The Morning Record, August 21, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 21, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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the morning record.





Om tka SawiOlaBa
Ancuat IS
Porto Biowu Dootzoy «pon> Of mil w Tn Meaaaw naotaa.
IB Fraaetooo, ABpaat to.—The
lah Froporty.
ataaner Olaalatc arrtrad (rom.
▲ppUed the Torch to BiOld. Oriaat, via HmolBla. tkto aftan
and brinn lataUffaaea that tka Stare
inga at Oato.
aad Stripea wore latoad Aacaat
Olanfarf eallad the day before tka
r XmIM »»«»«• U ^OThe aaxt ataoMar to anira
• M< m rvbUofttios I
froM HoaolalB wUI ba the Balffla.
•f apulrii bootad wd SndaMa wbiok will ba due aezt Teaaday.
IBM jiUUoad.



' m^rnui
Haw Y«»k. ABfBBtJoBieal’*
mpttiti faWB PoBoe. Porto Kleo. »y«:
«rtB*T—’■* kOBOM iB tbo tOWB Vt
Oato war* baned an Prldnr ^7 Fon»
Traaaport KobUa
B^— Two othor bcmaat warn tomfon JMaxd
Ba Bobu Prom
down and a bank asd aU ol tka boilSoBtioso.
BOM hOBaealoatad.
MoaUBk PolBt. L. 1.. ABpBBt tO.—
' cato to a omall town fire Mitoa fran
Aaotkarbarrarahipoamaia yoeWday
Paaoa. Halt tka papalatton to Spaatoh
loaded to her decks wiU stok aad wall
•ad tka atorea belaafad to tkea.
aoldiacB. Tka bif traaaport Mobile
a a'elaok in tka morainr tka slrktbay at aBartoa,
aad whaa Or. Maynder. aha baalth ot*
I OB fBord.
toaU ap b7 tkraa Porto Btoaaa wba floor, bearded her he fooBd . there as
et affaire.
akaead a rarolrar la hto faM and Arad
As trsBaparto yo nowadays tka Mo­
rapoatedlp at kirn- Tka Moa tkaa bile waa la yood coodltioa. Ska bad
Uchtad torekM aad bofiaa to daatraj plenty of army ratioaa aboard
^aportj. Tkar aat fire to a tdaek at OBoeyh ia tka way at phyrioiaBS aad
Itolaas U care for all that aaodod
tka fla«t bBUdtafa la tka teara. awaad
aUea. «Tba skip itaalf waa in a
IM Kaara Kra. an aturaeoa paper oror-orowded that tka aide bad aearoa*
ly broatkiay room. Tea bob died dnratartadatMT tka
kr Dalted Stataa trtopa, haa bean iay Ua royaya. aad,tka atok
d b7 tka Ualtad worse instead at bettor aa tka skip ap

TwoOrownod In Otsego Lake
Tngio Ending of a Bonday
^ Bohool Outing.

of AbOBtM.OOQ.
•peeui IS the Keanae kscMB.
Central Lake, Miek., Aay. to.—Vaatorday atumeoa at >:M Ua dry klla
at Ua aura bUU of Ukea. Erawa A
by fire wiU all Ita



New York. Anfuat
Tka aaral
daBaonauatlaa bare today in boaar ot
tka ratara ot Saapaon'o fleet wat
BMatar avatioa.' H>e a|rkt joat balow
Giant-a tomb, aa the ailrbty warmkipa
alowlp aad BMjeattoally pataed. will
Barer le forfotten. The forto and
ekipe to'leked tortb peneetnl deader
and the aeUa and wktoUaa Joined ia a


Oruiaer Oriatobal Ooloa.

Tmteite Citj School of lisle!

orBooa two paraeae were drewaed at
the Gaylord Bapttot Snaday eekMl pteOor. rroBt ead Cmh e«a.
U. Crewford. MtM AUm T. Boberta,
atoatOieayolakeby the capeistny of Mlae aUe«
"U> Hebei P. White. MUe JsmU
M. WUheta.
a mllboat. It was eaaeed by a andden
poff ot wind tBrniay Ua sail, and Ua
ooennaau aorlny Uone aide et tka
boaL Tbrea man aad fire
ylrla were ia Ua boat. AUla Soott,
ayod 1C years, was drowned. The
bedy has not bees recerned. “TeeUr"
OaU in And sse the new
Creeka, eyed abont is, waa also drown
Btyle of
Hto body was reoorared. Tba
eUer six, Mr. Feaaer. pastor ot Ue
Bapttot ebareh: Richard Bartoell,
Clara Widyers, Mia. Jeanle WUlto.
teaeberUUe Gaylord pnblto aekoatoi
Blaaek HsaUey. aad a danykter ot Which I Am eelli^.
Lake Dabber, were thrown laU Ue
good thing.
water, b«t ware aarad.

Tkara will ke yeaeral rejotoiny. as It to wlU oar eaetomen that hare aeea tk*
eaw Stock otpActanatoaldlay tkatwa bare Jest raeaired, aad Ua tost Uat we
are taraiByoBtaeekaklykffndaof work. The market to taU of aasM ncy
awaU thiaya and wa kara than.


Extension TahlD

r Ballon of Ktoblyaa to be
Great BeeepUoa U X>etroii Tomorrow.
Bpaclal lo TBs Uoanno Baoinn.
Datrelt, AayBst
Tka racy latest
iBoerBiny Ue aara) rcaarraa. to that
Uar wilt arrira rto Ua Miekiyaa Caairal aboBt two o'clock. AU Ua nanben are to report on board Ue Yaatle
aad prooeed ta oooort Ue retaralay
iben from the tnia. Tbe denoa•tratioa wiU ooenr Moaday, when Ue
rmervei are mastered. EaeonloBa from
Battle Creek. Sayiaan and oUer points
are aekednled tor Ue oeeaaiea.

I have also in
with my undertaking busi>
ness a full line of

Fine Furniture.
8SM Union Street


290 Front Street

A Bible!
We have a new lot, with index or without, at prices
never made before for corresponding grades.

Mirtham Blocl.

Something New! Hocli Is Said


AtioQt Ice Cream and Soda FoDntain Diioks.
Therefore we will say that you will find our Ic^
Cream delicious, oor Soda Water ^e to flavor, our vari*
OU8 Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to onr
list from time to time.
Ponntain open week days only.

Jas. G. Jolmson.

Haslinss’ Real Estate Agency.
H >«w IM. ■waU tocM. as* lamUm. Mb swam, aaa to heaalit to torn.
B0r»e< lot. teed d-aUiaf. Farawood. m iowm aad tlO par noMb an'JpaM to.
MaeraaibrartaltoaoaibaadvaatfrowrtaeliJ. toad tmd. wall watoad. pmaa SO
d. IbUMabaraalatoeelrllAC
«KarTaalBU««aai.alllap>a*ad,wUlaaaaUlaamplaator«l*Mtowa>alt. leekUla
ap. Otbarplaoa*Joata.da*Jr*bUof»aiaao.
Jabaaaa eioak. PtootU

Summer Shoe SnapsI


74 pAirfi »PingrM”$8.00, $8.50 And $4.00 LAdlas’ShosA
68 pAirs •‘^ingiwa*’ $400, $6.00 And $6.00 Hen’s Shost

60 pAlrs "PingTse” $3XX) LAdiss JuUets At........... $1.98
,-11^'pAlrs ’’Plngree” $8.00 And $8.60 LAdiss* Oxfords

at $1.48.
g- 80 pairs Ladies $160 and $1.76 Oxfords At........ $1.00
^ 78 pairs MIsbm’ $1.00 and $1.86 Oxfords at......... .76c
Children's and Misses’ Calf Shoes at.......................SOo

7poa the Snnttoyo nia 500 of Ua
- Tklny-Podlu Xickiyaa Por
Kontook Poiat.
total loTn Uaasiaa Karoas.
WsabinytoB. Aayoat SO. — Oeaeral
Skattor haa cabled Ua war dapartoaaat
Uat Ue Ysoatoa wiU toO ot Ua bar.
sbU latnatiy, Ue Sactiayo with SOO
ot tba Thlrty-focrtb Hicblyan and tba
Hadaon wiU SOO of Ue firat Dtotrlel

IFranls: ’B'rrLedLrldh.

of Cotambia. lettSanUayo Uis morn-

X.o.e Oxdl Fiella.'ble SlxoeTxxas..

And many other broken linos reduced ia price. ,

Oca Xickiyaa Bcldlar Died Oominy
Prom Bnatinyo.
Newport »wa. Va-. Anyoit *0.—Sla
mea died on beard Uc Oliretta doriny
lu royaya troa Bantiayo.
than waa Prirate Honar Coatery. Com­
pany P. Thlny.foarth Mieklyao, malartol dyaaBtery. There ware HOO alek
■board, Iseladiny aia ofBeara. Tba
fellowiny Tkirty-foarth Michtyan nan
waraonUaahlp: Capt. 7. Ht ffalU,
LiaaL Jemaa S. Wllaoo, Oeor^ Bart­
lett. Bdward & Oriar. Ckarlaa 6. Bouk,
Thomsa J. Ward. Charles Sbipmac. H. 1 ^
I. JandaraoB.ClnraaoaStoelansd Dan­
iel BnraeL

New York. Aaynet20.-CapUla Mora
at tka Crietobal Colon eaya Uat LisB*
Uaant KobMn canaol eave bis Taaaal,
aashe li on her side aad haa l^n
emubed by her own waiybt. Ue eaya
Uat neiiber Ue Brooklyn nor tbe Oreyon eonld ha*e cecfiakan bin, bnt be
wUlBottcll Uc-ftaaoD why ka ran
aakore nnUl ka tolls it on Ue fioor of
Will Mot Leave SaaUase'VatU All ^llanant. ot wkieh be 1s ansmbar.
Ua claims that Ue' ship waa oaly
Hto Troopa Kara Batbaxkad.
atraek ala timeaatid waaaotBsaWlslly L. X and Harry Gibba WiJX XmbaU
apoetol (oTn IIobsim Bscobs.
damayad. Ha yirm aa Ua raaaoa why
Waakin^tea. Aopnat M.^Tba latoot
Harry Oibka, who lately ratBrnad
ba did aot sink any Amaricas ships
adrloM trem Oeueral Skaftar are to the Uat kia ynna ware toe
from Oalatorato. In partcarahip sHU
•flaet ibat ke wUl act laara Baatiac*
hto taUer L. E. Gibba ot Uto city, to
BBtil attar tka departera ot all tka
abont to embark in Ua Ismbcr basllaaa.
They kara booybt aes
* troopa cd kia eeBmaod. Tka eapaeta*
tbewa Detaila ot Tcraw of tbs laryatraeuef hardwood Umber i
tiea to that Ossaral Shatter will aot ba
BammHdtynadwfll araet a plaBt a
BbUtoaaUfor hone batore aait Sat*
few mllaa aaaUwott ot that plaaapstoal W Tn Hesaiaa Bsmaa.
Waaklnytoa. Anyast M.-Tka war Harry sriU ksTa ekarya ot tka mUl and
apartmeat lata Uto aftarBOOB rocalr* kto foUer will taka ekarya et oauida
buslncfaBrldosdo That Saearal Towaakipa alaayUy caUayram from Gmaral
■ UilV pVIWBW..
OoTor Bicb Dapoalta.
Merritt, which abowa that tka Spaatok.
rad oak dinlny table, yon can
•fctteMefBaHoaswe Baoeaa.
, serraa^rad Us City
a Moaday taoniiny at Icaa tkaa ■
Oalaatao Mick.. Jaly >0.-Bridaaoea and dafanam of Manila and Its aab- atactaren'
setarera' price.
.1 will
morlay Ue tables Maoday Btaralny
•t ooal aador aarar^
irba,'toyatkarwlUUe Spanish foreaa aad will aall Uem at emt raUar than
kara are abnadanU CcloBel Bltoa ot stntitocd Uaraia. The Spaatok are mora tbam. Come in aearly iw
•tSarlsaw. kaadotaneladto taot tbe
parmlttodtoratbearlUtba boaon of
praapaMe tally aad wlU aiak

“fhei Oir Boji Cone luchlig Bone ARiii,
Himih! flimhr

eoateata. The loaa to between fire and
Bra Seekere and a Bop aad Otrl Loot The kiln wm be reboUL
Tkalr Ueea-Hairaar Baeape et tbe
Dewey Qakaa aad HaBtlayeSaapa at
Pastor and •ovoral Otken Troat
Ue Palaee Bakery. Tbmrtell A Oaae.
Gaylord. Mtob, AByaat M.—Tkto att-


aamaa d>ra tkoaa at Many Tooag firto
KBBaaa Oaonty Bdr Hakaa a Bid for
who ka*a kaaa U1 traatad by Spaatok
tka Tonay Woman Who
•aldtora Oanoral MOaa probably wUl
- BiMod Bobaoa.
camauntoata with Oapt^ Oaaaral
81. LoBis. Mo.. Asyut 10.—Tbe di*
Macias aboBt tka aattar.
roeUra at tka eoBBty fair at Wtohlta.
Eaa.. have east an inriutlon U Mtoa
EmBta Arnold of St. Loato, who kiaaad
bereelt into fane by ambraalay Llea*
SAXPSOITS rLSBT OITBM BOT. taaant Bobaoa. askiny bar to main her
tama and ooaditiona U yo ta
WicklU aad naaoBe oonBtaad of tka
dapartmeat Uore. Ka
«raadaat Haral DiapUy Brer Baea in people are vary anxlena to aaa
tka Harbor and tka Heroaa
yoony woman who ktoaod Ua kero ot
Ue Marrinae. and wUl aaad a apaeial
Praadip Bacelecd.
ear tor bar It aka wants it.
Spwlal ta Tea Moulin* Becou


teUbeat OapalBed WitkPaxl7«>f

SMtea mllttarj aatborlUea baeana
The MSB. well aad alek. rrere literal*
tka pBbltoaUaa at an arttola beaded lyatarrln* whan they raaebad hare.
They kU not bean able U retain on
The arttola called upon Parte Btcaaa their atonaeka tka tainted mast, baaaa
aad hard tack wkieh aonpoae what are
la dMtf07 Spaatok propeiv
prekaewB aa armj rationa. aad there
TBBt Spaatok akopkeapera troM dolar
abaolotely aotblajr in tka way of deliba^aaaa. Ikla to a eerioBa ofiaaae la eaeies on Us transporta ter ^am.
elaw et tka deMonalratloaa at the laat
few alpbu iB rariena towaa U tka into tka Mobile and seat enUe Joara*
aeotkara part at the tolaad acaiaat ty bone SM are eeriDoaly ill. and three
at least ot Ueae are ia a dyiny oendlSpaatok realdaata.
Uoa. The balk at Ua atok men are ot
. Spaatok akopkeapera ia Poaea are Ue Second Maaaaeknaetu volentaera IT atraid to open tkalr plaeaa ot bnai a rayimeal wblek won OTerleaUay
for Itoelf kyyallaotryat El Oaaey
aaaa. The aatira poltoa are powartoaa
UeBrbtkaaplritottbaMabaad it to and at oUar plaeea where
Pkiladelpkto. Aoyoat M.-Neariy Ue
took place is Cbba.
eaiira craw of Ue erntoer Miaaeapolle
donbtfnl wkatber tkej wonld do aapThere are MO of
traaaferrad toUe Yoaamiu aeeooa
tklnf It tkep oould.
der Col. K. P.
>. Clark.
Clark, Eiykt o:
aa Ue naral raeerrae left Ua ship Uto
La Nanra Sra*a pteaaea were atopped ooiae froa Ue raaka ot tk
r of the
attar the firat ediUoB bad been pat is ManackoaetU: Ue
dead aad aick are troin Ue raaka of Ue
The train left ter PhUadalpbia at
tka atraat. lu editor waa arreated on
BlyhU and Twenty-aaeond Ualtad
tka obarre «f iaeiUar to Mob Ttolaaea. Butaa Infantry, wblek alao eai
Spaatok ootracea in tka. aortkarB Ua Mobile. Theaa leal
e part ot Oeaeral Lawua’a brlyads.
part of the tolaad ooBtiaBa, aad local
papeta ^iata Itot of tka rtetiau at
ChOaB asd atbarplaoaa dmoa( tka


^on'i spend a dollar for Clothing, Hals, Furnishings for yourself or boy until
you see what THE HEIF STOEE offers you.

We Will Celebrate
= OUR:


GRAND OPENING! Aug. 25-26-27.
Daring these three ds^s we will distribute Free of OhArge

6,000 Barrels of Fine Detroit Candy I

The candy is pnt upI in beautiful little savings banks which will come in
band^, for if vou deal with us you will be able to save lots of money. In addition
to this we will present tbe first thousand mothers calling, with a bottle of Fontain’s Perfume.
Come, let’s get acquainted! We will make it bojtb pleasant and profitable
for you.

Fashionable Outfitters.

E Front Street.






vttATnnornr. . moHxaAj
I. T. BAf A» J. W. I
J. V. HAnv. Uter aad EawAf.

