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The Morning Record, March 13, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Flrrt T€u—No. S88
Pither, wht^ la rare aad wboae far la
rety ralaahla. Thla will be moaoted
aad piaoad la the eaee with the othera
A larte lymx wUl alee aoao be added.
iVAVXASlM WZSk TO SKAn Mr. Plateker alee rcoelred fi^ Mexico OOTXBVOB pnroBsk.^rfiOT ap.
'“OU> OLOVT” WITH OUPB. a lire ^aolnea of the Olla moa
or what la eonneely hobwa aa a taudTmr»« A BBwzxB ao chbt 4o(. Aa ayly reptile abmt tea laebea DSOLABSa PASS STSifeK WOBST
loar aad whoee Mu to deadly poiaoa.
Thla apaciqeB oeeaoUh a ylaae eaee la
the dl^lay wladow of the realauaat. Be-wUI Zleeuad
Ballroada Xdet af
PlM7 VtMnaoM of KodfU «•
fji«ra IrotWnf AUartoeo to OooPnecaa Whom They Paror with
Oaacoaeo Koaday Vlchl
PTM Ttaaaponatioa aad tUj Saa
■■1 OoBonl LOo—If This Orioto ia
Meaday will iBaaynrauahe Bepobthe Oompaalea for Back
Poaood WUhootTfOBMo TIM7 VUl
Ileaa pelltieal eampalcn la Trarcree
Bereaae They Weald Hare l>e•at m«o47 to Btiiko Hox« If Wo
City. Oaeeeeee will be held la the
rired Had Mo Paaaea Bean lameA
Oo Vet VohOTO.
■ereral wards U elect delefaUe to the
P. W. Base topatUnraaew.pceMrl^
Uoa eoae and otherlnprorSneau la
hto aew dmr etoreaa Paloo atreet.
Bale of all popalarBboet Htwlc at
half price wUl be eontlhaed for thirty
dtya Toarer. W. W. Klnball Oo.', tU
Detroit, March I?.—Ooreraor Pia^rre
Madrid. Muck. It.—Vbo
Kik\ city ooareattea U be held ea Taeadey
'today MTO: ••Thcre^ooUU timo to pro- olfbv .The eoaraetiOG will BoeBlaate aaya he to aet only yoiay to denaed cf i
• k.. _I.-------- J- .t-. .L------- ^
pue far Mo-of-war. wd It i« perkapa caadldeUa for mayor, city clerto city —-------------------pciIWo to koy a few Tcaaete abroad, treasorsr. Jeatiee of the peace, two I Itot et the peraoDs to whom they baee
bat la aay «aab we hare 00*^0 Mfebaot menberh of the board of pablic wor>a been iMalBy peeaee. but he propoaee to
the roeda for beck taxea oa Ue
oMpe which eoald do a let of bana to aad InapecUreof elcctloa.
rrreace they would bere-derired bad
AsorteoB oowmerca. aad we eUU hare
they oot Iwerd the peure
tine to arraofe to carry Oo a priraieeriBf wu, fn^ which aa noeb raaowa
"The reilroad* pay taxes la the forn
nay aeonie ae frora the yaerilla war WUUe PHttbnrr Pooled tha Coroner!
‘ prreeaure On their receipu,” to
fare which raequlahed Napolem.”
••therefore erery
aad Sheriff and BMoaed
Befoeed l»
t, be
The Inparclal exhorta the fforeroSet Upon.
/bmmi to allow the preeeot eriaii to paaa
leirisr ewey a paaa lhay are Uklnr
**' {eway from ibe auic a-pertion of the
y orer aad to tarn the lime yai**^ ^
ir: "If oar flar roea I
epetody of the aheriff.
e that Urirhtfa'tly due iu Toat
rood ate.
iBU mourolar. let n» at leut be able '
to the lad who wu lodfed la |
on Ue part of the
to pnt eon. pleeea of errpe ea Ue J*« TbarwUy airht by Tr^t Officer |
o. the part of
... rna.,
u.. p.~pl.-t. rw. .. ,b.
W..!,... .^pirtnic*! . lri,kl ..i.h
The Bcreldo. aa
.bo.1 bl.|Tl„ r.llr„«!
,1,. ,u.
1 has- hiUerto thkb...a
n. d.i,a... oi u,.
had roreranenUl leaaiara, attacks Ue om.w»»pi». o.riw.11 Oi
—t .rf.1 tcui-. put» ua ..... tim. . ... na» i~.
mlntotry under the eapUoa. "No Bna- Willi. ..s«a
- _____
_ _________ ..._________ "'•‘••““jD.«.l.»0klp«PO..p.«h. U rot.
.SM .POP U,. rep.nl ppbllc ol
I*” B« otkImim m.blW i
k1i«.1 pllia... .1 18 nau.
p_r. .1 ik.L-.it.a »■.» r...™.!!!"” “
—>» a.l.» wu. Follpwl., w.
—pi “1 -P-I,
nau I— U. wUW.:
la rlriar oet a talxtore ef dull BiacoaoeptioM and falee bopea w# laauatly,
reios Ue peeple’e dtarnet aad dtoauy
‘Tbe UaiUd SutM reUe la Ue apaee
of a few hoars SSO.OOO.OUO. naklar no.
i«. i. ....... u. u,. .ut. ir.|p
I lai. »"W. "I.... ..«> p.a.r >h. p—
li"" |..» Lw. !• .»-rb to p.) lo. . .p.d.1
Bopal Vaigbbore* Aaaicataan
The Boyal NM(khora oMabr
Uelr Srel aaairertary Uat ereaiar by
ririaf a aappar for tho nemhers aad
tha Modera Woednea and theh- fanMica. After dolny jaatlee U aemal
wail Sited UW^ the ereaiar wae
epeatla rtoltiar aad bArlaf a royal
la a gri'Bt aaecess. Hundreds
bave^Mid tba^ ve have tbe
beat diapUy of
WhitB Goods,
haaeUoa that only reel aad quiet eoald
banish. He lay like one dead U the
world, and crea Ue moaBlar of Sheriff Seraral Warnbipa Briar Oottaa Into
Sinpeea'e ineritoble wladnlll had no
Firhtinr Shape
effedt upon hto ■lambora.
ever aoen in tba city.
Vallejo. Cel. Much ll.-KTeryUlnr
Aboot fire o'clock in Ue ereaiar Uei to basUa at Ue nary yards Haadrada
aheriff weal to the eell toeee tha boy. of worklarmao are briar
He fooDd him lylny pale and notion-_________________
aanal force to rash Us work of prvparIan. ae thoork he had at last foaad i joj Ue Ourl^ton, Hblladelpbia" Harv
• releaae from the pereuaPeasaeola and Adamt for aerrloe.
tiona of tmaal oficera. The sheriff Tbanday Ue coDktractiea departoeat j
wasplarmsd. He made a hasty ssam
a reqatoitleo for IM extra
iaatioa aad ooaeladed Uat Ue lad wai aad today ukad forSW mern. Klcht
ladaaddead. The kind-hearted official aad
>d day sskifu will be employed on Ue
At Uere area treat Baay food
-bi|»bed the tean frpm htoeyea, eloaed
and l*bUadelpbla.
UinyBleft aad Uenle is yrowUe cell doer eofily aad bastraed down
The yard to amply prepared to Inra
etairs to thatelephoaa. where he called ont fut wuk. The only troabla La aa
Int la popularity, we hare de
np eoroaer Mooa aad notified Uat emarreacy will be the eecnriaf el
cided lo extoad the tine anofficial of Ue end oeearreace. in a
oUu week.
short Ume Us ooroau arrired aad
iat« Ue cell where tbs mortal
renaias of Wlllla Ur stretched out appareatly lifeless. The coroner, too. Woald Met Aid Spaia la Oau of Wu
broSbed away seraral (ears becai
was qnite eppareot that Us lad roally
Berlia, Marsh IS.—The Bulla toreice
Trererw ary. Mich.
had departed thto life.
OSes bu iastracted aad luplrod Ua
It toeastomarylB ohaa of snddea. preu te deay enphalieallr that Gerriolaat or myeteriuae 4aaU for Ue oor- anay will aid Spain ia -ease ht wu
oner to eit apaa Ue remalas oLUe de- with Us Uaited States aad hu laoaased aad Ue mle mast of eoeroe be strnqted the aswspapeis to puJnt ant
obaerred la UU ease, hot la order to that Ue Uaited butes to an exeelleat
properly eomply wiU the eutatee In enslomu of Geraiaay. and Uat Spain,
Uii rofard a jary most he drawi
I Ue Caroliau sqnabble. bu re
Ifyodwaata bicycle bnllttofityon
deiomiae the eanse of deaU and to eoe peatedly Uewn aatrleadllnen to Garleave ySar'order and apecifleattou at
Uat Ue eoroaer elu propuly npem the
my shtrp. and I foaraDlee to salt yon
. Therefore the ehuiff wu lain wontnaMhlp. material aad prloa.
atmeted to empaael Ue aeoaaeary jery GOLLS mrST MOT BX XZLLBD
Muslifl Uodotwear
oecret of Ue pprpoae for which aaeh aa
eoamoQa aan to to be'aaed, bat raUer
Saaatlar It as a roaraaty of aacceae
4nriaf a few nlanUe roUar eou
nerar before rtaated to any roreraneat la tine of paaea—and Prealdeat
MeKieley haauaa w make it a law by
affirlar his eiraatare.
•■General Lee to aUll la Harana; not
■bowlar. perhape. hto habltaal impadaaee and airs aaeh as mirht be ahosra
by the Preoeh raffidaat In Madacaacai^
^^^tlU, Uere he to. Pe^lu adrerae
eorroato ha aUads Uke a prond rock
Aefylar Ue elemeaU.
•Takiar laU^aaaooat all Uto.. Ue
the ehlldtoh Idea
«f toaaiar aa ofllelal aoU prontoiar the
nooa, rla.. Ue Ipnudlau paeifienUoa
«f Caha UroBCh aatottcnsy. aad Oeoarnl Phadaa' tr«e aad cMy dealiare
wlU Ue eastera proriaeea- What the
rorommaat oorbl to 4o to to pr^are
Itaelf aa sUeaUy ae poeeible. bat Uoroorhly."
Semt-ofiReial Corraepoadeoela today,
referriar to Ue atateneau -that Ue
Oaiud SUtea. alUoark aeqaltUar tha
Spaatoh aaUoritlw-of ralU la ooaaect.
Ion wiU Ue kn af the Maiao, Intends
to doelara Spain taaponalbla by Inpoaiarapoahu twopaatohnenU, Indem,
Blty aad Oahaa iadapendenoa, nys:
la Ue Tbe Bute Law Proridu That They
-Aad all Uto for aa eraat wiU wbicb ofolx raspecUhle cItUeoa
BbaU Be Spared.
we had BoUlar to do. Wba^ wmld
It hu eoae to Ike noUce of the deptoappei to as if by eeriir««e* *• bad at a rupectfnl dtotance fron Ua body
of Ue deceaeed. Before learliir Ue nty rant warden Uat kportaraea
rnlly Ucarred Uto rinpoariMUtyT'
reoa another look wu taken at Uela- sheotlay Ue au ynlls that make Uair
I will five yoD 3 coat work ia any
aaimatc form; when Ue form soddealy
alooy Ue bay shorn. It will be color. Ue best baklaf enamel aad w
beraa to ekow slyas ef aatnatlon aad asws lo maay that this to la direct no- aUh. clean all the beariefs aad tme
The Vpw Xiaipter PreMntod to the after roUIaf orer and etfetcklof him- Utloa of The suu law. wbich inclodas he whuto. all for the above price.
Call aad eee umplee at
ulf. Willie yawned aad rare ocular aot only th^ foils, bat many
Praridaat Teaterday.
eridrnen that he wu not yet a eoitsHe Michlfan bled*. Tbe law U u followa:
Waebiortoa. March IS—Saaor PoU
eaadidate lo be lai npoa by a ooroner
"No person or persona shall at any
de Uerabe. Ua new Sbaatob mlntoter,
Vacaeal Cycle Bnllder and Eeanele
or Ue aabject for an Inqaeet by a Jnrr time or in anyteanner whaierer Isjn
was rermally prassated U Ua praai116 UaloB UaloB hu. aeu Front.
or destroy,
dsstro] or auempt to <ejare,
of any kind. The loqneet hu bean la- .kill
... ordeaimranp
.. . ..
nlfbl-hs«k.deat todsy. The nUtotef, wlU Ua
defiaitoly postponed.
", fiB
Opanlsb ehsrre d'affeira, two aaeraUr-.........,...ow
allow, yellow
laeof the legation and the wu and
thresher, cal
>ird. wrea. nsriln. oriSt bird.
*ury eeerrUriat. attlrod Id fall coort
ole, eea fall, woodpecker. bsboHak,
4ms. respUndeat la rold Uoe. eatlo4 PraAtod ^ VIrht by an InatmeUre aay soar bird-h InsertiTorous bird exceptiDf black tbird, blue jsy. Eafltob
Ue suta department where Uey
___ /
wen meir^ by MeereUi/ ffben
"No perenn or peruas
eruDs shall at aay
The Bnbr Llyht Dab mat wtU Mra.
who eaeoTted Ue party to Ua White
tuner whstaver InA. W. Peek last niefak The foUowiaf
nesL or take.
Ue prorran;'
injara ar daatroy ar haw in po^Muloo
■Ibe reeepUoD was lo Ue hlae pulor,
ipar-Edited by Ur. Bnek aad Min tha arr. of an.v bird, Ue killlnf of
wfaere Ue deoorat ions arranred for the Bouett
which to at aay tla.orall timn pro
dlaaer of Prince Albert of Itelrion
Hinu te Amatear Pbotora—A.' J. hibited by law. Bor ahall any paraon or
laatnlrht had been allowed to remain Bradshaw.
peraeni or aay Uma or ia aay manner
ChentoUy of Licht' aad Pbotor- whatever. moleaL hatua or annoy aaeh
Thh exehaarn of rTwtiars was ,Uriit
; hirda while on thrir aratlof plaeaa **
oocdlal and eeeapied twenty ninntM.
Tbe ptoalty for violatlnf any of
Tha papers were lapleto wlU new
id«s and neUods aad showed ^t Uau prortoloai to a fine ef sot Ian
Savs it is the best wheel
than, tio or morn than $ISS or tmprtoUe ureral writecs had pnt uneh
oananl la tbe eonaiy jail aot leu than on tbe market for the moaej.
■pals Has a PomidabU .iU^^of and stndy upon their
Manblpa at Her Oommaad. J.
After lichl refreabneaU a few pleae- erboUflaeSad imprieonmanL In UejTfaey drebeauticS. We have
Mnlrii. Muck l*,-Tke Llb.nl ,lv«:
s-a -nT _ j i
foUnwiaf U Ua preaaat atrearib
atrearU .“!“"!“ ^**“*‘* ^‘***^ *® dutmeUea or kjllloj of each-bird In- ®
models We WlU
«f Ua Spaatoh navy: Prntaetad afalpc.
l.Ua iadiridnal Jnrad, captured or killed oontraty to dose ont for $25, Don't buj
.IT; naprotaetod. *0; gnaboaU, 60: tor-,
taetuWn with a gronp pictora'* of Ua Ue proTtolopi of bbto acL
pedo hoatdwtr^ara.14; torpednboata,
The oaly waj la which birda. auto a wheel natil you have look
aai^ly year* of Ua Baby Llfht Cloh.
or arr> nan be taken to by reltlori a
ed ours over. You will save
Good Tima oa SavoaU Gtraot.
written permit from Ua State Otea
Uat avanlof ChuliePlaWaf antar- aad Ftoh Warden, who toanr-k it oaly money
doing so.
tainad abont Ulrty five of hto frieada when utiifled Uat the paraon da
riaa XHvpUy ef Jtenatod Aalmala
at bl» plaauat homa onSaveaU atruL it axelutivaly to obtain apaeimana far
sad Birda at Oolnmbiaa HaaUor
Oamet aad marie bripad pan Ua .van- aeJantlSe or propoyatlar pni-poa^ and
W. U. Firicber ef Ua Colamblaa ru- lac very quickly. Dellchtfnl rafiub- Ua permit mut aUto the kind and
taiysat hu a valoabla aollacSoe of naata wdra aarvad after which a nula nambw to ha Ukaa and tbe maanar af
fsiw ataffed aalmato aad biMt and to OMUat wu ladnlfad ia. Mtoa BdiU tokiaff. bad Ua phrp»« <or «biah Uay
Jatoly sddlaf to hto a»aclnssa ' Yaa- Holeenh noa Ua Brat prlxa. a bunU- aredaairad. Tha panait to not traaatsrtay ha raealvad from a frlamd ta fal apavaair, and Boy Thompaaa tha forebla. aad a bury penalty to atUabad
HsafhtoB aasaw a Saa
«< aoaaoliUisi, a rnal atoa tfa laUle.
te Ita violstfoa.
. PRICE^ •
OP conftsE.
Your Magazines
fVom the largest Dews counter in the city.
thing that is new and- up-to-date.
. ew M
M. b
B. uo.
That IS the smallest pictnre frame we make We
make all .kinds, of frames, and make them as the? should
be made.
fiarlhon Bloat
I HE WHO aSHnKFS tPPrecHies a Good Cigar
If eayeu shoald opk son fast nantlof tha
I Diamond J.—10c ^
Or the Traverse Belle—Be-
lasbndor Berrinf,
Smoked Bsrxiag,
BollBBd HerrUg,
K. K. K. Norwegian Berrtng,
Oalifonila Salmon,
Boastan Sardines,
Cromarty Bloatera,
Smoked BaUbnt,
Boneless lOodfiah,
Finnan Haddlea
Norway Sploed Bardtnso,
Oorton Fish Oakes.
South Side Gzo^. -
Bicycles Built to Ordeit
Whst woold yoo think of • lawyer who' tried to secure clients by
offering cbancee on a bicycle?
Wonld yon want tbe aervioeB of a physician #ho offered to gire
coal hods or sofa pUloWa to patients who employed him m^lsrly?.
We think not. We believe also that when sickness oomee aad
yon have prescriptions to be filled, or need any other ^d that the
skilled pharmacist can render yon want perfect earrioe at a fair price
—aod nothing else
We can give sach eerviee. We believe draggista that Sre eoneaentioas about quality are pretty anre to be as car^l abont.priee,
IP. "W". Te-A-NT-Pl
Enamel Tear Wheel.
Traverse City.
388 Bnl^Bt., Oomer of 7ch.
$25J0 Bicicle
m-uiMst EousEnmim
We offer to any girl attending school ia Traverse
City who imposes the best poem on our black brocad
ed dress goods, and where they are to be obtained, a
dress pattern of any piece of goods she may chMse' in
our store.
Any girl composing the second best poem will be
given a dress of fifty cat quality of aay piece she may
The poem must consist of four verses, four lines in
a verse, no more nor less.
Good judges have consented to decide on the best
Anyone wishing to enter this contest call at the
store and we will be pleased to show you the goods.
Poems, must be handed in before noon, April ist
Contestants are asked ^to sign a *<?« de plume to
their compositions and thS correct name on a separate
Broach Block.
. nATussom. .
«M. T. Baw AJts J. W. BiMm.
f. W. BAxm, Bditor mai UMmaftt.
CiTT Onopuro*
to v«ud upon ml tpe oomiaf •fring
•iMtiAB. In tbe eit7 tke frea Uzt
took ijsteB will be plneed before the
yeeple. lu meriU bore been dbeuMd
in ttaeee oolninu before end there U no
qneetlon but that ercij petrea' of the
neboole ehoeld fneor free text hooke.
The qneetion to be decided hj the
oouat; U that of n new eenrt bonee
Let ne bj nil menne been n bnildier
ttot will be n eontea of pride-to the
toxpaTern Tbie eoantf la the meet
toportnnt in Northern Mlcbifu nsd
/4oee not owe n doUnr. Therefore wo
nre in excellent nbnpe te preride thia
(rent neeaoaitj.. Ereij eour nbesld
cnat kb vote in fneor of bondinr the
nieuty for dtS.OOO for n new court
DcKRa the prenent war eenre the
Dnited 8tat«e baa firea tbe world a
loHon in American enurpriae and pmdance. Tbam ia not a nation aa tbe
^be which ooold have aceompliabed
ne moeh in tbe way of ktreaftbaainf
ooaat defeneae and in equipping fortitoatioBB and
liDf warahipe ia ao
abort a period of Ui
And there ia
M a aaUoD /on earth heir will view
with awe and reapeet the epectacle of
■nlty pnoented and tbe epeed with
arbich PM.OOO.OOO wah plaood at tbe
gommand of the chief exeentive for
■ntloBaJ delenae.
ta not eaip ranch U thin part. !htPa|>>
■InrQmek. ia tbn Indian renareition, a
CMd mnayafttobomae bekmri*
the tndinra are batter than thene belenflnr.tetbewhltea
The next b.Welf Point, and the next
Olaafow, tbemetoopolbefUiepartel
tbe eonntry. We leeve tbe Wc river
Uen and e«r omune la nlrac the Milk
river. It ia very level here, bnt we oan
aee blUa U tbe dwtanee.
We atopped nt Bnrlenn; tbera are
fond tram tonnM tbera. It ie a bcanr
tUnl oonntry te look at. I beliera I
can aea forty mUMofl.to tbe tnp «f tbe
UUa. We are eUU en the plalne at
Shelby Jnnetion. a better town than
wa have eaaa tar eonm tlma
Wp are OB tbe Bocky MonnUiaa and
hardly knew when we eoM Into them
the eacent waaeo pradu^l. bat after
we reached the top the weatera alnpe
waa -%ot t-o eaay and tbe eoonuy waa
ranch and rocky. We neaepd throoeb
aeveral tnnnela. alonf corpee on one
aide and on the eU.er knoba. the tope
of which were la the elooda
Some ef the way the railroad' la cot
tbroufh aelid rock whien hanf over
the track eeveral nnedmd feet dbdva
We ride for eeveral milee alony the
KootenalJ river, alwaye down a etoep
Crade. naUl we come to Ue City of
Kallapell. We broke a track nnder the
laat deeper and had te atop an boar
for repalra.
We are now paanlnc alone • C«T*
abont five hundred feet deep on eor
left and rocka many hundred feel hich
OB our rtchi, with large pine treee
crawlnc in tbe erevaanee
I think thb would be a freat place
for fiahing aa the monaulna are full of
trout atreaina. Yon cannot laaarine
the maeaive fraadenr ef three rocka
until yen aea them; everytbihc elae
We joat {waned Haakell a Pnm on the
left; there waa a rock tbera one thonid feet high, if it waa a foot. All at!
onoa it waa aa dark aa night and -we
wore In a tnaaal'a half mile leaf.
Into tbe heavy Umber
again; Mr. Miller aaid. “Leok pt the
deer.'' and off abont twanfy rada were
three floe onea
A good -deal ef tbU eonnUy leoka
likn tbe pine land of Michigan.
We jnat aaw two mere dear.
We have now atopped at Jeanlagn;
Temnoar the new miniater ftom UU U tbe flneat aceoety yet. Now we
Spain waa preaented to tbe t>r«aidant are rannieg along the Kootenay river:
Of the United dutea and while polite
iBUinn ea each^ide are two er
and friendly rreiliafe were belaif
--------- ..
nearly all
toanced both natloBa were exerting i
rnnUtoA by Benpoetlra <
>. on •'Tto Law-
Bii^cleg Enuneliid at Front SL Cycle Verka
ISintdent—Mie. P. J. Ovtia
Beonr^ nenralary-^lta. , B. B.
Strang. ^ ,
OornHpeedlag Snerntary—Min. B. O.
WIU elM It thoranghly. true the whneln. gibe yon any'oraameatal work
.Mra Kellpcr.
Sneoad vlra prraldeat—Mm.
Third Tien pranidnni—Mm. OrenBongh.
Fourth Tien preMdaat-Mm Wntem
J:W. Slater.
H. OccglM and family wiU
move to Omhd Rapid* thin -wrak.
Mra. W. O. IwwranM'eill go to Ckl*
after d Block
ef apriag milUsery.
O. Turanr will go to Jacknon to
morrow U.nttead a meeting of tbn
nute pardon board.
I'eur Wbrxbcrg and Bert Wtibelm
Hetoakey Friday to eUy
Rev. Joniak Pennington want Ploannal OroveynnUrdny to coadnet rallgbeany weloemn to all to attend,
iora nerrieen Sunday evening.
niter uamoDirr.
Bnrbert Mpotague went
Eyr. if A. Brrwdy. pMlar.
Rapidn yaaterdny on bunii
Sunday—Second quarterly nweUng. extend bU trip to Chicago,
Love feant will rammenee at Bi30 a. m. .aecompaaled by hb daughter Oertrade
At iu;30 a abort Jectore, followed by who will enjoy gmnd opera in Cbleago.
the holy eommunioa. Bltaraih GMMnr In It* Worn.
Soaduy eehool at cloue of the moraUllwaukoe. March If.—EpecUli toThe
Ug eerviee.
ftetillnel are as follvus: Karanabn.
Juuior League nt l;S0 p. m.
Mich.—Snow fell to the depth of eight*
Bpwortfa Lengue nt 5:45 p. m.
een Inrhea in tbb dlatrirL It. was a
Sab>et of hera|on (a the avoalag: aurrri«<- to lombernun who haveSfoken
The ReepoanibUiUee, OppertuniUee
and DuUen of American CUicena.”
Tbumday—Fmyor meeUng at 7:
prevBlIInx h
Knrmai claaa aa UMul at the closa.
BrwMT War •!
Um rim.
About 150 wem u attendance laat
Cryutal Falla MIeh.. March U-Tbe
Thuraday evealngat tha pmyer meet* beautiful ipriag weather chat
Dying for the peat
Ing and about 75 ramalaed for the Nw pie hare been en]o>-|
. knocked
. ________
galmat claan. We hope (be time will come three weeks waa auddi
by the arrival yeaterday of a
whan every member of the ohureh will bow::llng bUtxard. one -of the worm ^ot
Rev. R. Bdwarda. paatoref the Beg*
Ibh Uaptlat ehurch at HinamvUla. Pa.,
when suffering with rtienmatbm. wna
advbed to tir Cbamburlaiu'a Pain
Balm. Ha aays: '
few appliratlon
ef thb llnlmeut pi
xiUbA.AWF .
Third Sundar In LenL
Boly commualoa »;40 a. m.
Moralng Berrica and nermoa at 10:10.
Sunday school and Bible claaa at i:.
Kveniag nerrlen and nennon at T.
All are cordially invited to Ucne nnrvioen.
ferer preflt by gfeli
It will planar me." Kor eale by S.E.
WaiV nruggist.
Clias. Mastic
Bicyoie Riders.
Remember that I do all klndn of t«pairing and enameling, and that I can
and. do give you the beet-work ef any
one in the city for tbe mon^. Don't
be deeeiTed by what oihen tell you to
the oonbary, bnt come and eee- for
I guarantee nil my work to be right,
and if itdoennotproraao 1 make it
atock. The greatest ». l.-ction of/WaU
#hqi in tUI k o'clock every ereclng, Paper ever BbowD in America.
except Sunday, la the CaldweU A Lou
don bsUdlag, nn'nerth end ef Union
418 liBke Atniii.,
A. PodrasDii’s
Art Wall Papers.
•r hn told)...,....................
Halt per b
Bran per loo ,.
Buckwheat FIol...
PoUtoraper bu...
BVTixa nance op v
Kcnr Dsai.- ‘
BuSeSheaT '............
Wrago, Martsh IS.—WbalLt-May. <
L^cdvrn. tohe: oata. UXc; pA, •
Before you boy gfaoee. Bemeaber
r tbnt I am n practical shoemaker with
lone^perience, and get snoat of tbe
shoes I Bell made especi^y to my
Older. ' Best aasored that leather
and workma^bip will oot. make
better shoes, asd tbe prices are piss
ed to your intereet—styles stricUy
up to date. We guarantee every pair
of shoes we 8^ to be as repreeentad.
and if any of then rip it will oot coat
you ooe oott to fil them up. Tiy
our sboee and be oonrioced. I ask
my offiolpers to' ioform their frieods
of the above statement
Prlpaa oa Bnbben are 18,10.88,88.88.41e ap. Beat
grade Boston or Goodyear »nwb^
Yoor trade ie^precUted.
186 Front Street
f'xwhoti.oal 81a.oexn.aA.
......... tx
ELLIS, 311 Front St., East.
rStop! Stop A moment And Decide
and it lookn aa thongh they
been net oci. they are a# perfect. Now
we are at Ltbbie Creek, a new min
ing town: it lookt like bnntem' eampnWearonpwat Algeala; now I will
ImailUU letter. We wUl be at Spo
kane, Watb'.. at : to Uia afternoon.
1 Miller and I will atop there for a few
i daya
_____________ ^ Eb.mtt.
ton night or nine day ccmchea.
enjeynhln nncpriac parly
e Uree ef Ua beys that left
m that one. and tan to UU glvwi npon Lonbainek-Kriday evuA*
isclndlngUe Urae Ilee hnya.J. O. Leag- lag. Uamaa. refreahmeab and mnaio
hand fermed a plnaaaai
worUy. Oarver. Miller. Aagdatine. Ue
•wo Boyds and myself.
Tbn aentiagatUn Friends ebarcb
The next atop is WUlstoaT^ I
Ub avenlag will be a tem|>araara
Mtonuri river, and Ue next U
fiver; and Ue etraageet part ofAt
liver u addrean eaUUed "Tbe Amer*
that mUk ia ten oeno a plat. At aoi
^aoea ebUdran come akoard Ue icalna Iqan Baleon. a Nation's Reproach."
Friday ni^i. abeut nudoighi
aad eell It at 5 ennU a small glam.
Thla is Ue maat peealiar looking Prek^ Kynelka diaeovared *a
eenniry I ever raw; the hills look like maklag himself
inlng ea aama of the nphelam^-cUy or mdd Menen, wlU no vege parlor, redial
u. Upon being dbtarbed
tatioa. The aidee of soma of them are terad chain.
almost perpendieular and look like Ue intruder euted that he waa wait
•Upon rarneataolldtatoUdlagn or raatlm: aosM look like
key stacks at a dbtaawi in some places lion Mr. '^>amp departed to dnbh hb
they extend as far aa the eye ran raltlng eleewhere.
TCseh. Uey eall them Ue Rad.toton.
Benefit Wemanb Oemeterr Im*
, -Oaltortnee b quite a large ptaee; two
March 17 Ue Fereatem wlU glee ;
leg ralooaa aad Urae mad abanilra.
dance and supper la Uelr hall In U
Thb b a graxlBg eeuUy: naulo and
ek iUtek. Bappar eervad h
awaMdraveef paniOM.ot Fofuataaa. Mt-tir-e.
From $1.50 up to $2.50
PraetM bicycle repalrem. Bent work for tha Inrat Mar. AU wk
guamatead. BmUng a npncialty.
tntradncUon bet
nhake haadn with yov neighbor.
Sunday eebonl atlt;Ma.m. Bunlnera
anen'n elane la the ntudy. Young men'n
la the laat row M e^ in the
ehurch. Men and womV»d ^e Sun
day achoolinUrenUngand^h^ful'an
well an tae children.
Junior Chrtntlan Badravor noclety at
• p. m.
Young -People's Boelety of Cbriatlan
Bndravor at 5:4S p; m.
Sunday evening gwpel meettng nt
ranuriN’ chum*.
Beware Seere and Mary Maorw. PaaMwa.
Riblanchoolat 0:45 a. m.
Marning serviee. 11 a. m.'
Junior Bodcoror 5 p.m.
Young I'eopla'a Society of OhriaUan
Badravor nt S;4S p. m. A delegate to
Uie aUUMOvenUoDwIUbechoeeB nt
tbit meeting.
The mealing-at 7 e'eloek will be a
I by Levi
Here is what ao ezekangn nays of
Rev. Morgun Wood, who la to Ivcturn i
here on the lAth. la tha High school'
Ineuire ooumn:
I BescriptlTe Stoiy ol a Trip
"It is •rUom tfaat an large aa andl1
To, tliB Pacific Coast
enee assembivn tbst Is In general nympathy with the s^ker aa that of Kri*
day night, when tha Rrv. Moirao
The fellewing extmru ere from a
CTOBIBC OP PIOMBBB SATSa'ood of Detroit, appeared aa tbe open
Utter written by H
Brant, on* of
•bn Klondike ftrty who left here a tUlqnn Batertalnstnat te bn Sieen by ing atttaeUm of tbe course. Uis noblAOien
eonpie of week» ago for the gold tcldn:
jnet—-Amtrican Nut*—Cracked and
Tbe ladiee of the Ceagregational I'oeracked'—was delivered in such
Wednanday, March
church are planalog/br an nni<|Be en* style and force as to elicit the closest
Sixty mUea went of Mii
a en tbe geeal piaian of Cee- tertainmenl to be given In the near fu nttentioa of hit. hearers. Per Aore than
«al Mlnneaota; there la -but lltUe ture. A number of the pioneer ladiee two hours wnrds full from bis Ups In
timber, aod.it ia level: in maapy plraaa «f Ue city will be asked to rack tell j Urraau uf such brilliaat oratory as w
la)cr«aijag aioty they knew I delight nil. Ue touched ujmo Ue pbasrs !
yarn ran aee for Clteen or twenty milra.
Md nothing hill large farma Tbe e<dl j plnneer daya in Grand Traverra, nod .ofnocinty in general and in such nevere ]
An black .an Ur ad uew nunw ningkn already a "1™* ghcai story" and a term, as to set hla bearers U thiekiug, i
weird ludlaa etory have been pramwere Inclined at fault- lading
frented wiU fecuon Ue sub
We have craannd Ua MlnnlmlpM rivac ieed. whUc Ue other atoriee oe tbe
thiwn UmenUUafurneeo. Thin in a program will be' equally full of Urlll- ject. However. Mr. Wood U surely
expenea.t ef meralliv and I
JOToly eeuntry to riaw; Unre ia hardly
aey aaow and tbanoaiaahining bright. la addition there will be music by Ue right liviag. and a Weond visit hare
We juetetoppedatBtauIey: there u ! «**'noartel,and at the aloae of tbe would be bailed with pleasura."
ocial hour wUl bee^L
»oUli« U eight there bul 'a water
1 have been tUleted with rhrameUsm
«aa\ audsanUtioa house about ISxic
•r fourteen years and uoUing seemrd
feet in else. Now Iran eee a big rauge
• giveaby relief. I «u eble to be
ware eeld by George
ef hUls off U Ue uorU
Thme are
■euad ail Ua time, but eoBstamtIy
>d Ue Alkali plalua 'NoU- Bice for Ue Mercantile Co. yesterday. soHvring. I bad tried everyUlog I
feat night Uttoer Grayson arrralod could bear of aod at laat waa told to
lug ran live here. Tbera is uo water.
imarnlM-rlein't Pain Ualm. whieb 1
The greaud,is ooverri) wiU dead graaa, two white men and ooe uegrw. aU ef ......and was Immediately relieved anwhere the ire baa not ran over U. We
iu a short lime cured. I am happy t
Jsel^got ea aneUer drank say that it has not since reinrnod.Black
tove Just paaaed a place raUad White
and was arrested by tifUrar Urayaoq .Iivii EiMiAK. trermaolowD. CaL Fo
EarU. There waa ueiblng there
'^'rls i >*f*<*J
lodged m Ue "oeop." Bale by S. E. Wall. Uruirfisi.
eeptlng a oeyote and
,^iekena The groond here Is covered ', .............-ling a'bos load of-------•—
TraveiM Oity-lUrkeL
Vllhenovr; aed O! how dreary it looka ,
Three Vuarter B. B. club ...
Helow b a liatof tbe baying and aell- i
There are fldj peeple In tbi. car and
ing prices of yesterday for grocerlM. .
Harry Uewd pod H. Leggett from provUioni and farm producU In Tiav* ,
we sleep tike eardinee sacked ia a box:
----- City:
there are feurteea doable bertha on Meeroe Center eaek bought a alee
exujxe rmcK.
each side. We are over half way Eagia .wheel from J. W. dlater yesi
Tbera are Urae <»ay.
Short Cut Pork......... ...............
Mbs Mabel Wkiu. wke haa b
Sleepers, two emigrant cam. one maU
edyiag music is LoobvUU, Ky.. dnr*
and one Klondike baggage ee Uia
ig Ue winter months. wlU return
Men of Ue train: the oUw seetloe is
•boot a qnarur ef a mile behind and early in April to remain during the
W. «. X. V. BUetfeo.
Tto faUewlag oOem worn nUeted
tor the nnnulag year •» the «mmI
mnntiagof tbn W. C.T. U. Friday after-
Several Other Broken Lines at 1*2 Price.
We Are Doing
The Lion’s Share of the ^
Wheel Business,
And shall endeavor to keep it up until the close 3
of the bicycle season.
There can be no going belo-w our figures on
high grade goods—then there’s the easy terms
of sale to be taken into consideratioxL
It’s only natural that we should have the
; lion’s share, after alL'
DatnCB of an Sorts.of Peopto and Odd Bits of Kawa From
AU Oror The Stats.
WhUs Prspsring for ths Wqrat. It
tha Policy of tha Natiohal
As UaUMef U« rwMrtebto fkll- to tbaa. baaea tba doetorb tabU t
tac stf st paytk ef district tefcoolr^y adoraad with a haadaaaia aidvia
ths Outer Lm^. w*f be foead is baa^aat of paaaiaa.
a the mat. Thai May -Be
tbe Beyte dktriet. ecar DeUl. in
wVA ,ibm anaiber of pepUe bM de-.
UaaaUp ealprita laaptetad b7 • paad
erwMd «ettl ao«r tbe oebooi board JoiT axe backward abaat eomlaf to Ua
Bade llMlf wiU a (aaebar'i cootract la fxoat. Last tdeek. howerer, Cbarlaa
atahl-he heee (Mm (bo Motao laasiry
<M«e aad aot a papU to atlud Ue WbiU at Osltea, a jastieo of tba paaea.
—ToU wMh o Bpooloh
aebool. Tba iaet faaHp vitb Aildiaa
«bo was aecBBad of selllBr hard etdar •WaahlBfflua. March >X.-Hopiac tor.
■wTodeatofUedietrfotUetwwk. . I aad wipe to the bofs. joara^ad la %• beat, aad preimred Tor the worst
* • •
jtowB to plaad railtj. altbaorb ao lo- about n-preoeota the sltuatloa la tba
,JaMS Hocaa braacbt bo.a a pat dlcUaeot bad beea rataraed afaiaat war and oavy d^wrtiaaata these days.
The oBicialeatll! i’rofeaa coafldenCe that
<r«M Cbicafo raeaaUp. wbara be bad { bln. Tbls
there la to be a peaceful out’vm* of Ibe
brtactbamatoat.aad'bedldaa. Tha 1 White eras daad W5.
•tbar day tba cast, tabu
aboat tba place, walkad into tbeworeb.
s raesatly li
aad bapaaalsK to see bla nttactiaa ia
It to tbe suadry cirU aptba ffuaa
fflsss ai
windowa that
that p„»rtalioa hUl proeidUff fw a ki.boo
Me oi tba wtnaowa
U. bra «iUM. uoOn .e-do. bid
^ i^W .b.v Mr B..... I
laeet ~thetr duty If ereni* should shape
thcmsclvca olbrralM. Tbe meat tm<
purtanl and alsnlocaal drvelopatects of
Aba house aaval vutninlltec to place U
„d^ ..r
^ protaby Mduu tbd r-t b. aom. |
y... S.MUb Barra-d eoald b..Mral. lodn b ^b» rara » -■ u.
