done.
i there tt no doubt they are pre-en
The mec who will rept«ent Spain
in tbe fame of diplomacy.' which I*
the rominlBBlon that I» holdlOB Us ae*- really nothin* more than ornate-lyi
alona lo Parts are from amona her polished and polite. It will do th
brlietiteBt diplomats aad sUteameo. little rood, taeaever. for they wiU IM
They are Senor Hoatero Rios, president we have more patience than ws s
of the a
•'Xivea credit for. They can play tb._
commlasinn. so far as Spain is conceni- came of diplomacy and have }Oit
ed; General Orro and Senators Abar- mou*b rope to han* ihemselvca. bvl
stua. Vtllamitia and Gamlca.
when 11 comes down to the time ofV'
Tbe treaty the commissioners are to ddlnx what Is or is not to be they s
rnake will be one of the most important
that have been undertaken in many nothin*, for In i
yearn and will have at least one. novel oUlKed to acc^t I ( terms vs bM
feature, and that is that, with the ex­ made for them.''
ception of the responsibility of payinR
tbe Cuban debt, there will, lie no money been Kiven ti
1 peace
consideration whatever involved, it will
■|e..k .
be the Arsl treaty In many years lo be
are directed to delay tbe al*nlti* 0
Xinx two
treaty as Ion* as possible In the I .
relations after hostilltlea
bas not in some measure lUured. Every that Spain will benefit In the end. tbep
war that bas occurred In Europe In are not to enjoy tbe pleasure of
this century has been ended with the in* a surprise ono
slyntnx of a treaty of peace In which ‘ win be seen by the statement abexn,
tbe victor demanded a larwe indemnity , which, by tbe way. was made by f '
for the trouble and expense It was put ■ atorOray.
It has been stated on *ood antboMtf
to in maintalDln* troops in the field.
The Uryest irrdemnity that was ever ; that tbe Spaniards have been 1(
. enenreiically maintain Spain’s !*•
dcmsnded was that by Gennanr from
putable sovereli
France after the Franco-Prusalan war.
lllppine *ronp.
It was for and- was

within three
lecled op^evti' occasions Ur*e indemni­
ties fi|iiin China on account of bavin* to
- •- (be fleld to protect her
mdjhe other for I19.000.080. China
^^mpelled to pay Japan ll&S.OOO.OOO a* a
cash Indemnity after tbe war beti
those two conntriea, besides iranaferrin* the tsUnd of Formosa to her. Had
not the power* Interfered Torkey would
have compelled Greece to pay a war In­
demnity of tSOJMO.OOO. It was cut down
tlO.000.000. There are many other
case* which ml*ht be cited In which the
country has compelled Um
defeated one to pay an amount suffi­
cient to cover all the expense* Inenired
In carryln* on tbe war and leave
relations msy be restored were named,
and they started on ibelr mission wlitaIn a tew days. With Spain It was dif­
ferent. She waited until tbe American
named before she se­
lected her rcpresenUUve*. The Ameri­
can commissioners were taken from tbs
foremost ranks of the sucesmen of the
miry and have served the *ovemBt In
Cushman K. Davis of )............ _. . ...
alor W. p. Frye of Maine. WhlUlaw
Reid, a former United Sutes embasrador to Knmce. and Senator Gcor*e Gray
of Delaware, who Is considered to be
one of the best Informed men on loternationsl law In tbe country. There ar«
many different views amon* the com­
missioners as to whether we should or
should not annex tbe Asiatic colonies
Uken from Spain. The majority Is said
1 favor of exp.
and to beHere In retalnln* the t>
Just what instmeUons tbs <»i

ttsed as a ooalln* and naval sUtloti. and
the IsUnd of Guam. In tbe LadroneA
for the same purpose. The commis­
sioner* are, so far as can be ascertained,
to demand a liberal form
for tbuae IsUnds which
directly under the rule of the United
Slates. It has been stated by one of the
(hst tbe Spanish crown
may be allowed to retain tbe laJands
under such *uarantee as usy be
li conaldered desirable in ordv lo Insure
sovernmeni In a manner satisfactory
to the United Stales. This, however,
will not be definitely settled until tbe
coroiDission Shall have completed tu
: work and the treaty of peace shall have
! been ratified by both *overnmenta
I While the commission will take up all
;the questions of territorial coi^cesslona.

Spanish troops to evacuate these
This work is *oln* on now.
Both American and Spanish commis­
sioners ST« In Cuba and Porto Rico astancin* for the transfer of them from
been ilven consldetwble laUtndc In ar- ths se-wlfniy of Spain, and U will ha

case wub
been satisfied to bare the dlfBcolUe*
settled and peace restored wttbout collectin* a cash IndemnUy. and thU will
be. as already sutedL tbe first time In
the blstory of tbe wars of the United
SUtes when we have demanded territo­
rial concessions without at least payin*
for them.
work of brin*tn* tbe two eounuieo
a*ain Into friendly intercourse as
quickly as poaslUc. it Is believed and
from what can be *athered from reporU It seems Ukdy that tbe Spanish
rcpreeenutlTe* will delay the proccedin*s in the hope of (alnln* some advanU«« wbich at present does not seem
clear or even possible. In speakitt* of
the matter a few days before the
commissioners departed for Paris one
of them said: "It Is expected that Um
Spaniards w1U object to nearly every­
thin* in the treaty. It will be done
with tbe hope of exbanstin* U>e paUenee of the American .a
' '

