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The Morning Record, April 29, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
omcul PAPEI
ftnt T«u—No SOS
Bombftrdmest by ■ampMm's Fleet Broncht Death to 160
SpeaUrda, With Ho Damage or Loaa of Life
OB the Americas Side.
LXAJra TovasD
OatioiV April ta-Balto(ad neniu SaeeBt Aetiaa af PorM(al Zadicatea a
Dealt* ta FeTor the Oaaa.
at the Q. A. S. poaia are impatiaat tei
LoadoB, April 3S.—The acUoe of l>orordan to mam to ^ frasb
toaal la praklhlliac tha tfaBuoiatlea
April U.—The hoahard' of dispaichet recardiap war»b<ps baa
eat et ;«atauaa cave atedca a boeet
eaaeed a eeaeatfam aa >e*c^ia( ttet
Another big lot of
Wall Paper just reecived.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Double Roll and up.
Loadea. April la—The power* will
A diepatck from Ltohoe la i*raid ta
laereaae la the taaaape las oa ahip- the deaia] made fa the Penafaime
haate of peare yeaterday (hat Praaldaat
Sieh Prise Oaptored by Mo^dtor Terror, Valued at $400,000 rl««____ __
MeKialey had eaUed spaa PortanI to
New York. April 28.—A Wwld'e die—Spaqiah Ship Ouido Broijt^t to Time by a
•btala the dapartnre of the Spaaieh
paleh laje that depet; laarehaU pul
Solid ShoM In Her Pilot Hooae.
aqaadreo from Ue Capa Verde telaada.
abaard prise ehlpe here.lodted them of
adds: ‘‘Mr. HcElDley'a eetiBeatlea is
«ieortia net Bpuith riMt U tb« PhUippinw Has laid • trap
nadentood to hare threatened that «aWashlartaa. April 28 —A poard fi«m lese the Spaaiards are ordered to Icare.
aqnedtes-^,000 Iroep* VUI Lmt* Tuep* Baadap tn Oaba
Bpaidrit aple. Bald W be Kaaelaf U Wrack Brid,.. aad Deatroy 1^
‘‘“^the l .iud State, will
I Bed Crom s<
I as aa ally of Spain, aad will ti
KUtary Tralea en Theii Way Beuth-Tewder HiU Blows Dp aa^
Vlacesl. Cape Verde Islands.
b«T«2»adt Bxpiariera D
{ April 2S-—AllboQgb the Spanish wiaadOoleari^ardaer Has Arrirad.
army to etarre oet Qan
I ran is sUll bere.dt is beliered the war- Sneetel te Tkz Himmjw Enuso
Washlartoa, AprUin.-Testarday al- abort time.' Moet of the fertiAcations
sbipe Will probably sail tomorraw. aa
DettoU.'' April 28.—Coleael Osrdoer
taiwoa CheUln Sampaoa's fleet bom- of the city are on the tea eoast and .the
the paymaster* hare bean aeUllag up arrirad here tonight from Mobile aad
haided Uatanses. Ue ervUet* New rear, or inland, defeases coetist malaly
aocoBBM today.
reported ta the goreraor. Be rrUl
York and aaeinnaU aad the new m«e- of sand fcrttfleationi and Mrih works.
itor Psritaa belag eagafad la the bomPlymootb. Bag.. AprU fsSc^su^r propably reeeiee hb eemmbeUm as
hardmeat. The throe wardbipe trefl
which hss Jest arrlrcd from t^tin- i mmaader of the Fourth regioMat to-
alghtr^ abets la seeeateen mlaalee.
aile^ag the hattm-y aad dsatroylag the Baportad '
Oonoealad ia a BmaU.Bay Whiek
new tartiflcatlaH at weU as the old
Fleet fCnat Paw.
eaot. Cape Verde Islands, reports itot ’
the Spaabb wanbips there are unable
to get half the ameont of eeal they roqnlra
newa. ria. Loadaa, is that the Spaaish
Datroit Pr*o Piaae ar Tribune de
Bpaabh Ship Onide Oae cf Moot Vallivered for lOe par wash.
. The gaaaers werkad with e wiU sad flaat. aeder Admiral Moetege, is oaaaabb Priasa Tet Taken by
cealad, awatiag far Admiral Dewey's
aty Nerrs Oe.
prarad that they were creek markeTba Ammioana.
Tke thnader of the big
la a small hay which •
Oyer tel te Tea Mossus Rsooss.
be yarned on the way to Manila. The
«aald be beard fot arilea.
Kay West. April U.—The Impertaat
flz«t aaVal battle srUl dMhUeaa he
The' laat shot ef the eaj
ereatof today was the eaptare by the
fenght at thb pedat The poaitloa b
Bred by the moaitar Pnritan.
moaiMc Teinir of the Spanish
A abot from oa.e of her aew 12-laeh adeaatagaans ta the Spaabb nalam Ouido, with a raluable cargo ef eupgnwlaaded aqaarely ia the battery, Admiral Dewey reeelem Ufsrmatba af pllee for the Spanish army at Harana.
She did net beers te when ordereT
^*aaa te. ahaolotely at Captala Phlltppiaee will tarabh the flrst big whlU ia the gulf stream aad the mealSampaca's mercy. The feet is doe te war news, aa Dawey most eaptare eome tor Terror let drtre et her. The shot
earleas taasees. Ftretly, Tbesaperior port for sopplbs ar sail foe Saa Fraa- •battarod the pilot hease aad the boat
lyirlnmsBibtp ef Amerieaa gsaaeta Cisco.
immediately swung into the wind.
.^was eiaarly eeidsDesd is the Maiaasas'
.The Spaaiards aboaM expeeiod to be
noops to otxBA.
hung or drirea oreraoard.
' ahipe have a derided adeaetace orer Pies Thooaaad Will j^ea Tampa torrsd In^ thb port a prise.
Sonday Baoorted by the Taxaa.
tke forts as they form a flxed target.
The OuMo b one ef tae richest prisea
■eclalloTatHoBiisc Ksuum.
■ huiiai. the speedy boeU of oor assy
oaptarad. It b esUmated that with
Washington. AprU 27.—The batUe, are eeaetaatly'ehaagiiig pasiUoas: aad
cargo eke-b wort? *401.000.
ahip Texas starts for Cnba frem Tampa
too. Haeaaa wUl he oaly able ta held
Saadsy, followed by flee theosrad
Oqr H«w
•at a few daya longer, oa aeeoont af
Oaaeral triah Has BeUbUahed BigU
ThalataMmdmaratohald MataaBoles ia damp.
Holley A Oon&Bblo
Bvarybody bay* Flega now. Large BBsortment at
Big lot Raw Pineros Received Today.
every day
that goes by
Being need more and mere. As seen as oae
woman aeea a Naw Idea Pattern ahe talb bar
trieads af iu msnU.
290 Front Street.
The R^t Kinil
Opaetel teTui Xussna BeDona
Tha terpalioaa la the harbor have
blaad Uke, April SA—The day has
AreBaid tad># Plaaalag to Blow Up
baes plehed vp. . The Vesnr^ may
beaa unersaUnl hare. . General Irish
Bndgas and Trains Baariag
aearek the harbor for enhaiariaa mlam.
formed the men U battalion and aoUfled
United Sulea Traepa.
It is.Mw halieeed that U>e Games arscM te IPs Moesna Ostese.
them that mea fsand drunk would he
farem are eleeisg aa Baeana U oc- ’ Atlanta. Oa.. April 28.—Uereraar AtIt heese. Many rbltcn hare beaa
«apy Mataasae as tbalr haaa ef enp- klasoa.hss relbble iaformattoa that
camp, but fariUtim for entertalaiag
plias aad BB thatr arrie^ wUl proclaim Spaabb spiea are planaiag to wreck Uem ara exeaedingly meagr*. The
Mataatas the Cobaa capital.
bridges ead blow up trains hearing mea are impatieetiy awalUag orders.
ft b dwriy wtablbhed npoa thb troops to Key West. The metter b heMAT LXATB TODAY.
Ugheat latomaUM that Preaideat iag closely iBeeeUgatod.
MoKlnley, aa eimaadar la ehiet of
I Await Orders ta
> the Uaited BlatM aasy. gave CbplaU
Move to ■orfblh.
Sampeoa orden te ftre apaa tbs h*t- Of TaUow Ferer Immaaw te U- Veetel teTst Uoanss Kscoss.
tariw ef Mataasaa. U msaiw Us oerade Cuba.
Detroit. April 28.—The aaral rsss
oapatloB of the place at a hasb of sap- a^tel te tbs Koasiso Eareau.
ere etlll awalUag orders They expect
plba St aa early data.
ingtoa. April SS—Preeldeatlto leare ferNor
^Bpaabh reparla to Madrid say that MeKialey and Secretary ef War Alger hare eaUstad rritboot prombee as to IF YOU WANT
the Amerieatu wera aUiged to retara hare derided to robe tea rogimepte of what di^oabionahall be made of them.
after a half haui'a triag and that the yellea ferer immnesa to act with Gen About oae hmndredace to be left beflrst battle was a ^aabh
eral Boeeerelt's oowber regiment la biad aboard the Tantic arriUag arTAKE OURS.
theegh it cost 160 Isyal Bpanbh Uew. Inrading Cob*. Goaeral L>ee will eem- data
In reality, oet a slnBie shat took affeet manA
aa the American resseb.
The object in thU flrst battle b ta
Said te Have Baaa Abused U Leaden
aaaUe e preeerraiion ef the I'aas la
■y Bpria.
Two Mea KQIed and ^any Injured
Marro GasUe aad te keep lataet Baato
London. April SA—The Speabb am-TbeuRbt to be Work ef
Clara and the other tonlfleatiewe'la the
haemApr haring opened a fend here
Spaabb Spiea.
immediate ririnity of BaTeai
Uereaae Ue etrengU ot Ue Spaal
Biwrisl to TSs Honass Bwtefd.
the Cakaa capital b taken it will be
Bsstoa. Pa.. April 21.—Three Urge fleev the matter b regarded as a eerfrom the rear by enr army of eeenpa■powder haosm of the AtlaaUe Plwder lena abase of dlplomatle privUegm aad
tiea. and sritt tke oe-aperallan af OenitaUiag high explaelree for the wUl be brought ap U the heeee «f
eemtor I have a fnU lias of Bley,
aial Gomes aad the lasergeats. Ooi
indriee asd Bepalr*. I alee have
meat, rrare Mown up thb aftary af woUmea to do your work
troops wUl be loaded at Maiaasas.
Two mM are kaerra to kave
HayB WfU Ohaarv; (he Treat
march aa Haeaaaaad fares e earre*.
heaa -kfUad aad a aamhar UJured.
SpaeialteTus Meexms aacoan.
b belbvad It was the week ef Spubh
Washlagtea. AprU 8A-Trouhla wHk
Thb »fTaag*meat srUI suke It poe- spirn.
BayU prombee to be short Used, it
aibte ta-thsMoekadtag fleet to 1ms*
■ot *at af Danger Tat.
at aay tlsse aboald the Bpaabk armada
meet wUl fulfll aU ti
oame u thb aide af the AUaatfe, er epsetel te Txs Keinn Saoemk
Bresieg of aU kinds, tire* TulMkDbad
Newark. April t*.—It b beliered Ue Daited Btatos rp
made aa good as new. The aalv cte
aboald it daratop that CbptaU Sampaon aad hbah^ ace aaaded te pre- that the aty of P
two Spaabb rraiato h
lOohlBaB Traeps Want liiah.
m to real at 118 Calaa
New York.
Detroit. April M.-Ad]nlaa» Oeaenl
Mataaias b aaly thirty milgi ww
MU b thaUoloecdUu etato tonopa'
Ha^aa and u the amriat isaport to
for brigadier geaenaef the MkUgaa
the eapital. It U mnr^Ti* with Ha
WaAlngtoa. April *1.-Tbe batUemaad. Tha.flve r^mMtt I
vana >y a raQfcad. aad wilkU aasy ehip Oregw bitUl a long way from joUad U Mgalag^ patUkm u the praa-
and Cluthing House.
” Wheal Enameled For S2.5B
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front Bt
ld(C dlnnu
maaeaU. Youb truly.
_____________________________________ ~
Jost iReceiied Spring Stjies, Net Designs
Rew aal Pleasing.'
Satlsfacto;| and Sensible.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Frank Friedrich.
The Popnlar Shoe Ronse.
Shirt Waists
and Summer Capes
sET:r.i^rir.‘‘'u’¥ir'" Ov itlM mOk ajm to' itttn Ii nmr nM.
Eiameling ead Deeeraliig
in thn Latest Stiles.
R.L GIBBS. Prop.
ioofafaaaa «< nppUea
baawaters. She has aat yet laft Ueat for hb ^npotntmeah Gove
PlBgTM has added hbpatfUm to tm
XlnlMlI Pities ud Otgus
It Ftetnrj Prices.
Our Shirt Wai^
Are of handsome PerdUes. Imported Gingf^mB and Silks,
and cannot be,«hrpassed in style or fit.-
Shirt Waists bom.................:...;......seoup
OurCapes and Jackets
Are moving at a rapid rate. A double Cape, four rows of
braid, for 58c An extra long double ^pe, 3 ro^s of
f>ratd, nice -cloth, fl.98. A handsome line of dain^
Silk and Chiffon Capes from $1.50 up
We are headquarters tor Wool, Silk and Linen Sldrts.
WhatA VroatitotrBet.
TBX Momma moom). todat.
VQE jiAiiXoiaim ax.AnsB.
FOR ONLY $2.50
OUM 01^ aoMtM, AMplMB Iadl<
TMifki U* Qi^ at; QwMt lAu
flv* • ameart I4 Itaiab^a OraadM*
«MMdy JoAa Lm*. wk*K Aa amaMd dw Ua wapieaa of Ike ladtaa* Aid Som. T. Ba«b axd
W. HAnra*. •PM • etorf. mt ultolM tUadar. alat; of the OoorrafaUoB*! okorek.
of BdaaSoett. wkeal- Laoo P. Tltna will appear la oaiaet
A. W. Ha»»0. tAlVor Mrf IUbiCWlataatkal ke dafaaad bar balk la writIpf a»d b; ward of noath. Laaa waa
lodfad ta }aU aad wUl bava a baariaf
balara Jaalioa Browa tkli BioraiBf.
41? h. —.11
•) a
«ta Um» Amnmi «f
OkMMtar «r Mu •009.
NtatMd U*t
With aaprrior ehUl aad markaauaeblp.
•aeh at baa already'baea damaaatratad.
tka oateame of the aafaffemaat oaad
aat be faarad. aalaaa aa before etoted.
flta Spaatoh aoeeeed la preeiplUtla( a
Tn bombardmeat of U
of Amarteaa fleaam. aad tkto alamaal
•1 aaeal warfare to destlaad to. be aa
Impartaat factor la tka prmaat dlfiealThea far tba Ualtad Stataa baa
had tka beat af Iv aad Amarioaaa bare
•a abUlay f^tk that the aad wiU ekaw
a triempb far JosUea aad bemaa
Tam laat toaea of the Caatral Lake
Tbceh otead the flftk year of- the hlatory of that pebUealiae. aad Ua paper
hwlM lU atotk year with br!(bt proapaeta far Ua fetare. The paper abowe
•Ifea of proaperity aad to a credit w
Aatrim beaaty. baU typofraphUally
aad aa a aawa dtopeaaer.
Bolay Out of the Fkotoyrapble BU.
Fur the laat Are year* 1 hare eajoyed
•rillibrrel patroaayr of Ue gueca City,
dnrlay which time It hat beea my aim
eater lo
‘deaa of m* didereat paoat. To ^eaae all hat ^a my aim.
id ia delay ao hare been amply re
paid aet oaly from a fleaBclal rlew. bat
hare bad the pleaaure of eeelay my
butloM rrmdaalty oa Ue laereaae. aat
ia Ua piaea to yaod aad are ia Ua
maktay ia all two baun of aoUd plaaaOne lady to iarlted te aeeampaay
each parwm haldlay a paid tO eaat
ticket OB Uaaday eraalay abmilniely
■Taa daya la a analaaa world.’
laeura to be yirea aadar Ue auqilaaa
af Ua BpwerU Laayua, Uay Ird, wlU
attiaet a lar^ aud>aaa. not oaly baoauaa of Ua lateraat of Ua laetura, but
,aaa it to ta ba dalirarod by Bar. W.
A. Prya, tarmarly paaur of Ua Plrut
U. B.obureh. wboaa aloqaaaea to weU
AVOTHXB OAICZ scnuoivus.
Ur. a»d Ura. J. W. Patebia'a little
aew Babart to vary aiek.
Tba NeoBM Lumbar Oa. to prapariay
w build a oaw mill at BordlekvlUa.
Poteteoa la U« loeal markat yoaurday raayad from M to v» uoata par
Ur. and Uru. B. T. Bdwarda are rw
:)UeiBy arm- tba arrival of a Am alyhtpoaad bay.
-LitUa Mary, dauybtm- af Ur. aad
Uru. C. J. Btmer. to daaywooalyvUl
or—Hl^ •choal WiU Play
Hara Vast Tkatad^.
<T>a Blyb aebool baaa baU team of
tkto city baa made aaotker arrmaya*
meat to play Ue Maatotee Blyb aUaal
Mam la Uto city aext Theraday aftar- maem. Thto will ba Ue flret fame thto
aaaaoa aad daaarrea a larye crowA
Srrrybody aboaldatuad aad witaeaa
Xt Uaa Baaebad That FrtM la Travarea OHrWheat baa » laat eoachedUa dollar
mark la Travtm City. Tka rioa ta
prtoa waa aaaauaead by Uaaayar
•mlU of Uo Baaaah A Uy flour mUl
Matalybt. Thto to Ua- hiybaat priaa
paid la Uto loealUy far maay yean.
Aid Baoiaty Uarkat.
Tba feUewlay ladlaa are aakad to
•apply artlalat far Ua mvkat te ba
hUd Saturday atteraaoe by Ua.OoayraotMaal Ladlaa' Aid Saeiaty: Ura.
a. LaUrop. D. Luodoa. J. C UorfM.
W. Moeroa. J. A. Uoatayua. B. J. Moryaa. J. A. UeUaana. B. Uoatayua. C
M- Murray. O. C. UoSett, U. C. Oriatt,A. B. Parry. C. U. Prall. C. B. Palce,
■kymemd. L. Babarta. W. W. ^U.
ft. E. Bteteea. U. A. StUea. Tlakham.
Tbomai, W. TburtalL MtoaTuraar.
Teeterday waa Ue opaalay day
•apb Barwtoa. whoac.------,
• pMtara of avory bab^ taor yearn
•Idoryouarorfraaafaharra. Thaaf(aetwaaalaatriaal-aadOam atraet waa
hmelnd WiU baWaa ^ly aU day. It
vaa antalarhahyBbowaad aa yaad
. waapM oar Bata Taaatata tar the
MdOTi today. Bvwy day aaaapt So-
Art. br BhaUaek
OoM NUBIkaar............................ J. A. Pert*
Cktekea WiU Voar baca Hatekad
A freak at ekiekaa life to audtlar
fraat cartoaltr at Proramoat. Un.