Bb ra..„ b, prald.b,
.««.pb.,b.lb..iUCbl«r>ibb b..
It te amsrtad that tbe
H. Taaia of
Boffsrad aereaa ef 1U.UOO people weald ba de
tram aatbma ao badly that ba eoald stroyed by a far bora.
da ao work. BoeaaUy tba mas was
attacked by a mraffa atcar, aad to
Soma ampioyas at tbe asylam bad
Bare blmsalf ba sprinted aerera) baaqaiu a Ilrely experieaae oae day iSi
dfod yards at tbe rata ef lUK aaeoads waek. It assm* they ware praparinff
par 100. Baiweea tbe friffbt aad tbe
to ri*« a play at tba asylam. aad wars
laair exereiee. be kas baea eompletely
pmeUeiar the place la tbe ebapal. says
earad of tba diaaaae.
tbe PoaUae Oaxetts. Oae of tbe fcairae of tbe prodoctloa free a vary reIQoadike a. cUU are amooff the latest lallsUe blawtar op of af
fads whieb bare oome late popatbr fa-1 -Malaa.'' lha
ud axalealM a
■~w amoac tba r-------------- ------------to tba Eatsa Rapids Reriew. Each
It was tba object ef tbe pariormera to
lady’s' name la wrilUa m a'tickat aad rat as maeb aalaa as poaalbU from tba
each tiekat la nambarad oo tbe back, cracker.. After lirbtiar It they pat it
tbas crary aamber U bid U aepaiatel.T la a tia'caa. aad a plaak waa tbea;
by ttaareotlamaa aad tbe lady wboaa placed orar tbe caa and
Ue naval
for three new battlcohlps. and
elusion on (be pan of the *<iTetary of
war u> Issue today an order crratln:
a new miiltary depaj-imvni mrludin.;
within IU coaflnes that ’ t<an of tbr
country which would be Ic all UkeiMod
nearest to the field of bosiilllit-s ID cns«
It rbouM come (o that. Tbr older will
creale a n>mmntlb'n In tbe south. Tbe
present department of Texas Is abol
ished and in li* i<lare' la rrested ■ new
one. the Deparimmi of the S->uth. locluJlim ftuuih Carolina. Oeorxia. Flonda. Alalwma. Mlsstaslppl. Louisiana
ba walffbad aad paid (or by Uc featla- '-i^akap want afl. bat laatead of 'mak- and Texas.
man boldlar tha nnmbar at tha rate of ;
mIj a load report aa was expeelad.
Pbr tbe first tube the «ffl< iais of tbe
Me cent (or er«y eera. poanda la . u Uirew thlaye erery way. Tbe
war department yvsi< rday udmUirU that
.poaeaqaeaca of tbb tbe boye aboat
thrown to tbe ffroaad. tbe cm (hey were strstsum every nerve to Im
'tow. -ara ealaetiaff tba Jlffbtwdffbtf
^ portion* of tbe plank broke prove that pan of tbe defeUKes of the
fountr)- b'oBIlllrd lu their can-. It la
ffirle far them eociala. while those ofjtba ylam fixtaree la tba iamm
without uuestum the Binst unusual
more poaad* ara atrooffly denonaclny ■ b^. One ma. had hie band quit# mark of conlldeiu-r Id an rs.wlive olB. .
j badly iajorad. NoaarlOaedamabe war cef toemi>ower him toylve orders with
out limit-for the purchase of war.ms1 dMC, bowarer.
terlaL >.i this is ubai the jv.-s'd.nl
Bar. Dr. Bradley of Grud Rapid*.!
'* *
and Se<-rvtsr> Alcrr have don- m the
wSITknown ia^rrarms City, was bora ! Pairie'k J. Walsh baa baea aa sofria case of U-nerwl Flayjer, vhlef of
is (Uam. aad lirad there antU ba waeiaeroaa Uraad Rapids A ladiaaa rail- ordriam- And'lber>ffIrcT has not show n .
» yaaiB old. Tbe doctor la vary famll-' way ioeomotire for thirty yaara. and it an.v <ll»|..aitl..|i lo Bhlik Ihl* iMice r»-iar wltb th* laaraar* aad eastooM . b mtimatad that be baa corerrd :.U00.- ^•nslhlliiy. l.ul has £»rroclr.l every
cvin.em rapslp;*' "f HU|>pI)inr war ma' of tbeeonntry. Wbea Prof. Bamiltoo OM miles, er a dbtaace eqoal to W terlal--surh as . mpld-bre runs. shoL
Kiaff recently went to that land as | times amnad the world. He 1* aaly 90 shell and ammunition—(o ro to whsIi a:
mlnbter. be carried ^tb him letteta I yeara did ,a»d pmpeaea to break tbe full cBimrliy.
N.btSM. TWO hew WhipiK
of iatrodoctioB written ia the RUmeae raeoH as 'a trareler. Re b a Jovial.
tv '“'T department has now r»a*..n
UaffBaya kty Dr. BradlAr. Tbay looked ; wbole-aoulrd fellow aad baa never met to Ibeliers ihai it bus s-.-ured the two
libs Chioaae laaadry receipta. Aaotfaer with aa aeeldeat or Injer^ Walakbc w-*rsb!p* Amasonis and her slaii r ship j
pacoliar fact b that all tba octm Cam- ffaa bb aeiwlcs with tbe teMpaayoa a now ibulldinc In Ktixland for Brwsil. ' 1(
rraffsUoaal mtaburo la Oraad BapMa ceaatracUoB train aad now baa tbe ran was Slated at the cnb:nct mi-eiinx ye*,
terday b.i Sc«-mar> l..'nk-thai the naval
are af farelffn parenUffa.
from Oraad Rapid* to Maehiaaw.
altarhr at LondbUi. l.wuu-nani Colaell.
ba* eeaa tbe steady ysowth of e
had »!np«l completed the Der'diallons
for the sale So tar. however, the flDsI
Harvey blmmoa* ef FarminytM. aortb Mirbiyae towns and Ulb ai
from bitn that his offer has
probably owns Abe laircst oak tree ia Waatinr atory of bow Morley sprapy been accepted
has not yel reached tbr
Hiehitaa.ltb*iay W feet la ciream-1 >e*o eabuaes. Oae day iwa maa yot navy departmrot. The <lay paused
fereace. Sbipballdef* from all over off kb traie wltii feurMaa keyaef beer ayaln wiihoui word from tbe court of
Ue MODtry have looked it over, bat and two bottle* of wbbky. They m- Inquiry. aCc-ordUix to the sutement of
Secretary Lone, who sa>;s Ual be hs*
pre' afeaid to pay the pricaiar tear tt b tebibbsd a salooa far a
■ of Ue re-'-lwd ti-thinr whatm-Sr from the
btraeUoa train, and after It left court Itself or fmm Judy* Ad>-ocnM
alack te bviinam. the low. bainy tbs Uarix.
rtleely WilBsst Pesadailas
Dr.J. k
•* tk.. .1— lb. pra..!
Tfie stntemvnt was |•b•^sll•lenlly rtrm. irau. ..rprlral lb. olb.r d.y
P.b-h.j, llpbUP wltb Mra ■culated yesterday aftecnooo. and la
the rei«>rt >-amr from,th»sv
.pM>bkrall.,.rayU.. ra>-lrra •|«' "»•“■
«bo<e sourctw .‘f in'o-'rosilon *h”Uld he
tavoriie aaasT bed to lad a aambar of 1
•»* rellsM-. that the adoitnlsiraUoD was In
uf ■ntlmstlonw »r Informspr.tra.1 bj .bch . hraj bwbk bl|«« b*™ .pp—l o. tb. rap M... tu.n that tbe resuft of the Invesllxatiun
.DOW tb.t tha vu hwl not praeratwl lb*t tira
of the court of Inquiry ** «•' the catue
of th- Maine disaster would show that
the explosion which destro)t-<l the IwCcame from s-me external axency.
AIASXAF BOCTDAAY DIBPtnX Bit oppohcni ana nts club te refen* the' tleahlp
eoatest. hhariter pare a dlsxraceful A cabinet .iflicvr nas even quoted a«
Bm hsi asss
by Owm Briiala Csa- exhibition of foul flsbUnc a-tUch cul- maktnx (his annountVmenl. yind anoth«
ceOlax Bverrtblsa.
mleatrd In his hurtlnyChurnskl tbrousb er report had It that the stmorraphic
WasMBficn. March U.—It b mid at the ropes u(>>m the chairs bvluw the B»le* of the Inquiry were beforv Sec
the state <lv|iartiiii-,it that the Ollawa plalform in tbe rlxbtb round at which relary l>-n*. When the matter was
reJura that Cr.ai Uritaln and b« Calt- aiape of the yame (he refetve at the breuxht to tbe althstloB of Secretary
inT^' the fetatetneat »
ad fftaie* hav. p.Kill'd a treaty (or th* SUniratloB of the police declared Ue I<nng fa*
flybt a draw;
false ir every parttcolar. -Ther*- li
aetuemeot of ih.- Alaskan tMUodarr
CbomaW-Tleartr out-polnled Sharker a word of truth ln -tb--m." h- said ‘No
dmpaia are lociArbict. no treaty bariny In earb and everr round and w as onl>- word ba* been received by Ur president '
beem alyned a* yei and tbe matter aUU wvialed when It came to wrreatllnx tacwiy cne elec as m what the b-iard of
belay a rabibvi ot nceotiauoa. Sir arm. which It tbe aallsr’* favorite meib-' Inquiry win determine. The rumor w*
dullaa Paunoeluu-. the liriUab
od of flybllnx. Tbe nlybCs dmxraceful floating about all afternoon, but It t
eadot. Uroujih hii aocreiarr. Mr. exUMtloa by the aalkrr fwobably eods ntteriy without foundation O'Belme, also aulhi>rl«-<l s complete his piryillsttc career ao far aa KvOlnc
WaST TBK aPAttiAao* KKOir.
and apeclal denial of the rc,».ried per- asother maicb in San Fraariseo b eoafrcUoB dl a treaty. X.. cuvenuon of
any dharacter. be said, had lat-u made,
Captala PerwL
and the details ylreti. therc-f.rre, w^
ia. March IL—Tmtetday Cap- !
arroaeoBB aa a-wbol* and In deuu
_____ ______ _______ “In Perm, president of the Spanish
Th# treaty between Great Ii^in __________ __
tnenced nnlt
coon against
UquIfT Into tbe cause of ;
and Ruaala. under which tbe i<niird ttenced
null In
In U#
U# circuit
Xb* Mame dUasuv. granted an inter- !
BUteabalda.prorldm that the biiutW^ the Chleayo and Alti
llae shall be ten warine leaxue* frMtrf pany for tMl.eO*. Tbe rtllaxe ordlimncm rrlgw to tbe eorre#ponden\ of Ue Asso- '
• tba "eoML" In another place the
that tbe speed of frelfht trmJns
•’ocean*' IS’Ueed la
<,[ coaau ThH^'^bll not exceed atx and that of pamendlspote m as Ic where the roast or
trains Wiall not ran to exceed ten Vic* be had dven any newspaper a
ocean Ip-ontelde tbe tolands that frinx- t"l'r* an boar. Th# eompaar num aU oa tbe suhjact of Ue inquiry. Captain ^
the whole of that part of Alaska or in- 1“ (*•* train* ever what U known as Peral speaks excellent engHsh. With
the cutoff, which pamm tbronyh a por- him in Ue naval court 'la Lieutenant
Salsa. He has power to caU In 1
In the commoM at Ottawa. OnL. Sir , tioa of C{^ Alton.
oensulUUon nay army or navy engint
Charir* Tapper road the report of a ;
or expert on explosives or marine build- ^
y and ar Wil- i
treaty as In Ue (>
mt«k« Tar
as “not a vrord ;
61. Louis. March U.—II has been aanoonced that a sink* which Ihrealeoa
la extend -to every branch of tbe build
ing trades in this city will b* faiau- Maine. Oreat difficulty m experienced
KUrated April L w ben from L«W to LUO owing to the deep mud In which tbe huU
■ar* li-* a Dnw.
of tbe 'Uricklayers' union will 1* buried, sad Uc condUion* of the
San Francmeo, March IA—Tom Shnrwreck forward of amHabipa The whole
tar, the saigtr pugilist, aad Joa Cbsrnforward pan of tba ship la a maa* of
Iron aad steel debris. We have homud
a night la Woodward**
Lepdoa. 'hUrcb U.-The Princesi o( ap much at It; bat th Ue mud It Mxiot
Wi-a tweaty-round fight (er « per caaL ' Wolea ywtei^y held Ue eaoond draw always poaalbl* to tril what parts of
the ahJp. armor, deck-beams or etanebh Thaoaly
ee tta sate raceipt,. Attar
. .
t was Mia* Loataa Orace. lon* ara foaad.Omaxptoaioeaoiihaaglid
fllUffS ef t,W0 spectators waUl9 Cor as
B>Mayar Orana, af New their poaitleaa
tflAC ’sCKf beaatcred tba rtns. maklac
-Wa think wa have lOMtad tha tob
er prow, hmt not ta Ua pndtMn ait^
poaed. -Iba forward tarret,
WU) MM a Xew lla>wi.
two Urea SUBS, waa bkiwa cUar off tbs ' 'WaabUeton Ma-ch lb - Three new ALOaa TBB eSBAT HIOnrAT
bnU toto tba aetar <b Ow siarbaaid. battkablia of ibe aUun heai type afloat
Ws shall eooU»^ eur work
rotk and try to “V ^,„*r
house commlttbs bnlt forward
ra ».W« .. d»
ival aSalre yevierday. aad
It U protabte (bat
t we may pro
to florida Tla •Tha Xu»d af tba
to tba Aneriraa aotborttlaa to prortsloa for tbetr coaatnirl}i<n was ioI roue tba bdn by bksbi e( the Ooatlne aerted In the naral approprfailon bill
»7.mae time the minmlttee asrred
dock, bro^t tma bUclOBd and bow U f;: . ' azltnam
The MUbtr Soatbara BaUway tyw
price of |M0 per ton for
pUtr. One of the baltleobtpa. tM. tratwraiu tba aiebt Oraat Slates
•Ided. Shall be caned
I ProBi asekar aad tbe Fkkla TraraUac
air If exploded at a depth of only twear« tmt ■eooloa (|w W
{ty-flve feel or ao. or at Jeaal hare pro> duoed a wave reachii^
the oiber ehips ------------the war department rrsisrday ^ Uad aad the auay raaarta wbteh lU
■hiu tbe
and tbe shore of tbe barbor.i We hare l for manBlDt the newly eMaUlabed (or- abmff iU Itam.
examined every oaa oa shipbuai . or' tifleatione on the AUontir voaet from
Oo to Fkwida aad camps tba Msr
shore who mw tbe exploriun, but
pBosloa Jo*a to Oatresum aa tbe suU. .sold ud diaaffTeoaMa dare of wlat^.
one can be foaad trbo remarked any
land atop at AdBEVlLLC. "Tbe Uad
uphearal of tbe water or a bis ware.
A torpedo expUaloa a)«aya-iana flab
tn the rtciall) . No flA were killed by
assm to most amooffat ^
ot tba
camp ef
beaatUa af aatars. See tbe ffraadsat
alsbt tbey^went by w^to_Matanaaa.
araasry la Aaeriea aad -BilUaoratestify. To prodace Ibe effect* noted
Baade. Aaterka'a oaly PaUes. tba
the sTeck a torpedo would bare to be
,Chataa« of (iso. W. VaadorbUi. Or
of enoTTDOti* slae. full) 1» .-r son klloa.
atrrW aad resesM tbs trtre'.cr. who bias harry to-fot
to Florida, caa ro ria Cbaua«OC«a.
. March 1&—A shoot• paaalar Look-ut MobdUIs. aad aorom^ '
pecurrej at HUnrlnsiurt. a -- -**y Battle-deida. which ___
tbe Ule of tbe strife betWMa tba Bias
M'r^^^condUB^. *1tlcl:Tuve |
P**«- aadtbeUray.
read and found admirable, *eir rare- ]
““ Ukln* of two Ia eoaBceiios with the Qoam A Craafully observed. But eume thlpcs which '
Mayur HaJ:.hlH me: John D-mald ssM
Route, tbe Seatbars BaOwair
—* Ihr
•*' Miter’s
laitrr’a sou In/fi.nt
In /rxint of Thomascannot be foreseen arc hound to happen and
forms the Ureat Throorb-Tmak-Liaa
In any nary. I hare K-cn rcadlnx of tbe ss>«>n- sod w ithout a word and almost (
hoolb and norida.
trplofinn on the Engllih ship Dotercl. Insianily ibr thre- men drew rerclv-~ '
*•" rawma.
which the English believe was caused **”1 bexan shooiitur at each other,
, alerplnc. dininc a«d cbalr CBfa. Th*
by chemical combustion in the paint
Sixteen shoia were flred and
tba Soatb.
used for fluick dryttix. I bare aim read
•roll- W
aa Enxilsh account of hbells ___ ______ 1 1 . ..»S
your PeOTCat
nearest CV
coupon tlcki. araat or
found buret open because of hardeninc ’ fftound
mortally wounded, raWibwhile youa* cQ.C
W* H. TsvLoa,
poinu that rpUt and produce heat, thus : Etowdd had been sboi several ttmee.
Amt. Ueo'l. Pam. AffcMt.
•hft>e the powder in tbe Interior ot
No ei« Foartb Aeaaa. ■
tt has been expected te taka pUoe when
Ue shell.
Loalarilla. Ksataeky.
-As I have said. T do not believe there tba pamea (Iret met. •
was any csrslesaneas en'ihe part of the
eOlrer* of Ihe-Halne. I do belter* there
Tba "•atarday SpadaL”
mamas Is the BMrl il (Wart.
was an accident which could not poaalWaahltiptoQ. March 11—Mn. Tleterta I the nay train of tba Oraad BspU^
bty have been foreseen. Such is
Conkllnx Whliney. of Ue Mlmourt bar. IA Indi.M R> rua.i^
judxment at present. wlU tbe
that nro In r«'me«lnnof tfaeeourt. When
havinc plans,
drawlne* of the wreck made as fast as
Ue diver* ars able to fftre n* definite
Cnpialn Peral wu meat eenneoim
durinx (be entire interview. Be Ilia*(rated some of tbe point* be made by
sketches on Ibe desA before, him.
Waahlnfftan. March IL-Most of tbe
time of-yeetcTday's embtoet meetlnffwas
taken up in the dlscuuiun of mrasures
which have tM-en put Into.operation for
Ibe acqulsIUun of naval vcmrls by the
rovemment. A cabinet member said
that Ibe xoremment could probably gel
,m veasets. Most of the •»»..
eoo.'we. however, would W spent In Ihl*
counif)-. In reply loaquestlon be said;
"Yes. I think th* syre’pBthr of the Brtl-<
Isb xoverninent In this is^iiruversy Is
Wltb the Fnl'ed fltste*. At any rate
she doe* not' side with Spain. 1 do nut
mean by this statement to have you
Infer that th* Rnsllshmen Vi:i openly
advocate our esus* and extend ns sub.
stantisl h.-lp. bu( *m give u* tbetr
moral surt»*rt.“
Ue covemmeni.
, tinatioc 6aUri(*y nlybt. wlUoat loa--------------------------• tny a day** Ume. U arrises at Uraad
Obambarlalab Oao^ Samedy.
. Rapids at I0:tu p m.. in Ume' for cmTbi. remedy.., InUadml
(or oanffba eolds. eri
/ Satarday.
eoairh ami InSaena.
C. te Lock weep.
famoB* (or iu curt* of
Oeal Pnaa- aad Ticket Agaat.
over a larre part of tbecieilixed warid. 1 S9»^i:t
Oraad EapUa.
Tbe aioat flatteriag tcaUmaeials tees (
been recelred. ffivinf aeeoaaU ef IU,
rood works; af Ue affTraTnUBr and 1
peramieat eooffba it ba* eared; ef *e-;
evre eolds that
yielded peempUr'
The Board of Bdaeatkm wm aell tba.
“ ' aod of the dan-i;
(0 lu BoeUlar effecla
daa-1 Bast Slate atrsrt school prcMstr. cm-'
raroaa attaeks of ereap it baa eared.'aUtiaff of loU » aad ». Ueek B. Baaeftea sariairnhe life of the child. Tbe aah. Lay A Ca'a Ttb addiUoa. tswathar
extensive ns* of It (or whoepinff eoayb i wiU the haUdiag ttmaon. at prlrat*
ha* ahow« that it roh*>Uat diaeaae ot! *^ for (TOO. For farther iatenMttoh
all^r^u. eoBwrqaaaoea. Sold by J apply to
Al W. Rreagao.
Sc* Wail. DraffrisL
n? tf
aty Clark.
213 Front St.
t Saerirsd Three TlmM s
•aata. SOc per quart
Fleicha's Ofstw Depot oil Bestaoiut
All in, but juat now occupy a secondary
place, while
Onr Great 15 Day Sale Is On
One Week More
20 per Cent. Discount on
First Floor Oiily.
Our Red Ticket Sale of Suits has surprised
-r-l us. Come this we^ and get a baigain or forev
er after--------^
W«t*r AppreaehM te Washin
Thoroughly MlnacL
Oiwiltf Altw. lUallBinc T
riBliWt— U <h«
rraM •! th» SaWMMB •» Wn»
AUMltM t» O-.y.
Waahlnyton. March IJ.-OcDciy
IB al*tof7 which wilt
Of thoChio>Who U<J thtArmiM
of tho Union AgoirMtho
Wbwtorw 0«r Army.
■9m Bia CITIGS K so Disni
Con*re*»mB.i Jo»cph WhccIcr ot AHhamA. a cnduAte ul West I'olnl MIU>
hant i:enJentr army, and U
;b aulbvflijr on mill*
' tao affair*.
In the houac of r»p^
' acntailvta he trccnily made a apeceb
■ on ihr orcanlnaliuD ot oar army, and
> aald:
"On ac<x>tin« of ihc preaent faulty or*
I BBuixaiion thi- offit'ra of tao coirtbanlaa
.' of infaRlcy and f»ur of cavalry are with„.*,mcnu
akin and with latrtoUc determination
to flive warm welcome to forelkn fo.a
of the
One of the c d offlclalp .of
the war dc.
I has said b
only one moni' :.r at Norfolk sc
... . ... -......... ..
.1 Hnn-jicn !!.«■
look IncJtjrl'te. Any lleel which mlRbi,
pass i|iat point could destroy Norfolk.'
BalUnwre. snd WashlnRlon at least,
they think ro
Put under General AI-!
^er> .tlrecllon, the aprP*<h-» to those
'cities have hvi-n so thornurhl' n.med
and toriKd.^ Ihst DO ll.-.t ...ulJ f»sw
I eliore and hl.»w ih.
Iffore they knew «hat »ts happ- nin*
to Ihrm. Tbclr preat Runs would be
I .sh-uld pass
In* up the Ih.iomac to destroy WashIncton she would to destroyed Cetiersl
Altrer has had ihr I'oPmiac river mined
so that bo vtTtsel loiild come up the
channel and *et within furty mllm of
the national capItaL In New Turk and
oiher harbors GenersI Al**r has caused
pn.ioetloo lo lie msde In a ayslemallc
,an-l sclenllflc Mnner."
General Ali^r ronfenvd yhonor upon'
his state «a well as U|-on Ms rouniry
duHns tbe Hvll war. snd he Is now
makln* every MIrhtRsn man proud of
•him by his sjilendld 'attention to the
duties of rrent national Importance
which have been iDtrustrtI to his care
by PrestdeiH McKinley. He will make
a sreal secretary of war. and every day
brings us clneer to the time when his
Services w in he roost demsndeds and
most appreciated.
n s. a Hldi IlMsr.
William Alder Pmlih of Grand Rap
ids Ik one of the younptert memtors of
the housi- of n-1'res..ntatlver. and It
was a hl*h honor which was confiired
Ui»n him when he was si*nah-d'out fur
By order i>f City CutsBlue*.
mr\ed eichlo'h yean in the fedanU
%nny In almost every position from
aeeonb lirou-nanf^to major Rriieral. and
Illl.d manyclvL ollU-vs wuh sliolly and
ffrrat sue
Helpeo Make
u llUlory.
Of bla life it would sei.m but necesaary to say that he was torn In Kin**ton. O.. ».pt s. Ul*. wae *rwdualed
from Mewl I’olnl tn ISi:. served iw
yean and then ,en*a*ed In buain< n as
architect and civil- nstjM’cr till the
war Is-Kso
All tote K-ai IS Am«
his memory Is worth
more than such a brief notice of his
achlevemeniK. of which the must drawere ihosf of th«
mane and
of jbe rTto.hon. fur his mlllury
ce previous lo that time WAS bare
tneewtigaUoa shows that men who'
All iteiahlirw.
sneered «re men of
; *'**’^
uerree—ffrsia*. will power.
u ito
lire ward. it ttoweeauc-U-r.. fond cRonob sayyply the vital forces
which people with active brains and
bodies retjuire
Bieela HUi feed tha
nervrw—makB tSr mind hri*i v masr’es
Alesb snd bl»~1 aad rl*«
eanrae ain eertily pP tolKly to Ito t balnaaa
b to Men and Kmacn..
o! fto (tty t-oaialiiev, Ike Baao-.-.f tbe 4,to , to
sate, f IratoO la Ibeir reaneelitr ward* toat-'Tl
OP PaiLAPEtj'iiiA isaks
tend tbe City CoatotiUoo B to toU TareJay , to
I etowm*. MaseSTStT^
IitoaMereqaetoed that each ward 4ele«aj * Rark-y <
'( <neek MaUaaal RstoL
aiSe. that to Wasalt wa
dewB-aa*a.badea ol hi- lurar-r a-lt-B-eola
Perman-ai OrsaBltStloa aad Order el FUl* ease biBi wonderful tell-l -to (aiaeS
gas Lo aes at ike t'liy roere.uea,
o«rr iavsty puaada aftoe aala* ibsw.
Jas. G. JtyRXiBua. Dru|rrlM-
eaiM%* of
....... veaUIsc la
Oraure Hall. Cato
wv'oa Meaiiay erealB*. lUreb lltk. IiBw,al
__ -ef elertlai; Mldele
8. V.'"5Ll't;=l.S'.°n3SE£
asdetoTwyawetA* .Ml ffrwat SI.
(hand »f a foice compilMn* the El*hth.
Tenth. Seventeenth anJ Nlneieei
! dlans resimenla and «ab then nrdered
Osrkshufc. From there he advsi
d ' eorner Blsik aad.L'slo* Mreeo.. to Mostoy
to Rnarln* Creek, within four mli«* >r ryenla*. Mareb lim. Ito. at T JDt?ihieb. fur
ibeparpa** ul eteenac RLdeleraies to auewA a
the enemy who were Intrenched In s I IUpuM raaOit>CMveatltorwll*dfar~
forest SI the base of Rich mountain.
o , ..rr,
Heps he won his first victory, rouiln*
the retols
In the me; ntloi- the dis
astrous battle of Bull Run was foucht
and l.ort, and General M.-Cellan toln* !
WARD No. 1.
tummoned lo WBsh!n*ion the command
in western Vlr*lnta devolved upvin Gen
eral Rewe'-rsna Then he h at Ihe rebels
at Comifex Ferry, baffled Lee In an at .. .^^a lUpai IMWB «ty Cto»»
a*. March INS
tempt offthl- biller to enpture him. He
was entm*ed In Vlrtlnls until May 15.
I J rVLoll
IM* when he was sent to General
r H s--------Halloi-I: At Cortrlh Miss., then the cen
ter of interest in the wewl,
A KepuMlean eaueu. of vo«ee. le Ward No 4
m to held at Ntaie Mlreel Prioiary Kehoul
ouae. no Mooday eveoins, March llih. Ito,
ai O’clock. Inr Ike porsuto of eleeuo* IS del
BHIUaal flarvlea* at C •rlsih-Arra.r In
ale* toaueoda Ke|>uUu-au I'lty Gutitvalk
M«*hty Had Way.
e.cBlar. March |4'l
Hallflck finally placed Itosecrans I
K. C. BtX/AK.
command of the ii*bi win* of the Army i
(of p. m.. TUlaciheoa.n.
of the Misslsslpnt. shortly after the i_____
o^J^meTrcrcVl" in Wtohme
am-drilled TVeri Point man. could be
Btl aa government rlcils in ttashlne^
^ flEMinB reclii
ton, drawln* upwacls of IKd per m.-mh ,k,. , io.«,
if n e bad
for wrtlln* oushi not
--------- “>•» •
'' “*■ *’•*>
li: or more per month
^TX i.^^ ‘'tlj ‘t^rk'ihr^my should be reoriran-
John R. Santo,
Ctieril lisiraiee.
Wanbart nioeb.
Txwwsftto CMT. Ml*
Oos larrr lot. M-foM truut. «■ W«^
star street, betwrea Wsllluctoa and
KraakUa. Cha bs boofhtifor tlW lata
thaa CMh value if taken bsIore Aprtt
IV Look this up at oace.
One SO-loot lou Barlow streeV Oak
Beiffhta. at almoat your own price U
edd at oace.
^Wbea in need of aaTtblar ta tkla
___________ jrthtoUthep^tolMBiW
yon orders and get prOHipt 'raorkliaUslaeUoRrBarRatdwdorMoehBirB- '
Laavc ]ro«r order* at cOe* or 9>11 up
' Tbone No. 8.
—Watch Repairing.
John Verly.
•-Front Street.
Gfuil bfUi t IHiut L I
rsa-'t I
™ .m spiNH£K;Si.%g;p ss
netCoua* aystem.
Go early, as
a* my
office i* always erowdedIn xrbk'h ol the mlliuo- budleWof
H. _____________
R-Casesrt. Tstors. Bloody as* I
tl. n will wticipate. A re- Wsssy*
quest wi
- made to have the body
lle.ln sti
In the dty hall until the •wf.liy. Msaypsilestv
» body U BOW In this city.
____ ......L"iLat2
. ..:r,:KL7Srr.is3’.s.tL'sa
Arrrsitol to, F-spl.rila* itorabw
i:.-The police arrested pltsl
la th* Oalssd Btatss
u-vn bwov ...........March
a-nn™. In .l.ra.n.
........... ..............................
‘cliarge of
anythin* about the 0»e of cur present m \h< bomb eipto
mum far tbouaand* of ondeaervln*
'Superior cAnnno whieh In Ihr futura Boulogne last Jvne
.------------------- RUPTURE. Also, we h ive a lyoF-i*
snd its enacImeBt aetold add
will Hr the army arilMefy. 1 w-*ni the „„ hie w.>- to Longchamps to wimea. , C"
- tr (MU' SanitarhosoiUi
per annum to the p
army of this toublry lo enmjare with the orand Prix. and la the explosion a
Bend for Jonma'
•Inti ran. -H wffi not be parood
the armle* of other muiniira. aa th* few daya .afterwart 'la .tfont of tha,
__________ "Whoever dnuhts tha piitriotlsm
men aod commerve of this, country Birasbuur* aiatua,.lB the Flaoa da to
BfsJor McKlnW" saya BeBator Bardfloipara with th* bmb and corntnereo , OoBoane.
pension aystem need*
Ever Bormed OatT
U aojunknow
New Departure!
JS,7ir-ASf!L'dte ’SS'BC.3
break of ihe re- railed larTaeadayei
J.T. PalebiB.
beUloh was In drlUIn* recruits, but he
was pre-n '-ommissl-ned as chief eaiMlae.
*lo<cr of Ohio w ith the rank of colonel,
but preferred active service and was
AUoneF* at Law.
made colonel of the Twenlv-lhlrd Ohio
A Rcpubl’raa ease*. <
letera rrshliw* la
r R X K R.Haa
volunteers. Three daya afterward he Wan> No. t will t* told i
I. Mareb
'oa toroaJ «reet.u« Mis
received a commission as brl*adler *rn- KUi. use. at : a> e eloeli. lor Ito purpose wl
, rral and was immediately ..rdertol to elreUBC 8 dalrvaio* to ailrsd a Oily eforvB'
revale*. Xarrb IMb.
^nilnis by General McClellan. Vkto callod tur Tweaday
B. W HAirriNisa.
With (tto Array Is Vlrziala.
At ParVersbui* be was rla>-cd Incom-
------------- „
Dals(ata Caucuses.
tales senatot
. .. nalii^-staie' mliiin.
Rut Mr stmlth has attended
'The present' or*aniutlon of our
to his duties as a roenitor ot the <vimarmy Is based uimn ex|ierlrnce* In bat
mltl«.e on fnreicn affairs, and hener
tle* under condlMune very different
be has aktrar^c-1 national atienllon.
from wbal they are today.
Both of nur senators and all-of our
'In •ildcB timea the armies were
representatives have reeently been reman hed lo battir In dense mansra. Ihe
celvine l>l* baleh.* of reoduli-ns and j
Grecian phalanx *enerally havin* two
prtltlons In favor ot the patn*e of the
lines of ten ranks each and Ihe Homan
anll-sealpcrs' IBl
Th'es- come from
leelnti havin* as many as sixteen ranks.
the order of rallniad i.inductors and
"As iBHiIrmenis of war were Im
their friends. Recently the malls were
proved the number of ranks wsi *radburdened with ictltfons from hundreds
ually reduced
TwWundred years a*o
of pood men opposlnc th» pss-aee of
this Mil Po, either way our-pulilh- men
than three ranks
Nap<ileon's tines
vote they are bound to m^e enemies
never contained more than dw-u ranks,
on this bill.
and the battlea In the future will be
PlelRhlna must hsve lieen Rood refnuKhl
with the one-rank system.
s placed li
renttyln the vlrinliy ct Muskepon and
These chi
Bear 'lAke. and the folks must have
mand of thr Army of the Mlaslaslppi
been havin* a nice, neirhboriy time of
Sept. Ik. sccordln* to an a*reemenl be,
: army iirRBnlxsHon.
It. Witit the .thermometer alantlniT
txrevn General Rosecrana and Grant, an
wards xer-> one w-ouM IM
-Six {hfantry soldh
thornD*h1y en*a*ement was be*un at Jaclni.. with
■iMn* w-Bs whrk cn.iuBh.
use uf Ihr thr purpose of
my Rood preaeher friends have maiU- drilled snd sktlled in
General "Price,
festly'left off Boul savin* for a seasfn nvaJern Infantry w.-sron. ai
co‘ I
Dr. A- B- 6piaa^. of Detroit, alse
lodsment In luka; -Grant
clent In actual battle ae fifty
and *onc to runmn* the f.-deral suVproprletorofRwiatySAnitariam.il
operate ihrouata sonte caui
ernmrnt between hllxxtrds
eo^to your town, whera le will
hot fleht. which resuiiro
tre Instrurllon and tmperfecl dia- | w
t'llltsesi the
remain for one day only to five th*
if the f'lnf.-dcratca
alck an opportunity to consult him
It ls evident from
flndln* that he could not unaided
'kincle Ol s of the superior field
u>t see him at his Sanitarium,
received by
Intly w
s which ws now have, m the hands cope sucv-aefully with the enemy, aft'
ich faith in the
The doctor baa ao much
'klllful men will di> more exrculinn bavin* fulHiwrd them (or twenty-ll’
n Ul lilted tui
experience be haa had in treatio*
prayer inectlnuf ha'»
n the ta-st 1 • iterj of six guns whuh miles be murped lo Corinth.
chronic diaease* that be will Five one
Mifffiln* iwtltlo
.her the haltle of
month's treatment and medicine free.
• Halsl. M. J tv Jones. J P ConOn the 4(b tbe ConfedCorinth begat
Bril. H. J- lA-l«hlon. rarrie l^thwell.
-wledpe and mechanical eraies
Laura V. Sanders. J.-ume N'orconk.
w ire
.n.e'Ms which must he The;
All that he asks In return is that
J-f.nle Severson, rhaf-s Ollr. and J.
.............. .............
force and alxty mllet with cavalry.
ercry patient willsute to their friends
- General Roaecran* then rv -establlshed
the resnita obtained by hi*, treatment.
anlnsi Hjtwrette laws. acalnsI ii-e r,:
<-|aicil<>n of hIs h-adquaners at Corinth, w here he
All form* of chronic diacAAcs and delliyvior In *overnmeni buildlner. aituitist
r.c lime of remiiJned until Oct. N. when, by an urformitir* treated.
No man in thli
stluli.-r> In the lyh-tricl of folumhia.
proper pro- d.-r ibiicd two dn>* earlier, hi- was
State baa had aoeh extended
extended rxpeand a*alnsi lots of oih>r thinss in the
n one will plai-cd In cnimand of the Army ofihe rienecin tha-treitment of CATARRH,
Tlrirlct Ilf roltimhln: (hln*v which ate
It la the unanlmoua trs- EVE. EAR. THROAT AND LUNQ
pi-ail.in hut Glut com|.» iilvely effl- Cumberland
dune at Bear Ijike and MuttkeRun tbe
i-e ohtilned ilmuny ..f *11 survlv.-rs ihai that army DISEASES a* tbe doctor. He (rrado-yi-ar around
Mr. Bishop haa filed all
. t*c.
ated 87 year* ago from Clcreland,
of these wllh the proper comnUtlee,
aim.- It>l*ht tw- said of all the Fed- Phioi waa IS yeara in ^neral prac
rend *n
and now ib« rexerend
I armies
One Item Is eBon*h It
wlille/to mak.
tice; after that Iccinred as Profewaor
e done I
*• the ceindltlon. The nurotor .if dr- of AnatoinT and Physiology in Detroit
••■r A s«ld>cr Is t>
wvsietTi arn-l.tsHomeopathic
alone Homeopathic--------------------------vA.xr- This was thi
Medical Coilcfre
for S
•. If Ihs)
cipts iha> prvvAllsd
. C.wo at the cioee ..f that year.
.ye*ra; wasSTeara Superintendent of
ine- aid )
1. .1*0 the *eu. rat testlmon) that .
and VpailantT Samtariuma.
„„ Inrv of our cogfitry.
Ume, Ibi- federal *ovt-rnmer-t <
r was or- ;
t.enrral ruwex-rans oeemed
experience, combined with many
al'in* somehow
risiple who
id a thrill of fresh ener*y ihr..ui!h•Iyears' study in the best hospitals in
panlx-d and prr.x "
I arti1vr)v
mmand. Advance was soon
Tv-i, .xnd r,K Irfi
c ortlllery
*1 tbe country, and examining and treatind the halUe of Murfreesliuru’ Ing tboaunda of chronic cases, has
*. iH iij* more ihan
than oti.-iMrd of tbe army.
the commandlD* (ereral tl
•Ided for
,On AiTlI 3i, 1T». the law pr..vlded
[ prepared him to enre when the generi
natl.ii. fur n time. The
m artlllervmen or.d SU infai itmpen
practitioner fails.
' ilt H:
Have yon been kick
r aervlo*
for yeara?
