The Morning Record, October 20, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 20, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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1,0^.i ,


xvDiav WAm-wf»*®.


•aval »uu«*r* Baw •teas Th-mSrivaa up asd Ottoen wifl Vsllow.
Bebels Defeated by AmeriHeard ftC lackiiMnviUe bytn- a»w!l*l >• T*i MoBXin Bacoaa.
oane at HhnllL
Walkar. Mina. OeU 19—tedUs
TMtication Committee
war U at as ead asd aerso ot^e PiUa-:
OlTM «i<*
M Bf« Ttat per ladiasa Wh«M tb* marsbaU bad Tlghi Sn* to ]>*«qf^ Ordar to Inssrfar,t»»rito*iB*elTe* op today.
ito«ld b* **peol»d—adinUUM4tioa
g«st* Mot to rr natoiiV rtags Vren
Tb« other* will a • istosirhi.
0*BpUm«st«d—attMttOD U
Tb*lr eb>pa-artor tcmrn on Both
aid** AmerieM* Ctoptmd tto* BaOs toy 0<4os*l Msns
W TS. ltor«l** E«*rs


J*dc**BTU1e. Oit. 19.-M*jw Cri*rer The Brixton ond Peeeengere
I toetor*
. «.dOolMi*l OsfcpbeU^I
in a Bed Flight.
ttoewsr Isvwtio^’nt «
dsy. They USttted .that orwythinr attatodad V*ar It. Klchaaala With
eras as •atWacUnr a» rasld to* «xpwstOn* Kosdred r*tMns on
M. Ooloael Btyas *ay to* auMosad
- toworrow.
MajirCreifs’-sald that tb*re atrtr Opeelal to-Tss Hniw ttaoaas.
«.lll. WUh,. Ocl, 18,-T1,.81».'toad toe*D a **ri»M atoortace of aapplies
tbU .n.lV
is the SeTentb corp*
*»* waa aur* „ ea,^.
Ataatoa With S3.000.000 W sold.
«»t there had tows SOI
The aieamer Briztoff, from New
toy defleiency ol knpplle*.
near St Mlchaela
Oolonal Campbell of the IIUboU »oU
anteer*. apotoe in oompUmaatary term* One hundred pna«*BS«r* nr* still aboard
of tha ad^ntetration of the oCcan of and in a toad oUsht.
the army, aayiaf that laqnUiUon* of
all kind, had prompUy been fliad aad
toe qoality of the artielea *appH*d I
watfenerallysood. Colonel OamptoeU j


Hs bad merer in hi* life »eea a* much
httaaUaa firen to eaallatton ina camp.
Be thoasht file* helpml to *p^ the
ierer. Thera were a rery few ca*e* in
trhito alekeeM waa ea«*ed by talaied
Mat, aad ahaliow well* and earface
hralaas* had helped to Induce ferer.





Taaoma. Wnah.. Oet. 19.—Chart**
Bara*worth ha* ratarned from Eotoaton* Sonad wber* h* toya th«r« are BBO
p*i*oa* hnncry. P«r the a»o*t part
they ar* pesnil*** proapaetor* Urine i*
Parsaworth any* that few bad Mon«7
to Ksy ttoetr retora pa*«r* and ant *m
•nyto Veto*Is.
out of flf^ had aapplie* for lb* wintor.
Be beU*r*i that etarratioe already mPKUL i*Ts> Moasise hwan.
Lmdes.' Oet. IB —The Madrid eorraa- i*U amonr th*m. e*r*ral doces «
and ehUdran ar* •offerisr f*r food.
poadeat to th* Tim** styt that Captain
AuBon, the Minlatorof Marine, has r*-


Makes the nicest kind of a preseoL We hare
some new ones, the finest eves shown, or we will
frame one for yon.

Holley & Connable,
290 Fh)ot Street

Paria Btosd Firm Asalimt AaaaaUs oubaa D«bt.
"W l™» “'I'
Spwlal t» Ui* Moutu* Kecou.
““ “”™
on both aldea. but toa American*
Washlaftoa. Oct 19.-plt A* reiter­
captured the rebel ahip*
ated U admtaisUsUea el^le* here that
The acene of the ensssoo^Bt i« anp- toe Amerieaa pea*e osmaAaelcBei
po*ed to b« naar Manila.
Pari* will not recede from their staad
The cabinet haa decided to torwaid asalB*. aaeamlas the Cuban debt
tha ofB.:lal dUpatob to toe peace e*mmimloaer* at Pari*.


Almost paint the town with onr stock of INK—We
have all the styles, colors and prices you can ask for«


MarUiam RIocL

Another Lot

Of the popular laeu's fin.
sat (all pure wonted)


Serge Suits.


Double bretHted style (plain
or eilk fsced) tailored in
the best possible manner—
with beet possible trimmings and linioge, and are
perfect fitting garments.:
Prices are $14.00 and $15.00l
Other gardes at $10.00 and
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothins House.


>r Ooippeiiie* With Kaavy ArtlU.
m Latt'San Fraacboo Tc*tortay.
Bpeelel to Tea MoaKiaa Becaao.
Saa Fraacboo. Oct. 19 -Four compsnica of toe Fir*t WatoiasUm battoV
ton with beary artUlcry eatlcd from
Valeacb thb afternoon for Manila.
Orders ware baned saairniBS troop* to
the tranaporto iadiaaa andUhlo. which
will aail by Noreraber 1. All tbe troopa
hav* Bailed from here.

“01^ Bookstors.*


lay an esfafeBesl between the Asari
rabeli in ooairqneoe* ol
Dewey'* forblddiof the InsnrjrenU liy-

Ike W. C. T. U will meet with Mr*.
ChapU. 631 Waahioston street. Friday
afteraooa. Mr*. Johnaon will bare
ebarfe at tbe literary proyram.
There will be a toachera' exam in»Uoa ia Graaye H»ll on Thursday aad
The kpworth Leayue acwlDy circle
met yeetorday afternoon with Mri. 1.
Jeka Barry hat a ftrer *f Ilaemia
at work onttlay up wire to conaect
new sataacribar* with tha central
obaar*ProfeMcr Orswn haa aeleetod aad ordarad tha followiay pariodieab tor tha
Blyhaebool for the term: Outlook.
CasmopoUton. McClare'a. Public OpUion, Forum, and Timely Tople*.
Aaaissed to Seventh Amy Corps.
aoiy Walker Mecelrad s Fatal KnockWally Perry .who has Buffered ayood
Oat Prom Daponk
asMiit toTea Hoasis* Bbooso
Washlnyton. Oct- 19.—Major General deal throufh the hardship* of tbe San•peeielwTei Kossis* Bsooas
Omaha. OcU 19.—Billy Walker, the Gitone haa been asiisned to the Ser- Uayo campaiyn wiUi Company M. will
yo to Detroit thb uorainy to hare hb
pusibl. who rraa knocked oat by eath army carp* to
Andy Dupont Moaday, b atili nneoa duriar the abaeaoe of General Lee.
Mrs. Cbarle* Roeantoal has
seloaa. Hb phyaicUna hare si*eo op
Knocked Out by Jack Fro^
from her rbit to her mother in Dahope ol hb rsiorery.
Mctal to Tub Hmsni* BaeoBa.
______________ ___
WaahUston. Oct. 19.—Ueary froato
O. B. Daion Ooi
laal ni^t praeUeelly kUlcd th* yellow
The foliewlny eommittac* hara baaa
la a Wreck oa the Baltlmsre A Okie ferer. Quarantinee are beUs rabed.
appotatoi by the praeldent ot the local
Perso aal.
aiaa of Christian Endesrqr:
Ralph Conaable of the aty BookLaakaat^Prof. C. B: Bora. Chaa. J.
. Bellaire, Ohio. Oct. 19.—Tbe Boyal ;*tore returaed yaatorday from Pete*Helm. Mtoi Lacil* O'Neal.
Bine Baltimore A Obio bsU ww key. wb«r* he attoadod the marrias*
Mbatoaary—N. B. ChaplB.
Wrecked near New Ooaoord thb after of Mra. Conaable's abtor.
Christiana Pkttoa. Mra. Bertha Pea
BOOB. Three pereeaa rrere killed and
B«*. S. Sabberj went to Read City aUytoa
asrersl injured.
baelal—MbaVMaOaatle. Mto* Myr­
Mra. B. Sonthert of Grawn waa in the tle Staaton. Earl Tyler.
dty ahoppUf yc*t«rday.
Cbrtotiaa aitoeaehlp-Bdyar Kalth,
Oeors* OalkU*. tbe barber, ha* de­ Parker Pennlnytoa. Bay Thacker.
Pinp*riti Bitaatioa CoafMBUFtsaee.
cided to so to Bot Sprinf*. Ark.
!mperue*-Chsa. Lanesstor. Levi
Bpicul to Tea Hnasixi Bunas
resaia bb health.
Gcory* Hoyt
London. Oet. 19.—Micbael Bicka
WiUlam Wray of Battle Creek, b la
Beaeb.«bancellorof the ezehcqoer. in the city U the inlereau of the Kortb- TatmAB raeaiTM eyvUn
•peSkiBf of tbe France-Bsyptiaa quea- «rn Telephoae company.
direct from BalUmor* and Norfolk
UoB toBisht, aayi that France muat
and ia prepared to forutoh Ue people
ArriraU at Park Place yeatorday
ot Traverse City with them.
leare Beypt or fs «® war.
were Col. L. F. Oopelaad, from HarrbTeMtotnOtouTwoO^
] borf.Pa.: from Chl*a«o were rssbtored Fovtaaa OuU A Weak.
__ 1 Tms MoBsroro
Eecrybody who takea The Mobjiiko ' C. B. Pcar.aad a party
- the Grand ^pid*
Broubi) can bare the Grand Bapidi i F. S. Needham and cblldrea, Mrs. G. S.
raid delirered to them alao for '■
Needham. Mabel A. t
lay only 14 cento per w^k for tb*
I* *f Barnty to
btotpaper U sortoern Mlebtyan and


of Lafayette, an acoount of b'la rUit
AmeiiA, the readlns of toe Preach
saUonal hymn*, and
Quite laixe coUecUona were taken
A Major at JackaoarlUe Arreatod for
ia all the srsde* to contribute to th*
FishtlBS with a Hlehisan Man.
fund for^e moanmeat, which it b
•peelal to Tea Meaame BMoaa.
propoeed to erect aad uarell on tbe
• . JaeksoBTllle. Fla.. Ojt 19.—Major 4th of Jnly, 1900. t'aitod SUM* Day, at
McKaushtoa waa amatod today by toe th* Parb espoeiUon.
proToat marshsl. He rraa arreatod for
'Major Oeaersl Oreen Betired.
^btint with a cirlilaa from Michlsaa.
n* resaUtiona are that an ofBoer a* Bpirtal to Ui Means* Rsceso.
WaahlnrtOB. Oct. lO.-Major General
' wall ee a prfraie meal •beerre tha boa*
Green, last week promoted from col«r of kb aalform and keep the peace.
oael. waa istArad at hb own request to­
He bin the county jail-



Traid t)-»^l*d‘ irearOlaacov *®d
. Twenty Person* Killed and
■paclal u>Ta* Meuini* Rseoan
Qlaeglow, Del. 19.—A train on the
' «rsat Northern railway was derailed
and baraed here today. Twenty p*r BxeraiM ia the PabUc Beboola and
am* were killed aad Injored. but the
Liberal CoatHbuUon* for to* PradetalU are lackins*
po*«d Menameat
Latayctto memorial •»«rcl»e* were
held ia the frade* of tbe aebooU yes­
m.r Kirh of Milwaukee, U tha Toll* terday sad were rery intoisatlhsla the morains s rerj- sajoyaWe talk
oa Sertou* Ohaixe.
aa Siren on LaUyeUe by Profeteor
«IU*. MichiSM. Oet 19.-Soft*an J.'
'OrawD to the Hifh ecbool.
Kirk, of Milwaukee, baa been
Bereral ol the sradee eomblaed aad
^ os a ehars* ot P***it>ff h foryed check
^tion^ i held their eaercUe* torcther.
lor $100 on toe CM*. ........... lumerouA I
pr^Crsm* in the adraooed srade*
baak asd also of sole
: eoQBlatod of pairioUe eonct the read.
nowanac lesiaanm br s*tUns them to,
.tkm U reUMb born* checkt The ameraal of hi* 1«»* PUsrs*’*



BtChtHsodred DtoUtnto Bra

Kst Bqmotod to
Them la Cnba.
•paaieh Troopa Korlng Out a* Fa«t
aa They Oas and in a Satlrfaetoey
WashUstoa. Oet
tlon people say that it wa* Intoadad
Vlae Bailors Wsrs Drowssd in
j from the Arat toat Sptoi ehoald sot
the Diaaatots In Which Bereral
Marasa. Oot 19.—The Bpasiah aUl-! rararac the dehu sf the analelpalitiee
TcsMla Were Lost
hare metiiad
towtoi to tbr Mouiro Bboobb.
imloB that BolsuU
London. Oct 19 —A tclssram from
Btose Baren llshla *ay« a larr* •toamWaahlBStoa, Oct IV.—General Wade, Baakat Factocp Will Been Bbnt Dews
•can off here this aornins aad
preeident of tbe American eraenatloa
tfd* wr*«kas* aaihsd Wi«sAfter Oa* sf tbs Best Bescommluldn &.t Harana, telecraphed,
badea. tb* naiae ot a larr* German
■cu U Its MbtoTy.
the war doparimect last sisht that
•toarncr. was wa*h*d aaitor*.
The Welb. Hisman A Co. are sa
C.OOO Spanish soldiers hare embarked
Tto* NorwesUn bark PrIroU atraadalready for Spain and arraassmant* nearly their last order* for baaketo aad
ed iaat erentas off Spurahead. Betois
liare been eompletod for lb* *mh*rka- expect to Bnbk la about two we
toe crew were able to a**ur* the ibip
tion of 49.000 awre U to* sear fvtus. when they wUI cloee dewo for th*
tbe rettol wa* orerwhelmad by a tora. The preeeat ecaesa'a hart
Tab rat* of prorre**, in riew el tbe
rifi* i«a wblcb »w*pt aerea of the crew
Ilmitod reeonree* of Spain, b beliered eompana Urarably with the beat aine*
orerboard. drownins twa
they b^B maklac frait baaketo. perto he rcaaoaable.
Tbe Norwesian brisaatiaa Aus»*W
a little bettor thaaoanal. thoa^
So loss a* thU dbpoaltioB b eaUbaa wrecked off Oourdon harbor. 8U
Ited our snreremeat b not likely to they have not yet «*uatod the proltt
Of the crew were drowned.
<mmplaln. It b the preeeat ptUT«*e *f aad cioeed the beeka. Another
The Ruaslaa echooner Wilhelm wa*
tbe war department to lake oorapleto ensue aad heUcr will be amoaf many
wre<^ed on 8t Andrew’s aanda. Oa*
of toe •Dtlre eirii eeUblbh- Utooded luproTemsata dnrUs ‘
of tbe crew was drowned.
sat of tAm'ialaad on December L

“4irti.^^o.r”.rS."r.!8hlp. O. Dow. OB Sngltat

P^eaiwe of *tcknee* wa» drillins In.
to* early »*rainf when the dew wne
«n tae sround.
Ool. Lewi* M. Man*, chief aonreoa of
toe Berenth c*iW. aaid that while the
ek did Bot har^rarte* at the hecinBias oi the war. he did not thiak the
history of the world had • paralUl to
to* thoraash ear# siren th* •lek. R*^nleilioB* hare h*e°






Tlis dlsooFery of AmeHea was a grast aohisTea
ment—Next comes


^e. Th
an buy






Broscli BlocL

j Elegance
I Economy Combined
The makaip^f thee* (all esito



tito heat idea* of

eldtblB^ Btosufacture to aait to*
^v-ttoto* *f tha very parUenlar

We keep the best

a^ caabl* them to k* acid far

rubbers that are made.

the sacaaeary ^to* to aa acoaom-

Bear this in mind wbe°

ieal people.


ver woald coacade them made la

want robbers for

a styl* equal to the fia«*t hl^-

yonr feet.

priaad taUoriay. aad tb* affect to «

* Papular Shoa House.

I Sell Goal
And aellver order* prampUy.

J-ikewise Wood.


Th* critical otaer-


toa v«7 beat. ato.
We ask you to examine 8 suits, which the above iUostraThe'^e“hi' the center repieeentr lot lOM-A rra’. .11 wool
fire erreimere rrit, latest j»ttem, ^11 mrde-A bnimtar rnit
for a bosinees man. Specul price. $8 60.
The one on the right is lot 7490—A men’s fine Melton soit,
raw ed^ donUe breaetod, well put together, good tnmminga.
*^**^6*^^ Slhe left is lot 6137-A men’s fin^ winto
weight serge suit, double breasted, Skinner sstan faciu. b^
Italian lining, a swell suit, eqoal to any tailor made. Speeial
price, $13.60.
Men’s suits from $2.00 op.
, . Our stock of OvercoaU and Ulsters is ounpleie m every

Your mcmey savers,


OlM. Block


«m. T. Batm


9. w. BAnniL

t. W. BAnu. editor oad lUBHtar.