• M TiAWM *onr.

tpdHilB for COHBU cOees for
cesBV, wUl te
kl aiclaMI*.
Trarme Cltr, M
b* raUited u a«l-


TBa war-faraao* MU raaaaUy paaaad
R7. eoacraia waa a BaaeoTa to prorlde
I terUaooadactof Ua war, Ua
.. doUiac. faadlac. paylaf,
» of tha anny and naTy,
Bkdcik eoat aboot $1,000,000 par day.
WhOaUtaUUwaatteforaUahoaaa it
d aad andardaad, aad if te a atraoc* <*ct that
Whaa a Botion waa aaade by a aartaia
t>aaiBartUi!i aaBber taro^
feiU (which Bcaat to kill the
IM riiarnaia voted far Ua Botloa ta
t or kUl Ua Baaaara. Tha
MU waa aarad by Ua vote of 170 B«fablkoM. ■ WiU Ua axeaptlaa af dra
cr Bix DaBaerate who wara braad•ladad aaooch to aapport Ua Bcaaara.
it- te a plaia teet that bad Ua laclaUilaa BooeaBAiy te peovlda
I of Ua war bnaa ra^Tod to Ua PeBoeraUe Blaorlty. Ua
•aaolt woald hare baaa eztreBaly aaCatfateetery. aad Ua brUliaat raaalta
a baaa naknawiL

MaA« TUb^ B«b «b RpatR
Twtar«A7 AftmoM ^Ua a »
betoflAC to UBAird Bai« of Binr
>1^, wma AtABdlaf in froat of Aader•oat AAdortAklBC A«AblW»«t oa
Soalk aoloa •tnoL tAe elorU Mt
’Aleb hold* tha whliBe-tno to th*
_____ «M« OAt aa4 Allowdl IhA whlf
Ao>tf«a to tell «A OM of th« banao’
n* AAianl JoBfod forwArd
Aod IB ao doiAC OAHoad tka wacoa toa^ to drop troB tha oadETOko Aod U»
U fcoAt af TbortaU A OAoet PaIaca
BAkarp thap oolUdadr with tha laUar
boz poaV Tha poat waa dnwa troB
Ua troaaA aad tha hax waa damoltahad. FOorlaUan wara la tha '
At tha tima Aod aAoh oaa waa mat
•d. TwaWeyelaA, ooa heloacinr U
WUlOAUABd tba other to Walter
Tbvtell. war* la a raok plaead la froat
of tha bakery aad taay, too. wara '
arad. Mr. TharteU'a hloyela
plately deBOltahBL
Ora —.
of SUrar Uka aad tha awaar of
of tha toAB ware-iB tba wacoa aad bath
cot bold of the Uaaa hot wara aoAbla
taahaak Ua Mcbteoad haaate.. Tha
aUrowaboBUe wacbat eaeapad lajary. Tba horaaa
oaacht la froat of tha bakarr bw
fora thay bad io)«rad UemaalTaa
BMaferUa I
la Mddlnc apoa Ua aappliea for Ua
poblk aebooteof thia city aeraral '
Ua daalan (ailed to ooaterB te Ua
Taa owtraet wte there-

FbUowlac are Ua bidden aad Uair

E.W. A. Eo-laa<B»tteclndlac

BoUey A Conaabla have baea $1'
Ua order for Ua paper for Ua Mnaaon
block, which
wUl be raaapaied
Urearboat. The lower floor, which te
batac refitted for Ua jewaliy baateaaa
of Earl A BarauB. will be adoraad
wiU Incrain paper and
aicaa wUl frace Ua oflteea of Dn. .G.
A. aad A. <L BolUday.
Mn. Oeorre HcLaltea
canary which haa laid forty ecc* ihte



Bd. Waite aod teaaily waat te Aldaa
Haaiy Oaklay waat to Bay Vtew teat
alcat toapaadSaada^wlUMra. Oak-

Dealer in Sicycles sfiicycle Sundnes

ten. Fkaak teaada. tera Walter Oaataa aad tera A. A. tecOocald acoobpaaiad the reaaioa of Ua haabaad of
Ua Uttar toC

My work is firct cUm flod price* that are is reach all. lam
prapaied at all timea to take care of the trade. I make a apecaalty ia

OMCfo Palrbaaka haa retaraad to
New HaTta, Gaau.. after rlaitUc ralaUtw aad Maada ta thia Mty. Mr.
Palrbaaka te Ua a»ater maebaalc for
Ua FbrraU Foaadry aad IteohUe Co.
f Haw Baraa.
Cbariw Baaaatbal of Ua Boatoo
•tore. wUl relnra froia Haw York thia
Jailaa StaUbarr aad aoo AUe wUl
for New York, to be
coaa aboat two waaka. They wUl par>a a eteck of teU aad wtotar dry
Cooda aad eloUiactela* Clyae. who haa baaa apaadUc a
Uort tiBe with (rlanda hare, left teat
aicht (or bar hoBa la aavalaad.
D. B- Day of Otea Baeca. te U Ua
city ^ bdteaaaa aad pleaaara eombUBarrey Avery of New prteaaa. forBorly of Ute city, la here c»atlac old
friaad* aad ea>oylac Ua Oraad TraTana lavicormtiac air.
Loa Weber of Detroit, left yaaterday
for a rlait wiU rvUtlvea ia Peteakay.
Be haa tor aoBC tisc baea tba cn«t •>*
A. E. PateteoB af tbte dty.
Prof. C B. Doekeny aad wife wUl
leave Uis meralac far a weak’* ontlac
at Bay View.
Mia tecCember of Chleaco. te vteiV
tec her broUer, L. 3. BatU, of Ran­
dolph atreet.
O. O. Ntekenoa of Haaaab,
Ua city oa bealneB yaaterday.
a W. Faaat waat to Oraad Baplda
Mica Oartrade Bpncaa of Waahlactoa atreet. U eatertelaUc Mlaa Beatrice
Percaa af Cbleac«Mlaa Fnae Olbaoa retaraad to bar
at Lakcaida. Mick., after a vteit
wlU Ua fABlIy of 3. C. Moiraa of Bay
SABoel Sberrer and wife of ^leaco
are caeate of Mr. aad Mr*. F. 8. Dorfaa
of Waabiactoa atrnt.
C B. Bora left yaaterday for Beat
I where be will attend a twoMka’aMioa of Ue teacben’ inaU'


Corner Oak and FIfU attoau.
Bible oebool at 6;iS a. m.
Moraine aerrlee, U a. b.
Joaior maettec at tM p. m.
C. E maeiinc at 8:45.
Evenlac aarviea at 7:30 p. m
Midweek prayer meetiac
mainc at 7:80.
A hearty welcome to all.
R««. B. Belsberr- PsMr.
ChatcA oa Ue eoraar of NteU aad
WadaworU aueeta
Snedsy aervieea aa fellowa:
Praaebinc at 10:80 a. a.
Snaday achool at 11:80 a a.
Y. P. A at «:80 p.^
Praaebinc at 7:80 p. m.
Midweek prayer aeeUnc at 7:80 p.

TraTaraa Ottp Karkav
Below te a Itet of Ue baytec an

ir. H. 1

Tba aetlea of Ue Wexford eouty
Bepnbllean eanveattoa fa elaetlncdelaCatee to Ua oeeatorial eoavaatloa tavorable to Ua candidacy of Soaator
MillikaB, makBCBlaiD bis renemiaatioB, aa he baa alao Ue aapport of >ata. No. 1.
Grand Traveroe. Leelanaa. aad Benzie
eonnUea Mr. MiUikea did extremely
wall duinc bte abort term at Ue extra
aAeioa, aad wUl be cl*a> a ebaaca te
costiona Ua work next wteter.—Beat
The Rev. W
Jordan Exterprtea



E Oaatlay. of StoU-

brtdce. Oa.. wbQe atwadlnc to hfc

B. J. Morcaa wUl have a aaaber of
oraaa in Ua rMoa Ula falL Lately ba
id Ua trotter. "John b," from
F. 8. York of Boat Jordan. The beraa
waa braaebt bare aboot two weeke aco
from Keataeky. "FraaUe'' and "May­
flower." Ue faat horan teteafkt bare

a wUl be bald
St Ue EraBcelleal ebnreb next week,
barteninc Monday eveninc. Aocaat 88.
St 7:30. Praaebinc ky Rev. Armstroac.
ThaaamealiAcawUloontlBQeUree or
alao flenre ia Ua (i
All are welcome.
exACx (xruooPAX.) cacacB
AboBt one menU afo ay etaDAwbieh
rr. Cbss. T. BtMI. Xseter.
is flf'ven Boetba old. bad an attack of
Comer WaaUncton atroat and Board- diarrhoea aoeompaniad by voaltinc- I
cave it aneh remediea as are eaually
Civea in nneh eases, bpt as not^tef
Boly commaaloa at 9:40. a. m.
rave relief we sent (or a pbyaioiaa and
All are cordially invited te Ueaa aar- it was nnder bU care for a week. At
Uis time Ua obild bad beee alek for
aboat ten days and waa kavinc aboat
Ber. J. S. arvasy. peswr.
•----- ^^-fire
y-fir# operationa of Ue M
Sanday—IVaachtec at 10:30 a. a. aad every twelve boara. and we Were
viaeed that BDlces It
7:80 p. m.
Clam meettec at 9:30 every SabbaU
lie. Cholera and Dlarrbora
moraine. and I decided
Sanday acbccl at elcoe of Ua mcratry it. I soon notieed a ebanev for Ue
loc aervlee.
better: by iu oontinoed nse a complete
Jonlor Laacna at 8:80 p. ■ and Ep- core was braoebt aboot and It te
worU Leacaeat6:I5.p m.
(ecUy hralUv-—C L. Boons, StumpMoraine Bobjaet: 'The Good Samar­ town. Giimrr Co.. W. Va. For tele by
(a B. Wait. dracFtst.■
itan" and ia Ue avaninc "Tba
aad Third C(
Bhaat Music at BbU Prloa, also
Thntuday—Prayer raeellnc at ;:S0 every piece of Ue latest popular Boaie.
W. W. Kimball Co.. 885 Front KU
p. m.
N. E. Stranr. Baoacer.
All are cordially Invited.

Rev. A J. Eldred will preach at YcU
today ia Ua MeUodUt ehnrcb.
will be Ue ca«at of ^
Wmiarn Babbler of Lake Ann tfaaaactod btainaaa in Ue city yeaterday.
Loa F. Votrnba aad fnily, farmerly of Uis city, have arrived fraa Cbitafo tor a vteit wiU Irteada and relativae.
Mtea Van Haven who baa baea visittec Ua family of T. Stover of Wabater
atreet, haa retorned to bar home la
rixsr aarasT
Ryaryena bM( board cf
Grand Rapida
candiea, paelnM all
Mn. C. S. Traviaof Eaat Ninth atreet. Ser, t. C. CsnnsB. Psaier
10:80 public woiublp.
te eojoytef a vteit from bar alstar, Mn.
ElB Eofan of Oalnmei.
jparte Oraan—Tba jpore atefl.
of Sorraw."JobB 18:80.
Weeato a pi
11:45. Bible aebool. Sobjeet. "NaaRaaort Hotaa.
M. H. TboBU and family arrived on Baalad II Kinca 8:1-14.
yaaterday from Chleaco and went te
":S0, Goapel aerviee, aeraon, aubjact:
Old Minion to apand a few weaba
•The Divine Macnet" John 18:88.
A. W. McEldowney. W. O. Caldwell
Everybody waleoma
Gives Free Loeeone
and J. H. HcEIdowBey have anived
from Cbicaco Haicbta aad wUl spend
voeban • Booaa." “Tbalma" and' ail
laae time'at Park Place.
la latcat perfusea at Wait'a Drue
Mra E C Sbarnway af Chleaco- Stem..
paaaed Uraneb Ue city yaaterday to
"Tha Drucctet" 5 cent c:ca'- finent
Join frianda at Foraat lodce.
nickic smoke in town S. E Wait's
l karibIMiat Art I
A party conalatlnc of Joe C. Ficklln Drue Store
3. LA»reW.,.rT«m»Street.
Mra. A. L. Maraball and Mioa Martlaod ease from Chleaco yaaterday
will beaama cnaau at Old Mtaalon.
Mr. aad Mn. C. E. Wells of Ractea
Wte., are caeate at Park Place.

The aaaaal Boettec of Ua local C.
E. Uaioa will be held at Ua eoacracatioaM cbnreh at 7:80 p. a. Monday . All
memben of Endeavor eBdattea te Ue
dty are arcad to be preaaaU
The C. E Bicycle dnb will ateet at
UahoBaof MteaCdteOrtetatTp. a.
Monday for Ualr aaaaal ateetiaf and
•laettea of offlcen.
ta of Hawaii hava ahowa
Tha racater Bnnday aicanloa te
Maalatea on oa Ua M. A N. R wUI
WlU patrioUaB aad procnaa and Uera
at 8:80 a. B. teday.
ia oo donbt bat that they wiU eoBThe body of A. A. McDeoald, wbe
fletely vindicate Ue
died at Ua raaldeace of Jamaa K. Onebroncht tfaaa into tha Oaten.
tea FMday nicbuwaa Uipped teCbleaCe yaaterday afteraooa on Ua
Ibraaca of people enjoyed Ue
eert civea fraa Ua portico of Ue
And a Plaaaant Rarprlaa.
Hotel WbiUac teat alcbt by Ua CraaAfter Uaeeaeart at Ua Hotel WbitlatbanA
eveatec Ua Crenaat band
Tba ateanter CnBBinca will
cava a aeraaade at Ue Bacoan offiea
rannioB on Ua bay Ute evenlac laav•nd afterwards pradplteted a p1<
N apon Ue maaacarof Ue band. tec at 7:30 p.
Oraca Ohorch Obolr Rntertaiaad.
A. E Wlteaa. Ue boUder. haa aa3. W. Baaaaa. Tbe leader, Prat. C. E
Last alcbt Mm. Avery and Mrs. Sam
Sent, in babalf of Ua band, praaanted cnred Ua aacaaBary bonds aad te ready Garland antertained Ua membara of
Ue aianacar with a larra ctoap P‘o- to proeaed wiU Ua bsildinc of A. P
Ua choir of Grace ebareb at Ue realtve of Ue band. bandw>Bely fraBad tortyl'a aaw cairteca factory.
denee of the former, on Waabincton
aa a tekaa of Ualr racard. Tba fift
Dr. 8. O. Sawyer. teW of Ua firm
.etraet. EAch member of Ue cbolr In­
M aeeepted la Ue aplrit wiU which BoUidsy A Sawyer, will open dental vited n friend, and Ue cnUeriac wna n
and Uara
parion te Ua MareaaUla Coapaay's vary plaaaant can Voc^l and inatru■wtnal feaUoc of ateaan frlaadsbip block aboDt tba flnt of Bapteabar.
mental mode formed Ue enterteinoxpraaaaA Tba band haa worked eaTba Boathly pnyar aaeUnc of Ua
It, and deUcata refreabmenta were
aldeonaly to become
local C E natea wiU be held at Ue
have eeoceeded adBirably. Slhee Ueir Prienda ebarck Ute Borainc at aavaa
Struck by a Lever.
fmt Ualr aaraiaca to pnrebaaa flaa
Oeorca H. Van Dyke, an employe at
Two can ooateiaiac 8,400 water•aw nnlfonna aad under Ua laadanhlp Belona artivad
rived ^terday
^terday (roa Indtaaa Ua J. E. Greilick Co'a factory.
•f PrafwoB- Bont Uey are bacoBlnf for W. B. SapSraaa
eliebUy Injnrod yaaterday aoralac.
Sapors of K
« parfaet ia Ueir wwk every day. telnUacity aupplyinf local doalen. A lever from a crtndlac machine atrack
One carload was sent aorU.
him In Ue faee. inflicUbc *
WbUa ridlnc bis bicycle in Oak Farii in bte apper lip and aoatrlL Dr. Ki
a to tha Bic E of F. Friday, Lavi PaanlBcteB ran into a land draaacd Ue wound.'
bole, and bia handle ban braakinc
Lo*ri» Bzeoea.
braaebt him to Ua crooad vary andC of E J. Falchui
danly. Ha raceivwl lojariea which wiU
•'SMbeie. Locy.” aaid Ua toaoher
^fa aad dauebter. Mr. and Mrs. 3. M.
to one of ber bright eUoUra "you
lay him op aaveral days.
I«rlc and O. C. UcriR and wife Uft
One of Ue ooremoaies parformad by fasra wrttttD Ue word 'oyater' witbont
yaaterday afteraoaa by Ua 4:40 6. E
an r."
EL train for Indianapolis te attend JnaUaa Varly yaaterday waa Ue join“Oh, yea” exclaimed tba webdiar.
Ika C**ad eaaampmeat of Ue Uniform inc tecaUer la Bauimony of Uamry naUinc for tbe aUte to make Ue corE of P., which Ukoa plaoe at DawiU aad Mtea Sadia Crapa, boU of rraticn. "I moB have bean Ulnktog
Uis was one of Uooa mooUa when
Trararoe City.
Sadiaaapolte Aocnat 28 to 2«.
Yesterday a ball team from tewa Uera is no r in oyettra'Deiaolt NewsAnoUer party wUl luve Ute afterV aooa aad aora are axpaetlac to co played Ua Oromekvilla team at Grai- Ubnne.
J. Tbaoa to co tola afternoon UUvnie and defeated them la a bat
Boy a Reholaiablp.
•ra Mr. and Mrs. E C. Campton, A. V. aavaa lanlnc conteat by a aeora of 11 to
.Priedrieb and wife. E R McCoy. Law.
The Traveraa City BDalneos Collaca
Rev D. Coeblin went to Oaeea yca- lUd NotbaI Institote offera a 75 weeks
rtecs B. D*Z ita. Georce Itine and. Ma­
UirdoS the racutorday to condoct Ue dedication of Ua
jor F. S. Ben.
ar latea. If yoc desire aaf- of Ueaa
CoacrWraUoaal ebareb at that ^aeo.
VFtlUaate Potoakay Oreoa, para
Offleer Orayaon (ooadaaqaawoaUa offw will be ;
«0j. I
> at 180 «
nlaon •pootm and giamm. This mix- street last nlrbt wiU a bad ease of too EirhU etraot.
tara eonatlttitaa our lea cream ooda at aneb flrawater. Ska was todcod ta Ua
C. E Dockxsat, Prop.
ooop (or Ue nlcbk
40i-a B. O. D.8-W.
Tmk Miaaoari DaBoerate bare OBa
latad Ua axaBpta of UairTana braU
Caa oa the axpaaaUin qnaatioa. lha
SOOBOari DeaioeiaW bare erideotiy
«tod of tha paotebBaat which foUowa
dha bUad laaderahip of sea wha om-

OhanalBc TloUa BcoitaL
Tba violin recital fivaa at Stetebarr'a Oraad yesterday afteraooa was
by about Urea kandrad.
Bont waa atateud by Mia
WOhalB aad Mtea Mabel White. Mtea
WUbalB raadarad vocal aalactioaa te
bar Bsnal ebaratec aaaaer aad Mtea
White proaklad at tba piaao. Profeaaar Bont rendarod aevaral very dlfflealt worka of the Croat eoapoear
Beethoven, aad Ua
uaaaly pleaaad. The radtets to folI lew wUI be popalar. aa Ua flnt
« of Ue flaa Busleal evento of Ua

Miss Doyle

Ba aa^ "By UancaYbappenad W Cot
bi^ of a bottle of ChambBUnh 0^
Cholera BBO
aod Dterrboaa
. ,. aad T
think It wBs the maana of aaviar *7
aa at ooea’* Vor

To Him That Hath

Shall Be Oiven
hte BOaays worU in food boaoat work
If ba eaploya

OeaB. Winnie,
np-t»aate painter aad paper baacar-

Take Only the Best
Bach and every ai a aboold carry ae>
ddeatBadaiebpetep................. .................
you only ft 00 per aoaU in >ha larccat. atroBCeat and beat company oa
earU. Tba Halted Statea Beacvolant
Sodsty of Sarlnaw, Unrach Udr
.. Tbeir 1-----..--------------------------izena of Traveraa City aad vldaHy
ahoold eoDvince y'<Oi that they are (ate
andjast. Call aod sea ns.



Ovw HeXaem-t 8


III Kinds of Embroidery,
and Modern laca Making

OuF Offerings

Deserve Unesual Ineetien.
exclusive with US, tliat
1 for beauty have not been equalled. ^
: We make particular mention of BEED and BATTAE FUB- I?
: HITUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautiftil creations in
: this material we make prices equally as attractive.
Whether'^ou intend to refurnish your house this fall or ^
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your 3
■ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity 5
; to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods ?
; in any event.







tim uotanaa uoobd. busdat.adoubt si. ibbb.

Some Odd Bite of
I so

Fact and Fancy From «
All Over the State.

««»««»«««« »»««»

MMbufbMMt. WaoobU writes
fwdaiMdboehosearapBisaM the
trnt three dayc after we landed. Therw
fore, U wwaU be aeeleee for eee to aV
tamptdOlMlyon aboat It ta a ahort
We aaw in toe Bbcoid of the 18to
that GrwvUle Aleesader aad Oatk
ElpUager were named amoag the
wounded. Alexander wde token elek
when srithiB abontooe mQc of tbe Br­
ing line OB the moralag of toe 2nd aad
we hae* sot aaaa him eiaoe aa ba la la a
boapitol whare wa art aot allowed to
go. Fred Corey haa alao baea is toe
name hoepital erery alooa the Sto. Kiplinger left the oompaay and joined tbe
hoeplul eorpa at Camp Alger ae of
eonrae he haa not been with ae at all.
Oneotoorboyaaaw him a weak ago
It la eery hot and wet here. It lalai
erpry afternoon, or doea not miaa more
than oae sftemoon in a wqek oa ao
arerage. That te the gret
between tbe climate np there and here.
If the thermometer atood aa high
ap tbere ae it doea here.
would bom op. We are a little aonth
of the ann'e path and what IHUe ehad«w we make at noon poiela aonto In■tead of north ae yoarr dooa. Bat yon
' e a longer ebadow tbaa we do. At
] u Ban kiz f»et toll caaiB a abadow
abont eix inebee loog here at thie teaNext month it will be atiil hotter
aa tba ana will be directly orerbead
C a. m.. Snaday. Jnly Blit
There baa been ao mall aeot o
alace I began tbi«. ao t hare kept It
We expect to leare here la a '
few dare now, poaaibly tomorrow.

