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The Morning Record, July 24, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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MAOBXO roftzo uoo.
cxraEAi. BftooKn Bmuov
wxLLtoov lonrKM
■taaaar Xalaiaaoo, Xaariay Kiohl.
lyaa Oald XaBtara, Waat Xtowa
•a Thlrty-KUa Blrar.
Biwdal w Taa Meanao Baooao.
■oaUle. daly M.—Tha ateamar Kal»^
aaaaoa. boUt by Kaiamawo Baatiat
Lake UaaaaU, Alaaka, laat wUtar. kaa
beta toUily wracked la TUrW'MUa
river. Oe^ tka eppar worka appear
abava tka water. Tbia la tha aaoaad
■or wracked after reaBiny tba
BOTrdHT TO ATTACK BTfBXBXXtdaairera of tha WhiU Berea r^lda.
Whaa laat heemefattha Baidda tha
BaaUara axpaetad to rcMh Dei
Broo^t Ayalaat daeaph loiter fbr
. tSBO.OOO. Bat it XAy ba
epadalMTaiMaaBiaa Eaooas.
New Tork, July ts.-Joea^ Utter
waa la eaafarasoa today with hia aapportete, Om Ukrke aad tha eowpaay
who hava breaybt a (rlaadly Bait
•yaiaat him reeeaUy for $2(0.006.
roparted that arraayamaata i
made at a cantaroaoa betwaan Utter
aad Ua creditan tedey to settle tbeaa
elaima Mr. Ulter refaaed to pay a,
word abaat bia looaaa
We’re Stuck
on Base Bail Goods.
Bought h big stock to get the beat prioee uul cast
neU’etnhll. WOl giv* 16 per oeat.offtgi
thiog tor D62i teo dajn to redaoe the etock.
220 Front St
Xasaryenta Boated and BpeBlab Xm.
ad rorty-Oaa aad Vonadad Kany
Are easilj cancelled with one of those changeable
jnly 2S.—Na aewa of tha
Kara-Stoiy Hot Teriflad Bat (ha
datin|r stamps we are supplying—can be; had for 75c—
BattU Said To Kava «eea Oaa of Xldant Son nf Lealie Srata, Formarly with initials, etc.
aoeidaat to the ateasar Tvalaaaotoi
ef This Oi^. a Tiotlm nf
BMolta ol OareU’a Slaayraeaaat
rcechad here. Tha party ooaaisto of
Typhoid raver.
WUllm Doyla, Jaaaa Doyle. Ji
was racaived bora last ^eaiay
Bvara, Artbor Biekaian.
Mew York, Jaly 22.—A Borald dlaGaapbeU. Beary Oreeadyka aad Joba palcb froa Saatiayo aaya: '‘Groat ex- at the daaU of Wallace Grain, ayad
alyht yaara aldeat aoa of LmUs Craia,
Eaaiay, all of whoa bare fa^UlM dtamat waa caaaad bare today (Tbare- at Fitiyerald. 6a, Jaly 20U. Mr.
bare: a«d Bany Daebleykar, WlUlam day) by a atory broayht ia by the Craia fonaorly lived near Loay Lake
Moyer. Frad SehUd, Arthar Pieraoe ef Cabaae that 4.000 Cabaa iaaoiyenta, aad ta well knowa bera The family
tbia eity. aad Frad Uaywald of Paw comprlalay Oaaeral Garda'a army for moved to Oaoryla laat fall. They have
baaa Badly afflicted, as tbalr daoybtar
the eastern depertmaat of Caba, were BUal was strickea wiU tba same dta
Therefore we will ^ that you will find our Ice
reated ia a fieroa eayayataent with a aaea laat ApriL
Cream delicious, our wv/ua
nuc w
Soda Water true
to u^vui,
flavor, uur
our vari
varidatachaeat of BpaaiU troopa boand
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to our
ior laadlay. Oaa body aapraaaad tha
for SaaUaya toaorraadar. Forty.
list from tiifie to time. . htfW that tha ^barkabaa wUl oaeor AT THB BVlIiBHT BMTXLB AX- Cabana ware kUied, aad Uoaa that
Fountain open week ^ys only.
at tha axtretaa aaatata aad of tha labroayht Ua atacy aay that aiaay ware Ohariaa Taman is Xtaad, After Xmey
Aad reithfnl Servlea fbr /t,
laad. wbUa athara heUara Oaaaral
woaadad. 1110 SpaaUb loaa waa moeb
MOaa baa aelactad a polat aa Ua aoaal'
•oaraaef tha Vaited Stetea ead OBBaUar.*' Tba eorraapondeat aaya
Cbarlea Terraeo died et bta hem. 147
batiraaB Saa Joaa aai tha
“I was aaabla U verify Ua atory.
Promiae teXaTeetlyaU the ADayed
TanU atraet, Toaterday afUrnoan at
aroatan axttast^. WUebarar plaaa
Blffbieaeea Betweaa tba ABatleaa I yive it aa Ua areiy beard it. KoUlay foor o'daek. of
haahaaa ehaaaa b aat kaawa. <
Aad OabaaOei
baeoeaiay la tbia vidnity has takaa
71 yaara of aye aad for alxteea
IcaaitB te aat diTolyad. Bat tha 4iayaara bad faithfully performed Ua daMaw Yerk. Jely 22.—After a ooaaal' Ua Anarican aficara and troopa ao <
taaea (roB althar t« aboat tha aana. tatloa at tka offiea ef the Cabea JaaU plaUly by aoipriaa aa Uia batUa ba- ties of aextoa af St. Fraaeta ebareh.
fnaaral wm ba bvld from Su
Oaaaral Braakah dirlalaa. of oaorM,
yivea oat by Saaar twaaa Ua Cabana aad SpaalanU. Our Fraaeta ebareb at 9 a. m. tomaiinw.
hu lafonaalioB and wUl (am a Jobc* OapoU, vieepraaidaatof tbeCabaa rv troopa bad ooaa to look apoa Ua insartkm with MUoa arlthlB tha aaxt (aw peblie. la whieb bedaploreatbe altayed yenu aa eatera reUar tbaa flyktera. aad •BXBxrr sxxppox is OAXBrux..
Oeaeral Uay acarcoly believed Ua iiat reports
It ia wUwatad that tha dabark* Shatter aad Geaaral Garcia. Saoor Ual Garda'a otan bad laid la aaaboab DaeUaed to Bneaiva a Prtaonar from
•ttoafthaaotlraarwy. to|raUar artth Oapote avara that the raaolaOaea aad aad bad opaaad Ua fiybt by attaekiny Fifii Lake oa Xiafaetiva OommltmenU
b el Fife Lika, <
daeoMeaU of tha Cabaa dvU yovera- Ua SpaaUk troopa.
to Ua dty yeatarday harlny ia catmite’ pUaa of procaadaro ayaiaat Baa mat have anifoninypladyadeoiapleta
“I have baaa aaabla to loam aa yet tody aae Aayai Campbell, who was
Jbbb wm ooeapy tha yraatar portioa of
>teaoadUUecoaniy Jail far belay
vrith the Aserioaa foroaa. wbathar Gaaerel Garda waa %ware o(
•axt waak. aad it it aat baUerad that Ha aaya:
Ua namber of Ua oaaBy ka was at- drank and disorderly. Tba oomm'.tmaat waa made bv Jadye Gaidaer.
aa attack oa the dtj wUl oocnr oaUl
“Wa folly appraelate the yaaareaa taekiay. If he Uoayht ba ^ aaceaaSheriff Btmpaoa hM bad eiperieaca
abaat tha pad of the waatk.
ocedoct of tba Ualtad Stataa la ooniay larad a small force of SpMiarda aad wlU commltatants lasaad by coactry
FoUawiar tha praoedeat la tkit'
iraidforUaparpaoaof Ubeiatlay
Jnsticea of Ue peace and at one time
. 8aa Joaa will probably ba bawba
aabject to a suit for kaapiay WiUaa free) the Spaalah yoke, aad wa have yrnva miataka. Tbara ware at loaat
■a weak from toBkORow. Snadayoi
tka etaaost faith U tba piedya wade la 2,000 Spaaiarda la Ua body, aad Uey lam Black maa la }aU upon a eomnUtGorreepond with the Trarene City Lumber Oompuy.
maat which waa dafaellre. This time
afavontadayforAoierleaaaaTal aad
behalf that we my eajoy enr^Ub- drove Qarala'a mea late fall retreat a
be resolved to be aare ha wae nyht
We have Jar nle Good,
BlliUry oparaUoaa
erty oa aa ladeaeadeat rapablie. Uadar few hoan after the batUe.beyan.
before ba want ahead. He abowad the
"TbUdlaeatroaadafaetof Ue Inaarr papara to Proaecator Tweddla, who
olrecatftaneea. we wm oarUiaVy
Bacaad X^a^tioa Vext Waak.
falftU Uta pladyea we hare made aa to yeaU ta Ue ffrat raaolt of Oeaeral Gar dtaeorai^ that Uey ware act riybt.
Wathiartaa. July M.-Coloaal BadeooBpleU eo-oparaliea aad wUl da aU da's naulaal dtaayreaaaat with Gea- Tberefora Sheriff Slmpaoo deellned to
«r oxpaeta to laaaa aaxt Wadaeaday
oral Sbaftar and of bta daetaloa ac racaive Ue prisoner. The eons‘able
^ oar power to expel the con
with tba aaoaad azpadiUoa to Porto
took bta man away aad It ia said be let
>perata wiU Ua Aaeriay aa oooa aa poatibla by followblmyo.
- Biea Bit tparial duty wm ba to talay tha plane of the -Anaiicaa
perrita tha aaioadtay af troopa aad
BIS SIOBT xxnrxxxD.
yaat aad prorldlayfor proper timat- awadaraaadaaanwinyoor part la tba
portatloa orariaad. U tbit way It it
Awlraw XUlar BaUevad of a Oatn*‘I wm ratara to Caba aa aeon aa aaaarnl Dafllald aad Oaaaral OorbUb
bxpaatad ta avoid aaeh eoafatioa
raet After Two Taan of BUadama.
incloding Two EnginM,
pcMibla aad tbara folly iavaetiyate Sen Only Proaomaoed Oaaoa TeUow
whieb laarked tha oaleadlay of Oaaaral
Andrew Millar, a raapaeW eitiiao o
Set Worka, CarriagM and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
ravar Amoay Americana
aad report aa to tha axlatlny diff<
Uta place, was aaeeeaafully operated
Obaftar'a mrmj at Haatitja.
upon ymterday by Dr. A. H. Boillday
WaablaytoB,Jnly 22.—Tba only word for a cataract ef Ue left aye He bod^
r exawiaad Pred<IL08XD WITH A SI8TVHBAH0X.
baaa totally blind for two yaeia and Ua
from Geaaral Shafter over niybt
•tal Doffiold opentiea, which ta a vary dellcaU oaa,
Oraad Oireait X vaata ia l>atralt Wara Iny tba caUbUahmaat of an ADarieaa
was entirely aaacaaofal. aa ba was able
XxcItiBg to tha LaatBaoa
•mtary yovarament aad eowprabend left Saatiayo tor bom yesterday, and te dtaUnyatab a eortala oercoa Ua
Oftaial M Tu Hawi»t Rs«ou.
that tba proelamtim fairly itatoa the that Oaaaral Corbin's son. wba was ra- ream after Uaoaeratioa, ead
DatrolbJalyS).—Tbt graad dreoit
Iba eye waa boadoyed. Ba ta at Ue
paaitlea whieb the netted Sutea wlU
neat olooad today with a biy tow arar
aa ba oeald be traaaportad aafaly. Shllac^ hoDsa aad wiU ba oat la aboat
■e la Caba and 1 baliave It la
a dealtioD ia the r.ZZ trot, wbaa a hMt
aoaabla and preetloabla.
waayiren to D. L. C., wblek tba erawd
baveaaffarad Ue omly preaea:
Tbia ia a Wtaa Pracaatioa.
Uioaybt beleayed to daiu 8 A rath
■ at yellow favor ia tba AmarlcaB
Blakealaa A MeCerailek. oyaata af
Waahlaytoa. .Inly 22.—Tka defaetloa
waa taada for the jadyaa' ataad bat artba United Sutea Beacralaat ^tety,
of Garda and bia warrlara appeare to
der waa flaally raatored.
have cleaad oa arruyameat wlU Ua
have opaaad a new ioana of tba ^naaTha eoaaalatiaa Cbaaiber of Coa>
H. J. ClocyeU Co. ef Sbermoa, t>
tloB of Cabaa aaaaxatlea or Cabea ia- PradWaat XcXinloy Baya There WiU aara Ueir amployaa ayaiast akl
Mioaatakawwwoabytkaawift Ardepoadenca.
Ba Xo Third OaU.
llnytoa. Time
ont-apoaen for aaoc
It eeaaat
Xaabtaytoa, Jaly 22.—Praaidaat He
Troa Chl«aa waa a peralataat
ba loaraed if Praaidaat UaKinlay haa Kialay had «mumplated taaolay a Wana-Blymaa Company ef Uta place.
orita la tha 2:22 clajW. daapiu tha fact
Tba amplkyas are yreetly baaaitted
awarred from bia oriyiaal parpoaa of third call for Uwopa. bat he now atotaa
(bat D. L. C. worn tha drst aad third
by Uoaa amnyameaU.
mklay Caba free, but aom of hU that the army U Qaile larya eaooyh
haata. Ba broke ia tka atrateb aa tha
HaMa Belfry Fled.
cloaaat adviaera oaan boat npoa fare- for aU parpaoea af Ua preaeat war
foorth bet waa yivea tha boat aad noa
lay the aBcexaliaa of Coha inU tba.
foraoaea, and Uaraforo ha vrill
Battle Belfry, who woe arrested •
iBaeloaadeeiaioaaTer AaltaB. Beat
policy of the B
aat taaaa a third call. Ha tbiaka tba aeboiye ef belay an Udaoeat paieoa.
time 2:19.
days oyo. (ailed to appear yoaterPreatdeat McKialay and tha caew- 290,000 ma new mnatered la wm ba
or eversrtbing coo
i in our Dry Gooda department,
Tka 2:17 paea, the laat avaat of tha
day for exomlaatloa before Jealiee
baraofhia cabinet are diapeaed to saSdeat for all porapaaa.
oonaiatiBg of cAabmerea, sergae, flaxmela, aoitinga, ailka, anting
Certta. She waa released ea her
maatiiv. waa baekad for over $20,000
look ,apoa Geaaral Garda'a actaad if aba Bever reUraa
by friaada of Edward £>., bat tha horaa
lea in wiUdrewiay. front Oaaaral
it wm be a oaviay of expaaM to Ua
fatlad to joatify. aetiny badly. StraUNo credit to oa for aoeh an acciimolatioo. It involvea a
Sbaftar’a llnea nora la aorraw
ia Xma ef Xaariy S$SO,000 U Oaleaa- aaaaW aad prebably aanttafaetory eoa"aarraaladit off ia three aUalght
lot of money. Wj are deqaerato to clean op the mesa regarddiUoe of Uinyo:
aayer. They raaUce that Ua Cabea
birr*- Trar Cbimaa aacoad. Baal Uaa
leaa of ooet.
yeaankTaad bia fotlowara are aenaiUve SpMUIwTai MounsBscoaa.
ArUar Scott, who waa Ujared at
t:10kThe moat of them are freah, new nwrfthandieA, in fair
over their peeltloa, ead that Uey my
Ivoatoa. Taxaa, Jaly 23.-Tba SonUayo. aad who was omit to the
lengths, which are pot op in paekagea or. folds, at cost, and
aioobeaaapIdontaBtotbe attitade ef Beach Botal, located oa tba yalf froat, aaariaa heapltel on SUtea lolaad, M.Y.,
lamoahw a ohoct
(he United 8(etaa yoveTemaA
aad am ef the taedlay aammar end
many itena below eoat, bat ia onler fo ooDvwrt tbeae goo^iafarloayk.
Serrtble Aeddaat to a Boy at
winter reaorta ^ UeeoaU. boned to
to ready cash we malu an extra redoetion of 16 per cent on
■oaroa Taatatday.
Auxaa popnier mamc ei i
day! Loaa $200,000 to $2M.ooo. partly
them. This is the greatest oppoitnnity ever offered on a repreend kveryUlay la Ue moaieli
Sp«ial le T*a Uoamo
reered Saveal Speaiah rtieoaera’at laaareA
W. Eimbell Oa. M. £. Stroay, a
aentatire lot of merchandise. It means a redoeUon ef 16 to
Honrea, Mlefa.. Jaly 23.-Joba Baaa
Aaaepella Xay Have la
Oi Front afreet
26 per cent oa wholesale prices.
Fioar xm Im
ala. a 12 year old boy. wkUa balpiny
loTto Moana* Bami..
Ua father la aa eel laid, na U front
sata to the Hannah A
Jaly 22;—Mach oaai
ml a biadv, atebilrUa rlybt
ia ia fait over Ua iUaaaa ef aaveral Spaa- Uy Co. Saar mill ora a
aad Ut mUl will start oa aoaa os a MW
(ha kaivea aad aaariy aeverlay it fma iab priaaaara. laat Uair diaaeaa pnrm
rallar orrivoa, which wm.ba. ia a few
Cor Ftmi eciC Cm* 8le.
Front Strwet.
Ua hedy. The dedara da aot think to ba yellow favor. Btrlet pceoaatttm dajra The; mm ta now belay entirely HtM Alter fr. CravferC. Miai AUee T
Mlae Mabel P. White. Mta Jooa
(hat (key can aava tha lay.
Vm ba Ukea.
rapelnted by Oeorye Winnie
••Inwl Xeekm*B «pwUl Bvt^ WUl
b*»o»sp«4atMd th« XtabuksUoa
—PCT<Mt PUm WUl Bvn •oafttfttcica-Bxpwitad That Bu
Wm ht AtUcIwd Vast •aad«7 hr
WMhlMrtM. Jaly ».—1h*
yaiuaeat te w^«4 that U« Mp«di•ien nad« OMwal MUcs.ha* r«aehe4
tha aaaat af Porta Rlea hat whathar ar
•at ha has taadad la a qoeatiaa a^biek
tha aatboritiaa ara aol yat raa4y to
aaawar. Tharaara twoayiatoaa la tha
Bapartsaat aa ta tha plaM aalaetad
Mafitiani BlooL
Mncli Is Said
About Ice Gream'and Soda FountalD DiMe,
Jas. G. Johnson.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Ramemlier Mr New Plaea-
312 Soath Ualon Stmt, ORposite C. IW. M. DapA
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agencjr.
A StarEing AnMcement.
1,000 Remnants
Tnieise Git; Sduol tf losic!
The Boston Store,
va KOBNnro bboobo
XtolecAtao aad
Btaiy *f BnAt Baval SatUa ky
Lact toipM.
Om ‘ Af th* •Alton «A tba
7%o Good Taaplaia met last Upbi to
Blit BattlMblp.
a for tbo dtotriot
Cheapest and mdat nhAhle plaoa to get yonr bicycle repaired and
CM-'T. Baim An 9. W. BAnn. ^ ibUowlaf. latareatliv aoeaut eODTaatiOB to be bald here Mooday aad
pnt in gewd numing order. Bare bad aeTeral yaan experience and
of the deetraetlOB •! OermAb ftoet'' Taead^. A larpe ratheriap to axpaott. W. BAmv, Sditor ABd Mamcv.. waa raoalrad by Tracy Oillto In Chleaco ad from aniroaodlnc towoa and maeh
know how it ebontd be done. Satisfactioa gaarabieed. I am selling
Abd laat bare to hto^falhar. It waa iatereat to BABifaatad ia the arent.
bicycle anndries at abont coat. ' Xew and second hand wheels for sale
writta hy a Mead who waa aa th^
The toUowiaf wUl met aa raeaptloa
and to rent. Pieeae give na a trial.
eommlltae to meat all tTalaa aad boau;
Brexing a specialty.
•AatUcadeCoba. Jalyt. IBM. . Baby Albrlpfat. Bertha Brawa, Harvey
ELLIB, 811 Front 8b, Buft
Mt Daa* Covauc:—I roeeired yoor Allen. Aliea Umeraa. B. B AMvi
Uttar and waa eery pUd U bear
Ploy The.•■BHMT.
from yao. 1 paeaa wa bava doae It obaU, Mayme Oviatt, E. H. Aliya.
mow, Snaday Btoralnc at »:»0, arbrypropram will be pivea Moaday
bady waa oa deek la white workiBp; eveDlop in the parlora of oaa of the
clatbea waiOiir for loapeetioa, whea' eharchca, whieb will be aaooaooad
the Bean ao tha top laok^oat criad oat, later, to which all are iorltad. Some
*'Tba Spantoh
k ftaet to comiap oat of af th* beat temperance vorken In thc.J
fowttc* M TTrawne a«.
the harbor." Wa eaald hardly bellare diatrlci, will addraaa the open meeUnri
oar ayaa whaaweaAw them oomiop. eteainp.
The officer of the deck toroed im the
Tbe f
• to the eon* Wripbtof CadlUae..nnd Ntoa
Alarm ia a aocond aad every
venUon wen choeen:
Lesto of tfaototce, are Ttoitora In
U htoataUaniaa mioate. We fired
W. W. Goble.'Mabel Brown. E B. eity.
the Irat pan aad blew oar whtoUe ta Allyn. Warrea Moore, Mrs. Albrlpht.
F. C. Tine was a vtottor here yestaralarm the reatof the fleet, than wa Mra. Briitol. Hervey Aliea. Mayme from Cedar.
tda atraipht headvray for the enemy, Oviatt. Cora Sacket, Floy Theobald.
Lather Maey camenpyasterday from
MsDDfsetared by BD. GILBERT. Best Five Cent Cipar Made.
ir eaptala
eapuln haa ao fear, he to aot M. B. Dollcy, Ed. Lavender, Anna Msyfleld on bosiosM.
------------------------------------------------------afraid ef the whole Spaatoh fleet,
Oviatt, Lee Swan, Ella Swan.
torpedo boat came ripbt for ne, bat
Altcruatee—Bd. Eeltb. Oliver Wat- vtolUap the family of P. Sandelmaa.'o
oaa o( our ehella hit her and ehe went era, Minnie Brown, Eoby Albripb» •18 East Frant street.
ia a thoaaand pieeae. Then wo atartod Bd. Thiea, Jay Elop. Barney Anderaon,
for the real, two torpedo boaU aad Warren Satobery. Cland Haivcr. AUm
tu L. who AUnMl AO widlaM
fear oraalen. We annb tbe torpedo EotiU. Anna Merrill, A.
Besort Vocee.
«k« parpoM of rAiAlof foodi for tb«
boato aad ran Ue crooiore ap on abor^
BW OioM *u»*AnWAt. hM Jnv diMormrJamm Spencer aad danphter arrived
The oflfaaratbatnw it toy it ratter hall. AU the dtotrict officers an
«A whAt A ■mpAndloot job Abe hM
tbe praeteet sipbt they bad ever i
expected. Grand Chief Templar Bor>
<»kni ApoA beiAclf. ThApoitofflco
The laat one wa enaaed waa the Cbriat- dick will be present to help make thto
BAbylon U bAinr boried Aider aa atw
obal Colon. U bad tbe admiral’a flap a roBsinp conventloo In the interest of
lAMhe of oiaU from aU pcrU of the
her hot ha was on the Vizcaya We better otpanlzation ef tbe Good Tem old acqaaiatances.
Ch0C0lat6S ®^^ANT FAVORS, aworted varieties—ao finer made
n^try, Aid the y«Ai« Udy bee floAlJ. C. and Bari Patleraon. Mrs: Caarpe VfilUVUfULtJO snywhere. Also choice fonfretioos of all kinds, madeon
captured bim and pat him oa tne New plar lodpca in the dtotrict
lyAppeAledtotbepreMU ke)p breeb York.
8hoop, Miss L. Sboep aad Bicbard premieea G»). B McLELLAN, eerrner Front and Park su.
Thto laat akip we ebaeed 73
<lM«bAlA. It to AOt ofUD that the iA- milea. moat of tbe way by oaraelvae.
Sbo(4> of Cbioapo, passed tbroupb the
•a^UAtor of tAch a meremeAt Appeato
rity yetterdsy en rpou to Northport.
The Brooklyacanphtnpto na Anally.
M‘es Alice Fletcher, who has bran to become the pnesU of B. Kitchen.
«o the newapapere to brcAk ap tbeen- She oepht to have beat na. aa aba cam
spendUp several months here with Mr.
It to mare oltea the pepen
po all knou faatar tkaa we. When she aaC Mrs. W. H. Fletcher. leftymtarday
Misses Jeanette and Cerollne Palmer
- «xidt arery effort to de ao Aayhow.
of T<dvds are la Ue city. They will po
did catok na, ahe ataid ripht aKmjt aide lornlnp for Bay Ctty.
Ktoe Scheaek to eaidcatty Alaeeza la
ta Old Mtosloc Uto week.
Bskery, corner Union and ?tb suaru.
of aa. and didn't try U ran Into ika
&:rs. Jane Kinney of Port B<
efforte la a worthy caum aad
Spaniah ahip. nelaetakot that waa ictnber of the board of troitecs of the
Sam Uariasdaad Howard li^sb'iefi
«k«p to ae doabt bat that ehe will fat
flred at tke Spaniard waa a Jl-lnch. It Por.tise stylum for tbe insane, who
iha AeeiitAAee the deeirae from Ute
came very near hlttinp her porj bow. with ber niece, Mtoe Boyce, has been
Laacl'ca In Ue world for Me. Opea all nipht.
They eaw that we bad tbe raape then, the pnest of Or. and Mn. J. D. Measao
M. C. Kimball and wife and BIchard
WaaTwru may ha the peMlant ffia- eo faey palled down th;ir colore and for a few days, left yesterday for a Kimball of Oraad Bapids, have arrived '
ran into the beach. We doted ia on short visit at Bay View.
aad will occupy Ueir eolUpe at NeBadaosd BaUn oa O. E A X '
'maf Geneiml irarcia repardlap whai
Bev. U. W. Smitb of Old Mimlon was
Wiptot to be the ooaraa ef the Amrrieao her then aad waited for Admiral Saaapoaly 1M4.
ton to eome.
Ue ordered oa to po la the city yesterday.
----------- ■ a In Caba, the Caban Jaata
Jodpe a P. Meikmnell ot meapo ! Trixin trade was iwralrz
in antidiim. ; ,5“
Aioazo and Louis Brinkman ot Cbl- accompanied by Miss Blsnebs Bsdd, |
ia Uyal to odplnal promiaea ta anpport
Gie ,n3U(n-al of datiia
tiia Brittoh ,*“r^
: Tictrolt. one fare for ronnd trip. SeU ' ^
lyo are the paeau of Mr. and Mrs. S. arrived in tbe eity yesurdsy.
dba pleat of the Uaiied BUtoa la the pat aboat too on tke St. Lonii and Uc
They eij^ru to Uc I Dit.-d Stale* were never | j„ce S?U and S?th r. tnrti July tU
E Walt They will spend a short time will an,oy a few weeks' vtoit wiU so low as
aampalpa aad to oboy the ordaia ot Beaoleto.
Ue first quarter of IbW.
IndUnapllto. one fare for n4od trip.
Brery bcatohaerad aa. SehUy aaM at Old Mtoeion before retarniap.
to to j Sell AopusiMh. return Anpnst 15U. >
ahaoffleera ia eommand. It it «Bite
friends st Ferest Lodjre.
Or. J. E Martin will spend Bnnday
Mrs. J. H. Conrad of Chieapo y--ird
1 S< 11 Jnl, 2fiU to Anpast SU, retarn
Whea all the ahlpi came ap te St Old Mtoiios with Mm. MsrUn and
Bativa of the JaaU and the off<
Dr'A J. .
^amwal wUi aerve to enlipbioe him where we were they cheered oa. Oar dsnphtcr Bhea. who have apendinp a to Old Mtosion.
by reqnut of
friends will
•pas the ooarae ha ia expeeiad to pnr- eaptaia weat by the New Y'ork.fa hto isw days at the resort.
hie time
W. B. Willard of Grand Bapids, Br- hours of
pip aad ha bad to BUnd ap Ibrea dl(Ms fa the war apalaat dpaia.
examination of
fareat Umet and Up hto hav
London's >.ffiee
Scott, Jr. of Cisclanati, dtotrict
The flrat beat wcaaak waa the Maria spend
APMimai. CixruiA braved tbe Urrias early as Poss.bje and, pofd
gord to rvtarn
rvtara Srpu
Sepu 8tb.
wnd Ueday
Ue day WiU her coosfa Mia. T.
scaper Bircht of the B A G. ti. R. B
Ma Are of the ihirteen-faeh pane of tbo Thereaa; aecoad. Oqaando: third, Vtomc J. Henderson.
‘Vermittion. O., one fare for ranafl
! trip. Kell Anpust 1st, pood to retara
American bauleafaipt witboat floach- ya aad foprfa. Crtotohal Coloa. 1 da
Julius Itoipe who to now In Grand Were arrivstoysstardsy for Omtaa.
. lap, yet the litUt attenUona abewerod □at know the aamac of the torpedo Bspidi. will speud Ue day in Traverae
Mr*. W. M. Hibbard and Robert Hib
Camp Meeilop. one fare for in's
boata Tba laat boat when we pot all City by Ukinp advaatape of Ue ex- bard arc pnests at Ue-Park Place, peeuine article, made at John Asb'a| *‘•7 View
spoa bim by^orbidly cDriaat per
llU to tUW
ikrry, 221 Front sUeet.
i '•"nod trip. Sell July nu
•t Annapolto, to abakicp bto nerve to the priaonera off bepan to eink. Spaa- ennioD.
lliey will po ta Omraa
flood to return Aup 2i,ih.
lards opened every port bole and all
Brdnced ratra to other polnta. Pbosa
Mra. E W.BuUer leaves Monday to
J. C Kortz and family of Clsvelasd
C. E. Marray, AptaL
Ue hales in Ue bottom of Ue ship ee join her husband at Maeceloaa.
Beliphtfal Sxenraion aroaod Marion j
arrived la tbe city last nipbt aad have
C. L. Lockwood. U. P. A..
AmuL Cavaiu to eaeireUe la hto that she cenld Sisk. They broke Ua
Mra. Follend of Spruce street left
•slaad. .Hnoday evenlnp. sUamer Col-,
____________ ‘Jrsnd Bapids.. '
faRorm to hide bto fleet. Commodore pant aad everytblnp so we woolda't yesterday for Vanburen fore few days talcen rooms st Park Place. They wiU , umbia. Music by Crescent band. Boat |
stay here tome time.
leaves T:3U.
WatM will lend him valaable aaaUt> pet aaythlap or save Ue ship. Well, visit.
e have all hlndi
•noa fa that repard when tbair eqoad- it sunk dnrinp Ue nlpht. If tbe fleet
A party constoUbp of John A BsnMessrs. H- and B Gcer.whs have bsen
Boston Brown Bread—Tbe real, jfami
aonld nave saved it, ws wouid pst mare vtoitinp ralaiives bera. have left for aer. and E A. L'pbam of Akron, Ohio,
Pennine article, made at John Ash's !rrr
and Wood Bayer of Dayton. Ohio,
tbelr home la Dowaplac.
Iskery, 221 Front street.
I r-> _1
IM part a ef the Becuu today to prizs mossy. “Tbe least Uatany
in Ue city yeaterdsy and
Fred Uedden cams in on the after
will pet." tsye Ue psy-masier,' will be
printed tbe
looklnp far a favorable place to a
They are mak- noon train to spend Sunday at home.
eratea, which wiU be fonad lavalnGvrrMrViimzn'. Sboe Store
lap Ue list aew to be seat to WsshClayton L. Bailey aad Fitch B. WUI•hie for referenceFIBE DEBTAl. WOBK. '
laptoa. I tbink we deaerve
iarne of Antrim ceonty were in the
prize money. Cerrora said that he
oonld have pollen away with Urae of
Barry aad family arc aatertain
his ahipt if it hadn't been fer ss. and lap Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Brtmks e*- Chionr Admiral thinks Us
mt BsUy l>ay WU! Attract Larpe
Thompson has ratnraed
Bob Xvaas pave chase for awblU but
Onwd of Sanday Ssbool Warksta
feU behind, eo he went back to jraard to ber home in Mayfield after a week's
From Abroad.
iday eveninp^^tmlr*^Ue newspaper boata aad tell Uem hew visit with Mtos EUsl Gibbs ef West sisodfjSunday
- Music!hy Crreeent haoA Boat
Ko effort to belap spared to make
that EipbU street.
leaves 7:3«.
Shop OppOBito Eagle OlBce.
Bally Itoy, Wednesday, a prand sae- was poinp ta do so much if he eaw a
Fitcber “Kid" Gleason otUeHsstlen
TmATXMB orrr. - M10H1O4M
iWatch This Column For Bargains!
K Spectacles,' 25c to $5.(KI.
6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack vigars-5 cents
Mr. „d
B.-k„ ,1
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
i I»
Furniture Bargains:
Dill Pickles -
Gfio. R. Winnie,
Up-to-iate Painter
and Paper Uaeger.
•sm. . ihe committees ars eenstaatlT
•t work preparinp tbs many details
which such a oelebratiea iavolvM and
flhelr laberwill be rewarded ^U a
AU Ua Snadsy sebools ia Ue sarSMadiep towns are pre^np to ah
dead and Us resnlt will be tbe laipsst
gatoo^ of ike kind ever held in
BOftbern Mlcbtpan. and like all publls
•vents in Traverse Citr it will be an
maqaallfidd sacoesa.
‘•Old Hop s" Bip Pickerel.
Frank Hopkins, better known as
'*Old Bop." a eoadnetor on Ue C. & W.
It., to a pood fisherman as wall as a
flood oondnetor.
Veeterdsy be weat
sriU a
ana Boardntan lake
»B.rrlck.™l...d.n.r. tl». -Hotr»8bi». a.ibo.brf . »„ ,ick.„i
« .bo.t , 1.
w.u,ht .dd .tu,
____ <__________
8 dd..
•tnpplinp some
V>>n« found.
Uat d.
was naebls to land hto prize wiUout
•eMstaace; so bto eompanioewescaUed
- «e Ue rescue and finally Ue pickerel
was safely bronpht into Ue boat,
.MUiap Ue sy>ry of blscatcb Ue naipbt
pradoaUy Increased noli] U welpb^
»7>< poands; which, however, to detiared to be only fair for Boe^dman
lake plckei^l. and it to probable that
la Ue beat of
exeitomrnt of landjBpUeflsh. ‘ H^" may have uader•■timewd ito wt-ipbt. It was a btp
Afih. anyway.
■ Jt«v. V. A. Frys Ap,
Bev. W. A. Frye of Three Btvera, for' fasrly pastor of Ue First Methodtot
, «hareh. arrived iaUecily'lastivMtop
fc, ..ow„i,.T,™U.V H. 8 .hi
gnaat of E. J. Falphnm and topeUcr
they WiU spond oome time la flaUap.
prodataa the Taeaareca'or Uto vicinity.
Spaalard. but a harkiap dnp asver
bites. He tried to run ia onr way but
ws followed him. and cut bim off. 1
was sick Uat day. hot I went to my
statloa jnst tbe seme and bad to stay
Uere nearly all day without pettinp a
breath of fresh air.
We have fear prtooaers on board.
Urae weanded mea. and a pip aad d<«
as mascots. Ths boyspot lotaef ses'
enira. but we bad to tarn them all -in
or else we loHOur prize money.
X.. Ll A. Banket Picnic.
Tbe Ladies Ubrary Asneeiatinn wiU
enjoy s basket picnic at East -Bey
next Tuesday. AU members. Ueir
faalliss and vtoitinp frisada are ia
to visittour friends in Manistoe, Be
went there Friday and vrill return
Mrs. Georpe W. Thomas to vtoiUap ia
Mtos Mny Folleek to la Slk Bapids
vtoltiop frisada
■ A. J- Doapher^. proseentinp attor
ney of Antrim ceuaty, cams hsrepw
tordsy from Elk Rapids.
Tbe Mtosea Lillie Decoo end Lnln
Thrrrtonof Clara are Ue paesu of
Mr. end Mra H. E Tatman of 8«wanU
strr ■_
Misses Florence aad Pearl Scott of
Cspsc are speadiap a few days vtoitinp
Dr. and Mrs. Osrner of Uto city. From
here Uey wUl po to Bey View to spend
a few weeks.
Joan Berry of the tele^ph offioe
t ™'b^. »U1 b. ,i Mm. 8.
«»»“ b^*
*; ” - “ ■'
•:M,forall wbe have not convey
County commisatoner G. W. Banjsances of Ueir own. Allars reqsasted mln of Leland was in town yasterday.
to be preasot.
Dr. 8. O. Sawyer arrived oa Ue ColThis la a Good Xhiap.
umoia last nipht from hto buineas trip
A cheek for fiiouo in favor of Mrs. te Norihport.
MarUs Edpceomb of Mapleton, is ia
Miss Ada Wells, who kas beea epeadthe bandsof Jos. bisder. Tbbrto the inp K week vtoiUnp friends fa Uto eity
sjaeuntofiasaraaoe carried with the I ***‘’•"* ®**®*®E
kcr home ia
^ern Woodman of America by Mn.
Tamer leaves tomorrow for
Edpceomb'eson, who died a short Urns
Grand Rapids en business.
Mr, and Mra. A. E flarriaoa of MBDr. E. L. Ashton. Ue dentist, aad
for a visit
family are spsndiap tbe healed season, WiU the family of 8. a DMprea. Mrs.
oa Ueir farm. souU of Ue city. Tbe
HarrtoOB win be better remeraberea by
doctor eom« in cveiy day bat leavaf
her friends here by bsr former
bto ofibe at 3 o'clook la the afwrnc
Mias Kltiie Bata.
Borton Brown Bread-The real,
Kfhl aad wife of NorUpon
renoinc article, made at jJbn Asb'J were to the city yeeterday.
Undersbsriff Martin ^wn af Leland was laths city yeaterday on bnai-
■ri,' ■
Islud. Bnnday evealap, euamer ColU. O. Hlekereon of Hannab-tranaaetby Cratoeat band. Boat ad baainaas to thto eliyyastorday.
Mr. and M»,E A Leaia and W. F.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th^s season of ^
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Biev- ^
cle Eidiugr or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
[B MOMriHQ HaooaD. BPJfDAT. JTOT 94. 1»
OBVBOB anvioii vodat.
Am h«4Nw Urn late ua «ah». «bm
tht llantenast wu Introduced to A*totMi SMoterjr AUm nod wu «r»eted
AntAtel kr tbsaMpwttr* ObwA
by Cnptnia Crownmtbleld. Cnpuin
rsdlord and PMatoo
Evnnn who bl«pen»d to drop In. He
About Alt th« War Nawa That la •pent
hnU nn hour In conference with forty Thousand M«i
to Lmvs Bee. Chaa. T Stoat. Baetor.
Comirtg to Washington
the •cerstnri- nod itaen teiuroed to the
club to beau
Just at This Tima.
fiecreinry Lork nOtted ihnt HobMO
Ww” in Porto Rico,
did not brtn* the iMin-expefttd report
from Admirnl Pnmtnon and bli brother
« HEARD FBOX. omcer* on the d'Otmctloo of the Cer- GREAT MOTIkmiT IS H PB00SES8. ttnndsy aehosl and Bible elsM st IS.
Vespar aervice st 6:15 p. m.
▼em neet. The rznet purpnee of hU
Visit was explained bj- the order under
All era oordlnlly invited to Uieae i
Omm.1 u cmu^ Alnt rtrnMr
c.m Which Ltnitcnant Holman had come to
fcr TM« mm* Ughlmr. Hiat Al« b the United Stalea, which Is to unre
. FUBT nmooteT.
Quick action toward the salvation of
ISMsibta, bat Twa Wm4» Will Ua Oeen- Bee. J. A. teeady, paator.
the .Cristobal Colon, now on the rocks
west of «antlatco. and says: ' Bxplaln
plad la OetUan All ntarlad-Oea. Frad
. Bt 10:S0a.m. a
to him -mily the P’«itlon and condition
Gtaat Aaalmiad te a BrUrad*—SilrkB Ta 700 p. B.
of that ship and reclve his Instruc
De Weeded Oal afUia Army.
asM mMtlnr Bt *:30 every SBbbBtb
tions renard n* It. Be as e*p<-dltlous
a. July t» -The mom inf.
lUallA July 19. via Hong Kong. July
iciual atuverrent of triHjpa fr<*j Camp
indsy acboel Bt cloae of
mornSt-The dleembaikatinn of the Am.-rt- termination. In nnlcr that. If It Is practlcable tq do so. this line •hip may be I Th“tn»s for the Potto lUinn expedition
ean troops composing the second cx- saved to the United Kta-es navy." TVila ' U-s>.n yesienlay moming whrn'General isr
Junior Lenfue Bt 3:10 p. b. Bsd EppedlUon te bring pushed with the m- te signed by AdmlriJ Pampson.
j Halnrs' brliade, the Scc.nd.of (he )='-rBt
p; own energy. The Colorado regiment Is
dlrlslim. First corps, broke camp and
CASis-R mnet swra tub cvbana
In the BorBlDf
altoady in Held near Parmnajo. and
n-hed ...
to ....0CXJJ.S
n. ssYilIe T.ie
. ..e are.;linrDts
v..u.ivb.e In
-* we win c-Muider
---------clud-dwerc the Fourth
other rgglmenu will be transferred, Palley aa to She Island That Wni I
------- Ohio.
------ -Fourth
------- ! Twenty-third PsbIb, BBd ip the (
Without any loa. of time from the
... __ J P'OW'vnnia and the 'n.lrd HIiaolA | *«« talk about our ioWler boys at Camp
J Wartiington. Joly a-TheletterwrlU-j The Foorih PennsylvaniA the last tolAlfer.
l^««rt., to the camp in native boB..,
Ae -Cnlled Slalea crutaer Boston has t*, was read ar
— ---- --------•f’" •"•cussed
at •otne night. Their route Is to Cincinnati. ov.T I lag aaeeiM
***" ' '**“*"^
Clm^lbMfl S-»thern. and thence to ^
AU BTC eardlaltj Invited.
fOM She D>W .•evuMc. a rsuut.on Almost day. and the opinion was expressed that Nea-port New., vU the Chesa ,s .ke and
Within range «.f the guna of P.>rt .» evidently was baaed upon a wr.mg'Qhlo railway. TTiese troipn will be folKvshokuesL.
Malate. which4s only a abort dJiUnce ««n^tlon of the purp<«es and motives , towed today by General Br.-*e and !*er.B.8aUbetT...
from UanilA pro,->er.
t^r people. Thtwe. it was said, should stag, the rewrve amWnan. e company. ; Cbarcn oa'tbe comer of KlatA and
------. ‘Infirago have been fully explains to Ihv res. n-c bospllal evn-s. the signal ij Wadsworth
Wadsworth stnu
Waahingtoa July rs —There weresev- him and to all of the Cuban leoders. It erps and General Br.mke a guard, c -neral events of Interest. If not of imper- •*
f™v as had been reported, a
"f iro.'p H. of the Sixth Unlt.~l ' Sundsy aervicea as fallows:
Praachlcf at 10:30 a m.
tanee. at the war and i.avyd. wn.-naots n»rmber of the <abln«« said, that Gar- i
any F of the
Sunday school at 11:30 a. m.
ywicrtay. Oeosral Andetwon at Cavite ^ »•*
Invited to partlclrale In the ; «»•'»* »- n-«e.i Riat.-s Inrsntn’.
ceremonkr attending the rauing ..f the '
«"~T. r. A. at 6:30 p. m.
I Amcriran flag ..wr Panllagu It was a I * tl*eclal train will cartr Ocreral
PreachlDf at 7:10 p, b.