protocol and ’historical reasona."
not known what the wily dons i
by ’-hMoiiesI reasons.” and ft m____
little difference. It Is also lesrsed th«f
will recapItuUte tbe fw*otti
ren Spain and the United f
precedinx the war and. Uter. prde
the protocol fix the conditions for t
independence of Cub* snd otato t .
rlcbts In resard to public and pefeuK
property In the AnUllea.
The InstrucUoiia to tbe eomml

tbe sympathy of some of tbe more pow*
ertnl nationi and In that way defoaf
tbe ends of tbe United BUiea TbsV
were dlaappointed. for when the tHM
came to act the men In command of thff United SUtee forcee strtKk tbe dons «
blow that not only sU**ered them hai'
opened tbe eyes of tbe other natto
but quickly brou*bt them to terms.'
■ win be tbe same w4y with 1
American commlasioeers. They hasp
delay matters they may find t
trith leaa than would have h
If dUatery Uctles bad net bei
Uncle Sara will dlcute terraa a
aU that Spain win be allowed
matter will be to sl*a tbe treaty whl^
wMl keep her forever from Americas
soil, where sbe bss rals*overned bff
Rtehest Part mt Great Britate.
Wales Is UM richest part of Ondl
^uin’ in mineral wealth. Enclan4
prodooes annually about no to eacA v
acre. Scotland a IttUe less Uian fU. h«^
the prodoet a* Wale* asssonts to «T«t



Dativd ot Kew
York, brtcg bore
Id I^wivnre, Ot•ORO oounty. lb
1604. Id 1880 b«
rwuoved to NV
braaka and tbrea
baa aintw nalded.
blr. Conk beoaiua
a cbartnr toomlipr
J'lume In
fillnl the n
KAUinN onoK,
Mate a part
Meted h la tribe in the Rrand roUDCil ot
Colorado and in l8Vi> waa ehoird Rieat
V and xeat n.-iO><'tal the
th lart aewinD of tb«
fbUmlns fttir. At the
w ym* unaniniouidy
I ootinpU Mr. Cook
n to tbe hlRhert
t ofOoo In the r
Ibe order In the Mate. blr. Cook baa fllled
MTcnl pobite offioea In Clear Crtvk
tf and two ftnt ngo refuaad ttw nomioa•loB for dterlff.
Ibwanda tribe. No. UO. Towaada, Pa..
la tnakloR prepomtlona to adopt
fS palefaoea In tbe latter part of Septem*
Uanj reeldcnw wore afraid of tba
Mrrtnonr aa formerly
:e been more taror-


Prtawdly Ortpa
AtUw nwnt merilng of tfetMuikah
aaarnilily of Indiana then were neariy
1.200 mem beta im-sent. On Jan. 1 last
there were 440 Hebcknb lodges In tbe
■Ute, bavli

- -

I wsT£"ct

—For this reason, we discontinue giving premium tickets after Nov. 5.

of l-iiV-J during the y>ar. 1 be Tellsman,
e»niii.entlng upon tbe'wOrk of tbo Habekaba In tbo JorisdlcUon, aaya; "Ntreverie
before have our aiatere been ao active
It. ; —__ tbelnterratof our InatUatkin. adding on SZ
an average 11 momberK to each lodga At im—
tbe name time ll would ajiprer they have [
ne^vf been ao lax. pmnlulng an aven^
of nearly nine membera to bodroj
' of dues. In this a
lamd the <
vise glorioui,
inua, almiw*
almoat —
of the year. la tbm
no reuiodyt"
MlHIona of dollaza are mnndally pBld by
the ii|dcT to widows and orpbani, tberetr
prutoci Itig them from want, pover^ and
tbe county buuaa
It la wonfa a grret deal more to the
lodge and tbe order to have a lirotber take
:i application fur netnboralilp than It.}#
I have him tako an appeal.
The grend lodge of New York appointed
aa]ierlal coiuiiiltieu to ostabllah rules for
" government of Odd Fellowt’ honire
Indiana evidently takes (be lead
rniell lodgre. Harrison lodge, Na 84.
Hnrrisburg baa six metnhers only and all 1■



In the matter of our claim to Better Goods and Lower:
& Prices than the other stores can offer you.
THE EVIDENCE is in your seeing the garments we have to 1
show you—you’ll acknowledge the superiority then.