1W 10-7«sr-oU[ 4»affkt«r pf Byroa peach yrower. wm la Trareiae City the
r of MU« partook treoly of Aret of the weekleoklay ap hie eapp’y
of padtaree for thw yaar'c erop.
«rU4 ehwrlM m4 tborUy
4M. H«r Botbar U »1m (atolly Ut, placed aa order for 4,000 basketa, aad
will ba compelled to dapileate
tea Mtiar tbe m»* fralv
Mi«. D*t14
Mfod 48. wu <o«b4 ahaeld hU crop bold oat aeoordia( to
Ijlv •> OrwUTaU avutae la Grand hie aaUmate of iu bnlk.
B^Ua rriday soralnc. daad.
WbUa rataraiar borne to Uaatoa
kaakaad >• a bakar workiar nifkta. from tba Sanday School BallyAt Oadll1. aW.._______ I_____ L -_______________
an4 Bha hs4 etartod at aa aarly boar )ae after dark,
tbe earrla^ horae
•a drlea 4«#» town for blai. Ike ha^eerinr
and Mra.
Hra. Edward
Hdteard Gant
Gan' be­
'eayiny Mr. aad
taUea fro» tbe baffy in eooe Byatar- came aataacled In a wire feoce. ooa..a-d broke
atmeted daarer.'oriy near to the hlfbA Laaelar Bk kept a barrel of elder way. The animal wae terribly laoeratoat la ble baek?ard eo that it »oal4 •d by etririar to diancaffa aimeelf aad
tarn into Tiacrar. Heae thlrety Bean- Mre. Gant wae thrown from tbe earriderer apled the barrel and txad bla
and qaite aerioaely ktclced and
■oatb all ap for a alee drink ef eoae- trampled npoa by the fr’l^bteaed and
thiac tooi. bat wbea be foand It was iajarad animal.
• .ealy elaefar be iraa eo dUcaated that
A well 314 feet deep hat Jaet bMa
for rerenre be rolled the barrel late a completed oa the farm of Mr. Hableaaarby awamp aad left it there.
naw is Emmet oovaty.
Oa Jnly 8. LItUe Ta«. danchtar of probably the deepeet weU in Xorthera
Byroa Lake, of Boyae Cite, awalloieod Mieblfaa.
aahlarle.aail, riaoe which time it baa
Aa loala eonaty farmer who uperibeen lodged la her throat, 'ntaraday meated on raUinc alfalfa, toe new fod­
aeaatay Uat ebe waa eoa^biair eone der plaat. has eat three crope frem tbe
aad ap came the aaU to tae joy ef all
epieoeof froaad.already thU aaathe family.
A. rather remarkable awlmmlaf foal
CahlU Birkt'e aoa.abeat 14 yean eld, late paper. Then we might kpow
*4 by B. Jl. WelM, a maeie
aometolng abont what it going oa.
4 aoppoaa yoa art all aaoatiog jut
me iree rotai « *««“ j fo la laadlly ao he took a jack-knife ew. If yon are not gniag to early
lake. Mr. Wetaa
Teta hat an aroirdnpol. ef „^
ehnrch. I wonld Uke to take breakMd aoe^day. ago. laj^rtridf.
cartridge ezoloded
eeoloded aad the ahell fut with yen tbie raoreing. It eeema
’ with another
I eomiag backward etritek him la the like a long time eieee I aU off a table
•croaa Toreh lake, a dietaaoe of aearir
Of cooTM erery mao cooka for bimeelf
mpotarily to reat.

Th.7w„ta Ik.

•n. nun I.. dq»rtm.>t .1 Cl-1 J.i. L...11.
J„„rtll., r™.U,
k“k. UT..d
MM . f.W .IchU MO- S..M1 yMM 'i,ylh.i.Uo, 1SI4. O.OM.Id. ...
man wblla retaralng from a daaee taw ,
inacriotioB -M* enrreae* n*,.r. ■■p..uk3.du di™. M. d.MrM,.t
1.^ .t...™,- -Doto, -lUi to.
dUMtk.tokM..McktdM.k tk. Mdk," -M, .Ictory." d pirf Crf
blaee aad aftar laying aU that
*• , hog la pletared in tha eeotoe. Tba
.raildU. t>to dp tk. J.b id dItoMl. i Mi. i. ..Id.,tl7 . Mil. .1 4M .1 tk.
Bane Oatoaeoa met with a paiafnl Jaekaon campaigae.
torfdtot .t kU OM.Ito C.tklM .tOM . Sid... CCmI,. ol PMtorft, .kll.
U CrfnirflMtS.t..d.,
i bdlldl.«.bMU.M..tOMdb.r.,l.k..
1 tM..ll« WM .ttodiptld,
. tk. rf.MUC dl d. „.i,diMl.d Mid OtkM MliM.

to.^tk.q>HdIrftk.ttkd Pdldtrf dddwlUl tk. pldtoM df . WOdMdk
•ad of the umbrella airack Mr. Oaten-‘bea^
to. to ki. ..d todldirf Wd^to ^
sxtoadlng to tbe throet which <
rbagaaad i

,left tbatciiy forSeaiUe 10yearaago.a

idtodtiM tkdt'kto bMd dikdrft to;

atrnck It rich in the Kloodikeiulyeer.
WUlie CofSa. aged 1». met hb dutb
I Ooe claim told for
S« Beaton Harbor Friday ereniag
while riding on a etreet ear.
Tbe ' The beaa crop in .Shlewaeeee county
yeung maa wu from Carthage. Ind..! 4bte yaar will be euaiiderably amaller
aad had accompanied a big excaraicp ' thaa.wu aatldpated.
r the Big Four to that place. Tbe i yeild wu expected, bnt toe bet. damp
noeident oocared whUe two bcarUy ; weather had a bad rffeet on toe plant.
iMdrf MM..MPM.I.I. StMdI.,; r..dl,„ Mdddd O.lMk.,1, dMp.kMl iMdlrftMdi dM dM tk. «.lld. Id, d, M.|.,.d„„.pd|...dp Uk
mdt kp d bid. m tk.,,.„. dMrfMrf,MUld,lttd. IrfdM.

hend. brenlriag hie neck.

Bay Tlew
*P ,gronnde here decided to fence ia Bay
kicku td rtdrf tkrfr nrdM. dkd 'vi.-d.dt.prtd,Mdtd.hM,.M dd-

Tuck ais Wife a L
My wife bu a dimgfet
luring ber pocketbook
plaoea,” uid tbe man who wu^telling
toe Btory. "I have (sutiaoed bar man
than once that abo would loae it if abe
wasi't more carefni
“1 mine down town with ber tbe
other murniDR. and tbe flnt thing ebe
did after boarding the car wu to depoeit
ber pane npoa tbe oar seat, while sbe
relieved beeBell of tbe terrible supieion that ber bat waen't on straighC A
noremeat of ber amt knucknd tbe
pane CO tbe floor wbmw it ramaioed
nntil 1 picked it up
“Iruco^tbat pnraeoo leu than a
doteo tintce before we raobed the bar­
gain oounter tlint wu toe goal of my
wifc'i ambition.
“Ettnts aronnd'a bargain conoter
with Juleidnsoopic fiwtitneai, and
Boon fonnd myself tbe solo g
of my wife's purtn, which lay bofnre
me on tbe ommter whore it bad te«n
deaerted by b«ir in a mad raab for tbe
Otbor end »f tbe oonntoy.
“To Uneb bor a lt»son I emptiod tbe
oontents of tbe pnno in my pocket and
retrutrd to tbo edge of the crowd to

e^MM. t
1 — d_______--------------------------k.I-1.
Bower bede
from the eowa, ----which
are mlaaioe fee to toe
grennda A wboioallowed to mn at large la the city.
Baler from a large rity fau offered a
The lUUe 4-year-old bob of Mr. and large eum of money for the excinati
Mn E B. Harper of Bellalre, fell from right to Bell on tbe grounda Hit nan
the Boeoad story window. Monday can sot be tuned, bnt it te eertala
mernlng. a dittoace of fenrtoen feet. that PetOBkey BurehaaU will be
nWiking oa hie '\ead aad ehonlder. charged a prohibitory tax fer the prie- Lmeldly no boaea were broken, aad a Uege of enuring with lUlieery wagoaa.
fnw rather bad brnlaes U the extent of
Andre Atiett and 'Anna Bergerat
the damage done.
were married at the Elkertoa hutel in
A wolf reoently aaea'ped frem a show- Dowagiae, nader aeaaopy of Amerieaa
man ia Paw Paw. aad bu aiaoe been , aad French flags. AUett left hie
playing barnc with farmen' flucka. BMeetheart ia Fraaoe aereral years ago
Baoegbammaeitiop to defeat a Spaa-j^a „•«« here to make hte fortnae.
Eaglteb tbe
ail the way from the eld
“It wa«-| long before my
William G. Voorbete, the big Blaine j oonetry to meet him.
crowded her w.iy out. trinmpbantly
I 2S ^nt
cent cream jng tthat
bnyiiig for 49
elimau bnt te te nothing eery aerieu
aad nothing more tbaa abonldt he ax- oeata.
‘I didn't know that they ohaiged
pedted. Ai for myaclf I have oot hua thiagi bera.* 1 began feebly.
aiek a day alace I left home. Wa are
”'They dan't.'Kbeanewcrcd. ‘Ihava
^ WIU Oloae Writu na Xagegiag ^ getting

plenty to ut We are aot anf- oraney left for three ice' cream aodee
Letter to Sin Homo.
$ \ feriag Jor aaythiog only to get back to, and a atrip of car ticketa' And sbe ex­
hibited tbe contents eff ber parse to
thte w* win probably W well on onr pgDve ber aaecrtica.
Frorieoe of Santiago de Cotaa,
“! neerly fainted when it dawned
way there, We arc t^ that we are to
Friday Joly 20, 18»l.
npoa me that 1 bad taken tbe oootenU
U la Maine iaaide ofthlrty day*.
from a paree belonging w same other
-e to retain poaeeaeica.
fleet Uau from home, aince 1 have bean ,
aee a aa
aad if tbo woman wbo lost 7S oenta, a
han, last Wedeepday. 1 got ma'a and!
,, j
poetage stamp, three bairpine and a
recipe tor making angel food will call
at my offloo abe may have ber proper­

W.lMdrfMM.r., Md ty-“—lietroit Free Frees.


atege by Uwieml Sbermaa. she mmHi n
offish of tbe Cm
the aekDowkdiMi toUe of tbe el^ and
dnated tbe ofaem from tbrewiwste down.
One Iblng about Marla Lopni deUgblnd
oe. Federal toelU had oo terror ior bw.
and wbea other ladIcB toriekol aad laa off
nooeremootooBly fmra tb>-ir vKHon
ber hatxte aad make amnr aoomfal remark
tout toe wretched aim of toe Yanku
Aflw onr forClflutlan« aroond tbe dry
bad bewn iworiy ooniphitnl, tbe Beaorita
rode out twry day with tome of bw mill- |
tary adminn to view the workx ThU '
WM ratlKV ptTlIouB Stray bulku and ’
Bbelte were always whluln* I7. aad It
colonel dodim behind a tree. Out It
Boon ootliad that the eenorlla
docked her proud httlc h«d. She would
dt eo her borae like a nacae and lansb in
derision when ber eecorta prorad themaelri!* unable to ataad the racket.
“Oh. I would give anyttalDg to bea aoldltrr she aahl ooe day after looking
tonragb Colooel Blank'« fleld^aa. “I
.ddki*^id ,jd, dpp™d,„^^ ■
lag tueo bow to tight s
r agreat
I'erhapa tbte wu too tntenae, too boratBBtlc. but in thoer dayi ererytblDg that
we wrote and (poke wu Id this ferrid
euata. So toe unortta atalfc pnwokad do
except a triUile of admireHop.
bing --------------------- --------- ------riding habit. I picked It up. but tbe lady
wu out of Bight. rtdiDg Uke toe wind.
Tboagbtkwtly 1 allowed the

>c hwattoo of owiatn govenmieet baUdingi and an ektimate of onr

Boimrt Walter aad 1 hare bun to­
gether all toe time. We bare oae
blanket and one ball teat, ieaeall
eheltor teat) and one cnp. one knife
aad fork, between tbe two of na. So,
yon aee it laqnlto eauntlal fbat wd
agree with each other. Bat be te a
very good fellow and we get along o.
Be bu beu aiek most of toe time
aiace we have been here with malaria
fever. Mut of tha boys have bad it.
Well, my dear mother and atetera I
t clou BOW. Yon don't know bow
good it aoemed to get your latter dowo
here, and to get aaeb a good letter
from ma. Tbte i» tbe tecoad letter I
hare writua in Cnba. Tbe other
te yon oa the lOth.
I will uod too u a eoldirr'a latter;
my poitage got wet.
Hijplag yon art ail well and enjoying
yon reel vee.
With love and kimea.
Will Ci.t-px.



TberewMbutonetoliigtoda. I bated
to get a pretty woman Into trouble, bU I
bad to dll toy duty. In an boor'e time tbe
papurwM In tbe hands of tbe provoct martoal. Tbe next day 1 wu tmoghl face to
faee vrtto Maria Lopes. The bearing wu
in rrivBto. aod a clrele of eolooels and
rujon ut aroond toe anruied. frowning
at meu in badbeim galley of wmeirlmInalact ttlwui I relatul the clrcumstaaou
at on
t ding tbe flodlng uf the pOkCr. the lit­
tle Spaniard iouked at tbe ofBeera with a
merry unile
‘■Ilhlnk." aaidsbo. --(hatyondoBteare
to bear fimn me I wiU say. '
that 1 aever saw tbe paper and
hare dropfad IL I'be young
mao portkaps fonnd It. bnt be oonld not
hare anio mo drop lb" Sbe smiled
ly on tbu provost marshaL
--AbemT-'said that lodlrldnal. “There
must be Bcnne mistake bere. We do not
doobt your fhMIty. sir. but we bad batter
bearno more of tills"
1 wu dumfounded aod abatoed.
very liuK- about tbe ways
1 buitly rutinid. thanking m
that 1 bad Mved my hnd. In a day or
loss, tievnuac Hlocuro's
Cbattnhoucbee. and our fanes bad to be
gnt out in a burry But I wu dasttaad to
see the aetswitn a^n.
Many of US (ailed to follow Rood's army
south. We w<.Tv wbirUd about ta such a
vnrtoz of conclusion that we wore glad to
oacape with our llros. Among other flotum aid jitnu) I wu thrown beyond tbe
federal lines "tronded in NaabvlUo. at
that tlnm a vast milltory oamp 1 felt bad
eniiugh. 1 could not go south, aad 1
could not get a pus to go Dorth. One
night I went to the tboati-r UorlDg ooe
of the scEnm Uicro wu a bun, and people
Stood op to look nl a mao in tbe dr
ell- Jnst alsivi- my bud. Finally 1
aomebody said:
“Hi- isthe most snroomfnl goerrillastod
spy on the Union sKlc “
1 stmsl up until my faee sru on a level
with the rulling of tbe drus elfcia
It »ua wtinOi-r I didn 't faint I
Looking^ °*himd'
Keww drrmd In a glittering uniform
and wiirr dlamondx That clur cat. dark
fnw. those burning eyea. too slight
nnder toe left car—Uioro wu do mletoke.
I Belted niy otiTcat and rubed out of
Ibe dour just in time to bear the alleged
Semirlta Liiirr any in a rok» like a bogle:
Arrest that man!"
of darkiicat came over me.

Lot 1—Cottonade. Price way down
to close, eoc.
Lot 2—Pants for the workingman—
Lot 3—Extra good—69c.

Men’s Pants

Two lots Wool Goods for $1.48 and V
$2.46, sold from $1.76 to $6.60r.rt r.lfYflo-


Negligee Shirts
Handsome goods.

25 Pfir Cent. Discount.

Bee them.

See Our '
Beigaln Table.
Men’s tJnderwear.
Lots to close cheap.

Rannel Blouses.
Ages 8 to 14—All wool, blacks, blues
and grays. Will close the lot of
desirable goods, broken sizes


Half Price.

Black Long Stockings
Extra good for the money.

6 cents a pair.

an enemy.
1 here wu a sudden tnmiilt. a wild cry
of fire, and then a crowd surged down tba
stairway. Wbon 1 picked niytolf np. toe
ofTl.-ir who had arroaled me lay on the
sidcwnlk wllli a fractured sinll. 1 limped
Crackd to loi'k.
“abotited s
livoU'iisnt u ho innsd through toe car. 1
la-iit Jiiy biud buwod down, with my bat
— a- my
‘S(« boro; showr your pom." uM tbe
A grnff man behind me spoke op and
‘•\'aa don't want
tvrloa He
sbowod H U) you a ininuto ago.
I..M •> M.1,1 *k.. ___ I.II.
" said thu soldier, s
ivo HP dc
again The cold bloiided derll would bare
had me shot as a sjry bi-yond a doubt If it
had n« boon for my lucky eecaiw at tbe

Stoytog Caller.
Friend Staylato makes a tadl In the
evening. CoDvuruUoh LUtor and ioyona, |
BDdn piwbid r«s|i
rts|U«stii for
blm to ruuuilc
......... I him
yet a little
wlillr i.od
not nt -i.____I
wlllitngly to^i.rol jnB lite vtelt He looks at
:utcfa With ngrfiqiuf genuinedisiuay
and burrios
luirrios away slowly st Ibbi with profnsu apologies, fnr keeping us up until snto
an uncerthly
Had IBs CsssU BasBBWi
urnwriiiiy hoar.
un. IDOixvi DOI ,
Wbat! Back frena the oonntry ■> cborauatbc entire familv. “ITiU Is earty J
1? 1 thonghtyonwait ap to that Ht- for us I Wh iMiver think of going to o^'
rnonis until an hour later than tbte."
«»«.olMrfl.,„ I
Fiicod bluylaui loil.irs a luomcnt after be
•0or«7 a week ao that yoa ooold eeva
money. '•
“I did."
Wa bave been camped abont fenr' JJ?
“Bad it all flgared oat that tbe Icag^
-------- And
yan ooald keep yoar family then tba
the toalD cries, “Oone at
better off yon wqnld be."
Thu darkness of tbedangeon Bee­
two ailea away. That waa oar iaitiamder. Yon mead not be at all al
“That's right" '
“And yet yon're baok.“
at aay steriu thM may be flMted tiam. Tbea we vrera givaa Utm days
gonb to bed. having relieved Ita mind ty
*‘T«a. I'm bm^ and myr
awad Tkaverae City. Thera has been ratone aad at Bias p. ta. etarM <w
doors and sbutten that are ready
trady to tell

-rf«M«™p"u, ,.„r“ M.Ti^‘.:cLrf^;

awy of the boya are yiettms of t

Men’s Pants

tbetriitoaaytiluctoeyaroKivaaohBaea I
**Toa eoaldn't loan me flfty. ooflld I —Bobsra J. Bodaem In Iba Ladtee'Hume
7onr'-<aii(»gt> Tribane.