Are you diaconraged?
mlltnn h*yatr
end.-d G,-ru ral Rueecrai..- chance
honors of war. In 1W« he was mualerad
_ _
—• qve can cure you or
If we cannot
pruvldlii* f.ir A
yon what relief
I Osr araetosSA'--)
on the treasury has b.-eif\p1*eon-h<-le.
signed with tic army In 1S«7. In I5C4-9 , ^
"Rr the acts of 1M» and Ifo: thr iaThis Is not a conrt yeor'foF-Wto whlc
i, 'su reduced (hat onr-JiaK
■ faniry
dip Into Ihe li.n-uiy
'n.e wAler hs
In IWC he was elected U. con- absolutely frge-medicinea. aurgical
of the army was composed of artUiery. Mexico
been somewhat of a pension craik hlff
[ In Ume of war It would now take about Rreea fr-m < *llf..rnla and re-elected in ; operation*, and the benefit of ail onr
oeR. but fifteen years of exTrHeiK
N.OOO artillerymen to defend our sea1..^..
mJ who a.. .— r--* c
, coasts
Tlie lufantry Is not a 'matter pointed bin. r.-elsier nf the tr.ssury,
/ of concern to uw We hsve throughout and that office ne held till hl|i death.
L rf ditorxln
pension MI1In reiiL-i.,n Gen*v.l Roaeerans xl.s a *{ electricity............. ................................. .................
..................... I.. m nslon r,n. and ^^LraGi"*'
dex-out Roman cathr.iic; tn politic* an
xMnt. in Pacalyaia, Loaaof Power,
ten. (rfthourands..f und. «.rv-ln, m«
unwaverhy: nrrn.<rai.
IRheumatiam. and all diieaae* of the
Wiityr wniw tneusanos
B aged buieber. l
Ord acainsi
about a wamlo* he bad received from
representatives of tbe unMHm. 1
Three «f them, he said, called at bla j
room a few Bicbla as.. an4 demanded I
a private audience with him. which h. !
refused to yrwnt, and belnr afraid of |
them would not open the door. Thee '
then told h:m that If he teattfled In the
boycott esses be would do so at the
peril of bis Ufe.
\i-uuams was w> armld for kls Ul. that
refused to appear before the examjujg, Knowlea. pf the United
^.^urt. had threatened
d to pui
hjm for contempt. After
r bad n
hi* testimony retrardlnj;
methods adopted by lb
acBlnst the Chinese the oio man. ex.
I dalmed eameslly and dramatically; "1
Rapublk sctty Got
expect to be killed, and If I am mur
A nepwblMwii aiy Oawvenim lo sUr* la
MBlsaiios esadWase. f.< City ofltoss. sad to dfl^ for alvlnfl my evident* JudRi
.raasart eueb aibrr business as may pssaeely Knowies will be to Hsme for It.** TIm
MtoS toluiw.lv will to told SI Bsslatoiyw proceedlnc asalnst tbe |at>>r unlof
Urwad.os tWesdsT eTewIcs. Maerb U. MB,>t
? Jvo-rloek Wan Ku. I wUl to esUltod mb) boycott Is beina carried on by repre.
dels atos; Ward ND.riuS; Ward Ks X toW: aenUtlresPf the
Wi^ K^l to IX; Ward Ks. t to l«. TtPtoLta
r w hich c
sok- purpose of en*a*lD* lo aciual bat
tle, and It «a a ne*lect w hich aeema to
me almoKt criminal, fur congress .10
hesitate In enactin* laws which will
hate the effect to *1ve the lirive men
wh<i are to lt*ht our battles, the *reatesi jiosiilhle efftctency and the certainty
that their fOursEi^ and saerlflce will to
rewarded wllh the best possible te-
lovcBtwaUoa of Um Cbineec
boycott iBlunrdoa caae yceteriay be*
KaseM Owl by lbs -kU.*
Eon Wayne, ind.. March lt-8efoiw
Merwm ■ the Pott Wayne Athletic club last nlfht
ffbsss Wbs Maks t> Iba
hM tbs KMM "Kid" McCoy Viip' ked out Jim Bales, of
Wba Owes Tbsir Utm
HsIdM n-r- Chlcaflo. in one round Bates Just taated
IClBbl 14«s-Awo(bse O
minutes and thirty aeconda. and
aba BUes St lbs PwlrWl Wbs Usa Itesi
was put out wuh.a left band swtnff-uu ;
■to Awry and Aaawsesd to Uto bw
tbe Jsw.
: ~.~ir^.rr~.
"V rb- VbiMIMs A—rets.
Los Anaeles. Cal, March U. — Tbi
Sparta Oa .Mwsrh l£.~1svlab Thomas
friends of Cmetal Uoaecrana who bav<
(coloredl was hiAWed h -e yesterday.
been almi'ly.walt.ns for the end. saw I
The drop fell at IS; M. l>emth was Incom. to him yeaierday, ,u^y «d
.was hangwl
** ,
peacefully a. a babe falUnx. a. eep Bu ,h, ootragla* of a netTo cirL
death war not tbe roault oT any dooiaae
More than a hundred yeara aflo, when , frem (his.city on a ranch be owned, and
Nat^ilton Bonaparte wa, a major of bla family waa present at tbe bedside
-tlllery. he declined the position of | when It oceurica....................................
-Icsdler Ri-neral of Infantry because I ncluus for some
! Ufure t
atlsinmen^tbs Artlltory 0«eer.
Uon of our
afttiy the pn>|>ortluB of our artillery tar
exceed the iroiK.nion today.
fason of that was. that all realli.d
»•*' »he mlllliA of the country Were
what waa neteasary «t
the infantry aiin: but they alao realised
’hat It
many- years to make an
art'lleo- officer. What was true then
Is douUy and irehly true now. In the
last twenty years tbe arUllery arm of
serrli.e In all cuuniriea has become
1 today
thr quallflcaijur.s neceaaary tor noncommlBslontsI uDlcecs la aucb.Abat It
la very difficult to secure mea who can
pr. i-rly mi those posUiona It needs
a corps of men who are really expert
The first military text
book >.n artillery that I ever read was
by -Til' ux. a Preni h w.*rh In the nmeh
languAiP. The first paracraph aays:
' Th- science of orllllcry consists In
the construction, preservation and use
uf sit machines used In war.'
-] quote this entirely from memory.nt
V have not seen the book'for forty
years. The purpose of orKanltsUon Is
to so armn*c indlvldi
*f\vn number of men
possible In battle.
What Armtow Apr For.
• raradci and matters of ceremo
are sll very well and «re pleasinr
1^ for tlie
spectators, but srmies are
Whaa Wa Am Iba Laadh« IWa«Aa a< «a4.
aea OHUaailaaf
fft. pbdL lUreh It.—A Buna, MoaL.
apoclal to Tbe Pluacrr Prcaa aays: Dor-
;rhry2^7T^m.i;Vf'r".rnd“^^^ *«•
family of tbe second wife of
Jacob H.xiser ao that the descendanu
of the fr-t wife would be helra to tbe
ADES, , Hooaer eatata___________________
ter will make a ,rcat aecnury of war ;
J^e deiallcd and other u.eCul
Be baa reaUaed the aliuatlon .from tbe a„t, i» i^rformed ty them. K brin«
ffrai. and haa made prcparatlona for uj, ii*., m.. point of the Ifoporlance.of
tbe conflict
Uuiinc bla protracted 111 I prompt action on tbe part of
Bern be kept tn cunetant cumm'unlca-| to notlrmlcr (he army
Uon with hta dciartmcnt. Ever alnce,
"Everr member of tbia houat
the LaiilemUp Maine waa -Bci^dentai-Mhat in the prewent mndition
ly" derlrxyed In ibr hari«r ol Havana.! nor artillery arm* that corp. haa bewhere a reinl.
-But, If one .Insle
Oa* tiaat.ama maa aw 0» Im.
Lanca«»t. ■WW., March
IB (be Hoaaar ptdaoolna caae came Into ,
ccart reetCrday afimtoen and f*fMWU41
aner dcltbcratinv about |
four bour^ The taat poll atood '
0 nor conrlct
abd Botlcr Hooaer. —
f* ph
tin l«
O; fcJKSfSii
KD-Apitoeto work for board wWle
rwiBcatrade.toayraBclady Bos
Tra>R BALk-Mva'.wl
D wenb raepea-er w
..Jastorle.Hto OlMtlaaastl. Oraod Bap
1. »: win l;
s la part pa
TTT4MTBt>-A«oci4 «lrl for prawwl baeto
W work; a»«i. pood sora. riel Etoulrw
aij IT Water . forwIlsresiore.orH* Haahtoploo rirevt lse-11
■rTTANTED-A cowpHetH
<oy - ..
W 0.00 ood wllr to do oork
Aod tsrto bou** Mar tlfowia ItHtsUv ot TrwTvfMCuyotH T> Caraptol I »T-a.
lINJond IXbOp
SllI or^ld
WWSid llko
" to
tojt^ foMI«! ibot
in vocuB
- oil roaS
I oomo Monm.
BATion. ^
Oo^M'iet'!!--- CisaTaMa............. Arr
Utokaraa............. Lto
^Iri^L^a............ "
Satoto^OrrastM'- "
^JAPtE^WOt^toc •*!* Traeeeto CXiy Low-
SeLISr::::::: SSS'Si'.::;:;:::"
Twts Nonssala-----"
Inquire ol C. C. Mann. Ua drayrann. ddk u____
D KVBABiste of xto OatrerwUyBowiri^ ^s
BsseA's Oeaalo*.. •*
TiaveraeBissel. .. “
aralUekviUc......... “
Tioiatra Otj.......Air
. UqwirvoC Oral
L008 WAMTHD-OaU os e
awl sklariSB.
__________ _________________________
11. GinlJelt till Eu; tb Jnikr.
AM HUAI. xRsrnra*'
OU0B«o A Vortb MiOhigaH BbUFMd Oompaay.
oooro ooerm.
Emife Zofa^nd Mis Liferafure—A
Crificaf Esfimafe by Rauf
tCeprrtgM. IM.)
nun, March l^Th« creal rraneb
RohUe Is folldWlBS “Paris." tbs lauat
VradoetloB of Emile Sola, as It appears
day by day In the momlhy paper. And
the laborthc man reads It as esyeriy as
does the man of le|^ra It haa bten
trraaUted and soon will be Id tbe bands
1 MTvatloB w« mji •«• that tba modarB
, world—onr modem world of France
more rartlcularlr—li marrhlnit. vcpaded
by tu own Impulse, toward a democrat.
Ic form of ezlsletire.
. The onylnsUiy of H. Zola's work con.
stsu |n this-that be was the first l
percelve.anJ to disclose the element <
which li
. platu ItaeW. Tb» cr«tor at -Roufon"
| «ai the flm author to see and ac‘eept this new ecBdlllon. of society In all
‘ that ronstltules lu chanar from a f»r.
mer character—the displacement .if the
ormtiised mnss and Its subsUtnilun by
a iDiustivt
self siwcrtlnx crowds of pe<ip1e and
on—of tbe power o
■ It with an Interest as de^ as rreater part of hU reett.
Os moreerlUcal Inspection with which laommolr," which markr his entrance I deplore this violent and Irresisilbls
It la atadted by the pomiclan and the I aa a master, we shall see that the hero ' pulsion of the democracy—and for my
poet. TOs same Interest bss met each of Zola's romance Is not like ih* hero psrt I wilt avow here that every fiber
of Zola's works as they bare appeared of other yreat writers, the hero In of my betnx proclaims lu alleirisnee to
•t sbon IntervaU durlhc tbe past » "Pete Oortot" or "Rouye et Nolr." such tbe old' conservstive forms and uaases.
yean, and this Interest explains the or such an Indtridual; but It Is many, and 1 will add that I believe with a
tact that throuxbout a lony atrucxle ^ tbe rreal whole, a vast anonymous ' profound faith In the superiorly ofollthe entice hare not been disarmed by , activity upon whieb each Inteyral part ' xarrhies—whatever our prejudices may
the writer, whose enersy. unwearied by depends, in "Germinal" it ts a mine be. we must admtl that ihc democratic
Bueceas. pom out as from a well- < with all Its lif^ m the "Bete Homalne" | Impulsion is In pmxress. and that la
_ . It
. -baa secured i palmer. i
la ' < 'i a railroad..........................
dellheatioas of reality— allty
II Us srees- , Zols
the deep, true meanltix of '
e eyokinx
Dames" It it a great store. U oraciv of visions.'
Zola's Imaclosuve work U a
this fear
force, the active movei
2e*^SJT •* " “
echf-me. In insplrlnx flood Ude. aa
Coreas combined. This f
'Debacle." that formidable and In the strength of ^ genius to tbe pbemonster. It It a modem airoy. nomenon which he sees before bi"^
"Lourdfs" and la "Rome" and ao-|
• »s
electrical Infiuenf* Which It sj
When once this Idea is admitted,
and aa active In New Tork and
when we recoxalu the fact that la tbs
Petcraburx aa it U In Rome or li
llu. Theac two forces actinx I
wtitlDifs of Zola are democracy and eelsnea. bet ui see bow they antmatc that
work from the bcxlnnlux to the end.
shapins tbe dlverxlnx Unei traced
tbrouchoui the- prodigious variety of
subjects of which hU
and let u» note the place to which thej
aselxn him In the talstoiT Of 0<
rary lllersiure.
Fyst this wo^ Is damoen
this tora I do not mesa that It
ealopa or sustains the theses familiar to
the party bcartnE that name, and rlxht
here I must observe that Zola, who has
been UBlustly accused of speculatlnx la
d the vices of bU fel*
I ewerved fipm a
• i work be haa
direct t
maintained the couraxeoue liberty of
his oboerraUOB. and turn
about be has dlapleased all pertiea
r (conception) of demoe.
looks upon tbe world and what men
en call
n a point of view w-lMh
xtves him a peculiar ritlon of humai
life. Try to didne for your own uiie.
faction tbe meanlnx of tbe tcrme'''arle.
rscracy" and "democracy."
." aad
a ' yiinwiu
find that the first means1 s
a uhlfonnlv
mstoms workk
of habita mannara and ensti___
-lax torciber Ir a routine, tbe result
Which It a Meet! aniDber of superior la.
Tbe term "denoeracy" means a uni.
Cormlty of combined effort bavlax for
lu aim the xrwatest xmx* tor tbe xnau
•St number, an amelloratleR of tbe xeaeral condition, tendlnx to Ibe culture
and reftnement of tbe xreatsst possible
auBlber of collected tndlvldiials. Taktax this for a rramlse. let us say that
Oig ni
« of an arlstoetkCT
ls the
B It. the supmrn^ of tbM^
■ of destinies oocBpIsd la xaMala.
a tbe dcslxnauon of a x
F wt)SM enjoymeat aad'ti^ an^d
dtt-tatodennjtely disiatsxiaiad per.
t tbs aid •( a VMF
blmsHf t
task of -tediMii
-tediMlBC to a
s this mlchty artist to the exf his work which
comprises the Ind^tdusl ansDwIs. The
ebaracten la his oovela boldly ouiUned,
Ih ln* snd full of mosement. are never this work of Zola. bold.
chiseled, never shaded, beyond e cer Jrecause of Us boldness and lU truth
tain point. Each takes hla place 111^11^ tlAalthful-ts animated by this otbe.forte of our epoch., faith In seienee. In
It Is the mill of the artist So reproduce— this' our day we arc berlnatnc to dr.
s place where eaah one la well seen, but comsCrlbe the domain
where BO one Is sallently conspicuous: mental method, and we
such a place as Is held by .the opposlny to rain from It what a Renan . .
faces In a crowd. The result of this i Talhe expected when Renan wrote
method la that H. Zola has set on foot ‘X'AvenIr dc la Science" and when
Innumerable creatures, but he has nev Trine wrote that chapter In "Uteraiure
er brought bis cspertmental knowledye Anrialse" where
of a riven passluo or a riven mania to
"Science advan.
snd draws near to
of a
, the human sduI
rie one of the strooc types of men thsi
he has sketched. Take, for example.
icee modera day*, raBartm Hulol. Julian Hotel or Homals.
resolvlax tbe impor
PalDtlnr his pictures at the Interer tant problems of tbe morsl world bj
rather than the Interrant parts, almlnr analysis as beyond all reason. Boch a
to show his hsroes In active partlclps- ' hope animated the writings of Rensa
' and of Tnlne. but were Tains to sp
1 amonx us'at this Dour he would bssl.
tories and see It aa U grows. Bnis bx
UUIe. manlfestlnx lu cxIsUncc in «tery endurinx work of time. It is shows
io, the Hoquesit but Shallow Imaglna.
Uon of (maleaubrtand. this Lujagsg
splinter of anatomy, tbe dry, aspire
character Adolphe.'which It Is very poo.
elble tbe author of -X-luneralre" would
net deign to read. Today ~L.‘IUBsralr^
ie only a macniacent Uterary rula,
while Adolphe Is alive, vtrtle es If h*
deled from ymterday. elmply becansn
be Is true to life, true with tbs' precis*
cxacUtude of the monoxTUpfa of a phyM.
elan. Following immediately afur tlm
epoch when romanticism weavra faw
jrythlnx. the ramsnees of Baltac aad of Stendahl. with
all the portraiture of Salnte-Beuve. ap
peared. Bow these names raaound tnm
St this hour of the century! They seem
to belong to our oa-n nelxbbora. And
wlten we reed the "Cemedle Humalns^
and "Rouge et Nolr" and tbe 'XnndU'
we are moved by an emotion not archwologlcal or artlSdal. but actual and
The romances of M. B^e Zola sprlw
from this new Mrth. which TUna «•fined with marvelous tnterpewtatlaa
when he celled literature llvlax
The anthor «f "Ronxon.HaeqMit*
quesllofishly true and the bypolbcms
logicsl. When the hour of Justlra Bound*
for tbe Indefatigable speeiaHst Zola,
the world will recocDlse tbe mlxbty la
bor of preliminary documentation whieh
-e shell^ clearly that the ooaletemloh^ the writer has b*«i
to establish throughout Prance, as tar
searrhlBg and as: Impartial aa he eaa
iimkc It. an Inq^t which is to aeC
furtb the Boclal problem In its true
pect and to throw a clear light upon ItX
real condlllona
When the hour of jostSce souada n*
one will dispdte the right of tbe author
to paint truth in its naked reality, and
this right It the Hgbl of every .painter
of sociology end. to spesk with mot*
simplicity, of every historian.
It the ardor of conviction, tbe cottrare of bit own rule of conduct the uncompromislBg character and a* doetzin*
which cannot irim or relax In eubtarfuge—If these are tbe high profeMteahl
qualllUe of the literary artist It must
be'eoAfessed that at the present boor
H. Zola Is one of the figure* In which
these strong virtues ere undeniably evldent In all their strength; Every atom
of hli work Is Impregnated with tbe IntsUectuai loyalty WMcb tn ttseU bMds
the energy end the rlrllUy of precept,
and this le why. not long sine
prot.tested, armed by right against ths
. mice of tbr critics wbo ^tber 'fccm
shallow mlscoDceptloa of
lly by means of eome of tbs profound
aeecsslllcs whicb render every
sclentloiia axacUtude—before
mors or lem aaaloxous to every
pidpe in his wrlUnx*
ment that “rtnue and vice bre prod^
It U hli uarcmlulnx practice n
uctt. like vitriol and like sugar"—a ' Biaks a study of chsracter. but t
of words. If 1 must aay It.
bare t
Btraed. for tn the plnd of <
character. Read axaln in -Germinal-' master they meant nothing more
tbe story of the elrtke. In the "Debacle" lem than tbis-tbat vlnne and vice
the account of the bstUe of Bedan. and psychological condltluna lost as vlliiol
ask yuuraelf if such effeeu could bs and sugar are chemical oonditlona liui
produced In any way other than by a If we have discerned that there Is In
resolute saertflee of aU that U payebo- the BouL as there Is 1b nature, a nescio
him of diffusing InanoraUty by hi* Im
loxtcally picturesque. We have eeen
mense labor. Jt may be that In th*
often at the theater the extreme mod'- that caniK be reduced o
panorama of our democracy be doM
flcatloo brouxht about by the maeslng
not see all things with a clear vistom
of ei>evlator«. Ther* are there per'
LM>0 soul* Who have, as units, mpt.__ sclenee as IrreponcUsble—the first re- aad the freedom of his eoloring is well
aad distinct tuna of mind, with differ- , veals to us a hat the otbercannot reach— calculated to offend certain senslWUencca. Jt may be, ahMlutely antsxo
Ve have twt denied that which was the Ues. but I defy the unprejudiced raad■ wbo traverses tbe field of "Rougoa
tie. Suddenly all these dlffereacra ... firm, strong, valid part of tbe credo of
forxotua. the various minds unite la our great eldrrs—that part which
dlvidnal effort counts, but It eouats as wotks of this artlBt tbs master place a c(»nmoB emotion, and Jbe maay Inda- Stands
the Intimate and profound credo beginning to the en i -u refuse ts salat*
U beid not by the Indivtdnal belax. but pendent beiBCS tremble together as If
Be a-ork of Zola—faith In the one- In ths creator of them vast mow
by a betnx eo complex as to be amor- ' imsted by one greet epiHt. This al- iM«s of the true, the eoneicUon that the mencs a great aad honest maa of Isgsimply by reason of ________________
s relation to tha
op mlraculoiis accord of broad, bu- only element of salvation far men ts tbr lera and ths moat nobnet talsat «d om
sum total. Zola's books insplra with
lavarlsbiy ranilu fruiu knowledge
tbs msgte compreheeslon of tbs sxan appeal te s< ne vsry simple but very
and we xrasp tbe aim, and we nnderatand for wbat i
divocted from hW
d character—I had tire the make up of ths romance
. A Long Lite loMired.
molded In hU haads In such a n
than obey a radical principle, and to
you rai
realise that the dlspla
dlapuu with him as to tbe limit he bae
hy. named m th«r him tor slxpene*. tb* great tmkaewa,
IS ideal
set for his line of artistic conduct U to turn reaitstie. nstnraUsUe, i
barliig oak gave him a i*im«
po«W to those of whicb be U r~Ii ill
ng with a Uagh. "Mlad now. sig,
D*t«naiaed to show tbe msaees of bstsaetapalatwo
FOB 0we me a-stspeBoe." "Oedt. wm»
tbe people In aetlsa. tbe author of
•aeugh." said 'the baggar. "aad M
"OssmlaaT bss bstt obOxed to aiqdy
giaat pM lu* un 1 gar F««r .
; 'V '• V.it5 . ’ -.n-r-v^'^ . 'r-i'-i'.
Tg» Witnaa mmom. maiAx, tumm u, mm
wbeia ptOTidhe UA aatta
■be wb» ^ • AoU. h-y «». BA»in»>»*«r«i«'—n»l
threap tlM Blind, and thla ^glwyy
AO«o.U>‘lnD.wop_^lb. »w.
tAAi «.« M
«om« be^aeemtd akealitatioe of oar Bigwig
nnnold worn expectadona TdU. broad and
“It’* a pecAUar boilntM. Toong felI"
tOoffrncut. u«. bir th. AMhcr.Inet to tall in bntUe nraall; thiew himwir from the lop of a oliff to gain ad- bavjr nav7 revolver. Hi* lo« hair, nn- aolnicmi
oplnioni abont
abont it
it Some allow* It'* ai
m*7 Ja^eaa; lame allow* it’* a roogb I
M)d miliuB. ••thif 1« tb« mltuo^o to Valhalla. , The plearant ex- kempt, tmt oiled,
- a greaij drele MajJm^eaa;
hi. .ho.U.r,. Ul. unnacii. tain«.i ra. ... Ii'. . .»! h«ln>:'
thing 1 tnke to.
M. b's Is- periimccvf tbw wbjUmd fallen and eeoap^ alive may Bhve
Khve bad aumething to mu^che. drlppiug with wet. complete- other* mv* U'* mv and fwilvo. Soma
taialng nil the tinm. I nek In oewnni oaped
hi. mootb. T------------Hi* cnaome
ot wuuutse
bovT *r“gu
into it™
- coa^led
. . ...
T —
M OllW
tt toniBlng nU day tiU Tn tight, wd do wlU) the prmedoe and belief—DetwU 1?
Kree Frem.
fringed boclcddn wa>
othem w«*der bow I'll fxt oor of it
B 1 inotloe Itnll the v nlog. And
even for oor froatier enmp; bnt kbet u; , p^yu, bndnem: it', a pcaoafsl
•B(oroanl*-:-weU. nonetlnMe I do boy
. Aat- Bst £lSOnr«wdoMB't ^cend
wa* that be wa» eridently in the habll 1 ““ * * pecnliar ,bnrinfwi a bsiinem
te in rent cIum nnd vtetwU. not le
of making an linpre«i<«i. and afur n !****«« «< i» l<*8« to ma thoogh 1
tfjkk ct diwingi and Unt. and pioklnR
di.(iiK-t {wnwattbedoarwarwithmilg am t got no patent trem Waabingtem
•Boonla in the Un« dam' there U jnet
a aide glance at n» be atrode toward the I
«“7 own. " He
BiMiBt M«xdangaiBoldierlng.lgQe«."
roee and nid; “liel'a meander over I
“Sea here.*' aald the captain, “1
"Aitbmodon'taeemtobe no hatol'“d‘^»»«*«»thatfaBp^enbin.nnd
ihink I oonld get om the gcn-esiKir to
weaurememUTverroiatinctlgBah benabonia 1 reckon I kin pot np my « Hm isita me, why. I...................
dochle TOnr sUmeanoe. I'TebeespcMty
gw-a advent in Battleasako^ Camp. It; muitang bare and have a abakedown xlng for her on tboepot
light CB him Utrl7, and be tblnka me a
111 pick np wibln in the way
little man. UI du, wUl jon leave vraadnring the rainy aoaaoo—a aeaaon nmitmlMm behind that oouator.*' be
aingolarly indooive to aetUed Nileclive I aaid Hia voioe aeemed to have added to
hlankt-tt trem the grooety
• «ff pigging np here and lire deoeni?”
impremiona a* we mt and amokod . it* uatoral depth the hoarmoeaa of fm. i «nd if Ibar a a ooracr whar 1 kin atand
BUliam aeiaed bii hand.
th. «or, 1. Mo.hr'.
St««T. «»">' .".""ihlhlh
“Ton are a good chap anre,''he mid.
f ^
--'n't gotnobonktoaparr. yon US ““J?
»*>y. *mkll tbar!
.-“TtT it on the dad. Herb. 1 ooold get Uke older and more clvillaed oocimn
xw?“ adicd Moebj- evasively, '
'»•»* ‘»w
>«««• "•
proper coabinna for Uw Umu then, an
Percy Brigs*, wlthont look- »«*““h‘'d whiu Urigg. nwe and not on^anUng taUc. and perhapi 1 might
l.v aix-umiatuivd the (inieter looking
Bven-afford to hire a ;wd."
Brigg. alw;' it wa. hi. affair alicraU— "raug.-r U> the .-mpty cabin, bnt aaewt
The captain leaped (ran hi* nda and n*. and uwe had jnat paawd throngba
he had taigiaatod-this oppoaitiuu. To " him in nitsmumng with the owow
began to pace . p and down in hia pj- foitniglit of diiaipaticn and extrava
onr «in»ri» be mid uothing.
J'"" •
• wvnjnnc.v. Ncvwthe•iu«gance owing to a viait from aonie gam—
etrauger 'leaned' 'heavily
.. the IvMi wc I'iigt rly aaunilcd Brigg* on hi*
“Of all the fool* God ever Biade. Bil- Um and aperalatora. we were now nnn-inni to
f<g mine explmmii.m-rf
explanaiitiu of ihi. *iaooouier. "Iwa. .piakin'to yon." lie r*-mni
Bam, yon are the moat oonfonndcdl dergoitig a aovere mcnl revnlaion. partmid
•»- ■ttiturte toward (be
Why is creation didn't
't yoa aettle down ' jj. Uidoced by n-dnoed flnauna and pan- ly aRvuling (he jffom.un with a tap of -tniuito. He coolly n-mlndid n.. hownnd he a ^mJiwrparacm
m if yon wan'trd to : jy by the arrival of
„ two
familiee with hi^r.•volverl.uttootbebar.
“Yondtai’t •’•f-ihatwhile hii.iliuK-utiun of exclndi^IVYolvrrl•ottvathebar. “Yond<
do aU tbla kind of thingf It make* me [ grown np daogbtera-on the bill ..
eiu to catch on “
|waa raining, with oooailanal warm
mited feebly and again cast''
/ BUliam looked at him awbUe a* if bnntha throogh the open window
mjd^ng'sUnwaT Brigw
“• the RrangiT i sentiment*.
^ to onoe be wonld ^ to expluin,
expluin. bnt!
bat! tbe
the eonthweet tradec.
tradea redolent of the:
the : greater astcmlKbrnen't Brigs* mid quiet- vrbich were evidi-utly in aotiml with
task made him mtnmhdqitcokaf thewoo^andepring-'I Iv. "WbT d.m'l Ton answer tbe etran i
»l<h.^h Mr. Bnlger'e
tnn away sadly. 'Nobody
ing gramea. which perbape'wm «ligbt- ger. Mciy? '
»" imvutrtent with them
BDderatand. He moat jnsl go on and « ly iuooosi.tent with tbohot (tovearonnd
Yc*. yi-e. •• aeid Moeby enevdy. to I
«• xd'Hiwial »a«n why
tfU they pnt him in n Innacic aiylnm. which we bad omigregated. Bnt tbe
newenner. while m angry flush ■.nbRitnte a mild firmnam
“See hero." be Mid. "bettor pnt
Rove wa* only an excoie for oor litond hia cheek as be rccogniaBd the f<» that violnxw which we aU depcMBtyonr rlothea Herbert. Yon'11 be *nr« to
: warmth and
ed. bet wbii-h might attend his abrupt
Batch oold. prkDcing about there in you idlenna went weU together, nnd it
I dismiBl We were all mtufled exc^
Bi^l tbinga and ybn don’t look prvt- curently accepted that we had oangfal
I Moxby, who had not yet recovovd from
^.“beadded. looking at him critically. from the particnlai reptile wbo gave it*
Briggs' diange of femt. whidi be was
“Bnt why wonldn't yon be a paraon. name to onr camp modi of it* pathetic,
Iplvand to call "ouwfUhiog." "Seem
BUliam? That beata me dead. Yon'te lifelong nwreh for warmth and lu hab
ed to me his aoeonnt of hi. bnsineai was
foat tbe sort of soft chap ton parnm." it* of iudoli«t haaking in it. A few of
very mtixtartcry. Sorter flllln tbe bill
“S»SI"mid BUliam. "Who era- na «UI went throngb the affectatian of
all ronud—no mistake Char." besngheard of a paraon JoR for splicing np attempting to dry onr damp dotbea by
grsted with a miliriuns Inmy. "lUke
«o^ and cau and things? There's tbe atove and Rnllng onr wet boou
a man that * ontspnkei
anongh of the other kind to go round agaiMt it, bnt a* tbe mme indiridnal*
"1 onderstand him very weU," add
■uBly. And there's only lae df BUliam calmly permitted tbe rain to drive is
Brigg. quietly.
to this sort of parsutiiug."
npon them throngb the cqmi window
Is coimie you did.
Only wbMi
"Vtdl Billiam." add CUptalnOrml- wlthont moving and aeMned to take inyon're aetUed in you mind whether be'
thsniile a little later, "!' am off up to flotle delight In tbe nmoont of Ream
wa* deacribm hum. Realin or Wact dielosm. This is aU very well for a ni^t, they genented. even that pretense drop
tribntiug oiebbiiyus’ll let me know."
feat a UtUe mere of it would kill ma 1 ped.- Crouln* bimndf, with hi. Uil in a
It wunld ■«m. however, that Briggs
Aeclate 1 Riall «nell dc^ and chloraty mnddy ditch and tbe «nn striking cold
did not iuu.'rrogate tbe Rraoger a^in
toamontb. Here's somc.sin*sra for fire fr^ bis slit eyes as be basked bis
regarding it. nor did we. who were,
pon, Billiam. It's all 1 can .para "
bend on a warm Rime beaido it, could
"/1*0* speakfa Co ptra." he
quite oaiii-nt to tove'matters in hi.
“Thank you," mid BiUUm. pockft- not have typified ns better.
position in which Brigg* bad plaeed hands iln.-ugfa ebaf Hr. Bulger moTwd
teg tbs note* without demu. "1 may
too^, U- Wlow .bo
I f,, u„
J -s.”'o
and a bnA-en down
•OtneufUie i«n»«* y.t. BillUm-'
."Ifll bcwbi-n IVter'. not Ic.Aing i
-tten." mid BiUiam. Riaklng hi. bead. :
“bnt If tluy do nick me at the gate.
Why. I guc^ tberv'U always be pleniy
fra: 'ar-'-
.«1 „„ 0... Al II!
cirvuiL 1 declurv I
,n»t .fdk when thiwe two MnUin ^”^ whisky then,
girj/t„,^,.etuiuakeaRiort«-ut throogh ;
“in. camp Darned if thev didn’t turn '
d™**”!* “
r..tmd mid uke to th- s^oid* and the
| ssriias rra'a i
• aid Ilf a let^uld boxes from
I tbe gn«erv w hich be qoicklv estenpo'
' I and chain, and tbe
■m>r n<vvf«aty cooking
1 made hiiUMilf at home.
Tbe rewt of the c^mp
made a |»iDl of liwving llM-ir
(hedilidiv* w-bi'Devcr Ibi-y ccnid
waited until bi» w.rk
»*•'' »»'“« ‘b
..f miirfyiug a
landiiiAbo aerionaly istof Uk- a snotlrr urrvoln wavin hi. fln. i *
and layin. ‘This way.
'i;: aa..,.™,..
“ '“’''‘y
sn.-v, t<.
Hc M> tned to l« either fixing np
__ cabin or .niukuig in hu durway.
On the ...xaid d«v be cbedad (bU
itineraui i-nrioaity l.y taking the lai-u
tiacive biuu.W and qttielJy snUking'
from claiui lo claim and fr.un ohin to
cnbis with a pm ific. but by uo means a
mtisfyiug. iDtcr-Kt. Tbe lihadow of hi.
uU figure nuryiug bis iu» parwhle gad,
wbioh ttod not yet appansitly "Ruud
in the Wo-per." falling npai an exenvsimI Iwik fauidc the deli
elving I
Unk l
..—liieiifliilies'Hat Stoss
in Lbct sod Batton, VesUBgTopB. Hame in
Missee’. in Heel and Spring' HmL Sim* in
Heel (or ladiw who wear small niTfti- l,
and 2. Ton or Blach.......... .....................................
Gent’s Pine and Heary Work SboM.
Style, Wear and Price Gaarantoed.
! about CL0THIN6| I
I Men's
i Spring Pants-
New and ap*toKlate sfylcs, choice materials,
that are correctly cut and trimmed.
We’ve already received many of our new
Men’s. Suits
for Bpring wear,
And more are 9omiDg in nearly every day.
stores will be able
^HfLDREN’8 WUl the boys be fitted but early?
Vn/LOTHING— Might as wdt please them by
tiflg their outfits now. It’ll cost you but little, at the
low prices we make, aod yon have the Sfvittg styles
here to pick from. Come iu anyway.
Dependable Qualities )
'Satisfactory Prices ’
; Always
swept the drop, of whisky lr.au bi* long
hi. finger* and gbmord
aroDud oor gropp. "I're got MUDc bustnvOT> oreral Bil^rood (ouDearvR towu).
to Ray at it ain't tuy
night afen Ur io damv'The Gncn
Con lUooe"^tW ■HUwaiba,' with Ryle."
"What’* tbe matter with Bigwroodr’
fealbm io niy hair and a led blanket
my sbooldm ro
too festive, too
■r potato patch in order that it might and
w of fiUBDce. But 1 will only in - •inctw* afid ttultiniT ' 1 didn't ^ rougb. Thar's too much yellin ““
Aiento a mode of k«v]ijng the wasto18
cud Ri^ and gay gumbulion coal^n^xj
feook. wbteb include all kinds of ml- accomnaMimeut obUI lao’doc*
at nieh
could not expUio. A,few characteriRle
gar matter and puleniioal divisiim*. con- over at the cn»an m> Chat tbev mixbt i
y«H* of boiR.»wu. biUrity from ChtOr
•t IsM thsB «<«t Ufa
pennlskoo* aoakm at the hu nuontide gathering under a cottonwood
Bseuively trom-ribed. jnR as they oc- dnwm of their banov cbildbo^ hiwti , *"
cu in the emm- of rvodiug. Tlw pruc- It seem, to me tbsTil wasn’t me did it '
^ jingam*. ^bat 1 want i. a som«.bow own-d when Mr. Bulgw wa*
am of keeping U simply ihu: 'ihe ex- lm^themr«l^l^lSL-S^
-PP«Rching. and his
toed are at • m-(ud of the hook and tbe ' hav?the impreMto^l it waul m2!"
b.-twm prippin caMal liuppuiK before a p<A«r party m
Index at Uh-.uhi-r. F>r t-xample. I make i Pr«u the sileoee that foUowed fhU
crtkAui « hi* ib,- guU-h actually caotod ooe of the
this entry,Auui-isdead and the'would swni to have been cleuly tbe *,*’**^rL*vr^
moR trckliw. gamhlcr* to weakly recede
from "a blafl and aUow bis adv-------w,wp tJ
U„ W, that IV
pe- Tbece was u
to that of the
culiar Rgniflcmce
Be the cwmp bef<«e i
an*, my. 440t. in the tndvx 1 uiter | ^ attain fair. What jre
o Ruwly:
Tfaeir curiiauty t
«nd«r the letter A. 'Anne. Vtieen. her elcu up and cbcuia^ deeeal immi- WRR on
"When 1__struck
Aeaita indubitable.' with the number grattou and gH rid of gamUin'i and
, this here camp a nin- _ geiM-ral fueling of repalsicn ke;C
that thu diiob within U«d. partly by the absewce ,f
4405, and under tbe l«u-rH and with bUtbenJtile. that ate maiin ihU here
toe same number (4-105] 1 write.'Hoi- ounp Un-ir ha|>py buutin ground. We mtniKleriii peaeefnl like through the anr oven a«t freau Bulger and panlvIoA p_;.
Ih^ oodmlslily taken by tbe Dutch.' " ; duo'i want anv more peruishoo* abootoffice
W. H. wight do U'tu-r than fedlow | {q. tVe don't want any mere finHi.
toi* rather lahuriunsmeUeid by keeping ; the town r«L We dca't want any mote smoke JuR a-cnrlin over the cbuuhly of exoceti
a very suall mdux bcuk .cparatolr and , swaggeria galloots ndin up lo (hi. gtv- that log sbamj and the hreah juR set ,
fliv tu and a-amuldirin lo that potato |
BOmberuig tbe folio* unly of hi* catling , c»-ry and-rmptyin their rx tboutoe
___ ' the-wir *■
patch with a kind of old time stiagui'
• •
' afire tbeyiMsht.
Itwf of each book Ba-1 pua itoiTio it
v and wlthont
no»e and a few wianeon's remarks upon
your hone
-iseeeto. 4 few more left,
Oao W. Barr.
hook ».
