The Morning Record, January 02, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 02, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Pint Tetr—No. a0&

POST om mom

bU fsitbfal ssd ssreeUttlar *»*•
fotdmt io tbe ecb-eol ssd hie astlrisf
bebslf. tbst It bu
MBt epleDdid derelopTbow wbe have watched bid
work ssd beaedlted b; It. approeiste
Oomp*riMB Vitk tb* T«w 1M«- to tbe stBMst what be bu dose, aad
euall war tbej eedeaeored Uet
lUb* is OSm T«».
malar to espreaa tbe^ rerwd for
«srdS7 to Allov Mm Boom fv'
blat. The panj rstbered at Piwf. C.
«loito sse gsrrioai —PostasMor T. tJrsws'tTealdeaoe, and prtMeeded to
Modrieb Bu Mads Mow Wt^m.
ibeboBuef Hr'bfUllksa, takinc wlth
PwtmsUr Priodrioh Missd U« op- UeM u a rift for bin
* fCfUMiKj oflmd tor Ue New Year bol- eb^r of eak, rteblr apbeUtared with
idsT to aske erne rsdiosl iBprore- vriret. Tble with a booquet of earaa■Msts la tbe parto«Bt, sad be wse tJeaa waa prcaaatad te Mr. MUIikaa la
littiair worde bj Be*. D. Ooehlla. Tbe
bi»7 »U dsr ssds pertios of tbe
1 earrieta I <oonpaaj remained for aoiae Use, eaisc,MoMsdbrtteelsrhs
“ lifonaal rlelt, and at a Ute
U ta^lsf tbe cbsacea. ThemrbaaV I
by tbe tru de- boar departed, learlar wbhee for many
is« I.
Urer^ *ytUm aad tbe patraaa of tbe happy New Yoais.
sAu will raallxe a beaefit In tbe new
arranretaeat. while tnacb nore room
wlU be aflorded for tbe baadllar of
An Annal in Olnmlt Oooii Toeterta^
naU wltblB tbb eaetoeare.
Saoe tbe new ayetein wa* laaararstto Bare Dedaioa of Probate
«Q about two-tblrda Of tbe oaU aad
Oom Set Aetde.
lock bosu hare been renoirad aad tba. J. W. Oeebtaa. tbroarkbb attoraeya.
Dodre b Oorell, filed aa appeal la tbe
udby the r
doer bu bora el
CireaU eoert yeeterday te bare
al of bosea. Tbe addlUoatl
tbe fiedrioo o| tbe Probate ooort
b tbrewB la tbe encloeare. Oa tbe aet aside, la tbe oaee of Coebraa
W«at ^e. where a aeeUoa of leek jfiatMt the eneotoia of tbe wlU
boiee hare bentofore been placed, of bb late father. Jamee Coebraa.
then will be a lure earriw^ window
it will be remembered that J. W.
Irpn which mail will be dellrered oa Gtebraa b a eec of the deemed, and
' 'Saadaye aad after the raralar deUretd U bb fatber'e wiU,

liranAHTtAX. aiOUABB zv

. cocHRiunm case.

to-rtfckh™w.|^0j 2!l.J ««


I neet with Mr>. U a darlor la tbe Park
I Plaoe parierm Moadar at S p. at.
__ ' ___ I The BIka kepVMea boaea last a*rsnABTXVO AMD BAMCIVO TBS 1
tf^elr lodr^ii^ wen deroV
ad toeoeialp
t Banqueted Thru Bmdred
aad Bajeyed a Ball la tbe Breu
tac-ABaual Burner ef Boys’ Band cayo, U to Uedtyto look after.Ue
Beet Ue-OrcaaiMUdB Brer Bed- award of tbe eoatrsct fu Ue proposed
chemical enytoe. wbicb U belay eonX«Tieb Display of Obod Tbiac*.
Us ceoadl.
The cruUoc "Ha»y New Year”
wu freely ylvan yuMtday aad there
Z>ialooatad a Wctet.
Slimed te be la Trarerm City an abna- ,Mre. B. M. Stettoa bad Ue uMfordawMsfUeebeer that tbe ini day ef toae to ell|foa an ley atop Friday afters premisiaf new year euyyeete
. aooa,
her wrisU
One ef tbe moet eajoyeMe eulal bffain recorded tor Ue dey wu tbe
How TeeHe Bon Bona.
yrand dinaer ylTea by Court Tiareree,
Tke Tbree-Querter B. B. Club iareled
Udependent Order of Poresten. Their
baU to Ue Broach block wu e ecoM of ia a test of ten pounds of Ue ftauL
se yaiei/ trorf aooo oaUl tbe bui beoe, out to them by Kittle BaladeU 'todbotad Ue hour wkich asbare toeb. <toe of Uelr members who is
ia tbe SebbaU. It wu the oeouloa ef ruUUay la Cbluym


Ue asaael dtoaer aad ball ef Ue eeurt
aafi U9 Foresters ud Ueir tamUlee
made KetTy ia e meaner wbicb todleeted the beet of cheer end eoetobUlty.
Ike menu ooaMsUd ef ebuadaace ot
food UliifB u follows:
lenur drulUI
Muted PmslMS
Berml klpSs Lsrrr Cake
nss-Sepb. Plamlflscs.
(kutefTT. HuckIsbefTT
Tberd ward Um teblee eateadtac
Ue.eatire ImiyU ef tbd ball and ^

Utoimr Mirer aad ylbteator ebtoa-

A Happy New Year to All.

What’B the matter iriUi


M. B. HOLLEY. IdAltoByB.


is called to our Uneof Water Uolor,CnFoa,Pssiepartoat,
Mat and Drawing F^ts, Water Oolor Board and Baw
8Uk Papers.
All mIois and stTlea. Ths faeat «T«r
dbown in

Haskell’s Bookstore.

toe *8-00.




A Nict

Special bargain prices.

Fine qoalltleo—extn wdl made aad trimmed—corraei in etyte aad
fiatoh. AU auks at Baryato V»toee. at

for a ChiiatmM or New Year’s

We bare a nice lot of
wm WiU tbe wmptiay disbu made preeentf
of. wet locatedJa Chiearo. ?r
If tK«
Ue /.ir.
cir- aa tortHBfi qmctacle for a buafry per- them in ever; style and finUb.
Ikaro wore orer thru boadred White Enamel. Antique Maple,
evit eoart dacMca that Ue probate
eo^ la Ub oeoaty bad JarlsdicUoa. •t dtoaer end e aeeoad eerrioe wu Antique Elm, Ash, Mahogany and
Uea Ue case must be heard araia la seded.
Birch in square and long glasa,
Jut u Ue dinaer wu erer Ue Beys'
that court OB lu aserlu.
4ad appeared aad Rare an ImpraUp- patent dust-proof drawers, and we
TBBT PLAfTBBJUrO OBOWTB. tu eoaeert wlU U* eastoBHuy wiUtoy- are selling them at prices that will
sae ef Ue bead boys.
surprise yon.
Tbe oreatoc wuyiren up to danITaaon Suaday iebooi Bow Vuatben
ThOY «re Croat baiKBins. So shoddy.
ciny, aad la erder to bare plenty of
The aeboUrs of Uo Uaitei Suaday fun before tbe boor which marked Sas'
aebool of Ue Weal Side bad a merry dey. deaciac wu bafua about els
o’clock. There were about 900 oouptoe
time at Ueir Cl
Hoom PitfhTjihlnc Store,
preuat end e ftoe loBcbeoa wu oerred
-- -Pia Ue perlore. Tektoy It eltoyeUer.
bosM between Uoeeaambers will be. Tbb Sunday school b is a flourbbinr the Foresteru outdid Uemselrw to bos- ItS-ltl FroatSt. ’TRAVBBSB CITY.
oblir^ to procttio lew aamberupHalliy Uis year
T^e poetmuter Ime made aew rules under Ue efforu of Hn Darb. When
Bo^'Bead Vow Tear's Beaqoi
ebe Btarted Ue ecboel Ue membenkip
r^ardlnp Ue oBee.
Hereafter no
wu IS. Now, by diliceaee aad pleas­
In all the blswry of Ue Boys' Bead
loanpen will be allowed la Ua outer
ant metbods of Interentlac Ue ehU- Ue mrmben nmr eajoyed each e com­
room. Bor Uo eenBloB tmemr beys, 1
!drea. Ue Dumber bu iacreaud to ds: plete aad elaborate benqoet u Uelr
wbicb bu created so moefa
Mrs. Oaeb b aubted by many of Ua eaauel tout at the Leeleaeu Betel
Last Month Ezoelled All Past Businesa.
All Dmlere SeU Them for in Ue pub Tbe room will not be al­
older eebolars w^ eeroe u teacbon
yuterday. It bu been Ue
lowed to be aael for
Ue bead to bare laadlord Butrum
olUer. aad lasuraaoe aoUcIUac la Ue
BotUere is Jrays rooo
Uelr feut on New Year's. . Yew
-.■e- Tberofon cbme atone
plane b one of Ue Indnmrleo bamdterdey Ole mads bimeelf femou wiU your PBOTOd. We ban a eomptote
A few> firores recardiae Ue buaiaeee Tslkuka Teunc Man Bu Takea
Ue finut spread bs erer serred and line ef Ptetore Vonldincs and srill fill
oft tbe post office dorin* Ue put year
Away One of Oar Ouis
one of Ue but Uat eoold be bed. The all nrden prompUy, If we bare to work
and oomparabre wiU iSM will prore
Hluley room WU proridsd wiU two all BlybL
Otiawrub Tbe moaey order bosiaeu
domnUed yuterday by Bcr. D. Coeh- tebtee karlly ladu with rieb end
Tonndln- Blook.
ebowe a laifo iaereue orer 1B*6. In
n, at Ue borne of Mr. and Mrn. B. A. wboleeome rtoads which ea e|dour«
Uat year the uambor of ordere toeaed
lAapawriby. 40S NorU Dirbion eircet. would dellyht to daily wlU. Bruy 411 BoeU liatoaBL
nmonated UT.134. la 1997 Ueaamber
Utoy to aeuoa. aicely serred. well
The ooatraetlac panlu were
wu laereasod to
Harold B. Whalley ef Kalkuka aad cooked sad a reriety which would
■ontea proporUoaau laereau la the
tempt a men who aeru bad time so
Utol amount la Bsoaey. Tbe la^esie Mbs Mary Doan of Ub city.
Both hare a wide <drcle of friends ut. The beafl torited a few fricrndp.
ef orders la December orw Uelaame
amont whom wu B. McNamara, wbe
moaU 4a IIM wu from 7» ^ ooo. who unite la srlsbiac them a loap Jlfie
fall of joy aad happbieu. Mr. aad preeldedutobstmuter.
Tbe recelpu for Ue put two toare.
Mia. Whalley left ea tie S:4S train for
Tbe followtoy eompoeed Ua uea
Ciena below, repreoeat Ue hok reaU
Orslrrs—«sr OlevU
' Kalkaake. wbare Uey will l^U borne
and uies of etampe:
to Uelr friends.
a-rri neklss
ti insw~tTir w wpstr> CbKm tl —awr. ,
JsMSry ..................A1.U4 M b.m li
siU ebsrs* BMMa« <w ear* ^
l.OM M
That, A Flour is known by the resnlts it produces.,
1.II7 OS' iS^OS
Lotewr BsIsS
.0*8 W
IAU,49 Mtea l^e Btaatoa
AMWtte Ooektrs steCskM
613 OS
•70 47
nsw Pmd4ls«
A ploueat company of yenay people
. I.IM 24
OsadtW A»>nMKBU miu
. US 70
yeUored tost erealay etjte borne ef
Pt«s—Spple. Mtsrr. BsektobnTy
W97 S8 Miu MyrUeSteatoa on fDiU strut.
That The success of the Flour is best judged by
. a06 SO
uS Crssbstrr
1.433 »«
. 1.S99 M
1,067 21 Uemu sad Uyktrefreskmeate wer
the testimony given, and by that judgment we are
. all «t
While Ue yutberlny smoked Ue yood
1.174 «0 order of tbe erealay. A seateau buDd
. 1.09S «0
eiyer. Teaetmutor McNemsrs dlree^ O,—IM
willing to stand It is the “BEST.”
toy contest wu one of Ue futnru
Tot^.................. *12,426 76 *19.901 *9 The prize, a cracker end a briybt new aa Impromptu prey rum wklob ^
Uorooyhly ujayed. Tbe fdut closed
Tbe lacreaae eaa be attrlbnSed to tbe unt, were woa by L. T. Ponatoytea.
t la Ue tlmee aad there wiU a aenteace of Ulrly-alnc worde to
are sow ludicaticma df a c
Ue itou allowed.
Amaada Eioe Bleetioa.'
creau in Ue bulnsu of Ue office.
. OonrvlUe-Uuneroa MupUato.
The anaoal*oleeUea ef offioere Of
nOIip A. dourrflle aad Mru Emma Amaaita Hln. No. 532. wu held Fri­
A OsmeroB wetu married Wadaaadsy day afteraooB wiU Ua followtoy re­
ereatay by Eer. C T. Stout, rector of sult:
Mow Tear's ZHuaer of MeUodlat Aid Orueq church. Tbe weddtoy wu atPut Lady Commaader—Mn.. Mary
toaiad by frtomds of boU famtltoe. Btoaa.
- Boeioty a Oraad Bnooaaa
‘The weddiay saspar wu detiybtfnUy
dady Oommaader — Mn. Tai
aarrad and many >tod wisbu for a Jobutea.
UeoU Oommaadar - Mn. Efoltoa
At Uelr Now Year's diauer yeeterday happy life were beotowed open Ua
la Oraace ball. About sso were sereed
In PbotO'
B. K.—Mra. Jeaele UriffiU. >
WlU a partiealarly appetbiar teub
BnJeyable Vo* Teai*s Dtoaer.
F. K.-Mn. Alice M^hy. ,
graphic Supplies?
Owe •(
la which Ue cnllury art
The smstoTU ef Ue etors of Wilhelm
Ch^lato—Mn. BUaa BrietoL
M practiced by TruTaru City bouaeWe can furnish the
Hoiyoaat—Mim Jblia Fntodo.
wleuwupteasaaUyeEemplifled. The Bros, oa 8osU Daloa straK wore, eaterteiaed yesterday at dteaar at ''the
M. at A-Mn. Bell Moon.
Taxied list of chem
borne ef Mr. aad Mrm. Antoay WUbelm.
Seattoel—Mn. Uzrie Fox.
> ef local
Picket—Mra Aaqa Delte.
Batted a profit of «U aad Ue dtoaer Tbe yaUeriay wu a hapoy one aad
icals necessary for
made Ue total *SS. Tbe prw
ttomu aad Uelr hoot aad boe^
the laboratory of
Jeha L. Walklay of Homeetud
ownere of cameraA
beu jnaawd a peaatoa of «•
Barpilaed Mn. Oraea.


I totbe eutTlda Tbe rw»|^
Adlnirj window wBl rpeula
. while a latfe stamp wUdow b arnarod ob the dutsBeaenfli of tbe
^MampwlMlow. Tbb will be kept
opeo at all timee aad not cloned dnriar
& tiiorUa o> mfl miter, w&leb
wiU be found aa addlUooal ooareaImbe. ‘Jbe«hasc»aU«>"»b»
Blty to dooUe Ue ebe of Ue r<ri«ti%
aad mooey order roem. There will be_
edparafe windows for rcrbteriar let-






Gaining in Popularity^^

We are
Still Very Busy



.A„ W. J--A.HIB-A.-CrS,


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Unquestionably So.




Are You

Hannah & Lay Co.

Ladies' Ready Made
Dress Skirt
Oomliric Lined
Velvet Bound
Covered Seame
Good for Money



Mrs. Ida Avei^ yarn bar meUar,
COMFOBX TOB 3. W. MZZ&IXBV. Mrs. Grau, a dell^Uol aorprtoe yastordsy to Ue farm of aa elaborate tea.
Boaday BebMl Babaian Vraoaated to which wen iaritod a nambar of
UpbotoMNd Badtolay Uhato..,
Mrs. Oreea's frtoada Tbe euprise wu
• J. W. Milllkaa wu ylna a New a complete one. aad wu rary anjoyaTW oarprlae lut eraitoy by a latya bts to alL
samber «f Ue older members of Ue
Uruahed a Ftoyot.
nrtfrsfT'’—' Baaday acfeeol. Ur.
Wairea Batobery bad erne od hk fiw
sfjiiiiv— bu for years past and antU
ynaeat ttow bean eapcrlatesdewt yen badly erubed to a fead cotter.
Mf «■ sdbool aad It Is Isafoiy dtoe to Dc. fianor dreaaad the weaad.

■ i< ->a-

Mr. aad Mra Oaear E
yoony datwbter at Urir boou yooterdaymeralay.
'IbmowUlboangalarmoettoyMeBdayalyktof TrwreruOlty Lodye. Nm
S82. F, A A M. The Portia dob wQl meet at tbb
home of Mra
A Doaa Mewday after•ooaallo’doek.

TbeetomtoparltomaatarydriU «rffl

When you make up
your list of wants


let us quote prices.
Bay th. Lyoomtoe or Ctoodyoor OUm Brmdo,

James GJohnsoh,
■ 12S ProBt Street



slboobd, stthday. javxtabt s. ibbb.

1. Aleo
»«n I& kMplnc with the
Mae pat teth U bolUiaf ap » |
aa Ue Pealaaala at« o'cloek.
aatO tM f.
THE MOQUI'6 NEW YEAR, eeaaoa la over with. Um
blame yocrpMoi porUk. Thaeoatofth* »»rtB( oordially latitod to attend t
a A«MI to Flamia Ua aelvaa to Ue spring for mlmtoy e»
Tbe fcnaal ennom of raoelttog New A HyUlral *
TBATrKSK omr. • uiohioaji wU iapronarat wUl r«Mh (ItOCia
Paor. BiLvaaa.
Tcar'a call* baa nearly died oot to onr
nm Tsx onKi « m
Tba Moqiu New Yrar'a celetoaticm.
latya oitieii. It hatiny baee eapMoaded
by the reynlar iafternoon aad tofcnial enUed So-yol-n-na. u K^ely a |eaaraiM
Bet. A, E Wella hat rotaraed from onsiny
totton of a etnyBlor and eUbeme myUio ■amplm at Baybee and Bonbarfa d^
liny receptiaBa.
to which geatl
TvM- T. Batu axv J. W. Eumv. tte «f OfM* ehoreh. there
[B are ma
made from old
a trip to Iowa.
Mke 8Mt« kindly thee to tbe old taab- drama, divided into two fatfta. to wfaiU store. Tba
BpUoopol ehoreh la thU city, Icaewa
. f Waahboma Croeby Co.
ArUar SUter cf.Pomoaa, la ^aadlay ioofd New Yenr> party Tbe ynnd old offennyt ore made torifiyiea of the yreat earpeU
J. W. Bamn. Bditor ud tUBafcr. ae 8b John'a Bptoe^ ebaroh: ~
of Petoakcr.
kcT. by a new proeeas aaperior
Knirkifbockur habit bjw not. bbweter. plntne btauM aerpem. tbe raemy of to any other kaowa.
a few daya wiiuBat. 8. Salabeiy.
Tbe almost
etfoalaadlathewUMroI IMCbyBe*.
Bet. E Weim and family epeat Ue
eleanltoeaa of material la atuiaed.
brckoi npintodUTceem forma tbe remit which tbe cooflict between tbe aim and Pribea leas Uaa Cbieayo ratea. The
Uc Mr. I^aeof Maekefoa. Tbe^t^ t**-' paal week wiU frieada to Emwlek.
tbe intenor bnatiie yuda i/ admirably
wd of J. F. Or«Bb O. P.