•CC004 rl*M nkftlMr.


sahssSths lBa«stl(»tloa eftkss^srTison. Tka DMOoerstie pUtform sllapea bU swti of siHI tbroocb tba B«'pabUesBa but ev«aU bsa« aLown'
tbit to be A bombMtki ontb
wbleb fAiM in ite effeek Asd tbe
people of the oonoty beee eoDBdi
la tbe BepebUesa esadkistee.

The Baple baa ezbdaated lu “tbirtMa ioeh’'ahenaead proaiaea to ;iva
sp eEhlbiUea of "rapid SHer ”
aeeBia, bawevrr, that tbe eaperviaora
did a little rapid briar tbeiaaelvea be­
fore Uie Baple aerorapliabed lu parpoea of Irlac everptblBf Ifi eoaaeetioQ with tbe coort hooae. Of ec
tbeae preeaiaea ware aade with
foad ezpaetatioa that Saperviior Wilbeln’a reaolntioa woald be adopted
withoat oppoeitioa eseept fros


* *Eo'lSSlo*S*X .
^ **wSffE'»i'.'bBKlCcf Chlp|w««.
steel of Cllstoo.

*'*' ^WILLJAM AE^mOHSpr«.S»« «•»«.
Far Bo^DtctidcDt of Public loMruciloe*
jimK E. HAMBOKS of r

FarMcBbcr Blow Board of BOucbUoe fobon
Far HcBbar Blow Board of EducaUoa <lonc
***^! A PlAtT of Oaoaaea.

OlrPiBrAwlheiear itbirtima

Hj work is 6rst class sod pric«s that are in mck of all. I sm
prepared at- all times to take rsre of tbe trade. 1 make s epecUit; in
BrasiDg, Vnlcanizint; and EnameiioB. A fine line of wbeeU fur sale
and to rent.
J. 0. ELLIB. Sll Front atreef, esst.

EErANNOR meaos tbe emplopatei
tbe re erve forcee of tbe Anerieao peo­
ple aad rood tiiaeA Tbe Repnbli.
part? auoda for tbe ImproveBeal
tbe people aod rooj timea.

Oa Friday. Satardap aad Seadap the
ananal coovenUoa of t le Eleraatb
UUtriet a B. Union will be be d in
Maooelona. That village ie making
to entcruia tbe
delegatee, of which a large aileadaDce |
Upromleed. Tboee wio will attend i
Tbe world Iovm to get hold of tbe haadle end of a bargain. It ia better
from thla c.ty wiU beM. B. Hollep.aec-'
than earniog monep: it I* saviog money: it ia $3 for St. Ilie
retarp of tbe dialrict.Misaee Clara Carr,
AngosU Adame and Litllan Oowniag ^
Places pour band on tbe throttle of extra heat at mo extra e . It ban
of the Congregational aoeletp; Mr. aad investment. It is spending |l to make
:e S3. Attached to *stove or f
Hra B. E. White aad Miaa Urena P.i
. it eatebea tbe beat ainallp wasted np
p tkf
chimney and
aingtoD from tbe Frienda aocietp.
room. Coats bat littlA
Xabel Eolaw Dead.
The addreea of welcome will be given
Friday evening bp Bev. C. Vioceatof
HIM Mab-1 Holmes, daughter bf,
Maoeelooa. and the reeponae will be Mr. and Mrs. Bamoel Holm**, 318 Lake
made bp Secretary M. B. UoUrp.
avenoe, died at 7 o’clock last evening
AtDODg the fcatorea on the program aged 16 pears. H L Carter will have
will be maiical aelecUona bp E B. charge of tbe foneal, tbe Uois for
White of this city, and tbe following which baa not pet been decided
intaraetiog and belpfol aubjecta:
will be annoonced today.



■~«w»Tr iBlho State Lr|rta
■rac DIatrfrI—
VIU)^I B. POSTEB of Oraad TtsrecM.


vuaoair dcrk—
wilLiab a. newton,
ar kefWWTof DccdaOEIAND ) C. MOPPAIT.

*' ^IkSobw" cl VDE

•a OUesli Coon CoBBitaalaeer—

arOoroptraWILUAM B BOOK.

Action af the BupereUon.




The Morning Record

AddrPM—'Tlir MuoeoA tbcCealar)".
................... Evr. JeiBM Ualv Inzlls, Pnuekcp
"llowlu iBicTMi.thc rouDR lo OkrIxUAS eorfe"
T4U«br the bcu eo'rkcn la Ibe DtMrtel
•■Hare Oeaennw Olrlnr"
...................... Hr>. E A Vtilw.TraivrseCtir
"Ho» to «vl youtt* wrm lolo Ibe C. M. and bow
keep tbriB Uiere.. .........................................
SrwpwUum led by U. K. Cauon. Beaxoala, aad
L.T. PeBslaetoo.tTraVeraeCUr.
we lBrreaae;tb«Min|.«.leiilBrpowvr
oftheLookoBlCoBiialllee" ..



Dealer in Bicycles i Bicycle Sundrie s

skip and a Oood rregtam
Now tbst the boperetoora bave re­
lieved Soperviaor Wilheia of tbe reapoealbUUr of bearlac the eetlre
weight of the eoart bnoae ooatroveraj
It win not be aeeeaaarp to bria^ the
Dlaplep bill to beer apoo the dMBcaltp,
aa iba Eafla aafr^ta. Bat tbe Diarlrjr
tariffUw will go ricbt oe brlDriar
proaperity to tbe people of tbe Uailed
Stetea ia the aamc meaaore ibat it baa
dorlDC tbe peat two veera; littiac tbe
BEtlOB oat of the deptha of a depreaal
iato which DriaoereUemiaiaea^^sf
bp the Ea«1v, plaairad it
dariac dcVtlaad'a aBviobtreUoa.

j. c. e:llis

Klewenth Pistrlct OonTentlon
in MBncBlona Thto Week.

Sevraav mm ABevilac Feed.
loveBigBCiaDe, it is declared, abow
that animal* fad on eewage fanai an
............MU- LUllBB UuwBlBZ.TraTvrMCK;
nader oertain ctBriifiani liable to have
tbeir flcab and lecretioai changed bp
tbe berfaa aod graaaea. produced bp tbe
aewage. open
;b tb(7 feed. Tbaa if
tbe aewage on a given
farm be ao managed that no more
re of it be pat into Ibe
eoU tbaa nap given crop can adeqoateip
deal with it is aaaerted that tbe crop
wiUaiiidcr tbeae coaditioDS be tweet the report will prove worthr of eapelid aatara! and that tbe cattle or other clal interest:
Animals fed on it will aln b^of that
. Ontbeotberband.if tbeaoil
be gorged to replotlon with sewagv then
tbe cropa will be anrebarged with sew­
age eleoMpta and noflt for fond—tbs
meat and milk of animals derived from
neb crops will also be like tbe crops,
both napleaiant to tbe taste and dangerwu to the health. These hospital
Maudnenu are proved by well known
facte—that fa If a cow it fed oo tomipa
her milk will within ii boars UMe like
them, tbe inu-nsity of tbe flavor being
Bccoiding to tbe einamity df tnnitpt Touts .
taken.. In the caM> i>f brns ond tbeir .
egga a like resoll follows. f<g. if fed cm | ? ^
decaying matter, which they always cat) Aioc^ate ..
guiRiily. both tlirir eggs and flt»h will ■ AiHliate___
be disugrceablu aud ouwbulesume eat- ,j
ing. Doc'ka loo. ait: still mure ohjec-1 Aggregate...! .................................. lojc
• • in
■ tUceo rc»pt«-t».

* ws, ir.,

Tbe action of tbeboardof aoparvlaore
jMterday In dealing With tbe reaolo'dtonanf Bnperviaor iVUbelfn will not
•alt Mr. Wilbelm aor the Bagla, bot
prill meet with tbe approval of tbe fair
aiaded tazpapera wbo want hamoap
Bad Iba court boaso complated quicklp
Bad ecoDomicallp. rptber than aaariitAtloa which can reaalt la aoibing bat
•areat, nstleoA aotagoaUm ami delay
In oompletiag tbe work w|icb all are dales barb to 897 A. D. Tbeaucicnt ToUla.....................................
jo ' sc*
BAuaage was made of a goat’s alomacb ]
Total MvmbervBin
Aeeplp IntereaUd In.
, ""PBp the additioD of two membera to stnlfod witb fat and blood. H was not I
the committee the three Brat maabert
was need, and Ibe ^BCLSHgesof
sanaagesof Frankfort
.................................................. .......
Bre not ezcaaed for tbe mieukea ihep
and Sciafbcrg l>egan to bo fai
ToUI Members.................................. lagg
Bave made. Thepare rather nbakod ISOO by tbe ioTrodocnon into Uermanp
By Oonnties.
Bp UU action, aad tbe membera added <4 dn&amai aod safftan.
Srntor Alra. JuBlur' H*«.
prill laeplre renewed eoafideoee in tbe
Ill . 3&0
■m* EBvIvat McSIrlae.
prcrk of tbe coaatroctlon of the baildBenze.............
J - . s.s
Peibaps tbemgvtanrii-utof mcdiciuM CharUvoiz___
lag. Both tbe new memben. ^Saper-,
it bopi, wbicl) were on-d in tbe maon- Emmet............
wlaoro Wigbtman and Darrow.
I fsctcreof an intciziniliug bcviTage ein.
«f rellabllitp and wortbp of tba trnai
iiar to beer and es a medicine in 8000
lapoaed npon them, and tbe Rbcobd B C. This ia attested by picinrevof tbb
Balitvca that they will give a good ac- plant on tbe Egyptian memnmeott el
•onnt of tfaemaelvea.
Uiat date.
Tba Recoei) alas believes that thla U
Eal Oaloaa.
tbe beat aolation of Ue matter tbns
tVhsi Ibe Hanks a
Onions arc stated to b* almoet tbe
far. aad that tbe board did what they
best nervine known. No mulicioe. it is
fcoBpaUp believed was forth* beat Inclaimed, ie eo oHefnrin cswfi of nervrmi
tsreaU of the eonnip. Tbeir vjte ahiwa prastn>iioo.aod tbt-n- ia notbii^ else that
a nslvy of parpove which will reaalt in will EO ijoicklp relieve end tonewpa
BalBiBBuu. UIrb.. JUBVO INS.
a barmoaiooa aoInUon of a dlfBualt womnnt aynem. Oninoe are nsefol in ■roTBsPrBii
WV.tBr <u,Crr«l(rt>rC, brrrliy crKlf) Ibsl that
ftoblem, and with tba legal abilltp Ell canra of oongbe cold* and lufluenzE.
vr ar-|irr«unall> Br^alolrd alth <br ofHrrrr
•mpJoped it aoeaia that the matter Eaten every day. i^y mxm have a clesraeeUtlo^!^

atap now be adjeated and tbe work of
Br«» rW cv.|u.i.Hlblr bu-IDnia uirv. .Bo irv
•saatmctlon go on to tbe beat intereau
•f tbe Uzpeyert..
sarrijlt’f l^’jElctejiiMI Aei^nt
While tbe DAtakea of tbe original
Uoa «r U-b-TT II lo brobr ihai U Juflk-loualr
List of twcfrs
Mmmiiiee have enullad additional ez.
vtBX I* cL lui of louers
iBiBiBZ IB •
paaae apon tbe eonatp. tbe grave
. _
_ «1I-C for |«kUrli!rm.I«..t„i ..;hir^.'
cm PuM. OB-e
■Bditur Ort akb. laralluia
•------ •—
lor Irtirra 'U>.'trrB'mrai or fa
Obarges agalait tbam and tbe allegtttoaa that tbe ciaatp wat being awlaL. M. (iiTts.
Mm-y (*] C.|,lBrU. Honvr
4lad'bave been nnatutainad bp the HBtinc.MrE. I
Mu-oB. Non,
rormk-r. K.-b-t,
V T.' Ktbvsa
JobnsoB. F. D. laeU preaented.
_ tWM«rl AatiB

and Grand Rapids Herald

14c Week.^


Are You r
Going To Get


If so, hare tbe koot tied in
our nice show window next

a GOOD FLOUR is a paying investment we shall

To listen to our convincing evidence that

Friday or Saturday,
and get free of charge a nice
Peninsular stove, all furnish­
ed with 32 pieces.
We are giving a Special
Sale on Iron Beds this week.
Large line and low prices.

be pleased to display for your consideration the es­
pecial points of onr BEST flour.

It is exhortation,

properly carried out, that leads to success, and we
bave naught but that to give.


J.W. SLATER, Boise Finislier.
ITe-w Btoore.

^ 5\iec,vaV
&>l\vv\)v\ awd SaVe
Tivm s\^\es V1V

£»aAx^s SaeVets, Ca^es, SU.
"iWsdLa,^, Odohex ^0.


HicliiR8D Accident Association.

{r«?:rhrr‘l;j7ur “wrjr;

pBEaiDEXT McKixlbt with tbe aap
^ortof a Repabliean Congreea cea batrosted to Edminiater tbe newly acqalr•d terrlvorp for tbe beat lotereaU of tbe
people. Tbe Democratic party which
mat arrayed againai appreprlatlona for
warabipe and against every mee
calculated to-improve the millta^ aerTice aa well aa to raise revenues to
4net tbe war, in thelsslaeavlosof Congreaa. will aot be inuud bp tbeAmcrl«aa people t« adminitter tbe vast re^MNiaibilltleaaDd beaeflu aceompUab•d by aBepublican admlniatratloo, aad
the people will see to It that a Repub
licao uQogreaa it elected ibia fall: and
Doegretemaa Meaick of ihU district
will be relu-aed by a ma)oiitp which
Bta energy la Waafaington during the
last lermJiiktlSea.
Tez efforu of tbe DemocraU to abow
Skat the county was being awiadied
•■d thatcorraption was briog iodolgrd
is bp every maa connected with tbe
soantp bonding aod eoaniy ofBoea,
have been given a aet back bp the re-

^ We are still talking to fou


I Bargain^Jn Furniture! |

This time it H Parlor goods. We offer a flue upholster^ ed Parlor Sufte worth $30.00 for only $22.00. Nothing like ^
it to be had anywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Mahogany suites, in
Booklen's Arnlea Saire.
in tbe world for
all the latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low, ^
C-u. Brniaes. Sores, Dleera, Salt
SPBhenu, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped
y considering tbe goods
Batda,ChilbisiDK. Coma, and all Sk^
uptiona, and poelUvelp cures Piles,
We have about 50 upholstered odd Chairs and Bockers
.. required. It ] guaranteed
togive^erf^t aaiiafactl
Live Ag«ntB Wasted Is Un­
on sale at greatle re^Tuced prices.
occupied Territory.
Come in and make a selection and wo will set it away
PwrtaaeCanti AW«k. .
until you are ready for it. in case you don’t want it at once.
Bvrrybwly vbt. lakra T
MriiM.bu '
Rzroiu, iwn have tbe Grand Bapios.
No trouble at all to us. We want to help you to get the best
Ui raid deliver, d lo ibrm also for an I
addUional fonr cenU per week, mak-1
thing for' he money.
Ing only 14 cento per week tpr tbe I
baai paper in nortbem Micaigan and !
laterarlBr tehastirt!
The place—
*the best metropolitan paprr In the:
1 WiU leave TraverM- City, with the
Speorer. t»*o.

ssrw's r.s,r.,
•**}■,*. C.E
Turlar. C. B.


A. H. Ktkab«v
A. I^SiTi'Tr”'’*




Cuii- r>u(l>-B«.
Tailor BBil
KsiF StBtionerm.

Tbo-. r. lii.MBnii.
Hrr-r a Mxr. KbUbbwo I>«k. Cn.


Stole. Telephone 23.
Steamer Onricema. Nov. {, f-ir the
north .bore for tbe acoommodalion
of hnoting parties, and will land at
•J Miner Uiovrime.' It U noVa
any point
olnt deaired.
deair. ’
Fare for
trip SS 00
Sultol le .arraugeiBeni
““ the glove fa on tbe band.
For sale
will ho made for return
^Ip bp Jamas O. Jobnkon. the dmg455-61*
Cajt. Bmoet.




Board of Supervisors Add H illis Wightman and S. C.
Oarrow to Building Committee.



Bttpervlaor Puldphar FUes Answers and Bpeclflo Denials— ^
Matter Noy Awaits Decision of Court on
Petition for Kandamns.