I have beard
ward that Mr. Sala pnt his . p, no credit
buUyin ns—ibey'U
ns—ibey'U Uave.
eatting. aod1 jrUably notes of his own [ u we're only firm. If* aU akng of oU
fa a book and mdoxed
ihRu. a plan I d__d fool good nature. Tbeyseeit
totok much infrrtcr lo thu foUowing
at.mo& thoy’il ktop it ap w
IW each up to about the mme Mae or long a* the whitoy'a fxen What we
fasto on paper «f about tbe mme *!» if want to do is, wbm tbe aoxt i
tottU. indurw the sobjvou aed keep
Tba Popular Shoe House
toam in alpliabeiical trder «
Jf there aiv two subycta, ofi
ofTreTatse Oitp. *
akk ben-mlngWt vrito toe paff oltdatoB
aoftM* rtferwioe. You have no troql
air toroogfa toe window.
fapaMiag into a book, mr naud yoqgmt
"Looks as if we might bar a toow
«R it tbe cutting is requlrud (or any even now." aaid Jim Bollia*. mov^
yaijQM,—Hotee and (foenea.
his feet from tbe store as we all fa- That’s the way you can get the new books ia
sttootively faced toward tbe window.
our store. Holley makes a specialty of this. Here
"1 recfccB Ton*n ia with M in this,
'WBto'l toe fall 1 iiund(d.’’«ud Mosby." Mid Briggi, taming* toward
are some of the new ones that came m this week.
Pat, deMribing his aeoMtion io faUing tbe pn^riutor of tbe grocery, wbo bad
“A DaMort DnuBU,” A. Conan DoyW.
troM a acaflold. "Begurra, 1 could have been Imning Uatltoaly Bgaintt tbe wall
-lilil MoLmo.^ Owen Wieter.
tone <n tiavalin that way furever. It btoind his bar.
.-was the stop at fae ind that inouaven-The Bed Bri^ Beighborbood.”
"Arter the maa's bada fair toow,"
•aid MoRiy caotioasly. He d-|re(»ttd
PboLThis seen* to be toe axpstence tf the pnvaiiiag oemditkm «f thmgi. bat
'^Btbetoae PipplBS,** Maxwell Gray.
■any who have ben
it wa. Mill aa open qaesticn wbetbM
*<l>oroaqr DreyooU'e Tomorrow”
a height While falUng they «
the families would prove a* valaabU
TUginia F. IWaaend.
aoioasof noFaiB,ao«i
dastouers a* hi* jrcaeBC cUenta "£vBeatrice Whitby.
•tythiag ia moderatjea. gentUanear'
”Looldawar," & R. Crockett.
Ifee.aMBd <f gaUopfag hoot* mm*
C la the eoft Mto cd
I feil^hwar. aaiU the aaMM ridv
letnrdM Tom RolUni
Fine Shoes
Going at
. During This Week Only.
i R’s a neasura
To Read New Books
list IS SOM astInyrftWDfilie'pilter's kaids.
Tm Ktttl. or saniae Dlah.
Price from 60 Cento Up. CaU and See Them.
M^featae toe doer. TbMewMno
» mat Stnet.
X. B. HOUUT. Minii m
■ ji:-' B^-i'. ■■*
’ V ,”-:V
ram Mowraio tmoovo, •vksat. kasoh ii, us*.
• pctM el Ibiw far »b* bM ttofiw ««rk.
SeibBM ttlbe. K«a M. PnbvMWk bw
oao*.«ad«beMB< M l»dUBwM«leb »bU «m «m (be
S UMoiMlmtran Ibe
br leaking nnkled i»- U la luedaot <lark rad wood. It «ifa fae«,
anlnai «ba ■Mnatful oendhlataa, «Ub a bead e loriMa to diaM«. aad
€t lodim WhQ
- __
emolanS* opportunity to
Wall Paper.
M tba fiB for admit-
natnitofaigMed to atosalaeWtog
tba Rear grete ct oottoa gooda to MibJust SooRiTod, at
cbeafar tcBtoad rccrnltj a ootoUnUlaa
a nailra of t’cno^laeola eod mraandabl^ etui to iDocaed lagmilfj-liiC.
tnaad npoa tbe profit' earatog tsiadlj
.. bMUMaet
nma at ewa/rratu too lodga
%Slfad^ wHb tbe a K.
" 8. to tUriDcuir
Ml U
« tbaa double (be ombd
«g eaeb ftim. Tbe capital repmaatod ta
e^afaetMtoBaepoUatolBM. Atoi. Jabn-1 "
Iowa naoda l
flO.000.000. Tbla new aUiasoa bai
been auda to laalitate tbe esMoakfa of
The ncBlv uAelal bioDelalfa
tradeto tbelr prodacuaa well aafor tba
toaala to Fabruarr. laW.
batter overaxutoc td foreiga cenpetiMARKHAM BLOCK
' l-ba blodrro noudmaedf An
ellra for one T*wr. but It tuuat
luaka miMbrnMn bpoe tba buttData of law with aeouiA. tied. 8ir WiUian Boolaworth, neaeoauouuoA
- «w»b an baod lu m Jabuar7 eod Febrti- ber of parliament for tba nertoweat diTi.
oaa r.ik-.- ow «
'« '•>>■ TiMcn of Mancbeater. one tbe IwdFolka- borne locelod at Ph1tai!<!i.hl«. It
tog CDttOD qjlnoeri of that dt^,
aopiairted aixl nianarrd bj ao awuelalloD
to“™»ee >aU been electid chainnan of tbe nrw allla< IW lodw. aiKl rt.eet..pio«nl. rrph* »t- *»“
anew. Tbia iodicatea that tbe BriiUb
togaiiM-iiiUT>blpof to.»W. It baa (M tottoa OlBl.t rrcAbtly ?6 OOW
center for Ibe prodoction o( tbe ttoeat
taoTcraU UeUllUoaol '
Biaira and baa
eotten talirka baa diacurerad that tbe
I Tbr llUtioUOild F«4lowt'Orpbaiu' borea
tine baa «mue for rnatnal oo-opecatioo
eeaialDa lit toniebia. and tbv n-r< Ina of a
and tocctnatof tbeir tottbraKlan have not bats (aqaired ttaka winWTe have just received an elegant line of Carpe^
Un tbit clan of g<axta tbe Dtogley .which for desi^ and value are tbe b^t ever shown in tUft I While the benedclary fiwtnieol tbe or- i
'bill carrlef dntira baaed on tbe oonbn, vicinity. We invite your inspection.
Notwithstanding the fact that the prices of carpets
\ tratenai nde.
, rooatrcl a proiectlte tariff for Ameiicaa | of Ibreada to tbe aqoaiv tacb. ootmung I
_ tbe eiiniDg
___ _____
todna^ra before
tariff _
advanced, we still offer them at the same
! Seetba
I tog the , KBA Lonai LToa Aometoa
er be talWo. aaal.t bin to rlac.
aeRtWrad bee chapter aa worthy reatwn
Where a few I of tbe Dingky bill, fron wbicb wae
(1 and atag- conecitd in I h8T an aggregate of |ll,184.764.84. Inrge infpunen of Nine
Tbatodlotlooawrd tb.tl8M.rlU bea
> then idla an ffcio^ ny that Ibe
rtbr wtRio ' Ai ' banoer year to Odd Krllinrrislp Cao yoo
then are of tbe
aaetidenea s* iba aaters
which Mr.
Hra Ij »«o».
-«»awTin-aw«««u.—-..u, r... 1^.
--■■•----- --r
.. to
a Ban ber that an nut
J^oaon la held it la ootrd that mwly er. I Tbe memlienhlp of tbr order to Rhode
O':** ™
<a alike.
ec7 chapter to HloMana baaalaetad her I Itlai
uaniUnde of toe pantry iod«^ «b« maBnfngttwa o< cotton not apeM ebaptara of tba Order of j le tba Rabekah kdga to be the leatHitg ^ to OM eootiOT doea xM «rU« one cially prorided for a doi.r of 48 pn
Star to CoRDrctlratwitbalbrBDrbatibeorderMf thepnseoticroweh Iron reading an anay
** if cent
aalaran ia collected.
^Ip of t,M8b a gain of ITS tale coDilDuea. It will not be maor yeara . doea from a walk tfarooah ini leaae' piubea. adlreto. Tclrttema and other
ton year
that warerooma and dermting departmoDta fine fabrica nada of cotton, if not
We handle those popular world famed brands, the
Onrlsktoeltytnnof aone of Ufa boge poroelato faetonea weeebad. dyad, colored, antoed. paint- Standard Hartford 2 pl}r All Wool Ingr^, and tbe Lowell
, Tana lodge ig Urodford haa i
of tbe boay town «ff Ran Uraipoid.
* printed, nsat pay ft o«U per
ablpuf Mtaadaaaau anotioUi
It will pay you to see our qualities and compare
•‘Wberedoe. it all go tof U a qaeadon I
yard and *4 P« o«R adaaloran.
In Mkhlgaa three an 14.W7 nenbera
that natarally ariaea And yet It baa I
tboaa that are bleached, dyed, both in prices and quality before purchasing.
of tba order to 174 cBaptan. Botgatoian
been going te yean poet and will ba dejorwi,1, -eta. nnai pay
still take the les
lead in every other department.
ymt 1.817
going for yeara to oenta—not only tbe aqnaiv yard and *8 per cant ad aalorm
Nebtaefca nade a Bet gato of *48 Int
pUto and tMefnl crockery needed by and coitinga from tbeae in any fom Be your own judge.
paar; pmmt meiuharablp 4.44» tnWebaptbe “plato people.' ■
Yours Kespectfully,
that tuaka Ibent tpacial artietaa of nereate and highly fln
BOH pay aa extra 10 per ea
royalty ia tbia land of natty ktoga
m. and to na caae eball any
It ic enfotce noblbltloii The black
Tba Tan quantity naonfaMBred and tba anicin named to ihii pnragr^
. 47S per cent ad
tmm tMTuterm 4if ib#
wbo ^ Fc))ow«b1p. DOT
foUov tb
I Carpets! Carpets! Carpets!
per yard, Tip.
Traverse City, Mich,
'( anica under
aaprrme juriedIctloD id duHng that yaar
gained an adtantage ore; both Ohio and
PennaylraoU TbelcMUben ukeoebe baa
maintained nteb aofaaequent year, grad
ually Inertaatog tbedWanoe. and now baa
a meistn-nblpof lI.£Tu InexocaBof any
-other auta to tbe aupreme Unt.
It’t a remarkable fact that tbe yeara of
' igbito tbe
period to tbe blatory of tbe onh
All Maooabeealgna are good, bntoneef
tbelJ(«t)u>t now rrlclent to Ohio la tbe
UMitaally large oambn of oalla forpabUc mmloga Tbe mrrtlnga brid dortoK
tbe winter tbua tar hare averaged tba
loigeataodiuuatrnibuaiaAle to tbabialory of tbe great camp
IlllDola baa made a grand atrtda dortog
ISftT. having loeteaaed from ll.lM manben at tbe cloaa of 1806 to II.S89wt tbe
eloeeor 1887 Tbla^waa net gatoof
i rial of cbirf value Umat pay 60 per btol
' ad vjiurvBi
Cotloo atockinga. boar aod half boae
made on ktuning maebtoaa or trainw
itobdtn U a naval aovalty. 8ba U rimplr deaignMi to ran a bnle to
abip She tom feat long, baa a apeed of 16 knot, and ia procrewd
ntdanuor.'^ Her bowii a great ram of ataaL bheenriaa SO oO«m
____ eoan nnr.
wbnlly or in |un by kuiiiiig naebinea,
incJo'iiDg tbia.*- c-niuiuercialJy knows ai
aeamIv'M, if Talmxl at a^ more ihmn ||
a duxen (nir, rhall pay 60 mnu a dozen
and 15 per cent ad val-irem; thoao coat
ing fMnt |I to fl.6i> rbal] pay tbeaamt
ad_ vakm-Ri and 60 cruta a dozen: tbuee
crwtiDg Ss a iluzpn, 70 centa: tboie coat
ing *8, ftJ. t‘0; tbuee comiig Id. SS a
doleo, aixl all'af blgber vaJi 9 66 per
c«ni ad valurem. All ibeae diff.
rauw riv[cirl- QiDcb carefol examinatioB
the api'iaiaenf' office* tu preveDt any
blondm from being made.
^ , figtuaa ab(>« Ibat tbe Dtogley
•“* nado smiile pr-miioB for tba
irutecUm of Amaricaa contm manafac-
aoJtr to oor own and fvelgn Uwu u tn«
mpfopiv niatmaL
« g»ln of 88
• richt to Iv nm-lmd czrrtil fur
ai^ ainw five twcM ahead Ugiuboldt
vif tbecroft (mm
teni. Cblmgo. reeordad a gain of ftu. and '
dirvful n-ult.
scrcpitofi men unOrfaDt. UomelltvlUo. OBCofftA
wonhyef ila,unlr fraternity. —KryatoiM
TbeBnttbrvedvfrMaaotitaltM all of tbe
ibe ftwlemliy
Lrrre fur tba onirr oevot dUplaoea lave
BBd reviwTicv lor tbr rburrh Tbr two
lletlODa working nmfar i
lence and twaatv of tbe prodact Tbe
Vinton behold ponerie. u. the right of!
There 'ja tbnvfore,
no ,iL___
good _
nger delaying tbe KS
ffoer woven and
aod fcn
Mriee before and behind, huge glowing
iodrkltna and anmke belcfaing nbiiuneyi ev
pendent of ttw
milla. in m
ery wbore. He riionld have a pair of :
._u,. u,,,,
ditlcn that no grentDottery tows abonld’“ entenog into eoanpeCi,V
t tioo with tbem to fotvign iinrkota.
toitv faetwau! AnotbvrbBDqfltofthi.wUelyderfaad
adue aon of anbtle afltoi
ind and it fa cutloo icbednle ia that It giv« to tbe
a eff Bonme aa
“‘H* “ opj-irtunlly to aolve
tbe pr,d>lem wbicb tbe great growth of
Tbe latKcet lodge: ^ell aa here.
eppr.wrh to tbe ft
plan. 6.W7
o It la takeh foto ronaidlee of Kolgfaui Uverponl badarderaainuiiKtiog tofSS,
There ele live n
wbitea tbe
erwtIoD that tbe
I 000 ouGlled at tbe and of leal y«nr, and Bontb can give ita poor w
Temiilare In Florida
perienoe aud
lUd (kill needed for wt
tbe original,
1. or faieL
fall |dBD outnunibef 1 I An oflleur of a chapwr. iwviua eew-veeu - --— ----- ------------ w
,------- —
1« tboae adopting tbe new, tbe coiop
I eod two loaulled A hla office, oanout re-' fort to cleau np before tbe new ecaUe of Snr guud., while it will cmiinoe
la all the more atrlklng. and abowa that
ulaaa aoiil
rw year ciwiniiaKvd.
Y ..
Jhe I •J*"’ dorti'f tbr perkri for which be Waa , wagea and uew
there tuon la.- aotne „
dcmMd. for doneeuo
■imitor mtb la trll in all otherr pot **"-7
claaelDi'd (ilau to ouiumend It -tu popular I alcotad.—lie
ocavoDiptioa sad f«- expert to tbe new
Tbe grand maauir of North Carolina da- lerica. It
pleannt to kotiw that
fa^aa tba above ayoupala verlflaa.—Pnr
Iduw, having
Qctylm, ahapeo, markvU opeeing «p in Africa and eln. (orfolta ml]
decoratloDi and b^v i»
It la
opoo tbe order fur
I .tot U. kK« ,p »tb tt. p.«. UCUto.
O “1 .“P'. .»«■
A ledge meyMrr.toC IU.U—.to.
E,i-U.top...l l.tomi„l, =«nto>pp-™-;ikik,«™-to«popp
bmbrr* Ii. tUiab-iiua. tiy wbKb Unj wUI eept lu meder.
a tbe
aeeatdiiig grade, <
to Imp. . : offacta tbe claim of overptudociioa'^ and
otber M^le aSeMo.—Grand Maaier of to
ba creeled into a l.i] a] ji
tna gained by a Img ou'
aa eivilintiiiuadvao'-ea even borbariana
There are 6.A«
A kUaonIc obllgoUce takon by a party down the Wilaou-liunuan tariff hilL riiaocTer, at did Adam, that they nn«
IT. V. in Indiana.
Mambrra to good aundtog ollaMift- «ader ao aMumwl name la aa binding and £an Liverpool *4, tbe day a
aq»n him aa If token to bta proper ni
porV 818.8V6
tba Ute«t oottoo mlUa to *
be coning wb^tbfaB Dgammaybe ' One of ^
-toOnnd Uaater of Alafatma.
Tbareepondbillty of each mamber andor
Ctooditiona aro
tauvoperoilcti to the motb U tbe Indian
8be relief Uw (adopted IMOj i. UiDllad 10
tt^ld i. oor field. Th^
' '
Wa tBsnot too atrongly a
__________ ___ A — rm__
rtKlowmentfank to tba breth. Q of (ha
Bio, ,!«, Ufa ' eatabiubed oa a brood
“no only apook to doll tbe Inater of
bivtoao" ia tBe nanoer
Wbicb tba eotu* troobto to^Kew
„ ^^.CBglaDd to eharacterixed by DaaN rm
owhojvtow- 1“
direottm more
ora tba ii
rale, and toe eotmuy. aa a whole aa
abown in all Itoea of trade, oonmera
CntMerO. Caae baa baUtoa peaUfan of and .toda*try. waa Bam ao aalfonnly
keeper of tecotoa and aeal tor tbe trogieruu aa now. to time tba Kew
and nnhaatbar ON poaladthay cannot graod
dumalD of Oonoactlotit tot toe paoa » Sogland eoOao eonpUcotioa will week
itaelf oot. Abont toe time wbon tin
toot down oanaed by tbe itrika ba* al
lowed toe nilla to work off tbeir overPan Grand Regaot Dockacy of Kortb
prodneriOB of manBfoetnrtd Kocka toe
Carvdlna b -now comfort^ toataUad to
iScciadtiy toaoUnaa •ptodlea ^ looa&f wiU whirl and fann
toe office of United biataa nartoal for toe
Mgl^ an! there ariU bo hot ao noeb aa
aoBan dlMdct of tba old noHh «
Tba year U9?(daanontoaS«a
Utah grand lodge pnaed a rtoolntfan a ringla upodk «n tba todutttol boctooi
of KnoxvIUa wtto a cnaUMd Ml
forbidding naanhn eatertog any aoaa- cdlSftft.
btoatloa for toaeleetloo orappototmast of
fiieat itanet la apparaat to <
—bna » offioa In tba grand lodge
TToobia' between the Uaater Palntara*
rooklyn. wbara tM *‘lk
and the Pototcra and Decofag"ritMlfaohto(i
nton' UBlcab efiCWcaco. to tl
Tbaftm-aad ntanddvonaf MaaM banan tba faewr wO an atom a acala
nerit.bava ban conbtoad tofa tna. oa^- glvtag tba patoMM Jnt eaata m bon
1MK0W «■» tkiaa fiMM. facdtiffli^lba bflar Monfe 1. im
obeoM eoBtlin then ogaloat maktoB ex-; >!to Iv^y^Tfa**
agprated atgfamenta oonoemlng tbe order
tr^ington baa a ne
-ndtompaUbato to Kick rine to the facte
tract <ff 600
by Uordova dttoena
optB at toe oogtoe room door, giving
than foal for tbair fleam engine at leaa
toon 40 oaata a too. .Tbto mill haa 86,
000 rpiudlea and 1.000 looma and will
eooanme 10.000 balea aonoally. Tba
ante baa glran tte company exemptioB
from toxto for atom of yrara It ia ob
toe mala lino (tf tba Sontoern and Kanna City and toe UempbUond Bimtogbam nilrcnto. Tbe wl^ite n
1. docile andeBdiirtog, ftnvUli toe labor. They ore per
fectly mtlafled with on sverega <d 60
oenuaday, and cbanfolly workfran 10
to SO per cent mhrebonra than
;Und oparaiivaa.
will coaUQl tbe market for toe caaran
and cboapar gradea of oottoa thtoioa
Kaw EogloBd'a Decaniiy to. toat<ffar^
W oppegtanity. Tba UrgoK asd bad
onrkat to toe wcrld for tba finer and
BHM varied qnalUiaacd ootton toxtUaa
ta right bar
bat* M bona. Ibto to Saw
If You
Have Not
Already decided upon your wheel for this.'
season, let us show yon the
The Columbia'frame, whether chain or chainless,
!is made of fire per cenL uickel steel tnbing, (tbe
[only bicycle in which nickel steel is used.) The
[Hartford frame of carbon steeL If the ^lumbia
jis not the most satisfactory wheel to bnyr why is
jit that
man or woman who has owned a Col*
imbia, in ibe majority of cases, vis seldom quite'
atisfied with any otber wheel? When you nave
jinvested tbe first price in one of these peerl^
[wheels, you need not be put to farther ezprase.
lYour wheel will not be in the repair shop every
[few weeks, because it is made to stand all IHnde
jof use. Tbe cbaioless can be used in all kinds of
[weather. For durability, for fhinpictmess in de*.
[tail, they are Excelled by none. Every bicycle is
fitted with the New Departnre b|ake.
lEteTTT eui'bejT
That no one can buy a Columbia or Hartfoltl
cheaper than yon, aud when you are the owner of
one, you will oot wish you bad bought some other
125 Front Sl
Jas. G. Johnson.
TvraT-oix le
I Will Have ft Garioad Fine Horses
4 to 7 Years Old
WaigiB I200» I6N.
Fine Stock!* Low Prices!
Sec them ht Cntler’s Bsm, Satoi^y, Mnreh 19th.
-rr-' -■■•,
- ■■
- ;- --Tr^r-
VBM MOSVXVO uooao. 8raX>&T, VAXOH SB, 180B.
AbJaaawd^-VaM-waawyH^ .
ni Mroll adon tW TlUan MM*.
Bow aU ibi drh «1U
oa Ml
nw ]»l«lw id« flE M «^p)gitTe !• a
VMaklad av tea baoia ara aad low.
nbrtatiM.wbkdi it eapablafE loMu.
taatow iwrotwHioB !■ a aoafload apaoa
B«v aU tba alrla *1U dlaroni^tT*'
-"AOtH-aVaDten UBanaafr”
«D wfaieb DO air i( adalttad. AlUioagb
1S« tra taniDE ia frariT oaed In apaaiclag of poMaa« tt ia UtOa na
that the rartooi axplodvM bar
ast tataa ot ocnboatioD, esUUInc tbn
Ob that paittonlar maming I vaa :
to ba Mnad ailbar alow bamlag cr
RiAok bania^ or ■WtaoaUiic. at tbr
caaaBayba Aa-taraa o«r aasata ata tha day before I bad beaiB a yoong and
abU to tafom at, all aaploairta ara in- darning woniaB acranpanying benelf
io,aod a vooia aean ai tboBEh
of romanna Id wbkb daring tbe laat
irote tbe bmirrflira of tbe> eong ijngwj
a literal Inttani of ttne.
At a Battar dt foot, howerar, than V tbe beers of tbe roaea
And tbe garden In which 1 wet rralb-i
It a dlffarance in tbe rate of ooaabotdao
aStSa Afhlaa^tbBiaortipacCbtr
baa bm, at pat
oonMlra toaa, almoai pale la Ita tilampbantgxnoa It opa^ an£ rridenad. radiant at a otai, luntnoat and Hrlag. alnMot bomaD. iUu a rronan.
A tlgar paaaing that war lingered to
gaae OB it and wept tran tendaneoa
Then Bra lelt ocfeafitblng, aOrrad
within bar. She b«de^idad that
throngboDt all etemltr aha bad)a rlraL
fiaaociinl at tbe waa the naa waa not
laoa baontiRU. Perfoine ^ntt perfnjae. grace againat grace, to tbe end
of date their cbomM woald be pitted
againat one another and there would
be an endleat and onoeaalDg ttraggla
In vain impaatkwed poett of aU agea
woald try ip enttneiattio ntadrigala to
- their
• • mlatreaMt
prore to
tbe del*
defeat of
the eorereign ilower. Ere bad«o illn.
aioiM on tbe eobjeoL Tbe nee rronid
alwoya dely her. and u womao't eCern*J botailiauon the would be conpored
I What You Pay
For A Bicycle Is Important,
3ut what kind of a bicycle you j^t for your money is
ten times more important
A aadneaa, of ~
wbieb yoa can farta no
which it tafflclem to diride explcadret
mttj inxmmittm
are dattniated and tboee which are quick
banting and alcw bnraing.
eipioeiTea are tboee in which tbe « i
Sd^e 2
mooooaiy cw
Wild or oTcrgrowa
{in the limpid aueaina, wboee clear walu Ouwer beda, where bine, red and Ic^ uolirtMd t>cr bright Ituage. Tbe
*«»* ranged with at *»an». wbua- «
morb prccUiou as
a ttili n*
epeatid o
“ tbe
»*« Si
S< r;
»«* «ipa and ed bera.
Saxony rtmtm.nM
ttatoi'Uet mi a wbatnot of a but Ere no longer watched them.
proTlocial bocaewife: tbe sand of IU
AU nigbt tbe dreamed bitterly of bet
te n.^ m
; of a dret, tbat ba. hot t«a and«l. . her rosy Anger tlpt
Dnnti ^ tor nte in irOe. or artUlery. |
mnbition of a !
So great wai her deepair that at latl
I rory plraunt idral-EUi ideal in perfect •!»*• rtwilred to dettrey the m*e tbat
from detonating explodree. the canibniI tartp. w itboDt riolcuce or exaggeratioa; had dared qaeotioD ber title to inmin*
' tioo takee place npem the larfaoc of the
beaotr Alat. tbe Icncw only
oolld particlna compoting tbe powder,
( ro to fnniiab water color tnb^ecta
| too well that a d^ row did not mean
and an apiireciable period of time ii
A Jniy I .. ..............
___ _____
«raui7ot'rotes aliugeiher.
contnmed in their emnbottioa At tbe
threw into tbe garden all tbe infinite They wonlil bloom again .-reiy irniBg.
momesc tix- powder it Igviud tbe conthat a bunquet it rapable at btdfling.
I Utoe.
anming Hume atiacki tbe whole torface
A bottiyfly which was flattering lip* 1'
. -......
. of each grain, -wbeibcr tbe main meat '
aroaud like two flowa petals set fnw Bet at .least Ere would bare avenged
nrea a oabloal inch in bulk, at in tbe
tf tbe wind brntbed post my hand.
Arat intolL
powders of beery gont, ir wbetbi-r it be
tbongbt the woald tear ber
tbe BiM of a pinbead. at lu Iba cammon iMTing on it a l.lUe of itt fine, wbite' Am
I enemy to pieoro. trample it in tbe doit
black powder.
"B'bile batterfly," said 1, for tbo re-: among tbe stanea. then fling il to tbe
Tbe early black powder, tbongb it
membruDce of the eong led me into tnriooi wind at it paMd. She bi I on'ee
was not a detanating powder, wai
focb oonrerwiioa witb tbU delicte cen a ralinre aeiae a lark; ao would
famed with each rapidity that . .
winged ereatnte. “white hottarfly, do: *he bare liked to tear tbe roea
whole of it wat ooovened into gat behasten away, hot stay, ether, and | Howertr. abe betboagbt berself of
pjf Um HmU bad mated forward IS not
SetUedown OB tbU leaf—B flower woald oaother tortore. Sbe boilt npon tbe
taketoomoch of yoor attention—and sand a little pyieof driedgrameo. ligbtlistea to a question which 1 bare alit with a glowworm, and picking
ways wanted to oak you <» one of yopr *he rose tossed it into tbe fire. A shodkind."
dm pamed throogb its delicte petals.
Tbe butterfly poited himaei! on a ■*, with a low, plolntire muTBiar. it
leaf. "I am litteoing,-” aaid be. Par yielded op ali itt perfuma lit ebatm,
why abonU be not bare answered, lu rcy wbiteneM. itt life and incomtisce 1 bad epoben to biml
panble grace to tbs derouring flame.
“Friroloot lorer of rote and Hlic,"
At last notblngwc left on tbe dying
tnobea in tbe gnn. and tbe expandrb
Soree of tba gaa tbeo mrred to further
.aeosJarmte tbe abell daring it. trarel
• throagbtberemaiad^oftbebm«.Tbla
broogtai a Tory high initlah prewBia
npoa tbenng^ prrrented tbe nae of
nf5ei«Bt9 Urge charges of powder to
It was fonnd, taowmr, that by oom*
pressing tbe po^er into cakua Um total
a expoMd toibe flame « I redoead.
and faMoe tbe time cf coaibnatiao wai
prohmged. Tbe ruqilt wat that tbe
preonre waa ptodooed gradoaliy doting
the mirel of tbe rbell toward tbe moaale, tbe ptemare being tpread out, at it
armn. orer a larger area oT tbe bore.
She raaaltlng Telodty of tbe ebeUwnt
tbe mme. tbe diSeroioe in tbe acUmi ot
tbe powder beiog tbe mme at tbat be-
It la evident tbat aolid cyliodari of
powder would docreaae in area aa they
bVBcd. and there woold be a oorxnapCBding decrease in tbe amount of gat
given off. if, however, tbe fiylinder
bnmt np nn the inu-rtor by menni of
suitable perfentiooL tbe tuning area,
and tbervtoru the volome
dnoad. will iocreate. Tbe
oogtaving U from
greina were picked op in front of tbe
gnn after soBie expts-imeau in firing
powder from a gnu too imall (or tbe
grain of powder employed. Tbey iUuatntatbe action of tbe oombnatiostf
'' this' powder in tba gnn and demcnatrate
ttwt tbe powds is oootamed witb the
•ffaota claimed by Mr. Hndean Maxim.
U WiU to asan tbat two fclnda of perteadhab ara anployed. tboae in tbe
uyliDte to the xigbl being circoUr and
tboae of (to uppedm t^linder being
qudrUatenliaaaottaii, urltb*Two oidea
• adlal to.toaaaMataf toavUndoa. TSn
lataw tern wm
to r--------
lovrrd and all wat well. But tbat bat
lit latiwt czploila He
(oUet and ttarted for
» at be made bit apgreeted witn amllet
from arerybody wbq saw him. Be
walked down tbg stnet aod eonld not
imagine wbst made tbe pamereby smile
If You Have Logs to Sell.
OoiTMpood with the TnremrVt^ Lninber Company.
We hare for eale Good,
Sound Hemlock Luiriljer.
Short Klaple Wood.
be realised tbat be wat carrying aarpetbing In bit band. Be looked at it and
found tbat be bad carried tbe lighted
lamp tresD bia room and faad-wnlked
erveral blocka along tbe iste street
witb it in bit banA
Anoiber esae U cited conceTniBg tbe
me young man. J^t tbe cfBca where
be il employed be bat orcatioa to aumany calls at tbe lelepbcma. One
evening be waa reading a book in hit
tcoBi when an alarm clock rang in tbe
ad>oiDing imm. 'Tbe abaeotmioded
yonth got np aod oemmenaed to yaU
"Bellol Bellol" and when tbe oc«npant of the other room inquired at to
the caote of tbe yelling tbe young mao
said in a abeepitb manner. "Ob. 1
tbongbt il wat tbe lelepbcme bell ring
ing. "—PitUbnrg Chronicle-Telegmph.
HiU Machinery of aU daaeriptiana, including Two Eogtnea,
Ret Worfca, Carriagaa and Gawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
*alk I
bare learned nme tbingi in tbe
course of a long bntinem life and atiJJ
bare s great many others to learn.
Bnt tbe chief thing I bare learned
one nngget of
wisdom in three worda. Talk it
If tby bnnnem enemy offend
m’t tail bia
on tbe cheek. Take
him ^y;he
butloohole in a Wcndly
mannor and talk it orer.
jfiuo« (me tella you that Smith, down
tbe nrert. hat said or done aometbing
to yoor deulment. Perbtpt be bat. and
perbtpt be bat not If be bat. your beat
poliqy it to pierent bit repeating biirema^ or deed in tbe fotiun. If be baa
tgocety ix an unpao
liter of 1.080 tCBidltplaeauwt &ba not, yon don't want to do bim on injnaitfleia.
11.600 and hat a speed of- 11.6 knota' Sbe
nine 6 ineb rapid fli« tice. even in yoor own'miud.
Pot aa yoor bat. leave yoor temper
iller guna
at borne, go down ai-d make a fnendly
call Be neighborly. Jrank. open. Tell
bim tbe troib and ask bim for equal
Kine hundred and ninety1 bqcao. "wtataM eom« (bia delicate I embetr but a TlOle beapof WBlMf
powder yon acatler from your wingi oa —tbe otlira of tbe roe—and tbe wu,.- , nioe times out of a (bootand tbe wl
yt« fly frcBi fewer U> flower can yon' an. in whom savage inatincta were al** explained and strmigbtt< ll me? I am turo yon matt hate rog-1 ready rife, waa aatixfied.
reed out In flee minntea. and yon wiU
of tbe toikt to the
- ^ the- aria
if l«r-,
But U.C bonertliea in tbe garden of **« " l*raon.3 Wendt rather than at
fumer. for yoore are tbe only w
wings Eden w. re mad with-angnltb. for tlwy
both (reTbetter. yon will live tide
ibei acaRer whiteneaB like
. - a ,—
[ loved tbo roar DO baud by tbe woman.
Tbe boiterfly aaid. " 'Tit strange. ”| Never again, qoiveriisg witb pleature by tide in birmony; tbe earth will be
nafaineclearet, yoor
**® had nothing lodobeoot.de-1 and delight,’would tbqy aetUe on ita
aoendod to enllgbten n
lamannwc trembling ,rt,u. never egain bmsfa
afaoold learn many thingt
that are not. witb open wings tbe perfuned mytter- ,
fnendly aqwcL Don I get mad
by learned im of im bmrt.
^ mab to your desk and anntf a eoorebIn-beoka and not known
men if
we chatted more freqoreUy
wWhile the fatal act wat being eom- ^
be • man and a Chiixtlan
tbe inacota of tbe woods and Selda
mined tbey flew wifdly roond the mer________
bnt Eve
did not
-“•«»»«• ,1 eilres
cileat Mereiionw.
When anbnm haired Eve wat boro at' rec them, ao eor:..
}y wat the
aba given
16. on age at which tbe women of our » brr rrveuitu. And now, aa obe walkWife—My father naed ) aay 1 wat
lime do
■ ■■ ioaig
«BOUg]^ ed off trinmpbant. they drew near to
in tbe miracnlooa Eden, teeming w itb gaxe npon ilio pale nmaina of tbeir be- tbe brightest jewel be poi
Hottond <grttwliagly>—Opal be most
life and yonth. sbe w« plunged -«t lo^fd lying on tbe littia heap of extinbare meant, for you're brought me
flrat into an ecstasy of Mmiration at gnixbed gra»«ca.
tbe eight of ao moeb magnificence, and: At least tix-y woald keep oa mneta trf bad lock eve since 1I're bad yon.—Fan.
We bm-re nloe Apples, OraogM and XseaoBB, alao.
Dried Aprloote, Feechee, Prtmai, Figs, D*Bte« and
j '
Vegetables, Cabbife, Baps Ilf Beets.
e that tbe initial'i
....... ..............legnne
Tbe ideal powd« would burn at tneb a
rate that aaiScient gat woald be gcB'
acted to maintain a oooiaaot meerac
behind the abtdl ttaroogboot tbe whole
length of iU Usrel throogb the gon.
At tbe oame time it abonid be oaiaDaed
at boeb a rate tbat no onburnt powder
abonid eempe witb tbe gatea
Tbe mnokeleai powderx, becnae of
tbe tmall qoantliy of solid prodocti cf
oombiittlanmid tbe grmt volome and
bigb tempecinre of tbe gawa. cabled
tbe anilientt to Koore relocltiee tar in
exoe« of those obtained by tbe tiae of
tbe old powdera. Uoroorm. BDokdaaB
powdWB lent Ibemteice to tbe fortnatioo of powder graim which woald Intore tbe rtay best control <d tbe ocanr bnttiaa of tbo powder. Wa prcaant
niaauutiaas of tbe............................
moUipetforated grains, wtaemby
homing area is regoUied ao that only a
desired iuiual {reaanre ii obttioed. sod
tbe puwdW il oonatnued with each Increare of burning attaint to maintain a
I When-3'DU
CT**-^®** know you get tbe verjr beat wheel made.
buy an
There is hardly a bicycle m town sold for $50
but what the factory that makes them makes a better wheel tbat sells for $60 or
r/5. Not so with the “Eagle,” They make the very best wheel they can make
” it for $50. Call in and get one of their catawith ten years' experience and sell
it's good
I l^ucs—it's
good* reading. And I have the “World;” the “White Flyer,” the
»teams," and afult line of cheap wheels.
’Phone 167.
Front Street.
Being nearly time to plant, we beg- to say
we have a full assortment of SEED—Tke
Xind that ffrotr.
: Bndle Boildioct
badgaoediD-.: twarm th-y flattered down npon the
totbvneBreKtttinngallcTt'atttrescibwd-' precioos rt-lira. anbetimeaaiBgly.eomeed aroond to do ber btmiage, and
! tlmea all togrtfaer, rdlting tberateares in
"Yca,"aM the pcditlclaa weartl
having seen ber own radiant reflectian i ihe atbet. enveloping tbamteivci in bar tare
bad a preuy bard Ume of It.”
■be ooncelved a profonnd feeling of] dniA
"Have yorf had much to dof"
And ever tioce that ttow tbe fine
w nk to *
•‘Na There wasn't anything tar
' Tbe splendid tights in tbe licn't white powder, eraitteTed from the wiagi *». 1 woe before an..................
xnane, lomlnoni in tbe nDtoine. could ot baitcrllice. is tbe aabea of tbe rata
not rival tbe tnwxiy brigbcneka of Eva's —From Ibr Pretteb for Sbcrt Stories,
aU the evening."—Was
long, floating locks.
Why abonid she bare been Jealona of
The Crerid BIrA.
tbe swan, since ber own throat and
ted. _
An enosiug caae of ■
“A Chicago paper
oRoa were made of living nowa or why
leMt tto bm fox.!«
experienced bfUT«onff*«H
of tbe great Tinea in tbo fenat, ber own alder tbe other evani _
embrace being for
lean trcacbcrons man la nraally of a bright nai
and more-an ect?
tall (rlendt bare toen ^j^asare pntoed. It wUl not ba nseea-,
Tbe oky, to iu deepeot, elearcM bine, ^ notioing that be does
peoulltr _
might have
Not iqng ago I
, boptd
- ,to rival her cyea bad thioga
I at a re- odre abont her' ^ can fnmkah ber
bud a eoflct and more enqub, oejitiau. and
d a few mlnni
mlnotca before oloa- - iaTa*'-~ClaretaBd Plain Dealer,
unre. ^
ling -time be wmt to tbe coat box and
fi^ the looked at all tbinga, and’ seonrad bit bat and coat Tton to walk«t wave rf pride came ovw her.
j ad up sUirs
tbe dancing floor and
pictol np anoibcr cost and walked
bone with it on blaArm. Arriving at
----- thereafter tor fsToriiewmnaafail borne, to found that to bod ow__________________
■RDtivto W^nadar aireeandjMB •MteBoBdiBOte O) Ua Atto Zto ■■ TownTopha.
