The Morning Record, January 11, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 11, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Firrt T««f—No. 21R.



I day ranged from 47 to 6o eenta par
•aoolaUaa aa Joba A. Parry ^ aL,
Aboot l.OW bnahaU were
naoloaara: OaUU A Oanadar. ;
la Ua aatlar of tbe petiUoa ol BaaThe Swedish Sons of Amerka wiU
_je D. DU.A«dltar Oaacialaf iba State OHIO BXVATOBIAD 00VTB8T
moat Wadaaaday erealag at the raalaf Mlchtiraa. lor aad is beball at tbe
daaee of John Bandridmoa. on Baal
Stale of MIehIcaa lor U|e aale «l ca[^
tain laate fee tbe tana aaaMaad Kba^
Pront streak
la «)M OlKBlt Omv« v«xt Waak-r
> of Ooraraor MaahnaU
ior tbe year is»t and prerkMie ^eais:
There wfll be a apaelal maettag c<
•arwOrialaalOaaMatoba Mad
J. i. Meddle. '
the Baalara Star lodge tonight for
Xia Paror, Btrt
iniUatiae and apaeial baalnam. AU
«ba Mala <Ule»y DtoFarcaa Keep At Wock-Ylnal Yota maa^bara are reqaaatad to be preaank
poaad at
Kay be Saaebad Wadnaaday.
A raeaption will be balAoa WadaaaB^oar ia tbe Clrealt boon ealeadar Mr. ^ Via. Oba
CMambw O.. Jan. to.—ToBMrrow day aranlng at Us raaldcoae of Mr.
1 in Honor of Tbatt
for tba winter tam. beytaaiai naxt
balloti^ ia tba aafatoriLl ooateat will aad Mrs. E. L. Spragaa. U honor of
Koaday« aad wUla It ^paara loar «
bayin.* Tbe -lacBlatara raooaranad Bar. and Mia. Obaa. T. Stoak Otbera
fraat naay of tbe eaaaa win be qakkLaat alcbt Mr. and lira Chartaa Bo- ibU moraine and the Ipaartrotloa of bmUtb the mambate of tba Bpiaeopal
lydlnpoaad aL Tbaraaraaeraaariwl- aeathalaatartainedalarcawaKbar of Ooraraor Boahaell took place at noon. ehn^Uareinrltadto
aal eantea which arfU eoeapy aowa time frienda at their boiaa on WaahiBftoa Tba flaal eonferaaara on the aeoatorr raetor aad
.t, to eommemorata tbe tfth ami- ahlp 'wQl be held toaiyhv Aliboorb
aad a few drU eaaea which will be eonteatad at laartb. Tbe'ealeadar abewa raiaMy bf their laarriatfa Oae partlo14 direrea eaaaa. which la tbe grmtmx nlarly pleaaaat feature af tba araala« of Ua lagialatnra
BrarTtklag ia tha Maple Una. at W.
tbe preaaatatioB to tbe oataaaMd able that tbare wUl be no alMtlM V. Eimkall'a new atom. »M Pront
aanbar preaeatad ia thU eaaatf at
any oaa tar» ol ooart for aeeae Utae. eoaple of a baadaoeae eaay roeUar than. Tba senau will aland ninataaa etraak Mft-tf
chair, fraa tbaelerka of tbe Boatoa to aerantaen againat Hanna, and Ua
Followiay/b tbe ooaplete ealeadar
Store. Tbe ooeaaioa waa a plea
hooae wUl likely gire him a majerity
CMmiaal Oaaaea
wirfd aeaat aad the boat aad bei
I oaa or mere.
■ Ma People aa l>elar BoatmM: aiolaThere will be no election tomorrow
tlaa of the llqncr law. J. J. Meddle,
aalom boU boaam ^ carried by eoma
far naoeecDUoa; Pratt A Daria for da>
candidate. When Ue ma^tF^in
af Ua booaea U diSerent from that
The Paaple T« » Ooleord. baatardy
af Ua aUar; Uaa Ua two booaae la
J. 4. Twaddle, W. B. Paatar.
TbePeopUraC 0. Vallaau. lorfary ■wadtthttonaofAnMrioaWlU Make joint naeembly mast ptooeod an Wadnaaday to ballot and Ue lagialatara
a PiopaalUon fbr Beat SttU Btraat
j. 4. Twaddla.J.W. Patehln.
moat coaUaae to ballet in joint nmemSdboal Balldlag.
Tbe People ea L. Swarta. feryaty
J. J. Twaddle.
The Swedish Sona of America, which bly tUl aome oaa ramirea a majority.
Tba Feaple rt Loola «adar, rloUttea waa oryaalird a few mootha ago. to Tbs roU on Taeoday by Ue aeparaU
of the liqaar law; 4. J. Twaddle. P»tt pmpering finely and baa a growing iwraaa eaaaot be daeiaira aa far aa
mamber«ki^ . Meetinn ai^ h<^ oa Haana b eoaaarnad. aa It b eoaoaded
A Darta.
TbePaopUTaKOeySwaara. forfary; the eaeoad and fourth WednaadBypran- by hb worketa that Ue senate. wUl
' mleataao to oaranteaa againat
4. J. Twaddle. Pratt A Daeia.
iaga olaaeh moalh aad the lodge ia beTkt People *a Ww. O. Holdoa. *U>- eomlng popalar wiU the Swadiah ratt- him. The oppoelUoa etiU el^me Ue
latloa of tbefa^andflahUw: J. 4. daata of'tha aty. They bare not yet hooae by at laaal fif^-fireU fifty-foar.
whbh w»al4 meke Ue general amemTwaddle, f. B. Poatar.
eaonrad a ’ aaitable place foi
homo, aad are looklag aroaad f<r bly etaad eerantyfoar to ecrentTrone
T—i-e ofPaet.
oa Ue joint ballot acalnet Bann. Bat
MeUill by bar' next friend a place that will aaawar their par- aran after Ue mamban are aU reeard1 after <ittlag in
b qalekly i
BUaabatb McUUl ea dafoet Baltoer. poaea. They eoptampUta bayiag b ad U Uab reapectira boaeea oa Taeeowe of oar a
Freak Votrdba. Aatoa Narotny br.< amali balldlag aad expect te make a day Uera will be noUlag to praraat
Btratcbad at eaaa on a aloe aaay coach.
Astoo Sarolay 4r. aad John A. Jack- propoaltlon to the board of odacatloo any af Uem ohangiag
Oar line afroekara bap to Ue UnUt la
aoa. eaar: L'atejreod A Omlor, PraU. to pareban the Baet 8)ate Btreet achool Wadnmday when Ua minalaa of Ua
Biyle aad qaallty and ear prieee "down
baUdlng. The board will probably
ofthapcarioasdayyrUl be atUebeeb." NoUlag baoaomfertnU. 8. Wiad Boriae and Pa*p Oo. t*- ooBilder the matter' at the aaxt meat- lead ia Ua joint maaUng.'
bla or aa raat-ln^tlag as Tarkbh. or
Wlafiald 8. Day. at. al.. %aao*palt ^ lag.
Long before nooa Ue atreeb i
arar-staffed roeker.
peal; Twaddle A Croaa. Underwood A
Oaa. W. Pkalio «a Ckt«a«o aad MTnt
-MlAlyan Baiiway Oo.. traaaaaa OB mw; •anior X^yoaam Daoidae that 4«try
. Byatam BbeaU be Kadiftad.
VBoom Fonxlshinc Store,
llodce A Corell. W»- Afdoa Smiib. ,
Baahaell bndgee ware in tbe majority
Ws. BtackmnanJawaoDanot-at.
Tbe Beniot Uyoeam met ia the Aa- aa.the Haana exoaiaione were
•mbly room of the High achool laat booked U arrira Ull Ua afternoon in
tro^aaa on the oaae; Pratt A DarU.
Andrew Laweh *a Albert Walab.. ro- ranl^. After tba roll eall and tbe time for Ue mba'eonrmitloB Daring
minatee of tbe leat meeting were read. Ue forenoon Ue etete beaae waa aarplerin appeal: Oilhert A Oalaa.
Neman Swalnatoo n Jacob Sear Miee Urace HaaUnga ferored tbe aadi- roaaded byorowdt yelling for Baabwith a ealo which wae heartily aelL Ass it waa impaealble for Ue«*peitappnl: PrattADaria,
Ktehla A Orotaar.
erowde to get ioalde Ue eapliol Ue
Next apra tbe |
«• Bdwin W. Bateb.
goraraar wae called into Ua groe '
treapaaa os the eaaa appeal; Patehln A
Bat there. Je alweye tttom for
Ootaar, LorlB Bobarta.
Dore. Tberelore come »t oaea for
lUcy Dbbb ra Bslb Darla. ansBipalt Mka Blbol Bozw.fbUoWad by aa eeeay,
PHOTOS. We have e eomaleW
appanl: Patohis A Orotaar. Pratt A -New York U Early Timee.” written
of ttcure Meoldlngs aad wifi fill
by Mim Emma Uoabae. aad road ,by
Daria. .
I to Ue rounds of Ue aUte all otdaia promptly. U wa have to work
William Mataap ra Jamaa O. Jeaaeo. Mim LbeUAo-Naal.
all algkk
hooee, where Ue fl
AaoratlM. •‘Noeaoellenoe witboat
amnmpalt appeal: Pratt A Darla.
labor." by Herbert JobaatOB. raoeired before. At Ue axerelMe in Ue rotaada
ratehlB A Crataar.
Joha Btfooach ra Baary D. Taber, attepUon. aad waa wall readarad and Ue oaU ef oSlce was admlnburad by 411 8oaU'*Vaioa »k
e}aetmeat; Dodya A OaraU. PnU,A
Chief Jaetloe Barketk who wae re­
Aa ariglaal etory by J
. Daria.
elected with BaakDell. Tbe governor
PiodA..KDaaUadaad J. B. Gale ra
giva^ anasoal ovations. HU in~
Jaiam & PoUatt and Jalia I'olUtt, diUgbat eudy by that lady.
aagniai nddreae wae short and <
_Nbe Bhods Bsttaabary faeorad Ue t^ned no refereaoe te Ue eanalarehlp
aiectmMt: Twaddle A Ooaa.
enee WiU a plaaa aolo. which wae
iW'Anna ra HayrtriBth, replarin
followed by a biagrapbical amay.
appeal; l adarwoodA Dmlar.
la tbe matter af Walter L. Coebraa “taaary Dipmoond." by Prad Smith.
The enbjecllor so ImorompUi
from tbe order dlamiaalBg peUUoa by
Work In the lamber waods of Ue
•The eorrowe aod jojf of e coualry
the probate ooart la tbe eeUi
kttfv Ihvir «bMl« *IU ■* (or
achool teacher." wee given W Amtl Empire Lumber Ca. b now beia# r
J^mea W. Cochran deeaaeed: Dod
«mnvlt<kC w rrpelr. Cartac tea wtswr. I
NerUager. who gave a pleaeing .IttUe ad aad B. R. Daily, Ue manager,
lU«herraaatMBC(erceraea4 aletapa.
CordI, Pratt A Darla. ..
eh lUaelraUag tbe troablae' at about SOO mepamployad getting
tvparUoM. r
loga. ia Ue mlU and yards and vmrioae
preaeat aad Ua joyi afterward
ICo^J. Prtadmap ak^. ra Edward
oUer plaeas. Tbe enow in Ue woods
tHIbart, aaaampaiV Dod^A QorallTTie qaoelioB for i-------------- ■4a.
------ b graeUy fieillteilag Ue work of get­
IV roe ru eaa ArtWUc
Hermaa HymaP ra Soldiwm Yalo
' Baeolvad.'Tbat Ue preaeat jary ^ya- ting oat Umbar:
ulo. amamp^t: Dodge A CarJ^l.
tem should be modified."
The Travarea City Lumbar Oo. b fatOhaaewty Pro OonfooM
The speakers for thaaSraeallTe ware
Ida L. Hobart ra Obaa. Hobart, dl- Edward Maramaa aad Mlanie -Oarpea- tlag la Urge qaanUUss of logs hr rail
aad abigh aod In a taw dnya. after
Torca; Dodge A Oorell.
tan negative. Oralan SmiU and Mbs
cutting MQ.OOO'faet of elm for BarPtancie Hcllaboo re lAwrenca MeIn Ue general dierboa Broa. tbe plant will begin
Mahoa. diroroe; Dodga A Oor^..
eaettoB wkleh followed Moaera. Pr^pk
eattlng maple for Ue Lambv Oo. j
Delia B. Northrap ra Wm. Mortbrap.
Hardwood b faring procorad a^ Ue
Airorce: Dodge A CorelLHB XrBXT
line ri Ua C A W. H. aad
A K. B.
l-raaoce J. Stasbope ra Wm. H. Stan­
In tbe oritie'e report Mbs JickUng
aad large qoaatitiee ‘ of beadoek ata
hope, divorce; S. U. Brown.
Boggeeted better attentloo oo Ue pert
being aaenrad along Up ehab of bkea
Eldoma Qardaer re May Oar
of paplb in Ue audbaca. and asked
norU aad oast at Elk RapMi aad otiuy
Tome; Patcble a Croteer.
that they refrain from writing aoM^
polate la Antrim coantj, and from as
Eaaaah Hlbkley ra Jaaaph Binkley, daring the eeaeloa.
tar aorU as Crom vlUaga.. Ia Ue viriadlrorce: Loris Roberta.
Tbe judges daeidad Ua debate in fa­
itj of Balblra kemlock b oenily b
KatUa Boorom ra Olia B'Boorom. dl-- vor of Ue afirmativa
faetm- Uan-the aealera ean haadb ik
rorea, lilibert A Oatea
Meet of Ue hemlodc will be rafted to
Alrtn C Byoa ra EmUy S.'Byoa, bUl
HZLD A 40ZMT OrBTALXUTlOM. Ue bay and faraught bare by water. A
to bar dWorea; Gilbert A Oatea
brga qaanUty b abo babg boo^t la
Bobbard B. Derail ra AUda May La^
Laabnaa eouaty.' eapnel&lly b Ue
rail, diracoe; Gilbert A Oatea
vlrinl^ of Oerp Lake. Tba company
bora l^oyad a Good Tima.
Howard ra Naoate Howard,
The Mlidm Woodmaa af Amato b ampldybg alg'bt bayara. and Ue.
Wlrorea; Meddle A (kaaa
.Mary J. Ittrandar re Wm. Urander. and lb Ahzlllary, the Boyal Mel|d>- proapaet b that Ue mUl will eat' be­
bon, held a jtdnt inetallatkm of offi- tween IS,000.000 and ao,000,000 feet Ub
diroroe; Meddle A tboaa
Ida 'Baawiok,re Chaa A. Banwlek. com la Mmtegue hall laat aighk
, Haretofore it hae.baaa Ua caatom for
diroroe: L. H. Oaga
Anna Bdgatt: ra Oaa^dgett; diroroe: Ue Woodmea to fa<dd Ualr
axelaelva but it waa. raoeatly da- ' J. W. MOlto b eobigbg jha oSoe
1‘atcbln A Lecaager.
UaioD Central Ufe tha Oa raTbomaa termlae^ to ask Ue ledbe to join wiU bhbatan.\
A. Coalon ek al., bill ta foralaaa mort­ Uem la 'Ue'ORear Allan Gray** ftmad the door
The reaultw I graUflylng and p
gage: IVaUA Daria
of W. J. HobW Herdwars store aaY. A. Knealand and J. H. Oole ra toboUorgai
bokad at U o’eloek bet night,
IS exwamaly pleeaaqt ter
Nathaalal U. Stewart. MU IP SoMt
The Home Porum wUl meet Wadaeeall Ue memhenof boU orgaalmUoaa 4ay«raBbg. Tbrie wUl be betalb, tiUe: Twaddle A Ooaa
I'anoie M., Trombley ra Joaaph After Ue earamoobe bat night
U» ef oficara and a baafioak
Trombley Jr., dlrom; D^A.OoraU. •fitaHA supper wae eaiaad and ao imThe edebl party to have baea givaa
I Patehln A CroUar.
manes gaUering partook af good
b tha City Opara Bouse on Tharaday
. Chaa. y. Rial raPrank A. PioMh aad UliigB without aumbm. Tbs tenet
e^oobg will Uke place aa Friday r
dUea Preach, kill for Injaaetion; C. G. was waD served aad all kinds ef plega(LIMITED)
Tamer, Uaderwood A Umke.nnk aoebbillty formed a., part af Ua bgbttaaf
^tMa to Ua local maifcat yae
Oapllol Ipreatmeat Baildlit A Loan avanlifhepjoymenk

