The Morning Record, August 12, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 12, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TR^TSBeS 0in, MICE.. 'FRIDAT, AUGUST 12. 1898.



har flta taeh nptd flraa. Tha L«rdaa
ru cloae la ahore asd did eCaeUaa

Ctoneral Bchwan** OommAnd
Hoati^d Heavy Foroa.

foraameat at 150 aaUan asd marlBta
aad bp dapbraak Ua aaaap waa ta taU

DwpeiaU Battle wae Fought
Near Kayaffuea.


Tk« CfBemBBli twept tk« ahara with
haraaarah Urhta and opasad Sr« with

work wltb har foar-powadara.
Tha warahim thas laadad a rata-

That Spain Will Acoapt Con*
ditiona in ProootoL

retraau laaTiaf bahlod thalr machlaa
faa. Over oaa huodrad daad Span*
iarda wara feaad.
ieaai wara kiUad.


Noaa of the dj&er-

I Gave the Peace Terme Final


Tw«)t« BoBdr*d «f tb« SB«m7^ 7«r.
OM Drlran From Tb«lr ToBttisa

With SkBVF toM-rwo AaertMUU

iBalievad That Fnceh


j French aabaaMdor, hare had a loop
I ooafereeoe aodit is believed the aaCap E.»o.
1 l—Tt.
ol |
to cU.
The folIowlAF meMsre is receiTad troa
g^iCoapsnp M. CspUln Biaball. Liv- the French aabaaaador at Waafaiapion,
Oaaaral Behwan: •Cawp
ingsua hnd Onklnnd eocntiea of the M. ChabOB. aethorltp to sign the peace
mirna^ An^ust 10.—The sdTance
ISth Mleblgnn began to gat sick at protocol.
foard. Inelndinr the ea*alrp of their
noon. When the roll was called for
T p. a —A second cabinet cocncil
eoamand. while raeanaollerinf northtbe atiamoon dlBl nearlp half the aeatlag waa held tbU afi<^mooa. Bewant Of tha Baaarto Biaor, near Boreeapanp were nnable to reepood. exp­ fora anterlng the eooncll ehaaber, aev■Ifnaroa. derelopad a atronf Spaaiah
lain Kiahall eras also siek and .Lisn- eral Of the cabinet aiaUtare wld that
foroa which lap ooaeaaled la tha hills
tennnt MeOop sms nbsant, nick. Dr. addeaa
raoeirad from the Span­
north of Mapafnei. In s ffeaaral anOnide ordamd the coapnnp toreanin in ish sabsssador at Paris. Senor Leoa p
Oramaat thst followed Lleat. Brpon
Its atreet nnd eat tbe well aen to nnmr Castillo, ware that the protocol con­
•f the Eighth Onmlrp. ap aide-datained no ebnnges in
cuar. ™ wo.nd»l iB y.. tan. ..d ““
------- i —
■■ the
— --------------Coapanp Q laortof poiaonlng, hot doaa not Uinkjuid onlp alight aodiflmtions of the
Primt* 1
it ooaee froa the milk. Several men
alnlaElevnnth Infantry, and one other priare In bad shape and were amt te she! tern added that aa toon as the tent of
▼nta, were killed and fourteen enlisted
hoapital. bttt it to not thought that the protocol was reeelved aad approv­
men wounded.
It to reported that
their Uvaa are In danger.
ed. M. Oaabon, the French nabaassdw
tnost if not the entire Spanish garrisen
General FThiie arrived this afKrnoon at.WashlngtMi. would be authorised to
at Mnpngnez nnd tbe MrronndLng
from Koebeeter. Blake to to ship the I
it. H was also said that the aeteonntrp. consiaiiog of l.xio rtsnlan
gnas August 83. Oensral White mw 1 tieaent would be n mere forasllty
and *00 velonteere. took part in tbe enat, 'We drove the enemy froa ererpthiag asde rMdp beloru be left. 1 „d that it could be eoapleted without
He stopped to see Governor Pingree inj^ifflenily.
hb posmoa and Ineicted heavy loss.
Detroit. Both Aneidad thst it would I
A woanded Spanish lieutenant was
tha toLlowlnr
"Ponoe, <ria Bamada, Anrnat U.—

lines. The OMdset of tbe effisers and
brought boaa On annodnclng tbe demen was beyond all praise. I propose
cialoB officers here sll enpreaaed regret
to oontlnue av march early tomor­
thst they bad not tbooght of it.
row OB toeysguer.


on the baaia abo
laaadlntalp npon tha axeevUon of


this ngronaent bosUUtlas hotwnen the
United StnUs nnd Spnin nhall cense.

feahpe interested
nr HAvnrs





1898 Model
Cheap if dold at once.

bp tha tmatiheot raoeivad, hot the y
newspaper correepondenta nnd others | MBnulBHI olOCt.

who went through all the bardshins to I
Cuba and arrived here In exoetlentj
health, have been Uken with aalarinl >
feva-aatbercanltof their eonflaa


‘■Mii.Bs -


Ladies’ Shirt Waiite

aaved themselves had they not given
np their little stock of qoiaine and oth­

We bam made prieta like this: Si.U fnr
S3.tS valnaa, fl.M tor fi.»5 mln«,SMA
Better aee them at

er reaedlee to the snflLriag aoldiera,
for M provision whatever had been
made for them.


For tbe XiUlng of An Amvriesa On
the Onnboat Banerrtt.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Key Weet. Ang. It —Basnud Kourlourto, a eoat passer on tbe gunHoat

Correspond with the Trarerne Oity Lumber Company.
We have tat ule Good,

Bancroft was shot and insUntly khlvd
by the Spanish on tbe thore at C•^rtto
Bay. where tbe Bseeroft on bloekide
doty had followed a small echo-’

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.^

near the shore Msay Spsolsb liven
paid for his but tbe nnaber killed
eould not be learMd.

r-A-isros B-OE

Over a Womea-

MU[ &tsebineryof all descriptioiis, iacloding Two Engines,
Ret Works, CerriAgew and SawA •». complete Saw Kill PUot
lor sale.

SprrlsJ I® Tni Koenss Rsmso

of the Spanish go rero men t.
I able tbe 3Stb Michigan will go to tbe
scenes all the force of aa nitimstna, Phillpplnei on accouct of its (nperior
with the additional quality that M. equipment.

CaaboB. es Spain's repreeeouUve. ha*
We have all kinds of mwlQg
sewloi mi
agreed to it and signed It with Seere- cbine ncleedlea J. W. Slatkr'i houi
Washington, Augtisl II.—Mews has Ury Day.
furntoblng store.'
reached Washiogton thst General
If Spain repudiates hU action she
jLuque. the commander of the Spanish will not only haee to hear the bmnt
] forces at Holguin.who has been penned of further war with tbe I'niud Suua.

up there by Oeneral Callxto Garcia, bntsbe will have a talUng ont with
Bnah of Gold Hunters
Ticlnitylhss offerml to surrender to Garcia If France that might be a serious mstter
Where s Lnnp Weighing SO
bis soldiers are p
d to nitnrn to In itself.
Founds Wps Found.
The leras of the protocol may be
Opaeisl to Tax Uossmo Rceom.
General tuque gives as a reneosi for nmanrited axfoUowe:
Perth. West Australia, August II.— this action the large naaner of dmerThe United State* puls forward no
Advices from Kalgoorlie
; tlonx from bis army, and the impossiclaim lor pecuniary Isdcaoity.

Traferse Git; Scbool of Mosic!
* Iwm fO ud 11, Bttdie Bwt
Cot Vroot xnU Cew 8U.
niM Aliev M.Ct.x lore. KI-. Allv* T RobvrU.
Ml • MxbpI P Wblle. MIm IomIa
U trjlbcla

FOR t5.00. OF

Spain rMiaqutobee all claims of sov▼Idulty of Lske-Gwynne. clone
to Kan. ..-XT.discipline amoag Ihone whr reown*, where a nngget of gold weigh­ mala loyal. His men, be adds, bad erignty over or UUe to the island of
and wUl laaedlatoly evaenate
ing »5 pounds was recently diecovemd. practically been without food for three
I the tolaod, the details of the eracnatlcn
day*. Bis offer ineludee tbe surrender I
to be arranged by a comaiMioa to bn
of the nity. together with aU aras and
sppointed for thst porpooe.
Bnflhrod Heavy Z«ae in Attempt to
Spain cedes to the United SUtee and
Who has added a full
^Mnke lAghthons- at San Joan,
immediately evacnatee Porto Bieo and
,t BUloU to Dead
line of
Porto Kico.
and* nnder Spanish sovereignty in
Siweial w Tbs Houiaa Rxooiu..
■psetol »CT»S Moxxixx RXOOIID
Washington, August !l.—The fol- the West Indiea
St. Tjomes. D W. I., Aug 10.—A
losving dtopntcb was received from
ApuWidoroedOOetroag made a deeShafter: “Santiago, August nth.- tolMtd in the Ladrones.
pM«e attempt Tneedsy morning to
Tbe DcUedSutes keeps aad bolds
Lieutenant Wm. Q. Elliott of
To bia undertaking eatabUshratake the lighthouse st Cape San Juan,,
the city, bsy aad harbor of Manila pen­
Twelfth Infantry, died here at 3 oeioek
ment. Tbe ftimiture will oc­
Portn Eleo. rooenlly occupied by forty
the eonelaeton of the treaty of.
this moraing.
the front of the building
aaaorsfroa the monitor Amphitrite
peace, which ebsU detenaiae the eonand the undertaklug businesa
anierAsMtUntBaglaeer Jenkins and
Fast Time at Xn<
trol aad disposition and government
- Ensign Brotkson.
of the PhUlpplDM.
IbeSpaninrdsndvaneed to the ntIndiaaapSlto, Angnst 11.—In the final
be appointed, to
tnek shorUy after night aad ops
half mUe in tbe national ehaapionship eonstot of five «
aloners from Um
SresrithtbeirManeaesanda aachiae profeseicmal run. Bald took ftrsv Me- United State* and five ooamtoalaaefa



While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
It will paj jou to trj onr 13c balk coffee—a good
I wholesome beverage at a small price.



: 'Phone 167.

M6 Fnmt StMst.

