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The Morning Record, June 30, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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omcui pmi
^OF nn oiTT.
the morning record.
will Take Santiago As Soon As Beady To
Move and WIU Not Walt For
Bight Thousand Spanish Troops With Cattle
and Fack Trains Expected To
Arrive Sunday.
It WIU Then Be .Too Bate he the amerlame WiU DouhUeee
Be In Foieeeelon Of the Olty-Amerlcen Oommenaer
WIU BnUeevor To Bleee the City Before the Spnnleh
Foroee Beech Thei»-Big Oelehtetlon Bipected In Sen.
tiago 9& th« Fourth Of July.
Washington, June 29.—(Special)—General Shafter has
just reported to General Miles that he can take Santiago In
48 hours; but indicates that the undertaking might involve a
considerable loss of life. He is fully aware of the approach
of the Spanish reinforcements and it is believed he intends
to take the town immediately and news of the big battle
might be expected any time.
General Shafter has reported also to the war department that Spanish troops numbering 8,000, with pack trains
and cattle are advancing from Manzanilla and arc now with
in 54 miles of Santiago.
Washington, June 29.—[Special (—General Shafter tele
graphed to General Miles today that Garcia’s Cuban scouts
•reported that Pando was within 50 miles of Santiago with
8000 men to reinforce General Linares. An officer said for
General Miles that Pando would be too Ute and that Santi
ago would be in possession of the Americans before Pando
would get there.
.. l
An officer at the war department said that the Amencans would celebrate the Fourth of July in SanUago.
OntMr Fm WiU Ibka Bagalir Trtpg
Fran K«7
to auttoRo WIU
WMhiBgrtM, JaneSO.—Tk«UTy 4«-
W. H«]irday. ekiet e>«rk of Ue rail
way naU MrvlM kaa okarffe of U«
work of forwardlBR U* naU. H« aald
WaaklaRtoa, Jaaa
Loaf ku rooalTod word from Commo
dore Barney at Key Weet that Ue flaRakip Newark wiU Commodore Wataaa
aboard baa beea U oolttoioa wlU Ue
Dolpbla. The Newark waa aaiiijored.
kat tbc Dolpbla aaaUlaed ooatiderable
daaiBRe aad to mow « her way aorU
Uto Boralac:
'after UU wMk Uer* will be ao
•iiaealty about Ue mail of Ue Miekip.ta wldiM reaekiaa ita dMtiaaUea.
ProTidiar U« aam* of Ue oompaay
aad rarlmaat appear* 00 Ua earal^
Ua latter wtU raaek Ua aoldler for
to a dry dock. No detalto are obUlawkom It to iateaded ea uaerriacly •• a
latter aeat from Detroit U LAaaiaR.
Btrawbarriweae eeat a qaart. f<w
Up te data wa bare keea obllfad to
all wbe dtoire to pick Uem, at Ue
av^ oaraeleaa of aay ekaace veoael Bllto farm, eoaU of Um dty. E. L.
laevlBR Kay Weak Tha aollier Lebaaoe yaaterday carried from Uare aeveral
ef maU weka. Bat wlU Ua fov- \
eat baato at oar dtopoaal Uaraj
wtlFkaaa delay.____________
290 Front BtieeL
HoUey ft OonnmhlA
Badges, Buttons, Pins and Souvenirs!
1 nice Iloe and the veii latest, at
Markham Block.
Oae «f Ue atraaReat teeta of tha aatiatoatory reaalto of “New Idea Pat' tarna" ta Ue fact that aot a woaua wko eaee triee Ueai. wko to av
er aftarvrard a ateady patroa of Ucw popular paUaraa. 20 easts
buya aay atyla.
Some Special Reductions
In prioM of popnlAT RtylM of LadiM’ Wrappus.
Oome in uxd see them At
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honae.
A Giant
Powiler FirecraGker
Fawa Baaebad SUta Dapartmaat TaetardayTbat Admiral Camara Baa
Abaadoaad Ua PblUppUaa TrtpTh^ Farpoea to u SttUa Bpaia
Bafcra Ba Oaa Betars.
Spatoal to TUB Mommao Baooaa.
Naw York. Jaaa »9.-TI|a Saa’a
WaahlaRtoa apaelal aaya tka nary dapartnaat baa daeldad to raab Oouodora Wauanb fleet to flltoralter ao it
lots of 0oa1it]il
lots of Good Leatlier!
Lots Of Ladies
Washington. June 29.—Special.]—General Shafter. has
reported two most important developments in the miliury
situation at Santiago. First, That he expects to uke the
city as soon as he gets ready to move and that he
will not wait for reinforcements. Second. That Spanish may arrive Uare before Camara' eaa
reinforcements numbering 8.000 men. accompanied by pack Rat back. The eaaaa of Uto aetivlty
trains and large droves of animals are advancing from Man- to taformatloa wUeb raackad tha atata
zanilla to relieve Santiago.
dapartmaat today that Camara bad
A number of dispatches have been received from Gen pnatteaUyabaadaaad Ua PhUlpptaaa
eral Shafter covering »ll the details of the present miliUry trtp.
situation. Several of them are to the Secretary of War. oth
ers to Major General Miles. They cover substantially the
.same ground. It is evident that General Shafters purpose is
not to wait for reinforcements, but to make his attack before
the 8.000 troops, approaching from the west, can reach the
city. The statement that they are now but 54 miles from OabtoRram From Admiral Deway ia
Santiago, shows that the Spanish forces covered about one- Vbicb It to Btatod That Ua Fra(half of the distance suted when first located by the reaa ef XBaarRamt Ohiaf Haa Baaa
Veadarfkl-fia Haa Oaadaatad a
American officers. This probably was a day or two ago. for
Baataaa Var.
General Shatter’s dispatch was sent last night, and in the BywUlteTuUoufiM Maceap
meantime the Spaniards undoubtedly have ad\^nc«d consid- WaaklaRtoa. Jaaa
Tba aavy daably farther. The droves of cattle which the Spanish army paruaaat Uto afteraoao aude paklk
is bringing along shows that the purpose is to lay in an ample Ua followiBR cablaRram from Admiral
supply of fresh meat in anticipation of a siege. This and the Iteway. ■•Oavito. Juaa
No cbaaRa
pack trains hamper a rapid advance, but even with bad roads it Ua aliaatloa alaoa Ua tolafram of
Jkaa ISU. Five Oarmaa. Uara Britthe Spaniards probably will make from 10 to 20 miles in
Uk. oaa Fraaeh aad oaa Japaaeae maa
Are baying those el^^t
Yiei Kid, Silk Vesting Top,
Ladies’ Fine Shoes Uat ws
are selling at
It pays to trade here and
they know it
AM Y. Friedricli.
ardajr, aa4 la waJaacUon wlU aaoUSaflkrad SaBWRO ia OeUtoloa Wl
•Up, wUl nak* •ani-wrakljr trip*
Ua Flacablp Vowark ef Ua
hatwMa Kar W«at aad SantUco. /oka
Tblrtyflrat MiUlfaa, baa baas ao
Oatooad B. Tower of Coaipaay C
ggypttos OavartiBteDt Hm Fatotiraly of tba Thlrty-aMwad. kaa kaaa dtoBefaaad to AccaBmodsto AdekaiRod fi«« Ua aarrlea.
aJial OatoAm
to Ta> Uoaxi^ Bacoas.
Ctoira. iRyat. Jaoa$».—AdalralCanBBtaarbad Taatofdayoe Ua Btoaaar
Vowport WiU Twa Oompaaiaa
AMtaiFart laid, but Ua EfypUoa
Anniary aad XdRbt BaMaiy.
foraraoMl. keltoTlar Ua Spaatob apaeUUaTBBMoamabwaaaablaa bava saffleiecl eoal to atoaB to
Saa Fnadaeo. Jaaa M-—Tba apoady
Ua aearaat part of Uoto ow« coaatty. •taaiaar Kawpert. baariaR Oaaaral
refaaai bit raqaeat U Wcalay Merritt. Ua taiUtary rot.
MoordaBta wHk Ue antrallty lawa.
af Ue naipplaaa. aad kU itaF.kaaidaa
Deweif woo at Moolla, Hobsoo tte Merrimac saok,
Sliafnr his loaded Id Doha, Co. M from Fine's cop hat
Bet wo slirted the hall rolliig, selling Wall Paper is iir
Bop at onr istooishlog prices aid poor happieess is sirdf
putsMBt hM pUo«d Ue eatMr Fen »t
U« dtopawl of Ue pMtrtiM d*pwV
Butfor Ue traMBlMtoa of baU «• poverty.
Ug traoi* la Cate.
Tk« F«ra WiU raa«h
W«t M 8at-
Off Santiago, via Kingston June 29.—{Special)—Gener
al Pando. with reinforcements of 8.700 Spanish troops from
Manzanillo, is expected to reach the vicinity of Santiago de
kald laapoaalkla, witk Pwaoaa. Bptaa.
Llacr, Ftoebar, BaRla.>ad Naabe. far
tha barliBR of Ue dyaanlto bomba
wbiek eaaaad tka daaU of aavaB poliaaBtaa la Ua Hayiaarbat riot. Bb vaaUfa Imprtooamaat. kat ka
)d by Goraraor AllRald.
. marked by axtiwaa
Hia life Blaea
Seeoiiii Tear—‘Ko S69
Cuba Sunday.
of war are la port. Tba iaaarRaata an
elaalaR la oa Ua witj. ARalaaldo, Ua
laaarReat leader. wiU bia staff, ar
rived May l»U. WiU my
ha aatabltobad blmaaU at Oavita oataide Ua araaaal uadar aur Ruaa aad Ua
of Ua areeasL Tba praRraaa of ARidBoldo baa baao waadarfuL
Be baa Uvariakty ooadaetod Ua war
sly. My ^tiosa wiU him are
oardlal, bwt my ooafaraaom bava kara
HtoXdfaWaoalUloaaadtrato Fritoa
a llRkt kattary aad o
Maritod bySxtrama Fevwty.
AfljBtont Abal Bu BastRaad.
afUalblrd UmHad Statot ArtlUaty. apartsl ta tk« Maamss Bamwa
(Akafo. Jaaan.-Miobaal Bekwab.
WathiERtoa. Jum »#.—Tka nalRaa- aad a datatehBaat trow Ua eiRaal
Ua aaarUtot. fltod today. SUwabwaa
ftk« ef AdjBtut F. L. Akal ef Ua Oarpa, to bow «b tto way to MaaDa.
Wa are aRida ready, wlU a larfc
stock of loa. to deliver Ua asasa to any
part of Ua elty.
Maple bloek wood also for mla.
\ Touobed off in a man's hip pookat is a anrprisa. Bat
what is more surprising is the low prices
on Clothing and Oants For>
nishlng Goods at
iT.J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
46o bays soil Renaine Balbriggan Underwear, men’s sizes.
48c bays a boy's Washable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
: Whistle.
48e ba3m a men's besvyr Cottonade
Cottonadi Psnta
19c bays men’s ap-to-date Caps.
43c bays msa’s fine Dress Shirta
$3 98, $448, $6.88. $6.98. $7.38 bays men’s stylish All
Wool Soits, worth from $e to MlAtt
It's not a sorpries to os that ws do the clothing hnsiiurs of
the city at these prices. See
T-'a^, SOST,
124 Frtmt Street
Friedrich Block.
Oon’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Rememher Mp New Place312 South Union Street Opposite C. t W. M. Depot
in IWi in Balm HIM.
H.E.GIBBB, Propr.
Hastiogs’ Real Estate Agency.
10 fool toi. IWMIII kooM. Bs« lovaite. Sik auvn, erne br too«ki tor WO.
K tool let. «o«<l d
PmveoS. W dow* Mid »N pm ■oeU oat J pmU lor.
SIsrrvaikTvrBlIxiostbsadvMfraBlhooUx. toad (ood. vaU iraiMd. Twmag ord. malaaborriaBtoroBlrritolL
»s arrm t Billr irrovaU UoproTto vUIbeooUUOMpSmordiTUrd wostt. Look tkw
Bp. Otbcrptacro)oUS.«Mlt»bl.aroior«w.
Mom Btefc. PtomTI.
Regiiiiig Joie 29th,
anil Eittreir Sold On
(?i Will Sell SmnI
Ever Use
All Weal
Stylish Suits
If yon do.takethe^o the
Sooth Side Pbarmaej
sad hAwe them filled aoourstsIyAnd qnicUy.
Savoral lata of
maa^ U^^a^ara. at to »&
Ue beat U|«t oolmwd yoeUb aolla. to W________ Oodar of our blcyela adta ro at Rl.to
^lsUuSa?n laU top. made af flaa vkd kid
atoak.RO at to.
G. A. Johnson.
406 Sooth Union Street
The Boston Store,
THK XOBSmia BBOOBO. THT7B80AT. fVVm 80. 1888.
TB&TXXBB orrr. •
vAxnrs wmt nEAisB* ^
nan foe tkb Komaai
VMS. T. Ba» ^ J. W. Bunoi.
s. W. BAran. BdlMr mai IUs*rCT.
•. •.
• J£
01eMeuB*iBWUeh«0tnM WimA
XsMrtM« With AMd Woak-Chd
TMn StMBgtlMMd ar • XM» OlMMB tha OcMk FiUhv *M Bmtj
The BosUen west down sfsiB beiore UeOelle TMterdej ta
wktok they M«ht to hare woa. Thle
Bokee five BtrolchtfWMt loot oad the
Uool tew MO woadorter wbw ike
hooM team wlU take oae. Five etralfht
ramee loot to oae team, aad tkat to
hoped {ran the koi e team la the next
The chief teatnrae is jeeterday'e
fane were a kcniaane, empty hesekw
and two pawed halla The eoore tadi
oatwtkatUwaaarood Fane, and it
was ap to the eeraatk lanlnF. whoa
two pawed ealU let ia the oaly two
raae the Odlu wade ia the fane. Gatw
waa la the box at the time aad kie low
halla were larrely leepoaxlUe for the
ftepebUoaa Ooosty Goarantion.
Up to the aerentk the rone waa toA EwehUceyD eonatr ceeTeaUoe for the
aweer «r Otead« Tieteiw vUl be held ei terwUor. Uoach the playera <
^»—|- a«n to«W OU ef TtermoOlt)'. el kandleapped by the etraar wind which
pteraUed. While the hall waa pe
ed hard hy the hoau tram, there
always e Colt acar by to fobble U.
Dye etarted to the box for the HoaUora
aod did food work hot ho bad a laate
am whleh foroed him to reUre from
the fane. Be waa relieved hy Catw
who waa oo tha beach. The only rno
waa made U the third iaalaf. wkea
Pitaaaa eoorod arith a floortoh after
Hull’a loar Ay «aa palled down la eeater field.
Uatheaixtk laalar Wheeler dtoUo'
ratobed bimeelf by ihrawtae oot two
. at the plat^ after allowior them
te reach third bar ^7 POor work. The
crowd really ferrave him aad west wild
It h BOW reported that Camara
for a few owcMota.
ntera to Bpais. aad for tkat rei
The team kaa been materially
iho aary departweat kae ordered OonBtraartheoed by the addiiioo of ‘-Kid**
WDdore WataoB to prepare with all
Gleaeoa who arrived from Chloaro yeeteate to sake the trip to Oikialtar. It
terday. Qleaaaa was Maatotee-a beat
teqalte likely that the Baetera aqaadpitcher iwt yeMaad ha will be the
wm eaa reach the Bpaaleh eeaet before
OOMia eaa ret there aad with e tew third piteher for the HaiUere for UU
oa. Be to a
all tonad player
Eapa leeway Cewmodore Wateoa
•atealy dwtray the prteelpal eoaet and a heavy hitter With this arr>^
ratkm the team oarht to play wiaoiof
tertHeatloae bot riak the wkele Spaaball aod there to every reaeoa to expect
teh fleet. There le ao neoaeo to
fleet ta the ratara of Camara’i aqaad- that better raporta will oome from
Maalatae wbw the team pUye there
yen a»d it to partieslarly dabble that
dtetwo fieeu akoald meet
A few oo the Foorth.
aatotea has the atroafeat t
•heti from the r«w of the lewa aad
Cngmm woald atake ahort work of the
«VBT BSFOBl 8An.l¥a
Bleey«dtba*Tfp Fraa Oaap Alfw
to Mowpott Vewa.
Hawport Howa. dtaaSS. UM.
to EaooaD;—lwUl attempt to
rive yoo a UtUe akeuh of oar }Mraoy
Wo left Gamp Alfw at
oix o'eloek last airht. aad marebed
to Doan Loriar. a dtotaoee of ahoat
tear aUlea.
The TUrlola dnat, wblsh to alwaye
had. was at ila worst aad as there wee
ao hreew hlowlnr the heat waa loteaae.
Bowever. the boys stood tha mareb
well, BOM of them telUar oat.
reached Doaa Loiiar at eevaa o'eloek
aad there we were aerved hot coffee,
after which we thraw oar Wankote oa
the rraud and rested oa them, elafiar
and telllar etorloe.
Oar eoachae were aot reedy aad we
were marebed to the lawa ta front of
a clUsoa's koose. where we went to
eloep nnUl about midafrht. whoa we
were awakened aad then bearded the
Warner eloepera broarbt there tor as.
Noao ct the boys aram to rarret Icavlait Virriela aad tbo aarrr*ttaa that
tbo bead play "‘Ikka He Back to Old
Tlrriaia" to always raeelvsd by htoaca
The only place of nay importaaea wo
pe«oed throogh oa the way from Doaa
Loriar was Bichmaad, whleh
raaebed aboat 7:U Uto moralar
Wo reached Kowport News abeet
10:S0aad were marebed toapMk frrntInroa tha hMhor wbara we stacked
Wo ware tbea eerved ooFee aad
afterwarda mwl of Ue boys went aad
tonk a aalt watvr hath. The water
was dallrhtfol aad we bad the beet
ba .h we have had aioce we have left
whleh to. to Uka as to Caba to aaehored
aboot one mile out from the pier toadlar aeppUaa.
The erntoer Hiaanpolto to aaehared
car her aaderroiar repairs aad from
the camp rn>nnda we caa sea the hatits of of the twin baulaahips
Keatsarre aad Knitneky which ar^^
iar oonetraetad hcra.
Jeae M. im.
Atlaat weara aboard the tr - *
Wo came aboard last nirbt ahoqt four
a'elock. We were aot aaelraed nay
aleeplor place ee we had to tera
la as beet we oenlA
I slept ea
apper deck aod reetod welt.
The Harvard to now eoallar from two
This moralar many of the boya took
a swim fram Ueee aeowa aad aajoyed
it imma aaoly. We expect to leave here
at high tide wbieb to between two aad
four o-cloek.
The boys ara all wall and in hirh
Hieblraa feat eaonrb to beat tbamont. qiiriw.' I will try to -wrUe araia bofore we lead.
Tn iBteUireooe, peratoteoee mod
D. 8. Hobos
CDod r*m««iahip dtoplayod by Aqaie■Uo. leader of the iaaorrente at the
Beenlt of a Horae Trade.
Fidlippiaca. to refreahlar to ooatemNome time ar<> Barney Anderson
flate: aad the etratecir which be has
traded e hoise to Sylvester Brawn for
nmployed la ukinr the outekirta of
a coll and arranred to deliver the
Itealla oemmaads the admlratloa of
• to Browa wbea the latter
the •xperieaoed rwerals of the United
. S 0 I t
0 • hswsrht the oolt to town. The coU
. 4 e 0 0
s 0
Matea. Aqaiaaldo baa thoa Ur earn4 0 I
I 0 s was brosrht dowa as arraared, bat
. a « e I
I 0
flaetod a bnmaac campain aad hto
wbea near the implemeat factory on
•pane -All throarh tha praaeat trooble
. I a I *
a 0 Front street the animal eollapoed aad
te arabaka te Spain and a credit ta hto
delivered oa a atoac-boat. Hr.
' lateUireftee aad lofty parpoaea. Bach
er^B rafosed to accept the colt.
f—«— draerve aocceaa aad the trtiBrawn replevined the hoTM which hr
4am Ur whleh they fipht.
to have had and the aait was tried
before JaaUce Browa yeaurday. The
snsowa ahs pzvoEn
jary decided that Hr. Aaderaoa bad
lade the trade aad osrht to abide by
Safletaod hy EepnhUoaaa la Bhlait: tberefore Jadgmeat waa rendered
waaaao OooaQr.
ia favor of Broira. J. W. Patchla repCoranaa. Hleh.. iaae
The BoiDtod AndenoB aad Frad Pratt
fahUoaasof Shmwanea eooaty la thalr ____ oo boU*. eS Orvl.oSCatMl. Donbla Brawn’s attorney.
paaianlinn have eddossed Seaator Borflee
my new Jewelry store wbea
eo>. m Oramd, t: br Or*, l- Pwrad boUs.
r heartily.
Haa^ L'apliv. BaeUtryon come to the Bostoface and take ad-
Cheapest and moet roIiabTe place to get yonr bicycle repaired aod
pot in go^ ronning order. Beve had aerere] ynars experience .and
know how it eboold be dene. Satufection guaranteed- I am pelling
UcTole pnndriee at aboot cost- New and ee»>nd band wheelo
wheels for a
and to rent. Pleaae give os a trial
Bracing a specialty.
BLUB, 811 Front at. East
a L. Baker of Honor, Heat Aai
to the United Staten Gourt.
Tnesday afternoon Clmrlra L Baker
was broarht owr from Boner by DvpntyU. 8. Hatthall O D-.nD.lI aad arrairaed before U.8. CommUaioaer I
arts by U. 8. Dtotriet Attorney Oovell
oa a ebarr* of perjury. Be was
leased oa bail la the earn of PMiO for bto
appearance before the Grand Jary la
Baker waa arreatrd erme UiM ago
<m a charre ef vendiar obsecM lettais
Uroarh the aaall aad U the trial was
acqoUtod. Oa the witncaa stand he
toeUfied that be had never been arrest-,
ed oa a criminal ebarre. hot tha
oSeiala are said to have discovered
that he kaa been arrested three timaa
tor lareeny and other oFea a and had
been ooavieted aad
Benee the eharva of perjary.
axvd S\^Ve
'VOert tvenn &o doae \0Qe\.\ttT
IT dnsufl.
KUke& a cowMBaVkoB
cBs^omera aad «t»«T8*
B. J. Morgan,
tkm aad Ooreraor Piogree aad the delpgatea were rcqoested'io vote for Dex
•oal.ABBual Sleotioa Teaterday-b
ter H. Ferry Ur chairman of the auto
•taUatlOB Hext Wodaaaday.
teoportod That Omseral Brooks Will
;bo Hiliury Bead of tha XalaaA
flpirlsl wTbs Moense EareSB.
•L Lonto. Joaa 18 —A spoeial to the
riDBt Dtopatch from Chleamaiiroa raya
^r«at aattoteeUoa to felt amonr the
groope thore over the report that Oea«al Brooks sHIl be appoialod HllKary
teovoraor ofFaertoBioa
Bpaalsb Bplaa OaptatPd.
How York. Jana tv.~Tba Jovaal’a
fli^ De Bate cable oaya that the Oaao to Omni LImirn- ‘nm P^P«n. AmbA npM tbea
snraed General Llaaree of the prepartelnm Bsade by the Americaas to ab
teck flaatiaro. aad alao eoasalaed lalonaatim that the Spaalarda in OoanlaBarao, wore ia dire atraiu.
E^4or HowtoB Will Botan.
BA. Newton, horler of Company H.
TUrty-foarth Hiehlran Volaok
has been moatored oat and wUl be
gUm aa boaorable diaeharra.
Mother. Hra. W. A. Newton, has '
ooey ill and the enUstmaat of Ed. has
■ads her oondltloa worse. In view of
«toe eiroamataaen' a dtoeharra
At the rarvter eeaoi-aaaaal meetlar
of Ooart Travona, No. e, C
of the ladapeadent Order of Faroetors
held ynterday afteraooa, the followiag
sn were oleeted ter the ooeainr
P. C. C—Hattie Reaale.
C. C-ChrtoUaa Poet.
V. C C.—Lacy Weaver. '
Ckaplala—BUea Ely.
a flerihe-Bmma Kelly.
C FlaaBcler-Bva emith.
C. Troaesrar-Hary Pyboa.
C. Harahal-Clara Cameron.
C Coadoctor-Hra. E. E FamL
a Guard—Aoroau Fader.
C SeaUBal-Urs. Packard.
AndiUnr eommiueo-Almlra FOot.
Hra. H. BbeScr, and Cora Toanr.
The laatalUUoB will take place aoxt
Wedaeedey afteraooa.
The eoclety of Oompaaioi
exeellaat eh^ and the 4
Oaoaed by Idchtalaf.
Last airht ahorUy after aerea o'eloek
a fife atm^ ia the office of the C. A
W. H. freirkt booae. The fire depart
ment waa oa the rfonod in a few
meats and aooa extiorutobed the blsM.
The fire •rlriaated from a lelcrraph
wire aad waa eanaed hy the electro
storaa. The damsfe was alirht.