I ‘Hicriand Rare
1 Were The Gems She Wore.”
And she secured them at Very Low Prices, because
p ^ E.ARL display^ a {large line of Elegant
Goods in all kindrof— f
F. .a.. BA.'RI.
Flrrt T€u—No. S88
Pither, wht^ la rare aad wboae far la
rety ralaahla. Thla will be moaoted
aad piaoad la the eaee with the othera
A larte lymx wUl alee aoao be added.
iVAVXASlM WZSk TO SKAn Mr. Plateker alee rcoelred fi^ Mexico OOTXBVOB pnroBsk.^rfiOT ap.
'“OU> OLOVT” WITH OUPB. a lire ^aolnea of the Olla moa
or what la eonneely hobwa aa a taudTmr»« A BBwzxB ao chbt 4o(. Aa ayly reptile abmt tea laebea DSOLABSa PASS STSifeK WOBST
loar aad whoee Mu to deadly poiaoa.
Thla apaciqeB oeeaoUh a ylaae eaee la
the dl^lay wladow of the realauaat. Be-wUI Zleeuad
Ballroada Xdet af
PlM7 VtMnaoM of KodfU «•
fji«ra IrotWnf AUartoeo to OooPnecaa Whom They Paror with
Oaacoaeo Koaday Vlchl
PTM Ttaaaponatioa aad tUj Saa
■■1 OoBonl LOo—If This Orioto ia
Meaday will iBaaynrauahe Bepobthe Oompaalea for Back
Poaood WUhootTfOBMo TIM7 VUl
Ileaa pelltieal eampalcn la Trarcree
Bereaae They Weald Hare l>e•at m«o47 to Btiiko Hox« If Wo
City. Oaeeeeee will be held la the
rired Had Mo Paaaea Bean lameA
Oo Vet VohOTO.
■ereral wards U elect delefaUe to the
P. W. Base topatUnraaew.pceMrl^
Uoa eoae and otherlnprorSneau la
hto aew dmr etoreaa Paloo atreet.
Bale of all popalarBboet Htwlc at
half price wUl be eontlhaed for thirty
dtya Toarer. W. W. Klnball Oo.', tU
Detroit, March I?.—Ooreraor Pia^rre
Madrid. Muck. It.—Vbo
Kik\ city ooareattea U be held ea Taeadey
'today MTO: ••Thcre^ooUU timo to pro- olfbv .The eoaraetiOG will BoeBlaate aaya he to aet only yoiay to denaed cf i
• k.. _I.-------- J- .t-. .L------- ^
pue far Mo-of-war. wd It i« perkapa caadldeUa for mayor, city clerto city —-------------------pciIWo to koy a few Tcaaete abroad, treasorsr. Jeatiee of the peace, two I Itot et the peraoDs to whom they baee
bat la aay «aab we hare 00*^0 Mfebaot menberh of the board of pablic wor>a been iMalBy peeaee. but he propoaee to
the roeda for beck taxea oa Ue
oMpe which eoald do a let of bana to aad InapecUreof elcctloa.
rrreace they would bere-derired bad
AsorteoB oowmerca. aad we eUU hare
they oot Iwerd the peure
tine to arraofe to carry Oo a priraieeriBf wu, fn^ which aa noeb raaowa
"The reilroad* pay taxes la the forn
nay aeonie ae frora the yaerilla war WUUe PHttbnrr Pooled tha Coroner!
‘ prreeaure On their receipu,” to
fare which raequlahed Napolem.”
••therefore erery
aad Sheriff and BMoaed
Befoeed l»
t, be
The Inparclal exhorta the fforeroSet Upon.
/bmmi to allow the preeeot eriaii to paaa
leirisr ewey a paaa lhay are Uklnr
**' {eway from ibe auic a-pertion of the
y orer aad to tarn the lime yai**^ ^
ir: "If oar flar roea I
epetody of the aheriff.
e that Urirhtfa'tly due iu Toat
rood ate.
iBU mourolar. let n» at leut be able '
to the lad who wu lodfed la |
on Ue part of the
to pnt eon. pleeea of errpe ea Ue J*« TbarwUy airht by Tr^t Officer |
o. the part of
... rna.,
u.. p.~pl.-t. rw. .. ,b.
W..!,... .^pirtnic*! . lri,kl ..i.h
The Bcreldo. aa
.bo.1 bl.|Tl„ r.llr„«!
,1,. ,u.
1 has- hiUerto thkb...a
n. d.i,a... oi u,.
had roreranenUl leaaiara, attacks Ue om.w»»pi». o.riw.11 Oi
—t .rf.1 tcui-. put» ua ..... tim. . ... na» i~.
mlntotry under the eapUoa. "No Bna- Willi. ..s«a
- _____
_ _________ ..._________ "'•‘••““jD.«.l.»0klp«PO..p.«h. U rot.
.SM .POP U,. rep.nl ppbllc ol
I*” B« otkImim m.blW i
k1i«.1 pllia... .1 18 nau.
p_r. .1 ik.L-.it.a »■.» r...™.!!!"” “
—>» a.l.» wu. Follpwl., w.
—pi “1 -P-I,
nau I— U. wUW.:
la rlriar oet a talxtore ef dull BiacoaoeptioM and falee bopea w# laauatly,
reios Ue peeple’e dtarnet aad dtoauy
‘Tbe UaiUd SutM reUe la Ue apaee
of a few hoars SSO.OOO.OUO. naklar no.
i«. i. ....... u. u,. .ut. ir.|p
I lai. »"W. "I.... ..«> p.a.r >h. p—
li"" |..» Lw. !• .»-rb to p.) lo. . .p.d.1
Bopal Vaigbbore* Aaaicataan
The Boyal NM(khora oMabr
Uelr Srel aaairertary Uat ereaiar by
ririaf a aappar for tho nemhers aad
tha Modera Woednea and theh- fanMica. After dolny jaatlee U aemal
wail Sited UW^ the ereaiar wae
epeatla rtoltiar aad bArlaf a royal
la a gri'Bt aaecess. Hundreds
bave^Mid tba^ ve have tbe
beat diapUy of
WhitB Goods,
haaeUoa that only reel aad quiet eoald
banish. He lay like one dead U the
world, and crea Ue moaBlar of Sheriff Seraral Warnbipa Briar Oottaa Into
Sinpeea'e ineritoble wladnlll had no
Firhtinr Shape
effedt upon hto ■lambora.
ever aoen in tba city.
Vallejo. Cel. Much ll.-KTeryUlnr
Aboot fire o'clock in Ue ereaiar Uei to basUa at Ue nary yards Haadrada
aheriff weal to the eell toeee tha boy. of worklarmao are briar
He fooDd him lylny pale and notion-_________________
aanal force to rash Us work of prvparIan. ae thoork he had at last foaad i joj Ue Ourl^ton, Hblladelpbia" Harv
• releaae from the pereuaPeasaeola and Adamt for aerrloe.
tiona of tmaal oficera. The sheriff Tbanday Ue coDktractiea departoeat j
wasplarmsd. He made a hasty ssam
a reqatoitleo for IM extra
iaatioa aad ooaeladed Uat Ue lad wai aad today ukad forSW mern. Klcht
ladaaddead. The kind-hearted official aad
>d day sskifu will be employed on Ue
At Uere area treat Baay food
-bi|»bed the tean frpm htoeyea, eloaed
and l*bUadelpbla.
UinyBleft aad Uenle is yrowUe cell doer eofily aad bastraed down
The yard to amply prepared to Inra
etairs to thatelephoaa. where he called ont fut wuk. The only troabla La aa
Int la popularity, we hare de
np eoroaer Mooa aad notified Uat emarreacy will be the eecnriaf el
cided lo extoad the tine anofficial of Ue end oeearreace. in a
oUu week.
short Ume Us ooroau arrired aad
iat« Ue cell where tbs mortal
renaias of Wlllla Ur stretched out appareatly lifeless. The coroner, too. Woald Met Aid Spaia la Oau of Wu
broSbed away seraral (ears becai
was qnite eppareot that Us lad roally
Berlia, Marsh IS.—The Bulla toreice
Trererw ary. Mich.
had departed thto life.
OSes bu iastracted aad luplrod Ua
It toeastomarylB ohaa of snddea. preu te deay enphalieallr that Gerriolaat or myeteriuae 4aaU for Ue oor- anay will aid Spain ia -ease ht wu
oner to eit apaa Ue remalas oLUe de- with Us Uaited States aad hu laoaased aad Ue mle mast of eoeroe be strnqted the aswspapeis to puJnt ant
obaerred la UU ease, hot la order to that Ue Uaited butes to an exeelleat
properly eomply wiU the eutatee In enslomu of Geraiaay. and Uat Spain,
Uii rofard a jary most he drawi
I Ue Caroliau sqnabble. bu re
Ifyodwaata bicycle bnllttofityon
deiomiae the eanse of deaU and to eoe peatedly Uewn aatrleadllnen to Garleave ySar'order and apecifleattou at
Uat Ue eoroaer elu propuly npem the
my shtrp. and I foaraDlee to salt yon
. Therefore the ehuiff wu lain wontnaMhlp. material aad prloa.
atmeted to empaael Ue aeoaaeary jery GOLLS mrST MOT BX XZLLBD
Muslifl Uodotwear
oecret of Ue pprpoae for which aaeh aa
eoamoQa aan to to be'aaed, bat raUer
Saaatlar It as a roaraaty of aacceae
4nriaf a few nlanUe roUar eou
nerar before rtaated to any roreraneat la tine of paaea—and Prealdeat
MeKieley haauaa w make it a law by
affirlar his eiraatare.
•■General Lee to aUll la Harana; not
■bowlar. perhape. hto habltaal impadaaee and airs aaeh as mirht be ahosra
by the Preoeh raffidaat In Madacaacai^
^^^tlU, Uere he to. Pe^lu adrerae
eorroato ha aUads Uke a prond rock
Aefylar Ue elemeaU.
•Takiar laU^aaaooat all Uto.. Ue
the ehlldtoh Idea
«f toaaiar aa ofllelal aoU prontoiar the
nooa, rla.. Ue Ipnudlau paeifienUoa
«f Caha UroBCh aatottcnsy. aad Oeoarnl Phadaa' tr«e aad cMy dealiare
wlU Ue eastera proriaeea- What the
rorommaat oorbl to 4o to to pr^are
Itaelf aa sUeaUy ae poeeible. bat Uoroorhly."
Semt-ofiReial Corraepoadeoela today,
referriar to Ue atateneau -that Ue
Oaiud SUtea. alUoark aeqaltUar tha
Spaatoh aaUoritlw-of ralU la ooaaect.
Ion wiU Ue kn af the Maiao, Intends
to doelara Spain taaponalbla by Inpoaiarapoahu twopaatohnenU, Indem,
Blty aad Oahaa iadapendenoa, nys:
la Ue Tbe Bute Law Proridu That They
-Aad all Uto for aa eraat wiU wbicb ofolx raspecUhle cItUeoa
BbaU Be Spared.
we had BoUlar to do. Wba^ wmld
It hu eoae to Ike noUce of the deptoappei to as if by eeriir««e* *• bad at a rupectfnl dtotance fron Ua body
of Ue deceaeed. Before learliir Ue nty rant warden Uat kportaraea
rnlly Ucarred Uto rinpoariMUtyT'
reoa another look wu taken at Uela- sheotlay Ue au ynlls that make Uair
I will five yoD 3 coat work ia any
aaimatc form; when Ue form soddealy
alooy Ue bay shorn. It will be color. Ue best baklaf enamel aad w
beraa to ekow slyas ef aatnatlon aad asws lo maay that this to la direct no- aUh. clean all the beariefs aad tme
The Vpw Xiaipter PreMntod to the after roUIaf orer and etfetcklof him- Utloa of The suu law. wbich inclodas he whuto. all for the above price.
Call aad eee umplee at
ulf. Willie yawned aad rare ocular aot only th^ foils, bat many
Praridaat Teaterday.
eridrnen that he wu not yet a eoitsHe Michlfan bled*. Tbe law U u followa:
Waebiortoa. March IS—Saaor PoU
eaadidate lo be lai npoa by a ooroner
"No person or persona shall at any
de Uerabe. Ua new Sbaatob mlntoter,
Vacaeal Cycle Bnllder and Eeanele
or Ue aabject for an Inqaeet by a Jnrr time or in anyteanner whaierer Isjn
was rermally prassated U Ua praai116 UaloB UaloB hu. aeu Front.
or destroy,
dsstro] or auempt to <ejare,
of any kind. The loqneet hu bean la- .kill
... ordeaimranp
.. . ..
nlfbl-hs«k.deat todsy. The nUtotef, wlU Ua
defiaitoly postponed.
", fiB
Opanlsb ehsrre d'affeira, two aaeraUr-.........,...ow
allow, yellow
laeof the legation and the wu and
thresher, cal
>ird. wrea. nsriln. oriSt bird.
*ury eeerrUriat. attlrod Id fall coort
ole, eea fall, woodpecker. bsboHak,
4ms. respUndeat la rold Uoe. eatlo4 PraAtod ^ VIrht by an InatmeUre aay soar bird-h InsertiTorous bird exceptiDf black tbird, blue jsy. Eafltob
Ue suta department where Uey
___ /
wen meir^ by MeereUi/ ffben
"No perenn or peruas
eruDs shall at aay
The Bnbr Llyht Dab mat wtU Mra.
who eaeoTted Ue party to Ua White
tuner whstaver InA. W. Peek last niefak The foUowiaf
nesL or take.
Ue prorran;'
injara ar daatroy ar haw in po^Muloo
■Ibe reeepUoD was lo Ue hlae pulor,
ipar-Edited by Ur. Bnek aad Min tha arr. of an.v bird, Ue killlnf of
wfaere Ue deoorat ions arranred for the Bouett
which to at aay tla.orall timn pro
dlaaer of Prince Albert of Itelrion
Hinu te Amatear Pbotora—A.' J. hibited by law. Bor ahall any paraon or
laatnlrht had been allowed to remain Bradshaw.
peraeni or aay Uma or ia aay manner
ChentoUy of Licht' aad Pbotor- whatever. moleaL hatua or annoy aaeh
Thh exehaarn of rTwtiars was ,Uriit
; hirda while on thrir aratlof plaeaa **
oocdlal and eeeapied twenty ninntM.
Tbe ptoalty for violatlnf any of
Tha papers were lapleto wlU new
id«s and neUods aad showed ^t Uau prortoloai to a fine ef sot Ian
Savs it is the best wheel
than, tio or morn than $ISS or tmprtoUe ureral writecs had pnt uneh
oananl la tbe eonaiy jail aot leu than on tbe market for the moaej.
■pals Has a PomidabU .iU^^of and stndy upon their
Manblpa at Her Oommaad. J.
After lichl refreabneaU a few pleae- erboUflaeSad imprieonmanL In UejTfaey drebeauticS. We have
Mnlrii. Muck l*,-Tke Llb.nl ,lv«:
s-a -nT _ j i
foUnwiaf U Ua preaaat atrearib
atrearU .“!“"!“ ^**“*‘* ^‘***^ *® dutmeUea or kjllloj of each-bird In- ®
models We WlU
«f Ua Spaatoh navy: Prntaetad afalpc.
l.Ua iadiridnal Jnrad, captured or killed oontraty to dose ont for $25, Don't buj
.IT; naprotaetod. *0; gnaboaU, 60: tor-,
taetuWn with a gronp pictora'* of Ua Ue proTtolopi of bbto acL
pedo hoatdwtr^ara.14; torpednboata,
The oaly waj la which birda. auto a wheel natil you have look
aai^ly year* of Ua Baby Llfht Cloh.
or arr> nan be taken to by reltlori a
ed ours over. You will save
Good Tima oa SavoaU Gtraot.
written permit from Ua State Otea
Uat avanlof ChuliePlaWaf antar- aad Ftoh Warden, who toanr-k it oaly money
doing so.
tainad abont Ulrty five of hto frieada when utiifled Uat the paraon da
riaa XHvpUy ef Jtenatod Aalmala
at bl» plaauat homa onSaveaU atruL it axelutivaly to obtain apaeimana far
sad Birda at Oolnmbiaa HaaUor
Oamet aad marie bripad pan Ua .van- aeJantlSe or propoyatlar pni-poa^ and
W. U. Firicber ef Ua Colamblaa ru- lac very quickly. Dellchtfnl rafiub- Ua permit mut aUto the kind and
taiysat hu a valoabla aollacSoe of naata wdra aarvad after which a nula nambw to ha Ukaa and tbe maanar af
fsiw ataffed aalmato aad biMt and to OMUat wu ladnlfad ia. Mtoa BdiU tokiaff. bad Ua phrp»« <or «biah Uay
Jatoly sddlaf to hto a»aclnssa ' Yaa- Holeenh noa Ua Brat prlxa. a bunU- aredaairad. Tha panait to not traaatsrtay ha raealvad from a frlamd ta fal apavaair, and Boy Thompaaa tha forebla. aad a bury penalty to atUabad
HsafhtoB aasaw a Saa
«< aoaaoliUisi, a rnal atoa tfa laUle.
te Ita violstfoa.
. PRICE^ •
OP conftsE.
Your Magazines
fVom the largest Dews counter in the city.
thing that is new and- up-to-date.
. ew M
M. b
B. uo.
That IS the smallest pictnre frame we make We
make all .kinds, of frames, and make them as the? should
be made.
fiarlhon Bloat
I HE WHO aSHnKFS tPPrecHies a Good Cigar
If eayeu shoald opk son fast nantlof tha
I Diamond J.—10c ^
Or the Traverse Belle—Be-
lasbndor Berrinf,
Smoked Bsrxiag,
BollBBd HerrUg,
K. K. K. Norwegian Berrtng,
Oalifonila Salmon,
Boastan Sardines,
Cromarty Bloatera,
Smoked BaUbnt,
Boneless lOodfiah,
Finnan Haddlea
Norway Sploed Bardtnso,
Oorton Fish Oakes.
South Side Gzo^. -
Bicycles Built to Ordeit
Whst woold yoo think of • lawyer who' tried to secure clients by
offering cbancee on a bicycle?
Wonld yon want tbe aervioeB of a physician #ho offered to gire
coal hods or sofa pUloWa to patients who employed him m^lsrly?.
We think not. We believe also that when sickness oomee aad
yon have prescriptions to be filled, or need any other ^d that the
skilled pharmacist can render yon want perfect earrioe at a fair price
—aod nothing else
We can give sach eerviee. We believe draggista that Sre eoneaentioas about quality are pretty anre to be as car^l abont.priee,
IP. "W". Te-A-NT-Pl
Enamel Tear Wheel.
Traverse City.
388 Bnl^Bt., Oomer of 7ch.
$25J0 Bicicle
m-uiMst EousEnmim
We offer to any girl attending school ia Traverse
City who imposes the best poem on our black brocad
ed dress goods, and where they are to be obtained, a
dress pattern of any piece of goods she may chMse' in
our store.
Any girl composing the second best poem will be
given a dress of fifty cat quality of aay piece she may
The poem must consist of four verses, four lines in
a verse, no more nor less.
Good judges have consented to decide on the best
Anyone wishing to enter this contest call at the
store and we will be pleased to show you the goods.
Poems, must be handed in before noon, April ist
Contestants are asked ^to sign a *<?« de plume to
their compositions and thS correct name on a separate
Broach Block.
. nATussom. .
«M. T. Baw AJts J. W. BiMm.
f. W. BAxm, Bditor mai UMmaftt.
CiTT Onopuro*
to v«ud upon ml tpe oomiaf •fring
•iMtiAB. In tbe eit7 tke frea Uzt
took ijsteB will be plneed before the
yeeple. lu meriU bore been dbeuMd
in ttaeee oolninu before end there U no
qneetlon but that ercij petrea' of the
neboole ehoeld fneor free text hooke.
The qneetion to be decided hj the
oouat; U that of n new eenrt bonee
Let ne bj nil menne been n bnildier
ttot will be n eontea of pride-to the
toxpaTern Tbie eoantf la the meet
toportnnt in Northern Mlcbifu nsd
/4oee not owe n doUnr. Therefore wo
nre in excellent nbnpe te preride thia
(rent neeaoaitj.. Ereij eour nbesld
cnat kb vote in fneor of bondinr the
nieuty for dtS.OOO for n new court
DcKRa the prenent war eenre the
Dnited 8tat«e baa firea tbe world a
loHon in American enurpriae and pmdance. Tbam ia not a nation aa tbe
^be which ooold have aceompliabed
ne moeh in tbe way of ktreaftbaainf
ooaat defeneae and in equipping fortitoatioBB and
liDf warahipe ia ao
abort a period of Ui
And there ia
M a aaUoD /on earth heir will view
with awe and reapeet the epectacle of
■nlty pnoented and tbe epeed with
arbich PM.OOO.OOO wah plaood at tbe
gommand of the chief exeentive for
■ntloBaJ delenae.
ta not eaip ranch U thin part. !htPa|>>
■InrQmek. ia tbn Indian renareition, a
CMd mnayafttobomae bekmri*
the tndinra are batter than thene belenflnr.tetbewhltea
The next b.Welf Point, and the next
Olaafow, tbemetoopolbefUiepartel
tbe eonntry. We leeve tbe Wc river
Uen and e«r omune la nlrac the Milk
river. It ia very level here, bnt we oan
aee blUa U tbe dwtanee.
We atopped nt Bnrlenn; tbera are
fond tram tonnM tbera. It ie a bcanr
tUnl oonntry te look at. I beliera I
can aea forty mUMofl.to tbe tnp «f tbe
UUa. We are eUU en the plalne at
Shelby Jnnetion. a better town than
wa have eaaa tar eonm tlma
Wp are OB tbe Bocky MonnUiaa and
hardly knew when we eoM Into them
the eacent waaeo pradu^l. bat after
we reached the top the weatera alnpe
waa -%ot t-o eaay and tbe eoonuy waa
ranch and rocky. We neaepd throoeb
aeveral tnnnela. alonf corpee on one
aide and on the eU.er knoba. the tope
of which were la the elooda
Some ef the way the railroad' la cot
tbroufh aelid rock whien hanf over
the track eeveral nnedmd feet dbdva
We ride for eeveral milee alony the
KootenalJ river, alwaye down a etoep
Crade. naUl we come to Ue City of
Kallapell. We broke a track nnder the
laat deeper and had te atop an boar
for repalra.
We are now paanlnc alone • C«T*
abont five hundred feet deep on eor
left and rocka many hundred feel hich
OB our rtchi, with large pine treee
crawlnc in tbe erevaanee
I think thb would be a freat place
for fiahing aa the monaulna are full of
trout atreaina. Yon cannot laaarine
the maeaive fraadenr ef three rocka
until yen aea them; everytbihc elae
We joat {waned Haakell a Pnm on the
left; there waa a rock tbera one thonid feet high, if it waa a foot. All at!
onoa it waa aa dark aa night and -we
wore In a tnaaal'a half mile leaf.
Into tbe heavy Umber
again; Mr. Miller aaid. “Leok pt the
deer.'' and off abont twanfy rada were
three floe onea
A good -deal ef tbU eonnUy leoka
likn tbe pine land of Michigan.
We jnat aaw two mere dear.
We have now atopped at Jeanlagn;
Temnoar the new miniater ftom UU U tbe flneat aceoety yet. Now we
Spain waa preaented to tbe t>r«aidant are rannieg along the Kootenay river:
Of the United dutea and while polite
iBUinn ea each^ide are two er
and friendly rreiliafe were belaif
--------- ..
nearly all
toanced both natloBa were exerting i
rnnUtoA by Benpoetlra <
>. on •'Tto Law-
Bii^cleg Enuneliid at Front SL Cycle Verka
ISintdent—Mie. P. J. Ovtia
Beonr^ nenralary-^lta. , B. B.
Strang. ^ ,
OornHpeedlag Snerntary—Min. B. O.
WIU elM It thoranghly. true the whneln. gibe yon any'oraameatal work
.Mra Kellpcr.
Sneoad vlra prraldeat—Mm.
Third Tien pranidnni—Mm. OrenBongh.
Fourth Tien preMdaat-Mm Wntem
J:W. Slater.
H. OccglM and family wiU
move to Omhd Rapid* thin -wrak.
Mra. W. O. IwwranM'eill go to Ckl*
after d Block
ef apriag milUsery.
O. Turanr will go to Jacknon to
morrow U.nttead a meeting of tbn
nute pardon board.
I'eur Wbrxbcrg and Bert Wtibelm
Hetoakey Friday to eUy
Rev. Joniak Pennington want Ploannal OroveynnUrdny to coadnet rallgbeany weloemn to all to attend,
iora nerrieen Sunday evening.
niter uamoDirr.
Bnrbert Mpotague went
Eyr. if A. Brrwdy. pMlar.
Rapidn yaaterdny on bunii
Sunday—Second quarterly nweUng. extend bU trip to Chicago,
Love feant will rammenee at Bi30 a. m. .aecompaaled by hb daughter Oertrade
At iu;30 a abort Jectore, followed by who will enjoy gmnd opera in Cbleago.
the holy eommunioa. Bltaraih GMMnr In It* Worn.
Soaduy eehool at cloue of the moraUllwaukoe. March If.—EpecUli toThe
Ug eerviee.
ftetillnel are as follvus: Karanabn.
Juuior League nt l;S0 p. m.
Mich.—Snow fell to the depth of eight*
Bpwortfa Lengue nt 5:45 p. m.
een Inrhea in tbb dlatrirL It. was a
Sab>et of hera|on (a the avoalag: aurrri«<- to lombernun who haveSfoken
The ReepoanibUiUee, OppertuniUee
and DuUen of American CUicena.”
Tbumday—Fmyor meeUng at 7:
prevBlIInx h
Knrmai claaa aa UMul at the closa.
BrwMT War •!
Um rim.
About 150 wem u attendance laat
Cryutal Falla MIeh.. March U-Tbe
Thuraday evealngat tha pmyer meet* beautiful ipriag weather chat
Dying for the peat
Ing and about 75 ramalaed for the Nw pie hare been en]o>-|
. knocked
. ________
galmat claan. We hope (be time will come three weeks waa auddi
by the arrival yeaterday of a
whan every member of the ohureh will bow::llng bUtxard. one -of the worm ^ot
Rev. R. Bdwarda. paatoref the Beg*
Ibh Uaptlat ehurch at HinamvUla. Pa.,
when suffering with rtienmatbm. wna
advbed to tir Cbamburlaiu'a Pain
Balm. Ha aays: '
few appliratlon
ef thb llnlmeut pi
xiUbA.AWF .
Third Sundar In LenL
Boly commualoa »;40 a. m.
Moralng Berrica and nermoa at 10:10.
Sunday school and Bible claaa at i:.
Kveniag nerrlen and nennon at T.
All are cordially invited to Ucne nnrvioen.
ferer preflt by gfeli
It will planar me." Kor eale by S.E.
WaiV nruggist.
Clias. Mastic
Bicyoie Riders.
Remember that I do all klndn of t«pairing and enameling, and that I can
and. do give you the beet-work ef any
one in the city for tbe mon^. Don't
be deeeiTed by what oihen tell you to
the oonbary, bnt come and eee- for
I guarantee nil my work to be right,
and if itdoennotproraao 1 make it
atock. The greatest ». l.-ction of/WaU
#hqi in tUI k o'clock every ereclng, Paper ever BbowD in America.
except Sunday, la the CaldweU A Lou
don bsUdlag, nn'nerth end ef Union
418 liBke Atniii.,
A. PodrasDii’s
Art Wall Papers.
•r hn told)...,....................
Halt per b
Bran per loo ,.
Buckwheat FIol...
PoUtoraper bu...
BVTixa nance op v
Kcnr Dsai.- ‘
BuSeSheaT '............
Wrago, Martsh IS.—WbalLt-May. <
L^cdvrn. tohe: oata. UXc; pA, •
Before you boy gfaoee. Bemeaber
r tbnt I am n practical shoemaker with
lone^perience, and get snoat of tbe
shoes I Bell made especi^y to my
Older. ' Best aasored that leather
and workma^bip will oot. make
better shoes, asd tbe prices are piss
ed to your intereet—styles stricUy
up to date. We guarantee every pair
of shoes we 8^ to be as repreeentad.
and if any of then rip it will oot coat
you ooe oott to fil them up. Tiy
our sboee and be oonrioced. I ask
my offiolpers to' ioform their frieods
of the above statement
Prlpaa oa Bnbben are 18,10.88,88.88.41e ap. Beat
grade Boston or Goodyear »nwb^
Yoor trade ie^precUted.
186 Front Street
f'xwhoti.oal 81a.oexn.aA.
......... tx
ELLIS, 311 Front St., East.
rStop! Stop A moment And Decide
and it lookn aa thongh they
been net oci. they are a# perfect. Now
we are at Ltbbie Creek, a new min
ing town: it lookt like bnntem' eampnWearonpwat Algeala; now I will
ImailUU letter. We wUl be at Spo
kane, Watb'.. at : to Uia afternoon.
1 Miller and I will atop there for a few
i daya
_____________ ^ Eb.mtt.
ton night or nine day ccmchea.
enjeynhln nncpriac parly
e Uree ef Ua beys that left
m that one. and tan to UU glvwi npon Lonbainek-Kriday evuA*
isclndlngUe Urae Ilee hnya.J. O. Leag- lag. Uamaa. refreahmeab and mnaio
hand fermed a plnaaaai
worUy. Oarver. Miller. Aagdatine. Ue
•wo Boyds and myself.
Tbn aentiagatUn Friends ebarcb
The next atop is WUlstoaT^ I
Ub avenlag will be a tem|>araara
Mtonuri river, and Ue next U
fiver; and Ue etraageet part ofAt
liver u addrean eaUUed "Tbe Amer*
that mUk ia ten oeno a plat. At aoi
^aoea ebUdran come akoard Ue icalna Iqan Baleon. a Nation's Reproach."
Friday ni^i. abeut nudoighi
aad eell It at 5 ennU a small glam.
Thla is Ue maat peealiar looking Prek^ Kynelka diaeovared *a
eenniry I ever raw; the hills look like maklag himself
inlng ea aama of the nphelam^-cUy or mdd Menen, wlU no vege parlor, redial
u. Upon being dbtarbed
tatioa. The aidee of soma of them are terad chain.
almost perpendieular and look like Ue intruder euted that he waa wait
•Upon rarneataolldtatoUdlagn or raatlm: aosM look like
key stacks at a dbtaawi in some places lion Mr. '^>amp departed to dnbh hb
they extend as far aa the eye ran raltlng eleewhere.
TCseh. Uey eall them Ue Rad.toton.
Benefit Wemanb Oemeterr Im*
, -Oaltortnee b quite a large ptaee; two
March 17 Ue Fereatem wlU glee ;
leg ralooaa aad Urae mad abanilra.
dance and supper la Uelr hall In U
Thb b a graxlBg eeuUy: naulo and
ek iUtek. Bappar eervad h
awaMdraveef paniOM.ot Fofuataaa. Mt-tir-e.
From $1.50 up to $2.50
PraetM bicycle repalrem. Bent work for tha Inrat Mar. AU wk
guamatead. BmUng a npncialty.
tntradncUon bet
nhake haadn with yov neighbor.
Sunday eebonl atlt;Ma.m. Bunlnera
anen'n elane la the ntudy. Young men'n
la the laat row M e^ in the
ehurch. Men and womV»d ^e Sun
day achoolinUrenUngand^h^ful'an
well an tae children.
Junior Chrtntlan Badravor noclety at
• p. m.
Young -People's Boelety of Cbriatlan
Bndravor at 5:4S p; m.
Sunday evening gwpel meettng nt
ranuriN’ chum*.
Beware Seere and Mary Maorw. PaaMwa.
Riblanchoolat 0:45 a. m.
Marning serviee. 11 a. m.'
Junior Bodcoror 5 p.m.
Young I'eopla'a Society of OhriaUan
Badravor nt S;4S p. m. A delegate to
Uie aUUMOvenUoDwIUbechoeeB nt
tbit meeting.
The mealing-at 7 e'eloek will be a
I by Levi
Here is what ao ezekangn nays of
Rev. Morgun Wood, who la to Ivcturn i
here on the lAth. la tha High school'
Ineuire ooumn:
I BescriptlTe Stoiy ol a Trip
"It is •rUom tfaat an large aa andl1
To, tliB Pacific Coast
enee assembivn tbst Is In general nympathy with the s^ker aa that of Kri*
day night, when tha Rrv. Moirao
The fellewing extmru ere from a
CTOBIBC OP PIOMBBB SATSa'ood of Detroit, appeared aa tbe open
Utter written by H
Brant, on* of
•bn Klondike ftrty who left here a tUlqnn Batertalnstnat te bn Sieen by ing atttaeUm of tbe course. Uis noblAOien
eonpie of week» ago for the gold tcldn:
jnet—-Amtrican Nut*—Cracked and
Tbe ladiee of the Ceagregational I'oeracked'—was delivered in such
Wednanday, March
church are planalog/br an nni<|Be en* style and force as to elicit the closest
Sixty mUea went of Mii
a en tbe geeal piaian of Cee- tertainmenl to be given In the near fu nttentioa of hit. hearers. Per Aore than
«al Mlnneaota; there la -but lltUe ture. A number of the pioneer ladiee two hours wnrds full from bis Ups In
timber, aod.it ia level: in maapy plraaa «f Ue city will be asked to rack tell j Urraau uf such brilliaat oratory as w
la)cr«aijag aioty they knew I delight nil. Ue touched ujmo Ue pbasrs !
yarn ran aee for Clteen or twenty milra.
Md nothing hill large farma Tbe e<dl j plnneer daya in Grand Traverra, nod .ofnocinty in general and in such nevere ]
An black .an Ur ad uew nunw ningkn already a "1™* ghcai story" and a term, as to set hla bearers U thiekiug, i
weird ludlaa etory have been pramwere Inclined at fault- lading
frented wiU fecuon Ue sub
We have craannd Ua MlnnlmlpM rivac ieed. whUc Ue other atoriee oe tbe
thiwn UmenUUafurneeo. Thin in a program will be' equally full of Urlll- ject. However. Mr. Wood U surely
expenea.t ef meralliv and I
JOToly eeuntry to riaw; Unre ia hardly
aey aaow and tbanoaiaahining bright. la addition there will be music by Ue right liviag. and a Weond visit hare
We juetetoppedatBtauIey: there u ! «**'noartel,and at the aloae of tbe would be bailed with pleasura."
ocial hour wUl bee^L
»oUli« U eight there bul 'a water
1 have been tUleted with rhrameUsm
«aa\ audsanUtioa house about ISxic
•r fourteen years and uoUing seemrd
feet in else. Now Iran eee a big rauge
• giveaby relief. I «u eble to be
ware eeld by George
ef hUls off U Ue uorU
Thme are
■euad ail Ua time, but eoBstamtIy
>d Ue Alkali plalua 'NoU- Bice for Ue Mercantile Co. yesterday. soHvring. I bad tried everyUlog I
feat night Uttoer Grayson arrralod could bear of aod at laat waa told to
lug ran live here. Tbera is uo water.
imarnlM-rlein't Pain Ualm. whieb 1
The greaud,is ooverri) wiU dead graaa, two white men and ooe uegrw. aU ef ......and was Immediately relieved anwhere the ire baa not ran over U. We
iu a short lime cured. I am happy t
Jsel^got ea aneUer drank say that it has not since reinrnod.Black
tove Just paaaed a place raUad White
and was arrested by tifUrar Urayaoq .Iivii EiMiAK. trermaolowD. CaL Fo
EarU. There waa ueiblng there
'^'rls i >*f*<*J
lodged m Ue "oeop." Bale by S. E. Wall. Uruirfisi.
eeptlng a oeyote and
,^iekena The groond here Is covered ', .............-ling a'bos load of-------•—
TraveiM Oity-lUrkeL
Vllhenovr; aed O! how dreary it looka ,
Three Vuarter B. B. club ...
Helow b a liatof tbe baying and aell- i
There are fldj peeple In tbi. car and
ing prices of yesterday for grocerlM. .
Harry Uewd pod H. Leggett from provUioni and farm producU In Tiav* ,
we sleep tike eardinee sacked ia a box:
----- City:
there are feurteea doable bertha on Meeroe Center eaek bought a alee
exujxe rmcK.
each side. We are over half way Eagia .wheel from J. W. dlater yesi
Tbera are Urae <»ay.
Short Cut Pork......... ...............
Mbs Mabel Wkiu. wke haa b
Sleepers, two emigrant cam. one maU
edyiag music is LoobvUU, Ky.. dnr*
and one Klondike baggage ee Uia
ig Ue winter months. wlU return
Men of Ue train: the oUw seetloe is
•boot a qnarur ef a mile behind and early in April to remain during the
W. «. X. V. BUetfeo.
Tto faUewlag oOem worn nUeted
tor the nnnulag year •» the «mmI
mnntiagof tbn W. C.T. U. Friday after-
Several Other Broken Lines at 1*2 Price.
We Are Doing
The Lion’s Share of the ^
Wheel Business,
And shall endeavor to keep it up until the close 3
of the bicycle season.
There can be no going belo-w our figures on
high grade goods—then there’s the easy terms
of sale to be taken into consideratioxL
It’s only natural that we should have the
; lion’s share, after alL'
DatnCB of an Sorts.of Peopto and Odd Bits of Kawa From
AU Oror The Stats.
WhUs Prspsring for ths Wqrat. It
tha Policy of tha Natiohal
As UaUMef U« rwMrtebto fkll- to tbaa. baaea tba doetorb tabU t
tac stf st paytk ef district tefcoolr^y adoraad with a haadaaaia aidvia
ths Outer Lm^. w*f be foead is baa^aat of paaaiaa.
a the mat. Thai May -Be
tbe Beyte dktriet. ecar DeUl. in
wVA ,ibm anaiber of pepUe bM de-.
UaaaUp ealprita laaptetad b7 • paad
erwMd «ettl ao«r tbe oebooi board JoiT axe backward abaat eomlaf to Ua
Bade llMlf wiU a (aaebar'i cootract la fxoat. Last tdeek. howerer, Cbarlaa
atahl-he heee (Mm (bo Motao laasiry
<M«e aad aot a papU to atlud Ue WbiU at Osltea, a jastieo of tba paaea.
—ToU wMh o Bpooloh
aebool. Tba iaet faaHp vitb Aildiaa
«bo was aecBBad of selllBr hard etdar •WaahlBfflua. March >X.-Hopiac tor.
■wTodeatofUedietrfotUetwwk. . I aad wipe to the bofs. joara^ad la %• beat, aad preimred Tor the worst
* • •
jtowB to plaad railtj. altbaorb ao lo- about n-preoeota the sltuatloa la tba
,JaMS Hocaa braacbt bo.a a pat dlcUaeot bad beea rataraed afaiaat war and oavy d^wrtiaaata these days.
The oBicialeatll! i’rofeaa coafldenCe that
<r«M Cbicafo raeaaUp. wbara be bad { bln. Tbls
there la to be a peaceful out’vm* of Ibe
brtactbamatoat.aad'bedldaa. Tha 1 White eras daad W5.
•tbar day tba cast, tabu
aboat tba place, walkad into tbeworeb.
s raesatly li
aad bapaaalsK to see bla nttactiaa ia
It to tbe suadry cirU aptba ffuaa
fflsss ai
windowa that
that p„»rtalioa hUl proeidUff fw a ki.boo
Me oi tba wtnaowa
U. bra «iUM. uoOn .e-do. bid
^ i^W .b.v Mr B..... I
laeet ~thetr duty If ereni* should shape
thcmsclvca olbrralM. Tbe meat tm<
purtanl and alsnlocaal drvelopatects of
Aba house aaval vutninlltec to place U
„d^ ..r
^ protaby Mduu tbd r-t b. aom. |
y... S.MUb Barra-d eoald b..Mral. lodn b ^b» rara » -■ u.