Hastings’ Real Estate Agencif.
Ml root IM xvxll bouxr.
SO looi lot. ro-«i-lw*llln_
.91 rt—HIM.
«l AcrMUiMc m.iT.ioalb esU «m> (cm tts ettf.
cbArd. Tbl« I* X bargain (eroalTtl At
• -.» «crv* > w<l'
aU Imprcred wUJ M xolS In
np. Other plmoes Jact u Cralmble or nora xn.


vatorm. pMSg OfpMoaoreinMlonsH. besksfeto



irw- They were ehaeknd Jby atsady Farlaad aacmid. Fraaaan third, Onnpnr from ^aia, which rnmnilsetnii *^uti
eMDsiya frosn ths littls Amarinan Csras. ftosrth. TIsMlt-t.
meet ta the
of Faria for tha par-

"In Ua* FuUm SMi k leHM
»i lat-CU fa On.

on board tbe ship, and lack of aedidne.
food and even water. They might bsvn

ieenth Pennsylvania. Colonel BuUngh, land from the front with dispatches. I the first Ume in tiie capseiiy of s
--------------------------ooaaaadiag. led by Ueutenant Oel- Be reporu that General Garcia ocen- Spnatsh plenipotentiary, and that bit |
oael Biddle of ap etnff. having made n pies Oibara. which wu evacuated by j acquiescence is tentamonnt to Igooring j
the Spaniards, who left 1.000 slcx and) all tbe minor oouiderations brought
tf Pe>ce is Mot Declared That WUl
tains, striking the Aibonito road half wonnded behind them. The Cubans forth by Spain and an acceptance of
Be DeetlaaUos of 85th Hiehigsm.
n aile beyond tbe town, enptnrod the are taking care of these Everything the terms that the I'oit.d buuslnsiau BpwnsJ wTei MuBVix® Rxcoas
entire garrtoon of Coaao. nbont 150 was qnlet at Glbam when Colonel Jane upon.
WesfaingtOD. August it.—General
- men The Spanish ooaannder, tUeroa, 1^ Thestomehad been opened and
Alger said today that no ao*« troire
may be looked npon as the rough draft would be asalgned till peace arrangeand Captain Lopet were kiUed. Our, trade remmed.
General Garcia has demanded of Gen­ of the one to be formally signed when aeoto are settled one way er tbe other.
loss Is reported at Six wonnded. only
one severely. Tbe aen and ofBeen be­ eral Luqae. wbe commands 13.000 M. Ceabon reelves tbe antborizsUon In case of a movement it ix very prob-

exeented. Tbe names of the wounded
still be sent as received.

HoUey A OobbbUb

oi. OUTING ir-5

tBaslaeeordad thaalck and sronnded soldiers from Cnbaon their amrsl
hem. sriU in nil probability bring an


troops at Holguin, that he surret
haved exeetlently.'
••Colonel UuUogh aad Colonel Biddle the city. MegoUntions for tbe ear;
are eapeciaily to be eeaaended. It reader of tbe pleoe are prmeed
sms a very iaporunt capture and well The Spaniards there are curving.

290 Front Street

Oeadwood. S. D Aun-t tl.—As a
It Would be a Serioos Hatter for
result of a ahootiug affray at Ontral
Spain if French Ambnssador'e Ac­
City today. Judge J. P Uiddiog*. Bd.
tion Should Hot be Accepted.
ont the foilewlng delaped telegram:
Oeneral Oarcia Bae Starred ISOOO
Sbasaon and Jack Near are dmd and
Washington. Aug. 11.—It to slated
■‘Ponee. Seereurp of War. Waahiag-1 Spaniards Into Bubmisnloo and
ShsoaoD is dyiog. Kbso-ion
In official circles that when M Cnmbon
ton—The following from Geneml Wil-1
Will Take the Town.
bed s boardiur house at Terry aud and
•on: Geneml Ernst's brigade cantared
Santiago de Cnba. August lO.—Col­ agreed to tbe terras of the pry>tocol
{one atCvQ’-ai Cii.v Tbe Inttonscy of
ijrg, Sbannon
Ooaao at 6:30 this morning. Tbe Sis- onel Jane, s Cuban, baa jut arrivsd by | drafted by Secretary Dsy he acted <or '

The Wnr department late today gave

Tbe beet w»y iff ''

them (tbe hammocks.)

Shamafnl Trentacnt of Sick and
Wounded Bn Bonta Froa Cuba to
Bgmont Xap.
Speetal w Tss Koasua Esoaas
On Board Sianaar Comal, off EgaoBt Eep. Angttst 11.—The sbsinafol

xattbrs bettlbo Three Met Dead Because of Trouble



The reft of the people do ii, and why not yon.

Praaialoaal Traatp aa Fomnlatad Inmstigation into tbe workings of both
qnnrteranstar'e nnd medical departaenta. Mot onlp has tbe eoodl-1
tlon of the Sick men been aggravated:

at tha Whlth Konae, Withoot ^r>
KiUad and Ftftoaa Voaodad-OfB. | a«nia of tha SoMlaia Ai* In Bad
dal Baport of Oaptura of Ooaao. I Shape and Laid Up lo Hoapilhl-i thar Ohanfa or »odtficatton.
; Out of Beopoot for Daad Boldi-ra 1 ap«ei»itoTuiMoa»r»a aecoan
BeiBK Brooght from the Front
Madrid. Aogastll. (6 p. m.)—EVaWaahtnrton. Anffcat U.—The War
Tbeta WUl be Vo Klliurp BaU In I mlar Sarasu aad M. Psteaotra. the
4apartueatUte this afternoon raedaad

found in the field and brooght into onr


t tha traatp of peaaa


SM Vnion otrert.

Ou Saturday AUgUat 19th, at 8 a. m. abarp, and tor the
balance 6f the day we wiU sell:

A»d«,!proportio«.t.l,d.«p. Dm-t
J nia Ihi. opportonity. Theet pri<9« are on good b««t mer.
f ebandiae. Toon BeapeetloUy,








Btfik* TrgTitfM Olty In

k T.

4SP X. W. BAnm.
, Btfltar Md Mnagw-



Bopobtioaa Oenaty Ooormtlan.

O.C. MOrr4tT.—WMI7-

EvnaoTATiTn Amo* C7HMi«e( ha*
MtUad tha aUtw of thoaa Ownooratt
wd PopoUata In
tha UU topnorida way* and
flMnna for oarTTinr on the war. In hi*
l^oaah oo Ua WU in tha Bonta April
ahth. k* anld: “Aa a Daaoerai I ataad
bf ay ^laelplaa. A* an
finnd by tka natton. 1 boliera U to ba
dnty of arary Daraoerat, aftor bartat <Mda tha dffkt that ki*
' dl^iad Staia* tka powar to laaaa tkaaa
iMda. U it ba necaaaary. to earr
•to «v-" And than ha addad:
ir'-ff Ikk tkay aaataln tka rot* they
0am In taror of war. In doing oiharartna «>tay atnnd tm rooom aa refnalng
tn voM anppUaato carry on tka
'avUak they bar* ballad with to mock


tba Wu.

Om. Oabnaa Bad Fred Oormy
ar* Dead.
On* n Tietla of
of ToUow r*««r, M
TisTorMCtt7 fw«i**d yaMardoT ^
tk» imth of «M
ofovoon bmr*. The rnpor*
U»( Omcv* Ob1»m and Frod O. Corey
o( %h» Bnnnsb Bifl** wm weor th*
IntMt riottm of dr«od di—ni* »»
A asnlnf popv toeiMd telmaa m
MMter of Oaapoay U of tk* Tbirtyfovth B*cinMOV nod for » tow boor*
«nro**t}y hopad that U* rieUa
waa not Ooorp Onlma of thtoeily.
The RnooBD, a
Inqnirlaa by the telaftapk and word
atS;M that tbara waa no other
Oalaan in tha Thlrty-fonrU ragimanV
Other maMagaa aaina latar la tb* day,
*n taading to ahow that oar Oaorg*
Caltoaa bad at laat anconnbad to ty­
phoid for*. To Bake aara again
othar iDsoirlaa ware aaat to tka Hortkam Paainaaia and ittoaa itatod tkat
tkam war* a* Calwana In tka
paniaa fro« tkara.
Thia ad Wow eaat a ^ooay toallng
rer Traratae City, aa Oalataa waa waU
known and rary popalar asoag arary
one who knew him.
Pmd Oor^ diad of yaOow farrr.
aa not *0 waU known la tha elty.
a raaideat of
latoly made Ua boma Be waa a far­
mer member of tha atoto aekool at
Ooldwatar and whaa a yonag boy cant*
to tkia aaeUoa to lira with John
Holmaa of Old Mlmkm.
aboat to yaai* of aga. Bia only known
ralaUra bera la Ifalaon Ooray. a aonala,
of Maplatoa.
Oao^ Calmaa waa U yean of aga
and tka aoa of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Cai­
man, a bo formariy c^eratad tka City
Bakery, bat who raoeally mored w
their farm on tka Paainaaia.. The
family are aadiy beraarad, bat the
(rtanda and raUtiraa of of both hare
the Blaearaat aympatky of the eailra
It ia Traroraa Clty'a lorn
and lofty tribato* will be paid
namory uf thaaa beya who died for
thalr eoontry’* mka

atoadancWaia Ik* imrtaanth i g"" ■
I, OWnay and DaohfnM. '
Tha kMM tana Mda tkraa of tbair
ana la tka AfU laalto- Uwlaa by i
Bant. 8aD and Waarar. nod arrara by ,
lag* which did Ika work. Tkraa wora |
maa were addad la tka aaraotk. lUt;
tltna it waa Ball. Waarar, PiMtan and '
MUlar tkat did the atlek work, while
Chaff** and Onlnay were the erring
The other aeor*
tka ninth. WUkals got a paa* to flnt
on a dead baa Aftor aualing to aao
end ka got to third brfora tka ball
ooald b* ratnmad to tka diatooed from
right field, whare Miller wa* retired oo
a long fiy, and aeorad on Oalnay'a arrar
The Datroit boy* got tkraa of tkair
ran*, one at a Utaa. and bonekad four
taora In tka aarentk Inning. Codd'a
h>nM ran in tkaflratgar* theta oee
aeore. d bit and atolen beat leaded
DlagwaU oo aeooad tn tha third In­
ning. Ha made aeorr nunhar two on
a long bit by Codd, and anuthar ran in
the fifth, rraehlng fir*t on a dead ball
and ataailBg to aaoond. Ooddaenthlai
aaroM Ue plat* again by alogllng out
a neat two bagger. Fire hit* in the
eereotb. three of them two baggei*,
aettod tk< m toor ran*, and that ftatehed the acoring daring tka game.
Tka aeorr and



i ! ii
: !

Batter, p



a-A B. lA PO- a. A
6 I
t I 0 0
r t
4 « a 0

: ■} J0

I .! S0 :*
0 K



: ! ! !