Hra. Orarre TnUia of Went Blevaath
Btreet. who has beeaaiek with man
ma iMt deiaahmant of tha Thirty Foorth ofdaly Flrawodsa i--------atMaOoyte.
^artbaadtrUlaaethoafaaraa ef Oaha
Flaaet lias la tha Hw. Get
Steinberg’s Grand
f Cuban
Everythiiir new and a few
new people, and
MGKanla8S& Randolpli
will bare a bodget ef sew '
work for yon.
Our Sisglag Bxoela.
Dfliioera ar« Oreut
Comfldimnfl Fumy,
Csmt sil Issetwlittfs.
Frlees, le, 86 ft 860.
Qvw HcNmn'i 6bo« ttoa
r^,^FateUaUBtdiac a Flae Hew
Attorney J. W. Pat^la to rtdinr a •
Baa new blcy-ae bnllt by H. E Giblm. I
On X dt K. E. R. E.
Hr. Patchla to above the avsrara ia'
belrki aad It was diffiealt to rat ju«t'
tha wheel he weated, ao be had one
baggage, bos and back work
baUt to order by Hr. Glbbe. The
for said road sbonid be left with
wheel to a TT-inch frame aad Hr. Patme.
239 State street, tele
chia now thiohs be Am the beat wheel
phone 8. All orders left with me
•nnettea af taMb
that ha ooald obtain for hto peraoaal
iwuiuwu. uuwaadaoatmilimrtM
will receive prompt attention.
•tloe r« «wd (or DBkliie eitnedra •
•* t I
of Ia<
Htoa Frye. oo^^f-tte
. _________
the ladttr^ool at Ht. PlcaaaaV
arrived la the city last evcaiar- She
was accompanied by twelve papiU who
will be taken to tbelr taomea at Snttona
Bay aad Ek Eaidde for the sammer
.lion. They aUyed at the Botol
Panrbora last nIrhL '
Beaortera for Omeaa.
The arrlvala for Omeaa last airht at
the itork Place were: Him U Kent.
JackaoDville.-ill.: I. Jewitt aad wife,
Mrs. D. L. Monill, Nabam Honill, Jr..
Hra E A Foret aad lAwreeta Font
of Chiearoi ateo tb* Himes BmIct of
Grand Baplda
ladies'll iocttops,black
ortan,$2.2S. Compare then
with aep $3 shoeJjLihe ciip.
New aod aobhylost
Foanh of duly Finworkaat KcOoy'B.
Flaeat line ia the city. Get yonr
•ly early.
I 1 *?
^ Zbc rtijU
\Se qv)iB.\\tq
& \0e yfiAZ
Geo. R. Winnie,
- Op-to-dan Paiiter
and Paper Haeger.
Shop Oppotlte Eagle Offloo. 118 FfOnt Street.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
; of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
: of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favoiftes at th's season of
; the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicydo Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
^ | J
THB UOVajSQ HBOOftl). THI7S80AT. JT7VB 80, 1888,
H«aj1y Thirty TheuMnd li
8ch«dul«d To B*8«nt
to Ohcftor.
win a. fiMDr
not* wluM* ft»r tb«a Uiu aalt
Oarenl AJbw poloia cwt that tbla
MTU(«nNM U baaafl on leog «p«1CMC. He my bewouM w>l bar* noUert
Um tBUrrJ**. Mteept ibit It waa llkclr
t» coDvey an em>Beoua Imprearton to
tb* pubUe coBcernln* the car* with
wbiebAur •eldlert are helm cietb^ and
dtbekreatr Um weltare
tare of oor
troop* and hi* deiermtaatloa to get
them the very beat f.Mjd. clotblm bad
anppUea wblrb can be aecored.
poirt asjo* toe son nu mm.
•m* •
• 0**« Thlaa* t
la ta* DlrWaa-^Oal.
----- ri—
- MaUalaK •
-Klab f»>aa Oar. riacM. Otm. Al*ar
Snial.. Abo.t aaMlar Ctolka* aa« an part* oT the country bare been aend*
log to tbeir reiativea and frlenda among
the aoldlera In the
Pat*. Oa.. /«ne th
camp* bo«e* and package* contalnim
, .niedi ' hrcrta <Muld think of and tender hand*
While the---------------------. . ud uf the boxp* and thoreoghly enjoy ttaelr cortenu.the •'tD<lml*
Mt diasge the plan to prepare for an of the
Cgpeditlon. buwerer. «lnce the rerofciog aendlm of dellcacle* l
•rter effecu more eaperially tb* Iran*- PlcJiled onion*. pre«
Mrs named In the former order. It pro canoed frvlu cocoanut
vide* fnrtber ibatln*u.adof ftfleen reglIB be!m Immediately equipped and
1 ine aigeauoc oi men wno are oongeo <i
I *uhinlt dally to rigid mlllUry dlaclplln
nd training.
Tbe war department
last night gave
out the I I.____i____....__________. ___k.l.W
of the Flirt corp* to form
uy force
rUl U Obaarrad ta tba X«eal
OborAM 9*ij SiA.
Jnly Brd «m ba obaweed bj saarij
alttb* ehoTcbaa la the aty aa AatlBalooa Saada/. and tba proc>«a tbrj
*kI.. -k-_ —« -k.. «- —« '
tba day _Ill
wm ba la
ebarr* «f tb* IomI
AaU-nalooa Laafu*
liar Fraf. A. O. Wrirbi wtU
apaak U tb* 8aooad M. B. eburak. At
8 p. ak a ametlad of
an will ba bcU la tha Ooarre(atio&al
ebnreh. aad aU wko ara UUraatad la
at temperanea la tbi*
bad tba aayranDdlnc eoaatry ara
riud to attuA la tba aranlng Prof.
A. O. Wiirht will tpeak In the Prienda
ebareh aad Bar. J. F. Braadt. aUU
raparlnuadaiit, will apeak at tb* ConrrcgaUonal ehurcb. The public is oordlaUf Inritad to thaaa meetlaga.
Closed July 4tliENTIRE DAY.
From now until that time we shall continue a sale of
suits at $6.00, $7.60 and $10:00 that contain some ex
ceptional bargains. Also a complete lin^ of summer
goods at low pi ices—Bicycle Suits, Belts, Hose, etc.
Biattngniabad Qtaid Bnplds ^pl*
H«* for a KokUi'a TaeattoB.
Prof. Hanry Oamballr oae of tbe
tllsu of Orasd Bapid*.
arrived Is tbe city last Bight far a
maatb's camplag on Marioa IsiaaA.
C. Poat, t
Grand Bapids. ■
1 by Mr*
PMtaBdHlmCbrpaBUr. H***ra Po*t
aad Uampbeil ipand a portion of each
sommar in tbi* laealUy and they have
many friend* In tbe city. They have
bad a b*w aaillngaloopdcalgned and
bailt by Vicier Montagna, wklcb will
allbongb It U not
yet quit* aomplslad. It is a baantiful
craft, 86 foot in length aad aix-foot
i. Tha boat will be ehristaBadtb*
Ethel II.
Bow to Braatha and Walk.
UIh L.. K. Curtis of Chicago, will
lactara in Oraoe Bpiaoopal eborcb
‘niorsday, Jnoc SOtb. at S o'elook p. m.
an -*Bow to Brmtbe. Stand aad Walk.*
t^nb woman, motbera with grawlng
ebildran. and yooDg ladle* are Isvttad
Lb.'P~.v'°^L.,“r.ocur. Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
gea for admiesioa.
Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Moody will leave
OB tbe PetoaLey for a few daye' vialt la
Misa Cbaaa Chappell and MIm laex
Cook of Howard Ci^ are the gaeete of
Mr*. C. F. Bead.
Night Operator MeAUy of tho & A
W. H. depot, wbo has been etaltlag hia
mother and abUra in tbe oaet. retaraed
Oetk merrttl U Ml-r Miiana.
San FranclBco.June 89.—Ornrrsl Wes
yeaterday moraUig.
Bpwortb League Hlaetioa.
ley Uerrilt. who sailed from this port
Tbe Mlmee Btftba Bedden aad B*tolat 16 o'riorii this morning to aasume hla
The Epworth Leagoe of tbe Sseond U Schneider, wbo bare beea vUiUag
duties as govem -r g ne dlof thePhlllppine li latids. has prcpsnd a proclama- M. E. ebnreb have alaetad the follow- for tbe peat two weeks in Grand Rap
tag ettoere for tb* eomlag eli moatba; ids, ratnraed home last night.
tlcn. s fhich will be
after bi* arrival at Ui alla. It will an
-Mr*. M. B Beoteb.
Mrs. &.] K and Herbert Oaar of Doprapared the entire Plrat corp# of twen- nounce to the people of tbe l*landa that
t'loa PrMldeot—Mtee Dora Mar- wagiae aia eislUag tbeir brother, Mr.
^ty-aeren regUnenu la to be haaUly pre- General Merritt, aa the reprewntaUve
I Oaar of Waat Tenth atraat, aad-Mr*. I
pared for active field service, and
of tbe United SUte*. has eatAbhahed a
Sanasd Vloe Pte^eaV-Hi*. Egbart. UeC^'ry at Wwt Front
aatnral inference prevslU utom the
beat poatad. array officers at tbe park
Third Tie* Prwldenv—Mrs. HnnUBgDick Seboaiberg of tbe f
that tbe entire force wUI be o0 for
Bsskasm wf aa lUlaal* Meldlen
Hardwood Laaibor Co. (• la tbe city
Tampa or other aeaporta withra a week
Camp Alger, Va.. June 3.—Private
FMrtb Vtoa Fratidant—Mtea Bnla bosiaeae.
or tea day*, or aa rapidly a* tranaportt Arthur Elsun. Company K. Seventh IICbpt. J. D. Rramar, traeallag freight
can be provided. Keglmeot* Included Unola attempted Co eommU eutcide fay MarvlB.
Sacratary-MlMFloraBoa C Walton. agent of tb* Q. B. A I., arrived ini
ara tbe Twenty-first Ksiwas, One Hun cutting bis throat a llta a UUe- knife.
dred and FIftr-Hgbtb Indiana. One RIs iniuries arc not necesaartly fauL
Tisaaapei^Mr. Llllia.
tb* city last night on baslaem tor tbe
Bandred aad Slktleth Indiana. Tblr.ycompany.
Lake Erie aad Weriev* SepMt.
- Wisconsin. Third
V. O. L Jl Harkat.
' Herbert Montagne and aos Bea aad
Tiiik»>« Third Wisconsin and Fifth IIUIndlanapoH*. June 89.—The annual re
Tba foUawlag ladies are ashed ta . A. Montague retnread yesterday
port of tbe Lake Erie and Western was
made public yesierday. The gros* earn eoatriknt* to tbe Batorday Market to <om a visit to Watertowa aad MUwan■e—h*i»m
Maior Oeoeral Broedw was appointed ing* for tbe year Increased 8K.1S.H. ba held at Haakel's Bookstore. Jnly 8 kae. Wiaconala.
The net esmlngs show an Increaae of from S to 5 o’eloek. Metdases M. J.
by tbe prealdent to command tbe
Rev. aad Mrs. D. F. brtfleyofGraad
T peylng
sed 8U.- Norotay. M. C. Orlatt, C M. Pmtl. A Rapida retaraod to tba^eaUaga at
t Camp Thomaa. This Is I
ST.n. The freight traffic ahows an In- Pad*D, C. H. Petonon. V. Patertyl. C Omens after agbar^pAt Omnd Bapfact %be understanding of r
eresse of 7JC per cent. In tonnage. Tbe M. Parker. W. J. ParkefT C Paige. T
made by ye*ierd*y-» order appeais to pasaenyer traffic shows a decrease of PieraoD, Agnoa Smith. Magaret Smith,
Fraak Friadrleb srent to Northport
have been In accordance with Ot-neral tn jwr cent. In the number of pasaen- borca* Smith, L. Soole. H. £. Steward.
Brooke's deelre nut to go to the iTOnt gers carried. The q'-artcrly dividend
^ M'^e'lea Bevier of Oraad Baaid*
without sufficient
men for any of -fr jier cent, upon the preferred etock B M. Steteoo. Kate Si-np-oa. Allao
emergency that might arise.
Tbe of the corrpanj ha* l>een continued Smith. T. G. Shllmra. M. A SUlea, J. paeaed tbraugh tb* cl^ an ronta to
during the year.'leaving a surrlus of Keanie, Ransom. B. Tblr>br. HatUr Omen* yeaterday.
work of equli'ping
proceeding with all pimlbie speed aad nts.ew 88 to be carried over.
Mim Grace Smith of Danville. laA.
Timblin, Dr. Thompwm, O. b. Titaa. C.
tbe quartermasters and the —*------gronv •* the IIIsbmmmI.
& Vader. Sr. T. E VauDvhe. A
departmenu are being tased
Chicago, June, ».—League records at traba, Qia*. WilbclB. Chaa. Wofel. J.
utmost rapsclly. The One Hnn
Mie* Wlsitred Pratt aad Leri T.
Bxtleth Indiana rerlmenl ha* received base ball yiwtcrday were a* follows: Al W. Zi
lu full numt>er of gun* ti I* m<Tc than Oevetend-New Tork 4. Cleveland 0;
Peantogton went to Cadar yaeterday to
Ukelr tbst the regiment* will all be paid (wtor-d gatr.r) Nev Tork 4. Cleveland
UaC. E. conveatina.
LonlslL Bd|
at Pittsburg—n-wt-n 6. Plti*burg 6:
before any of them are ..rd< red out. The
Gao. B. Harruoa. was at OUIW.
Aldan yenLoulsrilU—Phllrd IpbU 6. Louisville
t, petTStes will be paid at tbe rate of
Lool* M. Edgaeomb. ftdeat aan of Mr.
at St. Louis—etc innati 8. St. Louis
»' klLM per month and officers from 8M to
fsecond game) Clnclonall &.
‘'xy'BnherweatI to Milsrankoe ^
«JtLt7 fn month.
night at tbeir borne in Mapleloa. of terday la eompaayr wiU W. 6. Jo^nLouis 0.
l^taaa Oeleaer* How-HomvWeeiem League: At DeiroH—Colum quick consumption, aged 85 year*. He
Waablngtoa. June ».-tt has leaked
ns :. petrait S:at Minneapolis—Omaha
S. a Darrow want to Grand Rapid*
out at Camp Alger that Colonel Bar- 4, Mlnn-apnll* S; at St. Paul-Kanm*
Bell. One Bundr.d and Flfiynlntb In Cliy L St Paul It; al Milwaukee-lnyastenlay on bnelacaa
diana has reported that he bad a "saw. dtacapHi* S. Milwaukee 14.
Ue Modern Woodmen of Uis city. A
Profemor Carriar af <Hivet College,
horse" erected and caused Private E. F.
deletfatioD of Ue order will attend hi* passed throagh Ua city yesterday aa
rrightful MarialHy la Ataska.
Cooper, of bis regiment, to ride It as a
puBlihment. He doe* na ofler any e*Warren. O-Junef’.—A letter received faeeral. which a U1 Uke place today at route tor Omena to ^e^ U* summer.
euse tor this «her than a recital of ih? here from John Muldoon. a clilsen
8 p. m from Ue reeidene*. Rev. Mr.
Mr*. Andemoa of Oaeaa, wa* a viaJebnwmvI'K. ll.l* county, wbo la now In HeaU of Ui* city will oOciate.
itor her* yesterday.
me .Maakan gold flelda. aay* that of the
___very gocA -----------Mr. aad Mn. MeCrackaa of Elk Bap
questioned, said that be did not think
nen who tep Seattle with hti
Oka* Bom* in tb* Bata.
there would be a court martial In CoL March, orly four survived T»o •
ids. went to D
. Bamcit * case, aa It does not appear drowned and the others perished from
Tmtarday afternoon Howard Irieb,
Mn B. E VanFleet went to Manis
that he has violated the
cold and hunger.
c. B. Bale aad C. L. Sltorwood rode tee yestsrdey and will make her borne
Tbe d-talU of the trial cf Ue
v,e«r to Elk Rapid* oa tbeir bicycle*. at that plaee In tb* fntnre.
C G. Arne*. Seventh Illlnola, have beThey came bom* is Ue ralo by Ue
aame known. The *cle charge wa* ab
Mia* Motile Menball aad Mbs Satto
Tbe American Institute of Home light of U* Ugbtaiag'a tasbee, and
sence without leave, he going to CoWalker of Old Misaioa, war* in tb*
- o he married, but without opathy baa ele<ted Dr.Balley.vfLlDroln. were dreaebed.
e'ly yeaterday.
Feb., president.
An attempt was discovered at Cble*'
E C. 'Tyler. Ue Paric Plaee barber,
go to amuggle nJura Into tbe Jail in
has eoesred Ue aervloe* of B. C. FUber
Eniigllsh walnut ahella
j The qBaiterly meetiag of Ue Ladle*’ nf Manoeloaa. wbo arrivad yeaterday.
Mis* Laura H. Bevena aged TO. and LIbeary Amoflatios will be bdd In the
ltematk>orfi.v. PlBgnw.
le Ui* momlag.
V,' Waatalngton. June 9.—Secretary Al- Frederick H. Howe, aged $0. were Biar- library room* at 8 p. m. Saturday. A"
Batel and Boborte Eeboa wiU spend
tj' ger's attentioD waa directed yesterday reld at Janesville. Wla
Grace Methodist church. Chicago, will metnbi ra ara laqneated to be preeeat.
•me Ume ia Uaaiag. They left yea
^ to a pnHIshed Interview Id which Govgive free summer night concert* TuesMrs.
araar Plngree. of MIebIgan. criticise*
al the church.
Mn Bngoae Tripp of MS Canal
the -Wow b^ly- furnished l» our troop*
The Heptibllcaesof Hainerenomlnated letter from her boaband. wbleb statM
Oraad Rapida. I* vtolUng bar
and tbe heayrand unsesaonablr cloth Govemer Uewvll}-n Power* by s unan- that be aad bU parly
ing they were obligM to wear. The Idiuuh vote St tbe sUte conventton.
in getting over U* pass and glaeisr bioUer. Camios Park of m: Elmwood
aecratao' said be was surprised U, hear
in- bouse committee ..n mllitarr *f- and ar* now aagagad In bnllding Ualr avaaoA Sbe wUI vwlt all Ue reeorU
such atateminu attributed to the gov Jslrs he* report d s bill Incremsbic tbe
City t* MaeUaaw before
boat wlU wbiU they intend to aaoaad
ernor. a* the latter was at tbe war de fiell fsUon* of the sofiUcr* Ip acUv#
Ue Copper River te Ue gold field* of sb* latnras borne.
partment not long ago and spoke en- servlet
Mia* Aliee Roberte reUmed last
The Chirsgc cliy coimrii ba* ebanged A1**J»
avonlag from PhUadelpbia.
the name >.f Uli .ril slrvet. from Dayton
Company Nnmber Two bad a good
re^menui ho^iaia. As to these bos- street to Bridcn sveaue. to Dewey
ba* beea epeadlag Ue past yaar. Sb*
drill last aigbl. They ara getUag la
plUls. the seerttarv said be had left avenue.
Ihst aublect with the surgeon genersl
cblldrea, wbo. after a visit wiU ralaaf tbe army, wt
sen. of Elau Oslre. Wia.. f<ir the Repubate lavlted to Join Uam la Ueir
Uva* at Tnba will become U* gseat of
_ .
aers reUUng to tbe medical Ucan noirlnsiiun for state treasurer la drill* Wednesday nigbtn.
BBd surgical inanebes of tbe service. announced.
Mn Robprts *■ Waablagtos atroet.
Tb* fnneral of Un UUle year bid
OoDceming the criticisms on nnseas'DThere wa* a fall of rain that amount
C B. Oog of Aides, was in town yaa•bleckrthing. Secretary Alger say* light ed to almont a deluge In the vlrlnJly of daughter of Joaepb Varrean wbo diad
anmmer rlyihtr.g Is being made as fast Monroe. Wls. The storm exteod<4 over Taesduy algkt, will be held tbi*.
XSaxtoao onpirom Mayfield
•a possible, and sn auxiliary cruiser the entirv aeotlon.
lag from St. Fnael* ebtunbe*
win take to Kantlst,a a euffle eat supply
From Madrid comes the report that
E E Brawn of Wyitsmsbnrg. traaafor *n tbe irc’oi a now i.peraling there.
It ba* been derided to <«U out 9,006 o'clock.
boslaam here yeaterday.
more men. the lam <-!**-«• «f
Barry CbUcykt. Ue 17-yaar-old
dothad In this.- samrner suite at a
C. B. Cook and wife of Bay City,
*emiv In Bpaln.
of Mkhael CiahoykI of laadora, died
very aariy date. Couremlng the porit
A rhon»f»Pb I* being made for nsi
a few days ia U* ei^.
ration the aecreiary aaya the army ra at tbe Part* exporiUoa of ia» wblrb I* yeeterday of broacbltia. Tb* toi
& Foley of Cadar was in Ua
tion IS based on the suggestlcn of tbe nipected
enperted to be Sf
of soffirient
suffieJent dtmenmons will b* bald tomoROW.
commlmarr depurtmcni. wblrb lus
Wiaea* yesterday.
Malcolm Wlanlab bam was, la aom
gaariied ita euBcJusloa trum tbe cxpert- t.. be beard by IWW people.
Keble Uwi* rada over from Elk BapIt I* rumored In New Tork that a
eace of the civil war. Those rations
way, aeton fir* yesterday. Id* yesterday a^*^MMa. Be arrived
"popular song" trust ba* been organ
an seven day* fresh most, twe
A eUll alarm wa* taraed in and Ue fir*
Jnat before Ue
bacon, and oa* of potk, out of every ised by Ue leading pubUUer* of UI*
exliagniebaA Tern dallar* will
ten days. This has been recently class of music ihroughout tbe country.
C^tda Klauoad of U* Maaida*
The Republican* of Ue FoarU Maine oover Ue damage.
^Binged to els days of fmh meat and
Ooite wMt te Aaa Arber yeaterday.
«oe of salmon; A day's ration of fresh congnastoBal dtstrlct have renamlBated
Prof, aad Mn. Bom
be gradnatae from on* ot Ue
aseat l* one and one-quarter poundA Charles A. B.iutelle by s nnanlmon*
vote. Nelson tWngley wa* renominated day from a visit at Ueir oM 1
departmmU of U* Onivaidty.
•Bd of *aU meat tbiwe-fourths c
at Charlotte. They alee visited Olivet
ponnd. Soldiers nauaUy qwead their
MbsUriala Freaad of CAkago k
•apply of freab meat over the entire
The marrtwe ot John R. Flagter, Ue aad PlyuonU, aad wbU* at U* latter
>:i magnate, and Miss Alice MandeHet. plaat Prof. Hers gav* Ua gradaattoa Ua gnaet of Ue famUy of W. B. Flattatton period.', aad take a tittle
MMt as desired. It I* anUrely within vbo wu'bamaiH’ tbe contralto of the
a arm go to MapUtoa
h* command ng offiew
church. New Tork city, bas addrem PraffMiar Ryder, tormmiy af
Jnm been made public. Tbe coup** were tbk plaea. I* priaelpal of Ue aabnola at today to look after tb* fnnaial ot Lonb
e wh’gb tbe nnlted U Bsfland Ute last summer.
that plana
parunent.wm not longer beencouraged.
as It has been found that such delicacies
for trootw in the Arid are injurtona
rather than helpful The secretary of
war saggeet* that donations of this
acter In future be sent to the hospltkls only, and that tbe surgeon gen
eral of tbe amy be consulted aa to
where they will be most needed.”
and "Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
146 iTTont StTMt
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correapobd with the Trarene City Lamber Oompany.
We ba^e for Bale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hill Maehioery of all deficriptioos, utdodiiig Two Enginaa,
Ret Worka, Carriagea and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for aala.
All Kinds of Soap.
Quality and aoaBtity, high price and low price, hot all a
high quality for the price.
Our line of toilet soap ia unequalad in the dty.
848 Front Street
213 Front St.
Stoek Rrodvad Throe Time* a fVoak
ountu. tOc
«Oc por
StoDdanla. 30c por quart
tolld Meate.
Flitther's Oyster Dijiot aid Restairdit
' Beduead Bate* oa a. n. * Z
FonrU of Jaly-^ls* far* for rooad
I. dell Jnly 1st. Good to ntaim
Tfce M. A S. ERR. wUl ran special | ^ L SU
rates aad sell tkkett at $1.50 tbe|
M far* for roead
onnd trip from Tnveree City. Oae
to 16U Oaed to ratare between all eUUoas bat aot te irn Sept let.
Chicago, oaa far* for toaad trip alae
H. W. Casntegbam. Agaat.
aseeau. 8*11 Jnly 18U good taiatam •
F. A KitebeU, O. P. d
•ngqnt KU.
----------Oneimtl. one orat par adle. 8^
TUag tor Knoeabaaa.
| ^tambor *d. good to retom Oetobar
Oeletaation at llaatote* Xoaday, July
-A,------- ------------------- ------------...
Mntaal Fire laenraaoe Co. Ltd. of Jackaoo, Mich., is one
of that kind. Hon. R. J. Whaley U ite
president. H<*. D. D. AlUen aad D.
