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The Morning Record, June 12, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Second lenr—No 317
“Remember the Maine”
Psrt Ao Prince. Jane li.—No newt
•f oppo^nc forces in Cobn hni reached OVW& TORT AT SWT&AHOS TO
here U».dt3-.
day are both in one
Sea Ditffo. Cnl.. Jnae U-—The men- vine Hundred Knnaea Landed With
itor Monterej- tnlled et 1S:4S today for
ootBeinttnce-inhnWunu Bled at i ever been shown.
Blffht ef American Warahipe-T*'
Be Heed At a Haeal Bate.
Spseial UTu Mobsms Bscau.
290 Front Street
Beperted to Be On Their Way to Join j
Tork, Jane li.—A Jonmal'e
Oeaaral Xdnarea at Santiaga.
. mole iit Nlchoiae eahle, via the dieapeeiaHoTainoaiiseasiosB. 'I patch beat SlBpaoo eaya: “At exactly
New York, Joae U.—A Key Weat;j.,{, p
today Color Befreanl Silloy
Indications That Powers Wiil Use Endeavors
^ to Qet Spain and United States
to End the War.
Is the rule of the road. To start right ride an
epecialtaya a Cobaa wont fiem Ha-.pj Compaay C, firet batialloa of mt,-i
I ago that within a week a French aieaa-!r„ii„
|«r wiu bring one bnndred skilled!
! French anillerymm, several field gnns.
Spain Would Declnre for Peace and Give Cnba Icdepend-iud
ence if United States Would Give Up Philippines and lYa« other soorees it Hleam^
fort at the
^ force of Wni marines
Outing Bicycle.
j Markham Bloat
> landed I;
n ;j
that :of ahelhiig the place, as the way had n||iGfl IS udlQ
Porto Pico—Administration Will Not Listen to Peace! the SpaniahofliciaU in Havana are ex-'been paved by the Yankee and Marble-j _ .
Proportion Until the Three Armie. of Occnp»aon are r~«"«-"J
Landed, to Make Sure of Snffldent War Indemnity.
Speelsl u tn« Knncws Bacosn.
New York, Joae ll.-A
Washington dispatch mya;
Holley dt ConnnblB
Keep to the Right
Dewey TaMng No Part Except to Prevent vana briap aewe that General Blancdjriae,. of Brooklyn. N. V. raUed tiit\
adrieed Oeaeral Linarea at Bantl-1
Santl' American Kag above the amonldering
I has advised
Massacres by the Insurgents
at Manila.
of the finest papers that have
'h-J o. T...«.r, ,h™ o.. 8p..w. ^QQ[1[ Jg0 (]j>0j[]l JJQ
;r..v»»-.r. p« u. eirh. ..a tt. |
; near the western ead of Cuba, if th^ block bona* bombarded.
PfllHllRin DHOU.
Therefore WC Will say that you
Will find OUT ICC
Cream delicious, our Soda Water tme to Savor, our vanWorid’a
» JOI.
. «o.i«
Phosphates'refr»liing. New drinks are added to onr
“It U the Spanish fercca. for Ue eaptore•"'|.n.kl..w„
Oeneral IHsnco
deserted by Ibe Spaniards.
knows here that Spaia will make over- Manila. U helng fought today, accord army of deteoM.
bcasu among hi. intimate, wltbi. the ; ^bo fled to the village at firal right of ^
term to the Cnilad Statm aeon for eet- ing to prelimlaary advises Jnst receiver!
Fountain often week days only*
fertifieatlons of the Cuban capital that j tb, American warahlpe.
tlament of the war on a basis of the re- there from the islands.
l.OOO Frencn military engineers, ar-■ xhe town U IK miles island and only
tnra of the nilUppinee and Porto Rica,
Dewey is Ulring no part exeept to
tlUerymen and trained oSeer. in aU pii*t bonsea. cable atailoa and a block
a ef Cuba, boi so in
« t^ ao Tnimirrr is perpetrated by llnes of the service will repert to him
honse are at the ealrsnee. It is no
demnity. It la laid peaiUvely that the the lasnnrast fertsaa New Manila. UU
before the end of June.
Will buy a fine Niagara. Roanoke or
place for the landing of troope to oper
Preeideat will net oanstder a proposi repertod, has already been occupied by
Pntnam Bicycle. Elegant new line
ate agaiast Santiago, bnt will be used
tion for peace nnUl after the armies ef the rebel troops.
oorasatien are landed In the PhiltpAll he emu is troops for police
Ohicago and Uaiveiaity of Michigan for fleets.
119 Front Streets
plnea. Porte Rico and Cuba. The Pme-. dnty. Be eays that a large idle force
Blit Up Good Bvents Teatorday.
ident ta determined that Spaia shall
>Id be more apt to stir np trouble epMiri toTMS Mouuu RscuSD.
Pay Doekeray'a Birthday.
pay a heavy indemnity and will aeeare and poaribty rieU than anything else.
Little Fay Doekersy, son of t'roteaaor
Detroit, Jnne U.—A small crowd vis
Porto Rico and Ua Philippines befere
Dewey appears to regard the fight ited the Detroit Athletic AeeoelaUeB and Mra. C. R. Doekeray. celebrated;
his seventh birthdsv anmiverAry yes
My peace prtfmlUw U considered. ing In the PhUipplnes as over, the aagronads field dsy this afternoon. Chiterday afternooB al bis boms on Eighth
Tkee if the^
tivee having whipped the Spaniards. |«ago and the University of Miebigan street. He invited abont fifteen young
not want to eettle on the terms of the and Dewey wanU men to preaarve #r- \ reaewed eld hesvillUea with Ue result
friends to enjey tbe event with him
Dnitad SUUs both will be held.”
der In the eiUea.
that the winning ef the high Jamp by and they spent a Jolly afteraooa. ReSCadriA Wants Here War.
Michigan Ued the score. In tbe grand fresbmenu of all kinds of good things I A
and happy games made tbe afternoon) g
ends! U> T*» Uosmm Knosn.
toul of all Ue evenU' with Chicago
It for tbe guests and | 0
Madrid, jnne 11.—TSeeampaign now
and Michi^a the boys were eo well, ^belr young host,
-Airxbeing Inangurated by- foreign sewssatisfied tbst the high jump tie was al-1 —
' ' ■ '
xotrs about pobto bioo.
paperm in favor ©f'peaee is aot approved
lowed to remain anbroken. Bersebbere. Several geaerals say that Spain
, Troope to Be Prepared With all Pea- bergerbms always defeated Michigan
ia capable of coatiaoing the war twOj
fipeed for Xmbarkation-If in the field events heretofore and hU
'Tberefere it is aseleu .to talk
Bhipa Oannot be Spared from Bamp* error in the broad jump kept Cbicage
Our great remoTal sale is a money saver for the
of paaae nnleas it implies a return
son's Fleet the Santiago Job u to from wiaaing today.
j A public and a clothing mover for os.
the .eonditions of affairs bdfore i
Be H«rrieA
SpeeUJ lo Tsi UoBimB Knoiui.
Onr $6.08 enits are winners—they sell elsewhero
Waakiagtoa. Jane II.—The Prerident
It has not received any
Jas. G. Johnson.
ONLY $30
For Next Week.
nnggeatlons ef peace from tbe poweri.
t hurry a| Yesterday .Jobe Leranger sought ont 1
^and if it b^ the govenuent wonld j P-rto Rico and sjnt orders
ee^nd exnediUon.
expedition. 0<
GeneraU Lee and • Tom Shane and directed him to toko a |
200 pairs Children’s Tan
politely decline to rmtertain
------ ------leeeond
Cepplnger, who go to korto Rico, were} rig. which WM hitched at ths curb all Shoes, laCC Or button,
button, size
■•dSatleo by tbs Powna.
wired to-day to hasten with ell spee^ thestoreof tbe HercanUle Ce.. and pat Sy» to 11.
Compare with
•pcelslwTattlos^is*. Beroauit np to hb stable sed feed the horses.
shoe sold.
Berlinl June 11-—The Krug-Zietung getting ready ueopa for emha
. Tom did as directed. The team belong- any
todny afl^s that it earn confirm rep4^
n oenfidantlal inlerehanga of
Oidnion U taking place between eev«ml powers in regard to medlaUon be
tween Spain and the Unltod Stoles.
-War Kay Bad to Thirty Oeya.
npeetol te Tex EoKxive Rscoao.
Washington. June II.-NegotlaUons
to peace atiU permeate the air, and
statosmea who have the entre ef dip
lomatic and administrariOB elrclee
Bnrry-np orders have been issued to j ^
Hexle of Acme. «Leranger
tbe quartermaster and eommiiaary de-1 didn't kaow that, bat ihooght tbe rig
parimeau to have Porto Rico snppliee i wasVnother ofie, which he was looking
Assistoht Secretory Melkel-‘
Mr. Boxie soon discovered that
' his outfit was uiisaing. and as bs had a
John has been ordered
team stolen net loag ago, he
} that IhU one bad experienced the same
Tbe navy ofiicoia piemplly objected , lau. He aoUfied Chief of Police Ren_> any plans that divides Sampson's > nie who scoured tbe town, finally
energies. Tbe President replied thatj*®**®”^
miming rig in Sbane'e
r had them
' bam where Mr.
be thonght ships could soon be spared
eest b>- mistake.
from Santiago. If they eaanot. that
Job b to be harried ns rnpidly ns pos
any that 30 days may see Ute war over
nnleaa all plans of the government re
garding tbe PhlUppiae Islands are
Changed. Said oae western s latorthb
mlng. “No I
~ wiU be sent to Dewey. I have just
come from the department and was in
formed that Dewey bad sent dispatebm last Bight saying the naval reinforceneato would be weloeme. but that the
I.wd ferow now on the way would be
‘ the above naoffictol offer b Ue beeb,
«f a eetUement when peace b de- tog sad Ue Americana draw off.
damage waa eaaaod by Ua ahelU from
Ue sbipa. which were evidently edraid
Finri Btrnggb as Manila.
to vantara within range ef Ue gmafi of
to#sl to TSc boxnIM ■soordacw Tork. June IL— Bomg Kong UeftoU."
5 at $10.00.
Our $7.39, $7.98. $8-98, $9.98 and $10.60 are stun' A ners. To see one is to buy two.
the place-
5 124 Front Street
Friedrich Block.
S ■^>0'V>9^.^<a,c^e
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan |
Shoes, lace or button, sizes j
ll^^toX Belter than lots'MY NEW LOCATION
WUl b. SR South I'ukoe Strm. oppeOW tbe C. A W. M
of Shoes at $1.50.
jTbirty^enrih Ktchigan VolnnWera
HlgW.v Oomplimentod.
’ ------------Gamp Alger, Va.. June 11.—Thef l50 pairs Men’s fine Slioes,
Will Serve aa Hnrasa in tbe •evThlrty-fenrU
$3 00 gOOds at
omment HoepitaL
^ arms received ao ovation from tkensNew York. June U.-A Wasbingtlon ands at tbeir first parade today. Their
•immediate reeogniapeeial says: “A sabatontial evidence
itiy_b at-1 ties. ' Bmiaent mlllt^ critioi present
self sacrifice for
ferded by tbe taking np ef military'ceneeds pre-emiaence to tbb dlvblon
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
surma’dottos by the daughter of See- jte the, Michigan regimanU for genera!
$2.50. -
retoty Leng. Mba Long, together with | proficiency. The Tbirty-feurtk'shealth
ample. If I were a newspa]
ahauld eay tbe war would be over in DeioUyReid. Mabel Austin, daughter | record U Ue beet to the dlviaiea.
ef ex-Govemor AusUs of Miaacaoto,
thirty days.
AT.T. wzzx AT CAMP.
and Mabel Semb. have already report- j
“This government baa alrnady 1
approached in aa official capacity on n ed at< Ue naral hoepitol at Braoklya to j Private Wood WiU Start Prom Oamp
Algar After Becruito Today.
piopoaiUDB for peace. The propoaiiion narae wenaded and^aick WUon aent |
' ~Solace.
In yeatorday'a newt dbpatchea in Ue
IB's flMt on Ue
is that the Un
Rx..vai>. it
atoted Uat Privata
PhiUppines and Spain In reWf* 'wUl
BOKBAMDBD AOAIM. ___ , JI.oed waa eaa ef the recruiting offieert
evaenato Cuba. Tbe Unltod States to
' of Ue Tblnyfenrlh Michigan valanreuia a coaling stoUea In tbe PhiUp- Sampoon b Said to Have BbeUed toers.
The following telegram waa
Banttogo Priday.
received last sight Irera Captoln McIn
pines and Spain and one In Cuba. I do
MadriA June 11.—An ofiiebl dbpatcb tosh: '
aot know what has been mid w offered
from Havana dated yesterday aaya:' aAluan'Loving, Va., Jnaa 11.—Frivate
niatlve to Porto Rioo. Referms la
gotopmeat. perhaps. With seeds of “Thb moraiag at * o'clock SampsoL'e I
ib^meat' '^™*“**
ships recemmeaeed tba
nvalstloa plaatod thereto,
Cxi-rais McIxtusB.
ef Bantlage. At Ue same Uaa a namlock
t for Lodyard.
ber of boats, towed by a atoamar, aptake definite shape as aeon ni
>ed and attomptod to Inad. The BpMlri u. Tax Uoxsne fuceaa.
kaveptocedUls War bend iaaee. aot
VTashington. Jnne 11.—General Ledaatoe. and I shall not U surprised if eaanemade lasted three honra. Tbe
Popujpr Clotiiing House, of Traverse City.
Regular'$3,50 goods.
Many other special prices
in gocBi shoes.
We want your trade.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House.
We are again ready, wiU a large
stock of Ice. to deliver Ue same to any
part of Ue city.
tor army. Tbe i
Maple block weed alse fer'mie.
made at Ue raqeest of Oenaral Al^.
HOPKHI8 inos.
Only eae wUl be an>*Utod from MtohTelephoan Ha M.
Depet. vhrre I vlU be ready
All ^ork Gunrnoteed-Priccs Rigbt.
H. £. GIBBS, the Bicycle Han.
A Great Muslin Underwear Sale
At the Boston Store! Saturiia)f June I Ith.
8 Big Lots at Out Prloee.
LOT 1—Pc-rfwt fitting embroidered Corset Covers, CbUdren's
Waists and Drawers, 8o.
LOT 2—Ladies’ full size Xiglit Dressed, fine embroidered Oors<‘t Cover- Ladies' Muslin and Ckmbric Umbrella
Drawers, 25c.
LOT 3—ladies' extra fine Coraet Covers, ladiea’ foil size em
broidered Night Gowna, Ladiea’ wide ruffled and
tucked ■ Skirts and embroidered Umbrella Drawers,
IxOT 4—Ladies'fine trimmed Mnslin and Cambric Gowns.
Fancy Gtrset Covers. Ladioa’ hemstitched Lare and
Embroidered Umbrella Drawers, Ladies’ Embroidered
Skirta, 49a
LOT 6—Ladiea’Embroidered Kiifht Gowns.'Laoe Umbrella
fcikirto and Embroidered Umbrella Drswere, 69c,
Lot 6—Exceptional values in Embroidered Gowns, Drawers,
and Skirts, 76a
LOT 7-Fine Umbrella Drawers, Lace and ^broidered
Skirts, high grad« French Night Gowns, 99c.
LOT 8—This lot contains the laU-st and tbe best of Maslina,
Laces and Embroideriee which cauld be pnt into
ready mftde night gowns, skirts and drawers.
Fine and elalwrate work and well put together are all of
the above lots, and cannot be duplicated an>*where for lass than
:« per
ner cent
rent mon» than the above mentioned pnees
SAturdsy, Jbbo 11th.
The Boston Store.
jiBST oomnnpv.
riftp-Serra wUl PertidpAU in the
of s Spot Vot As XsTltiag
OoromosiM in St. FtabcU Tedsp.
TE4ys&8£ cnr. . uicbioa: OUbpm
As Oemp B«toB At IsUad
Tbs firm! eemmiuiio& At the St. FtaaLaEa, Bot BistoriOAL
ok etaoKh todsy will be Attesded by
Tb« faUowbw <■ u latcreBtlAff ex- •lAbormte oeremoAy incideoUl to the
ttPa. T. Ba« An J. W. BAJtan. tTACt fn>*AletWr written by W. H. oocAtloA. TheAWTicewUlbecla
Ussh.OD* of Co»pAsyM,Thirty-fo«rth; o’clock this rnomiou with Ike proceevA W. Hai^, Editor And U»iiAV«’- lIlcblfAB Tolanteers. and a Trarerse ftioA from the school bulldlne to the
ebnrch. Arrifiop si the church these
City boy. to bk parenU:
chlldfAB. who tska their first commoB■■Oamp Alfer, Va., Jana 9, im.
We started from Islend Lake Moaday ion. will renew their hApUeinAl raw*
eMMa.brB>n. ■
Skn* aeBths, br baU,
maninp and reached here. Oamp Alper, And wUl tAke their flret coinmuAlou
■teMBikAbruO. .
dnrinr Hiph anae.
Wedamday memisf at s o'clock.
The mneic will be exceptioDAliy fine '
"WerotoCtketraiaatDonn Lorinp.
On ODoruna
u. and marched thre^and one-half and Appropriate to the solemnity of the;
milea. through the dnaty. red clay mix occasion. A special mass bM^been pre- '
ture eoll of Virginia to the camp. I pared by the cAoir.
The inlerler of the church has bsea :
was rreatly surprised when we reached
Cheapest and most reliable place to get yoor bicycle
pat in go^ mnning order. Have bad several yearn expei
know how it sbonld be done. Satisfaction gnarai.«!ed. I am selliitt
. •
V*___ ....I
bicycle Hondrica
at abont
and secondI hand —wheels
and to rent. Please give us a trial.
EIXIS. 311 Front 6t, Bsst.
k diflienlt aomeilmea: at othef Umea
one domn't mind it.
qnkiu melody of a Kimball pisM, and
match the priee at the same Ume.-
The following shows the
Oiroulation of The Homing
Sooord during the past week.
Bonday, June 6.............. 1,426
Tnesday, June 7.............1,376
Wednesday, Jane 8........14276
Tbnrsday, Jane 8...........1,360
Friday, June 10.............. 1,360
Eatnrday, June 11......... 1^60
Total fdr the week... 8ESe
Today's issue, 1,400.
Tddat the Bxoonn printt u full pugs
WS UtemsUug sUtkOcs und deaeripUre
waiter releUng to the PbUlpplue
1, which at tbU time will prove
eapeclel inUrcat. Tbe article dejwsatratea many thlap which netklag
Bwt tbe preaeat eenditlous would'^eve
waaaed to be brought oat. The facu
Share set forth prove that Ibeae klends
«roof enfhcieDt value to make them
worth fighting for. Aside from their
wealth tbk point U the moet desirable
•f any in the Fnclfie for stragetic pnifaaw nad as a base of anppllea. The
Dslted dutet
Shk group and k likely to ralaip con
trol nntil Spala Insures n aatkfnctory
- Ir Admiml Sampson does not burry
and take Hantiago or force a earrenAar very eoen, peace may he declared
«md thus shut off kk ebauree of atulnfaff tbe coveted quantity of lustre Vo
•ttacb ta his name for poeierity pnryaeea. Like Admiral Ilewey. for inDai before yesterday It was reported
that tbe cruiser Charleston was ord
ered to the Ladroae group of Islaads
la the Facific;. aad alUough nearly
three days bate passed there have been.
IW mmort that the place has been bom
tS.167.S74 $1,093,468
liaCBKASX tK wAhua.
First vrard........................................ $37,634
SecMd ward..................................
Third vmrd.................................... fl.lU
Fourth ward..................................
Vaatiag of
Xenday Sight.
There will hea full meeting of the
•enUve commiuee’and all.the chain
•f the sub-oemmiuees connected with
the MaecaUe ualebraiioa. te hs held at
the OSes ef O. P. Carver, Monday even
ing, at« o'cleck sharp. Those Interesied
gre iwioeated U> bear this in mind as
gam Ihs meeUng.
Martin Brown, nndenhanff of Lestanen county, k in the city on hk way
grow Detroit, whertf he attended the
Oraat damp of the K. O. T. M. as e
AalagaU frop'.
r.ai«T»s taut.
Kimball k auexeellcd as a mualeul instrumeat. und we are selling them at
prices that you can't compeu wiih-
Everything in muslo and musical goods.
ovrsnsir* as
235 Front Street.
t. STRuNU, Managef.
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
‘New Process” Vapor Stoves.
■W". O’. BCOBBS,
146 Jrront Street
In the
is said of people who
are np-to^ate and are
recognized wherever
they go for their comrot
knowledge of life and
People in the swim
are the people who
tvearSEll SHOES,
because the)- are posted
on what is best for thei
Teacher of Violin.
Want Work
If the prees esBMr perskta in allowBecluUon. "MothoriEarth’a Gown"
lag rsports of peace' nsgotlations te
—Maud McMIehael.
adlp through iu llaea the busiocne of the
^ Boclutloa und Hoag—Zma Ladd aad
jttategy board may he very mterially
mile girls
iBtarfemd with.
Song, "Oa the Wlagn of Mom”School.
Pnblleatioa Society—Bev. J. C. CarWerk af Olty Inpeiwlaora thaw a
Eacraaae of $74,118 Prom 18»B.
The BupervUort ef the several vmrds
ti the city have oomplsted making tha
awaaaments aad the resnU shows a deftiaii from tbe total of last year ef
#74,116. Tbe following figures show
ffbe figures for each ward, compared
arfth test year:
ftatward. Keel.-.daxii.ose....gGei.i»t
■■ Personal. 9C&.037___ Mt.tlS
#A. ward, Beal ... 24S.09S.... SH.6<>n
41.876.... «1.7ii
•rd. ward. Beal... U8.U70.... SSU.iKW
•• I*araenal. 87.966.;.. C6 8I4
Ath. ward. Baal. .. IM.416.... IhArTUU
•■ Peraaaal. a7,4i<i.... Si.S7u
fith. vrard. Beal.. 187.S75.... 1W.8M.
•■ Peracmal.
It would be dim-
cult to try und equal the tone end ex-
„„^-pVroM<U:' We expected Camp '“<>"
Alcer was somethlar nloe. instead of a I
e.ar before, potted planU, _
email field of about tea acres- Most of | and cut flowers beinc arranRsd in pro- |--------fusion
in Ue woods. We had
ind te pitch our tenU on, and at the cemmuuiea miliug.
The clase of first eommualcuau c
and hae/got to clear forty acres for a
Three of Traverse City's Cultured
drill feld. The nearest water k one sisu of 33 boys and S4 girls. Missidea
Teung Women WUl Eaublieh
^ half milea from camp end tks bring flraleommuaioB day thk U the
An Important InsUtuUon.
aearest bathing plnre is two nnd ene- feast of Corpus Cbrlsti, the greatest
TraverW City it to hsve a new insUhalf milss away. NeTerthslsas 1 am feast day of tbe Catholic church.
tnUon. which with the exceptionally
oonteated. tor thk k aueh a hkurieal Beooa. the benedlcUom ef tbe Blessed
Sacrament will be given after the High I fine Ulent backing It. shocid
place. Just think: tkk k whar* Wnshthan local imperunee. The
ington was raked end made bk first mass, oa account ef Uia fiml common-!**
The solemn preoeesion of tbe : Eissrs Aliee Crawford. Jcr.rfa Wilhelm ^
surreys. Tbe Fairfax court bouse k
!__ .
__. ........ ._____ t________ I .
and Mabel White have formed a-plan
Blessed Sacrament will be held
paly eae mile from hem.
UeoDducl In the lleadle block a school K.
••There are many rifie plu used by evening service at 7;30 o'clock, after
the armiaa of the ooefedsmtes is '61., veepvTS. The young boys' society aad
the last pan ef this month or about
sad as old mill in whieh they ground about 75 girls arrayed In white
parllcipeU ia tbe proceasloa. .The July first. The branches U be Uoght
their com. within two milsn of oamp
Bolemuitieh will eleee with tbe Te Deoi are the vlelia, vocal music, harmony,
sight reading end the bku>ry of music.
OKILSKDrS BAT XXKBOISBS. und the ringing of tbe bells.
In honor ef the occasion the pareuU There k a proUbilUy that Miss Alice
• Piog^ Olren is Baptist of tbe first communicaaU have prepared Roberu will join
iner fer tfaeni, to be but that is not yet deflniuly selUed ns
huroh Tpk Xomisg.
she k not at home.
served in tbe school hall.
An uppropriath^amd i
Pleasant features to follow tbe eaubpregram will ba glMa lu hoaar of Chllllshmeat ef ths school will be high
dren'e Day, at the hear of the usual
class musical cenceru and reciuls. All
morning service in the Beptkt cbnreb Xaniatea Oalu Defsated F. AF X. of tbase ladies are popular with the
City public, not only because
Team Teauiday.
Tbs following k the pregram:
The base ball aeasan opened In Mani of their
stee yesUrday with a good game be for fins paraonal quaiificatinns which.
with culture, will eoable
tween Ue Celu and the F. A P. M.
Twealythlrd Paalm—Mlw Crater's team of Saginaw. Tbe game reenlled them to build op a floorishit g school
in a victory far Manistee by n score of which Trsverae City will appreciate.
Seag. “Oa for the Priie’'-Scheol,
13 to 6. Tbe same teams play again
The Woman'sCemeUry li
Weleome—Gladya and Augnstne King today.
Aiieciatioa cleared M 3i at Uelr mar
BeciUtion and Bong—Mia Bradley's
ket yeaurday.
s tbae any other
BecluUon, "Floweru la Banuty"—
one canae. To be succeaiful one must
r. H Ketebam of Pike City. Cal.,
Andray Haydea.
look ahesS and plan ahead ao that aays: "During piy brother s lau slckEeclutlom. "Our Chilimns’ Day'
when a favorabls opportunity presents nesafrom sciatic rbrumatism, CbamIvuntage of berlaln'i I'ain Halm was Ue only
Itself he is ready to take ndvuntage
Cerrlnne Silvera
edy that gave him any relief.” Many
Song. "Peace”—Jicbool.
much expeuse and valuable time. A
RoclUtloa.'The LUUe .Kewsboy"— prudest and a careful man will keeps ethera have testified to the prompt re
lief from pain which this lleimbat af
Kellie Biogham.”
bottle of CbamberlaiD’s Colic. Cbolerh fords For sale by b. FI. Wait. DrugReciUlien. "What Would Jane Do?' and Diarrhoea Remedy in tbe bouse, gi.'the shiftless feHo«* will wall until ne
-Leon Bhilson.
cessity compels it and then ruin bis
ReeiuUoa. "Mob and the Blblc”- best bone going tor a doctor and have
Kerel Minore.
big doctor bill to pay. besides: one
’s outeenis. the other is
Song. "The Message”—Primary and
w of Moral Oaaaarvatary
bu'ndred doUsrs end then wonders why
of Wiaabadsa.O
while be
BeeiiaUeu. "The Dew”—Lillie Weeae U getlisg poom
BecluUon, ■ Childma's Voices”—Bids Wait, druggist.
Song, "A Meaeugu ef Seng-’-Omce
Jio St Ku-lul«-rv'»
Opera Uoum.
. June 1311.
BeciuUeo. “Fergive and Forget"—
Mery Ulaere.
BeciUtion, " Daadelioa" - Hanley For your monvr'.' Thai's what you gel
when yon employ Ueo. K. Wienie—
Song. "U. the <k>1den Fields are jeiir money's worth in good boaest DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
Orcr UrS'mmon'. SIkm- 8b^
BeciUtion. “What a Child May IV>”FIKE DENTAD WOEK.
Opposite Eagle Office.
Harold McDonald.
Dlalogna and Chorus. “A
Paetory ’-Margie AdsU aad Mabel Da-
Remarks—SupL E. E. Wilhelm.
Hoag, "(iive as Wall as Pray”—School
Bong. "America"—CengrsgaUra.
Other services of the day as usual.'
Malcom Wlnuie Jr., has taken u po
sition in W. W. Millar's grocery.
Mn. W. J. Kent •■is; riding i
I. W. Hlmler.
C. L. Uonaer k building an addlUau
td hk bouse on Waakington strasL
Hon. U. U. Covell will give an uddreas at the Blackman ackool house
Friday hveuing, June 17th. bubjecl:
"I'nlverwl BigbU.
There will be a regular meeUng of
Ducheae Camp. No- 2346, M. W
Monday night in Montague hall,
are reqnoeled to attend.
All Chrktian Endcavorm arc
questod to be preaeui}-at Ue ennriee
prayer meeUng to be held Uk morn
ing at aevun e'dock .rat Ue PruebyUrlan
are made Uet bore wlU
air rune are kimng«'qna!l and oUer
protected blrde and|lf Ue lads do
dmkt seme of them will get inU
Editor Clark of tlie Harbor Hpringc
Republican was in Ue city yesUrday
arranging fer Ue Indiana Maldiers'
Aaeociation reeulon wbloh will be held
here Jane Kad and <3rd.
Mrs. Chester Green and ehlldmn of
Keolucky, arrived yesUrday t« visit
Mia. Oreea'e pareuta, Bev. and Mrs.
Charles Temple, who are making their
home wlU Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Chapin
of Washington etreet.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
VUsIiud tir.
emi r.ir slwtlote talaWm ritmrUoe
.ttiiuli.liir, (.V
tolB tiwd l^liol SBil mn
,Uou>ett>Mdfor nudnug
feet There a lots of .«mch people
!LS59.8i7 pairs of 5ELZ shoes vwere
made last year akme.
In offering you these shoes we declare
them tbe bert in the world for the
money, no matter whether the price is
How Filzsiminonsi
Hit Corbett
Original “Charley’s Aunt,"!^^
and that grca\ cast in
“Miss FraRCis
Rtb! RaM Rab!
Hiss Francis of Yale!
Site’s All Rigbl!
Popular prices, 25, 35, 50,
and 75c.
Reserved seats at box of
fice Wednesday morning.
Funni«;r than “Charley's
Better than “My Friend of
at tbs tUss
isss rvskw
Friday, June 17. ^
of Yale.”
In the solar plexus has always been a deep mystery to his
admirers. How we sell
At such low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good arjp- tlclfe. the unexpected wlU happen sometimes, and we wiU ^
grive everyone a chance to secure a beaHtiful floor covering —^
at a low price if you come quich.
____ _______ _
way down tor twenty foot ialo the
rocks nod the layers eon plolaly be
4.-0C p. CD.—Base been mnniiig
throngh the mouBUlns all day and ore
oUU In the thick of them.
We ore in Old Virginia now and nbont
SOO milea from Woohlngtos..
We hare seen all kinds of indnstrise
today. C04U mines, iron fumooes and
Mke burners. We here just po»ed or
ry end coke works
ning full blast. We ore on the Cbeopeaks A Ohio and jset poioed their maehlne ehepa AU empUyeee are me
grom. We rue along on the side of a
BOunUln until we get tired and-then
we go through one. We have hoes
throngh K tunnels so far. two of them
being a mile long. Some doe bridges
in thme parU. ail stone oad iron.
We base got out of the mounUius
sow aed ore is aloe oountry again.
-Jest posoed through the city of SUatou,
about 10.000 InhablUnU. It is
▲uuftl ttftttMriBR ctf W(nBU*B Vor8m«r Xmplor* of «. A * L, BbU•iCn VlMloaMy •oeirti.
f VB7 Oo, Ohorgod With AppropHTh« Womb’s roroicn MlMlMtur
•Ung •1,000 Trom bb bSoelet7 of Ue MethodUt chnrctx «ill
kold Ibeir bebboI dkstrlet mosUac »i
BiTMtad in i Bopke CUj, TuMdsy. Wtd«e*d*Jr ud
' Bacons Oonsll
^nnd Bspids st l o'eloek ysstordsy I Tbnndsy. Jnse 14. IS snd JG. An in
BMrBlnr by DspoUesOstss. Oowsasnd.UrssUnr progTSm hsi bMB prsparsd
Undsr-shsriff Ashton of UU city. Cor- Mrs. A. 8. King of this elty. formerly
mU wss Ukon fros bU bod nnd kept mlaelonsry of Assam. India, and Mrs.
In ebBTgs nntU Une tor tb« north- C it. King of UrsBd Rapids. wiU be
Wnad train to lesTo, when he was pfosenV The loUowinc ladies ore del
hraoght to this city, where he resided egates frM thU city; MesdamesF. B
VBtU a short time sco. A eerkms Oriffis, M. J. Jehosen. D. B. Titna. P.J.
Cho^ ooolronu Cornell, and hU | Cnrtis. B. L. Lyon. J. A. Broody. P. Rlfriends here beliere that ho will beldrod. A. J. Relm, H. Oreensted. J. C.
; Able t« clear himself. Ue U charged \ ShUlds, A. W. Basboe, B. L. KeUogg.
SrithhaTingembrezledSl.OOO from aajdiitricl president, and John Powie.
Adams ExprHs package costalnlog ; district rcoonUac bocreury. The boat
• •IG.OOu which srns oblpped from Chi-,IeaTos here Tuesday at b a. m . and
oago to the Hlate Bonk in this city in i will goria I’lne Lake. PsreSl.&S.
March lost. Cornell woe the express {
—--------------------■emenger on the TrarerM City branch !
of the O. B. A I.. ondhod tbeboadiing;^
of the bnslitese of the company on the ▼
^ Men’s summer suits where sizes are broken.
Suntoa whistles areall blow-'
r golnh into
Just came out of a
^'If you are iuterested iu saviug a few dollars
When the money wot taken am Invce- 4 Diary of the Journey. Desertomg ^
Ue Cumberland.
ttgatioD was riuUtutod and three Uni 9
Points of Inurest. by
ted Stttee secret eerrioe men were pat
Den Morgi
upon .the cose. Suspicion fell npon
gany's. We are now running on the j
top of a monataln and can look lor ^
The aecnsed denlee any knowledge I Menday, 8:50 p. m.—On the rood
mile, down UeSkenoodoah Valley.
11116 18
DlOSt CODipleteof the missing money. He woe Uken June «ih.
u a. m.—Bare got out of the moan-' —
before Jnetice Brown npon his arrival I De.vs Os>s< at Houx;—1 will keep a
In the city. Boll eras fixed at SI.UOO j kind of an oceeunt of my trip eo that
Washington about l o'clock tonight.
and the examination was fixed for | you con know bow thing* lM>k
Camp Alger. Va.—At lost we are
Monday. Prod Kneelond went upon wntieg on the train os you con see by
here. Uot here about i o'clock this
hia bond and Cornell was rcieoaed.
morning at eleven o'clock, on the third meming. Marched three mile* Uromgb
Dodge A Oorell here been reUlned.
duitieot roods yon ever now. Hod
division of the war special. We took
O- R- A W. to Bowell Jonctlon to clear out a place for our tenU nod |
OHVBOB anviaBB today. the D..
we will hevc togrub
the T. A A. to Teldo. There were
of people ell along the line ocree for perode grpundo. We have to 1
and on we went through Toledo every carry water a mile and a half. ^
BvoryUlng on Ue ground* is dirt
facUry, boat and switch engloa in Ue
yard tied their whisUes down, and Ue eheap beenu** Ue soldiers ore eo hard
noise eclipsed even oar McKinley eels- up that Uey can't buy nnleas it is,
bratloa. We went on the Ohio Cen Lou of milk for five cento. Lemonade
Morning eerrioe and sermon et 10:30.
gloaeee for five cent*. Wee galore
tral roU trom Toledo, and we ore new
Sunday eehooland Bible cloi* at IS.
pessUg Urongh Ue great Ohio oil for five cents each.
Emning prayer and oermon at T:80.
We got
sute pay before we left
fields. For milea oad miles Uere have
All ore cordially Inrllod to three oerI rovrs and rows of oil welU which so we ore la pretty good ebape in Uet
■xoon> nrraonwT.
The camp here is about nine milre
>e each well there U e pump working
B«T. M. X. kMork. POMCPT.
by tome mysUriooe force os Uere ore square. There U atmnt se.ooo troops
Bnndoy will be ebeerred es ChUdrenV
DO power houeee in sight. The welU here. There ore oo guns here to drill
Day. Sermon in the meralng to chll-'
are all oeanected wiU pipea and Ue wi'u. ' The spring U Ue only place
power U transmitted through.^ Ueoe. I M get water and it U guarded day and
In the ereniBg Children's Day exernight. Nobody con'get water wiUent
deee by Ue ehUdres and yeong people
We have juet passed a power bouse, apoM.
company. Love
All ore well in
and a elty of oil took*.
rnixitiM' cnritcn.
Iki.v MofutAS.
^ Now we have left the oil fields. This to all.
•ewsua ■•(»* 0*4 MoiTMim. Puts.
must be a rich country Urongh here
Amuoemont Mote#.
Comer Oak and Fifth' etreeto.
-for we Just pessed a little town about
“Our Oobllns. or L'un on tbe Rbine."
Bil^ eObool at OKi a. m.
the slxe of Elk Rapids wiU a church
Morning eerrlce, 11 a. m.
a musical extravoganxa that enjoy*
and school house eclipsing onything in
Sabieet. "How U Obtain M’s Blemthe disiiBL-tioa of bsving been
Treveree City. The tend is eo thickly cepted success in *11 KoglUh speaking Xk*BuU*rBa*Sign*dWiUaW**t*ra
tofs." Luke 4-8.
Junior meeting at 3:0u p m.
countries of the glebe, will be tbe at-1
Longue Team,
Ue towns begin.
C. B. meetiugatC;18.
troctio* at Steinberg's (ifked Oovr* j jue Batler. who pitched for the!
e o'clock__ Just left Bnrynu. This
Bvenlag service at T:30 p. m
House Tbnrsdsy evening. ,lune - >rd. ; |]Q,tier> lost year, but whe^started in
is the lUHi up-to-dete town of its site
Srrmon by Mr*. Mom.
Tbe company embin.-ee a number of tbe seosen with the Burlington. low*,
A hearty welcome to all.
well known people that have orhieved , boss bell team, bo* signed with the i
MId-weeV prayer meeting at T:S0
I thtsidoiaba team of tbe western league.,
Wednesday erening.
elans of enteruiament, sod their : {be ho* lately developed saw and great |
A cordial inriution is extended to aU ogine.'
elforu in''iTurdoblini." have been re- ,,u'.iU«e ia the box end be now ho* aj
p. m.—We are new well down in
to attend these kerriceo.
warded by kindly expresstons of op- chance to demenstrate that he is one'
the south part of Ohio.
ri»*T MAlTISt
provnl from both press and public. .,f th* best young pitchers *( Ue.
The land hen- Is rolling, dboul the
Bev. J. C- C*m*o. Pm-w-r
The purpose ef the management is taii,ego*.
i: no large
Ojlldren'e Day exerelsw will be given
hm.- Th.™ ... ihor. crowd. Ic .11
In Ue mor^C at the usual Ume of Ue
tbe town* along the line.
see if auy of these will fit you. Our summer ^
^ leaders, and we guarautee them equally with
y- our teu to twelve doll^ goods. Our fifteeu
dollar liu^is superb.
—'k l»
Will turn in and write In Ue mom- |
tolo'r^We ^
All other oerviees os
U. Bonner is riding a new Kenwood
|»er! Will cross Ohio aute line gb^t i
l^Ung impression.
Manager Stienberg bos booked for
C. B. Edwards oad wife were In the
Children's Day service begin* at I0i3u
Wednesday Morning—I awoke abeut Ue evening of June 17. one of Ue beat citv yeeterdev.
O. B. oad will Uke the place of the
midnight and took a look st the conn attractions on Ue rood. It U one of
« returned from MayMlm EdlU Oibba
qieralnr preaching service and tbe
try. It was in Ue extreme sonthem the great Ueatrica) aseceeees sad one | field yeaterday.
•uaday scboel.
pi^ of <ihio oad was Ue rongheat land which duws crowded honseo.