Crosby Co. are now fiUlay
Mrm. D. A. StaartofVdntona called at -cf (beoomplf-a asdltiuoauf modem Ufa portrayud ty Mdqiu men petnanifyiny
aa order for Ue eatlre new Ariinytoa
Orlawold. 8. W- hraold. Maa. OoUck
SoiM temiliee otill matomia the cna^
hotel at Petoakey. aad ar* dotoy exua■Bt ■MUi.ty—a.

t« aad B. C. ToUar. with B. 8. PraU aa Bet. Salaheryb oa ker way to Barker tort to IU eniiyrty Some ytte fcmal tbe vanon* dacica
Tbia celebtatiao U primarily per alve work for ablpmeat abroad._
OMf«W.IV-«U. .
- t« eUrk. ‘1%# rector waa Bee. H.
dlMtera. not th« -famUy ' dinner. whlU
work is No. 1 to every respect, Fadli
Mra. H. E Garaer ia epaodtoy Ua U aanally Ue part of the Ubrtatmaa formed by wamon and i
Brpwa. who dirtdad Ua tlM betw
ties for
dolay Ue
- tonreat
’ - • work
■ to Ue
New Year at ker former home in Bar- feedtal. and to tbe ooonay oacTpil*
Cnltod Sutea. Tbeoe roya are bea«thle place and Blk Bapida.
loedi not inircyaeoUy yo roaad from
boc Spriaya
The hlatory of the preaaat ehareh orMra. Salabery haa raUraed home hoiue to boooe makiny merry oalU
eiplaaatory clrealar.
CaBlsatioB b^lba os July >1. im.
wldinmu to the pany and tanbnr and fanbt
from Pamoaa where aha ^teat a week pickmy
whaa Oraea chorch waa facMlly orfinally
boaealUay oa aid frieada.
rantoed. For aone yean aarrleea ware
pliable bonae and to on ettsnuy with Uem and lea rr them alone n pee their
iloa. aad Mra. Perry Banaak are aa- yomes. refreahed by appleo,
___ ____________
meat cbeet- oold. weary, mnd blown meoaa One
held la Uaek'a hall, the Maaaale
tortalainy Uelr yraadeoa. {‘arry Baa- snta hotnemade pit
ud nreet ' «<nder>< linle that in tbi* dtead titiiaAnvjmox la tBTited to aaroi^ arti- kaU. OawpbcU'B
, turn Uey have raituted iwnroand and
aab Keeney of CUcaro.
^ prtated la PvtCof todayh Bac- OoacrvaUoaal church.
It U D9W at^d that tbia oottam of ,
nu-a wiih a new- to propitiatiny
The roolMr of W. W. ^rcUld.
«B>. They eoatata the viewa of ooaaa a Lowte of SLk Ra^ detetod
maUny New Year'* "»»« to tbe city '■
eni one wbt> wonld hann^ their
ar-«( TreawM CUy'a iMdiap., Uwlaaaa ■oeh tlM aa poMible to the aeada of
beloDyi torn time wbn makiny calla ^
bnloved rteriui bru.
MB BpOD the preaeat iaaitauial uU the aew ehBick..Aad in hla abaaoaa B.
eaaditioaa aad aU actee that L. Spraroe acted aa lay reader.
■'Mr'i — rw— ^ ____ _
for want of oUer oocnpanra by tnc ino.-waten men mammy ue potnt
Mil* Lena Croton of Klaya^y. aad
oaiaea at Maaia D u tnw •«
miu n*e* Imm tbe eaanro
la 187«'a pratty UtUaehprch bolldthe eanatry ia antertaf - ea
era of
„ twlo^to e Um w^ men : bonnm ol the pini»a«l and tayyed
the Mat proaperoaa timee Jor naay imy waa eroetod oa a tot oa SUM atreeb Miaa Blanche Kelly of Mayfield, have 1
too bn*r to do much nniuiy mad Inwmniain rauye Tb«y have foond a
yaara. The epiaioBB of aact^^mea aa donated by Hob. Parry Haaaah. The
between two peak*.
thooe arc mtitlad to caretal WaBdara- ehurek. with lie toatofol aatorBl.wood
P. W. Travla. one of Ue brlyht ’ of iookiay npold fnmida. and eepemallyP8>«'rbich the ran duea not travel in lU
finiah and ataiaed flaaa wiadowa
yonnyattomeya of Otand Bapida. la to i Ue bo^ wivea aad motben Uay had :
march bai inatrad u «oiyt
at a eoat of 81.700. aad
Ue cltT vUltlny hU paranta. Mr. »nd'
•• Ktrii. and recalliny and re. :
retnrn- over lu bmy and dreaiye
Tn aew order Mde by PoaUai
dadloatad by Bb Bet. Blihop (HUi^ia
; «Mtiny the aoeiMaod evenS ol UeirJ
bnuy ultimauily the .prtny. thel
PrMridi prohlbltlap loaapiw la the
Mrs. J. W. Tiavia.
The Aral teatryiaea were elaetad BepiyooU
> e
> boticrfiitw. and. moot faeoMmitdaU. the
Mlaa Myrto WUaey.Ue lady who la to
poBtoffioe aad depririac May trpaa the
tonbar ISU. 1873. They were John F.
«aa of the office tot hoalaeM parpoaeaT
.. u.
Hranb E. L. hprapaa. L. O. Saylar, 8.
will add to the dlfsity of the etfice, ^ Wrirht, H. P. Daw. F.'J. de Mcrea Boardmaa avenne rahool. baa arrived of
a oall. The
The day
day u
u pat
pot to
to i PWfA>an<». for the rite which oooctli- New
___ ______
hat eaoaa laeoar«Bl«Me for a Utoa to
ia Ua citv aad wlU tealda wiU Ue very bod o*e when it te employed m a «*"»emy—the auaka
aad F. L. Farbaah. Of tbcaa ' ~
mm effort to ooani op a long U*t of ^ demon—arv w ull onfler way TamorthM who have hitherto fonad It a
of B. J. Palyham.
hprapae, Daw aad de h'etm are the
namc* <d people wtoan one may have I
“ ■ w. ird snbienaman cavers
r»------- - plaoeto meat far aoefal aad
only onea new litiaf.
Asaioa' for Dodlor Wait
: “*■ V««««»*y- « «b* «J*y before, or \
^va. tt u declared
ffaDoral catheHnnThe Brat Mtor waa Bat. W. H. Spar,
whohaveno ewadf pnrpow lonrerent’"^^P*** UaU beamply
Dodley M. Wall of Uia city was ^
railing ^ery day of Ueirlpl*^**^ Co m-h will be tbe Bibnto
Unpi who beyan hla paatorato hwe
Tn year 1K7 haa jolaed the pmat
i Ual for oDv UJiire yrar the ran thall be
January 3rd, 1877, aad ramalaad tUl yraated a peosloa of »-<.D0 per month |
■ajority and t^era rataUna bat the
coorw one dom not want to mim *>*•
pe««ntion*. and tbe
Daeamber SOU. 1878. Ba waa fallowed yuurdny,aaeaeoriei of iU yeya and aorrowa.' Kow
i'---------------}.one's iDiuniites oB neb a day bot Uere ' elonda. too. which tbe make viUedly
la Septomber 187» by Bat. Jaa. Larye.
lot oa ret dowB to boalaca and make
n.iT r^r' -rua .,0.
Tl. i»l
Oku mjuwho ramalaed tUl Doeember IBM,
: day for u«m and thin u the maou j ure freely doaoeud open Ue parcbvd
18H a year of aaeeeaaea by Ua aaerpy
when ha raalyaad to
'wkieh la prompt^by a hrirht fatore.
eaH to Ua chorch at Haatlayt. Few
feluqoiu the onatoin when Uey
Ban hate ater bean aura oaitenally
Tbe eramaon belief that boram in a i
*“**“* “ • hfe hand. « for aa
raapeeted aad loved them waa “FaUar**
pomible. oo what Uey have beard and
In Aaia tbe ivetaye nnmbtoof tobabkomlng boitdtoy axe alway* panic
Itauta pnr iqaare mile U 48; to Africa.
Sport adtarttelar. like a abert>wiad- lB^.,aad Ue memory of hia baaeto- stricken and vefractory, no
Bui there ore
16; to Aiaorica. 8; to Anstnlto. L
ad raw bene, nerer wiaa Ue rat*. toat face and hla eeortly. kindly waya their fnendt and refostoy
JofanMD Block.
-PhOB* 7S.
Jaat ae wall mote year atoae arery wni alwaya Uayor with all who kaew tlKMe who would iwanie them. U not i oUeM and beat taCnilMi who
"g to
«fcfae MBtha ae to da apart adeartla- him. The newa of hla dcaU a few •trittly trse. ai i* proved by an incldrat ! ©w babiu. who do aot epeod half ibeir
taf. People-aay^irot aaad what yoo yean ayo kroepht aarrow to many ia n-bued by a Oompanion coutnbntor
: Uvm abrrad. bnt who are Ue MiwnyU
. Tbe governor bad a fine blark driving and
of Ue be*d siter;Bina aid
aeU joat aow. bettthey wUl aooaar or USaelty.
Correspond with
Bat. Dr. Thrall aad Bot. Lathm Par- hem called Dein-r. AlUonyb iirony j ©ffort. at boras Then there are oUera. I
lator. aad U thaa they da want it th<y
ud ‘--irirm men and
the Traverse City
d. boU raakUay UJElk Bap- and tplrlted. Dexter waa docdle aad nbe- '>017
form Ue Uryrat part of Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
•My ftrtt mw ib*Uay wUl rpatarally Ida aad dittoU« Uelr time betwoaa
of by bi* master. Aa tbe governor kept 1 ©BX^beat society, wba perhaps do
oawMadalToa hate quit koalaeaa. What the two partoboa.
oUer boewe. Dexter hod the arable; Ue moM to lormolate lU hUiU and lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,^
For the pact three or fear yaata Bet. all to bimaelf.
a toleaataa H to yoor baaiacaa Jaat
* :iU a clean stall end a | perpetrate luaasaonu. and to Uoee tbe Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of alT
Mih h yanradTarliariwnit Each aalla 4. B. WalU haa mlaiaWnd Mthfaliy foil monger.
I 1st of Janaary 0* a day of ftwedom aad
Tbe stable
yoor pooda, aaad poo cacaet proapai toUeaaadaot the pariah aad-ia addlUe knojia and to > devouen to tbe racial idra U a boon descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carnagestloa haa daee a yreat amcaat of mla- addiiioa to Dexter's *ull luid bomem
and Saws. A complete Saw MillfPlant for sal€.
withMt both-—.
ccBtaioed a large oorriaye room,
IMoaary work la Wmtora Miehiyaa.
’ Mr. Walla rwdyaad ia Ua taU of 1S»7. on rat bin and a haymow over Ueorall.
One night, '■rben tlie family aad tba
aad Bat. Stoat of Ooaboa. tad., haa
rvaaif were a«vky from botiie and the
boon eoyayod aa roetor. boylaaii« hia finemor was in tbe bon** alnue. be
was awakened by an oiniutins .-rackliny
Bnaf Hlatory of B
The tartooa imcieUea are all la yoad
J I workiay order. They eeoUai of Ue dow. aad« be cnold collect bis
' Woqan'a Aazll&ry. Ue Oaild. aad the
any sound hr bad ever beard. As be
Wllllay Workara, Ua lattor betay eomGrace Bpiacopal chorch. which haa poaod of Ue yooay Udiea of Ue ehnrek. sprang oot of bed Ur cry oatae ogaui.
a of attraetite aad im- There ia alto a floarlahlay fiaaday and bastt-niag to ibr window br learned
Ue cause. Tbe euble was all ablau,
jbrtoat g U
achaol. and a T. F. S. C. E. ia won to and out of tto- mokr and flam-* Dcxiar
waeka. after ha tiny been moved from baoryaaiaad.
u calluiy tau niseter to fair ri.-iK.-ai-.
Htate Btrcet to Ue ooraer of Waahiay'
Panriny oqly to don coat mid elippm,
ton atocet-aad Boardmaa atenne. will
tlK-yoveiuuT rnsbed nnt. 'T|p< oaioide
oped Ub-moralarwlU reynlar aertidoor of Uu stable lekdiog into Ibv stall
wa. alnwdy bUieked by Ue flame*, and
«ea The iVpibwllI ba oocopied by
tbeouly eatrance to be-bad wu tbraoyb
Ue aaw rector.lBet. Cbarlea T. Stoob
onaca epiroopaj, cauBCtc
the carriage mnai. the barnras ronm and
who baa recentiy motad here wiU Ua OVT. CamrlkB T. aural, wetor.
a narrow entry Inadiny post tbe rat Idn.
famUy. from-Geabea. lod. Mr. Stoat
Morainy aorvieee at t0:30 wiU Holy Three rooms were oa fire ovi-rbead. afid
Mmea taere-trosi a field where be leatea O^iBDaloD. SermoB by BlUop. OU- bnniiny wisps uf bay and sbuiylo were
Mata of warm-Ifrtoada. aad bUny aa leapie.
rainmg down in ebowera'
*Me member of the cleryy aad aa eaerBlinded by smoke, tbe yutauor ataaEventoy aerrleea at Ue neaal boor.
fatle reliytoaa-.workar. Ue fotare af
Tbb U Ue first amwioe UTUv ehnrU biad alcmy Ue roaadataoot way anA
rt-oebiny Ur stall sooner Uau be expect­
Ua ckoreb ia tery briykt at preaeab'
in its new loratioa. and Ue pabUc
fell beadloDgdown Ue steps ayainat
Tkaremotal of3tba adifiee^d the
Ue excited animal, who was vainly
Maaar la which it haa been immvtcd
makea It a tery latlUny place
Bflwar* Meofv aa* Mary Moerv, Pastor*,
tlytoua worahip aad Ue meaben
bnnday eerriec*.
the eknrck are tery well pleaaed WlU
Bible school. V:45.
"Wboo. Dt'zierr sbooted tbe govern
MaeUny for worship, 11a.m. This
The b-lldtor haa-b^ raised «> ra to
be preparatory to Ue «- or. “Don't yon know me. sir> steady
admit of^a Iar|
viva] lacetinya which will begto ia Ue now, old fellow, and we'll yrt ont of
The front aan belay devoted
Brcoynlziny hu master's voice. Dex­
for a fael room aad
Junior endeavor. 3 p. m.
ter torned his bead toward tbe praetrata
•rhiek. is one of Ue latyv Monroe
C. E meeUny S:4S p. m.
men and ntierrd a ooaxiny wtaitmy^ltr
pattern. Aa enUto aew ayatrm of venBveelny aerriee 7 p. m.
anlikr bis prrviou lood cna of alarm
lilaUny aad bcaUay haa beea oddod
All are oordially iaritod to attend Xuowtoy be iirud fear no more kicka
. wlU reyialera and air vents to the Uera aowieea and the Boetimf* dortoy Uryovemor crept opand eat Ue halter
tfbatab proper which will faraiab ade- Ue work. Bvaayeliat Lnpton p
and. caUiny Ihuun to follow him.
limped Uindly tlmniyb tbe smoke filled
• 4oaU heat aad^tclora veaUlatloB. to tbe power aad d
«te roam ad^o^iny Ue faal ,{«o. U Spirit ^”all wiU be^ta^riS^Jm ctitry and tbe two blaxiBg rooms bayoi’d, and doer after him went Dexter,
laiye. and prop^ly eraled to allow for
bis D(w pressed agaibst his mastor's
WarmU and plei^ti
iboalner. man and bone reaebtoy tbe
room will be oaej far' Ue meeti^ of dvT. J. a. nLuy. |ww*rmfe oaicr air toyaUo-.
Ue (toUd and ?ioman’e Anzillary. and
■ Yt waa Di xter’a obedience ttwt raved
Moraiay aabjact: "A New Year's BeOitaUar yaUerioyv The room on Ue Mlva." Evealay sobjoct, "Mk (Mnr- him.'' raid the goventra. "I wild not
BorU la not quite ra large, bnt has ry." Ue yraad climax of tbs oariae of leml him. and bad hd abown tbe least
oUunacy or nay Iras rracMu* to fol­
ami^e room for Ue library of the 8nn- laetoraa reoeatlydaltvered.
low at a wiinl tbronyb all' that ronudAay eehool aad oUerporpoeea-''There
A eariea of ev^ayelistie aeritoei wiU aboat.-. nuatxnsiouied way 1 must have
do aa<^ntraaeeto Ue taaaeAeat from be held to Ue MeUedlat ehareh,
toft bim to perish in the flatura. bnt be
tba oaulde as Ue oast aide, which M a meaetoy Sonday avenUy. JkBaary Sad. foUuwed like a weU trained aoldier. and
OMVoaieaee that wUl be appreciated. aad eoatinnlny for at toast two
we caoaped from onr bnra^. fiesy
From the library Uare are atalra leadDr. B. H. Bready, who was at one fnntaoe almost as ralely u fibadrach.
lay to the floor above, where there k a time eayayed in EvanyalkUe wodk to Urahaoh and AbeOm^o did from
oanvanient aacloaara On the
Uoira''—Y'ocib'a Conipanloo.
Oallferaia. will aaMn tbe pastor.
of the nor part Uere wUI b* added a
All are eardtoJIy toritod.
Tbe Hcauan year onfRnolly beyan
rvaaeaucAi. csuacn.
riU March,
and Sci^ember. UctoUw,
Tba ekarU la lighted wiU locaadoa- Ev*. B. Salsravy, Paaiar.
November end Oeoouber weuthe prop­
Sonday aarrioea u foUowt:
ooata aaapeadM by ohaadellara. the
er aarnec for Ur tost (onr monUa. aa
Uykttoy belay aappUad by Ue Brardthe year had bnt ran When Janaary
fiandey aeboo) at Utoo a. m.
" brmrv were added, bowever. the
raaa Elver Co. The trafaU la Ue
Y. P. A. maettoy at« p. m.
berame enoreJy inappropriate,
front above Ue door. w»cfa k
Praachtoy at 7dn.
knit neverUrtora baw by yoieial enstoa
of daooralad ylaaa. wUl be traaabeen retami-ri tn spite
Ue error imAll ora vetoorae.
farred to the oppUito ead. aJM-





—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.

—Front Street.

Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.

Money to Loan

Improved Farms and
City Property.

If You Have Logs to Sell




' For One Week.


At the close of the week ^ey will
be ■withdrawn 'from sale.



(-KBtaTlAg acnVCK.
lay bvttor Ilyhl at Ue ebaaoel,
Scrrieeato EO. T. M. hall, lUFraat
arklla Uc froat will be improvad by a
larye frlanyalar window haadaomely street, at i0;30 a. m.
daeoraud. Tbe deoaratod wtodovra oa
aide of the main aa trance will be Lord."
AU are nordlaliy toritod.
moved to Ua rear sides. whUa wtodawa
tehU IM Mu wOl bo oat to ^oee
rannron* caaPB.
of UoumovaiL WIU Uaaa Improva- aheraOj.
u anaal Bnid^ mnralnf nl
uwto Ua ahaiM wfll*M atnatfva

Qw Viotoria is repoewd to bm
Mid fweaUyto a cMyyman: “lam
looktoy te Ue'petwmM morn of my
Lmd. 1 Uooldnot beataU ammeimd
kto 1 omralled to loyaMdemy
at IM feet of Jeoai CMtoA''—Bev. E O
m. flnnyriyetinMlIM. 8A LwM.

Hamilton Clothing Compy. |




■uing nan ImS ten»i t
D the tpoirH
p«Ad*n. who hnd gnUiprc4 In
t». the chJef coroiDonj of lb* DigbL
nIghL 'At
ourtiy It o'clock the .aMrrhll

oAhe city oy,»-



! and


_ Into the breeae. ' Then
Then ^
broke looec.
Hundreds of
rere thrown
the nlr.
ohoweto «f
btnning eton. nnd t^ enlutr et n bun.
] guns woe niM by the Second bntof the Nsttonal OunrA Boon after
crowd dUperord.__________

«. 004 eWoat
1 0«ll MoWoc II VM.
• Ttn


w See b Few Mea Ag»laX >


Sow - Tort Jan. J.-The clllaeB «f
Mow Tork. vhM today u the aecwod
otty of the «-cjrtd. enter wioa what ia

A. A Werwee tMwew oa -Bomtr Cmr~
MWf^baMoM ncUM.

Mlered to be the ■Teatoot pfubletn of


With the U«i atroke of the clock nt
■UdoiKhi, aaDonneint: the advrat of the
Kew Tear, there aoe hum a dty eueh
na the emperon and Unn of hUtory
wootd harr doomed groat for on raplrc. . For als nxmtha. until the moebteery of the tie* tnnnicipalK^' geta
Into moUOB. the mayor of New Verb
fane the power of an nuioemi. He mey j

L — Q

We Extend
Hearty Thanks

Mwiog ■■ Thi. Kevlew.
New Tork. Jon. L—Drodstreet's asyn;
Bolidar quiet and siock-taklng close
n^ev which while not fully realising

Mason and Bwnlayths Only Anti*
Hanna Rapubitcan Solona
Viaibis at Columbus.

apoo the
of the city holL
A« the haJMlB Rotated the met taov
a little white ball woe oeen to climb
the atoir olowly. The mayor of Sob
Pronrloee had toached the batton Md
i the forle)

Thtt !• Old NIek. for Yeung Hide
MekM His Bow stths Amsricon Mstrepoiis Today.


bnvr arrived in the city and the oenntortal aktrmlnh ta nt lu helghl. Hot
•Ince the nenatorlol election of Az yenri

ago. when the 8bennao-E?mker
teal waa on. have there iTVn eo many
doelng eenMon
He annual meeting polltiiians In tbe cHy au. une llm-.
yralerday rooming. The gUbJect for din- .Many have oome merely out of curiooicUMtoo -wa> "The PmUlern of the Cur- ty. bm a large number ore here lu take
renev." This dlacuiwluO'was opened by
active part In thf conteat between the
ProffWirr F. W. Taoelg. .'f Horrard ;
ak Bepublleane
UBlveiwhy. who l«wan by nD»I>-rlng nnd ,
To the RepoWlcana ni la«ce the altutpulnie: tloB !■ inexplicable. Tbe anU-Kanna

gh» must sanguine ezpectsUona onr*
4slBly cootalned much that wni gmp.
fyingwnd more that is full of promlrn
for the ye«- »*»t FollowiBg n oertea of
yean of sllemete panic. atagnoUan
I even painful revival. WT
large volume of bnalneas
prooeoled a I
done, ns a Whole, al-prlce* which while
apt kltogether natisfoctory mulled In
a loud of trade Urger than tn any pre­
year since lOZ.. The enlarged
foreign demand for American brendstnSa and ft* some Tartetles of rosnulaclured nrticles belteiwd the oondlUon
Of the American former, and. tberofure
butsnem men.
Price condllloBi have not tavored the
seulhem prodmer of cotton nor the
northern mahuraclurtr of cotton goodiTbe beet ts^ru eome from the west.
ihwest sod'be Pmcinc const. Prices
at tbe cltwc are s* n whole on a higher
range than at the opening, odvaoces
being must namerous In food producu.
raw silk snd *fx.l. while
Teptirled in raw- coU<4)
tneisls. snihrwclie
' gbodA
cool and p-lroleum. Interests
share in the revival of pCoperlty. .with
gnos and net earnings larger than any
yesrmlnw 1S«. and the year 18W opens