Bottler*.. OOtOlCtUIOOOOOO-I
D. A. C
.1 018irj8000000ri_7
Ir/. DtorwAll.
>« roo. l'«e<L
piii^XlHAoot^^ijjplwb, Mlllrr,
HlUrr. Boa
0O MIU. 00 itoUrr, I. Bii br BuiMr I. MUI
t atrorti out. b)T Boticr ». bj MlUrr IS. Doot
Daekaivr, Bcii to UbIii«) iu Uuebars
of (»air. I boura.

My work it first cUn nod prices that are io reach of aU. I aiB
prepared at all timaa to take care of the trade. I make a specialty in
Bianog, Volcanitiog and Enameling. A fine line of wbeela for aalw
and to rent.
J O BLLIS, 311 Front atreet, eaat

Watch This Column For Bargains!
Ask Us For Prices,
prlreawUI be right. A. 6 FRYMAN, SHOES. Uf> Frontetreet.
W. O I. A. Market.
*!%* following ladim are aakad
Mttribota to tha datarday Market
lid a good one cheap. alw> repair nt aborh
aniiee. Call and sec what yon ean gala. WMb* held next Satardny ^ftoraoon at
FBITBRLY. 61$ Monroe street. West Side.
Baakall'a btokatora.fromS to s o'eloek;
& C. Deaprea, A. Daaprea, G.
Dipley, J. C. Djmert. J. Dereodorf.
Emma Decker. M. C. Egberv. Mary Store. 137 Front atreet.
Sllia. John Fowl*. E. V p«lr»iaDkk.
E. J Fatgbem. John GIllU. J F. Ullleepie. J GrrlHek. C. L. Grellick, Dr.
Oanier. L. H. OagA A. Ooflar. B. Goodrleb. W. C Bmeraoo. Miaa Agaea GoodBest Fire Cent cigar Made. THE GILBERT aOAB CO.
ale. Nettie Gray.

Do Yod Wait i Boat?


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-6 pents

The Demecrattc eoogreaeional eanratios for the Eierenth dlauiet will
be held at Mt Pleamnl September Tth

Tlionsands Say So.


Haie Yoo Tried Tlie Kimball?
and t«at Its quality of tooa
233 Front street.

Faria Oroen—The |
ebes* adult
at Walt-B Di

STRONG. Managarr

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOR. Star Grocery. S43 Front Street.

:Boo Bobs, Cboice Confectioiis.
Furniture Bargains;

». The Palace Bakery
Columbian Restaurant

ShaU Be Given


.; «t I <

* daahto play waa mad* hy j
i. Ih. raouad Utolag, and


Summer Shoe Snaps!

lod manr other brokei linos rediicoil in piice.

ZFran.Ik: ZPi?iecix*ic]tL
Tr3.e OxdL Bel±a‘bXe 81a.oez

I J p-nj


To Him That Hath B


Guard Chains

ra I
and Park ctrect*.
when I bad
bead op>n with an ase. The United
State* Benerolrnt Roeist*. throorb
tbrir agesU. Rlalm]f« A MrCornick,
eetUad tsy claim In a very aatiafpciq^
I* the prt^r plaee to bey yoor
Tfats G a pmteetioa that all n
Wetermalnea, Meakmelen* aad elf
prcially laboring orn. ahonld
rry VlBdaof VegetabW Try oar ?3c Tra. TBI
lUBTELL A GANE, Fnlsee BnkeeyBut Knatl-r* Will Play It Ont if Proper Take no company bnt th* Saginaw.
Socouragrtsent is offered
6<'2 Weal Front St
tW~Tbu company Irtam againat a«Today'* ball game will doubtli
yo« but
the laat for this teaaon for the Bostle-a. eidrntand tleknee*. It
; Lnaebe* In the werld for Ito. Open all night.
$1 00 par month.
The dlabai-diDg of Maniate* and the
poo' att«D0aoce are reaponaible f
oDOKually khort aeamn. The altendaoun tha • far baa been far from raylag rnaobig expenaet.
will <iait erea. The
year haa fornistaed the iirongrtt aad
beat all around team ^^rerar City
erer bad, and It U conceded to be lbe
b«*i amatuer tram In Michigan out­
74 pain^PliiKree” $3 00, $3.60 and $4.00 I<adl8a’ ShOM
side Detroit, and ibe last two ga°>'»
here eonelnoed the D A. Cr that we
at $1.98.
are bard to go againat.
With such
pairs -Plngree" $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00
a team aad such great ball aa baa been
at $8.98.
giran lately it la too bad to allow the
team to disband ibu* early in tba aea60 pairs -PinffTse" $3.00 Ladies Enlists at..............$1.88
t-tn. However, ibis may be avoided if
113 pairs “Pinffree’' $200 and $2.60 Ladies’ Oxfords
a hundred or more wbo enjoy the game
at $1.48
and appreclau the team will chip In a
dollar or more aace to aid la fiaUbtug
90 pairs Lsdiss $1 60 and $1.76 Oxfords at............ $1.00
out tbe aeaaoD. Manager Keboe will
78 pairs Misses' $1 00 and $1M6 Oxfords at..............76s
be gled to bear an immediate ezpret
aloe upon tbl* point, and If reapouaea
Children's and Hissss’ Calf Shoes st............................80s
are suBcient tbe good work will go on
and the D A. Ce will play another
g*a»e here next weeek.

eilekat in the TSSTB&DAT B 0A» KBaUIUD
.toU and, *w^ to tka high frit* of
.•mnanltlon and tka trend of pabUeaaagtoOAV a enmpnign ia tkat etato will nMnltWastUilaXienad Dnrknnnn
•M ba tha faroa it otad to be.
Foroad a Oaaantlon of HoatiUtiaaOonuat
FUlad With Brilliant
9MB Demoaraw of New Tarit hare
J1-------- - to the *foro* bUl** «rj. TUa
Yaatarday’a ball game batweem the
D. A. C.’B and tha Bostlera was a eracker'jack.aad "tka best that ever happen­
ed” on the home grounds. It was a ooetmt filled with Intense interest from
start tofialahand np to the aerentb
Biar^*-*- OatApOf Via* riekeral Inning It was anybody's game. After
that excitoment ran high, aad tb*
ffhapfekeralaaaaantannw lairiyb*- large crowd erideneed that the work
KBn. Tte M do** not taka n apoon of tbe team waa appreciated. After
^llTilr dnrlng tb* month* of Jnly and the ninth inning It waa a eaaa of goose>ng*el. aa a rala, bat thi* yaar It aeama egga unlit fifteen sharp, exciting iu.
Fine Art Embroidery WorA
•• bar* grow* Ita toath aomewbat Blag* were played, then coming darkgnrtlar than aaaal and ia now roraekma. Bom compelled a eeesation of bostilneed an into BMallant catok waa mad* by Itim.
d pretty
It was a great game by two great ,ena display of all t
Morgan Bata* yaaterday maralnr ia
line St
Poant—- lake. Seren plekaral ware leams aad the bsae ball lovers of the
yno* to laa* than tw* boaia, the
dis work and lace makjnrgwtof which weighed lU ponad*. S more intensly intereeting long game kind* of art need!
l-ig The display oprns this mo
tai----- three of which ware each orar ever played herA
sod those drsirisg to become pup
himself to r'buln any of tbe fioe material
y poBBd* weight, and one a trifle orar
0 pgnadr They ware takes os a small several Ume* during the game, by always cerrie* will do well lose'
Mdney ^ooa with ao elghl oaaee making fine catches of difficult flies.
rad- Brary atrtke waa booked aad In the tenth inning Buntmadrnpretty
• The Druggtst” 3 cent
nrary flah Unded withaat gaff or set ooe-bnoded - entcb of a foul tip off nickle smoke in town
Drug Store.
9k* ftah were aaoaoally gamey tor ibia Twomey's bat. Bills, a
ytn*. While aportiooen naiorally pro­ of the l.sther aggregation which figur­
to working far black bam, ihU two ed Id a base ball comedy here aome
riSnbaa Boom." "Tbrlma” audi all
knar*' work, handling oar* aad line, Ume ago. pUyed in right field for the
be latest perfotoes at Wait's Drug
wn* eeruioly fine enough to pliaaae the boro* team. HU fleldiog was flrstelns*
but he was unabls-to locate tbe bait Sto-r..
eaaeUng of^flaharmen.
with tbe sUck. Butler wa* In tbe box
sight Fully Bestorad.
for tb* BusUert and pitched a vetx
Andrew MiUer, who was operated on fine, steady game. Wbeeler played er­
tommractabeut three weeks ago. U rorless at third base, but did not
at work with bU sight fully restored. get hU usual number of biu. Miller
B* U able with glaaaes to read tbe pa- took everything at short and got the
pan. What seems paenUar about hU most bits at the bau
i'itcber Miller for the I) A. Ca. found
«eadiUon was that be did out know
bU eye was affectod till eae day thnt be was pitching against a team hU money's worth In good honest work
if he employe
getting ■oweiking in one eye he cloaad that could locate the bell often and
it and alscovered with a feeling of effectively.
Be was touched up for
Oso. B. Winnie,
torror that be was total.y bliad io tbe seventeen hit*. However, with
rick. tji. H Ml.™ .ot i. coidiu., ...per; tk.t .u ,l..n him b, U.. I,- ' -1-“'
to Operate on be w*a forced to wait a | field It U a wonder be did not go in the---------gnat length of time. Tbe caUraci of I air before the end of the nme. bnt ke {
th* l*ft eye u not yet fully formed.
stayed in it to the fluish.
Twomey. their catcher, made a fine
Glad to Bee Jim.
rnnniug catch of a foul Ay, which wa*
Bara M what tbe Hetcakry Record a eoBsiderable dlstaoc* out of bis ter'ThkozLO iSB.rayn: "Everybody waagiad to see Jtm | rltovy. When at bat in tbe eeoond inFINB DENTAL WOEK.
the other day when be was npiDing eom* of bis Detroit friends, who
with hM cracker-jack oaU team. K.jr aecomoauu-d the team here, through
as IrMman. a Democrat, a ball crank, the klndneaa of Ompire Bulberfcrd.
aad the toughest kind of a pracucal; prceentod Mr. Twomey with a large
^okor. Jim I*amaclngly popular. Eyeo . watermeloa and it wa* aacepted with
unlike him after all ha haa done to proP*f eeremony.
Id the first laalag Oodd found Ih*

mtmt KbPle »l HUP Hrt»,


Snettca *f testb i

^ »


Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's season of ;
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy­
cle Elding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the


: '