Read and Profit..

BEGniDie OF TflE MD.


wxu. n uxvmAnp a
MOarsui oiYO^«Asak

b? yoor rendinR. We have tba best filled News Oounter yutt*-.
ever asw, and tbe mast readable ma^azmea that are pabliabed.
A.gUnce OT6T tbe ooonler will contrince yon that onrata*®|
aeet ia oameL

«90 mONT vniEET.


. ■ i

M. B. HmXEY. a

read; of, course.
Yon cttn ttlwAys got tha Late
IbFttBisM wid Pttparil M

/ Haskell's Bookstore.
«r, -Maw XAen* Vaaklon flhaata-OaU te aaa-ftaa.


thaf'eannot be eqo^ed elsewhere—^ia what
wetifferyoo. First yoo get QuaUty. Style
and ' Darability—then strictly.
Garmoita—Game and aee them, at


Tbat Tired Feeling Warm Shoes
at Out Prices..

Prices 60c. 69c, 76c, 98c, $1.26.


We are
Still Very Busy

SM Wo^QOmx- mikow 3MSBSS STTwmw

Gaining in Popularity-

Lut Montli EiodlM AU Pad Brndsoa.

'All Dcalen Sell Them for

■rnim^tMtmH by

-A-. "W*.
Tonnaller Block.


Free Storage
ior Bicycles.

We dQti’tcare
hUty yoottitt,





Floor wOl ploMO yen.
-Writ® no in any tanyoacu”



Haniiah & Lay Co.

Greatly Redaced Prices. Now They’ll Got..



Oor. 8.Trnionttnd 7th StiMts.

Ottr Fancy Silks madcad at 6Sc a yard.
If TOO hSY® a droa® to make orar, now*a your diane®
to tj^m It tor Uttl® money. If yqn oontaanplat® a SUk
Waiat,tbisis your opportunity.' An alacant aBaortm®nt.

DON’T UOKFlie StC0ll).fihDE BUHER5 .
Buy the I.yooIIllIl*^n■ Ooo4y~r Olow Bruid.,
the Beat on Barth, at



tB< #0*ilito MOqKP. TPMIPA-T. JAHpAjiT lt.,.lWB.

«im iiouriira bwxAI).
M*. 7, Bin* M S. W. HAnn.
. J. W. auvu. SdlMr Md M*a*fw.

UedtkeptpwttotteyM ^
Mlj IMM Uke* ap Md re).id o. . bar
taosua liM .bo*, ibe wrfw» of ihe
W.UT. MdMtebvtMMd .p. the fe..tu *r«»»d b.** b?« p
•me M bef«%. or m prceeated is the
.nielM meottoMd. B«l ibto hep sot
bMdM.; (benaUbM >Mi U# oo
. boriMot.1 line below the nrtmee of
w»ur .boBV w foot (U>w w.ur
mrk) Md .Iw Bboriieud up m SBuh
M WM deesed prMtle.) for lafetp,

tom FCtbmIyaM 0«rtolnly no poet baa aebiered a m<ve udttriac fane ud eeoum a warmer pUoe
in ttKtbeana pf tbe people of the soatb
thU tbe “poet prieri.” He to dledaeU*e(y known .ai Um pori of the “lott
innee''—M tbe herd wboM harp eince
■0 cweetly ud « pntbedeaUy tbe t«(|olem of a bran and a prmd. peopU
ortr tbe glare wherein Ibeir b

d all wlm Proriduoe. Thto faet patt
Father Byu to a uloae pUoa,
•d from uy other AiMriou poet
bMo of ibo *«tie.l pipe, irbicb I* moj tuna Aewibeblch intztoeic ilMrary
.boat tUrtee. feet.

tbu r1ri.coM foot teUlB M. to<^be

Btfo* U « UA«f tWW^Wd *




3. 3. Tweddle to la OadtUae oa proftoeiomalbari^
Hen. O. 0. doveU weat toOiaad BapIda yeatorday oa Vo) boriaeea
Mia. C. O. ^th left tb# city for
ThoBpMB*llIe yeetorday to >•!■ Mr.
B. B. Stroar baa foae to Cbieaco o«
bariaeee with the W. W. Kiaball
BtoaoCa ■
Mta.' r. M. Bamlla aad Mtoe VWai
Wirhtniu of Monroe Ceater. were ia
tbe dty yeetorday.
« Mra M. £. tlowe of Urpad laplda.
•opapt Soaday wi^t her sotber. Nn.
SiUor Beatoa. of Bpraoe etreet.
Ba*. 3. 3. Meabatad arrived la tbe
ei^ yeetorday from Elk
fee held raUr^ aarrioea Snaday.
Mra. Dot McDoaald asd-daarbter
bare retamed froa 1‘eto.key aftor a
etolt of a month with htr^mrenta,
. Mtoa Dora Cram went to Uollowny
yaaterday to atimd the weddiar of a
mUoa the will be ro*)e .boat tea

np bqyi and gltU<d tbe


•port and Uatri tbat their particnlar
“elnb” bae ibe rety "aeweri ibinc
peferoald be enrprianl if they oonld
dtocorw bow oloeel.T muy of ibe old
time paarimte teeunible oar own.
Tbe Ktodniot of tbe fraam norto. the
Tmnioanibrai of the BratUiu
the sainlii* of tbe iMi etrretr. the buy*
■ndetrU of L4^0Q, of Biaitna and id
Philadelphia have oae kiadred ti»—the
lore of eport. There to notfai^ new andar tbe ena. mid tbe wtoe
ud tepedaUr Je tbm nothiac new in yoalbllocuu bare foond dolto in
pyramldR ud on pKbtnorio
- -iame of a popnlartall olnb
mprilu bomoa and one of
t exettinc matchee oo teoerd




One Gallon
Table Syrup


BroBcn BiooL

wo jrronv ouwoo.