le of new SS per cent, in Republicans BitunUy In evidence are s>
num’-era that Uie umnUiated enn few exceptions noted—In s very cheertbe pre*<i>l 4 and I per
_____ ta^nde with the pooalidUty of oome
ocareely ciimprebend why there should ful frame ot mind.
fresh ahd independent loauea of
ouch a pulitlrol Slew. Chories L.
A heavy tolling off In number and In
per cent-; nocond. the change In the Kuna, who Is N
UablUllr* of Individuals, firms or copterms of ostlonaL bsnk Usues; third, Hanna, yesterday
iumed pemonnl poratloBstoinng.waasbow-D In 1»< from
tbe new armngement os to the trews- ebatge of the a
tIK and the i>rrcedtMl )4ara
UfT. The Important.
Ureal Kiiuthem hotel, and a reliable indi<--e of ibe.)^to«m> situation
era. oil iu*
■peiker’B opinion, ore the secogd and amoll ontiy ut workm. mostly op- —honk eleaiings-potol to the year
■ of the echurd
courla all t
Vutolee* of Oovemor Hushnell In tbe ■nawllnewsltucthebeavlastl^alneaa. both
hoards with the ezceptlon of Ihe
At tbe conclusion of Profeonor Tnutale departments' and state Instiiu. apeculativr and commeretol. done
, mleetnncr. of educalkm. tbe ]usUcea of sirs addrSM Horace White, of New
ons. besieged the looma
the record year 18»t The total clearipoclAl oeoalona and the pullce mngls- Tork. mad a paper upon tbe reform of
Mel A.*eep al'H—k BsadqaaRefs.
tnes at ntiy-etoht ciiies for the year,
tratee. and It glrm the p»i
.Vney. outlining tbe preaeni noTbe activity a( the H<
one we-k esilmaled. oggregaUd
n New
-- » York
Voi and op- tiona! bai-----inking
system. He predicted
--- ..
leading hotels wai
least tt».K«.ooo.t»«. onij ' iwr cent,
thf t tbe abolition of the lo pri cent
turmldsble. The develop, omalier than the total of UK. when the
Bb Ten* !• Keorty C-MiaUeo.
i on national bonks would promote tbe mrnts of tbe day were dedddly faver- boom following the large foreign de­
There are Ove bort.gghs In tbe nreat- ' "gold brick " Industry in bsnklng. He
mand for American Heodstufls and
Hanna—on the surfst* at least.
•r New
commended IKe Cotudlan system of The arrival of Hanna on the scene dur- other products reached Its heigbl
.APjTew York-oarocly.Manmutan Drouz. bankinjr.
sflernooD seemed to .turn tbe Practically ihe entire gain to clearings
fbunidpnl legttlaiure ennrUts of. the
bis favor. His arrival was a tn lo: was concentrated In the tost six
surprise to those not in touch with the months.
• board of aldetm/n nf sixty mrmbefw
R. F. Bre< kenrldge. of Toronto, closed
inogrrs of Hsnna'a Inleresls, os he
Ac peeoldeni of the council was eleciA the discussion giving some lasnUng
s not expeeied. i^xordlog t» pre^us
Pr the people. The pmsldeot of the •tatisth-s snd the convention a<1)oumed
until tomorrow. *“
hoard of aldermen will be chuoen by the ■ine die. Tbr next convention will piobprogramme was construed
changp I
members of that t^y.
Uayor Van oMy be held SI New
ne to todlcstc that Hanna's manFow
ler, lad-. Jsn. L—Friends of Joa
Wyek is given
po*er to veto any
constd-rvd the sltuatton desper.
KIriley. the dead treasurer of Beaton
t on in
•rdlnnnce or rmolutlon of either body
_ . lut there was nothing lo tndlcaie
rounty. ore s ill strongly of the opinion
that this surmlae was well founded. On
sixths of the members o
the contiwry. Major Dick and bis <»- that a murder has been committed.
Veyler ohd Bis rrm—L
The body was found by hi* 4-year-old
Madrid. Jan- I.-The Imporeinl colls workerw at ihe Hanna beadquoneru
B borough president, but
were la tbe moet cheerful epirfta and
hit principal duly is to preside nvor the opoe the govemroeni lo "repel every look a mure huj>eful view of tbe sitearlous local bodies in hts borough. action of the I'nlted Stolee narorlng of
g search Harry
nation than before
And this new condition Is whsi
to . Cubg,'
iociilt^ hie dead toairtoslde the oine*
tWe BMW Mew Mwto TMetf PwMIlww.
and new dty celebnted.lasl nigbi and •Thete exlsw n wldeopread sentiment
■niere was r-Jo|rlnx over the by tonkins through the transom. Tbe
this morning
conduif of the fnlted puhUc declantlons of Hcprvsnnlatlvrs door was ln<k>d. but one of the litm
atslea. but we do not think Oenetsl Redkpy,
abutters Voa ajar., Klrtley's watch
Highland county.
d year nnd the in- Weyler ts tbe nwist acceptable ezponoat Smith, ot DeUware county, that
and a skbII am-ium of r- uey In the
St they
er New Tork was ibwreof.'' Conlltiulng The imparlcol
oiwurntion of Oresier
1 tbeae dead ItMWuter's ♦.Ikcto were not dtowould vole (or Hanna.
•riebratsd fltUngly. On* of tbe ewnu CTltlctoes tbe government
In ..lie 'oP his -pockeU was
t>rm for
>or Bvoppias
vew bad bev
been claimed by
that marked tbe occasion wot a grand
found a tilme of bwn paper, on which
tbe opposition. Redkey
pornde conducted under the auspICM
Ibe queee regent
was wrill-n In KIriU)-s hsndw
county where It waa «xl
o< the New York Journal
’There are two men lo the oRIcw.'
wording of Prewldeni McKinley’s
TerUsef. The auvne In City Hall park
congress, and expressw
Cbllxens are Invesugatlng, the dead
oland against Hanao. If maintained
previous to the arrival
opinion thoi It would have
Hepresemallve Smith had a war of treasurer's hnsinras affairs, looking to
proeesoiuwas spectomUr ondhrtlUanL govemmpBl’s iniereoi e
words with Kurm os a result of bis a*on of the theory of suicide
Although the bead «rf the parade wo* puMlcatlon.
desertion Of the snlt-Hanns
ranto. There is fact unquestionable, and
not expected In reach that point much
The Tiempo li
that Is thst Kiriley was much disturbed
Repnwenutlves Mas<m sod Hjamley.
h^ore midnight the |srk was crowded Oenerwl Weylef,
beesuse bus newsobltoaUonswere press­
of Cuyohogs. how stand
OS early os k o'clock. And tb*' crowd lack ot dls< tpMne in Ihe Rponlsh army. _____
ing him. Slid It IS pcostole that his
their open opposition to HsJi
Struggled and iostied tor on hour
Oeneral Weyler and, other general* IIS. although they do not r.-pn-went the mipd was affected
It be killed hlmmore when, on th* arrival of Polbe were tbe guests of «>nor Robledo toSI strength of the anti-Hanna Bepvibllself. and the general drift of public
Captain Crom In command of
Bight- Tbe newspsperw comment upon c»oi>- The other* hsve up to this lime opinion Is toward that oolutlon. *e took
nnitr of ull>cers..tbr park Invaders were thto and him at poselble lU result*.
to moke the
kepi clowel}' under cover. Reptesentodriven to th- air—t line, where they
ttvv Mason Is the avowed vanrtldate of si t of self-drKtru. lPro appear
wore held In check by a'cord m of poof morder. htill there w.-r.- tw.. bullets
KSn* for speaker to opi.«ltl..a to BoxIn his brain snd It Is believed physical,
BMleswl BwIMlow Tiwdw* tWoseU Its
allowed within the pork llmlla
r>- Itnpoawblc fo^blro to have Bred
insBlssU— ol (be (>u4ny Bi
at. U>uli>. Jon. I—It
rhicb the deed
oA city hall waa brilllsmly IliumThe eevoivgr
r ligbis. Thdrsloy that Hecr> W. Stelnblsa. rebought
waS done. It ts sscertalned.
puMd UmI aHh IbeFwMy.
Hds and ceajly elw(1e>l aorreiary of the Nallonat lAftyelie. and John Bixler. who sold
Rumor* of sIlAorts were current lost
Aroericae fUg* .x>m|*ised of revolving al Hulldlag Trades ««im 11. bad reIt. bcKeves frirtn the description that
>lgbi regarding the at mode of the Dem■UgbU Ob the of the munblpsl ! Agaed the i*elUon
Teslerdsy It was
Kiriley was
Wkllag werepla.Td etghi searrb-llghla KgtheBUtaliy xstrd that »l-lnblsa sllll
tlvdM far BOS Kew Con.

To oar enstotnen for the liberal boJiday'patronafe
accotded os, and aainre them that we shall eontiane to keep a
full stook of tbt beat qoality of Oreoerisa and Proviaiona.
Prompt Detivary. Prices ^wsys Right.


A Few of Them Left
Those pretty Solid Nickel Quadruple Sjlver Plate



I with I
into the I
bnad on ever emperor treated hU favorIton.
Tbe moyur will appoint every
aepartiDcnt bend Is the city rgiwpt the
oomptroller. w-bu t« elected for four


fpie H has been und.Tst.N-1 that l


the annouaeetueot


•ariy oftemuoa that Ihe taralval and
parade would lie postponed. S great
morry-malu-n., rooBtol^
wh^lnieti and members of vanous o^
eieti-s. *ith Bumb>'.leas floai*. met at
the r-iii|.«vous amuod I'ni->c ftquare
«ady t- ma'ch ihrourb tbe rain and
' nud to l.omo th.- old illy and welctiroe
the new. The ir»w:d at lh« aiartlag
Foll.iwlng the po- I
- nuirsbal an^ his I

bits, and j.(»dlci 1
more powerful ihae tbe Fed
. _______
, Cob MorHsea »«l ef Ogbw.
Ws-hlngton. Jan. l.-W'b-n Freeldent
McKliui j' nils hi* Plroe on the l»tersUK "ommerte i..roml*Sl..n Odonel
William It. M« trill >o l«.-k to
llllnu^ Thlriy f-ur y-siwag.. h-eat
n the Tlilrtyhere as a t»pre*ei;Utlve —


legtslsture In cpno^vratlon of s
lo defeat^ Hsniro. Now II to

ttoJmed tl

The Islam it.TT Is Ihisl they demand
spi^ilntlvrofllecs under flovernor Kushivell and also on agreement to assist In
Ihe election of a Demoftatic seereiar/
of stale next fall This atorj seemed
or I preportevoit*. but It wsa vouched for

Mghth orogr-se, • • thsi
with the .anilsl
less regret..........................
•«*"- “*
hi* :j y-*r*. to go l*i<h to the practice
of tow. a* h-BVe* the eonunisslon afl. r
ten yssta of « ..bUdu..u# service, having
ipudated hr
f Prrsl
, __ U-nl .____
I formed la
when the

“Among the best advertising media are papers that
spend money liberally on themselves, first in secur­
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to'result in.a steady
increase of circulation, in tbe benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."


The Morning Rnconi

TrrtT Hautr. Ini. Jan U—The car
work* h-rr hsv* locvlvrd order* for
from the Chicago and NorthI and l"wa Crntral roads.



Popular Illustrated Featuras.


ivtcr Llpiwrt. of Chicago, tang bought
the Wfaltak-r foundn' and machine
shopa ml Krnosha. WIs.
ITcBldcnt lloracv O. Burt baa fohlarge of tbr
mally lakm chsrgr
thr Ual
Ualoa Paicrs at Omaha.
Mrs. Mary J*htoirr Blalar. wldoi
Major M V' Iilolne. who w o* a B-yihrw
of Jam.-s <1. Hlainr. dird at CloclnnaU.
Fnuik ll..rba. krr. IJ >-ars old. and
bis brother. Hrnnie. ftjear* old.
dmwn-d to a clay bgic to a Chl.ago
Ulas Konny Bradtbl^, for twenty
yi-ars a O-tigrigsiloBal mloslonsry to
Hsytl. Is dead St CharloUa. Mich..
aged as yrwTW


lutir— V4*i o*u of

Provides FKesh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day, and on .
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-to-Datc

Fir* at I-rbaaon. ^BK. eousd a
luss of ra.WA
KighI hualaca* build­

...... „t , reitoblf nature to
Indies ........................
aK.i-r was denied o( theanll-Uarna
per cem. to the prliv of cubeb berris*
To a friend » bo broached
and .-iL .
the story Kuril Is reported to hsvo said
The Chli-pewB county. WU.. poorthat he' did not rely on nemoersUe
house hs* been dectorvd to be entirety
V.drp to A f-ai Hsiir.s Kurts hs* madr
too small. Five appileani* hod iwceatIMT.
tills ststemetit befor. , bui Ibe numer­
ly to be rejected.
V live ofen earous
Tb* Hrill»h Employer*’ FedrraBcgi
e *-vrral UBi-.
fvkJa. Jan. l.—A.though dealrun* of Ihe D»m.« rwti.- leB.l-t* have n..t caused
boa unanimously adopted a rewolntion
--------g of the I obtaining s British Uwn the Chinese much Comid-nee to be placed la IL
dectariag It ImpfocUrable
It was claimed by e.meribal the de­
Jtobsn Anderw.D Iroii-C}, veieron llrv- \ ^,,„,„,nt refuse* to agree lo a Mrthe hi.urs 'uf Ubor.
gam. IrtMl volunl-*-t* and ibe naval ;
i„niro1 of iHe Internal revenue. mand* of the DeihociwtB had become
ir* D. Boakay. Dwtght L. Moody's
feottalton. The Hermoi «.■ i
» Joined
^eose of default. •0 unrewsoatble that Kurts would have
MBOctote to evangelical work, wiu
la the ptoeeasloD at Fifi—r
to abandon the idea of a fusion.
leave BrookljV Jon. 4 for a trip to
Vbllowlac them was an Rost |
this -Vrtrt hi* only h..p»
favor control of
Jerusalem. K*m and tbe Holy Load.
g tbe Brooklyn bridge, with I
noae of default. ...
Twenly-flvecarloads of Hortoge couaahlss of evergri'tfc. on which the wed- not bring (gvcuralle Chins will not vot-s against llsnna to prevent him
Hanna jveo- ty, Wla. potatoee have been ehlpped
diat of FAther Kslckerhocker and Mr*.) par her war Indemnity unUI ML la aecnrtng a majority.
to New OrletoiB. The price paid them
Rrooktye waa being celebrated It. truly ; —
,ey will mev^^to
mee^TOto e.qattogeno
pte W they
lag lo
to public senUmekt.
senUm^t. Deie»eieby wholeeale dealer* to carloU is fri«
OermoB st^e_ aml_d mtmh merylmeM,
eaty of Blmonow-kl. The Rpal by
py appeal
0 rapid *
Then float foDowsd floa
I* posliwned until after the i galii.ns rt R-publi. on* will be brought 7* to n cents a^ bushel
Ihe city from a* pari* of the aloft
and Nonhweetern talloearioB. BIX divtotons
The fhlcapo •
, reply from Lon
to inflneace Uie _bol4lng_m«nbei*.
itttog UP OB icehoaae
were In tine and la (rant and behind
thaw were repieaentotlves of vulua- i---------------------------------------- -rw.
! at Green
taars la oU deponnwau. aoJdlers, lire. I
irorogMi Trial <tom *a Fwmtm.
tag LOW tons «( ice and wUl employ,
indtonopi^ Jan
L-D. W: <^a
rats sad othero.
Bborttr aft-r 10, Chicago. Jan. L—Adolph 1* Laetgert.
many men to the hflrveeL
0, yastetdar afteraoon^p^to^ g’elork some bttodrvds of solid looking I
trial for wife murd.-r. spetit New
Aasignee PlMitog. of the T. C. Above
nineriur rtrorl for i
lantern* { T-or'e day to Judge Osry’s trourirtMin. celver to .....................—
Banking comiiany-of Manitowoc, Wto..
Judge Krmg-Rey
man hrd lo a |<iglUon ot vantage to \ AHer a ctmferenre betwve
has paid a dividend ot 4St per oenL to
front of tbe rity hall
*n>e> repre-Mj«ry and the Jury It wo* deeldi
credllot*. The hank bad prevloos.
genied the slDgtoC societies o* Kew b,.ld e.,urt Nexf. Tear * day and
ly paid a dividend of 4« per ceaL
iBlended to c-rotlnue bosln.-s*
Tork snd
and Brooklyn.
Thr CbofoJ so- oe-vl wilh the trial. Judge Gory
• indi
of- q .11* kkilted in viola_
differvoc* betwsMx boJdlng gaelie the eumpoay.
dMy sang tbe Oennsn chorals la tora. _
been ohipped out

Md after this tbe bomba ptoced oa the court on the 1st of January and th*
UahlUtlee lo be about oad on- of JefferaoB county. III*., la canotaea
Uwa gave lbs olgnal that tbe parade tat of July._______________
(g twbblU. About IfiC warranti are out

era* oppr>«chlcg.
Dormatb Lm> Bsp* U OoM.
for tbe orreei of varloua tow-breokerw
a* receiver with *_ bond ofjjsu.iw.
' om hour before mldslgbt the firm erf
Ntoboloi MeQulllaa. a weaver wbe
BOB Praactoco. Jsn. L-Lau yeotora turned Into tb* perk. A
CwbM Ibboi^ ■* »•- '•»*■
■pends eight hour* e^h day at bto
day afunoon the supreme court ^
boUeoa with uoiuag
New Task. Jok I.-The steyaw loom la BouUwld. L. 1..^ IW y«ar« old
fused th* appUcaUo*
aMi «p and M tt swept amos
today, and tbe eouatry people llrlag
Ytosodof* Darroat for a cvrtlBoot* of
. brooBM m boMa of Caba* aboot'tlM village beta a great oetetomprsbobto eoM*. gabmltted to that body



Printers’ Ink Says:


____ s tbr tighu that blazed their rays jcji.but has ree'xned ossecte
(romlherouraoftbepuaiufflceand news- |
of ibv hi. Louis Building Trades
.......................................... . _
paper building*. Many of the buildings ;ooun.ll>e of the amoutl of work tThurwUsy night, and there was snat
•urrouuJInk th- park weCe <1*.orated inwlvts.
"*»ae mill- sctivliy
............ ..............
the antl-Hanns head­
with handsome elec:ric drvw-e* while
trwdewnrn aflllla’ied witb the Na- quarters al Ihe Oreol Boulheoi,
■rverol hands of music vied with the ; uoool Hiilldinv Trade* coun.-ll Is whit Tb- ..penlng of Hoans headquarters ai
'hsarers of trumpets sad ttn horns lo | the new >-*r has In store for the thi* bolel somewhat dtaromvrIrdKurts.
MtsrtM the populace Uk front of tbe | organlsaitoi.. ' *aJd Htelnbl** yesiei
Shd he secured private n»ma IB a re>
Mty hall msla eatrsm-e a platform bod
gm,, ,ae enihustastic meellhg |isri .if the hotel. There Were a
been erected fu. the mvommudatloA of
•(>> pi-)rMs* has numerous
ut .-..nfcreiMe* beiwcwii Kuru
the Judges se|-.-(ed 1.P award lh» vsrJ- 1 gulrtee from i-lil-s not represenj
e I>-iiHwral* led by . Allen o.
•US prise*. It was invUlly deslsst-d | gg, <*.uik-II' ha*'ai1>lled for a .
Myers. Lew Hemard lof t'lnclnnalll
•ad surrounded by s myrUd of *.lc*i^ ^ t<Ka, member* >f Jbe BuildingI TradebJ lod James Rosa lof ibl* city). Herrtu'CABMIVAA aUtIM t

F. A. EARL', Jeweler,
Hanson Block,


Arrm-DK or

Jamkntes Arrwaged.
Notwithstanding tbewarringyleroenu

Get One Before They are All Gone.

ta hM

It Costs Money to Do It
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that

Th* RECORD Has t Restned Seit la the Bud liHa.
Advertisers "Profit by It.

213 Front St

Bammon Btoiek Beoeirst^ Throe 11m«a a Woefc
Counts, Wc per quart

Flettber't Ofster Depot, and Restaerait

We wish you all

A Happy

New Year..

les Front stmt



Will McKinUy R*vek«Cltv»land*a
SwMpin( Ord»r?


«| ••]
WWl Moa
'K‘altltf«ta«.JaB. L-rAt BMmWrdUM«ay the garrla of the vtr* pre
-rtaare* Ataar.

w of th*
>«]lcv« Ibat (hr hrlllgrrrncT of Ihr Cu>
ban ratrtoia ■houU b* rrc<«Bl**4
courv yoa vlU oitdMsund that aO
ai-natora arr railcrni. Thfy cannopaN
ford to rlfilaatty Aiarr-arUk thr pnaldPBt a* loPB a* aay ..t tb*nn havr p.wt
ofllM* »hlph havr not ben fl:ird. or ai
tong a* they hare ar>> prominent’ of

CHppertwt. Off thd Ce^ of »*«•
ico, Ajsin A Point of Intor*
nabonai Difficult.

order lot • the iranaat.-tloB «f bualnaM.
•her a bo'.iday wrm of two week* and
ahaif. II U pmaimed that both ofonr
f Bor raprewntativea
talU be la thrlr plaet*.
One ot lbs *'*1 BUeatlon* to come hetan thr buuw u( icpieaentailve* will
bt the QtnaveBor tnolnUoo provMlw
I aerrlev

of Oevernor Drmk*. of towa. on the Ineaaion ut ibe atatc of Ililhala by a eom.

la telte of the ri.wae of tte-a Who

.'one ot tbene alafei
'nlnibw' In
He Mid:

'^ppila demeni* th*
neutrality Uwm:

AIb*oBo»rtv.dy»t«day fn^ antonth a
cnilae down the coart. and her paatell of a iBlher hlfb-handed

eruleeea «f Ifae fnlled Surtea ar*
r«IIHnc the »ea» between norlda and
Caha to ^vent »ur peopte from carry*
Inc au-ma. atnoMinlUoa and ftwd auppllea to the Caban patriota On' ihla
aocoant I bellova and la doe itnte I

an'» ratTw *i Cit ll .er> lc* r*funn. bat: *han aar In the aaaaU. ihai air «uqall «f them wra aUo to farUr of a revo- try l> a. rnncb to blame before tlod. aa

of the «wee|>lna order of l*ml- «l*al
dent CleveUnd. Includlac ail of ibc ben i O' »
Inc the paai year.
oOlm In the dvll aecrice
"AH intematlcvnal
iticvni lawjetw kni>w that
CoocrrMinaD itam Amllh vuieea
nnly when beiucereni rtchi*
■rneral ariniment of the Mlchlcan
■VI, woald rather have , lHaed. and a atale^war exiau and la
When be aaya:
L. eaa neBtrailty
^ praaldaat
n to v«»le for ..ncreaakmal modlflca-l l»ww be Invoked
war ezUtI
Mon or repeal of the U>
k. Apaln vialiDa that there
that the iirealdeal baa the .
luUoa and no rmrtlhm In Cut*,
Woke Iht order of a former rTeaidonl,
only an Inetirractlon -which *hc
or at leant to auapriid that order. Prealdent Bamaon auapended a atmilar
der ronrernlnc the railway mall aervlce .
ter a cowpir of mmtha. I»raaid«n« Mr- !
KlDley could do the un>e ihMiK with {
CiavalaBd'B iai-nr1r v~ eatenaton of the ■
•clawlAed Hat. '
. I
Beoatur Uurruwa aay»: ' I am In fa, vor of Iha civil *er\>re law m biely adXnlBiaieyed. hut I wonU like to aae tt
•dmlnlnerf^ ao that the RepaUieana
would have a chance to get thr .iffirea
At prewAat the RepuMIrana have no
•how wliateter.
<M* hundrad and throe private pm
alvn Wile have been IntruducrJ In tb* !
teiatlvea by ihv twelve
>. and aJ

~T»m. aorordin# to tbe clatei *ad
dedaratloa of Spain beraelf. there I* no
cnnind for byr to InvnXr the ohaeAanev of the neutrality lawa. Ncvcrthe
allhnugh there U nothing In h
I law to rrqi
roioatamy undergoveram^t
Ulieo to prevent f

Bpaln. fur the etroclllea.
dera and torture* In Cuba. whl< h are
wrti knowm to exlai In that dlairarted
That la good intaraatlonal law.

tarcopled by an lullani. carrying
or any. will be monkey and lugging a hand organ. Mr
to Raed nteed the ItaDan a few queapata.-d.
and ' Uu«a In bla ow n language, palled the
im- I monkey on the bead, and banded the
poaaage of pri- ’organ grinder two nickel*.
'.He then
poaalhir to aevarr t
I number, off turned
vale iM-muOB bllla
t h«B*e ha* nel apart Friday I alood In the do^r, and aald:
'I alway*
night of rath week for penalOB legiria- : »ke to pay tribute to the ancemora of
tlOB only
By aboilahtrig the rule Cor | m>r raie. Who knoww liOt that monke>
- PVlday night aceritm. the h<«i*e will may havi a deacrndanl aeveral curtaU prftatc iwdoIod legUlallon
I aand year* hence who
For the nrai time In many year* there of the houw of reproaentaUTea, or even
wa* no rei’vptioi. gitwn at the Wtalla prcaldml of the fnlted HlaleaT"
‘Then, laughing, like the good naMouai- b> tkr iirewident on New Year *
...., omiaalon
.................... -.
day. ThI*
of a ________________
gala occaalon tored overgruwqt, boy that he i*. Mr.
l-ecauae of Ihe hen-avrmttM of the I R*ed entered the hotel and went H> the
rttedeni in the Via* of hla mother.
j parlor of Colonel HeoderaoD o* Iowa
In the aortal awtrl of the capital city I «
over tke bankruptcy trill aad Ita
I Ihe (liming a
SC ha* been ruatumaiy for Ibe pre**- I f
denr* reception to mark ibe beginnmg i
eiery »v«^.
•r the winter aeaeun of aalely. This ! Tom Raed llkea In hear good storle*.
year, ttowvvtr etrryhody began and and 1* a good Btiity leUer blmaelt
I la uaually In a goei humor
ntlon of the aoHal *> akon which r
world, and wlih all the people In ll.
ao mwb to Che Udira.
but. at! the aawii-. he la aerluua.enough
la hla own aiianmert* when away from
rxpwrlaal kalertalBlOte
contact with thr world. He I* a grwat
The wive* of the Michigan art

Juat aruend the comer, r* MasaaChueeita atenue. th* wife <if‘ Henalot
ffvrma reMvc* ufi roncreaslaaal day*,
and there M no mote iiopular home In
tea cotigreaKlnBal clrclea of *oHety
*Tnie, ilie Junior *enau>r haan'l m king
a purwe a* tala colleague, but hla home
t* rumli-rtablr, rredliabk-. and hU wife

tea teteed Mil of IDloota.
Bprinrfteld. nia.. Jan. b-Tbe repeat

to maee Bern kooklac After a BrtUah

weaker «U) tali la tb* am
th* ho«*e of rei>t»*eolBllve*. and both t
hraarbea »f the «wa«ro«> wHi cmne to I *r*ntM.