Bb ra..„ b, prald.b,
.««.pb.,b.lb..iUCbl«r>ibb b..
It te amsrtad that tbe
H. Taaia of
Boffsrad aereaa ef 1U.UOO people weald ba de
tram aatbma ao badly that ba eoald stroyed by a far bora.
da ao work. BoeaaUy tba mas was
attacked by a mraffa atcar, aad to
Soma ampioyas at tbe asylam bad
Bare blmsalf ba sprinted aerera) baaqaiu a Ilrely experieaae oae day iSi
dfod yards at tbe rata ef lUK aaeoads waek. It assm* they ware praparinff
par 100. Baiweea tbe friffbt aad tbe
to ri*« a play at tba asylam. aad wars
laair exereiee. be kas baea eompletely
pmeUeiar the place la tbe ebapal. says
earad of tba diaaaae.
tbe PoaUae Oaxetts. Oae of tbe fcairae of tbe prodoctloa free a vary reIQoadike a. cUU are amooff the latest lallsUe blawtar op of af
fads whieb bare oome late popatbr fa-1 -Malaa.'' lha
ud axalealM a
■~w amoac tba r-------------- ------------to tba Eatsa Rapids Reriew. Each
It was tba object ef tbe pariormera to
lady’s' name la wrilUa m a'tickat aad rat as maeb aalaa as poaalbU from tba
each tiekat la nambarad oo tbe back, cracker.. After lirbtiar It they pat it
tbas crary aamber U bid U aepaiatel.T la a tia'caa. aad a plaak waa tbea;
by ttaareotlamaa aad tbe lady wboaa placed orar tbe caa and
Ue naval
for three new battlcohlps. and
elusion on (be pan of the *<iTetary of
war u> Issue today an order crratln:
a new miiltary depaj-imvni mrludin.;
within IU coaflnes that ’ t<an of tbr
country which would be Ic all UkeiMod
nearest to the field of bosiilllit-s ID cns«
It rbouM come (o that. Tbr older will
creale a n>mmntlb'n In tbe south. Tbe
present department of Texas Is abol
ished and in li* i<lare' la rrested ■ new
one. the Deparimmi of the S->uth. locluJlim ftuuih Carolina. Oeorxia. Flonda. Alalwma. Mlsstaslppl. Louisiana
ba walffbad aad paid (or by Uc featla- '-i^akap want afl. bat laatead of 'mak- and Texas.
man boldlar tha nnmbar at tha rate of ;
mIj a load report aa was expeelad.
Pbr tbe first tube the «ffl< iais of tbe
Me cent (or er«y eera. poanda la . u Uirew thlaye erery way. Tbe
war department yvsi< rday udmUirU that
.poaeaqaeaca of tbb tbe boye aboat
thrown to tbe ffroaad. tbe cm (hey were strstsum every nerve to Im
'tow. -ara ealaetiaff tba Jlffbtwdffbtf
^ portion* of tbe plank broke prove that pan of tbe defeUKes of the
fountr)- b'oBIlllrd lu their can-. It la
ffirle far them eociala. while those ofjtba ylam fixtaree la tba iamm
without uuestum the Binst unusual
more poaad* ara atrooffly denonaclny ■ b^. One ma. had hie band quit# mark of conlldeiu-r Id an rs.wlive olB. .
j badly iajorad. NoaarlOaedamabe war cef toemi>ower him toylve orders with
out limit-for the purchase of war.ms1 dMC, bowarer.
terlaL >.i this is ubai the jv.-s'd.nl
Bar. Dr. Bradley of Grud Rapid*.!
'* *
and Se<-rvtsr> Alcrr have don- m the
wSITknown ia^rrarms City, was bora ! Pairie'k J. Walsh baa baea aa sofria case of U-nerwl Flayjer, vhlef of
is (Uam. aad lirad there antU ba waeiaeroaa Uraad Rapids A ladiaaa rail- ordriam- And'lber>ffIrcT has not show n .
» yaaiB old. Tbe doctor la vary famll-' way ioeomotire for thirty yaara. and it an.v <ll»|..aitl..|i lo Bhlik Ihl* iMice r»-iar wltb th* laaraar* aad eastooM . b mtimatad that be baa corerrd :.U00.- ^•nslhlliiy. l.ul has £»rroclr.l every
cvin.em rapslp;*' "f HU|>pI)inr war ma' of tbeeonntry. Wbea Prof. Bamiltoo OM miles, er a dbtaace eqoal to W terlal--surh as . mpld-bre runs. shoL
Kiaff recently went to that land as | times amnad the world. He 1* aaly 90 shell and ammunition—(o ro to whsIi a:
mlnbter. be carried ^tb him letteta I yeara did ,a»d pmpeaea to break tbe full cBimrliy.
N.btSM. TWO hew WhipiK
of iatrodoctioB written ia the RUmeae raeoH as 'a trareler. Re b a Jovial.
tv '“'T department has now r»a*..n
UaffBaya kty Dr. BradlAr. Tbay looked ; wbole-aoulrd fellow aad baa never met to Ibeliers ihai it bus s-.-ured the two
libs Chioaae laaadry receipta. Aaotfaer with aa aeeldeat or Injer^ Walakbc w-*rsb!p* Amasonis and her slaii r ship j
pacoliar fact b that all tba octm Cam- ffaa bb aeiwlcs with tbe teMpaayoa a now ibulldinc In Ktixland for Brwsil. ' 1(
rraffsUoaal mtaburo la Oraad BapMa ceaatracUoB train aad now baa tbe ran was Slated at the cnb:nct mi-eiinx ye*,
terday b.i Sc«-mar> l..'nk-thai the naval
are af farelffn parenUffa.
from Oraad Rapid* to Maehiaaw.
altarhr at LondbUi. l.wuu-nani Colaell.
ba* eeaa tbe steady ysowth of e
had »!np«l completed the Der'diallons
for the sale So tar. however, the flDsI
Harvey blmmoa* ef FarminytM. aortb Mirbiyae towns and Ulb ai
from bitn that his offer has
probably owns Abe laircst oak tree ia Waatinr atory of bow Morley sprapy been accepted
has not yel reached tbr
Hiehitaa.ltb*iay W feet la ciream-1 >e*o eabuaes. Oae day iwa maa yot navy departmrot. The <lay paused
fereace. Sbipballdef* from all over off kb traie wltii feurMaa keyaef beer ayaln wiihoui word from tbe court of
Ue MODtry have looked it over, bat and two bottle* of wbbky. They m- Inquiry. aCc-ordUix to the sutement of
Secretary Lone, who sa>;s Ual be hs*
pre' afeaid to pay the pricaiar tear tt b tebibbsd a salooa far a
■ of Ue re-'-lwd ti-thinr whatm-Sr from the
btraeUoa train, and after It left court Itself or fmm Judy* Ad>-ocnM
alack te bviinam. the low. bainy tbs Uarix.
rtleely WilBsst Pesadailas
Dr.J. k
•* tk.. .1— lb. pra..!
Tfie stntemvnt was |•b•^sll•lenlly rtrm. irau. ..rprlral lb. olb.r d.y
P.b-h.j, llpbUP wltb Mra ■culated yesterday aftecnooo. and la
the rei«>rt >-amr from,th»sv
.pM>bkrall.,.rayU.. ra>-lrra •|«' "»•“■
«bo<e sourctw .‘f in'o-'rosilon *h”Uld he
tavoriie aaasT bed to lad a aambar of 1
•»* rellsM-. that the adoitnlsiraUoD was In
uf ■ntlmstlonw »r Informspr.tra.1 bj .bch . hraj bwbk bl|«« b*™ .pp—l o. tb. rap M... tu.n that tbe resuft of the Invesllxatiun
.DOW tb.t tha vu hwl not praeratwl lb*t tira
of the court of Inquiry ** «•' the catue
of th- Maine disaster would show that
the explosion which destro)t-<l the IwCcame from s-me external axency.
AIASXAF BOCTDAAY DIBPtnX Bit oppohcni ana nts club te refen* the' tleahlp
eoatest. hhariter pare a dlsxraceful A cabinet .iflicvr nas even quoted a«
Bm hsi asss
by Owm Briiala Csa- exhibition of foul flsbUnc a-tUch cul- maktnx (his annountVmenl. yind anoth«
ceOlax Bverrtblsa.
mleatrd In his hurtlnyChurnskl tbrousb er report had It that the stmorraphic
WasMBficn. March U.—It b mid at the ropes u(>>m the chairs bvluw the B»le* of the Inquiry were beforv Sec
the state <lv|iartiiii-,it that the Ollawa plalform in tbe rlxbtb round at which relary l>-n*. When the matter was
reJura that Cr.ai Uritaln and b« Calt- aiape of the yame (he refetve at the breuxht to tbe althstloB of Secretary
inT^' the fetatetneat »
ad fftaie* hav. p.Kill'd a treaty (or th* SUniratloB of the police declared Ue I<nng fa*
flybt a draw;
false ir every parttcolar. -Ther*- li
aetuemeot of ih.- Alaskan tMUodarr
CbomaW-Tleartr out-polnled Sharker a word of truth ln -tb--m." h- said ‘No
dmpaia are lociArbict. no treaty bariny In earb and everr round and w as onl>- word ba* been received by Ur president '
beem alyned a* yei and tbe matter aUU wvialed when It came to wrreatllnx tacwiy cne elec as m what the b-iard of
belay a rabibvi ot nceotiauoa. Sir arm. which It tbe aallsr’* favorite meib-' Inquiry win determine. The rumor w*
dullaa Paunoeluu-. the liriUab
od of flybllnx. Tbe nlybCs dmxraceful floating about all afternoon, but It t
eadot. Uroujih hii aocreiarr. Mr. exUMtloa by the aalkrr fwobably eods ntteriy without foundation O'Belme, also aulhi>rl«-<l s complete his piryillsttc career ao far aa KvOlnc
WaST TBK aPAttiAao* KKOir.
and apeclal denial of the rc,».ried per- asother maicb in San Fraariseo b eoafrcUoB dl a treaty. X.. cuvenuon of
any dharacter. be said, had lat-u made,
Captala PerwL
and the details ylreti. therc-f.rre, w^
ia. March IL—Tmtetday Cap- !
arroaeoBB aa a-wbol* and In deuu
_____ ______ _______ “In Perm, president of the Spanish
Th# treaty between Great Ii^in __________ __
tnenced nnlt
coon against
UquIfT Into tbe cause of ;
and Ruaala. under which tbe i<niird ttenced
null In
In U#
U# circuit
Xb* Mame dUasuv. granted an inter- !
BUteabalda.prorldm that the biiutW^ the Chleayo and Alti
llae shall be ten warine leaxue* frMtrf pany for tMl.eO*. Tbe rtllaxe ordlimncm rrlgw to tbe eorre#ponden\ of Ue Asso- '
• tba "eoML" In another place the
that tbe speed of frelfht trmJns
•’ocean*' IS’Ueed la
<,[ coaau ThH^'^bll not exceed atx and that of pamendlspote m as Ic where the roast or
trains Wiall not ran to exceed ten Vic* be had dven any newspaper a
ocean Ip-ontelde tbe tolands that frinx- t"l'r* an boar. Th# eompaar num aU oa tbe suhjact of Ue inquiry. Captain ^
the whole of that part of Alaska or in- 1“ (*•* train* ever what U known as Peral speaks excellent engHsh. With
the cutoff, which pamm tbronyh a por- him in Ue naval court 'la Lieutenant
Salsa. He has power to caU In 1
In the commoM at Ottawa. OnL. Sir , tioa of C{^ Alton.
oensulUUon nay army or navy engint
Charir* Tapper road the report of a ;
or expert on explosives or marine build- ^
y and ar Wil- i
treaty as In Ue (>
mt«k« Tar
as “not a vrord ;
61. Louis. March U.—II has been aanoonced that a sink* which Ihrealeoa
la extend -to every branch of tbe build
ing trades in this city will b* faiau- Maine. Oreat difficulty m experienced
KUrated April L w ben from L«W to LUO owing to the deep mud In which tbe huU
■ar* li-* a Dnw.
of tbe 'Uricklayers' union will 1* buried, sad Uc condUion* of the
San Francmeo, March IA—Tom Shnrwreck forward of amHabipa The whole
tar, the saigtr pugilist, aad Joa Cbsrnforward pan of tba ship la a maa* of
Iron aad steel debris. We have homud
a night la Woodward**
Lepdoa. 'hUrcb U.-The Princesi o( ap much at It; bat th Ue mud It Mxiot
Wi-a tweaty-round fight (er « per caaL ' Wolea ywtei^y held Ue eaoond draw always poaalbl* to tril what parts of
the ahJp. armor, deck-beams or etanebh Thaoaly
ee tta sate raceipt,. Attar
. .
t was Mia* Loataa Orace. lon* ara foaad.Omaxptoaioeaoiihaaglid
fllUffS ef t,W0 spectators waUl9 Cor as
B>Mayar Orana, af New their poaitleaa
tflAC ’sCKf beaatcred tba rtns. maklac
-Wa think wa have lOMtad tha tob
er prow, hmt not ta Ua pndtMn ait^
poaed. -Iba forward tarret,
WU) MM a Xew lla>wi.
two Urea SUBS, waa bkiwa cUar off tbs ' 'WaabUeton Ma-ch lb - Three new ALOaa TBB eSBAT HIOnrAT
bnU toto tba aetar <b Ow siarbaaid. battkablia of ibe aUun heai type afloat
Ws shall eooU»^ eur work
rotk and try to “V ^,„*r
house commlttbs bnlt forward
ra ».W« .. d»
ival aSalre yevierday. aad
It U protabte (bat
t we may pro
to florida Tla •Tha Xu»d af tba
to tba Aneriraa aotborttlaa to prortsloa for tbetr coaatnirl}i<n was ioI roue tba bdn by bksbi e( the Ooatlne aerted In the naral approprfailon bill
»7.mae time the minmlttee asrred
dock, bro^t tma bUclOBd and bow U f;: . ' azltnam
The MUbtr Soatbara BaUway tyw
price of |M0 per ton for
pUtr. One of the baltleobtpa. tM. tratwraiu tba aiebt Oraat Slates
•Ided. Shall be caned
I ProBi asekar aad tbe Fkkla TraraUac
air If exploded at a depth of only twear« tmt ■eooloa (|w W
{ty-flve feel or ao. or at Jeaal hare pro> duoed a wave reachii^
the oiber ehips ------------the war department rrsisrday ^ Uad aad the auay raaarta wbteh lU
■hiu tbe
and tbe shore of tbe barbor.i We hare l for manBlDt the newly eMaUlabed (or- abmff iU Itam.
examined every oaa oa shipbuai . or' tifleatione on the AUontir voaet from
Oo to Fkwida aad camps tba Msr
shore who mw tbe exploriun, but
pBosloa Jo*a to Oatresum aa tbe suU. .sold ud diaaffTeoaMa dare of wlat^.
one can be foaad trbo remarked any
land atop at AdBEVlLLC. "Tbe Uad
uphearal of tbe water or a bis ware.
A torpedo expUaloa a)«aya-iana flab
tn the rtciall) . No flA were killed by
assm to most amooffat ^
ot tba
camp ef
beaatUa af aatars. See tbe ffraadsat
alsbt tbey^went by w^to_Matanaaa.
araasry la Aaeriea aad -BilUaoratestify. To prodace Ibe effect* noted
Baade. Aaterka'a oaly PaUes. tba
the sTeck a torpedo would bare to be
,Chataa« of (iso. W. VaadorbUi. Or
of enoTTDOti* slae. full) 1» .-r son klloa.
atrrW aad resesM tbs trtre'.cr. who bias harry to-fot
to Florida, caa ro ria Cbaua«OC«a.
. March 1&—A shoot• paaalar Look-ut MobdUIs. aad aorom^ '
pecurrej at HUnrlnsiurt. a -- -**y Battle-deida. which ___
tbe Ule of tbe strife betWMa tba Bias
M'r^^^condUB^. *1tlcl:Tuve |
P**«- aadtbeUray.
read and found admirable, *eir rare- ]
““ Ukln* of two Ia eoaBceiios with the Qoam A Craafully observed. But eume thlpcs which '
Mayur HaJ:.hlH me: John D-mald ssM
Route, tbe Seatbars BaOwair
—* Ihr
•*' Miter’s
laitrr’a sou In/fi.nt
In /rxint of Thomascannot be foreseen arc hound to happen and
forms the Ureat Throorb-Tmak-Liaa
In any nary. I hare K-cn rcadlnx of tbe ss>«>n- sod w ithout a word and almost (
hoolb and norida.
trplofinn on the Engllih ship Dotercl. Insianily ibr thre- men drew rerclv-~ '
*•" rawma.
which the English believe was caused **”1 bexan shooiitur at each other,
, alerplnc. dininc a«d cbalr CBfa. Th*
by chemical combustion in the paint
Sixteen shoia were flred and
tba Soatb.
used for fluick dryttix. I bare aim read
•roll- W
aa Enxilsh account of hbells ___ ______ 1 1 . ..»S
your PeOTCat
nearest CV
coupon tlcki. araat or
found buret open because of hardeninc ’ fftound
mortally wounded, raWibwhile youa* cQ.C
W* H. TsvLoa,
poinu that rpUt and produce heat, thus : Etowdd had been sboi several ttmee.
Amt. Ueo'l. Pam. AffcMt.
•hft>e the powder in tbe Interior ot
No ei« Foartb Aeaaa. ■
tt has been expected te taka pUoe when
Ue shell.
Loalarilla. Ksataeky.
-As I have said. T do not believe there tba pamea (Iret met. •
was any csrslesaneas en'ihe part of the
eOlrer* of Ihe-Halne. I do belter* there
Tba "•atarday SpadaL”
mamas Is the BMrl il (Wart.
was an accident which could not poaalWaahltiptoQ. March 11—Mn. Tleterta I the nay train of tba Oraad BspU^
bty have been foreseen. Such is
Conkllnx Whliney. of Ue Mlmourt bar. IA Indi.M R> rua.i^
judxment at present. wlU tbe
that nro In r«'me«lnnof tfaeeourt. When
havinc plans,
drawlne* of the wreck made as fast as
Ue diver* ars able to fftre n* definite
Cnpialn Peral wu meat eenneoim
durinx (be entire interview. Be Ilia*(rated some of tbe point* be made by
sketches on Ibe desA before, him.
Waahlnfftan. March IL-Most of tbe
time of-yeetcTday's embtoet meetlnffwas
taken up in the dlscuuiun of mrasures
which have tM-en put Into.operation for
Ibe acqulsIUun of naval vcmrls by the
rovemment. A cabinet member said
that Ibe xoremment could probably gel
,m veasets. Most of the •»»..
eoo.'we. however, would W spent In Ihl*
counif)-. In reply loaquestlon be said;
"Yes. I think th* syre’pBthr of the Brtl-<
Isb xoverninent In this is^iiruversy Is
Wltb the Fnl'ed fltste*. At any rate
she doe* not' side with Spain. 1 do nut
mean by this statement to have you
Infer that th* Rnsllshmen Vi:i openly
advocate our esus* and extend ns sub.
stantisl h.-lp. bu( *m give u* tbetr
moral surt»*rt.“
Ue covemmeni.
, tinatioc 6aUri(*y nlybt. wlUoat loa--------------------------• tny a day** Ume. U arrises at Uraad
Obambarlalab Oao^ Samedy.
. Rapids at I0:tu p m.. in Ume' for cmTbi. remedy.., InUadml
(or oanffba eolds. eri
/ Satarday.
eoairh ami InSaena.
C. te Lock weep.
famoB* (or iu curt* of
Oeal Pnaa- aad Ticket Agaat.
over a larre part of tbecieilixed warid. 1 S9»^i:t
Oraad EapUa.
Tbe aioat flatteriag tcaUmaeials tees (
been recelred. ffivinf aeeoaaU ef IU,
rood works; af Ue affTraTnUBr and 1
peramieat eooffba it ba* eared; ef *e-;
evre eolds that
yielded peempUr'
The Board of Bdaeatkm wm aell tba.
“ ' aod of the dan-i;
(0 lu BoeUlar effecla
daa-1 Bast Slate atrsrt school prcMstr. cm-'
raroaa attaeks of ereap it baa eared.'aUtiaff of loU » aad ». Ueek B. Baaeftea sariairnhe life of the child. Tbe aah. Lay A Ca'a Ttb addiUoa. tswathar
extensive ns* of It (or whoepinff eoayb i wiU the haUdiag ttmaon. at prlrat*
ha* ahow« that it roh*>Uat diaeaae ot! *^ for (TOO. For farther iatenMttoh
all^r^u. eoBwrqaaaoea. Sold by J apply to
Al W. Rreagao.
Sc* Wail. DraffrisL
n? tf
aty Clark.
213 Front St.
t Saerirsd Three TlmM s
•aata. SOc per quart
Fleicha's Ofstw Depot oil Bestaoiut
All in, but juat now occupy a secondary
place, while
Onr Great 15 Day Sale Is On
One Week More
20 per Cent. Discount on
First Floor Oiily.
Our Red Ticket Sale of Suits has surprised
-r-l us. Come this we^ and get a baigain or forev
er after--------^
W«t*r AppreaehM te Washin
Thoroughly MlnacL
Oiwiltf Altw. lUallBinc T
riBliWt— U <h«
rraM •! th» SaWMMB •» Wn»
AUMltM t» O-.y.
Waahlnyton. March IJ.-OcDciy
IB al*tof7 which wilt
Of thoChio>Who U<J thtArmiM
of tho Union AgoirMtho
Wbwtorw 0«r Army.
■9m Bia CITIGS K so Disni
Con*re*»mB.i Jo»cph WhccIcr ot AHhamA. a cnduAte ul West I'olnl MIU>
hant i:enJentr army, and U
;b aulbvflijr on mill*
' tao affair*.
In the houac of r»p^
' acntailvta he trccnily made a apeceb
■ on ihr orcanlnaliuD ot oar army, and
> aald:
"On ac<x>tin« of ihc preaent faulty or*
I BBuixaiion thi- offit'ra of tao coirtbanlaa
.' of infaRlcy and f»ur of cavalry are with„.*,mcnu
akin and with latrtoUc determination
to flive warm welcome to forelkn fo.a
of the
One of the c d offlclalp .of
the war dc.
I has said b
only one moni' :.r at Norfolk sc
... . ... -......... ..
.1 Hnn-jicn !!.«■
look IncJtjrl'te. Any lleel which mlRbi,
pass i|iat point could destroy Norfolk.'
BalUnwre. snd WashlnRlon at least,
they think ro
Put under General AI-!
^er> .tlrecllon, the aprP*<h-» to those
'cities have hvi-n so thornurhl' n.med
and toriKd.^ Ihst DO ll.-.t ...ulJ f»sw
I eliore and hl.»w ih.
Iffore they knew «hat »ts happ- nin*
to Ihrm. Tbclr preat Runs would be
I .sh-uld pass
In* up the Ih.iomac to destroy WashIncton she would to destroyed Cetiersl
Altrer has had ihr I'oPmiac river mined
so that bo vtTtsel loiild come up the
channel and *et within furty mllm of
the national capItaL In New Turk and
oiher harbors GenersI Al**r has caused
pn.ioetloo lo lie msde In a ayslemallc
,an-l sclenllflc Mnner."
General Ali^r ronfenvd yhonor upon'
his state «a well as U|-on Ms rouniry
duHns tbe Hvll war. snd he Is now
makln* every MIrhtRsn man proud of
•him by his sjilendld 'attention to the
duties of rrent national Importance
which have been iDtrustrtI to his care
by PrestdeiH McKinley. He will make
a sreal secretary of war. and every day
brings us clneer to the time when his
Services w in he roost demsndeds and
most appreciated.
n s. a Hldi IlMsr.
William Alder Pmlih of Grand Rap
ids Ik one of the younptert memtors of
the housi- of n-1'res..ntatlver. and It
was a hl*h honor which was confiired
Ui»n him when he was si*nah-d'out fur
By order i>f City CutsBlue*.
mr\ed eichlo'h yean in the fedanU
%nny In almost every position from
aeeonb lirou-nanf^to major Rriieral. and
Illl.d manyclvL ollU-vs wuh sliolly and
ffrrat sue
Helpeo Make
u llUlory.
Of bla life it would sei.m but necesaary to say that he was torn In Kin**ton. O.. ».pt s. Ul*. wae *rwdualed
from Mewl I’olnl tn ISi:. served iw
yean and then ,en*a*ed In buain< n as
architect and civil- nstjM’cr till the
war Is-Kso
All tote K-ai IS Am«
his memory Is worth
more than such a brief notice of his
achlevemeniK. of which the must drawere ihosf of th«
mane and
of jbe rTto.hon. fur his mlllury
ce previous lo that time WAS bare
tneewtigaUoa shows that men who'
All iteiahlirw.
sneered «re men of
; *'**’^
uerree—ffrsia*. will power.
u ito
lire ward. it ttoweeauc-U-r.. fond cRonob sayyply the vital forces
which people with active brains and
bodies retjuire
Bieela HUi feed tha
nervrw—makB tSr mind hri*i v masr’es
Alesb snd bl»~1 aad rl*«
eanrae ain eertily pP tolKly to Ito t balnaaa
b to Men and Kmacn..
o! fto (tty t-oaialiiev, Ike Baao-.-.f tbe 4,to , to
sate, f IratoO la Ibeir reaneelitr ward* toat-'Tl
OP PaiLAPEtj'iiiA isaks
tend tbe City CoatotiUoo B to toU TareJay , to
I etowm*. MaseSTStT^
IitoaMereqaetoed that each ward 4ele«aj * Rark-y <
'( <neek MaUaaal RstoL
aiSe. that to Wasalt wa
dewB-aa*a.badea ol hi- lurar-r a-lt-B-eola
Perman-ai OrsaBltStloa aad Order el FUl* ease biBi wonderful tell-l -to (aiaeS
gas Lo aes at ike t'liy roere.uea,
o«rr iavsty puaada aftoe aala* ibsw.
Jas. G. JtyRXiBua. Dru|rrlM-
eaiM%* of
....... veaUIsc la
Oraure Hall. Cato
wv'oa Meaiiay erealB*. lUreb lltk. IiBw,al
__ -ef elertlai; Mldele
8. V.'"5Ll't;=l.S'.°n3SE£
asdetoTwyawetA* .Ml ffrwat SI.
(hand »f a foice compilMn* the El*hth.
Tenth. Seventeenth anJ Nlneieei
! dlans resimenla and «ab then nrdered
Osrkshufc. From there he advsi
d ' eorner Blsik aad.L'slo* Mreeo.. to Mostoy
to Rnarln* Creek, within four mli«* >r ryenla*. Mareb lim. Ito. at T JDt?ihieb. fur
ibeparpa** ul eteenac RLdeleraies to auewA a
the enemy who were Intrenched In s I IUpuM raaOit>CMveatltorwll*dfar~
forest SI the base of Rich mountain.
o , ..rr,
Heps he won his first victory, rouiln*
the retols
In the me; ntloi- the dis
astrous battle of Bull Run was foucht
and l.ort, and General M.-Cellan toln* !
WARD No. 1.
tummoned lo WBsh!n*ion the command
in western Vlr*lnta devolved upvin Gen
eral Rewe'-rsna Then he h at Ihe rebels
at Comifex Ferry, baffled Lee In an at .. .^^a lUpai IMWB «ty Cto»»
a*. March INS
tempt offthl- biller to enpture him. He
was entm*ed In Vlrtlnls until May 15.
I J rVLoll
IM* when he was sent to General
r H s--------Halloi-I: At Cortrlh Miss., then the cen
ter of interest in the wewl,
A KepuMlean eaueu. of vo«ee. le Ward No 4
m to held at Ntaie Mlreel Prioiary Kehoul
ouae. no Mooday eveoins, March llih. Ito,
ai O’clock. Inr Ike porsuto of eleeuo* IS del
BHIUaal flarvlea* at C •rlsih-Arra.r In
ale* toaueoda Ke|>uUu-au I'lty Gutitvalk
M«*hty Had Way.
e.cBlar. March |4'l
Hallflck finally placed Itosecrans I
K. C. BtX/AK.
command of the ii*bi win* of the Army i
(of p. m.. TUlaciheoa.n.
of the Misslsslpnt. shortly after the i_____
o^J^meTrcrcVl" in Wtohme
am-drilled TVeri Point man. could be
Btl aa government rlcils in ttashlne^
^ flEMinB reclii
ton, drawln* upwacls of IKd per m.-mh ,k,. , io.«,
if n e bad
for wrtlln* oushi not
--------- “>•» •
'' “*■ *’•*>
li: or more per month
^TX i.^^ ‘'tlj ‘t^rk'ihr^my should be reoriran-
John R. Santo,
Ctieril lisiraiee.
Wanbart nioeb.
Txwwsftto CMT. Ml*
Oos larrr lot. M-foM truut. «■ W«^
star street, betwrea Wsllluctoa and
KraakUa. Cha bs boofhtifor tlW lata
thaa CMh value if taken bsIore Aprtt
IV Look this up at oace.
One SO-loot lou Barlow streeV Oak
Beiffhta. at almoat your own price U
edd at oace.
^Wbea in need of aaTtblar ta tkla
___________ jrthtoUthep^tolMBiW
yon orders and get prOHipt 'raorkliaUslaeUoRrBarRatdwdorMoehBirB- '
Laavc ]ro«r order* at cOe* or 9>11 up
' Tbone No. 8.
—Watch Repairing.
John Verly.
•-Front Street.
Gfuil bfUi t IHiut L I
rsa-'t I
™ .m spiNH£K;Si.%g;p ss
netCoua* aystem.
Go early, as
a* my
office i* always erowdedIn xrbk'h ol the mlliuo- budleWof
H. _____________
R-Casesrt. Tstors. Bloody as* I
tl. n will wticipate. A re- Wsssy*
quest wi
- made to have the body
lle.ln sti
In the dty hall until the •wf.liy. Msaypsilestv
» body U BOW In this city.
____ ......L"iLat2
. ..:r,:KL7Srr.is3’.s.tL'sa
Arrrsitol to, F-spl.rila* itorabw
i:.-The police arrested pltsl
la th* Oalssd Btatss
u-vn bwov ...........March
a-nn™. In .l.ra.n.
........... ..............................
‘cliarge of
anythin* about the 0»e of cur present m \h< bomb eipto
mum far tbouaand* of ondeaervln*
'Superior cAnnno whieh In Ihr futura Boulogne last Jvne
.------------------- RUPTURE. Also, we h ive a lyoF-i*
snd its enacImeBt aetold add
will Hr the army arilMefy. 1 w-*ni the „„ hie w.>- to Longchamps to wimea. , C"
- tr (MU' SanitarhosoiUi
per annum to the p
army of this toublry lo enmjare with the orand Prix. and la the explosion a
Bend for Jonma'
•Inti ran. -H wffi not be parood
the armle* of other muiniira. aa th* few daya .afterwart 'la .tfont of tha,
__________ "Whoever dnuhts tha piitriotlsm
men aod commerve of this, country Birasbuur* aiatua,.lB the Flaoa da to
BfsJor McKlnW" saya BeBator Bardfloipara with th* bmb and corntnereo , OoBoane.
pension aystem need*
Ever Bormed OatT
U aojunknow
New Departure!
JS,7ir-ASf!L'dte ’SS'BC.3
break of ihe re- railed larTaeadayei
J.T. PalebiB.
beUloh was In drlUIn* recruits, but he
was pre-n '-ommissl-ned as chief eaiMlae.
*lo<cr of Ohio w ith the rank of colonel,
but preferred active service and was
AUoneF* at Law.
made colonel of the Twenlv-lhlrd Ohio
A Rcpubl’raa ease*. <
letera rrshliw* la
r R X K R.Haa
volunteers. Three daya afterward he Wan> No. t will t* told i
I. Mareb
'oa toroaJ «reet.u« Mis
received a commission as brl*adler *rn- KUi. use. at : a> e eloeli. lor Ito purpose wl
, rral and was immediately ..rdertol to elreUBC 8 dalrvaio* to ailrsd a Oily eforvB'
revale*. Xarrb IMb.
^nilnis by General McClellan. Vkto callod tur Tweaday
B. W HAirriNisa.
With (tto Array Is Vlrziala.
At ParVersbui* be was rla>-cd Incom-
------------- „
Dals(ata Caucuses.
tales senatot
. .. nalii^-staie' mliiin.
Rut Mr stmlth has attended
'The present' or*aniutlon of our
to his duties as a roenitor ot the <vimarmy Is based uimn ex|ierlrnce* In bat
mltl«.e on fnreicn affairs, and hener
tle* under condlMune very different
be has aktrar^c-1 national atienllon.
from wbal they are today.
Both of nur senators and all-of our
'In •ildcB timea the armies were
representatives have reeently been reman hed lo battir In dense mansra. Ihe
celvine l>l* baleh.* of reoduli-ns and j
Grecian phalanx *enerally havin* two
prtltlons In favor ot the patn*e of the
lines of ten ranks each and Ihe Homan
anll-sealpcrs' IBl
Th'es- come from
leelnti havin* as many as sixteen ranks.
the order of rallniad i.inductors and
"As iBHiIrmenis of war were Im
their friends. Recently the malls were
proved the number of ranks wsi *radburdened with ictltfons from hundreds
ually reduced
TwWundred years a*o
of pood men opposlnc th» pss-aee of
this Mil Po, either way our-pulilh- men
than three ranks
Nap<ileon's tines
vote they are bound to m^e enemies
never contained more than dw-u ranks,
on this bill.
and the battlea In the future will be
PlelRhlna must hsve lieen Rood refnuKhl
with the one-rank system.
s placed li
renttyln the vlrinliy ct Muskepon and
These chi
Bear 'lAke. and the folks must have
mand of thr Army of the Mlaslaslppi
been havin* a nice, neirhboriy time of
Sept. Ik. sccordln* to an a*reemenl be,
: army iirRBnlxsHon.
It. Witit the .thermometer alantlniT
txrevn General Rosecrana and Grant, an
wards xer-> one w-ouM IM
-Six {hfantry soldh
thornD*h1y en*a*ement was be*un at Jaclni.. with
■iMn* w-Bs whrk cn.iuBh.
use uf Ihr thr purpose of
my Rood preaeher friends have maiU- drilled snd sktlled in
General "Price,
festly'left off Boul savin* for a seasfn nvaJern Infantry w.-sron. ai
co‘ I
Dr. A- B- 6piaa^. of Detroit, alse
lodsment In luka; -Grant
clent In actual battle ae fifty
and *onc to runmn* the f.-deral suVproprletorofRwiatySAnitariam.il
operate ihrouata sonte caui
ernmrnt between hllxxtrds
eo^to your town, whera le will
hot fleht. which resuiiro
tre Instrurllon and tmperfecl dia- | w
t'llltsesi the
remain for one day only to five th*
if the f'lnf.-dcratca
alck an opportunity to consult him
It ls evident from
flndln* that he could not unaided
'kincle Ol s of the superior field
u>t see him at his Sanitarium,
received by
Intly w
s which ws now have, m the hands cope sucv-aefully with the enemy, aft'
ich faith in the
The doctor baa ao much
'klllful men will di> more exrculinn bavin* fulHiwrd them (or twenty-ll’
n Ul lilted tui
experience be haa had in treatio*
prayer inectlnuf ha'»
n the ta-st 1 • iterj of six guns whuh miles be murped lo Corinth.
chronic diaease* that be will Five one
Mifffiln* iwtltlo
.her the haltle of
month's treatment and medicine free.
• Halsl. M. J tv Jones. J P ConOn the 4(b tbe ConfedCorinth begat
Bril. H. J- lA-l«hlon. rarrie l^thwell.
-wledpe and mechanical eraies
Laura V. Sanders. J.-ume N'orconk.
w ire
.n.e'Ms which must he The;
All that he asks In return is that
J-f.nle Severson, rhaf-s Ollr. and J.
.............. .............
force and alxty mllet with cavalry.
ercry patient willsute to their friends
- General Roaecran* then rv -establlshed
the resnita obtained by hi*, treatment.
anlnsi Hjtwrette laws. acalnsI ii-e r,:
<-|aicil<>n of hIs h-adquaners at Corinth, w here he
All form* of chronic diacAAcs and delliyvior In *overnmeni buildlner. aituitist
r.c lime of remiiJned until Oct. N. when, by an urformitir* treated.
No man in thli
stluli.-r> In the lyh-tricl of folumhia.
proper pro- d.-r ibiicd two dn>* earlier, hi- was
State baa had aoeh extended
extended rxpeand a*alnsi lots of oih>r thinss in the
n one will plai-cd In cnimand of the Army ofihe rienecin tha-treitment of CATARRH,
Tlrirlct Ilf roltimhln: (hln*v which ate
It la the unanlmoua trs- EVE. EAR. THROAT AND LUNQ
pi-ail.in hut Glut com|.» iilvely effl- Cumberland
dune at Bear Ijike and MuttkeRun tbe
i-e ohtilned ilmuny ..f *11 survlv.-rs ihai that army DISEASES a* tbe doctor. He (rrado-yi-ar around
Mr. Bishop haa filed all
. t*c.
ated 87 year* ago from Clcreland,
of these wllh the proper comnUtlee,
aim.- It>l*ht tw- said of all the Fed- Phioi waa IS yeara in ^neral prac
rend *n
and now ib« rexerend
I armies
One Item Is eBon*h It
wlille/to mak.
tice; after that Iccinred as Profewaor
e done I
*• the ceindltlon. The nurotor .if dr- of AnatoinT and Physiology in Detroit
••■r A s«ld>cr Is t>
wvsietTi arn-l.tsHomeopathic
alone Homeopathic--------------------------vA.xr- This was thi
Medical Coilcfre
for S
•. If Ihs)
cipts iha> prvvAllsd
. C.wo at the cioee ..f that year.
.ye*ra; wasSTeara Superintendent of
ine- aid )
1. .1*0 the *eu. rat testlmon) that .
and VpailantT Samtariuma.
„„ Inrv of our cogfitry.
Ume, Ibi- federal *ovt-rnmer-t <
r was or- ;
t.enrral ruwex-rans oeemed
experience, combined with many
al'in* somehow
risiple who
id a thrill of fresh ener*y ihr..ui!h•Iyears' study in the best hospitals in
panlx-d and prr.x "
I arti1vr)v
mmand. Advance was soon
Tv-i, .xnd r,K Irfi
c ortlllery
*1 tbe country, and examining and treatind the halUe of Murfreesliuru’ Ing tboaunda of chronic cases, has
*. iH iij* more ihan
than oti.-iMrd of tbe army.
the commandlD* (ereral tl
•Ided for
,On AiTlI 3i, 1T». the law pr..vlded
[ prepared him to enre when the generi
natl.ii. fur n time. The
m artlllervmen or.d SU infai itmpen
practitioner fails.
' ilt H:
Have yon been kick
r aervlo*
for yeara?