All sizes.

Cotton Waists and Blons'es.
Will close the lot at

19 cents each.
Very cheap.

Children's Pants.
Broken sizes. Extra good for the

19 cents.
We are clearing the decks for fall goods.
A good time to buy.

Hamilton CInthingCo.

THU Houruro hboobd, swoat, AXiauBTsi im


hu » fUftn baton oetkfnw oot.cC
wbleta b«w(S*Mft(Mofaotl*H thu
«2MW M OMB M bM bu CM t* PUMd
DwrUiK Um PMt fln

H«WiUHav»Tlin« to Dtvota to
Hit Ovtractert

tmx* b« bu b««B m*kiw mober nry
teat. Ht aari m »b m b* baa m.
eomolBM FBoaBb to comtorUblr mpport him be «m return to CoUwnur
n»4 end bU dur* there.
O^MterUxiror Atfteedi



AMI gloty tn tbe d*ya W old.
«bUa aomo aro diaasMta, barptM aUB
epen aa onknowB ai^ of gold.

p\M» wciM with an booMI. vfir
^ a abaft, tUcA fienra.
“Wbo are Tour' Mr. Jmewtj aAod,
trowning at her intraaiaD.
••Don’t yon know me. Maddyf’Mm
fie waa atartled wbni Mm oaDed Un
Maddr—it waa tnoR than tO yaara Mnoa
be bad hem caUed that. ”Are-^on—
bnt you ean't be Barab.” be
■ttnuaejed. "EOm bM beea dead tbete

■opfdMwwtUMl WolMbaite
Aa laeliib time eooMa down tha war

Cuba la free* The object of Ibe war
baa beea aiUlned.
After mere thaa

Bet there be

They Idle la lb. iraOo lande
Aad toiler tbroogh tbe woeda wHk

aeuoont ter her preaenen.
”Tbe Uvlng can only aee tbe dead aa

come* i^lng uaef^ ihiog* are dlfferent. The
like lo work, and wlirnol work if t^y
can get out «r it. no matter boa b..d
tbeir father, and mother, were ohl.,ei
to work- When the petted son. of multonalrea In the Michigan naval reserves
: called Into the service of tLeir
country they found that
decks lo be scrubbed. aUhc-hlona
rublwd. guns to be p-h
things lo be dune whlib meant
perCurmanoe of tbe
aaltora. They were
once, and thair howls teached Uie na­
tional capital. They wanted to go back
to iheii homes
Thr ...idicia of Mlcb]^ acqutUed
tbeiaaviv*-* with
bonor and
glory The
naval reMrrve* aarn^ .and
«• our !«..
A* >u.,n BS Geavtal Duflleid tacovera
hU Btirngtb bt will be aent ua.duty to





for fertility

"Tbe manej- that camo to me just be­

lews he w'H ! • an lim-ortani fs<tor la
gweparna I g'saii e f v the t.-rr.turtea
of Hawaii, t-'ulie. Pmlw Rlvu. tb* Isle

Pine- and ihr PltJl.ipln a
For the
proi'er goveinmenl of war colonial poa• ^MsMna. the laws of the United Biaia*
-9Mat be reMSed. and tlie cbsirman of
conin.ltKv >in rr'isl- n of the law*
will Ur a bury mar. u« l aU -f that UgMlaffun shall huvr Wn a»v'.mpUabed.
Bturald Aim Mlgher.
■ It U said that Fiaok IWford baa
wught an intervst in the Ch‘oago Dla• xa'ch and uli: become Ih-
odUur of that a'ngaAr sheet
deaervea pruaperliy financially, but he
aught to aim higher

In X plaiv more in kifpiny w
telenU If he weiv ediuir of Tbe
kfle. The Free Prem. or some --------.-.B... -oenocrailc sheet.
B. MeOowan

Bamamber that I do all kinds of ra: pairing and anameliBg. and that I eaa
, aad do give yon tbe baat work of any
one in tbe city for tbe money.
d by wbat othere tali JJJU to
ary. bnt eome^wid aaa-jtar ^ s

lA lUreanUls Oe- Blacli.________________________


'n till 8 o'clock every evening
Innday, lo the Ckldarcll A Loa' north end of Union


E. MOOK.PhlBd)

John R. Santo,
General lesaraece.

. sMiiantotaxtillto-

Warxbarg BhMk.

Travsrae Ctty, MUh

time getting on my feet. Yet J think I
abould bare eoeceeded in any oaae."

Ripidt 4 Mini R. R

Mr. Janeway could not forbear offering
this tribute to bla self eateem. "How­
ever, I gntafnlly acknowledge yonr
aid. Sarah."
^"Yon have wotber wife now. Mad
dy. and children,” M>e said, “but 1 waa
flirt 1 believed in yon, and I worked for
yoo, ob, eo willingly. 1 knew that yon

8eBSS8 eeBB mb
aaoaaa aaae as*
SSSSfiS S8SS 989

were different from me. I know that
yon bad bopca that stupid Samb could
never .onderetand. 1 knew tbat I waa
your companion In yonr work, but uM



in your liop«. * knew that we were
growing farther apart erery year that
I fcs^ that whikp.T X OBT-Oue black '■'“f"'£
J_l rlbbooabMllMbcck The i»,ora to
waa getting' to
worited out and mid- rai tB Mlaa Carrie
— -lUs S'
die aged you wrre only coming to
your prime. 1 knew tbet it?waa beM

we lived .together.

mm m •
88 K 8

tbat I died when I did—before I came
to be a drag on you. Yet, Uaddy. be­
fore ber and your children I think yon
ought not to abrnne me, fiw I was yonr
faithful wife, tbe wife of your ywith,

itorewt-TrsTetweCU}-. SB K_____________

and I gave you all 1 had to giro—my
monry. my love, my toil.”
Before Hr. Janeway could
tc was gone, and be sat alopc.
Tbe next day, however, be took tbe
did pbotograpb down town and ordered

Tb<T were to more into it at once,
and Mra. Janeway wont about the old
bouse planning what should be left be­
hind, as not oauing up to tbo artiBtic
d of tbe new place. "Come here
a minute. Uadi«m," Mic c&llod' from
an otBcure entry back of tbe dining
Mr. Janeway laid down bis paper and
went to ber. followed by Florry. tbeir
youDgencbili "Wbat ia it. mydeart”
be aiAid.
H adn’t 1 be«« pack this away—tbe
fnmc'a so shabbv (list it Isn't fit for
tbe new bouser’ She pointed to a fadod
-------------Midi hanging in a dark eomur.
tbe liki-nt-m of a plain woman.
with a broad mouth and cyea widely


Florry. with a child'a qnickiMaA notired the flue gilt frame tbat i

«rAf»TBO-A glri U> H
will Bad stooer *■


••Florry.” ho bigan soberly, "wb» I
waa a little boy, 1 was very poor, as
poor aa tbo yolta”—a family celebrated
in tbe town for 111 lock and poverty.
"1 went to school when I could, bot


aaaaa •
S88S« S


Sg=8S2888£&Sa«S 8
-2- »,>w«ws.a»S^ w
aaaa a eaaaaaaea
SSSt; 8 8e8S««889



yoQ goi^^ to piwk bcF away, Uko o
No; tbe picture ia to s^ here,
yen mmmber who 1 said it was?”
“ Vm; it was your flret wife. ”
Mr. Janeway lock ber cm hia knee.

aaes a
fi8EZ «
_________ »S2= =

• CO.

the ugly, go^ fare.
done to the lady?” abe aakid. "Ai

a eaaaaa
« SS8888


for it a gorgeous frame. IRTmu it wwa
reiuRM'd, be hnng it in hia library
where it looked strengcly alien between Call«» «» West Seresiliste
a 8t. Cecilia and tbe Arabian Faktmer,
bnogblattbe instigation
tbeanbi- XTTASTKD- Bi Oftobrr. Elgjt re^**®*^

that itwa* tbe finest bouse in town and
quite eclipaed Mn. Morgan's red brick

der tbat th* whole world could witness
our MlJence and forbeairance unUl forbearenev ceased to be a viMue.
H was very Aard tor us to begin tbta
war for bumanlty’a take; and now n
win be anything but easy for us to
meet the probltona and perplexities of
pneiv. We are burdened with tbe grwv.
cel and mosl ooli-mn obllgaiUoua- How
the iirt'iw-lorate Mrell be qgereiaed reroalna to be seen
The prreldent and
bit conatKutUmal adviaere have not
reached oonriualohs upon Ula polni
Uliimtoely. toe eeuee mailer must be
dtoided by the_,congreea. with tbe epptuval nf tbe4tort exeeutlva


fares bim to toABOwlodgo bla d(4it.
"Tm—yra, Bareb. I know that I owe

come from a visit to tbeir own b<nue,
wbicb tbdr architect aaanred tbcm waa
in tbe purest style of tbe Coible tenaiamnre. Bnt they were sure, ton, which
arvmed to them of farniore importance,

erats the odious anarchy pn-valenl ti
Cuba during the three yaura preceding
declaration ef war.
It was noi
to do this wlibout brtsrieg npo<
couniry war with Buropeen pow­
ers other than Ppaln. and therefore tha

Bicvcie Riders.

fore 1 dlt-d from Uncle John must have
been a help. 1 left it and tbo farm to
yon. Uaddy. ” Her dull tT-ea aeemed to

made man ia to pruiao bi« makre with

•'I'T V > *nu- * why Han
“ j-th^nughly -Anierk anlted
lo rOrtI e ll. l>.Tru .^B.
ii leaua-.
,iu beenme one of the territories
aie H.aii.i.n- L -1 n.B * Oil»e. becBuiie of this federal union, l.aler nn Cuba
Buiiour B'.r i-.ii, in |ti..mlii<-m and. will be one of t.ur soverrlyn slates.
1fe tnory y,at*,
Such la the InexnraHle destiny of Cuba.
Kiv-xi;'. of l.uj'.wi. of
fa-.T. riiit fi t-'. rnibc of the senihls iMuntry t(
II» revision of the
declare that wr would no longer lol


be mid in anirwer to

out stint
Mr. and Mra. Janeway bad but inat

Mil K
•“**! lam-ngth n,or«
to Cubs through
trust ii, .^Vay:,:i ,ioi. sa>i «ui
*niari<-«n protertorate whk-h will
gflnf tu-M.i'’*sf' »o»r l.
row. uBi I ev i.i n.s re--le,-Uon


,accident clai*.
Thanking yon for tbe fiMraad prnaapt
■bleb you bare aetUed srtU
—.----------------a a mambar of your amoKy.^ “Sh elation.
Gaoaea Bamierr*. ^
Hasistaa. Mleh.
im Visa atraab

And you aaid that my being
old and yon being jnat of age
____ _____
_______atM I'm
1 nippoae
I eaid that,
gnre I always tried to be good to yoo,

amid loud appUnre. In another this
fws«h would hare provoked criticism,
but t«je of tbo privilege* of tbo self

of the duty of compHtlBB safety
for our cUIxen* and ihelr capital, when
they make tbeir homes on Cuban
Cuba Where bla legal ablUtlM wlU^ ’
wto r^afl current history aa
«( great seivi.e to uvr coontry. Tba .
................................................................. .........
they read ancient histon'.
talal>ii*bmeni of a au-bi* loim of gbvaophic manner, will wKneaa the aurernn-rui on ibai Ulaod will ba a uah
Vlval .of tbe Attest.
requiring tbe beat cBuru of our beat
Cuba will anon be prartlrany an
American republic, and her ultimate
auBvxallon to the frilled Stales
Major George-H HopXina will remptln
in the army prul/sbly bbik th. -J -b „r read
^ «• In hlalory of the annexation of
tbe present admlhwiratioo
as mililsry Texas The Inevitable always happens
aide tu the sev'etaiy of war.
W« roust .The arnexallon of Cuba wBl be not by
jioi suMBise tbsl tbe work of ibe wai
c«n-iu.*i: but by the voluriitry and
deparlniroi ia now over On’tbe euanatural aci >n of tbe sovereign power
irary. there will be trialneU h, tlie
of her pe« c. seeking tbeir Indiridual
aarvjiv nut let* than lUijwo suidlere.
inieresta for adand tbrii duller
. Kan Juan anJ at
point* will be^i
esBm.t he an iiidetwndent re.-ar-!w>u*


Free Pw^_

The Beat Semady for flux.

tbe fann. You bad nothing when yon
came courting me. did yoo. MaddyT

a privutc pH-rbapt, in (be gnat anuy of
aeU made nH-n." He bowed and retired



dens. Igneea"
"And it waa my money that boogfat


tbe bcnighled Cabana ever dreamed of,
^ gathered by Che new life and
energy which must be repidly Infuw^
Into Cuba, whenever order and perfen
peace aball reign.
ewfeiy ferOarClUaras.
This coodlUon must be secured and
maintained by the governnienl nf tbe
United Stales, not merely because of
duty devolving upon this country

The lafThey Settle!

readied, "and both cd na bad oor bur­

airatiem the electon bad for a man of
with ____
more imprlaoiimenta without opportutbepetgilA V^bia
more brutal atarraUon a band and w&t to congratulate bim, .
Never- they found bim ready with a Ipeecb.
I* already painfully apparem He mid: "Fellow ciMmiw. I wiU oM
that those who have been fighting for try to bide from yoo my deep grntifleauberty of Tuht have fought for
^ uberty of license, and know little tioo al Uie nmui} of. «e electic^i. I I
wanted lo be eleeied. I bare wanted a
, tbe
^ liberty
liberty of law and order,
good many things, and I’ve generally
XM Beal UWrty.
The flrat duty of tbia couniry
— got them, bnt not without working. I
,,,^1 the Cubans the splenfiora of Marled with nothing: I did ebnrea for
uberty of law. They must slowly my keep: 1 went to school when 1 could,
unwillingly lean, that license lor pi,^ up a penny here aad a pcainy
there; 1 did any baa«-at work that I
could find. And when- am 1 now? Pres­
eratlon will have passed before tbe leaident of a bank, ex-mayor and a mem­
ton «dll permeate the pulfic mind. The
ber of tbe lagialatum I thank you.
sooner the Cubans can learn this leefriiiids. for your votes, yet 1 ftel that 1
BOD and accept Its precepts, tbe aoonei
have won my own way; that I am one,
will they bo left to the entire

d,*tiBy of Cuba l* manliest, and
: cannot be chanced by human la. prot«t«rate,
enrl.-hed and developed,
^"1. „
u AmerJcarnced 8t^
lanital will go there with,
another year. The fields nt.w deso.
and beewme aa the

O. P. OARTB&. Agnt

be writee morbid poe^ Abut bo can t r

worked bard tm that piaoe,
me I wi
wald. crowing ber handa very r _ . Cbawberlln'a Celle, Cholera and Dlarwombanda "IwcrkedbardtiMtetbom rboeuBemedy. and have Uepleasornof
year*. ItriedtomTeaUIooald.Maddy.” etatiag that half of one bottU eurud
- For aale by 8. B. Walt.
"Yon were a good wife. Borah.” be


Tha Mlehigan naval reaervea reflected ^ro^rty. Vor mpruVaodenew There.
KO cred.i upon our stale, and a would
^uta If free, no man eat
be uaelea. lo dlagttlae that lacL They ■ p^',^,ben Cuba wilt be aelf-govam
art ornamental enough, but when a ^


One. I rraeBber, kept bla coin.
And laughing filppod U In the air,
Bet when two eiroUlng pipe Idey-ra
came fay be leeeed II to tbe pelr.

tbe dlBcordant elemema which will re­
main and become pararrnunt after tbe
final retirement of the rolib- ia of Spain
all tranaportatloc oonirai U baa led
It la fair lo presume that the prealdeni
plctoua writera to auRSvet c»rupUoD. nf the t'niied State* alll conclude that
Madima JatMW«y'wa*b
and frequently inalnuate tbaitberabave tbe aupreme nutburlty In Culia for the put aa a "self made man'
.been ioba iq tbe tat contrat^^U wbicb preaeot muat be an American proiec- pgreoUy well aatiafied with big own ,
<bave been made with tbe trunk llnea toraie. and that tht* protectorate
handiwork, for content mdiated from
be continued for several ycai
Af railroada and with the ocean linera
bis fnll face and frtun bis figure, which
To Form
fit would rightly aerve aomr of Ihrae
It la knoa n to be tbe tnlenlloa of the bad lost its youthfnl moacle undeg
.alanderera and lil>elera if they ahould
in people nrppingVBTM of flesh. Mr. Jsjteway
■aldeni to reoucat the Cuban
.*• taken balorc tbe bar of JoaUce and j ‘‘p
bad satufied bis ambitiona aa far aa it
■ compelled to pay for tbeir w.cKedneai
is poanblo fer a man lo do it Fortu­
and malldouam-aa either In (B»b or In
have taVen actual poanately for hia ctmtent tbwe a^iirationa
aeasion of tbe lalandi; thUr goverommt;
terina of impriaonmeni.
General Al­
were of tbe kind that are most often re. ger abould eseiclae o char.ty fur any to be formed under' such eafegnard*
aliacd. He bad a baudsome wife and
Bbo would uac the public | and regulatlona as shill be determined
“■■■ i
Rovernmenl al Washington. three bright children
prims In slander, libel or deiamation ,1■ by
full understanding that a mili­
- of character.
tary and civil protecturate will be In- to be founded cm tbe rock c< aourrd
* -BeBireafDr. AngalL ,
be bad been mayor of Bbewaiwe
.definitely nerclaed.;
^TTic return of Dr. J. B. Angril to
That for which the Inanrgents fought and sfaa a member of the legUiamre.
-BmeticA WIU be balled with gtadneas baa been achieved by the blood and Bo much of earthly ghsy had taUan to
-by bla tbooaanda of friends. parUeu- ireaaun. of the United Btalea, and Cuba bU share.
elarly by the alumni of the Unlveyalty la free from all eaaettona of Spain.
When be read tbe obitnaiy of arxitber
e«C Kiehlgan. He was appointed min- They will begin the formation of their wlf mede man, be ahraye nodded bis
own goveyninenl with the understand­
'buter to Turkey without bti aolicitailon.
bead sagely, as moeb aa to say. "Iknow
ing. If not with a full apprectaUon oi
bad he accepted the important ^oMilon
bow U gore: 1 aurted with notbing
tjlf fact that there gre to be no more
•olely becanae Prealdeni McKinley re­ oppreasion. no more deapoUam. no more myaelt” In fact. Mr. Janeway’aolecquested him to do so. Informing Kim unjust Uxallon, no more Inwrference tioo to tbe legialatnre came of tbe ad-


"wb* Iwna a young man. I rw»s
terry fur a whole yearl”-caiiaage

they were in life.” abe retnmed. “Yon
aMd tbe farm, didn't yonr'
Mr. Janeway felt aa if a reproacb lay
I tbe obaervatiai. "Yea. 1 aold tbe

ftrated that he baa been a ctaat war

ment M tbe tslaad and people.



teUi Knatt. Mlffeolng hlmeelf up and
gpMlrtng in a tooe of inanl^ dignity,

tb tbem^ fiory of the earth
b bnt lo beer e blecAWrd Mag.

aecreiarr. But the fact that Colonel
Hecker of ElctroU baa had cbarse of

If aoyoi know

have changed. Maddr-''
”¥fe—yea We are H* to.”be re­
plied nneaMly. "Bot yon look Jnet tbe
■une.” Heaeidtbia'toeeeif gbewould


ipnidUirlfl «f Joy. hB ddldleb beert
Deeeed to tbeir wUd. uuUendlM baiB.'
TVs eupperlew be laid bln> down
Thai algbt sod Bept beoeatb tbe atoiw
-BIBe Oeftotoi la LmMm. Baa.