Maalard Brewa poeiemw a baa wbieb
hktebadoalabroodofUiobaM a few
^ apa. 9oe of tbaokieka atartlad
the aommaaity by appeariap wiU taur
tally darrlapad laca- Itoaa walk wlU• Mt diffieulty aad to aa llraly aa ita
I—— It to aow foer daya old aad
paamlaei wall far Ua fataio.
Moela Lot* aoer ...
-A ehaarful Uar" which to lo ba preaaated at Steiabar^ Oread east Meaday arealar by Ua Barbour Tbaatra
Co.' to a rary faaay farea oomady. wrtttea by Joha A. rieaar^ dr. It
played by Joba DUlae, Ua oema
Ua larrar oiUaa far a 1
U aaa aiybt ataadabv of
Ur. Barbour, Uroeirh
wiU Ur-Frmaar, baa aae
la Ua
'■dudye Baaaal.'’a d. P.. Ur.-Barkaer
Tn Bpaalab-Amerieaa war wiU reia
/ tka reaart bealaam ae the Atlaalie
aoaat Uto sammar, aad it to qalte Uke4y that tka ialaad retrmua wUl profit
Nonkare Mleblpaa wU
probably pala a akare of Ue taeraaied
A bly mlaatrel compaay to to aRwar
at SUlabery'a Orand ta Ua Bear fatara.
From remarka mwte by local Uaatra
yoara Ue Paaat produeUoa of Parlor J-.
Whito aa May 14. at 8uUbary-a Uraad,
wUI play to aae u( Ue laryeet aadiaaeat of the aaav a. Bafardlac Ue
Uow a ellppiar from Ue MefrU Uaa
Umtcr, lBd..Jooroalof AprU 51:
“Tbe people wba faUed to attead Ua
Paaat" by Ue Porter
J. WhiU Oo. laat Wedneeday arealaf
ilaacd by far Ue beat Ueatrlcal araat
af Ua aaaaoa aad for that aiatur aae
of Ua beat ahawt Uat baa erer
.. . It waa meat beaBtifelly etafad
aad Ua alaetrioal eBaeta were rary
laa. Ua auye karlay baaa aepee
wired for Uto play at a eaaaidei
. ..ua- Ur. White aa -UepkUte'
faVe ample avldaaee Uat ba to a food
aetoraadbawaaablybai^tertedlB all
Bobart Dowaiac ia '‘Tka Oladlator**
aad -Oaaoa aad Pytkiaa." the latlar
pm^ of May. will ba pa attraetloa
Iky tka aiatt aaraeat aad< tka moat
kaarty laoaptlaa the pablle eaa flra li
lt to bat aaldom a ataraf the repatoUoa
aad worth of Mr. Dowalac caa ba UI la Ttolt Trareraa CUy.
at Ike Spaalek fiact aear MaaDa. lato
wbiab Adairal Deaer to expaeled to
talk Ualeae the Amerleaa aqtadraB
'N . ambiaa apoa ,tke eojcaaled Bpaaiarda
\ inthaat waraiar •bar* work will be
Mdoof theeaeayat that paUt: aad
Itto ool likely that Admiral Dewey
will be caacbt oapplEg. Upoo Ike •*aaoniatar mock dcpaada It
wiU meaa the aemipaUoa of Maaila by
Ike Amarioaaa or retiaat to a dtotoat
port, ae the aeotrallvy procUaatiaa of
Baplaad abota Ike Ualtad 8tataa fleet
oe from eoallas at Beaic Koay. Bowarer. Ike eammaadar of the Amerieaa
aqaadroB to a maa of rare foraalybl
aad thiawdama aad whea be meeU
tka Bpaatok tka Doaa will bara to flrbt
win c)««o it tborooyhlT, tnie the vbeeU, jriTi
.olor onto*
-----tkl work yon wUh, Anamel or varnish your rimi
above pric*.
Gall and soe ninple.
We also Build Wheel* toD Ord«r,
Order, do it cbesiter
and (rive better material'and work than any shop in the city, mve bad several
years' experience and gnsrautec t atisfaction.
Please «ive us s trisL
BI1LI8, SI 1 Front ML, E**C
The Old SetUara.
Tba aaanal meetiay of the Old Batnere' AuaelaUaa will be held Juae I.
ISM. at Ue open hoote la Klk Rapids
o'clock a-m . from the couatiea
of Grand Tnveme, Leetansa, Aatrim,
Kalkaska, Beazle sod Cbarlevelx.
Pmldsat will call the meetiay to order at 10 a m. The eleeUoa of offioers
rleswlll be traasacted before i: e'clock. el which t
far loach at the t
addma will he de
livered, ahar which ahort Ullil wUl be
ia order. Beporia af ktoUriaaa
AU biiay yacr luaehaa. Taa aad
eoflae will ba foratohed fra«
will ba made wlU
boat and railroad Iluea.
aad abaka beads vriU
triaads aad have a yoad timi.
Tba ball will be bsadquartsn for Ue
aatire day.
, J. J. HcLacsiiUS.
C. B. Bam.
trait' work a»d fremioy,
rraehed Ue polal withoutwltboutMl altermatire fltmaktey
_____ . _y ubolee « porireii
>r pbotoyrepby. EiUer braaeh
e my whole BtteB'
V. d.
iuttice, Uerelore 1 hare decided to
Papare la Ue above eouatlaa. pleaoe
abaadoo photeyraphy. bat before leariuf Ueommtwhicbl bare followed copy.
for upwardt af *0 yeara. will place be
fore Ue public a few iDdneameaU
Dr. I. A. Tbompaoa haayoae to CBiwhich 1 kaow will be appreciated aad
tekea adraataae of: Plrat. pleaaa aoM.
keep my work at **aUoaeo Slater waat te Sk Ba^
le h^h mvk. rw yaaterday.
par, if aet abore Ue
yardleee af aay ladneamaam woaMrer.
Prof. C. T. Orawa want to Baai
ualqr Ue beet of matariato
aad Ukiay
ala yaaterday te atey aatli ttotarday.
ayaia'aeeu'red Uehelp.. .
Fnak Friadrleb has returaad from
aa aepert flatoher. will be able to
aa axteaded trip Urouyh Laalaaai
all work out promptly.
Beyiahlay Uay fad. aad for Ue
D. Slater paaaed Urouyh Ue dty
-lay 00 dayu oaly. Ue plaa of
rk aad ladueemeaU will ba :
from Blk Bapida yaaterday oa bis way
to St. Louto, Mtob.
orar earrfnily aad if yen lake adre
Oeorys Ctolklm waa eallad to Oalkiaatape doaeataawlydatc. aaUe to
vUle yesterday oa aceoaat at Ua daaU
daya alwayt aad ia a roah.
Vow fbr Ue lad
of hto taUar.
Vtos Blviaa Stentoa raUraad Wad' Our prleaa for cabloau have baaa
yi &0. Maad *S par deua: aew wiU ueaday from Cbteayo, wbsra aba baa
each dates of S3 eaWoala we will ylve beaa vtoiliny bar sister.
aae extra beautifully tlated photo ta
The eale ef eeau for Ue any
water eeloru. maunted upoa a very flae
Sxio eanl. Ue eame style aa to aoU at of the Barbour Thearte Oo's.,en#aye01 ia u; elty. WIU each douo for 01 ataai will beyla at Slelnbery'a Uraad
will be ylven oae extra eablael, a rey- box olBee Salordsy merulay.
olar site, aad heautlfSlly tlaud. Oablaeu Uat have beaa 01 50 per dezaa
Xlka lattiaUd Threa.
will aow ba made at 0l t5 The larye
eard atylae oa rquam cards, formerly
A larye deleysUoa ef Elks came up
made at 0i. will aow be 01.50, and Ua from Cadillac last Dlyht leadisy Uroe
•mall eard 01 lastead of 01 55 per det
.was wbo wsre sdoraed wiU sailers
We have eUer etylse at redoead ratee.
AU ^turea finl»*d la Ue platlae or by Ue local lo^ After Us iaillalory
yiem except Ue 01.55 eablaeta. which
will be la yloM oaly AltelfyoewlU
any pbotoi flatobed from Ue old BoyaDr. I- Toa Doleke will ba ia Ue elty
riday. Saturday sad Hoaday to attivre, aow to your tuae: flatobad at Ue Friday,
tnd to patleau
aod wU1 ylve free eoatend
Ivlee te Uaee eaeklay It
snIteUoa aai
bay toUalateatwelc
arrival at Ua famUy fitaaide of Ur. aad
Un. A. F. Oaamraa.
The auam barye White Star aad her
eamaort, Ue Boblaaaa. are Inadlay lum
bar for UltoUiek Brae, lor Buflala.
iC. U. Cbarrymaa. tormarly an nadar
taker ia Uraad Bapidt. kaa epaaad a
yoaaml Mara am MorU Uaaiten tolaad.
Captete Slyfleld af Ua aiaam baryo
White Star aiktaa Uat iarya aumbera
af lake aallora are ealtotlay in
W. E. Campbell, who baa ms Ue
mpirc Laadar for aaoM lima, baa aold
out aad will ya Eaataa te tehe ebarya
af a paper.
The dtoplay wiadawa at BaafcaU'a
a teatUy amayad axbihlt of
E echlappaMoas of OTMtd Bapida.
■parlay to opoa a fruit auce U Uo
bnUdlBf « Fniftt street, aow ooeuoiad
mt Ws
diodat Ua
niBOteat fgarwat—- ------ ,------toy. Tbs Mbsal wUl taka plaaa at 10
o-eiook Uto morale from Ht Fraaeto
Toai^t tka Too* PMplo'a AUlaaaa
at tkoBvaiwaUealoksieh
7^ kold a
maariMr wkiob» WUl bo f^lowed by aol
aokort profia
am.. ia wbita
marie by tkoL.^-----------------aktflmtara. The tpUnamrioti <_____
taps. Mattie loealiariMofaDMmy.
Wte new ^\te wt VtAoe
pmtrait In black ar ealara for 0S. The'
rayvlar prioaa of Uarn are 05 aad 07Ramamhor Uto will ba oir work after
Juaa tOU. Uerefora wa will aot allyht
tba work, but ylva yoa Ua boat reaulu
far Ue money, aad will be made at Ue
time after JuBC WU.
9oo&& aI
«m\A be tVeAkti vAWv
ATt A\X WOQV AA& A ^AT& vUt.
\)t ATt CQTV-
^ertl YWa^ ^Tt'b rvo^Vit^ beWer aV ^t
If You Have Logs to Sell
nd with the-TitoTerse City Lnmber CompAny.
We bare fbr sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood-^
SAIiB. -
Btill Machinery of sU descriptions, inclodmg Two BiigiM*.
Set Works, Carriages and Saws. ^ A complete Saw Mil) Plant
(or saIa
I ZfypnaregolngtomnkrgnrdeBdo not fhilto Meonr
complete stock of Flowu-, Oerden end Field
Your Wife
In peokege or balk.
WaaU aome one te haay Ue paper
le will aet dtoappoiol elUer ia the
irkmaaahlp or Ue time be promtoes
eeme. That’s a»a
3«B Front Street
As lo framsa, ws arc just addlny a
flas asaonssaat which will bo aold at s
very low flyun nayiky from 75 eeaU
upwards tVUI be pfeasod to have yen
call and see our work after Hay
A. J.^BSAiianj
m SouU falon Street
Steinberg’s Brand g
E. B. Barbour,
ipportod by
export of Ue Uoaotal Bloctrio oompany,
to U Ua eUy looktay after Ue Boardlaa Blvor Oampaay*# plant
Tba Weal Bide Improvama
and Booond M. B. ehurek wUI unite la
obaarvlay Arbor Day today la
plastlayof teasoMd^
Antao Olon. fermdly at Uto efty,
baa ytvea ap bto poalUoa wHb Ua
A hktti&omt VvTte
VtT i(iAT& tDt Art ture
Theatre Co.
0ew SpMlalties.
“A Chee^l Liar.”
Beam oa eale at box ofloe BaMrd^
Once More
: Has invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and once !
more in tke interest of those who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering i
-A-inr K 1
We mention the tset tbst we offer the belt, have the ;
: IsrgesVetook to eeleot from, seU cheaper and clv^ better sst- :
: lefSotlon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let oonvlnoe you.
A; '
to foil . .. •hen «h
fc .. «;.u. •«>« b*It»r
however, hi.e.iui ptwcr-tMl it^ ofOcen
whooe duty li le to gel ihe troope to
gether m.m punbJoc OliL work with
the grcnieag energy. Tho». within
twelve hours after the Hull UIl beratna law the depaitment
Port in th« Philippin*
ta« th« rvcaiar
gp to lu f
strcDctl) of Cl.oei cnecu The eaonmxii
BtTT.m- awount or «urk Involved In Jhu> In
ftoBicbl for Manila, the CUef
, the Colony, Olympia In
BanagMeat Pratwbla la Thaas Watsts la
the hf« Tilt-. l»r>-aUsaUaa «f keaarsliiy Matten-IWiagal Ueeiare. Today
and UepHeas Hpata ar Home (Mad Thiage ,
- He Maakayad with the Ca>
>r Advieaa.
The offlclali t
d yevler
of proteii* and 1?:
action In inakins ii
trewpa amoB.: the v. .
The aiuu
resierday ilallng H ta-i tn-ea
adviaeu of the Ismitn.-v ut neuir.. .
Ni-lh. r
Kuapla and <'oli>ml'la. To these eh ^
be bdded Creal {Witain. that cou.r
havlna laaiied a ncuiraJIty pr>u-'an-
i^naon, ADril
Apni kk-Tha
,sa.-T0a Honk
Hook Konc
*'<'"« • non yet u.n ctli.ially advised
■ ■
fact. It 1
kmertcan fleet, headed by the flagship irt«i nmire of' ivamv a neuirallly
be rctteivcd
hy today,
Olympia, aalled at Z o’clock thin afietpaiihes aniwiumc that a preK-l.-i nniMfi
hooa (Wedneadayl direct for Manila. was agreed upon at Tueaday's saiileet
Tba BrIUab cruiser IcntsorteUie will count'll at Parla. Including Prance, four
out of the six great powers of Kurope
toUow the American squadron."
have declared their neutrality—mtiiciy,
The Hong Koog correspondent of The
(ireat Britain, Italy, France and llurala.
There remain of the great poHers
(■ermaoy.and Austriai neither of which
ovoning aabore with .CrUied States (^>n- i
•Bl WUdtnan. acxompanled the Amerl-
art bars a
CMsf Agoiiialdo goes as their reprs-'
•SBtatlve. He will take charge of the
Isaurgeat forces at Manila.
Dewey has issued strict orders that no
barbarous or Inhumaa acts arc to be
Barpctraied tay the tasurgeats.
WUI CWptase the SfiaBtsh nss*.
*nie primary object is the capture of
the Spanish fleet, which Admlrgl Dewey
thinks more Importadi than captuHag
. Manila. Be U delermlned to prevent It
oapItulaUan within half an hour of bu
meo are In the' best
igtrlts and ekcctient besith.
preparation has been made. The ships
arc cleaned and painted fur battle, aod
the general opinion Is that the flght In
tbeae waters wlU rssull la an easy
Victory tor America. Her ships' carry
n runs as against M or Uaereabouu
U the Spanish fltet.
Bebw Await the nsstS Arrival.
"nie CO-operaHoc of tli - America
' fleet with (be rebels has
rival of the fleet when Manila must soon
soecumb. Its defences are In a wretebed
State. The Manila prose asys there U
groat enthusiasm among the population
tor Spain and that an ubsilnate reMmance wllPbe oflered to the Ameri
cans. but the paper* qualify their hold
aUegatJon byreterrliig tothe'phlegmatic
character nf the natives, which precrnla
any excited exErvseloo of opinion.' •’
Waablngtnn. AprU S.-Tbe war situ,
niton le aubstaBUally this: The block
ading squadron' remains paa^ve before
Havana, with no present purpose of
if draw Ing the fire of the
abore batteries. The sfrategte pui
of effective blockade of the Cuban cap
ital Is being -accompltabed to th* entire
Btisfactlon of the authorlllee here.
Thera la cm IndlcaUoo that a part of the
fleet will be withdrawn for the purptae
of affording additional ptvu-ction “lo
north Atlantic porU. As to the reports
of be Imminence of a naval battU off
the Spanish fleet will make a stand
agalnet me American ships. Thelf reaaoD for mis bcUrf Is that me Bpanlah
fleet U very inferior to the American
toree under Admiral Dewey, The de
partment Is satisfied that the Spanish
fleet will not go to battle on the high
...fleas with Admiral Dewey, but win ramain In port to secure me protM-tton of
me batteries
. .
s not expecUas an
engsc'-ment for about two days With
out Kiving any explanation Ml- setting
thU time me department allows It to be
Burnibi-d mm me rstJloate Is based on
lu ktiowi.-dge SF Admiral Dewey's
There Is no certainly
that tberr will bean engagement at all
In Ihe imni-dlate future, tbe main pnrpooe of the Ainerban expedlUon being
to aeUc and hold some suitable Sranlah
tevrilory Ic th<- I’hilippines as a baas of
operauons In Asiatic asters, ft la pu*•tble that this ran be dune wltbout at
tacking the other fleet at all. by aelxtag
a auliablc port at some adjacent IMand
wimout forUflcaiions. the syiiipatblss
e Inhabitant
e toward* UN
Tbe very fact that the Madrid offlclste
' have ratber oaientailously declared
that the Bpanlah fleet bas aalled tu
bosnbard the cities on the North Amertean coast I* taken as a certain Indirattoa at the uvy depanmeot of me utI Spanish
agclsls would be me very last to make
their purpose poblJc. It was Isarned
ysoterday that ths torpedo boat Cu*Ing I* on bar way north from me block>f Admiral Bac .
. in order mat repairs may
raad* to her surbeard engine, which U
wieofced as ^ result. It Is nid. of an
atumpt to ibow off her f^goalities
by Naval CadM Boyd; who was temporarity in chaiga of h*r. Tha repairs. It
Is expected, will take about a month,
and will protwhly ds dons' at the Norflplk aavy yard.
I Siwln Is more pro
nounced than that of any
try of Kurope. It Is not doubted, how
ever. Ibal Austria will aasumr a neutral
altitude sooner or later.
The delay of Oermeny Is felt to be due
solely to Orrmany consulilDg her own
eommerrlal Interests l>efore shaping the
exact terms of bdr neutrality proc,aniatlon.^From the first Germany and
Great Britain have opposed the right
of search as delrlmeatkl to Bnilsb and
German commerce.
Thus far Spain has apnouaecd a much
more radlcfll doctHne than the Dnlted
Suies on this matter. The Spanish or
der published In the oAcIsl gasette
last Monday announced the purpose of
exercising the right of search of aU
merchant ships on (he high eeaa The
president's proclamation Qusllfled (be
Hghi of search by aaytog that It “Is
to be exercised with strict regard to the
right of neutrals: and the voyages of
mail steamers are not to be Interfered
with except on the clearest greund of
It U (
. -
rlghtsTtif Spain. This altitude of the
prelates will cause a sensation through
out the cuuntr). yreatly Irrltailng the
Carllsts. I.asi night Madrid was ahsulutety unmoved. The lapiore of the
American bark Saranac ty a 6i«nlsh
gunboat ne«r Manila caused a momen
tary excitement.