.mistake. Everything rewsonahlc. he |
f""" »^*»e «eld stsAU
are wbIcoba
sald. should 1*. done .to win and keep!*'''" “*
ttds afiem.on. Th-y will
the friendship of the Insurgent Cubans. :
*“ ?**“'i«prt News to embark. The
They should be made to know thaiihe
only purpose of the United States In I*''l.’iw. breaking camp early: pr*,-i,.Bg w-ju* r.iea.L.
i waxing war against Stain was to ,». ! '’niorr.m morning, baliery A. ni!n.4s: '
■cure for all the people of Culw relief
«. Pennsylvania; battery a. ,»* «tedinf. Mlch.
from the oppression of Spanish rule and j Jia*n^'»''*t *""* it Twvnty-^veoih In- ; Sunday school at I*
.a stable govemm.nt e
bllidied by I
Ii head- [ B. Y. p. V. at 6:15. p. m.
added. It Is not the Intention of this
1 govemmem to drive the Fpanlsrds out
! and the* forrrally turn the Island over
ihe thsvntents <w to any other parI ticular Clara or faction. This
• governRovemtoent had never Intimated suchh a pur‘be entrary It sas well
I that a stall
for and by all of the p'“rp!c of Cuba- had
: been
n the only purpose and end aoughtto
. be atuined.
I The details Incldest to the establlih_ ___,__ _____mvnt of anch a government, It was said,
had declared a dlcutorahlp and mar'>> «"• «wHUal tew over the Phlllr-rlnes. son cthlng ^‘**
that gave the cabinet f«.«l for conrta- '
• p»^ple of the
etmOOD. Thece was no disposition to
rterlsred. trust be given
fort* any Issue with the Insurgmt chief an opportunity t.j express their vlrwass
at this time, but It ls pretty well under- to the c-hsrwctcr of the constUutiun
atood that he will not
allowed to der whlih they were to live, and
coniBlt the United Btntes g.ormment *• to the man who should make
la the future treatment of the Philip- •*»«»** Ute tows. The Insurgent Ouplne uuffltlon. Jt would not
surprlst-rtainly could notcor.slstcmlyask
•I be BURprlst --n
8tr.«g i:TTu- '
............. ■*““
rwan tonuences are Uirj; brought to ten by Garcia i.. Shanercmplalnslhat:
ai^rTaTt-"*-—■Am-rtenn aimy. and news .<
rope. . But •■> far th.>y ai
pear to have .-iporiucl
event was given
• be« IneffecfunJ. f r it is offlclall;
idron*^ peiwons < ntir«-ly f.irolgn to jtuir staB. I
layed n I abandoned.
. »ord. from yourself Informing me
■or^frn W MHraaad tempwra.
tke Degctlailoiis for peace or the terms
Ugh <..a.-ral
Miles repirted by of the MCUUIatk-n l)f th* Franlsnls.
cable /rom ^...le
Nicholas, Hayti. . The important ceremr ny of the surrenthat he was "morti
the first deuchmrni of the military ex- pn«
city by ?-'urscir took
pedlUon acslnsi P.irto i;ico, and nsJtcd ' pigi later on. and I . niy inew pf both
lor lighters nnd tugs,
tugs. n
It was said at events!■ by public rnr
W war departmeni that some
c of these-nslty, I know that y.>u have left
; Mghlers were already on their way; power at PmUaco the' Mtre Franteh
"‘uTT ■
. authorities that f. r -Ir-e y.tit t have
lenMiile dH^ would arise on ' fnupht as the ern-mus ->f the Indepeiide. The brief reieirt from Ad- ; cticc of Cula. • • • In view rf all
-take the whete .,( the First corps
I’orto nieo. and it Is the uo Jerstendlng Ber- «- B- Bcuieh. Partur.
that otheh r.glinents are to leave as
Class Meeting at 10:00.
rapidly as transr-nstlon can he pro
I'raacbing at 10:30 a a.
vided. the l-r’gsdes leaving th- park In
Bnadav school IS m.
regular lorn until the last l-rlcade of
the Third dlvfsloa hi.s l-c-'U ordered out.
Epsvonb Lea^s G:30 p. m. .
Will R* Xrwriy 40MNI Men.
Preaching 7:30 f. m.. pastor.
Ceunung (he recruits and takirg into
All are welecBc to tbcM eawteeA
coRSIdcration the hospital crp. and
other crcan zatlons 1i> he lucluiled tbBreTitiea.
force will fall but . little short of to.00-1
officers and m-n. It will require from
Thm will beareffniar BeetlBjr of
c..,. s,.
..... .
eifeci. is building a handaoBe row
An examining board fs' to
ap- - *>3at for Mayor W. ^W. Smith for «Mo
pointed at orre to look tot- O'- ^ytlral . Carp Lake. '
o-nd.i'on of a ianse numb r of-men In • a w m. u
vanoas t-gimonls who haveUen shirkwm leave
Inc drm. m the plea of .slckn-es, ih- .
"•eb for.tteatlle. Mr. Black has
puriE.se iw.nc that If they arc n-.i at.I - B°1 jsi selected a location for their
to on-lerg.. the tur-’Rhito -r the fiiM .future-hoBe. but clrcnnstancra will
they arc to le dlscbar,-T^-d Jr.-m the s-r- ji,.^ v..
viee. This b afd wilt he
nt-d to- I
day sn.l the work '•f we- -i..b uut the |
evening Bishop Breybogle
revim-nfs wli i.e push-d f-rw.rd vigor- i
preach la the Erangellcal ehuruh.
misty to that none b .t th • physi-ally All are welcome
able may l-av- th« pr-rant exi edition. I -phe isdjet of
The ladies of the Oraca Episc
p.LiNOi« Mi.Ta ,a TO MOTE
‘ghufch wU) give a la-n'fet7.T^’e
Daily Average, 1,367,
' r ■
GDaraoteed MatioD!
Mod,™ »■««,.
cramand at Camp TTn-mss tolay.
*»“■«». Monday night In MmOew.Oraal<.Mn.maad..llrlg«le.
tagM balL A fell attendanite b deGc-ncraJ Fivd D. Oraol >-e<terdsy took alrad.
fortuai ...mmsnd of the Third to gad^
William Fetterlv, wbo bes opened a
Bapeet. to Be Ordered ftealh Wiotily-;
Mrs. AvcTy on BoarJmau Bverrartirc March I. DiMutrowk
; nus, next Tuesday evcslng. Everyone
Springfi-Id. ri*.. July :3--C-.lunrl Jas. i Is invited to attend and have a good
R..Cam|.b,-ii. cmmi-mling the Ninth . time. Ice cream will be served
Illinois infar.tr>-. ye*trTday afu-mo. u | Will Alger is driving a team of rrav
retelv-d a telegr.-ni from A-Uutarv;
nurch.k-i » a •
oi gray
General r.irhln asking whatequlpminti _
enasea from J
were still needed and h..w fat Ihe.^ «. A. Wheelock has a
. __
•vcTk of dlstrlbuitnp the I'luipmenu !• fine driving horra frain the t
e expeditbn
Nip is to^ly ^yje I today
—e/ -.
••• .-M.'—
pr.*-i•risscd. I
■ ^portent than appvara
Pears op the surface, Cuban arn-.y. Major c-en-viil Maximo
lies nn
nn the.......................Gomes, my reyisn8tl-'r:‘as
•-a..I The Battle Creek ball team will be
Ih'MOCuba almost
- dlrecUy
_____Uy across the Isl- <>f tn*e..ib
r-pt 1>aTf.fCl scabbards, cantirns and jbere tomrrow and Tnesday for two
and from ^ntlsgo. li is purposed
dlsiateh from NVw ^(,rk gives a
icks. rrtlon.-i Gampb.'ll talus | gamca.- TbeM will ,_____________
good gaoet and a
.......................... M.<i-Ement IsauM by l>rmlngo glendes
days' Uroe In gelUng tup- Capote. viee prcvldenl of the Cuban re?
micndance ahonid be tbs rule.
pll^ Into Culm as compared with the public, citer cnsultallon with the Cu- be orUeri-'l south In a few daj'i, perhaps
The Craaecnt band azeuraien around
Bantlago route. •
ban junta In that city which fully and b> Tuesday next. He hclievea It will
-signed to the Feventh crjrps. Gcn- ae island this evening will afford _
MwyBertotollaCarbtogtheCataaaa. ! uSrer-.T^-'-dly Ind-riue the pi
Pllihugh Lcc.commrnrler. at Jark- pleaaaai opportunity for a delightful
It will also form a good fa-lnt of op- proclamation Iss-te^ imm-dlaiatcly after B'-hvlIls.
Fla. All lurl'.iiihs have l>«n
erallui;* agblnst Holguin, nol far dte- the capture of Hpmlag-'
in Ihe govtrip and the snjoyment of good niuaicpislrlctcd to ton'-irrv.w momlng.
tent, ard ir ehnuid develop unfortunate- emment cff the ent
cni turc-d territory.
The concert given by the Creacent
The Ninth regiment trarvhe-d live
ly that a r.v.ralntng handd must be laid
—'-------miles ycBter<lay afi.i.ooon for praetire. bend from the portico of the Hotel
~ '
Upn« the
th.-mselves Nlpe. Tn
The heal w-as very oppr»-sslve and fifty Whiting lut night held a large tbroeg
copnectlen with Stenils^o. would be
:«MVb Elder Take.'Charge wf the
droptod <.ui ef-the ranks. One
^e«lve ir.ears of doing thia The i
aad Ontrr at Nanllace.
Urlvate Frank Dradthaw. was se- of people on tbs street. -*rhs boya con
^apartment t-ns net yet b..en Infnrme-I
Santiago de Cuba. July rS.—General ri-iusly' prostrated and te Id the h>«- tinue to Improve end ara making a bit
that-Gemvsi .-haft-r's Cuban allies
- Bough Klders, v.os sp- , pHalI with a-flivuit ooncsrt mosic. The band
have quit the Amerlesn lln^
A number of the ir.c-mbcrs of the is appi^ia^ and I>rDf(Skor Bonn, ior hy pointed military gevemor of Santiago
Eighth r-gimenl have been rngagnl
in xHIng H.-inkvts |r> a negro sutkr tends to make it oae of the best mnsicsl organinsUoBs In the state.
for food. Hl« tdai'i. c-lll be raided.
has'been gT»wing mure pr-.rr.wncv-d »
At tbe Bomlsgservice In t)^ First
err Iter a-nee the fall ..f t ni.Uec.., and
Is fssrcd.thal i
M. B. cbnrch today Mira Carrie Undley
Benert --no..
ofChicago.foTBerlyof this city, will
i hnpifi.I . f av..ldlnx
aurtl a rr.tcn rc Is -vUrr.-'o! trv the e-.nMadrid. July■ n.-Thv St .ry wa, tele- I
«- ••
fldenee si.- w n hj- S<r*.r tjije-a te. one
grapb,-d ftoiB 6.ier>-ye.;ertey tbatS^ncr e^»®p5«ted vocalist and her Bany
the Cuban legation here. In an ainlc-ub'.c
friends here will app^aciate the oppor
Gamas<i. mil.
act t If rjer. I.
tunity to bear her again.
Biiey Sweers, who is working in
sburtljd at (be. Mstlss a
did eay. In an lotorvlew in The Cnrrv- aoatbem part of the stete in the. BonaiK.ndCBSa Mllltar. was thte; "I ran araent bnslaesa. is in the city for n few
give you ncB-s wbbh will please tbv
WaBhlngluD,JulyrS—-as mist agree
press. The suspcnsl-n of ihe c«njllable event of yi'slc:day'at the oiU-.na;
WUliam Greenberg, who was in bnsitutl-in will nol last l-mg. for several
capital was the r.rrival at the navy deocds hers with Julius Steinberg 15
iMirtwnl <jf lieutenant Housi.n. the
hy the people and thi army. years ago, when Traverse City vras a
hero U the Merrtauii'. He suveeedvd
Tillage, is now here visiting Mr.
ID cB'iping .-bservfcti'.n as hi.- passed
tlnns -if toe govertunenl. whlih arc i-/ Steinberg, who te hte consia. Mr.
througlt the iraiB shed, coat an
i-otii-'jtdv sn fcon-»rsHe jean- «-hlch WIIL
brelia In hand aiid fu^s-ed by a porter
In the first piiu---. sfeUi-fy the as;<1rutlona Greenberg is a sncccsefel boainete man
jitputl.y i-arrylni; hiS &ag, but hef re n;
of tbv army. After that. If S-nur Sa- ia Chicago and noUeea many changes
' XSBta .-h-told thli.k l.i. he will ask the since he was here last.
vsnerc^ ir.,in vhccUllwn frime.mv spied
V him, a hnirali
uhe thrust de^Coba tVp-lnesday, r-uti-»-cd(nit Oen- qu< r(i recent If she still has confidence
The Queen of the Lakes vrii: give an
-■•.-aad Ida n.u.i;-n i.
.tun ns uoleJ
MeK!l.l.ln,-wh.. roums it. his old }n her pr»s-mt advisers."
ii with wouf.rUS *h
exesniioD on the bay this afternoon
•K. T.ie
of ^„ij.
,v{,„ „
Mrvrelh Illlaol. Ha* a rrmsliw.
"Beteun. il.iiw.n;’
and also this evening.
or.lintr>- l.usini-sspa
fe>.cP0Ud eli«E<l aU.o
Wa-hlng'im. July 33. — Comj-iroller
Eicbard Myeta enOared a sunatroke
Lf band ^
and pusLl.-.g
niK.ut .until ^
province Siumlsh tr-K.ps c.nilnuc to •I>B'vi-s. of the- curr: nry, said yesterday at Sligbte-yeetarday. 'It te thought
, was iwued by
lhal he had tevn assured by PeereiaTT
Ate r tuht the Seventh Illinois, now en- that no eeriotu rseulte-will come of It.
can.|« a ut Fal s Chur.h, w.mld be used
Deputy Sheriff F. D Marvin received
in tte I'.utn R.c-.n rarrpa'xn If It was s
. ’»?tKl”’’tlie*mmta^ govetwer. hils"""! poasil> IhtBir. « Uh the chsnci# Urgely yesterday a ooBBlmien appelntlng
The officer was dnven St .mue-to the
«» »!>♦ rt«"P»‘••'fraft- iB favor of the replmcnt's uilliuilon. him Bid da eampoa tha staff of Daparu i
j« ,Arttiy and Navy c.ub and after brush- er there wlU U- music in Ihv ptesa evr Itew-es -Aent to c-tnaiderabje 'paint to mant CoBBandar Fatrick of ths Grand
V Inx htiTM lf ap he drove over to the i-ry Sunday and Thursday, ^ere wUl Imprets npon the war defaetinent r>f■' na»-y dera: Imem. As ke appr. ached th - be rtjoiUngs when the paymaster-ar- firtsls tl-e rhSK-ctor - f the 8 'Venlh and AnprdI tha Repablie of Michigan.
the efflc»nry of the rrm :n<»at o.ganGlean Biddlacoab was token before
gioBlce of the aecrvUry of the navy there
d an-itfaer L-enK4istratloii. a largBsvaaa fitatcBical of the Lara.
Jnalioa Brown yaaterday oa a .ebarga
icrowd had gathered ubout the dcorway
Washington, July 23.—A dispatch
of laremiy and hte examinaUra was aet
a aad the hearty wHcsinc it gave the from Havana gives the Fpanisfa acJacksonville. lit.. July 23 —The Third for next Tnesday.
nffic-r brought blushes to nis count of the MansanlHo affair. It says
rmv omc.T
regiment of Nebraska volunteers. In
S^ury Long cnae out of hla the Spaniards lo« but three dead and command of Wlliura Jennings Bryan.
office andgrssping Hobaon with • fifteen wonnded and «mly three irans- aiTri-ed yesterday. Bryan's reglinent
land, bumf
htrth hands sald-wlthalncerlty.-L'euien- porta. It also says that with the at- will be encamped at Fanarrn park, five
■Ua. Mua
S ant. I am glsd-veiy gtad-te ace you." tacking force were two momitora.
mile# from the dtp.
avaa 7:S(i.
1898, was
Be Coflclusion Is Plajg!
The Record Reaches The People.
That is the reason it is a
It Goieis the City aad Sarroonding Ganotry lore Folly
Tbia Any Otber Daily.
The reason the Secord Is so widely circu
lated is because it
Prints All The News.
Fully and up to the lime of going
to press every inoming.
Uneicelleil Telegraphic News Sertice.
fineir lliostrated Features on Sunday!
Special Inentlon Eiien local Happenings.
Try the fANT DEFAETHENT Of The Horulog Recmd.
ppywiiiBggMffgi? •
Tu icoBiruro aboosd, suvdat. j^lt m isee
a tmmpelcn doetuneni. laimher, oalt.
Iron, eopper and wool are dealt with
In the ipeech. and It la recerded by
paUtJeal manacere as a enperlor pro^
tecuve tans eampalcn arcument.
Major Oeorce H. Hopkina. mlUUry
aide-de-camp to Secretary Alfer. Baa
been eeiected to co to Ban Juan as
the personal reprqenUUve of the sec
tetary of war In rtirto Rico. It U mmored that he Is to be made mltlUry
TfBweeOt«f Heikee. '
Below U a IM 0( the bu^ Bed sMl-
• b Thas&i
Valome ffiwwe lAtUe Ooereaee and b Bik
tar Thaa U Prevtoae Tearw
New Tork, July 21.—Bradit e t's am: eraeCUy;
Milwaukee. July 22.~Tbc Home BuU4<
Oood Work Den* by MJehtnii**
ing and Loan association, of thta e.ty. Is Midsummer condlt:ona aUU govgra most
Soldier Uader.
RsgsrdhiK «h* 8*ttl*m»nt
a oompleU wreck. An examlnaUou by Unas of trade and manufaiture, but ths Claar Pork per bbl. 1
Buts Bank Examiner Kidd shows the volume of bustness as Indicated by Oear Poric per ft...
QuMtiont Which thcWsr
Short Cut Pork..........................
assodalloQ to be Insolvent, the llabHlAUES BSraCULLT bBUfiUTm
Short CuT Porii per ft..............
Will DevelopUes amounting to tlCkSOO, while the
1 00
noor, U L. A Oo. bwt..........
vanec of previous years at th-t Ume. A Bye Flour. B. U A Co. B«L.
Becreuiy< 00
■ if—i* at ravaHtlMB i
Treasurer John Harvey Myers is re (eaiute In trade ihls week Is' the b lUr l<Ml, H. L. A0o.B«L...........
ALSO THE PLAH OF niMPATflli sponsible for the w-reck. Though he demand reported for wool east and Feed, B. L. A Oa Beet..:.—
claims (hat bis shorUge will not esce-d west, largely confined. It U true, to a
Judce Boatwiek of Ionia county was
WO.OOS the big gap between the Usblll- tew grades of wool Indlcauons that
here recently. He aalo; “I am very
---------- ...----------- * .-----------j
shortly Imidperft........ .......................
Wstsoa Kb* Oolac te I
Ues and assets goes to show that It will
reach a muiA higher figure.oD>dr et->r
read carefully all oiBdlal dlspatcha and
Parts or Capi
Bntter per ft DaSn..................
going so far as to say that the dvfaica- > **'*'■ **>*• >* Perii;
1 Bnd that Admiral Bampaon-a dMt lu
riMt is His <Musm-Hb AaUom Agai
Creamery Bntter.ft.............
W*rtin«ton. Jnljr n.-PnUM _ . two months of bombardini
tion wUI retch alone close on tc ll.o 000. |
good orders from railrosdi for Cbeeeeperft................ ..............
Inc baa only
, fcterd oa ererr hand for UlcUrmn* killed a imile at Uaiansos.'
The Home Building and t.oan as ;. c a* larger export buatnesa and of
Bald ter Taars-4>artB Bioo and Osam tki> was organised eleven 3
good volume of small orders for van
- eoldier leader, the h.ave Shatter, who
tU Be Oats for Good.
oui ciaaeee of sleeL
captared 8antU«o. General Milea. the
7^-.When Admttal Dewey, recardlesa of
DuUnees has been a feature of the Polat^perbn...........
Washington. July 21—A slgnlflcaat
Mnlor majar teneral of the annr. vaa oonuct and other mlna supposed to
Salt per bbl......................... ..
cciwal marketa Old wheat suppUes are Bras
praoeat. and hii telecram to the aecre> be In Manila harbor, started In a
The association hog been paying an rapidly decreasing, whlie tbs new crop Btmxo xarsa or Txavxxax orrr bkadPress
tarr of war cave Shatter all pralae for Btralcht line for the doomed fleet of
nual dividends of U per cenL. and movement—while In excess of last year
Montejo. be nn op t be slchal “Remem- poslUou to speak with knowledge and these must have been paid from lU re- —does not reach the proporUonf exthe macntltceat vletorr.
Secretarj- of War Alc*r aaja: -I am her the Maine." Every throat on every authority as r> the plans of the adrain- celpu The beavieit losses will fall up- VfKiied. Cotton U at the lowest pries Wheat, old. pw bn......................
e*—«rtallr drUghtcd «1th Sbafler a auc- American nhlp responded to that bat- islraUoii. with reference to future war — the directors, who held shares ever paid ei this season of the yea>. Wheat, new, per bn....................
Oats. No 1. ner ba. (sew).
tlecry. Throuchout tbi- na\y |i was the
imi ranging from t;.000 partly on good crop reports and all)
■ v<e ] havt^^.Wen penonaJly call that nerved ofllcerB and men to operaUenu. In substance the stateMO.eoo. Secreury My<-rs says Ihe as the result of the annonneed Intenlleo Cera, per bu..
■ t 'cjI it e.-vere crii- acts, the audacity of which has aaton- menu was as roll«ws: "Commodore
a shut-down by Pall River mills.
t .
ocxuiiDL Shatter waa aent Isbed the world and caused BncUabmm Watson In proceeding to the Spanish money was spent In large real estate of
! 11 te u
For the latter reason print cloths are
to the from hr order of the praaldeDt to boast of their kinship wttb the Amer peninsula as soon as the Porto Rican deaU and other tranucUona
Bsga. per dosed..
firmly hsid at previous quotations.
expedtlloD la gotten under way la not u
, bacauae he was a cood soldier ard waa icans. That we
Failures have again dropped to nor
1 that r
Seemed to be the beat man tor the work.
mal summer proportions, the total
Unually tmoV
Onr baby ^
has bei
No such bumbardmeot of the coast Is AbUbb That May bead ta a-BIg boa Urths number for the week Just cloecd being }ed
Bat bersuac he waa a UIcbican aoldler sunk, while lu csllani
with ooUc and eboli
lera infadtem
in. Cfi fewer then Iset week. 22 fewer alnee his birth, and all that
I have been accuaed of tavorillain. I asleep in apparent safety In the har entertained. While there may be other
hat we could
Chicago. July 22.—Fiftr-slx negr<«a,
to glm I
VIU be clad If you will aay to the peo- bor of a friendly power, waa not an Incldenui purposes the main mission of brought from Birmingham. Ala., have than In this week a year ago. *2 amaller
Idle threat In Manila hay lay the
in this week of UK. &l loss than to
pie of MIcMcaa that there waa no m- cnilaets Don Juan de Austria. Castilla. Watson U to take care of Camara's been put In the places <rf the striking than
1S»5. and « less than In l»l.
ToHtlam about it at all. but that Shaft. Relna Marla CbrtfUna. Don Antonio fleet. The movement of this fleet and
*r has calued hla prominence by hla del UHua. lala de Mlnanao and Mar the fears and appn-bcnilons caused by *hiployes of the Illinois Bteel company, STKinVO ICTEM B&DIO SUIT rboea Bemady. Blnee giving (bat rem
edy be has not been teoubled.
reports concerning It are to be stopped '
necessaiy. will be brought from
own miliiatT aUUty. oklU and ecpeH- ques del Duero, the two gunbnau Gen
and pUced In the aboes of'
layaraf Pane the Owfeadset iaaOMAM want to give y<ra (his tnatimonlal as as
eral Lwso and lala de Cuba, and a cruis will be located by Watson and finally the striker*—oil uf whom are union
Damage Cam
evidence of our graUlnde, not thn( you
Secretary Alcer'a private aecretary, er and other biau of less Importance, met and engaged. The talk occaalonally men. of course. Serione trouble Is anPans. Ills.. July 22.—Attorney C. K. need it to advertise your meritorious
Mhion. la very popular with newatiaper having In battle a tout romplement of indulged In as lo the Canary Islands li Uclpated by nmi»- u a result of this tieforgee.
of E>ecatar.
cou|fael for ^
the remedy.—G. M. Law. Keokuk. Iowa.
For sale bv a E. Wait. Druggist.
Mineiw uninn .lAnt
men hera He la on duty dayanl nlcht. t.&W men. with a modern armament In utterly without foandstlon. TTils guv. acOon. Fir*t Vice President Foote, of '
twae of the principal ahipa. In Uttlr
•otnetlmee' remainluc at the war de. more than an hour they went all as eniment has no plan to take those isl the Illinois Bteel compiny. define, the '
attitude of the corporaUun In these
evldenw for a
ands and does not wont them.
tmrtinem as Ute aa I o’clock
gal contest against the city In the case
useless as the Maine.
nine, amtwashiBC of Cervers’s FWot.
•'It bss been onr policy, and Is yet. not
“DesplU popular expscutlon that
tronL He rives to the walunc news
When Admiral Cenera left the Cape Porto Rico opt-railuns will be followed to be dirUted to b>- our cmployea. In streets adjacent la the Pennell mine
paper men such Informat on ai he-can.
AttocMy* at Lnw.
by action against Havana this Instance we to.,h the quickest way when an attempt was made to resume
but of, course he dues not clve them de Verde Ulanda the people of Spain
lo supply the places.of the striking la
oonfldentlal telecrama. He la now a
Keetsgus nock. TntvrmOltr.Mlel
borers Men are bard to find iu Chi Bperatlens with nim-unlon labor. The
swfflber of the MIchIcan aaaoclaUun be had gone to taach the American aiucked while yellow fever condli
cago and the virinlty who will work arresu were made at the dictation of
•nd la popular with that orcanlaatlon.
against the unions, endure the appella- Mayor Penwell. who pointed onttlendThmy-thlrd and TUity-foorth MieUesa. waa soon bottled up in the harbor of hel^l of national folly to engage
of '•cab’ and take the chance of en and ordered (heir arrest by the depODly two MIchIcan recimenu are at Santiago, and when It attempted to es troops In and about that fever pest hola abuse from the strikers. The fifty-six uUe*. The miner*’ trial will be called
• M. I.OL-DOX.Onll>t.OBewta SUrtbaa
' the front, the Ihlrty-thlrd and Thirty- cape It sras reduced to the condition of Conaeqnently It will be left unUI Ue
;urcd from the soifth will be next Wednewlay. Leforgec at the Inthe
■trucUon of the miners is cnmplUng evltourth. They are with the Fifth corpa. ■hips consisted of the armored cruisers
denee to bring suit against Mayor PenUhder Shafier'a command, and they
t. BEOWX, a
Almimnte Oquendo, InfanU Maria
well and
bondsmen for lU.OW for
Imre received their bapeum of are. Teresa. VUcaya and Cristobal Colon, strip now surrendered—may gradually
push hU way over some other districts
defamnilen of character by false im
Oeneral Dulfleld has been aertuusiy 111 an
of the Maine cUss. and two torpedoprisonment.
with malarial fever. Finally the dla- boat destroyers. The entire comple and If there should be any
The operator* of th* BpringMde mine
•ase turned into ml.d aymptoms of Fol
was loot men and the armament sny point will
against It. but^H^
yesterd^ afternoon guarded home four
low fever, and then be was lauUled. ao ment
of the principal ah I pa was virtually vans wUl be lea until yellow ft
AUsnta. Ga.. July
The next an miner* who worked in the mine daring
that hla ccnUclon could not spread. that of the Maine.
gers are past
nual reunion of the United Confedemte the day. The miner* were armed with
Me U a powerful man, phyalcally. and
Will Be OBveramoBt's Baty HBaUia
was the last one In the command whom
Veterans wlU be held In Cbarlcstoa 6. rifle* and abotguna The operator* held
**MeanUmc In the next two months
eny one' would hate auppeoed would quite Willing we ahould hold her re
•Ote of 1.0M to KTO the conven- a conference last evening, but declined
sponsible for the atrocity of the Maine's there win be enough to keep thU gov
enccumb to rllmaUc InBnencea
tJra decided the contest. The entry ol to make public their doings or IntenThe Thlrtjvflisi infantry Is with the destruction. Our navy has remembered ernment busy. We wlD have lo cope Mlae Winnie Davis was the signal of a
First corps at Chlckarrauca Park, but squadron now somewhere on Its way with the most serious problem yet— remarkable demonsiratloa Mias Davis
fcor*. OB the Boll Field.
that of proridlng for the government
will Boon be with the Thlrty-second
escorted to the front of the sUge
Chicago. July a.-Testerday*s League
from the Sues canal, and certainly
the future ot the lands Involved In by General
teclment at Tampa, where the Fourth doomed
Gordon, who Introduced her icores at base ball were: At phlladelto the fate of the squadrons
war. The hauling down of tbeSpancorps renden-oua fa aUbllabed.
2. Philadelphia U: (seeof
Ifb flag and the hoisting of that of the
^ree Michicao concreeamen have
al La*. ByiBlI
5wn child."
>nd game> Chicago 1, PhlUdelphts T; at
Acver called upon the clerk In charge now Mands: For loss of the Maine, United States means more then on lu
inlmous vote it wae decided tn Washington—ClneinnaU *. Washlngiea
of postofflees for MIchIcan la the post- with *« Uvea. Spain baa paid with the tocelt indicates to the popularmind. No cendemn the expresslnn "War of 1: at Brooklyn—Loulgillle T.Brooklyn I;
more Impurtant matter is tu engage Ihe Rebellion." being eppHed lo the
offlee department. They are Congress
attention of the government than the
men Corliss. William Alden Smith and
of 'fl-gS.
desig- at New Tork-Pnuburg 0. New Tork J ^ f moffaTT AbBMte of TRla Baal
struggle or
si-as.. and to urxe the desigMealck. Senator McMillan baa neter more than »,000 prisoners. X-ong ago deuila to be arranged (or the dlspMl- nation of ft as the "Civil War between -thirteen Innings; at BM^n-Bi. '^ O.
L iS
called at the department at this par- the United Stales esUbllabed a good tlon. control or temporary poaseasloa fhe Stales." This was unanimously L Boston 2.
ticular dtak. but hla private accreury. name for the the payment of Its debu. pending final transfer uf poasesslon of
Wesu™ League: At Mllwauki
these Editions lo our domain. 71101%
Charles Moore, aueoda to all of that
of the most Intricate and
business for him. Senator Bunvwa
HR Body r»**4 ta the Waode.
far-reaching character to be decided.
la Sehlrys Xi
coea to the clerk In charge cf MIchlfcan
Porto Rico, whose fall la likely to be
ore Schley has been In i
Ashland, Wla, July 2L—The body of
Had a Pamily tHetarbaBea.
pootoSces. alia down beside Mm. ex
X grodasipof ibel
:or aarslag. Ml
plains pending cases and secures ap- symiiathy with the outcry being made recorded within a week or ten days, will Hvlge Hanron. an elderly reiidcnt of
Casey. Hla. July 2L—City Morebal Arbor. *11) renoDd a
In his name over the honors of the sea have to haw a military government.
this city who was Ion while berrying Bnkth probably fatally shot Dr. A. J. X Msttvcl. m-tf
smith of Ashland last Tuesday, was Porter, of this city. They were baviqg
fight at Santiago. The commodore has
Potto Blew U IB RoiSBlii Onn.
Kbowi AUUw Ceawry Usos.
"Ports Rico, of CDUree. is to be kept found TbUrsda) aftemuon. He died a family disturbance at the home of Dr.
Dee Mortimer has been In dtarge of now formally assured the na\-y depariMISCELLANEOUS WANTS.
hunger and exposure. A search- Portir and the doctor’s wife called In
Michigan postofflcea for almost a score ment of ihU fact. It must have morti permanently by the government, but
cf-years. and he knows the state more fied him. intensely to find himself rep there musi lie military government first, Ing party baa been hunting for him City Marshal 6mlih to quell the diffi
Intimately than many of our people resented as the sparrow In the nursery and many prellmitiary details will bare vinoe Tuesday. He was the father of a culty. Dr. Porter used some abusive •^yABTX^A^t BWj I
language to Marshal Smith and finally
Who hare ^een living at home aH tbeae rhi-me shrilly InsMIng that he klDed to be worked out. There must be a rvassaulted him with a knife, whereupon
years. The map of Michigan la con. "Cock Rnbtn" with his bow and arrow. babnitatlon of existing systems of gov
Mar Feialer Xhari of His Bseerd.
where we base carried oui
•untly before him. He knows all oi He awaits the ORIclal report of his su
Detroit. July ZZ.—StAr Pointer paced Bmttb drew Us revolver and shot Por
perior officer with entire comiiorure. arms, and wbii* local schemes and con a mile yesterday afternoon at the ter through the right breast.
the county llcea. the
the roads, the sUr routes, and the He la not wearing out any shoe leather dlHons will form the basis of the gen Crosse Polnte tra^k In 2;Q1H. falling to
Ha Itaad lataals pBaad.
eral system for the control of the land equal his record of l:toR _
topography of the coontry. Tbday be on hla quarter deck worrying
Boatoa July M—The dead bodies of
natter of his personal tame. His
there must be numerous changes abo|.
six Infants, each wrapped In paper,
tshlog Mieh law^a* nuy be oppremlve
•The esubllsbinent of new poatoiBces as It relate* to Ibirt light U secure.
In a vacant lot In the RoxBut Uw sgiutlon lo his name, offen
In Mlchlean does oa now reach such
There wUl be U.OtC fewer lambs la bury dlstrlri pesterdsiy. Medkal Ex
proporUons as It did ten yean ago- sive as II Is to him. win go on. His dls
aminer Draper after aa autopsy, aald
There are upwards of S.OOO pmofllcss avowal of aay sympathy with It will One IsUad la the Imdrtuie Otoap To Bo New Mexico this year than last. The the youngest child waa one month old
sboruge in lambe is due to drouth.
Kept for OoBd.
In Michigan, with salar.es varylag from net affect It at all. M buttons In some
Brann’s Iccnoclast. of Waco. Tex., and the eldest three months Borne
quarters. It is intended less to benefit
t< to
per annum. Then arc
"As to the attiuide of Garcia and the
ptactlrally enrugh vffloes to meet with trim than to Injure Acting Admiral insurgents in Cuba there U no change has t>ecc aold by the widow of the late
the requirements of the i«ople. But la Bampson. Its violence and vulgarity in our Intention. Tbls^govemreent has editor to F- T, Marple, of Fort Worth.
cirhs^^ for TVyrerr^raiy rislientr^ ar^
the Upper Fenltisnla as communities show that. And It w ill fall. Such man- not been misled In iU estimate of those Tex., for ROW
Captain Otto Lebfeldt. well known by
deveinp. applications are made tor new euvefw always do fail. The honors In forces With the
"I have osed Cbamberlais’s Cough
all marine men along the chain of
postomces. and Upon the recommenda the way of promotions will be rewarded
omedy tn mj- family lor years and F’lal* Mi'w
has put on them so long, contending Ukea. U dead, at Milwaukee, after an always with good resnita” says Mr.
without any regard whatever to
BBwptau oatdi. BagolreoflUrT K Tsnux
tion or ih- congreasman the elBc«>
Illness of three weeka
establlshtd. Every new postolBce nw- clamor, though, unfortunately. It will agalnM the condlUons bnpoBed by
The health of the -men of the Fifth
I70B BALK OB TBAOK -fiavani maehlae«ssliat<-s the pxion<'«n rf • star route not be Id the power of the authorities Justioe and oppreasion. theiv sboold
SlioTBr power eaglM. Kaqairo or
"Nearlj- all of the presidential pusi- to relieve Commodore Schley of the em^ have been little exi»cuUon of greawr array corps Is reported to be such
effeeUva." For sale by 8. E. Wail, A?I ry.
. ALTBSO Dsaxsaois. Ml B. Freni <n.
Into which he has been aUlttla than arc now shown by tham. they will be rent home from Cuba for a
«fBces liave been filled and all of the
few weeks to recuperate.
This government will have
fiourth-rlaae i>ost<jfflces have been plunged by fool friends of his. acting
riperation with enemies of Acting them kindly but firmly. It has made a
The coiaptpoller of the curreocy baa
filled «Ith .Itepablicans as terms have
pledge to establish a firm and stable called on naUonal banks (or s stateexpired. The four year rale seons to Admiral Eampooti.
KaenitM of OeaeiwI MIb*.
government, and that must be carried mvnt of their coadlilnn-at the dot
be a settled rule now. It does net
Let as train oor gnns npoii tbe cnApparently the array is to get the out. It therein may be, In the lighi business Thursday. July 14.
meet with the approval of thep •Utleians
ext dose of this Muff. The enemies of preeent circumstances and eondlChaiman Robert Schilling, of the «my, mass onr fanes against all foeus pervoe or by mnaiioad
por of the aiqiUranie for oip .Intm- nt.
but It Klmplines the work of ibU de- of General Miles *%ave It Is for blm." tleas, many years before affairs then Wisconsin Pcrple'e party, has Issued of gin. Let tu esardao wholesome dis (V^—10 111 aixtfe vtmei
Tbey have been snapping at his heels have eo shaped thmaelves as te enrrusl the call for the stale convenUon, to be cipline, ridding onrselTcs of all persuus
wno bring the cfanreb iiuo dUxvpotc.
ever since the war began. He has been the Island to the Cutunt and we finally held lu Milwaukee. Aug. 21.
Ab Koetxetlc Worher.
While bathing In the Mlnnewto river Let jnd^ent b«in at the house of
Id reply to an Inquiry b> sad; ,-^in- di'MTlbed as a sybarite with shoulder yield our possession to tl^em. -The IranBltlon must he graduaL step by
at M>mon. Mina. Bari era and. Rachael God. Let tu first be pore, tbn peaoegivasman Sam W. i?m.tb le an energvi-c mra|«; aa ■ handsome poseur: 1
and the final general change of control Oalle. Martha Lorens and Alvina Rela htda The aocxier we gel back to oor
worker for his ..........................
........"general on paper." Backslalia tittlequite ufisn and explains peuding cases lAtllr and amall InsInugUona have been effected only after a thorough training -^I under 20—w ere drowned.
fanner mythods the betscr. to the Boly
to me with great earnestness and ^ Industriously gathered and put In cir- and demunstratinn of the ablllUee of
While engaged at WaUrtowa Wla. Gboat ivrivals that sweep every obclearness. He reminds nn ii..nw.-wbal 'Me is now at the rr^mC ainl the people, beginning wMh the trUI of In a frpllc with her father Cordelia ■tmciian oot of tbe way, that ennse
the IcBjers In el first minor Huber, Tell dead. Valvular heart dis
of a man from Ohiu who usi-d 10 viAt
*‘'ne has come. It Is of small conbsckslidt-rs to donieH their sins and
the pnom adjoining mine several yean. ‘ '■^eiKv to his eaerales and detracton rapacliles. This is what Is to be looked ease Is aBs:gned as tha cause.
half hearted, compromlsittg Chriatans
and ihegra/luallraasltbins srlDconago. tu look gfter his postofllre buai-] I"
*^»sl he rosy do or leave onAn engiot t>;ew nr at Dutch FtaL
le a lens h of lime eorsiderably at
• ness. H.- was always very earnest m'‘I''”*'- Me is certain not to take the
al., killing RnginBer Tom Kdly. Fire. to oome oot boldly on the Lord’s aide.
cverylhlng he did. and w as alw ays | •'IgM < curse. If he Is not aexused of vanamv witn what ihe people meet.ex
mn Terry.- of Sarramento. and_A eoal —Ptailadelpbia Methodist
careful to ser- that jua;icr was done m;"* effort to aBsa^slnste General Shaft- pect.
passer whore name la unknown.
Qg^n^ SIDraAlBnAKK-Fer*^^
"It Isa rer a n'y rs far as now can be
WUb Those Who gate.
each esse, lie was an Ohlu ivngrcss- ' "
'‘‘■I he a lucky man. But every
William ThomtuU, a young man of
foreseen the: ■ utm, the leland In the ». Whose parvnu live at Waukesha,
jnan, and his name was William Me-1 hth.-r r->d Is already In pickle for him.
'^’e all need ptnoaal ooctoot srltfa
Mlnley. Did you ever bear of hlmT'
Furfunalely. efforU In give snbalst. l.adrone en up thei was captured by WIs.. bad both I'gr cut off below the those who saffor. "The moM oertain
It Is rumored here that a Mteblgan '
l'* lealousness end enmities such this gmernn.eTH niii he pemnanently kner* by the cars at Maxomanle. Wla
man has been selected (.>r the p<MltJun ** these unusually fail.. They are al- retglfied »B a con ing s st'on and supply
Ferdinand W. Peck, of Chlcagia. bat Dr. Araold of Bugby, '’and sweet
«f superimendent of the census, but! t""** Invarisbly overdone. The real ob station. Per there irtirpose* It Is valu been 4pp<4med commissi st-r gen ral to
of hie blcicid are,' I am sure, domestie OldXMoe. lereale. WUlu
it has l-een impossible to find out who!
I" '‘tw Is exp^MC-d. and that always able fn.m lts locatl<,n
■ehaBea. or wUl
superintend the exhibits to be made by
a happy marriage and inIt Is to lie. Till- president will nut t>e ,'hows the littleness of both the per- Karolwlcb ai.d iho Plxllpplce talaada,
country at the Paris exhibiUon in
but on itie'i'oln, whither the re« of
teroonrse with the poor." aiadstooe
able to make the appointment until De
them w'iT )« kepi I am net sure. They
never mpfmeeA nobler than when be
cember. because the aiipropriatiun Is
Lowe* at KoaUagB.
not BOW avaUable. But he has sMmed
Revised rejiorta of the looses In the may be and they may not be. The dieread tbe Bible to an old sMeet ■weepei
the man. and Senator MiMUlan knoVs
; SanMagn on the first poslUm of the Phl'liploes la nasetiled
la as fittia—Onr Ctaurii Papv.
who the lucky fellow Is.
• great lout and depends ajM.n circumetancea"
There were upwards of 2,MO clerlu
AgBlBsIdB-fahi r^pem.
appolDttd (or the work uf the last cen- As there could not have been more than
London. July 22.-The Hong Kong eorDifring the recent storm the Roman
ibled with dlarrh
■us. and there wiu be fully 2.0S0 ap- 10.«» men In action, this percentage is respondeat «f TTie Dally Mall aaysi
church at Elroy. Wla.. was bsiatorest^intheaxpmdenee .. —.
poiated (or the present tvnsna They enormous and It tells lu own tale «( *'nwaeraJ Agulnaldo has Issued an ab- Catholic
struck by lightning and a large bole W. M. Boah. elei^ of Hotel Dorranee,
wtU not be civil senice appointments, the terrific fIteiUng.
sord pr.H lama0.n dealing chiefly with ton la the rvah staepla llte church •ravidence, E- 2. Ha says; "For eerw
and eo here 1* a chance for the office^
The killed number^ 22 oOcers and 2W offi.lal Insign'a. He. as p e* dent of the
■truck le nearly the
al years 1 have been almost a eonstant
1 the aaaluua trUlsted men: the wounded HI ofllcere Philippine ministry. Is to wear a gold two years ago
offerer from diarrbosa, the freqaent
and t.ns men. or 103 officers and 1.411 collar, with a gold Irlangulgr pendant,
Judge M. M. Phelps, of the Rock
ttaeks completely postraUng me and
•ewBty-flvv frBBt BMilgaa.