Are you diaconraged?
mlltnn h*yatr
end.-d G,-ru ral Rueecrai..- chance
honors of war. In 1W« he was mualerad
_ _
—• qve can cure you or
If we cannot
pruvldlii* f.ir A
yon what relief
I Osr araetosSA'--)
on the treasury has b.-eif\p1*eon-h<-le.
signed with tic army In 1S«7. In I5C4-9 , ^
"Rr the acts of 1M» and Ifo: thr iaThis Is not a conrt yeor'foF-Wto whlc
i, 'su reduced (hat onr-JiaK
■ faniry
dip Into Ihe li.n-uiy
'n.e wAler hs
In IWC he was elected U. con- absolutely frge-medicinea. aurgical
of the army was composed of artUiery. Mexico
been somewhat of a pension craik hlff
[ In Ume of war It would now take about Rreea fr-m < *llf..rnla and re-elected in ; operation*, and the benefit of ail onr
oeR. but fifteen years of exTrHeiK
N.OOO artillerymen to defend our sea1..^..
mJ who a.. .— r--* c
, coasts
Tlie lufantry Is not a 'matter pointed bin. r.-elsier nf the tr.ssury,
/ of concern to uw We hsve throughout and that office ne held till hl|i death.
L rf ditorxln
pension MI1In reiiL-i.,n Gen*v.l Roaeerans xl.s a *{ electricity............. ................................. .................
..................... I.. m nslon r,n. and ^^LraGi"*'
dex-out Roman cathr.iic; tn politic* an
xMnt. in Pacalyaia, Loaaof Power,
ten. (rfthourands..f und. «.rv-ln, m«
unwaverhy: nrrn.<rai.
IRheumatiam. and all diieaae* of the
Wiityr wniw tneusanos
B aged buieber. l
Ord acainsi
about a wamlo* he bad received from
representatives of tbe unMHm. 1
Three «f them, he said, called at bla j
room a few Bicbla as.. an4 demanded I
a private audience with him. which h. !
refused to yrwnt, and belnr afraid of |
them would not open the door. Thee '
then told h:m that If he teattfled In the
boycott esses be would do so at the
peril of bis Ufe.
\i-uuams was w> armld for kls Ul. that
refused to appear before the examjujg, Knowlea. pf the United
^.^urt. had threatened
d to pui
hjm for contempt. After
r bad n
hi* testimony retrardlnj;
methods adopted by lb
acBlnst the Chinese the oio man. ex.
I dalmed eameslly and dramatically; "1
Rapublk sctty Got
expect to be killed, and If I am mur
A nepwblMwii aiy Oawvenim lo sUr* la
MBlsaiios esadWase. f.< City ofltoss. sad to dfl^ for alvlnfl my evident* JudRi
.raasart eueb aibrr business as may pssaeely Knowies will be to Hsme for It.** TIm
MtoS toluiw.lv will to told SI Bsslatoiyw proceedlnc asalnst tbe |at>>r unlof
Urwad.os tWesdsT eTewIcs. Maerb U. MB,>t
? Jvo-rloek Wan Ku. I wUl to esUltod mb) boycott Is beina carried on by repre.
dels atos; Ward ND.riuS; Ward Ks X toW: aenUtlresPf the
Wi^ K^l to IX; Ward Ks. t to l«. TtPtoLta
r w hich c
sok- purpose of en*a*lD* lo aciual bat
tle, and It «a a ne*lect w hich aeema to
me almoKt criminal, fur congress .10
hesitate In enactin* laws which will
hate the effect to *1ve the lirive men
wh<i are to lt*ht our battles, the *reatesi jiosiilhle efftctency and the certainty
that their fOursEi^ and saerlflce will to
rewarded wllh the best possible te-
lovcBtwaUoa of Um Cbineec
boycott iBlunrdoa caae yceteriay be*
KaseM Owl by lbs -kU.*
Eon Wayne, ind.. March lt-8efoiw
Merwm ■ the Pott Wayne Athletic club last nlfht
ffbsss Wbs Maks t> Iba
hM tbs KMM "Kid" McCoy Viip' ked out Jim Bales, of
Wba Owes Tbsir Utm
HsIdM n-r- Chlcaflo. in one round Bates Just taated
IClBbl 14«s-Awo(bse O
minutes and thirty aeconda. and
aba BUes St lbs PwlrWl Wbs Usa Itesi
was put out wuh.a left band swtnff-uu ;
■to Awry and Aaawsesd to Uto bw
tbe Jsw.
: ~.~ir^.rr~.
"V rb- VbiMIMs A—rets.
Los Anaeles. Cal, March U. — Tbi
Sparta Oa .Mwsrh l£.~1svlab Thomas
friends of Cmetal Uoaecrana who bav<
(coloredl was hiAWed h -e yesterday.
been almi'ly.walt.ns for the end. saw I
The drop fell at IS; M. l>emth was Incom. to him yeaierday, ,u^y «d
.was hangwl
** ,
peacefully a. a babe falUnx. a. eep Bu ,h, ootragla* of a netTo cirL
death war not tbe roault oT any dooiaae
More than a hundred yeara aflo, when , frem (his.city on a ranch be owned, and
Nat^ilton Bonaparte wa, a major of bla family waa present at tbe bedside
-tlllery. he declined the position of | when It oceurica....................................
-Icsdler Ri-neral of Infantry because I ncluus for some
! Ufure t
atlsinmen^tbs Artlltory 0«eer.
Uon of our
afttiy the pn>|>ortluB of our artillery tar
exceed the iroiK.nion today.
fason of that was. that all realli.d
»•*' »he mlllliA of the country Were
what waa neteasary «t
the infantry aiin: but they alao realised
’hat It
many- years to make an
art'lleo- officer. What was true then
Is douUy and irehly true now. In the
last twenty years tbe arUllery arm of
serrli.e In all cuuniriea has become
1 today
thr quallflcaijur.s neceaaary tor noncommlBslontsI uDlcecs la aucb.Abat It
la very difficult to secure mea who can
pr. i-rly mi those posUiona It needs
a corps of men who are really expert
The first military text
book >.n artillery that I ever read was
by -Til' ux. a Preni h w.*rh In the nmeh
languAiP. The first paracraph aays:
' Th- science of orllllcry consists In
the construction, preservation and use
uf sit machines used In war.'
-] quote this entirely from memory.nt
V have not seen the book'for forty
years. The purpose of orKanltsUon Is
to so armn*c indlvldi
*f\vn number of men
possible In battle.
What Armtow Apr For.
• raradci and matters of ceremo
are sll very well and «re pleasinr
1^ for tlie
spectators, but srmies are
Whaa Wa Am Iba Laadh« IWa«Aa a< «a4.
aea OHUaailaaf
fft. pbdL lUreh It.—A Buna, MoaL.
apoclal to Tbe Pluacrr Prcaa aays: Dor-
;rhry2^7T^m.i;Vf'r".rnd“^^^ *«•
family of tbe second wife of
Jacob H.xiser ao that the descendanu
of the fr-t wife would be helra to tbe
ADES, , Hooaer eatata___________________
ter will make a ,rcat aecnury of war ;
J^e deiallcd and other u.eCul
Be baa reaUaed the aliuatlon .from tbe a„t, i» i^rformed ty them. K brin«
ffrai. and haa made prcparatlona for uj, ii*., m.. point of the Ifoporlance.of
tbe conflict
Uuiinc bla protracted 111 I prompt action on tbe part of
Bern be kept tn cunetant cumm'unlca-| to notlrmlcr (he army
Uon with hta dciartmcnt. Ever alnce,
"Everr member of tbia houat
the LaiilemUp Maine waa -Bci^dentai-Mhat in the prewent mndition
ly" derlrxyed In ibr hari«r ol Havana.! nor artillery arm* that corp. haa bewhere a reinl.
-But, If one .Insle
Oa* tiaat.ama maa aw 0» Im.
Lanca«»t. ■WW., March
IB (be Hoaaar ptdaoolna caae came Into ,
ccart reetCrday afimtoen and f*fMWU41
aner dcltbcratinv about |
four bour^ The taat poll atood '
0 nor conrlct
abd Botlcr Hooaer. —
f* ph
tin l«
O; fcJKSfSii
KD-Apitoeto work for board wWle
rwiBcatrade.toayraBclady Bos
Tra>R BALk-Mva'.wl
D wenb raepea-er w
..Jastorle.Hto OlMtlaaastl. Oraod Bap
1. »: win l;
s la part pa
TTT4MTBt>-A«oci4 «lrl for prawwl baeto
W work; a»«i. pood sora. riel Etoulrw
aij IT Water . forwIlsresiore.orH* Haahtoploo rirevt lse-11
■rTTANTED-A cowpHetH
<oy - ..
W 0.00 ood wllr to do oork
Aod tsrto bou** Mar tlfowia ItHtsUv ot TrwTvfMCuyotH T> Caraptol I »T-a.
lINJond IXbOp
SllI or^ld
WWSid llko
" to
tojt^ foMI«! ibot
in vocuB
- oil roaS
I oomo Monm.
BATion. ^
Oo^M'iet'!!--- CisaTaMa............. Arr
Utokaraa............. Lto
^Iri^L^a............ "
Satoto^OrrastM'- "
^JAPtE^WOt^toc •*!* Traeeeto CXiy Low-
SeLISr::::::: SSS'Si'.::;:;:::"
Twts Nonssala-----"
Inquire ol C. C. Mann. Ua drayrann. ddk u____
D KVBABiste of xto OatrerwUyBowiri^ ^s
BsseA's Oeaalo*.. •*
TiaveraeBissel. .. “
aralUekviUc......... “
Tioiatra Otj.......Air
. UqwirvoC Oral
L008 WAMTHD-OaU os e
awl sklariSB.
__________ _________________________
11. GinlJelt till Eu; tb Jnikr.
AM HUAI. xRsrnra*'
OU0B«o A Vortb MiOhigaH BbUFMd Oompaay.
oooro ooerm.
Emife Zofa^nd Mis Liferafure—A
Crificaf Esfimafe by Rauf
tCeprrtgM. IM.)
nun, March l^Th« creal rraneb
RohUe Is folldWlBS “Paris." tbs lauat
VradoetloB of Emile Sola, as It appears
day by day In the momlhy paper. And
the laborthc man reads It as esyeriy as
does the man of le|^ra It haa bten
trraaUted and soon will be Id tbe bands
1 MTvatloB w« mji •«• that tba modarB
, world—onr modem world of France
more rartlcularlr—li marrhlnit. vcpaded
by tu own Impulse, toward a democrat.
Ic form of ezlsletire.
. The onylnsUiy of H. Zola's work con.
stsu |n this-that be was the first l
percelve.anJ to disclose the element <
which li
. platu ItaeW. Tb» cr«tor at -Roufon"
| «ai the flm author to see and ac‘eept this new ecBdlllon. of society In all
‘ that ronstltules lu chanar from a f»r.
mer character—the displacement .if the
ormtiised mnss and Its subsUtnilun by
a iDiustivt
self siwcrtlnx crowds of pe<ip1e and
on—of tbe power o
■ It with an Interest as de^ as rreater part of hU reett.
Os moreerlUcal Inspection with which laommolr," which markr his entrance I deplore this violent and Irresisilbls
It la atadted by the pomiclan and the I aa a master, we shall see that the hero ' pulsion of the democracy—and for my
poet. TOs same Interest bss met each of Zola's romance Is not like ih* hero psrt I wilt avow here that every fiber
of Zola's works as they bare appeared of other yreat writers, the hero In of my betnx proclaims lu alleirisnee to
•t sbon IntervaU durlhc tbe past » "Pete Oortot" or "Rouye et Nolr." such tbe old' conservstive forms and uaases.
yean, and this Interest explains the or such an Indtridual; but It Is many, and 1 will add that I believe with a
tact that throuxbout a lony atrucxle ^ tbe rreal whole, a vast anonymous ' profound faith In the superiorly ofollthe entice hare not been disarmed by , activity upon whieb each Inteyral part ' xarrhies—whatever our prejudices may
the writer, whose enersy. unwearied by depends, in "Germinal" it ts a mine be. we must admtl that ihc democratic
Bueceas. pom out as from a well- < with all Its lif^ m the "Bete Homalne" | Impulsion is In pmxress. and that la
_ . It
. -baa secured i palmer. i
la ' < 'i a railroad..........................
dellheatioas of reality— allty
II Us srees- , Zols
the deep, true meanltix of '
e eyokinx
Dames" It it a great store. U oraciv of visions.'
Zola's Imaclosuve work U a
this fear
force, the active movei
2e*^SJT •* " “
echf-me. In insplrlnx flood Ude. aa
Coreas combined. This f
'Debacle." that formidable and In the strength of ^ genius to tbe pbemonster. It It a modem airoy. nomenon which he sees before bi"^
"Lourdfs" and la "Rome" and ao-|
• »s
electrical Infiuenf* Which It sj
When once this Idea is admitted,
and aa active In New Tork and
when we recoxalu the fact that la tbs
Petcraburx aa it U In Rome or li
llu. Theac two forces actinx I
wtitlDifs of Zola are democracy and eelsnea. bet ui see bow they antmatc that
work from the bcxlnnlux to the end.
shapins tbe dlverxlnx Unei traced
tbrouchoui the- prodigious variety of
subjects of which hU
and let u» note the place to which thej
aselxn him In the talstoiT Of 0<
rary lllersiure.
Fyst this wo^ Is damoen
this tora I do not mesa that It
ealopa or sustains the theses familiar to
the party bcartnE that name, and rlxht
here I must observe that Zola, who has
been UBlustly accused of speculatlnx la
d the vices of bU fel*
I ewerved fipm a
• i work be haa
direct t
maintained the couraxeoue liberty of
his oboerraUOB. and turn
about be has dlapleased all pertiea
r (conception) of demoe.
looks upon tbe world and what men
en call
n a point of view w-lMh
xtves him a peculiar ritlon of humai
life. Try to didne for your own uiie.
faction tbe meanlnx of tbe tcrme'''arle.
rscracy" and "democracy."
." aad
a ' yiinwiu
find that the first means1 s
a uhlfonnlv
mstoms workk
of habita mannara and ensti___
-lax torciber Ir a routine, tbe result
Which It a Meet! aniDber of superior la.
Tbe term "denoeracy" means a uni.
Cormlty of combined effort bavlax for
lu aim the xrwatest xmx* tor tbe xnau
•St number, an amelloratleR of tbe xeaeral condition, tendlnx to Ibe culture
and reftnement of tbe xreatsst possible
auBlber of collected tndlvldiials. Taktax this for a rramlse. let us say that
Oig ni
« of an arlstoetkCT
ls the
B It. the supmrn^ of tbM^
■ of destinies oocBpIsd la xaMala.
a tbe dcslxnauon of a x
F wt)SM enjoymeat aad'ti^ an^d
dtt-tatodennjtely disiatsxiaiad per.
t tbs aid •( a VMF
blmsHf t
task of -tediMii
-tediMlBC to a
s this mlchty artist to the exf his work which
comprises the Ind^tdusl ansDwIs. The
ebaracten la his oovela boldly ouiUned,
Ih ln* snd full of mosement. are never this work of Zola. bold.
chiseled, never shaded, beyond e cer Jrecause of Us boldness and lU truth
tain point. Each takes hla place 111^11^ tlAalthful-ts animated by this otbe.forte of our epoch., faith In seienee. In
It Is the mill of the artist So reproduce— this' our day we arc berlnatnc to dr.
s place where eaah one la well seen, but comsCrlbe the domain
where BO one Is sallently conspicuous: mental method, and we
such a place as Is held by .the opposlny to rain from It what a Renan . .
faces In a crowd. The result of this i Talhe expected when Renan wrote
method la that H. Zola has set on foot ‘X'AvenIr dc la Science" and when
Innumerable creatures, but he has nev Trine wrote that chapter In "Uteraiure
er brought bis cspertmental knowledye Anrialse" where
of a riven passluo or a riven mania to
"Science advan.
snd draws near to
of a
, the human sduI
rie one of the strooc types of men thsi
he has sketched. Take, for example.
icee modera day*, raBartm Hulol. Julian Hotel or Homals.
resolvlax tbe impor
PalDtlnr his pictures at the Interer tant problems of tbe morsl world bj
rather than the Interrant parts, almlnr analysis as beyond all reason. Boch a
to show his hsroes In active partlclps- ' hope animated the writings of Rensa
' and of Tnlne. but were Tains to sp
1 amonx us'at this Dour he would bssl.
tories and see It aa U grows. Bnis bx
UUIe. manlfestlnx lu cxIsUncc in «tery endurinx work of time. It is shows
io, the Hoquesit but Shallow Imaglna.
Uon of (maleaubrtand. this Lujagsg
splinter of anatomy, tbe dry, aspire
character Adolphe.'which It Is very poo.
elble tbe author of -X-luneralre" would
net deign to read. Today ~L.‘IUBsralr^
ie only a macniacent Uterary rula,
while Adolphe Is alive, vtrtle es If h*
deled from ymterday. elmply becansn
be Is true to life, true with tbs' precis*
cxacUtude of the monoxTUpfa of a phyM.
elan. Following immediately afur tlm
epoch when romanticism weavra faw
jrythlnx. the ramsnees of Baltac aad of Stendahl. with
all the portraiture of Salnte-Beuve. ap
peared. Bow these names raaound tnm
St this hour of the century! They seem
to belong to our oa-n nelxbbora. And
wlten we reed the "Cemedle Humalns^
and "Rouge et Nolr" and tbe 'XnndU'
we are moved by an emotion not archwologlcal or artlSdal. but actual and
The romances of M. B^e Zola sprlw
from this new Mrth. which TUna «•fined with marvelous tnterpewtatlaa
when he celled literature llvlax
The anthor «f "Ronxon.HaeqMit*
quesllofishly true and the bypolbcms
logicsl. When the hour of Justlra Bound*
for tbe Indefatigable speeiaHst Zola,
the world will recocDlse tbe mlxbty la
bor of preliminary documentation whieh
-e shell^ clearly that the ooaletemloh^ the writer has b*«i
to establish throughout Prance, as tar
searrhlBg and as: Impartial aa he eaa
iimkc It. an Inq^t which is to aeC
furtb the Boclal problem In its true
pect and to throw a clear light upon ItX
real condlllona
When the hour of jostSce souada n*
one will dispdte the right of tbe author
to paint truth in its naked reality, and
this right It the Hgbl of every .painter
of sociology end. to spesk with mot*
simplicity, of every historian.
It the ardor of conviction, tbe cottrare of bit own rule of conduct the uncompromislBg character and a* doetzin*
which cannot irim or relax In eubtarfuge—If these are tbe high profeMteahl
qualllUe of the literary artist It must
be'eoAfessed that at the present boor
H. Zola Is one of the figure* In which
these strong virtues ere undeniably evldent In all their strength; Every atom
of hli work Is Impregnated with tbe IntsUectuai loyalty WMcb tn ttseU bMds
the energy end the rlrllUy of precept,
and this le why. not long sine
prot.tested, armed by right against ths
. mice of tbr critics wbo ^tber 'fccm
shallow mlscoDceptloa of
lly by means of eome of tbs profound
aeecsslllcs whicb render every
sclentloiia axacUtude—before
mors or lem aaaloxous to every
pidpe in his wrlUnx*
ment that “rtnue and vice bre prod^
It U hli uarcmlulnx practice n
uctt. like vitriol and like sugar"—a ' Biaks a study of chsracter. but t
of words. If 1 must aay It.
bare t
Btraed. for tn the plnd of <
character. Read axaln in -Germinal-' master they meant nothing more
tbe story of the elrtke. In the "Debacle" lem than tbis-tbat vlnne and vice
the account of the bstUe of Bedan. and psychological condltluna lost as vlliiol
ask yuuraelf if such effeeu could bs and sugar are chemical oonditlona liui
produced In any way other than by a If we have discerned that there Is In
resolute saertflee of aU that U payebo- the BouL as there Is 1b nature, a nescio
him of diffusing InanoraUty by hi* Im
loxtcally picturesque. We have eeen
mense labor. Jt may be that In th*
often at the theater the extreme mod'- that caniK be reduced o
panorama of our democracy be doM
flcatloo brouxht about by the maeslng
not see all things with a clear vistom
of ei>evlator«. Ther* are there per'
LM>0 soul* Who have, as units, mpt.__ sclenee as IrreponcUsble—the first re- aad the freedom of his eoloring is well
aad distinct tuna of mind, with differ- , veals to us a hat the otbercannot reach— calculated to offend certain senslWUencca. Jt may be, ahMlutely antsxo
Ve have twt denied that which was the Ues. but I defy the unprejudiced raad■ wbo traverses tbe field of "Rougoa
tie. Suddenly all these dlffereacra ... firm, strong, valid part of tbe credo of
forxotua. the various minds unite la our great eldrrs—that part which
dlvidnal effort counts, but It eouats as wotks of this artlBt tbs master place a c(»nmoB emotion, and Jbe maay Inda- Stands
the Intimate and profound credo beginning to the en i -u refuse ts salat*
U beid not by the Indivtdnal belax. but pendent beiBCS tremble together as If
Be a-ork of Zola—faith In the one- In ths creator of them vast mow
by a betnx eo complex as to be amor- ' imsted by one greet epiHt. This al- iM«s of the true, the eoneicUon that the mencs a great aad honest maa of Isgsimply by reason of ________________
s relation to tha
op mlraculoiis accord of broad, bu- only element of salvation far men ts tbr lera and ths moat nobnet talsat «d om
sum total. Zola's books insplra with
lavarlsbiy ranilu fruiu knowledge
tbs msgte compreheeslon of tbs sxan appeal te s< ne vsry simple but very
and we xrasp tbe aim, and we nnderatand for wbat i
divocted from hW
d character—I had tire the make up of ths romance
. A Long Lite loMired.
molded In hU haads In such a n
than obey a radical principle, and to
you rai
realise that the dlspla
dlapuu with him as to tbe limit he bae
hy. named m th«r him tor slxpene*. tb* great tmkaewa,
IS ideal
set for his line of artistic conduct U to turn reaitstie. nstnraUsUe, i
barliig oak gave him a i*im«
po«W to those of whicb be U r~Ii ill
ng with a Uagh. "Mlad now. sig,
D*t«naiaed to show tbe msaees of bstsaetapalatwo
FOB 0we me a-stspeBoe." "Oedt. wm»
tbe people In aetlsa. tbe author of
•aeugh." said 'the baggar. "aad M
"OssmlaaT bss bstt obOxed to aiqdy
giaat pM lu* un 1 gar F««r .
; 'V '• V.it5 . ’ -.n-r-v^'^ . 'r-i'-i'.
Tg» Witnaa mmom. maiAx, tumm u, mm
wbeia ptOTidhe UA aatta
■be wb» ^ • AoU. h-y «». BA»in»>»*«r«i«'—n»l
threap tlM Blind, and thla ^glwyy
AO«o.U>‘lnD.wop_^lb. »w.
tAAi «.« M
«om« be^aeemtd akealitatioe of oar Bigwig
nnnold worn expectadona TdU. broad and
“It’* a pecAUar boilntM. Toong felI"
tOoffrncut. u«. bir th. AMhcr.Inet to tall in bntUe nraall; thiew himwir from the lop of a oliff to gain ad- bavjr nav7 revolver. Hi* lo« hair, nn- aolnicmi
oplnioni abont
abont it
it Some allow* It'* ai
m*7 Ja^eaa; lame allow* it’* a roogb I
M)d miliuB. ••thif 1« tb« mltuo^o to Valhalla. , The plearant ex- kempt, tmt oiled,
- a greaij drele MajJm^eaa;
hi. .ho.U.r,. Ul. unnacii. tain«.i ra. ... Ii'. . .»! h«ln>:'
thing 1 tnke to.
M. b's Is- periimccvf tbw wbjUmd fallen and eeoap^ alive may Bhve
Khve bad aumething to mu^che. drlppiug with wet. complete- other* mv* U'* mv and fwilvo. Soma
taialng nil the tinm. I nek In oewnni oaped
hi. mootb. T------------Hi* cnaome
ot wuuutse
bovT *r“gu
into it™
- coa^led
. . ...
T —
M OllW
tt toniBlng nU day tiU Tn tight, wd do wlU) the prmedoe and belief—DetwU 1?
Kree Frem.
fringed boclcddn wa>
othem w«*der bow I'll fxt oor of it
B 1 inotloe Itnll the v nlog. And
even for oor froatier enmp; bnt kbet u; , p^yu, bndnem: it', a pcaoafsl
•B(oroanl*-:-weU. nonetlnMe I do boy
. Aat- Bst £lSOnr«wdoMB't ^cend
wa* that be wa» eridently in the habll 1 ““ * * pecnliar ,bnrinfwi a bsiinem
te in rent cIum nnd vtetwU. not le
of making an linpre«i<«i. and afur n !****«« «< i» l<*8« to ma thoogh 1
tfjkk ct diwingi and Unt. and pioklnR
di.(iiK-t {wnwattbedoarwarwithmilg am t got no patent trem Waabingtem
•Boonla in the Un« dam' there U jnet
a aide glance at n» be atrode toward the I
«“7 own. " He
BiMiBt M«xdangaiBoldierlng.lgQe«."
roee and nid; “liel'a meander over I
“Sea here.*' aald the captain, “1
"Aitbmodon'taeemtobe no hatol'“d‘^»»«*«»thatfaBp^enbin.nnd
ihink I oonld get om the gcn-esiKir to
weaurememUTverroiatinctlgBah benabonia 1 reckon I kin pot np my « Hm isita me, why. I...................
dochle TOnr sUmeanoe. I'TebeespcMty
gw-a advent in Battleasako^ Camp. It; muitang bare and have a abakedown xlng for her on tboepot
light CB him Utrl7, and be tblnka me a
111 pick np wibln in the way
little man. UI du, wUl jon leave vraadnring the rainy aoaaoo—a aeaaon nmitmlMm behind that oouator.*' be
aingolarly indooive to aetUed Nileclive I aaid Hia voioe aeemed to have added to
hlankt-tt trem the grooety
• «ff pigging np here and lire deoeni?”
impremiona a* we mt and amokod . it* uatoral depth the hoarmoeaa of fm. i «nd if Ibar a a ooracr whar 1 kin atand
BUliam aeiaed bii hand.
th. «or, 1. Mo.hr'.
St««T. «»">' .".""ihlhlh
“Ton are a good chap anre,''he mid.
f ^
--'n't gotnobonktoaparr. yon US ““J?
»*>y. *mkll tbar!
.-“TtT it on the dad. Herb. 1 ooold get Uke older and more clvillaed oocimn
xw?“ adicd Moebj- evasively, '
'»•»* ‘»w
>«««• "•
proper coabinna for Uw Umu then, an
Percy Brigs*, wlthont look- »«*““h‘'d whiu Urigg. nwe and not on^anUng taUc. and perhapi 1 might
l.v aix-umiatuivd the (inieter looking
Bven-afford to hire a ;wd."
Brigg. alw;' it wa. hi. affair alicraU— "raug.-r U> the .-mpty cabin, bnt aaewt
The captain leaped (ran hi* nda and n*. and uwe had jnat paawd throngba
he had taigiaatod-this oppoaitiuu. To " him in nitsmumng with the owow
began to pace . p and down in hia pj- foitniglit of diiaipaticn and extrava
onr «in»ri» be mid uothing.
J'"" •
• wvnjnnc.v. Ncvwthe•iu«gance owing to a viait from aonie gam—
etrauger 'leaned' 'heavily
.. the IvMi wc I'iigt rly aaunilcd Brigg* on hi*
“Of all the fool* God ever Biade. Bil- Um and aperalatora. we were now nnn-inni to
f<g mine explmmii.m-rf
explanaiitiu of ihi. *iaooouier. "Iwa. .piakin'to yon." lie r*-mni
Bam, yon are the moat oonfonndcdl dergoitig a aovere mcnl revnlaion. partmid
•»- ■ttiturte toward (be
Why is creation didn't
't yoa aettle down ' jj. Uidoced by n-dnoed flnauna and pan- ly aRvuling (he jffom.un with a tap of -tniuito. He coolly n-mlndid n.. hownnd he a ^mJiwrparacm
m if yon wan'trd to : jy by the arrival of
„ two
familiee with hi^r.•volverl.uttootbebar.
“Yondtai’t •’•f-ihatwhile hii.iliuK-utiun of exclndi^IVYolvrrl•ottvathebar. “Yond<
do aU tbla kind of thingf It make* me [ grown np daogbtera-on the bill ..
eiu to catch on “
|waa raining, with oooailanal warm
mited feebly and again cast''
/ BUliam looked at him awbUe a* if bnntha throogh the open window
mjd^ng'sUnwaT Brigw
“• the RrangiT i sentiment*.
^ to onoe be wonld ^ to expluin,
expluin. bnt!
bat! tbe
the eonthweet tradec.
tradea redolent of the:
the : greater astcmlKbrnen't Brigs* mid quiet- vrbich were evidi-utly in aotiml with
task made him mtnmhdqitcokaf thewoo^andepring-'I Iv. "WbT d.m'l Ton answer tbe etran i
»l<h.^h Mr. Bnlger'e
tnn away sadly. 'Nobody
ing gramea. which perbape'wm «ligbt- ger. Mciy? '
»" imvutrtent with them
BDderatand. He moat jnsl go on and « ly iuooosi.tent with tbohot (tovearonnd
Yc*. yi-e. •• aeid Moeby enevdy. to I
«• xd'Hiwial »a«n why
tfU they pnt him in n Innacic aiylnm. which we bad omigregated. Bnt tbe
newenner. while m angry flush ■.nbRitnte a mild firmnam
“See hero." be Mid. "bettor pnt
Rove wa* only an excoie for oor litond hia cheek as be rccogniaBd the f<» that violnxw which we aU depcMBtyonr rlothea Herbert. Yon'11 be *nr« to
: warmth and
ed. bet wbii-h might attend his abrupt
Batch oold. prkDcing about there in you idlenna went weU together, nnd it
I dismiBl We were all mtufled exc^
Bi^l tbinga and ybn don’t look prvt- curently accepted that we had oangfal
I Moxby, who had not yet recovovd from
^.“beadded. looking at him critically. from the particnlai reptile wbo gave it*
Briggs' diange of femt. whidi be was
“Bnt why wonldn't yon be a paraon. name to onr camp modi of it* pathetic,
Iplvand to call "ouwfUhiog." "Seem
BUliam? That beata me dead. Yon'te lifelong nwreh for warmth and lu hab
ed to me his aoeonnt of hi. bnsineai was
foat tbe sort of soft chap ton parnm." it* of iudoli«t haaking in it. A few of
very mtixtartcry. Sorter flllln tbe bill
“S»SI"mid BUliam. "Who era- na «UI went throngb the affectatian of
all ronud—no mistake Char." besngheard of a paraon JoR for splicing np attempting to dry onr damp dotbea by
grsted with a miliriuns Inmy. "lUke
«o^ and cau and things? There's tbe atove and Rnllng onr wet boou
a man that * ontspnkei
anongh of the other kind to go round agaiMt it, bnt a* tbe mme indiridnal*
"1 onderstand him very weU," add
■uBly. And there's only lae df BUliam calmly permitted tbe rain to drive is
Brigg. quietly.
to this sort of parsutiiug."
npon them throngb the cqmi window
Is coimie you did.
Only wbMi
"Vtdl Billiam." add CUptalnOrml- wlthont moving and aeMned to take inyon're aetUed in you mind whether be'
thsniile a little later, "!' am off up to flotle delight In tbe nmoont of Ream
wa* deacribm hum. Realin or Wact dielosm. This is aU very well for a ni^t, they genented. even that pretense drop
tribntiug oiebbiiyus’ll let me know."
feat a UtUe mere of it would kill ma 1 ped.- Crouln* bimndf, with hi. Uil in a
It wunld ■«m. however, that Briggs
Aeclate 1 Riall «nell dc^ and chloraty mnddy ditch and tbe «nn striking cold
did not iuu.'rrogate tbe Rraoger a^in
toamontb. Here's somc.sin*sra for fire fr^ bis slit eyes as be basked bis
regarding it. nor did we. who were,
pon, Billiam. It's all 1 can .para "
bend on a warm Rime beaido it, could
"/1*0* speakfa Co ptra." he
quite oaiii-nt to tove'matters in hi.
“Thank you," mid BiUUm. pockft- not have typified ns better.
position in which Brigg* bad plaeed hands iln.-ugfa ebaf Hr. Bulger moTwd
teg tbs note* without demu. "1 may
too^, U- Wlow .bo
I f,, u„
J -s.”'o
and a bnA-en down
•OtneufUie i«n»«* y.t. BillUm-'
."Ifll bcwbi-n IVter'. not Ic.Aing i
-tten." mid BiUiam. Riaklng hi. bead. :
“bnt If tluy do nick me at the gate.
Why. I guc^ tberv'U always be pleniy
fra: 'ar-'-
.«1 „„ 0... Al II!
cirvuiL 1 declurv I
,n»t .fdk when thiwe two MnUin ^”^ whisky then,
girj/t„,^,.etuiuakeaRiort«-ut throogh ;
“in. camp Darned if thev didn’t turn '
d™**”!* “
r..tmd mid uke to th- s^oid* and the
| ssriias rra'a i
• aid Ilf a let^uld boxes from
I tbe gn«erv w hich be qoicklv estenpo'
' I and chain, and tbe
■m>r n<vvf«aty cooking
1 made hiiUMilf at home.
Tbe rewt of the c^mp
made a |»iDl of liwving llM-ir
(hedilidiv* w-bi'Devcr Ibi-y ccnid
waited until bi» w.rk
»*•'' »»'“« ‘b
..f miirfyiug a
landiiiAbo aerionaly istof Uk- a snotlrr urrvoln wavin hi. fln. i *
and layin. ‘This way.
'i;: aa..,.™,..
“ '“’''‘y
sn.-v, t<.
Hc M> tned to l« either fixing np
__ cabin or .niukuig in hu durway.
On the ...xaid d«v be cbedad (bU
itineraui i-nrioaity l.y taking the lai-u
tiacive biuu.W and qttielJy snUking'
from claiui lo claim and fr.un ohin to
cnbis with a pm ific. but by uo means a
mtisfyiug. iDtcr-Kt. Tbe lihadow of hi.
uU figure nuryiug bis iu» parwhle gad,
wbioh ttod not yet appansitly "Ruud
in the Wo-per." falling npai an exenvsimI Iwik fauidc the deli
elving I
Unk l
..—liieiifliilies'Hat Stoss
in Lbct sod Batton, VesUBgTopB. Hame in
Missee’. in Heel and Spring' HmL Sim* in
Heel (or ladiw who wear small niTfti- l,
and 2. Ton or Blach.......... .....................................
Gent’s Pine and Heary Work SboM.
Style, Wear and Price Gaarantoed.
! about CL0THIN6| I
I Men's
i Spring Pants-
New and ap*toKlate sfylcs, choice materials,
that are correctly cut and trimmed.
We’ve already received many of our new
Men’s. Suits
for Bpring wear,
And more are 9omiDg in nearly every day.
stores will be able
^HfLDREN’8 WUl the boys be fitted but early?
Vn/LOTHING— Might as wdt please them by
tiflg their outfits now. It’ll cost you but little, at the
low prices we make, aod yon have the Sfvittg styles
here to pick from. Come iu anyway.
Dependable Qualities )
'Satisfactory Prices ’
; Always
swept the drop, of whisky lr.au bi* long
hi. finger* and gbmord
aroDud oor gropp. "I're got MUDc bustnvOT> oreral Bil^rood (ouDearvR towu).
to Ray at it ain't tuy
night afen Ur io damv'The Gncn
Con lUooe"^tW ■HUwaiba,' with Ryle."
"What’* tbe matter with Bigwroodr’
fealbm io niy hair and a led blanket
my sbooldm ro
too festive, too
■r potato patch in order that it might and
w of fiUBDce. But 1 will only in - •inctw* afid ttultiniT ' 1 didn't ^ rougb. Thar's too much yellin ““
Aiento a mode of k«v]ijng the wasto18
cud Ri^ and gay gumbulion coal^n^xj
feook. wbteb include all kinds of ml- accomnaMimeut obUI lao’doc*
at nieh
could not expUio. A,few characteriRle
gar matter and puleniioal divisiim*. con- over at the cn»an m> Chat tbev mixbt i
y«H* of boiR.»wu. biUrity from ChtOr
•t IsM thsB «<«t Ufa
pennlskoo* aoakm at the hu nuontide gathering under a cottonwood
Bseuively trom-ribed. jnR as they oc- dnwm of their banov cbildbo^ hiwti , *"
cu in the emm- of rvodiug. Tlw pruc- It seem, to me tbsTil wasn’t me did it '
^ jingam*. ^bat 1 want i. a som«.bow own-d when Mr. Bulgw wa*
am of keeping U simply ihu: 'ihe ex- lm^themr«l^l^lSL-S^
-PP«Rching. and his
toed are at • m-(ud of the hook and tbe ' hav?the impreMto^l it waul m2!"
b.-twm prippin caMal liuppuiK before a p<A«r party m
Index at Uh-.uhi-r. F>r t-xample. I make i Pr«u the sileoee that foUowed fhU
crtkAui « hi* ib,- guU-h actually caotod ooe of the
this entry,Auui-isdead and the'would swni to have been cleuly tbe *,*’**^rL*vr^
moR trckliw. gamhlcr* to weakly recede
from "a blafl and aUow bis adv-------w,wp tJ
U„ W, that IV
pe- Tbece was u
to that of the
culiar Rgniflcmce
Be the cwmp bef<«e i
an*, my. 440t. in the tndvx 1 uiter | ^ attain fair. What jre
o Ruwly:
Tfaeir curiiauty t
«nd«r the letter A. 'Anne. Vtieen. her elcu up and cbcuia^ deeeal immi- WRR on
"When 1__struck
Aeaita indubitable.' with the number grattou and gH rid of gamUin'i and
, this here camp a nin- _ geiM-ral fueling of repalsicn ke;C
that thu diiob within U«d. partly by the absewce ,f
4405, and under tbe l«u-rH and with bUtbenJtile. that ate maiin ihU here
toe same number (4-105] 1 write.'Hoi- ounp Un-ir ha|>py buutin ground. We mtniKleriii peaeefnl like through the anr oven a«t freau Bulger and panlvIoA p_;.
Ih^ oodmlslily taken by tbe Dutch.' " ; duo'i want anv more peruishoo* abootoffice
W. H. wight do U'tu-r than fedlow | {q. tVe don't want any mere finHi.
toi* rather lahuriunsmeUeid by keeping ; the town r«L We dca't want any mote smoke JuR a-cnrlin over the cbuuhly of exoceti
a very suall mdux bcuk .cparatolr and , swaggeria galloots ndin up lo (hi. gtv- that log sbamj and the hreah juR set ,
fliv tu and a-amuldirin lo that potato |
BOmberuig tbe folio* unly of hi* catling , c»-ry and-rmptyin their rx tboutoe
___ ' the-wir *■
patch with a kind of old time stiagui'
• •
' afire tbeyiMsht.
Itwf of each book Ba-1 pua itoiTio it
v and wlthont
no»e and a few wianeon's remarks upon
your hone
-iseeeto. 4 few more left,
Oao W. Barr.
hook ».