P. Msrkry are mnmbersof lU Board of
Dlnetors and are nsing Ueir teflunace
to matte it a eneeim. Evary aiember
of lu board are fliat-class eltteca* aad
well known.
Call oa iu sgcat *t Trsveras aty tor
nsunaee on
B. B. Allth. Ageab
trip. SaU
_______ one
Jane 8TU aad 88U retnra Jnly 4U.
ladlaaapUk. one fara tor roaad trip.
Bell Angutt 8U. ratara Angnst i$U.
Bell July SOU '
AngM*. 15U.
Barauga, one tars tor round ■ trip.
Sell Angnst 1st, good to rsUm Aagant
trip .... ___.
: ge^ to return Sept. «U.
Vertamion, O.. oae far* tor roaad
8*11 Angaat lat, good te rotara
Tba Fourth at Maakte*.
Bsy View Camp Meetiag. oae tor* far
M. A N. E. trains wOl ran aa follows Mod trip 8*11 Jaly UU to 81st.
gaod to ratom Aag. SOU.
oa JslylU; Losve Traverse Qty
Bedacod nte* to other patete. Phaaa
Meaktee et 5:M and $:85 a. a. aad
p. m. Lmve Manlatoe for Trav....
aty St 1:«. 4:10 and 0:80 p m. TieksU
will .be sold Jnly
It Sad to 4U. Betnrn
limit Jnly SU Rstes betwcai
KUwauks* OanivaL
tlons oa U* M. A N. E tms tor* for
On aeeoaat of the oaraival at Ml- r
askae.Wis.UeM.AK. BBE-Oa. ’
trip t
1 aeU nmad trip tkkste at »4.n ^
itiag lia.
______ J on
a goon i
Band aad baUk.____
H. W. Oca_______
.. .. . , ...
r. A MaewRU, G. P. AgC
Wfr* tht'Oppoting Annies Are
Preparing for the Deceive
ADocen 'n d^d
ncclvad th» tollowtns dl«p>teh tretn
CapUlB 0«nml AufoiU. dated (rwn
UentU on June n; "The altuatlon la
aUU M (rave. I eonilnue to nwlntaln
mr i»altlon Inaldr the line of biocSbousea. but the enemy U increaidBC >n
Dumbera na the rebela ocrupy the pmvlare# which arv wrreaderlnic. Toma*
tlal ralna are Inuodailas the Intrenchmenu. renderins the work of defence
dlfflcult. The namhera of alek unonsUic
troupe are Inrreaattuc. ataklnr the aituatltm rerr dirtreaainK and cattilae !«•
ereaaed deaerttona «f the native aoldim.
rtchi — taauiwv'a rMtuiMtiaa*
It la eoUmated that the Inauntentaottm*
her tO.OM armed with rtflea and ll»,Me
armed with aworda. etc.
"Arulnald* haa aummoned fne to
At the FVoot. on the RIe Onama.
Honday. June ZT. via Klngaton. Ja- aurrender. bat 1 have treated hla prop*.
aalB with diadala. (or 1 an reaolved to
aialca. June !».—{Copyright. lAJ*. by the
maintain the aoverelanty of Bpain and
Aaaorlated Preaa.]-The Amertcan (roat
the honor e( the flax to the laat extrem
haa been advMced
beyond the flrat ity. T have over 1.000 alrk and M»
tttiapliig of the Rio Gumma, about a wounded. The rlladet haa been Invaded
I -V and a tug Ifatf three and a halt by the anburban Inhabitant, who have
cpaffyh Intreni4unenla.
their taomea owing to the
.... a a tr^ade reata OB the barbaiity of the rebels These Inhabi
t. .d to Santiago de Cuba. Tba Thltd tants conalltule an embarrasamenl, agcravaUttx the situation In viea of the
brigade under General Chaffee, the Sev
Ivniluudment. a-hlch. however, /l» not
enteenth. Twetnh and Seventh reglBciiovaly apprehended for the moment.
nentabolda tbetrench.wnbhUcomiDaiid
_ the
___ Vlsayi
governor of
nemoiB Tim by ous tboobs.
lytngacTosa thcr««dandriver. The Plrat 1 Ulndanao Inland* cables that he haa debrlgade — the l£lghth. Taenty-aecond r (eiUcd the Insurgenu In an engagement
and ^md JIaaaachuaetta under Gen- ! durirjt which Chief Arco. Agulnaldo a
eral ^an Clarke—U«a on the left Sank repreecniatlvv. waa killed. He add* that
allgr.tly in the rear, and the Second .tranquillity now percalla throughout
brlgade-the Flm. Fourth and Taenty-; these Islanda. and he further aeaeru
fifth—cccui4es the oppoalte p<«ltioa on ' that the principal Ualay chiefs of the
the right flunk, (lem-ral Wheeler, with hllndanao gronp declsre tbi-y
b>-y desire to
svaln-, l» In the mar. between fight on the side o
>e Epanlarda
Sevilla hills and the Rio Guama.
against the inmders.'
lUandlewa gklralUi Rep rted.
Captain General AugusU'S family U
AsiraBgilBeoroul|«sialamalntalB*d'stlll In the hands of the Insurgents
ules. was aklrmlshing towarUa the city
this morning.
The Cnbans had nev-'
eral alight akirmlobes vnOi the Spanlards
statIrAed on the bills on the
A majority of the detacbmenu In the
Island of Luton have sumndcred. owIng to their lark of food, though some
succeeded In Acaping.
M , O
« ' a
<aybr«ak by the Spaniards The Utter
retreated towards Santiago de Cuba.
ners to CavUa.
No (aumiea
are reported.
Lasrton. Oeaeml Chaffee and General
heeler have thoroughly
of IBI
have very- good maps of tba roads and
defrncea of the city.
Mews by Wpawtsb raetficM.
Much Information haa also been oht
• ♦
Spanish paciBcoa who have
u ,ioi uf ihe city and given themeelvea up In the hope of getting food.
They report great atarvntlon aad diatreaa In Santiago.
They also report
that aeventy-aeven Spaniards wWe
kJlled and that elghty-nlne werewpuhd«d aa the result of the engacemcht on
Friday last with Colonel Wood's and
Ocneml Tvung’a commands. Thera are
two forts of cunaldemble Importance
within the Spulab lines. Punu Blaaea.
at the Southern end of the bay, smd
Santa t'twuU at the southeast cbmer
On the road to Caney. on the north, la
another fort. There are about 4W men
In each of these fnrtlfkatlona. andi|
gtreirhlng around the whole city are
nine barbed wire f.nces, flRy yards
apart, while Just Inside there are tinea
of rifle plU____________
SI is
Baedlesl ^rit* aad LNUs
the northern extremity of the dty to
Morrci castle. A little west of south,
at a dlsiace of about seven miles from
Mnrro castle. The rnnd to within a few
hundred yard* of the batteries at the
rear of Jiniro waa reconr.oUered yes
terday afternoon by General Chaffee
and several memWrs of hi* staff. The
Cul«ns l•clleve that If the water supply
of the cliy can l<e shat off Santiago wUJ
have t.« yield affonce.
No aggressive
move by the Anbtlcsns is amicH«ted
for several daya The Tvad lo the base
of supplies must Iw greatly Improved
before the onward movement ran be
aafely made.
At present II taxes ibe quarterwiaetefs (i-i-artirrrt to the atmosl to get
provlal. r« erd ammunlBon Last night
•one i>ack ' inln arrived w lih auppilea
wuffliicni to lost until tonight, and ns
this dirpaich I* being written anslber
Unm of ammunlUon U coming la. A
train of nmmuntll-'n bas reached Gen
eral Chaffee's brigade, and a tAttery
i astling guns nod dynamite guns at
tached to the Rimgh lUllera has .been
mov-d to GcncAl Brevier's camp.
. Th-re Is no high groundriti the prcs<-iK
position who# ih<>'llmcbklse or Gat
ling gune cottld be put In posikon, but o
little fur^r on Is ground wh-r.- guns
ran bcmAinted and fruvn which an ef
fective flri- can be'direcU-d at Uie Sp^t
isb emr- nchmenu.
There were R
Be Triad IS W rock a Train.
SpBngflelA Ilia. June ».-A Stale
Rf^ler speriaJ from Taylorvlll* saya
(flat Wabash Detective Lay arrived
there yrsterfiny and iwore out a war
rant for the arrest of James L. Miller,
of HarveL charged with attempt to
wreck the Wabash -ConUnenlal Umtted" last Sunday. Lay quegttoned Mil
ler's aasMlaies and fouDd that be had
cpufesaed to them that he bad at
tempted to wrack the train.
0*likMb Trwwhie fa
teg Uw Way of tbe Matew.
New York, j'une
steamship Panther. Commander feeurge
C. Rritcr. arrived from Guantanamo
bay. Cuba, yesterday to lie suHiIledwHh
a battery. The Panther brought with
h^ scvpfi Spanish marine mines taken
from the t-ay of Guantanamo. There are
boll shape, ale-ut four fe-i long and
three ti-e4 In diameter at thowldvatparL
They are Intended to be discharged by
onniact and arms extend from the aidea.
Harnarle* had grown all over thtee. so
that when the Marb1eh.-ad cougbt one
OB her propeller the plunger was prevenb-d
by becoming
Jammed l>y tbe barnacles. Otherwise tbe
mine would have exploded, aa the gun
cotton was In iwrtect oindltton. It waa
the larnarles also that savod the Texaa
London. June SS.-^e Star prinU a
atery from a forelffn correapondeol to
the effect (hat a part of Admiral Ca
mara's n-et li ft him eff Algerlrwa near
Gllirwlur. and la now on iu way lo
Pon<' Rico 'W) Join the Squadron of
torpedo Irals which Captain \Tllamll
has had concealed near there fer three
Weeks pasc" The correspondent adAs:
Washington. June 3.—The following
dispatch was received at the war demrtmeat yesieolay from Gtmeral Bhafler. 'The dole 1* June fTi-'All Is propresrihg well. We oc cupied today an
advance pnslUon abandoned by the ene
my yesterday on the Bcvtlln and Santl-
Ever Bnrned Ontf
If eo yPB know
the valnaot
Mrs. Ml*
attendance of
rgfS U
membeia it dralrad. aa baainoss of Im-
Bicycle Riders.
Baatem Star Social.
The ladiee of the Eaatem 8Ur lodge
will nerve iee cream and calm on Mra. B.
C. IJcanrea' lawn, on Caioa atreet, on
Saturday eveniup.
loaveaeakcmtMrm.Dee^tc you the^t wor^of ^
prew’ betwi
* aad 7p.m. oa 4hat erne in the city for the mcmey; Doa*t
' e deceived by what btfaera tell you to
le oontrary, bnt come aad eac fer
Flreworka: Burrah for the Fourth.'^1guarantee all my work to be right.
*I if .ri^-otwore
Get your
A. A.
A. HoCpy
HoCpy A
it does not prove eo 1 make U
Soo'a Urgent lUe In the city. Scl-M
Stop io tUl 8 o'clodt every evenlnE
Attomeya at Uw.
Horse Hotel.
mesata Maeiagsa Slack, travsra* CMr. Kick.
To Be la PnMws* af < reel it aa n whole and every prodneKen
8rS/.TES5 CAifXlS.
c-Ti.. —„a
performnnoe. conartentiotialy
a H. BHOWH. Aumwar a
O. Law. Bpeclai aUesUo.
aaecoeTeraaeLBjr. til Praai W
mediate seitlcmi.-nt-ai least
ru t- baa b.^n aromplished.
Mf plaee haa always heen|Jjr,^w
maru-: at
nt the
U« front;
front; II have
bars not
not been
been ncena-1
ncena'" Viy
tOBod to loiter at tbe rear.
g"thtr and had a conference. At this
Yours very truly.
c. nterence the Inls.r leaders ellmlnslrd
W, F. Copy ("Buffalo BIU").
tile union cv'Blentlon and agreed that
the manufacturers should meet their
on-n men a* such, but Inslslci on a
alight iBcrvaae of |«y and a w eekly pay
The last the manufacturers refused
to recede lo. but It Is ihougbt an ogretm< nt will yet be reaubed. aa cunsiderable pretpure I* being brought upon the
manafacturers to give in. A prominent
aaah and door man staled that the con
ference was wbolly unofficial, and that
those present had no authority to make
terms. Hovrever. there was a feeling of
aasuronce that the matter will soon be
brought to a dose.____________
rubai' fbm pruvrby.
Postmaaler General Heath to the post
masters of the ISO offices from which
the present experimental test of rural
free delivery tndlates.
Ing fiscal year all rural carriers now In
the service may consider their con
tract* renewed. unl<-ss otberwiae or
dered b>- the pottmaster general
. TTie department has un^r cocsldcmtloD a pl^ of carefully allotting the ex
tra service by mean* of investigation
ReriUr W. O. A. Veetinff.
The rernlar looBthly meeUag of the
Womea'a Cemetery Aaeociatlon wiU be
held in Ue Ladiee' Library parlorw.
Tburaday, July 7th at S.» p. m. Thia
te alae the annual meeUnff and It te nrfently rcqnasted that all membern be
piuaant to bear the yearly rcyorta and
pay the aanaal data.
Votiea to Waodmea.
All the nwmheru of Dneheaa Oarnp
Na. M4B. U. W. of A. are requested U
meet at Uelr haU at to o’eloek this
maralnr te attend the funeral af Lonia
Edffacomb af Hapleloa. By order of
Cba* R Howonn. V. C.
JoegrB SucoBn, Clerk.
r« in rongrewi BrleM;
Washington. June SS.—AlmuSI the en
tire session ■ f-ike senate yesterday was
occupied by Caffer>- In a roneloualion
of his apsech against Ihe anarxalloD of
Hawaii, the epeech being sllll unfln•shed St s.lJcmmmenL The general de
ficiency liill v-as reed and tbe commit
tee amendmenta wero agreed to.
In the bouse Ihe ronfersnee report
up<-n 1the twnkrupicr %>lll was adopted
of JH lo a. and the measure >
m to the priwldent. Tbe sen-1
,.e amendments to the "omrlbu*" war
cUlms MM R*r* dlaagrsed to and a conference affiiM. A number af mlllUry .
passed, among ySem being
e iwirldlng ter the pay' ' volunteers
>m date ..f ctiUftment.
Liieij, Sale ud Feed iari.
PinVclnsA Bigs. EveryUing new
BMg- and neaL Ratei sa reasonable sa any
n In Ue dty. Gire ns n
and get onr prieca.
BnOWa4 nsdoinb,
If Opera Booee BIk.
W. ".i.^2l!5S;,SSi2.“
' 6rui Sipids 8 liillui L R
Oftr OiaUsu. la oCoet Jooe a. IMA
4r^, wlUrara^weoUe (er eBniag. B1
£8 t; 8
CTu LfJelTwSiaBsbo"*** Mk
T70R aaui OR TRADR-im 1
Betew U n Uat of the buyiaff and sell
had any of the advantage* of rural free
delivery, and in locailtie* where the aerTl<e can be estsl'lished at the leist v-«t
and vrlth a certainty of rendering the
best resulta
tyroPrlsdrieh bloeks. 'Pkena. boose and of-
OWIgglrats Bel fsr Bels.
J? raoteB^latH-nra t*^
Washington. June 21. — Tbe ernlner
'lO'HlgRlns’' has not been sold to Spain,
and positive Information has reached TNOB BALI-» leM frost
here that Cblli wlU not sell the ship te f ueorWsde<ionb. olao he
ntUi Btroel Bear Wodswortbany gorernwn'
oble- Addrves or col) oa Pi
Elk Rapid* Lanadrr-
tTLowkub for
S lor DB o-d P
8EU0« T
aear Pork per btt. new.........
Clear Pork PK»r..................
•o esprnrorod
. AUrcrooKU
e«od d a
T pioau lor sole.
«8C= « S
»=S= = -
^U^^BALR-I DFiablo ssvBlIl 01 OboosvcoglPV. For IdU lolorBOt
Uaoooqelrc^ Ured Dokeekolk Ml R Proet
Short Cat Pork per R......................
Flonr. U L. A Co. Beat.................
Bye Flonr, H. L. A Co. BeaL..
Meal. B.L-ACo. BesL................
Feed. B. 1-ACo. BteL................
£gca per dox...........................................
Codfish per ft...........................................
Lard par B>^.
Butter per Bi Dalro..
Cbooac ^r
per ft.
ft> ...................
oaU per ba (old).............
Cora per bu.. old..
per bM................
Bran per IMI............
Potetoea. per bu...
8 SS8888
> load oo
TTraimD-A ouuiac *
W ClifLoBb-rCo.
5 SO ^gorsxaow 00>0S-Per e
6 60
1 60
T Oer-O.<ld wean pin. osron ertUag. PledXj or will hr rrwordrd by moroleg to Jacob
Portarh. Soolb I'olee euert. groeerf noro.
naaaa o
S£8£« 8
wa-i-S g
d aaaelnaaaaaaana a
££«h 8 8fl8£88e8£
---------------------ALeoteLoWanUe. ladarlbban. Ckleago. Deindi sag
-^^AB. Waorag aad dialog
ga.ijror"” '"a.s
•cnv« nans or TBAmn
Wbcut. old, per bo..........
WheuLnew, per bn...................
OuU. Mo. I. per bu. (new)..
C«tL per bu.....................................
Rye. per bn........................................
which tie had tried the effect of what Butter, per ft....................................
be called •'ttihunian boUeta'' Thaao.be Bggk, per dozen..............................
said. Wins made Iff filioF down mdinaiy
Udku (« stteiea
Tbe effect of sneb n
bullet was terrible, as bo could show by
bis apecinHns and as waa proved in ac will ran on EeM Bar aa follows:
. BOILER (or <
Tetahooasetnao8ar.JoooM.ni8. _
at U^-
of Tubiiigen exhib
ited a number of parts of dead bodies on
Leave Old Hiaaion........................... 6:M a. a.
Arrive Elk Banida........................ 7:10 a. te.
Leave Elk Bapids.......................... t;«0a. te.
Arrive Old Miaalon........................ 8:20 a. m.
Leave Old Mission........................
u:00 a. m.
it BtiDCfc ouly soft ptrtA it carriud away Arrive Btet Bead............................ll:»a. m.
immaiae pieces, oftvu so large that if it Leave Bdat Bead............................. 3M p m.
atrncl^ fur instance, tbe calf of tba leg, Arrive Old MUaion........................ 3:30 p m.
nB^tation wirald U; nuccstery.
The Leave Old Miaalon...........................6:00 p. m.
injury-was so extoirive that itf no case Arrive Elk Bapids.......................... f.:40 p m.
could em imagine it was caiM-d bjM Leave Elk Bapids........................... 8:00 p. os.
ballet; tbendoru be hdiered that ^ Arrive Old Mlasioa........................ 8:40 p m.
’Bus will leave tits MereaniUe Co's
jostlfled in naming ibum inhnmaa^
Block. Botel WkiUng aad Park Place
Madicul Beoord.
at 2:30 p. m. 'Bus will also connect
with boat at 11:38 a. m. Fruit car will
be at East Bend on TnesdaTS. Thura‘'Shall yon camp unt this muntaerr' dnys and Sntordaya Paakengm and
“Yob. if we tan find any noqukint- fralt srill be taken on nt nay point
me by oomlag ont
loea we haven y
alrtudy cempsd
tual bactlo.
He showed that w-^
atzude a bcoe auob a bullet
it truni tep to txAtocn ur fnuk pitaxp out
of II 21) or 80 times itt outi size. When
with."—Cblcngu Reoord.
boa. Mirk
oooro MpRSB.
lOgWALR PLAKR-PoreoVby •
U Appbte^v-i
rorar Oltf |irutieri> la rarim
______ le prior.
loog llese eo ta-irAbtnl* o
rsoBrddra CeJlaoorA roi* F. F. Bed- ___________
es VoaOUigloc te. Trarr ■rCUy.
ga-tl OookOBO
A me uooo LOO men w
eled. TroTorae
H. CIlrLuBberCo. »A4f
j^^AW^^OOT (or sale Trororae OHf Lob- T^^Horata(A'
PUor'e eorhU.
F"?ra^i^?£r-b.r‘& 5SJtf-“
T OFT—Roto
i_l book, brm -_______
Boary. imo laoBdlx tog*.
dor will be rewoided W <
' grearUioro: worii
Mist Curtin of Oikago. «>>• >* m*
ea arc 40 aed U eeab
gaged in the werk ef P»cho-Cultare
and Ue Every Day Speekiag Voiee to
endorsed by mnoy of Ue leedlog repreprsBestaUve soctoty aad club woteen
of Uat city. Tbe late Helen Sbafpr.
of Welllaiey college enid: "1 eabslder
Whitlog Baiel. AU ordMs kft (berv or
Mtoa Cnrtfa exeepUeaaUy eqelpped
Phene 1 wUI raecirc preapl oueaUeo
boU by nature and profound ntody. for
R 3. MoBOza
her pofeerion."
Washington. June 3 — HIIborn.^ef
CaliforBia.a meml«r of the house nival
aColra committee, yesterday introdnced
a Joint resolution tendering tbe ihankn'
r of the MaPTfrosc. and
Bumh Rr tbo Fourth.
_ _
■<ood*BedlrlBaaoddi*raaroat tb« errorbr CUafLafco ...
•booarorstadkd te a Bodleol eoUor*> OiBkoBoJeS............
wUl be wub Bori tbr >rwrW ^tU Onober 1st. ObOkeBS................ Lve
Peoria. 111*.. June
During tbe Pe•rtn-Rt. Joaeph game yeeterday tbe
Ucker at Lake View Ball park recited
the (art from President Htckey. of the
Wertrrn aslociatlon. that the tasl pin
had fallen oBd that the aasoclailun was
In a heap.
Paw Paw. Mich.. June S.—Represen
tative F- L. HatglUoB. of Kilca.
teitUy renomteated by acclam
the RepoUlrans of tbe Fourth
Monnl dlatrtcL
That I not only always peraonally di-
c o( the n
Washington. June 2>.—A circular lei-
formed officials of the war department
do not expect a generwl engagement for
two or three daym. and posalldy not so
here about six week’a afa, It eompoaed
feature of the canthal brogramme last of colored anteu of ability, who can
Bight. Chief Consul Martin
Roller, aiay. dapea and da apacially and manoof the Wlacondn 1- A. W.. wea grand
loffoe work aaperdor to wliat la ordinar
marshal. The parade waa seversl mllsa
long, and was confined to Grand ave ily aaaa hera. A feature of the pernue. starting from Taeniy-trventh forroaitca U what they term the ffraatstreet and moving eastward as far as art cake walk, and which la very artiaGrand Avenue parh. where the Judges'
ataod waa erecud.
Here the riders
With snale (urBlahcx* by Stelaberg's
swung around, countcnr.archlng, giving
the pageant a hrautiful effect.
Grand Opera nouse orcb«
under the
There w ere many elaborate and beau able dlreetioa of Proj^r HoraV the
tiful floaU in line, notable among
aajoyeeaat af the enterUiniaent wU]
wbUh was a mtnlalure of the Ittttleeblp
Maine, and T'ncle Earn on top of a huge he greatly ioereaaed. A large audience
globe. whU h was cheered to the echo. will probably greet the compaDy. if
Every residence along the line of march the weather U not uafavaiabla.
waa lavishly di-corated and brilliantly
lUumlnaied with fireworlcs in great pro
Ooloaal Oadyb Only Card.
The feature of the day’s programme
To TmE PCBUC: Once for all. and ^1
was a grand military parude In hte aft minora and reporu to the eonuary aoternoon. In connection with the dedica
withatandlng. I
to meal poaiUvaly
tion of the soldier^ monument In Grand
Avenue park In memory of Wisconsin's aeanre my eomradm. (rteoda. patrons
heroes In the civil war. The monument aad the preaa. thatwherereraad when
cost fai.ooc and was acquired by suh- ever mv "WUd Weet and Oongreea of
•crlpttons and entertainments through
KonghBldera of the World” U hilled
the untiring efforts of Mrs. Lydia Ely.
to appear, there will I he with It also.
icans killed In the battle of Ln Qunstaa.
The Uat in no material respect differs
from that given in these dispatches
the day after the flgbL The total num
ber engaged on our aide waa 9M.
There was a pathetic coincidence in
connection with the receipt of General
Shafter’a meeeage. Within a few min
utes after It came a telegram was re
ceived from Ernest Krupp. 71 East
Fourth street. New Tork city, which
rmd; ’*Pleaiie Inform us If Otto Krupp
was killed at Quasina. Cuba.”
Kropp is the first in Geneml Shafur-a
1st of killed.
Some other i
General Shafby General Corl-ln
ter last night, but they contained no In
formation of interest to tbe public. Me
not Indicated when the battle of
pany who playad a tormar aagacemsat Mothera eqmdally lavitedf
It will Be CwatlBsed sad Batewdsd l>arlag the CwBiwg Vesr.