Ever Barned Out?

to dayu’’^ tbe bard featurod
wnoian gtaadlng laMda tbe klteben

nany ynara.”
"I am Barab.” Mw anawoed. "Ton

— — . tortnre and murder, under Bpanlab au>
Slooo tbo TVMbto u„,rlty and with Spanlab aancUon. the
temed "Queen of tbe AnUlea" U fm
At last, free forever; and our *over*«
, tWM ■•ebtfoa’* .Toluatwr
ment baa pledced ita faith before tbe
. mm mm the Xa«nl
whole world that Cuba abaU be gov*
' mtertd To Be Boat to
erned by her own people.
, WaahiBdtcn, Auf iC.-Now that tbo
There la a nominal government nf
war la oeer Oenenl Alfer wiU proba- ■repubican form which
btr baea Ubo to dcvoU to bla datrnct* in Cuba aooB after tbe beginning of the
ara. and their name ia lertort? Ever rebeUlon. but it baa never been able to
Bloea the besloolaK of the orar be bat exerciae any civil auiboiity; Ita only,
been^aubjeci to unfair crKiciaBi. much esecutive funcUona having bet
aertad by Oeneral Gomes and bli
at It deatmctive cnUMam. and aome nr
«r half-clothed, balf-fed. and illy
- the prna of tnalltlou wntera have baen tloned Inaurgem aoidiera. It waa tbis
a ;>ed In Rail and venom. MhibtRan'a republic, ao-called, thateacitableatatea1
I I rr ha* ir-en a cuaod not
men laat winter Inelated upon giving
; iijt i.f currupUnn. national recognition.
.. Y
Iclete that be >• big
The government of tbe United State
tuouab tu ^ure all cbarsea of tncon- muat promptly consider and '
patcocr. berauaa reanlia have detoos- wbelber o

that tbe Armrulan situation was very
grave and tbe president desired tu have
at CoasutDtioople an agent for this
eoanlry In whose knowledge. wlad<
and courage the administration could j
have perfect cwnnd. ne«. The then sac- |
retary of state, John Sbermaa said i
to the wHter: "Prealdenl Aogell has
consented lo go to Consiant.nople. and
a great relief lo this da- ]
partroent and a source
of penunal .
graUBenioD to the presideit."
Capt^n Fred Alger la a mlllUry to ,
although the w« waa of such abort .
dorwtiem. ..
fore danUagu. participated ic tbe balUe, bad his knee injured, and after­
wards went to boapllal with malarial
fever- Tbe young mao had an oppor-

"Yoa dcB’t look ag if you’d orgr bad
uythlngtodowMiwater In all your

araadBapieseitoa to. BlMpug aad eiaiaf
__.. tais traiB

troto wvuw,
DeleoU vm
aad oairss
<ae iru«
u>m teala.






tbat was mighty little, fer 1 bad to
work BiMt nf (be time. Bumetimee I'd
get mi«t diHcoaragtd. but 1 bad to wrork

Ta lak* aflaei aaBdax, Jafis to, IWT.
avltoo'M^a to.

just ibi sani,'. One yiur 1 worked for a
man named Dccriiig. He bud
aud when abe found bow inocb I wanted
lo go tai school abe li ut me some money
__ sinm y she bad rand by pinching and
icrapitig Afh-rawbile ber faihor died,

« WOMKK vanikag <

and slie married me. 1 iiad nothing,
toxl she ow Dvd a goiri farm, but abe
married me. In six yvnni she died and

aeparetod: tbe hair was parted
draws back tnaa the forphead like two
cunaius; a watrti chain picked out is
giU rucireled hor nock, ami her lip# and
cheeks were ttrorhtd-ly carmine, giving
the'fare a ghastly pretnin- of life.
Mr. jBDfws^ stare-d at it mi-ditadvely.

"1 hadn't noticed it for a kmg

time,” he said.
■Who it MiU lady, papa?" Floity
aakiid. looking at tbe picture aa if abe

liuvid in me when nobody else did. The
other night papa drtuuui'd tbat bo saw
her and talkid to hi-r. and it made him
ft«l ashamed tiiat be bad aremod to for­

>LX woODtoraals.

-------------0»,L,.. O—Igj

got her.”
Mr. Janeway felt that be was making
a bantisodDH repsratiQu. but by was a

ffbO.OO tUNrard
BHui who aimed to do right* I
tcctwury to hi* self erteun.
•aw it for the BrM timo.
lh<- ebild wriggled teom bis
OraUlekTill*.............. " 1.
"Wby; Flinty, that was my fliut juid w alked away, with an awed glance los.ovanlelr.:
Eiehibook*olrQWlea(.eoBtalBiagoo«elghih xraverae Oli»- -.-Arej
wife.” be Btiaw«rrtoi. aurpriaed tbat Mje
at the iiictnre.
A of goWtoafwMktatto
had nut kuowu it befero.
. Mr. Janeway stared at it musingly.
"Woe she my inumuia too?”
Ba. i!Bo
Are yon aatisflid now. SSurahF’ bt
. liorreUlB wetli and two;1
“No. DO,” lie rrpUed hastily. "She
caught himself paying. "Pabaw! That
with aa*
was tianih Ibcniig.''
dream holds to me Mill. ” hi > xclaamod,
■ 'Wasn’t abe any relatinu to me?” tbe "bot uuybow I’ve done b«* justice.”
-- OOS pOfCtUlB
child peraisuA Hbc vfu* but 8 yean
Md for suaekaeau. ____^ •
And though the architect declared
Bsua’aOrsaslBg... ■'
old. and tbe ramiflratioua of kluahip tbat tbe pbMc«ra]>h quite qnilcd the


wt-ta yet a myatoty to ht-r.
••Ot coutm not,"her rnoUier aaM
rathersbarply. "Ytmr papa was married

effect at tbe library and beggod that it
might be baniabed to kudo ba(^ room
Mr. Janeway waa Httu, and the dull,

to her when be was v.iy y.-nug—Iwg
before be lived here or km-w me. 1
thought yon bad beard tiiis tsfore.”
She turued to htr husband- "Madiaon.

between tbe 8C Cecilia andtheArabiaB

eliall 1 lay thu picture away?"
Mr. Juutw ay Icokod at her aOentivuly. Wua it aeal or an artistic ensemble,
or was there a-lurkiiig jcalonay of tbe
woman who bodooauu before? "Pack it
awiV if F»u nkc,"* be said turning
away. "It is shabby.
l*ni« after bis children and wite
were sln idug Mr. Jant-waj- sat smokhig :
and fhlukiiqi rimiiJaccuUy of bis snootML Hv. MadiMiU Joui-way. hod begun
with uothlug, Mtd at 50 he bad won tbe.
Ihibg* be bad kmgid fir at 80. Tbe
opening and clontig of ibe door atuacti

ed hi* oMeution. He Iroked op
A woman walked'acruM tbe ream—a

Cador Boa.............."
Lak* Aaa. ............••

rlcUou oltkspanr.

Falconer.—CHioago Newa

Tbe new ribbons are very delicate in
texture like silken gauxo. and tbe vari­
ety in gnaa linen effects baa multiplied
many times since last reason. There are i
Bnrtch plaid*, light tinted ground*
plaldtd off with some strong color and
■cattored over with polka duta or opraya
of flowers, and plain color*, wllh fancy I


eOfrifi •( Ora-d TSarafto Oosa«.

Vetloe to Ooatractora and Bnlldeta.

S'Si-:;:'.'::: ii
OwskstosJet......... "


a Alrstthedlrrclor' o4re will
»1*« ai>7 or all


•is if



'■"■.tr. K'.''

^ giarder. ui^k..
‘ " “

Siri^ ::,:;4l!S| 1S| 13

lOU WIKI S'.Vi.ti::
-------■ •have tbe
eeems to
sisad* toedlcInoAi^^k

arntxic the plain ribbears. and amne m
thcM- an- satin faced. Moire rtohCM
with corded edge* are also etoo.

3. W. OAU:
..HI be with Burl Ibr Jrwvler Butll
wkn bs will rauua to euUaga.

iim '■ia


edges of l>air lino stripes in various ool-

m ««1




tola*.' ■


M. I i
1 #
/naal« that sntl be found In few, stars and stripes ars placed enwe the
Amcelcaa cft*«. and <bat-U a Urge old fortress tUs place will be cteredu
number of smsll parka, or pUMS. •• the , IU many grewsome features, whii* an
natives caU these little garden spots.
Tbe business secUon snd the government Inilldlngs sre grouped together
sround one of the prlnclpsl psrkn nesr
the main snitmnce. The buildings are
constructed of etone and with few exoeptloM art not more than two etortee Tbe many turrets and high dtadclt fi
high. Most of them ars built with Urge Imposing and have tbe a
bsiconiss over the street snd supported a Altai
of belBg able to cope wit*
by heavy stone pllUrs. which give
,. that might try to effe« •
them s msMlve nppearmnee. The gov- landing ettber by land or scb. Howe
It buildings are old. having bren jfver. as you approach them your opiBe
isny canturles ago. but they — Inn changes, and tbe towsfs and btiB.
eo w-^I constructed tbet lime has it
tiements show the slgna of i
little Impresclon on them. The reeldent and their great age. TM fi
it nearer the main- like the wall, were eensM
Ue UUnd. while the and little seems to have h.._
----------- sectlone arc In the center,
which li gunrded by the frowning for- them since. The guns that look ddWS
upon the bay are of the type that wsg .
treeees that skirt ettber end.
Ban Juan, like Havana and other large used centuries ago. and some of tbess
that are mounted there now bear IbS
cities of the fipsnUli West IndlM. has Arms
of the kings of long ago.
Its Uorro or promontory castle. It Is
There are few social ftaartlons or sn>
situsted on a bluff Jutting out from tbe
among the-people of Baa
llh a ilgbthouse Imme
Lines sre closely drawn Ifl so­
r. and Is on tbe most p
oenl point of the fortifications. Tbe ciety. The cnptaln general and bisJIbpounds and thunders against the tie court form tbe most exclusive set, massive wall on the sea side, but the and it Is impossible .for tbe natives t*
landward harbor Is quiet snd safe for gain sdnitunee into it.tno matMP '
nny vessel. Not far away from tbe cita­ whsf tbelr standing may be.
Business to carried on from ssMr<
del and surrounded by the wall Is a
-• night. ___— •
large and well kept pamde ground, momlng i"-*” late at
no let up. Holidays ogfii-' -''
where once or twice a week, and usually
when ths commanding offlem- Is so dis­ side et thoee of the church srs fMT
between, and there is imis
posed. the troops are paraded for the
gratification of the resldenu. There ars for the clerks to bunt for amuaemeBt-s
about 4.0M troops kept eontlnoally la Church holidays oome oGsn and ai«'
usually celebiuted with a bullfliglit ag
the fortifications about the city.
Nesr the parade ground Is the anrtent the garrison turning ouL
There sre few natives of Porto lUeo Mi
castle of no less a person than Ponce de
Leon, tbe first governor of the island Ban Juan. Most of the populati
•md tbe man who traiqped tbroi«li composed of Bpaniarda English. A:
Florida and other planes la search of cans and Oermana They control e._,_
the fountain of perpetual youth. A Ut- thing worth having, and while slantT:
tie duiaace farther on U tbe church of is a thing of the past the black man et
^land to given little chance to kst<
where his ashes are
Ponce tbe
lack of chitiloeys on the bBtlfilBfiff
a great man who In
tbe visitor as peculiar when thfi
Jt the Indians of the '
with s tboraugbness that earned beat allows him to think of such
In all tbe city there is not eiw cUtaBBSf
for him <
to be found and but few houses whstv
glass Is used In tbe windows. Tbsas BTf
cles. for tbe sun is hoi

Interesting Facts About the Capy,
stal of Our New Possession
In the West Indies,
1A Quaint Old Fashioned City
Which Has Never Felt the
Stimulus of American
Push and Enterprise,

Buard And shelter from the rain and have been made there in many years.
the cold weather, the Utter of which
when the mercurr drops eUbt or t.
decrees below the 70 mark.
Shu Juan nesUes on the shore of-a
Upon reaehins the shore In the
larre bay In a beautiful and well pro* boau of the stesmer the creat wall U
which opens the first thing exsmined. U was buflt
centuries ago of stone quarried from
the hills Inland. It U wonderfully con.
strucled. Theae masalve pieces of stone
pUced one upon the other hsve with­
stood the ravages of the elements snd
steamer lone before the \-essel nears tbs
Und. Throucb the openlnc Into the bay
the old Cray turrets of Morro Castle
and the hlcb wall with iu many sentry
bases, can be seen far out « sea. Here
and there popplnc above the wall may
be seen the roofs of the taller of the
houses, while blyh up In the center the
^e of the cathedrsi looms la sicht.
The housea as a rule, are low. and but
few of them reach above the walL The

from one end to the other u thickly
covered with moss sad luxuriant vinca,
which grow In abundance along tbe
thfTie^'* »» the thick forests among
The ahores are aalaterestlng. At t
MBding place, which la also built
stone. Is the main gate or entrance
the city. Here a guard Is staUoned.

r man that goea to make up the Spana hlatory which win compare faVotBbly
Ob b uni* com IMAd proJ«rtlBr Into with that of aoRie of the citiea of the that there axe but few bulldlags behind ‘ plly man with fear. He li usually eery
tbc BM wd pBrtlBll7 sorTuunded br old world and which li oneaiialed b»
covered with i dark, poorty clad and carries a vllMsb blila. whoae aide* uid tupa are eov- aay to the wemem hemlaphere. It la
C vlnea. Be finds
Ulnous looking rifle on the muss'e of
r upon entering t
one of the oldest elUca In the new world
which U placed a knife bayonet. There
■ and since it was fonoded has been the
la no ebalUngtng during the dey. and
BBd aaaport..................
I. while B
remarkable as tbe sentry Is kept busy dodging the
• aeene of many a bloody coalllcL
BiMiuu. Porto RJeo.with.lta many
Ban luan la situated on the northera
of I hot rays of the sun that keep consUnt’y
tUol Btr««U and 4uatBt old ball
at Porto Rico. Tbe tittle IsUnd on
wtrhitert. they are different from j shifting.
‘be Urger dlles of
Onee through thr gsle.
north and
a well constructed.
realImpressinn rf the rlty.
romantic fellow who so greatly dreaded for Ores, while aU the cooking Is _
tbe most msgn'fl.
msgn fl. j| and It msy be Just
|ui at well to sute here the
.*■ ®“«. of “>e
In open ovens sway from tbe beuass.
ravages of age.
In any of the Weat Into be found In
in- ‘ that. wHIe It is a lasting
Isstli one. It Is deNesr the main gate Is a tall stack tM
Back of the parade ground
dU IsUnds. It Is wide^d ^p enough , ddedly disagreeable. The Initial greetr lanf......................... he smooth waters looks like tbe chlmnej
permit a veaael of great draft ...
of tbe
higher plain than
le city
ee of tbe captain
with lu
tetlom. Good anchoragea ne*r the houaet and In the street, for. g, rneral.
are to be found everrwhere. It I. an besides being one of the olde« cities of 1 f fine building and------- -**“'***''°“®f
the new world. 8sn Juan Is
- With Its great bsleonles and well kept
of warships.
lawns dotted here sod there srllh giant
Before entering the city one Is struck
by the pecullsr objects to be found out. Inlereetlng town, snd when the Amerl- palms and other trees of luxuriant foli­
side Ihe wall and on the buy. Ijittle cans take hold of it It will be so thor- age it seems an Ideal place to live and
thatched hula are scattered here sad ougfaly cleansed that It won’t know It­ b»rs a striking contrast to many parts
» stone the shore. They sre tbe Itv. self. and when the yeiloa- fever c-me« of thr old city, and especially to the lit.
tie campo santo. or cemeterr.'Bt tbe
to make Its annual visit to the pla~ It other end.
will leave In despair. THe et-eets arJust under the northern wall snd faebroad and beautiful. - Great palms snd ing the aea U the little ptAUc eemetyr.




I at an Invading enemy vr uic
tbe atemsBU. this lltUs city, for
w VUI7
only stwui
Bbout SV.UW.
»,000. to
gammnded by a high wma att eltl
«Bd of which ..
U bout
•ruut •
a luruvss
fortress whose
^ tettlrasBU.ovsrtook the peaceful
bay which Use bensattL
WbUe San Juan baa bo iapaslBg
bBOfitaigs. such as are to b« IbBBfi talb:
ifiisw dtiss <ff tbs ualtafi totob U bag

trtaieb It Is built Is oonsMed with tbs
mainland by a BBmber of -m-ii brUgss
and eausswaya, where sentilee are conatantty kept on guard, for ao other reason. It Is believed, than to give tbs soldtors aometblng to do and to hasp them
d and gettlag
into mtsehlef. Tbs brtdgsa__________
t»we are boUt of steee. aad at tbslr
^ ^-middles ars B«ar looklag sao.
tip besaa. la wbleb OM srtdMn

tbe natural CacUltlsa tor dilpplag there other tropical trees are ptanted aktog
le not a pter or dock to be touBd any- g»_wdksyd ehade them from tbe hot
wbera Tbe steamm chat taHiw or take
~«*o« to and from the place are loadTbets at* few ImpoalBg
Md unloaded into small ligbtsra
tbat are of aay tntarest are tbe
are got to tbe Mtote stssetlmto
s. the oid teetreesby lines run otn and at otbart by tbe
k tne paiaee or the captBla geaerat,
« ratbediBl and the home ot tbe blMiI. who looks aftar tbe opMtaal wtom the outside of ^ or the people, a targe majortty of
abowe tbst
whom at* CethoBga. Obs n»«-g gga


Tbe gate tsadlag to tt ta overbtng by
an oraaie ssatry I
The ptaM prelandtoene
that wio'he long^
wte iM li ne boase*^ £
erleted tenants <tf gravss whose tonM
or rental have expired are ptisd la ths
< along the wall (« the ^
MooBfA Whore tbe sub bsats down eu
tbcBi. maktag tbe place a vMtabte past
ta»t U la to be btved that wbw^

• Ughtutag tud. R is la«eat«
rtdi eouauy where tbey can aSac4 fit '
pat Bp a solid atone "
“ “
IM teat ^ for tbe
tag Bgta^dng roda
Jana wffl baontae cew aT tbe enoM
pertaat otttao ta tte Wmt ladles, aai

caUJnnNQ A. BAMMRi -



Cte'Wld «t bM WM IB » M hOMW.