The: E. M. Scofield returned from NorJunior CbrisUoa Endeavor society at
I ever saw. It was all small bills and
S:00 p- m.
in many places the enu were so desp
Young people's socletv of CbrisUon
fist they hod to baild sheds over them
oodeavor at6:15 p. m.
to keep the snow out I guess.
sometimes: and it is likewise very | jj^rqueite yesterday,
.sThe aubject at 7:30 p. m. will be
We passed the Btete line and crossed pleasant to sitond lute* toosexcelleat
floo. Thomas SmurUwaite of Msn-Two UerM of our Navy—Uoboon and
Ohio at daylight this morolng.
company interpret on enjoyable faroe . Uiee. was in tows yesterday.
OoUing. and other heroes."
We follawed In the valley of a branch
iDcr at was tbe
Edwin R. Chapman will leava
I enjoyable
Join in the hymna nnd abak* bonds
of th# Ohio river for forty t
lost night at
Chicago UI* meming by bosL
OtU* Clooe.
passed Urongh one coal mining town i
Rev. Ed. Weiss end family have re-1
All ore cordially invited.
where there wo* a coUecUon of inter-! \j^.oour*e “Miee Froncta of Yale'’ ie moved from Uia city te Maple City.
eaUng locomotive* and negroeo. The[^ improbable storv. the whole ef the
Miss Minsie Bnbbell closed aeuccesm!
Bev. 3. A. BresCr. bbsipt.
river is alive with river si
I Iscidenu being purposely exaggerated, i ful term of scboel at Uellner lost week.;
CbUdren's Day wo* first observed in
Now we are posaing through as oil with seme queerly devised situstiens. I Mrs. C. J. Webb returned from Cose-1
lG0e,Ue oentenaial year of Mothodlsm.
dUtriet and are just getting in among But they ore worked out wiU such jppoli* yeaterday. She woe accompanTha Oeaeral Conference of l»''r. set
the mounuins. We are now between skill oad abandon by U«*e portieipat-. led by her sister.
apert tbe second benday in JuBs to be
two hills about !K«) feet high so Ulck lag in the perfermaace Ue action also! W. W. Fairchild relumed from De-(
obeerved from veer te year os ChllUe ground
humor eo tangibly apyeslerdey, where he attended Ue |
with trees Ust you una’l
drea'allay. The exercise* of th* day
' iwreat that Uere we* not a wearisome <«re*t Camp of Ue K. O. T. M.
will coaelst of a lecture on EducaOoa "
We have just passed through CharlesUe evening.
i M*** Satie Frail left yesterday for
U tbe morning, nnd Ue nnunl Chilitown. W. Vo., quite a omeky. dirty i
{, r,jr,»hingly funny, and Or*»d EapliU. Fpntioc and lielroil,
ir„: D., pr«r.- 1. U.
iue oomplleaUona only added to Ue t where she will vUlt UU aummer.
The program prepared by Ue Board of I
m.-We ore now following
n,* „4ienee whose appmeiC. S. Voder retnrned from Detroit
Ednentien. U this year os usual most
along Ue. foot of a mountain full of 1
heoame eo marked at Ue dose of yesterday, after attendiag the Groat
oxeelleni. Ths collocUo* Uke* (r«
ooal mince. Every few rode Uere ore I
,eoo*d act os to demand a recall Comp of Ue K. O. T. M. as a delegate |
Ue bunday scboel en Ui* ooceeion U to tracks lendiag up low Ue monnUina.
Traverse Bay Tent N*. ISi',.
for the entire company.
aid meriteriou* Sunday echool echolaiu
Hiss Alice Jenner has rctoxaed from;
F>oni here they look to be standing on
Mr. Oirordot Is the central fignr*a*d
In obuining a more advanced edneaend. There are power bonses st the be capably fllU U* pooliion. Be is Grand Rapid* after on eateadod visit
tlea.^ Between Ue yearn 1S73 and 18« bettem and can ef coal going down or
token for a woman by tbe female and bo* reaomed her music cleieee here.
over T.iNKj students were aided,
empUes going up.
characters, and for a man by Ue Males WhUe In Grand Rapid* she devoted her
tc All other servi.-M of Ue day OS aenol.
mnaA under Ue leading inWe ore still follewlug Ust same riv heaee Ue numerous mlrUfal taagle*.
Everybody welcome.
er end Ue foot of the meantai* is lined He is one Ue brightest eomedloas of simctora
P. ConloB come in from a ‘boaines*
with miners’ eebiss. Every few miles th* new eebool.'evidaneod by hlsclaver
Two Popular Hirls Burptlped.
yosterday. Beissellthere is a dam in Ue river W hock Ue rork in "Chorlay'e Aunt" sad new in
A pleasant surprise party was given water up. ^nst passed a dummy en
Ing enrtain pels* on tbs rood for WilMias FroneU of Yale. "
the Misses Emms Kropp sad Florence
Ham Beiiner and states Ust Usre is a
gine WiU a train load of cb*l from th*
gheott by about iwcstr of Uelr aineo. The hills are growing higher,
Th* largest house of Ue woek en
rospeet of s heavy 1
friends Friday eveolsg at tbs home of
idnstry in Uls city.
and half way np on one 1 can see a
P. W. Kane os West Ninth street. The
cabin, which looks shoot am Inch high. Peyten oompany in U* City Opera
Dr. J. K. Elms, whohs* jsatrelnrsed
evening was spent ie playing games,
We ore now passing Urongh a mining Bouse. The bill wo* "Struck Goe,''
trom Us Pacific ooast. has decided to
•ftor which delicious strawberries, ice
town: wo can see tbe opening* te coal and Ue company presented it in very
remain in Travemc City and Is loody
creein and mke were served. Tbe youegi
*aladies in whose'honor Ue party was plu.
to reonm* hia proctioe. H* it fitUng
Our roadbed hers ie cut out of solid nouncod darMg Ue week te be given
given have been attendingthe Busiuiee'
away was won by 6*orge Lawrence of np ofUoes at hia rssidenoe in Feraw
Oollege bare the pant veer, and have sck.
H) •'clock—We are now in th* mom SIO Bay street
—many friend* daring Ust time.
system of Ue Allegheny monittln*.
They will return to Ueir homes at
Mrs. Norn Cralne and two ehlldrea
The reck* rise from the railroad track
Good Harbor Uls woek.
te shout I.OPO feet perpendicular, la of 8t PauL Min*., arrived ysstenUy
ring Ue i^lrood te spend the euaunfa- wiU hdh moUei
MIO.W. B Thacker,
Hr*. Martha WUeos of BoorAmoa v
uw.-----gha Dotrolt Orest Cemp«f the E. O. T. track. The soeaery is grood oad ind*Wnritm Woek. - Travem* City, Xtsfe
eeribmble. The river here hoe eat {ti|«atu
M.. returned home loet night.
John R. Santo,
General Inseraect.
I have just received from Wisconsin a
large lot of the finest horses ever seen in
this locality.
Among them are a few choice drivers,
fine farm and draft horses.
Call and see them before they are gone
—They will sell quick.
state Street Livery Sale and Feed Barn.
Asparagus, Lettuce. Eadishes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
-Phone f67.
S48 Front Street
Women’s Oxfords
Price* start at ''«e oad are up. stopplnK
os Ue way at popuUr poiuu until fil.&O is
nocked. 8tyle* ore Ooin, Bulldsf and
Common Sense.
If you need onyUUg Is Ui* lloe-we
may have what you wont. Onr sUk top
Uoe* ore heouUm. Come and buy ahoem
of no. We will surely save you money.
A. S. FrymaB,
PrAoti^ BhoemAB.
136 Front Street.
TH> XUB>Uta &BOOKD, SUSSAT. JTnni IS, tsss.
N*^ Which Ic of Interest to th*
People of Michigan.
near this dtr. win soon be sent to
Chkksmanga. The camp In Virglata
has not a suArlent n-ater supply, and
many of the boys have suSered great
this account.
Charles Moore, private secrctsTT to
Benatur UcMillan. says that there U
Into the army as a paymarer. He mya
that wl)en he goes Into the army It
am be as A soldier having fighting ta
BMMorik.- Hrmb»n uf Ihf Mi«hl«M As•MlAlioa M «ks
( Ahiuil Bsve
The navy deparcmini Is naming Our
torpedii l>.•Ats after our naval heroia.
1%e Uackrnxir. Cushing. tt»mvrs and
•others n-oall Bien# • pages -if glorious
history. In front of F. i t Flsbt r Ad
Wasliltiston. Juw 11.—No tnembrr of miral Porter conimanded ahal Cent-ral
Grant once descrilsd ae "tbi most (orthe lUchlnn delegation In - congms.
mldsble amaila ever cnllecied for con
, end none of the members of the Mlchl- centration upon one given. p--1ni "
Mas ti. the latter inrt—latber'ttn- sec
ond |<art-.«f that famous action
casse of the regjgpatlon of Pre«ldt-at
ISiilpman named Kobley I) Kvana
Angell, M ho n-as made minleier to Tur- ncM i-Figtallng Pub." captain of the bat.
k«r by President lIcKlnley althout the Jleslyp lowa. n-tclvcd the M'oun^ that
made him a
. ci«p|i
ci|p|>:c fur life.
recommendation uf ahr It.
dure Purler ai-pea»,.d ai Fort Fisher on
lUclan of the state. It was undenttuod
Cbrisinias eve, ls6t. with
when he was appointed that President regular cruis-rs. nve Iron-cluds and a
Ifserve <if ninelern v.ascla. and began
wpuld resign
a boi^bardmcnl of the f.irts at the
Armenian c
mouth of the Caiw Fewr river, in one
whlch.*~tt t
hour and fifteen minutes after the first
time, so gresily Interested the presb
M-as fired nu a sh' l came from the
dent. It ts generally understood that
fort, am! the batt-nes were slIenN-d
l*r»«ldent Angell baa determined to'
loniphiely. David I\)rur hlniulf is auleave CnasUtulnople and resume the’
tburliy fur that atat< n<em. Vet. aft- r
educational work which has been ao
a reconnalsssiiiv. Gen. r.il ll-ii.amin I',
dlear to him lor an entire lifetime.
butler. Mho Mas to l.rlng f Tuanj ihSevrelaiir Alger says; •The state of.
mllllan' f'T re .’•..IJed tnni f..rt Fish
Michigan «Ptll probably furnish a cav-i
er was tu'i suhstahliiilly injured. c»u'd
airy regtmem for the volunteer army;
not be (ak-.^hy aiuBuit.'aud raluine.J
tn the near future.
1 have told the
Ub his rvh^and to liamM.B It.iada
president of the desires uf our i>copIc,.
Caplunsl the Wariis.
tn this regirt. and l.•lh of our svaatnrs.
Prrtcr iM-tige.l that the
luive aeen the president for tbe'sam
not le- abSnd'.n. d and iii «.<pmpllpurpose."
amv w ith his mju.si a i«v»nd military
•hortdaB Bad PaMer.
f<nr, under the teniiiiaiid uf Girivral
Senator Burrows says;
Terr}-, arrived off Fort Fisher on Jan.
talked to the president about a cavalo'
>t, u.
t **- 1***
•'vet was liureas-d
reglment for the state of Ml
Aar latoraiadM an lb* Miigacl-«r*nl
OiTalrTLand«»ln U>« CinilVarWara
IMebIcaii Moa-Nmnlar MrHlIlaa an
ths AOnarampat at Cnncrns.
galled hir attention to the fnit
Creat cavalry leaders of the dvll t
e grvatrs
Jan. It.
Offleer ever known to the world, i
pedo iHiai bears
General Custer, who was certatnii
Now as to the
tnest dashing cavalry commander
oami- o Andrew
country ever knew, came from
.re.. „ uic»,„. I ..re re„d.M...'
That Is why
the name of porter.
She beara the
Hull FVxilv, a son of a
States senator fr<>ni
celebrated In the navy for hts religious
rrem .K. «... «r xiirewire.re -Mre rerere
a aV^..
. w a
”"* •
^red distinguished service as a cavalry^commnnder. I alao told him that the
pMeuI gen_eratlou will develop imother
.'Bheridao. Custer.
If the
r If
irded. I ■
totKh inclined to believe that Ibe order,
arilor gild bls Indomitable courwge. His
first naval action was when he was In
command of the sloop-of-war Plymouth
hap,K..ned after bis arrival
„ capton. China, on th- eve of the hosmines between the Chln<-se sod the
English. While endeavoring to protect
American pro|n-rty
he was fired on by
*“ ““
the Chinese
Through |>ennUsioti
_1 .
1 of Cuminodr.iv
Commodore Armstrong oe
be ucmaimdemand«.eorge H. HopVIns-ot Detroit ^ ^ apol.«r.
snd when It
it was refused
T, and
wto hi^long Wn s iwr»«.Rpl friend of he sttarktd the
the foru.
forts, four
four tn
In number,
luring MnsinMs nf lassM largo Keadgas
W*. laoked ror.
sajTi: Acion-.panylng reporta of a aaaaonahk dukUng down of the spring demauJ tur and movement of merebaa-
TnwHMOl^ Mufeab
ttot of
Below U a IL
. the bf^^aad sdl-
night afft o*clock rtef'mc
0 held op the SanU Pe pa
Flreroln Jofanaon got off the gngloe to
threw the switch, « hen be was covered
with a ebotcuB. The robbers went to
the express car, but the tnesseoger re
fused to open, the door, and they .began Clear Pork per bbl, i
firing on him.
CQcar Pork per Ib...
Claim Agi
X-shooter from
the train, fired «
Shortcut Pork..
pal T«(I nallH* an Him fTKIck FreeB
FBlBl-One lUudIt Wanudrd.
rS Want Ads ium
If You Have Logs to Sell
OoVreepoad with the TniTerae City Lumber Compuay.
W« have lor sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Bingham Bros., Front Street
Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
The Celebrated SpeoiiUsto,
k? Hotel Whiting
tn tb" White HOUBO. Whrrc he aakad
prlvllega of Booing
boy'wBflUd lo are him the lad waa
ncc afimlltod. The proaldeBt greatF S>»fi
^ f«*dly.
im hrartlbr
Bt CBmp
have her moat dmd
;foal Ibe Merrimac. Thai naval hat! rerolutiontxc.t the building of war:lpa. arid It aleo preventod Europesa
(arfOTOBGa with our aCaIra
Horse Hotel.
8E C
a M. BBOWK. AtUnxrT bb
O. Lbb. KpscisJ sueatios
soCiroDreauelas. tllProsit
/rt tLBgBT * OATM. Attorrejr*. BpseialBV
VX tcoiioa u Prebwts prsetUc. RooBsSasd
10. McreantUs Cb. BIbcX.__________________
lidoy., Toraoto I
S .’os2 In knim Bldg!
. Uafrenity p
iMlOS-Wa. IW
K. r
flret-clau barn in UiVcUy.
call and get our prices.
BrodbitnAVix^utdr. ;-v
B. J. Morgan, I
ooer. MmI
'rudriah Moeka, 'Fbo»«. b
■W.1SKM2. Ml—.
On M. & N. E. B. B.
; 4
All ba^[&ge, bos and back work'
for said road shonld be left witb
me. Office 239 8Ute street, tele-pbone 3. All orders left with me
will receive piompt sttmition.
PBraltsrr. Btoves.
TTTAKTKty-BBgloeer for smoUengiBe.
W Traverse CU) Lumber Co.___________Mi-tf
A 01
A. X
DRS. B. S. & CO.
BaoklD Yoang. ib* Irterp'd leader
th* halls af Ca
>rr to tl
«ou Urge pages; lUD aarli IUtl*l __________ jiiy In rtcbosl olora. Ha#
wed maps. Biggest booh, blgbaoi
os. lowest Brice; oaly *>-7^ Barb
-rerrlves grand (l-flO premlom (re*,
Dem.___ __ •orrnous: harvest for ogenu. B)
days eredli
11; IreiBbi paid; ootsi Iree. Writ*
biday. Alb
Dept- I&-W
• '“gM
JX Traverre OUy Uimbei
. iBdslre^f
I U!
....Alrd rnepss
It 14
■■ ‘iV.......
«*>'.......... Ft. Way»a
4»’ ........iBtehmoBd
1« ........|lBdla'oplla
OkleagB at Tgd p. m.
Local braseh iralB arrivaa at MgR a. m
LBaeea at U WD p. m.
f^LOCEWOOD O.F:i;.QSdto:rtJ^
Tb takaaSBct Senday, Jure •, UW,
atlMa'cleeiia m.
Old MlssloD. foroat'. Will lake BBlocombered
Traverar Cliy properif le exchoags. or will
give kng Umeoa two-twlrdso' parehoae price,
i.eorge Redden. Call ciu nr address F. F. Red
den. m Wa.hlnctoo hi Traverse CTty.
»S If
X«OR 8AUt-*»-k of c
JT teres. W. Reek, lO; L'utoB etreeb
A rtWOOGD LTMi MBK waetoi
A cm Lumber «’.o. » If.
Votlca to OoBtFBCtorB.
KetlreU hereby plveo Ibal acalad praauoala
rUI be ireelred ai the eSee of W. A. MewtoB.
rrk. BOtll the mb day of Jaae lfW.at
I o'rlork p m.f
-Cor Bl).labor and material lor
eoasiraetUig a'
>rt boose da tbr lot ewwed by
“oModOltrotTraveTae aty, Jwadl. IWk
Jugx A. Paa«T.
Joux Frtciria
SuSrrlv^m w wcakBBtaB*. VC eoa glTB permanaat roUat. Abaolauearea gaarataod
*Tho*r who are usable tocall.COB writ* (BlIimrileularB of toatreoBiaadbavamBdlclse a(sl
**ul Iv eipres*. with full InstrncUom bow to to lokew.
The firm ot Drs. B.. S. A Co. wm. Incorporaied several yvm *l>>ce wlU t capital ot P0M»,
hoeoeyno take ooreaBoo* >T you employ uem. They are reapoaolUa aad wall knowa.
t 10. e Bl FctokXey
4 10, 10 to Moeh. CUg
1 to......... ' Cadillac
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
to of boiheaUon.1and a grapite sury Bf
gailmDi Dewey; tell*
son. Bebley. nuhngb
Db'Ww ^i]^eend^a^newand
OraB. H A Co. make a spMdi^ of aliform* of Bsctol Diwaeto. PUsa-laUgMd and extre- dremed iDcaosUleol to the letrrest ot (be
cooety U bereby reeifTiil by tbe IruUdlageom-
TCMOKH AKD CAWrERf* cured witbool odd*, knifr. pale or ecar. Maw method*.
('.ATARM^re home treatment. Cmrpawre ud cheap.^
>1 Uys|>a|wla Sick Readarha Pflw. Top* Worm, aad
1 <FTrav . OltF
10 uV < »
tbe^Tl^T^eraeCUy.GraBdltavensOaaBty. Mtchlgan, oerordlag to ptons and kpectaeaiton* fartilebed to Bnah.BowmanA Ra-b. orchlireu. whieb pioa* aod •pseWcaikms are on
Sir with W. _.
A. .['srtoo,Coanty(B*rk.Trererae
Nrsrtoo.Coanty (Bsrk.Trererar
CIly.Hleta BVd.mnsttoseaMaed
Bid* mnst tosed^ an cedoraad
BuUdIng Coon Uooee"
aad adof th* Bye. ^r, Thryt ud tmi^ •■Propesal* far BuUdlog
• Me wton. Ceaaty
Clerk.Travdreseed toWm. A.
erseCliy. MIcb. Boeb tod mast to
I'd with s bead la the earn of WDAO
_ Di
ordakpaSonfrombBaiUtoe.aad without the aae of kalfe. caweUr or llgatan. Came and ha
^^ia.B.1 gJi.-Lv.
<b| II II
, Mice.
FBiMT, jeet n, 1898.
Gnnd Sipldi t Udlui LI
a, la Btfeei Feb. S, U
W lee
le. Boies.
Bo.*. Brfri.e
and Carpenier-s tools a)
Cost Frooi street.
OonstUtBtJon-Mnd Ezaihinatloii Free and Strictly
Lock Box 160.
And we are no( obliged ttyaell meat at war prices. We Lave a
car load of the.best western corn-fed stock and can furnish')>on the
best Cbioago beef killed at home.
Of-tha slrtiod'and riairy shroud.
BicvciB Riders.
BemeaUr that 1 do aH kinds of mpairing and enameUsg. and that 1 caa
and do give you the beat work of any
one is the dty for the m<»ey.
be deceived by what others tell yon' to
Abe contrary, bat ooiae asd aee for
I ynarantee all my work to be right,
and if it doea not prove ao I make It
rigblbum ib tUI e o’clodk every evening,
Cbldweli A LonLsmezeert bnaday. in the Caldwell
don boHdlng. at north end of Union
• '•* laussBl.
ipBAlKID iri'BSB-Mito BMellr
BMel Boloomb,
•- Boepital. •X graduate Bl the CBirereliy
Arbor, will reanond to call* for nsratag.
1 athetrrei. H tt
i„ajsrr>s roE sat.tr.
O. P. CAKVCR. A«aBti
We do not
belong to the^combination
ITic boy was In t
. 07
>t 0»
J.W. PstcA.oW.P.Crot
MT. rei rere.i,.4 5™'' ■ me very much tj
; ‘:
aeoood botUr
bare -not
has absolutely cored
twenty years.
had na good health ft»r
Attorneys at Law.
n Increase over last »
lespectfutly. Mn. Mary A.
0.„.,..rere....,re..Trerere.rere,l.,re. ,
i: Wait.
laremore, Ai h. Sold by
; dmggUt.
m: of
and II
Mill Maebiaeryof all descriptioQB,iDcladingTwo Enginea,
Bet Worka, Carriagee and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for Bale.
Cmltb simply lo«ki.-d up the report on a ,< t»lb>p m ir—.ip> v.aa
has fully c
J.durtw.vur.- ,4.....s^
aimilar bill
which was ad..ptci]
e civil war end made a
Lbk- BUc-esS-.i, Udth a
^Cben hit work was submitted to ihe;T"''K‘’
ships, was no
V committee
sml f'har:.-n..n only teO
1 t.f Sherman's army.
Is nsre-d afl.-r LleutenCongreesmso fiistldlng has secured the
nt John l;..dgcra, who fired the flrat
paaaag^ of *
enabling the frontier
with Great Uritaln.
-bemeaic'ad men. now Id she army, to re.ring thkt war he captured tweniylirltlsh vcks.-is; twelve of them
IB the s
•a time spent <
-■|,e Ichanncl. Atter tl-c war hr declined the
Mrning title to
isitioc of aecn-iary of ibe navy, His
John M-as sts') a Mtval hero, and
tlM the men whotgn Into the aitty
fbetame 'a fear a.lml^H.
He had andefense of ibelr itruntry.
Iher S4TP. Gorge, who was klU.-d while
t>r«mB.er Itoy and U># Fi
of einff to Admiral Dahlgren at
Th* fiivt rtrummar boy of the preBent
WAgn-r. In IKI Of him Miles
to Miahr hand* with the preaidant
•RelUy Mr d.
Garftold Flnlaanri of Company A,
Ever Buroed Ont?
It eoyoatoow
dtae. c-ome proofs that the spring busi
ness uf the ye^r
«>lh a le« notable
eareptluns, has .argtiy met exiwcta-amped frith his cemrades Fire Bye Flour, fi. L. & Co. Beak..
UotV PariUuLatty eonhim-ng Oui
man Johnson was shot by the robbers MmI. U. 1. A Co. Best...
f view of the rase are the large railtwice, both ballets going through the Feed. H. L. A Co. Beal...
earnings. heu\T exports, snd exboMcls.
Jubasun died at 10:tS last Eggs per d
i prices following
Bom^ notalile advances. Weak or loweSi
l*rd ^r................
prices for a numix r of cereals during |
Butter per tb Dairr.
the fuist we~k In the face of a heavy |
June 11.—Wheat—Jnna. CreaiDcrr BaUer.lb.
exi-urt business polm to the vciy g<iOd
c; September. tSKc.
Cbetoe per tb ______
fT.-p prospects for-wheat and other i•’“'J’i '
Com-J' e. SJKe: J«iy. 8Sc; Sep Oats per bu(old|....
tember. t3tie
Com per bn., old....
Fuiittlca of pic imn production point
Oa's—June. S5c: July.
Balt per bbl...................
to a slight redmiionk output during
Bran per too..................
the month Just closeaT^nc largely to
Pork^nne. and July W,*7.
Potatoea, per b*.................................
; shut-downs for rei airs, but t
Grand Uaplda, June U.—Wheat, BM. acTUe sanaopnavunciTT
the Immenae recent pr-Auctlon has been
met by an eaually large consumptive
demund. Pollowitig the little spurt In
for aeeeral yean.____ ______ __
. Wheal, new.
the demand lor raw wool, largely on
severe cough than ever before. Oata, No. 1, per bu. (new)..
army rrders. has come a iwrceptlbly .
Corn, per bo------Bye, per bu..............
Bnttew, per lb____
.re Ih..r .-..ic!”"!?
™ I. re Bggd. perdoxen..
with the Portsm -uth and the lasvant.
...........................................-Micrlng efficient «n • k, vice l-rrechrf the larg, st carried
Wire u. that ,
Hv has-nk.n ti c
».o,ja. He l.wt forty men but
Which wws occupied dbring the «C dead Chinamen lay atlff In death
elvll war by M^or f>n^l Halteck. „ , aacrifice to American honor and
•ad during bla brtefi-werrt.vs at this American valor. During the cMI wa;
^tal has made himself very popular
distinguished by a scries of
with the regular army officers who are heroic arts. He parti IjAted In the as«n duty here at army headquartits.
j ,aui,
port Don. Ison, and in that acVer» MmpVe ProiN»lil««.
' i|„n wu. w ounded.
Congress passe.:
Senator UcUllian says: "The Hms him a v..te of thanks and made him a
Cor adjournment of congnts haa Uvrn rear admiral
• very Blmi.te proiiosm..n to me.
As to Ike Dn Pant,
make. CO dlffer.nre what individual
n„,- .s t.. ..u .• uf. This t..rped..
•enators and rrprewnlatlves may d«- boat I.ears the name ..f Samu.-I Francla
••Ire. The country Is at war. The comPont, a New Jere.-y man by birth,
snaudcr-ln-chtef Is directing the army but who cl.istd hls eyes on
•nd fleets aiTordIr.g to plans of which scenes Id Ibis city In June JVtS 'Dur.
they know n.ithlng, and of.which we mg » scries of more thah'tM.nty.five
•ughi to know nothing. Ro long as thg ,-eare at sea he was alm<.at
presldtmt desires congress
aesslon it should remain In session.; ing tl 1C Mexican war, ’
•- In command
•Rlien he If willing that ao adjuummeat of th, _______
ahall take place we should adjourn, fok iH«iM-io<U.n of L« I'a# capital
This Is nil there Is to this roaUtr which Lower Cal.fomla: spiked the guns of
has brer disvussi-d In to many columns San Ulas. and entered the hurl-.r of
of the ticu-si«i.eiw.
■'Cuaymaa. burning two guob.ats and
Colonel Cornelius Gardener and Cof- cutllrg cut a MviIcbii brig under *
cnel Mctturrlii will*,Km U at the front_^heavy Are. These oire-rall-ms cleared
With their regiments 'sinder command the Gulf of CaUfornla of h'wtlle sbipa,
Of Major General Wiles. There Is no thirty of which were taken urdestroy,-d
1«ason for b.-llevlng Ihsi Cnloml Gar- To t.-ll hls deeds during the clrtl war
dener will be mad.- a brigadier general w«.uld be to recount much of Ibe naval
•t Ihla time or before the cl.we of th* history of hat unfortunate eplaode in
war. although bts friends are urging our counio-s career.,
bla pr..n...O«n I.eeatise .if the fact that | Toward the close of IM: several arW'foot lot. small house, Bor localloa. ath olreet. can be booghi for «f0.
be Is st-nlor CT.Iuuel of bis Irtgade. This ni'.rtd v.-ss.-ls were addeO to hls comID foot lot, good dwelling. Ferewood. tSdeww and (10 par month wnt'ipald for.
war is not ao siute-ndous and will not be manil, m«»t;y ..f the m^i.ir tyi»-, one
« acres three miles soath and wea1 tram Uw city. Land good, well watered, y.
po protracted as the civil war. There- of which destn.yed the C».nfederale chard This U a Imrgalo for only (l.ao
fore pmirMlans for field service will be steamer Nashville undyr the guns of
ai.,aFrra t mil' west, all iBipraved, will hBOold fooBC piece or divided to sail. Look Ib
very f'»
The sreretao' of w ar and the iFc
(Fort JlcAlister. Ik-In^ the first officer np. Other pUcesjuatBs desirable or more aa
Johnsoa Block. PkoeeTl
Michigan reprrrenutlves are proud of ho
the regiments from Ml.-hlgan and
wlgncd. he cai.-fully tested thrtr
•nsplcuous service feralvc p-’Wers by several stlscka up.n
e advancement of tMa work, on which they wore unable
tadivlduals in those revtmonts.
to make any'lmprosal»n on oev-ount of
iMwiih Mas Be fkairwM.
. Ibe small r.uir.ber of their guns snd the
Conaressman Wrr. A.Rmtth wU^fihnb- slownosi- >.f their fire. Assuming tm•bly la- cbalmian of the ccamsittre ,« mediate commaniJ of hit nine armored
foreign affairs In llu- next congrera vcss.i». mounting thlrty-tWo guns, Du
Be Is n..w the senior Republican mem- ;J’'>nt. then a rear admiral. ma<W a resber of that cominllfre. and Is already 'olute attempt on April 7. ItC3. ^o take
regard.d as a g..i>0 runrtilutl.mal law- ^rharl»»mn. i'nablg to maneuW> 1
S-er. Ci.ngTT-asiBan Hitt of Illinois, the the tortuous rhamirls fiil.-d with ot
Sracnl .-halrman, Is In dMusie health strucllons thst l-d to the l.arb.>r, «ie
.and grill IM.I be likely 1.. iplain the tron-clads were •'Xi-.scd t.. a torrtble
'.chalrtuanshli, of that Imptolanl com- ctosx-flre fr..m a hun.ln-d suns of iba
•taUlee. The sflvanremcBt of Congress- heaviest calll-ers. and dartuiewa ap■tOMD Smith tb this postUot: is therefore rriiachlng, th. shliw w^ wisely wllh.-•Bttclrwted.
-drawn, .mo s.nklm: s on afierward and
bai bb
. -Congrveanmn Bam Smith prepared a -•'vo olh-r» ’i-'n-; I'IssM.cl
report f..r the commUPt-on.elecUons in I
rar*Bs*.f in ts.trwrttoBa
favor «r tbs bill "to enable volunteer , “nil* s. l n w.is f..uBti; l u'oaant to
'•cddlere to vole at the c.-ngVcsalonsIn x'lpref* >ns;ri.iil :ik fr. m tht nsiw fie• iM. r.sull having
clectlona'' Instead of niaklng a report : i •i''''-t
i.c silmlral. who had
tor the purpose ot otcop)ing'a|>ace in
. —
^ giv-cn II
Ods Bay Oalf SMh KenUt.
a .•plnli... that the co-op’
With Bsr;, the Jewslsr.
' •-’WV-’T''-
" How the Powerful Armorclad Is Manipu
lated—Dangers and Difficulties and
Methods of Overconning Them. /
Wblla tba oflioan are all mastera of
■raminihir aad gunaary aad ara
bla of davialBg new aad original maana
of attack aad dafsbaa. It would be un
ia ao opportnnltr to ro-enforea. and It fair to Ignore the bumble gunner, upon
would be taking daeperate ehaacM to whom much dependenoe U placML He
mount to this top during .tha strain of directs tbe shot, tbe lowering or ralalng
battle, the crew there would be matertaily weakened In emdencr. and this the exact poll
mitadvenlure might iSela)- aucceaa or (act to tl
even actuallr turn the Ude of battle. A the comi
big gun In tbe turret or on (be gun deck
may buret from too constant firm
ing. or
aba goaa br. at the tort, fortlficatlona or
ablp and than, after putting tbr balm
down bard eltbar to tba right or laft.
tbuDdcring * aurbeard broadalda at tba
abamr. The men In the foraard or aft
er turret ara ^tlnuallr abowering abot
aad ahcll Into (heir aotagrtnUta. while
from the fighting top a murderoua. nev
er oaaning enfilading fire la going on.
for wblle the men up there care nothing
for the polnte of the eompaaa tbe long uaeleaa steel aad e hindrance taatead «(
dar. Tba dntm baata "to quanara” awing of tha meat aa tba wartblp rolla aa aid.
There are tragedlea enacted from
The b«atawaln-a wtatatla baa lu maaa- dlaooncerta tbeir aim at tlmaa aad givaa
in*. EvaiTtblBc moaabla on tba upper
deck ia plaead within tba conOnaa of
leans. It la like
tba bulwarka or bouaad in apaelal daabrawl on tbe frontier, only aocentoattenatad rompartmaeia. Tha captain
But the anemr are not Idle. If their ad la horror aad nteae and caanaiUea
mouniB Into tba eonnltic towar aad with bettleahipe ere being worsted, ttaeir de- twenlytold. Again, there la a limit to
hire tba akacutlra oScar and tba baal- fanaaa of stone and Iren cnimbllng un buman endurance. Tbe mental aad
pator aad parbapa a iTamar punnar. der tbe monster proJecUlea thrown physical teealon Is anormoua It little
Id thia ataal cace. about ala faat In dl- agmlnat them, tber atlU bare hope.
matters whether tbe sun la banting
amater. ara tba wbaa). a aicnal board
But what la thia new danger? Juat down with tropical beat or tbe cold
maiblnv tba tubaa aad aa alaatric but •a the Bmoklrn puts her helm hard winds of autumn are swirling about the
ton or two br which tba captain mar apoft to awing by a haadland or a wBvea Tha cannonading, tbe.bUTBlDg
ahooi a torpedo If ba daetrte. Tha eom- fortiaas on the point, a long. low. rak of gunpowder, the rapid lumping. Uftmandlnc edtear mar ramaln In bar* ish looking torpedo boat ateaU out from Ing, pulling, niaalag to and fro. all redurint tba batUa and atacr tba ablp along tba shora until It reaebaa wbat It ault In Bucb violent exercise that In the
with hta o«m handa. or. Ilka Dawar. ba regards aa a oolgn of Taataga aad from aUfllngly dooe quarters where tbe arti
mar ataad oat on tba bndpa In treat. • tba cover of a bank or from bablnd a ficial temperature baa riaea to 100 dcnholtertng eora or porbape eren from
tartat for an tba aaamra ablpa
Boma of tba man. aallora aad ma- M open water projoeU aa antocnobtla funa ahlrtleea bareheaded, aemetlmee
rtnaa. ara poatad to tba flebUng top torpedo, 00 aat aa to travel flea or tan without aboea are bathed In tbe moet
w tbs Burfaee of tha water, with prnfuaa peroptratlon.
wUb tbair OatUnga and rtflaa Otbara— fact balew
ba Wg ai
Aa Admiral Dewey did la tba hay of
tba great teajerltr. In taet-ar* Mwltar- anra aim toward tbe aide of tba
Manilla n halt mnat tlwn be tmllad. nr
ad la tba (otward aad after turreta with morad cruUer. If It U bot a « la tin
tba Mg gnna. lb ebarga of a Uaatenaat- anotbar David has parbapa aUla Its Oo. tba men will drop dead at tbair poate
or UauteBaat eemmaadar. Tba hatch- bath.
from axbauatioa. A rest and maal may
m ara aerawad down, aad abeat tba
But thara have hma mm dateUad for tbaa 1>a provldad. andtbg In "a amoka"
fCovrnfM. OH.!
A tatOwhlp or erulaer la b«r bMuUtU white coat of palat with toucfar* oC
«hrote* aboot tta* Mata, rarda aad
«B«w o( tha voedvertc. tlw braaa ^im
•ad rnaartnw poUabad UU th*r
Jiar flat
Bka «old la tba at
r tba mu
■tea of ban
Jbtlr. al•mM «ortr. fren portbolt or mouatad
«■ bMbaUa. te “a thlar of baavtr" attbar awtaclaa at bar aacbor dialaa or
4aaMa» abaad tbrouch tba wattra.
wblcb bar propaUar ehunia lato foam at
tba aunt. Bnt ta dar* at batUi. wbaa
Cba white eolor baa baaa cbaapad to a
Ml laad tAM BOOB looka crlmr aad
atrm Am tba appaaraaoa ot a aoUad
4mt% with poaa atarlar at teactb from
vMa «paa auta. tba hotidar axttra atrippad from bar. aba makaa a forWddlac
Ami oUbowa ptotaiw. la tlma of actual
■Mad■■nut aba aaama to ba aotblac
Mara tbaa a matal bon that baa baaa
■aarwtad Into a daatb daallag laatrwMt to warb baroc aad daatnaetloe up-
voeatloa and feeling tbe dignltmcf ambryo
the captain aad all tbe officer* gaM
- ) tiaetrlclana
tbe admiral or ooenoodora. or who- tbe credit or aamne tbe raepoaalMBcy
If tl
of tether victory or defeat tbe aaOdP
rionaly. bla fleet captain Immediately who baa Haen above his prtraiUv* grafid '
aaanmea command. In tnrn. If tbat oflllatlon for tbe part 1
cer becomea incapacitated, then the next
ranking enptnln boeoraea tbe leader. If playa in the few hours' turtnoU wbSB
that olBear. la auocemion. ta obliged to the belching flame aad whlaxlng baUfi
quit bis pont or dies among hte men, tbe ahrlek of abella and the rutUag «
Co«l For War Vessels.
If tbe preomi war tests for a year, II
that at least 1.000.000 tons of ooal i _
be used by our warshlpa Last year ttas
eensumptlon was only US.tU toaft
which coat MM.oao. Tba oaaa te vwT
given to the range finder. Ite complete craft an added.
name la tbe •■range, poaltkin aad deTbe navy baa to pay all aorta of pteeM
preaalon finder." Apropoe of the rub- for coaL varying from tLW to |U p«
>ect. It may be stated tbat tbe govern- ton. the tetter being tbe pcica nt este>
tala South Amertran porta.
Before tbe war began it coat tbe gffiW
pnodpal aeaporta of tbe country. Bbors enunent tZJO per ton nt Kay We*^
practice ennalsts In plotting tbe waters whereas tbe prtoa has alnea rtecn «S
of tha adiaoeni tey, lake or eea lato im •AH.
aginary aquarea, aaeh of which la num
Two ateel piers are being boUt bytBg
bered. Then the gunner, auppoalng aa
Dry TortngM. each of them SM
enemy to be located on one of those
aquarea. Area at tbe apot. The raeult feet long, and also two ateel abeda, aaoE
of this trial abooUng la tbat we are rap capable of containing 10.000 tons of coat
idly creating gunnera of experlanoa
Tbme sheds wUl be equipped with tSS
At sea. when tbe vaaael Is in motion, latest botstlng apparatua which Is sMS
tbe base ie
Ie fixed .and measured upon te bandle tbe coal la enormous qnaalls
the deck. A teles^pe Is placed at both tlea Otent abovete. each bolding tSV
b trttltma. Tba paalal craw ara atam
••d iwtaatlaaa. apparaetir Ittepited with
• MardareM farr. aa tbar debt tbia c<autlc machlaa ot war. to awaap awar
«tl tbat obotrweta tbatr paaaaca or rlaw
Md raw with oaamla« wastoo erwaltr
•a pooboa upoa a balplai advaraatr.