SoperrUor WiiheJm r«e«iT«d » ■wl
dM mC teek 1 ywwrd»y'a otMtlur of
tb« Soord of moperrlKira.
Tha aeathiaff rMolutloos Se intro-

iof eoBimittM udebarri&s lacoiapa*
tone/, wera prompllr repadiatad. Md
b; a vow of It to 6.
YcBlerday afWraoM wat tbet niact
to aet npoa the reaolatioBa aad to lUton to the defesaa of the eoDsmitb
tha ebarrea praleired.
board cebia tosatber at two o'clock
tha raaooUiOBa of SapervlaiK Wilbalm
weretakaa from the Ubta at ^tbe
aad after a praUaiDary akirmisb be­
tween Saperviaore Warner, and Palclphar reraidlor whether another reaotnUonahonldbilntrodneedatonee or
the nniwer of th- bnlldtnr eottnlttee.
a muinal nadoMtandioc raanlwd In
the preatnuvloo of the repUw of the
eomatlttee w the ebarrea coouthed la
Mr. WUhelm'a nceolattoa, which were
'•nbialttad in detail and apeciflcallr by
Mr. Pnleipber ae folli
let. Inaoeeplior the epeclflcatloai
of toearcbiieet, which were in pi '
violation of the promlae he made
thla biard *“
that* the epeclfientlooe for a
oaiiaior ttpA hU plan woo’d provide
for atrletlj
elaaa mawrial. workaaaaehlpand floUh, and wnuM biior
tbaoeat within the appropriatioo.
Ajnwar. It haa been done. Cliarsaa
daelad. Sea apaelSeatlona, See. i
tad. laBllowiarthe
ae oa all extra expeoee
for work
and material pot npno the bnlldln^ and
not provldad
make the extra expeoaee aa lar^e aa
A. Arebitaet'a cvbbMob
arraad npoo by Boaid of Snparvlaora
Chafrea denied.
3rd. In1 faillntr to rtMQlre that all
hlllB abnnl
■>nld be folly lte«ir<d by
' I far all
nnee. ao that the .

daring oaym

thedefedte aa preaented .by Mr Pol.
dphar Afterwarde Mr. Perry ataied
to tbe Exoono that hla reaaoo for bia, j.
altitode npoD the mvtwr waa that be i
deemed that tbe report prevloaely eob-1
mitted wae aoSeleot to vlndiraw the |
eosmitteb of the ebar^ee preferred and ►
be would b« willioK ^ iemve the mat- P
ter with tbe board; U ■ adm’t'«d that ^
miatekea were made but that graver ^
ebargrs were grooDdleaa.
Immediately op-in the eooolnalon of i
Mr. Pu:cipher'a remarka Soperviaor ^
Warner aroee aod aobmltied a aubati- (taw to Mr. WUhelm'a reaolnUon. pro­
viding that two membera be added U
the pre -eot balldiog committee.
Soperviaor CleveUmd offered
amendment that one of the membera
beaelected from the city and the other
from ttie cunoU^. *
Therenpoa Snperriaor Wilhelm Jomped to hie feet and proWated agalnat tbe
enbatllaw upon tbe ground .that It waa
ODt of order, not toncblng tbe vital
poiau contained in blMaeolntion.
Tna waa dUcawed c maiderabiy and
theehalrmaa declared the aobaUtnW
laordar. Mr. Wilbelm elated that be
waa not np In parliamentary proceednra andaaked that one who waa poewd
be permitted to anhmlt an oplaloi.
TtaUreiiaeet baing granted Mr. Wil­
helm called apon B U. Spmgoc, whe
Immedlawly stated that the aubaUtnW
oonid ceriaialy be enWfUiaed.
Tble aoibority being received Mr.
WUhelm waa aatitSrd. theuga very
mneh naaatiaSed and tbe meaanre was
put to VOW- The reault wat Iw adop­
a vow of 1! we.
Whan the vow waa anaonneed Mr.
Wilbalm Inq ilred if thU aeUon pot a
leek npoa hu month In thla mavwr.
Upon thla Snp.rrlaor Pnleipber de­
"If there bad been a lock on year
ith a long time ago the

~; ->•“>

Just the thing for fall wear-gooil aatil the holidaiis.
Ought to hate 008.^-^:::='

As much^ore or less as taste demands.

See Ours at S10-00--Good Value.
Figure bliad advertisers would say: "Worth $15.00, our price $10.00," or "as good as oar neighbors sell for $15.00." Such adsjcatcb a few, but the man of onr people are good discriminators of facts.

Buys a very nice' double breasted, black or blue, Rough Cheviot,
very stylish, especially for young men.
.‘\n.outfit as above with Top Coat is just what is right, and we have
a fine line for all sizes—Some for less money, but ours at $13.00 for whole
suit will make a presentable, good wearing, well cut suit, well trimmed and
found with

•p*~‘ • >»■»> -■»-

______ ^________ M
reqeirr : Tbia made Mr. Wilbelm wmifay and
iWmt and amoAnt W our aatiafaction IbeaUted:
4lb. I.
l •
hid for brick without r-quiring vam-; wanted and now yon can go on with
^ea^ of tbe brick to be preaented with | yonr dirty work."
A. Tha apwliflsatlont provided for]
the brick. The beard adenwd the',,
Mr. W.lhelm that there had
ptant anf ap^sHtiiioM which wer»
ao dirty work and that he had
made in brief nod anbmitwd to
earefnl hew he made fataa
board laet spring.
1 awtementa, aod dancu ece 1 kia action
Mb. lo falUna Wflx the lomtion of |
,he «ntlmrnt which prompwd it.
the boildiog before tbe contract waa I
—andtheworkof aaeavation be-,
. tbe board ware ool of pla^w. nod nnA It wu agreed by the e^mnltWe catted for, and mnat be au^p, d
that they wonid loeaW tbe slw for tba , Lawr Superviaor Wiibeim apdlogit*d
buUdlng when tba architect anf ton-. to the board aod said be waa eorry that
tractor eonld meet with tba cammltwe i he need tbe wrm -dtr>y " U« did not
for that grarpoaa. Anewerad by Mr. i mean to Imo'y that tbe vole
| ■‘dirty” but that hedid notthink the
eib. In fallinr i'^tntke an agree- dlap wiiion of his resotoUun was right
rasat in with the cootracto-a
AfWr the UU between Sup-rviaom
tof' ihe atone mssoury re­
UamUton and Wilbelm^Bditor Spragu-.
quired by the change In location.
A. Tbe change In lo mUon did not of the Eagle, who baa beoD eonduetinr
prosecU'-ioO with Supervisor Wiladd one foot of masonry to the fonnd
I aereemenl cou’d !

not he
BOt knowing baf irehsnf the neoaasary cipher eatled the attention of tbe boaitl
Mr. Sprague was ruodepth to get tb'oagh tbe drift so'I to
natdrsl solid coll, couli not be deter ning tbe board.
When qoiel was reaiored agaio tbe
7lb. te removing
Bg tlm
tl^ site from
fmi high- a’ection of tbe cimmiltee provided for
er to lower grohoris
aWf raising the la Saperviaor Warner'e anbatitgie was
>ors to a hlg'her
higher laval.hhin n-oridf't proceeded with
r. thus
for In the fi-al
thus r.qairing
Willis Wightman. of Omen LtVe.
no extra expenditure of <iv fiv« ihous
and doUam ovsr the c-ietriei otice
tbe foundation.and neceu-italinga fur
first, heaubmitted to tbe evident detbar expendiure of Ihonsands of dot
board and allowed bis name


Light Colors Prevail.
Dark Colors All Right.

WUb«i. a; lb.. Su,«,l«dP.l.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

of the demands of the eootmetor. '
Uereup-m Contractor lil'ni'io In'ermpl- Jfi
ed Mr. Cr.),a with the qa-«tioB aa to' yi
where he got bis authority for bis aa- S
aertion r^ganiiog the bilta for extras W
aad the demand* of ihr cooUBctor. He
told -Mr. Cross be bad better know ^
what be was talking abiot before be M
ma-leauj •.taicmeotsWuvbiDg the business of the cootract«>r.
At this lbs atturney coolly replied ^
that tbe coil was bMught nomioany
by Proe-.-cutor TweJdIr. hot really la X '
behalf of the conti actor to compel W
the county e'erk V> iasneorder* for the
psymeni of tbe bills for extras.
Contractor Uibson became warm ni^ '
drr the collar and emphatically declar­
ed that oe had nothing todo with the
sultaod ibst it was not begun by him
or ia OU behalf. Mr Cross sUted ibal
he was merely sHvising tbe board at to
tbecourse it w .uid be right for them
to pureue, nod not entering on a dincusaiMVhat would on>y lead to eonfuaiem.
Wneu Attorney Odes bad concluded
P.-osecator 'I'wrdile jemp^ np and dc-, ^
uonneed tbe reflaotiuns eaat by bii|?
biMtber Cr-Ms as aofvuodedaod nnjusL ^
He stated that be wse stiii .^rosecotor m
of ibscouB'yaol OH m tmcbed.aud bad
acted in b-half of th; c Aosty. He aaid jjf

S\iedaV Save

'Sndiaia axtdb Sa.\vwAa^, 6doh$T Z\ aivA
ShmyAt Kvm, ^rom one 0^ \,\ve


«v tttt touTvVna-


^ < ■ -ubd. Tb„... »b.r
of the c buoty nr making any Improv.*- tiua and be was elected by a vote of
of the Claims of lbs e intrsctor. A litmeet ia tbe mi
mopearance or cuaveoiaoue -hi to 4
nvreaiHag tbe same line.and the jsst the ctaima upon an rquitable
d. w
I «,U„te0.d
next chosen by a vole of IS to S. These
6lh. In making a ^change ie ma.ume. ,

oftbebaudThe Marniog Session.
terUII ffrom gray atone to red atone.
tino of his contract.
witboip first entering Into on ngreeAt tba msralng aasalon there was
Bight after tbe hoard waa called to x
Tbia practimtly dosed the boa’i
imarootinehasinesa dispMsd of, also order in afternoon nsssioo the County v
ims oLire pi-tonatitira which helped Clerk auted to the biard that tbs ^
I waie not on :
This wm done
| til tbe Clrcoit enbra had decided li.e to keep np the intereat In the proeead- plaas aad ape
See Bnlldlng Committee's
file in hla offi.-e
peodiag. There Inga.
, JoomalTpagw.jA
WslUr Thu'tell and Wllllsm Wimy I to a reaolntlou of the previous day re- ; ^
were objections to this, the reabon b«of the Sortbero Telephone Co., were quirlog him ta prodnee the plans.
b.d W,.Ub
wt to introduce a proposition for
* ^
face brick when the original estimate eonciy work at on w. the equaVxation
- of t’
mailer not having been disposed of | ntacing tbe'.«iep] nsi of tbe new sysThrM Meals Per an
Breukfaiit—Bnkrd -eppie;
npplei wneoHei
wfaeatlet ^
c'^'iatei-iarforaU DarUof thesumc yet. Pinally It was decided to adjoom i; tea'10 ihr%
material lor all paru 01 tbestmc j^^^l this morning at 8:30.
| of the M.ohigsu Telephone C.i . was nlcream; bak.d swwtUreada previ- a
A Th'seha-v-M' W Ih’lm admits! •
di*p-rsiog Att-woey Crnss.! so present to prasev. a likstfropositlon ' coaly parboiled, then aawbomri. with a J

1 w ^
/ -A.r.


As AdvertiMd,
oar line of Pingres


Journal, page
aad Uke np the coarl house matter ; words when 8upervi«.r Wilbela-----------• ,
taav See
page 5J.
had renderedadecU'ion, | that
sven.>grspher be employed to
joth. In appolnlinw the eont-aclor
aa noe of the committee of three to set-1 but that he dW not c: lider that the facilitate the matter of the answer of
Ue tbe price to be paid for extea work. |
sbonU take any acUon upon tbe the halldingeomm-ttee to the charges'
thus making the oontractor .judge to
-----------for tbe extras in bis reaolnUuns. There was a hot ■
nettle bis own elali
debate, plain langnaga need tnnphatlT
A. We deny this charge: every word uetil after the . eonrt had decided
.The reason
is falsa and mlalaading. See Bui’diug tbe mandamus sniv
Committee's Journal of Becords. page be gave for thla opinioa was that tbe
The committee appointed to ponfar
contractor bad anaJa bU cUim which
Whan Mr. Pnleipber had finished waa not before the Aoart and It sronid
reading the dafenaa of the oemmittM not be eompeleui-lor the board to act
e-mrt had eoBcludsd with the , P^*rted that the contractor would ha
Bnperriaor Perry, chairman of th» eo*. until
: tbA hasia' willing lu meet the comialitee and adwhich be aaid '
Bittec. stated that be did act aancUea j eUim

(diiokea vtewed: tiread and boner;
dessc-rt) asTved dainl . _
hopper—Toast, with lirile salt and hot v
oream ponted over when cat^i; nftjs
boUed egg kept hot by plsdug cup in a ^
<Uab of vety hot wbUt; breed and but- I 7

Our complete Fall and Winter LinelU in. T
Call and inspect them.


, MmaV


e right. Sold by
ailon. M. B Tav
m. dontb Side OonfacUonary Ihora. f 110 Front BtTMt
4f»S Onion at.
i*6 tf

^1\mAiVv.Ao\ I
Old Reliable Shoeman.
Worsbars Block


1 inriiiiEwssToiitES. 1



iBWmt Ttom AU |

r«na at Slebifu.



SotW «r



plan the OeraaB war ablpa and a hoDSBltlfat* KiMMi
It h*l>« tkU ywr

Aor S4 50












ThaaalUD wanoly abwdc haada with

»«dnwn o*«*r U« Mukbtw divialm

tba amparor aad eapren. aad oSeriar

«f tbe H..C. B. a.

hia arm to the eBpress, be led the way


JCaaicoiD Ue


party bad a brief reaL

‘“W ««•*» •“ »qoaHnin tbnic

iparor aad eapran sabw.qseatly

Sha will

-Tba OBlted Blain is aow tarmsUy in

'be Alpped u Chleafo by boat aad froB

possanlon of ths island of Porto Bleo

Ifcaace Booih by rail.

The owaan are

Bobart and BllU BrmedeU

torowrly of


Tbe war department fans

reanind tha tollowinr:

A *1110(0 hM uddealy eooie lalo
Aatmoe at Oraaae Tolat. batwaeo


0. C.:

Pings have been

Chuen, and

foreigners at

other porta are preparing for a harried
Two womee dressed as oaes collected dsDartara.
Ths Odessa coftaapoadea t of tbe la a'

1-nrc saottof atoaey at Wyandotte fpr
rnWeet charity's Bake. They kaelt dowi
ia> oo- piaoe 'a prarer,

when, a sharp

dot Standard says that BnMla has hast-,
Uy coooentratad


Artbnr to be in raadtneM for any amerganc* at Pekin.
At Kankakee, 111., Emil Chlnlq«y,.a

4td not lo<'k rery

ona-tlke aad the

««ub,r,u™a Ium,r.

wall boy St >aee ba(an
■the resaH of

his roasses It was foaad

that ths womea were franda. aad they


mna at ft»rt

«a-« tan sh>«n> peeping

«ttt froB aodnr their black robes. That

•eyed 'mail

Beriag ame at

none to mlUtary headqaarten at
naplul aad it bnn oat aU ths rood
-way agperior

It la ia erery

ta the taatooe Uaoaer,

nnd whn eqalpped, aa tbay aaoa will

worthy of jut each crowded hoaaea

D in tbe same districC
winds are mostly from tbe nonhwent.

greeted Colonel Copelaad.

Growing grain and foliage on treeeczposed to them become more of lea
ecorcbed. nud sonietiffiee tbe grain crop
is entirely destnyed. Tbeae pbenomenn


; niag to warn or of the danger of the

|tbeplsDta The plants willkcep tbowa-,

the Mleblgaa troope will bare tha

,1.0 „™ iniod

oo..lo,d.rf tb. b^.n...lo...o_.lnn,,n.b..

.rf»ollM,l.b bbltl... dnrib, tb.
recent outbreak hers, were banged
watch their babito-^hoplJoamAL


hers from Porto

Bloo eay that alt the high officials tbers
bava takan atapa k> b


steady stream <
to interterr withI the steady
rga which flows
errty sharp point, wfaethermokorplant
or dwelling place. A tingling and oooi-

ilnogcd for many ymrs is lost in this
I'mpt to bomthecandlp at both enfla

Ing aenMlion is fell, sfmilar to that experienoed by patients in taking the'rlee

One boar's railway jontneya dayls nn-

trical bath treetnifsit, and Ihsmnlliinde

£,“' “^.^7,


wiekeA ■elleta.


It ha,
oeen foondiliat
lOODOUiat tbebolletsaaed
uremuieia aaeo ^
ityabe Hridsb army in tbe Kbattom : ^
expedition do not nffiriently dimble ’

prompt bis oomiag at thU tim

of Norway, which baa added JO eeau
Tbe other leading mines of tbs

a there ia n acarcitr of men and adn
aired to b<d| tht

cartridgee having
a new
f(vm of
of bullet
ing a
new f(vm
—*"-h has

. to have
diwovered a new renter
{□ equBlonnl Africa. Wbilein India be

beard that
esme length “ *
s devaeUtiug d
rescenwtotberoof Tomnkeibeebw the sainewe gbt as heLee-Metfort bol- p,r>^.l.».t at KUsiba. in tbe northwest
it rim** •*’ ““ rifles.and maof Girmin east Africa, near the
chins guns now in cm. The case is . Victoria Kyauxa. end immrdistely pronjstot
e of nickel, and only tbe base Is fill- ' ceeded to cast Africa and commenoad
and a
rith lead, with the result
The di:
1 nlaved at <«cb «»with
that <m bis inTcsti^tions.
in qces-

The Italian citlEens of Calomet onle-

This bring grearir*PP««Utod,
idea would be farther wiiau wub uj
■urbib.^. As.MJt: nuuw

morety of America la a flitiag manner.