bad tbe etoelleaee of hii gift cf eenc
them ou be ao totonae^ of doabt —Al-

Baohiaae ere in favor acato and am
Id be Been to tbe cieetm variety.
^ -A eaenUbettaa of mnoa end boraUb
•d metal thread* forme e bendumt
•arly eprinc febric.
Tbe popularity for useu «ilk to imabated, lu ptoin oulwe ud black it ii
the-divided lavorita. Plaid toffHae ar«
onri tn aot-rtaiuextent, bnt (he ebangetbie r«l«r* aiv iu4-Mpeeial demaad.
PIniib upot and relrel apot effecU art
bring |irodar«d for early epring wear in
both wonderi ami intton dr«m good.
Til" «]><ie are M-rml inrbea apart, ud
the fubrio to niadu on tbe weft pile |wln^^-JanoarT.VsciMay.SW: Jidy^
Plain relveU moka ap Into riyltob
uutita tbat cire exeellmt wear.
I red ud
Pork-^unary.» 17: Hsy:flB.U.
atidi-W nlar ud pretty ud make MylUh bknuM
Orud Ba^da. Ju.vJA—ffbent. 87c.
Tbe Waldorf plaid to ■ irilk fabric
Lean to duoa new and enjoy yoorriwamg *J>v itii-haqoarce iu daring col- •elrea. Do not weit netXl the ftonetoc
ora and ooinlilnatiaoa brier ud blot:, •eaua to over witta..tbra UaM.yaoi^
bmwu anti, absded red. ud pink ud aelree la the' eprlng for mlm^ eo
h fan. Poor, (tli.vxaa.
gteeu. iLiiTcxpnairaudto declared to
bu eepecialty otyliih.
Jabiaae 1* th<- liauH- of a laKblonable
ehaov of rriiow that ii alao calUd
orii«i atMl nsmi in Parto ud Berlin.
Tbereto.eearcriyahalf toadf’e differ­
ence in tbe thrw An eo|a«-ially deep
txuge i« mlird.klandtke, tboogh no
cold waa er«» eo red. •
AtnoBc the new thadea ar« «ix toDca
uf gendarme bine, trin tbe dhep. dnli
oolim to a pale, pearly ^belin tint.
Some lovely foritrtmenot riiadea are
eeu to tbe pale hliuia and three oxjQnirite tnrqnoiae rinla are etroikcly to>baed with a cltor creu time.
Some at tbe mom ripearire hldoam
and pbiri waleto fir next eMcm will
Band and Oreheatn.
be made of white baltote trimmed wjtb
PMeeaBne a repertoire of flfsVclam'

BUY ^ '

Stdiliir^'s 6niid Open Htuse
one Solid Week.

loudly, Ju. 17.



dery. Delicate ribbrnu at throat
and bell will be worn with thto wairia
—Kew York Tribune

Fine CeinilK ud Ikiius




Ab Rnllager will train a pablic etnhie at DBTeo|x«% la., next year.
Game lilUe Wood*fard, SilOltf, tomJoying a complete Ict up ud baa bad
hi* abase polled o

in the rami to Toledo.
WelboL who took a t-ymmld
renvd of
tort Hammer,
aoit to Uforge Starr for I8P8.
c. Dk^itetwm of MadieoD. lad.,
-ha* a S-year-old Michigan trutler tbal
hu riepped qnanere handily to
Cturge Castle, the Chiregn mnam-

tbe riral uinm of Mcmtennia. kiu| of
Mr*1co,'aBd Neubnal pillt 'tcin of gray I
chaiuidou pacimrmare.
Tbe 4-year old filly Berttae, by Ely­
The boy> of abcleutliteeee aad E
ria. wiiq mven aamaaiiTe ncee lari omShe quit with a lercwd of I :S 11^.
bt^tan a green uhb.
«ha Oraad Ra^ diatriot la tbe atate
H. M. Runs of CleveUad. owner of
aeaatein im, to In the citron lagai jMtoMum. ud follow mr lmd«^ iuat
M do tbe boy> of today. Tbe cirl^ere,
baataesi aad ealliac on old friea^
Mra. S. Wlnkleman of St l^bace.
au KTBcn uoopo. aoo am
wbb will beramamberedaeMtoilYalnd boll plar, ud. to Spona.
Willii WilU, who did 00 well with
Matola. to rtoitlnc Mim.Charlm Soaaa- ereu at runii
Ding, wneUinc ud Iraptog. AniL a:iOV4, tbe pater George S.
tbal. Mu Yaiomateln. her braUer. to Toboffguing
g :ii aa old aa lee and atmw. r:U>4. and others Uiupari mood, bat
. ud wbrn rmi play at ebnry pita yua locaud at Springfield. Ulo.
alee here.
,1 are 4]D)y doiiig what Mem ud OonntoTbeLreh ri^ farmaf Goriies. Ind..
doaatMl ytiong Thuiiriodea'^ agea
jiwn* thtre yiarHiig-by Onltoi:. *.-04.
egii in Boinn ud iu Athitia
Uiat H Jia* mihred in riakni amount! bo, whatKicr tbe age or whatever the
-Jbetoeer rttlchom Bereala
iuK to gie.oon. ud all abuw Jpeot
Macarding That
^mnns ^

wMiauoa Mgwraiag
anat .rire
alway* lived
for play thu for Itnxulw of speed.
Bydjut Pipa
: m,y,j„„g
‘-Dn-'‘ Tuner. rvpniMttog the
Cb'vetoiKi eynditate that own* the geldBoitoh Rxixiau—a good deal baa
lug. M<«s that lie will mateb Kewcarile.
baba eaid ud a anmber of srti-'
<dae wriitan aboot the inuke pipe' ^
"“d-riwar. n»<^ '.I:IH4. agailiKi Oobwebs, 1:18. for a
race to wagisi for uy sain.
U the cornu of Cbm aA \-eariitig filly iiyOulinr, S:04,dam
■iiweta. eed oiie
-............... ■ -bulci p «wii 1C rsccoUy im the enbject
■traeta, aad the Uurtm pnuotod
rvcrcnti.*, “Tieuxirtoaf Ux'day nre .Masgiiuiism id Uadger, 3:38*41. >7
-to mml eaam are malbemallcaHy j Um nii^Dg thepuelrm into eo many kl<dcl. 3.30. p«m1u eighth'in 17^
aorreec lint the tocU aad ooadi-; ed.-n-ii-a, oi'erwighted with nflee ud •ei-nida reranUy with only abonl fir*
ttooa in thto parUealar eoee eMoi | irntrlotioiia that alum take the raal play wwka' wurL—R>ree Review,
•Ot to bare beea obulaed u makisf elumont from them and make them aa
■P tbeee articlea. They oeem to bare Buyicldlug 0111 ptublem iu eJgetn'
Tb«s« i> iMi fiip to makliitoar opart e
bau tweaented from a pnroly tbeoreUmatter of life end death. I know grow­
«al etoadpoUl. ud with ao coariderv
ing people whu to tbme dayi of ffrim lighihtoMlod
tluYor oeoaiUooe and aeioal pne^ gtvloc to all manner of gnmm outm
me people, Ul
T toOak right here tbat a tartof atota- their whole dnitrea nut on the ton of
■eutofthetacuialhecaaewilibe ia the gamu, but on the jwim offerol bard pressed fur coeb.
Tb" uiuat id the-Bt^anpoci^ atom the
They really arm a* mneb dlmspristad
to tu first bUoe it waa deemed ad- it tbtj do not carry off a tro{d9 ae If cap baa town to ^ ii|ri. ;
TTani uf Joy and mdamt are both
vtoaMe to have the bydrut plaoed oa tb^ bad mot with oome mnons loan.
tbeatraat. (aad I Ihlak very wisely de­ Let n« take imr fan with a Jollitvoraot drawn fnm ilie.miae tank.
al all. Intcrort 1* one thing ud' toritaKo Jeweler hat___ ,
rided too, for lafety. eoaslderiag tto
peMve ou tbe aetting d \
r* at thto polai of the rii
have toiiy to watch the totiue
TbaBUwhobaaa totopluBa In hie
U waa also deamad advtoable et Uej exrii tent of epme.of to* amatevpto^
Ubm thcee pipes ware first pat in, te > cn to popnlar gamea to nalice tbat tb« offioe i> cbargid with eleotrioity.
Time may Inmooey. bvtgom peotoy the.mato 'oeatovel, or aaarly eo, criliowa* right ahiiot tbat elgetinproh■Oder the urtoM of the water, to the Ic-m- Tbeaeniitoinl ri''n>itainiM“(B plf'e lime i* ahoat aa valnidile u Oern.
federate carrtmer.
river, eon* to onnten nntukt'flow to oue »i(i« ud i«r dimgineable trltunpii
in uunther lomi to be tbe mrwt aotk*Beanty wunld be men tf—" tain di
the potoi of the haee of the vertical
ebl" fiainivaai thu close of the eporto
^pe. Bnt.aftaroonlentoff.wtUi par- of today, andwecuiuot help wimdtt- he^uwd^lhe deaL,
eoae to eatborlty with referenee to tag if-thii was n/eaHtm of the gsmee ri
rinktog tbe pipe to that flepth. that olden timai cr if to thii re*peet tbe w)^ bath^ it U riaiiiy focoe d
fflea wet abaadoBod ea aeeant of the
habU. Sbe'e peed to >s*f% them in
.•peaee of doto^mpto.J^
■ pipe wee told oa prietienHy a pii^l
Hm with tbeeartooeof tba ffimonfl
d tbe dealer are OMlta te foal thtaclimi hujuvw proved .altetoe-




Tbe liH pf Uo mrin pip. fak ris
loAm IB dimelor. or . littb
tbu dooMa tbe tfe. of tbe mcUm
pipe o.' (be cwlB*’ wbicb to four
techee 1. dimW. iu it now itoad.,
.boat all tba frictio. tbe
ben to oeoteeU with to tb. trietkw •>
tbe *M<le.I pipe, which to «>w tblrlem
IJI Emim » MW Uw flM* the price feet. Wr reellM that If tbe horlioaul
Ct % mxTTiMt* em»W7 pertein^b7 pipewM DOW ^. trifle Urfer there would
» JmU« of the pe.ce or . P|^ I^ mqoertio. m to'th. fricUoo,, Bet ,ThtoMti«B^torit«l at it DOW etoDda. It flrarca rery cloae;
U .vmlMdbc
proterie tre« elercP' bnt 1 apprahoDd Bodimcnlty hereaftei
MB aU over ^e etoU. who declare
I really tblnk there bae beu moi
«tet' In ordM^ to ret up boelsciN tbep, ■aid .boat thto pipe thu was aecei
■re foroed to muTp people at tbe re- wry, but 1 feel oeaetraioed to make
' 4Mcd rate, IseteMl of the nniat fee. thto eUtemeni.
(I- 3. FLn.»nrH.
dor no. Tbeprcacben bare reaeoi
to protoet, bill tbejr tnlcbt Met tb'
Tbaatrical Botea.
eoapeUton eacotoafall; bj- oSerlar •
arar«n«nt of Bryan's Come. .Mre elaborkU oereaMy; or, a enr- dtoa*. at Steiabarrb Oraad. for one
reettoa to throw la a ebroM for each whole week, berioal!
maple nirbt be worlby of eoaUder- lnr..Juaary 17. wUI be thefiratattracatioa.
lioo of the hew year. TV oompuy to
•o for one playior a
OmnspaL-.OoMxx to wlUlnr to par
«. a«d the Itot of aelon ii
. dM« tbefraedomotCnbafroaiSaalD.
■UoDT- Amonr them are a fe* wbe
.■■d « equlta-'
bare boea before' Tmreree City
Ma *alae. The lueral bellerea that
dieacea atftoriooe Umea. ud who
Aoterieu eapitaltoU can be iadneed to
weU ud farerably kaowD here, aneh
'^tnake the Ineeatmeat. ud if it «u be
at H. B. Btieetar aad wife and Mr.
floae be deolam that bo rro^ wUI
f*ruk Hiller. Tbe opealay perform^
■ha home aBal^ Mpaln. aa tbe Cafaau
aaee of tbe Bryu Oa wUl be e threewaat to ooDBt that aatioB .Mar their
act fares-oemedy. eaUtied "A Bot Tim#
<rteade. whea peaee to deelai
In tbe Old Town." and on each
^ preeaatad a dlSamnt
. Todat Karba'1^ berlulnr of the lac btCl^t
aad of the eufuee of Senator Hare play.’laterepereed with briebt epacial'
Buaa in Ohio. It toi>rohable that a timaadpimtoal mralUea Unceftbe
raealt wUl be reached tOMirow, bo1 ««ar«l (palbne tha^ jbpaid hare epeap Mb kaoyrp tbeamout of ekiratoh elal meattoa to the oompuy'e own eonI ud operatic orebeetra. Oatto be eaperienced betme tbe ead.
door ooaeerte will ba cirea each day at
Npf Tba^ er«7bodr ^we,aUabopt li;S0p. ea^d 7:10 p. at., ia front of
ot u.
tbe pbfleeophr ot bydmnlV*. let m
puy'eeacacaBMatwIllbe 10. 9» and
tolbad of Are bydiul.