The low n’s expectant of the .result of
the action likely to occur off ihe Philip- |
pinfsand awaits the outcome with per- '
feet confidini i'. This (onfidcoce In the
The rspers inilitely .chaff
the Amiriians on ' their want of dash
in cai-tiirlng only Vlshlng boats and
.wean irami.a ” One Journal sayr; ’XJ
Uorro’s signal guns were tnlaiakeo on
. of- i
hDBtd the American
of Bl Mor- j
ro 'know that Ihe squadnm ha* kepi i
well oui.vf range and iv.ey wish It,
u-nnldn't " There Is a Strong expectsUun of European complhaihm* an
Incrvaslng di-uli| In the "umutned neu- I
iralliy of KngHnd."
The ship, now In Ihe harbor at Cadla :
Inclode that cru'.aer Viiior a and thclorpedo U.W1 destroyer* l-rcwcrplne and;
English engineer* have been :
engatrd at high waxes to stiffen the i
Columbia and the Norril^r^rwpd to i
mount the guns. The alekl ysehuGIr- ]
Bids ha* not yel been armed. Other '
Teasels thcra lariude th '
-----Halvon Genma and Onof coal for the fleet. Jud|
> short, as all that
orka. tk
Ih* Irana-Atlantic company
aupplles of native coaL News
comes from Huelva, capital of me pro
vince of the same name, that John R.
CaUln. the American consul there, who
to a BriUah tubjeict. has resigned. The
people tri(d to seise the Ainvriran flag
and et
Strlngfleld. Ills.. April «S.—Special
^ns were pouring In all yesterday
morning from vaiious parts of theatate,
and all of me eeven rcgtmenls except
one or two companies are now at Camp
Tanner. The fatillllet for taking care
Of them are cot completed. The troops
were lying around 'on the grass, await
ing dinner with-little ahow of getting
It. until late Ic the aftertivcm. The Gat
ling gun SPcUun. of Sprlngfleld, not In
cluded In Ihe pri-sldent's call, went Into
camp under the special orders of Goveriior Tanner and General Reece. Last
night linnuts bad an army of young
men. anxious fur the conflict, camped
on the fair grounda here.
ponies A. n. <
regiment, will
citj today. Companies
A, B. C. D and >, gf the pouth regi
ment. will be Joined to the First reglmenl.
■Best Superinr. WIs.. April Zt.—Com
pany 1 received orders last night tobold
Kaeif in radlness to move at once, and
In'roBSeiUtenoe It met In the armory al
*:» o'ch«-k this morning It leaves for
Milwaukee al B-.ZD p.m. The company
te-u has a full quota having taken a
large number'of recruits.
Des Molnca. la., April Zk-FIftees
thousand perple lined Ihe streeta of the
bualnem segllue of Dea Molnea at noon
yeaierday to watch tbe parade of the
entire population of Camp McKinley,
where the Iowa troops are moblltxM
awalilttg orders
for active service.
Plaff* and bunting In great profuBon
were flung to Ihe breete from every
Omaha. April S. — Omaha peopla
turned out In full force yesterday after
noon to aaslat the Omaha guardi and
Thurston riflea on thHr wray to tbe
smi'r rendra\-ous_at Lincoln.
Dsslraeui ^eavs Is Mot Mss*a
London. April ZL—The eorraapoodtat
of The Daily Telegraph at QUbraJtar
talegraphlng yesterday, aaya: "I bava
after raoMpto
laturflad'to Algactaaa
at_______ ______
kladBtf.nunon ara eazrant aafl tb*
BH(Br cral*H Cbarybdla Is audflwly
laavlag taBlgbt.’
KaiMpC ken it a i.ui. CWIlaB Plant 1^- ^ |
saga a (■-•I- la Ik- OsMad.
Pants Crut, rwi.. April r*.~ll Is new
krewn that eleven p-reor.swcrekl'led In
the exph.sl.-c ai the Pania Crux iKiwder
works. All that nir.uins to tell of the
gun vo
and a I
the revenue should t-e raised.
The section providing for SMO.OOO.Odl'
of bonds liecame Ihe target of tbe Demnaltoy.
an income tax which would raise tlOO.(n.OOO a year. Ihr rc-lnagv of (hr
•eigtiloragr and the Issue of IH.OOO.OM
of legal tender note* ms sn allernallvs
proposition. Other Dem<,crats support
ed Halley and th* debate was continurd St night
ninrley and other Rcpubllraoa opposed the proposition.
DolUver of Iowa. In by far the most
notable speych of the day. asralled the
poaltlun of the opposition in the early
portion of bis speech, bat its partisan
flavur disappeared toward tbe close and
he aroused the bouse and galleries to
cheers, as with eloquent word* hitouched the high, unsoltlsh'cause of hu
manity In which the I'nited State* bad
drawn the tword and then melted hli
audience to tears as hr referred tn il
Mowing up of the Maine snd tbe nr
we would rear as
monument to gusrJ the memory of the
L-aele kw “Psyw ihe r»w.eht.»
Wsshirgiun. April Z<>.- The war
partment ha* Issued Ihe following
cular hearing on the eipeneea incurr*!
ty the volunteer tro«.i>* lelmeen the
time of their ••nrollmeni and their mus
ter In tbe servtoe of the Dnited Jttaiea.
It is In anssrer to many Inquiries (bat
have been made on the subject by the
state oflirlals: "All absMuiely neceaaary.expense* for thesuhslstence.trans
portation. sheltering and general main
tenance of the volunteers during me
Interval between their enrollment (enlistmeni) and their muster (or being
sworn) Into tbe service of tb* TInited
Stales: also sll Incidental expenses can
tering offleera will be met fay tb* g
ernment of tbe United States."
New Tork. ^pri?^-A special to Tbe
-evening World from Colon, nys: Tba
auamship AllUnca. from New Tork.
arrived here safely. She raporta that
on Sunday last when Ha bOm off Capa
Mays!, a Bpanlah gunboat headed to-
Block llcrelved Three Tiaiea a
Fletcher's Ofster Depot and Restaureat
revvaaal Metwa
Maitoon. Ilia. April A.—In tbe Mattoon city court Judge Hughe* gave ac
Importaat decision ixiative to ma litiga
tion In which the Covenant Mutual In
surance company, of Galesburg,
pra'sent involved. The suit of the
bera of the order In ihl* city sgalnst
the company yva* dismissed, Judge
Hughes bolding that tbe attorney i
eral la the proper person to bring
after an examination and eomplalat by
me suiwrlniendent of Insurance.
----- IN—^ .
Tklak* Ik* PV<te> Ara All flight.
Key West.. Fla., AprH Z*. - Dnlted
Btates District Attorney StiipUng aald
last night that In bisopinlon meSpastah
vessels already --apturvd
under the protection of Pr-*ideot McHe aald
Instion of the Bpaslsh c
d been ts^
on BB If no proclaoUUoi
Baby Xdflbt OUb Kaatiafl.
Tbe Knby Light Club ib*t with Mn.
chine mined coal. The settlement close
ly full.-wed the Cblcagn agreement. It
the Panville district SO cents a Ion all
Iw iiald for machine mined coal. 10 cents
leas lhan picked trJoed cusL .
A. W.
ra. ba:. rukL
Chicago. April a.-FolU,wlBg
league scores on (he dlamuad yester
day: At rinclnnatl—Chicago t. Cincin
nati 5: at Waablnglr-n—New Tork »
Washington *: at Halllmorv—Hr—-klyn
7. BaUlmore-4: at Phlladel|ihla—lUtston
(. Phlladei Iphia I: at LouUvIlle—CTrveUnd I. Louisville*, at Bl 1a>uis—PKia
burg », St lAiult J. (second gam -)Pitta
burg 11. Sl Louis :
Weetern Ijwgur: At Indianapolis—
Milwaukee I. Ind
> City »; 1
and how ta nac it. *oae ealnable form-
Peak last evenlag with a goad
“It." the club paper,
mad by eae of tbe edltere.
Untawersaaarttcleoa'beoDlde paper
ule* aad th* dub alphabet.
Tb* next
meeting will be held at the home of
the MHae* Burd. notioe of which will
be giran later.
wmiara C. Slawan of thl* city ha*
bees rnmtad an lacreaaa of peaaioa
to lit a moatb.
al^Mihara'ap^^eVVivn iTtbe inand May. tll.lt.
vaaUfaUoa and treatment of Chreaie
and Private Diiaaaea. and the fact that
they rafnae to prea^b* far aay dieeaa*
ostolde af tbeir *0*014111** aad aak
OHly UMse to visit them who bava fallad to gat reUef froat tbatr faBU.T flbyalclan. eaUtlaa tbea ta tbe anafldeaee
My wifa baa tmad Cbamb
of tb* afiletad.
Balm for rbematlain with
rafldy tbraag tbalr Briva
I CM racamtoabd It ai
sack visit, flbd avary bval
onaahbld m for which tea havafoaad
t v^nabla.—W. J. CcriAfl. Bad Ckaak.
Bapids. April ta—Wbaat.
BaeMe Bfltba-U yom______________
rfaauiiatkHB. parwlysia. aay farm of
•alflifl, ar akla troaU** of wbflt-
Bicycle Riders.
Dbar that I do all kind* of rairing
r. and tkai I Aaa
d do give you the beet work of mar
e in tbe city for th* money.
ne deceived by what otbara mil you to
the eoBtrary. bat ooiae and *e* for
I guarantee all my work to ha right,
and if it doea not prove to I maka -lt
Step in tUI 8 e'eloek every evaaiflg,
except Sunday, in the Cbldwell A Lon
don building, at DorU and of Caian
Obloago XarfcaL
(Jblaagw April
ll.ZtJi: Jaly. »SSe: Septamb
W* wish affain to call lb* atteaUep Da earn her. 81)««9*IKe.
(rf anr raadera to tbe return vitii of the
(Wu—AprU. »4e; Hay. Ziei July,
On-RN. A Ca.
Pbyeieiaa* who have SdHci Beptaaber, UHigciShe.
alraadyj^eqorae an well aad^avoe^y
Oatfl-AprU, t$He= May. SOHe; July.
Invalids Sbonid Bemember tb* Daw
wlU aaflvlbee tb* ■
(Mrlw i* ofla of tba laadiag Mar>
hMti of thk viUaga ami om* of tbe
Traeara* Otty Baffcnt.
Below l* n li*t of the buying aad aeDty tor graoMica,
11 M
•at'tta BahTb Plotat* Vzaa.
obfl. Tb, April
1 Lfle baa Inm
:iA DestroctiTe Agent of Dnteld Possibilities.
fw nebmena. WU.. April Zk—I
Ircd thousand feet of lamber tn
yard ct the Willow River Uunber «
pany waa barapd yesterday. Tba
U fully la*utT» _____________
Weak '
kOc per quart
Staadarda, SOc par quart
Bolld Meats.
Waal W. A. Lem Ptskarud,
ly aoflfldaatiaL
213 Front St.
Heea «*M PUyiag a Osm*
New Tork, April 'zt—fi ' traaaplras
that the -mnesa " and "death" of Steve
Brodle In me west while on a tour
about a month ago were adjusted to
meet certain exigencies tn the procuramem of evidence for a divorce suit,
which be has pending In tbe suprsme
court against his wife. Oenrude. He
eaused ibe Uls* announcement of bli
deatb to be sent out and then hurried
east. He and detectives went to Jersey
where t:
Pmdte t
at Taylor-e hotel on March n and M
as "P. P. Boyle snd wife."
Lansing. Mich., April ZS.—Judge W.
E. IVinton and James Clark, of Ithaca,
members of the bar of Gratiot county,
Wasblngion. April K.—The general
have Died charges srlih tbe snpi
debate upon the measure framed by the court s* a basl* for a petition to dU~.. ,
wars and mean* committee to meet the i W.
w A.
x. LeeL The peiltlonen
charge that I
extraurdinan expenditures of the war { Leet
Leei bas l>een guilty of gn«s fraud. |
Spsln opened In (be house yesier- - deceit, mali-ractlce, crimes and mlsdeconduct
day. It will continue mrougn today a
attornry and solicitor. Lect has t
loroorrow at < p m. the lole ■
nomlnatecl for the Ithaca posiufTIte.
taken- There was • aiogular a
IRM he was a candidate for the Repubof that parilaan rancor «hich I
llrsn numination for attorney general
and In IIM fur cunxreaa
the m-cesslly wblrh
alely raising hundred*
proeviule ihe
but the cppualnx
held clssh-d al Ih-
| 'LllO
the explotl
costa, who had
easc. dirojavl dead at hU hotne aa a rcsuit of^ihe ahoek.
it Is ihourhi that a young mannamed
Miller «aa killed, aa hi* horse, with Both
eyes blown out. »aa found where be
left m* animal. There were iwo omen
of the name of MlUer who were In me
list of killed. Th* U>dlc* of those killed.
with Ihe exception of Ollleran.
rccognlsablo, bsvtag been frightfully
H. C. Cuiidr. who was
thought to have e*eai>ed. la now found
to be among the dead.
raa Hea Aegas
Wew Terh Mrs Will B<-lp Hake Ike IUw4
Iwwe a PepDlar IsMS.
New Tork. April Zk^ecretary Gage
was here yeaierday and bad a confer
ence with flnatwirts. After the confer
ence Se aald he thought It wiar, while
in this cuy, to hrar what the leading
ftnam iers might have u jay concerning
me praaent condltlon/bf things and the
outlook. He was alao dealrvua. he aald.
of getting Iheir views on the ilnancial
meatutva n.-w before congreaa. "AU the
genUemen pr^nt at ihi conference.’'
eontJnued Gage, ’exptesaed a kindly mlercal In ll.e pi>pular features of
oontemplatrd treasures, and ao fai
.was necessary and proper offered their
«o-operatlOB In making me bond iraue
a popular loan."
The money atitnceocy was inctdenuily dlscoased. according to Gags, and
nothing definite was decided on in tbe
(Utter Of placing -otir bond* in Zb* I
rhpaan marketa. It was admiltsd
lOf mcflnancler* tboaChl
of Interest on tbe new bonds
t to be lea* than II* per
I ought
of them, he said, were
fled wim a Z par oent. bond. <>>Ddltlons
were favorable. In Gag*'* optnloii. for a
tZM.im.m laaae. and thcra was UttI*
Ukellhiod that tb* amount would axeead that aum.
■Q uTAnog vfltn Kxrt fau.
«B WaM TID tbs May Bsaaaa Hm Baflad
■ ill itasBI^MCaba.
Washtnrnn. AprB H—In th* war fls-
WID hsk t> the QWM ■igsiil
CisdaspBi ta Her havy.
Madrid. April aif—Aa a couMarpolM
to the growing sympathy toward the
Carllau among the psopis sines Doa
Carlos ralssd a vlgbroui war acts
agalnMjthe blnltsd Siatos. lbs Bpaslsh
cardinals and .prelatw are now aasam*
bllng hers U> nail the duapa regent col
lectively, declaring their adhealoa to
and suppon of the reigninc dynasty.
They wtU rndeavor to conviooe the peo
ple that the queen regent has never a6voceded.,peace at any price, but uSarougply parilclpaies
MaikbflM RIk.
•raflfl BapMfl Bwald «ff 1
daUvsfod te lOg pw walk.
atraata. wU bflva i
a23irsi£ii-'*‘ t£T‘
... T'""""
' ■
ypMfgg ngOBD,
Commandtr" Not Fer^tten
in tho Hurry of Propara*
tion for War.
Tb« radlBRorc
IlnRote M;le of dreaa li
, walkJas
1 worn (or aprioK
tumw. and
d a (all (roDt
(roat in
io (be walat.
••■Bfat dowD wUb • bell. U one erf tbe
i 8&ID “LET tm Hm mOE.”
acbee of white ntin ribbon an
■B with pale gnr and liphl fawn
— •—
TIm «apln Hrtolw *«ll oomb, wt ta
Mowtb«kBM«( balraitbebiHk.toa
The end* an out rooad and
Ba Baa tka Kaamy'i
■»<>>« •»( of laoe, paint.
^ I poaibly. U yon can aflend it
Uek*4. Vm WMt t> ■
APBU. 88. 1886
A ^anlah peaeu le Bow.eqolvaleat
(o aboat U emu la «elA
The elrbi-boor rale baa been lntr»>
duced laieljr tn (be Rusalan poatal aervtce.
i amaolloe
MgrpiiMO( Iw^UkaSttTnd!
( Nonb AraericB, wan be
Tbe aradnal OKtamiaatica o( onr na>
tiea (oreal treae abonld lead na to tafc«
•one fntareat In taaklaa «ood. k far ai
wecan.tblawboleaal«eUa8btat. Than
are manr lama In all aectlona of tbU
oonntry wbm imall groTee (rf treea to-
Evftr Burned OvtT
If ao yon know
the value of
A Touait Woman's Kristian aasocis- ,. ,__ . __
, -____ .
tIon in Wisconsin “*• opened a school
tlCB *0 tbe natiee (oteat tn-es tbm are
(or little caab glHs.
varieties of Mt trees which wonld
Aldsrmsn John Poaera and Aldarman ;
*» »»»• localities Indiualvd. and
William J, O'Brien, of rhirago. have Is acOTify OB the Jocreuae. ^and tba be in time a aonroa of pmllt as well
been Indicted asain for keeplax a poolIn luauy asetiuoa of tbe conntry maple
e pliinted with pmflt.
£x-8e^or Baa-yer of Oshknsh. WIs., hand,
has ittvaD aixui MO.uuo In ttlfls-tu Law ,
By an anlbentio
' more iban
^^n. ^ntversuy In the pas.
r-nd^d w-il?7r^o~
wurrburs Btock.
; &o(t1at
I6ih streot. west? Avbrydo-
! Ij paymenu.
Lot Ukeo is cxchangu.
Also gmtd bouse and so feel lot. Oak
Park, Waafaiagton straet-
Dr. Higgins,
BUSISKSS i .hK/j.s
1- .■» i;».
em district of Miehlgan.>nd VVrnlam log. diriniiri.a. uud soothr.iyii «t>. Gordon, to be attornej 'fcjr-lSe aa«l- ;
In Eutui-e. tbuogb it IS
era district of Mbhigati
j snpposi-d t jh; Ihty
______________________ '
I the pariah. • I clelli-allon. dn .on fiv:n
I pUco to pU
Ltll.ekata.r. Dignity.
| wsentmeil
Tvtvaras City. BUk
Well, Now!
near Roger* aty. Mlrh, on a small guitcs lb.« are few gypeH-e lor tbe
farm, has dlaap^rs^ed from tls hume. .
pirbans that ll..y m.«t with
John R. Santo,
General Inseraece.
The oeerskirt m ibe form of a tnnlo
Is bete aiiatu It (alls to ibvcdpe ol tbe
*ha I>ar »«Jy c
1 at Kaw Vara skirt io.fraot and rounds up a little at
hack, apron (sahinu, famos oo either
It la said that.Cbtraen capitalists are ’ Hom of^*Ua»‘^v”os anoiuemti^
9 of tbe (alloeas In tbe onde
Oalena. nia.. ApHI ft-Cblcacn united aide
icon.lderm,»he erection nr . building
arhb Catena In maklns Ibe annua: celeBlaek latfoui silk gos
krallon ot Uie birthday o( Grant Lbc resented _ ..