^ SiriT.k“L*i:br

„„,i.Ed,p.b.. b™..oppii«.i.b oF'M.^“Torbr'i^.r:'S!“

One Of ihefostares in a recent elec-

liratod the tooth aanlretaary of the dis-

Three fires were started by iaceD*

-.......... be tbebuboniuploguek
an enemy tbe conical end bnra,
Tbe iwnetralioo if tboB dimiuisbfd and
. • i.
s>in,.V ia nboiMt triitrh will



Brerett rafoaed an offer ot fIC.OOU each
:(or three of his claims.
Preaidant Angell has been asked to

■k .UB
Blear, with its brass funnel
strrtcbing over >i/o
tbe A4a.bC<AI
lectern, m~
and from
this instrument the
the l^^*’prayer"^
Lord's Prayer, tbe
Twenty-third Pmlm and the beMitedes
were given oot with sonoToos effect. It

'J'.'®*’ **
‘**** iciipect



lo ths toast, “InUmaUoaal

is said tbet the volume of eunnd by tbe
best cylinders to tbo most efficient
pbooogiBpbe frequently reacbee SO per

bimeelf able to do--------

cent of tbe sound of tbe actual voice,

wants reader*

eepeciallyasuanypbooogmph .

___________ __ _______ _________


Chicago Friday

to do scarcely any reading, ; _

_ _ _ _ _

agninui wnraing uieir ,- , ,

■Mmthly balleUa gives mUkmea warn­
ing agaiast ths nss of milk

eervice—sermon, musiaandall—may be


Alres that are now oa the market, atatlag that they are deleterious to pnblie

■TTTg a&VX OB has* money lo toon oo farw
M<o(t>ey*.Tro*o>««OUr. H>ck

*A t-teS

illph. M4-S0*.____________________________
Qist W*vrn>-Bprir a» «

Opera House.

now supplied carry hymn words and 'now nomnimoas in tbe
tunes, and as ntecbanical organs can ob- uftor a certain time, which voriee in
PrafeMor—What ie Um pace that
.. lyof roll.
tatoantoexhBOitiblesuppIyofrolJniodifferent individutto reading in
rioof a religions ebsraewr. It may be
i, , i.i^itive
itive danger to
lo eyesight, j kills?
that in the near futnre a whole chnrgh jto page U in constant vibration, and !
Btndent—That <d a Brooklyn trolly

•Pood Commissloaer Grearenor in hU

klMi.*__________ __

Steinberg’s Grand

The grsdaatee of the Uairetaity of

«ook the.aaamlnatioBS forty panud aad



-Hlchlgaa law scbaol hs*e again been

mis of theoe were Michigan men.


„ ... j...... _ _ _ _ _

doing good work at the Ohio state bar
Oat of the seTsaiy who


l^l'ND-A ssaol BMory Owor-«aabo«a
r ti Itypronac proomy saSyaytaclartklo
aodor. 0*11 Bl RgrT.ito ttSter.___________________

He baa aceepted.


drlalsr korve.ff
OeofUarolM ■adwrUbr^
B.B. Cook. (-

A OJevor TrIeX.

It ccruinly looks Ilk# it. but there b
.^ly no tri^ about it. Anybody
, ,r, h who baa Lame Back and ^Veak
,ioo was fooi
onnd b
Kidneys. Malaria or nervou tmnWu
and nine oot of ton of Ibcwe infected We mean be can (mre himself right
died. Hot only were human beings at-' way by tsking Electric BItUrs. ThU
--------- " ■'
• -1 uJso
1m> rats
rats and
oud monkrys,
Riookt-vs and
«ibii ' medic ine tone* up the whole avatem,
_______ ________
lUat to
to the
the Liver and
it-was found that often an outbreak of i
ssa stimuUnt

ker. Every bottle
; sir or light wu admitted. Under nob |i s a miracle work>
nuiuiuc (be Rreu.
^tle at tbe
Miijiiia arnaiiiiLt oooditioos the benODa groves were pee-I gnarantoed. Oi ly SOcabottl
a Lemdon
B. E. Walt aad J. G.
has become l_.___

Arbllratloa’’at the peace jnbUce ban-



may have a part in its prodarticn.

rtUcipney to
.................. .......... ............................^____________ ________
— Hew York
is doubled.—Hew
tabitauisof Kissibewssbanauas. whi^ '

^aet to be gleen ia

•pBAiwro wcTUB^a^^
arbor, will resooBV to calls for ouoli

of evaporation and c

Fred Ererelt, a Klondike miner, *lsStockbridge last

o. tesat

oo earthqnakes and tbe ontflow of into

u,r,«L’ii, dT,.»

diaries at B-icsaabs Sunday night.


-Pboew lot. I«. ua_____________________________

oampa^ve a^oerf^gee. The ae-

found ueoesnry to i lake a change in already known, are Hoht.n. Tibrt and
the Imllet. Within a few weeks tbe the west

Kwret Cburrb l,ichtlnp.

yar diaa to tha wages of mine employ-

■week. .Before


alarmed wen they not aensibleof

evsning w an-


Tbe first of tbe 1
Iron miaea to raise wngea is the Aragon

ited his bratbea- at

t. asoww. Aturvey aaa C

.l»lk«o«froinE.8l»41i™nu<ini. BnUonTSk.'. ponb «porimo,^
to consider whether the vedncilons of dem(»suaii(ms in wh rnrtmooneed
n,„y nut be too dearly prid
{ for by tbe American bPiioers man who

taketbe gniaeof flatbes mod balls of

a bare
Admiral Dewey will arrive in San Abe
,_________ _______ __
_________ anisia witn mounnons
•* ■ sieBOe.
rrmnekoo on D„«,b« «.
E, rtll bri teblinE Ut«r toll • dorno bollou . .jd™. Irfo, tb, Umnm BoolMj Fo,
on^nol tb,
city of
tMTu snnnttirrauifa tfatan. Astba
D-hX,. Hygiene, i„
*ne w»guio» lue
Bor. Dea P Bndlay of Urnad ftapBritish Public
in wbirh ■he di
:b ctormi is not yet aetisfectorily ex­
nfiaenon to ■ _j^
it may be in tbe earth or in
lagne center in tbe ^
It the aanaal a
e. er'in the epaea beyceA
tb.Orlmt. Ad.ltnlD,„j l.lbWotnn
6„„ „„j,
o( tb, mbit, bibitnlbodol Geinu.
~tt Alrtin.
■wal ot fan kn bln eKy. Snaday night.
If tbe latter, it may be traced to ths
ed iaenveral mlniogeatorpriaesoB thU
doohUem be
whitbertbe pisguuhsd been inirndnoed
Se bandied ths aabjeet ia a aeathiag' coast and it is those inuresu that
farthcODiDg.batelrcady it bts been from Uganda. Thecco>ersof tbepiagoe.
t6 . ' ■ eod mwt effectiye ftrearats ia




vapor condensation, bat nothing memt

rnsh and are adrislug ns that many a
vtlnable life which might have been

------- ------------------plant nome email wnier we«da and thim

rinoed, at Tatmao'e ap-todato c
fectloaery elora.

tba sUte is

Boebestsr, M. Y.,

(miau claiBsd far it.

mn ia cnireuts or (tranks and vatj

are obaerved in other parts of tbe oonatry. but particalarly in tbe moimth
of Colorado, where they.sre asaally
tendant on tbe eevere blowing of

bb .lb.

inured throagh


, aereral other aXtnctloae which will be

a mn fur the traiof « loug psnniey in a
and then, after a day's exor, a n-tum jimruey to the■b M it is, auder almcat
cootiiiioDS to tbnee (if the m<ni ing Oor ooDteniporaries err now begin-

bbb. „.rt,b&Tb,,d., b.

play aionnd them ambarraasinely. Aa by the force of bG eloqoaaoe and brUthe aboets of a bed an toaebed by the liaat fligbia of oratory.
band there will be a-luillient glow of
ThG waa a bappy aeleetioB for tbe
electoic Inmiposily, and the badolotbes
firat namber ia the High aehool laewill fairly crackle as they are moved to
tura eonraa aad pieparaa tbe way for
and fro.

“Oonntry air ni night mey be too deariypnrrbBsed by a skimped breakfast and

Kot out of towa ia a harry.
Oae of ^e Blake rides

the ktaffa M

greeted bcartUy by tne largcaiaadl-

certain ntmorpbniio

no sign of tbnoder and lightning. Tbe tow bald tto aadisaca deeply igUrwind blowswiib great foroe. It ra|ddJy aatod from the bagiaaiag to tha aad.
gcnerauia electricity in the pataon txmoriag thato to amilee. laoghter aad
poeed to it. and electric sparke will pan
Mtoam by hU bright flsahaa of
from hi* hands to any metal be may
chance to approach. Tba botyewite has wit and droll hnmor. than almtot IB
br his patbetie daaeriptloaa, and
to wrap op her bands in rags as she
handles her ntove, or the corrent will again iaspirad them vritb exe\tnmaat


who lived within renaooable die
listanon of
their wo^ even toongb it i me in tbe
faasrt of London. Tbe esme critic Miyi:

dsBU bsee left Ghaa King, in tbe pro*laee of Be


Steinberg’s Grand lart aigkt. be srqa

a windstorm, which U called by tba • rtlo fima wbkA ■ ebarabtarisM the
plainsmen sn “electrical nann,’’ thongh lactnrer everywhere aad upon aO oe- . .
tbe weather Is qnite clear, and there is radona. Tba’ earaaatnen of the lao.


aad oimni
rigns of I
than did the steady going old ge:

Boases are bslnf boo(ht la Portafe oertsln. Poraigaara at Taag Tas poris
la grant danger. Mont of ths rnsl*
Satry. Chaosal and other ael(hbo
willare by water, where they are placed

Imrtarv, stapesd

. Probabje <>aaa.

hardest to oupe «i(b ir tbe mental and
etiaio broagbl abont by tbe harry

medica] jonmal that tbe men who rash
badtscanl and forward between town

raised on pablic balldlngB and foria ia


AowDS aad shipped bodily to Uie

Om Sana ■Wactrioal moeti." oftm

ranuing, eepeoiaily in

working man cf bnsiaes*, bat after a
good many years at it the m<-dical men
an trying to aap the belief in its efii-.
r. It is said
csid plainly
by an Englirii

‘-Baa Jana.

Ibe this clly and tainted with natioaal
aoUla. thoarh bat reecDtly atartad. al- sslniea. Tbe oocnanUoa of tbe Island
BOW complete. Brooke, Cbairaiaa.”
Tcady hare SAO maa worklag la then.
A reballion ia Ba-Nan pttrrlBee Is
The demaad tor homes Is ao (raat that
^rcadiaa and PraakliD



fathers did, veren rntbe nrai rabcrlM.
Spending tbe day in town and the night
in tbe conntry nrad to bmusidcred tbe
finest thing in tbs worW foe lbs hard,

Porto Bieo, Oct. 18.—Seeretary of War,

Traeerae Clly.


years ago tbe eiodas began from town
toooual^. and people were no longer
ocntpnt to live iq Loadoa. aa their fore-

Tba Mlua aad

« decorated la the BcsleaD colon eaebaa^.riaita.
nod oaBMl the Baaaa Viat«.



e lea which baa appeared la thh thcaU*
I di-orbnnon. throogb eleoCriaU nmdia.
iessly sn^ emeliy nr eay bnainn being, ,
0 Sm, ' t'liayear. ColoasiCopalaad waadoaMy
and tbe >i.or«ly OiglUbmaD Is oftea ' *»
(Twstolly Bpderdood. T. B. Jmeeieome because hU visit last year
qnoledeebie antitype In tbit reapect. ®i«>Mof the Kansas ritoaie and crop
aMil resmiM a piaaaaat memory.
It 1* tberefote sotnewhatof nenririB to 1 aervioe dewrilmd tbe pbeoomenost as
i-wtora. ''BBobs aad Snobbery.^ waa
learn that the great dSseara of modem aece in that sutn. Tbe weaSem comd
dlvered with the Miae grace aad ss^
life which todOD mrsiios] men find it liar of tba srnse an sometimfB swept by

lUalBtn hu jtau iBoaekad % bmt ton pariUoa ot tha palace, where tbe
■that will ply the rivon away down Id

1. ths aloqM

Wbaa Colossal Cog

'orVT aerlanm* ABam>

The average Ameriean is nppetai to

dow dll of a. achoolramn.
A glan candy
even n bolter }nr may be tnn*.

betwMD tb<

>nltan and hU raeau waa moat eerdiai

Orar |0 inlM «f lof* ^>7 will mob


UniverMtyOollrgeof AgricnlSare. givee
iireotieBi for tbe makinR of an aqaarinm. Tbe writer «ys: *'An hqaariom
with living, moring ineecte in it h ■
intmeeting oraanient fnr tbe win-


ronday .Bonilar- At tbe laDdlaf tooV


mmtri wad

A leaflet fee tbe nse ot pobllo sobool^botg raomUy isaoed by the Oomell

aad bU

The aapator of i
pikity arHvad

A BpaNhaH
Plaataaad bsater tnaeete.


ran by macbtocry.—Chicago Keoord.
ttoesrlns Ysra.


the eyes ore strained to trying to follow i aar. for ipriance!—Lp to Date,
antomat; ..Uy
.lly the
the rapid niovemmls. |
. Too mnr b li^tis
li^t is B
almost as bsd as too <
littia Beading by s powerful eleotrio I

. ...... ..ivsriably brings oa eye noHblBs. I


Tlmr^aj Night

“re. Grima

,1"'”“'.'';; I«b. .b.,n.bly bGb..o» ,p.
provemRit on tbe ordinary method of people would make their eye#
sd Mr. Griam—Metrwpolitea.
A few weeks ago a yoaag maa in a aoonnng yarn is noted favorably u the ,ervioeable much longei it the
Boston Commorcial Balletin.^ For the the printed
-riated letter
letter boremes
boremes bluTry.
down near Grand Haven booght a pair ^
finer clBsaea of this material the proper- j^e reading matter gets oat of fncoA
■UUoas Otvan Awar.
«f aaeks containing a aote sayiag tbe
lions may bo to trvaling 100 pounds two they «,^uld seek tbe best profeerional
It U certainly graUfylag to the pah/
writer was aa embays of the Kenosha,
poonds of mild potash and three poands
prepare lo nae glasns. ThU
le to know of one concern la tbe lan<^
<Wih..) koittiag works and wanted a of tjarbtmate of potash. This forms tbe n,j_ be ,t any ago between 1« and 40.
who are not atrsio to be geaerena to
food hasbanA She gave her nam^ firat hath, and after It has town treated Ooe,boald never mad to a reoliaing
•ring. Tbe propriemod reqaeeted the bayer, if aamarried. tnfficieDlly long it is passed into the pontioo. as the oetinn of the eyM is to tors...
New Discovery for
iBsnmptioD. Coaghs and Colds.^ve
to write with a view to matrimony. second ecoaring bath, which oonrisU of ^ nessare rc-versvd. and ihe work on Coat
The yoaag man decided to write, and soft warm water sud Just tbe qnanUty ^ _ becomes greater Ibao oo the
of ammonia to be sniellMl platoly. Aft-' Other.
Ae was rewarded with a eort letter
itniput.ln this wyxind'batb the
nUUag that tha girl waa now the
glnate Water Teal.
finer yams are adequately cleansed,
.. RroaehilU. Hoar*^
mother of two ehildrea. and had beea case s potash soap is nsod it is always
Into a ground i
Batlraly Re-writtea and Changed, a
1 all dii
liseases of the Throat.
mar iad foar years.
preferable to nse carbonate of potash or feetly clean bottle potjivcoanoes
CoatioBODS L«agh.
wattftobe tested. To
| Cktel wd Da w
-Chtat Bagiaanr F. W. Bartlett, of peartasb instead of carbonate of soda
ten gr^i of pore. grannUtod. wh^ |
j u. Johnson
a trial bot-.
Detroit. lata of tbe Tetavins, has been
Lots of snecialtica >y entlra company
yams a gowl suap made from olive or sagar. Cork
tight, and
a window ] tie. lOcu:
... tel in
Eegular site SOc and tl
aaslgnsd to the craisar Prdria. Chief
oottonsnd oil or ullow gives very sat- erased freely to ligbv bat notto dirMt Eve

' Do aot^ bcariag the fina hand aad
Sagineer George W. McBlroy of Adrian, ixfactory resnlU at alxjot tbe rate of S rays of tbe sun. D--------- ------------ .. .s._ w
-who got into the lUt of SpaaUb
and Si4 poonds of hard soap. 6 pounds tia, and keep tbe
Waleb for tbe parade.
rible. If the
keroaa throagh the way be budled aods mystela 9 pounds patent alkali- 70 degreee t\ as pcaril


ptO^BLX—BoosoaoS Imm^ B^mSet
aad iPtefom. J.
«OR RALR-Twe wlMWted M-ropor, aoS two
slasboTO. Tra»CT«wnUji,o«*wrOo- OStt

>R BALn-Laaber.
ate ao4 sbl
TVarwrWsOltf LoabteOe. W-«f

T'hd Futraifist Farce Comedy
Ever Written.