Throe Niles from ftaallago.
wistance to our adtance. General CallxCo Garda, wiib Kfi men. who Unded
yesterday. Is ex|>scted to reach tbeftxml
Coday. The Americans are in excellent
spirit* and there Is a remarkable latA
of slckn>-k&. Thus fur tbe mter aupply
has Ucn good and there have, bera no
bad effecti from the changes except a
few <tsea, of dysenlcry. There waa a
brief rain squall last night.
Gen<-ra1 B'heeler. who made a rccontwlssamv for half a mile b. ynnd the
Hdmlsh line this morning, finding that
he waa unable to secure tbe desired
view througb the luxuriant tropical
foliage dismounted and cllmlied a trre.
A major general of the United States
army in the forks of a tree surveying
the Spanish ouipoatt througb his field
glasses was,a spectacle that gave nome
Idea of tbe wonderful energy of the
dashing ex-confederate cavalary leadV. This feat of aglllty In a nwn «
years of age put to blush manyayounger officer of hi* own sUff.
The W. C. T. U. srUl hold n motham*
plaMBOt aatertBUmast at SUistaart'a taeettog la the CoagregnUaaal ehsreh
Oraad Opsra Honaa toAlffht. The eam- par^s Friday aftersoanatS:»Oo'eloek.
Utlwaukee. June t».—At least 100.MI
people viewed the grand prise Ulamin-
eral Corbin last night mcelved from
Majof General SbafterCa cablegram
coctainlng the official lIsTor the Amer
a line'of entreDchments cxiendlDR from
Prtee'aOnbanOraoUawlU preaaat a
ated Ueycle pageant which
V. 0 T. V. Kothaea’
■•am«ia«aU at Wo*
oa Bvosv w
tisisa.iiias oait
roJvnntege of my dlaplay of floe Jewelry.
L. R^netU
tbe Indian* ao quickly*" aiked ti
nary of tbe egrat.
"ByoonTiacing tbem that tbeBbv
nan sraipiwg bill rofemd only to nilfends."—Detroit Free Prara.^
•ented Propoeato.
KoUce U bwsby giros test saslte propraala
will be Feeeiroa oslU Jolr II. 6 p b- (er all Isbw ooC BBMrisl far a sekeol beoro si OM
John R. Santo,
Guual iBsiruct.
Then the Fate of Santiagro Will Be Decided By
Oeneral Shatter’s Army and
Big Guns.
IterUn, .Jnae 8«^It U annaonoed
that tbe Oermu watahip G«ler left Lord BaUeboPy'e Bpeeah Intended to
Bhew That Great Britan le 11
Barana Wedoeaday ea roate to SantiBympathy With the U. B.
Bpaflal to Ta Kouiae Becou.
Montreal, Jane »&,—Llentenaat OarLondoa, Jnoe U.—It b aid there b
iBia. Ue eUef of the Spanldi bamta
eo donbt that the Marqab of SaUeta thU city. has4eeii1 mlaaiof alaee
hnry'e tpeecb laet eight wae intended
Monday, and the f
M a hint to the powers that Great BriV
he bae left the city, bat that M
ala is in eympathy with the United
be aaeert^Md, he hae aot lotoriMd
Stetea, aad it b leUmatcd it wae called
te8frfa.\ j
fort* by 6ertnany> alUInde on the
Alt the Coal at Port Said wae OoietI7 Boncht Up by the Uaited
the Xeginent Kay Go On the
Btatce OoBralar A«at.
Meat Transport to Santiago.
apedal toTac Moc>ix'> Rcroan
Mwui M Tu MOUIBS Ksraan.
Waatainyloa. Jane to.—Tbe goeernWashington. Jana U.—Altboagb tha
Beported that He wiUneav. HI. Torpedo Boat Deatroyor. 1“'"““
“ Thirty-Soeond Hiebigaa did not
on the trnnanortt aalllBg today, the I
next expedlUon which will leav^ In a '
Dewey’S Job Would be Easier—When Ordered
irngeol. Brosdbeat. while the few days more may teke them.
* j
At Port s^^
“f• nr
IdOSTe Fort ^hid Camara Discovered that His Ships
Needed “ Bep^irs.**
Cairo, June 3a—(Special)—The following official an
nouncements were made this forenoon:
“The Spanish"^ips at Port Said have began coaling from
their own eolliers, which have arrived from Spain.
Egyptian govemmlent notified them that they
<)ot allow
- must
• •that
\^ this, and that it
stop forthwith, and
they must also
'\leave Port Said, as^the 24 hours limit had been greatly ex
ceeded. The Spaniards then suted that their ships wanted
repairs, and began discharging coal and other^ materials in
order ta repair.”
Washington, June 30.—ISpe^ial]—Secretary Long sad
this afternoon that he understock that Camara's fieet had
paid the canal dues;and the presmption is they will contin
ue the voyage.
He had heard nothing today from Sampson, but expect
ed important news soon from him.
The news that reached the department through the
Press reports, that Admiral Camara is about to leave his tor
pedo bciat destroyers at Pert Said because they would be un
able to weather the monsoons that rage .in the Indian ocean
at this season, is believed at the navy department to presage
a dissolution of the Spanish squadron, and abandonment of
the cruise to the Philippines. The dropping of the destroy
ers will weaken Camara's squadron so materially as to make
his defeat by Dewey a foregone conclusion if they should
. come together.
Washington, June 30.—[Special.]—The war department
has received little news from General Shafter’s headquarters
today, nothing but the actual assault remains to be re
ported. in fact, after the significant statement made yest^day by General Shafter to General Miles, that 'he expected
totake Santiago«asspon as he got ready to move, without
wailing for reinforcements'. The substance of this dispatch
was made known yesterday. It was in reply to General Miles’
dispatch of the 26th, saying: "Congratulations on the success
attained thus far. I r^ret most deeply the loss of your
• heroic men. Cable what yo\i desire for your command.”
General Shafter's reply was primarily to acknowledge
the congratulations, but he took occasion in doing this briefly
but to the point, to state his plans in the following words:_
*' Expect to Uke the pla« as soon as I get ready
mov'c; reinforcements will not reach me."
Besides the foregoing to General Miles, other official
dispatches from head uarters came to the w’ar department.
It was in the above, however, that General Shafter sUted his
expecutions to uke the city before reinforcements reached
him. Other official dispatches gave the advance of the
Spanish troops fi
Manzanillo, S.ooo strong. It is
expected that it was|Genera1 Shafter’s bslief that he could
uke the city in 48 h^urs, but with considerable loss.
The text of these dispatches has not been gh en out, but
they are likely to be
e.madee public later.
220 Front Street.
Toilet Paper
Marta Bioci
«*tl*facU)ry reaalu of “Naw Idea Pat• »oaiaa who oace tries tbam. bnt wha ia
W«lar pattaraa 10 ceata
Some Special Reductions
In price, of populiu- .tyle. of Ladles’ Wrappers
Come in and see them at .
toaorrenanbaseof aappl et tor Coa-
ChreaBpa&ioh Traaa-Atlaatic Liaata
Loaded With Coal aad Amma.
Loadoa. Joaa SO.—AooordiBf to a
tpeelAl dUpatch fnm Madrid, tha SpaaUh traBa-atlaatie atcatawa, lala da Laeon. Ifaaeio da Layola aad 6aa Aoraalla, ban lOft Oadic for Porto Rleo oa an
imaoriaat MurioB aad earfyiaff Urfa
of atoraa, coal aad aamaali
Mlebiraa Portlaad Oeseat Ooapaoy,
eaplUl 8S.500.000. Tha compaay will
operate in Branch ooaaty.
aea and John aoliaet each owa
It will boy tbe pretU«*Pt
pair o! ladiee' aboea'yoo eivr
laid.eyes on.
U.ssoahaiaaand Herachal B. Hatch
!,&ooahar«a. aUof Detroit.
Silk VesUne Top,
' Black or Too.
Poor of Them Balnk Onrhaalad at
Bpmal toTae Uoanjio Raooao.
Uew^'ork. Jane SO.—A Pram Key
Waat apbeial aays that the Uanaa
cadiof fleet bat been
One of the AtapbriUle'e tnmU la
■fixed" and cannot be tamed. Tbe
aah boa tronble of nearly a
•iaiUar aatare.
I T. J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
^ buya suit genuine Balbriggaa Underwear, men’s euea.
48c beya a b»’« Waahable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
48c buys a men's heavy Cottonade Pant&
16c bu}-8 men's np-to-daie Caps.
4Sc bays men’s fine Dress Sbma.
S’-®® •>“"
“■k Au
iHs, a
It’s nc^B
m B surprise to ns that we do the clothiBg bnsiness of
' the city at^i
at ‘test* prices. See .
124 Front Street
Elegant new style. Spec
ial bargain whicL we are offering for a time only.
A @ant
Powder firecracker
Touched off in a man’s hip pocket 1b a aurprlse. But
what is more surprising is thff low prices
on Clothing and Cents Fur^
nishing Goods at
Uf Oorpotatioa ot $2,600,000 Co
ital PUad Artlelaa Taatarday-WiU
Oparata ia Broach Ooaaty.
aiMClal le Tas MouiB* RtcoBD.
Laaaiok. J’ttae So.—Artielaa of iaoerponliaa were filed today by the
Tha Terror can go forward' bat aot
bock owiay to treabla wit* her prepeUer abaft.
aa the foor blfi Boniton are
baiar repaired there. Tbe Pnritaa'e
ateeriaf year ia all oot of order aad
reqoim a lony and tedlooa onrhanllay.
Holley ft OonmUG
By the roll, doem or«a.e. It wiu p«y you to M. th. good*
and prices before yon boy'
Btawberriea one cent a quart, tor ‘
to take coal at Port Said, saceeeded
all who deeire to pick them, at the!
qnblly in baying np all the eoal avai'- Ellis farm, aonth of the city. E. L. I
•Ue •( that port, to.ooo to^ It b in
» gned plaoa to be ahippnd to I)e»ey^
Fiinlrich Sink.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Uw piece to aO.
Popular Shoe House.
Remember My Rew Place312 Soutb Onion Street, Opposite C.SW.M.Oeiioi.
H.E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency,
We are ayala ready, with a larye
atoek of tea. to deiirer the aame to aay
part ot tbe city.
Baelarad That Buiy on Tea Will OripMaple block wood alM fM-mta.
pla That Indaatoy.
aeennr. Jnae SO.-Mall adrloea
froB J^Ba tay the preaideat of tbe
Telephone Mo. M.
Opatral Tba yaild baa tel^rapbad
Prcaldent McKinley that the tax ea
tea -wm ,check eamiama between
Japan aad ABerIca, aad onyht to be
reoonaldered. Fin thoiuand tea fir^,
will be oat of cBpIoyaeat la ee
qaedoaof tbadaty.
acoa «UI ceqoe to be the beadqnrtara
Tsx Bsvxarux btasps.
of the arB7. other thaa for tha aioaBriaton on tb« 8tat« OoDtroct What k»l aad qamialnarT deparuaeala. * They Hare Beenlaaaad Bat WUl-ha
Blew in Diatribnuea. '
tbaMtunbor of Workiak Ho«u«
aaSdeattoroa tor^ the idaoe wUl fipceUl to Ta* Konlac BMorC.
Batfachd-Troable u /Mrod.
1 laft hen. problablj from tha volaatear
Dentdt, Jane 30.—There wae a Merlflawiai l<^Tu MokBuui
La^ac. Jaae SO—The lew Bute force of S,ooo mea bow coailair from blc Jam arooad the office ef tbe lateraal
^ttareoatractffoch iato effect to- Taaipa.aad praetieally the eatin'fichtme oolleetM- today. I7 thoee deah-luff force will awiar iato Caaey or Acawfnr aafl -the prtiit
iay Btampa for tha new Uw temerrow.
aadorea, aukli« than the baaea of op- The atampa ban arrind, hat tha haadU alao-hooT Uj* wl
Iheabla U fand.
eratioa. before Bantiaffa.
WThe railroad to UaaUaffO U btiaf
Apnvs P&BPAA*akOM8
rapidly paahtd 1^ tha earioeeia aad a
A» BaffMiy Pro* Mlaff: for the larfafom of troopa. lu eenplaUra Ualtad Btatn IHd Mot Beeare Pin
Gnat ;
1 •rfU freaUy alaqiUfy tha iBOToaieat of
Sn^iMi Uaara.
TiaKlafaUB. aa^Uaa. aad tha pack tnia'wtH ban apeetel te te Hoaxijie juoesn.
WaahlaytoB. Jana Sa—The -nport
r 4.ddad to- oaiytotnaaparttoodaai^anaaaltla.
I la the
froia poiat to polat at the traaL Tha that tha Ualted Statea M poi^
aiareraaahantaalaadadaad atart- fin Bayliah Uacn te amaaoBa. Tha
od to the froat.
ahlpa wan hoayht by a fctmta Ana
oil eniy iadieatloa
That you did not paper will be a constant reminder t<y ■
you that you should come to us while we are selling Paper 80 cheap. Do not delay, but come.
PhUlKOne qaeatlon.
Believed That Spanlsh<Admlral Will Abandon
the Propose^ Cruise to the
Beginning Inne 29tb,
Until Entireljr Sold Out
We Will. Sell Sereral
Ever use n
Ail Wool
Stylish Suits
If yon do, take them to tbe
Soutb Side Pbarinac;
end have them filled ac
curately end quickly.
G. A. Johnson,
eoe eouth Ciilan StiMt.
Sav^ leto ef Bca-a fiaeathU woolesMlBere Uybt welytit nits.
^ice of the beat liybt ecOoted yosth'a enita. 8i.»8.
The rwaainder of onr Ueyele niU yo at 81.90
Bieyela wool paaU weU nude. 81.».
ladies- dark tea bicycle ahoaa. 11 inch top. made ef fins viei kid
stock, yo at 82.
The Boston Store,
front Stawt
Then the Fate of Santiagro Will Be Decided By
Oeneral Shatter’s Army and
Big Guns.
IterUn, .Jnae 8«^It U annaonoed
that tbe Oermu watahip G«ler left Lord BaUeboPy'e Bpeeah Intended to
Bhew That Great Britan le 11
Barana Wedoeaday ea roate to SantiBympathy With the U. B.
Bpaflal to Ta Kouiae Becou.
Montreal, Jane »&,—Llentenaat OarLondoa, Jnoe U.—It b aid there b
iBia. Ue eUef of the Spanldi bamta
eo donbt that the Marqab of SaUeta thU city. has4eeii1 mlaaiof alaee
hnry'e tpeecb laet eight wae intended
Monday, and the f
M a hint to the powers that Great BriV
he bae left the city, bat that M
ala is in eympathy with the United
be aaeert^Md, he hae aot lotoriMd
Stetea, aad it b leUmatcd it wae called
te8frfa.\ j
fort* by 6ertnany> alUInde on the
Alt the Coal at Port Said wae OoietI7 Boncht Up by the Uaited
the Xeginent Kay Go On the
Btatce OoBralar A«at.
Meat Transport to Santiago.
apedal toTac Moc>ix'> Rcroan
Mwui M Tu MOUIBS Ksraan.
Waatainyloa. Jane to.—Tbe goeernWashington. Jana U.—Altboagb tha
Beported that He wiUneav. HI. Torpedo Boat Deatroyor. 1“'"““
“ Thirty-Soeond Hiebigaa did not
on the trnnanortt aalllBg today, the I
next expedlUon which will leav^ In a '
Dewey’S Job Would be Easier—When Ordered
irngeol. Brosdbeat. while the few days more may teke them.
* j
At Port s^^
“f• nr
IdOSTe Fort ^hid Camara Discovered that His Ships
Needed “ Bep^irs.**
Cairo, June 3a—(Special)—The following official an
nouncements were made this forenoon:
“The Spanish"^ips at Port Said have began coaling from
their own eolliers, which have arrived from Spain.
Egyptian govemmlent notified them that they
<)ot allow
- must
• •that
\^ this, and that it
stop forthwith, and
they must also
'\leave Port Said, as^the 24 hours limit had been greatly ex
ceeded. The Spaniards then suted that their ships wanted
repairs, and began discharging coal and other^ materials in
order ta repair.”
Washington, June 30.—ISpe^ial]—Secretary Long sad
this afternoon that he understock that Camara's fieet had
paid the canal dues;and the presmption is they will contin
ue the voyage.
He had heard nothing today from Sampson, but expect
ed important news soon from him.
The news that reached the department through the
Press reports, that Admiral Camara is about to leave his tor
pedo bciat destroyers at Pert Said because they would be un
able to weather the monsoons that rage .in the Indian ocean
at this season, is believed at the navy department to presage
a dissolution of the Spanish squadron, and abandonment of
the cruise to the Philippines. The dropping of the destroy
ers will weaken Camara's squadron so materially as to make
his defeat by Dewey a foregone conclusion if they should
. come together.
Washington, June 30.—[Special.]—The war department
has received little news from General Shafter’s headquarters
today, nothing but the actual assault remains to be re
ported. in fact, after the significant statement made yest^day by General Shafter to General Miles, that 'he expected
totake Santiago«asspon as he got ready to move, without
wailing for reinforcements'. The substance of this dispatch
was made known yesterday. It was in reply to General Miles’
dispatch of the 26th, saying: "Congratulations on the success
attained thus far. I r^ret most deeply the loss of your
• heroic men. Cable what yo\i desire for your command.”
General Shafter's reply was primarily to acknowledge
the congratulations, but he took occasion in doing this briefly
but to the point, to state his plans in the following words:_
*' Expect to Uke the pla« as soon as I get ready
mov'c; reinforcements will not reach me."
Besides the foregoing to General Miles, other official
dispatches from head uarters came to the w’ar department.
It was in the above, however, that General Shafter sUted his
expecutions to uke the city before reinforcements reached
him. Other official dispatches gave the advance of the
Spanish troops fi
Manzanillo, S.ooo strong. It is
expected that it was|Genera1 Shafter’s bslief that he could
uke the city in 48 h^urs, but with considerable loss.
The text of these dispatches has not been gh en out, but
they are likely to be
e.madee public later.
220 Front Street.
Toilet Paper
Marta Bioci
«*tl*facU)ry reaalu of “Naw Idea Pat• »oaiaa who oace tries tbam. bnt wha ia
W«lar pattaraa 10 ceata
Some Special Reductions
In price, of populiu- .tyle. of Ladles’ Wrappers
Come in and see them at .
toaorrenanbaseof aappl et tor Coa-
ChreaBpa&ioh Traaa-Atlaatic Liaata
Loaded With Coal aad Amma.
Loadoa. Joaa SO.—AooordiBf to a
tpeelAl dUpatch fnm Madrid, tha SpaaUh traBa-atlaatie atcatawa, lala da Laeon. Ifaaeio da Layola aad 6aa Aoraalla, ban lOft Oadic for Porto Rleo oa an
imaoriaat MurioB aad earfyiaff Urfa
of atoraa, coal aad aamaali
Mlebiraa Portlaad Oeseat Ooapaoy,
eaplUl 8S.500.000. Tha compaay will
operate in Branch ooaaty.
aea and John aoliaet each owa
It will boy tbe pretU«*Pt
pair o! ladiee' aboea'yoo eivr
laid.eyes on.
U.ssoahaiaaand Herachal B. Hatch
!,&ooahar«a. aUof Detroit.
Silk VesUne Top,
' Black or Too.
Poor of Them Balnk Onrhaalad at
Bpmal toTae Uoanjio Raooao.
Uew^'ork. Jane SO.—A Pram Key
Waat apbeial aays that the Uanaa
cadiof fleet bat been
One of the AtapbriUle'e tnmU la
■fixed" and cannot be tamed. Tbe
aah boa tronble of nearly a
•iaiUar aatare.
I T. J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
^ buya suit genuine Balbriggaa Underwear, men’s euea.
48c beya a b»’« Waahable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
48c buys a men's heavy Cottonade Pant&
16c bu}-8 men's np-to-daie Caps.
4Sc bays men’s fine Dress Sbma.
S’-®® •>“"
“■k Au
iHs, a
It’s nc^B
m B surprise to ns that we do the clothiBg bnsiness of
' the city at^i
at ‘test* prices. See .
124 Front Street
Elegant new style. Spec
ial bargain whicL we are offering for a time only.
A @ant
Powder firecracker
Touched off in a man’s hip pocket 1b a aurprlse. But
what is more surprising is thff low prices
on Clothing and Cents Fur^
nishing Goods at
Uf Oorpotatioa ot $2,600,000 Co
ital PUad Artlelaa Taatarday-WiU
Oparata ia Broach Ooaaty.
aiMClal le Tas MouiB* RtcoBD.
Laaaiok. J’ttae So.—Artielaa of iaoerponliaa were filed today by the
Tha Terror can go forward' bat aot
bock owiay to treabla wit* her prepeUer abaft.
aa the foor blfi Boniton are
baiar repaired there. Tbe Pnritaa'e
ateeriaf year ia all oot of order aad
reqoim a lony and tedlooa onrhanllay.
Holley ft OonmUG
By the roll, doem or«a.e. It wiu p«y you to M. th. good*
and prices before yon boy'
Btawberriea one cent a quart, tor ‘
to take coal at Port Said, saceeeded
all who deeire to pick them, at the!
qnblly in baying np all the eoal avai'- Ellis farm, aonth of the city. E. L. I
•Ue •( that port, to.ooo to^ It b in
» gned plaoa to be ahippnd to I)e»ey^
Fiinlrich Sink.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Uw piece to aO.
Popular Shoe House.
Remember My Rew Place312 Soutb Onion Street, Opposite C.SW.M.Oeiioi.
H.E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency,
We are ayala ready, with a larye
atoek of tea. to deiirer the aame to aay
part ot tbe city.
Baelarad That Buiy on Tea Will OripMaple block wood alM fM-mta.
pla That Indaatoy.
aeennr. Jnae SO.-Mall adrloea
froB J^Ba tay the preaideat of tbe
Telephone Mo. M.
Opatral Tba yaild baa tel^rapbad
Prcaldent McKinley that the tax ea
tea -wm ,check eamiama between
Japan aad ABerIca, aad onyht to be
reoonaldered. Fin thoiuand tea fir^,
will be oat of cBpIoyaeat la ee
qaedoaof tbadaty.
acoa «UI ceqoe to be the beadqnrtara
Tsx Bsvxarux btasps.
of the arB7. other thaa for tha aioaBriaton on tb« 8tat« OoDtroct What k»l aad qamialnarT deparuaeala. * They Hare Beenlaaaad Bat WUl-ha
Blew in Diatribnuea. '
tbaMtunbor of Workiak Ho«u«
aaSdeattoroa tor^ the idaoe wUl fipceUl to Ta* Konlac BMorC.
Batfachd-Troable u /Mrod.
1 laft hen. problablj from tha volaatear
Dentdt, Jane 30.—There wae a Merlflawiai l<^Tu MokBuui
La^ac. Jaae SO—The lew Bute force of S,ooo mea bow coailair from blc Jam arooad the office ef tbe lateraal
^ttareoatractffoch iato effect to- Taaipa.aad praetieally the eatin'fichtme oolleetM- today. I7 thoee deah-luff force will awiar iato Caaey or Acawfnr aafl -the prtiit
iay Btampa for tha new Uw temerrow.
aadorea, aukli« than the baaea of op- The atampa ban arrind, hat tha haadU alao-hooT Uj* wl
Iheabla U fand.
eratioa. before Bantiaffa.
WThe railroad to UaaUaffO U btiaf
Apnvs P&BPAA*akOM8
rapidly paahtd 1^ tha earioeeia aad a
A» BaffMiy Pro* Mlaff: for the larfafom of troopa. lu eenplaUra Ualtad Btatn IHd Mot Beeare Pin
Gnat ;
1 •rfU freaUy alaqiUfy tha iBOToaieat of
Sn^iMi Uaara.
TiaKlafaUB. aa^Uaa. aad tha pack tnia'wtH ban apeetel te te Hoaxijie juoesn.
WaahlaytoB. Jana Sa—The -nport
r 4.ddad to- oaiytotnaaparttoodaai^anaaaltla.
I la the
froia poiat to polat at the traaL Tha that tha Ualted Statea M poi^
aiareraaahantaalaadadaad atart- fin Bayliah Uacn te amaaoBa. Tha
od to the froat.
ahlpa wan hoayht by a fctmta Ana
oil eniy iadieatloa
That you did not paper will be a constant reminder t<y ■
you that you should come to us while we are selling Paper 80 cheap. Do not delay, but come.
PhUlKOne qaeatlon.
Believed That Spanlsh<Admlral Will Abandon
the Propose^ Cruise to the
Beginning Inne 29tb,
Until Entireljr Sold Out
We Will. Sell Sereral
Ever use n
Ail Wool
Stylish Suits
If yon do, take them to tbe
Soutb Side Pbarinac;
end have them filled ac
curately end quickly.
G. A. Johnson,
eoe eouth Ciilan StiMt.
Sav^ leto ef Bca-a fiaeathU woolesMlBere Uybt welytit nits.
^ice of the beat liybt ecOoted yosth'a enita. 8i.»8.
The rwaainder of onr Ueyele niU yo at 81.90
Bieyela wool paaU weU nude. 81.».
ladies- dark tea bicycle ahoaa. 11 inch top. made ef fins viei kid
stock, yo at 82.