part grenda
INMevvlIk-, No. SOH. has nine niemliors, all
past grenda. Indepr
ten members, nine past gram
earthly use eueb ludgiw can bo Ui tbe memthe order Is more than can be
Imegfned. eays PastGraod Martre Bourlet
of New Hi
There are SSO eabredlnate lodgre In
The report of the- grend •eeretary of
ii lofrreet the tnenibnn New York sbows the total mnnbcrship Is
fl(tbe«n>Al cnuneil of tbe United StaUa tbe jurlsdictloD to lie 7d,04S. Tbe pre
•t lu recent nmetlnR.
oapUa tax U n oenu.
Grend Chief of Kworde Harriann autre
The naughtcra ot Rebekab lodgre of
a»>«« Intliana now uconplre tbe iblnl iirtl- Loldavllle liavu furnished (lie dining rniim
«oB In the forward tiiarcb of tbe order
and that tbe coulns reinrtwill abow that
thrown open.
iber have paretjd Kvw Jerauj In tbe total
There are 768 atibordlData lodgre tn (be
• Tbe rroommoaflatlonaaf the Rrentaa- New York juriallctloo.
CbeiD of Maoare'huM'ita have been adopicd
>r>.>l the
ft... oUU be
K. divided 4..>^
IplUiwt: That
intv trant a diapcnaatlon permitting tbe e
-<tKrjru CODUlnInf not }»■ than 0*e fng and InstalllPg of a third degree n
^bw, that
ber aa noble grapd.
ft^ted with a aalarr. that oiilr the RTtatt
MCbwn have power togrent dl^wnretiona
and that obartsa be granted to bodlrealrw cocy It la '
w out of
fmdf iDftltuied.
lection of tbe ■
, Zbkre waa an inemwoof SS tribee In tbe lodge!
n of Xew York leat year.
ka (libe. Philndelphla. baa a niniiber- Intcreet in ledge mattore I# i
of 1S6; reeeJpta for Urt term,
Tberu are (tatomal men and fraternity
ided for relief. 9^9; total
>en. but (be truoand tried man to a gun.



Who Looks
g After The Boys



-The little fellows—like the mothers do¥ They’re tbe ones who are
interested in correct clothes--correct in auulity—correct in dnrabilanu correct in price. All this
is bad in tbe sails you buy at this
store. Seo tbe new


_ ..._______ tribe of Port Cbreter, X.
hManientbcnhIpof S36. Tbe tribe
H a fine wigwain. whieb It aUowa tbe

Cbicfl of record# nmit not forgre that It
If eoinpulaoiT for them to pot Internal
•emtio atamiB on all order*drawn on tba
kMper of wampum.
True fiii-ntldilp U tbe aweeleat tlo that
tbe Greot .<plrlt baa given to bU ehlMrvn
fo nudte plutwant tbe bunting ground* nf
«nnb. and the true friondahlp of a brother
If above all price


Baak Sgrer PelaM.
Sbe report of Uio board of ftcbitol. Mdowmont rank.etatvtl that tbo progreaS
ot tbe rank bad
been uxreoditigly grellfying in

gave prei
b>K>ks showing 03 iicw sertions lurnurt,
£.887 new meniben add>d and endownieiils MK-utvd to the amount of $8.|o0,5<Ki. Ihiriiig ih,' last two yoar* thi-re had
twen paid U. tbe U-nefieUriea of (he deewrted luumlierH M.Uri.MiO. making tbo
ns tnSl
willows and orphans
The founder of the P
to Sire. Alva A. Young of Conroid. X. H.
gbe la Cl yreraof agu and la active In the
work which afao founded and still trereli
and arelau In tbe Inataltation ot new templea.
Tbe Knights of Pythlaahoapital. opemd
by the Pytbiana of ChauaDnoga la doing
sick eoldlentobo ore

|o the front and i-niilili' tbmi to reap tbo
U-m-liu thict niv divived frOiii a rtahia
■The Wrtirer of a hustler button Is sure of hiieiiicv* enn11det]cvln theprogrereof profffOognll lu'i wherever be iiieei* Woodmen prrity.
Tbb button hits lierume a bailge of liuniir.
The two extra omcwimcnta will be the
A Nelrtilipr ivsiillng ouf-lde «ie jtirU- full amount mb bivihUt my* on hli
dlotloo of tbi- snrlet.v eaUTiot relnrtatv If In mil*, hut will b«- psyahlo ono-half In Noonger iwriod tlian ria vt'iiiiirr and Di-orniUtfr and January and
r a Ion
Fvhrunry The ■upn-nic officer* lndlcve
till* will be the last ^uie that extracalll
deix wa* xo larKC
lag held l»y ib* Modurn Woodmen of will be nre>-a>ary
AMriea throughout tbe JurtwlleUon tbli wboii ihecbanfp- ofreu* WM made that It
Tbe Mr

Reefer Suits

B Double Breasted
I Suits


S9c to
to $15.00.

From Ike Mikers..
ThevaltMtaratiasoieVia. I

-■aocy cloth*
Is black, color*, and fttaclco.



1.5 yeara), $1.50 •

B Underwear

Men’s Suits-

111 Prices!

At »5.00, $650, $8.50, etc., that are
extra nice at the prices.

Men’s Suits-


B Reefer Overcoats

For the men. women, boy’s and
children. Alhnew styles.