Iba lutter, bowaaar, ta ealr tba peat*
•< . >5
‘ \\,
• V
leal Mate XT they did not dash and tire
•ad Stab, tbe enemy would. It Is all a for the coming combat. Kegs
•Wch of Me trada" Bow does the ablp powder and d|-namlte and packages of
SgM 1b batUe? Wbat are the ctreum- gun cotton, with plies of ahella and oth
ntauMa aou cvmuuvas aiuTvuukii.ia
er piMlectlle*. have been hoisted up ^e
la the heat of oonuMT Possibly the
iwny. There U no lunger a line of
flMtewtbg tbeoratleai anslytea Buy give
extending from tbe guns
•OMa Idea of a fight oo tbe eea:
ready to receive orders to
There are two ablpa in our navy
■munlllon and execute •|bcii
Imown dlatibouvely as "nrmorad mute- with great reUrlty, ais there was In'th
days of tbe old frtcatea. Machinery of
tbs Kew^T^ a^ ^
steam and hydraulic moUve power furI bteng pamad after ntebee tbe shells aad even fires the
cllteB. as are ateo the
guaa There are still, however, buckets
aratete*." aad there are eUU otben of jgater for tbe swahbtag of tbe guaa
aad te mop away grime, powder nod
known Bimply as "coilaera.*'
poaalbly blood. These are regularly
gtanca. has a etael huU. an' Indleaud placed In certain positloni. while every
of JM», te propelled by man and officer has bte distinct place
and duty to perform.
twin ecrwwe and baa a main battery
0 gnat and a aecoodaty battery of tba
Quietly they alt await tbe elgnal for
MMS aambee. Bar AUpUoemenl te •JU flrtng from
baa through bis eommunlcstlng tubes
tdoa. She enn make 10 knota fblol
ordered the engines to be slowed down
MM tban a laad mllea. aa hour. I
qHl«a*IMM.O«l. la tba mala batl
or tbe speed to be laeraaaed, as suits
tbe emergency. Down In the very
at* tegbt • Inch aad twteve • lacb m
la tbe geeondary battery ara twelve t boweto of the ship, under the glare of
potmder rlltea four 1 pouadsr aad tom electric ilglilB, the engineers, the flremsa,
the stokers aad the bilge dsanei*
The SitKdtIya te a model maa-Of-wnr. are all hard at work, with IliUe knowl
aad as she earriee pracUcally all tbe edge of wbat may be going on above
typm of gnns that are found on tbe them unlsM an exploding ebell reaches
abipb of.oor navy bar armament te at lbs sblji's mighty lungs, disarranging
iMSt peculiarly laatmctiva That te. tba macblnery. or an • tneta projectile
she liaa tbe guna egrepting tbe U Inch, like thni »r Dewey's Bahtmorc at Ms
tbat are teuTled by first class battle- nUla brings death or overwbslmlng ds•ibipe. second ctesa bsttlenblpA OrMsefa strucllon to tbem.
herwise Ihe fact of victory Is
* *^n^»^'^^^mmedlate battla her mala Shouted to tbem, and then they
I 4mk is. in the vereacuUr of the aea- into tbe light of day to rejoles
I Man. "cleared for action." The deck Ibeir comrades.
But of tbs battle who can tell* The
nr that, which wna originally tha
B yng deck, is now known ns tbe berth ship Is steaming along In an trregnter
I Satei and is always kspt In patfsot or- sUlpM, perhaps la ooaesBtrlc drffiaa.
ttas exprsas purpose ot wa
melbod of attack. Even' I
tbs ablp te now depressed, and a s
tbs torpedo. It Is stniek and demoltsbsd.
The missiles ot destruction now b^n
to rale upon tbs torpedo boat. By some
moans sbs must be Injured or crippled,
and one lucky sbtel or ball in her machtnery or steering gear wiU render ber
uselesi for the remainder of tbe en
gagement at least If It te not possible 10
sink or oapiure her.
Then, to add to the horror of tbe situ
ation. Users te tbe
.T to being placed
war vessels Its use te
far from general, and tbe Spaniards do
not seem to hsve any knowledge of It.
Bo the deep pall of batUe lowsra. and
(here are lurid fiames from biasing
ships or burning forte to odd n farther
element or-mamlve dreadfulneea Tbe
t be watohed wlib wide
open eyes, (or single stray sparks would
entaU Instant annUillation.
Tbe risk of (be enemy's abtil ponetratlng Us cfaambere must perforce be
aeeepted, but tbers cannot be a seoond'g
•• from eternal vigilance.
tllng ->r any other rapid fire gun
te Ukely to become overheated and will
tha Are Itself without seen the acUon
of the autemstlc movement, though tbte
1 hour or so. Then
ends of tbat line, and tbe two Ie
■ crew hu wrought haroe are focused upon the object against
with tbe enemy and It te
only a huestlon which the shot te to be fired. Then the
ohaervaOon te taken, a mathematical
oalculatioD Is mads, a reference to the
ous heaniuess i complete the wort
book of tables te given, and the gun
ner immediately knows wbeUier tbe
fore I
cruiser or fort te CM or 4h miles or any
turns to tbe guns e
other distance away. Tbe apparatus te
self satisfied a doni
so extremely sensitive and regulated
to such a fine degree that by turning a
key a gun weighing 1« tone or more
lotmat of prtae money te aometJmes n can be InstanUy adjusted so tbat with
good figure too. For Instance, tbs a epedfled quantity of powder It wlU
aallora of tbe New Tork. who captured shoot a projectile of a given weight ex
the Pedro. wUl receive tin each.
actly (he dteUoce that the range finder
•• on the contrary,
ry. thei
there baa not has determined The gunner must nscany p
d auccAs. If there essartly know tbe conienu ot tbe car
Ither c . . ___________________ _ tridge. for tbat It a essential factor In
and but little damage has been Infilct- tbe solution of BlU problem. Thqn
od upon the enemy, U there Is any there must be allowances made tor tbs
doubt of ulUmate victory, the lana-of- rralstanre of the wind, which may W
wnr'i man will give bte trouaera a greater or less: for the curvature of the
petulant bitcb and go back to hts duty earth and for the movemat of the obnot ao cheerfully perfaapa. but Juat as
aecurate than tbe buman eye.
The acamna who rolte tba powder beg
aad trucks tbe big abetl Is only requir Those used on shore are attached to
ed to display ordinary IntelUgeaoe. The dtsappeartng gun carriages, so tbat tbs
who ewabaaad primes and wttMa memy does not tee the cannon, nor does
the hoisting gear and other apparatus tbs gunner vlsw hte target Bat It Is
te merely giving evidence of strength not "BbooUag In the dark." Abadlate
and obedience to orders, but the gun- sellnUUty to assnred and tbe gunner
feet* that he te doing aperlor work as
tbs dsUcate BfisUBa
tons, will dive Into tbs bolds of tbs oefie
oatly tbg
Oregon ablppod l.SH tona TtavoUngafi
ber ordinary cruising rate of U knoti^
abe consume* about 71 tons In M bounv
so that she omU kesp going at ttfi# .:V
speed for tl day*, oovsrtng ASM knotE
or MM Btetute miles. Cndra foresi
draft tbe Oregon te onpable of mnItfaE
nearly 17 knots, bat bar fasi
Uoa would run up to r'
hours, and ber apply
only six day*.
41 tons taka m beard stM*
liKffi. Ttas Mg <ntear HoV
Tork ena carry l.MO toew of coal aai
can make » knou burning 100 teas a
dar. Going at tbe rate of 21 knots. Ma
more than Ouas times that «wa- ■
*Refrgghmentg* In Scotland
In tbe course of tbs i
k case M
tteaal aas
tloa arose liord Wateoo.
— •
Chat part« BosW
land had ooly sae maanlag. •afi tM«
THB HOBitiHO MOOED, miymsi omr. moh. butoat. Jtnre i». ie98.->AHT two.
voeatJon aad feeUng the dlgUty of em
Be while the ndmtmL the «smma<«#
bryo Meetrlelana
he captain and all the odlcet* gaM
U the adsftlrU or nnwiwwlnri. or i
the credit or amume the rieimnsfUlwy
of either vietoey or defeat the ■____
who haa risen above hie primlUve gndd
to that of a petty cOeer Is dmervlag
much oommendaUon for the part bd
raaUng eapUIn bseomee ths leader,
lya la the tew hours' tarmotl t
that oflioer. ta eoooaeUao. to obUgw
the belching dame and whIsMng bnOB
hie poM or dlas among hie i
the shriek of oheUe aad the ruttUiW 4a
then the neat lanklag captain or
of Oatllaga intermingled wtth tbe PM' '
mandcr or Ueutasant oomme ruler, as pery rwrt of riAea are eettUag tti
the caee may ba tahaa charge of the question of Mval sipirwienr «r d«B>
Beet and direota its opsraUom and ma-
How the Powerful Armorclad Is Manipulated-Dangers and Difficulties and
Methods of Overconning Them.
pMriac ft t
a Um poft. ftft
•tM goM br. ftt tki fen fortlitaftUou or
•hip ftftd ihoit. ftfUr puttiag the hell
down h*H either to the rtfht or tef
tbnftderlBt • eurboftrd broftdelde el th
The meo to the tonrard or ftfi
or turret are eotttlDUftlly ebowerlng ehc
41V are la going
for while the men up there care nothing
•or the poinu of tithe eompaae the long
A hatdeahlp or eruleer to hm beutl.
ln‘a whlatle b
M whiu coat of paint, wtth towehce of
on the upper
akiwme abeat the maau. yarde and deek te plaoed within the oonanta of
«i«ea at the woodwork, the bra« platee the bulwarka cr houeed In apodal dea>
-------------- tui they Kteaai ignated eomparteeata The captain
mu Into the conning tower and wtth
«M of here
him the caecutlve oOcer and the nnvl.
gator and perhaps a eeaman gunner,
ea harbeue. le -a thlw of beantir at. le thle eteel cage, about atx feet In dl>
nmeter. arv the wheel, a Mgaai board
diaahlag. ahead through the watera. madclng the tubee aad aa deetrte but.
. .
...............• into foe* at
two hr which the enpuin may
dhe Mara. But la dapa of battle, whoa
torpedo tt he deetree. The oom>
the white color haa been ehaagod to a
ig oAeer mar remain in beta
Ml lead that Boon looka grtinr and during the battle aad near Uw abtp
ahm her the appeannee of a eotled with hie owa haada or. Uhs Dewey, he
4»ea. with goha etartag at ieagth fn>* may stand out on lbs bridge la tronv •
«Me e»ea ealta. the holtday aitlto etrtp. Uifftl for all ths saemrs shlpa
»a« tma her. aha aakee a fOrWdding
of the mea. saUota aad __
mi BWtaniH plotare. le time of actual
fu peeted In the flghtlBg top
eeefiw to bejeaothli
nothing wtth thalr OatOaga and rtflea Othera..
_ I than a owial hull that haa hhea
gPiTirted Into a death deftUag laatrw
■Mat to work haroe aad deatructloa up- the big guaa in ehar«e of a ttwiteoant
ea theee ahe regatda aa aatagoaiata.
TW hatch.
Ihe dove haa b
1 abont the
The genial crew ate atera
mi telerrtleaa appareeiiy taeplred wItt
a ■aideieua fary. at they Bght thle gt.
BBBtte merhiae of erar, le eweep away
«B that obMroett thMr pa wage or
n with aeilng wanton eraalty
dlaeoneerU their aim at tlmea and given
e oonetaat Itnpreeelon of being
toppte over Into the briny depti
pthe be*
But the enemy are not Idle. If thdr
batticehipa arc being wonted, tbelr de« of etone and Iren crumbling un.
the monster projecUlea thrown
againet them, they still have hope.
But what U thU new danger* JuM
aa the Brooklyn puts her helm bard
Whlie the emcoro are an mwrisrs of
•earnaamip aad gwaaery aad are oapabU ef devletng n^ aad orlglaal meaaa
U »o 0
would be tftk) _
mount to thie top duriaft the fttnlo of
bfttUe. the crew there wotiM be mate,
rlftli}’ veftheaed la efieleBor, and thle
ideUr eucceee or
even eetualty turn the Ude of battle. A
big gun In the turret or on the guo deck
may buret from too ooneUnt arlng, or
from eome oauee it may beootae Inaffective. Then It le nothing more than
uaeleae steel and a ' '
an nld.
There are tragedies enacted from
bumung guns that strike terror to
men's haarU. It Is like a barroom
brawl on the fttmUer, only neoantoated la horror and noise and easnattlaa
twentyfoid. Agnin, there Is e limit to
human aadnrance. The mental aad
physical tension le cnonaoua It HtOe
matter* whether the sun U beating
down with tropical beat or the cold
winds of autumn are ewlrttng about the
The cannonading, the burning
of gunpowder, the rapid jumpUg. lift,
log. pulling, ruantag to and fro. nil re>
suit In such vleleni saerclee that
Btimagly close quarter* wher* the artlBeua temperature haa rUea to IM da.
greee or more, the men worUag the
guaa ahlrileea. bareheaded.
lah looking torpedo boat etaals out from
•loag the shore unUl It reaches what It
regards as a oolgs of vantage aad from
• oover of a bank or from bound a
the open water projeeu aa
aa to ttavel Bre er taa
fsM below thersurfaoe of the wmUr. with
sure U* toward the elds of the big ar.
As Admiral Dewey did In the bay of
mored ctvleer. U It la not seen U time, ManUla. a halt must thea be eUled. or
another David baa perhape slala lu OowlU drop dead at
A rest aal
BU there havo bash me dstalM tor
gunner, upon
- . ... . .. Is placed. He
directs the shot, the lowering or rUslng
or swing ef the gun. and when It Is at
the enact poUtlon be i
imand to Bre. But there__
neeeaaarily rarlaUone from nilee of
ore In the beet of battle. The
U epuodlc. Moat '
given to the range finder. Its eompleu
name U the “rang*. poalUon aad deprsMlOB finder.** Apropos of the eub.
lect. It may be stated that the govern.
metiths age oontneted for
the Macing oef range Anders at all the
prindpU eeaporte of the oountry. Shore
practloe oonelete in plotting the waters
of the adleoent bay. lake or aea Into im.
agtnary equaiac oaob of which U nom.
bered. nwo the guaaer. sappoelag an
enemy to be located on one of thOM
aquaree. Ares at the spot. The rmott
of this triU shooting Is that we are mp.
ly cnatlng gunners of expsrlsnea
at sea. when the veseti la In meUoa
the barn is Axed and’ iiMasurud upon
the deck. A teleaoope Is placed at bath
Coal For Vai
If the present war lasu for a year. 4
a expected by the navy departmaal
hat at least LMO.eW tone of eemi wIB
which coat MH.MO. The e_____ _____
different now. when every vessel le IS
of amtUldgr
craft are added.
Tbe navy hae to pay an aerm of prtedp
w eoal. varying from «U0 to
PW .
ton. tbe latter betng the pMoa at eep>
tala Sooth J
Bbfore the war begaa It eoM tbe goVv
whereas I
Two Meet plecs arc being bttUt bytttg
navy departtnent for eeallng pulp asm
at the Dry T
feet long, and •l«^ two steM Mreda MSB
eapable of oimtataing U.Wt tou of ooaL
Tbmr ebede win be equipped with tbs
latest hoisting apparatus, which Is ahig
handle the eonl In sneriBous gusnBe
tisa Olant abovefa. sa<h bolding tm
leal Idea, if they did not dash and Are
and stab, the enemy would. It u au a for tbe coming e
Keg* of gun“trick of the trada*' Bow does tbe ahlp
Bgbt tn battleT What are the Mreum.
er prolectllea have been taoteted up th*
In the beat of ooateMT PsMdbly the hatchway. There ta no longer a line of
CsBowtag tbeoccuoal analysis amy five men extending from tbe gun* to the
amo Mm of a Aght oa tbs sm:
maguslne ready to receive order* for
There are two ships la our nary further ammunlUon aad execute them
with great celerity, aa there was in the
Si- the New Tork and the BrdUlya. day* of tbe old frtgatea
VhMC are Mvsml 1
•team and hy'
__________ Ming named after
nlsbes tbe shell* aad even Atm the
Mttea. M are alec the "unprbteolM guaa There are still, however, buckets
thaec arc sttU others of water for the ewabblng of the .
aad to mop away grime, powder aad
• armored cruiser Brooklyn, for U- poeMbly blood. Theee ar* regularly
•maoe. haa a eteel huU. an
' placed
d In
poelitoaa while every
Bonepewer of U.to, u pro
and officer hae his dlatlnn place
^ oerewe and haa a mala W-.-,
and duty to perform.
$$ guns aad a eMoudary battery of tbe
---------------dleplacemeat le ktU
has through hie e
ordered the engttiM to be slowed down
nml *na 4.SN.0M. In the main battery or th* speed to b* Increased, ss sniu
w eight t loch aad twelve t inch tIAm
emergency. Down In the vej
■eoondary batury are twelve ( bowti# of'the ship, under lb* gUre'2
rtOea. four 1 pounder and tour electric llgtiia tbe engineers, the AreOeUtngs.
tbe stokere and the bUge deanotu
The Brooklyn le a model man-of-war are all bard at work, with little know]aad as ehe carries practically all the edge of whet &ay be gtdag oa above
typM of gune that are fouod on tbe them uDiem ea explodlBg sheU reaetiM
•hips of our navy her armament le
be ehlp'B mighty lungs.
least peculiarly inetnicUva
InetnicUva That la the macblncry. or aa • Inch pnlecUl*
Bhs has tbe guna excrptieg the U Inch, like that of Dewey's Baltimore at Mathat are curried by Aral class hattla. nlUe bringe dMth or evonrbotmlag de
--------------■ _l______ W...._____ VJ________________
struction to tbem.
Utherwiae tbe fact of vtctory le ooon
la caee ui Immediate battle her mala shouted to them, aad then they
dark la in U>« vernacular of tbe Matbe light of day to» tuKta
PMS. "cleered for a«ion.** Tbe de<B
bMsw that. whiBi was erlgtaally the
But of tbo battlo who ean Mlt Tho
deck, to now known as the berth ship te atoamlag along In an Jmgular
,4MB snd B always tvt U patCeM or. Mllpaa perhaps U ecmosntric Mralea.
exprsM puipoa* of wutchlag this
method of aitnrk. B\rn' <>lK
the ship le BOW depreeeed. aad a elorm
of Iron ball belches from' tbe mnssles.
while the rapid Are guas aad the riAemen-In tbe lighting top all direct tbelr
energies against this most dreaded ef
foes ShooUng at th* molellke
tbe torpedo. It la struck aad
upon tbs torpedo boat Byaom*
moans she must be Injured or crippled,
aad one lucky eboll or ball la her maebtaery or ateortag gMr erlll rendw her
ueelsM for the remainder of tbe en
gagement at least U It is not posstb
sink or oapture her.
Then, to add to the horror of the sito.
•tlon. there la tbe apimUlag amoka for
while amokelem powder la bstng plaosd
OB some of o4 erar vesseU lu Ui
tar from general and tbe Spaniard
ibe deep pall
tboiu are lurid fiaatM from blaaliig
•hlpo or burning torta to add a further
olemeat of massive dreadfulnaM The
be watched with wMe
open eyes, for single stray sparks would
Tbo risk of the anemys shell pene
trating lu chaatbere most perforot be
aeeepted. but there caanot be a seeond*s
rsMlte from eteraM rigtlaaoe.
A Oatling or say other rapid Bre gun
is Ukely to become overhMted aad wUl
then Are tuelt without even tbe aoU<»
of the auiomaUc movemMl. though this
would necesuartly eoattaue Its opm-.
Oon*. Thera le dtBgur of sg(a*Mon
tbM. «M th* taranoh nuy bMMcao clog
ged, aad while th* abtp would not be
materially Injured a half doM mM
nto CragmMta It there
for half an hour or so. Then If tbe
Brooklyn * crew has wrought havoe
with the enemy and It le only a question
of another ebort cannonading to end
the atruggle tbe mea go back wtth Joyone heartlneee to cctnplete the work.
There are vlsloaa of prise money be
fore tbe eyes of Jack Tnr aa be re
turns to the gun* with a song and as
self satlaBed a deneeaaor as If be were
Boor manager of a private *honW
among hie intlmatM at homo Hie allotment of prim money ta
good figure too. For Instaace. tbe
aailora of the Now Tork. who
the Pedro. wlU receive tW
It on tbe oontrarr. there has not
sen any pronounced snocMo. U there
ta neither captured
and but UtUft diun^ has been IBIU^
ed npoo the enemy. U there ta any
doubt of tUtlmaU vtctory. the man-ofwar'e roan will give his trtmsere a
petulant hitch and go back to kta duty
not ao cheerfully perhepA but Jnn as
ed to display ordinary li
man who swahaand prttnM and mm
th* botstlng gear aad other dPParalus
ta merely glring evldenoe of strength
end obodtaM to order*, but the gunmate and the nimen gunner are
alned axpaeisnoa. prowl of ttatar
ends fit that line, and the two tonsM
a* IocumM npon the object against
whieb the shot ta to be fired. Then the
otwervhtloD Is taken, a mathematical
ta made, a reference
book of Ublas ta given, and the gnncruiser or fort
other dlstaace away. Tbe apparatns ts
so extresMly nefialUve aad
to sneh a fine degree that by turning
- a gUB weighing 1« tons er mei.
bo Instantly adjusted eo that with
_ .pMfiflsd quanUty of powdM It wiu
•boot a projectile of a given weight ex
actly tho dlstaitee that the range Ander
baa d
. The
gunner must a
esaaiUy know tbe contents of tbe rartridge. foe that Ism essential factor la
the solution of BUs problem. ThM
there must be allowances made for th#
of the wind, whicha may I
ureof U
Bt-of the Ob-
tons, will dive into the holds of ths
Uers. grab the coni lift It out and thM
drop It Into the ebede thsough hlitij
It take* a M of eoal to run a watv
dhip. At Rio de Janeiro reoMtly ttg
Oregon ehlppsd LfW tons TkareUngat
her ordinary crotalng rau of 11 kaan,
so that she o^ keep goiag i
the uregoe
Oregoa m
I* eapanw
oapaM* oc
of SMnaiB
UI la*
Lriy IT knot*.
knot*, Mt
hM fuel niiii—g
wwi ' run urf to MS tOM evwy M
n wwuld
ire. Iaad ber adpply woMd last her
only ell days
Every 41 tons tahM on heard MiBta
inch. The Mg eruIsM Msv
<Mag at the rate of n kaota. stag
“Refrefihmenli" In Scodaod
rate than tbe human eye.
1 oa ahore are attached to
« gun carrlagea. so that the which the niBiiMty tar adattanal i
ly doM not see the cannon, nor doe*
the gunner vtaw his target But It ta
IfwdWatMM. --------- r •
not “ahootlng la the dark.” AhMtota
MltahOtty ta stamrad. and the gusnsr
d PMt M
tssis that he to doing supettar wtwk M
------— --- -------------|i, —iitffii
VBE Momroro apoomp. rorojiTayiw u, tut
Oraad PiriaM
^ Umm ▲. Ckanaka oSoa wklek
fart bai toaa fwaaalaad h, «ka
taasd k4«a. for
. ba kaa kaaa avranIatiMi elMtad
ik'j SL-rssr.
tv aataatf tba
MBtNT ^ Rbodi lalaad todf* and avt««
tetba Tartoua ekalra. H* flm banataa a
Masba-of tka fmi todaa la 18M, aa4
IB ItM be »ai ekaaae araad valala.
avkieb poalttM beaaqnl«ad kleDaaU or
Mablr to hUaaeU aad (ha ofS*- *
OharalajlaalaaBB aPdtatoaiPaf cC aba
Odd Paltowa.
Tba ruaarvrtaMBtof niiaota. ai
BtBk. offwatf Ha laiiHia to«faa Baa^aui
DUtrtci maKtaBtaf kal^iaaiadalac
••eb aaod tor tka oidto tHhaapaH.
Tba tnm cnad todfa. Kalfkla «f
nrtbito. adopaad a toanorU] to
b (ba
“ aaBNtoa M«a aakla« U to lapaai.1 Ibaiaaeitae at tka ooaattto.............
aaak wklek daoUM
atttbaU baamv lototkaararikaUtoHaH
a to « Mta to iV ited vIdS a^
Sff^wSJTtiusiiS !srir-isr«
tortcnrfcmt In «. BoUto talba
AttoBtod Ai«toaU,Hto«bv«tetaa
jraamaotraalctL- tetoraavakato M la tka iMk trbtoi oar araapoaa aad
baaa ahte to dlaeoaar. Maakv Btm tor»D- ttijmwvti a menetoataataiytypa.
latad thal pa|( o( tbaoSalal obUcalios
aew la partial aaa. >'I wUl aarra tor tba Tba ability aad bnrery cd our people
tam tor wktoh 1 ka«a baaa alaeiaA*' aad cuaM baqnaadottad. Onacdthaflaato
tba rota to qaaatloB waa haaad am thal «|daodaa<TktokaTiatb»toakla(ot tk«
portloa of Haekap-a torn a« oA^attoa OaatbHtoad at Bamptoa Boada Her
aad baa ae fitkar toamtoitoa to MawaH
law ar aaa«a.-JcaUb B. DramaawA
roM art waatod Iv 0«d aad M*
iBcaloatottag tba obaooea of rktcay
hymao. ,
Aa d«v a( «ka arnaimaa tatraatad waaiatotohatoto amoai tkadiapoBwHfc tka toaaaalcath
oHaa Bvlaatod or (Upbtodi la toal. (kla I Aay <wtrU
dadcdeacy ta tbair :
aad toiU it oeciala to laritt
iTtry goal tor aaagbt ia tba
praaaaoacf macbiae^ if a peo^ ba
hmpe^ It tndldtB aad taWfaoiU b»• of (krOantarato Ma loosins to the niddla apt
ta at Deooto baa k
te owl tMD
rnMkt oeoU alB teobaaptyctoBiad to
tbia way fmn town to towa, and a
larfo baatoatoBight ba brNaptotte
traaaportoUao o^iteriBBtiBOuhoa and <d
milk ten tte 'oowitxy into tte allyPtotfem oara ralgbt ba amaged to teal
bawTily loaded wagcua eoald ba tokn
for ko« dkanoM at a natocipl
a (tea and expnaa. TbaiaUafl
btgh'nye ten bearry Haflto'
Bt^t tbM be wy gnat. It woold si
_ . 1 Bdnban to food atoodlBf who
V aallalad d^i tba ptaaaal mfllaa to alX dtar bcaael of tba eotiatiy'a aarrtea
iBdtoaa baa dIm mtotaata oftkaaal*mraakpttP>*
'000 FfcULOWS.
>. m tooiaaaa ii I laaabaiiMtib >a «ka too*
I la to toatototo Ha high
Ua, pnfaatooa aad woiA,
I toto fTaa*tnrt«Bal er-
Well, they’re here, b aD the late*t ttyle*..
Qaalities to suit everyone. Ladies', genU’, boys’, misses' aad child’s sues.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices Sl.OO to •2.00.
te npaln and nMwal of modv for
tbcaowoold ba a eoareapaodtog ndnetton to (be
ten beavy (aatntog a
cboptnag oeucai nf •
“Tte Tniiky to Bwal Pam" by 8^.
Baxtot. to Uaipar'a Magninr.
M DMU. „
of Kntobla Tbmpiaia to Taim
• Of
Tai-1i toaoWowy
toaoWa^ ft tbaip
t^ awpa
Mpa A
m b>w*7>
cnckart “It baa two obambera, aapaiMaa. aad J. a KMd of Boaaaoa. cnad . aaTmd «8E»pt to tba kaada of
t «*toa«. iHacipaHy Sooicb aad Ba«- ad by a plug of oIbt. throagfa
That theyaoonu.'CtujgrBae. Tbm ia also a,
Tboataa B. Caawall.
nfiBiiiiliT of Iba taMlab Blia. aoatbara Ura ooorasa wbea ooraerod to on- taae a&taodtug ten tea powder to tba ,
lowar «toan>bv thnogb tee aida of tea
lortadleltoa. la tba blgbeat dl«toiary by doobtod.
CB^nr Wb«e(bacsaokartatobeSr«d.|
prtorHy to tba ADctooi aod AaavMd I Iba d
SooaHto Rita of Praa Haaoniy, tor ha to ' ud oara
H to set on end ai>d fire aet to tte fuao. i
Tte powder exploding to tte
Ihrowa tte erweker high to tba air. :
aad (bla to (ba oMaal i
whoetbaanoond cterge to tKpladed by
teiora to (fail partktotor w
tba world. PiMB tbb
eoBBoU bate aoaaa all (I
(te ping bPtwm tea two efaombera la
Hah Rita bodtoa to '
of teme tba otoy to
.______________ ____
tea baaa takaa baton Tba
BoatoB baa cBpatad tba L^wa (Mat tead ; Bogtoad did (be >ob oa«r a conn
for tba trtaeatol ooBelava al PHiaturg
| aad a jwetty tca«fa Hadt (bey ted
btr to teen kmtod wtte powder and
T>a ooBtraeHBcof adabior faltanto'fleMBtBDbarad uahtpa Tbey «
BO eft
pay H owtog to toe
hitoy briB«
brtn« bo
ofNawa | hnTUy mad, and (te Bonant Ibey ofoMd by tamtog oreg tte pap*'
end. Tte appar ctembe* to Icadad and
^tosoi Baaaato^
(te bay (bay got to wewk.
didttetypbon Oorend byttetrtg dosed wttb clay- A bole u pimebed to
atoa’ gaaa a datocliBnlaf anUtey (teaideaf tte lower cbaaiber wite aa
Iba weed Mamto bn Ha
and BartoM toada for tte alnw. bat awl, aad (be tarn toawted tbroagb teia
lor aad Itoillad laaaotot.
tbagnaaooald not voaeot (baa
•aadwUb bBpOBtiy^ tbeaa Doaoattuaa
tee wavea. Tte suf took teem,
teea. obamd tbom. aal wfaile tea
TbavUlof «te tola laaae Albartm of abeltotertakadorwteem, pitetedteam
- - . . , - __ _
mtodHpbto baqoaathaftl.UOO toKaealar agatoat mb oteec. Itwunal annada
■> Wyw Brwnawiok baabengntft
too eoBiMBdcty- of wbM bewaa a mbbat teto tens on tte Mde of
bar. aad $1,000 to tba ttoBBaylTaola MaBow tte ooopa laadad only aa by grafttog half (ft one toaecf npon half
aaaooald Hate 7« toad Itav <d abotecr. Tte emriamto wea« tba
Tbatoanoaar M.OOO atarntwo of tba
nblaol of a papto read ly Protean
•raft to PaBBVtoa&to, 4M todcaa. • nark
SBlte befOM tea Kew J«a>«y UkaoMBnwbUatteH
wbdto ooaH waa aknO. Tte fiigalw aocgfteal asto^. “All teal to
to do." Bid Pi ofiMQg Smite. "toiogH
aad otkar bodtoa.
badteapalay- TteyBkaapOaptloa Bat over tba boma of tea-wamt any Bamtor of papm <f B»tes. pot
tesaon toe. ou oS tbair baada or (bHr
was tba boom of tea gona Thread
those want anotbar dMacbment waa talK aoldar tea togetbarwite paiaflto
amt, a aeocad. a third. Spantoida oo- wai aad lat teem grow." Or. Smite
ttraa tea alamta erao. >otoed to rw teotred bow Piufanw damptoe of
polaa tea Yet «U1 tte gate peitoH Item N. Y.. bad aoUarai tea bead off
ad. In tte faaatkB a braaoh waa mada . CM mote to tte tail of amend: bow
te~ bad
fartbaeoBilMOoaiaieraMOOO. Tba Ba Tbi^nb
cTomblad walla
Baft- I ~
—-----_ .beads
. . .to
1^ to bm*. and bnaa
te of VoodenH wtu tmud tbnoiibMK
D aad VoodoMB wUl fallm. It to nlalad teat tea Spantoida
•atoaoradH totbaoHy
Arpeeaat propBaii toakow >i»
OM "to to It" at any tloMaadai
Of Tan.
fooght Ilka Anda: teat many of tea
nfnaml qoarmr. and teal tmiher tbaa
uamebaa wbMb are nppoaad to Son'tea a Tte lanaa which MaalUa mb oul.T to rrry wara cUmaa ban
Tka aaltoHea af Laatogtoa for (ha aaw
baan rolard soexWnlly to noteeni RaaSM(Daky Wtdowa aad Oipkaea' tom
Tba aval Kaicbfaora ted al ttealgtoif paid waa KW^OOa That waa dkrt
saata • lib awTal. aa (bat oHy to (ba boalaaaa. Manb II. ll.MO beaatelaiy
ato. tee fewtea bring of good quality
naito of OddTwiowahlpto thaaiBto. ot» BMDbara. a aa* gala dorlog Marebof OU.
and tea birda bealtey.
KOOO nmbara taaMtog wKbla a radio# of
IWBiUaa. Tba eooBV flmi ________
oouK baa al-KaaaaaClly eamp tDOt to tba baaaar
To ba porfeotly proportlooed a tan
■mil T*auv* vm migba
aomp of tba aoetaty. Tba eaiap baa kept
pMly told Hitio.ooa
teoold weigh M pOBBda fog arHy foot
Tte tiaaapartatlon of tiwcnhaiwlto
Xow,tbaa(baaoaiiDei . Bthaaneeao- $«»*•“• rtftbl aloac alaea wtootog tba
a featpm of tba kog dlHaac* eoUar of htobaighk
Kv d(^ lat TOW lodfa toioraat «o laio to good elaadlog.
Tbara to a gnal booB oa to (ba order
to MlMoort.
testa Drpoty Dawaoa win baee a BeatOeotTMli ten baaa awarded by tba
of btodapaUaa to MIODoaota dortng
teord of tba IIIIDOU OrpteM' boB« and
tea Old Folka- boaia wbleb lovolaa tba tba weak abdlog Jbim te. and Head Cobaol Noribeoat will be Id aneadaiiaa and
OCpaadlian of anrly $S0,mM.
Tbara abeold aaw ba a qoaml to a will atoo apnk at four or fl*e plealee to
•edge of Odd Faltowa. aad Ubb new that atato dortog Ibat waafc aad tba om
1 ba but tor tba
aad lack of irna Odd Fallowablp^
Ttebaeaar lodgaof Datowara to Bdaa
gf VUBtagtoa. witb aboal «00 Bambata.
n M Be Qadar An CtowteMIf yoo aaa apprtaabtof daagar for yoor
teetbar aad yoo do aol ware btoi. wban
It Is aottbialBof Iba lodga to fli Ha
la yoor obltgattoof
Banbaae for a better life banafler, but
Tbara ta tet oaa my to Biaka aon that for a Boblar Ufa oo sartb. Ko oaa wbo to
wa keep oar obllgatioa Md Ibat to by tbofoogbly iBbaed wHb the prtoetplss
teopuag Moor eBBdacd of lUa (ba goldaB sod laaahlnga et fcataraal soteuaa wUl
faU to ba aoaobtod tbeaeby aad toon to
<‘Dooa aay owe kaow of a alok teotbar lore bis B.................................... .......
m toolbar la dtoueaar- Thto to oaa of Iba WbOOCHB
jUjwbt oor erdar aad to dtoltoady Odd | Tba ao|
: Beadle Building.
fornla ware lostroeted by (ba graad ktlgs
to was (hair eOona at (ba eomlog aaatloii
Lodgaa abosM tooa tbair gMid
of tba suprema lodge to baft a oaw law
(renad parBliUog tuaaiban wltboat ralaUrte to bare tbair i
fand tor a widows and orphtM'
Morning Record Want Ads. Pay!
Whatever they are In the
Du Goods, Guiiet or Uotbiiig
Llnea can be had
With leee expense, than yon’d
pay elsewhere. Try It, anyway.
Summer Crash The New
Very popular wnr. Best
lina ia towxL Prloss,
For Ladies aad OeoUbB«D. Bi|^ Kev Liaa
aow ben*.
at $100. $1.10. $1.76,
$SS6 sad upwards to
6.00. Everything tbat’s
aew ia deairaUi band,
lea, yon U fiad her*.
Made of Zurich BOks,
ia aa catirely aew
order d pattema. Ae
bestabape* are^our.ia.
band. Tmperial, Special
Club, Puff aad Bow.
86o to 60o.
Colored Shirts,
To Cure
I That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine ExpectoranU Women’s Sum
8. H. ROSE & SON.
Take a
mer Skirts,
cjtuooisra. =
Tba ADcHot Older of Uelud Workman'
.... a mrdul is a trteiiO of widows and orpbaea
iBVHatloa loibe tootbata wbo ware anaTh* par oaplta tax tor tte year IBM was
jteM for DODpayBeat of does tocosa
fixed by tba graad lodge of Mlohlgao at
lu raemt aaraloa at ll.M). 7& emtapoyahla
. OoOBcdtoef tte Dyrta af Poeabonlaa aarotoneiully Tba iocroaac waa for tea
ten beae laatUotod at WaatSaperloe. MUIf you have read Mane Corelli’s g^reat work jon can
Vaakaa BOd Waukatoa.
ktoteSd and buildlag op tea eraIt la a aolabla (bm toal aaariy aesry
not help but admire the character of the heroine—“Tbel' araaldaDt froB Waahlagtoa down wbo bai
CaoMaertito to oar eoooiry-a affaire bM
This is also true of the latest perfume named “Thelteaa a R«1 Mae MaKtolay btoda bob•blp to Oblo.
tba cloaa of tba year la to ba Ukao
Yon cannot fail to admire its esjuisite and lasting
Tbalribaa la Kabkaokyan doli« as- bail* for waking op tba rotaasaati
gHlaoi work, aodibalr aaaMl report to Irow tba auburaiaaie lodgaa.
/v/Ia* once
AN/.a you
*TrtM have
Rsvw tried
*nau$ it,
1* For sale only by
tea great eouaelliihba Caltad Stoiaa wlU
boa ’ odor
Loalatosa In iba pool
teawtoal tba obtoto aad laaBbarahsva paid Into tea widows and pr|toaaa'
teee OB tba boat and oaptarad a Urga land •4IB.O0S ud drawn out $>tl,00a
gBoeat of gauia
Mad* of Oraah, Duck,
etc. Price* are 6$e to
$8.0a Best ai fitter*
they are. t<».
New lot* keep a eomiag'
ia here cooataatly. The
correct cedoriaga aad
a^lm, perfect fitting gar.
meata, at price* that are
act expensive. 60c to
At oor Mea'a Sumer
OMBimere Suita. Aay
price. $8Mtoffl6.00
IlDitk ul Pia IIIT (ofe, Cupd lii OdUK Don.
Or«ar af
tba (waiy-Sfto analraraaiyTbm an bo lUka gnad ^toa. as sack
gMtoUreli eotltiod toaasd arapreaaoia1 Trsvjse CSty,Mnio tbeaetmtnabody, (buaarUif large
gmnaetaod requlriag but oaa board of
gOesra to ooDdoet lu badMaa.
to tba peat IV yean It bar coal a Ban
ter at tba age of SI ynta aaoually for $1,
BHgUaef Malta.
etO $4.W, at at yaaie. Il.tiei at So years.
Tba laatar acrrloe told by tba Sir
te-M. at 15 year*. It 40. at 40 yeota. KnlgbM of St. Paul wed kltoMapolH was
•T.OS. at 41 ynra. |V64. at W yeara.
tU.P?; at Uy««n. |U tt
Tba aotlra eeat for jototog at pranat la
gafulluwa: Madiralfiw. tl.Mcbroefltonr- iii.ndrry >
inn^ and l.vuu Sir
' «Meai*.$l: quarter dost of.ll and oaa Knighti III
>• a^
gBaumewt, aooordlog to Ma aad
Wbitr Crum commsDdciy. Xa IW. at
tenraMrr. will rroaUe a rtom early lo
RalghH Md todte af Boom.
Tba lodga laMIluiad to CuMagtOB to
My Line
of Silvepware
.Uu. J, the finest In Northern Michigan. Oome and
‘ secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold
HfloarUb- Watch.
Tbara an low Oanaaa lodges to lioaia•fito - Maganlto Maitte WasblteVto tog oonditioa.
tehtttoraBd FWL
I The aaUmaiad rareaoe of tbs graad
Aaoralof ttoWwiodgaof8t.Lia«Hpra. oatuendery of Maaahuaatts ta tiu.nw
■Mad (to paaesofiaafan aaianatonani lorcaplu tax and |1.(mo paaoafdiatos
Mmatfaaaam of tea Kabuli gad UdlH Oa aaw maba Cbaitoa Sasa to
mrvsoH B^roos.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
New Stock’of
Wall Paper...
Cotdiln’t help it; the people bgught all we had of
of that other cheap Mp^and now we have pn*^
chased more, and diwezit patterns and then ray
ing at this season, we bought at our own prices,
and we are going to give yon the benefit of the
prices. Yon have never seen such bargains.