»»«« «»»««»«« ******

I ynPF


We fiaed tbetr 8 ioch faa
aU ahtro tbootera of the Second laftatrj oa •eoteb.oad eeerr time t man
ehofvad hie bead trontd that ran. he
dropped. The/ toon learned tad oetted Irtar ibe fon.
1 tee hr the ptpera that the THt Net
York la prtiaad to the tkiee. It la dlffereat down here, tmonr the r^••• eaelotitf theta tthlat* I htre tt menu that were with tb>Mn The totb,
Itat how thle to iret t lUUe roper, bat i«tb. etb. S4th tad «nd I'dlied dutee
*t ta eaorblttat prioe Tbeoe block lafaotr; tod tbe 7lat New York made
lore of oar the charre on the fort and treoebee of
]*ek of ariielea that they b«ppeB te tbe battle of dan doao rleer. July let.
poaeeea tad ehar^ feerfot price*
white we were after them at Cane/.
The Spaisardi whom we htee aader j Now. I don't know how uoe ft la. but
raard aeem to be maeb more maoly I bnndreda of men of tbe reralar troopa
than the Cabana TbaCnbaat are noth-j that made tbe ebarre claim that the
larbet a aet of tbieriarebarkt; and Iriatthrew themaelrea on the froand
while noma of them mar be alt rirbl j and tbry had to charre orer tbetr lire
the majority of thro are like the ror-j bxiiea. One battalion rot Op tbe bill
inr band* of rypriee we hare in tbe alter they aaw the other rarlmenu go
State* They are-mall InaMtareand up with a *hoop. Tbe 13ib and I6ih
erery poaalble color, from ebony black loat bearlly. but they piled tbe Spai
to Bagltob whit* 1 tow a girl yeater- i»rda np in heap*.
. day abont ten yeart old that I don't j Oae of tbe wont featorea of ehargtoiiare waa e»er boro la thto eonatry ing here are onr own barb-wire feneet.
er bad a drop of Caban blood. Tbe The eouatry wai literally corered with
man who had ber m'mrted on a doekey * them and erery biockbonae hat two or
watebla;k and ng y looking wretch I three fence* all aronad It. A great
ami wonid aot allow a. to .peak to tbe | many of oor mea were thot la getting
girl to ee« wbelh-r tbe -p-.ite tJagliab., tbrougb them.
hot busvlvd ber vff a* *^1. a. poetibi* | One odd thing abont onr war it that
The Cabana at Brat were eery re-' nearly all men killed are killed laapaotfal aad apaaared *ery grateful to I ttantly. The men who die afterwarda
n* bat BOW that they toee twea flaed die from blo<*l-poiaoniar or lack of
they are growing iadepeadenl, aad oare. Unr hoepiul ataff to Jntl abont
aoma ef them even regmrd oa at in- one tea lb of wbai U thonid be. There
were dayt and dayt when men ill with
The Doeahare the greateat re.pect ferer Uy with no one to' look after
for a* and try w eak all kinda of: ibem. All able mea were needed at
qaeetioea ehont our army They hare ^ the front at the time Many died aima horror of oorgaUing gnot and ar- ply from want of water aod a little
tUlary. They tboaghi oar volley Br- care. 1 did notaee this myaalf. bnt I
lag waa aoma new kind of maebiaa heard other, uy ao who ware la tbe
gaa. and would hardly be made to be- boapnal. Some men. yon know, while
Uere It waa riBw.
. brave enough in every other reapeet.
My company vraa detailed to watch give ua entirely wbeo e eevere illaeea
0*e particular rifle pit aad we fired S4 atrlkea them, and I want to inform
ealleya the evening of the lutb. Tke you tbto fever It aever* It will eome
Spaatorda told me afterward that S4 on yon in five mlantca aod knock you
. ware killed ead mhny wounded in tbe atiS, lometiraee for a day. aomeUme*
-pit Thto waa doaa at 18»0 yard* : three, and far too often it knocks you
There eeeaaa to be ao let up to oor bnl- ' forever.
lota when we once aUrt them. . Tbe
^Ve bad at one time soa mea down ia
Spenlarda any: "If we put up onr heada tbe reglmeoc Onr regiment to atUl the
we get hit, end It we pat down oar, eld aiu, eight eompaalet. aad ant full
heada we get hit anyway. '
by any mean* aUbnugb we have reIhey bate e Caban worse then a ; eelved one batch of eighty reerniu.
Boake and 1 don't know but they have
There are few promotion* I am not
taaauH to. for every Spaniard that fall , looking for .tripea. If I bad srantad
into Cuban bard* Imt bis bead at them ao hadiv I waaid have kept thow
«*eo, ao matter wketber be wa. aiek 1 I bad 10 the voinnterra.
or wounded.
** about 8 o'clock la tbe morning
The Dona pUyed coatemptible irieka I
»»IHog. It
•a aa toa They
Bred aeain^ujo
kraaa ahenthed bnlleu, end nearly
•aery men hit with oae. died of UoZ
are aimaat ciwam color and trimmed
pMeoBlag. They else fired on onr
with blue. OlBc-rs and m <n have the
.halaaoe* end Into enr wonnded. di­
^y aader cover of Bed Croea flag* “‘“tncloae a Kpani.b dollar bill aod *
Another alee thing they did waa to 5^
totota^CroeaflagdirwMIyover an
^ht-laeh gun which waa firing at u*
but ceanoi .end them very well.
They put e boapital flag oa every :
haildlag of *ay atoe in Sentiego to y. Ever your loring ,on.
keep ai from bombarding the town. I
TM Mlewin# )«ttw wm i*eeiT«*^r
Traau Prop*i of W*lioa from bit
•MO«orfo,wko It ftAeaberofOomP**7 X. Third lottatrjV cow tuUoaed
Vt Sutiofo dt Cnbt:
StsUtfo doCob*. Jnly to. 1888
De*r FtUtr—I
»t iMi r«o«i*ed
I im IdVtort from
tod 70a mty be

TH» MOEtrora iAeo«i>, tbipat. Avavn a. i»»b.
time trw toeer eshanatfam, aad w«t'
9hJ<9«« • Xiimtok Boppct.
aarried bama I* a
Tba D. A. a baaa kaU t^ and the
Baatlara njofot om of Toay Jtorotw a* toe wieda aw net ■
at aaeh aahlbittoM *f fraaay aad rw
■yto famem baefatMk nppcra iaat

Uriooa tesatlelam. *
araalarTke Ttohlar toam rowed
With a <aalinf that my^ivda wDl
Charlotte la to «et a JWhiwud Par­ that
IHtle wcdgbl wti
lib tboar wbo
Trararae City
the baat
- ootaide tha Mr
pcbvwiae, I rratan to angmad
rott aad aa b-Ueh flotetciaa m*. They toll
that the
Babara*• la. uot exaetly what *•
wlUbemoanlodaBdaereatha porpoaa
** la oommooly amtuaed to be. and yeti*
of a awaament to tha aoldtera who
emay waya it it not rery diffeceat.
diffacent. Its
lost their Urea la tbe eirU war.
flift modi, when apfroaobed from tha
Who Bm Thto Beokf
__ rocha,
Work baa bees oommeae^ npoa the
aide _____________
d D-Kaatata.____
an giaat
foandaUo* for the Blair memorial
Will the Mmbar of Graad Tiareiae 1 bnzmd brown and red aader ^ glow
atatoe which to to ba erected ta the Oraaga who baa Bo. tl Stoto Library
tbe eootbcn aan. Maadiag <
plnn-olea 1m the gnUy andowalk leadiar to the atau eapttol. at So. ««. tiMa,“Bead of a HandredUaalar. The atatoe will be aarelled plaaae rataraitatoi « to libralraa.lOt latlng aoifao* Thla to not tbe deaert
that to ordlaarUy picCored by tbe mind
la October.
—that flat, endieei espanae which tadea
Ooremor Pinrrec bee been iaforaaed