I men disabled in action. The very large engraved with the auri and three atars.
me anfit for my doUee at tbe
Get after your congressman at once' Proportion of loss among the officers Is and to cacry a g Id whlatle as well ai couaty tWls.) municipal court, was ebderiag
etoL About two years ago a salesby a Chicago and Nonhwestern
«ttd secure his promise and pl<-dg( fur a ’ rcmarkslde and Is •specially commend- a atkk with a iv>:d hand'e and a taaael •truck
passenger engine at Jsnesvnie. Wts .
ktndly gave me a smril bottle of hriog joarnbor*; work deae *kUe »*• **ti;
census office place as soon as the worki«l
ihcmighlful aitentlon of those «r gold. The badifes Cf Innumerable and seriously If not fatally Injured
orv 40 aod »«wiu: w»rt
A.a rrywao. m From ouvsi.
Begins next winter. -There uugbl lo be' whu are In the habit of speaking cun- other offifMls art- mlnutefy dealt with while riffing a blcye>.
at least aev«nty-flte appal'ntmenu ap- ’ icmptuuusly of "army dudee." 80 many In the paoeiamtfuon."
The Wisconsin statb board of control
olfittr* of the regular array have been
aas sent a reouist lo about 2« of the Whenever I felt eymptCBU of tbe diHr ThBaias Uptwa «b Marry.
pay from tw per month up to S.dw per detached oa guff and uther aenlcv that
leading millers m Mionesou and Wis seaael would fortl^ myself agalnst
London. July S.—The encageDiini
lhany of the commandv have lea* than
consin to asi.n. l bids (or (umishlug the attack with a few doses of t^valOa April U. 18M. Senator McMIIUn tbrtr full complemml present, which announced of Sir Tbamac Llpton.
issnlt b
baa been
400 to (M tmmls of dour of lbs first and aablc remedy. The isnlt
df livervd a eneech lu the senuu on makee Ute percentage of klUcd and well known p
veiy sstistoctory and almost oompleto
second grades fu use at th« stau
Miehtgaa Cw^a aud the tariff. That Wounded all the greater.
rslW from tbe afflietloa.’' Formlsby
M««ch U DovWiig dtnuitmied by ths
& E Wait, Draggtou
,, •• •
HEOBOX8 a waiTiflr pLACza
& crotser.
S’iJar-’fssst." ■
W. ■.iiESKifSK
L ‘iffi£SS£k“B“-,2TA“rSr.
R-t'SSS. !KSSn-'’-S--'7U!
nine tJ inch, one U inch, two 2.7 Um^
three • pounde.s. twelve 1 pounder rm
voIvlDk cannon aad seven torprto lubc^
‘■All ra«dr.
-Ay«. mn. »lr!"HAKE IT HARD APOBTi*
. "Hart aport It la. air!"
Tb«M abarp ortm ao4 tvadr r«t <w each of Comtnodort wi^a' Mt fl«htlB« ihifm
8i>anl«h aea|>ort
to ralrir eotrcr
CUB* g<
, the fleet.
Commodore JohB
JohB Crttt^iaeB
CiilMZti Watson.
Ko. I on the Hat of hla rank, was bom
to Yraskfort. K> .. In U42. and will be H
mm old on A
24. He Tas ^pointed
I bis natlee slate Is
I":*' and entered tbe Naval academy
IBK Id June. lew. He became a master,
a RTsde BOW aboliBbed. oo Auk. n. ISO.
a lieutenaht ob Jo1>- U. isc. when be
Was ordered to tbe Hartford as navlCator. a Ueatenai
o July
OD Jan. n. 1ST4, a mother Sarah Lm Cnitendes. a dauktater of John Jordsin Crittenden, a kov
ernor of Kentucky who later became
will become rear admiral to the nalural attorney kcneral to Winiam Henry Barcourse of erenu on Pec. tt. ts».
riton's cabinet.
He Is an officer of lock and \arled exGeneral Thomas L. Cntteaden. D. S.
pcrleace. and his record marks btm as
tbe battle of Buena Vista
«ne of the ablest men to tbe na»7. As deilTi
llvered to Sanu Anna the mcmerable
rarrakufs flay lieutenant be <
response, "General Taylor uei-er sur
*reat assistance to the admiral
renders." was an uncle to the commo
tiatile of Mobile Bay. Auk. 8. 1M4. and dore.
was twice wounded.
b>- a
Governor CrUtenden's second wife
from the Confederate steau...
imer Wantok- Bras the rrldow of John Harris Todd,
ton. To bim and Richard Kn<
Knos^^na* aad the sob by her first marrls«e. Harry
nan. also feU the bonor of
>f laslIBkr. 1. Todd, eras tbe father of Chapman C.
rakut to tbe mlsxen rlkklnk___
Todd, a commander to the nary who
-------*----- - -• - Hartford. His eon- bas been In cbarce of the nnboat WUduct won niiqiiaitfled praise from tbe mtokton. that has done such kood s
old admlraL
Ice about Ctenfuekos
nzuekos ana
and the
tbe scmtbei
It Watson bas been broufht shore of Cuba.
to your attention to former times.'
' When the pro)ect
roKct of attacklnApalB
Hr acnoAced I
ctarsd rarraknt to hU official report. asacoast citiess wrss first
“He was on tbe poop atteadlny to tbs the navy department.
artment. the
wai&lps o
___ I.
..____ '_____ ___
Mknkls and perf<mned bis duty, as
mikbt be expected, thoroukhly. He is a • ere named, ^t since then there bare
•cion worthy of tbe noble atock be been so msay rumors of chankes that
the exact make up of ibe Seet Is In soma
sprtoki from, and 1 comneeod him
your attention.''
doubt. Tbe followtok ships are tbe om
t Watson 1 B also to the first officially announced as eomposlnk
battles of New Orleana Vicksbury and the fleet:
Port Hndson. Since tbe war he has bad
L The Newark, flaiablp, oommaaded
the usual routine duty of a naval oSear. at sea and on shore, and was for a
munber of yean kovernor of the Naval
home to Philadelphia. In UTI be inarrted Mias EUxatoeth Thornton, daukhter
Sf Jodkc James Thornton of San Pran-
ioiiorio Hen and tfie
3io Sfe Tfiat Are to
.lenace tfie Coast
of fsoain.
described, she to a ~
k coast line
military mast. Her commander Is Cap
tain Charlss B. Clark.
In the khoat flkbt off 8anliak»
Ore«on very materially asalsted
fleet armored cruiser Brooklyn
tlys in r>uadtok np the Cristobal Colon,
blk (uns did an Immense amount of
armor belt of barrejrlsed
17.7 Incta: to (hr harbetteo. UJIndB; _
tbe bulkheads. U.T inch. aaC to tbe
tected deck. Li inch.
The Cartes V is W feet lonk. witb •
beam of A (eet and a dlspUcement vt
t.m tMS. Her coal eapuity Is UM
torn, which, at tbe rste of ten knots aa
. WMid aHow b*r to make a voyak*
of U.SW miles. Her armament Is tw-' '-t
Inch In barbettes, one forward and on*
elkht S.S Inch, four l.» inch, two it
pouoders. four ( poundera. four 1 pouufU
ers. two machine ktfea and six torp*“1*
tul>es. The larfer cuni ars all of tM
Honlorta make, tbe product of a Spu.
Spain's naval atrenkth, two amall vs*e
j sels at Cadla tbe Carsa and the Hedera.
of which-little Is known, and the armed
It toto tbs action was totot by burPv , «>lps. tbe ar^rwd c
tok shells or Ilytok
ilytok splinu...
spllntera. Her U Vnd Hro.*ivo
« k,
Inch kuns were served with ....... .
precision, and the BO* pound projeeiUm Cincinnati oi a koou aad tbe aux
craahed throukh the armored side* « lllaiies et. rwul and SL toouls of 21
tbs Vixeaya. Marla TerB« and ni- kn.'U. It was Captain Alfred T. Ma
mirante Oquendo. The baltleship Maa- han's convtoeafik aiTuments tkat result
sachus*tts bas been mentioned as a ed in the pMn of sendink this Initial
possible substitute for the Iowa to the squadron to harass Spain's coasts.
squadron and the cnilsera ColumbU
Spain's available ships to and near
and Minneapolis as poNlbie additions Spain are tbe old cruisers Vitoria. Nu
to the roster of the fleet.
1. The three auxiliary 4aui
beros. with three torpedo boau, the
Yankee, the Dixie and T<
Meta, the Rakor and tbe Atlsto. at tbe
formerly the Mortran
liners El Norte, Bl
Of the four ervlsers mention“ •
a El 8 ■ — known that the first two
Commander Willard H. Brownlively worthless, and the
son. who at Bio Janeiro Bred the shat mentioned bas tor weeks been under.
that was never, answered aad reaulted
. spalls. No toformatloD as to ber
to tbe coIlapM of the revolotionAben: condlUoD aad tute of efficiency Is avail,
the Dixie by Oemmander Charles H. able, but she cannot compare favorably
Davis, who to two months from now with our second class ships. Tbe Prtncaptain, and the Toeeraite by eeaa Se Asturiaa. it to said. Is belak bas.
ider Wiliam H. Emory of Oree- tlly completed. In addition to tbe ships
tame and who was a alleat named. Admiral Camara's fleet letumthe Petrel at Port Arthur iBk from the abortive Philippine expedl.
China and Ja_ _
„ The flakmost be reckoned
York naval rceerves man the ship Ptoayo. the armored cruiser Em.ankee. Mlchlkan reserves the Tosem- i peiador Carlos Qulntoe (Charles V). tbe
lie and Marylanders tbe Dixie. The armed cruiser Patrlota. late ibe Nor-
probably tbe swiftest ship to tbe Span
ish squadron, but the tok Orefon. ptattktok alonk at a speed of 14 knou, was
able to rpractJoally overhaul her and
ompel her to surrender.
t. The Iowa, which many naval___
consider the ideal battleship of the
navy, but one to which kreater speed
and coal endurance are soukbt at tbe
expense of armor and armament, to
commanded by the famous Robley D.
Evans, TTkhttok Bob.*' who is fust
seven steps lower than Barker on tbe
list of captains. Ike steamlnk radius of
tbe Iowa 1s 7.«0e milea She Is our createst balUeahIp. betok of II.SM tons dis
placement. and our fastest as Bvtol
credited as she Is with a spead of XT machine kuns. The other two erv'sers
supplied with batteries of ten 6 Inch
* pounders and two (^»!u A
number of colliers and a supply sbtp.
orikInaUy meKbsnt ships that have
b*eo purchased by (he kovernment. also
kuns. stnrsa and a few troops; the
pedo boat destroyer Audaa. tbe armorrt
emlasr Isla dePanayof two kuns. carrytok stores and a few Imps: Ihe Rapido
late the Columbia, of 12 kuns. carrytok
a few troops: the Colon, a b
ships of stuck o
tended I
effective operations. Tb«A
me few toprpedo boaU to Ihk
harbors of the prtodpal cities.
The poru on the Uy of Blaeay hi*
much farther removed from Spain's M«
▼al suuons end
and so called warships thi
those on Itac southwestern coast and tl
shores of tbe Mediterranean, but wbssa
Watsoa win Brat strike rematot to b*
seen. Prises will be captured with east
most anywhere aloof the coast, but tbS
(test damakc to Spain's o
well known to tbe naval offioets of t
supplies, and It may be seised by ota
fleet, but It Is eertato that tbe navy d*.
•rtraent will leave to publk
public conNctur*
nany details of the trtp of to
II will have one beneflclal 1
dunk h
tbe 00
moot be expected to the tlfhS
St history. Her peopla. attoTS«
by patrtoGc motlvsa. are bBffisiitiii m
offer tbelr sen Ices aad thMr mos^ M
of the
porta Her solditrs eaa flkbt better tha«
ber sailers, but there la ao twaaee t»
•oppose the United 8uts« wffi attsm»f
rmiM] conqueM of the taad. 1»
t centers of tnffis Hfes ihataiMiffi
Is aa enrtkn «a tbe Detroit, and Urn.
Watson and alx children reside to PhUa.
Prom 188$ to 1887 he was attsched _
tbe frtkate Colorado, the flaksbip of the
European squadron. feired to the PrankUn_______________
tbe flaksbJp and later to tbe steam sloop
Csnandalkoa. rematntok to Uw Medl.
terranean till IBM. wben be WM return.
ed to PUUdeiphla on special doty
ysar. After betok attacbed to tbe___
ha of tbe AaiAlc aquadron to in be
wss suuoned on c
by Captain Albert ft. Barker, late n
Mate Island navy yard. He command, t^ board of etratecy. She to a pretecU
ad tbe Wyomiiik <b the Bmpean lU. ed cruiser oI 4.0a ton. dlsplscement.
tloB from 1877 to 1880 aad was Ukhthsoee inspector from UM to UM- After
nautical pbraseolocy.
two years on apecial duty at Ban Praa- (be flanblp to -Ybrae masted, schooner
and another term a( the Mare la
Her lenktb to tll.7 feet, beam OJ
land yard for two years be aswmed
t She cerriee twelve « lacb rapidflrera, four < pounders, four 8 pounders,
In July. Ittt. At the ezpIraUoD of bis two 1 pounders and seven mschloe funs.
. eruire. In May. IRH. be was detailed to Her speed Is U kaoU aa hour. She bas
the Naval borne.
- steamtak radios of 18.000 miles.
He is a mao of iron kray aspect, and
2. Tbs Oreron Is tbe eeack battirahtp
tils well lined, weatber beaten face to of tbe Tthvj. No forelkn power bas a
the face of a middle akrt man of tlu Teasel to coramlralon which compares
aea. Altboukh be has a keen tense of with ber as a fikbter.
humor, be to nsoally rather krare In .
In battle he Is cool and i
fiarless. .and from tbe time
kun to fired be 1s aa self poaaee
when kreater speed than either of them.__
I. nj
dtllvertnk bard blon as when
i\ln«|knou an hour. Her maknlflccnt voythem. Prom the date of tbe to_______ _ ace of between
18.800 and 14.000 Inflles
of Santlsfo be was to command of the from Piicet aound to Bey' West
Havans blockadlak equadron, a post never beet•n equallaJed by a ablp of t
that naiurslly kave bim little oppor
e flrat A
tunity to become prwlnent to tbe pub crow the equeUM-. she to tbe first to
lic eye.
erttoi tbe Atlantic. Ber four II Inch
ats middle name would ahnott todl. ktiaa to tbe turrets are sopportad by
menl of four 12 inch, elkht 8 inch, alx 4
^ rapid flrera, twenty « poendera. four
and four machine funa Ber
nikb rreeboart makes ber a better esacolax ship than tbe Orecon. and ebe
can flkbt better to a heavy aea than ber
cpmfaalon, but to calm weatber abe
eould not pnnr out as maiw loas of
metal and would be a belter tarfet for
^ enemy. But eltber tbe lo— — ■•Orekon can suoceasfuily
succeasfuily flkbt Catnam’s
•n«re fleot. Off Sanilako tbe Iowa bore
Oie brunt of the battle with Cervera’s
6be was the q^ta object of at
tack ami ytt waa hit Iwt ntot ttmea
Poor of the Spaatob ptw^eetOee etrack
her naarmoHk! eeetkiiu and five ber armorad paAs. but none penetrated the
mrmor. ud not one of the (N men arbo
will not be tbe ellkhtest neceniiy of , the transport Cavadonka. do kuna and
cuallnk at sea. even when the mlalmum the eoalship San Praactseo compote the
rate of speed, ten knota across tfie At- Camara fldet.
la all this fleet tbe only Ekhitok sUjto
exceed ten knota aad this fixes the
maximum speed of the squadron. Tbs
mast ecooomreaJ speed of tbe Newark Is
ten knota and at that rata with full
bunker capacity, ahe can steatai 8.880
milea The distance from SantUko de
Cuba le Gibraltar Is leas than 1.608
knota or about 4.8M dUKa.
Tbe Orskon and the Iowa have an
economical apeed of U% knots an honr
aad at that rate eaa run ai80 nillaa At
tea knots an boor It win take tbe fleet
U days to reach tbe Canartca. or a fortnikht to pUoe K ontaide tbe forttfloattoas of Cadis. It to pemlWe tbe squadmay be Mttowed hr
tatt ketok
layo aad tbe Carloe >
The Pelsyo Is
the first and only be
battleship Spain has
___ ______
built. ______as
Mlfbcy a she to. our naval
officers believe she will BpvedJly meet
country, iboukh maeined by Amatioan
officers aad ssamea she mlftit prove a
formidable aataiualst Ce tbe Iowa or
tbe Indiana. She baa a lancth of 8M
feet and a bsem of « feel, erltb a dtoplaeement of •.»» tone. Ber coal eapartly to 8M tank which wU allow bar
to steam (.OM miles at U kaou aa boor.
6be has two U.I lacb k«ne U barbettes,
oqe terwart aad oae aft: two U lacb
EOM t* harbettek one m each beam;
Bilbao. Coruna. OIJob aad Tito krs b(w
tok put Into a respectable sute of submartoe and land defease. Cad<i hart>oY
to betok tewn with tarpedoea. and tbk
towns bare extensive
submartDS defensw. but ParrakUt cared
nothtok for them at Motile. Dewqr
scorned tbem to Manila bay. and Wap
son. srbo was erltb both tbste WBecra 4«
years ako. knows tbelr exact velw.
Caauuw's flew le the only flpaatoh naval
problem tcfi for Uaele flam to eolvtt
Dewey baxsmaahed the fleet of Admlrtt
Montljo. Hcblcr and flampm have seat
Admiral Cervera'e makniflcmi eqiwfle
roB to tbe bottom of tbe esa. aad ffi*
■aval queetloa of tbe boor U. •’Wlk
Waison smaab Camarar' To tbs ate
-------------------- atoafle
•r. "Too belt"
ilTSON lNO Himn
"All n«dT.
“Herd epoK It U. «lr!"
ThoM aherp order* ead ready re«non*e« will rlB. oot on each of Com
modore WetMti'* bl. flcbtla. ahlp*
when the eoMem *qaedroa ha* eroeaod
the AtUsUc. and Barcelona. Cadu. Car.
4-ciTol. ValeBdA Ceota oraoma
Bpanleh aeaport In the Canarlea aeema
to falriy cower beftwe the bi. nn* o(
- Commodore John CHttendeo Walaoa.
No. t on the Hit of hU rank, waa born
In Pnakfon. Kr. In I84t. and will be H
yearn old on Au*. M. He wa* appointed
mldihlpman from hU naUve state In
and entered the Naval academy
at Annapolis, Md_ on Sept. ». paduat.
iwt In June. 1*60. He becamee a master,
u*. 31. ISfl.
a lieutenant on Jaly*"l^ll^'wben be
was ordered .to the Hartford as navt.ntor. a lieutenant oommaader on July
*S IMS. a commander on Jan. SS. 1S71. a
captain on March C. ISST. and a commo
dore OB the 7th of last November. He
will become roar admiral in the natural
course of event* on IVe. H. ISM.
He li an otBcer of Ion. and varied ex
perience. and hU record marks him as
e of the ablest men
was twice wounded. oBce bj- a shell
from the Confederate steamer Warriii#ton. To him and Richard Knowles, neaman. alao fell the honor of laahlnc Pareacnt to tbe mlsxen rtcclns on the
croaattee* of the Hartford. HU <xmduct
old admlnO.
“Lleotenaht Wataon has been biouiht
to your attention In formw time*.’’ de.
dared Pairasut In hU official report
“He waa on the poop altendlnf to the
I dm:
miebt he expected, thorouybly. He U a
•clM worthy of the noble stock he
Vriocs from, and 1 commend him to
pour atteDUen.“
r WntsoB waa also
battles of N^ Orieana Vtcksburp and
Port HodaoB. Since the war be has had
the nsual rouUne duty of a naval oOesr, at sea and on shore, and was for a
number of year* Kovemor of the Naval
home In Philadelphia. In U7> be roarfled Mias EllsatMrcb Thornton, daughter
•f Judge James Thornton of San Franamoo. One aon. John Edward Wataca,
ioiiifio flen 3nd tfie
3io Sfe Tfiat Are to
Henace the Coast
of fSoain.
cate hi* family stock. HU father
Dr. Edward Howe Watson and
mother Sarah Lee Crlltenden. a dausbof John Jordan Crittenden, a puvdescribed, she li
rlaon'n cabinet.
rolltury mast. Her commander U Cap
tain Charles E. dark.
the battle of Buena
In the great fight oS Sanllago the
deiteered to Sanu Anita tbe memorable Oregon very materially assisted
response. “General Taylor never sur- fleet armored cnilserBronkl
rklyn In rouodc
rertdem." waa an ancle to the oommodore.
s amount of
Governor Ciittendeii'* second wife damage to aeverul of the Spanish sbipa
was the widow of John Harris Todd, The ColoB a-as a new cruiser and waa
and the son by her first marriage. Harry probably the swiftest ship In the Span
L Todd, was tbe father of Chapman C.
- adren. but the big Oregon. ptuBg.
Todd, a commander In the navy who Ing adong
has been In cbairr of the gunbaat WU- able to tpracUcally overhaul her and
Ice about CUtifuegoa and the
Whan tbe project of attacking Bpaln’o
-sacoaat cities waa flrst announced by
the navy' department, KUK
tbe wsrsnipe
warships ordered............
take part
In the demonstration
were named, but atnee then there have
been ao many rumors of changes that
the esarl make up of the fleet U in some
doubt. The foUowlng ahips are the ones
Iowa which many naval men
consider the ideal battleablp of the
navy, but one in which greater speed
and coal eoduranoe are sought at the
expense of armor and armament. U
step* lower than Barker______
list of captain*. The steaming radius of
tbeloeraUTjMmilea She U our great-
niTM ki lar*. one U Inch, two t.T Ib«^
three • poundsiw. twelve 1 pounder m>
volvio. cannon and seven torpedo iubt4
altoyetber a ewwt powerful «
la competent haada She has a oompMi
armor belt of harveyised steal,. UJ
17.7 Inch. In the barbettes, JU
the bulkheads. «.T Inch, aad to ths'irfji-JJ
lectsd deck. 1.1 Inch.
The Carlos V fa tu feet Ion., with
___I •
beam of «- (set
fset and
a dlsplaremenl
tana. Her coal
capacity la UM
wWcli. at tbe -ate of ten knot* ss
. woold allow bsr to msk« a roya..
of II.W# miles. Her armament Is tw- 'I
Inch In bar4>elte*. ons forward and ooa
eiaht 8.( Inch, four S.t inch. i«-o IS
pounders, four < poanderi. four t pouod<
0 machine g*=a and sis torp-d.
tubes. Tbe lairer nni are all of cM
HontorU make, the product of i
leh Inventor.
There are. In further enumeratloa of*’ .
CAPTAIN C:t UOdCS B. CLARK. iiSpain'a naval strenyth. two amall vea«
11 lets at Cadis, the CaeM and the Medor*.
whlrtklmle Is known, and the a
a-enl Into the ac«i
by bur^ gfllpe, the af^nd cruUen New Tork
Ing^aheUs or flying splinters.I. Her V! ’ and Brooklyn M tl knots speed, tbe Coserved with ....... Ihle
... lambU
ibU and k
s of ZZ knoU. the
precision, and the lU pound pralrctluw Clndnnau c « knots and tbe
eraahed through the armored sides sf UUries 8L I ul and SC LonlB of a
tbe VUc*>-a. Maria Teresa and al- kn.'U. It was Captain Alfred T. Hamlrame Oguendo. The battleship Mas- ban's coDvlasiog argumenu ibat resullsachu*-tU has been mentioned as a
possible substitute for the lows In (he quadroB to harass Spall
#<IuadroB' and the crulsera Columbia
Spain’s avallaMe ship
. ..
and Minneapolis as possible additions Spain an tbe old crolsen Vitoria. Nuto tbe roster of the fleet.
mancla. Lepanto and the Cardenal Cis
4. The three auxiliary cruisers, the neros. with three torpedo boats, the
Tanker, tbe DlBe and Tosrmite. were Arleta. the Ragor and the Aristo. at the
formerly the Morgan linen El Norte. Bl Canaries. Of the four crulaers mentionSol and El Bud. Tbe first U
U known that tbe flrst two an
ed by Commander Allard H. Brownand the last
son. erbo at Rio Janeiro fired the shat mentioned has for weeks been undergo
that was never answered and resulted ing repairs. No infonnatioB as to Her
in the collapse of the revclnUonotheye: condItiMi and state of efficiency Is availthe Dixie by Commander Charles H. abla but she cannot compare favorably
> ships.
t capUln. and tbe Toeemitc by eeaa fie Asturtaa. It Is said, is being baa.
snder Wflilam H. Emory of Oreeipleted. In addition to the ships
ef fame and who waa a silent named. Admiral Camara's fleet nturnn the Petrel at Port Arthur Ing fnm the abortive Phlilpploe expedliring the <
must be reckoned with. The Bagh. New T
inker. Mic _
ite• and Maryland*
last named has a battery of ten •
|, mannia. carrying
guna,~_ _ few troops
......... U
_ ____
guns, four 8 p
Colt's and marines: tbeBuenosAyres, wltb ten
machine guns. The other
cuna. stores and a few troops; the torsupplied with batteries of ten 8
_ destroyer
_ _
_ _
pedo boat
the armored
IS. six 8 pounders and two Colu. A ctulsar lala dePanayof two ____ ______
<mrry.number of colliers and a supply sbip. Ing stores and a few troops; the Rapido,
erlglnaUy merchant ships that have lau tbe ColumMA of 12 guns, carrying
purchaaed by the government, alao a few troops: the Colon, a storeehip,
npany the expedition. Cniesa theru I eitbout guns or troops: the torpedo
uteaariwmandda-*t. Uowmr,
'---------- ---------i.
thasb' i . . .
a sad...
ips of attack or Is IBImded for effective operallens. Thss
there are some few torpedo boats la thg
. of Biscay aia
from Spain's as*
val sutlons and______
called warships thaffi
those OB the Bouihwestei
. aad
abores of tbe Mediterraaeaa. bat_____
Wauop srtJl flrst strike remalas to bg
Prises win be enured with easg
snywhere aloag the coast, but tbg
greatest damage to Spain's
1 flnanctaJ I
a be infllctstf
world, would form as exoelleat 1
supplies, and It may be setsed by oar
fleet, but It M certain that tbe navy da.
- lent will leave to poMIc eeejectai*
details of tbe trip of Invaaton.
It Will
have u..
one ,______
on Spain In nalUng bsr psopts agali^
the attacks of tbe common enemy, tl
_________ _______________
aad the fonewers of Don Carias ao4
possibly end In bsr eatabllshmsat of •
t republic, tbough taToraM#
•ulu esmaet be sxpwrtod In Cfes IlgM
her past history. Her peopl*. sUrraE
by patriotic motlvsa. are haaMnlng W
offer their asrvloe* aad ths8r awnsy ta
defense of tbe ceuntiT's ~
poru. Har soldiers oaa flght battar ttaaa
her aaliora. but there la no teaaau 8P
suppooe the United Suiss wifl ittsgipt
portant oestsrs M MMa «
la as ensign an tbe Detrou. and Mm
Wataon and Mx children reside In Phlla' delphla.
Prom 188S to 1887 be waa attached to
the frigate Colorado, the flagship of the
European squadron. He was trass,
letred to th* FraakllB when she became
« fl
flagship and later to the statm sloop
. remaining la tbs Hedltemneen UII 1881. when be wm
o PWladel]
lelphla oa MWdal duty
paar. After being attached
. tbs
d to
ka of the AalaUc aquadrun
«omr -................................
Tek,Lohama from 1872 to U7L Then he
raa BUUoned oa otdnahce duty In New
'ork aad from U84 to UT8 waa at the
Mare' laUnd navy yard. He commandad the Wyoming on the Eigopean statten from 1877 to.lM and wa* light*■------‘--------- - from 1880
. .0 ----1881. After
two years on apectal duty at Baa Pmn.
Cisco aad another term at the Mare I*,
land yard for two years be amumed
ll of the cruiier Baa Pranclsoo
In July. 102. At the expiraUon of bis
cruise, la May. 108. he was dstailed to
the Naval home.
He U a man of iron gray aspect, aad
tc* weU lined, weather beateo face is
' e face of a middle aged man of tlw
aea. Altbongh far bas a keen
humor, be is usually rather grave In
h*s deportment. Xn battle be y cool and
fearless. Slid from the Ume tb? first
gun la fired he to as aalf poeaessed when
delivering hard blows as when reoelrlng
them. Prom the date of the investment
of aentlsgo hs was la command of the
ng Bqnadron. a poet
•.not naturally gave him IJtUe oppor
tunity to beoome promlouu In tbe pub
lic eye.
Hto■ middle
naia* would oteoat Indl-
Captain Albert A Barker late c€
board of strategy. She U a protecu
ed crnlser of 4.088 tons d ’
. __________
the flagship is “tliree masted, schooner
Her length is HL7 fset. beam 4»J
flrers. four * pounders, four 8 p
two 1 pounders aad sewn machine guns
Her speed Is U knots an M>ur. She has
a attaining radius of 18.000 tnllea.
t The Oregon Is the crack battlwhlp
of the navy. No foreign power baa a
which eomimres
with her as a fighter. European experts
have conceded that she outranks the
EngUsh MaJesUe. A sisterr MtJp to t
Indian* and tbe Mi
greater si
speed thu either of______
knot* an hour. Her magnificent ..
age of between U.OSO and 14.080 nfl]
fron Puget
sound to Ktey Wes
been equaled br a'ship of
class. The flrst Amet
MUp ta
eros* the cqnctor. «
is tbe flrat
flr to
Uie Atlantic.
er tour 18
I U the tutraH «
copyright, 18%,
knots an hour. Her length to 880
her beam 72 feet, and she has an a
ment of four 12 Inch, eight 8 Inch.
inch rapid flrera. twenty 8 poundm.___
1 pounder* and four machine guna Her
hlft freeboard makm her a better
1 will not be tbe allghtest neceaalty of tbe iraneport Cavadonga. no gmu. aad Bilbao. Coruna. GIJou aad Tigo are ba- '.T
the ooalshlp San Pranclaco compeae th*
rate of speed, ten knots, across the At- Camara ftoet.
marine and
d«fe«se. Cadis hartv/r .<
lantte to aoeapted aa tbs prubaMe ratio
In all thto Bast th* only flshtlng MUfli
exceed ten knots, aad this fixes the layo aad tbe Carloa V. The Pelayo to
the flrat shd only battleship Spain ha*
Wa 1is,
a am
- aa
ctej tMifl*
cruiiu WltfUr*
msgniy AS
as ssne
officer* believe she wlU speedily meet
tbe fate of tbe othar crack sfalpe of hm
eountry. though manned by Amwieaa
oflleer* and seamen she ndght prov* a
cpapaalon. hot in calm weathar she ten knots, and at that rate, with fuU
could not pour out aa maiv ton* of bunker capadiy. abe can steste C.I88
mllea 'nie distance Crmn Bantlago de
Cuba u Gibraltar to leas than 8.888
knots, or about ASM mllea.
snare flesL
_______ _
Tbe Oragoe aad the Iowa have aa
the brunt of the battle wit2i Carvara's
------------- - ,
dtHael of at- and at that rat* dsn roa A880 mllea At
I aad yat
hit but aloe ttmm. ten khota an hour It will tabs tbe fleet
X of tha e
U days to reach tbe Caaariea or a fort
and free bar ar- night to ptans It oatMde th* fortUkmniored par^ b« none ptnetrated the Uons of Cadla. It to poaMble ths squad,
anaor. and not Mt aC the tM mea who ran. may b* fallowed bp oar caat going
nothing for them at Hebne. Dewsy
aeoroed tlkem In Manila bay. and WaV
■on. who was with both thaw «tfeert «r
yaars ago. kaows their eaart vslw.
Camara’s fleet to th* only Bpaatoh ssval
problem left for Ooeto flam-t* sotvu.
am-aaIiaA cse
*Sa now a
# rsormnw
Lwwey kAA
nas smsaneo
ths Indiana.
She has a length of S» HeotUo. Schley and flampaea have seal
■am asm m tmam os w ■**■, wiin a qis-
ptacement of 8.IM tmm. Her coal ca
pacity to IM niML wtileh wlU allow bm^
to ateaiB 1.008 ndlsn at U kaots an hour.
She has two 114 Inch guns la barhrttea.
o^e forward and one aft; two U Inch
guas la barhetiaa, cm oa aaeb baam;
ren to the bottom of Che amw and <E»
naval qnsaUon of the boor la. “WBi
Wamon smaMi Camarar* Tb tbe a^.
tentlve AmertcaB ear E^ Mama ta a»
swar “Too bet!”
................ .
I 1.11 mil III III iiii|iiiii iiiiiiji
ii=l IT^Si 4J
Intbeoonaa ol nn dttneom tHtU
tbe otbar day tba vtftar ofannoM to ha
mAeOed.e Itehl.aa
imrinc a Tillaga nbooUooM m tba
Tba L O. 6. F. to organlaed bwera
toMa,nndae mb mm bHw on bi^
A lew yarda tn tnet, Ihraa lUtto
nmptlHdptoh From tbtoaraadinlM tbe
iBMilel eacmeipAonld be paid lor ble firla, poatblynbantlortTanodnsA
—rlcm. and baaboaldnol aooa|gtba>e- trotwd alone.
VooiUdHy nnWa be to wllbira^ pM
PtMlr tbasr
jetoad by •
With vbtofa tbe UttU oamftaiM
Mowad anoiim fcla asd ras aftorta
<nBpaBlaBa.>Pwmi'a Weikly.
We will elone oot a few broken lota of Shoes, at aa
to CM o< the bMt
bM bMBOonUtm407 In ttto
tHB, 4 AOTOtod
4Bdt4tthfalPrtbtan hr
of tfaeyonngatm.'*lt^ so naa. Motbar aiya-iN are'
Tba ana addraaaad aa I41y Mnnk
back, and with tonta in bar dPeawntobed bar ptoymataa paaa on.
They bad not gone manyyarda bafaka.
towe making tbe beneflto d _______
lod^ optional and ontboaiclng tbe pml- one of them, apparently tbe yoongeat of
dntof tbeRebekab ammbly to appoint tbe trio, ran back to tba dltednaolato
Five membn of tbe aneampgrait . Plaoiu.har tiny band on tba .sT-rbranob In Fennayiranto wen expMlad toto
*^Doo’te>7. UU: don't «ry. Il’aBot
baomewn'Msot^' '
arbaoatm yon doi'i
It dooa not'ooat any n
doea to keep them paid aotbat you are
tbna montba In aman
Kerar forget that tbe oadn to jodlad ty
ibonr A eery amaU flonsdar may
■. L. CiKRB.
Ttarmottoof tbe order to**FMfn<Ublp,
Sm4Bd »4 io4r»««« tntotoiitod. Hr. Lore and Tnith.’’and tto great tntoalan
Otrtn to4lPot«a jmn eld 4Dd 4 dma o( totOTtotttbe dek, nUerc tbe dtotrewed.
WlMlMlI 4bUlt7 ntd
bnry the deed, proaeel the widow and adsjatowoHb h4f(l
oate tbe orphan.
people >7 bto etontOB to pramlaent
Mowbwa ran tbatorae Unkaof Odd Fel...................
nd In a fnapar'i gra
ileaef tbe grmad lod«e«< GoUfcnto 4
been tbeoidn to (be
Bnry tbe dead.'
During tbe peat year l.tse tnombera of
tbeortedled InPCnnaylranto. TbeRebekaba of tbe grand InrtodMlon ton by
Mgs << Ohio hr the pwpOM d ttci
death Ig}—trocmn. 68; tootm 7R
•n the B4BM4 c< the Btembm at tbe order
Kmrapaakof lodge matton in Improper
VlM h4T4 «altoted In tha 4zny irtth poww
toprarUatar thatofanUtoi and totaka
MMoCtbtordaai, toao. ata
|M*7«w- P*
•■d MOBllMhlBtete I
Aatnuftto urUrntn
Total rgi'enua of anbadlnato lodgaatn
tndtona toat year waa I474.4BS.
Odd Falloweblp baa tinged our atelUaatlon with a higher and a man wfined onlante. It baa made tbe theory of tbe brotb■rbood of man a practioal reality.
Vo tnqoantiy bear of a notde grand
opotoof aa being a aplandld oflieer baoame be ean repeat bla ebargea and daUtertba nnwrltton work witbont aa ap-
....... pJ air 1- IMa. d« raeti tlou of toee ViiliM
1 umU aarsndneto e(i
itof death haaeifn-tbap
baa bem made in dm atenge tlma of
noatba and 14 doya, an' Incraaae of
tbof chDeoomparad-wttbtoatyaarof
460 uid eOo to (2.00.
ueto.per pc
M-M. $2.06. $3.46, $3S6-Taltiea are S3.50 to $6JK). and aU
are of tbu aeaaoD'a manafactaire -made tborooghly ri^t
in erery way.
In Ladies’ Fine
Dress Skirts.
(600 SUrw at (3 76.
(8.00 Bklrta at (460.
(S Fancy Bklrta (2.36.
Wopdeifil Valaes in todies' Saiis-Come aed Set Them.
rrweU tacMdia# au iona
Whatever your wants, if yon would get the most
value for yonr money, come to
SlUilito Dry GMds, Cirpit tid CMAtM flout.
Tara-oToaree Oi-b3r,
Only 50 Cents
For Half Soling Shoes.
Mtor^tSZ ^^tSecMSi e^y^j^w,'
*1 of 1 crot.
befl oeoi.
Far Teps aid Heels, SO wets.
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
Hew Store and Bepetr Shop.
SUE. Front street
a glretaUvalee,.
'We are
Strictly in the
Bxcwa Tam'
feeo or arw reflal^ ]
TP Hi Hill
, .cSSSE”*"-™
W^ tto wM «wwom areMtotlAMO oaf Ooca oM exceed Wn...
WlH^thewb to —oext exeeato t<»aea 4«»e i»ct exc—0 IWBAB. ■
Wkea tbe wboto awc
Whra tor ebvto aa<
“\*5S5S^ 51 6
^ »h^ awoait exrrati
ou o
• Modatn Woodman.
29,39,4D,59, 79,89c, $1.19.
t year waa 84. of
Tbe total iaooina of tba ««tefcrlBP7
«W *e,684.00«.70 and tba total expaaidl-
This saason's garments—go at
these pricee:
mbar Of daya eerrad, M». M
toatteK It fay hto tignaboeaad tbootol
of tbolodgn
Tbe next meeting of tbeaBpnme lodge
Total aaoont reoelrad tn tbe ganetal will be held at Detroit.
• Cbnd tor It«7 wai •dde.WA
‘‘New Idea Patterns." Everyone who h^
fi UY
tried them say they are as good as any made.
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
II npon oanrlotion tbweof be
dor expelled.
Donfaer of Uto othr can Ml irttol
tbly aeaeaeBDcatt nnder tbe new
red topay
oUmi B baa amounted tcaoei.bbO and
will be
Inteedad. t Tba toA of tbraa ommu
win beraUad In July, and when paid In
win pay every etolm.
Tbevdnty of dtifrerlng tba drafto to
. “'KTJirai,“J2.T4r=r
•Ooantofor Mgertottatton and laalno-
a the Werkahep.
Tbe jariadlcUona tbet bara elmaged po#fV»n daring tbe peat year npon tbe brala
gd pereentageaie aafollowa: Fiorn gain
do Icoa, llUttoto, Kanaaa, Mairtond, Mondnna and Utah, «Toming aadidahu; b«a
leaa to gain. Pennayltanto, Ohio, Kendnokr. Wtoeonaln. Teantoara, Texaa and
Storada. AU of the other Jurtodtotloni
' itotlral7 tbe paeltkm of
tbe0«irtbof faraabto opinion la nfg~
■tanoe to
to tbe otoadflad plan bra been tar
Inadranoeof th^tMpntod
that antlelpnted II7
t m Ita
and all prieea knd can please yon. For a ijood wear*
ing shoe get them of '
“.•*_?•*** .•^* dewand, or piwtamey nto
dividing that by lA
BacA ooimel] la allowed to to
and tor tbe paytnestof oaeai
dnee of tick membwe and (or tbe fsppoit
Tba grand lodgeof I«Mr Tctb aet.____ ofettibrnembaewbenlB- '
dfea aum of *6.000firtbe aofierlng llMona
Thaidopreme OOBDC
te ^ab%^
tbe maximms age ol
Tberearaa gnam nanbarof **«—«»*
lb Maine In proportton toptynlaUnn '
In anr other Btate In tba Union.
Tbej are all solid leather and
We cany a larife atock in all styles
e at aay exetaBcc,
rer a laai Mt eaceedlM IHB.........
In tbe grand jnztodlettoe «f Kew Toth
ttanare 748 rabordloata lodgea. vltb a
Mai manbenhip of ».4iKt, a gain of 47&
Tbe grand ofDom of tbe grand hidge of
JIamrIniaeti on Jane 6 told tlw oarnce0oaa at Boaton'a new Maaoote temple
gritb tmpoBlngoereinontea and Id praenee
anlmmenae ggtbaringctf Maaonaand
good wearers.
The price—for any style—is but ten cents.
A lalModtSODtHn ha gtoantba wtauMT
ad (faaeanpaOtlTadrinhrimiacd
Motm^toballbe paid npon tba death
«li7 at tba aapnnia lodga aacatDpa
of a member wbo aball commit eedclde
9too or moaa ti«9i 8MMt oonpata.
within fin yeaie from and Inelodlng tbe
date of hto Initiation, and ao<A enlclde
dull eanoel and rendir null and Toid tba
benefit eertifltote of aimh memtaar and
tormlMieaU rigbtaand prlvUma «f aU
poeetw (benante and nndw hto memr, R. A X. of Voam- bttMp In tba order nnkoi tba peraon or
pernoew (Oatmlng under eneb oerttfloata or
memborahlp abaU aatatotob and jmrra
to anaxaaipto wonhrof taltattotL afflnnotinly (hat prior to aneh Mitida
•hoold not tba “hlgba- bodlM"do tbe member bad ben lodletoUy deetoreil
tUngf Tb^an MtaxpecMdto^'
mn paonnl4Z7 i^laC. and their bnidar IT at tba time tbe act wn eanunltied or
«Bt U^l oetnpand with tba tra
dcllrimn of otbar tUnaaa.
The eniveine eonncil voted to eoettinaa
Tba Seotttoh Rita Xaaonaot Wtehtta ra- tto nmbarabtp In tba national tetornal
aw47dadtoatad abandaotna temple
alao tnttlatad lOO candldalea
tuber fading to pay any legator
T. F. Branob to now praDd oommander
■aMwomeni btfore (be time praad Kcntb Dakota Enlghta TenipUra. and
Vtaok J. TbbtnpaoD U Riaod raeordar.
na largcet oowdof MaaotM rra _ fltatbaefrom.
ambled In Knr Jetacr «w iraant at tbe
A member who obad be gnUty of any
dadhmtbw of tbe Maaonle borne at Bur tantnoraJ practice or improper oonduot
tiototinof bU dotlaa or of ibcotdi^tion
in aD {wta of tba
and nnbaecmlng hto prafcaolon aa a meinberoftbeoidto. orof tbe exoeoaive noe of
In Fannajrlraala then an 7« oomaand Intozleattng UqnarB, or wbo aball enier
mim at Rplghta Tnuplara, wttb a total bla eunneU tn a ataie of iatozioatloa. or
ip of U.B68, a mlo of <7B fee wbo toall aatign or tratufor hto btotft
Rjw. fionzH. Kahn to grand eertUlcate to hto eraditoMp^a^nm of or
eepecaallj low fignrA
Vew Haalgna In Fancy Work.