0 M MHa, "tan I wir »
1 thi ddawlli Vm ite

“Ob. I'D m> gladr Did hie wU*.
Tbeourtace bad DM •ooebaU
bcr. md Ue t*aia ww m ww m lorm.
And *p dM noK>ed
M0K>ad daDdoc
dMSdoc «b« dw'wiNB tbe Aaip elabKOf 0t amtailaiim
b*t«NtTad to* __
onndt* tbe bead pertlem. aad.! bell iaB« oot. Keonr and oearw It eame.
- ------‘^-«aMnil1b*en,:*i>datth*DeneleMrtcU«fateMriDaaBd
a ki*llv(>rwdlH
toto tbM
OoIomAo. Iddfe. ThM
iM be DM bM) blta- tbe taM man. .*• «iM. •■For pSty take, *«bolan« woe rtreoM.
Two wonMD a*d otie BOB wbou (aU
bat be
b« N- m cte oat of U>U room a ..................
saindr BoRia«*oMa. KuiMaaadTuM
••Bai«*ti tee?" be a«tad.
bMb MO«nUe tbe QfoD DIM*. A bUnoa > ••Ye*. I'll take aH7tUtii
One wa* a «
cram Mexteo *amMM«r
------------------------'-Iben .poo
oogM to
«tb«-a b
baae lodfe and tMu Oolofado. How
-tM uueu.
~ bata toko) Jtoiinp. ——
----wUl Colorado “bo babtod tbe eettaDif"— Long When be propotod.” be add banter- there were, and one
e wife of tbe mao
toglp. ••He * moMlp wind, poo know.” I war dead. One wan
Kamo* Fiaoneaoo.
• He'* alwnp* poHto. tbougb." ebe an-' who rode beMdeber; tbecotbDtooDldbata
. KevoeaatroorballMlDtorartdaDDdldato dale** poo know blD to betree ■wered polDtedip. "I netar beard of him ; >>e«>
'What are poa tWnklng about
DaklDg pomnel
b«D letraeh.
• ew -bmrd- of• him amkliig ' a*«lf,. Ft^r aald
lid tbe llltW wife.
It u eald that more (ban AOOO Knl«ht*
tblDkiDgof Ui
tbe woman I lotad.”
i “1 uw* thlnklugof
TteipUr* era now erearinc tbe blue onl- *npthto*.”eeldTai-*t*.
ltd; nsd
Fred Dent it pourbeat beaMwotd.
end bl*
■ t kDowthat
iorme of Cba IJaljed Btatee.
eDdlbet pouni
juni Kick np'for
up for him. Ij tourbed
tonebad ttbe loekM to bli pocket,
Tbetaleaene too bumble totbe eraft
wee Du Dip
and pour friend -' "WeH.
''WeH. then. kla. ber,” «ld tbe UtOt
chum, nod
to baeonte toe nutM of a lodiie. and In- gM a”^imehatmln«glrl
than be dearred. bride arehip.
....... ,
dad It I* a laudable amMUon eo to do. t>h. rvo baud lute about him.” *be added , He drew ber to blm and kiwd her.
Kone ehoDld ait Mlp In the lodferoom.
wltb no deelre to taaob tbe hlgbw rank ol
tbe eraft.
be eald qnlcklp.
Use lotoxkattog llqoM- wltboot a 11“ No, ” aucwwad the glri elowlp.
____ . Ua Tlolatkm M tbe law of (be land.
told ber aaptfalng. Itdonn't
U enob a rlolatloD IdtoItc* moial twpl- anp one to tell
tmle. HUaooSenDacalDBtMnoniT.
. Hmontal totbe
*br'a too good foe blffl.
__e eoDotniailoti of tbe CoUfornla MaBoolobomeat Deeeto haebeenoontraMad brr that otto) enough, b
for at a eoet of |>A8M. It le to be oom- awerrd wHb a lao^tbat do one
ibe fortotu crowd but
good for blm."
pletodbpOM. 1.
__ ___
tbe ipnt tbe aotborllieB
A llUk while after all the
ebould (dime tlw na»,e to Le Tlgte NamwMOmtaA «7*tbM«o


Stoer blaelecaoB
^ Bwr be met almcM
iM^UrotnuteoDeof tbe eotiDdla of tbe
^M*. WUbeocbahuadlBcleadirtbeorI* growhic apoee, oad wbeo (be teealt
M tbe TWkr-e wort U llnaUr lotolad a
tfdcodld Ipceeaee U aoie to be abowo.
Vbe DOW 0Memat MeaaanaatwaDt Into
tfeM Auc- 1.
bat Boatob omimU AedleaMd a dm
•nr baU reocciny.
OatUarDla Uaboot eeadr toInatUaMa
Vbe natral beroee Dewar and Sebler•• Denban oC Uk order, both betiiR oon■eetad wltb PaRUut aoaBell, Waabitw* den. wbleb le OMapoaed Ddidr M natal

The groom and beet mas j

................. -.......... .
nie neaiip ail oMtlad. but an eo i
an «^(a<oxtuato flgwe t* glra.
•XbettdowmenttBBdof KenlocikplUMDio WMowe and Onbaa*' boDW
to • Tbe nealpta of
to lart pear wen iSS.Tn.TeaBd
•48.TM.M. Thla IneMtaDBdtr (be old table of mUe (bo arenw* tkm U "bead and1 aboul
" abotaanp
^1^-------- paid bp all meenbeei bee been otbM UacMilc borne to thl* eoontrp.
•LdTon dbOXi. and tbearara«e aoBoal
The DOM pnapereue lodge toSan Fnaelseo end ooe with the................................
t plan eenK hare
had been eolleated eoeb paer op to tbe
ffliirt Hme. tbe order would dm onlp
lata paid all tbe elalma. entacatiof
' at $45,000,000. but It would ban aeid In Ite euersenop fund a

■pie, without anp aleoboUe
eel. muM alDple.
A new gtaod manw bi
Pen. end the Bible he* bean itatopd to
Ibealtenof Hatonrp. Otasd lodgeawblM,
bar* dMnltad retotton* wltb tbat grand
lodge ean now rereree aeUaa andnanine

* Manila are 47 Matooa

A r«wr ago lact June I there were I.WO
^WntnTr to tbe order to SeDtoekp. 1.400
mt whom were over flt pear* of *«e. A
mp bearp dq|ib rate iwalied. During
dbe pear l,5M-new member*were aaouied.
gedoetoa the age » per oeot, and thorebp
gadodng the death rata Beeide* mourtog eon that U abould DM engage to banking.
K.UD0 prito. M.500 wa* donatod to
r anp other bualoneof wbaterer
tt klud
dba Demben to per oepite tex. Tbne ere
eoleob5.5U0 membeti to tbe Male. and.
ntlb (be prrralllng
railing enlbuMaeni and tb* i«it U to TiMt Ibe Mek. eto.. end when H
•aw prito to keep II.allra tbtoe will prob- deforte troru this It fell*.—Tallneu.
ib«« a pear benee.
Otar 6.000
A ■IMer to e Rebeksta lodge tbell DM
loee ber meniberahlp bp operetlon of anp
rule oM aUke applicable to brotber*.
The lodgoe geDerallp an making prorlehm to lap tbe due* of tbo bnttara who
bare gone to war. IWe could be do bMmeaeun of tbe spirit of Odd FellowI than that exblbived tor
n* toenmtng cuperiar chief of honor
patriotic aM*.
bp tbe (upertor lodge to
cumelon of tbe D. of H.
1 FuUewi at DouglarCItp,
wUhto tbe lliail of tbe flaaDolal aUNtp of

Pnribapnrpaaaof eaabllng anp elalm*
■m tbe dMth benedt of tbe order of
*Miwboara totbe nrrlaeof tbe noun......................... wof tbeirdeatbaorr« ha* been iDued to
*S grand lodge of B
fsworarthree puan aM GaUfar^ f^
ywu. Thl* wa* tbe dUuM kmM of tbe
KwtDekp. WliDouto. North OakMa
«d Booth Dakota eaob won (be M.0M
•rtm oSmed loM peer bp tbe esprerne

Work OD tbe *oMMp‘« BMT boBw at Bock
fMMtmllding wlU be dodloalod.
Brae tbongb pon hare beeome dlsntl*.Mwlib UMaMkmof pour lo^ oamp.


r tamUp I* tbe o
ts baring poo keep lo good Mandtog.


dlnaltffp. i
threw off bl*
and. throwliig aimeMf
off amoMblp, Wiur

to. Wap.
“MptoWTWtoldn be (bought I would
ilUbtog up claluM

We trill close oat a few broken tots of Shoes, «t an
especially Rhr Bgars. They areall solid leather and
Kood wearers. We ca»ry a larife stock in all styles
sod all prices and can plea* yon. For a Rood wear­
ing shoe get them of

“New Idea ' Patteres Ire the (goal o< ley Patterns Made.
Ten Cents Bnys le|i Style.

To prieea that are less than the eoet
of the material, on

....Shirt Waists..!
(All thla eeasoA^s stylei.)


___ _________ H* wa* a dreadful bon. and If
rBeoedlM. Offlow Hmitta ordered theo ,»»» *** **??"—^.**: ?*
totbe^r^estgirlof tbe party fw *»
awap. 1 told blm to do eo.”
TlMsro wa* a eUmee f<^ few talnntra. < boor to tbe eoDamlo^.
_______ ___________ ___ _ , - think.
to yo«r' a*.
Tavern, tbat afto a man'* married be can .d tbe
lire down tbe old life—Isolate It. make
It s thing apart. *0 (bet It will netarorap ’•mp. be miked
Tbe men ean do It bettor than tbe girt don Bportiiig Time*.
eau,” WM Taren'nndait BOeww.
Dent flushed to tbe rooto of bl* balr.
“I think 1 }uat about owe yoa a lidtThen be rose from tbo bed. gera Tanru
bl* dnua suit to take onr to tbo bride's lag." mid tbe big man UtreaMilnRiy.
room to be locked to ber trunk nnd put
'■Pomibly, pomibly.'’ replied (be lit­
on bl* trerellng suR.
tle man oarclemly, “but if you live np
to yourrepntetiem you will not tfaii^ of
paying it until yoa I
for it at leaM a year.
a otortu of rioe to tbe corrl^.
r tbe little man bad a i«eDent bel|od the bride Into tbe--------.
and pmad I'aren'band. Tbeex, fuM M lord M a sprinter.—Chicago Foot
be wee on the atop, tbe born gere a lunge,
there wa* a woman's oiy. and nbodpwu*
buried agoloK tbe front whorl*.
“Motber," mid MimDollieMewitob,
Quick a* a Ughtolng stroke Dent wm “oan't Utber afford a mat in parliaUDdor tbe veblclo and pulkd (be woenon
out from beneath
lV4iC. light
j ocM^ft^.*' "J?£r. yon?fSta?ta
| riob tmongb to have a whole eofa if bs
“Jump Into tbo cattiage. Tame, with deoire* it. "—Tit-Bits,
my wtfa” said Dent buMOlp. hU face
Be quick,
wbtto aa marble. "Be
quick. bv
1 qukk,
and tell ber tbat a woman ba. JuM taeo
knnekod down bp tbo henm; (bat 111 ba
with ber to a minute.”
^hap* yw an DM
With tbe aid of a pMUsetnan
earriod tbe wonmn to tbo Mdewalk, Kb* aware that be write* all those wintM
a lUUe thing, prvttp and not without, akeh'bo* nf bie in midenmiBM.-Bortoa
e little facial evidence of r

Maiplaiid. like Virginia U taktog
“Talk of tbe aeat Of war,” mid tbo
DewDtai of lUe to tbe Kc4»kab branob of
inane young man to tbe giddy young
tbo order, a* It dow numbers ntoe lodge* __________j* bad born brandod Iboro.
uroman. "yon Just oogbi to see ue flgbt
iDWtaMtotb* lodge
She; opened hrrc-ptefw^ brW eoexmd, |
eveniDg at
tif work.
1* tta key that ualoeka . ^ they caught tbua^ of Dent. Tbe grave '^Lr* cW^^^nrttinatl
thedoortoaUpunenJopment. Men ncrar , ^ .^^bed ..f lu vlotorp for an loAo-i
gM tourestod to dotog Dotblng; Mandtog ttnlmal ,p«»
-------spaoc ,rf
.rf Uue, on
end tbct> Ibe blood ; EnQui**_
ItltDMmougbtokDow goMKdootof bermoulh. DMA
it bentdown
of bumoniw- U w*
m . mH»—Tbare «enu to be no qaestiea
liSnldlw than, we n
Ing tonwetl.
I. and a* be touched tbe imolM
s ; tbat dlTides public opiititm mote than
np palm bl* flngen oUM>ed o
and limp
I anoexatioo. Are yon in (aver of it!
I driUtog (or .the purpoee of going to
JoeioD lo atMDd tbe aovmel^ grand i 'Hc drew bit hand *w«p, and wUb It i Bfae—It it rather rodden, but tf
.............................................................yoo're willing 1 am—Boetan Oouricr.
He did I
Tbrneahonld benobeaStaa^ermadertp !
d a golden
to look at it. for b
ingot, boilowed and with tinpcla.^^m>d
toll. D. h. -.Ik. In U.
worthy pmaon* to jototiieoMm.
Mde w*. ber plotun and on tbe
He doen’t do
••Tbore'll be i
______ mM "xht plaioeroao. "I think I anytbtng but sit around while te M
dead, but tbe bospilal wlU
wl teglron awake.”—CUoogo Becerd:
waoi't tbe i
toe (tecee.^ It was,'
A aweltod Oaa
Wltb Ite kindling of tbe coudoU flte of fault, fibe ran right
he gnat eouncUof toe United Stataat nemni to do It on purpoee."
Doleful—1 wieb 1 knew bow 1 OOaM
Deut mnicd and went to the carriage.
ndlanapoll* non moato tb* jubUre pear
get abtad in tbe world.
rOlekae. la order to mate toe pror an "All right. Taven," ha raid. And tbe
down to my oliilt,
I one toe great InoobOMe at (be beM mao jumped out, tbe groom jumped
and I'U give you a Ueeoo.—Vim.
opening of bu nni Imued a dl^Muatlon to, and Um> b• Mr. Tew?

to^fra'^MupIrital^rfact. toe*m^
b tbe reeult that manp


Watch This Column For Bargains!

a eanip should earefullp read
toe told. ,
Wltb what tbe law requltu* lo a trial.
More than AOOO ooldln* teraTlrited to*
If all appeal* for old ore paid from tbe tent of toe Red Men at Camp Merritt and
.1 fund, tbeo erarp member bea a have aiallcd totaneulTCi c( the advanti«a
toot thU (dganltatloa furDlobn to tbe
bopt In blue. Tbore,on a Urge number
FETTEBLY. «I8 Moaro* si
M men to (be rankjAd fU* wbo an n
tar* of tbe order.
Tbe MaU ^ee r of straw* of to*
Store. 157 Prout etreet.
A DOW law bae beeo adopted proridtog
*M If e tuember oomutu eukitde befun
Bo bae been fire peon to ibe aider no boigBlMaU be paid, etoept It abaU be eotob«*ed bp aftHuaUra erldeDee (bat tb*
Brat Flra Cent agar Mad*. THE GILBERT ClOAB 00Tbe tTpreerotatlne of tbe cupreme oflefUloD*.
mn obow tbat there are now three grand
r UlokggoeUa MaetaehuaMU. New York and

Just 3s;^^.«aM9c and 89c.
49c bnys^TSc to 90t Waists.
69c biys $1.00 and $1.25 Waists.
99c bays $1.50 to $1.15 Waists.

(All are of thl* iMson'a maha.)

At thm prioee to oloee out quick:—88e to $2 76—walnee $1.86 and $1.60 to $4,00.



Light caesim^ f nite,
well made.Jvalue $5.00,

Special values at 89e,
S1..38. $1.79, $1.98, values $1.25 to $2.75.

$4.50 for $5 nines.
^ $5.95 fat $7.50 yalaes.

Oie line at 35c Knee
Pants at 25c.


Bargaias ii all defiartneats, at

EdliNt Do CmO, Cup* Id OitUil Bna.

Tjra-o-orao Oity.



The Cfll«bTAtdd$pMliUsts,

Hotel Whiting

Fifty Cents S^T’joe'I


Do Ton fut I But?


Tbatxbsi ChTT, Hiob.

hae Pay Only Xa^ Xoath.

OonsnltROeu BoABxam


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars~6 cents

axw-alue death loaee| wen paid
IMT, amounting to •1M,M6, tbe atwage
dnibrato pw

Guard Chains
Biie You Tried The Klmlitll?

l pear IN DMT lodge*
_____ _ .
............jpwe* and teal lu qnaUty of toao.
OrMwito UendAUboma nest wltb M.
to* next blgb*M being Mlnourl with «.

W. W. ElMBALL 00.. N. B. STRONG. Maangw.

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

I Uoe Qroeeriea.
HIRAM COOK. Star Oroeery. 545 Front Street.
]ior«er, |t.9(Ki: ■upnnwti
Honofter toe annlrerrary of toe drdn
Tte order ba* (Men making a rety mtu- will be known n* "Knigbu of Eonn
teetoiT gain to tuembertolp daring tbo In- dap.”
. and aboold .it tell on bondny Mon­
aad Park etreet*.
•we beat of Utc, and there 1* erciy todl- dnpU
te to be ohMirvtd.
dPilt B cf a Urge growth during tbe cum-,
lag tall and winter, brenuee if tbe league
gw 4tew eueh na eitroMdinary goto dnrIngtte period of the pear when n gnat
IMiV lodge* -onU ofr and tbe nainral a braltop Increan to monbereblp In Mln•ertre k to fly to moantnln and aratoor* moMa Tte St. Pool tenta bbra lawiaMd kludaofVeretablta. Try oar Tte Tm. TB0BTELL A GAMA Palace Balnry.
what may be espcMcd when tbne folk* n- about M per eoil etoee the fliM of toll
oorwer Unkm aod ?U etreete
Tteordw legrowtog-------Where W. A FLETCBBE awrae ffrat
Vlvanta. new wnu an being ta
Mm teciHar Maate lor Me aad B«5
wd (te oU OM* an adding MW
Luteaa la tM world tar Ite. OpM all al^A

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
eMeria* fre« ooi -

Bod BonSi.Gboioe CoBfections.
^7:r“*xsa!r^t£ii2n&'5i'sc.=r; s= tSSSvis:
Furniture Bargains ¥'eoMan.Sr;£y..Y^.r’ ”
The Palace Bakery
Columbian Restaurant

DRS. B.S. &CO.
Look Box leo.

yiBkl^iiBrr-r j riifi-T liilidii







DAWSON cnrv, 7™
paut ytmr will win the tM" in tbedda,'teiBiie
and fame."
••lili?;iiiBoodofyo»toeaUlte«t»! “And the prteeleea tname that maoan Ceaaat AJwar* Qa an Xhoa Far
label aunoied Irightly, bat inwardly ' seither gold nor fame nold bay." be
■*aa Ua Warm Win ~
erery DcrrcwaiQaiTeringandetnined. ; anewem miling down oi the dear tpoe.
Be was a turns touki
iking man. aad ba
'•Aaat Mary betan again yeoterday j'■my Wife.”—Folka Homa
tiptoed into police
abool haring my pictore done, eo 1 j
-------------------------other day to my:
wrote to yoo. My anat will be derwn j
tawt aad ■id— - -• 1
”I called to I
prwently, bot in the meanwhile we
h^in. It
«...methlM worthI I »
«» atuialnt
atuialnt her taajority
majority jamugetbeeietinga. drew andaoforth.
waten below
wiBemias. bot all are not eo futoBate,
7«wr* ago. bad oome into
•bO,l*J.000.j«,. AMrftt thU.t
notdtogatoethewearer’tflga».aadtbei “What’e the matter with JakaT*
low. Thirty Mile to really a denoei. aad tiaotian ibe wai be
grace anu beaoty of Greek dnpmy are I eeked the ntgeont.
• she caM. “that that to A-------- A......-------------------------------.u----------- .-.A.
t to whim thaa to anyto—yoarnoM ptoam pt^^Jertione <tf the flgw^ beneath! The | foor timee a w^~ ~Ae^*^
fcnnd to their ooet
tnni/. wnm by both Gieeki and Rmnane! the lint beam a feller to waittn to (oD
" fitted
* " • to the weaiw. 'him
. "Ton'll
_ . be an old maid,
. .
^libel.” tei-aiuuu me, soriiiinui lOHvjnni. e v uuMhNilat
u at all.
. aim namca
namea "ax
and abnmetwi
Urn. Jake
tbe aunt
annt wtth
with wbm
whom ^
Jnet ae wa rooBd a bead in the rirer ??“?**?.„ “*
nwolste qolenioe that In itaell, and, wh«i nngirded. hong in fold* all! down off*n the-waoon to lick him. brt

~ Our Cetres|>o»det Reaches the
PamotuKloi UkeOtj.

smiis nvs moEB Bmes.

the gulf.

f«ar tbu tb«7 niMle linlci rObft to eoo-1
------------trol the bosL It wm • dgbt worth a»-! Tber were both ipMMs «t the nme
t&g. Tbeir boot WMoodffktbj the cwift'ooimtiTbooMttiMMitnBUL Heween
tralen, taken dowo betweeo tte rocki «w<^
gifted, well bon, bat
like a riiot. whirled aboat like a
poor M the I



a,., ..H sJs;'“


dfinion a pnrloae letter
■ad ore qoite as frnitlea as 1 erpected.
nothing hae been dieoorered then time
far that iqqmxlmatee pay dirt
Laag ■saga aaaatlag,
na rirer broadene at we proceed.
After takbig the waten of the Bootalinqtd. or TeaUntoa, rirer. the Big Salm­
on and the Uttle Salmon, it beoomm
• mighty ttrenm, with an extremely
•wlft current wblcb In plaoee ie not
«My to oarigate. Undinge are made
vltii gnat diffleolty. jOooa we strike
>be bank with the (otoe of a oaupolt
and eoooeed to ahippii^ a bogdiead or so
of dirt and gxarel before we con make
fMt Wbm we wtob to land, we decide
span a place below where the bonk to
sort tororabla, and then the oaremen
"poU for the abore" with all tbdr
Bilgbt Cfften the onrreot to n> ewift
that the boat will go tar below the
place petoctedde^teall oar.«frarta, and
oootber nuempt mart be made farther
downetream. When the boot neam the
ibore, tome one rtondf In the bow ready
kojump If be lande on the rtter bank,
be to lucky. He oeoally Jompe into th»
girer. and tbsn coma a acoamUe for the
■bore and a raoe down etieam nntU bo
«aa find a oonrenlent tree or rook with
Wbtob to make fan the Itoa Dneklage
mi talla ore tbna the role and not the






mmqniioee and the
<ff eving or “
^ water they wonld mSiLl
•ummer ooting bomea Bcsnasimas the
Tboosaod tolandsof theBTliwrrtme.