by the YoeeBite perk eomatoakmera
lOfTidco—hath la tbe deaert, nerathe1
Tbe ball game» yeetorday waa
the lea* Joat aa’moch at tba moontaia
that one of the bir treee in the Maripoae Blr Tree Orore bea been named loagmt, and moat exciting erer played toowt of tbe far oarlb are a pan eg tbe
tnUiatoty. Tbe D. A. C.'a aad Heat-j ftt«ei erctic“w*of ic*” Beyond, bowMlcblran ia hoeor of thto atate.
lore et« the two etroagmt ladetmadgreet plain itteU, ita aw«UCo. D. of tbe Tbtrty.fonrtb MIehiraa ent teamt ta the tlaw aad the gamea ' ^ ««lntotiooi banlly relieriag to tba
rolunteero. haa loat 10 men from farer
eye tbe appeal
appeaiaaoe of ahaolate flataeaa
between them ere of the hlgbaet order
■inoe Senilaro waa Ukea. the beariaat
which the pkoture ofli
of aport. Tndty't game will ba for tba
The truth i* tbe Sahara preeenta
death Itot of any company la Coba.
of tuto anaataer teamt and itoelf in e double napect, that of toe flat
.du of the 10 left dependent oareatt
the gronada ahould he crowded.
and mndy pUio and that of the rocky
and three of the air left pereato total­
The Kecohb to iadebted to Mtoe Net-1 Hdge cr monnuin. toe Hanunad* It la
ly blind.
a. o™, tor . tuatU; .11.. .ppl..
H^al. th.. I. men r^aU.ri7
John McDonald, of Orapd Marina,
I drtoded tiy tbe cuaven* fne amoeg
*r«d es. who baa reaided in tbe wilderAttenUoB to celled to toe nouee of i their wind awept craga there ate few
neaa *a a bennlt for o<
W year* {
pillow aele la another columa. Tba oeaa* and only the blowing aaoda aid
town yeaUrday and wm;p>'1w* ^toplayedara foraala atprloeel a telentlem son are tbe comnulootof
. _
la many parts of
married to Mr* Jao Ceirae* aged 75 f>«i» thirty-five eeate up. end all are ^ footaire pilgrli
erUtU* Benefit is for Ureoe eharek. tbe flat desm tniTeling is modcntaly
Mr* Oelmea haa aeven children,
y. for oTor h»g diatanca toe aufoea
large number of grundebildrea aad Every one ahould see toem.
e hard, slimy
J. E. Bomer. an experteaeed dry
three of the greet gt*sd cbildi
After tbe wedding. “Iloeeat Jobs" aa fitioda aeleaman, of Cbtboygaa, haa ac­ call it Along our route of travel to«o«
he to called, bitched up bla horse and!«'P**^*P»^Uo«'*i‘‘>Ji
were DO mod dunes cf any magnltad*
Mr. “------Homer‘--------”
ia well ‘-—
known tbrougbont toe higbeat perhaps aceroely exceed­
started for borne by tbe trail,
a dUUBce of 15 miles In tke wood* tbe state aa a man of mock ability and ing Iborfofeet but 1 vrea Infomed by
He disposed of a large cargo of >eelery will be a pleasant addition to the foree tbe dlMingutobed Freoob ezpunr. M.
and other garden .tuff before the wed­ ofsalasmea at Steiaberg'a popular Foureeud. wbo waa then stoppiiig at
store He will begia bis dntiss next Biskra that beyood Tuggnrt tbiy.riae
to lift prodigious height of from l.SOO
J. B. Flynn, of Wetren. a gunner on Monday, moving bit family here ia to 1.400 feet Thla apeaka even mom
the batUesbip Tna.. came borne oa Septai
eloquently ft* the power of the wloda
Lancaster tvstalned iojnry ; than do toe high tomed sands of ooml
e eeven day's furlough Wednesday
night. Everybody tamed out to wel- Wednesday night from a fall dowa the
com falm with anvita. guua. ate Flynn Bteirway at bto rcaldeace. comer of
U only 17 years old. He enlisted last £lmwood areone aod Wayne street.
Jack Eampenga, whe formerly held Aa KxpUaaUM br to* Barbw «toa BM
Heptember In Detroit aa ao apprentice.
KM OalM Bb KcTM*
Be tells thrilling stories of tbe fight at the poaitioD of window trimmer la
Beutlege end tbe dsau-uction of Ccr- liteinMrg'. store, kss engaged to go to , There were flee of os bnatUig asd
Umad Rapids with T. J. Boat.
llahing in toe QaeehaleDd both when
vem'i sqnadroa.
Mim NatUe Coeklia who bea been one rainy day a stranger appaared. Be
Charles H. Ball, a tax title dealer of
Leasing. bM been bound over to tbe employed aa saleswoman In the Boetoa
Cirenil Court for trial oa e charge of store, left yesterdsy for Sidney. O.,
ve gave I
f a day’s work,
■Utntory larceny preferred by bu where she will visit a .hurt lime with
Abont four hours after
er be bad left at
partner in the bnainea.. Joba L. Lyon. relatives, aad afterward* join ber sister a hand of six men rode up, and the lewler
Lyoa was to fnmlah tbe cash and Bell's Alice la a millinery bnalneas at Eey- Inqniru) if we bad seen a uU. roughly
way. We told
bnslneas wee to famish tbs experience
and bay tbe Utle* Lron aaaerta that
Otto McClnaky waa mixed np la a him of tbe barber, end he looked (ran
man to man and exclaimed :
Hell, inatead of baying title* with eer- eollUlon with aaoiber wheelmaa
"Good graclona bnt yon are all
tola moneys advanced, eoaverted the Wednesday night and bis wheel U now tretoly shaved I"
cask to hia owa ue.
Id tbe repair shop. He waa slightly
"Ye* we gave toe barber a Job.”
jammed up tot not aerioualy hart.
"And he toavtd each one of yooF*
"He did. and did it well."
William Ingertol and wife were'
“B«w* do yon hpcr tbatT" toouted
Eacenraged by tbe pbeoomeaal sne- ihrowo from their wagon W-dneeday
man a* be turuud to k
eceaiD ibis couoiry of -Oi* 0'eaoD. 'n„ , rueaway. but neither were sed

tUai Batsw Traatfars.
XoeordaiCrotoAttfMtMtotth iarmmtohed |,y B^Mar wf
Miabael Dmtor et al. to Chartoa Wflhelm el al.. a K of awK mc. II tp 17
nr 10 w;

Batoley A Dtogla. Luaber 0* to a
P. TuUar. eif of c*H see l? tp N ■ r
II w. filM.
'Wm. F. Harris to Wm. Stone aad A.
Boffer. lot 4 blk 8 village of Wylia fTO.
• r 10 w. '
J. W. Cobbs el al i ) Oam B- W.
Wlckbem nwit of Gwi( aecutpriar
low. fifiO.
Leey Tlbblte to (Mmrlce .Own twcels la I tp rr a r 10 w. fitu.
.. .
W, O. Foeu to J. W. Pifer. J
l««lblb R. a. L. ACo.>s?toa
Martos Dokey toAlim BuUer at *1.
aHof nr!« seetl tp^B'S
Anditor Oen-ml to Fred O Berth,
*ei« of nrlfi arc 17 tpt; B no w. fftAO.
<1. R A !. R. B. Oo. ft al JvmM'M.
Cmndal psrcca Is arcli -pMarfiv.
HevnahALeyCo. to A. J Petertvi,
p*:ar:sln origin pDt iravvrto OI»T.
Tim. B. Hooker to J W. Patqhf’,
part. 'lot 7 b’v 8 ort -i.u plkt ikv
erw City, fificv.
Fred .Nold to Goa Eegstmm. pert U
blk K. B. A L. Co.'. 7to add.
•l*mea Grey to L. J. Oolaao, awig g<
nw)s *#0 88 tp 87 B r 10 w. ft
J. W. I^uhla to Patrick BnrdM,
percela in B. L. A Un.'a 7to add. gt.OOQ.
AndltoiriJeaeral to Zesohetmeke A
BosCo.,pareelalstp89Br»w. SIS 18. ,
, J

BxeuraieBe From the Bonth on the
0. k. A 1
«The O. E. A 1. will have
into Traverse City aa foUews:
Angnat 88 (rom pninto between Fart
Wayne and Grand Bapids indnalv*
Angnst S4to from polau on F. A P.
M. By. including Detroit end Teleda .
AnguBttfilhfrompolnUe* L. B.
M d. Byallpoinu In auutbtm Mid

Aurnat 80tk firm Pmna. polnte Cl*rionati. Dayton, kpringfleld, Xmla.

Prom Ohio, ladeiM and Penn* tickgood M day*

C. L. LoexwooD, O.
and upon tbe demand of a promlnee* |
Orand BapUs.
London. England, maoager. this clever {
PUlew Sels.
dialect comedy win r«.-piTe i's initial
will bold their
Bogllah productloB next leaaon. when
Miss Ague* L. Doyle, the well known to pnt huu tfl eu atylnm.
pillow aeieet W. W. fimlto'a ssw brick
of Amer- teacher of art embroiderv. and Mis.
Tbcy^ rode away at a Rullop end next Store oa Proot street thU afteraeon
lean players will iorade the s .ore.
A»det*on of Ludio'gton are in maining rettmicd to our camp with toe *rd evening. Them will be cm exUUman. wbo bad been captured after a tlon and for sale a Ifirge rarien ef pil­
Britaio. This seaaon w| 1 therefore be i ipe city.
hard fight and was tied rm hif bursc. low* representiog toe latest mnsslt i>
the last time Ole Olewn' will visit! Henry tiaklev of afanittoe i. in the
He ammed to remember ns when be this popularfad sod the prieve
uaandt.lhat end a company of su-'eity on hi* war u. j do Mr. Oaklev at was (nven a drink of wsitT. and as he
- -1 In* .
perior ability have been engaged and i ihelr cottage at Charlevoix,
they ex­
banded the cup Lack be qnieUy ob­
o porc-haae or
nr not. loe tern wlU
many of toe old favorites-are retained, i Carol Bale left yesterday for Cb ca- served;
.ncludingMisabt tJeorge Unmey. toeing uj vi*U b>. sister. Mr. E A
"1 my. gentleiueo. please
and eveairg and a plaeaant Um m
I meant to finish off (be last mao wbo aoticipeted.
clever Irish woman, who has been I Wright
identified with "Ole ' lor many year*. | Alderman .labrans and family went got sbevid. but 1 got to thinking of
■omitbing elsaand it alipped my mind.
Tbto prodnclion is aenonnoed a* poa to Carp Lake yesterday to spend
lUvely better than ever before. Tbe week at the dob bouse of toe OcUnary —Cepe Timta
spectalUea features etc are all new club.
Aa Islaad of newer*
and from among the latest popnlar
John Lodge, wbo it a
The Scilly islands m«^ very Jonty
' --------------------------------------------------------I »ui.-ve.*e*.
e i>
is booked to
m app
appear member of tbe Detroit Athletic Club. be termed flower Island* tar n large
ea on board, sailed for Santiago tola l*t >*teinb«rg's Grand Upera House
nirface is given np to toe
Is here with the bell team. Mr. Lodge
afteruoon. Bsmnel Bodd. of Saginaw, Thnraday evening. August 18ih.
W*s oBiii Isal year city editor of the cnltirstioo of flower* and the greet
tnejoTity of to«»r people spend their
BecUree French Ambueedor Wee
Uvea in ettoixling to too plant* from
Mlaa Bteinberg Bnterutnvd.
aoditor's efbee of Wayne county.
which all toe wealth of tbe islands is
Uaentoonxed to Oencede Any­
rnenmatism. was left behind oa acMiss Irene Steinberg gave a delighiA. McManus and wife have returned drawn.
thing in Bpanieb Beply.
oouDtofhto Ulneu.
fnl party last evening to about Si
a visit to Petoskey They were
Tbe inhabitants have had other oocnMadrid. Augosili -Inofliclal circles
friends at ber home on Front street. | sect mpenied by toeir lece. Mim Me pecious before they s«-uled down Co
toe reply of the I'nited Stales in tbe
Tbe evening was pleasantly paaaed at Manus, who will visit friends here for flower growing. At one time they were
wm-kera and at i '
liywir UCUfC CTflOICC
” cards, enjoyment of refreshments and , a short lime.
■attor of tbe peace negotiationt is re­
LlliLt ntnO OlunlLO.
^ iDusii:. to which Professor Horst eon-1 K. D. McAvey.cbef at tbe asylem
garded as satisfactory. Premier Sagen<) devoted touuselvos to toe nisiug of
|| [tributed liberally, accompanied by Miss j will go to Chicago this morning for e
MU. kow,.„. a..l„
k. ..u.or.:J
early potaloc* Tbi-*o was niemey to be
Grace Wllbelm.
• few days on businesa
made out of ihrm. and tho iflauds pros- laed French Ambassador C.mbon. as *
Amble McPbail won the gentlemen s j J, W. Cliffe went to Elk Rapids yea
Partj of Michigan.
first price, a handsome book: and Elsie ’ Ibrday.
toe repreeeauUve of bpain. u
a we Mt to W* Wt Wf wr WS W»i*Kano toe ladies'prlz.-.<ao after dinner
Judge W. C Borch, assleiaat attor- Channel Islaudiirs took togrowing pouaay chengee In the Spanisb'i
Jobe Butebins of Beaton Barber, a enp and saucer. Tbe conaolations were ney-general of the L'oiled Bute*, and
and toe pniBiu trade nf toe IBrtlly
"a. regard, certain conditions which yonng «.ldier. member of Company I. won by Clark Allen and Came Backer, one of toe owners of Lees Point, came
ids was killed. Therenpon the is.
might create difienlties during tbe Thirty third reglinant. Im« been adleaders buUink toemselvea to floWM
---------------------------' up from Grand Rapids vesterdsy.
eontee of tbe DcgotiatioDs."
j-tdged insane by CornTty Jndgr V.b
Saterteined by Ben Montague.
| jgag rteZoete of Cbir'evoix. is visitlT»e premier added. "If any change*
end wa. ukeo to ibeasvlum
Yesterday was the fourteenth birth- log hi* *i-ter, MieaD<Z'«te, on Ninth
, at Kalamse>v>. Unu-bloa became over- day annlreraary of Bennie MoDlegue ; street
) to be made, tbe govern m
beaud at Island Lake. Be imagines in honor of tbe event abont rs friends I Mias Margaret Holden entortained i to flowen.—Ynoch's O
will make toem."
tbe government baa him spotted as a gathered at hi* home on Slate street' Mis* Mary Mnrpby of Cadiilae. el Park |
_~I------------The text ef to* reply of the Lnited deserter.
end had a joUiflealion. Gamee on toe i Place yrsterday.
Steles will not be definitely known un-' .loseph Inglwhy of Benton Harbor, roomy lawn and appetiung refresh-1 Miss Berde Alte Steinberg kaa reBy snob e name diwn the 5:80 p. m.
trsts from ciyduey to toe Blue moantil filter the oomin^* cablbet meeting. , ‘ff*® l' .yram, has mri his death at a menta served by Mr* Montague made! turned from a visit to Petoskey.
talas go by. Tlie Blue ninnutaius am to int StNSATIONOf THtAOEl
_________________ i popnlar resort here by drewning. Inof great pleasure boib | ChrU B. Kefal and wifs of Northport
Annralie wbni Bwiuarland 1* to Eug^lAL BY OODBT MABTIAL
| ffi«by and * companion were in hetb- to toe gneete aad their yonog host.
j arrived yesterday on toe Cnmminn Uod, toe place wben- "toe fiisbiun. iKff- Be was unabls u> swim and was
aad am domiciled at the Bote! ablM” go to flud "coulto " toroughouc
W* qne-tong Party TonigbL
9n Oacere Who Desecrated Grave
''>*« «'«P
by the swift
Wblting. They will mturo tonight.
toe sunmior months.
i of e Oonfederate Officer.
It Is *Lo toe hannt of tbe newly
Tonight there will be enothbr enjoyMr* Chris Deits of Leiand made a
•pwtaJ tstSs UasKise Ksmsn.
' Tbcaannal conference of FreeMelbo- able party ia the We-que-ioeg club trip to town yesterday via tbe Tiger married, aad toe truin hardly leaves
one day a week wiiliotrt Imving Kvernl
Waahlnglon. Aogaii ll —A special'
*‘**‘'^ camp meeting near | bottse. The lest penv was a great and M. A N. E B. R
happy conplt* oa board—hence it* name. Seete on snle at Box Office Mon­
J. W. Slater went to Btk Rapids last
U tu sur Irom Tko„.,h,.„ G.p,
! "—'l-l “-U -—l-I ■— Tb.
To railway mea u ic koown as "toe