Mine Graea Jobnaoa of Orand Bapida
wDl be In tbe city for aoma time wltb
a law* and baaatUal Uaa of fancy
work and aUmped goedo. in all tka
newoBt daoigna. Tbe aovaltioa 'are a
Tory bandaome Iloa of oew cnabiona.
Kke wUI be pleaoed to ahow tba matrr.
toll aad gira Initmetiona io rmbrodarlag them, att ll» Baat Blgbibatreet.
Wten tbe whole aweaat el
Wb«« tor whole awoou ei
proeeadinga of all oampa A Uttla
Whro ibr wboto owoeot rxeoede IIOOOXH.......... ..
Tbe amoont ptoeod ttbedlqiioaaloftba
ra charity would not be oot ef pianf iq 4. WhrrrtorparMior perwoeeailtlea lobeardelol
gaoBilTe depamneni
lea a batonee at about *9.hnpraa npon
. be teaorted toln caaeof hto tody retotivea_tbeabonld
iieceatity of itinlng
■aoaBty. Tbore to a fund of gs.ooo tor
owoBBtexreeOa noonOO i
grgantoatlan pnrpoaca, bat no peraon la to tbe Royal Kelgfaboraof Anxetoa.
Tbe Modern Woodmen to the nxMt proba amphred at a aatoiy aa oigantolng
CsUUrd tel
Tba nast aeatoonof tbeflftb «mgtm
brill meet aoma tUae early In June, IbW. promptly and to extending tto Indnmoe
igbomlua • ■ • fc tba otT of Mew London,
mtold of BeMT.
Mpeeto now ore that there will beat -___ i.Mixaor
Tba oate baa branebaa all orar tba
arm or .
•oantorand baa a nembstfalpof aboot ------three iiiMiiiinto lew tbto year than Oneewb honel
H.OOO- Robert a Hodge of Philadelphia torn. Ibefimtix moatbawiU oloarota
tomato poobOx.............
....... .^and oommander of In
xooehKbMl orpoekago
Aonrdlng to tbe annal repona. lilt.ghOwra paid ont in tmtohatoat year, and diana, boa gOM intotnitincm and to not
tbao^ai^ Inraetadtanda tntbebanda devoting bto-wboto time to tba Oder, m
before, toto the work to otili rrtwntolaa
Knaaoaoh flOO.
Ktoeaoaeb gioa
Business and can keep your live stock
alive for months if you will give us a
■Fhone 167.
24S Frttat Straat.
■ oemeb (MO.
• oa^lMa
■ eeooebgMk
loDC ProteettK taKilUn
BaeaMa If y«i are otok 14 day* v
more we pay yaa from tba firat day yon
aratokeaal^ atoo from tbe boar yaa
. A:40
■aalwlthaBaaeideakaUfar«1.00par '
BOtiU. I wOl oaU at year roaMaaea
aadoettlayoar claim la faUiaaoaaat <.
MtlmrakikacmaraeeldaBt. abd wa al
Btoek, Odd Whlti^aad Park Ptaea ao teve tbe auaer to pay yde with.
at t-JO p. m. 'Boa wOl atao oonaM Stop aad think. Talk with aa batara
wltb bontak 11:10^ m. Fralteari
yaa gat taaarad aad yoB wOl have aa
At bat BaM^TMoteya. Tbi
and mtardgya l^■■laglll aad
wiU ba takaa oa at any polat
tatotat agoat for Vorthwaatea lltoUPMlaaala ahwa by «
t m!
How par poaaA
gaa. Tirana aty.Kkh.
TMiB course.
An utkdft b, famw 8«mH7
_ ___________
I Otnej
on *'IotmwtlcBnl
InUMOB at tbn United Bum" 1b the
Mtr aamber ct The Atluck U beisf
Olaer'a uticle Ml
me pahUo ia the fora of as ed^M
ntBvwdeoUigeMtMbrA Aitbli
naurteted Ue beKinninc of tbe war tbe
p qaaaOcBatixiloiualaaqnlMtiona-MTiMlai expauicn had DO tumediate aigiilflnaooe. bat It baa ilnae beoome tbe
InporUnt qneattoa btfare tbe
AoMTleaB peepla nwreant ntaennoea
^ ot tamer PreaidaitOlevelaBd and Colo
Ml WiUiam J. Btran. each repaeoest
ing a teetioD of tbe dirided DenOMaor.
ladioate that it wU) be made a port?
Mm from now on. with tbe Oemoamqy
cxMmitted to a poUaraf laolatioBtcr
the United Sum.
Both of tbe Dtanoctatio leaden atUnptad to Jnstify their poaitioo bp de
claring that any other polier would be
eoBtrarr to ali preoedent and tnditaoa
and woold he a doportare from tbe rale
aaubUafaed by tbefatfaen. Tbe^referred
Bodootat to Wf^'
fareweUaddreu wwBing'tbla oonntrp agalnat partkWlBg U tbe udinerreioMtodu
ctf Bbt^mbi poliUce and entering apcas
. There wma aleo a aaggettian that
Ib aone way a policy
n woald be a nalllflcatioB of tba
lloBrM dootrise.
UpcB dteee Mp propaaittcBe Mr.
mj‘B artiole ia%anki^ly ludd and
laMBotin Jt olimiBaM tbe Moarae
eftetf I
that tbe TiUl featoie________________
b “Ifaat so Bnropean power abali furdblT pome IMU at Axavican toil and
• fardbly eoDtrol tbe ^Itical fvtnnea
aad deetiniee of lu peopb" mod nakea
final dlMinitian <rf that {Mae of tbe
gaaatioB by eawmlug that "Anmim
oan hate no difflonlty in governing iu
behavior toward Saiope on tba
. ladbyllr.Oliiar’a
kgte. Ha ahowa that tbe WaMtington
rabof tanlationkae a
eco^ than' generally accepted verakaa
and that lu terau have bean
loA while la trae apirit end
AfM qooUng the paaaagea in tbe
tarewell eddnaa which are anppoaed to
••wtaa................ ...
t Olnoyaaya:
**Row. wtaatlatttiutt&cne
Mjoia u not to del It ia tbattbb
eonnay abnll not participaM iu tbo or
dinary Tiobatadea of EnrorMurpontioa
and abali not make a permanent aUianoa with any foreign power. It U
ooi^aedwilb tbe eXDreued dec)
that extraordinary
ariaa. and that when tbey do ariae tem
porary allianoea with foreign powen
may be properly reaorted ta fSirtber.
not only are proper esceptiona to the
nb explkdUy lecognited. hot iu a«tbor, with cbancteriatio candoo and
wiadom. oarefaUy limiu tbe field which
it covers by boonda which In practice
are eltber aoddenuUy or
dyporcii of hiaooaylittlebmne.bnUt
half way np tba sides of tbe noUeSierna. Lika an aa^'a eyrlp it
ed a finavlew of tbe SaoBma
with iu green oraharda aad well kept
fiuma Away ia tbe diattaoe ooold be
seen tbe hay. dotted with ahl#k Baton
thia portio^ day all this grand aoenby wimoHoed before
befexe L*oy-a
Laoy*a eyea
^ hymmotiotd
•< t&e-Wbr.
When ptwoe oomca again, let every
men in chi* coontry apeek and snriu
and voto for tbe Atm-ricaa ship We
need the Amcricaa ship "in onr bnaineM;" v.-e nerd it in onr were We will
never buw it. though, ontil tbe nation
ia ounvioimi of iu
We mnsi treat cor shipping iodnatry as
other koveromnit* treat tbeire We
baveU'ca t«.ld that tbe paymentt for
tbe tranipnrtetinn of the
far the
. privilege of acquiring sbipe for tnneb^.poru and crui*« in wartime were a
rfigntnity that tbe government was not
^t^joMiaed in mcbaneipBudltara. If it u
^MwtlfM In making foreign wars, it it
^eTidentlyJaatiflod in providing itself
Dr. A. B. Spinary. of Detroit, aim
proprirtor of
City Saaitariom. ii
eoal»toyoor town.
Ever Bonied Out?
If so you know
O. P. CARVER. Agau
nick aa opportm
that cannot aaa hi
t Sanitaria
The doctor baa so mneta faith in t
M baa had to trret
S^ledlaeaaee that he will give .
tlm"Aiabiaa Nlghu” when Bernard, .moMh'a treatment aad medierae fi
>ber that I do all klads of reAlso psbx soactcaLOPEaATRnts TO
patoi« and enaa^t^and that I oaa
barl^ pdayfnlly np to him.
! aixtwmb r^T
too rooa
do give yon tl
one in tbe dty fs toe BMoey. Don’t
be deeeived by wbat otfase tril yon to
__ oontrery. bat oome and eee far
1 gnarentoe aU my work to be rigfat,
has bad aaeb extended ezt»
likebetter^ ma
and if UAoea not prove on I meke U
ycB^ hejudmd playfolly. patting tbe i
Stop In tOl B o’elodc sery eveolag
For toe past five yenn Bernard had s*«fi W years
---------------------------- - exorpt Sanday. In toe CatdweQ A Loebeen tbe faitofol gnvdiuicf toe "Ae-t^l^i waa-15 years to general prac>. don Vsilding. at sorto end of OBtan
rialPkrm."aaitwaaoalled. Nerer for “f«' after that
as Profeaeor Btreet.
k-d b. b- b»»» b.
wands sway. Bnt fs toe post rfonto
be bad weekly made ezeorriona to tbe
a being gone three days TWa
at a time.
. >a^UU to
Leroy now romped with him, and tbe eoantry. and examintog aad
to bis bocA. He tog tbonaanda of chronic caeei.
wlahed to play at hide and aookand prepared him to core when tbe geirorat
tried bylicidni 1
„ practitioner faila. tbBave yoo been aick
Trevaree dtp, M
make faiawiabea known. Bnt Leroy, for years? Are you
U tell yon w
oily tbe
I One of tbe effeou of tbe presat
like so many Mrod boyi, let bis Mips ,
ot. If we
been to aronaaimbllo interest to tbo get tbe best of him. and gtriag toe dog <
portaa and bow deatrnedva it la to
great indostrial esublitomenu of tbe aanmdcsS aaid. “Clear oat and go to i
American indnatrlea as well os to ootn,
___________ one month wni be
ouinlry for tbe
Tbe dog stood fs
.. a
__________ with abMltttcly free—medicinca, surgical
ig bead, then trottad qnic^y operatioaa, aad tbe benefit of all onr
We arc again ready, with a large
akill to all who are too poor to pay.
•took of Is. to delivs toe same to any
of a certain kind of oolored fabrioa, the . _ , _____________ .
- t
Lspy read on tiU toe pine trees' Onr metboda of treatment is all that U part of toe
to. city.
by all tbe acboola, with tbe mid
abade mads it too dsiA to see. and tbsi known
Maple bisk wood al«> fs sale.
sf electricity, that moat wonderful of
throwing bis book npsi the psrii be all agenU
in Parslysia.
Loaa or
of r^wer,
, , i,oaa
ran off to acek Bsnard. expeking Co Rhenraatiain. and all diaeaeea of tbe
find him at toe bam. His aearcta was in nervooa ayatem. Go early, aa my
Tclepboae No. M.
ahrMdSdSSudyKthUooanOp« Martha^ vain. The next day pamed and toe nexL office ia alaraya crowded.
wngniBg Aov.wv
try than to imps* tbe oolued fabrloa “«^***^“** cart weiring
160,000 and still no sign of Bernard. Every
H. B—CMetfs. TsMn. BteoC end
These are Uftnd by
dlaot Be ao iafarmed tbe New Tork IfBuda ^
ts readily aa
■BaprireM aisMSM ol all Isrwt tnaud MSmb hiinaelf to lie^
Msfally. MssTpetMa ttmt nwsot bt tritsd
The aixto day pnased aa slowly aa all
—aqneeaed in the giant dayafaafi pnaaedsitioe Beraard’adMp•uw «s|Muuai«iaBa
* boss as4
ebanttoat if tbe order tor
peannoe, and Leroy i«ato aat upon toe tmtasat iSt Istnst e( aay re^taAi
Uttle psch. toU time atodying toe piul ia IS# Dehad Blaua.
Remember, we give a written gnsrk
beantiful panurama below him.
toat woold be utiaUetory
' " •
aooarocy that U simply
What was that be beard? Was it a antco tprare every case of PILES aad
nsaaaa aass see
rc h
tvoa !yiag4a
ebUd'a cry? Again that pitlfnl cry, thU RUFTIXRe. Aleo,we
SSgSgg S88S 888
I li onr Mritar*
oolosed goods that Iwant is ao and aok
time followed by a ^.^fal bark. Be
'-"g =*■•
mid tbe merriianL "and 1 can get plain
A few yean ago tola company boUt
sss ssese
a giaal staam hammer <tbe biomat ia him BOW. He boonded ant toe low
'Thatia all right, "uld toe agred.
"Ton give me your mder and I will do woigbed IWtona TbiM was intended to
II ■ B
th* grade and quality of goods forge all toe tngou Into shape for sbafu
that yoa desire for jnat what it will aad otoer -porpoeea. bot toe toermeed
88 & e 8 S88888
cost yoo to impart pbUn goods and hare riaeof tbeforglngaaooo ooUtripped tbe
oapacd^ of even tbU levUtban ma-‘lemdyad."
_ itf’ atoedtoe ohtoe, and it became nceeamiy to oca"Bat bow oon yoa do
Bicycle Riders.
55S‘ rd%^uSr^”s^:u!
John R. Santo,
Genre! leseraect.
GmunUfldi«liilm I. E
DR. spi»RErMiAai2,.i:r
A Prompt Settlement!
. .•liUTeaearebod-!^^*,!’"”"*’
ily. aadi know bow «r." Ibe new lAOOO too bydreoUe
^ng preae baa entirely eopereeded
"Kovermind howl do it." replied «».IM
h«nmer. Apomptog
toe egent complacaitly. "toave^l ««>*»• o* 1AOOObowspower U reqoired
to <^>enu toe pompe for moving tbe
Itl. Hi*.
-km il™lT
He IMUt Stila Knnlat Stddi
Trevene City, Mick, July isth.
BlaheslM A MeUsmiek. Dbtrlct Managere, Traverse CUv, Mick.
OenUemen; Allow me to thank yes
for chMk fs 940. fs lose of finger. I
wislPte say that tbe sttiement was
very satisfactory, as I called at yooroffis ia toe Johnson bisk and reeeiveo
my mone;
mlj ».r ».cl. .
raild b. . ■“«”«
tb. ,b,^
bnucbi ontw« br,aidOT..lib.aao U
u ”~f ™
__ _____ -.bob». Tbew™tkb,wbo.
—“•< •P^CT a
todoltmodib. inmlaot who bonsbt I
tbe good, WM OToWnt to nep Ue, bd-'
« '«« klw.
TOia*eebd~iiioqo».aob. Bot bo» k« tuto •!»
motim ol^ by•bool lb. boow bopottet, »bo
dnolle pm. on* U eUo.rif«tb.
«t-b,t.oo.op.».. “»«k=t.»tb»
-ith toe ume kind of
: cat tbe eeccion n
of tbe forging.
And what cf tbe Americba dy.
lo«V5bteo,o™ol Ibi. fr.nd«'tol
“'P“ b^oo«r« toeotopit.
method of working a gigantio ingot
It ie proper to eute that tia tranme-1 ^
■*** *® ***
tion be^m^pecifiod took plane late in
‘*®"«**All meUla
wbine « ISM-t, n>. moeih, be- i "
“"i" "»"“”t pnmw
qnotaa aa oxan^tlee of WBin Etiropeaa politioa tbe
American citMau add
American intereeU in all paru of (be
world, tbe guarding of trade and oommaroe end tbe oolcniaation of onappropriated or nntnbaWtad pordona of tbe
.. 1.11 .w^a
Be ob)aeta to haring tbe teewell addreee invoked aa a bar to all action by
tbU oouiry and tendering InaMMl ou
"moral npport" Heuya:
-e^-tUti beBe.-b._-Pb*
"Tbeiniaidco of (bu ooonsybnot
merely to poae. bnt to act. and wbib al
ways governing Itaelf by tbe ralee of
pradenoe and oammon wnae and mak
ing iu own special Intereau tbefirat
and paramonnt objoeU of iu care, to
forego no fitting opportonity to fnrtbor
the progrtM of clnllmuon, practically
^ w«U aa theoretically, by timely deeds
f. ^tA
gold 4U ....... i " I
Dona^idee of high pboe and gnat
, ?WTa simply ignommigaa '
It Mr. Cleveland and Mr Bryan are
determined to oonunit their peny toe
policy of uolatlon. tbey wiU beve to
ahandnn the laM preteoae ibnt they are
gnided by tbe wtadom of the fatbwa—
Chicago Timre-HeraM.
New Departure!
The Oemocretic party seemed soffleieoUy nnwiae tn lh»6, when it gsyly
threw away everything of Democracy
bat tbe name and moved In anew stock
of fenuton, with a sUvsaervioe aa tbs
Baring opposed i
outside diameter and it waisbed
; IBeEEeciBEEfiEEe B
L. LOOXWOOB'tL'r 0?ijOvCbi
liiBm in mmum li
litUs TMsr* Arbw Bar ■peiU.
Mis Smith had invited all tbe prapte
in toe noighhshood to attend the Arfas
A TMVtaaOatbvU.
MirtSmito led toevisitssCram plaoe
Tasovtaa has bear eaoitiag a great to place, and everything wait on Jnst
deal of inUTM lately, and a pbaooma- as bad been arranged till they came to
Don of mncA seieotifie imporUDoe was Uttle Tommy West.
Wbm Mim Smith saw bis excited
observed a mart time ago A portiao of
face and the trembling
ling of the band that
in. elostBg then
uly. Tbs held too pine tree, sbe was son that fas
had forgotun bis vsxes, and toe was
)ort about to prompt him wbea be St
bine and green flames Mmng firam tba ed oat on his own hook.
"This is s pine tree.
oents to a height cf eevoral yarda
elotching at it as if fs so|qx»t.
—and I txrov It will grow up into a for
while tbe beat was o
to my anoeeat toe bottom of tbe oats. At last a
great mam of flame bnrst oaL aooom- tssl"—M. E. S. in Yoato'sCampsiikn.
panied by a tsrifle noM like waves
breaking on roriu in a storm, nteflsmes
rose to a height cf 60 yards and wise
bright yellow in color.—Boa Tkmidaoo
"Oolooel, don't you know that Ifas
good book ssya, ‘Swetr not at allF “
"Ssrtin 1 da Tbet’s aU right I
rwotesi 'emindivldasily."—mevsland
Plain Desloc. .
Fops Lao Xm U ooe of tbe wealtoleetmeoistbewsid. In bis bsue. the
Tatioao—a palaoe whlob ooDUtoa 7.000
------' wonfa of gold oijjeou Btsed
ia canted mt A4.000.000 stsUng by
“Then why did Aoat Marla M tt
wri^ alone, and eaoh pieoe has been
■biased in valoe a quarts s a tfalrd
«olU tbe DenuxaaU not without many
indioatiou of mntiny in their nnki.
appear now to he preparing to opporo
aaUst destiny.
D American merchant
So they go from bad to wotsa Tbey
He wbo rana may certainly read
oobo fs a bittss basting. They an
i this tasson of t|te
not satined
' ■ with whipa Tbey
y itch fs
. -Philadelphia Mai
The United Sutss are goisgtoexTbe Deenooratio party
A Fevtrvf «M Ana
IS to contraoL—New Ysk BonTbs Pemontlo lamp of srladnm tn
tba senate seems to be hong on tbe rear
of she
« abip Iid state, wbon U iUnTbs neat time the Hen. Joe BaOsr to toe toiUsd artiasBs toroogh whose
only tbe
Tbm la no lighting of tbe foton or treau himself to a Demosatic umm SsitoU baspsaud. These traasnras an
P*»«ioslly toe pateoual mute of tbe
pope—Ban Pnnelaoo Argooaat.
TraTtne Baj Line orsteioen. ™Esr,s’'<ri;3’Sisrf,S(?rs3;
too srveteir staee Vn
preasion preas and tbe metal ia eabiecta child tb* Is cvnHnc b|l Tvim a y«ar
«d to aqneesing natil it beoDoea pm- an I stole her. l*eus 1 was 'iealoas s'l
S bs
btfaw, aad BOW brr SHther 1s dwid. Bs _
tbs sbsil Mt htv* bs. t aa nlac to start
Is Aastnlla'Ustar. Take sood sro S Leoaa
ftrbir deer pwhir-sybs aad oblUe--------- „ -- --------- tbe CTuiss Brooklyn.
Iu inside diamets is nearly ''
So' thUwas %entai^a”ri^^%%.
*** «»it«de dlsffiocs
How be had evs met the child, where
■be lived, wbo bs panmu wss^ wbo
too oar was 77,e00 was bs kidnaps, wse nevs foood oaL
She is BOW ooe of OalifsnU’s tairst
tbe mines greats than was fvsr known
danghten, and bs bnsfaarid. Lsoy Nnaiooe tbe dsya of Oalifarala. and'
conb, SU) of tbe mart pnminesrt of hs
to prodnoe hollow forged steel ahafu
then. ^ large sito is too shaft fs too great Fs- nativeronx.—AniuM. Tomsrini in San
FTaorisoo CalL
DO* iotsnded
.m—o, op-b*,h.«b.-t»,b
tarns out to bs ooe way to do it
though the mtnu have boeo ranniag
steadily nearly 1100,000,000 in gold
ilion Bwaiu tbe eoinera, aad mors is
ooniing from toe Klondike and Anstralia to be added to toe «66,000.000 Dative
pradnet coined during toe year. Tbe
mtnu are open, bnt tbe tniUs are too.—
Plnabsis Timea
'saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
.arsntaxox csiui ox bu naca.
^rda wsU aad throofdi the tolcAot.
a&aa a sasaeseea
Bnt what was this? Bsnard. loan and tolnk them snperis to all olhere.
Si%^ 8 888888888
tired laokiiig, came slowly down toe
wr-s- g .-y-www...
wocri path, and on bit hack, boand fast
with ropes, was a tiny flaxsi haired
girl Tbe fri^tsted riiUd was weeping
.sr OB till* irsls.
binsiy and strag^ed to free herself.
Mrs. Kaoombcnctheaadsthatbactnd
bs andwaabed and fed bs. She was >
ear BSd eaa*t eSr ee Uls tralB.
coo young to talk, hat in tbe pocket of
bs little aiBCBi they foond a oou It OOLVMBIA AJTD LOU A. OUV-
a fluid toroogh aa orifloe.
In order to get rid of tbe gaeee or air
(b* Onw S This I}c«:
bobblee that nay be entrained or oeoght To1 taka
1b* Ubmy S aaa
in the ingot while punriog tbe mold
xsHF^r'rbtl"!. i
It U said that it eosU ftAU aa«n
KSAsesR oRBsonrr.
:: ^eSTv^^u;
Ar. TiaveneCity
Dally Moniag ExourelOBs
Traveree Olty.
Take steams at e:M a u. fs NeabtwasU where yea will eoaneet w]
leent retaralag to Trev■teams Oveoenl
0:46 a. m. Tkle wUl give
SM aty at 10:4!
iVrMeoft4mCea on toe
yen apfeasanVr_____
Wy and eia be made every morning.
If yen wleh a longs ride the boat will
Sr toTrevsas h»at4:«p. m.
Afternoon einaretoae frem TVavsne
roo"«s ' Mi^uWanu
where yon wiU eoaneet with
retan^toTnvsMaty at
. fwond trip win be
■ w.
*-r J
TH» MOETOIQ liHOOat>. 8UHDAY. TOXT #4. 1898.
\nmi tbe «taacd. I'll tbow 7g« tbs
w«y ’totu»d by tbe other a
**1 bSTwi ■ t thse. • • .he aid. gliBdng «t
tbe Way tdiatelsine wstcb st her Jseket
OU8 C0N0IT10N&
UpeL "rwloaorerllTeailantei----IB Boa* MUl Usd »r uuct ssd tbe
SBd I‘B rsdiv atul »bA get be
« AnPMsd laOwOns“*■
Wlt^ Mt^BeUI dssee ssd nog were more taking tbe motor abeebot aoram
tbe bridge almoat to tbe otba aide,
when Ibne was a waver, a cmab, a eollapM, and Mim Waterloo and ber tilbe tt^e. Tbe werlO. s werU et
The war rercnM OMUore vbioh hu
■hem aatbarised by ooogKa ftovMm
’Tawan!" exclsimedSam, "I wweaV
tetbelHMof •400,000.000 8 pv out
tO-tOycarV^ Tbe treeaaiy deputBMBtbuliMacsU for«BbKris«au
te tbeee botidt. It la tbe Aarire of the
ett dead.
•‘Thafe nghl.*’ be called ebertfnlly.
MMuy of tbe tncnzry tbet tiie bend
n Hew Yorb Ttasm.
••Jnst slt^nipt. and I'U give yon a poll
iM absll be, eo tu M poaiblM pops,
lar and ao iatmul Ion. wd totbii eod
moke stteb abad boat if it bsdn't wheels
mfenm will be given. In sllotinMitn
and bad sides and wooM float” Asdbe
gave tbe tUbory a strong twlt«d> toward
to snbKrlberafcr KDslinmooDts. Tben
Annt JenulM bad serer________
aborems abe imCbered .bemelf
wdU be no actampt on tbe part et
beard of tbe above, ao aba flnag np tba and tottered te her feet
or other IniHtntioba to
Window and pcinxd oat ber bead with
"Dmi't do that," she cried. ”I’m
tbe gram and spring of a
killed as it la. and It-^akes aot”
“The young feller knowed. didn't
“Imwtr Mercy wkml Waal. 1 nevar
diMnUnning bia )erka
in all mj
my Itfet
mei If
u that
that dca't
don t bmt
beat ^
^ Wberedid ba
PMtena ttajr w«(
There is eothine qein as comfortable as that priaoe of |
»tfaa oonctary, becD an nnlntempted
noord of finaooial, eonuneraial and Indnotrlal tmpcoTCment
tmpcovmnent iAt tbe be«ln-Bing of Mr. OereUnd'ea
taanMAold revenneof |108.Attbeolowof
d aa tbe net laaaU (rf
Ua|MAS16.000bandiaaQaa tbeinoigalfioant aam of 118.894.848. as obown
la Tba Amerloaa Kocwomin of April
M page 187. -Tbongb oonfidcoee bad
hem restored wban Hr. Clmreland ratlrad aad tbongb buiaeas and IndasMal
Aoraloinmit had tboa made rapid pr<«taoa lUs ecafldenoa and this }K«nm
wan wholly dna to tbe eleetksKd PrmUtBt McXintey, to tbe pnmim of tbe
amdy fniflUment of tbepledguof tbe
lle|wblli.nu national platform, to tbe
aapsotatlon of tbe pamage of aprotectIve mriff and to aa cotlia rereraal of
^ finaBdal oonditiana which bad pre
vailed daring nearly tbe whole of Mr.
deraland'e term.
Tbe oDooeaewbioh is eertaia toaU
nof tbU new loan
will be dne to tbe impnceduntedly
atrrng finanelal oortditian of theoonnWy as well as to confideoce in the adBiinitttation. Tbe oarseratooe of this
nortfldetMe was laid at tbe polls In tbe
------ ........ - noflSSe. Tbegrowth
has ainm bem rapid, aa
Mioira by the
r gold in
tbe teeatnty.- in tbe banks and
gmd in general tiraalatian at tbe praeem time It
tikay be claimed by eomo critics that
mooh of tbe proqurity we now enW U
due to tbe abundant grain crops of UdI
« tbe window she bad ao nnoaremoaioaslyflanRopwaa a handsome yoong
man—an ortift in fact—who bad come
to Seedrille to sketch. Betook no tronble to explain himself to its riUegera,
bat dropped os simply as pomiblo into
tbe simpliolty of lu Ufa
<v, and my ann horta mo awfully." And in spite of ber set lips abe
began tu w»t>*‘Don-iiT;-,''ssidSamsympelbetica]*T- "Tbere’s unf wsUt in this here lit"aiw tbe rain eoybow. Bold
U yoo will cloM that window my
bnekwbe^ aodamaagewiU bemoch
"Ob, butsakea Oliver abeteapcBided.
"Do UxJt qnick ud OCTer mfod jonr
bockwbraU. Ain't that tbe onriotMtHt
thing you ever did see in all your bora
days and there ain't tbe shadder of a
borae to It."
Vilas Stanafield grew intarestad. Be
ton bimaeU <roa*his bncl^bMI and
projected hie bead from tbe window,
suring down tbo narrow by street on
wbkb Aunt Jeroaha lived with tbe
Wse SredrlUe ataru
Caesar's gboatr
'Wbatl Beitagboftr' aAad Aunt
Jaraaba, yonklt« in ber bead and lookIng keenly at him, as If CDS V tbe otb«r of them might ha growing
"I might have known tbati
tbe bank and nnUed. toned. anIsSwd
«aldipped he,Sot ^th it
**your qaeer buggy, or whatever it
be. will have to wait there till I
<d Uw boy. lo .i™ im « lift wfui
-------------------------------- di
Can yoo walkT”
And be eyed bis
‘•barge anxiously. •"CsaoeU yonoan
I'U mhant you to Aunt Jerasba'a"
"Aunt Jrrnaba'sr'
“Ym. Thafswbcrrbeatope. It'sjart
to os and 'twas
■ber tbst came
**«**‘b la and ioM us ’bout yoo soiiddin by like all pomeamd and aoboama
^ ^ grabbed my hat and came ronnln
up to aee tbe abow, but I didn'tplanfor
no aoeb grand one as tbia How you
oaf Can yon walk?"
"1 «U1 try to.” abe aaid.atrpplagcff
fo*7 alowly and oatobing at hit arm for
support. " Von don’t mind allowing aie
yonr arm for a Uttla wayU'
■ hUal-
camfari eirers--
Morris Chair.
Tbe anooeaa of tbe loan will be tbe
mote notable tram tbe tact that it will
be tbe first time in tbe bisbwy of tbe
aotmtty that tbe govenitnatit baa bor
rowed for a fixed period npoo sooh a
low rate of interest as S pm- oent, pseTlOBS tow rate bonds and tteasBry oer
tlficatea haring been redeemable at the
option of tbe g(
Tbe snocessfol placement of tbe loan
will be in no aeosewbaterer doe to any
aet or operatloni of tbe Ian adminlstration. bat entirely to confidence in tbe
tntlon off Preddent
r. aereland left a beritago of defioioBcy and of debt. “
owe nnbrakan record of^ft§«^
Mtmdataandaf oommerdal and Indoa-
The acme of home comfort is reached when i
« you possess a Morris Chair.
, We have them in Rattan and with nice |
I cushions from $6.00 up.
I J. W. Slater’s House FiimisMug Store i
128-X32 IF'oroia.'t S-b3?©e-b.
«W gshs Was a dska. TUeroh Be MM
They were sitdag in tbe poit-be
andhtswlla Suddenly tbe band atrat*
'WbatnmalstfaaE doarT’ba mkad.
^‘Tba Stem and StripsA ”’annrand
‘‘Ha. ba, ba?" miartod' tba
Mdnt tbe end cf tbe bun mat to
keep (ram roUi^ t tbe graiiBd In his
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
bury. :
"Ba ba bel” be gaqwd. tfarowiag
M h. mM out rf Tb.yB.jl
b> bSj liiteSrfll.,.
bis hat ta' tbe air and stamping vilS
tbe bouae and down tbe narrow aim
* dnBM, dripping taikr
Usfieeb “Bay." be cried, "that-e tbe
shaded sBeet after the bonelemcarriime. Sawned girl; be, a cberry ebeeked Seed"Wbatever baa streck tiut man?"
■wain, wriggling uTtb sniplnsai- beat Joke cf tbe aeaaca. It’s Itrity." he
oried Annt Jarusha, toinging down tbe *om|Xa to be gallantand to nobly do bia eesrtinued. tbe Mon runniag down his
window with a bong. BOW that the tftow doty, yet gfowiog atm mote rfiierry abeeka "that none of our tiimrds wwe
was oot of sight "What did be mil it? cheeked and wrigglmome at they came
Then be etrai^teoed bis fbea
Waterloo, was it? Walt till I go tell Sn- within reach of tbe village vrindowa
"Say. by tbe way." be slyly added,
aanfiparrerhawk I’veoeena Waterloo,"
"Tbere be Annt Jenisba’s right
and ebe harried itexi dom with Ibis there.” be mid. ‘‘Sbe’U glveyoncamp- "if tbat’atbe’BtaraandSCilpm’aaetf
~iu can teU wbo wrote It."
Wellingtonian or Nnoleonio tdeoeof dn or oetnip or whatever it 4s yon vrant
mUy «t bin writhing on tbe
baf to go back and git my coat
Tbe news affected tbe Spairetbawks' Stoms I forgot it" And droppii^ ber bench again and eUpping bis kneca
at it bad Annt Janaha. Tb^ threw up
his am be vanitbed arannd tbe with deltghL
Bit wife waited patfentiy until Us
tbe window and ejected
bam. leavirg ber drwnrd opporite tbe
better oentroUed, and
brati knocker on Mrs. dpearaint't side
but with no eetlateuty rvanlt
tfM replied simply. "Why. 1 believe
caught up bis hat and rusbed down tbe
•tnei after Mr. Vilas Stanfield, who
^fifrloo slowly erooted tbe by- Bandmaster Soosa wrote it"
sbgiped between two
148 Vront BtnM
sprang along in tbe wake <rf the antetbe side door, and, moeb doaod
violoK omiTulxions of laugbtm with
mobile tilbury at a college acquired gait witbtbe sbock, painandembarrassmeot
_______ ___
It was a very cbcdcc rcbicle, enamel- ^ her oonditinn,
raised tbe knocker something like the exirawiao which is
it fall
ed in dark green and ncdwlstered in
" " witb a'up (hat hroogbi ! “ *
ruBH.t Imtbcn In tbe middle of tf»e '
be Mpeated in a ^UUft^WI
aeat. drcxMcd in dark green and remet, hreo waiting for it
Kodaks which makes a'.pictnre
b->tobesara Yea
to uaub the tilbutT, was a very young
"Aunt Jcrusba”uaid MimWaterloo,
by 2 inches that we are selling for
woman maneavcTilig tbe motor as If
• “«« fomal nama "iw
reU. dear, where’s tbe Joker aakad
largo her <nly denro was to keep ber tnraout
Mr. Vilas Stanfield live bero?”
at tbe lop of ita epeiid.
“He do at prownt, bat he’s just gone bis^ife with a mtCMtic protans
bei^ tenpid.
t little avail had not tbeoe eeoVUm Stanfield could not overtake It. *P°*>d bangodhismlf intowbat be calls
iMmio oondUlons been mpplomeoted bv Hecallod. He fliiug pebblM at it He hisstudy.”
"Ob tbere la no Joka my d«a
a protectiro tariff which promoted whiitJvd It splashed Chroogh the pud■traigbtening Ua tie and
I ■» bim a moment~>tbat la
Americaii industrial and ootumvicial dice
tWnk you'll have
to take me in. I’vo i
and bumped overItbe..................
^ *'—''
With a free trade tariff in Ct the TtUago byroed es if ^l»g had an acrident 1 feU through tbe
The Little Puck which takes a picture 2 1-2 by 2 1-2
would be^Zwod^T^it lfaW hridp-and"^
ment it woold to.- u^ a bridga a
"l-nd cr GoabenI Yoo don't aay aot
btnpea TWea no Joke inches for $2.00.
abont it
------ ibling bit of
__ _miteoturo
iiKUE ID *hls
Tbe Photake, holding five plates two inches square,
But obe thought differently.—<21svagrain bad to be peid for lazgely with that ticeoviUo bad clung to m aToot- ^'***
**> "" T<n>. and so bc'U
for l’i.50.
gold, and bcDoe tbe importation of wuy long after they knew It was unable henodont*. Hun. did yoo say? Poor land Plain Uualez.
abont S7i.OC»0,000 of tfais metal this to bold even tbe doctor's chaise Be- thing, and you’re all soritr damp. I’U
Also a variety of higher priced cameras, from $5.00 to
cent heavy rains had now all but vrmbTw* my wrapper while you dry off.
$25,00, at--------One feature of tbie btmd negotiation fd. away its sujiiwrtA The autonrobUe Hcbbe I’d bettor git a doctor?”
Though Admiral Uootijo fought like
wUcb-wiU be notiomble in tbe span' tilbury was os eun-ly beaded for an ao- . ‘
amebody would send a telegram a $puuKb gontieman be etmus to be a
tauelty of the reqnnee bf the petiple.
mao of liuUi decirinn and infdrim ca
For■ at■ toast
throe mcxitbe
■ indi<
■ dividuala bowlder on tbe traobs. He turned white
pacity. for be steamM oot to Subio exbanks and cap
and whistled again, this time tbe tune „ .
P r aps ’
pecti g to find fmificatinas thcra, and
ooon^ have buuo eoounjulating funds be and ebe bad sung in dtwt. as witii "* * *** ***** **‘‘* 7<na|t man and as findb
largely in tbe expectation of a bond is- this same bomelem rilbory they bad barasome as a picter." AndI ihoTing
a^ ^seqnemiy Ua- edantry U liter rolkd along the hard, braadra^ in
Uim-Watm- guns of Cavite, which did nothing for
f“hioncd roclurtowardMim-Watmally full of money awaiting iQVMtmenL •untbweet bkiglaod.
^**- i^peamint rnabed up stain to him. Imagine an admiral "expeotlag’
T^ierewas d6 aoeb prvparaticn when
She still whiried on.
| »he studio.
pooexisuot fortifications within hUown
tbe various bond issoM were
He put bis fingen to bis %a sod inStaafieldl"
onmmaad I Ha tried, be aaid. to i««i~
der tbe Cleveland adtoteistratioa for creased tbe strength of tbe wblsUe.
torpadoea. bnt they were of no tun. Ba
Bbe stopped, the wb« !s of ber car^ asleopr
fortify Oorrogidor.
ailed popular loans would have miser riage on tbe very edge of tbe dem^t
wbidi if fortified would have residarad
ably failed bad it not been for tm^- bridge—turning wblia tea bnt not beWsal, tbere'* bron an aoeideot tothe antranoe almoat Impomibla and now,
cansL- of
down stain --------------wantm;, when'all
to juBk,
lost, tua
bis graoD
grand anxiaty
anxletT IS
tt to
u. tbw danger.
-• and ate's-------------------------—A»ou n»i tm
vmi #/i f .il.iiii Mil * *
1____ ____
* I____
felt In tbe finanrial plans of the admin
"Mr. Biaafldd." abesaldaereroly as
prove that be was penonally hrava
■ came op,"may 1 mk wfaat this
Tbe studio door IW open. Vilas was wbicbnoooe in bisown doantiror alsa1 imoe woold have
pa« Mra. Speaixsint exA down tbe I wbara aTer'drrom'ed’i drobtimt
40 be speedily followed by another. Tbe
Ci«^ly," be aald. lonchiag bU
**^.y,**! A Spauiard U the kind 5r—
prooeeds of Mr. Clvveland’s Amd imnm bat. '‘Yonean’tenns tiial bridga It's
He got tbo antoaMbile always Isarea bis
y loft tbe country or not Rife even for foot pa
tilbury from tbe water. Be sopped it up
- were boarded. Tbe proceeds of the___ yon from my boarding bouse window *m*'‘>*'brd.it down till it
death ananned lestanybo^ aboold enp- ■Watob.
bonds now Isned will semain hoe and I came to tell you."
' •» wtwn it left tbe manufacturer. Than. pooe be Is afialA Ever oinca tba mand wUl be in every vray beneficial to
•■Vivy Idnd. I’m i
' abe said. bocanse Mim Waterloo's a DwasaoDut
al^teretos and promotive of prosperity. with a liuta toss of ber ruaet featbwa.
**® *®* into the bcaaalcsa caias it behaved before it—that
"but I've
wish te nave
have you
vn, save mv **"«” beride
ve DO wun
•*»««> ber and
owu took
mms ber
oct to
ui ber
oar to, it bm done ooiblag neeft tolk.— ICTTHBOS BLOCK.
K*w Bead at S
aeeoDdtime. We bad enoogb <f
. Tbeconclnsian of tbeteciprocity con- that melodrama at Buds," and obe pot ChioagoKewa
' ■
, vention must tw regarded as a new bond bar bands on U»e motor handles mamtr, ,
“I’m in earneot. Miss Walwloa Ton
OarM. Snnw,
of nnian between tbe two councriea -an
"I remenber. 1 ramember"Amoog tba curious and anggaativa lUCIa boy CO tba <
teridenoe that it is tbeir earueet with to must not cram that bridge nnlem you
entnamaa in a omtain oonnty ip noKb
live in harmony and cultivate dooer want to be drowned."
fdatfrnn began, and (ben be eottk. Tba
eoBunercul relationa. There never has
‘I'm in aaroest tan. .1 oball cram MiasousiarotbefoUowtug; Red. Wbite,
poem bad goM eomplately. l>a boy he
Orots. Gray. Brown and Black.
been any donte about tbe good wiU of that brid^ and 1 won't have yon save
hated most began Ottering. Hia ooeaIfae Fremeb gorenimeDi during tbe war my Ufa Tbe obUgatioas of baring you Ybcre are also kiaga, queens, Earls.
> DukcA Man|uia>« and ' -'
'In ani- olon was troumiag critical. Tba Uttla
with Spain, but this arrangemoit gives eavemeatBodeiseawngh."
hoy. with a grand raUy and a fiaA of
tangible expremion to its attitude
"Very wel." be replied in a bard, **u>>*d natnro arc to be found Wrens,
inopiratiao. pnUad tram bia pocket kds
'Wbetber a oertaln portion <f tbe French (Tiqitaiie. "Iwon’toave it, tbeo. But Hink, Cowa, Hawks and alto Hiwbn*
rad. white and Uoa (and bla^ mare <r
pec^ oenti ines to cfacriab bostUe feelLamb, Lyon. Bull, ^er and ...................................Oionted and wooiid
inga toward tbe' Culled BteMs U not of be caUed. "obow this lady bow't~'get
np with"I remember
MMaa."—laoonar roeooe while tbe pnaent acrom by tbe other bridge," and. rcanm- BadheOcr.
^eihtlkx. At
At <»w>
one time, in
in a county id
ministry remains In power.—Buffalo ing bu bet. be walMl rapidly back «> *«« Kansaa. Uicro Uved Bedwin.
the village.
Sourteev, Diyiruad aud Pancake.-Chi"ll’s Donanise." cried MiasWataloo
Bnakiag Dmra Part, X4BW.
I oocm as ViUs Stanfield was oat cf
-------------------------Tbe leading parties of tbe oonntiy right. "Of conrae 1 can go over thia
<*■ ~------ TTiinrtaii^
whole bomannoa"
show a dModtion to divide on tbe an- bridge. 1 have creased two tbiamcentng
A newly invented batidn makra tbe
Tea Ha's thinking <f having bis
nexatioo question. Tbe war nas Irouglit that were quite as hai"
following bid for feminine fav<p: "Tbe
a oopyri^itod BOW. to thatwbao bo
new issues furwaid, and tbe nsult will
teU tbe truth. DOW, "arid Bam patent statkoory bat fastmser.warnntgrows up god gats tamoos potato qan't
be tbe broaduning H tbe people ^ vir- alowly, ‘ ‘he's about rigbt I wouldn’t' ed to keep tbe bat on atraigbt in a
«ae cf tbe study of a new aud eirarting drive our oow ow tbe bridge oinae ihe ou- «ben nonding
“ ~'
Mtoation,—mUos Nevra
tain. Why. it ate (be mortar tight oot OinBieila.
and Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
■W. jr. SOBBS,
latest model five dolliT
Wait’s Drug Store.
My Line
of Silvepware
Is tbe finest in Northern Kicbigan. Come and
aeoure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
mm ' -i
Celetrari CMcipi Cuiiat.