At tl2B0.$I3..50.*15.00,etc, aa fine ^ *
as any man wants to wear. Made in a
faultless manner. •

Top Coals-


Extra fine garaeats at $1350 to

Men’s, ladiee’, Twys. girls', child-

Furnishing Goods


The beet valnee e?er offered any- —^
wber«,- any tima. by anyone, aie —^
now here, at this price.
Smooth or rough go^—el^ntly
tailored, perfectly correct in cut, style, and hnisb.


—(4 to iCyeafs)—Desirable styles,
ralterns, notable clutlis, 8Hc op to

For the boys, (3 t
to *5.00.. Choice


Immense Line

Is all kind* of For.

-{3 to 8 yesrsl-Nobby things at
*1.25, *1.60, #2 00, $3.00, »S.25.$4,
*4.6U, etc.


> Freenwiaon aaya Callfurnia
Cbleou to haldlnf^aaonlcfuneral acrrlrre
over the aahreofcrciuaUd uiriuU-ra. Tbia
. The
9m, Bra l^naton, who at first opposed creButloii. like a K-nsiIilo man cxnfi-awd tt^^a
Mange of opinion, and hiniwlf rcoonineodtd and advoeated a ehanfir. and
acand lodtre eoncurml.—Treetlelnard.
' Vitb the advent of auinnin tbe lodgea
•vbtoh daring tbe auttiiucr have
fwojued labOT.
ItUnot ao long ago that a Mason waa
0^ known to bis bivibren ~bv bU words
aoddrtda Now the multiple doalgnateU
ipreroe CbanocllorColgreve appall
tbe flt<B7 to all eyes.
John H. Alexander of Vllginta and I
Tbe tnembenhlp of tbo grand lodge ot Ham a Gale of MaereebuactM supn
a.*F. and A. M.. on l>cc. S7.
waa 6S.048. an increase ot l,UI3f<
a tat .
Gala cucceud*
Grargv l^y of Tudihwiwu.
a Introduced Into ItoaTh* minnl* hrlgadere-elnlgd Brigadier
aU In ITSl by (he grand lodge of Bng- Grnclal JaiiiM II. liarkhyof Springfield
laod, hut has made little prugma bmuae brigade gommandcr. Barkley las briga­
at govcnmit^Ul inuilorenca
dier grnvrni at Jaekxonvllleundi^ OeiHTal
Coloni-U Jack Kort.-r and John J.
The phrase "On tbe wjnare" bas heen
Mrribly abuird. It has heormic entln-ly Culm* of Chleaga and toumlx-reor tbe
ioooonimoD. It la even a«d by sion-Ma- brigaiiu cuiff. ore with the Sixth IlllDoU
fnrtm. who bave board It from meuibure of Infantry.
tbe craft.
Tfat> Hiithhotie Slnoa voted to retahllah
The eommnn eooDclI of Alhighany
ly »P- as enduwuMiDl rank.
■topriaPd «:i.bO(l for police |>rvjU'<-il<iii and
John II. AK'Xnndcr of Loeeburg. Va..
ofI the
tl cUy during
- the
• triennial ba* l*vn ro-eluctud euprotno tribune tor
Ovo yoore.
Since the laitt triennial eooclsre. heM
IB Bnaton In IHfU. three past grand mas•rea have joined (be gn«t majorily They
n Dean. Burton: Vino-nt U
Bolburt. Chicago, and John Quincy Ad- di<crvaMi. ThU rank neud* ijivertiaullDK,
aina Followea of New Orknns
and (but ba>ilT. The supreme oiinm-II
TbebDIerUinnirntcninniltteeafthe tri- nhimld ho aujinbed and the tin nwonla
T—it-’ conclave at Fltuhurg have eoniplot' diwwnlotl. lorteod of log* the lueiiiln-re
•btxild have jOiim Mi that when another war
gdVnngeninita fur the li
glV«i Pri^deiit McKinley and other die* break* out we can hnve oomctblng tooffor
to the gtivernment Iwaldre play luldlen.
flDgnlsbed goeate at tbee II
ner garden. Forty are llgliu and 8,400 It would uttrw-t the young cirniont to our
lnrendwoeDi will iUuiulnate tbe bamiuU lodgre and to the uiilfonn rank."
John A. Hloney wa* iv-eleeud Impeifjtl
prince of tbe Knighu of Khotaou.a aide
1 should bo duoo- dcgn<e of the order.
The uiitforni rank I* again to be (okra
iTO by Royal Arch
’ nslunri
a |wirt of the clothing of tbedce acrouDU rretrictod
to have Isvn derived from tbe
In AUhama there Are 153 lodgre of
••Ddidate in tbe Initiation Into tbu i
terire of IndU, and whiuli every Utah
«aa oouivUed to wuar oa tbu l&algula of
KalgbU >r Uoaor.
Wlfh tbe encouTuginc huslnnre outlook
e( the tall llii-re I* no ruixai wh.v the
It In tbe Modora

— (K to S years)—Special styles at
$3.00, |?.40, $3.00, 1350. etc.


The Ladies Are
More Than Pleased
; ClolU
' BOTXO^ •

~rHi“^Vestee Suits


Bring yonr tickets in bj that time.