P’ tlonalsoeaaa Therewa*animnien*e!lad.e*el*eredabeut83 1oriheriub,be- evening on buslaca*
fish tnin." toe driver's name being
▼a., aays that Judge Advocate Hadley.
day irorning.
•owd present, hundreds of tesms from Uidet psying for electric light lamp*
Dan Dakc has miorned from a trip Herriug. that uf the liretnau Pike, while
at the Unltod btatea army, arrived In everywhere being quartered
aod tu cool of light for tbe <
to Eiaai Jordan.
ttegnaid ba* tone of tbe lowly but
camp iaat sight to try assistant sur- vicinity. Tbe bead of exhorters was
Mrs Myron Ball and Mr* R A. Baa- honMt Oockla—Londoa Standard.
On Bis Way Mcrth.
gao* aad Ckptais Duncan, of tbe uenanally large, end there was mneh
Ung* of Bparu. am gueau of the fam­
intense excitement and "wenderfnl exJ. M. Thomat baa received a letter ily of Dr. E L Ashton. Their busList of lAftteie.
Twaaty-eecood Kansas reglmem. wno
bibiUons of the power." Booree of from bU BOO Verlio. In which hesteted bends will come hem a little later end
r*Ilow1o«UUv^li»iol lelivr*
Remember that I do til kind* of rowan charged with deeecrmUng tbe men. women end children became no"rrerereT CUT >o«
that he was about to sail for New York enjoy some of the Grand Traverse fish­
uelringand enameling, and that I can
i grave of a confederate officer of Ball ccntTollable daring the eneempment- from Egmont Key, Fla . ontheateamer ing.
aod do give you tbe best work of any
In tbe city for tbe moui^. DonS
One Dr. Aabe of WalkervUle gave way Bcguraoc* togetoer with a number
Frank Hunt, advance repmeenttUve
t-c deceived by wbat otbers toll yon to
under toe excitement and died oa tbe of petienu from various regiment*
of the Ole Olson company, was In toe
toe contrary, but coma end see for
spot, it is aeid. from heart tremble.
oily yesterday.
Igiug for toe ep-1 S^^IT/rewi.
Aa Spidemlc of Bebberim.
Sakswreor. Mauu.
I guarantee all my work to be rl^t,
Hfbtk XtUnoie Olaared From Mew Bundey eftomoon WiUiaa Meade, a
of tost eitmclion hem un toe
Wbwlorii. Hr*. Mar.
I if it doe* not prove so I make ft
farmer from Corel, was carried home e
Traverse City people am eanUoned to mb.
Terk oe the Tale,
corpac. It was given out that he died lack out for bnrglara. Tfaem seams to
L. H. Gage and motbrr.Mr* L. Gage,
fipeetel taTn Hsmuxs kaeuw.
^top Jn till 8 o’clock every evening''
WilUen'n Petoske* Orana. pnre except Bunday. In toe ChldwMl A Lonfrom hernia. Both men with their be an epidemic of robberies throngb- went to Coopemvilie ymterday.
Mew York. Anguat n.—Tlw AuxlUfamiliea were them day after day. •nt toe atate and in eev«|^ laalaaoee
Mrs. Jamse Mnrchle kaa gone to Ntov ..-nit Jniom. co d aparkltng aoda uaur. d(w baiUliag. at north end ef OmIo*
•ly nMar Yale, with the Eighth III!- Sunday evening an nnknown woman heavy kaula have been H^a from Terk to meet her hnab*nd,who weaj to clees epoona and gitaae* This mixMteveluteera.aadaBBmberof nara- lay in a^matoee condition for a long dwelUnga ae well aa benknq^ atore* SeoUand a short time age.

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.

SmSTl 1$ WRATHf.

Thursday, Aug. 18.
rntiAuoniNo success


Prices, 25,35, 50 and 75 cts.

Bicycle Riders.






*Bit jfos5t«o
,Ha (faoni^t (or a agsMSt.
. *‘Fin Umuasd poadavotOd dstt.
‘•Btenm." I»pHaa.-tolln4a« tlito
<A Uadi; ;nri«tan lalM lik;
sitolabocld toBMidsito be helped Is
Bw<«fi»d awar for « (nr ntBiili>
bU (oUy. I aball have n«cb pieaNn is
OVCB Md 1 wo« alom.
ksdingjoa tbut amont"
**I praame.” 1 r-^nnr*«,
Lcyceate by>!:ed at me is ai
wmt a maeo is w:..-3 as to esU tUi
•‘Tmapl^’’be cried. “ yoo'ra agood
■fteiBooo?” '
' <’Well. 7M.’* tbe ;.'plied Is ■ beriWe ratBined to
the cinb. a
I wrote
him cbattlis^
totiDeMM. "SoewthiiicrbM bappaned. him one a ebeck. 1 left hi
trilb Bartcai Fenwiefce, a goaalp,






la PHU I
n. iRomm, wbo baa jaat antoidad’
with• bar btwbsnA tbaP
the Preseb cyellat,
is Melboonw. pnpand bmlf fortba i
great erent aa catefsUy as if aba bad .
beendnaeltigforafaaJl. Sbapetonberl
moat effectire dreaa, elaboantely carled !
and dremed bw hair, srnuigto bamtf |
npoo the bod in a gncefnl pcae and '
died with bar face act in a p*-------- T '
imlla. The writer knowa of
atmilar inatance. bnt tbe woman in the !
lau«r oaae hanged beieelf In OTonisg I
dreaa with all bar jewelry oo asd a
Wnch ol otfroln. oo her Up. Tbcre..................................
age man's vanity U
not witall. bnt it ia
a poor paarinn Ueaide tbatof tbeateiaga
woman, wbo wuald alwsys latber look
wnU than be weli—iiydauy BnUetis.

sat tyth


A sdsiner*! wMow teUa ttala:
.’■MybstoosjlNBbe aid. >‘tmd brows
eye* that tsi^ deeply, darkly black
wbeai be waa asgry. asd which danced
be waa amnaed.
Kararaliy, in
oonrm of a long life with him. 1
to know Uweraiyug czpreadon of tboK
eyea pretty well I oaed to watch bia

Dr. A. B. SpioseT. o( Detroit, atao
proprietor of Seed City Sanitarium. U
oominff to your town, where > e will
remain (or one day only to pee the
alck an opportanity to cooeult bio;
that cannot aec him at hia SaniUrinm.
The doctor baa m mneb faith in the

bow tbinga were golns
_ with bim Mrf, 1 *””“1*5 dl—*—h-will pre mi.
emth’a trutment and mediane free,
; iocldeoully. ..•mu;^^„|^,!m,ma,'.lre,,m,m.M„«uJ'ulre.
with tbe oongregatiaa. I
' ly. *‘I didn’t want yon to bear it fron
j remember once in the midat of a nest
any one ela and think me mean, ao''—
Tbe Den eerning I
f to tbe Pen- earnest disc-onnte to have aeen him atop
I a»k...____
“Udoeanot crire promiae." 1 interidclec!-' will atate to tbeir friesda
npttd, *‘of brinpintrlllpenoe that will
>btained by hia treatment,
a»lB meWelirinnidy happy.''
F^wiclc. I ««Ued np to
brijAWtlng again with that twe- | AU forma of chronic
oiaeaaes and
“to’ich^inn,-' aba cried, "and yon them. A waltx wu jut beginning.
m baa achieved a triomph
aiatible twinkie. tboogb tbe teat of nia formities treated. No man in thla
plcMedt I’m going to U
"Are yon free frr tbis^" I naked featunib remained quite grave ihrangb- i State baa bad anch emended erpe- I in Fmiiila. Twenty-twe
ont. A. I aaid. it wu only lor a mt> 1
“How jolly!” I remarked prwBtly.
muil; then be resumed bia Knaoo ai
-T minired emW a feW aecooda to appeebefore.