A Hot Time In
The Old Town.”

xeetty mean oome puvuTf«uu«w WA MiB • ~ — - -

In soonring with the beavier carpet — »- - -

the ssacblaary of the Uloaoeater la tha of 08 per cent an:; -J gallons of water.
ug K
fcaule of Santiago, has beta detached treating 100 ponnde of yam.
from that vessel aad aasigaed to daty
nery at
Abe Cm

ipyard, Blizi

;0t. Joseph ooaaty hae

i. N. j.

an aati-hoiae

thief aBBoeiatloQ which baa jest bald
ttaaaooal inteUng and elected officara
for the eesuiag year.

A rapid decraase

.horse stealiag ha*




BreSboeen oed k. wUJ oeulc

risen swsEv.

,- . »

oontairfS organio matter, within
boon aa abnndaiK-e
ot whitish specks
will be seen Anting algioi, and tbe
mace orgaoio mauer tbe more qieoke. ^

in Ptailadelpbia by
a riioeh of electricity while he was looktog in a ebop window. It was raining

In a week or ten daya
dayA if the water is ,
very bad. tbe odor of rancid butter will
be noticed on removing tbe stopper,

and be was bolding an nmbrclU with a
ateeJ rod lo it o* er bU bead. Above
him was an electric are light. Tbe end
cf tbe umbrella rod tonebed the iron

Tbe little spedu will settle to tbe hottom, where they an^sr a* white floocnlent maisoa bach water sbould not be
nredfor poubleparposee.—lowaHealtb

noUeed frame of tbe lamp and a comnt of elec- Bulletin,
alMe tbe faaading of the aasociaUoa. tricity pasred Ibir.ugh bi* body to tbe j
g of a coal shaft in the rideAt Oraad Bspide late Taesday evea- iron covering
_ _
At the sesrioD of tbe BritUta assocUvralk. killing him instantly.
InCtheJtiysaroldaonofCapiaio BoV
waskillkiD a
«rts nLaagiae boase No. 7 on Madiaoa
I snotber clumental gal
mveaae. ffftpped dead while paselag sgo.—Medical Beoord.
II xenon. It pometaes a
the angUe hoase oa the way to hU



i J

spectrum analogous to that of argon.
Isoaa. The young man had been troab- Bear iaaind
\tVoo Mur
but vriU .........
sen ko* “» pasition of tbe lines differs en1 don't eell-,.---------- —...................
Jad with a weak bwrt alnee he arts
----------------------yoa (TSteia.faolid^t
CUUandean tirely. itjemetoaxUtlnminntoqtmnmSieted wlthsoarlatfetrar some yeaia
me. M. B. Tatman. 405 Daiea atMeU UUea



ttaalatHe ef PsitaniUy.
aad Brorr Wl(J. wbo hln^SSU)^
I (cod bona bastoeas oa
VMrod lo Ike
II ..a-ri'e...
Sisir ■
■twt.cUrof Traroroo
a CUy. Mleblgaa.
im bofODr.........
dwsolrrd In aowal
Wlaofc rwsfeymirro



Fun! Fun! Fnn!

Ta*TKBSCiTT. Hkeh..Oet. M,


oroa OB tbe ■ootb'WMt eoracr ot Rcrooi
Colon otrewtt. la TfSTcrae CUy. Klebis
koowa M xannelJ A Otaa. Ualiod. a i
-- -byac




aadritytasasood epteW OMeMarau torlad
la tee diy lor tec pitamt Satal year.
oa«e boor* troa I o'clock le IIGO e'slooh a.

Onr prize baking powder at 50c per pound can, 10
tier cent off for cash. A large line of prizes and

choice of wmto Cross or Lynch Baking

Octobor IM aadl RoiMboi Jet. Mi, tesco will

Powder. Quality of powder guaranteed.

lot. IWX. win bo ratnraM to (SSy cSariilar

Phone 1ST.


B48 Frpnt Stmotl

MbnlMlas.tasaA '





Consiiltatioii ami Eiainiaatiini Fraa aail Strictli CoafiilaailiL

Ittw (iQti41rta of Ibn'old-village, got
S wW U>e bog field., v-eiv till the inuni.
I gnots tegao loaeule araand ua."
"Bot nbat’a Ibe diflenttce, Aont


DRS. B. S. & CO.

oo limcwic li auyiu<Te: iiV ell jnrt reDDaylTanU day. »hl<li In U»*lf wa*
QBf»«nBaa.nHit.i»«««pfmr-ra»d|aay.l*"’*a graod, .o««a ai «he eipeattlos
lb-y<nd pale. 1«» mad bupe and JiKt aoa . pnlendijiBr’
grounda today. wa« the
of Poatp.auia
j -nte toipatienrr in the yoong inan'a
Geoefal CJiarle^ Kn«.ry Koritb
Al»e» ibe««iiBBtu<daor Kitnmfarbeaw - t«ie aniu»d bis aont almnat as nioch
oiator of tbe «!ey. Ill* ibenia
An aagel a
as lib-iitinietit be Ottered. Kerc-r ber and lie rnittK." and
I B^r^a all Ktwd I eenr belled of Um.
lore had he failed to show her nwpect.
______ „
Or tbon nf toe. these ilaray" liire aad H»a.
Oil the oinotrary. the homl-hoeas ef bis territorial eypaiwloa. cut for the cak*
f And tbuasb 1 (ell uf tby tdMl ct bm
d.niemiur bad hreu a (mevaore to her, of tbr possemliiit of mere territory.
The employe* of“lbe Lebor Comrol* », .apei f.11. aet ■
Ibey trort obA it did uot Lenxne one of her nwo blood pm to sui>iiort of the commercial
,.i,uM.tbsbM«. N* mauifert the sanw awe before ha grotrth of tbe cation, lie said to part:
that an mdin.-try Ninth warder did.
This war bas ot«-ned a n-w career.
IWlm to look imo Induslrtal c>
The old ladr straiebteDcd in fas and we Joyfully i«™ from Its irhllllng
OB M tby erecUU. J to eiy
•a tbe present condUtmia may ludU-nie.
.... drsni* 1 .k.. graodocr nf
of II,..
lli.’ ncateful
' ........
chair, the linesaUmt
Iht mooth sliffeB'
They find very eneonra^nK
eneonrar'"'' ropons •
STViT bi^^y^^lb^eSid ■iike‘"hor
stepiied out on tbe lirond stage of iha
knoi-kcr, as she answt rpd:
wealth, ^ere Is'a
world# acilon: we bare adrsoced from
■ P,n7D,™l. V™ 1^ lowhi
ndet Id tbe rondli
conllneoul dominion to world InflttfCn are Bpcaktng. 100 foigef ymirsolt
bar* moved
woihera. tTorajee wage*, per tvnL eu»- 1
of the laolaployfNl InerfsKM meml^rthlp. ete..' Mm SilTMter Dean Lt^reen WM pdl'__ ____ ^
_ ... ’ ' '
tloB of a great but t
aelf-clrenmecribed spbeiw lnt» tbe Urge
very marked In nearly every seetlnn taj,iiiK faerbraioJcnarktv. Herl<mc. thin nllrriug fnw tbe aanciat
* •
-. •
.M nos' no enm.
arena of ibe world's aciivliles: and If



Aaericao Medical and Surgical lostitite of laslegon, lid.
Bo-bcsl "WlxitiXLg, Xara-w-erse 0±t^,

Saturday and Sunday, Oct 22 and 23, 1898.


OSee Boara from 9 a m to 4 p. m.

the'village pride.

while In many diiai
- • It for the
help desired Is very InsntDetent
demand. As a i.sliiral
resulL wag«
easing all the Ume. In fnet.
The lAtoar ra.vwBB
•bowa a decided Improrement In er
feature of the suilstlcs natlirn-d.


gfiset children. Yet the laborhadno
.......effect. 1>e metal abone like
jj j,, «,ui ^
tv II uiu »in ii ^,p
►or wyciui w
Clean it it bad ebom- like that yov^
etTty dv fw 60 yoaiw. There was a

n^t^w^'fHghf.^ Tbelabo bad beeu rebuked l

this temper by
aa a boy. He

ting from

I quite culm. She looked np>a
ereiy few thrusts of her needle, iiidigiiidigUiidly
uitly at firsL (hen coldly, and finally
The s|>e<-lai rwuYUKs of the eighty d<nr. Kereithelcss tbe old lady robbed
le huhiiunl ezpnwsiou of kiudnew 10connttee In tbe Slate Is alxiut com Bwar just as site had done rverr njoni- tiiniid to her
pleitHj. The tahnlalhms of this w.irk t,,jj ;,j^. {b^, ^^ug rf I8S3. when abe
allows tbai the nninlicr of niortgngi-s
bnmebt a bride into Ihul boiue.

' homes and soi-uii comnuous


which we lannot shrink and opponun(ties and glories, wfalcb Iwikon u« on­
Egiisl to eeery crisis in ily past we
uill deal with this
the true American spl-'i- It n
for Cubs. It Eire*
It piniii* .
Port I
Ide of the
the farther side

islliiiltl. s xrlitch provl^ss la
,IS. M .1 ligblly
iperlalUrn Is not territorial Inst, bu' tietil
nani trade eipaijsl.m and i lvlllr.log li
enre, and our flag is at ManI
Manila. c<
anv spiril
’ of' spoHath >n, not IQ either
y nf ii.minesL
• grei-tl
said, under tha
I. let It b
controlling force of a providential
«ors show a large inereaac In oinotmta
atienlimj was not preo wfioUy
alter that, bo she c ■I play tb,' piai
guUluiiie. at. tbe ripe hotir in the delarested In mannfsciurlng and In ev^
Neither was it
or sing, but
, she is a
. i io«‘
, girl and
1 , es
ve1o|.iiient and requirements of our
bonw and twJt. now that _B,tnnil growth.
, It is treated In nuiny quartem simply
aproyement in wag,-s .nj ed lik^ ^T^ aiA besides, cv^
, ..That’s
••That’s righ
right. Site ought to be able aa a qui-stioo of territorial eapacsioa
worthy ImproyemeDt
tueut, and «be lertted^cp
. turnd
_ .
_ but ^ niMiagc her husband's honis-liold. but that 1* s secondary and incidental
. WT ey,*
IS coadttloDs of emplo.vtueu
that the
he c\ld lBl«r proWem te being one door, that of the bnaw in frimt of gnt tell me mere about her. Is ber consideration. Tbe great and over...........
of cotnmergyf, ^
manwia gentle, is shadowing question........
- --------------rapid.}} eolVd in this Stale. Many which stood two sturdy bosses and a .
ring enterprises are truck.
Bbe moderti D.afribe her to me, my rial openings. Tbe
* besrt -f tbe Issue
Is not mere territory, bni trn.le neceaplaced upon our Sute tlsi for tbe first
Pretty aeon the door opened and a j„_
,u,. un-uv?"
sltle* and facilities. Beyond and be►
ItllgI year,
jrx' while
w-ktle but very
verr few
yoang man in a carrer's blooee
have snspended operations. Some have
tbe old
aero- —
CM lady
■»closed through eonsolldaUoDe. but not
be p„.,«naed not to. He ;

•nd iheiofil ........lot


sji's.cs:,r.n'r:,,s:rr. o.™. .,.a -.f,„™... u.

yon Binch hiuger. V.® may tel) me
icmietbmK UIT.UI
uUmt this young—this gill
llulM In
O.. li.i. piTLoolu tr»i.r I*™,™ H,.„. „ij
s isimiuinsl with IHINIIV while
•■bln- is miinK on 10. Aont Hartba"
...B rate of iiiiensi In a gtviii ma>ir- Mrs. Lericn tamed latig. r tlian osoal
~I* sJ,c culiivat.d. .-dm-ated-r Come,
Ity of coses has lieen materially rc- at her task. After ibe lion's bt»d w«
gatisfacwryeTcntohiT slu^ cy.asbo p,.„-y.
tell me all uUmt ber.
i-R-y. tel
wurkfdon. But.itwas evident i
■•She •

•Tbe N«k.
and^rilUgSs trirS tbJlTmioDs ba^
beM Invested In new and penuanent
Improvemenu of every character—
taacb bavli

^‘'d bim. lf oricui.rionsly ab«t the
for a moment and Qicn {



..What'do yon say-a wbatT’
I world. Our growth has been
-i awan she's a leanty. She’s got velous thsi we need new opiwrtunlilea. The Mott fiuBBwhil aa^l^snkiflgTrea^anto^U WseaiWa aud Waakm
hair and the nioewt. and our fate 1. so happy that the op[kMties anan- here
here for
for our Uklng.
*>«* "«'« ‘»»»«»»«wlf earnest- ; bigoast. mid«t cli.t-ks. She ain't what portkMtIe*
nt mam Wtaoly bb4 1
need, like that of US> year*
,n a *’^",*'^‘1
1? to
*” me
U'f KDocav^uu
tou would
would caU
caU quiet;
ouiet; sbe’s
sbe’e more
mori. lively
lively 'mr
Onr ncru
W for i-ummerclal oullel*. aud It Blm. sbS •aUUM bia te U» Aiil eoaOSeSc* o( lae amirwa Vrerywhsss
iwbeditoff. The ^ faced low^
You ought tohearhrr laughwhen
Ibe desm-ndsnis of our fathers to
e street and fixed tbe truckman with
jowTi oo tbe dorks nights with
rise to niir onasloo and duty as oni
sources we have n-celved b
the rest of tbe crowd. I'Ubct y<® could fathers rose to theirs.
••Good momiug. Aunt MarihA be
j^ver in Hoboken.
ent from tbe facts of one and
,4—•— said as be doffed hiB
1 And jolly'? If she gi-ts a mug as is too
whceier Befaies <be ckavea.
years ago.
SK- bwkoned tp hra to^e to her.
^ini along to beat.
Oeueral Joaeph Wheeler s imrflmony
MoBer ElBBler.
ncpoKAs' TO umr— B CrmiAIC. after
Good monung, Percy, the answer- ,
i^<j. But abe's on the level toa
war Inauirr commlaalon la a
Money has Ibeen very easy in
thing by her old
gmersl ivfuiatlon of all tbe
emewd to bowa ,r.iV»B,nbwliW
... ...........................ipan-d
with r<
recent rd pleasantly at be approached ber. cap gj^
Im aed faally appUed.
ID band
in a moment I W“b j bbu every clip The bousi-work has to more'«-rl,.us
imra. aud small dealers ami s|>e,-i
serious cbmrges
charges under Inveatlga.
mtAnnSG I ear*
(> operate
| be done before tb,
sl« 's in for tbe gama
PE-OTT1EA8 ap^M_t
have beeu able to
oiu>raie and se- to speak with you.
■aar ease, carsd ISO*
■ favors that ,lared not think of
Tbe intern,-w be bad dreaded *°r ; ^pd «be slave* for ber little sirTcru and
u deals
deals specifically
and in detail
i'm ie m
•lACVARaaW EaESewrea la e
aaklng for a loan iwo year* ago.
|Week» was upon him ntw. He knew j teoUn-ni, just sluv,* for Uiim. aud vet ^.ph
coudliloD* at the ,wo place*—j
ith condlUoD*
place*-teto-areofu^r don aad aif «tor sys •
B«H •PTKC !■ '
Tfce Farmer's I
from tbe first it was inevitable, but dvdocs it OH willing. But th,-n she’s BnnMsgo
Psnilsgo and Mouauk—where the
Thecroiis^ MlchlBSD for 1«»8_were after day be bad pot it off. omitting bU good
g^od to.
to cveryUxly
cveryuriy;' alwavs ready
azcellent in many nointies and alxive B«n«i calls „ *>U aunt and avoiding
thr'sreau*"'SiMshlps and suffering I
h. ip gut
out with
wb, n * •Ighl^are
- I, help
tbe average In a iii.-ijorlty. Priivs liave
.j_i„ _pd
r___ I, ................ nf
r.f ,I.S f irm
sign, BUU
' behind or sick or have conipau.v. i
I of war olilclals.
.-arAen a.i.i nri i.'vrii and th T. has b»d Caught him he wM glad. As be fol- rf*. nicks up f.w hom* aiKi cat. and au
•^spsnlllr. roapMely and perwaDreily
aTa ^'a,“ac’ r::}, "u'all’klnds'Tr
‘b<- old Ud.v intoh,vprim, rom- ;
'y.,„ „.^,d„-. hrlieve abe ^n wolviance General Wbeeler'a tea
hs f
<rrr ABO sbxoax.
atock. poulirv and dalrv raising. The fn««ble sitting room he m^o a piufnl. |
u»ugb. toseeh,-rata tiniony- was
,»fcc—E»<vt»i In a few In- ifTCUUL
rapMty- b> BU sblStni
<rop* were r.ll harv.sie.1 early and a DKMy of hniniHty. but in the mrt-knes# 1
dancing on exenrsiou boats up ‘
,p:>ll*« were adequate. Op
Oi» tria^.t
vary large acreage of aimer grain ha* <d bi* *00! tberewustbo qboerfulpesa j
She'.agoid look.Tandag.wd ««5irion* this ww^doe to ih*
Vbeea sown, according 10 reiH.ris from of fiuLlity.
I diva*iT. and when she's out in full rig f.r, ,),«! the men going Into aettoe wc"
«he agricultural deimrtment.
“Sit down. Percy.” she mdd in
.11, ,av. she’s a sight 'Hu- otb.T threw away their rations (three day*'j
One of the wwi noteworthy in- pw-,.,t toned voice be loved.
( fellow* dM’t do nothing when we're •urply, aod did not recover Hiem.
futo<?t*aiK!. bas Ueu In the florks of »l»fp
chair she indKated and ,
t The wounded were promptly cared uooBldiwrdcn.>bst rMoit froa rootiM toland poifnds of wool, w hich have mar- ^^t.dbcmelf in her old rocker.
Peicy stopped short. Mre Levren had for.
, , ^
WE«l'vR*XTrg»g Bensm
keled good prhvw.
: ..p__ dear.” abc Uirmi.-'U this
Only once was there a lack of snr





true that I beat—you moan to many
Tbere has U-cna a great Increase in ‘ r
tbe production of
«Ter former years,
that tbe tMwl wages i>aid
tbe I'nlted States are |Mid to
to our
our own
own it—knowing that yon would not like to
IB afraid to come to
coM mlnera.
have me do so—I
A very . tavorahle report has jost yon about it.”
tieen recalved from the upiwr penln''Lon’t twirl your cap, my dear,
aula mining country, giving aivgunt of Geuth'men don't do that, yon know.
new discoveries o * ■ n and copper and
He stuck bis cap between bis kneca.
e tor the coming seeaon. |
1 am sorry, Petv.v. yon felt that
■ In closing It says that they are eJ-'
is my inteolioD always to be
perleticlng great diffictUly lu securing
the ni^ed help In several coramunl"f,
tie*, aud that the Inmlqrli
so into the wo<Kis at
It from
frou »3 to |35 «eU me everything. She is tbe danghper month and Iwrrd.
j ter. I am told, of a German to BudaoB
ftaa« awA Bed «•**«* ai War.
M'blle tbo war scare in March and
‘'That's right, aunt Her father bin
Aitfil kironght Ui*tier> to a ti-iuporary (j,* biggeet coroir grocery over tbera,
ddaiMlsUU for a few days in many quar-' ^ be baa made bis pile—1 mean baa
made mo^ since be's been tbere.”
"How long has be been here?”