.....O... O. i ..o...ro Cnllaeum.
r„.I^ „'t. I'lol«>ch » STovi-fnr shade
msdo very i
Mrs, Augusta Bmlth. ot Ctdcago. aft* *bOle ol borope nswrly tbrM-qnartoa
bruaks sod fo»
CBMt memorable o( (he aeries, aendlna Prench model
!«• insertl^icr giHevlns R.ur yearn oveT^ bus* ; of ainilhtmof
«be figuim 1*hr special upwards Of IM of bar best drtimy
lUsing ludiaiure and i
InrlwdlKf many former Galen* •bowing tbe colorud liuuig ttaroasb iU band's death, oommiitii autclde by lak* | Ing : Ureal BriUin, SS.OOO: bpain, -40.- !
I >»S tarbollc add.
| 000; Buaala. *:..000; Germany. 4S.000. '
Una of note.
President Fish, of 4he „«haa
A.rier aakiDE hia two daughlem to ! and Austria, Turkey and
> Ualkan
'nIIUdoU CemraL b^ougbt a private car
Hiriee which is SO aero* nr more in exleave the room Ulchael Geary,
‘ ‘
'| toautriua,
K. a laborHOO.OOU «ueb. Gypsies, who
«th tbe orator. Jud«e Sp.-er; Ura.
tent, and the gmnud ocenpied will nev
stitcbedoh VI-SI t'hl.-aco, placed a r.-v..lver
ver to his ^ known as Zingari io luly. Uitanoa „ ^
rvalue Gram Bartons, her children, and
b. «!»... sucb
lb u,.puand made with a gninipe of finoly tuck . left bteaat and killed hit
In bpain, Zigneuur in GcrmaBy, Origan*
a party of aoulhem BenUemcn trtends. ed white
hue bilUte will be very moefa :
a lumberman
named Johnson lost
tnie woolil be (A minicieot benefit to tbe
yok in Hungary, Togani in hlavio
wor^or lurking dress taben (be warm tuih legs In an si ciiIhii on a logging
pay for e. iung it out. even U
days dime.
e poMible.
r treatment.
i-------------------- -------- ----------- - — —
White serge gowns are made very
at Abscoia Mlcb.
Asiatb: oneit), thoogb
•trikiug with aUHUceol tafleia in some [
. W Pawaia
w p
the prise by suck- "PT|b>s
V* sekn .vr^edgiil to
blight colur, laid in iiu.v box plans j
•s in ten ininuies. be a .-i.rrujiiion - I ibe wt«i. ypliaus.
from neck to belt. Tbe sJi«>ci*» and a
e could make i
llfty « ir and in
.. g.vp-y
-allwi an
Attorneys at Law.
wide collar are jif serge, and tbe skirts
>lgypiiau. as Tenders u( ;bw "Little
are qaiie plum .
James McNeill, aged SS. who lives Ulnislur" art awam In thii Cuited oeteealn BoelacueBlora. Trareraemr.Bira.
It Is (be Btiililnon of the Woman wbo
would be fasbioiiaUu this si-jwii to Ui
slander, su all lurfgnmieuie an’luetiitmed to lurther bi'i efl-ns >u ihi. di’miKiun. Slevrea are aiiiail. and tbe tight
j filtiag thidice IS coining in again as a
ipropor accumpanimeut lor ibesJieatbI like aklrt
s. Speelal at- .
j tbo new abeatb
urer tHe hipt. IS plain down iba trout.
Over et tbo EbbitI Ilunse, in Wash-: many of tbe gypsies are pennanemly ,
; witb a narrow mffle at (be butiom and
la fiaialnd w^ deep foil rufUea at tbe ingtou. is tbe deposod l^mi Lilino- located In towns of -thedr own, main-;
Tla-ni is a plilfnl tainlog stable administration and prtw-1 coosty
back, drawn together Bitb a ribbon ran kalsnl and her suit
In at the head to give tbe plain effect in attempt at keepiug np royal slate with poring to a oansldenbleysgtent. This is !
a thin
(gneeu Lil no longer especially tree 1b (be distrioU i
tense Interest exhibited in the exercises (roaL—New Vurk bnn.
ilo pockuibouk.
I TTODOB a OOVBLU Alloraeys aud eoassel.
loes at law OOees. CUy Opera Bouas BIS.
In Turner hall The address ..f Judge
any staW rerenaes to fall back np- i near the lower Danube, and the gypsy I
Speer awoke the gr>-atesi enthusiasm,
but tbe cannot bring benielf to live popuUlitm of Transylvania, in Ban“ taw. -Bpsetsa
and was pconoum-ed '-n sJi sides a most
after tbe manner of plain kin. Doteinia garr. is not
masl-rly effort, worthy of the time and
Vltalisad Air admialAlerad (orabafo
Hbe hat the suit oempied by ITesldeD* Intloeiittal.
Hungarian gypBos have: ,rwiiia o Tnnwi.
late palalsaa extraction of toath.
McKinley at the lime of taU Inangnra- long been known everywhere on ac-|^ Uioo A Mliliiira »o£^rmTsnsatr.
Assd srbo^i Tamper TWIkm.
Anttdolar, far extraeban of taeiM '
-------- and 1
tbe timesbespends lai eunnl
of' tbeirspprucistinnof
muiio and
MorFA'rT..4bsur«« ,g TtWs. Baal witboBt p^ ooed. Lataat abd moae.
The prefM-mv ot Bra. Bartorls and hef
Ha.children caused a demimsiralli'n. Df.
aatUfaetdHT praparaUaa yet aaad ler
b i | KraruB
At lines sbe cornea to dinner in tbe
Statw fn,n,
from Hi.iu
tlnu. rv.
to tin.n
time anyl
and —-i«l.
Joalah W. Aniuld, the last school teach Wayne meeting aggregate fSS.OOO.
Tbe old gray paeer Guy. kd)6^. U ; public dining room and aiu at tbe bead ally good sucoraa
Tbe aptitude ol gyp j-T s. THOKPROll. B. D
er Grant had before gotng to West
Point, was i-resent and made a few re being Dwd ce tbe road abont Boboken. | of one of tbe-loog lablen. surrounded bj dee in acquiring know ledge of masia i
marks appropriate lo the occsslor--The N. J.
. I her duiky coart. cm tbeoe oooasinni tbe has alwa.v. been marked, and k>ana;
celebration conclu<
Ban Praneltce has a riding olub orfi
** Litat has Une testimony lotbiiqnala public reception, iiartlcliai'
tu memhwrs. many ol Whom ate trot- '
tbedoor and remain standing Uy by aaying:
residents of the city and guests
' until she
ukeo her seat.
aeat. When ibk,
"ludiffumit to tbe minute and omi. - ^ 7T V ~ :''~,'~r.~Tr "
ting bred horses
has wken
- -7
abroad. Patrlulic apeecbe* were
rise again and keep plicated paasioni by wtatcb edneated .
AdbelL J JS charanKm vmrIiB* <rf ^ bas dined, tbey *’■*
Adbe L 1 .M Champ cm ywling of |
i^kind iVnrsred. rallou. to tbe cant-:»««
oiir ifoifoa. Ip aflsai rob. m, u
• *“*
mior^cople! It
f onr-wesurasay
------------------- ----rraat
rectml^sTelr "
[^lissppiar tbrongb
tbrongb tbe
(be door
door Uno.
(Jnoe in
in Ing.
le spedal from that city. Many gueuts
I awhile sbe liugers-rn tbe parlor after and superenlturvd vioce as vanity, am-' -V •T'‘**■*-■ ■*!!**- uhoot 1,000maret have | ditmet. and then tbe goests of tbo hotel bitioo. iuirigue and avarice, tbe gypsy
mre. m*-ai
remained over, nailing mends In
been exported from this oouniry siooe have a cban« at royalty in full view, only c^prebends tbe eiinplost leqnirt-1 G'*JS.'J?
tbe id of Jmiaaiy.
j ta, lady >u waitlug Baod. snbmisdv*.; mils ofT primiuve nature. Masio, :
»■*■. h. acwpLit wr.
Dinetnm. SKUI^. is BgalnatbUold 'ly back of her unstress'dbair and never dAnclng. drinking and love, diversified Ipixi "
unenear DnblinTcil.^ will make «ldre-es the que«. nolere B>. is flret by a Slldisb and humentm. delight in '
Away by il.e War.
(be season of 1898 at Amador noeb.
' spoken tu. Usoslly (be cvenlug pa<«e4 petty tbieviog and cbeating. oaoetliate
Pittsburg, April Jk—The annua] ban
Piloteer, 2;S«)!4, by Pilot Medinin. I vrilbuut a word on cither sidi. and then bis whole rv|wrtory of pasriona beyood Gt
quet of the Ameiicus Republb-an club
ill soon be addi-d to tbe list, docked, i
take* its way to the royal wboer limited faurixon be does not oare. eisw nrsn. s«»t«
Bead Oil,
Id hunoi of Grant's birthday pK.k place
>A 0,f,r •/> PnoUnH
. h,oh
' anarttoi UI>
to look.''
‘I V*OR PALE-liouar
Iasi night at (lie Uonongahela House.
Tbe qut-en hssbneoTi (hcEtbitt ever
Tbe gypsies of England are fooDd'A «i
Bard Palmer'e stable Is ctrong in i
• Covets were laid for soe. and among the
-as 1. Van Hrslac. SB aosik
duce cougrvss coaveued. hot so Rldom cbietly in (he northcru c
prominent sruests were Representallves
LandU. of Indiana, and Broa-nwell, of
.Ohio: Lieulenanl Governor Jones, of
toKrs. C.B. Rora. «l> W.fth Sr.
lem. ...
Ohio, and I
3 advertlai
Colic. Cholera and Diar- ^I1.X8 AND HAWYKR WAN
following esi>evit-d guests
-'A word la the wise it sufficient" andI j rbica Remedy la the Worceaxer Bater- piT MT?Wbh*. 1^‘l'iyVea
Ing; Captain SlgiUwe. a..
ttl.r. «bleb leads
end Eipilt i lidiiu R. I
A., ...
s B c.. ,»H.
17,rp;:,‘:r,. ir
Iissat "jiii
... :!!!1^:::
Maine. Who baJ br.-n gRrn jH-rmhodon larrival. Onr Boy.
to come buf whu was ordered bark lo (
Lowland Chief, tbe ^glitb sulllon.
Philadelphia; Renaiore Hann^ «u*y. i became eo savage (bat bis owner. Lord exprricBca of ti
he I A
"'ll br glwB (or ihr mete of s
t: Repre
'■e taken tor knowledge
1. bad bim shut recent];
. W. M-. mure (ban ona or two doaas to cure the
Qulgg of
.( New tork.
i. And Ws
— I the eoreer ol Troel sod Perk street Or •
Stetchlord stud. He wni foaled in 18T8 j Terry eays ChaBberlnin's Cough Rem-, _
. case with myaelf or
u. ehildi
tell and W. A. Pinne. >.f Pemir) u ania.
— ..
* ----Oulng
to the d-«tru.iin«
i.„ J.,-vsr of
“ number of boraes
br market. He has bren
tbe decirailon*. ai (hi- dinner ihte >-rsr i America
jimj, kosii
A raw OOOD loo MBN warned Trereiee
Lecal brsooS wata arrivso at lOBP a. B
husineas at Elblon. Ey .
A Cii) lAimlwrCo. JU «f
only floral dey-'rail-ms were used, "nie ,
Palbw Bill Daly bos invefted $80,- Itwel'
Ive year*; b^>. sold hundreds of botSleotric Baths. Turkish, nussieu.
»»«•*----------- , wv u.
,c« . ,.Mu.«a. .u .
of this reiuedy aod oeai ly all other Roman, healing, soothing, medicated,
o!’ '
WlncbLWtor pika , iJeufk
.ugh mrdicli.ee mai.ufactured.
manufaclured, which i perfumed and loguHoir.
logurioDs, _
Ud^erpeln^iv.nra Is.
i «»*"»■ Dexiogtoo. Ky. Tbe (arm ooouios ' “>awe ooaclusl.aly that Cbamberlalc's! .ulte of rooma NV IP Markham Block . ipwo NgW H8N hsrrhreaeu
the toasis
toAsis wer
were- - GreTT- ^HH.'*»<5
J^-hn E Maddco will i» the moat satlsfaclery to tbe people. | where ladlee will recfive'delieau andI A sher Ibe work lo my Morels..,__ ____ ,.
d tbe
'-hsrtrs ^ ^ ^
aad U the beet. For aale by S. E. Wall, j eonelderaie altenli17^v l«lr <*P«ator.-. Jl you v'ei roar-wheel pel to Ibecrragh order
rrw»osMr prior eall os we. *-----— B Landis; "Th.- Ki
To tak* #gse> asBtey. Jbbs to. Uer,
! and men and boye by inale operatoe.
DotdBSorth Block, eoaih I'sloo s
I Parly ' Jsc.i, H. Drown- |
Al^Bgo<eloeka m.
-A Iteunlio.1 Nation.'' P. J. j
TTT,9KT*n-Cook (or to* rafUsg
W cny Laieber Co W-ll
Bhryock: •tihl.. and fVnnaylvanla" |
Aasbcl W- Jom-e
Tbow 4j. Seabruoke has retnrned !
trom England.
Biles Iru^t^wlMwVBUw'fncs'^^^H
sillea troB rsllrosd; «0 srrvs wll iBprorrU.
.Mnia Uodietknwlll ^wnd tbesnni.
Uou] (esee sod orrksrj. sod new dwelllss
mvr in Earnpe.
IS>N iDqulrr of S' c Wetrr. Hsareioas.
Mlrh. ne gx*
New Tork. April a.—The seventy'M'buuauougp''Is tbe title of U
w w*Kj1i"’Va
iuisns ut loimismi li
boo b
sixth amiii.-raary of the lilrihday
J, (.:v«ur's Unw plsy
l i,.-.... n™.,
s.,,»„.b-„ u» ..ra. ol.
Iasi mctii «.tli a han.iuet at the tVal* .
ivuiis Collier
durf-AM.irlA »ndet the auspii.rs of Ih. ,
Willie Collier
Grant M.inuTircit SOS K-iath.n. The hsnPul Plancun is studying German to
h-ld In th<- grand lisit room, 'aiug in VTagaifiau upetma
whKh e.1- f. at.«ned with Amertcan
-The ABC Ctrl" is the latest thing
flags » h..e hsnke,] by tw.. Immense m-Btrl " pieces m England,
flags s |i.wtraii ..Mflhneral Grant bur.s i “
over the SB-I.' vahl.
Two hundred'
KstiaBooury is lo star next season
and l-.Mv-e!! guv.is were pn-eeoi. A ' in''Tbo Girl From Ireland."
reee|.ii..n in ihe Asior ertlrry preceded.
Valerie Bergere hss bad an offi
Um- ianuuel. Tbr prtnijpsl speaker
J Dext aesson
whose subjsci
. li-on.i-d Ih-ciions "
Thi ..ther i..ni.ul sddrrsuies' were
"OenrrAl Grant.' i.y ib urkr Cochran.
wbn respond, -! Instead ..f Si-tutoT JuUus
r Voluntsrre." by
Iowa. Elihu R-eit presided
d and a
the apei-lal cu.-mts *rrr .'lerrrtary
Treasuo' I-ymsn J. Gage. ez-Go
Leri P. Muru.ii. General II. nfantln F.
Tracy. Gmeral Grenville H. Dodge.
Charim B. k:aton. William H. Mlrhaa],
General Wesley Merrill and Colonel
Frrd Grant.
Among (hose who ast In the tioxes
iJrtrbohui Tree is to be seen next
>'»*r in "Tbe Tbrea Mnskuteera”
Fanny McIntyre will start next M».
pi,y by Kgol u-—
The Celebrated SpMlalifta.
Krank L. Parley will pnibably ■
''L'Amntat’’ Is tba play by BomaB
Cool 01 In wtaicb Mma iiaiab Bwoboidt
will appmir.
Ti"'' *'"^*a^*’**r*^.?^ Te*
improred city saO
forB pro perl', t'.drrwoc I A raitor. Aiioenrjs, Trorrrae Clly. Mlofa.
W-Kaj 1»^
'pBAIKkO NUUSB-Hlx kstrl
1 Krodasu-of the I'olrorsuy .
Arbor, will resyond to rolls for
>b. s I
Hotel Whiting M'g.rs'if"
•EW9B RgNT-West bsK of By aloro os F
f SUoel.i>SArposU>Bce. g.a MiUor I
FRIDU, iPRIl 29, 1898.
W *^^p«y° PsMsTaa ^rotsrr m»-MAy>r
Ona Day Only Each Month.
Katloa U) Arnhitaeta.
GensaltaUOB ud BzAmuiatlon !^oo and Striotlji
Tbs CoBBIy Court Boos* Bulldla* OosaliMr of .Iraad Trorerse Ooasly U now propoiod
■ • ‘iii.Si.'S'.'astrs.'SSSL'Sssrs.'SJSL's.^^
ime. TbepUasAedspeeiacAttoes
s boDdlac the coal of wUrO bdsi
wnaia the Ameuat apmopnssos. tu : w
*. Piataw. OiMlwm ti the kArs. Broorblus. rbrtale (kswh. (hUu* ltd# Back). be
- ,-w . w.
^ DissMM M UdDsyt sndBIsddsr. eoo. to bsexpsBBsd lagroeslof,
uds. piss
IU»UuBiw).OaBwaJIieHUts,8eR)taM.akls iat.wirlagtorataetriFuchta. rir.. sad m.i
t^sxptadedtogrflUogrraaodi. lor fur
tursuvanW Snursa. «rosnag plaos and spoelfi.
ardyaea tw hnslBsss, aad wllhoat ibs ass «f knite. eaasUe or ligMars. Com
Md apoelflsattoaa Bast br before
thr OoBBitior
or bofwo tS o'clock a. B.
bs aotordar.Aurtlse.ima.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
TCMOBfl AND OAttGBBflaaiadwUbeataeSds. kails, palaersmt. Nsw w<
OTaJUJ^S in cm
m’Sspfosia'aiek^ICBdseha. PUsa, T
Tkna out of army IWAigHMi qwaking paopla have red bate.
In the People'* palaea. in Leodem,
Jk«w Tort. April a —Tbe Evening
Ibera are an Italian oamla and battledilp
ITofld k|wosl from Key Weat eUtea
‘ (rt^ a lamp of oowiaon mk
(hat -the entire roast of Cuba appears,
viewed ftwm the blockadlDg fleet, to »w
A mas* of flames. It Is Impoaalble to tall
Tba tBoat analenl eoin in Bnteptt the
( U btiratiig. la aeire placca tbe ducat, was first straek in tba Biint o(
BBxriw is dSBM.Mack. to other planw VanierW tba year liM. tbeballdlag
- ■■
M MUl to agutanaa
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
Hack, Bqs and Ba^e
yoor ordere and get prompt work.
Mdafarton ruarontaairor »o ebarge.
Leo-va yoar ardn at oflea or eall op
*Phone No. 8.
TTOR HALB-l.uBibi-r. lath '
f TTsrrrse CUy LuBber Co.
Teavebse Crrt, Miob.
OonSdrotUl. - '
Uaaptms tin's
Kale Fonytb baaairivad InAmorfoA
Sbe has rwlded Is Ltmlan dariBg tbe
Bloomlugton.Illa.ApGI &.—Vrspaatan
Waraar, of ClirAon. Uewllt county, eras
nomlaatsd yenterdar for cbngrvaa by
tba BrpuMIcan convention ot tbe ThlrUantb dlatrfol. Warner la the present
was e (or Warner,
8irtllng.-of Blooraaad S
omcul PAPEI
ftnt T«u—No SOS
Bombftrdmest by ■ampMm's Fleet Broncht Death to 160
SpeaUrda, With Ho Damage or Loaa of Life
OB the Americas Side.