The Boston Store,
front Stawt
^OF nn oiTT.
the morning record.
will Take Santiago As Soon As Beady To
Move and WIU Not Walt For
Bight Thousand Spanish Troops With Cattle
and Fack Trains Expected To
Arrive Sunday.
It WIU Then Be .Too Bate he the amerlame WiU DouhUeee
Be In Foieeeelon Of the Olty-Amerlcen Oommenaer
WIU BnUeevor To Bleee the City Before the Spnnleh
Foroee Beech Thei»-Big Oelehtetlon Bipected In Sen.
tiago 9& th« Fourth Of July.
Washington, June 29.—(Special)—General Shafter has
just reported to General Miles that he can take Santiago In
48 hours; but indicates that the undertaking might involve a
considerable loss of life. He is fully aware of the approach
of the Spanish reinforcements and it is believed he intends
to take the town immediately and news of the big battle
might be expected any time.
General Shafter has reported also to the war department that Spanish troops numbering 8,000, with pack trains
and cattle are advancing from Manzanilla and arc now with
in 54 miles of Santiago.
Washington, June 29.—[Special (—General Shafter tele
graphed to General Miles today that Garcia’s Cuban scouts
•reported that Pando was within 50 miles of Santiago with
8000 men to reinforce General Linares. An officer said for
General Miles that Pando would be too Ute and that Santi
ago would be in possession of the Americans before Pando
would get there.
.. l
An officer at the war department said that the Amencans would celebrate the Fourth of July in SanUago.
OntMr Fm WiU Ibka Bagalir Trtpg
Fran K«7
to auttoRo WIU
WMhiBgrtM, JaneSO.—Tk«UTy 4«-
W. H«]irday. ekiet e>«rk of Ue rail
way naU MrvlM kaa okarffe of U«
work of forwardlBR U* naU. H« aald
WaaklaRtoa, Jaaa
Loaf ku rooalTod word from Commo
dore Barney at Key Weet that Ue flaRakip Newark wiU Commodore Wataaa
aboard baa beea U oolttoioa wlU Ue
Dolpbla. The Newark waa aaiiijored.
kat tbc Dolpbla aaaUlaed ooatiderable
daaiBRe aad to mow « her way aorU
Uto Boralac:
'after UU wMk Uer* will be ao
•iiaealty about Ue mail of Ue Miekip.ta wldiM reaekiaa ita dMtiaaUea.
ProTidiar U« aam* of Ue oompaay
aad rarlmaat appear* 00 Ua earal^
Ua latter wtU raaek Ua aoldler for
to a dry dock. No detalto are obUlawkom It to iateaded ea uaerriacly •• a
latter aeat from Detroit U LAaaiaR.
Btrawbarriweae eeat a qaart. f<w
Up te data wa bare keea obllfad to
all wbe dtoire to pick Uem, at Ue
av^ oaraeleaa of aay ekaace veoael Bllto farm, eoaU of Um dty. E. L.
laevlBR Kay Weak Tha aollier Lebaaoe yaaterday carried from Uare aeveral
ef maU weka. Bat wlU Ua fov- \
eat baato at oar dtopoaal Uaraj
wtlFkaaa delay.____________
290 Front BtieeL
HoUey ft OonnmhlA
Badges, Buttons, Pins and Souvenirs!
1 nice Iloe and the veii latest, at
Markham Block.
Oae «f Ue atraaReat teeta of tha aatiatoatory reaalto of “New Idea Pat' tarna" ta Ue fact that aot a woaua wko eaee triee Ueai. wko to av
er aftarvrard a ateady patroa of Ucw popular paUaraa. 20 easts
buya aay atyla.
Some Special Reductions
In prioM of popnlAT RtylM of LadiM’ Wrappus.
Oome in uxd see them At
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honae.
A Giant
Powiler FirecraGker
Fawa Baaebad SUta Dapartmaat TaetardayTbat Admiral Camara Baa
Abaadoaad Ua PblUppUaa TrtpTh^ Farpoea to u SttUa Bpaia
Bafcra Ba Oaa Betars.
Spatoal to TUB Mommao Baooaa.
Naw York. Jaaa »9.-TI|a Saa’a
WaahlaRtoa apaelal aaya tka nary dapartnaat baa daeldad to raab Oouodora Wauanb fleet to flltoralter ao it
lots of 0oa1it]il
lots of Good Leatlier!
Lots Of Ladies
Washington. June 29.—Special.]—General Shafter. has
reported two most important developments in the miliury
situation at Santiago. First, That he expects to uke the
city as soon as he gets ready to move and that he
will not wait for reinforcements. Second. That Spanish may arrive Uare before Camara' eaa
reinforcements numbering 8.000 men. accompanied by pack Rat back. The eaaaa of Uto aetivlty
trains and large droves of animals are advancing from Man- to taformatloa wUeb raackad tha atata
zanilla to relieve Santiago.
dapartmaat today that Camara bad
A number of dispatches have been received from Gen pnatteaUyabaadaaad Ua PhUlpptaaa
eral Shafter covering »ll the details of the present miliUry trtp.
situation. Several of them are to the Secretary of War. oth
ers to Major General Miles. They cover substantially the
.same ground. It is evident that General Shafters purpose is
not to wait for reinforcements, but to make his attack before
the 8.000 troops, approaching from the west, can reach the
city. The statement that they are now but 54 miles from OabtoRram From Admiral Deway ia
Santiago, shows that the Spanish forces covered about one- Vbicb It to Btatod That Ua Fra(half of the distance suted when first located by the reaa ef XBaarRamt Ohiaf Haa Baaa
Veadarfkl-fia Haa Oaadaatad a
American officers. This probably was a day or two ago. for
Baataaa Var.
General Shatter’s dispatch was sent last night, and in the BywUlteTuUoufiM Maceap
meantime the Spaniards undoubtedly have ad\^nc«d consid- WaaklaRtoa. Jaaa
Tba aavy daably farther. The droves of cattle which the Spanish army paruaaat Uto afteraoao aude paklk
is bringing along shows that the purpose is to lay in an ample Ua followiBR cablaRram from Admiral
supply of fresh meat in anticipation of a siege. This and the Iteway. ■•Oavito. Juaa
No cbaaRa
pack trains hamper a rapid advance, but even with bad roads it Ua aliaatloa alaoa Ua tolafram of
Jkaa ISU. Five Oarmaa. Uara Britthe Spaniards probably will make from 10 to 20 miles in
Uk. oaa Fraaeh aad oaa Japaaeae maa
Are baying those el^^t
Yiei Kid, Silk Vesting Top,
Ladies’ Fine Shoes Uat ws
are selling at
It pays to trade here and
they know it
AM Y. Friedricli.
ardajr, aa4 la waJaacUon wlU aaoUSaflkrad SaBWRO ia OeUtoloa Wl
•Up, wUl nak* •ani-wrakljr trip*
Ua Flacablp Vowark ef Ua
hatwMa Kar W«at aad SantUco. /oka
Tblrtyflrat MiUlfaa, baa baas ao
Oatooad B. Tower of Coaipaay C
ggypttos OavartiBteDt Hm Fatotiraly of tba Thlrty-aMwad. kaa kaaa dtoBefaaad to AccaBmodsto AdekaiRod fi«« Ua aarrlea.
aJial OatoAm
to Ta> Uoaxi^ Bacoas.
Ctoira. iRyat. Jaoa$».—AdalralCanBBtaarbad Taatofdayoe Ua Btoaaar
Vowport WiU Twa Oompaaiaa
AMtaiFart laid, but Ua EfypUoa
Anniary aad XdRbt BaMaiy.
foraraoMl. keltoTlar Ua Spaatob apaeUUaTBBMoamabwaaaablaa bava saffleiecl eoal to atoaB to
Saa Fnadaeo. Jaaa M-—Tba apoady
Ua aearaat part of Uoto ow« coaatty. •taaiaar Kawpert. baariaR Oaaaral
refaaai bit raqaeat U Wcalay Merritt. Ua taiUtary rot.
MoordaBta wHk Ue antrallty lawa.
af Ue naipplaaa. aad kU itaF.kaaidaa
Deweif woo at Moolla, Hobsoo tte Merrimac saok,
Sliafnr his loaded Id Doha, Co. M from Fine's cop hat
Bet wo slirted the hall rolliig, selling Wall Paper is iir
Bop at onr istooishlog prices aid poor happieess is sirdf
putsMBt hM pUo«d Ue eatMr Fen »t
U« dtopawl of Ue pMtrtiM d*pwV
Butfor Ue traMBlMtoa of baU «• poverty.
Ug traoi* la Cate.
Tk« F«ra WiU raa«h
W«t M 8at-
Off Santiago, via Kingston June 29.—{Special)—Gener
al Pando. with reinforcements of 8.700 Spanish troops from
Manzanillo, is expected to reach the vicinity of Santiago de
kald laapoaalkla, witk Pwaoaa. Bptaa.
Llacr, Ftoebar, BaRla.>ad Naabe. far
tha barliBR of Ue dyaanlto bomba
wbiek eaaaad tka daaU of aavaB poliaaBtaa la Ua Hayiaarbat riot. Bb vaaUfa Imprtooamaat. kat ka
)d by Goraraor AllRald.
. marked by axtiwaa
Hia life Blaea
Seeoiiii Tear—‘Ko S69
Cuba Sunday.
of war are la port. Tba iaaarRaata an
elaalaR la oa Ua witj. ARalaaldo, Ua
laaarReat leader. wiU bia staff, ar
rived May l»U. WiU my
ha aatabltobad blmaaU at Oavita oataide Ua araaaal uadar aur Ruaa aad Ua
of Ua areeasL Tba praRraaa of ARidBoldo baa baao waadarfuL
Be baa Uvariakty ooadaetod Ua war
sly. My ^tiosa wiU him are
oardlal, bwt my ooafaraaom bava kara
HtoXdfaWaoalUloaaadtrato Fritoa
a llRkt kattary aad o
Maritod bySxtrama Fevwty.
AfljBtont Abal Bu BastRaad.
afUalblrd UmHad Statot ArtlUaty. apartsl ta tk« Maamss Bamwa
(Akafo. Jaaan.-Miobaal Bekwab.
WathiERtoa. Jum »#.—Tka nalRaa- aad a datatehBaat trow Ua eiRaal
Ua aaarUtot. fltod today. SUwabwaa
ftk« ef AdjBtut F. L. Akal ef Ua Oarpa, to bow «b tto way to MaaDa.
Wa are aRida ready, wlU a larfc
stock of loa. to deliver Ua asasa to any
part of Ua elty.
Maple bloek wood also for mla.
\ Touobed off in a man's hip pookat is a anrprisa. Bat
what is more surprising is the low prices
on Clothing and Oants For>
nishlng Goods at
iT.J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
46o bays soil Renaine Balbriggan Underwear, men’s sizes.
48c bays a boy's Washable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
: Whistle.
48e ba3m a men's besvyr Cottonade
Cottonadi Psnta
19c bays men’s ap-to-date Caps.
43c bays msa’s fine Dress Shirta
$3 98, $448, $6.88. $6.98. $7.38 bays men’s stylish All
Wool Soits, worth from $e to MlAtt
It's not a sorpries to os that ws do the clothing hnsiiurs of
the city at these prices. See
T-'a^, SOST,
124 Frtmt Street
Friedrich Block.
Oon’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Rememher Mp New Place312 South Union Street Opposite C. t W. M. Depot
in IWi in Balm HIM.
H.E.GIBBB, Propr.
Hastiogs’ Real Estate Agency.
10 fool toi. IWMIII kooM. Bs« lovaite. Sik auvn, erne br too«ki tor WO.
K tool let. «o«<l d
PmveoS. W dow* Mid »N pm ■oeU oat J pmU lor.
SIsrrvaikTvrBlIxiostbsadvMfraBlhooUx. toad (ood. vaU iraiMd. Twmag ord. malaaborriaBtoroBlrritolL
»s arrm t Billr irrovaU UoproTto vUIbeooUUOMpSmordiTUrd wostt. Look tkw
Bp. Otbcrptacro)oUS.«Mlt»bl.aroior«w.
Mom Btefc. PtomTI.
Regiiiiig Joie 29th,
anil Eittreir Sold On
(?i Will Sell SmnI
Ever Use
All Weal
Stylish Suits
If yon do.takethe^o the
Sooth Side Pbarmaej
sad hAwe them filled aoourstsIyAnd qnicUy.
Savoral lata of
maa^ U^^a^ara. at to »&
Ue beat U|«t oolmwd yoeUb aolla. to W________ Oodar of our blcyela adta ro at Rl.to
^lsUuSa?n laU top. made af flaa vkd kid
atoak.RO at to.
G. A. Johnson.
406 Sooth Union Street
The Boston Store,
THK XOBSmia BBOOBO. THT7B80AT. fVVm 80. 1888.
TB&TXXBB orrr. •
vAxnrs wmt nEAisB* ^
nan foe tkb Komaai
VMS. T. Ba» ^ J. W. Bunoi.
s. W. BAran. BdlMr mai IUs*rCT.
•. •.
• J£
01eMeuB*iBWUeh«0tnM WimA
XsMrtM« With AMd Woak-Chd
TMn StMBgtlMMd ar • XM» OlMMB tha OcMk FiUhv *M Bmtj
The BosUen west down sfsiB beiore UeOelle TMterdej ta
wktok they M«ht to hare woa. Thle
Bokee five BtrolchtfWMt loot oad the
Uool tew MO woadorter wbw ike
hooM team wlU take oae. Five etralfht
ramee loot to oae team, aad tkat to
hoped {ran the koi e team la the next
The chief teatnrae is jeeterday'e
fane were a kcniaane, empty hesekw
and two pawed halla The eoore tadi
oatwtkatUwaaarood Fane, and it
was ap to the eeraatk lanlnF. whoa
two pawed ealU let ia the oaly two
raae the Odlu wade ia the fane. Gatw
waa la the box at the time aad kie low
halla were larrely leepoaxlUe for the
ftepebUoaa Ooosty Goarantion.
Up to the aerentk the rone waa toA EwehUceyD eonatr ceeTeaUoe for the
aweer «r Otead« Tieteiw vUl be held ei terwUor. Uoach the playera <
^»—|- a«n to«W OU ef TtermoOlt)'. el kandleapped by the etraar wind which
pteraUed. While the hall waa pe
ed hard hy the hoau tram, there
always e Colt acar by to fobble U.
Dye etarted to the box for the HoaUora
aod did food work hot ho bad a laate
am whleh foroed him to reUre from
the fane. Be waa relieved hy Catw
who waa oo tha beach. The only rno
waa made U the third iaalaf. wkea
Pitaaaa eoorod arith a floortoh after
Hull’a loar Ay «aa palled down la eeater field.
Uatheaixtk laalar Wheeler dtoUo'
ratobed bimeelf by ihrawtae oot two
. at the plat^ after allowior them
te reach third bar ^7 POor work. The
crowd really ferrave him aad west wild
It h BOW reported that Camara
for a few owcMota.
ntera to Bpais. aad for tkat rei
The team kaa been materially
iho aary departweat kae ordered OonBtraartheoed by the addiiioo of ‘-Kid**
WDdore WataoB to prepare with all
Gleaeoa who arrived from Chloaro yeeteate to sake the trip to Oikialtar. It
terday. Qleaaaa was Maatotee-a beat
teqalte likely that the Baetera aqaadpitcher iwt yeMaad ha will be the
wm eaa reach the Bpaaleh eeaet before
OOMia eaa ret there aad with e tew third piteher for the HaiUere for UU
oa. Be to a
all tonad player
Eapa leeway Cewmodore Wateoa
•atealy dwtray the prteelpal eoaet and a heavy hitter With this arr>^
ratkm the team oarht to play wiaoiof
tertHeatloae bot riak the wkele Spaaball aod there to every reaeoa to expect
teh fleet. There le ao neoaeo to
fleet ta the ratara of Camara’i aqaad- that better raporta will oome from
Maalatae wbw the team pUye there
yen a»d it to partieslarly dabble that
dtetwo fieeu akoald meet
A few oo the Foorth.
aatotea has the atroafeat t
•heti from the r«w of the lewa aad
Cngmm woald atake ahort work of the
«VBT BSFOBl 8An.l¥a
Bleey«dtba*Tfp Fraa Oaap Alfw
to Mowpott Vewa.
Hawport Howa. dtaaSS. UM.
to EaooaD;—lwUl attempt to
rive yoo a UtUe akeuh of oar }Mraoy
Wo left Gamp Alfw at
oix o'eloek last airht. aad marebed
to Doan Loriar. a dtotaoee of ahoat
tear aUlea.
The TUrlola dnat, wblsh to alwaye
had. was at ila worst aad as there wee
ao hreew hlowlnr the heat waa loteaae.
Bowever. the boys stood tha mareb
well, BOM of them telUar oat.
reached Doaa Loiiar at eevaa o'eloek
aad there we were aerved hot coffee,
after which we thraw oar Wankote oa
the rraud and rested oa them, elafiar
and telllar etorloe.
Oar eoachae were aot reedy aad we
were marebed to the lawa ta front of
a clUsoa's koose. where we went to
eloep nnUl about midafrht. whoa we
were awakened aad then bearded the
Warner eloepera broarbt there tor as.
Noao ct the boys aram to rarret Icavlait Virriela aad tbo aarrr*ttaa that
tbo bead play "‘Ikka He Back to Old
Tlrriaia" to always raeelvsd by htoaca
The only place of nay importaaea wo
pe«oed throogh oa the way from Doaa
Loriar was Bichmaad, whleh
raaebed aboat 7:U Uto moralar
Wo reached Kowport News abeet
10:S0aad were marebed toapMk frrntInroa tha hMhor wbara we stacked
Wo ware tbea eerved ooFee aad
afterwarda mwl of Ue boys went aad
tonk a aalt watvr hath. The water
was dallrhtfol aad we bad the beet
ba .h we have had aioce we have left
whleh to. to Uka as to Caba to aaehored
aboot one mile out from the pier toadlar aeppUaa.
The erntoer Hiaanpolto to aaehared
car her aaderroiar repairs aad from
the camp rn>nnda we caa sea the hatits of of the twin baulaahips
Keatsarre aad Knitneky which ar^^
iar oonetraetad hcra.
Jeae M. im.
Atlaat weara aboard the tr - *
Wo came aboard last nirbt ahoqt four
a'elock. We were aot aaelraed nay
aleeplor place ee we had to tera
la as beet we oenlA
I slept ea
apper deck aod reetod welt.
The Harvard to now eoallar from two
This moralar many of the boya took
a swim fram Ueee aeowa aad aajoyed
it imma aaoly. We expect to leave here
at high tide wbieb to between two aad
four o-cloek.
The boys ara all wall and in hirh
Hieblraa feat eaonrb to beat tbamont. qiiriw.' I will try to -wrUe araia bofore we lead.
Tn iBteUireooe, peratoteoee mod
D. 8. Hobos
CDod r*m««iahip dtoplayod by Aqaie■Uo. leader of the iaaorrente at the
Beenlt of a Horae Trade.
Fidlippiaca. to refreahlar to ooatemNome time ar<> Barney Anderson
flate: aad the etratecir which be has
traded e hoise to Sylvester Brawn for
nmployed la ukinr the outekirta of
a coll and arranred to deliver the
Itealla oemmaads the admlratloa of
• to Browa wbea the latter
the •xperieaoed rwerals of the United
. S 0 I t
0 • hswsrht the oolt to town. The coU
. 4 e 0 0
s 0
Matea. Aqaiaaldo baa thoa Ur earn4 0 I
I 0 s was brosrht dowa as arraared, bat
. a « e I
I 0
flaetod a bnmaac campain aad hto
wbea near the implemeat factory on
•pane -All throarh tha praaeat trooble
. I a I *
a 0 Front street the animal eollapoed aad
te arabaka te Spain and a credit ta hto
delivered oa a atoac-boat. Hr.
' lateUireftee aad lofty parpoaea. Bach
er^B rafosed to accept the colt.
f—«— draerve aocceaa aad the trtiBrawn replevined the hoTM which hr
4am Ur whleh they fipht.
to have had and the aait was tried
before JaaUce Browa yeaurday. The
snsowa ahs pzvoEn
jary decided that Hr. Aaderaoa bad
lade the trade aad osrht to abide by
Safletaod hy EepnhUoaaa la Bhlait: tberefore Jadgmeat waa rendered
waaaao OooaQr.
ia favor of Broira. J. W. Patchla repCoranaa. Hleh.. iaae
The BoiDtod AndenoB aad Frad Pratt
fahUoaasof Shmwanea eooaty la thalr ____ oo boU*. eS Orvl.oSCatMl. Donbla Brawn’s attorney.
paaianlinn have eddossed Seaator Borflee
my new Jewelry store wbea
eo>. m Oramd, t: br Or*, l- Pwrad boUs.
r heartily.
Haa^ L'apliv. BaeUtryon come to the Bostoface and take ad-
Cheapest and moet roIiabTe place to get yonr bicycle repaired aod
pot in go^ ronning order. Beve had aerere] ynars experience .and
know how it eboold be dene. Satufection guaranteed- I am pelling
UcTole pnndriee at aboot cost- New and ee»>nd band wheelo
wheels for a
and to rent. Pleaae give os a trial
Bracing a specialty.
BLUB, 811 Front at. East
a L. Baker of Honor, Heat Aai
to the United Staten Gourt.
Tnesday afternoon Clmrlra L Baker
was broarht owr from Boner by DvpntyU. 8. Hatthall O D-.nD.lI aad arrairaed before U.8. CommUaioaer I
arts by U. 8. Dtotriet Attorney Oovell
oa a ebarr* of perjury. Be was
leased oa bail la the earn of PMiO for bto
appearance before the Grand Jary la
Baker waa arreatrd erme UiM ago
<m a charre ef vendiar obsecM lettais
Uroarh the aaall aad U the trial was
acqoUtod. Oa the witncaa stand he
toeUfied that be had never been arrest-,
ed oa a criminal ebarre. hot tha
oSeiala are said to have discovered
that he kaa been arrested three timaa
tor lareeny and other oFea a and had
been ooavieted aad
Benee the eharva of perjary.
axvd S\^Ve
'VOert tvenn &o doae \0Qe\.\ttT
IT dnsufl.
KUke& a cowMBaVkoB
cBs^omera aad «t»«T8*
B. J. Morgan,
tkm aad Ooreraor Piogree aad the delpgatea were rcqoested'io vote for Dex
•oal.ABBual Sleotioa Teaterday-b
ter H. Ferry Ur chairman of the auto
•taUatlOB Hext Wodaaaday.
teoportod That Omseral Brooks Will
;bo Hiliury Bead of tha XalaaA
flpirlsl wTbs Moense EareSB.
•L Lonto. Joaa 18 —A spoeial to the
riDBt Dtopatch from Chleamaiiroa raya
^r«at aattoteeUoa to felt amonr the
groope thore over the report that Oea«al Brooks sHIl be appoialod HllKary
teovoraor ofFaertoBioa
Bpaalsb Bplaa OaptatPd.
How York. Jana tv.~Tba Jovaal’a
fli^ De Bate cable oaya that the Oaao to Omni LImirn- ‘nm P^P«n. AmbA npM tbea
snraed General Llaaree of the prepartelnm Bsade by the Americaas to ab
teck flaatiaro. aad alao eoasalaed lalonaatim that the Spaalarda in OoanlaBarao, wore ia dire atraiu.
E^4or HowtoB Will Botan.
BA. Newton, horler of Company H.
TUrty-foarth Hiehlran Volaok
has been moatored oat and wUl be
gUm aa boaorable diaeharra.
Mother. Hra. W. A. Newton, has '
ooey ill and the enUstmaat of Ed. has
■ads her oondltloa worse. In view of
«toe eiroamataaen' a dtoeharra
At the rarvter eeaoi-aaaaal meetlar
of Ooart Travona, No. e, C
of the ladapeadent Order of Faroetors
held ynterday afteraooa, the followiag
sn were oleeted ter the ooeainr
P. C. C—Hattie Reaale.
C. C-ChrtoUaa Poet.
V. C C.—Lacy Weaver. '
Ckaplala—BUea Ely.
a flerihe-Bmma Kelly.
C FlaaBcler-Bva emith.
C. Troaesrar-Hary Pyboa.
C. Harahal-Clara Cameron.
C Coadoctor-Hra. E. E FamL
a Guard—Aoroau Fader.
C SeaUBal-Urs. Packard.
AndiUnr eommiueo-Almlra FOot.
Hra. H. BbeScr, and Cora Toanr.
The laatalUUoB will take place aoxt
Wedaeedey afteraooa.
The eoclety of Oompaaioi
exeellaat eh^ and the 4
Oaoaed by Idchtalaf.
Last airht ahorUy after aerea o'eloek
a fife atm^ ia the office of the C. A
W. H. freirkt booae. The fire depart
ment waa oa the rfonod in a few
meats and aooa extiorutobed the blsM.
The fire •rlriaated from a lelcrraph
wire aad waa eanaed hy the electro
storaa. The damsfe was alirht.
Hra. Orarre TnUia of Went Blevaath
Btreet. who has beeaaiek with man
ma iMt deiaahmant of tha Thirty Foorth ofdaly Flrawodsa i--------atMaOoyte.