>••0* dUmms of Woa>*B. **b-kly
mils eared to tbe UMel BMroeto

^tiu, ^id proud.
“Why, Aunt Martha!’ be iidaiawd., T?,7!I!cn slept on tl>e ground Instead "^.'r
■Tbsl is cDoogb, Percy. Tiuiuk you.
i».rause the lami^bad been
* tor laedMBl inat1 have bc-n wrong, all wnnqr in jpf, on the irmsporis so that no time
(cre*di. wbleb will recelre* «i
this matUT from tbe first. Y«® shall • would lie lost In rrmoviag them,
ftowM* rtoned M beeiih br o
• wn,tewesBlr«Iswil to gtrei
way, for it is righL Icon-j Tlie anmnni of lllnere aiimnng tbe tnOiev wUh tbrei reoa b after
have your way.
the (Hlmatc
due entirely
! troop*
______ bare to. , BTflMtod or BwkOlfBllr
BTBtoer (sitor**.
“Oh. Aunt Martic,”becried,spring-' snd ’ neccicMiry e*iK*ilure in ibfr
• ftirili
LpM(-rr«a Cs
tokias, ’’1 trencheB. Aud
lag up aud BFiziug ber band• t<
O. D to BOA part all:. •.
BBd correapeedcsn c
am so glud! Hut 1 kt
It or W) OBSMIOB* (Tto. Addm*.,
bearing about her. J
:ht to
i„„, b,, .u.d edwiie Iw. | The p1«n of cmpblpi co-id i»t b.
Everybody in tbe ward doea. Why, do ' ‘
In. the traasport anp- Larger Stored.DoaUe Stock—
gou know what they call her. Ibe men j
i.e re-inrtied
^own at tbe Gmia-vincT Tbo way yon posed 10I be In the worst roudltlon oi
j^^ed then made me think of it They 1 all snd f,round It
Elegomt NewsLine!
I Call her the pride of Greenwich vil-‘
1 u—. ■»__ 1 “ii=
Lincoln st^;^“"irHv;
m New i
sesrdt, of nurses at llret. bu*
j Vork Post
acompleic quota obtained In five dayv
ftupplirs. lucluding dclk-»cl(?*. la abu»
Illag of IL
The other day at a social function I
iiimoay of a •
friidulA aoe of —• —

“ms. B. s!t wTpIWITE box IBS. BUSBtGim. ilCII.

Jewelry, Silverware!

‘^JSSI^timnr^of U^n tol hoMral^^ to pomkr*ndhUfamily Urighltoif * I age round tbe world to a milliooaw * ^

7a..:; >P» ,a.

..a ’

to™: of a mao who brtongb 9tri^lged XnMiool laRtmiBMtta. btringg for fill tortnuaenU. H*vi-

1 Z:l 'I'S-IS'"*

.gave It an onexpecU'd impcltto thaj my fault I wanted to hate tb«n all alwi i^
! ‘‘•.iT-.l''!:..___.a. *i,« bnnw RcBeral'
worked otit to tbe best Inten-su of all over to motber'a so as you could be in- other. ••No.”wn*tbelaugbtog answer, j Tlif U» peo|^ '‘’“‘“".T
’•i have not cvtd ventured-to make tha j Wheels Is-si
. troduced to them.
Tn‘hrs'’X"t4S V'lv? qoi^S
The old lady looked as thnugb sbe rntempt’: And I applaud^
tiou. foT' tciluwBhoarit iBlhemort;
will, a unaaUnoiu. nposstole I
uoiu ncu
who would to-loved a* a tumpanicsi. It
that they
and iHwr. Tbe pr<
is tbe way that boree togiu. andafirsBl arnsailanal charges of a smsattoual
prl'„w‘ito i ■

,______ 'yielding to tbe cutiremeut has often led I press ami di->lgulag pulllli-latiB can­
high sundlng and so»i
‘ n.lM wages.'
like Mr. Jamiacti. who y<»
«pert mechanh- of *i>lem
to on, of tbtoic fatal case# of self coo- n*t sisnd.
ler and like well enough."
the trade* union man. the farmer
If later developments to tb* Inquiry
. Jamison is a gentleman, my sideratinn which sUmp the affiictad ... of the same oharocier the reaidl
le day laborer all stood, tunrehed and ,
____ __
IPS of hisfamilycan speaker torever with a brand.
suffered, dlrtl
He may havesronagbust or amur- will show
^ (bat iDviead of baring been
sethrr. for tbe cause of humanity and purer alter that. Tbe Jamisons are of
mUmaaaged tbe Kaniiago campaign
the honor of the n^li
of tl
that we can all feel proi
r he fO^oMe
jme iiiicrcstlog detail* will be ir
^^**** **
*ub>t ta in Which his own pcrsnnabty •
velop^ In these mlUiary statistics
mniit claim Ibe lion’s share. Tbe time
will come, perhaps, to |ume autumn date •••.

desires the oomlnalloo of capaW
twilight, at the end oM a long booae If
■' - ----- ----------f—.11-r
«h. offlcea.
have occurred hi tin- State,
most I| air».
Mrs. laivwn wincei
te. and moat
'Ti-r whole comn^v mav ! arnTreonttWe
men for
all of the
if tbe minor
tnlniii Mrike* nod dUi
■n plsec linve rei
have taken
ninal seitl.inente
happy runt
aboold cling to the first pmvpt of con- |
iployer and eniiilcje.
inteUigeoUy and vrogreaalvelj era■»w AvewB— nl KmaI.rneBt.
Politien is petty low down tbeas I versattom which ccmm^himtolMve i
4ay*."PaeTret^kod. “It ain’t what * ample room for tbo display c< wit to
find that hum
______ .Besidt*.
ides, I tried to gel aan office oUara.—Sjeribner a
cent of lire native v
Tito RhUto Fortlflre'-toto.
oar tost report. wliU-l. we sh.ill f.illy from Hike McNamara,' bnt bo said I
InvcMlgatc and reiKiri. and in iIiIk cod- wouldn't do in any rffice where the pay
Tbe early Homans found the gwift figure* eiceed any bliberte g
necilbtt we will suite tlisl,s gn-nl ma­ waa as much as tbe trucking paya And current of tbe Rhine sufikient defease was liigb ll'ue 10 in'——— •tbat'a about so."
jority of tlie new euteniri^ rojwrted I
egotost tbe gigantic Oennaus, bnt to „ ..t-lttato- mtirrter.
from the same source ln«l year, liave
The last -aentcnce was cbeetfoUy prcpIi-cT tbo peaceful setUcta against all
spoken. Mrs. lievccn looked at bet poMible dat^ every ford op the upper
Tb* prospect It good that araad
money le November will gain five ar
' nephew's ruddy cheeks and sigbed.
Rhine and every oonvenient cromtog ■is states that voted foe Bryan two
"I do wtoh. Percy," abe laid g«tly.
place on tbe lower atream waafortifled.
'•that yon
have found acme one to *nd tbu* a chain of pests
Sm W^l tlahd fir*.
Greenwich. ”^t part of Hudson street from the tea to Btrasbutg.
When tbeto peopto Uve iswiy>toyoBA

. ... . ......

Wl'tT. rertcOtoU. sSFl«nr*'«l>irl- etok |
BBd all tidser SBd Madder dli»B»w

Take a look tbroagb onr elegant new qaartMi.


If You Have Logs to Sell
OomqioDd with the Trarawe City Lomber OomptayWe have <oc nle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood


Hill Usebineryof all de«:ripti(ma.inclodmg Two Enffinea
Set Worka, Carriage and Saw*! A complete Saw Mill Pl«t


rroo thui UnoM-'x-illurM
Ify <AA t«ithfal arnmiit fa«i csnsfal Um .
kitertion and bad to take (o btv Vd.

W)>*« TOO owr > Wkwr no*
tl to »l<r«r>
«t fnner

Tb«>re 1 waa. a bfli'biv mao, with an |
BJ wrananaod a oooTaleaoeiit baUtonj
kif bauda.
Sorrly it waa a dpopcmte ritnatimi.
1 pntRtftPd a tninrld Bonv to wait on

iK>W^b> vonlda'I •
• k* rr™«ot«


TB* ru*« »1LI


ThPTP ta no^tooR- I«lrb.ile Ainpricaa
.luerlai than S<-uaic>r 40M-|>b B.
Korakpr. of Ohlc
takito adiDPilOM-a.


to vLi. - I J.udU«o»'Co«ton»pddroi'pwl; of lila
away ocp
atati- last w.i-k In- <
••If only luy wife waa bcpcl’*
“The euilw r»»|ioii



Wa*hlnftoB. Oc-tober L—Soon aftpf
eencma mppta atepa will ba taken (i
ponton* of tbe wi
reniip art ae a* to reducp taxation’
a peaev batla.
Th* undertlandtof
prt-»enl l» that tbevp a'lll

a care-

rare ability __................
' ‘b
tlliiil <-eeKa.lon of bosiUilUm wUieb.
bo|«'. will KiK.dlly re*iili In |■•rlna•

i>eail.T* of both part!.-* agreed when
-..iilt.v f..r
Itiy art waa paiwd Ibal In ea«e |>eBea
■lllibTii uf
Jly Mf'-I .
' with Spalh r*-Pta tih
Udsklaa ^ the
B poo woml« If bp'a
was efTeeiPd In tlie nienttaldlp an ImYc^a, I bad b«B married—in fart. I comro-a*-.
it waa
that o.. tedoMtaarmnllale allempt aboul.l be mii.le lo
■J. We ludom- our Iu»n.>re<l aeeretary
we. .tit) Tt aerixl
Amllhia tnn ia a olarcd aO<l dpltfi-nxl
KKlth BD loreduce taxation.
of war. Ku*K.-II A. .\lger. and e.«uiIt 1* te-lieve.! that the flnu id go
lll•'ll.l bis .i.liM'ieijlIo'.e. imtrlotle and
will be tbe
lal taxee paid by Itnnk- toruarinwDiiu.' 4>t*. ititfrtmA
tii>~ iriKli .lev.iiiou t.i tbe honor of the
en. bnikem und Ihe owner* of |.Lire*
n» ;m.l -the o.lfare of Ihe ariiiy.
(■r amo>eni.<nt*. billiard labtee end
(1... (iiijiiKi attaeks tna.le
■b»»OTb^it »botUto'iqMnit,f lb. cMh ba onri lliat riii- biid inioiy liltli' fHnlta—
,,„j j u.ji.H-e lliiit f«>r' l.-ss tbau
r him our undivided
lavcK aiid'enrer tbe jterlnd to July 1.
to eae lowr« prtre to uy MaBartaa to

all wiution bav.—and I tb.ioghl.Icould
lui'.-.■all.'d Iht
tf*w. a year and a half after the e«n______________ -Q»°a-"|«eaub.T away th. ni. Tlw big , a..l.ll. n. b-.ii.P and
i., ib-riilianB
r lu«lon €,r paaee.
An early re|H-al of
_____ _
I fainlta, of pon.-ip. I-wn* willing to con-; Bucti a syaicin of niiK.ii'.ii'v 11“ would 8t.
Ibe >iau.p taxr* I* alw> pmbalib-. Tbli
l.T,rlv\ pJ^D,
J done, for tiny wciv part of the bargain. ‘ bar.- riTdiTiil tbi-iii |•ra.•li■■3lli>• IndpMr K.1|,|K.I
WB.‘ dUlInctly a war lii.neitre. ati.l tbe
»ia-rliy . nd t*.t..b-nt "
reretjne derlveii ii not e«o*lder»il «nfr Foriiker di-fpii'bil the rrmr*p
U|K.II ih.- exi<l ig geld Kiiiiidar<l
. ^
' abit BinbU-in and a bit too of!
flelepl to eoiuiK-UMIe for Ihe ADunyt. .•b.••p^. ■ toltlon 1.
^ ^cr wi.b all my
aiuv uf ItarltiK to.aRIx vtamiis.

Vbatalotuf ttooblc 1 harp bronrht bcari. and »l.osluv.,l me. Ami iK-canir 1
eu*e II If .WiRil to R-talD anme revi: to 1 by 1
enne of till* detoTlptbin. II *eem* prob­
iRmyaclf for my good natnrp! PoUco loved b.T I.udravitfid to cuK- hix of
IX' tbiit *u.
able tint llw *l.itnp taxe* on ebeek*.
iRTeetigaiioni. and report*. amH^iUKi^ tbeop little iuii« tf. . tiims
j„»t|v iii.-rixil.
oiil.l h
ex|we*» retvlpl
telegTaiii* and ctiu
Aagriu. perhap*. at tbeoutnmie. Yea. I
It waaadifiieulipieepofwnk. Sharp' af(,.r ■■ifis-tK he wiiJ:
nier. lal tlrtor'li.'eui* g.-•nerally a'lll lie
MwaaenooKh to makeaman-rtTPaf!
! word* were *i«dien on erne ride. Ipaw
of Jienn
KKEP TIIK l•lm.ln•l^•ES.
y.-peHled. refainluc lle«e on proprie­
-..uniry up<ilJ
And the ran*e of it alLwn* BgW altpd on the «aber. and llwnpriH.l «d tlie
tary medicine* and l>oMled wli
•The gn-Jit .inesrl.iii.< of ibe bnnr are *bnir WP do will. CMl«r What the gn.d.
It I* he1lered.,lbal Ibe extra lax or
>. baplem Baby Mot
the Itepub^
mo and nlmm-d lo her jumtit*. They Khali we do wllb IVno lll.-oJ
$t per barrel on Iteer. tbe addbioual •i.mtii'.VMj'.
lore yOQ, deiu^ reader, will <
I |H.ini n-llh
wrote me a long Ipiut, expresaiug tv- wbai
purtleiilnrly wlili
ibe PlilHjv
rate* on toln.-.-o and elgani. the «j»cnftSeJr"
Why BabyMonar *honld be tobUme yon
m. ^ ^mUl nor li>-e ;
pliicK^ S.. far ii» .'ul.ii la .■»n<-<-rn<‘d
elal taxe* on rieeidne apartineut* an.l
-IP l.l0-„4.y bill th'a
Will want to know who he w. It*« me and ndviriug that we bad better lh.T.-Kl...iild tH-noMnei^'lon wbiiiever.
oil ao.1 Migar reflnen. wlib the general S?..^inri.,teiS»
me for all >be
Iritoiw have « ll.el. Jnde- l-r<;U.. ing a
leca.y tax may l«e retained for »om* JUIlLT^'V-wnrS
gtnoge rtory. and yet nwppl and tender aeparate.
The fulmiw
K.d#imil.v .l.Klim-d onllimry ex
The lega.y tax. In parficubir.
And ft end* well—tbnfa iia
I might hare applied far a divorce. iM*ml.-n.v, W
ir.. fr.1-i.ti.1 ln.k“
I* lb bp a fixture with needed modiflhalt part.
bnt could mit bring nijwlf todo it, and "'** '’'‘7 ’™ t III.-} n
------------The .„x
.Ii:ill 111
alM. ilui
Three modib*agoIwaa coming bom* the other idde touk nontepa for a legal
III.- r
eorrtUlly yon rTpi-t I:

ot Ibr 8Ulo of i*rincl|drt>:
1. We Indonu- ibp prenent oatlopal
am) give

0«c aii k. liol I conW not oxppct In f to D)i'o, aa wpII aa i
uliirrif too. Tb«- Httip romfcTia...........................
Jk^taMavlr atorrud jvn wonld r<Tj pnaapt-’iiiiina'.'Ajsapsrair