LXAJra TovasD
OatioiV April ta-Balto(ad neniu SaeeBt Aetiaa af PorM(al Zadicatea a
Dealt* ta FeTor the Oaaa.
at the Q. A. S. poaia are impatiaat tei
LoadoB, April 3S.—The acUoe of l>orordan to mam to ^ frasb
toaal la praklhlliac tha tfaBuoiatlea
April U.—The hoahard' of dispaichet recardiap war»b<ps baa
eat et ;«atauaa cave atedca a boeet
eaaeed a eeaeatfam aa >e*c^ia( ttet
Another big lot of
Wall Paper just reecived.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Double Roll and up.
Loadea. April la—The power* will
A diepatck from Ltohoe la i*raid ta
laereaae la the taaaape las oa ahip- the deaia] made fa the Penafaime
haate of peare yeaterday (hat Praaldaat
Sieh Prise Oaptored by Mo^dtor Terror, Valued at $400,000 rl««____ __
MeKialey had eaUed spaa PortanI to
New York. April 28.—A Wwld'e die—Spaqiah Ship Ouido Broijt^t to Time by a
•btala the dapartnre of the Spaaieh
paleh laje that depet; laarehaU pul
Solid ShoM In Her Pilot Hooae.
aqaadreo from Ue Capa Verde telaada.
abaard prise ehlpe here.lodted them of
adds: ‘‘Mr. HcElDley'a eetiBeatlea is
«ieortia net Bpuith riMt U tb« PhUippinw Has laid • trap
nadentood to hare threatened that «aWashlartaa. April 28 —A poard fi«m lese the Spaaiards are ordered to Icare.
aqnedtes-^,000 Iroep* VUI Lmt* Tuep* Baadap tn Oaba
Bpaidrit aple. Bald W be Kaaelaf U Wrack Brid,.. aad Deatroy 1^
‘‘“^the l .iud State, will
I Bed Crom s<
I as aa ally of Spain, aad will ti
KUtary Tralea en Theii Way Beuth-Tewder HiU Blows Dp aa^
Vlacesl. Cape Verde Islands.
b«T«2»adt Bxpiariera D
{ April 2S-—AllboQgb the Spanish wiaadOoleari^ardaer Has Arrirad.
army to etarre oet Qan
I ran is sUll bere.dt is beliered the war- Sneetel te Tkz Himmjw Enuso
Washlartoa, AprUin.-Testarday al- abort time.' Moet of the fertiAcations
sbipe Will probably sail tomorraw. aa
DettoU.'' April 28.—Coleael Osrdoer
taiwoa CheUln Sampaoa's fleet bom- of the city are on the tea eoast and .the
the paymaster* hare bean aeUllag up arrirad here tonight from Mobile aad
haided Uatanses. Ue ervUet* New rear, or inland, defeases coetist malaly
aocoBBM today.
reported ta the goreraor. Be rrUl
York and aaeinnaU aad the new m«e- of sand fcrttfleationi and Mrih works.
itor Psritaa belag eagafad la the bomPlymootb. Bag.. AprU fsSc^su^r propably reeeiee hb eemmbeUm as
hardmeat. The throe wardbipe trefl
which hss Jest arrlrcd from t^tin- i mmaader of the Fourth regioMat to-
alghtr^ abets la seeeateen mlaalee.
aile^ag the hattm-y aad dsatroylag the Baportad '
Oonoealad ia a BmaU.Bay Whiek
new tartiflcatlaH at weU as the old
Fleet fCnat Paw.
eaot. Cape Verde Islands, reports itot ’
the Spaabb wanbips there are unable
to get half the ameont of eeal they roqnlra
newa. ria. Loadaa, is that the Spaaish
Datroit Pr*o Piaae ar Tribune de
Bpaabh Ship Onide Oae cf Moot Vallivered for lOe par wash.
. The gaaaers werkad with e wiU sad flaat. aeder Admiral Moetege, is oaaaabb Priasa Tet Taken by
cealad, awatiag far Admiral Dewey's
aty Nerrs Oe.
prarad that they were creek markeTba Ammioana.
Tke thnader of the big
la a small hay which •
Oyer tel te Tea Mossus Rsooss.
be yarned on the way to Manila. The
«aald be beard fot arilea.
Kay West. April U.—The Impertaat
flz«t aaVal battle srUl dMhUeaa he
The' laat shot ef the eaj
ereatof today was the eaptare by the
fenght at thb pedat The poaitloa b
Bred by the moaitar Pnritan.
moaiMc Teinir of the Spanish
A abot from oa.e of her aew 12-laeh adeaatagaans ta the Spaabb nalam Ouido, with a raluable cargo ef eupgnwlaaded aqaarely ia the battery, Admiral Dewey reeelem Ufsrmatba af pllee for the Spanish army at Harana.
She did net beers te when ordereT
^*aaa te. ahaolotely at Captala Phlltppiaee will tarabh the flrst big whlU ia the gulf stream aad the mealSampaca's mercy. The feet is doe te war news, aa Dawey most eaptare eome tor Terror let drtre et her. The shot
earleas taasees. Ftretly, Tbesaperior port for sopplbs ar sail foe Saa Fraa- •battarod the pilot hease aad the boat
lyirlnmsBibtp ef Amerieaa gsaaeta Cisco.
immediately swung into the wind.
.^was eiaarly eeidsDesd is the Maiaasas'
.The Spaaiards aboaM expeeiod to be
noops to otxBA.
hung or drirea oreraoard.
' ahipe have a derided adeaetace orer Pies Thooaaad Will j^ea Tampa torrsd In^ thb port a prise.
Sonday Baoorted by the Taxaa.
tke forts as they form a flxed target.
The OuMo b one ef tae richest prisea
■eclalloTatHoBiisc Ksuum.
■ huiiai. the speedy boeU of oor assy
oaptarad. It b esUmated that with
Washington. AprU 27.—The batUe, are eeaetaatly'ehaagiiig pasiUoas: aad
cargo eke-b wort? *401.000.
ahip Texas starts for Cnba frem Tampa
too. Haeaaa wUl he oaly able ta held
Saadsy, followed by flee theosrad
Oqr H«w
•at a few daya longer, oa aeeoont af
Oaaeral triah Has BeUbUahed BigU
ThalataMmdmaratohald MataaBoles ia damp.
Holley A Oon&Bblo
Bvarybody bay* Flega now. Large BBsortment at
Big lot Raw Pineros Received Today.
every day
that goes by
Being need more and mere. As seen as oae
woman aeea a Naw Idea Pattern ahe talb bar
trieads af iu msnU.
290 Front Street.
The R^t Kinil
Opaetel teTui Xussna BeDona
Tha terpalioaa la the harbor have
blaad Uke, April SA—The day has
AreBaid tad># Plaaalag to Blow Up
baes plehed vp. . The Vesnr^ may
beaa unersaUnl hare. . General Irish
Bndgas and Trains Baariag
aearek the harbor for enhaiariaa mlam.
formed the men U battalion and aoUfled
United Sulea Traepa.
It is.Mw halieeed that U>e Games arscM te IPs Moesna Ostese.
them that mea fsand drunk would he
farem are eleeisg aa Baeana U oc- ’ Atlanta. Oa.. April 28.—Uereraar AtIt heese. Many rbltcn hare beaa
«apy Mataasae as tbalr haaa ef enp- klasoa.hss relbble iaformattoa that
camp, but fariUtim for entertalaiag
plias aad BB thatr arrie^ wUl proclaim Spaabb spiea are planaiag to wreck Uem ara exeaedingly meagr*. The
Mataatas the Cobaa capital.
bridges ead blow up trains hearing mea are impatieetiy awalUag orders.
ft b dwriy wtablbhed npoa thb troops to Key West. The metter b heMAT LXATB TODAY.
Ugheat latomaUM that Preaideat iag closely iBeeeUgatod.
MoKlnley, aa eimaadar la ehiet of
I Await Orders ta
> the Uaited BlatM aasy. gave CbplaU
Move to ■orfblh.
Sampeoa orden te ftre apaa tbs h*t- Of TaUow Ferer Immaaw te U- Veetel teTst Uoanss Kscoss.
tariw ef Mataasaa. U msaiw Us oerade Cuba.
Detroit. April 28.—The aaral rsss
oapatloB of the place at a hasb of sap- a^tel te tbs Koasiso Eareau.
ere etlll awalUag orders They expect
plba St aa early data.
ingtoa. April SS—Preeldeatlto leare ferNor
^Bpaabh reparla to Madrid say that MeKialey and Secretary ef War Alger hare eaUstad rritboot prombee as to IF YOU WANT
the Amerieatu wera aUiged to retara hare derided to robe tea rogimepte of what di^oabionahall be made of them.
after a half haui'a triag and that the yellea ferer immnesa to act with Gen About oae hmndredace to be left beflrst battle was a ^aabh
eral Boeeerelt's oowber regiment la biad aboard the Tantic arriUag arTAKE OURS.
theegh it cost 160 Isyal Bpanbh Uew. Inrading Cob*. Goaeral L>ee will eem- data
In reality, oet a slnBie shat took affeet manA
aa the American resseb.
The object in thU flrst battle b ta
Said te Have Baaa Abused U Leaden
aaaUe e preeerraiion ef the I'aas la
■y Bpria.
Two Mea KQIed and ^any Injured
Marro GasUe aad te keep lataet Baato
London. April SA—The Speabb am-TbeuRbt to be Work ef
Clara and the other tonlfleatiewe'la the
haemApr haring opened a fend here
Spaabb Spiea.
immediate ririnity of BaTeai
Uereaae Ue etrengU ot Ue Spaal
Biwrisl to TSs Honass Bwtefd.
the Cakaa capital b taken it will be
Bsstoa. Pa.. April 21.—Three Urge fleev the matter b regarded as a eerfrom the rear by enr army of eeenpa■powder haosm of the AtlaaUe Plwder lena abase of dlplomatle privUegm aad
tiea. and sritt tke oe-aperallan af OenitaUiag high explaelree for the wUl be brought ap U the heeee «f
eemtor I have a fnU lias of Bley,
aial Gomes aad the lasergeats. Ooi
indriee asd Bepalr*. I alee have
meat, rrare Mown up thb aftary af woUmea to do your work
troops wUl be loaded at Maiaasas.
Two mM are kaerra to kave
HayB WfU Ohaarv; (he Treat
march aa Haeaaaaad fares e earre*.
heaa -kfUad aad a aamhar UJured.
SpaeialteTus Meexms aacoan.
b belbvad It was the week ef Spubh
Washlagtea. AprU 8A-Trouhla wHk
Thb »fTaag*meat srUI suke It poe- spirn.
BayU prombee to be short Used, it
aibte ta-thsMoekadtag fleet to 1ms*
■ot *at af Danger Tat.
at aay tlsse aboald the Bpaabk armada
meet wUl fulfll aU ti
oame u thb aide af the AUaatfe, er epsetel te Txs Keinn Saoemk
Bresieg of aU kinds, tire* TulMkDbad
Newark. April t*.—It b beliered Ue Daited Btatos rp
made aa good as new. The aalv cte
aboald it daratop that CbptaU Sampaon aad hbah^ ace aaaded te pre- that the aty of P
two Spaabb rraiato h
lOohlBaB Traeps Want liiah.
m to real at 118 Calaa
New York.
Detroit. April M.-Ad]nlaa» Oeaenl
Mataaias b aaly thirty milgi ww
MU b thaUoloecdUu etato tonopa'
Ha^aa and u the amriat isaport to
for brigadier geaenaef the MkUgaa
the eapital. It U mnr^Ti* with Ha
WaAlngtoa. April *1.-Tbe batUemaad. Tha.flve r^mMtt I
vana >y a raQfcad. aad wilkU aasy ehip Oregw bitUl a long way from joUad U Mgalag^ patUkm u the praa-
and Cluthing House.
” Wheal Enameled For S2.5B
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front Bt
ld(C dlnnu
maaeaU. Youb truly.
_____________________________________ ~
Jost iReceiied Spring Stjies, Net Designs
Rew aal Pleasing.'
Satlsfacto;| and Sensible.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Frank Friedrich.
The Popnlar Shoe Ronse.
Shirt Waists
and Summer Capes
sET:r.i^rir.‘‘'u’¥ir'" Ov itlM mOk ajm to' itttn Ii nmr nM.
Eiameling ead Deeeraliig
in thn Latest Stiles.
R.L GIBBS. Prop.
ioofafaaaa «< nppUea
baawaters. She has aat yet laft Ueat for hb ^npotntmeah Gove
PlBgTM has added hbpatfUm to tm
XlnlMlI Pities ud Otgus
It Ftetnrj Prices.
Our Shirt Wai^
Are of handsome PerdUes. Imported Gingf^mB and Silks,
and cannot be,«hrpassed in style or fit.-
Shirt Waists bom.................:...;......seoup
OurCapes and Jackets
Are moving at a rapid rate. A double Cape, four rows of
braid, for 58c An extra long double ^pe, 3 ro^s of
f>ratd, nice -cloth, fl.98. A handsome line of dain^
Silk and Chiffon Capes from $1.50 up
We are headquarters tor Wool, Silk and Linen Sldrts.
WhatA VroatitotrBet.
TBX Momma moom). todat.
VQE jiAiiXoiaim ax.AnsB.
FOR ONLY $2.50
OUM 01^ aoMtM, AMplMB Iadl<
TMifki U* Qi^ at; QwMt lAu
flv* • ameart I4 Itaiab^a OraadM*
«MMdy JoAa Lm*. wk*K Aa amaMd dw Ua wapieaa of Ike ladtaa* Aid Som. T. Ba«b axd
W. HAnra*. •PM • etorf. mt ultolM tUadar. alat; of the OoorrafaUoB*! okorek.
of BdaaSoett. wkeal- Laoo P. Tltna will appear la oaiaet
A. W. Ha»»0. tAlVor Mrf IUbiCWlataatkal ke dafaaad bar balk la writIpf a»d b; ward of noath. Laaa waa
lodfad ta }aU aad wUl bava a baariaf
balara Jaalioa Browa tkli BioraiBf.
41? h. —.11
•) a
«ta Um» Amnmi «f
OkMMtar «r Mu •009.
NtatMd U*t
With aaprrior ehUl aad markaauaeblp.
•aeh at baa already'baea damaaatratad.
tka oateame of the aafaffemaat oaad
aat be faarad. aalaaa aa before etoted.
flta Spaatoh aoeeeed la preeiplUtla( a
Tn bombardmeat of U
of Amarteaa fleaam. aad tkto alamaal
•1 aaeal warfare to destlaad to. be aa
Impartaat factor la tka prmaat dlfiealThea far tba Ualtad Stataa baa
had tka beat af Iv aad Amarioaaa bare
•a abUlay f^tk that the aad wiU ekaw
a triempb far JosUea aad bemaa
Tam laat toaea of the Caatral Lake
Tbceh otead the flftk year of- the hlatory of that pebUealiae. aad Ua paper
hwlM lU atotk year with br!(bt proapaeta far Ua fetare. The paper abowe
•Ifea of proaperity aad to a credit w
Aatrim beaaty. baU typofraphUally
aad aa a aawa dtopeaaer.
Bolay Out of the Fkotoyrapble BU.
Fur the laat Are year* 1 hare eajoyed
•rillibrrel patroaayr of Ue gueca City,
dnrlay which time It hat beea my aim
eater lo
‘deaa of m* didereat paoat. To ^eaae all hat ^a my aim.
id ia delay ao hare been amply re
paid aet oaly from a fleaBclal rlew. bat
hare bad the pleaaure of eeelay my
butloM rrmdaalty oa Ue laereaae. aat
ia Ua piaea to yaod aad are ia Ua
maktay ia all two baun of aoUd plaaaOne lady to iarlted te aeeampaay
each parwm haldlay a paid tO eaat
ticket OB Uaaday eraalay abmilniely
■Taa daya la a analaaa world.’
laeura to be yirea aadar Ue auqilaaa
af Ua BpwerU Laayua, Uay Ird, wlU
attiaet a lar^ aud>aaa. not oaly baoauaa of Ua lateraat of Ua laetura, but
,aaa it to ta ba dalirarod by Bar. W.
A. Prya, tarmarly paaur of Ua Plrut
U. B.obureh. wboaa aloqaaaea to weU
AVOTHXB OAICZ scnuoivus.
Ur. a»d Ura. J. W. Patebia'a little
aew Babart to vary aiek.
Tba NeoBM Lumbar Oa. to prapariay
w build a oaw mill at BordlekvlUa.
Poteteoa la U« loeal markat yoaurday raayad from M to v» uoata par
Ur. and Uru. B. T. Bdwarda are rw
:)UeiBy arm- tba arrival of a Am alyhtpoaad bay.
-LitUa Mary, dauybtm- af Ur. aad
Uru. C. J. Btmer. to daaywooalyvUl
or—Hl^ •choal WiU Play
Hara Vast Tkatad^.
<T>a Blyb aebool baaa baU team of
tkto city baa made aaotker arrmaya*
meat to play Ue Maatotee Blyb aUaal
Mam la Uto city aext Theraday aftar- maem. Thto will ba Ue flret fame thto
aaaaoa aad daaarrea a larye crowA
Srrrybody aboaldatuad aad witaeaa
Xt Uaa Baaebad That FrtM la Travarea OHrWheat baa » laat eoachedUa dollar
mark la Travtm City. Tka rioa ta
prtoa waa aaaauaead by Uaaayar
•mlU of Uo Baaaah A Uy flour mUl
Matalybt. Thto to Ua- hiybaat priaa
paid la Uto loealUy far maay yean.
Aid Baoiaty Uarkat.
Tba feUewlay ladlaa are aakad to
•apply artlalat far Ua mvkat te ba
hUd Saturday atteraaoe by Ua.OoayraotMaal Ladlaa' Aid Saeiaty: Ura.
a. LaUrop. D. Luodoa. J. C UorfM.
W. Moeroa. J. A. Uoatayua. B. J. Moryaa. J. A. UeUaana. B. Uoatayua. C
M- Murray. O. C. UoSett, U. C. Oriatt,A. B. Parry. C. U. Prall. C. B. Palce,
■kymemd. L. Babarta. W. W. ^U.
ft. E. Bteteea. U. A. StUea. Tlakham.
Tbomai, W. TburtalL MtoaTuraar.
Teeterday waa Ue opaalay day
•apb Barwtoa. whoac.------,
• pMtara of avory bab^ taor yearn
•Idoryouarorfraaafaharra. Thaaf(aetwaaalaatriaal-aadOam atraet waa
hmelnd WiU baWaa ^ly aU day. It
vaa antalarhahyBbowaad aa yaad
. waapM oar Bata Taaatata tar the
MdOTi today. Bvwy day aaaapt So-
Art. br BhaUaek
OoM NUBIkaar............................ J. A. Pert*
Cktekea WiU Voar baca Hatekad
A freak at ekiekaa life to audtlar
fraat cartoaltr at Proramoat. Un.
Maalard Brewa poeiemw a baa wbieb
hktebadoalabroodofUiobaM a few
^ apa. 9oe of tbaokieka atartlad
the aommaaity by appeariap wiU taur
tally darrlapad laca- Itoaa walk wlU• Mt diffieulty aad to aa llraly aa ita
I—— It to aow foer daya old aad
paamlaei wall far Ua fataio.