«-auh* Ak «.•«* ,Mk'.

WC k>A»- .




botwoen i^lmesT]
p.buiue rerpriae. "For whatf bad to content beraeU with humbler at“Tm. and wfaat do von want ne to
As she hae won her way to tree-' doP* SkStoTm^t
^ard vrrrj look and tow j hj, surjinsi- and, oddly onoogfa, the *»> and equity she hoe annexnl. not! "Nothin.
to not the feUm tm
■“,*??***“‘*y ! »«T co*u«ly cf ibe poKitioa gare her tmly the beaotifal. bat the extraragant hie goard and^ambSTllfa BettrtM
«e •» un-;
..p j.y.'i heart
yoo elcmcnu of eoetome and toft maTto op aS^
>an hr
The Bubioon was emsart. There was «tom ntili^.—Cincinnati Ei
.tom and that if be to I
sre imprwnirely grand. Bot the coirent' ""V®? 2^.**’^ ****
bemlf ; no going lark m-w. come whs. woold. ’
■ -■
death the Jury will bring to a rertirt
Erring.m. flushrt to the brow, then |
A vnartrt. torn...
of 'Blayed by a worm, and. gaol dsra
»10 which 1 Wirt ' bis plctnr. we are gladcn’t’
alnn hiddm Kcka BotoitolEOT
ji^sluolutcly nntme." be aald to ' to »»t to
eager boy No. »M.
a Ooorier-Betald.
I nemanwe come to eecoring big
«. gim> hw that one of!
erening when an object
***** *“*'* *“**
“It ncr.T cuu'W If trw of md"
oar boye has been of so moch nrrice
Bi*a t
appetmd in midstream a few bnirtrrt
“But why d-h? " pTsiswd Isbel. now; When was it?
j Tbeyaleogrowlwboonlytitandfto.
___ “T'^frUdwjc^ d«t^ try . .landing to h,7 oolom ««h true f^^
Patron-Yerterday. 1 fttt him to the
Acfanmp to a man who rtiiike he «
"S.O! A o—r
U» old
-l”- "■oc1.»«A IKT
.slow, ra raib.ok.«U.
bra. oora . tfrt b,
,gti to(H«
too<« steady.
stcadr. '"If.
heart, yon
ron to
tn buy
hn» 10,000
iflofm iharerlk
mhaMwm-r V 2
who tbtoke
bnnurof the party. “Poll hart and, and win a lortmte and thoewitb a sod
'If, as I beard,
otbtokabe tondoftall
are attached to her. why should yonr before night tb^ whole bottom diopfied
we'll bare him before be gets orer the speedy rise to fame?’*
xwrally nerv tries to da any of it.
---------------- -- ----- ‘-pondhili^. as yoo , oat of X Y Z. I rorted aroond
other aide." The oamnen bend to their
The laslest toon always hae seMrsy
broker aii4. wot'delighted to li
that enougfa to meddle with otbm peoptoto
,b« ra
ra„ T». ra™ ra 1
mesuiug beraelf, but Toric Wi^ly.
People often pot ttmir rtooldento
.. er. flastiodacroMEtie,
. ,b.b»A
to haughty wrath and pain.
perceptible gmio. and we begin to fear , ‘‘‘t.Kf
Why impondbleV' be repeated, stung
A eoutbem Jobber was lonobing at ’ Satan nereg takrt a Tamtion. Be
Erringtoa. nansenael" Olya
that the antmal
animal m„v
may mnh
raicb tho
the .hrM
ehore Ira.
be- I
to a sort of despejatioa "Bocansel
-------------- the Hardware club the other day dm- oan't risk letting the weather man get
oaid. "Soppoee yoo really cored fora
- |»«. ...uKKuiig UJ-U wou boldi bu : tog bis racatioo rUit to New Tuk and ahead of him.
boDor dearer eren than lore, if the ordered cold lamb and mint senoa. | A man is not really old
be reettains bis eyes, i
story were true. Neither the wtrld oar I When the mest was art before him. tbe llnqnirtee hia belief that be can norty
"Yon nolly
D that yoawooldn’t
Bathing bot a 1<«
gaBdafewUmtofloataaywwanbom abonid have the right
lorted ateotand tbeooalled oot. any woman be wonts to.—Chio^
woo per or ask her baodP'
tog down Btreaw.
“Ncrcr," mid the oib«.
ttowM Cttr at Last)
“yea, sir."
This bad pamed on the terraoa
Whr Be BoatU,
It to g o'clock on the morning of May
"TTie werWe Jndgnjentt" she said, 1 •'Where’s Ibe mtotP'
Some one, half bebind the laoe curIB. We ooght to be aomewberc near
and now ber breath came quickly, her
•‘In PbiUdelphia. sir."—Hartwato.
of a window abore drew back.
OawacB. Two^ miles below on the rirer
eyes flashed tike diamooda. "Yon ate
reed down the Token. 1
e. Did.
to oonaent to your maertoge with bar
not sorb a cowart, 1 know, at to fear ;
. about at a stray do(A or
t put on qniu as ranch dangbier.
that Bntia itmuchleeBoowardly to be
ffoaae Jon to let it know J hare a
thing as your young man ' Mr. Slimpane Obe oaid I wae tho
goB, bat abootiog from ao upon boat at
Jt young
pciwg man
mas who showed any
kng range la not oaually prrtuctire of
feelii^ Yoa
farorable resulu. Wtaui the wind
ra other
-ra fellows
N„ra. tookhm
„ .. ,_____________ ...____
______ ______ uu to ««.
when tbe
blows down atreoin. we hoin our sail,

bot there to no pulling with the oars ..
■ wiuioo
witliont rtamef And y«—yc
I Ihroogh tbe man—a dim senm of some-) "I know it." retomed the girl to tbe her back until after dark, bat wb« I
but "Otl.
nobie prtfc
pnde and thing that daatkd him, of a ptxeoaali- < l«»h oollar. ''Ii’sapiewagoo."
i took her 1 always hrooght her hone
tt. rarat <rai«... Irai Ira t. A. /t™' ““ 7 ' ? ' ^ —’TTl’ V" ! — ol Iraor » kra « .pJiIar.,,,. ty beneath
bt-ncaf the overt momiing. an as..............................
And they oontinaed
to look batpina
nik. .ray hra rf tlie SI. Oo. ™ 1. ^™„71 “
i ■
wmiaVdl mt .o
Fri(B>d-Ham[dil How wae tbatr
■aier front We ere in
seriioD (4 hia lore f(v tbe bcircM as a at each otbor.—Chicago Tribone.
«rara cora»,u,^.iT.i;>“•
Hr. 611m purse—Tbe other fellown
ty. end as we ore among the
iart, not a mere llgaie at argument
It be done. "Tbe woman yon love, remember, and
So Tkat Be Waat Boas.
bad tbeir own rigt. I hired mtoa—
flr>i to arrivii this seaooe a throng
* ■ what?”
New York Weekly.
“Tea. ail. be’a tbe mart oonaidi
whose happineee perhaps you pride
rtrong iwwgYi to make tbe print of a Dwsiin to give ns a helping *»«»“* to
may wreck aa well as yoor own. who rtaplain to the army."
Brtrepaper illegible.
It it the greatest gold country tbe aobolidcaa And abortly after this tbe donbUeoi knows you heart's sneret and
“How is tbair'
TBisaga Flea rtagar Baglds,
pmty broke np
••Maertlaei girl!" exclaimed tbe egl.
world has ever sotn. Itot alas, tbe
"Why, when things begin to go
outsu the miserable p<ld and cruel pride
Five Finger and Bink rapids are not ebining mi-tal is K-krt in ioy fettos
wrong with bis regiment be pnU cotton toted young man ee he ■tored wildly aft
that stands between you livio. ”
to block aa they have been painted. We almiiit as strong and hart as steel. Tb«
A mcatb later the artiot one evniing
“isbeli;; Erringtonsprongtoberside.
earefally make note of time and dis­ dUBcnltiof of nnlocking them areal- received a Jotter from label, and, to bia
“Matebleee girl 1“ be repeated Uttaroanght ber bands to bis own. “My
tance as wo float down, so that we may
Otter Burpriso and Joy, oddly mixed with darling, my lore frtm tbe flnti For­
ly. flinging hia nnlighted drtntte
know wb«a we are dne to reach tbe
pain, aho wished him to paint her por­ give, if yon can, wome than fool that I
Im thm Army.
sway. A. HiUa
The current gets awlftrt. Bite
trait . Woold be ploaeo call cat ber at
For it vrae hie regnlar time fu BBok“Evesoa (bo faenlefleld." mid tbe
have been. Alj, my poor laboll"
of white foam and
wblrltog eddies ap
^nad they were rnllee trOm anybody
Fur tbe girl bom into leore m
There la a sound of ynrttog wo­
> be-woold go, bnt bow go locked ber to bia heart. Tbe tensiaa
tars ahead. Two giant gateways are
And be had forgotten hie maftebrt
jfortau—Did you erereogage to an tbroogh I I crdcol without self be- nrost needs give way at last, brave girl
■eon seen, one near tbe ounter of tbe
toa-Chkogo Trib^
tbongb abe was.
rtream, tbeotber to tbe right Tbe rap
“Oh, why were yoa M ernelF Why on to make a divcnicei. ”—India
ida have ovidsntly lut three digito, as
with an infinite carnage, reoolrcd to did yoa force me to—to— Ob, Eriot"
Weeaebuttwofingeia. Tbe right goto,
mid yoa a
Took TIM All to.
lace. TlM-n lurc was it abe bad named
tw rtannel, la tbe mfe one. Wo expect
I. “like to oceopy a amt high to
an liour im- from nil viritoia. and when I loved 00 much 1I feared yoaraDcmfnl
to get a decking, however, and oovs
A Denver tot cloaed her prayer with the cooDcUa of you coontryf"
A wmox Dor.
“God birte papa and mamma and Oew«7
ov goods with urpenlin ferproteotion.
Mirtreoe—Wbat is that noiee.* Bava her auut, Mro. Braudon, would atiU be
thefat moB as be ad­
in her own apartment. One of tbe two.
aad Bbofter and Schley and Sampsoa justed hlmacJf to tbe hammock. “The
Qatokiy and omootbly we glide into tbe tbe chlldrcB oome in toom acbooir ’
the saw. most <-roM the RuUcon and
,**?- And Teddy's terrors, aad I wouldn't be end eaat to the enmaMr ou la good
narrow gateway. Tbvro comu a soddou
Maid—Np mnm. It's only the north
Mid partioaetcly “One w
*®* I very hart on poor Admiral Oerveca ill
' dip a ebarp torn apwart, a roar <f wing of the boose tomhling down__ hum tie- bojin behind if both tbeir Uvm yoa forgive you lover."
WOT*- to be sBV.-d frean wreck, and aiiioe
were yon. ’ '-Denver Poet.
rorttog waters, and in lues time «!>«»« it New York Weekly.
“Eric, 1 love yoo," she whispered
be w.mld not. well. she. tbe bdiert,
takrt to tall it we are sliooting along
and lifted berfaoc for bia kiaa.
ttst. whatsoever tbe cost.
kalow. leaving tbe foaming breokert tar
WerrWhet matter if acme (4 tbeworid did
kahtod. We receive a gentie eprinkliug
Five Acre PInnkley oa be took ti
Hood Bookkeeper—Tbe old maa is drawing rocon—wbeu almost tbe actnal soy, when the morri^ did take plrto.
• Yew cupfuls of water talking of taking me into wtna^p
mtmieni bad arrived—ber heart tank, that it was the mcaiey tbe painter had omitted the groans o
ate thrown Into the boat, bat that is
noghtf He oared not, and (hoee who
"fihe'a yonm, an I mnal aayyerti
Hie Wife—Yoo’d better
the prop
Tbe Orrtestia Lew
alL Job as we part tiuoogta a omall rtty in my name fltrt.—Otoetoaati b- and at Ibe very door she bad to pasM a knew him and bia wife knew well it
gftat what'a pot np any kind <4
minute to poll betwelf together. Then
beat with bat two oooopants oomes qalrer.
was a love match entirely. Tbe pietnre tobefunirted by the i
tbe went to. How the man's dart eym
tonriag Ihroogh the eenter channel,
lighted npT How anomucionaly cl«
frttohtoocntidrtedaodaiigcraaa. Ftoa
waetbeela^cf bis band on beni If
itiy we
tbe academy, made a rtneatian and asst
•Marry yon r' ortood the gM M»«
“What made the aadkooe hia that
IniB^rtey tried
np tbe rtetog artist's name rt ones.
to do K
“6p oftrt oil, yoo art Mo." Ua
«f tirt Bvift c
1. They
a M» good for titia werAd.—'
trito «n. rtok pBd ftc^ to tart •.•>« '•Haaaid bawooU deliver

X «^iS.rR,“i'”d'Sibr!i i



Dawmm. Her i&
It !■ ercelng wbao we Icere lAke latarge asd take the opts water of Thirty IKVU nivumoj ouu IH OUDIOIIS look. BOO •
,aM mui n-»A uoui lor
SUto rteor. when we neolre to tnrel__________________
we make on effort to take tbm ^ard
F" ““
__________ to hare . _
doeon't c.tre for. I "Indeed. I hope not." Isbel nid gtn- broKbep bot the reet of tbeir
alght oad day ontU we reach Daw*A j oi we poM, bat it 1*
______ _____
ir clotbli
"Party nigh a year, 1
•oltig wAnjtv
aobore W.y
only Icngenoagh
here aiM
aad i1 >
it> a
a wan
half uuhh
dotap« umw
faoata ur
or BKue
more paim
. ' ..
“> tly. • 'Wrll. be it as you plnaep,...
then "
to bare been elmply
"And Jakeoon't gettv theoonga
eon rery
vanr much,
ninrh. Mia
Ui« BranRntik. rmnd them, for It
,I *'T>iank
Thank yoa
•bon tegetwood for oooUng. CnllnoiyJ ap to the eboreoppoolte, while a dtoooatoflghir*^«^:doo."
tbemtornn.or eren walk fast w
' Irak « bond . bou or—, wbra dookrao. « n U» b» raw. ol
baaf t eo for. a>d that’# whatt X
.' kraMno <k. w—. .sw wi—ii« - —II #0000 wecu beioTe ene eame oon thia. Uerooe.
• ftrat “girding op tbeir loina.”
oaQed to see yoo aboot Too know tb*
« os^oe wwmcMO CDtre nyt - She.
clothl of the
- -• northern
• race# wm probworm will tan.”
Woome from aU
to not
rtw corne. Ttc woman's bran atondatillfor | ably alwaye more of a fit than tlM
ling down the omd to^ In the
“ arttot,
*”77 Eric Errington.
wringimi. but
imt coold
coaid ^
that td
VboUy eoiy or oonrenimt. bat we aeon
mhSa oTLto ,5 bare ertd .he e«ne a. tnOy now. when
^ momeu. that was agony. “

i' I the IOMthn,
Two ■•
for they tutd leather.
» ,-„w»
------ been IhfaA
iotbe worm.
to cir-:
th# niu was drawing to a elme} The Z,
bappinea or miaiTy bung on her ooor- : which doM not lend itaelf to eimpto aboot >00 timeo, bat the day ie ___
. cimiitonnre The water of Thirty Mile w..w.
making the Jamp
Height perhapo. The hw wae an-' g^fJ or f,i3u,^.
hrtOQranrertoMprobablywore.wbe* hell tnm. Tea, dr. beOl tea.
llTar to low, and we «iww<n»iaHy nu |j A,«.,u»R1.4™pklA«»,ra.b.
Rink repkU. they can be
a eond bar, which oeoee-, poeaed by the mereat tyro ' .bcU— w 7"uS£ ^
bkr'ahe aoid! turning to him. bot her' walrt. Anot^ striking diffeie&w ii
'Look oati”
lal going orertmord and ,. inn
jwarided be keep# to the iright bankof
j^fullrmcet bin, “By tbe foond to the gtwdnalmonopolybywom*ritatM the oeoal
“Tbat'e it When be tama bell
ff ^
d«»m ^ M,. Erriugtcia. I bclirre—if 1 am en of the oraamental element in drma light into that fella and
nobleandma^ 1 bare come
; <Aoe maacnline diea wee by far tb. wtob that he'd
It optendkl. and wuman^dJng^ ■ Otoam't wonder If be kiltod him mtfseapawHng, but the remlu bear out my


Its V»loe Uostatde, Chingfaig
From Day to Di^.


tme the elHw------- -------- .
Tbe >mRia] in wbtoh thto atatemml
to made to Itoelf farorable to tbe free
eoinage cd direr in Mexloo. and donbtIctotn the Uniwd Staten aa well, ae it
■rgto that tbe cheap labor tb«e Inmred
Inrltea toremmiBC of foreign eapitnl.
to tbendore no partlmn parpom