^artbaadtrUlaaethoafaaraa ef Oaha
Flaaet lias la tha Hw. Get
Steinberg’s Grand
f Cuban
Everythiiir new and a few
new people, and
MGKanla8S& Randolpli
will bare a bodget ef sew '
work for yon.
Our Sisglag Bxoela.
Dfliioera ar« Oreut
Comfldimnfl Fumy,
Csmt sil Issetwlittfs.
Frlees, le, 86 ft 860.
Qvw HcNmn'i 6bo« ttoa
r^,^FateUaUBtdiac a Flae Hew
Attorney J. W. Pat^la to rtdinr a •
Baa new blcy-ae bnllt by H. E Giblm. I
On X dt K. E. R. E.
Hr. Patchla to above the avsrara ia'
belrki aad It was diffiealt to rat ju«t'
tha wheel he weated, ao be had one
baggage, bos and back work
baUt to order by Hr. Glbbe. The
for said road sbonid be left with
wheel to a TT-inch frame aad Hr. Patme.
239 State street, tele
chia now thiohs be Am the beat wheel
phone 8. All orders left with me
•nnettea af taMb
that ha ooald obtain for hto peraoaal
iwuiuwu. uuwaadaoatmilimrtM
will receive prompt attention.
•tloe r« «wd (or DBkliie eitnedra •
•* t I
of Ia<
Htoa Frye. oo^^f-tte
. _________
the ladttr^ool at Ht. PlcaaaaV
arrived la the city last evcaiar- She
was accompanied by twelve papiU who
will be taken to tbelr taomea at Snttona
Bay aad Ek Eaidde for the sammer
.lion. They aUyed at the Botol
Panrbora last nIrhL '
Beaortera for Omeaa.
The arrlvala for Omeaa last airht at
the itork Place were: Him U Kent.
JackaoDville.-ill.: I. Jewitt aad wife,
Mrs. D. L. Monill, Nabam Honill, Jr..
Hra E A Foret aad lAwreeta Font
of Chiearoi ateo tb* Himes BmIct of
Grand Baplda
ladies'll iocttops,black
ortan,$2.2S. Compare then
with aep $3 shoeJjLihe ciip.
New aod aobhylost
Foanh of duly Finworkaat KcOoy'B.
Flaeat line ia the city. Get yonr
•ly early.
I 1 *?
^ Zbc rtijU
\Se qv)iB.\\tq
& \0e yfiAZ
Geo. R. Winnie,
- Op-to-dan Paiiter
and Paper Haeger.
Shop Oppotlte Eagle Offloo. 118 FfOnt Street.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
; of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
: of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favoiftes at th's season of
; the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicydo Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
^ | J
THB UOVajSQ HBOOftl). THI7S80AT. JT7VB 80, 1888,
H«aj1y Thirty TheuMnd li
8ch«dul«d To B*8«nt
to Ohcftor.
win a. fiMDr
not* wluM* ft»r tb«a Uiu aalt
Oarenl AJbw poloia cwt that tbla
MTU(«nNM U baaafl on leog «p«1CMC. He my bewouM w>l bar* noUert
Um tBUrrJ**. Mteept ibit It waa llkclr
t» coDvey an em>Beoua Imprearton to
tb* pubUe coBcernln* the car* with
wbiebAur •eldlert are helm cietb^ and
dtbekreatr Um weltare
tare of oor
troop* and hi* deiermtaatloa to get
them the very beat f.Mjd. clotblm bad
anppUea wblrb can be aecored.
poirt asjo* toe son nu mm.
•m* •
• 0**« Thlaa* t
la ta* DlrWaa-^Oal.
----- ri—
- MaUalaK •
-Klab f»>aa Oar. riacM. Otm. Al*ar
Snial.. Abo.t aaMlar Ctolka* aa« an part* oT the country bare been aend*
log to tbeir reiativea and frlenda among
the aoldlera In the
Pat*. Oa.. /«ne th
camp* bo«e* and package* contalnim
, .niedi ' hrcrta <Muld think of and tender hand*
While the---------------------. . ud uf the boxp* and thoreoghly enjoy ttaelr cortenu.the •'tD<lml*
Mt diasge the plan to prepare for an of the
Cgpeditlon. buwerer. «lnce the rerofciog aendlm of dellcacle* l
•rter effecu more eaperially tb* Iran*- PlcJiled onion*. pre«
Mrs named In the former order. It pro canoed frvlu cocoanut
vide* fnrtber ibatln*u.adof ftfleen reglIB be!m Immediately equipped and
1 ine aigeauoc oi men wno are oongeo <i
I *uhinlt dally to rigid mlllUry dlaclplln
nd training.
Tbe war department
last night gave
out the I I.____i____....__________. ___k.l.W
of the Flirt corp* to form
uy force
rUl U Obaarrad ta tba X«eal
OborAM 9*ij SiA.
Jnly Brd «m ba obaweed bj saarij
alttb* ehoTcbaa la the aty aa AatlBalooa Saada/. and tba proc>«a tbrj
*kI.. -k-_ —« -k.. «- —« '
tba day _Ill
wm ba la
ebarr* «f tb* IomI
AaU-nalooa Laafu*
liar Fraf. A. O. Wrirbi wtU
apaak U tb* 8aooad M. B. eburak. At
8 p. ak a ametlad of
an will ba bcU la tha Ooarre(atio&al
ebnreh. aad aU wko ara UUraatad la
at temperanea la tbi*
bad tba aayranDdlnc eoaatry ara
riud to attuA la tba aranlng Prof.
A. O. Wiirht will tpeak In the Prienda
ebareh aad Bar. J. F. Braadt. aUU
raparlnuadaiit, will apeak at tb* ConrrcgaUonal ehurcb. The public is oordlaUf Inritad to thaaa meetlaga.
Closed July 4tliENTIRE DAY.
From now until that time we shall continue a sale of
suits at $6.00, $7.60 and $10:00 that contain some ex
ceptional bargains. Also a complete lin^ of summer
goods at low pi ices—Bicycle Suits, Belts, Hose, etc.
Biattngniabad Qtaid Bnplds ^pl*
H«* for a KokUi'a TaeattoB.
Prof. Hanry Oamballr oae of tbe
tllsu of Orasd Bapid*.
arrived Is tbe city last Bight far a
maatb's camplag on Marioa IsiaaA.
C. Poat, t
Grand Bapids. ■
1 by Mr*
PMtaBdHlmCbrpaBUr. H***ra Po*t
aad Uampbeil ipand a portion of each
sommar in tbi* laealUy and they have
many friend* In tbe city. They have
bad a b*w aaillngaloopdcalgned and
bailt by Vicier Montagna, wklcb will
allbongb It U not
yet quit* aomplslad. It is a baantiful
craft, 86 foot in length aad aix-foot
i. Tha boat will be ehristaBadtb*
Ethel II.
Bow to Braatha and Walk.
UIh L.. K. Curtis of Chicago, will
lactara in Oraoe Bpiaoopal eborcb
‘niorsday, Jnoc SOtb. at S o'elook p. m.
an -*Bow to Brmtbe. Stand aad Walk.*
t^nb woman, motbera with grawlng
ebildran. and yooDg ladle* are Isvttad
Lb.'P~.v'°^L.,“r.ocur. Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
gea for admiesioa.
Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Moody will leave
OB tbe PetoaLey for a few daye' vialt la
Misa Cbaaa Chappell and MIm laex
Cook of Howard Ci^ are the gaeete of
Mr*. C. F. Bead.
Night Operator MeAUy of tho & A
W. H. depot, wbo has been etaltlag hia
mother and abUra in tbe oaet. retaraed
Oetk merrttl U Ml-r Miiana.
San FranclBco.June 89.—Ornrrsl Wes
yeaterday moraUig.
Bpwortb League Hlaetioa.
ley Uerrilt. who sailed from this port
Tbe Mlmee Btftba Bedden aad B*tolat 16 o'riorii this morning to aasume hla
The Epworth Leagoe of tbe Sseond U Schneider, wbo bare beea vUiUag
duties as govem -r g ne dlof thePhlllppine li latids. has prcpsnd a proclama- M. E. ebnreb have alaetad the follow- for tbe peat two weeks in Grand Rap
tag ettoere for tb* eomlag eli moatba; ids, ratnraed home last night.
tlcn. s fhich will be
after bi* arrival at Ui alla. It will an
-Mr*. M. B Beoteb.
Mrs. &.] K and Herbert Oaar of Doprapared the entire Plrat corp# of twen- nounce to the people of tbe l*landa that
t'loa PrMldeot—Mtee Dora Mar- wagiae aia eislUag tbeir brother, Mr.
^ty-aeren regUnenu la to be haaUly pre- General Merritt, aa the reprewntaUve
I Oaar of Waat Tenth atraat, aad-Mr*. I
pared for active field service, and
of tbe United SUte*. has eatAbhahed a
Sanasd Vloe Pte^eaV-Hi*. Egbart. UeC^'ry at Wwt Front
aatnral inference prevslU utom the
beat poatad. array officers at tbe park
Third Tie* Prwldenv—Mrs. HnnUBgDick Seboaiberg of tbe f
that tbe entire force wUI be o0 for
Bsskasm wf aa lUlaal* Meldlen
Hardwood Laaibor Co. (• la tbe city
Tampa or other aeaporta withra a week
Camp Alger, Va.. June 3.—Private
FMrtb Vtoa Fratidant—Mtea Bnla bosiaeae.
or tea day*, or aa rapidly a* tranaportt Arthur Elsun. Company K. Seventh IICbpt. J. D. Rramar, traeallag freight
can be provided. Keglmeot* Included Unola attempted Co eommU eutcide fay MarvlB.
Sacratary-MlMFloraBoa C Walton. agent of tb* Q. B. A I., arrived ini
ara tbe Twenty-first Ksiwas, One Hun cutting bis throat a llta a UUe- knife.
dred and FIftr-Hgbtb Indiana. One RIs iniuries arc not necesaartly fauL
Tisaaapei^Mr. Llllia.
tb* city last night on baslaem tor tbe
Bandred aad Slktleth Indiana. Tblr.ycompany.
Lake Erie aad Weriev* SepMt.
- Wisconsin. Third
V. O. L Jl Harkat.
' Herbert Montagne and aos Bea aad
Tiiik»>« Third Wisconsin and Fifth IIUIndlanapoH*. June 89.—The annual re
Tba foUawlag ladies are ashed ta . A. Montague retnread yesterday
port of tbe Lake Erie and Western was
made public yesierday. The gros* earn eoatriknt* to tbe Batorday Market to <om a visit to Watertowa aad MUwan■e—h*i»m
Maior Oeoeral Broedw was appointed ing* for tbe year Increased 8K.1S.H. ba held at Haakel's Bookstore. Jnly 8 kae. Wiaconala.
The net esmlngs show an Increaae of from S to 5 o’eloek. Metdases M. J.
by tbe prealdent to command tbe
Rev. aad Mrs. D. F. brtfleyofGraad
T peylng
sed 8U.- Norotay. M. C. Orlatt, C M. Pmtl. A Rapida retaraod to tba^eaUaga at
t Camp Thomaa. This Is I
ST.n. The freight traffic ahows an In- Pad*D, C. H. Petonon. V. Patertyl. C Omens after agbar^pAt Omnd Bapfact %be understanding of r
eresse of 7JC per cent. In tonnage. Tbe M. Parker. W. J. ParkefT C Paige. T
made by ye*ierd*y-» order appeais to pasaenyer traffic shows a decrease of PieraoD, Agnoa Smith. Magaret Smith,
Fraak Friadrleb srent to Northport
have been In accordance with Ot-neral tn jwr cent. In the number of pasaen- borca* Smith, L. Soole. H. £. Steward.
Brooke's deelre nut to go to the iTOnt gers carried. The q'-artcrly dividend
^ M'^e'lea Bevier of Oraad Baaid*
without sufficient
men for any of -fr jier cent, upon the preferred etock B M. Steteoo. Kate Si-np-oa. Allao
emergency that might arise.
Tbe of the corrpanj ha* l>een continued Smith. T. G. Shllmra. M. A SUlea, J. paeaed tbraugh tb* cl^ an ronta to
during the year.'leaving a surrlus of Keanie, Ransom. B. Tblr>br. HatUr Omen* yeaterday.
work of equli'ping
proceeding with all pimlbie speed aad nts.ew 88 to be carried over.
Mim Grace Smith of Danville. laA.
Timblin, Dr. Thompwm, O. b. Titaa. C.
tbe quartermasters and the —*------gronv •* the IIIsbmmmI.
& Vader. Sr. T. E VauDvhe. A
departmenu are being tased
Chicago, June, ».—League records at traba, Qia*. WilbclB. Chaa. Wofel. J.
utmost rapsclly. The One Hnn
Mie* Wlsitred Pratt aad Leri T.
Bxtleth Indiana rerlmenl ha* received base ball yiwtcrday were a* follows: Al W. Zi
lu full numt>er of gun* ti I* m<Tc than Oevetend-New Tork 4. Cleveland 0;
Peantogton went to Cadar yaeterday to
Ukelr tbst the regiment* will all be paid (wtor-d gatr.r) Nev Tork 4. Cleveland
UaC. E. conveatina.
LonlslL Bd|
at Pittsburg—n-wt-n 6. Plti*burg 6:
before any of them are ..rd< red out. The
Gao. B. Harruoa. was at OUIW.
Aldan yenLoulsrilU—Phllrd IpbU 6. Louisville
t, petTStes will be paid at tbe rate of
Lool* M. Edgaeomb. ftdeat aan of Mr.
at St. Louis—etc innati 8. St. Louis
»' klLM per month and officers from 8M to
fsecond game) Clnclonall &.
‘'xy'BnherweatI to Milsrankoe ^
«JtLt7 fn month.
night at tbeir borne in Mapleloa. of terday la eompaayr wiU W. 6. Jo^nLouis 0.
l^taaa Oeleaer* How-HomvWeeiem League: At DeiroH—Colum quick consumption, aged 85 year*. He
Waablngtoa. June ».-tt has leaked
ns :. petrait S:at Minneapolis—Omaha
S. a Darrow want to Grand Rapid*
out at Camp Alger that Colonel Bar- 4, Mlnn-apnll* S; at St. Paul-Kanm*
Bell. One Bundr.d and Flfiynlntb In Cliy L St Paul It; al Milwaukee-lnyastenlay on bnelacaa
diana has reported that he bad a "saw. dtacapHi* S. Milwaukee 14.
Ue Modern Woodmen of Uis city. A
Profemor Carriar af <Hivet College,
horse" erected and caused Private E. F.
deletfatioD of Ue order will attend hi* passed throagh Ua city yesterday aa
rrightful MarialHy la Ataska.
Cooper, of bis regiment, to ride It as a
puBlihment. He doe* na ofler any e*Warren. O-Junef’.—A letter received faeeral. which a U1 Uke place today at route tor Omena to ^e^ U* summer.
euse tor this «her than a recital of ih? here from John Muldoon. a clilsen
8 p. m from Ue reeidene*. Rev. Mr.
Mr*. Andemoa of Oaeaa, wa* a viaJebnwmvI'K. ll.l* county, wbo la now In HeaU of Ui* city will oOciate.
itor her* yesterday.
me .Maakan gold flelda. aay* that of the
___very gocA -----------Mr. aad Mn. MeCrackaa of Elk Bap
questioned, said that be did not think
nen who tep Seattle with hti
Oka* Bom* in tb* Bata.
there would be a court martial In CoL March, orly four survived T»o •
ids. went to D
. Bamcit * case, aa It does not appear drowned and the others perished from
Tmtarday afternoon Howard Irieb,
Mn B. E VanFleet went to Manis
that he has violated the
cold and hunger.
c. B. Bale aad C. L. Sltorwood rode tee yestsrdey and will make her borne
Tbe d-talU of the trial cf Ue
v,e«r to Elk Rapid* oa tbeir bicycle*. at that plaee In tb* fntnre.
C G. Arne*. Seventh Illlnola, have beThey came bom* is Ue ralo by Ue
aame known. The *cle charge wa* ab
Mia* Motile Menball aad Mbs Satto
Tbe American Institute of Home light of U* Ugbtaiag'a tasbee, and
sence without leave, he going to CoWalker of Old Misaioa, war* in tb*
- o he married, but without opathy baa ele<ted Dr.Balley.vfLlDroln. were dreaebed.
e'ly yeaterday.
Feb., president.
An attempt was discovered at Cble*'
E C. 'Tyler. Ue Paric Plaee barber,
go to amuggle nJura Into tbe Jail in
has eoesred Ue aervloe* of B. C. FUber
Eniigllsh walnut ahella
j The qBaiterly meetiag of Ue Ladle*’ nf Manoeloaa. wbo arrivad yeaterday.
Mis* Laura H. Bevena aged TO. and LIbeary Amoflatios will be bdd In the
ltematk>orfi.v. PlBgnw.
le Ui* momlag.
V,' Waatalngton. June 9.—Secretary Al- Frederick H. Howe, aged $0. were Biar- library room* at 8 p. m. Saturday. A"
Batel and Boborte Eeboa wiU spend
tj' ger's attentioD waa directed yesterday reld at Janesville. Wla
Grace Methodist church. Chicago, will metnbi ra ara laqneated to be preeeat.
•me Ume ia Uaaiag. They left yea
^ to a pnHIshed Interview Id which Govgive free summer night concert* TuesMrs.
araar Plngree. of MIebIgan. criticise*
al the church.
Mn Bngoae Tripp of MS Canal
the -Wow b^ly- furnished l» our troop*
The Heptibllcaesof Hainerenomlnated letter from her boaband. wbleb statM
Oraad Rapida. I* vtolUng bar
and tbe heayrand unsesaonablr cloth Govemer Uewvll}-n Power* by s unan- that be aad bU parly
ing they were obligM to wear. The Idiuuh vote St tbe sUte conventton.
in getting over U* pass and glaeisr bioUer. Camios Park of m: Elmwood
aecratao' said be was surprised U, hear
in- bouse committee ..n mllitarr *f- and ar* now aagagad In bnllding Ualr avaaoA Sbe wUI vwlt all Ue reeorU
such atateminu attributed to the gov Jslrs he* report d s bill Incremsbic tbe
City t* MaeUaaw before
boat wlU wbiU they intend to aaoaad
ernor. a* the latter was at tbe war de fiell fsUon* of the sofiUcr* Ip acUv#
Ue Copper River te Ue gold field* of sb* latnras borne.
partment not long ago and spoke en- servlet
Mia* Aliee Roberte reUmed last
The Chirsgc cliy coimrii ba* ebanged A1**J»
avonlag from PhUadelpbia.
the name >.f Uli .ril slrvet. from Dayton
Company Nnmber Two bad a good
re^menui ho^iaia. As to these bos- street to Bridcn sveaue. to Dewey
ba* beea epeadlag Ue past yaar. Sb*
drill last aigbl. They ara getUag la
plUls. the seerttarv said be had left avenue.
Ihst aublect with the surgeon genersl
cblldrea, wbo. after a visit wiU ralaaf tbe army, wt
sen. of Elau Oslre. Wia.. f<ir the Repubate lavlted to Join Uam la Ueir
Uva* at Tnba will become U* gseat of
_ .
aers reUUng to tbe medical Ucan noirlnsiiun for state treasurer la drill* Wednesday nigbtn.
BBd surgical inanebes of tbe service. announced.
Mn Robprts *■ Waablagtos atroet.
Tb* fnneral of Un UUle year bid
OoDceming the criticisms on nnseas'DThere wa* a fall of rain that amount
C B. Oog of Aides, was in town yaa•bleckrthing. Secretary Alger say* light ed to almont a deluge In the vlrlnJly of daughter of Joaepb Varrean wbo diad
anmmer rlyihtr.g Is being made as fast Monroe. Wls. The storm exteod<4 over Taesduy algkt, will be held tbi*.
XSaxtoao onpirom Mayfield
•a possible, and sn auxiliary cruiser the entirv aeotlon.
lag from St. Fnael* ebtunbe*
win take to Kantlst,a a euffle eat supply
From Madrid comes the report that
E E Brawn of Wyitsmsbnrg. traaafor *n tbe irc’oi a now i.peraling there.
It ba* been derided to <«U out 9,006 o'clock.
boslaam here yeaterday.
more men. the lam <-!**-«• «f
Barry CbUcykt. Ue 17-yaar-old
dothad In this.- samrner suite at a
C. B. Cook and wife of Bay City,
*emiv In Bpaln.
of Mkhael CiahoykI of laadora, died
very aariy date. Couremlng the porit
A rhon»f»Pb I* being made for nsi
a few days ia U* ei^.
ration the aecreiary aaya the army ra at tbe Part* exporiUoa of ia» wblrb I* yeeterday of broacbltia. Tb* toi
& Foley of Cadar was in Ua
tion IS based on the suggestlcn of tbe nipected
enperted to be Sf
of soffirient
suffieJent dtmenmons will b* bald tomoROW.
commlmarr depurtmcni. wblrb lus
Wiaea* yesterday.
Malcolm Wlanlab bam was, la aom
gaariied ita euBcJusloa trum tbe cxpert- t.. be beard by IWW people.
Keble Uwi* rada over from Elk BapIt I* rumored In New Tork that a
eace of the civil war. Those rations
way, aeton fir* yesterday. Id* yesterday a^*^MMa. Be arrived
"popular song" trust ba* been organ
an seven day* fresh most, twe
A eUll alarm wa* taraed in and Ue fir*
Jnat before Ue
bacon, and oa* of potk, out of every ised by Ue leading pubUUer* of UI*
exliagniebaA Tern dallar* will
ten days. This has been recently class of music ihroughout tbe country.
C^tda Klauoad of U* Maaida*
The Republican* of Ue FoarU Maine oover Ue damage.
^Binged to els days of fmh meat and
Ooite wMt te Aaa Arber yeaterday.
«oe of salmon; A day's ration of fresh congnastoBal dtstrlct have renamlBated
Prof, aad Mn. Bom
be gradnatae from on* ot Ue
aseat l* one and one-quarter poundA Charles A. B.iutelle by s nnanlmon*
vote. Nelson tWngley wa* renominated day from a visit at Ueir oM 1
departmmU of U* Onivaidty.
•Bd of *aU meat tbiwe-fourths c
at Charlotte. They alee visited Olivet
ponnd. Soldiers nauaUy qwead their
MbsUriala Freaad of CAkago k
•apply of freab meat over the entire
The marrtwe ot John R. Flagter, Ue aad PlyuonU, aad wbU* at U* latter
>:i magnate, and Miss Alice MandeHet. plaat Prof. Hers gav* Ua gradaattoa Ua gnaet of Ue famUy of W. B. Flattatton period.', aad take a tittle
MMt as desired. It I* anUrely within vbo wu'bamaiH’ tbe contralto of the
a arm go to MapUtoa
h* command ng offiew
church. New Tork city, bas addrem PraffMiar Ryder, tormmiy af
Jnm been made public. Tbe coup** were tbk plaea. I* priaelpal of Ue aabnola at today to look after tb* fnnaial ot Lonb
e wh’gb tbe nnlted U Bsfland Ute last summer.
that plana
parunent.wm not longer beencouraged.
as It has been found that such delicacies
for trootw in the Arid are injurtona
rather than helpful The secretary of
war saggeet* that donations of this
acter In future be sent to the hospltkls only, and that tbe surgeon gen
eral of tbe amy be consulted aa to
where they will be most needed.”
and "Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
146 iTTont StTMt
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correapobd with the Trarene City Lamber Oompany.
We ba^e for Bale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hill Maehioery of all deficriptioos, utdodiiig Two Enginaa,
Ret Worka, Carriagea and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for aala.
All Kinds of Soap.
Quality and aoaBtity, high price and low price, hot all a
high quality for the price.
Our line of toilet soap ia unequalad in the dty.
848 Front Street
213 Front St.
Stoek Rrodvad Throe Time* a fVoak
ountu. tOc
«Oc por
StoDdanla. 30c por quart
tolld Meate.
Flitther's Oyster Dijiot aid Restairdit
' Beduead Bate* oa a. n. * Z
FonrU of Jaly-^ls* far* for rooad
I. dell Jnly 1st. Good to ntaim
Tfce M. A S. ERR. wUl ran special | ^ L SU
rates aad sell tkkett at $1.50 tbe|
M far* for roead
onnd trip from Tnveree City. Oae
to 16U Oaed to ratare between all eUUoas bat aot te irn Sept let.
Chicago, oaa far* for toaad trip alae
H. W. Casntegbam. Agaat.
aseeau. 8*11 Jnly 18U good taiatam •
F. A KitebeU, O. P. d
•ngqnt KU.
----------Oneimtl. one orat par adle. 8^
TUag tor Knoeabaaa.
| ^tambor *d. good to retom Oetobar
Oeletaation at llaatote* Xoaday, July
-A,------- ------------------- ------------...
Mntaal Fire laenraaoe Co. Ltd. of Jackaoo, Mich., is one
of that kind. Hon. R. J. Whaley U ite
president. H<*. D. D. AlUen aad D.