B WAR ■RTKim i

Miriiianu io
deidaration of ;

Rvtala lh» tola



• S TiTS■ •“■t i«r to„..i ,11,™,.. 1 dim... “'"’',,'7,;'",11,



a,b. Mc^T BM, U-

■»» Ib.',

,b.r ny

With tbe oveoiug sbadr*.
ft waa bitter,
gold, nod 1 tojolcrd in antieipation .<
My We Ueamp dreary and md. andl
my cozy, warm borne and Um’rimple. bell, ve 1 wa* on the abort toad to hypo-

BV must km-n our pronilw. a;
„f mj
K. Oilw .l.«n. ».>i iipidy to

AalntT meal which my old honR-keeper. ,
knew bow to nniwre no well

Ui.... or i.. ihe nimpplmi., W
th.-ep Iriaml* by ilm ei.miueat <


came jn«t in tbo nick of time

I wa* loot in in*P iraeh ecanfortahle
_ ___________________
I him
When IdfwviKlKl
bin- all my
and be
be waa aU the
’I do no. kne
tte L toad to wend my way toward my 1
lltu. ««0,iup™


to me.
iug of tbe


w» d«little eaftaway.

walked rapidly and aot u rea<-bed Ibere. ( ^
.. . r, Moofi-,” 1 idud more than
Opening tbe iron gate tbut led iSio the
.liie i*lan.l*.
Mjiy garden puteb is front of the' buma*. once, ••wbui have yon doner*
TbereweTo day* when I dreaded to {iJ*! aHiiiv

-1 aaw a tanall package lying cat tbe froaaoanow.
"Aprearnt from tomrtKidy. V I «aid

telf aloud, ato<7eri and piclod np toy
And. My baud*, a bit unmb with cold,
topito my. fleece lined gliTvee, bad
(Mioely graAcd tbehtuidlp wlieii it beAao to ki< k


Kor wa* chut

•U. It ruiJTd Fueh Inriy h.w b that siy
•eigbUtrii' windon* flew ajx and tbev
gtnrk onl

cbeir beads to arewbat it

It would bavedon^meg^ to *ce mj '
taee iu*t then in a courcajicst mimir^
the nun* ry tahaof ety balii.v ui ’
bewiirbtd ca*&wuy* tn my mint.,
with a m*h. 1 felt like de]<witiiig tbe ,
lively packet in tbe place whivr 1 bad |
loDsd it, bnt that wunld have bvs
Aye. it would hnve been wonte than
amrder to leave Mich a liitl.- iiiit.-.'ut
1b tbe iiifn witb tbe thcrniunHi.T til 10
■bore x> m. 1 faiul no d. sire i. make Ihe
BCtpiiiiniuiice Ilf the *ialc titinru.-y.
But. I* it< r tbun all. great }>ity ewell.d
Bay,bean for th.- nnf.rtiiiiat.' cti-ature
whom lovelinew hud ea*l uwuy. und a*
fact UK 1 cTiold run witb my-l.nnl.-u I

ami golden bumv. bum, c«ildn«*T l«^f:
L. iiii.g pui» If werr iii<-> ly >la. k-d

Hill’..-* >»r army tiiinmaimgeio.-i
lUlRisea |H-n*‘tr:ii<il llpou Ib'I.ive Ihiii Invited by. lit.-, .-.itnt
.f imiuiry i.. i.--tir.v lK-f..iv iliii

,e gi*>d old days betun- bapihl.Tfend.
hie M.ium- it
I ri*itu, ,wbc*re

iii.l sHitply It with ally. lufi.r
licy way bav.- e«m.- riilu2 the .

'h-h tm «'f «he t^ned nurse

Again tbe h,v«ly wxnuui in my
anuM whi*]ier*:
■‘Can vi.u forgive me, Bicbard?’*
1 eiui only ki** her ugaiu ual agaii
and listen to.41m- story i:f 1* r coming.

JcJiaJiiiu badx\riiiiu Ju-r in wbut a
^Bfcmmorsky and lips that snon took
plight 1 waa She hud told lirrabiiot
«B Cbeny bne. as tbeir bine, j.iitebed , ig of M..1W, the rttiM’s illm-w
look died away iu the gtuialwanutb <if j
audh.T < wii. and Ritr hi Iphsset-nditUiU
i*tbc loom and Johtuuia'a cmlmava that *'
in tbe faci-«J all lbi*lnicl.liu AiidCbcu
Biteniated with miiie.
had Ito-mnd b.r aUmt the
Jobanna Inoaght int fmdi linen, arfBQged

a l*d and bath.d



Mie fotutdling. Tu.king him tcanforta:^
bly away in an impnniHd erib. elie
gave him a Imitk- fllbd with milk. und.
when be had a|.|ii umiI hi* hutlgi r. Ihfell into a j*-a«lul *lumUr. 1 Umd
Ifaa baby'* brow aud fu.i.l to J. lmnua:
‘T am going to rvi*>rt thiitraaeto
4be pnli.-e in ib.- nionitng. imd I'll ark
<bem to id me keep tbe liiUe rate nuiil
Bia relation* aiv beard fnm."
Jobuiinu gave mo an umuD-d Icnk.
••My life ia so hujely." l.m.tinoed,
"be may bring aume wha- iutof^’ 1

ni- of forUuiun'v und <itbci
wlMibsome tnitbNwiib ngard ti> the
morritd life of two people who in reali­
ty Im.d «aid) hImt.
The chi wcman’awfBdswcnt stmiglK
to Anna'* heart

hbe came, and I b.-Id

her iu my anus and beggid-btr to stay
By ibis lime Minu*- bud bem uroosed
fp ui bis i*uc.'1bI slumbev. WiHiihe
aaw III.-, hi; sTP-tebed <.«t his litih- unu»,
and I ic.’k huu aud liid him into llatoe
of iny wil*-.
"Will you be a moibor to &imr* 1

mv have rigbed as 1 wuik-ed aw uy.
“1 will lure him as yon Ao," aa•’You liavru'i forgotun. derttir." am
awm-d tbe KwetH woman by mysid.-.
BWercd_ iIk- gtod w.auan, "tio matter
,Anil tlin* J* ace has on«- wore lunw in­
fcow bard ytoi've iriid!"
to my b.-URi
Kelt day I went to tbe chit f of po- And tU- c;in*e of it all was—Mdoae.
Uom He m-onlrtl tbe ease aud hud no
BJesN-d MuoM-'-i-bioa tbe Chjnnan
cbjertiio to my Le<ijiug the luiby. This
For St. Loni* K.-4.ublir.
it the way 1 came into poK*i'K*i<«i of a
lopplyaiHlU-autifnlcbild. Jobanna and
I decided tn cull bint Rot* rt, but lii*
In tbe <iniTM‘ of «oiu.' r murk* at Use
pot name—Buliy Mnnse—was older
Ltti.loa diuu.-r in Bryni.-r. tbi- aeod
tBan that, amt it clung to him.
emy's pn-sid.i.t. (Jouaii B.-yk-tiaid: "It
And now j-on know who M.onse is.
Kdhiriy eviT Ciinic tn claim hUn. and ia diflicolt unw Pi realize tbe avidity
my bean oprtHd to the icudcv w aif at with whii h onr ton-fatlicr* fell npnu a
good. Kulid tvick. For tb. tn tlmi-were
Jx had ni-ver c-pun d lietore.
Moose, of course, .wa* treated like a
blow and tiu-n Jrdiauiia wunld
gay. ‘‘Yon are 8i«.iliug the child, doc_____
.isuswcak Its Iwith
atgard to Mouw.
fto grew and prnsi«-ml like a flower
' In the Kuuiibiue of <mr love awl was ibe
jBclic*! Songster on tin- bluk.
Bol tbcrt- must U-rutiiy tluvs a* well.
One day Moniii- was tuL. n ill. and be­
fore night wc kmw ibat Ik.- bud l.xt.
Bttacke<i wiihbiphthcria. B'iib flatiiing
Mmksandmmbliijg band* it.- luy in
bis erib. ana 1 Unt <n«T Irim witb
teeakiug b<«r.. Lung tiigbi* t.i mixioa*
vatebtug fillowed. At luri rare am.
flnder mining drove doaib from tb.
Acta-, aud ttac docuv told me tbut tb>
. danger was uaswid. Bnt anothtr blow

no i»«ik stall* crammed w ith cheap litentlutv, no liiil. pirating mugaziiics,
i-omaiuing Ibe h*.t.-tl *i-.-it* <-f u d<iton
giiKlly btskti. CouN.-<|u.'iitly they had

.i,“S' ,"if,,,'';"

uu, .IH

j;—W —


HO,. sSfSSr.v.S'.Hi'™ siiS's.'s

............... ^^.er—

tuuwiuae.'^'mler <!■

wTS.-ra .732 A
' 'S%aSSffj!SB wiHiUjUx
fietolier 1.—Arrange- -iiiri.
meut* are being made at Ibe war de- IwTTta
partmcnl lo bring lo thla eouniry for
tnteroi*-ni th.' bodle» of all the foldier* of the American army who died
In t'alia. I'orto Bteo or tbe
Piilllp- ^
Congre** made an approt>rta'lon of
fJISl.lbat for tills punriae. .and



r,r.,r";=i'':;s "Ssr.;:?. dr. spimiEif

plifilnc of an nppre**e<l
npprti.*i><l iMoimo- gen.-ml of the army a tih luftruetion*____
u fi«re no effort or evie-ntie.
tM-Il.rliig also that oitr flits
The prereni pl.iof of the d.-partment
once T3ii*<ii Hhoubl never !*■ loweivd;
onteniplaie the r.iucval of the ren.'*ertb.-l.-«. we uac our future d.wnatn* of the tuilitlcr* bnrled in I'nba
tliir iu till* regnnl lo the luinit* of tb*
ltd t’orto Kb'O a* fonn a* the weather
pn^lHTty debtattetl antlinrilieH. la-lb-v;ei* cold enough *0 JiiMify »ucb action. I
Inc that they will art for Ibe gb.iy
aod liovor of the milhin aud tbe eleva­
,\t-|«L A!vn WOBAL SlCrBSt.
tion of mnirkliid.
ibe adinlnlstmtl-’D of
aud r<in)niend
■y tlls).lnye<l in
. ..,oi
lAtcb fntuj
Columbn*. Ohio,
Hie I'logrm- H'lsin |uit.-b |ilao
,1 In Cclniiibu* ifai* year, with ;



, - ^
EtCF BuniCd.Ollt?

O- P. CARVTO. A*en«

John K. Santo,
General iasaranop. U. M. Ib.wnd. who ws*
i-.n-iir.T nf til..rsinilzall.-'a :
t tiisdi- Ills iln.ll rei-f.rt.
pin'vlii-. si-«m1 «-i'M-rloii-ndloc.
P"S‘,.v-i. TH* *iipi w as a}>pp.l-rlii .-.t hr III'- Htv Mut of the [MMir
Tra van* Cllg. 1
I'll.- tl.ial vaitu-. at l.uitl market •VarxBarg moak.
ll..prrHlii.v of Ib*
pri.r*. lit

pan-...-* wn. rj.I'--r.,i4,
ilersge let given to eneb perTTavarae Ct^ Marltat.
. .HH-teUtl. .11 cn a.-re.
Below U a list of the baying and ael'*
bbad* of
..lot* W'.-l • «...kiil by IIP
“g pcieea of yesterday ft.r groeerie*.
IJlIl. l>-|Cilll»IH* I
Pt,re*.-ulliig l."U penstns 8
troviriona and farm produett in ‘TraTpii-i-Tiy.
yenrs . W nn.l over,
riiiini-.! by i. *!
Brldce pronounce*
.•..n.-ct.-l H..-P-fp.i
ilie ..jH-mil.m <>f tbe iHan a npiml and
v^earPork per bbl.r
priiu.iry s,-li.*d flnan. lal
r-ear Pork per ft...
Ih.- prii
-oort Cat Pork .
II ii
I pbll2.
T'.- r.'l1.||ll*l-l
llil, *jib i.
- If K|taln
I u
Klll.-lfl liiw- .if Ibl* l^t
thill lli.-re
lawibb- i.r..i*-riy «ball
andTbsSi . hlMrl'n
» L. * Co. BeaL..
Ibe nssi-KstiM’ni rt-ll-

m-.p. at y...i

Uc fev.-r piitlmis III the b.i
h.i.l fall. n iiii'i a
«ii» |ir.iii..i;ji.i-it diml l>.' t
IU iii.ilii-ul t.tlKiT.
Tb.- r
re hits I-.I i
111. ...b'i
,.f f. V

andixtasmur hcr^ ’•Anna!" I cried.
I cuoght her in my anoA bheprtwed
her L. ad to my ljia-l und wlii>i*«vd:
"Kkhuid, f.i-givem. !”
It was not a rtn-um. _ ll wa* swrrt w-

noiigratiiliiii- the nation upon
ri.-.-iiily won. on land
iit.1 *cii Itiil off.-r «.ur tribute of praise
> lb.- lii nHii of Manila an.l Santiago,
ili.iM- ib.iK bare bhiu.b-ued our iiali..rlr...n nml won the
Ti l .idmlraiioD of tbe civilized nattons
f the uorbi

Apr.>i**K of *b»* the folb.wlm
of lb.


.• ..tir d,?ie «t boner and
u to the men of .Uieblcaii who
lli.-Jr to-rvb-PK In lb.- eitnae-of
It: and wi- li.tbl iu I.jvIdc memwIk, have KiTrn tip tbeir live*
l.anb-lb-l.l .It In <aiup aul extr K.vniiioil.leK“lo the fniuille* of

lion of ..tb. luU or the. Ill fteatu

mid. with a laugh.
•The tR.iwd nufM-I Ba* I dream­
Tbe g.'cd wcauaii garrd with liomir
ing? Ikmw liml lui.d. with tie dsiu,gB tbe Kgnirming, rtiukmg tube oud held
tilv Riiibb d Ih. .-k. lb. rii’h bh.ud buir,
gBt brr liuiM*.
•■DoclOT, what doc* ft meaur* abo gmet folly iiimiged at th.- back.
1 hud ki* it uumy tim.a.
A step,

In Lbe lam|iligbt Icxumined the little
iOBDdling. and Johanna, totx lioktd
tim OTtT with mt;cal eyta. He wpa a
Jolly littleyomigstcr. 8m<wtb*«d.l jicrhi^a. with chubby fare. <yr« a* blue as

linn tir It Klugle
e groiip of tbe
I bnve ii.. r

eetc!.; I tl tlicother. m.vU«<f etibe lu-b iRiy and tbt! match.«.
UK a. iiuima wuH wont to arRiiigt.'

'•S.ewllat.1 have brought ytm.”I

rtfortbe licit

iHiIte It

iiuiu in Ud'c Tbe tea rteani.d eviv
'nlcoh.Ulamp Tbcreweir'fn^itrt’ad

. kipt, TIh- >on].lighl weal
. in fla M.t.inatkn.'K* I nv-

(ewdaVK von am gc
<Md aud fondle this li
^OD did me once uptai a time."
And then I told brr the uuiiy of bow
I had found Baly Mouse.


goltoni).—two ei(kbed< nothing tortit
c.'t. pii
lietii. au.l I fe.'l
rime lo reltiru IbeUi to
for myiKlf: fvimxitb. a cbu-rlea*. looely woubi I*, t
It ..f S|i.!n.
l iicl. r .mr
the gev.-nii
:e.-il.iii ttnd giii.bin.'e titey ■•nn Itave
When I aat down by Jobanna'* bed. prtite.
lelllL'eliee and
jiRciK-riiy and we
ibe tried to txamolo me n* bivt iiheroald. Iniclll
enn have n Iuim* »f .«j>.Tntl..iiK In the
but h.-r ebii rfol worda fell n|iun deaf
fur etiKi
lilebly eKM-fiiul to *.*-tiring
uiir fair *bare of the ira.le iu China
ning' in Mareb 1 again wendand tlto reft of the
i>a>.tem world.
homeward. 1 tbongbt «d Jn|«in bn* KiepiH-d to the front with a
ined uur*e. (-..muieree llmt i* greatly to the adI the worri
woTft 1*1
|*»<riLle bunior. ______
ami wa*
ill who
tra.le with Inr.
nil China rfre far
Opening tbe door with my latchkey, I Tbe |R>K*ililliTles
hung my overcoat on the rack and made great.v.
All tbe
m«r uoi*e than wa* u<ve**ai7 is Ink- atntsgling for lb. r share of the trade
ingoffniyruliUTRbotw. Iwestuiiotbe to l«e devel.ii>etl
ummuui.-atl.m and
dinisg Ti*aa,
* oiteiml
c.'.nmienv with the world. Tlie r«ii."d
Mad J.iliusua bees prowling abont in
Bpite of the ciortor’a cxpr«»« order* lo

Jubunua met me in

' fan into the bouKc.