B. H. flOSE & SON'S.
r- '
MAOBXO roftzo uoo.
cxraEAi. BftooKn Bmuov
wxLLtoov lonrKM
■taaaar Xalaiaaoo, Xaariay Kiohl.
lyaa Oald XaBtara, Waat Xtowa
•a Thlrty-KUa Blrar.
Biwdal w Taa Meanao Baooao.
■oaUle. daly M.—Tha ateamar Kal»^
aaaaoa. boUt by Kaiamawo Baatiat
Lake UaaaaU, Alaaka, laat wUtar. kaa
beta toUily wracked la TUrW'MUa
river. Oe^ tka eppar worka appear
abava tka water. Tbia la tha aaoaad
■or wracked after reaBiny tba
BOTrdHT TO ATTACK BTfBXBXXtdaairera of tha WhiU Berea r^lda.
Whaa laat heemefattha Baidda tha
BaaUara axpaetad to rcMh Dei
Broo^t Ayalaat daeaph loiter fbr
. tSBO.OOO. Bat it XAy ba
epadalMTaiMaaBiaa Eaooas.
New Tork, July ts.-Joea^ Utter
waa la eaafarasoa today with hia aapportete, Om Ukrke aad tha eowpaay
who hava breaybt a (rlaadly Bait
•yaiaat him reeeaUy for $2(0.006.
roparted that arraayamaata i
made at a cantaroaoa betwaan Utter
aad Ua creditan tedey to settle tbeaa
elaima Mr. Ulter refaaed to pay a,
word abaat bia looaaa
We’re Stuck
on Base Bail Goods.
Bought h big stock to get the beat prioee uul cast
neU’etnhll. WOl giv* 16 per oeat.offtgi
thiog tor D62i teo dajn to redaoe the etock.
220 Front St
Xasaryenta Boated and BpeBlab Xm.
ad rorty-Oaa aad Vonadad Kany
Are easilj cancelled with one of those changeable
jnly 2S.—Na aewa of tha
Kara-Stoiy Hot Teriflad Bat (ha
datin|r stamps we are supplying—can be; had for 75c—
BattU Said To Kava «eea Oaa of Xldant Son nf Lealie Srata, Formarly with initials, etc.
aoeidaat to the ateasar Tvalaaaotoi
ef This Oi^. a Tiotlm nf
BMolta ol OareU’a Slaayraeaaat
rcechad here. Tha party ooaaisto of
Typhoid raver.
WUllm Doyla, Jaaaa Doyle. Ji
was racaived bora last ^eaiay
Bvara, Artbor Biekaian.
Mew York, Jaly 22.—A Borald dlaGaapbeU. Beary Oreeadyka aad Joba palcb froa Saatiayo aaya: '‘Groat ex- at the daaU of Wallace Grain, ayad
alyht yaara aldeat aoa of LmUs Craia,
Eaaiay, all of whoa bare fa^UlM dtamat waa caaaad bare today (Tbare- at Fitiyerald. 6a, Jaly 20U. Mr.
bare: a«d Bany Daebleykar, WlUlam day) by a atory broayht ia by the Craia fonaorly lived near Loay Lake
Moyer. Frad SehUd, Arthar Pieraoe ef Cabaae that 4.000 Cabaa iaaoiyenta, aad ta well knowa bera The family
tbia eity. aad Frad Uaywald of Paw comprlalay Oaaeral Garda'a army for moved to Oaoryla laat fall. They have
baaa Badly afflicted, as tbalr daoybtar
the eastern depertmaat of Caba, were BUal was strickea wiU tba same dta
Therefore we will ^ that you will find our Ice
reated ia a fieroa eayayataent with a aaea laat ApriL
Cream delicious, our wv/ua
nuc w
Soda Water true
to u^vui,
flavor, uur
our vari
varidatachaeat of BpaaiU troopa boand
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to our
ior laadlay. Oaa body aapraaaad tha
for SaaUaya toaorraadar. Forty.
list from tiifie to time. . htfW that tha ^barkabaa wUl oaeor AT THB BVlIiBHT BMTXLB AX- Cabana ware kUied, aad Uoaa that
Fountain open week ^ys only.
at tha axtretaa aaatata aad of tha labroayht Ua atacy aay that aiaay ware Ohariaa Taman is Xtaad, After Xmey
Aad reithfnl Servlea fbr /t,
laad. wbUa athara heUara Oaaaral
woaadad. 1110 SpaaUb loaa waa moeb
MOaa baa aelactad a polat aa Ua aoaal'
•oaraaef tha Vaited Stetea ead OBBaUar.*' Tba eorraapondeat aaya
Cbarlea Terraeo died et bta hem. 147
batiraaB Saa Joaa aai tha
“I was aaabla U verify Ua atory.
Promiae teXaTeetlyaU the ADayed
TanU atraet, Toaterday afUrnoan at
aroatan axttast^. WUebarar plaaa
Blffbieaeea Betweaa tba ABatleaa I yive it aa Ua areiy beard it. KoUlay foor o'daek. of
haahaaa ehaaaa b aat kaawa. <
Aad OabaaOei
baeoeaiay la tbia vidnity has takaa
71 yaara of aye aad for alxteea
IcaaitB te aat diTolyad. Bat tha 4iayaara bad faithfully performed Ua daMaw Yerk. Jely 22.—After a ooaaal' Ua Anarican aficara and troopa ao <
taaea (roB althar t« aboat tha aana. tatloa at tka offiea ef the Cabea JaaU plaUly by aoipriaa aa Uia batUa ba- ties of aextoa af St. Fraaeta ebareh.
fnaaral wm ba bvld from Su
Oaaaral Braakah dirlalaa. of oaorM,
yivea oat by Saaar twaaa Ua Cabana aad SpaalanU. Our Fraaeta ebareb at 9 a. m. tomaiinw.
hu lafonaalioB and wUl (am a Jobc* OapoU, vieepraaidaatof tbeCabaa rv troopa bad ooaa to look apoa Ua insartkm with MUoa arlthlB tha aaxt (aw peblie. la whieb bedaploreatbe altayed yenu aa eatera reUar tbaa flyktera. aad •BXBxrr sxxppox is OAXBrux..
Oeaeral Uay acarcoly believed Ua iiat reports
It ia wUwatad that tha dabark* Shatter aad Geaaral Garcia. Saoor Ual Garda'a otan bad laid la aaaboab DaeUaed to Bneaiva a Prtaonar from
•ttoafthaaotlraarwy. to|raUar artth Oapote avara that the raaolaOaea aad aad bad opaaad Ua fiybt by attaekiny Fifii Lake oa Xiafaetiva OommltmenU
b el Fife Lika, <
daeoMeaU of tha Cabaa dvU yovera- Ua SpaaUk troopa.
to Ua dty yeatarday harlny ia catmite’ pUaa of procaadaro ayaiaat Baa mat have anifoninypladyadeoiapleta
“I have baaa aaabla to loam aa yet tody aae Aayai Campbell, who was
Jbbb wm ooeapy tha yraatar portioa of
>teaoadUUecoaniy Jail far belay
vrith the Aserioaa foroaa. wbathar Gaaerel Garda waa %ware o(
•axt waak. aad it it aat baUerad that Ha aaya:
Ua namber of Ua oaaBy ka was at- drank and disorderly. Tba oomm'.tmaat waa made bv Jadye Gaidaer.
aa attack oa the dtj wUl oocnr oaUl
“Wa folly appraelate the yaaareaa taekiay. If he Uoayht ba ^ aaceaaSheriff Btmpaoa hM bad eiperieaca
abaat tha pad of the waatk.
ocedoct of tba Ualtad Stataa la ooniay larad a small force of SpMiarda aad wlU commltatants lasaad by coactry
FoUawiar tha praoedeat la tkit'
iraidforUaparpaoaof Ubeiatlay
Jnsticea of Ue peace and at one time
. 8aa Joaa will probably ba bawba
aabject to a suit for kaapiay WiUaa free) the Spaalah yoke, aad wa have yrnva miataka. Tbara ware at loaat
■a weak from toBkORow. Snadayoi
tka etaaost faith U tba piedya wade la 2,000 Spaaiarda la Ua body, aad Uey lam Black maa la }aU upon a eomnUtGorreepond with the Trarene City Lumber Oompuy.
maat which waa dafaellre. This time
afavontadayforAoierleaaaaTal aad
behalf that we my eajoy enr^Ub- drove Qarala'a mea late fall retreat a
be resolved to be aare ha wae nyht
We have Jar nle Good,
BlliUry oparaUoaa
erty oa aa ladeaeadeat rapablie. Uadar few hoan after the batUe.beyan.
before ba want ahead. He abowad the
"TbUdlaeatroaadafaetof Ue Inaarr papara to Proaecator Tweddla, who
olrecatftaneea. we wm oarUiaVy
Bacaad X^a^tioa Vext Waak.
falftU Uta pladyea we hare made aa to yeaU ta Ue ffrat raaolt of Oeaeral Gar dtaeorai^ that Uey ware act riybt.
Wathiartaa. July M.-Coloaal BadeooBpleU eo-oparaliea aad wUl da aU da's naulaal dtaayreaaaat with Gea- Tberefora Sheriff Slmpaoo deellned to
«r oxpaeta to laaaa aaxt Wadaeaday
oral Sbaftar and of bta daetaloa ac racaive Ue prisoner. The eons‘able
^ oar power to expel the con
with tba aaoaad azpadiUoa to Porto
took bta man away aad It ia said be let
>perata wiU Ua Aaeriay aa oooa aa poatibla by followblmyo.
- Biea Bit tparial duty wm ba to talay tha plane of the -Anaiicaa
perrita tha aaioadtay af troopa aad
BIS SIOBT xxnrxxxD.
yaat aad prorldlayfor proper timat- awadaraaadaaanwinyoor part la tba
portatloa orariaad. U tbit way It it
Awlraw XUlar BaUevad of a Oatn*‘I wm ratara to Caba aa aeon aa aaaarnl Dafllald aad Oaaaral OorbUb
bxpaatad ta avoid aaeh eoafatioa
raet After Two Taan of BUadama.
incloding Two EnginM,
pcMibla aad tbara folly iavaetiyate Sen Only Proaomaoed Oaaoa TeUow
whieb laarked tha oaleadlay of Oaaaral
Andrew Millar, a raapaeW eitiiao o
Set Worka, CarriagM and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
ravar Amoay Americana
aad report aa to tha axlatlny diff<
Uta place, was aaeeeaafully operated
Obaftar'a mrmj at Haatitja.
upon ymterday by Dr. A. H. Boillday
WaablaytoB,Jnly 22.—Tba only word for a cataract ef Ue left aye He bod^
r exawiaad Pred<IL08XD WITH A SI8TVHBAH0X.
baaa totally blind for two yaeia and Ua
from Geaaral Shafter over niybt
•tal Doffiold opentiea, which ta a vary dellcaU oaa,
Oraad Oireait X vaata ia l>atralt Wara Iny tba caUbUahmaat of an ADarieaa
was entirely aaacaaofal. aa ba was able
XxcItiBg to tha LaatBaoa
•mtary yovarament aad eowprabend left Saatiayo tor bom yesterday, and te dtaUnyatab a eortala oercoa Ua
Oftaial M Tu Hawi»t Rs«ou.
that tba proelamtim fairly itatoa the that Oaaaral Corbin's son. wba was ra- ream after Uaoaeratioa, ead
DatrolbJalyS).—Tbt graad dreoit
Iba eye waa boadoyed. Ba ta at Ue
paaitlea whieb the netted Sutea wlU
neat olooad today with a biy tow arar
aa ba oeald be traaaportad aafaly. Shllac^ hoDsa aad wiU ba oat la aboat
■e la Caba and 1 baliave It la
a dealtioD ia the r.ZZ trot, wbaa a hMt
aoaabla and preetloabla.
waayiren to D. L. C., wblek tba erawd
baveaaffarad Ue omly preaea:
Tbia ia a Wtaa Pracaatioa.
Uioaybt beleayed to daiu 8 A rath
■ at yellow favor ia tba AmarlcaB
Blakealaa A MeCerailek. oyaata af
Waahlaytoa. .Inly 22.—Tka defaetloa
waa taada for the jadyaa' ataad bat artba United Sutea Beacralaat ^tety,
of Garda and bia warrlara appeare to
der waa flaally raatored.
have cleaad oa arruyameat wlU Ua
have opaaad a new ioana of tba ^naaTha eoaaalatiaa Cbaaiber of Coa>
H. J. ClocyeU Co. ef Sbermoa, t>
tloB of Cabaa aaaaxatlea or Cabea ia- PradWaat XcXinloy Baya There WiU aara Ueir amployaa ayaiast akl
Mioaatakawwwoabytkaawift Ardepoadenca.
Ba Xo Third OaU.
llnytoa. Time
ont-apoaen for aaoc
It eeaaat
Xaabtaytoa, Jaly 22.—Praaidaat He
Troa Chl«aa waa a peralataat
ba loaraed if Praaidaat UaKinlay haa Kialay had «mumplated taaolay a Wana-Blymaa Company ef Uta place.
orita la tha 2:22 clajW. daapiu tha fact
Tba amplkyas are yreetly baaaitted
awarred from bia oriyiaal parpoaa of third call for Uwopa. bat he now atotaa
(bat D. L. C. worn tha drst aad third
by Uoaa amnyameaU.
mklay Caba free, but aom of hU that the army U Qaile larya eaooyh
haata. Ba broke ia tka atrateb aa tha
HaMa Belfry Fled.
cloaaat adviaera oaan boat npoa fare- for aU parpaoea af Ua preaeat war
foorth bet waa yivea tha boat aad noa
lay the aBcexaliaa of Coha inU tba.
foraoaea, and Uaraforo ha vrill
Battle Belfry, who woe arrested •
iBaeloaadeeiaioaaTer AaltaB. Beat
policy of the B
aat taaaa a third call. Ha tbiaka tba aeboiye ef belay an Udaoeat paieoa.
time 2:19.
days oyo. (ailed to appear yoaterPreatdeat McKialay and tha caew- 290,000 ma new mnatered la wm ba
or eversrtbing coo
i in our Dry Gooda department,
Tka 2:17 paea, the laat avaat of tha
day for exomlaatloa before Jealiee
baraofhia cabinet are diapeaed to saSdeat for all porapaaa.
oonaiatiBg of cAabmerea, sergae, flaxmela, aoitinga, ailka, anting
Certta. She waa released ea her
maatiiv. waa baekad for over $20,000
look ,apoa Geaaral Garda'a actaad if aba Bever reUraa
by friaada of Edward £>., bat tha horaa
lea in wiUdrewiay. front Oaaaral
it wm be a oaviay of expaaM to Ua
fatlad to joatify. aetiny badly. StraUNo credit to oa for aoeh an acciimolatioo. It involvea a
Sbaftar’a llnea nora la aorraw
ia Xma ef Xaariy S$SO,000 U Oaleaa- aaaaW aad prebably aanttafaetory eoa"aarraaladit off ia three aUalght
lot of money. Wj are deqaerato to clean op the mesa regarddiUoe of Uinyo:
aayer. They raaUce that Ua Cabea
birr*- Trar Cbimaa aacoad. Baal Uaa
leaa of ooet.
yeaankTaad bia fotlowara are aenaiUve SpMUIwTai MounsBscoaa.
ArUar Scott, who waa Ujared at
t:10kThe moat of them are freah, new nwrfthandieA, in fair
over their peeltloa, ead that Uey my
Ivoatoa. Taxaa, Jaly 23.-Tba SonUayo. aad who was omit to the
lengths, which are pot op in paekagea or. folds, at cost, and
aioobeaaapIdontaBtotbe attitade ef Beach Botal, located oa tba yalf froat, aaariaa heapltel on SUtea lolaad, M.Y.,
lamoahw a ohoct
(he United 8(etaa yoveTemaA
aad am ef the taedlay aammar end
many itena below eoat, bat ia onler fo ooDvwrt tbeae goo^iafarloayk.
Serrtble Aeddaat to a Boy at
winter reaorta ^ UeeoaU. boned to
to ready cash we malu an extra redoetion of 16 per cent on
■oaroa Taatatday.
Auxaa popnier mamc ei i
day! Loaa $200,000 to $2M.ooo. partly
them. This is the greatest oppoitnnity ever offered on a repreend kveryUlay la Ue moaieli
Sp«ial le T*a Uoamo
reered Saveal Speaiah rtieoaera’at laaareA
W. Eimbell Oa. M. £. Stroay, a
aentatire lot of merchandise. It means a redoeUon ef 16 to
Honrea, Mlefa.. Jaly 23.-Joba Baaa
Aaaepella Xay Have la
Oi Front afreet
26 per cent oa wholesale prices.
Fioar xm Im
ala. a 12 year old boy. wkUa balpiny
loTto Moana* Bami..
Ua father la aa eel laid, na U front
sata to the Hannah A
Jaly 22;—Mach oaai
ml a biadv, atebilrUa rlybt
ia ia fait over Ua iUaaaa ef aaveral Spaa- Uy Co. Saar mill ora a
aad Ut mUl will start oa aoaa os a MW
(ha kaivea aad aaariy aeverlay it fma iab priaaaara. laat Uair diaaeaa pnrm
rallar orrivoa, which wm.ba. ia a few
Cor Ftmi eciC Cm* 8le.
Front Strwet.
Ua hedy. The dedara da aot think to ba yellow favor. Btrlet pceoaatttm dajra The; mm ta now belay entirely HtM Alter fr. CravferC. Miai AUee T
Mlae Mabel P. White. Mta Jooa
(hat (key can aava tha lay.
Vm ba Ukea.
rapelnted by Oeorye Winnie
••Inwl Xeekm*B «pwUl Bvt^ WUl
b*»o»sp«4atMd th« XtabuksUoa
—PCT<Mt PUm WUl Bvn •oafttfttcica-Bxpwitad That Bu
Wm ht AtUcIwd Vast •aad«7 hr
WMhlMrtM. Jaly ».—1h*
yaiuaeat te w^«4 that U« Mp«di•ien nad« OMwal MUcs.ha* r«aehe4
tha aaaat af Porta Rlea hat whathar ar
•at ha has taadad la a qoeatiaa a^biek
tha aatboritiaa ara aol yat raa4y to
aaawar. Tharaara twoayiatoaa la tha
Bapartsaat aa ta tha plaM aalaetad
Mafitiani BlooL
Mncli Is Said
About Ice Gream'and Soda FountalD DiMe,
Jas. G. Johnson.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Ramemlier Mr New Plaea-
312 Soath Ualon Stmt, ORposite C. IW. M. DapA
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agencjr.
A StarEing AnMcement.
1,000 Remnants
Tnieise Git; Sduol tf losic!
The Boston Store,
va KOBNnro bboobo
XtolecAtao aad
Btaiy *f BnAt Baval SatUa ky
Lact toipM.
Om ‘ Af th* •Alton «A tba
7%o Good Taaplaia met last Upbi to
Blit BattlMblp.
a for tbo dtotriot
Cheapest and mdat nhAhle plaoa to get yonr bicycle repaired and
CM-'T. Baim An 9. W. BAnn. ^ ibUowlaf. latareatliv aoeaut eODTaatiOB to be bald here Mooday aad
pnt in gewd numing order. Bare bad aeTeral yaan experience and
of the deetraetlOB •! OermAb ftoet'' Taead^. A larpe ratheriap to axpaott. W. BAmv, Sditor ABd Mamcv.. waa raoalrad by Tracy Oillto In Chleaco ad from aniroaodlnc towoa and maeh
know how it ebontd be done. Satisfactioa gaarabieed. I am selling
Abd laat bare to hto^falhar. It waa iatereat to BABifaatad ia the arent.
bicycle anndries at abont coat. ' Xew and second hand wheels for sale
writta hy a Mead who waa aa th^
The toUowiaf wUl met aa raeaptloa
and to rent. Pieeae give na a trial.
eommlltae to meat all tTalaa aad boau;
Brexing a specialty.
•AatUcadeCoba. Jalyt. IBM. . Baby Albrlpfat. Bertha Brawa, Harvey
ELLIB, 811 Front 8b, Buft
Mt Daa* Covauc:—I roeeired yoor Allen. Aliea Umeraa. B. B AMvi
Uttar and waa eery pUd U bear
Ploy The.•■BHMT.
from yao. 1 paeaa wa bava doae It obaU, Mayme Oviatt, E. H. Aliya.
mow, Snaday Btoralnc at »:»0, arbrypropram will be pivea Moaday
bady waa oa deek la white workiBp; eveDlop in the parlora of oaa of the
clatbea waiOiir for loapeetioa, whea' eharchca, whieb will be aaooaooad
the Bean ao tha top laok^oat criad oat, later, to which all are iorltad. Some
*'Tba Spantoh
k ftaet to comiap oat of af th* beat temperance vorken In thc.J
fowttc* M TTrawne a«.
the harbor." Wa eaald hardly bellare diatrlci, will addraaa the open meeUnri
oar ayaa whaaweaAw them oomiop. eteainp.
The officer of the deck toroed im the
Tbe f
• to the eon* Wripbtof CadlUae..nnd Ntoa
Alarm ia a aocond aad every
venUon wen choeen:
Lesto of tfaototce, are Ttoitora In
U htoataUaniaa mioate. We fired
W. W. Goble.'Mabel Brown. E B. eity.
the Irat pan aad blew oar whtoUe ta Allyn. Warrea Moore, Mrs. Albrlpht.
F. C. Tine was a vtottor here yestaralarm the reatof the fleet, than wa Mra. Briitol. Hervey Aliea. Mayme from Cedar.
tda atraipht headvray for the enemy, Oviatt. Cora Sacket, Floy Theobald.
Lather Maey camenpyasterday from
MsDDfsetared by BD. GILBERT. Best Five Cent Cipar Made.
ir eaptala
eapuln haa ao fear, he to aot M. B. Dollcy, Ed. Lavender, Anna Msyfleld on bosiosM.
------------------------------------------------------afraid ef the whole Spaatoh fleet,
Oviatt, Lee Swan, Ella Swan.
torpedo boat came ripbt for ne, bat
Altcruatee—Bd. Eeltb. Oliver Wat- vtolUap the family of P. Sandelmaa.'o
oaa o( our ehella hit her and ehe went era, Minnie Brown, Eoby Albripb» •18 East Frant street.
ia a thoaaand pieeae. Then wo atartod Bd. Thiea, Jay Elop. Barney Anderaon,
for the real, two torpedo boaU aad Warren Satobery. Cland Haivcr. AUm
tu L. who AUnMl AO widlaM
fear oraalen. We annb tbe torpedo EotiU. Anna Merrill, A.
Besort Vocee.
«k« parpoM of rAiAlof foodi for tb«
boato aad ran Ue crooiore ap on abor^
BW OioM *u»*AnWAt. hM Jnv diMormrJamm Spencer aad danphter arrived
The oflfaaratbatnw it toy it ratter hall. AU the dtotrict officers an
«A whAt A ■mpAndloot job Abe hM
tbe praeteet sipbt they bad ever i
expected. Grand Chief Templar Bor>
<»kni ApoA beiAclf. ThApoitofflco
The laat one wa enaaed waa the Cbriat- dick will be present to help make thto
BAbylon U bAinr boried Aider aa atw
obal Colon. U bad tbe admiral’a flap a roBsinp conventloo In the interest of
lAMhe of oiaU from aU pcrU of the
her hot ha was on the Vizcaya We better otpanlzation ef tbe Good Tem old acqaaiatances.
Ch0C0lat6S ®^^ANT FAVORS, aworted varieties—ao finer made
n^try, Aid the y«Ai« Udy bee floAlJ. C. and Bari Patleraon. Mrs: Caarpe VfilUVUfULtJO snywhere. Also choice fonfretioos of all kinds, madeon
captured bim and pat him oa tne New plar lodpca in the dtotrict
lyAppeAledtotbepreMU ke)p breeb York.
8hoop, Miss L. Sboep aad Bicbard premieea G»). B McLELLAN, eerrner Front and Park su.
Thto laat akip we ebaeed 73
<lM«bAlA. It to AOt ofUD that the iA- milea. moat of tbe way by oaraelvae.
Sbo(4> of Cbioapo, passed tbroupb the
•a^UAtor of tAch a meremeAt Appeato
rity yetterdsy en rpou to Northport.
The Brooklyacanphtnpto na Anally.
M‘es Alice Fletcher, who has bran to become the pnesU of B. Kitchen.
«o the newapapere to brcAk ap tbeen- She oepht to have beat na. aa aba cam
spendUp several months here with Mr.
It to mare oltea the pepen
po all knou faatar tkaa we. When she aaC Mrs. W. H. Fletcher. leftymtarday
Misses Jeanette and Cerollne Palmer
- «xidt arery effort to de ao Aayhow.
of T<dvds are la Ue city. They will po
did catok na, ahe ataid ripht aKmjt aide lornlnp for Bay Ctty.
Ktoe Scheaek to eaidcatty Alaeeza la
ta Old Mtosloc Uto week.
Bskery, corner Union and ?tb suaru.
of aa. and didn't try U ran Into ika
&:rs. Jane Kinney of Port B<
efforte la a worthy caum aad
Spaniah ahip. nelaetakot that waa ictnber of the board of troitecs of the
Sam Uariasdaad Howard li^sb'iefi
«k«p to ae doabt bat that ehe will fat
flred at tke Spaniard waa a Jl-lnch. It Por.tise stylum for tbe insane, who
iha AeeiitAAee the deeirae from Ute
came very near hlttinp her porj bow. with ber niece, Mtoe Boyce, has been
Laacl'ca In Ue world for Me. Opea all nipht.
They eaw that we bad tbe raape then, the pnest of Or. and Mn. J. D. Measao
M. C. Kimball and wife and BIchard
WaaTwru may ha the peMlant ffia- eo faey palled down th;ir colore and for a few days, left yesterday for a Kimball of Oraad Bapids, have arrived '
ran into the beach. We doted ia on short visit at Bay View.
aad will occupy Ueir eolUpe at NeBadaosd BaUn oa O. E A X '
'maf Geneiml irarcia repardlap whai
Bev. U. W. Smitb of Old Mimlon was
Wiptot to be the ooaraa ef the Amrrieao her then aad waited for Admiral Saaapoaly 1M4.
ton to eome.
Ue ordered oa to po la the city yesterday.
----------- ■ a In Caba, the Caban Jaata
Jodpe a P. Meikmnell ot meapo ! Trixin trade was iwralrz
in antidiim. ; ,5“
Aioazo and Louis Brinkman ot Cbl- accompanied by Miss Blsnebs Bsdd, |
ia Uyal to odplnal promiaea ta anpport
Gie ,n3U(n-al of datiia
tiia Brittoh ,*“r^
: Tictrolt. one fare for ronnd trip. SeU ' ^
lyo are the paeau of Mr. and Mrs. S. arrived in tbe eity yesurdsy.
dba pleat of the Uaiied BUtoa la the pat aboat too on tke St. Lonii and Uc
They eij^ru to Uc I Dit.-d Stale* were never | j„ce S?U and S?th r. tnrti July tU
E Walt They will spend a short time will an,oy a few weeks' vtoit wiU so low as
aampalpa aad to oboy the ordaia ot Beaoleto.
Ue first quarter of IbW.
IndUnapllto. one fare for n4od trip.
Brery bcatohaerad aa. SehUy aaM at Old Mtoeion before retarniap.
to to j Sell AopusiMh. return Anpnst 15U. >
ahaoffleera ia eommand. It it «Bite
friends st Ferest Lodjre.
Or. J. E Martin will spend Bnnday
Mrs. J. H. Conrad of Chieapo y--ird
1 S< 11 Jnl, 2fiU to Anpast SU, retarn
Whea all the ahlpi came ap te St Old Mtoiios with Mm. MsrUn and
Bativa of the JaaU and the off<
Dr'A J. .
^amwal wUi aerve to enlipbioe him where we were they cheered oa. Oar dsnphtcr Bhea. who have apendinp a to Old Mtosion.
by reqnut of
friends will
•pas the ooarae ha ia expeeiad to pnr- eaptaia weat by the New Y'ork.fa hto isw days at the resort.
hie time
W. B. Willard of Grand Bapids, Br- hours of
pip aad ha bad to BUnd ap Ibrea dl(Ms fa the war apalaat dpaia.
examination of
fareat Umet and Up hto hav
London's >.ffiee
Scott, Jr. of Cisclanati, dtotrict
The flrat beat wcaaak waa the Maria spend
APMimai. CixruiA braved tbe Urrias early as Poss.bje and, pofd
gord to rvtarn
rvtara Srpu
Sepu 8tb.
wnd Ueday
Ue day WiU her coosfa Mia. T.
scaper Bircht of the B A G. ti. R. B
Ma Are of the ihirteen-faeh pane of tbo Thereaa; aecoad. Oqaando: third, Vtomc J. Henderson.
‘Vermittion. O., one fare for ranafl
! trip. Kell Anpust 1st, pood to retara
American bauleafaipt witboat floach- ya aad foprfa. Crtotohal Coloa. 1 da
Julius Itoipe who to now In Grand Were arrivstoysstardsy for Omtaa.
. lap, yet the litUt attenUona abewerod □at know the aamac of the torpedo Bspidi. will speud Ue day in Traverae
Mr*. W. M. Hibbard and Robert Hib
Camp Meeilop. one fare for in's
boata Tba laat boat when we pot all City by Ukinp advaatape of Ue ex- bard arc pnests at Ue-Park Place, peeuine article, made at John Asb'a| *‘•7 View
spoa bim by^orbidly cDriaat per
llU to tUW
ikrry, 221 Front sUeet.
i '•"nod trip. Sell July nu
•t Annapolto, to abakicp bto nerve to the priaonera off bepan to eink. Spaa- ennioD.
lliey will po ta Omraa
flood to return Aup 2i,ih.
lards opened every port bole and all
Brdnced ratra to other polnta. Pbosa
Mra. E W.BuUer leaves Monday to
J. C Kortz and family of Clsvelasd
C. E. Marray, AptaL
Ue hales in Ue bottom of Ue ship ee join her husband at Maeceloaa.
Beliphtfal Sxenraion aroaod Marion j
arrived la tbe city last nipbt aad have
C. L. Lockwood. U. P. A..
AmuL Cavaiu to eaeireUe la hto that she cenld Sisk. They broke Ua
Mra. Follend of Spruce street left
•slaad. .Hnoday evenlnp. sUamer Col-,
____________ ‘Jrsnd Bapids.. '
faRorm to hide bto fleet. Commodore pant aad everytblnp so we woolda't yesterday for Vanburen fore few days talcen rooms st Park Place. They wiU , umbia. Music by Crescent band. Boat |
stay here tome time.
leaves T:3U.
WatM will lend him valaable aaaUt> pet aaythlap or save Ue ship. Well, visit.
e have all hlndi
•noa fa that repard when tbair eqoad- it sunk dnrinp Ue nlpht. If tbe fleet
A party constoUbp of John A BsnMessrs. H- and B Gcer.whs have bsen
Boston Brown Bread—Tbe real, jfami
aonld nave saved it, ws wouid pst mare vtoitinp ralaiives bera. have left for aer. and E A. L'pbam of Akron, Ohio,
Pennine article, made at John Ash's !rrr
and Wood Bayer of Dayton. Ohio,
tbelr home la Dowaplac.
Iskery, 221 Front street.
I r-> _1
IM part a ef the Becuu today to prizs mossy. “Tbe least Uatany
in Ue city yeaterdsy and
Fred Uedden cams in on the after
will pet." tsye Ue psy-masier,' will be
printed tbe
looklnp far a favorable place to a
They are mak- noon train to spend Sunday at home.
eratea, which wiU be fonad lavalnGvrrMrViimzn'. Sboe Store
lap Ue list aew to be seat to WsshClayton L. Bailey aad Fitch B. WUI•hie for referenceFIBE DEBTAl. WOBK. '
laptoa. I tbink we deaerve
iarne of Antrim ceonty were in the
prize money. Cerrora said that he
oonld have pollen away with Urae of
Barry aad family arc aatertain
his ahipt if it hadn't been fer ss. and lap Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Brtmks e*- Chionr Admiral thinks Us
mt BsUy l>ay WU! Attract Larpe
Thompson has ratnraed
Bob Xvaas pave chase for awblU but
Onwd of Sanday Ssbool Warksta
feU behind, eo he went back to jraard to ber home in Mayfield after a week's
From Abroad.
iday eveninp^^tmlr*^Ue newspaper boata aad tell Uem hew visit with Mtos EUsl Gibbs ef West sisodfjSunday
- Music!hy Crreeent haoA Boat
Ko effort to belap spared to make
that EipbU street.
leaves 7:3«.
Shop OppOBito Eagle OlBce.
Bally Itoy, Wednesday, a prand sae- was poinp ta do so much if he eaw a
Fitcber “Kid" Gleason otUeHsstlen
TmATXMB orrr. - M10H1O4M
iWatch This Column For Bargains!
K Spectacles,' 25c to $5.(KI.
6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack vigars-5 cents
Mr. „d
B.-k„ ,1
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
i I»
Furniture Bargains:
Dill Pickles -
Gfio. R. Winnie,
Up-to-iate Painter
and Paper Uaeger.
•sm. . ihe committees ars eenstaatlT
•t work preparinp tbs many details
which such a oelebratiea iavolvM and
flhelr laberwill be rewarded ^U a
AU Ua Snadsy sebools ia Ue sarSMadiep towns are pre^np to ah
dead and Us resnlt will be tbe laipsst
gatoo^ of ike kind ever held in
BOftbern Mlcbtpan. and like all publls
•vents in Traverse Citr it will be an
maqaallfidd sacoesa.
‘•Old Hop s" Bip Pickerel.
Frank Hopkins, better known as
'*Old Bop." a eoadnetor on Ue C. & W.
It., to a pood fisherman as wall as a
flood oondnetor.
Veeterdsy be weat
sriU a
ana Boardntan lake
»B.rrlck.™l...d.n.r. tl». -Hotr»8bi». a.ibo.brf . »„ ,ick.„i
« .bo.t , 1.
w.u,ht .dd .tu,
____ <__________
8 dd..
•tnpplinp some
V>>n« found.
Uat d.
was naebls to land hto prize wiUout
•eMstaace; so bto eompanioewescaUed
- «e Ue rescue and finally Ue pickerel
was safely bronpht into Ue boat,
.MUiap Ue sy>ry of blscatcb Ue naipbt
pradoaUy Increased noli] U welpb^
»7>< poands; which, however, to detiared to be only fair for Boe^dman
lake plckei^l. and it to probable that
la Ue beat of
exeitomrnt of landjBpUeflsh. ‘ H^" may have uader•■timewd ito wt-ipbt. It was a btp
Afih. anyway.
■ Jt«v. V. A. Frys Ap,
Bev. W. A. Frye of Three Btvera, for' fasrly pastor of Ue First Methodtot
, «hareh. arrived iaUecily'lastivMtop
fc, ..ow„i,.T,™U.V H. 8 .hi
gnaat of E. J. Falphnm and topeUcr
they WiU spond oome time la flaUap.
prodataa the Taeaareca'or Uto vicinity.
Spaalard. but a harkiap dnp asver
bites. He tried to run ia onr way but
ws followed him. and cut bim off. 1
was sick Uat day. hot I went to my
statloa jnst tbe seme and bad to stay
Uere nearly all day without pettinp a
breath of fresh air.
We have fear prtooaers on board.
Urae weanded mea. and a pip aad d<«
as mascots. Ths boyspot lotaef ses'
enira. but we bad to tarn them all -in
or else we loHOur prize money.
X.. Ll A. Banket Picnic.
Tbe Ladies Ubrary Asneeiatinn wiU
enjoy s basket picnic at East -Bey
next Tuesday. AU members. Ueir
faalliss and vtoitinp frisada are ia
to visittour friends in Manistoe, Be
went there Friday and vrill return
Mrs. Georpe W. Thomas to vtoiUap ia
Mtos Mny Folleek to la Slk Bapids
vtoltiop frisada
■ A. J- Doapher^. proseentinp attor
ney of Antrim ceuaty, cams hsrepw
tordsy from Elk Rapids.
Tbe Mtosea Lillie Decoo end Lnln
Thrrrtonof Clara are Ue paesu of
Mr. end Mra H. E Tatman of 8«wanU
strr ■_
Misses Florence aad Pearl Scott of
Cspsc are speadiap a few days vtoitinp
Dr. and Mrs. Osrner of Uto city. From
here Uey wUl po to Bey View to spend
a few weeks.
Joan Berry of the tele^ph offioe
t ™'b^. »U1 b. ,i Mm. 8.
«»»“ b^*
*; ” - “ ■'
•:M,forall wbe have not convey
County commisatoner G. W. Banjsances of Ueir own. Allars reqsasted mln of Leland was in town yasterday.
to be preasot.
Dr. 8. O. Sawyer arrived oa Ue ColThis la a Good Xhiap.
umoia last nipht from hto buineas trip
A cheek for fiiouo in favor of Mrs. te Norihport.
MarUs Edpceomb of Mapleton, is ia
Miss Ada Wells, who kas beea epeadthe bandsof Jos. bisder. Tbbrto the inp K week vtoiUnp friends fa Uto eity
sjaeuntofiasaraaoe carried with the I ***‘’•"* ®**®*®E
kcr home ia
^ern Woodman of America by Mn.
Tamer leaves tomorrow for
Edpceomb'eson, who died a short Urns
Grand Rapids en business.
Mr, and Mra. A. E flarriaoa of MBDr. E. L. Ashton. Ue dentist, aad
for a visit
family are spsndiap tbe healed season, WiU the family of 8. a DMprea. Mrs.
oa Ueir farm. souU of Ue city. Tbe
HarrtoOB win be better remeraberea by
doctor eom« in cveiy day bat leavaf
her friends here by bsr former
bto ofibe at 3 o'clook la the afwrnc
Mias Kltiie Bata.
Borton Brown Bread-The real,
Kfhl aad wife of NorUpon
renoinc article, made at jJbn Asb'J were to the city yeeterday.
Undersbsriff Martin ^wn af Leland was laths city yeaterday on bnai-
■ri,' ■
Islud. Bnnday evealap, euamer ColU. O. Hlekereon of Hannab-tranaaetby Cratoeat band. Boat ad baainaas to thto eliyyastorday.
Mr. and M»,E A Leaia and W. F.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th^s season of ^
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Biev- ^
cle Eidiugr or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
[B MOMriHQ HaooaD. BPJfDAT. JTOT 94. 1»
OBVBOB anvioii vodat.
Am h«4Nw Urn late ua «ah». «bm
tht llantenast wu Introduced to A*totMi SMoterjr AUm nod wu «r»eted
AntAtel kr tbsaMpwttr* ObwA
by Cnptnia Crownmtbleld. Cnpuin
rsdlord and PMatoo
Evnnn who bl«pen»d to drop In. He
About Alt th« War Nawa That la •pent
hnU nn hour In conference with forty Thousand M«i
to Lmvs Bee. Chaa. T Stoat. Baetor.
Comirtg to Washington
the •cerstnri- nod itaen teiuroed to the
club to beau
Just at This Tima.
fiecreinry Lork nOtted ihnt HobMO
Ww” in Porto Rico,
did not brtn* the iMin-expefttd report
from Admirnl Pnmtnon and bli brother
« HEARD FBOX. omcer* on the d'Otmctloo of the Cer- GREAT MOTIkmiT IS H PB00SES8. ttnndsy aehosl and Bible elsM st IS.
Vespar aervice st 6:15 p. m.
▼em neet. The rznet purpnee of hU
Visit was explained bj- the order under
All era oordlnlly invited to Uieae i
Omm.1 u cmu^ Alnt rtrnMr
c.m Which Ltnitcnant Holman had come to
fcr TM« mm* Ughlmr. Hiat Al« b the United Stalea, which Is to unre
. FUBT nmooteT.
Quick action toward the salvation of
ISMsibta, bat Twa Wm4» Will Ua Oeen- Bee. J. A. teeady, paator.
the .Cristobal Colon, now on the rocks
west of «antlatco. and says: ' Bxplaln
plad la OetUan All ntarlad-Oea. Frad
. Bt 10:S0a.m. a
to him -mily the P’«itlon and condition
Gtaat Aaalmiad te a BrUrad*—SilrkB Ta 700 p. B.
of that ship and reclve his Instruc
De Weeded Oal afUia Army.
asM mMtlnr Bt *:30 every SBbbBtb
tions renard n* It. Be as e*p<-dltlous
a. July t» -The mom inf.
lUallA July 19. via Hong Kong. July
iciual atuverrent of triHjpa fr<*j Camp
indsy acboel Bt cloae of
mornSt-The dleembaikatinn of the Am.-rt- termination. In nnlcr that. If It Is practlcable tq do so. this line •hip may be I Th“tn»s for the Potto lUinn expedition
ean troops composing the second cx- saved to the United Kta-es navy." TVila ' U-s>.n yesienlay moming whrn'General isr
Junior Lenfue Bt 3:10 p. b. Bsd EppedlUon te bring pushed with the m- te signed by AdmlriJ Pampson.
j Halnrs' brliade, the Scc.nd.of (he )='-rBt
p; own energy. The Colorado regiment Is
dlrlslim. First corps, broke camp and
CASis-R mnet swra tub cvbana
In the BorBlDf
altoady in Held near Parmnajo. and
n-hed ...
to ....0CXJJ.S
n. ssYilIe T.ie
. ..e are.;linrDts
v..u.ivb.e In
-* we win c-Muider
---------clud-dwerc the Fourth
other rgglmenu will be transferred, Palley aa to She Island That Wni I
------- Ohio.
------ -Fourth
------- ! Twenty-third PsbIb, BBd ip the (
Without any loa. of time from the
... __ J P'OW'vnnia and the 'n.lrd HIiaolA | *«« talk about our ioWler boys at Camp
J Wartiington. Joly a-TheletterwrlU-j The Foorih PennsylvaniA the last tolAlfer.
l^««rt., to the camp in native boB..,
Ae -Cnlled Slalea crutaer Boston has t*, was read ar
— ---- --------•f’" •"•cussed
at •otne night. Their route Is to Cincinnati. ov.T I lag aaeeiM
***" ' '**“*"^
Clm^lbMfl S-»thern. and thence to ^
AU BTC eardlaltj Invited.
fOM She D>W .•evuMc. a rsuut.on Almost day. and the opinion was expressed that Nea-port New., vU the Chesa ,s .ke and
Within range «.f the guna of P.>rt .» evidently was baaed upon a wr.mg'Qhlo railway. TTiese troipn will be folKvshokuesL.
Malate. which4s only a abort dJiUnce ««n^tlon of the purp<«es and motives , towed today by General Br.-*e and !*er.B.8aUbetT...
from UanilA pro,->er.
t^r people. Thtwe. it was said, should stag, the rewrve amWnan. e company. ; Cbarcn oa'tbe comer of KlatA and
------. ‘Infirago have been fully explains to Ihv res. n-c bospllal evn-s. the signal ij Wadsworth
Wadsworth stnu
Waahingtoa July rs —There weresev- him and to all of the Cuban leoders. It erps and General Br.mke a guard, c -neral events of Interest. If not of imper- •*
f™v as had been reported, a
"f iro.'p H. of the Sixth Unlt.~l ' Sundsy aervicea as fallows:
Praachlcf at 10:30 a m.
tanee. at the war and i.avyd. wn.-naots n»rmber of the <abln«« said, that Gar- i
any F of the
Sunday school at 11:30 a. m.
ywicrtay. Oeosral Andetwon at Cavite ^ »•*
Invited to partlclrale In the ; «»•'»* »- n-«e.i Riat.-s Inrsntn’.
ceremonkr attending the rauing ..f the '
«"~T. r. A. at 6:30 p. m.
I Amcriran flag ..wr Panllagu It was a I * tl*eclal train will cartr Ocreral
PreachlDf at 7:10 p, b.