• Sa sow •• «k* TrtM •

OMfiCIba «nt |NtKMto«natrM
■pm 70BT
In tiM 01^ Mcoioe
. to tbelot*a^<lalHt Tender. Ibeproiot-i« of the LemixiM LoBerr oonimny,
\rin« oot of tbe UnJtod
V-'l Je::i*l*tion. to floori - . 1. >■ JC nil t J gn>4>ls< gi*7.
Xi«M MKHtoy 0>* itoeoto M« pmd•d by men. wobmb nnd <toUdm mlUng
.•taucM open tbe next dimwing. One
«w bnyn fnU ticket tor
or »tnotloi
, «d n tiekH for 10 omu. Tbe ■cbome to
•0 nmn«ed m to tboraagbly
TkCinewbetbs tbeytnn inreto UtUo
«r nore, end of ooum tbe greeter jktMoo <tf tbe louerjr cleket pwob
of Mezioo’e poor ■ilemw. wbo thnmgfa
It ere pendBeotly pramtoed the eoaibIhiag for nothing they 00011019-^ ''—
fal Inreetigaticn in Jlcxioo n
noch lectt m pertain to rUime made by
tbe edToeeteeaf tm coinage of ailTer in
tbe United SlataenggeMi a (vlatioo be­
tween tbe poaability d profit tbroogfa
fieeailTer and tbe Mexioan National
lottery which to altogetber in faror of
tbe lottery.
BimetaUin to a faTorite term made
«ae of by the free dlTer toetione in tbe
United StatM. That it to made nae <d
It* tbe pnrpMB cd deception and withAt a Aadowjof expectatioe on tbe part
ef ite SMra that it bae or will hare any
poeeilde retotton to ^cir ndtemea. preaant oondittona In Mesioo and other ailrer prodocing and dlTer Being oou'
trlea fnlly prore: When tbe American
adTooate od tree aOTer refer* to himeelf
ae a Winetalltot. be deairee to bate U
mndermood that be beltoree tbeaduptkm of free coinage l7 tbe United Staut
woold nmore tbe diOertnoe ..
tbe valtm of tbe cilTer bollim in tbe
direr dollar and tbe gtdd btO^ in tbe
gold dollar.
It to known to all, od%ixr*e, ttiat the
ralne of tbe eUrer bolUon of which the
direr dollar of the Vnited Statea to
made to at tbe |i««n(’wTiting worth
«nty abont 44 oente in gold and ttet it*
dr^atiaa t^ion terma of equal ralne
with gtdd to aecund through maintain­
ing the policy trf our govommait to oontrol ite own coinage, to Imoe Ue gold
and direr certifleatee and ocdni npon
tenne cd 'legal equality and to redeem
than span tbe —tenneat tbe option
cd tbe bolder. Here in Mexico a differ­
ent gommental policy preraili reUtire to coining and tom^ legal OBxrency—tbe tree and nnlimited coinage of
direr, no pentounily demanded I7 <
Uin tocdoor and certain tacticxia in
United Statea. Tbo garenment minte
nae than to
poipoaea. tba payment cd tbe mint
chargea, which are the mme to aU, to.
Ing tbe only requiahe preliminary, and
tbe additia <d thto mint charge to tbe
only added ralne tbe Mexican dollar
aecmea through bd^ changed from
into coin.
’•But the goreramcBt of Mexloo it
weak and impoloit onoipaied to that of
toe United Statea," it ia urged by adromtea of free sUrer, ‘‘and tbe caedit
d our oounoy is great enungfa to make
ita cBirency good." Here ia one of the
moat deceptive and mom absurd argumenta to tbe entire eatc^sy of tree sil­
ver tophistiy. Undm tbe tree coinage
ayalMu tbe credit of a country baa abaotaiely uotbtog to do with tbe raloe
of ita coina Its minu are open to toe
people of all naticaa; it teoeiruB bullion
from friioid or foe. places the gorcremuni atampupoo itand leturui it to its
ewno onritaiiged to value to do with
as be may pleaae. Tbe credit of Mexlon.
is good tod^ in all tbe money maricou
oftbe world. Itsreoeiptaleft a aatlMactory surplua bm year over all ita expenaoa and toterem charges, and yet tbe
bastoest mm
(hU country look into
tbe papa* every momliig to aacmtato at
what >-alue to^ ahall oompote toe free
surer dollar to toelr buatoem tnnaantiewof that day. Tbe credit or atnngto

i -

I silro now
laotoej to
mtota, and the raise of
tbe aOrerdoUar toeie tmda anefa a ayaiau would depend encircdy upon tba
alna of toe bullion Mirer it
1. aa does toe raloe d toe free
cotoage dollar bae to Mexico.
If it M.«ii be asked. Why U it true
n toe
1 will raply by i»eieottog toe
Toybemand mom mtodaoKryefreawma—(hat ailrer can be prodnoed and la
toe wiyld a demand at a ooak toidndtog
paeflta, wfaieb gorms Ita worldwida marimt ralne. In
^^MexiooD Ftoanoierof February cf
tba preoant year tola
mtotayt unaet evi


eBtefal hHMttuttee eC tbe.eoM oC p-


Mew. Swtngw bad net tbe iltgbtoto tn- ]
tantkmd going to tbe Hedky borne whm <
ne Martod cat joat bdur* dnak.
Tbe Hadlnr houae U back tram tbe I
Mnri, wHb e awret amdUng gmm plot '
and clomp of abrobbay In front of It. (
Swinger dimly taw eeraal flgonsa tbe ,
epan rwtoite. and be bcBTd tbe mar
3t rotoeo. Would U be edrleible fv
wetopalanehatlntet Howoelnexti
toobt, and while heaUatlng be wa.—.
tbe gate. Then it waa loo lata for
Ixmdcn to being prodnoed in Hexhim to.tnm back, ao be kept ce walUng.
loo for SO oenta per emnoe.
At tba next aomer aouth he Mopped and
MnMoa miatec Lawa
dabaaed whether oreot be aboold latan.
It to nllably reported in tbe lending He teaalcad to gMo tba faooae merely to
daily paper of this city that a rein of rlndtonto hto aonraga. Ba alammed tba
dJrcr war atmek near Ooaynopa rety
noady wbidi tune fi.000 oanoeaod eUrer and 11 ounoMCd gold to tbe ton,
and that during tbe paM few mootb* a*
many aa SO proapectotwenah week hare
flltadocu in El Pamt, Tex., and depaxt'Why. It*a Mr. Swingarl" die mid. and
Swtagto knew that aba wm really aorptlaed. bM than wto netblng to bv tana
to gira him dtoDOurwemtot.
Tbaotbar pwaonaoo tbe rcranda ws*
In tba atata cd San Lola Potod there Mr. and Mm Hadlar. Xhte waa SwlngWa
an rdna of aifrer ora which on be re­ Brat mae«^ with kr. B '
oewld aaa but
lied npoB to yield annual prrdaa, eadmawd in gold ralne, of tram IS to SO
per cent, and in tbe atale cd Chihuahua
r baartUy. and Mm
greater aodrity in mining and |Woapee«- Hadley, whom Swtogtr bad already toaning to DOW being manifeeted than errer ad to admire aa a^amarfcably otorar and
him to find a
before, and many raluable dtooorirlea
are U-lng made not ouly in tbe way «d ptooe on tbe rag.
-I JoatlMppeMd totae tothle partef
hltbefto unknown mine*, bat of laqter town,
and I thought I would drop-to and
and Ticber bodi«« of ore tn the older me If Jim waa bwe." be told.
minea. 1 hare further bean aamred by
Of eourae Jim wae ma there, and they
a comerraiire and well informed red- told him to remain anyway, ao be ant on
dent of. tbia dty that modorn mining In tba top atop and die ant two atopa below
thia ooontry' to today
tn ita infancy and ; blm, and Swinger talked with Mr. and
tUt during tbe nert few yeara Mexico Mm Hadley about tbe wtotber and tto
Hu. reinlioi wirld with the
^ reoiwntog of tte
Uoycie KMOO. dblle abe bummed UtUa
Tbb mining tone of Mexico hare been
rery tarorable to lorcatigatian
and toraatment. toanring tbe pruapeutoc
full protection and enjoyment d any­
thing raluable ba may find. Under tbe
preaent law, wfth a email expenao for
“deDOUDcement,'' three manUuan giren tbe proapectm- to aaoeruto tbe ralne
of hto find and to acquire puntiniiwi if
yeo warrant. Tbe
ita derelopauent may
yearly tacca are SIO per claim of
acrea aud the property to held without
further obUgatioo cn the part of tbe
1 bare referred to tbe reoent rapid
Incteaw of ailrer mining opemtlocu in
Mexico and to tbe extc.w>dinary profita
tbto induatiy offera and ia yielding here
in order that a practical, actual riew
cd tbe dtnaticai may be fully afforded.
C^ial U eagerly oe^ng inreatnunt
an eUver mining oper
enpeetatioD cd aelling tbeailtJ
et of cbeir minea for fromM
to bS oenU per ooaoe. aud ixofita great­
otoi be aecnred in almoatany

United Statea are declaring that tbe
market raloe of ailrer would 6e |1.28
per ounce if it were not foratiSbNgllegod “oonapiracy" againat it and are
Becking to ptm^e tbe rotera of oar
eoantry to attempt to make a commodi­
ty worth #1.88 per ounce by legialatire
anactnitst which cun be and is being
iwofliably irodnood for from 80 to 40
oenta per oonee.
a laiM Anetopllto,
Juat bere tbequeatiao may be reaanably inferred a* to what warraut exlata
to past experience for the declaratioo
or (be equal and
cuiTent drculatiou of two metals aa
imaiey. can be secured or a Minted by legalenaotn
ofaU toe .... ....... .. . -.........
country, absolute and ccmplete denial
d toil aasumption can be qnoted from
too pim of oor ooontxy's hisuty
In toe tonnati<B of toe firm mint law
of toe United Statee to 1788 toe proportiou of ailrer and gold for the ootoa cf
our ooontty rraa dotenatood ky Rfwenoe to toe maritot raloe <f tbe
metala Alexander HanUlm knew that
legialatire enactment would not give
igne-balf uf 1 per oat raloe to either a
gold or ailTer coin, and be consulted tbe
maritrn valuea to determine tbe quantitioa of metal each com toonld oontaio.
MmwJC ut that time: "Jnm priWplm
wUl toad ua 10 divegard legal propor(iona altogetber, to inquire into tbe
maritec price d gold to the aereral
oottntriea with which we ahaU be prin­
cipally omineoted in oommerae and to
t^anarerage tram tbem." It hap­
pened. bowerer, that to tbe arieetian of
ratio for toe firm ootoa gold waa Bligfatr undoraloed, and tbe ixeult waa that
; did not ctrcolate. In 18S4 an effort
_______ t. but by reducing toe quanti­
ty of gedd to toe gold ootoa Tboowaa
Mt tbe difference uf a few oenta be­
tween toe market ralne of our gold
slrer doUan at that time, but tbe
which declared tbem equal did not re-e or to tba totm affect that differsurerM^lgbUyundowalui
by toe coinage {nriaian of 1SS4. and
remained out cf rirculation until anoth­
er change to cotoage was made to 18*8.
which gave ua the use of ailrer aa we
hare it today, whanging ocxtcuxTi
' irerament ooinwitogoldbyn
age and toe go
bold it tl
at exabaaga to toe bolder.
And yet with toeae hiatorical (acts to
view weanat toe
to belicre that tree ootnag* would make
a jdeoe to sUvM worto 4* oenta equal to
$1 to gold, wben toe mow frra coinage
could not and did not moke 98 ceuta’
wcoto to aUvar equal to «1 to gold tram
1798 to 1886. Tbe trae cotoage to bQvm
does not aOeot it* markat vulua to Mextoo. )uat aa U did not affect it to our
own ooBBtiy to tbe expotcDee to (be

Ii one of the most seductive things on earth, and I offer yon
a chance to make your home attractive for less money than
you will be able to again in a long time. This large and
S well assorted stock must be moved by September 1st, and I
V intend the public will move it far me if extremely low prices
will do it. Como early and avoid the rush.
Biesell Carpet Sweepers $1.60.

Too HI mate roar owa priei aa Haiaaioeks, Lawa Chairs ud Radars.

tlDto be Celt hlf pulaua boond.
to, like many anotber dlffldcait
man. amid UU freely and at bla earn with
tbom who were doddolly hi* eUtoaorwbo
followed tbe lino of ereryday boatneto
talk, and ao be maniwed tamoudy with
Mr. and Mm Hedley. Ue did not know
(hat 10 o'eloek had paamd. Ur. Hadley OOX.UMBXA AMB LOU A. CUMannounecritmt be would goto and read
for awhUa Mm Hadlv foUewto him.
“Oh, no; not yet." abe aatd, and Swtngto. abimng his hat Iron one hand to the
other, mid nothtog. but rematoad.

TruerMBtf UteotStetmen.

-We—we might." aeld Swtogto.
“BtoUy 1 want to go. l-re been to tbe
boom all day. Oorae to until 1 get my
•Thank you. ITl"••So: I hera a partloular nai
wanting you to ootne to."
Swlngto followed b« Into tbe
abe turned on him and told mleandibeual
suit. It’sawfnUj
Vbo gave them t<
"It was tbe fl
(bo poltrtod at the
n abe came op cloac to blm to chirk Dp
and (be said
(beflowen to bi(
_ buttoobole.
to btoi aa ebo lookod straight to bl(
"It waa mmply lorelr

him that be caught (ome suhUe
ragrance from bor hair and tux led with
- sodden and an oTrrwbuimtoB aurprtM
(hat be abould bav-r toes si-lected Cram
among mortola (or aoeba marrMoos expcrii-nee aa tola.
Be bul ouafnasd tanpruadosa of saalng
berpotoobahmasdoftoe depwtot*


............•:;? ::

FnnF. Powna

While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the rew* of alL
It will pay yon to try onr 13c bulk coffee—a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.







Ws bare tba raftotlan «ur fair nn*
wWe bare auMi U. W9

Ar. ^eraeClty.........

M(* Item.k........... .Jj quotaTUluan that make eiMtemar*
Wa*aabalpyoutoU*aweIL Bara

V4\ ••


Oetog north daily except Sunday.



tbtog, but la all tbe range of vpeeob there
At. Nortopori.........................6:l» "
*TM nothing to fit tbe motumt Tbcy
wMked allcsdy uoder tbe troea. and be be- Daily
rutog HaeuruloeB From
..................atat bU
came frlghtoMd
bU toahUlty
Trurur*a Olty.
But toe had aometolng to aay to blm.
Take ataaauM at 4:40 a. m. for Neuh"II waa a little
lltUo provokad at you tola
JOB win oooneet with
antog." abe bi«mD.
returalng to Trar"Uliy—what did 1 dor be
orae City at UK4S a m. Thb will give
yea a nlewiani ride of >4 milaa on tba
bay and eas be Bade every Morning,
r, Mr. SwingM. tob U (be If you wbh a tougw ride tba tot will
firet Ome you'i-va been out hero wben we land you at Omena or Northgort where
eoDoect with
---------------------------- 'rainra.
dldn'i have toi Dd for youf And to think
to Traver*e City at 4:00 p. m.
iM you came to era J
un r ’
kfiernaen axearsiona from Thra'
Swinger did not delect (be ooquetry (f
bra epoeeb. He tbuugfat only
bb bad
mannera and bb natural ahlUty for doing
tbe unfortouate tolug on every oeeemn.
e Travurac City at 4K» p.
“Wtol. I'd rather—an you (ban Jtm,”
be mid. and then be irallaed that tob
an taDpesUDant declaratioo Inata
graoefal artniira Foriunatrly abe
toat'a nlee <f yon to eay tbsL |
U,. 6,«1> « th.
e B * L
Id you baled glria
rwbere and would
and never wi
The 6. B. A I. wUl ba
tote Ttaverae Ci«y aa folk
ra, oratleutlt ira'taoimw. bit?"
dogaatsafrempolBta between Fort
•‘Wto, (bo (aet b tb« I haven't—yon Wayne and Grand Bapida toelaaiva
know, there waa a loog Mine there I did
Auguet 24tb from polnlao* F. A P
not go around at aU until 1 met you—ra k. r-. laelodtog Detroit and
d Toledo.
Msybody, ontU you torlted meeot here

Anguat »th from
points o«. Ana 1
that time."
bor B. A. all potota.
August S5U from petoU OB U 8.
wh^*! .
H. 8. By all uotota to aoetbara Mi.
tog If tbe 0
Min. '■
Ignat totb
»to from
from^ aotoi
By. between BlebBM
"Ob. h
August lOtb from Paaaa polnta C
yrar*. etouati. Dayton. Sprlngflald. Xenia.
BXd that waa"— He atopped suddanly.
Sep. srt Ttb Penna. polnU Loutovilla,
turbb earaeatnera badearrieJ him h^BUd Indlanapolb. Terre Haute. Sk Loete.
bounda again. Sot tbe adorabia ucatuia
Tbe ftret flae emmratona Ueketa good
WMaaforbrartograabewaalnnooeot. U
Vrw*^. Indatoa and Penna. Uek'
pveamo on bb 1
goodW days.
■Wril. whetoar tbat'a trae 1
C. E. MffxxaT. AgMV
m yon rant me
C. L. LoegwooD. O.I. P.
1 A T. A
unlever aawb
Grand Baplda.
ueb IprUeU
a you badira
Bedneeg *Atee on a. M. * X
' w glri I'd thlnk".
Sowera to any other
thtnk"Otoetonatl. onaeMit par mile. BeD
Sba looked up at him, and Swinger
again luM tbe power to aparab. and all (be jiagtamber td, good to ratnrq.^Oetobar
aseratlMtwara out aaauNd to arbir Uke
Indinnapilto. ena fore far lonnd trip.
Sell Anguat 9tk. rebara Aufuat lllb.
Ludl^toa. one (an for townd trip.
SwtogMbadmadaadlaeovMy. DoncSba Sail July 96tb to AngMt ttb. retara
AaCMt Ittb.
aurpriaad to bear to It. Beknaw
Saratuffa, ooa (are tor rnund trip.
arra to toeu-Chtoico Baeaed.


good to ratara Sept. «tb.
labor aud all wbo may be compelled
VenniUkm. O. oua fare te rood
aooapt It at its aeaumed ruiue. wiU
HlmMH-Oh. I eouldat Bre aritheot
trip. San Aagunt UV good tn ratani
tbe rranlt to tbe adoprirai to tbe deplcr.
ahlepoUcyto tbe United'States arbleh *yS^WIto-Taa. you eouM. Ton tuM
KedneadfM to other polata. PbuM
MUUePMtyyou eonld not Bva wttboat
-■ to i^ataMe bme to Meitoo today.


' [

Kew Prooe« Vapor Stove,^ for
4 burner New ProoeM Vapor Stove, $S>, for J’8.W.
1 Maacot Refrigerator, W. tor......................... ttM.
I Chilkoot Refrigerator, IIO. for....................» 8,00.
1 Chilkoot Refrigerator, 112, for..................... *10,00.

Only one each of the above left First come first served

W. J. HOBBS. Hardware.




Cslebratri Chica{0 Cudits.

Z BMdle Building.



If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorrespond with the T»v«ne City Lomber Oompsay.
We have for anle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
MiU MseUitoryofgUd
Set Workn, Oarriagee aad Sam.

A oompleto Saw ICU Pint


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