I have beard
ward that Mr. Sala pnt his . p, no credit
buUyin ns—ibey'U
ns—ibey'U Uave.
eatting. aod1 jrUably notes of his own [ u we're only firm. If* aU akng of oU
fa a book and mdoxed
ihRu. a plan I d__d fool good nature. Tbeyseeit
totok much infrrtcr lo thu foUowing
at.mo& thoy’il ktop it ap w
IW each up to about the mme Mae or long a* the whitoy'a fxen What we
fasto on paper «f about tbe mme *!» if want to do is, wbm tbe aoxt i
tottU. indurw the sobjvou aed keep
Tba Popular Shoe House
toam in alpliabeiical trder «
Jf there aiv two subycta, ofi
ofTreTatse Oitp. *
akk ben-mlngWt vrito toe paff oltdatoB
aoftM* rtferwioe. You have no troql
air toroogfa toe window.
fapaMiag into a book, mr naud yoqgmt
"Looks as if we might bar a toow
«R it tbe cutting is requlrud (or any even now." aaid Jim Bollia*. mov^
yaijQM,—Hotee and (foenea.
his feet from tbe store as we all fa- That’s the way you can get the new books ia
sttootively faced toward tbe window.
our store. Holley makes a specialty of this. Here
"1 recfccB Ton*n ia with M in this,
'WBto'l toe fall 1 iiund(d.’’«ud Mosby." Mid Briggi, taming* toward
are some of the new ones that came m this week.
Pat, deMribing his aeoMtion io faUing tbe pn^riutor of tbe grocery, wbo bad
“A DaMort DnuBU,” A. Conan DoyW.
troM a acaflold. "Begurra, 1 could have been Imning Uatltoaly Bgaintt tbe wall
-lilil MoLmo.^ Owen Wieter.
tone <n tiavalin that way furever. It btoind his bar.
.-was the stop at fae ind that inouaven-The Bed Bri^ Beighborbood.”
"Arter the maa's bada fair toow,"
•aid MoRiy caotioasly. He d-|re(»ttd
PboLThis seen* to be toe axpstence tf the pnvaiiiag oemditkm «f thmgi. bat
'^Btbetoae PipplBS,** Maxwell Gray.
■any who have ben
it wa. Mill aa open qaesticn wbetbM
*<l>oroaqr DreyooU'e Tomorrow”
a height While falUng they «
the families would prove a* valaabU
TUginia F. IWaaend.
aoioasof noFaiB,ao«i
dastouers a* hi* jrcaeBC cUenta "£vBeatrice Whitby.
•tythiag ia moderatjea. gentUanear'
”Looldawar," & R. Crockett.
Ifee.aMBd <f gaUopfag hoot* mm*
C la the eoft Mto cd
I feil^hwar. aaiU the aaMM ridv
letnrdM Tom RolUni
Fine Shoes
Going at
. During This Week Only.
i R’s a neasura
To Read New Books
list IS SOM astInyrftWDfilie'pilter's kaids.
Tm Ktttl. or saniae Dlah.
Price from 60 Cento Up. CaU and See Them.
M^featae toe doer. TbMewMno
» mat Stnet.
X. B. HOUUT. Minii m
■ ji:-' B^-i'. ■■*
’ V ,”-:V
ram Mowraio tmoovo, •vksat. kasoh ii, us*.
• pctM el Ibiw far »b* bM ttofiw ««rk.
SeibBM ttlbe. K«a M. PnbvMWk bw
oao*.«ad«beMB< M l»dUBwM«leb »bU «m «m (be
S UMoiMlmtran Ibe
br leaking nnkled i»- U la luedaot <lark rad wood. It «ifa fae«,
anlnai «ba ■Mnatful oendhlataa, «Ub a bead e loriMa to diaM«. aad
€t lodim WhQ
- __
emolanS* opportunity to
Wall Paper.
M tba fiB for admit-
natnitofaigMed to atosalaeWtog
tba Rear grete ct oottoa gooda to MibJust SooRiTod, at
cbeafar tcBtoad rccrnltj a ootoUnUlaa
a nailra of t’cno^laeola eod mraandabl^ etui to iDocaed lagmilfj-liiC.
tnaad npoa tbe profit' earatog tsiadlj
.. bMUMaet
nma at ewa/rratu too lodga
%Slfad^ wHb tbe a K.
" 8. to tUriDcuir
Ml U
« tbaa double (be ombd
«g eaeb ftim. Tbe capital repmaatod ta
e^afaetMtoBaepoUatolBM. Atoi. Jabn-1 "
Iowa naoda l
flO.000.000. Tbla new aUiasoa bai
been auda to laalitate tbe esMoakfa of
The ncBlv uAelal bioDelalfa
tradeto tbelr prodacuaa well aafor tba
toaala to Fabruarr. laW.
batter overaxutoc td foreiga cenpetiMARKHAM BLOCK
' l-ba blodrro noudmaedf An
ellra for one T*wr. but It tuuat
luaka miMbrnMn bpoe tba buttData of law with aeouiA. tied. 8ir WiUian Boolaworth, neaeoauouuoA
- «w»b an baod lu m Jabuar7 eod Febrti- ber of parliament for tba nertoweat diTi.
oaa r.ik-.- ow «
'« '•>>■ TiMcn of Mancbeater. one tbe IwdFolka- borne locelod at Ph1tai!<!i.hl«. It
tog CDttOD qjlnoeri of that dt^,
aopiairted aixl nianarrd bj ao awuelalloD
to“™»ee >aU been electid chainnan of tbe nrw allla< IW lodw. aiKl rt.eet..pio«nl. rrph* »t- *»“
anew. Tbia iodicatea that tbe BriiUb
togaiiM-iiiUT>blpof to.»W. It baa (M tottoa OlBl.t rrcAbtly ?6 OOW
center for Ibe prodoction o( tbe ttoeat
taoTcraU UeUllUoaol '
Biaira and baa
eotten talirka baa diacurerad that tbe
I Tbr llUtioUOild F«4lowt'Orpbaiu' borea
tine baa «mue for rnatnal oo-opecatioo
eeaialDa lit toniebia. and tbv n-r< Ina of a
and tocctnatof tbeir tottbraKlan have not bats (aqaired ttaka winWTe have just received an elegant line of Carpe^
Un tbit clan of g<axta tbe Dtogley .which for desi^ and value are tbe b^t ever shown in tUft I While the benedclary fiwtnieol tbe or- i
'bill carrlef dntira baaed on tbe oonbn, vicinity. We invite your inspection.
Notwithstanding the fact that the prices of carpets
\ tratenai nde.
, rooatrcl a proiectlte tariff for Ameiicaa | of Ibreada to tbe aqoaiv tacb. ootmung I
_ tbe eiiniDg
___ _____
todna^ra before
tariff _
advanced, we still offer them at the same
! Seetba
I tog the , KBA Lonai LToa Aometoa
er be talWo. aaal.t bin to rlac.
aeRtWrad bee chapter aa worthy reatwn
Where a few I of tbe Dingky bill, fron wbicb wae
(1 and atag- conecitd in I h8T an aggregate of |ll,184.764.84. Inrge infpunen of Nine
Tbatodlotlooawrd tb.tl8M.rlU bea
> then idla an ffcio^ ny that Ibe
rtbr wtRio ' Ai ' banoer year to Odd Krllinrrislp Cao yoo
then are of tbe
aaetidenea s* iba aaters
which Mr.
Hra Ij »«o».
-«»awTin-aw«««u.—-..u, r... 1^.
--■■•----- --r
.. to
a Ban ber that an nut
J^oaon la held it la ootrd that mwly er. I Tbe memlienhlp of tbr order to Rhode
O':** ™
<a alike.
ec7 chapter to HloMana baaalaetad her I Itlai
uaniUnde of toe pantry iod«^ «b« maBnfngttwa o< cotton not apeM ebaptara of tba Order of j le tba Rabekah kdga to be the leatHitg ^ to OM eootiOT doea xM «rU« one cially prorided for a doi.r of 48 pn
Star to CoRDrctlratwitbalbrBDrbatibeorderMf thepnseoticroweh Iron reading an anay
** if cent
aalaran ia collected.
^Ip of t,M8b a gain of ITS tale coDilDuea. It will not be maor yeara . doea from a walk tfarooah ini leaae' piubea. adlreto. Tclrttema and other
ton year
that warerooma and dermting departmoDta fine fabrica nada of cotton, if not
We handle those popular world famed brands, the
Onrlsktoeltytnnof aone of Ufa boge poroelato faetonea weeebad. dyad, colored, antoed. paint- Standard Hartford 2 pl}r All Wool Ingr^, and tbe Lowell
, Tana lodge ig Urodford haa i
of tbe boay town «ff Ran Uraipoid.
* printed, nsat pay ft o«U per
ablpuf Mtaadaaaau anotioUi
It will pay you to see our qualities and compare
•‘Wberedoe. it all go tof U a qaeadon I
yard and *4 P« o«R adaaloran.
In Mkhlgaa three an 14.W7 nenbera
that natarally ariaea And yet It baa I
tboaa that are bleached, dyed, both in prices and quality before purchasing.
of tba order to 174 cBaptan. Botgatoian
been going te yean poet and will ba dejorwi,1, -eta. nnai pay
still take the les
lead in every other department.
ymt 1.817
going for yeara to oenta—not only tbe aqnaiv yard and *8 per cant ad aalorm
Nebtaefca nade a Bet gato of *48 Int
pUto and tMefnl crockery needed by and coitinga from tbeae in any fom Be your own judge.
paar; pmmt meiuharablp 4.44» tnWebaptbe “plato people.' ■
Yours Kespectfully,
that tuaka Ibent tpacial artietaa of nereate and highly fln
BOH pay aa extra 10 per ea
royalty ia tbia land of natty ktoga
m. and to na caae eball any
It ic enfotce noblbltloii The black
Tba Tan quantity naonfaMBred and tba anicin named to ihii pnragr^
. 47S per cent ad
tmm tMTuterm 4if ib#
wbo ^ Fc))ow«b1p. DOT
foUov tb
I Carpets! Carpets! Carpets!
per yard, Tip.
Traverse City, Mich,
'( anica under
aaprrme juriedIctloD id duHng that yaar
gained an adtantage ore; both Ohio and
PennaylraoU TbelcMUben ukeoebe baa
maintained nteb aofaaequent year, grad
ually Inertaatog tbedWanoe. and now baa
a meistn-nblpof lI.£Tu InexocaBof any
-other auta to tbe aupreme Unt.
It’t a remarkable fact that tbe yeara of
' igbito tbe
period to tbe blatory of tbe onh
All Maooabeealgna are good, bntoneef
tbelJ(«t)u>t now rrlclent to Ohio la tbe
UMitaally large oambn of oalla forpabUc mmloga Tbe mrrtlnga brid dortoK
tbe winter tbua tar hare averaged tba
loigeataodiuuatrnibuaiaAle to tbabialory of tbe great camp
IlllDola baa made a grand atrtda dortog
ISftT. having loeteaaed from ll.lM manben at tbe cloaa of 1806 to II.S89wt tbe
eloeeor 1887 Tbla^waa net gatoof
i rial of cbirf value Umat pay 60 per btol
' ad vjiurvBi
Cotloo atockinga. boar aod half boae
made on ktuning maebtoaa or trainw
itobdtn U a naval aovalty. 8ba U rimplr deaignMi to ran a bnle to
abip She tom feat long, baa a apeed of 16 knot, and ia procrewd
ntdanuor.'^ Her bowii a great ram of ataaL bheenriaa SO oO«m
____ eoan nnr.
wbnlly or in |un by kuiiiiig naebinea,
incJo'iiDg tbia.*- c-niuiuercialJy knows ai
aeamIv'M, if Talmxl at a^ more ihmn ||
a duxen (nir, rhall pay 60 mnu a dozen
and 15 per cent ad val-irem; thoao coat
ing fMnt |I to fl.6i> rbal] pay tbeaamt
ad_ vakm-Ri and 60 cruta a dozen: tbuee
crwtiDg Ss a iluzpn, 70 centa: tboie coat
ing *8, ftJ. t‘0; tbuee comiig Id. SS a
doleo, aixl all'af blgber vaJi 9 66 per
c«ni ad valurem. All ibeae diff.
rauw riv[cirl- QiDcb carefol examinatioB
the api'iaiaenf' office* tu preveDt any
blondm from being made.
^ , figtuaa ab(>« Ibat tbe Dtogley
•“* nado smiile pr-miioB for tba
irutecUm of Amaricaa contm manafac-
aoJtr to oor own and fvelgn Uwu u tn«
mpfopiv niatmaL
« g»ln of 88
• richt to Iv nm-lmd czrrtil fur
ai^ ainw five twcM ahead Ugiuboldt
vif tbecroft (mm
teni. Cblmgo. reeordad a gain of ftu. and '
dirvful n-ult.
scrcpitofi men unOrfaDt. UomelltvlUo. OBCofftA
wonhyef ila,unlr fraternity. —KryatoiM
TbeBnttbrvedvfrMaaotitaltM all of tbe
ibe ftwlemliy
Lrrre fur tba onirr oevot dUplaoea lave
BBd reviwTicv lor tbr rburrh Tbr two
lletlODa working nmfar i
lence and twaatv of tbe prodact Tbe
Vinton behold ponerie. u. the right of!
There 'ja tbnvfore,
no ,iL___
good _
nger delaying tbe KS
ffoer woven and
aod fcn
Mriee before and behind, huge glowing
iodrkltna and anmke belcfaing nbiiuneyi ev
pendent of ttw
milla. in m
ery wbore. He riionld have a pair of :
._u,. u,,,,
ditlcn that no grentDottery tows abonld’“ entenog into eoanpeCi,V
t tioo with tbem to fotvign iinrkota.
toitv faetwau! AnotbvrbBDqfltofthi.wUelyderfaad
adue aon of anbtle afltoi
ind and it fa cutloo icbednle ia that It giv« to tbe
a eff Bonme aa
“‘H* “ opj-irtunlly to aolve
tbe pr,d>lem wbicb tbe great growth of
Tbe latKcet lodge: ^ell aa here.
eppr.wrh to tbe ft
plan. 6.W7
o It la takeh foto ronaidlee of Kolgfaui Uverponl badarderaainuiiKtiog tofSS,
There ele live n
wbitea tbe
erwtIoD that tbe
I 000 ouGlled at tbe and of leal y«nr, and Bontb can give ita poor w
Temiilare In Florida
perienoe aud
lUd (kill needed for wt
tbe original,
1. or faieL
fall |dBD outnunibef 1 I An oflleur of a chapwr. iwviua eew-veeu - --— ----- ------------ w
,------- —
1« tboae adopting tbe new, tbe coiop
I eod two loaulled A hla office, oanout re-' fort to cleau np before tbe new ecaUe of Snr guud., while it will cmiinoe
la all the more atrlklng. and abowa that
ulaaa aoiil
rw year ciwiniiaKvd.
Y ..
Jhe I •J*"’ dorti'f tbr perkri for which be Waa , wagea and uew
there tuon la.- aotne „
dcmMd. for doneeuo
■imitor mtb la trll in all otherr pot **"-7
claaelDi'd (ilau to ouiumend It -tu popular I alcotad.—lie
ocavoDiptioa sad f«- expert to tbe new
Tbe grand maauir of North Carolina da- lerica. It
pleannt to kotiw that
fa^aa tba above ayoupala verlflaa.—Pnr
Iduw, having
Qctylm, ahapeo, markvU opeeing «p in Africa and eln. (orfolta ml]
decoratloDi and b^v i»
It la
opoo tbe order fur
I .tot U. kK« ,p »tb tt. p.«. UCUto.
O “1 .“P'. .»«■
A ledge meyMrr.toC IU.U—.to.
E,i-U.top...l l.tomi„l, =«nto>pp-™-;ikik,«™-to«popp
bmbrr* Ii. tUiab-iiua. tiy wbKb Unj wUI eept lu meder.
a tbe
aeeatdiiig grade, <
to Imp. . : offacta tbe claim of overptudociioa'^ and
otber M^le aSeMo.—Grand Maaier of to
ba creeled into a l.i] a] ji
tna gained by a Img ou'
aa eivilintiiiuadvao'-ea even borbariana
There are 6.A«
A kUaonIc obllgoUce takon by a party down the Wilaou-liunuan tariff hilL riiaocTer, at did Adam, that they nn«
IT. V. in Indiana.
Mambrra to good aundtog ollaMift- «ader ao aMumwl name la aa binding and £an Liverpool *4, tbe day a
aq»n him aa If token to bta proper ni
porV 818.8V6
tba Ute«t oottoo mlUa to *
be coning wb^tbfaB Dgammaybe ' One of ^
-toOnnd Uaater of Alafatma.
Tbareepondbillty of each mamber andor
Ctooditiona aro
tauvoperoilcti to the motb U tbe Indian
8be relief Uw (adopted IMOj i. UiDllad 10
tt^ld i. oor field. Th^
' '
Wa tBsnot too atrongly a
__________ ___ A — rm__
rtKlowmentfank to tba breth. Q of (ha
Bio, ,!«, Ufa ' eatabiubed oa a brood
“no only apook to doll tbe Inater of
bivtoao" ia tBe nanoer
Wbicb tba eotu* troobto to^Kew
„ ^^.CBglaDd to eharacterixed by DaaN rm
owhojvtow- 1“
direottm more
ora tba ii
rale, and toe eotmuy. aa a whole aa
abown in all Itoea of trade, oonmera
CntMerO. Caae baa baUtoa peaUfan of and .toda*try. waa Bam ao aalfonnly
keeper of tecotoa and aeal tor tbe trogieruu aa now. to time tba Kew
and nnhaatbar ON poaladthay cannot graod
dumalD of Oonoactlotit tot toe paoa » Sogland eoOao eonpUcotioa will week
itaelf oot. Abont toe time wbon tin
toot down oanaed by tbe itrika ba* al
lowed toe nilla to work off tbeir overPan Grand Regaot Dockacy of Kortb
prodneriOB of manBfoetnrtd Kocka toe
Carvdlna b -now comfort^ toataUad to
iScciadtiy toaoUnaa •ptodlea ^ looa&f wiU whirl and fann
toe office of United biataa nartoal for toe
Mgl^ an! there ariU bo hot ao noeb aa
aoBan dlMdct of tba old noHh «
Tba year U9?(daanontoaS«a
Utah grand lodge pnaed a rtoolntfan a ringla upodk «n tba todutttol boctooi
of KnoxvIUa wtto a cnaUMd Ml
forbidding naanhn eatertog any aoaa- cdlSftft.
btoatloa for toaeleetloo orappototmast of
fiieat itanet la apparaat to <
—bna » offioa In tba grand lodge
TToobia' between the Uaater Palntara*
rooklyn. wbara tM *‘lk
and the Pototcra and Decofag"ritMlfaohto(i
nton' UBlcab efiCWcaco. to tl
Tbaftm-aad ntanddvonaf MaaM banan tba faewr wO an atom a acala
nerit.bava ban conbtoad tofa tna. oa^- glvtag tba patoMM Jnt eaata m bon
1MK0W «■» tkiaa fiMM. facdtiffli^lba bflar Monfe 1. im
obeoM eoBtlin then ogaloat maktoB ex-; >!to Iv^y^Tfa**
agprated atgfamenta oonoemlng tbe order
tr^ington baa a ne
-ndtompaUbato to Kick rine to the facte
tract <ff 600
by Uordova dttoena
optB at toe oogtoe room door, giving
than foal for tbair fleam engine at leaa
toon 40 oaata a too. .Tbto mill haa 86,
000 rpiudlea and 1.000 looma and will
eooanme 10.000 balea aonoally. Tba
ante baa glran tte company exemptioB
from toxto for atom of yrara It ia ob
toe mala lino (tf tba Sontoern and Kanna City and toe UempbUond Bimtogbam nilrcnto. Tbe wl^ite n
1. docile andeBdiirtog, ftnvUli toe labor. They ore per
fectly mtlafled with on sverega <d 60
oenuaday, and cbanfolly workfran 10
to SO per cent mhrebonra than
;Und oparaiivaa.
will coaUQl tbe market for toe caaran
and cboapar gradea of oottoa thtoioa
Kaw EogloBd'a Decaniiy to. toat<ffar^
W oppegtanity. Tba UrgoK asd bad
onrkat to toe wcrld for tba finer and
BHM varied qnalUiaacd ootton toxtUaa
ta right bar
bat* M bona. Ibto to Saw
If You
Have Not
Already decided upon your wheel for this.'
season, let us show yon the
The Columbia'frame, whether chain or chainless,
!is made of fire per cenL uickel steel tnbing, (tbe
[only bicycle in which nickel steel is used.) The
[Hartford frame of carbon steeL If the ^lumbia
jis not the most satisfactory wheel to bnyr why is
jit that
man or woman who has owned a Col*
imbia, in ibe majority of cases, vis seldom quite'
atisfied with any otber wheel? When you nave
jinvested tbe first price in one of these peerl^
[wheels, you need not be put to farther ezprase.
lYour wheel will not be in the repair shop every
[few weeks, because it is made to stand all IHnde
jof use. Tbe cbaioless can be used in all kinds of
[weather. For durability, for fhinpictmess in de*.
[tail, they are Excelled by none. Every bicycle is
fitted with the New Departnre b|ake.
lEteTTT eui'bejT
That no one can buy a Columbia or Hartfoltl
cheaper than yon, aud when you are the owner of
one, you will oot wish you bad bought some other
125 Front Sl
Jas. G. Johnson.
TvraT-oix le
I Will Have ft Garioad Fine Horses
4 to 7 Years Old
WaigiB I200» I6N.
Fine Stock!* Low Prices!
Sec them ht Cntler’s Bsm, Satoi^y, Mnreh 19th.
-rr-' -■■•,
- ■■
- ;- --Tr^r-
VBM MOSVXVO uooao. 8raX>&T, VAXOH SB, 180B.
AbJaaawd^-VaM-waawyH^ .
ni Mroll adon tW TlUan MM*.
Bow aU ibi drh «1U
oa Ml
nw ]»l«lw id« flE M «^p)gitTe !• a
VMaklad av tea baoia ara aad low.
nbrtatiM.wbkdi it eapablafE loMu.
taatow iwrotwHioB !■ a aoafload apaoa
B«v aU tba alrla *1U dlaroni^tT*'
-"AOtH-aVaDten UBanaafr”
«D wfaieb DO air i( adalttad. AlUioagb
1S« tra taniDE ia frariT oaed In apaaiclag of poMaa« tt ia UtOa na
that the rartooi axplodvM bar
ast tataa ot ocnboatioD, esUUInc tbn
Ob that paittonlar maming I vaa :
to ba Mnad ailbar alow bamlag cr
RiAok bania^ or ■WtaoaUiic. at tbr
caaaBayba Aa-taraa o«r aasata ata tha day before I bad beaiB a yoong and
abU to tafom at, all aaploairta ara in- darning woniaB acranpanying benelf
io,aod a vooia aean ai tboBEh
of romanna Id wbkb daring tbe laat
irote tbe bmirrflira of tbe> eong ijngwj
a literal Inttani of ttne.
At a Battar dt foot, howerar, than V tbe beers of tbe roaea
And tbe garden In which 1 wet rralb-i
It a dlffarance in tbe rate of ooaabotdao
aStSa Afhlaa^tbBiaortipacCbtr
baa bm, at pat
oonMlra toaa, almoai pale la Ita tilampbantgxnoa It opa^ an£ rridenad. radiant at a otai, luntnoat and Hrlag. alnMot bomaD. iUu a rronan.
A tlgar paaaing that war lingered to
gaae OB it and wept tran tendaneoa
Then Bra lelt ocfeafitblng, aOrrad
within bar. She b«de^idad that
throngboDt all etemltr aha bad)a rlraL
fiaaociinl at tbe waa the naa waa not
laoa baontiRU. Perfoine ^ntt perfnjae. grace againat grace, to tbe end
of date their cbomM woald be pitted
againat one another and there would
be an endleat and onoeaalDg ttraggla
In vain impaatkwed poett of aU agea
woald try ip enttneiattio ntadrigala to
- their
• • mlatreaMt
prore to
tbe del*
defeat of
the eorereign ilower. Ere bad«o illn.
aioiM on tbe eobjeoL Tbe nee rronid
alwoya dely her. and u womao't eCern*J botailiauon the would be conpored
I What You Pay
For A Bicycle Is Important,
3ut what kind of a bicycle you j^t for your money is
ten times more important
A aadneaa, of ~
wbieb yoa can farta no
which it tafflclem to diride explcadret
mttj inxmmittm
are dattniated and tboee which are quick
banting and alcw bnraing.
eipioeiTea are tboee in which tbe « i
Sd^e 2
mooooaiy cw
Wild or oTcrgrowa
{in the limpid aueaina, wboee clear walu Ouwer beda, where bine, red and Ic^ uolirtMd t>cr bright Ituage. Tbe
*«»* ranged with at *»an». wbua- «
morb prccUiou as
a ttili n*
epeatid o
“ tbe
»*« Si
S< r;
»«* «ipa and ed bera.
Saxony rtmtm.nM
ttatoi'Uet mi a wbatnot of a but Ere no longer watched them.
proTlocial bocaewife: tbe sand of IU
AU nigbt tbe dreamed bitterly of bet
te n.^ m
; of a dret, tbat ba. hot t«a and«l. . her rosy Anger tlpt
Dnnti ^ tor nte in irOe. or artUlery. |
mnbition of a !
So great wai her deepair that at latl
I rory plraunt idral-EUi ideal in perfect •!»*• rtwilred to dettrey the m*e tbat
from detonating explodree. the canibniI tartp. w itboDt riolcuce or exaggeratioa; had dared qaeotioD ber title to inmin*
' tioo takee place npem the larfaoc of the
beaotr Alat. tbe Icncw only
oolld particlna compoting tbe powder,
( ro to fnniiab water color tnb^ecta
| too well that a d^ row did not mean
and an apiireciable period of time ii
A Jniy I .. ..............
___ _____
«raui7ot'rotes aliugeiher.
contnmed in their emnbottioa At tbe
threw into tbe garden all tbe infinite They wonlil bloom again .-reiy irniBg.
momesc tix- powder it Igviud tbe conthat a bunquet it rapable at btdfling.
I Utoe.
anming Hume atiacki tbe whole torface
A bottiyfly which was flattering lip* 1'
. -......
. of each grain, -wbeibcr tbe main meat '
aroaud like two flowa petals set fnw Bet at .least Ere would bare avenged
nrea a oabloal inch in bulk, at in tbe
tf tbe wind brntbed post my hand.
Arat intolL
powders of beery gont, ir wbetbi-r it be
tbongbt the woald tear ber
tbe BiM of a pinbead. at lu Iba cammon iMTing on it a l.lUe of itt fine, wbite' Am
I enemy to pieoro. trample it in tbe doit
black powder.
"B'bile batterfly," said 1, for tbo re-: among tbe stanea. then fling il to tbe
Tbe early black powder, tbongb it
membruDce of the eong led me into tnriooi wind at it paMd. She bi I on'ee
was not a detanating powder, wai
focb oonrerwiioa witb tbU delicte cen a ralinre aeiae a lark; ao would
famed with each rapidity that . .
winged ereatnte. “white hottarfly, do: *he bare liked to tear tbe roea
whole of it wat ooovened into gat behasten away, hot stay, ether, and | Howertr. abe betboagbt berself of
pjf Um HmU bad mated forward IS not
SetUedown OB tbU leaf—B flower woald oaother tortore. Sbe boilt npon tbe
taketoomoch of yoor attention—and sand a little pyieof driedgrameo. ligbtlistea to a question which 1 bare alit with a glowworm, and picking
ways wanted to oak you <» one of yopr *he rose tossed it into tbe fire. A shodkind."
dm pamed throogb its delicte petals.
Tbe butterfly poited himaei! on a ■*, with a low, plolntire muTBiar. it
leaf. "I am litteoing,-” aaid be. Par yielded op ali itt perfuma lit ebatm,
why abonU be not bare answered, lu rcy wbiteneM. itt life and incomtisce 1 bad epoben to biml
panble grace to tbs derouring flame.
“Friroloot lorer of rote and Hlic,"
At last notblngwc left on tbe dying
tnobea in tbe gnn. and tbe expandrb
Soree of tba gaa tbeo mrred to further
.aeosJarmte tbe abell daring it. trarel
• throagbtberemaiad^oftbebm«.Tbla
broogtai a Tory high initlah prewBia
npoa tbenng^ prrrented tbe nae of
nf5ei«Bt9 Urge charges of powder to
It was fonnd, taowmr, that by oom*
pressing tbe po^er into cakua Um total
a expoMd toibe flame « I redoead.
and faMoe tbe time cf coaibnatiao wai
prohmged. Tbe ruqilt wat that tbe
preonre waa ptodooed gradoaliy doting
the mirel of tbe rbell toward tbe moaale, tbe ptemare being tpread out, at it
armn. orer a larger area oT tbe bore.
She raaaltlng Telodty of tbe ebeUwnt
tbe mme. tbe diSeroioe in tbe acUmi ot
tbe powder beiog tbe mme at tbat be-
It la evident tbat aolid cyliodari of
powder would docreaae in area aa they
bVBcd. and there woold be a oorxnapCBding decrease in tbe amount of gat
given off. if, however, tbe fiylinder
bnmt np nn the inu-rtor by menni of
suitable perfentiooL tbe tuning area,
and tbervtoru the volome
dnoad. will iocreate. Tbe
oogtaving U from
greina were picked op in front of tbe
gnn after soBie expts-imeau in firing
powder from a gnu too imall (or tbe
grain of powder employed. Tbey iUuatntatbe action of tbe oombnatiostf
'' this' powder in tba gnn and demcnatrate
ttwt tbe powds is oootamed witb the
•ffaota claimed by Mr. Hndean Maxim.
U WiU to asan tbat two fclnda of perteadhab ara anployed. tboae in tbe
uyliDte to the xigbl being circoUr and
tboae of (to uppedm t^linder being
qudrUatenliaaaottaii, urltb*Two oidea
• adlal to.toaaaMataf toavUndoa. TSn
lataw tern wm
to r--------
lovrrd and all wat well. But tbat bat
lit latiwt czploila He
(oUet and ttarted for
» at be made bit apgreeted witn amllet
from arerybody wbq saw him. Be
walked down tbg stnet aod eonld not
imagine wbst made tbe pamereby smile
If You Have Logs to Sell.
OoiTMpood with the TnremrVt^ Lninber Company.
We hare for eale Good,
Sound Hemlock Luiriljer.
Short Klaple Wood.
be realised tbat be wat carrying aarpetbing In bit band. Be looked at it and
found tbat be bad carried tbe lighted
lamp tresD bia room and faad-wnlked
erveral blocka along tbe iste street
witb it in bit banA
Anoiber esae U cited conceTniBg tbe
me young man. J^t tbe cfBca where
be il employed be bat orcatioa to aumany calls at tbe lelepbcma. One
evening be waa reading a book in hit
tcoBi when an alarm clock rang in tbe
ad>oiDing imm. 'Tbe abaeotmioded
yonth got np aod oemmenaed to yaU
"Bellol Bellol" and when tbe oc«npant of the other room inquired at to
the caote of tbe yelling tbe young mao
said in a abeepitb manner. "Ob. 1
tbongbt il wat tbe lelepbcme bell ring
ing. "—PitUbnrg Chronicle-Telegmph.
HiU Machinery of aU daaeriptiana, including Two Eogtnea,
Ret Worfca, Carriagaa and Gawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
*alk I
bare learned nme tbingi in tbe
course of a long bntinem life and atiJJ
bare s great many others to learn.
Bnt tbe chief thing I bare learned
one nngget of
wisdom in three worda. Talk it
If tby bnnnem enemy offend
m’t tail bia
on tbe cheek. Take
him ^y;he
butloohole in a Wcndly
mannor and talk it orer.
jfiuo« (me tella you that Smith, down
tbe nrert. hat said or done aometbing
to yoor deulment. Perbtpt be bat. and
perbtpt be bat not If be bat. your beat
poliqy it to pierent bit repeating biirema^ or deed in tbe fotiun. If be baa
tgocety ix an unpao
liter of 1.080 tCBidltplaeauwt &ba not, yon don't want to do bim on injnaitfleia.
11.600 and hat a speed of- 11.6 knota' Sbe
nine 6 ineb rapid fli« tice. even in yoor own'miud.
Pot aa yoor bat. leave yoor temper
iller guna
at borne, go down ai-d make a fnendly
call Be neighborly. Jrank. open. Tell
bim tbe troib and ask bim for equal
Kine hundred and ninety1 bqcao. "wtataM eom« (bia delicate I embetr but a TlOle beapof WBlMf
powder yon acatler from your wingi oa —tbe otlira of tbe roe—and tbe wu,.- , nioe times out of a (bootand tbe wl
yt« fly frcBi fewer U> flower can yon' an. in whom savage inatincta were al** explained and strmigbtt< ll me? I am turo yon matt hate rog-1 ready rife, waa aatixfied.
reed out In flee minntea. and yon wiU
of tbe toikt to the
- ^ the- aria
if l«r-,
But U.C bonertliea in tbe garden of **« " l*raon.3 Wendt rather than at
fumer. for yoore are tbe only w
wings Eden w. re mad with-angnltb. for tlwy
both (reTbetter. yon will live tide
ibei acaRer whiteneaB like
. - a ,—
[ loved tbo roar DO baud by tbe woman.
Tbe boiterfly aaid. " 'Tit strange. ”| Never again, qoiveriisg witb pleature by tide in birmony; tbe earth will be
nafaineclearet, yoor
**® had nothing lodobeoot.de-1 and delight,’would tbqy aetUe on ita
aoendod to enllgbten n
lamannwc trembling ,rt,u. never egain bmsfa
afaoold learn many thingt
that are not. witb open wings tbe perfuned mytter- ,
fnendly aqwcL Don I get mad
by learned im of im bmrt.
^ mab to your desk and anntf a eoorebIn-beoka and not known
men if
we chatted more freqoreUy
wWhile the fatal act wat being eom- ^
be • man and a Chiixtlan
tbe inacota of tbe woods and Selda
mined tbey flew wifdly roond the mer________
bnt Eve
did not
-“•«»»«• ,1 eilres
cileat Mereiionw.
When anbnm haired Eve wat boro at' rec them, ao eor:..
}y wat the
aba given
16. on age at which tbe women of our » brr rrveuitu. And now, aa obe walkWife—My father naed ) aay 1 wat
lime do
■ ■■ ioaig
«BOUg]^ ed off trinmpbant. they drew near to
in tbe miracnlooa Eden, teeming w itb gaxe npon ilio pale nmaina of tbeir be- tbe brightest jewel be poi
Hottond <grttwliagly>—Opal be most
life and yonth. sbe w« plunged -«t lo^fd lying on tbe littia heap of extinbare meant, for you're brought me
flrat into an ecstasy of Mmiration at gnixbed gra»«ca.
tbe eight of ao moeb magnificence, and: At least tix-y woald keep oa mneta trf bad lock eve since 1I're bad yon.—Fan.
We bm-re nloe Apples, OraogM and XseaoBB, alao.
Dried Aprloote, Feechee, Prtmai, Figs, D*Bte« and
j '
Vegetables, Cabbife, Baps Ilf Beets.
e that tbe initial'i
....... ..............legnne
Tbe ideal powd« would burn at tneb a
rate that aaiScient gat woald be gcB'
acted to maintain a oooiaaot meerac
behind the abtdl ttaroogboot tbe whole
length of iU Usrel throogb the gon.
At tbe oame time it abonid be oaiaDaed
at boeb a rate tbat no onburnt powder
abonid eempe witb tbe gatea
Tbe mnokeleai powderx, becnae of
tbe tmall qoantliy of solid prodocti cf
oombiittlanmid tbe grmt volome and
bigb tempecinre of tbe gawa. cabled
tbe anilientt to Koore relocltiee tar in
exoe« of those obtained by tbe tiae of
tbe old powdera. Uoroorm. BDokdaaB
powdWB lent Ibemteice to tbe fortnatioo of powder graim which woald Intore tbe rtay best control <d tbe ocanr bnttiaa of tbo powder. Wa prcaant
niaauutiaas of tbe............................
moUipetforated grains, wtaemby
homing area is regoUied ao that only a
desired iuiual {reaanre ii obttioed. sod
tbe puwdW il oonatnued with each Increare of burning attaint to maintain a
I When-3'DU
CT**-^®** know you get tbe verjr beat wheel made.
buy an
There is hardly a bicycle m town sold for $50
but what the factory that makes them makes a better wheel tbat sells for $60 or
r/5. Not so with the “Eagle,” They make the very best wheel they can make
” it for $50. Call in and get one of their catawith ten years' experience and sell
it's good
I l^ucs—it's
good* reading. And I have the “World;” the “White Flyer,” the
»teams," and afult line of cheap wheels.
’Phone 167.
Front Street.
Being nearly time to plant, we beg- to say
we have a full assortment of SEED—Tke
Xind that ffrotr.
: Bndle Boildioct
badgaoediD-.: twarm th-y flattered down npon the
totbvneBreKtttinngallcTt'atttrescibwd-' precioos rt-lira. anbetimeaaiBgly.eomeed aroond to do ber btmiage, and
! tlmea all togrtfaer, rdlting tberateares in
"Yca,"aM the pcditlclaa weartl
having seen ber own radiant reflectian i ihe atbet. enveloping tbamteivci in bar tare
bad a preuy bard Ume of It.”
■be ooncelved a profonnd feeling of] dniA
"Have yorf had much to dof"
And ever tioce that ttow tbe fine
w nk to *
•‘Na There wasn't anything tar
' Tbe splendid tights in tbe licn't white powder, eraitteTed from the wiagi *». 1 woe before an..................
xnane, lomlnoni in tbe nDtoine. could ot baitcrllice. is tbe aabea of tbe rata
not rival tbe tnwxiy brigbcneka of Eva's —From Ibr Pretteb for Sbcrt Stories,
aU the evening."—Was
long, floating locks.
Why abonid she bare been Jealona of
The Crerid BIrA.
tbe swan, since ber own throat and
ted. _
An enosiug caae of ■
“A Chicago paper
oRoa were made of living nowa or why
leMt tto bm fox.!«
experienced bfUT«onff*«H
of tbe great Tinea in tbo fenat, ber own alder tbe other evani _
embrace being for
lean trcacbcrons man la nraally of a bright nai
and more-an ect?
tall (rlendt bare toen ^j^asare pntoed. It wUl not ba nseea-,
Tbe oky, to iu deepeot, elearcM bine, ^ notioing that be does
peoulltr _
might have
Not iqng ago I
, boptd
- ,to rival her cyea bad thioga
I at a re- odre abont her' ^ can fnmkah ber
bud a eoflct and more enqub, oejitiau. and
d a few mlnni
mlnotca before oloa- - iaTa*'-~ClaretaBd Plain Dealer,
unre. ^
ling -time be wmt to tbe coat box and
fi^ the looked at all tbinga, and’ seonrad bit bat and coat Tton to walk«t wave rf pride came ovw her.
j ad up sUirs
tbe dancing floor and
pictol np anoibcr cost and walked
bone with it on blaArm. Arriving at
----- thereafter tor fsToriiewmnaafail borne, to found that to bod ow__________________
■RDtivto W^nadar aireeandjMB •MteBoBdiBOte O) Ua Atto Zto ■■ TownTopha.
I ‘Hicriand Rare
1 Were The Gems She Wore.”
And she secured them at Very Low Prices, because
p ^ E.ARL display^ a {large line of Elegant
Goods in all kindrof— f
F. .a.. BA.'RI.
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