1 20 Cents


Popular Prices—
lOCrSOc and 30&

The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk., I have

Caulkett A Co
Having aold (bair Meat De­
partment io Uclntoah A El­
liott of Maniatne, will oonlinae to keep


Line ef leats

ontil goch partiea take poaawflion, Janaary IStb.
Don’t fail to call at once and
take advantage of Special
Priaea. AUlo Fpll Line of

Two or Threo Moos oM Lob'
and a Number of Well Located

Reduced to Lowut Poaaible
• Pricu. Don't Fail to Propt

Caulkett & Co.,
Cor. Ninth and Union Bta.

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—i^ront Street. _

Vacant Residence Lots
In Traverse City that will he sold

E.f. Bastings.:.. At Lqw Prices
Real Estate v
Fire Insurance.

miy tt LMII

If sold NOW. Come and ask about
them. If you wut a home or a good

vlvY 'A ITOjlV^a^*
Then* 78.

THo^. TTi Hateso


TSS xoxsnro BBOOSD.^CrSSDAT, JJJTTTAST 11. 1898.


^t»wk mauan th* r><« P»Uer. U> tk»
mir*r of vUcti te Aid that JaelooD
fouiwl «n«rt4 asa!«M bho tb« vry
- tlaa«i» which havw ftirccd the ouaUnn*
MC*' «r th^ cold au^Ard in ihr Dnitod
, 8UIM. to apUa «f the almoaf
' ahantmcni* pnileat of th* pcopl^tha
Mjn* claaac* whldi an bow trriac to
oeorce the rurmimcDt into the rtrWB’der of lt> BiivertisB rtirhi to COD'
trol the noMT of the oobout-




WasblBgtiw. Jan. iv.—Iniereet la the
asato prpeeedlnge for'ihe weM eenuta
n the promised debate of tbe traaty (»r
Lbe aiiBexsUoB of Hawaii, which will
be taken up today. Tbe Brat afiortfertn«8*n«t*.
will ta to secure open door* for the
detate. This motloB wlU ta made by
of the eppoelUofi. The jveOTEWB or WAS" W BE BAIBH). PeiUgraw.
vailing oplBhin ts that the d^ate WlU
j Bead)- flttad to be tbt Itiomunmt Of the
But be prolonged M.lta treaty. Tta
» their efroTta to complrie
oppuaKton to tbe treaty asserts that It
d ter the Bappee* a
0 prolong the dla■reanen at LeweU
y^d«!« L ■■ahopll y Hhrrta*i*oi
owing to Its conOdeiice la
Wba Are t« Lead the F»^t—PWI «lT«r ctaaloB.
terropiloii ubUI \h# prrornt dar." BrBbUlty te defeat, the treaty. It i
' «hao >Pa| la a ^a^ hr tha Oaaatr »
■ea PneUcattr Oamatod ter Bat Oatac cUlms thIrty-Hve votes tn oppoeltloB. j
tarrlu to reoant rcducilena In wntea
matrn COa«iailiBi laoraaMac ter ttea:
Oat at Un. Maclaaiar-Maar Ollteie If these votes develop plainly enoogb ’
of tha ewtlOD workere of-Bea Enslnnd
—«rttelh Oaca Mara Oaat lata the Maa.
be aald: ••Why la not aome court naked
debate tbe oppoeltloii wlU per- I
«Btep>r«bUa Maattasa.
,to anKriB nnplorere from uutttn* toRoeion. Jan. U.-4%a mole cplnnm __ _4 early vole, reeerring Its &U- j
CoittnbBa. O.. Jan. 10.—Ei-Oovantor celber to rrduee warm* (Ud comblnaef
Lowell and New Hrdfoiri were (Ivan busteiing until the * Joint . reaoluUc|ii |
Charted Pootarr who wna aecf«UfV of Ilona ainonr emplojrm be Innocent If
cvmee In. which would follow the de- |
to* acrike ly iW ekw-utlvc
■ <ba treMurr under RarrOeoii. urtaod
teat qC the treaty.
tbe h.iute uus tra«i th* civil aer' tl the aijr laat *n1»ht. Be haa hero Re riohrd irttb h'pira for alt attver
Tlce debate' will be- concluded probably
a CBodidtir tor men to orsanlie and po to work-Cor
lU per week waa levied on the rndm* tomorrow, when thr vole will be taken
•Banator. and by e«e aa unmandly
..... of
The 0aj waa celebrated .........
in moet
bera bl the union. The eavcutlve coin- on amotloo to strike out the appropria-1
Haosa. but be boob declared, hlmeelf j
of the conniri-—at «. Loula. iniltee elao orOrred the sum uf tMfrom Uon 'for the malnienaoee of ihr lom- :
for the aaofciur under the adaUnt dr- jodianapolle. New Orhana, Coloml.ue.
minion. Thr motion Is torr-doorord I
(iitnBtaBcte.aBd was It
0.. e bere the lu-natunblp fl«ht waa the. the hatloaal funOa to be pUced at Ibe 10 defeel. So that.the preeenl contrlboB after his arrival.' Tbe burd>-h of the epearbee; NfW Terk. dlaiamal of the slrtke committee. The tloB to-ihe Ulereture of this vexed quraluliowlnc waa (iven out laai nldit t-y amaha and r»envi r. A\ the latter place .meeting wap aUeoded by every meiO' Mon will eventuate In nothing. Tta
the toanns jiten: j9umt ratdoi Aerelop- Oeotwe Pred Wllllnina. of Maaearlm- Ur of thr board, and t^lrgrura raiirr- debate, however, baa iwrved (o deAnr
nenu rcpaT.iux the early bisrury of selts. wne the fAef speaker, anil In the Anting every mill oeetty in New Kag* th* poalUon of the members. Tbe de­
tourer of bit speech he aald; “And- aa
the peeaent BrnsttMial • campalyiij foe the cntidldaic In !»«(.. the tnan haf lard were preeenL Peveral .drlenlea bate has proven thal comparatively few
oTthe enemlea of tbe system are wlllliig
made appIleaUun
are. *cep«a-uily pertioeai to
alreody bean named. He Is William J. airtkc. but the board denied permtanlon to gti lo tbe length of v&ting for the
tnwaent tnotnoDt liecause they fully
necersary thaube
all places ezi'ept Lowell and New repeal of the Uw. Jt ta rUlmcd that a
by the pcoJiietUy the onvnw .rf theea men wh<>! frirnds, of Uie
preliminary canTBS* of the Republicans
Bedford. U being thought advlaaMe
Of the house has developed over 100 on
Ibe strength of the organisation ttet Bide who are wllUng to vote tor a
aoppurt another than Senatbr Hanna hu( the aveninr several epeakera re- centered In those planaa. In the event modUlcailun of the Uw.
It la Bo^ know B that the plan to eieui fsrrcd to wnuams as a popular rfndi' of LuweU dwlliilng to strike i
If wtlb these could tarcomblned the
wbith will amount
r Mr. Kuru
nay. and
daie for the tSce prealdetiry.
Democratic oppooentB of tbe law, many.,
a developed immadlaiely coBblnatton ''Bryan and Willlama*' twevn tTM and, |S» per week,
of whom are against thr i
devvxed to the New Bedford Btrike
•nee the apfUDUnvoi of Mr. Hanna waa cheered to the echo.
and d. Sira to see a Mped off thesUtiRe j
was voted where reduci4uns In wages, books, they could protaWy command a
m Mareh 4. \
.occur which bring them Iwlon the maj<irlty.'',Bat quite a number of Dem­
-■aelr WtiJpatebPs the Wpnn.Bosfbn. Jan. IB.-The annual raorsas- union aca‘- t.' -nve the matter-to the ocrat* whose bcwttnty to the law la out­
*3aforr the n%Ih of March had end«e plsdsee .a
la be^t oi
of V.VV.-0.
Opvenior Hiiih- •Iaail.« BiseiliK of the Democratic aiate exe«uiH*c coimuliiec foi It to decide as spoken say (bey will net tl't- fut tnodlbelB( Vbialned hi vatloua central rommluec Saturday. reauHsd to .it; cfaptrlke.
fk-atloB* of ihe l^w which win simply
_ I •_ _______ ^11.
(Bits Of the euie ^
from men ambltloua
! ta a aptll. the
thvoraJ aSirike-ai PsU River.
In the removal of Dcmocrau
to bscome memhera of the Isdalalur-. -headed by ea-Senal.w Oeoixe P. Cook,
It wae decided the- In rases of strlkre from office and the ■nfaguurilon^of ReThe manacera who outlined thU pUo of Milford, and Denlel H. Oakley. «f the UAkboya and <i..ff. ra should re- pobllrana. Tbeyprafcr.lf >l U not to be
tanw who would be likely to be caodl- Boston, leatfnk tbe.mectliK In a l«dy. ceire tX a. week during Ibe eliike. In repealed, to see the U* sUnd as It U.
tor the nomlnaUona and in rate* iThe bullera Iheyi en(«(ed an apertnwnt Dover. N. H.. BOtIrc of B>e4urlluo haa Tbe entire PoiiuUeOc strength will opIS poeetble to make oiraiena- In another part of the hotel and held a not yet been pOBted. The nien ctalm powe every motion to repeal or modify
ttons with i^est/au so, reqwirlny. the meetlny <
ie law. _________________
that they are workl^ng for f per cent,
eandldates. In return for ibeir suppoil eXPCRIMENT HAS SEEN SUCCESSFUL leea than the Fall Klreroperatlvee were,
y*l Ms Might Have IteSB Maaged.
by Che combination, to plcdcw theoi'
and they will oppose any reduction.
Rutledge. Oa.. Jan. lO.-TUe appear­
■Mvea to vote for Oovenior Bushaell Maral Pr«* Dellrmy b I
In iwse a lydunlun I* threatened at ance of Rev- Robert Slmtnooi on th*
for the aenste. It la knpwn that in a
Dover the matter wilt be brought to the streeU of IbU town, coabiunded both
a(leolb>n of the national board for Im- hi* fiienda and enemies,
. lO.-P
]dnd arere made In March and April,
a great deal of meduie artlon. Many epreches were be ni-sieiioustr disappeared. And W. H.
teny prior to the meetiiK of the Slate
IntcTtet In lb* maltsf of the, ektengloB made regarding the acCrptstee of the Bray: a fanner, was suepected of hav­
c«l-d«wn by (he Fall River igrlnnen. ing killed Mm. though there waa bo(
All B<bw*d thal the FallRlvercperallvre
trtets. The department waa given AM.* ahould have rratsird. wad that.there •uiBclem evidence ts warm* his de­
tention. Ten days ago. bewever, a
DM with which to make czpen
would have been ample fund* to bwtk decayed body wbkk was tdeoYJbed a*
•^That the ealririKc <>f the
In this fine during the prraaBl
then. The s|>eerfars of the detegsK-s that of Uev. Mr. Htmnuina waa found
tbna became a motier of
year, ehd those already tried have preaefitng Ihr various rases where cut- buried In a bole In Bray's <ann. Dray :
mharraBanu-ni to the mm «h^ I
Oeneral Gary downs had been poeted or had been was Brrawed and the grand Jury re-) I
made thra without tbskBowledse that
make a much threatened all adv.KWird re«l*ten<v. turned an Ihdli-tmeni formurder'agalnat
theconramienrwould.declartfnraBy In- larger aptwopriatlon fur the pui
; In even- InMame they him antia negro hand.
tteidBUl (uea wiihout myinc. but thatig year with whl
the board for prrmlselun to atrlkr.
their Ar« duty after accwpilaf a nom- emend the sphere of the ezperments alHew Be^tetd Mew Well Pbiweg.
laattoe and elevtkm under these rlrla—Judge Johnson
In this connectloo
The New Bedford raptreentatlves
(BnatBBocs wai to withdraw their
___ __ ____
making tbe Fourth
I sent to Chairman
ptedtes madr brfore three new con- Loud, of life poetoffice committee, a re­ expressed rherosetres as exceedingly Street National iwnk.'of Philadelphia:
with the heariy c»M>peratiun of the Tankton NilUTria^ bank.
4iUoaa arohe la sduOy apBarent. Thewe tort ahowing the estreit to which rural pleaard
Tankthe exe«'Ullvr board aad aald they bad
pledtes were made upon the suppual- fred deUven- ha*'
National tank, of
s'been pat dn operailo
a good fund of their own and w.'Uld he Marquette. Mbh.: the
Uon that the eiecilua of senator would In Enrol"*. tank, of
gUd to aealn. so far as poeainie. with Grant county. Wla.. and
follow tlw usual eouree. and that each
lUaachIn Great Britain the free delivery of their fund* tbe cause In other cities.
memlpr evuld he amirely fra* to vuc
lipTS was begun about Afly year* ago. The I.owell men aald they would pe ardviii*. tank. plainUSs In tbe suit ef
for such Individual randldalr aa hir
II mails are dUlverod at the olBee .of doubt atrtke. but tbe decision would Fred W. Gores against the dlreclura of
judfihent mlsht dictate When It de.
ie addrraaee » Ithout extra charge, the be left to the l•perBlive* and g meeting tbe drfun.1 PUnktntan bank. The suit
reloprd later, however, that Icoth the
irral p.wtman making a daily walk would be held during this weeli to dr I* J.. .dnrrmln* whether the dlmctura
•late and county conventions declared of from Arisen to eighteen miles and clde the mattrr. Thr ciM-down In laiw of the
ink are peraonally
B»edulv<wwlly for a Bind# iBdlvlduel receiving a compcBaallon of U shillings,
w ill Uke effect on Jan. IT. and about liable for the amount of <he depusltg
the men ac-eptlny
- or sboui !».» per wnpk Pimslon* are ell
Rrwrti ata lb* at. LMl* Ctab.
IK.eae people will be afTecled dlrat-lly.
thoar rondlions wei I placed in aa en> granted l
•the I^ewlston -repn-sentatU'ee stated
Indlans|>ollB. Jan. la-Jutm T. Broah
tirety new poelilon
Thr Lewiston representatives stated being waked If he. for bis own account
«Btmni la n l ■AWilA BOW.
the reCu(it..n In that ctly would or hi* frlenda. ha<I punbSMd the St.
equal llTdWi a A<-ntb_OQ the pay-roll, Lout* baeelwjl cluli.rvpLed .that neither
hlmsrlf nor hi* frtvtid* ha.J Imoght
as* te the Mmelary (terenllaw.
bo IwrkoM Is tilss. PBeterlrs.
that property. Bvlnc a*kcd It there
spoil*. Jsn lO.-Beduced railpolombua. O,. Jan. le.-A deIe*atlon
Pllteburg. Jan. M.—Tfie thraatened
ite from •'Very point in the Imkum of w'ludow glass worksra was was any proap-Ft of •“<* pori-haae on
th* part of himself or W# trtrnds. he
jurtry win le grant>-d to delegates' Bsresled at noon flaiurday by a com- rdplled
OnScin couuiy. late Kaiurilay night, and
empbatlrally that there was not.
> thr monrlary i-onvrtubin. The cen- promts*
•mtsr which ^Is
Ih virtually a victor)•t mIdniKhi the last atatement uT
OgtatewMkgiIgsa Maw,
-al traffic and irunli Hni- assoCtatlons
apCBkrr Pn> Tvm Griffith was given have agra/d to make the rstes|iverlbrlr for thr manulirlurars. Charlea
Washington. Jah 10.—Kx-HeJneseBtML th hi* euwiueni GrlfflUi' eaya tli..Qi fare for the round trip. man. thr b.u»r tif oguentlon, wlU work
Mark R. Br*w*r. Of Michigan, baa
that be wan a caodidote for speaker Through two assoclalhiB* the a week a( Ph|l1l|« A C»> faclury and atlve
w 111 ihrn resign. Thrre was a grneral been tendered a position aa a member
pro lenv and when hr diacuveied t
work of wearing rates ba> b-en eyeHe
a aisle had bs«a mad* up leaving him lemallrslly extended t.i the other .or- rrsumptlnn of »<*rk In th' window of th* civil servlee commission.
•at ID the cold he Joined In a comblos- sasisall'.ns and those yet to be hearCI glaa* fai-tr.rirs of th* country y^erday ha* :he matter under conalderalloB. but
idleness of many mmilhs. Thr bta frlenda are generally of lb* opinion
Uon to break the slate and seruiv tbe frvmt. as I* eipw-led to make the one
it.n will farslsh employment to UuH he will arcepL Brewer la . B
BMsted iJavr. He Sara that be always fan- for thr rviund trip -e not mote than
personal *eiectlon_of the preMdenUaaepected ■•• Vote for Hanna and fully one sod niie-ihlrd. From leitrra-re•BCW^aKs thr IsCtrr from any In- ccired It I* ediniafM that the coming 8U0DCN DEATH OF MAJOR HANDV.
tsMU<»Bal mdlgnlUee offered to_Mra convention wltl be a* largely attended
UtheUtearAwSidney Glendeimlng. the twenly-Aral
omth. Hr say* that hr foOlffi hU by delegates a* oas ibe Ars^r.e.
Tee Mwrb ■
••relation uliti thr