Eva B«; ™Eb.T-ahe uiNa;


V the


Wh.. W. ,u. ».urer 1 (Owl'


i .U..

I,. ...W — U.U U.U a.

If ao yon know


rtTS'u jitAaffoa*. '
O. P.OA&TER. At*^ ; '

John R. SantOs
Geisral lisaruce.
TTaesiaa etty. ■

XnyasMtmj Martwc

Below la a Uat od the boylsg and •all',
no orioM of yaatorday Uw grooartaA ,
la and farm pcodaota is Tmo>
erao City:
anjjno men.
Olav Pork par bbl,
BhoACst I^.



t :.<d L«.r ua in 8 meditatiTC to*y.“
when chorcb was out and we vree oc I tice • after that lectnred as Professor ®“”®- *"«
«rriTed la
1 glanced at her in
oar wsy borne
I of Anatomy and Physiology in Detroit'
oaduiou. with nearly fow
abe aaiA
■rc-uicu■ jn.TiiT.
Mj aenuus. I led bet to a
‘ -Uy
" • Why. 1 emme so nenr langhlng out 1 Homeopathic Medical College for » , l»-“rs to spare, was sent tiw ly tbe war Meal. B. L. A Oo-------i( to be a
k-clnd«-d spot, and wc suited onraelvea in ebareb that there was no fun in It,' 't**'*> wasA years Supericteodent of ; mtnister. wbo is said to be mneb inter- Feed. B. L A Oo. Beal....
' to tbe world at large, bnt to yon, as an
“Ur. Temple.''ab<'aaidimpecnoQiOy, be BiA 'Uf course tbe cbotr is bidd«i I
VpaiUnti Banitariums. . eated In the result. Decs this furushadow, | <gn per dox............
old friend"-—
“is it tme tiiat yon bare lent Lord from tbe oongrecutlon behind Jta nro-1‘^**U experience, combined with many one is tuchned to uk, an Imperial edict OodBsb per »...........
I lotdced at Owen. Bereyeawere etill la-yevstei £f>.00ti?"
rantempli-CiDg ber tea. “Tet. 1 anppeae
"How in the name of —" I began.
I bnt It cbuiK-ei I be exactly in my line
Qsands of chronic cases, hast
(tteamery Bultto-B,
I am on old frirud." I Ifplud <^ly.
"Alice Fcn« ic kc uJil mo.” «be said
Tben I acxewod opmycoarage and aaid: qnickij. “That gov-tpiiig brotbi-r of of vialon as 1 stand on the ruetrnm.
When I stopped in tny sermuu today, it i pnicUti
••Well, who is her'
bt re. Barton, euid 1»- had nirt Lord I
i Corn per ba.. olm..
She bleshrd. I th-ongbt sbe was look­ ceeti r at a dob and be told him.
1 it I wawl nnit
]im. D
and ..(.w
and nwr-onp
sawuar ni.nnew u-inrAno
new 1 Call and see ns, wc will tr"-------•
:e!I yon whether
ing remarkatily pretty.
trad'' hbe lookid at me pleadingly.
g*,ryo» • has bsaid ef Lo rney’a t’hlt per bbl
liBving H qniri game of cards be- we can care you or not. If we cannot
“Ltycestet." rbf said softly,
-R-cll." I reid, ■■W-.-Uw lold in :

e yon. we will tell yon what relief
kodlrs, psrbages all sixes and prices, ®'*“ ^
••Ah." I ezelairMHl. u if the whole«,b.d ire, ,„re.hoPblc mod would,
I H B wait's Drug Store.
Btnme batks or imaTSHB orr s«itc
myaiery Ipid bctii solvtd, "a title!"
gtf'Renemher. one month will
have to ran an a.v.
, iookt-d up and caught my eve tbnee
at>solBtely free—medicines, sorg
Owes gave a nrrvon* lilile laogfa.
• And yon bi lp-d htm." «»« Q** edf
po^dd.-o,v ind mvt- operationa. and tbe benefit of all
Wheat, old. p«-bn................
“l/wd Lcyowter is very nice. Don't yon n m.v. J'eo that I might be Lady Li-yT?^.,ugLt that in spite of
akiU to all wbo
a , -a erjtblug 1 shouid buTst out Uugliinif." Our methods of treat,
"There's no barm in Leyceater," I
I n. ade no reply- Sbe tnnicd and laid ,^i,iUul,iphi. Times.
knowa by all the school*........ ................
replied. “Hi's onlj Ktnp:d "
KiiimH (in
a band
on ,ii«my nont
ennt c
sf electricity, that most wooderfnl of
------------i Batter, per ib........
6be shot an iudig.mut g:ance at me.
"Do yon know." abo uid, vritb a
all ageota in Paralysia, Loss of Power,
Manistee. Mich.. Aug. 1,19M. j Bgga, per doaoo...
“I think he's veiy ni..:," she aaid, R lib-, "tbat I'm very glad that I've
Rheumatism, snd all diseaaea of tbe
e Protectlv* A*s'n..(Hvi-trd. Mbsh.
per bn...
attempting ti> impart an air of conrio- found it onl befarr it's too late?"
oervona system. Go early, as my
OBHur MsBsal sf Araw Piwpsrsd hr •«!. office is alwsy* crowded.
kiusi to ber tone.
"Fruiid out wbatV" I asked, almost
tts BUir.*
S. B.-CsMn. Tsasers. Blood asd Stria voor district manager.'W. E Hardy.'
"Yon don't seem to be rery positive tnanhiing with excitement.
esnidbr SMW srstML Pllos esrsd la
Tbe ttion remarkable oaenpany ctf sol* EHseases
on the point. It is all very sadden,'' I
trow 5 to » dar* wliSoat tbs kslia Fssul*
■ hOD|
ig her bead, a blnab spreading
diers ever drilled in this conotry fcmgbt sod prlrsiE dls*ase« o< all forias ussud soca'lded. '*i have not beard even a wbisnssfsllT. Hsorsathelsthatcaaaothaltsalsd
• for ih* falrand r-on^
inner in wbicb yon have settled with
>. I remain a m> mber of yoer s
(M doctor's dlraetloa. Tsrnn (or board aod
“It happened last pight,” abe began.
irssiiBsai tbs lowvsi of asy assitsdao or bootensive
“At the dDcbcM'^anre?"
.wen!" I exclaimed,
fore the war, bis charge to tbe govern­
Remember, we give a written guar­
Tbe dodtess was/Lry.. Mer’s motiu-r.
teeyccster found ns prearatly. He
■ iifliB aifi Ml
ment of “extra work" cm hiaatar rontea antee to care every case of PILHSand
sn:*"i: ‘
seemed in a particnlariy bappy mood. cahds.
aoaaaa aas* sss
RUPTURE. Also, we ? ive a lying-in
“Von »-e. moeb“Ob. Lord LeycvE-icr," said Gwen, being ao freqnent and large as to keep hospital department it onr Banitarfisgess ssss B8«
tooking np at liiin frankly, “do yon tbe pustoSico department in a state of inm. Send for Jonrna’. r «
Y »I.LODOO».D«.U«.0»te«l* M. khaa
J . Block.
iu- ccT
I broke in. mind if 1 marry Mr. Temple instead of oonstant ferment.