Big line of
ladies' Dress Skirts,



A line of choice valuae. .wai lio ^
yonr eyes good.




It's possible to be made anywhere
—on reliable qualities of goods


B We uk you to look at the new goode, learn the price,, and wa-U he pleeeed to hevo poeted yon on Tali
best Dry Goods, Cloak and CiothiBg Houae.


Reliable and Popular Trading

Traverse City, Mich.


Centre. ^


We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat
For any of them when it comes to eelling Cookies.
"We’ve got about—well, anyway enough gradea to
^nit everybody. Prices reasonable.

’Phone 167.


248 Front Street

Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-6 Cts.
Still on top. Beet cigars for the money on tbe market
—Union made, ton

Sold by all dealers. ■

Practical Embalmers
aid Funeral Directors..

looe No. 43. •
Tonnelier Block. Telegi

318 Union Street


Real Estate

I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of

PJat of OokwootKAdd»



most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Bose street
are covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Building—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.

...112 LOTS...
60 fit. front—some of them will be sold as low as

* $75.00
"With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se­
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence, good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi­
dences, well located, that you can buy right—One
at $550, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a RESIDENCE, for an Invest­
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two plaoes to choose from, but

Look Ovor Oak Hoights at Ooca.

’Phone 73, Johnson Block.










» ?













Oia ttar >''*<' ns* Inn Ib^
rioet tbn c> dminebsa
Lmesw U ihT part.

CtBBklr <o

Rtb4p TbH«

DatiM hr

MMlaa »r I B4rf-val«aatoa.Tlirr Will
' Kstaktlah a Haaaraalaria* Plaat la
'TIkla Coaatrr.

Oppwitioii to a

tbacDMomilawaiaamimea cnriooi ptaaHN

□ pwd i;
uBKi" fain
Kri or a. «r LUsla
UlU In rondo** imrT
Quit th; dacra. an <« bn
Rin *1' Bivrri* «pMll
Ton's Ibr tan. Oaavoobafi
Thita b-r. jell ror b»r
Malr DOT mofkla sosd.


MOMtiiuea. It fraqoeotl; oocuf tbM
iispaitem place tbcinaelTes in a poaitiaa
«& aDtaRtniun to tbe goveromrat and
Orar aa.-SHpa Ike selnsa.
Tahasrnrd c' Tooth.
treat cnit«8ni offloera at enemlea to be
Kisasa. cwtH^^t oa hu»r.
IraodwinlEed and thwarted whcti«Tar
l^cklB. y<r-r* a atnnr.
- poaaible. Sncb importera fail to realiae
Tak- U«-aDoo.raootkt
-d. L. Union Id “Tbe QnUtlBS Bsa.".
that their datiea as oiUaeoi aboald
yaompt Ihea to cnoonrage and aid the
- «<Boers intrarted with the enfaroement
<d tbe cnstomi lava Some people re­
gard the oollecdon ot cnstaas dotlea aa
"Ob. shot up. ^acpberaonl"
all right until it affeota their own bnaiValter Macpberaoo, andical atndent.
seaa. Then it heroines annnjostand
who waa Urns emphatically aditwea’d.
iniqaitons burden, which must be resistfinished the mae of tbe mBsic



>* ™


tniTKd toward his caapoiiion.
“What’s np, old mauf be asked, re­
certain qnanera.
garding him with aeomica: lookof con­
Within tbe paet few months tbe
cern <« his good natnred face. "Yon
United Statee appraieer'e department at
: don’t look as heppy as I’ve seen ypo.
•tbe port of Kew York baa been oonrting
To quote Glabrio in ’’Th* Sign of the
mpopularity on a large scale. In «ck“Wbetber is it yoor Uvcrtir
aai of Imported
yonrlteari that troubles yon? If tbe
fmoer. send^ir tbe doctor; if tbe lat­
several bornets' neste and have
ter. »nd f<ir tbe woman.” That advieo
a roosed tbe ire of more than ooe imis involnable, my dear fdlow, and
iglp onpopniar In

•akei arasbitbeparkforaabarttiina."
Lily nnwid with him. and
down on an empty seat near tbe parte
gatea. After a Dasneat's stienn Walter