^ a iwlailal rertdame here or Verinonl BV--niie three l>VK’k* from Ibc
W-blie Houae. and there hla wife dla-



mbarranlns' port-

ktatgkhek hat.

I‘piwli» Bill* |at


h»«^nlnMi of H «. TurtrU. who wUb.
drrw hi* cwBiUteo’ in Uip fbtcMt of
party huw«r. ThM mwlbt* and rom>

SuxlJ&AT. jrAytTASY g, 1898.

at Clipperton tftaJid oa tba
part of the Mexican ennboBt Democaatt. belBC no loaa than tba baullai
dawn ot the atan and Btrlpaa by aa
armed force landed for the purpoae,

Ever ItanedOott*

▲UorMTB M Iaw.
w ta Maaiagaa aierk. Tterain* 0«p. neb.

pany of the Iowa Nallnnal Oaard. baa
been iwceiied by Otrveraor Tanner. II
la a long doruatent. S^ral « la an expUnalioii of the •Duae* leading to the
dlnturlamv at jrulloh, ma., the morlog
of lb* h«ad oOce of the Modem Wood­
men from rultun to Iloclt laUnd on
Aug. U. The report aaya; "tekmpany
Iowa National Guard, t

otrsijrsss cards.

. o.J*. CARVttl. Agaat

Suits to Order.
Pint Mtrckant Tailoring.

In Uyoi
mlfonna dd baatW-pnr to^and w j ^ teu£ea-e Aiaeaaee
the l-yotui leHdxe, and remnlned there •talrw.
durtnx the evening
Lieutenoal H»lleran. of tba rompany. a*»i«ted the ciiy
marabal and mayor to diotrttntte the
gwaa. bat deolea dlatnbMlog guaa or
riAeg^loNcliig an company U
The peioona niaking the adldarU to
Oovemor Tanner that company L In■yaded Illlnola aoll did not cUlm m be
peraonally acquainted with the men
wearing uniform*, or to have made

Barkbao Bl^^ap

■weaeUj M*ric bai«ri*l < _
rales Spno eertale

*£5S5SS'^S£riiS THE

tbAre eenployad and the talalng of t
UexItBD flac. The *U»T told la a* fol- ;
Iowa: "Uur trip down the coaat aa :
. _
the dl»iurl«nre.,captaln Ilnoi and
ter aa tento Domingo
void of
particular Incldml. ' mid Rwmoe How- Ueulrnanl HoUergn make an affidavit
aid one of the paaaettgera"On <«r • deoylnx the allegjtllon* of Ihe Rock
lot^ w. took on a aallor at Aea. I*»«nd r~ple. Adjutant Oenera! Wright




tf m gira
rttr tea beoeai of awrh r
liaUa eowpaala

trwlRifUs i Mull I
paay to take charge of about 4,<IOO Iona
of guano that waa aiored In the warehouam on the talaad. and when they
......... landed there aome nine montha
ago they halited the Anterican flag and
nutllled the aceretary of aiAte of their

iow» KatloM^ttard there loujiKoirm
m>r In any oiber c^lty Uinn that ol
■tetetd ivraaleai rranki-ri.


Biriler I nspoctor

A Yoevr. MAJt Wtteea plsee le oofb lor W*

B ih* Alice Stafford, fur whose
On'Dai. II the l>eoiocraiB nroppeu i^^^y anxletr tut* heeo fHt, ha* re.
aBcb.ri- a rttort dlrtance from the M- ,
, telegratrf from Prad Under
and and sent a boat's crew of iMH>earai saperinlendrni of tb*
MM the boat wa* duhed
,-hich oarna the resaeL
coral reef and Buffered cnnsIdrraMe
^ arrlx-ed at Frankfort at !:»
damage. Finally
the marine* wei+ !
Mra.-D. W.
landed, and after an officirt vremony chlpman. Jr., alao received---------------- ^e atara and alrlpe* were hauled down (
her huahaad at Frankfort, oaring
from tba flag pole that had been arortb* and aJl the crew are aafe.
ed by the Americana, and In its place
Brymi BaeOM tw Mavw th* Pwte
the Maxiran Hag wa* faolaied. H«vtBg
WasblnglOD. Jan L-Prealdem Mctaken fonnal poaswlon of the laMad
tbe marliMi withdrew nod notlSed tba xiai*)' baa decided lo sUnd by Bryan,
men who remained on the Island not whean be nominated aa minister ~to
The nomination will be anto allow any one to take away the China.
guano under penally of violating th* aouneed whea MBgreaa
Jan. -t
The. appearance of Bryan's
Mexicaa Uwa.
aame la Che last rdltlna of the eoaDearHpalM of the lalaad.
groaslonal directory a* mlnlateF tc

itM- Cuiian lalrlol* will ulllmatWy win
their Independence. He will Bat much
longer Inlrrixwe objection* to conaldt the rut
■ TMe'ta liecauae Mr. Reed la a polltlelwi. He kiMiwa very well the dl*pi>alHon «t onr people. Ha khowa that neutnmy law* are unfairly iirraked. He
know* that there 1* likely to be a rvVolUtlon In fhvor of Culwn belligerency ,
throughout this oountry which cannot
be Ignored. He krxiwe that the n<’V
codgreaeloral election* wih-he affected
by Ihla public sentiment. He will keep
In imich with our people. Otherw’Me be
might Prt rootJnue to be a maoiM of
rongteaa: snd. argal. be would BA^he
the tnaaler mind of the popular bnibuh
of congivaa. With these condition con
fronting him, Tom Reed doea-mit Intend
III bear the burden of blame for the
failure of the pending reaolutlori.
jviiii, Una are looking anxleualy to­
ward Ohio, and wondering whoi the
. tiu(<
<’nie will be. The prevailing Imi pfeanlon seems In be that Mark Hanna
msde an open nght, wron it. and is en' iiil-’-l to Ihe vlf-l'<ry, Including llw uaa(fruci uf Hectlno In Ihe senate AI Ihe
‘same tim* ll 1* knnwn that hi* oppni nem» are exeeedipxly blttPT and active.
A wwvmVwI Hwtlsma Msa.
Mark Hanna I* not *K-h a had bundle
■iatd '
| of humanity after all Nobody

r of Ibe
Mlak Francea Alger. <
•eerctary of war. I* one of the mpai
ihuiaaei'. of all tyoung ladle* ‘oT the
cwblnH IP ber aortal duties. Because
The ,..l
)..t,iir lady wl't
e rnai^lM aome
J ba bl y TR~'du ne,
time next auRimer, iimbal
' to Charle* Pike of Chlnagu.
tgo. Hlaa Alger
recAlra-e llu- general puMIc i>n raljiBri
[uaariataDl u^et
. .
-to Ihe cailera of the Ml. hlxan cuP«>
Tt'aahlnyion. with all of whom
a favorltr>uring the w]hler e-SB.m
the Algera will be visited by iheir maf- Titid •on and daiu:bteri> alt ..f whom
Wltl j^rticlpale In Ihe |>abU( rreepUdn
Fecreiary Alger Is being ervcn-ly crit•'•rised In pi.llilcal ■-lull a fni retalntng
- Demw-ratte chief* of dlclaino In hla ImmedlMic .'ffice. While refoalng lo rertore
Republkan veteran* who were reduced
doilBg Ihe TX-niucrallr admlnlBtratlOB. iarythlna about him until he went
.. '—
111.. mcieorir and brilliant
Hon. Neal McMillan >.
Gklard. who
|> Uli.
m nil dout’l that lu- liecatne «
the n..<at i>c. iinunred and dlrt*Onl. when Infunncd that luck
eoming ii.ri v-ay. proctcd--d to tinaeif- {kid iyi>a Aii i-wsc* make enemlr* by
Mack Hanna made one
' Ishly rhaie hi* luck with another. May il,
r.'4|4.-ni >tu n a-nwr) and he mad*
It lorx last fr'rbolh lif them. Mr. Me.-;re "f cficmlc* in M* own party;
amian was recently married and cam*
klrre he •wn- ic Ibe senate Hark
to >Vashlogl/m last avek to Bpmd a
(aw days her- with hla bride. The Prat Hanna ha* n-ii_be-_;e ale>ea Un the cob** Ic-n
qulei and UDobotru'
Sarnia cunaulat* ir a ploaasnt and lo- traryi h» hs*
■ ider wnatorw have
cntivc onr..and .1 I* particularly de. In Ilk- him v.r> ntuih. Mnreov«rr.
alrabik,tn Mr. HcMUlan and hi* bride
c»ndll»>n «( hi* hiraltb to aueb
borauac II wfll dm take them a vary
that he ba* the rympathy of iboar who
great dittanee from home.
Hi* heart to acrionaly
•1 shall «ei be a candidate for cem- kntnv him beet



Acapulco, and la known aa Atoll or
Coral Reef. It la about four miles In
Hreumferenre. with a laire siaed lake
In tbe center. Two
<reea const]'
e Island.
e tbe -Bob <
which I* made the hoB>e
of sea fowl. Tboaaand* of tons of tbe
rtcheot guano la to be found on the
lalBOd. and repreaenta Ita sole worth,
in from the value of tb* coral. When



ThoY WAVTXD-Ab bee tea. taUbtel bag
JS about llcee hear al a reed eltaallee to
a^TOje^toora by applrlsc *» tee Bsreas of-

wr »•

MHIewciaM*g eed Bahtog. AHea- S. E.
Sui.Nerte|»n. fto ro«

officMl Hrclea.
tiawd la
^eraoo. Ind.. Jan. l.-Fred. thelSyear-old ton of Rohm Jackson,
dpowra-d wirile-Mting the life of bU
•-year-old brother, who had broken
through Oie Ice while: rtcating.
gening Wm out Fred became toe weak
to aave bimarif aad aank. Tbe body

in^Aimco-Tww B*aUy fwralihte roaae
W BMrteeAratooaee. .A*A>« ABOeb- o.L.toanrooo a.r'.
baed. FMh^mee: Mil

■W*;rS;;S71XS“3;5S''“' *’•

of the MUad in behalf of Mexlro they
/a.01.0 WATCH AMD CBAIk LOR-Plader
were fully arnw^ and prvfwrrd to do |
Catumel. krich.. Jan. 1.—Chari** Uin- ^7 witin* uherw^rwwaean* by lewrir------■U-ei^ No. i i^ti at the Calu- | sacou aOc*
battle with whaiexer realatance might aaderfeUne ^ atrwi tbe ascending I
be offered.'
LKTKly-^ oa «r «
hlih dragged
him Ut
feel. Inaklp whliii
.... .................
teCo. nS-tf
' fueling Injuriea from which be died beJ ABU g
** *»Ma^hk
a tb* Taaha 'or* f'
Mextee <-lty. Jan. 1.—Official Intelll*
gf«cw received from Uasailan abowa
that when tb* Mexican gunboat Hi
Demuerata arrived at Cllpjwnon Irt’




Bo.lTii. We. -Tti. Fr.;S*.

and. which I* thirty miles weal ot A<»puleo. U waa found that a party of


W»22.'2«ft1S^7iS,"SLaS lis:


Americaiw haid raiatd the American flag
aad had cuoUy appropriated all the


:.‘:i 2
’’ The^
bad a very aiormy passage and found
the Island of very difficult acccaa and
a »K«i load <»f HexKteh maflne* waa

111- ^^■ooca txm

ytevanaCnytOBbaaCa. uf-tf

17:18;19 BO 21I22

They' saved themselvea by awlrnmlng
and a Mexican Jlhg was carried aahore'
Hr Julian riantoa. the aioker of the gun- —“
who ran tbe risk of being de- {
M abound In those
voured by sharks
Oaptaln Oeoeraa ordered the Ameri­
can flog hauled down and the Mexican
flag was raised, there being Uttle pro*
teal nn tbe pari of Ibe Americana, repreaentiog a guano exploring company.
ThI* funnallty hating been aceom*
pushed, the gunboat.returBed to Haaatlan.
There are about SO,000 loo* <>f
guano on the island, valued at MOO.OO*
In gold. Keiireaentstluns showing thnt
Ibe acllon <.f the guann compa^ U
one of mere uaurpalton w-g! he nMaCllppcrton Island la undoubledlV in
Mexican territory, althoagh not aellled j
by Mexican*. There has been np ex-

25 26

J uaoa,Asm

-ttoney to Loan

FATOKZV * OHOmR. gttaaaaya.



OffO. DS BAVn. 0*0^^

uBtRi mumninaiLi
oono ffOBxm.

DrSi BiSi&COiiP^
Thd CdUfarRtal BptoUlitU.

Hotel Whiting

Jaatice during the empire of Maximilian
v>'a JprlBts. died yestardar at l
r *0.
Ha waa a naUre of Tt
One of tee moat
la eopnectloo
of Iht* eminent jurirt
with the reetprocliy treaty .with the
nmted States, be belog prraldenl of
cd on It.

■West Michigan.

TsAk-uas City, Micb.

FKIDJir, JANUllRY 7lh, im
Om Day ObIf Xaoh Htmte.

OoBBUlMiUon BBcl SxamlBBtion Pr«e and Strictly

Havi^a. Jan. t-Captaln 0«Hwal
Blanco h*R algoed tee appotntiaenU uf
tee prcaidcnt of tee ooancll and th* live
aacretarie*. The n«m**f
Bduardo Dol*
for that bt Beoor Ambgreea agala." say* Hon. Alfred Mllnea.
lard as mlnlaier of eommeree. Tbe folhave ooocluded that enough of
compos* th* first coloalal pabwelt, and Is obliged to cnrtall
I have had fact
Cuba under the recently InrtlB*hcn a men get* , Into toted oeheme of aoUteomy. which wranl
fait eniT^
•onough of congrraa, 1
be Mlways re­ Into effect todayt *»reaid(Tit of the o*bH has been deeided t
ceives Ihe sympathy of good
inel. Senqr Joe. Marta Oalvea; ftnant*.
shsil he a
mailer whxi he baa done or what be Banor Rafael Montaro. marqul* of Monwater, and this a
baa beeA
interior. Bcaer Ancpalo Oovia;
Tbe I'nlled Btslea senale ba* always edneatioB. 8#t»r Fraaclaon Seayaa:
p asn per annum That 1* only lialt aa held that It la the daty of legislature*
Bdurado Dott:
much mUry a* a congreaaman. Bui the to elect aenators. and that jcovcrnor* telRtepha. Beaor taaraatia Bodrlgaax.
B To ear* erecr eaa* «U Dmpepala. *eh ■mtenhi. Ptea. «
expense* of living In Ccddwaier are 4*a* of atates can only appoint senator* In
than half the expense* «>' «vl|ig In case of death or other emergency w hen
•WaahlagtoB, Jan. I.-Th» dlractofi of
Washlnxioa; and besides, a pyeti
the mint. from, tatermaaon now at
re-elected every
does not haw a ba
----------hand, aay teat that* to
•ea and haveawdtatee s^t
two r*ar« and ap^ money Uk* water 1 Oregon failed to elect and adk'uraed
rorid's prodact of gold
for lb* caleadax yaar t»»T wtU approx- beae.yeaukanocMMltreaeBii.toy------ ---- ----------------------------Biipolm
laty solMImata.
toIr back of him If be wrantad lo coMlnne of Mr. CorbeU by the gi>vero..T of Ore­
sroage of neariy J* per cant, ovor ItH.
In (^ngrem. but he has bad gaough and gon wlU not gtve him valid llile
aaal in tea ssaate. This will deprive Tto* geld product of tbo United SUteo
for tiM waa lu.ito.eao; tor u>r it
^M,ar Blirrow. ha. anally sattlad Aba RepfftdkUB -of one vote, whli
approximau MLU».M0. aa Inaroas
the Uichfield pnatoffic* coataM by <h* I
g*Tac1Hm of Walter D. Sharp ter port- ]

Ksitsi-sa- ■

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

ir sin Vhe herein good btttnor. - Mr test winier In a slate of anarchy. It to

DRS. B. S. & CO.

Look Box leO.


• i


The Science of
Keeping a Store.
/ John Wanarhaker, the Prince of Retail
Merchants, Explains How to
Succeed In Business. i
ta • BclMMe." Mid Uw Hon. John W«aThr iamall ahop.
wnaker. "ThBi U th« rsMun oolr 4 per (arintlM of atrrrlre
aane aa th*
e«M of Um nan wbo gb taio tmaipMa
anrraril In It/- Mr WanainakM- ..»>«■
the nummuBl.
.... _
01 aynpatblalas with tbe'hone
mil. . dealer* when tba car* adopt (Wclrlctty

more* and pieka ovl Ibe blank* for
. _ of China and ordara tbe decoraiionof them. Re picka out tbe Manka «t
rtaaa and rboooe* the cuUinr whWh be
UitDfc* will pleaaa hla trade.
If be
want* Japanrar rooda. he aenda a
Japan, he Import* them in auch

Ml In amall atoiekeepinr la iK.-tuiae
aaklnghiin a
orranlird. ftome people are
I. a* U 1* caRed—and V
aacrlbe fallnre to proaperoua
' .aducnre on the retail trade. Ur. Wkn- quick
>. and there are always aome
amaber baa been a amaU elorekeeiper. ■ nelrhl
H* la one of the moat imp.»rt*ni and
condemned rrlmlnala.
tafloentlal' boaloeai
aof l^r de^ keeier
kerier whoae bnalncaa
has succumbed
today. He baa '
tu «lry
dry rat has nailed himaeir -to hie
TalBpmint hi tbe
th new trade oondJtlons. , t''
and he can compare

nt at a. anit (ha awe II haa da
^laed the retail trade
Mr. Wan.-

eeplnr. I
educallon and trade had only nited him
« fymln*. In which

Of ^ "ual"?eS th'r^en



dunculty maklnr rton-ke-plnr

. ^^or more than an hour at a llitle ,pn.matde IWore tbe yrea,
“ra**aIld'7^iI^o^77'hltrth^ IbUi^

"Thai la a mtot^e." anid Mr. Wana-

TOO MU a deuartmeol sloter
In ^.-h they aeU ever,Thlnr
tram dlamoo'da ,<■ ■•••at " I eepMed.
•II iTlmrd to draw'the llne-betwecn

unienook lo keep store and became
»-rnsrte«. KlrH.,>-Hd* per cent of them
fall.Hi, A womaii whooe hoahand work.
ed in a failory aomcabere aavod a lit-

th* depantnenl atom and the .cnermi
atore” aald Mr tVanamaker. -ryowTS bulldln* and ahe t»*an to aelt candy
STwree, here I. the blmtrwt jewelry ■«‘d ocwapaiwra.
She had an uncle,
ator* in PbllaiHi'hla-Uallcy. Banks Jk-'perhapa, who was worth aiune mon^
Biddle. They m-II stationer, and slaas and after a time she l-irrawed.4l.i»#
•Irt other Ihine* beMde. Jewelry. Ibe- from bUn and opened a dnVaoods
Baretbay bare Udepartfnenu. ret yon . «ore- She taiugbl on cmdll. ■rtetwal.
voold not Mil Ihsi a department atore. »o*»
»«* »ucce**fut. and In a little
My atoraa tb Nr» York and PblladM- ; •"lie ahe clra^ the ahop. Her errdpbla 1 do not rail dei-rtmem storea. '«■« bad to taBe I* nenis ot^he dollar.
Thar are neneral atore*. And tbe m-a- H«r nt«He loai bla tl.W Ttat la one
oral atore. a* I undemund It. U one In »t thouMr«la of ca^ in which men and
which a KTMt many thin** are ...Id, Imt women haje thpuyht that lo keep fctor*
eee^ one 1* baodled with aa much ear* : it.wna only neceMapy to hoy mnethlny
It a«aln.
lad Ihorouahn**. as Ihoufh that wa. and aell It
a*nln. Thai la not all that
inrcceaary . 6o many tblnc* enter in.
the only Ihln* In which tbe store dealt.
I) etorwkeeptn* that It has become a
I bellevr that a store of that kind,
wbirh aell* rood* at a reaaonal.le margin of, henellls the pe,.i.|e,"But h‘>« aboul Ibe en«ll abopkeeper
erbom « hnrtsr
"Why not wak abont the hundred pWopie that are hurt by one abopkeeper

acence, •
-There are dllferetit wars of keepln*
a store today. The nieirliant who rsia
buy h>r cash and hay In l*r*e ananiltira can buy cheaper than the man of
ama'I capital wh.»e credH la poor.

commerce, as tbe babrader did. will
And that his treble coal of armor ha#
worn aU strength away ao tbat bis cmvalro<enre la -more lardy than thal of
;. which
a from the start
waa adapted tand has knnw p ho other calling.
Tbta likening of a boat In need of re­
pair to a creature la need of rare and
nuntng la not airalned. for it la almnat
proverbial thal not only do tbe captains
of ahlps form an affectionate- ailachDcnt for them, but tb* crew# also Jove
them as though their craft* lived and
appreciated tb* effecllonate care that