Moela Lot* aoer ...
-A ehaarful Uar" which to lo ba preaaated at Steiabar^ Oread east Meaday arealar by Ua Barbour Tbaatra
Co.' to a rary faaay farea oomady. wrtttea by Joha A. rieaar^ dr. It
played by Joba DUlae, Ua oema
Ua larrar oiUaa far a 1
U aaa aiybt ataadabv of
Ur. Barbour, Uroeirh
wiU Ur-Frmaar, baa aae
la Ua
'■dudye Baaaal.'’a d. P.. Ur.-Barkaer
Tn Bpaalab-Amerieaa war wiU reia
/ tka reaart bealaam ae the Atlaalie
aoaat Uto sammar, aad it to qalte Uke4y that tka ialaad retrmua wUl profit
Nonkare Mleblpaa wU
probably pala a akare of Ue taeraaied
A bly mlaatrel compaay to to aRwar
at SUlabery'a Orand ta Ua Bear fatara.
From remarka mwte by local Uaatra
yoara Ue Paaat produeUoa of Parlor J-.
Whito aa May 14. at 8uUbary-a Uraad,
wUI play to aae u( Ue laryeet aadiaaeat of the aaav a. Bafardlac Ue
Uow a ellppiar from Ue MefrU Uaa
Umtcr, lBd..Jooroalof AprU 51:
“Tbe people wba faUed to attead Ua
Paaat" by Ue Porter
J. WhiU Oo. laat Wedneeday arealaf
ilaacd by far Ue beat Ueatrlcal araat
af Ua aaaaoa aad for that aiatur aae
of Ua beat ahawt Uat baa erer
.. . It waa meat beaBtifelly etafad
aad Ua alaetrioal eBaeta were rary
laa. Ua auye karlay baaa aepee
wired for Uto play at a eaaaidei
. ..ua- Ur. White aa -UepkUte'
faVe ample avldaaee Uat ba to a food
aetoraadbawaaablybai^tertedlB all
Bobart Dowaiac ia '‘Tka Oladlator**
aad -Oaaoa aad Pytkiaa." the latlar
pm^ of May. will ba pa attraetloa
Iky tka aiatt aaraeat aad< tka moat
kaarty laoaptlaa the pablle eaa flra li
lt to bat aaldom a ataraf the repatoUoa
aad worth of Mr. Dowalac caa ba UI la Ttolt Trareraa CUy.
at Ike Spaalek fiact aear MaaDa. lato
wbiab Adairal Deaer to expaeled to
talk Ualeae the Amerleaa aqtadraB
'N . ambiaa apoa ,tke eojcaaled Bpaaiarda
\ inthaat waraiar •bar* work will be
Mdoof theeaeayat that paUt: aad
Itto ool likely that Admiral Dewey
will be caacbt oapplEg. Upoo Ike •*aaoniatar mock dcpaada It
wiU meaa the aemipaUoa of Maaila by
Ike Amarioaaa or retiaat to a dtotoat
port, ae the aeotrallvy procUaatiaa of
Baplaad abota Ike Ualtad 8tataa fleet
oe from eoallas at Beaic Koay. Bowarer. Ike eammaadar of the Amerieaa
aqaadroB to a maa of rare foraalybl
aad thiawdama aad whea be meeU
tka Bpaatok tka Doaa will bara to flrbt
win c)««o it tborooyhlT, tnie the vbeeU, jriTi
.olor onto*
-----tkl work yon wUh, Anamel or varnish your rimi
above pric*.
Gall and soe ninple.
We also Build Wheel* toD Ord«r,
Order, do it cbesiter
and (rive better material'and work than any shop in the city, mve bad several
years' experience and gnsrautec t atisfaction.
Please «ive us s trisL
BI1LI8, SI 1 Front ML, E**C
The Old SetUara.
Tba aaanal meetiay of the Old Batnere' AuaelaUaa will be held Juae I.
ISM. at Ue open hoote la Klk Rapids
o'clock a-m . from the couatiea
of Grand Tnveme, Leetansa, Aatrim,
Kalkaska, Beazle sod Cbarlevelx.
Pmldsat will call the meetiay to order at 10 a m. The eleeUoa of offioers
rleswlll be traasacted before i: e'clock. el which t
far loach at the t
addma will he de
livered, ahar which ahort Ullil wUl be
ia order. Beporia af ktoUriaaa
AU biiay yacr luaehaa. Taa aad
eoflae will ba foratohed fra«
will ba made wlU
boat and railroad Iluea.
aad abaka beads vriU
triaads aad have a yoad timi.
Tba ball will be bsadquartsn for Ue
aatire day.
, J. J. HcLacsiiUS.
C. B. Bam.
trait' work a»d fremioy,
rraehed Ue polal withoutwltboutMl altermatire fltmaktey
_____ . _y ubolee « porireii
>r pbotoyrepby. EiUer braaeh
e my whole BtteB'
V. d.
iuttice, Uerelore 1 hare decided to
Papare la Ue above eouatlaa. pleaoe
abaadoo photeyraphy. bat before leariuf Ueommtwhicbl bare followed copy.
for upwardt af *0 yeara. will place be
fore Ue public a few iDdneameaU
Dr. I. A. Tbompaoa haayoae to CBiwhich 1 kaow will be appreciated aad
tekea adraataae of: Plrat. pleaaa aoM.
keep my work at **aUoaeo Slater waat te Sk Ba^
le h^h mvk. rw yaaterday.
par, if aet abore Ue
yardleee af aay ladneamaam woaMrer.
Prof. C. T. Orawa want to Baai
ualqr Ue beet of matariato
aad Ukiay
ala yaaterday te atey aatli ttotarday.
ayaia'aeeu'red Uehelp.. .
Fnak Friadrleb has returaad from
aa aepert flatoher. will be able to
aa axteaded trip Urouyh Laalaaai
all work out promptly.
Beyiahlay Uay fad. aad for Ue
D. Slater paaaed Urouyh Ue dty
-lay 00 dayu oaly. Ue plaa of
rk aad ladueemeaU will ba :
from Blk Bapida yaaterday oa bis way
to St. Louto, Mtob.
orar earrfnily aad if yen lake adre
Oeorys Ctolklm waa eallad to Oalkiaatape doaeataawlydatc. aaUe to
vUle yesterday oa aceoaat at Ua daaU
daya alwayt aad ia a roah.
Vow fbr Ue lad
of hto taUar.
Vtos Blviaa Stentoa raUraad Wad' Our prleaa for cabloau have baaa
yi &0. Maad *S par deua: aew wiU ueaday from Cbteayo, wbsra aba baa
each dates of S3 eaWoala we will ylve beaa vtoiliny bar sister.
aae extra beautifully tlated photo ta
The eale ef eeau for Ue any
water eeloru. maunted upoa a very flae
Sxio eanl. Ue eame style aa to aoU at of the Barbour Thearte Oo's.,en#aye01 ia u; elty. WIU each douo for 01 ataai will beyla at Slelnbery'a Uraad
will be ylven oae extra eablael, a rey- box olBee Salordsy merulay.
olar site, aad heautlfSlly tlaud. Oablaeu Uat have beaa 01 50 per dezaa
Xlka lattiaUd Threa.
will aow ba made at 0l t5 The larye
eard atylae oa rquam cards, formerly
A larye deleysUoa ef Elks came up
made at 0i. will aow be 01.50, and Ua from Cadillac last Dlyht leadisy Uroe
•mall eard 01 lastead of 01 55 per det
.was wbo wsre sdoraed wiU sailers
We have eUer etylse at redoead ratee.
AU ^turea finl»*d la Ue platlae or by Ue local lo^ After Us iaillalory
yiem except Ue 01.55 eablaeta. which
will be la yloM oaly AltelfyoewlU
any pbotoi flatobed from Ue old BoyaDr. I- Toa Doleke will ba ia Ue elty
riday. Saturday sad Hoaday to attivre, aow to your tuae: flatobad at Ue Friday,
tnd to patleau
aod wU1 ylve free eoatend
Ivlee te Uaee eaeklay It
snIteUoa aai
bay toUalateatwelc
arrival at Ua famUy fitaaide of Ur. aad
Un. A. F. Oaamraa.
The auam barye White Star aad her
eamaort, Ue Boblaaaa. are Inadlay lum
bar for UltoUiek Brae, lor Buflala.
iC. U. Cbarrymaa. tormarly an nadar
taker ia Uraad Bapidt. kaa epaaad a
yoaaml Mara am MorU Uaaiten tolaad.
Captete Slyfleld af Ua aiaam baryo
White Star aiktaa Uat iarya aumbera
af lake aallora are ealtotlay in
W. E. Campbell, who baa ms Ue
mpirc Laadar for aaoM lima, baa aold
out aad will ya Eaataa te tehe ebarya
af a paper.
The dtoplay wiadawa at BaafcaU'a
a teatUy amayad axbihlt of
E echlappaMoas of OTMtd Bapida.
■parlay to opoa a fruit auce U Uo
bnUdlBf « Fniftt street, aow ooeuoiad
mt Ws
diodat Ua
niBOteat fgarwat—- ------ ,------toy. Tbs Mbsal wUl taka plaaa at 10
o-eiook Uto morale from Ht Fraaeto
Toai^t tka Too* PMplo'a AUlaaaa
at tkoBvaiwaUealoksieh
7^ kold a
maariMr wkiob» WUl bo f^lowed by aol
aokort profia
am.. ia wbita
marie by tkoL.^-----------------aktflmtara. The tpUnamrioti <_____
taps. Mattie loealiariMofaDMmy.
Wte new ^\te wt VtAoe
pmtrait In black ar ealara for 0S. The'
rayvlar prioaa of Uarn are 05 aad 07Ramamhor Uto will ba oir work after
Juaa tOU. Uerefora wa will aot allyht
tba work, but ylva yoa Ua boat reaulu
far Ue money, aad will be made at Ue
time after JuBC WU.
9oo&& aI
«m\A be tVeAkti vAWv
ATt A\X WOQV AA& A ^AT& vUt.
\)t ATt CQTV-
^ertl YWa^ ^Tt'b rvo^Vit^ beWer aV ^t
If You Have Logs to Sell
nd with the-TitoTerse City Lnmber CompAny.
We bare fbr sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood-^
SAIiB. -
Btill Machinery of sU descriptions, inclodmg Two BiigiM*.
Set Works, Carriages and Saws. ^ A complete Saw Mil) Plant
(or saIa
I ZfypnaregolngtomnkrgnrdeBdo not fhilto Meonr
complete stock of Flowu-, Oerden end Field
Your Wife
In peokege or balk.
WaaU aome one te haay Ue paper
le will aet dtoappoiol elUer ia the
irkmaaahlp or Ue time be promtoes
eeme. That’s a»a
3«B Front Street
As lo framsa, ws arc just addlny a
flas asaonssaat which will bo aold at s
very low flyun nayiky from 75 eeaU
upwards tVUI be pfeasod to have yen
call and see our work after Hay
A. J.^BSAiianj
m SouU falon Street
Steinberg’s Brand g
E. B. Barbour,
ipportod by
export of Ue Uoaotal Bloctrio oompany,
to U Ua eUy looktay after Ue Boardlaa Blvor Oampaay*# plant
Tba Weal Bide Improvama
and Booond M. B. ehurek wUI unite la
obaarvlay Arbor Day today la
plastlayof teasoMd^
Antao Olon. fermdly at Uto efty,
baa ytvea ap bto poalUoa wHb Ua
A hktti&omt VvTte
VtT i(iAT& tDt Art ture
Theatre Co.
0ew SpMlalties.
“A Chee^l Liar.”
Beam oa eale at box ofloe BaMrd^
Once More
: Has invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and once !
more in tke interest of those who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering i
-A-inr K 1
We mention the tset tbst we offer the belt, have the ;
: IsrgesVetook to eeleot from, seU cheaper and clv^ better sst- :
: lefSotlon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let oonvlnoe you.
A; '
to foil . .. •hen «h
fc .. «;.u. •«>« b*It»r
however, hi.e.iui ptwcr-tMl it^ ofOcen
whooe duty li le to gel ihe troope to
gether m.m punbJoc OliL work with
the grcnieag energy. Tho». within
twelve hours after the Hull UIl beratna law the depaitment
Port in th« Philippin*
ta« th« rvcaiar
gp to lu f
strcDctl) of Cl.oei cnecu The eaonmxii
BtTT.m- awount or «urk Involved In Jhu> In
ftoBicbl for Manila, the CUef
, the Colony, Olympia In
BanagMeat Pratwbla la Thaas Watsts la
the hf« Tilt-. l»r>-aUsaUaa «f keaarsliiy Matten-IWiagal Ueeiare. Today
and UepHeas Hpata ar Home (Mad Thiage ,
- He Maakayad with the Ca>
>r Advieaa.
The offlclali t
d yevler
of proteii* and 1?:
action In inakins ii
trewpa amoB.: the v. .
The aiuu
resierday ilallng H ta-i tn-ea
adviaeu of the Ismitn.-v ut neuir.. .
Ni-lh. r
Kuapla and <'oli>ml'la. To these eh ^
be bdded Creal {Witain. that cou.r
havlna laaiied a ncuiraJIty pr>u-'an-
i^naon, ADril
Apni kk-Tha
,sa.-T0a Honk
Hook Konc
*'<'"« • non yet u.n ctli.ially advised
■ ■
fact. It 1
kmertcan fleet, headed by the flagship irt«i nmire of' ivamv a neuirallly
be rctteivcd
hy today,
Olympia, aalled at Z o’clock thin afietpaiihes aniwiumc that a preK-l.-i nniMfi
hooa (Wedneadayl direct for Manila. was agreed upon at Tueaday's saiileet
Tba BrIUab cruiser IcntsorteUie will count'll at Parla. Including Prance, four
out of the six great powers of Kurope
toUow the American squadron."
have declared their neutrality—mtiiciy,
The Hong Koog correspondent of The
(ireat Britain, Italy, France and llurala.
There remain of the great poHers
(■ermaoy.and Austriai neither of which
ovoning aabore with .CrUied States (^>n- i
•Bl WUdtnan. acxompanled the Amerl-
art bars a
CMsf Agoiiialdo goes as their reprs-'
•SBtatlve. He will take charge of the
Isaurgeat forces at Manila.
Dewey has issued strict orders that no
barbarous or Inhumaa acts arc to be
Barpctraied tay the tasurgeats.
WUI CWptase the SfiaBtsh nss*.
*nie primary object is the capture of
the Spanish fleet, which Admlrgl Dewey
thinks more Importadi than captuHag
. Manila. Be U delermlned to prevent It
oapItulaUan within half an hour of bu
meo are In the' best
igtrlts and ekcctient besith.
preparation has been made. The ships
arc cleaned and painted fur battle, aod
the general opinion Is that the flght In
tbeae waters wlU rssull la an easy
Victory tor America. Her ships' carry
n runs as against M or Uaereabouu
U the Spanish fltet.
Bebw Await the nsstS Arrival.
"nie CO-operaHoc of tli - America
' fleet with (be rebels has
rival of the fleet when Manila must soon
soecumb. Its defences are In a wretebed
State. The Manila prose asys there U
groat enthusiasm among the population
tor Spain and that an ubsilnate reMmance wllPbe oflered to the Ameri
cans. but the paper* qualify their hold
aUegatJon byreterrliig tothe'phlegmatic
character nf the natives, which precrnla
any excited exErvseloo of opinion.' •’
Waablngtnn. AprU S.-Tbe war situ,
niton le aubstaBUally this: The block
ading squadron' remains paa^ve before
Havana, with no present purpose of
if draw Ing the fire of the
abore batteries. The sfrategte pui
of effective blockade of the Cuban cap
ital Is being -accompltabed to th* entire
Btisfactlon of the authorlllee here.
Thera la cm IndlcaUoo that a part of the
fleet will be withdrawn for the purptae
of affording additional ptvu-ction “lo
north Atlantic porU. As to the reports
of be Imminence of a naval battU off
the Spanish fleet will make a stand
agalnet me American ships. Thelf reaaoD for mis bcUrf Is that me Bpanlah
fleet U very inferior to the American
toree under Admiral Dewey, The de
partment Is satisfied that the Spanish
fleet will not go to battle on the high
...fleas with Admiral Dewey, but win ramain In port to secure me protM-tton of
me batteries
. .
s not expecUas an
engsc'-ment for about two days With
out Kiving any explanation Ml- setting
thU time me department allows It to be
Burnibi-d mm me rstJloate Is based on
lu ktiowi.-dge SF Admiral Dewey's
There Is no certainly
that tberr will bean engagement at all
In Ihe imni-dlate future, tbe main pnrpooe of the Ainerban expedlUon being
to aeUc and hold some suitable Sranlah
tevrilory Ic th<- I’hilippines as a baas of
operauons In Asiatic asters, ft la pu*•tble that this ran be dune wltbout at
tacking the other fleet at all. by aelxtag
a auliablc port at some adjacent IMand
wimout forUflcaiions. the syiiipatblss
e Inhabitant
e toward* UN
Tbe very fact that the Madrid offlclste
' have ratber oaientailously declared
that the Bpanlah fleet bas aalled tu
bosnbard the cities on the North Amertean coast I* taken as a certain Indirattoa at the uvy depanmeot of me utI Spanish
agclsls would be me very last to make
their purpose poblJc. It was Isarned
ysoterday that ths torpedo boat Cu*Ing I* on bar way north from me block>f Admiral Bac .
. in order mat repairs may
raad* to her surbeard engine, which U
wieofced as ^ result. It Is nid. of an
atumpt to ibow off her f^goalities
by Naval CadM Boyd; who was temporarity in chaiga of h*r. Tha repairs. It
Is expected, will take about a month,
and will protwhly ds dons' at the Norflplk aavy yard.
I Siwln Is more pro
nounced than that of any
try of Kurope. It Is not doubted, how
ever. Ibal Austria will aasumr a neutral
altitude sooner or later.
The delay of Oermeny Is felt to be due
solely to Orrmany consulilDg her own
eommerrlal Interests l>efore shaping the
exact terms of bdr neutrality proc,aniatlon.^From the first Germany and
Great Britain have opposed the right
of search as delrlmeatkl to Bnilsb and
German commerce.
Thus far Spain has apnouaecd a much
more radlcfll doctHne than the Dnlted
Suies on this matter. The Spanish or
der published In the oAcIsl gasette
last Monday announced the purpose of
exercising the right of search of aU
merchant ships on (he high eeaa The
president's proclamation Qusllfled (be
Hghi of search by aaytog that It “Is
to be exercised with strict regard to the
right of neutrals: and the voyages of
mail steamers are not to be Interfered
with except on the clearest greund of
It U (
. -
rlghtsTtif Spain. This altitude of the
prelates will cause a sensation through
out the cuuntr). yreatly Irrltailng the
Carllsts. I.asi night Madrid was ahsulutety unmoved. The lapiore of the
American bark Saranac ty a 6i«nlsh
gunboat ne«r Manila caused a momen
tary excitement.