-Wo have

“Prank ndis
rioee you came to town, Mini Wilstm!
Fogrive me for interfrring. tnt is that
ooi rather unfair? Be is makinp himKlf qoite miserahle nrnr not bearing
Irau you.”
'•Does he know yon have seen mer*
growing pule.
■e nottoM him,” Maepber"Kq. I hnr.
. “1 know it is
tcntinnal on your pan, Miss
yon could not do an unkind artiro. but
you are causing him great pain. I can­
not bear to Me him unhappy. Bo and 1
are like broth<ia, and 1 know you will
excuse me for pleading with you on his
behalf. Yon cannot have any reason for
trcaling faim like this, and be does not
deserve it I believe he. would cut off
bis right hand sootier than cause yon a
moment's pain. ”
Ulv snt quite still tor a few minutes ' *
after Waltcr'had ceased spriiking. He |
looked at her in surprise. Bbe seemed
different from the bright, virarioas girl
rtiensrdtobe. Had sbe reallyintentimially kept ber addnws from Prank? Wal­
ter bad never thought of this before,
but had put her oosidoct down tocaraleamcm
At lost she raised ber bead and lolled |
at him in the dusk.
“What do you wiah me todoT' abe 9
asked in a low voice.
“ToM-e Frank at once and put an aid i
to his anxiety and nnhappiness, of .
course. Stmly, Miss Wils^ that is '
what be might natnrullv expect frtxu I
his future wifel”
ber small white g]
“Yon ask me to do this?” abe naked
A curious thrill ran through Walter's
am as she touched him.
you to do tbia Surely it is
action your own heart would dictater'
••Oh.” Ulyaaid in Ibeaame low. passionalo tone, ".von will force me to
speak plainly and humiliate mywlfto:
tbe dost! Have you not seen that tbe
bund between Prank and me has become
intolerBbl^ unbearable to w ever
Tbe loM words were almost a wbispa. but Waller beard them. His heart
gave a wild throb, ibrs almost ceased
to beat. What nirdivamed of. unheard
of thing had happeirrd? Walter Maopbersou bad none of that vanity with
which some men are so plentifully en­
dowed, and be bad never ihougbc cd the i
pCMsifailiiy of any womanfollitigin lore i
with him. And Lily—eorvle«, beanti- )
fulLilyl Feir a moment be thought be J
must have dn-amed chat she whispered ____________________________________
last words, then as be saw ber
lace be tvaliad that it bad beim no
dream. Walter thought obc hod never
looked so beautiful as she did now. 2SS12!S.'?-.i^2i'iSfUS’.?
They were all alor<e in their eorwr of
the park, and a fair yellow moon was s,-.—
beginning to sb<d Its rays on Lily's SarSfiroT________ _
golden hair and dark, slight figutv so KSc"^-W!S;
close Imde him. For a moment a wild
longing to draw btr into bis aims came vorst-_____________—^
over Waller; to take the prixe that was JSS !SS^?Z STJS!Uir?Sa'Ki‘«°i^IS' i
so suddenly thrown within his reach.
Was it not bis by right after what ifae uoswtvKT'.


All Kinds of

Got it to sell and will sell it if LOW PEXCES !
will do it. Will quote you a few;
Six wood seat Cbaire...............
Six cane seat oak Chairs.........
Wood seat Bocker.................... .................................
High back, solid oak. cane seat Bocker...................
As goo'* an Arm Bocker as there is in the state for
$2.00,our price ..................................................
A nice Bed, carved headboard....................................
g Cheap. Plain Bed for...................................................
When you are in don't fail to visit aur Coach rooin. Dior 60 different
styles, from $3.65 up. We can sate you money on Foreitire.

iJ. W. Slater's House FnraisliiDg Store!
New Store 120 Front Street.