I >

>u,t .lin,«

■ .*5

r ':’‘mtrt '-**'• «-


AO He*L..

*Ui.]*r-e.l dc
lie reiilia
Ruttjsr per ft Dairv.
trwmefT Bulter.ft.............


.- B.f rn»-

|,„ f,,|
ii.l pliy*l<-»l
■ lav. Ky a KUprt-me efJk.x in
to Kllghtly rai*e a»
f.,rl Ii
liU llug*-r*. Tl e. sojiinii u
«>■ cm *nw Uii- timllon. and iiiMeiid of
..iTTiUig hliii t.. tlie ir>-u.h ili.-v t.iok
him to llM- ItospliBl tent and d.liit|Hd
him ..II the ground. wheP- he lay lot
hour* wlili.iui atieii'il.-ii. ami ttually
U!-.b-u vi.'tllil .if iiyglx-t.

When III.- auib..ri!l.- ni Washington
mid tbi* Ntorv ib.'ii iiidigiiaiimi waa’
niothml to a lilgb pli. b aml-au investlpiiloii »u* lK-inin iiiiimdlal.-ly.
Imitiin .It ib<- liusjiiiul rev,-.tied the
fn.-i il.iit no Kohlb-r lit I..I* Mimii- given
,..r} di.d ill Hu- lio*l.iiab
in II...-ll a limn ;•'»* n lutih-ui wtaj
Irtlt Ih;
The t.-l>i.rl.T wa* uuc*ti<>ll.-d and
oald'a soldi.T had lobl h>Ul Jhc ai.iry
a'k iM- Imd written
and gave Hu- anUtorliI.-s the naine of bU iuronuani.
Itefop- -..rU.Ting a
.-wurl murllol.
wh1. b was pracili-ally dn-l.h-d iijam.
th.- Iuv.-Kilga.iii2 idtl.-.-r H-nl tor the
s.-liiiiT nml iiKk.-.! him why lie had .-irciihurtl *mb at. ..ittrageou* rsl*cliiH«l.
The muu iiilmltt.-.| that he'liad tool
the *ior,v i.i 111.- i-.-iorier. Iiiu a.lihil hiiu.l
'"''I 'he It1 it.
Hi.- ll 'l■*llgnlh>Il of one
Thu* «•
lilt- out ngi-K of the
of the rn.Pi
itt-piiliIUiiu .-andldaie*
u iliU State. «ho has
1 work .-.impalcitliig for
M»K Hu rt- Arc Juai fwo
li* vi-ar- t-.iiial ta\a'.l,tn

time to abst-rh a Is* k, ho thut it I*-run.c part of tliiir minii und snol. B e
ctiold iml put tui. k tbe <-lu k und make
Uxi* niT»-r. W.' wonld nrt if wi- conid.
light u
Bnt it would not U-a bad Ibiug now
e sAil sweHIng
and iiguiu if we v. nt into a p inut for !
IH-mcMnitlc edir
iPl.lne** when tli.-y think of tbe
mi-uib or a y. ur und ntorc off i
In Mt-lm- last im.nth. Three
iMim-nil literatutv und tnnicU l«Jc tt
if the X..rllr—V< rmniil, Oregon.
L- classics of oar language. ”
Mnlue—hnve b.-Id their el.vtIociS. and
not a !N-mo.-riii Gong:e*slonal t-audldate In either Stale came within a
tboutand vote* uf an rleetlon.
will have to do an almighty sight bet­
niicide ibis after
<t Ibul »
ter than that gentlemen, to ever reach
OlBct r MrtJoLl—Yi*.
rcSK-.^indiiiMipulia Juui

I .let.-lo,*

frh-o.l*. 'be IVn
\t,rrviii2 Ip a killiug iiintiti
tMHi.-v C.nv.-nior riugri-e li
I. 4d.i.v «t.-1i 2al. irtwi*-

If nl*
little amso BATBB or TBAVnn >
way 'I'here !* not another
thine on .-artli ihat compares with a WbeaL old. per bn...................
;.ul.lic s- hool tor eiarilng men oa «rh„t. oew. per bn...................
ret- pul.
..fllBhl tor life
ttoitld Sitofll Oat*. No I.perbo.
h of iKf «u|HVTiiltlr»n* Or*, per bo......................................
.-K-i.blMi free srtioola By*.
bo .

and whet I

amt kep

- ,
- -Bnttee.per ft....
;l,l K-m -N- ie<rifme«l
Regs, per doaeo..
.11.-* w bl«-h have the l»wt pomtoea. per bo .

«lt1*c I

I r« itatB 0«att A W**k.
tlu- In•><'
"f X”''
for .ii*i
I*'"''’* !
......... ’
ate .-iit
m'’''‘»- '
f'lo" '

12 rt-iitrolh-r of
,-nil a .I.K-MOU
ami i.-rritorle*
112 the ful!.-il
llti-. r nriiiv. lie
p- »' ■!*' state*
IMM-K.-.I f,.r luv.
Ir s.Tvl.1-*
isir^-d f..r
I iln- dnv niR-ii tlicv
r tl..- s,-t »i.f of ih.vol.mle.-n. The ran-*
,1 l.y Hie, \:iri..i|K *mi
IKI.1.T.-.I .......
ins i.f Ib.- f.-.leral Klal die ap-

frnii* their g 'v.-rn:>ch, (h.-n>.>f
i.'ii IlM-y linJ tUelr
vidDDiivTs and the
niimc* u
due wli.-ii llH-.v
for H'c
Ihml.h- lu.yjiienl Iu svi.liers I* n.t
Ik- |H-imili.d.
.................. ........... ..
r.M- |.aymen.* m
to in.-o nho >-iiirr.'.l the yoliiniecr ,.
vl..- ..ih.-rwlsc ihiin a* nn-in1*-r* of
uilllila tirgaidicailoiis I* lu
Ih- it i.le
U|H.n the <«sls uf pny tor tH.liHcr* e*.
tnliHshed by the laws of ih.- fnited
State*, und only for the time
Ihe datiw of lln-lr enrollment und their
artiial acceptunre Into Ibe *ervki' of
tbe govemnn-nt. Money paid to rolnliteer* ufler they were mnsiefed into
lbe voliiuitvr army will not be repaid.

gehi frluco,
awfully rick
Igao l.reHite
Po..r lilt

- *

Bvervbody who tokco Twk Mobbho
Rtxvjiin-wit have tbe Grand BaphU
Ueraid delivered to then a'ao for an
adoiii rna) foor eenu per week mak­
ing only 14 oenu per week for tb*
beat paper in nortbern Miebigaa and
tbe beat metropolitao paper U tba
aute. Telephone il.

The Mh-hlesn Utopoeral* were hod.KMi' io'“ h..i^g their .lal.- .-..nveotl.m ricla-rt-no-'l>«'"« «f 'he subiiner
snWii.e/ If thev luid It to .lo over
amn iVoPsUy thev would do H a liiUe Hjfft^tl'lyNew Vork Ni-w
feriw-j^/an.l ronneellciH l».-nio.-ra.-y
M'e ooeand all kl.-kcl poor ohl s-.-enlowan out of tin- wlii.low . .lllto th.- Alt-

Sftrcita&dBatua. S&Oa

one cona-dailoa.
I ‘cm


Oet Mtb tbe »:3ia. e
A. A D. O H. A M. B. R. U»■
.8*ib, law.
lOBiaghant. AgL 4*8-ia


yearttiB OnttAWa*.
............... .. tbe h.-K» -videnee* of -good
Erervbody who Ukr* Tgg Mowilgu
lime*-: In Mh-tiieun iitl* fail 1* the ttiilBkcobd can have tba Graad Bapids
vei'Kul te|HHi* iron. Ibe agrii-iilliiral
‘■live^Hltolkemilw.for i
fnir* 'III* v-ar
TI.ry an- ad |M-.»Ki.cruu*. ha\e a .In.g-r aitenilnu.v than
cter U-f..r.-. an.l ih.- furm.-n arc all
gulag ar.mi.d »lHi |■K-k^•l* full of good
U.OM.-,. That's what «mut*.
aUle. Trlephnae-S.
v;ew> say* of coitoB _
^-------------------------------------have iHi-n told Ihat iTBBiSg ScbMl
le to av,-n>r.«liirtimi.
Of Boaipeaa College will open at tbe
Increase tin- eoiion
Grange ball Monday evoaleg, OcL
acreage every year." Tbcre 1* no mya31. 18VB. Tboaa
dmlrlng to taka
lery alsml Ihe remedy, IMantrrs know
aritbnetim prtimanablp.
piTfi-<ily well whni liI I*, but are u
book-keying, i
wHlUg to apply JL
tbe oouimon ‘
llayti tisa rrten*-1 a forioc, dn-letwi.
and will pernm lbe United State* to TmtnU
tnalniBln a wealh.-r atailon at Mole St
Nicholas. • Advance knowledge of a
hurricope will be appreelBted by tbo
Bayllan* when they get taaed to It


If yoor parebaM proyra
SBMtiafMtory ret«n it Md
yoor money: yon aknll
bare it witbonl n word of«r>
If wlmt yon bay bore
does not wenr well we are
ready u> pay yno for yoar loss
at any time. We want yen to
feel that we are aa anXloas as
yoo that yon shall be perfect­
ly pleased. We are not senti­
mental abont It: we know It




Overcoat, ilister
or Suit^




'/I I\ V'



S. BENDA & CO-Busiest Clotliiers in the City!




For yourself or son, come and see what

wUl do at the

Kaufen. kommen sie zu uns
wier haben die schoen^te Auswal §c alles so sehr

where all the goods are nice and new.


$4,50, $5 00, $6.00, $7.50, $10
. New Store.
It te^ directly U> enr
T^nps of buyer*
trarerne it day after day. It
ahowsthit we areatrengthening the friendly bn '
lion between the
lie, wilbnnt w
be no aoc.teas.', Want you
to keep ef taing. Want voo to
teliyoorfriendsand neifriibors
about (he new store.
Confldeooe once estsblisbed be­
tween UB.the rest will be easy.

Weald Have Mel aa t atlaeir Uealh.

B.R. Men’s
Storm Jackets,
Saits, Omails,
Gauntlets, all at
Lowest Prices ..
First Qoallty.

<)Brj>llaB vf the Hoar.

"Wp arr nallyat a l"wt to konwbnw
iDiob Willii-." k-lie ha<d. “Wo have

Mrs. FUhinptnn ihroet h.T hand »p
lag room and tbon cxclii
claitiiMl, her face reasoned with him aad told him that he
white with fright, “John, they're
grow op to be a had. Iiad liian. and”— !
••Could yon eniect anTtbliut difftrmiV'iu liked. ^b« Lbit*of Jam- bJ ^
fJ'ex.-, tlent wrap that V
ming money around behind pictures and
"'ll nw-nemporprUy.

Mrs. Fisbisgton ran to the front'
Hard riate* indeed.
poimi. '*lbe hill* are not in it." she '
Gocle Keoh had betsi. engird to do
•ohtKd. "Ob. JuliD, l*m Jon as nre as chores atx.Dt the honMi and yard. One
lean ie that 1 pot them behind that day. beiug disuaiidiHl with,
; ttmrk for higher wage*, with unmerShe gored all aronod the room, then ons geeinm and wunU

saiwd the tabiKdotfa and peered ondeg I
"Madam." he raid, Vl can't 'ford to'

rtied. “see
"see ^
Tim. work fer yoo fer anylwa. My nst’ral;
He’i gulping hsrdei
■■ ’*
BriHbmeat i« two dollaha a day. 'sidej
_ atiii 'apetihus and de wear and tear
ThoewM obdechilIfM '^NewV.B-kTmtb.
no question abtiut Tim'* milping.
-■■ ■
Be rose. "Dng'a snullowcd 'em, '
He t'eald
Help tl.
tfapc’a all." be saicered.
w. I imp-! Gregory Munimi^ivui-y ttnnima cenpoae bu il bate to be killid uud the nnnHl bitterly with hituRrlf.
billa rjacned hefora there'* time for 'em
Hi* Ihonphts were hitter, hitter, bit- \
to bedigeried. d'd like tusev th.-deg 1 ter: ao woa fata tnur.oe.
wouldn't ahootdorfUu. two ten* and a | For (irwgorrdiv. d in a malarial aeo-;
J ttou and hud been taking quinine iu lsTa'
Mrs. Fiabingiou began to ecdi.'*
! grniu duee*.
"Ooandgetthe rioiiert ri«o. and I'll - I> t him re^umo his oommunin:
Mke him out in the alky," ordered Mr Ki-w York Joormil.


The Morning Record

Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse BelIe-6 Cts.

: :and :

Grand Rapids Herald

Delivered By Carrier
In the City-

1 4c B Week.


Still on top. Best cigars for the money on the morkgfe
—Union made, too.

^Id by all dealers.

Oysters! Oysters!


Toooelier Bloc^

uiisni UD nnlunui ta

Vs tskeaffset nsnSsf, Asm a. lae.
snape^seks m._________ ^
<K>IWQ WOUTB__________ __


Famous Baltimore Counls,. |w
Selects and Standards. 2^-' AIJ «®rk rwvlrnl hy v(pm.> <HrM lfO«
nr kVBdfiBi

OBvkMS Jet..........t*e

FMcker'i CoIudUu BtsUuniL

-------- -—

Otrr AAeSamwa'a Bhna 8l

Mr. FkhiDgTon took the dog in bla ^ l^dy < traveling in luiyi—Tbe Mg■
• ilut uiy hnbbaud and my
arms and made for the post at the end ud* have
af the alley fence. He tied the animal, frag <!'«•
Fishingtoii conld not wiuiera I OfTinul—W« Khali have to act Very
the alangbtcr and went back into the ! delwatoly iiithe loumr. iModaai. or tba
pul the caplin-* to death.
freeh Btrigan. may
i.xciicdlv)—Tell them
cartridge into the gnu. He went around '
to one side.BO the df^wnnldn't
dt^ wnnldn't know | the ransom sfaull U-paid.I. Fide
wbat wu* happening and railed the j die.—Comic Cut*.
rifle in bis shonlder. A acream at the * ' _
--- -------- -—-------door ameied the premre of hie trigger i
I “Wbat did you find to I*b the dark
“Oh. John, John! Don'tl I've found | ■*^* "*
l>k?" »»ltod one of Oia
, neighhor* wbo bad drupptvl
the gaunt sol
Mr. Fikhibgtou lowered the w«pon. !
tn.ide." replied tb<
“Where?" ho shooted.
“In my purM-*^’
And he aiiaU.< d unoihur dice of cold
Then Fkhmgton nntled the dog.— Itum.-Cbicago Tribnue.
Detroit Free E^ruaa.


“Yon edrL-rtiaoacomplcteaaaortmeni
of fall hats."
Kvsrybody wbo lake* Tiik Mormno
“Y'.». madam.”
UscuRn ran have the Grand iUpid*
•'Well there isn't one here aa good
.Herald delivered to them also for an aa I want to get for the nitmey 1 have."
'additional fonr eenu per week. msW- —Chicago Record.
■ ing oaly U ceote per week for ibe
best paper in noribero MLehlgaa aad
abe Hulda the rhamptaasbln.
tbe beet metmpolltan paper in tbe
"V>ni don't mean to tell me that
eute. Telephone 28.
Doemy's wife circulates more gomip
than be does? It eeema impamibla. “
"Not at all. She cmn talk a third
8. Xl ITM Telln Letiou
tester than be can."—Detroit Free

TtartMa Onto A Week.

By Mail^



For Three Months.


The News Of The World!
ParlicuUrly Traverse City, Gr»nd Traverse Rejfion
and all Uichigao.


Best Combined News Senrice in the State.


e\ :ll •» to


Vllsllwd Air s<

AniMolsr. fur »«tr»rito* of M-rtb BlibOBt
»lo,ued. LstvM AO* B<
Ml>«U<loTT prv-; Seta.

Bicycle Riders.
pairing snd enameling, and that
and do give yon the best work of auj
one in tbe city lor tbe money. Don’t
be deoeleed by what others tell yon tc
tbe oonitvy. but oome and sec foi
I guarantee all my work to be right
and If It does not prose ao I make it
Stop la tm a o'elodi eeery eeealag
exorpt Saaday. la tba Caldwell A Loo
don baildlag. at north end of Ualor



THE uoiarmo becobd. thttesdat, ootobebbo. ibw.

Real Estate
/^lot of OuhwootiJidit


J; _±
^ t*

The most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Rose street
OTe covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Building—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.

,112 LOTS.
50 ft. front—some of them will be sold>B low as

-»■ $75.00-»With a small cash payment,'balance weekly^or
These should be looked up at once to se­
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence, good location, north side of
Washington street.
- ’’S
Also a good list of other very desirable resi­
dences, well located, that you can buy right—Oim
at $550, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a RESIDENCE, for an Invest­
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two places to choose from, but

Look Ovor Oak Hoights at Once.

’Phone 73, Johnson Block,


. }r


I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of



' N

i -













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