The water from pf New Turk U a , are meanwhile
la lavished on them with unstinting
. ..
busy place. Day aad night, wlnler and mn ,.
tc be repalr._
repaired. l»re*
handA and while tbMr boat Is under­
summer, crwat truck* drawn by stout
mer* and mallei* vi* with each idher la going repair* there U acanwly an hour
hoiaea clatter along tbe street; hqree
the eltort to pul Ibe Invalid In prop** of the day that stDe ofmore nf tbe men
care Jangle by„ w-ltb noisy bells and contelon for tbe busIneaB of life.
d<i not And lime lo take al least an
tinlsler rte* from tbelr driver* and con, Tusi how Mpidly this Is accomplished hour or two to vlall the dock and watch
ire* -1
- stevedores lend rh'
with almost proprieUry Interest the
t^may Iw Judged from (be fact that
made and Ibe manner In which
to awell th* tumult, which Inrlsdre ouch'
8' I repair*
lire are
nre not of a aerious
nature such progrv
Priscilla aad Puritan could tbe work la helm
irkrtmen offering , buatl
' minor factor* as
\lp hospitals" lA
One of the largest *hhi
drydoih on the morntheir ware* and the creaking and ,
pla<-ed In the drydoik
and below It U
• atrwlnlBg of tbe cMfl which He at IbeJ mg of on* day wnd overhauled, repaired
doeka; nolae. tumoll and dtsoord; ap- land put back In tb* wac-r ready lo
tqrently no rest for anybody or any- jm*ke iheir resnlar trip* on thr folUiwMiinc.. Even aucb gUmpoea of lb* river > (ns afternoon. Of r«ura*. thr length of
'Hoelf as are caught through t^e screen ' time necessary f.T the **,-..vrry of the
of swuyiug ntaau and rigging* reveal . |«tient Js dciermlned by the character
bimdrad* of hurrying boats darting
the Injury to be treated, but even
hither and thither, irtifBng'wiih tbelr me entire rewheathlng of a laM ship
•scrtlunB and ebrilly ttR'ffnf away to „ccopi*e but the ehort epece A Itv"
call altenilcm to tbelr reatW^vlty. i day,.
fhnne'Ma** are more dlRleull
Eve. war and mind grow Hred And th* i than rdberA Juat B human KiDg* ^er
q'uemtoo arise*. "How can lb#
_____ another, and a atour old
maA beast aad boat be kept uf> with­ triple plated wsgTiof who baa turned to
out a breakdownrThe answer Is elmple enough. It U,
•TlM-y don't." Tbe men auccurab and
go to boaplula, horto*. if they are gw-d )
. nsA do the same, and tb* great ablpa(hey go. t<«. to hoopltal*. to “ship h^
lal*" thal 1*. where they ar* -cared
r*« fullhfully and a* well aa tt*

tUcd man or egbauated beast
To lb* unfortunate pqopi* who have
t. . t-iaglnalloB throe borne# for alek
ehip. are known aa drydocks, and aa
ihai claaa of being la naually Stall*,
tbsi br'wm Inform yon that on BMlb
street Couvemaur street to Elghtb
street tber* are eight dryd^ In op. 'eration and that they can handle any
iKWl from lltUc fellows of $M ton* to
the giants wbo boast tbelr $,888 to t,M$
tons. But It Is not thaae thing* tbM
are worth bn- s while, aad they ara
quite forgotten when a sick ship I* b^
ing. BO to Mwak. -pul to bad." Taka, fa*
example, aarb boats as tbe Puritan, lha
Prtaclila or tba Prench merchantman
ih* lAbrador. If in the couiwc of a
tiip'any anddent ha* bspprn<-d to thon
that makro repair, to the hull necroaary. a IIUU tog draws alone as fuaey
I almost as i
and aa
luilance surgeon is aahoi
IS given fortbwitb Into .«
jl.iniy towed to tb* ward
hropiuT- dteUned for Its
iaiger drydocka baee a capacJty
■oat tbe tmatom Cbllkat l4ee wtU be. JaoM* and
The Aral wblU bable* t• tban opc boat. Here (
_ ............................. _.
and daagblar cf Prafeosur J. O. Hastwood. tbe
1. gesnly placed on tbe bed. or -'keel
Mock," a* It la teebnlcally called, and
noted Ataokan miner and explorer.
Tb* cfaOdien were a New Tear's glfl at tbb Baptwood ban* In ■astti* In
atcadlsd by Tillge block*" pUeed along
lt». rour montte Uter tbe fstber left them and did not aro tbam again nntU
• he sldro; tbqn tbe dock U j-omped out.
and tbe ship riaew slowly until tbe w hole they were m year, old. U there bad been hot oac baby. Mrs Hrotwuod would
•-( lb* heal i* dear of the water. This have murtied with her buahand on hla last trip, but two young children would
alendar aecommodsUans toe heavfiy. ao there waa another aepatnUoa
task, great as It appeat* 49 the unHestwood went back to tbe Klondike for the third UmA
Inltmed. la aocompltahed by eight men
n Prafea
"It has been a terrible ddHivaOon to dm to be arpomted from my wtl*
In about one boor and a quartor. *Tbe
and children." oald the prosperous Kltedfker. "hut when 1 go agolo next mbruary they will be old anough to endnr* tb* Journey, and ab my wit* I* exnasdnpany ro# we wlU jwt aat our bouaebold gods to Wondlka."
tody anslutia lo A
'l«i hU ri_____________________
return tbu atunmar____________
Prefamor- Hestwood. teongbt wsm magnlfleent white fur akin* eritta him. and th* babies have hod tbair- Kioadlke eonta
•nd bonnets made of the beautiful wMte fur. not to Bwntlen tbe dalnUosi and
blankeu that wem avor wrapped aruund a babTa may tqoA






monuments o
A* be aapA there are. no patent* on
hi* busInesB IdeaA
I WMder If any merebaat wko Mate
this letter con adopt them and haoosno
a millionaire? Or la^berc naadad. bo>


Scenes Alohg the Water Front of
a Great Cit^.

r .-.-.I

tely. I think.
TBa i
__ llsta w«l Mkiw that.''
-rhea you heUaee thal you could gp
out of this atore without a dollar and
, without tbe tradlf of Jobs Wanamabag.
land succeed in baslnemr*
that I wu’j"
"i am Blue H
"B6w will a

"By brtne useful to pMfd*. bgjj
oenuag things aa they am by 8
only what Is reliable-wnd pr ahi
hit willingnese to correct a misufca.
You and I don't want lo Uke Ibe ttma
to atudy the onallcy of fore no that wa
shall know juat what we are bariBg.
W* don't want to become esperla In
diamonds before ueylng a dtamosd
ring. We want to know aome one who
U irustwortt
rthy who will aeleci Ihea*
UA ten as bnoeatly wbat they
thing* for uA
are and sell them
} us for 1
than they are wortlT. for we don't
ta pay some one room than tb* ratna
whal we btry. Zt we bar* money tn
-But th* nu I who dre
give away, we want to
- give
coach 1
we know who ne^
it An
lug Cor hlmaalr. Don't yon think
he waa *upport a good store, and a man can
build up a reputa>
better off than (be man who
run* a know t.880 people, in a Mg store, of keeps a
traut or tbe-man who work* here for couras. that la Impoaalhle. We have Uon for fair dcellng and be aatlsnea
yuu and I* m-rely a mtoried empIo>-~-r- bad as many as 88.808 i«.ple In this with an honest proSt on whal be Bella,
"No. Th* yuun* man of today 1* bet- atore in one day.
In Ibe New Tork tf I wanted to close my eyM. I could
ter educated and baa heller opporiunl- ' atore we have had as many a* 18.80*.
I make In three •***« what T would - ska
tie* than tbe young tfan of » years I
"Atp.ther thing the email atorekee^ ordlnariljrln ten. but ai the end of thag
asD Hefe..foee*ample. webave escel- muat often do I* to give credit. We time .1 would have killed my t
lent acbool* for our youtw men. where ! do not give credit.
We allow people, ' We make mlstakaa like every o
they are UUghl a great deal
Uuii b fur convenience, to aend In yhecka at
valuable about bookkeeping and ..Iher tbe end of tbe month. If tbelr checks
do not cone In by the mb. we send
"But oould one of these yi<ung men. tbatn another acateraont. If they do not
after be had aaved, aar. $1,800. go «.ut come In by the lUb. we pul tbe bUl In
"ttSien I say the atorekeeper t
and esUbllsb hlmseir lo boslnra* In op- lb* hand* of on* Of our eoHcctor*. bepoaltiuB to yon with any hope of sue- cause we do a ensh busineaa and aell
sM.da on a cnah basla"
above C-.W1 and sell at the same price t<
•erw.i Aenends on what he tried to do : "But With all tbaae IliBitaUons. la not
Bmall sjoreke^per under roany dlaintagear' .
above coot or even a little bokrw cost
es. but he baa adranU>.-es too. And as a bait to bring people Into tbe storu.
* Is on* thing tu which I want to I bad a Ireter from my manager to New
—idle this bual- Y'ork yewteMay nylng that a ator*
there was ad\-ertlslng a popular book
at 71 cents. II coat Tl centA - The nest
day the price war pul up and a Bales
girl was threatened with dtpeharge for
Ukinc an order at the adrertlard price.'
We make our price at a reasonable ad­
vance on the cost of every article. an«
the pri<e U tbe same to all esceptlng
clergyit>en. w ho get a diacoont of IB per
c*ot_r We buy thing* aa low as we can
and W seU them at a reaaonahld rroCL
f>or employee* have Instructions to bo
oouTteons lo every one and to solicit no
one to buy. We have no patent o* oof
tdeaa. Any one can follow them."’
In the course of my conversation with
him. Mr. Wanamakcr apok* of A. T.
Stewart and Marshall Field as men
whooe liuslneaa career wa* unique.
“They wvre great meivhantA'' he suld.
"There never was any one tike tbesn."
Sn )B Mr. Wanamaker unlqw. Ria
aucCToa has been ao marvelous tbat It

quantities as bring tb* freight rutaa to
tbe lowest point, be taanU them from
the rallr\«d station In hi* own wagon,
and he sell* (hern by the piece *1 leail
tban tlil-'r wholemle prt«v in New Tork.
The small mervhnni g.iee l<. a Joblor



make them seem different from what
they are; to hyiinoUse the public. He
wem to tnc mwoutaeiurai. on. othepronta of the Jobber, tbe wboleaalep would have to se« on a reasonahle tnarand the m*autaci«i*r* atom-three *lH of proflL and he woold have to
praAts which mUBt be added lo tbe r«- make OteYmbUc andcraUnd that be was
serrln* ll. That I* one of the aecrets
un price of hie (oodd."
irho • of auewa* In alorekeepln»--lo make tb*
"But ie not tbe wroat
riTiv.' -------peopte
«rbo dead With you traderwand
toe* direct tu the‘maL----------------- ------------------------------------------In* the three tnlddleinen out of busi- ithat yon area publle
) "Hut this ynuns bustiiras man would
I aaked.
ipathy la i have none of the airastates which
■'iK.n-i you thiak'your e
_ __ _
to rhll-i*reat wealth, broad credit and a large
Tou did not re
adetphiB IB a wagon. 'Ton came by the : trade glre you."
Pennsyltania eatiroad.
But. If men )
"That t» true. A manufacturer who
traveled by watron. think bow it would i tives » off to the trade may luiy to me.
help tbe livery busineaa and tbe bi.rae I Tit *lve you *» off and 18 and 1* If
If you
trade Bometbln* U due to the lomfcrt ' will boT a certain amount of my *cieda‘
and convenience iT the man who trav. ; Now 18 and 18 U aa *eod a pnifll as we
want. Tbe ■B^all store must depend on
eta, and we Jaatlfy
the rallied further
by saying that If It drive* out th* other thins* than low price* for sneCfos.
Tbe convenience of the amsil
stagecoach It gives employment to a
helps Its trade. Then the
»eper can ^t..........................
I peiannal acquaint
Dd rtmnlng i



growing other great

. I the number of small atorew baa.lncrraa- I one n
e espe<-ted to make Wa buri- ! ed as welL"
r part, f don't .heller* p
ale. Ke would have to avoid
"Have the amall atoree loctensed lo I
-o which so many store- . proportion lo the Ini-rvuae In popnlat lA for the free use of any
e baa been grMter i

>- i



The Antiquity,of Gold.

rbapel of the Eplscot«I <^urch. and on
bright Sundays after a-rvlce a favorite
Oold was probabb' the Am metal ob­ . aro. togeiber with a Unr of aneteat well#
apot of the wnrehiper* for a quiet |Hpe
and an almost aolemn conclave la on served and eoHecied. becaoee of the In­ acroaa tbe desert: tbe aDdmgraaaA
stinctive understanding of lu Intrimrie ; werkfttga where or* veins bad been (ol.
[lowed with the pir^ tbe rude cupclUng<
them Into the air aad toward tbe bln*
furnace for aaaaying. picfcA ott lampo,
sky. On other days Uiey crowd aitnind
stone millA mortan and protlen la>
alrangc crime* were committed tor Its
the doorway* of the smithy on the oth­
ellned wurminx table# of stone, ernelpoaineelon In the daye when It was be­
er side of tb* street, where they make a
blaa and retorting furnacoa aT burned
lieved «ks» 11 wa* of such stuff that tbe
pirtnrroque contrast with their oro dog
lllA by whi.-b tbe entire proceoa ooold
aufi ItMtf was made and (hr halls of
"log*" to tbe oweatlng toller, whiioe
be traced.
Kork paintings and
Y’alhalta paved.
face* and arms glUten In the tight of
Here elsves and bapleea prtaoMr* eff
Mrvinga of Egyptlaa tomb* earlier than
the forxi- OB bolt, plate and cirot are
tbe day* of JoseiA Indicate tb* operafaahloBed to supply aem* mloUng part.
tton of w-aablag auriferous sand aad a
It Is probably asking too much of the
captors. In India and Asia Minor tba
furnares by the
average aallor. but If he koew the lines
' powdered ore wa* washed down over
be would rertalnly quote—
smooth, stoptng rocks and
■ gold
caugbl la the Seroro of tbeepol



Balk and astl* and sings anew;
as he think* of bis pet ship restored to
her element and once more free to move
her oa-n grace and beauty,
be shared by
different aad
that for each Ion of registered meoaurement fheir veroel has they are
compelled to pay 18 cenu a day as long
at she la on the drydock In addition t



laet ;

? gain away to
bag* of leather.

was 18 rents a day. but th* aplril of
trust* which la abroad pervaded th*
drydock ownerAond bycombloirg they
have recently Axed and kept lhc*raie
at the Agure luutieii.
In this eonoection It Is Inlereeiing to know that by
tl>e pumping r
U only requlrea
to ralar the Uig
'nhlphoepltals." therefore, like moot
urie* and may I
mean*.further uaefulnea# and at-Uvily.

Street Railway Ownenh^Municipal ownerehip of atreet rail-

queaUon <
private corpoMtloiu will be a thing of
tbe (Mst. In Bbckpool, RndderuAcld.
HuU. Leedi. Plymouth. SbeSleM and
Olaacww all the street cor Unas are
operated by tbe city autborltlca. In 18
other ctUeA Inriodlng Birmingham.

iu. In cordis aad ffoutbampton 1
change to miuiclpal owaeruhip s
probably be completed before lb« <
r tMck* belong
ao much per mUe. with a percentag* .m
grow aarningA It ta a cardinal feature
of Brttlte gtraet railway grants tbat no
aver extended beyond n

Work o( Water Hyacinths
Wbeu a river staamer whoae apaad
of 14 mUes bad been Inexirilcably re­
duced to olx miles « as hauled up on tb*
wan at JackaonvlUA Fla.. It waa found
that tb* wbMe lower part of the bull
was coveted with water byartnihs. A
barnaeia bad given guffitlant op-

igraad with tbelr wonted ragMlty.

and cycl
gallery and coolly focused tbe spiral terror.
r of bis pi
______ ^ U modaat aboul Ida nerve, bosrwvar. ood admiu tbat the toraate
going ta lb* oppoMte dlraoUon and eras
era* at ioasi' tour
lour niUsa
mllm awi
tbat aooompanled tb* Mam eoold be plainly beard and sounded Uke th*
tbundar. In color tba cieid
g of a gimybOi wblta and a