This new stock will be here Tnesday. If yon
look it over yon will make up your mind to paper
that other room that you had concluded not to.
We don’t want to tempt you, but you will surely
buy if you see the goods.
220 Front StrMt.
, thephuippM
Tlie Perils TH^t Conbat tjie Soldiers ol
Major GeneM Merritt-Some Queer
Facts Alwnt the Islands Uncle
Sam May Aconiro.
Sav Adslna Dewey
vaU tepeat tbe&iboai wordictHaiM Vb<»'•i'y aala; i'j Ma"—**1 an ben; ben 1 rinU nenaln." He baa Mar
«nu •( bie mcK7 and wba> t»-«iifon»(l by IS.OOO troopa «ud# coranaiid <4
]U)or OeBatal Wealey Marrtit, the Dew mUltaiy saemior vt cbe PhiUpplMa.
aad by tba crnUen PUiadelphla and Cbarletttn aad the f- nuldable nouluv
MoBtatay. do <<woe tba SpaBbudi bare at tbair diqxaal will be able io<Ualod«a
Un. Oar tcldian. bowercr. wUl be teca to teoe wltb nacy r***l*Me ia ^d to be worn than that of Cnba. Tbe beat U '
ill MaDilla and tbe badly tercn are p
ouly 600 DiUei fron Ma>
luippine^ Th5 dii^
aoorrdhi« to eollow far*
eiMad i^Mcta. la ncxa «^ia ttna yellow
terv aad ptarB
ptara with paitinilar vto.
. . ---------------------„_1----------- ». .------gj
eaxtbqoalc.a an of almoat daily
kUla b» ■ ■ ■ pio* awaad lead, laaflnc
The 4kn«i<Bn trapa with Dawey'a exam
baamkpirtla TlwaraetiaDtaadbraaa, dtWrl^r.
Wnley Matrltt. U a aoMler of experieaca wbo kaowa tba nagaitada at bia
ta» ia teUy eoatpataat 10 oaoy U oat oDooeaMBUy.
The Experi«Dee o( Gomia ElUoa
IMO U. ElUott of Mew Terk, wbo waa Dnltad Btam oasni at MaBtn»
ywago. teUiaometamartwptalaaof tbaoUaaiaaBd <d SpaaiMt niaaoTWDBBt la tbe PhlUpplaea SpaBlah offldalt in tba Philipplaa ^tal
alamad at tbe grawtb of AnterioaB bade ia tba Wnda an! .ibfanMaiid to
■mm It oat. wen aapatad by ElUoct'a riporooa dMeaae of Aaerfeaif Mghta.
aptbatfHXRe tte he
to oAead tba Madrid totpivi oOoe.
JO la OaayTa. Two laootbf after Ccnaal ElUott nt nU
atbaPUUpptaaimdtaltbeoolcBialoflhdala bad drirea traa lha_Mlaada
baaaea. TkU tyaa
a the booae
Maiae of
of Waraer,
____ * Oo.. t^iob bal beiU sp-agreatbaMaeaa, tbeproAtaof lt»6
IM to »tt4,000. aad tba mooey baadkd ia tbe oaRi departacBt aloae
taf toBt.00Q.ooa
B«t7 toMa bad to ba paid by tbe laat Anariom .
flowlBf prttott panaa of ^ osnqa Spaniah otidala m4:
aa AnSete
wttfe tba O-
aadtfaaAMtattboHa ri WaM;
Oa baoaw tba BritUb bORtt
eattR bmtiab paamtteM la ^ smI bagna w^ tba
by thair Spwitti aaagama la tba ttMwto flaatofy.
___________ piadly tor awn tfan tbfw eMarim^to^ might
a faandradacf
bare gone <m
baadrada of ymis
yaai more M aoi Spaabb minla <B tba Amaetaaa
Wand of Cabs toa^t aboot
■ and^
Bpato. In tba fan ray PbUipptom. a land
pbm Spain ooald carry oat ber
away ^ tbe ayes of tba oiriUaad worid. Onlywbaan s tmeaUrbaatatanwatoMlloftbaUfa of tba iilndan^ anythli^ tM be^ of tbe a
d to that wild eoBBsy tea tba a
^riatapatsaaof faTtrad SpanUb offlotok aad tba lapln
tomaaiy. daplatad by oomptiaB at honaa and wan la tba
with Bento aad oar fbg floatt to tba capital of
hobaaabaaDtatbalalaadaaratraauspaaktt 1*
Iba PhilippldBA A
mlada. Maeoa ta bettor Qaallfled to RMak than fanner OmaalEUiott. srbo was
ttuae yaen at MaaUla. Daring tba tott ttx moatba td bia stay toe ooaaalate
d BUloM eoaataBtty carried two ptaola i
wm goarded by sU Bpanltti aoldhrs. aad
B bawaaaaol
apd a oartridga belt Beoanaa of his Ami
Bpaniarda of MaaiUa as waa Oaaaa) iwa to Barana's loyaUata
Cornet SpuMx Sule.
**8paaitoralatotbaf>hlUppdDealatbcmitolyo«r^”akyflMr. BlUett. ,
**Tbe ^ttmu of gotammaat
to oper^on ia tad moogh. bat it 1a
madf waay ttows wmm by tbo aOoials from Bpau wbo go to tbe PhUlHilaai
faradottier parpoaethantomahaatartana. Tba salary of tba gowanor gtaeral b gaaooo a yaw. nearly aa largo as tbs prasidcat'a bat tba salary b in-
A V«y Miinl rt>r •UtMi.
▼bat Yttfi3pgc IfiTc&tioa ITould Da
MMday a Shirrmw of Loa Aagaba. OsL. b aaotber Aattioan wbo ba
ttMtymsa to tba PbUipiiBaa aad knows tbe oonatrywali. He has been to tba
amplor of a ttadtog ooawany wbkb baa bma baying Indigo, campbor. mgsr,
«toas and bemp to tba PbUipplne labada fer 80 yean.
"If tba Dnbad Btatea ttwald taka tbe PbUippiae Ittanda as a pcaasattoa,'
they woald bam a mott ralaabb piaca of property, Tba pomibilitica of tba
------iaa wealth irodacmDcan bartUy be onratimatad. ibaaxpeatto
1B97 amoantad to aboos fta 000.000. and that in tba face of tba blbtotiai opmcmkB of tbe etwaito on arcry ceterpriaa except tobaooo aad ngar.' Daitad
Scana Omsal WiUbaa at ManiUa and 1 bare dboonad many ttmea tbe ogriealtanl poottbiUtiea of tbe PhiUpptoea onder American paab aad with Yaakaa
1 brilera the axpona from tbe islands mi^ be iaeremart to 86g-
Tba moat biKbbaaded attempt at robbery waa made tba tmunerbefcm OoaIS oCicial oaU«d a
■al ElUott left
tbo Ptallippinea Oea a
oonjany-s office and banded a bUl for pst.SSA IS to Blodnett. myiog that it
»»«-» ba mid witbiQ S4 boars. Some anufsled goods bad bees fuoud ia tba
aabarbs of Manilla, aad tbe raatoms eoUector oaacladrd bo ooald not n>^
♦tS.000 in any euriet way than by charging tbe mingglod goods sgainsi tba
d tbe company been dispoeLd to pay this
Atnerican ship Enuerslda. Eren had
flw>, (be money ooald not hare been had within S4 boors, for tbo fallowing day
~ '
Tbe order, which a isfrom tbeanpranecdart. gaTonotioet^ tf
___ ________ __________;ig)|atatb those of tba island of Negros far growtag
ooffee. Tbe ezpcrtatlsn of ooffaa to 18»7 amoantad toaboat 8860,00a It ought
to bare baa ten timea that amoont
. lag tbo bosincaa of fonriguera
on more than one occaiirai,
Blodgett went atoned to Oonnl Elliott's realdeooa. aad wb(B be bad
briefly related the story of tbe new Bpaaish oanaga tbe two want down to
oabla cAoa. Admiral Carpenter was that at Yokohama with tbe AalaHc an.e
no. Tba oooaal wroea a Rtutt mcaage to tbe admlraJ and banded it to tbe op
erator. Tbe maomga waa in cipher. "SeadBaaistaiKs."itraad. “Americaa la_ ..., ........
a tbe answer rearired by tbe otsual a
Elliott could not nudentaad why Admiral Oarpantcr
wiibed Mm menage aentto EagliRi. for ba tayw that the adiairri maR aaderstand tba .dpber. Bat tba oonanl hastened bock to the cable oSea aad wrote
ootamoaadmcsmgeinplalnEngUih. AnboarUterGoTecaurCNMmlBlaBoo'a
Moetary eaUed at tba oonsalata and said that Blanoo wished to see tbe consal at oDoa. ElUott wau orcr to tbe goreraor ganetul'a msMsooe Blanoo
banded bin tb« scoond meamga ba had left at tbe cable offloa
"Iama«onUbad.alr,’’axolstmadEUiott. "that a ocnsal'a
been held. ^
“lamaorryithad tobadaaA"tapUad BUaoo. "bnt yon aee wa oonUn't
1st that go. It might caaaa aoma anplaamataeaa between yoorooaatry and
“Bat no gomtunent baa a light to bold bach a ooaaal'a raeamfa, aad It
this manage is not smt at tnoe 1 will report tba ft«t to my goraraaMat. ”
Tbe oonanl then prodnoad tbe UU prmented to tbe Amoricaa oenpaBy by
la official and asked by what right an affiacr of the gDranuaeat ooald
Ramp ap aach a charge. Blanoo ai&d be was sorry that there
I aay mtaaB_______ .
a theceanFanyandtbeofficials.battbe‘‘amfaargo"wasaeoeading to law, baring come from tbe anprama ooart aad be ooald do aothing
Gcficral BIsdco's Bacl^owfL
“Theal Man take tbe first ataamerfer Hoagkimg." ataatlyrapUad.OcBsiil
Uoat, “aadretam wiUitkaAinsioaniiqDadtoutofraaaotAmartcalntataats.’'
"I sriU look inco tba matter more tbcrooghly,” mid filaooo aftm a meat’atbooght •• Baa toe again before you do anything." That erening Blanoo
sent again for tbe ooasiil to tell him that tbe Uw had faeea looked 19. *Bd tt
bad barn fuaad that tba*ambatgo ooald be rslaed. Warns. Blodgett * Oo.
aarm paid tbe flae of «St.8B&. 16. and Admiral Oarpentar'a biat about plata
mred tbe Cnltad Stataa tba
amdlag a float aad gattl^ tow a
toa^arttfa Spain, bat tba pet^ tobbsriaa
im ooBtlsaed.
eoattlsaed. and the oOelala fomri
fartty of caam. bat S^ish blood rant to tbe veins of many of tbe msatiaoa
nose half castos. mperitw to totalUgaDoa to ttaa aatimd ora in a parpatoal
ttate of nnroat. Tbay bare led aU tba nrolstlana to tba islands aad 1
oian (d
pac^e Who on expeoted to aid this oooatry to takiag pnaanrifai
<d tba
the PtaUlpPtalllpBiaea. Some of tbair Imden an bright men, who ohafa a
r tba Bpanltti yoka
and long for more bamaae rolers. or. If po^bl
draws on a
"Brtrybody mad eraeythtog is ta«d. Spain
no one knows Tbe annnal bodgat, when I
from tbe PbUlppfne
to aome 816.000.000. aad matt bare bean toonoaed
ttnoa to help eairy........... ....................
in Cabo. Bat tbi amooat sqaaeaad from all
olaaoe of people by tba thlfT^ ofBdala U many millions
mn aoma flgatca from a rwoit tndget
■Tbe ednlapetecxal. a'docmnaDtteldaat'Natitxi.'idatt 1ba earned by .
kkw warm.
from the Padfio ooatt to tbe PbiJ
of tbe eltomtaorer these. With tba pmrible exoqrioe
parw of totariar ’
India and Arabia. 1 doobt U then ila any bottar cUma >W«r.
Tba lalands reaata within fonr degraaa of tba aqaatw. The
n is net *
ao Tery htgh, bat tbe homldity to
aiarctaed to kaep one's phyaioal oca
bottattdayato tbeyiair an la Maya
I ap to tba early aractog, and that tampan
a gat aoma olaep if ba ia properly fixed for it wbaa midnight ccitaia. Tba
tan tempentsn at tba FblUpfdnaa is 78 dagroea. la Koramber tbe wtaifam
oln aad then fera
fer waoka at a time along tba nacnaata it la aboat as near pmooolA
feettn as any one on
" For oarm months to tba year, fras AprU toOetotor. ao oeebat tbapooratt labonr gosa oat of dams, aalaaa eompeUad to dote, batwaaa 8 in tbemoratogaadtiatbaaftttaooa, la MmiUIs toe whole popalatton iIim at 4 and 6 a.
m aad gets tba wmk of tba day o« of tba way bafem 8 o'clock Tbabooneasa
opmart. MtTttiai olaaa ap menbaoti do tbrir bostoeea and tba acbool cbtidrv
an bn^wito tbair taacbm Tbaa wbaa Old Sol begiat to aboat bit darts down
“ ' * tbe whole popnlatton go toto thaR
boaaea and Bay tbara.
It It a land of ttestaa
Xrary oaa iriw
can alaapi Umm all d^ kM n&d alambar
tber then it redaoad to a ocitaea 'BariBaas is
all day loiR. Bma tbe men at tba wharfs qolt work for ttx
or serai boon whan the oan R higbatt
"At madowa MaaiUa wakes ap. Tbam la an opntog of tbe baavy board
window blinds and an axcdoi of paupla Iran tbtfr bmnm Tba jriacipri meal .
of tbe day it asrrsd at aboat 6 b’olaec. and with tba rich Spaalab it la a nma*
BBcniom affair. Thetmfter tba whole
popalatttm goes oat fora walk Tin
TbaaoeliflgbR toka place ia tbe an
Tba old tbmter ia,alwBys onwded at a
l^irtilly Sanday aigfcta.
I mi Egrtbqufikes,
"Thm are 10.000 Sponkb regulan on gaard to tbe iainada. Tbell___
gmm Uet tall usmbered aboat 40.000, of whom 6.000 wm armed with good
fans Tim liismii nm hiriia fiir gniri rnfinnnnaitfrnninirUiil rlnmb lirllaaRl
bits of Koial that thoysatbasad baa and there. ManUla.-like Havana, las mR
oiuily Utui
rwitro) cf ttaa Spaoiab troopa, and the b
rytog cm o r.-wtan 40 and 60 milea ftom Manilla aimilar to tl
baaaab<«i Havana.
of 1806 tba ardor of tba E
amomiuirllslayaaDdChtoms. Tbaparpooa wasto'rvKTTa by blood
age by vipiis Tbe mentors of tba oadm woe awom by a gaito
aadbeaitaof bardm; for aroy wheal on ttaafr wagoaa tbay amtt pay84 ayomt
v.'tcb the blood wfakb tmaad from the a
tb(7 mutt lay taxea for kaaping ttwpo. kiUtog animals raoaing mlUs aad oD
bimnit and OaoLad his moatb and sclamnly aweta that ba woald spUl tte
holding oockfights owning fb ting oocks ^ bssy^ bodim
Tba SpanRb got hold rf •*
-rhvAaghHng is tbe great nationa] sport, and tba .
pl»L By trials that
ad SO or 40 n
Rb on tbe sport at 8140.089.
ocoiaaet was oraaUnd4».4a
to moa <ama 4. ______,_____________ ______________________
Prom lottartee tba e ImatadraveooewMplaoad at 8601.861 All kinds of pa- STictol and shot todrnib. In tba moatta of November. 1896, there woe «00
per matt be Stamped—8648.400;
4648.400; tbe oonricta are hired oat—860.000;
oat->860,000; tba mint
asecauuus on tbe oatskirto of ManiUn In one daf sonw 76
j woe ttood 19
■mantpatotea'theba)Iian-88»a860; government lands are sold—86a OOa Tba
before a wall and shot.
aativas back to tbe hills are taxed, bat only a few tl auaad are raaobed by tba
"Tbe earttaqnakra to tba Phil
iaily on Loton and Ragroa l»
lands dMerve s qtadal sory by tbameelvcs Tbe whole gronp of islands is of
"Ertrybo^ ia baalnam matt have a Ucanw. like oar Uqoca Uoean.
Toloanie origin. There are 70 Tolcanaca to oqattant araptka <m ttaa ialands
a oea dnggitt wbo paid 8i.800 a year for tbe privilege (ff dedngb '
Tba famoas volcaao Mayara ia wiibto right of MaaUla. An aartbqaaka oooot
I and axpmrtara are forced to pay
His rtcae '
ca OB Bvaaage of oDca every tea days I hare kacFsra anU qoskm to eoma ai
tbe nfflauis fladaxoasostor eratbe rate of a doaeo a day for a week at a rims Aboat a doaan timay a yaor
flaeating tbair property and driving them from tbe Islands Nearly sll tbe f rttore are ritoeks so oavera that people wiU ran aboat to fri^t and dsmogwwUl
algn trade is to the hands of tbe Engliih. Preorh. Dntck and Germaoi. ba
be dona to tbe bolidings Tba big tridge over tba Pasig riw at V ............
Spaniards not baviug tbe ability of tbe other E'-ropaans Ever siaoa tba isC my roaideDca to tbe dly that ttbaa
bam ao awvrvad by tortfaqa
laadaweaeooaqnored Spain bastooght ttie foreign oMtekaBta, framing tbe n- «C
bom madw onaefe tor camL la 1884 aa aartbaaeke nearly ralasd tba grwt
dslatloD to dlride their praflls with th govamaMab Tbo amount
ttoae eattaadtol to Mnd^ tmmd many baUdtoa to tbs grtamd. rocked hmaxpaotad to be raoUMd to borinem lioaaM to this vadgat waa 8i.86a00a
dradaaota. aad 8,000 people »> Lem iriaod were kUlad l y talltog timtom
and waUs In 1860 toe great oaittaqaaka occarrad on Na^os island. It baa
A PogKMioo Worth Holdiaf.
navtf beao faiowB bow BHny people wwa kUledtbea. batttonambw isotti"TbaUblted States 1 bettors told bold tbaPbiupplBen Tba:
' ' ~
Oiiaasa aad tr^tts WORM ka.M of any tome of escaptogftom their bpaa- j
MuMpaiRRi, WariinaW; 1 briPwa. mt ap a preririoaal gorscameat to the.' laiarior ito to tba txams 1 onmaa tf nch a qarito
sa>-h.»— Iriaad."
WaafisfM^tbaacttRalto OabnUcattas amcag whom m many oagto , Tofc etty toa wooUn’t ba oaa baUllv kft <» aU Mai
g or tmeu BAim
I ^
yfawToabBaa nyaUiaamartwofiacoed tbattbaraRnniiofllrial wbo helped
Icaaaoot of tbe idaada pat away tyaOM eO into biaowD pockets
law .pnrfdea that ao inportw
mast pay a flao «f |100 fee
iaM______ Tbe
vrary article lirted io tbe tDroicx! foaad io tbe carpo. Uaea tba Amarioaa
pany paid a |100 flae beoaaaa oea oobbleeMaa oat of thoonadawaa ntaRap >a
A Kobbery Fofled.
lotm from tba PbiUppiaea. bad to hb credit to the tanka of lamdan and Pvb |
aertral mlUlaa doUan. aiaataBd oat a tbe poopb aad tbe fcrvlgr
Oeaesal DaapoyoL wbo snooMdad him. was an beswst man. aad it b tala
to him with a gift of b
SttlYtr ootoiamoaBting toBlO.OOa Blaaoa wborakd tbe jrorinoawbUa I
hern, waa also BB boocatmao. bat b« bad to carry emt tba town
'Th( fhiUpptoas oooer tamo aq^ m^ of Jarri^ than most Aaeri'
cans dr^ of. Imagiao tbe atatm of Kew York. New Jersey. Marybnd. Dela
ys, Oosaactioat, Bbods laUad. Vermont. Kew "------aad Maine ttanapertod to tbe China ma and oat ap toto l.SOO blands. maging
to ttaa from oas aa taiga as Now York gnd Maamcbnaatta oomtaiaad to Uttb
blata not largo aaoagh tor a boy to taro a band^aing oa. Tbaa pot all tba
Yort ttaaa pa^e ea ttw laigM bM Uaan
'aibiiRttm tor itt mjitol. Maailk and 'tprmi tbe other e'.OOaOOO poopb
It <m tba other iilMda Nowyoatoira«BW Idea of tba PbiUppiaea. North
....... .. .»
_____. . ^ _tl____ .1____ _____ A _____________ 9AA
tba blaadsextwid
l.tOO milea. gad east aad west
b weOl knit tegethar too.
then tfa»a yearn bat la«r- ,
"Who Uto tbara? Now yoa'ra got ma 1
WM SpMbh. Cbiaaae. Malay, Hbiaraa, Negrito or ,
laad. 1 don't baliara there Mbs foaad aMhaaOx- )
anywbamiBtbewortd. Ontttda of tbeblaad <d Laaon andtaw,
or twootben,^ tbe popnbtlon b dlrided bscwaca tba Negritos aad tba Mab a.
flwaifltti blaekB, the origlaal a«ttlen la tba blands--------...
years ago. Tba Malays swarmed to npon them taom the amub aad drooa tl aa , moa. Oaar them tbookl ba plaeed a tow------->^
toto tba bflb. so that DOW tba ooaata an bald by tba Malay tribes, wbo speak' acattra oOcan. Tba fnaalgB trade hasJwea greatly tojand
1. bat bofoaoa tba flgbttog liM> U •
aoma 80 dlffesant atleota. aad tbe tottrlom am bald by tba Negrito tri a.
portacdbaiBik aaffiw^ otiiarptodaeta wtbaMlS
rnklBg aoma too dklaoia perhaia mam, te Uttb b kwowm of the wild, a
dto«l,00a000amaoth. Bampbtban ---------------------iatarior eoantty ai any of tba blaads. a
nM to aboatKOOaOOa wbUaaboattba
tbaSpa brdAtbaralan. aa
"MaaiUa b a ooaawpcaitBB eii
jTopaaasUane^ IMt. Ai
kaa 6.00a ari there warn Bot 100
OaOOa TbeyarattsBaUabig
vemldommttL TbaCbteesannmi
Malaya an as tbkkaa-CuLaaa Tba great mtddte clam b made ap of
tbaaambmtarivdaabiadtoSmpaam Now tba aamkar matt ba Intt^
.. ifc,oatpatrf
w a driUacd gormaw and tobaooo eoald be neatly ii
maat Ooa) aad boaera them to great qaantltiaa. I baliaro. end mli^t now ba
fsnMtMtMtbtoa of export had wataktti tba blaads tan years aga Nowtbat
^ Ammkaa fl^ baa raplaoed tba Spaabb at MaaiUa 1 look fer a great fotara
Ttfi xosnsA sMblm, atr^
Ir to Rah* tW S
. [WitHMlerTtoA
Gacrwu. H. C. Mv 1
•ela« to be ^ final odtoeB
iMwdj teg txiMiat i
aorth enimotte
%Mto K> loncMlkatr pndaot
•llovpcloto BkMdard print*
tha ertdte 1wt« "Kild m low m
onb a 7»rd, «1tb pcrtiapa nma prtmb
tolMaibnde ante that. ‘n»New&wtwd mUlowDorcMUMt toQhb foodi
«B noh ■ knbj and pnyaoraan vafM
ten an now beta( paid. Th« Uboma
teMolTH aa a elaa admit that Tba
lav ptlM hM btoc broscbt ahont bp on
. Ofaubukad tBatfcet of eottongoodaof
allkhabaBd bjamtbcniomapatltioa.
Tha north hoa been qwedlnc lb maafaiaarp/and the oooatant tet^aoep Ima
boto to greatto pradoctkm. Tbaaootb
bM been building new mllla and eolsig
tag (he aspplr. Ob the other hand, ttia
emoming power of the people waa r»daoed aboBt SS per oeot daring the raaaot hard timea. doe to the lank of
vmh and wagM on the {nrt cf the toll*
ara. Tbetehaebeon
and warp affla ta «he neata amd ^ *a
aoBth an fuBtag at ttair Ml «ap^^
asdattta«Maealaofwtaai.aa ‘
At Sew Bedford. Maaa. ttara ww a
aBfifca aaoBg the worfceta In the oolboB
dothmiUa. The labor ocgwlMkutd
the otbto town* decided lo make a teW
fight there and wan ooitrlbattag to the
anpport of the ataiUi^ opeeaWna. bot
•rerp warp mill me going akl« ertthOBttronhla.
At Gbaiiotbe. K. a. Che ^ bUU
vidted wai patting ta
d ohaaging the mffl aoaa to edDtaS
srodaotta the pan taatnd of wmrtag
it tntoololh. At QaMoala. ta Oanate
abate, Mr. Oeoegi A. Onp, pndfiaat of
the Atob adUa, told me ttat ctan b a
i«, law’
\£akt. '
-An an find hot dap. marm. Oota
forT’ aaldanoUtKmv. addimtag a
bdperfao ab at hladdetna nUnad
■ation waiting for a bata.
The eroman drew awap bar aMi atito
tatpadantlp, froend
*'xoa'n oBtof poor
ada DO aadlbb rap.
‘‘An-all find hot dap. I aap,
aald the old mao in a loader toaa. aap.
poalngthMabewaaalittb daat "An
poagotataif Whp,” ha oemtinBad, aa
BO nptperaa roaedmfed. -rm aoerp
poB^aMrf. mana. How long han poo
"Bir,*' aaid the eroBun, ibltai "do
poB mcaa to tnaaU aaf I taaU ecaaPlata
to th
tha polloa." AMtaaewapb
aanlahaad the old
aa hadnwoDttha cadbaadaBBa
tag a bebpaad a lot of boadlto. and
erith two mall ehildm edtagtag to her
'aaa "Anpoa^otafort"
"To Boatoo, tar.” ena the plaaaaat
"Got to eratt loagP'
"Two boon. Oh, ohUdfan, do ha
gniet and don't teaae raotber aapmeta.”
"Lck* ahem, poo pooag aharert. and
aaawhat 1‘re got ta mp pexAM, ” and
both children eran aa hbkneea
aating peppa»tat oaadp and Ibueilng
to waoderM atorba ahoot Che aheep
LABOR 0 tBB arw aoTTB.
and caklrea at home. Han ha polled oat
great deokaad for eottoo para, ao Braoh a etringaad taught them how to BIot
•0 that It b paring the tnlUa to qoit "oat’a cradle.” Thep wan eoca oa the
te trade, a ont la ptioea. with a b
acane oo cloth and go to pan making.
ked adnatage to the tooth oo aooo
Ererpwhp! item theoaeatorp. The
of Ita lower wage baeb and lower ooat
atp eraa ^Ung aold to anpplp tha wool
ana. ” he aaid, notfa^ tl
eranbad to be toeeed all the "-aa
tlma. "Too
eaat A i
dbetmer of warp at New look clean boat ooL Igoeealcao
The relief to the aitnatian wOl be In Bedford
• that tc^ bbetbrln him. rm a powerful tanderii
•aawniing the eopplp of gooda cr In- hbllne
bba” In hb fatganactheohlldaww
oaeaiag the iVanend Both raiaadita aage of the (hman-Wilaon bill.______ ad with daUgbt BDtU be bn aeleep.
B«at be reaoated bo.
b haring all haeaa do; tUa. boo, ta
" Thtat nothin at aU. marm.”
the face cd the latfa towOBladr
aaid ten bom later ee he talptd
of gooda bnaghtaearbefan tha
weaaaB and her ohargea OB bmrd.
I bae to be taken sot to throw the of tbeDin^law. Thb
Mping a pint of paansb fren a UttaboroBtof touOoTinenttfthatcaabe tor warp b ffotag to pawn a pobnb
UagtHaad paptag IS enbtaiaaadof
•taUad. XM aboBld be Bmed boj ter in ralbrtagtta olota Bw&t. *
10 oaaca ba mamhad ta baartp etaepaltar Unto U Mptam be found. The
aant Bnta hb tnta em eaUad.
■bandoBMetit of the mille of the nerlh
Bad tha eoadUbm of tfaeflombpat
laega eoatlttaad to X8M m thep wna ta
i tha train toartta.
----- ‘^’-g
▲ atBdphftaelmpartetstotUeeaat- 1»Mlt b doBhCfnl that ereo tha tamp bright heetoneooKff thbdepeblbta
«I7 wOl taow that daring the iMt flBwl
domt ocaae taereepdap,” aaid
Xaar «f the WUeoB tariff I
ad tawDorCham aoabofertato, torthanl
nmlaiii "aa bonato haact
weald ban ban plntp far all One
otbe vataaef
aaaaealp oan nalbB tha gtaal taiitaw
The raw cotton waa «nt to nthar oobb- of bade that iltantail thb oootrp'aes* 8AVINQ GRACE OF ^ HOBBY.
triea waa made np bp the bbor ont pertment with tariff fatcRnmal tha idb
bhera. then t rwwbt bad; and aold to oar mcmtfaa for lahv whbh earns with b.
‘nts itclonIpoBa
Tha total amoimt of eottoai tokaa i
"A priooleaa thing batahbp. The
finua that tLi. _.r and tnsep dawna of im bp the mUb of
gaoda oooatitnted tha bulk d tha tmdallp taM l^^whtahhcatoiat wt
peata nap taw. if ap. of taa
Tha increag of popnlattcm to 19M wm ■appat Ute are favaleaa, banex
gpoda haring ban brooght ta.
ahont > per oant.. Bad the mmapoa- aaoto hopelem. To SBoh cmeaababhp
The mainifaetn» of taaattag, prlnla
' ' 1 ta ISM taat map tofcr the dewreat bopea of nltimate
freedom from the onwateoms dsUp '
and all ooane and medlam
aotbarpnghlp eatablltaed in Amarioa
Mdwoold hare baao S.US.M0 It will at anp taae Mrre to anto
that the frameta of the new torlff bw bales bat tha rseoads taow tint
asd ghre petat and Savor toano
(tha Dingbp bUl) felt that it waa
t.bOt.000 bairn wm takeo, end the wiaa btank axlsana.” b the position
aaoaawrp to rerbe that part of-*
oonatip woe oreretockad at that. The Mtan bpOaiTie B. Oamtt dbeai
aohadolc^ and It waa left eiaoUp aalt tahonn did not have the Buep with "Womaa'a OreSBU and Robbiea’
Tta Waamn'a Bmna Oonpaniem.
waa ta tha WOaan bw. The trade In which to bop. bat thep bars been
taone goods, being enlnainlp Internal,
'ca^ixL The tnm.woekea,
waa left abject to anp intoraal ooodiand the taimars are having bet
tboa that mi^t arba. Tbeostofwagea ter tiinea. bat thep ate aot pet baping
' tatbe,poith came aa a molt of the aafireelp aa thep did before, for thep porpoMtam filrtationfi. boUdtag aparacBipetitiaa tram the aooth and not are poping debts iDoomd daring hard flnoiia koazMti, ttoding (taap aamtitou,
taom anp dime effeot of the Bin^ep tiinea Many are now getting aqnare goati|4bg swop pnotaas mmaato. ptaktorlff bw, as baa been often charged, with the world and will have meoep tng oat oor frtanda' tofblen ditoeettng
hot it b bc^ that a relief wiU come with wbk^ tobnpmoreaf tbeprodnoti oarown emotionaand
M an iudirect malt of that bw.
of the ootton milla and the goa^ oon- for rverythtag which
dltlao of the oonoG goods trade b likelp ttabotapdid nothtai
ara. With the aarplos stock re- thorn triToUtien it woold
That raat amoont of Impcrted eubtai
ri^new lines of B
"Man foond ont tta volna <tf bobUw
kng aga Almoto ererp man who U
good for anpthlng haa a porpaae whi<^
Ooont the namber of threads In an
he thinks b qoito the moto magnifloant
ortinaip piece of oalioo and poa will
find 64 of warp and 64 of filling to the aooth and better cmdltioos for the labor otw which a man oonld porann. It b no
macur whether it b lawmaking, pill'taoh. That IS the standard. Thenomber of both aaaHoaa will preraiL
malting or ahocmaking. ta por«iMi It
E. O. Put.
af ttueads to the inch increaaea with tha,
with ohtorbtag atbniiaat and atxirea
flDCDem of the goods. Tom to the Dingto make tta beat Uwa or pilla or ahoca
bp tariff and oompare it with the WU(aa the case map be) to ba foond anp'
Boo tariff and poo will find ahadlntelp
•o change in all of the grades np to >00
Awakaalar te the DaltoS Stolto.
"Woman haa fooad fltat it b sot
threads to the aqnare inch, ooont
There b no reoton whp we taoold BOt toxmgfa to merely look paettp; that love
both warp and filling. Praotballp
pam the test of the world in abipboUd- toDDot be tar 'whole exbteaoa' <tta
the grades coarser than that were m
here and no changes wtso uooded. Bnt ing aa we hare in other liaei of Indos- poet to the oontisiy notwithwandiag).
tn the too thread grade and finer pen tty. It b aU a matter of dteap mw ma- ■nd that even with tta ciebcto plenitode
will find an adTanoo in the dotp. URmt ttoiab. and no iqan now dbpotea Omt of gvwna Jewels aad enjopmeota Ufa
was done to tranter the manafaotnra of •tee] can be made cheeper in thb ooan- «m needs a porpea. If it b at all a
fine goods to oar own milb. The in- trp than anywhere else. BeaUba thb te^Motohle porpaae and pormedwith
gensnt aeM, it cannot faU to thrive aad
iaonaae aad bear trait'
aorelp will be, aad Own the margin of
advantage, alreadp andeoiable, thoogh
■mall, will be eonrideaahb aroo^ for
OnrioritiM and b
oa to dominate theritoation throqghoat re BOW alowlp eomtag into vogaa.
the world. Nor b thb time far diataari. CUdlp cnoogh. they were qoito fotaioaAll the logic cf evenb potato to the ahb 40 and 60 peen aga A favoriw
United Statoa beennlng a maritime im- •ad oae of the m(ot bwotifnl objeois
Uon once more. Onr own ooontip b imaginable b a banch of oystab from
imttp wdl drvcloped—that b, the loU- oaa cf the famoos caTonui ta the limeroads axe bailt and theooontrp bottled •taae district Seme of these are as riear
np after a more or leo otiMaotocp faeh- as rook oryaul, and arc uot alone masp
Ion. The field for new taveatment b faceted bat are often eoverud In part
narrowing mpidlp. while oar wealth b with manwa of large and
increasing at a tnmendooi rate evtrp of great briUlancp. When tta taoeting
pear. Onr morals and oor pedlep, too, ooam in oastota pottena, tta erpriol
forbid oa to participate ta tbeaebore of haa tta fire of a precioaa Mona anA ta
Africa-and China. But ta theahlpboild- a well lighted parlor will throw ecdoaed
tag trade and in the ocean oanying light, mtd firea ta every diieotlan. Still
bode of the world there b a great field another bcantifnl ohj^b amemef fine
for otB ensgiee and for onr c^tsO. too fern leaf oorel. v
b b found aaer tta
—a field practaoUp illimltabb and kepa ta tta middb and easten port of
. aaaaae extends to pliisbea velreteena witboot doobi profitofab. Wo wiU betbebload. Socae of thb b to delktaa
■erdorops and ndi olasaes of goods aa gin toeoltirate thb field Job as eocn ■/
that it Rggeobe petrified oohweh.—
' ita tnuntos of the Dinglep bw fonnd werealbethat weoac boat the worid
Margberite Aritaa Hmnm ta Hew York
Vera being Impcned ondar the Wilsoo at toiipballdlngr whlcA wa are Ukelp to
Mail end Exiraa
ta beforettapreaeot pear has oone to a
1 fonnd atlUs going to the finer grade
jot gooda tow them making ploahea
' What'a the matter with BriHandT
and faoep wearea
Am4 9m the Btownn
Almost ererp artkde of tann prodoo"Tea; he booght hbwUba otaflag
ttoc has adroaoed ta price atau the cb- dbh » ooaple cf weeks aga ”
to a great extent and reUera the aotment of the Dinglep taw. Thb b
"Bat ao^p that bn’t roqxmaibh
latgelp doe to the taereaaad deamad for hb aiTMoa Whp. that trilow ooa aat
' arts g>— a»tofcT Ssarsa.
farm txodaota ocnNqnaot npon tacaeaa'Selp b coming also froen the wool
"Oh, it wasn't anything ttat ta ata.
goods and carpet hchudnles of the new of those dqwDdent on
Sba hit him over tta bead wtthb.”—
^ff bw. Under the old bw bu^ tadoatriea for oooiqatipi and eanxlngn Hew York Wora
" jqoantitiea cf dzeto gooda clothing mate.
rial. Unnkeb and carpets were importad. The ntadiom and lower gradA have
Ttare ore omioallp killed ta Atrtea u
The Bepoblioan party does ttanga
ootton warp atid wool filling. Tbcmantaiiintm of 66.000 elepbanti, plddiim
gtaotoreof thb olaa of goods baa bea Aren’t poo glad poo ta not bM<mg to tta ptodaetioB d a qoantitp cf zbw
1 to thb ooontiyhp the Wilacai bill, bonds In time of peao^ Ivorp taa oalltag ptioa of which b
■IwBjtbtaind Denoexaepwd lb "al KMOiOoa
ita new bw.
, It b BOdCB a that the cotton para lied fvoab*' '^HatohlBtoo (Can.} Hawa.
Have added anotiier pair of finetnepdee to our (
large line of lugh grade bicycles. It ta the Oycloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cyme Co., of*
Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of the best and «
most simply constructed machines on the mar-;
I ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is j
f out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
I J. W. Slater’s House FnmisIiiDg Store |
X28-X32 I'broaQ.-b Sto?©e-b.
<»--•.*»»» “■
b «m of
kb '
la langtwBl All tta pao^ of AoatnUa
■ad Haw rhladnnla an the aBdtaaea.
Tit Dot aU OK) hear allka the great par-
temaBMteitokmtaaataUa. Ttatota
•dvaaea batwaan Bnadabwg and BalUaa wUl aajop tta tolRtBg mnaio. Tta
aaa. ta vapathp, adds its sUDtorba
kam to ita whbrtag of the wind, aooa
nariM BMad aeBMeavacBOM binff.
ttaa laM^ tta eltffe ta a^ aooaa
with aapinal eaacadea of majMtb:
kaantp, whUa BOdnbdng tta sonata ta
tain to tta hbtiag, aaatbiiig aoiea of
babbUagfoam. Bat oor frianda ta Hew
Oaladoola oeeopp aptoial batonlb ta
tta tiMatar of Etag Xoloa Them tm(tar tbtir epah will taaa. the atorm ampteaa of tta Paoiflo, aooo patform tar
marvaloBa avolaliaBa and daooa tar
The Finest Houses
in Traverse City
Nearly all of them had their enrtaink made by na,
aa we are pioneers and leaden in CURTAIN MAK
ING, aad onr work has never been excelled. We
make enrtaiak as they should be made. AU widths
aad colors carried in stock at
lfftr1rha.in BlOOk.
313 Front St
BatUmora Btoek BaeaivM Tkraa Timsa a Weak
onats. «Oe par quart
Fltttlwr't Ortitr Dtfot ut Butiinil
Indaj, Toesdij, ftdiesdij,
Thmdii, Fridij ud Sitndij.
Prices Will Be Gut 1-1
We have {rarcbaBad a bi( bankrapt sto^ of
clotbing, Bud we wUt give the benefit of oor
purobBse to the peopled TraveiM City god vidaity. We oau'gaaroDtee eruy ganunt beoaoee
they wera rrmt,Bta(»tored by firotvilaaa hnaaaa Oall
and see our atock before going elsawheie.
hook at oor oar 88.80 auita in gny.
Oor bUok eUy wonted for $1.98.
See our light, cheeked and plsin, all ^rod
BBita for 16.96.
Ckney wonted goite, dork gray, doe, brown,
and mixed at 89 96.
Onr IS oz clay wonted, black, aqnere or round
cnL for 17.95.
Oar 16 oa. clay wonted soita, aatiii Used,
frock or nojae, fi» $9.98.
Thke adraatege of thne bargaina irtulethia
Beaembw the pUoe.