.mistake. Everything rewsonahlc. he |
f""" »^*»e «eld stsAU
are wbIcoba
sald. should 1*. done .to win and keep!*'''" “*
ttds afiem.on. Th-y will
the friendship of the Insurgent Cubans. :
*“ ?**“'i«prt News to embark. The
They should be made to know thaiihe
only purpose of the United States In I*''l.’iw. breaking camp early: pr*,-i,.Bg w-ju* r.iea.L.
i waxing war against Stain was to ,». ! '’niorr.m morning, baliery A. ni!n.4s: '
■cure for all the people of Culw relief
«. Pennsylvania; battery a. ,»* «tedinf. Mlch.
from the oppression of Spanish rule and j Jia*n^'»''*t *""* it Twvnty-^veoih In- ; Sunday school at I*
.a stable govemm.nt e
bllidied by I
Ii head- [ B. Y. p. V. at 6:15. p. m.
added. It Is not the Intention of this
1 govemmem to drive the Fpanlsrds out
! and the* forrrally turn the Island over
ihe thsvntents <w to any other parI ticular Clara or faction. This
• governRovemtoent had never Intimated suchh a pur‘be entrary It sas well
I that a stall
for and by all of the p'“rp!c of Cuba- had
: been
n the only purpose and end aoughtto
. be atuined.
I The details Incldest to the establlih_ ___,__ _____mvnt of anch a government, It was said,
had declared a dlcutorahlp and mar'>> «"• «wHUal tew over the Phlllr-rlnes. son cthlng ^‘**
that gave the cabinet f«.«l for conrta- '
• p»^ple of the
etmOOD. Thece was no disposition to
rterlsred. trust be given
fort* any Issue with the Insurgmt chief an opportunity t.j express their vlrwass
at this time, but It ls pretty well under- to the c-hsrwctcr of the constUutiun
atood that he will not
allowed to der whlih they were to live, and
coniBlt the United Btntes g.ormment *• to the man who should make
la the future treatment of the Philip- •*»«»** Ute tows. The Insurgent Ouplne uuffltlon. Jt would not
surprlst-rtainly could notcor.slstcmlyask
•I be BURprlst --n
8tr.«g i:TTu- '
............. ■*““
rwan tonuences are Uirj; brought to ten by Garcia i.. Shanercmplalnslhat:
ai^rTaTt-"*-—■Am-rtenn aimy. and news .<
rope. . But •■> far th.>y ai
pear to have .-iporiucl
event was given
• be« IneffecfunJ. f r it is offlclall;
idron*^ peiwons < ntir«-ly f.irolgn to jtuir staB. I
layed n I abandoned.
. »ord. from yourself Informing me
■or^frn W MHraaad tempwra.
tke Degctlailoiis for peace or the terms
Ugh <..a.-ral
Miles repirted by of the MCUUIatk-n l)f th* Franlsnls.
cable /rom ^...le
Nicholas, Hayti. . The important ceremr ny of the surrenthat he was "morti
the first deuchmrni of the military ex- pn«
city by ?-'urscir took
pedlUon acslnsi P.irto i;ico, and nsJtcd ' pigi later on. and I . niy inew pf both
lor lighters nnd tugs,
tugs. n
It was said at events!■ by public rnr
W war departmeni that some
c of these-nslty, I know that y.>u have left
; Mghlers were already on their way; power at PmUaco the' Mtre Franteh
"‘uTT ■
. authorities that f. r -Ir-e y.tit t have
lenMiile dH^ would arise on ' fnupht as the ern-mus ->f the Indepeiide. The brief reieirt from Ad- ; cticc of Cula. • • • In view rf all
-take the whete .,( the First corps
I’orto nieo. and it Is the uo Jerstendlng Ber- «- B- Bcuieh. Partur.
that otheh r.glinents are to leave as
Class Meeting at 10:00.
rapidly as transr-nstlon can he pro
I'raacbing at 10:30 a a.
vided. the l-r’gsdes leaving th- park In
Bnadav school IS m.
regular lorn until the last l-rlcade of
the Third dlvfsloa hi.s l-c-'U ordered out.
Epsvonb Lea^s G:30 p. m. .
Will R* Xrwriy 40MNI Men.
Preaching 7:30 f. m.. pastor.
Ceunung (he recruits and takirg into
All are welecBc to tbcM eawteeA
coRSIdcration the hospital crp. and
other crcan zatlons 1i> he lucluiled tbBreTitiea.
force will fall but . little short of to.00-1
officers and m-n. It will require from
Thm will beareffniar BeetlBjr of
c..,. s,.
..... .
eifeci. is building a handaoBe row
An examining board fs' to
ap- - *>3at for Mayor W. ^W. Smith for «Mo
pointed at orre to look tot- O'- ^ytlral . Carp Lake. '
o-nd.i'on of a ianse numb r of-men In • a w m. u
vanoas t-gimonls who haveUen shirkwm leave
Inc drm. m the plea of .slckn-es, ih- .
"•eb for.tteatlle. Mr. Black has
puriE.se iw.nc that If they arc n-.i at.I - B°1 jsi selected a location for their
to on-lerg.. the tur-’Rhito -r the fiiM .future-hoBe. but clrcnnstancra will
they arc to le dlscbar,-T^-d Jr.-m the s-r- ji,.^ v..
viee. This b afd wilt he
nt-d to- I
day sn.l the work '•f we- -i..b uut the |
evening Bishop Breybogle
revim-nfs wli i.e push-d f-rw.rd vigor- i
preach la the Erangellcal ehuruh.
misty to that none b .t th • physi-ally All are welcome
able may l-av- th« pr-rant exi edition. I -phe isdjet of
The ladies of the Oraca Episc
p.LiNOi« Mi.Ta ,a TO MOTE
‘ghufch wU) give a la-n'fet7.T^’e
Daily Average, 1,367,
' r ■
GDaraoteed MatioD!
Mod,™ »■««,.
cramand at Camp TTn-mss tolay.
*»“■«». Monday night In MmOew.Oraal<.Mn.maad..llrlg«le.
tagM balL A fell attendanite b deGc-ncraJ Fivd D. Oraol >-e<terdsy took alrad.
fortuai ...mmsnd of the Third to gad^
William Fetterlv, wbo bes opened a
Bapeet. to Be Ordered ftealh Wiotily-;
Mrs. AvcTy on BoarJmau Bverrartirc March I. DiMutrowk
; nus, next Tuesday evcslng. Everyone
Springfi-Id. ri*.. July :3--C-.lunrl Jas. i Is invited to attend and have a good
R..Cam|.b,-ii. cmmi-mling the Ninth . time. Ice cream will be served
Illinois infar.tr>-. ye*trTday afu-mo. u | Will Alger is driving a team of rrav
retelv-d a telegr.-ni from A-Uutarv;
nurch.k-i » a •
oi gray
General r.irhln asking whatequlpminti _
enasea from J
were still needed and h..w fat Ihe.^ «. A. Wheelock has a
. __
•vcTk of dlstrlbuitnp the I'luipmenu !• fine driving horra frain the t
e expeditbn
Nip is to^ly ^yje I today
—e/ -.
••• .-M.'—
pr.*-i•risscd. I
■ ^portent than appvara
Pears op the surface, Cuban arn-.y. Major c-en-viil Maximo
lies nn
nn the.......................Gomes, my reyisn8tl-'r:‘as
•-a..I The Battle Creek ball team will be
Ih'MOCuba almost
- dlrecUy
_____Uy across the Isl- <>f tn*e..ib
r-pt 1>aTf.fCl scabbards, cantirns and jbere tomrrow and Tnesday for two
and from ^ntlsgo. li is purposed
dlsiateh from NVw ^(,rk gives a
icks. rrtlon.-i Gampb.'ll talus | gamca.- TbeM will ,_____________
good gaoet and a
.......................... M.<i-Ement IsauM by l>rmlngo glendes
days' Uroe In gelUng tup- Capote. viee prcvldenl of the Cuban re?
micndance ahonid be tbs rule.
pll^ Into Culm as compared with the public, citer cnsultallon with the Cu- be orUeri-'l south In a few daj'i, perhaps
The Craaecnt band azeuraien around
Bantlago route. •
ban junta In that city which fully and b> Tuesday next. He hclievea It will
-signed to the Feventh crjrps. Gcn- ae island this evening will afford _
MwyBertotollaCarbtogtheCataaaa. ! uSrer-.T^-'-dly Ind-riue the pi
Pllihugh Lcc.commrnrler. at Jark- pleaaaai opportunity for a delightful
It will also form a good fa-lnt of op- proclamation Iss-te^ imm-dlaiatcly after B'-hvlIls.
Fla. All lurl'.iiihs have l>«n
erallui;* agblnst Holguin, nol far dte- the capture of Hpmlag-'
in Ihe govtrip and the snjoyment of good niuaicpislrlctcd to ton'-irrv.w momlng.
tent, ard ir ehnuid develop unfortunate- emment cff the ent
cni turc-d territory.
The concert given by the Creacent
The Ninth regiment trarvhe-d live
ly that a r.v.ralntng handd must be laid
—'-------miles ycBter<lay afi.i.ooon for praetire. bend from the portico of the Hotel
~ '
Upn« the
th.-mselves Nlpe. Tn
The heal w-as very oppr»-sslve and fifty Whiting lut night held a large tbroeg
copnectlen with Stenils^o. would be
:«MVb Elder Take.'Charge wf the
droptod <.ui ef-the ranks. One
^e«lve ir.ears of doing thia The i
aad Ontrr at Nanllace.
Urlvate Frank Dradthaw. was se- of people on tbs street. -*rhs boya con
^apartment t-ns net yet b..en Infnrme-I
Santiago de Cuba. July rS.—General ri-iusly' prostrated and te Id the h>«- tinue to Improve end ara making a bit
that-Gemvsi .-haft-r's Cuban allies
- Bough Klders, v.os sp- , pHalI with a-flivuit ooncsrt mosic. The band
have quit the Amerlesn lln^
A number of the ir.c-mbcrs of the is appi^ia^ and I>rDf(Skor Bonn, ior hy pointed military gevemor of Santiago
Eighth r-gimenl have been rngagnl
in xHIng H.-inkvts |r> a negro sutkr tends to make it oae of the best mnsicsl organinsUoBs In the state.
for food. Hl« tdai'i. c-lll be raided.
has'been gT»wing mure pr-.rr.wncv-d »
At tbe Bomlsgservice In t)^ First
err Iter a-nee the fall ..f t ni.Uec.., and
Is fssrcd.thal i
M. B. cbnrch today Mira Carrie Undley
Benert --no..
ofChicago.foTBerlyof this city, will
i hnpifi.I . f av..ldlnx
aurtl a rr.tcn rc Is -vUrr.-'o! trv the e-.nMadrid. July■ n.-Thv St .ry wa, tele- I
«- ••
fldenee si.- w n hj- S<r*.r tjije-a te. one
grapb,-d ftoiB 6.ier>-ye.;ertey tbatS^ncr e^»®p5«ted vocalist and her Bany
the Cuban legation here. In an ainlc-ub'.c
friends here will app^aciate the oppor
Gamas<i. mil.
act t If rjer. I.
tunity to bear her again.
Biiey Sweers, who is working in
sburtljd at (be. Mstlss a
did eay. In an lotorvlew in The Cnrrv- aoatbem part of the stete in the. BonaiK.ndCBSa Mllltar. was thte; "I ran araent bnslaesa. is in the city for n few
give you ncB-s wbbh will please tbv
WaBhlngluD,JulyrS—-as mist agree
press. The suspcnsl-n of ihe c«njllable event of yi'slc:day'at the oiU-.na;
WUliam Greenberg, who was in bnsitutl-in will nol last l-mg. for several
capital was the r.rrival at the navy deocds hers with Julius Steinberg 15
iMirtwnl <jf lieutenant Housi.n. the
hy the people and thi army. years ago, when Traverse City vras a
hero U the Merrtauii'. He suveeedvd
Tillage, is now here visiting Mr.
ID cB'iping .-bservfcti'.n as hi.- passed
tlnns -if toe govertunenl. whlih arc i-/ Steinberg, who te hte consia. Mr.
througlt the iraiB shed, coat an
i-otii-'jtdv sn fcon-»rsHe jean- «-hlch WIIL
brelia In hand aiid fu^s-ed by a porter
In the first piiu---. sfeUi-fy the as;<1rutlona Greenberg is a sncccsefel boainete man
jitputl.y i-arrylni; hiS &ag, but hef re n;
of tbv army. After that. If S-nur Sa- ia Chicago and noUeea many changes
' XSBta .-h-told thli.k l.i. he will ask the since he was here last.
vsnerc^ ir.,in vhccUllwn frime.mv spied
V him, a hnirali
uhe thrust de^Coba tVp-lnesday, r-uti-»-cd(nit Oen- qu< r(i recent If she still has confidence
The Queen of the Lakes vrii: give an
-■•.-aad Ida n.u.i;-n i.
.tun ns uoleJ
MeK!l.l.ln,-wh.. roums it. his old }n her pr»s-mt advisers."
ii with wouf.rUS *h
exesniioD on the bay this afternoon
•K. T.ie
of ^„ij.
,v{,„ „
Mrvrelh Illlaol. Ha* a rrmsliw.
"Beteun. il.iiw.n;’
and also this evening.
or.lintr>- l.usini-sspa
fe>.cP0Ud eli«E<l aU.o
Wa-hlng'im. July 33. — Comj-iroller
Eicbard Myeta enOared a sunatroke
Lf band ^
and pusLl.-.g
niK.ut .until ^
province Siumlsh tr-K.ps c.nilnuc to •I>B'vi-s. of the- curr: nry, said yesterday at Sligbte-yeetarday. 'It te thought
, was iwued by
lhal he had tevn assured by PeereiaTT
Ate r tuht the Seventh Illinois, now en- that no eeriotu rseulte-will come of It.
can.|« a ut Fal s Chur.h, w.mld be used
Deputy Sheriff F. D Marvin received
in tte I'.utn R.c-.n rarrpa'xn If It was s
. ’»?tKl”’’tlie*mmta^ govetwer. hils"""! poasil> IhtBir. « Uh the chsnci# Urgely yesterday a ooBBlmien appelntlng
The officer was dnven St .mue-to the
«» »!>♦ rt«"P»‘••'fraft- iB favor of the replmcnt's uilliuilon. him Bid da eampoa tha staff of Daparu i
j« ,Arttiy and Navy c.ub and after brush- er there wlU U- music in Ihv ptesa evr Itew-es -Aent to c-tnaiderabje 'paint to mant CoBBandar Fatrick of ths Grand
V Inx htiTM lf ap he drove over to the i-ry Sunday and Thursday, ^ere wUl Imprets npon the war defaetinent r>f■' na»-y dera: Imem. As ke appr. ached th - be rtjoiUngs when the paymaster-ar- firtsls tl-e rhSK-ctor - f the 8 'Venlh and AnprdI tha Repablie of Michigan.
the efflc»nry of the rrm :n<»at o.ganGlean Biddlacoab was token before
gioBlce of the aecrvUry of the navy there
d an-itfaer L-enK4istratloii. a largBsvaaa fitatcBical of the Lara.
Jnalioa Brown yaaterday oa a .ebarga
icrowd had gathered ubout the dcorway
Washington, July 23.—A dispatch
of laremiy and hte examinaUra was aet
a aad the hearty wHcsinc it gave the from Havana gives the Fpanisfa acJacksonville. lit.. July 23 —The Third for next Tnesday.
nffic-r brought blushes to nis count of the MansanlHo affair. It says
rmv omc.T
regiment of Nebraska volunteers. In
S^ury Long cnae out of hla the Spaniards lo« but three dead and command of Wlliura Jennings Bryan.
office andgrssping Hobaon with • fifteen wonnded and «mly three irans- aiTri-ed yesterday. Bryan's reglinent
land, bumf
htrth hands sald-wlthalncerlty.-L'euien- porta. It also says that with the at- will be encamped at Fanarrn park, five
■Ua. Mua
S ant. I am glsd-veiy gtad-te ace you." tacking force were two momitora.
mile# from the dtp.
avaa 7:S(i.
1898, was
Be Coflclusion Is Plajg!
The Record Reaches The People.
That is the reason it is a
It Goieis the City aad Sarroonding Ganotry lore Folly
Tbia Any Otber Daily.
The reason the Secord Is so widely circu
lated is because it
Prints All The News.
Fully and up to the lime of going
to press every inoming.
Uneicelleil Telegraphic News Sertice.
fineir lliostrated Features on Sunday!
Special Inentlon Eiien local Happenings.
Try the fANT DEFAETHENT Of The Horulog Recmd.
ppywiiiBggMffgi? •
Tu icoBiruro aboosd, suvdat. j^lt m isee
a tmmpelcn doetuneni. laimher, oalt.
Iron, eopper and wool are dealt with
In the ipeech. and It la recerded by
paUtJeal manacere as a enperlor pro^
tecuve tans eampalcn arcument.
Major Oeorce H. Hopkina. mlUUry
aide-de-camp to Secretary Alfer. Baa
been eeiected to co to Ban Juan as
the personal reprqenUUve of the sec
tetary of war In rtirto Rico. It U mmored that he Is to be made mltlUry
TfBweeOt«f Heikee. '
Below U a IM 0( the bu^ Bed sMl-
• b Thas&i
Valome ffiwwe lAtUe Ooereaee and b Bik
tar Thaa U Prevtoae Tearw
New Tork, July 21.—Bradit e t's am: eraeCUy;
Milwaukee. July 22.~Tbc Home BuU4<
Oood Work Den* by MJehtnii**
ing and Loan association, of thta e.ty. Is Midsummer condlt:ona aUU govgra most
Soldier Uader.
RsgsrdhiK «h* 8*ttl*m»nt
a oompleU wreck. An examlnaUou by Unas of trade and manufaiture, but ths Claar Pork per bbl. 1
Buts Bank Examiner Kidd shows the volume of bustness as Indicated by Oear Poric per ft...
QuMtiont Which thcWsr
Short Cut Pork..........................
assodalloQ to be Insolvent, the llabHlAUES BSraCULLT bBUfiUTm
Short CuT Porii per ft..............
Will DevelopUes amounting to tlCkSOO, while the
1 00
noor, U L. A Oo. bwt..........
vanec of previous years at th-t Ume. A Bye Flour. B. U A Co. B«L.
Becreuiy< 00
■ if—i* at ravaHtlMB i
Treasurer John Harvey Myers is re (eaiute In trade ihls week Is' the b lUr l<Ml, H. L. A0o.B«L...........
ALSO THE PLAH OF niMPATflli sponsible for the w-reck. Though he demand reported for wool east and Feed, B. L. A Oa Beet..:.—
claims (hat bis shorUge will not esce-d west, largely confined. It U true, to a
Judce Boatwiek of Ionia county was
WO.OOS the big gap between the Usblll- tew grades of wool Indlcauons that
here recently. He aalo; “I am very
---------- ...----------- * .-----------j
shortly Imidperft........ .......................
Wstsoa Kb* Oolac te I
Ues and assets goes to show that It will
reach a muiA higher figure.oD>dr et->r
read carefully all oiBdlal dlspatcha and
Parts or Capi
Bntter per ft DaSn..................
going so far as to say that the dvfaica- > **'*'■ **>*• >* Perii;
1 Bnd that Admiral Bampaon-a dMt lu
riMt is His <Musm-Hb AaUom Agai
Creamery Bntter.ft.............
W*rtin«ton. Jnljr n.-PnUM _ . two months of bombardini
tion wUI retch alone close on tc ll.o 000. |
good orders from railrosdi for Cbeeeeperft................ ..............
Inc baa only
, fcterd oa ererr hand for UlcUrmn* killed a imile at Uaiansos.'
The Home Building and t.oan as ;. c a* larger export buatnesa and of
Bald ter Taars-4>artB Bioo and Osam tki> was organised eleven 3
good volume of small orders for van
- eoldier leader, the h.ave Shatter, who
tU Be Oats for Good.
oui ciaaeee of sleeL
captared 8antU«o. General Milea. the
7^-.When Admttal Dewey, recardlesa of
DuUnees has been a feature of the Polat^perbn...........
Washington. July 21—A slgnlflcaat
Mnlor majar teneral of the annr. vaa oonuct and other mlna supposed to
Salt per bbl......................... ..
cciwal marketa Old wheat suppUes are Bras
praoeat. and hii telecram to the aecre> be In Manila harbor, started In a
The association hog been paying an rapidly decreasing, whlie tbs new crop Btmxo xarsa or Txavxxax orrr bkadPress
tarr of war cave Shatter all pralae for Btralcht line for the doomed fleet of
nual dividends of U per cenL. and movement—while In excess of last year
Montejo. be nn op t be slchal “Remem- poslUou to speak with knowledge and these must have been paid from lU re- —does not reach the proporUonf exthe macntltceat vletorr.
Secretarj- of War Alc*r aaja: -I am her the Maine." Every throat on every authority as r> the plans of the adrain- celpu The beavieit losses will fall up- VfKiied. Cotton U at the lowest pries Wheat, old. pw bn......................
e*—«rtallr drUghtcd «1th Sbafler a auc- American nhlp responded to that bat- islraUoii. with reference to future war — the directors, who held shares ever paid ei this season of the yea>. Wheat, new, per bn....................
Oats. No 1. ner ba. (sew).
tlecry. Throuchout tbi- na\y |i was the
imi ranging from t;.000 partly on good crop reports and all)
■ v<e ] havt^^.Wen penonaJly call that nerved ofllcerB and men to operaUenu. In substance the stateMO.eoo. Secreury My<-rs says Ihe as the result of the annonneed Intenlleo Cera, per bu..
■ t 'cjI it e.-vere crii- acts, the audacity of which has aaton- menu was as roll«ws: "Commodore
a shut-down by Pall River mills.
t .
ocxuiiDL Shatter waa aent Isbed the world and caused BncUabmm Watson In proceeding to the Spanish money was spent In large real estate of
! 11 te u
For the latter reason print cloths are
to the from hr order of the praaldeDt to boast of their kinship wttb the Amer peninsula as soon as the Porto Rican deaU and other tranucUona
Bsga. per dosed..
firmly hsid at previous quotations.
expedtlloD la gotten under way la not u
, bacauae he was a cood soldier ard waa icans. That we
Failures have again dropped to nor
1 that r
Seemed to be the beat man tor the work.
mal summer proportions, the total
Unually tmoV
Onr baby ^
has bei
No such bumbardmeot of the coast Is AbUbb That May bead ta a-BIg boa Urths number for the week Just cloecd being }ed
Bat bersuac he waa a UIcbican aoldler sunk, while lu csllani
with ooUc and eboli
lera infadtem
in. Cfi fewer then Iset week. 22 fewer alnee his birth, and all that
I have been accuaed of tavorillain. I asleep in apparent safety In the har entertained. While there may be other
hat we could
Chicago. July 22.—Fiftr-slx negr<«a,
to glm I
VIU be clad If you will aay to the peo- bor of a friendly power, waa not an Incldenui purposes the main mission of brought from Birmingham. Ala., have than In this week a year ago. *2 amaller
Idle threat In Manila hay lay the
in this week of UK. &l loss than to
pie of MIcMcaa that there waa no m- cnilaets Don Juan de Austria. Castilla. Watson U to take care of Camara's been put In the places <rf the striking than
1S»5. and « less than In l»l.
ToHtlam about it at all. but that Shaft. Relna Marla CbrtfUna. Don Antonio fleet. The movement of this fleet and
*r has calued hla prominence by hla del UHua. lala de Mlnanao and Mar the fears and appn-bcnilons caused by *hiployes of the Illinois Bteel company, STKinVO ICTEM B&DIO SUIT rboea Bemady. Blnee giving (bat rem
edy be has not been teoubled.
reports concerning It are to be stopped '
necessaiy. will be brought from
own miliiatT aUUty. oklU and ecpeH- ques del Duero, the two gunbnau Gen
and pUced In the aboes of'
layaraf Pane the Owfeadset iaaOMAM want to give y<ra (his tnatimonlal as as
eral Lwso and lala de Cuba, and a cruis will be located by Watson and finally the striker*—oil uf whom are union
Damage Cam
evidence of our graUlnde, not thn( you
Secretary Alcer'a private aecretary, er and other biau of less Importance, met and engaged. The talk occaalonally men. of course. Serione trouble Is anPans. Ills.. July 22.—Attorney C. K. need it to advertise your meritorious
Mhion. la very popular with newatiaper having In battle a tout romplement of indulged In as lo the Canary Islands li Uclpated by nmi»- u a result of this tieforgee.
of E>ecatar.
cou|fael for ^
the remedy.—G. M. Law. Keokuk. Iowa.
For sale bv a E. Wait. Druggist.
Mineiw uninn .lAnt
men hera He la on duty dayanl nlcht. t.&W men. with a modern armament In utterly without foandstlon. TTils guv. acOon. Fir*t Vice President Foote, of '
twae of the principal ahipa. In Uttlr
•otnetlmee' remainluc at the war de. more than an hour they went all as eniment has no plan to take those isl the Illinois Bteel compiny. define, the '
attitude of the corporaUun In these
evldenw for a
ands and does not wont them.
tmrtinem as Ute aa I o’clock
gal contest against the city In the case
useless as the Maine.
nine, amtwashiBC of Cervers’s FWot.
•'It bss been onr policy, and Is yet. not
“DesplU popular expscutlon that
tronL He rives to the walunc news
When Admiral Cenera left the Cape Porto Rico opt-railuns will be followed to be dirUted to b>- our cmployea. In streets adjacent la the Pennell mine
paper men such Informat on ai he-can.
AttocMy* at Lnw.
by action against Havana this Instance we to.,h the quickest way when an attempt was made to resume
but of, course he dues not clve them de Verde Ulanda the people of Spain
lo supply the places.of the striking la
oonfldentlal telecrama. He la now a
Keetsgus nock. TntvrmOltr.Mlel
borers Men are bard to find iu Chi Bperatlens with nim-unlon labor. The
swfflber of the MIchIcan aaaoclaUun be had gone to taach the American aiucked while yellow fever condli
cago and the virinlty who will work arresu were made at the dictation of
•nd la popular with that orcanlaatlon.
against the unions, endure the appella- Mayor Penwell. who pointed onttlendThmy-thlrd and TUity-foorth MieUesa. waa soon bottled up in the harbor of hel^l of national folly to engage
of '•cab’ and take the chance of en and ordered (heir arrest by the depODly two MIchIcan recimenu are at Santiago, and when It attempted to es troops In and about that fever pest hola abuse from the strikers. The fifty-six uUe*. The miner*’ trial will be called
• M. I.OL-DOX.Onll>t.OBewta SUrtbaa
' the front, the Ihlrty-thlrd and Thirty- cape It sras reduced to the condition of Conaeqnently It will be left unUI Ue
;urcd from the soifth will be next Wednewlay. Leforgec at the Inthe
■trucUon of the miners is cnmplUng evltourth. They are with the Fifth corpa. ■hips consisted of the armored cruisers
denee to bring suit against Mayor PenUhder Shafier'a command, and they
t. BEOWX, a
Almimnte Oquendo, InfanU Maria
well and
bondsmen for lU.OW for
Imre received their bapeum of are. Teresa. VUcaya and Cristobal Colon, strip now surrendered—may gradually
push hU way over some other districts
defamnilen of character by false im
Oeneral Dulfleld has been aertuusiy 111 an
of the Maine cUss. and two torpedoprisonment.
with malarial fever. Finally the dla- boat destroyers. The entire comple and If there should be any
The operator* of th* BpringMde mine
•ase turned into ml.d aymptoms of Fol
was loot men and the armament sny point will
against It. but^H^
yesterd^ afternoon guarded home four
low fever, and then be was lauUled. ao ment
of the principal ah I pa was virtually vans wUl be lea until yellow ft
AUsnta. Ga.. July
The next an miner* who worked in the mine daring
that hla ccnUclon could not spread. that of the Maine.
gers are past
nual reunion of the United Confedemte the day. The miner* were armed with
Me U a powerful man, phyalcally. and
Will Be OBveramoBt's Baty HBaUia
was the last one In the command whom
Veterans wlU be held In Cbarlcstoa 6. rifle* and abotguna The operator* held
**MeanUmc In the next two months
eny one' would hate auppeoed would quite Willing we ahould hold her re
•Ote of 1.0M to KTO the conven- a conference last evening, but declined
sponsible for the atrocity of the Maine's there win be enough to keep thU gov
enccumb to rllmaUc InBnencea
tJra decided the contest. The entry ol to make public their doings or IntenThe Thlrtjvflisi infantry Is with the destruction. Our navy has remembered ernment busy. We wlD have lo cope Mlae Winnie Davis was the signal of a
First corps at Chlckarrauca Park, but squadron now somewhere on Its way with the most serious problem yet— remarkable demonsiratloa Mias Davis
fcor*. OB the Boll Field.
that of proridlng for the government
will Boon be with the Thlrty-second
escorted to the front of the sUge
Chicago. July a.-Testerday*s League
from the Sues canal, and certainly
the future ot the lands Involved In by General
teclment at Tampa, where the Fourth doomed
Gordon, who Introduced her icores at base ball were: At phlladelto the fate of the squadrons
war. The hauling down of tbeSpancorps renden-oua fa aUbllabed.
2. Philadelphia U: (seeof
Ifb flag and the hoisting of that of the
^ree Michicao concreeamen have
al La*. ByiBlI
5wn child."
>nd game> Chicago 1, PhlUdelphts T; at
Acver called upon the clerk In charge now Mands: For loss of the Maine, United States means more then on lu
inlmous vote it wae decided tn Washington—ClneinnaU *. Washlngiea
of postofflees for MIchIcan la the post- with *« Uvea. Spain baa paid with the tocelt indicates to the popularmind. No cendemn the expresslnn "War of 1: at Brooklyn—Loulgillle T.Brooklyn I;
more Impurtant matter is tu engage Ihe Rebellion." being eppHed lo the
offlee department. They are Congress
attention of the government than the
men Corliss. William Alden Smith and
of 'fl-gS.
desig- at New Tork-Pnuburg 0. New Tork J ^ f moffaTT AbBMte of TRla Baal
struggle or
si-as.. and to urxe the desigMealck. Senator McMillan baa neter more than »,000 prisoners. X-ong ago deuila to be arranged (or the dlspMl- nation of ft as the "Civil War between -thirteen Innings; at BM^n-Bi. '^ O.
L iS
called at the department at this par- the United Stales esUbllabed a good tlon. control or temporary poaseasloa fhe Stales." This was unanimously L Boston 2.
ticular dtak. but hla private accreury. name for the the payment of Its debu. pending final transfer uf poasesslon of
Wesu™ League: At Mllwauki
these Editions lo our domain. 71101%
Charles Moore, aueoda to all of that
of the most Intricate and
business for him. Senator Bunvwa
HR Body r»**4 ta the Waode.
far-reaching character to be decided.
la Sehlrys Xi
coea to the clerk In charge cf MIchlfcan
Porto Rico, whose fall la likely to be
ore Schley has been In i
Ashland, Wla, July 2L—The body of
Had a Pamily tHetarbaBea.
pootoSces. alia down beside Mm. ex
X grodasipof ibel
:or aarslag. Ml
plains pending cases and secures ap- symiiathy with the outcry being made recorded within a week or ten days, will Hvlge Hanron. an elderly reiidcnt of
Casey. Hla. July 2L—City Morebal Arbor. *11) renoDd a
In his name over the honors of the sea have to haw a military government.
this city who was Ion while berrying Bnkth probably fatally shot Dr. A. J. X Msttvcl. m-tf
smith of Ashland last Tuesday, was Porter, of this city. They were baviqg
fight at Santiago. The commodore has
Potto Blew U IB RoiSBlii Onn.
Kbowi AUUw Ceawry Usos.
"Ports Rico, of CDUree. is to be kept found TbUrsda) aftemuon. He died a family disturbance at the home of Dr.
Dee Mortimer has been In dtarge of now formally assured the na\-y depariMISCELLANEOUS WANTS.
hunger and exposure. A search- Portir and the doctor’s wife called In
Michigan postofflcea for almost a score ment of ihU fact. It must have morti permanently by the government, but
cf-years. and he knows the state more fied him. intensely to find himself rep there musi lie military government first, Ing party baa been hunting for him City Marshal 6mlih to quell the diffi
Intimately than many of our people resented as the sparrow In the nursery and many prellmitiary details will bare vinoe Tuesday. He was the father of a culty. Dr. Porter used some abusive •^yABTX^A^t BWj I
language to Marshal Smith and finally
Who hare ^een living at home aH tbeae rhi-me shrilly InsMIng that he klDed to be worked out. There must be a rvassaulted him with a knife, whereupon
years. The map of Michigan la con. "Cock Rnbtn" with his bow and arrow. babnitatlon of existing systems of gov
Mar Feialer Xhari of His Bseerd.
where we base carried oui
•untly before him. He knows all oi He awaits the ORIclal report of his su
Detroit. July ZZ.—StAr Pointer paced Bmttb drew Us revolver and shot Por
perior officer with entire comiiorure. arms, and wbii* local schemes and con a mile yesterday afternoon at the ter through the right breast.
the county llcea. the
the roads, the sUr routes, and the He la not wearing out any shoe leather dlHons will form the basis of the gen Crosse Polnte tra^k In 2;Q1H. falling to
Ha Itaad lataals pBaad.
eral system for the control of the land equal his record of l:toR _
topography of the coontry. Tbday be on hla quarter deck worrying
Boatoa July M—The dead bodies of
natter of his personal tame. His
there must be numerous changes abo|.
six Infants, each wrapped In paper,
tshlog Mieh law^a* nuy be oppremlve
•The esubllsbinent of new poatoiBces as It relate* to Ibirt light U secure.
In a vacant lot In the RoxBut Uw sgiutlon lo his name, offen
In Mlchlean does oa now reach such
There wUl be U.OtC fewer lambs la bury dlstrlri pesterdsiy. Medkal Ex
proporUons as It did ten yean ago- sive as II Is to him. win go on. His dls
aminer Draper after aa autopsy, aald
There are upwards of S.OOO pmofllcss avowal of aay sympathy with It will One IsUad la the Imdrtuie Otoap To Bo New Mexico this year than last. The the youngest child waa one month old
sboruge in lambe is due to drouth.
Kept for OoBd.
In Michigan, with salar.es varylag from net affect It at all. M buttons In some
Brann’s Iccnoclast. of Waco. Tex., and the eldest three months Borne
quarters. It is intended less to benefit
t< to
per annum. Then arc
"As to the attiuide of Garcia and the
ptactlrally enrugh vffloes to meet with trim than to Injure Acting Admiral insurgents in Cuba there U no change has t>ecc aold by the widow of the late
the requirements of the i«ople. But la Bampson. Its violence and vulgarity in our Intention. Tbls^govemreent has editor to F- T, Marple, of Fort Worth.
cirhs^^ for TVyrerr^raiy rislientr^ ar^
the Upper Fenltisnla as communities show that. And It w ill fall. Such man- not been misled In iU estimate of those Tex., for ROW
Captain Otto Lebfeldt. well known by
deveinp. applications are made tor new euvefw always do fail. The honors In forces With the
"I have osed Cbamberlais’s Cough
all marine men along the chain of
postomces. and Upon the recommenda the way of promotions will be rewarded
omedy tn mj- family lor years and F’lal* Mi'w
has put on them so long, contending Ukea. U dead, at Milwaukee, after an always with good resnita” says Mr.
without any regard whatever to
BBwptau oatdi. BagolreoflUrT K Tsnux
tion or ih- congreasman the elBc«>
Illness of three weeka
establlshtd. Every new postolBce nw- clamor, though, unfortunately. It will agalnM the condlUons bnpoBed by
The health of the -men of the Fifth
I70B BALK OB TBAOK -fiavani maehlae«ssliat<-s the pxion<'«n rf • star route not be Id the power of the authorities Justioe and oppreasion. theiv sboold
SlioTBr power eaglM. Kaqairo or
"Nearlj- all of the presidential pusi- to relieve Commodore Schley of the em^ have been little exi»cuUon of greawr array corps Is reported to be such
effeeUva." For sale by 8. E. Wail, A?I ry.
. ALTBSO Dsaxsaois. Ml B. Freni <n.
Into which he has been aUlttla than arc now shown by tham. they will be rent home from Cuba for a
«fBces liave been filled and all of the
few weeks to recuperate.
This government will have
fiourth-rlaae i>ost<jfflces have been plunged by fool friends of his. acting
riperation with enemies of Acting them kindly but firmly. It has made a
The coiaptpoller of the curreocy baa
filled «Ith .Itepablicans as terms have
pledge to establish a firm and stable called on naUonal banks (or s stateexpired. The four year rale seons to Admiral Eampooti.
KaenitM of OeaeiwI MIb*.
government, and that must be carried mvnt of their coadlilnn-at the dot
be a settled rule now. It does net
Let as train oor gnns npoii tbe cnApparently the array is to get the out. It therein may be, In the lighi business Thursday. July 14.
meet with the approval of thep •Utleians
ext dose of this Muff. The enemies of preeent circumstances and eondlChaiman Robert Schilling, of the «my, mass onr fanes against all foeus pervoe or by mnaiioad
por of the aiqiUranie for oip .Intm- nt.
but It Klmplines the work of ibU de- of General Miles *%ave It Is for blm." tleas, many years before affairs then Wisconsin Pcrple'e party, has Issued of gin. Let tu esardao wholesome dis (V^—10 111 aixtfe vtmei
Tbey have been snapping at his heels have eo shaped thmaelves as te enrrusl the call for the stale convenUon, to be cipline, ridding onrselTcs of all persuus
wno bring the cfanreb iiuo dUxvpotc.
ever since the war began. He has been the Island to the Cutunt and we finally held lu Milwaukee. Aug. 21.
Ab Koetxetlc Worher.
While bathing In the Mlnnewto river Let jnd^ent b«in at the house of
Id reply to an Inquiry b> sad; ,-^in- di'MTlbed as a sybarite with shoulder yield our possession to tl^em. -The IranBltlon must he graduaL step by
at M>mon. Mina. Bari era and. Rachael God. Let tu first be pore, tbn peaoegivasman Sam W. i?m.tb le an energvi-c mra|«; aa ■ handsome poseur: 1
and the final general change of control Oalle. Martha Lorens and Alvina Rela htda The aocxier we gel back to oor
worker for his ..........................
........"general on paper." Backslalia tittlequite ufisn and explains peuding cases lAtllr and amall InsInugUona have been effected only after a thorough training -^I under 20—w ere drowned.
fanner mythods the betscr. to the Boly
to me with great earnestness and ^ Industriously gathered and put In cir- and demunstratinn of the ablllUee of
While engaged at WaUrtowa Wla. Gboat ivrivals that sweep every obclearness. He reminds nn ii..nw.-wbal 'Me is now at the rr^mC ainl the people, beginning wMh the trUI of In a frpllc with her father Cordelia ■tmciian oot of tbe way, that ennse
the IcBjers In el first minor Huber, Tell dead. Valvular heart dis
of a man from Ohiu who usi-d 10 viAt
*‘'ne has come. It Is of small conbsckslidt-rs to donieH their sins and
the pnom adjoining mine several yean. ‘ '■^eiKv to his eaerales and detracton rapacliles. This is what Is to be looked ease Is aBs:gned as tha cause.
half hearted, compromlsittg Chriatans
and ihegra/luallraasltbins srlDconago. tu look gfter his postofllre buai-] I"
*^»sl he rosy do or leave onAn engiot t>;ew nr at Dutch FtaL
le a lens h of lime eorsiderably at
• ness. H.- was always very earnest m'‘I''”*'- Me is certain not to take the
al., killing RnginBer Tom Kdly. Fire. to oome oot boldly on the Lord’s aide.
cverylhlng he did. and w as alw ays | •'IgM < curse. If he Is not aexused of vanamv witn what ihe people meet.ex
mn Terry.- of Sarramento. and_A eoal —Ptailadelpbia Methodist
careful to ser- that jua;icr was done m;"* effort to aBsa^slnste General Shaft- pect.
passer whore name la unknown.
Qg^n^ SIDraAlBnAKK-Fer*^^
"It Isa rer a n'y rs far as now can be
WUb Those Who gate.
each esse, lie was an Ohlu ivngrcss- ' "
'‘‘■I he a lucky man. But every
William ThomtuU, a young man of
foreseen the: ■ utm, the leland In the ». Whose parvnu live at Waukesha,
jnan, and his name was William Me-1 hth.-r r->d Is already In pickle for him.
'^’e all need ptnoaal ooctoot srltfa
Mlnley. Did you ever bear of hlmT'
Furfunalely. efforU In give snbalst. l.adrone en up thei was captured by WIs.. bad both I'gr cut off below the those who saffor. "The moM oertain
It Is rumored here that a Mteblgan '
l'* lealousness end enmities such this gmernn.eTH niii he pemnanently kner* by the cars at Maxomanle. Wla
man has been selected (.>r the p<MltJun ** these unusually fail.. They are al- retglfied »B a con ing s st'on and supply
Ferdinand W. Peck, of Chlcagia. bat Dr. Araold of Bugby, '’and sweet
«f superimendent of the census, but! t""** Invarisbly overdone. The real ob station. Per there irtirpose* It Is valu been 4pp<4med commissi st-r gen ral to
of hie blcicid are,' I am sure, domestie OldXMoe. lereale. WUlu
it has l-een impossible to find out who!
I" '‘tw Is exp^MC-d. and that always able fn.m lts locatl<,n
■ehaBea. or wUl
superintend the exhibits to be made by
a happy marriage and inIt Is to lie. Till- president will nut t>e ,'hows the littleness of both the per- Karolwlcb ai.d iho Plxllpplce talaada,
country at the Paris exhibiUon in
but on itie'i'oln, whither the re« of
teroonrse with the poor." aiadstooe
able to make the appointment until De
them w'iT )« kepi I am net sure. They
never mpfmeeA nobler than when be
cember. because the aiipropriatiun Is
Lowe* at KoaUagB.
not BOW avaUable. But he has sMmed
Revised rejiorta of the looses In the may be and they may not be. The dieread tbe Bible to an old sMeet ■weepei
the man. and Senator MiMUlan knoVs
; SanMagn on the first poslUm of the Phl'liploes la nasetiled
la as fittia—Onr Ctaurii Papv.
who the lucky fellow Is.
• great lout and depends ajM.n circumetancea"
There were upwards of 2,MO clerlu
AgBlBsIdB-fahi r^pem.
appolDttd (or the work uf the last cen- As there could not have been more than
London. July 22.-The Hong Kong eorDifring the recent storm the Roman
ibled with dlarrh
■us. and there wiu be fully 2.0S0 ap- 10.«» men In action, this percentage is respondeat «f TTie Dally Mall aaysi
church at Elroy. Wla.. was bsiatorest^intheaxpmdenee .. —.
poiated (or the present tvnsna They enormous and It tells lu own tale «( *'nwaeraJ Agulnaldo has Issued an ab- Catholic
struck by lightning and a large bole W. M. Boah. elei^ of Hotel Dorranee,
wtU not be civil senice appointments, the terrific fIteiUng.
sord pr.H lama0.n dealing chiefly with ton la the rvah staepla llte church •ravidence, E- 2. Ha says; "For eerw
and eo here 1* a chance for the office^
The killed number^ 22 oOcers and 2W offi.lal Insign'a. He. as p e* dent of the
■truck le nearly the
al years 1 have been almost a eonstant
1 the aaaluua trUlsted men: the wounded HI ofllcere Philippine ministry. Is to wear a gold two years ago
offerer from diarrbosa, the freqaent
and t.ns men. or 103 officers and 1.411 collar, with a gold Irlangulgr pendant,
Judge M. M. Phelps, of the Rock
ttaeks completely postraUng me and
•ewBty-flvv frBBt BMilgaa.