THs MoBvnra ahoobo. sitvday, javuabt s. isbs.
1 oan do ^pthiag tor
ts tbe bMpttel. Hmt mc tujforttasa*
UO^ btU rctr bootrit, 1 oon aamr*
Ut baally opened dia door, alatoat
TOO. Tba Uttie firt told e>e to &ad a
'poabad bar ool aud. without etia a
psKbaoer tor that edd dolL 8b« tenj VUooo ttioming. ' dim the door.
rtrt. poor thing, that dir wonld get 10
I The litUawoniaucnniato nia I eonld
onto for it. 1
thought 1 ooold
A couple maiTlad bnl a few y«n. ■« boy. hnt 1 ga»# ber woe u™ of
MUiL Yon my >«•**»»“»''
‘■1 nld 100 frmsca. and I ha**. Jut wboh*lUritaa«fTthluftbroogbmnfaa
*7 ^natataiwri who I
teidird nionntig out the .anmaiit and b..dtniiifamii»a,d.«idedlooonietoCbl- thought woold help ber-ai Iran who
Bought for the occasion! . But broken lots in
9^ BKMrea irbci M lari ava;
htri: It I* ■■ AucI tin- luorclial iilarad tO .am. U-low »ipter eel lu to tty to •- ««W
wtif they cb^ Among them
/Wltata tba oatacOBb ri rrmn
gjrano ptnci* oo thr lirile coaouir of rui« wane wwt of ainplqjmem that
« ■ a fnvrfoua. newly
sices from a to 4, C. D: and E widths, to clean
hanb aod talUaa la Uadarf SaoMllMte lot* ear tort ihaaMwa. the abop Tba ritmlrr wrapped ib« doll would yield anting Tbabtulrindhad ■«"«' »«aan who had o^ been
In a paper and pruaoi^lrd il to Utn. with b.«i an aoronnum and oOc* matv •«» 1
/ «• l<*fe for bbWri* ataalfari.'
up this month at $1.00 Per Pair—Not stjlish,
* "**’
Mnr nor- tma th; pet*, ttakaa haadi
many thanln and' Uawdn^ona fa tba the wife had a good gmnal kuowladga »Hon. impoUe. tau who wu warm
but Solid Leather and Good Wearers. Former
' «• (not Uv Hon vUi WOT grow eoU
aama cd the family
ol and eapmn.^ ^oa wtwk.
hOTrted and lorable and bapja^td
tbwratdW' aad ear baMre Uodl
Without paying tnuph aiimtirri toTh«y^t«l.«ntofob«ipr«.n.onlflr*t«. my lid. Wlih^ldi«i^
price $24X> to $4.50.
him CanelUnr Irft tbr abop and re- fbi- W«4 BMa. and then follownl date : tbv matiar for a tima tt^aj ^d,_
nunad-to the old boOOT with the inns- ami dare of weary aeMaok. almoW a I a. we err all wont to do wl* tbingi
tton of laaviug the doll at the door fw noow to hooM cwirtaB of the down t that are hanowing. oontmilng oorlittle Manr. But the Umx. « boae ^ town dlamct. lOTTing appUmtiout eelt« with> a we
•oMifU ioToTtrn^fclatwtrd or jraulaa of poadOnr havta rtfOOT to bral ka
pBOence bad been ehorpintid by wut. wbrreter the manager, wool" - —*'*'•
bit- aid.
*" Ukodhe man who alwayi look­
• 9b aao who tahw doU«bt to Sue
bad alnady rMnniixl to tbr dralcr.
ed upon a debt ai -paid and canceled
Wa rwn t ^ve yon any
. f CpcB ear bana kaoa BIOTIT'
Wbai wa* ber )oy wh»n be told fan- the meat in tbeaa timiri Wearenottak^ after bating gitan hla note for the ohgood look that bad ocana to hn! She on any new men
ImUoa. 1
to call on Hn.
renoived the muo4y and came bark
R. aome
- •Onr buKiueai hardly warranta oor,--- time nltm-. and what atnoclcd
-O darttaa r«ar. *• *rtci* tedap.
tba bouOT aa taai
a* *hr could im Shek^u^,onroM woiploycr*. butwetwn t
iri a»
i «"T‘n^tjon flr« ih tbedrawlng
BMOMa mall bar* lored joo ml"
-4»uM.,t..*«-u the jtmru.y with ^ |
after the lovely .^tmanroef the bortbarie that abc ovvrtuok the luarabal at ^ Ye-rnrf,»»pa^ar*,n r,ght tnd if ' tea, wa* an antique umpire cabinet anrtba door ol the garret
. <
dtfferem, ' ric
i monnwd by a hurt of Kapolaoo and tn••Ah, It w-n* you! " bho ertfd )UM aa •
Sunday oune thr» waa ' **^“ *^ *'^«*“‘*^ *^«*^*
>a fouud bim in the act ed placiug the !
lor naiiimerv and for atampr ' 8bWt ttoc aiomi that the Jbnadera re. itlr package ai the door
tbr hnmUej^, ^
jj,,n purti* to anawer ad» ' Jroled bad i«xuue the bend of the cot­
lodging ^ in an ouitarrtof gratitude ;
^ M4»wered hdverti.^ , »« >
my canoruy ootU tba
the mUe Uii^"
thing threw- ber arm. around j
ijITsuiHlay pa^.^ kuow* wb7t I Wh. r vwum wci»'gime. and then.
?* “** *^ “^ briHdaoior and ktawd ■ „
i » cuj. .d tea. aakud ami bmnl the
laM week."
"Happy Kaw Year a marafaalV ihimI ihtug pruiniHiug and then wail, firm
Armted a cboraa of cbildiah roioea in
When the good hearted .Oariallana ■
,* u..iinii tbeti wiih a ainking ; »<»*- H
fba Bna Impm*!* « f-3rn“ They wan i afterward told tbia htUe iiory. be
pprimaa ilODdav afur- ■ «* Y«
gainlna (f the town. who. tn a band. I ad:
! uo<«aod Tnrwlay inorolug Wb«lbcre forehand- that be d ♦Iwara ootne b«np
to iun^eou
lunebeou tml««
tmlc« I a«v going
growded arannd Uaraba) CbateUaaa on
"Kerer tn my life did 1 get a kUa ’
„„ |cn<-r. hv Wedneaday ihor cuo- ^
d»e QCE Itediet’ Fine
‘Jha lit of January, tW7 Tba btg.S that want to my boon lik/that! «d«l ih.-u.aplv«*! a«rt»ly daring To liiok Well. Gourge waa borne and brought,,
papa with him. and then tfavy were go-1
Fancy Trimmed.
tng to a direotora' meeting—do have a ;
fcitnaalf aurronndrf by tba yonng nr-------—___ _
____ . i-uclo. wbicb would, of oonr*. ooeaei-m roat- leaf; lYad acni them from K<
Garments made strictly first4AU. .o»,,w4
York—of arane new company they have
class in every particular, and
)oat organimd. ftpa I* preeideDt .and
it's up-to-date in style.
Ibtra'a ever ao mnefa captaJ behind it
re lovely, in tbe Altruria
. . J want Kav. Year’, glfu ny
tborougbly thiloted throagb \Vlue is $9.00 at any other
iHyar mid ha
«-^i.y « annuity
oham^e ;
llSit!. .iTVirimro ^ bnUdln«-yt
out, correct iu every way.
store in town.
'We’ve sdll
«P little b«t aiKlibi-landlady’a "go.*! tlow
have anufa fine oflioe*
It'll take Kl.OO to $4.00 more
W The change Is Uw imlBidar waa , ^
TW ahnt the Dtm'l you Uka «owcr»? Try a nosgat
got nearly all aizea, but come
in price «t other ateree to {{et
“Very voU. nyiiula trtaodal yon
••Win them 1 Howl,
ginning irf'iba year froan ^ awthm j ('.^''iHn'rrul
i’ ■‘Heww.atbU pitifollittle
, **By taking tirini^BHirm.Meil's 6oe all-wool black
mmntry. •!»* dgy waa not obaarvad inj
..jj.,., ,he buahaad rome borne ] qtUte handK-mia at «» tima. I abimld
Ladies’ very fine sll-wool.
I *!How ao’'
Clay'Worated Suita, all worst'
. ■
— — —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '♦- - ' jBv. bm faded andoot of atyla Why. I
« **Tba thing la very tinapla Ton aaa
Ns^7 Blue Kersey Cloth
satin piped'finish, extra
in tronbla before tbe
fkat eaitdy at<nthereM tbaoocaerof
all lined with beet
apoka for no pretty woman would
in cut and finish thronghontaneb clMfaea t&lea* ate had to. and 1
Taffeta Silk. Tailor made,
f ••yea. nartital."
gaaaa. after all, 1 waa aorricr for bur nu
I ‘'Very well-' Thka it by atom, and
by men tailors.
Value is
that aoeotat than anytfalng elan Vca.
Cut or Cutaway
<«rbeB yobeaptiBeu you are at liberty
I13A0. yet they
.and when ate abowed me that oblna—
-to awk It Evmything that it oostaina
BOW. I dcB t know anything abont.BBcb
1 tea no better way of Judging
tha'fatore thaa by gulng back and
go for
mill be yam "
I thing* ai^ ]n« . bare mewa glata and
Tba yonngpcen wae« delighted, la
ravlawinc the paat. liiaea our ftm baa been tn baaiaeaa is|Ot*»d *IVnv>
I china tha* thtre me plaeea to put ii:
*ert ottkr they picked npall the atuoM
craa wa bare experleaead throe tnanelal dtpraialoBi Tba firot.-waa la
j peopJe aead ao many of tboae tbinga tor
«kat they oonld Uy their faanda .unaiid
preOTDCg>bow—well 1 told ber i dids t
■Bit TuUey after volley at the wiodowa
j need any diibea. bot if ibete waa anywa* than poor and nnaWa to eund the aboak.
Vbra mmurDt nothing jToold be heard
Oupstaai COetUacteM,
: thing vlae 1 oould'dr^ JuM then pepa
bot tba ringing clatur of brokw glaoa
la 1M> our aril War waa upon oa and drowned ear the^ta of the
came in. and in a cugotr be waa wild.
Out bounded ibe proiriator wit! p
panic- Tba aaeood one waa In Ihtj « bleb waa Ua eloaiog oflaeta of. tba
I Ua didn't me tba lady or aa.vtbing elae.
Mg Buok u fata band. liewaaabou'
Boballioe. Tbaa for ton year, wa hobbled aUmg tba boat wa -oonM,
: but ]uat thorn diabtri •Why. it a roy-J
1 Mmrga mpoe the r«« vnodala wi. .i
aometimm with fear and oftoa with pata aa to the onloom*. Soon,
; Ser reet Wfacte did tt ootna from? It'a
Jm notioed M.rriml Uaaiellana. half
. 100 yean old!' taa oied. and be emm' chohad with Uoghter. eiidearoriiig to
howavor. wagotaahoatlntbarirbtdirecUoeandweat booming uatil
' toed the painting and the mark—watv
. TbpioeiIM» wban the babbie taorat tiiaea then we bare baaa rowing aga^tmt i
mark. 1 believe, in't ilT When ha. bad
mediatply became clear to tite
the correnl. wearing onr eU elothea and acoaomblng at arery o~~— - I flDiabed bis eoetacua. 1 affpUined tba
Kt't mind, and be. too, burri
wa bare nearly gatberod np tha wreck and charged off iba
i iady witbed to arU u Re waa agteri.
; dot Ungbing.
wU aoeh a uvasiire for gfi «aa tack
Wbmi tbe bro^ was made, tba Utile
Imam with good bopea of gotag abend. With no national miafortane
robbery 'V>'by. dun't you know they an
I gMol* uitnibvabup. (ipiBingthe
and fair cropa.g aea no rtatoa »by we aboold not go an awlmmingly
b ratter black. ' Better
{ fwindesay he axrlaimed.
rioor aiupiv to arced tbe nrivuiy of
fora fawyear*.
tan o*v.
Yov teeth are In
"I nerer saw anything get the batter
, g——-g throogta tha wiodowa Then
{ of ps(» * bnainoM judgumii tatdore Ha
about tte Me abape. Youcaa't
they made atunoos attack «pnci the
naked bow *be ^nia to want u> part
; o—^hw and clmuiiti out almort the cu'
tom them over-, but we would
-1 with them, and tee told at. oh. the mart
■ kiiartoch.
dnw yoor attoaticn to our com, I piiiinl kioiy lilt burbaud we* oot of
r. tbe
When that expediticci waaover.
tbe I1 oolomal
oolomal nn
nmtwwtth tbr tiirnwility whico OTitboci hu cuff tmitmie ana m-wi'-'T|deU line of Tooth Bruahee—
hmj euflerod
Iti. IS. $0. ^ to and SO orals
■ -•akeriiop Tbe liitlc army, rmnmaad-j Aftertbeoofeme* had adjuwid boeto.OT ,i,h»v wwv rtiwb^rt ooffae lor supper ; «^«TlhUig for mouth*; duin I have
each—all goaiuntood.
Also a
; «d by CarieUane. wear enoibir TMUav. I affain to tbe oew date, the tat of Janu-I
, tew duvB be ieti hi* watch down *''*^^ ^ **^ ^ *"I^'** InevtTgncw
line of Toelb Potrdan,
„4I.r.hld,n. lb. .b- «7,rt»-Ibubb»u.oo.u«l.o«m,rf
„M|,4,„„.44l„.>b-'lub4ol .c4U.olj»oplcoobldgM
Pastas aad Scape.
We are lead­
> <f an iBummaa number of cusv tBR-ai
a legal biiliday
« ibat biul ti u hi* taifai-r a and tbeu
tv'* gilt 1 doo t kn<e* bow
en in Dental Suppllse.
• ~ Tbe rwD battlfa and ttedamagea o»«t of tte caliatdar in 176* was tte drt^ j out that too Aud tbim
___ _ I mnrb be gave. Vuo can't vk about a
And (ieorge gave ber an ad; the mlUiiaaire tuarahal nearly loo.ouu ptogotlldara bet^ 8^ > and : „K»e m pawn The Biveeal yuors 1 . ,
Tliu wa* hi* cuntribuupn
14. gmng that mctifb only IS days, to bel.e* bad fai-Inwl a iawrerom of * ^ drem »»« «otd ber to ternb«v buitatnd
I (tefira i>f 5ew Year * gifts frw tbe bring tbe Engltte into baracDy with
, gamut* of Lyuea
tte Uregoriau caiendv. .Tbe amii»ioii
.1 iibte* H. drr»M.d tu to *e him •
«□ o'Y hta After
the ItUb-w
On tte foll.nt tog year be bad anog»er of tbe 11 day* altrarted
.......... r.
r- - ----m ,U4. .
(Uiaiiibiw AM
cuuimerm 4.U44UUIK
building i tbemeuasd
•dVMiiure. Tbi* lime tbe military gov and Iflog o-fitew! of the pnmbeed
' usnuva-1 ,n0 aVkMl bisi tv a dollar « two The *
^ '.'7 fi wu in tbe nudn of
and of course
•ncr. in tbe mra, of an eveamg walk. tiou wa* givi-fi in ibeimwwriof
_ _
tte Lwvot f^’l-d out
to get__________
tbe moory. ;
toll him *
ppw) byeba
pen-ri. » (bat ImsuK-a*
bufui-a* affau*
aff^ conM
nmld M*
tmi eart.
^ soansi-lr
l«»«" to conic
ctmiV :; * “**
euousb. lortoc
“7 *1 waa crying and
evwtbing lie *rv ao intercstod. and
what wa.
wa* trilled
called 1^:23;
^j«4g( gi
. awre. •ber* tben- wige-..«j!s<''
. _
' '
' skoo bif face aod
•tfiouauld tbuigA displayed u tbe wi|r-II "new «tyle. " TlH-a'n of
parliam««l oev'
i,ag larktd
* *^”*** ****
-- r---------------------------—
^ ,tv AMU
MAJ two
AM. if ^ *“**....
4bw ..------'AnKBg mttotr
ol>>i,-u of a
run !I■ reciuig
rectuig the lubudv
.ub-oav alao lOdatned that rrat* Ptmk>1'Ii teir-a-i.iac m her rronk. i
--------------Thy way*
1 i.not ov way*. Uda
• r<
----- **0U.
' 280U
------ „,rt,| * ih.«i-in a grtwt ; “
valoe wa. a ImU- niggwl doll. w«*^ ■j iteyiriT.
ibtw. —
ISOO. 210U,
7our father t» tbe ajaw aub, a
And you know papa ta t a
worn and •■vidroil.v of tb* cbeapat' cr
r» any
an hundredth yev. except mily uiv there *vn iiwav. p«n>lewbe wm
^ grt b<4dof ............
all; hardly evty goe*
kind, ;aat about good cscugb for a Junk v*ry fourth. bondredtb. aball nSc be gud to
artutir cunoa. if vlmtihiue
idh-to'd l<riH.T«va. bntahallto«m«d-ly.‘i“,J^*'ni«rtterigb7*pr’V>lu" '
” •» v^i'^vb.
How it got tbrre ameng. tte objw-ts ' toed lunnuib yeanof kS6 da.r*<mlyaod I -ibe pin-,--of ehtna wvrv worthfttun
"He • a vwiy aWe mw. Ibe little wo .
Sff tbi:aBi«|uary wa* ite thing tteiithattbe year* *000.-*400. SMJO and s5<« 10 Sibo but bo»laaid ami „ j,. Oiao ► IiunIsumI. lit-Aiy., By* They put'
Teg Kettle or Berring Dieh.
pumlvd tbo tuarahal Atari tb<« a little evriyloarth bundradth teaU be Imp «CT«*rt to turt with tP.-oi torif , 1 Mini luto tbe .-<Bredf tbe ci«jp*«y Bbd I
up in a hurry. c«nyug a Itaf ymi;. caiMriiug of S66 daym.
„.o,d i«
. A curio dai> :
;>f tuteuig tm mim^ aluw tbe'
. trad uiider her arm. ebiwruiB in
Ev. ry .v-urwboOT number I*dtrUlbla ,t down b un olli-ml ber fJ..W -XbA *
‘he yenr. He told fjemge that
cold JannatT wind, sbe rtrtw mrr by fmir ..
u ..
l.-ap year, exoep* «l7 wb«* am rteticii
hretiU. Tbiw
i» no
no urmauo
drinaod ai
at .I Mi-«iU
it *« that,
auted I........
— —.-MM
imw i»

^tbiD *bm>bler> a tmlefadrd *ba«l. I tbeonabrrniiU witb 00. tn wbichcaae ,a,oeut lot tbiug. of the kind. Imt u trouUe. aud •!»« »ec« giwd lu it all and ;
mm y<v tally wV—
. want
-- I
^ tOy* iblir IDSl* OBIa' made Um«U 0<Wr !
_ - OThOe
while h-Mb,T
ilri-M. mimti onA
and l.el.l
hgiit. /-I.-—,.
clung''-■ i,
It >.
t* I.
wbsn Ah,.
tbe tewaaUng 1 'yea
to bet trail Umli* al each Miip abo l<*Jc fiRureiten-ilivbnble by four By this , floiUr and a half .t«> JahM-xL
«ud he' Tte
148 Front Stx«et,
Imverw City, Mick.
Ite liMl* «aje oivuMi ibedoiv. and.’ VuIm tbe J"..r IKaW will out be a leap : wife urn riurud to vl'lt bouMs taj * what l<n-e i* niitil iTootile<-<auuaand ws
Agbt It duwn 'cidrfbw. UV vv talked of
V. Willi, ---------------'wUboai miu-ribg.uiid V) tbe abopicao^T
"J6t Abbnnn. did anybody tnakat.11
mg.11100. arrangement, mya a drawd adiniicuice.bya uaoBl.ty#«rvani it suK-VL li'» cnrlou* bow sbe bappeoed
dVsr flit mv diJir
writer. "G..r alnniuam are kr|k in bv .or a xDperiHiOB* dame rvlcwd even to to come to D* it Mcm* as if sotostbing
- '•Five oBuu MV all that 1 was ufl,o- mimyasnOTflyumaybewiihtbegreat ,o.A at toe p.ere*~rne tike of whirb BUM have amt bur at la*t. doeriit iW'
Fmbapa-^Oinrigo Hob.
Sdtor it." tupltod a boarae voice
ebaji «f tlw akira. the only perfect tituo-, eouid uot be found ouftde an art mu
"Tbat'siioi «3Hiu-h. ' mid tbe liiile piww." An ibHoUeolouial au*utnrs|,yan,
tievw bought from peddletu,
Ota Tbra tee i-luMd tbe door. and. for *ome time after the change referred ; nie ei|dmued; tb-n s-long, wmrv
WUb a atgb. roununed bw pmnev to gave date* under both tbs old and ;
m.q,e. und oub bnaul and ua lor
* A Sod
Tte aartbsl foliow4«l bur clOMdy, imi new riyk-. to ptoVeur^tnsica. —l>hUa.;
(•per at a TeesstasDorlte*
tee did out DotiOT bun lite eourwl a Aelpbta tedger .
| Kgv two or tnrse Sunday nigtam they amUMlup
for tAonuAM. m,..,c..a, . law
poor, ntiublc down bouae and mouauri
, ..
jbad ' Bticiiili'Al K«v Dr D • ohnreta. ridtag caamlner tratiaed that a young man
tte statra Wbco riw came to tte gar. .
teHig a DtoA hsrued rind slo- WBA nmriantiy referring to somstblng (be merebnnU Are opeolng new sets of books, mod meking sf^netsl
- [.tbe rVild opimcd a itaor
g of tbeir desks; tben is tbntime when weeando you sofue
Tteh It ■tOTaaU:
! qc«m phriAdMT. Dr (T spptafte to
When tba lahi Nml Uu* was a veung good. Ws have s ’ comrdete line of eveTTtliing.aiat you need in yoor
■Mpt up auil liriened at tbe dom
man. b*wBi chief vt tte ve
•'Yonwere very itAg. Uane. and'tbs partmeiu of 1-ortlaud. M« Hk
Itty teamed with leva
love have tte^ habit of kosplag tb^M offiee. Make a list of yonrwkjitstaiid thenoome where yon can fret them.
{Whole penuoaliiy
imis onsB am UrmcltullT bungty. ' mid tn COBiiimDor rrtorm made him BBpope land kindiuHw* Tbe little woman boneloderd. Tbit imrticulv
t^ei .Lv.
' •Mtoin^ulckly swooped down and Inta> wllh the iHusf MUST*, aad they triad ; ,^,y
tte vou« ot a woDiao iu*id«L
<*iLngttetnslde of ibeblo«ar.
. “Tte ba*«v rriusot to glvu us any
Tbeyoni«man Uiubrd and summamd.
■scat audit, and 1 bad to talk to buu."
but all hi vain. At Imt. «rfcb gnat
tsfdjsd tte tittle ftrl
tscklTOT trf lb. IIVOT Of the man By wv “lOW of aoiu« pbitaubroptosliy inaliofd lurtaner, be piwIiK-ed Ite p'
ter* u tbs bread, mam
be gkta to help v«ty hianural
0 teeald tool bawOTordOTsd
U tar'shs diildrem
alteied. wHb
by tte chief to Uka tte ptpa wbieb te wa* <a ftruggUng fellow ermtare.
mre. a* well as
. bolding two a nine* wber# te refused to [ aoqntrc tbe braoUfal tdOecu of art.
tTbriritor 1 am ItKlioed to dmpah 1 have
..........................................................!go tel'tag ttepbrif that.v man eOttld lK^,gjaguitte|»per*o<n...............................
la a borry he retnrned to ui*m»U-i
only to look M ter fan. apd 1 am BritaatlytwplridVltb
Tte ex4Bsnr. and. pouuug m ite oldduliSome new Pens might
amkCK-r retimt abMhed and loocted. with Clssn yonr ink stand Aod get eoiDe new ink.
"U'luat did klr Uow do then’
knaieWt^iprtrom mybaodsand Iwwte te worthy of a*n*unoeaod moist ey‘* aud r»*y rhn*k*. but tte exam­ make your writing Mem easier. A Steel Ecuser or a Rubber Boler is
; they stoud WUb bands Duisctetcbsd. A inee beared a slgb of relict, for Eteoeatb
‘ “Anytteiig youwiBi.«r.’' taMte
.ivtuaur of'Cbnsc'* lore and mere? tlie llkeiMOT of s well known burtaaque also needed. A new big stoet of Blotting Paper would make yont
"Hr iiv.k If Into Ite flrv litmtoU
would surely
help ber. But sbe wv
desk lodi like a new one; ire have it in all colors.
At ttei laum tte Aww aiuuiiM tbs ebrif from tbe country akid did dot know.
••WeU. iriosmy I00fraii»“
btoka doan.^VeaUi's UiupauuM..
“You 0« joking are you mST**
hbs ealldd mt tba'mid«noe of Dr
“VotaiaU Uws stasmenv.'
•D In a lew wnds sbe told bim
"Ob. my dav air. if yon ouy
tar stoit Ha stood, gli mm In hand.
"What B tte uw dt tte vstniMorui apIte good that you are about to da
tmpuMBt tot bat to telib. not ateiat peadlxr''aritedctettacbwcf tte clam in
bsr to ut Tten te replied. "I am
,o» tbaib
a llBls girl in tte abi
*'*^^?^'^Ultorm appendix." (mnstey
nrry. but X can do aaUung."
* la full B
-' s «t a nnmattiB* fas
•■Wta'R youlookatUT’*ST«itaiad.. answered Tommy Tucker. "Is MtaTto
$80 Front Street.
M. B. HOLZsBT, 1
-et, tt^ ae ttM,. ^ bwy with

■au. kkH *• tw o'»»«
«ttb tb» mmrrj
Aat iujcof rota, ot dnlrat toa*l
aaO. kali to »*. tboa ruoow ot ttiisM
Owfn»ta(k»ia.or«nktBikacl .
Vor (boa an nn« ci( w«a aad #a:
Ibr r««ac aaa^ 7M bat blMitw kM(l

Tlie Story ol a
■ Dew Year’s Gilt

I No Cheap, Shoddy Shoes



Marie and Ber
little Ragged Doll, j

Mighty Bargains!
and should command your attention



Gsnulne Ill-Wool
klsh Frieze Ulsters,




That Old Leaf

S. E. "W.4^IT,



Pricefrom 60 Cents Upi Call and See Them.





New Calendar Pads, IHaHea
Oaeli Books. Led^re, Journals.



vltl Sod bow a
nnrdi tor In (be KcUcfaU of Uoaer.
Sat ibM DooF but Uw nbiMt and mo«
•otira men ara.plKril la oOfea. Tba man
«1 • ara not
uit feoktnc
feokti^fnfor bunan arm tba
BW7 todf« RbuuM «c adt •npporHDf. MM w bo kbouM ba aefected.
wfected. and roung
(rkfenu nwr k»l*i-n. k»« mmy tx in
pcidtRad arbao acUra work
«oitiid whfefa woiiM JkutKr ttw imsil Buaabottld
fedfc in cdniritHiUnii to • lod|» In rcpfen
tab lia {taraiihernaUa or
It fur
KalchX and Ladtaa ad Haaar.
tOMu* iDTum^ l>; fire or utbervtan. and
On# aMatamaat In Sapunbar. Oaaobaa
oo draod }fd|ir would raftiiir I<odjie> art
Kurarubtr acUl ^tra a txiaaoe
todliua-iiililsit.' Hawuik-llirhl. tmt Mawmlr «..u.o(U
Iban tba- deadb olaiiua—a ] "
Ustat an - hanU, l> diMun.lnauJ by a
darkrcHtlfedp-. andwrareluclliNdfeU- ti^.
U»rr U>al uo !<•««' •>»«<» bluiiMwi U » j
:«uail and wb'oto InOutnw U
Hmlual I
uf the rapiaiue fedga wUl ba ' W
II ..m«l lun. Lm..tb. Idlin’
1.1«)' iw d
w grand lolKe auffirtiM
ad Ibr |ier dlnn irf 'lU

a 9'i‘9^/»9.'S'S'S9^9^'S'S^9€/i^»9^/999S^

«M Twk »M

'« gubu.
Brb Chwln W. KiniDu. snuid eha«wl'
ti» cnnd doaoll) of Srw York.
!b Unsafe m r>«n aso. -*■—
t ■aUlltj
k«4i«idl kooirnai s
■m Hr. HlD»D t>


• s:s^-^Aai,,;2*«.1SSd

order U> Oat. I waa T1.0fcl. There bae heeti
paldoDi fndfwth ban«eu to that data Is
round numbarm •IB.Itifi. whkh baa boas
dlaulbulrei toonr iO.OUV famlUee uf iba
order. EaUmaUng ibr famUbw to axtrag*
tour mich ahowa that oter 4l>,U<>U peraona
bare bum Iwnaflled tbrouffh the bOBtAta
darlred fmni IbeurdiT.

—W J Duntwa.
Tharr ara now t\9 rtwldMtta of Ibo Kaw
York^a-unlo bonwaUrtlaa.
In HaMaidittMWm and Rta-ada laUnd
amidani. wlih IS.IlHu
Tba lodga from which oagro Hamm?
of tba iraMt div m^a lt> autbortlr tu
organltv ludcatand Inftiato oaudldatMH u
: ona whcwa rharttr wa> li>u*d by thr KraDd
fedgr uf F-t>frland. dalad Set* 3*. I7dt.
Thrniuat lerloum Uaavulc oBaiUNW are
brrai he«<>( Ibr un'Trtilae Uw Tbnrcau
«ol> I* dlaco.wml in a tjtlod i.-lgo


Wisdom and
Comfort Combined


Tba jurladktioo of MItamuH tonka third i
In iiMHibvfmbiv ill the Onler. New York |
being best, with IIIiikiI* wr^.
1 M
Watl—al llaiam

Tbr trrwiid lodge uf Oeiwgla dnudad not
lorrdbietba fsteur lulluagr ta dategaUa
fiotu lu to lemia per niUt. The redue
itfebwouhl hai-abetb a earing of H.uw
; pat aassB to tbt grand lodge
Lodg^ murt and ahoulO ma*a hlawn>'
- ' bot IH it Iv dona is a dlgnUwl
and ,
! tbomiish nuir.uarand ie kaeplng wUb tba >


The but »..rMtn«iit ouUoe. Haned cn tba
(Otfa lumt., ouniainul tbr plaaaant lofonuation tlul no mxwameot would be milled In
Xo\«n»KT. Tbia aaaurta only Mb BMtwamenu fw tba year. All iituvud rUUat!
bare brrti jmW Up to tict. 1. and •U«,0«0
< inialm tu tbe cradlt nf tba beorllt fund.

^ i.uri.

IsA n 166Ja*lahHawme, «raalBliO-|
] doewd into Umaln, and am Ibo fUsd waa !

w u.