• r. .
victim of Ihe city hall dMaaler at Lob^dl<s
Chicago. Jan. ID—Major Moaea P don. Opt.. Is dead.
«BCb eo that It made It unpir^i
A contract t» fight twenty ronnd* for
MHwaukwe, Jan. W. - An Imporitei Handy, ihe w*1I-knewB newspaperman
him to return home.
dsclBloo was rendered Rslurdag
nn.l npe<-ial cwmmueloner for tbernlted ll.D(IO a aide' ha* been signed between
JUi rWt to Marysville show^SitBr hr Judge lAidsIg. in thr cata of ^ RUtes tl. th* Frent^h leDO expoalilon. •Kid ' McCoy and CharJe* Grt^..
aayt. that the HepuWUwn senllinn* I* ^utneni
.-vavKinai bank
oana of
oi New
.vr- YorkJ died at nut D Saturday at th* Hotel Bon
W. C. Rogera A Co., bankert of Jor­
Koutbern National
for Hanna and. obeying their drm^d I
^i,, „rnl*bet-r of H. F. MaetC
dan. near XvhacoW, K. T.. have aaV his tntwallon of »o»>g I »hlch affirm. Uir valldlly of all thr Ail. .tuguvia. tis Major Handy was •Igned. Th* bgnk I* agld to be sutveW.
for Hanna aa long ai «ai
pnrterencrs (u the amount of tioo.aoo. taken alek »C -Paris some month* ago.
Mrs nendriefca Goutffier. a retnarki^
Aa this siateikent gives (
m^r by H. X Ma<% a( thr time of hi* H.- returned lo t.'lilragu soon after and Me character, died ai Allegan. Mich..
JUnna men on their < talma 71 vutaa
fallur*. rxcludir.c all •'rediloie who Ibeiv went south In,the hope td re- lyed IDT year*, ^be had been inartled
gaining hi* health. The body wilt be
mn.r'1 In w'HiIng iheie is great rwjub brer
takrai l» Berlin.' Md.. for burial.
".-r.- mrived In j All dlffervncW
the Taylorlb* *
laoyrrs. und wll: Jg'
f'great li
lhls.M) *t,tlng that VaJurHan.1) waa vlUe tllta) Coal company and_tta
tirai-t tniluch B(t<-nllon among tn'r. ...rtlMmll) linp.uvir.g. He u.s stricten mJorn. In lu employ have been arnicaSirTil'ii have a fnajorliy ovvr aU and rhania._______
Ibat I'lrv "111 v<-( haw •liiinib and
death wlilF he wn* pr*|Mirlhg to leave Mr*. CtjrlsOne Fadrart. w-tiMw ofJ^n
ItefBted a rbsse* wf Vruwrfunnel iwrk i- f..rr ihr Iwllol Imgina
JavkMBvfUe. Ills.! Jan. —The rtin- ihirl# f.-r America after finishing hi- Kk hri t, 4lrd In her pew ai ^U Oalre.
Re|r Tl- li..m li.d k'Tisiloii mrallnga lb
w.o-k a* commlaaloner to the eipoeltum. , Wt... Sunday during eerrlcta Bta.
nf ib» l>raper '
' the coun'l r u>- i-aiiliig Into (he Han- clpwl
Never ■ verv strong man. (he.airalti I leave* s large estate.
• BShewib .teii/'r Tb-r.TiirrtlBgs are of I determined effort «o (hr pan of
•d-hl* i—ltKin had told heavily on Wa i Wlllartl HaVer. c-tshler Of the Albion
Uw club* cooiiiy •-••riiinluer* and olhrr defense tor
and he wvi* adviard b» ' (Neh > National tank, shot himertf fath* nioiluB
pkyslcbin* t.i grie up the more try- > Ully Saturday. He had been In poor
.rewilutl-n* ap|.>|.lr,l airalllft Opv- Loola. mad* a strung spee< b. tased on
tb, misv'on. BiA he per- i health for some time.
•etuir Bushiirb. tbr irutlug Republican the general thaiemenl that Ihr whole
STVarmia eiKle.1 hls-rar-vr. 1 A man giving hia name as J. Frank
members afid nth<-is. The InJigBailuo comrounitr wae atmngly. iTeJudl.-rd
- goes lo U><' rsteii' ot r*s>ilutPins In- ggalnet ih» defendant and the Jury im- ............. . _ nidp.r In the t'<inr.-drrale IDutle) end hi* residence Chicago Is In
gtstllig that Marry C Ms"..ii rrM|m-as ItanrleS would
InAuenced by thal army ad tagxn hi* newepsper career I pluaburg with a suck of JID* etlver
r and tliui a
fact. Autborttles were read In support after the uar .•ode<l. attaining'a Wgb ' ceriiBvates wad cannot buy a lunch,
Itielp*- a weS-khowa
glccted to leClMatlvr -dtl -• by the b.ilt- ,of O** motion, but It war denied, and rank In' hla.profeBSiiir.x Thr work tor I Pranklln
which he w III be beR- known was thst ’ flnsn< lal editor, died at hi* b08>e. NeW
lag RepubUipta eomblnmx pllb tlir the W'ork of securing Juror* piucede^
Chief ..f the World's fair bu- Tnrk City. Friday. He was a eon of
DemocraUr members gl\. up tbnr
A. KMJvMteM at Mew.
and p^lclly. which Judge
juoge U.
M. Phelps.
Phclpe. 'of JwneavlU^ Wlw
peso of p
ptaoes or gel oiit uf «hr Rrpuiiiitan !
Roe. jn*.. Jan. ID.—Adlal E. was s-qnodel of lb..tou«»uirea. Major
parly. Thera are lh<»e wt... hsv* n. \ !»<■'
There Is absolutely no truth In tta
has arrived at Ma Mime Ih Handy was burn ai Watwaw. Benlon •report that Mre Kate Ammona of Vaaauthority t» BpeaS for Hanna ie*i*iiu« ' SP-vn
this cJty. After blgnoJourn In Europe as county. Mo., hi* father talw Rev. 1. dalla. Mich, haa fallen brir to thdOO,that Mason would yet ta 4>u*i.-d
-mber of Prarident McKlMey’a »- W. K, Hand), a prumlBent I^byier- ODD. nie r-iriune U about *tKk,M0. asd
commission Ian clergyman,
y—■■—. '
; Mra. Stevenson and tar daughtrr, MIsB
Dr. Kr—.-'Wlg^msss.
le-tltla. who were aePW* Ihe Atl»nllc
Pari*. Jan. I« -^Figaro **>•* Ihr Ule
with the former rice• pivwidenl.
prraidenl. stopp'd
Prraa. died yesterday evenlilg at
risit M».,
Hlevvi.-1, Dr. Tbumaa W.. Mirans left an Inrigntfl- Free
J al PMladelphla .............
the -JUma. Mich., asBltarlum. He *
bom In MalM March IL U».
J-- 1.,-a te. «