I men disabled in action. The very large engraved with the auri and three atars.
me anfit for my doUee at tbe
Get after your congressman at once' Proportion of loss among the officers Is and to cacry a g Id whlatle as well ai couaty tWls.) municipal court, was ebderiag
etoL About two years ago a salesby a Chicago and Nonhwestern
«ttd secure his promise and pl<-dg( fur a ’ rcmarkslde and Is •specially commend- a atkk with a iv>:d hand'e and a taaael •truck
passenger engine at Jsnesvnie. Wts .
ktndly gave me a smril bottle of hriog joarnbor*; work deae *kUe »*• **ti;
census office place as soon as the worki«l
ihcmighlful aitentlon of those «r gold. The badifes Cf Innumerable and seriously If not fatally Injured
orv 40 aod »«wiu: w»rt
A.a rrywao. m From ouvsi.
Begins next winter. -There uugbl lo be' whu are In the habit of speaking cun- other offifMls art- mlnutefy dealt with while riffing a blcye>.
at least aev«nty-flte appal'ntmenu ap- ’ icmptuuusly of "army dudee." 80 many In the paoeiamtfuon."
The Wisconsin statb board of control
olfittr* of the regular array have been
aas sent a reouist lo about 2« of the Whenever I felt eymptCBU of tbe diHr ThBaias Uptwa «b Marry.
pay from tw per month up to S.dw per detached oa guff and uther aenlcv that
leading millers m Mionesou and Wis seaael would fortl^ myself agalnst
London. July S.—The encageDiini
lhany of the commandv have lea* than
consin to asi.n. l bids (or (umishlug the attack with a few doses of t^valOa April U. 18M. Senator McMIIUn tbrtr full complemml present, which announced of Sir Tbamac Llpton.
issnlt b
baa been
400 to (M tmmls of dour of lbs first and aablc remedy. The isnlt
df livervd a eneech lu the senuu on makee Ute percentage of klUcd and well known p
veiy sstistoctory and almost oompleto
second grades fu use at th« stau
Miehtgaa Cw^a aud the tariff. That Wounded all the greater.
rslW from tbe afflietloa.’' Formlsby
M««ch U DovWiig dtnuitmied by ths
& E Wait, Draggtou
,, •• •
HEOBOX8 a waiTiflr pLACza
& crotser.
S’iJar-’fssst." ■
W. ■.iiESKifSK
L ‘iffi£SS£k“B“-,2TA“rSr.
R-t'SSS. !KSSn-'’-S--'7U!
nine tJ inch, one U inch, two 2.7 Um^
three • pounde.s. twelve 1 pounder rm
voIvlDk cannon aad seven torprto lubc^
‘■All ra«dr.
-Ay«. mn. »lr!"HAKE IT HARD APOBTi*
. "Hart aport It la. air!"
Tb«M abarp ortm ao4 tvadr r«t <w each of Comtnodort wi^a' Mt fl«htlB« ihifm
8i>anl«h aea|>ort
to ralrir eotrcr
CUB* g<
, the fleet.
Commodore JohB
JohB Crttt^iaeB
CiilMZti Watson.
Ko. I on the Hat of hla rank, was bom
to Yraskfort. K> .. In U42. and will be H
mm old on A
24. He Tas ^pointed
I bis natlee slate Is
I":*' and entered tbe Naval academy
IBK Id June. lew. He became a master,
a RTsde BOW aboliBbed. oo Auk. n. ISO.
a lieutenaht ob Jo1>- U. isc. when be
Was ordered to tbe Hartford as navlCator. a Ueatenai
o July
OD Jan. n. 1ST4, a mother Sarah Lm Cnitendes. a dauktater of John Jordsin Crittenden, a kov
ernor of Kentucky who later became
will become rear admiral to the nalural attorney kcneral to Winiam Henry Barcourse of erenu on Pec. tt. ts».
riton's cabinet.
He Is an officer of lock and \arled exGeneral Thomas L. Cntteaden. D. S.
pcrleace. and his record marks btm as
tbe battle of Buena Vista
«ne of the ablest men to tbe na»7. As deilTi
llvered to Sanu Anna the mcmerable
rarrakufs flay lieutenant be <
response, "General Taylor uei-er sur
*reat assistance to the admiral
renders." was an uncle to the commo
tiatile of Mobile Bay. Auk. 8. 1M4. and dore.
was twice wounded.
b>- a
Governor CrUtenden's second wife
from the Confederate steau...
imer Wantok- Bras the rrldow of John Harris Todd,
ton. To bim and Richard Kn<
Knos^^na* aad the sob by her first marrls«e. Harry
nan. also feU the bonor of
>f laslIBkr. 1. Todd, eras tbe father of Chapman C.
rakut to tbe mlsxen rlkklnk___
Todd, a commander to the nary who
-------*----- - -• - Hartford. His eon- bas been In cbarce of the nnboat WUduct won niiqiiaitfled praise from tbe mtokton. that has done such kood s
old admlraL
Ice about Ctenfuekos
nzuekos ana
and the
tbe scmtbei
It Watson bas been broufht shore of Cuba.
to your attention to former times.'
' When the pro)ect
roKct of attacklnApalB
Hr acnoAced I
ctarsd rarraknt to hU official report. asacoast citiess wrss first
“He was on tbe poop atteadlny to tbs the navy department.
artment. the
wai&lps o
___ I.
..____ '_____ ___
Mknkls and perf<mned bis duty, as
mikbt be expected, thoroukhly. He is a • ere named, ^t since then there bare
•cion worthy of tbe noble atock be been so msay rumors of chankes that
the exact make up of ibe Seet Is In soma
sprtoki from, and 1 comneeod him
your attention.''
doubt. Tbe followtok ships are tbe om
t Watson 1 B also to the first officially announced as eomposlnk
battles of New Orleana Vicksbury and the fleet:
Port Hndson. Since tbe war he has bad
L The Newark, flaiablp, oommaaded
the usual routine duty of a naval oSear. at sea and on shore, and was for a
munber of yean kovernor of the Naval
home to Philadelphia. In UTI be inarrted Mias EUxatoeth Thornton, daukhter
Sf Jodkc James Thornton of San Pran-
ioiiorio Hen and tfie
3io Sfe Tfiat Are to
.lenace tfie Coast
of fsoain.
described, she to a ~
k coast line
military mast. Her commander Is Cap
tain Charlss B. Clark.
In the khoat flkbt off 8anliak»
Ore«on very materially asalsted
fleet armored cruiser Brooklyn
tlys in r>uadtok np the Cristobal Colon,
blk (uns did an Immense amount of
armor belt of barrejrlsed
17.7 Incta: to (hr harbetteo. UJIndB; _
tbe bulkheads. U.T inch. aaC to tbe
tected deck. Li inch.
The Cartes V is W feet lonk. witb •
beam of A (eet and a dlspUcement vt
t.m tMS. Her coal eapuity Is UM
torn, which, at tbe rste of ten knots aa
. WMid aHow b*r to make a voyak*
of U.SW miles. Her armament Is tw-' '-t
Inch In barbettes, one forward and on*
elkht S.S Inch, four l.» inch, two it
pouoders. four ( poundera. four 1 pouufU
ers. two machine ktfea and six torp*“1*
tul>es. The larfer cuni ars all of tM
Honlorta make, tbe product of a Spu.
Spain's naval atrenkth, two amall vs*e
j sels at Cadla tbe Carsa and the Hedera.
of which-little Is known, and the armed
It toto tbs action was totot by burPv , «>lps. tbe ar^rwd c
tok shells or Ilytok
ilytok splinu...
spllntera. Her U Vnd Hro.*ivo
« k,
Inch kuns were served with ....... .
precision, and the BO* pound projeeiUm Cincinnati oi a koou aad tbe aux
craahed throukh the armored side* « lllaiies et. rwul and SL toouls of 21
tbs Vixeaya. Marla TerB« and ni- kn.'U. It was Captain Alfred T. Ma
mirante Oquendo. The baltleship Maa- han's convtoeafik aiTuments tkat result
sachus*tts bas been mentioned as a ed in the pMn of sendink this Initial
possible substitute for the Iowa to the squadron to harass Spain's coasts.
squadron and the cnilsera ColumbU
Spain's available ships to and near
and Minneapolis as poNlbie additions Spain are tbe old cruisers Vitoria. Nu
to the roster of the fleet.
1. The three auxiliary 4aui
beros. with three torpedo boau, the
Yankee, the Dixie and T<
Meta, the Rakor and tbe Atlsto. at tbe
formerly the Mortran
liners El Norte, Bl
Of the four ervlsers mention“ •
a El 8 ■ — known that the first two
Commander Willard H. Brownlively worthless, and the
son. who at Bio Janeiro Bred the shat mentioned bas tor weeks been under.
that was never, answered aad reaulted
. spalls. No toformatloD as to ber
to tbe coIlapM of the revolotionAben: condlUoD aad tute of efficiency Is avail,
the Dixie by Oemmander Charles H. able, but she cannot compare favorably
Davis, who to two months from now with our second class ships. Tbe Prtncaptain, and the Toeeraite by eeaa Se Asturiaa. it to said. Is belak bas.
ider Wiliam H. Emory of Oree- tlly completed. In addition to tbe ships
tame and who was a alleat named. Admiral Camara's fleet letumthe Petrel at Port Arthur iBk from the abortive Philippine expedl.
China and Ja_ _
„ The flakmost be reckoned
York naval rceerves man the ship Ptoayo. the armored cruiser Em.ankee. Mlchlkan reserves the Tosem- i peiador Carlos Qulntoe (Charles V). tbe
lie and Marylanders tbe Dixie. The armed cruiser Patrlota. late ibe Nor-
probably tbe swiftest ship to tbe Span
ish squadron, but the tok Orefon. ptattktok alonk at a speed of 14 knou, was
able to rpractJoally overhaul her and
ompel her to surrender.
t. The Iowa, which many naval___
consider the ideal battleship of the
navy, but one to which kreater speed
and coal endurance are soukbt at tbe
expense of armor and armament, to
commanded by the famous Robley D.
Evans, TTkhttok Bob.*' who is fust
seven steps lower than Barker on tbe
list of captains. Ike steamlnk radius of
tbe Iowa 1s 7.«0e milea She Is our createst balUeahIp. betok of II.SM tons dis
placement. and our fastest as Bvtol
credited as she Is with a spead of XT machine kuns. The other two erv'sers
supplied with batteries of ten 6 Inch
* pounders and two (^»!u A
number of colliers and a supply sbtp.
orikInaUy meKbsnt ships that have
b*eo purchased by (he kovernment. also
kuns. stnrsa and a few troops; the
pedo boat destroyer Audaa. tbe armorrt
emlasr Isla dePanayof two kuns. carrytok stores and a few Imps: Ihe Rapido
late the Columbia, of 12 kuns. carrytok
a few troops: the Colon, a b
ships of stuck o
tended I
effective operations. Tb«A
me few toprpedo boaU to Ihk
harbors of the prtodpal cities.
The poru on the Uy of Blaeay hi*
much farther removed from Spain's M«
▼al suuons end
and so called warships thi
those on Itac southwestern coast and tl
shores of tbe Mediterranean, but wbssa
Watsoa win Brat strike rematot to b*
seen. Prises will be captured with east
most anywhere aloof the coast, but tbS
(test damakc to Spain's o
well known to tbe naval offioets of t
supplies, and It may be seised by ota
fleet, but It Is eertato that tbe navy d*.
•rtraent will leave to publk
public conNctur*
nany details of the trtp of to
II will have one beneflclal 1
dunk h
tbe 00
moot be expected to the tlfhS
St history. Her peopla. attoTS«
by patrtoGc motlvsa. are bBffisiitiii m
offer tbelr sen Ices aad thMr mos^ M
of the
porta Her solditrs eaa flkbt better tha«
ber sailers, but there la ao twaaee t»
•oppose the United 8uts« wffi attsm»f
rmiM] conqueM of the taad. 1»
t centers of tnffis Hfes ihataiMiffi
Is aa enrtkn «a tbe Detroit, and Urn.
Watson and alx children reside to PhUa.
Prom 188$ to 1887 he was attsched _
tbe frtkate Colorado, the flaksbip of the
European squadron. feired to the PrankUn_______________
tbe flaksbJp and later to tbe steam sloop
Csnandalkoa. rematntok to Uw Medl.
terranean till IBM. wben be WM return.
ed to PUUdeiphla on special doty
ysar. After betok attacbed to tbe___
ha of tbe AaiAlc aquadron to in be
wss suuoned on c
by Captain Albert ft. Barker, late n
Mate Island navy yard. He command, t^ board of etratecy. She to a pretecU
ad tbe Wyomiiik <b the Bmpean lU. ed cruiser oI 4.0a ton. dlsplscement.
tloB from 1877 to 1880 aad was Ukhthsoee inspector from UM to UM- After
nautical pbraseolocy.
two years on apecial duty at Ban Praa- (be flanblp to -Ybrae masted, schooner
and another term a( the Mare la
Her lenktb to tll.7 feet, beam OJ
land yard for two years be aswmed
t She cerriee twelve « lacb rapidflrera, four < pounders, four 8 pounders,
In July. Ittt. At the ezpIraUoD of bis two 1 pounders and seven mschloe funs.
. eruire. In May. IRH. be was detailed to Her speed Is U kaoU aa hour. She bas
the Naval borne.
- steamtak radios of 18.000 miles.
He is a mao of iron kray aspect, and
2. Tbs Oreron Is tbe eeack battirahtp
tils well lined, weatber beaten face to of tbe Tthvj. No forelkn power bas a
the face of a middle akrt man of tlu Teasel to coramlralon which compares
aea. Altboukh be has a keen tense of with ber as a fikbter.
humor, be to nsoally rather krare In .
In battle he Is cool and i
fiarless. .and from tbe time
kun to fired be 1s aa self poaaee
when kreater speed than either of them.__
I. nj
dtllvertnk bard blon as when
i\ln«|knou an hour. Her maknlflccnt voythem. Prom the date of tbe to_______ _ ace of between
18.800 and 14.000 Inflles
of Santlsfo be was to command of the from Piicet aound to Bey' West
Havans blockadlak equadron, a post never beet•n equallaJed by a ablp of t
that naiurslly kave bim little oppor
e flrat A
tunity to become prwlnent to tbe pub crow the equeUM-. she to tbe first to
lic eye.
erttoi tbe Atlantic. Ber four II Inch
ats middle name would ahnott todl. ktiaa to tbe turrets are sopportad by
menl of four 12 inch, elkht 8 inch, alx 4
^ rapid flrera, twenty « poendera. four
and four machine funa Ber
nikb rreeboart makes ber a better esacolax ship than tbe Orecon. and ebe
can flkbt better to a heavy aea than ber
cpmfaalon, but to calm weatber abe
eould not pnnr out as maiw loas of
metal and would be a belter tarfet for
^ enemy. But eltber tbe lo— — ■•Orekon can suoceasfuily
succeasfuily flkbt Catnam’s
•n«re fleot. Off Sanilako tbe Iowa bore
Oie brunt of the battle with Cervera’s
6be was the q^ta object of at
tack ami ytt waa hit Iwt ntot ttmea
Poor of the Spaatob ptw^eetOee etrack
her naarmoHk! eeetkiiu and five ber armorad paAs. but none penetrated the
mrmor. ud not one of the (N men arbo
will not be tbe ellkhtest neceniiy of , the transport Cavadonka. do kuna and
cuallnk at sea. even when the mlalmum the eoalship San Praactseo compote the
rate of speed, ten knota across tfie At- Camara fldet.
la all this fleet tbe only Ekhitok sUjto
exceed ten knota aad this fixes the
maximum speed of the squadron. Tbs
mast ecooomreaJ speed of tbe Newark Is
ten knota and at that rata with full
bunker capacity, ahe can steatai 8.880
milea The distance from SantUko de
Cuba le Gibraltar Is leas than 1.608
knota or about 4.8M dUKa.
Tbe Orskon and the Iowa have an
economical apeed of U% knots an honr
aad at that rate eaa run ai80 nillaa At
tea knots an boor It win take tbe fleet
U days to reach tbe Canartca. or a fortnikht to pUoe K ontaide tbe forttfloattoas of Cadis. It to pemlWe tbe squadmay be Mttowed hr
tatt ketok
layo aad tbe Carloe >
The Pelsyo Is
the first and only be
battleship Spain has
___ ______
built. ______as
Mlfbcy a she to. our naval
officers believe she will BpvedJly meet
country, iboukh maeined by Amatioan
officers aad ssamea she mlftit prove a
formidable aataiualst Ce tbe Iowa or
tbe Indiana. She baa a lancth of 8M
feet and a bsem of « feel, erltb a dtoplaeement of •.»» tone. Ber coal eapartly to 8M tank which wU allow bar
to steam (.OM miles at U kaou aa boor.
6be has two U.I lacb k«ne U barbettes,
oqe terwart aad oae aft: two U lacb
EOM t* harbettek one m each beam;
Bilbao. Coruna. OIJob aad Tito krs b(w
tok put Into a respectable sute of submartoe and land defease. Cad<i hart>oY
to betok tewn with tarpedoea. and tbk
towns bare extensive
submartDS defensw. but ParrakUt cared
nothtok for them at Motile. Dewqr
scorned tbem to Manila bay. and Wap
son. srbo was erltb both tbste WBecra 4«
years ako. knows tbelr exact velw.
Caauuw's flew le the only flpaatoh naval
problem tcfi for Uaele flam to eolvtt
Dewey baxsmaahed the fleet of Admlrtt
Montljo. Hcblcr and flampm have seat
Admiral Cervera'e makniflcmi eqiwfle
roB to tbe bottom of tbe esa. aad ffi*
■aval queetloa of tbe boor U. •’Wlk
Waison smaab Camarar' To tbs ate
-------------------- atoafle
•r. "Too belt"
ilTSON lNO Himn
"All n«dT.
“Herd epoK It U. «lr!"
ThoM aherp order* ead ready re«non*e« will rlB. oot on each of Com
modore WetMti'* bl. flcbtla. ahlp*
when the eoMem *qaedroa ha* eroeaod
the AtUsUc. and Barcelona. Cadu. Car.
4-ciTol. ValeBdA Ceota oraoma
Bpanleh aeaport In the Canarlea aeema
to falriy cower beftwe the bi. nn* o(
- Commodore John CHttendeo Walaoa.
No. t on the Hit of hU rank, waa born
In Pnakfon. Kr. In I84t. and will be H
yearn old on Au*. M. He wa* appointed
mldihlpman from hU naUve state In
and entered the Naval academy
at Annapolis, Md_ on Sept. ». paduat.
iwt In June. 1*60. He becamee a master,
u*. 31. ISfl.
a lieutenant on Jaly*"l^ll^'wben be
was ordered .to the Hartford as navt.ntor. a lieutenant oommaader on July
*S IMS. a commander on Jan. SS. 1S71. a
captain on March C. ISST. and a commo
dore OB the 7th of last November. He
will become roar admiral in the natural
course of event* on IVe. H. ISM.
He li an otBcer of Ion. and varied ex
perience. and hU record marks him as
e of the ablest men
was twice wounded. oBce bj- a shell
from the Confederate steamer Warriii#ton. To him and Richard Knowles, neaman. alao fell the honor of laahlnc Pareacnt to tbe mlsxen rtcclns on the
croaattee* of the Hartford. HU <xmduct
old admlnO.
“Lleotenaht Wataon has been biouiht
to your attention In formw time*.’’ de.
dared Pairasut In hU official report
“He waa on the poop altendlnf to the
I dm:
miebt he expected, thorouybly. He U a
•clM worthy of the noble stock he
Vriocs from, and 1 commend him to
pour atteDUen.“
r WntsoB waa also
battles of N^ Orieana Vtcksburp and
Port HodaoB. Since the war be has had
the nsual rouUne duty of a naval oOesr, at sea and on shore, and was for a
number of year* Kovemor of the Naval
home In Philadelphia. In U7> be roarfled Mias EllsatMrcb Thornton, daughter
•f Judge James Thornton of San Franamoo. One aon. John Edward Wataca,
ioiiifio flen 3nd tfie
3io Sfe Tfiat Are to
Henace the Coast
of fSoain.
cate hi* family stock. HU father
Dr. Edward Howe Watson and
mother Sarah Lee Crlltenden. a dausbof John Jordan Crittenden, a puvdescribed, she li
rlaon'n cabinet.
rolltury mast. Her commander U Cap
tain Charles E. dark.
the battle of Buena
In the great fight oS Sanllago the
deiteered to Sanu Anita tbe memorable Oregon very materially assisted
response. “General Taylor never sur- fleet armored cnilserBronkl
rklyn In rouodc
rertdem." waa an ancle to the oommodore.
s amount of
Governor Ciittendeii'* second wife damage to aeverul of the Spanish sbipa
was the widow of John Harris Todd, The ColoB a-as a new cruiser and waa
and the son by her first marriage. Harry probably the swiftest ship In the Span
L Todd, was tbe father of Chapman C.
- adren. but the big Oregon. ptuBg.
Todd, a commander In the navy who Ing adong
has been In cbairr of the gunbaat WU- able to tpracUcally overhaul her and
Ice about CUtifuegoa and the
Whan tbe project of attacking Bpaln’o
-sacoaat cities waa flrst announced by
the navy' department, KUK
tbe wsrsnipe
warships ordered............
take part
In the demonstration
were named, but atnee then there have
been ao many rumors of changes that
the esarl make up of the fleet U in some
doubt. The foUowlng ahips are the ones
Iowa which many naval men
consider the ideal battleablp of the
navy, but one in which greater speed
and coal eoduranoe are sought at the
expense of armor and armament. U
step* lower than Barker______
list of captain*. The steaming radius of
tbeloeraUTjMmilea She U our great-
niTM ki lar*. one U Inch, two t.T Ib«^
three • poundsiw. twelve 1 pounder m>
volvio. cannon and seven torpedo iubt4
altoyetber a ewwt powerful «
la competent haada She has a oompMi
armor belt of harveyised steal,. UJ
17.7 Inch. In the barbettes, JU
the bulkheads. «.T Inch, aad to ths'irfji-JJ
lectsd deck. 1.1 Inch.
The Carlos V fa tu feet Ion., with
___I •
beam of «- (set
fset and
a dlsplaremenl
tana. Her coal
capacity la UM
wWcli. at tbe -ate of ten knot* ss
. woold allow bsr to msk« a roya..
of II.W# miles. Her armament Is tw- 'I
Inch In bar4>elte*. ons forward and ooa
eiaht 8.( Inch, four S.t inch. i«-o IS
pounders, four < poanderi. four t pouod<
0 machine g*=a and sis torp-d.
tubes. Tbe lairer nni are all of cM
HontorU make, the product of i
leh Inventor.
There are. In further enumeratloa of*’ .
CAPTAIN C:t UOdCS B. CLARK. iiSpain'a naval strenyth. two amall vea«
11 lets at Cadis, the CaeM and the Medor*.
whlrtklmle Is known, and the a
a-enl Into the ac«i
by bur^ gfllpe, the af^nd cruUen New Tork
Ing^aheUs or flying splinters.I. Her V! ’ and Brooklyn M tl knots speed, tbe Coserved with ....... Ihle
... lambU
ibU and k
s of ZZ knoU. the
precision, and the lU pound pralrctluw Clndnnau c « knots and tbe
eraahed through the armored sides sf UUries 8L I ul and SC LonlB of a
tbe VUc*>-a. Maria Teresa and al- kn.'U. It was Captain Alfred T. Hamlrame Oguendo. The battleship Mas- ban's coDvlasiog argumenu ibat resullsachu*-tU has been mentioned as a
possible substitute for the lows In (he quadroB to harass Spall
#<IuadroB' and the crulsera Columbia
Spain’s avallaMe ship
. ..
and Minneapolis as possible additions Spain an tbe old crolsen Vitoria. Nuto tbe roster of the fleet.
mancla. Lepanto and the Cardenal Cis
4. The three auxiliary cruisers, the neros. with three torpedo boats, the
Tanker, tbe DlBe and Tosrmite. were Arleta. the Ragor and the Aristo. at the
formerly the Morgan linen El Norte. Bl Canaries. Of the four crulaers mentionSol and El Bud. Tbe first U
U known that tbe flrst two an
ed by Commander Allard H. Brownand the last
son. erbo at Rio Janeiro fired the shat mentioned has for weeks been undergo
that was never answered and resulted ing repairs. No infonnatioB as to Her
in the collapse of the revclnUonotheye: condItiMi and state of efficiency Is availthe Dixie by Commander Charles H. abla but she cannot compare favorably
> ships.
t capUln. and tbe Toeemitc by eeaa fie Asturtaa. It Is said, is being baa.
snder Wflilam H. Emory of Oreeipleted. In addition to the ships
ef fame and who waa a silent named. Admiral Camara's fleet nturnn the Petrel at Port Arthur Ing fnm the abortive Phlilpploe expedliring the <
must be reckoned with. The Bagh. New T
inker. Mic _
ite• and Maryland*
last named has a battery of ten •
|, mannia. carrying
guna,~_ _ few troops
......... U
_ ____
guns, four 8 p
Colt's and marines: tbeBuenosAyres, wltb ten
machine guns. The other
cuna. stores and a few troops; the torsupplied with batteries of ten 8
_ destroyer
_ _
_ _
pedo boat
the armored
IS. six 8 pounders and two Colu. A ctulsar lala dePanayof two ____ ______
<mrry.number of colliers and a supply sbip. Ing stores and a few troops; the Rapido,
erlglnaUy merchant ships that have lau tbe ColumMA of 12 guns, carrying
purchaaed by the government, alao a few troops: the Colon, a storeehip,
npany the expedition. Cniesa theru I eitbout guns or troops: the torpedo
uteaariwmandda-*t. Uowmr,
'---------- ---------i.
thasb' i . . .
a sad...
ips of attack or Is IBImded for effective operallens. Thss
there are some few torpedo boats la thg
. of Biscay aia
from Spain's as*
val sutlons and______
called warships thaffi
those OB the Bouihwestei
. aad
abores of tbe Mediterraaeaa. bat_____
Wauop srtJl flrst strike remalas to bg
Prises win be enured with easg
snywhere aloag the coast, but tbg
greatest damage to Spain's
1 flnanctaJ I
a be infllctstf
world, would form as exoelleat 1
supplies, and It may be setsed by oar
fleet, but It M certain that tbe navy da.
- lent will leave to poMIc eeejectai*
details of tbe trip of Invaaton.
It Will
have u..
one ,______
on Spain In nalUng bsr psopts agali^
the attacks of tbe common enemy, tl
_________ _______________
aad the fonewers of Don Carias ao4
possibly end In bsr eatabllshmsat of •
t republic, tbough taToraM#
•ulu esmaet be sxpwrtod In Cfes IlgM
her past history. Her peopl*. sUrraE
by patriotic motlvsa. are haaMnlng W
offer their asrvloe* aad ths8r awnsy ta
defense of tbe ceuntiT's ~
poru. Har soldiers oaa flght battar ttaaa
her aaliora. but there la no teaaau 8P
suppooe the United Suiss wifl ittsgipt
portant oestsrs M MMa «
la as ensign an tbe Detrou. and Mm
Wataon and Mx children reside In Phlla' delphla.
Prom 188S to 1887 be waa attached to
the frigate Colorado, the flagship of the
European squadron. He was trass,
letred to th* FraakllB when she became
« fl
flagship and later to the statm sloop
. remaining la tbs Hedltemneen UII 1881. when be wm
o PWladel]
lelphla oa MWdal duty
paar. After being attached
. tbs
d to
ka of the AalaUc aquadrun
«omr -................................
Tek,Lohama from 1872 to U7L Then he
raa BUUoned oa otdnahce duty In New
'ork aad from U84 to UT8 waa at the
Mare' laUnd navy yard. He commandad the Wyoming on the Eigopean statten from 1877 to.lM and wa* light*■------‘--------- - from 1880
. .0 ----1881. After
two years on apectal duty at Baa Pmn.
Cisco aad another term at the Mare I*,
land yard for two years be amumed
ll of the cruiier Baa Pranclsoo
In July. 102. At the expiraUon of bis
cruise, la May. 108. he was dstailed to
the Naval home.
He U a man of iron gray aspect, aad
tc* weU lined, weather beateo face is
' e face of a middle aged man of tlw
aea. Altbongh far bas a keen
humor, be is usually rather grave In
h*s deportment. Xn battle be y cool and
fearless. Slid from the Ume tb? first
gun la fired he to as aalf poeaessed when
delivering hard blows as when reoelrlng
them. Prom the date of the investment
of aentlsgo hs was la command of the
ng Bqnadron. a poet
•.not naturally gave him IJtUe oppor
tunity to beoome promlouu In tbe pub
lic eye.
Hto■ middle
naia* would oteoat Indl-
Captain Albert A Barker late c€
board of strategy. She U a protecu
ed crnlser of 4.088 tons d ’
. __________
the flagship is “tliree masted, schooner
Her length is HL7 fset. beam 4»J
flrers. four * pounders, four 8 p
two 1 pounders aad sewn machine guns
Her speed Is U knots an M>ur. She has
a attaining radius of 18.000 tnllea.
t The Oregon Is the crack battlwhlp
of the navy. No foreign power baa a
which eomimres
with her as a fighter. European experts
have conceded that she outranks the
EngUsh MaJesUe. A sisterr MtJp to t
Indian* and tbe Mi
greater si
speed thu either of______
knot* an hour. Her magnificent ..
age of between U.OSO and 14.080 nfl]
fron Puget
sound to Ktey Wes
been equaled br a'ship of
class. The flrst Amet
MUp ta
eros* the cqnctor. «
is tbe flrat
flr to
Uie Atlantic.
er tour 18
I U the tutraH «
copyright, 18%,
knots an hour. Her length to 880
her beam 72 feet, and she has an a
ment of four 12 Inch, eight 8 Inch.
inch rapid flrera. twenty 8 poundm.___
1 pounder* and four machine guna Her
hlft freeboard makm her a better
1 will not be tbe allghtest neceaalty of tbe iraneport Cavadonga. no gmu. aad Bilbao. Coruna. GIJou aad Tigo are ba- '.T
the ooalshlp San Pranclaco compeae th*
rate of speed, ten knots, across the At- Camara ftoet.
marine and
d«fe«se. Cadis hartv/r .<
lantte to aoeapted aa tbs prubaMe ratio
In all thto Bast th* only flshtlng MUfli
exceed ten knots, aad this fixes the layo aad tbe Carloa V. The Pelayo to
the flrat shd only battleship Spain ha*
Wa 1is,
a am
- aa
ctej tMifl*
cruiiu WltfUr*
msgniy AS
as ssne
officer* believe she wlU speedily meet
tbe fate of tbe othar crack sfalpe of hm
eountry. though manned by Amwieaa
oflleer* and seamen she ndght prov* a
cpapaalon. hot in calm weathar she ten knots, and at that rate, with fuU
could not pour out aa maiv ton* of bunker capadiy. abe can steste C.I88
mllea 'nie distance Crmn Bantlago de
Cuba u Gibraltar to leas than 8.888
knots, or about ASM mllea.
snare flesL
_______ _
Tbe Oragoe aad the Iowa have aa
the brunt of the battle wit2i Carvara's
------------- - ,
dtHael of at- and at that rat* dsn roa A880 mllea At
I aad yat
hit but aloe ttmm. ten khota an hour It will tabs tbe fleet
X of tha e
U days to reach tbe Caaariea or a fort
and free bar ar- night to ptans It oatMde th* fortUkmniored par^ b« none ptnetrated the Uons of Cadla. It to poaMble ths squad,
anaor. and not Mt aC the tM mea who ran. may b* fallowed bp oar caat going
nothing for them at Hebne. Dewsy
aeoroed tlkem In Manila bay. and WaV
■on. who was with both thaw «tfeert «r
yaars ago. kaows their eaart vslw.
Camara’s fleet to th* only Bpaatoh ssval
problem left for Ooeto flam-t* sotvu.
am-aaIiaA cse
*Sa now a
# rsormnw
Lwwey kAA
nas smsaneo
ths Indiana.
She has a length of S» HeotUo. Schley and flampaea have seal
■am asm m tmam os w ■**■, wiin a qis-
ptacement of 8.IM tmm. Her coal ca
pacity to IM niML wtileh wlU allow bm^
to ateaiB 1.008 ndlsn at U kaots an hour.
She has two 114 Inch guns la barhrttea.
o^e forward and one aft; two U Inch
guas la barhetiaa, cm oa aaeb baam;
ren to the bottom of Che amw and <E»
naval qnsaUon of the boor la. “WBi
Wamon smaMi Camarar* Tb tbe a^.
tentlve AmertcaB ear E^ Mama ta a»
swar “Too bet!”
................ .
I 1.11 mil III III iiii|iiiii iiiiiiji
ii=l IT^Si 4J
Intbeoonaa ol nn dttneom tHtU
tbe otbar day tba vtftar ofannoM to ha
mAeOed.e Itehl.aa
imrinc a Tillaga nbooUooM m tba
Tba L O. 6. F. to organlaed bwera
toMa,nndae mb mm bHw on bi^
A lew yarda tn tnet, Ihraa lUtto
nmptlHdptoh From tbtoaraadinlM tbe
iBMilel eacmeipAonld be paid lor ble firla, poatblynbantlortTanodnsA
—rlcm. and baaboaldnol aooa|gtba>e- trotwd alone.
VooiUdHy nnWa be to wllbira^ pM
PtMlr tbasr
jetoad by •
With vbtofa tbe UttU oamftaiM
Mowad anoiim fcla asd ras aftorta
<nBpaBlaBa.>Pwmi'a Weikly.
We will elone oot a few broken lota of Shoes, at aa
to CM o< the bMt
bM bMBOonUtm407 In ttto
tHB, 4 AOTOtod
4Bdt4tthfalPrtbtan hr
of tfaeyonngatm.'*lt^ so naa. Motbar aiya-iN are'
Tba ana addraaaad aa I41y Mnnk
back, and with tonta in bar dPeawntobed bar ptoymataa paaa on.
They bad not gone manyyarda bafaka.
towe making tbe beneflto d _______
lod^ optional and ontboaiclng tbe pml- one of them, apparently tbe yoongeat of
dntof tbeRebekab ammbly to appoint tbe trio, ran back to tba dltednaolato
Five membn of tbe aneampgrait . Plaoiu.har tiny band on tba .sT-rbranob In Fennayiranto wen expMlad toto
*^Doo’te>7. UU: don't «ry. Il’aBot
baomewn'Msot^' '
arbaoatm yon doi'i
It dooa not'ooat any n
doea to keep them paid aotbat you are
tbna montba In aman
Kerar forget that tbe oadn to jodlad ty
ibonr A eery amaU flonsdar may
■. L. CiKRB.
Ttarmottoof tbe order to**FMfn<Ublp,
Sm4Bd »4 io4r»««« tntotoiitod. Hr. Lore and Tnith.’’and tto great tntoalan
Otrtn to4lPot«a jmn eld 4Dd 4 dma o( totOTtotttbe dek, nUerc tbe dtotrewed.
WlMlMlI 4bUlt7 ntd
bnry the deed, proaeel the widow and adsjatowoHb h4f(l
oate tbe orphan.
people >7 bto etontOB to pramlaent
Mowbwa ran tbatorae Unkaof Odd Fel...................
nd In a fnapar'i gra
ileaef tbe grmad lod«e«< GoUfcnto 4
been tbeoidn to (be
Bnry tbe dead.'
During tbe peat year l.tse tnombera of
tbeortedled InPCnnaylranto. TbeRebekaba of tbe grand InrtodMlon ton by
Mgs << Ohio hr the pwpOM d ttci
death Ig}—trocmn. 68; tootm 7R
•n the B4BM4 c< the Btembm at tbe order
Kmrapaakof lodge matton in Improper
VlM h4T4 «altoted In tha 4zny irtth poww
toprarUatar thatofanUtoi and totaka
MMoCtbtordaai, toao. ata
|M*7«w- P*
•■d MOBllMhlBtete I
Aatnuftto urUrntn
Total rgi'enua of anbadlnato lodgaatn
tndtona toat year waa I474.4BS.
Odd Falloweblp baa tinged our atelUaatlon with a higher and a man wfined onlante. It baa made tbe theory of tbe brotb■rbood of man a practioal reality.
Vo tnqoantiy bear of a notde grand
opotoof aa being a aplandld oflieer baoame be ean repeat bla ebargea and daUtertba nnwrltton work witbont aa ap-
....... pJ air 1- IMa. d« raeti tlou of toee ViiliM
1 umU aarsndneto e(i
itof death haaeifn-tbap
baa bem made in dm atenge tlma of
noatba and 14 doya, an' Incraaae of
tbof chDeoomparad-wttbtoatyaarof
460 uid eOo to (2.00.
ueto.per pc
M-M. $2.06. $3.46, $3S6-Taltiea are S3.50 to $6JK). and aU
are of tbu aeaaoD'a manafactaire -made tborooghly ri^t
in erery way.
In Ladies’ Fine
Dress Skirts.
(600 SUrw at (3 76.
(8.00 Bklrta at (460.
(S Fancy Bklrta (2.36.
Wopdeifil Valaes in todies' Saiis-Come aed Set Them.
rrweU tacMdia# au iona
Whatever your wants, if yon would get the most
value for yonr money, come to
SlUilito Dry GMds, Cirpit tid CMAtM flout.
Tara-oToaree Oi-b3r,
Only 50 Cents
For Half Soling Shoes.
Mtor^tSZ ^^tSecMSi e^y^j^w,'
*1 of 1 crot.
befl oeoi.
Far Teps aid Heels, SO wets.
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
Hew Store and Bepetr Shop.
SUE. Front street
a glretaUvalee,.
'We are
Strictly in the
Bxcwa Tam'
feeo or arw reflal^ ]
TP Hi Hill
, .cSSSE”*"-™
W^ tto wM «wwom areMtotlAMO oaf Ooca oM exceed Wn...
WlH^thewb to —oext exeeato t<»aea 4«»e i»ct exc—0 IWBAB. ■
Wkea tbe wboto awc
Whra tor ebvto aa<
“\*5S5S^ 51 6
^ »h^ awoait exrrati
ou o
• Modatn Woodman.
29,39,4D,59, 79,89c, $1.19.
t year waa 84. of
Tbe total iaooina of tba ««tefcrlBP7
«W *e,684.00«.70 and tba total expaaidl-
This saason's garments—go at
these pricee:
mbar Of daya eerrad, M». M
toatteK It fay hto tignaboeaad tbootol
of tbolodgn
Tbe next meeting of tbeaBpnme lodge
Total aaoont reoelrad tn tbe ganetal will be held at Detroit.
• Cbnd tor It«7 wai •dde.WA
‘‘New Idea Patterns." Everyone who h^
fi UY
tried them say they are as good as any made.
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
II npon oanrlotion tbweof be
dor expelled.
Donfaer of Uto othr can Ml irttol
tbly aeaeaeBDcatt nnder tbe new
red topay
oUmi B baa amounted tcaoei.bbO and
will be
Inteedad. t Tba toA of tbraa ommu
win beraUad In July, and when paid In
win pay every etolm.
Tbevdnty of dtifrerlng tba drafto to
. “'KTJirai,“J2.T4r=r
•Ooantofor Mgertottatton and laalno-
a the Werkahep.
Tbe jariadlcUona tbet bara elmaged po#fV»n daring tbe peat year npon tbe brala
gd pereentageaie aafollowa: Fiorn gain
do Icoa, llUttoto, Kanaaa, Mairtond, Mondnna and Utah, «Toming aadidahu; b«a
leaa to gain. Pennayltanto, Ohio, Kendnokr. Wtoeonaln. Teantoara, Texaa and
Storada. AU of the other Jurtodtotloni
' itotlral7 tbe paeltkm of
tbe0«irtbof faraabto opinion la nfg~
■tanoe to
to tbe otoadflad plan bra been tar
Inadranoeof th^tMpntod
that antlelpnted II7
t m Ita
and all prieea knd can please yon. For a ijood wear*
ing shoe get them of '
“.•*_?•*** .•^* dewand, or piwtamey nto
dividing that by lA
BacA ooimel] la allowed to to
and tor tbe paytnestof oaeai
dnee of tick membwe and (or tbe fsppoit
Tba grand lodgeof I«Mr Tctb aet.____ ofettibrnembaewbenlB- '
dfea aum of *6.000firtbe aofierlng llMona
Thaidopreme OOBDC
te ^ab%^
tbe maximms age ol
Tberearaa gnam nanbarof **«—«»*
lb Maine In proportton toptynlaUnn '
In anr other Btate In tba Union.
Tbej are all solid leather and
We cany a larife atock in all styles
e at aay exetaBcc,
rer a laai Mt eaceedlM IHB.........
In tbe grand jnztodlettoe «f Kew Toth
ttanare 748 rabordloata lodgea. vltb a
Mai manbenhip of ».4iKt, a gain of 47&
Tbe grand ofDom of tbe grand hidge of
JIamrIniaeti on Jane 6 told tlw oarnce0oaa at Boaton'a new Maaoote temple
gritb tmpoBlngoereinontea and Id praenee
anlmmenae ggtbaringctf Maaonaand
good wearers.
The price—for any style—is but ten cents.
A lalModtSODtHn ha gtoantba wtauMT
ad (faaeanpaOtlTadrinhrimiacd
Motm^toballbe paid npon tba death
«li7 at tba aapnnia lodga aacatDpa
of a member wbo aball commit eedclde
9too or moaa ti«9i 8MMt oonpata.
within fin yeaie from and Inelodlng tbe
date of hto Initiation, and ao<A enlclde
dull eanoel and rendir null and Toid tba
benefit eertifltote of aimh memtaar and
tormlMieaU rigbtaand prlvUma «f aU
poeetw (benante and nndw hto memr, R. A X. of Voam- bttMp In tba order nnkoi tba peraon or
pernoew (Oatmlng under eneb oerttfloata or
memborahlp abaU aatatotob and jmrra
to anaxaaipto wonhrof taltattotL afflnnotinly (hat prior to aneh Mitida
•hoold not tba “hlgba- bodlM"do tbe member bad ben lodletoUy deetoreil
tUngf Tb^an MtaxpecMdto^'
mn paonnl4Z7 i^laC. and their bnidar IT at tba time tbe act wn eanunltied or
«Bt U^l oetnpand with tba tra
dcllrimn of otbar tUnaaa.
The eniveine eonncil voted to eoettinaa
Tba Seotttoh Rita Xaaonaot Wtehtta ra- tto nmbarabtp In tba national tetornal
aw47dadtoatad abandaotna temple
alao tnttlatad lOO candldalea
tuber fading to pay any legator
T. F. Branob to now praDd oommander
■aMwomeni btfore (be time praad Kcntb Dakota Enlghta TenipUra. and
Vtaok J. TbbtnpaoD U Riaod raeordar.
na largcet oowdof MaaotM rra _ fltatbaefrom.
ambled In Knr Jetacr «w iraant at tbe
A member who obad be gnUty of any
dadhmtbw of tbe Maaonle borne at Bur tantnoraJ practice or improper oonduot
tiototinof bU dotlaa or of ibcotdi^tion
in aD {wta of tba
and nnbaecmlng hto prafcaolon aa a meinberoftbeoidto. orof tbe exoeoaive noe of
In Fannajrlraala then an 7« oomaand Intozleattng UqnarB, or wbo aball enier
mim at Rplghta Tnuplara, wttb a total bla eunneU tn a ataie of iatozioatloa. or
ip of U.B68, a mlo of <7B fee wbo toall aatign or tratufor hto btotft
Rjw. fionzH. Kahn to grand eertUlcate to hto eraditoMp^a^nm of or
eepecaallj low fignrA
Vew Haalgna In Fancy Work.
Mine Graea Jobnaoa of Orand Bapida
wDl be In tbe city for aoma time wltb
a law* and baaatUal Uaa of fancy
work and aUmped goedo. in all tka
newoBt daoigna. Tbe aovaltioa 'are a
Tory bandaome Iloa of oew cnabiona.