P. Msrkry are mnmbersof lU Board of
Dlnetors and are nsing Ueir teflunace
to matte it a eneeim. Evary aiember
of lu board are fliat-class eltteca* aad
well known.
Call oa iu sgcat *t Trsveras aty tor
nsunaee on
B. B. Allth. Ageab
trip. SaU
_______ one
Jane 8TU aad 88U retnra Jnly 4U.
ladlaaapUk. one fara tor roaad trip.
Bell Angutt 8U. ratara Angnst i$U.
Bell July SOU '
AngM*. 15U.
Barauga, one tars tor round ■ trip.
Sell Angnst 1st, good to rsUm Aagant
trip .... ___.
: ge^ to return Sept. «U.
Vertamion, O.. oae far* tor roaad
8*11 Angaat lat, good te rotara
Tba Fourth at Maakte*.
Bsy View Camp Meetiag. oae tor* far
M. A N. E. trains wOl ran aa follows Mod trip 8*11 Jaly UU to 81st.
gaod to ratom Aag. SOU.
oa JslylU; Losve Traverse Qty
Bedacod nte* to other patete. Phaaa
Meaktee et 5:M and $:85 a. a. aad
p. m. Lmve Manlatoe for Trav....
aty St 1:«. 4:10 and 0:80 p m. TieksU
will .be sold Jnly
It Sad to 4U. Betnrn
limit Jnly SU Rstes betwcai
KUwauks* OanivaL
tlons oa U* M. A N. E tms tor* for
On aeeoaat of the oaraival at Ml- r
askae.Wis.UeM.AK. BBE-Oa. ’
trip t
1 aeU nmad trip tkkste at »4.n ^
itiag lia.
______ J on
a goon i
Band aad baUk.____
H. W. Oca_______
.. .. . , ...
r. A MaewRU, G. P. AgC
Wfr* tht'Oppoting Annies Are
Preparing for the Deceive
ADocen 'n d^d
ncclvad th» tollowtns dl«p>teh tretn
CapUlB 0«nml AufoiU. dated (rwn
UentU on June n; "The altuatlon la
aUU M (rave. I eonilnue to nwlntaln
mr i»altlon Inaldr the line of biocSbousea. but the enemy U increaidBC >n
Dumbera na the rebela ocrupy the pmvlare# which arv wrreaderlnic. Toma*
tlal ralna are Inuodailas the Intrenchmenu. renderins the work of defence
dlfflcult. The namhera of alek unonsUic
troupe are Inrreaattuc. ataklnr the aituatltm rerr dirtreaainK and cattilae !«•
ereaaed deaerttona «f the native aoldim.
rtchi — taauiwv'a rMtuiMtiaa*
It la eoUmated that the Inauntentaottm*
her tO.OM armed with rtflea and ll»,Me
armed with aworda. etc.
"Arulnald* haa aummoned fne to
At the FVoot. on the RIe Onama.
Honday. June ZT. via Klngaton. Ja- aurrender. bat 1 have treated hla prop*.
aalB with diadala. (or 1 an reaolved to
aialca. June !».—{Copyright. lAJ*. by the
maintain the aoverelanty of Bpain and
Aaaorlated Preaa.]-The Amertcan (roat
the honor e( the flax to the laat extrem
haa been advMced
beyond the flrat ity. T have over 1.000 alrk and M»
tttiapliig of the Rio Gumma, about a wounded. The rlladet haa been Invaded
I -V and a tug Ifatf three and a halt by the anburban Inhabitant, who have
cpaffyh Intreni4unenla.
their taomea owing to the
.... a a tr^ade reata OB the barbaiity of the rebels These Inhabi
t. .d to Santiago de Cuba. Tba Thltd tants conalltule an embarrasamenl, agcravaUttx the situation In viea of the
brigade under General Chaffee, the Sev
Ivniluudment. a-hlch. however, /l» not
enteenth. Twetnh and Seventh reglBciiovaly apprehended for the moment.
nentabolda tbetrench.wnbhUcomiDaiid
_ the
___ Vlsayi
governor of
nemoiB Tim by ous tboobs.
lytngacTosa thcr««dandriver. The Plrat 1 Ulndanao Inland* cables that he haa debrlgade — the l£lghth. Taenty-aecond r (eiUcd the Insurgenu In an engagement
and ^md JIaaaachuaetta under Gen- ! durirjt which Chief Arco. Agulnaldo a
eral ^an Clarke—U«a on the left Sank repreecniatlvv. waa killed. He add* that
allgr.tly in the rear, and the Second .tranquillity now percalla throughout
brlgade-the Flm. Fourth and Taenty-; these Islanda. and he further aeaeru
fifth—cccui4es the oppoalte p<«ltioa on ' that the principal Ualay chiefs of the
the right flunk, (lem-ral Wheeler, with hllndanao gronp declsre tbi-y
b>-y desire to
svaln-, l» In the mar. between fight on the side o
>e Epanlarda
Sevilla hills and the Rio Guama.
against the inmders.'
lUandlewa gklralUi Rep rted.
Captain General AugusU'S family U
AsiraBgilBeoroul|«sialamalntalB*d'stlll In the hands of the Insurgents
ules. was aklrmlshing towarUa the city
this morning.
The Cnbans had nev-'
eral alight akirmlobes vnOi the Spanlards
statIrAed on the bills on the
A majority of the detacbmenu In the
Island of Luton have sumndcred. owIng to their lark of food, though some
succeeded In Acaping.
M , O
« ' a
<aybr«ak by the Spaniards The Utter
retreated towards Santiago de Cuba.
ners to CavUa.
No (aumiea
are reported.
Lasrton. Oeaeml Chaffee and General
heeler have thoroughly
of IBI
have very- good maps of tba roads and
defrncea of the city.
Mews by Wpawtsb raetficM.
Much Information haa also been oht
• ♦
Spanish paciBcoa who have
u ,ioi uf ihe city and given themeelvea up In the hope of getting food.
They report great atarvntlon aad diatreaa In Santiago.
They also report
that aeventy-aeven Spaniards wWe
kJlled and that elghty-nlne werewpuhd«d aa the result of the engacemcht on
Friday last with Colonel Wood's and
Ocneml Tvung’a commands. Thera are
two forts of cunaldemble Importance
within the Spulab lines. Punu Blaaea.
at the Southern end of the bay, smd
Santa t'twuU at the southeast cbmer
On the road to Caney. on the north, la
another fort. There are about 4W men
In each of these fnrtlfkatlona. andi|
gtreirhlng around the whole city are
nine barbed wire f.nces, flRy yards
apart, while Just Inside there are tinea
of rifle plU____________
SI is
Baedlesl ^rit* aad LNUs
the northern extremity of the dty to
Morrci castle. A little west of south,
at a dlsiace of about seven miles from
Mnrro castle. The rnnd to within a few
hundred yard* of the batteries at the
rear of Jiniro waa reconr.oUered yes
terday afternoon by General Chaffee
and several memWrs of hi* staff. The
Cul«ns l•clleve that If the water supply
of the cliy can l<e shat off Santiago wUJ
have t.« yield affonce.
No aggressive
move by the Anbtlcsns is amicH«ted
for several daya The Tvad lo the base
of supplies must Iw greatly Improved
before the onward movement ran be
aafely made.
At present II taxes ibe quarterwiaetefs (i-i-artirrrt to the atmosl to get
provlal. r« erd ammunlBon Last night
•one i>ack ' inln arrived w lih auppilea
wuffliicni to lost until tonight, and ns
this dirpaich I* being written anslber
Unm of ammunlUon U coming la. A
train of nmmuntll-'n bas reached Gen
eral Chaffee's brigade, and a tAttery
i astling guns nod dynamite guns at
tached to the Rimgh lUllera has .been
mov-d to GcncAl Brevier's camp.
. Th-re Is no high groundriti the prcs<-iK
position who# ih<>'llmcbklse or Gat
ling gune cottld be put In posikon, but o
little fur^r on Is ground wh-r.- guns
ran bcmAinted and fruvn which an ef
fective flri- can be'direcU-d at Uie Sp^t
isb emr- nchmenu.
There were R
Be Triad IS W rock a Train.
SpBngflelA Ilia. June ».-A Stale
Rf^ler speriaJ from Taylorvlll* saya
(flat Wabash Detective Lay arrived
there yrsterfiny and iwore out a war
rant for the arrest of James L. Miller,
of HarveL charged with attempt to
wreck the Wabash -ConUnenlal Umtted" last Sunday. Lay quegttoned Mil
ler's aasMlaies and fouDd that be had
cpufesaed to them that he bad at
tempted to wrack the train.
0*likMb Trwwhie fa
teg Uw Way of tbe Matew.
New York, j'une
steamship Panther. Commander feeurge
C. Rritcr. arrived from Guantanamo
bay. Cuba, yesterday to lie suHiIledwHh
a battery. The Panther brought with
h^ scvpfi Spanish marine mines taken
from the t-ay of Guantanamo. There are
boll shape, ale-ut four fe-i long and
three ti-e4 In diameter at thowldvatparL
They are Intended to be discharged by
onniact and arms extend from the aidea.
Harnarle* had grown all over thtee. so
that when the Marb1eh.-ad cougbt one
OB her propeller the plunger was prevenb-d
by becoming
Jammed l>y tbe barnacles. Otherwise tbe
mine would have exploded, aa the gun
cotton was In iwrtect oindltton. It waa
the larnarles also that savod the Texaa
London. June SS.-^e Star prinU a
atery from a forelffn correapondeol to
the effect (hat a part of Admiral Ca
mara's n-et li ft him eff Algerlrwa near
Gllirwlur. and la now on iu way lo
Pon<' Rico 'W) Join the Squadron of
torpedo Irals which Captain \Tllamll
has had concealed near there fer three
Weeks pasc" The correspondent adAs:
Washington. June 3.—The following
dispatch was received at the war demrtmeat yesieolay from Gtmeral Bhafler. 'The dole 1* June fTi-'All Is propresrihg well. We oc cupied today an
advance pnslUon abandoned by the ene
my yesterday on the Bcvtlln and Santl-
Ever Bnrned Ontf
If eo yPB know
the valnaot
Mrs. Ml*
attendance of
rgfS U
membeia it dralrad. aa baainoss of Im-
Bicycle Riders.
Baatem Star Social.
The ladiee of the Eaatem 8Ur lodge
will nerve iee cream and calm on Mra. B.
C. IJcanrea' lawn, on Caioa atreet, on
Saturday eveniup.
loaveaeakcmtMrm.Dee^tc you the^t wor^of ^
prew’ betwi
* aad 7p.m. oa 4hat erne in the city for the mcmey; Doa*t
' e deceived by what btfaera tell you to
le oontrary, bnt come aad eac fer
Flreworka: Burrah for the Fourth.'^1guarantee all my work to be right.
*I if .ri^-otwore
Get your
A. A.
A. HoCpy
HoCpy A
it does not prove eo 1 make U
Soo'a Urgent lUe In the city. Scl-M
Stop io tUl 8 o'clodt every evenlnE
Attomeya at Uw.
Horse Hotel.
mesata Maeiagsa Slack, travsra* CMr. Kick.
To Be la PnMws* af < reel it aa n whole and every prodneKen
8rS/.TES5 CAifXlS.
c-Ti.. —„a
performnnoe. conartentiotialy
a H. BHOWH. Aumwar a
O. Law. Bpeclai aUesUo.
aaecoeTeraaeLBjr. til Praai W
mediate seitlcmi.-nt-ai least
ru t- baa b.^n aromplished.
Mf plaee haa always heen|Jjr,^w
maru-: at
nt the
U« front;
front; II have
bars not
not been
been ncena-1
ncena'" Viy
tOBod to loiter at tbe rear.
g"thtr and had a conference. At this
Yours very truly.
c. nterence the Inls.r leaders ellmlnslrd
W, F. Copy ("Buffalo BIU").
tile union cv'Blentlon and agreed that
the manufacturers should meet their
on-n men a* such, but Inslslci on a
alight iBcrvaae of |«y and a w eekly pay
The last the manufacturers refused
to recede lo. but It Is ihougbt an ogretm< nt will yet be reaubed. aa cunsiderable pretpure I* being brought upon the
manafacturers to give in. A prominent
aaah and door man staled that the con
ference was wbolly unofficial, and that
those present had no authority to make
terms. Hovrever. there was a feeling of
aasuronce that the matter will soon be
brought to a dose.____________
rubai' fbm pruvrby.
Postmaaler General Heath to the post
masters of the ISO offices from which
the present experimental test of rural
free delivery tndlates.
Ing fiscal year all rural carriers now In
the service may consider their con
tract* renewed. unl<-ss otberwiae or
dered b>- the pottmaster general
. TTie department has un^r cocsldcmtloD a pl^ of carefully allotting the ex
tra service by mean* of investigation
ReriUr W. O. A. Veetinff.
The rernlar looBthly meeUag of the
Womea'a Cemetery Aaeociatlon wiU be
held in Ue Ladiee' Library parlorw.
Tburaday, July 7th at S.» p. m. Thia
te alae the annual meeUnff and It te nrfently rcqnasted that all membern be
piuaant to bear the yearly rcyorta and
pay the aanaal data.
Votiea to Waodmea.
All the nwmheru of Dneheaa Oarnp
Na. M4B. U. W. of A. are requested U
meet at Uelr haU at to o’eloek this
maralnr te attend the funeral af Lonia
Edffacomb af Hapleloa. By order of
Cba* R Howonn. V. C.
JoegrB SucoBn, Clerk.
r« in rongrewi BrleM;
Washington. June SS.—AlmuSI the en
tire session ■ f-ike senate yesterday was
occupied by Caffer>- In a roneloualion
of his apsech against Ihe anarxalloD of
Hawaii, the epeech being sllll unfln•shed St s.lJcmmmenL The general de
ficiency liill v-as reed and tbe commit
tee amendmenta wero agreed to.
In the bouse Ihe ronfersnee report
up<-n 1the twnkrupicr %>lll was adopted
of JH lo a. and the measure >
m to the priwldent. Tbe sen-1
,.e amendments to the "omrlbu*" war
cUlms MM R*r* dlaagrsed to and a conference affiiM. A number af mlllUry .
passed, among ySem being
e iwirldlng ter the pay' ' volunteers
>m date ..f ctiUftment.
Liieij, Sale ud Feed iari.
PinVclnsA Bigs. EveryUing new
BMg- and neaL Ratei sa reasonable sa any
n In Ue dty. Gire ns n
and get onr prieca.
BnOWa4 nsdoinb,
If Opera Booee BIk.
W. ".i.^2l!5S;,SSi2.“
' 6rui Sipids 8 liillui L R
Oftr OiaUsu. la oCoet Jooe a. IMA
4r^, wlUrara^weoUe (er eBniag. B1
£8 t; 8
CTu LfJelTwSiaBsbo"*** Mk
T70R aaui OR TRADR-im 1
Betew U n Uat of the buyiaff and sell
had any of the advantage* of rural free
delivery, and in locailtie* where the aerTl<e can be estsl'lished at the leist v-«t
and vrlth a certainty of rendering the
best resulta
tyroPrlsdrieh bloeks. 'Pkena. boose and of-
OWIgglrats Bel fsr Bels.
J? raoteB^latH-nra t*^
Washington. June 21. — Tbe ernlner
'lO'HlgRlns’' has not been sold to Spain,
and positive Information has reached TNOB BALI-» leM frost
here that Cblli wlU not sell the ship te f ueorWsde<ionb. olao he
ntUi Btroel Bear Wodswortbany gorernwn'
oble- Addrves or col) oa Pi
Elk Rapid* Lanadrr-
tTLowkub for
S lor DB o-d P
8EU0« T
aear Pork per btt. new.........
Clear Pork PK»r..................
•o esprnrorod
. AUrcrooKU
e«od d a
T pioau lor sole.
«8C= « S
»=S= = -
^U^^BALR-I DFiablo ssvBlIl 01 OboosvcoglPV. For IdU lolorBOt
Uaoooqelrc^ Ured Dokeekolk Ml R Proet
Short Cat Pork per R......................
Flonr. U L. A Co. Beat.................
Bye Flonr, H. L. A Co. BeaL..
Meal. B.L-ACo. BesL................
Feed. B. 1-ACo. BteL................
£gca per dox...........................................
Codfish per ft...........................................
Lard par B>^.
Butter per Bi Dalro..
Cbooac ^r
per ft.
ft> ...................
oaU per ba (old).............
Cora per bu.. old..
per bM................
Bran per IMI............
Potetoea. per bu...
8 SS8888
> load oo
TTraimD-A ouuiac *
W ClifLoBb-rCo.
5 SO ^gorsxaow 00>0S-Per e
6 60
1 60
T Oer-O.<ld wean pin. osron ertUag. PledXj or will hr rrwordrd by moroleg to Jacob
Portarh. Soolb I'olee euert. groeerf noro.
naaaa o
S£8£« 8
wa-i-S g
d aaaelnaaaaaaana a
££«h 8 8fl8£88e8£
---------------------ALeoteLoWanUe. ladarlbban. Ckleago. Deindi sag
-^^AB. Waorag aad dialog
ga.ijror"” '"a.s
•cnv« nans or TBAmn
Wbcut. old, per bo..........
WheuLnew, per bn...................
OuU. Mo. I. per bu. (new)..
C«tL per bu.....................................
Rye. per bn........................................
which tie had tried the effect of what Butter, per ft....................................
be called •'ttihunian boUeta'' Thaao.be Bggk, per dozen..............................
said. Wins made Iff filioF down mdinaiy
Udku (« stteiea
Tbe effect of sneb n
bullet was terrible, as bo could show by
bis apecinHns and as waa proved in ac will ran on EeM Bar aa follows:
. BOILER (or <
Tetahooasetnao8ar.JoooM.ni8. _
at U^-
of Tubiiigen exhib
ited a number of parts of dead bodies on
Leave Old Hiaaion........................... 6:M a. a.
Arrive Elk Banida........................ 7:10 a. te.
Leave Elk Bapids.......................... t;«0a. te.
Arrive Old Miaalon........................ 8:20 a. m.
Leave Old Mission........................
u:00 a. m.
it BtiDCfc ouly soft ptrtA it carriud away Arrive Btet Bead............................ll:»a. m.
immaiae pieces, oftvu so large that if it Leave Bdat Bead............................. 3M p m.
atrncl^ fur instance, tbe calf of tba leg, Arrive Old MUaion........................ 3:30 p m.
nB^tation wirald U; nuccstery.
The Leave Old Miaalon...........................6:00 p. m.
injury-was so extoirive that itf no case Arrive Elk Bapids.......................... f.:40 p m.
could em imagine it was caiM-d bjM Leave Elk Bapids........................... 8:00 p. os.
ballet; tbendoru be hdiered that ^ Arrive Old Mlasioa........................ 8:40 p m.
’Bus will leave tits MereaniUe Co's
jostlfled in naming ibum inhnmaa^
Block. Botel WkiUng aad Park Place
Madicul Beoord.
at 2:30 p. m. 'Bus will also connect
with boat at 11:38 a. m. Fruit car will
be at East Bend on TnesdaTS. Thura‘'Shall yon camp unt this muntaerr' dnys and Sntordaya Paakengm and
“Yob. if we tan find any noqukint- fralt srill be taken on nt nay point
me by oomlag ont
loea we haven y
alrtudy cempsd
tual bactlo.
He showed that w-^
atzude a bcoe auob a bullet
it truni tep to txAtocn ur fnuk pitaxp out
of II 21) or 80 times itt outi size. When
with."—Cblcngu Reoord.
boa. Mirk
oooro MpRSB.
lOgWALR PLAKR-PoreoVby •
U Appbte^v-i
rorar Oltf |irutieri> la rarim
______ le prior.
loog llese eo ta-irAbtnl* o
rsoBrddra CeJlaoorA roi* F. F. Bed- ___________
es VoaOUigloc te. Trarr ■rCUy.
ga-tl OookOBO
A me uooo LOO men w
eled. TroTorae
H. CIlrLuBberCo. »A4f
j^^AW^^OOT (or sale Trororae OHf Lob- T^^Horata(A'
PUor'e eorhU.
F"?ra^i^?£r-b.r‘& 5SJtf-“
T OFT—Roto
i_l book, brm -_______
Boary. imo laoBdlx tog*.
dor will be rewoided W <
' grearUioro: worii
Mist Curtin of Oikago. «>>• >* m*
ea arc 40 aed U eeab
gaged in the werk ef P»cho-Cultare
and Ue Every Day Speekiag Voiee to
endorsed by mnoy of Ue leedlog repreprsBestaUve soctoty aad club woteen
of Uat city. Tbe late Helen Sbafpr.
of Welllaiey college enid: "1 eabslder
Whitlog Baiel. AU ordMs kft (berv or
Mtoa Cnrtfa exeepUeaaUy eqelpped
Phene 1 wUI raecirc preapl oueaUeo
boU by nature and profound ntody. for
R 3. MoBOza
her pofeerion."
Washington. June 3 — HIIborn.^ef
CaliforBia.a meml«r of the house nival
aColra committee, yesterday introdnced
a Joint resolution tendering tbe ihankn'
r of the MaPTfrosc. and
Bumh Rr tbo Fourth.
_ _
■<ood*BedlrlBaaoddi*raaroat tb« errorbr CUafLafco ...
•booarorstadkd te a Bodleol eoUor*> OiBkoBoJeS............
wUl be wub Bori tbr >rwrW ^tU Onober 1st. ObOkeBS................ Lve
Peoria. 111*.. June
During tbe Pe•rtn-Rt. Joaeph game yeeterday tbe
Ucker at Lake View Ball park recited
the (art from President Htckey. of the
Wertrrn aslociatlon. that the tasl pin
had fallen oBd that the aasoclailun was
In a heap.
Paw Paw. Mich.. June S.—Represen
tative F- L. HatglUoB. of Kilca.
teitUy renomteated by acclam
the RepoUlrans of tbe Fourth
Monnl dlatrtcL
That I not only always peraonally di-
c o( the n
Washington. June 2>.—A circular lei-
formed officials of the war department
do not expect a generwl engagement for
two or three daym. and posalldy not so
here about six week’a afa, It eompoaed
feature of the canthal brogramme last of colored anteu of ability, who can
Bight. Chief Consul Martin
Roller, aiay. dapea and da apacially and manoof the Wlacondn 1- A. W.. wea grand
loffoe work aaperdor to wliat la ordinar
marshal. The parade waa seversl mllsa
long, and was confined to Grand ave ily aaaa hera. A feature of the pernue. starting from Taeniy-trventh forroaitca U what they term the ffraatstreet and moving eastward as far as art cake walk, and which la very artiaGrand Avenue parh. where the Judges'
ataod waa erecud.
Here the riders
With snale (urBlahcx* by Stelaberg's
swung around, countcnr.archlng, giving
the pageant a hrautiful effect.
Grand Opera nouse orcb«
under the
There w ere many elaborate and beau able dlreetioa of Proj^r HoraV the
tiful floaU in line, notable among
aajoyeeaat af the enterUiniaent wU]
wbUh was a mtnlalure of the Ittttleeblp
Maine, and T'ncle Earn on top of a huge he greatly ioereaaed. A large audience
globe. whU h was cheered to the echo. will probably greet the compaDy. if
Every residence along the line of march the weather U not uafavaiabla.
waa lavishly di-corated and brilliantly
lUumlnaied with fireworlcs in great pro
Ooloaal Oadyb Only Card.
The feature of the day’s programme
To TmE PCBUC: Once for all. and ^1
was a grand military parude In hte aft minora and reporu to the eonuary aoternoon. In connection with the dedica
withatandlng. I
to meal poaiUvaly
tion of the soldier^ monument In Grand
Avenue park In memory of Wisconsin's aeanre my eomradm. (rteoda. patrons
heroes In the civil war. The monument aad the preaa. thatwherereraad when
cost fai.ooc and was acquired by suh- ever mv "WUd Weet and Oongreea of
•crlpttons and entertainments through
KonghBldera of the World” U hilled
the untiring efforts of Mrs. Lydia Ely.
to appear, there will I he with It also.
icans killed In the battle of Ln Qunstaa.
The Uat in no material respect differs
from that given in these dispatches
the day after the flgbL The total num
ber engaged on our aide waa 9M.
There was a pathetic coincidence in
connection with the receipt of General
Shafter’a meeeage. Within a few min
utes after It came a telegram was re
ceived from Ernest Krupp. 71 East
Fourth street. New Tork city, which
rmd; ’*Pleaiie Inform us If Otto Krupp
was killed at Quasina. Cuba.”
Kropp is the first in Geneml Shafur-a
1st of killed.
Some other i
General Shafby General Corl-ln
ter last night, but they contained no In
formation of interest to tbe public. Me
not Indicated when the battle of
pany who playad a tormar aagacemsat Mothera eqmdally lavitedf
It will Be CwatlBsed sad Batewdsd l>arlag the CwBiwg Vesr.
Throe Niles from ftaallago.
wistance to our adtance. General CallxCo Garda, wiib Kfi men. who Unded
yesterday. Is ex|>scted to reach tbeftxml
Coday. The Americans are in excellent
spirit* and there Is a remarkable latA
of slckn>-k&. Thus fur tbe mter aupply
has Ucn good and there have, bera no
bad effecti from the changes except a
few <tsea, of dysenlcry. There waa a
brief rain squall last night.