Tainaltoae fo^ long period of yean 1 ‘n appearunre from tbe stalwart Mactbe provisiooiWf ibe existing laws; pberson. w ith wbmn be bad ahared hia
abonid be nnllifiod in their favor. Tbe | lodgings for the last iwoseesiona. They
. -at----- -s—*
.U-. ^ere loth m
tbe letter and intent of tl
aecond last year.
plied with, and for that they have been
■"I wish you'd keep yonr advice to
o and aoon. It yooreelt hfacpbcrMD,”beeaid. "1 find
I pretty pass
it dilBcnlt enough to study Just now;
when you are in tbe room it's impossi­
allowed to pay duties on our
ble. I cannot imagine bow yon ew
manage to get through your exama.. and
with bonan toa”
“Ton see. I’m not In love. Bom, and
a lemon. These partJea wbo have for
more than SO yean been importing a that makes a difference. Mydearboy,"
popular brand of table aaooe in ooncen- be ooutinned. changing his bantering
ttme, "1 wish you woold not worry
yooneif so uinrti otct trifles. Too will
than suiBoit totbeappraiser’avaluatioa make yontaelf ill before the end of tbe
«f their gooda. They will cease their seasion.’’
"Trifles!” Ross exclaimed. "Do you
oootribntioni to -Dnole Bam'i revenoea
the call it a trifle thot I have not seen her
and let that misguide^ defender of tbs
. American flag frel tbe weigbtuf their
1 know riie is in town, she has
righteous indignation. They actually
written to lot mo know her
propoK to start a factoty in this oonn- not even
. ad
toJl yon, «
it «
is ewnwh
enough to drive a
try and produca the hitherto Imported dress? 1 “--U
uaooes hetw. In this way they will evade
»“«d «o be engaged to a giillike
tbe impertinent customs officials entire- ibat!''
ly and deal an effective biow at Ibe govWaltiT MacpbcTson glanced at Eosa’
emmeut'i tevaine. Tbe extiait of the 1 pained, angry faoc with a look of kvjuinjury that they will do to the govern-11»«by on hisowTihandionieoue. TVun
crept gradnall^v over it and
xnent aud
and to tbe Amerieao people
neonle by
bv jI dark flu»h
I be liusiisl biniM'lf ill lighting his pipe.
capital in a pli ^
a MissWileou late­
imploring a lot of baudsI yet remainaj
bo ohkid kindlv. He bad a
O be wMU.
It appears that they have lor many I disagn-eablc
disagntablc feeling of dihliyalty to his
been importing
importiug into this country ' trUrad
b'ivtid in hU
his huufst
liuuest In
iH irt as he
be thought
airs b^°
_ large qnsutity of saooe in oonoen- o* i»ow only a fi w nights^go be bad
tnied form- They brongbt tbe sauM j
loi*'' l>y •‘fid.-ni un bis part, tbe
over in casks ouncaining marly 100 gal- < Towig lady in qm'rliusi, and as he had
log* each and after dilmiug it put it! i»»d noihiugspei-ial to dowalkrd part of
up in bottla for tbe American market t ibf way with 1st iowb<« si..'was slayThis is tbe only country to which this (»«««»'>> ^""‘ds. Soui.Wh. hadomitpatticnlar brand of saooe is shipped in ' »«i to mention the m.vtiug to Book, and
this partifolar form. Alt otb« oonn- of ooniw'
ooniw took it for panted
granted that
trios raceive it juit as it is bottled at knew wbiTC she was living and bad seen
tbe borne factory. Until reoently ibU ber hiiDMlf. Muepberuou bad known
ooocvulraied sauce has beeu paying an Lily WilscB fOr some time and was on
import doty of 40 per cent on a valna- Cricuuly l«Tms with ber, as being
tion of $1 cents a gallon. A short time Frank's ini. nilcd. Sbe and Frank ramo
------------------------------Urorn. some distance out
•go tbe local appraiM-r
that theti>«'
siasgim, au<
WJWBVfimjinl WliflI
not nnitino
getting i.H
its ftfiv
frfr | of Glai^iiw.
and ^d knovro wl^rtber liviw It was on nudra*t(«d
■ Share qf duties oa this concentrated
the marris^ would take
material. Asoeruining that by dilution
Ross was through. He
in this country it took on a greatly inereased valnatioa. be deienuined to made no •■ewt to Marpbonam of-his all
<ake the markeuble value of the goods aboorbing love for Lily, and YCalter,
into considcratioo in fixing the dutiable who bad never bern in love as ye^ lis­
tened good narnrcdly, wandering someTtlnatiun. Tbe
------ —
tore was incrcai I to $C.60 Bgalloa, tim«'« if any girl was worth troubling so
but tbe general i
a appeal ra- much over, snd invariably coming to
the conclusion that if such a one existed
„. aboni 200 per cent, tbos it was Uly Wilsun—Lily, with ber yel­
snaking tbe importation acixahle under low hair and tall, willowy figure.
For amoment he boitalfd whether
«ielaw. Tbeuemberiof the flm ny
chance eucnintcr or
•that even the valoatioo of $2.41 per
op his mind to say
fiallon is exoessire, and that (bey will
stop importing i
> taiber than nothing about ik He would try to see
licr again and tell her bow much pain
Bight here tbli Ann’s threat to “get
had gn^Ti very fond of his
«ven” with tbe federal government
ttuoes in. Ooe of tbe members aaid: companion within the lust twosessiona,
"Tbs govemmeni will gain nottalug by snd in bis own blent, goifiiisinrcd way
iktii- alm<su anything to
this step In fact, soooer or later il will
.ve him licmble (T jwin.
loee every cent of revenue that our
"D-n't fnt over ha. Frank." be
Msoe until lecdntly
ks yielding,
-will oventbally atari a plant in this esid. laying l;is bend on hisshonldrr.
country and maki the mme brand of "VouwiiiH. h.rMiou, I’m oanvioced
<tf ibat, Mill ilnu you will laugh at all
The breesy originality of this method jroor 1. ar* and il. ul Is alcut ber. ”
And L< »»■ diwj < udi ncy, as usual,
Id "getting even" with a
gave way 1.f. re I .* iii.ud’acheerfulSB lUiu uulaiiiug inllncucv.


risibles. home peracas might suggest
'that this is one way that tbe Dlnglsy
ddil has of fostering borne industries.
T'bere still remsinspleoty of nnoocnpled
^oKwy space in this broad land «t ours,
•and doobUers tbe government will find
'that such panubm«t as the ...........
ing of new factories has its mitigating
(estnrea Tbe imputations of ootioentrated ranoe by the firm in questicti
IS per
have averaged about 40.000 ga
It bu
year. Prom this tbe governi
derived about tS0,0(i0 annustly.
ooum tbe customs offloera would iifa
tosee this gao.ODO increased to (100,000: but. falling iuthaiteflorUto bring
•hrot rnob a rnfonn, they willdonbUea
Oonaole ttanmeelves with tbe reflection
that their attempt to do their duty has
added one motv to tbe list of American
industries and also helped to increase
- (be nutuba o< American wage eamera.
Fnribermcm, some slate, county and






himself is not more popular than

Air Tight
I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and mbney
by buying one of