'■T '

---------------------------------------------------------------H««um are being ruualdered by
- t
— ..
dtder wblrb. It U bcjlernl, will largely Is-.' 2
mauibatabip durlsg tba frisUg. : J
• (j



, •)
; V*

^ We strive to make the acquisition of knowledge a com­
fortable taste by placing at your disposal a fine line of Writing Desks, Book Cases and Combination Cases.
would make a nicer present for your ^fe, daughter, suter
or your sweetheart than a nice Polished Oak Writing DeekP
They would sit down to it and write until tired and
then sit back in their chair and admire the handsome'desk
and think of the kind friend that was so thoughtful of their

J. i. Slater's House Furnishing Store,


„,,i^r^, C.a*tuwn o


^ •rer the land1 iimrkabtf aoel-rt In A untmlla. ThU
-------------- edyl The grand fedgtnf Himo.fc7 rWnoad u,„.k n.nuninln uf ihi-wbltca. ih.
. paoTodhUaWntylnhlmnowolBoeandhaal tbenillrogtoldalagBWeftiHti a tofoanta ,
ib, biacLa Oneuld Wark talMoimd reoewod Inler.'.f In tbe order | theieby redooing apaeaaa about •l.hOO a , |ow tmlfed It
«brmighout tbagrs»d dunialn Ur HInaun' yi*r.

mlr*. and pm I Any biutber wbo d«a-.r«a b> vUlt a lodge t nt>rmll.< Ibr'llealb RwHiDUitn. a ringularly |
ft UMe awake and |gi«nvalra.
poem tt- cSect iNmmlul labenim
d -■— hU: li, Callloruu t.fOqulrad tc mbow a tvoelpl a|n>nn>rin<>- iltle Thta luuuiilalti I***' i

i ter hi. Ia« ymxr-. dum
vMud. aiid tb,- r«d |ia.M. Uimugh tbr i
Tbt Knlgbla .if 1‘ylhfha nl !
Mtd id rallaf of ttab rranetaoe baa
>*rtbtaB ,
d tbr
year forralief to afek
h«u tbs aseeiiutt ^ a
. „„
and oremly liteibreo
' rti trf
. other
JIK.B uuty be cunflnod to ■ .vemw the
Imnill. they wandered almmt
KMrlT*.ono Knigbt.ol Pytbta. iwKirt-; In tbe l ulled State. 14.1‘U---------------------right, k-a. lug the unaJler . ____
^ante mere taeabumlm It louked
pMod tn tbe m.'.m.l annual ebnn* panda haoti niuiburmed tlM-refur *1.51^. Wng ;
amain oa the left. Hefoiv
^ if they wcregulng tu make meffurt to
I| aa

Traverse City, Mich.

128-182 Front Street

Ute thu atuplow. of tba nnlfar* nnUs »•
eipeodlutn. uvar tmtmbitlM-, •'>•1
| moot of W.Ml.U.
rlaa a taA mid awful rtditr l.£«‘],range lb. tr maeWr. and Ibl. made er«y
ire. tn b.-ik'ht—a euluMil wedge puiobd I ^ ikaulw tbani
Evtgi tbe ebl' ‘
<IW>-aia 1« hrlgnor Knlghla of Pythtaa
Tbe oprraUve apprenUee M tnetni
^ .......................
.............ruuk.piw-------------------parapet .rf . o.^wu.
ruck. plW In druad
.all out after una id tbem.
to naUware wlib « i.-al ww,..l.«hlp uf ; wgar bli apmn to a parUcular w^
I tor cunfluluo from ha—- to ^lex—baRxif i guggrted paal: "U«T,
O W. KmeHi k grand . hanrallor. ; ent hta drraa being aoUed
; all t<«ecalkui. jagg.d outam uf gtanilA i lyninkard' Coward'
1 eboi
' blark a. Krtdjua weird, auieoio. myat
D Inoamaledeatk."—

OUahonmand J. S tarim grand ka^nr


a Bmtln. t TTT

«d ««d. ».d wwl
The MdownwHii rank ta aewtOyeam wof ttnroly p—tuoa
•td. nuuiUT. ..»« hoiMin nwaulwr.. wiibl'
•TW gwi.uuO.UMii
-• air-ui—>...
In.uratKw ........
v:i. «-*i w*

i-of duller, bare been paldl ^
gtae hair e
It ainn- lU ..rvuiiimibiti

| e
A. T

«nt«P«d MR.
__________ ‘


:ovi>.. Om

that tbe |1nlled Sialm flag abaU he dta- j

Only Iboae wbo bare earefolly notad tbe detnlle of tbe hotlne- altI natlM tbia year ud Uet rMliie bow grebf Mid bow haglUt; ba. been
I tbe linproTMnect dnrlng the laat ft w atoatba
The ta«t Uiet oor farBera bre reoelring tbia year W> for aocb a load
■e ywtdad by i i of poutoea aa they gold laat year foe »3 ogplalM taoeb af tbr local letlewdlr llriga
1 \ prorrarnt. Karming loter«la and general bualnrM InterRte proaper
iul.m-' I.lan of F and aoffer together and tbeir relatione loeaUy are rery cloaa. Tbe dally
Tbe ••vuluniary »ul-retiil

gtip|«nlngtbeOdd K.Uuw.
i[wlilre ha. prut
i.Md a lallum
■eph Ki.l.l.-r. grand






Tba JapatMwe rbildreb are uaually Tcry .
pellle—beimn.- they rat oo meat. «>me i
aay—bDl nubody thought it worth while
to be polite i« a ctavd. Of oouraraU f^
- hard foe tbe Hoolo. to

Tbv ki

uukl .aly wall, riome day.*
I they b>u)
>r ilayrwui xt laat. niwo
rhadctaiM luibce.
0 tbeKonlu hadWo plu<'k- at alt. tbaaa IT ,
0 tagataSKfr eeine-K«xb<e uoe nlgblaod t *
earrtad th« .a«Ir uf tbeir eneuiy by ae-)
0 aauU. Tb.-D i1h7 put blni to death and |
i quitely awaind tb.-ir c
^ : Wftv taken, uf euunr, and
I klUUieinwli.w* tbeir
A. they w.fv l.d away In three partiea
MTtant (g the buiwr oalfed -KleAOom^
ikm.” a man uf lou :


fiiootoald tbenc

■t bast and aMerBi i

A randldaUiduae twt g«« a Tny
Tbe httillam re-reird whk-h tlic.udw ha* [
oplnfen uf ihe or,l.-r bu t. joining If tbno mxk
l>i lb.'
ibu .«or« thal l.uie |ia*.-rel btbe
w<l. Ill
toflll Iheute'fre.'
It... I.......V.X.

sell you good shoes cheaper than
ever before. Our $1.60 shoes for men
have no equal

--------- -*........-—-— .f

Tbe animal i<-|.irt.g Grand fietutary
Arknnwt, ah«w. a /uinrdl.
•ate lt>4r-iMxiula-rxbt|.<f t.uoT. Mnga-

!Vi . .idriire-ll •uu Ullri astuthr wIWuui I
tbai bnjugbi li lulu vxUi.-n.vFuund,^ ]
■Bivmliy. .
rmtieUuo ;
and It*
tiga. aitdli*
-u--«w,»-rl‘“th»u«l«l*ot4.urf,lluw t. H.

lanHar I...
(rautllmif«am',>tuliig. Prrpafe for win-; _ypa,viiw
•tfWfwk T.i«M*',u.;uur.degt»w»laff —
blruilitra in good auuding
paraphi-raalui. Ym: will w,l them.
Pan Unnd Mu-i.-r K ». .-thmaib Of
pwahliiW uf llw l. lu<
af HIddfebcuy at'K.


alllwum.-. Med Into tbu grand hdgwuu high.
Them are AMfl Ud>< fVHuwv In IMawaio. C.^W. AuuuietDan u vreuid uastrr.

XrkaTi« ha.
drpuiaw tn the fteld
- luaueaudoB^u Luuimana
peri* am yety «
II K.-mucky *
» naw
plan, a n-t gain .rf S,la7 in yoang bnO ai
u-u.i.d tb.' bigbi-d rBU UDd.r(bau«w!pUa,oraDc



In ih.- )mr lTu| ||>.- head of tbe Konto ,
Caiiiily. .«• .lai,—lur tliU lalv, like “R.di-1
tnmn <>n




A«-onllOgly the “““m*

The n.-w buwl of the Bonin. wa» nained <* hi. *i.k a kHtre to one of bleoam;
Kurarewuke. Hr 1. tbe nail..nal -p<nMiar! apondeni. whicb be bad not re-alad HI.


Ko-arewake. doty to avenge hta luader'. i U. ••Hitwa writing tbr above 1 have dW "
daatb In wuor way. So be mfUad tbeclan , A-wvani timki who wa, k-ft handed aT
tucelbar U. didend tbe cadfe agntM tbe ! way. pat tbe knlwa. f..rk» and apouna on
)u taki' ilr^-n^ww I tb.- table In tbe mnir Uft banded fadiioa.
«>idkw. wno

rr,|inke to bur about tbU, andaba
aulta preqier. aerejnltng h. Ji
MIt ptW UKlBIb.
gatlHfrel upell-r. i Ingau^dy s^l
"Ve luxvc not nM-i to“.Ah, irun. Itidmd. air, and ao 1 haee!
KurarexMiVr aaklm
Daniel be UMdc luauy uSicial Tuliu>l-eiv
difraid tbr cadfe. fur Abat would be Ora- i
to bdp taa tor* tbd
Tbe trlbaa getKtwlly w«*» fbond In a pre*-1
V-----------------i •
d ooly^ ilwMid be tak« ' tablet
pemu. condllluo.
| tavacr Maa ghaaM Jata a rewtanal Ordar. ' <
d alaln. -Lx* Mall day oa^^ at^j
Thera ara AWPfM Men ta OeUwara .
Aadga ■raafc.
-w. S.4UlWrta3ru.
Tbr total r*r-1pu Ud year were |;i,Oou, :
The attention of yoongand mtddtoagvd trltb__ ____ _____
•ad oxer ab.(Wii wa. expended for bkA : tarn i. i-alkd tu tbr frmicnial-benMt orxlm
Tbef-dfewlng loadent tarelntad inLoB. To ibb da xd tbe Hiulna agradS, but tbe
1 hi boighu uf Hviwr No ni.n U we good trat went away ahaklng tbeir bewda
don flf W. jk UUbcrl, Uw fnrnier coUabo-


Tbeqianlng Korareieake. buwmar, bad rator with Sulllxaa. tba ounipoeer: The
dnunatUx W’b, al an rxnilng i*rty
party and
nouuilunot kUling bltuiwlf.' TTben (be iftwinaUdwa,
eban-rd to be atanding tudiraded lathe
Ca were all
all t«.<be?.
IM<tte. t» wa» aura ibra at I'kan-rd
your dut) tu liiu. pecteL-t your f vaUy.
lead would uot ravo
■ There arc <ik lodge* In Saw York city. ■aid to tb«: "Wa afaaB nel
-yjor 1 four
w hwte. win yuur'rayaba •Sir. "
.------oamfe wbfefc ^W_he u
w OTR iAWHipimafa M In Urooklyu and fO In Ifae real at New the «
the nady aulteof -ThaMlkada'
York, making m ta aU U tba grand ju- klUo
other "Peraa.operaa. you w
Bui wa diaU ba paktent, and
walk :• m
TItaiiiTi I it I
------- -------------1—*
vraiA until we ran UU tbe
wtee to- ■ four wbrerfer.” Tbagned waa aiarttad
•dlB alltbo nunpaof this oidR during
by tbia rtpfy. "BV." be mxnlaUnaA
iM. Thing, hara baa* a
^SbtaplaOMtltnftbeUagrrad '^
>4* awMM account tb* weather.
Sveey man «w«a It to hU fully in raaka
baata «ta wam ante for
' ounpalgB- pfovlafea
ngy. .'I eoaldn\MU yon baMtn,yao
for tbe auppurt of hi. fered omm *°,^anorfllDgta lafaM idraa. wfaat tbg
kng.iw*' '
after hi. deiutae. U be tuakra Inquiry, ba aodured wai wonnaraa Iban antaMa Y«r
Tbe praoredlng. at lb* wwol rewdon U \ ‘®
• 'miemal urdar like Uw Knlgbta
r. fur H I
the I'Bltad .--tateaain “ Honor,
Ibr iirochtm mind, in tbix oounuy. It I*
.d In the menatfetM,.


.\«i only U abrte mainacT kept green In ;
-b M,uy. whk-h ircry one In Japan'a
X.K -uu ..................... .. — .u~ .. _ __ ___ _»owB lij b.-art. idil th,. grave uf Kur»re>-I .
Kv,|i.h ar- a uaml.-rfbg raoi-. I'litil «nke ta urn- of th
iliue ugu «t>r Jajwo.--- never tmv ' abrliw. to w-hWi p
, They wr*vlMl.kkl.n tu build Kvcti thr .tni.rvr I
i.., ,1,^^ mlghi ago rauwil «lMti>gulUnvl (dbrtal feBiurr,
^ (vmiiuU t.oi far In Iheui
Now!' to bo-paid to ti,e gmxeuf KiRaroBukr, loi
Mamp hi. hui1.ui fld,-Jlty wUb the luark '

l-k drhvii

May tba 1

The PopuUr Shoe Boo— of Tr»verso Oily.

*Tnd In hi. d.-ligbi thr fall hfnl old met •
ant bun-Mid buiwaud ki-pt w rvU» aid
n"Kud Hedge'
only thr Umw prnn.iO, UtfKud
belaud Udilv.
Of rounr all the 47 bad to klU them-1
W'hiw. Inn itwy barr U,-uuu- naUuualj
tally Kofare-ukr. the bmie
B.J1 Hedge,
ntled in keeping
rnuugb logo to
' hi

Jj,, y,.„.
paaj .*iora-a of guKvnuwiii
'!r'^ ‘''.‘I';'' *"’■» th'lr ill Jniuiiwaa almu.4 *------- ‘
raiateot. alw-aro rui. ___ ...

ai iMt report,


We will

-• -

___ ir tur 'ihx )i-ar «'
nomher uf KilcAa)i iiinubrra 1* rxa>Qdd !
It t» a nalxtake tu dimil fre<B <iRur MOgt
at AW).
wlur y«>u«a») I alwuj-. baietbinr* yuiir
If a Imebrr 'a yrrnnl d<Ma n'« aomala , u way l{ei>H.'uihn ibM ibc tudgee
id U imni wurk fc< flad w It-.
him. be Will find
wiilMiut yon fK«t« than you can
noMea twoogh <u
wtUw>u» tbafedgr. _
Army tiullar iu>-d by

You take none-when you bring us your pre­
scriptions to fill. We guess at nothing—eve^’ weighed
■ ‘led and measured, and the
thing correctly
prescription reviewed three times after being
filled. Bring us your prescriptions.


erraaa o»wr laat year. To lUuatoaie: one of oor leading merebar**

Ibrui laxx that
be might carry tamic tbe
X uf Ibo bunin. wa. a nal
f Uet Noeembor for eaah nearly three Umea tbe amooat be aold
.agaliund and wilbout Med
mbrr Vx There la no apeclal .maoa f.Tr tbe incTeanc. ckoepl that peomaking lelk->.- HI. uatiW wa. ••Hedi
k imrpuww a^< d-lrabla I 0
.^w abftlo boy niiieb nrore than they eoold a year ago.
- ,) Uedge. " and far w a. a pretty luw .luwnl.
1 frlfew. «. ibut ‘■rinaffeii.i-uiuD" Inanid;
. „
.. ___ a . tbat-■lledl!rdge’'iulgbl hate taendrunk ,
currency wbieb baa been acattered
of certain xippiat fur huium Qiu.t cunie 0 (grge ainoont nf correscT
ecattered aU
all orer
eecr tbe regton
region f
P ; ^
Ihn^ tbe grand halgr
; ^
- for
.u. polatoea. . .obaWy to baa been fMtid for poUtoea f tbr attm k.
aJi Inrreaw «g diaw afTcrta all nwaihere' f
.x ■ . « ■ . ...
But tnx Aitbrbread..ftb*lblreldlTlefa todgr alik.s and all are Umnd by It ^ -aloDe dorlng thr laat few weeka
,, , ,
? atoa .f Ibr <wpturedlluolu.nmlvb«l-R«d'
flaiu.Hi H.Kru.rr.d I'hlladeli.bia
The bank, bare bad a large number of farmera* Mtea paid-during f
very i».wd In hi. armor, sieelng
l|.bla ha. i
j tbe
the laaUw
laat ^wo tnootba and the borrowera oflaal year af^ the dopoaitore of 0 '
1.1 niart.
«' I'rnn-;; A
gylTMila 'llir ali. ihm takca *’“*
k tbifc l4ie• local call J.wumnaiaaoiigo.wenarew.g«ww—.r
f.a-loanaiaeoligbt-we hare togoooialde to lend
- ^ bl.u
hU taiwoloramemen^ ;
marting urii
J ocr'iioey.
Tbe remiiNlU^.u
k laire ainoonl of . ■.
With tbe eertatnty of atill blgber prioca for tbe
Hull U reir UmI iledgr. tbr brolber
to llalimiumTuttd tuhara l.iMti.tuuol tbr 0 potaioea aUIl onmarketed-and of a good demand thta winter for fomat . ’ of uiy ttuu4>-r.
tie 1* a Houin ly acfeptluo
aaw rertiCiwlr. prlnud.
fatin today aUiuuK thr acre0 productatUbaainaM outlook ta eery oDOonraglng.


Take No Chances

From 2c to
ThAtis whAtyom oMi boy

Paper Cqvered Novels


ATA *• Vl^ *WN,. tbco^ it k*d «M1
Sm |>tar»d » »«n>, b«l ab* tanrttsM Ite
Iknarrrrd «itb Hhm«l tow It—. (t» mwtjti
AD to*n« io ton^ vUW bbAc ImI «:fl tod.
8to miirwl. Ai* «>oto. ftBd. wfa>« *• wtmiA.
drnr dwril

Tbe ynBflK and pretty bride felt war*
■ted and o«l of aom. Only a abort etRbl
vaeka alto abe nanied ber dear Cna,
and bad followed bim to bU borne ia
W.. and airvarty be bad becna M Mvleot
bar. to |K' odt of an evenlac and to lenye
b« alone in (lie bisbonae. Bebadttied
to cooTiBoe Iwr that be oonld not altoCather ncRlert hli toraier Mextda and
daopauioDf and that abe oa«fat not to
tti)tei to hie meeiiug thIarOn two eveniBga every vreek and to pan an asreeabte how or two ill ibeir ooenpany over
■a'fricDdly game of wbiat. bnt abe ainply dal nut camprelH-ud bow be ooald
eB}(7 faim-tf wiiboot beri bow be
oonkl ever, think <tf fw»«-"y^*»ete
Viibuot taking ber aions.
‘•Ob, tb»- drradfal rveninsr I bare to
apend!" »he romplainrd. with Idats in
bat eyn. -"J am nblijod to au beit all
alone Uvwirv 1 burr a« yet bad no
diance (•> toivi any aninainunm bere.
Kainnlly 1 i.-el baaw-eick. Oicen 1 feel
Ufce learinit cveryibins and tliking tbe
train homr lu my
"Wooldit not 1x- tx itcr. darlinc, if
yoa vu-ni to U-d and tried to ele^“ '
*‘Ttui iajMt wbero tbe tronble ia"
. abe replied, etilliuteioa. “1 am afraid.
Osr eerranl aleci* «uy np lu ibe ante,
fibe woald not e«\'n bi«rwen ai^tbing
tobappmi uvtna."
"Why von foolitbchild.wbatUtbeie
to Iw afraid ofT Wbat U going to bappenr"Are i»l ttwpapaea every day fall of
tenrlariee andTobberirn?" abe veraicied.
‘*Think of tbe many tfraBc'en iliat flock
to a well known Itejdib iveurt like tbU.
Kwhing irimptwaible-nDder etui oircmnAancea. ”
Tbe bn>.baiid looked tbcnghtfally at
bia aweet bride.
“Ka dear; I do ncR want yoa to
Irigbteu yonraelf into iltaem. I jnomue
yon berrwitbofioy own tree wiJi"—tbe
poor fellow coold not help heaving a
Blgh ae'beeald tbi*—"toivtnni proApily
at 11 o'rlurk wheneTi-T I gn to mret uiy
frinidA. It ia impoMiMe !orn)e to witndraw niywlf from their aociety altogeibiv. for tbey wtajid ridicule and
anuke -tan of me and call me beopecked.
Burglar* rarely pal in their appearaoee
More the bonr <rf 11. tbe atreeU being
hll of life and trafflo. tioodby, darling.
. and pleato do not feel IcaMwcane. ”
Auuie eigbed andinbiaitted rcaigned
]y to her fate. Sbe rend awhile- She
than look np'bir ambroidery. a preeaat
for her mocber. Sbe played a game of
aoUuin. and Anally abe pared ruiUeaaly
Up and crown tbe nmi. At borne there
bad been a large family circle; bence it
wai veay trying to ber to be left ao mneb
to berw-lf in ber new •orroand^
At lOo'clcrck even Ore familiar
in tbe kitrben coawd. f<r tbe aervanl
. bad gone np etsin in W attii', and tbe
poor woman felt tbe <d<| feeling of di^
trma and frigbl ewepover ber. Tbe altting roumWB* located at tbe rear of tbe
booae. gnd there waa a ballway becweeai
It and ftte fremt rooma She tbeicfoee
conld trot bear ibr tiaaal noinw.
dcaiblike rilence reigned in the m
Tired and-yH exdted, abe threw bcreelf
on tbe luunge. Sbe endly r^tcied w^
. and card tatriiea bad been