train on th* ChnliaDoega and
quite a BumtaT ot them from
Phlladetpbia on '-ondlUon that a rouse..........................
-lowa,lndlarA and Wi*oOBalB.erie|»rai*d
Lanelng, Jilli'h.. JsB. 10.—C<
tmi be erected there to bear his name, lAH>kiiut Mountain fstandard gnage)
Canipte '.I ha* direcieil tbe Preferred and that a etatue be erected in-a public railroad -wsJ wracbed os the
Jark*on l«w> by a hanouet at lb* Trrr and «x
TIm c
sgoare Should tbe cliy of Phliadelmoni Itoiiee Saturday -ei-eijlag. Hon
workmen wore badtx but not taWllliwii. J. liryaa was the prtBctpal Benefll e*uo''lallcin and American Be- pUa refnae tta bequest tbe fortUB^ I* negro
nevulent asso. lathm. all uf OrtrolL to ts b*.'divided equally between tta heir* IMly Injured.
r lynched Cbltagu from idn- cewse
ird.) Illuming, heliig.-5et at IPrd und'-r the law f,.r the tBrnrpBra- Of Dr. BvApa
d*r.i<rf the Mansur and UbMttB Jm-y
the atatinn b> Nailooel iVunmltneBMn Uon
n, taseb* »*• •
of tan*) '
plrm'ent ro«npa“>'- “*3
flghan aim oiiiers arlecied to welco^ Wn doing an Insurance
BL LoBla Jan. ID.-Pire broh* aut It
For an houi Lr eo prier In tb* which tbe law doe* n >1 authorise.
tb* laige tetaCTo warwkouas of Chrlsimotda.
Sut Braan held a re<^(l6n in tta
tlen PepeiT • Twel"" and.Mnbst
potatble that Rt^ard Arthw
taut parior*. and shouk bends with a
gtraets. aod an h"t». th* attpetBr* Prince, the atanaelD of wmiam Terrisa.
inpBhet of catiere. .Srwriy H» - w era
by A
piB|e< at tbe banqueu Mayor BariWeiwiMHg ahd a&n to aa .-am«m
HasR preaUed and acted aa teaMmAa■BlbiAii cxIaL aa M aoamUmea ««* la
tar. mt*a was recatved srltb chaert
WBta he was Introduced, and mad* a
Its of Cuba.

AseutivsCommmM ef th« Spin­
ners’ Unipn Prepares te Re­
sist the Wife Reductien. ‘


ff You Have Logs to Sell
' OtKreqwiid witli the
We hATe £br otle Good^


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Kill HnsbuieiTolmUda
Pet Works, CanTAgee and Sbvb.

Two Enj
A (»mplete Saw Mill Plant


New Locatioh..
Inoreaa^ ^adUdM,

Stock of

Groceries of All Kinds.
Also Hay and Feed..


I havi- purchaa«I the husinnw oj E. L. Ranaom k Son
and moved the Eaterprw! 'Grocery stock to the oid Baaeom
sUod on tho Sonth Side of Front Street, on the oonier of tbe
alley opiweiti* Steinberg’d Grand. I have also purcliaaed tlic
iotereat of O. Pierce in the Enterprise Grocery, and will con­
tinue tbe buginesB with a fine etoidf of Groceriee. etc,

Order by Telephone Wo. 146.

Enterprise Grocery,
W. J BOBINSOH, Prop’r.

313 Front St.

Baltimore Btock Beeelrad Thra* Times a
CaUDtg. 40e per auart '
Stabdutia, SOc pwwtart
Solid Mm

FitMlwr's Dfsllr DtjOt aiil Hestkiriit.

Printers’ Ink Says:


■ .



•'Amopgthe best advertising media are papers that
' spend money liberally on themselves, first in secur­
ing popular features: and second, in adverting these
featiires.. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in- the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."



TIte Morning Record
Provides Fresh Gen^&l and Foreign News.
aComplete Local History EveryDay.andon
Sundays sets before its R^ders^Up-to-Date

Popular IHustrated ftalunio:
\ :

it GosTs Monei tn Bfi l!
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that


Bb 1 leseriM Skt B fte SM fiitii.
Advertisers PrtOt tjy It





"ik hiI!Tlfo.^°».W?otl!'te



to tbat wmer' a^Mft vergeh’n.” *o b# wnsiatoti:
W«u»M CMmpUls to cmM out.
i “Tbe world ia loond and mast tnm.
promtslBC him pmsflMt- Offlma aoO
Bow lung wlU tfaii frteodsbip lastV'
otkrra foanird hltn on ths way le Jan.
Ever Bvrned Out?
but n w«t hart m ark tn aar» bill) ftom
Tb«e. on butb iddea erf tbe sprite, tber*
b the TrtHtnrai b« waa certainly ml
th> mob Th» boy wM unhurt..
U. “in Man>oriain. M(MkBa. Ikit; Se­
TWO fmn «r> ChamiiUlii WM ecm. a' tararile with ibc cd&twra. but be al- oilMain. on beannji of wi
bastopol. lUt.”
at- a iwwiral bsrr ai< «T*r sIdm
n# medkllio method apDlied to hi»CntrtM for th« Or*«t N»tk>nal wartsd
haa bad n atraarr raaclnailon Ow lutls
•--------------ifJe <B him. torle evtaita in K far a# it partakH <rf
Roc* for tho Trophy for tho
EaH and has aoo»bi hit oomOany at IMr kkd fckH ™.k k hmk rt rndj »lt. I•------- -.............
«■ “™I*
Id await in oaheatBre, aaoius to ba novel.
•WTT opportunity. Hr waa at laat tar- Be had ararrele tad any ednratioa at , ^
Feats of the Mob.
£>n tbe art fdde tbe mwlal is endbidden by Rrv. Orirman to a^ Kart fc, w» •pim I.IM .<.
,t .
( t**””
“.J «"■“
»*•' ;•
lent. well designed and Uu> impttmm
exreri nt bis houae. He made a state- tal k, hik k.iikkkn.1 i-l-ivJSH« ““k- ‘l» >■« ot
mem to Rev. IsK-kwood. but ibf laitar
- k.-k .... .... ..
.-'andwhen be auswi-red the qnetuona perfeot.--NuV Turk Tlmaa.
refuse# to aay wbat It was.
wbitsbana pt>l to. btm by lbeotBrrt
Nea-B from SearabTfe. a towtn haar,
wb« bad been appointed uyuakc tbe
rilcht lildicRted I' ^
"'‘i actTriiiDic, all kinda and
Wwt lUpMMM* la to* Sto- a lynchtnjc there
«e mortilat. bat|*orta af litcratorr, anti aa be fa^ an preiliiiiDary inquirica kboat tbe aSair
lught here after I eicelieni nuniqry he waa cerululy cap- be apiwarol to be qoile Migtted b
lasa* IM to* not Wm4. «r40* Tm
^lllltul----------File Mer^ant Tailoring.
much. liak.and . iroubir
OhUteMa >Pa^ to Oa** «0» Lsait
1 aiaunee
oom|>any aavi -------------Then. Ion, be ecoW ainc fairly well.
ago a ywong athlete
.......... le cliwe of the performance. be m;ltrd like a Uirti actor, and be waa
a Tran- \ there.'
mod D
waa coampimtODs aa a foot....
alwayinp iutbenKM irreaiatible non-tMB tWtotato latorfM.
““ “
faafi player. He waa a avrift-rann^,>A
»lrta behind the eurtsln. ^Tien the au­
Wichita. Kan.. Jan. }«.-Friday aner- dience left he oulrased one rlrl, Imt wns«, so jliu he was Ibc very life and offloiT knew that miUcarj:d|scipHti« bad nliable drop fcioker and an eseelle^
bod proved inch k
BOVD a mob of ibiny white aeitlera tbe other# eeo#i>ed and cave the alarm. KmltiftbcrryiivtuL Be bad beenuk-k- to U- maiDtalni-d, partiOBiuily dortpg a all POund-pUyer.
tower (rf asmigtb oo bis onnegar-elaren
lor owmcwtiev
aaar*Matid poAotUve. In the 8em(Vu>le The doctor
• d- 1
aurrounded by^ an Infurtated
b» bveliutse atrd wH. •‘the Fan- •canipaign.
that rirU teams feared him. and wha
nation, took two tiaminola baK-tureda.
One uigbi toward 10 o’clock firing nmors to tbe effect that ba bad tcoeived
Lcwla MoOi^-wy and Hand Uania.
An# board in tbe distanre, and almost
chained them td opposite aide# «nf a bad a hoi time resculnc him and Icenlnc inj{ kim by uuy oibt r name. As far aa at tbe aanie momcDi tbe aantiuels gave mcoay for bis onvicea were rircolatod
diaci|iliue wa# roiinmed, be was a vety
Bepi were eagerly takai by the foot
tree, and burned them to death for tbe him here.
saaanito hariac
Kdond nite amt <i auldi--r, for uolUng tb# alarm to tbe litllr traop. Tbm, all boU antboritid# uf an opposing ooUega
murdrr of Wr» Ftwpk Ikeard. a while
bnd ert r been able to pciaoad# him that at tmee, a flm«k deafening volley of fir­ to toveetlgBie biaamatanr auRu. If be
woman. F<iur utlierw arw auaperted of ft^las tbs Ountost wtOi a Made LyMklac
be owed implirit nnd pamiee obodiepce
bad received mooey, oe alleged, be
complhlty In the murder, and the setyellin^stamed
UrWesTwa Wesu lawnSs^
to tbe tdlicen, of no matter wbat rank
BO longer on amaieor and oonM b# de­
tlera aie arourma Ibe-rduatry In amall
Colfak. \t^sah., /an. 10.—OWdwiefc they might be.
barred tram a place on tbe (earn.
a that thore wUl be an- Marahalt tWack-Eye), th# au*perted
Jh a few Kvonds everyADsn of tb#
On tbe otbor band, be kepi bia nnlAioordiugly an emlHry wa
oUpir Mralnc as sooh aa the wretches murderer of yownc Heydeo naarlFarm- Um and tiiaaTina in' the uioirt tnituaro- little company wa# on foot, and, with
pouhed. with tbe aaaal iijijiiiaii
nre found. Hefore brine PUt to this
tilchl of Oct. il wa^ taken late etaie <f cleanliuem, he wan a first his gnu placed in tbe gap of tbe bam­ lege arctwy, lo tbe villagr of
hothomu# and snenge meibod of deotb from Jail by a mob and hanged] to the .
maicb any* du- boo palibgA wg# firing rrrklemly on where tbe so^'cCi'd player reaidud when
*!».(*• teaeiBgaoervthe alleced rlvtUsed people who pul
" of tbe court bcuae. Khowlna i
Wp^i it wca annoouetd in liu tbe enemy, who bad stirtoouded tbe fort. at bumn Tbe‘ falbu
' '
of' i~
Oklahoma In traloiu tor the lynch In­ that mob Uw waa'lmmlnent theimcinls j
th at Tolnuiswn were wauicd At tbe very fliwi abot tbe Farisian.
famy prise of iria bnd repeatedly made no attempt
The fa» lontjnln, Imenrulltd himself wiiU- knowing tbal nnder pcesrnt dreambaiured McOreaey ta order to «xO>rt a mob got Into the jail easily, anh went ont a mnuirm’a bantntiuu. log. aa be itADces no (me wonld trooLle 'abont
oolty to getting bim to calk aboat his
to tbe ceU of "IlskoU Blln)- Mcponald. said, lie bnd ulways wanted in haea a bim, neap'd from his prison, rnsbed
KUto# wMh Her
who pruteBted Inotsence. and aald; lotAuroiiiKliuolbcrroautrK-a. Uu laatd fog a gnu and
•‘Famonsr’ b# said, with no grait
On last Thursday, durlnc beard's aV- '-Take nia>
.......k Kye, who admlta-hla guilt.
sinried tbe dope, began to fire wita aU-bia en- abowof entbasiom. “Waal. I ■'paw'
ra. 11 will
.a-111 cd."
.ed *' The
aence. an Indian went ic ibe lewid
if pe IVnpUcalea roe
iio|». be vtry
tbe Uiy ia Umuos, b« there tm’l mnob i
house, where Mrs. l^wnl was alone
tbouchl this a fair proiKw'tiori and
”His Ifntcnant to pann^ Sy woog- to this fuotlwIL ”