Second lenr—No 317
“Remember the Maine”
Psrt Ao Prince. Jane li.—No newt
•f oppo^nc forces in Cobn hni reached OVW& TORT AT SWT&AHOS TO
here U».dt3-.
day are both in one
Sea Ditffo. Cnl.. Jnae U-—The men- vine Hundred Knnaea Landed With
itor Monterej- tnlled et 1S:4S today for
ootBeinttnce-inhnWunu Bled at i ever been shown.
Blffht ef American Warahipe-T*'
Be Heed At a Haeal Bate.
Spseial UTu Mobsms Bscau.
290 Front Street
Beperted to Be On Their Way to Join j
Tork, Jane li.—A Jonmal'e
Oeaaral Xdnarea at Santiaga.
. mole iit Nlchoiae eahle, via the dieapeeiaHoTainoaiiseasiosB. 'I patch beat SlBpaoo eaya: “At exactly
New York, Joae U.—A Key Weat;j.,{, p
today Color Befreanl Silloy
Indications That Powers Wiil Use Endeavors
^ to Qet Spain and United States
to End the War.
Is the rule of the road. To start right ride an
epecialtaya a Cobaa wont fiem Ha-.pj Compaay C, firet batialloa of mt,-i
I ago that within a week a French aieaa-!r„ii„
|«r wiu bring one bnndred skilled!
! French anillerymm, several field gnns.
Spain Would Declnre for Peace and Give Cnba Icdepend-iud
ence if United States Would Give Up Philippines and lYa« other soorees it Hleam^
fort at the
^ force of Wni marines
Outing Bicycle.
j Markham Bloat
> landed I;
n ;j
that :of ahelhiig the place, as the way had n||iGfl IS udlQ
Porto Pico—Administration Will Not Listen to Peace! the SpaniahofliciaU in Havana are ex-'been paved by the Yankee and Marble-j _ .
Proportion Until the Three Armie. of Occnp»aon are r~«"«-"J
Landed, to Make Sure of Snffldent War Indemnity.
Speelsl u tn« Knncws Bacosn.
New York, Joae ll.-A
Washington dispatch mya;
Holley dt ConnnblB
Keep to the Right
Dewey TaMng No Part Except to Prevent vana briap aewe that General Blancdjriae,. of Brooklyn. N. V. raUed tiit\
adrieed Oeaeral Linarea at Bantl-1
Santl' American Kag above the amonldering
I has advised
Massacres by the Insurgents
at Manila.
of the finest papers that have
'h-J o. T...«.r, ,h™ o.. 8p..w. ^QQ[1[ Jg0 (]j>0j[]l JJQ
;r..v»»-.r. p« u. eirh. ..a tt. |
; near the western ead of Cuba, if th^ block bona* bombarded.
PfllHllRin DHOU.
Therefore WC Will say that you
Will find OUT ICC
Cream delicious, our Soda Water tme to Savor, our vanWorid’a
» JOI.
. «o.i«
Phosphates'refr»liing. New drinks are added to onr
“It U the Spanish fercca. for Ue eaptore•"'|.n.kl..w„
Oeneral IHsnco
deserted by Ibe Spaniards.
knows here that Spaia will make over- Manila. U helng fought today, accord army of deteoM.
bcasu among hi. intimate, wltbi. the ; ^bo fled to the village at firal right of ^
term to the Cnilad Statm aeon for eet- ing to prelimlaary advises Jnst receiver!
Fountain often week days only*
fertifieatlons of the Cuban capital that j tb, American warahlpe.
tlament of the war on a basis of the re- there from the islands.
l.OOO Frencn military engineers, ar-■ xhe town U IK miles island and only
tnra of the nilUppinee and Porto Rica,
Dewey is Ulring no part exeept to
tlUerymen and trained oSeer. in aU pii*t bonsea. cable atailoa and a block
a ef Cuba, boi so in
« t^ ao Tnimirrr is perpetrated by llnes of the service will repert to him
honse are at the ealrsnee. It is no
demnity. It la laid peaiUvely that the the lasnnrast fertsaa New Manila. UU
before the end of June.
Will buy a fine Niagara. Roanoke or
place for the landing of troope to oper
Preeideat will net oanstder a proposi repertod, has already been occupied by
Pntnam Bicycle. Elegant new line
ate agaiast Santiago, bnt will be used
tion for peace nnUl after the armies ef the rebel troops.
oorasatien are landed In the PhiltpAll he emu is troops for police
Ohicago and Uaiveiaity of Michigan for fleets.
119 Front Streets
plnea. Porte Rico and Cuba. The Pme-. dnty. Be eays that a large idle force
Blit Up Good Bvents Teatorday.
ident ta determined that Spaia shall
>Id be more apt to stir np trouble epMiri toTMS Mouuu RscuSD.
Pay Doekeray'a Birthday.
pay a heavy indemnity and will aeeare and poaribty rieU than anything else.
Little Fay Doekersy, son of t'roteaaor
Detroit, Jnne U.—A small crowd vis
Porto Rico and Ua Philippines befere
Dewey appears to regard the fight ited the Detroit Athletic AeeoelaUeB and Mra. C. R. Doekeray. celebrated;
his seventh birthdsv anmiverAry yes
My peace prtfmlUw U considered. ing In the PhUipplnes as over, the aagronads field dsy this afternoon. Chiterday afternooB al bis boms on Eighth
Tkee if the^
tivee having whipped the Spaniards. |«ago and the University of Miebigan street. He invited abont fifteen young
not want to eettle on the terms of the and Dewey wanU men to preaarve #r- \ reaewed eld hesvillUea with Ue result
friends to enjey tbe event with him
Dnitad SUUs both will be held.”
der In the eiUea.
that the winning ef the high Jamp by and they spent a Jolly afteraooa. ReSCadriA Wants Here War.
Michigan Ued the score. In tbe grand fresbmenu of all kinds of good things I A
and happy games made tbe afternoon) g
ends! U> T*» Uosmm Knosn.
toul of all Ue evenU' with Chicago
It for tbe guests and | 0
Madrid, jnne 11.—TSeeampaign now
and Michi^a the boys were eo well, ^belr young host,
-Airxbeing Inangurated by- foreign sewssatisfied tbst the high jump tie was al-1 —
' ' ■ '
xotrs about pobto bioo.
paperm in favor ©f'peaee is aot approved
lowed to remain anbroken. Bersebbere. Several geaerals say that Spain
, Troope to Be Prepared With all Pea- bergerbms always defeated Michigan
ia capable of coatiaoing the war twOj
fipeed for Xmbarkation-If in the field events heretofore and hU
'Tberefere it is aseleu .to talk
Bhipa Oannot be Spared from Bamp* error in the broad jump kept Cbicage
Our great remoTal sale is a money saver for the
of paaae nnleas it implies a return
son's Fleet the Santiago Job u to from wiaaing today.
j A public and a clothing mover for os.
the .eonditions of affairs bdfore i
Be H«rrieA
SpeeUJ lo Tsi UoBimB Knoiui.
Onr $6.08 enits are winners—they sell elsewhero
Waakiagtoa. Jane II.—The Prerident
It has not received any
Jas. G. Johnson.
ONLY $30
For Next Week.
nnggeatlons ef peace from tbe poweri.
t hurry a| Yesterday .Jobe Leranger sought ont 1
^and if it b^ the govenuent wonld j P-rto Rico and sjnt orders
ee^nd exnediUon.
expedition. 0<
GeneraU Lee and • Tom Shane and directed him to toko a |
200 pairs Children’s Tan
politely decline to rmtertain
------ ------leeeond
Cepplnger, who go to korto Rico, were} rig. which WM hitched at ths curb all Shoes, laCC Or button,
button, size
■•dSatleo by tbs Powna.
wired to-day to hasten with ell spee^ thestoreof tbe HercanUle Ce.. and pat Sy» to 11.
Compare with
•pcelslwTattlos^is*. Beroauit np to hb stable sed feed the horses.
shoe sold.
Berlinl June 11-—The Krug-Zietung getting ready ueopa for emha
. Tom did as directed. The team belong- any
todny afl^s that it earn confirm rep4^
n oenfidantlal inlerehanga of
Oidnion U taking place between eev«ml powers in regard to medlaUon be
tween Spain and the Unltod Stoles.
-War Kay Bad to Thirty Oeya.
npeetol te Tex EoKxive Rscoao.
Washington. June II.-NegotlaUons
to peace atiU permeate the air, and
statosmea who have the entre ef dip
lomatic and administrariOB elrclee
Bnrry-np orders have been issued to j ^
Hexle of Acme. «Leranger
tbe quartermaster and eommiiaary de-1 didn't kaow that, bat ihooght tbe rig
parimeau to have Porto Rico snppliee i wasVnother ofie, which he was looking
Assistoht Secretory Melkel-‘
Mr. Boxie soon discovered that
' his outfit was uiisaing. and as bs had a
John has been ordered
team stolen net loag ago, he
} that IhU one bad experienced the same
Tbe navy ofiicoia piemplly objected , lau. He aoUfied Chief of Police Ren_> any plans that divides Sampson's > nie who scoured tbe town, finally
energies. Tbe President replied thatj*®**®”^
miming rig in Sbane'e
r had them
' bam where Mr.
be thonght ships could soon be spared
eest b>- mistake.
from Santiago. If they eaanot. that
Job b to be harried ns rnpidly ns pos
any that 30 days may see Ute war over
nnleaa all plans of the government re
garding tbe PhlUppiae Islands are
Changed. Said oae western s latorthb
mlng. “No I
~ wiU be sent to Dewey. I have just
come from the department and was in
formed that Dewey bad sent dispatebm last Bight saying the naval reinforceneato would be weloeme. but that the
I.wd ferow now on the way would be
‘ the above naoffictol offer b Ue beeb,
«f a eetUement when peace b de- tog sad Ue Americana draw off.
damage waa eaaaod by Ua ahelU from
Ue sbipa. which were evidently edraid
Finri Btrnggb as Manila.
to vantara within range ef Ue gmafi of
to#sl to TSc boxnIM ■soordacw Tork. June IL— Bomg Kong UeftoU."
5 at $10.00.
Our $7.39, $7.98. $8-98, $9.98 and $10.60 are stun' A ners. To see one is to buy two.
the place-
5 124 Front Street
Friedrich Block.
S ■^>0'V>9^.^<a,c^e
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan |
Shoes, lace or button, sizes j
ll^^toX Belter than lots'MY NEW LOCATION
WUl b. SR South I'ukoe Strm. oppeOW tbe C. A W. M
of Shoes at $1.50.
jTbirty^enrih Ktchigan VolnnWera
HlgW.v Oomplimentod.
’ ------------Gamp Alger, Va.. June 11.—Thef l50 pairs Men’s fine Slioes,
Will Serve aa Hnrasa in tbe •evThlrty-fenrU
$3 00 gOOds at
omment HoepitaL
^ arms received ao ovation from tkensNew York. June U.-A Wasbingtlon ands at tbeir first parade today. Their
•immediate reeogniapeeial says: “A sabatontial evidence
itiy_b at-1 ties. ' Bmiaent mlllt^ critioi present
self sacrifice for
ferded by tbe taking np ef military'ceneeds pre-emiaence to tbb dlvblon
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
surma’dottos by the daughter of See- jte the, Michigan regimanU for genera!
$2.50. -
retoty Leng. Mba Long, together with | proficiency. The Tbirty-feurtk'shealth
ample. If I were a newspa]
ahauld eay tbe war would be over in DeioUyReid. Mabel Austin, daughter | record U Ue beet to the dlviaiea.
ef ex-Govemor AusUs of Miaacaoto,
thirty days.
AT.T. wzzx AT CAMP.
and Mabel Semb. have already report- j
“This government baa alrnady 1
approached in aa official capacity on n ed at< Ue naral hoepitol at Braoklya to j Private Wood WiU Start Prom Oamp
Algar After Becruito Today.
piopoaiUDB for peace. The propoaiiion narae wenaded and^aick WUon aent |
' ~Solace.
In yeatorday'a newt dbpatchea in Ue
IB's flMt on Ue
is that the Un
Rx..vai>. it
atoted Uat Privata
PhiUppines and Spain In reWf* 'wUl
BOKBAMDBD AOAIM. ___ , JI.oed waa eaa ef the recruiting offieert
evaenato Cuba. Tbe Unltod States to
' of Ue Tblnyfenrlh Michigan valanreuia a coaling stoUea In tbe PhiUp- Sampoon b Said to Have BbeUed toers.
The following telegram waa
Banttogo Priday.
received last sight Irera Captoln McIn
pines and Spain and one In Cuba. I do
MadriA June 11.—An ofiiebl dbpatcb tosh: '
aot know what has been mid w offered
from Havana dated yesterday aaya:' aAluan'Loving, Va., Jnaa 11.—Frivate
niatlve to Porto Rioo. Referms la
gotopmeat. perhaps. With seeds of “Thb moraiag at * o'clock SampsoL'e I
ib^meat' '^™*“**
ships recemmeaeed tba
nvalstloa plaatod thereto,
Cxi-rais McIxtusB.
ef Bantlage. At Ue same Uaa a namlock
t for Lodyard.
ber of boats, towed by a atoamar, aptake definite shape as aeon ni
>ed and attomptod to Inad. The BpMlri u. Tax Uoxsne fuceaa.
kaveptocedUls War bend iaaee. aot
VTashington. Jnne 11.—General Ledaatoe. and I shall not U surprised if eaanemade lasted three honra. Tbe
Popujpr Clotiiing House, of Traverse City.
Regular'$3,50 goods.
Many other special prices
in gocBi shoes.
We want your trade.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House.
We are again ready, wiU a large
stock of Ice. to deliver Ue same to any
part of Ue city.
tor army. Tbe i
Maple block weed alse fer'mie.
made at Ue raqeest of Oenaral Al^.
HOPKHI8 inos.
Only eae wUl be an>*Utod from MtohTelephoan Ha M.
Depet. vhrre I vlU be ready
All ^ork Gunrnoteed-Priccs Rigbt.
H. £. GIBBS, the Bicycle Han.
A Great Muslin Underwear Sale
At the Boston Store! Saturiia)f June I Ith.
8 Big Lots at Out Prloee.
LOT 1—Pc-rfwt fitting embroidered Corset Covers, CbUdren's
Waists and Drawers, 8o.
LOT 2—Ladies’ full size Xiglit Dressed, fine embroidered Oors<‘t Cover- Ladies' Muslin and Ckmbric Umbrella
Drawers, 25c.
LOT 3—ladies' extra fine Coraet Covers, ladiea’ foil size em
broidered Night Gowna, Ladiea’ wide ruffled and
tucked ■ Skirts and embroidered Umbrella Drawers,
IxOT 4—Ladies'fine trimmed Mnslin and Cambric Gowns.
Fancy Gtrset Covers. Ladioa’ hemstitched Lare and
Embroidered Umbrella Drawers, Ladies’ Embroidered
Skirta, 49a
LOT 6—Ladiea’Embroidered Kiifht Gowns.'Laoe Umbrella
fcikirto and Embroidered Umbrella Drswere, 69c,
Lot 6—Exceptional values in Embroidered Gowns, Drawers,
and Skirts, 76a
LOT 7-Fine Umbrella Drawers, Lace and ^broidered
Skirts, high grad« French Night Gowns, 99c.
LOT 8—This lot contains the laU-st and tbe best of Maslina,
Laces and Embroideriee which cauld be pnt into
ready mftde night gowns, skirts and drawers.
Fine and elalwrate work and well put together are all of
the above lots, and cannot be duplicated an>*where for lass than
:« per
ner cent
rent mon» than the above mentioned pnees
SAturdsy, Jbbo 11th.
The Boston Store.
jiBST oomnnpv.
riftp-Serra wUl PertidpAU in the
of s Spot Vot As XsTltiag
OoromosiM in St. FtabcU Tedsp.
TE4ys&8£ cnr. . uicbioa: OUbpm
As Oemp B«toB At IsUad
Tbs firm! eemmiuiio& At the St. FtaaLaEa, Bot BistoriOAL
ok etaoKh todsy will be Attesded by
Tb« faUowbw <■ u latcreBtlAff ex- •lAbormte oeremoAy incideoUl to the
ttPa. T. Ba« An J. W. BAJtan. tTACt fn>*AletWr written by W. H. oocAtloA. TheAWTicewUlbecla
Ussh.OD* of Co»pAsyM,Thirty-fo«rth; o’clock this rnomiou with Ike proceevA W. Hai^, Editor And U»iiAV«’- lIlcblfAB Tolanteers. and a Trarerse ftioA from the school bulldlne to the
ebnrch. Arrifiop si the church these
City boy. to bk parenU:
chlldfAB. who tska their first commoB■■Oamp Alfer, Va., Jana 9, im.
We started from Islend Lake Moaday ion. will renew their hApUeinAl raw*
eMMa.brB>n. ■
Skn* aeBths, br baU,
maninp and reached here. Oamp Alper, And wUl tAke their flret coinmuAlou
■teMBikAbruO. .
dnrinr Hiph anae.
Wedamday memisf at s o'clock.
The mneic will be exceptioDAliy fine '
"WerotoCtketraiaatDonn Lorinp.
On ODoruna
u. and marched thre^and one-half and Appropriate to the solemnity of the;
milea. through the dnaty. red clay mix occasion. A special mass bM^been pre- '
ture eoll of Virginia to the camp. I pared by the cAoir.
The inlerler of the church has bsea :
was rreatly surprised when we reached
Cheapest and most reliable place to get yoor bicycle
pat in go^ mnning order. Have bad several yearn expei
know how it sbonld be done. Satisfaction gnarai.«!ed. I am selliitt
. •
V*___ ....I
bicycle Hondrica
at abont
and secondI hand —wheels
and to rent. Please give us a trial.
EIXIS. 311 Front 6t, Bsst.
k diflienlt aomeilmea: at othef Umea
one domn't mind it.
qnkiu melody of a Kimball pisM, and
match the priee at the same Ume.-
The following shows the
Oiroulation of The Homing
Sooord during the past week.
Bonday, June 6.............. 1,426
Tnesday, June 7.............1,376
Wednesday, Jane 8........14276
Tbnrsday, Jane 8...........1,360
Friday, June 10.............. 1,360
Eatnrday, June 11......... 1^60
Total fdr the week... 8ESe
Today's issue, 1,400.
Tddat the Bxoonn printt u full pugs
WS UtemsUug sUtkOcs und deaeripUre
waiter releUng to the PbUlpplue
1, which at tbU time will prove
eapeclel inUrcat. Tbe article dejwsatratea many thlap which netklag
Bwt tbe preaeat eenditlous would'^eve
waaaed to be brought oat. The facu
Share set forth prove that Ibeae klends
«roof enfhcieDt value to make them
worth fighting for. Aside from their
wealth tbk point U the moet desirable
•f any in the Fnclfie for stragetic pnifaaw nad as a base of anppllea. The
Dslted dutet
Shk group and k likely to ralaip con
trol nntil Spala Insures n aatkfnctory
- Ir Admiml Sampson does not burry
and take Hantiago or force a earrenAar very eoen, peace may he declared
«md thus shut off kk ebauree of atulnfaff tbe coveted quantity of lustre Vo
•ttacb ta his name for poeierity pnryaeea. Like Admiral Ilewey. for inDai before yesterday It was reported
that tbe cruiser Charleston was ord
ered to the Ladroae group of Islaads
la the Facific;. aad alUough nearly
three days bate passed there have been.
IW mmort that the place has been bom
tS.167.S74 $1,093,468
liaCBKASX tK wAhua.
First vrard........................................ $37,634
SecMd ward..................................
Third vmrd.................................... fl.lU
Fourth ward..................................
Vaatiag of
Xenday Sight.
There will hea full meeting of the
•enUve commiuee’and all.the chain
•f the sub-oemmiuees connected with
the MaecaUe ualebraiioa. te hs held at
the OSes ef O. P. Carver, Monday even
ing, at« o'cleck sharp. Those Interesied
gre iwioeated U> bear this in mind as
gam Ihs meeUng.
Martin Brown, nndenhanff of Lestanen county, k in the city on hk way
grow Detroit, whertf he attended the
Oraat damp of the K. O. T. M. as e
AalagaU frop'.
r.ai«T»s taut.
Kimball k auexeellcd as a mualeul instrumeat. und we are selling them at
prices that you can't compeu wiih-
Everything in muslo and musical goods.
ovrsnsir* as
235 Front Street.
t. STRuNU, Managef.
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
‘New Process” Vapor Stoves.
■W". O’. BCOBBS,
146 Jrront Street
In the
is said of people who
are np-to^ate and are
recognized wherever
they go for their comrot
knowledge of life and
People in the swim
are the people who
tvearSEll SHOES,
because the)- are posted
on what is best for thei
Teacher of Violin.
Want Work
If the prees esBMr perskta in allowBecluUon. "MothoriEarth’a Gown"
lag rsports of peace' nsgotlations te
—Maud McMIehael.
adlp through iu llaea the busiocne of the
^ Boclutloa und Hoag—Zma Ladd aad
jttategy board may he very mterially
mile girls
iBtarfemd with.
Song, "Oa the Wlagn of Mom”School.
Pnblleatioa Society—Bev. J. C. CarWerk af Olty Inpeiwlaora thaw a
Eacraaae of $74,118 Prom 18»B.
The BupervUort ef the several vmrds
ti the city have oomplsted making tha
awaaaments aad the resnU shows a deftiaii from tbe total of last year ef
#74,116. Tbe following figures show
ffbe figures for each ward, compared
arfth test year:
ftatward. Keel.-.daxii.ose....gGei.i»t
■■ Personal. 9C&.037___ Mt.tlS
#A. ward, Beal ... 24S.09S.... SH.6<>n
41.876.... «1.7ii
•rd. ward. Beal... U8.U70.... SSU.iKW
•• I*araenal. 87.966.;.. C6 8I4
Ath. ward. Baal. .. IM.416.... IhArTUU
•■ Peraaaal. a7,4i<i.... Si.S7u
fith. vrard. Beal.. 187.S75.... 1W.8M.
•■ Peracmal.
It would be dim-
cult to try und equal the tone end ex-
„„^-pVroM<U:' We expected Camp '“<>"
Alcer was somethlar nloe. instead of a I
e.ar before, potted planU, _
email field of about tea acres- Most of | and cut flowers beinc arranRsd in pro- |--------fusion
in Ue woods. We had
ind te pitch our tenU on, and at the cemmuuiea miliug.
The clase of first eommualcuau c
and hae/got to clear forty acres for a
Three of Traverse City's Cultured
drill feld. The nearest water k one sisu of 33 boys and S4 girls. Missidea
Teung Women WUl Eaublieh
^ half milea from camp end tks bring flraleommuaioB day thk U the
An Important InsUtuUon.
aearest bathing plnre is two nnd ene- feast of Corpus Cbrlsti, the greatest
TraverW City it to hsve a new insUhalf milss away. NeTerthslsas 1 am feast day of tbe Catholic church.
tnUon. which with the exceptionally
oonteated. tor thk k aueh a hkurieal Beooa. the benedlcUom ef tbe Blessed
Sacrament will be given after the High I fine Ulent backing It. shocid
place. Just think: tkk k whar* Wnshthan local imperunee. The
ington was raked end made bk first mass, oa account ef Uia fiml common-!**
The solemn preoeesion of tbe : Eissrs Aliee Crawford. Jcr.rfa Wilhelm ^
surreys. Tbe Fairfax court bouse k
!__ .
__. ........ ._____ t________ I .
and Mabel White have formed a-plan
Blessed Sacrament will be held
paly eae mile from hem.
UeoDducl In the lleadle block a school K.
••There are many rifie plu used by evening service at 7;30 o'clock, after
the armiaa of the ooefedsmtes is '61., veepvTS. The young boys' society aad
the last pan ef this month or about
sad as old mill in whieh they ground about 75 girls arrayed In white
parllcipeU ia tbe proceasloa. .The July first. The branches U be Uoght
their com. within two milsn of oamp
Bolemuitieh will eleee with tbe Te Deoi are the vlelia, vocal music, harmony,
sight reading end the bku>ry of music.
OKILSKDrS BAT XXKBOISBS. und the ringing of tbe bells.
In honor ef the occasion the pareuU There k a proUbilUy that Miss Alice
• Piog^ Olren is Baptist of tbe first communicaaU have prepared Roberu will join
iner fer tfaeni, to be but that is not yet deflniuly selUed ns
huroh Tpk Xomisg.
she k not at home.
served in tbe school hall.
An uppropriath^amd i
Pleasant features to follow tbe eaubpregram will ba glMa lu hoaar of Chllllshmeat ef ths school will be high
dren'e Day, at the hear of the usual
class musical cenceru and reciuls. All
morning service in the Beptkt cbnreb Xaniatea Oalu Defsated F. AF X. of tbase ladies are popular with the
City public, not only because
Team Teauiday.
Tbs following k the pregram:
The base ball aeasan opened In Mani of their
stee yesUrday with a good game be for fins paraonal quaiificatinns which.
with culture, will eoable
tween Ue Celu and the F. A P. M.
Twealythlrd Paalm—Mlw Crater's team of Saginaw. Tbe game reenlled them to build op a floorishit g school
in a victory far Manistee by n score of which Trsverae City will appreciate.
Seag. “Oa for the Priie’'-Scheol,
13 to 6. Tbe same teams play again
The Woman'sCemeUry li
Weleome—Gladya and Augnstne King today.
Aiieciatioa cleared M 3i at Uelr mar
BeciUtion and Bong—Mia Bradley's
ket yeaurday.
s tbae any other
BecluUon, "Floweru la Banuty"—
one canae. To be succeaiful one must
r. H Ketebam of Pike City. Cal.,
Andray Haydea.
look ahesS and plan ahead ao that aays: "During piy brother s lau slckEeclutlom. "Our Chilimns’ Day'
when a favorabls opportunity presents nesafrom sciatic rbrumatism, CbamIvuntage of berlaln'i I'ain Halm was Ue only
Itself he is ready to take ndvuntage
Cerrlnne Silvera
edy that gave him any relief.” Many
Song. "Peace”—Jicbool.
much expeuse and valuable time. A
RoclUtloa.'The LUUe .Kewsboy"— prudest and a careful man will keeps ethera have testified to the prompt re
lief from pain which this lleimbat af
Kellie Biogham.”
bottle of CbamberlaiD’s Colic. Cbolerh fords For sale by b. FI. Wait. DrugReciUlien. "What Would Jane Do?' and Diarrhoea Remedy in tbe bouse, gi.'the shiftless feHo«* will wall until ne
-Leon Bhilson.
cessity compels it and then ruin bis
ReeiuUoa. "Mob and the Blblc”- best bone going tor a doctor and have
Kerel Minore.
big doctor bill to pay. besides: one
’s outeenis. the other is
Song. "The Message”—Primary and
w of Moral Oaaaarvatary
bu'ndred doUsrs end then wonders why
of Wiaabadsa.O
while be
BeeiiaUeu. "The Dew”—Lillie Weeae U getlisg poom
BecluUon, ■ Childma's Voices”—Bids Wait, druggist.
Song, "A Meaeugu ef Seng-’-Omce
Jio St Ku-lul«-rv'»
Opera Uoum.
. June 1311.
BeciuUeo. “Fergive and Forget"—
Mery Ulaere.
BeciUtion, " Daadelioa" - Hanley For your monvr'.' Thai's what you gel
when yon employ Ueo. K. Wienie—
Song. "U. the <k>1den Fields are jeiir money's worth in good boaest DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
Orcr UrS'mmon'. SIkm- 8b^
BeciUtion. “What a Child May IV>”FIKE DENTAD WOEK.
Opposite Eagle Office.
Harold McDonald.
Dlalogna and Chorus. “A
Paetory ’-Margie AdsU aad Mabel Da-
Remarks—SupL E. E. Wilhelm.
Hoag, "(iive as Wall as Pray”—School
Bong. "America"—CengrsgaUra.
Other services of the day as usual.'
Malcom Wlnuie Jr., has taken u po
sition in W. W. Millar's grocery.
Mn. W. J. Kent •■is; riding i
I. W. Hlmler.
C. L. Uonaer k building an addlUau
td hk bouse on Waakington strasL
Hon. U. U. Covell will give an uddreas at the Blackman ackool house
Friday hveuing, June 17th. bubjecl:
"I'nlverwl BigbU.
There will be a regular meeUng of
Ducheae Camp. No- 2346, M. W
Monday night in Montague hall,
are reqnoeled to attend.
All Chrktian Endcavorm arc
questod to be preaeui}-at Ue ennriee
prayer meeUng to be held Uk morn
ing at aevun e'dock .rat Ue PruebyUrlan
are made Uet bore wlU
air rune are kimng«'qna!l and oUer
protected blrde and|lf Ue lads do
dmkt seme of them will get inU
Editor Clark of tlie Harbor Hpringc
Republican was in Ue city yesUrday
arranging fer Ue Indiana Maldiers'
Aaeociation reeulon wbloh will be held
here Jane Kad and <3rd.
Mrs. Chester Green and ehlldmn of
Keolucky, arrived yesUrday t« visit
Mia. Oreea'e pareuta, Bev. and Mrs.
Charles Temple, who are making their
home wlU Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Chapin
of Washington etreet.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
VUsIiud tir.
emi r.ir slwtlote talaWm ritmrUoe
.ttiiuli.liir, (.V
tolB tiwd l^liol SBil mn
,Uou>ett>Mdfor nudnug
feet There a lots of .«mch people
!LS59.8i7 pairs of 5ELZ shoes vwere
made last year akme.
In offering you these shoes we declare
them tbe bert in the world for the
money, no matter whether the price is
How Filzsiminonsi
Hit Corbett
Original “Charley’s Aunt,"!^^
and that grca\ cast in
“Miss FraRCis
Rtb! RaM Rab!
Hiss Francis of Yale!
Site’s All Rigbl!
Popular prices, 25, 35, 50,
and 75c.
Reserved seats at box of
fice Wednesday morning.
Funni«;r than “Charley's
Better than “My Friend of
at tbs tUss
isss rvskw
Friday, June 17. ^
of Yale.”
In the solar plexus has always been a deep mystery to his
admirers. How we sell
At such low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good arjp- tlclfe. the unexpected wlU happen sometimes, and we wiU ^
grive everyone a chance to secure a beaHtiful floor covering —^
at a low price if you come quich.
____ _______ _
way down tor twenty foot ialo the
rocks nod the layers eon plolaly be
4.-0C p. CD.—Base been mnniiig
throngh the mouBUlns all day and ore
oUU In the thick of them.
We ore in Old Virginia now and nbont
SOO milea from Woohlngtos..
We hare seen all kinds of indnstrise
today. C04U mines, iron fumooes and
Mke burners. We here just po»ed or
ry end coke works
ning full blast. We ore on the Cbeopeaks A Ohio and jset poioed their maehlne ehepa AU empUyeee are me
grom. We rue along on the side of a
BOunUln until we get tired and-then
we go through one. We have hoes
throngh K tunnels so far. two of them
being a mile long. Some doe bridges
in thme parU. ail stone oad iron.
We base got out of the mounUius
sow aed ore is aloe oountry again.
-Jest posoed through the city of SUatou,
about 10.000 InhablUnU. It is
▲uuftl ttftttMriBR ctf W(nBU*B Vor8m«r Xmplor* of «. A * L, BbU•iCn VlMloaMy •oeirti.
f VB7 Oo, Ohorgod With AppropHTh« Womb’s roroicn MlMlMtur
•Ung •1,000 Trom bb bSoelet7 of Ue MethodUt chnrctx «ill
kold Ibeir bebboI dkstrlet mosUac »i
BiTMtad in i Bopke CUj, TuMdsy. Wtd«e*d*Jr ud
' Bacons Oonsll
^nnd Bspids st l o'eloek ysstordsy I Tbnndsy. Jnse 14. IS snd JG. An in
BMrBlnr by DspoUesOstss. Oowsasnd.UrssUnr progTSm hsi bMB prsparsd
Undsr-shsriff Ashton of UU city. Cor- Mrs. A. 8. King of this elty. formerly
mU wss Ukon fros bU bod nnd kept mlaelonsry of Assam. India, and Mrs.
In ebBTgs nntU Une tor tb« north- C it. King of UrsBd Rapids. wiU be
Wnad train to lesTo, when he was pfosenV The loUowinc ladies ore del
hraoght to this city, where he resided egates frM thU city; MesdamesF. B
VBtU a short time sco. A eerkms Oriffis, M. J. Jehosen. D. B. Titna. P.J.
Cho^ ooolronu Cornell, and hU | Cnrtis. B. L. Lyon. J. A. Broody. P. Rlfriends here beliere that ho will beldrod. A. J. Relm, H. Oreensted. J. C.
; Able t« clear himself. Ue U charged \ ShUlds, A. W. Basboe, B. L. KeUogg.
SrithhaTingembrezledSl.OOO from aajdiitricl president, and John Powie.
Adams ExprHs package costalnlog ; district rcoonUac bocreury. The boat
• •IG.OOu which srns oblpped from Chi-,IeaTos here Tuesday at b a. m . and
oago to the Hlate Bonk in this city in i will goria I’lne Lake. PsreSl.&S.
March lost. Cornell woe the express {
—--------------------■emenger on the TrarerM City branch !
of the O. B. A I.. ondhod tbeboadiing;^
of the bnslitese of the company on the ▼
^ Men’s summer suits where sizes are broken.
Suntoa whistles areall blow-'
r golnh into
Just came out of a
^'If you are iuterested iu saviug a few dollars
When the money wot taken am Invce- 4 Diary of the Journey. Desertomg ^
Ue Cumberland.
ttgatioD was riuUtutod and three Uni 9
Points of Inurest. by
ted Stttee secret eerrioe men were pat
Den Morgi
upon .the cose. Suspicion fell npon
gany's. We are now running on the j
top of a monataln and can look lor ^
The aecnsed denlee any knowledge I Menday, 8:50 p. m.—On the rood
mile, down UeSkenoodoah Valley.
11116 18
DlOSt CODipleteof the missing money. He woe Uken June «ih.
u a. m.—Bare got out of the moan-' —
before Jnetice Brown npon his arrival I De.vs Os>s< at Houx;—1 will keep a
In the city. Boll eras fixed at SI.UOO j kind of an oceeunt of my trip eo that
Washington about l o'clock tonight.
and the examination was fixed for | you con know bow thing* lM>k
Camp Alger. Va.—At lost we are
Monday. Prod Kneelond went upon wntieg on the train os you con see by
here. Uot here about i o'clock this
hia bond and Cornell was rcieoaed.
morning at eleven o'clock, on the third meming. Marched three mile* Uromgb
Dodge A Oorell here been reUlned.
duitieot roods yon ever now. Hod
division of the war special. We took
O- R- A W. to Bowell Jonctlon to clear out a place for our tenU nod |
OHVBOB anviaBB today. the D..
we will hevc togrub
the T. A A. to Teldo. There were
of people ell along the line ocree for perode grpundo. We have to 1
and on we went through Toledo every carry water a mile and a half. ^
BvoryUlng on Ue ground* is dirt
facUry, boat and switch engloa in Ue
yard tied their whisUes down, and Ue eheap beenu** Ue soldiers ore eo hard
noise eclipsed even oar McKinley eels- up that Uey can't buy nnleas it is,
bratloa. We went on the Ohio Cen Lou of milk for five cento. Lemonade
Morning eerrioe and sermon et 10:30.
gloaeee for five cent*. Wee galore
tral roU trom Toledo, and we ore new
Sunday eehooland Bible cloi* at IS.
pessUg Urongh Ue great Ohio oil for five cents each.
Emning prayer and oermon at T:80.
We got
sute pay before we left
fields. For milea oad miles Uere have
All ore cordially Inrllod to three oerI rovrs and rows of oil welU which so we ore la pretty good ebape in Uet
■xoon> nrraonwT.
The camp here is about nine milre
>e each well there U e pump working
B«T. M. X. kMork. POMCPT.
by tome mysUriooe force os Uere ore square. There U atmnt se.ooo troops
Bnndoy will be ebeerred es ChUdrenV
DO power houeee in sight. The welU here. There ore oo guns here to drill
Day. Sermon in the meralng to chll-'
are all oeanected wiU pipea and Ue wi'u. ' The spring U Ue only place
power U transmitted through.^ Ueoe. I M get water and it U guarded day and
In the ereniBg Children's Day exernight. Nobody con'get water wiUent
deee by Ue ehUdres and yeong people
We have juet passed a power bouse, apoM.
company. Love
All ore well in
and a elty of oil took*.
rnixitiM' cnritcn.
Iki.v MofutAS.
^ Now we have left the oil fields. This to all.
•ewsua ■•(»* 0*4 MoiTMim. Puts.
must be a rich country Urongh here
Amuoemont Mote#.
Comer Oak and Fifth' etreeto.
-for we Just pessed a little town about
“Our Oobllns. or L'un on tbe Rbine."
Bil^ eObool at OKi a. m.
the slxe of Elk Rapids wiU a church
Morning eerrlce, 11 a. m.
a musical extravoganxa that enjoy*
and school house eclipsing onything in
Sabieet. "How U Obtain M’s Blemthe disiiBL-tioa of bsving been
Treveree City. The tend is eo thickly cepted success in *11 KoglUh speaking Xk*BuU*rBa*Sign*dWiUaW**t*ra
tofs." Luke 4-8.
Junior meeting at 3:0u p m.
countries of the glebe, will be tbe at-1
Longue Team,
Ue towns begin.
C. B. meetiugatC;18.
troctio* at Steinberg's (ifked Oovr* j jue Batler. who pitched for the!
e o'clock__ Just left Bnrynu. This
Bvenlag service at T:30 p. m
House Tbnrsdsy evening. ,lune - >rd. ; |]Q,tier> lost year, but whe^started in
is the lUHi up-to-dete town of its site
Srrmon by Mr*. Mom.
Tbe company embin.-ee a number of tbe seosen with the Burlington. low*,
A hearty welcome to all.
well known people that have orhieved , boss bell team, bo* signed with the i
MId-weeV prayer meeting at T:S0
I thtsidoiaba team of tbe western league.,
Wednesday erening.
elans of enteruiament, sod their : {be ho* lately developed saw and great |
A cordial inriution is extended to aU ogine.'
elforu in''iTurdoblini." have been re- ,,u'.iU«e ia the box end be now ho* aj
p. m.—We are new well down in
to attend these kerriceo.
warded by kindly expresstons of op- chance to demenstrate that he is one'
the south part of Ohio.
ri»*T MAlTISt
provnl from both press and public. .,f th* best young pitchers *( Ue.
The land hen- Is rolling, dboul the
Bev. J. C- C*m*o. Pm-w-r
The purpose ef the management is taii,ego*.
i: no large
Ojlldren'e Day exerelsw will be given
hm.- Th.™ ... ihor. crowd. Ic .11
In Ue mor^C at the usual Ume of Ue
tbe town* along the line.
see if auy of these will fit you. Our summer ^
^ leaders, and we guarautee them equally with
y- our teu to twelve doll^ goods. Our fifteeu
dollar liu^is superb.
—'k l»
Will turn in and write In Ue mom- |
tolo'r^We ^
All other oerviees os
U. Bonner is riding a new Kenwood
|»er! Will cross Ohio aute line gb^t i
l^Ung impression.
Manager Stienberg bos booked for
C. B. Edwards oad wife were In the
Children's Day service begin* at I0i3u
Wednesday Morning—I awoke abeut Ue evening of June 17. one of Ue beat citv yeeterdev.
O. B. oad will Uke the place of the
midnight and took a look st the conn attractions on Ue rood. It U one of
« returned from MayMlm EdlU Oibba
qieralnr preaching service and tbe
try. It was in Ue extreme sonthem the great Ueatrica) aseceeees sad one | field yeaterday.
•uaday scboel.
pi^ of <ihio oad was Ue rongheat land which duws crowded honseo.