I down 10 a beoab. Be ana dawn ^bar
latdaaad bw baad tan oear 00 bwiboalder Ia that jawItMa iba ttj. taamlagty
ly nnenaBnea. uaUl the aanno* wea
. far tram tbe towtea highway at etTfU' — ~
aaiuin Mick agatnu tbe tbouldcr of a
BeaiiaArmncaum N • imie tog build- tfftbe «oogwg.iloa
.Uw ■»«■«■«
mg whtrt. the <Mplr mouttair. fulLi I wa» over, tbe aian MrcAtd bm rsriami
laihw u. wat.hT
tb. imajceal I ee»«»l urna* with . render palm. «ofca le
mrthodi at tbr rarlv eburvb flemg called I bee la a'tow rotor for a nwmenl whan An
K-st w»lt* 1 *atd K that angbi;-ri.:<uil 01. bu*ii..-«. iom> aivoaed bar—If and imd for rtartifbg b^a.
, -bert m. r-uaday. I I A. .000 a. w. wee* a abota dlw^- .
1 wa« a little UiwJ ami »i*uld be irtbd If time ago auf!
uM*n. Inway, 1 laqalKdof my oM friend I bed "
IdldnidaiKVlt Aiiti be mid br d ralbet l.-rided tc aiuno w
*Rotn;aoWd tba mnuilag of CbU aonl
all It out huuieU m. •» aeot oul uu Ic Ikiaa' with «i.«ou Ian. »,..|iping
IgurMdiDgaadtbeeryof "Wharikiuatgrr'
thal Uule ruunil gallivy that open* off Dr }ac ol the leadii.g *upt<on<Tt of tk« cborrb
-That ha* bcKO a cry famfUar to ebonA
Cartwngbi • dtb and tai then And I ABd praaaiogly ipvttaO im lowrcmpesy bwv for M yesra." hr aald.
WB« f lad to ibiiik buw yleawd and aor
■You won t *et ae hue t,lgr.!1erlcBtie
"*i ■'* ■ «7 •“>« •*>** **•
pHard >lc«rar would beat niy nnei;.-e. Tro
amlabiliiy And I*rudener tMo»iPit detoi ai oiM lOa-v 3f woe»hip he aald «•« H« mother tneiir year* ago wm
wKb* good natured atoll* itghitng hla Ju*» like bae-a plrty, flne.tooklo gaL
wbat dv
yob think, be diu '
roagh Imttirv.- ' tail you ti And lolk* tbei. oilKhiy reltgtooaaa load of ahouito ^
"1 give it tip keen
0. ....
tot teiWvee In thevocid Uml and truo tc fol- tbe m«b.-r. wa* to tore wHh Moaby
tertou> Way* tbeir wunOet. to |>nrfi-ro.
ar twrrd fur no 01-------'.“'jr W hi* «tj-p* with the bad lighto tbey
- 'Wher. abe would Ufce ibM abesito
gU to Ibvir hands
taaknau .like tbe gal M»k today an wal
abbot to uJu srhai w« eaU toe'IDfca. II
— found that Bosbywa* to* otlypanaa •
-,h. b-io..» ^
11; adiepaalwU
•nit —I r.0tc»irty for Sborttog at a draeoo whil* tlM« rauki atu)> ber and kaap toe jeiks off.
Kvwy niasuo she d tafca a veil. *« to*
And bow dirt bia wife fnre* Sbe . »,Hlini-w-»cT
tngagvd IB a “—
-------- -■bMiiwouidguapaaUiUd
uuidguopaaltiUd today.-Wbar'a
today. Wbar'a
iwoke in tbe middle of tbe night with
IbT bouai was erowdrd wUb toige. Uoaby^
• atarc almoat frightened oot of ber ] am of ptda
d Ulrung <
"Tbe iDotoer. of coorw. waMad to mardevelop"
wUa by a hnxld draam. in wbicb ber bean and wai

to a big ohyoung
______ before ber.
_______________ matranaiB a»li«. of aubdoed colon, and la»*on aa/to toai ao ana who nevar
nwT. -Ibal wfaal yoa daatrr tt not ab ,
wooded, bloadittg and «om by taage
"““k "»"»“• o' murooeadiiator , owned a own dog or a aciU ceoMbara *
nract ugumaaioi
bloodbotuida. PreHy aeon, bwrever, abe advice oa the praper ronduci of labijtl- '■
I gal ul hU klwuy aa tor gal perained.
comprebended tbe aitaatlon. Hev fare fain, but a chance to free^our mind Ba
____ ___
___ all t aa flaally to* ul* man ahol at Um aa
faatbed to tean. toe paoad tantleaaly np
1 drove him otn«D ^ eoantey.
whto'ftog »topp*d tvery
- baal
toet toa at* man. aA»
and diiwn tbe room, wringing ber banda
, apoD biza and every rar wto
tra* potato W I *'Saoo
' gal ^
|B marry Lae

.... ..
^ easca
1 *—»
~ Petetaon,
• *-•-™. hla
ratch sne
toe want*
wmd* u>ai
that imi
fell iraan
trvan ni*
hb iipa
Aaat to tliittkflfiil Sorb a man baa iba
effrODiery to talk to me of lotv. Kot
____________ unlrttm-d peupl*
nmtoit ID act like a villain, be ev«B
In tb* aoars* to time Uewby «
. • I cewto ar d--trin*l puinta B* used no
Boa. V- W. ffKtTB. Vayw.
bad to make fen tff me latt nigbl by
f IcUvumlrcuiion He Mnxk out la aborv toek Ills ok swaethaart br d sated (ram
ng be would benortrrtb be borne •
I • i eria|i smeaive U>*> srrnt direct 10 to* UB thajerktsu often wee marrito aa bad a
1 the jnoet eoaoeaafnl a.
t believe tola 00BPU7 to be entoriar
Hub gal bat?—tor on* that aboaaad le
I'rlock. Who woald ever
A , drratoadlag of tb* slmpliwt laiaUaet. .
.J-Tbey clow tS i toiUhlBtofy; UoaeyU
- I ' Witoal. hr waa rloqcwl
Ris toMa
thnnght bim 1
« work forth* laboring mao. "Uie ooBaamer.
mld^ht; bciice ^ ? booming, making
to ebumh ear day aa
cannot pretend-lobtyplaytog card* there J ready markrU for tbe farmer, “toe ptodooer." F>rmeTB are aor 'ogly
I herame evident br was rvatolng ' woi (bar. aa would to .
all uigbt. Beavea only knowBwbiiv be
gettlag bettor prtena. bat And demand for arerylhtog tbv have to aell. f ^ toe ffmpb braru to this


dt7. lint dowa one mwt. tfa«s ap »• 1
oibn, Uinxiab tfa« mborbi. anti) b«
raMtiedtbeci|»i>moiiKj-«Bdfa*AaC«iaj wjrh*f
Polly le »iraiii«
«iCboRtRopormtfarfMrc<<Mekliit nctr. ncttok 0(<r»un(«d
»«c»un(«i] for oo
<« ony
bny iw
K>u>bl> fTooMlv for tbr
Tfac Vnra olock etnrk tbr boor of 4. Bu« fcod cboriDiotf frock of y«Uo* ' vtet
"It U atill tito MTi.T t(> rH intotbe Itacorr tor jcatooiTV;
bonar." be aaid. "The fmi don- U
IkAlOmiM*.’ rrpOi
never nnloebet befon* 6 o’cKck. WIU MMly
lifttOB bet lya tmt ber
they be abk lotmlock tbedoori^yvSyl |
A j^n-r
^n-r el
ol wj
toy key
kry edcke in tlrr
tbe lodb
lock j1
'Ob eatlnr*' rrmarkro tb* niioe te
Tbr a-omni are itnpriMined 'aad oaniiot. feUo* pHUAly^ Tbco wbccOitncly
KKoot Bniito* 1 «u rtandihia no
iit‘ihiBC blit to I "kty
"T d(«r. } «r -K'vro yno !br w
.It .ti^ii
tbe age* oB ,11* aubKc V
drUBnncI ait down .twwlMiv. Ih’-w i p„.eenre a.lldly
«f wurve if yon 4
Uarwn«t-4.fl«'k.",And.fcirtbvith « hew that )i»lan.y «m be enrod by
be oov morc-wetidcd bia way to Chn
tafuuun of fiwfc euer lenvm eathered
nilTDnd depot
A xung cenewnnd a enp of bol eoffee
KOiiewbat rettorad him. Bat be wna
gery Ufed, and pretty, •oon be wa* aa
•obBd tmlewp ia bia coctnc m bia wife

tell •mry for bJtu I ir-iran to think bow
I I ebuuld fret If U o.w Im- oihrr way and
Ceurce were danoiiic wbite I looked on '
| "Thai put yiHiix-lf li. M» |>>a<v idea u
(be w.e>t vdcaifuf en>o,< niriii aiMlai reeO'
iucten eeer dettMU.' iBtotvdated Pni
■-PeriuMWhla ButMell






--- ------------

iy apendtog the nigbt. to wboar onn-------------- ^-----------------, bcgnallr*
pany be iaenjoyfa* h«a»lf. wbU* J—
Bot be'Ulnd that 1 am not faiadope. I A bolter, egg*, bay. wood, wheal, potato**, rtc-. ereatod by the "/aranab- ^
i Patersoo got li
BMW. I nodred. wet* 00 *0 folks got unraay . Hw auaband
ibali leave him at once. There i* a tntia j • parvhaae." ha* atlmalaird pricaw and everybjdy la-kappy. I ventore to C
with bsr boi ha dhU’l bat* a
at 7 o'clock in ih* morning which I am I any that there nevrw bare been n
pototora told at flftyandaixty than r |
going 10 take aui^ go borne to my par] at ton oeato per boabol aimply b
, to buy. All of which mean* m.
At 6 otclock abe called the aeTvtof
Uful lae* and flgure speang out Uto ibe ;
' Whar s »t.»byt
maid.'wb<mi abe acalto tbe ggitvt tor a
I tnra of ooafldeaea.*
erotcrol iheOoor.aod seulng brr larga ■
•»l«t>; emw forwan L BUgbty timid,
valiae and caumeaced to paek. Tbe
dark aye* on the roof, gavr a startling aa look bolt Sto* jw* meliad donw la
aersam The peoplr all lortiad HsaU faces , bU arma. ajj be eaaed b g to the tsBMb
laid aaitl notbiug, and.*be waa aarpiietoward h« and aocouraged bto with
----------------- bU sbooldrr m
ed that brr master bad ntu riren and
a<*r b>vi
then roll off Ufc* * ball li kep raUln aff,
toeou of-ABrnr and "biawOadr
did not help bia wife. However, abe tr.t *l»w >|gn» of jralouTV'
an roUln off. lUI Anally w* got aasaar
She Ural
- made tbe colT’v and went afti-r a rah. . "It waaai lbeCartwn^ii*daacedown
.Tbt'frant dnv waa wide open and a •< t'caHIfl '
"And tb* Canwrtgbi* daaa* ocetutod
ag»te aa luufcto 1
omn directly ah* leaped bigb fraei
locUmM. lm.j with tb, bl, lock *b™ !
L"'?'7"Tb* Bl«bt btoor* mU.' taM PoUy fkaw, smote her beautiful baads Ujgetbw daad:
Annie amwared to tbe ball The land- « »"« « l‘•*v bad luck . th.-good
TXr gal I* flat Ufc* ber mottar W
I..H^ y
to m .0,,—
bllwbUg "liaot eetl uaaguuae Jsni aadahuuted. "tlkiry.gkry,glory!" Then rveryuiBg
to «17
meet W
brr. wlwming to a , j, pr.u-a.tlng
., ,
ig Aaaooa
AaaooD wsbcwmaideooBih
And toll Bw wbs( to de to cure ainund and arauad tow wblrlsd. almoat aa to gii TUigtOB
igtOB sb* begim
mabout Ukr bar
borrv to cxritemeni- • P'1‘ -----*“— ' ilirbw^'(«i4‘t..p.uir.-#ej..iMr«rt,tbo» I Georg* to walouay
fmt 0 a kgs. niapplag bar hand* ell the
poor mulliher. aa li « I sooe fimnd. tike
was bere last —, ^
hopelrMl.v pUlB ibM a<. ane |
Stop waaiiog opala. adruto Pra whileaadabouttfiB. "Glory, glory.glary!" b0
poor luotbw
U took kfowby to aara bur
r W0 a rapt eapn-aaten ou bsv bnaonigbt and made an attempt
It to i-ntor tbe ; cvald be iouiv*u-d in ibeir «
I danr* briefly, rmornia* to ber btwk
oauauaBane 0 If sfaavtrwed tfciwigb
booae. Someone m
. .
Wy ;
-I (*aX" snU: I'ully ptvodl}
mairiad neat
veil to toll** a faccOB paradlaB.
_ ..jck fast ,tiv>ek Vnu resiimihrr U. i*nuleooe' It'* ^
not eaperaattluoa. andUwicles tb*
him off. Be Mf___________
FiaaUy'sbe balusl and aiood atlUfor*
In the lock and wm tmable ir> nulori: 1 ril'vt end pink and blue ebiflon in cloud* nvr ou ihat bracelet
Anns O Aagac
lOOM-nt. ber anus vlevatad and oui- pruecbM ataits up. *
atrvicbed and ibe seraphic ekprasskm Hill gO0 to praaobia. ycu Uawibammrviaj
fiaed oa bev faGu Then wUb a wUd ehriak m you did ootao ber today an- tbs ■
a locksmich. N«»w I am gnii
aha atartrd for thr duar
— cry
-. will twall upr
Geoive a alstov Aaa* any* that tf
Wbari Mosbys' sra* toMraaad aload < --WK.r's
" Wb«r * HnheV
Noaby? '
It lock put OB and apoil tbeir UtUe*!
N£W YEAR*S abroad.
bj mane thwwutnnlrsUU OunrUr-Je
game.•- Bn
Bnii yon look vwy pale, my dear you'd ba qt

--------- —

im. 1 am aorTv
aoTTv to haw frightened
‘ Vfa I
yon with my burglar atety Aiv y<«go■tiofcatotbe aomr Uix bulh man to about 40 yean,
ing to take a ride eo early this morn­ Mgnsorful as ber mou-tiMBU But any­
way I love to da ore. a* you moemWr. and tod rime towarvance of New Year’* with with itoD gray hair and muatacbe
U* stepped toward tb* half fmafod
Georg* caa't diiv-e "
Mdduity Tbit U doe probably mcae to girt, took ber to -hit arma and eaaed her '
Annie nodded ai d paaeed oa Sbewat
"Wherein U tbe ram to the tmable."
glad that tbe woman ON
had not
keen to'.
ber phiv«,phti«l Prurtenc* "AH jealous a drairr to tw in barinooy with tbe cnamn "ev"
valiav. which bet
lid had already poi twgta* U a Loowtedge to one * dtoMee- lom* of the country of fau lemponry
abode than to pay any apeeial bonar to
into tbe cab.
his native coontry,. Tb* Aibmcat) ool"What a narrow eaeape I bad latt
He .
ooir* u Loodon. Berlin and Pant make
night! How near 1 came being rohbod— l*ol»y
perbap* worirl" She waa now thor- eweelly, Prue- Now. little girt, you go tbe first day to tbe ytwr the oomaiau for
ongbly aniOT. So mnriimacg rcMoti for *braii aisd rnjoy y«'ur«4f tenre etecy an elaborate intert^angv of vtiiu (bal
danra.wtd Ml be happ> sratchlDgyou and
only inclnde Ammeans in tbe liat.
Itoving tbe lellow, qn matter vriiat tbe only aurry that I'm such a boprlea* clodbut alio *11 tbe nouble r
MmwsBonoea! "for tbe preaeat I Hull
main with my patvota". Tba* mai- !3d^ ^W0*»dorabla^ t^l'dalt
they may be «^tng
ouiaqoadriUeorissowUbbUa ''
> tbeae tnpifaU of ooorae. ntmoto f«»maling. abe arrived at tbe depot.
"H’u! Kindtoyoul"
: ttlea are ofliervod. and tbe ttucUona to
Before jiarahnrinB ber Urket abe te“By tbaitm* the flm quadrille «*maX j tbe day. if acwlotuly carried ont. aa
iMxJed toleaw ber vali*e in the wait­
generally arc. call tor a oooddering lootii. Annie entered and made for thought be looked e trifle qoerr. Be
anmptytahle. when aoddt.nlyabedn^
JtiZ. —Tif'
ped tbe valim and almnat aervamed U* gin* earao anoin Use osaracten01 samr ----"'S”
That) baaakfd
buuae. naiarally tbe cfaicf
Widod. Vaan'l that h« husband, "ber"
(sus. titling there in a oottia and anor•ing load mongb to make everybody in
tbe room naile at bis nami powen? He
looked tired and wcbb. and bi* gonnenta
affiwed damp. How did be gel beta,
and why war ^ iu eorh a dilapidated
condition? Sb.- riood for a tnomeni nnB 8. HVUr, Praeident Oval W*«d Xhab Oo.
tliviihvl aud naable In take h.-r eye-* *«
Yoa aaked me my vlewe aa to eoadiUou of trade, etc
It was liKlbO'rlockwben^iti*arrived bia drawn, wwuuni fealon s.
Soddenly lb.- sleeia-r tosi-ned hla cyea.
CertalDly. Tliat te ea*y. when the erideneo ol btHlaee* activity la
brcatUowlr ao<i poBthai^ at bia bobae Whatever the ooioonie. abe nffM avoid
doog and tzied to fit bit key into tbe a eoene in a pnMic wsim. Anyning
alt arauad aa. We oaavaaa the trade from tbe Soo to tbe OaU: from
Ue Atlantfc to tb* Hacifle. and fled a geoerto reviral of besisM la all
, tiiat. TheVoii.-re Iktd morv tliau oner
fHior fellow I Bad evil apfaita oonISSnt-weadtoBBgly ai tbe mmi w>) bad
rwcUona of tbe oonauy. It te a corioelly aow to tad a mas anywhere
apiied to get him into tranUe) ClickgO^
eoetopld that be cannot eee tbe differedee between a 'Oeveland Pank"
tbe key brcAe ia twv>. and tbe bit uflek drunk ibr<|MPP*<^*'(‘'^**'*^
en aaieep boors ago. Annie trird ti> ap­
taat to Ibe keyhole, handle an4«wrel pear quite nuivutcemed and took a neat
and a "McKlaley WaTeofPreaperity.'' Tbe'oomiaattoB of Wm. Moakg>e remaining to bia handi.
Klnlry for ^ preBidcaeyereutedooafi-lenae: hUelrcttoa IntenaiSed iV
Uwiu. hrr liniilnmd. homebow beranger
He knocked, be called, be knocked
bad Buodenly vanished.
and todaced capital to com* from tia biding place and trek Invealment
again and lotxbi—f-w tyfraronalcly
‘Oh. darling, what bfongbt m*—1
The loveatmeat of oa^tol employed labor; thr cidploymeat of labor
tberv waa no buo«e U-U: all to vafti.
touaed a larger eonsump^ of the arcemlUc* of life, hence ualveraal
preaperity and buaiarea airily.'
If the Power* that be will only ecMe agiuting "Tariff Bevteloo''.
and •■Corrency Heform” (both of whleh lawa ar* gqpd caoegh.? and
oeaUeee to give as a good practical boalpeai admlntetratloo. 1 predltt.
Bridled on^hUToforwaaboaraeiito!..^;^
that before the cloae'of the IBlh cenury Ue "Wave of Proapariiy" w*
are new aaJoyiBf' wUI develop Into a regular cyelona and we wHl ea)*y
It oomm« rain, awfbe wa* wifa- , ,,.5,
,j,lr to c3y bia
eutoi nniveraal basinaea activity a* we have never ksowa before, and all
out an umbrella
____ ^
;wunht- Hewaemrk-. All herald do
Ue crophen and calamtw howlera emnnot preveal it

Kh.i «


should the people of this city pat­
ronize the


‘ “"i:
■t'fS ■*?.' i■ *.»”“»"
^ »•>»«
I..rr..0™ oI Si.

. .
train arriving at midnight.
V He w rmt down the otreto in a pouring
ma and at iaat fonad bimaelf in tbe
waiting mum of tbe atatioa
air?" Biked anunmprising wailiT. Uoa abo(A bimaell.
Beftotcfailly. "Puneb." he aaid. "and
makriibot!" He drank one glam and
then another and eiiU another to while
away the Umc. He wa* Ibe only penos
tiun. In doe time tbe loM ttain bad
azrived. and be conld atoy no lougm.'
Tbey wnv abuot tocloae up
Id kbeetodeqieratiaa be looked at hi*
■ watch.
It wai t o'clock wfaea be emerged into
tbe Btrevt.-and It bad <jgwed to rain.
Tbe foil uoui oetoned to grin and wink
to bim malicioualy tferongh tM olouda,
'totbougbabetneantto my: "See. old
man. it w-wra you right Wbymttoyou
go ont to play card* and leave your wife
at borne io lonelineai?'’
In qute of tbe repeated pefiatfoH be
■rill feH chilly. “There ie no help for
«l bBtaBeDdnn."be«aid to bimmU.
toaKtagoB a Urely trat through tbe

totng tbe ni|At. and wbat tbe'landlady U 7 Lbcw much aaoni Bowiaud Weiu. 1 Wbim Ue patriotic and pleamnt ihity ol
bad told bevubout tbe broken key tended wltbwbomlhadbeeawaltriBg."
vimuug him Doa been atKom^isbed,
"t hope you told blniUai yoa alway*
to ototobonrte oud eioncrate hin(.i Ba*
family ue*. of tbea tbt) people aenle down to a ngomif
be (mold iwl qnite make cint fiton her tequirrd roplm to a tnaa'aahip
la ebiucb ) puranri oi «*U otbs. aenviug a* (ar
bU» emiOc-ato
cr of............................................
acd to bia rmripted bUlf of tbe praaodiag • pomible to be at two or mpn- plaoea at
................ ............
Tbif la eapecially noocuabte
.No. IdldDteUipktfthat. 1 luM aald ; Pan* wben tbe American CMtom i«
Arrived at home, ohe (imply told tbe thai I knew flowteadWaU* weliaed bet- | modeled cloeely oo that which obcamt
■riontebtd aprrant Uat 'ytbev bad
changtd tbeir ml^ and would not go
•way bicaiup ber boebaod, wbo bad
tueeeded ber toUedepot. bad been and- flanev anortetl oS^sald Uet Ur tVslU led »b^
bte creditore' 0 aritoj a (tenoe 0 be did ^ nUm tf pniordora bvery mas u efcdtoUy taken siefc." and aent ber ufiv
bte panner*. aad that 1 abould *0 bte > peeled to call firal im tbe (upenor
graor ol luoUoo when be bad been drink- , above Mm and Uen to bnRy borne to
Otti WM very alfik. for twoweeka be lag 1 yawned aad .n-pllwl that acondal noaive U* inferior o*B bawaU bto.
ooold not leave bit bed., A oompUoetod
i pw and that U W0 net
valnabte (or tba toformatlen eonveyed
and aggravated attadc tf infloenaa wa*
Ue leaalt tf bia exparieoaa daring Uto' about tb* pown dteenoed 0 (or tbe nvetetloD of Ur Unracter tf tbe dlaciuaer. ’
Cbkwgo te gtoag tahav* bUlterd partem
in fated Bight.
"Very Mat. Folly. V-'hat did be aky- far womqp Tdm Fotey b0 faken aom
Anifie aeivr left hte bedaide. andoow
IMttea os U* fair am and deridad to )oto
it wa* ber cxewt can find tiiekaa, devoted Ubd?"
“Ob. be ranted a IHtle. Talked about r^lto eanes ' to bl* aw* hUlfaed
nming that opened bia eye* a* to tbe Ue-ditouaUng famllteriiy e( tor waits, MOM Fotey h0 a Maud wbo Ufcm bkldepU and aiui-lfiUnem of ber gieto love tb* Mekeniag valgerity to tbe iiolka. and Uardf aad alee Ufcra bte wife, bat rtfMm
far him.
0.OU And white ha wMdratelmlBgeome to bey • hUlterd lebte (a hte betta beU.
At laat Ou< got well, and thofigb be CD* earn* And feasO no. and 1 dlaoovartd Be MM relay *bo«t M U* oUa 4.- ^
would now end then go to have a aocitf that I'd mtemd two dvMM. 601 want to.
ganto of vrhift bia wife never again But. Pradeoa wfaea I looked aoew tbe
doubted bim, even tf be Maid oqt lata roam fater and raw poa (dd George glar­

Traverse City
Business College?

1. Becaus§ the instruction is the
2. Because every student sent
out is a success.
S. Becauseitisa home institu­
tion and is doing a great amount oi
advertising for the city.
4. Because the students from
this school have secure more and
better situations than those who
attended other schools.
Call or write for circulars to


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