Kke wUI be pleaoed to ahow tba matrr.
toll aad gira Initmetiona io rmbrodarlag them, att ll» Baat Blgbibatreet.
Wten tbe whole aweaat el
Wb«« tor whole awoou ei
proeeadinga of all oampa A Uttla
Whro ibr wboto owoeot rxeoede IIOOOXH.......... ..
Tbe amoont ptoeod ttbedlqiioaaloftba
ra charity would not be oot ef pianf iq 4. WhrrrtorparMior perwoeeailtlea lobeardelol
gaoBilTe depamneni
lea a batonee at about *9.hnpraa npon
. be teaorted toln caaeof hto tody retotivea_tbeabonld
iieceatity of itinlng
■aoaBty. Tbore to a fund of gs.ooo tor
owoBBtexreeOa noonOO i
grgantoatlan pnrpoaca, bat no peraon la to tbe Royal Kelgfaboraof Anxetoa.
Tbe Modern Woodmen to the nxMt proba amphred at a aatoiy aa oigantolng
CsUUrd tel
Tba nast aeatoonof tbeflftb «mgtm
brill meet aoma tUae early In June, IbW. promptly and to extending tto Indnmoe
igbomlua • ■ • fc tba otT of Mew London,
mtold of BeMT.
Mpeeto now ore that there will beat -___ i.Mixaor
Tba oate baa branebaa all orar tba
arm or .
•oantorand baa a nembstfalpof aboot ------three iiiMiiiinto lew tbto year than Oneewb honel
H.OOO- Robert a Hodge of Philadelphia torn. Ibefimtix moatbawiU oloarota
tomato poobOx.............
....... .^and oommander of In
xooehKbMl orpoekago
Aonrdlng to tbe annal repona. lilt.ghOwra paid ont in tmtohatoat year, and diana, boa gOM intotnitincm and to not
tbao^ai^ Inraetadtanda tntbebanda devoting bto-wboto time to tba Oder, m
before, toto the work to otili rrtwntolaa
Knaaoaoh flOO.
Ktoeaoaeb gioa
Business and can keep your live stock
alive for months if you will give us a
■Fhone 167.
24S Frttat Straat.
■ oemeb (MO.
• oa^lMa
■ eeooebgMk
loDC ProteettK taKilUn
BaeaMa If y«i are otok 14 day* v
more we pay yaa from tba firat day yon
aratokeaal^ atoo from tbe boar yaa
. A:40
■aalwlthaBaaeideakaUfar«1.00par '
BOtiU. I wOl oaU at year roaMaaea
aadoettlayoar claim la faUiaaoaaat <.
MtlmrakikacmaraeeldaBt. abd wa al
Btoek, Odd Whlti^aad Park Ptaea ao teve tbe auaer to pay yde with.
at t-JO p. m. 'Boa wOl atao oonaM Stop aad think. Talk with aa batara
wltb bontak 11:10^ m. Fralteari
yaa gat taaarad aad yoB wOl have aa
At bat BaM^TMoteya. Tbi
and mtardgya l^■■laglll aad
wiU ba takaa oa at any polat
tatotat agoat for Vorthwaatea lltoUPMlaaala ahwa by «
t m!
How par poaaA
gaa. Tirana aty.Kkh.
TMiB course.
An utkdft b, famw 8«mH7
_ ___________
I Otnej
on *'IotmwtlcBnl
InUMOB at tbn United Bum" 1b the
Mtr aamber ct The Atluck U beisf
Olaer'a uticle Ml
me pahUo ia the fora of as ed^M
ntBvwdeoUigeMtMbrA Aitbli
naurteted Ue beKinninc of tbe war tbe
p qaaaOcBatixiloiualaaqnlMtiona-MTiMlai expauicn had DO tumediate aigiilflnaooe. bat It baa ilnae beoome tbe
InporUnt qneattoa btfare tbe
AoMTleaB peepla nwreant ntaennoea
^ ot tamer PreaidaitOlevelaBd and Colo
Ml WiUiam J. Btran. each repaeoest
ing a teetioD of tbe dirided DenOMaor.
ladioate that it wU) be made a port?
Mm from now on. with tbe Oemoamqy
cxMmitted to a poUaraf laolatioBtcr
the United Sum.
Both of tbe Dtanoctatio leaden atUnptad to Jnstify their poaitioo bp de
claring that any other polier would be
eoBtrarr to ali preoedent and tnditaoa
and woold he a doportare from tbe rale
aaubUafaed by tbefatfaen. Tbe^referred
Bodootat to Wf^'
fareweUaddreu wwBing'tbla oonntrp agalnat partkWlBg U tbe udinerreioMtodu
ctf Bbt^mbi poliUce and entering apcas
. There wma aleo a aaggettian that
Ib aone way a policy
n woald be a nalllflcatioB of tba
lloBrM dootrise.
UpcB dteee Mp propaaittcBe Mr.
mj‘B artiole ia%anki^ly ludd and
laMBotin Jt olimiBaM tbe Moarae
eftetf I
that tbe TiUl featoie________________
b “Ifaat so Bnropean power abali furdblT pome IMU at Axavican toil and
• fardbly eoDtrol tbe ^Itical fvtnnea
aad deetiniee of lu peopb" mod nakea
final dlMinitian <rf that {Mae of tbe
gaaatioB by eawmlug that "Anmim
oan hate no difflonlty in governing iu
behavior toward Saiope on tba
. ladbyllr.Oliiar’a
kgte. Ha ahowa that tbe WaMtington
rabof tanlationkae a
eco^ than' generally accepted verakaa
and that lu terau have bean
loA while la trae apirit end
AfM qooUng the paaaagea in tbe
tarewell eddnaa which are anppoaed to
••wtaa................ ...
t Olnoyaaya:
**Row. wtaatlatttiutt&cne
Mjoia u not to del It ia tbattbb
eonnay abnll not participaM iu tbo or
dinary Tiobatadea of EnrorMurpontioa
and abali not make a permanent aUianoa with any foreign power. It U
ooi^aedwilb tbe eXDreued dec)
that extraordinary
ariaa. and that when tbey do ariae tem
porary allianoea with foreign powen
may be properly reaorted ta fSirtber.
not only are proper esceptiona to the
nb explkdUy lecognited. hot iu a«tbor, with cbancteriatio candoo and
wiadom. oarefaUy limiu tbe field which
it covers by boonda which In practice
are eltber aoddenuUy or
dyporcii of hiaooaylittlebmne.bnUt
half way np tba sides of tbe noUeSierna. Lika an aa^'a eyrlp it
ed a finavlew of tbe SaoBma
with iu green oraharda aad well kept
fiuma Away ia tbe diattaoe ooold be
seen tbe hay. dotted with ahl#k Baton
thia portio^ day all this grand aoenby wimoHoed before
befexe L*oy-a
Laoy*a eyea
^ hymmotiotd
•< t&e-Wbr.
When ptwoe oomca again, let every
men in chi* coontry apeek and snriu
and voto for tbe Atm-ricaa ship We
need the Amcricaa ship "in onr bnaineM;" v.-e nerd it in onr were We will
never buw it. though, ontil tbe nation
ia ounvioimi of iu
We mnsi treat cor shipping iodnatry as
other koveromnit* treat tbeire We
baveU'ca t«.ld that tbe paymentt for
tbe tranipnrtetinn of the
far the
. privilege of acquiring sbipe for tnneb^.poru and crui*« in wartime were a
rfigntnity that tbe government was not
^t^joMiaed in mcbaneipBudltara. If it u
^MwtlfM In making foreign wars, it it
^eTidentlyJaatiflod in providing itself
Dr. A. B. Spinary. of Detroit, aim
proprirtor of
City Saaitariom. ii
eoal»toyoor town.
Ever Bonied Out?
If so you know
O. P. CARVER. Agau
nick aa opportm
that cannot aaa hi
t Sanitaria
The doctor baa so mneta faith in t
M baa had to trret
S^ledlaeaaee that he will give .
tlm"Aiabiaa Nlghu” when Bernard, .moMh'a treatment aad medierae fi
>ber that I do all klads of reAlso psbx soactcaLOPEaATRnts TO
patoi« and enaa^t^and that I oaa
barl^ pdayfnlly np to him.
! aixtwmb r^T
too rooa
do give yon tl
one in tbe dty fs toe BMoey. Don’t
be deeeived by wbat otfase tril yon to
__ oontrery. bat oome and eee far
1 gnarentoe aU my work to be rigfat,
has bad aaeb extended ezt»
likebetter^ ma
and if UAoea not prove on I meke U
ycB^ hejudmd playfolly. patting tbe i
Stop In tOl B o’elodc sery eveolag
For toe past five yenn Bernard had s*«fi W years
---------------------------- - exorpt Sanday. In toe CatdweQ A Loebeen tbe faitofol gnvdiuicf toe "Ae-t^l^i waa-15 years to general prac>. don Vsilding. at sorto end of OBtan
rialPkrm."aaitwaaoalled. Nerer for “f«' after that
as Profeaeor Btreet.
k-d b. b- b»»» b.
wands sway. Bnt fs toe post rfonto
be bad weekly made ezeorriona to tbe
a being gone three days TWa
at a time.
. >a^UU to
Leroy now romped with him, and tbe eoantry. and examintog aad
to bis bocA. He tog tbonaanda of chronic caeei.
wlahed to play at hide and aookand prepared him to core when tbe geirorat
tried bylicidni 1
„ practitioner faila. tbBave yoo been aick
Trevaree dtp, M
make faiawiabea known. Bnt Leroy, for years? Are you
U tell yon w
oily tbe
I One of tbe effeou of tbe presat
like so many Mrod boyi, let bis Mips ,
ot. If we
been to aronaaimbllo interest to tbo get tbe best of him. and gtriag toe dog <
portaa and bow deatrnedva it la to
great indostrial esublitomenu of tbe aanmdcsS aaid. “Clear oat and go to i
American indnatrlea as well os to ootn,
___________ one month wni be
ouinlry for tbe
Tbe dog stood fs
.. a
__________ with abMltttcly free—medicinca, surgical
ig bead, then trottad qnic^y operatioaa, aad tbe benefit of all onr
We arc again ready, with a large
akill to all who are too poor to pay.
•took of Is. to delivs toe same to any
of a certain kind of oolored fabrioa, the . _ , _____________ .
- t
Lspy read on tiU toe pine trees' Onr metboda of treatment is all that U part of toe
to. city.
by all tbe acboola, with tbe mid
abade mads it too dsiA to see. and tbsi known
Maple bisk wood al«> fs sale.
sf electricity, that moat wonderful of
throwing bis book npsi the psrii be all agenU
in Parslysia.
Loaa or
of r^wer,
, , i,oaa
ran off to acek Bsnard. expeking Co Rhenraatiain. and all diaeaeea of tbe
find him at toe bam. His aearcta was in nervooa ayatem. Go early, aa my
Tclepboae No. M.
ahrMdSdSSudyKthUooanOp« Martha^ vain. The next day pamed and toe nexL office ia alaraya crowded.
wngniBg Aov.wv
try than to imps* tbe oolued fabrloa “«^***^“** cart weiring
160,000 and still no sign of Bernard. Every
H. B—CMetfs. TsMn. BteoC end
These are Uftnd by
dlaot Be ao iafarmed tbe New Tork IfBuda ^
ts readily aa
■BaprireM aisMSM ol all Isrwt tnaud MSmb hiinaelf to lie^
Msfally. MssTpetMa ttmt nwsot bt tritsd
The aixto day pnased aa slowly aa all
—aqneeaed in the giant dayafaafi pnaaedsitioe Beraard’adMp•uw «s|Muuai«iaBa
* boss as4
ebanttoat if tbe order tor
peannoe, and Leroy i«ato aat upon toe tmtasat iSt Istnst e( aay re^taAi
Uttle psch. toU time atodying toe piul ia IS# Dehad Blaua.
Remember, we give a written gnsrk
beantiful panurama below him.
toat woold be utiaUetory
' " •
aooarocy that U simply
What was that be beard? Was it a antco tprare every case of PILES aad
nsaaaa aass see
rc h
tvoa !yiag4a
ebUd'a cry? Again that pitlfnl cry, thU RUFTIXRe. Aleo,we
SSgSgg S88S 888
I li onr Mritar*
oolosed goods that Iwant is ao and aok
time followed by a ^.^fal bark. Be
'-"g =*■•
mid tbe merriianL "and 1 can get plain
A few yean ago tola company boUt
sss ssese
a giaal staam hammer <tbe biomat ia him BOW. He boonded ant toe low
'Thatia all right, "uld toe agred.
"Ton give me your mder and I will do woigbed IWtona TbiM was intended to
II ■ B
th* grade and quality of goods forge all toe tngou Into shape for sbafu
that yoa desire for jnat what it will aad otoer -porpoeea. bot toe toermeed
88 & e 8 S88888
cost yoo to impart pbUn goods and hare riaeof tbeforglngaaooo ooUtripped tbe
oapacd^ of even tbU levUtban ma-‘lemdyad."
_ itf’ atoedtoe ohtoe, and it became nceeamiy to oca"Bat bow oon yoa do
Bicycle Riders.
55S‘ rd%^uSr^”s^:u!
John R. Santo,
Genre! leseraect.
GmunUfldi«liilm I. E
DR. spi»RErMiAai2,.i:r
A Prompt Settlement!
. .•liUTeaearebod-!^^*,!’"”"*’
ily. aadi know bow «r." Ibe new lAOOO too bydreoUe
^ng preae baa entirely eopereeded
"Kovermind howl do it." replied «».IM
h«nmer. Apomptog
toe egent complacaitly. "toave^l ««>*»• o* 1AOOObowspower U reqoired
to <^>enu toe pompe for moving tbe
Itl. Hi*.
-km il™lT
He IMUt Stila Knnlat Stddi
Trevene City, Mick, July isth.
BlaheslM A MeUsmiek. Dbtrlct Managere, Traverse CUv, Mick.
OenUemen; Allow me to thank yes
for chMk fs 940. fs lose of finger. I
wislPte say that tbe sttiement was
very satisfactory, as I called at yooroffis ia toe Johnson bisk and reeeiveo
my mone;
mlj ».r ».cl. .
raild b. . ■“«”«
tb. ,b,^
bnucbi ontw« br,aidOT..lib.aao U
u ”~f ™
__ _____ -.bob». Tbew™tkb,wbo.
—“•< •P^CT a
todoltmodib. inmlaot who bonsbt I
tbe good, WM OToWnt to nep Ue, bd-'
« '«« klw.
TOia*eebd~iiioqo».aob. Bot bo» k« tuto •!»
motim ol^ by•bool lb. boow bopottet, »bo
dnolle pm. on* U eUo.rif«tb.
«t-b,t.oo.op.».. “»«k=t.»tb»
-ith toe ume kind of
: cat tbe eeccion n
of tbe forging.
And what cf tbe Americba dy.
lo«V5bteo,o™ol Ibi. fr.nd«'tol
“'P“ b^oo«r« toeotopit.
method of working a gigantio ingot
It ie proper to eute that tia tranme-1 ^
■*** *® ***
tion be^m^pecifiod took plane late in
‘*®"«**All meUla
wbine « ISM-t, n>. moeih, be- i "
“"i" "»"“”t pnmw
qnotaa aa oxan^tlee of WBin Etiropeaa politioa tbe
American citMau add
American intereeU in all paru of (be
world, tbe guarding of trade and oommaroe end tbe oolcniaation of onappropriated or nntnbaWtad pordona of tbe
.. 1.11 .w^a
Be ob)aeta to haring tbe teewell addreee invoked aa a bar to all action by
tbU oouiry and tendering InaMMl ou
"moral npport" Heuya:
-e^-tUti beBe.-b._-Pb*
"Tbeiniaidco of (bu ooonsybnot
merely to poae. bnt to act. and wbib al
ways governing Itaelf by tbe ralee of
pradenoe and oammon wnae and mak
ing iu own special Intereau tbefirat
and paramonnt objoeU of iu care, to
forego no fitting opportonity to fnrtbor
the progrtM of clnllmuon, practically
^ w«U aa theoretically, by timely deeds
f. ^tA
gold 4U ....... i " I
Dona^idee of high pboe and gnat
, ?WTa simply ignommigaa '
It Mr. Cleveland and Mr Bryan are
determined to oonunit their peny toe
policy of uolatlon. tbey wiU beve to
ahandnn the laM preteoae ibnt they are
gnided by tbe wtadom of the fatbwa—
Chicago Timre-HeraM.
New Departure!
The Oemocretic party seemed soffleieoUy nnwiae tn lh»6, when it gsyly
threw away everything of Democracy
bat tbe name and moved In anew stock
of fenuton, with a sUvsaervioe aa tbs
Baring opposed i
outside diameter and it waisbed
; IBeEEeciBEEfiEEe B
L. LOOXWOOB'tL'r 0?ijOvCbi
liiBm in mmum li
litUs TMsr* Arbw Bar ■peiU.
Mis Smith had invited all tbe prapte
in toe noighhshood to attend the Arfas
A TMVtaaOatbvU.
MirtSmito led toevisitssCram plaoe
Tasovtaa has bear eaoitiag a great to place, and everything wait on Jnst
deal of inUTM lately, and a pbaooma- as bad been arranged till they came to
Don of mncA seieotifie imporUDoe was Uttle Tommy West.
Wbm Mim Smith saw bis excited
observed a mart time ago A portiao of
face and the trembling
ling of the band that
in. elostBg then
uly. Tbs held too pine tree, sbe was son that fas
had forgotun bis vsxes, and toe was
)ort about to prompt him wbea be St
bine and green flames Mmng firam tba ed oat on his own hook.
"This is s pine tree.
oents to a height cf eevoral yarda
elotching at it as if fs so|qx»t.
—and I txrov It will grow up into a for
while tbe beat was o
to my anoeeat toe bottom of tbe oats. At last a
great mam of flame bnrst oaL aooom- tssl"—M. E. S. in Yoato'sCampsiikn.
panied by a tsrifle noM like waves
breaking on roriu in a storm, nteflsmes
rose to a height cf 60 yards and wise
bright yellow in color.—Boa Tkmidaoo
"Oolooel, don't you know that Ifas
good book ssya, ‘Swetr not at allF “
"Ssrtin 1 da Tbet’s aU right I
rwotesi 'emindivldasily."—mevsland
Plain Desloc. .
Fops Lao Xm U ooe of tbe wealtoleetmeoistbewsid. In bis bsue. the
Tatioao—a palaoe whlob ooDUtoa 7.000
------' wonfa of gold oijjeou Btsed
ia canted mt A4.000.000 stsUng by
“Then why did Aoat Marla M tt
wri^ alone, and eaoh pieoe has been
■biased in valoe a quarts s a tfalrd
«olU tbe DenuxaaU not without many
indioatiou of mntiny in their nnki.
appear now to he preparing to opporo
aaUst destiny.
D American merchant
So they go from bad to wotsa Tbey
He wbo rana may certainly read
oobo fs a bittss basting. They an
i this tasson of t|te
not satined
' ■ with whipa Tbey
y itch fs
. -Philadelphia Mai
The United Sutss are goisgtoexTbe Deenooratio party
A Fevtrvf «M Ana
IS to contraoL—New Ysk BonTbs Pemontlo lamp of srladnm tn
tba senate seems to be hong on tbe rear
of she
« abip Iid state, wbon U iUnTbs neat time the Hen. Joe BaOsr to toe toiUsd artiasBs toroogh whose
only tbe
Tbm la no lighting of tbe foton or treau himself to a Demosatic umm SsitoU baspsaud. These traasnras an
P*»«ioslly toe pateoual mute of tbe
pope—Ban Pnnelaoo Argooaat.
TraTtne Baj Line orsteioen. ™Esr,s’'<ri;3’Sisrf,S(?rs3;
too srveteir staee Vn
preasion preas and tbe metal ia eabiecta child tb* Is cvnHnc b|l Tvim a y«ar
«d to aqneesing natil it beoDoea pm- an I stole her. l*eus 1 was 'iealoas s'l
S bs
btfaw, aad BOW brr SHther 1s dwid. Bs _
tbs sbsil Mt htv* bs. t aa nlac to start
Is Aastnlla'Ustar. Take sood sro S Leoaa
ftrbir deer pwhir-sybs aad oblUe--------- „ -- --------- tbe CTuiss Brooklyn.
Iu inside diamets is nearly ''
So' thUwas %entai^a”ri^^%%.
*** «»it«de dlsffiocs
How be had evs met the child, where
■be lived, wbo bs panmu wss^ wbo
too oar was 77,e00 was bs kidnaps, wse nevs foood oaL
She is BOW ooe of OalifsnU’s tairst
tbe mines greats than was fvsr known
danghten, and bs bnsfaarid. Lsoy Nnaiooe tbe dsya of Oalifarala. and'
conb, SU) of tbe mart pnminesrt of hs
to prodnoe hollow forged steel ahafu
then. ^ large sito is too shaft fs too great Fs- nativeronx.—AniuM. Tomsrini in San
FTaorisoo CalL
DO* iotsnded
.m—o, op-b*,h.«b.-t»,b
tarns out to bs ooe way to do it
though the mtnu have boeo ranniag
steadily nearly 1100,000,000 in gold
ilion Bwaiu tbe eoinera, aad mors is
ooniing from toe Klondike and Anstralia to be added to toe «66,000.000 Dative
pradnet coined during toe year. Tbe
mtnu are open, bnt tbe tniUs are too.—
Plnabsis Timea
'saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
.arsntaxox csiui ox bu naca.
^rda wsU aad throofdi the tolcAot.
a&aa a sasaeseea
Bnt what was this? Bsnard. loan and tolnk them snperis to all olhere.
Si%^ 8 888888888
tired laokiiig, came slowly down toe
wr-s- g .-y-www...
wocri path, and on bit hack, boand fast
with ropes, was a tiny flaxsi haired
girl Tbe fri^tsted riiUd was weeping
.sr OB till* irsls.
binsiy and strag^ed to free herself.
Mrs. Kaoombcnctheaadsthatbactnd
bs andwaabed and fed bs. She was >
ear BSd eaa*t eSr ee Uls tralB.
coo young to talk, hat in tbe pocket of
bs little aiBCBi they foond a oou It OOLVMBIA AJTD LOU A. OUV-
a fluid toroogh aa orifloe.
In order to get rid of tbe gaeee or air
(b* Onw S This I}c«:
bobblee that nay be entrained or oeoght To1 taka
1b* Ubmy S aaa
in the ingot while punriog tbe mold
xsHF^r'rbtl"!. i
It U said that it eosU ftAU aa«n
KSAsesR oRBsonrr.
:: ^eSTv^^u;
Ar. TiaveneCity
Dally Moniag ExourelOBs
Traveree Olty.
Take steams at e:M a u. fs NeabtwasU where yea will eoaneet w]
leent retaralag to Trev■teams Oveoenl
0:46 a. m. Tkle wUl give
SM aty at 10:4!
iVrMeoft4mCea on toe
yen apfeasanVr_____
Wy and eia be made every morning.
If yen wleh a longs ride the boat will
Sr toTrevsas h»at4:«p. m.
Afternoon einaretoae frem TVavsne
roo"«s ' Mi^uWanu
where yon wiU eoaneet with
retan^toTnvsMaty at
. fwond trip win be
■ w.
*-r J
TH» MOETOIQ liHOOat>. 8UHDAY. TOXT #4. 1898.
\nmi tbe «taacd. I'll tbow 7g« tbs
w«y ’totu»d by tbe other a
**1 bSTwi ■ t thse. • • .he aid. gliBdng «t
tbe Way tdiatelsine wstcb st her Jseket
OU8 C0N0IT10N&
UpeL "rwloaorerllTeailantei----IB Boa* MUl Usd »r uuct ssd tbe
SBd I‘B rsdiv atul »bA get be
« AnPMsd laOwOns“*■
Wlt^ Mt^BeUI dssee ssd nog were more taking tbe motor abeebot aoram
tbe bridge almoat to tbe otba aide,
when Ibne was a waver, a cmab, a eollapM, and Mim Waterloo and ber tilbe tt^e. Tbe werlO. s werU et
The war rercnM OMUore vbioh hu
■hem aatbarised by ooogKa ftovMm
’Tawan!" exclsimedSam, "I wweaV
tetbelHMof •400,000.000 8 pv out
tO-tOycarV^ Tbe treeaaiy deputBMBtbuliMacsU for«BbKris«au
te tbeee botidt. It la tbe Aarire of the
ett dead.
•‘Thafe nghl.*’ be called ebertfnlly.
MMuy of tbe tncnzry tbet tiie bend
n Hew Yorb Ttasm.
••Jnst slt^nipt. and I'U give yon a poll
iM absll be, eo tu M poaiblM pops,
lar and ao iatmul Ion. wd totbii eod
moke stteb abad boat if it bsdn't wheels
mfenm will be given. In sllotinMitn
and bad sides and wooM float” Asdbe
gave tbe tUbory a strong twlt«d> toward
to snbKrlberafcr KDslinmooDts. Tben
Annt JenulM bad serer________
aborems abe imCbered .bemelf
wdU be no actampt on tbe part et
beard of tbe above, ao aba flnag np tba and tottered te her feet
or other IniHtntioba to
Window and pcinxd oat ber bead with
"Dmi't do that," she cried. ”I’m
tbe gram and spring of a
killed as it la. and It-^akes aot”
“The young feller knowed. didn't
“Imwtr Mercy wkml Waal. 1 nevar
diMnUnning bia )erka
in all mj
my Itfet
mei If
u that
that dca't
don t bmt
beat ^
^ Wberedid ba
PMtena ttajr w«(
There is eothine qein as comfortable as that priaoe of |
»tfaa oonctary, becD an nnlntempted
noord of finaooial, eonuneraial and Indnotrlal tmpcoTCment
tmpcovmnent iAt tbe be«ln-Bing of Mr. OereUnd'ea
taanMAold revenneof |108.Attbeolowof
d aa tbe net laaaU (rf
Ua|MAS16.000bandiaaQaa tbeinoigalfioant aam of 118.894.848. as obown
la Tba Amerloaa Kocwomin of April
M page 187. -Tbongb oonfidcoee bad
hem restored wban Hr. Clmreland ratlrad aad tbongb buiaeas and IndasMal
Aoraloinmit had tboa made rapid pr<«taoa lUs ecafldenoa and this }K«nm
wan wholly dna to tbe eleetksKd PrmUtBt McXintey, to tbe pnmim of tbe
amdy fniflUment of tbepledguof tbe
lle|wblli.nu national platform, to tbe
aapsotatlon of tbe pamage of aprotectIve mriff and to aa cotlia rereraal of
^ finaBdal oonditiana which bad pre
vailed daring nearly tbe whole of Mr.
deraland'e term.
Tbe oDooeaewbioh is eertaia toaU
nof tbU new loan
will be dne to tbe impnceduntedly
atrrng finanelal oortditian of theoonnWy as well as to confideoce in the adBiinitttation. Tbe oarseratooe of this
nortfldetMe was laid at tbe polls In tbe
------ ........ - noflSSe. Tbegrowth
has ainm bem rapid, aa
Mioira by the
r gold in
tbe teeatnty.- in tbe banks and
gmd in general tiraalatian at tbe praeem time It
tikay be claimed by eomo critics that
mooh of tbe proqurity we now enW U
due to tbe abundant grain crops of UdI
« tbe window she bad ao nnoaremoaioaslyflanRopwaa a handsome yoong
man—an ortift in fact—who bad come
to Seedrille to sketch. Betook no tronble to explain himself to its riUegera,
bat dropped os simply as pomiblo into
tbe simpliolty of lu Ufa
<v, and my ann horta mo awfully." And in spite of ber set lips abe
began tu w»t>*‘Don-iiT;-,''ssidSamsympelbetica]*T- "Tbere’s unf wsUt in this here lit"aiw tbe rain eoybow. Bold
U yoo will cloM that window my
bnekwbe^ aodamaagewiU bemoch
"Ob, butsakea Oliver abeteapcBided.
"Do UxJt qnick ud OCTer mfod jonr
bockwbraU. Ain't that tbe onriotMtHt
thing you ever did see in all your bora
days and there ain't tbe shadder of a
borae to It."
Vilas Stanafield grew intarestad. Be
ton bimaeU <roa*his bncl^bMI and
projected hie bead from tbe window,
suring down tbo narrow by street on
wbkb Aunt Jeroaha lived with tbe
Wse SredrlUe ataru
Caesar's gboatr
'Wbatl Beitagboftr' aAad Aunt
Jaraaba, yonklt« in ber bead and lookIng keenly at him, as If CDS V tbe otb«r of them might ha growing
"I might have known tbati
tbe bank and nnUed. toned. anIsSwd
«aldipped he,Sot ^th it
**your qaeer buggy, or whatever it
be. will have to wait there till I
<d Uw boy. lo .i™ im « lift wfui
-------------------------------- di
Can yoo walkT”
And be eyed bis
‘•barge anxiously. •"CsaoeU yonoan
I'U mhant you to Aunt Jerasba'a"
"Aunt Jrrnaba'sr'
“Ym. Thafswbcrrbeatope. It'sjart
to os and 'twas
■ber tbst came
**«**‘b la and ioM us ’bout yoo soiiddin by like all pomeamd and aoboama
^ ^ grabbed my hat and came ronnln
up to aee tbe abow, but I didn'tplanfor
no aoeb grand one as tbia How you
oaf Can yon walk?"
"1 «U1 try to.” abe aaid.atrpplagcff
fo*7 alowly and oatobing at hit arm for
support. " Von don’t mind allowing aie
yonr arm for a Uttla wayU'
■ hUal-
camfari eirers--
Morris Chair.
Tbe anooeaa of tbe loan will be tbe
mote notable tram tbe tact that it will
be tbe first time in tbe bisbwy of tbe
aotmtty that tbe govenitnatit baa bor
rowed for a fixed period npoo sooh a
low rate of interest as S pm- oent, pseTlOBS tow rate bonds and tteasBry oer
tlficatea haring been redeemable at the
option of tbe g(
Tbe snocessfol placement of tbe loan
will be in no aeosewbaterer doe to any
aet or operatloni of tbe Ian adminlstration. bat entirely to confidence in tbe
tntlon off Preddent
r. aereland left a beritago of defioioBcy and of debt. “
owe nnbrakan record of^ft§«^
Mtmdataandaf oommerdal and Indoa-
The acme of home comfort is reached when i
« you possess a Morris Chair.
, We have them in Rattan and with nice |
I cushions from $6.00 up.
I J. W. Slater’s House FiimisMug Store i
128-X32 IF'oroia.'t S-b3?©e-b.
«W gshs Was a dska. TUeroh Be MM
They were sitdag in tbe poit-be
andhtswlla Suddenly tbe band atrat*
'WbatnmalstfaaE doarT’ba mkad.
^‘Tba Stem and StripsA ”’annrand
‘‘Ha. ba, ba?" miartod' tba
Mdnt tbe end cf tbe bun mat to
keep (ram roUi^ t tbe graiiBd In his
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
bury. :
"Ba ba bel” be gaqwd. tfarowiag
M h. mM out rf Tb.yB.jl
b> bSj liiteSrfll.,.
bis hat ta' tbe air and stamping vilS
tbe bouae and down tbe narrow aim
* dnBM, dripping taikr
Usfieeb “Bay." be cried, "that-e tbe
shaded sBeet after the bonelemcarriime. Sawned girl; be, a cberry ebeeked Seed"Wbatever baa streck tiut man?"
■wain, wriggling uTtb sniplnsai- beat Joke cf tbe aeaaca. It’s Itrity." he
oried Annt Jarusha, toinging down tbe *om|Xa to be gallantand to nobly do bia eesrtinued. tbe Mon runniag down his
window with a bong. BOW that the tftow doty, yet gfowiog atm mote rfiierry abeeka "that none of our tiimrds wwe
was oot of sight "What did be mil it? cheeked and wrigglmome at they came
Then be etrai^teoed bis fbea
Waterloo, was it? Walt till I go tell Sn- within reach of tbe village vrindowa
"Say. by tbe way." be slyly added,
aanfiparrerhawk I’veoeena Waterloo,"
"Tbere be Annt Jenisba’s right
and ebe harried itexi dom with Ibis there.” be mid. ‘‘Sbe’U glveyoncamp- "if tbat’atbe’BtaraandSCilpm’aaetf
~iu can teU wbo wrote It."
Wellingtonian or Nnoleonio tdeoeof dn or oetnip or whatever it 4s yon vrant
mUy «t bin writhing on tbe
baf to go back and git my coat
Tbe news affected tbe Spairetbawks' Stoms I forgot it" And droppii^ ber bench again and eUpping bis kneca
at it bad Annt Janaha. Tb^ threw up
his am be vanitbed arannd tbe with deltghL
Bit wife waited patfentiy until Us
tbe window and ejected
bam. leavirg ber drwnrd opporite tbe
better oentroUed, and
brati knocker on Mrs. dpearaint't side
but with no eetlateuty rvanlt
tfM replied simply. "Why. 1 believe
caught up bis hat and rusbed down tbe
•tnei after Mr. Vilas Stanfield, who
^fifrloo slowly erooted tbe by- Bandmaster Soosa wrote it"
sbgiped between two
148 Vront BtnM
sprang along in tbe wake <rf the antetbe side door, and, moeb doaod
violoK omiTulxions of laugbtm with
mobile tilbury at a college acquired gait witbtbe sbock, painandembarrassmeot
_______ ___
It was a very cbcdcc rcbicle, enamel- ^ her oonditinn,
raised tbe knocker something like the exirawiao which is
it fall
ed in dark green and ncdwlstered in
" " witb a'up (hat hroogbi ! “ *
ruBH.t Imtbcn In tbe middle of tf»e '
be Mpeated in a ^UUft^WI
aeat. drcxMcd in dark green and remet, hreo waiting for it
Kodaks which makes a'.pictnre
b->tobesara Yea
to uaub the tilbutT, was a very young
"Aunt Jcrusba”uaid MimWaterloo,
by 2 inches that we are selling for
woman maneavcTilig tbe motor as If
• “«« fomal nama "iw
reU. dear, where’s tbe Joker aakad
largo her <nly denro was to keep ber tnraout
Mr. Vilas Stanfield live bero?”
at tbe lop of ita epeiid.
“He do at prownt, bat he’s just gone bis^ife with a mtCMtic protans
bei^ tenpid.
t little avail had not tbeoe eeoVUm Stanfield could not overtake It. *P°*>d bangodhismlf intowbat be calls
iMmio oondUlons been mpplomeoted bv Hecallod. He fliiug pebblM at it He hisstudy.”
"Ob tbere la no Joka my d«a
a protectiro tariff which promoted whiitJvd It splashed Chroogh the pud■traigbtening Ua tie and
I ■» bim a moment~>tbat la
Americaii industrial and ootumvicial dice
tWnk you'll have
to take me in. I’vo i
and bumped overItbe..................
^ *'—''
With a free trade tariff in Ct the TtUago byroed es if ^l»g had an acrident 1 feU through tbe
The Little Puck which takes a picture 2 1-2 by 2 1-2
would be^Zwod^T^it lfaW hridp-and"^
ment it woold to.- u^ a bridga a
"l-nd cr GoabenI Yoo don't aay aot
btnpea TWea no Joke inches for $2.00.
abont it
------ ibling bit of
__ _miteoturo
iiKUE ID *hls
Tbe Photake, holding five plates two inches square,
But obe thought differently.—<21svagrain bad to be peid for lazgely with that ticeoviUo bad clung to m aToot- ^'***
**> "" T<n>. and so bc'U
for l’i.50.
gold, and bcDoe tbe importation of wuy long after they knew It was unable henodont*. Hun. did yoo say? Poor land Plain Uualez.
abont S7i.OC»0,000 of tfais metal this to bold even tbe doctor's chaise Be- thing, and you’re all soritr damp. I’U
Also a variety of higher priced cameras, from $5.00 to
cent heavy rains had now all but vrmbTw* my wrapper while you dry off.
$25,00, at--------One feature of tbie btmd negotiation fd. away its sujiiwrtA The autonrobUe Hcbbe I’d bettor git a doctor?”
Though Admiral Uootijo fought like
wUcb-wiU be notiomble in tbe span' tilbury was os eun-ly beaded for an ao- . ‘
amebody would send a telegram a $puuKb gontieman be etmus to be a
tauelty of the reqnnee bf the petiple.
mao of liuUi decirinn and infdrim ca
For■ at■ toast
throe mcxitbe
■ indi<
■ dividuala bowlder on tbe traobs. He turned white
pacity. for be steamM oot to Subio exbanks and cap
and whistled again, this time tbe tune „ .
P r aps ’
pecti g to find fmificatinas thcra, and
ooon^ have buuo eoounjulating funds be and ebe bad sung in dtwt. as witii "* * *** ***** **‘‘* 7<na|t man and as findb
largely in tbe expectation of a bond is- this same bomelem rilbory they bad barasome as a picter." AndI ihoTing
a^ ^seqnemiy Ua- edantry U liter rolkd along the hard, braadra^ in
Uim-Watm- guns of Cavite, which did nothing for
f“hioncd roclurtowardMim-Watmally full of money awaiting iQVMtmenL •untbweet bkiglaod.
^**- i^peamint rnabed up stain to him. Imagine an admiral "expeotlag’
T^ierewas d6 aoeb prvparaticn when
She still whiried on.
| »he studio.
pooexisuot fortifications within hUown
tbe various bond issoM were
He put bis fingen to bis %a sod inStaafieldl"
onmmaad I Ha tried, be aaid. to i««i~
der tbe Cleveland adtoteistratioa for creased tbe strength of tbe wblsUe.
torpadoea. bnt they were of no tun. Ba
Bbe stopped, the wb« !s of ber car^ asleopr
fortify Oorrogidor.
ailed popular loans would have miser riage on tbe very edge of tbe dem^t
wbidi if fortified would have residarad
ably failed bad it not been for tm^- bridge—turning wblia tea bnt not beWsal, tbere'* bron an aoeideot tothe antranoe almoat Impomibla and now,
cansL- of
down stain --------------wantm;, when'all
to juBk,
lost, tua
bis graoD
grand anxiaty
anxletT IS
tt to
u. tbw danger.
-• and ate's-------------------------—A»ou n»i tm
vmi #/i f .il.iiii Mil * *
1____ ____
* I____
felt In tbe finanrial plans of the admin
"Mr. Biaafldd." abesaldaereroly as
prove that be was penonally hrava
■ came op,"may 1 mk wfaat this
Tbe studio door IW open. Vilas was wbicbnoooe in bisown doantiror alsa1 imoe woold have
pa« Mra. Speaixsint exA down tbe I wbara aTer'drrom'ed’i drobtimt
40 be speedily followed by another. Tbe
Ci«^ly," be aald. lonchiag bU
**^.y,**! A Spauiard U the kind 5r—
prooeeds of Mr. Clvveland’s Amd imnm bat. '‘Yonean’tenns tiial bridga It's
He got tbo antoaMbile always Isarea bis
y loft tbe country or not Rife even for foot pa
tilbury from tbe water. Be sopped it up
- were boarded. Tbe proceeds of the___ yon from my boarding bouse window *m*'‘>*'brd.it down till it
death ananned lestanybo^ aboold enp- ■Watob.
bonds now Isned will semain hoe and I came to tell you."
' •» wtwn it left tbe manufacturer. Than. pooe be Is afialA Ever oinca tba mand wUl be in every vray beneficial to
•■Vivy Idnd. I’m i
' abe said. bocanse Mim Waterloo's a DwasaoDut
al^teretos and promotive of prosperity. with a liuta toss of ber ruaet featbwa.
**® *®* into the bcaaalcsa caias it behaved before it—that
"but I've
wish te nave
have you
vn, save mv **"«” beride
ve DO wun
•*»««> ber and
owu took
mms ber
oct to
ui ber
oar to, it bm done ooiblag neeft tolk.— ICTTHBOS BLOCK.
K*w Bead at S
aeeoDdtime. We bad enoogb <f
. Tbeconclnsian of tbeteciprocity con- that melodrama at Buds," and obe pot ChioagoKewa
' ■
, vention must tw regarded as a new bond bar bands on U»e motor handles mamtr, ,
“I’m in earneot. Miss Walwloa Ton
OarM. Snnw,
of nnian between tbe two councriea -an
"I remenber. 1 ramember"Amoog tba curious and anggaativa lUCIa boy CO tba <
teridenoe that it is tbeir earueet with to must not cram that bridge nnlem you
entnamaa in a omtain oonnty ip noKb
live in harmony and cultivate dooer want to be drowned."
fdatfrnn began, and (ben be eottk. Tba
eoBunercul relationa. There never has
‘I'm in aaroest tan. .1 oball cram MiasousiarotbefoUowtug; Red. Wbite,
poem bad goM eomplately. l>a boy he
Orots. Gray. Brown and Black.
been any donte about tbe good wiU of that brid^ and 1 won't have yon save
hated most began Ottering. Hia ooeaIfae Fremeb gorenimeDi during tbe war my Ufa Tbe obUgatioas of baring you Ybcre are also kiaga, queens, Earls.
> DukcA Man|uia>« and ' -'
'In ani- olon was troumiag critical. Tba Uttla
with Spain, but this arrangemoit gives eavemeatBodeiseawngh."
hoy. with a grand raUy and a fiaA of
tangible expremion to its attitude
"Very wel." be replied in a bard, **u>>*d natnro arc to be found Wrens,
inopiratiao. pnUad tram bia pocket kds
'Wbetber a oertaln portion <f tbe French (Tiqitaiie. "Iwon’toave it, tbeo. But Hink, Cowa, Hawks and alto Hiwbn*
rad. white and Uoa (and bla^ mare <r
pec^ oenti ines to cfacriab bostUe feelLamb, Lyon. Bull, ^er and ...................................Oionted and wooiid
inga toward tbe' Culled BteMs U not of be caUed. "obow this lady bow't~'get
np with"I remember
MMaa."—laoonar roeooe while tbe pnaent acrom by tbe other bridge," and. rcanm- BadheOcr.
^eihtlkx. At
At <»w>
one time, in
in a county id
ministry remains In power.—Buffalo ing bu bet. be walMl rapidly back «> *«« Kansaa. Uicro Uved Bedwin.
the village.
Sourteev, Diyiruad aud Pancake.-Chi"ll’s Donanise." cried MiasWataloo
Bnakiag Dmra Part, X4BW.
I oocm as ViUs Stanfield was oat cf
-------------------------Tbe leading parties of tbe oonntiy right. "Of conrae 1 can go over thia
<*■ ~------ TTiinrtaii^
whole bomannoa"
show a dModtion to divide on tbe an- bridge. 1 have creased two tbiamcentng
A newly invented batidn makra tbe
Tea Ha's thinking <f having bis
nexatioo question. Tbe war nas Irouglit that were quite as hai"
following bid for feminine fav<p: "Tbe
a oopyri^itod BOW. to thatwbao bo
new issues furwaid, and tbe nsult will
teU tbe truth. DOW, "arid Bam patent statkoory bat fastmser.warnntgrows up god gats tamoos potato qan't
be tbe broaduning H tbe people ^ vir- alowly, ‘ ‘he's about rigbt I wouldn’t' ed to keep tbe bat on atraigbt in a
«ae cf tbe study of a new aud eirarting drive our oow ow tbe bridge oinae ihe ou- «ben nonding
“ ~'
Mtoation,—mUos Nevra
tain. Why. it ate (be mortar tight oot OinBieila.
and Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
■W. jr. SOBBS,
latest model five dolliT
Wait’s Drug Store.
My Line
of Silvepware
Is tbe finest in Northern Kicbigan. Come and
aeoure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
mm ' -i
Celetrari CMcipi Cuiiat.
B. H. flOSE & SON'S.
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