Gen<-ra1 B'heeler. who made a rccontwlssamv for half a mile b. ynnd the
Hdmlsh line this morning, finding that
he waa unable to secure tbe desired
view througb the luxuriant tropical
foliage dismounted and cllmlied a trre.
A major general of the United States
army in the forks of a tree surveying
the Spanish ouipoatt througb his field
glasses was,a spectacle that gave nome
Idea of tbe wonderful energy of the
dashing ex-confederate cavalary leadV. This feat of aglllty In a nwn «
years of age put to blush manyayounger officer of hi* own sUff.
The W. C. T. U. srUl hold n motham*
plaMBOt aatertBUmast at SUistaart'a taeettog la the CoagregnUaaal ehsreh
Oraad Opsra Honaa toAlffht. The eam- par^s Friday aftersoanatS:»Oo'eloek.
Utlwaukee. June t».—At least 100.MI
people viewed the grand prise Ulamin-
eral Corbin last night mcelved from
Majof General SbafterCa cablegram
coctainlng the official lIsTor the Amer
a line'of entreDchments cxiendlDR from
Prtee'aOnbanOraoUawlU preaaat a
ated Ueycle pageant which
V. 0 T. V. Kothaea’
■•am«ia«aU at Wo*
oa Bvosv w
tisisa.iiias oait
roJvnntege of my dlaplay of floe Jewelry.
L. R^netU
tbe Indian* ao quickly*" aiked ti
nary of tbe egrat.
"ByoonTiacing tbem that tbeBbv
nan sraipiwg bill rofemd only to nilfends."—Detroit Free Prara.^
•ented Propoeato.
KoUce U bwsby giros test saslte propraala
will be Feeeiroa oslU Jolr II. 6 p b- (er all Isbw ooC BBMrisl far a sekeol beoro si OM
John R. Santo,
Guual iBsiruct.
Then the Fate of Santiagro Will Be Decided By
Oeneral Shatter’s Army and
Big Guns.
IterUn, .Jnae 8«^It U annaonoed
that tbe Oermu watahip G«ler left Lord BaUeboPy'e Bpeeah Intended to
Bhew That Great Britan le 11
Barana Wedoeaday ea roate to SantiBympathy With the U. B.
Bpaflal to Ta Kouiae Becou.
Montreal, Jane »&,—Llentenaat OarLondoa, Jnoe U.—It b aid there b
iBia. Ue eUef of the Spanldi bamta
eo donbt that the Marqab of SaUeta thU city. has4eeii1 mlaaiof alaee
hnry'e tpeecb laet eight wae intended
Monday, and the f
M a hint to the powers that Great BriV
he bae left the city, bat that M
ala is in eympathy with the United
be aaeert^Md, he hae aot lotoriMd
Stetea, aad it b leUmatcd it wae called
te8frfa.\ j
fort* by 6ertnany> alUInde on the
Alt the Coal at Port Said wae OoietI7 Boncht Up by the Uaited
the Xeginent Kay Go On the
Btatce OoBralar A«at.
Meat Transport to Santiago.
apedal toTac Moc>ix'> Rcroan
Mwui M Tu MOUIBS Ksraan.
Waatainyloa. Jane to.—Tbe goeernWashington. Jana U.—Altboagb tha
Beported that He wiUneav. HI. Torpedo Boat Deatroyor. 1“'"““
“ Thirty-Soeond Hiebigaa did not
on the trnnanortt aalllBg today, the I
next expedlUon which will leav^ In a '
Dewey’S Job Would be Easier—When Ordered
irngeol. Brosdbeat. while the few days more may teke them.
* j
At Port s^^
“f• nr
IdOSTe Fort ^hid Camara Discovered that His Ships
Needed “ Bep^irs.**
Cairo, June 3a—(Special)—The following official an
nouncements were made this forenoon:
“The Spanish"^ips at Port Said have began coaling from
their own eolliers, which have arrived from Spain.
Egyptian govemmlent notified them that they
<)ot allow
- must
• •that
\^ this, and that it
stop forthwith, and
they must also
'\leave Port Said, as^the 24 hours limit had been greatly ex
ceeded. The Spaniards then suted that their ships wanted
repairs, and began discharging coal and other^ materials in
order ta repair.”
Washington, June 30.—ISpe^ial]—Secretary Long sad
this afternoon that he understock that Camara's fieet had
paid the canal dues;and the presmption is they will contin
ue the voyage.
He had heard nothing today from Sampson, but expect
ed important news soon from him.
The news that reached the department through the
Press reports, that Admiral Camara is about to leave his tor
pedo bciat destroyers at Pert Said because they would be un
able to weather the monsoons that rage .in the Indian ocean
at this season, is believed at the navy department to presage
a dissolution of the Spanish squadron, and abandonment of
the cruise to the Philippines. The dropping of the destroy
ers will weaken Camara's squadron so materially as to make
his defeat by Dewey a foregone conclusion if they should
. come together.
Washington, June 30.—[Special.]—The war department
has received little news from General Shafter’s headquarters
today, nothing but the actual assault remains to be re
ported. in fact, after the significant statement made yest^day by General Shafter to General Miles, that 'he expected
totake Santiago«asspon as he got ready to move, without
wailing for reinforcements'. The substance of this dispatch
was made known yesterday. It was in reply to General Miles’
dispatch of the 26th, saying: "Congratulations on the success
attained thus far. I r^ret most deeply the loss of your
• heroic men. Cable what yo\i desire for your command.”
General Shafter's reply was primarily to acknowledge
the congratulations, but he took occasion in doing this briefly
but to the point, to state his plans in the following words:_
*' Expect to Uke the pla« as soon as I get ready
mov'c; reinforcements will not reach me."
Besides the foregoing to General Miles, other official
dispatches from head uarters came to the w’ar department.
It was in the above, however, that General Shafter sUted his
expecutions to uke the city before reinforcements reached
him. Other official dispatches gave the advance of the
Spanish troops fi
Manzanillo, S.ooo strong. It is
expected that it was|Genera1 Shafter’s bslief that he could
uke the city in 48 h^urs, but with considerable loss.
The text of these dispatches has not been gh en out, but
they are likely to be
e.madee public later.
220 Front Street.
Toilet Paper
Marta Bioci
«*tl*facU)ry reaalu of “Naw Idea Pat• »oaiaa who oace tries tbam. bnt wha ia
W«lar pattaraa 10 ceata
Some Special Reductions
In price, of populiu- .tyle. of Ladles’ Wrappers
Come in and see them at .
toaorrenanbaseof aappl et tor Coa-
ChreaBpa&ioh Traaa-Atlaatic Liaata
Loaded With Coal aad Amma.
Loadoa. Joaa SO.—AooordiBf to a
tpeelAl dUpatch fnm Madrid, tha SpaaUh traBa-atlaatie atcatawa, lala da Laeon. Ifaaeio da Layola aad 6aa Aoraalla, ban lOft Oadic for Porto Rleo oa an
imaoriaat MurioB aad earfyiaff Urfa
of atoraa, coal aad aamaali
Mlebiraa Portlaad Oeseat Ooapaoy,
eaplUl 8S.500.000. Tha compaay will
operate in Branch ooaaty.
aea and John aoliaet each owa
It will boy tbe pretU«*Pt
pair o! ladiee' aboea'yoo eivr
laid.eyes on.
U.ssoahaiaaand Herachal B. Hatch
!,&ooahar«a. aUof Detroit.
Silk VesUne Top,
' Black or Too.
Poor of Them Balnk Onrhaalad at
Bpmal toTae Uoanjio Raooao.
Uew^'ork. Jane SO.—A Pram Key
Waat apbeial aays that the Uanaa
cadiof fleet bat been
One of the AtapbriUle'e tnmU la
■fixed" and cannot be tamed. Tbe
aah boa tronble of nearly a
•iaiUar aatare.
I T. J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
^ buya suit genuine Balbriggaa Underwear, men’s euea.
48c beya a b»’« Waahable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
48c buys a men's heavy Cottonade Pant&
16c bu}-8 men's np-to-daie Caps.
4Sc bays men’s fine Dress Sbma.
S’-®® •>“"
“■k Au
iHs, a
It’s nc^B
m B surprise to ns that we do the clothiBg bnsiness of
' the city at^i
at ‘test* prices. See .
124 Front Street
Elegant new style. Spec
ial bargain whicL we are offering for a time only.
A @ant
Powder firecracker
Touched off in a man’s hip pocket 1b a aurprlse. But
what is more surprising is thff low prices
on Clothing and Cents Fur^
nishing Goods at
Uf Oorpotatioa ot $2,600,000 Co
ital PUad Artlelaa Taatarday-WiU
Oparata ia Broach Ooaaty.
aiMClal le Tas MouiB* RtcoBD.
Laaaiok. J’ttae So.—Artielaa of iaoerponliaa were filed today by the
Tha Terror can go forward' bat aot
bock owiay to treabla wit* her prepeUer abaft.
aa the foor blfi Boniton are
baiar repaired there. Tbe Pnritaa'e
ateeriaf year ia all oot of order aad
reqoim a lony and tedlooa onrhanllay.
Holley ft OonmUG
By the roll, doem or«a.e. It wiu p«y you to M. th. good*
and prices before yon boy'
Btawberriea one cent a quart, tor ‘
to take coal at Port Said, saceeeded
all who deeire to pick them, at the!
qnblly in baying np all the eoal avai'- Ellis farm, aonth of the city. E. L. I
•Ue •( that port, to.ooo to^ It b in
» gned plaoa to be ahippnd to I)e»ey^
Fiinlrich Sink.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Uw piece to aO.
Popular Shoe House.
Remember My Rew Place312 Soutb Onion Street, Opposite C.SW.M.Oeiioi.
H.E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency,
We are ayala ready, with a larye
atoek of tea. to deiirer the aame to aay
part ot tbe city.
Baelarad That Buiy on Tea Will OripMaple block wood alM fM-mta.
pla That Indaatoy.
aeennr. Jnae SO.-Mall adrloea
froB J^Ba tay the preaideat of tbe
Telephone Mo. M.
Opatral Tba yaild baa tel^rapbad
Prcaldent McKinley that the tax ea
tea -wm ,check eamiama between
Japan aad ABerIca, aad onyht to be
reoonaldered. Fin thoiuand tea fir^,
will be oat of cBpIoyaeat la ee
qaedoaof tbadaty.
acoa «UI ceqoe to be the beadqnrtara
Tsx Bsvxarux btasps.
of the arB7. other thaa for tha aioaBriaton on tb« 8tat« OoDtroct What k»l aad qamialnarT deparuaeala. * They Hare Beenlaaaad Bat WUl-ha
Blew in Diatribnuea. '
tbaMtunbor of Workiak Ho«u«
aaSdeattoroa tor^ the idaoe wUl fipceUl to Ta* Konlac BMorC.
Batfachd-Troable u /Mrod.
1 laft hen. problablj from tha volaatear
Dentdt, Jane 30.—There wae a Merlflawiai l<^Tu MokBuui
La^ac. Jaae SO—The lew Bute force of S,ooo mea bow coailair from blc Jam arooad the office ef tbe lateraal
^ttareoatractffoch iato effect to- Taaipa.aad praetieally the eatin'fichtme oolleetM- today. I7 thoee deah-luff force will awiar iato Caaey or Acawfnr aafl -the prtiit
iay Btampa for tha new Uw temerrow.
aadorea, aukli« than the baaea of op- The atampa ban arrind, hat tha haadU alao-hooT Uj* wl
Iheabla U fand.
eratioa. before Bantiaffa.
WThe railroad to UaaUaffO U btiaf
Apnvs P&BPAA*akOM8
rapidly paahtd 1^ tha earioeeia aad a
A» BaffMiy Pro* Mlaff: for the larfafom of troopa. lu eenplaUra Ualtad Btatn IHd Mot Beeare Pin
Gnat ;
1 •rfU freaUy alaqiUfy tha iBOToaieat of
Sn^iMi Uaara.
TiaKlafaUB. aa^Uaa. aad tha pack tnia'wtH ban apeetel te te Hoaxijie juoesn.
WaahlaytoB. Jana Sa—The -nport
r 4.ddad to- oaiytotnaaparttoodaai^anaaaltla.
I la the
froia poiat to polat at the traaL Tha that tha Ualted Statea M poi^
aiareraaahantaalaadadaad atart- fin Bayliah Uacn te amaaoBa. Tha
od to the froat.
ahlpa wan hoayht by a fctmta Ana
oil eniy iadieatloa
That you did not paper will be a constant reminder t<y ■
you that you should come to us while we are selling Paper 80 cheap. Do not delay, but come.
PhUlKOne qaeatlon.
Believed That Spanlsh<Admlral Will Abandon
the Propose^ Cruise to the
Beginning Inne 29tb,
Until Entireljr Sold Out
We Will. Sell Sereral
Ever use n
Ail Wool
Stylish Suits
If yon do, take them to tbe
Soutb Side Pbarinac;
end have them filled ac
curately end quickly.
G. A. Johnson,
eoe eouth Ciilan StiMt.
Sav^ leto ef Bca-a fiaeathU woolesMlBere Uybt welytit nits.
^ice of the beat liybt ecOoted yosth'a enita. 8i.»8.
The rwaainder of onr Ueyele niU yo at 81.90
Bieyela wool paaU weU nude. 81.».
ladies- dark tea bicycle ahoaa. 11 inch top. made ef fins viei kid
stock, yo at 82.
The Boston Store,
front Stawt
Then the Fate of Santiagro Will Be Decided By
Oeneral Shatter’s Army and
Big Guns.
IterUn, .Jnae 8«^It U annaonoed
that tbe Oermu watahip G«ler left Lord BaUeboPy'e Bpeeah Intended to
Bhew That Great Britan le 11
Barana Wedoeaday ea roate to SantiBympathy With the U. B.
Bpaflal to Ta Kouiae Becou.
Montreal, Jane »&,—Llentenaat OarLondoa, Jnoe U.—It b aid there b
iBia. Ue eUef of the Spanldi bamta
eo donbt that the Marqab of SaUeta thU city. has4eeii1 mlaaiof alaee
hnry'e tpeecb laet eight wae intended
Monday, and the f
M a hint to the powers that Great BriV
he bae left the city, bat that M
ala is in eympathy with the United
be aaeert^Md, he hae aot lotoriMd
Stetea, aad it b leUmatcd it wae called
te8frfa.\ j
fort* by 6ertnany> alUInde on the
Alt the Coal at Port Said wae OoietI7 Boncht Up by the Uaited
the Xeginent Kay Go On the
Btatce OoBralar A«at.
Meat Transport to Santiago.
apedal toTac Moc>ix'> Rcroan
Mwui M Tu MOUIBS Ksraan.
Waatainyloa. Jane to.—Tbe goeernWashington. Jana U.—Altboagb tha
Beported that He wiUneav. HI. Torpedo Boat Deatroyor. 1“'"““
“ Thirty-Soeond Hiebigaa did not
on the trnnanortt aalllBg today, the I
next expedlUon which will leav^ In a '
Dewey’S Job Would be Easier—When Ordered
irngeol. Brosdbeat. while the few days more may teke them.
* j
At Port s^^
“f• nr
IdOSTe Fort ^hid Camara Discovered that His Ships
Needed “ Bep^irs.**
Cairo, June 3a—(Special)—The following official an
nouncements were made this forenoon:
“The Spanish"^ips at Port Said have began coaling from
their own eolliers, which have arrived from Spain.
Egyptian govemmlent notified them that they
<)ot allow
- must
• •that
\^ this, and that it
stop forthwith, and
they must also
'\leave Port Said, as^the 24 hours limit had been greatly ex
ceeded. The Spaniards then suted that their ships wanted
repairs, and began discharging coal and other^ materials in
order ta repair.”
Washington, June 30.—ISpe^ial]—Secretary Long sad
this afternoon that he understock that Camara's fieet had
paid the canal dues;and the presmption is they will contin
ue the voyage.
He had heard nothing today from Sampson, but expect
ed important news soon from him.
The news that reached the department through the
Press reports, that Admiral Camara is about to leave his tor
pedo bciat destroyers at Pert Said because they would be un
able to weather the monsoons that rage .in the Indian ocean
at this season, is believed at the navy department to presage
a dissolution of the Spanish squadron, and abandonment of
the cruise to the Philippines. The dropping of the destroy
ers will weaken Camara's squadron so materially as to make
his defeat by Dewey a foregone conclusion if they should
. come together.
Washington, June 30.—[Special.]—The war department
has received little news from General Shafter’s headquarters
today, nothing but the actual assault remains to be re
ported. in fact, after the significant statement made yest^day by General Shafter to General Miles, that 'he expected
totake Santiago«asspon as he got ready to move, without
wailing for reinforcements'. The substance of this dispatch
was made known yesterday. It was in reply to General Miles’
dispatch of the 26th, saying: "Congratulations on the success
attained thus far. I r^ret most deeply the loss of your
• heroic men. Cable what yo\i desire for your command.”
General Shafter's reply was primarily to acknowledge
the congratulations, but he took occasion in doing this briefly
but to the point, to state his plans in the following words:_
*' Expect to Uke the pla« as soon as I get ready
mov'c; reinforcements will not reach me."
Besides the foregoing to General Miles, other official
dispatches from head uarters came to the w’ar department.
It was in the above, however, that General Shafter sUted his
expecutions to uke the city before reinforcements reached
him. Other official dispatches gave the advance of the
Spanish troops fi
Manzanillo, S.ooo strong. It is
expected that it was|Genera1 Shafter’s bslief that he could
uke the city in 48 h^urs, but with considerable loss.
The text of these dispatches has not been gh en out, but
they are likely to be
e.madee public later.
220 Front Street.
Toilet Paper
Marta Bioci
«*tl*facU)ry reaalu of “Naw Idea Pat• »oaiaa who oace tries tbam. bnt wha ia
W«lar pattaraa 10 ceata
Some Special Reductions
In price, of populiu- .tyle. of Ladles’ Wrappers
Come in and see them at .
toaorrenanbaseof aappl et tor Coa-
ChreaBpa&ioh Traaa-Atlaatic Liaata
Loaded With Coal aad Amma.
Loadoa. Joaa SO.—AooordiBf to a
tpeelAl dUpatch fnm Madrid, tha SpaaUh traBa-atlaatie atcatawa, lala da Laeon. Ifaaeio da Layola aad 6aa Aoraalla, ban lOft Oadic for Porto Rleo oa an
imaoriaat MurioB aad earfyiaff Urfa
of atoraa, coal aad aamaali
Mlebiraa Portlaad Oeseat Ooapaoy,
eaplUl 8S.500.000. Tha compaay will
operate in Branch ooaaty.
aea and John aoliaet each owa
It will boy tbe pretU«*Pt
pair o! ladiee' aboea'yoo eivr
laid.eyes on.
U.ssoahaiaaand Herachal B. Hatch
!,&ooahar«a. aUof Detroit.
Silk VesUne Top,
' Black or Too.
Poor of Them Balnk Onrhaalad at
Bpmal toTae Uoanjio Raooao.
Uew^'ork. Jane SO.—A Pram Key
Waat apbeial aays that the Uanaa
cadiof fleet bat been
One of the AtapbriUle'e tnmU la
■fixed" and cannot be tamed. Tbe
aah boa tronble of nearly a
•iaiUar aatare.
I T. J. Host’s Great Removal Sale
^ buya suit genuine Balbriggaa Underwear, men’s euea.
48c beya a b»’« Waahable Suit, with Sailor Collar and
48c buys a men's heavy Cottonade Pant&
16c bu}-8 men's np-to-daie Caps.
4Sc bays men’s fine Dress Sbma.
S’-®® •>“"
“■k Au
iHs, a
It’s nc^B
m B surprise to ns that we do the clothiBg bnsiness of
' the city at^i
at ‘test* prices. See .
124 Front Street
Elegant new style. Spec
ial bargain whicL we are offering for a time only.
A @ant
Powder firecracker
Touched off in a man’s hip pocket 1b a aurprlse. But
what is more surprising is thff low prices
on Clothing and Cents Fur^
nishing Goods at
Uf Oorpotatioa ot $2,600,000 Co
ital PUad Artlelaa Taatarday-WiU
Oparata ia Broach Ooaaty.
aiMClal le Tas MouiB* RtcoBD.
Laaaiok. J’ttae So.—Artielaa of iaoerponliaa were filed today by the
Tha Terror can go forward' bat aot
bock owiay to treabla wit* her prepeUer abaft.
aa the foor blfi Boniton are
baiar repaired there. Tbe Pnritaa'e
ateeriaf year ia all oot of order aad
reqoim a lony and tedlooa onrhanllay.
Holley ft OonmUG
By the roll, doem or«a.e. It wiu p«y you to M. th. good*
and prices before yon boy'
Btawberriea one cent a quart, tor ‘
to take coal at Port Said, saceeeded
all who deeire to pick them, at the!
qnblly in baying np all the eoal avai'- Ellis farm, aonth of the city. E. L. I
•Ue •( that port, to.ooo to^ It b in
» gned plaoa to be ahippnd to I)e»ey^
Fiinlrich Sink.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Uw piece to aO.
Popular Shoe House.
Remember My Rew Place312 Soutb Onion Street, Opposite C.SW.M.Oeiioi.
H.E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency,
We are ayala ready, with a larye
atoek of tea. to deiirer the aame to aay
part ot tbe city.
Baelarad That Buiy on Tea Will OripMaple block wood alM fM-mta.
pla That Indaatoy.
aeennr. Jnae SO.-Mall adrloea
froB J^Ba tay the preaideat of tbe
Telephone Mo. M.
Opatral Tba yaild baa tel^rapbad
Prcaldent McKinley that the tax ea
tea -wm ,check eamiama between
Japan aad ABerIca, aad onyht to be
reoonaldered. Fin thoiuand tea fir^,
will be oat of cBpIoyaeat la ee
qaedoaof tbadaty.
acoa «UI ceqoe to be the beadqnrtara
Tsx Bsvxarux btasps.
of the arB7. other thaa for tha aioaBriaton on tb« 8tat« OoDtroct What k»l aad qamialnarT deparuaeala. * They Hare Beenlaaaad Bat WUl-ha
Blew in Diatribnuea. '
tbaMtunbor of Workiak Ho«u«
aaSdeattoroa tor^ the idaoe wUl fipceUl to Ta* Konlac BMorC.
Batfachd-Troable u /Mrod.
1 laft hen. problablj from tha volaatear
Dentdt, Jane 30.—There wae a Merlflawiai l<^Tu MokBuui
La^ac. Jaae SO—The lew Bute force of S,ooo mea bow coailair from blc Jam arooad the office ef tbe lateraal
^ttareoatractffoch iato effect to- Taaipa.aad praetieally the eatin'fichtme oolleetM- today. I7 thoee deah-luff force will awiar iato Caaey or Acawfnr aafl -the prtiit
iay Btampa for tha new Uw temerrow.
aadorea, aukli« than the baaea of op- The atampa ban arrind, hat tha haadU alao-hooT Uj* wl
Iheabla U fand.
eratioa. before Bantiaffa.
WThe railroad to UaaUaffO U btiaf
Apnvs P&BPAA*akOM8
rapidly paahtd 1^ tha earioeeia aad a
A» BaffMiy Pro* Mlaff: for the larfafom of troopa. lu eenplaUra Ualtad Btatn IHd Mot Beeare Pin
Gnat ;
1 •rfU freaUy alaqiUfy tha iBOToaieat of
Sn^iMi Uaara.
TiaKlafaUB. aa^Uaa. aad tha pack tnia'wtH ban apeetel te te Hoaxijie juoesn.
WaahlaytoB. Jana Sa—The -nport
r 4.ddad to- oaiytotnaaparttoodaai^anaaaltla.
I la the
froia poiat to polat at the traaL Tha that tha Ualted Statea M poi^
aiareraaahantaalaadadaad atart- fin Bayliah Uacn te amaaoBa. Tha
od to the froat.
ahlpa wan hoayht by a fctmta Ana
oil eniy iadieatloa
That you did not paper will be a constant reminder t<y ■
you that you should come to us while we are selling Paper 80 cheap. Do not delay, but come.
PhUlKOne qaeatlon.
Believed That Spanlsh<Admlral Will Abandon
the Propose^ Cruise to the
Beginning Inne 29tb,
Until Entireljr Sold Out
We Will. Sell Sereral
Ever use n
Ail Wool
Stylish Suits
If yon do, take them to tbe
Soutb Side Pbarinac;
end have them filled ac
curately end quickly.
G. A. Johnson,
eoe eouth Ciilan StiMt.
Sav^ leto ef Bca-a fiaeathU woolesMlBere Uybt welytit nits.
^ice of the beat liybt ecOoted yosth'a enita. 8i.»8.
The rwaainder of onr Ueyele niU yo at 81.90
Bieyela wool paaU weU nude. 81.».
ladies- dark tea bicycle ahoaa. 11 inch top. made ef fins viei kid
stock, yo at 82.
The Boston Store,
front Stawt
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