With her four smnji vhiidien aged a. <• j
(m,, ,he eMi wing or tie jail, ^uile Hi faopie.
a and l. He first demanded sater. then ,
Marahall'a crU was unbaked. He
lu lire lire! |dae^ be nM.nam'd to pet ntoed blm andNaid:
“Bat a fellow aafamousasbe ia moai;
naked for a saddle, and on belngrefus^ I
^y- -non-t hart me binurif ctupJaj-od'tkiv.ii ii. ti.< kiu-i-u. \ ••Tbafa right, my good fellow. (Jet get a good MUry."tbe spy ooggened, i
• grablwd the woman, who had her baby ; j^fore Ood. 1 am InniH-ent." when one nnd in a v«qy sJgict ume was lU- luviii- waanded. and 1 'U answer for yoor other aritfaacrafiilyaasomtdaircrf tonueuace.
tp her arms, and dracm-d her Into thej^
airuck him a hea\> bios lie erf tbe bead rtadt
“Kope.'aaidl^taRms. “FtMAbaU
yard, She atlempt.-J to run. when the
Iron bar, atunplayers den't get a mlaiy.”
Indian aelnil a Winchester HHe be- ,
“That's udd." cuuunnod tbe apy.
e waa fastened around 'h|s neek
“1 b«vd he was kicking lor CMb.”'
he jail
a dragged o
balls which fl-il aron^ bim thick gnd
“WaaL that's rtobt. Hs to.” the fo1 her bead. Uno'lng the barpel
elalra to tbe anjwrlor »ne# made w iih lobaoro (imtribnict; by fwt. tbe Parisian coutinnqd xbaoting.
be wonW oitrriuiu bu anditb«w slowly admmed.
In ber brain. The unman tell dend. roort'room. to a double window, where tb#
The IndUn then demanded money of tbe rope waa tied around a standard eOfce brtrcUiiMt mounlognm and by tm-'
meet bti death tbete ratbn tbnn
between the windows. Marahallla body Hating tbe £iriaiu atreel cries of tbe
to ba shot dead by bis eomrada# by or­ himself with deligbL In fancy tbe nvol
then pitched out head firemost varionsbakkm.
ing about ttfl. which-lira. Leard had and left dangllngal the end-of aif eightHe was wcudofnlly clevar. ton, at der of tbe conn martial.
team waaolreody deprived of ber ■rcogconesaled In her drk-aa. Be then left
After an boar's de«pei*t» firing tba em player.
against the court '
imitating jieoplr and antolaJ^ and be
tbe houae.
_ nailantn. nnmerans (boogh they ware,
view of the peop
“8o be'a kaektog for omb at ooUege,
FMtly Eateahy Hi«v
_eanUme part of th___
gave np tbeir attempt to take tba po« da be?" be «cbo«d. ■
The murder oti-urred" on Thursday back to MctVrnald's cell, but McDonald
tnvention. n that t-ven tba at>d best a mrcni m all directions.'
“Yea,” tbe fanser «id wearily,
evening, and tba children sere unable bad made a spear ,oot of a knife and
to get the body“nf their mother into tbe a hrociin stick and hone of the raoS oQoer leaning otr tbe bridge oaring kaacm.‘wenC ont to poranil of them “yea, he's kickto for more onto ‘moto
bouse. The cold prevented Ibeni slay- dared go and unlock the celt door. tbe watch would aftrn roar wjtb langbevery letterlgec"
tog with It and during the night the' Flpatly one of the rai>b. catching a
*e abrttfd txanwnsa going on
-And tb«> tbe dlwnsted iggfctoked
them np mrrtm tbe rkaflelds. esnaad himself. meiAfhurioBlIy qmktog,
corpse was alnMsi devoumd by hugs gUmpae_pt Rllm'a shoulder, fired.a shot down brlow.
It is alleg#d that Meffeooey was hired at him. The hutlH pav^l throiirh i^
For six utdtitb# tba Farisian bad been them a considerable loM (rf nten.
Um way back to coUege.—Harper’a BoThen, on seeing that be was bimsall
to eommil tbe murder In order to get sleeve, atnick the wall and rebounded. toroT|«rairti injiMof tbacompauieaaf a
rid of a clique of white settlers out ot Btrtklrfg hlrt on the breast. He|fell t...
BOtne 600 yards ontsule tb^fort and
Mind to tbe begtontogof oiviltoattoa.
favor with the Indians, ^'ben the mob the noor, exclaiming: -My GoA-tbey marrbiiig it-gfmeni. and there bad barn -IcariDg lo have his irtmt rtit off. be
. chained Ihr Indiana to the tree th.-, have killed me " An..ther ah*t araa aotno bard fighting mwral limm. bat gave tbe orcer to tc-tom. On amviog tat ibe ends and fraitoge thereof ar# (rf
met their doom with the oauaralolcls.-n fired at bins. Finally (hey- declddd that •o (ar, aa be' bimeeUkaid. “ba bad kept wftbin tbeir own futiibcatiuBa and alt­ tbe twtort. —Rev. N. D. HlUto. OeoBnl
of their race. No secret'was mad* of Bliro waa dead and left. HU wounda bu akin wboie." and. wbat was mnn> er having tbe gate ckwed aecnraly. be ItocioHaU, Chiooga
tbe fact' that the Indiana bad been however, are not aerloua
extraordinary, be bad escaped all frT»
Laava# al 1 m #■ w.
burned to death, nredt'uneasinaas esand iiloem of arery kind. He wat just kept bis men in their ranks.
“becgcnnl' Boun.’’ be said. “ooU
:a along the Oklahoma Ikurcler and tbe INCREASE"O^F THi"Tm>LATE 'mAOE. ■■ lively as when to Prance, and many
> .prevails that muett
rswdseftM la Ala Oaapur A< l4r Caal. a timu bis gayoty bad pot new coaraga over tbe names. “
bloodshed will follow the woik e
■•rem iMi Ttto# U tap#.'
into aotue <rf tba yonnga aoidirra
Waahington. Jan. yo.-The_ report of
Bis superiors appreciated bu tnvary
Why hMt 1
X Alto Are IS
a at Law.
Bpeclal Agent Ayer to Uit aecrelan' of and aaug froiti wbeo nnttrr fire and tbe ahoddet of burtur ran tbrongb tbe little
If he were atill out on tbe
RepuMle from Muskogee. I. T.. says: the treasury on the production; of tin happy way be bad uf waking tbe best plaint • • • The* enemy Barer bad met OSeeataKaalara*!
An alarming stale
riot prevails le ud leroe plates In the fnited; PUIe# (rf all kiuus of privatiou and faiigc
<y, and jriwmers and woonded would
“He'i g fine wrfdirr.” rvmaiLrd
the Swiilnole natl<-n, and urleas Imme­ during the fiscal year ended Jui
BrsfNffiiS CARDS.
bare to endure j long and cmel martyr­
diate sleioi are uV.n by the fnlled 1»T. Blow# that the tuial pruguctlon lientcuaiit one day lo tba eaplalu, tmt
Flates aylhorlUes a Moolly Indian up- waa 4<(.*t&#e pounds, of which about Ibe latter, w bti bad uotioed bis tenden­ dom before death released tbun. « • •
Tbe soldiers disbanded, and search wa#
nslng may reauli. This la nn account B per edit, waa <rf the class arylghlng cy to iitaabtirdiuaticm. aiisweml:
of the burning of two Indiana by wbites lighter than « pounds per 1» laouatv
"Yet, a fine snldicr daring tbe cam­ made everywhere within tb# camp, and
for the murdrr of Mra l.eard Jan 6 feet. Thla Is an IncDWjw In tbe produc. paign. bat n bad one to tbe barracks—i then a litUe band of men wont ronnd
oataide tbe fotliBcations.
lAte laM Blgbt
P *•''>«»• ‘■bW Uon of'# IttUr leak than IftJMO.OOD
phyrirlan of the Pen inole nation, tele­ pounds, or over .fi per cehl.. aa com­ bcadsmuig fellow to deal wiib. “
It was all to vain. Sergeant BsUn
A little later on a detaefament of the
graphed to both Indian Agent Wisdom pared with 1W«. •Die total Imporiatlona
rgiuentwaa told off to oocnpy an too­ bod not retorned vAtfa tb- otben, and
and Marshal Benrstl for aaalsli
during the year was Mf.40;.COI imonda
soldietwaud oflliwra all b(^ (bat. at
qutdiltut the state of war that pr#c«lla and the e»p-.rlarl'»n
the same, period tled point of otervBtioo near the bonks |
In th« iiatlun- Hr cunOmied m.MC.130 pounda making the qet Im­
of tbe stake burnings and gave the ports l«.lCl.m ponnda
names of the aulTem# aa Idncoln M< - .The production of the I'nlled |fitete#
Or*«er and Palmer Ramson, two young therefore, was more than fonr-ftftha of
qnarteti fur tbe night.
RenilrAlea. Both tbe Indiana came tbe cntlrv conCumplhin. Tbe aanual
Jan at tbit monMnt a lottd oboqt
Crura respectahle Setnlnnie faRilIles and.
pnvatious to eadore.
' thelA fearful death lias aroused tbeir
In order that tbeir inartioo oboald was beard oniside.
mends and relate# lo freniy.
aald to be about
Tbesenttocl raised hia gon and eaUed
ive a demorallxiiig i-flecl on tbe
irfui Tive?"
IB*, th- price# of ctike lln-pUlM per
bn» of MxJ# f. «• m jsninds. IIJ ghceta
»e Hto l-eue -Ktgger.- Mi ,v,ya
some one gasping for bn-ath. “(jaickl
waa for American I'nwlvct Mi The
(^ick! It is bergeont Batinl”
American product la stated to !•« In nil
Utile Itis-k. Ark.. Jon 10.-Four col­ res|>e<-l* as g^ and aa saUarfae^ory aa all kinds of dviaila ronnerted with tbeir
Tbe '«oldim m>bed to-toe gate and
ored tnen have been IjnrheJ In'the vi­ tbe foreign article-,..^
* :
T#tak##nBev#« '
a section of Ibe troop w #i engaged to Bung it wide open, and Hnu, dork
cinity of Bearden. .Ark . fiitaln the last
asinea'etacka •clearing out the qoarteia, oudvr ibe di- tboogh tbe night was, they oonld dlaetvto netereae. to Vstorals.
few da>* Two were guilty of anoauit
tiiiRoid) tbe Iotto of a man almtat beet
Waafaington. J#n lu —neprvseptatlv*
- ajd 1*<- vere ir.urdei^ The fonner.
ond J'ui'.i:: j.
r- swi:;.g up HowK of X. « Vork. has Ibjluudiiced a
dvll aenlce bill designed Jo jiroteet
- himaelf to baixUiag tbe jficknear Hartnw Mfil railchr-About three war txerans In the goverwmeft aerHo aocmer bad be posard tbrongb the
Bud gebcmUy Im- |iaaerti hto time in
milca north of Bearden. wnU* tiw mur- vice. It glvci preference-lo bdnorwbly
gate than-lie auggmd and fell. Tbe
derrra met ihelr fate near me town of discharged aoldlera, sailors and lAarines looking on while bis uoiuradea did tbe ooldien crowded roond, and by the
• UtUe bay. a few miles skidTh of U-ar- : In wp|>olnimeata. mentiuna and pro- Wdti. and a* be always kepi them (m- flirkefii
lering iigbt of a iobteri) ttar recegd*fi. Dev.x and Huntley met their fsle in all th- departments and leilaimii with bia juke# and noiuwnae
<d tbe Fartoton. He waa damlly pale
for Ah attempted asauK a year ago branc-hea. with a few eaceptlona.; Phy- Dvilber ibc men nor tbevaboBket to nimd
—r~nrren-d with blood. One band wat
on i Mrs. 1‘alhe. u while Woman' ni alMl iroialmieat not In fad incapSLClty cnmmaitd ba*d ever mad* any diflWmity 1s
Bearden. Both negr>V-s escaped after will ocit disqualify If Abey aball have shoot tina. Aa il bqpjx oed. tbongb, on
I grasped 'tbe seigeaBl'i
Ibelr cflm#. but a few dajs ago Devie buslnem cWpacID for the ofllce. They tbe aflemocm in qntaiiou brtgnant Baput in an appearance, wan -prinrtpU) are net to be removed except for good
Arrrated. and told where Huntley tmuld cause and on charge# and bearing; and
Yonr egclaimcd tbe oaputo «o
g been hanled ci^er tbe doali
' be found.
ncoguinng him. “Wbo Irtyou out of
penrit.ners employed at a salary hf tl.- bimeelf by bia euiiepor olBoer.
The two ether men lynched
ac- mjtf, ,n- »c..^ AM.
Ai.«-¥«.fCflee rM-taslOBB
On oeeiug tbe Fonsion, tberefntv, Fotr
cuaed of the murder of Ban Frederick, whilr mptoy-d._
"1 Ji-t my«» oat. eafUain." anrsrered
seated dn.ibc ground making a obs- tbe Parisian in a weak, broken roioe.
a.water pumper for the Coiiun Belt
mphk II
rwllway ai-Klegaland. a few daya ago
H ite, becallvd ont lo him rooghly to ••1 sbunld bare gooe back when tbe
The details of this
.....................-A-...............lynching are not ob­
M-^phl#. T-nn.. Jan-16.—Dr, Riiep A. take bis ffiace and work ae tba othm
taooting was over. I foond tbe aergeant
K it reported lhat three t(M,<-ni, th- welt-kman phyolcUn who
e doing. .
eat there on the plato—be wat woononaplwrvd and that' Iwn u«. nh..i l.y Mrs. Msrr Randtirink. died
■Uh, ibey’ll gH toren^ it witboSt ed Ju tbe leg—and iSranted to get blm
WMc^anged. The
third was waateo• Sal-itJe> St Rl. J-w-ph a hoaplUI. Dr ■w."
■’ be-Bigid.
I.A nnxA
at Xlncatand on another charge, and
Iii-K*r<-<1 in mortal agony AiDtII
“Take yont ptooa, ” osid tbe oeigeant hark. J’re managed it, hot—I’re got a
be was turned Over to Abe abe^ff of th- --n-l i-aiv.i-. in a elai-ment a«rltt#n
taUrt to my nde- 1 dmi't think I shall
l->* He- V -in in l- f. r.- the abootliut ah*
Clevelard nrunlT^______
go—to Haoni—raptato. 11*6 bettex.
"Bnl •eegeanl, 1 amnm yon my trade
atl-s-a t'ei th* | hysi. un.had borrowed
-ItFraBch bala BAD IkFCB.
n h r ehli-b h- would not to to metal wurk. and i don't know bow
lets tfaroogh my toto. Tbe.
.tt*i calnttiB her afrectlen to go abont Runtog tbe soil over. “
• UOtrUI* Frvveal lb#
yon”— And wit b these wenda
would r<’ iu-<n)' her.
Tbe migeant waa forioas. aad aeiabeoxpired.—From tbe Fmicb (rf Fanl
toB toe aoMicr by bto arm tbnndered d’Aryi'Dcy to Strand.
ewdar ItapidA la., /an. lA-At Cedar
M-nt XMMd'valea-'
Fklb Baturdoy evntlng Earl Coteman.
^irag--. Jm< 10.—Tbe anBoal
“KDoagb of yonr fooleiy. aad yon
th- lindberbuod of Steam
\ II years old. am ut ITvoldlng Elder F. ventlnn
_ man will die for wdnl orf air in five
can take a day'e prim for a ebange,"
SL-Coleman, was kidnaped from to Rhnvri and l>r>ilii*
mtontea. term ant <rf sleep to ten .days,
. .
With one boond tba Farudan was on for want of water to a week and ta
troni of bia tother'a residence by Fled Cran*#m-n or AB.rrir . ..
Champlain, who started towardi Uw terday after a fru <Ia)w' aesotua. ilMe- bto fees pod^-«bate bimoclf tree want U food at varying period!, d#(ram nearly l«varT from toe kergoat., He waa Urld with
woods with him. t.'Wahler Hiller, of the gate# were pr-wiil
Him A rIbolUlloB 1
todignaUon. sari then rign of
First National bank, attempted to res­ Btate
passed favorlhg «
cue the boy. but Champlain drove him Nicaragua canal by American capitaL toktog abtat bim now. He stepped np
bavk with a revolver, and b-tuie a
Indicative of toe etpoon of Bnmia
clum to urn gnbofllccr, atid looking bim
p-n-M ooifid be organiard the pair had
and Franca eomebody to Ctonnaay baa
dlaappeored. At UfH at nitbi Cham­
Mllwankee. Jan. to—a special from atraighi in toe face said sUnply. bat to had Btrook off a meds3 to'traiae. On
plain woa.t..
reen Bay. Wts , aara the proiwrty and a'boatae voloe:
“Neves lay yonr. Anger on me agato, toe obvene an a Oomaok and a flgnn
ei( tbe Opera Hooae. B# was armed .Bait# of Uw Fox River Electricwtroet
mpemtottog France. Tbe Bataan has
heavily, and bajl killed Uw boy. It
railway wentlntothe bandsof f#celver« oo—'ook ont for yoorpelir
leafed. •
Saturday, /edge Uaatinga appointtog
Tbe wxgemii, exa^calad. laid bold S^amonoed Kelrnnk t^oUo. wm
About midnight Hon. W. Em# and MitidM'U Joannes, of Grean Bay. aafi of bim agato. abonti^:
moch bmrd and mnnacdie. La Belle
City-Ationwy Iwrmar dtacovered
’Attorney Tbomaa vr. Spene#, of Mll'Toprlocai with yon, and we'll sea*