The low n’s expectant of the .result of
the action likely to occur off ihe Philip- |
pinfsand awaits the outcome with per- '
feet confidini i'. This (onfidcoce In the
The rspers inilitely .chaff
the Amiriians on ' their want of dash
in cai-tiirlng only Vlshlng boats and
.wean irami.a ” One Journal sayr; ’XJ
Uorro’s signal guns were tnlaiakeo on
. of- i
hDBtd the American
of Bl Mor- j
ro 'know that Ihe squadnm ha* kepi i
well oui.vf range and iv.ey wish It,
u-nnldn't " There Is a Strong expectsUun of European complhaihm* an
Incrvaslng di-uli| In the "umutned neu- I
iralliy of KngHnd."
The ship, now In Ihe harbor at Cadla :
Inclode that cru'.aer Viiior a and thclorpedo U.W1 destroyer* l-rcwcrplne and;
English engineer* have been :
engatrd at high waxes to stiffen the i
Columbia and the Norril^r^rwpd to i
mount the guns. The alekl ysehuGIr- ]
Bids ha* not yel been armed. Other '
Teasels thcra lariude th '
-----Halvon Genma and Onof coal for the fleet. Jud|
> short, as all that
orka. tk
Ih* Irana-Atlantic company
aupplles of native coaL News
comes from Huelva, capital of me pro
vince of the same name, that John R.
CaUln. the American consul there, who
to a BriUah tubjeict. has resigned. The
people tri(d to seise the Ainvriran flag
and et
Strlngfleld. Ills.. April «S.—Special
^ns were pouring In all yesterday
morning from vaiious parts of theatate,
and all of me eeven rcgtmenls except
one or two companies are now at Camp
Tanner. The fatillllet for taking care
Of them are cot completed. The troops
were lying around 'on the grass, await
ing dinner with-little ahow of getting
It. until late Ic the aftertivcm. The Gat
ling gun SPcUun. of Sprlngfleld, not In
cluded In Ihe pri-sldent's call, went Into
camp under the special orders of Goveriior Tanner and General Reece. Last
night linnuts bad an army of young
men. anxious fur the conflict, camped
on the fair grounda here.
ponies A. n. <
regiment, will
citj today. Companies
A, B. C. D and >, gf the pouth regi
ment. will be Joined to the First reglmenl.
■Best Superinr. WIs.. April Zt.—Com
pany 1 received orders last night tobold
Kaeif in radlness to move at once, and
In'roBSeiUtenoe It met In the armory al
*:» o'ch«-k this morning It leaves for
Milwaukee al B-.ZD p.m. The company
te-u has a full quota having taken a
large number'of recruits.
Des Molnca. la., April Zk-FIftees
thousand perple lined Ihe streeta of the
bualnem segllue of Dea Molnea at noon
yeaierday to watch tbe parade of the
entire population of Camp McKinley,
where the Iowa troops are moblltxM
awalilttg orders
for active service.
Plaff* and bunting In great profuBon
were flung to Ihe breete from every
Omaha. April S. — Omaha peopla
turned out In full force yesterday after
noon to aaslat the Omaha guardi and
Thurston riflea on thHr wray to tbe
smi'r rendra\-ous_at Lincoln.
Dsslraeui ^eavs Is Mot Mss*a
London. April ZL—The eorraapoodtat
of The Daily Telegraph at QUbraJtar
talegraphlng yesterday, aaya: "I bava
after raoMpto
laturflad'to Algactaaa
at_______ ______
kladBtf.nunon ara eazrant aafl tb*
BH(Br cral*H Cbarybdla Is audflwly
laavlag taBlgbt.’
KaiMpC ken it a i.ui. CWIlaB Plant 1^- ^ |
saga a (■-•I- la Ik- OsMad.
Pants Crut, rwi.. April r*.~ll Is new
krewn that eleven p-reor.swcrekl'led In
the exph.sl.-c ai the Pania Crux iKiwder
works. All that nir.uins to tell of the
gun vo
and a I
the revenue should t-e raised.
The section providing for SMO.OOO.Odl'
of bonds liecame Ihe target of tbe Demnaltoy.
an income tax which would raise tlOO.(n.OOO a year. Ihr rc-lnagv of (hr
•eigtiloragr and the Issue of IH.OOO.OM
of legal tender note* ms sn allernallvs
proposition. Other Dem<,crats support
ed Halley and th* debate was continurd St night
ninrley and other Rcpubllraoa opposed the proposition.
DolUver of Iowa. In by far the most
notable speych of the day. asralled the
poaltlun of the opposition in the early
portion of bis speech, bat its partisan
flavur disappeared toward tbe close and
he aroused the bouse and galleries to
cheers, as with eloquent word* hitouched the high, unsoltlsh'cause of hu
manity In which the I'nited State* bad
drawn the tword and then melted hli
audience to tears as hr referred tn il
Mowing up of the Maine snd tbe nr
we would rear as
monument to gusrJ the memory of the
L-aele kw “Psyw ihe r»w.eht.»
Wsshirgiun. April Z<>.- The war
partment ha* Issued Ihe following
cular hearing on the eipeneea incurr*!
ty the volunteer tro«.i>* lelmeen the
time of their ••nrollmeni and their mus
ter In tbe servtoe of the Dnited Jttaiea.
It is In anssrer to many Inquiries (bat
have been made on the subject by the
state oflirlals: "All absMuiely neceaaary.expense* for thesuhslstence.trans
portation. sheltering and general main
tenance of the volunteers during me
Interval between their enrollment (enlistmeni) and their muster (or being
sworn) Into tbe service of tb* TInited
Stales: also sll Incidental expenses can
tering offleera will be met fay tb* g
ernment of tbe United States."
New Tork. ^pri?^-A special to Tbe
-evening World from Colon, nys: Tba
auamship AllUnca. from New Tork.
arrived here safely. She raporta that
on Sunday last when Ha bOm off Capa
Mays!, a Bpanlah gunboat headed to-
Block llcrelved Three Tiaiea a
Fletcher's Ofster Depot and Restaureat
revvaaal Metwa
Maitoon. Ilia. April A.—In tbe Mattoon city court Judge Hughe* gave ac
Importaat decision ixiative to ma litiga
tion In which the Covenant Mutual In
surance company, of Galesburg,
pra'sent involved. The suit of the
bera of the order In ihl* city sgalnst
the company yva* dismissed, Judge
Hughes bolding that tbe attorney i
eral la the proper person to bring
after an examination and eomplalat by
me suiwrlniendent of Insurance.
----- IN—^ .
Tklak* Ik* PV<te> Ara All flight.
Key West.. Fla., AprH Z*. - Dnlted
Btates District Attorney StiipUng aald
last night that In bisopinlon meSpastah
vessels already --apturvd
under the protection of Pr-*ideot McHe aald
Instion of the Bpaslsh c
d been ts^
on BB If no proclaoUUoi
Baby Xdflbt OUb Kaatiafl.
Tbe Knby Light Club ib*t with Mn.
chine mined coal. The settlement close
ly full.-wed the Cblcagn agreement. It
the Panville district SO cents a Ion all
Iw iiald for machine mined coal. 10 cents
leas lhan picked trJoed cusL .
A. W.
ra. ba:. rukL
Chicago. April a.-FolU,wlBg
league scores on (he dlamuad yester
day: At rinclnnatl—Chicago t. Cincin
nati 5: at Waablnglr-n—New Tork »
Washington *: at Halllmorv—Hr—-klyn
7. BaUlmore-4: at Phlladel|ihla—lUtston
(. Phlladei Iphia I: at LouUvIlle—CTrveUnd I. Louisville*, at Bl 1a>uis—PKia
burg », St lAiult J. (second gam -)Pitta
burg 11. Sl Louis :
Weetern Ijwgur: At Indianapolis—
Milwaukee I. Ind
> City »; 1
and how ta nac it. *oae ealnable form-
Peak last evenlag with a goad
“It." the club paper,
mad by eae of tbe edltere.
Untawersaaarttcleoa'beoDlde paper
ule* aad th* dub alphabet.
Tb* next
meeting will be held at the home of
the MHae* Burd. notioe of which will
be giran later.
wmiara C. Slawan of thl* city ha*
bees rnmtad an lacreaaa of peaaioa
to lit a moatb.
al^Mihara'ap^^eVVivn iTtbe inand May. tll.lt.
vaaUfaUoa and treatment of Chreaie
and Private Diiaaaea. and the fact that
they rafnae to prea^b* far aay dieeaa*
ostolde af tbeir *0*014111** aad aak
OHly UMse to visit them who bava fallad to gat reUef froat tbatr faBU.T flbyalclan. eaUtlaa tbea ta tbe anafldeaee
My wifa baa tmad Cbamb
of tb* afiletad.
Balm for rbematlain with
rafldy tbraag tbalr Briva
I CM racamtoabd It ai
sack visit, flbd avary bval
onaahbld m for which tea havafoaad
t v^nabla.—W. J. CcriAfl. Bad Ckaak.
Bapids. April ta—Wbaat.
BaeMe Bfltba-U yom______________
rfaauiiatkHB. parwlysia. aay farm of
•alflifl, ar akla troaU** of wbflt-
Bicycle Riders.
Dbar that I do all kind* of rairing
r. and tkai I Aaa
d do give you the beet work of mar
e in tbe city for th* money.
ne deceived by what otbara mil you to
the eoBtrary. bat ooiae and *e* for
I guarantee all my work to ha right,
and if it doea not prove to I maka -lt
Step in tUI 8 e'eloek every evaaiflg,
except Sunday, in the Cbldwell A Lon
don building, at DorU and of Caian
Obloago XarfcaL
(Jblaagw April
ll.ZtJi: Jaly. »SSe: Septamb
W* wish affain to call lb* atteaUep Da earn her. 81)««9*IKe.
(rf anr raadera to tbe return vitii of the
(Wu—AprU. »4e; Hay. Ziei July,
On-RN. A Ca.
Pbyeieiaa* who have SdHci Beptaaber, UHigciShe.
alraadyj^eqorae an well aad^avoe^y
Oatfl-AprU, t$He= May. SOHe; July.
Invalids Sbonid Bemember tb* Daw
wlU aaflvlbee tb* ■
(Mrlw i* ofla of tba laadiag Mar>
hMti of thk viUaga ami om* of tbe
Traeara* Otty Baffcnt.
Below l* n li*t of the buying aad aeDty tor graoMica,
11 M
•at'tta BahTb Plotat* Vzaa.
obfl. Tb, April
1 Lfle baa Inm
:iA DestroctiTe Agent of Dnteld Possibilities.
fw nebmena. WU.. April Zk—I
Ircd thousand feet of lamber tn
yard ct the Willow River Uunber «
pany waa barapd yesterday. Tba
U fully la*utT» _____________
Weak '
kOc per quart
Staadarda, SOc par quart
Bolld Meats.
Waal W. A. Lem Ptskarud,
ly aoflfldaatiaL
213 Front St.
Heea «*M PUyiag a Osm*
New Tork, April 'zt—fi ' traaaplras
that the -mnesa " and "death" of Steve
Brodle In me west while on a tour
about a month ago were adjusted to
meet certain exigencies tn the procuramem of evidence for a divorce suit,
which be has pending In tbe suprsme
court against his wife. Oenrude. He
eaused ibe Uls* announcement of bli
deatb to be sent out and then hurried
east. He and detectives went to Jersey
where t:
Pmdte t
at Taylor-e hotel on March n and M
as "P. P. Boyle snd wife."
Lansing. Mich., April ZS.—Judge W.
E. IVinton and James Clark, of Ithaca,
members of the bar of Gratiot county,
Wasblngion. April K.—The general
have Died charges srlih tbe snpi
debate upon the measure framed by the court s* a basl* for a petition to dU~.. ,
wars and mean* committee to meet the i W.
w A.
x. LeeL The peiltlonen
charge that I
extraurdinan expenditures of the war { Leet
Leei bas l>een guilty of gn«s fraud. |
Spsln opened In (be house yesier- - deceit, mali-ractlce, crimes and mlsdeconduct
day. It will continue mrougn today a
attornry and solicitor. Lect has t
loroorrow at < p m. the lole ■
nomlnatecl for the Ithaca posiufTIte.
taken- There was • aiogular a
IRM he was a candidate for the Repubof that parilaan rancor «hich I
llrsn numination for attorney general
and In IIM fur cunxreaa
the m-cesslly wblrh
alely raising hundred*
proeviule ihe
but the cppualnx
held clssh-d al Ih-
| 'LllO
the explotl
costa, who had
easc. dirojavl dead at hU hotne aa a rcsuit of^ihe ahoek.
it Is ihourhi that a young mannamed
Miller «aa killed, aa hi* horse, with Both
eyes blown out. »aa found where be
left m* animal. There were iwo omen
of the name of MlUer who were In me
list of killed. Th* U>dlc* of those killed.
with Ihe exception of Ollleran.
rccognlsablo, bsvtag been frightfully
H. C. Cuiidr. who was
thought to have e*eai>ed. la now found
to be among the dead.
raa Hea Aegas
Wew Terh Mrs Will B<-lp Hake Ike IUw4
Iwwe a PepDlar IsMS.
New Tork. April Zk^ecretary Gage
was here yeaierday and bad a confer
ence with flnatwirts. After the confer
ence Se aald he thought It wiar, while
in this cuy, to hrar what the leading
ftnam iers might have u jay concerning
me praaent condltlon/bf things and the
outlook. He was alao dealrvua. he aald.
of getting Iheir views on the ilnancial
meatutva n.-w before congreaa. "AU the
genUemen pr^nt at ihi conference.’'
eontJnued Gage, ’exptesaed a kindly mlercal In ll.e pi>pular features of
oontemplatrd treasures, and ao fai
.was necessary and proper offered their
«o-operatlOB In making me bond iraue
a popular loan."
The money atitnceocy was inctdenuily dlscoased. according to Gags, and
nothing definite was decided on in tbe
(Utter Of placing -otir bond* in Zb* I
rhpaan marketa. It was admiltsd
lOf mcflnancler* tboaChl
of Interest on tbe new bonds
t to be lea* than II* per
I ought
of them, he said, were
fled wim a Z par oent. bond. <>>Ddltlons
were favorable. In Gag*'* optnloii. for a
tZM.im.m laaae. and thcra was UttI*
Ukellhiod that tb* amount would axeead that aum.
■Q uTAnog vfltn Kxrt fau.
«B WaM TID tbs May Bsaaaa Hm Baflad
■ ill itasBI^MCaba.
Washtnrnn. AprB H—In th* war fls-
WID hsk t> the QWM ■igsiil
CisdaspBi ta Her havy.
Madrid. April aif—Aa a couMarpolM
to the growing sympathy toward the
Carllau among the psopis sines Doa
Carlos ralssd a vlgbroui war acts
agalnMjthe blnltsd Siatos. lbs Bpaslsh
cardinals and .prelatw are now aasam*
bllng hers U> nail the duapa regent col
lectively, declaring their adhealoa to
and suppon of the reigninc dynasty.
They wtU rndeavor to conviooe the peo
ple that the queen regent has never a6voceded.,peace at any price, but uSarougply parilclpaies
MaikbflM RIk.
•raflfl BapMfl Bwald «ff 1
daUvsfod te lOg pw walk.
atraata. wU bflva i
a23irsi£ii-'*‘ t£T‘
... T'""""
' ■
ypMfgg ngOBD,
Commandtr" Not Fer^tten
in tho Hurry of Propara*
tion for War.
Tb« radlBRorc
IlnRote M;le of dreaa li
, walkJas
1 worn (or aprioK
tumw. and
d a (all (roDt
(roat in
io (be walat.
••■Bfat dowD wUb • bell. U one erf tbe
i 8&ID “LET tm Hm mOE.”
acbee of white ntin ribbon an
■B with pale gnr and liphl fawn
— •—
TIm «apln Hrtolw *«ll oomb, wt ta
Mowtb«kBM«( balraitbebiHk.toa
The end* an out rooad and
Ba Baa tka Kaamy'i
■»<>>« •»( of laoe, paint.
^ I poaibly. U yon can aflend it
Uek*4. Vm WMt t> ■
APBU. 88. 1886
A ^anlah peaeu le Bow.eqolvaleat
(o aboat U emu la «elA
The elrbi-boor rale baa been lntr»>
duced laieljr tn (be Rusalan poatal aervtce.
i amaolloe
MgrpiiMO( Iw^UkaSttTnd!
( Nonb AraericB, wan be
Tbe aradnal OKtamiaatica o( onr na>
tiea (oreal treae abonld lead na to tafc«
•one fntareat In taaklaa «ood. k far ai
wecan.tblawboleaal«eUa8btat. Than
are manr lama In all aectlona of tbU
oonntry wbm imall groTee (rf treea to-
Evftr Burned OvtT
If ao yon know
the value of
A Touait Woman's Kristian aasocis- ,. ,__ . __
, -____ .
tIon in Wisconsin “*• opened a school
tlCB *0 tbe natiee (oteat tn-es tbm are
(or little caab glHs.
varieties of Mt trees which wonld
Aldsrmsn John Poaera and Aldarman ;
*» »»»• localities Indiualvd. and
William J, O'Brien, of rhirago. have Is acOTify OB the Jocreuae. ^and tba be in time a aonroa of pmllt as well
been Indicted asain for keeplax a poolIn luauy asetiuoa of tbe conntry maple
e pliinted with pmflt.
£x-8e^or Baa-yer of Oshknsh. WIs., hand,
has ittvaD aixui MO.uuo In ttlfls-tu Law ,
By an anlbentio
' more iban
^^n. ^ntversuy In the pas.
r-nd^d w-il?7r^o~
wurrburs Btock.
; &o(t1at
I6ih streot. west? Avbrydo-
! Ij paymenu.
Lot Ukeo is cxchangu.
Also gmtd bouse and so feel lot. Oak
Park, Waafaiagton straet-
Dr. Higgins,
BUSISKSS i .hK/j.s
1- .■» i;».
em district of Miehlgan.>nd VVrnlam log. diriniiri.a. uud soothr.iyii «t>. Gordon, to be attornej 'fcjr-lSe aa«l- ;
In Eutui-e. tbuogb it IS
era district of Mbhigati
j snpposi-d t jh; Ihty
______________________ '
I the pariah. • I clelli-allon. dn .on fiv:n
I pUco to pU
Ltll.ekata.r. Dignity.
| wsentmeil
Tvtvaras City. BUk
Well, Now!
near Roger* aty. Mlrh, on a small guitcs lb.« are few gypeH-e lor tbe
farm, has dlaap^rs^ed from tls hume. .
pirbans that ll..y m.«t with
John R. Santo,
General Inseraece.
The oeerskirt m ibe form of a tnnlo
Is bete aiiatu It (alls to ibvcdpe ol tbe
*ha I>ar »«Jy c
1 at Kaw Vara skirt io.fraot and rounds up a little at
hack, apron (sahinu, famos oo either
It la said that.Cbtraen capitalists are ’ Hom of^*Ua»‘^v”os anoiuemti^
9 of tbe (alloeas In tbe onde
Oalena. nia.. ApHI ft-Cblcacn united aide
icon.lderm,»he erection nr . building
arhb Catena In maklns Ibe annua: celeBlaek latfoui silk gos
krallon ot Uie birthday o( Grant Lbc resented _ ..