The: E. M. Scofield returned from NorJunior CbrisUoa Endeavor society at
I ever saw. It was all small bills and
S:00 p- m.
in many places the enu were so desp
Young people's socletv of CbrisUon
fist they hod to baild sheds over them
oodeavor at6:15 p. m.
to keep the snow out I guess.
sometimes: and it is likewise very | jj^rqueite yesterday,
.sThe aubject at 7:30 p. m. will be
We passed the Btete line and crossed pleasant to sitond lute* toosexcelleat
floo. Thomas SmurUwaite of Msn-Two UerM of our Navy—Uoboon and
Ohio at daylight this morolng.
company interpret on enjoyable faroe . Uiee. was in tows yesterday.
OoUing. and other heroes."
We follawed In the valley of a branch
iDcr at was tbe
Edwin R. Chapman will leava
I enjoyable
Join in the hymna nnd abak* bonds
of th# Ohio river for forty t
lost night at
Chicago UI* meming by bosL
OtU* Clooe.
passed Urongh one coal mining town i
Rev. Ed. Weiss end family have re-1
All ore cordially invited.
where there wo* a coUecUon of inter-! \j^.oour*e “Miee Froncta of Yale'’ ie moved from Uia city te Maple City.
eaUng locomotive* and negroeo. The[^ improbable storv. the whole ef the
Miss Minsie Bnbbell closed aeuccesm!
Bev. 3. A. BresCr. bbsipt.
river is alive with river si
I Iscidenu being purposely exaggerated, i ful term of scboel at Uellner lost week.;
CbUdren's Day wo* first observed in
Now we are posaing through as oil with seme queerly devised situstiens. I Mrs. C. J. Webb returned from Cose-1
lG0e,Ue oentenaial year of Mothodlsm.
dUtriet and are just getting in among But they ore worked out wiU such jppoli* yeaterday. She woe accompanTha Oeaeral Conference of l»''r. set
the mounuins. We are now between skill oad abandon by U«*e portieipat-. led by her sister.
apert tbe second benday in JuBs to be
two hills about !K«) feet high so Ulck lag in the perfermaace Ue action also! W. W. Fairchild relumed from De-(
obeerved from veer te year os ChllUe ground
humor eo tangibly apyeslerdey, where he attended Ue |
with trees Ust you una’l
drea'allay. The exercise* of th* day
' iwreat that Uere we* not a wearisome <«re*t Camp of Ue K. O. T. M.
will coaelst of a lecture on EducaOoa "
We have just passed through CharlesUe evening.
i M*** Satie Frail left yesterday for
U tbe morning, nnd Ue nnunl Chilitown. W. Vo., quite a omeky. dirty i
{, r,jr,»hingly funny, and Or*»d EapliU. Fpntioc and lielroil,
ir„: D., pr«r.- 1. U.
iue oomplleaUona only added to Ue t where she will vUlt UU aummer.
The program prepared by Ue Board of I
m.-We ore now following
n,* „4ienee whose appmeiC. S. Voder retnrned from Detroit
Ednentien. U this year os usual most
along Ue. foot of a mountain full of 1
heoame eo marked at Ue dose of yesterday, after attendiag the Groat
oxeelleni. Ths collocUo* Uke* (r«
ooal mince. Every few rode Uere ore I
,eoo*d act os to demand a recall Comp of Ue K. O. T. M. as a delegate |
Ue bunday scboel en Ui* ooceeion U to tracks lendiag up low Ue monnUina.
Traverse Bay Tent N*. ISi',.
for the entire company.
aid meriteriou* Sunday echool echolaiu
Hiss Alice Jenner has rctoxaed from;
F>oni here they look to be standing on
Mr. Oirordot Is the central fignr*a*d
In obuining a more advanced edneaend. There are power bonses st the be capably fllU U* pooliion. Be is Grand Rapid* after on eateadod visit
tlea.^ Between Ue yearn 1S73 and 18« bettem and can ef coal going down or
token for a woman by tbe female and bo* reaomed her music cleieee here.
over T.iNKj students were aided,
empUes going up.
characters, and for a man by Ue Males WhUe In Grand Rapid* she devoted her
tc All other servi.-M of Ue day OS aenol.
mnaA under Ue leading inWe ore still follewlug Ust same riv heaee Ue numerous mlrUfal taagle*.
Everybody welcome.
er end Ue foot of the meantai* is lined He is one Ue brightest eomedloas of simctora
P. ConloB come in from a ‘boaines*
with miners’ eebiss. Every few miles th* new eebool.'evidaneod by hlsclaver
Two Popular Hirls Burptlped.
yosterday. Beissellthere is a dam in Ue river W hock Ue rork in "Chorlay'e Aunt" sad new in
A pleasant surprise party was given water up. ^nst passed a dummy en
Ing enrtain pels* on tbs rood for WilMias FroneU of Yale. "
the Misses Emms Kropp sad Florence
Ham Beiiner and states Ust Usre is a
gine WiU a train load of cb*l from th*
gheott by about iwcstr of Uelr aineo. The hills are growing higher,
Th* largest house of Ue woek en
rospeet of s heavy 1
friends Friday eveolsg at tbs home of
idnstry in Uls city.
and half way np on one 1 can see a
P. W. Kane os West Ninth street. The
cabin, which looks shoot am Inch high. Peyten oompany in U* City Opera
Dr. J. K. Elms, whohs* jsatrelnrsed
evening was spent ie playing games,
We ore now passing Urongh a mining Bouse. The bill wo* "Struck Goe,''
trom Us Pacific ooast. has decided to
•ftor which delicious strawberries, ice
town: wo can see tbe opening* te coal and Ue company presented it in very
remain in Travemc City and Is loody
creein and mke were served. Tbe youegi
*aladies in whose'honor Ue party was plu.
to reonm* hia proctioe. H* it fitUng
Our roadbed hers ie cut out of solid nouncod darMg Ue week te be given
given have been attendingthe Busiuiee'
away was won by 6*orge Lawrence of np ofUoes at hia rssidenoe in Feraw
Oollege bare the pant veer, and have sck.
H) •'clock—We are now in th* mom SIO Bay street
—many friend* daring Ust time.
system of Ue Allegheny monittln*.
They will return to Ueir homes at
Mrs. Norn Cralne and two ehlldrea
The reck* rise from the railroad track
Good Harbor Uls woek.
te shout I.OPO feet perpendicular, la of 8t PauL Min*., arrived ysstenUy
ring Ue i^lrood te spend the euaunfa- wiU hdh moUei
MIO.W. B Thacker,
Hr*. Martha WUeos of BoorAmoa v
uw.-----gha Dotrolt Orest Cemp«f the E. O. T. track. The soeaery is grood oad ind*Wnritm Woek. - Travem* City, Xtsfe
eeribmble. The river here hoe eat {ti|«atu
M.. returned home loet night.
John R. Santo,
General Inseraect.
I have just received from Wisconsin a
large lot of the finest horses ever seen in
this locality.
Among them are a few choice drivers,
fine farm and draft horses.
Call and see them before they are gone
—They will sell quick.
state Street Livery Sale and Feed Barn.
Asparagus, Lettuce. Eadishes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
-Phone f67.
S48 Front Street
Women’s Oxfords
Price* start at ''«e oad are up. stopplnK
os Ue way at popuUr poiuu until fil.&O is
nocked. 8tyle* ore Ooin, Bulldsf and
Common Sense.
If you need onyUUg Is Ui* lloe-we
may have what you wont. Onr sUk top
Uoe* ore heouUm. Come and buy ahoem
of no. We will surely save you money.
A. S. FrymaB,
PrAoti^ BhoemAB.
136 Front Street.
TH> XUB>Uta &BOOKD, SUSSAT. JTnni IS, tsss.
N*^ Which Ic of Interest to th*
People of Michigan.
near this dtr. win soon be sent to
Chkksmanga. The camp In Virglata
has not a suArlent n-ater supply, and
many of the boys have suSered great
this account.
Charles Moore, private secrctsTT to
Benatur UcMillan. says that there U
Into the army as a paymarer. He mya
that wl)en he goes Into the army It
am be as A soldier having fighting ta
BMMorik.- Hrmb»n uf Ihf Mi«hl«M As•MlAlioa M «ks
( Ahiuil Bsve
The navy deparcmini Is naming Our
torpedii l>.•Ats after our naval heroia.
1%e Uackrnxir. Cushing. tt»mvrs and
•others n-oall Bien# • pages -if glorious
history. In front of F. i t Flsbt r Ad
Wasliltiston. Juw 11.—No tnembrr of miral Porter conimanded ahal Cent-ral
Grant once descrilsd ae "tbi most (orthe lUchlnn delegation In - congms.
mldsble amaila ever cnllecied for con
, end none of the members of the Mlchl- centration upon one given. p--1ni "
Mas ti. the latter inrt—latber'ttn- sec
ond |<art-.«f that famous action
casse of the regjgpatlon of Pre«ldt-at
ISiilpman named Kobley I) Kvana
Angell, M ho n-as made minleier to Tur- ncM i-Figtallng Pub." captain of the bat.
k«r by President lIcKlnley althout the Jleslyp lowa. n-tclvcd the M'oun^ that
made him a
. ci«p|i
ci|p|>:c fur life.
recommendation uf ahr It.
dure Purler ai-pea»,.d ai Fort Fisher on
lUclan of the state. It was undenttuod
Cbrisinias eve, ls6t. with
when he was appointed that President regular cruis-rs. nve Iron-cluds and a
Ifserve <if ninelern v.ascla. and began
wpuld resign
a boi^bardmcnl of the f.irts at the
Armenian c
mouth of the Caiw Fewr river, in one
whlch.*~tt t
hour and fifteen minutes after the first
time, so gresily Interested the presb
M-as fired nu a sh' l came from the
dent. It ts generally understood that
fort, am! the batt-nes were slIenN-d
l*r»«ldent Angell baa determined to'
loniphiely. David I\)rur hlniulf is auleave CnasUtulnople and resume the’
tburliy fur that atat< n<em. Vet. aft- r
educational work which has been ao
a reconnalsssiiiv. Gen. r.il ll-ii.amin I',
dlear to him lor an entire lifetime.
butler. Mho Mas to l.rlng f Tuanj ihSevrelaiir Alger says; •The state of.
mllllan' f'T re .’•..IJed tnni f..rt Fish
Michigan «Ptll probably furnish a cav-i
er was tu'i suhstahliiilly injured. c»u'd
airy regtmem for the volunteer army;
not be (ak-.^hy aiuBuit.'aud raluine.J
tn the near future.
1 have told the
Ub his rvh^and to liamM.B It.iada
president of the desires uf our i>copIc,.
Caplunsl the Wariis.
tn this regirt. and l.•lh of our svaatnrs.
Prrtcr iM-tige.l that the
luive aeen the president for tbe'sam
not le- abSnd'.n. d and iii «.<pmpllpurpose."
amv w ith his mju.si a i«v»nd military
•hortdaB Bad PaMer.
f<nr, under the teniiiiaiid uf Girivral
Senator Burrows says;
Terr}-, arrived off Fort Fisher on Jan.
talked to the president about a cavalo'
>t, u.
t **- 1***
•'vet was liureas-d
reglment for the state of Ml
Aar latoraiadM an lb* Miigacl-«r*nl
OiTalrTLand«»ln U>« CinilVarWara
IMebIcaii Moa-Nmnlar MrHlIlaa an
ths AOnarampat at Cnncrns.
galled hir attention to the fnit
Creat cavalry leaders of the dvll t
e grvatrs
Jan. It.
Offleer ever known to the world, i
pedo iHiai bears
General Custer, who was certatnii
Now as to the
tnest dashing cavalry commander
oami- o Andrew
country ever knew, came from
.re.. „ uic»,„. I ..re re„d.M...'
That Is why
the name of porter.
She beara the
Hull FVxilv, a son of a
States senator fr<>ni
celebrated In the navy for hts religious
rrem .K. «... «r xiirewire.re -Mre rerere
a aV^..
. w a
”"* •
^red distinguished service as a cavalry^commnnder. I alao told him that the
pMeuI gen_eratlou will develop imother
.'Bheridao. Custer.
If the
r If
irded. I ■
totKh inclined to believe that Ibe order,
arilor gild bls Indomitable courwge. His
first naval action was when he was In
command of the sloop-of-war Plymouth
hap,K..ned after bis arrival
„ capton. China, on th- eve of the hosmines between the Chln<-se sod the
English. While endeavoring to protect
American pro|n-rty
he was fired on by
*“ ““
the Chinese
Through |>ennUsioti
_1 .
1 of Cuminodr.iv
Commodore Armstrong oe
be ucmaimdemand«.eorge H. HopVIns-ot Detroit ^ ^ apol.«r.
snd when It
it was refused
T, and
wto hi^long Wn s iwr»«.Rpl friend of he sttarktd the
the foru.
forts, four
four tn
In number,
luring MnsinMs nf lassM largo Keadgas
W*. laoked ror.
sajTi: Acion-.panylng reporta of a aaaaonahk dukUng down of the spring demauJ tur and movement of merebaa-
TnwHMOl^ Mufeab
ttot of
Below U a IL
. the bf^^aad sdl-
night afft o*clock rtef'mc
0 held op the SanU Pe pa
Flreroln Jofanaon got off the gngloe to
threw the switch, « hen be was covered
with a ebotcuB. The robbers went to
the express car, but the tnesseoger re
fused to open, the door, and they .began Clear Pork per bbl, i
firing on him.
CQcar Pork per Ib...
Claim Agi
X-shooter from
the train, fired «
Shortcut Pork..
pal T«(I nallH* an Him fTKIck FreeB
FBlBl-One lUudIt Wanudrd.
rS Want Ads ium
If You Have Logs to Sell
OoVreepoad with the TniTerae City Lumber Compuay.
W« have lor sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Bingham Bros., Front Street
Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
The Celebrated SpeoiiUsto,
k? Hotel Whiting
tn tb" White HOUBO. Whrrc he aakad
prlvllega of Booing
boy'wBflUd lo are him the lad waa
ncc afimlltod. The proaldeBt greatF S>»fi
^ f«*dly.
im hrartlbr
Bt CBmp
have her moat dmd
;foal Ibe Merrimac. Thai naval hat! rerolutiontxc.t the building of war:lpa. arid It aleo preventod Europesa
(arfOTOBGa with our aCaIra
Horse Hotel.
8E C
a M. BBOWK. AtUnxrT bb
O. Lbb. KpscisJ sueatios
soCiroDreauelas. tllProsit
/rt tLBgBT * OATM. Attorrejr*. BpseialBV
VX tcoiioa u Prebwts prsetUc. RooBsSasd
10. McreantUs Cb. BIbcX.__________________
lidoy., Toraoto I
S .’os2 In knim Bldg!
. Uafrenity p
iMlOS-Wa. IW
K. r
flret-clau barn in UiVcUy.
call and get our prices.
BrodbitnAVix^utdr. ;-v
B. J. Morgan, I
ooer. MmI
'rudriah Moeka, 'Fbo»«. b
■W.1SKM2. Ml—.
On M. & N. E. B. B.
; 4
All ba^[&ge, bos and back work'
for said road shonld be left witb
me. Office 239 8Ute street, tele-pbone 3. All orders left with me
will receive piompt sttmition.
PBraltsrr. Btoves.
TTTAKTKty-BBgloeer for smoUengiBe.
W Traverse CU) Lumber Co.___________Mi-tf
A 01
A. X
DRS. B. S. & CO.
BaoklD Yoang. ib* Irterp'd leader
th* halls af Ca
>rr to tl
«ou Urge pages; lUD aarli IUtl*l __________ jiiy In rtcbosl olora. Ha#
wed maps. Biggest booh, blgbaoi
os. lowest Brice; oaly *>-7^ Barb
-rerrlves grand (l-flO premlom (re*,
Dem.___ __ •orrnous: harvest for ogenu. B)
days eredli
11; IreiBbi paid; ootsi Iree. Writ*
biday. Alb
Dept- I&-W
• '“gM
JX Traverre OUy Uimbei
. iBdslre^f
I U!
....Alrd rnepss
It 14
■■ ‘iV.......
«*>'.......... Ft. Way»a
4»’ ........iBtehmoBd
1« ........|lBdla'oplla
OkleagB at Tgd p. m.
Local braseh iralB arrivaa at MgR a. m
LBaeea at U WD p. m.
f^LOCEWOOD O.F:i;.QSdto:rtJ^
Tb takaaSBct Senday, Jure •, UW,
atlMa'cleeiia m.
Old MlssloD. foroat'. Will lake BBlocombered
Traverar Cliy properif le exchoags. or will
give kng Umeoa two-twlrdso' parehoae price,
i.eorge Redden. Call ciu nr address F. F. Red
den. m Wa.hlnctoo hi Traverse CTty.
»S If
X«OR 8AUt-*»-k of c
JT teres. W. Reek, lO; L'utoB etreeb
A rtWOOGD LTMi MBK waetoi
A cm Lumber «’.o. » If.
Votlca to OoBtFBCtorB.
KetlreU hereby plveo Ibal acalad praauoala
rUI be ireelred ai the eSee of W. A. MewtoB.
rrk. BOtll the mb day of Jaae lfW.at
I o'rlork p m.f
-Cor Bl).labor and material lor
eoasiraetUig a'
>rt boose da tbr lot ewwed by
“oModOltrotTraveTae aty, Jwadl. IWk
Jugx A. Paa«T.
Joux Frtciria
SuSrrlv^m w wcakBBtaB*. VC eoa glTB permanaat roUat. Abaolauearea gaarataod
*Tho*r who are usable tocall.COB writ* (BlIimrileularB of toatreoBiaadbavamBdlclse a(sl
**ul Iv eipres*. with full InstrncUom bow to to lokew.
The firm ot Drs. B.. S. A Co. wm. Incorporaied several yvm *l>>ce wlU t capital ot P0M»,
hoeoeyno take ooreaBoo* >T you employ uem. They are reapoaolUa aad wall knowa.
t 10. e Bl FctokXey
4 10, 10 to Moeh. CUg
1 to......... ' Cadillac
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
to of boiheaUon.1and a grapite sury Bf
gailmDi Dewey; tell*
son. Bebley. nuhngb
Db'Ww ^i]^eend^a^newand
OraB. H A Co. make a spMdi^ of aliform* of Bsctol Diwaeto. PUsa-laUgMd and extre- dremed iDcaosUleol to the letrrest ot (be
cooety U bereby reeifTiil by tbe IruUdlageom-
TCMOKH AKD CAWrERf* cured witbool odd*, knifr. pale or ecar. Maw method*.
('.ATARM^re home treatment. Cmrpawre ud cheap.^
>1 Uys|>a|wla Sick Readarha Pflw. Top* Worm, aad
1 <FTrav . OltF
10 uV < »
tbe^Tl^T^eraeCUy.GraBdltavensOaaBty. Mtchlgan, oerordlag to ptons and kpectaeaiton* fartilebed to Bnah.BowmanA Ra-b. orchlireu. whieb pioa* aod •pseWcaikms are on
Sir with W. _.
A. .['srtoo,Coanty(B*rk.Trererae
Nrsrtoo.Coanty (Bsrk.Trererar
CIly.Hleta BVd.mnsttoseaMaed
Bid* mnst tosed^ an cedoraad
BuUdIng Coon Uooee"
aad adof th* Bye. ^r, Thryt ud tmi^ •■Propesal* far BuUdlog
• Me wton. Ceaaty
Clerk.Travdreseed toWm. A.
erseCliy. MIcb. Boeb tod mast to
I'd with s bead la the earn of WDAO
_ Di
ordakpaSonfrombBaiUtoe.aad without the aae of kalfe. caweUr or llgatan. Came and ha
^^ia.B.1 gJi.-Lv.
<b| II II
, Mice.
FBiMT, jeet n, 1898.
Gnnd Sipldi t Udlui LI
a, la Btfeei Feb. S, U
W lee
le. Boies.
Bo.*. Brfri.e
and Carpenier-s tools a)
Cost Frooi street.
OonstUtBtJon-Mnd Ezaihinatloii Free and Strictly
Lock Box 160.
And we are no( obliged ttyaell meat at war prices. We Lave a
car load of the.best western corn-fed stock and can furnish')>on the
best Cbioago beef killed at home.
Of-tha slrtiod'and riairy shroud.
BicvciB Riders.
BemeaUr that 1 do aH kinds of mpairing and enameUsg. and that 1 caa
and do give you the beat work of any
one is the dty for the m<»ey.
be deceived by what others tell yon' to
Abe contrary, bat ooiae asd aee for
I ynarantee all my work to be right,
and if it doea not prove ao I make It
rigblbum ib tUI e o’clodk every evening,
Cbldweli A LonLsmezeert bnaday. in the Caldwell
don boHdlng. at north end of Union
• '•* laussBl.
ipBAlKID iri'BSB-Mito BMellr
BMel Boloomb,
•- Boepital. •X graduate Bl the CBirereliy
Arbor, will reanond to call* for nsratag.
1 athetrrei. H tt
i„ajsrr>s roE sat.tr.
O. P. CAKVCR. A«aBti
We do not
belong to the^combination
ITic boy was In t
. 07
>t 0»
J.W. PstcA.oW.P.Crot
MT. rei rere.i,.4 5™'' ■ me very much tj
; ‘:
aeoood botUr
bare -not
has absolutely cored
twenty years.
had na good health ft»r
Attorneys at Law.
n Increase over last »
lespectfutly. Mn. Mary A.
0.„.,..rere....,re..Trerere.rere,l.,re. ,
i: Wait.
laremore, Ai h. Sold by
; dmggUt.
m: of
and II
Mill Maebiaeryof all descriptioQB,iDcladingTwo Enginea,
Bet Worka, Carriagee and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for Bale.
Cmltb simply lo«ki.-d up the report on a ,< t»lb>p m ir—.ip> v.aa
has fully c
J.durtw.vur.- ,4.....s^
aimilar bill
which was ad..ptci]
e civil war end made a
Lbk- BUc-esS-.i, Udth a
^Cben hit work was submitted to ihe;T"''K‘’
ships, was no
V committee
sml f'har:.-n..n only teO
1 t.f Sherman's army.
Is nsre-d afl.-r LleutenCongreesmso fiistldlng has secured the
nt John l;..dgcra, who fired the flrat
paaaag^ of *
enabling the frontier
with Great Uritaln.
-bemeaic'ad men. now Id she army, to re.ring thkt war he captured tweniylirltlsh vcks.-is; twelve of them
IB the s
•a time spent <
-■|,e Ichanncl. Atter tl-c war hr declined the
Mrning title to
isitioc of aecn-iary of ibe navy, His
John M-as sts') a Mtval hero, and
tlM the men whotgn Into the aitty
fbetame 'a fear a.lml^H.
He had andefense of ibelr itruntry.
Iher S4TP. Gorge, who was klU.-d while
t>r«mB.er Itoy and U># Fi
of einff to Admiral Dahlgren at
Th* fiivt rtrummar boy of the preBent
WAgn-r. In IKI Of him Miles
to Miahr hand* with the preaidant
•RelUy Mr d.
Garftold Flnlaanri of Company A,
Ever Buroed Ont?
It eoyoatoow
dtae. c-ome proofs that the spring busi
ness uf the ye^r
«>lh a le« notable
eareptluns, has .argtiy met exiwcta-amped frith his cemrades Fire Bye Flour, fi. L. & Co. Beak..
UotV PariUuLatty eonhim-ng Oui
man Johnson was shot by the robbers MmI. U. 1. A Co. Best...
f view of the rase are the large railtwice, both ballets going through the Feed. H. L. A Co. Beal...
earnings. heu\T exports, snd exboMcls.
Jubasun died at 10:tS last Eggs per d
i prices following
Bom^ notalile advances. Weak or loweSi
l*rd ^r................
prices for a numix r of cereals during |
Butter per tb Dairr.
the fuist we~k In the face of a heavy |
June 11.—Wheat—Jnna. CreaiDcrr BaUer.lb.
exi-urt business polm to the vciy g<iOd
c; September. tSKc.
Cbetoe per tb ______
fT.-p prospects for-wheat and other i•’“'J’i '
Com-J' e. SJKe: J«iy. 8Sc; Sep Oats per bu(old|....
tember. t3tie
Com per bn., old....
Fuiittlca of pic imn production point
Oa's—June. S5c: July.
Balt per bbl...................
to a slight redmiionk output during
Bran per too..................
the month Just closeaT^nc largely to
Pork^nne. and July W,*7.
Potatoea, per b*.................................
; shut-downs for rei airs, but t
Grand Uaplda, June U.—Wheat, BM. acTUe sanaopnavunciTT
the Immenae recent pr-Auctlon has been
met by an eaually large consumptive
demund. Pollowitig the little spurt In
for aeeeral yean.____ ______ __
. Wheal, new.
the demand lor raw wool, largely on
severe cough than ever before. Oata, No. 1, per bu. (new)..
army rrders. has come a iwrceptlbly .
Corn, per bo------Bye, per bu..............
Bnttew, per lb____
.re Ih..r .-..ic!”"!?
™ I. re Bggd. perdoxen..
with the Portsm -uth and the lasvant.
...........................................-Micrlng efficient «n • k, vice l-rrechrf the larg, st carried
Wire u. that ,
Hv has-nk.n ti c
».o,ja. He l.wt forty men but
Which wws occupied dbring the «C dead Chinamen lay atlff In death
elvll war by M^or f>n^l Halteck. „ , aacrifice to American honor and
•ad during bla brtefi-werrt.vs at this American valor. During the cMI wa;
^tal has made himself very popular
distinguished by a scries of
with the regular army officers who are heroic arts. He parti IjAted In the as«n duty here at army headquartits.
j ,aui,
port Don. Ison, and in that acVer» MmpVe ProiN»lil««.
' i|„n wu. w ounded.
Congress passe.:
Senator UcUllian says: "The Hms him a v..te of thanks and made him a
Cor adjournment of congnts haa Uvrn rear admiral
• very Blmi.te proiiosm..n to me.
As to Ike Dn Pant,
make. CO dlffer.nre what individual
n„,- .s t.. ..u .• uf. This t..rped..
•enators and rrprewnlatlves may d«- boat I.ears the name ..f Samu.-I Francla
••Ire. The country Is at war. The comPont, a New Jere.-y man by birth,
snaudcr-ln-chtef Is directing the army but who cl.istd hls eyes on
•nd fleets aiTordIr.g to plans of which scenes Id Ibis city In June JVtS 'Dur.
they know n.ithlng, and of.which we mg » scries of more thah'tM.nty.five
•ughi to know nothing. Ro long as thg ,-eare at sea he was alm<.at
presldtmt desires congress
aesslon it should remain In session.; ing tl 1C Mexican war, ’
•- In command
•Rlien he If willing that ao adjuummeat of th, _______
ahall take place we should adjourn, fok iH«iM-io<U.n of L« I'a# capital
This Is nil there Is to this roaUtr which Lower Cal.fomla: spiked the guns of
has brer disvussi-d In to many columns San Ulas. and entered the hurl-.r of
of the ticu-si«i.eiw.
■'Cuaymaa. burning two guob.ats and
Colonel Cornelius Gardener and Cof- cutllrg cut a MviIcbii brig under *
cnel Mctturrlii will*,Km U at the front_^heavy Are. These oire-rall-ms cleared
With their regiments 'sinder command the Gulf of CaUfornla of h'wtlle sbipa,
Of Major General Wiles. There Is no thirty of which were taken urdestroy,-d
1«ason for b.-llevlng Ihsi Cnloml Gar- To t.-ll hls deeds during the clrtl war
dener will be mad.- a brigadier general w«.uld be to recount much of Ibe naval
•t Ihla time or before the cl.we of th* history of hat unfortunate eplaode in
war. although bts friends are urging our counio-s career.,
bla pr..n...O«n I.eeatise .if the fact that | Toward the close of IM: several arW'foot lot. small house, Bor localloa. ath olreet. can be booghi for «f0.
be Is st-nlor CT.Iuuel of bis Irtgade. This ni'.rtd v.-ss.-ls were addeO to hls comID foot lot, good dwelling. Ferewood. tSdeww and (10 par month wnt'ipald for.
war is not ao siute-ndous and will not be manil, m«»t;y ..f the m^i.ir tyi»-, one
« acres three miles soath and wea1 tram Uw city. Land good, well watered, y.
po protracted as the civil war. There- of which destn.yed the C».nfederale chard This U a Imrgalo for only (l.ao
fore pmirMlans for field service will be steamer Nashville undyr the guns of
ai.,aFrra t mil' west, all iBipraved, will hBOold fooBC piece or divided to sail. Look Ib
very f'»
The sreretao' of w ar and the iFc
(Fort JlcAlister. Ik-In^ the first officer np. Other pUcesjuatBs desirable or more aa
Johnsoa Block. PkoeeTl
Michigan reprrrenutlves are proud of ho
the regiments from Ml.-hlgan and
wlgncd. he cai.-fully tested thrtr
•nsplcuous service feralvc p-’Wers by several stlscka up.n
e advancement of tMa work, on which they wore unable
tadivlduals in those revtmonts.
to make any'lmprosal»n on oev-ount of
iMwiih Mas Be fkairwM.
. Ibe small r.uir.ber of their guns snd the
Conaressman Wrr. A.Rmtth wU^fihnb- slownosi- >.f their fire. Assuming tm•bly la- cbalmian of the ccamsittre ,« mediate commaniJ of hit nine armored
foreign affairs In llu- next congrera vcss.i». mounting thlrty-tWo guns, Du
Be Is n..w the senior Republican mem- ;J’'>nt. then a rear admiral. ma<W a resber of that cominllfre. and Is already 'olute attempt on April 7. ItC3. ^o take
regard.d as a g..i>0 runrtilutl.mal law- ^rharl»»mn. i'nablg to maneuW> 1
S-er. Ci.ngTT-asiBan Hitt of Illinois, the the tortuous rhamirls fiil.-d with ot
Sracnl .-halrman, Is In dMusie health strucllons thst l-d to the l.arb.>r, «ie
.and grill IM.I be likely 1.. iplain the tron-clads were •'Xi-.scd t.. a torrtble
'.chalrtuanshli, of that Imptolanl com- ctosx-flre fr..m a hun.ln-d suns of iba
•taUlee. The sflvanremcBt of Congress- heaviest calll-ers. and dartuiewa ap■tOMD Smith tb this postUot: is therefore rriiachlng, th. shliw w^ wisely wllh.-•Bttclrwted.
-drawn, .mo s.nklm: s on afierward and
bai bb
. -Congrveanmn Bam Smith prepared a -•'vo olh-r» ’i-'n-; I'IssM.cl
report f..r the commUPt-on.elecUons in I
rar*Bs*.f in ts.trwrttoBa
favor «r tbs bill "to enable volunteer , “nil* s. l n w.is f..uBti; l u'oaant to
'•cddlere to vole at the c.-ngVcsalonsIn x'lpref* >ns;ri.iil :ik fr. m tht nsiw fie• iM. r.sull having
clectlona'' Instead of niaklng a report : i •i''''-t
i.c silmlral. who had
tor the purpose ot otcop)ing'a|>ace in
. —
^ giv-cn II
Ods Bay Oalf SMh KenUt.
a .•plnli... that the co-op’
With Bsr;, the Jewslsr.
' •-’WV-’T''-
" How the Powerful Armorclad Is Manipu
lated—Dangers and Difficulties and
Methods of Overconning Them. /
Wblla tba oflioan are all mastera of
■raminihir aad gunaary aad ara
bla of davialBg new aad original maana
of attack aad dafsbaa. It would be un
ia ao opportnnltr to ro-enforea. and It fair to Ignore the bumble gunner, upon
would be taking daeperate ehaacM to whom much dependenoe U placML He
mount to this top during .tha strain of directs tbe shot, tbe lowering or ralalng
battle, the crew there would be matertaily weakened In emdencr. and this the exact poll
mitadvenlure might iSela)- aucceaa or (act to tl
even actuallr turn the Ude of battle. A the comi
big gun In tbe turret or on (be gun deck
may buret from too constant firm
ing. or
aba goaa br. at the tort, fortlficatlona or
ablp and than, after putting tbr balm
down bard eltbar to tba right or laft.
tbuDdcring * aurbeard broadalda at tba
abamr. The men In the foraard or aft
er turret ara ^tlnuallr abowering abot
aad ahcll Into (heir aotagrtnUta. while
from the fighting top a murderoua. nev
er oaaning enfilading fire la going on.
for wblle the men up there care nothing
for the polnte of the eompaaa tbe long uaeleaa steel aad e hindrance taatead «(
dar. Tba dntm baata "to quanara” awing of tha meat aa tba wartblp rolla aa aid.
There are tragedlea enacted from
The b«atawaln-a wtatatla baa lu maaa- dlaooncerta tbeir aim at tlmaa aad givaa
in*. EvaiTtblBc moaabla on tba upper
deck ia plaead within tba conOnaa of
leans. It la like
tba bulwarka or bouaad in apaelal daabrawl on tbe frontier, only aocentoattenatad rompartmaeia. Tha captain
But the anemr are not Idle. If their ad la horror aad nteae and caanaiUea
mouniB Into tba eonnltic towar aad with bettleahipe ere being worsted, ttaeir de- twenlytold. Again, there la a limit to
hire tba akacutlra oScar and tba baal- fanaaa of stone and Iren cnimbllng un buman endurance. Tbe mental aad
pator aad parbapa a iTamar punnar. der tbe monster proJecUlea thrown physical teealon Is anormoua It little
Id thia ataal cace. about ala faat In dl- agmlnat them, tber atlU bare hope.
matters whether tbe sun la banting
amater. ara tba wbaa). a aicnal board
But what la thia new danger? Juat down with tropical beat or tbe cold
maiblnv tba tubaa aad aa alaatric but •a the Bmoklrn puts her helm hard winds of autumn are swirling about the
ton or two br which tba captain mar apoft to awing by a haadland or a wBvea Tha cannonading, tbe.bUTBlDg
ahooi a torpedo If ba daetrte. Tha eom- fortiaas on the point, a long. low. rak of gunpowder, the rapid lumping. Uftmandlnc edtear mar ramaln In bar* ish looking torpedo boat ateaU out from Ing, pulling, niaalag to and fro. all redurint tba batUa and atacr tba ablp along tba shora until It reaebaa wbat It ault In Bucb violent exercise that In the
with hta o«m handa. or. Ilka Dawar. ba regards aa a oolgn of Taataga aad from aUfllngly dooe quarters where tbe arti
mar ataad oat on tba bndpa In treat. • tba cover of a bank or from bablnd a ficial temperature baa riaea to 100 dcnholtertng eora or porbape eren from
tartat for an tba aaamra ablpa
Boma of tba man. aallora aad ma- M open water projoeU aa antocnobtla funa ahlrtleea bareheaded, aemetlmee
rtnaa. ara poatad to tba flebUng top torpedo, 00 aat aa to travel flea or tan without aboea are bathed In tbe moet
w tbs Burfaee of tha water, with prnfuaa peroptratlon.
wUb tbair OatUnga and rtflaa Otbara— fact balew
ba Wg ai
Aa Admiral Dewey did la tba hay of
tba great teajerltr. In taet-ar* Mwltar- anra aim toward tbe aide of tba
Manilla n halt mnat tlwn be tmllad. nr
ad la tba (otward aad after turreta with morad cruUer. If It U bot a « la tin
tba Mg gnna. lb ebarga of a Uaatenaat- anotbar David has parbapa aUla Its Oo. tba men will drop dead at tbair poate
or UauteBaat eemmaadar. Tba hatch- bath.
from axbauatioa. A rest and maal may
m ara aerawad down, aad abeat tba
But thara have hma mm dateUad for tbaa 1>a provldad. andtbg In "a amoka"
fCovrnfM. OH.!
A tatOwhlp or erulaer la b«r bMuUtU white coat of palat with toucfar* oC
«hrote* aboot tta* Mata, rarda aad
«B«w o( tha voedvertc. tlw braaa ^im
•ad rnaartnw poUabad UU th*r
Jiar flat
Bka «old la tba at
r tba mu
■tea of ban
Jbtlr. al•mM «ortr. fren portbolt or mouatad
«■ bMbaUa. te “a thlar of baavtr" attbar awtaclaa at bar aacbor dialaa or
4aaMa» abaad tbrouch tba wattra.
wblcb bar propaUar ehunia lato foam at
tba aunt. Bnt ta dar* at batUi. wbaa
Cba white eolor baa baaa cbaapad to a
Ml laad tAM BOOB looka crlmr aad
atrm Am tba appaaraaoa ot a aoUad
4mt% with poaa atarlar at teactb from
vMa «paa auta. tba hotidar axttra atrippad from bar. aba makaa a forWddlac
Ami oUbowa ptotaiw. la tlma of actual
■Mad■■nut aba aaama to ba aotblac
Mara tbaa a matal bon that baa baaa
■aarwtad Into a daatb daallag laatrwMt to warb baroc aad daatnaetloe up-
voeatloa and feeling tbe dignltmcf ambryo
the captain aad all tbe officer* gaM
- ) tiaetrlclana
tbe admiral or ooenoodora. or who- tbe credit or aamne tbe raepoaalMBcy
If tl
of tether victory or defeat tbe aaOdP
rionaly. bla fleet captain Immediately who baa Haen above his prtraiUv* grafid '
aaanmea command. In tnrn. If tbat oflllatlon for tbe part 1
cer becomea incapacitated, then the next
ranking enptnln boeoraea tbe leader. If playa in the few hours' turtnoU wbSB
that olBear. la auocemion. ta obliged to the belching flame aad whlaxlng baUfi
quit bis pont or dies among hte men, tbe ahrlek of abella and the rutUag «
Co«l For War Vessels.
If tbe preomi war tests for a year, II
that at least 1.000.000 tons of ooal i _
be used by our warshlpa Last year ttas
eensumptlon was only US.tU toaft
which coat MM.oao. Tba oaaa te vwT
given to the range finder. Ite complete craft an added.
name la tbe •■range, poaltkin aad deTbe navy baa to pay all aorta of pteeM
preaalon finder." Apropoe of the rub- for coaL varying from tLW to |U p«
>ect. It may be stated tbat tbe govern- ton. the tetter being tbe pcica nt este>
tala South Amertran porta.
Before tbe war began it coat tbe gffiW
pnodpal aeaporta of tbe country. Bbors enunent tZJO per ton nt Kay We*^
practice ennalsts In plotting tbe waters whereas tbe prtoa has alnea rtecn «S
of tha adiaoeni tey, lake or eea lato im •AH.
aginary aquarea, aaeh of which la num
Two ateel piers are being boUt bytBg
bered. Then the gunner, auppoalng aa
Dry TortngM. each of them SM
enemy to be located on one of those
aquarea. Area at tbe apot. The raeult feet long, and also two ateel abeda, aaoE
of this trial abooUng la tbat we are rap capable of containing 10.000 tons of coat
idly creating gunnera of experlanoa
Tbme sheds wUl be equipped with tSS
At sea. when tbe vaaael Is in motion, latest botstlng apparatua which Is sMS
tbe base ie
Ie fixed .and measured upon te bandle tbe coal la enormous qnaalls
the deck. A teles^pe Is placed at both tlea Otent abovete. each bolding tSV
b trttltma. Tba paalal craw ara atam
••d iwtaatlaaa. apparaetir Ittepited with
• MardareM farr. aa tbar debt tbia c<autlc machlaa ot war. to awaap awar
«tl tbat obotrweta tbatr paaaaca or rlaw
Md raw with oaamla« wastoo erwaltr
•a pooboa upoa a balplai advaraatr.