He was a grand old fnan of the rongb,
.. m>(hii -nd tbe dnebess have yourself?"
a JC BBQWK. SMC-r a»*<te*«s«uevai
booest type of "Bine Jeans" Williams
1 Leu loiirhiug together lately. Heaven
burst ont langhlng.
iififc (-( a m^tKy-ly In eKs making of
"Not in the least." be mcd. “and, Lincoln, Tbonnao, Jerry Rnsfc. Craw­
news-my o>(upsi
biggest , ■
n uivit—giuriuus news-mj
nnnli«tot hnt h®
It was ridinilowly aimple. Gwrn tejiunt has come into a fortune and paid I
? “eg
la itoressulc Oe Block.
88 B 8 « SS8888
was as heiress, Ura. Beiuford was am- m ten years' arrairscf ii
rs on O. M. A 1
biiions. amd tbe leyceetcr family deriv­ tbe wood! By Jove, won't tls dnebeas for three ordinary governors Hedrilled
ed tbrir.income from Iriiib estates—a U, mad when sbe bears I'm nut going to bia men aoeordi^ to " 'Extra Billy ’s'
Tactica” an onpnbliahed maunai of
driivatiem tbat was every year growing marry after all!"
more loudful in its resnlta
“And Mrs. beresford!" I mnrmnrv
iDdianapill*. one fare for round trip
A drill Irasno: Colonel "Extra Bil­ Sell Aagiutatb. rvlaro Angnst IStb.
•■It's a pity." began Gwen, tewing
“1 think lean face it." aaid Gw
ly’—Now, boya git yo'Klvet in perwLndlngton. one fare for round trip,
with a Isce haodkcrcblef. "tbat"—
tioo- Are yo'ready? Tote anus! De­ bell Jo
•'I haven't a title? Exactly," I aaid,
And abe did.-Magnet Uagnxina.
liver arms! Rest yo’ mnskots! Tote Angoantbor brnsqncly.
8be appeared not lo have beard tbe
w a* La«. Bpwdsl
good. Art- yon reedy agaiu? Well, bore Sell Angost 1st. good
If yon have siiy luiibitioii to boar
At one time Gwen and I bad aees a yonnelf well, to suc«-cod in life in all we go. Fix yo'stickers I (Fix bayont-te. j
Onurfo. one fare for roond
s«ss e a aaaaa *
la of (me BD(db(7. and 1 felt that au- weys as well at in tbo financial wsy, Now charge 'em and stick 'em !
One day be led bis tmn into a blind
■a 888: a s sets* a
oUkt straw in tcy favor wcold have whicb u commonly understood when
gor^ to rsiurn Sept. r,tb.
= WW-4-S S
broogbt tbe matter Co a happy termiua- snccess is mratiorw'd. yon most become lat-c about a mile long, and arriving at
Vermillion. O . one fare for ronnd
tbo end could not see bis way ont
■ ■iiii %--------tioD. However, it was i»i to be. and
trip. Sell Aagnst UV good lo return
.aaaaaaaaaaaa a
BOW Mrs. Bercefoid bad taken tbe mat­
ter into ber own Jionds, and Gwen had and still
«,11 have
h.w the
,b. bigbiwt
h„b,« cbaraci
cbuirerer. I, I
zg—wg» •
U C. E Mwrray. Agent.
probably been allowing ber toogne to I it tbe little incidente from duy to day
C. L. Uxkwood. (i. P. A..
trip lovingly over the pretty name of wfairb make a man'* character, and pera»aa w saaassssa
<lrand Rapid*.
■eop'tal. An
I/idT Gwendoline Leyeexter until tbe baps (be ttrongiwt uf all tbe>w little inArbor, wUlnMOBdloetol* lor earetea. fti
as«!: 8 8888S88M
gravely tbe siitiatinti be gave tbe order,
pAtsvDt arrangement bad
arrir ^ rL
B (U*uwt BB 11
art- tl,u-i- wbirb concern tbe
8 “=■="“■
"1»j|i{AM-. “ she said, tbiuking it ud- ttcauuunt of WdmrD and girla by men "Disband, boys an meet me tomuirvr
vissbli totbangecbc subject, "I abali and boys. Tbe fact of being coustenily ffiornin on tbe I other side of the field
................... .............. ..............heal*. LoTisrlU*. laaiBjiaeoH*. CteeteasU. Obhmea Dctroti **4
see yon tonioTTow at tbe Fcmwickn'?" with womeo acnnetiini-* (-uitivates tbe wbar we aimed to git this evening."—
TO &BrT erfw
City Juurual.
"Ttfi."Iaai4 "And now I mnst be babit of paying littleattentitm to them,
'OLUMBIA AMD LOU A. OtTKgoing,"! added, linge^g for a mo­ of cot reoollrrting that they are to be
A MUIterr VrVok.
ment, bat in band. “1 have (o see a treated with never foiling eoniteny.
^ ^teOetosroetaii_______
One of onr Gemian-Amid'icaD citiaens
UA 40
TvalD* srrlv* Ire* meaMo4, Fen Wsraa,phyrician."
This is but a step In the direction lead­
Going T.ortb dally except Sunday.
-----ht *n„ ,
ing to such iocideuts as one seea in Eu­ belated tbe followug incident of Uk
“What is It?
rope, where young brotbera sit abont the Gorman revnlotim of liMb:
•aXTBO-OooS 4l»te« e
iiKipient utuiik of profomd borne in tbeir ouiforau. paid tat by
bcuiu," Irepiiteiu 1 tockmyde- tbeir sudi-i*' sen iug cr teaching, and large nnmbar of prlaoacra to look after.
..11:10 “
p. n por«D-A Msmq (^1
let these same sisu re bring tbeir sb(xw Ttmt did not worry ns as long as we
were not moving, bnt cue day we bad
1 WI ct home to dinnor and afterward
tts or glowes of water, and wbal
lb* Bkobd ofll «. MS tl
to make a forced march. Tbe etrantry
•• Ctaarlivoix............
atralU-d ronudto tbe club, thinking tbat
When we go to Gormany and see
^ amokii-g room gca»ipwqnldbepleaea'it- this sort of thing, weacqaireaoaotempt throngb which we wtn to pnes was
•• BsyV-ew.............
* or that, uy own rvfleegiotia, I spent tbe tar tbe meu of tbat rear. They do not boBtile. and extrame vratcbfnlnaM was
-- Weqs< to slog. .
remalL'bTrf thervtnirp tb<ov, and it begin to <qn;J (he vigor, tbe manliness, ncoessaiy. We bud few enough men as
“ Bartyvr Point ...
was striking Dt uUn 1 stood on tfac tbe eivilixstiou. of our American men. (t waa and we knew tbat tbeoe prisAr. Harbor bpringv..
sup*, iteihmpiating wbotber 1 abonld Aod yet we must not behold tbe mote
tbe first (^nniug.
walk or ride back.
in o«r brother's eye nnlext we consider
"Finally a young officer made a briiGoing south daily except banJty
“Going borne, Temjdrr'iBld a roloa. tbe beam in car own. Wc mnst not criiliani snggectiui, end it was promptly Leave Harbor Spring*
Itarpcd It was yoni« Lcyoeytrr.
kise otben nulcvs ws can at least say
•' Harbor Puioi ..
“I'm your way. if you're waOiug." that onr own uiui bave a clear idea of oarried out We ripped the anspsadtr
frait erilar.cle**.
buttons Jrran tbe prlaiAiers' tronser*.
tbeir propt'r coarse in sneb a matior.
took aaray tbeir belts aod knew we bad
I said, BBd bo linked bis atm
FnrUiermote. when yon ai« dealii^
•• Peteskey..........
within mine. Be csamciited lo talk with tbe other sex U is wise to bear in them. Their baida were bu^ after
•• Charlevoix........
tbat, and fast rnuniog was ont of the
toxmibimselt being qaitp young.
mind that as yon treat them ao are you
(jito xgyT-lfc
“ Norwood...........
“I'm ao awful fool. Temple.” be aaid bniiding np efaaraett-r in yonrs^f. If question. We made the march safely,
au{rr°te^. Fraakc*^ J rDrues'*«^.
sod I do not bcHi ve tbat L-wm Yankee
f Ab.
•• Omena................
yea do not bear in tuiud tbe
1 gluM at the (air, boylsb inrfring
■• NaabUwanta..
Ar. TraveraeCity ..
(ace and BiPBtally agiv^ with him.
yon oatuiot rctMn for any length of time
“I'TO comb a (ri^tfnl empper," be a pride in yupta-lf. a aaiisfaction with
A llMtal MbIo.
yoor behavior, vvbi<^ isiammotily calico
'Tom, that old i .voy tucked n»ewl o’
“If you wUl play bocoarat with ‘(Bp- acU iTspeot. And witbent self respect
Oolor vmtb daily excwpt Bnoday.
tabu* wbo bara (otgolHn -tbe Base ct yon will have a bard time of It In the yooin ain’t DO good under a Bddla to
Leave NurUtport........................6:^0 a. a
tfaeir rigimeBts,” I nmadud. “you workL—Harper's Bonnd Tabk.
“ Omena............................... 7:J0 "
mutt expert to wxne croppen. “
“ Mutton* Bay.................... 8:l» “
“And 1 dare not tell tbedodiras.” be
Vlw OM Trao.
“ Neabtowaato..................«:W “
“No|w; a«kHHM i«r that.’’
rxclsiiaed. “Bbc has advaaced me all
Tbs “old tn«,"cne of LexingtaB's
Ar. Traverae City.................10:45 “
“N't-r ai pulUu cv tbe plow?"
ebv««in spare already. I don’t know fatoontlaadmarka. was latelynoticed to
“Nope; waute u-r gnao Coo mneb.“
wb(te- to raise aaotber peniy, and 1 hedeoiytog. erwing to its age. it Is no*
“Wbm yen krcplu bini for, tbeaF'
shaH bo sold up!"
om ISO yean old and was in a veij
“Waal yoB see. we ain't got ao
I began to think et Owen.
good state of preservstian tmtil teoeni
“The went of It Is,*’ be treat ««,. yam Tbe old tree is sitaated in front olock at our 1h«mi. an that oie mewl
“the duebem has arranged amairlega ft tbe Backman tavets, whose walls ate iKATs atdiQiwrtUuc jest«« shore ca tbe
....... S:li
with eprutty little belrasB. Tbdmigage- tiddlad with ballets from tbe baule la yeortb tonra* over Yasmr, I've been
Bent ia to be anuoimoed tomarrow. and. I7». 6o it to anppoeed that then an
(er tbe last liv«year> anrmollns right
I 8ban‘t be able to cany tbe tfaW also many mere imbedded to the heart
tfaroegb. I baven't even tbe nxmey tc oftoeoldtraa. la I76» it wassMd to
ratoe tbe steeple of tbe firm meetn«
“Do you wub to maciyr* 1. ^kad boose m> tbe oaomon. a rrqie being atIt U recraded d a yirong (op wbo
Tske ateamar at s4oJt m. lor NeabtMtoed to it and extended acraas too vrWtedODe of tbe RotbeobtltoatoKtor
“Ko, “ be aaid impatiently. “Sbe it
twaota wliere you wiH ynneet with
was «9 prond of bia uuUr.ohia steere
Crescout ratarntag to Treva nine f-noogh girl, but it is not in my
buttons tbat be insisted npcni exbioltI aty at ]0:45 a. m. Tbto will give
ibM. Wbat am I to do! Tbe dncMM
ing tbem to bto host
yon a cleaaant ride of »4 mitoe on the
will aimply oat tnr wIko sbe flods ont
be made every morning.
tbe trne autc of affairs, and if I han’t
United States Consol Swalm at Mca- •‘Yes. it is a pivtty stone- I bave a If yon wtobw longer ride tbe bowl will
make some aort'of a wttlcm(3it by to
land yon at Umena or Norihport where
Btegtow I aball huve to bolt. It's a con- tBVideo has notified tbe Bate depart­ mautelpiece mode irf it in tbe nexi you vrill eonneet with ateamar return­
(ortablc poaitica tobciu."bGoonclnded ment tbat the presldBit of Urngnay baa
ing to Traverae City at 4:00 p. m.
appointed a commissita conipca^ of
Afternoon exeursinns from Traverae
Katnre bas given us two earw two
1 reflected. Owen wbnM not-marTy rvpreecDiative men to revise tfac tariff eyes and bnt (Aie mugov. lu the cud tbat City, take the steamer Creoeent every
me oven if this procioo* young idiot laws of toe country. Thla, asys fir. we ahonld btar and aiv in ora th*n « s afternuon at t;00 for Neabtawanta
wkera yon will eonneet with slsemer
did “bolt." so I niigkt jnri as well as- Swalm, will he uf
retorni^ to Traverse City at 4:00 p.
-Mst ioAlvingbiribc titic she coveted. Amcricao trade, affording as it will an
“L(w«Bter.".l aaid. “what sum will oppannuliy lo change tbe prastat claatiA whale cf 6U tons weight exarta >4*
To partka of five cr more a rate of
■pnleyonr auditors tor the moment and fleatious so as to baoobt many liaea at honepowtr ill awtmmtog li miieaan one
fare for the ronnd trip vrill be
• • jm
^ - to carry tbe masia^

re,„.,.re™r.,» re.,,,..

;f£-i Lt2rot.r


^^ eiu;:

;§™,Tlie Way They Settle!

6pd bpiil t iillHi 1. B'S.r.TiSSfanB

, t.t

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