.....O... O. i ..o...ro Cnllaeum.
r„.I^ „'t. I'lol«>ch » STovi-fnr shade
msdo very i
Mrs, Augusta Bmlth. ot Ctdcago. aft* *bOle ol borope nswrly tbrM-qnartoa
bruaks sod fo»
CBMt memorable o( (he aeries, aendlna Prench model
!«• insertl^icr giHevlns R.ur yearn oveT^ bus* ; of ainilhtmof
«be figuim 1*hr special upwards Of IM of bar best drtimy
lUsing ludiaiure and i
InrlwdlKf many former Galen* •bowing tbe colorud liuuig ttaroasb iU band's death, oommiitii autclde by lak* | Ing : Ureal BriUin, SS.OOO: bpain, -40.- !
I >»S tarbollc add.
| 000; Buaala. *:..000; Germany. 4S.000. '
Una of note.
President Fish, of 4he „«haa
A.rier aakiDE hia two daughlem to ! and Austria, Turkey and
> Ualkan
'nIIUdoU CemraL b^ougbt a private car
Hiriee which is SO aero* nr more in exleave the room Ulchael Geary,
‘ ‘
'| toautriua,
K. a laborHOO.OOU «ueb. Gypsies, who
«th tbe orator. Jud«e Sp.-er; Ura.
tent, and the gmnud ocenpied will nev
stitcbedoh VI-SI t'hl.-aco, placed a r.-v..lver
ver to his ^ known as Zingari io luly. Uitanoa „ ^
rvalue Gram Bartons, her children, and
b. «!»... sucb
lb u,.puand made with a gninipe of finoly tuck . left bteaat and killed hit
In bpain, Zigneuur in GcrmaBy, Origan*
a party of aoulhem BenUemcn trtends. ed white
hue bilUte will be very moefa :
a lumberman
named Johnson lost
tnie woolil be (A minicieot benefit to tbe
yok in Hungary, Togani in hlavio
wor^or lurking dress taben (be warm tuih legs In an si ciiIhii on a logging
pay for e. iung it out. even U
days dime.
e poMible.
r treatment.
i-------------------- -------- ----------- - — —
White serge gowns are made very
at Abscoia Mlcb.
Asiatb: oneit), thoogb
•trikiug with aUHUceol tafleia in some [
. W Pawaia
w p
the prise by suck- "PT|b>s
V* sekn .vr^edgiil to
blight colur, laid in iiu.v box plans j
•s in ten ininuies. be a .-i.rrujiiion - I ibe wt«i. ypliaus.
from neck to belt. Tbe sJi«>ci*» and a
e could make i
llfty « ir and in
.. g.vp-y
-allwi an
Attorneys at Law.
wide collar are jif serge, and tbe skirts
>lgypiiau. as Tenders u( ;bw "Little
are qaiie plum .
James McNeill, aged SS. who lives Ulnislur" art awam In thii Cuited oeteealn BoelacueBlora. Trareraemr.Bira.
It Is (be Btiililnon of the Woman wbo
would be fasbioiiaUu this si-jwii to Ui
slander, su all lurfgnmieuie an’luetiitmed to lurther bi'i efl-ns >u ihi. di’miKiun. Slevrea are aiiiail. and tbe tight
j filtiag thidice IS coining in again as a
ipropor accumpanimeut lor ibesJieatbI like aklrt
s. Speelal at- .
j tbo new abeatb
urer tHe hipt. IS plain down iba trout.
Over et tbo EbbitI Ilunse, in Wash-: many of tbe gypsies are pennanemly ,
; witb a narrow mffle at (be butiom and
la fiaialnd w^ deep foil rufUea at tbe ingtou. is tbe deposod l^mi Lilino- located In towns of -thedr own, main-;
Tla-ni is a plilfnl tainlog stable administration and prtw-1 coosty
back, drawn together Bitb a ribbon ran kalsnl and her suit
In at the head to give tbe plain effect in attempt at keepiug np royal slate with poring to a oansldenbleysgtent. This is !
a thin
(gneeu Lil no longer especially tree 1b (be distrioU i
tense Interest exhibited in the exercises (roaL—New Vurk bnn.
ilo pockuibouk.
I TTODOB a OOVBLU Alloraeys aud eoassel.
loes at law OOees. CUy Opera Bouas BIS.
In Turner hall The address ..f Judge
any staW rerenaes to fall back np- i near the lower Danube, and the gypsy I
Speer awoke the gr>-atesi enthusiasm,
but tbe cannot bring benielf to live popuUlitm of Transylvania, in Ban“ taw. -Bpsetsa
and was pconoum-ed '-n sJi sides a most
after tbe manner of plain kin. Doteinia garr. is not
masl-rly effort, worthy of the time and
Vltalisad Air admialAlerad (orabafo
Hbe hat the suit oempied by ITesldeD* Intloeiittal.
Hungarian gypBos have: ,rwiiia o Tnnwi.
late palalsaa extraction of toath.
McKinley at the lime of taU Inangnra- long been known everywhere on ac-|^ Uioo A Mliliiira »o£^rmTsnsatr.
Assd srbo^i Tamper TWIkm.
Anttdolar, far extraeban of taeiM '
-------- and 1
tbe timesbespends lai eunnl
of' tbeirspprucistinnof
muiio and
MorFA'rT..4bsur«« ,g TtWs. Baal witboBt p^ ooed. Lataat abd moae.
The prefM-mv ot Bra. Bartorls and hef
Ha.children caused a demimsiralli'n. Df.
aatUfaetdHT praparaUaa yet aaad ler
b i | KraruB
At lines sbe cornea to dinner in tbe
Statw fn,n,
from Hi.iu
tlnu. rv.
to tin.n
time anyl
and —-i«l.
Joalah W. Aniuld, the last school teach Wayne meeting aggregate fSS.OOO.
Tbe old gray paeer Guy. kd)6^. U ; public dining room and aiu at tbe bead ally good sucoraa
Tbe aptitude ol gyp j-T s. THOKPROll. B. D
er Grant had before gotng to West
Point, was i-resent and made a few re being Dwd ce tbe road abont Boboken. | of one of tbe-loog lablen. surrounded bj dee in acquiring know ledge of masia i
marks appropriate lo the occsslor--The N. J.
. I her duiky coart. cm tbeoe oooasinni tbe has alwa.v. been marked, and k>ana;
celebration conclu<
Ban Praneltce has a riding olub orfi
** Litat has Une testimony lotbiiqnala public reception, iiartlcliai'
tu memhwrs. many ol Whom ate trot- '
tbedoor and remain standing Uy by aaying:
residents of the city and guests
' until she
ukeo her seat.
aeat. When ibk,
"ludiffumit to tbe minute and omi. - ^ 7T V ~ :''~,'~r.~Tr "
ting bred horses
has wken
- -7
abroad. Patrlulic apeecbe* were
rise again and keep plicated paasioni by wtatcb edneated .
AdbelL J JS charanKm vmrIiB* <rf ^ bas dined, tbey *’■*
Adbe L 1 .M Champ cm ywling of |
i^kind iVnrsred. rallou. to tbe cant-:»««
oiir ifoifoa. Ip aflsai rob. m, u
• *“*
mior^cople! It
f onr-wesurasay
------------------- ----rraat
rectml^sTelr "
[^lissppiar tbrongb
tbrongb tbe
(be door
door Uno.
(Jnoe in
in Ing.
le spedal from that city. Many gueuts
I awhile sbe liugers-rn tbe parlor after and superenlturvd vioce as vanity, am-' -V •T'‘**■*-■ ■*!!**- uhoot 1,000maret have | ditmet. and then tbe goests of tbo hotel bitioo. iuirigue and avarice, tbe gypsy
mre. m*-ai
remained over, nailing mends In
been exported from this oouniry siooe have a cban« at royalty in full view, only c^prebends tbe eiinplost leqnirt-1 G'*JS.'J?
tbe id of Jmiaaiy.
j ta, lady >u waitlug Baod. snbmisdv*.; mils ofT primiuve nature. Masio, :
»■*■. h. acwpLit wr.
Dinetnm. SKUI^. is BgalnatbUold 'ly back of her unstress'dbair and never dAnclng. drinking and love, diversified Ipixi "
unenear DnblinTcil.^ will make «ldre-es the que«. nolere B>. is flret by a Slldisb and humentm. delight in '
Away by il.e War.
(be season of 1898 at Amador noeb.
' spoken tu. Usoslly (be cvenlug pa<«e4 petty tbieviog and cbeating. oaoetliate
Pittsburg, April Jk—The annua] ban
Piloteer, 2;S«)!4, by Pilot Medinin. I vrilbuut a word on cither sidi. and then bis whole rv|wrtory of pasriona beyood Gt
quet of the Ameiicus Republb-an club
ill soon be addi-d to tbe list, docked, i
take* its way to the royal wboer limited faurixon be does not oare. eisw nrsn. s«»t«
Bead Oil,
Id hunoi of Grant's birthday pK.k place
>A 0,f,r •/> PnoUnH
. h,oh
' anarttoi UI>
to look.''
‘I V*OR PALE-liouar
Iasi night at (lie Uonongahela House.
Tbe qut-en hssbneoTi (hcEtbitt ever
Tbe gypsies of England are fooDd'A «i
Bard Palmer'e stable Is ctrong in i
• Covets were laid for soe. and among the
-as 1. Van Hrslac. SB aosik
duce cougrvss coaveued. hot so Rldom cbietly in (he northcru c
prominent sruests were Representallves
LandU. of Indiana, and Broa-nwell, of
.Ohio: Lieulenanl Governor Jones, of
toKrs. C.B. Rora. «l> W.fth Sr.
lem. ...
Ohio, and I
3 advertlai
Colic. Cholera and Diar- ^I1.X8 AND HAWYKR WAN
following esi>evit-d guests
-'A word la the wise it sufficient" andI j rbica Remedy la the Worceaxer Bater- piT MT?Wbh*. 1^‘l'iyVea
Ing; Captain SlgiUwe. a..
ttl.r. «bleb leads
end Eipilt i lidiiu R. I
A., ...
s B c.. ,»H.
17,rp;:,‘:r,. ir
Iissat "jiii
... :!!!1^:::
Maine. Who baJ br.-n gRrn jH-rmhodon larrival. Onr Boy.
to come buf whu was ordered bark lo (
Lowland Chief, tbe ^glitb sulllon.
Philadelphia; Renaiore Hann^ «u*y. i became eo savage (bat bis owner. Lord exprricBca of ti
he I A
"'ll br glwB (or ihr mete of s
t: Repre
'■e taken tor knowledge
1. bad bim shut recent];
. W. M-. mure (ban ona or two doaas to cure the
Qulgg of
.( New tork.
i. And Ws
— I the eoreer ol Troel sod Perk street Or •
Stetchlord stud. He wni foaled in 18T8 j Terry eays ChaBberlnin's Cough Rem-, _
. case with myaelf or
u. ehildi
tell and W. A. Pinne. >.f Pemir) u ania.
— ..
* ----Oulng
to the d-«tru.iin«
i.„ J.,-vsr of
“ number of boraes
br market. He has bren
tbe decirailon*. ai (hi- dinner ihte >-rsr i America
jimj, kosii
A raw OOOD loo MBN warned Trereiee
Lecal brsooS wata arrivso at lOBP a. B
husineas at Elblon. Ey .
A Cii) lAimlwrCo. JU «f
only floral dey-'rail-ms were used, "nie ,
Palbw Bill Daly bos invefted $80,- Itwel'
Ive year*; b^>. sold hundreds of botSleotric Baths. Turkish, nussieu.
»»«•*----------- , wv u.
,c« . ,.Mu.«a. .u .
of this reiuedy aod oeai ly all other Roman, healing, soothing, medicated,
o!’ '
WlncbLWtor pika , iJeufk
.ugh mrdicli.ee mai.ufactured.
manufaclured, which i perfumed and loguHoir.
logurioDs, _
Ud^erpeln^iv.nra Is.
i «»*"»■ Dexiogtoo. Ky. Tbe (arm ooouios ' “>awe ooaclusl.aly that Cbamberlalc's! .ulte of rooma NV IP Markham Block . ipwo NgW H8N hsrrhreaeu
the toasis
toAsis wer
were- - GreTT- ^HH.'*»<5
J^-hn E Maddco will i» the moat satlsfaclery to tbe people. | where ladlee will recfive'delieau andI A sher Ibe work lo my Morels..,__ ____ ,.
d tbe
'-hsrtrs ^ ^ ^
aad U the beet. For aale by S. E. Wall, j eonelderaie altenli17^v l«lr <*P«ator.-. Jl you v'ei roar-wheel pel to Ibecrragh order
rrw»osMr prior eall os we. *-----— B Landis; "Th.- Ki
To tak* #gse> asBtey. Jbbs to. Uer,
! and men and boye by inale operatoe.
DotdBSorth Block, eoaih I'sloo s
I Parly ' Jsc.i, H. Drown- |
Al^Bgo<eloeka m.
-A Iteunlio.1 Nation.'' P. J. j
TTT,9KT*n-Cook (or to* rafUsg
W cny Laieber Co W-ll
Bhryock: •tihl.. and fVnnaylvanla" |
Aasbcl W- Jom-e
Tbow 4j. Seabruoke has retnrned !
trom England.
Biles Iru^t^wlMwVBUw'fncs'^^^H
sillea troB rsllrosd; «0 srrvs wll iBprorrU.
.Mnia Uodietknwlll ^wnd tbesnni.
Uou] (esee sod orrksrj. sod new dwelllss
mvr in Earnpe.
IS>N iDqulrr of S' c Wetrr. Hsareioas.
Mlrh. ne gx*
New Tork. April a.—The seventy'M'buuauougp''Is tbe title of U
w w*Kj1i"’Va
iuisns ut loimismi li
boo b
sixth amiii.-raary of the lilrihday
J, (.:v«ur's Unw plsy
l i,.-.... n™.,
s.,,»„.b-„ u» ..ra. ol.
Iasi mctii «.tli a han.iuet at the tVal* .
ivuiis Collier
durf-AM.irlA »ndet the auspii.rs of Ih. ,
Willie Collier
Grant M.inuTircit SOS K-iath.n. The hsnPul Plancun is studying German to
h-ld In th<- grand lisit room, 'aiug in VTagaifiau upetma
whKh e.1- f. at.«ned with Amertcan
-The ABC Ctrl" is the latest thing
flags » h..e hsnke,] by tw.. Immense m-Btrl " pieces m England,
flags s |i.wtraii ..Mflhneral Grant bur.s i “
over the SB-I.' vahl.
Two hundred'
KstiaBooury is lo star next season
and l-.Mv-e!! guv.is were pn-eeoi. A ' in''Tbo Girl From Ireland."
reee|.ii..n in ihe Asior ertlrry preceded.
Valerie Bergere hss bad an offi
Um- ianuuel. Tbr prtnijpsl speaker
J Dext aesson
whose subjsci
. li-on.i-d Ih-ciions "
Thi ..ther i..ni.ul sddrrsuies' were
"OenrrAl Grant.' i.y ib urkr Cochran.
wbn respond, -! Instead ..f Si-tutoT JuUus
r Voluntsrre." by
Iowa. Elihu R-eit presided
d and a
the apei-lal cu.-mts *rrr .'lerrrtary
Treasuo' I-ymsn J. Gage. ez-Go
Leri P. Muru.ii. General II. nfantln F.
Tracy. Gmeral Grenville H. Dodge.
Charim B. k:aton. William H. Mlrhaa],
General Wesley Merrill and Colonel
Frrd Grant.
Among (hose who ast In the tioxes
iJrtrbohui Tree is to be seen next
>'»*r in "Tbe Tbrea Mnskuteera”
Fanny McIntyre will start next M».
pi,y by Kgol u-—
The Celebrated SpMlalifta.
Krank L. Parley will pnibably ■
''L'Amntat’’ Is tba play by BomaB
Cool 01 In wtaicb Mma iiaiab Bwoboidt
will appmir.
Ti"'' *'"^*a^*’**r*^.?^ Te*
improred city saO
forB pro perl', t'.drrwoc I A raitor. Aiioenrjs, Trorrrae Clly. Mlofa.
W-Kaj 1»^
'pBAIKkO NUUSB-Hlx kstrl
1 Krodasu-of the I'olrorsuy .
Arbor, will resyond to rolls for
>b. s I
Hotel Whiting M'g.rs'if"
•EW9B RgNT-West bsK of By aloro os F
f SUoel.i>SArposU>Bce. g.a MiUor I
FRIDU, iPRIl 29, 1898.
W *^^p«y° PsMsTaa ^rotsrr m»-MAy>r
Ona Day Only Each Month.
Katloa U) Arnhitaeta.
GensaltaUOB ud BzAmuiatlon !^oo and Striotlji
Tbs CoBBIy Court Boos* Bulldla* OosaliMr of .Iraad Trorerse Ooasly U now propoiod
■ • ‘iii.Si.'S'.'astrs.'SSSL'Sssrs.'SJSL's.^^
ime. TbepUasAedspeeiacAttoes
s boDdlac the coal of wUrO bdsi
wnaia the Ameuat apmopnssos. tu : w
*. Piataw. OiMlwm ti the kArs. Broorblus. rbrtale (kswh. (hUu* ltd# Back). be
- ,-w . w.
^ DissMM M UdDsyt sndBIsddsr. eoo. to bsexpsBBsd lagroeslof,
uds. piss
IU»UuBiw).OaBwaJIieHUts,8eR)taM.akls iat.wirlagtorataetriFuchta. rir.. sad m.i
t^sxptadedtogrflUogrraaodi. lor fur
tursuvanW Snursa. «rosnag plaos and spoelfi.
ardyaea tw hnslBsss, aad wllhoat ibs ass «f knite. eaasUe or ligMars. Com
Md apoelflsattoaa Bast br before
thr OoBBitior
or bofwo tS o'clock a. B.
bs aotordar.Aurtlse.ima.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
TCMOBfl AND OAttGBBflaaiadwUbeataeSds. kails, palaersmt. Nsw w<
OTaJUJ^S in cm
m’Sspfosia'aiek^ICBdseha. PUsa, T
Tkna out of army IWAigHMi qwaking paopla have red bate.
In the People'* palaea. in Leodem,
Jk«w Tort. April a —Tbe Evening
Ibera are an Italian oamla and battledilp
ITofld k|wosl from Key Weat eUtea
‘ (rt^ a lamp of oowiaon mk
(hat -the entire roast of Cuba appears,
viewed ftwm the blockadlDg fleet, to »w
A mas* of flames. It Is Impoaalble to tall
Tba tBoat analenl eoin in Bnteptt the
( U btiratiig. la aeire placca tbe ducat, was first straek in tba Biint o(
BBxriw is dSBM.Mack. to other planw VanierW tba year liM. tbeballdlag
- ■■
M MUl to agutanaa
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
Hack, Bqs and Ba^e
yoor ordere and get prompt work.
Mdafarton ruarontaairor »o ebarge.
Leo-va yoar ardn at oflea or eall op
*Phone No. 8.
TTOR HALB-l.uBibi-r. lath '
f TTsrrrse CUy LuBber Co.
Teavebse Crrt, Miob.
OonSdrotUl. - '
Uaaptms tin's
Kale Fonytb baaairivad InAmorfoA
Sbe has rwlded Is Ltmlan dariBg tbe
Bloomlugton.Illa.ApGI &.—Vrspaatan
Waraar, of ClirAon. Uewllt county, eras
nomlaatsd yenterdar for cbngrvaa by
tba BrpuMIcan convention ot tbe ThlrUantb dlatrfol. Warner la the present
was e (or Warner,
8irtllng.-of Blooraaad S
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