Iba lutter, bowaaar, ta ealr tba peat*
•< . >5
‘ \\,
• V
leal Mate XT they did not dash and tire
•ad Stab, tbe enemy would. It Is all a for the coming combat. Kegs
•Wch of Me trada" Bow does the ablp powder and d|-namlte and packages of
SgM 1b batUe? Wbat are the ctreum- gun cotton, with plies of ahella and oth
ntauMa aou cvmuuvas aiuTvuukii.ia
er piMlectlle*. have been hoisted up ^e
la the heat of oonuMT Possibly the
iwny. There U no lunger a line of
flMtewtbg tbeoratleai anslytea Buy give
extending from tbe guns
•OMa Idea of a fight oo tbe eea:
ready to receive orders to
There are two ablpa in our navy
■munlllon and execute •|bcii
Imown dlatibouvely as "nrmorad mute- with great reUrlty, ais there was In'th
days of tbe old frtcatea. Machinery of
tbs Kew^T^ a^ ^
steam and hydraulic moUve power furI bteng pamad after ntebee tbe shells aad even fires the
cllteB. as are ateo the
guaa There are still, however, buckets
aratete*." aad there are eUU otben of jgater for tbe swahbtag of tbe guaa
aad te mop away grime, powder nod
known Bimply as "coilaera.*'
poaalbly blood. These are regularly
gtanca. has a etael huU. an' Indleaud placed In certain positloni. while every
of JM», te propelled by man and officer has bte distinct place
and duty to perform.
twin ecrwwe and baa a main battery
0 gnat and a aecoodaty battery of tba
Quietly they alt await tbe elgnal for
MMS aambee. Bar AUpUoemenl te •JU flrtng from
baa through bis eommunlcstlng tubes
tdoa. She enn make 10 knota fblol
ordered the engines to be slowed down
MM tban a laad mllea. aa hour. I
qHl«a*IMM.O«l. la tba mala batl
or tbe speed to be laeraaaed, as suits
tbe emergency. Down In the very
at* tegbt • Inch aad twteve • lacb m
la tbe geeondary battery ara twelve t boweto of the ship, under the glare of
potmder rlltea four 1 pouadsr aad tom electric ilglilB, the engineers, the flremsa,
the stokers aad the bilge dsanei*
The SitKdtIya te a model maa-Of-wnr. are all hard at work, with IliUe knowl
aad as she earriee pracUcally all tbe edge of wbat may be going on above
typm of gnns that are found on tbe them unlsM an exploding ebell reaches
abipb of.oor navy bar armament te at lbs sblji's mighty lungs, disarranging
iMSt peculiarly laatmctiva That te. tba macblnery. or an • tneta projectile
she liaa tbe guna egrepting tbe U Inch, like thni »r Dewey's Bahtmorc at Ms
tbat are teuTled by first class battle- nUla brings death or overwbslmlng ds•ibipe. second ctesa bsttlenblpA OrMsefa strucllon to tbem.
herwise Ihe fact of victory Is
* *^n^»^'^^^mmedlate battla her mala Shouted to tbem, and then they
I 4mk is. in the vereacuUr of the aea- into tbe light of day to rejoles
I Man. "cleared for action." The deck Ibeir comrades.
But of tbs battle who can tell* The
nr that, which wna originally tha
B yng deck, is now known ns tbe berth ship Is steaming along In an trregnter
I Satei and is always kspt In patfsot or- sUlpM, perhaps la ooaesBtrlc drffiaa.
ttas exprsas purpose ot wa
melbod of attack. Even' I
tbs ablp te now depressed, and a s
tbs torpedo. It Is stniek and demoltsbsd.
The missiles ot destruction now b^n
to rale upon tbs torpedo boat. By some
moans sbs must be Injured or crippled,
and one lucky sbtel or ball in her machtnery or steering gear wiU render ber
uselesi for the remainder of tbe en
gagement at least If It te not possible 10
sink or oapiure her.
Then, to add to the horror of tbe situ
ation. Users te tbe
.T to being placed
war vessels Its use te
far from general, and tbe Spaniards do
not seem to hsve any knowledge of It.
Bo the deep pall of batUe lowsra. and
(here are lurid fiames from biasing
ships or burning forte to odd n farther
element or-mamlve dreadfulneea Tbe
t be watohed wlib wide
open eyes, (or single stray sparks would
entaU Instant annUillation.
Tbe risk of (be enemy's abtil ponetratlng Us cfaambere must perforce be
aeeepted, but tbers cannot be a seoond'g
•• from eternal vigilance.
tllng ->r any other rapid fire gun
te Ukely to become overheated and will
tha Are Itself without seen the acUon
of the autemstlc movement, though tbte
1 hour or so. Then
ends of tbat line, and tbe two Ie
■ crew hu wrought haroe are focused upon the object against
with tbe enemy and It te
only a huestlon which the shot te to be fired. Then the
ohaervaOon te taken, a mathematical
oalculatioD Is mads, a reference to the
ous heaniuess i complete the wort
book of tables te given, and the gun
ner immediately knows wbeUier tbe
fore I
cruiser or fort te CM or 4h miles or any
turns to tbe guns e
other distance away. Tbe apparatus te
self satisfied a doni
so extremely sensitive and regulated
to such a fine degree that by turning a
key a gun weighing 1« tone or more
lotmat of prtae money te aometJmes n can be InstanUy adjusted so tbat with
good figure too. For Instance, tbs a epedfled quantity of powder It wlU
aallora of tbe New Tork. who captured shoot a projectile of a given weight ex
the Pedro. wUl receive tin each.
actly (he dteUoce that the range finder
•• on the contrary,
ry. thei
there baa not has determined The gunner must nscany p
d auccAs. If there essartly know tbe conienu ot tbe car
Ither c . . ___________________ _ tridge. for tbat It a essential factor In
and but little damage has been Infilct- tbe solution of BlU problem. Thqn
od upon the enemy, U there Is any there must be allowances made tor tbs
doubt of ulUmate victory, the lana-of- rralstanre of the wind, which may W
wnr'i man will give bte trouaera a greater or less: for the curvature of the
petulant bitcb and go back to hts duty earth and for the movemat of the obnot ao cheerfully perfaapa. but Juat as
aecurate than tbe buman eye.
The acamna who rolte tba powder beg
aad trucks tbe big abetl Is only requir Those used on shore are attached to
ed to display ordinary IntelUgeaoe. The dtsappeartng gun carriages, so tbat tbs
who ewabaaad primes and wttMa memy does not tee the cannon, nor does
the hoisting gear and other apparatus tbs gunner vlsw hte target Bat It Is
te merely giving evidence of strength not "BbooUag In the dark." Abadlate
and obedience to orders, but the gun- sellnUUty to assnred and tbe gunner
feet* that he te doing aperlor work as
tbs dsUcate BfisUBa
tons, will dive Into tbs bolds of tbs oefie
oatly tbg
Oregon ablppod l.SH tona TtavoUngafi
ber ordinary cruising rate of U knoti^
abe consume* about 71 tons In M bounv
so that she omU kesp going at ttfi# .:V
speed for tl day*, oovsrtng ASM knotE
or MM Btetute miles. Cndra foresi
draft tbe Oregon te onpable of mnItfaE
nearly 17 knots, bat bar fasi
Uoa would run up to r'
hours, and ber apply
only six day*.
41 tons taka m beard stM*
liKffi. Ttas Mg <ntear HoV
Tork ena carry l.MO toew of coal aai
can make » knou burning 100 teas a
dar. Going at tbe rate of 21 knots. Ma
more than Ouas times that «wa- ■
*Refrgghmentg* In Scotland
In tbe course of tbs i
k case M
tteaal aas
tloa arose liord Wateoo.
— •
Chat part« BosW
land had ooly sae maanlag. •afi tM«
THB HOBitiHO MOOED, miymsi omr. moh. butoat. Jtnre i». ie98.->AHT two.
voeatJon aad feeUng the dlgUty of em
Be while the ndmtmL the «smma<«#
bryo Meetrlelana
he captain and all the odlcet* gaM
U the adsftlrU or nnwiwwlnri. or i
the credit or amume the rieimnsfUlwy
of either vietoey or defeat the ■____
who haa risen above hie primlUve gndd
to that of a petty cOeer Is dmervlag
much oommendaUon for the part bd
raaUng eapUIn bseomee ths leader,
lya la the tew hours' tarmotl t
that oflioer. ta eoooaeUao. to obUgw
the belching dame and whIsMng bnOB
hie poM or dlas among hie i
the shriek of oheUe aad the ruttUiW 4a
then the neat lanklag captain or
of Oatllaga intermingled wtth tbe PM' '
mandcr or Ueutasant oomme ruler, as pery rwrt of riAea are eettUag tti
the caee may ba tahaa charge of the question of Mval sipirwienr «r d«B>
Beet and direota its opsraUom and ma-
How the Powerful Armorclad Is Manipulated-Dangers and Difficulties and
Methods of Overconning Them.
pMriac ft t
a Um poft. ftft
•tM goM br. ftt tki fen fortlitaftUou or
•hip ftftd ihoit. ftfUr puttiag the hell
down h*H either to the rtfht or tef
tbnftderlBt • eurboftrd broftdelde el th
The meo to the tonrard or ftfi
or turret are eotttlDUftlly ebowerlng ehc
41V are la going
for while the men up there care nothing
•or the poinu of tithe eompaae the long
A hatdeahlp or eruleer to hm beutl.
ln‘a whlatle b
M whiu coat of paint, wtth towehce of
on the upper
akiwme abeat the maau. yarde and deek te plaoed within the oonanta of
«i«ea at the woodwork, the bra« platee the bulwarka cr houeed In apodal dea>
-------------- tui they Kteaai ignated eomparteeata The captain
mu Into the conning tower and wtth
«M of here
him the caecutlve oOcer and the nnvl.
gator and perhaps a eeaman gunner,
ea harbeue. le -a thlw of beantir at. le thle eteel cage, about atx feet In dl>
nmeter. arv the wheel, a Mgaai board
diaahlag. ahead through the watera. madclng the tubee aad aa deetrte but.
. .
...............• into foe* at
two hr which the enpuin may
dhe Mara. But la dapa of battle, whoa
torpedo tt he deetree. The oom>
the white color haa been ehaagod to a
ig oAeer mar remain in beta
Ml lead that Boon looka grtinr and during the battle aad near Uw abtp
ahm her the appeannee of a eotled with hie owa haada or. Uhs Dewey, he
4»ea. with goha etartag at ieagth fn>* may stand out on lbs bridge la tronv •
«Me e»ea ealta. the holtday aitlto etrtp. Uifftl for all ths saemrs shlpa
»a« tma her. aha aakee a fOrWdding
of the mea. saUota aad __
mi BWtaniH plotare. le time of actual
fu peeted In the flghtlBg top
eeefiw to bejeaothli
nothing wtth thalr OatOaga and rtflea Othera..
_ I than a owial hull that haa hhea
gPiTirted Into a death deftUag laatrw
■Mat to work haroe aad deatructloa up- the big guaa in ehar«e of a ttwiteoant
ea theee ahe regatda aa aatagoaiata.
TW hatch.
Ihe dove haa b
1 abont the
The genial crew ate atera
mi telerrtleaa appareeiiy taeplred wItt
a ■aideieua fary. at they Bght thle gt.
BBBtte merhiae of erar, le eweep away
«B that obMroett thMr pa wage or
n with aeilng wanton eraalty
dlaeoneerU their aim at tlmea and given
e oonetaat Itnpreeelon of being
toppte over Into the briny depti
pthe be*
But the enemy are not Idle. If thdr
batticehipa arc being wonted, tbelr de« of etone and Iren crumbling un.
the monster projecUlea thrown
againet them, they still have hope.
But what U thU new danger* JuM
aa the Brooklyn puts her helm bard
Whlie the emcoro are an mwrisrs of
•earnaamip aad gwaaery aad are oapabU ef devletng n^ aad orlglaal meaaa
U »o 0
would be tftk) _
mount to thie top duriaft the fttnlo of
bfttUe. the crew there wotiM be mate,
rlftli}’ veftheaed la efieleBor, and thle
ideUr eucceee or
even eetualty turn the Ude of battle. A
big gun In the turret or on the guo deck
may buret from too ooneUnt arlng, or
from eome oauee it may beootae Inaffective. Then It le nothing more than
uaeleae steel and a ' '
an nld.
There are tragedies enacted from
bumung guns that strike terror to
men's haarU. It Is like a barroom
brawl on the fttmUer, only neoantoated la horror and noise and easnattlaa
twentyfoid. Agnin, there Is e limit to
human aadnrance. The mental aad
physical tension le cnonaoua It HtOe
matter* whether the sun U beating
down with tropical beat or the cold
winds of autumn are ewlrttng about the
The cannonading, the burning
of gunpowder, the rapid jumpUg. lift,
log. pulling, ruantag to and fro. nil re>
suit In such vleleni saerclee that
Btimagly close quarter* wher* the artlBeua temperature haa rUea to IM da.
greee or more, the men worUag the
guaa ahlrileea. bareheaded.
lah looking torpedo boat etaals out from
•loag the shore unUl It reaches what It
regards as a oolgs of vantage aad from
• oover of a bank or from bound a
the open water projeeu aa
aa to ttavel Bre er taa
fsM below thersurfaoe of the wmUr. with
sure U* toward the elds of the big ar.
As Admiral Dewey did In the bay of
mored ctvleer. U It la not seen U time, ManUla. a halt must thea be eUled. or
another David baa perhape slala lu OowlU drop dead at
A rest aal
BU there havo bash me dstalM tor
gunner, upon
- . ... . .. Is placed. He
directs the shot, the lowering or rUslng
or swing ef the gun. and when It Is at
the enact poUtlon be i
imand to Bre. But there__
neeeaaarily rarlaUone from nilee of
ore In the beet of battle. The
U epuodlc. Moat '
given to the range finder. Its eompleu
name U the “rang*. poalUon aad deprsMlOB finder.** Apropos of the eub.
lect. It may be stated that the govern.
metiths age oontneted for
the Macing oef range Anders at all the
prindpU eeaporte of the oountry. Shore
practloe oonelete in plotting the waters
of the adleoent bay. lake or aea Into im.
agtnary equaiac oaob of which U nom.
bered. nwo the guaaer. sappoelag an
enemy to be located on one of thOM
aquaree. Ares at the spot. The rmott
of this triU shooting Is that we are mp.
ly cnatlng gunners of expsrlsnea
at sea. when the veseti la In meUoa
the barn is Axed and’ iiMasurud upon
the deck. A teleaoope Is placed at bath
Coal For Vai
If the present war lasu for a year. 4
a expected by the navy departmaal
hat at least LMO.eW tone of eemi wIB
which coat MH.MO. The e_____ _____
different now. when every vessel le IS
of amtUldgr
craft are added.
Tbe navy hae to pay an aerm of prtedp
w eoal. varying from «U0 to
PW .
ton. tbe latter betng the pMoa at eep>
tala Sooth J
Bbfore the war begaa It eoM tbe goVv
whereas I
Two Meet plecs arc being bttUt bytttg
navy departtnent for eeallng pulp asm
at the Dry T
feet long, and •l«^ two steM Mreda MSB
eapable of oimtataing U.Wt tou of ooaL
Tbmr ebede win be equipped with tbs
latest hoisting apparatus, which Is ahig
handle the eonl In sneriBous gusnBe
tisa Olant abovefa. sa<h bolding tm
leal Idea, if they did not dash and Are
and stab, the enemy would. It u au a for tbe coming e
Keg* of gun“trick of the trada*' Bow does tbe ahlp
Bgbt tn battleT What are the Mreum.
er prolectllea have been taoteted up th*
In the beat of ooateMT PsMdbly the hatchway. There ta no longer a line of
CsBowtag tbeoccuoal analysis amy five men extending from tbe gun* to the
amo Mm of a Aght oa tbs sm:
maguslne ready to receive order* for
There are two ships la our nary further ammunlUon aad execute them
with great celerity, aa there was in the
Si- the New Tork and the BrdUlya. day* of tbe old frtgatea
VhMC are Mvsml 1
•team and hy'
__________ Ming named after
nlsbes tbe shell* aad even Atm the
Mttea. M are alec the "unprbteolM guaa There are still, however, buckets
thaec arc sttU others of water for the ewabblng of the .
aad to mop away grime, powder aad
• armored cruiser Brooklyn, for U- poeMbly blood. Theee ar* regularly
•maoe. haa a eteel huU. an
' placed
d In
poelitoaa while every
Bonepewer of U.to, u pro
and officer hae his dlatlnn place
^ oerewe and haa a mala W-.-,
and duty to perform.
$$ guns aad a eMoudary battery of tbe
---------------dleplacemeat le ktU
has through hie e
ordered the engttiM to be slowed down
nml *na 4.SN.0M. In the main battery or th* speed to b* Increased, ss sniu
w eight t loch aad twelve t inch tIAm
emergency. Down In the vej
■eoondary batury are twelve ( bowti# of'the ship, under lb* gUre'2
rtOea. four 1 pounder and tour electric llgtiia tbe engineers, the AreOeUtngs.
tbe stokere and the bUge deanotu
The Brooklyn le a model man-of-war are all bard at work, with little know]aad as ehe carries practically all the edge of whet &ay be gtdag oa above
typM of gune that are fouod on tbe them uDiem ea explodlBg sheU reaetiM
•hips of our navy her armament le
be ehlp'B mighty lungs.
least peculiarly inetnicUva
InetnicUva That la the macblncry. or aa • Inch pnlecUl*
Bhs has tbe guna excrptieg the U Inch, like that of Dewey's Baltimore at Mathat are curried by Aral class hattla. nlUe bringe dMth or evonrbotmlag de
--------------■ _l______ W...._____ VJ________________
struction to tbem.
Utherwiae tbe fact of vtctory le ooon
la caee ui Immediate battle her mala shouted to them, aad then they
dark la in U>« vernacular of tbe Matbe light of day to» tuKta
PMS. "cleered for a«ion.** Tbe de<B
bMsw that. whiBi was erlgtaally the
But of tbo battlo who ean Mlt Tho
deck, to now known as the berth ship te atoamlag along In an Jmgular
,4MB snd B always tvt U patCeM or. Mllpaa perhaps U ecmosntric Mralea.
exprsM puipoa* of wutchlag this
method of aitnrk. B\rn' <>lK
the ship le BOW depreeeed. aad a elorm
of Iron ball belches from' tbe mnssles.
while the rapid Are guas aad the riAemen-In tbe lighting top all direct tbelr
energies against this most dreaded ef
foes ShooUng at th* molellke
tbe torpedo. It la struck aad
upon tbs torpedo boat Byaom*
moans she must be Injured or crippled,
aad one lucky eboll or ball la her maebtaery or ateortag gMr erlll rendw her
ueelsM for the remainder of tbe en
gagement at least U It is not posstb
sink or oapture her.
Then, to add to the horror of the sito.
•tlon. there la tbe apimUlag amoka for
while amokelem powder la bstng plaosd
OB some of o4 erar vesseU lu Ui
tar from general and tbe Spaniard
ibe deep pall
tboiu are lurid fiaatM from blaaliig
•hlpo or burning torta to add a further
olemeat of massive dreadfulnaM The
be watched with wMe
open eyes, for single stray sparks would
Tbo risk of the anemys shell pene
trating lu chaatbere most perforot be
aeeepted. but there caanot be a seeond*s
rsMlte from eteraM rigtlaaoe.
A Oatling or say other rapid Bre gun
is Ukely to become overhMted aad wUl
then Are tuelt without even tbe aoU<»
of the auiomaUc movemMl. though this
would necesuartly eoattaue Its opm-.
Oon*. Thera le dtBgur of sg(a*Mon
tbM. «M th* taranoh nuy bMMcao clog
ged, aad while th* abtp would not be
materially Injured a half doM mM
nto CragmMta It there
for half an hour or so. Then If tbe
Brooklyn * crew has wrought havoe
with the enemy and It le only a question
of another ebort cannonading to end
the atruggle tbe mea go back wtth Joyone heartlneee to cctnplete the work.
There are vlsloaa of prise money be
fore tbe eyes of Jack Tnr aa be re
turns to the gun* with a song and as
self satlaBed a deneeaaor as If be were
Boor manager of a private *honW
among hie intlmatM at homo Hie allotment of prim money ta
good figure too. For Instaace. tbe
aailora of the Now Tork. who
the Pedro. wlU receive tW
It on tbe oontrarr. there has not
sen any pronounced snocMo. U there
ta neither captured
and but UtUft diun^ has been IBIU^
ed npoo the enemy. U there ta any
doubt of tUtlmaU vtctory. the man-ofwar'e roan will give his trtmsere a
petulant hitch and go back to kta duty
not ao cheerfully perhepA but Jnn as
ed to display ordinary li
man who swahaand prttnM and mm
th* botstlng gear aad other dPParalus
ta merely glring evldenoe of strength
end obodtaM to order*, but the gunmate and the nimen gunner are
alned axpaeisnoa. prowl of ttatar
ends fit that line, and the two tonsM
a* IocumM npon the object against
whieb the shot ta to be fired. Then the
otwervhtloD Is taken, a mathematical
ta made, a reference
book of Ublas ta given, and the gnncruiser or fort
other dlstaace away. Tbe apparatns ts
so extresMly nefialUve aad
to sneh a fine degree that by turning
- a gUB weighing 1« tons er mei.
bo Instantly adjusted eo that with
_ .pMfiflsd quanUty of powdM It wiu
•boot a projectile of a given weight ex
actly tho dlstaitee that the range Ander
baa d
. The
gunner must a
esaaiUy know tbe contents of tbe rartridge. foe that Ism essential factor la
the solution of BUs problem. ThM
there must be allowances made for th#
of the wind, whicha may I
ureof U
Bt-of the Ob-
tons, will dive into the holds of ths
Uers. grab the coni lift It out and thM
drop It Into the ebede thsough hlitij
It take* a M of eoal to run a watv
dhip. At Rio de Janeiro reoMtly ttg
Oregon ehlppsd LfW tons TkareUngat
her ordinary crotalng rau of 11 kaan,
so that she o^ keep goiag i
the uregoe
Oregoa m
I* eapanw
oapaM* oc
of SMnaiB
UI la*
Lriy IT knot*.
knot*, Mt
hM fuel niiii—g
wwi ' run urf to MS tOM evwy M
n wwuld
ire. Iaad ber adpply woMd last her
only ell days
Every 41 tons tahM on heard MiBta
inch. The Mg eruIsM Msv
<Mag at the rate of n kaota. stag
“Refrefihmenli" In Scodaod
rate than tbe human eye.
1 oa ahore are attached to
« gun carrlagea. so that the which the niBiiMty tar adattanal i
ly doM not see the cannon, nor doe*
the gunner vtaw his target But It ta
IfwdWatMM. --------- r •
not “ahootlng la the dark.” AhMtota
MltahOtty ta stamrad. and the gusnsr
d PMt M
tssis that he to doing supettar wtwk M
------— --- -------------|i, —iitffii
VBE Momroro apoomp. rorojiTayiw u, tut
Oraad PiriaM
^ Umm ▲. Ckanaka oSoa wklek
fart bai toaa fwaaalaad h, «ka
taasd k4«a. for
. ba kaa kaaa avranIatiMi elMtad
ik'j SL-rssr.
tv aataatf tba
MBtNT ^ Rbodi lalaad todf* and avt««
tetba Tartoua ekalra. H* flm banataa a
Masba-of tka fmi todaa la 18M, aa4
IB ItM be »ai ekaaae araad valala.
avkieb poalttM beaaqnl«ad kleDaaU or
Mablr to hUaaeU aad (ha ofS*- *
OharalajlaalaaBB aPdtatoaiPaf cC aba
Odd Paltowa.
Tba ruaarvrtaMBtof niiaota. ai
BtBk. offwatf Ha laiiHia to«faa Baa^aui
DUtrtci maKtaBtaf kal^iaaiadalac
••eb aaod tor tka oidto tHhaapaH.
Tba tnm cnad todfa. Kalfkla «f
nrtbito. adopaad a toanorU] to
b (ba
“ aaBNtoa M«a aakla« U to lapaai.1 Ibaiaaeitae at tka ooaattto.............
aaak wklek daoUM
atttbaU baamv lototkaararikaUtoHaH
a to « Mta to iV ited vIdS a^
Sff^wSJTtiusiiS !srir-isr«
tortcnrfcmt In «. BoUto talba
AttoBtod Ai«toaU,Hto«bv«tetaa
jraamaotraalctL- tetoraavakato M la tka iMk trbtoi oar araapoaa aad
baaa ahte to dlaeoaar. Maakv Btm tor»D- ttijmwvti a menetoataataiytypa.
latad thal pa|( o( tbaoSalal obUcalios
aew la partial aaa. >'I wUl aarra tor tba Tba ability aad bnrery cd our people
tam tor wktoh 1 ka«a baaa alaeiaA*' aad cuaM baqnaadottad. Onacdthaflaato
tba rota to qaaatloB waa haaad am thal «|daodaa<TktokaTiatb»toakla(ot tk«
portloa of Haekap-a torn a« oA^attoa OaatbHtoad at Bamptoa Boada Her
aad baa ae fitkar toamtoitoa to MawaH
law ar aaa«a.-JcaUb B. DramaawA
roM art waatod Iv 0«d aad M*
iBcaloatottag tba obaooea of rktcay
hymao. ,
Aa d«v a( «ka arnaimaa tatraatad waaiatotohatoto amoai tkadiapoBwHfc tka toaaaalcath
oHaa Bvlaatod or (Upbtodi la toal. (kla I Aay <wtrU
dadcdeacy ta tbair :
aad toiU it oeciala to laritt
iTtry goal tor aaagbt ia tba
praaaaoacf macbiae^ if a peo^ ba
hmpe^ It tndldtB aad taWfaoiU b»• of (krOantarato Ma loosins to the niddla apt
ta at Deooto baa k
te owl tMD
rnMkt oeoU alB teobaaptyctoBiad to
tbia way fmn town to towa, and a
larfo baatoatoBight ba brNaptotte
traaaportoUao o^iteriBBtiBOuhoa and <d
milk ten tte 'oowitxy into tte allyPtotfem oara ralgbt ba amaged to teal
bawTily loaded wagcua eoald ba tokn
for ko« dkanoM at a natocipl
a (tea and expnaa. TbaiaUafl
btgh'nye ten bearry Haflto'
Bt^t tbM be wy gnat. It woold si
_ . 1 Bdnban to food atoodlBf who
V aallalad d^i tba ptaaaal mfllaa to alX dtar bcaael of tba eotiatiy'a aarrtea
iBdtoaa baa dIm mtotaata oftkaaal*mraakpttP>*
'000 FfcULOWS.
>. m tooiaaaa ii I laaabaiiMtib >a «ka too*
I la to toatototo Ha high
Ua, pnfaatooa aad woiA,
I toto fTaa*tnrt«Bal er-
Well, they’re here, b aD the late*t ttyle*..
Qaalities to suit everyone. Ladies', genU’, boys’, misses' aad child’s sues.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices Sl.OO to •2.00.
te npaln and nMwal of modv for
tbcaowoold ba a eoareapaodtog ndnetton to (be
ten beavy (aatntog a
cboptnag oeucai nf •
“Tte Tniiky to Bwal Pam" by 8^.
Baxtot. to Uaipar'a Magninr.
M DMU. „
of Kntobla Tbmpiaia to Taim
• Of
Tai-1i toaoWowy
toaoWa^ ft tbaip
t^ awpa
Mpa A
m b>w*7>
cnckart “It baa two obambera, aapaiMaa. aad J. a KMd of Boaaaoa. cnad . aaTmd «8E»pt to tba kaada of
t «*toa«. iHacipaHy Sooicb aad Ba«- ad by a plug of oIbt. throagfa
That theyaoonu.'CtujgrBae. Tbm ia also a,
Tboataa B. Caawall.
nfiBiiiiliT of Iba taMlab Blia. aoatbara Ura ooorasa wbea ooraerod to on- taae a&taodtug ten tea powder to tba ,
lowar «toan>bv thnogb tee aida of tea
lortadleltoa. la tba blgbeat dl«toiary by doobtod.
CB^nr Wb«e(bacsaokartatobeSr«d.|
prtorHy to tba ADctooi aod AaavMd I Iba d
SooaHto Rita of Praa Haaoniy, tor ha to ' ud oara
H to set on end ai>d fire aet to tte fuao. i
Tte powder exploding to tte
Ihrowa tte erweker high to tba air. :
aad (bla to (ba oMaal i
whoetbaanoond cterge to tKpladed by
teiora to (fail partktotor w
tba world. PiMB tbb
eoBBoU bate aoaaa all (I
(te ping bPtwm tea two efaombera la
Hah Rita bodtoa to '
of teme tba otoy to
.______________ ____
tea baaa takaa baton Tba
BoatoB baa cBpatad tba L^wa (Mat tead ; Bogtoad did (be >ob oa«r a conn
for tba trtaeatol ooBelava al PHiaturg
| aad a jwetty tca«fa Hadt (bey ted
btr to teen kmtod wtte powder and
T>a ooBtraeHBcof adabior faltanto'fleMBtBDbarad uahtpa Tbey «
BO eft
pay H owtog to toe
hitoy briB«
brtn« bo
ofNawa | hnTUy mad, and (te Bonant Ibey ofoMd by tamtog oreg tte pap*'
end. Tte appar ctembe* to Icadad and
^tosoi Baaaato^
(te bay (bay got to wewk.
didttetypbon Oorend byttetrtg dosed wttb clay- A bole u pimebed to
atoa’ gaaa a datocliBnlaf anUtey (teaideaf tte lower cbaaiber wite aa
Iba weed Mamto bn Ha
and BartoM toada for tte alnw. bat awl, aad (be tarn toawted tbroagb teia
lor aad Itoillad laaaotot.
tbagnaaooald not voaeot (baa
•aadwUb bBpOBtiy^ tbeaa Doaoattuaa
tee wavea. Tte suf took teem,
teea. obamd tbom. aal wfaile tea
TbavUlof «te tola laaae Albartm of abeltotertakadorwteem, pitetedteam
- - . . , - __ _
mtodHpbto baqoaathaftl.UOO toKaealar agatoat mb oteec. Itwunal annada
■> Wyw Brwnawiok baabengntft
too eoBiMBdcty- of wbM bewaa a mbbat teto tens on tte Mde of
bar. aad $1,000 to tba ttoBBaylTaola MaBow tte ooopa laadad only aa by grafttog half (ft one toaecf npon half
aaaooald Hate 7« toad Itav <d abotecr. Tte emriamto wea« tba
Tbatoanoaar M.OOO atarntwo of tba
nblaol of a papto read ly Protean
•raft to PaBBVtoa&to, 4M todcaa. • nark
SBlte befOM tea Kew J«a>«y UkaoMBnwbUatteH
wbdto ooaH waa aknO. Tte fiigalw aocgfteal asto^. “All teal to
to do." Bid Pi ofiMQg Smite. "toiogH
aad otkar bodtoa.
badteapalay- TteyBkaapOaptloa Bat over tba boma of tea-wamt any Bamtor of papm <f B»tes. pot
tesaon toe. ou oS tbair baada or (bHr
was tba boom of tea gona Thread
those want anotbar dMacbment waa talK aoldar tea togetbarwite paiaflto
amt, a aeocad. a third. Spantoida oo- wai aad lat teem grow." Or. Smite
ttraa tea alamta erao. >otoed to rw teotred bow Piufanw damptoe of
polaa tea Yet «U1 tte gate peitoH Item N. Y.. bad aoUarai tea bead off
ad. In tte faaatkB a braaoh waa mada . CM mote to tte tail of amend: bow
te~ bad
fartbaeoBilMOoaiaieraMOOO. Tba Ba Tbi^nb
cTomblad walla
Baft- I ~
—-----_ .beads
. . .to
1^ to bm*. and bnaa
te of VoodenH wtu tmud tbnoiibMK
D aad VoodoMB wUl fallm. It to nlalad teat tea Spantoida
•atoaoradH totbaoHy
Arpeeaat propBaii toakow >i»
OM "to to It" at any tloMaadai
Of Tan.
fooght Ilka Anda: teat many of tea
nfnaml qoarmr. and teal tmiher tbaa
uamebaa wbMb are nppoaad to Son'tea a Tte lanaa which MaalUa mb oul.T to rrry wara cUmaa ban
Tka aaltoHea af Laatogtoa for (ha aaw
baan rolard soexWnlly to noteeni RaaSM(Daky Wtdowa aad Oipkaea' tom
Tba aval Kaicbfaora ted al ttealgtoif paid waa KW^OOa That waa dkrt
saata • lib awTal. aa (bat oHy to (ba boalaaaa. Manb II. ll.MO beaatelaiy
ato. tee fewtea bring of good quality
naito of OddTwiowahlpto thaaiBto. ot» BMDbara. a aa* gala dorlog Marebof OU.
and tea birda bealtey.
KOOO nmbara taaMtog wKbla a radio# of
IWBiUaa. Tba eooBV flmi ________
oouK baa al-KaaaaaClly eamp tDOt to tba baaaar
To ba porfeotly proportlooed a tan
■mil T*auv* vm migba
aomp of tba aoetaty. Tba eaiap baa kept
pMly told Hitio.ooa
teoold weigh M pOBBda fog arHy foot
Tte tiaaapartatlon of tiwcnhaiwlto
Xow,tbaa(baaoaiiDei . Bthaaneeao- $«»*•“• rtftbl aloac alaea wtootog tba
a featpm of tba kog dlHaac* eoUar of htobaighk
Kv d(^ lat TOW lodfa toioraat «o laio to good elaadlog.
Tbara to a gnal booB oa to (ba order
to MlMoort.
testa Drpoty Dawaoa win baee a BeatOeotTMli ten baaa awarded by tba
of btodapaUaa to MIODoaota dortng
teord of tba IIIIDOU OrpteM' boB« and
tea Old Folka- boaia wbleb lovolaa tba tba weak abdlog Jbim te. and Head Cobaol Noribeoat will be Id aneadaiiaa and
OCpaadlian of anrly $S0,mM.
Tbara abeold aaw ba a qoaml to a will atoo apnk at four or fl*e plealee to
•edge of Odd Faltowa. aad Ubb new that atato dortog Ibat waafc aad tba om
1 ba but tor tba
aad lack of irna Odd Fallowablp^
Ttebaeaar lodgaof Datowara to Bdaa
gf VUBtagtoa. witb aboal «00 Bambata.
n M Be Qadar An CtowteMIf yoo aaa apprtaabtof daagar for yoor
teetbar aad yoo do aol ware btoi. wban
It Is aottbialBof Iba lodga to fli Ha
la yoor obltgattoof
Banbaae for a better life banafler, but
Tbara ta tet oaa my to Biaka aon that for a Boblar Ufa oo sartb. Ko oaa wbo to
wa keep oar obllgatioa Md Ibat to by tbofoogbly iBbaed wHb the prtoetplss
teopuag Moor eBBdacd of lUa (ba goldaB sod laaahlnga et fcataraal soteuaa wUl
faU to ba aoaobtod tbeaeby aad toon to
<‘Dooa aay owe kaow of a alok teotbar lore bis B.................................... .......
m toolbar la dtoueaar- Thto to oaa of Iba WbOOCHB
jUjwbt oor erdar aad to dtoltoady Odd | Tba ao|
: Beadle Building.
fornla ware lostroeted by (ba graad ktlgs
to was (hair eOona at (ba eomlog aaatloii
Lodgaa abosM tooa tbair gMid
of tba suprema lodge to baft a oaw law
(renad parBliUog tuaaiban wltboat ralaUrte to bare tbair i
fand tor a widows and orphtM'
Morning Record Want Ads. Pay!
Whatever they are In the
Du Goods, Guiiet or Uotbiiig
Llnea can be had
With leee expense, than yon’d
pay elsewhere. Try It, anyway.
Summer Crash The New
Very popular wnr. Best
lina ia towxL Prloss,
For Ladies aad OeoUbB«D. Bi|^ Kev Liaa
aow ben*.
at $100. $1.10. $1.76,
$SS6 sad upwards to
6.00. Everything tbat’s
aew ia deairaUi band,
lea, yon U fiad her*.
Made of Zurich BOks,
ia aa catirely aew
order d pattema. Ae
bestabape* are^our.ia.
band. Tmperial, Special
Club, Puff aad Bow.
86o to 60o.
Colored Shirts,
To Cure
I That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine ExpectoranU Women’s Sum
8. H. ROSE & SON.
Take a
mer Skirts,
cjtuooisra. =
Tba ADcHot Older of Uelud Workman'
.... a mrdul is a trteiiO of widows and orpbaea
iBVHatloa loibe tootbata wbo ware anaTh* par oaplta tax tor tte year IBM was
jteM for DODpayBeat of does tocosa
fixed by tba graad lodge of Mlohlgao at
lu raemt aaraloa at ll.M). 7& emtapoyahla
. OoOBcdtoef tte Dyrta af Poeabonlaa aarotoneiully Tba iocroaac waa for tea
ten beae laatUotod at WaatSaperloe. MUIf you have read Mane Corelli’s g^reat work jon can
Vaakaa BOd Waukatoa.
ktoteSd and buildlag op tea eraIt la a aolabla (bm toal aaariy aesry
not help but admire the character of the heroine—“Tbel' araaldaDt froB Waahlagtoa down wbo bai
CaoMaertito to oar eoooiry-a affaire bM
This is also true of the latest perfume named “Thelteaa a R«1 Mae MaKtolay btoda bob•blp to Oblo.
tba cloaa of tba year la to ba Ukao
Yon cannot fail to admire its esjuisite and lasting
Tbalribaa la Kabkaokyan doli« as- bail* for waking op tba rotaasaati
gHlaoi work, aodibalr aaaMl report to Irow tba auburaiaaie lodgaa.
/v/Ia* once
AN/.a you
*TrtM have
Rsvw tried
*nau$ it,
1* For sale only by
tea great eouaelliihba Caltad Stoiaa wlU
boa ’ odor
Loalatosa In iba pool
teawtoal tba obtoto aad laaBbarahsva paid Into tea widows and pr|toaaa'
teee OB tba boat and oaptarad a Urga land •4IB.O0S ud drawn out $>tl,00a
gBoeat of gauia
Mad* of Oraah, Duck,
etc. Price* are 6$e to
$8.0a Best ai fitter*
they are. t<».
New lot* keep a eomiag'
ia here cooataatly. The
correct cedoriaga aad
a^lm, perfect fitting gar.
meata, at price* that are
act expensive. 60c to
At oor Mea'a Sumer
OMBimere Suita. Aay
price. $8Mtoffl6.00
IlDitk ul Pia IIIT (ofe, Cupd lii OdUK Don.
Or«ar af
tba (waiy-Sfto analraraaiyTbm an bo lUka gnad ^toa. as sack
gMtoUreli eotltiod toaasd arapreaaoia1 Trsvjse CSty,Mnio tbeaetmtnabody, (buaarUif large
gmnaetaod requlriag but oaa board of
gOesra to ooDdoet lu badMaa.
to tba peat IV yean It bar coal a Ban
ter at tba age of SI ynta aaoually for $1,
BHgUaef Malta.
etO $4.W, at at yaaie. Il.tiei at So years.
Tba laatar acrrloe told by tba Sir
te-M. at 15 year*. It 40. at 40 yeota. KnlgbM of St. Paul wed kltoMapolH was
•T.OS. at 41 ynra. |V64. at W yeara.
tU.P?; at Uy««n. |U tt
Tba aotlra eeat for jototog at pranat la
gafulluwa: Madiralfiw. tl.Mcbroefltonr- iii.ndrry >
inn^ and l.vuu Sir
' «Meai*.$l: quarter dost of.ll and oaa Knighti III
>• a^
gBaumewt, aooordlog to Ma aad
Wbitr Crum commsDdciy. Xa IW. at
tenraMrr. will rroaUe a rtom early lo
RalghH Md todte af Boom.
Tba lodga laMIluiad to CuMagtOB to
My Line
of Silvepware
.Uu. J, the finest In Northern Michigan. Oome and
‘ secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold
HfloarUb- Watch.
Tbara an low Oanaaa lodges to lioaia•fito - Maganlto Maitte WasblteVto tog oonditioa.
tehtttoraBd FWL
I The aaUmaiad rareaoe of tbs graad
Aaoralof ttoWwiodgaof8t.Lia«Hpra. oatuendery of Maaahuaatts ta tiu.nw
■Mad (to paaesofiaafan aaianatonani lorcaplu tax and |1.(mo paaoafdiatos
Mmatfaaaam of tea Kabuli gad UdlH Oa aaw maba Cbaitoa Sasa to
mrvsoH B^roos.
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
New Stock’of
Wall Paper...
Cotdiln’t help it; the people bgught all we had of
of that other cheap Mp^and now we have pn*^
chased more, and diwezit patterns and then ray
ing at this season, we bought at our own prices,
and we are going to give yon the benefit of the
prices. Yon have never seen such bargains.