hldlBc ptoce aad sttrinpied to re
rraukee. aa recelrera._______
-Be did not fluiib hie mBteiMn. for tbe
the boy. Champlain (Uacovgred *t
OosaUHettaieOaM FlMM. .
W' ftjrn^ tbto itgoA mne:
Partoian raised bis band and dealt him
to the dark and began abootlng,
taian-dle deckrrstdigee tage
-Waabtogtoo. Jan. 16.-Thra# co«at*^ a blow on tbe cb(«k, and while the earbnliw paoring tbrongb BH#' bat.
lelt M6 gold piecea were rve^ved Bator- geant stood tbere a# tbongb rooted to
- eBonred hi# gun five tUto# «riine the day
by Acting Oitct Rrackett. Qf the tbe spot, wild with rage and stottoriqg
musxle waa agatoM Etlto* toeaai. but
On tbe ruriam tbese to a Fuck beIt fatted n work. EUla and Iwmn aecraj service. Tkey arc aald to 'be dt oot thtgata of rmigeqiKse. toe mldlHV
(to tapre-at ahr paegwirworkmanship.
In walgitt. wltooBtevkn Uiiowtog away bto iriga-1 gtraddltog tbe globe. Tbe
The toecriptibo
then txAt a baatg retreat and #ammoned help. Hen began cbopptog b«l«e
cetto. moved aVay elowlytowart-Idsimtaa. “Die Welt M raBdntamM
la Ui# fieer. ata BeL itafewnad fiiatty
OHtadea marmvtogtoalowv^ i Etodsto'n. wto tab|«M^<**<n4’.


EioonsiscKm rosinoB

Suits to Order.




.rST'ikklir kl.T“„2!.,''uu; 'll i"»



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