W. Cr. lElOlBIBS,
146 Frost Street.

If You Have Logs to Sell

h.d«;a? Tb™.mda™irn™.mb,ri»g SKiV.'^.t.rVS'JrnSStSSSKSSSt!
Frank, be put ibete mi-talicai from him.
Washcpiingto betray his
bad trusted him with Ins whole. heart?
A dark flush rose to
"I am sura you '
yotff words imply. Miss Wilson.
aaiA "Believe me, I shall not think of KSy;>2;’S;
COM eoBteBBtroe M.KlU*neT t>o
- IB uklBS tau n*|>? Tea castiSonl
them again. Remember Feanje, wbo has
not a thought apart from yon, whose Wcnr/aii_________by
. balMlas aamssTMTO
ambitions, hopes and dreams for tbe fn- "lyiStroDmiw*

•MTi ;'

loving wife to him that be deserves."
«oUas«*aia»pdfwviw .
Lily, listening to bis grave, calm
words, did not gnessthewild tumult
that lay beneath theoutwardeomposure.
Bbe only fell that she bad 1

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
r.A.jTx>s XK3H Ba-T-m.

A few days later Flunk Boas bniat
into the little sitting room where Mao-

Correspond wiUi tbe Trarerw City Lnmber Coupnny.
We bnva ior saie Good,

Mill MscbtBer7 ol nil deacripti«w.inclndiag Two Engine*.
Set Wotb*, Oernage* and Saw*. A complete Saw Hill Plant
for aala.

» on. MCI.


^ dr. spiRREuv^rfis^tstst

lu violrucp than its grace jn frost of I
Walter's astonished eyes.
"Congratulate me. old fellow I Lily'
has consented to many me at ouoe. Sbe
is an angel and says sbe does not mind '
being a litfle poor tar a ycaror two a '
til my studies are finished. She agre
with me that long engagemoiM ate
vast mistake. What a rad I was ever to
DMltLroarM Pnnate
doubt the dtareid. sweetest girl that rSIHOUS DBImii0r8 UOPfllS,
ever UvedI You munbebest man, Wal-

Oysters! Oysters! c-'

"With all my beorL” answered Maopberwm, givii
giving him bis band. Fn^
bis liappiiK
with it aelfisl
rn. "And 1 wish yon both the best
of everything that life can give.”
"Thanks, old chiqi.'’ Frank aaid aa
be clasped Maepbera

That night Walur MacpberKai. after
bis clmsiw wen < \tr, went round in tbe
direeiim cf Lily bad told him
rtaviug in the hopes of seeing
ber. It was Uginuing to g(;t dark as be
aaantertd alowly along toward the gates
«f the park, where be had met ber the
paeriouB evening. He had almost given
Ixipe of meeting bi». when he saw

Selects eel Staedenls:

AU Btorli reevlved by esyroB

FMSefs CtlnUu BaUmil

Specialist iaDiseasis of the Eye

A comspondent of a Boston papa
nya: “At far as 1 have observed, wboiever a food
■ ' pioparaliasi is put■ into a
packagewith printed matter the^
_ _ _
news. Jtd food, which often happena to be of a ! Ssraical ca>e*. such as Caiaraet. ci
standard and snperinr quality. Whynot*'
reverse the
he printed
slip? Printing
Printinff ink ia
is ^ aalcar* which*
_________________ of tbr vr* a
not nutritious, palatable or wholesome,
le stojip
with a Uxk ci:drr her
PMvn. Al«> errors of refra
andaueh ifood packages, if allowed to
ledan n
' gltiiri fumlBhea.
and tuistd Ilia bat. Th
' for a long time and if
omal glcw on Lily's fair tase as abe
II. D.
0 boat and moiitiire, most de>
gavc-faim,ber bond.
“I have been (njoying the park uid
shook all aftenKAB,” abe said. \“We
seem destined to meet, Mr. Maepber-

At The Cottage Home,


Bildad—What do you think of ay
at in b^ of doiug so," VTalta
bis bidSiway. hxAiint frum bis wife?
Ichabod—1 (bink abe’t a poet \ym,
great height at ber gracefully pubad
SstroitiBiBsttus. lfl.00.
b<;ad and volt blue eye*, which looked
Klda^Umt A mugasine peoB. 1
almoKt black in tbe gathering dusk. "11
U too late for yon to be wandering can't
OeL2Mh. 1898.
about alone. But siBoe w« have met J Kswa,
. AfiL 448-10
H. W.
want to hare a tstk with you. Let ns
. iVr- ..-aii

Morning Record Want Ads
Bring Large Returns.
Bicycle Riders.


Bsmsmbsr that 1 do aU kinds of rw
Ingand csamsling, and that I can
do give you tbs heat work of any
OM tn tbs dtp ter tbs nwosy. Doa’t
be deoeiTsdby whatotberstsUyoB t«
tbe oontraiy, bat oome and tea fee


OrwIUXoMa-s a


^top In'till 8 o’olsdc every evening
except Saaday, In tbe OaldweU A Lou­
don boOdlng, at north end of Osion


John R. Santo,
Gmral Inirun.

Ever Burned Oirtt
If so yon know
O- P. OA&VR, Afisat

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