This new stock will be here Tnesday. If yon
look it over yon will make up your mind to paper
that other room that you had concluded not to.
We don’t want to tempt you, but you will surely
buy if you see the goods.
220 Front StrMt.
, thephuippM
Tlie Perils TH^t Conbat tjie Soldiers ol
Major GeneM Merritt-Some Queer
Facts Alwnt the Islands Uncle
Sam May Aconiro.
Sav Adslna Dewey
vaU tepeat tbe&iboai wordictHaiM Vb<»'•i'y aala; i'j Ma"—**1 an ben; ben 1 rinU nenaln." He baa Mar
«nu •( bie mcK7 and wba> t»-«iifon»(l by IS.OOO troopa «ud# coranaiid <4
]U)or OeBatal Wealey Marrtit, the Dew mUltaiy saemior vt cbe PhiUpplMa.
aad by tba crnUen PUiadelphla and Cbarletttn aad the f- nuldable nouluv
MoBtatay. do <<woe tba SpaBbudi bare at tbair diqxaal will be able io<Ualod«a
Un. Oar tcldian. bowercr. wUl be teca to teoe wltb nacy r***l*Me ia ^d to be worn than that of Cnba. Tbe beat U '
ill MaDilla and tbe badly tercn are p
ouly 600 DiUei fron Ma>
luippine^ Th5 dii^
aoorrdhi« to eollow far*
eiMad i^Mcta. la ncxa «^ia ttna yellow
terv aad ptarB
ptara with paitinilar vto.
. . ---------------------„_1----------- ». .------gj
eaxtbqoalc.a an of almoat daily
kUla b» ■ ■ ■ pio* awaad lead, laaflnc
The 4kn«i<Bn trapa with Dawey'a exam
baamkpirtla TlwaraetiaDtaadbraaa, dtWrl^r.
Wnley Matrltt. U a aoMler of experieaca wbo kaowa tba nagaitada at bia
ta» ia teUy eoatpataat 10 oaoy U oat oDooeaMBUy.
The Experi«Dee o( Gomia ElUoa
IMO U. ElUott of Mew Terk, wbo waa Dnltad Btam oasni at MaBtn»
ywago. teUiaometamartwptalaaof tbaoUaaiaaBd <d SpaaiMt niaaoTWDBBt la tbe PhlUpplaea SpaBlah offldalt in tba Philipplaa ^tal
alamad at tbe grawtb of AnterioaB bade ia tba Wnda an! .ibfanMaiid to
■mm It oat. wen aapatad by ElUoct'a riporooa dMeaae of Aaerfeaif Mghta.
aptbatfHXRe tte he
to oAead tba Madrid totpivi oOoe.
JO la OaayTa. Two laootbf after Ccnaal ElUott nt nU
atbaPUUpptaaimdtaltbeoolcBialoflhdala bad drirea traa lha_Mlaada
baaaea. TkU tyaa
a the booae
Maiae of
of Waraer,
____ * Oo.. t^iob bal beiU sp-agreatbaMaeaa, tbeproAtaof lt»6
IM to »tt4,000. aad tba mooey baadkd ia tbe oaRi departacBt aloae
taf toBt.00Q.ooa
B«t7 toMa bad to ba paid by tbe laat Anariom .
flowlBf prttott panaa of ^ osnqa Spaniah otidala m4:
aa AnSete
wttfe tba O-
aadtfaaAMtattboHa ri WaM;
Oa baoaw tba BritUb bORtt
eattR bmtiab paamtteM la ^ smI bagna w^ tba
by thair Spwitti aaagama la tba ttMwto flaatofy.
___________ piadly tor awn tfan tbfw eMarim^to^ might
a faandradacf
bare gone <m
baadrada of ymis
yaai more M aoi Spaabb minla <B tba Amaetaaa
Wand of Cabs toa^t aboot
■ and^
Bpato. In tba fan ray PbUipptom. a land
pbm Spain ooald carry oat ber
away ^ tbe ayes of tba oiriUaad worid. Onlywbaan s tmeaUrbaatatanwatoMlloftbaUfa of tba iilndan^ anythli^ tM be^ of tbe a
d to that wild eoBBsy tea tba a
^riatapatsaaof faTtrad SpanUb offlotok aad tba lapln
tomaaiy. daplatad by oomptiaB at honaa and wan la tba
with Bento aad oar fbg floatt to tba capital of
hobaaabaaDtatbalalaadaaratraauspaaktt 1*
Iba PhilippldBA A
mlada. Maeoa ta bettor Qaallfled to RMak than fanner OmaalEUiott. srbo was
ttuae yaen at MaaUla. Daring tba tott ttx moatba td bia stay toe ooaaalate
d BUloM eoaataBtty carried two ptaola i
wm goarded by sU Bpanltti aoldhrs. aad
B bawaaaaol
apd a oartridga belt Beoanaa of his Ami
Bpaniarda of MaaiUa as waa Oaaaa) iwa to Barana's loyaUata
Cornet SpuMx Sule.
**8paaitoralatotbaf>hlUppdDealatbcmitolyo«r^”akyflMr. BlUett. ,
**Tbe ^ttmu of gotammaat
to oper^on ia tad moogh. bat it 1a
madf waay ttows wmm by tbo aOoials from Bpau wbo go to tbe PhUlHilaai
faradottier parpoaethantomahaatartana. Tba salary of tba gowanor gtaeral b gaaooo a yaw. nearly aa largo as tbs prasidcat'a bat tba salary b in-
A V«y Miinl rt>r •UtMi.
▼bat Yttfi3pgc IfiTc&tioa ITould Da
MMday a Shirrmw of Loa Aagaba. OsL. b aaotber Aattioan wbo ba
ttMtymsa to tba PbUipiiBaa aad knows tbe oonatrywali. He has been to tba
amplor of a ttadtog ooawany wbkb baa bma baying Indigo, campbor. mgsr,
«toas and bemp to tba PbUipplne labada fer 80 yean.
"If tba Dnbad Btatea ttwald taka tbe PbUippiae Ittanda as a pcaasattoa,'
they woald bam a mott ralaabb piaca of property, Tba pomibilitica of tba
------iaa wealth irodacmDcan bartUy be onratimatad. ibaaxpeatto
1B97 amoantad to aboos fta 000.000. and that in tba face of tba blbtotiai opmcmkB of tbe etwaito on arcry ceterpriaa except tobaooo aad ngar.' Daitad
Scana Omsal WiUbaa at ManiUa and 1 bare dboonad many ttmea tbe ogriealtanl poottbiUtiea of tbe PhiUpptoea onder American paab aad with Yaakaa
1 brilera the axpona from tbe islands mi^ be iaeremart to 86g-
Tba moat biKbbaaded attempt at robbery waa made tba tmunerbefcm OoaIS oCicial oaU«d a
■al ElUott left
tbo Ptallippinea Oea a
oonjany-s office and banded a bUl for pst.SSA IS to Blodnett. myiog that it
»»«-» ba mid witbiQ S4 boars. Some anufsled goods bad bees fuoud ia tba
aabarbs of Manilla, aad tbe raatoms eoUector oaacladrd bo ooald not n>^
♦tS.000 in any euriet way than by charging tbe mingglod goods sgainsi tba
d tbe company been dispoeLd to pay this
Atnerican ship Enuerslda. Eren had
flw>, (be money ooald not hare been had within S4 boors, for tbo fallowing day
~ '
Tbe order, which a isfrom tbeanpranecdart. gaTonotioet^ tf
___ ________ __________;ig)|atatb those of tba island of Negros far growtag
ooffee. Tbe ezpcrtatlsn of ooffaa to 18»7 amoantad toaboat 8860,00a It ought
to bare baa ten timea that amoont
. lag tbo bosincaa of fonriguera
on more than one occaiirai,
Blodgett went atoned to Oonnl Elliott's realdeooa. aad wb(B be bad
briefly related the story of tbe new Bpaaish oanaga tbe two want down to
oabla cAoa. Admiral Carpenter was that at Yokohama with tbe AalaHc an.e
no. Tba oooaal wroea a Rtutt mcaage to tbe admlraJ and banded it to tbe op
erator. Tbe maomga waa in cipher. "SeadBaaistaiKs."itraad. “Americaa la_ ..., ........
a tbe answer rearired by tbe otsual a
Elliott could not nudentaad why Admiral Oarpantcr
wiibed Mm menage aentto EagliRi. for ba tayw that the adiairri maR aaderstand tba .dpber. Bat tba oonanl hastened bock to the cable oSea aad wrote
ootamoaadmcsmgeinplalnEngUih. AnboarUterGoTecaurCNMmlBlaBoo'a
Moetary eaUed at tba oonsalata and said that Blanoo wished to see tbe consal at oDoa. ElUott wau orcr to tbe goreraor ganetul'a msMsooe Blanoo
banded bin tb« scoond meamga ba had left at tbe cable offloa
"Iama«onUbad.alr,’’axolstmadEUiott. "that a ocnsal'a
been held. ^
“lamaorryithad tobadaaA"tapUad BUaoo. "bnt yon aee wa oonUn't
1st that go. It might caaaa aoma anplaamataeaa between yoorooaatry and
“Bat no gomtunent baa a light to bold bach a ooaaal'a raeamfa, aad It
this manage is not smt at tnoe 1 will report tba ft«t to my goraraaMat. ”
Tbe oonanl then prodnoad tbe UU prmented to tbe Amoricaa oenpaBy by
la official and asked by what right an affiacr of the gDranuaeat ooald
Ramp ap aach a charge. Blanoo ai&d be was sorry that there
I aay mtaaB_______ .
a theceanFanyandtbeofficials.battbe‘‘amfaargo"wasaeoeading to law, baring come from tbe anprama ooart aad be ooald do aothing
Gcficral BIsdco's Bacl^owfL
“Theal Man take tbe first ataamerfer Hoagkimg." ataatlyrapUad.OcBsiil
Uoat, “aadretam wiUitkaAinsioaniiqDadtoutofraaaotAmartcalntataats.’'
"I sriU look inco tba matter more tbcrooghly,” mid filaooo aftm a meat’atbooght •• Baa toe again before you do anything." That erening Blanoo
sent again for tbe ooasiil to tell him that tbe Uw had faeea looked 19. *Bd tt
bad barn fuaad that tba*ambatgo ooald be rslaed. Warns. Blodgett * Oo.
aarm paid tbe flae of «St.8B&. 16. and Admiral Oarpentar'a biat about plata
mred tbe Cnltad Stataa tba
amdlag a float aad gattl^ tow a
toa^arttfa Spain, bat tba pet^ tobbsriaa
im ooBtlsaed.
eoattlsaed. and the oOelala fomri
fartty of caam. bat S^ish blood rant to tbe veins of many of tbe msatiaoa
nose half castos. mperitw to totalUgaDoa to ttaa aatimd ora in a parpatoal
ttate of nnroat. Tbay bare led aU tba nrolstlana to tba islands aad 1
oian (d
pac^e Who on expeoted to aid this oooatry to takiag pnaanrifai
<d tba
the PtaUlpPtalllpBiaea. Some of tbair Imden an bright men, who ohafa a
r tba Bpanltti yoka
and long for more bamaae rolers. or. If po^bl
draws on a
"Brtrybody mad eraeythtog is ta«d. Spain
no one knows Tbe annnal bodgat, when I
from tbe PbUlppfne
to aome 816.000.000. aad matt bare bean toonoaed
ttnoa to help eairy........... ....................
in Cabo. Bat tbi amooat sqaaeaad from all
olaaoe of people by tba thlfT^ ofBdala U many millions
mn aoma flgatca from a rwoit tndget
■Tbe ednlapetecxal. a'docmnaDtteldaat'Natitxi.'idatt 1ba earned by .
kkw warm.
from the Padfio ooatt to tbe PbiJ
of tbe eltomtaorer these. With tba pmrible exoqrioe
parw of totariar ’
India and Arabia. 1 doobt U then ila any bottar cUma >W«r.
Tba lalands reaata within fonr degraaa of tba aqaatw. The
n is net *
ao Tery htgh, bat tbe homldity to
aiarctaed to kaep one's phyaioal oca
bottattdayato tbeyiair an la Maya
I ap to tba early aractog, and that tampan
a gat aoma olaep if ba ia properly fixed for it wbaa midnight ccitaia. Tba
tan tempentsn at tba FblUpfdnaa is 78 dagroea. la Koramber tbe wtaifam
oln aad then fera
fer waoka at a time along tba nacnaata it la aboat as near pmooolA
feettn as any one on
" For oarm months to tba year, fras AprU toOetotor. ao oeebat tbapooratt labonr gosa oat of dams, aalaaa eompeUad to dote, batwaaa 8 in tbemoratogaadtiatbaaftttaooa, la MmiUIs toe whole popalatton iIim at 4 and 6 a.
m aad gets tba wmk of tba day o« of tba way bafem 8 o'clock Tbabooneasa
opmart. MtTttiai olaaa ap menbaoti do tbrir bostoeea and tba acbool cbtidrv
an bn^wito tbair taacbm Tbaa wbaa Old Sol begiat to aboat bit darts down
“ ' * tbe whole popnlatton go toto thaR
boaaea and Bay tbara.
It It a land of ttestaa
Xrary oaa iriw
can alaapi Umm all d^ kM n&d alambar
tber then it redaoad to a ocitaea 'BariBaas is
all day loiR. Bma tbe men at tba wharfs qolt work for ttx
or serai boon whan the oan R higbatt
"At madowa MaaiUa wakes ap. Tbam la an opntog of tbe baavy board
window blinds and an axcdoi of paupla Iran tbtfr bmnm Tba jriacipri meal .
of tbe day it asrrsd at aboat 6 b’olaec. and with tba rich Spaalab it la a nma*
BBcniom affair. Thetmfter tba whole
popalatttm goes oat fora walk Tin
TbaaoeliflgbR toka place ia tbe an
Tba old tbmter ia,alwBys onwded at a
l^irtilly Sanday aigfcta.
I mi Egrtbqufikes,
"Thm are 10.000 Sponkb regulan on gaard to tbe iainada. Tbell___
gmm Uet tall usmbered aboat 40.000, of whom 6.000 wm armed with good
fans Tim liismii nm hiriia fiir gniri rnfinnnnaitfrnninirUiil rlnmb lirllaaRl
bits of Koial that thoysatbasad baa and there. ManUla.-like Havana, las mR
oiuily Utui
rwitro) cf ttaa Spaoiab troopa, and the b
rytog cm o r.-wtan 40 and 60 milea ftom Manilla aimilar to tl
baaaab<«i Havana.
of 1806 tba ardor of tba E
amomiuirllslayaaDdChtoms. Tbaparpooa wasto'rvKTTa by blood
age by vipiis Tbe mentors of tba oadm woe awom by a gaito
aadbeaitaof bardm; for aroy wheal on ttaafr wagoaa tbay amtt pay84 ayomt
v.'tcb the blood wfakb tmaad from the a
tb(7 mutt lay taxea for kaaping ttwpo. kiUtog animals raoaing mlUs aad oD
bimnit and OaoLad his moatb and sclamnly aweta that ba woald spUl tte
holding oockfights owning fb ting oocks ^ bssy^ bodim
Tba SpanRb got hold rf •*
-rhvAaghHng is tbe great nationa] sport, and tba .
pl»L By trials that
ad SO or 40 n
Rb on tbe sport at 8140.089.
ocoiaaet was oraaUnd4».4a
to moa <ama 4. ______,_____________ ______________________
Prom lottartee tba e ImatadraveooewMplaoad at 8601.861 All kinds of pa- STictol and shot todrnib. In tba moatta of November. 1896, there woe «00
per matt be Stamped—8648.400;
4648.400; tbe oonricta are hired oat—860.000;
oat->860,000; tba mint
asecauuus on tbe oatskirto of ManiUn In one daf sonw 76
j woe ttood 19
■mantpatotea'theba)Iian-88»a860; government lands are sold—86a OOa Tba
before a wall and shot.
aativas back to tbe hills are taxed, bat only a few tl auaad are raaobed by tba
"Tbe earttaqnakra to tba Phil
iaily on Loton and Ragroa l»
lands dMerve s qtadal sory by tbameelvcs Tbe whole gronp of islands is of
"Ertrybo^ ia baalnam matt have a Ucanw. like oar Uqoca Uoean.
Toloanie origin. There are 70 Tolcanaca to oqattant araptka <m ttaa ialands
a oea dnggitt wbo paid 8i.800 a year for tbe privilege (ff dedngb '
Tba famoas volcaao Mayara ia wiibto right of MaaUla. An aartbqaaka oooot
I and axpmrtara are forced to pay
His rtcae '
ca OB Bvaaage of oDca every tea days I hare kacFsra anU qoskm to eoma ai
tbe nfflauis fladaxoasostor eratbe rate of a doaeo a day for a week at a rims Aboat a doaan timay a yaor
flaeating tbair property and driving them from tbe Islands Nearly sll tbe f rttore are ritoeks so oavera that people wiU ran aboat to fri^t and dsmogwwUl
algn trade is to the hands of tbe Engliih. Preorh. Dntck and Germaoi. ba
be dona to tbe bolidings Tba big tridge over tba Pasig riw at V ............
Spaniards not baviug tbe ability of tbe other E'-ropaans Ever siaoa tba isC my roaideDca to tbe dly that ttbaa
bam ao awvrvad by tortfaqa
laadaweaeooaqnored Spain bastooght ttie foreign oMtekaBta, framing tbe n- «C
bom madw onaefe tor camL la 1884 aa aartbaaeke nearly ralasd tba grwt
dslatloD to dlride their praflls with th govamaMab Tbo amount
ttoae eattaadtol to Mnd^ tmmd many baUdtoa to tbs grtamd. rocked hmaxpaotad to be raoUMd to borinem lioaaM to this vadgat waa 8i.86a00a
dradaaota. aad 8,000 people »> Lem iriaod were kUlad l y talltog timtom
and waUs In 1860 toe great oaittaqaaka occarrad on Na^os island. It baa
A PogKMioo Worth Holdiaf.
navtf beao faiowB bow BHny people wwa kUledtbea. batttonambw isotti"TbaUblted States 1 bettors told bold tbaPbiupplBen Tba:
' ' ~
Oiiaasa aad tr^tts WORM ka.M of any tome of escaptogftom their bpaa- j
MuMpaiRRi, WariinaW; 1 briPwa. mt ap a preririoaal gorscameat to the.' laiarior ito to tba txams 1 onmaa tf nch a qarito
sa>-h.»— Iriaad."
WaafisfM^tbaacttRalto OabnUcattas amcag whom m many oagto , Tofc etty toa wooUn’t ba oaa baUllv kft <» aU Mai
g or tmeu BAim
I ^
yfawToabBaa nyaUiaamartwofiacoed tbattbaraRnniiofllrial wbo helped
Icaaaoot of tbe idaada pat away tyaOM eO into biaowD pockets
law .pnrfdea that ao inportw
mast pay a flao «f |100 fee
iaM______ Tbe
vrary article lirted io tbe tDroicx! foaad io tbe carpo. Uaea tba Amarioaa
pany paid a |100 flae beoaaaa oea oobbleeMaa oat of thoonadawaa ntaRap >a
A Kobbery Fofled.
lotm from tba PbiUppiaea. bad to hb credit to the tanka of lamdan and Pvb |
aertral mlUlaa doUan. aiaataBd oat a tbe poopb aad tbe fcrvlgr
Oeaesal DaapoyoL wbo snooMdad him. was an beswst man. aad it b tala
to him with a gift of b
SttlYtr ootoiamoaBting toBlO.OOa Blaaoa wborakd tbe jrorinoawbUa I
hern, waa also BB boocatmao. bat b« bad to carry emt tba town
'Th( fhiUpptoas oooer tamo aq^ m^ of Jarri^ than most Aaeri'
cans dr^ of. Imagiao tbe atatm of Kew York. New Jersey. Marybnd. Dela
ys, Oosaactioat, Bbods laUad. Vermont. Kew "------aad Maine ttanapertod to tbe China ma and oat ap toto l.SOO blands. maging
to ttaa from oas aa taiga as Now York gnd Maamcbnaatta oomtaiaad to Uttb
blata not largo aaoagh tor a boy to taro a band^aing oa. Tbaa pot all tba
Yort ttaaa pa^e ea ttw laigM bM Uaan
'aibiiRttm tor itt mjitol. Maailk and 'tprmi tbe other e'.OOaOOO poopb
It <m tba other iilMda Nowyoatoira«BW Idea of tba PbiUppiaea. North
....... .. .»
_____. . ^ _tl____ .1____ _____ A _____________ 9AA
tba blaadsextwid
l.tOO milea. gad east aad west
b weOl knit tegethar too.
then tfa»a yearn bat la«r- ,
"Who Uto tbara? Now yoa'ra got ma 1
WM SpMbh. Cbiaaae. Malay, Hbiaraa, Negrito or ,
laad. 1 don't baliara there Mbs foaad aMhaaOx- )
anywbamiBtbewortd. Ontttda of tbeblaad <d Laaon andtaw,
or twootben,^ tbe popnbtlon b dlrided bscwaca tba Negritos aad tba Mab a.
flwaifltti blaekB, the origlaal a«ttlen la tba blands--------...
years ago. Tba Malays swarmed to npon them taom the amub aad drooa tl aa , moa. Oaar them tbookl ba plaeed a tow------->^
toto tba bflb. so that DOW tba ooaata an bald by tba Malay tribes, wbo speak' acattra oOcan. Tba fnaalgB trade hasJwea greatly tojand
1. bat bofoaoa tba flgbttog liM> U •
aoma 80 dlffesant atleota. aad tbe tottrlom am bald by tba Negrito tri a.
portacdbaiBik aaffiw^ otiiarptodaeta wtbaMlS
rnklBg aoma too dklaoia perhaia mam, te Uttb b kwowm of the wild, a
dto«l,00a000amaoth. Bampbtban ---------------------iatarior eoantty ai any of tba blaads. a
nM to aboatKOOaOOa wbUaaboattba
tbaSpa brdAtbaralan. aa
"MaaiUa b a ooaawpcaitBB eii
jTopaaasUane^ IMt. Ai
kaa 6.00a ari there warn Bot 100
OaOOa TbeyarattsBaUabig
vemldommttL TbaCbteesannmi
Malaya an as tbkkaa-CuLaaa Tba great mtddte clam b made ap of
tbaaambmtarivdaabiadtoSmpaam Now tba aamkar matt ba Intt^
.. ifc,oatpatrf
w a driUacd gormaw and tobaooo eoald be neatly ii
maat Ooa) aad boaera them to great qaantltiaa. I baliaro. end mli^t now ba
fsnMtMtMtbtoa of export had wataktti tba blaads tan years aga Nowtbat
^ Ammkaa fl^ baa raplaoed tba Spaabb at MaaiUa 1 look fer a great fotara
Ttfi xosnsA sMblm, atr^
Ir to Rah* tW S
. [WitHMlerTtoA
Gacrwu. H. C. Mv 1
•ela« to be ^ final odtoeB
iMwdj teg txiMiat i
aorth enimotte
%Mto K> loncMlkatr pndaot
•llovpcloto BkMdard print*
tha ertdte 1wt« "Kild m low m
onb a 7»rd, «1tb pcrtiapa nma prtmb
tolMaibnde ante that. ‘n»New&wtwd mUlowDorcMUMt toQhb foodi
«B noh ■ knbj and pnyaoraan vafM
ten an now beta( paid. Th« Uboma
teMolTH aa a elaa admit that Tba
lav ptlM hM btoc broscbt ahont bp on
. Ofaubukad tBatfcet of eottongoodaof
allkhabaBd bjamtbcniomapatltioa.
Tha north hoa been qwedlnc lb maafaiaarp/and the oooatant tet^aoep Ima
boto to greatto pradoctkm. Tbaaootb
bM been building new mllla and eolsig
tag (he aspplr. Ob the other hand, ttia
emoming power of the people waa r»daoed aboBt SS per oeot daring the raaaot hard timea. doe to the lank of
vmh and wagM on the {nrt cf the toll*
ara. Tbetehaebeon
and warp affla ta «he neata amd ^ *a
aoBth an fuBtag at ttair Ml «ap^^
asdattta«Maealaofwtaai.aa ‘
At Sew Bedford. Maaa. ttara ww a
aBfifca aaoBg the worfceta In the oolboB
dothmiUa. The labor ocgwlMkutd
the otbto town* decided lo make a teW
fight there and wan ooitrlbattag to the
anpport of the ataiUi^ opeeaWna. bot
•rerp warp mill me going akl« ertthOBttronhla.
At Gbaiiotbe. K. a. Che ^ bUU
vidted wai patting ta
d ohaaging the mffl aoaa to edDtaS
srodaotta the pan taatnd of wmrtag
it tntoololh. At QaMoala. ta Oanate
abate, Mr. Oeoegi A. Onp, pndfiaat of
the Atob adUa, told me ttat ctan b a
i«, law’
\£akt. '
-An an find hot dap. marm. Oota
forT’ aaldanoUtKmv. addimtag a
bdperfao ab at hladdetna nUnad
■ation waiting for a bata.
The eroman drew awap bar aMi atito
tatpadantlp, froend
*'xoa'n oBtof poor
ada DO aadlbb rap.
‘‘An-all find hot dap. I aap,
aald the old mao in a loader toaa. aap.
poalngthMabewaaalittb daat "An
poagotataif Whp,” ha oemtinBad, aa
BO nptperaa roaedmfed. -rm aoerp
poB^aMrf. mana. How long han poo
"Bir,*' aaid the eroBun, ibltai "do
poB mcaa to tnaaU aaf I taaU ecaaPlata
to th
tha polloa." AMtaaewapb
aanlahaad the old
aa hadnwoDttha cadbaadaBBa
tag a bebpaad a lot of boadlto. and
erith two mall ehildm edtagtag to her
'aaa "Anpoa^otafort"
"To Boatoo, tar.” ena the plaaaaat
"Got to eratt loagP'
"Two boon. Oh, ohUdfan, do ha
gniet and don't teaae raotber aapmeta.”
"Lck* ahem, poo pooag aharert. and
aaawhat 1‘re got ta mp pexAM, ” and
both children eran aa hbkneea
aating peppa»tat oaadp and Ibueilng
to waoderM atorba ahoot Che aheep
LABOR 0 tBB arw aoTTB.
and caklrea at home. Han ha polled oat
great deokaad for eottoo para, ao Braoh a etringaad taught them how to BIot
•0 that It b paring the tnlUa to qoit "oat’a cradle.” Thep wan eoca oa the
te trade, a ont la ptioea. with a b
acane oo cloth and go to pan making.
ked adnatage to the tooth oo aooo
Ererpwhp! item theoaeatorp. The
of Ita lower wage baeb and lower ooat
atp eraa ^Ung aold to anpplp tha wool
ana. ” he aaid, notfa^ tl
eranbad to be toeeed all the "-aa
tlma. "Too
eaat A i
dbetmer of warp at New look clean boat ooL Igoeealcao
The relief to the aitnatian wOl be In Bedford
• that tc^ bbetbrln him. rm a powerful tanderii
•aawniing the eopplp of gooda cr In- hbllne
bba” In hb fatganactheohlldaww
oaeaiag the iVanend Both raiaadita aage of the (hman-Wilaon bill.______ ad with daUgbt BDtU be bn aeleep.
B«at be reaoated bo.
b haring all haeaa do; tUa. boo, ta
" Thtat nothin at aU. marm.”
the face cd the latfa towOBladr
aaid ten bom later ee he talptd
of gooda bnaghtaearbefan tha
weaaaB and her ohargea OB bmrd.
I bae to be taken sot to throw the of tbeDin^law. Thb
Mping a pint of paansb fren a UttaboroBtof touOoTinenttfthatcaabe tor warp b ffotag to pawn a pobnb
UagtHaad paptag IS enbtaiaaadof
•taUad. XM aboBld be Bmed boj ter in ralbrtagtta olota Bw&t. *
10 oaaca ba mamhad ta baartp etaepaltar Unto U Mptam be found. The
aant Bnta hb tnta em eaUad.
■bandoBMetit of the mille of the nerlh
Bad tha eoadUbm of tfaeflombpat
laega eoatlttaad to X8M m thep wna ta
i tha train toartta.
----- ‘^’-g
▲ atBdphftaelmpartetstotUeeaat- 1»Mlt b doBhCfnl that ereo tha tamp bright heetoneooKff thbdepeblbta
«I7 wOl taow that daring the iMt flBwl
domt ocaae taereepdap,” aaid
Xaar «f the WUeoB tariff I
ad tawDorCham aoabofertato, torthanl
nmlaiii "aa bonato haact
weald ban ban plntp far all One
otbe vataaef
aaaaealp oan nalbB tha gtaal taiitaw
The raw cotton waa «nt to nthar oobb- of bade that iltantail thb oootrp'aes* 8AVINQ GRACE OF ^ HOBBY.
triea waa made np bp the bbor ont pertment with tariff fatcRnmal tha idb
bhera. then t rwwbt bad; and aold to oar mcmtfaa for lahv whbh earns with b.
‘nts itclonIpoBa
Tha total amoimt of eottoai tokaa i
"A priooleaa thing batahbp. The
finua that tLi. _.r and tnsep dawna of im bp the mUb of
gaoda oooatitnted tha bulk d tha tmdallp taM l^^whtahhcatoiat wt
peata nap taw. if ap. of taa
Tha increag of popnlattcm to 19M wm ■appat Ute are favaleaa, banex
gpoda haring ban brooght ta.
ahont > per oant.. Bad the mmapoa- aaoto hopelem. To SBoh cmeaababhp
The mainifaetn» of taaattag, prlnla
' ' 1 ta ISM taat map tofcr the dewreat bopea of nltimate
freedom from the onwateoms dsUp '
and all ooane and medlam
aotbarpnghlp eatablltaed in Amarioa
Mdwoold hare baao S.US.M0 It will at anp taae Mrre to anto
that the frameta of the new torlff bw bales bat tha rseoads taow tint
asd ghre petat and Savor toano
(tha Dingbp bUl) felt that it waa
t.bOt.000 bairn wm takeo, end the wiaa btank axlsana.” b the position
aaoaawrp to rerbe that part of-*
oonatip woe oreretockad at that. The Mtan bpOaiTie B. Oamtt dbeai
aohadolc^ and It waa left eiaoUp aalt tahonn did not have the Buep with "Womaa'a OreSBU and Robbiea’
Tta Waamn'a Bmna Oonpaniem.
waa ta tha WOaan bw. The trade In which to bop. bat thep bars been
taone goods, being enlnainlp Internal,
'ca^ixL The tnm.woekea,
waa left abject to anp intoraal ooodiand the taimars are having bet
tboa that mi^t arba. Tbeostofwagea ter tiinea. bat thep ate aot pet baping
' tatbe,poith came aa a molt of the aafireelp aa thep did before, for thep porpoMtam filrtationfi. boUdtag aparacBipetitiaa tram the aooth and not are poping debts iDoomd daring hard flnoiia koazMti, ttoding (taap aamtitou,
taom anp dime effeot of the Bin^ep tiinea Many are now getting aqnare goati|4bg swop pnotaas mmaato. ptaktorlff bw, as baa been often charged, with the world and will have meoep tng oat oor frtanda' tofblen ditoeettng
hot it b bc^ that a relief wiU come with wbk^ tobnpmoreaf tbeprodnoti oarown emotionaand
M an iudirect malt of that bw.
of the ootton milla and the goa^ oon- for rverythtag which
dltlao of the oonoG goods trade b likelp ttabotapdid nothtai
ara. With the aarplos stock re- thorn triToUtien it woold
That raat amoont of Impcrted eubtai
ri^new lines of B
"Man foond ont tta volna <tf bobUw
kng aga Almoto ererp man who U
good for anpthlng haa a porpaae whi<^
Ooont the namber of threads In an
he thinks b qoito the moto magnifloant
ortinaip piece of oalioo and poa will
find 64 of warp and 64 of filling to the aooth and better cmdltioos for the labor otw which a man oonld porann. It b no
macur whether it b lawmaking, pill'taoh. That IS the standard. Thenomber of both aaaHoaa will preraiL
malting or ahocmaking. ta por«iMi It
E. O. Put.
af ttueads to the inch increaaea with tha,
with ohtorbtag atbniiaat and atxirea
flDCDem of the goods. Tom to the Dingto make tta beat Uwa or pilla or ahoca
bp tariff and oompare it with the WU(aa the case map be) to ba foond anp'
Boo tariff and poo will find ahadlntelp
•o change in all of the grades np to >00
Awakaalar te the DaltoS Stolto.
"Woman haa fooad fltat it b sot
threads to the aqnare inch, ooont
There b no reoton whp we taoold BOt toxmgfa to merely look paettp; that love
both warp and filling. Praotballp
pam the test of the world in abipboUd- toDDot be tar 'whole exbteaoa' <tta
the grades coarser than that were m
here and no changes wtso uooded. Bnt ing aa we hare in other liaei of Indos- poet to the oontisiy notwithwandiag).
tn the too thread grade and finer pen tty. It b aU a matter of dteap mw ma- ■nd that even with tta ciebcto plenitode
will find an adTanoo in the dotp. URmt ttoiab. and no iqan now dbpotea Omt of gvwna Jewels aad enjopmeota Ufa
was done to tranter the manafaotnra of •tee] can be made cheeper in thb ooan- «m needs a porpea. If it b at all a
fine goods to oar own milb. The in- trp than anywhere else. BeaUba thb te^Motohle porpaae and pormedwith
gensnt aeM, it cannot faU to thrive aad
iaonaae aad bear trait'
aorelp will be, aad Own the margin of
advantage, alreadp andeoiable, thoogh
■mall, will be eonrideaahb aroo^ for
OnrioritiM and b
oa to dominate theritoation throqghoat re BOW alowlp eomtag into vogaa.
the world. Nor b thb time far diataari. CUdlp cnoogh. they were qoito fotaioaAll the logic cf evenb potato to the ahb 40 and 60 peen aga A favoriw
United Statoa beennlng a maritime im- •ad oae of the m(ot bwotifnl objeois
Uon once more. Onr own ooontip b imaginable b a banch of oystab from
imttp wdl drvcloped—that b, the loU- oaa cf the famoos caTonui ta the limeroads axe bailt and theooontrp bottled •taae district Seme of these are as riear
np after a more or leo otiMaotocp faeh- as rook oryaul, and arc uot alone masp
Ion. The field for new taveatment b faceted bat are often eoverud In part
narrowing mpidlp. while oar wealth b with manwa of large and
increasing at a tnmendooi rate evtrp of great briUlancp. When tta taoeting
pear. Onr morals and oor pedlep, too, ooam in oastota pottena, tta erpriol
forbid oa to participate ta tbeaebore of haa tta fire of a precioaa Mona anA ta
Africa-and China. But ta theahlpboild- a well lighted parlor will throw ecdoaed
tag trade and in the ocean oanying light, mtd firea ta every diieotlan. Still
bode of the world there b a great field another bcantifnl ohj^b amemef fine
for otB ensgiee and for onr c^tsO. too fern leaf oorel. v
b b found aaer tta
—a field practaoUp illimltabb and kepa ta tta middb and easten port of
. aaaaae extends to pliisbea velreteena witboot doobi profitofab. Wo wiU betbebload. Socae of thb b to delktaa
■erdorops and ndi olasaes of goods aa gin toeoltirate thb field Job as eocn ■/
that it Rggeobe petrified oohweh.—
' ita tnuntos of the Dinglep bw fonnd werealbethat weoac boat the worid
Margberite Aritaa Hmnm ta Hew York
Vera being Impcned ondar the Wilsoo at toiipballdlngr whlcA wa are Ukelp to
Mail end Exiraa
ta beforettapreaeot pear has oone to a
1 fonnd atlUs going to the finer grade
jot gooda tow them making ploahea
' What'a the matter with BriHandT
and faoep wearea
Am4 9m the Btownn
Almost ererp artkde of tann prodoo"Tea; he booght hbwUba otaflag
ttoc has adroaoed ta price atau the cb- dbh » ooaple cf weeks aga ”
to a great extent and reUera the aotment of the Dinglep taw. Thb b
"Bat ao^p that bn’t roqxmaibh
latgelp doe to the taereaaad deamad for hb aiTMoa Whp. that trilow ooa aat
' arts g>— a»tofcT Ssarsa.
farm txodaota ocnNqnaot npon tacaeaa'Selp b coming also froen the wool
"Oh, it wasn't anything ttat ta ata.
goods and carpet hchudnles of the new of those dqwDdent on
Sba hit him over tta bead wtthb.”—
^ff bw. Under the old bw bu^ tadoatriea for oooiqatipi and eanxlngn Hew York Wora
" jqoantitiea cf dzeto gooda clothing mate.
rial. Unnkeb and carpets were importad. The ntadiom and lower gradA have
Ttare ore omioallp killed ta Atrtea u
The Bepoblioan party does ttanga
ootton warp atid wool filling. Tbcmantaiiintm of 66.000 elepbanti, plddiim
gtaotoreof thb olaa of goods baa bea Aren’t poo glad poo ta not bM<mg to tta ptodaetioB d a qoantitp cf zbw
1 to thb ooontiyhp the Wilacai bill, bonds In time of peao^ Ivorp taa oalltag ptioa of which b
■IwBjtbtaind Denoexaepwd lb "al KMOiOoa
ita new bw.
, It b BOdCB a that the cotton para lied fvoab*' '^HatohlBtoo (Can.} Hawa.
Have added anotiier pair of finetnepdee to our (
large line of lugh grade bicycles. It ta the Oycloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cyme Co., of*
Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of the best and «
most simply constructed machines on the mar-;
I ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is j
f out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
I J. W. Slater’s House FnmisIiiDg Store |
X28-X32 I'broaQ.-b Sto?©e-b.
<»--•.*»»» “■
b «m of
kb '
la langtwBl All tta pao^ of AoatnUa
■ad Haw rhladnnla an the aBdtaaea.
Tit Dot aU OK) hear allka the great par-
temaBMteitokmtaaataUa. Ttatota
•dvaaea batwaan Bnadabwg and BalUaa wUl aajop tta tolRtBg mnaio. Tta
aaa. ta vapathp, adds its sUDtorba
kam to ita whbrtag of the wind, aooa
nariM BMad aeBMeavacBOM binff.
ttaa laM^ tta eltffe ta a^ aooaa
with aapinal eaacadea of majMtb:
kaantp, whUa BOdnbdng tta sonata ta
tain to tta hbtiag, aaatbiiig aoiea of
babbUagfoam. Bat oor frianda ta Hew
Oaladoola oeeopp aptoial batonlb ta
tta tiMatar of Etag Xoloa Them tm(tar tbtir epah will taaa. the atorm ampteaa of tta Paoiflo, aooo patform tar
marvaloBa avolaliaBa and daooa tar
The Finest Houses
in Traverse City
Nearly all of them had their enrtaink made by na,
aa we are pioneers and leaden in CURTAIN MAK
ING, aad onr work has never been excelled. We
make enrtaiak as they should be made. AU widths
aad colors carried in stock at
lfftr1rha.in BlOOk.
313 Front St
BatUmora Btoek BaeaivM Tkraa Timsa a Weak
onats. «Oe par quart
Fltttlwr't Ortitr Dtfot ut Butiinil
Indaj, Toesdij, ftdiesdij,
Thmdii, Fridij ud Sitndij.
Prices Will Be Gut 1-1
We have {rarcbaBad a bi( bankrapt sto^ of
clotbing, Bud we wUt give the benefit of oor
purobBse to the peopled TraveiM City god vidaity. We oau'gaaroDtee eruy ganunt beoaoee
they wera rrmt,Bta(»tored by firotvilaaa hnaaaa Oall
and see our atock before going elsawheie.
hook at oor oar 88.80 auita in gny.
Oor bUok eUy wonted for $1.98.
See our light, cheeked and plsin, all ^rod
BBita for 16.96.
Ckney wonted goite, dork gray, doe, brown,
and mixed at 89 96.
Onr IS oz clay wonted, black, aqnere or round
cnL for 17.95.
Oar 16 oa. clay wonted soita, aatiii Used,
frock or nojae, fi» $9.98.
Thke adraatege of thne bargaina irtulethia
Beaembw the pUoe.
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